AICC / Publications / p391

P391000: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) udu
  • 8(disz) u8
  • 1(u) 3(disz) sila4
  • 2(disz) masz2
  • ba-[usz2] e2 [muhaldim-sze3]

    AI Translation
  • 5 sheep,
  • 8 ewes,
  • 13 lambs,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • slaughtered, to the kitchen;



    [...] iti [...] mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... month: "...," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."


  • 2(u) 8(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • 28
  • P391001: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • [2(disz) udu] niga
  • [ki]-(d)suen [ki] da-da-a-ta ki-ba ga2-ga2-de3 u4 3(u)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, barley-fed,
  • from Kidin-Suen, from Dada, I shall transfer it. 30th day.



    mu-kux(_du_) ab-ba-sa6-ga i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    delivery, Abbasaga accepted; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"


  • 2(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 2.
  • P391002: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(barig) [...]
  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga gur
  • kasz saga-bi 3(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 2 barig ...,
  • 1 gur 2 ban2 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • its fine beer: 3 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3,



    sze-bi 4(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur diri-am3 sza3 bala-a mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    its barley: 4 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3, extra, in the bala; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."

    P391003: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 2(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • gi-a sa10 e2-da-na-ta ki lugal-ezem-ta bi2-du11-ga

    AI Translation
  • 92 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • reeds purchased from Edana, from Lugal-ezem, he will pay back.



    szu ba-ti sza3 bala-a iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-ga2 ra mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; in the bala; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    bi2-du11-ga dub-sar dumu la-a-sa6

    AI Translation

    Biduga, scribe, son of La'asa.

    P391004: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 dabin gur
  • kiszib3 a-du-mu

  • 7(asz) 4(barig) sze gur
  • 3(barig) 1(ban2) dabin
  • kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra

    AI Translation
  • 13 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 6 1/2 sila3 dabin flour,
  • under seal of Adumu;

  • 7 gur 4 barig barley,
  • 3 barig 1 ban2 of dabin flour,
  • under seal of Lu-dingira;


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze kiszib3 _arad2_
  • [1(asz)] gur kiszib3 du10-ga-mu
  • ki da-du-mu-ta kiszib3 a-du-mu mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bum2(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, under seal of ARAD;
  • 1 gur, under seal of Dugamu,
  • from Dadumu, under seal of Adumu; year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-tam

    AI Translation

    Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official.

    P391005: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu u2
  • 1(u) sila4
  • 1(u) 1(disz) masz2
  • szu-gid2 e2-muhaldim [mu aga3-us2] u3 lu2 [szuku-ra-ke4]-ne-sze3 [_arad2_-mu] maszkim

    AI Translation
  • 12 sheep, grass-fed,
  • 10 lambs,
  • 11 billy goats,
  • shu-gid of the kitchen, year: "The agrig and the shukura servants were hired." ARADmu was enforcer.



    u4 8(disz)-kam ki ur-ku3-nun-na-ta ba-zi giri3 (d)nanna-ma-ba u3 lu2-sza-lim iti ezem-(d)szu-(d)suen mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3

    AI Translation

    8th day, from Ur-kununa booked out; via Nanna-maba and Lu-shalim; month: "Festival of Shu-Suen," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."


  • 3(u) 3(disz) udu
  • AI Translation
  • 33 sheep,
  • Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    (d)nanna-ma-ba dub-sar dumu u2-na-ab-sze-en6 _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Nanna-maba, scribe, son of Unabshen, is your servant.

    P391006: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) zu2-lum gur
  • du2-ta gi4-(a) e2-kiszib3-ba (d)nin-e2-gal-ta ki lu2-[...-ta]

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur dates,
  • from the second one to be returned, from the sealed house of Ninegal, from Lu-...;



    a-[...] giri3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 iti (d)dumu-zi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    PN via Ur-Shulpa'e; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."

    P391007: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sa gi
  • ki e2-sag-il2-la-ta ur-(gesz)gigir

    AI Translation
  • 20 bundles reed,
  • from Esagila Ur-gigir



    szu ba-ti ugula da-da mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki)

    AI Translation

    received; foreman: Dada; year following: "Anshan."

    Seal 1


    ur-(gesz)gigir#? dub-sar dumu lugal-[iti-da]

    AI Translation

    Ur-gigir?, scribe, son of Lugal-itida.

    P391008: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) dug gal kasz saga
  • 2(disz) kasz dida saga
  • u4 7(disz)-kam

  • 2(disz) dug gal kasz saga
  • 3(disz) kasz dida saga
  • 1(disz) dug kasz saga
  • AI Translation
  • 3 large vessels of fine beer,
  • 2 liters of good dida beer,
  • 7th day.

  • 2 large jugs of fine beer,
  • 3 liters of good dida beer,
  • 1 jug fine beer,
  • Reverse


    u4 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ki [...]-ta [...] sza3 bala-a iti szu-numun mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    9th day, from ... ... in the bala; month: "Sowing," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P391009: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) dabin lugal
  • ki lu2-gi-na-ta nig2-du10-ga-mu szu ba-ti kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of dabin, royal measure,
  • from Lugina Nigdugamu received; under seal of Shara;



    sza3 bala-a iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ha-ar-szi(ki) u3 ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in the bala; month: "Harvest," year after: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    [...] giri3-ni#?

    AI Translation

    ... his feet

    P391010: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) giri3-lam zu2-lum 4(disz) sila3-ta
  • u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam ki inim-ma-dingir-i3-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 baskets of dates, 4 sila3 each,
  • 12th day, from Inim-ma-dingir-izi



    iti e2 iti-6(disz) mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    month: "House," 6th month, year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    P391011: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) (gi)ma-an-sim zi3-gu
  • 2(disz) (gi)gur zi3-da
  • ka tab-ba esir2 su-ba ki-a-nag ur-(d)namma-ka-sze3 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta

    AI Translation
  • 3 bags of fine flour,
  • 2 gur containers of flour,
  • from the mouth of the sluice to the bitumen-bricks, to the ki-anag-vessel of Ur-Namma; from Ur-Shulpa'e;



    kiszib3 na-ba-sa6 sza3 bala mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    under seal of Nabasa, in bala, year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    na-ba-sa2 dub-sar dumu gu-u2-gu

    AI Translation

    Nabasa, scribe, son of Gu'ugu.

    P391012: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) (uruda)e2-dim
  • ki-la2-bi 1(u) ma-na

  • 2(disz) [...] zabar
  • ki-la2-bi 4(disz) ma-na ki da#-ga-ga-ta [...]-bi2-du11

    AI Translation
  • 2 copper edim-tools,
  • Their weight: 10 minas.

  • 2 bronze ...,
  • Their weight: 4 ma-na; from Dagaga .



    szu ba-ti iti (d)dumu-zi mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Anshan was destroyed."

    P391013: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) udu niga saga us2
  • 1(disz) udu niga 3(disz)-kam us2
  • 2(disz) udu niga
  • 3(disz) udu
  • siskur2 (gesz)na2 gub-ba e2-gi4-a [...]

  • 3(disz) udu niga saga us2
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sheep, barley-fed, second quality,
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed, 3rd grade,
  • 2 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 3 sheep,
  • offering on a platform, reed-bed .

  • 3 sheep, barley-fed, second quality,
  • Reverse


    [...] saga# _arad2_-mu maszkim iti u4 9(disz) ba-zal [iti ...] [mu ...]

    AI Translation

    ... good ..., ARADmu was enforcer; month: "Flight," 9th day passed; month: "...," year: "...."


  • 1(disz) gu4 1(u) 2(disz) udu
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ox, 12 sheep,
  • P391014: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) ma-na uruda
  • ki pa3-da-ta la-a-mu szu ba-ti iti szu-numun

    AI Translation
  • 20 minas of copper,
  • from Pada did La'amu receive; month: "Sowing."



    mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 3(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simurrum for the 3rd time was destroyed."

    P391015: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 szu-igi-du

  • 2(barig) sze _bi_-[...]-a-ta
  • gu2 [...]

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • regular offerings of Shu-igidu;

  • 2 barig barley, ...,
  • ... neck



    [ur]-saga szu ba-ti iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar-ra-ta iti nesag-sze3 mu us2-sa ur-[bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul]

    AI Translation

    Ur-saga received; from month "Bricks cast in moulds" to month "First fruits," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P391016: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) kusz masz2
  • ki (d)szara2-i3-sa6-ta giri3 kas4 kiszib3 a-du iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la

    AI Translation
  • 1 hide of goat skin,
  • from Shara-isa, via Kas, under seal of Adu, month: "Barley at the quay,"



    mu us2-sa ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-du dub-sar dumu lu2-ga

    AI Translation

    Adu, scribe, son of Luga.

    P391017: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) uz-tur niga
  • mu (e2)-gal-la-a-sze3

  • 1(disz) uz-tur
  • e2-u4-7(disz)-[sze3]

  • 4(disz) tu-[gur4]
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 5(disz) tu-[gur4]
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) tu-[gur4]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 small grain-fed ewe,
  • to the palace,

  • 1 ewe,
  • for the 7th day;

  • 4 gur of emmer,
  • 1st time.

  • 5 tugur soup,
  • 2nd time.

  • 1 Tugur,
  • Reverse


    a-ra2 3(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) uz-tur
  • 3(disz) tu-gur4
  • ba-usz2-usz2 e2-gal-la [ba-an-ku4?]

  • 1(disz) uz-tur
  • nig2-gu7 nin-ga2 zi-ga a2-bi2-[li2-a] iti ses-da-gu7 mu us2-sa bad3 [ma-da] ba-du3 mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    3rd time.

  • 1 ewe,
  • 3 gur of emmer,
  • slaughtered, entered the palace;

  • 1 ewe,
  • the goods of my lady booked out; Abili'a; month: "Piglet feast," year after: "The wall of the land was erected," year after that.

    P391018: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze
  • ur5-sze3 ki lu2-du10-ga-[ta] kur-sza-num2

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley,
  • to the utah account, from Lu-duga Kur-shanum



    szu ba-ti iti u5-[bi2 gu7] mu (d)[i-bi2]-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Ubi feast," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    kur-sza-num2 [dub-sar] [dumu a-li2-a-ah?]

    AI Translation

    Kur-shanum, scribe, son of Ali-ah?.

    P391019: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) sze ur5-ra
  • masz2 nu-tuku ki szesz-kal-la-ta kiszib3 na-ga-lu5

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 of urra barley,
  • without interest, from Sheshkalla, under seal of Nagalu;



    [buru14]-sze3 su-su-da mu lugal-bi in-pa3 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    to the harvest he will add; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    Seal 1


    na-ga-lu5 [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Nagalu, ...

    P391020: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] sze gur sza3-bi-ta

  • 5(u) 9(asz) 4(ban2) gur
  • e2-kiszib3-ba-ka ba-an-ku4?

  • 1(ban2) 5(disz)#? sila3 sze
  • zi-ga didli

    AI Translation

    ... gur of barley therefrom:

  • 59 gur 4 ban2
  • he has entered the sealed house.

  • 1 ban2 5? sila3 of barley,
  • ... reed basket



    [...] sze gur zi-ga-am3 la2-ia3 3(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze [...] nig2-ka9-bi [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... barley booked out; the deficit: 3 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley ...; its account .

    P391021: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) masz2
  • ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 a-du

    AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat,
  • from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Adu;



    giri3 ab-ba-gi-na iti e2 iti-6(disz) mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3

    AI Translation

    via Abbagina; month: "House of the sixth month," year: "The Great-Stele was erected."

    Seal 1


    [a-du] [dub-sar] [dumu lu2-ga]

    AI Translation

    Addu, scribe, son of Luga.

    P391022: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) masz2
  • ki ur-lugal-ta ur-mes i3-dab5 sza3 bala-a

    AI Translation
  • 5 billy goats,
  • from Ur-lugal did Ur-mes accept; in the bala;



    mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."

    Seal 1


    ur-mes dumu la-na kuruszda

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, son of Lana, fattener.

    P391023: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) masz2 i-di3-e2-a
  • 1(disz) sila4 ur-nigar(gar) ka-guru7
  • 1(disz) sila4 ur-(d)en-lil2-la2
  • 1(disz) sila4 id-da-a
  • 1(disz) sila4 gu-za-num2
  • 7(disz) udu egi-zi (d)nin-ti2-ug5-ga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat, Idi-ea,
  • 1 lamb, Ur-nigar, the granary manager;
  • 1 lamb for Ur-Enlila,
  • 1 lamb from Idda'a,
  • 1 lamb, Guzanum,
  • 7 sheep, egizi-priests of Ninti-uga,
  • Reverse


    masz2-e pa3-de3-ne ki szesz-kal-la u2-du-lu-ta mu-kux(_du_) iti ezem-(d)me-ki-gal2 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) u3 lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the interest is to be paid. From Sheshkalla, the sheep, delivery; month: "Festival of Mekigal," year: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."



    u4 4(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    4th day.

    P391024: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) lugal#?
  • i3 masz2-da-re6-a du10-ge-de3 ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-da-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 ban2: Lugal?;
  • he will measure the oil and the interest. From Ur-Dumuzida



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-i3-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Ninshubur; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu du10-ga szabra

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Duga, chief household administrator.

    P391025: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) udu
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz) u8
  • szu-gid2 e2-muhaldim mu gar3-du-ne-sze3 giri3 (d)szul-gi-iri-mu dingir-dan sukkal maszkim [...]

    AI Translation
  • 6 sheep,
  • 9 ewes,
  • shugid-offerings for the kitchen, in place of gardune, via Shulgi-irimu, Ili-dan, the messenger, the enforcer, .



    iti u4 6(disz) ba-zal ki szu-ma-ma-ta ba-zi iti a2-ki-ti mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Flight," 6th day passed; from Shu-Mama's account booked out; month: "Akitu," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."


  • 1(u) 5(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • 15
  • P391026: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) 2(barig) 2(disz) sila3 zi3 gur
  • 1(asz) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur
  • kiszib3 ensi2

  • 5(asz) 1(barig) gur sza3-gal [...] niga
  • kiszib3 nigar(gar)-ki-du10

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 2 barig 2 sila3 flour,
  • 1 gur 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley,
  • under seal of the governor;

  • 5 gur 1 barig, ..., grain-fed,
  • under seal of Nigar-kidu;


  • 1(asz) gur nig2-gu7 (d)_en_-[...]
  • kiszib3 nigar(gar)-ki-du10 kiszib3 lu2-bi-ne u3-um-de6 kiszib3 a-du zi-re-dam mu en (d)nanna [ba-hun]

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur, grain-fed, for En-...,
  • under seal of Nigar-kidu; under seal of Lu-bine; Umde; under seal of Adu, booked out; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna was installed."

    Seal 1


    a-du dub-sar dumu lu2-ga

    AI Translation

    Adu, scribe, son of Luga.

    P391027: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar2
  • ki a-du-mu-ta kiszib3 lugal-(gesz)gigir-re muhaldim sza3 bala-a

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • from Adumu, under seal of Lugal-gigirre, cook, in the bala;



    iti ezem-mah mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month "Big-festival," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"

    Seal 1


    lugal-(gesz)gigir-re [...]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-gigirre .

    P391028: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(szar2) 4(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(u) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba ugula lil-la 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) [ugula lugal]-za-e3 3(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) [ugula ur-(d)]suen# dumu [ur-(gesz)gigir] 4(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) [...] [...]-a [...]

    AI Translation

    420 bundles of reed, guniginba-troops, foreman: Lilla; 420 13 foreman: Lugal-za'e; 420 foreman: Ur-Suen, son of Ur-gigir; 420 ... ... .



    ugula ku3-ga-ni nu-banda3-gu4 szunigin 4(szar2) 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa gi zex(_sig7_)-da u4 3(disz)-kam ga2-nun e2 lugal-ka iti (d)dumu-zi mu si-ma-num2(ki)

    AI Translation

    foreman: Kugani, oxen manager; total: 420 bundles of reed, reeds, reeds, 3rd day, storage facility of the royal house; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Simanum."

    P391029: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) (gesz)gu-za sanga kusz si-ga
  • 2/3(disz) ma-na sze kur (gesz)gu-za sumun
  • e2-masz-ke4 szu du11-du11-ga

    AI Translation
  • 6 throne-bearers, leather straps,
  • 2/3 mana of barley, the mountain, for the throne,
  • The Emash temple speaks kindly.



    ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam dingir-ra-ka iti pa4-u2-e mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Akalla, under seal of the chief accountant of the god; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    dingir-ra dub-sar dumu lu2-ga

    AI Translation

    Dingira, scribe, son of Luga.

    P391030: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) (gesz)dusu
  • guru7-a im ur3-de3 ki ur-sila-luh-ta kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lu2-gi-na

    AI Translation
  • 20 reed baskets,
  • from the threshing floor of the threshing floor, from Ur-silaluh, under seal of the chief accountant Lugina;



    inim a-kal-la-ta iti szu-numun mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    from the word of Akalla; month: "Sowing," year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu da-da

    AI Translation

    Lugina, scribe, son of Dada.

    P391031: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu masz2
  • ki ka5-a-mu-ta [kiszib3] du11-ga

    AI Translation
  • 2 rams, billy,
  • from Ka'amu, under seal of Duga;



    iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ma2-gur8-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Baba," year: "The Great-Barge of Enlil and Ninlil was fashioned;"

    P391032: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) masz2
  • ki ur-ku3-nun-na-ta zu2-gu-a i3-dab5 iti sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation
  • 2 billy goats,
  • from Ur-kununa Zugua accepted; month: "Harvest."



    mu en (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    year: "The en-priestess of .

    Seal 1


    lu2-[...] dumu zu2-[gu-a]

    AI Translation

    Lu-..., son of Zugu'a.

    P391033: school tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3 mu us2-sa-a-bi si-i3-tum nig2-ka9-ak sza3 nibru(ki) lu2-giri17-zal dub-sar su-su-dam

    AI Translation

    year following: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected," year after that, the remainder of the accounts in Nippur, Lu-girizal, the scribe, has sold.



    mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3

  • 2(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 sze gur
  • la2-ia3 nig2-ka9-ak

    AI Translation

    year following: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."

  • 24 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 8 sila3 barley,
  • deficit of accounts;

    P391034: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 szu-gid2
  • 2(disz) udu szu-gid2
  • mu ur-mah-sze3 u4 2(u)-kam ki [ur-ku3-nun-na-ta]

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox, shugid,
  • 2 sheep, shugid,
  • for the lions, 20th day, from Ur-kununa



    ba-zi iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma2-gur8-mah [...] ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    booked out; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Great-Barge ... was fashioned;"

    Seal 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ha-ia3 _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Ur-Haya, is your servant.

    P391035: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) ziz2 gur
  • sze-ba me-e2-gal-ta ki (d)szara2-za-me-ta kiszib3 _arad2_

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur emmer,
  • barley rations of Me-egal, from Shara-zame, under seal of ARAD;



    iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Dumuzi," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."

    Seal 1


    _arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3

    AI Translation

    ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.

    P391036: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [... _arad2_]-hul3-la [...]-ba-ni nu-banda3

  • 1(u) 1(disz) udu niga 1(disz) kir11 niga
  • s,e-la-szu

  • 5(disz) masz2 nam-ha-ni sipa
  • 3(disz) gu4 niga 4(disz) udu niga
  • 2(u) 5(disz) udu 1(disz) [...]
  • ensi2 [...]

    AI Translation

    ..., ARAD-hula, ...-bani, the overseer.

  • 11 sheep, barley-fed, 1 female lamb, barley-fed,
  • for Sharashu;

  • 5 billy goats, Namhani, the shepherd,
  • 3 grain-fed oxen, 4 grain-fed sheep,
  • 25 sheep, 1 ...,
  • governor of ...


  • 1(disz) sila4 hu-un-(d)[szul]-gi
  • 1(disz) sila4 ad-da-tur
  • 1(disz) sila4 2(disz) masz2 en (d)inanna
  • [mu]-kux(_du_) [iti ezem] (d)nin-a-zu [mu ki-masz(ki)] u3 hu-[ur5-ti(ki) ba]-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 lamb for Hun-Shulgi,
  • 1 lamb for Addatur,
  • 1 lamb, 2 billy goats, en-priestess of Inanna,
  • delivery; month: "Festival of Ninazu," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."



    [u4 ...]-kam

    AI Translation

    ... day;

    P391037: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (uruda)ha-zi-in 1/2(disz) ma-na
  • ki-la2-bi 1/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2

  • 5(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da 2/3(disz) ma-na
  • ki-la2-bi 2(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2

  • 4(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da 1/2(disz) ma-na
  • ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na [... (uruda)...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 copper hazin-vessel, 1/2 mina;
  • Their weight: 1/3 ma-na, 5 shekels.

  • 5 copper hambuda-silver, 2/3 mana weight,
  • Their weight: 2 1/3 ma-na, 5 shekels.

  • 4 copper hambuda stones, 1/2 mina each,
  • Their weight: 1 2/3 minas ... copper.



    [ki-la2-bi ...] kin dub2-ba e2-kiszib3-ba-ta e3 giri3 lu2-kal-la u3 ur-(d)nun-gal [ki lu2]-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta ur-(d)szara2-ke4 in-la2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    its weight: ..., from the work assignment of the sealed tablet, to the house of the sealed document returned, via Lukalla and Ur-Nungal, from Lu-Enlila Ur-Shara has taken. Month: "Lisi," year: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.

    P391038: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) lu2-eb-gal tu-ra
  • iti pa4-u2-e-ta u4 1(u) 2(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gal2-la-asz

    AI Translation
  • 1: Lu-ebgal, the tu-ra;
  • from month "Pa'u'e," 12th day passed; month: "Bricks cast in moulds."



    ugula lu2-saga kiszib3 a-kal-la nu-banda3 mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    foreman: Lu-saga; under seal of Akalla, the superintendent; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."

    Seal 1


    a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3

    AI Translation

    Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.

    P391039: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu
  • ki in-ta-e3-a-ta lugal-ezem dam-gar3 i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep,
  • from Inta'ea, Lugal-ezem, the merchant, accepted;



    iti szu-esz-sza mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month: "shu'esha," year: "The high-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."

    Seal 1


    lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu du-du

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ezem, scribe, son of Dudu.

    P391040: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 2(disz) geme2 3(ban2) u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu a-sza3 (d)szara2-nesag a-sza3 i3-szum2

    AI Translation
  • 142 female laborers, 3 ban2 workdays,
  • ..., ..., field of Manu, field Shara-nesag, field Ishum;



    a-sza3 sza-ra-hu-um-ma ugula (d)szara2-za-me kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam i3-kal-la mu us2-sa en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun

    AI Translation

    field Sharahuma, foreman: Shara-zame, under seal of Ikalla, year after: "Enmahgalana was installed."

    Seal 1


    i3-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Ikalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.

    P391041: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 2(disz) sar szum2-sikil
  • nigin2-bi 8(gesz2) 8(disz)! igi-sag-bi 1(barig) 3(ban2) [1(disz)] 1/2(disz) sila3

  • 3(gesz2) 2(u) 6(disz) sar szum2 gesz _hi_-da
  • nigin2-bi [...] igi-sag-bi 3(barig) 4(ban2) [...] 1(u) gin2 _arad2_-(d)nanna gu-za-la2

    AI Translation
  • 142 sar, onions;
  • its total: 188!, its first-fruits: 1 barig 3 ban2 1 1/2 sila3;

  • 126 sar of onions and dates,
  • its circumference ... its front ... 3 barig 4 ban2 ... 10 shekels, ARAD-Nanna, the chair-bearer;



    szu bar-ra ensi2-ka inim lugal-nig2-lagar-e-ta kiszib3 [... u3-um-de6] [kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e] zi-re-dam mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received by the governor; from Lugal-nig-lagare, sealed tablet of ..., Umde; sealed tablet of Lugal-nig-lagare, booked out; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-si-_ne_-e dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Lugal-sinee, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.

    P391042: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 7(disz) [...]
  • ri-ri-ga ki lugal-nesag-e-ta he2-eb-sa6-[ge] szu ba-[ti] iti ezem-(d)[szul-gi]

    AI Translation
  • 87 ...
  • he will return the money tenfold to its owner. Month: "Festival of Shulgi."



    mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz)-kam si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed."

    P391043: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • [kiszib3] lu2-dingir-ra-ka ki ur-(gesz)gigir-ta a-du-mu szu ba-ti mu kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir-ka

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • under seal of Lu-dingira, from Ur-gigir Adumu received; year: "... ."



    ki lu2-dingir-ra-ka mu-gal2-sze3 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bum2 a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lu-dingira to be added; year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu bar-ra-an

    AI Translation

    Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Barran.

    P391044: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) sa gi en-du8-du
  • e2-gu4-gaz-sze3 ki szesz-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lu2-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 240 bundles of reed, Endudu;
  • to the oxen-pen, from Sheshkalla, under seal of Lu-...;



    sza3 bala-a u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam mu us2-sa (d)szul-[gi] lugal-e bad3 ma-da mu-[du3]

    AI Translation

    in bala, the 19th day, year after: "Shulgi, the king, the wall of the land erected."

    P391045: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) gu2 bappir saga
  • dug udul2 sa2-du11 ensi2-ka-sze3 ki lu2-(d)iszkur-ta kiszib3 ensi2

    AI Translation
  • 1 talent, fine kashk cheese,
  • for the jug of pomegranates for the regular offerings of the governor; from Lu-Adda, under seal of the governor;



    [iti] 4(disz)-kam iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti nesag-sze3 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3 mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    from month "Harvest" to month "Nesag-feast," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after that.

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P391046: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu niga
  • [ra-szi] lu2 zi-da-num2

  • [1(disz)] udu niga
  • [ga-ra]-da-du szimaszgi [giri3] lugal-inim-gi-na sukkal u4 2(u) 7(disz) ba-zal

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed,
  • ... the man of Zidanum,

  • 1 sheep, barley-fed,
  • Garadadu, Shimashkian; via Lugal-inim-gina, the messenger; 27th day passed;



    ki (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu-ta ba-zi sza3 kaskal-la iti ezem-an-na mu en (d)nanna ba-hun

  • 2(disz)
  • AI Translation

    from Shulgi-ayamu booked out; in the campaign: month: "Festival of An," year: "The high-priestess of Nanna was installed;"

  • total: 2.
  • P391047: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(disz) aga3-us2
  • 6(disz) gur4-sa3-an u3-mun
  • 3(disz) (d)pa-bil-sag
  • 5(disz) (d)en-ki
  • 1(u) 9(disz) sipa e2 (d)szara2
  • 6(disz) sipa e2 (d)nin-ur4-ra
  • 1(u) 1(disz) lu2 azlag2?
  • 5(u) 3(disz) gudu4 (d)szara2
  • 2(u) 4(disz) e2-mah
  • 2(disz) da-da
  • 6(disz) nar-nita2 nar-munus
  • 2(disz) lu2-he2-gal2
  • 3(u) ugula a-gu-du
  • 2(u) ugula ur-(d)a-szar2
  • 8(disz) gu-za-la2
  • 7(disz) ugula lugal-e2-mah-e
  • AI Translation
  • 22 scouts,
  • 6 gursan of salt,
  • 3 mana wool for Pabilsag,
  • 5 mana wool for Enki;
  • 19 shepherds, house of Shara;
  • 6 shepherds, house of Ninura;
  • 11 fullers,
  • 53, gudu priests of Shara;
  • 24 — Emah;
  • 2 mana wool for Dada,
  • 6 male singers,
  • 2 mana wool for Lu-hegal,
  • 30, foreman: Agudu;
  • 20, foreman: Ur-Ashar;
  • 8 throne bearers,
  • 7 foreman: Lugal-emahe,
  • Reverse

  • 6(disz) ugula da-du-mu
  • 7(disz) ugula lugal-nesag-e
  • 6(disz) ugula i7-pa-e3
  • 7(disz) ugula ur-tar nu-banda3-gu4
  • 7(disz) ugula lugal-gu4-e
  • 5(disz) ugula da-da-ga
  • 9(disz) ugula ur-(gesz)gigir szabra
  • 7(disz) ugula lugal-ku3-zu
  • AI Translation
  • 6 foreman: Dadumu;
  • 7 foreman: Lugal-nesage,
  • 6 foreman: Ipa'e;
  • 7 foreman: Ur-tar, manager of oxen,
  • 7 foreman: Lugal-gu'e,
  • 5, foreman: Dadaga;
  • 9 overseer Ur-gigir, the household manager;
  • 7 foreman: Lugal-kuzu,
  • P391068: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    be-tam2 mi3-ma i-ba-szi2-u2 u2 ar-ha-lam sza pe3-ru-wa na-s,i2-ir ka3-ni-isz szu-pu-da-ah-szu a-ta-ta-a u2 hu-ma-da-szu il5-qe2-u2 szu-mi3-a-wa u2 i-na-ar

    AI Translation

    Whatever there is, and the ahalam-plant which is gathered, the shubah-plant, the shubah-plant, the shubah-plant, why did he take it away? Its name he shall pronounce and he shall proclaim.



    isz-tu3 be-tim ki-la2-am ma ip-ru-su2-szu-nu a-na ar-ha-lam e-lu i-tap-ru-su2 a-hu-um a-na a-hi-im a-di2-i a-sza-ti2-szu-nu _dumu dumu_-e-szu-nu la2 i-tu3-wa-[ar] sza i-tu3-ru

  • 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • i-da-an

    AI Translation

    From the treasury he has sworn by the name of the king. They have sworn to the treasury. They have sworn by the name of the king. A man to a man, together with their share, their sons, they shall not return. Whoever returns will pay x minas of silver.

  • 10 minas of silver
  • he will pay.



    u2 i-du-ku-szu di2-nu-um sza szi2 ti2 ri ma bu x x x x x x i-qa2-te2 x x x

    AI Translation

    he swore ... a lawsuit which ... he imposed .

    P391069: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    um-ma nu-ur-esz18-dar _dumu_ i-la2-ab2-ra-at-ba-ni-ma a-na szu-be2-lim qi2-bi-ma a-hi a-ta be-li2 a-ta la na-ak-ra-ku la2 a-hi-a-ku szi2-ir-ka3 u3 da-ma-ka3 a-na-ku me-tam2 i-a-ti2 u2 me-er-i i-na ki-szi2-ir-szi2-im te2-t,i-ir-ni-ni#-a-(ti2) um-ma a-ta-ma a-na a-wi-li-ma et,-lu-um a-hi la2 na-ka3-ar la2 a-hi u2 a-ta a-na a-wi-li a-wa-tam2 ku-zu-ub-tam2 isz-te2-et qa2-ri-ib s,u2-ba-tam2 isz-te2-en6 u2 szi2-na a-na _gal_ si2-mi3-il5-tim ki-bi-sa3-ma et,-lu-tum la2 i-mu-tu3 a-wa-tim

    a-ta a-at-u2-szu-nu-ti2 u2 hu-la2-lu-um isz-ti2-ka3 li-it,-hi u2 szi2-im _tug2 hi-a_ sza ta-na-(di2)-a-ni a-na ba-ab2 a-wa-ti2-szu-nu lu-ma-li-u2 a-hi a-ta be-li2 a-ta a-ta i-qa2-qi2-ri-im da!(_sza_)-nim te2-t,i2-ra-ni ti2-ma-li i-nu-mi3 ma?-sza-ni asz2-e-ka3-ma ki-sza-ra-num e-zi-isz usz!-te2-li-a-ni

    AI Translation

    "Nur-Ishtar, son of Ila-abratbani, to Shubelum speak! Why, my lord, why are you not pious, why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious? Why are you not pious?

    From their ... and the hulalu-sheep with you may I eat; and from the ... of the garments that you give to the mouth of their words may I eat. From my lord to the iqqaru-sheep, the daises, the tetiri, the tetiri, the tetiri. At that time, I sat down, and the kisharanum he sat down.

    P391070: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • [7(disz) 5/6(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_]
  • szi2-im _e2_-tim sza puzur4-esz18-dar _sza3-ba_ 1(asz) _gu2_ 3(u) _ma-na_ _uruda_ a-ha-su2 [tal]-qe2 szi2-ti2 _ku3-babbar_ 7(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-szi2-tam2 6(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ [_ku3]-babbar_ sza isz-ti2 / szu-hu#-bur# a-s,i2-(ib)-tim a-mur-a-szur3 u3 en-nam-a-szur3 [ni]-il5-qe2-u2-ni _ku3-babbar_ u3 s,i2-ba-su2 a-na

  • [1(u) 1(disz) 1/3(disz)] _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • [i-tu3-ur-ma isz-tu3]

    AI Translation
  • 7 5/6 minas of silver
  • the price of the house of Puzur-Ishtar, therein 1 talent 30 minas of copper, his ashu-vessel he took. That amount of silver was 7 minas of silver, the interest was 6 1/3 minas of silver that was with the shubur-vessel of the ashu-vessel of Amur-Assur and Ennam-Assur. They took the silver and its interest.

  • 11 1/3 minas of silver
  • he returned and from



    [szi2-im _e2_-tim 7(disz) _ma-na_] [_ku3]-babbar_ e-ru-[bu-ni]

  • 2(disz) _ma-na_ 1(u) _gin2 ta ku3-babbar_
  • i-ra-mi3-ni-szu-nu a-mur-a-szur3 u3 en-nam-a-szur3 isz-tap-ku-ma t,up-pa2-am ha-ar-ma-am isz-ti2 szu-hu-bur a-mur-a-szur3 u2-sze2-s,i2-a-szu / a-na a-wa-tim a-ni-a-tim i-na ka3-ni-isz en-nam-a-szur3 a-na a-mur-a-szur a-szi2-bu-tim isz-ku-ni-a-ti2

    AI Translation

    the rent of the house is 7 minas of silver.

  • 2 minas 10 shekels from silver,
  • they loved them. Amur-Assur and Ennam-Assur wrote to him, and a tablet of a harmu-sheep with the Shubur-shield of Amur-Assur brought to him. For a word and a supplication, at the command of Ennam-Assur to Amur-Assur, the inhabitants, they established.



    _igi#_ ku-ku-la-nim szi2-ip#-ri-[im] sza# a-lim(ki)

    AI Translation

    Before Kukullanu, the messenger of the city.

    P391071: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) 5/6(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • szi2-im _e2_-tim sza puzur4-esz18-dar _sza3-ba_ 1(asz) _gu2_ 3(u) _ma-na uruda#_ a-ha-su2 tal-qe2 szi2-ti2 _ku3-babbar_ 7(disz) _ma-na_ i-szi2-tam2 / 6(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ _ku3-babbar_ sza isz-ti2 szu-hu-bu-ur / a-s,i2-ib-tim a-na-ku u3 en-nam-a-szur ni-il5-qe2-u2-ni _ku3-babbar_ u3 s,i2-ba-[su2]

    AI Translation
  • 7 5/6 minas of silver
  • the price of the house of Puzur-Ishtar, therein 1 talent 30 minas of copper, his debt. The debt was 7 minas of silver, the interest was 6 1/3 minas of silver. From Shuhubur / the ..., I and Ennam-Assur took. The silver and its interest



    a-na 1(u) 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _uruda#?_ i-tu3-ur-ma / isz-tu3 szi2-im _e2_-tim 7(disz) _ma-[na ku3-babbar_] e-ru-bu-ni

  • 2(disz) _ma-na_ 1(u) _gin2-ta_
  • _ku3-babbar_ i-ra-mi3-(ni)-szu-nu a-mur-a-szur u3 en-nam-a-szur isz-tap-ku-ma t,up-pa2-am ha-ar#-[ma-am] sza szu-[hu-bu-ur] u2-sze2-s,i2#-[a-szu] _igi_ du10-i3-li2 _igi_ bu-zi-a _igi_ ku-ku-la2-nim

    AI Translation

    to 11 1/3 copper he returned, and from the price of the house 7 minas of silver he brought.

  • 2 minas 10 shekels each;
  • they will pay to him. Amur-Assur and Ennam-Assur wrote to him and a tablet of a harmam of Shuhur he sent to him. Before Du'ili, before Buzia, before Kukkulanim.

    P391072: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na 1/2(disz) _ma-na#_ [_ku3-babbar_] u3 s,i2-ib-ti2-szu# _e2_ be-tam2 / isz-ti2 szar-ni-ka3-an _dumu_ da-[...] szu-esz18-dar / isz-am-szu szu-ma a-szu-mi3 _e2_(be-tim) ma-ma-an a-na szu-esz18-dar i-tu3-ar

  • 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation

    for 1/2 mina of silver and his interest the house of the king, from Sharnikan, son of ... Shu-Ishtar, his name, the name of the house, whatever to Shu-Ishtar he returned.

  • 2 minas of silver
  • Reverse


    i-sza-qal-szu-um _igi_ ma-za-a _igi_ u2-zu-a _igi_ ka3-ra-szu-na _igi_ a-lu-lu

    AI Translation

    he will take; before Mazâ; before Uzua; before Karashuna; before Alulu;

    P391073: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • i-s,e2-er szu-pi3-a-ah-szu ba-ba-szi2-ba a-mur#-dingir dingir-na-da a-szur3#-du10# u3 i-ku-nu-um i-[szu-u2] i-na sza u2-su2-mi3 x i-sza-qu2-lu szu-ma la isz3-qu2-lu#

  • 3(disz) _gin2-ta_
  • i-na _iti-kam_ a-na _ma-na_-im u2-s,u2-bu i-qa2-qa2-ad szal2-mi3-szu-nu _ku3-babbar_ ra-ki-is _igi_ ha-al-ki-a-szu _igi_ zu-zu-li _dumu_ ba-zi _igi_ szu-pi3-a-ah-szu ni-a-im#?

    AI Translation
  • 2 1/2 minas of silver
  • he will ... his supplications, who dwells, Amur-ili, Ili-nada, Ashur-dug and Ikunum, he is. In the ... they shall eat, but not eat.

  • 3 shekels each;
  • In the month of Adar XII he will bring the silver to the mina. Their whole property he will pay the silver. Before Halkiash; before Zuzuli, son of Bazi; before Shu-pi'ahshu, ...;



    _kiszib3_ ha-al-ki-a-szu _kiszib3_ szu-pi3-a-ah-szu _kiszib3_ zu-zu-[li] _kiszib3_ szu-pi3-a-ah-szu _kiszib3_ ba-ba#-[szi2-ba] _dumu_ a-hu-qar sza hu-bu-ul szu-pi3-a-ah-szu u3 ba-ba-szi2-ba#

  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • i-s,e2-er szu-[pi3-a]-ah-szu u3 ba-ba-szi2-ba# [... a]-mur-dingir a-szur-du10 dingir-na-da u3 i-ku-num i-szu-u2 a-na sza u2-su2-mi3 x i-sza-qu2-lu szu-ma la2 isz-qu2#-[lu]

  • 3(disz) _gin2-ta_ a-na 1(disz) _ma-na_-im
  • i-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ u2-s,u2-bu i-qa2-qa2-ad sza-al-mi3-szu-nu ra-ki-is

    AI Translation

    Seal of Halkiashu, seal of Shu-pi-ahshu, seal of Zuzu-li, seal of Shu-pi-ahshu, seal of Babashiba, son of Ahuqar, who was killed by Shu-pi-ahshu and Babashiba.

  • 2 1/2 minas of silver
  • he will ... his supplications and libations ... Amur-ili, Ashur-du, Ili-nada, and Ikunum will do. For the sake of ... they shall eat, but not eat.

  • 3 shekels each for 1 mina.
  • In one month he will go out, he will eat, their mood will be slighted.

    P391074: legal tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    en-um-a-szur a-na lu-lu is,-ba-at-ni-a-ti2-ma um-ma en-um-a-szur-ma a-na lu-lu-u2-ma ba-a-am ma-la2 / di2-en / da-a-a-ni _gir2_ sza a-szur / ta-am-a-am um-ma lu-lu-ma la2 a-ta-ma-a-kum wa-ra-ad-ka3 / a-di2 wa-ra-ah u2-ta-ra-kum um-ma en-um-a-szur-ma szu-ma a-di2 wa-ra-ah _ARAD2_-di2 / la2 tu3-ta-e-ra-am

  • 2/3(disz) _ma-na la2 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation

    Enum-Assur to ... seized me, thus Enum-Assur: to ..., so that the ... of the judge / judge / judge, the foot of Assur / he weighed out, thus Lulu: "I did not say, you are the one who ..., until you have returned to Warakka." Thus Enum-Assur: "You are the one who ..., until you have returned to Warakka, your servant."

  • 2/3 mina less 1 shekel of silver
  • Reverse


    szi2#-im _ARAD2_-dim [x]-be-is-ma 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 1(disz) _gin2_ _ku3-babbar_ / ta-sza-qa2-lam um#-ma lu-lu a-hu ha-da-a-ma a-sza-qa2-la2-ku-um isz-tu3 ha-mu-usz-tim sza# (d)utu-ba-ni u2 a-szur-isz#-[ti2]-kal2# ka3-ru-um ka3-ni-isz i-di2-ni-a-ti2-ma _igi gir2#_ sza a-szur szi2-bu-ti2-ni ni-di2-in _igi_ (d)utu-ba-ni _dumu_ a-ha-tim

    AI Translation

    The name of the slave ... and 1 1/3 minas 1 shekel of silver you gave. Thus says Lulu, the eldest son, "Hada'a, I have given you, Assa-qalakum from the eldest son of Shamash-bani and Ashur-ishtikal, the eldest son, we have given you, and before the foot of Ashur our eldest we have given you." Before Shamash-bani, the son of Ahatum,



    _igi_ u2-s,u2-ra-nim _dumu_ ku-da-a

    AI Translation

    Before Ushuranni, son of Kudaya.



    _kiszib3_ (d)utu-ba-ni _dumu_ a-ha-tim _kiszib3_ u2-s,u2-ra-nim _dumu_ szu!-da-a a-na a-wa-tim a-ni-a-tim# ka3-ru-um ka3-ni-isz(ki) i-di2-ni-a-ti2-ma / _igi gir2_ sza a-szur3 / szi2-bu-ti2-ni ni-di2-in

    AI Translation

    Seal of Shamash-bani, son of Ahatum; seal of Ushur-anim, son of Shuda, to the question and to the question of Kanish he gave me, and before the feet of Ashur we gave to him.

    P391075: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _ma-na la2_ 6(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • sza ka3-da-la2 a-na pe2-er-di2-im sza-a-mi3-im / i-di2-na-ni

  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na_ 4(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-na
  • ra-mi3-ni-a u2-ra-di2-ma

  • 2(disz) _ma-na_ 1(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na
  • pe2-er-di2-im / asz2-qul2 3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _e2_ wa-ab2-ri a-di2-in

  • 3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ / a-na _e2_ ka3-ri-im
  • sza-du-a-tam2 asz2-qul2 7(disz) _ma-na_ _uruda_ i-sza-am-szi2 pe2-er-dam ni-isz-u2-mu-u2 / a-na ki-ra-nim asz2-qul2 1(disz) _ma-na_ a-na isz-pa2-ta2-li mi3-ma a-nim i-na sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar a-szu-mi3 pe2-er-di2-im u2-sza-qi2-il5 isz-tu3 / sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar nu-s,a-ma 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na uruda_ i-na sza-pa2-at na-ri-im a-szu-mi3 pe2-er-di2-im asz2-qul2

    AI Translation
  • 2 minas less 6 1/2 shekels of silver,
  • who is a kadalû-demon to the sage, the sage, he gave to me.

  • 1/3 mina 4 shekels of silver by the mina of
  • I have sworn by my own name.

  • 2 minas 16 1/2 shekels of silver for
  • Perdim / Ashqulu: 3 shekels of silver for the house of the shakin-priest I gave.

  • 3 shekels of silver for the karib-house;
  • I weighed out. 7 minas of copper I weighed out. We weighed out. To the quay I weighed out. 1 mina for shatalu. Whatever in the shalati-wad I erdimmu-sold. From the shalati-wad I did not ..., and 2 1/2 minas of copper in the shalat of the shalatu-wad I erdimmu-sold.


  • 2(disz) _ma-na uruda_ a-na sze-am
  • i-na sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar asz2-qul2

  • 5(disz) _ma-na uruda_ a-na _e2_ wa-ab2-ri
  • 5(disz) _ma-na_ sza-du-a-tam2
  • a-na _e2_ ka3-ri-im asz2-qul2

  • 5(disz) _ma-na_ a-na ka3-szi2-im
  • asz2-qul2 4(disz) _ma-na_ a-na sze-am asz2-qul2 1(u) _ma-na uruda_ a-na ra-di2-im a-na a-la2-hi-nim a-di2-in-ma / a-di2 / sza-pa2-at na-ri-im / ir-di2-a-ni

  • 1(disz) _ma-na_ a-na ma-la2-hi-im
  • a-di2-in / mi3-ma a-nim i-na wa-ah-szu-sza-na a-szu-mi3 / pe2-er-di2-im u2-sza-qi2-il5

    AI Translation
  • 2 minas of copper for barley
  • I have sat down in the sanctum.

  • 5 minas of copper for the house of the scouts;
  • 5 minas of shaduatam-stone,
  • I deposited it in the karib-house.

  • 5 minas for the kashim-flour;
  • I have weighed out 4 minas of copper for barley, I have weighed out 10 minas of copper for the rudium and alahinum, and ... the shapat narim

  • 1 mina for malahum;
  • I have given. Whatever in Wahshushana my name / name I have smashed.

    P391076: administrative tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na
  • sza-pu-na-ah-szu _dumu_ ka3-la2 6(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na sze2-zu-ur asz2-qul2

  • 4(disz) _gin2_ a-na bi-li-szu
  • sza tu3-[x]-tu3-u2 asz2-qul2

  • 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2#_ a-na isz-me-dingir
  • asz2-qul2 6(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ szi2-im _sze_-am / sza _e2_ ta-ar-ma-na nu-sze2-s,i2-a-ni szi2-im / _ARAD2_

  • 3(disz) _gin2_ szi2-im _sze_-am
  • a-na na-pa2-hi-im

    AI Translation
  • 13 1/2 shekels of silver for
  • Shupunahshu, son of Kala, 6 shekels of silver for the reeds I weighed out.

  • 4 shekels for his service
  • Who you ..., I have sat down.

  • 4 1/2 shekels for Ishme-ili;
  • Ashqulu 6 shekels of silver, the price of barley of the house of Tarmana, we shall bring, the price of the servant.

  • 3 shekels of barley,
  • to the slanderer.



    asz2-qul2 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na a-ru-ru-ba _la2_ 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-sza-at / i-na-a

  • 1(disz) _la2_ 1/4(disz) / a-na na-na-a
  • 1(disz) _la2_ 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na ku-la2-na
  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na szi2-im
  • _gig_ sza a-ta-ar-ka3-na-am asz2-qul2 2(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na _udu_ asz2-qul2 i-nu-mi3 ka3-ar-u2-lam ta-al-qe2-i-ni i-nu-mi3 ta-am-ri-s,i2-ni

  • 1(disz) _la2_ 1/4(disz) _gin2_ ag-mu-ru 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na
  • ki-ri-im i-nu-mi3

    AI Translation

    I have weighed out 1 1/2 shekels for the a-ru-ruba, less 1/4 shekel. The field / field .

  • 1 less 1/4 / to Nanaya
  • 1 less 1/4 shekels for the kullanu-vessel;
  • 2 1/2 shekels for the price
  • The illness of Atarkanam I have treated. 2 1/4 shekels for sheep I have treated. At that time, Karulam I have taken. At that time, I have treated me.

  • 1 less 1/4 shekels of agmuru-wood, 1/2 shekel for
  • When the kirim-offerings



    a-na-na ta-am-ru-s,u2 asz2-qu2-ul 2(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na _ninda_ asz2-qul2

    AI Translation

    for the ta'amrushu-offering I weighed out. 2 1/4 shekels for bread I weighed out.

    P391077: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _e2_
  • wa-ab2-ri-im a-di2-in

  • 3(disz) _gin2_ a-na _e2_ ka3-ri-im
  • a-na sza-du-u2-tim a-di2-in

  • 7(disz) _ma-na uruda_ szi2-kam i-sza-am-szi2
  • pe2-er-dam / ni-isz-u2-mu a-na ki-ra-nim asz2-qul2

  • 1(disz) _ma-na_ / a-na isz-pa2-ta2-li
  • asz2-qul2 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na_ i-na ti2-tu3-ri-im

    AI Translation
  • 3 shekels of silver for the house;
  • Who provides food for the deprived,

  • 3 shekels for the karib-house;
  • I have given to the king.

  • 7 minas of copper, the price, he will pay.
  • I have sat down on the bed.

  • 1 mina for shatalu-vessels;
  • I weighed out 2 1/2 minas in the titurum-festival.



    asz2-qul2 mi3-ma a-nim i-na sza-la2-ti2-wa-ar a-szu-mi3 pe2-er-dim / u2-sza-qi2-il5

  • 5(disz) _ma-na uruda_ a-na _e2_ ka3-ri-im
  • 5(disz) _ma-na uruda_ a-na ka3-szi2-im
  • asz2-qul2 5(disz) _ma-na uruda_ a-na ra-di2-im a-di2-in-ma a-na sza-pa2-at na-ri-im u2-sze2-ra-ni mi3-ma a-nim i-na wa-ah-szu-sza-na

    AI Translation

    I have sat down. Whatever in the shalatiwaar of my name I have sat down.

  • 5 minas of copper for the karib-house;
  • 5 minas of copper for the kashim-festival;
  • I weighed out 5 minas of copper for the rations and for the shapat nari. I brought everything. The rations in Wahshushana



    a-szu-mi3 pe2-er-dim u2-sza-qi2-il5

    AI Translation

    I have sworn by my name.

    P391078: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    _kiszib3_ a-de8-la2-at _kiszib3_ szu-be-lim _kiszib3_ szu-up-e-wa-ra _kiszib3_ zu-li-a _dumu_ zu-pa2 _kiszib3_ ha-pu-a-la2 _dumu_ szu-up-e-wa-ra _kiszib3_ szu-ra-ma _dumu_ bi-la2-zu _kiszib3_ szu-up-a-ah-szu _dumu_ ka3-nu-usz-ka3-an _kiszib3_ ti2-pu-la2 _kiszib3_ ti2-is _kiszib3_ wa-al-ha-asz2-na / me-er-i-szu _ARAD2_ sza-hu-isz-nu-ma-an szu-up-a-ah-szu a-na en-um-a-szur

    AI Translation

    Seal of Adeleat, seal of Shu-belim, seal of Shu-up-ewa, seal of Zulia, son of Zupa, seal of Ha-pa'ala, son of Shu-up-ewa, seal of Shuram, son of Bilazu, seal of Shu-pahshu, son of Kanushkan, seal of Tipula, seal of Waalhashu, son of Merishu, servant of Shahushnuma, Shu-pahshu to Enum-Assur.



    a-na szi2-mi3-im i-di2-szu szu-ma ma-ma-an a-na _ARAD2_ a-na en-um-a-szur i-tu3-wa-ar

  • 2(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ szu-up-a-ah-szu
  • a-na en-um-a-szur i-sza-qal szu-up-a-ah-szu a-sza-su2 u2 me-er-i-szu a-na _ARAD2_ sza-hu-isz-nu-ma-an

    AI Translation

    he will give him. If anyone to the servant to Enum-Assur will turn away,

  • 2 minas of silver for his supahshu-offerings,
  • to Enum-Assur he shall weigh out; Shu-upahshu, his field and his field to the servant Shahushnuman.



    a-na en-um-a-szur la2 i-tu3-ru szi2-im-szu sza-bu

    AI Translation

    He has not returned to Enum-Ashur, his fate is unknown.

    P391079: mathematical tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 5(disz) _ma-na ku3-sig17_ liq-tum
  • 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2-ta ku3-babbar_-ap-szu
  • 1(asz) _gu2_ 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na
  • AI Translation
  • 5 minas of gold, ...;
  • 15 shekels each of its silver
  • 1 talent 15 mina
  • P391080: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    a-na 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza a-szur-na-da _dumu_ szu-en-lil2 ha-bu-la2-ni en-um-a-szur a-hu-szu pu-szu-ke-en6 ((u3)) bu-s,i2-a u2 sza-li-a-szur um-ma szu-ut-ma szu-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-di2 _iti-kam_ u2 2(disz) _iti-kam_ la2 usz-ta-ak-szi2-id er-ba-a _e2 dam-gar3_ _ku3-babbar_ li-qe2-a-ma _ku3-babbar_ a-s,i2-ib-tim ((a-s,i2-ib-tim)) u3 s,i2-ba-su2 di2-na-szum _igi_ sza-lim-a-szur _dumu_ i-su2-ri-ik _igi_ zu-pa2 _dumu_ esz18-dar-[pa2-li-il5] ha-musz-tim sza a-[num]-i3-li2 _igi_ a-mur-esz18-dar

    AI Translation

    for 1/3 mina of silver of Ashur-nada, son of Shu-Enlil, the haruspex of Enum-Assur, his brother, Pushu-ken, bushi-a and Shali-Assur, thus he: "If the silver for two months and a half not be repaid, the erba'a, the merchant's house, shall take, and the silver for the haruspex, the haruspex and the shitasu he shall pay." Before Shalim-Assur, son of Isurik; before Zupa, son of Eshdar-palil, the haruspex of Anum-ili; before Amur-ishtar,

    P391081: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    i-nu-mi3 e-mu-ni nu-sze2-ri-bu ki-ma isz-ri-im 2/3(disz)# _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na mu-sa3-ri-im asz2-qul2 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na sza-hi-ri-in

  • 2/3(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na 3(disz) ki-ra-tim asz2-qul2
  • 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na szi2-ri-im asz2-qul2-ma
  • e-mu-ni u3 e-ba-ru-tu3-szu a-si2-i e-mu-ni u3 e-ba-ru-tu3-szu a-si2-ma

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ ((x)) ga-me-er i-nu-mi3 isz-tu3
  • wa#-ah#-szu-sza-na i-li-ka3-ni 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na sza-hi-ri-in 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na 2(disz) ki-ri-in asz2-qul2

  • 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na szi2-ri-im asz2-qul2-ma e-mu-ni
  • u3 e-ba-ru-tu3-szu a-si2-i 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na

  • 2(disz) na-ru-uq u3 1(disz) _dug_ bu-uq-lim asz2-qul2
  • 4(disz) _gin2_ a-na 2(disz) na-ru-uq ba-pi2-ri-im
  • asz2-qul2 7(disz) _gin2 la2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na 6(disz) na-ru-uq _sze_-am asz2-qul2 6(disz) 2/3(disz) _gin2_ a-na 4(disz) na-ru-uq ar-sza-tim asz2-qul2 2(disz) 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-na hi-im-tim asz2-qul2 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _gin2_ a-na di2-isz-pi3-im asz2-qul2

  • 2(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na pa2-ni-ri sza al-pi3-im
  • u3 e-me-ri asz2-qul2 1(u) 5(disz) _gin2_ a-na al-pi3-im asz2-qul2 2/3(disz) _gin2_ a-na _udu_ asz2-qul2 2/3(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) / _sze_ a-na _udu_-ma asz2-qul2 1(disz) 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-na _udu_ [n] _gin2_ a-na _udu_ asz2-qul2 1(disz) _gin2_ a-na e-ri-qi2-im [n] _la2_ 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-na s,u2-ri-im a-na sza ti2-ib-nim [asz2]-qul2 _amar?_ al-pi3-im u2 e-me-ri asz2-qul2 [n] _gin2_ a-na 2(disz) masz-ke sza-pa2-ti2-im [asz2]-qul2# 3(disz) 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-na 2(disz) e-ri-qe2-[en]

    [sza e]-s,i2# asz2-qul2 1(disz) _gin2 la2_ 7(disz) 1/2(disz) _sze_

    AI Translation

    When we entered, we weighed out 2/3 shekel 15 grains for the sacrificial grain. 1/4 shekel for the shahirin.

  • 2/3 shekel 15 grains for 3 kirati I weighed out.
  • I weighed out 1/4 shekel for the rations and
  • "I will investigate and determine his case." "I will investigate and determine his case."

  • 1 1/2 shekels of silver, ..., when
  • Wahshushana, his god, I weighed out 1/4 shekel for the shahirin and 1/2 shekel for 2 kirin.

  • I have weighed out 1/4 shekel for the rations and weighed out the rations.
  • and his interest, 4 1/2 shekels for

  • 2 narumuq-vessels and 1 jar of bouillon,
  • 4 shekels for 2 narum-stones of pomegranates;
  • I weighed out 7 shekels less 15 grains for 6 narumuq-measures of barley. I weighed out 6 2/3 shekels for 4 narumuq-measures of arshatum. I weighed out 2 1/6 shekels for the reeds. I weighed out 1 1/3 shekels for the reeds.

  • 2 1/4 shekels for the stele of Alpim;
  • and emeri I weighed out. 15 shekels for alpim I weighed out. 2/3 shekel for sheep I weighed out. 2/3 shekel 15 / grain for sheep I weighed out. 1 1/6 shekel for sheep I weighed out. 1 shekel for eriqim I weighed out. n less 1/6 shekel for the shurim of Tibnim I weighed out. Amar? alpim and emeri I weighed out. n shekel for 2 mashakku-shapim I weighed out. 3/6 shekel for 2 eriqeans

    which is weighed out, 1 shekel less 7 1/2 grains,



    [a-na ki]-ra-ni asz2-qul2 2(disz) _gin2_ [a-na] [e]-ri-qi2-im sza qa2-nu-we [n] _gin2_ a-na a-la2-ni u3 ki-ra-ni [n] 5(disz) _gin2_ a-na 3(u) sza-hi-ra-tim [n] 4(disz) _gin2_ a-na _i3-gesz_ asz2-qul2 1/4(disz) _gin2#_ a-na um-zi-im 1/3(disz) _gin2_ a-na szu-um-ki asz2-qul2 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na 1(disz) _dug_ ha-asz2-la2-tim asz2-qul2 1(disz) _la2_ 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-na 3(disz)? na-ru-uq pa2-e asz2-qul2 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-qa2-nu-we sza ki-ra-tim

  • 1(disz) _gin2_ a-na zi-ri ma-la2-hi u2 ha-ba-sza-tim
  • 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na hi-im-tim bi4-isz-tim asz2-qul2
  • 1/2(disz) _gin2 la2_ 7(disz) 1/2(disz) _sze_ a-na e-s,i2 asz2-qul2 2(u) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) _sze_
  • ((a)) a-qa2-nu-we asz2-qul2 sza-ku-kam a-[x]-szu a-di2-in 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na ak-le x [x]-tim

  • 1(u) 5(disz)? _sze_ a-qa2-ni 2/3(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na ku-[x]-tim#
  • asz2-qul2 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na ki-ki-a-ni asz2-qul2

  • 5/6(disz) _ma-na_ a-na 5(disz) ku-ta-ni asz2-qul2
  • 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na na-ah-la2-pa2-ti2-sza asz2-qul2
  • 4(disz) _gin2_ a-na szi2-it-ri-sza asz2-qul2
  • 3(disz) _gin2_ a-na szi2-it-ri asz2-qul2-ma a-ma-tim
  • ar-ku-az 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na 2(disz) ki-ri-in asz2-qul2 1/3(disz) _gin2_ a-na sza-hi-ri-in e-mu-ni u3 e-ba-ru-(tu3)-szu a-si2-i

  • 2/3(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na 3(disz) ki-ra-tim 1/6(disz) _gin2_
  • a-na e-s,i2 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na sza-hi-ri-in

  • 2/3(disz) _gin2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-na sze2-ni-in asz2-qul2-ma
  • i-sza-pa2-(ar) be-el sza x e-mu-ni u2 e-ba-ru-tu3-(szu) a-si2-i e-mu-ni u3

    AI Translation

    to the quay I weighed out; 2 shekels for the eriqim of the quay; n shekels for the ala'u and the quay; n shekels for the 30 shahiratu; n shekels 4 shekels for oil; 1/4 shekel for the umzim; 1/3 shekel for the shumku I weighed out; 1/2 shekel for 1 hashlatu vessel; 1 less 1/6 shekel for 3? naruq-vessel I weighed out; 1/3 shekel for the aqanû-vessel of the kiratu-vessel

  • 1 shekel for the ziggurat of malahu-plant and habashatum-plant;
  • 1/4 shekel I weighed out for the restitution of the debt.
  • 1/2 shekel less 7 1/2 grains for the eshû-offering I weighed out; 22 1/2 grains
  • I have sat down. I have given him ..., 1/4 shekel for the ... of the throne.

  • 15? grains I weighed, 2/3 shekel 15 grains for .
  • I have weighed out 15 grains for the kikki-offerings.

  • 5/6 mina for 5 kutani I weighed out.
  • 4 1/2 shekels for her nahlupati-offerings I weighed out.
  • 4 shekels for her ration I carried.
  • 3 shekels for the ration I weighed out, and the sea
  • I have weighed out 1/2 shekel for 2 kirugu. 1/3 shekel for the shahirinu, and its ebaru-measure I have measured out.

  • 2/3 shekel 15 grains for 3 kiratitims, 6/6 shekel
  • to the eshi-measure: 1/4 shekel for the shahirin-measure;

  • I weighed out 2/3 shekel 15 grains for the rations and
  • The lord who ... his witnesses and his witnesses, the ... his witnesses and



    e-ba-ru-tu3-szu a-si2-ma 2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ ga-me-er 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na 5(disz) [...] asz2-qul2 1/3(disz) _gin2_ a-na e-s,i2 1/6(disz) _gin2_ a-na a-la2-ni 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-zu-[...] asz2-qul2 e-mu-ni u3 e-ba-ru-tu3-szu i-sza-pa2-ar a-si2-ma [...]

  • 7(disz) ki-ra-tim 1(disz) 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-na _udu_ 1/4(disz) _gin2_ a-e-s,i2 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ a-zu-[...]
  • a-ha-(at)-ni qa2-qa2-sa3 a-na esz18-dar ta-ag-lu-ub

    AI Translation

    his interest I have taken. 2 shekels of silver, the price of a ..., I have taken. 1/3 shekel to the interest, 1/6 shekel to the rent, 15 grains I have taken. The judge and his interest I shall send. I have taken. .

  • 7 kiratitims, 1 1/4 shekels for sheep, 1/4 shekel for aeshi, 15 grains for azu-...;
  • You have sworn by the command of your great divinity to Ishtar.

    P391082: other-genre bulla

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    t,up-[pu]-um# sza nu-a-e

    AI Translation

    Tablet of the king, my lord, concerning the king, my lord:

    Seal 1


    [a]-szur3-sipa _dumu_ puzur4-esz18-dar#

    AI Translation

    Ashur-sipa, son of Puzur-Ishtar.

    P391083: royal-monumental bulla

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    (d)na-ra-am-(d)suen ensi2 (d)a-szur3 _dumu_ puzur4#-(d)a-szur3# ensi2 (d)a-szur3

    AI Translation

    Naram-Sin, governor of Ashur, son of Puzur-Ashur, governor of Ashur.

    P391085: other-genre bulla

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    na-asz2-pe3-er-tum sza szal2-mi3-hi-im _dumu_ dan-a-szur

    AI Translation

    Nashertu of Shalmihim, son of Dan-Assur.

    P391086: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) me-at u2 6(u)
  • na-ru-uq sze-um i-la2-li-isz-ka2-an tu3-pe2-zi-al-ka3 ka3-lu-pa2 tu3-ma-na ha-asz2-ta-li pu-li-na ha-nu a-szu-asz2-szu ta-ak-sza-ma i-ri-szu-nu szi2-wa-asz2-me-i ku-um-ru-um sza hi-gi5-sza u2 za-mi3-la ba-pi2-ri ha-bu-lu _igi_ en-na-su2-en _igi_ a-szur-na-da _igi_ sa-ra-ni-ka3-an _igi_ ta-mu-ri-a _igi_ ki-ka3-ar-((asz2))-na-ah-szu a-na ha-ar-pe3 i-sza-qu-lu

    AI Translation
  • 100 hectares of land, 60 hectares of land,
  • a stele of barley, of Ilishka'an, you bind. Kalupa, you bind. Haztalu, the stele of the stele, you bind. The stele of the stele you bind. The stele of the stele you bind. The stele of her stele and the zamila-plant, the stele of the stele, the stele, before Ennasuen, before Ashurnada, before Saranikan, before Tamuriya, before Kikarnashu, to the stele they strew.

    P391087: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    szu-a-nu-um _maszkim_ sza a-szur3-i-mi3-ti2 [_dumu_] szu#-nu#-nu# is,-ba-at-ni-a-ti2 a-szur3-i-mi3-ti2 bu-za-zu isz-a-al um-ma a-szur-i-mi3-ti2-ma

  • 1(u) _ma-na ku3-babbar_ szu-esz18-dar _dumu_ a-szur3-ba-ni
  • a-na be2-a-lim i-di2-na-ma t,up-pa2-am sza ki-la2-li-ni la2-pi2-it a-di2 ba-ab2 ha-ra-ni-szu _ku3-babbar_ a-bi-il5 a-di2-i ne2-ma-al _ku3-babbar_-pi3-a tam2-ka3-ri la2 s,a-ba-tim i-ma-la2 a-wa-ti2-im nu-pi2-isz-ma _ku3-babbar_ ku!-lu-szu-ma? a-na 6(disz) _tug2_ sza a-ki-di2-e ip-hu-ur a-na da-a-ni ta-ar-di2-e-ma t,up#-pa2-am sza# ma-ta? _igi_ da-a-ni [ta]-asz2#-ku-ma da-a-nu-um a-na ar-ni-im [i-di2-(na?)]-ni sza _ku3-babbar_ mi3-ma la2 al-qe2-u2-ma [a-ta ta-be2]-e-lu-szu-ma i-li-bi4-ka3-ni?

    [...] _la2?_ 5(disz)? _mu? ku3-babbar_ u3 ne2-ma-al-szu [...] sza# ni-isz3 a-lim(ki) u2 ru-ba-im [szi2-bu-ti2 ka3-i]-la2# a-na a-lim(ki) u2 be-li2#-[a] [a-wa-ti2 bi-la2 ki-ma t,up-pa2]-am#? sza a-lim(ki) [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    The king, my lord, seized the son of Ashur-imitti, and Ashur-imitti asked your vizier: "Ashur-imitti,

  • 10 minas of silver, Shu-Ishtar, son of Ashur-bani;
  • To Bel he gave, and the tablet of our kalilu-offerings he smashed, until the smashed ones his heirs silver Abi-il until the smashed ones silver he weighed out. The word was not smashed, and the silver was stolen, and for 6 akidi-garments he smashed. To the judge you shall listen, and the tablet of the land before the judge you shall set, and the judge to the judge you shall give. To the judge I shall give, and the silver I did not take. From the judge I shall take, and he shall come to you.

    ... 5? years? of silver and its interest ... of the supplication of the city and the ru'im, the rations he shall take. To the city and my lord, the words he shall take. Like a tablet? of the city ... ... .



    [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] la2 li-[...] bi4-la2-ma szu-[ma? ...] lu-nu-sza-bi4 [...] a-na sza-bu-[im? ...] a-s,e-er qa2-ta-ti2-ka3 na#-al-pu-ta-ku-ni u3 t,up-pi3-ka3 ha-ru-mu-tim sza hu-bu-li#-ka3 sza ma-du-tim u2-ka3-lu u3 a-ta a-na# a-lim(ki) tu3-sza-sa3-ha-ni a-na# a-wa-tim# a-ni-a-tim ka3-ru-um ka3-ni-isz3 i-di2-ni-a-ti2-ma _igi gir2?_ sza a-szur3 szi2-bu-ti2-ni ni-di2-in _igi_ ah-sza-lim _dumu_ i-di2-esz18-dar _igi_ i-ku-pi3-a _dumu_ szu?-esz18-dar

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to the ..., to the ..., to the ..., to the ..., to your qatati, your napping, and your tablet, the harumu-sheep of Hubuli, of the many, they shall carry, and to the city you shall return, to the ..., to the ..., the karum, the kanish, we shall give, before the gir of Ashur, our shabû-sheep, we shall give; before Ahshallim, son of Idi-ishtar; before Ikupia, son of Shu-ishtar,

    P391088: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    [...]-mi3 / (d)iszkur / szi2-im szu!-mi3-x [_dingir-mesz] kur#_ ka3-ni-isz _kur_ a-asz2-ka3-szi2#-pa2 [...] _ab2-kam!_ / ((d))su2-in / (d#)utu#! [...] (d)ku#!-ba-ba / [...] [...] ba! e [...] e# ni [...] [x x]-ka3 / [...] ku lu x [...] [...] ka3# x ba [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...]-tam2# [...] x x [...] x-nim [...] szu! x [x x] ha-x [x] lu#! ta-la2-qe2-u2-ni [...] x [...] ta#-la2-qe2-u2-ni [...] ku-ta#-[nim x x] x x ra-qa2-tim u3# ku#-si2#-tim# [x x] sza# li-tab-szi2-ka3

    i-na e-mu-qe2-e# la2# te2#-t,e2-ru-ni a-na szi2#-mi3#-im / ba-at-qi2-im / la2 ta-la2-qe2-u2-ni [a]-na# _tug# hi-a_ ku-ta-nim / isz-tu3 ni-is-ha-ti2-ka3 ta#-la2-qe2#-[u2-ni] x _tug2_ ma-ku#-hi# 2(disz)# ku#-ta-ne-en6 a-na szi2-[mi3-im sza ma-ku-hi u2] _tug2# hi#-a_ ku-ta-ni ta-la2-qe2#-[u2-ni x] x [... _gin2]-ta ku3-babbar_ i-na [...]-tum# i-nu-mi3 [...] an#! [...] u2#-ba-la2-ni [...] ku! 1(u) x [...] [...]-tim# / lu# ta# [x x tu3]-szu#-ru-ni [...] / _na4 za:gin3_ / [...]-pi3-isz-tim

    [szu-ma t,a2]-ab2-szu-um / i-[da-na]-ku-um [szu-ma la2 t,a2]-ab2-szu-um / a-szi2-szu / tu3-ta-ar-ma [a-szar] li#-bi4-szu / u2-ba-al / u2 a-ta [i-na] ma#-ti2-ka3 / ra-bi4-u2-tim [u2 a]-li#-ka3 / su2-qa2-qi2-ka3 / i-na ma-ti2-ka3 [u2 a-li]-ka3 / la2 tu3-sza-ri-[u2]-ni-ma [i!-pa2!]-ni#-szu / u2 ur#-ki#-szu / [... a]-szi2-szu x [x] ga#!-szu [a-na] be-el / a-szi2-i-im [...]-ni-ma! / a-szi2-szu [x-x]-u2-ni / i-nu-mi3 / da-mu-um# [sza _dumu_] a-szur3 / i-na a-li-ka3 [u2 ma]-ti2#-ka3 / i-ne2-pu-szu-ni

    [hu-lu]-qa2-um / i-ba-szi2-u2-ni

    AI Translation

    ... ... Adad ... ... the gods of the land, ... the land Ashkashappa ... ... ... Suen ... Shamash ... Kubaba ...

    With the troops you did not send, for the fate of the ..., you did not send, for the garments of the ..., from your nishati you did not send, ... garments of the ..., 2 garments of the ..., you did not send, for the fate of the ..., and the garments of the ..., you did not send, ... shekels of silver in ... At that time, ... ... ... ... ... you brought ...

    If he is ill, he will give. If he is not ill, his place he will return and where his residence he will settle. If at the place of your birth, the great one, and the place of your birth, the squandering, in the country and the place of your birth, you will not return and he will be seized. If at the place of your birth, the place of your birth, the squandering, and the place of your birth, you will not return and he will be seized, ... his place ... his ... to the owner of the dwelling ... and his ... when the death of the son of Ashur in the country and the land they shall perform.

    They are a bunch of .



    [a]-na# da-me-e / szi2-im-tam2# [ta]-da2#-na-ni-a-ti2-ma / ni-du-wa-ak-szu [sza]-ni#-a-am / pu-ha-am#! / la2 ta-da2-na-ni-a-ti2 [hu]-lu#-qa2-am / lu tu3-ta-ru-ni / i-nu-mi3 [_dumu_ ka3-ni]-isz# / u2 _dumu_ da-szur3# a?#-na di2-ni-im [i-lu-ku]-ni# di2-szu-nu i-na ke-na-tim [lu ta-di2-na-ni] a#-na _dumu#_ a-li-ka3 / ka3-ni-isz [...] szu-ma / _dumu_ da-szur3 [a-na _dumu_ ka3-ni-isz] / i-ta-ah-ba-al [u2-sza-ra-ma _dumu_] ka3#-[ni]-isz# / i-la2-qe2 [_dumu_ da-szur3 ur]-ka3#-tam2# i-la2-qe2 / szu-ma

    [_dumu_ ka3-ni-isz a]-na# _dumu_ da-szur3 i#-ta#-[ah-ba-al] u2-sza-ra-ma / _dumu_ a-szur3 i-la2-qe2 / _dumu#_ [ka3-ni]-isz# / ur-ka3-tam2 i-la2-qe2-e / szu-ma / be-el# _tug2# hi#-a#_ hu#-lu#-qa2-um i-na a-li-ka3 / u2 ma-ti2-ka3 / i-ba#-[szi2] ta-sze2-e-ma / tu3-ta-ar / szu-ma / la2 ta-ta-mar / be-el# hu-lu-qa2-e / i-ta-ma-ma u2 a-ta hu-lu-qa2-am / tu3-ma-la2 / a-na _e2_(be-et) tam2-ka3-ri-im / al-ma-tim / _dumu_ ka3-ni-isz u2 ha-pi3-ra-am / la2 tu3-szu-ru-ni a-na _e2_(be-tim) _sag10_ ur-dim _sag10_

    am-tim _sag10 _gan2#_ sag10_ u2 ki-ri-im _sag10_ / sza _dumu_ a-szur3 / szu-um-szu / e-ne2-ka3 la2 ta-na-szi2-u2-ma / i-na e-mu-qi2 la2 te2-t,e2-ru-ni-ma / a-na ur-di2-ka3 / la2 ta-du-nu-ni i-na 1(u) _ta_ pa2#-ra-ka3-ni 1(disz) pa2-ra-ka3-nam ni-is-ha-ti2-ka3 / ta-la2-qe2 / szu-ma _tug2_ i-na a-bu-lim / i-s,a-ba-at _tug2_ szi2-im-tam2# i-ta-ba-al / szu-ma _dumu_ a-szur3 / a-na _dumu_ ka3-ni-isz i-ta-ah-ba-al-ma / a-na ma-tim sza-ni-tim / i-ta-[la2]-ak# a-pu-hi-szu tam2-ka3-ra-am sza-ni-a-am / a-hi-a-am

    u2 a-hu-szu / la2 i-s,a-bu-tu3-ni / ha-bu-la2-nam szi2-im-tam2 / lu i-sze2-e-u2-ni i-nu-mi3 / ma-at-ka3 [a]-na u2-nu-szi2-im ta-la2-pu-tu3-ni _dumu#_ a-szur3 szu-um-szu / a-na u2-nu-szi2-im la2# ta#-la2-pu-tu3-ni / i-nu-mi3 / i-na a-li#-ka3 sza#! di2-tim / a#-du-ra-ar am-tim# [u2 ur-dim x x]-ta! sza _dumu#_ ka3#-ni-isz# [x x _dumu_] a#-szur3# szu-um-szu a-du-ra-ar#

    AI Translation

    To the satraps / the shitam / the verdict you give, and his niddukshu-offerings another, the satrap / the shitam / the shitam / the shitam / the shitam / the shitam / the shitam / the huluqam / the tutarunu / when the son of Kanish / and the son of Dashur to a lawsuit / the shitam / the shitam / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the son of Aliku / Kanish ... he / the son of Dashur to the son of Kanish / he shall ... he shall give, and the son of Kanish / will take, the son of Dashur the urkatam will take, he / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / the tiddinnu / tiddinn

    The son of Kanish to the son of Dashur will be sated. He shall give, and the son of Ashur he shall take. The son of Kanish he shall take. The urkatam he shall take. That lord of the soiled garments in your city and the land there is, you shall go and you shall see. That he did not see. The lord of the soiled garments he shall see, and from the soiled garment you shall go. To the house of the tamkarim / a sea-wall / sea-wall

    The arid land, the arid land, and the rocky land, the arid land, the arid land, the arid land, the arid land, the land of the son of Ashur, his name, you shall not take, and with the army you shall not approach me, and to the herd you shall not approach me, from 10 to 1 you shall take, and from 1 to the herd you shall take. You shall take, and from one to the other you shall take, and from one garment a man shall take, and the second garment shall take. You shall take, and from the son of Ashur to the son of Kanish he shall take, and to the other country shall go, his ..., the second garment a man shall take.

    and his ahu-she did not take away, the hazulam-sheep he shall take away. When your land to live, you shall take away. The son of Assur, his name, to live, you shall take away. When in your city, of the judge, the aduraru of the Amtu and the urdim ... of the son of Kanish ... the son of Assur, his name, the aduraru



    [...] ru# [...] i-na e-mu-qi2# [la2] ta#-s,a-ba-tu3-[ni ...] [...] szu a zi#! [...] a#! hi sza x la2! x [_dumu_] a-szur3 [...] [x x] na-ak-ra-ti2#-ni#! ha#-ra#-nam lu tu3-szu-ru-ni-a-ti2-ni [...] [i-nu]-mi3 _dumu_ a-szur3 a-na ma-mi3-tim ta-du-nu-ni _gir2_ u2 szu-ga-ri-[a-im sza a-szur3 ...] [x]-sza-ku-nu-szu-ni _dingir_ lu-u2 a-ni-u2-tum be-el# ma#-mi3-ti2-ka3 i-da2-gu5-lu-ka3 ma#-mi3-tum! / [sza ... _lugal_] _gal_ ka3-ni-sze2-e-im

    AI Translation

    ... ... with the army you did not capture ... ... ... son of Assur ... ... our enemies you did not bring to us. ... When the son of Assur to a fate you gave, the foot and the shubarim of Assur ... ... your ... god, may the lord of your fate curse you. The fate of ... the great king of Kanishem

    P391089: other-genre tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    _kiszib3_ i3-li2-isz-ti2-kal2 _kiszib3_ (d)iszkur-gal _dub-sar_ _kiszib3_ ti2-wa-ti2-a _kiszib3_ ha-sza-an-sza-ar-na-wa _kiszib3_ isz#-pu-nu-ma-an [sza] hu-bu-ul ti2-wa-ti2-a ha-sza-an-sza-ar-na-wa u3 isz-pu-nu-ma-an 1(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ili-ishtikal, seal of Adad-gal, the scribe, seal of Tiwatia, seal of Hashan-sharnawa, seal of Ishpunuma, of the debt of Tiwatia, Hashan-sharnawa and Ishpunuma, 1 mina of silver



    s,a-ru-pu-um sza a-szur-ma-lik isz-tu3 ha-mu-usz-tim sza a-szur-ma-lik u3 (ka3)-ab-ri-a i-nu-mi3 ru-ba-um a-na tu3-zi-nim e-s,a-dim e-ru-bu a-na e-ti2-szu-nu i-sza-qu2-lu

    AI Translation

    The sharapu of Ashur-malik from the hamushtum of Ashur-malik and the abaru-gate when the ru-ba-a to the tuzinu-vessel he seized, entered their midst, they shall devour.

    P391090: other-genre bulla

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    [na-asz2-pe2-er-tum] [sza] ha-nu [x x] x

    AI Translation

    The supplication of Hanu .

    P391091: other-genre bulla

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


    _kiszib3_ a-he-e [a-na] u2-ra-a [x]-a-szur3 u3 [x x] sza mar im [t,up]-pu#-um [sza szi2]-a-ma-tim

    AI Translation

    Seal of each other for the remission of debts of ...-assur and ... of the ... of the tablet of the shimatim.

    P391092: letter tablet

    Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-szur-sza-di2-li qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)a-szur-ma-a-su2 tu3-sza-hi-sa3-ni-ni _an-na_ a-na a-szur-ta-ak-la2-ku _dumu_ a-am-ri-a / _igi_ szi2-na ap2-qi2-su2-um / a-na _an-na_-ki-ka3 li-ba-ka3 / i-ha-du a-hi a-ta / i-hi-id-ma

    AI Translation

    To Ashur-shadili speak! Thus Ashur-masu: You have made us prosper! Ana to Ashur-taklaku, son of Amria, before them I appointed him. To Ana-ki may he go! The one who he has seized, the one who he has taken, and


  • 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _ma-na uruda sag10_
  • isz-ti2 / szal2-ma-a-szur _dumu_ (d)iszkur-sag10 sze2-s,i2-am / a-pu-tum szu-ma ta-ra-a-ma-ni _uruda_-am la2 te2-zi-ba-am szu-ma ta-da2-ga-al-ma _uruda_ la2 i-sza-qa2-al t,up-pu-szu hi-ri-im

    AI Translation
  • 4 1/2 minas of copper, capital,
  • From Shalmassur, son of Adad-sag, a sacrificial sheep.



    i-na ti2-ti2?-hu-ur i-na e-ra-szi2!-im nu-qa2-ma

    AI Translation

    We have sat down in the titur-house, in the courtyard.

    P391107: letter tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    x x [...]-_du_-ka-ta ki-_har_-ra-sze3 2(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) nindan-_du_ ki-_har_-ra-ta [x]-a2-ti-sze3 [n] 2(gesz'u) 3(u) nindan-_du_ [x]-a2-ti-ta [x]-e2-sze3 [n] 1(gesz'u)? 1(u)# nindan-_du_

    AI Translation

    from ... to the ...; 420 nindan-du, from the ... to ...; n 300 nindan-du, from ... to ...; n 100? 10 nindan-du,

    Column 2


    x [x]-da#-x i7-nun-[sze3] 3(gesz'u) 2(u) nindan-_du#_ szunigin 5(asz) da-na 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) nindan-_du_ x ki-sur-ra na-la i7-nun-ta i7 szu-ga-lam-sze3#

    AI Translation

    ... to the ... canal, 420 nindan-du; total: 5 Dana; 115 nindan-du ... the border, from the ... canal to the Shugalam canal;

    Column 1


    i7 szu-ga-lam-ta# du6 ur-ge6# [x?] 2(gesz'u)# 3(asz) 2(u)? [...] du6 ur-ge6-[ta] e2-_gun3_-[a-sze3] 2(gesz'u)# 3(gesz2) 3(u) nindan#-[_du_] e2-_gun3_-a-[x] _har_-ta [...] [n] 1(gesz2) 2(u) [...]

    AI Translation

    from the Shugalam canal to the canal of Urge ...; 63? ... from the canal of Urge to the Eguna; 420? ... from the Eguna ...;

    Column 2


    [x]-nu2#-ta [x]-lugal#-uszur3-sze3 [n] n 1(gesz'u)# 8(gesz2) 2(u) ninda-_du_ [x]-lugal-uszur3-ta [x]-nigin2?-sze3 1(asz@c) da-na 1(gesz'u)# 9(gesz2)# nindan-_du_ kisal-ta e-sag-sze3

    AI Translation

    from ... to ...-lugal-ushur; n,060 nindan-du-measures from ...-lugal-ushur to ...-nigin; 1 Dana, 900 nindan-du-measures from the courtyard to Esag;



    [...] gen#?-na-da-bi#?

    AI Translation

    ... he will bring it.

    P391109: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    [n u3] ak-dam a-sza3-bi 3(bur'u@c) _gan2_ szu-na lu2 lugal-ra#? x [(...)]

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) la2 1(disz@t) u3 en-[...]
  • 1(u) 1(disz) u3 ak-[dam?]
  • a#-[sza3]-bi 3(bur'u@c) _gan2#_ lugal#-uszur3-[...]

    AI Translation

    n and are here; its field: 30 bur'u, field in hand of the king;

  • 91 and En-...
  • 11 and Akdam?,
  • its field: 30 bur'u; ... Lugal-ushur-...;



    [...] x n 1(u) [u3 ...] a-sza3-bi [...] a2-[...]

  • 1(u) u3 [...]
  • a-sza3-bi 1(esze3@c) [...] ur-(d?)x-_du_-a dumu lugal-e [...]-nu [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... 10 and ... its field ... labor .

  • 10 and ...,
  • its field: 1 eshe-c, ... Ur-..., son of Lugal-e, ...-nu, ...;

    P391112: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [...] dumu-nita2#? [...] x

    AI Translation

    Column 2


    x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 1


    szunigin 3(disz) dumu-nita2 szunigin 1(disz) szu-gi4# erin2-me# szunigin 1(asz@c) na-gada#? x szunigin 2(asz@c) gab2-us2 x [...] ama?-dab5-me# ug3-_il2#_?-[me] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    total: 3 male kids; total: 1 shugi labor-troop; total: 1 nagda? ...; total: 2 nanny goats ...; the suckling? mothers, the porters ...;

    Column 2


    [szunigin2 n] 6(disz)# dumu-nita2 [szunigin2 n] dumu-nita2 nu-siki [szunigin2] 1(disz)#? _sig7_-a dumu-nita2 szunigin2# 4(asz) ab-_il2_ szunigin2 2(asz) ama-_il2_ szunigin2# 2(u) 6(disz) szu-gi4 [szunigin2] 1(asz@c) x x x [nigin?-ba?] 5(u@c)# x [...]

    AI Translation

    total: n 6 male kids; total: n male kids, without garment; total: 1? ..., male kids; total: 4 ..., ab-il; total: 2 ..., ama-il; total: 26 shu-gi; total: 1 ...; total: 50 ...;

    P391155: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391163: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3#-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2]-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2#-ninnu anzu2(muszen) babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple he built for him.

    Column 2


    mu-[na-du3] ki-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391164: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d#)[nin-gir2-su] [ur-sag kal-ga] [(d)en-lil2-la2] [lugal-a-ni] gu3#-[de2-a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2 [e2-ninnu] (d)nin#-[gir2-su-ka] in-[du3-a] e2-_pa_ e2# [ub imin-a-ni] mu-[na-du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ... temple, he built for him.

    P391165: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin-gir2]-su [ur-sag kal]-ga# [(d)en-lil2-la2]-ra [gu3-de2]-a ensi2# [lagasz(ki)]-ke4# [nig2-du7-e pa] mu#-[na]-e3# [e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen) babbar2]-ra#-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he made the Eninnu, his white temple, shine with splendor.

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391166: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni# gu3#-de2#-[a] [ensi2] [lagasz(ki)-ke4] [nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3] [e2-ninnu anzu2](muszen#) babbar2#-ra#-ni# mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple he built for him.

    P391167: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin]-gir2-su [ur-sag] kal#-ga [(d)en-lil2]-la2-ra [gu3]-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4# [nig2-du7-e pa] mu#-na-e3# [e2-ninnu] anzu2#(muszen) [babbar2]-ra#-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him. In his white Eninnu temple, he erected a white eagle.

    Column 2


    mu-na#-[du3] ki#-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391168: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en#-lil2#-la2#-ra# [gu3-de2-a] [ensi2] [lagasz(ki)-ke4] [nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3] [e2]-ninnu# anzu2#(muszen) babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him. His white Eninnu temple

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391169: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2#-la2-ra# gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3 e2#-ninnu# anzu2(muszen) babbar2-ra-ni#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple

    P391170: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin-gir2-su] [ur-sag kal-ga] [(d)en-lil2-la2-ra] [gu3-de2-a] [ensi2] [lagasz(ki)-ke4] [nig2-du7-e pa] mu#-[na-e3] [e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him. His Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391171: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki#)-[ke4] nig2-du7-e pa [mu]-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-[ra-ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the one who makes perfect the nigdu offerings, his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird,

    P391172: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2#-la2-[ra] lugal-a-ni gu3-de2#-[a]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea,

    P391173: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin-gir2-su] [ur-sag kal]-ga# [(d)en-lil2-la2-ra] [gu3-de2]-a# ensi2#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, the governor,

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391174: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    mu#-na-du3 ki#-be2 mu-na#-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391175: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]nin#-gir2-su [ur]-sag kal-ga [(d)]en#-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni [gu3]-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2]-du7#-e pa mu-na#-e3 e2#-ninnu anzu2(muszen) babbar2#-ra-ni mu#-na-du3 [ki]-be2# mu-na#-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple he built for him and restored for him.

    P391176: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2] lugal-a-[ni] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] [lu2 e2-ninnu] [(d)nin-gir2-su-ka] [in-du3-a] [e2-_pa_ e2 ub imin-a-ni] mu#-na#-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ... temple, he built for him.

    P391177: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d#)nin-gir2#-su [ur]-sag# kal-ga [(d)]en#-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni gu3#-de2-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki) [lu2] e2#-ninnu [(d)nin]-gir2#-su#-ka [in]-du3#-a [e2-_pa_ e2] ub imin-a-ni [mu]-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his temple of the highest rank, he built for him.

    P391178: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)nin]-gir2-su [ur]-sag# kal-ga [(d)]en#-lil2-la2 [lugal]-a#-ni [gu3]-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki#) [lu2] e2#-ninnu [(d)nin]-gir2#-su#-ka [in]-du3#-a [e2-_pa_ e2] ub# imin-a-ni [mu]-na#-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ... temple, he built for him.

    P391179: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz#(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    [mu-na-du3] ki#-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him, restored for him.

    P391180: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki#)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu-[na]-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he named it Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] ki#-be2# [mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him, and restored for him.

    P391181: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]nin#-gir2-[su] [ur]-sag kal#-[ga] (d#)en-lil2#-[la2] [lugal]-a-[ni] gu3#-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2# e2#-ninnu# [(d)]nin#-gir2-su-ka# [in]-du3-[a] [e2-_pa_] e2# ub imin-a-ni# mu#-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ... temple, he built for him.

    P391182: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3-de2-a# ensi2 lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2]-du7-e pa mu-na#-e3# e2#-ninnu anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his temple Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391183: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-[su] ur-sag [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra#-[ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391184: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-la2#-[ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki#)-[ke4] nig2-du7-e [pa mu]-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-[ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, he made a fitting thing resplendent for him. His Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391185: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-[ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391186: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-la2-[ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-[ke4] nig2#-du7#-e pa [mu]-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2#-[ra-ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the one who makes the rites perfect, his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391187: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)nin]-gir2-su [ur]-sag# kal-ga [(d)en]-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni [gu3]-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2-du7]-e# pa [mu]-na#-e3# [e2]-ninnu# anzu2#[(muszen)] babbar2#-ra-ni [mu]-na-du3 [ki]-be2# mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple he built for him and restored for him.

    P391188: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur-sag# kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-[la2] lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2#-du7-e# pa mu#-na-e3# e2#-ninnu# anzu2#(muszen) babbar2-ra-ni# mu#-na-du3# ki#-be2# mu-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him He built the Eninnu, his white temple, for him He restored it for him

    P391189: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d#)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    P391190: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)nin]-gir2#-su# ur-sag# kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-[la2] lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2-du7]-e# pa mu-na-e3# [e2#-ninnu] anzu2#(muszen) babbar2#-ra-ni# [mu-na]-du3 [ki-be2] mu#-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple he built for him and restored for him.

    P391191: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] ki#-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391192: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391193: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    mu-na-du3 ki#-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391194: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-la2#-[ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)-ke4] nig2-du7-e pa [mu]-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the one who makes perfect the nigdu offerings, his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird,

    P391195: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    P391196: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz#(ki#)-ke4# nig2#-du7#-e# pa# mu-na-e3-ni e2#-ninnu# anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2#-ra#-ni#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built for him the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    Column 2


    mu-[na-du3] ki-be2 mu#-[na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391197: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d#)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2#-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3# e2#-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391198: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-[gir2-su] ur-sag [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2-[la2-ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)-ke4] nig2#-du7-e pa [mu-na]-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-[ni] mu-na-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him.

    P391200: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] ki#-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391201: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391202: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2#-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na#-[du3] ki-be2# [mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391203: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)nin]-gir2#-su# ur-sag# kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-[la2] [lugal]-a#-ni [gu3]-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2-du7-e] pa# mu-na-e3 [e2#-ninnu] anzu2#(muszen) babbar2#-ra-ni [mu]-na#-du3 [ki-be2] mu#-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his white Eninnu temple he built for him and restored for him.

    P391204: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag# kal-[ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] lugal-a-ni# gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2 e2-[ninnu] (d)nin-gir2-su-[ka] in-du3-[a] e2-_pa_ e2-ub-imin-a-[ni] mu-na-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ubimina temple he built for him.

    P391205: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin#-[gir2-su] ur#-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en#-[lil2-la2-ra] lugal#-[a-ni] gu3#-[de2-a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2 e2-[ninnu] (d)nin-gir2-su#-[ka] in-du3-[a] e2-_pa_ e2-ub-imin-a#-[ni] mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ubimina temple he built for him.

    P391206: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gesz#-[zi]-da# dingir-ra-ni gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz[(ki)] lu2 e2-ninnu# (d)nin-gir2-su#-[ka] in-du3-[a] e2 gir2#-[su(ki)]-ka#-[ni] mu-[na-du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningeshzida, his personal god, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, his Girsu temple he built for him.

    P391208: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391209: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin#-[gir2-su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-la2#-[ra] ur-(d)ba-ba6# ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] dumu tu#-[da] (d)nin#-[a2-gal-ka-ke4] nig2-du7-[e pa mu-na]-e3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Tuda, Ninagala, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    P391210: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur#-sag kal-ga [(d)]en#-lil2#-la2-ra# [ur]-(d#)ba-ba6# ensi2# lagasz(ki) dumu tu-da# (d)nin-a2-gal-ka#-[ke4]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Tuda, Ninagal,

    P391211: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)]nin#-gir2-su ur#-sag kal-ga [(d)en]-lil2-la2-ra [gu3]-de2-a ensi2# [lagasz(ki)]-ke4# [nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3] [e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)]-babbar2#-ra-ni#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him. In his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391212: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-la2#-[ra] ur-(d)[ba-ba6] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] dumu tu#-[da] (d)nin-a2#-[gal]-ka-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Tuda, Ninagala, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    P391213: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-ra# ur-(d)ba-ba6 ensi2# lagasz[(ki)] dumu tu-da# (d)nin-a2#-[gal]-ka-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagala, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    P391214: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en#-lil2#-la2#-[ra] ur-(d)ba-[ba6] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] dumu tu#-[da] (d)nin-a2#-[gal-ka-ke4]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Tuda, Ninagala,

    P391215: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-la2-[ra] gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz#(ki#)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391216: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-[gir2-su] ur#-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] ur-(d)ba#-[ba6] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] dumu tu-da# (d)nin-a2#-[gal]-ka-[ke4] nig2-du7-e pa [mu]-na-e3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagala, the nigdu-offering he made manifest.

    P391217: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin]-gir2#-su# [ur-sag] kal#-ga [(d)en]-lil2#-la2#-ra# [ur]-(d)ba#-ba6# ensi2# lagasz#(ki#) [dumu tu]-da# [(d)nin-a2-gal]-ka#-ke4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Tuda, Ninagala,

    Column 2


    nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra#-ni# mu#-na#-du3# ki#-be2# mu#-na#-gi4#

    AI Translation

    He made the rites come forth and he built Eninnu, his Anzu-babbar temple, and restored it to its former condition.

    P391219: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin#-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal#-[ga] (d#)en#-lil2#-[la2] lugal#-a-[ni] [gu3]-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)-ke4] lu2# [e2-ninnu] [(d)]nin#-gir2#-[su-ka] in#-[du3-a] e2#-_pa_ e2#-[ub-imin-a-ni] mu-na-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, his E-PA and his E-UB-mina he built for him.

    P391220: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-[lil2-la2-ra] ur-(d#)[ba-ba6] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] dumu tu#-[da] (d)nin-a2#-[gal]-ka-ke4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Tuda, Ninagala,

    P391221: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-[ra] ur-(d)ba-ba6 ensi2# lagasz(ki) dumu tu-da (d)nin-a2-gal-ka-ke4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagal,

    P391222: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki#)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391223: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki#)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na#-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] ki#-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391224: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na#-[du3] ki-be2 [mu]-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    he built for him, and restored for him.

    P391225: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2#-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7#-e# pa mu-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] [ki-be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391226: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra ur-(d)ba-ba6 ensi2 lagasz(ki) dumu tu-da (d)nin-a2-gal-ka-ke4 nig2#-du7-e pa mu-na-e3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagal, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    Column 2


    e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    He built and restored the Eninnu, his white house.

    P391227: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin#-gir2#-[su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] lugal-a-[ni] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki#)-[ke4] nig2-du7-e pa [mu-na]-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#[(muszen)]-babbar2-ra#-[ni] mu-na-[du3] ki-be2 mu#-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391228: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu-na#-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#[(muszen)]-babbar2#-ra#-ni# mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him He built the Eninnu with the white eagle for him and restored it for him

    P391229: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni gu3#-de2-a ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na#-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391230: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra ur-(d)ba-ba6 ensi2 lagasz(ki) dumu tu-da (d)nin-a2-gal-ka-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na#-e3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagal, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    Column 2


    e2-ninnu# anzu2#(muszen#)-[babbar2-ra-ni] mu-[na-du3] ki-be2 mu#-[na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    He built his Eninnu, the White Thunderbird, and restored it to its place.

    P391231: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d#)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2#-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him He built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird for him and restored it for him

    P391232: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki) lu2# e2-ninnu (d#)nin-gir2-su-ka in#-du3-a [e2-_pa_] e2#-ub-imin-a-ni [mu]-na#-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, his E-PA, his E-UB-mina he built for him.

    P391233: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d#)en-lil2-la2# lugal-a-ni gu3-de2#-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391234: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2# lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 nig2#-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391235: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d#)en-lil2-la2# lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 nig2#-du7-e pa mu-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki#-be2# mu#-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391236: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2# lagasz(ki) lu2# e2-ninnu# (d)nin#-gir2-su-ka in#-du3-a e2#-_pa_ e2-ub-imin-a-ni mu#-na-du3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ubimin temple he built for him.

    P391237: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur#-sag kal-ga (d#)en-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni gu3#-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2#-du7-e pa mu-na#-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu#-na-du3 ki#-be2 mu-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him He built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird for him and restored it for him

    P391238: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)-ke4] nig2#-[du7-e pa mu-na#-e3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    P391239: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin#-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag kal#-[ga] (d)en-lil2-[la2-ra] lugal#-a#-ni# gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2# e2-[ninnu] (d#)nin-gir2-su#-[ka] in#-du3#-[a] e2#-_pa_ e2#-ub-imin-a#-[ni] mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his E-UB-mina he built for him.

    P391240: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-[su] ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-[la2] lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4# nig2#-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2[(muszen)]-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391241: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin-gir2]-su# [ur-sag kal]-ga# [(d)en-lil2-la2]-ra [ur-(d)]ba#-ba6 ensi2# lagasz#(ki) [dumu du2]-da# [(d)nin]-a2#-gal-[ka]-ke4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son of Dada, Ninagala,

    Column 2


    nig2-du7-[e pa mu]-na-e3# e2-ninnu# [anzu2](muszen)-babbar2#-[ra-ni] mu-na-[du3] ki-be2 mu#-[na]-gi4#

    AI Translation

    He made a fitting thing resplendent for him He built the Eninnu with white eagles for him He restored it to its place

    P391242: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    mu-na-du3 ki#-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391243: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [mu-na]-du3# [ki-be2] mu#-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391244: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [e2]-ninnu# anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu#-na-du3# [ki]-be2# mu#-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    He built his Eninnu, the White Thunderbird, and restored it to its place.

    P391245: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-[a] ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391246: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin#-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag# [kal-ga] (d#)en#-[lil2-la2-ra] lugal#-a#-[ni] gu3#-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2 e2-[ninnu] (d#)nin-gir2#-[su-ka] in#-du3#-[a] e2#-[_pa_ e2-ub-imin-a-ni] mu#-[na-du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his E-UB-mina he built for him.

    P391247: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-[a] ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] ki-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391248: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]nin#-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag kal-[ga] (d#)en-lil2-la2-[ra] ur#-(d)ba-[ba6]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba,

    P391249: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    mu#-na-du3 ki#-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391250: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]nin#-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag kal-ga (d#)en#-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni gu3#-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki) lu2# e2-ninnu [(d)]nin#-gir2-su-ka in#-du3-a e2#-_pa_ e2-ub-imin-a-ni mu#-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his ubimin temple, he built for him.

    P391251: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal-[ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2] lugal-a-[ni] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2 e2-[ninnu] (d)nin#-gir2#-su#-[ka] in#-du3#-[a] e2#-_pa#_ e2-[ub-imin-a-ni] mu-na-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his E-UB-mina he built for him.

    P391252: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-[na-du3] ki-be2# [mu]-na-[gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him, and restored for him.

    P391253: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra#-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built for him the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    P391254: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)nin]-gir2-su [ur]-sag# kal-ga ([d)en]-lil2#-la2 [lugal]-a#-ni [gu3]-de2-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki) [lu2] e2#-ninnu [(d)nin]-gir2-su-ka in#-du3-a [e2-_pa_] e2#-ub-imin-a-ni [mu]-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his E-UB-mina temple he built for him.

    P391255: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)ga2-tum3-du10 ama# lagasz(ki#) nin#-a-ni gu3#-de2-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki) ur# (d#)ga2#-tum3#-du10#-ke4# e2# iri ku3-ga-ka-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Gatumdu, the mother of Lagash, his mistress, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the lion of Gatumdu, her temple of the holy city he built for her.

    P391256: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] lugal-[a-ni] gu3#-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2# e2#-[ninnu] (d)nin-gir2#-[su-ka] in-du3-[a] e2#-_pa_ e2-ub-[imin-a-ni] mu-na-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his E-UBIMINA temple he built for him.

    P391257: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] lugal-a-[ni] gu3#-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)] lu2# e2#-[ninnu] (d)nin-gir2#-[su-ka] in-du3#-[a] e2#-_pa_ e2-ub#-[imin-a-ni] mu-na-[du3]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his E-UBIMINA temple he built for him.

    P391258: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d#)nin#-[gir2-su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)-ke4] nig2-du7-e# [pa mu-na-e3] e2-ninnu anzu2#[(muszen)]-babbar2#-[ra-ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, he made a fitting thing resplendent for him. In his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391273: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur#-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz(ki!)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu#-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    Column 2


    mu#-[na-du3] [ki-be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P391281: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)nin]-gir2-su [ur-sag] kal#-ga [(d)en]-lil2#-la2 [lugal]-a-ni [gu3]-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 [nig2-du7-e] pa# mu-na-e3# [e2-ninnu] anzu2#(muszen)-[babbar2-ra]-ni [mu-na]-du3 [ki-be2 mu]-na#-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P391282: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d#)nin-gir2-su ur#-sag kal-ga (d#)en-lil2-la2 lugal#-a-ni gu3#-de2#-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 nig2#-du7-e# pa# mu-na-e3# e2#-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki#-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him He built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird for him and restored it for him

    P391296: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    gu3#-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz[(ki)] lu2 e2#-[ninnu] (d)nin#-gir2-su#-[ka] in-du3-[a] e2#-_pa#_ e2#-[ub-imin-a-ni]

    AI Translation

    Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, his E-PA and his E-UB-mina temples

    P391299: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin-gir2]-su [ur-sag kal]-ga [(d)en-lil2]-la2#-ra [ur-(d)ba]-ba6 ensi2# [lagasz](ki) [dumu tu]-da [(d)nin]-a2#-gal-ka#-ke4 [nig2-du7-e] pa# mu-na-e3#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, the ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagala, made a fitting thing resplendent for him.

    Column 2


    e2-ninnu anzu2#[(muszen)]-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-[na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    He built and restored the Eninnu, his white house.

    P391300: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    e2#-ninnu anzu2#[(muszen)]-babbar2#-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    He built and restored the Eninnu, his white temple, for him and returned it to its place.

    P391305: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur#-sag kal#-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-[ra] gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz#[(ki)-ke4] nig2-du7-e pa# mu#-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2#-[ra-ni]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P391306: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag kal-ga# (d#)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3#-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4# nig2#-du7-e pa# mu#-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built the Eninnu with the White Thunderbird.

    P391307: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2#-[su] ur-sag# [kal-ga] (d)en-lil2-[la2-ra] gu3-de2#-[a] ensi2#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, the governor,

    P391522: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    4(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na# 1(asz@c)# e2#-mar#-[uru5] 1(gesz2@c)? kak ba-na szu-[...]-li 2(asz@c) (gesz)[ba]-na# [n] e2#-mar-uru5# 2(u@c) 2(asz@c) kak lugal-ra-ni-x [x?] 1(asz@c) (gesz#)ba-na 3(u@c) kak ensi2 adab#(ki) 3(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na [1(u@c)] 5(asz@c) kak szesz-szesz 2(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na 3(asz@c) e2-mar-uru5 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) kak ur-zu szagina 2(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na 1(asz@c) e2-mar-uru5 1(gesz2@c) kak gi-nu-mu-si

    AI Translation

    4 beds, 1 bed, Emar-uru, 900 beds, Bana-shuli; 2 beds, n beds, Emar-uru, 22 beds, Lugal-rani-...; 1 bed, 30 beds, governor of Adab; 3 beds, 15 beds, Shesh-ahhe; 2 beds, 3 beds, Emar-uru, 11 beds, Urzu, general; 2 beds, 1 bed, Emar-uru, 900 beds, Ginumusi;



    2(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na 1(asz@c) 5(asz@c) kak szum-(d)ma-lik 1(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na 1(asz@c) e2-mar#-uru5 3(u@c) kak lugal-sa6 dumu mes-zi 4(u@c) kak hi-pu3# 1(gesz2@c) kak da-da szabra 4(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na ur-(d)szara2 szabra 1(asz@c) (gesz)ba-na 1(gesz2@c) kak (d)utu-sa6 szagina [n] (gesz)ba-na ur-zu lu2-(gesz)gigir2 [szunigin] 2(u@c) 5(asz@c)# (gesz)ba-na [szunigin n] e2#-mar-uru5 szunigin 6(gesz2@c)# [1(u@c)] 7(asz@c)# kak ba-na masz2-da-ri-[a]

    AI Translation

    2 bana 1 5 bana ..., Shumma-Malik 1 bana 1 Emaruru 30 bana ..., Lugal-sa, son of Meszi 40 bana ..., Hipu 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;Utu-sa, the general;0;0;0; Ur-zu, Lu-gigir;;; 25,0;0;0;0;0; Emar-uru;;;;;0;0;0;0;17;0;bana, Mashdari;

    P391533: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]ig#-alim dumu# ki-ag2 [(d)]nin#-gir2-su-ka lugal#-a-ni gu3#-de2-a ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ke4 e2# me-husz-gal-an-ki-ka-ni mu#-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Igalim, beloved son of Ningirsu, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, his temple Mehushgalanki he built for him.

    P391575: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    7(asz@c) gin2 igi 3(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar inim-ma 1(asz@c) gin2 ku3-babbar esz2-la2 5(asz@c) gin2 la2# igi# 3(disz)-gal2

    AI Translation

    7 1/3 shekels of silver, in exchange for 1 shekel of silver, the eshla-tax, 5 1/3 shekels less 3 shekels;




    AI Translation

    for Lugal-gigirre;

    P391599: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    2(asz@c) gin2 igi 3(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar masz2 asza5-ga-sze3 lugal-szu-mah u3 ur-(d)nin-gir2-su sa12-du5-bi

    AI Translation

    2 1/3 shekels silver, as interest, to the field Lugal-shumah and Ur-Ningirsu, its regular offerings;



    szu ba-ti-e

    AI Translation

    PN2 received from PN1 tot gur of barley;

    P391626: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) ? CDLI


  • 2(u) la2 3(disz@t) gurusz
  • ugula zu-zu

  • 5(disz) lu2-sun2-zi-da
  • 5(disz) da-ti
  • AI Translation
  • 19 male laborers,
  • foreman: Zuzu;

  • 5 mana wool for Lu-sunzida,
  • 5 mana wool for Dati,
  • Reverse


    szunigin 3(u) la2 3(disz@t) gurusz za3 nu-szu4-me

    AI Translation

    total: 33 male laborers, without work assignment,

    P391668: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) a-sza3-ki-ag2 ugula 1(asz@c) ur-lugal 1(asz@c) ur2-ni-du10 dumu ur-(d)ab-u2 1(asz@c) gu2-hasz-la2 dumu a-tir 1(asz@c) ur-(d)en-ki dumu (d)en-lil-gal-zu 1(asz@c) ur#-[...] dumu [...] 1(asz@c) [...] dumu# [...] 1(asz@c) [...]

    AI Translation

    1 A-sha-ki-ag, foreman; 1 Ur-lugal; 1 Ur-nidu, son of Ur-Abu; 1 Gu-hashla, son of Atir; 1 Ur-Enki, son of Enlil-galzu; 1 Ur-..., son of ...; 1 ..., son of ...; 1 ..., son of ...;

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) ur-lugal 2(disz@t) dumu nam-tar-re 1(asz@c) ur-igi dumu ur-nig2 1(asz@c) ur-(d)isztaran dumu ummeda(da)-gal 1(asz@c) ka5-a dumu ne-sag 1(asz@c) me-sag2 1(asz@c) lugal-_ku_ dumu nin-tur-me [1(asz@c) ...]-mu [...] unu3 [...]-da [... ur-(d)]szara2# [...] [dumu] a-tu [1(asz@c) ur]-sa6 dumu# lu2-igi

    AI Translation

    1 Ur-lugal 2 sons of Namtarre; 1 Ur-igi son of Ur-nig; 1 Ur-Ishtaran son of Ummeda-dagal; 1 Ka'a son of Nesag; 1 Mesag; 1 Lugal-ku son of Ninturme; 1 ...-mu ... the unu ...; 1 Ur-Shara son of Atu; 1 Ur-sa son of Lu-igi;

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) ur-sa6 2(disz) dumu sig4-di-de3 1(asz@c) gu4-ni dumu bu3-bu3 1(asz@c) u2-da dumu i-da-dingir 1(asz@c) al-la ugula-iri 1(asz@c) ur-(gesz)gigir2 dumu ur-sa6 ki ur-(d)isztaran nu-banda3-ka 1(asz@c) ur-(d)nin-sun2 szesz i-da-dingir 1(asz@c) du11-ga-ni dumu du-du sipa 1(asz@c) lu2-(d)utu 1(asz@c) ur-tur szesz ur-(d)szara2-me 1(asz@c) ur-nig2 _arad2_ ur-(d)szara2 1(asz@c) amar-su4 dumu e2-zi

    AI Translation

    1 Ursa, 2 sons of Sippar, 1 Ur-ni, son of Bubu, 1 Uda, son of Ida-ilum, 1 Alla, foreman, 1 Ur-gigir, son of Ursa, with Ur-Ishtaran, the superintendent; 1 Ur-Ninsun, brother of Ida-ilum; 1 Dungani, son of Dudu, shepherd; 1 Lu-Utu; 1 Ur-tur, brother of Ur-Shara; 1 Ur-nig, servant of Ur-Shara; 1 Amar-su, son of Ezi;

    Column 2


    [...]-da#? [nu]-banda3#-[ka] szunigin 3(u@c) gurusz ugula 1(asz@c) a-sza3-ki-ag2

    AI Translation

    ..., the superintendent; total: 30 male laborers, foreman: 1 field manager;

    P391676: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391681: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391682: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) dug kir
  • er2-an#-ne2#

  • 2(asz) dug# kir#
  • a-mu

  • 1(ban2) gu2-gu2 gal
  • 1(ban2) gu2-gu2 tur
  • AI Translation
  • 3 jugs of wort,
  • for Erane;

  • 2 jugs of figs,
  • Amu;

  • 1 ban2 of big gugu-flour,
  • 1 ban2 small oxen-meal,
  • Reverse


    en-_du_ zi:ga#-am3

    AI Translation

    ... a kind of profession

    P391684: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391685: letter tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    en-ma i-wi-ru-um a-na szesz-szesz a-bi

    AI Translation

    Now, the iwerum-offerings to my brother, my father, are good.



    u3 be-li2 1(asz@c) _udu niga_ a-na ka5-a i-di3-in

    AI Translation

    and my lord gave 1 sheep, grain-fed, to the ka'a.

    P391687: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    2(ban2@c) gesz-i3 a-ga-de3(ki) nimgir-esz3 i3-ra2-ra2

    AI Translation

    2 ban2 of juniper, Agade, the nimgiresh, will pay;

    P391688: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    2(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 6(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) sze gur-mah _szu_ ur-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    126 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, ... of Ur-Ishkur;

    P391689: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(u@c) 1(asz@c) _sze gur-mah_ szu sa2-lim-be-li2 _szusz3_

    AI Translation

    11 gur of barley, the hand of Salim-beli, the king.



    isz-de3 lugal-ra i-ba-sze3

    AI Translation

    he is a king's lord.

    P391690: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391695: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391696: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391698: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391702: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391703: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    [n] ku6 ab-ba [n] ku6 dar-ra szu-dur-ul3

  • 3(u) ku6 ab-ba
  • 2(u) ku6 dar-ra
  • AI Translation

    n fish from the cows, n fish from the marshes, shudurul fisheries;

  • 30 ... fish,
  • 20 ... fish,
  • Reverse


    ab-ba szesz amar-su4 e3-a

    AI Translation

    the father, brother of Amar-su, emergent;

    P391706: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(disz@t) i3 giri3 sila3 a-ga-de3(ki)

    AI Translation

    1 oil-canal via the street of Agade,



    3(disz@t) mu 1(u) itix(|_ud_@sxTIL|)

    AI Translation

    3 years, 10 months

    P391708: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    4(asz@c) 1(barig@c) sze gur si-sa2 sze _szu_ e2-ur3-gid2 _szu_ 1(disz) itix(|_ud_@sxTIL|)

    AI Translation

    4 gur 1 barig barley, regular offerings, barley handed over to E-urgid, 1 month,

    P391734: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391735: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi#-[id] nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391739: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391750: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [(d)suen-ga]-szi#-[id] [nita] kal#-ga# lugal# unu#(ki#)-ga# lugal# am-na-nu-um# e2#-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    [nam]-lugal#-la#-ka#-ni# mu#-du3#

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391751: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga#-szi#-id# nita# kal#-ga# lugal# unu#(ki#)-ga# lugal# am#-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na u4# e2-an-na mu#-du3-a e2#-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391752: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi#-id# nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391753: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391755: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391756: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391757: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391758: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391759: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391760: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391761: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391762: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391763: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391768: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391769: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391770: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391771: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391772: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391773: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391774: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391775: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391776: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391777: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391778: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391779: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391780: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391781: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    [3(asz@c)] la2 3(ban2@c) sze gur nig2-u2-rum 2(asz@c) 3(ban2@c) gur pirig-me3

    AI Translation

    3 gur less 3 ban2 barley, Nig-urum, 2 gur 3 ban2 pirigme,



    szunigin 5(asz@c) sze gur sze _szu_ lu2-sa6

    AI Translation

    total: 5 gur barley, barley rations of Lu-sa;

    P391782: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) ku6 dar-ra
  • nir-ra-an

  • 1(u) da-da
  • 5(disz) bar-ra-an
  • 5(disz) ka5-a
  • 2(disz) e2-su4-su4-a
  • 5(disz) ki-a-nag
  • AI Translation
  • 20 ... fish,
  • a kind of insect

  • 10 Dada,
  • 5 ...,
  • 5: Ka'a;
  • 2: Esusua,
  • 5 mana wool for Kianag,
  • Reverse

  • 5(disz) nigar
  • 2(disz) e2-szu-na-sze3
  • szunigin 5(u) 4(disz) ku6 dar-ra zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 5 nigar,
  • 2 for Eshuna;
  • total: 54 wild fish, booked out;

    P391783: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    5(asz@c) udu kur 5(asz@c) udu ge6 nig2-u2-rum 4(asz@c) udu kur

    AI Translation

    5 sheep, black, 5 sheep, black, Nig-Urum, 4 sheep, black,



    1(u@c) 4(asz@c) udu ge6 1(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) u8 ge6 bad3#?-sza3 _1-[x]-zu_

    AI Translation

    14 rams, night, 9 ewes, night, in the inner wall .

    P391784: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    _n 1(asz@c) 4(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) dabin gur# si-sa2_ szu da-da a-na e2-ur3-gid2

    AI Translation

    n 1 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 of dabin flour, the regular offering, for the E-urgid,




    AI Translation


    P391785: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(u@c) 6(asz@c) dug x [x] 1(u@c) dug lugud2-[da] ama-lu2-du10 2(asz@c) dug lugud2-da ga-ga 3(asz@c)# dug# kir

    AI Translation

    16 jugs of ..., 10 jugs of luludda-flour for Amaludu, 2 jugs of luludda-flour for gaga, 3 jugs of kir,



    [...] ki szunigin 3(u@c) 1(asz@c) dug hi-a zi-da-am3

    AI Translation

    ..., with total: 31 jugs of "good" beer,

    P391786: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi#-id# [nita] kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum.



    e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P391787: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) tug2 usz-bar
  • ki-la2-bi 4(disz) ma-na

  • 1(disz) tug2 sza3-ge-da5
  • ki-la2-bi 1(disz) ma-na

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na ni-is-ku
  • AI Translation
  • 2 ushbar textiles,
  • Their weight: 4 ma-na.

  • 1 sza-geda garment,
  • Their weight: 1 ma-na.

  • 1 1/2 mana Nisku,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) geme2-ba
  • 1/2(disz) ku-ku-lu-a
  • 1(disz) ma-na la2 1(u) gin2
  • _li-na-asz_

  • 1/3(disz)(sza) szesz-me-na-_du_
  • 1/3(disz)(sza) (d)nansze-a2-dah
  • AI Translation
  • 1: Geme-ba,
  • 1/2 workman: Kukulua,
  • 1 mina less 10 shekels,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1/3 workman: Shesh-mena-du,
  • 1/3 workman: Nanshe-adah,
  • P391790: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi#-id# [nita] kal-ga lugal unu#(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um# e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391791: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, when Eanna



    mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P391795: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, his palace of kingship,




    AI Translation

    he built.

    P391805: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an#-na [mu-du3-a]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna was built,



    [e2-gal] nam#-lugal#-la#-ka#-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P391813: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391838: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

  • 2(disz) gu4-gesz# [x] x
  • libir-am3

  • 1(disz) _arad_ libir
  • [bar]-ra-an

    AI Translation
  • 2 oxen ...,
  • original

  • 1 slave, old,
  • a kind of profession

    P391839: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id# nita# kal-ga# lugal unu(ki)-ga# lugal am-na-nu-um# e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, his palace of kingship,




    AI Translation

    he built.

    P391840: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) zi3# gur#-mah 4(ban2@c) zi3-gu 4(ban2@c) zi3-sig15 sze-bi 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) gur

    AI Translation

    1 gurmah flour, 4 ban2 fine flour, 4 ban2 fine flour, its barley: 1 gur 2 barig;



    ambar(ki) ma2-a ba-gar zi-ga da-da

    AI Translation

    Ambar barge stationed; booked out: Dada;

    P391842: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    5(asz@c) _sze gur-mah_ szu en-abzu 8(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _ziz2 gur_ szu ur-gesz

    AI Translation

    5 gur of barley, the gurmah-measure, the responsibility of En-abzu; 8 gur 2 barig 3 sutu of flour, the responsibility of Urgesh;



    da-da im-hur

    AI Translation

    Dada received.

    P391843: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, his palace of kingship,




    AI Translation

    he built.

    P391844: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(disz) masz2#
  • 4(disz) kusz# udu
  • 8(disz) kusz hi-a
  • szunigin 2(u) 3(disz) kusz hi-a

    AI Translation
  • 11 billy goats,
  • 4 sheep-hides,
  • 8 hides of ...,
  • total: 23 hides of .



    ur-(d)isztaran _im-hur_

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ishtaran, the ...;

    P391845: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

  • 1(barig) gur du7-a sag gub-ba-a
  • 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) 6(disz) sila3 sze (gesz)ur3-a-ba 1(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) 8(disz) sila3 sze

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig of baked bread, with its head set on the ground,
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 6 sila3 barley for the uraba-wood, 1 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 barley,

    P391847: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    [1(asz@c)] udu lugal-e 1(asz@c) udu (d)i7-la-ba 1(asz@c) udu lu2-ulu3 1(asz@c) udu abba2 1(asz@c) udu uzugx(|_an-zag_|)-sze3

    AI Translation

    1 sheep for King-e, 1 sheep for Ilaba, 1 sheep for Lu-ulu, 1 sheep for Abba, 1 sheep for Uzu.



    1(asz@c) udu lu5-gu-ak 1(asz@c) udu ur-(d)en-ki mu#-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation

    1 sheep for Lu-guak, 1 sheep for Ur-Enki, delivery;

    P391848: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3#

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391849: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    2(asz@c) udu 2(asz@c) masz2 _si-tum_ _al_ nigar

    AI Translation

    2 sheep, 2 billy goats, ..., nigar,




    AI Translation

    there is

    P391850: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    7(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) sze gur-mah _szu_ en-_du_ zi-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    7 gurmah 1 barig 2 ban2 barley, with the hand of Endu, booked out;

    P391851: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) tug2 bar-dul5 sal-la 1(asz@c) tug2 nig2-lam2 _ni_-_ni 1_(asz@c) tug2 sza3-ga-du3 1(asz@c) tug2 sza3-ge-da5 1(asz@cz) udu 1(asz@c) nig2 ga2 kesz2-ra2

    AI Translation

    1 garment for a sailor, 1 garment for a niglam-priest, for Ni-ni, 1 garment for Shagadu, 1 garment for Shageda, 1 sheep, 1 garment for a nig2 ration,



    2(asz@c) kasz dug lugal-ra# sa12-du5 nin#

    AI Translation

    2 jugs of beer, jug of royal beer, regular offerings of the queen;

    P391852: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

  • 6(disz) kusz3 la2 1(disz) szu-du3-a gid2-bi gada
  • 3(disz) kusz3 4(disz) szu-si dagal-bi
  • be-li2-isz-da-gal _im-hur_

    AI Translation
  • 6 cubits less 1 cubits, its length is a linen garment,
  • 3 cubits 4 fingers, its width;
  • Belishdagal, the ...;

    P391853: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [(d)suen-ga]-szi#-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3#

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391854: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    1(asz@c) en-_du 1_(asz@c) nimgir-lu2 1(asz@c) bar-ra-an 1(asz@c) ur-zigum-ma#

    AI Translation

    1 Endu, 1 Nimgirlu, 1 Barran, 1 Ur-ziguma,

    P391856: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391857: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz2@c) _sze gur mah_ 3(u@c) _gur si-sa2_ er3-ra-ra im-hur 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _gur mah_ i-ri-zi-su#

    AI Translation

    60 gur of barley, 30 gur of sisa-bread, the errara-offering, received; 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of barley, the erra-offering,



    szu ba-zi-[zi] im-[hur] 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _gur# [si-sa2]_ lu2-dingir-ra# szunigin 1(gesz2@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _gur# mah#_ szunigin 3(u@c) 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) gur si-sa2

    AI Translation

    he received. 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of sisa-flour, Lu-dingira; total: 102 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of great quality; total: 32 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of sisa-flour;



    szu e2-sze-gid2

    AI Translation

    Hand of the Eshegid priest

    P391858: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    2(szar'u@c) 2(gesz'u@c) 6(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) in-u gur lugal-ra

    AI Translation

    420,490, inu, royal measure,

    P391865: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391870: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391875: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391876: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2#-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam#-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391877: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391883: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal# am-na-nu-um [e2]-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    [nam-lugal]-la-ka-ni mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391886: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391890: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen#-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391891: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4# e2-an-na mu#-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391893: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391894: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391895: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391896: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391897: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d#)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal# am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391900: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391901: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391902: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391903: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391904: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen#-ga#-szi#-id# nita kal-ga# lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an#-na# u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna. When Eanna



    mu#-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P391905: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id# nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, when Eanna



    mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka?-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P391906: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id# nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391907: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna.



    e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P391908: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391909: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen#-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391915: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391916: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391917: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391918: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391919: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391920: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391922: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi#-[id] nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga# lugal am-na-nu#-[um] u2-a e2-an#-[na] e2-[gal] nam-lugal-[la-ka-ni] mu-du3#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391923: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id# nita kal-ga# lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na#-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391924: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu#-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391925: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu#-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na in#-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391926: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391927: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391928: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi#-id nita kal-ga# lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4# e2-an-na# mu-du3-a# e2#-gal# nam#-lugal#-la#-ka#-ni# mu#-du3#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391929: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id# nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal# am#-na#-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a e2#-gal nam#-lugal-la-ka-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391932: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.

    P391935: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391936: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391937: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi#-id# nita kal-ga# lugal# unu#(ki#)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2#-an-na mu#-du3-a# e2-gal# nam#-lugal#-la#-ka-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391938: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391939: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391940: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391941: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391942: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391943: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391944: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391945: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a# e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391946: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal# am-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na e2#-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, the provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391947: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391948: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a# e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391949: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga [lugal] am#-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, the provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391950: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391951: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391952: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391953: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391954: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a# e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391955: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391956: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391957: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391958: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    [(d)]suen#-ga-szi-id# [nita] kal#-ga# [nam-lugal]-la#-ka#-[ni] mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, his kingship, erected.

    P391959: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal [unu](ki)-ga lugal am-na#-[nu-um] u2-a [e2-an-na] e2#-[gal] nam#-[lugal-la-ka-ni] mu#-[du3]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391960: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391961: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391962: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391963: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391964: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2#-an#-na u4 e2-an#-na mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391965: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391968: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d#)suen#-ga#-szi-id# nita# kal#-ga# lugal# unu#(ki#)-ga# lugal# am#-na#-nu#-um# u2#-a e2#-an#-na# u4 e2-an-na# mu-du3-a e2#-gal nam#-lugal#-la-ka-ni mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391969: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391970: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu#(ki#)-ga lugal# am-na#-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la-ka-ni mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391971: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391972: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391973: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni# mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391974: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na u4# e2-an-na mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391975: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391976: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391977: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391979: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen#-ga-szi-id nita# kal#-ga lugal# unu#(ki#)-ga lugal# am#-na#-nu#-um u2#-a e2#-an#-na# u4 e2-an#-na# mu-du3#-a# e2#-gal# nam#-lugal#-la#-ka#-ni# mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391981: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391982: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d#)suen#-ga-szi#-id# nita# kal-ga lugal# unu#(ki)-ga lugal# am#-na-nu-um [u2]-a# e2#-an-na u4# e2-an-na mu-du3-a e2#-gal nam#-lugal#-la#-ka#-ni# mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he built, his palace of kingship he built.

    P391983: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391987: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391988: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P391989: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga#-szi#-[id] nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P391996: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, his palace of kingship,




    AI Translation

    he built.