AICC / Publications / p203

P203000: administrative tag

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9-ak lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne i3-gal2

AI Translation

Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the requisitioners are here;


Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the requisitioners are here;



mu si-mu#-ru#-um#(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) ba-hul

AI Translation

year: "Simurrum Lulubu were destroyed."


year: "Simurum Lulubu were destroyed"

P203001: administrative tag

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



pisan-dub-ba dub gid2-da sze a-sza3 (d)nin-sun2 lugal-siki-su13 u3 nig2-u2-rum sanga ambar(ki) i3-gal2

AI Translation

Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, barley of the field Ninsun, Lugal-sikisu and Nig-urum, the temple administrator of Ambar, are here;


Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets barley ... Lugal- ... are here;



mu# si#-mu-ru-um#(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

AI Translation

year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."


year: "Simurum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

P203002: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 munu4-si-e3
  • kab2 nu-du11-ga ki munu4-mu2-ne-ta

    AI Translation
  • 98 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 munusi'e flour,
  • the door that cannot be opened, from Munumune;



    ab-ba-gi-na szu ba-ti kiszib3 nam-ha-ni mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-(kam)-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Abbagina received; under seal of Namhani; year: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203003: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) ma-na uruda
  • 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 su3-gan
  • uruda sa10-a ki ur-nig2 dumu ur-(gesz)gigir-ta

  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) gu2 (uruda)ha-bu3-da
  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) la2 1(disz) (uruda)_kin_
  • ki-la2-bi 2(u) 5(disz)+[4(disz)] 5/6(disz)# ma-na 1(disz) gin2 uruda ki lu2-gu#-la#-ta

  • 1(u) 1/2(disz) ma-na# uruda
  • ku3-bi 4(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 la2-ia3 su-ga ud5 ki dam al-la-bi-ta

  • 1(u) 5(disz)# gin2 la2 igi#-6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • uruda-bi 3(u)# 2(disz) ma-na 8(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2

  • 2/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 2(u) 5(disz) sze su3-gan
  • ki inim-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta szu-nigin2 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 2(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 9(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 uruda

    AI Translation
  • 20 minas of copper,
  • 15 shekels, Sugan;
  • good quality copper, from Ur-nig, son of Ur-gigir;

  • 122 talents of hambuda copper,
  • 91 copper knuckles,
  • their weight: 25+4 5/6 mana 1 shekel of copper, from Lugula;

  • 10 1/2 minas of copper,
  • its silver: 4 1/2 shekels; deficit of the reed-cutting staff, from the account of its wife Alla;

  • 15 shekels less 1/6 shekels silver,
  • its copper: 32 minas 8 1/3 shekels;

  • 2/3 mana 5 2/3 shekels 25 grains of sugan-barley,
  • from Inim-Baba-idab; total: 1 talent 32 1/3 mana 9 1/3 shekels copper;



    szu-nigin2 1(disz) ma-na 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 2(u) 5(disz) sze su3-gan sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(u) 1/2(disz) sze uruda
  • 1(u) 5/6(disz) gin2 2(u) 3(disz) 1/2(disz) sze su3-gan
  • diri# nig2-ka9 ak mu en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3 [n] la2 1(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da [n] (uruda)_kin_ [ki-la2]-bi# 1(asz) gu2 2(u) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na [izi]-gu7-bi 4(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na# [1(u)] 1/2(disz) gin2 su3-gan-bi 2/3(disz) ma-na 3(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze szu-nigin2 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) 1/2(disz) sze uruda szu-nigin2 5/6(disz) ma-na 4(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 8(disz) 1/2(disz) sze su3-gan mu-kux(_du_)

    la2-ia3 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 2(u) la2 1/2(disz) sze uruda la2-ia3 6(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 1(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sze su3-gan nig2-ka9 ak nimgir-sza3-kusz2 simug mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    total: 1 mina 2/3 ninda 25 barleycorns, Sugan; therefrom:

  • 10 1/2 grains of copper,
  • 10 5/6 shekels 23 1/2 grains of sugan-barley,
  • total, accounts, year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by the goat was chosen." n less 1 copper hambada-vessel, n copper kin-vessels, their weight: 1 talent 26 5/6 mana; their firewood: 4 1/3 mana, 10 1/2 shekels, their sugan-vessel: 2/3 mana, 3 1/3 shekels, 15 grains; total: 1 talent 31 mana, 10 1/2 shekels, 10 1/2 grains of copper; total: 5/6 mana, 4 1/3 mana, 8 1/2 grains of sugan-vessel; delivery.

    deficit: 1 mana 18 2/3 shekels 19 less 1/2 grains copper; deficit: 6 1/3 shekels 16 1/2 grains barley, Sugan; account of Nimgir-shakush, the smith; year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203004: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(asz) sze-numun gur
  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • a2 hun-ga2

  • 2(u) 4(asz) gur
  • mur-gu4 hu:bu7(bu) ki ur-gu-la-ta

    AI Translation
  • 115 gur seed barley,
  • 147 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3,
  • labor of hirelings

  • 24 gur,
  • oxen-plowmen Hubu, from Ur-gula;



    lu2-(d)na-ru2-a szabra szu ba-ti kiszib3 1(asz)-a mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Narua, the household manager, received; under seal of Ishtar-Nabû; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203005: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) sze-numun gur
  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) gur
  • a2 hun-ga2

  • 2(u) 5(asz) gur
  • mur-gu4 hu-bu7(bu) kiszib3 1(asz)-a

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur seed barley,
  • 92 gur 4 barig 4 ban2
  • labor of hirelings

  • 25 gur
  • oxen-plowmen, Hububu, under seal of Ishtar,



    ki ur-gu-la-ta ur-(d)lamma szabra szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-gula did Ur-Lamma, the chief household manager, receive; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203006: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) gu2 uruda
  • ki nig2-(d)ba-ba6-ta sza3-bi-ta

  • 3(gesz2) 3(u) 1(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da
  • ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 4(u) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 izi-gu7-bi 5(disz) ma-na 1(u) 4(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2

  • 4(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 uruda gi-diri 2(disz)-sze3
  • 3(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 uruda sza3 nig2 na4
  • kiszib3 nu-tuku im ki-la2 tag-ga-bi e2 ensi2-ka-ta giri3 szesz-kal-la dumu bu3-lu5-lu5 ur-(d)nun-gal dumu erin-da maszkim

    AI Translation
  • 2 talents of copper,
  • from Nig-Baba, therefrom:

  • 131 copper hambuda stones,
  • its weight: 44 2/3 mana, 5 1/2 shekels; its fire: 5 mana, 14 1/4 shekels;

  • 4 1/3 mana 6 shekels copper, a distance of 2 lines,
  • 3 1/2 mana 4 shekels copper in the "sheaves of stone";
  • under seal without any inscription, its reeds weighed out, from the governor's house, via Sheshkalla, son of Bululu; Ur-Nungal, son of Erirda, was enforcer;



    (uruda)ha-bu3-da-ba _szid_-bi ugu2 lu2-dingir-ra dumu he2-ti ba-a-gar nig2-ka9 mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-ba-ka mu-gal2 zi-ga-am3 la2-ia3 2(disz) ma-na igi-4(disz)-gal2 uruda giri3 ur-[(d)]igi-zi-bar-ra nig2-ka9 ak si-i3-tum ur-(d)lamma-mu dumu ur-(d)suen mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    its copper hambuda-vessel, its ..., on Lu-dingira, son of Heti, deposited; account of the year following, year after that, it was deposited; deficit: 2 mana 1/4 shekels copper, via Ur-igizibara; account of Si'itum, Ur-Lamma-mu, son of Ur-Suen; year: "Simurrum and Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203007: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 6(gesz2) 5(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • si-i3-tum nig2-ka9 bala dub-sag 2(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) gur giri3 _arad2_-mu e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta

  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) gur
  • i3-dub u8-udu-a?(ki)-ta 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 8(asz) 4(ban2) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 gur a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 6(gesz2) 5(u) 4(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ki ur-(d)hendur-sag dumu ur-ba-gara2-ta szu-nigin2 5(gesz'u) 5(u) 9(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 gur sag nig2-gur11-ra-kam sza3-bi-ta

  • 6(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) gig gur
  • AI Translation
  • 126 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • siitum, account of the bala, archivist; 420 gur, via ARADmu, from the forecourt of Ninmar;

  • 144 gur 2 barig
  • from the depot of Udu'a; 98 gur 4 ban2 1 2/3 sila3, for 1st time;

  • 420 gur 4 barig 3 ban2
  • 2nd time, from Ur-Hendursag, son of Ur-Bagara; total: 169 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 1 2/3 sila3, capital of the account therefrom:

  • 6 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 wheat,
  • Column 2

  • 7(asz) 4(barig) zi3-sig15 gur
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra imgaga3 gur
  • sze bala-bi 5(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3# gur

  • 8(asz) 4(barig) kasz sig5 gur
  • 1(asz) nig2-ar3-ra sig5 gur
  • sze bala-bi 4(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) gur 4(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 4(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 sze gur

  • 2(asz) 1(barig) zi3 gur
  • 4(asz) kasz du gur
  • 1(asz) zi3-gu gur
  • 2(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) dabin gur
  • sze-bi 4(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 4(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 9(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 gur iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti diri sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti 2(disz)-kam zi-ga lugal kiszib3 lugal-me-lam2 dumu nibru(ki) u3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 4 barig fine flour,
  • 1 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 2 sila3 of emmer, imgaga,
  • its bala barley: 5 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3,

  • 8 gur 4 barig fine beer,
  • 1 gur of fine emmer,
  • its bala barley: 4 gur 4 barig 3 ban2, 184 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5 1/3 sila3 barley;

  • 2 gur 1 barig flour,
  • 4 gur regular beer,
  • 1 gur of fine flour,
  • 27 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 dabin flour,
  • its barley: 420 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 9 1/3 sila3, from month "Harvest" to month "Extra," "Harvest," 2 months booked out, royal account, under seal of Lugal-melam, son of Nippur, and Lu-Ningirsu;

    Column 1


    dumu ur-nig2

  • 2(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • sze-ba geme2-kikken2 u3 ad-kup4 zi3-il2 iti 1(disz)-kam iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ta iti sze-il2-la-sze3 sze-bi 2(u) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur iti 7(disz)-kam iti diri 1(disz)-am3 sza3-ba i3-gal2

  • 2(asz) 2(barig) gur
  • sza3-gal gu4 udu masz-da-ri ezem mah kiszib3 al-la-mu kuruszda zi-ga

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 5(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • sze szabra (d)al-la-tum i3-dub a-sza3 a-ba-al-la-ka ba-a-si giri3 a-hu-a dumu lu2-du10-ga

  • 1(asz) gur a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • 1(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) gur a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
  • ugu2 ma-ni ba-a-gar ugu2-a ba-a-gar

  • 3(u) 5(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 [gur]
  • nig2-sa10-am3 nig2-gu3-de2-a-sze3

    AI Translation

    son of Ur-nig

  • 2 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3
  • its barley: Geme-kikken and Adkup, flour-fed, for 1 month, from month "Festival of Shulgi" to month "Barley-fed," its barley: 21 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3, for 7 months, extra month, therein,

  • 2 gur 2 barig,
  • the fodder of oxen and sheep of the goats, the great festival; under seal of Allamu, the fattener, booked out;

  • 95 gur 2 barig 3 ban2
  • barley of the chief household administrator of Allatum, at the depot of the field Abala, ba'asi, via Ahua, son of Lu-duga;

  • 1 gur, 1st time,
  • 14 gur 2 barig, 2nd time;
  • He placed his hand on his man, he placed his hand on his woman.

  • 35 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 3 sila3,
  • as a gift for a gift,

    Column 2


    kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge dam-gar3 ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szu-nigin2 5(gesz'u) 3(asz) 3(ban2) 7(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal zi-ga la2-ia3 5(u) 6(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 4(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 sze gur nig2-ka9 ak _arad2_-mu dumu lugal-pirig-tur iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ta iti sze-il2-la-sze3 iti 7(disz)-kam iti diri 1(disz)-am3 sza3-ba i3-gal2 bala-bi 1(disz)-am3 sza3 uri5(ki)-ma mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Shakuge, merchant, on account of the king; total: 63 gur 3 ban2 7 1/3 sila3 barley, royal debit; deficit: 56 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 4 1/3 sila3 barley, account of ARADmu, son of Lugal-pirigtur; from month "Festival of Shulgi" to month "Barley carried," 7th month, extra month, 1 therein, its bala are 1; in Ur, year: "Simurrum and Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203008: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • kiszib3 lu2-giri17-zal ugula ur-(d)lamma

  • 1(u) 3(barig) 3(ban2) gur kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma szesz i3-kal-la
  • ugula ur-(d)lamma dumu ur-nig2

  • 7(asz) 2(barig) gur kiszib3 lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • ugula ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-me

  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur kiszib3 ur-mes nu-banda3-gu4
  • e2 (d)nin-dar-a

  • 2(asz) 2(barig) gur kiszib3 ur-nigar(gar) ugula ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • 1(asz) gur kiszib3 a-ab-ba ugula (d)utu-szesz
  • 1(asz) gur kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra ugula ur-sag-ub3(ki)
  • e2 (d)nin-gir2-su-me

  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) gur kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma ugula nig2-u2-rum
  • 1(asz) 3(barig) gur kiszib3 ur-e2-ninnu
  • e2 (d)nansze-me

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • under seal of Lu-girizal, foreman: Ur-Lamma;

  • 10 gur 3 barig 3 ban2, under seal of Ur-Lamma, brother of Ikalla;
  • foreman: Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig;

  • 7 gur 2 barig, under seal of Lu-Narua, son of Ur-Baba;
  • foreman: Ur-Shush-Baba, house of Ninmar;

  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, under seal of Ur-mes, the oxen manager;
  • house of Nindara,

  • 2 gur 2 barig, under seal of Ur-nigar, foreman: Ur-Baba;
  • 1 gur, under seal of A'abba, foreman: Utu-shesh,
  • 1 gur, under seal of Lu-dingira, foreman: Ur-sag-ub;
  • the house of Ningirsu;

  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2, under seal of Ur-Lamma, foreman: Nig-urum;
  • 1 gur 3 barig, under seal of Ur-Eninnu,
  • house of Nanshe;


  • 2(asz) gur kiszib3 a-kal-la e2 nam-mah?
  • 8(asz) gur kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)
  • 7(asz) gur kiszib3 lugal-za3-ge-si
  • e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da-me

  • 2(asz) gur kiszib3 sza-an-gu
  • 4(asz) gur kiszib3 ur-nig2 dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • a-sza3 lal3-ha szu-nigin2 5(u) 6(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu e2-esz3-sza3-ga-ta i3-dub a-sza3 ar-sza-an-ti-a-(d)nansze-ta mu si-mu-ur4-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur, under seal of Akalla, house of Nammah;
  • 8 gur, under seal of Ur-Ninmar,
  • 7 gur, under seal of Lugal-zagesi,
  • they are household of Ningeshzida;

  • 2 gur, under seal of Shangu,
  • 4 gur, under seal of Ur-nig, son of Ur-Baba;
  • field Lalha; total: 56 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure; from Ur-Baba, son of E-eshaga, depot of the field Arshantia-Nanshe; year: "Simurum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203009: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • mar-sa ma2 gu-la lugal gub-ba sza3 uri5(ki) giri3 na-silim ma2-lah5-gal

    AI Translation
  • 7 male laborer workdays,
  • barge of the mighty, king stationed, in Ur, via Nasilim, the boatman;



    ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) u3 lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz-sze3 ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lu-Ninshubur; year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203010: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    2(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) sze gur lugal ma2-a si-ga uri5(ki)-sze3 sze be-li2-um e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta ki ba-zi-ta _arad2_-mu dumu lugal-nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|) szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    420 gur barley, royal barge, moored at Ur, barley of Belium, from the 'Forecourt' of Ninmar, from Bazi, ARADmu, son of Lugal-nemur received; year: "Simuru and Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203011: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gu2 bi-tum e2 (d)szul-gi e2 nam-ha-ni e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da e2 uru11(ki)

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx


    Basket-of-tablets: ... house of house of house of house of



    e2 (d)inanna e2 ba-gara2 e2 (d)ga2-tum3-du10 u3 nig2-gal2-la-ka giri3 ur-(d)lamma i3-gal2 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    house of Inanna, house of Bagara, house of Gatumdu and of the property, via Ur-Lamma, are here; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."


    house of house of house of and property ... of Ur-Lamma ... year: "... ."

    P203012: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) engar 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal-ta
  • 2(u) dumu da-ba 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 4(asz) gur ki ba-zi-ta nig2-u2-rum

    AI Translation
  • 20 plowmen, 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, from the royal measure,
  • 20 children of Dada at 1 barig each,
  • its barley: 14 gur, from Bazi Nig-urum;



    szu ba-ti e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; from the 'Forecourt' of Ninmar; year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203013: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) dabin gur
  • ki (d)nansze-kam-ta zi3 ugu2 a-tu lu2-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur of dabin flour,
  • from Nanshe-kam, flour, on the atu-vessel of Lu-Ninshubur,



    szu ba-ti giri3 [...] iti [...] mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via ...; month: "...," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203014: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2)+[n] 5(disz)+[n] sila3 sze gur lugal
  • ki ba-zi-ta en-i3-na-kal szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 23 gur 2 barig 3 ban2+n 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • from Bazi Eninakal received;



    ugula ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ug3-_il2_ i3-dub a-sza3 (d)nin-sun2-ta mu si-mu-ru lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Ur-Baba, son of Ugil, from the depot of the field Ninsun; year: "Simuru Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203015: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub (d)szul-gi-(zi)-kalam-ma-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot of Shulgi-kalama, from Bazi;



    (d)utu-mu szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Shamash received; year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203016: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(gesz2) 1(u)+[(n)] gu2 (gesz)ma-nu
  • sa2-du11 ku5-a gu-ru-ru-a-_ne_ giri3 sukkal i3-du8 mu al-la-mu

    AI Translation
  • 900 talents of ... logs,
  • regular offerings, Gururane, via the messenger, gatekeeper, year: "Allamu."



    in-da-x#-[...] _arad2_ x#-[...] sukkal i3-du8-ra# [in?]-na-su#? mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Inda-..., servant of ..., messenger, gatekeeper, Innasu, year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203017: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze szuku-ra engar dumu da-ba u3 gu4-gur-e szu ba-ti kiszib3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ad-da-mu i3-dub a-sza3 ar-sza-ti-a (d)nin-dar-a-ta

    AI Translation
  • 62 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the plowman, son of Dada, and oxen received. Sealed tablet of Ur-Shush-Baba, son of Addamu, from the depot of the field Arshatia, to Nindara.



    giri3 lu2-dingir-ra dumu ni-ma mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Lu-dingira, son of Nima; year: "Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)lamma szabra

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shush-Baba, scribe, son of Ur-Lamma, chief household administrator.

    P203018: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (gesz)haszhur
  • ki ur-(d)lamma-ta lu2-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation
  • 1 apple,
  • from Ur-Lamma Lu-Igalim



    szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)ig-alim dumu nam-ha-ni lu2-ur3

    AI Translation

    Lu-Igalim, son of Namhani, the ur-official.

    P203019: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) (gesz)haszhur
  • ki ur-ba-gara2-ta lu2-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of dates,
  • from Ur-Bagaraba Lu-Igalim



    szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)ig-alim dumu nam-ha-ni lu2-ur3-a

    AI Translation

    Lu-Igalim, son of Namhani, Lu-ura.

    P203020: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 (gesz)haszhur duru5
  • e2-ki-bi

  • 2(disz) dusu 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
  • giri3 sukkal-mah

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 dates,
  • its temple

  • 2 dusu, 1 ban2 5 sila3,
  • via Sukkalmah;



    kiszib3 a-gu ki ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)-ta mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Agu, from Ur-Ninmar; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a?-gu dumu _arad2_?-du10 lu2-(gesz)[x]

    AI Translation

    Agu, son of ARADdu, the ...;

    P203021: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) zu2-lum
  • 1(ban2) (gesz)haszhur had2
  • giri3 sukkal-mah zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 dates,
  • 1 ban2 of apple-tree,
  • via the vizier booked out;



    ki (d)utu-kam kiszib3 ur-(d)inanna mu si-mu-ru-um ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Utu-kam, under seal of Ur-Inanna; year: "Simurum was destroyed."

    P203022: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun

  • 2(u) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • a2 lu2-hun-ga2 i3-dub kun-zi-da sar-ri2-lum-ta

    AI Translation
  • 31 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed barley

  • 20 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3,
  • labor of Lu-huga, from the depot of Kunzida, Sarrulum;



    ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)lamma dumu ur-nig2 szu ba-ti giri3 er3-ra-nu-id!(_ib_) mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig, received; via Erra-nu-id; year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203023: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ur-ki-gar-du10-ta sza3-gal amar-ku5 eden-na-sze3 ki lugal-ezem-ta mu ma-ni-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-kigardu to the 'sudden' of the Amar-ku to the steppe, from Lugal-ezem to the name of Mani;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e; year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed," the year after that.

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu du-du-pu-um

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Dudupum.

    P203025: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ur-dam

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley,
  • under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Urdam;



    tum3-dam mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-[...] dub-sar dumu ur-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-..., scribe, son of Ur-.

    P203026: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) sze gur
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)girim2 i3-dub a-sza3 us2-gid2-da ki lugal-an-na-tum2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 40 gur of barley,
  • under seal of Lu-Girim, depot of the long field, from Lugal-anatum;



    mu-kux(_du_) mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    delivery, year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203027: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 2(asz) sze gur
  • sze nig2 gal2-la sze amar-ra-sze3 ki a-gu-a-ta a-kal-la szusz3

    AI Translation
  • 92 gur of barley,
  • barley, grain of the calf, from Agua Akalla, cattle manager;



    szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru-um ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203028: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) sila3 gesz [x]
  • gag gesz i3 si-ga ki (d)ba-ba6-ku3-zu-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da

    AI Translation
  • 8 sila3 ...-wood,
  • ..., ..., from Baba-kuzu, under seal of Ur-Ningeshzida;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203029: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) (uruda)ha-bu3-da
  • ki-la2-bi 3(u) 6(disz) ma-na 1(u) 6(disz) gin2 [...] ki ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ta

    AI Translation
  • 60 copper hambuda axes,
  • Their weight: 36 minas 16 shekels ..., from Ur-Ningeshzida;



    lugal-im-ru-a szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(d)lamma giri3 ur-nigar(gar) u3 ba-zi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lugal-imrua received; via Ur-Lamma; via Ur-nigar and Bazi; year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P203030: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur
  • kiszib3 du11-ga-ni-zi dumu ma-an-szum2-na

  • 3(barig) sze-numun a-sza3 szar2-ur3-re gar-ra
  • 2(barig) kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu sipa-da-ri2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley,
  • under seal of Duganizi, son of Manshumna,

  • 3 barig seed-measure of the field "Sharur-re" plot,
  • 2 barig, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Sipa-dari;
  • Reverse


    e2-ta mu-kux(_du_) giri3 ur-mes mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the house delivery, via Ur-mes; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203031: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 im-bi-a-ba-sze3 ki ur-(d)nansze-ta ur-esz3-lil2-la2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn of the field Imbi-aba, from Ur-Nanshe Ur-eshlila received;



    a-sza3 la-za-wi mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    field Lazawi; year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203032: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1(u) 1/2(disz)# gin2 1(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • si-i3-tum mu en (d)nanna masz i3-pa3

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 9(disz) sila3 zu2-lum gur
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 la2 3(disz) sze kiszib3 lu2-ki-nu-nir(ki) szu-nigin2 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 1(u) 3(disz) sze ku3-babbar sza3-bi-ta szim-i3 1(u) 2(disz) dug-kam dug-a 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta ku3-bi 2/3(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 kiszib3-bi 3(disz)-am3 kiszib3 engiz ugu2 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su ga2-ga2-dam

  • 2/3(disz)(sza) su3-gan 5/6(disz) ma-na-ta
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 3(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) su3-gan
  • AI Translation
  • 10 1/2 shekels 1 barley-corn, silver;
  • half of year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by the goat was chosen."

  • 94 gur 1 barig 9 sila3 dates,
  • its silver: 1 1/3 mana 4 1/4 shekels less 3 grains, under seal of Lu-kinunir; total: 1 1/2 mana 4 2/3 shekels 13 grains of silver therefrom: aromatics; 12 jugs, 3 1/2 shekels each, its silver: 2/3 mana 2 shekels, its sealed tablets: 3; under seal of the engiz on Lu-Ningirsu, delivered;

  • 2/3 of sugan, 5/6 mana each,
  • 1st time.

  • 1 mina 13 2/3 shekels, Sugan;
  • Column 2


    ku3-bi 2(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2# 4(disz) sze kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da simug

  • 5(u) gu2 esir2 had2 1(u) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 5(disz) gin2 kiszib3 3(disz@t)-am3

  • 2(gesz2) gu2 esir2 had2
  • 3(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 esir2 e2-a 1(barig) 2(ban2)-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(u) 4(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 2(u) 6(disz) sze kiszib3 gu-u2-mu

  • 2(disz) na4 ur5 szu si3-ga
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 kiszib3 ur-(d)utu dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 8(disz) gin2 ku3 nig2-sa10-am3 numun szum2-sikil-sze3
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu ur-(d)nin-su ugu2 ga2-ga2

  • 3(disz) gin2 la2 3(disz) sze ku3
  • kiszib3 nu-tuku

    AI Translation

    its silver: 2 1/4 shekels, 4 grains, under seal of Ur-Ningeshzida, the smith;

  • 50 talents of bitumen, 10 shekels each,
  • its silver: 5 shekels, under seal of 3;

  • 240 talents of bitumen,
  • 3 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 bitumen for the house, at 1 barig 2 ban2 each,
  • its silver: 14 2/3 shekels 26 grains, under seal of Gu'umu;

  • 2 stone weights, weighed,
  • its silver: 1 shekel, under seal of Ur-Utu, son of Ur-Baba;

  • 8 shekels of silver, as the purchase price, for the seed of the shumsikil-plant,
  • under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Ur-Ninsu, to be weighed out;

  • 3 shekels less 3 grains silver,
  • under seal without any revocation,

    Column 1


    ugu2 nig2-gur11 ba-a-gar#

  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3
  • ugu2 a-gi4 ba-a-gar

  • 5(asz) mun gur 2(asz)-ta
  • ku3-bi 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2

  • 8(asz) gu2 pesz (gesz)szinig 1(asz) gu2-na igi-3(disz)-gal2-ta
  • ku3-bi 2(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) nig2-ka9 mu en (d)nanna ugu2 ur-(d)nun-gal ba-a-gar ugu2-a ba-a-gar

  • 2/3(disz)(sza) _na_ su3-gan 5/6(disz) ma-(na)-ta
  • ku3-bi 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 2(u) 4(disz) sze ma2 (d)nin-gir2-su-ka-sze3 kiszib3 na-silim szesz-me

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 4(asz) gu2 esir2 had2 1(u) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(u) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 1(u) 2(disz) sze e2-kiszib3-ba-sze3 da-_ka_ ba-a-gar kiszib3 lu2-(d)nansze dumu ur-zu

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the name of the king.

  • 2 1/2 shekels silver,
  • he deposited it on the reed bed;

  • 5 gur of malt, 2 gur each,
  • its silver: 2 1/2 shekels;

  • 8 talents of pea-flour, 1 talent of ..., 1/3 shekel each,
  • its silver: 2 2/3 shekels; account of the year: "The en-priestess of Nanna was installed over Ur-Nungal;" and "there was installed over Aya."

  • 2/3 na, ..., at 5/6 mina each,
  • its silver: 2/3 ninda 24 barley-corns for the barge of Ningirsu; under seal of Nasilim, sister;

  • 94 talents of bitumen at 10 shekels each,
  • its silver: 10 1/3 shekels 12 grains for the storage facility of Da-KA-bagar; under seal of Lu-Nanshe, son of Ur-zu;

    Column 2


    zi-ga szu-nigin2 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 2(u) la2 2(disz) sze ku3 zi-ga diri igi-6(disz)-gal2 5(disz) sze ku3 nig2-ka9 ak si-i3-tum lu2-ki-nu-nir(ki) mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    booked out; total: 1 1/2 mana 4 5/6 shekels 20 less 2 grains silver booked out; extra 1/6 shekel 5 grains silver account of the debits, repaid; Lukinunir; year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203033: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) (gesz)haszhur
  • ki _arad2_-ta lu2-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of dates,
  • from ARAD Lu-Igalim;



    szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)ig-alim dumu nam-ha-ni lu2-ur3-a

    AI Translation

    Lu-Igalim, son of Namhani, Lu-ura.

    P203034: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ku5-da-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-mar(ki) sze-numun-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Kuda, under seal of Ur-Ninmar, for seed-sowing;



    i3-dub ar-sza-ti-a-ta mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the depot Arshatia; year: "Simurrum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-mar(ki) dub-sar dumu nam-ha-ni

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ninmar, scribe, son of Namhani.

    P203035: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal sze-numun a-sza3 e2-gibil4-le-sze3
  • ki lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3-ta kiszib3 lugal-_du_ nu-banda3 i3-dub ar-sza-ti-a (d)nin-dar-a-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur of barley, royal measure, seed grain, field of the new house;
  • from Lu-igimashe, under seal of Lugal-DU, the superintendent, at the depot of the arshatia of Nindara;



    ugula nig2-u2-rum mu si-mu-(ru)-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Nig-urum; year: "Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-_du_ dumu da-gi

    AI Translation

    Lugal-DU, son of Dagi.

    P203036: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra 8(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar la2-dam

    AI Translation
  • 16 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, 8 shekels of silver deficit;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lugal-im-ru-a mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 3(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Lugal-imrua; year: "Simurrum for the 3rd time was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu lugal-im-ru-a nu-banda3

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Lugal-imrua, the overseer.

    P203038: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 5(gesz2) 5(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • zi3 szuku-ra

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) gur
  • [...] lu2 sze-ba

  • 1(gesz2) gur
  • zi3 kin gar-ra

  • 8(gesz2) 3(u) [n] zi3 gur#
  • sza3-bi-ta

  • 4(u) 1(asz) 1(barig) gur
  • zi-ga

  • 6(gesz2) 2(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • AI Translation
  • 141 gur 2 barig 3 ban2
  • flour for a shuku ritual

  • 91 gur 2 barig
  • ..., the man who carries barley,

  • 60 gur
  • flour for making flour

  • 420 gur ... flour,
  • therefrom:

  • 41 gur 1 barig
  • booked out;

  • 147 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3
  • Column 2


    kiszib3 usz-sa6-ga bala-sze3 gur kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 e2 (d)ga2-tum3-du10 ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szunigin [n] 7(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur [...]-du

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ushsaga, for the bala; under seal of Ur-Baba, the temple of Gatumdu, on the road to the quay; total: n 7 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 barley, .

    Column 1


    la2-ia3 [n] 2(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 5(disz) sila3 gur

    AI Translation

    deficit: n 24 gur 2 barig 5 sila3,

    Column 2


    [nig2]-ka9-ak a2 zi3-da ab-ba-du10-ga bala egir mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    account of flour of Abba-duga; bala after year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203042: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gurum2-ak erin2 sag-apin [e2] (d)szul#-gi# [...] [i3-gal2]

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of labor-troops, head-plowmen, house of Shulgi, ..., are here;


    Basket-of-tablets: inspections labor-troops, head-plowmen, house of Shulgi ..., are here;



    mu sza-asz-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Shashrum was destroyed."


    year: "Shaszrum was destroyed."

    P203046: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [pisan-dub-ba] nig2 x [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: ... ... ...



    mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simurrum was destroyed."


    year: "Simurum was destroyed."

    P203064: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba dub gid2-da i3-dub gesz e3-a sze gu2 i7 pirig-gin7-du giri3 a-hu-a

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx


    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the silo of treshing, barley of the bank of the waterway Pirig-gindu, via Ahu'a,



    dumu lu2-du10-ga i3#-gal2 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu#-bu#-um a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam#-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    son of Lu-duga, are here; year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."


    son of Lu-duga, are here; year: "Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203067: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze a-sza3 erin2 ba-usz2 ki ur-e2-ninnu-ta du-du

    AI Translation
  • 14 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the field of the work-troops killed; from Ur-Eninnu Dudu



    szu ba-ti mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203068: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] sze gur [ki] ur-bad3-tibirx(_ku_)-ra-[ta] [kiszib3] lu2#-usz-gi#-[na] giri3 lugal-mudra5#? dumu ensi2

    AI Translation

    ... gur barley from Ur-dibira, under seal of Lu-ushgina, via Lugal-mudra, son of the governor;



    mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-[usz-gi-na] [...]

    AI Translation

    Lu-ushgina ...

    P203069: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) sze gur
  • la2-ia3 su-ga lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6 ki lu2-(d)ba-ba6 [dumu] (d)utu-bar-ra-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur of barley,
  • deficit repaid; from Lu-Ninshubur, son of Lu-Baba; from Lu-Baba, son of Utu-bara;



    i3-dub e2-duru5 sza3-ku3-ge mu-kux(_du_) mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    depot of the granary of Shakuge; delivery; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203072: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) gu2 siki-gi
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 3(u) ma-na siki gir2-gul a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
  • 5(asz) gu2 3(u) ma-na siki
  • sza3-bi-ta

  • 5(asz) gu2 3(u) 6(disz) ma-na siki
  • zi-ga diri 6(disz) ma-na siki nig2-ka9-ak siki-ba ug3-_il2_ e2 (d)dumu-zi ur-(d)ba-ba6 sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 5 talents of wool,
  • 1st time.

  • 30 minas of wool for Girgul, 2nd time.
  • 5 talents 30 mina wool,
  • therefrom:

  • 5 talents 36 mina wool,
  • booked out; extra: 6 mana wool, account of wool, porters, house of Dumuzi, Ur-Baba, in Kinunir;



    mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203075: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba nigin-ba gu4-apin gub-ba u3 szabra-ne i3-gal2 mu

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: grand totals of plow-oxen, stationed, and chief household administrators, are here; year: "... ."

    P203080: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9-ak sze gu4 engar dumu-gu4-gur e2 (d)nin-mar(ki) i3-gal2 mu

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: accounts of barley of oxen, plowmen, oxen-sitting, house of Ninmar, are here; year: "... ."


    Basket-of-tablets: accounts barley oxen plowman, young oxen turners of house of Ninmar, are here; year: "... ."

    P203084: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 7(disz) nig2?-x x
  • (d)lamma x? x? e2-nesag? ki ba-a-sa6-ga-ta kiszib3 ur-ab-ba giri3 ba-sa6-ga muhaldim mu lu-lu:bu-um#(ki) ba#-hul#

    AI Translation
  • 7 mana wool for Nig-...,
  • For Lamma ..., from the house Nesag, from Ba'asaga, under seal of Ur-abba, via Basaga, cook, year: "Lullubum was destroyed."

    P203085: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) sze lugal
  • ki szesz-kal-la-ta ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)dumu-zi

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Sheshkalla, barge carried to Nippur, under seal of Ur-Dumuzi;



    iti _gan2_-masz mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "GANmash," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203086: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 2(barig) (gesz)haszhur duru5 gur
  • ki ur-(d)inanna-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)ig-alim lu2-ur3-ra

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 barig dates,
  • from Ur-Inanna, under seal of Lu-Igalim, Lu-ura;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)ig-alim dumu nam-ha-ni lu2-ur3-a

    AI Translation

    Lu-Igalim, son of Namhani, Lu-ura.

    P203087: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • gurusz-bi 1(u)-am3 a2 hun-ga2 i7 he2-gal2 lugal-du10-ga szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • its laborers: 10 workdays, labor of hirelings, of the "Wall of abundance" canal, Lugal-duga received;



    giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar iti szu-numun mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Baba, the scribe; month: "Sowing," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203088: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a2 ma2 hun-ga2 u3 a2 e2-a nu-zi-zi

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • labor of hirelings, labor of hirelings, and labor of the house not to be cut off,



    kiszib3 nin-a-na iti munu4-gu7 mu si-mu-ur4-um(ki) a-ra2 3(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ninana; month: "Malt feast," year: "Simurum for the 3rd time was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-ba-sa6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Nabasa.

    P203089: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki inim-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta mu du-du dumu ensi2-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Inim-Baba-idab, year: "Dundu, son of the governor."



    nimgir-ra-kam szu ba-ti iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received by Nimgira; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    nimgir-ra-kam kasz-a gub-ba dumu ur-dun

    AI Translation

    for Nimgira, the barley-bearer stationed, son of Ur-Dun;

    P203090: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 lugal
  • lu2-(d)suen szu ba-ti iti [ezem (d)dumu]-zi

    AI Translation
  • 1 royal garment,
  • Lu-Suen received; month: "Festival of Dumuzi."



    mu si-mu-ur4-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simurum was destroyed."

    P203091: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • ki nin-a-su-ta mu siki-ud5-sze3 kiszib3 ur-ab-ba

    AI Translation
  • 8 2/3 sila3 sesame oil,
  • from Nin-asu, for the wool, under seal of Ur-abba;



    giri3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Ningeshzida; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1



    AI Translation


    P203092: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) engar 7(asz) sze gur lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 5(u) la2 1(asz) gur ki na-ba-sa6-ta i3-dub ar-sza-ti-a-ta

    AI Translation
  • 7 plowmen, 7 gur barley, royal measure,
  • its barley: 49 gur, from Nabasa, from the depot Arshatia;



    a-kal-la szu ba-ti kiszib3 ezem (d)dumu-zi mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Akalla received; under seal of the festival of Dumuzi; year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ab-ba-gi-na

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, scribe, son of Abbagina.

    P203093: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 ki lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3-ta a-a-kal-la szabra szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn; from Lu-Igimashe Ayakalla, the household manager, received;



    [i3]-dub#? ar#-sza#-ti#-a-ta iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu si-mu-ur4-um lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the depot of Arshati'a; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203094: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 gesztin had2
  • ki bi2-du11-i3-sa6-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 1 2/3 sila3 of had wine,
  • from Biddu-isa;



    kiszib3 1(asz)-a kiszib3 ur-ab-ba iti szu-numun-ta iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ta mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of 1 asha, under seal of Ur-abba, from month "Sowing," to month "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-ab-ba dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-abba, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203095: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 8(disz) u8 1(u) sila4 gub
  • 2(u) 2(disz) udu-nita2 1(u) sila4 gub
  • sza3-ba 3(disz) nu-tuku

  • 1(disz) udu a-lum
  • 2(disz) masz2
  • szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) udu masz2 gub-ba-am3

    AI Translation
  • 38 ewes, 10 lambs,
  • 22 rams, 10 lambs,
  • therefrom: 3 without interest;

  • 1 long-fleeced sheep,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • total: 83 rams, nannies stationed;



    udu nig2-gur11 a-a-kal-la ur-(d)nu-musz-da i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    sheep, property of Ayakalla, Ur-Numushda accepted; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203097: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub a-sza3 a-ba-al-la-ka sze (d)al-la-tum-ta sze-numun a-sza3 a-ba-al-la-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta (d)utu-mu szabra

    AI Translation
  • 53 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the field Abal, from the barley of Allatum, to the seed grain of the field Abal, from Bazi, Shamash-mu, the household manager;



    szu ba-ti giri3 a-hu-a [iti] ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu# si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Ahua; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203098: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) sze gur lugal
  • gur zabar-ta sa2-du11-sze3 a-sza3 a-ba-al-la-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 szesz-szesz lu2 i3-li2-_gu10_ giri a-hu-a

    AI Translation
  • 50 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • from bronze gur for the regular offerings, from the field Abal, from Bazi, under seal of brother of Ili, via Ahua;



    iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simuru and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    szesz-szesz dumu i3-li2-[_gu10_] lu2-ur3-ra

    AI Translation

    brother of Ili-gu, Lu-ura

    P203099: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(gesz2) 1(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • kiszib3 lu2 nig2-dab5-ba-ke4-ne

  • 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 2(u) 7(disz) sze ku3
  • kiszib3 ensi2-ka

    AI Translation
  • 133 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • under seal of the nigdab-officials;

  • 1 mana 12 shekels 27 grains silver,
  • under seal of the governor;



    la2-ia3 e3-a sa2-du11 sze-ba-sze3 ma-ni szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(d)suen dumu lu2-kal-la iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    deficit brought out; for the regular offerings for barley, Mani received; via Ur-Suen, son of Lukalla; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."


  • 6(gesz2) 1(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • kiszib3 lu2 nig2-dab5-ba-ke4-ne

  • 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 2(u) 6(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • kiszib3 ensi2-ka la2-ia3 e3-a

    AI Translation
  • 133 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • under seal of the nigdab-officials;

  • 1 mana 12 shekels 26 grains of silver,
  • under seal of the governor, deficit repaid;



    sa2-du11 sze-ba-sze3 kiszib3 ma-ni giri3 ur-(d)suen mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for the regular offering of barley, under seal of Mani, via Ur-Suen; year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ma-ni sagi (d)gu3-de2-a dumu ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation

    Mani, cupbearer of Gudea, son of Ur-Lamma.

    P203100: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • ki ur-ab-ba-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)na-(ru2)-a

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • from Ur-abba, under seal of Lu-Narua;



    iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dub-sar dumu ur-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Lu-Narua, scribe, son of Ur-Adad.

    P203101: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) gur lugal sze
  • gur zabar-(ta) sze-numun a-sza3 ad2-tag-tag-_ne_ guru7 e2 udu gu4 ki ka-tar-(d)ba-ba6-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur, royal measure of barley,
  • from bronze gur seed, field Adtag-NE, grain-fed, sheep and oxen house, from Katar-Baba;



    ur-nig2 dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6-ke4 szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du7 mu si-mu-ru-um a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz

    AI Translation

    Ur-nig, son of Ur-Baba, received; month: "Mound-lifting," year: "Simurrum," the 9th time.

    P203102: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 2(u) gur lugal sza3-gal erin2-na-sze3 i3-dub a2-sun2-ta ki ba-zi-ta lu2-gu-la nu-banda3 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 240 workdays, male laborers, 1 barig barley of the king,
  • its barley: 20 gur; royal measure for the szagal work-troops, from the depot of asun-service, from Bazi Lu-gula, the superintendent, received;



    inim ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ensi2-ta erin2 e2 (d)nansze-me iti mu-szu-du7 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    by the word of Ur-Baba, son of the governor, the troops of the house of Nanshe; month: "mushudu," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203103: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 5(u) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub gir2-nun-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ma-ni

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot Girnun, from Bazi, under seal of Mani;



    iti mu-szu-du7 mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu-um a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "mushudu," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ma-ni sagi (d)gu3-de2-a dumu ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation

    Mani, cupbearer of Gudea, son of Ur-Lamma.

    P203104: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze lugal
  • lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu a2-du-ni

  • 1(barig) ur-mes dumu da-da
  • 1(barig) la-la-a dumu lu2-(d)dumu-zi
  • dumu aszgab-me

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • Lu-Ningirsu, son of Aduni.

  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Ur-mes, son of Dada
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Lala, son of Lu-Dumuzi
  • son of Aszgab-me



    szu ba-ab-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203105: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) gur lugal sze
  • a2 lu2 hun-ga2 ki ba-zi-ta da-da szu ba-ti giri3 lugal-siskur2-re

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur, royal measure of barley,
  • labor of the hirelings, from Bazi Dada received; via Lugal-siskure;



    kun-zi-da sa-ri-lum-ta iti amar-a-a-si mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the depot Sarilum; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Simurrum for the 9th time was destroyed;"

    P203106: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal erin2 bala tusz-a-ka-sze3 a-sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 ki ka5-a-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • to the field of the troops stationed in bala, to the field of Enlil, from Ka'amu;



    kiszib3 nam-mah iti amar-a-a-si mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-(kam)-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Nammah; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    nam-mah dub-sar dumu ur-(d)x#

    AI Translation

    Nammah, scribe, son of Ur-.

    P203107: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 4(barig) munu4 gur lugal
  • ur-nim

  • 1(asz) 4(barig) munu4 gur lu2-kal-la
  • 1(asz) 4(barig) munu4 gur (d)ba-ba6-da-nu-me-a
  • 4(barig) 3(ban2) munu4 lugal-uszur3
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) munu4 gur puzur4-e2-a
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 barig of emmer, royal measure,
  • a kind of insect

  • 1 gur 4 barig emmer, Lukalla,
  • 1 gur 4 barig of malt for Babadanumea,
  • 4 barig 3 ban2 emmer for Lugal-ushur,
  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 emmer, Puzrish-Ea,
  • Reverse

  • 1(asz) 1(barig) munu4 gur ur-(d)li9-si4
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) munu4 gur ur-gu2-de3-(na) dub?-sar?
  • munu4 kasz de2-a lugal giri3 ur-gu2-de3-na iti amar-a-a-si mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig of malt, Ur-Lisi;
  • 1 gur 1 barig of malt, Ur-gudena, the scribe?;
  • munu-flour, beer rations of the king, via Ur-gudena; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203108: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) sze gur kin-gi4-a
  • 2(u) 5(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 kasz de2-a lugal-sze3
  • ki da-da-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu si-du3

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur of barley, for the kingia;
  • 25 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 beer for the king's delivery;
  • from Dada, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Sidu;



    iti amar-a-a-si mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu si-du3 kuruszda

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Sidu, fattener.

    P203109: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) la2 2(disz) gudu4 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 7(asz) 3(barig) gur kun-zi-da sa-ri2-lum-ta

    AI Translation
  • 40 less 2 gudu4-officiants, 1 barig barley of the king each,
  • its barley: 7 gur 3 barig, from the kunzida-vessel of Sarilum;



    lu2-inim-gi-na dumu a-tu szu ba-ti kiszib3 sila4-mu dumu a-tu iti amar-a-a-si mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-inimgina, son of Atu, received; under seal of Silamu, son of Atu; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Simurrum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203110: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) 3(barig) [sze gur lugal]
  • mu ur-mes nu-banda3-sze3

  • 4(asz) gur
  • mu ur-(d)gesz-bar-e3-sze3 a2 hun-ga2 erin2 bala tusz-a sze-numun i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • year: "Urmes, the superintendent;"

  • 4 gur,
  • for Ur-Geshbare, labor of hirelings, labor-troops stationed in bala, seed grain, from the depot of the fort Ninmar, from Bazi



    ur-(d)ig-alim szu ba-ti giri3 du-du dumu ensi2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu si-mu-ru(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Igalim received; via Dudu, son of the governor; month: "Harvest," year: "Simuru and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203111: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) erin2 1(barig) sze lugal
  • sze-bi 5(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze ur5-ra erin2-na i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta ki ba-zi-ta ba-zi-ge ugula

    AI Translation
  • 27 1/2 labor-troops, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • its barley: 5 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, barley rations of the work-troops, from the depot of the granary of Ninmar, from Bazi, bazi, foreman;



    szu ba-ti nu-banda3 ur-tur-tur e2 (d)nin-gir2-su-me iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; the overseer: Ur-turtur, the temple of Ningirsu; month: "Harvest," year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203112: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) sze
  • a2 lu2 hun-ga2 ki lu2-ba-gara2-ta kiszib3 (d)utu-mu dumu dab5-ba

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 barley,
  • labor of hirelings, from Lu-bagara, under seal of Shamash-mu, son of Daba;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-(mu) dumu dab5-ba ((mu))

    AI Translation

    Utu-mu, son of Dabba,

    P203114: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra nu-banda3-gu4-ke4-ne guru7 e2-duru5 (d)ga2-tum3-du10-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley, the rations of the oxen managers, from the grain-store of the 'house of the god' Gatumdu, from Bazi;



    i3-kal-la dumu ur-(d)lamma szu ba-ti e2 (d)nin-mar(ki) iti sze-il2-la mu si-mu-ur4-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ikalla, son of Ur-Lamma, received; house of Ninmar; month: "Barley carried," year: "Simurum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203115: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra engar-ne sze sumun i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta ki ba-zi-ta mu szabra [x]-za-[x]-sze3#

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the plowmen, barley rations of the depot of the forecourt of Ninmar, from Bazi, year: "The chief household manager of .



    x [...] szu [ba]-ti# iti sze-[il2-la?] mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-(bu-um) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... received; month: "Barley carried," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203121: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) ma-na siki
  • ki ur-ab-ba-[ta] lu2-(d)gesz-bar-e3

    AI Translation
  • 30 minas of wool,
  • from Ur-abba Lu-Geshbare



    szu ba-ti giri3 iti szu-numun mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Shu-numun; month: "Sowing," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203122: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) gin2 lal3
  • 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 2(disz) sila3 ga-ar3
  • 2(disz) sila3 zu2-lum
  • 2(disz) sila3 (gesz)kisal had2
  • 2(disz) sila3 (gesz)haszhur had2
  • 2(disz) sila3 gesztin had2
  • AI Translation
  • 10 shekels of honey,
  • 2/3 sila3 butter oil,
  • 2 sila3 kashk cheese,
  • 2 sila3 dates,
  • 2 sila3 of a had-wood basket,
  • 2 sila3 of dates,
  • 2 sila3 of had wine,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) (gesz)pesz3 3(disz) kusz3
  • szuku sag se3-ga e2 (d)ba-ba6-sze3 dam ur-(d)nansze dumu na-mu-ka-sze3 szuba3 gu-la du3-a zi-ga iti szu-numun

    AI Translation
  • 1 fig, 3 cubits;
  • for the shuku-offerings, the head shaved, to the house of Baba, wife of Ur-Nanshe, son of Namu, ..., booked out; month: "Sowing,"



    mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203123: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • (gesz)ig gu-za e2-gal-ke4 ba-ab-ak

    AI Translation
  • 3 1/3 sila3 sesame oil,
  • The door of the palace was opened.



    giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 u3 nin-a-na zi-ga iti szu-numun mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Baba and Ninana; booked out; month: "Sowing," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203125: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • zi3 _ka_-sze3 guru7 su-_gan2_-ta sze ha-la-(d)lamma

    AI Translation
  • 92 gur barley, royal measure,
  • flour for the mouth, from the silo of the sugan canal barley of Hala-Lamma;



    ki ba-zi-ta ur-tur dumu ur-sa6-ga szu ba-ti giri3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu-lugal iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi Ur-tur, son of Ur-saga, received; via Lu-Ningirsu, the crown prince; month: "Mountain-of-the-Festival," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203126: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] sa gi-zi gu-nigin2-na sa 7(disz)-ta ugula ur-gu-la-mu amar-ku5

    AI Translation

    ... reed bundles, reed bundles, 7 bundles each, foreman: Ur-gulamu, the amarku;



    sza3 e2 udu gibil

  • 2(asz) in-nu lu2#-e2-sukud-ra2
  • sza3 ga2-nun gesz iti mu-szu-du7 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in the new sheep house;

  • 2 gur of barley for Lu-esukudi,
  • in the storage facility of the wood; month: "Mushudu," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203127: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur
  • sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi ki ur-bad3-tibirx(_ku_)-ra-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 lu2 lunga

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 ban2 barley,
  • regular offerings of Shulgi, from Ur-Ditibira, under seal of Ur-Baba, brewer;



    giri3 du11-ga-ni-zi iti mu-szu-du7 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Duganizi; month: "Mushudu," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203128: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 2(barig) sze gur
  • ki lugal-a-ma-ru-ta sze-ba geme2 i3 sur kiszib3 szesz-kal-la

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 barig barley,
  • from Lugal-amaru, barley rations of female laborers, oil of the sur seal of Sheshkalla,



    [...] iti mu-szu-du7 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... month: "mushudu," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    [szesz-kal-la] dub-sar dumu ur-ab-ba

    AI Translation

    Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Ur-abba.

    P203139: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga nu-banda3 ur-e2?-[...] ki ur-bad3-tibirx(_ku_)-ra-ta

    AI Translation
  • 13 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, the overseer: Ur-E..., from Ur-Dartibira;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 lu2 lunga (d)szul-gi sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi giri3 lu2-(d)szim:ku3 iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Baba, brewer of Shulgi; regular offerings of Shulgi, via Lu-Shimku; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203141: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 4(u) 6(disz) udu
  • lu2-kal-la

  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 2(disz) udu
  • ur-(d)ig-alim

  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 4(disz) udu
  • lu2-sa6-i3-zu

  • 8(disz) udu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su
  • 1(gesz'u) 2(u) udu sza3 ga2-nun-gesz

    AI Translation
  • 126 sheep,
  • for Lukalla;

  • 142 sheep,
  • for Ur-Igalim;

  • 144 sheep,
  • for Lu-sa-izu;

  • 8 sheep for Lu-Ningirsu,
  • 80 sheep, in the threshing floor;


  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu libir
  • 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 5(u) 1(disz) udu mu2 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(disz) udu sza3 e2 ur-dun gub-ba iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi u4 5(disz)-kam mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 12 rams, old,
  • 91 rams, year: 93, sheep in the house of Ur-dun stationed; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," 5th day; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203145: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • i3 a2 la2 lugal-nam2-mah dumu usz-gi-na szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 4 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • oil, less labor, Lugal-nammah, son of Ushgina, received;



    e2 kiszib3-ba-ta iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the sealed house; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203147: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) geme2 kikken2-na
  • e2 ab-ba-gi-na

  • 3(u) 2(disz) di4-di4-la
  • 1(disz) geme2 3(ban2)
  • la-ag ab-sin2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 female worker, miller,
  • house of Abbagina,

  • 32, Didila;
  • 1 female worker, 3 ban2 = 30 sila3
  • from the gap between the furrows;



    ri-ri-ga e2 kas4 gurum2 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam a-sza3 a-ba-gal iti min-esz3 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    reed-cutting, house of messengers, inspection; 24th day; field of Abagal; month: "minesh," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203150: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze numun a-sza3 gir2-gir2 mu szabra-ke4-ne-sze3 i3-dub gir2-nun-ta

    AI Translation
  • 107 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed grain, field of Girgir, from the szabra, from the depot Girnun;



    ur-(d)lamma sanga (d)nin-szubur szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, the temple administrator of Ninshubur, received; via Ur-Nungal; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203151: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki na-ba-sa6-ta sze erin2 tur-sze3 mu-zu

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Nabasa, barley of the small labor-troops, your name.



    szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed;"

    P203152: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu niga sa2-du11
  • (d)nansze

  • 1(disz) udu niga sa2-du11
  • (d)gu3-de2-a ki ur-(d)ig-alim-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed, regular offerings,
  • for Nanshe;

  • 1 sheep, barley-fed, regular offerings,
  • Gudea, from Ur-Igalim;



    e2 udu ga2-nun gesz zi-ga iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 u4 1(u) 8(disz) ba-zal mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    house of sheep, slaughterhouse, wood booked out; month: "Festival of Baba," 18th day passed; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203153: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) geme2 a-ga-am 1(barig)-ta
  • e2 kikken2 gir2-su(ki)-[...]

  • 1(u) 1(disz) nu-(gesz)kiri6 ka-la2?
  • lu2 hu-bu7(bu) u3 a-lagar?

  • 3(disz) ug3-_il2_ ab-da masz 1(barig)-ta
  • 1(disz) la-lu5 dumu diri szitim u4 engar? (d)nansze-sze3
  • giri3-se3-ga dingir-me

  • 2(disz) lu2 mar-sa 1(barig)-ta
  • AI Translation
  • 6 female laborers, Agam, at 1 barig each,
  • house of the mill of Girsu .

  • 11 gardeners, ...;
  • one of ... and Alagar?,

  • 3 porters, cows, with a goat of 1 barig each,
  • 1 Lalu, son of Diri, the shitum-priest, the day, the plowman? of Nanshe;
  • the feet of the gods;

  • 2 marsa laborers, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • Reverse


    zi3-bi 4(asz) 3(barig) gur lu2 hu-bu7(bu)-ka-[...] u3 e2 kikken2 gir2-su(ki) sza3 nigin6(ki) kiszib3 ur-mes iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    its flour: 4 gur 3 barig; the man of Hubuka-... and the mill in Girsu, in Nigin, under seal of Ur-mes; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-mes dub-sar dumu gu3-de2-a

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, scribe, son of Gudea.

    P203154: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) gu2 gi-zi
  • amar-ku5-me

  • 2(disz) szer7-da-ni
  • he2-dab5-me 5(disz)

    AI Translation
  • 3 talents of reed,
  • they are apes;

  • 2 mana wool for Shardani,
  • they are seized; 5;



    u4 2(u)-kam iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    20th day, month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P203159: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra a-sza3 gir2-nun-ta lu2-uru11(ki) dumu nin-sal-la

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, from the field Girnun, Lu-Uru, son of Nin-salla;



    szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu si-mu-ur4-um(ki) 3(disz)-kam us2 ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Harvest," year: "Simurum," 3rd year, destroyed;"

    P203161: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra guru7 e2-duru5 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ta du-u2-du-li2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, grain-fed, from the grain-storage of the granary of Ninmar Du-udili received;



    nu-banda3 ur-(d)nansze iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Ur-Nanshe; month: "Harvest," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time."

    P203170: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 gesz
  • ku3-bi 7(disz) gin2 ki ur-(d)nansze dam-gar3-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox, harrow,
  • its silver: 7 shekels, from Ur-Nanshe, the merchant;



    apin (d)nansze-sze3 kiszib3 a-hu-a sanga mu us2-sa si-mu-rum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for the plow of Nanshe; under seal of Ahua, the temple administrator; year after: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu lu2-du10-ga

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Lu-duga.

    P203171: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gurum2-ak sipa# unu3# sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) ki-es3-sa2(ki#)

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds, cowherds in Kinunir and Kiessa,


    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds, cowherds in Kinunir, Ki'esha,



    e2 dingir-re-ne# sza3 esz3 sa2-du11# (d)szul-gi ki-nu-nir(ki) i3-gal2 mu# ur-bi2-lum# ba-hul

    AI Translation

    house of the gods, in shrine, regular offerings of Shulgi, Kinunir, are here; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    houses of the gods, in the shrine of offerings of Shulgi in Kinunir, are here; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203172: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba i3 szid-da nu-banda3 gir2-su(ki)-ke4-ne u3 sze nig2-gal2-la giri3 ur-(d)lamma dumu sa12-du5

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: oil, flour, manager of Girsu, and barley, property, via Ur-Lamma, son of Sadu,


    Basket-of-tablets: oil counted, overseers of Girsu and barley on hand, via Ur-Lamma, son of chief surveyor,



    i3-gal2 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    are here; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    are here. year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203173: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • ki ma-ni-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver
  • from Mani did Lu-Ninshubur, son of Lu-Baba, receive;



    mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P203174: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze lugal
  • sza3-gal muszen en ki zi3 ma2-a erin2-na ki unken-ne2-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • the 'splendor' of birds, lord, from the place of the flour of the barge, the work-troops, from the place of the granary Lu-Ninshubur



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Simurum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203175: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba sag-nig2-gur11-ra ma-ni i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: debits of Mani are here;


    Basket-of-tablets: credits of Mani are here;



    mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203176: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • a2 hun-ga2 erin2 bala tusz-a ki ab-ba-kal-la-ta ugula e2-(d)anzu

    AI Translation
  • 14 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • labor of hirelings, labor-troops stationed in bala; from Abbakala, foreman of E-anzu;



    nu-banda3 a-hu-a i3-dub ambar(ki)-ta mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Ahua, from the depot in Ambar; year after: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203177: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal amar-du3 u3 ab2 2(disz) ki ma-ni-ta kiszib3 nig2-u2-rum dumu e2-gal

    AI Translation
  • 63 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the fodder of Amar-du and 2 cows, from Mani, under seal of Nig-Urum, son of the palace;



    giri3 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Urbilum; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)lamma ensi2 lagasz(ki) nig2-u2-rum ra2-gaba _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, ruler of Lagash: Nig-Urum, the chariot driver, is your servant.

    P203178: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta kiszib3 ma-ni ka-guru7 giri3 lugal-ezem dumu da-da

    AI Translation
  • 11 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Enlila, under seal of Mani, the granary manager, via Lugal-ezem, son of Dada;



    mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ma-ni sagi (d)gu3-de2-a dumu ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation

    Mani, cupbearer of Gudea, son of Ur-Lamma.

    P203180: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [pisan] dub-ba [sze guru7-a] tak4-a [geme2]-usz-bar [giri3]-se3-ga e2-usz-bar

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x



    zah3 ba-usz2 lagasz(ki)-ta ki-nu-nir(ki)-sze3 i3-gal2 nu-banda3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 mu ur-(bi2)-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    slaughtered, from Lagash to Kinunir, are here; the overseer: Lu-Baba; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203181: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • a2 hun-ga2 erin2 bala tusz-a ki ab-ba-kal-la-ta bad3-da-bad3-da szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • labor of hirelings, labor-troops who were bala-duty, from Abbakalla Bada-bada received;



    nu-banda3 ur-sa6-ga gu-za-la2 i3-dub ambar(ki)-ta mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-ru-um lu-lu-bu a-ra2 9(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Ursaga, chair bearer, from the depot in Ambar, year after: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203182: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 5(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) u8
  • 4(gesz2) 3(u) 4(disz) udu-nita2
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) kir11
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 2(disz) sila4-nita2
  • 3(u) 8(disz) sila4-nita2 diri
  • 6(disz) masz2-sag
  • lu2-(d)suen na-gada im-ta kur2-ra sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu ur-bi2-lum

    AI Translation
  • 115 ewes,
  • 144 rams,
  • 77 female lambs,
  • 92 male lambs,
  • 38 male lambs, extra,
  • 6 billy goats,
  • Lu-Suen, the nagda-priest, from the east, in Guabba, year: "Urbilum."

    P203183: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) masz2
  • ki ur-(d)da-mu-ta kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 5 billy goats,
  • from Ur-Damu, under seal of Lu-Lagash;



    mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze nu-banda3 kuruszda

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe, overseer of fatteners.

    P203184: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(disz) gu4 szu-gi4 5(disz) sila3 sze-ta
  • u4 6(disz)-sze3 iti# ezem-(d)szul-gi

  • 1(u) 4(disz) gu4 5(disz) sila3-ta
  • u4 3(u)-sze3 iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6

  • 1(u) 4(disz) gu4 5(disz) sila3-ta
  • u4 3(u)-sze3 iti mu-szu-du8

  • 1(u) 4(disz) gu4 5(disz)# sila3-ta
  • u4 2(u)-sze3 iti amar-a-a-si

    AI Translation
  • 14 oxen, reed-fed, 5 sila3 barley each,
  • for 6 months, month: "Festival of Shulgi;"

  • 14 oxen, 5 sila3 each,
  • for 30 days, month: "Festival of Baba;"

  • 14 oxen, 5 sila3 each,
  • for 30 days, month: "mushudu;"

  • 14 oxen, 5 sila3 each,
  • for 20 days, month: "Amar-ayasi;"



    szu-nigin2 2(u) sze gur lugal sza3-gal gu4 szu-gi4 sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu (d)nin-gir2-su-ka mu (d)szul-gi-ra ur-(d)nin-gir2-su-ke4 in-pa3 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    total: 20 gur barley, royal measure, oxen, repaid, in Guabba, year: "Ningirsu," year: "Shulgi Ur-Ningirsu was installed," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203197: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) dur3
  • 2(disz) dur3 2(disz)
  • 5(disz) dur3 1(disz)
  • ki an-ne2-ba-du7 dub-sar a-ru-a-ta sza3-bi-ta la2-ia3 1(disz) ansze

  • 1(disz) dur3? 2(disz)
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim sipa ama gan [...] dur3 [...] dur3 2(disz)

    AI Translation
  • 1 ...,
  • 2 ..., 2 ...,
  • 5 ...,
  • from Anne-badu, the scribe of Arua, therefrom: deficit: 1 donkey.

  • 1 ..., 2 ...,
  • under seal of Ur-Igalim, shepherd of the mother of ..., dur3 ..., dur3 2;


  • 5(disz) dur3 1(disz)
  • lu2-(d)nin-szubur sipa (ansze) a-ru-a la2-ia3-am3 nig2-ka9-ak lu2-(d)nin-szubur sipa ansze a-ru-a mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 5 ...,
  • Lu-Ninshubur, shepherd of donkeys, the debit; deficit of the account of Lu-Ninshubur, shepherd of donkeys, the debit; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203198: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) masz2
  • e2 lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 in-dab5-a

  • 2(disz) masz2
  • e2 al-ba-ni-du11 la-ba-da-u in-dab5-a

  • 2(disz) masz2 e2 kikken nisaba(ki)
  • la-ba-da-u in-dab5-a

  • 2(disz) (masz2) e2 szesz-ni-a
  • AI Translation
  • 2 billy goats,
  • Ur-Baba has taken into the house of Lu-igima.

  • 2 billy goats,
  • he has seized the house of his father, but he has not taken it away.

  • 2 billy goats, household of Nisaba;
  • he has taken away from Labadu;

  • 2 billy goats, house of Sheshnia;
  • Reverse


    la-ba-da-u in-dab5-a nig2 siskur2-ra giri3 sukkal-mah zi-ga ki lu2-giri17-zal kuruszda-ta mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    he has taken away. The property of the siskura offerings, via the vizier, booked out; from Lu-girizal, the fattener, year after: "Simurum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203202: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze kar-ra gu2 i7 pirig-gin7-du sza3-bi-ta ugu2 ma-ni ba-a-gar mu-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • barley from the threshing floor, bank of the pirig-gindu canal, from there on to Mani he set it, delivery;



    nig2-ka9-ak ba-sa6-ga muhaldim sza13-dub-ba mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    account of Basaga, cook, chief accountant; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203207: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9-ak lu2# nig2-dab5 ki-[sur]-ra-ke4 bala egir i3-gal2?

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the nigdab men of the borderlands, bala after, are here;


    Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the nigdab men of the borderlands bala after, are here;



    mu ur-bi2#-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203216: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 4(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) ab2 amar ga gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) ab2-mah2 (d)utu-kam engar 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 sag-gu4-gesz-sze3 5(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) gu4 amar ga 1(asz@c) nu gu4 u2-gu de2-a su-su gub-ba-am3 nin-a-na engar ugula lu2-(d)ba-ba6 nu-banda3-gu4 szesz-ab-ba muhaldim 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 4(asz@c) gu4-gesz [n] gu4-gesz sag ab2-mah2-sze3 [...]-am3 [...]-x engar [n] ansze# [n] dur3#

    AI Translation

    1 cow, 4 oxen, 1 calf, calf, suckling, stationed; deficit: 1 cow, Utu-kam, the plowman; 1 cow, suckling, 5 oxen, 1 oxen, suckling, 1 oxen, suckling, stationed; Ninana, the plowman; Lu-Baba, the manager of oxen, Sheshaba, the cook; 1 cow, 4 oxen, n oxen, suckling, ... cows, ...; ..., the plowman; n donkeys, n ...,

    Column 2


    ki ur-sa6-ga dumu igi-a-ta giri3 (d)utu-ik-s,ur2-kam (d)utu-sa6-ga i3-dab5 ugula he2-sa6-mu nu-banda3-gu4 2(asz@c) ansze 4(asz@c) dur3 1(asz@c) ansze 3(disz@t) sag dur3-sze3 1(asz@c) dur3 2(disz@t) 1(asz@c) dur3 1(disz@t) 1(asz@c) ansze amar ga 1(asz@c) dur3 amar ga 1(asz@c) dur3 szu-gi4 gub-ba-am3 ab-ba-mu engar 3(asz@c) ab2-mah2 2(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) ab2 1(disz@t) 1(asz@c) gu4 1(disz@t) 1(asz@c) nu gu4 su-su engar 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz@t) su-ga sanga sag ab2 3(disz@t)-sze3

    1(asz@c) ab2 3(disz@t) su-su [nu]-su# im-ma szesz-kal-la gub#-ba-am3 [n] gu4-gesz [...] 1(disz) [...]-am3 [...] engar

    AI Translation

    from Ur-saga, son of Igia, via Shamash-ikshur, Shamash-saga accepted; foreman: Hesamu, manager of oxen; 2 donkeys, 4 calf-loads, 1 donkey, 3 head-loads, 1 donkey, 2 calf-loads, 1 calf-loads, 1 calf-loads, 1 calf-loads, szugi-offering stationed; Abbamu, farmer; 3 cows, 2 oxen, 1 cows, 1 oxen, 1 oxen, 1 nu oxen, susu, farmer; 1 oxen, 2 suga, priest, head-loads, 3 cows,

    1 cow, 3 horns, not horned, he weighed out, and Sheshkalla stood there; n oxen ... 1 ... ... ..., the plowman;

    Column 3


    ugula ba-zi nu-banda3-gu4 gu4 (d)lugal-uru11(ki) 5(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) nu gu4 u2-gu de2-a inim nig2-u2-rum-ta 1(asz@c) nu ab2-mah2 1(asz@c) nu ab2 2(disz@t) su-su engar nu-banda3-gu4 mu u2-gu ba-de2-a-sze3 gub-ba-am3 ur-(d)dumu-zi engar 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 3(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) gu4 su-ga engar gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) gu4-gesz a-tu engar ugula du10-ga nu-banda3-gu4 gu4 (d)nin-sun2 szunigin 6(asz@c) ab2-mah2 szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 sag-gu4-gesz-sze3 szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 su-su

    szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 3(disz@t) su-su szunigin 2(u@c) 3(asz@c) gu4-gesz szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4-gesz sag ab2-mah2-sze3

    AI Translation

    foreman: Bazi, oxen manager; oxen manager: Lugalurub; 5 oxen, 1 oxen, not oxen, oxen, oxen, from the contract of Nig-urum; 1 oxen, not cows, 1 oxen, not cows, 2 oxen, plowman; foreman: oxen manager; foreman: "Oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, Ur-Dumuzi, plowman; foreman: 3 oxen, 3 oxen, 1 oxen, plowman; foreman: Atu, plowman; foreman: Duga, oxen manager: oxen, oxen, Ninsun; total: 6 oxen, total: 1 oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, Ninsun; total: 6 oxen, total: 1 oxen,

    total: 1 cow of 3 spans' height; total: 23 oxen, total: 1 oxen, first fruits of the cowherd,

    Column 4


    szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 su-ga szunigin 3(asz@c) gu4 su-su szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz@t) su-ga sag ab2 3(disz@t)-sze3 szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t)? su-su szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 1(disz@t) szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 1(disz@t) szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 amar ga szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 amar ga szunigin 3(asz@c) ansze szunigin 1(asz@c) ansze 3(disz@t) sag dur3-sze3 szunigin 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) dur3 szunigin 1(asz@c) dur3 2(disz@t) szunigin 1(asz@c) ansze 1(disz@t) lum! gurum2-ta szunigin 1(asz@c) dur3 1(disz@t)

    szunigin 1(asz@c) ansze amar ga szunigin 2(asz@c) dur3 amar ga szunigin 1(asz@c) dur3 szu-gi4 gub-ba-am3 szunigin 1(disz) ab2-mah2 szunigin 2(disz) gu4-gesz szunigin 2(disz) gu4 1(disz@t) la2-ia3-am3 libir-am3 szunigin 1(asz@c) ansze _ka_ a!?-ni-im-ma-ta gu4 engar-bi 6(disz) ansze-bi 2(disz) ugula nig2-u2-rum sanga

    AI Translation

    total: 1 ox, tanned, total: 3 oxen, tanned, total: 1 ox, 2 oxen, tanned, head of 3 cows, total: 1 cow, 2? oxen, total: 1 cow, 1 ox, total: 1 ox, calf, suckling, total: 1 ox, suckling, 1 ox, suckling, 1 ox, calf, suckling, total: 3 donkeys, total: 1 donkeys, 3 head of the dur, total: 11 oxen, total: 1 dur, 2 oxen, total: 1 donkeys, 1 lum, from the gurum, total: 1 dur, 1

    total: 1 donkey calf, suckling, total: 2 calf-suckling calf-sucklings, total: 1 calf-suckling, suckling, stationed; total: 1 equid, total: 2 oxen, total: 2 oxen, 1 deficit; rebuilt; total: 1 donkey from the mouth of Anima; the oxen of the plowmen: 6 donkeys, 2 foreman: Nig-urum, the household manager;

    Column 5


    1(asz@c) ansze 7(asz@c) dur3 1(asz@c) dur3 amar ga 1(asz@c) dur3 sag ansze 2(disz@t)-sze3 gub-ba-am3 ur-(d)lu2-lal3 dumu inim-(d)inanna engar 1(asz@c) ansze 5(asz@c) dur3 1(asz@c) ansze 2(disz@t) gesz-tug2 1(asz@c) dur3 amar ga gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) ansze ur-(d)dumu-zi engar ugula ur-(d)ba-ba6 nu-banda3-gu4 3(asz@c) ab2-mah2 4(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) sag ab2 3(disz)-sze3 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) sag ab2 1(disz)-sze3 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz@t) sag-gu4 3(disz)-sze3 1(asz@c) gu4 amar ga

    lugal-za3-ge-si engar 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 4(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) gu4-gesz su-su engar nu-banda3-gu4 gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) gu4-gesz

  • 1(disz) gu4 1(disz@t)
  • AI Translation

    1 donkey, 7 rams, 1 ram, calf-fed, 1 ram, 2 heads, stationed; Ur-Lulal, son of Inim-Inanna, the plowman; 1 donkey, 5 rams, 1 ram, 2 heads, Geshtug; 1 ram, calf-fed, stationed; deficit: 1 donkey, Ur-Dumuzi, the plowman; foreman: Ur-Baba, the superintendent; 3 cows, 3 cows, 2 heads, 3 heads, 1 cows, 2 heads, 3 heads, 1 oxen, 2 heads, 3 heads, 1 oxen, 3 heads, 1 oxen,

    Lugal-zagesi, the plowman; 1 cow; 4 oxen; 1 oxen, Susu, the plowman; oxen manager stationed; deficit: 1 oxen;

  • 1 ox, 1 lamb,
  • Column 1


    la2-ia3-am3 mar-tu engar ugula ma-an-szum2 nu-banda3-gu4 1(asz@c) ansze 3(asz@c) dur3 2(asz@c) dur3 2(disz@t) sag dur3-sze3 1(asz@c) dur3 su-ga lugal-za3-ge-si 1(asz@c) nu ansze su-su engar nu-banda3-gu4 gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) dur3

  • 1(disz) dur3 1(disz@t)
  • la2-ia3-am3 libir-am3 2(asz@c) ansze engar (d)ig-alim-ta ur-mes engar 3(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) nu gu4 su-ga engar gub-ba-am3

  • 1(disz) gu4 szu-gi4
  • kiszib3 a-kal-la sipa gu4 zi-ga la2-ia3 1(disz) gu4-gesz libir-am3 1(asz@c) gu4-gesz na-gab2-tum-ta# ur3-re-ba-du7 engar ugula lugal-nam-tar-re nu-banda3-gu4 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 6(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) gu4 amar ga lugal-sipa engar

    AI Translation

    deficit of Martu, the plowman; foreman: Manshum, the overseer of oxen; 1 donkey, 3 calf-loads, 2 calf-loads, 2 head-loads, foreman: 1 donkey, suckling, Lugal-zagesi; 1 donkey, no calf-load, plowman, overseer of oxen, stationed; deficit: 1 donkey,

  • 1 ...,
  • deficit, old: 2 donkeys, plowman from Igalim; Ur-mes, plowman; 3 oxen, 1 oxen, not plowed, plowman stationed;

  • 1 ox, shugi,
  • under seal of Akalla, shepherd of oxen, booked out; deficit: 1 ox, old, 1 ox, from Nagabtum Ur-re-badu, plowman, foreman: Lugal-namtarre, manager; 1 cow, 6 oxen, 1 ox, calf, suckling, Lugal-sipa, plowman;

    Column 2


    gu4 (d)lugal-uru11(ki) 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 2(asz@c) gu4-gesz 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 su-ga engar mu gu4 2(disz@t) ba-an-zuh-a-sze3 1(asz@c) ab2 szu-gi4 1(asz@c) gu4 szu-gi4 1(asz@c) ab2 amar ga 1(asz@c) nu gu4-gesz su-su engar nu-banda3-gu4 gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) gu4-gesz libir-am3 1(asz@c) gu4-gesz na-gab2-tum-ta gu4 (d)gu-la-kam lu2-(d)gesz-bar-e3 i3-dab5 ugula gu-u2-gu-mu nu-banda3-gu4 gu4 (d)nin-sun2

  • 1(disz) dur3
  • engar lu2 unu(ki) e2 (d)szul-gi-ra-sze3

  • 1(disz) dur3
  • engar (d)utu mu e2 (d)nin-gir2-su-ka-sze3 ru ansze engar (d)nin-gir2-su-ka szunigin 7(asz@c) ab2-mah2 szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 ma2 su-ga szunigin 2(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) gu4-gesz szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 su-ga szunigin 2(asz@c) gu4 su-su szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) sag ab2 1(disz@t)-sze3 szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) sag ab2 3(disz@t)-sze3

    AI Translation

    oxen of Lugalurub; 1 cow, 2 oxen, 1 cow, oxen, oxen, oxen, plowmen, for the year: "two oxen were slaughtered," 1 cow, shugi, 1 cow, shugi, 1 calf, calf, calf, ..., 1 oxen, susu, oxen manager, stationed; deficit: 1 ox, old, 1 oxen, from the Nagabtum, oxen of Gula, Lu-Geshbare accepted; foreman: Gu'ugumu, oxen manager, oxen of Ninsun,

  • 1 ...,
  • ploughman, man of Uruk, for the house of Shulgi;

  • 1 ...,
  • farmer of Utu, in the household of Ningirsu, the owner of the donkeys, the farmer of Ningirsu; total: 7 oxen, total: 1 oxen, barge moored; total: 20 less 1 oxen, total: 1 oxen moored; total: 2 oxen moored; total: 1 cow, 2 head-loads of 1 cow; total: 1 cow, 2 head-loads of 3 cows;

    Column 3


    szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz@t) sag-gu4 3(disz@t)-sze3 szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 amar ga szunigin 2(asz@c) gu4 amar ga szunigin 1(asz@c) ab2 szu-gi4 szunigin 1(asz@c) gu4 szu-gi4 szunigin 3(asz@c) ansze szunigin 1(asz@c) ansze su-su szunigin 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) dur3 szunigin 1(asz@c) dur3 sag ansze 2(disz@t)-sze3 szunigin 1(asz@c) dur3 su-ga szunigin 1(asz@c) ansze 2(disz@t) gesz-sze3 szunigin 2(asz@c) dur3 2(disz@t) dur3-sze3 szunigin 2(asz@c) dur3 amar ga gub-ba-am3 szunigin 1(disz) gu4-gesz

    szunigin 3(disz) gu4-gesz szunigin 1(disz) gu4 1(disz@t) szunigin 1(disz) ansze szunigin 1(disz) dur3 szunigin 1(disz) dur3 1(disz@t) la2-ia3-am3 libir-am3 szunigin 2(asz@c) gu4 na-gab2-tum-ta szunigin 2(asz@c) ansze gub-ba-am3 szunigin 1(disz) dur3 1(disz@t) engar (d)utu mu e2 (d)nin-gir2-su-ka-sze3

    AI Translation

    total: 1 ox, 2 oxen heads, 3 oxen heads; total: 1 calf, calf suckling, total: 2 oxen, calf suckling, total: 1 cow, suckling, total: 1 cow, suckling, total: 3 donkeys, total: 1 donkey, suckling, total: 13 calf-troops, total: 1 calf-troops, 2 donkeys, total: 1 calf-troops, 2 donkeys, gesh, total: 2 calf-troops, 2 donkeys, suckling, oxen,

    total: 3 oxen, total: 1 ox, total: 1 donkey, total: 1 donkey, total: 1 horn, total: 1 horn, total: 1 horn, 1 deficit, old, total: 2 oxen from Nagatum, total: 2 donkeys stationed, total: 1 horn, 1 ox, farmer of Utu, year: "The house of Ningirsu."

    Column 4


    [szunigin 1(asz@c)] dur3 engar lu2 unu#(ki) e2 (d)szul-gi-ra-sze3 zi#-ga# engar# (d)ig-alim-ta zi-ga#-am3 gu4 engar-bi 5(disz)-am3 ansze engar-bi 3(disz)-am3 ugula nam-mah szunigin2 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) ab2-mah2 szunigin2 4(u@c) 5(asz@c) gu4-gesz szunigin2 1(asz@c) ab2-mah2 su-ga szunigin2 2(asz@c) gu4 su-ga szunigin2 2(asz@c) ab2 su-su szunigin2 5(asz@c) gu4 su-su szunigin2 2(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) szunigin2 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz@t) szunigin2 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz@t) su-ga szunigin2 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) su-su

    szunigin2 1(asz@c) ab2 1(disz@t) szunigin2 1(asz@c) gu4 1(disz@t) szunigin2 2(asz@c) ab2 amar ga szunigin2 3(asz@c) gu4 amar ga szunigin2 1(asz@c) ab2 szu-gi4 szunigin2 1(asz@c) gu4 szu-gi4 szunigin2 1(u@c) ansze szunigin2 3(u@c) la2? 3(disz) dur3 szunigin2 1(asz@c) dur3 su-ga szunigin2 1(asz@c) ansze su-su szunigin2 1(asz@c) ansze 2(disz@t) szunigin2 3(asz@c)#? dur3 2(disz@t) szunigin2 1(asz@c) ansze 1(disz@t) szunigin2 1(asz@c) dur3 1(disz@t) szunigin2 1(asz@c) ansze amar ga

    szunigin2 1(asz@c) dur3 szu-gi4 gub-ba-am3

    AI Translation

    total: 1 dur-farmer, farmer, man of Uruk, to the house of Shulgi booked out; from the farmer of Igalim booked out; the oxen of the farmers: 5; the donkeys of the farmers: 3; foreman of the nammah; total: 13 oxen; total: 45 oxen; total: 1 oxen, suckling; total: 2 oxen, suckling; total: 2 cows, suckling; total: 5 oxen, suckling; total: 2 cows, 2 oxen, total: 1 oxen, 2 oxen, total: 1 oxen, 2 oxen, total: 1 oxen, 2 oxen, total: 1 cows, 2 oxen, total: 1 cows, 2 oxen, total: 1 cows, 2 oxen, total: 1 cows, 2 oxen, total: 1 cows, 2 oxen, total: 1 oxen, total: 2 oxen, total: 1 oxen, total: 2 oxen

    Total: 1 cow 1; total: 1 ox 1; total: 2 calf-calf-tailed calf-tailed calf-tailed; total: 3 oxen calf-tailed calf-tailed; total: 1 ox szugi4; total: 1 ox szugi4; total: 10 donkeys; total: 30 less 3 dur3; total: 1 dur3 suga; total: 1 donkey suga; total: 1 donkey 2; total: 3 dur3 2; total: 1 donkey 1; total: 1 dur3 1; total: 1 donkey calf-tailed;

    total: 1 dur-sheep, shu-gi-offering, stationed;

    Column 5


    [...] gu4 1(disz@t) [...] ansze [...] dur3 [...] 1(disz) dur3 1(disz@t) [la2]-ia3#-am3 szunigin2-ba 1(gesz2@c) 8(asz@c) ab2 gu4-gesz szunigin2-ba 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) amar ga hi-a szunigin2-ba 2(asz@c) gu4 szu-gi4 szunigin2 4(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) ansze-gesz szunigin2-ba 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) amar ansze hi-a szunigin2-ba 1(asz@c) ansze szu-gi4 gub-ba-am3 szunigin2-ba 1(disz) gu4 szu-gi4 szunigin2-ba 2(disz)? dur3 zi-ga szunigin2-ba 8(disz) gu4 ab2 hi-a szunigin2-ba 3(disz) ansze hi-a la2-ia3-am3

    ansze engar-bi 5(disz)-am3 gu4 engar gub-ba (d)lugal-uru11(ki) u3 (d)nin-sun2 ugula nig2-u2-rum u3 nam-mah mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... oxen, 1 ... donkey ... ... dur3 ... 1 dur3 1 less? deficit; total: 68 oxen, oxen, less? deficit; 12 calf, suckling, less? deficit; 2 oxen, refitted, less? 1 donkey, less? deficit; 11 donkeys, refitted, less than 1 calf, less than 1 oxen, resting, less than 1 oxen, refitted, less 1 oxen, less? deficit; 2? oxen, refitted, less? deficit; 8 oxen, refitted, less 3 donkeys, less deficit;

    its plow-oxen: 5, oxen, plow-oxen, stationed; Lugalurum and Ninsun, foremen of Nig-urum and kingship, year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203217: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur
  • sze ur5-ra engar dumu-gu4-gur e2 (d)nin-gir2-su ki lugal-a-ma-ru-ta lugal-da-ga

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 3 ban2 barley,
  • barley rations of the plowman, oxen-driver, house of Ningirsu, from Lugal-amaru Lugal-daga



    szu [ba]-ti# [...] iti# [_gan2_]-masz# mu# [us2-sa si-mu]-ru-um[(ki) ba]-hul#

    AI Translation

    received. ... month: "GANmash," year after: "Simurrum was destroyed."



    iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "GANmash," year after: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal#-da#-ga# dub#-sar# [dumu ur]-(d)nansze#

    AI Translation

    Lugaldaga, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe.

    P203220: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub eden-szid-ta lu2-unu(ki) szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot of the steppe, Lu-Unu received;



    giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Nungal; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203221: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) zu2-lum sig5
  • 5(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) gur
  • ur-(d)utu nu-(gesz)kiri6

  • 1(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) gur
  • szesz-kal-la nu-(gesz)kiri6

  • 1(barig) zu2-lum sig5
  • 5(asz) gur
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6 szandana

  • 2(barig) zu2-lum sig5
  • 9(asz)# 1(barig) 4(ban2) gur
  • AI Translation
  • 2 barig yellow dates,
  • 5 gur 2 barig 1 ban2
  • for Ur-Utu, gardener;

  • 1 gur 4 barig 1 ban2
  • Sheshkalla, gardener;

  • 1 barig yellow dates,
  • 5 gur,
  • Ur-Baba, the chief household administrator;

  • 2 barig yellow dates,
  • 9 gur 1 barig 4 ban2
  • Reverse


    an#-ne2-ba-ab-du7 nu-(gesz)kiri6

  • 2(asz) 2(ban2) gur
  • ur-e2#-ninnu nu-(gesz)kiri6 zu2-lum# kab2 du11-ga (gesz)kiri6# eresz-dingir (d)ba-ba6 ugula inim#-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5 szabra iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa si#-mu#-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu#-um#(ki) ba#-hul

    AI Translation

    Ane-ba'abdu, the gardener;

  • 2 gur 2 ban2
  • Ur-Eninnu, the gardener of dates, the gate of the gardener of Eresh-ili, Baba, foreman: Inim-Baba-idab, the chief household administrator; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum were destroyed."

    P203222: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 5(disz) gu4 niga
  • 3(u) la2 1(disz) gu4
  • 1(u) 1(disz) ab2
  • 8(gesz2) 1(u) la2 1(disz) udu
  • 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 5(disz) u8 mu-kux(_du_) lugal#

    AI Translation
  • 65 grain-fed oxen,
  • 30 less 1 oxen,
  • 11 cows,
  • 420 less 1 sheep,
  • 115 ewes, delivery of the king;



    ki na-ra-am-i3-[li2-ta] bala ur-(d)lamma [ensi2] gir2-su(ki)-ka ba-[an-zi] kiszib3 ka5-a-mu# iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-[zu-sze3] iti ezem-(d)nin-a-[zu-sze3] iti 2(disz)-kam mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Naram-ili; bala of Ur-Lamma, governor of Girsu, he has sworn. Sealed tablet of Ka'amu. From month "ki-siki of Ninazu" to month "Festival of Ninazu," a period of 2 months, year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203224: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 9(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • gur si-(sa2?)-ta sag-bi 1(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 sze szuku engar-sze3 ma2 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ta nig2-u2-rum szabra

    AI Translation
  • 39 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from the sisa-barge, its head: 1 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 1 sila3 barley, for the threshing floor of the plowmen; from the barge of Ur-Ningeshzida, Nig-Urum, the household manager;



    szu ba-ti a-sza3 e2 gibil4-le-ta iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; from the new field, month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed;"

    P203225: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) 4(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 4(u) 4(disz) gurusz 1/2(disz) 4(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 2(u) 4(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) gur guru7 a-sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 94 workdays, male laborers, 1 barig barley of the king,
  • 44 male laborers, 1/2 workdays, 4 ban2 = 40 sila3 each
  • its barley: 24 gur 3 barig 2 ban2, from the silo of the field of Enlil;



    gurusz hun-ga2 erin2 bala [...] ki a-hu-a-ta lugal-lu2-sa6-sa6 szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    laborers hired, labor-troops, bala ... from Ahua did Lugal-lusasa receive; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203226: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) 5(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 (d)lugal-gesz-gi-ban3-da i3-dub sag-ub3(ki)-ta ki nam-mah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur 5 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • regular offerings of Lugal-geshgibanda, from the depot of Sagub, from Nammah;



    ur-lugal gudu4 szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-ru(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki)

    AI Translation

    Ur-lugal, the gudu4-priest, received; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Simurrum Lulubu."

    P203227: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 8(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 9(disz) gurusz 1/2(disz) 4(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 6(asz) 4(barig) gur lugal sza3-gal erin2 bala gub-ba ki lu2-usz-gi-na-ta ur-e2-musz szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 28 male laborers, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 9 male laborers, 1/2 workdays, 4 ban2 = 40 sila3 each
  • its barley: 6 gur 4 barig; royal rations, generals stationed, in bala; from Lu-ushgina Ur-emush received;



    erin2 e2 (d)nin-gir2-su pa5-enku(ki)-ta iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the work-troops of the house of Ningirsu in Penku; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203228: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 4(disz) gurusz [1(barig)]-ta
  • 2(u) 2(disz) gurusz 3(ban2)-(ta)
  • sze-bi 1(u) 3(asz) gur sza3-gal erin2 bala [tusz-a] pa5-enku-[...] e2 (d)nin-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 54 male laborers, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • 22 male laborers, 3 ban2 = 30 sila3 each
  • its barley: 13 gur; therefrom: the labor-troops, in bala stationed; Pê-enku-..., house of Nin-...;



    ki lu2-us2-[gi-na-ta] kiszib3 a2-da-[...] dumu ur-tur-tur iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lu-usgina, under seal of Ada-..., son of Ur-turtur; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Simurrum Lulubum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    nam-lugal-ni-du10 dub-sar dumu ur-tur-tur

    AI Translation

    Nam-lugal-nidu, scribe, son of Ur-turtur.

    P203229: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 1(barig) sze gur
  • sze-ba lu2 hun-ga2 i3-dub tul2 szu-i-ne lugal-sipa szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 1 barig barley,
  • barley rations of the hirelings, depot of jugs, Shu-ine, Lugal-sipa received;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Simurum was destroyed."

    P203230: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(barig) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub a-sza3 ambar sur-ra ki ur-(d)nun-gal-ta sza3-gal erin2 bala gub-ba mu-zu

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • depot of the field of the swamp, from Ur-Nungal, general of the troops stationed in bala, your name.



    szu ba-ti e2 (d)szul-gi iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; house of Shulgi; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Simurrum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    mu-zu dub-sar dumu ur-ab-ba

    AI Translation

    Muzu, scribe, son of Ur-abba.

    P203231: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) udu
  • udu (gesz)gigir (d)nin-gesz-zi-da ki ur-(d)da-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep,
  • sheep of the chariot of Ningeshzida, from Ur-Damu;



    ur-(d)ig-alim i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Igalim accepted; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203232: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 3(u) sze gur lugal sumun i3-dub a2-sun2 ki ba-zi-ta mu ur-(d)nansze-sze3

    AI Translation

    900 gur barley, royal measure, from the depot of the asun, from Bazi, year: "Ur-Nanshe;"



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Ningirsu; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe.

    P203233: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_-sze3

  • 2(gesz2) gur sze-ba geme2-usz-bar
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 en

  • 2(asz) 2(barig) gur i3-dub gu2 i7 nigin6(ki)-du kun pa5-la2
  • AI Translation
  • 420 gur barley, royal measure,
  • flour

  • 240 gur of barley for Geme-ushbar,
  • depot of the granary, the lord;

  • 2 gur 2 barig, from the depot, bank of the Nigin canal, punted,
  • Reverse


    ki ba-zi-ta lu2-bi-mu szu ba-ti giri3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu sila4-mu iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi did Lu-bimu receive; via Lu-Ninshubur, son of Silamu; month: "Mountain-of-the-Fish," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."


  • 7(gesz2) sze gur lugal zi3-_ka_-[sze3]
  • 2(gesz2) gur sze-ba# geme2-usz-bar
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 en-na-ta

  • 2(asz) 2(barig) gur i3-dub gu2 i7 nigin6(ki#)-[du] kun pa5-la2-ta
  • ki ba-zi-ta mu lu2-bi-mu-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur barley for King's flour,
  • 240 gur of barley for Geme-ushbar,
  • from the depot of the granary,

  • 2 gur 2 barig, from the depot, bank of the Nigin canal, from the pala canal,
  • from Bazi, year: "... ."



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu sila4-mu iti mu-szu-du7 [mu ...]

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Ninshubur, son of Silamu; month: "mushudu," year: "...,"

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu sila4-mu

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Silamu.

    P203234: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 4(u) sa gi izi gu-nigin2-ta e3-a ki ur-sa6-ga-ta kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3

    AI Translation

    420 bundles of reeds, ..., from Ur-saga, under seal of Ur-gigir, the superintendent;



    iti mu-szu-du7 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "mushudu," year: "Urbilum was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nun-gal

    AI Translation

    Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Ur-Nungal.

    P203235: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) udu niga 3(disz) udu |_e2_xU|-sze3
  • 2(disz) masz2 nam-erim2 dumu szu-la-ba dam-gar3
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sheep, barley-fed, 3 sheep for the ... house;
  • 2 billy goats, nam-erim, son of Shulaba, the merchant,
  • Reverse


    kiszib3 ensi2-ka sza3 uri5(ki)-ma iti mu-szu-du7 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor, in Ur; month: "Mushudu," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba ur-(d)[lamma] sza3-[tam] _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners: Ur-Lamma, chief administrator, is your servant.

    P203236: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) la2 1(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze-ta
  • 2(u) 4(disz) gurusz 4(ban2) sze-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 3(asz) gur sza3-gal erin2 bala tusz-a

    AI Translation
  • 50 less 1 male laborers, 1 barig barley each,
  • 24 male laborers, 4 ban2 barley each,
  • its barley: 13 gur; therefrom: the labor-troops, in bala stationed;



    i3-dub du6?-[...] nu-banda3 ur-mes mu ur-mes nu-banda3 kiszib3 ab-ba-mu iti mu-szu-du7 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    at the depot Du-..., the overseer: Ur-mes; year: "Ur-mes was overseer;" under seal of Abbamu; month: "mushudu," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203237: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze numun-sze3 a-sza3 tul2 szu-i-ne-ta ki a-tu-kal-la-ta kiszib3 du11-ga-(d)ba-ba6 szesz a-kal-la szabra

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley seeding, from the field of the threshing floor of Shu-ine; from Atukalla; under seal of Duga-Baba, brother of Akalla, the household manager;



    iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-um a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "mushudu," year after: "Simurum for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203238: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra su-su erin2 ebih(ki) ki ma-ni-ta

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the workers of Ebih, from Mani;



    ur-e2-an-na ugula szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 szesz-na iti amar-a-a-si mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Eanna, foreman, received; via Ur-Baba, her brother; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203239: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) sze lugal
  • ki ma-ni-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu nig2-u2-rum-ke4 szu ba-ti su-su-dam

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Mani did Ur-Baba, son of Nig-urum, receive; he will pay back the silver.



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203240: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba ug3-_il2_ [...]-na-ka i3-dub e2 (d)ga2-tum3-du10-ta kiszib3 sukkal-di-ne

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the porters ..., from the depot of the house of Gatumdu, under seal of the sukkaldine;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    sukkal-di-ne dub-sar dumu ur-(d)[...]

    AI Translation

    scribe, son of Ur-.

    P203241: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) sa gi _szid_ ki ma-an-szum2-ta kiszib3 ur-gu2-en-na

    AI Translation

    60 bundles of reed, ..., from Manshum, under seal of Ur-gu-ena;



    gurdub siki kur-sze3 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for the gurdub, wool for the mountain; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-gu2-en-na dub-sar dumu lu2-dingir-ra

    AI Translation

    Ur-gu-ena, scribe, son of Lu-dingira.

    P203242: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • nu-banda3 nam-ha-ni

  • 3(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • nu-banda3 lu2-(d)nin-su4-(a) sze ur5-ra erin2-e szu ti-a i3-dub elam-ne-ta

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the overseer: Namhani;

  • 3 gur 3 barig 3 ban2
  • the overseer: Lu-Ninsua, barley rations of the troops, received; from the Elamite storehouse;



    ki ba-zi-ta mu nu-banda3-gu4#-ne-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki) dumu [ba]-a!-a iti# sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi, year: "The oxen managers"; under seal of Lu-Lagash, son of Ba'a; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dumu [ba-a]-a#

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, son of Ba'a;

    P203243: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) udu 1(u) masz2
  • ki ur-(d)al-la-ta mu i3-kal-la-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 7 rams, 10 billy goats,
  • from Ur-Alla, to the year: "Ikalla," under seal of Lu-Lagash;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze nu-banda3-gu4

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe, manager of oxen.

    P203244: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sa gi gurdub siki kur-sze3 ki ma-an-szum2-ta lu2-dingir-ra szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    420 bundles of reed, gurdub-skin, wool for the mountain, from Manshum Lu-dingira received;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."



    1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) [sa gi] gurdub [siki kur-sze3] ki ma-an-[szum2-ta] kiszib3 lu2-[dingir-ra]

    AI Translation

    420 bundles of reed, gurdub-siki for the mountain, from Manshum, under seal of Lu-dingira;

    Seal 1


    lu2-[dingir-ra] dub-[sar] dumu he2-[ti]

    AI Translation

    Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Heti.

    P203245: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] ki-la2 (uruda)gur10 (uruda)ha-bu3-da til x [...]

  • 5(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 uruda#?
  • sza3-bi-ta#

  • 4(u) 7(disz) (uruda)gur10#
  • ki-la2-bi 5(disz) [...]

  • 1/2(disz) ma-na [...]
  • mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 1(u) 1/2(disz) gin2 uruda

    AI Translation

    ... weight of a ... hambuda .

  • 5 1/4 shekels copper,
  • therefrom:

  • 47 gur copper,
  • Their weight: 5 .

  • 1/2 mana ...
  • delivery; deficit: 10 1/2 shekels copper;



    nig2-ka9-[ak ...] lu2-(d)nin-gir2!-[su-ka] [iti] sze il2-[la] mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    account ... of Lu-Ningirsu; month: "Barley carried," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203246: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) sze gur lugal
  • nig2-sa10-am3 nig2-gu3-de2-sze3 ki lu2-gi-na-ta

    AI Translation
  • 90 gur barley, royal measure,
  • as the price of the goods for the niggude offerings, from Lugina



    nig2-gur11 dam-gar3 szu ba-ti iti sze-il2-la mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the silver of the merchant received; month: "Barley carried," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203247: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 8(asz) 5(ban2) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal ki lu2-gi-na-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation

    188 gur 5 ban2 6 1/2 sila3 barley, royal measure, from Lugina, under seal of Ur-Igalim;



    dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi-ta iti sze-il2-la-sze3 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    son of Lu-Ningirsu; from month "Festival of Dumuzi," to month "Barley carried," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ig-alim dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation

    Ur-Igalim, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu.

    P203248: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 3(u) gur lugal
  • i3-dub ur-nig2 ku3-dim2-ta ki ba-zi-ta lu2-bi-mu

    AI Translation
  • 240, royal measure,
  • from the depot of Ur-nig, the silversmith; from Bazi Lu-bimu



    szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203250: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) kasz sila3
  • 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • lu2 kin-gi4-a u2 im-szi-du-a giri3 ur-mes iti _gan2_-masz

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer,
  • 5 sila3 bread,
  • messengers, grass rations, via Ur-mes; month: "GANmash."



    mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um (lu)-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Simurum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203252: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) kasz sila3
  • 1(u) sila3 ninda
  • lu2 kin-gi4-a sukkal-mah e2-gul-sze3 im-szi-du-a

    AI Translation
  • 10 sila3 beer,
  • 10 sila3 bread,
  • the messenger, the vizier, to the Egul he brought.



    giri3 ur-mes iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um (lu)-lu-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(asz) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-mes; month: "Gazelle-feast," year after: "Simurrum, Lubu, for 9 less 1 years destroyed;"

    P203257: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) dug sila3
  • 1(u) sila3 ninda
  • lu2 kin-gi4-a u3 aszgab lugal udu lu-lu-bu-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 10 jugs of sila3 beer,
  • 10 sila3 bread,
  • for the messengers and royal messengers, sheep for the lullubu service,



    im-szi-du-a iti szu-numun giri3 ur-mes mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um lu-(lu)-bu a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Imshidua month: "Sowing," via Urmes; year after: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time was destroyed."

    P203263: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 erin2-na-sze3 sze ur5-ra-sze3 i3-dub a-sza3 nin-mah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn for the field of the troops, for the barley for the threshing floor, from the depot of the field Ninmah;



    ki ba-zi-ta ku5-da szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du8! mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi Kuda received; month: "mushudu," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203268: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 8(disz) sila3 zi3-sig15 gur lugal
  • 2(asz) 1(ban2) sze gur
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki szesz-kal-la-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 27 gur 4 barig 8 sila3 sig-flour, royal measure,
  • 2 gur 1 ban2 barley,
  • deficit repaid, from Sheshkalla Lu-Ninshubur



    szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203277: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur
  • sze ur5-ra mu erin2-na-sze3 ki ma-ni-ta lu2-(d)utu-ke4 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig barley,
  • barley rations, in place of the labor-troops, from Mani did Lu-Utu receive;



    iti amar-a-a-si mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203283: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) la2 1(disz@t) gurusz x sze lugal-ta#
  • 5(disz)#? erin2#-gal 4(ban2)#-ta
  • sze-bi [...] 4(ban2) x sze ur5-[ra] e2# (d)nin-mar#[(ki)]

    AI Translation
  • 30 less 1 male laborers ... barley of the king,
  • 5? labor-troops at 4 ban2 each,
  • its barley: ... 4 ban2 ... barley, rent of the house of Ninmar;



    i3-[dub] e2#-[duru5] (d)ga2#-tum3#-[du10]-ta# kiszib3 ur-(d)nin#-x nu-banda3 iti sze-sag11#-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the depot of the granary of Gatumdu, under seal of Ur-Ninx, the superintendent; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203286: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na i3-dub e2-duru5 ur-li-ta ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the troops, from the depot of the granary of Urli, from Bazi Ur-Baba



    szu ba-ti aga3-us2 ensi2-me nu-banda3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; scouts of the governors, manager: Lu-Baba; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203292: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    3(gesz'u) sa gi x# giri3 ur-(d)[...] [...] giri3 [...]

    AI Translation

    300 bundles of reed, via Ur-..., via ...,



    mu ur-bi2#-[lum(ki)] ba-hul#

    AI Translation

    year: "Urbilum was destroyed."



    [3(gesz'u) sa gi ...] [giri3 ...] 1(gesz'u) 2(u) sa giri3 lugal-sza3-la2 (d)utu-kalam-e szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    300 bundles of reed, via ...; 210 bundles, via Lugal-shala, Utu-kalame received;



    2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa giri3 ma-an-szum2 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa giri3 lugal-sza3-la2 lu2-dingir-ra szu ba-ti kiszib3 (d)utu-kalam-e szesz-gal nu-banda3 ur-sa6-ga gu-za-la2 i7 idigna usz2-e-de3 [mu ur]-bi2#-lum(ki) ba#-hul

    AI Translation

    420 bundles, via Manshum; 420 bundles, via Lugal-shala, Lu-dingira received; under seal of Utu-kalame; Sheshgal, manager; Ursaga, the throne bearer; on the Tigris canal to be dug; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-sa6#?-[ga?] dumu (d)utu-[...]

    AI Translation

    Utu-saga, son of Utu-.

    P203293: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) u8 szu-gid2
  • 2(disz) udu-nita2 szu-gid2
  • 1(u) masz2 szu-gid2
  • ki ur-gu-la-ta lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 3 ewes, shugid,
  • 2 rams, shugid,
  • 10 buck goats, shugid,
  • from Ur-gula Lu-Lagash



    i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Urbilum was destroyed;"

    P203294: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze (gesz)balag-ka ki ba-zi-ta sza3-gal udu niga

    AI Translation
  • 98 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the harp, from Bazi; general, grain-fed sheep;



    [... e2]-udu gibil [lugal]-igi-husz szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... new sheep-pen of Lugal-igihush received; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203295: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz) sze gur
  • i3-dub igi e2 ba-gara2-ta ki ba-zi-ta sa2-du11 ba-gara2

    AI Translation
  • 188 gur of barley,
  • from the depot, before the house of Bagara, from Bazi, regular offerings of Bagara;



    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu lugal-igi-husz szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, son of Lugal-igihush, received; month: "Harvest," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203299: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba udu gukkal gub-ba sza3 gir2-su(ki) ugula du11-ga-zi-da

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx



    sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki)-nigin6(ki) u3 sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) ugula szar-ru-um-i3-li2 i3-gal2 mu ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    in Kinunir-Nigin and in Guabba, foreman: Sharrum-ili, are here; year: "Kimash."


    xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

    P203300: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 zu2-lum gur lugal
  • 2(u) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 (gesz)haszhur duru5 gur
  • 3(asz) 2(barig) (gesz)pesz3 duru5 gur
  • 1(barig) (gesz)gesztin duru5
  • sa2-du11 nig2 ezem-ma dingir-re-ne u3 en-en ensi2-ke4-ne 2(gesz'u) nig2-ki-luh sa2-du11 (d)lugal-ba-gara2

  • 5(gesz2) sa2-du11
  • (d)ga2-tum3-du10 4(gesz'u) sa2-du11 (d)nansze 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sa2-du11 (d)nin-dar-a

    AI Translation
  • 23 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3 dates, royal measure,
  • 24 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 dates, kashk cheese,
  • 3 gur 2 barig figs, ...,
  • 1 barig of duru grapes,
  • regular offerings for the festivals of the gods and the lords of the governors; 240 rations of lublub offerings, regular offerings of Lugal-bara;

  • 420, regular offerings;
  • Gatumdu 420, regular offerings of Nanshe 420, regular offerings of Nindara



    1(gesz'u) sa2-du11 (d)dumu-zi

  • 2(asz) 2(barig) (gesz)haszhur duru5 gur
  • kiszib3 ab-ba lu2-ur3-ra lugal nig2-dab5 za3-mu-ka nig2 zi-[ga] gu2 i7 nigin6(ki)-sze3-du mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    60 bundles of fruit for Dumuzi,

  • 2 gur 2 barig dates,
  • under seal of the abba priest, Lu-ura, the king, nigdab-offering of Zamu, property booked out, bank of the Nigin-shedu canal, year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203301: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 2(u) 1/2(disz) sze ku3
  • la2-ia3 su-ga sze sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) ki i3-kal-la-ta

    AI Translation
  • 16 1/3 shekels 20 1/2 grains silver,
  • deficit repaid, barley of Guabba, from Ikalla;



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu i3-kal-la

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Ikalla.

    P203302: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 8(asz) 4(ban2) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • ki nam-ha-ni dumu hu-wa-wa-ta

  • 1(u) 9(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
  • ki esz-am3-ta szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(asz) 1(ban2) 1/3(disz) sila3 sza3-bi-ta

  • 2(u) kiszib3 na-lu5
  • sa2-du11 ku5-ra2-a nig2-ka9 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ugu2 _arad2_-mu ba-a-gar mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 1(gesz2) 8(asz) 1(ban2) gur al-la-mu kuruszda

    AI Translation
  • 68 gur 4 ban2 5 1/3 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • from Namhani, son of Huwawa;

  • 19 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3
  • from Esham; total: 88 gur 1 ban2 1/3 sila3 therefrom;

  • 20 gur Nalu,
  • regular offerings, kuraya; account of Urbilum, on account of ARADmu set; delivery; deficit: 188 gur 1 ban2, Alamu, fattener;


  • 1(u) 5(asz) 2(ban2) gur
  • ki ur-(gesz)gigir-ta

  • 4(asz) 3(barig) sa2-du11 ku5 (d)ba-ba6-ta
  • szu-nigin2 1(u) 9(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) gur sza3-bi-ta la2-ia3 1(u) 9(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) lu2-me-lam2 dumu ba-a nig2-ka9 ak al-la-mu u3 lu2-me-lam2 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 15 gur 2 ban2
  • from Ur-gigir;

  • 4 gur 3 barig regular offerings, from the fisherman Baba;
  • total: 19 gur 3 barig 2 ban2, therefrom: deficit: 19 gur 3 barig 2 ban2, Lu-melam, son of Ba'a; account of Alamu and Lu-melam; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203303: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)nun-gal-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ha-ni-ta szu ba-[ti]

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Nungal did Ur-Baba, son of Hani, receive;



    sze-numun a-sza3 [...] mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    seed corn, field ..., year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203304: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) sze gur lugal
  • gur na-ab-ha-tum-ta sze-numun a-sza3 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ke4 in-pa3-sze3 ki szu-(d)inanna-ta

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the gur of Nabhatum, the seed corn of the field of Ninmar he will measure out; from Shu-Inanna



    i3-dub inim-ma-(d)gu-la-ta lu2-nigin6(ki) szu ba-ti mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the depot Inima-Gula, Lu-Ningin received; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203305: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 ki szu-esz-dar-ta mu ur-(d)lamma sanga (d)nin-szubur-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 15 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from Shu-Ishtar; year: "Ur-Lamma, the temple administrator of Ninshubur;"



    ur-(d)nansze dumu-ni szu ba-ti i3-dub gu2 (i7) lugal-uszumgal mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, his son, received; from the depot on the bank of the Lugal-ushumgal canal; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203306: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5/6(disz) ma-na 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 1(u) 6(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • ku3 zu2-lum-ma ki u2-da-ni-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5/6 mana 2/3 ninda 16 grains silver,
  • silver from dates, from Udani;



    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su szu ba-ti mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu received; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203307: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 ka5-a-ta ki ba-zi-ta nibru(ki)-sze3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 ugula kikken2

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the granary, from Bazi to Nippur, Ur-Baba, foreman of the mill;



    dumu ur-sa6-ga szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    son of Ur-saga received; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203308: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ma2-ad-da-ga lu2-(d)utu szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for Maddaga, Lu-Utu received;



    iti [...] mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "...," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203309: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 nig2-ka9 da-da-ni dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 17 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • deficit of the account of Dadani, son of Ur-Nanshe;



    su-su-dam mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to be delivered; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203310: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) sze gur lugal sze-numun-sze3
  • ki ba-zi-ta i3-dub nin-a2-zi-da-ta a-sza3 sahar-dub-ba kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dumu engar-du10 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur of barley, royal measure for seed-corn,
  • from Bazi, from the depot of Nin-azida, field of the sahardub; under seal of Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Engar-du; Ur-Ningeshzida received;



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dub-sar dumu engar-du10 nu-banda3-gu4

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida, scribe, son of Engar-du, supervisor of oxen.

    P203311: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-nun-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • to the seed-corn, from the depot of the granary of Ninhursaglukun;



    ki ba-zi-ta mu a-ab-ba-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi to the year: "The sea was ruled." Under seal of Ur-Shush-Baba; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ugula

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shush-Baba, scribe, son of the foreman.

    P203312: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-(nun)-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot of the granary of Ninhursaglukun, from Bazi;



    ur-(d)nin-mug szu ba-ti mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ninmug received; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-mug dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ninmug, scribe, son of Lu-Baba.

    P203313: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki nig2-(d)ba-ba6-ta lu2-bi-mu szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, from Nig-Baba did Lu-bimu receive;



    mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203314: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gu4
  • a-ru-a ur-mes u3 lu2-(gesz)gigir

  • 1(disz) gu4
  • a-ru-a a2-la-a

    AI Translation
  • 2 oxen,
  • donated by Ur-mes and Lu-gigir;

  • 1 ox,
  • donated by Ala;



    e2 (d)lugal-gu2-du8-a ki dingir-sa6-ga-ta lu2-lagasz(ki) i3-dab5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the house of Lugalgudua, from Dingirsaga did Lu-Lagash accept; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203315: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 4(u) 3(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur lugal i3-dub mu bala-a 3(gesz'u) gur sze gibil szu-nigin2 4(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 4(u) 3(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) gur sza3-bi-ta 3(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) gur zi-ga

    AI Translation

    103 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, royal measure, in the 'sea-box' of the year: "The bala year is over." 103 gur new barley, total: 103 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 therefrom: 105 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 booked out;



    1(gesz'u) 5(u) 3(asz) 1(ban2) gur i3-dub

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) 3(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • du-du szu-nigin2 4(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 5(u) 2(asz) 3(barig) gur mu-kux(_du_) diri 3(gesz2) 9(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) gur sze ha-la-(d)lamma mu ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    93 gur 1 ban2, from I-dub;

  • 133 gur 4 barig 3 ban2
  • total: 142 gur 3 barig delivery; additional: 169 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley of Hala-Lamma year: "Kimash."

    P203316: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 2(barig) 1(ban2) zi3-sig15 gur
  • 5(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 dabin gur
  • 5(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 ku3
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 9(disz) sila3 sze gur
  • AI Translation
  • 30 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • 5 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 1 sila3 dabin flour,
  • 5 1/3 shekels silver,
  • 115 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 9 sila3 barley,
  • Reverse


    sze-bi 2(gesz2) 1(u) 7(asz) 3(ban2) gur la2-ia3 su-ga ki ur-(d)en-lil2-ta ur-(gesz)gigir ka-guru7 szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    its barley: 177 gur 3 ban2, the deficit is repaid; from Ur-Enlil Ur-gigir, the granary manager, received; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203317: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su im-e tak4-a
  • dumu ug3-_il2_ ka-tar-da dumu ur-(d)nin-bara2-ta sanga (d)nin-mar(ki) i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 1 Lu-Ningirsu, a reed basket,
  • son of UgIL, the katarda, son of Ur-Ninbara, temple administrator of Ninmar, accepted;



    mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P203318: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 6(disz) sila3 sze gur lu2 hun-ga2
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ur-(d)nin-mar(ki) ki ur-(d)suen-ta

    AI Translation
  • 15 gur 1 barig 6 sila3 barley for hirelings,
  • deficit repaid to Ur-Ninmar, from Ur-Suen;



    ur-(d)[ba]-ba6# szu ba-ti i3-dub mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba received; from the depot; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203319: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 8(disz) sila3 ga-ar3
  • ki na-na sipa-ta si-i3-tum mu bad3 ma-da iri-ki-bi

    AI Translation
  • 8 2/3 sila3 butter oil,
  • 8 sila3 kashk cheese,
  • from Nana, the shepherd, the remainder, year: "The wall of the land of Iri-ki."



    dumu lu2-kal-la su-su-dam mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    son of Lukalla, to be delivered; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203320: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra engar dumu-gu4-gur dumu da-ba i3-dub a-sza3 e2-gibil4-le ki ab-ba-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ma-an-szum2 dumu du11-ga!?-an

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the plowman, son of oxen-driver, son of Dada, depot of the field of the new house, from Abbakalla, under seal of Manshum, son of Dugan,



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ma-an-szum2 dub-sar dumu du11-ga-an

    AI Translation

    Manshum, scribe, son of Dugan.

    P203321: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze zi3-_ka_ ki ba-zi-ta i3-dub (d)nin-hur-sag lu2 ku3-nun-ta

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley, flour, from Bazi, depot of Ninhursag, from the goldsmith;



    kiszib3 gu-za-ni mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Guzani; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    gu-za-ni dub-sar dumu lu2-dingir-ra sza13-dub-ba

    AI Translation

    Guzani, scribe, son of Lu-dingira, chief accountant.

    P203322: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 2(asz) sze gur i3-dub sa6-ga-tur-ta

  • 4(gesz2) 4(u) 8(asz) gur
  • (gesz)asal2-ta ki ba-zi-ta ur-mes

    AI Translation

    92 gur barley from the depot of Sagagatur;

  • 188 gur,
  • from the asal tree, from Bazi Urmes



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-mes [...] dumu lugal-siki-su13

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes ..., son of Lugal-sikisu.

    P203323: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub (gesz)asal2-ta ki szu-esz18-tar2-ta kiszib3 ur-nigar(gar)

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of asal, from Shu-Ishtar, under seal of Ur-nigar;



    mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-nigar(gar) dub-sar dumu ba-a szabra

    AI Translation

    Ur-nigar, scribe, son of Ba'a, chief household administrator.

    P203324: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 2(disz) kusz udu ba-usz2
  • ki an-ne2-zu-ta nam-zi-tar-ra dumu lu2-sa6-ga szu ba-ti sza3 e2 ur-dun

    AI Translation
  • 142 sheep-hides slaughtered,
  • from Anezu Namzitara, son of Lu-saga, received; in the house of Ur-Dun;



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203325: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) sze gur lugal i3-dub sa6-ga tur-ta ki ba-zi-ta ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 kiszib3 u2-u2 dumu ur-ab-ba

    AI Translation

    60 gur barley, royal measure, from the "good" depot, from Bazi, barge carried to Nippur, under seal of U-U, son of Ur-abba;



    mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    u2-u2 dumu ur-ab-ba ugula

    AI Translation

    U-U, son of Ur-abba, foreman.

    P203326: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) u8
  • 2(disz) kir11
  • 4(disz) sila4-nita2
  • 1(u) 6(disz)
  • ur-sag-ub3(ki) kab-ku-ku sag-nig2-gur11-ra im-ma gir2-su(ki)-ke4 tak4-a

    AI Translation
  • 10 ewes,
  • 2 female lambs,
  • 4 male lambs,
  • 16
  • Ursagubb, the kabkuku-priest, the debits, he has deposited in Girsu.



    ugula du11-ga-zi-da sza3 gir2-su(ki) mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Dugazida, in Girsu; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203327: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • _ku_ zi3-_ka_ ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta lugal-ezem szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • ... flour, from Lu-Ninshubur, Lugal-ezem received;



    giri3 ka5-a-mu kuruszda mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ka'amu, fattener; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu da-da

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ezem, scribe, son of Dada.

    P203328: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub na-gab2-tum-ta ki szu-esz18-tar2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 95 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot Nagabtum, from Shu-eshtar;



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-szu-ga-lam-ma mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Baba, son of Urshugalama; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ur-szu-ga-lam-ma

    AI Translation

    Lu-Baba, scribe, son of Urshugalama.

    P203329: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n sze] gur lugal sze-numun a-sza3 ki-_til_ |A-(_zi&zi_)| i3-dub inim-ma-an-ta ki szu-esz18-tar2-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)da-mu dumu ga-a

    AI Translation

    n gur of barley, royal measure, seed-measure of the field of the 'at-til-a-zi'-field, from the depot Inimman, from Shu-eshtar, under seal of Ur-Damu, son of Ga'a;



    inim ur!-(d)nun-gal-ta mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the word of Ur-Nungal; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)da-mu dumu ga-a

    AI Translation

    Ur-Damu, son of Ga'a.

    P203330: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze a-sza3 du11-ga-ni-zi i3-dub kar-sag-zi-ta ki ba-zi-ta mu si-du3-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the field of Duganizi, from the depot of Karsagzi, from Bazi, to the year: "Sidu,"



    kiszib3 a-hu-ma sza3-gal udu niga mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ahuma; general of grain-fed sheep; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-hu-ma dumu dingir-a-mu sipa udu niga

    AI Translation

    Ahuma, son of Ili-amu, shepherd of grain-fed sheep.

    P203331: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal sze-numun-sze3
  • i3-dub nin-a2-zi-da-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-mug dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 15 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure, for seed-sowing;
  • from the depot of Nin-azida, from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Ninmug, son of Lu-Baba;



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-mug dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ninmug, scribe, son of Lu-Baba.

    P203332: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub nin-a2-zi-da-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot of Nin-azida, from Bazi;



    kiszib3 lugal-iri-da sa12-du5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lugal-irida, chief surveyor; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-iri-da sa12-du5 dumu a2-zi-da sa12-du5

    AI Translation

    Lugal-irida, chief surveyor, son of Azida, chief surveyor.

    P203333: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal sze-numun-sze3
  • i3-dub (d)nin-a2-zi-da-ta ki ba-zi-ta mu da-da dumu ur-gu-la-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley for the king for seeding;
  • from the depot of Ninazida, from Bazi, year: "Dada, son of Urgula."



    kiszib3 lu2-bala-sa6-ga mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-balasaga; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-bala-sa6-ga dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da

    AI Translation

    Lu-balasaga, scribe, son of Ur-Ningeshzida.

    P203334: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 2(u) sze gur lugal i3-dub kar-sag-zi-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation

    960 gur barley, royal measure, from the depot Karsagzi, from Bazi;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu na-silim mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Nasilim; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu na-silim lu2 lunga

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, son of Nasilim, lunga priest.

    P203335: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 5(disz) sila3 sze lugal lugal-ezem
  • dumu geme2-sze-il2-la

  • 1(barig) _pap_ lugal-ezem min
  • 1(barig) lu2-(d)en-ki
  • sza3-gal erin2-na-sze3 erin2-e szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 5 sila3 barley for King Lugal-ezem;
  • son of Geme-she'ila

  • 1 barig, ..., Lugal-ezem, ditto;
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Lu-Enki
  • to the generals, the generals received;



    ki ur-(d)lamma dumu nam-mah-ta kiszib3 ku5-da ugula dumu du11-ga-zi-da mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-Lamma, son of Nammah; under seal of Kuda, foreman, son of Dugazida; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ku5-da dub-sar dumu du11-ga-zi-da

    AI Translation

    Kuda, scribe, son of Dugazida.

    P203336: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 6(disz) masz2-nita2
  • ki ur-(d)lamma dumu u2-du udu-ta kiszib3 ur-mes sipa gir2-gir2

    AI Translation
  • 36 male goats,
  • from Ur-Lamma, son of Udu, from the sheepfold, under seal of Ur-mes, shepherd of Girgir;



    sza3 gir2-su(ki) mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in Girsu, year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-mes sipa gir2-gir2

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, shepherd of Girgir.

    P203337: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal sze-numun-sze3
  • i3-dub na-gab2-tum-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley for the king for seeding;
  • from the depot Nagabtum, from Bazi;



    kiszib3 lu2-giri17-zal dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-girizal, son of Ur-Baba; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-giri17-zal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Lu-girizal, scribe, son of Ur-Baba.

    P203338: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) ku3-babbar udu ki ur-mes dumu nam-ha-ni-ta lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    2/3 shekel of silver, sheep, from Ur-mes, son of Namhani, Lu-Ningirsu received;



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203339: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 5(disz) sze ku3 sag
  • ku3 iri-ta nu-e3 ki sa6-sa6-ta

    AI Translation
  • 8 1/3 shekels, 5 grains silver, capital,
  • silver from the city not to be returned, from Sasa;



    kiszib3 ensi2 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)szul-gi nita [kal-ga] lugal [uri5(ki)-ma]

    AI Translation

    Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur,

    Column 2


    lugal [an ub da limmu2-ba] ur-(d)lamma sza3-tam _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    king of heaven and earth, next to the Euphrates, Ur-Lamma, the official, is your servant.

    P203340: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(asz) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ku-li zi3-_ka_-sze3 ba-an-si (d)nansze-kam szu ba-ti kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 11 gur 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the deficit, repaid in the ... flour, he weighed out. Nanshe received. Sealed tablet of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Bazi.



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203341: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze lugal
  • ki ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)-(ta) kiszib3 lu2-(d)utu ugula a-sza3 sahar-dub-ba

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Ninmar, under seal of Lu-Utu, foreman of the field of sahar-duba;



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)utu dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)suen#? [...]

    AI Translation

    Lu-Utu, scribe, son of Lu-Suen? .

    P203342: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba dub-gid2-da a-ru-a i3-gal2 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the offerings are here; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203359: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze [...] gur
  • szuku szabra

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur of barley,
  • overseer of the household manager;



    mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P203360: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(asz)? sze gur lugal
  • a2 hun-ga2 (gesz)gaba tab i3-dub a-sza3 e2-gibil4-le ki ab-ba-kal-la-ta

    AI Translation
  • 13? gur barley, royal measure,
  • labor of hirelings, ..., from the depot of the field New-house, from Abbakala;



    lu2-giri17-zal szu ba-ti mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-girizal received; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203362: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • zi3 _ka_-sze3 sze nig2 gal2-la e2 (d)nin-gir2-su-ta kiszib3 ma-[an-szum2-na?] giri3 [...] iti [...]

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • flour for ..., barley, grain of the house of Ningirsu, under seal of Manshumna, via ...; month: "...,"



    mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki)

    AI Translation

    year following: "Urbilum."

    Seal 1


    ma-an-szum2-[na] dub-sar dumu lu2?-[...]

    AI Translation

    Manshumna, scribe, son of Lu-.

    P203368: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba dub-gid2-da nam-ha-ni dumu hu-wa-wa gu3-de2-a dumu ur-(d)utu u3 sa6-sa6-ga i3-gal2 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Namhani, son of Huwawa, Gudea, son of Ur-Utu, and Sasaga, are here; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Namhani, son of Huwawa, Gu'edina, son of Ur-Utu, and Sasaga, are here; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203369: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba dub-gid2-da lu2 i3-dab5-ke4-ne giri3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su i3-gal2 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the men who took them, via Lu-Ningirsu, are here; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of the takers, via Lu-Ningirsu, are here; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203374: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba sag-nig2-gur11-ra ma-ni sza3 gir2-su(ki) i3-gal2 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: debits of Mani, in Girsu, are here; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."


    Basket-of-tablets: debits of Mani, in Girsu, are here; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203378: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 7(disz) gurusz 1(ban2) sze lugal-ta
  • ugula lugal-ab-ba

  • 5(u) 6(disz) ugula ur-(d)lamma
  • 2(u) ugula lugal-ezem
  • 3(u) x ugula lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3
  • sze-bi# 5(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) gur

    AI Translation
  • 57 male laborers, 1 ban2 barley per day,
  • foreman: Lugal-abba;

  • 56, foreman: Ur-Lamma;
  • 20, foreman: Lugal-ezem;
  • 30, foreman: Lu-Igima;
  • its barley: 5 gur 2 barig 1 ban2,



    e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-me i3-dub u2-si-ga-ta kiszib3 ku5-da dumu ma-li mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the house of Ninmar, from the depot of Usiga, under seal of Kuda, son of Mali; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d?)x dumu [...] szabra#

    AI Translation

    Lu-..., son of ..., the household manager.

    P203379: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) sze gur lugal ma2-a si-ga uri5(ki)-sze3 i3-dub uru11(ki)-ta ki ba-zi-ta mu ur-ur-sze3

    AI Translation

    60 gur barley, royal measure, barge carried to Ur, from the depot of Uru to the place Bazi, year: "The lion."



    kiszib3 ka5-a-mu iti _gan2_-masz mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ka'amu; month: "GANmash," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ka5-a-mu dub-sar dumu he2-ti

    AI Translation

    Ka'amu, scribe, son of Heti.

    P203380: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 4(barig) (gesz)haszhur gur lugal
  • ki ab-ba-mu szandana-ta ma2 u4-zal-la ur-e2-nun-na e2-gal-la i3-ku4

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 4 barig dates, royal measure,
  • from Abbamu, the shangada, the barge of the day, Ur-Enuna, the palace, entered;



    giri3 ab-ba-gu-la iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Abbagula; month: "Gear-of-the-Fish," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203381: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 5(u) 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_-sze3 i3-dub tir-ba-bil2-la-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 188 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of Til-Babila, from Bazi



    lu2-(d)nin-szubur szu ba-ti iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-(mu2) mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur received; month: "Gu4-rabimumu," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203383: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 3(u) 6(asz) sze gur lugal sze geme2-usz-bar lu2-azlag2 i3-dub gu2 i7-musz-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation

    96 gur barley, royal measure, barley of Geme-ushbar, the smith, from the depot of the bank of the Mush canal, from Bazi;



    en-igi-i3-ib2-zu szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Enigi-ibzu received; month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203384: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    szim-i3 8(disz)# dug-kam szim#-i3 kin# (d)ba-ba6-sze3 ki# a-gi4-ta

    AI Translation

    for 8 jugs of oil, for oil work for Baba, from Agi



    kiszib3 inim-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu (gesz)gu-za mah (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    under seal of Inim-Baba-idab; month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "The supreme throne of Enlil was fashioned;"

    Column 1


    geme2-(d)lamma eresz-dingir (d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Geme-Lamma, the eresh-dingir priestess of Baba.

    Column 2


    inim-(d)ba-[ba6]-i3-[dab5] ra2-gaba# _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    Inim-Baba-idab, the chariot driver, is your servant.

    P203385: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal udu-sze3 ki nam-ha-ni-ta kiszib3 lugal-igi-husz dumu la-la

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for the fodder of sheep, from Namhani, under seal of Lugal-igihush, son of Lala;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-igi-husz dub-sar dumu la-la szabra

    AI Translation

    Lugal-igi-hush, scribe, son of Lala, chief household administrator.

    P203386: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-gibil-le-ta ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 kiszib3 gu-u2-mu

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the new house, barge carried to Nippur, under seal of Guumu;



    giri3 ba-zi iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Bazi; month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    gu-u2-mu dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2-na

    AI Translation

    Guumu, scribe, son of Manshumna.

    P203387: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] gin2# ku3-babbar ki# ur-tur-ta szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    ... shekels of silver received from Urtur;



    iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203388: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • a2 lu2 (hun)-ga2-sze3 i3-dub engar-ne sze-bi 1(barig)-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ad-da-mu

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur barley, royal measure,
  • labor of the hirelings, at the depot of the plowmen; its barley: 1 barig each, from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Shush-Baba, son of Addamu;



    iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)suen# szabra

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shush-Baba, scribe, son of Ur-Suen, chief household administrator.

    P203389: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) esir2 e2-a lugal
  • ki ur-e2-gal-ta ma2 uz-ga-sze3 mu-kux(_du_) esz-am3 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig, royal bitumen,
  • from Ur-Egal, to the boat for Uzga delivery, Esham received;



    iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203390: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-gibil4-le-ta ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 bur-ma-ma ugula dumu dab5-ba

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the new house, barge carried to Nippur, from Bazi, under seal of Burmama, foreman, son of Daba;



    giri3 (d)utu-bar-ra iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Utu-bara; month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    bur-ma-ma ugula [...] dumu [...]

    AI Translation

    Bur-Mama, foreman ..., son of .

    P203391: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) gu2 la2 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na esir had2
  • 2(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 esir had2 lugal
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 talents less 15 minas of bitumen,
  • 2 ban2 6 sila3 of royal bitumen,
  • from Lu-Ningirsu;



    na-gab2-tum-sze3 iti szu-numun mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to Nagabtum; month: "Sowing," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203392: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) sze zi3-_ka_ gur lugal
  • ga2-nun gesz-ta ki ur-(d)suen ma2-gin2-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu lugal-sig

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur barley, ..., royal measure,
  • from the storage facility of Gesh; from Ur-Suen of the boatyard, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Lugal-sig;



    iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu lugal-sig

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Lugalsig.

    P203393: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) udu
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki ba-a-ta kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na dumu lu2-(d)ba-du3-a lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation
  • 10 sheep,
  • deficit repaid, from Ba'a; under seal of Lugal-inim-gina, son of Lu-Badua, the fuller;



    iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-da-ga ugula dumu lu2-(d)na-ru2-a lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation

    Lugaldaga, foreman, son of Lu-Narua, the fuller.

    P203394: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) (gesz)pesz3 6(disz) kusz3
  • su-tur-am3

  • 5(disz) (gesz)pesz3 6(disz) kusz3 ur-e2-an-na
  • ki ab-ba-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 8 figs, 6 cubits;
  • small

  • 5 figs, 6 cubits: Ur-Eanna;
  • from Abbamu;



    kiszib3 ur-ab-ba giri3 nam-mah-(d)ba-ba6 iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-abba, via Nammah-Baba; month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-ab-ba dub-sar dumu ba-zi dub-sar zi3-ka

    AI Translation

    Ur-abba, scribe, son of Bazi, scribe of flour.

    P203395: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 3(ban2) dabin gur lugal
  • ki lu2-(d)ur-asari-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 3 ban2 of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • from Lu-Ur-asari, under seal of Lu-Ninshubur, son of Ur-saga;



    diri sze si-ga iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra barley, debit; month: "Sowing," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Ur-saga.

    P203396: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(barig) la2 5(disz) sila3 zi3-sig15 gur lugal
  • 9(asz) zi3-gu gur
  • 3(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 dabin gur

    AI Translation
  • 94 gur less 5 sila3 fine flour, royal measure,
  • 9 gur emmer flour,
  • 123 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 dabin flour,


  • 1(u) 3(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 9(disz) sila3 ar-za-na gur
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta ur-(d)ig-alim szu ba-ti iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 13 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3 arzana flour,
  • from Lu-Ninshubur Ur-Igalim received; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203397: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 7(disz) dabin gur lugal
  • zi3 ninda bala-sze3 ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 17 gur of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • flour for bala-festival, from Lu-Ningirsu, son of Bazi;



    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu _arad2_-mu szu ba-ti iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, son of ARADmu, received; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203398: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) udu niga
  • 2(disz) udu
  • 5(disz) sila4
  • 1(disz) ud5 masz2 nu2-a
  • 1(disz) ud5
  • 2(disz) masz2
  • AI Translation
  • 10 sheep, grain-fed,
  • 2 sheep,
  • 5 lambs,
  • 1 nanny goat, suckling,
  • 1 nanny goat,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • Reverse

  • 1(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 ga-sze-a
  • 2(u) 1(disz) udu masz2 zi-ga u4 3(u) la2 1(disz)-kam iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 4 sila3 kashk cheese,
  • 21 rams, billy goats, booked out; 29th day, month: "Malt feast," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203399: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) ab2 mah2
  • ab2 na-ra-am-i3-li2 ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta ad-da sanga (d)inanna i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 5 heifers, full grown,
  • cow of Naram-ili, from Lu-dingira, Dada, the temple administrator of Inanna, accepted;



    iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz((ki)) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    ad-da dub-sar dumu lugal-[...] sanga (d)inanna

    AI Translation

    Adda, scribe, son of Lugal-..., temple administrator of Inanna.

    P203400: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) udu la2-ia3 su-ga
  • 3(disz) udu masz-da-ri-(a)
  • ki ba-a-ta kiszib3 ur-sag-ub3(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 30 sheep, deficit repaid;
  • 3 sheep, Mashdaria,
  • from Ba'a, under seal of Ursagubb;



    giri3 nam-mah iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Nammah; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-sag-ub3(ki) dumu da-ti-e? sipa

    AI Translation

    Ur-sag-UB, son of Dati-e?, shepherd.

    P203401: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) geme2 a-ru-a an-na
  • iti munu4-gu7 e2 bur-sag (d)nin-mar(ki)-ka

    AI Translation
  • 1 female laborer, arua-offerings of An,
  • month "Malt feast," "The bursag-house of Ninmar,"



    kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma dumu lugal-szud3-de3 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul giri3 lu2-hu-rim2(ki)

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Lamma, son of Lugal-shudde; year: "Kimash was destroyed." via Lu-Hurim.

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)lamma dumu lugal-su13-de3 lu2-[...] (d)nin-mar(ki)-ka

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, son of Lugal-sude, Lu-... of Ninmar.

    P203402: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) zu2-lum gur lugal
  • ki ab-ba-mu-ta kiszib3 nam-mah-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 dates, royal measure,
  • from Abbamu, under seal of Nammah-Baba;



    ur-ab-ba szu ba-ti iti munu4-gu7 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-abba received; month: "Malt feast," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-ab-ba dub-sar dumu ba-zi dub-sar siki-ka

    AI Translation

    Ur-abba, scribe, son of Bazi, scribe of wool.

    P203404: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ka5-a-mu-ta kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • deficit of the reed-bed of Ka'amu, under seal of Lu-Lagash;



    giri3 lugal-nam2-mah iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Lugal-nammah; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze nu-banda3 kuruszda

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe, overseer of fatteners.

    P203405: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba he2-dab5-ba ki gu-za-ni-ta ur-(d)nin-zu szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations received, from Guzani Ur-Ninzu received;



    iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203406: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) zi3-gu sig5 lugal
  • lu2 ma-ri2(ki)-sze3 giri3 szesz-ki-lul-la ra2-gaba zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 fine flour, royal measure,
  • to the man of Mari via Shesh-kulla, the messenger, booked out;



    ki giri3-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Giri-Baba-idab; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203407: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 9(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga engar-e-ne sze-numun-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-nigin6(ki) dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 19 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 7 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid to the farmers, for seed-sowing; under seal of Lu-Ninin, son of Ur-Nanshe;



    iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-nigin6(ki) dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    Lu-Nin, scribe, son of Lu-Nanshe.

    P203408: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze en (d)nansze-ka sze-numun-sze3 ki a-li-ah-ta a-sza3 gu2-tur-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for the barley of the en-priestess of Nanshe, for the seed corn, from Aliah, from the field of Gutur;



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-giri16-da dumu inim-(d)inanna _ka_-_du_-_du_-ta iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Ningirida, son of Inim-Inanna, from Ka-DUDU; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-zi-mu dumu _ka_-na-na

    AI Translation

    Luzimu, son of Kanana.

    P203409: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 en-nu-lum-ma-ka-sze3 sze ki-ba ga2-ga2-dam sze en (d)nansze-ka ki a-li-ah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed corn for the field Ennulumma; barley to be brought there; barley of the en-priestess of Nanshe from Aliah;



    a-sza3 gu2-ban3-da-ta kiszib3 ba-da-ri2 iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the field Gubanda, under seal of Badari; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ba-da-ri2 ugula dumu dab5-ba dumu gu-za-ni

    AI Translation

    Badari, foreman, son of Dabba, son of Guzani.

    P203410: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(gesz2) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5-ab-ba-kal-la ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)hendur-sag dumu ur-ba-gara2

    AI Translation
  • 165 gur barley, royal measure,
  • at the depot of the depot Duru-abbakala, barge carried to Nippur, from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Hendursag, son of Ur-Bagara;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu ur-giri3

    AI Translation

    Lugina, scribe, son of Ur-giri.

    P203411: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 3(disz) erin2 dumu 4(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 4(asz) 4(barig) gur erin2 bala tusz-a-me ugula ku5-da

    AI Translation
  • 22 male laborers, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 3 labor-troops, children, 4 ban2 = 40 sila3 each
  • its barley: 4 gur 4 barig; labor-troops, bala stationed; foreman: Kuda;



    dumu du11-ga-zi-da nu-banda3 ku5-da giri3 ur-gu-la dumu ga-ni sze-numun lu2-iri-sag-ta iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    son of Dugazida, overseer of the granary, via Ur-gula, son of Gani, seed corn of Lu-irisag; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash."

    P203412: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki ur-(d)asznan-ta a2 lu2 hun-ga2-sze3 du-du

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, from Ur-Ashnan, labor of hirelings, dudu;



    i7-pirig-gin7-du szu ba-ti giri3 szesz-kal-la iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for Ipirig-gindu received; via Sheshkalla; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203413: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(disz) udu niga
  • udu masz-da-ri-a ensi2-ka ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ka-ta

    AI Translation
  • 22 sheep, grain-fed,
  • sheep for the mashdaria offerings of the governor, from Lu-Ningirsu;



    e2-udu e2-gal-sze3 si-du3 i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to the sheep house to the palace, he took; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203414: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 ensi2-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta ma-ni szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for the regular offerings of the governor; from Bazi Mani received;



    giri3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu (d)nansze-kam iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Lu-Baba, son of Nanshe; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203415: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) gurusz 1(barig)
  • 1(u) 7(disz) gurusz _sig7_-a 1(barig)
  • 1(disz) gurusz 5(ban2)
  • 3(disz) gurusz 4(ban2)
  • 1(disz) gurusz 3(ban2)
  • gub-ba

    AI Translation
  • 10 male laborers, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • 17 male laborers, ..., 1 barig,
  • 1 male worker, 5 ban2 = 50 sila3
  • 3 male laborers, 4 ban2 monthly rations each,
  • 1 male worker, 3 ban2 = 30 sila3
  • stationed;



    ugula giri3-ni 3(u) 2(disz) iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: 32, month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    nig2-gur11-a-ni dumu du-mu nu-(gesz)kiri6

    AI Translation

    Niggurani, son of the son of the gardener;

    P203416: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ur-ba-gara2 dumu hu-ru
  • 1(disz) ur-ga2-nun
  • 1(disz) lugal-gu2-ur4
  • ki si-du3-ta kiszib3 ku5-da-mu

    AI Translation
  • 1 Ur-Bagaraya, son of Huru,
  • 1 Ur-ganun,
  • 1 Lugal-gur,
  • from Sidu, under seal of Kudamu;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi u4 6(disz)-am3 ba-ta-zal mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Festival of Shulgi," 6th day passed, year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ku5-da-mu dumu ur-(d)isztaran

    AI Translation

    Kudammu, son of Ur-Ishtaran.

    P203417: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub na-gab2-tum-ta ki szu-esz-tar2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot Nagabtum, from Shu-eshtar;



    kiszib3 lu2-giri17-zal dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-girizal, son of Ur-Baba; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-giri17-zal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Lu-girizal, scribe, son of Ur-Baba.

    P203418: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • [3(disz) gurusz] sig7-a 1(barig) sze lugal
  • 1(u) gurusz 5(disz) du3-a-ku5
  • gub-ba sze-ba ka-ga gi-na ur-(d)nansze i3-dab5 (gesz)kiri6 (d)nin-gir2-su gibil

    AI Translation
  • 3 male laborers, sig-a, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 10 male laborers, 5: Duaku;
  • stationed, barley rations repaid, Ur-Nanshe accepted; garden of Ningirsu, new;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dumu lum-ma

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, son of Lumma.

    P203422: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ki gu-za-ni-ta ur-sa6-ga szu ba-ti ugula ni-mu e2 (d)szul-gi

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Guzani did Ur-saga receive; foreman: Nimu, house of Shulgi;



    iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203423: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub inim-ma-ta ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the depot of inima, from Bazi Ur-Ningeshzida



    szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203424: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) engar dumu-gu4-gur dumu da-ba 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 6(asz) gur i3-dub inim-ma-dingir-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 30 plowmen, sons of Dababa, 1 barig barley per lugal,
  • its barley: 6 gur, from the depot Inim-dingir, from Bazi;



    sze ur5-ra-sze3 ab-ba-mu szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for the barley to be added, Abbamu received; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203425: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ha-li2-li2-ta (d)ba-ba6-he2-gal2 szesz-gal nam-u

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Baba, son of Halili, Baba-hegal, chief brother, was chosen.



    a-igi-du8-ke4 szu ba-ti mu (d)ba-ba6-he2-gal2-sze3 kiszib3 a-li iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    A'igidu received; year: "Baba-hegal." Sealed tablet of Ali. Month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ab-ba-kal-la nu-banda3-gu4

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, son of Abbakala, manager of oxen,

    P203426: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-na szim
  • 1(disz) sila3 sze-li
  • 3(disz) sila3 esir2 e2-a
  • dug dida a-da-_bi_-ke4 ba-ab-sub6

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of aromatics,
  • 1 sila3 of roasted barley,
  • 3 sila3 bitumen for the house,
  • ... the jug of dida he shall take.



    ki ur-gu2-en-na-ta kiszib3 nin-a-na iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-gu-ena, under seal of Ninana; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ur-e2-ninnu

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Ur-Eninnu.

    P203427: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • a2 hun-ga2 gesz-gaba-tab i3-dub e2-_ne_-le-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • labor of hirelings, ..., from the depot of the house of the ..., from Bazi;



    kiszib3 dingir-sa6-ga dumu lu2-nimgir iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Dingir-saga, son of Lu-nimgir; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    dingir-sa6-ga dumu lu2-nimgir gu-za-la2

    AI Translation

    Dingir-saga, son of Lu-nimgir, chair bearer.

    P203428: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] sze gur lugal ki gu-za-ni-ta ur-(d)kal-kal mu lugal-(d)pirig-sze3 e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da ugula nig2-u2-rum e2 sa-ra-hi-ta

    AI Translation

    n gur of barley, royal measure, from Guzani, Ur-kalkal, year: "... ." From the house of Ningeshzida, foreman: Nig-urum, from the house of Sarahi;



    iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)kal-kal dumu bur-la?

    AI Translation

    Ur-Kalkal, son of Burla?.

    P203429: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-sze3 i3-dub elam-e-ne-ta [ki lu2]-esz-tar2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • for seed-corn, from the Elamite-dub, from Lu-eshtar;



    kiszib3 (d)utu-mu iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Shamash-mu; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-mu nu-banda3 gu4 dumu ur-szul

    AI Translation

    for Utumu, the overseer, oxen, son of Ur-Shul;

    P203430: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 6(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 1(u) sze ku3-babbar
  • ku3 sze ur5-ra e3-a giri3 ur-(d)nansze gu-za-la2

  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • la2-ia3 su-ga nu-(gesz)kiri6 giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 szandana

  • 3(asz) 1(barig) (gesz)haszhur duru5 gur
  • ku3-bi 3(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 6(disz) sze ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 nu-(gesz)kiri6-ta

  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki eresz-dingir-ra-ta giri3 amar-szuba3

  • 3(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur
  • ku3-bi 3(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ki giri3-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta

  • 3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki inim-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 1/3 shekels 10 grains silver,
  • silver, barley rations, returned, via Ur-Nanshe, chair bearer;

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • deficit repaid, gardener via Ur-Baba, the chief household administrator;

  • 3 gur 1 barig dates,
  • its silver: 3 1/4 shekels, 6 grains, from Ur-Shulpa'e, the gardener;

  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • from Eresh-dingira, via Amar-shuba;

  • 3 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 barley,
  • its silver: 3 2/3 shekels; from Giri-Baba-idab;

  • 3 shekels of silver,
  • from Inim-Baba-idab;

    Column 2


    szu-nigin2 1(u) 9(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 1(disz) sze ku3-babbar sag nig2-gur11-ra-kam sza3-bi-ta

  • 5(u) 3(disz) gesz gal gin2-a 1(u) 5(disz)-ta
  • ku3-bi 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 6(disz) sze

  • 1(u) 1(disz) (gesz)u3-suh5 gin2-a 3(disz)-ta
  • ku3-bi 3(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2

  • 3(u) 1(disz) (gesz)e2-da gin2-a 3(u)-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 6(disz) sze e2-a ba-a-kesz2 2(gesz'u) 4(u) 5(disz) sa gi izi gin2-a 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sa-ta ku3-bi 1(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 1(disz) sze gi ti-um-ma-sze3

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) sa gi _szid_ gin2-a 9(gesz2) sa-ta
  • AI Translation

    total: 19 1/4 shekels 1 grain silver, capital of the account therefrom:

  • 53 large beams at 15 each;
  • its silver: 3 1/2 shekels, 6 grains;

  • 11 reeds, 3 shekels each,
  • its silver: 3 2/3 shekels;

  • 31 eda-woods at 30 each,
  • its silver: 1 shekel 6 grains; the house was seized; 165 bundles of reed, fire, a value of 60 bundles each; its silver: 1 2/3 shekels 11 grains; reed, for Tiuma;

  • 210 bundles of reed, one-third of a shekel, at 900 bundles each,
  • Column 1


    ku3-bi 2(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sze _gil_-sze3

  • 2(gesz2) sa gi izi
  • ku3-bi igi-6(disz)-gal2 ur-kun simug szu ba-ti (gesz)ig dim2-e-de3

  • 1(barig) esir2 e2-a gin2-a 1(barig)-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 _gil_-e ba-ab-su3 u3 _gi_-_u18_ ba-ab-su3

  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) esir2# e2#-a gin2-a 1(barig)-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2

  • 1(u) gu2 esir2 had2 1(u) gu2-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 _kin_-_sar_ e2-mah u3 szu-_tar_ e2-a du8-a (gesz)da (gesz)ig 1(disz)-a-kam ku3-bi 2(disz) gin2 e2 gibil (d)szul-sza3-ga-na-ka du3-a

    AI Translation

    its silver: 26 1/2 grains for a reed basket;

  • 120 bundles of reed, firewood,
  • its silver: 1/6 shekel; Ur-kun, the smith, received; door re-dimming;

  • 1 barig of bitumen for the house, at 1 barig each,
  • its silver: 1 shekel of ..., he will be smashed, and reeds he will be smashed.

  • 1 barig 2 ban2 bitumen, the house, at 1 barig each,
  • its silver: 1 1/3 shekels;

  • 10 talents of bitumen, 10 talents each,
  • its silver: 1 shekel, the kin-sar of the Emah and Shu-tar, the house built; the door and the first door; its silver: 2 shekels, the new house of Shulshagana built;

    Column 2


    sza3 (kusz)du10-gan-na kiszib3 eresz-dingir-ra szu-nigin2 1(u) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 2(u) la2 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar zi-ga la2-ia3 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 2(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar nig2-ka9 ak ur-mes dumu du-du dam-gar3 iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi-ta iti mu-szu-du7-sze3 iti-bi iti 4(disz)-kam mu ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in the pouch, under seal of Eresh-dingira; total: 15 1/2 shekels 20 less 1/2 grains of silver booked out; deficit: 3 1/2 shekels 26 1/2 grains of silver; account of Ur-mes, son of Dudu, the merchant; from month "Festival of Dumuzi" to month "Mushudu," its month: 4th month, year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203431: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta i3-dub (d)nin-gir2-su-a2-zi-da

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for ... flour, from Bazi, depot of Ningirsu-azida;



    (d)nansze-ta ur-(d)nansze dumu na-ba-sa6 szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du7 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Nanshe Ur-Nanshe, son of Nabasa, received; month: "Mushudu," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203432: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze numu al-gur 2(disz) ki lu2-bala-sa6-ga-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley seed, rations: 2, from Lu-balasaga



    ur-(d)nansze szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du7 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe received; month: "Mushudu," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203433: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ab-ba-gi-na-ta sze lu2-dingir-ra ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Abbagina barley of Lu-dingira, Ur-Nanshe;



    szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du7 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Mushudu," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203434: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki giri3-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta ku3-bi 1/2(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 sag nig2-gur11#-ra#-kam sza3-bi-ta#

  • 4(u) ma-na uruda# 2(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(u) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 la2 7(disz) sze

  • 2/3(disz) ma-na su3#-gan 5/6(disz) ma-na-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 la2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 6(disz) sze giri3 ur-kun simug

  • 2(u) ma-na 1(u) la2 1(disz) gin2 uruda 2(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(u) la2 1(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 1(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sze giri3 inim-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5 (gesz)ig (d)szul-sza3-ga-na-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 35 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Giri-Baba-idab, its silver: 1/2 mana 5 shekels, capital of the account therefrom;

  • 40 minas of copper, 2 minas 10 shekels each,
  • its silver: 18 1/2 shekels less 7 grains;

  • 2/3 mana of ..., 5/6 mana each,
  • its silver: 1 shekel less 1/6 shekel 6 grains, via Ur-kun, the smith;

  • 20 minas 10 less 1 shekels copper, 2 minas 10 shekels each,
  • its silver: 9 1/6 shekels 11 1/2 grains, via Inim-Baba-idab, door of Shulshagana;



    ugu2 ur-kun simug ba-a-gar-ra-a#

  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3 nig2-gur11 dam-gar3
  • szu ba-ti szu-nigin2 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 la2 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ((_sze_)) ku3-babbar mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ((_na_)) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar nig2-ka9 ak ur-(gesz)gigir dam-gar3 giri3 ur-nig2 dumu-na iti mu-szu-du7 mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul-a

    AI Translation

    against Ur-kun, the smith, was imposed;

  • 5 shekels silver, property of the merchant,
  • received; total: 1/2 mana 3 1/2 shekels less 1 1/2 grains silver; delivery; deficit: 1 1/2 shekels 1 1/2 grains silver; account of Ur-gigir, the merchant; via Ur-nig, his son; month: "Mountain-of-the-Father," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203435: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 7(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba un-il2 a-igi-du8 giri3-se3-ga gesz-gi i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-hur-sag lu2-ku3-nun-ta

    AI Translation
  • 17 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the unil, the a'igidu, the girisega, the geshgi, from the depot of the forecourt of Ninhursag, the lukun;



    ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ha-ba-zi-ge dumu lu2-kal-la iti mu-szu-du7 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi, under seal of Habazige, son of Lukalla; month: "mushudu," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ha-ba-zi-ge dub-sar dumu lu2-kal-la nu-banda3

    AI Translation

    Habazige, scribe, son of Lukalla, the overseer.

    P203436: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(disz)
  • 1(disz) gu4 ge6 2(ban2) ((gur))
  • zi-ga e2 (d)szul-sza3-ga-na iti mu-szu-du7

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox, 2 years old,
  • 1 black ox, 2 ban2 = 20 sila3
  • booked out of the house of Shulshagana; month: "Moving on."



    mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash Hurti were destroyed."

    P203438: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 sirara6-he2-gal2 ki ur-(d)nin-mug-ta a-li

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn of the field Sirara-hegal, from Ur-Ninmug, Ali;



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    P203439: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga sze ku3-ta sa10# ki nig2-u2-rum-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, from silver barley, sale, from Nig-urum;



    lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3 szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6-ta iti amar-a-a-si-sze3 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to Lu-Igima received; from month "Festival of Baba" to month "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203440: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 13 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley for the labor-troops, from Bazi Ur-Ningeshzida received;



    nu-banda3 ur-(d)gesz-bar-e3 i3-dub ur-sag-pa-e3-ta iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Ur-Geshbare, from the depot of Ur-sagpa'e; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203441: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) nu-banda3-gu4 3(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 2(u) 4(disz) engar 2(barig)-ta
  • 5(u) dumu-gu4-gur dumu-da-ba 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 2(u) 2(asz) 3(barig) gur [x] engar nu-banda3-gu4 [...] (d)nin-hur-sag [ki ur]-ku3-nun-na-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 oxen managers, 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 24 plowmen at 2 barig each,
  • 50 oxen-drivers, for the children, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • its barley: 22 gur 3 barig; ..., the plowman, oxen manager, ... Ninhursag; from Ur-kununa



    ki ba-zi-ta mu a-ab-ba-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi to the year: "Ayab," under seal of Ur-Shush-Baba; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203442: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(gesz2) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ma2-a si-ga i3-dub pa5-ha-tul2-ta ki ba-zi-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 165 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barge moored, from the depot Pahatul, from Bazi Lu-Ninshubur



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    P203443: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • giri3 lugal-gu2-gal

  • 1(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • giri3 ur-ki-gu-la

  • 4(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • giri3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

  • 4(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ox, slaughtered,
  • via Lugal-gugal;

  • 1 ox, slaughtered,
  • via Ur-kigula;

  • 4 oxen, slaughtered,
  • via Lu-Lagash;

  • 4 oxen, slaughtered,
  • Reverse


    giri3 szesz-kal-la

  • 2(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • giri3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur geme2-kikken2 u3 he2-dab5 szu ba-ti gu4 ba-usz2-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Sheshkalla;

  • 2 oxen, slaughtered,
  • via Lu-Ninshubur, Geme-kikken and Hedab received; oxen were killed; from Lu-Ninshubur received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203444: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta ma-an-szum2 szu ba-ti kiszib3 ur-nim ib2-(ra)

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • for the barley to be brought to the troops from Bazi, Manshum received; under seal of Ur-nim,



    nu-[banda3 lu2-(d)]ig#-alim i3-dub ur-sag-pa-e3-ta# iti amar#-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Lu-Igalim, from the depot of Ursag-pa'e; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203445: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • (kusz)a-la2 ma2-ad-ma-ga(ki) ki na-ba-sa6-ta mu ur-mes dumu lu2-(d)nin-szubur-sze3 kiszib3 ka5-a-mu

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • leather bags for Madmaga, from Nabasa, year: "Urmes, son of Lu-Ninshubur, under seal of Ka'amu."



    iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    ka5-a-mu dub-sar dumu he2-ti

    AI Translation

    Ka'amu, scribe, son of Heti.

    P203446: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-nim

    AI Translation
  • 14 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley for the work-troops, from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Nim;



    i3-dub ur-sag-pa-e3-ta iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the depot of Ursagpa'e; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-nim dumu ur-nig2

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nim, son of Ur-nig.

    P203447: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(disz) gin2 szim
  • 1/2(disz) sila3 sze-li
  • 2(disz) sila3 esir2 e2-a
  • dug dida-bi-sze3 ki ur-gu2-en-na-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 16 shekels aromatics,
  • 1/2 sila3 of roasted grain,
  • 2 sila3 bitumen for the house,
  • for the jug of its dida-vessel, from Ur-guena;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze iti amar-a-(a)-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Nanshe; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu ur-e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Ur-Eanna.

    P203448: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra engar dumu-gu4-gur dumu da-ba i3-dub ur-sag-pa-e3-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 sanga

    AI Translation
  • 23 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the plowman, son of oxen-men, son of Dada, from the depot of Ur-sag-pa'e, from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Baba, the temple administrator;



    giri3 (d)utu-bar-ra iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Utu-bara; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Ur-Lamma.

    P203449: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 5(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 7(disz) gurusz 5(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 2(asz) 1(barig)! ugula ur-(d)nansze

  • 4(u) 2(disz) gurusz 4(ban2)-ta
  • 9(disz) gurusz 5(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 9(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) ugula lu2-(d)utu

  • 2(u) 7(disz) gurusz 1(barig)-ta
  • 3(disz) gurusz 5(ban2)-ta
  • AI Translation
  • 55 workdays, male laborers, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 7 male laborers, 5 ban2 = 50 sila3 each
  • its barley: 12 gur 1 barig; foreman: Ur-Nanshe;

  • 42 male laborers, 4 ban2 = 40 sila3 each
  • 9 male laborers, 5 ban2 = 50 sila3 each
  • its barley: 9 gur 4 barig 4 ban2, foreman: Lu-Utu;

  • 27 male laborers, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • 3 male laborers, 5 ban2 = 50 sila3 each
  • Reverse


    sze-bi 5(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) ugula ur-e2-babbar2 szu-nigin2 2(gesz2) 4(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze-ta szu-nigin2 1(u) 9(disz) gurusz 5(ban2)-ta sze-bi 2(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) gur sza3-gal bala tusz-a i3-dub e2-duru5 ka5-a-ta ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)nansze szu ba-ti nu-banda3 ur-(d)nansze dumu nam-mah erin2 e2 (d)nansze-me iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    its barley: 5 gur 4 barig 3 ban2, foreman: Ur-Ebabbar; total: 124 male laborers 1 barig barley each; total: 19 male laborers 5 ban2 each; its barley: 27 gur 4 barig 5 ban2, in the bala sat out; from the depot of the granary, from Bazi, Ur-Nanshe received; the overseer: Ur-Nanshe, son of Nammah, the labor-troops, house of Nanshe; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203450: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 2(disz) gurusz 1(barig) lugal-ta
  • sza3-gal erin2 hun-ga2 i7 lugal-sze3 gen-na e2-duru5 inim-(d)inanna-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 32 male laborers, 1 barig each,
  • in the labor-troops of the hirelings, to the royal canal went; from the mill of Inim-Inanna, from Bazi



    ugula e2-anzu2 nu-banda3 a-hu-a iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: E-anzu, overseer: Ahua; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203451: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) engar 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze-ta#
  • 9(disz) dumu-gu4-gur 1(barig)-ta
  • 1(u) dumu da-ba 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 6(asz) 4(barig) gur sze ur5-ra i3-dub e2-duru5 ka5-a-ta

    AI Translation
  • 10 plowmen, 1 barig 3 ban2 barley each,
  • 9 oxen-sheep, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • 10 children of Dada, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • its barley: 6 gur 4 barig; barley rations, from the depot of the granary at Ka'a;



    ki ba-zi-ta a2-na muhaldim szu ba-ti e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ka mu a2-na-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi, for the cook, received; in the house of Ninmar, for the year: "For him," under seal of Ur-Igalim; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203452: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 9(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) 1/2(disz) sila3 sze
  • sze kasz-sze3

  • 2(ban2) 4(disz) 3(disz)/4(disz) sila3 4(disz) gin2 i3-gesz
  • AI Translation
  • 19 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 1/2 sila3 barley,
  • barley for beer

  • 2 ban2 4 3/4 sila3 4 shekels oil,
  • Reverse


    sza3 du6 ma-da-sal4-la(ki) iti mu-szu-du7-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti 3(disz)-kam kiszib3 lu2-gir2-nun lu2-e2-a mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul ki sza13-dub-ba-sze3

    AI Translation

    from the ditch of Madasal, from month "Mushudu," to month "Harvest," 3rd month, under seal of Lu-girnun, Lu-Ea; year: "Kimash was destroyed;" to the place of the szadubba.

    P203453: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 3(u) gurusz erin2 dumu 5(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 3(u) la2 1(asz) gur sza3-gal erin2 bala gub-ba i3-dub e2-duru5 ka5-a-ta ki# ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 240 workdays, male laborers, 1 barig barley of the king,
  • 30 male laborers, labor-troops, children, 5 ban2 = 5 sila3 each
  • its barley: 30 less 1 gur; therefrom: the generals of the bala stationed; from the depot of the granary, from Bazi;



    ugula-ne szu ba-ti-esz2 kiszib3 ad!(_da_)-da-kal-la ib2-ra nu-banda3 lugal-lu2-sa6-sa6 erin2 e2 (d)nansze-me iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foremane received; under seal of Adda-dakala; deposited; manager: Lugal-lu-sasa, labor-troops, house of Nanshe; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203454: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(disz) dumu dab5-ba 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 2(asz) 2(barig) gur i3-dub (d)nin-hur-sag lu2-ku3-nun-ta

    AI Translation
  • 62, the 'dumbs', at 1 barig barley each,
  • its barley: 12 gur 2 barig; from the depot of Ninhursag, the smith;



    ki ba-zi-ta ur-mes szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi did Ur-mes receive; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203455: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    ki ba-zi-ta lu2-(d)giri16-da szu ba-ti e2 (d)gesz-bar-e3-me iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi did Lu-Girida receive; house of Geshbar-e; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203456: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2(gesz'u) 1(u) 9(asz) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal sze-ba aga3-us2-me ki a-bu-ni giri3 a-bi2-zu-zi

    AI Translation

    169 gur 1 ban2 barley, royal measure, barley rations of the troops, from Abuni, via Abi-zuzi;



    ki lu2-gi-na-ta bala ur-(d)lamma ensi2 gir2-su(ki) iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lugina; bala of Ur-Lamma, governor of Girsu; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203457: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 8(disz) gurusz 2(barig) sze lugal libir-ta
  • 1(disz) gurusz 2(barig) sze dah-hu
  • dumu mar-sa-me ki sukkal-mah giri3 lu2-bala-sa6-ga

    AI Translation
  • 28 male laborers, 2 barig barley, from the king's original account;
  • 1 male worker, 2 barig barley, rations,
  • son of Marsa, from the sukkalmah; via Lu-balasaga;



    ki lu2-gi-na-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lugina; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203458: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(disz) engar 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze lugal-ta
  • 2(u) 8(disz) dumu-gu4-gur-da 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 9(asz) 4(barig) gur sze ur5-ra i3-dub (d)nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-nun-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 14 plowmen, 1 barig 3 ban2 barley of the king each;
  • 28 oxen-drivers, 1 barig = 100 sila3 each
  • its barley: 9 gur 4 barig; barley rations, from the depot of Ninhursaglukun, from Bazi;



    mu ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)-sze3 kiszib3 ur-ma-ma szesz-a-na e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Ur-Ninmar was destroyed." Under seal of Ur-Mama, his brother, house of Ningeshzida; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-ma-ma dumu nam-ha-ni

    AI Translation

    Ur-Mama, son of Namhani.

    P203459: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 nar sza3-gal erin2-na su-su-dam ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-i7-da dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • the depot of the granary, the singer, chief of the troops, to be returned; from Bazi, under seal of Ur-ida, son of Ur-saga;



    nu-banda3 ur-sa6-ga dumu lugal-igi-(husz) iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Ur-saga, son of Lugal-igihush; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-i7-da dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Ur-ida, son of Ur-Baba.

    P203460: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ma2-a si-ga i3-dub e2-duru5 ka5-a-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)hendur-sag

    AI Translation
  • 184 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barge moored; from the depot of the 'house of the king', from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Hendursag;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu ur-ba-gara2

    AI Translation

    Lugina, scribe, son of Ur-Bagaraya.

    P203461: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 5(disz) engar 1(barig) 3(ban2) lugal-ta
  • 5(u) dumu-gu4-gur dumu da-ba 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur i3-dub (d)nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-nun-ta

    AI Translation
  • 25 plowmen, 1 barig 3 ban2 each, royal measure,
  • 50 oxen-drivers, sons of Dada, at 1 barig each,
  • its barley: 17 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, from the depot Ninhursaglukun,



    ki ba-zi-ta ur-e2-ninnu szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi did Ur-Eninnu receive; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-e2-ninnu dub-sar dumu al-la-mu szabra

    AI Translation

    Ur-Eninnu, scribe, son of Allamu, chief household administrator.

    P203462: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta ur-nig2 dumu a-tu szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Enlila did Ur-nig, son of Atu, receive;



    zi3-_ka_ e2-kikken2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    flour of the mill; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-nig2 dub-sar dumu a-tu dub-sar he2-dab5

    AI Translation

    Ur-nig, scribe, son of Atu, scribe of Hedab.

    P203463: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ansze si2-si2 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • 1(disz) gu4-dib 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze
  • 2(barig) 3(ban2) puzur4-(d)szul-gi
  • 1(barig) ki-ib-tu-ru-uh
  • 1(barig) kur-ub-er3-ra
  • 5(ban2) er3-ra-dan
  • AI Translation
  • 1 donkey, horned, 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • 1 ox, 1 barig 3 ban2 barley,
  • 2 barig 3 ban2 Puzur-Shulgi,
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Kibturuh
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Kur-UBERA
  • 5 ban2 of erradan-flour,
  • Reverse

  • 4(ban2) i-za-li
  • ki bar-bar giri3 (d)nin-e2-gal-igi-du iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 Izali,
  • from Barbar, via Ninegal-igidu; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203464: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) dabin lugal
  • a-mur-dingir lu2 masz gi6-ka ki da-tin giri3 ki-lul-la

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig, royal dabin flour,
  • Amur-ilum, the man of the black-headed people, from Datin, via Kilula;



    ki ur-(d)ig-alim-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-Igalim; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203465: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) sze gur lugal
  • 2(asz) kasz du gur
  • sa2-du11 en-nu-gu-la ki lugal-he2-gal2 na-silim i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 30 gur barley, royal measure,
  • 2 gur regular beer,
  • regular offerings of Ennugula, from Lugal-hegal Nasilim accepted;



    sza3 uri5(ki)-ma giri3 a-hu-ni iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in Ur, via Ahuni; month: "Harvest," year: "Mash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203466: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) kusz udu
  • _gan2 an_/_hal_?-ka si-gi4-de3 ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 30 sheep-hides,
  • from Lu-Ninshubur, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu;



    iti sze-il2-la mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Barley carried," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203467: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba aga3-us2 mar-tu nu-banda3 (d)nanna-dalla giri3 (d)iszkur-ba-ni ki lu2-gi-na-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the agrigu of the Amorite, the overseer, Nanna-dalla, via Ishkur-bani, from Lu-gina;



    sza3 uri5(ki)-ma iti sze-il2-la mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in Ur; month: "Barley carried," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203468: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 ka5-a-ta ki ba-zi-ta [...]-ta nig2-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 60 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the granary, from Bazi, from ..., Nig-Baba



    szu ba-ti kiszib3-bi nam-mah-ta tum3-dam iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; under seal of Nammah, delivered; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203469: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n]+2(disz) ra2-gaba [n] dabin lugal-ta ki# zabar-dab5 giri3 (d)szul-gi-zi-mu u3 (d)szul-gi-ba-ni

    AI Translation

    n+2 sagbaba-men, n dabin-flour, from the king, via Shulgi-zimu and Shulgi-bani;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu# ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203470: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(disz) aszgab du10
  • 1(barig) dabin lugal-ta
  • ki sukkal-mah giri3 (d)nansze-i3-gi sukkal iti diri sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation
  • 12 ..., good quality,
  • 1 barig of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • from the sukkalmah; via Nanshe-igi, the sukkal; extra month: "Harvest."



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203471: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) dabin lugal
  • (d)szul-gi-tu-ri ki pa3-da giri3 u-bar-da-ni

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of dabin, royal measure,
  • Shulgi-turi, from Pada, via Ubardani;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203472: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 1(u) 9(asz) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal sze-ba aga3-us2 ki a-bu-ni giri3 a-bi2-zu-zi

    AI Translation

    169 gur 1 ban2 barley, royal measure, barley rations of the troops, from Abuni, via Abi-zuzi;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203473: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gurusz elam lu2-hun sze-sa 2(barig) sze-ta
  • iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti diri sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti 2(disz)-kam sze-bi 3(barig) gur

    AI Translation
  • 2 male laborers, Elamite, hirelings, barley rations: 2 barig each,
  • from month "Harvest" to month "Extra," from month "Harvest," 2nd month, its barley: 3 barig;



    ki zabar-dab5 giri3 hi-ti mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Zabar-dab, via Hiti; year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203474: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) dabin su-su
  • lu2-ki-masz(ki) maszkim ki lugal-ka gen-na

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig of susu-flour,
  • Lukimash, the enforcer, went to the king's place.



    giri3 dingir-ba-ni iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ili-bani; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203475: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) 2(ban2) sze lugal
  • sze-ba (d)szul-gi-ba-ni ki szar-ru-um-i3-li2 iti diri sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of Shulgi-bani, from Sharrum-ili; extra month: "Harvest."



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203476: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) 2(barig) dabin gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_ lu2-bappir2-ke4-ne ki ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ta

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur 2 barig dabin flour, royal measure,
  • flour of the brewers, from Ur-Ningeshzida;



    a-tu iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    atu; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-tu dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)nansze dub-sar he2-dab5

    AI Translation

    Atu, scribe, son of Lu-Nanshe, scribe of Hedab.

    P203477: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 9(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2)? dabin gur
  • ma2-a si-ga ur-[...] ki nam-ha-ni-ta kiszib3 ur-nigar(gar) dumu ug3-_il2_

    AI Translation
  • 39 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 dabin flour,
  • barge moored; Ur-..., from Namhani; under seal of Ur-nigar, son of Ug-IL;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ku5-da muhaldim dumu ur-(d)isztaran

    AI Translation

    Kuda, cook, son of Ur-Ishtaran.

    Seal 2


    ur-nigar(gar) dub-sar dumu ug3-_il2_

    AI Translation

    Ur-nigar, scribe, son of Ug-IL.

    P203478: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) dabin gur
  • zi3-ba e2 sukkal-e-ne ki na-ra-am-i3-li2 giri3 i-din-er3-ra

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 dabin flour,
  • flour of the house of the ministers, with Naram-ili, via Iddin-Erra;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203479: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) zi3-gu
  • dumu sukkal-mah-me

  • 3(asz) 1(ban2) dabin
  • zi3-ba giri3-se3-ga

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig emmer flour,
  • son of sukkal-mahme

  • 3 gur 1 ban2 of semolina,
  • flour carried by the courier;



    ugula (d)utu-uszumgal giri3 e-la-ak-szu-gir iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Utu-ushumgal, via Elak-shugir; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203480: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) 1(ban2) sze lugal
  • lu2 suhur-me u3 lam-gaz-me ki ba-mu giri3 i3-li2-dan

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the reed-cutting men and the lammgaz-men, with Bamu, via Ili-dan;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203496: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz du
  • 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 gesz-i3
  • lu2-sza-lim gu2-ab-ba(ki)-sze3 de6-a

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 regular beer,
  • 2 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels of cypress,
  • to the shalim-priests to Guabba he shall deliver;


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz du
  • 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • gu2-ab-ba-ta de6-a a-ra2 2(disz)-kam iti szu-numun mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 regular beer,
  • 2 sila3 bread,
  • from Guabba's account repaid, 2nd time, month: "Sowing," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203498: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ugula ba-sa6-ga

  • 6(asz) 3(barig) gur
  • ugula lu2-(d)ba-ba6

  • 1(u) la2 1(asz) gur
  • ugula i3-li2-mu

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • foreman: Basaga;

  • 6 gur 3 barig
  • foreman: Lu-Baba;

  • 9 gur
  • foreman: Ili-mu;



    sza3-gal erin2 bala tusz-a i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-nun-ta ki ba-zi-ta al-la-di szu ba-ti mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul iti mu-szu-du7

    AI Translation

    the generals, while in bala stationed, from the depot of the fort Ninhursaglukun, from Bazi Aladi received; year: "Kimash was destroyed;" month: "Mushudu,"

    P203507: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) zi3-gu lugal
  • 1(ban2) nig2-ar3-ra imgaga3
  • 2(disz) dug dida 2(ban2)
  • a-sza3 ar-mu-(na)-gub-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of royal flour,
  • 1 ban2 of nigara-flour, imgaga-flour,
  • 2 jugs of dida, 2 ban2 = 20 sila3 each
  • to the field Armanag;



    giri3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su szesz ur-mes zi-ga iti munu4-gu7 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Lu-Ningirsu, brother of Ur-mes; booked out; month: "Malt feast," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203514: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na ki lu2-lagasz(ki)-ta lu2-(d)na-ru2-a

    AI Translation
  • 60 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the troops, from Lu-Lagash Lu-Narua



    szu ba-ti i3-dub elam-e-ne(((ki)))-ta iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; from the Elamite depot; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203516: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) zu2-lum gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-i7-edin-na-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur dates, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid; from Ur-Baba, son of Ur-iddina;



    kiszib3 ur-ab-ba dumu ba-zi giri3 ur-(gesz)gigir ka-guru7 iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-abba, son of Bazi; via Ur-gigir, gatekeeper; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-ab-ba dub-sar dumu ba-zi dub-sar siki-ka

    AI Translation

    Ur-abba, scribe, son of Bazi, scribe of wool.

    P203522: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • 2(asz) ziz2 gur
  • ki inim-(d)ba-ba6-i3-dab5-ta

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • 2 gur emmer,
  • from Inim-Baba-idab;



    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 ugula kikken2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, foreman of mills; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Anshan was destroyed."

    Column 1


    geme2-(d)lamma eresz-dingir (d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Geme-Lamma, the eresh-dingir priestess of Baba.

    Column 2


    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar# dumu? szu?-[x-x-x] [(...)]

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Shu-.

    P203525: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 ab-ba-kal-la-ta ki ba-zi-ta sze numun-sze3 kiszib3 ur-ma-ma ugula ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 111 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the granary of Abbakala, from Bazi, to the seed barley, under seal of Ur-Mama, foreman: Ur-Ninmar;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-ma-ma dumu nam-ha-ni

    AI Translation

    Ur-Mama, son of Namhani.

    P203526: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] 2(disz) u8 szu-gid2

  • 6(disz) udu-nita2 szu-gid2
  • ki ur-(d)lamma dumu u2-du-lu-ta giri3 ad-da dumu elam

    AI Translation

    n 2 ewes, shugid,

  • 6 rams, shugid,
  • from Ur-Lamma, son of Udulu, via Adda, son of Elam;



    si-[du3] szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    sidu received; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203534: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) (gesz)apin szu-du7
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta ur-(d)iszkur szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 4 plows, ...,
  • from Lu-Ninshubur Ur-Adda received; month: "Festival of Baba."



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203535: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sze gur lugal sze du11-ga-ni-zi i3-dub kar-sag-ta

  • 5(gesz2) gur
  • sze nin-a2-zi-da i3-dub e2-duru5 ab-ba-kal-la-ta

    AI Translation

    900 gur of barley, royal measure, barley of Duganizi, from the depot of Karsag;

  • 420 gur
  • barley of Nin-azida, from the depot of the granary of Abbakalla;



    ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 ki ba-zi-ta ki-tusz-lu2 szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the barge moored to Nippur, from Bazi, the 'house' received; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203538: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na du6-sa-bar-ta ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)ig-alim dumu usz-mu

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the labor-troops, from Dusabar, from Bazi, Ur-Igalim, son of Ushmu,



    szu ba-ti nu-banda3 ur-sa6-ga giri3 a-tu iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; the overseer: Ur-saga, via Atu; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."


  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal sze ur5-ra erin2-na
  • du6-sa-bar-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim dumu usz-mu

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure of barley, the labor-troops,
  • from Dusabar, from Bazi, under seal of Ur-Igalim, son of Ushmu;



    nu-banda3 ur-sa6-ga gu-za-la2 giri3 a-tu iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Ursaga, chair bearer; via Atu; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ig-alim dub-sar dumu usz-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Igalim, scribe, son of Ushmu.

    P203539: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 sze lugal
  • sza3-gal erin2 (gesz)gaba-tab gid2#-da ki ab-ba-gi-na-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 6 sila3 barley of the king;
  • the labor-troops, the wagons, the long-troops, from Abbagina



    lu2-(d)utu szu ba-ti nu-banda3 ur-(d)nansze a-sza3 sirara6-he2-gal2 iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Utu received; overseer: Ur-Nanshe; field Sirara-hegal; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203540: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) [...] gur
  • i3-dub a2-sun2-ta sa2-du11 sze-ba igi-sze3 erin2 ki ba-zi-ta lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 240 ... gur
  • from the depot of the asun-farmer, regular offerings, barley rations, before the troops from Bazi; Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Nanshe;



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    P203548: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) [sze gur] lugal#
  • sze ur5#-ra i3-dub# [x-(x)]-ta# ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, from the depot ..., from Bazi;



    ur-e2-ninnu szu ba-ti iti [sze]-sag11-ku5 mu# ki-masz(ki) ba#-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Eninnu received; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203551: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba aga3-us2 ki hu-ba-a giri3 nu-ur2-(d)suen

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the scouts, from Huba via Nur-Suen;



    ki lu2-gi-na-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lugina; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203564: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) sze# gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na-sze3 i3-dub bara2-si-ga-ta ki ba-zi-ta a-tu dumu la-la-ke4 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 32 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations for the troops, from the depot Barasiga, from Bazig Atu, son of Lala, received;



    iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203567: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze zi3-ka-sze3 a-sza3 mah-ta ki lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lu2-dingir-ra-ta lugal-ka-gi-na-ke4

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for barley flour, from the great field, from Lu-Baba, son of Lu-dingira, Lugal-kagina;



    szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P203568: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan#-[dub]-ba sze#? gesz#? e3-a dub#-ba gaba-ri sanga i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx


    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx



    mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."



    P203569: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] zu2#?-lum#? gur#? lugal#?-ta n (gesz#)pesz3#? n (gesz)gesztin

  • 4(u) nu-ur2-ma sumun
  • 2(gesz2) nu-ur2-ma gibil
  • AI Translation

    n gur dates?, from the king?; n peas?; n grapes;

  • 40 pomegranates,
  • 240 new pomegranates,
  • Reverse


    ki gu2-mu-ta iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Gumu; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Column 1


    (d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma

    AI Translation

    Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur,

    Column 2


    lugal an [ub]-da limmu2#-[ba] ur-(d)lamma sza3-[tam?] _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    king of the four corners: Ur-Lamma, the shatam? official, is your servant.

    P203570: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) esir2 _e2_-A lugal
  • ki ur-ba-gara2-ta ba3?-a-an-ni

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of bitumen for King's Ea;
  • from Ur-Baga'a he has taken it.



    szu ba-ti ma2 uz-ga iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ur-bi2-i3-lum ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; barge of the uzga; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."


  • 3(ban2) esir2 _e2_-A lugal
  • ki ur-ba-gara2-ta ba3?-a-an-ni

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of bitumen for King's Ea;
  • from Ur-Baga'a he has taken it.



    szu ba-ti ma2 uz-ga lugal [mu us2-sa ur-bi2-i3-lum ba]-hul#

    AI Translation

    received from Uzga; royal boat; year following: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ab-ba-mu#? dumu ur-e2#?-an#?-na#?

    AI Translation

    Abbamu, son of Ur-Eanna.

    P203574: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 ziz2 gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)nin-sun2

  • 1(gesz2) 6(asz) 4(ban2) ziz2 gur
  • i3-dub kab2-ku5 (d)nansze ki ur-sag-ub3(ki) szabra-(ta)

    AI Translation
  • 185 gur 3 ban2 5 sila3 emmer, royal measure,
  • depot of the fort of Ninsun;

  • 66 gur 4 ban2 emmer,
  • depot of the threshing floor of Nanshe, from Ursagubb, the chief household administrator;



    giri3 szesz-kal-la dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Sheshkalla, son of Ur-Baba; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203576: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 1(u) 2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • ki ur-ba-gara2-ta

  • 4(disz) gin2 la2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3
  • ki ur-(d)nin-ma-da-ta e2 (d)ig-alim

  • 1/3(disz)(sza) 1/2(disz) gin2 la2 9(disz) sze [ku3]
  • kiszib3-bi 2(disz)-am3# ki ur-sa6-ga-[ta]

  • 7(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 [(x) ku3]
  • kiszib3-bi 2(disz)-[am3] ki ur-tur-[ta] e2 (d)dumu-zi [(x)]

  • 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 2(disz) sze ku3#
  • ki nam-mah uru11(ki)-[ta]

  • 1(disz) gin2 ki ur-nigin3-gar# e2# (d)ga2-tum3-[du10 (x)]
  • 5(disz) gin2 ki ur-(d)_pa#_?-[(x) e2] (d)nin-szubur# [(x x)]
  • 8(disz) gin2 x# [(x x x)]
  • AI Translation
  • 12 2/3 shekels 12 grains silver,
  • from Ur-Bagara;

  • 4 shekels less 1/6 shekel silver,
  • from Ur-Ninmada, the house of Igalim;

  • 1/3 shekel less 9 grains silver,
  • its sealed tablets: 2, from Ur-saga;

  • 7 1/4 shekels silver,
  • its sealed tablets: 2, from Urtur, house of Dumuzi;

  • 3 1/2 shekels 2 grains silver,
  • from Nammah of Uruk;

  • 1 shekel, from Ur-nigingar, the house of Gatumdu,
  • 5 shekels, from Ur-Nabû, house of Ninshubur;
  • 8 shekels ...,
  • Reverse



  • 7(disz) gin2 [...]
  • ki a2?-[...-ta]

  • 1/3(disz)(sza) 2(disz)+[n ...]
  • a2#? ur?-ra-ta? [...] ki ur-e2-x-[...] szu-nigin2 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 1/2(disz) [...] giri3 ur?-lil2 dumu lugal-im-[ru-a] ku3 iri-ta nu-e3 kiszib3 ensi2-bi ba-zi-ir mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

  • 7 shekels ...,
  • from A?-...;

  • 1/3 gur 2+x ...
  • labor of Ur-ra? ... from Ur-e-... Total: 1 1/2 mana 1/2 ... via Ur-lil, son of Lugal-imrua, silver from the city not returned; under seal of the governor, they were smashed; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203577: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) udu-gal ur-(d)ba-ba6 du6 ma-nu
  • 3(disz) a-tu dumu inim-(d)inanna
  • 2(disz) en-i3-na-kal
  • 2(disz) ab-ba-sa6-ga szesz tul2-ta
  • 2(disz) lam-lam-ma
  • 2(disz) ur-(d)ba-ba6 me-an-ta
  • 2(disz) szu-na
  • 2(disz) an-da-ga
  • 1(disz) (d)nin-gal-i3-zu
  • 1(disz) ur5-sa6-sa6
  • 1(disz) ur-mes
  • 1(disz) masz-tur
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)nin-tu
  • 1(disz) lu2-nimgir unu(ki)
  • 1(disz) ur-sa6-sa6-ga
  • 2(disz) ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
  • e2-duru5 (d)inanna

    AI Translation
  • 4 large sheep, Ur-Baba, the threshing floor of manu;
  • 3 mana wool for Atu, son of Inim-Inanna,
  • 2 mana wool for En-inakal,
  • 2 Abbasaga, brother of Tul;
  • 2 Lam-lama,
  • 2: Ur-Baba, Manna;
  • 2 mana wool for Shuna;
  • 2 mana wool for Adaga,
  • 1: Ningal-izu,
  • 1 Ur-sasa,
  • 1 Urmes,
  • 1 mastur,
  • 1 Ur-Nintu,
  • 1: Lu-nimgir of Uruk,
  • 1: Ur-sasaga,
  • 2: Ur-Shulpa'e;
  • House of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of Inanna Temple of In



    ugula ur-(d)nansze

  • 5(disz) tul2-ta
  • 3(disz) ur-(d)isztaran
  • 3(disz) lu2-(d)suen
  • 2(disz) ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da
  • 1(disz) nam-ha-ni
  • 1(disz) szu-ni-an-nam
  • 1(u) 5(disz) ugula a-tu szu-nigin2 3(u) 2(disz) udu szu-nigin2 1(u) 1(disz) u8 sza3 gir2-su(ki) giri3 ur-(d)lamma dumu u2-du udu u3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 udu-ta nigin-na mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Ur-Nanshe;

  • 5 tula,
  • 3 mana wool for Ur-Ishtaran,
  • 3 mana wool for Lu-Suen,
  • 2: Ur-Ningeshzida,
  • 1 Namhani,
  • 1 Shu-ni-annam,
  • 15 foreman Atu; total: 32 rams; total: 11 ewes in Girsu, via Ur-Lamma, son of rams, rams, and Lu-Baba, from sheep, total: year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203578: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze i3-dub bara2-si-ga nig2-ka9 gu-za-ni-ta

  • 1(asz) 3(barig) la2-ia3 ur-esz3-lil2-la2
  • mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

  • 5(u) 3(asz) 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 gur la2-ia3 zi3-da
  • 3(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) gur kiszib3 gu-za-ni
  • ki i3-kal-la dumu ur-(d)lamma-ta

  • 1(u) 2(asz) gur
  • kiszib3 gu-za-ni i3-dub bara2-si-ga-ta

  • 1(u) 3(asz) gur giri3 sza3-ku3-ge
  • ki ku5-da-mu dumu sanga uru11(ki)-ta szu-nigin2 2(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 gur

  • 1(u) 1(asz) sza3-bi-ta
  • 1(u) 1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) gur kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga
  • AI Translation
  • 30 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the depot of barasiga, account of Guzani;

  • 1 gur 3 barig deficit of Ur-eshlila,
  • year: "Kimash was destroyed."

  • 53 gur 2 ban2 3 sila3 deficit of flour;
  • 34 gur 4 barig, under seal of Guzani;
  • from Ikalla, son of Ur-Lamma;

  • 12 gur
  • under seal of Guzani, from the depot Barasiga;

  • 13 gur, via Shakuge;
  • from Kudamu, son of the temple administrator of Uru; total: 184 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 3 sila3

  • 11 therefroms,
  • 11 gur 1 barig 3 ban2, under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga;
  • Reverse


    2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 2(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) gur kiszib3 ab-ba-mu dumu na-ba-sa6

  • 9(gesz2) 4(u) 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • sze-bi 1(u) 1(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 gur kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge dumu ur-(d)nansze a2 hun-ga2 a-sza3 gesz-gi gesz-gaba-tab gid2-da giri3 sanga ugu2 ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga (ga2-ga2?)-dam

  • 3(u) 6(asz) gur giri3 sanga
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szu-nigin2 2(u) 5(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 gur mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 5(u) 9(asz) 5(disz) sila3 gur nig2-ka9 ak gu-za-ni e2 nam-ha-ni mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    420 workdays, male laborers, its barley: 26 gur 2 barig, under seal of Abbamu, son of Nabasa;

  • 188 workdays, male laborers,
  • its barley: 11 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3, under seal of Shakuge, son of Ur-Nanshe, labor of hirelings, field of reeds and reeds, long, via the temple administrator, on Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga, delivered;

  • 36 gur via the temple administrator;
  • Ur-Baba, son of Bazi, to be delivered; total: 25 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 delivery; deficit: 49 gur 5 sila3 account of Guzani, house of Namhani; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203579: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 5(disz) ud5 szu#-gid2
  • 8(disz) masz2-nita2
  • ki ba-a-ga-ta

  • 7(disz) ud5 szu-gid2
  • 8(disz) masz2-nita2
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-(d)lamma-ta

  • 2(disz) ud5 szu-gid2
  • 5(disz) masz2-nita2
  • ki lu2-uru11(ki)-ta

  • 4(disz) masz2-nita2
  • ki# x#-x#-x#-x#-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 nanny goats, shugid,
  • 8 male kids,
  • from Ba'aga;

  • 7 nanny goats, shu-gid,
  • 8 male kids,
  • from Ur-Baba, son of Ur-Lamma;

  • 2 nanny goats, shugid,
  • 5 male goats,
  • from Lu-Uru;

  • 4 male goats,
  • from PN

    Column 2

  • 5(disz) masz2 la2-ia3 su2-ga udu
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta szu-nigin2 5(u) 5(disz) masz2 hi-a sag nig2-gur11-ra-kam sza3-bi-ta

  • 7(disz) ud5 szu-gid2
  • 1(disz) masz2-nita2
  • iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi

  • 3(disz) ud5 szu-gid2
  • 6(disz) masz2-nita2
  • iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 nig2-dab5 ki-a-nag [x]-x# (d)nin-x#-x-li

    AI Translation
  • 5 billy goats, deficit of sheep,
  • from Lu-Ningirsu; total: 55 billy goats, capital of the account therefrom:

  • 7 nanny goats, shu-gid,
  • 1 male goat,
  • month "Festival of Dumuzi;"

  • 3 nanny goats, shugid,
  • 6 male kids,
  • month "Festival of Baba," nigdab-offering of Ki'anag, ... of;

    Column 1


    im zu2-kesz2-ra2-ta

  • 6(disz) masz2-nita2
  • sza3 (kusz)du10-gan-na kiszib3 eresz-dingir-ra mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the kiln dried

  • 6 male kids,
  • in the pouch, under seal of Eresh-dingira; year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Column 2


    zi#-ga la2-ia3 1(disz) masz2-nita2 nig2-ka9 ak udu-ta nigin2-na ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da szusz3 mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul u3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti ba-a-hul

    AI Translation

    booked out; deficit: 1 male goat, account of sheep, restitution of Ur-Ningeshzida, cattle manager; year: "Kimash Hurti was destroyed"; and year after: "Kimash Hurti was destroyed."

    P203580: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [x] u8

  • 1(u) 3(disz) udu-nita2
  • 1(u) 2(disz) kir11
  • 1(u) 1(disz) sila4-nita2 diri
  • [x] masz sag sila4 [x] sila4 diri mu-kux(_du_) u8 udu-nita2 zi-ga

  • 7(disz) u8
  • AI Translation

    ... ewe

  • 13 rams,
  • 12 female lambs,
  • 11 male lambs, extra,
  • x lambs, the head of the lamb, x lambs, extra, delivery, ram, booked out;

  • 7 ewes,
  • Reverse

  • 5(disz) udu-nita2
  • sila4 ri-ri-ga szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 2(disz) gub-ba szu-nigin2 zi-ga szu-nigin2 1(u) 2(disz) ri-ri-ga ur-kun ugula szar-ru-um-i3-li2 sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 5 rams,
  • lambs for extispicy; total: 62, stationed; total: booked out; total: 12 extispicy; Ur-kun, foreman: Sharrum-ili, in Kinunir; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203581: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) u8
  • 4(gesz2) udu-nita2
  • 3(u) 8(disz) kir11
  • 1(u) 7(disz) sila4-nita2
  • 4(disz) masz2-sag
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 udu-nita2 zi-ga

  • 4(u) 4(disz) u8 1(u) 2(disz) udu-nita2
  • 1(u) 2(disz) sila4
  • ri-ri-ga

    AI Translation
  • 115 ewes,
  • 240 rams,
  • 38 female lambs,
  • 17 male lambs,
  • 4 billy goats,
  • delivery of rams, booked out;

  • 44 ewes, 12 rams,
  • 12 lambs,
  • a kind of profession



    la2-ia3 7(disz) sila4 szu-nigin2 7(gesz2) 1(u) 4(disz) gub-ba szu-nigin2 zi-ga szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 8(disz) ri-ri-ga szu-nigin2 7(disz) la2-ia3 ur-mes dumu szi-in-tuku ugula du11-ga-zi-da sza3 gir2-su(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    deficit: 7 lambs; total: 134 stationed; total: booked out; total: 88 ri'iga; total: 7 deficit; Urmes, son of Shiintuku, foreman: Dugazida, in Girsu; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203582: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(asz) gur a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
  • 4(barig) sze a-ra2 3(disz)-kam
  • 3(barig) a-ra2 4(disz)-kam
  • sza3 guru7 1(disz)-a

  • 4(barig) a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • sza3 guru7 2(disz)-a

  • 2(asz) gur a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 1st time.

  • 1 gur, 2nd time,
  • 4 barig barley, 3rd time;
  • 3 barig, 4th time;
  • in the grain-fed threshing floor,

  • 4 barig, 1st time;
  • in the 2nd silo;

  • 2 gur, 1st time;
  • Reverse


    sza3 guru7 3(disz)-kam

  • 1(barig) a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • sza3 guru7 4(disz)-kam

  • 1(barig) a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • sza3 guru7 5(disz)-kam szu-nigin2 6(asz) 4(barig) sze sze ab-bu-na _sar_-da giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal guru7-da tusz-a i3-dub sag-ub3-ba

    AI Translation

    in the grain-fed threshing floor, 3rd day;

  • 60 litres of barley 1st time
  • in the grain-processing unit, 4th day;

  • 60 litres of barley 1st time
  • in the threshing floor, 5th day; total: 6 gur 4 barig barley, barley of Abbuna, ... via Ur-Nungal, threshing floor stationed; ...,



    sze gesz e3 ur-(d)lamma ensi2 gir2-su(ki) giri3 na-bi2-(d)en-lil2-la2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    barley threshed, Ur-Lamma, governor of Girsu, via Nabi-Enlila; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203583: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 ambar lagasz(ki)-sze3 i3-dub sag-ub3(ki) a-hu-a-ta mu sanga (d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn, field of the marshes of Lagash, from the depot of Sagub, Ahua, year: "The temple administrator of Nanshe."



    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ha-li2-li2 szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, son of Halili, received; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203584: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) gur lug 1(disz) sze
  • ki lu2-iri-sag-ta sza3-gal erin2 diri gub gu3-de2-a szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur, shorn, 1 barley,
  • from Lu-Irisag, general of the troops, standing by, Gudea received;



    ur-(d)da-mu sukkal giri3 e-su-ri2 sukkal zi-ga lugal mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Damu, messenger, via Esuri, messenger, booked out, royal year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203585: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ki lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Lu-igimashe Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203586: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 1(disz) erin2 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 2(u) 3(asz) 1(barig) gur mu sze szuku-ra erin2 ebih(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 121 labor-troops at 1 barig each,
  • its barley: 23 gur 1 barig; year: "Barley transported by the troops of Ebih."



    sa12-du5-ke4 e2-gal-la ni-ib2-ku4-ku4 ki ur-(d)nansze-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    regular offerings in the palace, he shall bring. From Ur-Nanshe Ur-Baba received. Year following: "Kimash."

    P203587: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 4(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze erin2-na ki ku5-da-mu-ta ur-mes

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the work-troops, from Kudamu, Ur-mes



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203588: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • gur sa2-du11-ta sze nig2-gal2-la ki ur-(d)hendur-sag-ta ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the regular offerings barley, property, from Ur-Hendursag, Ur-Lamma;



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203589: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) [...]
  • si-i3-tum nig2-ka9 ak tul2-ta su-su-dam

    AI Translation
  • 7 ...,
  • the remaining deficit of the account of the threshing floor is to be repaid;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203590: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) u8 5(disz) sila4
  • 1(disz) udu lugud2-da
  • 2(disz) masz2
  • a-ru-a ur-(d)(gesz)apin-bu3-da

    AI Translation
  • 7 ewes, 5 lambs,
  • 1 sheep, Luguda,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • donated by Ur-Apinbada;



    ki lu2-hu-rim3(ki) dumu ur-sa6-ga-ta du-du dumu al-la i3-dab5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lu-Hurim, son of Ursaga, Dudu, son of Alla, accepted; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203591: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 3(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ki du-du gu-la-ta mu si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 33 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Dudu, the great lord; year: "Simurrum Lulubum."



    ur-dub-szen su-su-dam mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-dubszen has received; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203592: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) gur lugal sze
  • ki ku5-da-mu-ta sze-numun-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur, royal measure of barley,
  • from Kudamu, for the seed grain;



    ur-e2-ninnu szu ba-ti giri3 lugal-lu2-sa6-sa6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Eninnu received; via Lugal-lusasa; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203593: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 5(u) 8(asz) sim sig5 gur lugal
  • 3(u) nig2-ar3-ra sig5
  • 5(gesz2) 5(u) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 4(disz) sila3
  • 5(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 1(u) 7(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 2/3(disz)(sza) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) 2(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • 2(u) 3(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 4(disz) sila3
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza3 nig2-ka9 si-i3-tum mu ki-masz(ki)

  • 3(u) gur
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(u) 8(asz) 2(barig) 5(disz) sila3
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ki i-ta-pa-e3-ta

  • 3(u) 8(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3
  • 1(u) 1(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) la2 6(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • ki ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dumu ur-szu-ga-lam-ma-ta

    AI Translation
  • 48 gur fine sim-stones, royal measure,
  • 30 fine emmer-beer,
  • 420,3 barig 1 ban2 4 sila3
  • 5 minas 2 shekels 17 grains of silver,
  • 1st time.

  • 2/3 shekel 1/2 shekel 12 grains silver,
  • 23 gur 4 barig 1 ban 4 sila3
  • 2nd time, in the account of Situm, year: "Kimash."

  • 30 gur
  • 1st time.

  • 18 gur 2 barig 5 sila3
  • 2nd time, from Itapa'e

  • 38 gur 4 barig 5 ban 4 sila3
  • 11 2/3 shekels less 6 grains silver,
  • from Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Urshugalama;

    Column 2

  • 1(u) gin2 la2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • 5(asz) gur
  • ki lu2-kal-la-ta

  • 1(u) 3(disz) gin2 la2 1(u) 8(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • giri3 al-la ki ur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta

  • 3(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 la2 6(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • ki lu2-bala-sa6-ga dumu ur-(d)nin-gubalag-ta

  • 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki ur-(d)ig-alim dumu ulu3-la-a-a

  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki lu2-dingir-ra dumu lugal-sa6-ga-ta giri3 lugal-i3-sa6 u3 ad-da-mu mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) szu-nigin2 5(u) 8(asz) szim sig5 gur szu-nigin2 3(u) nig2-ar3-ra sig5 gur

  • 7(gesz2) 4(u) 6(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 gur
  • AI Translation
  • 10 shekels less 1/4 shekel of silver,
  • 5 gur,
  • from Lukalla;

  • 13 shekels less 18 grains of silver,
  • via Alla, from Ur-Enlila;

  • 3 1/3 shekels less 6 grains silver,
  • from Lu-balasaga, son of Ur-Ningubalag;

  • 10 shekels of silver,
  • from Ur-Igalim, son of Ululaya;

  • 5 shekels of silver,
  • from Lu-dingira, son of Lugal-saga, via Lugal-isa and Addamu; year after: "Kimash;" total: 58 gur fine aromatics; total: 30 gur fine ...;

  • 166 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 7 sila3
  • Column 3


    szu-nigin2 6(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 la2 1(disz) sze ku3-babbar sag nig2-gur11-ra-kam sza3-bi-ta

  • 3(u) 3(asz) szim sig5 gur
  • 1(u) 9(asz) nig2-ar3-ra sig5 gur
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-li i-ta-e3-a dumu lu2-du10-ga

  • 2(u) 5(asz) szim sig5 gur
  • 1(u) 1(asz) nig2-ar3-ra sig5 gur
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)[x-x] dumu na-[x-x] ur-(d)nin-[x] dumu ur-szu-ga-lam-ma

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) sze gur
  • kiszib3-bi [x]-am3 kiszib3 tuku

  • 5(u) 3(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • giri3 [...] kiszib3 [...]

    AI Translation

    total: 6 1/2 mana 5 1/4 shekels less 1 grain silver, capital of the account therefrom:

  • 33 gur fine aromatics,
  • 19 gur fine emmer,
  • under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Urli, ita'e'a, son of Lu-duga,

  • 25 gur yellow aromatics,
  • 11 gur fine emmer,
  • under seal of Ur-..., son of Na...; Ur-Nin-..., son of Urshugalama;

  • 184 gur of barley,
  • its sealed tablets: x, if a sealed tablet has been lost,

  • 50 gur 3 barig 3 ban2
  • via ..., under seal of ...;

    Column 1

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 9(asz) gur
  • kiszib3-bi 3(disz)-am3 kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dumu lugal-sa6-ga

  • 1(u) sze-numun gur
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 7(asz) 2(barig) gur
  • kiszib3 ur-e2-an-na

  • 3(asz) gur
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3 dumu ur-(gesz)gigir

  • 2(gesz2) 8(asz) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • kiszib3-bi 7(disz)-am3 kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

  • 5(asz) gur mu ur-(d)ba-ba6-sze3
  • kiszib3 nimgir-ki-ag2

  • 3(u) 3(barig) gur sza3-gal udu
  • kiszib3 a-hu-a dumu lu2-du10-ga

  • 5(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 2(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 8(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • AI Translation
  • 69 gur,
  • its sealed tablets: 3, under seal of Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Lugal-saga;

  • 10 gur of seed barley,
  • under seal of Ur-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Baba;

  • 7 gur 2 barig
  • under seal of Ur-Eanna;

  • 3 gur,
  • under seal of Lu-igimashe, son of Ur-gigir;

  • 188 gur 4 ban2 5 sila3,
  • its sealed tablets: 7, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;

  • 5 gur, for Ur-Baba;
  • under seal of Nimgir-kiag;

  • 30 gur 3 barig fodder for sheep,
  • under seal of Ahua, son of Lu-duga;

  • 5 5/6 mana 2 5/6 shekels 8 grains silver,
  • Column 2


    kiszib3-bi 2(disz)-am3 kiszib3 ensi2-ka

  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 la2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)utu dumu ba-zi u3 i3-kal-la

  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) ku3-babbar
  • kiszib3 ba-zi dumu szesz-szesz u3 i3-kal-la

  • 1(u) 7(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la ugu2 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la ga2-ga2-dam szu-nigin2 5(u) 8(asz) szim sig5 gur szu-nigin2 3(u) nig2-ar3-ra sig5 gur szu-nigin2 7(gesz2) 4(u) 5(asz) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 gur

    AI Translation

    their sealed tablets: 2, under seal of the governor;

  • 12 shekels less 1/4 shekels silver,
  • under seal of Lu-Utu, son of Bazi, and Ikalla,

  • 12 2/3 shekels silver,
  • under seal of Bazi, son of Shesh-ahhe, and Ikalla;

  • 17 shekels of silver,
  • under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla, to be delivered; total: 58 gur of red szim-wood, total: 30 gur of red nigarra, total: 185 gur 3 ban2 6 sila3;

    Column 3


    szu-nigin2 6(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 8(disz) sze ku3-babbar zi-ga la2-ia3 1(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 gur la2-ia3 1(disz) gin2 la2 9(disz) sze ku3-babbar nig2-ka9 ak la2-ia3 e3-a nig2-u2-rum ra-gaba mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    total: 6 1/2 mana 4 1/4 shekels 8 grains silver booked out; deficit: 1 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 1 sila3; deficit: 1 shekel less 9 grains silver; accounts, deficit; outgoing, Nig-urum, the ragaba; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203594: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) gu4 e3
  • lu2-lagasz#(ki)

  • 5(disz) gu4 lu2-((d))nanna dumu sanga (d)gesz#-[bar]-e3
  • 1(disz) gu4 ur-(d)[ba]-ba6 szabra
  • 2(disz) gu4 a-kal-la szabra
  • 1(disz) gu4 sanga (d)nin-gesz-zi-da
  • AI Translation
  • 4 oxen, tanned,
  • Lu-Lagash

  • 5 oxen, Lu-Nanna, son of the temple administrator of Geshbare,
  • 1 ox, Ur-Baba, the household manager;
  • 2 oxen, Akalla, the household manager;
  • 1 ox, the household manager of Ningeshzida;
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) gu4 sanga (d)dumu-zi
  • la2-ia3-am3 ki szabra-ne gu4 e2-gal-ta er-ra giri3 lu2-lagasz(ki) dumu si-du3 [mu] us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox, the household manager of Dumuzi;
  • deficit, from the owners of the oxen of the palace, Erra, via Lu-Lagash, son of Sidu; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203595: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba dub gid2-da sze lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of barley of the nigdab men are here;


    Basket-of-tablets: extended tablets, barley of the takers, are here;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."


    year: "... ."

    P203596: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2-la ku3-babbar
  • masz-da-ri-a ezem-mah ki lu2-lagasz(ki)-ta

    AI Translation
  • 11 1/4 shekels of silver,
  • for the mashdaria festival, from Lu-Lagash;



    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu received; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203597: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) (gesz)haszhur duru5 gur
  • 2(u) la2 2(disz) dusu 3(ban2) zu2-lum-ta
  • zu2-lum-bi 1(asz) 4(barig) gur ma2 u4 zal-la ki lugal-sze3 giri3 (d)ba-ba6-da-nir-gal2 ra2-gaba

  • 4(ban2) (gesz)haszhur duru5
  • nig2 u4 dab5-ba u3 nig2 ezem-ma-sze3

  • 2(ban2) zu2-lum
  • 3(ban2) (gesz)haszhur duru5
  • 2(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 (gesz)pesz3 duru5
  • sa2-du11 iti 2(disz) u4 1(u) 2(disz)?-kam eresz-dingir-ra

  • 2(ban2) (gesz)haszhur duru5
  • AI Translation
  • 3 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 dates,
  • 20 less 2 dusu 3 ban2 dates per day,
  • its dates: 1 gur 4 barig, barge for the day to be completed, at the king's place via Baba-danirgal, the ragaba;

  • 4 ban2 of dates,
  • for the seized property and for the festivals;

  • 2 ban2 dates,
  • 3 ban2 dates,
  • 2 ban2 2 sila3 figs, thyme,
  • regular offerings, 2nd month, 12th day, Eresh-dingira;

  • 2 ban2 dates, a hard-wood,
  • Reverse


    ki-(d)utu lugal ak

  • 3(disz) dusu 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zu2-lum-ta
  • zu2-lum-bi 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3

  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) (gesz)haszhur duru5
  • 1(disz) dusu 1(ban2) (gesz)pesz3 duru5
  • ki ensi2-ka-sze3

  • 1(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 zu2-lum szu |_uru_xGU|
  • nig2 siskur2-ra _apin_ du3-a a-sza3 du6 lugal u5-a-sze3 zi-ga eresz-dingir-ra mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for Ki-Utu, the king;

  • 3 dusu, 1 ban2 5 sila3 dates each,
  • its dates: 4 ban2 5 sila3.

  • 1 barig 1 ban2 dates,
  • 1 dusu, 1 ban2 of figs, the threshing floor;
  • to the governor;

  • 1 ban2 1 sila3 dates, from URUxGU;
  • the silver and the ... of the plowman, the field ..., the king's field, booked out, for the ua-farming of Eresh-dingira; year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203598: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ansze mah2
  • 1(disz) dur3 gesz
  • 1(disz) dur3 1(disz)
  • ki an-ne2-ba-du7 dub-sar a-ru-a-ta

  • 1(disz) ansze mah2
  • ur-(d)ig-alim sipa ama-gan

    AI Translation
  • 1 mare donkey,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • from Anne-badu, the scribe of Arua;

  • 1 mare donkey,
  • Ur-Igalim, shepherd of Ama-gan.



    1(u) 6(disz) dib-ba sza3 (gesz)tir-ba-bil2-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    16 witnesses in the forest of the year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203599: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [x] gin2 ku3 sag kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir ur-(gesz)gigir

    AI Translation

    x shekels silver, capital, under seal of Ur-gigir, Ur-gigir;



    u3 sipa na-kur2-re su-su-dam mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    and the shepherds of enemy land will be repaid; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6 ab-ba iri

    AI Translation

    Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Lu-Baba, the abba of the city.

    P203600: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 lugal-nam-nun-na ki lu2-(d)gesz-bar-e3-ta ab-ba

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn, field of Lugal-namnuna, from Lu-Geshbare, the father;



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203601: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) sze gur lugal
  • gur sze gesz e3-a-ta i3-dub (gesz)asal2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 144 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from the gur of barley from the threshing floor, from the depot of asal;



    ki sanga (d)szul-gi-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-sa6-ga ugula kikken szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    from the temple administrator of Shulgi, Ur-Baba, son of Ursaga, foreman of the mill, received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed," year following that.

    P203602: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 1(u) 7(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ur-(d)al-la engar _gan2_-gu4 ur-nigar(gar) nu-banda3-gu4

    AI Translation
  • 147 gur barley, royal measure,
  • Ur-Alla, the plowman of oxen fields; Ur-nigar, the oxen manager;



    a-sza3 da sukkal-mah ugula ur-(d)ba-ba6 sze gesz e3-a mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    field adjoining the sukkalmah, foreman: Ur-Baba, barley threshed, year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203603: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba dub gid2-da sze szuku-ra ensi2 giri3 ur-nigar(gar) dumu ur-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets, barley rations of the governor, via Ur-nigar, son of Ur-Igalim,


    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets barley allocations of the governor via Ur-Nigar, son of Ur-Igalim,



    i3-gal2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    are here; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."


    are here; year following: "Kimash was destroyed ."

    P203604: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 lugal i3-dub a-pi4-sal4 a-sza3 iri-ul-ta ki (d)utu-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 136 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • regular offerings of the king, from the depot Apisal, field of Irul, from Shamash-mu;



    ur-(d)ig-alim szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Igalim received; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203605: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 4(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • ki lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu na-silim

    AI Translation
  • 185 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • from Lu-igimashe Ur-Baba, son of Nasilim,



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203606: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 4(u) 2(disz) (gesz)eme-sig gesz-ab-ba ki ab-ba-ti ur-mes szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    92 emesig-wood, ..., from Abbati Ur-mes received;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203607: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze szuku erin2-na i3-dub ki-es3((ki)) szesz-kal-la

    AI Translation
  • 17 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the barley rations of the troops, depot of Kies, Sheshkalla;



    szu ba-ti giri3 ku5!?-da-mu mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Kudamu; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203608: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • ki ba-zi-ta lugal-siki-su13 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • from Bazi did Lugal-sikisu receive;



    e2-duru5 (d)inanna giri3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the temple of Inanna, via Ur-Shulpa'e; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-siki-su13 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation

    Lugal-sikisu, scribe, son of Ur-Lamma.

    P203609: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la zi3-_ka_-[sze3] ki lugal-[...] sa12-du5-ta kiszib3 ur-nig2 dumu lugal-gaba

    AI Translation
  • 22 gur 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley, grain rations, flour, from Lugal-..., regular offerings, under seal of Ur-nig, son of Lugal-gaba;



    ugula sanga (d)nin-dar-a mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: sanga-priest of Nindara; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-nig2 dub-sar dumu lugal-gaba

    AI Translation

    Ur-nig, scribe, son of Lugal-gaba.

    P203610: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 3(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la a-pi4-sal4-ta

    AI Translation
  • 43 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley, property of Apisal,



    ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ikalla, under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu lu2-du10-ga ka-guru7-ka

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Lu-duga, chief of the granary.

    P203611: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) 4(barig) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki nig2-u2-rum-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, from Nig-urum, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203612: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la ki na-silim-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley, property, from Nasilim, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203613: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sze gur lugal ma2-a si-ga i3-dub a-sza3 mah-ta ki ba-zi-ta nita-sa6-ga dumu ulu3-di

    AI Translation

    900 gur barley, royal measure, barge weighed, from the depot, field of the great, from Bazi, Nitasaga, son of Uludi;



    szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Ur-Shush-Baba; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."



    1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sze gur lugal ma2-a si-ga i3-dub a-sza3 mah-ta ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 nita-sa6-ga dumu ulu3-di

    AI Translation

    900 gur barley, royal measure, barge weighed, from the depot of the great field, from Bazi, under seal of Nitasaga, son of Uludi;



    mu nita-sa6-ga-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)hendur-sag ib2-ra mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul giri3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    to the year: "The man of the sag"; under seal of Ur-Hendursag, received; year after: "Kimash was destroyed," via Ur-Shush-Baba;

    Seal 1


    lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu ur-ba-gara2

    AI Translation

    Lugina, scribe, son of Ur-Bagaraya.

    P203614: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-bi-ta

  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sze-bi 2(asz) gur a-tu szu ba-ti mu en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3 mu-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • therefrom:

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • its barley: 2 gur; Atu received; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by goat was chosen;" delivery;



    giri3 gu3-de2-a nig2-ka9 ak si-i3-tum al-la dumu lu2-ba mu bad3 ma-da ba-du3

    AI Translation

    via Gudea; account of the 'residences' of Alla, son of Luba; year: "The wall of the land was erected."

    P203615: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) 1(barig) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • 1(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 1(disz) gin2 la2 1(u) 8(disz) sze ku3-babbar
  • giri3 ur-mes

  • 4(gesz2) 4(u) 6(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) gur
  • 2(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) 2(disz) sze ku3
  • giri3 ur-(d)en-ki

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 la2 8(disz) sze ku3
  • ki ur-(d)dumu-zi e2 (d)nansze-ta giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu#? x#-_an_-_dur_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 142 gur 1 barig 1 2/3 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • 1 1/3 mana 1 shekel less 18 grains silver,
  • via Ur-mes;

  • 166 gur 4 barig 4 ban2
  • 2 1/3 mana 2 2/3 shekels 2 grains silver,
  • via Ur-Enki;

  • 1 1/2 shekels less 8 grains silver,
  • from Ur-Dumuzi, in the house of Nanshe, via Ur-Baba, son of ...-andur .

    Column 2


    mu nin-a#-[...] ki u2-_tug2_?-gan-[...]

  • 1(u) 6(disz) gin2 [(x)] ku3 [(x)]
  • mu ur#-(d)lamma dumu da-da-ga#-[sze3] ki ur2-ra-ni ma2-lah5-ta giri3 ur-(d)en-ki gu-za-la2

  • 8(asz) sze gur
  • 1(u) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-a-ta ki lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne-ta

    AI Translation

    year: "... ."

  • 16 shekels silver,
  • from Ur-Lamma, son of Dadaga, from Urani, the boatman, via Ur-Enki, the throne bearer;

  • 8 gur of barley,
  • 15 1/2 shekels silver,
  • from Ur-Baba, son of Ba'a, from Lu-nigdab;

    Column 1


    kiszib3-bi 2(disz)-am3 kiszib3 ensi2-ka

  • 1(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2 la2 3(disz) sze
  • kiszib3-bi 4(disz)-am3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la szu-[nigin2 ...]

    AI Translation

    their sealed tablets: 2, under seal of the governor;

  • 1 mana 8 shekels less 3 grains,
  • its sealed tablets: 4, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla; total: .

    Column 2


    nig2-ka9 ak la2-ia3 e3-a ur-(d)lamma dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accounts, deficits, returned; Ur-Lamma, son of Lu-Ningirsu; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203616: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3? ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley, property, from Ikalla, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203617: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ur-sa6-ga-mu dumu ku-li

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley, property, from Ikalla, under seal of Ur-sagamu, son of Kuli;



    sze-ba sipa mar-tu-(sze3) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    barley rations of the shepherds of the Amorite regions, year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    nig2-u2-rum dub-sar dumu ku-li nu-banda3

    AI Translation

    Nig-Urum, scribe, son of Kuli, the overseer.

    Seal 2


    ur-sa6-ga-mu dumu ku-li

    AI Translation

    Ur-sagamu, son of Kuli.

    P203618: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ki-lul-la

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • barley, property, from Ikalla, under seal of Kilulla;



    du6 lugal-u5-a-ta mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the canal "The Du6" of Lugalu'a; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-sukkal dub-sar dumu da-a-ga

    AI Translation

    Ur-sukkal, scribe, son of Da'aga.

    P203619: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal gu4 udu-sze3 la2-ia3 su-ga ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 41 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • in the threshing floor for oxen and sheep, the deficit repaid; from Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;



    kiszib3 lugal-gu2-gal mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lugal-gugal; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-gu2-gal dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Lugal-gugal, scribe, son of Lu-Baba.

    P203620: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • a2 hun-ga2 (gesz)kiri6 (d)szul-gi a2 kalam-ma-ma-ka-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for the hire of the gardener Shulgi, for the hire of the Land;



    ki a-hu-a-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ahua, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203621: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2) 2(u) la2 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la

  • 4(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim
  • ki i3-kal-la-ta

  • 5(u) kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim
  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 5(asz) kiszib3 ur-szul
  • i3-dub a2-sun2-ta

  • 1(u) 5(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • kiszib3 du11-ga-zi-da

  • 1(u) 5(asz) kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-(d)ig-alim
  • i3-dub sza3 gab2-e-gar-ra

  • 3(asz) ki ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga-ta
  • szu-nigin2 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 2(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur sza3-bi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 420 less 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the property

  • 42 gur 4 barig, under seal of Ur-Igalim;
  • from Ikalla;

  • 50, under seal of Ur-Igalim;
  • 95, under seal of Ur-Shul;
  • from the depot of the asun;

  • 15 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3,
  • under seal of Dugazida;

  • 15 gur under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Ur-Igalim;
  • depot of the gab-egara;

  • 3 gur from Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga;
  • total: 121 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3, therefrom:


  • 8(gesz2) 4(u) 6(asz) 4(barig) gur
  • sze-ba gab2-us2 udu-gukkal ugu2 ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga ba-a-gar

  • 9(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) gur
  • ugu2 lugal-siki-su13 ba-a-gar

  • 1(u) ugu2 ur-(d)nin-gir2-su ba-a-gar
  • szu-nigin2 9(gesz2) 6(asz) 4(ban2) gur mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 2(gesz2) 1(u) 5(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur nig2-ka9 ak sze-ba gab2-us2 udu-gukkal ur-(d)nin-pirig dumu ur-sa6-ga mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 166 gur 4 barig
  • barley rations of the chariot-drivers of fat-tailed sheep, on the account of Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga, deposited;

  • 9 gur 1 barig 4 ban2
  • he has sworn by the name of Lugal-sikisu.

  • 10 gur of barley rations for Ur-Ningirsu were deposited;
  • total: 206 gur 4 ban2 delivery; deficit: 155 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 account of the barley rations of the rams, rams of the rams, Ur-Ningir, son of Ursaga; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203622: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(disz) masz2
  • ki a-hu-ni-ta ur-ba-gara2 i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 9 billy goats,
  • Ur-Bagaraya accepted from Ahuni;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203641: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    [...] 6(disz) udu la2-ia3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ab-ba-gi-na

    AI Translation

    ... 6 sheep, deficit, year after: "Kimash Abbagina."

    P203643: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) udu szu-gid2
  • ki ur-(d)lamma-ta lu2-lagasz(ki) i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 5 sheep, shugid,
  • from Ur-Lamma did Lu-Lagash accept;



    giri3 ur-(d)gesz-bar-e3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Geshbare; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203644: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5/6(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2 ku3 sag
  • _arad2_-e2? u3 lugal-gil-sa su-su-dam

    AI Translation
  • 5/6 mana 8 shekels silver, capital,
  • for ARAD-e? and Lugal-gilsa, he will pay;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203645: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • [4(gesz2)] 5(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • kiszib3 a-hu-a giri3 ba-zi 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 5(u) 5(asz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur kiszib3-bi 3(disz)-am3 kiszib3 a-hu-a giri3 szesz-kal-la sze gibil a-sza3-ta

  • 4(u) 7(asz) 3(barig) gur
  • i3-dub a-sza3 a-ba-al-la-ta giri3 na-ni

  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) 6(asz) 4(barig) gur
  • sza3 i3-dub ambar(ki)-ta ki lu2-lagasz(ki)-ta

  • 3(u) 2(barig) 3(ban2) (gur) ki nig2-u2-rum ra2-gaba-ta
  • 2(u) 1(asz) (gur) sze en-na
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 142 gur barley, royal measure,
  • under seal of Ahua, via Bazi; 185 gur 1 ban2 5 sila3, its sealed tablets: 3, under seal of Ahua, via Sheshkalla, new barley from the field;

  • 47 gur 3 barig
  • from the depot of the field Abal, via Nani;

  • 126 gur 4 barig
  • from the depot in Ambar, from Lu-Lagash,

  • 30 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 from Nig-urum, the ragaba-official;
  • 21 gur of barley, now
  • from Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;

    Column 2

  • 7(gesz2) 1(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) [3(ban2)] gur
  • ki du-du-ta

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) 2(asz) gur
  • (gesz)kiri6 zu-har-ta

  • 1(gesz2) gur
  • i3-dub e2 sa-ra-hi-ta

  • 3(u) 6(asz) (gur) la2-ia3 su-ga
  • ki ur-e2-ninnu dumu al-la-mu-ta

  • 3(u) 8(asz) gur
  • ki ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dumu lugal-sa6-ga-ta szunigin 4(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 4(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur sza3-bi-ta 1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 5(u) 6(asz) 3(barig) 7(disz) sila3 gur kiszib3-bi 4(disz)-am3 a-ra2 2(disz)!-kam

  • 8(gesz2) 1(u) 9(asz) (gur) kiszib3-bi 2(disz)
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam kiszib3 lugal-gu2-gal

    AI Translation
  • 184 gur 4 barig 3 ban2
  • from Dudu;

  • 122 gur,
  • date palm orchard

  • 60 gur
  • from the depot of the house of Sarahi;

  • 36 gur deficit, repaid;
  • from Ur-Eninnu, son of Allamu;

  • 38 gur
  • from Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Lugal-saga; total: 184 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3, therefrom: 96 gur 3 barig 7 sila3, its sealed tablet: 4 times 2

  • 169 gur, its sealed tablets: 2,
  • 2nd time, under seal of Lugal-gugal;

    Column 1


    1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 gur kiszib3-bi 5(disz)-am3 a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 5(gesz2) 4(u) 2(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 gur
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam

  • 3(u) 7(asz) gur
  • a-ra2 3(disz)-kam kiszib3 lu2-(d)kal-kal sza3-gal udu niga

  • 2(u) 4(asz) (gur) a2 hun-ga2 (gesz)kiri6 gar3-szum(ki)
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la

  • 3(asz) (gur) kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • ugu2 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi ga2-ga2-dam

  • 1(u) gur ur-(d)ba-ba6 szabra
  • 9(asz) 2(barig) gur
  • lugal-mudra5 sze numun ugu2-a ba-a-gar

    AI Translation

    192 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3, its sealed tablets: 5 for 1 year;

  • 142 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 1 sila3
  • 2nd time.

  • 37 gur
  • 3rd time, under seal of Lu-Kalkal, the general, grain-fed sheep;

  • 24 gur, labor of hirelings, garden of Garshum;
  • under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla;

  • 3 gur, under seal of Ur-Baba;
  • to be delivered to Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;

  • 10 gur, Ur-Baba, the household manager;
  • 9 gur 2 barig
  • Lugal-muda sowed the seed grain.

    Column 2

  • 5(asz) 2(disz) sila3 gur
  • a2 ma2 hun-ga2 sze i3-dub-ta ma2-a si-ga giri3 a-hu-a dumu lu2-du10-ga zi-ga szunigin 4(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 3(u) 9(asz) 8(disz) sila3 gur zi-ga la2-ia3 2(u) 5(asz) 4(barig) 7(disz) sila3 gur nig2-ka9-ak sze udu a-hu-a dumu lu2-du10-ga mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur 2 sila3
  • labor of the hirelings, barley from the depot, barge carried, via Ahua, son of Lu-duga booked out; total: 169 gur 8 sila3 booked out; deficit: 25 gur 4 barig 7 sila3; account of barley, sheep of Ahua, son of Lu-duga; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203646: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) sze gur lugal
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar masz a-sza3-ga
  • ur-(d)nin-bara2 di-ku5 e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da giri3 ku-li dumu lu2-(d)utu

  • 3(asz) gur engar a-sza3 lugal-nam-iri-na-me
  • e2 (d)nansze giri3 nig2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ni-ba

  • 2(u) 8(asz) gur
  • 4(disz) gin2 1/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-1_(_asz_))|) ku3
  • iszib (d)nin-gir2-su e2 (d)nin-gir2-su giri3 na-ba-sa6 sa12-du5

  • 1(u) gur lu2-bala-sa6-ga
  • nu-banda3-gu4 e2 (d)szul-gi

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur barley, royal measure,
  • 1 1/2 shekels of silver, interest on the field,
  • Ur-Ningara, judge of the house of Ningeshzida, via Kuli, son of Lu-Utu.

  • 3 gur, plowman, field of Lugalnam-iriname;
  • house of Nanshe, via Nig-Baba, son of Niba;

  • 28 gur
  • 4 1/3 shekels silver,
  • is the debit of Ningirsu. House of Ningirsu, via Nabasa, the chief surveyor.

  • 10 gur, Lu-balasaga,
  • manager of oxen, house of Shulgi;


  • 8(asz) gur si-[... e2] (d)ig-alim
  • 5(asz) 3(barig) (gur) nimgir-sza3-kusz2 mah?-x?-gan
  • e2 (d)szul-gi giri3 ur-(d)gilgamesx(|_bil3-ga-mes_|) sa12-du5

  • 5(u) 5(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) gur
  • lu2 szuku-ra didli-me giri3 ur-(gesz)gigir dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sa12-du5 gur gin2 ku3 du11-ga-zi-da dumu da-da giri3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lu2-(d)utu

  • 2(u) 1(asz) gur ur-sa6-ga dumu ha-za-num2-sze3?
  • szunigin 2(gesz2) 2(u) 3(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) gur szunigin 6(disz) gin2 1(u) sze ku3 zi-ga sze nig2 gal2-la murgu2 kiszib3 sanga-ta mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur, ..., house of Igalim;
  • 5 gur 3 barig Nimgir-shakush, the chief .
  • house of Shulgi, via Ur-Gilgamesh, chief surveyor;

  • 55 gur 4 barig 5 ban2
  • the one who has a cloak, all of them. via Ur-gigir, son of Ur-gigir, regular offerings; 1 shekel of silver, for Dugazida, son of Dada; via Lu-Baba, son of Lu-Utu;

  • 21 gur, Ur-saga, son of Haz-num,
  • total: 133 gur 4 barig 5 ban2; total: 6 shekels 10 grains silver booked out; barley, repaid, from the under seal of the temple administrator; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203648: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(disz) u8
  • 1(disz) udu-nita2
  • 5(disz) kir11
  • 8(disz) sila4-nita2
  • 1(disz) masz2-sag
  • 4(disz) sila4-nita2 diri
  • mu-kux(_du_)

  • 2(disz) u8 udu-nita2
  • AI Translation
  • 14 ewes,
  • 1 ram,
  • 5 female lambs,
  • 8 male lambs,
  • 1 billy goat,
  • 4 male lambs, extra,
  • delivery;

  • 2 ewes, male rams,
  • Reverse



  • 3(disz) udu-nita2 ri-ri-ga
  • la2-i3 1(u) 4(disz) u8 6(disz) udu-nita2 la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 3(u) 3(disz) gub-ba szunigin 2(disz) zi-ga szunigin 3(disz) ri-ri-ga szunigin 2(u) la2-ia3 udu ur-(d)nin-had-kam ur-dub-szen-tur ugula du11-ga-zi-da mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    booked out;

  • 3 rams, suckling,
  • lain, 14 ewes, 6 rams, deficit: 33 stallions, total: 2 booked outs, total: 3 ri'uga, total: 20 deficit; sheep: Ur-Ninhadkam, Ur-dub-szentur, foreman: Dugazida; year after: "Kimash."

    P203649: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 en-na-ta sza3-bi-ta

  • 3(gesz2) 5(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) gur
  • ma2 ur-(d)ba-ba6 nig2-ka9 bala dub-sag ugu2 ur-(d)en-lil2-la2 ba-a-gar mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 7(asz) 1(barig) gur

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the granary, from the en-na; therefrom:

  • 142 gur 4 barig
  • barge of Ur-Baba, account of the bala, chief scribe, on the account of Ur-Enlila set up; delivery; the deficit: 7 gur 1 barig;



    nig2-ka9-ak lu2-uru11(ki) ma2-lah5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    account of Lu-Uru, the boatman; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203650: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 2(barig) ziz2 gur lugal
  • ma2-gur8-re engar _gan2_-gu4 lu2-(d)na-ru2-a (d)nanna-hi-li i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 barig emmer, royal measure,
  • for Magure, the plowman of oxen fields, Lu-Narua of Nanna-hili accepted;



    ugula sanga (d)nin-mar(ki) a-sza3 e2-gibil4-le tur mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: sanga of Ninmar; field New-house, ... year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203651: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) gu2 1(u) 7(disz) ma-na siki hi-a
  • lugal-sa6-ga na-gada

  • 2(asz) gu2 1(u) ma-na siki hi-a
  • (d)ba-ba6-igi-du na-gada

  • 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 4(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2 siki hi-a
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6 na-gada

    AI Translation
  • 2 talents 17 minas of wool,
  • for Lugal-saga, the herdsman;

  • 2 talents 10 minas of wool,
  • for Baba-igidu, the herdsman;

  • 1 talent 34 minas 10 shekels of wool,
  • Ur-Baba, the herdsman.



    szunigin 6(asz) gu2 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2 siki hi-a sag 1(disz) ma-na-ta i3-gal2 ba-la2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    total: 6 talents 1 mana 10 shekels wool, head 1 mana each, are here; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203652: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 5(u) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ur-lugal engar _gan2_-gu4 ur-(d)utu gu4 (d)nin-gir2-su ugula (d)utu-mu

    AI Translation
  • 185 gur barley, royal measure,
  • Ur-lugal, the plowman; oxen-field: Ur-Utu, oxen-field of Ningirsu, foreman: Utumu;



    a-sza3 suhur

  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) 4(asz) gur
  • a-tu engar _gan2_-gu4 he2-sa6-mu gu4 uru11(ki) ugula nig2-u2-rum a-sza3 e kusz dar sze gesz-e3-a mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    field adjoining the field of the threshing floor

  • 184 gur,
  • Atu, the plowman, oxen-fields he made good. oxen of Uru, foreman: Nig-urum, field with a 'foot'-wall of leather, barley piled up, year after: "Kimash."

    P203664: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5#-ra i3-dub (d)szul-gi-zi-kalam lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, depot of Shulgi-zikalam, Lu-Lagash;



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203678: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 1(disz) muszen# iti# _gan2_-masz
  • 1(u)# muszen# iti# gu4#-ra2#-bi2?-mu2-mu2
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu# lu2-ba-ta# kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 31 birds, month: "GANmash;"
  • 10 birds, month "Gazelle-feast,"
  • from Ur-Baba, son of Lu-Ba, under seal of Lu-Lagash; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze nu-banda3 kuruszda

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe, overseer of fatteners.

    P203680: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze lugal lugal-ti-ra-asz2-sze3
  • 4(ban2) lugal-uszumgal dumu al-la
  • 1(barig) iri-bar-re-si
  • 1(barig) ur-nig2 dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6
  • 1(barig) ur-(gesz)gigir dumu lu2-kal-la
  • 4(ban2) al-la dumu ur-(d)da-mu
  • 1(barig) lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu nig2-du7
  • 1(barig) _arad2_ dumu nam-mah
  • 4(ban2) lu2-uru11(ki) dumu lugal-[...]
  • 1(barig) ug3-_il2_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley for Lugal-tirash,
  • 4 ban2 Lugal-ushumgal, son of Alla,
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Iri-barresi
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Ur-nig, son of Lu-Baba
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Ur-gigir, son of Lukalla
  • 4 ban2: Alla, son of Ur-Damu;
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Lu-Ninshubur son of Nigdu
  • 1 barig, ARAD, son of Nammah,
  • 4 ban2 Lu-Uru, son of Lugal-...,
  • 1 barig, porter;
  • Reverse


    szu-nigin2 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz 1(barig)-ta szu-nigin2 6(disz) gurusz 4(ban2)-ta sze-bi 3(asz) 4(barig) gur he2-dab5 dab5-ba e2 (d)szul-gi a-sza3 tul2 szu-i-ne giri3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    total: 15 male laborers, 1 barig = 40 sila3 each; total: 6 male laborers, 4 ban2 = 40 sila3 each; its barley: 3 gur 4 barig, seized, seized; house of Shulgi, field of Tul, szu-ine; via Lu-Baba, the scribe; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203681: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) dabin lugal
  • ur-mes

  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) lugal-ki-ag2
  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) lugal-anzu2 kiszib3 nu-ra
  • AI Translation
  • 2 barig 4 ban2 of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1 barig 4 ban2: Lugal-kiag;
  • 1 barig 2 ban2, Lugal-anzu, under seal of Nura;
  • Reverse

  • 1(asz) 4(ban2) gur
  • e2 kiszib3-ba-sze3 u4 5(disz)-kam iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 ban2
  • to the house of the sealed tablet, 5th day, month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203682: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) dabin lugal
  • lugal-anzu2(muszen)

  • 2(barig) lugal-ki-ag2
  • 2(barig) ur-mes
  • 2(barig) ka5-a
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • a bird

  • 2 barig, Lugal-kiag,
  • 2 barig, Urmes,
  • 2 barig, the gatekeeper;
  • Reverse


    1(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) u4 4(disz)-kam e2-kiszib3-ba-sze3 iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    1 gur 2 barig 5 ban2, 4th day, for the storage facility; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203683: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 8(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal udu niga-sze3 ki si-du3-ta giri3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 38 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • for the fodder of grain-fed sheep, from Sidu, via Lu-Lagash;



    lu2-(d)kal-kal szu ba-ti iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Kalkal received; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203684: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal he2-dab5 e2 (d)ga2-tum3-du10 _gan2_ lugal-uszumgal-ta ki ur-tur-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • in the 'szagal' seized, in the house of Gatumdu, from Lugal-ushumgal, from Urtur, under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e;



    a-sza3 da-ze2 iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    field Daze; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-tur-tur dumu lu2-(d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-turtur, son of Lu-.

    P203686: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(asz) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • kiszib3 ug3-_il2_

  • 4(u) 3(asz) 4(barig) 8(disz) sila3 gur
  • kiszib3 szesz-kal-la sze sumun sza3 im dub-sag

  • 2(u) 9(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) gur
  • sze gibil

    AI Translation
  • 15 gur 2 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • under seal of Ugil;

  • 43 gur 4 barig 8 sila3,
  • under seal of Sheshkalla, barley, grain, in the ..., chief scribe,

  • 29 gur 3 barig 4 ban2
  • new barley



    kiszib3 szesz-kal-la szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 gur sza3-gal he2-dab5 kiszib3 szesz-kal-la iti _gan2_-masz-ta iti ezem-(d)li9-si4-sze3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Sheshkalla; total: 88 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 3 sila3, in the granary seized; under seal of Sheshkalla; from month "GANmash" to month "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203687: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) sze lugal
  • nin-mu-dar?-mu

  • 3(ban2) u3-dim2-ma
  • 3(ban2) nin-inim-gi-na
  • szu-nigin2 3(disz) geme2 3(ban2)-ta sze-bi 1(barig) 3(ban2)

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • Nin-mudarimu

  • 3 ban2 of reed,
  • 3 ban2: Nin-inimgina,
  • total: 3 female laborers, 3 ban2 = 30 sila3 each, its barley: 1 barig 3 ban2,



    geme2 he2-dab5-me iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    female laborers seized; month: "Gazelle-feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203688: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) masz2-gal
  • 6(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz) masz2-nita2
  • sa2-du11 (d)nin-gir2-su-sze3 ki lu2-(d)ba-ba6-ta lugal-he2-gal2 i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 210 billy goats,
  • 126 male kids,
  • for the regular offerings to Ningirsu, from Lu-Baba Lugal-hegal accepted;



    sza3 tir-ba-bil2-la iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in the "House of the Mountain"; month: "Gear of the Bull," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203689: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) dabin gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_ ki-nu-nir(ki)-ra ki ur3-re-ba-du7-ta kiszib3 ur-nig2 dumu lugal-gaba

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 dabin flour, royal measure,
  • flour of Kinunir, from Ur-rebadu, under seal of Ur-nig, son of Lugal-gaba,



    ma2 ur-e2-an-na dumu ur-nig2 sza3 nigin6(ki) iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    barge of Ur-Eanna, son of Ur-nig, in Nigin; month: "Gu4-ribumu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-nig2 dub-sar dumu lugal-gaba

    AI Translation

    Ur-nig, scribe, son of Lugal-gaba.

    P203690: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar
  • ki lu2-gi-na-ta kiszib3 a-gi4 dam-gar3

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • from Lugina, under seal of Agi, the merchant;



    iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Gazelle-feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-nigar(gar) dumu ur-sa6-ga dam-gar3

    AI Translation

    Ur-nigar, son of Ur-saga, the merchant.

    P203691: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) gurusz szesz-tab-ba ma2-lah5
  • 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • 1(ban2) zi3-ta
  • sze zi3-bi 7(asz) gur ki ur-mes-ta mu-ni-sze3 kiszib3 nu-da-gal2-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 20 male laborers, Sheshtaba, the boatman,
  • 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 1 ban2 flour per day,
  • its barley flour: 7 gur, from Ur-mes, to him he gave it, under seal not yet received;



    kiszib3 lu2-nigin6(ki) ib2-ra iti gu4-da-bi2-mu2-(mu2) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-nigin, repaid; month: "Gudabimu," year after: "Kimash."

    Seal 1


    lu2-nigin6(ki) ma2-lah5 dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Lu-Nin, the boatman, son of Ur-saga.

    P203692: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2) 4(u) 3(asz) 1(ban2) dabin gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_ iri u3 zi3-_ka_ ugnim(ki) ki a-tu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 153 gur 1 ban2 of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • city flour and flour of Ugnim, from Atu



    kiszib3 ur-(d)ig-alim dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su ma2-a si-ga iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Igalim, son of Lu-Ningirsu, barge carried; month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ig-alim dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation

    Ur-Igalim, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu.

    P203693: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta ur-(d)en-lil2-la2

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Lu-dingira Ur-Enlila



    szu ba-ti iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203694: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 dabin lugal
  • ki ur-nig2-ta lu2-kal-la szu ba-ti ma2 lu2-(d)suen

    AI Translation
  • 17 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 dabin, royal measure,
  • from Ur-nig did Lukala receive; barge of Lu-Suen;



    giri3 ur-(d)nansze dumu ma-li iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Nanshe, son of Mali; month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203695: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(asz) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze nig2-gal2-la ki na-ba-sa6 sa12-du5-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 15 gur 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley, property, from Nabasa, regular rations, under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Bazi;



    iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203696: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 5(disz) masz2-nita2
  • udu-ta nigin2-na esz3-esz3-sze3 (d)szul-pa-e3 szesz ra2-gaba kuruszda i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 35 male goats,
  • from sheep for the zigina for the eshesh festival, Shulpa'e, brother of the scout, the fattener, accepted;



    iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    P203697: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) ku3-babbar
  • la2-ia3 su-ga sze ki ku5-da-mu-ta giri3 nig2-u2-rum ra2-gaba

    AI Translation
  • 12 2/3 shekels silver,
  • deficit repaid, barley from Kudamu, via Nig-urum, the ragaba;



    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la szu ba-ti giri3 i2-kal-la u3 ba-zi iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikala, received; via Ikala and booked out; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203698: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 la2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ka-ge-du7 dumu szabra e2 giri3 nig2-u2-rum ra2-gaba

    AI Translation
  • 12 shekels less 1/4 shekels silver,
  • deficit repaid, Ka-gedu, son of the household administrator, via Nig-urum, the ragaba;


  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 [la2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3]-babbar
  • x#-[...] x#-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 12 shekels less 1/4 shekels silver,
  • Reverse


    giri3 [nig2-u2-rum] ra2-gaba# iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Nig-urum, the chariot driver; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    na-ba-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-zu szabra

    AI Translation

    Nabasa, scribe, son of Urzu, chief household administrator.

    P203699: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • gur zabar-ta ki lugal-gu2-gal-ta ur-gu-la dumu ur-ku3-nun szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the bronze gur-bank, from Lugal-gugal did Ur-gula, son of Ur-kunun, receive;



    iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    P203700: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze lugal ansze-kunga2 gu7
  • 2(ban2) dabin 1(ban2) nig2-ar3-ra imgaga3
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 2(ban2) dabin 1(ban2) nig2-ar3-ra imgaga3
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ki lugal-_ul4_-gal-ta zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley, royal measure, kunga, ox,
  • 2 ban2 of barley, 1 ban2 of emmer, imgaga-flour,
  • 1st time.

  • 2 ban2 of barley, 1 ban2 of emmer, imgaga-flour,
  • 2nd time, from Lugal-ulgal booked out;



    giri3 ne-ne-szu-na iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Nuneshuna; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Column 1


    (d)szul-gi nita [kal-ga] lugal [uri5(ki)-ma]

    AI Translation

    Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur,

    Column 2


    lugal [an ub da limmu2-ba] ur-(d)lamma sza3-tam _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    king of heaven and earth, next to the Euphrates, Ur-Lamma, the official, is your servant.

    P203701: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gu4 gesz
  • 1(disz) gu4 3(disz)
  • 2(disz) ab2 1(disz)
  • 3(disz) gu4 1(disz)
  • a-ru-a an-ne2-ba-du7 e2-ur2-bi unu3 i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 2 oxen, harrows,
  • 1 ox, 3 years old,
  • 2 cows, 1 heifer,
  • 3 oxen, 1 lamb,
  • donated by Anne-badu, the 'housekeeper' of Uru accepted;



    iti munu4-gu7 iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Mulu feast," month "Gula-bimumu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-szul dumu e2-ur2-bi _hi nig2 e2 gar3_

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shul, son of E-urbi, ... of the house,

    P203702: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 ambar lagasz!(|_szir-bur_-(_la_)|)(ki) i3-dub sag-ub3(ki) ki ba-zi-ta mu a-kal-la e2 nam-ha-ni-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 22 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn, field of the marshes of Lagash, from the depot of Sagub, from Bazi, year: "Akala, the house of Namhani."



    igi-tur-tur nu-banda3 gu4 szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Igi-turtur, the overseer, received the oxen; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203703: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 3(disz) masz2 sila4
  • dingir-lu2-sa6

  • 1(disz) masz2 (d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6
  • 1(disz) masz2 gu3-de2-a
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6-ta si-du3

    AI Translation
  • 13 lambs,
  • for Dingir-lusa;

  • 1 billy goat for Shush-Baba,
  • 1 billy goat, Gudea,
  • from Ur-Baba the granary;



    i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed;"

    P203704: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun-ta ki lu2-(d)ig-alim-ta sze-ba ug3-_il2_ e2 (d)dumu-zi-sze3 mu ur-(d)nansze dumu na-ba-sa6-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gidri szesz-a-na

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • from the seed-farm, from Lu-Igalim, barley rations of the porters, to the house of Dumuzi, year: "Ur-Nanshe, son of Nabasa," under seal of Ur-Ningidri, his brother;"



    iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-pa dub-sar dumu na-ba-sa6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ninpa, scribe, son of Nabasa.

    P203705: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze-ta
  • sze-bi 3(asz) gur sza3-gal dam-gar3 gir2-su(ki) i3-dub bara2-si-ga ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 15 male laborers, 1 barig barley each,
  • its barley: 3 gur; szagal, merchants of Girsu, from the depot Barasiga, from Bazig;



    [...] dumu lu2-nimgir szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ..., son of Lu-nimgir, received; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203706: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 8(disz) gurusz 1(barig) zi3 lugal
  • sze-bi 9(asz) 3(barig) erin2 bala tusz-a nu-banda3 ur-(d)lamma _sze3_ iti ezem-(d)szul-gi

    AI Translation
  • 48 male laborers, 1 barig royal flour,
  • its barley: 9 gur 3 barig; troops in bala stationed; overseer: Ur-Lamma; barley, month: "Festival of Shulgi;"



    ugula sanga uru11(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: sanga of Uru; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203707: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [x] tug2 bar-si gu2?-e3 (d)lamma e2-ba-an ki-la2-bi 1/2(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 mu-kux(_du_) ki inim-(d)ba-ba6-ta

    AI Translation

    x ... garments, ..., for the protective lamma of the house of Ban, its weight: 1/2 mana 5 shekels, delivery from Inim-Baba;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203708: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI




  • 1(u) 5(disz) udu-nita2 nu-ur4
  • 8(disz) ud5 8(disz) masz2 ga
  • 1(disz) masz2-nita2
  • AI Translation

  • 15 rams, suckling,
  • 8 nanny goats, 8 buck goats, suckling,
  • 1 male goat,
  • Reverse


    a-ru-a e2-in-mah mu-kux(_du_) (d)nin-mar(ki)-dam-gar3 kiszib3 (d)utu-ba-e3 i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    donated by E-inmah; delivery of Ninmar-damgar; under seal of Utu-ba'e accepted; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-ba-e3 dumu ur-zu

    AI Translation

    Utu-ba'e, son of Urzu.

    P203709: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub sza3-su3-ga2-ta ki ba-zi dumu na-silim-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-li giri3 ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of Shasuga; from Bazi, son of Nasilim; under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Urli; via Ur-Shush-Baba;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-li lu2 lunga

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, son of Urli, lung-builder.

    P203710: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] 3(ban2) gur lugal la2-ia3 su-ga ki ur-(d)nansze-ta ma-an-szum2 kikken2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    n gur 3 ban2 royal deficit, repaid; from Ur-Nanshe Manshum, the miller, received;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203711: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] gin2 ku3-babbar ki ur-nig2 dumu lu2-eb-ta

  • 4(disz) gin2 la2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3
  • 2(u) 4(disz) ma-na uruda
  • 1(u) 5(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da
  • 2(u) 5(disz) (uruda)gur10
  • ki-la2-bi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 ki lu2-dingir-ra dumu he2-ti-ta 1/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-1_(_asz_))|)-sza 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3 ki dam-na-ma-ta

  • 2(disz) gin2 la2 6(disz) sze [ku3]
  • ki lugal-ti-ra-asz2-ta

  • 3(disz) gin2 ku3
  • ki _arad2_-mu dumu he2-na-sa6-ta [...] gin2 la2 6(disz) sze ku3 ki nin-a-na-ta

    AI Translation

    ... shekels of silver from Ur-nig, son of Lu-eb;

  • 4 shekels less 15 grains silver,
  • 24 minas of copper,
  • 15 hambuda coppers,
  • 25 gur copper,
  • Their weight: 6 2/3 mana 6 shekels; from Lu-dingira, son of Heti, its 1/3 ninda 2 1/2 shekels silver; from Damnama;

  • 2 shekels less 6 grains silver,
  • from Lugal-tirash;

  • 3 shekels silver,
  • from ARADmu, son of Henasa, ... shekels less 6 grains silver, from Ninana;

    Column 2

  • 1(u) gin2 la2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6-(ta) giri3 du11-ga-zi-da

  • 3(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 8(disz) sze
  • giri3 lu2-(d)utu dumu ba-zi szunigin 2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 1(u) 6(disz) sze ku3 sag tuku szunigin 2(u) 4(disz) ma-na uruda szunigin 1(u) 5(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da szunigin 2(u) 5(disz) (uruda)gur10 ki-la2-bi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 sza3-bi-ta

  • 3(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 8(disz) sze sag tuku
  • lu2-(d)utu dumu ba-zi

  • 5(disz) gin2 la2 1(u) 4(disz) sze
  • AI Translation
  • 10 shekels less 1/4 shekels silver,
  • from Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Baba, via Dugazida;

  • 3 5/6 shekels 8 grains,
  • via Lu-Utu, son of Bazi; total: 2/3 mana 6 5/6 shekels 16 grains silver, with head, total: 24 mana copper; total: 15 hambuda-silver; total: 25 gur-silver; its weight: 6 2/3 mana 6 shekels; therefrom:

  • 3 5/6 shekels 8 grains, the head strong,
  • Lu-Utu, son of Bazi.

  • 5 shekels less 14 grains,
  • Column 1


    kiszib3 ensi2

  • 1/2(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 6(disz) sze sag tuku
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu i3-kal-la

  • 2(u) 4(disz) ma-na uruda
  • 1(u) 5(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da
  • 2(u) 5(disz) (uruda)gur10
  • ki-la2-bi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da simug ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szunigin 2/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 ku3 sag tuku szunigin 2(u) 4(disz) ma-na uruda szunigin 1(u) 5(disz) (uruda)ha-bu3-da szunigin 2(u) 5(disz) (uruda)gur10 ki-la2-bi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 3(disz) gin2 la2 4(disz) sze ku3 sag tuku

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor;

  • 1/2 mana 6 1/4 shekels 6 grains, the head strong,
  • under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ikalla;

  • 24 minas of copper,
  • 15 hambuda coppers,
  • 25 gur copper,
  • its weight: 6 2/3 mana 6 shekels; Ur-Ningeshzida, the smith, on the throne; total: 2/3 mana 5 shekels silver, capital, total: 24 mana copper, total: 15 hambu-stones, total: 25 gur-stones; its weight: 6 2/3 mana 6 shekels; delivery; deficit: 3 shekels less 4 grains silver, capital,

    Column 2


    nig2-ka9-ak la2-ia3 su-ga du11-ga-zi-da iti! ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    account of the deficit, repaid, of Dugazida; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203712: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 5(u) 3(asz) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal sze sumun 3(gesz'u) 2(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) sze gibil

  • 2(gesz2) lu2-giri17-zal dumu ur#-lugal i3-dub iti 7(disz)-ta
  • szu-nigin2 4(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 1(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) gur sza3-bi-ta

  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) 2(asz) gur lugal-siki-su3
  • 2(gesz2) gur ur#-(d)nin-gir2-su
  • szu-nigin2 4(gesz2) 4(u) 2(asz) gur mu-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation

    93 gur 1 ban2 barley, royal measure, barley, surplus; 63 gur 2 barig new barley,

  • 240, Lu-girizal, son of Ur-lugal, at the depot, at 7 months;
  • total: 169 gur 2 barig 1 ban2, therefrom:

  • 142 gur, Lugal-sikisu,
  • 240 gur, Ur-Ningirsu,
  • total: 142 gur delivery;



    3(gesz'u) 9(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) gur i3-dub nig2-ka9 ak sze ha-la-(d)lamma _du_-_du_ iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    184 gur 2 barig 1 ban2, at the depot of the account of barley of Hala-Lamma, ... month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203713: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze e2 kin-ga2 ki nig2-u2-rum-ta ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 16 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the work-troop, from Nig-urum did Ur-Ningeshzida receive;



    giri3 ur-ma-ma iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Mam; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203714: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(gesz2) 1(u) 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_-sze3 i3-dub e2-duru5 (d)inanna ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)nansze dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 144 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for flour, from the depot of the granary of Inanna, from Bazi Ur-Nanshe, son of Ur-Baba;



    szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203715: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • ki nig2-u2-rum ra2-gaba-ta la2-ia3 su-ga kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dumu lugal-sa6-ga

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from Nig-urum, the ra-gaba; deficit repaid; under seal of Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Lugal-saga;



    giri3 szesz-szesz iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Shesh-ahhe; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida, scribe, son of Ur-saga.

    P203716: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 2(u) sze sumun gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_-sze3 i3-dub a2-sun2 ki ba-zi-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for flour, from the depot of the asun-vessel, from Bazi, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu;



    dumu ur-(d)nansze iti ezem (d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    son of Ur-Nanshe; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe.

    P203717: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal ki ur-li-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu ur-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation

    169 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure, from Urli, under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Ur-Igalim;



    sza3 uri5(ki)-ma iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    in Ur; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Ur-Igalim.

    P203719: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n](sza#) 6(disz) gin2 la2 6(disz) sze ku3-babbar la2-ia3 su-ga sze ki nig2-u2-rum dumu ki-tusz-lu2 kiszib3 i3-kal-la dumu ur-zu

    AI Translation

    nsha 6 shekels less 6 grains silver, deficit of barley, from Nig-urum, son of Kitushlu, under seal of Ikalla, son of Urzu;



    iti mu-szu-du8 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "mushudu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    na-ba-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-zu szabra

    AI Translation

    Nabasa, scribe, son of Urzu, chief household administrator.

    P203720: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)hendur-sag ugula

  • 1(asz) 4(barig) gur ki lugal-nig2-zu
  • mu lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu ur-ba-gara2-sze3

  • 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 ki lu2-ma2-gur8-ta
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) gur la2-ia3 mu ki-masz(ki)
  • 4(barig) 1(ban2) sze _gan2_ kin-ga2
  • ki ur-(d)ig-alim dumu ur-sa6-ga-ta

  • 4(asz) sze gur [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 8 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Hendursag, foreman;

  • 1 gur 4 barig, with Lugal-nigzu;
  • year: "Lu-Ninshubur, son of Ur-Bagara."

  • 2 ban2 5 sila3 from Lu-magur;
  • 1 gur 2 barig, deficit of year: "Kimash."
  • 4 barig 1 ban2 barley, field work,
  • from Ur-Igalim, son of Ur-saga;

  • 4 gur of barley ...,
  • Reverse


    [...] ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 ki lu2-(d)ba-ba6 i3-du8-ta
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 ki ur-nigin3-ta
  • 2(asz) ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu e2-esz3-sza3-ga-ta
  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 1(u) gin2 ki igi-sal-ta
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki nig2-[...] ur-(d)nansze iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... Ur-Baba;

  • 1 barig 3 ban2 6 2/3 sila3 from Lu-Baba, the doorkeeper;
  • 1 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 from Ur-nigin,
  • 2 gur, from Ur-Baba, son of E-eshaga;
  • 3 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 10 shekels from Igisal;
  • deficit repaid, from ... Ur-Nanshe; month: "Mushudu," year after: "Kimash ...."

    P203721: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) udu
  • 5(disz) masz2
  • ki gu-za-ni-ta lu2-lagasz(ki) dumu si-du3 kuruszda

    AI Translation
  • 5 sheep,
  • 5 billy goats,
  • from Guzani Lu-Lagash, son of Sidu, fattener;



    i3-dab5 giri3 ur-_gan2_-da dumu nam-ha-ni e2 nam-ha-ni iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; via Ur-GANda, son of Namhani; house of Namhani; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203722: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ab2 mah2
  • 1(disz) gu4 amar ga
  • a-ru-a ki lu2-bala-sa6-ga-ta kiszib3 a-hu-a unu3 iti mu-szu-du7

    AI Translation
  • 1 heifer, suckling,
  • 1 ox, calf, suckling,
  • donated by Lu-balasaga; under seal of Ahua, the cowherd; month: "mushudu;"



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-hu-a dumu en-za-ra

    AI Translation

    Ahu'a, son of Enzara.

    P203723: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(gesz2) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 lagasz(ki)-sze3 i3-dub nin-a2-zi-da-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 62 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for the regular offerings to Lagash, from the depot of Ninazida, from Bazi;



    ur-(d)en-lil2-la2 szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Enlila received; month: "Mushudu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203724: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 5(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 sze lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu ab2-zu ki nig2-u2-rum-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3 barley of the king;
  • deficit repaid; Lu-Narua, son of Abzu, from Nig-urum;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga; month: "mushudu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningirsu, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe.

    P203725: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) u8 2(disz) sila4 szu-gid2
  • a-ru-a ki lu2-bala-sa6-ga-ta kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 5 ewes, 2 lambs, shugid,
  • donated by Lu-balasaga; under seal of Lu-Lagash;



    iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "mushudu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Column 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe.

    Column 2


    nu-banda3 gu4

    AI Translation

    manager of oxen

    P203726: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) sze
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ur-dingir-ra dumu ha-li2-li2 ki nig2-u2-rum-ta ur-mes

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig barley,
  • deficit repaid by Ur-dingira son of Halili, from Nig-urum Urmes



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."


  • 4(barig) lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ur-dingir-ra dumu ha-li2-li2 ki nig2-u2-rum

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, Ur-dingira, son of Halili, with Nig-urum;



    kiszib3 ur-mes

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-mes;

    Seal 1


    ur-mes dub-sar dumu ur-nig2 nu-banda3

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, scribe, son of Ur-nig, superintendent.

    P203727: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) nu-banda3-gu4 4(barig) sze lugal#-ta
  • 1(u) 5(disz) engar 2(barig)-ta
  • 1(u) 5(disz) dumu da-ba 1(barig)-ta
  • 1(u) 5(disz) dumu-gu4-gur 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) gur sze ur5-ra sze szuku-ra ensi2 i3-dub (d)nin-hur-sag-lu2-ku3-nun-ta#

    AI Translation
  • 3 oxen managers, 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 15 plowmen, 2 barig = 20 sila3 each
  • 15 children of Dada, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • 15 oxen-sheep, 1 barig = 100 sila3 each
  • its barley: 14 gur 2 barig; barley rations, barley rations, the governor; from the depot Ninhursaglukunun;



    ki ur-nigar#(gar)-ta kiszib3 ma-an-szum2 dumu du11-ga-an iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-nigar, under seal of Manshum, son of Dugaan; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ma-an-szum2 dub-sar dumu du11-ga-an

    AI Translation

    Manshum, scribe, son of Dugan.

    P203728: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) masz2
  • ki ur-(d)nun-gal-ta lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 7 billy goats,
  • from Ur-Nungal Lu-Lagash;



    giri3 ur-(d)ig-alim iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Igalim; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203729: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 6(disz) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 5(asz) 1(barig) gur dumu dab5-ba-me sze szuku ensi2 i3-dub lu2-ku3-nun-ta kiszib3 ka-a-bi iti amar-a-a-si

    AI Translation
  • 26 male laborers, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • its barley: 5 gur 1 barig, the children of the seized; barley of the rations of the governor; from the depot of Lu-kunun; under seal of Ka'abi; month: "Amar-ayasi."



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    geme2-sa6-ga dam ka-bi

    AI Translation

    Geme-saga, the wife of its mouth.

    P203730: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 ki ba-zi-ta lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 36 gur barley, royal measure,
  • regular offerings, from Bazi Lu-Ningirsu;



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203731: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6-ta e2 ur-gu2-eden-na-ta mu ur-sa6-ga-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Baba to the house of Ur-gu'edena, for the work of Ur-saga;



    kiszib3 er3-ra-nu-id dumu-na iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Erranuid, her son; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    er3-ra-nu-id dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Erranuid, scribe, son of Ur-saga.

    P203732: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 4(barig) dabin gur lugal
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma dumu erin-da

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 4 barig of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • from Lu-Ningirsu, under seal of Ur-Lamma, son of Erirda;



    [...] e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... house of Ningeshzida; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)lamma dumu erin-da gu-za-la2

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, son of Eridu, chair bearer.

    P203734: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 7(asz) 5(ban2) sze gur# lugal#
  • si-i3-tum nig2-ka9 ak

  • 2(asz) a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • 3(asz) a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
  • ki ur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta szu-nigin2 3(u) 2(asz) 5(ban2) sze gur sza3-bi-ta

  • 3(asz) kasz sig5 lugal-ra us2-sa
  • 3(asz) kasz sig5 na-ab-da-num2
  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) kasz sig5
  • (na4)gug _an_

  • 1(asz) zi3 munu4 sig5 iti-da
  • giri3 nig2-sza3-ge

  • 6(asz) kasz du sza3 iti gu-la
  • AI Translation
  • 27 gur 5 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the remainder of accounts,

  • 2 times 1
  • 3 times 2
  • from Ur-Enlila; total: 32 gur 5 ban2 barley therefrom;

  • 3 gur fine beer for the king, next to the threshing floor,
  • 3 gur fine beer for Nabdanum,
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 fine beer,
  • ... carnelian

  • 1 gur flour, good quality, monthly,
  • via Nigshage;

  • 6 gur regular beer, in the month "Great-festival,"
  • Reverse


    zi-ga lugal

  • 1(asz) 1(ban2) sze-ba iti sze-sag11-ku5
  • szu-nigin2 7(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) kasz sig5 sze bala-bi 3(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) gur szu-nigin2 6(asz) kasz du szu-nigin2 1(asz) 1(ban2) sze sze-bi 1(u) 8(asz) 1(ban2) gur zi-ga

  • 1(u) 4(asz) 4(ban2) gur nig2-gal2-la
  • nig2-ka9 ak _ka_ la2-a ur-(d)ba-ba6 za-ga-la2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    royal credit card

  • 1 gur 1 ban2 barley rations, month: "Harvest;"
  • total: 7 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 fine beer, its bala barley: 3 gur 3 barig 2 ban2; total: 6 gur regular beer; total: 1 gur 1 ban2 barley; its barley: 18 gur 1 ban2 booked out;

  • 14 gur 4 ban2 of barley,
  • accounts, ..., of Ur-Baba, the zagala; month: "Harvest," 15th day, year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203735: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) gurusz 1(barig) sze lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 6(asz) gur muszen-du3-me i3-dub e2-duru5-ga-ni ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 30 male laborers, 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • its barley: 6 gur; the birds, from the depot of the granary, from Bazi;



    a-tu ugula u3 u2-da ugula szu ba-ti mu ugula-ba-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)na-ru2-a ib2-ra iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Atu, foreman, and Uda, foreman, received; year: "... ." Under seal of Lu-Narua, refurbished; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203736: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • sze ar-za-na kiszib3 iri-ni!-sze3-kusz2 u3 ur-mes ki ur-sa6-ga-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 1 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the arzana, under seal of Irinishekush and Urmes, from Ursaga;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma giri3 i3-lam-ma u3 en-sza3-ku3-ge iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Lamma, via Ilama and Enshakuge; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)lamma dumu erin-da gu-za-la2

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, son of Eridu, chair bearer.

    P203737: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz)+[n] sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba ug3-_il2_ he2-dab5 e2 (d)dumu-zi i3-dub bara2 si-ga ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur ... barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the porters seized; house of Dumuzi, depot of the ziggurat, from Bazi;



    ur-(d)nin-_pa_ szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nina received; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203738: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • _ku_ sze-zi3-ka ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta gu-za-ni

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 3 ban2 6 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • ... of barley, from Lu-Ningirsu his throne



    szu ba-ti giri3 ku4-ra2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Ku'ura; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203739: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur
  • sze ur5-ra dumu-gu4-gur e2 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur of barley,
  • barley rations of the oxen-drivers of the house of Inanna received;



    i3-dub bara2-si-ga ki ba-zi-ta mu ad-da-sze3 du10-ga szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation

    from the depot Barasiga, from Bazi, to the year: "Did good-gifts" received; month: "Harvest."



    mu us2-sa sza-asz-(ru-um(ki)) ba#-hul

    AI Translation

    year after: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    P203740: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 3(barig) dabin gur lugal
  • ma2-a si-ga ki nam-ha-ni-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu ba-a

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 3 barig of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • barge moored; from Namhani, under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Ba'a;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu ur-sukkal

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Ur-sukkal.

    P203741: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) muhaldim munus 1(barig) dabin lugal-ta
  • ki ba-mu giri3 lugal-bad3-ri2-na

    AI Translation
  • 2 female cooks, 1 barig barley flour for King,
  • from Ba'amu, via Lugal-badrina;



    ki ur-(d)ig-alim-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-Igalim; month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu na-mu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Namu.

    P203742: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) dabin gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka uru_? ki nam-ha-ni-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma dumu erin-da

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 dabin flour, royal measure,
  • flour of the city?, from Namhani, under seal of Ur-Lamma, son of Eridu;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)lamma dumu erin-da gu-za-la2

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, son of Eridu, chair bearer.

    P203743: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) dabin gur lugal
  • ma2-a si-ga zi3-_ka_ iri ki nam-ha-ni-ta kiszib3 ur5-bi-sze3-ba-du11 iti sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 dabin flour, royal measure,
  • barge moored, flour rations, from the city of Namhani, under seal of Urbishebadu; month: "Harvest."



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur5-bi-sze3-ba-du11 dumu ur-ku3-nun ma2-lah4

    AI Translation

    Ur-bi-she-badu, son of Ur-kunun, the boatman.

    P203744: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 9(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zi3 sig5 gur lugal
  • 1(u) 9(asz) 2(barig) 6(disz) sila3 dabin gur
  • 3(asz) 4(barig) nig2-ar3-ra du gur
  • sza3 e2-kiszib3-ba

  • 1(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 2(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 dabin gur
  • AI Translation
  • 19 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 fine flour, royal measure,
  • 19 gur 2 barig 6 sila3 dabin flour,
  • 3 gur 4 barig of emmer, regular quality,
  • in the sealed house;

  • 16 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 2 1/3 sila3 dabin flour,
  • Reverse


    e2-muhaldim lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

  • 4(barig) 2(ban2) dabin
  • e2-muhaldim ur-mes ki ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ta lu2-mar-sa szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3

    AI Translation

    kitchen of Lu-Ningirsu

  • 4 barig 2 ban2 of dabin-flour,
  • for the kitchen of Ur-mes, from Ur-Ningeshzida did Lu-Marsa receive; from month "Festival of Dumuzi," to month "Harvest,"

    P203745: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra dumu dab5-ba i3-dub bara2-si-ga-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the seized sons, from the depot Barasiga,



    ki ba-zi-ta la-lu5-u2 szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi did Lalû receive; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203748: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) sze gur lugal i3-dub (gesz)tir-ba-bil2-la-ta ki ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation

    184 gur barley, royal measure, from the depot of the river bank, from Bazi;



    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-li szu ba-ti iti sze-il2-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, son of Urli, received; month: "Barley carried," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203749: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ur-[...]

  • 1(asz) ur-(d)nansze
  • 2(asz) _arad2_-(d)ba-ba6 szesz [...]
  • a2 hun-ga2 bahar-gal

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • ...,

  • 1 gur Ur-Nanshe,
  • 2 gur Warad-Baba, brother of ...,
  • labor of hirelings, rations,



    eresz-dingir-e (d)ba-ba6 e3-a zi-ga ki e2-zi-mu-ta iti sze-il2-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for Eresh-dingir-e and Baba, booked out; from Ezimu; month: "Barley carried," year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203751: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze gurusz u3 he2-dab5 ki ma-an-szum2-ta ug3-_il2_

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the laborers and hedab, from Manshum, the porter;



    dumu da-da szu ba-ti sze uru11(ki) iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    son of Dada received; barley of Uru; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203760: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-ne2 su-ga sze-ba a-bala du3-a-ku5-sze3 ki nam-mah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the labor-troops, repaid, barley rations of the bala, for the abala-offering, from Nammah;



    ugula ur-(d)ba-ba6 szandana iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa si-mu-ur4-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Ur-Baba, the chief household manager; month: "Gear-of-the-Fish," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P203762: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal he2-dab5-ba-sze3 ki ma-an-szum2-ta szesz-kal-la dumu da-da szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • to the 'shepherd' to be taken; from Manshum, Sheshkala, son of Dada, received;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203769: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) dabin lugal
  • sza3-gal erin2 ma2 ku6 dab5-ba-sze3 hu-rim3(ki)-ta sze-le#!-bu-um lu2 kin-gi4-a

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig, royal dabin flour,
  • from the depot of the troops, to the barge of the fish caught, from Hurim, Shelebuum, the messenger,



    lugal-ke4 szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    King received; month: "Mushudu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203770: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 4(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 gur lugal
  • ki lu2-(d)utu dumu ba-zi-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 4 ban2 1 sila3, royal measure,
  • from Lu-Utu, son of Bazi, Ur-Baba, son of Bazi,



    szu ba-ti giri3 bu3-ka-ka iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Buka; month: "Mushudu," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203777: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur [lugal]
  • lu2-e2-an-na-ka szu ba-ti

  • 2(asz) sze gur
  • lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ensi2-ka

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • Lu-Eanna received;

  • 2 gur of barley,
  • Lu-Baba, son of the governor;



    szu# ba-ti zi-ga eresz-dingir (d)ba-ba6 iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; booked out of the account of Eresh-ilum of Baba; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203778: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze szuku-ra engar sze nig2 gal2-la ki (d)utu-mu-ta du-du

    AI Translation
  • 48 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley of the threshing floor, the plowman; barley of the rations, from Utu-mu Dudu;



    szu ba-ti (a)-sza3 [sukkal] i3-du8 giri3 i3-kal-la iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; field of the sukkal, gatekeeper; via Ikalla; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203779: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 2(ban2) kasz saga lugal
  • szi-da-dar-ru-um

  • 1(ban2) kasz saga
  • da-da u4 1(disz)-kam kasz saga-bi 3(asz) gur u4 3(u)-sze3

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • lu2-(gesz)tukul gu4-da gen-na

  • 1(ban2) kasz du dub-sar lugal
  • giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ba-sa6-ga dumu |_pu3-ka_|-ka giri3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu du-du

  • 1(disz) dug dida saga
  • 2(disz) dug dida du
  • dub-sar lugal-ke4-ne-sze3 giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 2(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ur-(d)nin-gubalag giri3 _arad2_-dam aga3-us2

  • 1(disz) dug dida saga
  • AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 fine beer, royal measure,
  • a kind of profession related to the shandarrum plant

  • 1 ban2 fine beer,
  • Dada, 1st day; its fine beer: 3 gur, for 30 days;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • the 'gunman' of the oxen went

  • 1 ban2 beer, royal scribe,
  • via Ur-Nungal, the messenger;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Basaga, son of Puka; via Lu-Baba, son of Dudu.

  • 1 jug fine dida-beer,
  • 2 jugs of common wort,
  • for the scribes of the king, via Ur-Nungal, the messenger;

  • 2 sila3 fine beer,
  • Ur-Ningubalag, via ARADdam, the aggrave.

  • 1 jug fine dida-beer,
  • Column 2


    szi-da-dar-ru-um giri3 (d)ba-ba6-i3-zu

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ur-(d)nin-gubalag giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • lu2-(gesz)tukul lugal gu4-da gen-na giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 lu2 en-nu giri3 _arad2_-dam

  • 2(ban2) kasz saga
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • lu2-(d)sun2-zi giri3 nam-mah

  • 1(ban2) kasz saga
  • ba-sa6-ga giri3 lu2-giri17-zal ra2-gaba

  • 1(ban2) kasz saga
  • ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 lu2 en-nu giri3 lu2-ma2-gan(ki)

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ba-sa6-ga giri3 lu2-us2-gi-na

    AI Translation

    Shida-darrum, via Baba-izu;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • for Ur-Ningubalag; via Ur-Nungal, the messenger;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Lu-geshtukul, the king, oxen driven, via Ur-Nungal, the messenger;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Ur-Shulpa'e, watchman, via ARADdam;

  • 2 ban2 fine beer,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • Lu-Sunzi via Nammah;

  • 1 ban2 fine beer,
  • Basaga, via Lu-girizal, the ragaba-official;

  • 1 ban2 fine beer,
  • Ur-Shulpa'e, watchman, via Lu-Magan;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Basaga, via Lu-usgina;

    Column 3

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • dub-sar lugal-me giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • szu-sur-ra lu2-((gesz))tukul gu4-da gen-na

  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • lu2 kin-gi4 lugal 3(disz)-a-bi giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal dumu me-an-ne2

  • 2(ban2) kasz saga
  • lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal sza3 e2-a-ka ib2-nag giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • szu-sur-ra lu2-((gesz))tukul gu4-da gen-na giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal ra2-gaba

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • zu-la-a lu2-(gesz)tukul giri3 ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6-i3-zu

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • scribe, royal bodyguard; via Ur-Nungal, messenger;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • the shusurra, the 'weapon' of the ox, going;

  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • the royal messenger, 3rd day, via Ur-Nungal, son of Manne;

  • 2 ban2 fine beer,
  • the royal messenger deposited it in the house via Ur-Nungal, the messenger.

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • via Shu-surra, the 'weapon' of the oxen, to the left, via Ur-Nungal, the chariot driver;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Zula'a, weapon-man, via Ur-Ninmar;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • messenger of the king, via Ur-Baba-izu;

    Column 1

  • 1(disz) dug dida du
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • lu2 kin-gi4 lugal 3(disz)-a-bi giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal ra2-gaba

  • 1(disz) dug dida saga
  • ba-gara2-sze3 giri3 me-ni-szu-na

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • ur-nigar-sze3 giri3 me-ni-szu-na

  • 1(disz) dug# dida# igi-du
  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ur-(d)nansze mar-tu giri3 (d)ba-ba6-i3-zu

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • ur-szu-ga-lam-ma dumu nam-mah giri3 ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)

  • 1(ban2) kasz saga
  • na-bi2-(d)en-lil2 giri3 lu2-giri17-zal ra2-gaba

    AI Translation
  • 1 jug of common wort,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • messenger of the king, 3 members, via Ur-Nungal, the messenger;

  • 1 jug fine dida-beer,
  • to Bagara via Menishuna;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • for Ur-nigar via Menishuna;

  • 1 jug of filtered dida,
  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Ur-Nanshe, Amorite; via Baba-izu;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Ur-shugalama, son of Nammah, via Ur-Ninmar.

  • 1 ban2 fine beer,
  • for Nabi-Enlil, via Lu-girizal, the ragaba;

    Column 2

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • lu2-(gesz)tukul gu4-da gen-na giri3 (d)ba-ba6-i3-zu

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • lu2-(gesz)tukul gu4-da gen-na giri3 ur-(d)nin-mar(ki)

  • 2(ban2) kasz du
  • dub-sar lugal-me giri3 lu2-us2-gi-na

  • 2(ban2) kasz du
  • dub-sar lugal-me giri3 ur-(d)nin-gir2-su

  • 2(ban2) kasz saga
  • ad-da dumu szabra (d)na-na-[a? ...] giri3 ur-(d)nin-mar[(ki)] sagi

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga
  • lu2-(gesz)tukul mangaga-sze3 gen-na giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 aga3-us2

  • 1(disz) dug dida saga
  • ur-nigar giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal sukkal

  • 1(disz)? mu# sila3# x x hu#
  • lugal x x x aga3?-us2#?

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • the weapon-bearer of the ox, going via Baba-izu;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • Lu-geshtukul, oxen driver, via Ur-Ninmar;

  • 2 ban2 regular beer,
  • scribe, royal bodyguard, via Lu-usgina;

  • 2 ban2 regular beer,
  • scribe, royal bodyguard; via Ur-Ningirsu;

  • 2 ban2 fine beer,
  • Adda, son of the household manager of Nanaya, via Ur-Ninmar, cupbearer;

  • 5 sila3 fine beer,
  • to the weapon-bearer, to the wagons, via Ur-Baba, the sailor;

  • 1 jug fine dida-beer,
  • Ur-nigar, via Ur-Nungal, the messenger;

  • 1? sila3 ...,
  • king ..., ...

    Column 3


    giri3 ur-(d)nin-mar(ki) sagi

  • 1(disz) dug dida saga
  • ur-nigar giri3 lugal-pa-e3 muhaldim

  • 1(disz) dug dida du
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • dub-sar-ke4-ne-sze3 giri3 ur-e2-babbar2 szunigin 5(disz) dug dida saga szunigin 4(disz) dug dida du szunigin 3(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 kasz saga gur szunigin 2(barig) kasz du sze-bi 6(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 gur zi-ga didli iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-[sa ki]-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Ninmar, cupbearer;

  • 1 jug fine dida-beer,
  • Ur-nigar, via Lugal-pa'e, cook;

  • 1 jug of common wort,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • for the scribes, via Ur-Ebabbar; total: 5 jugs fine wort; total: 4 jugs fine wort; total: 3 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3 fine beer; total: 2 barig regular beer; its barley: 6 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3, booked out; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203790: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra su-su# i3-dub a-ba-al#-ta sipa-ne szu ti-a

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig 4 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, rations, from the depot of Abal, the shepherds received;



    kiszib3 a-tu giri3 ma-ni iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Atu, via Mani; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203795: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 5(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • [sze] ur5-ra engar nu-banda3-gu4#? dumu-gu4-gur u3 dumu da-ba i3-dub (d)nin#-hur#-sag-lu2#-ku3#-[nun]-ta#

    AI Translation
  • 55 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the plowman, oxen manager, oxen-driver, and sons of Dada, from the depot of Ninhursaglukunun;



    ki ba-zi#-ta# e2 (d)nin-gir2-su-me iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Bazi, the house of Ningirsu; month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203800: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) x [x x]-ta#
  • sze#?-bi 1(u) 5(asz) gur sze ur5-ra i3-dub _musz2_?-ar?-mu-na-gub?-ta [ki] ba-zi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 30 ...,
  • its barley: 15 gur; barley rations, from the depot Mush-Aramu-nagub?, from Bazi;



    ur-(d)nansze szu ba-ti e2 (d)nansze-me iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe received; house of Nanshe; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203801: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • dumu-gu4-gur e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-me sze ur5-ra su-su i3-dub bara2-si-ga-ta# ki ba-zi-ta#

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • sons of oxen, in the house of Ninmar, barley rations ... from the depot Barasiga, from Bazi;



    ur-mes# dumu# lu2-[x]-x szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5# mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, son of Lu-... received; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203802: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) dabin gur lugal
  • ki sa6-sa6-ga-ta ur-(d)ig-alim-ke4 kiszib3 ur-mes szabra

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • from Sasaga did Ur-Igalim, under seal of Ur-mes, the household manager;



    szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203805: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) kasz 1(ban2) ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3
  • sa2-du11 u4 2(disz)-kam gu-(ub)-(d)suen lu2 kas4

  • 4(ban2) kasz 4(ban2) ninda
  • 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 i3
  • elam hu-(pu)-um-me

  • 2(disz) dug dida
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 beer, 1 ban2 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • regular offerings, 2nd day, Gub-Suen, messenger;

  • 4 ban2 beer, 4 ban2 bread,
  • 12 shekels oil,
  • Elam, Hu-umme;

  • 2 jugs of dida-flour,
  • Reverse

  • 4(ban2) dabin lugal
  • kaskal-sze3

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3
  • bi-puzur4 lu2 kas4 giri3 bi-puzur4

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3
  • lu2 sza-i3-li2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 of dabin, royal measure,
  • to the journey;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • Bipuzur, messenger, via Bipuzur.

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • man of Sha-ili; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203806: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    sze ur5-[ra x x? dumu] tusz-a i3-dub [...]-ne ki ba-zi# [dumu na]-silim#-ta kiszib3 lu2-[...]

    AI Translation

    barley rations ..., the son who resides, from the depot ..., from Bazi, son of Nasilim, under seal of Lu-...,



    nu-banda3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu na-ba-sa6 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    the overseer: Lu-Baba, son of Nabasa; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203807: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • dumu dab5-ba-me bala sze ur5-ra su-su i3-dub _musz2_-ar-mu-na-gub-ba-(ta) ki ba-zi-ta szu-i3-li2

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • sons of the seized, bala of barley, ..., from the depot Mush-Armanagubba, from Bazi Shu-ili



    szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203808: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki a-hu-a-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ahua, under seal of Ur-Baba;



    iti sze-il2-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Barley carried," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Bazi.

    P203809: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3-gesz
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 2(ban2) kasz 2(ban2) zi3-gu
  • 1/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam _arad2_-(d)nanna sukkal e2 usz-bar-sze3 gen-na ur-sa6-ga-mu sza13-dub-ba maszkim

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • 1st time.

  • 2 ban2 beer, 2 ban2 emmer,
  • 1/3 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • 2nd time, Warad-Nanna, the messenger, to the house of ushbar-service went; Ursagamu, the chief accountant, was enforcer;


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3-gesz
  • ka-ka lu2 kas4 szuszin(ki)-sze3 gen-na

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3-gesz
  • szu-esz18?-dar lu2 kas4 uri5(ki)-sze3 gen-na

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 4(disz) gin2 i3-gesz
  • tur-ra-am-i3-li2 sukkal szim-da gen-na

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • to the messengers to Susa he went;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • Shu-Ishtar, the messenger of Ur, went

  • 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread,
  • 4 shekels oil,
  • Turam-ili, the messenger, went to the aromatic plant.



    zi-ga iti sze-il2-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    booked out; month: "Barley carried," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203812: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) la2 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra i3-dub gaba#-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 240 less 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, depot of ...;



    iti sze#-x-[...] mu us2-sa ki-[masz(ki)] ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Barley ...," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."


  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) la2 2(asz) sze gur lugal sze ur5-ra
  • i3-dub gaba-ri [x]-x-_ne_-li-ta [kiszib3? x-(d)]ba#?-ba6 nu-banda3 sanga-me [mu? ...]-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 240 less 2 gur barley, royal measure, barley rations,
  • from the depot, copy of ...-neli, under seal of ...-Baba, the overseer, the temple administrators, for the year: "... ."



    [mu us2-sa] ki-masz(ki) [ba]-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203815: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 5(gesz2) [...] 7(disz) geme2
  • 1(u) 3(disz) lu2 azlag2
  • nu-banda3 en-igi-ni-ib2-zu

  • 5(gesz2) [...] 2(u) 2(disz) geme2
  • nu-banda3 lugal-iri-da

  • 3(gesz2) [...] 3(u) 3(disz) geme2
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz) lu2 azlag2
  • nu-banda3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6

  • 1(gesz2) la2 1(disz) geme2
  • 2(disz) lu2 azlag2
  • ugula inim-(d)ba-ba6 i3-gesz szunigin 2(u) 4(disz) lu2 azlag2 szunigin 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 1(disz) geme2 u4 2(disz)-kam sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 420 ... 7 female laborers,
  • 13 fullers,
  • the overseer: Eniginibzu;

  • 420 ... 22 female laborers,
  • the overseer: Lugal-irida;

  • 240 ... 33 female laborers,
  • 9 fullers,
  • the overseer: Lu-Baba;

  • 91 female laborers,
  • 2 fullers,
  • foreman: Inim-Baba, oil-presser; total: 24 fullers; total: 61 female laborer days, in Kinunir; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203816: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) 1(barig) sze (gur) lugal 4(disz) ma-na (siki) lu2-e2-kar-re dumu ma-an-gi4 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) (d)utu-ba-e3 dumu gil-sa-ni

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-munu4-ku3-ga dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-a2-zi-da igi# 4(disz)#-(gal2) 3(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 ki-bur2-i3-zu

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) lu2-hu-rim3(ki)
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) i3-bi2-du11-ga
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) iri(ki)-bi

  • [1(disz)] 1(ban2)# 5(disz)# [1(disz) 1/2(disz)] ur-e2-gal-edin-ka dumu-ni
  • dumu geme2-igi-gal2-me

  • 2/3(disz) 5(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 ur-bara2-si-ga
  • dumu lugal-ma 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-ezem [dumu] nig2-sa6-ga

  • [1(disz)] 1(ban2)# 1(disz)# ur-(d)su4-an-na dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-ezem dumu lu2-bala-sa6

  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) 2(disz) nimgir-inim-gi-na
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • dumu u4-de3-nig2-sa6-ga ba-usz2-me 1/2(asz@c) 4(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 ba-zi-ge dumu a-tu ba-usz2-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) szesz-kal-la dumu nin9-ge6-ge6 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-(d)hendur-sag

  • 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 ur-(d)lamma
  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) 2(disz) ur-(d)esz3-du10-nun
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-inim-gi-na dumu egir4-bi

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) e2-saga-e dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) in-na-na dumu nin9-mu

  • 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 lu2-(d)en-ki
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) e2-iti-da dumu geme2-nimgir

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ab-ba-du10-ga
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-bara2-si-ga
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) bi2-du11-i3-sa6

  • 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 ur-tul2-sag
  • dumu geme2-dumu-ni-sze3 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-(d)nin-mug dumu geme2#-(d#)li9#-si4#

    AI Translation

    1 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure, 4 minas of wool for Lu-ekarre, son of Mangi; 1 gur 1 barig 4 for Utu-ba'e, son of Gilsani;

  • 1 ban2 1 Ur-munukuga, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lugal-azida, 4 panu 3 ban2 1 garment for Kibur-izu,

  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units Lu-Hurim
  • 1 ban2 1 Ibiduga
  • their sons: 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 each, its city;

  • 1 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Ur-egal-edina, his son,
  • son of Geme-igigalme

  • 2/3, 5 ban2 1 garment for Ur-barasiga,
  • son of Lugalma; 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lugal-ezem, son of Nigsaga;

  • 1 1 ban2 1 Ur-Suana, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lugal-ezem, son of Lu-balasa,

  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2: Nimgir-inimgina,
  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Ur-Baba
  • the son of Udenigsaga died; 1/2 ash-c 4 ban2 1 garment for Bazige, the son of Atu died; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Sheshkalla, the son of Ninge6; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Ur-Hendursag;

  • 1/3 workman: 3 ban2 1 garment for Ur-Lamma,
  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2: Ur-Eshdu-nun,
  • their sons: 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lugal-inim-gina, son of Egirbi;

  • 1 ban2 1: Esaga'e, his son;
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4: Innana, son of Ninmu;

  • 1/3 workman: 3 ban2 1 garment for Lu-Enki,
  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Ur-Ningeshzida
  • their sons: 1 ash-c 1 barig 4: E-itida, son of Geme-nimgir;

  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Abba-duga
  • 1 ban2 1 Ur-barasiga,
  • their sons: 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 bidu-isa;

  • 1/3 workman: 3 ban2 1 garment for Ur-Tulsag,
  • son of Geme-dumuni; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Lu-Ninmug son of Geme-Lisi

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dumu egir4-bi 1(asz@c) 1(barig) (1(disz)) tug2 ur-e2-an-na dumu (d)nin-mar(ki)-ka-i3-sa6 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) i3-du-du-a dumu egir4-bi sza3 gurum2 nam-iri!(_giszgal_)-na

  • 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 (d)nin-mar(ki)
  • 1/2(asz@c) 4(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 lu2-e2-kar-re dumu-ni 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu geme2-(d)utu

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-(d)hendur-sag dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ki-lu5-la dumu geme2-bara2 sza3 gurum2 ur-(d)suen szunigin 2(u) la2 1(disz) gurusz 1(barig) 4(disz)-ta szunigin 1(disz) gurusz 1(barig) szunigin 1(disz) gurusz 1(barig) (1(disz)) tug2 szunigin 2(disz) gurusz 2/3(disz) 5(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 szunigin 2(disz) gurusz 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 szunigin 4(disz) gurusz 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 szunigin 1(disz) gurusz igi 4(disz) 3(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 szunigin 2(disz) dumu 2(ban2) 2(disz)#

    szunigin 5(disz) dumu 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) szunigin 7(disz) dumu 1(ban2) 1(disz) x sze-bi 5(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur siki-bi 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 4(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na tug2-bi 1(u) ugula gu3-de2-a 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-dub-la2 dumu lu2-bala-sa6-ga 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-he2-gal2 dumu geme2-dub-szen 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ba-ta-du-x

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lu2#-(d#)na#-ru2#-a#
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-(gesz)dar-du3 dumu geme2-x 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) a-kal-la dumu a-tu (1(disz)) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ab-ba-du10-ga dumu-ni 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-(d)nin-mar(ki) dumu geme2-sze-il2-la

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ab-ba-du10-ga dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) zah3 hu-rim3(ki)-du10 dumu (d)li9-si4-ama

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c 1 barig 4 for Girini-isa, son of its behind; 1 ash-c 1 barig 1 garment for Ur-eanna, son of Ninmar-ka-isa; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 for Idudua, son of its behind; in the inspection of Namiri;

  • 1/3 workman's wage, 3 ban2 1 garment for Ninmar,
  • 1/2 ash-c 4 ban2 1 garment for Lu-ekarre, his son, 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 for Ur-Baba, son of Geme-Utu,

  • 1 1 ban2 1: Ur-Hendursag, his son;
  • 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 ki-lula, son of Geme-bara, in the inspection of Ur-Suen; total: 20 less 1 male laborers 1 barig 4 each; total: 1 male laborer 1 barig; total: 1 male laborer 1 barig; textiles; total: 2 male laborers 2/3 ban2 5 ban2 1 textile; total: 2 male laborers 1/2 ban2 4 ban2; textiles; total: 4 male laborers 1/3 ban2 3 ban2; textiles; total: 1 male laborers 1 eye 4 3 ban2; textiles; total: 2 children 2 ban2 2

    total: 5 children, 1 ban2 5 1 1/2; total: 7 children, 1 ban2 1 ...; its barley: 5 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3; its wool: 1 talent 34 1/2 mana; its textiles: 10; foreman: Gudea; 1 gur 1 barig 4 Lu-dubla, son of Lu-bala-saga; 1 gur 1 barig 4 Lugal-hegal, son of Geme-dubszen; 1 gur 1 barig 4 Batadu...;

  • 1 ban2 1 Ur-Shulpa'e
  • 1 ban2 1 Lu-Narua
  • their sons: 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Ur-dardu, son of Geme-...; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Akalla, son of Atu; 1 ban2 5 1 1/2 ash-c: Abba-duga, his son; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Lu-Ninmar, son of Geme-she'ila;

  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Abba-duga, his son,
  • 1 ash-c-worker: Zah of Humrimdu, son of Lisi-ama,

    Column 3

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lugal-x-[...]
  • dumu-ni-[me] 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) sag-e-[ki-ag2] dumu geme2-(d)[...]

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-(gesz)[...] dumu-[ni]
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-(d)x

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lugal-ezem [dumu-ni]
  • dumu nin-ma2-gur8-re# 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-(d)lamma dumu u4-ma-ni-gar# 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu nin-ezem 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-sa6-ga dumu pesz2-sa6-ga

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) lu2-(d)en-ki dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-(d)utu dumu [x]-ezem

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) [...]-x
  • dumu-ni-me# 1(asz@c) [1(barig) 4(disz) ...]-x-x dumu x-[...]

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-x-gi# dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-esz2-dam dumu geme2-(d)dumu-zi

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-u2-szim-e dumu a2-la2-a#

  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) 2(disz) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu tur-tur-ra

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) lu2-hu-rim3(ki)
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ur-(gesz)dar-du3
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu geme2-(d)nansze 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ur-(gesz)dar-du3 dumu ma-szum#

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal-ezem dumu an-su4

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lu2-(d)nin-mar(ki) dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ha-la-(d)utu dumu ha-la-(d)lamma

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) lu2-(d)nin-szubur dumu#-ni#
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 1 Lugal-...,
  • their sons: 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 sag-e-kiag, son of Geme-...;

  • 1 1 ban2 1 Ur-..., his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lu-...,

  • 1 ban2 1 Lugal-ezem, his son,
  • son of Nin-magure; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Ur-Lamma son of Umanigar; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Lu-Narua son of Ninezem; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Ur-saga son of Posh-saga

  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Lu-Enki, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Ur-Utu, son of ...-ezem,

  • 1 ban2 1 ...,
  • 1 ban2 1 ...,
  • their sons: 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 ..., son of ...;

  • 1 ban2 1 Ur-x-gi, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Ur-eshdam, son of Geme-Dumuzi,

  • 1 ban2 1 gur Lu-Narua, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lugal-ushime, son of Ala'a,

  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2: Lu-Narua, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lu-Narua, son of Turura,

  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units Lu-Hurim
  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Ur-dardu
  • their sons: 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Lu-Narua, son of Geme-Nanshe; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Ur-dardu, son of Mashum;

  • 1 ban2 1 gur Lu-Narua, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Lugal-ezem, son of Ansu,

  • 1 ban2 1 gur Lu-Ninmar, his son,
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 Hala-Utu, son of Hala-Lamma,

  • 1 ban2 1 gur Lu-Ninshubur, his son,
  • Column 4


    1(asz@c) [1(barig) 4(disz) ...] [...] x [...] dumu#-[ni-me] x [...]

  • 1(asz) [2(ban2) 2(disz) ...]
  • dumu-[ni-me]

  • 1(asz) 2(ban2)# [2(disz) ...]
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) [...]

  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) 2(disz)# [...]
  • dumu-ni-[me] 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) [...] dumu geme2-[...]

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz)# 1/2(disz)# [...]
  • 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) x-[...] dumu a2-[...]

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) x-[...]
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-[...]
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 1(disz) ur-[...]
  • dumu-ni-[me] 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) x-[...] dumu x-[...]

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 ..., their sons, ...,

  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2 .
  • they are her children;

  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2 .
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 ...,

  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2 .
  • their sons; 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 ... sons of Geme-...;

  • 1 1 ban2 5 1 1/2 .
  • 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 ..., son of A-...,

  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2 .
  • 1 ban2 1 Ur-...,
  • 1 ban2 1 Ur-...,
  • their sons: 1 ash-c, 1 barig 4 ..., son of ...;

    Column 1'


    1(asz@c) 5(ban2)# x [...]-ne-x [...]

  • 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) lugal-engur#-[ra]
  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) 2(disz) lu2-(d)suen
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) lu2-ma2#-gur8#-re#
  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) giri3#-[...]
  • dumu-ni-[me] i3-du8-[me] 1(asz@c) 5(ban2)# [...] 1/2(asz@c) [...] i3-x [...] szunigin 2(disz) [...] szunigin 1(disz) [...] szunigin [...] szunigin# [...] sze#-[bi n] siki#-[bi n] 1(asz@c) [...] 1(asz@c) 1(barig)# 4(disz)# [...] dumu x-[...] szunigin# 2(disz)# [...] sze-bi# [...] siki#-bi# [...] lugal#-[...] 1(asz@c) 1(barig)# 4(disz)# [...]

  • 1(disz) 1(ban2) [...]
  • dumu [...] 1(asz@c) 1(barig)# 4(disz)# giri3#-[...] dumu x-[...]

  • 1(asz) 2(barig)# 2(disz)# ur-ezem#
  • dumu# x-mu 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) lugal#-ezem# dumu nin#-x x 1(asz@c) 1(barig)# 4(disz)# x-x-[...] [x] x [...] x x [...]

  • 1(asz)# x x [...]
  • x [...] [...]-x [...]-x [...]-x-[...]-x-e dumu#-[ni]

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c, 5 ban2 ...-ne-...,

  • 1/3 workman: Lugal-engura,
  • 1 gur 2 ban2 2 Lu-Suen
  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2disz units for Lu-magure,
  • 1 ban2 5 1 1/2 gur via ...,
  • their sons, the bakers; 1 ash-c 5 ban2 ... 1/2 ash-c ...; total: 2 ...; total: 1 ...; total: ...; total: ... its barley: n; its wool: n; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 ...; son of ...; total: 2 ...; its barley: n; its wool: ...; Lugal-...; 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 ...;

  • 1 1 ban2 ...,
  • son of ... 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 sha shekels for ... son of .

  • 1 gur 2 barig 2 Ur-ezem
  • son of 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 Lugal-ezem son of Nin-... 1 ash-c 1 barig 4 .

  • 1 ...,
  • ... his son

    Column 2'


    tug2-bi [...] ug3-_il2_ e2# usz-bar-me szunigin 3(gesz2) 5(u) 2(disz) gurusz 1(barig) 4(disz) 1/3(disz)!-ta szunigin 5(disz) gurusz 1(barig)-ta szunigin 2(u) gurusz 1(barig) (1(disz)) tug2-ta szunigin 2(u) gurusz 2/3(disz) 5(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 szunigin 2(u)# 7(disz) gurusz 4(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 szunigin [n] 1(disz) gurusz 4(ban2) szunigin 3(u) 3(disz) gurusz 1/3(disz) 3(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2-ta szunigin 4(disz) gurusz igi-4(disz)-gal2 3(ban2) 1(disz) tug2 szunigin 2(u) la2 2(disz) dumu 2(ban2) 2(disz)

    szunigin 3(u)# 2(disz) dumu 1(ban2) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) szunigin 1(disz)# dumu 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 szunigin [1(gesz2)] 3(u) 8(disz) dumu 1(ban2) 1(disz) szunigin 2(disz) gurusz szu-gi4 3(ban2) (1(disz)) tug2 sze#-[bi] 1(gesz2)# 9(asz) 1(barig) gur siki#-[bi 1(u)] 9(asz)# gu2 2(u)# [5(disz) 1/3(disz)] ma#-na tug2-bi# [1(gesz2)] 4(u)# 6(disz) gub-[ba]-am3# szunigin 5(gesz2) [n] gurusz# szunigin# [n ...] [szunigin n ...] x [szunigin n] x [...] [szunigin n] x x [szunigin n] x x szunigin# 2(u)# [n] x [...]

    szunigin# [n ...] x [...] [szunigin] 5(disz)# [...] [szunigin n ...] szunigin [...] sze-[bi n] tug2-bi [n] ad-[kup4]-me# szunigin# n [...]

    AI Translation

    its textiles: ..., the porters of the house of the weavers; total: 92 male laborers, 1 barig 4 1/3 each; total: 5 male laborers, 1 barig each; total: 20 male laborers, 1 barig each; total: 20 male laborers, 2/3 ban2 5 ban2 1 textile; total: 27 male laborers, 4 ban2 each; total: n male laborers, 4 ban2 each; total: 33 male laborers, 1/3 ban2 3 ban2 each; total: 4 male laborers, 1/4 ban2 3 ban2 1 textile; total: 20 less 2 children, 2 ban2 2 garments;

    total: 32 children, 1 ban2 5 1/2 sila3 each; total: 1 child, 1 ban2 5 sila3 each; total: 98 children, 1 ban2 1 sila3 each; total: 2 male workers, shugi4 3 ban2 1 garment, its barley: 89 gur 1 barig, its wool: 19 talents 25 1/3 mana, its garment: 116 are stationed; total: 420 male workers; total: ...; total: ...; total: ...; total: ...; total: ...; total: 20 ...;

    total: n ... ... total: 5 ... total: n ... total: ... its barley: n garments; n ... the attendants; total: n .

    Column 3'


    siki#-bi# [n] tug2-bi [n] ug3-_il2_ [e2] usz-bar-me gub-ba-am3 sze#-ba# siki#-ba# tug2-ba lu2# azlag2# geme2 usz#-bar u3# giri3#-se3#-ga# e2 usz-bar-ra# sza3# gu2#-ab-ba(ki#)-ka nu#-banda3 lugal-iti#-da giri3# ur-sa6#-ga#-mu sza13-dub#-[ba] iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa# ki#-masz(ki#) [ba-hul]

    AI Translation

    its wool, n garments, n porters, in the weavers' house stationed, its barley, its wool, the garments of the azlaga, female weavers, and the footstools of the weavers' house in Guabba, the overseer, Lugal-itida, via Ur-sagamu, the archivist; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P203817: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) masz2-gal
  • 6(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3
  • 4(u) 2(disz) masz2-nita2
  • bala-ta gur-ra ki ur-ab-ba-ta ur-(d)nansze i3-dab5 iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat, full grown,
  • 6 female kids,
  • 42 male goats,
  • from the bala returned; from Ur-abba Ur-Nanshe accepted; month: "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash."

    P203818: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 5(disz) sila3 ki-lu5-la
  • 5(disz) sila3 nin-ezem
  • dumu me-ni-szu-na-me

  • 5(disz) sila3 nin-ku3-zu!(_su_)
  • dumu nin-ra-mu-gi4 ugula ur-(d)ig-alim

  • 5(disz) sila3 ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • 5(disz) sila3 (d)ba-ba6-a-zu!(_su_)
  • dumu lu5-zi-me

  • 5(disz) sila3 ama-ku3-zu!(_su_)
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 Kilula,
  • 5 sila3: Nin-ezem,
  • son of Menishuna

  • 5 sila3: Nin-kuzu,
  • son of Ninramugi, foreman: Ur-Igalim;

  • 5 sila3: Ur-Baba;
  • 5 sila3 for Baba-azu,
  • son of Luzime

  • 5 sila3: Ama-kuzu,
  • Column 2


    dumu geme2 esz2-dam

  • 5(disz) sila3 geme2-(d)utu
  • dumu _ud_-ma

  • 5(disz) sila3 a-kal-la
  • dumu nin-ki-la2-a

  • 5(disz) sila3 lu2-(d)na-ru2-a
  • dumu u3-gu2-zi ugula a2-na-na

  • 5(disz) sila3 ur-(d)szul-gi!(_zi_)
  • dumu u4-ma-ni-gar [x x?]-x x-_ni_

    AI Translation

    son of the female slave-girl, eshdam;

  • 5 sila3: Geme-Utu;
  • son of Udma

  • 5 sila3: Akalla,
  • son of Nin-kila'a

  • 5 sila3: Lu-Narua,
  • son of Uguzi, foreman: Ana-na.

  • 5 sila3: Ur-Shulgi;
  • son of Umanigar .

    Column 1


    ugula ur-dub#-szen#

  • 5(disz) ur-(d)dumu-zi dumu nin-ma2#-gur8#-re#?
  • ugula lugal-uszumgal

  • 5(disz) sila3 geme2-ku3-zu!(_su_)
  • 5(disz) sila3 nam-tar-eb2-gu-ul
  • dumu nin-[mu-sze3-igi]-mu-me

  • 5(disz) sila3# [geme2-(d)na]-ru2-a dumu geme2-esz2-dam
  • 5(disz) sila3# [ur-(d)nin-gesz]-zi#-da
  • dumu [nin-mu-szu]-ta

  • 5(disz) sila3 nin-geszkim-zi dumu geme2-(d)lamma
  • AI Translation

    foreman: Ur-dubszen;

  • 5 mana wool for Ur-Dumuzi, son of Nin-magure,
  • foreman: Lugal-ushumgal;

  • 5 sila3: Geme-kuzu,
  • 5 sila3: Namtar-ebgul,
  • son of Ninmushe-igimu

  • 5 sila3: Geme-Narua, daughter of Geme-eshdam;
  • 5 sila3: Ur-Ningeshzida,
  • son of Ninmusuta

  • 5 sila3: Nin-geshkimzi, daughter of Geme-Lamma;
  • Column 2

  • 5(disz)# [sila3 ...]
  • ugula lugal-me-lam2

  • 5(disz) nin-lu2-nu-sza-ra#-ge#
  • dumu nin-a-ni-sa6 ugula ur-mes

  • 1(ban2) e2-hi-li ug3-_il2_ e2-gal
  • ugula ba-zi

  • 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-li i3-dab5 guru7-a tak4-a sze-ba-e dah-ha iti _gan2_-masz iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 ...,
  • foreman: Lugal-melam;

  • 5 mana wool for Ninlu-nushage
  • son of Nin-anisa, foreman: Ur-mes.

  • 1 ban2 Ehili, porters of the palace;
  • foreman: Bazi;

  • 2 ban2 5 sila3
  • Ur-Baba, son of Urli, accepted; grain-fed, takû-offerings, barley rations, dahha; month: "GANmash," month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash."

    P203819: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1(u) tug2 bar-dul5 3(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 4(u) ma-na geme2-bi 4(u) a2 iti 8(disz)-kam

  • 2(disz) tug2 _lak734_ lugal
  • siki-bi 1(asz) gu2 geme2-bi 2(u)

  • 2(disz) tug2 (nig2)-lam2 tab-ba us2 szar3
  • siki-bi 1(u) 4(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 1(u) 4(disz)

  • 8(disz) tug2 guz-za tab-ba su3 us2 szar3
  • siki-bi 1(asz) gu2 2(u) ma-na geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 4(disz)

  • 4(disz) tug2 guz-za tab-ba us2 szar3
  • siki-bi 4(u) 8(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 3(u) 4(disz)

  • 3(u) tug2 nig2-lam2 3(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 1(asz) gu2 3(u) ma-na

    AI Translation
  • 10 bare-garments, 3rd quality,
  • its wool: 40 minas; its female laborers: 40 labor days, 8 months;

  • 2 royal garments,
  • its wool: 1 talent, its female laborers: 20.

  • 2 nig2-lam textiles, tabba, length, ...,
  • its wool: 14 minas; its female laborers: 14;

  • 8 guzza-garments, ...,
  • its wool: 1 talent 20 mina; its female laborers: 64 workdays;

  • 4 guzza-garments, tabba, length, shar-measure,
  • its wool: 48 mana; its female laborers: 34;

  • 30 nig2-lam textiles, 3rd quality,
  • its wool: 1 talent 30 mina;

    Column 2


    geme2-bi 2(gesz2)

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) tug2 nig2-lam2 4(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 4(asz) gu2 geme2-bi 4(gesz2)

  • 2(u) 4(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 gu2-tar dul5 us2 szar3
  • siki gu2-tar-bi 4(u) 8(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 1(u) 2(disz) a2 iti 2(disz)-kam

  • 1(u) 2(disz) tug2 guz-za us2 szar3
  • siki-bi 2(asz) gu2 2(u) 4(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 1(u) 2(disz)

  • 6(disz) tug2 nig2-bara3 3(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 3(asz) gu2 geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 3(u)

  • 6(disz) tug2 guz-za tab-ba 3(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 2(asz) gu2 2(u) 4(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 1(gesz2)

  • 5(disz) tug2 aktum 1(u) ma-na 3(disz)-kam us2
  • AI Translation

    its female laborers: 240 workdays;

  • 210 nig2-lam textiles, 4th grade,
  • its wool: 4 talents; its female laborers: 420.

  • 24 nig2-lam textiles, gutar-flour, ...,
  • its wool: 48 mana; its female laborers: 122 workdays,

  • 12 guzza garments, length 2 shara3;
  • its wool: 2 talents 24 mana; its female laborers: 62 workdays;

  • 6 nigbara textiles, 3rd quality,
  • its wool: 3 talents; its female laborers: 90.

  • 6 guzza-garments, tabba, 3rd grade,
  • its wool: 2 talents 24 minas; its female laborers: 60 workdays;

  • 5 aktum textiles, 10 minas 3th grade,
  • Column 1


    siki-bi 1(asz) gu2 4(u) ma-na geme2-bi 4(u)

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) tug2 guz-za 3(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 1(u) 4(asz) gu2 geme2-bi 5(gesz2) 5(u)

  • 5(gesz2) 1(u) 1(disz) tug2 guz-za 4(disz)-kam us2
  • siki-bi 4(u) 9(asz) gu2 2(u) 8(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 2(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 4(u) 4(disz)

  • 1(gesz2) 7(disz) tug2 usz-bar
  • siki gu2-tar-bi 4(asz) gu2 2(u) 8(disz) ma-na geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 7(disz) a2 iti 1(disz)-a-kam

  • 2(gesz2) gada! sza3#-[ga-du3 sza3]-gu saga szar3
  • [geme2-bi ...] 3(u) la2 1(disz@t) [... gada sza3-ga-du3 sza3]-gu saga szar3 [geme2]-bi 1(gesz2) 5(u)

  • 1(gesz2) [n] gada! sza3-gu szar2
  • geme2-bi 3(u) la2 1(disz@t)

  • 3(gesz2) gada sza3-gu szar2
  • geme2-bi 2(gesz2) 5(u) 4(disz)

  • 7(disz) gada szar3
  • AI Translation

    its wool: 1 talent 40 mina; its female laborers: 40.

  • 111 guzza garments, 3rd quality,
  • its wool: 14 talents; its female laborers: 420.

  • 121 guzza garments, 4th grade,
  • its wool: 49 talents 28 minas; its female laborers: 420 workdays;

  • 67 ushbar textiles,
  • its wool: 4 talents 28 minas; its female laborers: 77 workdays,

  • 240 linen garments, szagadu-flour, fine quality,
  • its female laborers: ... 30 less 1 ..., linen garments, sha-gadu, good quality, fine quality, its female laborers: 210,

  • n ... linen, shaku-flour,
  • its female laborers: 30 less 1;

  • 240 linens, shaku-flour,
  • its female laborers: 204 workdays;

  • 7 linen garments, fine quality,
  • Column 2


    geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 3(disz) a2 iti 1(u) 1(disz)-kam

  • 4(disz) gada (gesz)nu2 szar3
  • geme2-bi 4(u) 6(disz)

  • 1(disz) gada sza3-ga-du3 szar3
  • geme2-bi 6(disz) 1/2(disz) a2 iti 3(disz)-kam

  • 1(u) gada bar-si su3-a szar3
  • geme2-bi 4(u)

  • 4(disz) gada sza3-ga-du3 us2 szar3
  • geme2-bi 2(u) 2(disz) a2 iti 2(disz)-kam

  • 2(u) gada a-dab6
  • geme2-bi 5(disz)

  • 1(u) gada 3(disz)-kam us2
  • geme2-bi 1(gesz2) 5(u)

  • 7(disz) gada 4(disz)-kam us2
  • geme2-bi 5(u) la2 1(disz@t)

  • 1(u) 7(disz) gada [...]
  • geme2-bi [...]

  • 3(gesz2) 2(u) 7(disz) [...]
  • geme2 tu-ra [u4 ...] 3(disz)-am3 [...] geme2 tag-tag# sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki)-ka nu-banda3 lugal-iri-da mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    its female laborers: 63 workdays,

  • 4 linen garments, ...,
  • its female laborers: 46 workdays;

  • 1 linen garment, shagadu, the szar,
  • its female laborers: 6 1/2 workdays,

  • 10 linen garments, with a fringe, trimmed, fine,
  • its female laborers: 40.

  • 4 linen garments, szagadu quality, length, szar,
  • its female laborers: 22 workdays,

  • 20 linen towels for Adab;
  • its female laborers: 5;

  • 10 linen towels, 3rd quality,
  • its female laborers: 210 workdays;

  • 7 linens, 4th quality,
  • its female laborers: 50 less 1;

  • 17 linen ...,
  • its female laborers .

  • 147 ...,
  • female laborers, ... 3 days ... female laborers, tagging in Guabba, overseer: Lugal-irida, year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203822: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gurum2-ak sipa unu3 ki-nu-nir(ki) nigin6(ki) gu2-ab-ba(ki)

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds, cowherds of Kinunir, Nigin, and Guabba,


    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds and cowherds in Kinunir, Nigin, and Guabba;



    sipa szaganx(_ama_)(gan) sipa unu3 (d)szul-gi u3 sag-[apin] e2 (d)nin-hur-sag i3-gal2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    shepherd Shagan, shepherd of the cowherd of Shulgi and plowman, house of Ninhursag, are here; year: "Harshi was destroyed."


    herder of equids, shepherds and cowherds of Shulgi and head-plowmen of the house of Ninhursag, are here; year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203823: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na siki ud5
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 3(u) ma-na siki ud5
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ki eresz-dingir-ra-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 31 1/2 mana wool for wool,
  • 1st time.

  • 30 minas of wool for a nanny-goat
  • for the 2nd time, with Eresh-dingira;



    giri3 igi-_an_-sze3 ra2-gaba zi-ga mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Igi-Ilum, the chariot driver, booked out; year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."

    P203824: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) u8
  • 2(disz) udu-gal
  • 1(u) udu-nita2
  • 1(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag udu-nita2-sze3
  • 1(u) sila4 ba-ur4 sag u8-sze3
  • 2(disz) masz2-sag
  • 9(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • 1(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 2(disz) udu-nita2 lu2-(d)ba-ba6

  • 1(disz) u8 1(disz) udu-nita2 1(disz) sila4
  • lu2-giri17-zal zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 20 ewes,
  • 2 large sheep,
  • 10 rams,
  • 1 lamb, slaughtered, head of the ram,
  • 10 lambs, slaughtered, head of ewes,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • 9 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 1 lamb, slaughtered,
  • delivery of ewes, 2 male sheep, Lu-Baba;

  • 1 ewe, 1 ram, 1 lamb,
  • for Lu-girizal booked out;



    la2-ia3 udu-nita2 libir-am3 la2-ia3 2(u) 2(disz) udu su-su-dam szu-nigin2 5(u) 5(disz) gub-ba szu-nigin2 5(disz) zi-ga szu-nigin2 2(u) 2(disz) la2-ia3 elam na-gada sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki)-ka mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit of the old ram; deficit of 22 sheep, repaid; total: 55 stationed; total: 5 booked out; total: 22 deficit of Elam, the nagda, in Guabba; year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203825: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) gu4 5(asz) gur lugal-ta
  • sze-bi 5(u) gur gu4 sze-ta sa10 apin-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 10 oxen, 5 gur, royal measure,
  • its barley: 50 gur, oxen, barley added, for the plow work, under seal of Ur-Ningirsu;



    _gan2_ nam-ha-ni mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    field Namhani; year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203826: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) sze gur
  • sag in de2-a kab2 du11-ga 3(u) gur ur-nigar(gar) sanga (d)ga2-tum3-du10

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur of barley,
  • head in the ditch, at the left side of the ditch, 30 gur Ur-nigar, the temple administrator of Gatumdu,



    ib2-su-su guru7 sa6-ga-tur giri3 na-bi2-(d)en-lil2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    Ibsusu, the granary manager of Sagartur, via Nabi-Enlil; year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203827: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 sahar-sur-ra i3-dub a-sza3 mah-ta ki ur-(d)nansze-ta

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn, field of sharsurra, depot of the great field, from Ur-Nanshe;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-Baba; year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)lamma dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lamma, scribe, son of Ur-Baba.

    P203828: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 3(disz) udu 1(disz) masz2
  • nu-banda3-gu4-me

  • 1(disz) ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)lamma
  • dub-sar gu4 1(u)-me

  • 1(disz) masz2 ugula he2-dab5
  • 1(disz) masz2 ur-(d)nin-su ugula-ta gur-ra
  • 3(disz) szabra
  • 1(disz) inim-(d)_lagab_?-_lagab_?
  • 1(disz) masz2 lu2-giri17-zal aga3-us2
  • 2(disz) ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dumu engar-du10
  • 3(disz) ur-(d)lamma dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su
  • 1(u) 4(disz) udu 4(disz) masz2 e2 nam-ha-ni

  • 1(disz) sza13-dub-ba
  • 1(disz) hu-u2-u2
  • 2(disz) udu 4(disz) masz2
  • nu-banda3-gu4-me

  • 2(disz) ugula erin2 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 4(disz) udu 6(disz) masz2 e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da

  • 1(disz) dub-sar gu4 1(u)
  • 1(disz) masz2 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lu2-_ib_
  • 1(disz) udu 1(disz) masz2 e2# (d)dumu-zi

  • [1(disz)] sza13-dub-ba
  • [1(disz)] sa12#-du5
  • [1(disz) x]-x#-lil2-la2
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sheep, 1 billy goat,
  • the oxen managers;

  • 1 Ur-Ningeshzida,
  • 1 Ur-Lamma,
  • scribe of oxen: 10;

  • 1 billy goat, foreman: Hedab;
  • 1 billy goat, Ur-Ninsu, from the foreman, returned;
  • 3 mana wool for the household manager;
  • 1: Inim-Lagab-Lagab,
  • 1 billy goat, Lu-girizal, the steward,
  • 2: Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Engar-du;
  • 3 mana wool for Ur-Lamma, son of Lu-Ningirsu,
  • 14 rams, 4 billy goats, house of Namhani;

  • 1: Sha-dubba,
  • 1 Hu-U,
  • 2 rams, 4 billy goats,
  • the oxen managers;

  • 2 foreman of labor-troops, 1 billy goat each,
  • 4 sheep, 6 billy goats, house of Ningeshzida;

  • 1 scribe of oxen, 10 years old.
  • 1 billy goat: Ur-Baba, son of Lu-ib;
  • 1 sheep, 1 billy goat, house of Dumuzi;

  • 1: scribe,
  • 1: Sadu;
  • 1 ...lila,
  • Column 2

  • 1(disz) lugal-agrig-zi
  • dub-sar gu4 1(u)-me

  • 1(u) nu-banda3-gu4 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 2(disz) ugula 1(disz)-ta
  • 1(disz) dub-sar erin2
  • 1(disz) dub-sar a-sza3 erin2
  • 1(disz) mu-su
  • 2(disz) a-tu dub-sar he2-dab5
  • 1(u) 1(disz) udu 1(u) masz2 e2 (d)szul-gi

  • 2(disz) lugal-iri-da
  • 2(disz) nu-banda3 erin2 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 2(disz) dub-sar gu4 1(u) 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 1(disz) dub-sar
  • 2(disz) dub-sar 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • dub-sar igi sanga-sze3 gub-ba-me

  • 1(disz) dub-sar erin2
  • 1(disz) szar2-ra-ab-du
  • 1(disz) ga-_min_
  • 6(disz) udu 6(disz) masz2 e2 (d)nin-dar-a

  • 1(u) nu-banda3-gu4 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 1(disz) nu-banda3-gu4
  • 2(disz) dub-sar gu4 1(u)
  • 1(disz) masz2 ugula gesz-i3
  • 1(disz) sipa
  • 4(disz) udu 1(u) 1(disz) masz2 e2 (d)nin-gir2-su

  • 3(disz) udu 1(disz) masz2 szabra
  • 6(disz) nu-banda3-gu4 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 2(disz) dub-sar gu4 1(u) 1(disz)-ta
  • AI Translation
  • 1 Lugal-agrigzi,
  • scribe of oxen: 10;

  • 10 oxen managers, 1 billy goat each,
  • 2 overseers at 1 each;
  • 1 scribe, labor-troops;
  • 1 scribe, field of the work-troops;
  • 1 mushu,
  • 2 Atu, scribe of Hedab;
  • 11 rams, 10 billy goats, house of Shulgi;

  • 2: Lugal-irida,
  • 2 manager of the work-troops, 1 goat,
  • 2 scribes of oxen, 11 billy goats each,
  • 1 scribe,
  • 2 scribes, 1 billy goat,
  • scribes, at the disposal of the temple administrator,

  • 1 scribe, labor-troops;
  • 1: Sharrabdu,
  • 1 ...,
  • 6 sheep, 6 billy goats, house of Nindara,

  • 10 oxen managers, 1 billy goat each,
  • 1 oxen manager,
  • 2 scribes of oxen, 10;
  • 1 billy goat, foreman of gesh-i-wood,
  • 1 shepherd,
  • 4 rams, 11 billy goats, house of Ningirsu;

  • 3 sheep, 1 billy goat, chief household administrator;
  • 6 oxen managers, 1 billy goat each,
  • 2 scribes of oxen at 11 each;
  • Column 1

  • 1(disz) dub-sar gu4-apin
  • 1(disz) dub-sar zi3-da
  • 7(disz) udu 7(disz) masz2 e2 szabra

  • 1(disz) sanga
  • 4(disz) nu-banda3-gu4 1(disz) udu 1(disz) masz2-ta
  • 1(disz) nu-banda3-gu4
  • 1(disz) masz2 nu-banda3-gu4
  • 3(disz) dub-sar gu4 1(u) 1(disz)-ta
  • 2(disz) dub-sar gu4 1(u)
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da
  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)utu
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)ba-ba6 di-ku5
  • 1(disz) masz2 da-ti-mu
  • 1(disz) masz2 al-la dumu nam-zi
  • 1(disz) ugula erin2
  • 1(disz) ugula gesz-i3
  • 1(disz) lugal-pa-e3 muhaldim
  • 1(disz) dub-sar zi3-da
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ha-li2-li2
  • 2(u) la2 1(disz) udu 7(disz) masz2 e2 (d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 1 scribe, plow oxen;
  • 1 scribe of flour,
  • 7 rams, 7 billy goats, household manager;

  • 1 priest,
  • 4 oxen managers, 1 sheep, 1 billy goat each,
  • 1 oxen manager,
  • 1 ox, manager of oxen,
  • 3 scribes of oxen at 11 each;
  • 2 scribes of oxen, 10;
  • 1 Ur-Ningeshzida,
  • 1 Lu-Utu,
  • 1 Ur-Baba, the judge,
  • 1 billy goat, Datimu,
  • 1 billy goat, Alla, son of Namzi,
  • 1 foreman of labor-troops,
  • 1 foreman of wood,
  • 1 Lugal-pa'e, the cook;
  • 1 scribe of flour,
  • 1 Ur-Baba, son of Halili,
  • 20 less 1 sheep, 7 billy goats, house of Nanshe;

    Column 2


    szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 6(disz) udu szu-nigin2 5(u) 2(disz) masz2 udu kur6-ra szabra sanga-ne im ki-a mu-gal2 gu2-bi tum3-da nu-mu-gal2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) [hu]-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    total: 66 sheep; total: 52 billy goats, ... sheep, the chief household administrator, the earth-moving tablets are here; the debits are not there; year: "Harshi and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203829: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-mes-ta sze-numun a-sza3 ambar tur-sze3 szesz-kal-la

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-mes; seed-corn, field in the small marshes, Sheshkalla;



    szu ba-ti giri3 [...] mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    received; via ..., year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203830: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) 1(ban2) sze lugal
  • mu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-sze3 a2-na-mu su-su-dam

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig 1 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • he will pay back the silver tenfold to Lu-Ningirsu.



    mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203831: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2) 1(u) 8(disz) u8
  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 5(disz) udu-nita2
  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) udu-nita2 bar gal2
  • 2(u) la2 1(disz) kir11
  • 4(u) 4(disz) kir11 bar gal2
  • 2(u) la2 1(disz) sila4-nita2
  • 3(u) 6(disz) sila4-nita2 bar gal2
  • 7(disz) masz2-sag#
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 udu-nita2 zi-ga

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) la2 1(disz) u8 1(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) udu-nita2
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) sila4
  • ri-ri-ga

    AI Translation
  • 188 ewes,
  • 105 rams,
  • 240 rams, with fleece,
  • 20 less 1 female lambs,
  • 44 female lambs, with fleece,
  • 20 less 1 male lambs,
  • 36 male lambs, womb-bearing,
  • 7 billy goats,
  • delivery of rams, booked out;

  • 91 ewes, 77 rams,
  • 77 lambs,
  • a kind of profession



    la2-ia3 u8

  • 1(disz) udu-nita2 sila4
  • la2-ia3-am3 szu-nigin2 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) 8(disz) gub-ba szu-nigin2 zi-ga szu-nigin2 3(gesz2) 4(u) 3(disz) ri-ri-ga igi-3(disz) 1/3(disz)-gal2 didli szu-nigin2 1(disz) la2-ia3 ur-ki-gu-la na-gada udu nin9-kal-la nin ugula szar-ru-um-i3-li2 sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    deficit of ewes

  • 1 male ram,
  • deficit: 198, stationed; deficit booked out; total: 133, ri'uga, 1/3 shekel, mixed; total: 1 deficit; Ur-kigula, the nagda, sheep of Ninkalla, the queen; foreman: Sharrum-ili, in Kinunir; year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203832: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [x] ab2 mah2 [x] gu4 (mu) 1(disz) mu-kux(_du_)

  • 2(disz) gu4 3(disz) gesz-sze3
  • zi-ga la2-ia3-am3

    AI Translation

    x oxen, high quality, x oxen, 1 year, delivery;

  • 2 oxen, 3 harrows,
  • booked out, the deficit;



    szu-nigin2 3(disz) gub-ba szu-nigin2 2(disz) zi-ga szu-nigin2 la2-ia3 ur-(d)hendur-sag sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) ab-ba nigin6(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    total: 3 stationed; total: 2 booked outs; total: deficit of Ur-Hendursag in Kinunir, the abba of Nigin; year following: "Kimash," year following that.

    P203833: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 3(u) 9(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) sze gur lugal sze dub-sag ugu2-a gar-ra

  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2)
  • sze egir e3-a la2-ia3 su-ga ki nig2-u2-rum-ta

    AI Translation

    169 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 barley, royal measure, barley deposited on the scribe's tablet;

  • 185 gur 1 barig 5 ban2
  • barley after it has come out, deficit repaid, from Nig-urum;



    ur-(d)en-lil2 szu ba-ti giri3 [ab-ba]-sa6-ga sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Enlil received; via Abbasaga, in Guabba; year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203834: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 6(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • gur e2-kikken2-ta gur-bi nu-zu sza3-gal udu niga-sze3 i3-dub a-lal3 ki ur-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 126 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from the mill, its gurs are not yet. The fodder for sheep for grain-fed grain-fed sheep, at the depot Alal, with Ur-Ningirsu,



    dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6-ta a-lum-ma kuruszda szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    son of Ur-Baba, Alumma, fattener, received; year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203835: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9 ak lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lu2-(d)utu gu4 ansze na-gab2-tum e2 udu

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Lu-Baba, son of Lu-Utu, oxen, donkeys, nagabtum, house of sheep,


    Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Lu-Baba, son of Lu-Utu, oxen and donkeys of the nagabtum the house of sheep



    gu4-apin-ta nigin2-nigin2-na gu-za-la2 la2-ia3 e3 du3-a-bi sipa na-gab2-tum udu _pad_-ra i3-gal2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from the plow oxen, all together, the throne, the deficit, all of it, the shepherd Nagabtum, the sheep of padra, are here; year: "Harshi was destroyed."


    from the plow-oxen, grand totals, chairholders, debts, ..., shepherds of nagabtum sheep of ..., are here; year: "... ."

    P203836: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 zu2-lum gur lugal
  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 (gesz)giparx(_kisal_) had2
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 (gesz)haszhur had2
  • ki ur-ab-ba-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 3 sila3 dates, royal measure,
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 gipar-wood, had,
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3 of dates,
  • from Ur-abba;



    mu i3-ib2-ra da-a mu2-am3 im-bi ba-ra-zi-il-la-sze3 kiszib3 ensi2-ka-bi ba-zi-ir kiszib3 sanga (d)nin-mar(ki) mu ha-ar-szi(ki)

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the name of the man, he has sworn by the name of the man. The seal of the governor has been sworn. The seal of the temple administrator of Ninmar, year: "Harshi."

    P203837: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu gab2-_ku_-_ku_
  • mu-kux(_du_) lu2-(d)igi-ma-sze3 dumu ad-da-mu

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, ...,
  • delivery of Lu-Igimashe, son of Adamu;



    mu us2-sa-a mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "... ."

    P203839: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur ab-bu-na mu2-da
  • guru7 ad-da sanga (d)inanna ze2-na nu-banda3-gu4-ke4 ib2-su-su

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur of barley, the abbuna-offering,
  • the threshing floor of Dada, the temple administrator of Inanna, Zena, the manager of oxen, has cleared.



    guru7 gu2 i7 lugal-uszumgal giri3 na-bi2-(d)en-lil2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    the threshing floor of the bank of the Lugal-ushumgal canal, via Nabi-Enlil; year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    Seal 1


    ze2-na nu-banda3-gu4 dumu u-bar

    AI Translation

    Zena, oxen manager, son of Ubar.

    P203840: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 2(disz)# gu4 1(disz) ansze
  • [1(u) 8(disz) udu 5(disz) kir11 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3]
  • [3(u)] la2 1/2(disz) masz2#
  • [1/3(disz)?](sza) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki# lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne-ta sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(u) 8(disz) udu
  • 5(disz) kir11
  • 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3
  • 1(u) masz2
  • kiszib3 nu-tuku ka5-a-mu kuruszda i3-dab5

  • 1(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) la2 1(disz) sze ku3
  • kiszib3 ensi2-ka ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szu-nigin2 3(u) 4(disz) udu masz2 szu-nigin2 1(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) la2 1(disz) sze ku3 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 2(disz) gu4 1(disz) ansze

  • 2(u) la2 1/2(disz) masz2
  • 1(disz) gin2 la2 9(disz) sze ku3
  • la2-ia3-am3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu si-du3

  • 4(disz) gu4 5(disz) ansze
  • 5(u) 7(disz) udu
  • 3(u) 6(disz) masz2
  • 1(u)# gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki# lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 oxen, 1 donkey,
  • 18 rams, 5 female lambs, 1 female kid,
  • 30 less 1/2 billy goats,
  • 1/3 shekel 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • from the nigdab-officials therein;

  • 18 sheep,
  • 5 female lambs,
  • 1 female kid,
  • 10 billy goats,
  • under seal without interest, Ka'amu, fattener, accepted;

  • 19 1/2 shekels 9 grains silver,
  • under seal of the governor, on account of the reeds, total: 34 rams, total: 19 1/2 shekels, 9 grains silver, delivery; deficit: 2 oxen, 1 donkey,

  • 20 less 1/2 billy goats,
  • 1 shekel less 9 grains silver,
  • deficit of Ur-Baba, son of Sidu;

  • 4 oxen, 5 donkeys,
  • 57 sheep,
  • 36 billy goats,
  • 10 shekels of silver,
  • from the nigdab-officials;

    Column 2



  • [4(disz) gu4]
  • 5(disz) ansze#
  • 5(u) 7(disz) udu
  • 3(u) 6(disz) masz2
  • si-du3 kuruszda i3-dab5 ugu2#-a# ga2#-ga2# szu-nigin2 4(disz) gu4 szu-nigin2 5(disz) ansze szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) udu masz2 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar lu2-lagasz(ki) dumu si-du3 kuruszda

  • 1(disz) gu4
  • 1(u) 1(disz) masz2
  • si-i3-tum nig2-ka9 ak mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

  • 4(disz) gu4
  • 2(u) la2 1(disz) masz2
  • 7(disz)# gin2 la2 9(disz) sze ku3
  • ki lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne-ta szu-nigin2 5(disz) gu4 szu-nigin2 3(u) masz2 szu-nigin2 7(disz) gin2 la2 9(disz) sze ku3 sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(disz) gu4#
  • AI Translation


  • 4 oxen,
  • 5 donkeys,
  • 57 sheep,
  • 36 billy goats,
  • he took the fattener, and on the road to the threshing floor he brought it. Total: 4 oxen, total: 5 donkeys, total: 93 rams, goats, delivery; deficit: 10 shekels silver; Lu-Lagash, son of the fattener,

  • 1 ox,
  • 11 billy goats,
  • remaining deficit of the account, year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

  • 4 oxen,
  • 20 less 1 billy goats,
  • 7 shekels less 9 grains silver,
  • from the nigdab-officials; total: 5 oxen; total: 30 billy goats; total: 7 shekels less 9 grains of silver therein.

  • 1 ox,
  • Column 3

  • 5(disz)# gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 1(u) 3(disz)+[n] sze# [ku3]
  • kiszib3# lu2#-kal#-la#? lu2#-sa6#?-ga#? ugu2-a ga2-ga2 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 7(disz)# gu4 A?-_ak_?-x dumu sa6#?-sa6#-ga# la2-ia3 e3-a dub-sag

  • 1(disz) gu4
  • 2(u) 5(disz) udu 3(gesz2) 3(u) 1(disz) masz2
  • 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 8(disz) sze ku3
  • 1(u) 4(disz) ma-na siki
  • ki lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne-ta sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(disz) udu 1(gesz2) 4(disz) masz2
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 6(disz) udu 5(u) la2 1(disz) masz2
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam

  • 1(u) 8(disz) udu 4(u) 3(disz) masz2
  • a-ra2 3(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) gu4 3(disz) u8
  • 3(u) la2 1(disz) masz2
  • 1(u) 1(disz) gin2# [n sze] ku3
  • AI Translation
  • 5 1/3 shekels 13+x grains silver,
  • under seal of Lukalla?, Lu-saga, delivered, delivery; deficit: 7 oxen, Aak..., son of Sa-saga, deficit; out of the scribe;

  • 1 ox,
  • 25 rams, 121 billy goats,
  • 1/2 mana, 4 shekels, 8 grains of silver,
  • 14 minas of wool,
  • from the nigdab-officials therein;

  • 1 sheep, 64 billy goats,
  • 1st time.

  • 6 rams, 5 less 1 billy goats,
  • 2nd time.

  • 18 rams, 43 billy goats,
  • 3rd time.

  • 1 ox, 3 ewes,
  • 30 less 1 billy goats,
  • 11 shekels ... silver,
  • Column 4


    [...] x# [...]

  • 1(u) 4(disz) ma-na# [...]
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-[...] dumu _arad2_-mu ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szu-nigin2 1(disz) gu4 [szu-nigin2] 3(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) udu masz2# szu#-nigin2# 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 8(disz) sze ku3 szu-nigin2 1(u) 4(disz) ma-na [siki] mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 2(u) 3(disz) masz2 ur-(d)igi-zi-bar-ra#

  • 2(disz) gu4 3(disz) ansze#
  • 5(u) 6(disz) udu 1(gesz2) 5(u)#? 1(disz) [masz2]
  • 1/2(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) sze# [ku3]
  • ki lu2 nig2-dab5#-[ke4-ne-ta] sza3-bi-[ta]

  • 5(u) 6(disz) udu 1(gesz2)+[n masz2]
  • sipa# [...]

  • 1(disz) gu4# [...]
  • 1(gesz2) 7(disz) [...]
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-[kam]

  • 1(disz) gu4# 1(u)+[n ...]
  • 1(u) 4(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation

  • 14 minas ...
  • under seal of Lu-Nin-..., son of ARADmu, dispatched; total: 1 bull; total: 133 rams, billy goats; total: 1/2 mana 4 shekels 8 grains silver; total: 14 mana wool, delivery; deficit: 23 billy goats, Ur-Igizibara;

  • 2 oxen, 3 donkeys,
  • 56 rams, 91 billy goats,
  • 1/2 mana 15 grains of silver,
  • from the nigdab-officials therefrom:

  • 56 sheep, n billy goats,
  • shepherd of ...

  • 1 ox ...,
  • 67 ...
  • 1st time.

  • 1 ox, 10+n ...,
  • 14 ...,
  • Column 1


    [ugu2-a] ga2-[ga2] szu-nigin2 2(disz) gu4# szu-nigin2 2(disz) ansze szu-nigin2 2(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) udu masz2 szu-nigin2 1/3(disz)(sza) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 1(disz) ansze

  • 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 [ku3]
  • la2-ia3-am3 u2-u2 ugula aga3-us2#

  • 5(disz) gu4
  • 1(disz) ansze
  • 1(disz) udu# 4(u)# 7(disz)# masz2#
  • 1(u) 8(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) la2 2(disz)+[7(disz) sze ku3]
  • ki lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-[ne]-ta

  • 1(disz) gu4#
  • 3(disz) ansze#
  • ki sipa ama-gan-[(x)]-ke4-ne-ta szu-nigin2 6(disz) gu4 szu-nigin2 4(disz) ansze szu-nigin2 4(u) 8(disz) udu masz2 szu-nigin2 1(u) 8(disz) gin2 2/3(|_ninda2_x(_sze-2_(_asz_))|) la2 9(disz) sze ku3-[babbar] [sza3-bi-ta]

    AI Translation

    on the road, to be carried; total: 2 oxen; total: 2 donkeys; total: 255 rams, goats; total: 1/3 shekel 2 1/2 shekels 15 grains silver; delivery; deficit: 1 donkey;

  • 7 1/2 shekels silver,
  • deficit of U-U, foreman of the troops;

  • 5 oxen,
  • 1 donkey,
  • 1 sheep, 47 billy goats,
  • 18 2/3 shekels less 2 7 grains silver,
  • from the nigdab-officials;

  • 1 ox,
  • 3 donkeys,
  • from the shepherd Amagan; total: 6 oxen; total: 4 donkeys; total: 48 rams, goats; total: 18 2/3 shekels less 9 grains of silver therefrom:

    Column 2

  • 4(disz) gu4 2(disz)# ansze#
  • 1(disz) ansze amar# ga#
  • 2(u) [masz2]
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-[kam]

  • 1(disz) gu4 1(disz) ansze
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam

  • 2(u) 4(disz) masz2
  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • a-ra2 3(disz)-kam ba-a i3-dab5

  • 6(disz) gin2 la2 1(u) 2(disz) sze ku3
  • kiszib3 i3-kal-la

  • 1(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 2(u) 2(disz) sze ku3
  • kiszib3 ensi2-ka

  • 1(disz) gu4
  • kiszib3 ka5-a-mu kuruszda ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szu-nigin2 6(disz) gu4 szu-nigin2 4(disz) ansze szu-nigin2 4(u) 4(disz) masz2 szu-nigin2 1(u) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) sze ku3 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 1(disz) udu 3(disz) masz2

  • 1(u) 1(disz) sze ku3
  • la2-ia3-am3 lu2-us2-gi-na sagi

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) masz2
  • 7(disz) gin2 ku3
  • ki# lu2# nig2#-dab5-ke4-[ne]-ta#

    AI Translation
  • 4 oxen, 2 donkeys,
  • 1 calf calf, suckling,
  • 20 billy goats,
  • 1st time.

  • 1 ox, 1 donkey,
  • 2nd time.

  • 24 billy goats,
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • for the 3rd time he took it as a loan.

  • 6 shekels less 12 grains silver,
  • under seal of Ikalla;

  • 11 1/2 shekels 22 grains silver,
  • under seal of the governor;

  • 1 ox,
  • under seal of Ka'amu, fattener, at the depot; total: 6 oxen, total: 4 donkeys, total: 44 billy goats, total: 18 1/2 shekels, 10 grains silver; delivery; deficit: 1 sheep, 3 billy goats;

  • 11 grains of silver,
  • deficit of Lu-usgina, cupbearer;

  • 66 billy goats,
  • 7 shekels silver,
  • from the ...




    AI Translation

    Column 3



  • 2(disz) udu
  • 5(u) la2 1(disz) masz2
  • giri3 ur-(d)ig-alim dumu ur-sa6-ga

  • 1(u) masz2
  • giri3 ur-(gesz)gigir dumu nig2-du10-ga ba-a i3-dab5

  • 1(u) 5(disz) masz2
  • lu2-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lu2-(d)utu i3-dab5

  • 7(disz) gin2 la2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3
  • kiszib3 i3-kal-la dumu ur-zu ugu2-a ga2-ga2 szu-nigin2 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) udu# masz2 szu-nigin2 7(disz) gin2 la2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3 mu-kux(_du_) la2-ia3 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3 ur-(gesz)gigir dumu nig2-du10-ga la2-ia3 e3-a egir

    AI Translation


  • 2 sheep,
  • 50 less 1 billy goats,
  • via Ur-Igalim, son of Ur-saga;

  • 10 billy goats,
  • via Ur-gigir, son of Nigduga, accepted;

  • 15 billy goats,
  • Lu-Baba, son of Lu-Utu, accepted;

  • 7 shekels less 1/6 shekel silver,
  • under seal of Ikalla, son of Urzu, delivered; total: 96 rams, nannies; total: 7 shekels less 1/6 shekel silver delivery; deficit: 1/6 shekel silver of Ur-gigir, son of Nigduga; deficit to be returned;

    Column 4


    nig2-ka9 ak la2-ia3 e3#-a gu-za-la2-e-ne mu# ha-ar-szi(ki) x-x(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    accounts, deficits, guzala-priests, year: "Harshi .

    P203841: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) 1(barig) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki a-ab-ba-ta sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(u) 2(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) gur
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi ugu2-a ga2-ga2

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur 1 barig 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the sea, therefrom:

  • 12 gur 1 barig 2 ban2
  • under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Bazi, to be delivered;



    nig2-ka9-ak si-i3-tum ur-en-lil2-la2 bala egir mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    account of the missing; Ur-Enlila; bala after year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203842: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(gesz2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal udu niga-sze3 e2 ki-tusz-lu2-ta lu2-lagasz(ki) dumu si-du3-[ke4] szu ba-[ti]

    AI Translation
  • 420 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for the fodder of sheep for grain-fed grain-fed sheep from the house of the living, Lu-Lagash, son of Sidduk, received;



    iti ezem-(d)[...] mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ma-[da ... ba-hul]

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of ...," year: "Harshi and Kimash, the lands ... were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nansze nu-banda3 gu4

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Ur-Nanshe, overseer of oxen.

    P203843: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba mu didli sze-ba gu2 i7 nigin6(ki)-du i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: various years, barley rations of the bank of the waterway Nigindu, are here;



    mu ha-ar-szi ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Harshi was destroyed."


    year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203844: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) sze [gur lugal]
  • ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 60 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • from Bazi did Ur-Baba, son of Bazi, receive;



    sze ma2-a (ga2)gar mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    barley of the barge stationed; year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203845: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze numun a-sza3 na-gab2-tum-sze3 ki ur-(d)nansze ka-guru7-ta i3-dub a-sza3 mah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn, field of Nagabtum, from Ur-Nanshe, the granary administrator, depot of the great field;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da a-ra2 2(disz)-kam mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Ningeshzida, 2nd time, year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da dub-sar dumu ur-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida, scribe, son of Ur-.

    P203846: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 4(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub a-sza3 a gesztin (d)dumu-zi a2 dumu szitim-ta

    AI Translation
  • 64 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • depot of the field of water and wine of Dumuzi, labor of the son of the shitum-priest,



    ki ur-(d)nansze-ta kiszib3 ur-e2-ninnu mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    from Ur-Nanshe, under seal of Ur-Eninnu; year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    Seal 1


    ur-e2-ninnu dub-sar dumu al-la-mu szabra

    AI Translation

    Ur-Eninnu, scribe, son of Allamu, chief household administrator.

    P203847: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • gur-bi su-su-dam i3-dub a-sza3 (d)nin-mar(ki)-igi-du-ta ki ur-(d)nansze ka-guru7-ta

    AI Translation
  • 12 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • its gurgur to be returned; from the depot of the field Ninmar-igidu, from Ur-Nanshe, the granary administrator;



    mu ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu sanga (d)nin-szubur mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    year: "Ur-Baba, son of Bazi," under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of the temple administrator of Ninshubur;" following year: "Kimash was destroyed," following year: "... ."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu ur-(d)lamma sanga (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Ur-Lamma, temple administrator of Ninshubur.

    P203848: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu gab2-_ku_-_ku_
  • mu-kux(_du_) kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga sza3 nigin6(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, ...,
  • delivery, under seal of Lu-duga, in Nigin;



    mu us2-sa-a mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "... ."

    Seal 1


    lu2-du10-ga dumu ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    Lu-duga, son of Ur-Nanshe.

    P203849: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)nansze-ta sze-numun a-sza3 bar-ra-an-sze3 i3#!-[dub a]-sza3-mah-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)na-ru2-a

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Nanshe, seed-measure of the field Barran, from the depot of the field Amah, under seal of Lu-Narua;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash," year following it.

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation

    Lu-Narua, scribe, son of Ur-saga.

    P203850: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub _gan2_-sa10 ki ur-(d)nansze-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu na-ba-sa6

    AI Translation
  • 22 gur barley, royal measure,
  • depot of Fieldsa, from Ur-Nanshe, under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Nabasa;



    mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) u3 ki-masz(ki) ba-hul#

    AI Translation

    year: "Harshi, Hurti and Kimash were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu na-ba-sa6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Nabasa.

    P203851: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(gesz2) la2 1(disz) (uruda)(ha)-bu3-da#
  • 3(gesz2) 3(disz) (uruda)_kin_
  • ki-la2-bi 2(asz) gu2 1(u) 4(disz)+[n] ma#-na ba-zi-ir ki lugal-ti-ra-asz2#-ta

    AI Translation
  • 900 copper hambuda axes,
  • 233 copper kettles,
  • its weight: 2 talents 14+n minas, weighed out; from Lugal-tirash;



    ur#-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(gesz)gigir giri3 a-ab-ba u3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar sza13-dub-ba# mu ha-ar-szi[(ki)] ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida received; via Ur-gigir, via A'abba, and Ur-Baba, the scribe, the chief accountant; year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203852: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2(szar2) 3(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 la2-ia3 a2-gul-la bala gub-ba u3 bala tusz-a sze szu nu-ti-a

    AI Translation

    420,912 2/3 male laborer workdays, deficit of the agulla-house, bala stationed, and bala stayed, barley not received;



    a-sza3 ambar-sur-ra ur-(d)ga2-tum3-du10 a2 erin2-tur-tur nu-zi mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    field Ambar-sur-ra, Ur-Gatumdu, labor of the small troops, not accounted; year following, year following.

    P203863: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba ab2 ud5 dab5-ba sza3# gir2#-[su](ki) e2# kuruszda# ensi2# [...] x i3#-gal2#

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx


    Basket-of-tablets: cows and nannies ..., within Girsu and the fattening house of the governor ... are here;



    mu# us2#-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash," year following that.


    year after: "Kimash," year after that.

    P203864: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba dub gid2-da ur-(d)nansze dumu lu2-du10-ga u3 lu2-gi-na dumu ur-(d)nin-tu

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-duga, and Lugina, son of Ur-Nintu,


    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of of Ur-Nanshe, son of Lu-Duga, and of Lugina, son of Ur-Nintu,



    i3-gal2 mu [ha]-ar#-szi(ki) [ki-masz](ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    are here; year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."


    are here. year: "Harshi, Kimash were destroyed."

    P203866: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gurum2-ak sipa unu3 ki-nu-nir(ki) nigin6(ki) gu2-ab-ba(ki)

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds, cowherds of Kinunir, Nigin, and Guabba,


    Basket-of-tablets: inspections of shepherds, cattle herders of Kinunir, Nigin, Guabba,



    sipa szaganx(_ama_)(gan) sipa unu3 (d)szul-gi u3 sag-[apin] e2 (d)nin-hur-sag i3-gal2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    shepherd Shagan, shepherd of the cowherd of Shulgi and plowman, house of Ninhursag, are here; year: "Harshi was destroyed."


    equid herders shepherds, cattle herders of Shulgi and head-plowmen of the house of Ninhursag, are here; year: "Harsi was destroyed."

    P203877: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba zi-ga nig2-ka9-ak-ta szu su-ba i3-gal2 mu u2-sa mu us2?-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: credits from accounts, xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: credits from the accounts, ..., are here; year following its year following.

    P203880: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) la2 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki ku5-da-mu-ta ur-nig2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Kudamu Ur-nig received;



    giri3 ur-ab-ba nu-banda3-gu4 zi3 _ka_-sze3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) us2-sa

    AI Translation

    via Ur-abba, oxen manager; flour for ...; year after: "Kimash"; year after: "Kimash."

    P203881: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zu2-lum gur lugal
  • ki ur-ab-ba-ta ur-nig2 dumu lu2-(d)ab-u2

    AI Translation
  • 40 gur 2 ban2 5 sila3 dates, royal measure,
  • from Ur-abba Ur-nig, son of Lu-Abu;



    szu ba-ti giri3 da-gul? mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    received; via Dagul?; year following: "... ."

    P203882: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] sze gur lugal la2-ia3 su-ga erin2 e2 (d)nin-gesz-zi-da ki lugal-nu-banda3-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation

    ... barley, royal measure, deficit repaid, labor-troops of the house of Ningeshzida, from Lugal-nubanda Ur-Baba, son of Bazi



    szu ba-ti giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu igi-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    received; via Ur-Baba, son of Igizi; year following: "Kimash," year following that.

    P203883: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ur-(d)lamma dumu ur-nig2 ki nig2-u2-rum-ta ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid; Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig; from Nig-urum Ur-Nanshe



    szu ba-ti mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    received; year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203885: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal
  • 2(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) gur sze numun a-sza3 bi2-du11-i3-sa6 gu-la-sze3
  • i3-dub (d)en-ki-ta kiszib3 ur-gu-la dumu ka3-li2

    AI Translation
  • 33 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • 2 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley seed, field Bidu-isa, for the chief;
  • from the depot of Enki, under seal of Ur-gula, son of Kali;



    giri3 sa6-sa6-ga dumu ba-a mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) hu-(ur5)-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Sasaga, son of Ba'a; year: "Harshi, Kimash, and Hurti were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-gu-la dub-sar dumu ka3-li2

    AI Translation

    Ur-gula, scribe, son of Kali.

    P203886: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze numun a-sza3 (u2)kiszi17-sze3 ki ur-(d)nansze-ta mu ab-ba-kal-la dumu sanga uru11(ki)-sze3!

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed grain for the field of kishi-plant, from Ur-Nanshe; year: "Abbakala, son of the temple administrator of Uru."



    kiszib3 ur-(d)lamma i3-dub a-sza3 mah-ta mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Lamma, from the depot of the great field, year following, year following.

    P203887: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ur-sa6-ga dumu uri5(ki)-ma

  • 3(asz) sze gur
  • ur-(d)_en_-[...] lu2 [...]

  • 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • AI Translation
  • 9 shekels of silver,
  • Ur-saga, son of Ur;

  • 3 gur of barley,
  • Ur-En-..., the man of .

  • 6 shekels of silver,
  • Reverse


    (kusz)du10-gan [...] szu ti-a lu2-(d)szara2-ke4 szu ba-an-ti mu ha-ar-szi ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... Lu-Shara received from PN; year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203888: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2(asz@c) ab2 mah2 3(asz@c) gu4 gesz 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz) gesz-sze3 1(asz@c) ab2 1(asz@c) ab2 amar ga 1(asz@c) gu4 amar ga gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) gu4 gesz ma2-gur8-re engar 1(asz@c) ab2 mah2 sag gu4 gesz-sze3 4(asz@c) gu4 gesz 1(asz@c) nu ansze sag gu4 gesz-sze3 gub-ba-am3 gu4 ur-sa6-ga lu2-(d)nin-szubur i3-dab5 3(asz@c) ab2 mah2 1(asz@c) ab2 2(disz) gesz-sze3 sag ab2 mah2-sze3

    AI Translation

    2 oxen, big, 3 oxen, 1 harrow, 2 cows, oxen, 1 cow, 1 calf, calf, suckling, 1 ox, suckling, oxen, oxen, oxen, deficit: 1 ox, threshing floor, plowman; 1 ox, big, head of oxen, hoeing; 4 oxen, hoeing, 1 oxen, none, head of oxen, hoeing, oxen, Ursaga, Lu-Ninshubur accepted; 3 oxen, big, 1 cows, 2 cows, head of oxen, big,



    2(asz@c) gu4 gesz 1(asz@c) gu4 2(disz) gesz-sze3 1(asz@c) gu4 amar ga gub-ba-am3 1(asz@c) ab2 mah2 su-su 1(asz@c) gu4 gesz-am3 im dagal zi-ga la2-ia3 1(disz) gu4 2(disz)

  • 1(disz) gu4
  • la2-ia3-am3 ur-(d)isztaran dumu lu2-kal-la 3(asz@c) ansze 1(asz@c) dur3 2(asz@c) dur3 sag ansze-sze3 1(asz@c) ansze 2(disz) gesz-sze3 1(asz@c) 1(asz@c) dur3 amar ga 1(asz@c) nu ansze a2-dar 1(asz@c) nu ansze su-su gub-ba-am3 la2-ia3 1(disz) ansze

  • 1(disz) ansze 2(disz)
  • 2(disz) la2-ia3-am3
  • AI Translation

    2 oxen, tanned, 1 ox, 2 tanned, 1 ox, calf, suckling, stationed, 1 mare, suckling, 1 ox, tanned, wide-fleeced, deficit: 1 ox, 2;

  • 1 ox,
  • lady: Ur-Ishtaran, son of Lukalla; 3 donkeys, 1 suckling, 2 suckling donkeys, 1 donkey, 2 gesh-sheep, 1 donkey, 1 suckling calf, 1 donkey, a-dar, 1 donkey, no suckling donkey, stationed; lady: 1 donkey,

  • 1 donkey, 2 gur
  • 2 deficits,
  • Column 1


    lugal-ezem engar 4(asz@c) gu4 apin

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ezem, the plowman; 4 oxen, plow-men;

    Column 2


    ugula lu2-(d)na-ru2-a e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ka mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    foreman: Lu-Narua, house of Ninmar, year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203889: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) u8 4(u) la2 3(disz) udu-nita2
  • 1(u) 4(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • 2(u) sila4 nu-ur4
  • siki-bi ur-(d)lamma 1(gesz2) 4(u) 1(disz)

  • 1(gesz2) udu-nita2
  • (d)utu-bi

    AI Translation
  • 50 ewes, 40 less 3 rams,
  • 14 lambs, slaughtered,
  • 20 lambs, pomegranates,
  • its wool: Ur-Lamma; 61 lines.

  • 60 rams,
  • for Utu-bi;



    udu ba-ur4 u4 1(disz)-kam sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki)-gu-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    slaughtered sheep, 1st day; in Guabba, year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203891: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(disz) u8
  • 5(disz) udu gal
  • 4(disz) udu-nita2
  • sila4 ba-ur4

  • 4(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • masz2-sag mu-kux(_du_)

  • 1(disz) udu lu2-(d)ba-ba6 _arad2_
  • 1(disz) u8 lu2-giri17-zal
  • zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 9 ewes,
  • 5 large sheep,
  • 4 rams,
  • lamb slaughtered

  • 4 lambs, pomegranates,
  • an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 shekel is to be charged,

  • 1 sheep, Lu-Baba, servant.
  • 1 ewe, Lu-girizal,
  • booked out;



    la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 2(u) 2(disz) gub-ba szunigin 2(disz) zi-ga szunigin la2-ia3 lam-lam-ma sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit; total: 22 stationed; total: 2 booked out; total deficit of Lamlama, in Guabba, year following; year following.

    P203892: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) u8
  • 2(u) 3(disz) udu gal
  • 4(u) 8(disz) udu-nita2
  • 1(u) sila4 ba-ur4
  • 1(u) 8(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • 8(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag u8-sze3
  • 3(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag udu-nita2-sze3
  • masz2-sag mu-kux(_du_) u8 8(disz) udu-nita2 zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 107 ewes,
  • 23 large sheep,
  • 48 rams,
  • 10 lambs, slaughtered,
  • 18 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 8 lambs, slaughtered, head of the ewes,
  • 3 lambs, slaughtered, head of the ram,
  • an interest rate of 8 sheep per month is to be added,



    szunigin 3(gesz2) 1(disz) gub-ba szunigin 8(disz) zi-ga szunigin la2-ia3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 ((1(u) 7(disz))) sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    total: 121 stationed; total: 8 booked outs; total, deficit of Ur-Baba; 17 in Guabba; year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203893: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 1(disz) u8
  • 6(disz) udu gal
  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu-nita2
  • 4(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag u8-sze3
  • 1(u) 2(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • masz2-sag mu-kux(_du_) u8 1(disz) udu-nita2 zi-ga la2-ia3 1(disz) u8

    AI Translation
  • 31 ewes,
  • 6 large sheep,
  • 12 rams,
  • 4 lambs, slaughtered, head of ewes,
  • 12 lambs, pomegranates,
  • an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 ewe is to be added, 1 ewe



    la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 1(gesz2) 5(disz) gub-ba szunigin 1(disz) zi-ga szunigin 1(disz) la2-ia3 ku5-da dumu lu2-sukud-ra2 sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit; total: 115, stationed; total: 1 booked out; total: 1 deficit of Kuda, son of Lu-sukud, in Guabba; year following, year following.

    P203894: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 8(disz) u8
  • 1(u) udu gal
  • 2(u) 5(disz) udu-nita2
  • sila4 ba-ur4

  • 2(u) la2 1(disz@t) sila4 nu-ur4
  • 3(disz) masz2-sag
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 7(disz) udu-nita2 lu2-(d)ba-ba6

  • 7(disz) u8 3(disz) udu-nita2
  • lu2-giri17-zal

    AI Translation
  • 38 ewes,
  • 10 large sheep,
  • 25 rams,
  • lamb slaughtered

  • 20 less 1 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 3 billy goats,
  • delivery of ewes, 7 rams, Lu-Baba;

  • 7 ewes, 3 rams,
  • for Lu-girizal;



    la2-ia3 u8 la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 1(gesz2) 3(u) 4(disz)! gub-ba szunigin 1(u) 7(disz) zi-ga szunigin la2-ia3 gu2-u3-mu na-gada sza3 gu2-ab-(ba)(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit of ewes, deficit: 94, stationed; total: 17 booked out; total deficit of Guumu, the nagda, in Guabba; year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203898: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    la2-ia3 1(u) 3(disz) u8 udu gal

  • 6(disz) udu-nita2
  • sila4 ba-ur4

  • 4(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • 1(disz) masz2-sag
  • libir-am3

  • 8(disz) udu su-su
  • zi-ga

    AI Translation

    deficit: 13 big ewes,

  • 6 rams,
  • lamb slaughtered

  • 4 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 1 billy goat,
  • original

  • 8 sheep, susu,
  • booked out;



    la2-ia3 u8 la2-ia3-am3 szunigin gub-ba szunigin zi-ga szunigin 3(u) 2(disz) la2-ia3 lugal-dalla sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit of ewes, deficit: total standing, total booked out, total: 32 deficit of Lugal-dalla in Guabba, year following: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203899: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) u8
  • 3(disz) udu gal
  • 7(disz) udu-nita2
  • 5(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • 2(disz) masz2-sag
  • 4(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag u8-sze3
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 udu-nita2 zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 10 ewes,
  • 3 large sheep,
  • 7 rams,
  • 5 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • 4 lambs, slaughtered, head of ewes,
  • delivery of rams, booked out;



    la2-ia3 u8 udu-nita2 la2-ia3-am3 libir-am3 la2-ia3 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) udu su-su im-ma szunigin 3(u) 1(disz) gub-ba szunigin zi-ga szunigin 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) la2-ia3 ur-lu2-lal3 na-gada sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit of ewes and rams, unchanged deficit of 10 less 1 sheep, ..., total: 31 stationed; total booked out; total: 10 less 1 deficit of Ur-lulal, the nagda, in Guabba; year following: "Kimash," year following that;

    P203900: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(disz) u8
  • 3(disz) udu gal
  • 8(disz) udu-nita2
  • 7(disz)? sila4 ba-ur4
  • 5(disz)? sila4 nu-ur4
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) masz2-sag
  • 6(disz) sila4 nu-ur4 sag u8-sze3
  • 2(disz) udu-nita2 sag u8-sze3
  • mu-kux(_du_)

  • 4(disz) udu-nita2
  • zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 24 ewes,
  • 3 large sheep,
  • 8 rams,
  • 7 lambs, slaughtered,
  • 5 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 9 buck goats,
  • 6 lambs, suckling, head of the ewes,
  • 2 rams, first fruits,
  • delivery;

  • 4 rams,
  • booked out;



    la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 1(gesz2) 4(disz) gub-ba szunigin 4(disz) zi-ga szunigin la2-ia3 gu-za-ni na-gada sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit; total: 64 workdays, total: 4 booked outs; total deficit of Guzani, the nagaba-official in Guabba; year following, year following.

    P203906: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • si-i3-tum mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-bi ki ma-an-szum2-ta sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 gur
  • nig2-u2-rum szu ba-ti mu en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the remainder of the year after that year, from Manshum's account therein.

  • 17 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 7 sila3
  • Nig-urum received; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by goat was chosen."



    mu-kux(_du_) la2-i3 7(asz) 2(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 gur nig2-ka9-ak a-tu i3-du8 kiszib3 nu-tuku giri3 nig2-u2-rum mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    delivery; deficit: 7 gur 2 ban2 4 sila3; account of Atu, doorkeeper; under seal not having; via Nig-urum; year following; year following.

    P203907: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)ba-ba6 szabra-ta kiszib3 [...]-mu nu-banda3 ug3-_il2_ ur-mes dumu ur-nig2

    AI Translation
  • 44 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Baba, the household manager; under seal of, the overseer, porter: Ur-mes, son of Ur-nig;



    szu ba-ti mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203913: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(disz) u8
  • 3(disz) udu gal
  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu-nita2
  • 5(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag u8-(sze3)
  • 1(u) 3(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • masz2-sag

  • 5(disz) udu-nita2 sag u8-sze3
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 3(disz) udu-nita2 zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 24 ewes,
  • 3 large sheep,
  • 12 rams,
  • 5 lambs, slaughtered, head of ewes,
  • 13 lambs, pomegranates,
  • a kind of profession

  • 5 rams, first fruits,
  • delivery of ewes; 3 rams booked out;



    la2-ia3 u8 la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 1(gesz2) 2(disz) gub-ba szunigin 3(disz) zi-ga szunigin la2-ia3 ur-(d)lamma dumu ka-guru7 na-gada sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    deficit of ewes, deficit: 62, stationed; total: 3 booked outs; total deficit of Ur-Lamma, son of Kaguru7 of Nagada, in Guabba; year following, year following.

    P203914: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(disz) u8
  • udu gal

  • 5(disz) udu-nita2
  • 5(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag u8-sze3?
  • 7(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • 3(disz) masz2-sag
  • 2(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sag udu-nita2-sze3
  • mu-kux(_du_) u8 1(disz) udu-nita2 zi-ga la2-ia3 u8

    AI Translation
  • 14 ewes,
  • large sheep

  • 5 rams,
  • 5 lambs, slaughtered, head of the ewes?;
  • 7 lambs, pomegranates,
  • 3 billy goats,
  • 2 lambs, slaughtered, head of the ram,
  • delivery of ewes, 1 ram booked out, deficit of ewes,


  • 3(disz) udu-nita2
  • la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 3(u) 6(disz) gub-ba szunigin 1(disz) zi-ga szunigin 3(disz) la2-ia3 ur-sa6-ga kuruszda na-gada sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation
  • 3 rams,
  • deficit; total: 36 seated; total: 1 booked out, total: 3 deficit; Ursaga, fattener, nagaba, in Guabba; year following, year following.

    P203915: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) sze lugal
  • il-szu-qur-ad

  • 2(barig) da-da
  • 2(barig) ur-(d)suen
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) giri3 ur-(d)suen

  • 2(asz) (gur) du-du-ni
  • 1(asz) szu-i3-li2
  • 2(barig) ka5-a-mu
  • 3(asz) 2(barig) giri3 ka5-a-mu

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • a kind of profession related to the scribal art

  • 2 barig Dada,
  • 2 barig Ur-Suen,
  • 1 gur 2 barig, via Ur-Suen;

  • 2 gur, Duduni,
  • 1 gur Shu-ili,
  • 2 barig, Ka'amu;
  • 3 gur 2 barig, via Ka'amu;


  • 2(asz) 1(barig) gur
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lugal-bi szunigin 7(asz) sze gur lugal sze ur5-ra su-su ugula dumu dab5-ba-ne mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 1 barig,
  • under seal of Ur-Baba, son of Lugal-bi; total: 7 gur barley, royal measure, barley rations, Susu, foreman, son of Dabbane; year following: "Kimash," year following: "

    P203940: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    [...] u8# [...] x gal [...] udu-nita2

  • 3(disz)# [x] sila4 ba-ur4
  • 4(disz) sila4 nu-ur4
  • mu-kux(_du_) zi-ga libir-am3

  • 8(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 su-ga mu-kux(_du_)
  • la2-ia3 1(u) [...] 7(disz)#? udu su-su nu-su im-ma la2-ia3-am3 szunigin 2(u) 9(disz) gub-ba szunigin 1(disz) zi-ga szunigin 1(u) 1(disz) la2-ia3 e2-iti-da na-gada [x? gu]-ab#-ba(ki) [mu us2-sa] ki#-masz(ki) [mu us2-sa]-a#-bi

    AI Translation

    ... ewe ... ... ... ram

  • 3 ... lambs, slaughtered,
  • 4 lambs, pomegranates,
  • delivery, booked out of the old account;

  • 8 lambs, slaughtered, delivered,
  • Lady: 17 sheep, ..., not ..., the deficit: total: 29 stationed; total: 1 booked out; total: 11 lady: E-itida, the nagaba-house; ... of Guabba, year following: "Kimash," that year following:

    P203941: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub-ba dub gid2-da ku-li dumu ki-ag2-mu i3-gal2 ur-(d)lamma ensi2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: long-tablets of Kuli, son of beloved, are here; Ur-Lamma, governor, year: "Harshi was destroyed."


    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

    P203942: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 4(disz) u8 3(disz) udu gal 1(u) 5(disz) udu-nita2
  • 2(u) 4(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 sila4 nu-ur4
  • ku5-da 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) gu2-gu2 2(u) 4(disz)

  • 2(u) 4(disz) u8 3(disz) udu-nita2 1(u) 2(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • sila4 nu-ur4 lugal-u2-szim-e 4(u) la2 1(disz@t)

  • 2(u) 4(disz) u8 1(disz) u8! bar su-ga 3(disz) udu gal
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) udu-nita2 2(disz) udu-nita2 bar su-ga
  • sila4 nu-ur4 a-tu dumu lugal-igi-sa6 4(u) la2 1(disz@t)

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) u8 1(u) udu gal 1(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • AI Translation
  • 34 ewes, 3 big sheep, 15 rams,
  • 24 lambs, suckling, lambs,
  • Kuda; 66 gugu2; 24 gur

  • 24 ewes, 3 rams, 12 lambs, slaughtered,
  • lamb of the nuruda, Lugal-ushime, 40 less 1

  • 24 ewes, 1 ewe with a tail, 3 large sheep,
  • 9 rams, 2 rams, without fleece,
  • lamb of Nur, Atu, son of Lugal-igisa, 40 less 1

  • 240 ewes, 10 large sheep, 1 lamb, slaughtered,
  • Reverse

  • 3(gesz2) 3(u)
  • (d)utu-bi

  • 1(u) u8 4(disz) udu-nita2 4(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • sila4 nu-ur4 e2-gurum2?-e dumu sza3-da 2(u) la2 2(disz)

  • 2(u) 1(disz) u8 2(u) la2 2(disz) udu-nita2 1(u) 2(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • sila4 nu-ur4 libir-am3

  • 7(disz) sila4 ba-ur4 la2-ia3 su-ga
  • lugal-(d)utu nagar 1(gesz2) la2 1(disz@t)

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) u8 2(disz) udu gal 2(u) 7(disz) udu-nita2 3(u) la2 3(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • sza3-ku3-ge 2(gesz2) 1(u) 1(disz)

  • 2(u) 2(disz) u8 6(disz) udu-nita2 1(u) 3(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • da-da 3(u) 1(disz)

  • 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) u8 1(disz) u8 bar mu2 1(u) udu-nita2 4(disz) [sila4 ba-ur4]
  • 5(disz) sila4 nu-ur4 1(disz) masz2
  • ur-(d)esz3-du10-nun [3(u)]

  • 3(u) u8 1(disz) udu gal 1(u) udu-nita2 1(u) 2(disz) [sila4 ba-ur4]
  • elam 4(u) 4(disz)!

  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) 4(disz) u8 1(gesz2) udu gal 1(gesz2) 6(disz) udu-nita2
  • 2(u) 5(disz) sila4 ba-ur4
  • AI Translation
  • 240,
  • for Utu-bi;

  • 10 ewes, 4 rams, 4 lambs, slaughtered,
  • lamb of Nur, E-gurum, son of Shada, 20 less 2.

  • 21 ewes, 20 less 2 male sheep, 12 lambs, slaughtered,
  • lamb with a suckling fetlock

  • 7 lambs slaughtered, the deficit repaid;
  • Lugal-Utu, the carpenter; 61 entries.

  • 115 ewes, 2 large sheep, 27 rams, 30 less 3 lambs, slaughtered,
  • for Shakuge; 121 lines.

  • 22 ewes, 6 rams, 13 lambs, slaughtered,
  • Dada, 31

  • 9 ewes, 1 ewe, mature, 10 rams, 4 sila3 slaughtered,
  • 5 lambs, emmer, 1 billy goat,
  • Ur-Eshdu-nun, 30;

  • 30 ewes, 1 large ram, 10 rams, 12 sila3 slaughtered,
  • Elam 44

  • 144 ewes, 120 large sheep, 66 rams,
  • 25 lambs, slaughtered,
  • Column 1



  • 5(gesz2) 6(disz)
  • AI Translation

    for Ur-Utu;

  • 126,
  • Column 2

  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) u8
  • ur-sa6-ga 2(gesz2) 3(u)

    AI Translation
  • 240 ewes,
  • Ur-saga 210

    Column 3


    1(gesz'u) 9(gesz2) 1(u) 1(disz)

    AI Translation


    Column 4


    udu ba-ur4 u4 3(disz)-kam sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-[bi]

    AI Translation

    slaughtered sheep, 3rd day; in Guabba, year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203943: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu ni 2(u) la2 2(disz) udu niga mu-du-lum
  • 3(gesz2) 5(u) udu niga 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) masz2 niga
  • 1(gesz2) 4(disz) udu u2 6(disz) u8 sila4 nu2-a
  • 1(disz) sila4
  • e2 udu e2-gal-ta ki lugal-gu2-gal-ta kiszib3 ka5-a-mu dumu i3-li2-mu

    AI Translation
  • 12 sheep, ni; 20 less 2 sheep, barley-fed, mudulum;
  • 420 grain-fed sheep, 9 less 1 billy goats, grain-fed,
  • 64 sheep, grass-fed, 6 ewes, lambs, grass-fed,
  • 1 lamb,
  • from the sheep-pen of the palace, from Lugal-gugal, under seal of Ka'amu, son of Ili-mu;



    iti munu4-gu7-ta iti sze-il2-la-sze3 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from month "Mule" month to month "Barley carried," year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ka5-a-mu dumu i3-li2-mu sipa na-gab2-tum

    AI Translation

    Ka'amu, son of Ili-mu, shepherd of Nagatum.

    P203944: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 3(disz) u8 kur szu-gid2
  • 4(u) 6(disz) udu nita2 kur szu-gid2
  • ki du11-ga-zi-da-ta kiszib3 lu2-lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 33 ewes, shugid,
  • 46 sheep, mountain goats, shugid,
  • from Dugazida, under seal of Lu-Lagash;



    giri3 nam-zi iti _gan2_-masz mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    via Namzi; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    Seal 1


    lu2-lagasz(ki) dub-sar dumu si-du3 kuruszda (d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash, scribe, son of Sidu, fattener of Ningirsu.

    P203945: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    1(asz@c) 3(ban2) 3(disz) zi-zi a-ru-a (d)nanna-dalla 1(asz@c) 3(ban2) 3(disz) nin9-mu-ma-an-szum2 a-ru-a x-sza-ri 1/2(disz@c) 3(ban2) 3(disz) geme2-bara2-si-ga a-ru-a lugal-sukkal [szu]-nigin2 1(u) 1(disz) geme2 1(barig)-ta szu-nigin2 1(gesz2)+[n] geme2 5(ban2) [szu-nigin2 n]+1(u) 2(disz) gurusz 4(ban2)-ta [szu-nigin2 n]+2(disz) geme2 3(ban2)-ta [szu-nigin2 n] gurusz# 3(ban2)-ta [szu-nigin2 ...] 1/2(disz) 3(ban2)-ta# [szu-nigin2 ...]-ta [szu-nigin2 ...] 4(disz) [x (x)]-ta# [szu-nigin2 n] dumu 1(ban2)-[ta]

    [szu-nigin2 n] szu#-gi4 2(ban2)-ta [sze]-bi 2(u)+[n] 2(ban2) 4(disz)+[n] sila3 [gur] [gub?]-ba-[am3?] [szu-nigin2 n]+6(disz) gurusz 4(ban2)-ta [szu-nigin2 n]+3(disz) gurusz 3(ban2)-ta sze#-bi 1(asz) 3(ban2) gur lu2-azlag2-sze3 zi-ga giri3 lu2-kal-la gurum2 ak sze-ba dibx(|_lagab_x(_disz_+(_bad&bad_))|)-ba geme2-usz-bar ugula lugal-uszur4 nu-banda3 lugal-iri-da giri3 ur-sa6-ga-mu sza13-dub-ba iti _gan2_-masz [mu] us2#-sa ki-masz(ki) [ba-hul (mu us2-sa-a-bi)]

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c 3 ban2 3 zi-zi, the work assignment of Nanna-dalla; 1 ash-c 3 ban2 3 Ninmu-manshum, the work assignment of ...-shari; 1/2 ash-c 3 ban2 3 geme-barasiga, the work assignment of Lugal-sukkal; total: 11 female workers, 1 barig each; total: n+2 female workers, 5 ban2 each; total: n male workers, 4 ban2 each; total: n male workers, 3 ban2 each; total: ... 1/2 suckling male workers, 3 ban2 each; total: ... 4 ... each; total: n children, 1 ban2 each;

    total: n gugi4 2 ban2 each, its barley: 20+n 2 ban2 4+n sila3; stationed?; total: n+6 male laborers 4 ban2 each; total: n+3 male laborers 3 ban2 each, its barley: 1 gur 3 ban2; for the azlag service booked out via Lukalla; inspections performed; its barley was weighed out; Geme-ushbar, foreman: Lugal-ushur, manager: Lugal-irida; via Ur-sagamu, the chief accountant; month: "GANmash," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," its year after:

    P203946: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz)# 4(ban2) al-la
  • dumu ur-mes

  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) _du_?-_lum_-_ni_-_hi_
  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) ur-(d)hendur-sag
  • dumu ama-kal-la-me

  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) _in_-_lum_-_za_
  • dumu ama-mu

  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) e2-zi-kalam-ma
  • dumu nin-arhusz-su3

  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a
  • dumu a-tu ug3-_il2_

  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) lu2-(d)ba-ba6
  • dumu szesz-szesz

  • 1/2(disz) 4(ban2) (d)szul-gi-a-ra-ab-kalam-ma
  • dumu ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 ban2: Alla;
  • son of Ur-mes

  • 1/2 ban2 ...-dulmunihi,
  • 1/2 workman: Ur-Hendursag,
  • son of Ama-kalame

  • 1/2 ban2 Inlum-za
  • son of Ama-mu

  • 1/2 workman: Ezikalama,
  • son of Nin-arhussu

  • 1/2 workman's wage: Lu-Narua;
  • son of Atu, porter;

  • 1/2 ban2: Lu-Baba;
  • son of Shesh-ahhe

  • 1/2 ban2: Shulgi-arabkalama;
  • son of Ur-Lamma


  • 1(asz) 3(ban2) lu2-nigin6(ki)
  • dumu nam-uszur4 usz-bar

  • 1(asz) 3(ban2) lu2-(d)na-ru2-a
  • ugula ur-(d)asar dumu al-la

  • 1(asz) 3(ban2) ur-(d)sza-u18-sza
  • dumu nin-|_ur2_xU2|-su3

  • 1(asz) 3(ban2) ba-zi-ge
  • ugula lugal-ur2-ra-ni

  • 1(asz) 3(ban2) nig2-gur11-me-me
  • dumu nin-lu2-du10-ga szu-nigin2 8(disz) gurusz 4(ban2)-ta szu-nigin2 5(disz) gurusz 3(ban2)-ta sze-bi 1(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) gur _bur2_ ugnim(ki)-me ur-(d)en-gal-du-du i3-dab5 iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 ban2: Lu-Nigin,
  • son of Namushur, weavers;

  • 1 gur 3 ban2: Lu-Narua;
  • foreman: Ur-Asar, son of Alla.

  • 1 gur 3 ban2 Ur-Sha-usha,
  • son of Nin-UR-xU-su

  • 1 gur 3 ban2: Bazige;
  • foreman: Lugal-urani;

  • 1 gur 3 ban2: they are merchants;
  • son of Nin-lu-duga; total: 8 male laborers, 4 ban2 = 40 sila3 each; total: 5 male laborers, 3 ban2 = 40 sila3 each; its barley: 1 gur 2 barig 5 ban2, debit of Ugnim; Ur-Engaldudu accepted; month: "Gabbi-mu," year: "Harshi and Hurti were destroyed."

    P203947: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 3(u) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • a-sza3 igi-(gesz)kiri6-ta

  • 5(gesz2) 8(asz) gur
  • a-sza3 a-gesztin pirig-tur-gin7-du ki tul2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • from the field of the orchard;

  • 188 gur,
  • field "Ageshtin-plant" of Pirigtur-gindu, from Tul;



    ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6-ke4 szu ba-ti kiszib3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 mu ur-(d)szusz3-(d)ba-ba6-sze3 iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shush-Baba received; under seal of Lu-Baba; year: "Ur-Shush-Baba." Month: "Gazelle-feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203948: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) 2(ban2) dabin lugal
  • zi3-_ka_ dam erin-da ki ur-(d)nansze-ta ur-(d)lamma dumu erin-da

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig 2 ban2 of dabin flour, royal measure,
  • flour for the wife of the labor-troops, from Ur-Nanshe, Ur-Lamma, son of the labor-troops,



    szu ba-ti iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Gearing of the bull," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203949: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 9(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • gur sze gesz e3-a-ta ki (d)utu-bar-ra-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 ugula kikken2 szu ba-ti giri3 ab-ba-iri

    AI Translation
  • 59 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • from the gur barley of the woods brought out, from Utubara Ur-Baba, foreman of the mill, received; via Abba'iri;



    i3-dub (gesz)tir en ku-li-an-na iti gu4-ra2-bi2-mu2-mu2 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    depot of the forest of the lord of Kulliana; month: "Gazelle-feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203950: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) gur (gesz)haszhur
  • e2-gal-sze3

  • 1(asz) gur ki nin-sze3
  • 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) ukusz2 ma2 u4-zal-la e2-gal-la ba-ku4

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur of dates,
  • to the palace;

  • 1 gur, with Nin-she,
  • 720 uku-dishes, barge of the day, into the palace brought;



    giri3 ur-(d)ig-alim sza3 nigin6(ki) iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Igalim, in Nigin; month: "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203951: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3-sig15
  • 3(disz) sila3 zi3-gu
  • 1/3(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 2(disz) sila3 zu2-lum
  • 4(disz) sila3 zi3-dub-dub
  • 2(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra imgaga3
  • 1(asz) dug dida 2(ban2)
  • [x] giri3-lam 3(disz) sila3 [x] sila3 bur-zi

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of yellowed flour,
  • 3 sila3 fine flour,
  • 1/3 sila3 butter oil,
  • 2 sila3 dates,
  • 4 sila3 dubdub flour,
  • 2 sila3 of nigara-flour, imgaga-flour,
  • 1 jug of wort, 2 ban2 = 20 sila3
  • x vials, 3 sila3 x sila3 burzi,



    [nig2] siskur2-ra

  • 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 dabin
  • usz-bar-me siskur2 du11-ga e2-usz-bar balag ur3-ra gub-ba zi-ga eresz-dingir-ra iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation


  • 2 ban2 5 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • weavers, offering, house of weavers, balag-tool stationed, booked out, for Eresh-dingir; month: "Festival of Lisi," year following: "Kimash," year following: ".."

    P203952: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) udu niga
  • 1(disz) udu
  • 1(disz) ud5 masz2 nu2-a
  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu masz2
  • zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 10 sheep, grain-fed,
  • 1 sheep,
  • 1 nanny goat, suckling,
  • 12 rams, billy goats,
  • booked out;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    month "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203953: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 2(barig) sze [gur lugal]
  • e2-udu-sze3 ki lugal-siki-su13-ta kiszib3 a-hu-ma kuruszda a-sza3 ambar lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for sheep-pen, from Lugal-sikisu, under seal of Ahuma, fattener, field of the marshes of Lagash;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    month "Festival of Lisi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203954: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ku3 ur5-ra masz-bi

  • 5(disz) gin2 1(disz) gin2
  • ki ur-(d)igi-ma-sze3 ur-sa6-ga

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • its interest is silver.

  • 5 shekels 1 shekel,
  • from Ur-Igima Ur-saga



    szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi-ta iti ezem-(d)li9-si4-sze3 su-su-dam mu us2-sa ki-masz ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    received; from month "Festival of Dumuzi," to month "Festival of Lisi," to be returned; year following: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203955: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    a2 zi3 gur u3 a2 ku4-ku4 e3-e3 szu-nigin2 1(szargal)(gal) 2(szar'u) 1(szar2) 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 4(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) geme2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 sza3-bi-ta 1(szar'u) 3(szar2) 5(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 1(u) geme2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 u4 tusz-a tu-ra igi-5(disz)-gal2 3(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 5(u) 3(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 zi3 gur mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul 3(gesz'u) 9(gesz2) 3(u) 9(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) zi3 gur mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul ugu2-a ba-a-gar

    1(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 5(u) 1(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) 4(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 zi3 gur iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi ma2-a si-ga nig2-ka9-ta

  • 3(gesz2) 3(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zi3 gur
  • e2-a bala-a nig2 gal2-la giri3 lugal-(d)isztaran u3 ur-ab-ba

    AI Translation

    labor of flour gur and labor of entry into the threshing floor went; total: 900,011 1/2 female laborer days, therefrom: 900,011 female laborer days, days spent in the threshing floor; 5th day, 7373 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 3 sila3 flour, year: "Kimash was destroyed;" 169,019 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 flour, year after: "Kimash was destroyed," was deposited on the earth.

    91 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 4 5/6 sila3 flour, month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash," year after that, from the account of the barge "Siga"

  • 177 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 flour,
  • in the house of bala, all the goods, via Lugal-Ishtaran and Ur-abba;

    Column 2

  • 1(disz) guru7 4(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 2(asz) 1(barig) 2(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 zi3 gur
  • a2-bi 2(szar'u) 8(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 4(u) 6(disz) geme2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 zi3 ar3-ra-a

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of flour, 420 gur 1 barig 2 5/6 sila3 flour,
  • its labor: 216,636 female laborer days, labor of the flour millers;

    Column 3


    szu-nigin2 1(szargal)(gal) 4(szar2) 2(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) geme2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 zi-ga la2-ia3 1(szar'u) 6(szar2) 5(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) geme2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 nig2-ka9 ak a2 zi3 ar3-ra lu2-(d)nin-szubur iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi u4 1(u) 5(disz) ba-zal mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul-ta iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi-sze3 iti 2(u) 3(disz) u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam iti diri 1(disz)-am3 sza3-ba i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    total: 720,966 female laborer days booked out; deficit: 660,525 1/2 female laborer days; account of the flour, Lu-Ninshubur; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," 15th day passed; from year: "Kimash was destroyed," to month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that, the months 23 and 15th, extra months, are here;

    P203956: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 9(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • zi3-_ka_-sze3 ki i3-kal-la-ta ur-nig2 dumu lugal-gaba szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 19 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for the flour, from Ikalla did Ur-nig, son of Lugal-gaba, receive;



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed," year following that.

    P203957: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) da-da aga3-us2 lugal
  • szesz-kal-la ugula ama-gan(ki)-e szu-du8-a-ni

    AI Translation
  • 1 Dada, royal steward,
  • Sheshkalla, foreman of Amagan, his shudu-official.



    in-de6 iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    inde-de, month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203958: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) geme2 ki siki-ka
  • geme2 nimgir-sza3-kusz2 giri3 hu-ru lu2-azlag2 [sza3] lu-lu-bu-um(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 female laborer, with wool,
  • female laborers of Nimgir-shakush, via Huru, Lu-azlag, in Lulubum;



    iti munu4-gu7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    month "Malt feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203959: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 a-babbar2-sze3 i3-dub e2-nam-bi kaskal-ta sze szuku-ra ensi2

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn, field to the sea, depot of the Enam, from the road barley rations of the governor;



    kiszib3 lu2-gi-gun4 giri3 lu2-iri-sag-ka iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-gigun, via Lu-irisag; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-ba-gara2

    AI Translation

    Lu-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-Bagara.

    P203960: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) kusz gu4
  • 2(disz) kusz udu
  • e2-kiszib3-ba-ta lu2-sa6-ga szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 hides of oxen,
  • 2 sheep-hides,
  • from the sealed house Lu-saga received;



    igi gu3-de2-a dumu ug3-_il2_-sze3 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    before Gudea, son of the porters; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P203961: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) dusu zu2-lum 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 lugal
  • 3(barig) nu-ur2-ma
  • ki szandana-ke4-ne-ta ma2 u4-zal-la e2-gal-la ba-an-ku4

    AI Translation
  • 2 dusu dates, 1 ban2 5 sila3 royal measure,
  • 3 barig pomegranates,
  • from the women of Shandana the barge of the day entered the palace.



    giri3 ur-bad3-tibirx(_ku_)-ra iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Ur-Dartibira; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203962: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) ud5
  • 5(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3
  • ki u2-du udu-ta kiszib3 ki-tusz-lu2 dumu ur-mes

    AI Translation
  • 5 nanny goats,
  • 5 female kids,
  • from sheep and sheep, under seal of Kitushlu, son of Urmes;



    iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    month "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash," year after that.

    Seal 1


    ki-tusz-lu2 dumu ur-mes

    AI Translation

    ki-tush-lu, son of Ur-mes.

    P203963: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz)(sza) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sag-munus-bi nig2-sa10-am3 sag-ga2#-sze3 ki ur-sa6-ga-mu-ke4# kiszib3 tul2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 of a shekel 7 1/2 shekels silver,
  • its female slaves, the goods, as its female slaves, from Ursagamu, under seal of Tul;



    tul2-ta szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    from Tulta received; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203964: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) sze gur lugal
  • nig2-sa10-am3 szeg12 gi6-par4 eresz-dingir-ra du3-a ur-(d)ba-ba6 gudu4 (d)nin-hur-sag-ke4

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur barley, royal measure,
  • the goods, the bricks of the gipar and the Eresh-dingira, built, Ur-Baba, the gudu priest of Ninhursag,



    szu ba-ti zi-ga iti ezem-(d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    received; booked out; month: "Festival of Dumuzi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P203965: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • ki ba-zi-ta ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu ur-li szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Bazi did Ur-Baba, son of Urli, receive;



    giri3 ba-sa6-ga iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Basaga; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Harshi, Kimash, Hurti were destroyed."

    P203966: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ki-lu5-la
  • lu2 en-nu lagasz(ki) ur-(d)nansze dumu nam-ha-ni szu-du8-a-ni in-de6! iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation
  • 1 Kilula,
  • the guard of Lagash, Ur-Nanshe, son of Namhani, his shudu-official, he imposed. Month: "Festival of Baba."



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed," year following that.

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar (dumu?) nam-ha-ni

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Namhani.

    P203967: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) u8 kur szu-gid2
  • 3(u) udu-nita2 kur szu-gid2
  • ki du11-ga-zi-da-ta giri3 nam-zi

    AI Translation
  • 40 ewes, shugid,
  • 30 rams, szugid-offerings,
  • from Dugazida, via Namzi;



    lu2-lagasz(ki) i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Lagash accepted; month: "Festival of Baba," year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203968: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun a-sza3 inim-ma-an i3-dub a-sza3 mah-ta ki ur-(d)nansze-ta (d)nanna-hi-li szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 30 gur barley, royal measure,
  • seed corn of the field Inimman, from the depot of the great field, from Ur-Nanshe Nanna-hili received;



    mu (d)nanna-hi-li-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)bil3-ga-mes szesz-na iti ezem-(d)ba-ba6 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    year: "Nanna-hili." Under seal of Ur-Bilgames, her brother; month: "Festival of Baba," year after: "Kimash," year after that.

    P203969: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • i3-dub e2-duru5 ad-da-ta ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from the depot of the granary of Adda, from Lu-Ningirsu;



    i-ta-e3-a szu ba-ti iti mu-szu-du8 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    Ita'ea received; month: "Mushudu," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    P203970: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)nansze-ta i3-dub a-sza3 e-dah-ta mu ab-ba-sa6-ga dumu sanga uru11(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • from Ur-Nanshe, depot of the field Edah; year: "Abbasaga, the son of the temple administrator of Uruk."



    kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu lugal-_du_ iti mu-szu-du7 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Lugal-DU; month: "mushudu," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu lugal-_du_

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Lugal-DU.

    P203971: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze-numun

  • 7(asz) 4(barig) gur a2 hun-ga2
  • i3-dub uru11(ki)-ta ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • seed barley

  • 7 gur 4 barig labor of hirelings,
  • from the depot of Uru, from Lu-Ningirsu;



    lugal-ti-ra:asz szu ba-ti ugula ur-(d)ba-ba6 a-sza3 ambar lagasz(ki) iti mu-szu-du8 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    Lugal-turash received; foreman: Ur-Baba; field of the Lagash canal; month: "mushudu," year after: "Kimash," year after: ".."

    P203972: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal udu niga-sze3 i3-dub ul4-ul4-ta si-du3 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 105 gur barley, royal measure,
  • for the fodder of sheep for grain-fed grain-fed sheep, from the depot of Ulul, the sidu-offering, received;



    iti mu-szu-du8 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti ki-masz(ki) u4 1(asz)-a ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "mushudu," year: "Harshi, Hurti, Kimash, the 1st day was destroyed."

    P203973: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sze gur lugal
  • sze-kur mu a-sza3 bar-ra-an-sze3 i3-dub a-sza3 gi-dah-ha-ta ki ur-(d)nansze-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley, year: "The field behind the threshing floor was fashioned." From Ur-Nanshe



    kiszib3 lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6 iti mu-szu-du8 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lu-Narua, son of Ur-Baba; month: "mushudu," year: "Harshi, Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)na-ru2-a dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6

    AI Translation

    Lu-Narua, scribe, son of Ur-Baba.

    P203975: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) dug dida imgaga3 3(ban2)-ta
  • 1(u) dug dida sig5 3(ban2)-ta
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 5 jugs of dida, barley-fed, at 3 ban2 each,
  • 10 jugs of good dida at 3 ban2 each,
  • from Lu-Ningirsu, son of Bazi;



    ki lugal-sze3 kiszib3 ensi2 giri3 ur-bad3-tibirx(_ku_)-ra iti mu-szu-du7 mu ha-ar-szi hu-ur5-ti ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to the king's place, under seal of the governor, via Ur-badtibira; month: "mushudu," year: "Harshi Hurti was destroyed."

    Column 1


    (d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma

    AI Translation

    Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur,

    Column 2


    lugal an ub da limmu2-ba ur-(d)lamma sza3-tam _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    king of the four corners: Ur-Lamma, the shatam, is your servant.

    P203976: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • na-gab2-tum-sze3 geme2 kikken2 gu7-a ki si-du3-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 4 oxen, slaughtered,
  • to the Nagabtum-festival, female laborers, slaughtered, from Sidu Lu-Ninshubur;



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ki-masz(ki) ma-da-bi u4 1(asz)-a ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Harshi, Hurti, and Kimash, its land for the 1st time were destroyed."

    P203977: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) gu4 ba-usz2
  • 1(disz) udu ba-usz2
  • na-gab2-tum-sze3 geme2-kikken2 gu7-a

    AI Translation
  • 3 oxen, slaughtered,
  • 1 sheep, slaughtered,
  • to the Nagabtum-festival, he ate it for Geme-kikken;



    ki si-du3-ta lu2-(d)nin-szubur szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ki-masz(ki) ma-da-bi u4 1(asz)-a ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Sidu did Lu-Ninshubur receive; month: "Amar-ayasi," year: "Harshi, Hurti, and Kimash, its land for the 1st time were destroyed."

    P203978: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) 8(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal gu4 udu kar lugal-ta ha-ba-mu

    AI Translation
  • 98 gur barley, royal measure,
  • the oxen and sheep from the royal threshing floor he shall take;



    szu ba-ti iti amar-a-a-si-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; from month "Amar-ayasi," to month "Harvest," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203979: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki ga-a-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nansze dumu na-ba-sa6

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, from Ga'a, under seal of Ur-Nanshe, son of Nabasa;



    iti amar-a-a-si mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    month: "Amar-ayasi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nansze dub-sar dumu na-ba-sa6

    AI Translation

    Ur-Nanshe, scribe, son of Nabasa.

    P203981: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) sze lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki lu2-(d)gesz-bar-e3-ta ur-(d)nansze dumu na-ba-sa6 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid; from Lu-geshbare Ur-Nanshe, son of Nabasa, received;



    giri3 nig2-u2-rum gu-za-la2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via Nig-urum, the throne bearer; month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203982: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) geme2 u4 5(u) 5(disz)-sze3
  • zu2-si sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) giri3 lu2-uru11(ki)

  • 6(disz) geme2 u4 1(gesz2)-sze3
  • AI Translation
  • 30 female laborer days,
  • zu-si in Kinunir, via Lu-Uru;

  • 6 female laborers for 60 days,
  • Reverse


    zu2-si (sza3) pu-us2(ki) giri3 (d)utu-mu szu-nigin2 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 5(u) 5(disz) a2 geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 zu2-si iti amar-a-a-si-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3

    AI Translation

    zusi in Pus, via Shamash-mu; total: 115 workdays, zusi, from month "Amar-ayasi," to month "Harvest,"



    mu ha-ar-szi(ki)

    AI Translation

    year: "Harshi."

    P203983: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(asz) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • ki ur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta ha-ba-mu szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 11 gur 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • Habamu received from Ur-Enlila;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203984: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) 3(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze-ba erin2-na-sze3 i3-dub (d)szul-gi-zi-kalam-ma

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 3 barig barley, royal measure,
  • for the barley of the labor-troops, at the depot of Shulgi-zikalama;



    kiszib3 lugal-dumu-gi7 ugula ur-(d)nansze iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of Lugal-dumu-gi, foreman: Ur-Nanshe; month: "Harvest," year after: "Kimash," year after that;

    Seal 1


    lugal-dumu-gi7 dub-sar dumu lu2-[...]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-dumugi, scribe, son of Lu-.

    P203986: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2) gur lugal
  • ma2-a si-ga uri5(ki)-sze3 i3-dub (d)nin-mar#?(ki)-ta

    AI Translation
  • 420, royal measure,
  • from the barge docked to Ur, from the depot of Ninmar?;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)szu-an-na dumu nig2-sa6-ga iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Shuana, son of Nigsaga; month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)[...] dumu [...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-..., son of .

    P203987: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba sza3 (kusz)du10-gan-na kasz zi3 i3 giri3 kas4-ke4-ne iti diri sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti sze-il2-la-sze3

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx


    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx



    iti 2(disz)-kam sza3 gu2-ab-ba(ki) sza3 ki-nu-nir(ki) sza3 ki-ma-da-sal4-la(ki) i3-gal2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    2 months, in Guabba, in Kinunir, in Kimadasal, are here; year: "Harshi was destroyed."


    xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

    P203988: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz du
  • 3(disz) sila3 ninda
  • sa2-du11 u4 2(disz)-kam

  • 4(disz) gin2 i3 sze3
  • szul-ma-num2 lu2 udu szid-de3 im-szi-gen-na-me

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 regular beer,
  • 3 sila3 bread,
  • regular offerings, 2nd day;

  • 4 shekels of barley,
  • Shulmanum, the man who the sheep for the shitde ritual performed,


  • 1(u) 5(disz) sila3 kasz
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) (sila3) ninda du8-a
  • 8(disz) gin2 i3-nun
  • sa2-du11 u4 3(disz)-kam a-pi4-sza szar2-ra-ab-du iti sze-il2-la mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 15 sila3 beer,
  • 9 sila3 of baked bread,
  • 8 shekels butter oil,
  • regular offerings, 3rd day; Apisha, sharabdu; month: "Barley carried," year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."

    P203989: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) masz2 niga ba-usz2
  • 1(disz) udu niga
  • 1(disz) masz2 niga
  • nig2-sza3-te (d)ba-ba6 iti amar-a-a-si

  • 2(disz) udu niga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat, grain-fed, slaughtered,
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 1 billy goat, grain-fed,
  • accounts of Baba, month: "Amar-ayasi."

  • 2 sheep, barley-fed,
  • Reverse


    (gesz)gigir-re i3-ak iti sze-il2-la zi-ga eresz-dingir-ra mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    he will take the chariot. Month: "Barley carried," booked out, for Eresh-dingira. Year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."

    P203990: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila4
  • 6(disz) masz2
  • gesz-ta mu-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation
  • 2 lambs,
  • 6 billy goats,
  • from the ... delivery;



    iti sze-il2-la mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Barley carried," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203991: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 2(asz) 4(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra i3-dub (a)-sza3 gesz-gi-ta ki ur-(d)nansze-ta

    AI Translation
  • 42 gur 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations, from the depot of the field of geshgi, from Ur-Nanshe;



    mu erin2-na-sze3 ur-(d)lamma-ke4# szu ba-ti iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti ki-masz(ki) u4 1(asz) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to the troops, Ur-Lamma received; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi Hurti Kimash, the 1st day was destroyed."

    P203992: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 sze gur
  • si-i3-tum [erin2]-na# ki ur-(d)[...]-ta

    AI Translation
  • 94 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 5 5/6 sila3 barley,
  • surplus of the troops, from Ur-...;



    ba-zi su-su-dam iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    booked out; to be delivered; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    P203993: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 5(asz) sze gur lugal
  • sze ur5-ra erin2-na i3-dub a-sza3 gesz-gi-ta ki ur-(d)nansze-ta kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na dumu a-tu

    AI Translation
  • 45 gur barley, royal measure,
  • barley rations of the troops, from the depot of the field of geshgi, from Ur-Nanshe, under seal of Lugal-inim-gina, son of Atu;



    iti# diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti!(ki) u3 ki-masz(ki) u4 asz-a ba-hul

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi, Hurti and Kimash, when the extispicy was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-inim-gi-na# dub#-sar# dumu# a#-tu#

    AI Translation

    Lugal-inimgina, scribe, son of Atu.

    P203994: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) dug dida
  • imgaga3 kasz 3(ban2) lugal-ta

  • 1(u) dug dida kasz 3(ban2)-ta
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 jugs of dida-flour,
  • beer mash, 3 ban2 each, from Lugal;

  • 10 jugs of beer at 3 ban2 each,
  • from Lu-Ningirsu;



    ma2-u4-zal-la e2-gal-la ba-an-ku4 giri3 ur-bad3-tibirx(_ku_)-ra iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for the zigala boat, into the palace he entered; via Ur-Dibira; month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    (d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal [uri5(ki)-ma]

    AI Translation

    Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur,

    Column 2


    lugal an ub da limmu2-ba ur-(d)lamma sza3-tam _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    king of the four corners: Ur-Lamma, the shatam, is your servant.

    P203995: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] 2(asz) 2(barig) sze gur lugal sze zi3 _ka_ i3-dub gesz-gi ki ur-(d)nansze-ta lugal-ra-gaba szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    ... 2 gur 2 barig barley, royal measure, barley flour, ..., depot of reeds, from Ur-Nanshe, Lugal-rapa received;



    mu ur-(d)ig-alim nu-banda3-sze3 iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Ur-Igalim, the superintendent;" extra month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi Hurti were destroyed."