AICC / Publications / p255

P255010: mathematical tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

Column 1


_sze_ a-na _1(asz) sze gur_

  • _1(barig) sze_ a-na _masz2 szum2_
  • _sze u3 masz2 en-nam_ _sze_ a-na _1(asz) sze gur_

  • _1(barig) 4(ban2)_ a-na _masz2 szum2_
  • _sze u3 masz2 en-nam_

  • _3(disz) sila3-ta i3 sag_
  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3-ta i3-gesz_
  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar szum2_
  • _i3-gesz u3 i3 sag_ _ib2-sa2_-ma _sa10_

  • _1(gesz2) 3(u) dug an-bar_
  • _9(disz)? dug ku3-sig17_
  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar szum2_
  • _an-bar u3 ku3-sig17_

  • _1(disz) gin2_-ma _sa10_
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar szum2_
  • _1(asz) gur-ta sa10_
  • AI Translation

    he will give barley for 1 gur of barley.

  • 1 barig of barley for the interest given;
  • The barley and its interest are to be added.

  • 1 barig 4 sutu for the interest, given.
  • Barley and interest of the governor.

  • 3 sila3 of first quality oil,
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of oil per day,
  • 1 shekel of silver I gave.
  • You mix together oil and first-class oil and you sell.

  • 90 jugs of iron,
  • 9? jugs of gold;
  • 1 mina of silver given;
  • iron and gold

  • 1 shekel and I bought it.
  • 1/2 mina of silver given.
  • 1 gur each, bought.
  • Middeke-Conlin, Robert; Proust, Christine

    Problem 1: When the principal in grain is as much as 1 gur of grain,

  • 1 barig of grain as the interest I give.
  • The grain and the interest are how much? Problem 2: When the principal in grain is as much as 1 gur of grain,

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 as the interest I give.
  • The grain and the interest are how much?

  • Problem 3: Rates in-kind are 3 sila3 of first quality oil per gin2
  • and 1 ban2 2 sila3 of common oil per gin2.
  • 1 gin2 of silver I gave.
  • Common oil and first quality oil I made equal and I bought.

  • Problem 4: 90 DUG of iron
  • 9? DUG of gold,
  • 1 mana silver I gave.
  • The iron and gold

  • is 1 gin2 and I bought.
  • Problem 5: 1/2 mana of silver I gave.
  • 1 gur per gin2 I bought.
  • Column 2

  • _3(u) sze gur_
  • _1(asz) sze gur-ta sa10-ma_
  • _4(barig) sze-ta bur2-ra_
  • _ku3 diri en-nam_

  • _7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar diri_
  • _sag ku3-bi en-nam_

  • _1(asz) gur i3-gesz_
  • _1(ban2)-ta sa10-ma_
  • _8(disz) sila3-ta bur2-ra_
  • _ku3 diri en-nam_

  • _7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3 diri_
  • _1(asz) gur i3-gesz_
  • _i-na sa10 1(disz)! gin2_

  • _2(disz) sila3 szusz4_
  • _7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3 diri_
  • _en-nam sa10-ma_ _en-nam bur2-ra_

  • _1(ban2) sa10-ma_
  • _8(disz) sila3 bur2-ra_
  • AI Translation
  • 30 gur of barley,
  • 1 kor of barley per gur is sold.
  • 4 barig of barley per gur of flour,
  • silver, additional, the governor

  • 7 1/2 shekels of silver, extra;
  • The capital of silver is the owner.

  • 1 gur of oil,
  • 1 ban2 is the price,
  • 8 sila3 each for the burru-vessel;
  • silver, additional, the governor

  • 7 1/2 shekels of silver, extra;
  • 1 gur of oil,
  • for 1 shekel of silver

  • 2 sila3 of ...,
  • 7 1/2 shekels of silver, extra;
  • He shall pay, he shall pay the silver.

  • 1 seah I bought and
  • 8 sila3 of flour,
  • Middeke-Conlin, Robert; Proust, Christine
  • Problem 6: 30 gur grain
  • 1 gur of grain per gin2 I bought,
  • 4 barig of grain per gin2 I sold.
  • The profit in silver is how much?

  • 7 1/2 gin2 of silver is the profit.
  • Problem 7: The initial price is how much?

  • Problem 8: 1 gur of common oil.
  • 1 ban2 per gin2 I bought and,
  • 8 sila3 per gin2 I sold.
  • The profit is how much?

  • 7 1/2 gin2 is the profit.
  • Problem 9: 1 gur of common oil.
  • When the purchase is 1! text: 2 gin2,

  • 2 sila3 I cut.
  • 7 1/2 gin2 is the profit.
  • How much did I buy? How much did I sell?

  • 1 ban2 I bought and
  • 8 sila3 I sold.
  • Column 1

  • _1(asz) gur i3-gesz_
  • _9(disz) sila3-ta sa10-ma_
  • _7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 bur2-ra_
  • _ku3 diri en-nam_

  • _6(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3 diri_
  • _1(asz) gur i3-gesz_
  • i-na _sa10 1(disz) gin2 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 szusz4_

  • _6(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3 diri_
  • _en-nam sa10-ma en-nam bur2-ra_

  • _9(disz) sila3 sa10-ma 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 bur2-ra_
  • _7(disz) ma-na u3 1(u) 1(disz) ma-na siki gesz?_
  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3 szum2 ib2-sa2_-ma _sa10-ma_
  • _4(disz) 1(u) 6(disz) 4(u) sa10_
  • _7(disz) sila3-ta i3-gesz_
  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3-ta i3-szah2_
  • _1(disz) gin2 szum2 ib2-sa2_-ma _sa10 2(ban2) 3(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3_
  • _ganba_ a-na _1(disz) 2(disz) 3(disz) 4(disz) 5(disz)_

  • _6(disz) 7(disz) 8(disz) 9(disz) ganba_
  • _1(barig) sze szum2 sze he2-e3_
  • _u3 he2-e11_-ma _ganba ib2-sa2_

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur of oil,
  • 9 sila3 each I bought and
  • 7 1/2 sila3 of flour,
  • silver, additional, the governor

  • 6 2/3 shekels of silver, extra;
  • 1 gur of oil,
  • for the price 1 shekel 1 1/2 sila3 of refined silver,

  • 6 2/3 shekels of silver, extra;
  • He shall pay, he shall pay the silver.

  • 9 sila3 is sold, and 7 1/2 sila3 is used for the kiln-fired bricks.
  • 7 minas and 11 minas of wool, ...;
  • 1 shekel of silver if he bought and bought,
  • 4 16 40, as the price
  • 7 sila3 of oil per day,
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of lard,
  • 1 shekel if he bought and sold, 2 ban2 3 1/3 sila3
  • the profit for 1 2 3 4 5

  • 6 7 8 9 total
  • 1 barig of barley, if he eats barley,
  • and he will go and the business will prosper.

    Middeke-Conlin, Robert; Proust, Christine
  • Problem 10: 1 gur of common oil.
  • 9 sila3 per gin2 I bought,
  • 7 1/2 sila3 per gin2 I sold.
  • The profit is how much?

  • 6 2/3 gin2 is the profit
  • Problem 11: 1 gur of common oil.
  • When the purchase is 1 gin2, 1 1/2 sila3 I cut.

  • 6 2/3 gin2 is the profit.
  • How much did I buy? How much did I sell?

  • 9 sila3 I bought, and 7 1/2 sila3 is sold.
  • Problem 12: Per 7 mana and 11 mana of ... wool
  • 1disz gin2 I paid. I made equal and I bought.
  • 4.16.40 I bought.
  • Problem 13: Per 7 sila3 of common oil
  • per 1 ban2 2 sila3 of lard,
  • 1 gin2 I gave. I made equal and I bought: 2 ban2 3 1/3 sila3.
  • Problem 14: When rates in-kind are as much as 1 2 3 4 5

  • 6 7 8 9, the rate in grain
  • 1 barig I give. Let the grain rise
  • or fall so that the rates in-kind are equal.

    Column 2


    _ganba 3(disz) ku6-a 5(disz) sila3_

  • _5(disz) ku6-a ku6 x-x_
  • _sze gar-gar_-ma _4(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz)? (sila3)_ _ku6-a gar-gar_-ma _ku6_ _sze he2-e3 u3 he2-e11_-ma _ku6-a ib2-sa2_ ma-la _ganba hi-a nagga_ _ku3 i3?-la2_-ma _nagga sa10_ _ku3 u3 nagga gar-gar_-ma

  • _7(disz) ma-na ku3 u3 nagga_
  • _en-nam_ _na4 szu-ti-a_-ma _ki-la2-bi nu-zu_

  • _6(disz)-ta sa10_
  • _6(disz)-ta ku3-sig17 gar-ra_
  • _ku3-sig17 gar-ra_ a-na _6(disz)-ta sa10_ _na4 ku3-babbar en-nam_ _gar-gar_-ma _1/2(disz) ma-na 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2_ _x ma na? gar-gar_-ma

  • _1(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2_
  • _dub 3(disz)-kam-ma_

    AI Translation

    the profit: 3 fish, 5 sila3.

  • 5 fish, fish ...,
  • He places the barley and places 4 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5? sila3 of fish. He places the fish and the barley and he rises and the fish is sold. As much as the market value of the barley, the silver will increase and the silver and the silver will be added.

  • 7 minas of silver and alkali-plant,
  • The governor takes the stone of my hand and does not know its weight.

  • 6 times the price of
  • 6 gold rings,
  • Silver, the price of the ... is 6 times the price of the silver. The ennam-mark is set and 1/2 mina 1 1/2 shekels ... is set and

  • 1 mina 3 shekels;
  • Tablet 3, nth day.

    Middeke-Conlin, Robert; Proust, Christine

    Problem 15: Rate in-kind for 3 fish, 5 sila3

  • for 5 fish, fish ...
  • The grain I added: 4 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5 2? sila3 The fish I added. Let the fish and the grain rise or fall so that the fish are equal. Problem 16: As much as the rates in-kind of the lead silver I weighed and lead I bought. The silver and the lead I added:

  • 7 mana. The silver and the lead
  • are how much? Problem 17: Stones I received and their weight I don't know.

  • 6 stones per gin2 I bought.
  • 6 gold inlaid stones per gin2 I bought.
  • Gold inlaid stones, as much as 6 stones per gin2 I bought. The stone, the silver how much did I add? 1/2 mana 1 1/2 gin2 ... I added and

  • 1 mana 3 gin2.
  • 3rd tablet.

    P255075: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 9(disz) gurusz _sig7_-a? 1/3(disz) sila3 i3-szah2-ta
  • 1(u) 3(disz) geme2 kikken-a 1/2(disz) sila3-ta
  • i3-szah2-bi 1(ban2) 9(disz)# [1/2(disz) sila3] i3-ba _sig7_-a geme2 kikken2 a-ru-a lugal

    AI Translation
  • 39 male laborers, ..., 1/3 sila3 lard per day,
  • 13 female laborers, milling at 1/2 sila3 each,
  • its oil: 1 ban2 9 1/2 sila3; its oil: yellow; female laborers, millers, royal contributions;



    szu ba-ab-ti kiszib3? x me-da-ni-um? zi-ga iti gi-sig-ga mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4? e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) mu-du3

    AI Translation

    received. Sealed tablet of ..., booked out. Month: "Gisiga," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."

    P255087: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    e2#-ta# nu#-e3# e2-ta# e2-ta nam-ta-an#-[...] (d)nin-unug-x e2#-ta nu-e3 e2-ta# nam-ta-an-e3# silim-ma he2-me#-en# silim=ma he2-me-[x] (gesz)ma2 silim-ma he2#-[...] (gesz)ma2 (d)suen-na silim-ma he2#-[...] (gesz)ma2 silim-ma x-[...] (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra zi3 im-x-[...] duh im-ma-ab# [x]-ni (gi)gakkul-_u4_-[...] im#-ma-an-[...]

    AI Translation

    The house does not come out from the house The house does not come out from the house The house does not come out from the house The house does not come out from the house The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not come out from the boat The boat does not ... the flour ... the flour ... the gakkul .

    Column 2


    (d#)nanna# (d)suen-me-en# sza3# [...]-ib-gul-gul [...] gal2#-lu (d)kal-kal e2 gal2-lu [...]-tur#-re szu bi2-ib-zu-zu-un (d)asz-im2-babbar-me-en e2-(d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 i3-du8 e2 gal2-lu (d)kal-kal e2 gal2-lu u5-bi2-tur(muszen) dul2-ta ba-ra-an-tum2-mu (d)nanna (d)suen-me-en e2-(d)en-lil2-la2-sze3# i3#-du8# e2 gal2-lu (d)kal-kal e2 gal2-lu# a-za3-gun3-tur(muszen) gi4?-ta ba-ra-an-tum2-mu (d)asz-im2-babbar-me-en e2-(d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 [x]-du8# e2# gal2#-lu# (d)kal-kal e2# gal2#-lu#

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, Sin, I am the one who destroys the heart of the ... The one who destroys the ... The one who destroys the ... The one who smite the ... The one who smite the ... The one who smite the ... The one who smite the ... The one who smite the ... The one who smite the ubitur The one who smite the ubitur The one who smite the ... of the ... of the ... The one who smite the ... of the ...

    Column 3


    [...]-x-na#-ab-ze2#-en# [...]-mu szi-im-si-in [...]-x-mu szi-im-si-in [x]-il2-[...]-am3 [x-x]-lil2 he2-gal2#-[x x]-_gaba#_ ba-gub-x (d#)en#-lil2 szum2-ma-da#-da?-ab# uri2(ki)-sze3 ga-gin i7-da a-esztub(ku6) szum2-ma-da-ab# uri2(ki)-sze3 ga-gin a-sza3-ga sze-gu-nu szum2-ma-da-ab# uri2(ki)-sze3 ga-gin# [...] x x x x-da-ab#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil, let him be given a gift to Ur, let him be given a gift to Ishtub, let him be given a gift to Ur, let him be given a gift to the field of Barley, let him be given a gift to Ur, ... .

    P255093: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) x x [...]
  • ki ur-x x [...] _gi_ x x [...] e2-lugal-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 20 ...,
  • from Ur-... ... ... to the royal house;



    sag-ku5 szu ba-[ti] iti ab#-e3# [mu sza]-asz#-ru#(ki#?) [...]

    AI Translation

    received by SAGku; month: "Abe," year: "Shashru."

    Seal 1


    sag-ku5# _arad2_ (d)en-lil2-[la2]

    AI Translation

    overseer, servant of Enlil.

    P255122: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x x [...]-x# sza _szi_-x-u2 [...] szu du7 nam-he2 he2-gal2-la bulug3-ga2 _[...] ir-bu-u2_ [...]-_du_ i3-sag ga-sag-ga2 e3-a [...] _igi#_-_du#_ nun-e-ne bara2 ku3 bara2 nun-e du7-a _[...] sza-a-u#?_ [... (d)nu-musz]-da# igesztu nun-e-ne bara2 ku3 bara2 nun-e du7-a [ki]-ru-gu2 1(disz)-kam-ma [(d)en]-lil2# en (d)nu-nam-nir-re ki-ur3 ki gal-la [...] mu#-ri-in-sa4 mi-ri-in-mah-e [...] nam gal mu-ri-[in]-tar# [...] hul2-hul2 (d)nin-lil2 [...] [...] an#-su? _un_-e#? [...] [...] szir3 nam-en-na _du_ [...]

    [... (d)nu-musz?]-da suh za-gin3 kesz2 [...] [...] pa-e3 sig-ta igi#-[nim-sze3 ...] [...]-a-ni [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... Numushda, clad in lapis lazuli, ... ... from the ... of the horizon to the front ... ... his .

    Peterson, Jeremiah

    ... Perfect ..., growing in plenty and abundance, ... highest quality ghee and cheese issuing forth, ... foremost of princes, prince fit for the holy and princely dais, Numushda?, the foremost of princes, prince fit for the holy and princely dais; It is the 1st kirugu. Enlil, lord Nunamnir in Ki'ur, in the great place, ... he named you and made it great for you, ... he decreed a great fate for you, ... rejoices, Ninlil ..., ... the people/land ..., ... a song of the lordship? ...,

    ... Numushda?, wearing a lapis pectoral ..., Resplendent ..., from the lowland to the highland, His ..., ...



    [...] x [...] [ki]-ru#-gu2 2(disz)#-kam#-[ma] [(d)nu]-musz#-da dumu _nun#_?-re _isz_-_isz#_ x [...]-ta u3-gul mu-na#-ga2-ga2 _x-x-[...]_ [kur?]-ku#? gig2 ba-ni-in-u5 ab-ba e3-a-na igi mu-un-babbar2-re _i-na hi-a-qi2-sza_ gesz#-gi sig7-ga gi x x x [x] du10-ga-bi _i-na x-x-_ki_?_ gesz#-gi ki szar2-ba muszen [...] _lu_-ba esztub#(ku6) suhur-gal(ku6)-e gesz mu#? [...] ku6# du10-ga muszen ku7-ku7-da x [...] _[...] x x x_ [x]-x-ni im-ma-an-[...]-a#-sze3 [...] _[... i-na] du-usz-szi-i [...]_ ki-ru-gu2 [3(disz)]-kam-ma

    [...] x [... ab2] lu# amar lu-a-sze3 [...] x tuku4-a dumu en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e [...] x ku6-ta mu-na-gar-gar-e [...]-a-ni igi-ni ba-ni-in-du8 _[...] u2!(_tab_)-kal-lim_ [...] a-esztub a zal-le de2-de2 _[...] ub-ba#-lu_ [...] (gesz#)apin mu-na-an-du3 _[...] x x x_ [...] x-bi-_ne_

    AI Translation

    ... 2nd kirugu Numushda, son of the prince ... ... he ... ... he ... bitter mountain ... he looked at his father, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3rd kirugu

    Peterson, Jeremiah

    ...; It is the 2nd kirugu. Numushda, the native? son of Kazallu?, makes a plea to ..., He caused a black wave? to ride the surface of the water and looked at the sea which he caused to overflow from the force of the flood, ... the verdant marshland, ... its sweet ... reeds, In the reedbed, in the place of plenty, birds ..., He adorned it with? esztub and suhurgal carps ..., The tasty fish, the sweet bird ... ... he ... in abundance? It is the 3rd kirugu.

    ... towards/concerning the teeming cows and calves ..., ... the one who shakes? ... the son of lord Nudimmud, ... he piled ... with ... and fishes for him, He showed his ..., ... the carp flood, flooding with flowing water, ... prepared? the plow for him, ...

    P255148: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)nanna-gal-zu (disz)su-mu-i-la (disz)igi-(d)en-lil2-sze3 (disz)(d)suen#-i-din-na dumu# ur#-ku3-zu (disz)lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2# (disz)(d)suen-sze-mi

    AI Translation

    Nanna-galzu, Sumû-ila, Igi-Enlil, Sîn-iddina, son of Ur-kuzu, Lu-Enlila, Sîn-shemi,



    (disz)e2-a-ba-ni (disz)lu2-(d)nanna dumu (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 (disz)ba-al-t,u3-um-sza-ri (disz)dingir-szu-i-bi-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ea-bani, Lu-Nanna, son of Nanna-manshum, Baltum-shari, Ilshu-ibbi-...,

    P255214: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] e3# gal-gal-la# [...] e3 gal-gal-la [...]-ge mu2-a [...]-e# mu2-a [...]-un#-du3 [...]-ga#-am3 [...]-un#-du3 [...]-am3#

    AI Translation

    ..., the great one, ..., the great one, ..., the great one ..., he has ...,

    Column 2'


    x [...] (d)suen [...] a2-musz3-zu# [...] (d)suen-e (gesz)ma2 x [...] (d)suen-e (gesz)ma2 a-a# [...] (d)suen-e (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra x [...] (d)suen-e a-u3-a x [...] (d)suen-e a-x-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... Suen ... your boat ... Suen, the boat ... Suen, the boat of father ... Suen, the boat of the ... Suen, the boat of the ... Suen, the ...

    Column 1'


    [...] kal#-kal [...] [...]-kun-su13-da (d)asz-im2-babbar [...] i3-du8 e2 gal2-u3 (d)kal-kal-e [...] ku5-da-tur#(muszen) szu im-mi-zu (d)nanna (d)suen# [...] i3-du8 e2 gal2-u3 (d)kal-kal x [...] u5?-bi2(muszen) tul2#-ta ba-ra-tum2 (d)asz-im2-babbar [...] i3-du8 e2 gal2-u3 (d)kal-kal [...] a-za3-gun3(muszen) gi4?-ta ba-ra-tum2 (d)asz#-[...] i3-du8 e2 gal2-u3 (d)[...] suhur(ku6)-e sza3# [...] i3-du8 [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 2'


    [...]-x [...]-si-in# [...]-lugal#-la [...]-gub-am3 [...]-uri2(ki)-sze3 ga#-gin [...]-szum2#-ma-da-ab [...]-szum2-ma-da-ab [...]-szum2-ma-da-ab [...]-szum2#-ma-da-ab [...]-szum2#-ma-da-ab [...]-ma-da-ab [...]-ma#-da-ab#

    AI Translation

    P255232: tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc



    [du5]-mu#-gu10 sil7 igi-gu10-ta [sza3-gu10 nu]-mu-ra-gal2# [...]

    ki-sikil# (d)inana sil7 igi-gu10-ta sza3-[gu10] nu#-mu-ra-gal2# [...]

    x# an-gin7 dub2-ba-gu10 ki#-gin7 sag3-ga-gu10#

    [x] a-ab-ba-gin7 hu#-luh-ha-[gu10]

    u3#-dub2-gin7 ki-a zal-la-[gu10]

    id2(?) mah-gin7 kar-ra gal2-la-gu10 sza3-gu10 nu-mu-ra-gal2# [...]

    mu-lu nu#-nus-e gu3 dili nam-mi-in-ra eden-e nam-mi-in-[...]

    ku3# [ga]-sza-an#-an-na gu3 dili nam-mi-in-ra eden-e nam-mi-in#-[...]

    [...] x x# nu-mu-ma-al-en a-na-a im-da-[ma-ma-...]

    [...] x# ba-e-gub-ba-zu(?)# [...]

    [...] x# a-na-a im-da-ma-ma-[...]

    [...] mu(?)#-gu10 nu-pad3-de3 [...]

    [...] pad3#-de3 [...]

    AI Translation

    My child, from my eyes my heart is not present .

    The young woman Inana, from the womb of my eye, my heart did not exist .

    My ... like heaven, my scepter like earth

    My ... like the sea,

    Like a stele, where my body is smashed

    My heart is not as strong as a great river, my heart is not as strong .

    "A man, a woman, ...

    The silver of Gashanana, he will not sing one song, he will not sing the desert song.

    ... ... I am not able to .

    ... he will stand .

    ... my name is not erased .

    Peterson, Jeremiah

    Mein Kind, fern von meinem Angesicht, mein Herz war nicht bei dir!

    Junge Frau Inana, fern von meinem Angesicht, mein Herz war nicht bei dir!

    Mein ... erzitterte wie der Himmel, bebte wie die Erde,

    Mein ... tobte wie die See,

    Mein ... zerrieb die Erde wie Kohlen,

    Mein ... wie ein mächtiger Fluss am Kai, mein Herz war nicht bei dir!

    Eine Frau stieß einen einsamen Schrei in der Steppe aus ...

    Die reine Gashanana stieß einen einsamen Schrei in der Steppe aus ...

    Ich bin/du bist nicht ... was ...

    ... ich stand ...

    ... was ...

    ... mein nicht genannter Name ...

    ... genannt ...



    szud3 _gin2_ x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    Peterson, Jeremiah

    Gebet ...

    P255245: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    x [...]-x-ta [ur?]-(d)ba#-ba6 [...]-x

    AI Translation

    from ... Ur-Baba .

    Seal 1


    ur#-(d)[ba?-ba6?] dub-sar [...]-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba?, scribe, ...-Igalim.

    P255423: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] tuku# [...] [...] x 5(u)#-am3# [...] [...] ama# tuku ama-[...] [...] 5(u)-am3 a2#-ni-[...] [x] giri3-ni [...] [...]-silig# a2 nam-ur#-[...] [...] giri3-ni# [...] [...]-haszhur# (gisz)taszkarin#-[...] dumu iri#-na# [x x]-de3-re7-[...]

  • 1(disz)-am3 szesz-gal-[x] szu# pirig#-ga2 umbin [...]
  • ma2-ur3-ma2-ur3 [x]-sag#-ga2-ke4 hu-[...] hur-sag 1(disz)-kam-ma# in#-di3-bal (gisz)[...] [x]-sag 7(disz)-kam-[x] bal#-e-da-bi [...] en3# nu-un#-[x] ki [...] [x] bil3#-[...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    If he has a wife ... If he has a mother ... If he has a mother ... If he has a husband ... If he has a foot ..., ..., the labor of the namur temple ... If he has a foot ..., the labor of the tashkarin tree ..., the son of his city .

  • 1 Sheshgal-x, hand of the piriga, the ...,
  • The boat "The ... of the mountain" has departed from the first mountain range, the ... has departed from the seventh mountain range Its ... has not departed from the place ... .



    [...] u2#-sa2#-ga#-[x] [x x] szu# bi2#-[x x] nig2-me-gar [...] szu mu-un-tag#-[x] nu-mu-un#-[...] gu3 mu-un-na#-[x]-e inim nu-mu-ni-[...] i3-nu2-a i3-nu2-[x] (d)bil3-ga-[x x] dumu# kul-aba4(ki) [...] kur ba-an-suh3-[x] gissu ba-[x x] an-sa11-an sze-[x x]-er#-bi im-ma-[x] (d)utu ur2 ama-[x] (d)nin-gal-ra sag# [...] (d)bil3-ga#-[x] en-sze3 i3-nu2#-[x x] [x x]-za# mu#-[...]

    AI Translation




    AI Translation


    P255442: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dumu _en_-[...] (disz)i-din-(d)suen dub-sar ugnim?-[...] gaba i-ib2-ri igi-ni [...] (disz)(d)nanna-_tum_ dumu# [...] e2 ad-da [...] mu#-ub-e3 [...] [...]-(d)suen [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Girini-isa, son of ... Iddin-Sîn, scribe of the ..., the front door of the ..., before him; Nanna-uballit, son of ..., the house of the father ... he built for him; ...-Sîn ... .



    iti gu4-si-sa2 [u4 ...] mu ki 2(u) 7(disz) us2-[...] (d)ri-im-suen [...] i3-si-in-[...] ba-dab5-[...]

    AI Translation

    month: "Fish-feast," day ..., year: "... ;" from the 27th year after: "Rimsuen ... seized ...;"

    Seal 1


    giri3-ni-i3-sa6 x x x x

    AI Translation

    Girini-isa ...

    P255455: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig)# 5(ban2) sze ur5-sze3
  • ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3#-ta lu2-e2-a-ke4 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 5 ban2 barley for the ur-flour;
  • Lu-ea received from Ur-Shulpa'e;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5-a mu [ma]-da# za-ab-sza-li#(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "The land of Zabshali destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-e2-a dumu szesz-gu-la#

    AI Translation

    Lu-ea, son of Sheshgula.

    P255492: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [ni2-te-ni-sze3 szer3] ba#?-szi-ni#-[ra] [...] [lugal-ra u3-mu]-un#-ra# a mu#-[na-tu17-a-gin7] [su-ba du5]-mu#-zi-ra a mu-[na-tu17-a]-gin7# [im da-gu10] szu tag-ge4 [du11-ga]-gin7# [u3 szembulug3-ga giri17-gu10 gun5-gun5-na]-gin7# [szembi2-zi] i3#-bi2-ga2 mi-[ni-mar-mar-ra-gin7] [szu na-ag2]-sa6#-ga-na-ka# ib2#-[ib2-gu10] mi-ni-dim2#-[dim2-ma3]-gin7# [u3-mu]-un# i3-nu2# ku3# (d)inanna-sze3!# [su]-ba# du5#-(mu)-zi-de3# ur2-ra ga [i3-du8-a-na]-gin7 [x] _im_ a2 gi-rin-ga2 gi4?-in#-[tex(_gur8_)-tex(_gur8_)-na]-gin7#

    [x x] sag# kasz! sag-gin7# mu-usz# [mu-tag-ga]-gin7# [siki]-ur2#-gu10 ga2-an-suh3#-[suh3-a]-gin7# [siki]-pa#-gu10 a-ne in#-[da-an-du11-ga]-gin7# [gal4 ku3]-ga2# szu# [bi2-in-ma-ra-gin7] [...] [...] [...]-gin7#

    AI Translation

    As for her, she poured out a libation bowl for her. The king, like a flood, poured water for her. Like a flood, like a flood, my smashed twigs, like a smashed smeglug drum, like a smeglug drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum, like a smegrig drum drum, like a smegrig drum drum, like a smegrig drum drum, like a smegrig drum

    ... like a head of a beer ... like a sag ... Like my turban I want to shave my hair like my turban I want to shave my hair like a gold trough Like a ... .

    Column 2


    [du-du-e ba-ab-du7]-u3# [bara2 mah-ha] sag il2-la-a [ba-ab-du7-me-en3] [(gesz)gu]-za# za-gin3-na dur2 gar-ra#-[a ba-ab-du7-u3] [sag]-zu# men gun3-a ba-ab-[du7-u3] bar#-zu#-sze3 (tug2)suluhu su3-de3 ba-[ab-du7-u3] [tug2 nam]-lugal#-la2-ka sag sza3 la2-a ba#-[ab-du7-u3] mitum#-ma a2 il2-de3 ba#-[ab-du7-u3] [(gesz)tukul]-la# du10 bad-bad-du ba#-[ab-du7-u3] [ti su3 (gesz)]ban si sa2-e-de3 ba#-[ab-du7-u3] (gesz)ilar# (kusz#)eb2-ur3-ra za3 kesz2#-[ra2-a ba-ab-du7-u3] szu-zu-sze3# [gidri] ku3-ge ba#-ab#-[du7-u3]

    giri3-zu-sze3 (kusz#)e-sir2 ku3-ge ba-[ab-du7-u3] du10-tuku-me-en3 har-ra-an-na kas4 di-de3# ba#-[ab-du7-u3] amar# za-gin3-na-gin7 gaba ku3-ga2 a-ne di-[de3 ba-ab-du7-u3] sza3# ki-ag2-zu-u3 u4 he2-em-su3-ra2#-[e] [an]-ne2# mi-ri-in-ak# na-da-ab-kur2-[re] (d)[en]-lil2# lu2 nam tar-tar-re-de3 szu na#-[an-ni-ib-bala-e] (d)[inanna]-ke4# mu10 mu-ni-in#-[du11] sza3 hul2#-la# (d)nin#-e2#-gal#-ka# [zu] masz2 ge6 umbin# ba-an-dub2#-bu-x masz2 babbar2 a# ba-an-tu17-tu17# am hur-sag-ga2 giri17#-[sze3] ba#-an-la2-la2#

    e2 ninda2 mah# gu3# nun di-[dam] szul# (d)utu#-u3# esz3 e2#-babbar2-ra mu-na-ni#-[ib2-ku4-ku4] [szul (d)utu]-u3# sag-ki# zalag-ga#-ni# mu#-szi-ib2#-[zi-zi] [szul-gi sipa zi] ki#-en#-[gi-ra nam mu-ni-ib2-tar-re] [lugal ka gun3-gun3 igi sa6-sa6] [ur]-sag# kal#-ga# x [pirig-sze3 tu-da] sun2# tur nam-szul#-[ba gub-ba] lipisz#-tuku ne-[ni-e nu-kesz2-ra2] hur-sag gal-gal-la [giri3-ni gar] ur#-sag kur-ra# [mu-ri-ri-ge-esz2]

    AI Translation

    He made the dudi rites manifest He made the supreme dais shine forth, he made the throne of lapis lazuli shine, he made your head shine, he made your forehead shine, he made your neckline shine, he made your neckline shine, he made your kingship garment shine, he made your head shine, he made your limbs shine, he made your limbs shine, he made your weapon shine, he made your limbs shine, he made the ban bow shine, he made the ilar bow shine, he made the ebur bow shine, he made your hand shine, he made your scepter shine,

    He has made the golden sandals stand at your feet He has made the golden sandals stand at your feet He has made the journey to the battle line He has made the white calf stand at your feet He has made the golden calf stand at your feet He has made your heart rejoice for the days He has made An change his mind Enlil, the man who decides the fate, he has made Inanna speak to her Inanna, he has made the heart of Ninegal rejoice He has made the black-headed man scream, he has made the white-headed man scream He has made the wild bull rise at the foot

    The supreme house, the roaring voice of the prince, the youth Utu entered the shrine Ebabbar, the youth Utu, his shining head, he smote. Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer, he decreed a fate. The king, the mighty mouth, the attractive face, the mighty warrior, standing in the ... of the pirig, the young man, whose youth he has cultivated, whose strength he has not cultivated, the great mountains, his foot is fixed, the heroes of the mountains,

    Column 1


    [...] x-zu-ra# [...] ka# [...] x mu ga2 [...] x [x]-e lal3-gin7 i3-nun# [...] [ur-sag]-me#-en# ki#-bala#-ta gen-na# x x x [lugal] en# inim szu12-da ra2#-zu-[ke4] sza3# mu-ni-pa3-pa3-de3# sipa# szul-gi en szu12-da# ra2-zu-[ke4 sza3] mu-ni-pa3-pa3-de3# lugal# [(d)en]-lil2#-le a2 szum2-ma a#-ba# mu-da#-ga2#-ga2# _hi_ x-[zu]-u3# a-ba mu-da-ku4#-[ku4] _hi_ x-[na-zu]-u3 a-ba ba#-ta-an#-e3#-[e3] x [x lu2] sza3#-zu-u3 mu-zu-a a2!-zu al nam#-me# [...] me3#-zu [al] i3#-bi2#-in-du11-ga#

    [a2] x [su3-su3-da-zu a-na]-x-a ba-ta-an-e3#-e3# [anzu(muszen)-gin7] gu3# dub2#-da#-zu#-ne# igi#-zu#-u3# a-ba# ba-_du_ [u4-gin7 szeg12 gi4-gi4]-da#-zu#-[ne] [kur gi bad-ra2 _ne_-da] hur#-sag gi-gin7 sag# im#-mi-[sag3-sag3] [kur-ra e2-bi-a] igi# mu#-ni#-[bar-bar]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... like a ... ... I am a hero, I am going out from the lands ... The king, the lord, who has heard your words, has heard your heart The shepherd Shulgi, the lord, who has heard your words, has heard your heart The king, Enlil, gave me a firm command, I have given you a firm command, I have given you a firm command, I have given you a firm command, I have not given you a firm command, ... Your heart is yours, your strength is yours, your strength is yours, your strength is yours, he has spoken to you,

    Your ... ... did not ... your ... Like anzu birds, they roared Your eyes were not ... Like a storm, they ... your brickwork The mountain ... like a mountain ... ... ... The mountain ... looked at its temple

    Column 2


    [iti u4-sakar me szu du7-du7-ga2 na-ba-an-kusz2-u3]-de3#-e# [(d)ezina2-gin7 mu-zu ka kalam-ma-ka ka kur-kur-ra-ka du10-ge-esz2 he2-eb]-gal2? [ku3 (d)nin-gal nin agrun-na-ke4 gesz (kusz)ummu3-da-gin7 ur2 hu-mu-ri2]-in#-tal2-tal2 [(d)suen-e nam du10 mu-ni-in-tar(ar)] [e2-gal]-mah# [(d)nin-e2-gal-la]-kam [bara2 ku3-ga-a dur2 ba-a]-gar [(d)isztaran ki]-en#-gi-ra# sza3#-[ta nig2-nam] zu#-u3 [di kalam-ma ki]-bi#-sze3 i3-ku5-re6 [ga-esz8 sar kalam]-ma# ki-bi-sze3 i3-ba-re

    [a2-tuku] si#-ga sza-ga2-asz-sze3 la#-[ba-an-gur4]-e# ama# dumu#-ni-ir sa6-ga mu-na-[ab-be2] dumu# a-a-ni-ir nig2-gi-na mu-na-[ni-ib2-gi4-gi4] [ki]-en#-gi-re# he2#-gal2 mu-da#-[ab-si?] [uri5(ki)-e] giri17#-zal# [mu-da]-ab#-[su3]

    AI Translation

    In the month of the sakar festival, the divine powers that are to be perfected, they shall be strewn for me like Ezina, your name, in the mouth of the country and in the mouth of the lands, may they be present? The pure rites of Ningal, the lady of the Agruna temple, like the scepter of the ummu-wood, they shall be strewn for me? Suen decreed a good fate for him. In the palace of Ninegal, a holy dais was set up. Ishtaran of Sumer, from the inside, everything that pertains to him, he shall take away from him, and from him he shall take away from him. The gish, the scribal arts of the country, he shall take away from him.

    He did not give a favorable payment to the king, his father, his daughter, he made good, his father he made good, and Sumer he made abundant, and Ur he made great,

    P255517: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a2#-[...] x [...] u2-gu# ba#-an-de2#-[...] me da-ri2-sze3 du3#-a# [...] _ka_-tar-re-de3 bara2-ba# [...] dida nam-udu-sze# [...] zi3#-dub-dub-ba-bi [...] lugal-gu10 (na4)[mar-hu-sza] [...] (d)nin-urta dumu-(d)en-lil2#-[la2-ke4] [...] (na4)mar-hu-sza ki#-[...] nir-da-iri-za-ka im-[...] (na4#)bur-szakan he2#-[me-en] [...] (na4#)mar-hu-sza# [...] kirid-da-ku3-ga# [...] (na4)mar-hu-[sza] [...] me-te#-asz he2#-[...] ur#-sag# [...] en# ib2#-[ba] [...]

    AI Translation



    (d#)nin#-urta dumu-[(d)en-lil2-la2-ke4] [...] (na4)hasz2-tum kur-[ra] [...] gu3-husz#-me3#-a gu3-husz# [...] szeg14-gi4#-zu? lil2-la2-am3# [...] gurusz-me-en (na4)hasz2-tum ki-tag#-[...] i3#-ne#-esz2# nam#-tar-ra-(d)nin#-[urta-ka] u4#-da (na4)hasz2#-tum-_di#_-sze3# [...] lugal-gu10 (na4)dur-ul3 [...] (d)nin#-urta dumu-(d)en-lil2-la2#-[ke4] [...] (na4)dur-ul3 mu-dur7-ku3# [...] kur-ra kiri4 szu# mu#-e#-[ni-gal2-la] a2-sze ga2-e (gisz#)si#-gar# [...] lugal-gu10 en (d)nin-urta-ke4 [...] im-mi#-[du11-ga-gin7]

    mu#-zu# pa3#-de3#-[...]

    AI Translation

    For Ninurta, the son of Enlil, ... a haztum stone for the mountain ... I am the guhush, I am the guhhush, I am the lilitu-demon, I am the young man a haztum stone for the kitag ... At that time, a haztum stone for the namtarra-ninurta I am the king of a turul stone For Ninurta, the son of Enlil, ... a turul stone for the mountain ... I am the one who makes the kiri3 ... I am the one who makes the sigar ... My king, the lord Ninurta, ... like a scepter

    Who knows your name?

    P255542: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [(disz)]sza-at-(d)kab-ta (disz)be-le-ti-ia nin9 na-wi-ru-um (disz)zi-i-u2-um (disz)ka-lal3-a (disz)be-el-tum-ra-bi-at (disz)e2-a-i-din-nam

    AI Translation

    Shat-Kabta, Beletiya, the sister of Nawirum, Zium, Kalala, Beletum-rabiat, Ea-iddinam,



    (disz)bi-tu-i-a (disz)ur-pa-a-a (disz)(d)suen-pa-((te))-t,i-ir dumu (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am mu 1(u) zi-i-u2-um

    AI Translation

    Bituya, Urpaya, Sîn-patir, son of Sîn-iqisham, 10 years of .

    P255561: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    giri3# [...] _arad2_ zi# [...] lugal-a-ni#-[...] lugal-gu10 [...] sza3 [...] ge26-e lu2#-[...] sza3 [...] ur-sag [...] igi-ni igi [...] |_gisz-gaba_|-ni [...] sag-ki-ni [...] lugal-gu10 za-[...] ama-za! i3-[...]

    AI Translation

    The foot of ..., the true servant of ..., his master ... My king, ... in the midst of ... The night of the king, ... in the midst of ... Hero, ... in front of ... His ... ..., his ..., his ..., his forehead ... My king, you are the one who ... your mother

    Column 2


    [...]-sun2# / [...]-da# [...]-zu / [...]-am3 _ma#_!-tur nin-[...]-sze3 / [x]-ra hu-mu-ni-ra-in-ku4-ra-am3 [x x]-am3-ma-ra su-zu-a ga-an-ku4 [...]-ni disz-am3 mu-na-ra-an-la2 [...] mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3 [...]-ru#-ne zu2 ba-an-szir3-re-ne [...] x# mu-ni-ib-nu2-u3-ne [...]-na#-til-la#-[...]

    AI Translation

    P255661: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur
  • masz2 gur-ra 1(barig) 4(ban2)! ki im-ti-dam#-ta ur#?-(d)suen#?

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley,
  • an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 barig 4 ban2 has been added, from Imtidam, Ur-Suen?



    szu ba-ti iti udru(duru5) mu na-ru2-a mah ba-du3

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Udru," year: "The great stele was erected."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)suen#? dumu ur-_an_-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-Suen, son of Ur-AN-.

    P255673: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    en [...] (ulu3)uru16-[bi-im a-da-ab ...-kam] esz3 abzu [...] (d)en-ki ne [...] nam-szub x [...] esz3 nibru[(ki) ...] e2 (d)en-lil2 [...] e2 (d)en-lil2 [...] e2 kesz3(ki) [...] e2-du6-sag#-[dil ...] e2-szu-me-[sza4 ...] esz3 uri2#[(ki) ...] e2-babbar [...] e2 kul-[aba4(ki) ...] [...] [...] sa#-gid2-da-[am3] [...] ab2 sza-mu-un#-[...] [...] ab2 szar2-ra-na esz3 nun-bi-ra# [...] [...] x ab2-e mu-un#-[...] [...] x [...] [esz3] (d)nibru#[(ki) ...] [e2] (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] e2# kesz3(ki) [...]

    [esz3] uri2(ki)-ma [...] x x x

    AI Translation

    lord ... its horns ...

    shrine of Ur .

    Column 2'


    [...] x [...](ki)-a [...] gal-la [...] (d#)en#?-lil2-la2-ka [... e2]-bi kesz3(ki)-a [... e2]-bi du6-sag-dil(ki) [...] e2#-bi szu-me-sza4(ki) [...] e2-bi uri2(ki) [...]-ne e2-bi e2-babbar [...]-iri? e2-bi kul-aba4(ki) [...]-iri? e2-bi ki zabala(ki) [...] na# sag mu-ni!-in-il2 [...] lu2 u4 sud-ra2 an?-ne2 us2-sa#? sa#-gar-ra-am3 x _en_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... great ... of Enlil ... its temple in Kesh ... its temple in Dusagdil ... its temple in Shumesha ... its temple in Ur ... its temple in Ebabbar ... its temple in Kulaba ... its temple in the place of Zabala ... he raised its head ... A man who, in the distant future, ... the boundary line? of heaven .

    P255816: administrative tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

  • 1(asz) gu2 5(u) 6(disz) [ma-na siki ...]
  • na-gada e2-a-ba-[bil] u3 (d)suen-ba-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 talent 56 mina wool ...,
  • the herdsman Ea-bil and Sîn-ba.

    P255920: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x gal-gal-la2-am3 [...] e3 gal-gal-la2#-am3 [...]-mu# gesz-kin2 gesz-gi6 ki-du10-ge mu2-a [...]-mu# gesz-kin2 gesz-babbar ki-sikil-e mu2-a [...]-du10#-ga bara2 sza-mu-un-du3 [x] nibru#(ki)-a mu-bi mu-du11-ga-am3 [...] ki-du10-ga bara2 sza-mu-un-du3 [x] nibru#(ki)-a mu-bi mu-du11-ga-am3 [...]-x-a (gesz)giszimmar# ba-an-mu2 [...]-x-a giszimmar# ba-an-mu2# [...] mu#-un-dim2#

    AI Translation

    ... great ... ... great ... I am ..., the reed-bed, the reed-bed, the living place I am ..., the reed-bed, the white cedar, the young woman I am ..., the reed-bed, the white cedar, the living place I am ..., the dais I built. ... in Nippur I am ..., the dais I built. ... in Nippur I am ..., the date palm tree I am ..., the date palm tree I am ...,

    Column 2


    (d)asz-im2#-[...] (gi)a-x [...] (d)nanna [...] (gesz)me2-[...] (d)asz-im2#-[...] (gesz)_ta_? [...] (d)nanna# [...] (gesz)a-da#-[...] (d)asz-im2#-[...] (gesz)u3#-[...] (d)nanna# [...] (gesz)x-[...] (d#)[...]

    AI Translation

    Column 1


    (d#)suen#-e x [...] (d)asz-im2#-babbar-[...] (d#)suen#-e# [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Sîn ... Ashimbabbar ... Sîn .

    Column 2


    [...]-tu#-ud [...] ba#-ni#-ba-ba [...] im#-mi-tu-ud [...] szu# ba-ni-x-[x] [...] amar# im-[...]

    AI Translation