AICC / Publications / p224

P224128: administrative sealing

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


[asz]-kur-(d)[iszkur] pa#-li-ih (d#)[...] [(d)]la-ga-ma#-[al] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

Ashur-Adad, who reveres the gods ..., Lagamal, ...,

P224132: administrative sealing

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


i#-ba-al-[...] _dumu#_ a-hu-x-x-x _ARAD#_ ha#-ad-nu-ra#-pi#

AI Translation

Ibal-..., son of Ahu-..., servant of Hadnurapi.


Ibal-..., son of Ahu-..., servant of Hadnû-rapi.

P224141: royal-monumental tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


_lugal_-ki-ma-ka-li-ma _dumu_ a-ni-isz-ki-ba-al ba-ni _e2-gal_-lim i-na qe2-er-bu ra-za-ma-a(ki) ra-bi-ti-szu

AI Translation

Sargon II, son of Anishkibal, builder of the palace in the midst of Rashma, his great city.

P224191: administrative other-object

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • _2(disz) ma-na_
  • _gi-na_ sza (d)utu

    AI Translation
  • 2 minas
  • The regular offerings of Shamash.

    P224324: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)munus-kal-la _dumu-munus_ an-ku3-ta (disz)da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ ip-qu2-sza _nam-dam-sze3 in-tuku-a-am3_ _mu lugal-ka-ni in-pa3_ (disz)nu-ur2-kab-ta (disz)i3-li2-tu-ra-am u3 a-li2-a-bu-sza _dumu-me-esz_ (disz)munus-kal-la a-na da-am-iq-i3-li2-szu _ad-da-na-ra nam-dumu-ni-sze3_ _in-na-an-szum2_ _tukum-bi_ da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu (disz)munus-kal-la _dam-a-na-ra_ (disz)nu-ur2-kab-ta (disz)i3#-[li2-tu-ra-am] (disz)a-li2-a-bu-sza _dumu_ na-ra#-[...] _dam-mu nu-me-en dumu-mu nu-me-en#_

    ba-an-an-du11 1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ _tukum_ munus-kal-la (disz)da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu _dam-a-na-ra_ _dam-mu-nu-me-en ba-an-an-du11

    AI Translation

    Shekalla, daughter of Ankuta, Damiq-ilishu, son of Ipqusha, has sworn by the name of his king. Nur-kabta, Ili-turam and Ali-abusha, sons of Shekalla, to Damiq-ilishu his father-in-law, for her son gave. If Damiq-ilishu, Shekalla, his wife, Nur-kabta, Ili-turam, Ali-abusha, son of Nara-..., you are not a wife, you are not a son.

    he will pay 1/3 mina of silver. If a woman, a woman named Damiq-ilishu, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a daughter, a husband, a husband, a wife, a husband, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband, a wife, a husband,



    u3 nu-ur2-kab-ta i3-li2-tu-ra-am (disz)a-li2-a-bu-sza _ad-da-an-ra_ _ad-da-mu nu-me-en ba-na-an-du11_ _ku3-sze3 in-na-an-szum2 _igi_ ip-qu2-u2-a-tum _dumu_ (d)nanna-zi-mu _igi_ (d)en-lil2-na-szi _dumu_ dingir-e-te-lum# _igi_ ip-qu2-sza _dumu#_ (d)en-lil2-ki-sag-x _igi_ (d)nanna-ma#-[an]-szum2 _dumu_ [nu]-ur2-[...] _igi_ a-bu-um-wa-qar _dumu#_ [lu2-(d)]iszkur# _igi_ e-ne-ia _dumu_ nam-mah#-(d)ba-ba6 _igi_ ur-(d)en-nu-gi4 _dumu_ zi-ia-tum _igi_ _arad_-(d)mar-tu _dumu#_ lugal#-apin

    _igi_ i-pi2-iq-e2-a _dumu_ masz-ku3-ta _igi_ u2-qa2-dingir _dumu_ an-ne2-ba-ab-du7 _igi_ (d)suen-en-nam _(dumu)_ (d)utu-(d)en-lil2-la2 _igi_ a-bu-u2-a-tum _dumu_ dingir-ga-mil _iri du6-ku3_ _mu_ i3-si-in iri nam-lugal u3 a-da-am! didli a-na# me-a-bi mu-un-dab5-ba_

    AI Translation

    and Nur-kabta, Ili-turam, Ali-abusha, the father, my father, I did not know. He gave him silver. Before Ipqu'atum, son of Nanna-zimu; before Enlil-nashi, son of Ili-etelum; before Ipqusha, son of Enlil-kisag-x; before Nanna-manshum, son of Nur-...; before Abum-waqar, son of Adad; before Eneia, son of Nammah-baba; before Ur-ennugi, son of Ziyatum; before Wara-amtu, son of Lugal-apin.

    before Ipiqea, son of Mashkuta; before Uqa-il, son of Anne-ba'bdu; before Sîn-ennam, son of Shamash-enlil; before Abuatum, son of Il-gamil, the city Duku. The year Isin, the city of kingship, and Adam, the whole, seized.



    [...]-ra nam-dam-sze3_ [...] tukumx(|_szu-nig2_|)# da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu [...] u3 munus-kal-la

    AI Translation

    ... to the marriage wife ... if he is ill, Damiq-ilishu ... and Munuskalla

    Seal 1


    munus-kal-la _dumu-munus_ an-ku3-ta

    AI Translation

    Munuskalla, daughter of Ankuta.

    Seal 2


    da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ ip-qu2-sza

    AI Translation

    Damiq-ilishu, son of Ipqusha.

    P224325: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 1(u) gin2 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar dah-he-dam ki (d)suen-ta (disz)szesz-kal-la dumu (d)en-lil2-a2#-mah

    AI Translation
  • 7 shekels of silver,
  • an interest rate of 12 shekels of silver per 10 shekels is to be added, from Sîn: Sheshkalla, son of Enlil-amagh;



    szu ba-an-ti iti szu-numun-a ku3 i3-la2-e igi (d)nanna-szu-nam-al? igi (d)suen-be-el-i3-li2 igi _ku_-gu-za-na iti sig4-a mu (d)en-lil2-ba-ni lugal (gesz)gu-zu ku3-sig17 (d)nin!-in-[si]-na-ra mu-dim2

    AI Translation

    received. The month of Dumuzi he will pay the silver. Before Nanna-shunamal?, before Sîn-bel-ili, before ..., the month of Simanu, the year in which Enlil-bani, the king, the gold throne of Nininsina he made.

    P224326: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 nu-ub-tuku ku3 ka2 (d)nin-urta ki gu4-ku-ta dumu-munus (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 (disz)szesz-al-du10 dumu i-bi-ia szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • without interest, silver from the gate of Ninurta, from Gu'uku, daughter of Nanna-manshum, Shesh-aldu, son of Ibbia, received.



    iti sig4-a szum2-mu-dam igi inim-(d)nin-urta dumu _arad_-(d)en-lil2-la2 igi ib-ni-ia dumu inim-(d)nin-urta igi a-lu-um dumu ur-ku3-zu igi u-bar-ru-um dumu a-ad-da-du10-ga [iti] gan-gan-e3 [mu] bad3 gal masz-gan2-szabra!(ki#)

    AI Translation

    to be given back in the month "Bricks," before Inim-ninurta, son of Warad-enlila; before Ibniya, son of Inim-ninurta; before Alum, son of Ur-kuzu; before Ubarrum, son of Adda-duga; month "GANgan," year: "The great wall of Mashganshabr"

    Seal 1


    szesz-al-du10 dumu i-bi-ia

    AI Translation

    Shesh-aldu, son of Ibbia.

    P224327: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sar kislah
  • ha-la-ba a-ab-ba-kal-la

  • 2(disz) sar kislah sa10? e2-a
  • ha-la-ba im-szi-szi

    AI Translation
  • 1 2/3 sar, reed basket;
  • the share of Abbakala

  • 2 sar, weighted, for the house;
  • he will divide the remainder of the inheritance.


  • 1(disz) 1/3(disz)? sar# kislah
  • [...] da e-sir2 ha#-la# ba inim-(d)da-mu [...] kislah [ha-la]-ba# lu2#-dingir-ra

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/3? sar, reed basket;
  • ... next to the bitumen, the share was lost. Inim-Damu ... the ..., the share of Lu-dingira.

    P224328: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 x x [...]
  • 1(disz) gin2 x [...]
  • a2-bi#-[...]

  • 1(disz) gin2 i-[...]
  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-ni [x?]
  • a2-bi-sze3!(_tug2_) x [...]

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 a2-bi-sze3!
  • 2(u) 2(disz) gin2 (d)suen-x [...]
  • a2-bi-sze3!(_tug2_)

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel ...,
  • 1 shekel ...,
  • 1 shekel of ...,
  • 1 shekel of silver ...,
  • for his labor .

  • and 1 1/2 shekels for its labor,
  • 22 shekels for Sîn-...,
  • for his labor,


  • 2(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2# [...]
  • (d)en-lil2-mas-su2

    AI Translation
  • 2 1/3 shekels ...,
  • for Enlil-massu;

    P224329: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x x na# x [...] _szu ba-an-[ti]_ _masz2-bi_ [...]

  • _3(iku) _gan2#_ a-sza3_ [...]
  • x _a-sza3_ ur2? [...] _us2-a-du_ x x [...] a-na#? [x] _ma#?-na_ 1(u)? [...] [...] x _dumu_ [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... its interest .

  • 3 iku field area .
  • ... field, ... adjoining ... ... for ... minas 10? ... ... son ... .



    [...] _a#-sza3-bi_ i3-[...] (disz)szesz-al-du10 al? [...] _ku3-babbar_ x-un-nim? [...] (disz)(d)suen-na-[szi ...] u3 nu-ur-[...] _a-sza3-bi_ na-ba-e-[...] _igi_ u-bar-(d)en-lil2 dumu [...] _igi_ (d)utu-x-x [...] _igi#_ x x x [...] _[iti] sig4#-[a_ ...] [_mu_ (d)]suen#-i-din-nam _[bad3 gal]_ masz-gan2-szabra#[(ki) _ba-du3_]

    AI Translation

    ... its field ... Shesh-aldu ... silver ... Sîn-nashi ... and Nur-... its field Nabe-... before Ubar-Enlil, son ... before Shamash-... ... before ... ... month "Bricks" ... year: "Sîn-iddinam the great wall of Mashgan-shabru erected."

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-na-szi _dumu_ lu2#?-x-[x]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-nashi, son of Lu.

    P224330: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_ na-asz-pa-ku-um
  • sza (disz)dingir-ma-an-szum2 (disz)be-lum-mu-usz-ta-al _szu ba-an-ti_ _mu-kux(_du_) u4 buru14-ka_ u2-ma-al-lu

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 of barley is the price of the nashpaku-vessel.
  • Bel-mushta'al received from Ili-manshum; delivery of the harvest he will complete.



    _igi_ i3-[li2]-x-x [x?] _dumu_ szu-[...] _igi_ a-pil2-i3-li2-szu _iti ab-e3 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ ri-im-(d)suen _lugal du11 an_

    AI Translation

    before Ili-..., son of Shu-...; before Apil-ilishu. The month of Tebetum, the day 1 of the year in which Rim-Sîn the king erected it.

    Seal 1


    x [...] (d)_en_-[...]

    AI Translation

    P224331: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze# [gur]
  • 4(barig) 2(ban2) masz2-bi# [...]
  • ki na-ra-am-(d)x-x?-x (disz)ta-ri-ba-tum-e? szu ba-an-ti mu-kux(_du_) u4 buru14-ka gur-ru-dam

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley,
  • 4 barig 2 ban2 its interest .
  • Taribatume? received from Naram-...; delivery of the harvest, to be returned.



    igi ap-lum igi [x x?] x x [...] x

    AI Translation

    before Aplu; before ...;

    P224332: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...]-um _dumu_ (d)inanna-x [...-(d)]dumu-zi-ia-tum# [...] nin?-ba-da?-ri [...] x-in-gar [...] numun2 sze [...] ag2 szum2-la2 [...] x he2#-ma-an-szum2 ba-za [...] i3-li2-szar-ra-am gudu4 [...] 2(disz)#? sar sze [...] x sig4 [...] x-_ni_ sze-il2-il2 [...] numun2 sze [...] ra-x-da#? [...] sin-i-szar-ra gudu4#? [...] nag x [...] x gesz _du_ [...] [...] u2 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... son of Inanna ... Dumuziatum ... Ninbadari ... ... seed grain ... ... ... ... may he give to you ... Ili-sharam, the gudu priestess ... 2? sar of barley ... bricks ... ... ... seed grain ... ... ... Sin-ishara, the gudu priestess ...

    P224333: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] sar# ki-szub-ba# [da] e2# u2-ba-a-a-tum u3 da e2 ri-bi-tum e2 il-ta-ni ki il-ta-ni u3 e2-a-ni (disz)sa3-ap-hu-um-li-(ip)-hu-ur# in-szi-sa10-am3 sa10-am3 til-la-bi-sze3

  • 1(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • in-na-an-la2 u4-kur2-sze3 inim nu-ga2-ga2-a mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi (d)iszkur-ra-bi igi tur3?-ik-tum

    AI Translation

    n sar, the undeveloped plot, next to the house of Ubayatum and next to the house of Ribitum, his house which he has bought, and his house, Saphum-liphur has bought; its full price,

  • 1 1/4 shekel of silver,
  • he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Ishkur, before Turiktum.



    igi szar-ri-ia igi i-lu-su-na-da# igi u2-ba#-a-a-tum igi i3-li2-i-din-nam igi (d)utu-ri-bu-um kiszib! lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz iti (gesz)apin-du8-a mu 8(disz) i3-si-in(ki) ba-an-dab5

    AI Translation

    before kings; before Ilusu-nada; before Ubayatum; before Ili-iddinam; before Shamash-ribum; under seal of the witnesses; month: "Piglet-feast," year 8: "Isin was seized."

    Seal 1


    (d)[...] (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    ... Ishkur

    Seal 2


    szar?-ru-um-(d)iszkur dumu (d)utu-x-[x?]-_ni_? x (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Sharrum-Adda, son of Shamash-...-ni, .

    P224334: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sar ki-szub-ba
  • da e2 nu-ur2-(d)utu u3 da e2 (d)mar-tu-sze-[mi] sag-bi e-sir2 sila sag-bi# 2(disz)#-kam-ma e-sir2 nu-ri-i-tum e2 sa3-ap#-hu-um-li-ip-hu-ur dumu# ([d])suen-re-me-ni ki [sa3-ap]-hu-um-li-ip-hu-ur [(disz)(d)mar]-tu-sze-mi in-szi-sa10 sa10-am3 [til]-la-bi-sze3

  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • in-na-[an-la2]

    AI Translation
  • 2 sar, unbuilt plot,
  • next to the house of Nur-shamash and next to the house of Martushemi, its top is the street, its second top is the street of Nuritum, the house of Saphum-liphur, son of Sîn-remeni, with Saphum-liphur Martushemi bought; its full price is

  • 2 1/2 shekels of silver,
  • he paid.



    kiszib (disz)nu#-ur2!(_du_)-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    under seal of Nur-Shamash;



    u4-kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-u3 inim# nu-ga2-ga2-a [mu] lugal#-bi in-pa3 igi# [...] dumu# [x] x x [...] x x igi x [...] x-rum? igi nin# [...]-i3-li2-szu igi i3-li2#-u3#-(d)utu dumu (d#)iszkur#-szar!-i3-li2 igi nu-ri-ia#-tum dumu i3-li2-i-din-nam igi nu-ur2-(d)utu dumu a-hi-_du_-a# igi be-la-nu-um dumu# ra#?-an-hu-um igi za-ri-qum dumu e-ku-ia# igi masz2-(d)utu (lu2)lunga3#

    AI Translation

    In the future, whoever does not change the word of the king, will be sworn by the name of the king. Before ..., son of ...; before ...; before ...; before Nin-ilishu; before Ili-u-shamash, son of Adad-shar-ili; before Nuriatum, son of Ili-iddinam; before Nur-shamash, son of Ahi-du'a; before Belanum, son of Rannahum; before Zariqum, son of Eku'a; before Mash-shamash, the brewer.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-sza-ru-uh! dumu i3-li2-di?-im-ti _arad an_ (d)mar-tu u3# (d)[dumu?]-zi#?-da#?

    AI Translation

    Sîn-sharah, son of Ili-dimti, servant of An, Martu and Dumuzida.

    P224335: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _sar ki-szub-ba_
  • _da e2_ u2-ba-a-a-tum _da ((x)) e2_ i3-li2-i-din-nam u3 _da e2 didli_ _e2_ sa3-ap-hu-um-li-ip-hu-ur a-na _ki!-be2 gar-ra_ _e2_ ki-ma _e2_ a-na (d)mar-tu-sze-mi i-na-di-in _u4-kur2-sze3 lu2-ulu3! lu2-ulu3!-ra_ _numun-gi-gi-e-de3_ _mu lugal-a-bi in-pa3_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar, empty field;
  • next to the house of Ubayatum, next to the house of Ili-iddinam and next to the house of the other house, the house of Saphum-liphur, to the place of the reed-bed he has set up. The house, like the house, to Martushem he has given. In future, the people of the far-flung regions will divide the seed-gigi. The name of the king he has sworn.



    _igi_ i-s,i-da-re-e _szabra_ _igi_ (d)suen-sza-ru-uh!(|_hi_xDISZ|) _igi_ an-num-du-gu-ul _igi_ da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _igi_ si-ru-um _szesz-a-ni_ _igi_ ma-ri-er-s,e-tim _igi_ nu-ri-ia-tum _igi_ be2-la-nu-um _iti ab-e3-a_ _mu ki 3(u)-kam i3-si-na ba-an-dab5!(_tug2_)_

    AI Translation

    before Ishidare, the household manager; before Sîn-sharah; before Annum-dugu'ul; before Damiq-ilishu; before Nur-shamash; before Sirum his brother; before Mari-ershetim; before Nuriatum; before Belanum. The month of Tebetum, the year 30 he took Isina's ox.


  • 1(disz)# _sar# ki#?-[szub]-ba_
  • _da e2_ u2-ba-a-a-tum _da e2_ i3-li2-i-din-nam u3 _da e2 [didli]_ _e2_ sa3-ap-hu-um-li-ip-[hu]-ur _ki-be2 gar-ra_ _ki-szub-ba_ ki-ma _ki-szub-ba_ il-qe2-e-ma

  • 1(disz) _sar ki-szub-ba_
  • (disz)sa3-ap-hu-um-[li]-ip#-hu-ur a-na (d)mar-tu#-[sze-mi]

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar of undeveloped plot,
  • adjoining the house of Ubayatum, adjoining the house of Ili-iddinam and adjoining the house of the work, the house of Saphum-liphur, the undeveloped plot, adjoining the undeveloped plot, and

  • 1 sar, empty field;
  • Saphum-liphur to Martushemi:



    i-na-di-in# _u4-kur2-sze3 lu2-ulu3! lu2-ulu3!-ra_ _numun-gi4-gi4-e-de3_ _mu lugal-a-bi in-pa3_ _igi_ i-s,i-da-re-e _szabra_ _igi_ ([d])suen-sza-ru-uh _szesz-a-ni_ _igi_ an-du-gu-ul _szagina_ _igi_ da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _igi_ si-ru-um _szesz-a-ni_ _igi_ ma#-ri-er-s,e#-[tim] _igi_ nu-ru-ia-tum# _igi_ be2#-la#-nu#-um _dub-sar_ _iti [ab]-e3-a_ [_mu ki 3(u)-kam_ i3]-si-in(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    he gave. In future, the lowlander and the lowlander will bring the seed-gi4de. The name of the king he has sworn. Before Ishidare, the household manager; before Sîn-sharah his brother; before Anduguul, the general; before Damiq-ilishu; before Nur-shamash; before Sirum his brother; before Mari-er-shetim; before Nuru-yatum; before Belanum, the scribe. The month of Abea, the year 30 Isin .

    Seal 1


    _kiszib_ da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Damiq-ilishu

    Seal 2


    _kiszib_ i-s,i-da-re-e!

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ishidare.

    P224336: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _sar ki-szub-ba_
  • _da e2_ gi-mil-i3-li2 _u3! da e2_ u2-ba-a-a _e2_ (d)mar-tu-sze-mi a-na _ki-be2 gar-ra_ _e2_ ki-ma _e2_ (disz)(d)mar-tu-sze-mi a-na sa3-ap-hu-um-li-ip-hu-ur i-na-di-in _u4-kur2-sze3 lu2-ulu3 lu2-ulu3-ra_ _numun-gi-gi-e-de3_ _mu lugal-a-bi in-pa3_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar, empty field;
  • next to the house of Gimillili and next to the house of Ubaya, the house of Martushemi, to be set aside, the house like the house of Martushemi to Saphum-liphur he gave. In future, the people of the Upper and Lower Countries will divide the seed-gigi. The name of the king he has sworn.



    _igi_ i-s,i-da!-re-e _szabra_ _igi_ (d)suen-sza-ru-uh _szesz-ni_ _igi_ an-du-gu-ul _igi_ ma-ri-er-s,i-tim! us2? _igi_ da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu _igi_ nu-ur2-ia-tum _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _igi_ si-ru-um _szesz-ni_ _iti ab-e3-a_ _mu ki 3(u)-kam# i3-si-in-na ba-[dab5]-ba!_

    AI Translation

    before Ishidarê, the household manager; before Sîn-sharah, his brother; before Anduguul; before Mari-ershitim, the length?; before Damiq-ilishu; before Nur-yatum; before Nur-shamash; before Sirum, his brother. The month of Tebetum, the year 30 the Isina was captured.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-sza-ru-uh _dumu_ i3-li2-di!-im-ti _arad an_ (d)[mar-tu] u3 (d)[dumu?]-zi#?-da#?

    AI Translation

    Sîn-sharah, son of Ili-dimti, servant of Anu, Amurru, and Dumuzida.

    P224337: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x x 4(disz) _sar e2 ki-szub-ba_ sza _da e2_ e2-a na-s,ir u3 _da e2 sila us2_ (d)suen-ga-mil _sag-bi e2_ (d)mar-tu-sze-mi _nu? ga?-bi# e2_ wa-tar-pi4-sza sza (d)mar-tu-sze-mi _ki_ wa-tar-pi4-sza i-na (d)ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_ a-na 5(disz) _gin2# ku3-babbar_ i-sza-mu-u2-ma i#-pu#?-szu i-tu-ur2-ma [wa-tar]-pi4-sza i-na (d)sa-am-su-i-[lu-na] lugal# ki#-ma s,i-im-da-at# _lugal_ _e2?_ [x?] ep-sza-am ib-qu2-ur-ma ap-x-_ku_?-u2-ma e2#? x-ru-ba-a ki-ma _ki-szub-ba-e_ x ni#? id-di-nu-kum-ma te?-pu-szu

    x _ni_?-na nam [...] ki-ma _ki-szub-ba-e_ [...]-ka#?-nim [... mi]-it#-gur-ti-szu [...] _ku3-babbar_

    AI Translation

    ... 4 sar of a house, undeveloped plot, which is next to the house of the house of the house of the house of the guard and next to the house of the street, next to the house of Sîn-gamil, the first floor of the house of Martushemi, not ?, the house of the harpist of Martushemi, next to the harpist of Hammurapi the king for 5 shekels of silver he bought and built, and the harpist of Samsu-iluna the king, like the king's house ... he built, and ... he gave to him, and you did it.

    ... ... like a vacant lot ... ... his share ... silver



    x pa#-na-nu-um x-_ku_ x [x? x?]-a-ma i#-tu-ur2-ma (disz)(d)mar-tu-sze-mi a-na wa-tar-pi4-sza isz-qu2-ul _u4-kur2-sze3_ wa-tar-pi4-sza _u3 ibila-ni a-na me-a-bi_ _inim nu-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu lugal-bi in-pa3-esz#_ _igi_ a-hu-um ra-bi-a-nu-[um?] _igi_ ta-na-nu-um _igi_ i3-li2-i-ma _dumu_ sin-gal!-la _igi_ a-pil-(d)utu _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _igi_ (d)suen-szir3-ma-tim _nimgir_ _igi_ a-hu-wa-qar# _dumu_ szu-ba-an!(_asz_)-dingir _igi_ be2-la-nu-um _dumu_ a-pil-sza _igi_ ip-qu2-(d)nin-szubur _nimgir?_

    _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu zimbir(ki) iri(ki) ul [(d)]utu#-ke4 sahar gal-ta [in?-gar?]-ma mu-un-il2-la asz?_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... and he returned and Martu-shemi to the stela he imposed. In the future, the stela and his heirs to the stela he shall not raise a claim, the name of the king shall change. Before Ahum, the great one, before Tananum, before Ili-imma, son of Sîn-galla; before Apil-shamash, son of Nur-shamash; before Sîn-shir-matum, herald; before Ahu-waqar, son of Shuban-ili; before Belanum, son of Apilsha; before Ipqu-ninshubur, herald.

    The month of Duku, the day 16 of the year in which Sippar, the city not of Shamash, he deposited a large heap of earth and he raised it up.

    Seal 1


    a-pil-(d)utu _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _ARAD_ (d)utu

    AI Translation

    Apil-shamash son of Nur-shamash servant of Shamash.

    Seal 2


    szu-ba-an-dingir _dumu_ a-wi-il!-i3-li2 _ARAD_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Shu-ban-il, son of Awil-ili, servant of .

    Seal 3


    wa-tar-pi-sza _dumu_ (d)suen?-[...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Watarpisha, son of Sîn-... .

    Seal 4


    a-hu-um _dumu_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _ARAD_ (d)en-ki

    AI Translation

    Ahum, son of Sîn-iribam, servant of the god Enki.

    Seal 5


    [...] _dumu_ a-pil2-sza [...]

    AI Translation

    ... son of Apilsha .

    Seal 6


    ne#? [...] _ARAD#_ (d)x [x?]

    AI Translation

    ... servant of .

    Seal 7


    ta-na-[nu-um] _dumu_ _bi_ [x?] _an_ _ARAD_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Tananum, son of ..., servant of .

    P224338: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur masz2 in-tuku
  • ki be-el-ta-ni lukur (d)nin-urta dumu-munus (d)en-lil2-na-da-ta (disz)(d)mar-tu-sze-mi dumu u2-ba-a-a-tum-ke4 szu ba-an-ti mu-kux(_du_) u4 buru14-ka sze u3 masz2-bi gur-ru-dam

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 ban2 barley, with interest,
  • Martushemi, son of Ubayatum, received from Beltani, naditu of Ninurta, daughter of Enlil-nada; at the delivery of the harvest, the barley and its interest are to be returned.



    igi hi?-du-tum! lukur (d)nin-urta! dumu-munus hi-ba-ab-tum nu-esz3 igi la-ma-sa3-tum dumu-munus (d)nin-urta-mu-sza#-lim igi szi-i-di-isz-pu-um dumu-munu ma-an-nu-um-ma-hir-szu igi i3-li2-ia-tum dub-sar iti gan-gan-e3 mu sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal (gesz)gu-za babila2#?([ki]) (d)nanna

    AI Translation

    Before Hidatum, naditu of Ninurta, daughter of Hibbatum, nuesh; before Lamasatum, daughter of Ninurta-mushallim; before Shidishpuum, daughter of Mannum-mahirshu; before Ili-iatum, the scribe. Month: "Gagan festival," year: "Samsu-iluna, king of the throne of Babylon, for Nanna."



    kiszib (d)mar-tu-sze-mi ib2-ra-asz

    AI Translation

    under seal of Martushemi, will redeem;

    P224339: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)i3-li2-u3-[(d)utu dumu ma-ar-ti-er-s,e-tim] ki ma-ar-ti-er-s,e#-[tim ama-ni-ta] (disz)(d)mar-tu-sze-mi# [dumu u2-ba-a-a-tum-ke4] _nam#-ibila-a-ni-sze3# [ba-an-da-ri] [mu] 2(u)-am3 [...] [...] [...] [... ba-na]-an#-du11# [(disz)(d)mar-tu-sze-mi] ad-da-ni [di-ku5-e-ne] gaba i-ib2-ri [igi-ni] in-gar-ma [x] mu 2(u)-am3 a2 bi2-e3-a ad-da-mu nu-me-en im-ma-an-du11 di-ku5-e-ne (d)mar-tu-sze-mi-ra nam-ibila-a-ni-ta sar-re-da u3 dub inim nu-gar-ra tak4-e-da in-na-an-ne-esz u4 kur2-sze3 i3-li2-u3-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    Ili-u-shamash, son of Mar-ter-shetim, from Mar-ter-shetim his mother Mar-shemi, son of Ubayatum, to his heir he gave. The year 20 ... he named it. Mar-shemi, his father, the judges, a copy of his tablet he made, and the year 20 he imposed, he said: "You are not my father." The judges Mar-shemi, from his heirship he wrote and the document not deposited, he gave. In future years Ili-u-shami



    u3 ibila-ne-ne a-na me-a-bi nam-ibila (d)mar-tu-sze-mi-ra inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi a-pil-i3-li2-szu ugula e2 dingir-mah igi dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu dumu mah!-mu-da [igi] dingir#-ma-an-szum2 dumu (d)nanna-an-dul3 [igi x]-ma-dingir dumu nu-ur2-i-_ki_ [igi x x?] x dumu lu2-ga-a-a [igi ...] x dumu (d)suen-re-me-ni [igi ...] dumu# lu2-ga-a-a [igi ...] dumu# ga-mi-lum [igi ...]-i-din-nam [igi ...] maszkim#? di-ku5 [igi _arad_-mu aga-us2 pu-uh2-ru]-um? iti#? [...] [mu ...]

    AI Translation

    and their heirs, concerning the matter of the heir of Martushemi, they have not sworn by the name of the king. Before Apil-ilishu, overseer of the temple of the great lord; before Ilshu-ibnishu, son of Mahmuda; before Ilmanshum, son of Nanna-andul; before ...-ma-ili, son of Nur-imbi; before ..., son of Lugaya; before ..., son of Sîn-remeni; before ..., son of Lugaya; before ..., son of Gamilum; before ..., the judge; before ARADmu, the chief judge; month? ... year .



    [...] x x-de3-esz-ma [...]-(d)en-lil2# [...] szesz-a-ni [...]-(d)suen [...] x [...-(d)]en#?-lil2 [...] szesz#-a-ni [...]-_ni#_-esz [...]-ra#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Enlil, his brother, ... Suen, ... ... Enlil, his brother, ... .

    Seal 1


    i3-li2-u3-(d)utu _dumu_ ma-ar-ti-er-s,e-tim

    AI Translation

    Ili-u-shamash son of Marti-ershetim

    P224340: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) _gur sze_ be-el#-ta#-ni
  • _lukur_ (d)nin-urta _dumu-munus_ pa-ni-ra-bi

  • 3(asz) gur dingir-da-mi-iq
  • u3 nu-ur2-(d)utu

  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) _gur_ i3-li2-i-din-nam
  • _dumu szesz-a-ni_ sza ba-zi-ia

  • 1(asz) 5(ban2) _gur_ (d)suen-i-din-nam
  • _dumu_ dam-qum

  • 1(barig) 5(ban2) ma-an-nu-um-ba-lum-(d)utu
  • a-bi (d)nin-urta-ga-mil

  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) a-si-rum
  • sza i-na _e2_ a-pil2-(d)mar-tu wa-asz-bu

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur of barley, my lady;
  • naditu of Ninurta, daughter of Panirabi.

  • 3 gur, Il-damiq;
  • and Nur-shamash;

  • 1 kor, 2 panu 3 sutu, Ili-iddinam;
  • son of a brother of Baziya;

  • 1 kor 5 seahs, Sîn-iddinam;
  • son of the good

  • 1 barig 5 ban2 Mannum-balum-shamash,
  • Father Ninurta-gamil.

  • 3 barig 2 ban2 Asirum,
  • who is living in the house of Apil-Amurru.


  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) iz-ku!-rum
  • _dumu_ e-la-dingir

  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) (d)suen-a-hi-i-din-nam
  • _dumu_ (d)ma-ar-ti-(d)a-nu um-mi _szunigin2 1(u) 1(asz) 1(ban2) gur sze_ sza (d)mar-tu-sze-mi _sa10 e2-a-ni_ a-na a-pil2-(d)mar-tu id-di-nu _igi_ i3-li2-di-e-ki ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ ma-an-na-szu _igi_ be2-la-nu-um _igi_ a-pil-(d)mar-tu _nimgir_ _igi_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 u3 szi-bi sza i-na _ab_-_bi_-szu-nu usz-bu

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig 2 ban2 of izkurum-seeds,
  • son of Ela-ili

  • 3 barig 2 ban2: Sîn-ahi-dinnam;
  • son of Marti-Anu, mother. Total 11 gur 1 ban2 barley of Martushemi, the price of his house, to Apil-Amurrum he gave. Before Ili-di'eki, his great brother; before Mannashu; before Belanum; before Apil-Amurrum, hero; before Lipit-Ishtar and the omens which in their fathers he had sworn.



    _iti sig4-a_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal (gesz)tukul szu-nir_

    AI Translation

    Month of bricks, year: "Samsu-iluna, king, a weapon was set against me."

    Seal 1


    ma-an-na-szu _dumu_ dingir-da-mi-iq _ARAD_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Manashu, son of Il-damiq, servant of .

    Seal 2


    a-pil-(d)mar-[tu] _dumu_ a-bu-ia-tum#

    AI Translation

    Apil-Amurrum, son of Abiatum;

    Seal 3


    i3-li2-di#-e-ki _dumu_ i-din-(d)nusku?

    AI Translation

    Ili-di'eki, son of Iddin-Nusku?.

    Seal 4


    be2-la-nu-um _dumu_ a-pil-sza _ARAD_ an-na#

    AI Translation

    Belanum, son of Apilsha, servant of Anna.

    P224341: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz) _sar ki-szub!-ba_
  • i-te-er im-ma _da e2_ (d)mar-tu#-[sze-mi] _GAN2#-bi#?_ x x [...] du3#? _e2_ a-pil-(d)mar#-[tu] _GAN2_ (disz)a-pil-(d)mar#-tu# _lugal e2 _gan2__ (disz)(d)mar-tu-sze-mi _in-szi-sa10_ _sa10# til-la-bi_

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sar, unbuilt plot;
  • he returned, and next to the house of Martushemi, its field ... ... the house of Apil-Marduk, the field of Apil-Marduk, the king, the house on the field of Martushemi, he bought it for its full price.



    [n _ku3]-babbar i3-la2-e_ [... _lu2] lu2#-ra_ _inim# nu-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu lugal in-pa2_ _igi_ ma-an-na-szu# _igi_ nu-ri#-ia-tum# _igi_ be2-la-nu-um# _igi_ i3-li2-u3#?-(d#)utu _iti kin-(d)inanna u4# 2(u)-kam_ _mu sa-am-su-i-[lu-na lugal] (gesz)tukul szu-nir nig2# babbar2-ra ku3-babbar ku3#-[sig17] mu-x-[...]_

    AI Translation

    ... he shall pay. ... a man a man's complaint shall not raise. The name of the king he has sworn. Before Manashu, before Nuriatum, before Belanum, before Ili-u-shamash. The month of Elunum, the day 20 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king ... a white weapon, silver and gold .

    Seal 1


    nu-ur2-(d)iszkur# dumu i3-li2-i-din!-nam

    AI Translation

    Nur-Adad, son of Ili-iddinam.

    Seal 2



    AI Translation

    ... his year

    P224342: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur masz2 in-tuku
  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) masz2 nu-ub-tuku
  • ki i-ki-ta (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir-ke4 szu ba-an-ti mu us2 u4 buru14-ka sze u3 masz2-bi

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley, with interest,
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 ..., without interest,
  • Sîn-magir received from Iki; year after: "The barley and its interest were gathered."



    al-ag2-e igi szu-mi-a-hi-ia dumu giri3-ni-i3-sa3 igi (d)suen-ma-gir dumu dingir-szu-i-bi-szu iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u)-kam mu ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 lugal-e zimbir(ki) iri ul (d)utu-ke4_

    AI Translation

    Alag-e, before Shumi-ahiya, son of Girini-isa; before Sîn-magir, son of Ilshu-ibbishu. The month of Nisannu, the day 20 of the year in which Hammurapi the king built Sippar, the city not known to Shamash.

    P224343: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar masz2 nu-ub-tuku
  • ugu i-ki (disz)(d)utu in-tuku mu-kux(_du_) u4 buru14-ka ku3 sza3 (d)utu bi2-ib-du10-ge

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver, without interest,
  • Upon the payment of the silver, Shamash has received it. At the delivery of the harvest, the silver of Shamash shall be paid.



    igi nu-ur2-isz8-tar2 igi i3-li2-szar-ra-am iti sig4-a u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam mu sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal du11-ga zi-da

    AI Translation

    before Nur-Ishtar; before Ili-sharam; month: "Bricks," 25th day, year: "Samsu-iluna, the king, listened to my prayers."

    P224344: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 szuku ka2-bi [x?]
  • usz2-a-du na-bi-(d)en-lil2-la2?

  • 2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 szuku me-_ah_?-s,i?-im
  • us2-a-du (d)suen-ha-zi-ir a-sza2 ha-la-ba (d)en-lil2-is-su2 dumu a-pil2-(d)iszkur ki (d)en-lil2-is-su2 dumu a-pil2-(d)iszkur-ta#

  • 1(disz) i-ki dumu a-bu-um-wa-qar#
  • nam-apin-la2-sze3 a2 mu-a-sze3 a2 zi-da-ni-sze3 a2 gub-bu-ni-sze3 ib2-ta-an-e3

    AI Translation
  • 2 iku field, ..., its gate .
  • next to the property of Nabi-Enlila,

  • 2 iku field, field of the shuku-tree of Me'ahshim,
  • next to Sîn-hazir, the field in the share of Enlil-issu, son of Apil-Adad, from Enlil-issu, son of Apil-Adad;

  • 1: Iki, son of Abum-waqar,
  • for the work of plowmen, the wages for the years, the wages for his life, and the wages for his steadfast service he shall measure out.



    igi szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi gudu4 (d)nin-urta igi na-bi-(d)en-lil2 dumu a-pil2-(d)iszkur igi (d)suen-be-el-ap-lim dub-sar# iti apin-du8-a u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam mu (d)ri-im-(d)suen lugal (d)nin-mah-e e2 kesz3(ki) temen-an-ki-bi-da-ke4

    AI Translation

    before Shumum-libshi, gudu-priest of Ninurta; before Nabi-enlil, son of Apil-Adda; before Sîn-bel-aplim, the scribe. The month of Apindu, the day 25 of the year in which Rim-Sîn, king of Ninmahe, the temple of Kesh, the foundation foundations of its foundations,



    kiszib na-bi-(d)en-lil2 gudu4

    AI Translation

    under seal of Nabi-Enlil, gudu-official;

    Seal 1


    ap-lum dumu a-ri-um _arad_ (d)nin-gesz-[zi-da]

    AI Translation

    Aplum, son of Arium, servant of Ningeshzida.

    P224345: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] _ni_ [...] [...] _gar_ x [x] x [...] [... (d)nin]-urta#-ni-szu# ad#-[da-ni] [u3? a]-ha-tum ama#-ni [...] [(d)nin]-urta-a-bi# dumu#-ni-ra dumu#-mu nu-me-en ba-[an-na]-du11# [x?]

  • 1/3(disz)? ma-na ku3-babbar# i3-la2-e
  • u3 tukum#-bi (disz)(d)nin#-urta-[a-bi] (d)en-lil2-ni-szu ad-da-ni u3 a-ha-tum ama-ni-ra ad-da-mu nu-me-en#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Ninurta-nishu, his father, and Ahatum, his mother, ... Ninurta-abi, his son, says: "You are not a son"

  • he will pay 1/3 mina of silver.
  • And if Ninurta-abi, Enlil-nishu his father and Ahatum his mother, my father, you are not.



    ama#-mu nu-me-en ba-an-na-[du11] [x?] x ba?-al [x?] ku3 bi2#?-[...] [...] tum-mu _an_ [...] [...] [mu lugal] tesz2-bi in-[pa3-de3-esz] [igi] ip#-qa2-tum dumu ku3-(d)nin-[gal] [igi ur]-du6-ku3-ga dumu x-([d?])_en_-[x x?] igi# (d)suen-ma-gir dumu sin#?-i#-din#?-nam#? igi a-pil2-(d)utu dumu i3-li2-ia-tum# igi i3-li2-e-ri-ba#-am# dumu nin-urta-mu#?-[...] igi dingir-ma-an-szum2 [dumu x] x x x [...] [igi] nu-ur2-[...] [igi ... ib?-ni?-(d)]en#-lil2 dub#?-[sar?] [... u4?] 2(disz)#?-kam#?

    AI Translation

    I am not my mother, I am not ..., I am a silver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... before Ipqatum, son of Ku-Ningal; before Ur-dukuga, son of ...-Bel; before Sîn-magir, son of Sin-iddinam; before Apil-shamash, son of Ili-iatum; before Ili-eribam, son of Ninurta-mu; before Ili-manshum, son of ...; before Nur-...; before Ibni-enlil, the scribe; ... 2nd day?

    Seal 1


    (d)[nin]-urta-a-bi dumu _im_-x-a-tum

    AI Translation

    Ninurta-abi, son of Im-...-atum.

    P224346: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 6(disz) sze _gan2_ kislah
  • da e2 nu-ra-tum dumu u2-ba-a-a

  • 1(u) 6(disz) sar a-sza3 (d)en-lil2-gar-ra
  • us2-a-du i-din!-(d)nin-urta dumu i3-li2-ia-a-tum

  • 6(disz) gin2 e2 du3-a sza3 iri ia-ha-al-pi-lum(ki)
  • sib2-ta mu nam-szesz-gal-la-sze3

  • 2(disz)? sar 3(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 2/3(disz) sze _gan2_ kislah
  • da# _gan2_ sib2-ta-na [...] 8(disz) 1/2(disz)? sar a-sza3 (d)en-lil2-gar-ra [us2]-a#-du sib2-ta-na

  • 1/3(disz) sar 7(disz) gin2 e2 du3-a
  • sza3 iri ia-ha-al-pi-lum([ki]) da e2 sib2-ta-na ha-la-ba nu-ur2-isz8-tar2 szesz-gal

  • 2/3(disz) sar 3(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 2(disz) sze _gan2_ kislah
  • ki? [x]-bi-ku5 x-la-sze3 da e2 i#-din#-(d)nin-urta dumu i3-li2-ia#-[a-tum] 1(bur3) _gan2 1_(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sar a-sza3 (d)en-lil2-gar-ra us2-a-du nu-ur2-isz8-tar2 szesz-a-ni

  • 1/3(disz) sar 7(disz) gin2 e2# [...]
  • sza3 iri ia-ha-al-pi-lum([ki])

    AI Translation
  • 5 1/6 shekels, 6 grains, surface area, under seal;
  • next to the house of Nuratum, son of Ubaya,

  • 16 sar, field of Enlil-gara;
  • next to the property of Iddin-Ninurta, son of Ili-yatum;

  • 6 shekels of built house in the city of Iahalpilum,
  • from the second one to the year "The great brother";

  • 2? sar 3 1/3 shekels 2/3 barley, surface area of the threshing floor;
  • next to the ..., its uncultivated land, ... 8 1/2? sar, field of Enlil-gara, adjoining the uncultivated land,

  • A built house plot of 1/3 sar and 7 shekels,
  • in the city of Iahalpilum, next to the house on the side, its share: Nur-Ishtar, the elder brother;

  • 2/3 sar 3 1/3 shekels 12 grains, surface area, under seal;
  • to ...-biku, to ... next to the house of Iddin-Ninurta, son of Ili-yatum; 1 bur3 surface area, 17 1/2 sar, field of Enlil-gara, adjoining Nur-Ishtar, his brother;

  • 1/3 sar 7 shekels, house ...;
  • in the city of Iahalpilum;



    da e2 nu-ur2-isz8-tar2 szesz-a-ni ha-la-ba (d)en-lil2-ni-szu szesz-a-ni ibila na-bi-(d)en-lil2-ke4-ne sze-ga-ne-ne-ta in-ba-e-esz u4-kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-u3-ra nu-gi4-gi4-de3 mu lugal tesz2-bi in-pa3-de3-esz igi ip-qu2-e2-a dumu i3-li2-i-ri-ba-[am] igi (d)suen-i-din-nam szesz-a-ni igi i-di-in-isz8-tar2 dumu (d)nanna-tum igi na-bi-(d)en-lil2 dumu dingir-ma-an-szum2 igi i3-li2-u3-utu dumu (d)nin-urta-ga-mil# igi e2-a-ta-a-a-ar dumu abzu-he2-gal2# igi (d)utu-(d)en-lil2-la2 dumu (d)suen-en-nam

    [igi] ma-an-nu-um-ki-ma-e2-a dumu i-din-(d)[...] igi a-wi-li-ia bur-gul dumu ur-(d)ba-[ba6] igi u4-ta-u18-lu-he2-ti dub-sar iti gan-gan-e3 u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam mu sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal-e usu mah (d)marduk#-a-ta ugnim i-da-ma#-ra-az(ki) u3 e-mu-ut-ba-lum(ki)

    AI Translation

    adjoining the house of Nur-Ishtar, his brother, the share of Enlil-nishu, his brother, the heirs of Nabi-Enlil, they mutually divided. In future, no one will dispute the case with another, but the king has sworn by it. Before Ipqu-ea, son of Ili-iribam; before Sîn-iddinam, his brother; before Idin-Ishtar, son of Nannatum; before Nabi-Enlil, son of Ili-manshum; before Ili-utu, son of Ninurta-gamil; before Ea-tayar, son of Abzu-hegal; before Shamash-enlila, son of Sîn-ennam;

    before Mannum-kimaea, son of Iddin-...; before Awiliya, stone-cutter, son of Ur-Baba; before Uta'u-luheti, the scribe. The month of Kislimum, the day 12 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king, the great strength of Marduk, the army of Idamaraz and Emutbalum

    Seal 1


    nu-ur2!-isz8-tar2 (d)en-lil2-ni!-szu dumu na-bi#-(d)[en-lil2]

    AI Translation

    Nur-Ishtar of Enlil-nishu, son of Nabi-Enlil.

    P224347: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) _gan2_ a-sza3 kankal
  • sza3 a-sza3 apin-nu-zu a-sza3 sa-bi-ia u3 dumu-ni ki sa-bi-ia u3 dumu-ni-ta (disz)(d)nanna-tum nu-esz3-ke4 gal2 tak4-tak4-de3 mu 3(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 szu su2-ub-bu tum2-mu-de3 ib2-ta-an-e3 mu# 4(disz)-kam-ma-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 ash-field, field of the kankal-tree,
  • in the field of Apinnuzu, in the field of Sabiya and his son, from Sabiya and his son Nanna-tum, the nuesh, has contracted and bought it for 3 years. The revocation and the lawsuit shall be brought. From the 4th year



    [x] a#-sza3-ga-ke4!(_gur_) igi _za_-_ig_-_gar_ ($ 3 erased signs $) igi i-na-e2-kur ra-bi-a-num igi i3-li2-tu!(_sar_)-ra-am# gul:bur igi ku3-(d)nin-imma3# dub-sar iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam mu ugnim i-da-ma-ra-az(ki)

    AI Translation

    x gur of field, before Za-iggar, 3 erased signs; before Ina-ekur, the chief architect; before Ili-turam, the gulbur; before Ku-Ninimma, the scribe. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 18 of the year in which the army of Idamaraz



    dub 1(asz) _gan2_ a-sza3# [kankal?] a-sza3 apin-nu-zu iti (gesz)apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam mu ugnim [i-da-ma]-ra#-az(ki)

    AI Translation

    ... field, Kankal? field, Apinnuzu; month: "Piglet-feast," 18th day, year: "The fortress of Idamaraz."

    Seal 1


    _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    servant of ...

    Seal 2


    _ni_? _gesz_? [...] dumu x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... son ...

    P224348: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _siki _ab_-_ne_ ku3_
  • _ugu_ a-di-ia

  • 1(disz) (d)nanna-tum _dumu_ za-mu
  • _in-tuku_ iti _ku_ x u4 2(u)-kam i-x-al

    AI Translation
  • 1 ... of pure wool,
  • Concerning my father,

  • Nannatum, son of Zamu;
  • he will have the usufruct of the ... month ... on the 20th day.



    igi i-din-(d)en-lil2 nu-esz3 igi (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2!(_szub_) nu-esz3 iti ab-e3

    AI Translation

    before Iddin-Enlil, nuesh; before Nanna-manshum, nuesh; month: "Abe."

    P224349: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    asz-szum e-mu-ti-[szu] sza isz8-tar2-la-ma-si2# u3 (d)suen-a-bu-szu# a-na a-ha-zi ma!(_szu_)-ar-ti-sza _dumu_ (d)nanna-tum a-na-am i-pu-lu _igi_ _arad2_-(d)en-lil2-la2 _nu-esz3_ _igi_ dingir-ma-an-szum2 _dumu_ i#-lu#-ni _igi_ [dingir?]-szu-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ [a]-gu#-u2-a _igi_ (d)suen#-im-gur-[an]-ni# _dumu_ i3-li2-e2-gal(li) _igi_ i-bi-(d)en-lil2 _dumu_ da-da-kal-la _igi_ i-din-(d)en-lil2 _dumu_ dul3?-la-gu? _igi_ i-bi-(d)en-lil2 _dumu_ a-hi?-(d)da-mu#

    AI Translation

    Concerning his army, which Ishtar-lamasi and Sîn-abushu to the ahazi, Mashi-artisha son of Nanna-tum as a substitute he performed. Before Warad-enlila, nu-esh; before Ilmanshum son of Iluni; before Ilshu-ilishu son of Agu'a; before Sîn-imguranni son of Ili-egalli; before Ibbi-enlil son of Dadakalla; before Iddin-enlil son of Dilagu; before Ibbi-enlil son of Ahi-damu;



    _igi_ (d)suen-im-gur-ra-ni _igi_ isz8-tar2-la-ma-si2 u3 _ama-ni_ _igi_ (d)suen-a-bu-szu _igi_ (d)da-mu-i-din _lu2! kasz-tin-na_ _igi_ um-mi-ia-tum _igi_ (d)en-lil2-la-ma-si2 sza 1(disz) 1/3?(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar(pi2)_ an-nu-tum (szi)_kasz_ isz!-tu-u2

  • 1(disz) _sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-szi-szu-nu
  • _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-(lu)-na _lugal-e bad3 uri2#(ki) unu(ki) mu-un-gu-la_

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-imgurrani; before Ishtar-lamassu and his mother; before Sîn-abushu; before Damu-iddin, the man of beer; before Ummiatum; before Enlil-lamassu, of 1 1/3? shekels of this silver, the beer rations;

  • 1 qû of oil for their libation;
  • Month Elunum, 23rd day, year: "Samsu-iluna, king, the wall of Ur and Uruk erected."

    P224350: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    x [x] x urta? _ka_? [...] [...] x u-bar-([d])en-lil2

  • 2(disz) kusz3#? sag# an-na
  • 2(disz) kusz3 sag ki#?-ta
  • u4 si-il x [...] diri-sze3 si-bi-[...] us2-a-du (d)x-[...] ha-la-ba puzur4#-[...] (disz)u-bar-(d)en-[lil2 ...] u3 puzur4-(d)nin-[szubur] gesz-szub-ba-ta in-[ba-esz] u4-kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2#-[ra]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Ubar-Enlil

  • 2 cubits?, the head of An,
  • 2 cubits, the lower front,
  • ... the day ... ... the additional one ... the adjoining ..., the share of Puzrish-... Ubar-Enlil ... and Puzrish-Ninshubur have taken from the rented property. In future, one man or another



    inim nu-ga2-ga2-[a] mu lugal-la-bi in#-[pa3-de3-esz] igi i-din-(d)iszkur dumu lu2#-[...] igi (d)suen-i-din-na-asz-szu [...] igi i-din-(d)i-szum dumu i-din-(d#)[...] igi dingir-sipa dumu a-wi-a-nu-um igi s,i-li2-isz8-tar2 dumu i-din-(d)en-lil2 igi ku3-(d)nin-szubur dumu a-hu-szu-nu igi (d)nanna-me-sza4 dub-sar iti kin-(d)[inanna ...] mu (d)ur-[(d)nin-urta ...]

    AI Translation

    they have sworn by the name of the king. Before Iddin-Adad, son of Lu-...; before Sîn-iddinashu, ...; before Iddin-iddin, son of Iddin-...; before Dingir-sipa, son of Awianum; before Shili-ishtar, son of Iddin-enlil; before Ku-Ninshubur, son of Ahushunu; before Nanna-mesha, the scribe. The month of Elunum ... year: "Ur-Ninurta ...;"

    Seal 1


    u-bar-(d)en-lil2# dumu lu2-(d)en-[lil2]

    AI Translation

    Ubar-Enlil, son of Lu-Enlil.

    Seal 2


    puzur4-(d)nin-szubur# dumu lu2-(d)en-lil2

    AI Translation

    Puzur-Ninshubur, son of Lu-Enlil.

    P224351: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sar e2 du3-a
  • e2 nam-mah-abzu#-ke4 us2-sa# e2 ama-kal-la dam szesz-kal-la (disz)[la]-ma-sza [...] i3-la2#-e (disz)ur-(d#)nin-gesz-zi-da lu2-(d)nin#-sun2 e2-a inim in-da-ab#-gar-re-esz sze-ga-ne-ne-ta#

  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • szu ba-an-ti-esz u4-kur2-sze3 la-ma#-sza ur-(d)nin-gesz-[zi-da] u3 lu2-(d)nin-[sun2]

    AI Translation
  • A built-up house plot of 1 sar,
  • the house of Nammah-abzu, next to the house of Ama-kala, wife of Sheshkala, Lamasha will pay. Ur-Ningeshzida, the man of Lu-Ninsun, has sworn by the word of the house.

  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • they have received. In the future Lamasha, Ur-Ningeshzida and Lu-Ninsun



    e2-a inim nu-um-ga2#-ga2-de3# mu lugal-bi in-pa3#-de3#?-[esz?] igi lugal-a2-zi#-da dumu ki-ag2-ga igi i-din!-(d)suen! szesz-a-ni igi du11-ga-du10-ga dub-sar [iti ...]-a [mu (d)li]-pi2#-it-(d)en-lil2 lugal-e (d)en-[lil2] a2#-dah-a-ni pisan# szu#-[gub-ba] gal# ku3-sig17 (d)en-lil2#-[la2-ra] mu#-na-dim2

    AI Translation

    He has sworn by the name of the king that the house will not be sold. Before Lugal-azida, his beloved son; before Iddin-Sîn, his brother; before Duga-duga, the scribe. The month of ..., the year in which Lipit-Enlil, the king, for Enlil, his helper, a basket with a large silver bowl for Enlil he had fashioned.

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)nin-[gesz-zi-da] dumu# lugal#-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida, son of Lugal-.

    P224352: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) kusz3 sag 1(disz) 1/2(disz) nindan us2
  • 1(u) 6(disz) gin2 e2 du3-a u3 kislah
  • da e2 ur-[...]-bi#-ma? kislah du-sze3 igi-bi# _bu gu_ ma? e2 (d)nusku-ma-lik (disz)a-hu-wa-qar (disz)bu-la-lum (disz)_arad_-i3-(li2)-szu (disz)e-la-li2 u3 _arad_-(d)mar-tu ki (d)nusku-ma-lik (disz)a-hu-wa-qar (disz)bu-la-lum (disz)_arad_-i3-li2-szu (disz)e-la-li2 u3 _arad_-(d)mar-tu ibila la-ma-sza-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 cubits, the head 1 1/2 nindan, the length;
  • 16 shekels, built house and unbuilt plot,
  • next to the house of Ur-..., the ... of the future, its front ..., house of Nusku-malik; Ahu-waqar, Bululu, Arad-ilishu, Elali and Arad-Amurtu, from Nusku-malik; Ahu-waqar, Bululu, Arad-ilishu, Elali and Arad-Amurtu, the heirs of Lamashatta;



    (disz)ib-ni-ia dumu bi-tu-u2-a-a in-szi-in-sa10 sa10-am3 til-la-bi-sze3

  • 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2
  • u4-kur2-sze3 ibila la-ma-sza e2-bi-sze3 inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a mu lugal-bi in-pa3-de3-esz igi ur-du6-ku3-ga dumu ur-sukkal igi (d)nanna-lu2-ti dumu s,i-li2-isz8-tar2 igi (d)suen-nu-ur2-ma-tim# dumu szabra# igi ([d])suen#-re-me-ni dumu ip-qu2-sza igi (d)suen-li-di-isz dumu giri3-ni-i3-sa3 [iti] sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)i-te-er-pi4-sza inanna zabala(ki) mu-na#-dim2

    AI Translation

    Ibniya, son of Bitu'a, bought it for its full price.

  • he paid 6 shekels of silver.
  • In the future, a heir of Lamasha will not raise a claim concerning that house. He has sworn by the name of the king. Before Urdukuga, son of Ur-sukkal; before Nanna-luti, son of Shilli-ishtar; before Sîn-nur-matim, son of the household manager; before Sîn-remeni, son of Ipqusha; before Sîn-lidish, son of Girini-isa. The month of Addarum, year: "Iterpisha, the goddess of Zabalam, fashioned."

    Seal 1


    (d)nusku-ma-lik# dumu# la#-ma-sza#

    AI Translation

    Nusku-malik, son of Lamasha.

    Seal 2


    [a-hu]-wa-qar [dumu la-ma]-sza

    AI Translation

    Ahu-waqar, son of Lamasha.

    Seal 3


    _arad_-i3-li2-szu dumu la-ma-sza

    AI Translation

    Warad-ilishu, son of Lamasha.

    Seal 4


    e-la-[li2] dumu la-ma-sza#

    AI Translation

    Elali, son of Lamasha.

    Seal 5



    AI Translation

    a kind of insect

    Seal 6



    AI Translation


    P224353: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    2(esze3) _gan2#_ a-sza3 [...] [...] a-sza3 mu 2(esze3)?-e x u-bar-(d)x-x ki#? u-bar-(d)[x]-x [x] i3-li2-ia#? x x nam apin-la2-sze3 igi-3(disz)-[gal2] ib2-ta-e3 i-sza-ka-ak i-sze-pi2 [x?] hu-ur-bi i-ri-isz

    AI Translation

    2 eshe3 field ... field ... field, 2 eshe3 ... Ubar-..., from Ubar-..., my? personal ..., for the work assignment 1/3 shekel he shall measure out, he shall measure out, he shall measure out. ... its bricks he shall tear out.



    [igi] dingir-ma-an-szum2 igi (d)utu-na-s,ir#? igi# i3-li2-e2-a-x [x?] igi a-sa?-la#-x iti# szu-[numun ...] mu# (gesz)tukul szu#-[nir ...]

    AI Translation

    before Dingir-manshum; before Shamash-nashir; before Ili-ea-...; before Asala-...; month: "Sowing," year: "The szu-nir weapon was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    [...] a-ha-am x [...] [...] x ba e hu _ka_ (d)nin-urta# _an_ [...] (d)kin-sag?-nam [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Ninurta ... Kinsagnam .

    P224354: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ku3-bi e2-ad-ta masz2 nu-ub-tuku ugu e2-a-ta-a-a-ar (d)utu in-ni-[...] x x la? i x sza3 [x?] bi2-ib-du10-ge

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • ... Utu ... the silver from the estate, without interest, he shall pay.



    igi (d)suen igi ma-an-nu-um-ki-ma-e2-a igi ku3-(d)nin-imma3#? dub-sar

    AI Translation

    before Sîn; before Mannum-kima'ea; before Ku-Ninimma, the scribe.

    P224355: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)dingir-ma-an-szum2 _ugula dag-gi4!-a_ (disz)ni-in-nu-tum _dumu_ a-li2-wa-ak-rum u3 u-bar-(d)utu _dumu_ a-ab-ba-a szi-bu-ut-su2-nu ki-a-am iq-bu-u2 um-ma szu-nu-u2-ma asz-szum s,u2-ha-ra-am ma-ri ma-ar-ti-szu ip-qu2-sza? i-na bi-ir-ki-szu id-du-u2

  • 2(asz) x? _sze gur 3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • 3(disz) _ma-(na) siki 1(disz) udu#?-nita2#?
  • 2(barig) _sze da 6(disz) _gu4_? _sze#_? x
  • u4-um a-sza?-su2-x [x?]-x

  • 3(ban2) _sze_ a-na sza?-ka#?-[x]-ri#-im
  • 2(ban2) _dabin_ 2(ban2) [x x?]
  • a-na _ki-se3-ga u4 3(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Ilmanshum, the overseer of the shakku-priest, Ninnutu, son of Ali-waklam, and Ubar-shamash, son of Aya-ba'a, their witnesses, as follows, said: "They are ..., because of the shusharu of his inheritance he has seized, and in his cult center he has sinned."

  • 2 ... of barley, 3 sila3 of oil,
  • 3 minas of wool, 1 ram?,
  • 2 barig of barley next to 6 oxen?, .
  • The day when .

  • 3 seahs of barley for ...;
  • 2 seahs of ...-seeds, 2 seahs of ...-seeds,
  • to the ..., the 3rd day;


  • 1(ban2)? _dabin 5(disz) sila3 zu2-lum 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na _(gesz)gu-za iti ab-e3_

  • 2(asz) _sze gur kurum6_ ip-qu2-sza?
  • _egir_ a-sza-ti-szu isz-tu _iti sig4-a_ a-di _sze-sag11-ku5 iti 1(u)-kam_

  • 1(barig) _sze szu-ti-a_ e2-a-tu-ra
  • 1/3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar sa10-am3-sze3_
  • 5(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) _sze gur 3(ban2) dabin_ 3(disz) 1/2(disz) _sila3 i3-gesz 3(disz) ma-na siki_ 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar 1(disz) udu-nita2_ _igi_ a-wi-il-ia _ugula e2-sikil_ _igi_ ma-nu-um-ma-hir-szu _lu2 zi-bu_ _igi_ ma-nu-um-ma-hir-szu _dumu-ni_ _igi_ (d)inanna-ma-an-szum2 _szesz-a-ni_ _igi_ (d)nin-tu-ma-an-szum2 _igi_ mu-na-wi-rum _igi_ i3-li2-isz-me-a-ni

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2? of semolina, 5 sila3 dates, 1/2 sila3 oil,
  • to the chair; month: "Flight."

  • 2 kurru of barley, .
  • Afterwards, from the month "Bricks" to the month "Harvest," 10 months

  • 1 barig of barley, rations of Ea-tura,
  • 1/3 shekel of silver as its price,
  • 5 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 barley, 3 ban2 of semolina, 3 1/2 sila3 of oil, 3 minas of wool, 1/3 shekel of silver, 1 sheep before Awiliya, overseer of the Esikil; before Mannum-mahirshu, man of the zigu; before Mannum-mahirshu, his son; before Ishtar-manshum, his brother; before Nintu-manshum; before Munawrum; before Ilish-mani;

    P224356: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) sze x [...]
  • hu x [...] ki#? i3-li2-[...] la? di [...] x _sal_ ra [...]

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur of barley ...,
  • Reverse


    u4-kur2-sze3 _dub_ ul ar x igi al-x-a#-ni igi (d)suen-i-di-isz# igi bi-ia-tum dumu-munus sze-ga-(d)nin#-[x] iti sig4#-[a u4 ...] mu# [...] nir#? [...]

    AI Translation

    In the future, ... ... before ...; before Sîn-idish; before Biyatum, daughter of Shega-Nin-...; month: "Bricks," day ...; year: "... ."

    P224357: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] e? bi? [...] x x a? [ama-ar-gi4?]-bi in-gar dub ba#-ni-in-dadag dug? nam-geme2-ni-sze3 ba#?-[x?]-gaz dub nam-dam la-ni#-sze3 in-na-an-szub u4 ti-la-ni#-sze3 igi-ni-sze3 i3-gub-bu egir ur#-du6-ku3-ga ba-ug7-a-ta ibila ur-du6-ku3-ga-ke4-ne nam-geme2-ni-sze3 224 inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a (disz)ur-du6-ku3-ga ad-da ti-la mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi an-ne2-ba-ab-du7 dumu (d)en-lil2-he2-gal2

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... he deposited it in the scribal art?, and he destroyed it. He ... the scribal art? and deposited it in his own name. For a long time before him he sat it out. After Ur-dukuga had died, the heirs of Ur-dukuga, for her husband, he has sworn by the name of the king 224 times. Ur-dukuga, the father, he has sworn by the name of the king. Before An-ebabdu, son of Enlil-hegal



    igi i-din-(d)nin-szubur dumu (d)suen-ma-gir14 igi (d)suen-i-din-nam dumu re-sza-nu-um igi (d)suen-li-di-isz aga-us2 dumu (d)suen-e-ri-im-szu igi (d)suen-i-din-nam dumu giri3-ni-i3-sa3 igi i3-li2-i-din-nam dumu (d)suen-ga-mil igi (d)nin-urta-dingir szesz-a-ni igi nu-ur2-(d)utu aga-us2 gu3-en-na igi na-bi-([d])utu bur-gul igi ur-ku3-zu sanga (d#)nanna igi a-wi-li-ia dumu i-x-lum iti (gesz)apin-du8-a mu ki 2(u) 2(disz) us2-sa (d)ri-im-(d)suen lugal-e i3-si-in(ki) ba-dab5-ba

    AI Translation

    before Iddin-Ninshubur, son of Sîn-magir; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Reshanum; before Sîn-lidish, chariot driver, son of Sîn-erimshu; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Girini-isa; before Ili-iddinam, son of Sîn-gamil; before Ninurta-ili, his brother; before Nur-shamash, chariot driver of Guena; before Nabi-shamash, stone-cutter; before Ur-kuzu, priest of Nanna; before Awiliya, son of I...lum; month "Piglet-plow," year 22 after which Rim-shamash, the king, in Isin was seized.

    Seal 1


    ur-du6-ku3-ga dumu du-ga-kum

    AI Translation

    Ur-dukuga, son of Dugakum.

    P224358: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sar e2 ki#-szub#-ba
  • da e2 ma-s,i2-(d)en-lil2 da e2 sila sag-bi 1(disz)-kam (disz)ma-s,i2-(d)en-lil2 sag-bi 2(disz)-kam sila e2 a-pil-(d)iszkur u3 da-an-na-am-i-szu ki a-pil-(d)iszkur u3 da-an-na-am-i-szu-ta (disz)na-bi-(d)en-lil2 u3 (disz)e-ku-ri-tum in-szi-sa10-me-esz sa10-am3 ti-la-bi-sze3

  • 3(disz) gin2! ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sar, house, abandoned;
  • next to the house of Mashi-Enlil, next to the house of the street, its front is 1, Mashi-Enlil, its rear is 2, next to the street of the house of Apil-Adda and Danamishu, from Apil-Adda and Danamishu Nabi-Enlil and Ekuritum have bought; for its full price,

  • he paid 3 shekels of silver.
  • Reverse


    u3-kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2 inim nu-ga2-ga2-a mu (d)nanna (d)utu u3 sa-am-su2-i-lu-na lugal in-pa3-de3-esz igi ta-ri-ba-tum ra!-bi-a-nu-um igi sin-da-a-a-an-ni-im igi ib-ba-tum igi ap-lum igi dingir-szu-ba-ni igi szu-mi-a-bi-im igi a-hi-lu-mu-ur igi li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 igi mi-gir-(d)en-lil2 igi i3-li2-i-lu-sza? kiszib! lu2-ki#-inim-ma-ta iti bara2-za3-gar mu sa-am-su2-i-lu-na lugal (gesz)tukul szu#-nir# ku3-sig17 ku3-bi

    AI Translation

    in the future any person who does not agree with this shall be sworn by the name of Nanna, Shamash, and Samsu-iluna the king. Before Taribatum, his brother, before Sindanum, before Ibbatum, before Aplam, before Ilshubani, before Shumi-abi, before Ahilumur, before Lipit-Ishtar, before Migir-Enlil, before Ili-iluna, from the sealed tablet of the witnesses, month "Bara-zagar," year: Samsu-iluna the king, with weapons, a gold ring, and silver

    Seal 1


    dingir-szu-ba-ni dumu ip-qu2#-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-bani, son of Ipqu-Sîn.

    P224359: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] ni# x am3 [...] ni? _an_ x [...] [...] x a-a-ba ba?-ni-x [... na]-bi-(d)en-lil2 dumu (d)suen-[na]-szi na-bi-(d)en-lil2 dumu (d)suen-na-szi-e (disz)ku-bu-tum i3-li2-tu-ra-am# (disz)ma-ri-er-s,e#-tim ta-ri-bu-um u3 nu-ur2-isz8-tar2 ibila a-bu-um-wa-qar-ke4-ne in-ne-en-szum2-mu-usz# ki-ba gar-ra-bi x x [x] x x x a [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... Nabi-Enlil, son of Sîn-nashi, Nabi-Enlil, son of Sîn-nashi, Kubutum, Ili-turam, Mari-ershetim, Taribuum, and Nur-ishtar, heirs of Abum-waqar, gave to him. The place where they were erected .



    [...] x _an_ ta? x [...] dumu u2-ba-a-a [...] nig2# gul [...] x (gesz)kiri6 [...] x ta? x _ig_ [...]-ni-ia-lum? [...] ib2 x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... son of Ubaya ... ... garden ...

    P224360: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 in-tuku ki li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 (disz)e-te-el!-pi4-(d)en-lil2 szu ba-an-ti mu-kux(_du_) u4 buru14-ka ku3 u3 masz2-bi

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • PN received from Lipit-Ishtar a debit; at the delivery of the harvest, the silver and its interest



    i2-la2-e igi be-lu-u2 igi (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 igi lugal-ba-al-tum dub-sar iti ab-e3 u3 1(u) 3(disz)-kam mu du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-bi-da

    AI Translation

    will pay. Before Belu, before Nanna-manshum, before Lugal-baltum, the scribe. The month of Tebetum, the month 13 of the year in which he swore by An and Enlil.

    Seal 1


    an-dul? sukkal zi an-na

    AI Translation

    Andul?, the vizier, true An,

    P224361: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    mu lugal-bi in#-[pa3 ...] igi ri-im-isz8-tar2 dumu# [...] igi be-el-szu-nu dumu a-[gu-u2-a] igi e-la-li2 dumu (d)_en_-[...] igi du10!-ba-la-t,u3 dumu [...] igi (d)da-mu-i-din-nam# [...] igi i-din-(d)i-szum bur-gul# iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) [...] mu (d)ha-am-mu-ra-[pi2 lugal-e] giskim-ti an (d)en-lil2-[bi-ta ...] ma-da e-mu-ut-ba-[lum(ki) ba-hul] u3# lugal-e? szu-[...]

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Rim-Ishtar, son of ...; before Belshunu, son of Agu'a; before Elali, son of Bel-...; before Dubalatu, son of ...; before Damu-iddinam; ...; before Iddin-Ishum, the stone-cutter; month "Harvest," day 20, ...; year: "Hammurapi, the king, by the command of An and Enlil ... the land of Emutbalum was destroyed" and the king .

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-nu-ri dam (d)suen-ma-_nu_ geme2-(d)nusku dumu (d)suen-ma-_nu_

    AI Translation

    Shamash-nuri, wife of Sîn-manu; Geme-Nusku, son of Sîn-manu.

    P224363: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    ([disz])la#-ma-sa3-tum# dumu-munus nig2-ga-(d#)[...] (disz)lu2-(d)nusku [...] zi-da? [...]

    AI Translation

    Lamasatum, daughter of Niga-... Lu-Nusku, ... .



    mu#?-[...] igi ad-da-[...] igi inim-(d)nanna [...] igi (d)nanna-ma-git#? [igi] ur-du6-ku3-ga [...] [iti ...]-A mu (d)en-[lil2-ba-ni lugal-e ...] nibru#(ki) [ ...] mu-na-[gi4]

    AI Translation

    ... before Adda ... before Inim-Nanna ... before Nanna-matuga ... before Ur-dukkuga ... month "...," year: "Enlil-bani, the king, ... Nippur ... he returned."

    Seal 1



    AI Translation


    P224364: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    2(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-[sza3 ...] sza3 a-sza3 (d?)_en#_?-[...] us2-a-du [...] a-sza3 a-[...] dumu [...] ki [...] (disz)[...]

    AI Translation

    2 eshe3 3 iku field area: ... field, field of Bel-..., next to ... field, A-..., son of ..., from ... .



    dumu# [...] igi u?-bar?-[...] igi ur-(d)[...] dumu bu-la-[lum] iti (gesz)apin-du8-[a ...] mu (d)da-mi-iq-i3-[li2-szu] 2(disz) (gesz)szu-nir ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar (d)iszkur u3 (d)inanna# ni-nu-ra mu-ne#?-[dim2]

    AI Translation

    son of ...; before Ubar-...; before Ur-..., son of Bulalum; month: "Piglet-of-the-Piglet-Festival," year: "Damiq-ilishu fashioned two ... of gold and silver for Adad and Inanna."

    P224365: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x [...] x [...]

  • 2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 [...]
  • us2-sa-du _sila3_ [...]

  • 4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 ki [...]
  • us2-sa-du i-x-(d)_en_-[...] sza3 a-sza3 ib?-[...] a-sza3 ma-ri-er!-[s,e-tim] u3 sza-gu-bu-um#

    AI Translation

  • 2 iku of field ...,
  • next to the street .

  • 4 iku of field, with .
  • next to the field ...-Bel-..., in the field ..., in the field Mari-eretim and in the quay;

    Seal 1


    ma#?-[ri-er-s,e-tim?] dumu _arad2_-i3-li2-szu#

    AI Translation

    Mari-er-shetim, son of Warad-ilishu.

    P224366: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    1(esze2573253) 3(iku) _GAN2 |_zi&zi-lagab_xU2| x_ _us2-sa-du_ ha-_du_-ni-im 1(bur3) _GAN2 4(u) sze gur_ _ugu_ szu-na-a-a (d)utu-he-gal2 1(bur3) 4(u) _gur_ i-szu re hi la-ni?-(d)iszkur u3 _bi_-_bu_-sze-sza na-_ap_-_hi_-im?

    AI Translation

    1 eshe257325 3 iku of ..., next to the property of Hadunim; 1 bur3 of 40 kur of barley, next to Shunaya, Shamash-hegal; 1 bur3 of 40 kur of barley, he will pay; the interest of Lani-Adad and Bibu-shesha will be repaid.



    _igi_ pa-zi-ga-ni-im _igi_ _arad_-ra-na-da _igi_ ta-ra-am-(d)suen _ki# kislah sze i3-ag2_ _iti sig4-a_ _mu us2-sa x-bi su2-mu-dingir en (d)nanna ba-hug!-ga2!

    AI Translation

    before Paziganim; before Warad-rada; before Taram-Sîn; the place of the threshing floor of barley he weighed out. The month of Simanu, the year after the ... Sumu-ili, the lord of Nanna, was installed.

    Seal 1


    szu-na-a-a da?-_wi_-sza

    AI Translation

    Shunaya, her husband,

    P224367: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 1(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 6(disz) sze dah-he-dam ki (d)suen-ta (disz)an-ne2-ba-ab-du7-ke4 szu ba-an-ti iti sig4-a-ka szum2-mu-dam

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • an interest rate of 1/6 shekel and 6 grains per 1 shekel is to be added, from Sîn, Ane-ba'abdu received; month: "Bricks," to be given;



    igi (d)suen-ra-bi igi ur-du6-ku3-ga iti _ne_-_ne_-gar mu (d)ri-im-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)en-ki sza3 uri5(ki)-ma mu-du3-a

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-rabi; before Ur-dukuga; month: "NENEgar," year: "Rim-Sîn, the king, the temple of Enki in Ur erected."

    P224368: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    nam-gudu4 nam-ugula-e2 nam-[...] u3# nam-x-_ku_? e2 (d)lugal-[esz3-a-ka] u3# (d?)esz3-ku3-mah-a mu-a u4# [n-kam] ku3-ta sa10 ki dumu [e]-ri-isz#-tum# [... (d)]suen-ma-gir [dumu] (d)en-lil2-[na-s,i-ir] [ki (d)]suen-ma-gir [dumu] (d)en-lil2-na#-[s,i-ir-ta] [(disz)]a-at-ta-a dumu na-ra-[am-(d)]suen#-[ke4?] garza e2 ad-da-ni in-du8 sa10-am3 til-la-bi-[sze3]

  • 5(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar [in]-na#-an#-[la2]
  • u4-kur2-sze3# (d)suen-ma-gir dumu (d)en-lil2#-na#-[s,i-ir] u3 ibila-a-[ni] a-na me-a-bi# garza-bi-sze3# u4 2(u) 2(disz) 1/2(disz)-kam [inim nu]-um-ga2-ga2-a mu lugal-[bi in-pa3]

    AI Translation

    ..., the office of gudu-priest, the office of overseer of the house, ... and ..., in the temple of Lugalesh and Eshkumah, a term of n days, from silver, as the price from the son of Erishtum, ... of Sîn-magir, son of Enlil-nashir, from Sîn-magir, son of Enlil-nashir, Atata, son of Naram-Sîn, the storehouse of his father, he built. As its full price,

  • 5 1/3 shekels 15 grains of silver he paid;
  • In the future Sîn-magir, son of Enlil-nashir, and his heirs, as many as there will be, for the revocation of the garza on the 22nd day, he will not raise a claim concerning this. He has sworn by the name of the king.



    [igi] el!-le#-[tum] gudu4#? [(d)nin-lil3-la2] [igi] dingir-szu ib-ni-szu gudu4 (d)nin-lil2-[la2] igi ip-qu2-(d#)da-mu dumu na-ra-am-(d)suen igi (d)en-lil2-[mu]-da-mi-iq dumu ri-im-isz8-tar2# igi (d)nin-urta-ga-mil dumu ur-du6-ku3-ga [igi] (d)nusku-ni-szu dumu ad-da-du10-ga [igi] e-te-ia-tum [dumu] (d)da-mu-lu2#?-[mu?] igi (d)nergal#-ma-an-szum2 bur-gul iti sig4-a u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam mu sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal-e bad3 kisz(ki)-a gu2 (i7)buranun-na mu-un-du3-a

    AI Translation

    before Elletum, gudu-priest of Ninlil; before Ilshu, Ibnishu, gudu-priest of Ninlil; before Ipqu-damu, son of Naram-sîn; before Enlil-mudammiq, son of Rim-ishtar; before Ninurta-gamil, son of Ur-dukuga; before Nuskunishu, son of Adda-duga; before Eteyatum, son of Damulum; before Nergal-manshum, stone-cutter. The month of Silica, the day 16 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king built the wall of Kish on the bank of the Euphrates.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ma-gir dumu (d)en-lil2-na-s,i-[ir]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-magir, son of Enlil-nashir.

    P224369: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    mu#-[a u4 n-kam ...] bala gub-[ba (d)suen-x-...] dumu x-[...] ki (d)suen-x-[x-x?] dumu#? [...] (disz)a-at-ta-[a (lu2)]lunga# dumu [na-ra-am-(d)suen-ke4] in-szi-[in-sa10] sa10-am3 [til-la-bi-sze3] n [...]

    AI Translation

    ... a reign of n days, Sîn-..., son of ..., with Sîn-..., son of ..., Attâ, brewer, son of Naram-Sîn, bought; as its full price, .



    [u3 ibila-a-ni] a#-na me-a-bi# [e2] (d)utu mu-a u4 3(u)-[kam] bala#-gub-ba-bi-sze3 inim nu-ga2-ga2-[a] [mu] lugal-bi in-pa3# [igi] el-le-tum gudu4 (d)nin-lil2-la2 [igi] ip-qu2-(d)da-mu dumu na-ra-am-[(d)suen] igi a-li2-dingir gudu4 (d)nin-lil2-la2 igi (d)en-lil2-mu-ba-li2-it, dub-[sar] igi a-ap-pa-tum bur-[gul] iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 3(disz)?-[kam] mu sa-am-su-i-[lu-na lugal-e ...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    and his heirs, to the house of Shamash, for 30 days, in balagub service he has not sworn by the name of the king. Before Elletum, gudapsû of Ninlil; before Ipqu-damu, son of Naram-Sîn; before Ali-ili, gudapsû of Ninlil; before Enlil-muballit, the scribe; before Appatum, the stone-cutter. The month of Addarum, the day 13?, year: "Samsu-iluna the king .

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-x-[...] dumu im-x-[...]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-..., son of Im-...,

    P224370: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    nam gudu4 nam-(lu2)lunga# nam-kisal-luh u3 nam-[...] e2 (d)utu-kam mu-a u4 4(disz)#?-[kam] bala gub-ba an-nu-um-pi4-(d)[utu] ki na-bi-(d)utu dumu-me i3-[li2-ma] u3# an-nu-um-pi4-(d)utu u3# [na]-bi#-[(d)utu] dumu-me i3-li2-ma (disz)a-at-ta-a dumu na-ra-am-[(d)en-lil2] in-szi-in-sa10# sa10-am3 til-la-bi

  • 6(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • [in]-ne-en-la2

    AI Translation

    The office of gudu-priest, the office of brewer, the office of brewer, and the office of ..., in the temple of Shamash, for 4 days?, the bala bala, Annum-pî-Shamash, from Nabi-Shamash, sons of Ilima, and Annum-pî-Shamash and Nabi-Shamash, sons of Ilima, Atata, son of Naram-enlil, has bought; its full price,

  • 6 2/3 shekels silver,
  • he has paid.



    u3 ibila# x x [...] garza#-bi#-sze3# [...] [mu lugal-la]-bi in-[pa3 ...] [igi ...]-ma dumu [...] [igi ...]-tum dumu [...] [igi ...] nam [...]

    AI Translation

    and the heir ... ... ... ... ... he has sworn by the name of the king.

    Seal 1


    an-nu-um-pi4-(d)utu na-bi-(d)utu dumu-me [i3-li2-ma]

    AI Translation

    Anum-pî-shamash Nabi-shamash, sons of Ili-ma.

    P224371: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [nam-gudu4] nam#-[...] [...] nam-(ugula)-e2? [...] [x x] 2/3(disz) mu-am3 u4 4(disz)#?-[kam] bala# gub-ba (disz)i-din-isz8-tar2 dumu [i3-li2-...] ki i-din-isz8-tar2 dumu i3-li2-[...-ta] (disz)a-at-ta-a dumu na#-ra-am#-[(d)en-lil2] in-szi-in-sa10# sa10-am3 til-la-bi#-[sze3]

  • 4(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar [in-na-an-la2]
  • [u4]-kur2-sze3 (disz)i-din#-[isz8-tar2] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the office of gudu-priest, the office of ..., the office of ugula-e2?, ..., 2/3 of the year, the 4th day, the bala imposed, Iddin-Ishtar, son of Ili-..., from Iddin-Ishtar, son of Ili-..., Atata, son of Naram-Enlil, bought; its full price,

  • 4 1/2 shekels of silver he paid.
  • In the future Iddin-Ishtar .



    [...] x x [...] [...] en x ia?-tum [...]

    AI Translation

    P224372: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 sze(+am?)
  • sza2 a-sza3 si? a-hu-ni us2-a-du ta-ri-ba-tum [a]-sza3 la-ma-sa3-tum lukur (d)[nin]-urta ki la-ma-sa3-tum#-ta (disz)nu-ur2#-(d)utu-ke4 nam-[...]-x-u2?-a-sze3 ki? [...] [x] ta? _an_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 3 iku field area, barley
  • from the field of the ... of Ahuni, next to the field of Taribatum, in the field of Lamasatum, naditu of Ninurta, from Lamasatum, Nur-shamash to ... .


  • 1(asz) sze gur sza3 _ud erin2_ ma?
  • (disz)nu-ur2-(d)utu al-ag2-e sahar a-sza3-ga lugal# a-sza3-ga-ke4 al-ag2? igi ur-du6-ku3-ga nimgir igi ta-ri-bu-um dumu sin-ga-mil igi (d)nin-urta-mu-ba-li2-it, dub-sar iti# x [x? u4] 7(disz)?-kam# [mu sa]-am#-su#-i#-[lu-na lugal-e ...]-da-ma x x? [...] ki#? ia? [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur barley, in the ... of the troops,
  • Nur-shamash has sworn. The dirt of the field has sworn by the king of the field. Before Ur-dukuga, herald; before Taribuum, son of Sin-gamil; before Ninurta-muballit, the scribe. The month ..., the day 7?, the year in which Samsu-iluna the king ... .

    P224373: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 nu-ub-tuku ki# ku-ri-tum u3 ku3-(d)en-lil2-ta szesz-du10-ga dumu da!-an-ga2-ta-ke4 szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • without interest, from Kuritum and Ku-Enlil Shesh-duga, son of Danga, received.



    iti sig4-a-sze3 szum2-mu-dam tukum-a-bi iti sig4-a-ka la-ba-an-szum2 masz2 ga2-ga2-dam igi u2-s,i2-na-wi-ir dumu u2-gu-za-na igi a-wi-il3-tum-x dumu a-bu-ra-an iti ab-e3-a# mu bur-(d)suen lugal-e sze-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 ([d])en#-lil2-ra mu-na-dim2

    AI Translation

    to be given back in the month of brick making. If in the month of brick making he has not given back, the interest he will pay. Before Ushi-nawir, son of Uguzana; before Awiltum-x, son of Abura. The month of Abea, the year in which Bur-Suen, the king, a favorable decision for Enlil, for Enlil he had made.

    Seal 1


    e2? (d)utu?

    AI Translation

    House of Utu

    P224374: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur masz2 in-[tuku]
  • ki (d)suen-i-ri-ba-[am] ugula munus-tigi2 [...] li#-bu-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur of barley, with interest,
  • from Sîn-iribam, foreman: Munus-tigi ... Libu-.



    igi i3-li2-i-din-nam [...] iti ab-e3-[a ...] mu (gesz)tukul (gesz?)szu-nir# [... nig2]-babbar2 ku3#-sig17 ku3-babbar [...]

    AI Translation

    before Ili-iddinam ... month: "Abea," year: "With weapons and a shunir weapon ... silver, gold, silver .

    P224375: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x sze? gur#? [...] te?-buru14?-na-na [masz2 ...]-tuku [...]-at-tum [...]-tuku [...] x [...]-tum#? [...]-e

    AI Translation

    ... ... barley ... when he arrives?, he will pay interest ...



    [igi a]-hi-sza-gi!-mil igi li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 dub-sar [iti] szu-numun-a [mu ha]-am-mu-ra-pi2 lugal#-e [alan?] musz3#?-me-bi ku3-sig17 [...]

    AI Translation

    Before Ahishagimil; before Lipit-Ishtar, the scribe. The month of Dumuzi, the year in which Hammurapi the king erected a statue whose faces are of gold .

    P224376: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) [n] gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 1(disz)? gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2-ta-am3 dah-he-dam ki lugal-murub4-e bar-szu#-gal2 dumu lu2-dingir-ra-ta (disz)um-mi-wa-aq-ra-at u3 (d)suen-re-me-ni dumu-ni-ke4! szu ba-an-ti-esz iti# sig4-a-ka [gur]-ru-dam

    AI Translation
  • 10 n shekels of silver,
  • an interest rate of 1 1/4 shekels per 1 shekel is to be added, from Lugal-muru'e Barshugal, son of Lu-dingira, Ummi-waqrat and Sîn-remeni, his son, have received; month: "Bricks brought."

    Seal 1



    AI Translation

    for Enlil-...;

    Seal 2



    AI Translation

    for Ummi-waqrat;

    Seal 3


    [...] ma?-x-na [...]

    AI Translation

    Seal 4


    [...] _sahar_-gal

    AI Translation

    ... dust

    Seal 5


    dumu x [...]

    AI Translation

    son of ...

    P224377: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(ban2) [...]
  • masz2 an-[tuku?] ki (d)en-lil2-[...-ta] (disz)li-pi2-[it-...] szu ba-an-[ti] mu-kux(_du_) buru14#?-[sze3] sze-bi [... i3-ag2-e]

    AI Translation
  • 5 ban2 ...,
  • Lipit-... received from Enlil-... the interest on the barley ... .



    u3#? masz2-bi [...] in#?-na-an#?-[la2?] x [...] x [...] [iti] gan#-gan#-[e2 ...] mu# ha-am-mu#-[ra-pi2 ...] x ma3#-[...]

    AI Translation

    and its interest ... he weighed out ... month "GANgan," year: "Hammurapi" .

    P224378: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x x] [a-na di-na-an _lugal_ be-li]-ia lul-lik# [um-ma-a a-na _lugal_ be-li]-ia-a-ma#

    [a-na _lugal_] be-li#-ia al-tap-ra# [um]-ma# mi-nam-ma ep-pu-usz [o(?)]

    [szA a-na _lugal_] aq#-bu-u um-ma / d-[_en_ iq-ta-bi] [um-ma _lugal_]-u-tu i-szi a-na pi-ia# [man-nu sza]-la#-nu-u-a _lugal_-u-tu i-na#-[Asz-szi]

    [x x] _lugal_-u-ti isz-szi i-na# [mah-ri-i(?)] [_lu_-um]-man#-ni _lugal_ iq-ta-ba-Asz#-[szu um-ma] [_lugal_-u-tu e]-pu-usz# _lugal_ il(*)#-tap-rasz-[szu x x] [x x x x] x x x x# [x x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant NN: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    I have written to the king, my lord, saying: "Why did you do it?"

    As to what I said to the king, saying: "Bel has said: 'I have a kingship.' Whoever takes away my kingship, I shall not make it happen."

    In the past the king told him the king's messenger: "I will exercise kingship" — the king wrote to him .


    Your servant NN: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    I am hereby writing to the king, my lord: "What shall I do?"

    What I told the king was: "Bel has said: 'Take over the kingship by my command! Without me, who can take over the kingship, and who has ever taken over the kingship?'"

    Earlier the king's scholar had told him: "Exercise the kingship!" The king sent him to me ...



    [x x x]+x# _lugal_ isz-pur-an#-[ni x x x]

    [x x]-ma#-nu szA ul-tu [x x x x]

    [x x x]+x#-da-as-su#-[x x x x]

    [x x x]+x#-ti en-na x#+[x x x x]

    [x x x] _ur_ x# [x x x x x]

    [x x x]+x#-szu ina _uru_(?)# [x x x x] [x x x] x x e ta x#+[x x x x] [x x x x]+x# ul x#+[x x x x] [x x x x] x x x# [x x x x] [x x x x] x x# [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... the king wrote to me .

    ... which from .


    ... Now ...

    ... a turban .

    ... in the city .


    ... the king sent to me ...

    ...... who from ...


    ...... Now ...

    ... lap ......

    ... his ... in the town of ......

    P224379: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na] _lugal_ be-li#-[ia] _arad#_-ka (m(!))x#+[x x x x] [lu-u _di_]-mu# a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia#

    [ina _ugu_] qa(?)#-ri-te sza _lugal_ be-[li] [isz-pur-an]-ni# :- ma-a# lu-u x#+[x x x]

    [x x x] dul(?)#-lu ki-i x# [x x x]

    [x x x x]+x-ni e-mur#-[x x x]

    [x x x x]+x#—_man_(?)—_pab_ lu#-za-ki# [x x]

    [x x x x]+x dul-lu sza x#+[x x x]

    [x x x] a(?)-na(?) _ugu_ sza(?) _lugal_(?)# [be-li] [isz-pur]-an#-ni ma-a# ina _ugu_ (m)u(?)-x#+[x x]

    [x x x]+x x-_mesz#_ lil-lik-u-ni ur(?) x x x#

    [x x x]+x x x x# _lu_(v)-sa-x x# ni [x x]

    [x x x]+x#-sa-ma É(?)#-_mesz_ x ma x ni# szi [x]

    [sza(?) x x]+x# kaq-qar#-szu-nu u(?)-ki-i-lu#-[ni]

    [x x x]+x# le-ku-lu x x x# [x x x]

    [x x ma]-a'-da x x x x# [x x x] [x x x] x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the qaritu-tree about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "May .

    ... the work as .

    ...... I saw .

    ...-sharru-ushur should be exempt .

    ... the work of .

    Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: ".

    ...... should go .

    ...... the ...

    ... houses ...

    who ... their area .

    ... should be sated .

    ... much ...


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the banquet about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... should ...

    ... how the work is ...

    ... and chosen ...

    ... may he exempt DN-sharru-ushur ...

    ... the work of ....

    As to what the king my lord wrote to me: "... the ...s should go to NN.


    ... ... the ... official

    ...... houses ......

    who ... held their ground

    ... let them eat .........

    ... many ......

    P224380: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na# [_lugal en_-ia] _arad_-ka (m)#[x x x] lu-u _di#_-mu a#-[na _lugal en_-ia]

    _kug-ud_ sza _lugal#_ be-li i-di-na-ni# ma-a x x# a-na _lu_(v)-ku-ma#-a-a x# i x#

    [x] _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz#_

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The silver which the king, my lord, gave me: "... to the Kummeans .

    x men,


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the silver which the king, my lord, gave me, saying: "... ... to the Kummaean!"

    I returned x men to their country according to their wish, and after that x men remained. I have sent them with the royal bodyguard to the king, my lord.

    P224381: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal#_ be-li-ia [_arad_-ka (m)man]-nu#—ki-i#—(d)asz-szur lu-u _di#_-[mu] a#-na _lugal_ be-li-ia

    a-na _ugu#_ [x x] x#-a-ni szA _lugal#_ be-li [isz-pu-ra] um#-ma a-du-u#

    [x x x x]+x# a-na pa-ni-ka#

    [x x x x]+x#-ma _numun_ ul(?)-la(?) [x x x x]+x x# [x x x]+x x#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Mannu-ki-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the ...s about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Now then, the king, my lord, should know this."

    ...... to you

    ... and I have given birth to a seed


    To the king, my lord: your servant Mannu-ki-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the ... about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Right now ......

    ...... to you

    ...... and I/he will raise seed



    [x x x x]-nu-u en-na [x x x x]-su-nu-ti-ma

    [ina x x]-_ki_ a-na-ku a-du-u ina x# [x] _en-nun_-ia u-szu#-uz-za-ak-a

    AI Translation

    ...... Now ... them and

    I am in ...; now I am keeping watch over me.


    ... ...... I have now ...ed them and am in GN.

    Right now I stand at my watchpost and keep my watch.

    P224382: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _im mi_-da(?)-ta-a a-na (m)_mu_—_mu szesz_-szu

    (d)_mi-nin-lil_ u d-_innin tin-tir-ki_ szu-lum _kur_ szA _szesz_-ia liq-ba-a'# _ud_-mu-us-su (d)_mi-nin-lil#_ u d-_innin tin-tir-ki_ a-na _tin zi_-_mesz_ szA _szesz_-ia

    u-s,al-la am—mi-ni ma-la a-ga-a _ud_-mu _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri-ka la a-mur en-na ki-i bal-t,a-a-tum i-da-ti-ka mi-t,e-e-ti lu#-ram-ma

    lu-ur-qud _mi_-ga-ga-a mi-ta-at u _szesz_-ku da-li-ih

    AI Translation

    Tablet of Datâ to Shumu-iddin, his brother.

    May Mullissu and Ishtar of Babylon decree the well-being of my brother's land. May Mullissu and Ishtar of Babylon give day and night to my brother's life.

    Why have I not seen your messenger this day? Now, if you are alive, let me bring you a report of the crime.

    May I be sated with the beauty of the woman Gagâ, my wife and my brother.


    A tablet of Datâ to her brother Shumu-iddina.

    May Mulliltu and Ishtar of Babylon decree the well-being of my brother's land. I pray daily to Mulliltu and Ishtar of Babylon for the good health of my brother.

    Why have I not seen your messenger until this very day? Now, if you are alive, let me forgive the shortcomings of your character and dance.

    The lady Gagâ has died and your brother is troubled. Come to see him! I have written to you out of desperation. Come quickly!



    kul-du (d)_nin-lil_ u d-_innin tin-tir-ki_ lu i#-da-a' ki-i _ud_-mu-us-su it-ti du-lu-uh-ti-a [ina] ni#-pi-ih _sza_-bi-ka la tak#-la-ka _dingir_

    (m)szul-lu#-ma-a szu-lum szA (m)_mu_—_mu szesz#_-szu i-szA-al

    AI Translation

    May Mullissu and Ishtar of Babylon be attentive to you. When you are to be awake on your day, do not be afraid of your inner plight.

    Shullumâ is asking about the health of Shumu-iddin, his brother.


    By Mulliltu and Ishtar of Babylon, he is every day among my concerns. Do not trust in the blaze of your heart! Oh my god!

    Shullumâ asks about the health of his brother Shumu-iddina.

    P224383: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-na _lugal en_-[ia] _arad_-ka (m)(d)x x x# lu# _di_-mu a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia]

    _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x] 02-szu _lu_(v)-_erim_—_man_ i-si-[szu (m)x x] (m)ha-lu-su(?)# [o] _arad#_-_mesz_ sza# (m)(d)_pa_—_gin_—_pab#_ [_lu_(v)-_en_]-_nam_ sza# _uru_-til-le-ia u#-sa-ha-li-qu-szu-nu a-na _uru_-u-pu-me i-ta-s,u-szu-nu

    a-di a-szA-lu-ni u-s,i-s,u-ni ra-di-u ir-ti-da-ni sza a-na _kur_-szub-ri-(a) _kaskal-2_-szu _gar#_-nu-ni a-s,a-bat a-na _lu_(v)-_usz_—kib-si _lu_(v)-A—_kin_ a-ti-di-ni mu-ku a-lik a-mur pit-ti#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The village manager ... has twice been with him, and NN and Halusu, servants of Nabû-kenu-ushur, governor of Tilleya, have been slain. They have gone to Upomu.

    As long as I have been bringing them and bringing them, they have been very many. I have set out on his way to Shubria, and given them to the cohort commander and the messenger. Go, see, hear!


    To the king, my lord: your servant DN-.... Good health to the king, my lord!

    The village manager of ... with a couple of king's men helped NN and Hallusu, two servants of Nabû-kenu-ushur, governor of Tillê, to run away, and took them to Upumu.

    After I had asked around and investigated a bit, a tracker guided me on their tracks. I arrested the person who had arranged his trip to Shubria and gave the tracker a messenger, saying: "Go and have a look, and I'll report to the king accordingly; in negative case, I'll search for him here."



    _kur_-szub-ri-a-a _ta_(v) _igi lu_(v)-_usz_—kib-si up-ta-zi-ri ma-a _lu_-ma la-a-szu ina pa-ni-ia _arad_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_gin_—_pab_ e-ta-at-qa ma-a dul-lu _lu_ na-s,a-ka ma-a _ansze_(?)-ku(?)#-du-nu ta-ta-na(?)#

    _kur_-szub-ri#-a-a [la i-ma-gur] _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ la i-da#-an sza u-szA-ha-li-qu-szu-ni# _kur_-szub-ri-a-a _en_—_mun#_-[szu-nu]

    szu-u ina _ugu#_ [_lugal_] _en_-ia u-se#-[bi-la-szu] _lugal_ be-li# [lisz-al-szu]

    AI Translation

    The Shubrian has departed from the cohort commander, saying: "There is no man in my presence. The servant of Nabû-kenu-ushur has gone and brought the work. You have given the mules."

    The Shubrian does not agree to give them back to the village manager, and the Shubrian does not give back to him the land.

    I am sending him to the king, my lord. The king, my lord, should ask him.


    The Shubrian king concealed him from the tracker, saying: "There is nobody in my presence. A servant of Nabû-kenu-ushur passed by, and I am supporting the man's work, as he said: 'You gave me a mule.'"

    The Shubrian refuses to give away the village manager and those whom he helped to run away. The Shubrian is a friend of theirs.

    I am sending him = the tracker to the king, my lord. The king, my lord, may ask him. I sent him as soon as he had come back.

    P224385: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [ina _ugu_ (m)x—ra]-pa#-a' _lu_-x#+[x x] [szA _lugal_ be-li isz]-pu#-ra-an-[ni]

    [x x x x x]+x# _arad_ (m)x#+[x x x]

    [x x x x] _dam#_-su szA (m)d-_en_—_mu_

    [x x x x x x] mu-x x di(?)#

    [x x x x x x] x x x# [x]

    [x x x x x x] _lu_(?)-a(?)#-[x x x]

    [x x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x]

    [x x x x x]+x# _dub_(?) x# [x x]

    [x x x]+x# ia da(?)#-bu-x#+[x x x]

    AI Translation

    As to ...rapa', the ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me,

    ...... servant of N

    ...... wife of Bel-iddin


    ...... the ...


    ...... tablet .


    Concerning DN-rapa' the ..., about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me

    ... NN, the servant of NN

    NN, the wife of Bel-iddina

    ...... ......


    ...... the ......


    ...... ... ...

    ... ...... ...



    [x x x x] 12# _ansze-a-ab#_-[_ba_-_mesz_] [x x x x]-zi-ti _mi_-x#+[x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... 12 camels, ......zitu, NN,


    ... 12 camels, ...zitu, PNf



    [x] x# [x] ul(?)#-ta _kur mi_ [x x x]

    [x x]+x x#+[x x] bi(?) (m(?))#qa-x#+[x x x]

    [x]+x# x x#+[x x]+x#-a a-na x# [x x]

    [x] si kal(?)#-lim i-na-x#

    [(m)lu]-u—ga-mil _lu_-szA—_amar_—(d)_im_(?)#

    (m)#d-_en_—hu-tu _dumu_ (m)d-_en_—_mu_

    x# _mi-tin-tir_(?)#-_ki_—a-a-x x# _dam_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_di_-an-ni

    _mi_-ia-an-si#-a-tu x# GÉME szA (m)bi-x-ri(?)#-[x]

    (m)x x x x x x x x# a-mat _mi#_-kasz-szA-x x x GÉME# szA (m)_ka_—i-tar-ru _arad#_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_di_-an-ni [szA(?)] _uru#-bad_—szA—(m)(d)_kaskal#-kur_-a

    [x x]+x x x (m)(d(?))x x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... from the land .

    ...... Qa...

    ...... to ...

    ... he will ...

    Lu-gamil, chariot driver of Adad;

    Bel-hutu, son of Bel-iddin;

    ... Babylon-aya..., wife of Marduk-shallimanni

    Yansiatu, ... maid of Bi...ri.

    NN, ..., the word of Kashash..., the maid of Babila-itarru, servant of Marduk-shallimanni of Dur-sha-Harrana.

    ...... NN ...


    ... ... PNf

    ... Qa...

    ...... ... to ...

    ... ......

    Lu-gamil, the ...

    Bel-hutu, the son of Bel-iddina

    ... Babil-Aia-..., the wife of Marduk-shallimanni,

    Yansiatu ... the maid of Bi...

    PN ...... the matter of Kasha..., the maid of Pî-itarru, the servant of Marduk-shallimanni from Dur-sha-Balihaya

    ...... NN

    P224386: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-bat] _lugal#_ [a-na] (m)asz-szur#—_en_—_lal_(?)#

    _lu_(v)-um-ma-nu sza É-_gal_ lu-u _lu_(v)-asz-szur-a#-a lu-u _lu_(v)-ar-ma#-a-a sza a-na _kur ti-la_ a-na _kur_-ka il-li-ku-ni-ni _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz_-ni-ka ina na-gi-u gab#-bu szi-tap-par bé-et szA-nu-u-ni gab-bi-szu-nu pah#-hi-ra ina _ugu_-hi-ia sze-bi-la-Asz-szu-nu

    _bad#_-_hal_-lum _lu_(v)-i-tu-'u i#-si-szu-nu pi-qid sza _uru-bad#_—(m)_en_—_dingir_-a-a [u]-sze-ta-qu-ni-szA-nu-u-ni

    AI Translation

    The king's word to Ashur-belu-taqqin:

    Let the scholars of the Palace, or the Assyrians, or the Arameans who came to the land and to your land send your messengers to all the districts, so that they can send them to me.

    The Itu'eans are bringing the cavalry with them, the appointed officials of Dur-Bel-ila'i, to them.


    The king's word to Ashur-belu-taqqin:

    The specialists of the Palace, whether Assyrian or Aramean, who have come to your land to revive it - send your messengers to the whole district, gather them all wherever they are and send them to me!

    Entrust them to cavalry and the Itu'u, who will make them pass through Dur-Bel-ila'i to me.



    at-ta tu#-u-da-a# [_ud_-_mesz_] sza ÉSZ#-_qar_ e-ma-du e#-tar(*)-ba-a-ni

    AI Translation

    You know that the days of the scribal art have arrived.


    Do you know that the days for imposing the ishkaru dues have arrived?

    P224387: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x]+x# a-[na] _lugal#_ be-li#-[ia x x x x]

    [x]+x#-ni a-ga-a _kur_(?)-x#+[x x x x x]

    an-ni-i ga(?) x# [x x x x x]

    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia# [x x x x]

    a(!)#-kan-na ina x x# [x x x x]

    ina x x (d)_amar-utu#_ [x x x x]

    x x x# hi x x#+[x x x x x]

    a-di# [x]+x x# a-di x#+[x x x x]

    a-di(?)# a-na É(?) x# [x x x x]

    ina [_sza_(?)] _erim_-_mesz_(?) x#+[x x x x x x]

    [x] x# _lugal_ [x x x x x x] [x x]+x# szu u [x x x x x x] [x x] x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... to the king, my lord .

    this ... ...

    this ......

    to the king, my lord .

    Now then ......

    in ... Marduk .

    as far as ... as far as .

    until to the house .

    among the men .

    ... the king .


    ... to the king, my lord ......

    ...... this ......

    this .........

    to the king, my lord ...

    now .........

    in ... Marduk ......

    ...... ......

    up to ... as far as ......

    until to the house of ......

    among the men ......

    ...... the king ......

    P224388: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [i]-qab-bu#-nisz-szu x#+[x x x x]

    _dumu#_ (m)_gin_—_numun_(?)# [x x x x x x]

    ina _uru_-ha-ag#-[ra-a-nu x x]

    _u lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz#_ [x]+x#+[x x x x x]

    _ta_(v) _sza#_-bi _uru_-ha-me-te x#+[x x]+x# [x x] it-tu#-s,i-u ina pa-ni-ia(?)# it-tal#-ku-u-ni ah(?)-tu#-[ru-up] at-ta#-lak _un_-_mesz_ an#-[nu-ti(?)] [sza] szag#-lu-u-ni ina _bar-sipa#-ki_ [x x] x#+[x x]+x# [x x] x x x#

    AI Translation

    he says to him .

    son of Mukin-zeri .

    in Hagaranu ...

    and the men .

    From the city Hamete ... they came and came to me. I went and gathered these people who had been captured in Borsippa .


    they call it ......

    the son of Mukin-zeri ......

    in the town of the Hagaranu ...

    and the men ......

    departed from Hamete ... and came to me. I left early and ... these people who have been deported and live in Borsippa ......



    gab#-bu u-sa#-ag-[li]

    _lugal_(?) lu(?)# u-di _nim-ma-ki_-a#-[a] _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz_-szu-nu _ta_(v) _dumu#_ (m)_gin_—_numun_ la(?)# i#-du-ku _u#_ sza—da-a-ni u#-sag-li#-szu-nu szu-nu-u-ma

    ig#-da-al#-u t,e-mu [o] sza# _lu_(v)-li-i'-ta-mu [o] (m)ga-'a-ma-a-nu _dumu_ x# [x x] sza# ina _sza_-bi _szesz_-_mesz_-[szu x x]

    _ta_(v)(?)# _lu_(v)-_a#_—_kin_ sza# (m)[x x x] [x x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    all he has smashed.

    The Elamites have not yet killed their men with the son of Mukin-zeri, but have reorganized the auxiliary forces.

    News of the Li'tamu: Ga'amanu, son of ..., who among his brothers .

    with the messenger of N


    deported all of them. The king should know this.

    The Elamites killed their soldiers with the son of Mukin-zeri and deported them by force. They too went into exile.

    News of the Li'tamu: Ga'amanu, the son of the ..., who among his brothers ...

    with the messenger of NN

    P224389: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _im_ (m)_lugal_—_bad_(?)# a-na _lu_(v)-_a-ba#_—É-_gal_ lu _di#_-mu a-na _dumu_

    (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_ ina _ugu dumu_ a-sa-par i#—da-a-ti

    AI Translation

    A tablet of Sharru-duri to the palace scribe. Good health to the son!

    I have sent Nabû-nadin-ahhe to the son; he is a fugitive.


    A tablet of Sharru-duri to the palace scribe. Good health to my lord!

    I sent Nabû-nadin-ahhe to my lord; afterwards .......



    x#+[x x x x] an-ni-te _lu_(v)-qur#-a-a le-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    Let the Qurreans do this .


    Let the Gurreans perform ... this ....

    P224390: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a]-na _lugal# en_-ia _arad#_-ka (m)a-szi#-pa-a lu#-u _di_-mu a-na _man en_-ia#

    _gisz-ma_-_mesz_ ina _uru_-su-ru# uq-t,a-ri-ba [o] _lu_(v)-_gar_(?) _lu_(v)-_ma#-du-du#_ sza# [x x x]+x# x#+[x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The prefect and the boatmen of .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I brought the boats to Suru. The prefect of the boatmen who ...



    [_erim_-_mesz uru_-bar]-sip-a-a [i]-tu#-s,u-ni [ina] _ugu# lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ sza# (m)ba-la-si i-zu-uq-pu 07 _erim_-_mesz_ ma-hu#-s,u 05 _erim_-_mesz_ de-e#-ku 01 _lu_(v)-A—_sig_-ia# _ki_-szu-nu-ma de-e-ke _di#_-mu a-na _gisz-ma_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    The Barsippeans have gone out and seized the men of Balasu. Seven men have been killed, five have been killed. I have a chariot fighter with them. Good health to the boats!


    Borsippan troops came out and attacked the men of Balassu; seven men were wounded and five were killed. Also one chariot fighter of mine was killed with them. But the boats and water-skin rafts are well.

    P224391: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-[ta]-szar#-szu-nu x#-u-a-[x x] [sza] la# i-li#-ku-u-ni a-ta#-[har] _lu#_-[_erim_]-_mesz ansze-nita#_-_mesz_ u-ta#-[si-ik] _ud# 12_-_kam#_ u-se-s,i-a-szu-nu i-ta-ta-ku-u-ni

    19 _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz_ [:] 19 _ansze-nita kur_(?)-x#+[x]

    13 _erim_-_mesz 10_(*) :- 01 _ansze-a-ab-ba kur_(?)#-[x]

    03# :- 03 : _kur_-li-di#-a-a#

    AI Translation

    I have checked them out. I have received ... who did not come. I have gathered men and donkeys. On the 12th I brought them out and they have come back.

    19 men, 19 donkeys .

    13 men, 10 ditto, 1 donkey of ...;

    3 ditto, 3 ditto, the Lidians;


    I reviewed them, received the ...s which did not go away and assigned the men and donkeys. I brought them out on the 12th and they left for me.

    They are: 19 men, 19 donkeys: the ...eans

    13 men, 10 donkeys, 1 camel: the ...eans

    3 men, 3 donkeys: the Lidiaeans



    81 :# 81 :- (m)_en_—_gisz_

    18 : 18 : _kur#_-u-tu-u-a-e#

    15 : 15 _kur_-ha-mar-a-e(?)#

    AI Translation

    81 ditto, 81 ditto, Bel-leshir;

    18 ditto 18 ditto, the Utu'eans;

    15 ditto, 15 — the land Hamarai.


    81 men, 81 donkeys: Bel-leshir

    18 men, 18 donkeys: the Itu'eans

    15 men, 15 donkeys: the Hamaraeans



    59 :# 59 : 01 _ansze-a#_-[_ab-ba_] sza _szu-2_ (m)(d)_utu_—_du_-[a-a] _pab 01_ me 98 _lu#_-[_erim_-_mesz_] 01 me 95 _ansze-nita#_-[_mesz_] 02 _ansze-a-ab-ba#_-[_mesz_]

    i-na# _szu-2_ (m)(d)_a-u#_—[x x] _lu#-a_—_kin_-ia [ina _ugu lugal en_-ia] u#-se-bi-la# [x x x x x x] [x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    59 ditto 59 ditto, 1 donkey under the command of Shamash-bunaya, in all 188 men, 195 donkeys, 2 donkeys —

    I am sending my messenger to the king, my lord, in the charge of Aplu-.


    and 59 men, 59 donkeys, 1 camel under the command of Shamash-bunaya, in all 198 men, 195 donkeys, 2 camels.

    I am now sending them to the king, my lord, in the custody of Apladad-..., my messenger.

    P224392: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)mah-de-e lu-u _di_-mu a-na _man en_-ia

    kal-li-u sza ni-da#-nu-ni _lu_(v)-qur-bu#-ti sza il-lak-[an]-ni#

    ma-a [a]-bat _man_ szi-i-ti ma-a a-di _uru_-szA-bi-ri-szu lil-lik _ansze_(?)# sza ina (_igi_)-ia ug-da#-me-ra# _lugal_ be-li u-da a-di _uru_-szA-bi-ri-szu u-ru-u la u-kal#-[la] sza il-lak#-u-ni# la i-sa-hur-u-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Mahdê. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The bodyguard who comes and gives the kallû-offerings is the bodyguard who goes.

    "The king should go as far as Shabirishu, and I will give back the donkeys that I have brought before me." The king, my lord, knows that I cannot go as far as Shabirishu, and that the ones who go will not return.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Mahdê. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the mule express that we provide and the royal bodyguard who comes citing a royal order that he should go as far as Shabireshu — he has used up the ... in my possession!

    The king, my lord, knows that I do not maintain a team to go as far as Shabireshu; the ones that go do not return. My teams are used up; the king, my lord, should know this.



    sza# _uru_-kal-ha u-rat#-_mesz_ nu-sze-taq _gisz-gigir#_ u-ra-a-a _lu_(v)-mu-[kil—_kusz_]-_pa_-_mesz#_-[ia] (m)(d)_pa_-u-a [_lu_(v)]-qur#-bu-ti

    a-di _uru#_-[szA]-bi-ri-szu i-tal-[ku] sza _uru_-szA#-bi-ri-szu u-se#-[ti]-qu# _lugal_ be-li lisz#-['a]-al# lisz-pu-ra ma#-[a] al-ka# ina _gir-2_-_me_-ia al-la-ka la-a _gisz-gigir_ la u-ra-a-a

    AI Translation

    We have finished the rites of Calah. My chariot, my chariot driver, and my bodyguard, Nabû'a, the bodyguard, have been seized.

    The king, my lord, should ask and write me: "Come, go with me, but I have no chariot!"


    We let the teams from Calah go by; my chariot, my team and my driver went with Nabû'a the bodyguard as far as Shabireshu, and those of Shabireshu let them go by.

    Let the king, my lord, investigate; let him send word that I come, and I shall come on foot! I have no chariot, no team, no driver!

    P224393: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x] x# [x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_sag_ sza _lu_(v)-_en#_-[_nam_] _en_—pi-qi#-te sza _gisz-ma_-_mesz_-te _ta_(v) _gisz-ma_-_mesz_-te i-la-ka É _lugal_ i-qa(?)-bu#-u-ni

    04 _gisz-ma_-_mesz_-te# sza _lugal_ iq-bu#-[u]-ni ma#-a ki-ma# [it-tal-ka-a-ni]

    AI Translation

    The eunuch of the governor and the official of the boats will come with the boats. The king's house will say:

    The four boats about which the king said: "When they came, they will go to the king's house."


    Nabû-sharru-ushur, the eunuch of the governor, the official in charge of the boats, will come with the boats where the king commands.

    Concerning the four boats about which the king said: "You will bring them to this side of the river after they have arrived.



    [ina szA]-lim-ti (m)(d)#_pa_—_man_—[_pab_(?) iq-t,ar-ba(?)]

    [(m)]gu-ra-li# _arad_(?)# sza (m)(d)10-si sza iq#-bi-u-ni#

    x x t,e-mu szu#-u-tu

    _a-sza_(?) u(?)-kal#

    x x szA# bat-te-szu

    ina ba-te#-szu aq(?)-t,i-bi#-a-szu

    me-me-ni 01-u _a#-2_ [_ta_(v)(?)] _id#_ pa-ti sza iq(?)-bu(?)-ni#

    [o(?)] _sze-numun_(?)-_mesz_ szA(?)# ina _sza_-bi

    AI Translation

    Nabû-sharru-ushur has said:

    Gurali, servant of Adad-eriba, who said:

    ... that news

    The field will be cultivated.

    ... behind him

    I told him in his own time:

    Nobody has a share from the river bank which they said.

    The seed corn which is therein


    Nabû-sharru-ushur has now arrived safely.

    It was Gurali, a servant of Adasi who told this.

    ... this news,

    he holds land

    ...... of its side

    I have spoken to him in this side of the river.

    He said that the workers lit. "any single arm" are far from the river.

    The cornfield which is in ......



    [_arad_(?)-_mesz_ sza _en_—pi]-qi(?)-te li-in-tu#-hu

    AI Translation

    Let the servants of the envoy be rescued.


    Should the servants of the official in charge of the boats fetch the boats or leave them?

    P224394: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na] _lugal_ be-li#-ia [_arad_]-ka (m)[_iti_]-_kin#_-a-a lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia a—dan-nisz _di_-mu a-na _kur_—asz-szur-_ki di_-mu a-na É-_kur_-_mesz di_-mu a-na bi-ra-ti sza _lugal#_ gab-bu#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ululayu. The very best of health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ululayu. The best of health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

    P224395: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal# en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)10—ha#-ti lu# _di_-mu a-na _lugal en#_-ia

    _dumu#_ (m)a#-mi-ri ina _sza_-bi 03 me(*)# _ansze_-a-na-qa-te u-za-ta-ki# ma-a ina _ugu lu_(v)#-hu-ub-te sza _ta_(v)# _uru#_-[di]-masz-qa a-na# _kur_—asz-szur [u-sze]-ta-qu#-u-ni [ma-a ina] _ugu#_-hi a-ma#-qu-[ut]

    [a-se-me ina] _ugu_ (m)_en_—iq#-[bi] [a]-sap#-ra i-tal-ka# [i]-sa#-a-hi-szi ina _gaba#_ [_lu_(v)]-hu#-ub-te ni-ta-lak [e-ta]-mar#-na-a-szi [ina] szub#-tu ina ku-ta-li-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The son of Ammiri has released 300 donkeys, saying: "They have been seized by Assyrian captives from Damascus, and I have been seized by them."

    I heard about it and wrote to Bel-iqbi. He came and we went to the rear of the captives and saw us. We sat down in the hut and ate our meal.


    To the king, my lord: Your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Ammili'ti the son of Amiri readied himself with 300 she-camels, intending to attack the booty being transferred from Damascus to Assyria.

    I heard of this and sent word to Bel-iqbi; he came and we went together to meet the booty. He saw us, ambushed us from behind, and we had a fight. 1,500 booty sheep from the city of Huzaza, 1,500 sheep ...... city of ......, ...2 men ...... men ......



    [a]-ni#-nu ni#-su-hu#-[ur] [i]—da-tu(?)-szu# ni-ir#-ti-di-pi [x x]+x# _kur_-il-la(?)-ba(?)#-a-ni x#+[x] ni#-iq-t,i-ri-ib# la ni-ik-szu-du(*) ma-ri-s,i la-a a-na _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ la#-a a-na _gisz-gigir_-_mesz#_ [o] (m)ni(?)-ba(?)#-[x] x#+[x x] ina x#+[x x] si# [x]

    AI Translation

    We have returned and ...ed him. We have ...ed the Illabani ..., but we have not reached the king. There is no way to go to the horses, nor to the chariots. Nibani .


    We returned and went in pursuit after him, getting as far as Il...ani, but could not catch up with him; the terrain was too difficult, it was not fit either for horses or for chariots ......

    P224396: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a]-na _lugal_ be#-li-ia _arad#_-ka (m)asz-szur—_di_-ni lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal_

    be-li-ia ina _ugu lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ sza _lugal#_ be-li isz-pur#-an-ni-ni ma-a a-szur#

    01 me 50 sza# (m)na-di-nu [01] me 20 sza (m)ha-za(?)#-la-a 60 sza (m)A-a x# sza _lu_(v)-su#-ha-a-a [x] sza _lu_(v)-hi-in-da-na#-a-a [x ku-tal]-la-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the men about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Ashur,

    150 of Nadinu, 120 of Hazalâ, 60 of Aplaya, x of the Suhu, x of the Hindanu, x behind them.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the men whom the king, my lord, sent to me, saying: "Review them!" -

    150 men of Nadinu, 120 of Hazalâ, 60 of Aplaya, x of the Suhean, x of the Hindanean, x their reserve, in all x men of theirs who have come.



    10 _ud_-_mesz uru-kaskal uru_-til# _uru_-ku# _uru_-asz-szur

    AI Translation

    10 days in Harran, Tillu, Kutha, Ashur.


    Ten days: Harran – Tillê - Kubanashe - the city of Assur.

    P224397: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_gin_] lu szul#-[mu o] a-na _lugal en#_-[ia] a—dan-nisz a—dan#-[nisz]

    sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur#-an-ni# ma-a# a-na am—mi-ni# _a-2_(*)#-ka ina _sza_ (m)dal-ta-a tu-bi-il

    a#-ke-e sza la _ka_ sza _lugal#_ ana-ku _a#_-[2-a-a] ina _sza#_-bi-szu u-qa-[ra-ba]

    [hi(?)]-it,(?)#-t,u-u [x x] [x x x] _en#_ [x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Why have you snatched your share from Daltâ?" —

    How could I say in his midst what is not the word of the king?

    a crime ...


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Why did you lay your hands on Daltâ?"

    How could I lay my hands on him without the king's permission?

    Is it crime to ......?



    la(?)# a-na [x x]

    _lugal#_ be-li# [x x]

    AI Translation

    not to ...

    the king, my lord .


    not to ...

    the king, my lord ...



    [x x] ta x#+[x x x x]

    [x x] li i# [x x x]

    [a]-na _kur_-É—x#+[x x x] [a(?)]-ta-lak : szu-tu# [o] i#—da(*)-tu-u-a(*)# ra-ma(?)#-[an-szu] ina _sza_-bi# sza _lugal_ u(?)-ta#-am-me 05 _uru_-_mesz#_-ni i-sa-rap u _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_me en-nun#_-_me_ sza _uru_-_mesz_-ni i-du-ak 02(?) me# _udu_-_hi-a_-_me_ ih#-[ta]-bat [x x x]+x x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... from ...

    I went to Bit-..., and he was a fugitive, but he was a fugitive, and he was seized by the king. He destroyed five towns, and the troops and guards of the towns went and slaughtered 200 sheep. .




    I went to the land of Bit-... and after my departure he made himself to take an oath by the gods of the king but burnt 5 towns. Moreover, he killed the guards of the towns and plundered 200 sheep ......

    P224398: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [_arad_]-ka# (m)sa(?)#-la-ma# a-na di-na-na É-_gal en_(?)-ia lul(?)-lik um-ma#-a a-na É#-_gal_ u u#-[x] _en_(?)#-ia-a-ma a-mat szA _lugal_ iq-bu-u it-ti

    a#-du-u _lu-a_—_kin_-_mesz_ sza# _dumu_-_mesz_ (m)_gin_—_numun_ a-na _ugu kur_-pu#-qu-du(?)# i-te-et-qu x#

    x# a [x x x]+x x# [x] x ip-tu-u#

    U(?)# a-du-u szA x x x# [x]-ma-ni x x x#-ti

    x x# szA _lugal_ iq-bu-u a-na x#-ha-al-x

    ina(?) _sza_(?) ap#-pa-ru ki-i i-na(?)# _gisz-mi_ gab-bi [o(?)]

    x x# a x# ha-x#-u it-ti-iq mim(?)-ma [x]

    e(?)-le#-nu-u-a x# qu x# na ul-tu x#+[x x] x x x x x x x x-ia# szA ina _szu_ x#+[x x x] [x] x x x x ra x x x# [x x x x] [x] x x x x x x x x# [x x x x] [x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant Salama: I would gladly die for the palace, my lord! Say to the palace and ... my lord: The word that the king said is true with

    Now the messengers of the sons of Mukin-zeri have gone to Puqudu .

    ...... opened

    And now that .

    ... which the king said to .

    In the apparu-temple, when all the ... were in the canopy,

    ... ... he took everything .

    'The upper one ... from .


    Your servant Salamu: I would gladly die for the Palace of my lord. Say to the Palace and ... of my lord: The order which the king gave was a signal.

    Now, the messengers of the sons of Mukin-zeri have proceeded to the land of the Puqudu ...

    ...... opened

    And now ......

    ... of which the king said to ......

    as his entire shadow ...... moves on into the marsh

    anything ...

    above me ...... from ...

    P224399: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _arad_-ka (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_dumu-usz#_—_sum_ a-na di-na-an be-li-ia [lul-lik] um-ma-a a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia#-[a-ma]

    szA _lugal_ x# szi x x x# [x]

    [x x] x x x x x x#

    szA ina x x x x x#

    x x x x# [x x x x]

    ki-i#-nu x x#+[x x x x x] x x x# [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant Marduk-apla-iddina: I would gladly die for my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    of the king .


    which in ......


    True ......


    Your servant Merodach-baladan: I would gladly die for my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    As to what the king ......


    who in ......


    righteous ......



    um-ma a-na# [x x x x]

    _kur sze-bar_ u x# [x x x x]

    _sze-bar_-ia(?)# szA _lugal_ [x x x x]

    ki-i pa-an _lugal#_ [be-li-ia mah-ru] _gisz-ma_-_mesz_ ma-la# [x x] x# U(?)# _erim_-_mesz_ su-uh-hi-ram-ma a-na _lugal_ lu(?)#-bu-uk(?)#

    AI Translation

    "to ......

    the land barley and .

    my barley which the king .

    If it is agreeable to the king, my lord, let me bring to the king as many boats as ... and men.


    saying: "to ......

    land, barley and ......

    My barley which the king ......

    If it is agreeable to the king, my lord, please return to me all the boats ... and their crews, and I shall bring it = the barley to the king. And may I hear his well-being.

    P224400: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _arad#_-ka (m)ha-ma-pi a-na di-na-an _lugal#_ be-li-ia lul#-lik um-ma-a a-na be-li-ia-a-ma#

    _lu_-qi-i-pi szA _kur-nim-ma-ki_ szA ina É—[(m)im(?)]-bi#-ia Asz-bu ki-i isz-pu-ra um-ma mi-nu-u t,e-e-mu szA ma-dak-ti szA tal-li-ka Ar-ki-szu al-tap-rasz-szu um-ma _lugal kur_—asz-szur [_gaz_]-szu#-nu : id-duk (m)_mu_—_gin dumu_-szu _szesz#_-[szu]

    [x x]+x# [x x]+x É#—a-muk-a-ni# [x x] [x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant Hamapu: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! Say to my lord:

    When the official of Elam who lives in Bit-Imbî wrote to me: "What is the news of the camp?" I sent him later, saying: "The king of Assyria will kill them." Shumu-ukin, his son, his brother,

    ... Bit-Amukani


    Your servant Hamapi: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! Say to my lord:

    When the delegate of Elam, who lives in Bit-Imbia, wrote to me: "What news is there on the camp which came?," I subsequently wrote to him: "The king of Assyria has defeated them. Shumu-ukin, his son, as well as his brother are dead.

    ... Bit-Amukani ...



    [x x x]+x ki-i# [x x x x x x x]

    a-na _szu-2_-ka u#-[mal]-lu-u ina pi-i# szA (d)_en_ u (d)_ag_(?) za x x# su szA _kur_ gab-bi-szu _uru_-szA-pi-ia# a-du-u tap-ta-t,ar-szu

    ki-i pi-i szA-a-szu-ma(?)# man-ni a-mat-ka

    AI Translation

    ... as ......

    I have now written to him by the command of Bel and Nabû: "... of the entire land, the city of Sapiya."

    According to him, who is your word?


    ... when ......

    have delivered ... into your hands, and by the command of Bel and Nabû you have now liberated Shapiya, the ... of the whole land.

    By that very command, whoever transgresses your word or alters your treaty, will be consigned into your hands.

    P224401: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia [_arad_-ka] (m)(d)_masz#_—_en_—_pab_ [lu-u _di_]-mu a#-na _lugal en_-ia

    [ina _ugu_] sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-a-ni [ma-a] sza# 01 lim _bad_-_hal_-li# ak-s,ur-u-ni [il]-la-ka-ni ma-a ÉSZ-_qar ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ [sza] _mu#-an-na_ an-ni-te sza a-na _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_-_mesz_ [e-me]-du(*)-ni ina _igi_-ia ta-sa-lap

    [ma-a ki-i] ha-ni-i _ta_(v) _sza_-bi-ka [lu ta-ad-bu-ub] ÉSZ-_qar_ u#-[di]-ni

    [la x x x x x x _ansze-kur-ra_(?)]-_mesz#_

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-belu-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "I have gathered 1,000 cavalry and they are coming; you have deposited in my presence the horses of this year that they have brought to the merchants."

    "You should speak with your heart as a friend."

    ...... horses


    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-belu-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Of the 1,000 cavalry which I formed and is coming, you have extracted in my presence the ishkaru tax on horses for this year that I imposed on the merchants."

    "You should speak with your heart accordingly!" - I have not yet extracted the ishkaru tax!

    ... horses

    P224402: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_arad_-_mesz_-ka (m)(d)_utu_—_du_-a-a(?)] [(m)(d)_ag_(?)]—_zalag_(?)-ir(?)# [U] _lu-tin-tir-ki_-[_mesz_] [a]-na di#-na-an be-li-[ni] [ni]-il#-lik d-_ag_ u (d)#[_amar-utu_] [a-na] _lugal_(?) _en#_-ni lik-ru-bu [um-ma-a] a#-na be-li-ni-ma#

    [szA _lugal_(?)] isz#-pur-an-na-szi [um-ma] la# ta-pal-la-ha#

    [x x x]+x# dul-lu-um-ma# [ep-szA-a(?) x]+x x x#

    [x x] e#-mu-qu [szA _lugal_(?)] _en#_-i-ni

    [x x x]-a-ni

    AI Translation

    Your servants Shamash-bunaya, Nabû-nammir and the Babylonians: We would gladly die for our lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, our lord! Say to our lord:

    As to what the king wrote to us: "You should not be afraid!" —

    ... the work is done .

    ... the army of the king, our lord



    Your servants Shamash-bunaya, Nabu-nammir and the Babylonians: We would gladly die for our lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, our lord! Say to our lord:

    As to what the king wrote to us: "Fear not!

    ... do the work! ...

    ... the army of the king our lord.

    ... our lord



    [szA] _en_(?)-ni(?) isz-pur#-an-na-szi# um#-ma t,e(?)-e(?)#-mu a-ha#-mesz li#-pu-sza-a#-ma mam-ma la u#-szA(*)-an-ha-as-su# a-di a#-na _ugu_-hi#-szu x# _erim_ sza i-na ta-mir#-ti _tin#-tir-ki_ a#-na-du-u#

    _igi mu-sar_ x x x#

    x x x x x ki#-i is-si#-hu i-na ta-mir#-ti szA _lu_-kal-du it-x#+[x x]

    szul-mu a-na _lugal_(?)# [x x x] U a-na x#+[x x x x] ki-i# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    As to what our lord wrote to us: "Let them do a report together, and nobody should bring him up until I have ...ed the troops that I have gathered in the plain of Babylon."

    Witness: ....

    When ...... he was distressed, he ...ed in the plain of the Chaldeans.

    The king, my lord, can be glad. And ... as .


    As to what our lord wrote to us: "Let them make a report together, and let nobody make him fight, until I throw against him the troops that are in the surroundings of Babylon."

    ...... ......

    ...... revolted and ...ed in the area of Chaldea.

    They/he greeted the king, ... and ......

    P224403: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-bat _lugal_ a-na _lu_(v)-szak(?)#-[ni]

    07 me _tug_-ma-qar-rat sza _sze-in-nu 07_ me e-bi-is-su sza _gi-ambar_-_mesz#_ sza 01-et e-bi-is-si _ansze#-nita_(*) la e-mu-qa-szu-u-ni# la i-mat-ta-hu-u-ni

    AI Translation

    The king's word to the prefect:

    700 bags of straw, 700 bags of cedar, each of which is one load of donkeys, are not available. They have not been gathered.


    The king's word to the governor of Calah:

    700 bales of straw and 700 bundles of reeds, each bundle more than a donkey can carry, must be at hand in Dur-Sharruken by the 1st of Kislev IX. Should even one day pass by, you will die.

    P224404: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    (m)(d)#[x x x x]+x# (m)mu-qa-lil#—_idim pab 02# arad_-_mesz_-ni sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul_ sza _uru_-na#-Asz-me-di

    (m)(d)_im_—ki#-la-ni _dumu_-szu _pab 02 arad_-_mesz_-ni sza _lu_(v)-_sanga_ sza _uru-bad_—(d)_be_

    (m)ta-tu-u# sza _uru-sze_—(m)_dingir_—ba-ni

    AI Translation

    NN, Muqallil-kabti, a total of 2 servants of the chief cupbearer of Nashmedi —

    Adad-killanni, his son, a total of 2 servants of the priest of Dur-Enlil,

    Tatû of the village of Ilu-bani;


    NN and Muqallil-kabti, total two servants of the chief cupbearer from Nashmedi;

    Adad-killanni and his son, total two servants of the priest of Dur-Illil;

    Tatû from Kapar-Ilu-bani, a servant of the recruitment officer Ambatî;



    (m)_pab_—_sum_-na sza# _uru_-si-in-ga-ar _arad_ sza# _gal_—_kasz-lul_

    _pab 06 lu_(v)-_lul_-_mesz uru_-sza—(m)_nigin_—_en_ ig-dal-du

    AI Translation

    Ahu-iddina of Singar, servant of the chief cupbearer.

    in all 6 criminals have been seized in the town of Kudurru-beli.


    Ahu-iddina from Singara, a servant of the chief cupbearer.

    In all six criminals, they have terrorized the town of Nashur-Bel.

    P224405: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad#_-ka (m)(d)_u-gur_—u-bal-lit, [lu] _di#_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    [sza] _lugal#_ [be]-li isz#-[pur-an]-ni# ma-a _a-sza-ga_-_mesz_ sza# _nam uru_-ur-zu-hi-na gab-bu u-szur-a ma-a at-tu-nu _a-sza-ga_-_mesz_ sza (m)_en_—A—_asz_ : ta-pu-ga

    a-iu-u szu-u _a-sza_-szu sza (m)_en_—A—_asz_ sza ina _igi lugal en_-ia iq-bu-u-ni

    ma-a _a-sza-ga_ na-szi : 10 _mu-an-na_-_mesz lu_(v)-_nam_-u-tu ina _uru_-ur-zu-hi-na _lugal_ be-li ip-ta-aq-da-an-ni ina ma-ti-me-ni la a-mur (m)_en_—A—_asz gir-2_-szu ina _sza_-bi _a-sza_ am-mi-ie-e

    la um-mi-di : _lugal_ be-li u-da _a-sza_ sza É _lu_(v)-_sukkal a-sza-ga_ sza É _lu_(v)-sar-ti-ni _id_-ra-da-nu la e-bir _kaskal_—_lugal_ sza a-na _uru_-a-za-ri i-la-ku-u-ni

    ta-hu-mu-szu-nu : a-ki ia-a-szi# _lugal_ a-na _kur_-qu-u-e u-bi-la-ni-ni _un_-_mesz kur_ ip#-ta-s,u _a-sza-ga#_-[_mesz_]-szu-nu u#-szu-ra x x# _arad#_-_mesz_-ni sza (m)_en#_—A—_asz en_—_szu-2_-szu-nu# la il-ku la# hu-ra-du

    ina _ugu#_-szu i-ba-szi pi-ni [x x] ta-hu-mu e-ta-ba-ru#-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nergal-uballit. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "All the fields of the province of Urzuhina have been replanted, you have replanted the fields of Bel-aplu-iddina."

    That is the field of Bel-aplu-iddina about which they said in the presence of the king, my lord.

    The king, my lord, ordered me to live in Urzuhina for 10 years, but I did not see him in any other year. Bel-aplu-iddina has been confined in that field.

    The king, my lord, knows that the king, my lord, cannot cross the river Radanu, the field of the vizier's house, the field of the sartinnu's house, and the royal road that goes to Azari.

    When the king brought me to Que, the people of the land gathered and returned their fields. ... the servants of Bel-aplu-iddina, their guarantor, were not able to go out.

    There is a ... on him. They have seized the border.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nergal-uballit. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "All the fields of the province of Urzuhina are abandoned. You are taking the fields of Bel-aplu-iddina away from him."

    What is the field of Bel-aplu-iddina about which he has said to the king, my lord, that it has been taken?

    For ten years the king, my lord, appointed the governorship of Urzuhina to me. During this time I have never seen Bel-aplu-iddina putting his feet in that field.

    The king, my lord, knows that the lands of the vizier's and the chief judge's households do not cross the Radanu river. The royal road which goes to Azari is their border.

    When the king transferred me to Que, they removed the local people and their fields were abandoned .... The servants of Bel-aplu-iddina, their guarantor, are not obliged to perform state or military service.

    They disobeyed our orders, crossed the border and seized a village there.



    u-ma-a a-ki _lugal_ be-li ina _ugu lu_(v)-_lul_-_mesz_ isz-pur-an#-ni-ni ina _sza_-bi a-ta-lak a-ta-ta-ha _igi-2_-_mesz_-ia _uru-sze_ a-ta-mar _lu_(v)-_ab-ba_-_mesz_ sza _kur dumu_—na-gi-ie-e _arad_-_mesz_-ni sza _lugal# 02 03_ ina _igi_-ia i-za-zu a-sa-al-szu-nu nu-uk a-le#-e _lu_(v)# [sza] a-na (m)_en_—A—_asz_ i-din-Asz-szu-ni#

    _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_-ni _lu_(v)-_ab-ba_-_mesz_ szA _kur_ ma-a _szesz_-_mesz_-ni ip-ta-s,u _a-sza_-szu-nu ra-mu ma-a i-tu-ru-du sza (m)_en_—A—_asz_ sza—da-a-ni _uru-sze_ sza

    ina _sza_-bi i-s,a-ab-tu u-ma-a _lu_(v)-_ab-ba_-_mesz_ sza# _kur dumu_—na-gi-ie-e 02 03 i-ba-szi li#-li-ku-u-ni _ta_(v) _arad_-_mesz_-ni sza (m)_en_—A—_asz_ ina _igi lugal en_-ia lu-u-ki-nu _a-sza_ sza man-ni szu-tu-u-ni(!) ($x$)

    a-na di-ib-bi la szal-mu-ti ina _igi lugal en_-ia i-da-bu-bu : _a-sza-ga_ sza _nam uru_-ur-zu-hi-na szum-ma ra-mu sza la _en_-e szu-u man-nu sza _a-sza-ga#_ s,a-hi-tu-u-ni i-bat-taq

    i-na szi-ia-a#-ri _lugal_ be-li i-szA-[am-me-e-ma] szum-ma# _arad_-_mesz_-ni-ia ib-[ta-qu-u-ni x]-li#-si

    [i—su-ri (m)_en_—A—_asz_] sza# ina _sza_-bi [x x]+x ti x x-nu a-na# [_lugal_] _en#_-ia [e]-pal# ma-a _a-sza_-_mesz_-ia ina kas-pe-e#

    [la]-din# : la szu-tu 19 lim _a-sza_ [sza] _nam# uru_-ur-zu-hi-na sza# _lugal_ be-li

    AI Translation

    Now, when the king, my lord, wrote to me about the criminals, I went and saw my eyes. I saw the village. The elders of the land, the citizens of the district, servants of the king, stood 2 or 3 in my presence and asked them: "Where is the man who gave him to Bel-aplu-iddina?"

    The servants of the elders of the country said: "Our brothers have been seized, their fields are very much, they have been seized." Bel-aplu-iddina and his colleagues have taken the village of the king, my lord, and seized it.

    Now, let the elders of the land, the citizens of the district, come and ... with the servants of Bel-aplu-iddina before the king, my lord, and let them take the field that nobody has given to me.

    They are speaking indefatigable things in the presence of the king, my lord. If it is a field of the province of Urzuhina, who will take away the field?

    The king, my lord, will hear about it in the future, and if my servants have sinned against me, .

    Perhaps Bel-aplu-iddina, who ...s there, will come to the king, my lord, saying: "I will sell my fields for money."

    ... he did not have. 20,000 hectares of land in the province of Urzuhina, which the king, my lord, gave me,


    Now when the king, my lord, sent me to catch the criminals; I went there, raised my eyes and saw the village. 2-3 elders of the country, local people, servants of the king, were present in my audience, so I asked them: "Where is the man who gave it = the field to Bel-aplu-iddina?

    Our servants, the elders of the country, said: "They removed our brothers and their field was abandoned. Down came the men of Bel-aplu-iddina and seized the village there by force."

    Now let 2-3 elders of the country, local people, come and settle the issue whose field it is with the servants of Bel-aplu-iddina in the presence of the king, my lord.

    They are making unsubstantiated allegations in the king my lord's presence. If a field in the province of Urzuhina is abandoned is it without an owner? Can anyone who desires a field parcel it out?

    Tomorrow the king, my lord, will again hear many things, but my servants have verily not parceled out anything.

    Perhaps Bel-aplu-iddina, who has ...... in it, will answer to the king, my lord, saying: "Should I sell my fields for money?

    Isn't it so that – 19,000 hectares of arable land in the province of Urzuhina - about which the king, my lord, said: "It is a reserve. Keep it as it is until I take it into use."

    P224406: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)a-szi-pa-a# lu-u _di_-mu a-na# [_lugal en_-ia]

    ina _ugu gisz-ma_-_mesz_ sza _lugal en_ isz-pur#-an-ni 04 me _gisz#-ma_-_mesz_ [x x] _kusz_-masz-kir#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the boats about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, 400 boats and x mules have been brought in.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the boats about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, 400 boats and x water-skin rafts




    ki-ma : _gisz-ma#_-_mesz_ u-sa-ri#-qu lu-ra-mi-i li-li-ku u-la-a

    AI Translation

    he will give.

    I have sunk the boats like a ..., and they are snatched up. Let them go and go, or else


    I shall set out.

    After the boats have been unloaded, should I let them go, or shall we detain them?

    P224407: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x]+x# a-na ma-a#-[te] [u]-ra#-du-ni-ni i-mut-tu#

    [U(?)] (m)#mu-_di_—_szu ta_(v) _un_-_mesz_-szu [la e]-ti-iq u-szab [É] a-szap-pa-ru-u-ni [ina _uru_-gu(?)]-za#-na _ud-zal_-szu-un-ni [i]-ta#-bi-u a-na _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri-ia#

    [x x x x] u-ma#-a an-nu-rig [x x x x x x x]+x x-u(?)#-ni

    AI Translation

    ...... they have brought to the land

    And Mushallim-eriba has not passed by with his people. I am herewith sending them to my messenger. They have been staying in Guzana for a long time.

    ...... Now then .


    those who ... descend to the country will die.

    However, Mushallim-Marduk with his people will not pass but settle down. As soon as I send word, and have him stay overnight in Guzana, they will depart and ... my messenger.

    Now then ...



    [x x x x]+x#-a _uru_(?)-qar(?)#-ni-na

    [(m)ha-ra-am(?)]-mu# _lu_(v)-_gal_—01-lim [x x x x x]-_mesz_-szu ina pa-an [(m)x x x x]—(d)#_utu lu_(v)-_en-nam_ [ina pa]-an(*)# _lugal_ a-sa-pa-ra-Asz-szu [mu(?)]-uk# _erim_-_mesz#_—_lugal_ sza ina pa#-[ni]-ia# [x x x x x x] x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... Qarnina

    I sent Harammu, the commander-of-1,000, and his ...s to ...-Shamash, the governor, before the king, saying: "The king's men who are in my presence .


    ...... the town Qarnina

    The chiliarch Harammu and ... his ...s are in the presence of the governor ...-Shamash. I have sent him to the king's presence, saying: "The king's men who ... in my presence

    P224408: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x] u#-ru-du(!)-ni#

    [x x x] ka# la iq-bi-a(?)#

    [_na4_(?)]-pu(?)-lu# szu-nu [a-na] _lugal#_ u-se-bi-la

    [x x] ni#-szu ma szi-i-ti [sza u]-sza#-zi-bi-lu-u-ni

    AI Translation

    ...... they have smashed

    ... did not say to me

    I am sending them to the king.

    ... we are ..., but the ... which they brought


    ...... come down.

    Your ... did not tell it to me.

    I am sending some limestone blocks to the king.

    The ......, says: "It is so that those I made to be transported are ...." What is it that the king commands?



    [i-qa]-bu#-(ni) sza li-bit—_man_

    [x x x] ina _ugu_ a-ha#-isz [x x u-ma-a(?)] a#-na _lugal_ [u-se-bi-la]

    AI Translation

    What Libit-sharri said:

    ... together ... I am now sending it to the king.


    Aren't they for the king's entourage?

    ...... together. Now I am sending them to the king.

    P224409: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x] x x u(?) al-qi#

    [x]+x x x#-szu

    01# _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ t,a#-tu ina ta-la-ki a-ta-na-Asz#-szu

    ku#-ra-a-ia-a [01] _ma#-na urudu_(?)# [ta(?)]-al-lik

    AI Translation

    ...... I bought

    ... his ...

    I have given him one mina of copper as a gift.

    You have weighed out 1 mina of copper for the Kuraeans.


    ... I did not? buy ...


    I gave him one mina of copper as a gift for a cart.

    Did each kor go for one mina of copper?



    [x]+x x x# [x]-ia#

    AI Translation

    ...... my ...


    Are ...ya and Mar-... detained on the road? It/He is ....



    ku-ra-a-($a$) i-($ma(?)$)-rak-($ku(?)$)

    i(?)-pa(?)#-la-ha pa-da-ni la(?)#-as,-ba-su [x x x x] x x#

    AI Translation

    He will eat kurâ-bread.

    I will ... him and take him away from him .


    Thus each kor is delayed.

    Normally he respects paths but I will arrest him ......

    P224410: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    ma-a x x x x x# [x x] sza ta-x x# [x x x] a-na _lu_(v)-02-u#-te [pi-qid] ma-a re-hu-te# [a]-na x x x# pi-qi-di x# [x] x x# u sza (m)asz-szur—x x _lu_(v)-qe-pu# sza _uru_-ki-x x# [a-na _lu_(v)-02]-u-te ap-ti-qi#-di ina(?) [x x]+x# [x]+x# [x]

    _lu_(v)-_sipa_ x x x# ina _ugu nam_ sza dul-li# am—mar a-din-na#-szu-ni# bir-ti _igi-2_-_me_-szu un-ta#-[di-di]

    _ta_(v) sza x x#+[x] a x# [x x x]

    _lu_(v)-02-u# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    "...... I appointed ...... to deputy governor, and I appointed the rest to .... I appointed ...... and of Ashur-..., the delegate of Ki..., to deputy governor. .

    The shepherd ... has given me a report on the province of the work that I have given him between his eyes.

    from ......

    the deputy .


    The king, my lord, wrote to me, saying: "Appoint a ... whom you trust to vice governorship, and appoint the rest to ...", so I appointed the ... of Ashur-..., the legate of the city Ki..., to vice governorship. ... the shepherd NN ....

    I made clear to him the responsibility of the job that I have given to him.

    with those who ...

    the vice governor ...



    u#-ma-a dul#-[la-a-ni sza _lugal_] ur-ta-am-[me x] x# [x x x x] a-na# _uru_-arrap-ha# / it-ta-lak# [o(?)]

    _lugal_ be-li a#-na _zag_ u _kab#_ i-szap-pa-ra#-an-ni me-me-ni ina ku-tal-li-ia la-Asz-szu _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri sza _lugal_ be-li-ia lil-li-ka ina _ugu_ dul-la-a-ni sza _lugal_ bir-ti _igi-2_-_mesz#_-szu lu#-ma-di#-du dul-lu-szu le-pu-usz#

    AI Translation

    Now the king's work has been completed ... he has gone to Arrapha.

    The king, my lord, sends me to the right and left, but there is no one behind me. Let a messenger of the king, my lord, come and see the king's work. Let him do his work.


    Now he has left the king's tasks ...... and has gone to Arrapha.

    The king, my lord, sends me everywhere but there is nobody in my rear. Let a messenger of the king my lord come, let them make the king's tasks clear to him, and let him do his work.

    P224411: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na] _lugal#_ be-li#-[ia] [_arad_-ka (m)asz]-szur#—_di_—[an-ni] lu#-[u] _di_-mu# [a]-na# _lugal_ be#-[li-ia]

    ina _ugu_ ad-ra-'i sza _id#_ [sza _lugal_ be-li]

    isz-pur-an-ni ma-a hu-u-t,a# [x x] _sza_-bi ad-ra-'i szA pi-te [x x]

    _id_-_mesz_ sza a-na _sza_-bi [x x x]

    kaq-qu-ru ma-ti-ih [a-na ha-t,a-t,i]

    la-Asz-szu la il-lak# [sza _lugal_ be-li] iq(?)-bu(?)-u-ni ma#-[a x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the adrâ of the river about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Is it a river?" —

    "I have been afraid ..., and the word of the letter .

    the rivers which are in .

    The ruined field, for the ruined one,

    As to what the king, my lord, said: ".


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the arm of the river on which the king, my lord, wrote me: "Dredge it!"

    The inside of the arm is in accordance with ....

    The rivulets that flow into it are ....

    The ground is elevated, it is by no means suitable for dredging.

    As to what the king, my lord, said: "......

    P224412: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x] ha(?)# e x# x+[x x x x x x x] (m)ma-te-en-ni [_uru_-s,ur-a-a o(?)] a-na _uru_-da-na-pa#-[a-a is-sap-ra ma-a] kAs-pu sza# _lugal_ ni-isz#-[szi ni-di-na-szu]

    ma-a ki-i a-bu-tu an#-[ni-tu a-na (m)x x x] _szesz_-szu isz-pu-ra-szu-ni# [x x x _lu_-qe-pu] sza# _lugal_ it-tal-ka ma-a(*) [ma-da-at-tu] di-na szu-u _ta_(v) _uru_-da-na-pa#-[a-a id-du-bu-ub] [ma]-a ma-da-at-tu di-na u#-[ma-a an-nu-rig] _lu#_-s,i-du-na-a-a am—mar i#-[si-szu o(?)] il#-li-ku-ni-ni _ta_(v) _lu_(v)(*)-[qe-pi o(?)] [Ar-hisz] ina _ugu_-hi-ia lil-li#-[ku-ni _lu-mah_-_mesz_(?)] [lu]-si#-ik a-na _lugal_ la(*)-[Asz-pu-ra]

    _lu#_-qe-pu ma-a ki-i [a-bu-tu an-ni-tu] Asz#-mu-u-ni(*) ma-a a-na _lugal#_ [as-sap-ra] ma-a _ta_(v) ma#-da-at-ti(*)# [x x x x x]

    szAm(*)#-ma x#+[x x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... Matenni of Tyre wrote to the Danapâ: "We have received the king's payment."

    "When this matter to NN his brother sent, the king's ... delegates came, saying: "He has a payment, and he has spoken with the Danapâ, and he has a payment." Now then, the Sidonians, all of them, are coming with him. Let them quickly come with the delegates and send them to the king.

    The delegate said: "When I heard this matter, I wrote to the king that ...... from the tribute .

    If ......


    On ..., Matenni of Tyre had written to the ruler of Danabu, saying: 'Let us raise the king's money and give it to him!'

    When he had sent this word to NN, his brother, the royal delegate NN, showed up, saying: "Give me the tribute." He Matenni spoke with the ruler of Danabu and told him to give the tribute. Now then let all the Sidonites who came with him immediately come to me with the delegate, and I shall assign the tribute and send it to the king.

    The delegate says: "When I heard this matter I wrote to the king that ...... with the tribute ......




    i—su#-[ri] _lugal_(*)# i-[qa-bi] ma-a _sze-numun#_-szu-nu a-ri-[szi _a-sza_-_mesz_-szu-nu]

    _gisz-sar_-_mesz_-szu-nu x#+[x x x x x] (m)gi-ri—ba-'a-al# [x x x x x] 03 _lu-mah#_-_mesz_ sza _uru#_-[x x x _ta_(v)] ma-da-at#-ti [e-tar-bu-u-ni]

    AI Translation

    Perhaps the king will say: "Are their fields cultivated and their fields cultivated?"

    their gardens ...... Giri-Ba'al, NN, NN, and three emissaries of ... have come with the tribute.


    Perhaps the king will say: "Are their cornfields cultivated?" Their cornfields and their orchards ......

    Now Giri-Ba'al, PN, and PN, three emissaries of GN have entered with the tribute.

    P224413: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lu-nigir_—É-_gal# en_-ia _arad#_-ka (m)asz-szur—nat-kil lu#-u _di_-mu a-na _en_-ia

    _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _kur-uri_-a-a# ina _uru_-me-s,i e-li-[a] _uru_(?)#-bir-tu : i#-s,a-bat#

    _uru#_ e-dil x x# [x x] ina pe-e sza# _lu_(v)-_en_-[_nam_] sza _uru_-me-s,i# [ina] _uru#-hal_-[S,U] ka-ra-at# 01 lim _sze-numun#_-[_mesz_]

    ina _sza_-bi _lu_(v)-_en_—_uru_-_mesz_ sza ba-ta-ba-tu-szu-nu# ip-tu#-hu(!)-ur ma-a a-[ta-a(?)] [x] a-na il-ki# ina _kur-uri_ s,a(?)#-[x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the palace herald, my lord: your servant Ashur-natkil. Good health to my lord!

    The governor of the Urartian has taken up residence in Mesh, a fortified town.

    The city has been sold. ... is in the district of the governor of Meshu, in the fort. 2,000 homers of seed corn

    The city-lords who were in their charge have returned, saying: "Why ... to the work in Urartu ......?"


    To the palace herald, my lord: your servant Ashur-natkil. Good health to my lord!

    A governor of the Urartian is going up to the city of Meshi in order to capture the fort.

    The city has been shut off, at the command of the governor of Meshi ... has been placed in the fort, there is 1,000 homers of seed corn in there.

    The city lords around them have convened, saying: "Why ... to the ilku-duty in Urartu ...



    [x _lu_-i-tu]-'a#-a-a# [x x]

    [x x]+x re(?)-ha-te# [x x x]

    _uru_(?)# [x] la ka x# [x x]

    ina _ugu# kur_-u#-ka-a-a# [o] ina _ugu_ ta#-hu-me : _lugal#_ s,a-a-su : ag-di-[ri-szu] nu-uk a-ta-a : _uru_-[szu] ta-ka-sza-da : x# [x x] ma-a _en_—s,a-si-ia szu-u#

    aq-t,i-ba-Asz-szu : nu-uk# _lu_(v)-szal-lu-tu : bi-la-an#-[ni] a-na _kur_-u#-ka-a-a : u(?)#-[sa-har] nu-uk : a-ta#-a qa-la-ka# _kur-uri_-a-a ina ta-hu#-me sza _lugal# uru_-bir-tu i-s,a-bat

    AI Translation

    ... Itu'eans .

    ... the remainder .

    the city ... not .

    Concerning the Ukkean, about the border, I have sworn by the name of the king, saying: "Why did you conquer his city?" ... "He is my enemy."

    I said to him: "The shallutu-official has returned to the Ukkean. Why is he encamped in the area of the king in the fort?"


    x Itu'eans ...

    ... remaining ...


    I had an argument with him about the Ukkean and the king's border, saying: "Why do you conquer a city of his ...?" He said: "He is my adversary."

    I told him: "Bring me the booty, I will return it to the Ukkean. Why do you remain inactive while the Urartian is capturing a fort on the king's border? The city lords around you are with you exempt of state service. Fight with them!"



    [ma-a szum-mu _kur_]-_uri#_-a-a szum-mu _lu_(v)-e-mu-qi [i-sap-ra szum-mu it]-tal#-ka ma#-a : a-la-ka _ki_-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    "If the Urartian or the troops have written to you, or if they have come, come with them!"


    He said: "If the Urartian either sends troops or comes himself, I shall go and fight against them."

    P224414: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-na _lugal en_-[ia] _arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_(?)#-[an-ni]

    lu-u _di_-mu a-na _en#_-[ia] (d)_pa_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal# en#_-ia lik-ru-bu

    sza _en_ t,é-e-mu isz-ku-na-ni-ni szu-uh _kur_-ul-lu-ba-a-a sza ina pa-an (m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a a#-sa-al sza-as,-bu-tu# ka-ri-im# mu-t,é-e-szu [_di_]-mu# a—dan-nisz

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-etiranni.

    Good health to my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

    I have asked the Ullubeans about the securing of the territory which is in the charge of Inurta-ila'i; they are very happy.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-etiranni.

    Good health to my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

    I have asked what my lord ordered me to concerning the Ullubaeans in the service of Inurta-ila'i: the equipment has been piled up, his shortage is all right.



    [(m)](d)#_masz_—_dingir_(*)-a-a [ma-a] _ud 27_-_kam#_

    AI Translation

    Inurta-ila'i says: "On the 27th day


    Inurta-ila'i says: "I will set out ... on the 27th."



    [ki-ma u]-ta#-mi-szi [ina] _uru_-kal-zi szu-u-tu# _lu#_-e-mu-qi-ia(?)# [li]-iq-ba-szu-nu#

    [i]-si#-szu mar-di-a-ti# u#-kal i-lak# [o] a-na-ku mu-sze-s,i-[u] e-ta-pa-Asz _a#_-[_kal_] e#-te-ti-iq#

    AI Translation

    When I have finished her, let my troops command that she be brought to Calah.

    He will go with him to the ruins. I have done the scouting, and the flood has passed by.


    After setting out, he will be in Kilizi and may command my troops.

    I will have marching drills with him, and he will then go. I have made an outlet canal and the flood has passed by.

    P224415: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na (m)(d)_kur-gal_—_mu_—_gar_-un qi-bi-ma um-ma _lugal_-um-ma

    _uru_-ki-hu-dak-si _en-nun_-ki lu-u dan-na-at

    (m)(d)mi-szar-rum—_szesz_-ir a-na _ugu kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ ta-dur-ma u-pal-lah-ma la ta-pa-lah-ma na#-kut-ti la ta-rasz-szu a-na _ugu_(?) ($ina(?)$) _kur_-ma pu-tu-ma

    na-szA-at a-du-u _lu_-gu-du-da-nu szA _lu_-rab—_kasz-lul_(?)# (m)_an-szar_—_kar_-ir 01 me _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz 02_-ta _gisz-gigir_-_mesz_ / 03-me _gud_-_mesz#_ il-tap-ru x x# ina pa-ni-ki

    AI Translation

    Say to Nergal-shuma-ishkun: "The king should know this."

    Your guard should be strong in Kihudi.

    You will fear Misharrum-nashir against Assyria, but you will not fear it, and you will not accept bribes from him. You will be liable for the land.

    Now Ashur-etir has sent 100 horses, two chariots and 300 oxen to you.


    Say to Amurru-shumu-ishkun: thus says the king:

    Let your guard be strong over Kihudaksi!

    You have feared Misharu-nashir for the sake of Assyria and he frightens you. But fear not and don't be afraid of him. You will bear the responsibility for the land.

    Now, the troops of the chief cupbearer and Ashur-etir have sent 100 horses, two chariots, and 300 oxen and they are at your disposal.



    [x]+x# [x x x]+x# tu is,-s,i-di U(?) _buru14#_ a-na pa-ni-ki# il-tap-ru

    _lu-dumu_—_kin_-_mesz_-u-a szA ul-tu# _uru_-du-um#-ma-al-_ki_ a-na pa-ni-ki i-lu-ni paq-du-nik-ku u-s,ur-ma _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ szA _lu_-qi-pu la i-s,ab(!)-ba-tu-szu-nu-tu _kaskal_ szA-lim-di a-na _gir-2_-szu-nu szu-kun-ma ina szu-lum-me-szu-nu a-na pa-ni-ia szup-rasz-szu-nu-tu

    ku-ri-bu ul ta-dur _u 30 gur sze-gisz-i_ ina _szu-2_

    AI Translation

    ...... has seized ... and sent the harvest to you.

    My messengers who came from Dummal to you have kept watch, but the horses of the qipu cannot capture them. Set them on a straight path and send them to me in good health.

    You do not need to eat kuribu-bread. You put 30 kurru of sesame into the hands of the king.


    ... is harvesting ... and they have sent the crop to you.

    My messengers, who are coming up to you from Dummal, are entrusted to you. Guard them, but they should not take the horses of the delegate! Put them on the secure road and send them peacefully to me!

    You did not fear the cherub, but I am herewith sending to you 30 kor of sesame oil with Shamash-eresh.

    P224416: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka# [(m)]mah-de-e# [lu _di_]-mu a-na# [_man_] _en_-ia#

    ina _ugu#_ [x x x x x]

    01 u#-[ru-u sza] _ansze#_-a-na-qa-ti# lid#-nu-ni

    [x x x x]+x# [x]+x x#-at(?)-te#

    [x x x x]+x x# be

    [_lu_(v)-uk(?)]-ka#-a-a [le]-e#-ti-qu [sza u(?)-pah(?)]-hi-ru-ni#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Mahdê. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning .

    Let them give me one horn of anaqatu-disease.

    ...... be

    Let the Ukkaeans pass by, and let them bring the ... which they have received.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Mahdê. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning ......

    Let them give me a team of she-camels

    ...... ...


    Let the Ukkaeans pass and give me what they have collected, and let the ... who is with them go posthaste to the king, my lord.



    [u-ru]-u ina szap-lu#-szu [x x]+x-nu la-Ar-ku-us# [_lugal_] be-li lu# u-da

    _lugal#_ be-li lisz-pur szip-t,u lisz(?)#-kun-nu-ni-szu-nu [x x]+x x x x#+[x x]+x x x x# [x x x x x x x x] [x] i(?) x#+[x x x x x x x]

    sza# _lugal_ be#-[li]-ia# [x x]

    [x] x# [x] _sze_(?) [x x]+x u-rat#-[_mesz_] u-ka-la x# [x]+x x#+[x x]

    u(?)-ma(?)#-[a(?)] (m)[_dingir_]-a#-a—_en_ [o(?)] [x]+x# [x x]+x x x la# i-ma-gur#

    AI Translation

    I shall ... in its entirety. The king, my lord, should know this.

    Let the king, my lord, send word that they should be placed in a 'residence' .

    of the king, my lord, .

    ... ... ... they will provide the utensils .

    Now Ila'i-Bel has not returned .


    I will harness a team for his use in .... The king, my lord, should know this.

    Let the king, my lord, send word that they should be punished

    of the king, my lord ...

    ...... he maintains teams ...

    Now Ila'i-Bel, ......, refuses to give them ...

    P224417: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)10—ha-ti lu# _di_-mu a-na# _lugal en_-ia#

    _kug#-ud_ sza _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu(*)-_me_(*)#-te sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-te sza# ina _ugu un_-_mesz kur#_ u-sa-di-ru# 02 _gu#-un 18# ma-na kug-ud_ ina ma-né-e# sza# [_uru_-gar]-ga#-mis 1/2 _gin# kug-gi 02_ [_tug_-szA]-din(*)#-_mesz 03 tug-gada_-_mesz_ i-se#-nisz ina [_szu-2_] _lu_(v)-_dumu#_—_kin_-ia(*)# [ina _ugu_] _lugal#_

    _en_-ia# u(*)-se-bi(*)-[la] [x x x x]-ni# i-di-nu#-[ni x] 02 lim# [04] me 50 _erim#_-_me_ i-ta-na# u-ma-a# (m)da(*)-na-a# 01 lim 09 me(*)# 50 i-ta-na 05 me# _erim_-_mesz_ un-ta-t,i# sza _gaz_(*)#-_mesz_ [x]+x# a(*)-na(*)# [x x x] sza-al-mu ut-ru# [x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The silver of the prefects and village managers who have imposed upon the people of the land: two talents and 18 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish, 1/2 shekel of gold, two shawls, and three tunics are being transferred to my messenger for the king.

    ... have given ..., and there are 2,400 men left. Now Danaya has left 1,950 men, and there are 500 men left, who have been killed ... to ...; the rest are well.


    To the king, my lord: Your servant Adda-hati. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The silver dues of the prefects and village managers imposed on the local population have been handed over: two talents and 18 minas of silver according to the standard of Carchemish. In addition I have sent to the king, my lord, half a shekel of gold, two togas and three tunics with my messenger.

    When the king my lord gave ... to ..., he gave me 2,450 men; now Danâ has given me only 1,950, reducing it by 500 men. Those who were killed ...; ... are in good health, the extra ......



    szum(?)#-ma ma#-[hir 05 me _erim_-_me_] _ta_(?)# _uru_-ar#-[gi-te(?)] [x x]+x# _uru_-s,u#-[pi-te(?)]

    AI Translation

    If it is agreeable, 500 men from the city of Argite ..., the city of Shupat


    If it is acceptable, let me bring 500 men from Argite to Shupat and let ... in their presence. I harvest the sown fields of the city of Hi..., and in addition to them I harvest an extra 1,000 hectares of the sown fields of the city of Laba'u. Now, let the king my lord give me Assyrian and Itu'ean people so I can have them hold the ...; there is no Assyrian city-overseer nor any Assyrian gate-guards in Shupat.



    sza# _lugal_ be-li iq-bu-u-ni ma-a _ta_(v) _ugu#_ ti-la-a-ni :" lu-ri-du-u-ni ina _szab_ szu li#-ir-s,i-pu(*) i-tu-ur-du#-u-ni 10 _uru_-_mesz_ É—_bad_ ina mad(*)-bar ha-nu-te lu-ri-du-u-né-e mi-i-nu sza _lugal_ :" i-qa-bu-u-ni

    ka-a-a-ma-nu gi-ru-tu

    AI Translation

    As to what the king, my lord, said: "Let them come out from the midst of the town and bring it into the midst of it," they have come out and brought out 10 towns in the fortress in the meadow. What is it that the king, my lord, commands?

    constantly a girutu-demon.


    As to what the king my lord ordered: "The people living on the mounds should come down and build the fort", they have come down; should these ten fortified towns in the desert come down as well? What does the king my lord say?

    The atmosphere is constantly hostile but I am not negligent about my guard.

    P224418: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-na [_lugal en_]-ia# lu _di_-mu _arad#_-ka [(m)]hu—te-szub

    (m)mu(?)-sze(?)-s,i(?)# _szesz_-u#-a sza# is-lim-u-ni _lugal en#_ u#-da-szu ina# [_igi_] _lugal# en_-ia

    i-ba-Asz-szi x x x#

    i-tu(?)-'a(?)#-a-a x# [x x x]+x#

    [_lu_(v)-A]-_kin_ sza _lugal en_-ia li-li-ka#

    x#+[x x] x x#+[x x] ÉSZ(?)-_qar#_-szu

    x x x x x _sza_-ia#

    _en#_ [x x]+x ni x x ni# a-na# _en-nam_-u#-te-ia pa-ni-szu i-sa#-kan

    i-ba-szi _ta_(v)(?) szal-szi—_ud_-me#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Hu-Teshub. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Musheshi, my brother, who came and gave the king, my lord, a copy of this tablet, is now in the presence of the king, my lord.

    there is ......

    the Itu'eans .

    Let the messenger of the king, my lord, come.

    ...... his extispicy

    ...... my heart

    The lord of ... has set his face towards my governorship.

    There is a ... from the evening watch.


    Good health to the king, my lord: your servant Hu-Teshub.

    The king, my lord, knows my brother Musheshi, who made peace. He has gone to the presence of the king, my lord ...

    there is ...

    the Itu'eans ......

    Let a messenger of the king, my lord, come

    ...... his ishkaru dues

    ...... my heart

    during ..., he has set his mind on my governorship.

    Indeed, the king, my lord, knows that he has been keeping an eye on me since the day before yesterday.



    ina _ugu_-ia u-ma-a tu-ra _szesz#_-u-a i-ta-lak i-hab-bu-ra al-la-ka la u-ram-ma ina _sza uru_-ar-gu-e# _uru_(?)#-kin-ni-li al-la-ka _lugal_ ki#-i(*) sza i-la-'u-ni le-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Now my brother has gone and killed me. I shall come, but I will not go, and I will go to Argu and Kinnili. The king should do as he deems best.


    Now, my brother has again gone to make trouble. I too shall go, I shall not leave it at that. I am going to the towns Argue and Kinnili; the king may do as he deems best.

    P224419: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en#_-ia _arad_-(ka) (m)a-szi-pa-a

    06 lim _sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza (m)_gisz-mi_—_en lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-ni qur#-ba(*)-at re-eh-ti _sze-pad_-_mesz_ la u-du-bi#-ku

    02 lim (m)_u-gur_—_kar_-ir

    03 lim _sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina _uru_-si-par _sze-pad_-_mesz ta_(v) _ugu id_(?)# pa-ti-a-at

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ.

    6,000 homers of barley belonging to Shil-Bel, village manager, the chief of the villages; I do not know the rest of the barley.

    2,000, Nergal-etir;

    3,000 homers of barley in Sippar, barley from the river bank.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ.

    6,000 homers of barley of the village manager Shil-Bel is near by. The rest of the barley has not been piled up.

    There is also 2,000 homers of Nergal-etir;

    and 3,000 homers of barley in Sippar. The barley is far from the river bank.



    _sze-pad_-_mesz_ kar(?)#-ra-at a-na _uru_-si-par la a-lak _sze-pad_-_mesz ta_(v) pa-(an) _id_ pa-ti-a-at

    szum-mu _lugal_ i-qa-bi ma-a a-lik dul#-lu u-ku-szu szu-u-tu i-da#-bu-bu ma-a _ta_(v) _uru#_-ku-ti-e

    AI Translation

    I shall not go to Sippar, I shall not take barley from the river.

    If the king says: "Go and do the work!", that man will speak, saying: "From Cutha


    The barley is in place, but I cannot go to Sippar and the barley is far from the river.

    If the king should say: 'Go there!', the work is in progress. They complain, saying: "From Cutha, from Kar-Nergal."

    P224420: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)#asz-szur—_kalag_-an-ni lu-u _di_-mu# a-na _lugal en_-ia

    sza _lugal en_ ina _ugu uru_-bir-te sza _uru_-erim-zi-qi t,é-mu isz-kun-an-ni ku-pu-u da-a'-na e-li a-du _uru_-a-pi-nu-nu a-szap-pa-ra# _lu_(v)-bar-szA-mu-tu i-lak-u-ni i-si-szu-nu a-da-bu-bu

    _uru_-erim-zi-qa-a-a ih-ti-t,i(?)#-[u] [(m)]bir#—(d)ba-ri-Asz# [_uru_-a-pi]-nu#-na-a-a u-x#+[x x] [x x x x] un x#+[x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-da''inanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, ordered me to do, I am sending a strong message up to Apinunu. The barshamutes are coming and I am with them.

    Bir-Bariash has ...ed the people of the city Apinuna


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-da''inanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As regards what the king, my lord, ordered me concerning the fort of Erimziqu, there is much snow, so I am only going up as far as Apinunu. I shall then send word that the elders should come so I can speak with them.

    The Erimziqaeans committed a crime and Bir-Bariash the Apinunean ......



    [x x]+x# u a x# [x x] x a x#

    01-en# sza [a]-bu-ku#-u-ni ina _ugu lugal en_-ia a-sap#-ra

    AI Translation

    I have written to the king, my lord, one of the abuku-demons.


    ... ... ... ...

    I am now sending to the king, my lord, one ... whom I have abducted.

    P224421: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia# _arad_-ka (m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia#

    _lu_-ma-aq#-tu pa-ni-u sza# a-na É-_gal_ u-sze-bi-[lu-ni] iq-t,i-bi-a ma-a 20 _erim_-[_mesz_] uk-ta-szi-du-u-ni [o] a-di qa-an-ni _uru_-ma [o]

    ina kal-la-ma-ri im—ma-[ta-hi(?)] _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ i—da-tu-szu#-[nu] a-sa-par la u#-[szA-an-s,i-u] la ik-szu-du#-[szu-nu] it-tal-ku-u#-[ni x x x]

    ina É#-[_gal_ x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-ila'i. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The former scout who had sent me to the Palace said to me: "They have gathered 20 men, including the city boundary."

    I sent horses with them in the kalamari and they did not come out and defeat them. They came .

    in the palace .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-ila'i. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The former deserter whom I sent to the Palace told me: "20 men chased me as far as the outskirts of the city."

    I sent horses after them early in the morning at dawn but they could not reach them; they came back ...

    to the Palace ...



    sza x#+[x x x x x x]

    _sze_(*)-_buru14_-szu(?)#-[nu x x x x]

    sza _lu-nigir_—É-_gal#_ [x x]

    _gud_-_mesz_ la-Asz-szu an-nu#-[rig] sza (m)(d)_u-gur_—u-bal-lit, 02-[e] an-na-ka liq-bu-ni-szu-[nu] _gud_-_mesz_-szu-nu lil-lik-u-ni# _sze_(*)-_buru14_-szu-nu lu-du-ri-[su] li-in-tu-hu ina _sza uru#_ lu-sze-ri-bu [o]

    _lu-en-nun_-_mesz_-szu-nu ina _igi sze-buru14#_ iz-za-zu _gud_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    of ......

    their harvest .

    of the palace herald .

    Now then, let the two of Nergal-uballit command them to come here, let them bring their oxen, harvest them, and let them enter the city.

    Their guards stand in front of the harvest. The oxen are present.


    of ......

    their harvest ......

    of the palace herald ...

    but there are no oxen. Right now men of the deputy governor Nergal-uballit are here. Let them be told that their oxen should come and that they should thresh their harvest, fetch it and bring it into the city.

    Their guards are standing before the harvest. They have no oxen.

    P224422: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-[ia] _arad_-ka (m)asz-szur(*)#—[_zu_]

    _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul_ É _ta_ e-mu-qi e-ru-bu-ni (m)ur#-sa-a i-tal-ka ik-ta-szA-su 01-en _ta sza_-bi-szu-nu la u-s,i-a

    il-la-ka ina _ugu uru-hal-s_,_u#_-_mesz_ sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul_ i-szak-kan

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-le'i.

    The chief cupbearer entered the house with the troops, and Ursâ came and smashed him. One of them did not come out.

    He goes and sets up camp on the forts of the chief cupbearer.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-le'i.

    When the chief cupbearer entered with the army, Rusa came and defeated him. Not one of them got out alive.

    He is marching on and setting on the forts of the chief cupbearer, and is going to do battle.



    _lugal_ ki sza i(?)-la(?)-u(?)-ni(?)# le-pu#-usz

    AI Translation

    The king should do as he deems best.


    May the king do as he deems best.

    P224423: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    ki# t,é-mu(?)# [x x x x] re-eh-tu# [x x x] ma-a ina _gisz-ban_ [x x x] iq-t,i-bu-u#-[ni o] ma-a 22 _ansze#_-[_kur-ra_-_mesz_(?)] nu-sza-kal ma-a [_udu_-_mesz_(?)] nu-szA-kal ma-a ina _mu_(?)#-[_an-na_ szA(?)] il#-ku sza (m)tu-x x#

    AI Translation

    When they gave me the news, NN said: "We will be bringing 22 horses and bringing sheep in the year of the ilku-offering of Tu... in the bow."


    since the order was given, saying: "... ... the rest. ... by the seah of x 'litres'. They told me: "We shall feed 22 horses and we shall also fatten sheep. In the year of Tu...'s ilku-duty.



    szum#-mu _lugal_ be-li i-qab-bi

    AI Translation

    If the king, my lord, commands, I shall send him to the king, my lord.


    If the king, my lord, so orders; I shall give fodder and they will feed the horses.



    _uru_-bir-tu ina É—_gesztin_-_mesz_ la-Asz-szu a-ka-an-ni-ma(?)# ina _sza_-bi lu-szA-lik(?)#-[szu-nu(?)] li-iz(?)-bi-lu# [_ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_(?)] lu-sza-ki-lu4# [x x]

    AI Translation

    There is no wine house in the fort. Let me go there and bring the horses and .


    There is no wine cellar in the fort. Right now I shall get them there, transport the horses and feed them ...

    P224424: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _im_ (m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a a-na _lu-a-ba_—É-_gal#_

    _un_-_mesz_-szu-nu sza _kur_-pu-qu-da-a-a sza ina pa-ni-ia sza ina É-_gal_ iq-bu-u-ni ma-a lu-bi-lu-ni-szu-nu

    29 _lu-zi_(*)-_mesz#_ na-s,u#-ni [ina _sza ud_]-me an-ni-e ina _uru_-kal-hi# szu-nu _ninda_-_mesz_ [A-_mesz_] u#-szA-dan-szu-nu# [x x]

    AI Translation

    A tablet of Inurta-ila'i to the palace scribe.

    The people of the Puqudu in my presence who told me in the Palace: "Let them be brought here."

    29 persons have come out and are staying here today in Calah. I am providing them with bread and water .


    A tablet of Inurta-ila'i to the palace scribe.

    Concerning the people of Puqudu in my presence about whom they ordered from the Palace: "Let them be brought here!"

    They are bringing 29 persons. Today they are in Calah, I am giving them bread and water ...



    x x# [x x x] li-im-nu-[szu-nu] bé-et _un_-_mesz#_-[szu-nu-ni] lu-bi-lu lip-qi-du#

    01-en _ta_(v) _sza_-bi-szu-nu ina _kur_-bar-hal-zi szu-tu a-sap-ra u-bal(*)-lu-ni-szu

    a-sap-rak-ka Ar-hisz _un_-_mesz_ a-szur mu-hur

    AI Translation

    ...... let them be brought in, let them bring them where their people are, and let them be sated.

    I sent a single one of them to Barhalzi and they brought him here.

    I am writing to you right now: I will quickly receive the people.


    Let them be counted as Assyrians, and let them be brought and appointed where their people are.

    One of them is in Barhalza. I have sent word to bring him.

    I am now writing to you: check and receive the people quickly!

    P224425: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _man en_-ia _arad#_-[ka (m)x x x] ma-a'-da _lugal#_ i-du-[ka-an-ni(?) x x x]

    sza# (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a sza (m)x#+[x x x x x x] te-lit ad-ri-szu-nu la [x x x x x x]

    me-me-ni-ma ina _sza_-bi# [x x x x x x]

    a(?)-na(?)-ku(?) x x# [x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The king has killed me many times.

    of Ashur-ila'i and of NN ...... the securing of their threshing floors .

    nobody in .

    I ......


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The king will beat me badly ...

    The yield of the threshing-floor of Ashur-ila'i and NN has not been ......

    Nothing in ......

    I ... ......

    P224426: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal_ be-li-[ia] _arad_-ka (m)qur-di—asz(?)-szur# lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal#_ be-li-ia

    (m)s,a-la-a-a (m)bu-ru-a—x-x# (m)ba-bé-e—szum-ki (m)u-a-ru _pab 04# lu_-ma-aq-tu-te [ina] _ugu# lugal_ be#-[li]-ia# [u-se]-bi#-la

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Shalaya, Burua-..., Babê-shumki, and Uru — in all 4 fugitives — I am sending them to the king, my lord.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Shallaya, Burua-..., Babê-shumki, Waru; in all four deserters whom I am herewith sending to the king, my lord. Let the king, my lord, question them.

    P224427: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x x x x]+x# ka-s,ip

    02(?)#-[lim-x-me-x-lim-x]-me# _sig4_ ÉSZ-_qar_ sza# [x _mu-an_]-_na#_-_mesz 01_ lim 01 lim 03(?) me 82(?)# lim 04 me _sig4_ ÉSZ-_qar_ sza 04 _iti_(?)-_mesz#_

    ina _mu-an-na_ szA-ni-ti ki-i an-nim(?)#-ma i-szah-hu-t,u#

    _pab 02_ lim lim 05(?)# me 54 lim 06 me _sig4_ ÉSZ-_qar_ sza 02 _mu-an-na_-_mesz 40_ lim ma-qar-rat _sze-in-nu_ ina# 01 qa _sze-in-nu_ sza 01 _sig4 04_ qa a-na s,i-in-di szA [x] 06 lim 02 me 60 ma-qar-rat _gi-ambar# 07 kusz_ ru#-t,u ina 01 _kusz_—_man 01_-et ma-qar-rat-tu 07(?)# lim _gi sar_-'i

    AI Translation

    ...... you will make


    In another year, they will be frightened like this.

    In all, 2,054/600 bricks of the shangû-festival of the 2 years, 40 thousand containers of straw for 1 litre of straw for 1 brick of 4 litres for the shindu-festival of ..., 6,260 containers of reed, 7 cubits extra for one royal cubit, 1,000 containers of reed, 700 reeds of reed,


    ...... is estimated

    2,xxx,xxx bricks, work allotment of ... years; 1,382,400 bricks, work allotment of four months.

    In another year, they were glazing bricks like this.

    Total 2,554,600 bricks, work allotment of two years, 40,000 bales of straw according to one litre of straw for one brick; four litres for the fastening of .... 6,260 bales of reeds; one bale is 7.5 royal cubits, 7,000 garden reeds; length x royal cubits, width one royal cubit.



    _pab_ tur-tan _kusz a_r#-pad-da

    AI Translation

    Total, the turtanu-offering of a leather ring.


    Total, commander-in-chief; cubit of Arpad.

    P224428: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    x x x#+[x x x x x] szu-nu-ma e(?)#-[mu-qi-szu a-na _ugu_] _lugal_ be-li-ia-ma [i(?)]-te-et(?)-qu# tar-di-ti ul-tu e-le-ni a-na _ugu_-hi-szu-nu ul i-bi-ru-ni

    a#-hu 02-ta szA _ka_—bit-qa _gi_(?)-hu#-us,-s,e-e-ti [uh-ta]-as,#-s,i-s,u

    AI Translation

    They are ... and have sinned against the king, my lord. They have not come out from the mountains against them.

    The second one from the Bit-qa is ...; they have gathered the reeds.


    They are in ... His forces have proceeded against the king, my lord, but the reinforcements from above have not crossed over to them.

    They have constructed reed huts on the other side of Bab-bitqi and live there. They have 2,000 horses and 90 chariots, but they are not in fighting spirit.



    ul i-na isz-qi-szu-nu ki-i Asz-bu ul-tu e-le-nu t,e-e-ma szak-nu um-ma pa-ni-ku-nu la am-mar s,al-ta

    de#-ka en-na a-du-u il#-ta-nap-pa-ru-nisz-szu [um]-ma# ab-kan-na-szi-ma# i#-na-ka de-ke-e-ma# [ab]-kan-na-szi am—mi-ni [x]+x x x# [x]+x# qu x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    When I was in the midst of their rumours, they told me from the top of the news: "I do not see your face."

    Now then they have been sending him to say: "I will make us live here, and I will make us live here." Why .


    As they were staying there, they were given an order from above: "I don't see your faces; incite a fight!"

    Now then, they have been writing to him, saying, "Lead us away! Raise your eyes and lead us away! Why .......

    P224429: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    ina pa-an _lugal_(?)# [_en_-ia x x x]

    ina _ugu#_ [_lu-gal_—_kasz-lul_] [sza] _kur_(*)-szub#-[ri]-a-a# [isz-pur-a-szu] ma-a 03 me(*) _lu_(v)#-[i-tu]-u-a#-[a sze-bi-la] _lu-gal_—_kasz-lul_ x x i#-[sap-ra] ma-a _kur_-szub-ri-a#-a i-sap-[ra] ma#-a 03 me _lu_(v)-[i-tu]-u#-a-a sze-bi-[la]

    a#-na-ku ki-i an-ni#-i a-na# _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul#_ a-sap-ra-szu nu-ku# ki-i an-[ni]-i a#-na _kur_-szub-ri-ia-a-a szu-pur ma#-a ku-um _lu_(v)-i-tu-u-a-a te#-ri-szA-ni-ni ma#-a a-na ia-a-szi-ma szup-ra lal-li-ka

    i—su-ri _lugal_ be-li i-qa-ab-bi ma-a _lu_(v)-_kur_ me-me-ni _lu_(v)-_kur_-ma la#-a-szu

    _lugal_ u-ta-kisz a—dan-nisz na-pa-si# ina _ugu lugal_ be-li-ia lal-li#-ka _lugal_ be#-li la-mur

    szum-ma a-na# ha-né#-e-szA la al-la-ka isz—szi-a-ri# i—mu-szi sza—_lugal_ [i-gar]-ru-ni# lal-li-ka _lugal_ be-li

    AI Translation

    before the king, my lord .

    As to the chief cupbearer of the Shubrian king, he wrote to him: "Send 300 Itu'eans!" The chief cupbearer wrote to me: "The Shubrian has sent me a letter, sending 300 Itu'eans."

    I wrote him as follows to the chief cupbearer: "Write to the Shubrian as follows: 'Instead of the Itu'eans, send them to me, and let them come to me.'"

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "There is no enemy, nobody is a enemy."

    The king has made it very clear that I should come to the king, my lord. Let the king, my lord, see what I have to say.

    If I do not come to her, let me come and see what the king has decreed for me. The king, my lord, should know this.


    to the king, my lord ...

    As to the chief cupbearer, to whom the Shubrian had written: "Send 300 Itu'eans!", the chief cupbearer wrote to me ...: "The Shubrian has written that I should send him 300 Itu'eans."

    I wrote to the chief cupbearer as follows: "Write to the Shubrian like this: "Instead of requesting Itu'eans from me, send them to me, and then I will come."

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Is there any enemy?" There is no enemy at all.

    The king has much delayed answering me. Let me come to the king, my lord, and see the king, my lord!

    If I do not come back here, already in the night of the next day the king's people will challenge me, so let me come and see the king, my lord.

    P224430: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ [_ta_(v)(?) x x x] it-tu-s,u#-[u-ni x x] a-na pa-an _lugal_ [be-li-ia a-sap-ra-szu-nu]

    t,e-mu sza _lu_(v)-_ud#_-[_ud_-ak-_ki_-a-a] _iti ud_-_mesz_ ina É—[(m)x x x] kam-mu-sa-ak 02 me x#+[x x x] it-ta-an-nu-u-ni [x x] la-Asz-szu _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_—_man_-szu-nu ina# [_igi_-ia(?)] la id-di-nu-u-ni

    t,e-mu sza _lu_(v)-[_ka_(?)]-_dingir_-a-a 01-en ina _sza_-bi _lu_(v)-_erim#_-_mesz_—_man_-szu-nu [sza(?)] i(?)#-[x x u]-sze-s,u#-u-ni [x x x x x x x x x]+x#

    AI Translation

    I have sent men with ... to the king, my lord.

    News of the Chaldeans: they are staying a month in Bit-... for a month. 200 ... have given ..., but there are no king's men in my presence.

    News of the Babylonians: one of their king's men who brought ... has been killed.


    x soldiers have come out from .... Right now I am sending them to the king, my lord.

    News of the Larakeans: I stayed a full month in Bit-.... They gave me 200 ..., but they did not give me their king's men.

    News of the Babylonians: One of their king's men whom they sent out to ...



    u-sa-né-te-qu-szu la-Asz-szu _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_—_man_-szu-nu la id-du-nu

    an-nu-rig a-na-ku pa-an ur-ki-ti-szu-nu a-da-gal szum-ma i-ba-Asz-szi _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_—_man_ i-da-nu-u-ni szum-ma# la i-da-nu-u-ni mi-nu sza# t,e-en-sza-nu-u-ni a-ki-[ma] al-la-ka a-na _lugal_ be-li-[ia]

    a-qab-bi t,e-mu sza _ka_-[_dingir-ra-ki_] _ud 25_-_kam_ sza _iti-sze_ (d)_amar_(?)#-[_utu_] it-ti#-bi _dumu_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-[ir x x] i-tan#-na la-Asz-szu a-na [x x x] [x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    They have snatched him, but they have not given their king's men.

    Now then I am waiting for their arrival. If there is anything to give the king's men, or if they do not give them anything, I shall come and tell it to the king, my lord.

    News of Babylon: Marduk has taken the road to ... on the 25th of Adar XII. The son of Nabû-nashir has not yet come .


    They are continually ignoring him and absolutely not giving up their king's men.

    I am right now waiting for their rearguard. Whether or not they do give me king's men, I shall clarify whatever news they have, and when I come, I will tell it to the king, my lord.

    News of Babylon: Marduk left his temple in procession on the 25th of Adar XII. The son of Nabû-nashir has given the ..., but has not given the ... for ...



    [x x x] mi#-nu t,e-mu-u-ni sza _ud 05_-_kam#_ [sza _iti-barag_(?)]

    AI Translation

    ... What news of the 5th of Nisan I


    He will tell ... whatever news there is on the 5th of Nisan I.

    P224431: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na [_lugal en_-ia] _arad_-ka# [(m)_en_—_bad_]

    _lugal_ be-li [t,e-mu is-sa-kan] ma-a _lu_(v)-_en-nam#_-[_mesz_ gab-bu] _ninda#_-_me_ ki#-su-tu _ta_(v) _uru_(*)#-[_mesz_ mad]-bar# i-si-ku-nu li-in-tu-hu ma-a (m)10—_ki#_-ia (m)_en_—_gisz_ a-na# (m)_ad_(*)#—_gisz_ lu-szA-ki-lu#

    la-a i#-ma-gur la-a i-szA-mi a-ta-a# in-nu-te ma-a _uru_-_mesz_-ni ina mad-bar sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_-_me_ gab-bi#-szu-nu

    _uru_-_mesz_ ina _sza_ a-hi-szi pa-nu-gu _lugal_ be-li lisz-pu-ra _uru_-_me_-szu-nu sza mad-bar lisz-t,u-ru# _ta_(v) É _ansze#_-a-s,a-pu _lugal_ be-li _ta_(v) _kur_-ha-ma-te is-(su)-hu-u-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

    The king, my lord, gave orders: "All governors should be deprived of food and drink from the towns, and Adad-isse'a and Bel-leshir should be deprived of Abi-leshir."

    Why are they not saying: "The towns in the desert of all the governors are in disrepair."

    Let the king, my lord, write to me that they write their towns of madbar. The king, my lord, has taken me from the land Hamath.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

    The king, my lord, gave orders: "All governors may raise food and fodder from the villages of the desert with you, and Adad-isse'a and Bel-leshir are to support Abi-leshir!"

    They have not agreed to this though, but are disobedient, saying: "Why should our villages in the desert belong to all the governors? The villages are ... within each other!"

    The king, my lord, should send word that they are to write down their desert villages. Ever since the king my lord has levied pack animals from Hamath, I have been on my own, and he = Abi-leshir and they = Adad-isse'a and Bel-leshir have been on their own. Tomorrow the king my lord will surely kill me, saying: "You are but a bunch of do-nothings!"



    an-ni-u _ninda#_-_mesz_ ki-su#-tu sza 01 _iti ud#_-me 05(*) _ansze_ ki-su#-tu 01 me 23 _ansze ninda_-_mesz# pab 01_ me 28# _ansze_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_asz 75_(*) _ansze_ ki#-su-tu 15 _ansze# ninda_-_mesz pab 90 ansze_ (m)_ad_—_gisz 06_ me sza 02 lim _lu_(v)-za-ku-e sza _kur_-ku-mu-ha-a-a _pab 09_ me 18 _ansze_ sza 01 _iti_

    É an-ni-u _lugal_ be-li u-da ina _sza_-bi mar-di-a-te 03 mar-di-tu an-ni-nu ni-ma-ta#-ha szu-nu szu-na-a-a i-ma-tu-hu u-ma-a _lugal_ be-li lu u-da#

    AI Translation

    This is the bread and the rations for one month, 5 homers of rations, 123 homers of rations, total: 148 homers Shamash-ahu-iddina, 75 homers of rations, 15 homers of rations, total 90 homers, Abi-leshir, 600 homers of 2,000 zakueans of the Kummuhu, in all 918 homers for one month.

    The king, my lord, knows that we are in the midst of the rites. We have three rites here. They are rejoicing. Now the king, my lord, knows that we are in the midst of the rites.


    The following is my bread and fodder per calendar month: 5 homers of fodder, 123 homers of bread, total 128 homers, Shamash-ahu-iddina; 75 homers of fodder, 15 homers of bread, total 90 homers, Abi-leshir; 600 homers of bread for 2,000 full-time lit. 'free' soldiers of the king of Commagene. In all 918 homers a month, this household.

    The king my lord knows that of the road-stations we take care of three stretches while they take care of two streches each. Now, the king my lord should know that they are rebelling against this arrangement, we ....

    P224432: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x] i#-hal-li-qu# [x x x x x x x]

    [la i-ma]-gur la il-la-ka _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz_-szu ina _ugu#_ [(m)_gin_—_numun_] [_lu_(v)-A—_kin_]-_mesz_ sza (m)_gin_—_numun_ ina _ugu_-szu il-la-ku-ni e-gir#-[tum] [sza (m)za]-kir ina _ugu_ (m)(d)_amar-utu#_—_dumu-usz_—_sum_-na na-s,u-ni [ma-a] ma—at-ta-a ina _sza lu_(v)-re-e'-sa-ni sza _kur_-kal-di [sza] re#-ha-ka-ni ma-a a-ta-a qa-la-ka _kur_-kal-du i-sa-am-mu [ma-a ina] pa#-ni-ka ma-he-e-re a-ki# (m)ba-la-su _kur_-kal-du

    [a-na] ha-pe-e id-da-nu-ni e-gir-tum sza ina _ugu_ [(m)(d)]_amar-utu_—A—_sum_-na na-s,u-ni-ni it-tab-lu-ni [ina] pa#-ni-ni i-si-si-u : U (m)ba-la-su [ip]-ta#-la-ah a—da-nisz ma-a an-nu-rig x#+[x x]

    AI Translation

    ... they will kill .

    His messengers are not coming to Mukin-zeri, the messengers of Mukin-zeri, but are coming to him. The letter which Zakir brought to Marduk-apla-iddina is: "Why are you confined to the 'residences' of Chaldea, where you are staying? Why are you confined to Chaldea?"

    The letter which they brought to Merodach-Baladan, they have been bringing before us. Moreover, Balasu has been frightened, saying: "Now then .


    ... are running away ......

    he refuses to come. His messengers are going to Mukin-zeri and the messengers of Mukin-zeri are going to him. A letter of Zakir was brought to Merodach-baladan with the following message: "Who do you think you are among the chieftains of Chaldea who are left for you? Why do you remain inactive while the Chaldean land is getting paralyzed? Is it pleasing to you that Balassu is giving Chaldea to destruction?"

    They intercepted the letter which was brought to Merodach-baladan and read it in our presence. But Balassu got very scared, saying: "You must come this moment and deport me! I will go with you. How can I become an enemy of my sister's son? Mukin-zeri is dragging the army here and will destroy the land."



    [su]-un-na(*)-ka _lu_(v)-_uru_-ma-li#-la-ta-a-a ina _ugu_-ia# [it-tal]-ka# ma-a a-ke-e a-ha-ri-di ma-a eb-ra-ni

    [x x x]+x#-tu ku-ul#-da i—su-ri _lugal_ be-li i-qab-bi [ma-a] la# ti-bi-ra _lugal_ be-li u-da _gisz_-gup-ni ma-hi-s,i

    [an-nu-rig] di#-ib-bi _dug-ga_-_mesz_ i-si-szu ni-du-bu-ub [x x x] mu-uk# a-na a-a-le-e sza _uru_-la-rak-a-a [la ni-lik a-na a]-a#-li-ka ik-ke-e la ni-la-ka [e-mu-qi] ina _ugu_-szu lu tal-li#-ka lu(*)-szar-hi-s,u-szu

    [x x x x x] _un#_-[_mesz_ lu la]-a i-ga-li-u

    AI Translation

    The Malilatu'eans came to me, saying: "How did I get to the quay?"

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Do not ...!" The king, my lord, knows that the door bolts are bent.

    Now then we are arguing kindly with him: "We should not go to the aid of the Larakeans, we should not go to your aid." Let the army come to him and make him prosper.

    ...... the people should not be sated


    From here, the chief of the Malilatu has come to me, saying: "How can I stay watchful? Cross over and conquer the ...!"

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Do not cross the river. The king, my lord, knows that the trees are already cut.

    We have now spoken kindly with him ..., saying: "Did we not go to the help of the Larakeans? How would we not come to your help?" Let the army go to him, and let them make him confident.

    ...... the people should not go into exile

    P224433: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_]-ka# (m)(d)[30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_] [lu szul-mu a-na _lugal_] be-li-ia# [szul-mu a-na _kur_]—asz-szur-_ki_ [szul-mu a-na] É#-_kur_-_mesz_-te [szul-mu a-na _uru_-bi-rat] sza# _lugal_ gab-bu [_sza_-bu sza _lugal en_-ia a—dan]-nisz lu-u _dug-ga_ [x x x x x x]+x# _lu_-i-tu-u-a-a

    [x x x x x] sza# _ta_(v) _sza_-bi _uru_-isz-ta-hup [x x x x x]+x#-u-ni u(*)-ma-a _ta_(v) _sza_-bi [_uru_-x x x x]+x#-rat-ta ina _ugu_-hi-ia na-s,u-nisz-szu

    [ina _ugu kur_]-_uri#_-a-a a-sa-al-szu ma-a _kur-uri_-a-a [_lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_-szu a-na] _kur-pab_-ir bé-et il-li-ku#-ni [ma-a x x] _ta_(v)# pa-an _lugal en_-ia pal-hu a—dan-nisz [ma-a a]-ki(?)# _mi_-_mesz_ i#-ru(?)-u-bu# i-qul-lu [ma-a ina(?)] _uru_-bi-rat sza _lugal en_-ia me-me-e-ni [la x x x]+x# ma-a szul-mu a—da#-ni-isz

    [t,e-e]-mu# sza _kur-uri_-a-a [x x x] mar(?)#-s,e-e sza _lu_-[x x x x] [x x _lu_(v)]-_mah#_ sza _kur_-man-na-a-a x#+[x x x] [x x x] _gud_-_hi#-a_-_mesz_-ni _udu_-_hi-a_-_mesz_ [x x] [x x x x]+x#-an-ni _lu_(v)-Ar-ma-a-a# [x x x] [x x x x x] ma#-a ina _sza_(*)-bi(*) x#+[x x x x] [x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Sin-ahhe-riba. Good health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

    The ... which ...... from Ishtahup ...... now they are bringing him from ...ratta to me.

    I asked him about the Urartian, saying: "The Urartian and its magnates have come to the land of the Ahurru where they came. The ... are very frightened of the king, my lord, and they are clad in garments like women. Nobody ...s the forts of the king, my lord, and they are very well.

    News of the Urartian: ... the ... of the emissary of Mannea ... oxen and sheep ...... the Armieans .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Sin-ahhe-riba. Good health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the forts of the king are well; the king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

    ...... the Itu'ean ...... who ...... from the city of Ishtahup has now been brought to me from ...ratta. I inquired him about the Urartians and he told me:

    "The Urartian and his magnates were defeated on their expedition against the Cimmerians, and they are very much afraid of the king, my lord. They tremble and keep silent like women, and nobody ... the forts of the king, my lord. The situation is very good.

    As to the news of the Urartians, ... the departure of ...... the emissary of the Mannean king ...... oxen and sheep ......"



    [x x x x x x _kur_]-ia#-u-da-a-a

    [x x x x x]+x x#+[x] 04 sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_mu_

    [x x _gisz_]-_ur#_-_mesz_ dan-nu-te

    [x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_en-nam kur_-ra-s,ap-pa

    [x x x x _lu_(v)]-_en#-nam uru_-til#—bar-si-ba

    [x x x x]-_mesz# 02_-u-te

    [x x x x x ina] _sza_-bi _uru_-a-di-a

    AI Translation

    ...... the Judaeans

    ...... four of the chief cook

    ... strong beams

    ...... the governor of Rashappa

    ...... the governor of Til-Barsip

    ...... two

    ...... in Adia


    ...... Judaean

    ...... of the Chief Cook

    ...... heavy logs

    ...... the governor of Rashappa

    ...... the governor of Til-Barsip

    ...... deputies

    ...... within the city of Adia ......

    P224434: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia# _arad#_-ka (m)(d)x# [x]+x x# [x]+x#

    hu-ub-tu sza _lugal# en udu# muszen_ : _da ku6_ [x]+x# _sze kasz#_-_me 02_ lim# [x x]-_mesz# sze_(?)-_zib sum-sar_(?)#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

    The captives of the king, the lord, the sheep and birds, next to the fish, ... barley, beer, 2,000 ...s of ... grain, the ...-plant,


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

    The king my lord's booty consists of: sheep, bird, bull, fish; ......, corn, beer, 2000 ..., millet, garlic

    P224435: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal# en_-ia _arad#_-ka (m)a#-szi-pa-a# lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en#_-ia (d)_ag_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal en_-ia lik-ru-bu

    _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu sza _lugal# en_ isz-pur-an-ni ma-a e-ra-bi-u

    du-ku mar i-ba-szu-ni ni-su-qu-su _sze-buru14_ me-me-ni la il-pu-ut _dingir#_-_me_-ni sza _lugal en_-ia uh-tal-li-qu-szu

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

    As to the royal bodyguard about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Enter, enter!" —

    We have gathered everything that there is, but nobody has harvested the harvest. The gods of the king, my lord, have sinned against him.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashipâ. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

    The royal bodyguard whom the king, my lord, sent, said: "Kill the locusts!"

    We have exterminated all that there was of them, they did not damage any of the harvest. The gods of the king, my lord, destroyed them.



    _sze-buru14#_-_mesz_-ni ina _kur_ sza _lugal en_-ia _du-a#-bi di_-mu a—dan-nisz

    AI Translation

    The harvests are very good in the land of the king, my lord.


    The harvests in the entire land of the king, my lord, are very well.

    P224436: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_im_(?) (m)x x x x a(?)]-na(?)# _lugal_ be-li#-[szu]

    [_lugal_ be-li (m)x x x] ik#-ta-li [x x x ul-tu ina] pa#-ni-ia paq-du [x x x x x mim]-ma# ma-la i-mu-ru [isz-mu-u a-na ia-a-szi] i-qab-bi

    [en-na (m)x x x x] szA# a-na li-me-ti-ia Asz-bu [iq-ta-ba-Asz-szu um-ma] si#-hu e-pu-usz [x x x x x x] a#-ki-i szA _igi-2_ [_lugal_ be-li]-ia# a-[x x]+x# a-na _lugal_ a-qab-bi

    i-di# a-na _ugu#_ [an]-ni-i ki-i# i-zer-ra-an-ni-ma um-ma al-te-mu# [um-ma] x#-na-a at-ta ak-ka-'i-i sze#-[pit _lugal_(?)] x x-mah(?)# szA as,-ba-tu lu-masz-szir-ma [sze-pit] x x#-a lu-us,-bat

    kit-tu-u [x] s,i(?)# szA ma-la _lu-mu_ szA _lugal_ be-li-ia ma-s,u#-u a-na _ugu lugal_-u-tu i-dab-bu-ub-ma _kur#_ szA _lugal_ la—_szu-2 lugal#_ u-szel-li u [lu-u] _lu_ sa-ki-ki#

    en-na a-na _lugal#_ [be]-li#-ia al-tap-ra# _lugal_ la u#-[masz-szar-an]-ni _zi_-_mesz_-ia _lugal_ liq-bi-ma# Ar-rat [_lugal_(?) iq-ta]-bi um-ma# szA a-na _lugal#_ be-li-szu [ih-t,u-u] ki#-i un-desz-szi-ru mi-i#-ti

    am—mi#-[ni _lu-a_—szip-ri-ia a]-na# _lugal_ be-li-ia a-szap-pa-ram#-ma [_lu-a_—szip-ri szA _lugal_ be-li-ia] ul# am-mar

    AI Translation

    Tablet of NN to the king, his lord.

    The king, my lord, seized NN. He has been appointed ... from my presence. He will say to me whatever he sees and hears.

    Now NN, who is in my presence, has said to him: "Do a rebellion!" I shall ... as the king, my lord, ... and tell the king.

    When he uttered an oath concerning this, saying: "I have heard that you are a ..., let me release the ... of the king, who had seized me, and let me release the ... of my .

    ... who is a ..., who is a servant of the king, my lord, and who speaks a lie to the king, and who makes the land of the king fall into the king's hands, or a sakkukku-demon,

    Now then I am writing to the king, my lord. The king should not abandon me. May the king command my life and then the king will say: "If they have not sinned against the king, his lord, I will kill them."

    Why do I send my messenger to the king, my lord? I do not see the messenger of the king, my lord.


    A tablet of NN to the king, his lord:

    The king, my lord, detained NN and ... Ever since he was appointed to my service, he has been telling me everything that he sees and hears.

    Now NN who lives in my neighbourhood, has told him: "Make a rebellion!" I am now telling everything to the king, as do the eyes of the king, my lord.

    I know on this account that he hates me, as he says: "I have heard that you are my ...." How could I let go of the feet of the king ... which I have seized and seize the feet of my ...?

    Is it really possible that a man worth as much as a cook of the king, my lord, is conspiring against the Kingdom and making the land of the king slip from the king's hands? Or is the man half-witted?

    I have now written to the king, my lord. May the king not forsake me, but let the king command my life! The curse of the king says: "He who sins against the king, his lord, is dead, even if he has been released."

    Why do I send my messengers to the king, my lord, but do not see the king my lord's messenger?



    [be]-li-ia# [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    as,-ba#-[tu x x x x x x x x]

    ul [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    al#-[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    _erim_-_mesz_ a#-[na x x x x x x x x x x]

    U x x# [x x x x x x x] x x x x x# [x x] il-li-ku [ul-tu(?) x x a]-di# _ugu_ en-na ki-i isz-pu-[ra x x x] dil-bat-_ki edin_ ih#-ta-bat

    _u 01_-en ha-ab#-[ba-tu x x x x]+x# szA _lugal_ a(?)-ki(?) _lu_(?)#-_kur_ szA a-na _edin_ u#-[x x x] x x# szu [x x x]+x# u-s,u-u-[nu x x x]+x# 01-en(?) a ia# [x] a#

    a-na É _gisz-apin_(?)# [ip-tal]-szu(?)# 02 me _lu#_-dil-bat-_ki#_-_mesz pad_-_hi-a_-a szA _mu_-[_an-na_ ul]-tu# _ugu buru14#_-szu-nu _u 01 ma-na_(*) [_kug-ud_] ih#-ta-bat a-du-u e-re-szu ul# [x x x]+x#-ga a-na _edin_ ul us,-s,i

    szu-u _ninda_-_hi-a_(!) [szA _mu-an_]-_na_ an-ni-tu it-ta-szi U ina _ugu#_ [x x x]+x# ul u-masz-szar-an-ni-ma [_sze-numun_-_mesz_ ul] e#-ri-isz

    [szA si-hu a-na _ugu_] _lugal#_ be-li-ia i-pu-szu [a-na _ugu lugal_]-u#-ti i-dab-bu-bu [x x x x _ninda_]-_hi-a dug_-ub _sza_-bi [ak-ka-'i-i] ik#-kal

    [en-na a-na] _lugal#_ be-li-ia

    AI Translation

    ... my lord .

    I took ......

    does not ......

    I ......

    men to ......

    And ...... ...... went ...... From ... until now, when he wrote, ... Dilbat seized the steppe.

    And one ... of the king ... like a foreigner who ...s to the steppe ... ... ... one .

    He has entered the house of the plow. 200 Dilbateans have taken my grain rations for a year from their harvest and one mina of silver. Now then I have not ...ed it and ...ed it to the steppe.

    He has taken the bread of this year, but he has not abandoned me on ... and has not cultivated his fields.

    who has done evil to the king, my lord, and who speaks evil things against the king, my lord, and has eaten ..., has sinned, has sinned, and has sinned.

    Now then I am writing to the king, my lord.


    of the king, my lord .......

    I seized .......

    did not .......

    I sent .......

    men to ......

    And after ... went ..., from ... until now he has sent them to rob the open country in the environs of Dilbat.

    And one particular robber ..., a ... of the king, is like an enemy who goes out to the open country and comes out .......

    They have broken into the plough store, and he has robbed 200 Dilbateans of my barley rations for a whole year, from their harvest, plus one mina of silver. Right now I cannot continue cultivation and go out to the open country.

    He has taken the bread of this year and does not let me go to ..., so I cannot cultivate the cornfields.

    How can a man who has made a revolt against the king, my lord, and conspired against the Kingdom, enjoy ... bread and happiness?

    I have now written to the king, my lord; my heart is ....

    P224437: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia [_arad_]-ka# (m)_en_—_gisz_ [lu] _di#_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    ina É-_gal_ a-na szul-me a#-ta-al-ka i—da-tu-u-a _kur_-i-tu-'a-a-a sza ina _nam_ u#-ka-lu-u-ni _a-2#_-szu-nu ina na-ge-e i-ta-ba-lu _udu_-_mesz_ sza ina na-ge-e i-ra-'u-u-ni ina# _gim_ sa-ar-te ih#-tab-tu [x] u#-ka-lu

    [_lugal_ be]-li t,e-e-mu [lisz-kun]-an#-ni

    [x x x x]+x# sza _kur_

    [x x x x x]+x# sza _lugal_ [_en_ isz-pur-an(?)]-ni [x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x]+x#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-leshir. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I went to the Palace for the well-being. At my arrival, the Itu'eans who are in the province have taken their share in the district. The sheep who love the district have taken their share in the district and have taken ... as a pledge.

    Let the king, my lord, give me orders!

    ...... of the land

    ...... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me


    To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-leshir. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I came to the Palace to pay homage to the king. After my departure, the Itu'eans who hold land in the province committed a theft in the district. Instead of the fine imposed on them, they plundered the sheep which were being grazed in the district and are holding them.

    Let the king, my lord, give me orders

    ...... of the land

    ...... As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me



    [_kur_-i]-tu(?)-'a#-[a]-a nu-[x x x]

    [_lugal_] _en_-li u-da a-ki# [_kur_]-na-gi-u sza _nam uru_-kur-ba-il# [_kur_]-i#-tu-'a-a-a [gab]-bu u-ka-lu-u-ni

    u#-ma-a _lu_(v)-na-si-ka-ni ina É-_gal_ i-tal-ku(*)-u-ni _lugal en_-li lisz-al-szu-nu

    a-di _un_-_mesz_ a-ka-bu-su-ni _sza#_-bu sza _kur_ a-ka-bu-su-ni ha#-ra-ma-ma a-sa-pa-ra

    _uru#_-_mesz_-ni sza _kur_-i-tu-'a-a-a ga-bi-szu ih-ti-t,i-u ina _sza udu_-_mesz mi_—É-_gal_ sza _nam_ sza _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ sza ina _nam_ i-ra-'u-u-ni [x x]-szu#-nu ta-ta-na-qi#

    AI Translation

    We ... the Itu'eans .

    The king, my lord, knows that the Itu'eans have seized all of the districts of the province of Kurbail.

    Now the sheikhs have come to the Palace. Let the king, my lord, ask them.

    I have written to you as many people as I have killed, and the heart of the land as I have killed, and I am herewith sending to you my messenger.

    The Itu'eans have seized all the cities of it. You have ...ed the queen of the province and the magnates who love the province.


    we ... the Itu'eans

    The king, my lord, knows that the Itu'eans hold a whole diistrict in the province of Kurbail.

    The sheikhs are now coming to the Palace. Let the king, my lord, question them.

    I wrote immediately after I had subjugated the people and stamped out the morale of the land.

    All the towns of the Itu'eans have violated the sheep of the queen, the governor and the magnates, which are being grazed in the province, and their ... is being shed.



    [a-ki sza] _lugal# en_-li i-la#-['u-u-ni] [le]-e#-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    May they do as the king, my lord, commanded.


    The king, my lord, may do as he deems best.

    P224438: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia [_arad_-ka] (m)_man_—_bad_ [lu _di_]-mu# a-na _lugal en_-a

    [_un_(?)]-_mesz#_ sza _uru_-(d)30—szab-szi [qar-ba]-ti-ia [ina] _igi# lugal en_-a u#-se-ri-bi ma#-la ina É-_gal_—ma-szar-ti ma-la ina _uru_-ni-nu-u-a

    _lugal en#_ de-e-ni#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Sharru-duri. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I have brought the people of Sin-shabshi into the presence of the king, my lord, as many as are in the Review Palace, as many as are in Nineveh.

    The king, my lord, may decide the case.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Sharru-duri. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I have personally brought the people of Sin-shabshi into the king, my lord's presence: once to the Review Palace and once to Nineveh.

    May the king, my lord, do me justice .......



    [x x]+x# la e-pu-[usz]

    [ina] _ugu_(?)# _lu_(v)-ar-ba-a-a [sza] _lugal# en_ iq-bu-u-ni [ma-a] _lu_(v)#-hi-in-da-na-a-a [ina bat]-ti# an-ni-ti u-se-bi-ra-szu-nu

    [gab-bi]-szu la e-bi-ru-u-ni [ina bat]-ti# am-me-te ina _sag_ [i]-na#-s,ur ina mu-da-bir# [x x x]-szu-nu# me-e-ru [x x ina] _uru_-hi-in-da-ni

    AI Translation

    ... I did not do

    As to the Arabs about whom the king, my lord, said: "I have sent the Hindaneans to this side of the river" —

    They have not yet crossed over all of it. They are guarding it at the very beginning and crossing over the river. Their ... are ... in Hindanu.


    ... has not done.

    As to the Arabs about whom the king, my lord, said: "The Hindanean has brought them over to this side of the river."

    But not all of them have crossed over. They keep watch at the highest point on the other side of the river and their ... are trading in the desert. Let them leave their ... in Hindanu.

    P224439: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia [_arad_-ka] (m)(d)_im_—_ki_-ia [lu] _di#_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    sza# _lugal en_ t,e-e-mu isz-ku-na-ni-ni ma-a e-mu-qi sza _kur_—za-mu-u-a

    a-szur(*) szup#-ra 10 _gisz-gigir_-_mesz 20_(!) _gisz_-ut-tar#-a-te 10 sza _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz 10_ sza _ansze_-ku-di-ni 30 _ansze_-u-ra-te 97 _ansze-bad_-_hal_-lu 11 _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz 12 lu_(v)-03-_u5_-_mesz 30# lu_(v)-A—_sig5 53 lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz ansze#_-u-ra-te _pab 01_ me 06 _erim_-_mesz#_ [30] _gisz-gigir_-_mesz_

    01 me 61 _lu_(v)-szA—pet-hal-[a]-te# 01 me 30(!) _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz 52 lu_(v)-zu-un-zu-ra-hi _pab 03_ me 43

    _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz 08# lu_(v)-szA—É—02-e 12 _lu_(v)-_ka-k_ÉSZ 20 _lu_(v)-_kasz-lul 12 lu_(v)-kar-ka#-di-ni 07 _lu_(v)-_ninda_-_mesz 10 lu_(v)-_mu pab 69 un_-_mesz_ É

    08 _lu_(v)-um-ma-ni 23 _lu_(v)-_usz_—_ansze_-_mesz 01 lu_(v)-mu-tir—t,e-me 80 _lu_(v)-kal-ba-te#

    _pab 06_ me 30 _kur_-asz-szur-a-a

    03 me 60 _lu_(v)-gur-ru# 04 me 40 _kur_-i-tu#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Adad-isse'a. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The troops of Mazamua

    10 chariots, 20 teams, 10 horses, 10 mules, 30 teams, 97 cavalry, 11 chariot drivers, 12 'third men,' 30 chariot fighters, 53 chariot drivers, teams: in all 106 men, 30 chariots.

    61 cavalrymen, 130 charioteers, 52 scouts: in all 343.

    8 chariot drivers, 12 tailors, 20 cupbearers, 12 confectioners, 7 bakers, 10 cooks: in all 69 people living in the house.

    8 scholars, 23 donkey drivers, 1 intelligence officer, 80 kalbateans,

    a total of 630 Assyrians —

    360 Gurreans, 440 Ituans,


    To the king, my lord: your servant Adad-issiya. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the order that the king, my lord, gave me: "Review the troops of Mazamua and write me!" — here are the facts:

    10 wagons; 20 large-wheeled chariots, 10 of them horse-driven, 10 mule-driven; 30 teams; 97 riding horses; 11 chariot drivers; 12 'third men'; 30 chariot fighters; 53 grooms of the teams, in all 106 men and 30 chariots.

    161 cavalrymen, 130 grooms, 52 ...: in all 343 grooms.

    8 lackeys, 12 tailors, 20 cupbearers, 12 confectioners, 7 bakers, 10 cooks: in all 69 domestics.

    8 scholars, 23 donkey drivers, 1 information officer, 80 dispatch-riders.

    In all 630 Assyrians.

    360 Gurreans, 440 Itu'eans.



    _pab_-ma 01 lim 04 me 30 _erim_-_mesz_—_man_

    AI Translation

    Total: 1,430 king's men.


    All together 1,430 king's men, including the previous ones which have been here, plus the ones whom the royal bodyguard brought.



    [i]—su#-ri _lugal# en_ i-qa-bi [ma]-a# re-eh-te# e-mu-qi# a-le#-e _lu_(v)-_gal_—É-ia na-mar#-ku re-eh-te

    AI Translation

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Let me see my major-domo and let me see the rest of the troops!"


    Perhaps the king, my lord, now says: "Where are the rest of the troops?" My major-domo is delayed but will later bring the rest of the troops.

    P224440: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)(d)#[_utu_]—_du_-a-a (m)(d)_pa_—_zalag_-ir lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia (d)_pa_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia lik-ru#-[bu]

    _ud 28_-_kam#_ a-na _tin-tir-ki_ ni-it-ta-lak# pa-an _ka#-gal_ mar-duk ni-it-ti-ti-zi _ta_(v) _dumu#_—_tin-tir-ki_ ni-id-du-bu-ub

    (m)za#-si-nu _lu_(v)-_arad_ sza (m)_gin_—_numun lu_(v)-kal#-da-a-a i-ba-Asz-szi i-se-e#-szu it-tu#-s,u-u-ni _ta_(v) _dumu_—_tin-tir-ki_-_mesz_ pa-an _ka-gal_ i-za-zu a-ni-ni ki# an-ni-i a-na _dumu_—_tin-tir-ki_-_mesz_ ni-iq-t,i-bi ma-a _lugal#_ ina _ugu_-hi-ku#-nu i-sa#-[ap]-ra-na-szi ma-a ina _ka#_-ku-nu _ta_(v) _dumu#_—[_tin-tir_]-_ki#_-[_mesz_] ki# [an-ni-i la-ad-bu-ub] ma#-a [a]-na [du]-ra#-[ri(?)] sza _tin-tir#-ki u# lu_(v)-ki-di-nu-ut-ku-nu la-Asz-ku#-un

    a-na _tin-tir-ki_ al-la-ka dib#-bi ma-a'-du-ti i-si-szu-nu ni-id-du-bu-ub _erim_-_mesz kalag#_-_mesz erim_-_mesz 10_ i-ba-Asz-szi la i-ma-gu-ru# la u-s,u-u-ni i-si-ni la i-da-bu-bu i-sa-nap-pa-ru-na-szi a-ni-ni ni-iq-t,i-ba-szu-nu ma-a _ka-gal_ pi-ti-ia a-na _tin-tir-ki_ né-ru-ub la i-ma-gur ma-a a-na ka-na-szu-nu a-na _tin-tir-ki_ nu-se-ri-ib-ku-nu ma-a ki-ma _lugal_-ma it#-tal-ka mi-i-nu a-na _lugal#_ a-qab-bi# ki-ma _lugal#_ it-tal-ka _ka-gal_ i-pat-ti-u la i-qi-pu sza _lugal_ il#-lak-u-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servants Shamash-bunaya and Nabû-nammir. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

    We went to Babylon on the 28th and stood before the Marduk Gate. We spoke with the Babylonians.

    Zasinu, a servant of Mukin-zeri, a Chaldean, is with him. He is standing with the citizens of Babylon before the gate. We told the citizens as follows: "The king has written to you: I shall speak with the citizens of Babylon as follows in your gate, and I shall set you up for the reeds of Babylon and your kin."

    We spoke with them many words, but they did not agree to let us go with them, they did not come out and speak with us, they kept sending us messages. We told them: "We will enter Babylon through my gate, but they refuse to enter Babylon." They said: "When the king comes, what is it that I am saying to the king? When the king comes, the gate opens, but they do not give the king anything."


    To the king, my lord: your servants Shamash-bunaya and Nabû-nammir. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

    We went to Babylon on the 28th. We stood in front of the Marduk gate and spoke with the Babylonians.

    Zasinnu, a servant of Mukin-zeri and some Chaldeans with him came out and stood with the Babylonians before the city-gate. We spoke to the Babylonians as follows: "The king has sent us to you, saying: 'Let me speak with the Babylonians through your mouths. I shall establish the amnesty of Babylon and your privileged status and shall come to Babylon.'"

    We spoke many words with them, but some 10 powerful men refuse to come out and speak with us; they keep sending messages to us. We told them: "Open the city-gate, so we can enter Babylon." They refused, saying: "If we let you enter Babylon, what can I say to the king, when the king himself comes?" They will open the gate only when the king comes, and they do not believe that the king will come.



    ki-i an-ni-i ni-iq-t,i-ba-szu-nu# ma#-a (m)_szesz_—x x x# _u lu_(v)#-_arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)_gin_—_numun_ lu paq#-du-ni-ku-nu a-di É _lugal_ il-la-ka#-an-ni a-ni-ni ina _uru_-kar—(d)_u-gur_-ma ni#-[is]-hur#

    [ki-i] an#-ni-ma _ta_(v)# _dumu_—_tin-tir-ki_ ni-da-bu-ub mi-i-nu sza t,e-en#-sza-nu-nu _ansze_(*) _babbar_-u a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia ni-szap#-pa-ra

    _lu_(v)-li#-ta-ma-a-a i-sa-ap-ru-na-szi ma-a _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_ sza _lugal#_ a-ni-ni ma-a _ud 30_-_kam_ ni-il-la-ka i-si#-ku-nu ni-dab-bu-ub _u sag#-kal_-_mesz_-te#-ni ina _ugu lugal#_ il-lu-ku ki-ma it-tal-ku-u-ni# pa-an _lugal_ be-li-ia

    nu-ub#-ba-la#-szu-nu t,e#-e-mu# sza _uru_-dil-bat-_ki_ szu-tu-ma szu#-[u sza _lugal_] be-li isz-pur-an#-[ni] (m)_gin_—_numun#_ [x x x x x x x x x]

    a-ni-ni# [x x x x x x x x x]

    a-na [x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

    ni-x#+[x x x x x x x x x x]

    ni-har-ra-s,a(!) a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia ni-szap]-pa#-ra

    AI Translation

    We told them as follows: "Ahu-... and the servants of Mukin-zeri should be appointed for you until the king comes." We are now in Kar-Nergal.

    We shall speak with the Babylonians as follows: what is the news of them, and we shall send white donkeys to the king, my lord.

    The Litammeans wrote to us: "We are the king's subjects; we will come on the 30th and speak with you." But our eunuchs have come to the king. When they come, we will bring them before the king, my lord.

    The news of Dilbat is that he is the one about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: Mukin-zeri .

    we ......

    to ......

    we ......

    We shall go and write to the king, my lord.


    We spoke to them like this: "Let Ahu-... and the servants of Mukin-zeri be entrusted to you until the king comes, we shall return to Kar-Nergal."

    In this manner we have been speaking with the Babylonians. We shall send any news of them and a white donkey to the king, our lord.

    The Litamaeans have written to us, saying: "We are the king's servants. We shall come on the 30th to speak with you, and our leaders will go to the king." As soon as they come, we will bring them before the king, my lord.

    The report on Dilbat is still the same. Apropos what the king, my lord, wrote, Mukin-zeri ......

    we ......

    to ......

    we ......

    we shall send a detailed report to the king, my lord.

    P224441: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia# _arad_-ka (m)asz-szur—_di_-a-ni lu#-u _di_-mu# a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia#

    sza a-na _lugal#_ be-li-ia Asz-pu-ra-ni mu-uk la-am-mar-ku _un_-_mesz_ bé-et i-ba-Asz-szu-ni# lu-pa-hi-ra a-na _lu_(v)-na-si-ka-ti# Asz-sa-al ma-a 01-en la re-e-he ma-a an-nu-tim-ma szu-nu

    an-nu-rig _lu_(v)-na#-si-ka-a-ti il-la(*)#-ku-ni _lugal#_ be-li

    lisz-al-szu-nu (m)rém#-a-ni#—(d)15# ina _sza_-bi mar-de-ti sza# a-na# _uru_-kar#—asz-szur :(?)# il-la-ku-ni# ina ir-ti-ni# e-te-li#-ia-a

    sza _lugal_ be#-li isz-pu-ra#-ni ma-a 06 lim _lu_(v)-hu-ub-tu ina pa-ni-ka sza-ki-il

    a-du ma-ti 06 lim 03-su-u# :- _ta_(v)# _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ gab-bu

    a-bat-taq la a-na _lugal_-e be#-li-ia ina _mu-im-ma_(*)#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what I wrote to the king, my lord: "Let me see where the people are." I asked the herald, saying: "You are not alone, these are the ones who are being killed."

    Now then the sheikhs are coming. The king, my lord, should know this.

    Remanni-Issar has come up to Kar-Ashur in the district of the city of Kar-Ashur. He has come up to me.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Send 6,000 captives to you!" —

    Until now, 6,300 ditto from all the magnates

    I have been unable to write to the king, my lord, in this year.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what I wrote to the king, my lord: "I shall be late as I am assembling the people wherever they are." I have now asked the sheikhs, and they told me: "Not a single one is left. These are all there are."

    Now the sheikhs are coming; let the king, my lord, ask them!

    Remanni-Issar came up and met us along the stretch that leads to Kar-Ashur.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Feed the 6,000 captives in your presence."

    For how long? They are 6,000! Can I cut out one-third with all the magnates?

    Did I not write to the king, my lord, last year: "There is no barley."



    la-Asz-szu _lugal_ be-li# iq-t,i-bi-ia-a ma-a lu-u ta-hu-ra#-ni 40 lim _sze-pad_-_mesz_ lu-u a#-di-na-ka

    u-ma#-a(*) _lugal#_ u-da-a ki-i _sze-pad_-i :- la-Asz-szu-ni a-du ma-ti 06 lim :- 03 lim lid-di-nu-ni 03-lim#-ma a#-na (m)(d)_utu_—_du_-a-a lid-di#-[nu] an-ni-u a-na _lugal_

    be-li-ia at(*)#-ta-har# sza _lugal_ be-li isz#-pu-ra-ni ma-a _lu_(v)-hu-ub-tu ur-ki#-iu-u a-da-na#-szu-nu an-ni-iu#-u isz-se#-e-a lu-sza-an-szi-lu ur-ki#-iu-u a-na-ku i-si#-szu-nu lu-sza-an-szi-il

    i—su-ri _lugal#_ be-li i-qab-bi ma-a a-ke-e ina _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_du_-a-a er-ru-bu ma-a a-na ma-ti [o(?)] kar#-mu 01 me 50 _uru_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    The king, my lord, told me: "You should return to me, I have given you 40,000 homers of barley."

    Now the king knows that there is no barley. Let them give me as many as 6,000 ditto and 3,000 to Shamash-bunaya. Let them give this to the king.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "I will give the captives later on, and let them stay with me later on, and let them stay later on with them."

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "How did they enter into the presence of Shamash-bunaya? Will they go to the land?" 150 towns


    The king, my lord, told me: "If you had appealed to me, I would have given you 40,000 homers of barley."

    Now does the king know that I have no barley? How long still? Let 6,000-3,000 homers be given to me, and let 3,000 homers also be given to Shamash-bunaya. This is what I am herewith appealing for to the king, my lord.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "I am giving them = the other magnates the later captives." Let them share these 6,000 captives with me, and I will then share the later captives with them.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "How are they to enter into the presence of Shamash-bunaya? When are they to be stocked?" There are 150 walled towns of Shamash-bunaya in Arrapha. Let them be brought in there.

    P224442: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _lugal_ be-li# [x x x x x x x]

    mi-ti-ia x x x#+[x x x x x]

    t,e-ma-a la—pa-an _lugal#_ [ip-te-es-nu]

    _u kud_ a da# ra a-na pa#-[an _lugal_ be]-li-ia(?)# la il#-la-ka ul-tu# _ugu_-hi a-gan-nim#-ma _lugal#_ be-li li-ih-su-us ki-i mar-s,a-[ku] x a an ni

    ul-tu (m)_gin_—_numun_ ma-dak-tu# a-na _ugu_-hi-ia szA-kan ina _gisz-mi lugal#_

    _en#_-ia ul _usz_ en-na am#—mi-ni i-na hu-lu uk-ku-szu _ud 04_-_kam# ninda_-_hi-a_ ul al-hi-im _lugal_ be-li#-a la i-qab-bi um-ma mi-nu#-u szu-u mi#-nam-ma la tasz-pu#-ra

    gab-bi x x# mar x# [x]

    AI Translation

    the king, my lord .

    my life ......

    They have not yet received any news from the king.

    And he should not come to the presence of the king, my lord. After this, the king, my lord, should be happy. When I am ill, ... .

    After Mukin-zeri had set up camp against me, I sat in the king's lap.

    Now why did I not eat bread on the 4th? The king, my lord, should not say: "What is it?" Why did you not write?

    all ... ...


    the king, my lord ......

    my dead one .........

    concealed my report from the king

    and my ... does not come into the king, my lord's presence. From this the king, my lord, should understand that I am sick and ......

    After Mukin-zeri set up camp against me in Bit-Amukani, I did not die thanks to the protection of the king, my lord.

    Now why did I not have bread to eat for four days on the distant road? The king, my lord, should not say: "What is it? Why didn't you write to me?"

    I have sent all ...... ... to the king and grasped his feet ... but they have uttered no friendly report on me, because they do not trust me. They have stunned the king, my lord, not ....



    [01-en] _lu_-qur-ru-bu#-ti szA _lugal_ [i]-na# pa-ni-ia qu-la(?)-li(?)#

    la#—pa-an# _kur_ ma-la ub#-bal-u a-na _lugal_ liq#-bi-ma x# szA i-paq#-qi-dan-ni

    [x x x x] x# _ud-ud-ki_ szA u#-s,a-a'

    [x x x x x]+x# mi-nu-u# ina pa#-ni-ia

    [x x _lugal_ be-li]-a i#-di ki-i [x]+x#

    [x x x x x x]+x# U x#+[x x x] a#-na-ku [x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

    AI Translation

    One bodyguard of the king is in my presence.

    May he tell the king whatever he brings and ... who he entrusts.

    ...... of the day that he went out

    ...... What is it that is in my presence?

    ... the king, my lord, knows that .

    ...... and ... I


    A bodyguard of the king is in my presence. Let him tell to the king all the slights from the country that I bring, and ... what he confides to me.

    He does not respect the country. Let him report to the king and ... ......

    ..... of Larak, which is coming out

    ....... What do I have?

    The king, my lord, knows that ...

    I am ...... and ...

    P224443: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_u-gur_

    ina _ud 22_-_kam_ sza _iti-apin_ kas-pu ina É-_gal gibil_ u-se-ri-bi ina _sza#_ e-ri-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Mannu-ki-Nergal.

    On the 22nd of Marchesvan VIII I brought the money into the New Palace and deposited it there.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Mannu-ki-Nergal.

    On the 22nd of Marchesvan VIII I brought the money into the New Palace and put it into a cedar box. The royal signet ring and the land are well.

    P224444: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x] lu(?)#-[u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia]

    _ta_(v) [_ugu_]-hi _lu_(v)(?)#-[_erim_-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ isz-pur-an-ni(?)] _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_—_man_ am—mar szu-nu-u#-[ni] u-ta-si-ki# a-na _lu_(v)-_gal_—É# ap-ti-qi-di#

    _ud 20_-_kam_ sza _iti-sig4_ u-ta-mi-szu it-ta-ta-ku

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the men about whom the king wrote to me, I have appointed all the king's men, and appointed them to the major-domo.

    The 20th day of Sivan III he has sinned against him.


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the men about whom the king wrote me, I have assigned all the available king's men and entrusted them to the major-domo.

    On the 20th of Sivan III they have set out and gone away.

    P224445: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)asz-szur—_kur_-ka—_gur_ lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    ina _ugu lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz kur-a_r-ma-a-a sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-an-ni ma-a szA-as,-bi-su-nu ma a-na _kaskal_

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-matka-ter. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the Arameans about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Set out and go to the king, my lord!" —


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-matka-tera. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the Aramean troops about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Equip them! They are going on a campaign." I will give them their travel provisions, sackcloth, leather bags, sandals and oil.



    _ansze-nita_-_mesz_-ia la-Asz-szu _ta_(v) ma-s,i-en _ansze-nita_-_mesz_-ia i-ba-szu-u-ni _gisz_-qir-si-ia-ma a-na _kaskal_

    AI Translation

    I have no donkeys. With the help of my donkeys, I have a qirsu-tool and am going on campaign.


    I have no donkey stallions available, but if I did have donkey stallions available, I would offer my carts too for the campaign.

    P224446: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-bat _lugal#_ a-na (m)(d)_masz#_—U—_pab_

    _ansze_-gam-mal#-_mesz_ am—mar sza _lu_(v)-tur-ta#-nu e-da-na-kan-ni a-szur mu-hur x-x#+[x] (m)ba(?)-di-i'—_dingir_ ina pa-ni-ka pi-iq-da-szu _sza_-bi _kur_ li-ir-'i-u

    an-nu-rig _lu_(v)-Ar-ba-a-a an-nu-ti _lu_(v)-tur-ta#-nu it-ta-ha#-s,a _en-nun_-ku-nu ki-i sza# ti-ma-li# szal-szi—_ud_-me _kur#_-mu-da-bir# lu-u dan-na(*)-at# _udu-nita#_-_mesz_-ku-nu [_ta_(v)] _kur_-mu-da#-bi-ri [a-na] _sza#_-bi ma-a-ti

    AI Translation

    The king's word to Inurta-belu-ushur:

    I shall give all the camels that the commander-in-chief gave me. I shall ... Badi'-ili in your presence. May he be happy in the land.

    Now these Arabs have taken the commander-in-chief and are keeping watch over you. As soon as the day is over, let the lengthening of the days of Mudbir and the arrival of your rams from Mudbir to the land of Ashur.


    The king's word to Inurta-belu-ushur.

    Check and receive all the camels that the commander-in-chief will give to you. ... Badi'-Il is with you; entrust them to him and let them be grazed in the midst of the land.

    The commander-in-chief has now defeated these Arabs but let your guard of the steppe be as strong as previously. Your rams from the steppe to the midst of the land have been left on their own but they must be shepherded until ...



    _kaskal_ sza _uru_-ta-ab-_uru_(!)-a-a# u-szah-ka-mu-ka# [o(?)] ki-i sza bir-te _uru_-x#+[x x x] [bir]-te# _uru_-ni-u

    AI Translation

    The journey of the Tabaleans will be a long one for you. Just as between the city ... and the city Nineveh


    As to the campaign against the Tabaleans, they will explain to you how to ... between GN and Apamea and between Qadesh and GN.



    ma-a _sze-numun_ an-ni-u sza a-ri-szu-u-ni ma-a a-na ga-li-ti# sza ta-al#-kan-ni ki-i _ta_(v) _uru_-di-masz-qa il-la-ku-ni-ni la# a-ra-an-tu a-na _kin_-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    "This seed, which is being cultivated, is being cultivated for the extispicy which you have brought. When they come from Damascus, there is no return to their message.


    They say that this cornfield that is under cultivation is for the deportees who are coming. When they come from Damascus, there are 100 homers of wheat and 20 homers of barley to send them from Orontes.

    P224447: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)_en_—_bad_

    (m)_dingir_—mu-sze-zib _lu_(v)-_ninda_ sza (m)_en_—_igi_-an-ni# _lugal_ ina _uru#_-ha-ta-ri-ka u-se#-[szib]-szu# :" a-ki _lugal_ [e-ti]-qu-ni (m)(d)15#-[_ka_]—_apin_-esz sza kal#-[zi]-szu sza kal#-[zi] _un#_-_mesz_-szu# szu-u-tu [u]-sa-ah#-[li]-qu(?)# lisz-u-lu _lu#_ :" lu-sa-hir#-u-ni

    a-ki [mu]-ta#-nu a-na-ka-ni# :" (m)_dingir#_—bi-i'-di _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki#-s,ir x x# [sza] _szu-2_-ia

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

    Ilu-mushezib, the baker of Bel-emuranni, has settled him in Hatarika. When the king passed by, Issar-eresh, his kalzi and his people, have squandered him. Let them ask him and find out the man.

    I am Il-bi'di, cohort commander, ... in my charge.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Bel-duri.

    The king installed Ilu-mushezib, a baker of Bel-emuranni, in Hatarikka. When the king passed on, Kubaba-eresh a member of his community and the members of the community of his relatives made him run away. They should make inquiries and return the man to me.

    When there was an epidemic here, Ilu-bi'di a cohort commander of the ... under my jurisdiction killed a horse. I made up for the horse in his stead and he promised: "I'll give you the money." Now this Ilu-bi'di has died; his wife, as the king knows, has married a young boy and that person has been serving under me as a cook.



    a-ki _lugal#_ e-ti-qu-ni sza kal-zi# :" i-tal-ku-ni _lu_ :" u#-sa-ah-li-qu (m)_lal_(*)-nu(?)# :" _mu_-szu a-na# [(m)]ki(?)#-mu-ma-a-a a#-na sza kal-zi _lugal_ be-li :" lisz-'a-la szum-mu la _lu_(v)-_arad_ szu-tu-ni

    AI Translation

    When the king came, the kalzi-official came and seized the man. Tanutu ... to Kimumaya and the kalzi-official. The king, my lord, should ask him if he is not a servant.


    When the king had passed on, the members of the community came and made the man escape. His name is Tuqunu; let the king, my lord, ask Kimumai and the members of the community whether he is a servant of mine.



    (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu_(v)-_a-ba_(?)# ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_kam_-esz :" _lugal_ be-li

    AI Translation

    Nabû-shezib, scribe, is at the disposal of Ashur-eresh. The king, my lord, should know this.


    Nabû-shezib, my scribe, is in the presence of Ashur-eresh; let the king, my lord, send him over.

    P224448: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_zalag#_-ir (d)_pa_ (d)_amar-utu#_ a-na _lugal_ be-li#-ia lik-ru-bu

    an-nu-rig _un_-_mesz_ u-sa-ni-qu#-ni u-pa-hu-ru# a#-na-ku ina _ugu#_

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nammir. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

    Now then they have gathered the people and are gathering them. I am writing to the king, my lord.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-nammir. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord.

    At this moment they have cross-examined the people and are gathering them, and I am herewith sending them to the king, my lord.



    a-na pa(?)-ni(?)-ti(?)# ki-i an-ni-i iq-t,i-bi-ia ma#-a _un_-_mesz_ er-ri-sza-a# am—mar ina pa-ni-ia-a#-ni ma-a 01-en la a-kal#-la ma-a gab-bu u-sze-e-s,a a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia

    AI Translation

    He told me in the past, as follows: "The people are ...; I do not know one." I have sent all of them to the king, my lord.


    Earlier on he said to me as follows: "Should he ask for the people, I will not hold back even a single one of those in my presence, but will set free and give them all to the king, my lord."

    P224449: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _ansze#_-[_kur_]-_ra_(?)-_mesz#_ [x x]+x#-ni il-lak-u-ni

    ina _ugu_ t,e-e-mu sza (m)dal-ta-a _ta_(v) É la u-s,a-a U me-me-ni ina pa-ni-szu la e-rab a-se-me ma-a re-eh-te ma-da-te u-pa-har a(?)-s,a(?)-me#-su

    i-da-na# _lu_(v)-mat(*)-a-a sza pa-t,u-ru#-[ni] sza ina _igi#_-ia 30 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ a-ta-s,a re-eh-te _un_-_mesz_ ina _igi_-ia

    ma-da-te sza _kur_-zak-ru-tu 40 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ [a]-ta#-har iq-t,i-bi-u ma-a re-eh-te

    [ma-da-te ni]-da-an _lugal en_ a-na _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ [lisz-pur le-ti]-qu ina _ugu uru_-ku-lu-man _kur-nim_(?)-_ma_(?)-_ki_(?)# [x x x x] _u#_ szu-nu da-al-hu a-na _kur_-szu-nu [x x x x]-e la ket-tu ina _ugu lugal en#_-a [i-sap-ru]-ni# ma-a kit-ri ina _sza_-bi e-[x x] [x x x x u]-ma#-a man-nu szu-nu kit-ri [x x (x)] [x x _kur_-x x]-a-a-e _kur_-el-li-pi x#+[x] [x x x x _lu_(v)-_erim_]-_mesz_-szu-nu 03 04 lim ni(?)#-[x x]

    [x x x x x x] _ta_(v)(?)# _ugu_ e-tab-ku [x x x]

    [x x x x x x e]-ta-rab(?)# [x x x]

    AI Translation

    The horses ... come .

    Concerning the news of Daltâ, he has not come out of the house, and nobody has come into his presence. I have heard that he will collect the rest of the tribute and bring it to me.

    The Medes who were snatched and in my presence I took 30 horses, and I brought the rest of the people into my presence.

    I received tribute from Zakrutu: 40 horses. He said: "The rest of the king my lord should go and collect them."

    Let the king, my lord, send word that they should be kept in check; they are Elam and their land. They have not written to the king, my lord, that there is a ... in it. Now who are they? The ...eans and Ellipi ..., their 3,400 men .

    ...... has set out from .

    ...... entered .


    They will bring the horses and come.

    As to the news of Daltâ, he is not leaving his house and nobody is entering into his presence. I have heard that he is collecting the rest of the tribute. I shall obligate him to deliver it.

    I have taken the released Medes who are in my presence and 30 horses. The remaining people are with me.

    I have received the tribute of the land of Zakrutu, 40 horses. They promised to give the rest of the tribute.

    The king, my lord, should send word to the magnates that they may proceed against Kuluman. Elam ..., and they are perplexed; ... to their country. They wrote untruly to the king, my lord that ... reinforcements there .... Now who would those reinforcements be? Would the ...eans and Ellipi ......? Their 3,000 or 4,000 men ...

    ... they have removed from there ...

    ... has entered ...



    [x x x x x x x x x] il(?)-lu(?)#-[ku]

    [x x x x x x x x] da(?)#-mu sza x#+[x (x)]

    [x x x x x x x] _sig4#_-_mesz_ ni-x#+[x x] [x x x x x x x] ni-ir-ti-s,i-pi x x# [x]

    [x x x x x x]+x# ma-a lal-li-ik# ([x x]) [x x x x] ik#-ta-la-szu ma-a i-si-ia#

    [x x x x x] tal-lak _lugal en_ lisz-pu-ra# [a-na (m)x x]-ni lisz-ul-lu ma-a 03-su# [x] [x x]-szu#-nu ket-ti szi-i a-na mi-i-ni# [x x] pil#-ku-szu u-na-a-da [x] sza# _lugal en_-a szum-mu szi-i# pil-ku sza# É-_gal_ pil-ku sza me-me-ni i-ba-Asz-szu-u-ni _u 30_ ti-ik-pi e-mid ep-sze-ti an-ni-ti a-na ma-la sza (m)(d)_u-gur_—_kar_-ir szi-i

    ina _ugu_ É (m)#hu-na-nu i-du-bu-bu a-du É i-ba(?)-szu-nu u-ma-a ina _ugu uru_-kar—(m)_man_—_gin_ i-da-bu-bu _ud_-mu la e-te-qe sza s,a-a-su hi-in-sa-te

    la i-ga-ra-ni-ni _lu_(v)-_sag#_-_mesz_ sza _man_ sza an-na-ka dul-lu e-pu-szu-u-ni _u lu_(v)-_erim_(?)-_mesz_(?) sza# i-si-szu-nu _du_-_mesz#_-u-ni [x x x x x x x x] x x#-u-ni#

    AI Translation

    ...... they go

    ...... the blood of .

    ...... we ... bricks ...... we fashioned .

    ...... "I shall go ..., he seized ..., and he went with me

    Let the king, my lord, send word that they should ask "Is it a third time that they ...?" It is true. What is his work assignment? I have given it to him. The king, my lord, knows that there is a work assignment of the palace, a work assignment of anyone. I have put 30 bricks in the brickwork. This is what Nergal-etir wrote to me.

    They speak about the house of Hunanu, until there is another house. Now they speak about Kar-Sharruken. The day has not passed, and the slander is a slander.

    The eunuchs of the king who are here are doing the work, and the men who are with them .


    ...... are going

    ...... the blood of ...

    ..... We have ...ed bricks and constructed .......

    NN said, "Let me go to ...," but NN held him back, saying, "You will go ... with me."

    The king, my lord, should send word that they ask NN why he has three times ...ed them. It is true; why does he brag about his ... work assignment? By the god of the king, my lord, it is not a work assignment of the palace or anybody. He has been assigned but 30 courses of brick. This accomplishment is altogether that of Nergal-etir.

    They argued about the house of Hunanu as long as it existed. Now they are arguing about Kar-Sharrukin. Not a day passes without their quarreling about the spoils.

    The eunuchs of the king who are working here and the men who came with them ...

    P224450: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-na _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_du_ [o]

    _lugal_ : t,e-mu : i-sa-kan#-[a]-na-szi x# ma#-a É-ku-nu ina _uru#_-hu-zir-na : s,a-ba-ta

    É ar-te-s,i-bi _un#_-_mesz_-ia _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz#_-ia [ina] _sza#_-bi u-se-ri-bi

    [ina] _mu#-im-ma_ a-ni-($ni(?)$) [am]—mar : _lugal_ : t,e#-mu [isz]-kun#-na-szi-ni

    [x x] i-ba-szi#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nergal-ibni.

    The king gave us the following order: "Your house is in Huzirna, capture."

    I have gathered therein my people and my servants.

    In this year, all the king's orders have been given to us.

    ... there is


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nergal-ibni.

    The king gave us the following order: "Take your pl. households to Huzirina."

    I have built a house and made my people and servants enter there.

    Last year all us of to whom the king gave orders

    ... there was



    [x x] É(?) x#+[x x x] [x x x x x x]+x#+[x]

    AI Translation

    ... house ...


    ... house ...



    [x x x la i]-ma#-gur [la il-lak]-u-ni

    [x a]-na# _dumu_ (m)mu-bi-i [muk É]-ka# ina _uru_-hu#-zir(*)-na s,a-ba-ta# : la i-ma-gur#-ru a-na s,a-ba-te am—mar É—_ad_-szu ina _sza_-bi-ni la i-ma-gur a-na s,a-ba-ti

    sza ina# ti-ma-li : szA-szu-u-me# É#-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi u-ra-s,ip(*)#-u-ni

    AI Translation

    ... they refuse to come

    "... to the son of Mubî: Your house is in Huzirna, he will not return to court, he will not return to court, as much as his father's house is in our midst, he will return to court."

    which they have reconstructed in the evening : the houses there.


    ... they refuse to come.

    I told the son of Mubî: "Take your house to Huzirina," but he did not agree to take it. Whoever has a parental house there, refuses to take it.

    Those who have previously built houses there refuse to bring them in and now they slander me and they have destroyed ....

    P224451: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na _lugal_] _en#_-ia _arad_-ka (m)qur-di—asz-szur#—[_igi_]

    [_uru_-as-du]-da-a-a ina _ugu_-hi-ia i-sa-par [ma-a] _ta_(v)# _uru_-qa-da-ru#-a _uru_-li-i-du [_uru_]-ha#-di-du _lugal_ ina# _sza_ a-de-e i-sa#-kan

    [x x]+x#-par(?) ma a-na _lugal#_ at-ta-ha-ra

    [x _uru_]-ha#-di-du# [x] x x x x# _usz_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x] x x#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur-lamur.

    The Asdodeans have written to me: "The king has placed the cities Qadarua, Lidu, and Hadidu in the treaty."

    ... I have written to the king

    ... Hadidu


    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur-lamur.

    The Ashdodite king has written to me: "The king has placed the cities Qadarua, Lidu and Hadidu in the treaty.

    I have sent ... and appealed to the king;

    the ... of Hadidu ...... is dead

    P224452: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal#_ be-li-[ia] [_arad_-ka] (m)(d)_utu_—bu-na-[a-a]

    [ina _ugu_] t,e#-me sza _lu_(v)-_erim_-[_mesz_] [sza _lugal_] be#-li isz-pur-an#-ni [ma-a] [a-ta-a a-na] szu#-na-szu-nu la tu#-sze-bi#-[la]

    _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz 50_(?)# sza _lu_(v)-i-tu-'e# _ta_(v) szi(?)-di(?)# _id-masz-gu-qar_ a#-na bat-ti am-mi#-ti sza _id kaskal_ sza _uru-ud_-[_kib_]-_nun-ki_(?) x x-ka#-te-szu#-nu i-si-szu-nu it-tu(?)#-[s,i]-u# a-na pa-an _lugal#_ be-li-[ia] it-tal-ku#

    [x x x x x] _lu_(v)-ru-u#-'u

    [x x x x x]-ni _kaskal_ sza _uru_-kar—(d)_utu_

    [sza(?) a-na _lugal_] be-li-ia il-la-ku-u-ni

    [x x x _lu_(v)-_erim_(?)]-_mesz_ sza (m)a-mu-da-ni#

    [x x x x x x] (m)a-mu-da-ni

    [x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_erim#_-_mesz kur_-szu-nu

    [x x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_erim#_-_mesz_-e#-nu [x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-szu

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Shamash-bunaya.

    As to the news of the men about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Why did you not send them to them?" —

    The men, 50 Itu'eans, have come out from the opposite bank of the Tigris to the other side of the river and the road of Sippar. They have ...ed with them and come to the king, my lord.

    ...... the Ru'u

    ...... the road to Kar-Shamash

    who are coming to the king, my lord,

    ... the men of Amudanu

    ...... Amudanu

    ...... the men of their country

    ...... our men


    To the king, my lord: your servant Shamash-bunaya.

    As to the news of the troops about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Why did you not send them?"

    The troops, some 50 men of the Itu'eans set out from the course of the Tigris to the other side of the river by the road of Sippar with their ...s and went to the king, my lord.

    ...... the Ru'ua

    ...... road of Kar-Shamash

    that leads to the king, my lord

    ... the men of Amudanu

    ...... Amudanu

    ...... the men of their land

    ...... our men



    [x x x x x _ka_]-_dingir#-ra-ki_

    [x x x x x]+x# _ka-dingir-ra-ki_

    [x x x x x x] ir _u#_

    x# [x x x x ina] pa#-ni-te# la u-s,i u-ma-a a-na# [_ka_]-_dingir-ra-ki#_

    it-ta-lak _gisz-ig_ sza (m)#[x]+x#—_pab_-ir ina _sza_-bi tal-li-sza x x# [x x x] ta#-ta-ha-as, U x x _lu_(v)#-_nigir_ it-ta#-lak x# ta x x# [x x] szi-i# [a]-na# qa-ni ta-at-tu-s,i# i-si(*)-tu# sza _gisz-sar_ tu-un-ta#-gi-ir x#-gu-ul-tu ma-a'-da a—dan-nisz e-ta-ba-Asz _dumu_-_mesz_—_ka-dingir-ra#_-[_ki_]

    la i#-za-zu-ni# _ta 10 udu_(?)#-[_mesz_] [e]-ta#-ab-ru x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... Babylon

    ...... Babylon

    ...... and

    ...... I did not go in front of him. Now I am going to Babylon.

    The door of ...-nashir is there. You ... ..., and the herald has gone. ... he has slipped into the middle of the garden. You have smashed the ..., and the Babylonians have smashed the ... very much.

    They have not stayed there. They have crossed over the river with 10 sheep .


    ...... Babylon

    ...... Babylon

    ...... and

    ...... Previously he did not go out, but now he has gone to Babylon.

    She hit the door of ...-nashir with its crossbar .... Moreover, ... the herald went ....... She went out and demolished the tower of the orchard, while he did very much .... The citizens of Babylon were not present.

    They crossed over with 10 sheep; ......



    [x x]+x it-ta-lak# [x x x x] [x x x x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x] [x x x x x] a-na# [x x x x] [x x x x x] ki-i [x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... went ...


    ... went ......



    [x x x x] il-la-ka a#-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia al-la-ka]

    AI Translation

    ...... will come and I shall come to the king, my lord.


    ...... will come, and I shall come to the king, my lord.

    P224453: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] _arad_-ka [(m)x x x x] lu#-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en#_-ia dan-nisz a—dan#-nisz

    ka-ni-ku sza _lugal en_-ia# ina _ugu_-ia ta#-tal-ka ma-a _gisz_-qir-si sza _gisz_-du-un ma#-hi-i-ri# ir(?)#-tu _mu_(?)#-sa s,a-bi-ra# i#-se-e-ka mu-ut-hu# ma-a _gisz_-na-szi-a#-[ni] la# ta-ma-ta-ah#

    ki-i sza _lugal_ be-li iq-bu-u-ni a(*)#-ma-tah(*)

    [x]-_mesz_ (m)gi-lu-u(?)# _dumu#_ (m)ha-la-x x# uk-tab-bir a-la(?)-ka#

    _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x]

    pa#-an x#+[x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    The king, my lord, came to me, saying: "The qirsu of the tin is a tin. It is a tin." She was a sabriru-demon, she was a sabriru-demon, and she was not a sabriru-demon.

    I shall do as the king, my lord, commanded.

    ... Gilû, son of Hala..., has crossed over, and I am coming.

    the men ...

    before ......


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    A sealed tablet of the king, my lord, came to me with the following message: "Receive carts with beds ... ... and take it with you; do not take plain carriages."

    I shall now do as the king, my lord, commanded.

    I have thickened/strengthened the ...s of Gilû, son of Hala..., and am coming.

    The men ...

    before .....

    P224454: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _arad#_-ka _lu-gu_-[_en-na_] a-na di-na-an _lugal#_ [be-li-ia] lul-lik d#-[_en-lil_ (d)]_masz#_ u (d)#[_pa-tug_] a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia lik-ru#-bu um-ma-a a-na _lugal_ be-li#-[ia]-a#-ma

    szA É—asz-szur re#-he-et sza# _kur_ a-na _tin zi_-_mesz_ szA _lugal_

    be-li-ia ul-te-bil ul-tu _lugal_ ina _kur a_sz-bu a-na gab(?)#-[ri(?)] szA _lugal#_ be-li-ia# _lu_-kal-la# u-sze-bi-(la(?)) u-bal kit(?)#-[ti a-na] _lugal_ be-li-ia al(?)-tap#-[ra x x]

    _arad_(?)#-_mesz_-ia u a-[x x x]

    [x] a#-na da-na-an [x x x] [x x]+x# [x x]+x x#+[x x x x] [x x x x x] na(?)# [x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant, the shandabakku: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Enlil, Ninurta, and Nusku bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    The rest of the country is for the life of the king.

    After the king had sat down in the land, I sent a kalla-official to the king, my lord, and he returned safely to the king, my lord. I have written to the king, my lord, .

    my servants and .

    ... for the might .


    Your servant, the governor of Nippur: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Enlil, Ninurta and Nusku bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    On account of the temple of Ashur, I have sent the leftovers of the land to invigorate the life of the king, my lord.

    Since the king is residing in the land, I have sent an express messenger for a reply of the king, my lord, and he will bring it. I have written truthfully to the king, my lord ...

    my servants and ......

    ... to become stronger ......



    [x] x x x x# [x x x] ki#-i pi-i an-nim#-[ma x x] sze#-bi-la(?) um(?)-ma(?) ana(?)-ku# [x x] ul# al-lak# a-di-i# _gisz_(?)# na-gu-u a-di _igi_(?)#-ia i(?)#-[x x] u _gisz#_-_mesz_ szA na-szu-u x x# bil

    szA(?) ina _kur_(?)-kal(?)-du(?) en#-na a-mat _lugal_ be-li-ia a-na-as,-s,ar# u pa-an# _lugal_ be-li-ia a-dag-gal

    AI Translation

    ... I am sending ... as follows: "I ..., I will not go until the ... of the district before me ... and the trees that are .

    I am now keeping the king my lord's word and am waiting for the king, my lord.


    "In the same way, send ......!" I said: "I am not going until the wood of the district is brought to me and the trees that are brought ... those in Chaldea."

    Now I treasure the king my lord's word and I am waiting for the king, my lord.

    P224455: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na# [_lugal_(?) _en_-ia] _arad_-ka# [(m)x]+x# [x x] x#

    a-nu-rig# [x x x a]-sap(*)#-ra

    [x x] x x x x x#

    x x# _igi uru_ x x x#

    [x] sza x# 20 _ma-na kug-ud_

    x# [x]+x# u x# ra 08 _ma-na kug#-ud_

    x x x sza x#+[x x x]

    _pab_-ma 30(?)# _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_ x x] ku-um _kug-ud_ x#+[x x x x x]

    ina É—ka#-[a-ri x x x x]

    tu(?)#-ra [x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

    I have now written to .


    ... before the city .

    ... of ... 20 minas of silver

    ... ... 8 minas of silver

    ...... of ...

    Total, 30 minas of silver ... instead of the silver .

    in the quay .

    you return .


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

    At this very moment I am sending off the ...

    ... ......

    ... the city of ...

    ... ... 20 minas of silver

    ...... 8 minas of silver

    ... of ...

    Grand total: 30 minas of silver instead of the silver ......

    in the custom house ...

    Again ......



    a#-nu-rig 20 _erim#_-[_mesz_ x x] a-de(*)#-e-szu-nu _ta_(v) [x x x] _uru_-di-masz-qi# ih-[ti-t,i-u] ina _kur_-ha-ma-te# i-lu-ku# _ta_(v) _sza_-bi _hi uz_ ina _sag uru_-qi#-di-si u-s,a-bi-[tu] a-nu-rig ina É-_gal_ u-se-bi-la-szu-nu _lu_(v)-ma-hi-s,a-ni _sig_-_mesz_ szu-nu

    AI Translation

    Now then 20 men ... have broken their treaty with ... and gone to Hamath. They have taken a pig from there and brought it to the city Qidisi. I am now sending them to the Palace. They are scouts.


    Right now ... soldiers have broken their treaty with the king of Damascus and are going to Hamath; from among them ... have been arrested atop Qadesh, and I am right now sending them to the Palace. They are good archers.

    P224456: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-na _lugal en#_-[ia] _arad_-ka# (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a#-a lu _di#_-mu a-na _lugal en#_-ia

    _di_-mu# a-na _uru_-bi#-ra-a-ti a-na _lu_(v)-_arad_(?)-_mesz_(?)-ni# sza _lugal# en_-ia

    sza _lugal en#_ isz-pur#-an-ni ma-a _en-nun#_-[ka(?)] lu(?) da(?)-na(?)-at# : _dingir_-_mesz_ sza _lugal en_-ia u#-ti-ru _sza_ sza _lugal en_-ia

    lu# _dug-ga_ (m)bur—_dingir_ : sza _uru_-gu#-[ub]-lu# _lu_(v)-_arad_ sza (m)a-nu—x#+[x x ina] _igi_(?)#-[ia] i(!)#-tu-uq#-ta :# ina _ugu lugal en_-ia# u-se-bi#-la-szu t,e-mu : sza _uru_-(m)bar#—[u]-ri# ki-i an(?)-ni#-u : iq-t,i-bi-ia : ma-a 1/2 _sze_(?)-_pad#_ ina _sza_(?) x _gin#_-_mesz kug-ud_ i-du-nu

    ina _iti ud#_-a-a sza ma-a-ri 01 _dug-zi-gur-ra_ x x# [ina] _sza_ x _gin_-_mesz kug-ud# 01 dug-zi-gur-ra_ : I-_mesz_ ina _sza 12 gin_-_mesz 1_/2 x x x# ina _sza 03 gin_-_mesz kug#-ud_ i-du-nu

    01 _gud_ [ina] _sza# 05_ me _gin_-_mesz_ : _kug-ud_ ta-din 01 pur-t,i(?)#-e :# sza ma-a-ri

    x _ga_(?)#-_mesz_ sza(?)# _gisz-apin_(?)-_mesz_ : 30 _gud_-_me_ hi s,ir(?)#

    [x] x# [x]+x#-_mesz_ : x x pa(?)#-tak-ka-ti sza [o(?)]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-ila'i. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The forts and the servants of the king, my lord, are well.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "May your guard be strong!" — the gods of the king, my lord, have returned, and the king, my lord, can be glad.

    Bur-il of Gubla, a servant of Anu-..., has passed away. I am sending him to the king, my lord. He told me the news of Bar-uri as follows: "They will give half a barley ration for x shekels of silver."

    In a favorable month, on a propitious day, they shall pay one jar of ... for x shekels of silver, one jar of oil for 12 shekels, 1/2 ... for 3 shekels of silver.

    1 ox for 500 shekels of silver, given; 1 purtû-vessel of the ...;

    x talents of plows : 30 oxen, very good.

    ... means ... the sceptres of


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-ila'i. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The forts and servants of the king, my lord, are well.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let your guard be strong." The gods of the king, my lord, have been returned. The king, my lord, can be glad.

    Bur-il of Gubla, a servant of Anu-..., has deserted to me. I am herewith sending him to the king, my lord. As to the news of the town of Bar-Uri, he told me as follows: "They are selling half a homer of barley for ... shekels of silver.

    In a month, each business day, they are selling one pot of ... sturgeons for ... shekels of silver, one pot of sturgeons in oil for 12 shekels of silver and half a ... for three shekels of silver ... each in a month.

    One ox is being sold for 500 shekels of silver and a purtû-weapon for sale

    ......s of ploughs, 30 oxen, ......

    ...s ......



    04(?) _masz_-_mesz_(?) x# _kur bad_-_hal_-lu x#+[x x x]

    _igi lu_(v)(?)-x#+[x x x x]+x# bi [x x]+x x x# [x x]

    [ina] _iti-apin_ :- sza—_szam_(?)#-_mesz_ : la i-sza#-[mu]

    [ma]-a li-mu-tu : _sze_-tab-ku# [o(?)]

    AI Translation

    4 cavalry mounts .

    Witness NN.

    In Marchesvan VIII, the word "sha-shammes" means "not to be heard."

    "The limitu-demon is the barley of the .


    4 male goats, x riding horses ...

    ... ......

    In Marchesvan VIII, bought slaves are not bought. They say: "Let them die."

    As to the stored grain that is given to the exempts at my disposal, they have one seah of stored grain per man. Should one have wife ..., she comes out with three seahs.



    a-na 02-u-ti# : 4(ban2)-a-a x x#

    u#-s,a-x#+[x x]+x# [x x] : tu-s,a-a

    x+[x x] _ul gal_ :# sza ma-ni#-pe-e

    [x x] _ul_(?)# _gal_ :(?)# sza x# szi

    [x] sza# ha x# _an_ : ni x# ni

    x x-li(?)#-u x# up-pu(?)#-qu

    [x] x x x x# [x] bu-u-ur#-tu x x x x# up-ta-t,ir gab-bi-szu up-pu-qu : i#-ra-s,ip _ta_(v) _sza ul gal_ : sza _uru#_-da-hi-ni a-di né-ru-bu : sza _kur#_-(e) A-_mesz_ sza ina _sza uru_ :- er-ra-bu-ni#

    a-na qa-an-ni sza# szal-he-e# hi-ri-s,u : ih-ru#-s,a 05 ina 01 _kusz dagal 07_ ina 01 _kusz_ ru-qu

    ki-i# an-ni-u _lu_(v)-_gisz#-gigir_(*) iq-t,i-bi-a a-na _ugu# lugal en_-ia : a-sa-bar#-[szu]

    AI Translation

    for two : 4 seahs .

    ... UL.GAL means "of the ganipeans."

    ... ... ... of .

    ... they have ...ed

    ...... he has ...ed the ..., he has ...ed all of it, he has seized it from the great city of Dahinu to the pass of the mountain, the water which enters the city.

    "They smashed the hirishu-vessels in the middle of the shalheu-vessel." The width is 5 cubits, the width 7 cubits.

    As this chariot driver said to me, I have written to the king, my lord.


    To deputies they give four seahs each.

    ........ comes out

    ... the main meadowland of ...

    ... the main meadowland of ...


    massive ...

    He has demolished the cistern ... and is building it up in its entirety on a massive scale from the main meadowland of Dahinu as far as the mountain pass from where the water flows into the city.

    He has also dug a moat – five cubits wide, seven cubits deep – near the outer wall.

    A horse trainer told me this. I am herewith sending him to the king, my lord.

    P224457: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka# [(m)asz]-szur—_en#_—[x] lu _di_-mu a#-[na] _lugal#_ [_en_-ia] a#—dan-nisz a—dan-nisz

    ur-hu(?)# a-ni-u _lugal# en_ a-na _kur-uri_ e-li# asz-szur (d)_utu uru#_-t,u-ru#-usz-pa-a ina _szu-2 lugal en_-ia is#-sa-ka#-nu-ma

    _lugal en kaskal_-szu a-na# _kur-uri_ lisz-kun _uru_-t,u-ru-usz-pa-a li#-ik-szu-du _lugal en_ szu-un#-szu a-na da#-ra-a-ti

    lisz-kun# i—su-ri _lugal en#_ har-ba-na-te sza x x x u#-sa-har# i-da-na

    _na4#_-un-qi# _lugal_ sza ina _ugu_-hi-ia _lugal# en_ isz-pur#-a-ni a-ta-har at#-[ta-lak] a-na (m)pa-ar-ni#—al-de-e# [o] a-sa-al sza# _lugal en_ t,e(!)-mu# [isz-kun-an-ni] szu-uh _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz_ sza# _kur_—asz-szur [o] sza# [a-na _kur-uri_ il]-li#-ku-[u-ni]

    (m)#[x x x x x x]+x#+[x x x] bi x# [a-nu-te _lu_(v)-A]—_kin#_-[_mesz_] pa#-ni-iu-u-te

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-belu-.... The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    The king, my lord, has now departed to Urartu to Ashur and Shamash. They have placed Turushpâ in the hands of the king, my lord.

    The king, my lord, should set out on his campaign to Urartu. Let the city Turushpâ be conquered and let the king, my lord, keep his people alive forever.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will return the harba'atu-offerings of ... and give them back.

    I have received the royal stone which the king, my lord, sent to me. I went and asked Parni-aldê about what the king, my lord, gave me. I have sworn by the same name that the messengers of Assyria who went to Urartu have sworn by the same name.

    NN ...... these men are former messengers


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-belu-.... The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    This month the king, my lord, will go up to Urartu! Ashur and Shamash have delivered Turushpâ into the hands of the king, my lord!

    Let the king, my lord, launch his military campaign against Urartu, conquer Turushpâ and let the king, my lord, establish his name forever.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will retrieve and give back the ruins of ....

    I have received the sealed letter which the king, my lord, sent to me, and I have gone and asked Parni-aldê about the Assyrian messengers who went to Urartu, about whom the king, my lord, gave me orders.

    NN and NN: these are the previous messengers.



    [(m)pa]-ar-ni#—al-de-e _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-szu# sza# (m)ia-da—la—ni#-bi-i# (m)s,i-ra-a a-nu-u-te _lu_(v)#-A—_kin#_-_mesz_ ur-ki-u-te

    04 szu(*)#-nu _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz_(?) sza# a-na _kur-uri_

    e-li-u-ni _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-_mesz_ sza _kur#-uri_ i-si-szu-nu i-tal-ku-ni i-na É (m)ia-ta(?)-a(?)-ia(?)# _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-szu i-se-ri-bu(?)-szu-nu(?)# ina u-qa-la-a-te _ninda_-_mesz a_-_mesz_ i-ta#-nu-ni-szu-nu a-di É x# is-ha-ru-ni a-na _kur-uri_ e-lu-u-ni

    (m)pa-ar-ni—al-de-e _lu_(v)-_arad_-ka

    i-da#-bu-bu i—su-ri# a-na-ku# la ket#-tu ina _igi lugal en_-ia aq-t,i-bi _lugal en#_ a-na _kur_-szub-ri-ia-a-e lisz-pur (m)pa(?)-[ar]-na#-al-de-e _lu_(v)-da#-gil—_muszen_-_mesz_-szu [o] lu-[sze-bi]-la _lugal en_ li-isz-al-szu [ma-a a-na] mi#-i-ni _muszen_-_mesz_ u-t,a-bu-ni

    [_lu_(v)-_en_]-_nam# ta_(v) _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_-szu# [ta]-mi-tu# _ta_(v) _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_-ni# sza (m)#asz-szur—_en_—_pab_ i-sa-kan

    AI Translation

    Parni-aldê, the messenger of Yada-la-nibî and Shiraya, are the later messengers.

    4 of them, messengers who went to Urartu.

    The messengers of Urartu came with them and entered the house of Yataya, his village manager. They brought them food and water, and they went up to Urartu.

    Parni-aldê, your servant,

    Perhaps I have said something untrue in the presence of the king, my lord. Let the king, my lord, send him to Shubria. Let Paranaldê send his cavalry and ask the king, my lord, whether he has slandered the birds.

    The governor has contracted and bought it from his magnates and from the servants of Ashur-belu-ushur.


    Parni-aldê, and the messenger of Yada'-la-nibî and Shirâ: these are the later messengers.

    There were four messengers, who went up to Urartu.

    The messengers of Urartu came with them, brought them into the house of Yata', his = the Shubrian king's village manager, and gave them bread and water in ... until they returned and went up to Urartu.

    Your servant Parni-aldê is plotting.

    But perhaps I am not telling the truth in the king my lord's presence? Let the king, my lord, write to the Shubrian king that he send Parnaldê, his augur and let the king, my lord, ask him why he is making the bird omens so favourable.

    The governor with his magnates has made a sworn deal with the servants of Ashur-belu-ushur, and they are plotting to kill me. The king, my lord, should know this.

    P224458: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [lu]-u szul#-mu um-ma#-[a _szesz_-ia-a-ma]

    szA _szesz_-u#-a isz-pu-ra um-[ma x x x] t,e-e-mi il-ti#-[me x x x x x]

    mim#-mu-u# (m)_gin_—_numun_ x#+[x x x x x x]

    _u gisz#-mi_ tal-tak#-[na x x x x x]

    ul# a-szak-kan# sze ta(?) ma(?) x x ni# [x x x]

    mim(?)#-ma a-na É(?) x x x# ul x#+[x x x x]

    szA# _szesz_-u-a isz-pu-ra um#-ma mi-nu-u# t,e-e-mi szA _kur_ it#-ti-ka id-bu-bu#

    mus-si-ma szup-ra i-na mah#-ri-i (m)d-_ag_—_szesz_-ir a-na _lugal_ il#-tap-ra um-ma (m)_gin_—_numun ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ szA _ka_—_bar-sipa-ki_ a-na _ugu tin-tir-ki_ ki-i u#-sze-lu#-u mam-ma ul-tu _tin-tir-ki_ ul us,-s,i-ma e-re-szu ul ni-ri-isz Ar-ki-szu _lugal_ il#-tap-ra um-ma ina bi-rit# _tin-tir-ki_ u _bar-sipa-ki_ sul#-lim

    a-na-ku _u lu_(v)-ra-szA-a-nu szA _lu_(v)-kal-du ki-i# ni-il#-li-ku# _ansze-kur-ra#_-_mesz_-nu ul-tu _bar-sipa-ki#_ nu-ul-te-s,a-a

    [x x]+x x x _tin-tir#-ki_ u _bar#-sipa-ki_

    [x x]+x# [x x] x#+[x x x]+x#-e bi(?)-ti#

    [x x]+x# [x x]+x x#+[x x x]+x x x x x#

    AI Translation

    "My brother should know this!"

    As to what my brother wrote: "..., they have heard the news .

    whatever Mukin-zeri .

    and you set up the canopy .

    I shall not place ... barley .

    Nothing to the house of .

    As to what my brother wrote: "What is the news of the land with you?" —

    In the past Nabû-nashir wrote to the king: "Mukin-zeri has brought the horses of the Borsippa Gate to Babylon, but nobody has come out of Babylon and approached him." After that, the king wrote: "Be at peace between Babylon and Borsippa!"

    I and the haruspex of the Chaldeans went when we were going. We brought the horses out of Borsippa.

    ...... Babylon and Borsippa

    ...... the house


    To NN, my brother: thus says NN, your brother. Good health to you! Say to my brother:

    As to what my brother wrote: "NN has heard the news ......

    whatever Mukin-zeri ......

    but you provided shelter for me ...


    ... not ... anything to Bit-...

    As to what my brother wrote: "What is the news of the land that they discussed with you? Outline it and write to me!"

    Earlier Nabû-nashir wrote to the king: "Mukin-zeri has moved horses up from the Borsippa gate against Babylon, so nobody can leave Babylon, and we cannot cultivate our fields." After that the king wrote: "Make peace between Babylon and Borsippa!"

    I and the chieftains of Chaldea went and brought out the horses from Borsippa

    ... Babylon and Borsippa

    ...... household




    [x x x x x x]+x-qu(?)-u-tu x x#

    [x x x x]+x Ar#-ki-szu _dumu_(?)#—[(m)]ia(?)-ki-nu#

    [x x]+x t,up-pi a-de-e szA _dumu_—(m)#ia-ki#-nu ina _szu#_-szu u-ri(?)-ha um-ma man(?)#-nu szu-u(?)# szA la x x x-ma x x x x x x# _u dub_ a-de-e szA _dumu_—(m)ia-_gin#_ ina É-_gal#_ [i]-na-Asz-szu#-[u] _u gaba_(?)-_ri_(?) t,up-pi# a-na _lugal_(?) i-na-Asz-szu-u (m)bu-da-na(?) pir-s,a#-ta it-ti# _lugal kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ it#-ti _lu_-szA-kin# it-ti x x x id-da#-[ab]-bu-ub-ma#

    ki-i Asz-pu-ru um-ma _lugal_(?)# [be-li] a#-de-e lu-kin# _gaba-ri_ a-na _dumu#_—(m)ia-ki-i-nu# [lisz-pur x x]+x x x-a#-ti it-ta-di# u ia-a-szi# [x x x]+x um#-ma a-na _lugal# kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ szup-ra um-ma É-_gal#_ a-de-e a-na _dumu#_—(m)ia#-_gin_ tu-tir(*) a-na-ku# ul a#-man-gur um-ma szA-ni-tu a-na _lugal kur_—asz-szur-_ki#_ ul a-szap#-par en-na ki-i É-_gal#_ [a-de]-e a-na _dumu#_—(m)ia#-_gin_ tu-tir-ru _dub_(?) ina _szu#_ (m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a(?) a-na _lugal u_ É(?) _szesz_-ia# a-szap-pa-ra U ki-i la# tu-tir-ru

    szA _lugal_ x x x li-pu-usz# (m)_sum_-[na—_szesz u_] [(m)]x-ku x a x x x# : um-ma# [x x x] [x x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... ...qutu .

    ... After him, the son of Yakin

    ... he has thrown the treaty tablet of the son of Yakin into his hands, saying: "Who is he who does not ...?" He also gives the treaty tablet of the son of Yakin into the palace, and gives the royal tablet to the king. Budana is plotting to kill the king of Assyria, with the governor, with ..., and .

    When I wrote to the king, my lord, saying: "Let the king, my lord, make a treaty with the son of Yakin." Let him send a copy to the son of Yakin, and I shall ..., saying: "Send ... to the king of Assyria, and I shall not return the treaty palace to the son of Yakin." I shall not write another treaty to the king of Assyria. Now, when the palace has returned the treaty to the son of Yakin, I shall send a tablet to the king and my brother in the hands of Inurta-ila'i, but if it does not return it, I shall write to the king and my brother's house.

    Iddin-ahi and ...ku ..., saying: ".


    ...... ......

    ...... Thereafter, the son of Yakin

    ... rushed in with the treaty tablet of the son of Yakin in his hands, saying: "Who is it that ...... and will take the treaty tablet of the son of Yakin to the Palace and take a copy of the tablet to the king? Budana is telling lies to the king of Assyria, the governor and the ...!"

    When I wrote to the king, saying: "May the king, my lord, confirm the treaty and send a copy to the son of Yakin!", NN renounced the ...s and wrote to me: "Write to the king of Assyria: The Palace has sent the treaty back to the son of Yakin," I refused to write a second time to the king of Assyria. Now, if the Palace has indeed returned the treaty to the son of Yakin, I shall send the tablet to the king and the house of my brother in the hands of Inurta-ila'i; and if it has not returned it, I shall write to the king, and he should do whatever the king ...s.

    Iddin-ahi and NN have ...ed, saying: "...

    P224459: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [ina _ugu_ t,e-me] sza _lugal# en_ isz-ku#-na-ni# [ma-a] ka-ra-ap#-hi ma-ah-ha-s,a [ma]-a pu-u-e na(*)-ki#-si ka#-ra-ap-hi mah-s,u 02 _kusz_ pu#-u-e na#-ak-su _sze_ gab-bu _sze-lil_-_mesz_ i-ta(*)#-s,a-du(?) ket(?)#-tu a-na-ku _szesz_(?)# [x]+x x te(?)# [x x] ma

    01 _ansze sze-gisz-i_ a-na x#+[x x]+x# [x]+x# [x]+x s,i(?) x#

    (m)_erim_—_sig5#_ :- _uru_-bir-tu x#+[x x x]+x# ri x#+[x]

    [x] sza(?)# _kur_(?)-ar(?)#-sa-za-a-a x x x x x#

    x#-[a]-a ina 01 _kusz_ a-na 04 _im_-_mesz#_

    06 [o] É-_sig4 dagal_(?)# : 06 i-si#-ta(!)-a-te 10 _sig4 dagal_(?)# 04(*) i-si#-[ta-a]-te 10 _sig4_ sza pa-an _bad#_ a-na(?) x x# par x# 20-a-a ina 01 _kusz_ ina bi-ir-tusz-szi#-na(!)

    i-si-tu : qa-ri-ib#-[tu szA] _igi_(*) _ka_(?)# 06 ina 01 _kusz_-_ta_(v)-_am_(*) É-_sig4_ kar-ru#

    _ta_(v) _ugu_ x#+[x x]+x x#+[x x]+x x# ri _sum_-nu x#

    _a-sza-ga_-szu# a-[x x x]+x# ma-a-da(?)# a [x x x]+x x#+[x x x x]+x x x# [x x x] _mesz#_ [x x] x#+[x x x x x x] [x x x] x#+[x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x] [x x x x x] a' x#+[x x x x x] [x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Concerning the order which the king, my lord, gave me: "The ... is a ...-wall, the ... is a ...-wall, the ... is a ...-wall. The ... is a ...-wall, the whole barley is a ...-wall. I am a brother ... .

    1 homer of sesame for .

    Aram-damqu ditto, from Birtu .

    ... of the Arsazaeans .

    ... cubits for 4 seahs

    6 wide bricks, 6 wide bricks, 4 wide bricks, 10 bricks in front of the wall for ..., 20 cubits between them.

    "A scepter" means "a scepter which is in front of the gate." The brickwork is 6 cubits thick.

    from ...... they shall give .

    his field ...... much .


    As to the order that the king, my lord, gave me: "Break the fallow ground and cut the hay" - the fallow ground has been broken and two cubits high hay has been cut. All the corn and rice has been harvested. Really, I .........

    one homer of sesame oil to .........

    Shabu-damqu ... the fort ......

    ... of the Arsazaeans ......

    each x cubits to the four directions.

    6 depots of broad bricks for 6 towers, 10 brick depots of broad bricks for 4 towers and 10 depots of bricks before the city wall for ... each 20 cubits 10 m between them.

    Of the nearest tower before the gate, 6 cubits of each wall set has been laid down.

    They have been given from the ... of NN

    I have ...ed his field. Much



    20-a(!)-a ina [01] _kusz_ ina bi#-ir-tusz-szi#-na [o]

    10 x x _sig5_(?) x x x _mesz_ x x#+[x]

    20 _ansze_(?) x x x x# [x] x x x gi(?)# [x]

    x _arad#_ :(?) x# szu(?) x x x# bi szA ru x#

    szA _kur_ x x ab(?) x pa x# u-se-sze-bi-szu#

    _ta_ É usz(?)-x-x#-a-te# : an-na-a#-te ar-x x x# : _lu_(v)-x x x x# _ta_(v)(!) _sza#_-szu-nu ($ina(?)$) _sza_-szu-nu _lu_(v)(?) x (x) el(?) x#

    a-na(?) _igi-2_(?)# : szu-nu x x x x x x#

    _sze-numun_-_mesz_ a#-s,a-bat# ina _ugu_ pi-x x x# [x x] e-bu-ru(?) x# _sig5 sze-numun_-_mesz_ u-di(?)#-[ni] la(?)# a-ri-szi(?) _lugal# en_ lisz-pur(*)# (m)(d)_ag_(?)—u#-[x]

    x x x# u x# : _lugal# en_ t,e#-e-mu lisz-kun _kur_(?)-ar(?)-sa-za(?)-a#-a x#+[x x]

    _mu-an-na#_ [an]-ni#-tu(*) _sze-numun# sum_-nu(?) x# [x] x x x x x x#-qa(?)-_mesz_ is x#+[x x x]

    [x]+x# [x x]+x x x x x# _kur_-mu x#+[x x x x] [x x]+x# [x x x]+x x#+[x x] x# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    20 cubits between them,

    10 ... good ...s ...;

    20 hectares .

    ... servant ... ... .

    I have sent him ... of the land .

    "From the house of the ...s" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means these ...; ... ... from them means ... from them.

    to the eye : they .

    I have taken the fields and ...ed them on ...; they are good. The fields are not yet planted. Let the king, my lord, send word that Nabû-u.

    ... ... The king, my lord, should give orders that the Arsazaeans .

    This year the seed-measure is .

    ...... my land .


    each 20 10 m cubits between them

    10 good ...s, ...s ...

    20 ...s ......


    I have settled the ... of ......

    Ever since I have ... these ...s, the ... ...... from them to them.

    ... they ... .......

    I seized the cornfield and ...ed it upon .... The harvest was good, the field has not yet been cultivated. The king, my lord, should rule that Nabû-u... ....

    The king, my lord, should order the Arsazaeans ... to deliver the seed corn this year.

    .........s ...

    ...... the land of Mu...



    [x x x]-ra-na# u-kal# (m)_erim_—_sig5_(?) x# a x-lu a#-na [o(?)] [(m)x x x]+x# _lugal en_ lisz-a-la : (m)_pab_—x u-x x#-ri [x x]

    [x x x _ma_(?)]-_na ta_(v) _uru-sza_—_uru_ : a x x x : x _ma-na ta_(v)(?)# arba-il x x# [x x]

    [x x x] _kur_ ha-bil-te _lu_(v)-qur-bu(*)-tu(*) szA(?)# [x x x] x#+[x x x]+x# [x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... he will give ...; may the king, my lord, ask NN ..., ...ri .

    ... minas from the Inner City, ... minas from Arbela .

    ... the ...ean, the royal bodyguard who .


    PN holds ... in Harran. Shabu-damqu ...... Let the king, my lord, ask NN. Ahu-... ...... ...

    ... I ... x minas from the Inner City and x minas from Arbela ...

    ... indebted country. Let the royal bodyguard ......

    P224460: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka ((m))_pab_-ba lu _di_-mu ina _lugal en_-ia

    ina _ugu kur_-kar-la-a-a szA _man_ isz-pu-ra-ni-ni _ud 22_ ina _uru_-kal-zi# e-tar-ba _ud 23_ ina _uru_-kal-hi e-ra-ba ma-da-tu-szu ina _szu-2_-szu

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ahi-ahu. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the Karlâ about whom the king wrote to me, he entered Kalzi on the 22nd and entered Kalhu on the 23rd. He has taken his tribute there.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ah-abi. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the king of Karalla to whom the king sent me, he entered Kilizi on the 22nd and will enter Calah on the 23rd. He has his tribute with him.



    i—su-ri _en_ i-qa-bi ma a-ta-a _lu_(v)-qur-bu-te la-a i-hi-ru-pu la-a e-ti-qa _id_ u-sze-ba-ra ha-ra-ma-ma e-te-qa

    AI Translation

    Perhaps the lord will say: "Why did the bodyguard not come out and go? I will send word and go out."


    Perhaps my lord will say: "Why didn't the bodyguard proceed here in advance?" He is helping him across the river, thereupon he will proceed here.

    P224461: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _im#_ (m)asz-szur—_gisz_-ka—_kalag_-in a-na (m)(d)_pa#_—na-mir _szesz_-ia# lu#-u _di_-mu a-na# _szesz_-ia# [a]—dan#-nisz

    szu-tu at-ta# tu-u-da : a-ki-i qin-ni sza# [_lugal_(?)] sza _lu_(v)#-tar-ta-ni sza pa-an (m)_di#-kud_—(d)_im_ ina _uru_-bir-ti i-qi-ba-szu#-ni : ma-a szum#-ma ina pa-ni-ka ke-nu te#-ra-szu ina _uru_-sa-hi-ru# i-qi-ba-an-ni

    u-ma-a szu#-u : É-su sza (m)_di-kud_—(d)_im#_ sza ina pa-ni#-ia _uru_-_mesz_-ni sza _lugal_ : am—mar# szA szA-nu-u-ni : sza ina pa-ni#-[ia] _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ sza [x x x x] s,e-e-[ni]

    AI Translation

    A tablet of Ashur-nappa-da''in to my brother Nabû-nammir. The best of health to my brother!

    You know that the king's 'hand' of the commander-in-chief, which is before Dayyan-Adad, is in the fort, saying: "If you are a true man, you will enter Sahiru."

    Now he is the house of Dayyan-Adad, which is in my presence. All the cities of the king which are in my presence are the horses of .


    A tablet of Ashur-nirka-da''in to my brother Nabû-nammir. The best of health to my brother!

    The thing is: You know that my family is from the king and the commander-in-chief, whom he the king entrusted into the service of Dayan-Adad in the Fortress, saying: "If he proves loyal in your service, return him." He has been having me as his delegate in the town Sahiru.

    He is now selling the household of Dayan-Adad at my disposal and all the cities of the king that are at my disposal, the horses that ... and the flocks of sheep.



    i-szam : _ansze-kur#_-[_ra_-_mesz_ o(?)] am—mar [x x x x x x] [x x]+x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    "All the horses .


    All the horses and ... that ......



    sza x x#+[x x x x x x]

    szum-ma x#+[x x x x x x x] szum-ma la x# [x x]+x# [x x x]

    la u-da-szu-nu : u(?)#-[ma-a] szum-ma i-ta-Ar-s,a-ka ina pa-an _lugal_ : qi-bi szum-ma ina _ud_-me _ud 25_ sza _iti-dul_(?)# szum-ma ina _ud_-me _ud 01_-_kam#_ sza _iti-ab_

    lu#-u-ri-da a-ki-i sza# i-ta-ra#-s,u-u-ni ina pa#-an _szesz_-ia# a-mur szup#-ra

    szu-tu _szesz_-u-a-a : u-da a#-[ki-i x]-_mesz# lu_(v)-pa-hu-tu# an-ni#-[tu x x x] ma-a# a-lik# : _ta_(v) (m)_di-kud#_—[10 du-ub-bu] ma-a É (m)bur#—[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    of ......

    whether ...... or not .

    Now, if he has returned, speak to the king: whether on the 25th of Tishri VII or on the 1st of Tebet X.

    Just as they have been squandering, so may I see them in the presence of my brother.

    My brother knows that these ...s ... the scouts, saying: "Go and speak with Dayyan-Adad, and the house of Bur-.


    which ......

    whether they are ...... or not, he does not even know them.

    Now, if it is convenient to you, speak up in the king's presence! I may come down either on the 25th of Tishri VII or on the 1st of Tebet X.

    See what is convenient for my brother, and write me!

    The thing is: my brother knows that the ...s ... this province, say: "Go and speak with Dayan-Adad! The house of Bur-... belongs to Dayan-Adad." Let my brother act as he does.



    [at]-ta# : e-da-nu

    AI Translation

    You are a :


    As for you, send me a time according to which I can come down.

    P224462: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x] lu#-[u _di_-mu a—dan-nisz(?)] [a-na] _lugal_ be-li-ia#

    [x x]+x# da-i-qu _mi#_-[x x] a-na# É-a-ni tal-lak#

    an-ni#-u a-di ni-ir-[x x x]

    _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ ma-a-da : [x x] an-ni#-u sza ni-kar-[ra-ru-ni]

    _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ ma-a-da : x#+[x x]

    i#-se-nisz kaq#-qu-ru x#+[x x x]

    [(x) e]-tel#-lu-u ka#-ra-[x x] [x x] i#-sa-ru-hu

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    ... is good. The woman ... goes to the house.

    this until we .

    There are many men ..., of whom we are sending.

    many men ...

    alternatively, the ground .

    The ...s, the ...s, are


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The best of health to the king, my lord!

    ... are good. PNf goes to the interior.

    This ... until we ...

    men in great numbers - this ... which we will place.

    ... men in great numbers ....

    Moreover, they have gone up a ... terrain.

    ...... ... they destroy



    [x x] ni-ik-ru-ru#

    [x x x a]—dan#-nisz

    AI Translation

    ... we decorated

    ... very


    ... shall we place

    ... very



    [x x x x x x]-szu

    [x x x] u-rad-du#-ni

    [x x x]+x x#-_mesz_-e-ni [o(?)]

    _lugal#_ [be]-li# u-da [x x x]

    ina _uru_-bi-ra-te x#+[x x x]

    sza _uru_-bi-ra#-[te x x x]

    _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ sza# [x x x x]

    _lugal en#_ [x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... him

    ... who brought me


    The king, my lord, knows that .

    in the forts .

    of the forts .

    the men of ...

    the king, my lord .


    ... his ...s

    ... come down

    ... our ...s.

    The king, my lord, knows that ...

    in the forts ......

    of the forts ...

    the men of ......

    the king, my lord ......



    [_lugal_ be-li] u#-da : di-ib-bi an-nu-te# [x x x]

    AI Translation

    The king, my lord, knows that these words .


    The king, my lord, knows that these matters .......

    P224463: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia _arad_-ka# (m)qur-di—asz-szur—_igi_

    ka-ni-ku an-ni-tu _kur-a_r-mi-tu (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _ta_(v)# _sza_-bi _uru_-s,ur-ri u#-se-bi-la# ma-a ina É-_gal_ lu-sze#-bi-lu-szi ina É-_gal_ [u]-se(*)-bi(*)-la-sze

    (m)hi-ru(*)#-mu : e-qu sza É—_dingir_-ni-_mesz_-szu sza _sag uru_-s,i-du-u-ni i-ti-kis :# ma-a a-na _uru_-s,ur-ri la-an-tu-uh a-sa#-par u-sa-ag-li-u-szu e-qu : sza i-ki-su#-u-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur-lamur.

    Nabû-shezib has sent this adversity from Tyre, saying: "Let them bring it into the palace and bring it into the palace."

    Hiram, the chariot driver of his temple at the head of Sidon, has gone to Tyre. I sent word and he has slandered him. The chariot driver who went is also in Tyre.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur-lamur.

    Nabû-shezib from Tyre has sent me this sealed Aramaic document, saying: "Let it be sent to the Palace." I have sent it to the Palace.

    Hiram cut down the sacred tree of his temple on the acropolis of Sidon planning to transport it to Tyre, but I had him deported. The sacred tree that he felled is at the foot of the mountain; it has been smothered ....



    (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib i-x#+[x x x]

    [x x (m)]hi-ru#-mu [ina _szu-2_] [_lu_(v)-_arad_]-_mesz_-szu i-tu-qut#

    an-[nu-rig x x]-te# an-nu-tu _lu_(v)#-[x x] u-se-s,i

    hu-ub-tu sza# a-na _uru_-im-mi-i#-ha il-la-ka-a-ni : lu-nam-mi-szA# lil-li-ka _sze-numun_-_mesz_-szu-nu a-ri-isz ina _ugu_ in-gal-li-szu-nu lil(*)-li-ku-u-ni

    AI Translation

    Nabû-shezib ...

    Hirumu has sinned against his servants.

    Now then the ... has brought these ...s.

    Let them establish the captives who come to Immiha and come, and let them cultivate their fields yearly on their own.


    Nabû-shezib ...

    ... Hiram has fallen into the hands of his Nabû-shezib's servants.

    Now the ... official has brought out these ...s.

    Let the captives who are coming to Immiha set out and come. Their seed is cultivated; they should come to their sickles.

    P224464: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _arad#_-ka (m)d-_ag#_—_tin_-su—iq-bi [a]-na di-na-an _lugal_ be-li-ia lul-lik d-_ag#_ u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia lik-ru-bu um#-ma-a# a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia-a-ma

    Asz-szu _erim_-x-_mesz#_ bi-ti szA _bad_—szA—(m)(d)_kaskal-kur_-a-a szA _lugal_ be-li isz-pu#-ra [d]-_en#_ [u d-_ag dingir_]-_mesz_ szA# _lugal_ be-li-ia lu-u u#-du-u ki-i a#-ra-szu-nu i-du-u# szi-bu-te# lu i-ta#-mu-u

    il-la-ka# tal-lak#-an-ni a-di a-szap-pa#-ru-ma ina _bad_—szA—(m)(d)_kaskal-kur#_-[a-a] U i-na _kur_(?)# [x x x x] u-la-ah#-[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant Nabû-balassu-iqbi: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    Concerning the ...s of Dur-sha-Balihaya about whom the king, my lord, wrote, Bel and Nabû, the gods of the king, my lord, know everything. They have seen the news.

    Until I send word and I shall ... in Dur-sha-Balihaya and in the land .


    Your servant Nabû-balassu-iqbi: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    Concerning the clansmen of Dur-sha-Balihaya about whom the king, my lord, wrote, by Bel and Nabû, the gods of the king, my lord, I do not know any sin of theirs. The witnesses did swear it.

    Time will pass and you will come. Until I send word and whisper ... in Dur-sha-Balihaya and in the country of ...



    a-kul(?) al(?)-x#+[x x x x x x]

    a(?) x x#+[x] _mesz#_ [x x x x x]

    U ki-i(?) x x#+[x x]+x# [x]

    U la [x]+x x#+[x x szA(?)]-a-szu-nu

    a-hi-ia# it-[x]+x x#+[x x]+x# [x]+x# [a-na] _lugal_ be-li-ia a-szap#-pa-ra

    Asz-szu szi-pir-ti mah-ri-ti# szA _lugal_ be-li u-sze-bi-lam-ma gab-ra-szu a-na É-_gal_ la u-sze-bi-la szi-pir-ti i-na _szu-2 lu_(v)-A—_kin#_ ki-i am-ha-ra(!)-Asz _mu_-_mesz_ szA _un#_-_mesz_ szA ina _sza_-bi szat,-ru ul nu-mi-is-si a-na _ugu_-hi ul i-di

    kan-nu-u a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia# [ki]-i Asz(?)#-pu-ra szu-u [d-_ag_ u (d)_amar_]-_utu_(?)# _kur-kur_ gab#-bi [a-na] _lugal#_ be-li-ia it-tan-nu [ak]-ka#-a-i ki-i _un#_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    I ate ......

    ......s ......

    and if ...

    and they do not .

    I shall write to the king, my lord, my brother .

    Concerning the earlier letter which the king, my lord, sent to me, I did not send it to the Palace. When I received the letter from the messenger, I did not know the names of the people that were written there and I did not know about it.

    When I wrote to the king, my lord, he was the one who gave all the lands to the king, my lord. I have now made it clear to the king, my lord, that the people


    Eat! I ......

    ... .......

    And when .......

    and ... not ... them

    My arms have ... I will write ... to the king, my lord.

    Concerning the previous letter which the king, my lord, sent to me and to which I did not send a reply to the Palace, I did receive the letter from the hands of the messenger, but we did not recognize the names of the people that were written in it and I do not know anything about them.

    Isn't it true what I have written to the king, my lord? Nabû and Marduk have granted all the lands to the king, my lord. How could these people be wrenched away from the king, my lord?

    P224465: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _arad_-ka# (m)du-um-mu-qu# a-na di-na-an _lugal_ be-li-ia lul#-[lik] (d)_u-gur_ u (d)la-as, a-na# _lugal_ be-li-ia lik-ru-bu um-ma-a#

    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia-a-ma t,up-pi a-na szul-mu _lugal_ be-li-ia al-tap-ra# szul-mu a-na É-_kur_-ra-ti#

    u _uru_ szA# _lugal_ be-li-ia _ud_-mu-us#-[su] ina ma-har (d)_u-gur_ u (d)la-as,#

    _lugal_ be#-[li] a-kar#-rab t,e#-e-mu# szA _tin_-[_tir_]-_ki#_ (m)_gin_—((_gisz_))—_numun# u 10 ansze#-kur-ra_-_mesz_ it-ti-szu ul-tu# É#—a-muk#-a-ni a-na _tin-tir-ki_ i#-te-ru-ub

    AI Translation

    Your servant Dummuqu: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nergal and Lash bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    I am herewith sending my tablet to greet the king, my lord. The temples are well.

    And the city of the king, my lord, every day before Nergal and Lash.

    The king, my lord, accepted the news of Babylon. Mukin-zeri and 10 horses with him entered Babylon from Bit-Amukani.


    Your servant Dummuqu: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nergal and Lash bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    I am hereby sending my tablet to greet the king, my lord. The temples and the city of the king, my lord, are well.

    I bless the king, my lord, every day before Nergal and Lash.

    News of Babylon: Mukin-zeri has entered Babylon from Bit-Amukani having 10 horses with him.



    szul#-mu a-na _lu-tin-tir-ki#_-[_mesz_] iq-t,i#-bi um#-ma 06(?)# me _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz#_ qé-reb(?)# _kur_—asz-szur-[_ki_] x ta x# a-na _kur_-ia ah(?)#-ta-sa-x# um-ma la# ta-pal-la#-[ha]

    _lu-tin-tir-ki#_-_mesz_ x# [x] la s,e-bu(?)-u# U [o] a-na x x x# [x] i-te-lu-u ki-i# [o] u-mas-su-u# a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia al-tap-[ra]

    AI Translation

    He told the Babylonians: "I have ...ed 600 horses inside Assyria and ...ed them to my land, saying: "You should not be afraid."

    The Babylonians ... are not ..., and they have gone up to .... When I had forgotten them, I wrote to the king, my lord.


    He greeted the Babylonians, saying: "I have ...ed 600 horses inside Assyria and ...ed them into my country. Don't be afraid!"

    The Babylonians did not want ... but went up to .... When I found this out, I wrote to the king, my lord.

    P224466: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir#_-[a]-a lu# _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia a—dan-nisz

    _di_-mu ina _kur_-ti-ka _di_-mu a-na _un_-_mesz kur_-ti-ka (d)#asz-szur u (d)_utu_ [a]-na _lugal_

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Shamash-ila'i. The best of health to the king, my lord!

    The best of health to your land and the people of your land! May Ashur and Shamash bless the king, my lord!


    To the king, my lord: your servant Shamash-ila'i. The best of health to the king, my lord!

    Your country and the people of your country are well. May Ashur and Shamash bless the king, my lord!

    P224467: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [la e]-mu#-qa-a-ni# [x x x x x]

    [la e]-mu#-qa-a-ka# [x x x x x]

    [ina] pa(?)#-ni-szu an-nu-rig i(*)-na(*)# _ugu lugal#_ [u]-se#-bi-la-szu _lugal_(?)# [be]-li lisz(?)-'a(?)#-al-szu

    [ina] _ugu#_ dul-li sza _uru-bad_(*)#—ti-nu-ta-a [sza a-na] _lugal a_sz-pur-an-ni# _sig4_-_mesz_ [u-sze(?)]-rab# u-di-na i-na# _ugu_ [x x x]+x# la a-qa-ri-bi#

    [_mi_-bar-si(?)]-bi#-tu i-na _szu-2 lu#_-qe-e-pi [ina _ugu_]-hi#-ia ta-sa-pa-ra [ka-ni-ku] tu-se-bi-la ma a-ta-a [a-na x x]-ka ta-du-ku

    [x x x]-ni a-na-ku gab-ru-u [sza ka-ni]-ki# a-sa-t,ar [x x]

    [x x x x] an#-nu-[rig]

    AI Translation

    not able to .

    I do not have your strength .

    Now then I am sending him to the king. The king, my lord, should question him.

    Concerning the work on Dur-Tinutaya about which I wrote to the king, I am now sending bricks. I have not yet heard anything about it.

    Barsibitu has written to me through the delegate: "You have sent me a letter, saying: "Why have you killed your ...?"

    ... I have written down the entire text of the letter .

    ... Now then


    we cannot ......

    you cannot ...... in his presence.

    Now then I am sending him to the king. Let the king, my lord, question him.

    Concerning the work of the town of Dur-Tinutâ about which I wrote to the king, I am bringing the bricks in but I have not yet started to ....

    The lady Barsipitu has sent me a letter and sealed document through the royal delegate, saying: "Why did you kill your ... but you did not kill me?

    I have written a copy of the sealed document ...

    ... now



    u#-ma-a a-sa-par bé-et sza-ki(?)#-[nu]-u-ni#

    e-mu-ru ki-ma dul-li ug-da-mir la u-da-ma# a-di É a-na szA-a-szA

    a-ma-ha-ar#-szi-i-ni an-nu-rig ka-ni-ku sza tu-sze-bi#-la-an-ni ak-ta-nak ina _ugu lugal_

    u-se-bi#-la _ta_(v) _ugu lu-mah_ sza (m)_gin_—_numun_ sza a-na _lugal a_sz-pur-an-ni nu-ku _en-nun_-szu u-da-in nu-ku szum-mu i-na _szu-2_ i-tu-qut(*)# i-s,ab-tu-ni-szu ina _ugu lugal_ u-sze-bi#-la-szu (m)ia-di-i'(?)#—i-lu _mu_-szu ih-ti-liq ina _ugu#_ (m)_gin_—_numun_ i-ta-lak É-su _un_-_mesz_-szu#

    i#-na _uru_-hi-in-da-na an-nu-rig [_lu-a_—_kin_]-ia# ina _ugu_ (m)(d)_im_—A—_asz_ a-sap(?)#-[ra] [u]-s,a-bu-tu ina _ugu lugal_ u(?)#-[sze-ba-lu-ni(?)]

    [_lugal_(?)] lu(?)# u-da i-si-szu (m)x#+[x x x x] [x x x x] x x x# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    I have now written to the king, my lord, where they are placed.

    I saw that he had done the work, but I did not know how long until he had built that house.

    Now then I have set up the kakku-offerings that you sent to me and am herewith sending them to the king, my lord.

    Concerning the emissary of Mukin-zeri about whom I wrote to the king, saying: "I have given his watch to the king, but if he has taken him into the hands, I will send him to the king." Yadi'-ilu has sinned against him, and has gone to Mukin-zeri, and has taken his house and his people.

    I am now sending my messenger to Adad-aplu-iddina and they are bringing it to the king.

    The king should know that NN .


    Now I have sent word that they should find out where it is placed.

    I do not really know when I have finished my work until I have received her.

    I have now sealed the sealed document which she had sent me and am forwarding it to the king.

    Concerning the emissary of Mukin-zeri about whom I wrote to the king: "I have strengthened his watch. If he falls in their hands, they will arrest him and I shall send him to the king." His name is Yadi'-il - he fled and went to Mukin-zeri. His house and his people are in Hindanu.

    I have now sent my messenger to Adad-aplu-iddina that they would capture the people of Yadi'-il and send them to the king.

    The king should know that NN is with him.

    P224468: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x x] _ta_(?)# _sza_-bi

    [x x x x]+x# _gisz-ma_-_mesz_-szu-nu#

    sza(?)# [_lugal en_] isz-pur-an-ni ma-a# x x x# nam-mi-isz(?)#

    i-x a(?)#-a-szi x x x#

    ma-a am—mar u-nam-mi(?)-szu(?)-ni#

    ma-a# 02(?) lim na-ki(?)#-ra

    [x x x]+x# _gisz-ma_-_mesz_(?) x#

    [x x _en_]-_nun#_-ia(?) x x x#

    [x x x x] qa(?)#-a-ni _uru_(?)#

    [x x x] _mesz#_ [x] É [x]

    [x x x x x]+x# re-ha-[x x] [x x x x x] ki# [x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... from

    ...... their boats

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "... .

    ... me ...

    "Whoever comes forward,

    "2,000 nakkiru-demons

    ... boats ...

    ... my watch .

    ...... outside the city

    ...s ... house .

    ...... recited


    ...... from

    ..... their boats

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Set out ...!

    ... me ...

    "whoever had set out


    ... boats ...

    ... my watch ...

    ...... outside the city

    ... ...s ... houses

    ...... is/are left



    [x x x x x]+x# [x x]+x x# sze

    [x x x] nu(?) la#-Asz-szu

    [x x x]-zu x x x#

    [x x x] isz(?) x#+[x x]

    [x x x]+x gab(?)-bu(?) x#+[x x]

    [x] x# [x]+x# É-_mesz_ sza# _kur_-ma-za-mu-a-a# 03 sza _kur_-ur-zu-hi-na#-[a-a] a-na# sip-par-_ki_ it-tal#-[ku-ni] si#-hi-ir-ti _sze-bar_-_mesz_-szu-nu# [sza] ina# _sza_-bi u-ram-mu-u#-[ni] [i]-ma#-tah-u-ni [o]

    [x x] _pab_(?) ku(?)# ki ri x# [x x]

    [sza] _lugal_ isz-pur-an#-[ni ma-a]

    AI Translation

    ...... barley

    ... there is not

    ... your ...

    ... all ...

    ... the houses of the Mazamuans and three of the Urzuhinaeans came to Sippar. They took away the remainder of their barley which they had brought in.

    ... total ...

    As to what the king wrote to me: ".


    ...... ...

    ...... is not

    ...... ......

    ... ... ...

    ... all ...

    x houses from Mazamua and three from Urzuhina have come to Sippar. They are picking up all of their barley which they left there.

    ... ...... ...

    As to what the king wrote to me: "...

    P224469: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_arad_]-ka (m)_szesz_—li-ia a-na di-na-an be-li-ia lul-lik um-ma-a a-na _lugal_

    be-li-ia-a-ma _en-nun_ É-sag-gil _u tin-tir-ki_ ma-di-isz dan#-na-at#

    _ud 04_-_kam_ (d)a-ri-qu _u#_ (d)_dumu_—É ki-i it-bu-u um#-ma szul-mu a-na _tin-tir-ki_-a-a# [_lu_]-_bar-sipa#_-[_ki_-_mesz_ x x x]

    AI Translation

    Your servant Ahi-liya: I would gladly die for my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    The guard of Esaggil and Babylon is very strong.

    On the 4th day Ariqu and Mar-biti spoke as follows: "The Babylonians and Borsippa .


    Your servant Ahu-ila'i: I would gladly die for my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

    The guard of Esaggil and Babylon is very strong.

    Zariqu and Mar-Biti set out in procession on the fourth day, saying: "Hail to the Babylonians and Borsippeans ...



    [x x]-tu it-ti# [x x x]

    [x] _lu#-tin-tir-ki_-_mesz_ [x x x] [um]-ma(?)# (m)ha-ma-ni u (m(?))#[x x x x] lil#-li-ku-ma ina _ugu#_ [hu-ub-tu szA(?)] ih(?)-bu#-tu-ni ul i-man-gu#-[ru-ma] um-ma ki-i tah-tab-ta mar(?)-x#+[x x] szA ina _edin# gisz-mi_ i-hab-ba-tu _lu-tin#-tir-ki_-_mesz lu_ i-hab-ba-ta(!)-ni

    szA# ina _ugu_ (m)_ba_-szA-a tir-ri _ugu_-hi t,e#-mu szA (m)ul(?)#-mu-na-szi _lu_-piq(?)#-da-_mesz_-szu [x x x]+x#-e ki-i szal-mu szi-na

    [x x x]-u-a-nu-u ina _sza_-bi É-_gal_ [(x) a-na] pa-an _lugal_ il#-[la-ka]

    AI Translation

    ... with ...

    ... the Babylonians ..., saying: "Hamanu and NN should come and not be concerned about the captives who seized me. They say: "If you have seized the ...s who are snatched from the forest, the Babylonians will snatched a man from me."

    Concerning the news of Ulmunashi, his prefects ..., they are doing as they are doing.

    ... will come to the king's presence in the palace.


    ...... with ......

    x Babylonians ..., saying: "Hamanu and NN should go and they should return what they have taken booty. But they refused to return the booty, saying: "If you plunder ....... The Babylonians plunder a man from me like one, who plunders a shadow in the open country. Return the man to Iqishaya!"

    As to the news of Ulmunashi, ... if his appointees are safe.

    ...wanû comes to the king in the Palace



    [ana(?) _ugu_(?)]-hi(?)# É-szu a-na# _lu_ ra(?) x#+[x x x] ni(?)#

    [x] lu(?)#-u(?) u ki-i um-ma-[a] [x x]+x# szA a-na _ugu#_-hi-szu-nu szal-mu#

    AI Translation

    Concerning his house, to the man .

    ... and if it is said: "..., which is good to them,


    upon his house, to the ......

    ....... And saying that: "... which is safe to them



    [x x x x x x]+x# i-ba-szu-u x#+[x]

    [x x x x x x]-ku#-ul _barag_(?)# [x]

    AI Translation

    ...... there is .

    ...... the dais .


    ...... there is ...

    ...... .......

    P224470: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na# _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-an-ni lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    a-na _lugal en_-ia a-ta-ha-ra nu-uk la-Asz-szu la# i-szA-mu-u-ni szum-mu hi-t,a-a-a pa-an _lugal en_-ia _lugal en_ li-du-kan-ni a-ta-a an-nu-ti i-du-ku-u-ni

    _lugal en_ t,é-mu i-sa-ak-na-an-ni ma-a _kur-ra_-_mesz_ ka-a-a-ma-nu-te mu-hu#-ru a-na (m)da-di-i di-i#-ni ma-a _kur-ra_

    sza _lugal_ mu-hu-ru _lu_(v)-_en_—_uru_ sza _uru_-ki-sa-si ma-da#-a'-tu : na-s,a : _lu_(v)#-mu-szar-ki-sa-a-ni ina _igi_-ia# e-ra-ba _lu_(v)-03-_u5_-ia# a-szap-ra-szu nu-uk# al-ka ina pa-ni#-ia szi-bi ma-da-a'-tu ni-lik#

    ni-hu#-ru nu#-uk szum-mu ina pa-ni#-ka la-li-ka lu#-u-szi-bi ma-da-a'-tu

    ni-hu-ru szu-u i-sap-ra ma-a ma-da-a'-tu sza _lugal_ at-ta# mu-hu-ru ma-a a-na-ku ka-a-a-ma-nu-te a-na# ta-a-a-Ar-te a-la-qu#-[ut]

    a#-ma-ha-ra u-ma#-a _dumu_-($szu$) [x x] [x]+x x x# [x x x x]+x# ia [x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-da''inanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I have said to the king, my lord: "He should not be concerned." If my crimes are acceptable to the king, my lord, the king, my lord, should punish me. Why do these crimes occur?

    The king, my lord, gave me orders: "Review the constantly advancing horses and give them to Dadî!"

    The city lord of Kisasi has received tribute from the king. The recruitment officers entered into my presence, and I sent my 'third man' to him, saying: "Come and stay in my presence!"

    "We will return, and if I come to you, I will stay and receive the tribute."

    He wrote: "You are the tribute of the king. I will go to the quay and the quay for the regular offerings."

    Now his son .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-da''inanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    I have appealed to the king, my lord, saying: "Nobody listens to me." If there is a fault of mine before the king, my lord, let the king, my lord, kill me but why are these people killing me?

    The king, my lord, gave me the order: "Receive regular horses and give them to Dadî! Also receive the king's horse!"

    The city-lord of Kishesim brought the tribute and the recruitment officers were in my presence. As he was about to enter, I sent my 'third man' to him, saying: 'Come, stay with me, and let's go and receive the tribute!"

    I also said: "Tell me if I should come to you and stay there, so we would receive the tribute together."

    He wrote to me: "As for you, receive the king's tribute! I shall collect and receive regular horses for profit."

    Now his son ...



    [x x x x x x x x x] a#-ta-[a]

    AI Translation

    ...... Why


    ...... why



    [x x x x x x] ra-bi-e#

    [x x x x x x x] _gig#_-szu

    [x x x x x x x x] ku(?) x#

    sza isz#-mu-u-ni i-la-qu#-ut ina _gisz_(*)-_na_ i-za-bi-lu-szu _lu_(v)-_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ina pa-na-tu-u-a i-szA-par ka-a-a-ma-nu-te# sza _lugal_ la# i-ma#-hu-ru# a-na _lu_(v)-_en_(?)#—_uru_-_mesz_ t,é-mu i-szA-kan ma-a _sza_-bi s,ab-ta#

    la ta-ma-qu-ta a-sap-ra#-szu nu-uk _lu_(v)-_gal_—ma-da-a'-ti li-li-ka la-Asz-'a-la ma-a la _lu_(v)-_arad_-ka szu#-u ma-a a-ta-a ina pa-ni-ka i-la-ka

    u-ma-a szu-tu-ma ih-tu-ru-pu ina _ugu_ kar-s,i-ia ina _ugu lugal en_-ia

    i-sap-ra a—ki-ma a-ta(!)-lak# [É] _lugal#_ isz-pur-an-ni-ni dul-li e#-[ta-pa]-Asz#

    pa-an _lugal en_-ia ni-la-[ka a-na]-ku# szu-u _igi-2_ ina _sza_-bi _igi-2_ pa#-[an _lugal en_]-ia#

    ni-da-bu-bu ina _ugu kur_-[_ra_]-_mesz_(?)# _sig5_-_mesz_-te sza _kur_ sza a-ma-har-u-ni szu-u ki-i _kur_ i-si-ia# i-kir ina# _ugu_ qa-'i ih-tu-ru-pu

    kar-s,i-ia i-kal _kur-ra_-_mesz_ sza _kur_(?)# a-na# pa-an _lugal en_-ia u-ba#-la [ka-a]-a#-ma-nu-te sza _lugal#_-ma

    AI Translation

    ...... great

    ...... his illnes

    He who hears it, throws him into a bed, sends his sons to me, but the king does not accept the constant requests. He gives orders to the city-lords: "It is seized."

    I wrote to him: "Let the chief of tribute come and ask him; he is not your servant; why should he come to you?"

    Now that he has returned, I am writing to the king, my lord, about my securing the king's throne.

    When I went to the house of the king, the work I had done.

    We are coming to the king, my lord. He is a witness in the presence of the king, my lord.

    We spoke with each other about the good horses of the land that I saw. When the land became hostile with me, they smashed the horses on the ground.

    I will bring the horses of the land to the king, my lord, and I will bring the rest of the king's men.


    ...... big

    ...... difficult for him


    He collects what he has heard of, while they carry him on litters. He sends his lads before me, but they do not receive the regular horses nor the king's horse. He gives orders to the city-lords, saying: 'Brace your heart, do not fall!"

    I wrote to him that the chief of tribute should come that I can ask him. But he responded: "He is not your servant. Why should he come to you?"

    Now, he has been prompt to write to the king, my lord, and slander me.

    Ever after I went where the king sent me to, I have done my work.

    We shall come to the king my lord's presence, and I and he shall litigate before the king, my lord.

    Because of the excellent enemy horses that I receive, he has been hostile with me, like an enemy. Because of envy, he has been prompt to slander me.

    He brings the enemy horses to the king, my lord, but receives the regular ones as well as the king's horses in the trade colony, and only then brings them to the king, my lord.



    [x x] x x dul(?)-li#-ni

    [x x x] _en_(?)-i-[ni]

    AI Translation

    ... our work

    ... our lord


    ...... our work

    ... our lord



    [_lugal_] t,é-mu# i-sa-ak-na-ni ma-a ka-bi-su# [o]

    AI Translation

    The king gave me orders: "I will go and bring the ... to you."


    The king gave me the order: "Honour him!" By my god, I do respect him greatly!

    P224471: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)qur-di—asz-szur—_igi_

    _ta_(v) _ugu uru_-s,ur-a-a sza _lugal_ iq-bu-u-ni ma-a : _dug4-dug4_ : _ki_-szu lu _dug-ga_

    ka-ra-a-ni-_mesz_ gab-bu ra-mu-ni-szu _arad_-_mesz_-szu ki-i _sza_-bi-szu-nu É—kar-ra-_mesz_-ni e-ru-bu u-s,u-u i-du-nu i-ma-ha-ru-ni _kur_-lab-na-na ina _igi_-szu ki-i _sza_-bi-szu-nu e-li-u u-ru-du _gisz_-_mesz_ u-sze-ra-du-ni

    sza _gisz_-_mesz_ u-sze-ra-da-a-ni mi-ik-si-szu a-ma-kis _lu_-ma-ki-sa-ni-_mesz_ ina _ugu_ ka-ra-a-ni-_mesz_ sza _kur_-lab-na-na gab-bi up-ta-qi-di ma-s,ar#-tu sza _kur_(?)-e#-((e))

    i-na-[s,u]-ru _lu_-ma-ki-su sza ina [_ugu_] kar-ra-a-ni-_mesz_ sza ina _uru#_-s,i-du-u-ni u-ra-du-ni-ni ap-ti-qi-di _uru_-s,i-du-na-a-a uk-ta-szi-du-ni-szu ha-ra-ma-ma _kur_-i-tu-'a-a-a ina _kur_-lab-na-na a-sa-par# _un_-_mesz_ u-sa-ga-ri-ru

    ur-ki-te i-sa-par-u-ni _lu_-ma-ki-su i-ta-s,u ina _uru_-s,i-du-ni u-se-ri-bu ki-i an-ni-e aq-t,i-ba-szu-nu nu-uk _gisz_-_mesz_ sze-ri-da-ni dul-la-ku-nu ina _sza_-bi e-pe-szA

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur-lamur.

    Concerning the Tyreans about whom the king said: "Speak kindly with him!" —

    All the karanis, his own, enter the karanis, enter the house of the karanis, go out, and come back. The land of Lebanon comes before him, goes out, and brings in the beams.

    I have shaved off the trees and trimmed its edges. I have appointed the makkisanu-officials over the routes of Mount Lebanon. I have shaved off the guard of the mountain.

    I appointed the makkisu who were entrusted to the karrû-priests who were in Sidon. The Sidonians defeated him and I sent the Itu'eans to Mount Lebanon. I slandered the people.

    Later, they sent word, and a chariot driver came and entered Sidon. I told them as follows: "Give me the logs and do your work there!"


    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur-lamur.

    Concerning the Tyrean king about whom the king said: "Speak kindly with him!"

    All the ports of trade have been released to him; his servants go in and out of the trading posts and sell and buy as they wish. Mount Lebanon is at his disposal, and they go up and down as they wish and bring down the wood.

    I collect a tax from anyone who brings down wood, and I have appointed tax-collectors over the ports of trade of the entire Mount Lebanon. They are keeping watch over the mountain.

    The Sidonites chased away the tax-collector whom I appointed to the ports of trade that had been added to me in Sidon. Subsequently, I sent the Itu'eans into Mount Lebanon, and they frightened the people.

    Later on they = the Sidonites wrote to me, took the tax-collector and brought him into Sidon. I said to them as follows: "Bring down the wood, do your work there but do not sell it to the Egyptians or to the Philistines. Otherwise I do not let you go up to the mountain."



    _ta_(v) _ugu uru_-kasz-pu-na-a-a# sza _lugal_ iq-bu-u-ni ma-a a-na mi-ni tu-har-ri-di ta-di-na-szu-nu

    a-ki-i : u-di-ni _ta_(v) É-_gal_ la i-szA#-pa-ru-ni a-s,a-ab-ta dul-lu e-ta-pa-Asz# ur-ki-te _im_-ka-ni-ku i-sa-pa-ru-ni la il-lak-ni ah—hur a-hi _ta_(v) _ugu_ a-na ul-lu-e i-si-ta-te a-ta-Asz-ha _ka-gal_-ma sza É-ni-_mesz_ la ar-s,ip a-ti-szi ur#-ta-am-mi _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_—_man_-szu-nu u-s,a-bi-ta _ki_-ia i#-tal-ku-ni _lu-sag lu_(v)-_gal_—bi-ir-te ina _ugu#_-szu-nu ap-ti-qi-di 30 _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ [_kur_]-szi#-ia-na-a-a ina _sza_-bi u-se-rib _en-nun#_-tu i-na-s,u-ru 30-ma _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_

    i-pa-t,a-ru-szu-nu sza _lugal_ iq-bu-u-ni ma-a 10 É-_mesz kur_-ia-su-ba-a-a ina _sza_-bi _uru_-kasz-pu-na sze-rib

    A-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi dan-nu _un_-_mesz_ i-ma-ru-s,u ki-ma _ta_(v) A-_mesz_-szu-nu ina _uru_-im-mi-u i-tasz-ku-nu ina _pad_-_hi_(?)-A(?)# ina _uru_-kasz-pu-na u-sze-rab-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    As to the Kassites about whom the king said: "Why have you not given them back?" —

    Now, when they did not send me from the Palace, I went and did the work. After they had sent me the north wind, they did not come. I sat down and waited for the ..., but I did not go to the gate of the houses. I waited and waited for the king's men, but they came with me and appointed a eunuch and a cohort commander over them. I brought in 30 Shi'aneans and kept watch over them. The 30 men are still in the presence of the king, my lord.

    As to what the king ordered: "Let 10 Yasubaean houses be brought into Kashpuna" —

    They are bringing water there and bringing people there. When they brought water from them to Immiu, I will bring them into Kashpuna.


    Concerning the people of Kashpuna about whom the king said: "What have you given them for their safety?"

    Even before they wrote to me from the Palace, I had already started the work and performed it; afterwards, they sent me a sealed document. Even if it had not come to me, yet I had raised my hands as for erecting towers but I did not construct the city-gate of the inner quarters. But after receiving the sealed document I immediately dropped everything, took over their king's men and they came with me. I appointed a eunuch over them as fort commander and made 30 Shi'anean men to enter there. They will keep the watch, and release them thus by 30 men.

    As to what the king ordered: "Bring 10 Yasubaean households into Kashpuna!"

    The water is strong there; the people will become ill. As soon as they will be settled with their water in Immiu, I will bring them with their rations into Kashpuna.

    P224472: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal_ be-li-ia [_arad_]-ka# (m)qur-di—asz-szur lu _di#_-mu a-na _lugal#_ be-li-ia#

    [_ta_(v) É(?)] _lugal#_ be-li a-na-ka# ip-qi#-da-ni-ni [x x]+x a# u i-na _ugu_-ia# ip-taq-du

    [x x x]+x x# _bar_ x#+[x] x#+[x] x (m(?))#[x]+x#—_dingir_-a-a

    [x x x x i]-na# _ugu_ sza# Asz-pu#-ra-szu-ni [nu-uk(?) x x x x] _uru#_-hu-ul-bu-na#

    [x x x x x x x]+x pu(?)-ut(?) la i(?)#-ma-gur [x x x x x x x] it(?)-tal-ku(?)# [x x x x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x x x x] ba(?)-i#

    [x x x] x# [x x x (m)(d)]_ag_(?)—ba-ni# ma-a# [x]+x i-na _ugu#_-hi la sza-ak-na#-ku

    [x]+x ki(?) a(?)-kan#-ni i(?)-sa#-si [x]+x# [x x] _lugal_

    [x x x x x] i(?)-si-ta(?)-te# [x x]+x# [x x x x x x]+x x x x# [x x x x x] [x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    ... and appointed me from the king, my lord's house.

    ...... ...-ila'i

    ...... As to what I wrote to him: "...... the city Hilbuna

    ...... does not agre

    ...... Nabû-bani says: "We are not able to ... on it."

    ... now he has ...ed ... the king

    ... the ...s


    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Ever since the king, my lord, appointed me here, the ...s appointed ... over me.

    ...... DN-ila'i

    ...... As to what I wrote to him: "... the town of Helbon

    ......... refused to ...... but went

    ...... Nabû-bani says: "... I am not involved in it.

    ... reads now ... the king

    ...... towers ...



    [x x] na szu(?) x x ma(?)#-a _uru_(?) x#+[x x x x x]

    [szum-mu] _gisz#-sar_-_mesz_ sza _uru_-_me_-ni# [sza(?)] _uru_-hu#-ul-bu(?)#-[na] [a-na] me#-me-ni a-da-nu-u-ni szum-mu _sig5_-_mesz_ [szum-mu a]-na har-bi-te i-tu-ra _lugal_ ina _szu-2_-ia#

    [lu]-ba-i# u-ma-a szum-mu u-sa#-ni-'a# [pi-i-szu] me#-me-ni i-si-ia ip#-ti-te [x x x]+x x x#+[x _lugal_ be-li] lu# u-da

    [x x x x x x x]+x x# [x] _lugal_

    [x x x x x x x x _lu_]-tur-ta-nu

    [x x x x x x x x]+x# [x]+x# szu(?) szum-mu

    [x x x x x x x x]+x# _lu-en-nam_

    [x x x x x x x x a]-na a-a-szi

    [x]+x# ka x#+[x x] x# [_dingir_]-_mesz_-ni# sza _lugal_(*)# szum#-mu x#+[x x x x] ni# u-du [x] _lugal_ x x x# [x x x x] ta x nu

    [x x x x x x u(?)]-ma#-a _lugal en_(?)#

    [x x x x x x x x x x] i(?)#-za

    [i—su-ri _lugal_ be-li] i#-qa-bi ma(?)-a# [x x x x x x x]+x x# sza _lugal_

    x#+[x x x x x x x x]+x# ki-i szu-u-tu

    ki(?)-i(?)# [x x x x x x]+x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... ..., saying: "The city .

    If the orchards of the cities of Hullbuna to anyone else I have given, or if they are good or to be thrown into a ditch, the king will release them from my hands.

    Now, if he has questioned him, he will open his mouth to me. Nobody opened his mouth with me ....... The king, my lord, should know this.

    ...... the king

    ...... commander-in-chief

    ...... If

    ...... the governor

    ...... to me

    ... the gods of the king ... ... ... ... the king .

    ...... Now the king, my lord

    ...... stands

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "...... of the king

    ...... if he

    when ......


    ...... says: "The town of ......

    I swear I do not give the orchards of the villages of Helbon to anybody! If good orchards have turned into wasteland, let the king call me to account.

    Now, if somebody again opens his mouth with me ......, the king, my lord, should know this

    ...... the king

    ...... the commander-in-chief

    ...... if

    ...... the governor

    ...... to me

    ......... By the gods of the king, verily ...... know ... the king ......

    ...... Now the king, my lord


    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "...... of the king

    ...... that he


    P224473: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x]+x#-nu mu-uk a-ta-a _lugal#_ [it-tu]-s,i# at-tu#-nu ina É kam-mu-sa-ku-nu# [mu-uk] _lu_(v)-e-mu-qi# sza É-_gal_ ina _sza_-bi

    [ma-a ina _sza_]-bi# la ni-il-lak pa-al(!)-hu-szu a—dan-nisz [la-Asz]-szu# ina _sza_-bi-szu la il-lu-ku a-na-ku

    [x x x]+x# a-na pa-ni-szu-nu lal-lik (m)_gin_—_numun_ [ina pa]-na#-tu-u-a ina bi-ri-tu-usz-szu-nu ma-dak-tu [szA-ki]-in(?)# la il-lak ina _ugu_-szu-nu la e-ti-qi

    i-sa-hi-ii-szi la nu-sa-ta#-mah (m)ia-su-ba-a-a ina _sza#_-bi _bad_-_hal_-li# [ina] _ugu_-szu-nu a-sap-ra mu-uk a-lak(?) qi#-ba-[Asz]-szu-nu lu#-u-s,u-u-ni mu-uk a-ta-[a] ina É kam#-mu-sa-ku#-nu mu-uk szum-ma ina _sza#_-bi (m)_gin_—_numun_ la tal-la#-ka mu-uk a-di# _uru_-ma-rad al-ka-ni mu-uk ana-ku _ta_(v) an#-na-ka lal-li-ka# ina _sza_-bi-ku-nu

    lu-sa#-me-eh it#-ta-lak# (m)ia-su-ba#-a-a iq-t,i-ba-Asz-szu-nu la i-ma-gur-u-ni la u-s,u-u-ni

    (m)ia-su-ba-a-a# i-su-hu-ra it-tal-ka t,e-en-szu-nu iq-t,i-bi-a ma-a i-da-bu-ub ma-a szum-ma _lu_(v)-e-mu-qi i-ba-Asz-szi it#-tal-ku-u-ni né-ta-mar ma-a _ta_(v) _sza_-bi [(x)] nu-s,a-a ma-a u-la-a _lu_(v)-e-mu-qi [la] il-li-ku-u-ni ma-a la-Asz-szu la nu-s,a-a# [ina] _uru_ nu-kal-la kam-mu-sa-ni ma#-[a] [_en_] É# _lu_(v)-e-mu-qi# né-em-ma-ru#-[u-ni]

    [an-ni-u] szu-u t,e-en-szu-nu a-na x#+[x x x]

    [x x]+x# la-Asz-szu qa-ra-bu la# [up-pu-szu] [ina _sza_]-szu-nu# la il-lu-ku# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... "Why has the king gone out? You are in the house, and the troops of the palace are there."

    "We shall not go there, it is very favourable for him, he should not go there, I shall not go there."

    ... I shall go to them. Mukin-zeri has not come to me in person before them, but has taken a camp between them.

    I sent Yasubaya to the cavalry, saying: "Go and speak to them, so they may be rescued." Why are you staying in the house? If you do not go to Mukin-zeri, I shall come as far as Madanu. I shall come from here and stay in your own country.

    Yasubayu has said to them: "Let them not return and come back!"

    Yasubaya returned and told me their news: "They are saying: 'If there is a skilled soldier, we will see him. We will not come out from there, or the skilled soldiers will not come out. We will not come out, but we will stay in the city.'"

    This is their report to .

    ... I do not do battle, I do not go to them .


    ...... I said: "Why is it that the king has come out but you are staying at home? The forces of the Palace are there."

    They said: "We will not go there against Mukin-zeri." They are very much afraid of him. They will not go inside the area at any condition.

    I shall go to them .... Mukin-zeri has encamped before me and is between me and them. I cannot proceed to them, and, therefore, we cannot unite with one another.

    I sent Yasubaya with cavalry to them with the following message: "Go and tell them to come out. 'Why are you staying at home? If you do not go to the territory of Mukin-zeri, come as far as Marad. I shall myself come from here and unite with you.'"

    Yasubaya went and told them my message but they refused to come out.

    Yasubaya came back and told me their news, saying: "They say: 'If the troops really come, we will see them and we will come out from there; otherwise if the troops do not come, we will certainly not come out. We will stay in the town until we will see the troops.'"

    This was their news. ......

    They will surely not fight or go into their midst ......



    _lugal#_ be-li u-sze-x#+[x x a-na _lugal_(?)] [u-se]-bi#-la-Asz-szu-nu ana-ku [x x x x] [x x x x x] x x x# a x#+[x x x x x] [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    The king, my lord, should send them ... and send them to the king. I .


    The king, my lord, will ... I am now sending them to the king, my lord. I ......



    ma-a mi-nu(?)# [x x x x x x]+x#-za-qa dul-la#-szu-nu

    ta-da#-[an] x x# [x x x]-szu am—mar _lu_(v)-a-ru-mu-u sza ina _uru_-sa#-pi-ia _ta_(v) (m)_gin_—_numun_ it-tal#-ku-u-ni (m)_gin_—_numun_ ki#-i _ta_(v) _uru_-sa-pi-ia# [u]-s,a#-ni ina szid#-[di] _kaskal_-szu _udu_-_mesz_ sza# _ud-ud_-ak#-[_ki_] ih-ta-bat _udu_-_mesz_ sza# (m)_gin#_—_numun_ ina _uru_-bu-ha-ru# e-ku-lu _lu_(v)-_ud-ud_-ak-_ki#_-a-a it-tal-ku _udu_-_mesz 10_ lim

    sza (m)_gin_—_numun_ ih-tab-tu-u-ni t,e-mu sza _ka-dingir-ra-ki_ (m)_gin_—_numun_ a-na _dumu_-_mesz_—_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ iq-t,i-bi ma-a# i-si-ia a-ta#-ka-ni ma-a

    _gisz-giszimmar_ sza dil-bat-_ki_ du-ka la i-ma(*)-gu-ru _dumu_-_mesz_—_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ i-si-szu la il-lu-ku _lu_(v)-szi-ir-ki sza _en_ i-si-szu it-tal-ku

    t,e#-mu sza _lu_(v)-_gu#-en-na ud 03_-_kam_ sza _iti-dul_ a-na pa#-ni-ia it-tal-ka 03 _gisz-gigir ansze#-bad_-_hal_-lu 05 me _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz gisz-ban_ i-si-szu

    [it]-tal#-ku-u-ni _ta_(v) _ugu lu_(v)-a-ri-me sza [_lugal_ be-li] isz-pur-an-ni# ma-a szu-t,ur sze-bi-la

    [x x x] x x#+[x x x x]-_mesz mi_-ar-me-te 05

    [x x x] i—su-[ri _lugal_ be]-li i-qab-bi [ma-a x x] ti x#+[x x x x] x# e

    AI Translation

    "What ...... their work

    All the Arameans who went to Sapiya with Mukin-zeri came. Mukin-zeri went out from Sapiya and ate the sheep of Akkad on the road. The sheep of Mukin-zeri went to Buharu and the Akkadian went. 10,000 sheep

    News of Babylon: Mukin-zeri told the citizens of Babylon: "I have come with you, and you are a king of Babylon."

    The date palms of Dilbat have not yet matured, the Babylonians have not come with him, and the tailors of Bel have come with him.

    News of the shandabakku: On the 3rd of Tishri VII he came to me. I have three cavalry mounts and 500 archers with him.

    As to the Arabs about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Write them down and send them to me!" —

    ......s, the woman Armetu; 5

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: ".


    saying: "What ...? You give ...... their work ...?

    All the Arameans who were in Sapia came with Mukin-zeri, and when Mukin-zeri came out of Sapia, he plundered the sheep of Larak along his route. But when the sheep of Mukin-zeri were grazing in Buharru the Larakeans went and plundered about 10,000 sheep of Mukin-zeri.

    News of Babylon: Mukin-zeri has said to the citizens of Babylon: "Come away with me to kill the date palms of Dilbat!"

    The citizens of Babylon refused to go with him but the oblates of Bel went with him.

    News of the governor of Nippur: He came to me on the 3rd of Tishri VII and three chariots, cavalry and 500 archers came with him.

    Concerning the Arameans about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Write down their details and send the letter to me!"

    ......s, an Aramean woman, five ...

    Perhaps the king, my lord will say: "......



    [x x x x] _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-arrap-ha a-na _uru#_-[x x x x]

    [x x e]-gir-tu# a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia u-se#-[bi-la x x]

    [x x x] _lu_(v)#-A—_kin_ sza _lugal_ be-li-ia ina _ugu_-szu x#+[x x x x x]

    [o] ina _ugu_-ia lu-bi-la#-szu x#+[x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... the governor of Arrapha to .

    I am sending a letter to the king, my lord, .

    ... the messenger of the king, my lord, to him .

    Let me send him to me .


    ... the governor of Arrapha to the city of ......

    ... I am sending my letter to the king, my lord ...

    ... the messenger of the king, my lord, ... to him ......

    let the messenger of the king, my lord, bring him/it to me ......

    P224474: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _lu_(v)-_kur_-_mesz gir-2_ x#+[x] gu [x x x x x x x x x x]

    06 ina 01 _kusz_ li-ri-ku# [x x x x x x x x x x]

    14 ka-da-am-me x x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

    sza sza—da-'a-ni x# [x x x x x x x x x x]

    _gisz_-ra-pa-a-ni sza# te-pa-szu-u-ni [am—mar x x x x x x] sza _gisz-gigir_ lu ka-bu-ru sza pa-nat(?) x x#+[x x x x x x]

    ma#-a'-da _gisz_-gup-ni ma-hi-s,i ina szap-la# [x x x x x x] 04 me _na4_-pu-la-a-ni sza 03 sza 04 ina 01 _kusz gid_(?)-_da_ sza# [ina tal-lak-_mesz_] i-ma-tah-u-ni ina _ugu gisz_-gup-ni ma-hi-s,i i-ka-ra-ru#-[u-ni o(?)] ba-szi szA-a-ru lu qur-bu _gisz_-_mesz_ sza _murub4 uru#_ ma-a'-[da o(?)] ta-szar-ri-me kaq-qa#-ru i-ra-pisz-ka pu-u-lu lik#-[ru-ru]

    04 _gisz_(?)-ka-tam-a-ti ($te$)-pa-Asz 02-ta _zag 02_-ta _kab_ sza x#+[x x]

    ma-si#-ki sza gi-in-da(?)-di(?) x x x x x an#-ni [o(?)] a-na dul-li#-ka e#-pu-usz 20 x#+[x x x x x x x] te-pa-Asz mi(?)-szil(?)# ina _sza bad_ sza qa-ni ta#-[szak-kan(?) mi-szil-ma(?)] ina _sza bad#_ sza _murub4 uru_ ta-szak-kan 03 x# [x x x x] _gid-da_-_mesz_ hu-ra(?)-te(?)#-_mesz_-szu tu-mal-la _gisz_-_mesz_ sza _murub4#_ [_uru_(?) x x]

    lu sza _mar_(?)-ma szu-pur sza _gisz_-tal-lak-ti lu sza _zag_(?)# [u(?)] _kab_ ka-ru-u#-ni a-na sal-[x]-na-a-ti# ina _murub4 uru_ [x x x]

    tu-szA-'a-da# ta-szak-kan# [sza(?)] x#-a-ti sza _sa_-_mesz#_ [x x] ki-i ha-ni-ma ina _murub4# uru_ ina _bad#_ szap-le-e [ta-szak-kan(?)]

    pu-la-a-ni# ki-i ku-bi-ri _ta bad_ szap#-[le-e x x x] tu-szA-'a-da ta#-szak-kan x x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    the enemy's feet .

    Let them go 6 cubits .

    14 kadamme-cakes .

    of the 'residences' .

    The chariots which you have made, all the ...... of the chariot should be firmly fixed, and the front .

    ... large beams on the top of ......, 400 limestone slabs of 3 and 4 cubits long which they pile up on the journeys, and they pile them on the beams of large beams. May they be a raging storm, or may they be raging storms. You will see the trees of the centre of the city, and they will devour your land.

    4 katammatu-trees, two on the right, two on the left, of ...;

    You perform the ... of the ziggurat ... for your work. You perform 20 ...... and place half of it in the city wall at the side of the city wall, half of it in the city wall at the centre of the city. You fill three ...s with long ...s and his hurratu-vessels. The trees of the city wall .

    Send word that the wagons, or that the right and left are piled up for ... in the centre of the city .

    You set up a ... of ... and place it in the centre of the city in the outer wall.

    You ... the cultic rites like a kubiru-demon from the wall of the shaple ... and set .


    enemy's feet ......

    should be 6 cubits 3 m long ......

    14 storerooms ......

    which by force ......

    The wooden hoops which you are making ...... should be as thick as those of a chariot; those before .......

    Strike down bushes in great numbers and ... under .... 400 limestone blocks of three to four cubits from 1,5 m to 2 m long which will be transported by carts and put on the slashed bushes should be at hand at every direction. You shall cut trees at the centre of the city in great numbers so that the area will become wide and the limestone blocks can be put in place.

    You shall make four wooden covers: two to the right, two to the left of ....

    Make tents of ...... for your work. You shall make 20 ...... and shall put half of them within the outer city wall and the other half within the city wall of the centre of the city. You shall fill its holes with three long .... The trees at the centre of the city should be ....

    Send orders; you shall indicate what is on a cart or placed to the right and left and have them placed into the ...s at the centre of the city.

    In like manner, place the ... of the sinews at the centre of the city and within the lower city wall.

    You shall indicate limestone blocks that are thick enough from the lower city wall ..., and you shall place them .......



    sza u(?)#-[x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    mi-i-nu sza x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x]

    (m)am-ba-ti-i _lu_(v)# [x x x x x x x x x]

    ina _ugu uru_ il-la-ka# [x x x x x x x x x]

    usz-sze sza e-si-ti sza pu-ut ad-ri ki sza x#+[x x x] ik-ra-ru-u-ni la u-ga-me-ru-u-ni _sig4_-_mesz#_ [x x] ri-is,(y)-pa ga-me-ra-szi ina _ugu 10_ ti-ik-pi hu-ur-[x x x] tu-ra-ka-sa am—mar 1/2 _kusz_ tam-la-a ina _ugu_-hi ta#-[szak-kan]

    _dagal gid-da_ sza e-si-ti pa-ni-ti _dagal gid-da_ sza# [x x] ina _ugu_-hi u-ra-du-u-ni ta-ma-da-da [x x] szu(?) [x x]

    x#+[x ina] 01# _kusz_ mu-lu-u sza szal-he-e x x x x#+[x x x x]+x# [x x]

    ki-i sza# _uru_-da#-hi-na ina _sza_(?) x# [x x x x x x]

    sza ma-za-li-ti-szu x x# [x]+x# [x x x x x x x]

    lu la i#-da-gi-lu# [x x x x x x x x x]

    te-pa-Asz sza# [x x x x x x x x x x x]

    ki(?)#-i sza _kur_ [x x x x x x x x x x x]

    sza ina szal-he-[e x x x x x x x x x x]

    04 _kusz_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    a-na (m)am(?)#-[ba-ti-i x x x x x x x x]

    u-x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    te# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    which ......

    what ......

    Ambatî, ......

    will come to the city .

    You set up a brickwork on the ... side of the threshing floor, which is opposite the adru-wall, like that of ..., but do not finish it. You set up a brickwork of ..., a ...-strewn brick, on top of ten brick-courses, and place a terrace of up to 1/2 cubit on it.

    You have a long length which is wider than the previous length and a long length which ... on top of it.

    ... in one cubit, the 'residence' of the courtyard .

    As to what the city of Dahina .

    of his cult ...

    should not be confused .

    You do what .

    as of the land .

    which in the midst .

    4 cubits ......

    to Ambatî .

    You ......


    who ......

    What is it that ......

    Ambatî, the ......

    go/goes to the city ......

    When ...... the foundations of the tower in front of the threshing floor were laid, it was not finished. Make bricks and finish building it. You shall attach ...... on 10 courses of bricks and you shall put a terrace of up to half a cubit on top of it.

    You shall measure the width and length of the earlier tower and the width and length of the ... which has been added to it. ......

    height of the outer wall is x cubits. .........

    like those of the city of Dahina in ......

    whose position ......

    should not be looked upon with ......

    you shall make. The one who ......

    like those of the country ......

    which in the outer wall ......

    four cubits 2 m ......

    to Ambatî ......


    you shall make ......

    P224475: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal en_-ia [_arad_]-ka (m)_bad_—(d)asz-szur

    _di#_-mu a-na _uru_-bi-rat sza _lugal# en_-ia a—dan-nisz# _sza_ sza _lugal en_-ia# lu-u _dug-ga_

    i—su#-ri _lugal_ be-li i-qa-a-bi# ma a-ta-a#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Ashur.

    The forts of the king, my lord, are doing very well. The king, my lord, can be glad.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why did you not send me a messenger?"


    To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Ashur.

    The forts of the king, my lord, are very well. The king, my lord, can be glad.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "Why did you not send me my messenger in the custody of your messenger?"



    ku-pu-u : _kalag_-an a—dan-nisz _lu_-da-a-a-lim a-sa-par : i-su-hu-ru#-ni ma# a-a-ka ni-il-lak#

    ki#-ma ku-pu-u im-te-t,i# : i-tab-bi-u# e#-ru-bu

    _lu-eme_-_me_ t,e-me#

    AI Translation

    I sent the scouts, who returned, saying: "Where are we going?"

    "When they have smashed the bricks" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means they have smashed the bricks.

    The scribes give orders.


    There is very much snow; I have sent out scouts but they have turned back, saying: "Where can we go?"

    As soon as the snow decreases, they will set off and enter the Palace.

    Informers are bringing news of the enemy.

    P224476: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)asz-szur—_kur_-ka—_gur_-ra lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    szu-uh _kur_-ar-ma-a-a sza _lugal_ iq-bu-u-ni ma-a _mi_-_mesz_ lu-szA-hi-zu-szu-nu _mi#_-_mesz_ ma-a-da [a]-ta-mar _ad_(*)#-_mesz_-szi-na# [o]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-matka-tera. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the Arabs about whom the king said: "Let them bring women back to them" — I have seen many women, their fathers.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-matka-tera. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the Arameans about whom the king said: "They should be made to marry wives," I have seen women in great numbers there but their fathers refuse to give them, saying: "Not until they give money to us."



    kas-pu li-di-nu-ni-szu-nu szu-nu-ma le-hu-zu

    AI Translation

    They should give them the money; they should be frightened.


    Let money be given to them the Arameans so they can marry.

    P224477: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia# [_arad_-ka (m)x x x]

    a-na _lugal en_-ia# i-kar(?)-ru#-[bu] ma(?)-a(?)# [x x x x x a]-na(?) _lugal_(?)# ma-[a (d)x x a]-na# _lugal en_-ia# u#-da-ra#

    _kur_ x x x x# i-sa-par ma-a(?) x x x#-ia

    [x x x x x x x]+x _lugal#_ be-li

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

    "...... to the king, and ... to the king, my lord."

    The land of ... sent word: ".

    ...... the king, my lord


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN.

    They bless the king, my lord, saying: "...... DN will make the king, my lord, live forever.

    The ... wrote to me, saying: "my ...

    ...... the king, my lord



    [ina] _ugu_ x x x# [x x] sza# _lugal_ be-li isz-pur#-[an-ni] ma# mi-nu sza t,e-en-szu-ni#

    hur-s,a szup-ra ina _kur_-szu szu-u dul#-lu-szu e-pa-Asz _kur_-su gab-bu né-ha-at dul#-la-szu-nu e-pu-szu _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_-szu ina _uru-hal-s_,U dul-lu# e-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    As to the ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "What is the news of him?" —

    He is in his country, doing his work. All his land is in mourning. They are doing their work. His men are doing work in the fort.


    As to ..., about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Find out what is the news about him and write it to me."

    He is in his country and does his work. His whole country is quiet; they are doing their work. His men are doing work in the fort.

    P224478: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-bat _lugal_ a-na (m)asz-szur—rém-an-ni a-na (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _lu#-a_(!)-_ba_

    hu-ub-tu am—mar a-di-na-kan(*)#-ni tu-szA-as,-bit-u-ni _lu_(v)-_nam_-ka szi-i [_gud_(?)]-_mesz_(?)#-ka _udu_-_mesz_-ka ina _igi_-ka [szA]-as,(?)#-bu-ta-ka# [ta]-ta#-har _ta_(v) É-_gal_ [te-te]-ri-isz

    [hu-ub-tu(?)] am—mar _ta_(v) _ud_-me [an-ni-i u-sze]-bal#-kan-ni [x x x x x]+x# ina bat#-ti [am-mi-ti sze-bir] ina# _sza_-bi [tu-szA-as,]-ba-su-nu

    [x x x x ina] _ugu#_-hi-szu-nu [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x] [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x]

    AI Translation

    The king's word to Ashur-remanni and Nabû-bel-ahheshu, the scribe:

    All the captives that I have brought in have been brought in. That governor is yours. You have oxen and sheep in your presence, and you have received them from the Palace.

    All the captives which they bring from this day on ...... are seized in the middle of the netherworld.

    ... upon them


    The king's word to Ashur-remanni and the scribe Nabû-bel-ahheshu.

    All the captives that I gave to you and whom you provisioned are people at your responsibility. Your oxen and sheep are at your disposal; you have received your provisions, having requested it from the Palace.

    Bring all the captives that I will send you from today on ... across to the other side of the river, you shall provide for them there.

    ... to them .......



    [x x x x]+x# _ta_(v) É-_gal#_

    [x x x] a#-na _lu_(v)-hu-ub#-ti [_lu_(v)-_nam_(?)]-ka _ta_(v) _sza_-bi [_gud_(?)]-_mesz#_-ka _udu_-_mesz_-ka [at]-ta# ta-da-an

    a#-na _lu_(v)-hu-ub-ti sza-as,(d)-bu-ti a-di 07-szu la# ta-szi-a-t,a ina _ugu_-hi ta-mu-at

    szum-mu _lu_(v)-_gig_ ina _lu_(v)-hu-ub-ti sza u-sze-ba-la#-kan-ni _ta_(v) _sza_-bi# re-qi# [a(*)]-di _sza_-bi ma-t,i#-e i-ba-szi i-ma-ta-hu-u-ni ina pa-ni-ka i-kar-ru-ru-szu

    a-di _ti-la_-u-ni ku-zip-pi sza _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz_ lu-u# _sig5_ sza# _lu_(v)-i-tu-'a-a-a [_lu_(v)]-x-_mesz_(?)# ku-zip-pi-szu-nu lu-u sza#-ni-u

    [_lu_(v)-i-tu-'a(?)]-a-a(?) a(?)-di(?) _sipa#_-_mesz_

    [x x x x] sza(?)# _zag_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    ...... from the palace

    ... to the captives, your governor, you have given your oxen and sheep from there.

    You shall not stand a chance against the captives, the shabtu-priests, for seven days.

    If a sick man in a captive who has been brought here has been taken from the prebend until there is a claim, they shall bring him before you.

    The garments of the men are good, the Itu'eans are good, the ...s are good.

    The Itu'eans, together with the shepherds,

    ...... of the shoulders


    ... from the Palace ...

    You will give to the captives, people of your province, from your oxen and sheep.

    As for the captives to be provisioned, don't be negligent over and over again or you will die because of it.

    If there is a sick person among the captives whom I send you from the empty-handed up to the needy, he is to be lifted up and placed in your care as long as he lives.

    The clothes for the troops should be good but those of the Itu'eans and the ... should be different.

    The Itu'eans together with the shepherds

    ... cuts of shoulders



    [x x x _lu_(v)-hu]-ub(?)#-ti sza _lu_(v)-za-ku-u i-ba(?)#-[szi]

    [x x x x x x x]+x x x x# [x x]+x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... there are captives of the exempts.



    ... the captives. Should there be exempts


    P224479: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal en_(?)#-ia _arad_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—isz-kun

    lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia a—dan-nisz _min di_-mu a-na _uru-hal-s_,U-_mesz#_ [sza] _lugal_(?)# [_en_-ia]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-shumu-ishkun.

    The best of health to the king, my lord! The forts of the king, my lord, are well.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-shumu-ishkun.

    The very best of health to the king, my lord! The forts of the king, my lord, are well

    P224480: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal_] _en#_-ia [_arad_-ka (m)(d)_masz_(?)]—_dingir_-a-a [lu-u _di_-mu a-na] _lugal# en_-ia

    [ina _ugu dumu-mi_(?) x x]+x# sza _lugal_ be-li [isz-pur-a-ni x x] _dumu#-mi_ : _sig5_

    [x x x x x x]+x-i-su

    [x x x x x x] _gisz#-banszur_

    [x x x x x x]+x# u-szA-as,-bat-szu-ni

    [x x x x x x]+x# _pa_ la-Asz-szu

    [ina _ugu_ sza _lugal_ be]-li# isz-pur-a-ni

    [x x x x x x] _ta_(v) É# [o(?)]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-ila'i. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the daughter ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me, ... is a good daughter.

    ...... him

    ...... table

    ...... I have made him take

    ...... there is no .

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me:

    ...... from the house


    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-ila'i. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the ... about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me ... a beautiful daughter


    ...... a table

    ...... that I am equipping him

    ... there is no ...

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me

    ...... ever since



    [x x x]+x at(?)-tu-ur-da#

    [x x x ina _ugu_(?)] 30 _lu_(v)-zu-ki [sza _lugal_ be-li isz]-pur#-a-ni [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... I returned

    Concerning the 30 'brewers' about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me .


    I descended ......

    Regarding the 30 infantrymen about whom the king, my lord, wrote, .......

    P224481: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a-na _lugal en_-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x-x]-x-x# lu#-[u _di_]-mu# a-na# _lugal en_-ia a—dan#-[nisz]

    ina _ugu_ na-da-ba#-[ki] sza _sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ isz-pur-a-ni ma-a'-da _sze-pad_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The best of health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the nadabû-offering of barley about which the king wrote to me, there are many stallions of barley.


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. The best of health to the king, my lord!

    As to the grain store for barley about which the king wrote to me; let plenty of barley be brought and stored therein.

    P224482: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    (m)(d(?))x#+[x x x x x x x x]

    i-ih-x#+[x x x x x x x]

    i-ti-[x x x x x x x x]

    _lu_(v)#-_erim_-_mesz_ ki-[x x x x x x]

    ki(?)#-i _barag_ x#+[x x x x x]

    [x] _gud_-_mesz_(?)# [x x x x x x x] x x x# [x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    NN ......

    he ......

    has ......

    the men ......

    when the dais .

    x oxen ......


    NN ......

    ...... ......


    the men ......

    when the cult dais ......

    ... oxen ......



    a-na-ku(?) _lu-en#_—[x x x x]

    u-ku-ta-ti-szu [x x x x]

    ma-a li-qi-ba qab-le#-[e-ka ru-ku-us(?)]

    i-ti-zi bi-i-li [x x x x] i-ti-bu-lu ka-ni-[ku x x x]

    da#-ra-a _udu ta 01_ x#+[x x x x x]

    _gir_(?)# _sag_(?)-_du_ x#+[x x x x x x]

    i-ti-ki(?)#-[is x x x x x x]

    _barag_(?) tu(?)#-[x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    I am the ...

    his ukutu-vessels .

    "Let him say: 'Your words are a curse.'

    They sat down ..., they sat down ..., they sat down .

    forever sheep from one .

    a foot-stool, head .

    they have seized .

    the dais ......


    I and the ... official ......

    its/his ... ......

    saying: "Let him tell me! Gird your loins ..., but stay here and bring ....

    They brought .... A sealed document ...

    regular sheep offering with one ......

    ... head ......

    has cut ......

    the cult dais ......



    [x x x x x x]+x# sze(?) : ma x x ti(?)# [x x x x x x]

    [x x x x x x]+x# : sza _en_-ia# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... means "... ..."

    ...... of my lord .


    ...... ...... ......

    ...... of my lord .......

    P224484: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lu_(v)-_a#-ba_—É-_gal# en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)_en_—_ad_-u-a lu-u _di_-mu a-na _en_-ia# _di_-mu ina É a—dan-nisz _di_-mu ina _uru-sza_—_uru_

    ina É-ka nu-sa-kil _lu_(v)-qi-ba#-_mesz_ gab-bu ir-ri-szu a-na _en_-ia ik-tar(*)#-bu


    AI Translation

    To the palace scribe, my lord: your servant Bel-abu'a. Good health to my lord! The house is very well. The Inner City is well.

    We have sat in your house. All the delegates have prayed to my lord.



    To the palace scribe, my lord: your servant Bel-abu'a. Good health to my lord! The house is very well. The Inner City is well.

    We have fed your house. All the delegates are rejoicing and have blessed my lord.

    As to the waist-belts about which my lord said: "You have not given any of them." There are no waist-belts that my lord likes, the ordinary waist-belts sell for half a mina of silver each.



    sza# har-bi-te am-mi-te u-di-ni _im_ da-na-ni la-a ni-s,a-bat (m)_arad#_—al-la-a-a

    AI Translation

    We have not yet received the harbitu-offerings of this one. Urdu-Allaya is in the presence of the king, our lord.


    As to that waste land, we have not yet got hold of the purchase document, but Urdu-Allaya will give it to you.

    P224485: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a#-bat _lugal_ a-na (m)asz-szur(*)—_man_—_pab_ szul#-mu ia-a#-szi szul#-mu a-na _kur_—asz-szur-_ki sza#_-[ka] lu# _dug-ga_-ka

    sza# tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri# [sza] (m)me-ta-a _kur_-mus-ka-a-a ina _ugu_-hi-ia it-tal#-ka ma-a 14 _erim_-_mesz kur_-qu-u-a-a sza# (m)u-ri#-ik a-na _lu_(v)-szap-ru-te a-na _kur-uri_ u-sze-bi-lu-u-ni ma-a ina _ugu_-hi-ia na-s,a ta-ri-is, a—dan-nisz an-nu-rig asz-szur (d)szA(*)-masz(*) _en_ (d)_ag dingir_-_mesz_-ia e-tap-szu la# ina _sza_ qa-ra-bi(*) [la ina _sza_] me#-me-ni _kur_-mus-ka-a-a pi-i-szu it-ta-an-na-na-szi

    a-na sa-al-mi-ni it-tu-ar sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a ba-lat _lugal_ be-li-ia _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri-ia ina _ugu kur_-mus-ka-a-a la a-szap-par u-ma-a an-nu-rig a-sap-rak-ka _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri-ka _ta_(v) pa-an _kur_-mus-ka-a-a lu la ta#-bat-taq dib-bi _dug-ga_-_mesz_ szup-ra-Asz-szu ka-a-a-ma-nu mi-i-nu sza t,e-en-szu-ni szi-mi(*)# a-du bé-et a-ri-qa-an-ni

    sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a ki-i sza szu-u _arad_-_mesz_ sza _lugal#_ be-li-ia u-sze-bi-il-an-ni ma-a ana-ku _arad_-_mesz_-ni-szu lu-sze-bi-la-Asz#-szu-u sze-bi-la-Asz-szu ba-si lib-bu-szu is-si-ni ip-pa(*)-szar lu 01 me _arad_(?)#-_mesz_-szu(?)# lu 10 ki-i# an-ni(?) szup#-ra-szu ma-a _erim_-_mesz kur_-qu-u-a-a sza tu-sze#-bil-an-ni ma-a# ina _ugu_(*) _lugal_ be-li#-ia as-sap-par ma-a _lugal_ be-li ih-tu-du a—dan-nisz ma-a# u-sa-hi-ir# [x x x x] ina _ugu_-hi-ia is-sap-ra ma-a _kur_-mus-ka#-[a-a am—mar]

    sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri sza (m)ur#-pala-a _ta_(v) _lu_(v)-A—szip-ri _kur_-mus-ka-a-a a-na _di_-me ina _ugu_-hi-ia it-tal-ka lil-li-ka asz-szur (d)_utu en_ u (d)_pa_ liq-bi-u _lugal_-_mesz_-ni ha-an-nu-ti gab-bi-szu-nu _ta_(v) ziq-ni-szu-nu _kusz-da-e-sir_-ka lu-szak-ki-lu

    sza# [tasz]-pur#-an-ni ma-a (m)ki-la-ar 04 na-gi-a-ni [e-tar-szA]-an-ni ma-a lid-di-nu-ni ki-ma 04 na-gi-a-ni [an-nu-te a]-na# (m)ki-la-ar ta-at#-ti-din la# a-na mi-ih-ri#-ka-a i-tu#-ar(*) at-ta-ma ina _ugu_ mi-i-ni _lu_(v)-pa-ha-tu-u-tu# tu-up-pa-Asz ki-i an-ni-i qi-ba-Asz-szu ma-a ina ti-ma#-li szal-szi—_ud_-me# _ta_(v)# _igi kur_-mus-ka-a-a pal-ha-a-ka ma-a u-ma-a _kur#_-mus-ka-a-a is-si-ni is-si-lim

    AI Translation

    The king's word to Esarhaddon: I am well; Assyria is well; you can be glad.

    As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Metâ of the land Musku has come to me, saying: 14 Queans whom Urik sent to Urartu as emissaries have been seized and taken to me." It is very good that Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, my gods, have now done so, but not one from among the Arabs or among the Egyptians has given us his word.

    As to what you wrote to me: "I shall not send my messenger to the Muscats, but I am now sending you, so you should not sneer at the Muscats. Write to him in a favorable case, and he will always know what his report is until I have finished."

    As to what you wrote: "When he sent me the servants of the king, my lord, let them send him here, send him here, and send him here, and let him send his heart with us 100 servants, or 10!" — I have written to the king, my lord, as follows: "The king, my lord, has very much seized ..., and sent ... to me, saying: 'The Musukeans, as many as he has sent, have sent me ..., and I have sent them to you."

    As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Urpala'a has come to me to inquire about me, and he should come and tell me that Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû should make all of the kings of the land of Mushkur bow down at your feet and .

    As to what you wrote: "Kilar has entered four districts and should give them to you" — you gave these four districts to Kilar, but they have not returned to your presence. You have now written to him as follows: "Why do you appoint a mayor?" — he says: "In the morning, you will be frightened in the presence of the Museans; now the Museans have come together and listened to me."


    The king's word to Ashur-sharru-ushur: I am well, Assyria is well: you can be glad.

    As to what you wrote to me: "A messenger of Midas the Phrygian has come to me, bringing me 14 men of Que whom Urik had sent to Urartu as an embassy" — this is extremely good! My gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû have now taken action, and without a battle or anything, the Phrygian has given us his word and become our ally!

    As to what you wrote: "I shall not send my messenger to the Phrygian without the permission of the king, my lord" — I am now writing to tell you that you should not cut off your messenger from the Phrygian's presence. Write to him in friendly terms and constantly listen to news about him, until I have more time.

    As to what you wrote: "Should I send his subjects to him just as he sent me the subjects of the king my lord?" — send them to him so that he will be favourably disposed towards us. Whether 100 men or 10, write to him like this: "I wrote to the king my lord about the men of Que whom you sent to me, and he was extremely pleased; and in return he wrote to me as follows: 'Do not hold back even a single one of the Phrygians at your court, but send them to Midas immediately!' Thus at the king my lord's behest I am now sending you these men."

    As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Urpala'a came to me for an audience with the Phrygian messenger" — let him come, and let Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû command that all these kings should wipe your sandals with their beards!

    As to what you wrote: "Kilar has requested from me four districts, saying: 'Let them give them to me'" — should you give these four districts to Kilar, would he not become your equal, and what would you yourself be ruling over as governor then? Tell him as follows: "Earlier, you were afraid of the Phrygian, but now the Phrygian has made peace with us, so what are you afraid of? Now eat your bread and drink your water under the protection of the king, my lord, and be happy. Do not worry about the Phrygian."



    sza tasz-pur-an-ni ma-a (m)ur-pala-a ina _ugu_ sza# _uru_(*)-a-tu-na(*)-a-a(*) _uru_-is-tu-an-da-a-a il-lik-u-ni _uru_(*)#-_mesz_-ni sza É—(m)pa-ru-ta i-pu-gu-szu(*)-ni# [x]+x x#+[x x x] _ta_(v)(*) _ugu_(*)# _lugal_(*) be-li-ia [x x x] di x# an-nu-rig _kur_-mus#-[ka-a]-a is#-si-ni is-si-lim ik#-ti-ii-di _man_-_mesz_-ni sza _kur_-ta-ba-li gab-bu# [mi]-i-nu ah—hur ep-pu-szu at-ta _ta_(v) na-ka _kur_-mus#-[ka-a]-a _ta_(v) ma-ka tu-ma-za-a'-szu-nu ba-si at-ta e-bi-ih#-ka ina _sza_-bi-szu-nu ta-rak-kas an-nu-rig asz-szur (d)szA-masz _en_ u (d)_pa_

    ina _ugu_ (m)ba(?)#-[la-su(?)] sza# [tasz-pur-an-ni] dib(*)-bi(*)-szu(*) gab(*)-bu(*) a(*)-se(*)-me(*)# _ud_-mu sza e-gir-tu an-ni#-[tu ta-am]-mar#-u-ni _dumu_-szu ku-mu-szu# ina _ugu erim_-_mesz_-szu pi-qid _un_-_mesz_-szu# lu kan-nu-szu lu kam-mu-su szum-ma lib-bu-szu _kur_-u lu-szA-bal-ki-ta lu-sze-szib-szu-nu u-la-a ha-na-ka-ma lu kam-mu-su a-na szA-a-szu _lu_(v)-03-_u5_-ka 01-en a-na kal-li-e li-in-tu-ha-Asz-szu lil-li-ka dib-bi _dug-ga_-_mesz_ is-si-szu la-ad-bu-ub lib-bu la-Asz-kun-[szu] ba-si a-szap-pa-ra _un_-_mesz_-szu

    e-rab (m)_dumu-usz_-ia# szu-tu a-du _un_-_mesz_-szu _lu_(v)-A—_kin_-ka a-du _ugu_-hi-ia lu-bi-la-szu-nu lu _dumu_-_mesz_—_ka-dingir-ki_ lu-u _dumu_—_bar-sipa-ki_ lu-u _kisz-ki_-a-a lu _en-lil-ki_-a-a lu _uru-unug-ki_-a-a lu _kur-bad-dingir-ki_-a-a lu

    AI Translation

    As to what you wrote: "Urpala has gone to the towns of Atuna and Stunda and the towns which Bit-Paruta has built ...... from the king, my lord, ... Now the Musukeans have gathered together and gathered together. All the kings of Tabal are doing what they have done. You have seized them from the land of the Musukeans from where you have seized them, and you have seized them. Now then Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû have seized them from the land of Tabal.

    Concerning Balasu about whom you wrote, I shall hear all his words. The day you see this letter, let his son be his brother, and let his people be his safeguard, let them be his captives, let them be his captives, let them be his captives, or let them be his captives. Or, let one of your 'third men' come to him and speak good things with him, let him be his captive, let me write down his name, let his people be his captives, and let them be his heirs.

    Let your messenger bring him, together with his people, to me, whether the citizens of Babylon, Borsippa, Kish, Nippur, Uruk, Der, or


    As to what you wrote: "Urpala'a may slip away from the king, my lord, on account of the fact that the Atunnaeans and Istuandaeans came and took the cities of Bit-Paruta away from him" — now that the Phrygian has made peace with us and ..., what can all the kings of Tabal do henceforth? You will press them from this side and the Phrygian from that side so that in no time you will snap your belt on them. Thanks to my gods Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, this land has now been trodden under your feet! Move about as you please, do whatever you have to do, cut the long and lengthen the short until I come and give you ... work!

    As to Balasu concerning whom you wrote, I have heard his words in full. The day you see this letter, appoint his son in his place over his men. His people should be assembled and present, and if he wants, he may take them over the mountains and settle them there, or they may also live here. As for him, let one of your 'third men' pick him up post-haste and let him come here. I will speak kindly with him and encourage him, and in due course I will send word and have his people being kept here returned, and he too can go and re-enter his house.

    As for Aplaiu, let your messenger bring him and his people to me, whether they are citizens of Babylon, Borsippa, Kish, Nippur, Uruk, Der, or ...

    P224486: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal_ be-li]-ia [_arad_-ka (m)]asz-szur#—_di_-an-ni [lu-u] _di#_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia

    ina _ugu_-hi t,e-mi sza _lugal kur-nim-ma_ e-ti-bir ina _ugu_-hi gisz-ri i-sak-na i-se-me ma-a _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-arrap-ha a-na _uru_-de-ri it-tal-ka (m)zi-né-e-ni _ta ugu_-hi

    gisz-ri u-sa-hi-ra u-ma-a (m)zi-né-e-ni a-di _lu_(v)-e-mu-qe#-e-szu gab-bu ug-da-ta-me-ru i—da-tu-usz-szu e-tab-ru

    _ta ugu_ gisz-ri _sza_(?) _gisz_-_mesz_ (m)10—_gin_—A it-ta-lak ina _sza_-bi _lu_(v)-a-ri-me# i-sak-na _ta uru_-de-[ri] a-du _sza_-bi gisz-ri [at-ta-lak] kaq-qu-ru ina _ugu#_ [gisz-ri] ur-ta-kis _lu_(v)#-[_erim_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi(?)]

    u-sze-e-li [x x x x] at-ta-lak ina _lu_(v) [x x x x]

    ina(?) pa-na-tu-ka# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the news of the king of Elam, he has gone and set up a tent. He has heard that the governor of Arrapha has come to Der. Zineni has come from the king of Elam.

    Now Zineni and his entire army have been smashed and have been smashed.

    Adad-kenu-iddina has gone out from the trees and set up camp with the Arameans. I have gone out from Der as far as the forest. I have surrounded the area on the forest and confined the men there.

    I went ... and went to the .

    before you .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-shallimanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the news of the king of Elam, he has crossed the river and has set on the bridge. He had heard that the governor of Arrapha had come to Der and turned Zineni back from the bridge.

    But now Zineni and his whole army have finished crossing over the bridge after him.

    From the bridge he has gone inside the forest of Adad-mukin-apli and set camp amidst the Arameans. I went from Der as far as the bridge, fastened soil on the bridge and moved up troops in there.

    I went to ... and said to the ...

    before you ......



    ki-i# sza _lugal#_ [be-li x x x x x] _uru_-bir-tu u-gam#-[mar] _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi# [u-sze-e-li]

    sza# ina _uru_-de-ri [x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-A—_kin_ ina _ugu lu_(v)#-[_sukkal_(?)] a-sap#-ra u-di#-[ni ina pa-ni-ia] la il-la-ka e-gir#-[a-ti] sza _lugal_ be-li u-sze-bil#-[an-ni] (m)#_lu_(v)—(d)_be_ it-tu-bil u#-[di-ni] la# il-la-ka ki-ma :- it-tal#-[ka] mi-nu sza t,e-mu-un-ni [o(?)] a-[na] _lugal#_ be-li-ia a-szap-pa-ra

    AI Translation

    As the king, my lord, ......, he has made the fort visible and brought the men there.

    The messenger I sent to the vizier, but he did not come to me. The letter which the king, my lord, sent to me, Amel-Enlil came, but he did not come. When he came, I shall write to the king, my lord, whatever news there is.


    As the king, my lord, commanded, I shall finish the fort and move up troops in there. Those in Der are ....

    I have sent a messenger to the Vizier; he has not yet come back to me. Amel-Illil has delivered the letters which the king, my lord, sent to me. He has not yet come back but as soon as he comes, I shall send to the king, my lord, whatever news there is.

    P224487: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal_] _en_-ia# [_arad_-ka (m)](d)_mes_(*)#—rém(*)-[a-ni] [lu _di_-mu a]-na _lugal en_-[ia]

    [i-sin]-nu# e-pi-[isz] (d)#[x ina] szul#-me it-tu-s,i# [o] e-ta-rab (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal#_ lik-ru-bu

    ina _ugu_ (d)_alad_-(d)_lama#_ sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-an-ni u-ta#-si-ik ina _ugu ka_-_mesz_-te sza É(*)-_gal_(*)#-_mesz_ ak-ta-ra-ar i-bat-tu-qu (d)_alad_-(d)_lama_ bat-qu-te ina _igi_ É la _du-du_-ni ni-szak-kan# _kalag_-_mesz_-te i-bat-tu-qu ina _igi ka#_ qa-ba-si(!)-te ni-szak-kan#

    ina _ugu na4_(?)-_am_(*)#-_mesz_ sza a-na _lugal en_-ia# aq-bu-u-ni u-pa-hu(?)-szu-nu a-na (d)_alad_-(d)_lama_ u-ta-ru#-szu-nu ina _igi ka_(*) _murub4_-ti ni-szak-kan#

    i—su-ri _lugal_ be-li# [i-qab-bi] ma-a dul#-lu dan-nu(?)# [x x x x] dul-lu pa-ha la(*) [x x x x] ki-i-tu 01 _kusz_ ru#-[t,u(?) x x] (d)_alad_-(d)_lama_ [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-remanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The festival was performed and the god ... came out in good health. He entered. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king.

    Concerning the bull colossi about which the king, my lord, wrote to me, I have made them stand at the gates of the palaces. We shall place the bull colossi in front of the house that is not to be disturbed. We shall place the large bull colossi in front of the gate of the quay.

    As to the elephants about which I spoke to the king, my lord, we have gathered them, deposited them for the bull colossi, and set them in front of the middle gate.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "It is a very heavy work ......, and the work is not ..., and it is a very small cubit ...... the bull colossus ..."


    To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-remanni. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The festival has been celebrated; the god ... came out and returned in peace. May Nabû and Marduk bless the king!

    As to the bull colossi about which the king my lord wrote to me, I have worked out their positions at the ...s of the palaces and they are hewing them. We shall place the hewn colossi before the ... residence; they will trim the big ones and whe shall place them before the middlemost gate.

    As to the stone bulls of which I spoke to the king, my lord, they will modify them and turn them into bull colossi, and we shall place them before the middlemost gate.

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "It is hard work ...." The work ......; honestly, one cubit ... bull colossi ......



    li#-i-t,u sza [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Let them be restored to their place. That .


    Let them draw and send me the plan of the ... of which I spoke to the king, my lord, and I will plant the saplings according to it.



    45 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ sza _kur_(*) at#-ta-har _lu_(v)-_mah_-_mesz kur_-mu-s,ur#-a-a _kur_-ha-za-ta-a-a _kur_-ia-u-du-a-a _kur_-ma-'a-ba-a-a _kur_-ba-an—am-ma-na-a-a _ud 12_-_kam_ ina _uru_-kal-hi e-tar-bu-u-ni ma-da-na-te#-szu-nu ina _szu-2_-szu-nu 24# _ansze-kur-ra#_-_mesz_ sza _kur_-ha-za-ta#-a-a ina _szu-2_-szu _kur_-u#-du-mu#-a-a _kur_-[sa-du(?)]-da-a-a _kur_-an-qar-ru-na#-a-a [x x x]+x#

    [x x x x] _lu_(v)-_mah#_ [_kur_]-qu#-a-a [x x x] x x# u-s,a-a [a-na] _uru#_-zab-ban il-la-ka

    AI Translation

    I received 45 horses from the land. The emissaries of Egypt, Gaza, Judah, Moab, and Ban-Amman entered Calah on the 12th and gave their tribute to them. The 24 horses of Gaza are in his charge. The Udumu, Sadudu, and Anqarrunu .

    NN, a emissary of Que, has come ... and is going to Zabban.


    I have received 45 horses of the palace. The emissaries from Egypt, Gaza, Judah, Moab and Ammon entered Calah on the 12th with their tribute. The 24 horses of the king of Gaza are with him. The Edomite, Ashdodite and Ekronite .......

    The emissary from Que ...... is departing and going ... the Bow River; the ... of the Commander-in-Chief is with him.

    P224488: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    (m)x x x#+[x x x x]

    it-tal-ka# [i—su-ri _lugal_ be-li] i-qab-bi ma-[a x x x]

    a-na(*) e-gir-a#-[te x x x]

    ra-qu bi#-szu-nu# [x x]

    ina _ugu ansze#-kur-ra_-[_mesz_ x x]

    ina ta-hu(?)#-[u-me] sza(?) _kur_(?)#-[x x]

    ina _uru#_-[x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x]

    a-na(?)-ku(?)# [x]+x# [x x]+x# [x x x]

    pa-an x x#+[x x x x x] a-da(?)-gal bi(?)#-[x i—su-ri _lugal en_(?)] i-qab-bi ma#-[a x x x x] [x x]+x x x# [x x x x x] [x x x x]+x# [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    NN ......

    Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: ".

    to the letters .

    their ...,

    Concerning the horses .

    on the border of .

    in the city .

    I ......

    I have been waiting for ...; perhaps the king, my lord, will say: ".


    NN ......

    has come .... Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "...

    to letters ......

    are empty ... ...

    concerning the horses ...

    on the border of ...

    in the city of ......

    I ......

    I am waiting for ...... ... ....... Perhaps the king, my lord, will say: "......



    _lu_(v)#-A—_kin#_ [x x x x x]

    ki-la-li# [x x x x x]

    i-du-ku u(?)# [x x x x]

    u-sa#-al-bi(?)# [x x x]

    ma-a la _lu_(v)-_kalag_(?)-a-a# [sza] _udu_-_mesz_-e#-a ih-bu-[tu-ni] ma-a _uru_-ar-za-a-[a o(?)] ih-ta-ba(?)#-[tu-szu-nu] _lugal_ be-li u-[da ki-i] a-di _lu_(v)-e-s,a#-[di x x] la aq-ru-u-[ni x x x]

    AI Translation

    the messenger .

    the rations .

    they killed and .

    I have gathered .

    "The mighty people who plunder my sheep have plundered the Arzâites." The king, my lord, knows that I did not give them to the eunuchs until now .


    the messenger and ......

    both ...

    killed ...

    surrounded ...

    saying: "They were not the people of Dannaya who plundered my sheep but the people of Arzâ plundered them." The king my lord knows that until I have called the harvesters, ....

    P224489: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)(d)_masz_—_en_—_pab_ lu#-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia#

    sza _lugal#_ be-li isz-pur-a-ni ma-a _gud_-_mesz_ sza É-_gal_ sza ina _igi_-ka ma#-a hi-s,i-in

    ia-u _gud_-_mesz_ pi-qi#-tu sza# É-_gal_ ma#-a'-du a#—dan-nisz ina _igi_-ia#

    [a]-ta#-na-har a-na _lugal en#_-ia mu-uk É#—U-_mesz_-ia la-szu

    _uru_-gi-il-gi-me-e _uru_-ku(?)#-na-né-e(?)# É#—U-_mesz_-ia#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-belu-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The oxen of the palace which are in your presence are good."

    There are many oxen, a quota of the palace, in my presence.

    I have been waiting for the king, my lord, saying: "There are no houses of mine."

    The cities Gilgimê and Kunanê, my fortified cities,


    To the king, my lord: your servant Inurta-belu-ushur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Take care of the oxen of the Palace in your charge!"

    The oxen of mine that were assigned to my charge by the Palace are very many.

    I have been petitioning to the king, my lord, telling him that I have no fodder store.

    The towns Gilgimê and Kunanê are/were my fodder stores, but Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur has ... taken their ... from the meadows and has ...ed the utensils in the towns Ilanasa and Urmu.



    [x x]+x#-bar u#-ma-a [_lugal_] be-li a-na# (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_man_—_pab_ [(m)]a-tar(?)#—id-ri# lisz#-pur : É—re-'e-e É#—U-_mesz_ ina _igi_-szu-nu _gud#_-_mesz_ sza _lugal en_-ia# li#-ih-s,i-nu

    an#-nu-te sza _lugal en_-ia# sza# ina _igi_-ia sza _lugal_-ma

    AI Translation

    Now, let the king, my lord, write to Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur and Atar-idri: let them bring the oxen of the king, my lord, into their presence.

    These are the king my lord's orders that I have sent to the king, my lord.


    Now let the king, my lord, write to Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur and Attar-idri. They have a shepherd's house and a fodder store at their disposal. Let them take care of the king my lord's oxen.

    These oxen are the king my lord's and the ones at my disposal are likewise the king my lord's.

    P224490: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x] _ansze-kur#_-[_ra_-_mesz_]

    [x x x] ina _ugu#_-hi [x x x] [(m)nu-pa]-ri(?)# ina É _lugal_ isz-pur-an#-[ni-ni] [ma-a] a#-lik ma-a pa-ri-s,u-te# [sza] É (m)nu-pa-ri li-mu#-tu

    [(m)x x]-ha-ia i-si-szu-nu [_lu_]-pa-ri-s,u szu-u [(m)nu]-pa-ri _usz_

    [x x] _szesz_-_mesz_-szu

    [x x x]+x# [x]+x#-u-ni

    [x x x x x] na#-szi

    AI Translation

    ...... horses

    Concerning ..., Nupari, in the king's house, wrote to me: "Go, let the guards of the house of Nupari be released."

    ...haya is with them. He is a scout. Nupari died.

    ... his brothers

    ...... we


    ...... horses ....

    Concerning the house of Nupari where the king sent me to, saying: "Go! Let the criminals of the house of Nupari die!"

    Now ...haya is with them; he is a criminal and Nupari is dead.

    ... his brothers

    ...... me

    ...... us ......



    szum-ma _lugal#_ i-qa-bi# x x# sza pa-ri-s,u-te

    nu-szal-lim : szu-uh ni-bu sza# _gisz-ur_ sza _lugal#_ isz-pur-an-ni# 02 me 26 _gisz-ur kalag_-_mesz_ sza# É _lugal 02_(?)# me 12(?)# a-na É—qa-ta-tu [x]-me#-10 a-na i-si-tu x#-me-39 _gisz-ur#_-_mesz_ [sza] É-_gal_ sza _uru_-[É-_gal_]-a-te#

    [_en_]-_nun_(?)# _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz kur_-x#+[x x x]+x-ia#

    [x]+x# É a-nu-tu sza# [x x x] [x]+x#-_mesz_ u-s,a-bi-[it]

    [x x] ina(?) É x x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    If the king so orders, ... of the scouts

    We have cleared away the reeds about which the king wrote to me: 226 large reeds of the king's house, 212 for the qatatu-house, x hundred and ten for the courtyard, and x hundred and 39 reeds of the palace of the city of Ekallate.

    Diary of the men of ...ia

    ... I took away the house and the ...s of .

    ... in the house .


    If the king so orders, we shall pay the ... of the criminals.

    As to the number of beams about which the king wrote to me; 226 heavy beams are for the royal palace, 212 for the storehouses, x+10 for the tower and 639 beams for the palace of Ekallate.

    The watch of the ... men

    ... I have seized the house, the equipment of ... and the ...s

    ... where ......

    P224491: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka (m)x#+[x x x] [lu-u _di_-mu a-na(?)] _lugal_(?)# [_en_]-ia(?)#

    _ta_(v) _ugu uru_ sza# _kur_-ma-za-mu#-[a-a] sza _lugal# en_ isz-pur-a-ni# ma-a ki(?) ma-s,i# _sze_(?)#-_numun_ ina _sza#_-bi

    x x x x _sze_(?)#-_numun_-szu-nu

    lu(?) x#+[x] hi [x] x ti(?) u(?)# ki-i sza# [_lugal_] be-li# [iq]-bu-u-ni#

    a-na _lu_(v)-_en_—_uru_(?)-_mesz#_ x x x _lu_(v) x# [x]+x# [x] [x]+x x x x# [x]+x x#+[x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the city of the Mazamuans about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "When the seed grain is there, I shall bring it here."

    ...... their seed

    ... and as the king, my lord, commanded

    to the city-lords .


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the city of the Mazamuans about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "How much seed-corn is there?"

    - their seed-corn ...

    ...... as the king, my lord, commanded

    to the city-lords



    [x x x x]+x# szu-nu

    [x x x x]+x# ina(?) _sza_(?)#

    [x x] ta#-hu-mu

    x#+[x x] e-ka-la# tal-mid x x x _uru#_ an-ni#-u sza# _kur_-ma-za-mu-a-a# u-sze-lu#-u-ni#

    ina x ri# szi [x]

    x x x#-ma tal-mid

    x# ka-a x ka(?)#

    _uru_ sza# [_kur_]-ma-za-mu-a-a# ina x x x# be x#+[x] x x x# [x x x] nu

    AI Translation

    ...... they

    ...... there

    ... border

    ...... you will be able to go out. This city which the Mazamuans have brought in

    in ... ...

    ... and you will come

    The city of Mazamua in .


    ... their ...

    ...... in

    ... border

    eat ..., the apprentices .... They boost this city of the Mazamuans.


    ... apprentices

    Where is your ...?

    The city of the Mazamuans

    P224492: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a]-na# _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)qur-di—asz-szur lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia

    _lu-a_—_kin_ sza (m)(d)a-a—nu-ri# _kur_-da-ab-i-na(!)-a-a (m)e-za-zu _mu_-szu ka-ni-ku i-na _szu-2_-szu a-na É-_gal_ u-ba-la dib-bi sza i-na _sza_ ka-ni-ki-szu i-na _ugu uru_-ma-'a-ba-a-a szu-nu sza _kur_-gi-di-ra-a-a a-na _kur_-ma-'a-ba#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The messenger of Aya-nuri of the land Dabina and Ezazu, who are bringing his kakku-skills into the palace, are the words which are in his kakku-skills on the land Moab. The Gidianeans are going to Moab.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Qurdi-Ashur. Good health to the king, my lord!

    A messenger of the Dibonite Aya-nuri, his name is Ezazu, is bringing a sealed document to the Palace. The words in the sealed document of his concern the Moabites. It is about the fact that the Qedarites went straight away to Moab and defeated it.



    u-ma-a an-nu-rig i-na _szu-2 lu-a_—_kin#_-ia ap-ti-qi-su a-na É-_gal_ u-ba-la-szu i-na _ud 27_-_kam_ sza _iti-ziz_ u#-s,u-ni

    AI Translation

    Now then I have appointed him to the Palace and he will come back on the 27th of Shebat XI.


    Now then I have entrusted him in the hands of my messenger. He will bring him to the Palace. They will leave on the 27th of Shebat XI.

    P224493: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal_ be-li#-ia [_arad_]-ka# (m)su#-la-a-a lu# [_di_]-mu a-na _en#_-ia

    (m)(d)_utu_—_pab lu_(v)#-02-u sza (m)asz-szur—rém-an-ni# [ina] _igi#_-ia i-tal-ka ma#-[a] 03 _uru_-_mesz_-ni _uru_-ta#-ku _uru_-lu-lu-ba(?)#-ni _uru_-mi-la-[a(?)] ma-a _lugal#_ i-ta-an-[na] ma#-a _un_-_mesz_-ka sze-s,i-i-a _un_-_mesz_-ia

    lu-sze-ri-bi la a-ma-gur _uru_-_mesz_-ni la a-da-an nu-ku a-di(*) _lu_(v)(?)-A—_kin lugal#_ a-mar-u-ni _uru#_-_mesz_-ni u-ra-Asz

    _lugal_ u-da _kur_-pi-ri#-ia-a la É—har-bi szu-u A-_mesz_ ina _sza_ dan-nu É#—re-'i-i szu-u _szah_ a-a-li# ina _sza_-bi dan-nu _sze-numun#_-[_mesz_] am(?)—mar# a-ra-szi [x x x] [x x x]+x x x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Sulaya. Good health to my lord!

    Shamash-nashir, the deputy of Ashur-remanni, came to me saying: "The king has given me three towns, Taku, Lulubani and Malâ, and I have brought your people, my people, to you."

    I will not give the towns back to him, until the king's messenger sees it, and I will rebuild the towns.

    The king knows that the people of Piria are not in the harbû-house. He is in the 'strength' of the 'house of the reed-bed', he is in the 'strength' of the 'house of the reed-bed', he is in the 'strength' of the 'house of the reed-bed', and he is cultivating all the seed corn .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Sulaya. Good health to my lord!

    Shamash-nashir, the deputy of Ashur-remanni has come to me, saying: "The king has given me the towns of Taku, Lulubani and Mila. Bring out your people so that I can bring my people in."

    I refused to give up the towns, saying: "Until I see the king's messenger, I will cultivate the towns."

    The king knows that Pirriya is not a subsoil-plough household; water is hard there. It is a shepherding household: pigs and deers are strong there. All the arable fields that can be cultivated there ...



    [_ansze-kur_]-_ra#_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x]

    [(x) x]+x#-ni ina _sza_(?)# [x]+x# [x x]

    x _kin_(?)#-_mesz_ a-x#+[x x]+x x#

    _kur_-hat(*)-ti-ma# [ina] lib-bi# [o(?)] _sze_-ki-su-tu e-ku-lu4

    ina _kur_-pi-ri-ia-a _sze-pad_ at-ta-na#-ra-Asz _uru_-_mesz_-ni# an-nu-ti ina _ugu uru_-_mesz#_-ni-szu la qur-bu _uru_-_mesz_-ni sza# (m)ha-Asz-da-at sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-ar-pad-da# ina bi-rit-usz-szu-nu# pa-ar-ku

    szum-mu _uru#_-_mesz_-ni i-ti-szi 01 lim _sze-numun#_ [ina] _sza#_-bi a-ta-ra-Asz le-s,i#-[di] _u# ansze-kur-ra_ sza _gisz_-ni(?)-ri# le-ku-lu4 a-na-ku ki(?)-s,ir(?)# _ansze-kur-ra_ sza ina pa-ni-ia# a-a-e-szA lu#-bi-il

    AI Translation

    horses ...

    ... in ...

    ... messengers .

    The land Hatti has been deprived of grain.

    I have been collecting barley in the Piriaeans. These towns are not confined to his towns. The towns of Hashdat and the governor of Arpad are divided among them.

    If the towns have taken up residence there, I shall cultivate 1,000 homers of seed there, and I shall harvest the horses of the grove. I shall take the field of the horses which are in my charge.


    horses ...

    ...... there ......


    the land of Hatti ... they eat fodder there.

    I am cultivating barley in Pirriya. These towns are not pertinent to his towns. The towns of Hashdat and the governor of Arpad block the access between them.

    If he takes the towns and I have cultivated 1,000 homers of cornfield there, should he harvest it? Moreover, should he enjoy my yoke horses? Where should I bring the unit of horses in my command?

    P224494: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x x] _ka#-dingir-ra-ki_ [x x]

    [x x x x x (m)](d)_amar-utu_—A—_asz_ ma-a x#+[x x x]

    [x x x x a]—dan#-nisz a-kan-ni-i : ni-iq-t,i-ba-Asz-szu# [mu-uk x x] _ta#_ É (m)sa-la-me _sze-pad_-_mesz_ [x x x x x]+x#-ni lisz-szi-u la i-ma-gur [x x ina É (m)sa]-la#-me la (i)-szap-par ma-a

    [x x x x x x] sza _lu_(v)-li-i'-ta-mu

    [x x x x x] _uru#_-pa-ti-bi-ri

    [x x x x x x x]-szu u-ri

    [x x x x x x] it#-ta-lak

    [x x x x x x _lu_(v)-li]-i'#-ta-mu

    AI Translation

    ...... Babylon .

    ...... Merodach-Baladan, saying: ".

    We told him: "Let ... be brought out of the house of Salamu ... barley, but he will not accept it." He says he will not send ... to the house of Salamu.

    ...... of the Li'tamu

    ...... Patibiri

    ...... his ...

    ...... went

    ...... the Li'tamu


    ...... Babylon ...

    ...... Merodach-baladan, saying: "...

    ... very .... We said to him as follows: "Let ... come and take barley rations from the household of Salamu." But he refuses to send ... to the household of Salamu, saying: "

    ...... of the Li'tamu

    ...... the town of Patibiri

    ...... roofs

    ...... went

    ...... the Li'tamu



    [x x x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-a-ru-mu

    [x x x x x x x x]+x# _a-sza_

    [x x x x x x x x]-szu-u-ni

    AI Translation

    ...... the Arabs

    ...... field

    ...... him


    ...... the Arameans

    ...... field

    ...... him



    [x x x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-ha-ga-ra-a-nu

    [x x x x x x x] szi is,-s,ab-tu

    [x x x x x] sza# _uru_-qar-ra-di

    [x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_nigir_-_mesz_-te-szu-nu a-na pa-ni-ia [it-tal-ku-u-ni] lib#-bu(*) u-sa-Asz-ki-in-szu-nu [mu-uk] la ta#-pal-lah mu-uk s,i-a-ni

    [x x x x]+x#-pi ina _sza_-bi _uru_-_mesz_-ku-nu szi-ba [mu-uk _dumu_(?)]-_mesz#_-ku-nu i-si-ni lil(*)-li-ku

    [ma-a _lu_(v)-_erim_]-_mesz#_—_man_-ni : nu-sza-as,-bi-it# [x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... the hagaranu

    ...... seized

    ...... of Qarradi

    ...... their heralds came to me, and I have encouraged them: "You should not be afraid, you should be sated."

    ...... are in your towns, saying: "Let your sons go with us."

    "We shall send the king's men .


    ...... the Hagaranu

    ...... they seized

    ...... of the town Qarradi

    ...... their heralds came to me. I encouraged them: "Fear not, come out!

    ...... stay yourself in your towns and let your sons go with us!"

    They replied: "Let us equip the king's men ......

    P224495: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a]-na(*)# _lu_(v)-_en_-[_nam pab_-ia] [_pab_]-ka# (m)_en_—_su_(?)# [lu-u] _di_-mu a-na _pab_-ia#

    [(m)](d)_pa_—_kar_-ir-an-ni _lu_-sza#—_en-nun_(!) [(m)]15—_mu_—_kam lu_(v)-rak#-su sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—u-rat u-ru-u sza _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz kur_(*)-mu-s,ur-a-a ina _ugu_-hi#-ia na-s,a ma-a a#-bat _lugal_ szi-i ma-a _ansze-kur-ra_ ina _uru_-x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the governor, my brother: your brother Bel-eriba. Good health to my brother!

    Nabû-etiranni, the guard, and Issar-shumu-eresh, the recruit of the team commander, have brought the horses of the Egyptians to me, saying: "It is the king's order: ... the horses in .


    To the governor, my brother: your brother Bel-eriba. Good health to my brother!

    The guard Nabû-etiranni and Issar-shumu-eresh, a recruit of the team commander, brought me a team of Egyptian horses, saying: "This is a royal order: 'Bring the horses into the city of ......



    [x] ina _kur_(?) [x x x x]

    szum#-ma a-bat _lugal#_ szi#-i _pab_-u-a lisz#-pu-ra u#-ru-u la-hur-ru

    AI Translation

    ... in the land .

    If it is the king's word, let my brother write me, and I will return to the king's presence.


    ... in the land of ....

    If it is a royal order, let my brother send word that I may receive the team.

    P224496: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na] _lugal#_ be-li-ia# [_arad_-ka (m)](d)_pa_—_en#_—[_gin_-in] [lu] _di#_-mu a-na _lugal en#_-[ia] a—dan#-nisz a—dan-[nisz]

    an-nu-rig _lu_(v)-_mah_-_mesz_-ni sza _kur#_-[x x x] _ta_(v) (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_sum#_-na il#-la-ku-u#-[ni] 01 u-ru-u sza _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz# 01_-et u#-ru-u sza _ansze_-ku-din-_mesz_ gab-bi-szu sza(?)# szu-nu ina _ugu_-hi-ia(?)# [na-s,u-ni]

    ina _ugu lu_(v)-_arad_—É-_gal_ ana-ku ki-i an#-[ni-i] aq-t,i-ba-szu-nu mu-uk _a-sza#_ [x x x] _en_—ta-hu-me-ku-nu mu-uk [x x x x] sza(?)# bat-te-bat-te-ku-nu x#+[x x x x]

    mu-uk# a-ki-i _lu_(v)#-_sag_ gi-x#+[x x x x] i-si-ia la-a ke#-nu-u#-[ni i-mut-tu] mu-uk szum(?)-ma(?)# e-tam-ru-ma# la-a i#-[qab-bi-u i-mut-tu-ma] mu-uk# [ana]-ku# a-se-me ma-a i-ba-[Asz-szi] _lu_(v)-_arad_—É-_gal#_-_mesz_ ina É#—_dingir gud_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x x]

    mu-uk# i—su-ri szu#-nu-ma x#+[x x x]

    [x x x]+x x x# la-a [x x x] [x x x x] x x x# ki [x x x] [x x x x]+x x x x x# [x x x] [x x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    Now then the emissaries of ... are coming with Marduk-iddina; they have brought to me one team of horses and one team of mules.

    As to the palace servant, I said to them as follows: "The field ... your enemy, the ... which you are occupying .

    "The eunuch ... is not faithful with me, he has sworn by the name of the king. If he sees it and does not swear it, he has sworn by the name of the king. I have heard that there are king's servants in the temple, oxen .

    Perhaps they .

    ... not ...


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-belu-ka''in. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    The emissaries of GN are now coming with Marduk-iddina; one team of horses and one team of mules is all they have brought to me.

    I spoke to them as follows about the palace servant: "The field ...... your neighbour ... the ... around you is ...."

    "When a eunuch or a ... are not loyal with me, they will die. If they see disloyalty but do not tell me, they will die as well. I have heard that indeed ... palace servants have ... oxen in a temple."

    "Perhaps they are ......

    ... ... not ...



    [x x x x x] _uru_-_mesz_-ni [x x x x x]

    [x x x x] an-nu#-u-te u-x#+[x x x x]

    la-a u-s,i#-u-ma il-ka-szu-nu# [la il-li-ku] _ansze#-kur-ra_-_mesz ta_(v) _sza uru_-_mesz_-ni sza# [_kur_ la na-s,u-ni]

    x# _ta_(v) _sza_ kar#-me a-ha-isz ni#-[x x]+x# [x]+x x#

    _lugal_ be-li u-da bat-qi(?) a-x# [x x]+x-qi(?)-te(?)# gab-bu ha-pi# an-nu-te _uru_-_mesz_-ni sza _kur#_-e am—mar# szal-mu-u-ni an-nu-te-ma la a-mur# a-na-ku-ma il-ku ina# [u-de-e]-ia# al-lak

    ma-da-tu gab-bu x# an [x x x] x x x ku(?)#

    _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ ina _ugu_-hi-ia ik-tar-ru-ni#

    u-ma-a# an-nu-te _uru_-_mesz_-ni i-la-ak#-szu-nu# it-ta-s,u ana-ku _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz ansze_-ku-din-_mesz#_

    a-laq-qi szum-ma _uru_-_mesz_-ni i-la-ak-szu-nu na-s,u# _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz ta_(v) _ugu_-hi-ia lisz-szi-u#

    [szu]-nu#-ma lil-qi-u _nam_(?) É(?) _kur#_-_mesz_-ni(?)# [a-na] _lugal# en_-ia u-qar-ri-[bu]-ni x# [x] x x#-szu-nu

    [x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_gar_-_mesz_-te ki(?)#-[i] _sza_ x# [x x x]+x#

    [x x x x] _il_ x _lugal#_ [be]-li# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... towns .

    ... these ...

    They have not come out and come. They have not brought the horses from the towns of the country.

    ... from the quay we ... together

    The king, my lord, knows that all the ...s are ...s. These are the towns of the mountain, all of them intact. I have not seen them. I am going to kill them. I shall go and kill them.

    all the tribute .

    They have imposed horses upon me.

    Now these towns are going to be seized. I have seized the horses and mules.

    If they go, let them take the towns and bring horses to me.

    They should be appointed governors of the houses of the mountains and give them to the king, my lord.

    ... the prefects ... as .

    ...... the king, my lord .


    ...... the towns ......

    these ......

    have not come out to perform their state service and have not brought horses from the towns of the country.

    ... we ... one another from the granary ....

    The king, my lord, knows that ...... the entire ... is shattered. These towns in the mountains, all that are intact, these I have not seen. I alone am performing the state service.

    The whole tribute ...... ......

    they dumped the horses upon me.

    Now these towns have been lifted of their state service, and I have to buy the horses and mules.

    If the state service of the towns has been removed, then let them take the obligation to provide horses away from me and let them = the towns buy them.

    The province where I have procured horses for the king, my lord, ...... them

    ... the prefects ... as they wish

    and take horses ... the king, my lord, ......



    [x x x _lugal_] be-li [o] u-da(?)# [x x x]

    [x x x] _kur#_-É—ha-ban x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... the king, my lord, knows .

    ... Bit-Hamban .


    ... the king, my lord, knows that ...

    ...... Bit-Hamban ...



    [x x x x x x]+x#-ba-si-tu sza hab-ba-tu-u-ni# [x x x x]

    [x x _lu_(v)-_sag_(?)] sza# _lugal_ lil-li-ka _uru#_-_mesz_-ni [le-mur]

    [u-la-a(?) _lugal_] be(?)#-li am—mar szal-mu-u-ni le-mur [o(?)]

    AI Translation

    ...... the ...s that are seized .

    Let the king's eunuch come and see our towns.

    Or should the king, my lord, see all that is good?


    ...... which was plundered ...

    ... let a royal eunuch come and inspect the towns.

    Otherwise let the king, my lord himself inspect all the safe towns.

    P224497: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lu_(v)-_a-ba_—É-_gal en#_-[ia] _arad_-ka (m)na-hi-szi _lu_(v)(?)#-[x x]

    25 _udu_-_mesz_ a-na (m)(d)_amar-utu_—A—_mu#_ a-ti-din ina _ud_-me 07 u-se-s,i-szu

    na-ma-da-ti sza _gisz-ig_-_mesz_ u-s,ab-bi-ti a-na be-li-ia

    u-se-bi-la ina _ugu_ É—_sa-hi-a_-_me_ sza be-li isz-pur-ra-ni ma-a ki-i szA tal-tu-ku-ni i-ta-nu-ni-ka-a _sa-hi-a_ sza _uru_-di-gi-ri-na a-na-ku u-se-rib bé-et al-tu-ku-ni a-di-nu-ni a-ki-i al-la-ka-ni a-na be-li-ia a-qa-bi

    e-gir-tu szA ina _ugu lu_(v)-_igi-dub_ be-li isz-pur-ra-ni ina _ugu_ kaq-qi-ri ($x$) sza i#—ni-du-ni

    AI Translation

    To the palace scribe, my lord: your servant Nahishi, the .

    I gave 25 sheep to Marduk-aplu-iddina. On the 7th day I brought him out.

    I have sent to my lord the gifts which I have taken from the doors.

    Concerning the rations about which my lord wrote to me: "When you have brought them back, I have brought back the rations of Digirina," about which I have brought them back, and when I come, I shall tell my lord what I have brought back.

    The letter which my lord sent to the treasurer is concerning the area that we have surveyed.


    To the palace scribe, my lord: your servant Nahishi, the ....

    I have given 25 sheep to Merodach-baladan and brought him out on the 7th day.

    I have fixed the measurements of the doors and am herewith sending them to my lord.

    Concerning the box of sinews about which my lord wrote to me: "Did they give it to you as you had tested?" – I have brought in the sinews of Digirina. When I come, I will tell my lord what I have tested and sold.

    As to the letter which my lord sent to the treasurer regarding the plot of land at our side, he gave it to us, saying: "In view of your good name, the bought men may dwell there."



    e-gir-tu sza ina _ugu lu_(v)-sza—_ugu_—_uru_ be-li u-sze-bi-la-ni _lu_(v)-sza—_ugu_—_uru_ ina _kur_—asz-szur i-tal#-ka be-li i-si-szu li-di-bu-ub

    ina _ugu_ ri-s,ip-ti sza be-li isz-pur-ni ma-a _ta_ u-ni-ni ri-s,ip-tu ri-s,i-bi sza la u-ni-né-e ri-s,ip-tu a-ra-s,i-bi 30 ti-ik-pi ak-ta-ra-Ar _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_-ma e-ta-mur ma-a s,i-in-da ra-me-a

    AI Translation

    The letter which my lord sent to the city overseer, the city overseer has come to Assyria, and my lord should speak with him.

    Concerning the reeds about which my lord wrote to me: "From the reeds, the reeds, the reeds, the reeds, the reeds, the reeds, I have reeds, 30 layers of brick I have gathered and have seen the treasurer; the reeds are very thick."


    As to the letter which my lord sent to me concerning the mayor, he has gone to Assyria, so my lord can speak with him in person.

    Concerning the revetment of which my lord wrote to me: "Construct it from the materials in the trunk" – would I construct a revetment without a trunk?! I have laid 30 courses of bricks. The treasurer, however, has seen it, and is saying: "Patch it up and leave it; it is too much work."

    P224498: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia _arad_-ka (m)_iti#-kin_-a-a lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li#-ia a—dan-nisz _di_-mu a-na _kur_—asz-szur _di_-mu a-na É-_kur_-_mesz di_-mu a-na _hal-s_,U-_mesz_ sza _lugal_ gab-bu _sza_-bu sza _lugal_ be-li-ia a—dan-nisz lu _dug-ga_

    36 ma-qar-ra-a-ti sza ku-pe-e a-na-ku _szu-2_-a-a ina _ugu# id_ at-tu-rid ina pa-ni-ia ih-tasz#-lu e-ta-as-pu ina _szu-2_ (m)_suhusz_—_u-gur lu_(v)-qur-bu-ti a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia u-se-bi-la

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ululayu. The best of health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

    36 scouts of kupean wool I took in my hands and sat in my presence. I have sent the bodyguard Ubru-Nergal to the king, my lord.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ululayu. The best of health to the king, my lord! Assyria is well, the temples are well, all the king's forts are well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.

    36 bales of reed – I personally went down to the river bank, and they crushed and collected it in my presence. I am now sending it to the king, my lord, with the royal bodyguard Ubru-Nergal.

    P224499: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [lu]-sze#-bi-lu# [_lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_ o(?)]

    sza# (m)_gisz-mi_—_en_ [x x x x] a#-na _lu-a-ba_ (m)a#-[szi-pa-a] _gisz_-szad-du i-sap-ru#-[nisz-szu]

    _lu_(v)-um-ma-ni _arad_-_mesz_-ni#-[szu _gisz_-sad-du] sza (m)_gisz-mi_—_en_ isz-pa#-[ru-ni _ta_(v)] _lu#-a-ba_ ik-ta-[an-ku]

    AI Translation

    Let them send the servants.

    of Shil-Bel ... to the scribe Ashipâ sent him a beam.

    The scholars, servants of his, have cut down the saddu-wood which Shil-Bel sent to me, and they have deposited it with the scribe.


    Let them dispatch ...

    The servants of Shil-Bel ... sent a chest to the scribe of Ashipâ.

    The experts serving him sealed the chest which Shil-Bel had sent with the scribe and ... an order ...



    ga#-li-[ti x x x x x]

    [x]+x x ta(?) x# [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    the sceptre .

    ... from ...


    the deportees ......

    ...... ...



    re#-hu-ti [sza x x x x x]

    ih-tal-qu [x x x x x x]

    _un_-_mesz#_-szu-nu a-na(?)# [x x x x x]

    i-ta-at-ku x#+[x x x x] _lugal_ lu#-sze-bi-la# [x x x] [x]+x x#+[x x]+x# [x x]+x x#+[x x x]

    AI Translation

    the rest of .

    went away .

    their people to .

    ... they have sinned ... Let the king send .


    the rest of the people who ...

    disappeared ......

    their people went away to their ....

    The king should send ......

    P224500: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)_bad#_—(d)asz-szur lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia a—dan-nisz a—dan-nisz

    sza _lugal_ be-li isz-pur-a-ni ma-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—É-ka lil#-li-ka a-nu-ri-ig [_lu_(v)]-_erim#_-_mesz_-ia am—mar# i-ba-szu-ni u-szA-as,-bat et-ti-qu-ni i-la-ku-u-ni

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Ashur. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let your major-domo come!" — I have returned and settled all my men, who have come and gone.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Ashur. The very best of health to the king, my lord!

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Let your major-domo come" – right now, he is provisioning all my men, who are there, and they will then come quickly.

    P224501: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [a]-na# _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)asz-[szur—_kur_]-ka—pa-hi-ir lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-a

    _ta_(v) _ugu a-sza_-_mesz_ sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-gu-za-na i-pu-gu-ni sza _lugal en_ isz-pur-an-ni ma-a _a-sza_-_mesz_ ina pa-ni-te-e la-qi-u x x# [x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-matka-pahir. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the fields which the governor of Guzana cultivated, about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "The fields are purchased in the future .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-matka-pahhir. Good health to the king, my lord!

    Concerning the fields which the governor of Guzana appropriated and about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Had the fields previously been purchased?"

    P224502: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _lugal en_-ia# _arad_-ka# (m)_bad#_—asz-szur#

    [lu _di_]-mu a-na# [_lugal_] _en_-ia# [a]—dan-nisz# _di#_-[mu a-na] _uru#_-[bi]-rat(*)# sza _lugal# en_-ia# [a—dan]-nisz# [a]—dan(?)-nisz(?)#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Ashur.

    The forts of the king, my lord, are very well. The king, my lord, can be glad indeed.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Duri-Ashur.

    The best of health to the king, my lord! The forts of the king, my lord, are very, very well.



    _sza lugal en#_-[ia] lu#-u [_dug_]-_ga#_

    AI Translation

    The king, my lord, can be glad.


    The king, my lord, can be glad.

    P224503: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    x x x x# [sza _lugal_ be-li] isz-pu-ra#-ni [ma-a(?) x x x] x-_mesz#_ u-x x#+[x x x x]

    la-szu ina _sza_ la u-x#+[x] x#+[x x]

    ina _ugu lu-nigir# tur_ sza _lugal# en_ iq-bu-u-ni ma-an-ni# lu-ba-i _ansze_(?) ma(?) da(?)# [x x x]

    (m)_lu lu_(?)# (m)(d)_masz_—x#+[x x x x]

    02(?) x x-_mesz_ x#+[x x x x x] [x x]+x# [x x]+x# [x x x x] [x]+x x#+[x x x x x x x] [x x]+x# [x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: ".

    He does not ... there .

    Concerning the young herald about whom the king, my lord, said: "Why should he ... a donkey?" —

    Amelu, Inurta-..., .

    2 ...s ......


    ...... as to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "...... ...s."

    ... certainly not ... there.

    Concerning the herald and his apprentice about whom the king, my lord, commanded, who should be held accountable for ... ...?

    Ameli, Inurta-...

    two ...s ......



    _lu_(v)#-_sag_-_mesz_ sza pa-x#+[x x] ina _sza lugal#_ lisz-pur lu-bi-[lu-ni]

    (m)_en_—_apin_(?)# u (m)x—asz(?)#-szur x# [x] _lu_(v)-A—_kin_ sza ina _ugu_ x#+[x x]

    Asz-pa-ru-ni ina _ugu_(?)-hi x x x# sza (m)_igi#-lal_—asz-szur x x x x# iq-bu-u-ni 32 x# [x]-_mesz_ a#-ta-mar am-mu-ti x#+[x x]-ti

    (m)(d)_ag_—ki#-la-ni _lu#_-[x x x] sza# (m)mu-_di_—asz-szur# [o(?)] i x# [x x]

    x x x x# _mesz_ sza# [x x x]

    [a-na] am(?)-me#-ni 20 [x x x]

    AI Translation

    Let the king send the eunuchs of ... to me, and let them bring them.

    Bel-eresh and ...-Ashur, the messenger who .

    Concerning the ... about which Pan-Ashur ... spoke, I have seen 32 ...s. The ...s

    Nabû-killanni, ... of Mushallim-Ashur .

    ......s of ...

    Why 20 ...


    The king should send word that the eunuchs who ...... be brought there.

    Bel-eresh and ...-Ashur ... are the messengers whom I send to ....

    As to ... about which/whom Atamar-Ashur ... told. I have inspected 32 ...s; those are ....

    Nabû-killanni the ... official of Mushallim-Ashur ...

    ......s of ...

    Why 20 ...?



    szA# ina _sza uru_-x x x x x x# [x x x]

    ta-hu-mu ta-lak# kal [x x x]

    AI Translation

    which in the town .

    you go to the border .


    who in the town of ......

    you go to the border, .......

    P224578: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-ia [...] (d)u-gur [...]-le#-ia [...]-nu#-in-ni [...]-kit-ma [...]-szu2# ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ [...]-i#-gasz ek-s,u _[...]-za#_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _[...]-na_ t,a-'a-a-tu2 im-hur [...] _lugal#_-ti-ia _[...]-nu11#-mu-gi-na_ [...] il#-lik-am-ma [...] _erin2-hi-a_-ia [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u [...]-u2# isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia [...]-szu2# ib-bal-ki-tu-ma [...]-bu# _en hul_-ti-ia [...] _ARAD#_-su sza si-hu [...] u2#-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 [...]-ma#(ki#)

    AI Translation

    ... my ... the god Nergal ... my ... ... ... ... ... ... with weapons ... ... ... Elam ... ... ... he received favor from ... my kingship ... ...-numugina ... he came and ... my troops ... the goddess Ishtar ... he smote ... he heard the mention of my scepter ... he rebelled and ... my adversary ... his servant who was a fugitive ... he sat on his throne .

    Column 2'


    ma-la# it-ti-szu2# szak#-nu# [...] mul-tah-t,u ul u2#-[...] lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu2 a-qar-tu [...] hi-szih-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 ma#-[...] (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _gal-mesz_-szu2 [...] u3 _ug3-mesz_ li-bit _e2-gal_-szu2 [...] _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di ru-kub# [...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-[...] _ug3-mesz_ zi-kir u sin-nisz# [...] sza la-pa-an mit-hu-s,i# [...] di-'u szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz_ u3 ne2-eb-[...] ik-szu-da _szu-(min)_-a-a asz2-lu-la [...] _ug3-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i an-nu kab-tu [...]

    bu-un-na-an-ni-szu2-nu at-bal _kusz-mesz#-[...]_ u2-nak-ki-sa _uzu-[...]_ (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza2 _egir_ (disz)tam-[...] u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-[...]_ da-na-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia e#-[x x] sza2# ul#-tu# re#-e#-szi# u2#-szam#-ri#-ru# [...]

    AI Translation

    As many as were placed with him ... he did not ... ... ... ... ... ... the sacrificial sheep of his palace ... his great female slaves ... and the people who ascended his palace ... chariots, a shaddû-pole, a chariot-pole, ... horses, ..., people, holy and sinni ... who before the battle ... a battle, a defeat, plague, and famine ... I carried off. I carried off ... the people, the lord of this slander .

    I seized their ..., ..., and cut off their flesh. Indabibi, who ... after Tam..., sat on the throne ..., the might of my weapons, ..., who from the beginning had made great .

    P224586: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka (m)x x x x x] lu# [szul-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia]

    szul-mu a-na# [_kur_ sza _lugal_] szul-mu a-na _uru#_-[_hal-s_,U-_mesz_] ina _ugu_ t,e-e-me sza(*)# [_kur-uri_-a-a]

    sza _lugal_ be-li isz#-[pur-an-ni] ma-a t,e-mu har-s,u# [szup-ra]

    _kur_-gi-mir#-[a-a x x x] ma(?)#-[a x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The land of the king is well; the forts are well. The Urartian is well.

    As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Send me a detailed report!" —

    the Cimmerians .


    To the king, my lord: your servant NN. Good health to the king, my lord!

    The land of the king is well and the forts are well.

    As to the news of the Urartian about which the king, my lord, wrote me: "Send me a detailed report!" —

    the Cimmerians ......



    [x x x x] sza (m)a-ra#-[x x x]

    [x x] mah#-ru x#+[x x x x]

    ni(?)#-ma-ag(?)-gu-ru né-er-rab(?)# [x x]

    _kur_-gi-mir-a-a ina _ugu_-hi i#-[x x] ina _sza kur_-u-s,u-na-li [ma-dak-tu] i#-sa-kan t,e-e-mu [la ah-ru-us,] _ta_(v) _kur_-hu-ub-busz-a-[a x x] _ugu_ (m)ur-za-na a-[sap-ra]

    nu-uk t,e-e#-[mu sza x x] hur-s,a [x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... of Aramu .

    ... before ...

    We will bring in ... and .

    The Cimmerians ... against it. They have set up camp in Ushunalu. I did not receive a report from Hubushkia, but wrote to Urzana.

    "A report of ... mountains .


    ... of Ara ...

    ... were received ...

    ....... ...

    The Cimmerian king has ...ed on it and pitched his camp in Ushunali; I do not have a full report yet. ... with the Hubushkian.

    I have written to Urzana: "Send a detailed report on ..."



    [x x x x x x] di# la-a a-szA-me [mi-i-nu]

    [sza _lugal_ be-li i-qa-bu-ni] li#-isz-pa-ru-u-ni [o]

    AI Translation

    ...... I do not hear anything

    Let them write me what the king, my lord, commands.


    I have not yet heard .......

    Let them write me what the king my lord's orders are.

    P224587: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)asz-szur#—ba-ni lu _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia

    [ina] _ugu#_ É—tu-'i-in-te [sza ki]-sa-al-li É—ra-ma-ki [sza] _lugal#_ be-li isz-pur-an-ni [ma-a] ka#-ri-in-tu-u szi-i [x x x x] ka-ri#-in-tu ra-s,ip

    [ga-am-mur ka]-ri#-in-tu-ma [x x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x x]-ru#-u-ni [x x x x x x x x x]-kis#

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-bani. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the 'chamber' of the courtyard of the ramaku-house about which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Is it a karibtu-house?" — ... aribtu-house .

    You ... the karibtu-flour and .


    To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-bani. Good health to the king, my lord!

    As to the double-door house of the courtyard of the bath, of which the king, my lord, wrote to me: "Is the karintu ...?"

    The karintu has been completely built, but the karintu ......

    P224589: royal-ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [i-na] tar#-s,i (m)_lugal_—_gi-na man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ [i-na] li#-me (m)(d)_innin_—_bad lu-gar-kur uru_-arrap-ha [_ud 20_-_kam_] _ki#-tusz_ szA _na4-ad-bar_ sza _ki-ta_ (d)nam-ri _urudu_ ina É—(d)a-szur u-se-ri-bu [ki-i] _ki-tusz_ i-szA(!)-da-du-ni masz-ki-it-tu i-na _sza ki-tusz_(!) i-da-'u-pu [i-na] pa#-an _lugal_ t,e-e-mu u-tir-ru

    [_iti-ab_] _ud 21_-_kam_ (m)(d)_ag_—szal-lim-szu-nu _lu-dub-sar_—_lugal_ a-na _uru-sza_—_uru_ i-tal-ka [x ina(?)] _gisz#_-qi-ir-si _kalag_-_mesz ta_(*) É _lu-gar-kur_ na-s,u-ni ina _ugu_ masz-ki-it-ti i-tah-s,u(!)

    [_udu_-da-ri]-u# ina pa-an (d)asz-szur na-si-ih É—_dingir_ a-pil [x x x] ak(?)#-li iq-t,ar-bu [(m)(d)_ag_—szal]-lim(!)#-szu-nu _lu-dub-sar_—_lugal_(!) (m)za(!)-za(!)-a _lu-a-ba_—_uru_ i-ti-ti-su [dul-lu sza i]-na# _ugu_ masz-ki-it-ti in(!)-né-pa-szu-ni(!)# e-ta-ap-szu

    [x x x] _kug#-ud_ sza É—(d)asz-szur u-se-s,u-ni szu-nu-ma masz-ki-it-tu ina _sza_-bi up-ta-t,i-ru [x x x _kasz_]-_mesz_(!)# _gesztin_-_mesz i-gisz_-_mesz ta_(*) É-_gal_ i-ta-an-nu

    [x x x x x] a-na masz-ki-it-te si-a-ri _lu-dumgal_-_mesz_ sza É—(d)a-szur ib-tal-lu(!) [x x x x] ina# _sza_-bi t,i-it,-t,i sza si-i-ri _ta_(*) _sza_ sza É-_gal_ ik-ta-ru [01-et _dug_-nam]-zi#-tu _kalag_-tu 01-et _qal_-su _lu-gal_—_dug-qa-bur_ i-ti-din [x x x x x] i#-sa-ak-nu i-si-ru _kur_-hu-un-dir-a-a u-s,ip-pu

    [ki-i dul-lu i]-na# _ugu_ masz-ki-it-te e-pa-szu-ni É—(d)asz-szur pa-su-uk [x x x x x] É-ub-sa-a-te sza (d)_nin-urta_ tur-rat(!) [x x x] par-sa-at

    [x x x x x] x É—(d)a-asz-szur i-na _ugu_ ki-gal-li i-ti-ti-su [x x x x x _lu_]-ha#-za-na-te i-na _ka_ sza É-ub-sa-a-ti sza (d)_nin-urta_ i-ti-ti-su

    [x x x x] _kalag#_-_mesz_ i-sa-du-ni [x x x x x x] ki-si-ir-ti _ki-ta_ É—(d)a-szur u-sa-zi-zu#

    [x x x x x] e-si-ih(!)#-ti-szu-nu _udu_-_mesz ninda_-_mesz gesztin_-_mesz i_-_mesz lal#_-[_mesz_]

    [x x x x x _lu_]-u-ra-si sza _szu-2 lu-gal_—u-ra-si sza _uru#-sza_—_uru#_ [x x]

    [x x x x x x] u-sa#-ar(!)-ki-bu x [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    In the reign of Sargon II, king of Assyria, in the time of Ishtar-duri, governor of Arrapha, on the 20th day he brought into the house of Ashur a bedroom of iron from below Namri, and when he reaches the bedroom, he strews a mashku-offering in the bedroom, and gives it back to the king.

    On the 21st of Tebet X, the king's scribe came to the Inner City. He took ... from the strong groves from the house of the governor and he sat on the mashkittu-vessel.

    The sacrificial sheep were gathered before Ashur and ... the temple. They ...ed the ... and seized Nabû-shallimshunu, the king's scribe, and Zazâ, the city scribe. They did the work which they had done on the ritual.

    They brought the silver of the House of Ashur, and they have deposited it there. They have given ... beer, wine and oil from the Palace.

    The ...s have been gathered for the mashkittu-offerings. The magnates of the House of Ashur have been gathered and ... have been gathered from the mashkittu-offerings of the Palace. One large namzitu-vessel has been given and one small one has been given. The ... have been gathered and they have gathered the Hundiraeans.

    When the ritual is performed on the mashkitu-vessel, the temple of Ashur is smashed. The ... of the ubsatu of Ninurta is broken .

    ...... the House of Ashur stood on the pedestal. The mayors stood at the gate of the Ubsatu of Ninurta.

    ...... heavy ...... he seated ...... the outer wall behind the temple of Ashur.

    ...... their ..., sheep, bread, wine, oil, honey,

    ...... the urudû-priest in the charge of the chief urudû-priest of the Inner City .

    ...... they have seized .


    In the reign of Sargon II, king of Assyria, in the eponym year of Issar-duri, governor of Arrapha 714, on the 20th day, the basalt socle underneath the panther of copper was brought into the House of Ashur. While the socle was being dragged, they pushed the altar into the socle and delivered a report before the king.

    On the 21st of Tebet X, the royal scribe, Nabû-shallimshunu, came to the Inner City. ...s were brought in big carts from the house of the governor and slain on the altar.

    The regular offering was performed before Ashur. The House of God was provided for. ...s and loaves of bread were offered. The royal scribe, Nabû-shallimshunu, and the city scribe, Zazâ, stood by and performed the ritual to be performed on the altar.

    They brought forth the silver ... of the House of Ashur and themselves cleaned the altar with it. ..., beer, wine and oil were given from the Palace.

    The brewers of the House of Ashur mixed the clay for plastering the altar. They put ... into the plastering clay from the ingredients provided by the palace. The chief potter gave one big washbasin and one small one. The ...s placed it in ... and plastered it. The hundurayus polished it.

    While work on the altar was being done, the House of Ashur was cleared. The ...... was turned into the storehouse of Ninurta and separated from ....

    The ......s of the House of Ashur stood on the pedestals. ...... the inspectors stood at the gate of the storehouse of Ninurta.

    The ... hauled big ...s and made them stand ... the embankment below the House of Ashur.

    ...... their allotted sheep, bread, wine, oil and honey.

    ... the mudbrick-masons under the command of the chief mudbrick-mason of the Inner City ...

    ...... they mounted ...



    [x x x x x rik-su i-na] pa-an (d)_utu_ i#-[rak-kas]

    [x x x x x _uzu_-sil]-qu(!)# ha-an-t,u ep-[pal]

    [x x x x pa-Asz]-szu-ri i-na pa-an ((d))_utu_ i-rak-[kas] [x x x i-na] pa-an masz-ki-it-te i-rak-[kas]

    [x x x ina] _sza#_-bi i-szak-kan _lu_-kar-ka-di-nu nap-ta-an-szu i-szak-kan# [x x x] x _dirig_(!) _gisz-li gisz-ma_ ina _ugu nig-na_ i-sar-raq [x x x] _bal#_-qi _i-gisz_-_mesz lal_-_mesz ga_-_mesz kasz_-_mesz gesztin_-_mesz_ [x x masz-ki]-it#-te ina _sza_-bi ra-t,a-a-ti sza pa-an rik-si _bal_-qi

    [_udu-nita_] i-na _ugu_ masz-ki-it-te i-na-kis _lu-usz-ku_ i-za-mur

    [x x x] a-di ha-Asz-ha-la(!)-ti-szi-na _udu-nita_ na-ak-su sza _ugu_ masz-ki-it-te [x x x] a-na _id_ e-mi-di i-kar-ru#-ru

    [x x sza pa]-an (d)_utu_ a-di _uzu_-sil-qi-szu _lu-dub-sar_—_lugal_ e-kal

    [x x x x] sza kaq-qi-ri sza pa-an ((d))_utu lu-dub-sar_—_uru_ e-kal

    [x x x] _lu-usz-ku_ i-na-szi _uzu_-u-nu-ut—_sza_-bi _lu-mu_ e-kal

    [x x x] _sag-ki libir-ra zi_-ha

    [_szu_ (m)za-za-a] _lu-dub-sar_—_uru dumu_ (m)(d)_ba-u_—_szesz_—_sum_-na _ki-min dumu_ (m)_ud_-20-_kam_-a-a _ki-min dumu_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa ki-min_ [_dumu_ (m)x x x] _ki-min dumu_ (m)(d)_ag_—be-el—_dingir ki-min dumu_ (m)_szesz_—ri-ba _lu-dub-sar_—_uru ki-min_ [_dumu_ (m)x-x]—(d)#a-szur _ki-min dumu_ (m)(d)a-szur4—ki-na-ni _ki-min dumu_ (m)(d)30—_dumu-usz_—_sum_-na _ki-min_ [_dumu_ (m)(d)x]—szA-kin—szu-me _ki-min dumu_ (m)(d)_mes_—kab(!)-tu—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu _ki-min pesz_ (m)asz-szur—_en_—_dingir_-_mesz ki-min_

    [_iti-ab-ba_]-_e ud 22_-_kam_ li-mu (m)(d)_innin_—_bad lu-gar-kur uru_-arrap-ha

    AI Translation

    He sets up a ritual arrangement before Shamash .

    ...... is provided with a wholesome meat.

    He performs the ashes before Shamash, and he performs the ashes before the mashkittu-demon.

    He places ... in it, places a karkishu-official in charge of his meal, places ..., a grove of trees and a boat on a censer, and ...s. He pours ..., oil, honey, milk, beer, wine, and ... of mashkittu-beer into the libation vessels before the ritual.

    He places a ram on the mashkitu-vessel and presents the ashku-offering.

    ... until their ... a ram whose ... is piled up on the mashkitu-tree ... will cross the river.

    The scribe of the king will perform the ... before Shamash with his ... meat.

    The city scribe shall serve ... of the field before Shamash.

    ... the chanter takes the meat. The cook goes.

    ... the old head will be smashed.

    Hand of Zazâ, city scribe, son of Babu-ahu-iddina, ditto, son of Ezamayu, ditto, son of Ubru-Nabû, ditto, son of NN, ditto, son of Nabû-bel-ili, ditto, son of Ahu-riba, city scribe, ditto, son of ...-Ashur, ditto, son of Ashur-kinani, ditto, son of Sin-apla-iddina, ditto, son of ...-shakin-shumu, ditto, sons of Marduk-kabtu-ahheshu, ditto, blood of Ashur-bel-ili, ditto.

    Month Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Issar-duri, governor of Arrapha.


    The ... shall set up the ritual arrangement before Shamash.

    The ... shall provide hot cooked meat.

    The ... shall set the tables before Shamash, set up the ... before the altar, and place ... in it.

    The confectioner shall prepare his meal, fill ..., scatter juniper and fig on the censer, pour ..., pour oil, honey, milk, beer and wine on the altar by means of the pipes before the ritual arrangement, and slaughter a ram on the altar.

    The chanter shall sing.

    The ...s including their foliage and the ram slaughtered on the altar ... shall be thrown into the adjacent river.

    The royal scribe shall have the usufruct of the table before Shamash including its cooked meat.

    The city scribe shall have the usufruct of the libations of the ground before Shamash.

    The chanter shall take the .... The cook shall have the usufruct of the intestines.

    Total x lines extracted from the original.

    Hand of Zazâ, city scribe, son of Babu-ahu-iddina ditto, son of Eshrayu ditto, son of Ubru-Nabû ditto, son of NN ditto, son of Nabû-bel-ili ditto, son of Ahu-riba city scribe ditto sic, son of ...-Ashur ditto, son of Ashur-kinanni ditto, son of Sîn-aplu-iddina ditto, son of DN-shakin-shumi ditto, son of Marduk-kabti-ahheshu ditto, son of Ashur-bel-ilani ditto, son of ...ya ditto, son of Ashur-idnanni city scribe ditto sic, descendant of Etel-pi-Mar-duk, scribe of the tablet house.

    Month of Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Issar-duri, governor of Arrapha 714, 9th year of Sargon II, king of Assyria.

    P224650: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    i-la-ka(?)# [x x x x x x x]

    ina _sza kur_-[x x x x x x]

    _kur_-e i-[x x x x x x]

    _sag-du gibil#_ [x x x x x x]

    ina _kur_-mu-s,a-[s,i-ri x x x x] e#-[x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    will come .

    in the country of .

    the mountain .

    new head ......

    in Mushashir .


    is coming ......

    in the country ......

    the mountains ......

    at the beginning of the month ......

    in Mushashir ......

    P224720: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(ban2) za3-hi-li-a(sar)_ a-na ze-ra#-ni
  • _ki_ (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _dumu_ (d)amar-utu-na-s,i-ir (disz)ib-ni-(d)amar-utu _nu-(gesz)kiri6 dumu_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_

    AI Translation
  • 2 seahs of emmer for the zeranu-offerings;
  • Ibni-Marduk, gardener, son of Sîn-eribam received from Sîn-nadin-shumi, son of Marduk-nashir; he is paid.



    ze-ra-[ni] u2-ta#-[ar] _igi_ szu-pi2-sza _sanga_ (d)gu-la _igi_ dingir-szu-ib-ni _dumu_ a-wi-il-(d)mar-tu _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal# (d)amar-utu en ir9-ra szu-nir gal-gal-la_

    AI Translation

    He has sworn by the name of Zerani. Before Shu-pisha, priest of Gula; before Ilshu-ibni, son of Awil-Marduk. The month of Shabatum, the day 17 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa, king of Marduk, lord of the Irra, the great scepter.

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ (d)iszkur-i3-li2

    AI Translation

    Seal of Adad-ili

    P224926: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [mu a-bi]-e-szu-uh lugal-e [sipa ki-ag2] an (d)en#-[lil2-bi]-da-ke4 [ki-en-gi ki-uri]-sze3 igi zi in-szi-in-bar-re-esz [giri3 ug3-ga2-ke4] si bi2-in-sa2#-a [x x (x)] silim inim du10-ga [kalam-ma]-na# bi2-in-ga2-gar-ra [nig2-gi-na nig2]-si-sa2# ba-an-gal2-la [su kalam]-ma# bi2-in-du10-ga

    AI Translation

    "Bi-eshuh, the king, the beloved shepherd of Anu and Enlil, looked faithfully upon Sumer and Akkad. He swore by the feet of the people that ... the good word of his country he established, and the good things he established, and the well-being of his country he made great.



    [sza-at-tum] sza# a-bi-e-szu-uh szar-[rum] [re-um na-ra-mu-um sza] an u3 (d)en-[lil2] [i-na ma-at szu]-me#-ri-im u3 ak#-[ka-di-im] [ki-ni-isz ip]-pa#-al-su#-[szu-ma] [sze-ep] ni-szi usz-te-sze-ru# [...] u3 sa-li-ma-am [... i]-na# ma-tim# isz-ku-nu [ki-it-tam] u3 mi-sza-ra-am u2-ki#-[in] [szi-ir ma]-ti#-szu u2-t,i3-ib#-bu

    AI Translation

    The second, which Abi-eshuh, the king, the beloved servant of Anu and Enlil, in the land of Sumer and Akkad faithfully looked upon and the remission of the people they made manifest. ... and the salimam ... in the land they established. The foundation and the sharim he established. The foundation of his land he made firm.

    P224946: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _na4-kiszib_ (m)ha-la-bé-e-si _lu-simug_—_urudu a_ (m)il-la-a-a _en mi sum_-a-ni

    _mi_-pu-u-t,u—szi(?)-i-si# [x x] GÉME-szu sza (m)ha-la-bé-e-sze

    u-pisz#-ma (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—_pab dumu_—É-_gal_ ina _sza 50 gin_-_mesz kug-ud ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ha-la-bé-e-sze

    _ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta#-ad-din GÉME szu-a-tu za-ar#-pat laq-qi-at tu-a-ru [de-e]-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

    [man-nu szA] ina ur-kisz ina mat-e-ma [i-za]-qup#-pa-a-ni _gil_-u-ni [lu-u (m)]ha-la-bé-e-sze

    AI Translation

    Seal of Halabesi, copper smith, son of Illaya, owner of the woman being sold.

    Putu-shisi, ..., maid of Halabeshe.

    Inurta-sharru-ushur, the palace superintendent, has contracted and bought him from Halabeshe for 50 shekels of silver.

    The money is paid completely. That maid is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

    Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Halabeshe or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews or his brothers or his nephews or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his nephews or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his nephews or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his


    Seal of Halabesi, copper smith, son of Illaya, owner of the woman being sold.

    Putu-shisi ..., maid of Halabiesi —

    Inurta-sharru-ushur, courtier, has contracted and bought for 50 shekels of silver from Halabishe.

    The money is paid completely. That maid is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

    Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Halabishe or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-sharru-ushur and his sons and his grandsons,



    [10] _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina# bur-ki (d)15 szA _nina-ki gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma _nu ti_-qi

    s,ib-ti be-ni a-na 01 me _ud_-me sa-ar-tu a-na kal _mu-an-na_-_mesz#_

    _egir#_ du-ra-ri dan-nu-tu# [szat,]-rat#

    _igi_ (m)_igi_—(d)15—la-mur#

    _igi_ (m)ab-di—sa-am-si _igi lu#-gar_-nu-szu szA (m)ha-la-bé-e-sze

    _igi_ (m)pu-u-t,u—e-sze

    _igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a

    _igi_ (m)da-a-du _igi_ (m)rém-ana—_be_

    _igi_ (m)bi-'i-i-si-i

    _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_sum_-na _igi_ (m)_suhusz_—15

    _igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_nina-ki_

    AI Translation

    shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

    Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

    After the mighty scribal art,

    Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

    Witness Abdi-Samsi. Witness his prefect, Halabeshe.

    Witness Putu-eshe.

    Witness Ahu'a-eriba. Witness Ululayu.

    Witness Dadu. Witness Remanni-iqbi.

    Witness Bi'isî.

    Witness Shamash-iddina. Witness Ubru-Issar.

    Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.


    shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

    Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

    The document was written after the amnesty.

    Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

    Witness Abdi-samsi, prefect of Halabeshi.

    Witness Putu-eshe.

    Witness Ahû'a-eriba. Witness Ululayu.

    Witness Dadu. Witness Remanni-Illil.

    Witness Bi'isî.

    Witness Shamash-iddina. Witness Ubru-Issar.

    Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.



    _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_asz_

    _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz a-ba_

    AI Translation

    Witness Shamash-ahu-iddina.

    Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe.


    Witness Shamash-ahu-iddina.

    Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe.



    [_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam#_ lim-me (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_du lu_-tur-tan-nu#

    AI Translation

    Month ..., day, eponym year of Shamash-sharru-ibni, commander-in-chief.


    Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Shamash-sharru-ibni, the commander-in-chief.

    P224947: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    x#+[x x x] _kug-ud_ x#+[x] [sza] (m)(d)[_masz_]—_man_—_pab#_ ina _igi_ (m)_su_—15(?)# _dumu_ (m)_su_-u-a#

    [ina pu-u-hi] it#-ti-szi

    [_kug_]-_ud_ [a-na 04]-tu#-szu

    AI Translation

    ... silver belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur, at the disposal of Riba-Issar, son of Eriba.

    He has taken it as a loan.

    The silver shall increase by a fourth.


    ... silver belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur, at the disposal of Tariba-Issar, son of Eribua.

    He has taken it as a loan.

    The silver shall increase by a fourth.



    [_iti_-x] _ud 01_-_kam_ [lim-me (m)(d)]_en#_—_pab_—_pab_

    [_igi_ (m)]pu-ta-a-a

    [_igi_] (m)_iti-kin_-a-a

    [_igi_] (m)_pab_(?)#—t,a-bu#

    AI Translation

    Month ..., 1st day, eponym year of Bel-ahu-ushur.

    Witness Putayu.

    Witness Ululayu.

    Witness Ahu-tabu.


    Month ..., 1st day, eponym year of Bel-ahu-ushur.

    Witness Putaya.

    Witness Ululayu.

    Witness Ahu-tabu.

    P224948: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _na4-kiszib_ (m)_dingir_-la(?)—_su a_ (m)a-s,il—ia-a-u _ta_(v) _sza uru_-za-an-ba-a-a

    02 me 20 ri(?)-ta-te sza [x]+x# du [x]+x#

    sza (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—_pab_

    ina _igi_-szu ina _iti-szu_ ina _nina-ki sum#_-an

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ila-eriba, son of Ashill-yau, from the town of Zanbayu.

    200 ...s of ...

    From Inurta-sharru-ushur.

    He shall pay in Tammuz IV in Nineveh.


    Seal of Ila-eriba, son of Ashil-Iau, from the village of Zanbayu.

    220 legs of donkey-mares

    belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur, are at his disposal.

    He shall give them in month Tammuz IV in Nineveh.



    _be_-ma la i-din a-na mit#-har _gal_-bi

    _igi_ (m)a-a-hi

    _igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—_qal_

    _igi_ (m)_gir-2_—(d)_masz_—as,-bat

    _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(?)#—_du_—_man_

    AI Translation

    If he does not pay, it shall increase by a fifth.

    Witness Ayahi.

    Witness Inurta-ushur.

    Witness Shep-Inurta-ashbat.

    Witness Nabû-bani-sharri.


    If he does not give, it shall increase by the same amount.

    Witness Ayahi.

    Witness Inurta-sukki.

    Witness Shepe-Inurta-ashbat.

    Witness Nabû-ban-apli.



    _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_ti_

    _igi_ ((m))10—A—_asz_


    AI Translation

    Witness Ashur-uballit.

    Witness Adad-aplu-iddina.

    Month Nisan I, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


    Witness Ashur-uballit.

    Witness Adad-aplu-iddina.

    Month Nisan I, eponym year of Iqbi-ilani.

    P224950: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ sza (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—_pab lu-dumu_—É-_gal_ szA É-_gal gibil_

    ina _igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_pa_

    AI Translation

    1/2 mina of silver of Inurta-sharru-ushur, palace superintendent of the New Palace.

    at the disposal of Mannu-ki-Nabû.


    1/2 mina of silver belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur, courtier of the New Palace,

    at the disposal of Mannu-ki-Nabû, courtier of the Succession Palace.



    _kug-ud_ ina 04-tu-szu _gal_

    AI Translation

    The silver shall increase by a fourth.


    The silver shall increase by a fourth.



    _iti-gan ud 20_-_kam_ lim-me (m)_nu_—_man_—E

    _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_masz_

    _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_-a-ni

    _igi_ (m)_pab#_—e-di

    [_igi_ (m)](d)#_pa_—_ki_-ia

    _igi#_ (m)si-i—ha-bi

    AI Translation

    Month Kislev IX, 20th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta.

    Witness Nabû-ribanni.

    Witness Ahu-edi.

    Witness Nabû-isse'a.

    Witness Si-habi.


    Month Kislev IX, 20th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta.

    Witness Nabû-ribanni.

    Witness Ahu-edi.

    Witness Nabû-isse'a.

    Witness Se'-habi.



    _igi_ (m)er-nu-bu

    AI Translation

    Witness Ernubu.


    Witness Ernubu.

    P224951: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    03 _ansze# 3_(ban2) _sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 08(?) qa [sza (m)](d)_masz_—_lugal#_-_me_—_pab_

    [x x x x x]+x#-sza-a

    [x x x x x x x]+x#

    [x x x x x x x]+x#

    _sze_-[_pad_-_mesz_ x x x]-szu(?)

    AI Translation

    3 homers 3 seahs of barley by the seah of 8 'litres', belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur,

    ...... her



    barley ...


    3 homers 3 seahs of barley according to the seah of 8 'litres' belonging to Inurta-sharrani-ushur,




    barley ......



    ina _sag#_-[_du iti_ sza] _iti-kin_(?)#

    _sum_-an _be_-ma la id-din _sze-bar_-_mesz_ a-na mit-har tar#-[bi]

    AI Translation

    In the beginning of the month Elul VI

    If he does not pay, the barley will increase by the same amount.


    He shall pay on the new moon of the month Elul VI.

    If he does not pay, the barley shall increase by the same amount.



    _iti-barag ud 14_-_kam#_ lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—sa-kip

    _igi_ (m)si-li-mu

    _igi_ (m)_en_—s,al-li

    _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_masz_

    _igi_ (m)_man_—_ki_-ia

    AI Translation

    Month Nisan I, 14th day, eponym year of Nabû-sakip.

    Witness: Silimu.

    Witness Bel-shalli.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta.

    Witness Sharru-isse'a.


    Month Nisan I, 14th day, eponym year of Nabû-sakip.

    Witness Silimu.

    Witness Bel-shalli.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta.

    Witness Sharru-isse'a.



    _igi_ (m)a-a-ki—_du_

    _igi_ (m)15—e-muq-ia

    AI Translation

    Witness Ayaki-ibni.

    Witness Issar-emuqia.


    Witness Ayakki-ibni.

    Witness Issar-emuqia.



    _igi_ (m)_en_—_zalag_

    _igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

    _igi_ (m)x#+[x]-Asz(?)-lam(?)-[x]

    AI Translation

    Witness Bel-nuri.

    Witness Kanunayu.

    Witness ...ashlam.


    Witness Bel-nuri.

    Witness Kanunayu.

    Witness .......

    P224952: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x] _ansze# sze-bar_ [sza (m)](d)_masz_—_man_—_pab_

    ina _igi_ (m)e-du(?)—szal(?)#-[lim] A (m)bu-ur(?)-ta(?)#-a-a#

    ina ad-ri ina _nina-ki sum_-an

    AI Translation

    x homers of barley belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur,

    at the disposal of Edu-shallim, son of Burtaya.

    He shall pay in the threshing floor in Nineveh.


    x homers of barley belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur,

    at the disposal of Edu-shallim, son of Burtaya.

    He shall pay at the threshing floor in Nineveh.



    _nu_ i-din# ina 01 _ansze 5_(ban2)-szA tar-bi

    _iti-ab ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)ma-nu—ki—arba-il

    _igi#_ (m)_arad_—(d)#_masz_

    _igi#_ (m)pu(*)-t,i-szu _igi_ (m)pu-t,i—e-szu (d)_nin_

    AI Translation

    He shall pay 5 seahs of refined silver per homer.

    Month Tebet X, 10th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Arbail.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta.

    Witness Putishu. Witness Puti-eshu, Mullissu.


    If he does not pay, it shall increase by 5 seahs per homer.

    Month Tebet X, 10th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Arbail.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta.

    Witness Putishu. Witness Putieshu ....



    [_igi_ (m)]_ad_—hu-ru

    AI Translation

    Witness Abi-huru.


    Witness Abihuru.



    : (m)hal-bi—[e-szu]

    : (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

    : (m)_arad_(?)#—[x x x]

    : (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_man_ [o]

    AI Translation

    ditto Halbi-eshu;

    ditto Nabû-....

    ditto Urdu-...,

    ditto Nabû-ahu-sharri;


    Ditto Halbieshi.

    Ditto Nabû-....

    Ditto Urdu-....

    Ditto Nabû-sharru-ushur.

    P224953: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [01] _ansze 6_(ban2) _sze sze-bar_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 08 qa sza (m)(d)_izi-gar_—_man_—_pab# dumu_—_kur_ sza É-_gal gibil#_ ina _igi_ (m)aq-ri A (m)ia—_man_—_du_

    AI Translation

    1 homer 6 seahs of barley by the seah of 8 'litres' belonging to Nergal-sharru-ushur, the palace's crown prince, at the disposal of Aqri, son of Ya-sharru-ibni.


    1 homer 6 seahs of barley according to the seah of 8 'litres' belonging to Nur-sharru-ushur, courtier of the New Palace, at the disposal of Aqru, son of Aya-sharru-ibni.



    [x x x x x x x]+x#

    [x x x x x x x]+x#

    [x x x x x x x]+x#

    AI Translation











    _be_-ma la _sum_-ni e-s,ip _sum_-an

    _iti-sze-dirig# ud 20_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_en_—E

    _igi_ (m)_igi_—15—la-mur

    _igi_ (m)_pab_—e-di

    _igi_ (m)kab-ti-i

    _igi#_ (m)_arad_—(d)_pa_

    _igi#_ (m)_lugal_—_asz_—_pab#_-[_mesz_]

    [_igi_] (m)la—da-gil—[_dingir_]

    AI Translation

    he shall pay.

    If he does not pay, he shall pay back the silver tenfold.

    Month Shebat XI, 20th day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.

    Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

    Witness Ahu-edi.

    Witness Kabtî.

    Witness Urdu-Nabû.

    Witness Sharru-nadin-ahhe.

    Witness La-dagil-ili.


    he shall pay.

    If he does not pay, he shall pay double.

    Intercalary Adar XII, 20th day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.

    Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

    Witness Ahu-edi.

    Witness Kabtî.

    Witness Urdu-Nabû.

    Witness Sharru-nadin-ahhe.

    Witness La-dagil-ili.

    P224954: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    15 kak-kab-[nat(?)-_muszen_(?)] sza (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—[_pab_] ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x]-_du_(?)-[x]

    ina pu-u-hi it-ti-[szi]

    ina _sag-du dingir gibil_ sza# [_iti_-x]

    AI Translation

    15 kakkabnatu-birds belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur, at the disposal of Nabû-...-ibni.

    He has taken it as a loan.

    On the new moon day of month .


    15 star-patterned birds belonging to Inurta-sharru-ushur, at the disposal of Nabû-....

    He has taken them as a loan.

    He shall give the star-patterned birds back on the new moon day of the month ....



    [szum]-ma# la id#-[din] [ana] mit#-har i-[rab-bi]

    [_iti_]-_gud_ [_ud_ x-_kam_] [lim]-me (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_ [o]

    _igi#_ (m)szum-ma—(d)_pa igi_ [(m)x x x x]

    _igi_ (m)_en_—mat—(d)_pa igi_ [(m)x x x x]

    _igi_ (m)_igi_—(d)_pa_—x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    If he does not pay, it shall increase by a fifth.

    Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.

    Witness Shumma-Nabû. Witness NN.

    Witness Bel-mat-Nabû. Witness NN.

    Witness Pan-Nabû-.


    If he does not pay, they shall increase by the same amount.

    Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.

    Witness Shumma-Nabû. Witness ....

    Witness Adi-mati-Nabû. Witness ....

    Witness Pan-Nabû-.......

    P224955: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim—_pab#_-_mesz_

    (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz#_ a-na (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—[_pab_ a]-du# _sza ud 01_-_kam_ szA _iti-ab_ sar-tu-szu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Nabû-shallim-ahhe.

    Nabû-shallim-ahhe will serve Inurta-sharru-ushur until the 1st day of Tebet X.


    Seal of Nabû-shallim-ahhe.

    Nabû-shallim-ahhe shall bear liability to Inurta-sharru-ushur for his camels, his penalty until the 1st day the month of Tebet X.



    _il_-szi szum-ma# [ina(?)] _zag_ lu(?)#-u e-te-te#-eq

    AI Translation

    If it has been a while, let it pass by.


    If the time-limit has gone past, he shall bear liability for ... donkeys.



    _il#_ (m)_arad_—[x] sza#—_urudu_-_mesz_-szu _lu_-ur-ki-u sza (m)(d)_pa_—_di_—_pab_-_mesz ta_(v) _igi zah ta_(v) _igi_ me-me-ni

    _iti-ne ud#_-[x lim]-mu (m)_en_—E

    _igi#_ (m)ha-an-ni-i(?) _igi_ (m)ab-da-a-a

    _igi#_ (m)mu-sa-la(?)-mu# _igi_ (m)pu-t,i—sze

    AI Translation

    Urdu-..., copper-shrine-spender, the 'third man' of Nabû-shallim-ahhe, has been taken from the prison and from anyone.

    Month Ab V, day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.

    Witness Hannî. Witness Abdayu.

    Witness Musallamu. Witness Puti-she.


    Urdu-..., the copper-man is surety of Nabû-shallim-ahhe against flight and against anything else.

    Month Ab V, day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.

    Witness Hannî. Witness Abdaya.

    Witness Musallamu. Witness Puti-she.



    [_igi_] (m)a-a-x#+[x] _igi_ (m)a-na—x#+[x x]

    _igi#_ (m)x x x x x#

    AI Translation

    Witness Aya-.... Witness Ana-.

    Witness NN.


    Witness Aya-.... Witness Ana-....

    Witness ..., ....



    [_igi_ (m)(d)]15—[x x]

    [_igi_ (m)]_arad_—[x x x]

    _igi#_ (m)_ta_—10-x x#

    _igi_ (m)(d)15—x x# [x]

    AI Translation

    Witness Issar-.

    Witness Urdu-.

    Witness Issi-Adad, .

    Witness Issar-.


    Witness Issar-....

    Witness Urdu-....

    Witness Issi-Adad-aninu.

    Witness Issar-....

    P224956: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_dumu-mi_]-su sza# (m)pu-t,u#—he-e-[szi]

    [u]-pisz#-ma (m)pu-t,u—e-szi [ina] _sza#_-bi 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ [a]-na# _mi_-u-te il-qi

    [kas]-pu# ga-mur ta-din

    [man-nu] sza# ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma [de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ [_ta_] (m)pu-t,u—e-szi _ta# dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-u-ni [lu-u] (m)pu-t,u—he-e-szi [lu-u] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu _lu-gar_-nu-szu

    AI Translation

    his daughter, Putu-heshi;

    Putu-eshi has contracted and bought her for half mina of silver as a wife.

    The money is paid completely.

    Whoever in the future, at any time, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Putu-eshi or his sons, whether Putu-heshi or his sons or his prefect,


    daughter of Putu-heshi —

    Putu-eshi has contracted and bought her for half mina of silver as a wife.

    The money is paid completely.

    Whoever in the future, at any time, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Putu-eshi and his sons, whether Putu-heshi or his sons or his prefect, shall give x mina of silver.



    [x x x] _kug_(?)#-_ud_ x#+[x x x x]

    [_ta_(v)] É tu-u-s,a _be#_-[ma]

    [(m)pu-t,u]—e-szi a-na _mi_-[szu] [i]-zi-ia-ra 10 _gin kug-ud mi_-al—ha-pi—me-pi a-[na] (m)pu-t,u—e-szi ta-da-na ta-lak tu-u-s,a(!)

    a-du _sza ud_-mu sza (m)pu-t,u—e-[szi] _ti-la_-u-ni _mi_ a-du# _dumu_-_mesz_-szA sze-lu-tu sza (d)15 sza _uru#_-[arba]-il#

    _sum_-nu lu _lu-gar_-nu _gal_—ki-s,ir

    sza (m)pu-t,u—me-he-e-szi

    sza (m)pu-t,u—e-szi# ([x x])

    ina _ugu mi_ x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... silver ...

    If he goes out of the house, he will recover.

    Putu-eshi will serve his wife.

    As long as Putu-eshi lives, the woman and her sons are in good health, the Ishtar of Arbela is well.

    or the prefect of the cohort commander;

    From Putu-meheshi.

    From Putu-eshi.

    concerning the woman .


    ... silver ...

    she shall leave the house.

    If Putu-eshi hates his wife, the lady Al-hapi-mepi shall pay Putu-eshi 10 shekels of silver and she can leave.

    For as long as Putu-eshi lives, the woman with her sons would be given a votaries of Ishtar of Arbela.

    Whether the prefect or cohort commander

    of Putu-meheshi,

    of Putu-eshi ...

    upon the woman ...



    [x x x x] É [x x] _igi#_ (m)a-s,e-e [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... house ... Witness Ashê, .


    ... house ... Witness Ashî ...

    P224957: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _na4-kiszib_ (m)ab-di—kur-ra _lu-mu_(?)#

    _en# dumu sum_-ni

    (m)_pab_—_sum_-na _dumu dumu-mi_-szu sza# ha-rim-te-szA 03 ru-t,u

    [u]-pisz-ma (m)pu-t,i—at-hi-isz ina# _sza 10 gin_-_mesz_ [_kug-ud_] [a-na] _dumu#_-u-te-[szu]

    [il]-qi# kas-pu# [gam-mur]

    [x x x]+x# tu(?) [x x x]

    AI Translation

    Seal of Abdi-Kurra, cook.

    owner of the son being sold.

    Ahu-iddina, son of his daughter, of her harem hutu, 3 spans' height;

    Puti-athish has contracted and bought him for 10 shekels of silver as his son.

    The money is paid completely.


    Seal of Abdi-Kurra, cook.

    owner of the son of being sold.

    Ahu-iddina, son of his daughter from her temple-prostitution, of 3 spans —

    Puti-athish has contracted and bought him for 10 shekels of silver to be his son.

    The money is paid completely.




    [x x x] man-nu szA ina [ur-kisz] [ina ma-te]-ma# i-za-qu#-[pa-an-ni] [i-_gil_-u]-ni lu-u (m)ab-di—kur-ra# lu#-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu sza# _ta_(v) (m)pu-t,i—at-hi-isz _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_ ub-ta-[u]-ni

    10 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

    10 lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu szA (m)pu-t,i—at-hi-isz (m)_pab_—_sum_-na _dumu_-szu dan-nu A (m)pu-t,i—at-hi-isz

    _igi_ (m)pu-t,i—sze _gal_—50

    _igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—_pab_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

    _igi_ (m)hal-la-bé-sze (m)u-ta—hu-ru

    _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_masz_ (m)hur-sze-sze

    _igi_ (m)ha-sa-a (m)x x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Abdi-Kurra or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Puti-Athish and his sons,

    shall give 10 minas of silver.

    Ahu-iddina, his eldest son, son of Puti-Athish, a total of 10 people, or the sons of Puti-Athish,

    Witness Puti-she, commander-of-50.

    Witness Inurta-sharru-ushur. Kanunayu.

    Witness Hallabeshe. Uta-huru.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta, Hursheshe.

    Witness Hasâ, NN.


    Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Abdi-Kurra or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Puti-athish, and his sons,

    shall give 10 minas of silver.

    Even though the sons of Puti-athish be 10 in number, Ahu-iddina shall be his eldest son, the heir of Puti-athish.

    Witness Puti-she, commander-of-fifty.

    Witness Inurta-sharru-ushur, Kanunayu.

    Witness Hallabishe, Utahuru.

    Witness Urdu-Inurta, Hur-sheshe.

    Witness Hasâ, .......



    _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_asz_ x#+[x]

    _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_(?)#—_pab_

    _igi_ (m)_en_—_mu_—x#+[x x]+x#-_mesz_

    _igi_ (m)su-ka-[a]-a# _lu-simug_

    _igi_ (m)mi-[tu(?)]-nu

    AI Translation

    Witness Shamash-iddina, .

    Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.

    Witness Bel-shumu-.

    Witness Sukkâ, smith.

    Witness Mitunu.


    Witness Shamash-iddina ....

    Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.

    Witness Bel-shumu-....

    Witness Sukki-Aya, smith.

    Witness Mitunu.



    _igi_ (m)10—_mu_—_pab igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a

    _igi_ (m)ha-_bar_-a

    _igi_ (m)pu-t,u—(d(?))[x x]

    _igi# gal_-ma

    AI Translation

    Witness Adad-shumu-ushur. Witness Nabû'a.

    Witness: Ha-barâ.

    Witness Putu-.

    ... will be seen.


    Witness Adad-shumu-ushur. Witness Nabû'a.

    Witness Ha...a.

    Witness Putu....

    Witness ...



    [x x x x]-_mesz_-u-te _dug_ ta(?)-ba-sa(?)-szu _kug-ud_-szu

    [x x am]—mar# _ad ama_-szu il-la#-ka(?)

    [x x x] lim#-mu (m)bu-lut,

    [x x x x]+x x _igi#_ (m)i(?)-x x-te(?)# _lal_(?)-u

    AI Translation

    ......s, a bowl of wine, and his silver.

    ... all the fathers of his mother will come

    ... eponym year of Bullutu.

    ...... Witness I...te, .


    ...... his silver

    ...... as much as his father and his mother shall come

    ...... eponym year of Bullutu,

    ...... Witness I..., ...

    P224958: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    01 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza gar-ga-mis sza (m)_igi_—15—la-a-mur _sag_ ina _igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_dingir_-a-a A (m)_dingir_—dal-a _ta sza uru_-ga-ab-szu-e-te

    ina _sag-du dingir gibil_ sza _iti-dul kug-ud_

    AI Translation

    One mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Pan-Issar-lamur, eunuch, at the disposal of Nergal-ila'i, son of Il-dalâ, from the town of Gabshuete.

    On the new moon day of Tishri VII, silver will increase.


    1 mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Pan-Issar-lamur, eunuch, at the disposal of Nergal-ila'i, son of Il-dalâ, from the town of Gabshuete.

    He shall pay the silver in its original amount on the new moon day of month Tishri VII.



    szum-ma la _sum_-ni _kug-ud_ a-na 04-ut-ti-szu

    AI Translation

    If he does not pay, the silver shall increase by a fourth.


    If he does not pay, the silver shall increase by a fourth.



    _iti-gud ud 22_ lim-mu (m)bu-lut,

    _igi_ (m)(d)_nin-lil_—_usz_—bal-lit,

    _igi_ [(m)](d)_pa-tug_—_man_—_pab_

    _igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

    _igi_ (m)si-lim—_dingir kasz-lul_

    AI Translation

    Month Iyyar II, 22nd day, eponym year of Bullutu.

    Witness Mullissu-aplu-ballit.

    Witness Nusku-sharru-ushur.

    Witness Ahu'a-eriba, chariot driver.

    Witness Silim-ilu, cupbearer.


    Month Iyyar II, 22nd day, eponym year of Bullutu.

    Witness Mullissu-metu-uballit.

    Witness Nusku-sharru-ushur.

    Witness Ahû'a-eriba, chariot driver.

    Witness Silim-ili, cupbearer.



    _igi_ (m)_dug_—_im_—_ka_—pa-pa-hi _gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Witness Tab-shar-ka-pahi, village manager.


    Witness Tab-shar-bab-papahi, village manager.



    _igi_ (m)_dingir_-a-a—U sza—_gisz-pa_

    _igi_ (m)al—_dingir_

    AI Translation

    Witness Ila'i-Adad, chariot driver.

    Witness Al-il.


    Witness Ila'i-Adad, staff bearer.

    Witness Al-ili.

    P224959: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _na4-kiszib#_ [(m)x x x—u]-_ti_

    x#+[x x x x x x x]+x#

    [sza (m)x x x]-hi(?)#-ia-a

    [ina _igi_ (m)x x x]—u-_ti_

    [ku]-um# _gal_-e sza _kug-ud_

    AI Translation

    Seal of ...-uballit,


    From ...hayu.

    at the disposal of ...-uballit.

    Instead of the great silver of the king, my lord, I have ...ed the silver.


    Seal of ...-ballit


    belonging to ...hiâ

    at the disposal of ...-ballit.

    Instead of interest on the silver the bedroom and the inner court of his house in Nineveh are placed as a pledge.



    05(?)# _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi

    usz-szab _kug-ud sum_-an

    É u-sze-s,a _iti-gud_(?)# _ud 19_ lim-mu (m)a-u-ia-a#-nu

    _igi_ (m)qur-qu-si-ia

    _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil#_

    AI Translation

    5 years in it.

    He shall place the silver in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh.

    Month Iyyar II, 19th day, eponym year of Auianu.

    Witness Qurqusiya.

    Witness Urdu-Mullissi.


    He shall live in it for 5 years.

    If he gives back the silver, he will redeem the house.

    Month Iyyar II, 19th day, eponym year of Auianu.

    Witness Qurqusia.

    Witness Urdu-Mullissi.



    _igi_ (m)si-niq—15

    _igi_ (m)ba-ri#-ku

    AI Translation

    Witness Siniq-Issar.

    Witness Bariku.


    Witness Sinqi-Issar.

    Witness Bariku.



    [_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_su_

    [_igi_ (m)]_arad#_—(d)_pa_

    [_igi_] (m)_arad_—15

    AI Translation

    Witness Nabû-eriba.

    Witness Urdu-Nabû.

    Witness Urdu-Issar.


    Witness Nabû-eriba.

    Witness Urdu-Nabû.

    Witness Urdu-Issar.

    P224960: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    01 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza _man_ (m)_gin_—_pab_-_mesz_ a-na (m)(d)_ag_—iq-bi a-na (m)nu-ur-ti-i it#-ti-din (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-tu—_pab_

    AI Translation

    One mina of silver by the mina of the king Ken-ahhe has given to Nabû-iqbi and to Nurtî.


    One mina of silver by the mina of the king Ken-ahhe has given to Nabû-iqbi, and to Nurtî, and redeemed Nabû-rehtu-ushur, his brother's son, and cleared him from claim.



    _iti-du6 ud 21_ lim-me (m)(d)_utu_—_kur_—a-a-bi

    _igi_ (m)ha-szA-na

    _igi_ (m)la-ba-t,i-i

    _igi_ (m)di-di-i

    AI Translation

    Month Tishri VII, 21st day, eponym year of Shamash-mat-ayabi.

    Witness Hashanu.

    Witness Labatî.

    Witness Dadî.


    Month Tishri VII, 21st day, eponym year of Shamash-kashid-ayabi.

    Witness Hashanu.

    Witness Labatî.

    Witness Daddî.



    _igi_ (m)_dug-ga_—_u-u_

    _igi#_ (m)_bad_—10

    _igi_ (m)du-gul—a—_dingir_

    _igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a

    AI Translation

    Witness Tab-Daddi.

    Witness Duri-Adad.

    Witness Dugul-a-ili.

    Witness Ululayu.


    Witness Tab-Daddi.

    Witness Dur-Adad.

    Witness Dugul-ana-ili.

    Witness Ululayu.

    P224962: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    ina _ud 01_-_kam_ szA _iti-dul mi-ansze_ a-du _dumu_-e-szA (m)lib-lut, _dumu_ (m)_arad_—15 u-ba-la [ina] qab#-si _uru-nina_ [a-na] (m)10—_en_

    AI Translation

    On the 1st of Tishri VII, Liblut, son of Urdu-Issar, will bring the women, together with their children, to Adad-beli in the centre of Nineveh.


    On the 1st day of the month Tishri VII, Liblut, son of Urdu-Issar, shall bring the donkey mare with her young, and deliver them in the centre of Nineveh to Adad-bel.



    [_sum_-an] szum-ma la i-din

    AI Translation

    If he does not pay, he shall pay the silver tenfold.


    If he does not deliver them he will give to Adad-bel a male donkey with its cart.



    _iti-kin ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)mil-ki—ra-mu

    _igi_ (m)sa-si-i

    AI Translation

    Month Elul VI, 1st day, eponym year of Milki-ram.

    Witness Sasî.


    Month Elul VI, 1st day, eponym year of Milki-ram.

    Witness Sasî.



    _igi_ (m)s,il—(d)_nin-lil_

    _igi_ (m)_dingir_—_pab_

    AI Translation

    Witness Shil-Mullissi.

    Witness Ilu-ushur.


    Witness Shil-Mullissi.

    Witness Ilu-ishshur.

    P224964: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)(d)[x x x] [_dumu_] (m)(d)_masz_(?)#—[x x] [x x x x x x]

    x#+[x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Seal of NN, son of Inurta-..., .



    Seal of NN, son of Inurta-..., ......




    ina _ud 01_-_kam_ sza# [_iti_-x x x]

    AI Translation

    On the 1st of .


    On the 1st day of month ...



    i-la(?)#-[x x x x]

    szum-ma la(?)# [x x x x]

    la e-x#+[x x x]

    pu-ta-ha [x x] i-na-[Asz-szi]

    _iti#-barag_ [_ud_ x-_kam_]

    AI Translation

    he ......

    If not ......

    did not ......

    he will take .

    Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.



    If not ...

    not ......

    he shall bear the liability for ......

    Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Shamash-.......



    _igi#_ (m)_dumu#_—[x x x]

    AI Translation

    Witness Mar-.


    Witness Mar-....



    _igi_ (m)asz-szur—bal(?)#-[lit, x x]

    _igi_ (m)_pab_—[x x x]

    _igi_ x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Witness Ashur-ballit, .

    Witness Ahu-.

    Witness .......


    Witness Ashur-ballit ....

    Witness Ahu-....

    Witness ....

    P224965: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x x]+x#

    [x x x x] _kam# urudu_-_mesz_

    [x x x x x]+x# szA

    [x x x (m)]_arad#_—(d)_pa_

    [x x x] _arad_ ri bal t,u

    [x x] _ta_(v) (m)_arad_—(d)[x]

    AI Translation


    ... the copper .

    ...... of

    ... Urdu-Nabû

    ... servant ...

    ... with Urdu-.



    ... copper vessels


    ... Urdu-Nabû

    ... ...

    ... with Urdu-...,



    [x x]-ni in-ta-tah

    AI Translation

    ... he has sinned


    he carried ...



    [x x]+x# it-ta-at-ru-s,u

    [x x x]+x# _kug-ud_

    [x x]-be (m)_arad_—(d)_pa_

    [x x] it-tan-nu

    [_di_-mu ina] bir#-ti-szu-nu

    [x x x] _iti#-ab ud 26_ [lim-me (m)x x x x] _gal_

    [x x x x x]-i(?)#

    AI Translation

    ... have sinned

    ... silver

    ... Urdu-Nabû

    ... gave

    There is peace between them.

    Month Tebet X, 26th day, eponym year of NN, chief .



    ... they have come to an arrangement

    ... silver

    ... Urdu-Nabû

    they gave ...

    Peace is between them.

    ... Month Tebet X, 26th day, eponym year of ..., chief ....




    [x x x x x x]+x#

    [x x x x x x]+x#

    AI Translation






    P224966: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _na4-kiszib#_ [(m)]a-s,e-e' A [(m)]ta#-_har_-t,i-sze

    10 x#+[x _gin_]-_mesz kug-ud_

    10 _ud_-_mesz_


    (m)'a-e-[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ashi', son of Tahartishe.

    10 ... shekels of silver

    10 days




    Seal of Ashi', son of Tamurtishe,

    10+x shekels of silver

    10 days


    A'e... ....



    ina _sza_-bi [x x x x]

    ina _ud_ [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    there ......

    on the day .






    _sum#_-[an x x x x x]

    (m)'a(?)#-[e-x x x (m)a]-s,i(?)-i'(?)#

    i-lak# [x x szum-ma] dul-lu la e-pu#-[szu (x x)] _kug-ud_(?)# ina masz-lu-szu _gal_

    a-x#+[x x]+x x# e-pa-szu-ni

    u-[x x] _iti-dul_ lim-me (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_du_

    _igi_ (m)[x x x]+x x x x x#

    AI Translation

    he shall give .

    A'e..., Ashi',

    If he does not perform the work, ... silver will increase by its interest.

    ...... they do

    Month Tishri VII, eponym year of Shamash-sharru-ibni.

    Witness NN.


    shall give ...

    A'e..., Ashi',

    ...... If they do not do the work, the silver will increase ....

    they will do ...

    ... Month Tishri VII, eponym year of Shamash-sharru-ibni,

    Witness ..., ....



    _igi#_ (m)ha-qu—ni-sze

    : (m)szi-i—e-sze

    e-gir-tu szA 07 _gin kug-ud_

    AI Translation

    Witness Hqu-nishe.

    ditto Shi-eshe,

    A letter of 7 shekels of silver.


    Witness Haqu-nishe.

    ditto Shi-eshe.

    He has paid off a document for 7 shekels of silver.

    P224967: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    szum-ma [ina] _ud#_ [01-_kam_]

    (m)bal-x#+[x x x]


    la il-[li-ku-ni]

    sza [x x x x x]

    20 [x x x x x]

    a-na# [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    If on the 1st day he does not pay, he shall pay x minas of silver.



    they have not come.

    of ......

    20 ......;

    to ...


    If on the 1st day,



    do not go

    of ...

    20 ...

    to ...



    (m)x#+[x x x x]

    a-na (m)bal-[x x x x]

    _iti-kin ud 14_-[_kam_]

    _igi_ (m)bal#-[x x x]

    [_igi_] (m)gur#-[x x x x]

    _igi#_ (m)x#+[x x x x]

    [_igi_] (m)x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    NN ...

    to Bal...

    Month Elul VI, 14th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

    Witness Bal....

    Witness Gur....

    Witness NN.

    Witness NN.


    NN, ...

    to Bal....

    Month Elul VI, 14th day.

    Witness Bal....

    Witness Gur....

    Witness NN.

    Witness NN.



    _igi_ (m)(d)_utu#_—[szal]-lim#—_pab_-_mesz_

    _igi_ (m)pu-t,i—e-szu

    _igi_ (m)nar-gi-i

    AI Translation

    Witness Shamash-shallim-ahhe.

    Witness Puti-eshu.

    Witness Nargî.


    Witness Shamash-shallim-ahhe.

    Witness Puti-eshu.

    Witness Nargî.

    P224968: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    de-e#-[nu sza] (m)U-x—_lugal_—[x x] _ta_(v) (m)x#+[x]-ti#-in-ti ina _ugu dumu#_ [x] _dug4-dug4_-u-ni

    [(m)]ap#-ti-ra(?)#-[x]+x# _dumu_-szu (m)(d)_pa_—A—_man_—_pab_ [a-na] _dumu_-u-te# [x x] x# [x x] [x x]-ti(?)#-[x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    The lawsuit which Nush-sharru-... brought against ...tinti concerning the son of .

    Aptira..., his son, and Nabû-aplu-sharru-ushur as sons .


    The lawsuit which Nur-sharru-ushur argued with ... tinti on account of his son.

    Nabû-mar-sharri-ushur has taken Aptira..., his son, as an adopted son for ....



    _igi#_ (m)a-x#-ru (m)_pab_—e-[di]

    _igi_ (m)_igi_—(d)[15]—la#-mur (m)_en_—szal-me [x x]

    _igi_ (m)szA—la—_dingir#_—man-nu (m)pu-t,u—e-szi#

    _igi_ [(m)x-x]—_dingir a-ba_

    AI Translation

    Witness Ahu-edi.

    Witness Pan-Issar-lamur. Bel-shallim, .

    Witness Sha-la-ili-mannu. Putu-eshi.

    Witness ...-ilu, scribe.


    Witness, Ahu-edi.

    Witness Pan-Issar-lamur, Bel-shalme ....

    Witness Sha-la-ili-mannu, Putu-Eshi.

    Witness ...-ili, scribe.

    P224969: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x x x]-u-a

    AI Translation


    10 shekels of silver



    [x x x x x] _sum_-an

    szum#-ma la id-din ina qab-si _nina-ki sum_-an

    _iti-barag ud 21_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_en_—E

    _igi_ (m)_man_—_ki_-ia

    _igi_ (m)pu-t,i-sze

    AI Translation

    ...... he shall give

    If he does not pay, he shall pay in the centre of Nineveh.

    Month Nisan I, 21st day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.

    Witness Sharru-isse'a.

    Witness Putishe.


    He shall pay .......

    If he does not pay, he shall pay in the centre of Nineveh.

    Month Nisan I, 21st day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.

    Witness Sharru-isse'a.

    Witness Putishe.

    P224970: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    x x x# [x x x x]

    ina _sza kur_—ma-szar#-[ti x x]

    _kug-ud_ e-s,ip _sum_-[an x x]

    dul-lu szA _man_ [x x x]

    _iti-gud_(?)# [x x x x]

    AI Translation


    in the watch .

    He shall pay the silver tenfold .

    the work of the king .

    Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of NN.



    in the Review Palace ...

    he shall pay double the silver.

    king's work ...

    Month Iyyar II, ...

    P224971: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x] _ansze# sze-pad_-_mesz_ [ina _gisz-ban_] szA 08 qa [sza (m)]szum#-ma—ta-zib [ina _igi_ (m)(d)x]—_pab#_—_asz_

    [x x x x x x x]+x#-a

    AI Translation

    x homers of barley by the seah of 8 'litres' belonging to Shumma-tazib, at the disposal of ...-ahu-iddina.



    x homers of barley by the seah of 8 'litres' belonging to Shumma-taship, at the disposal of ...-ahu-iddin




    _igi#_ (m)lu-qu

    _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a

    _igi_ (m)_im_—15 _gal#_—da-a-a-lu

    _igi_ (m)a-x#-a-a

    AI Translation

    Witness Luqu.

    Witness Nabû'a.

    Witness Shar-Issar, chief scout.

    Witness A...ayu.


    Witness Luqu.

    Witness Nabû'a.

    Witness Shar-Issar, rab dayali.

    Witness A...ayu.

    P224972: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    _na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—ki—10 [_dumu_ (m)]_arad_—(d)_nin-lil#_

    AI Translation

    Seal of Mannu-ki-Adad, son of Urdu-Mullissi.


    Seal of Mannu-ki-Adad, son of Urdu-Mullissi,



    [_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)(d)]_masz_(?)—_ad_(?)#—_pab_

    [_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi#_ (m)_kalag_-an—10

    [_igi_ x x]+x#-ru A (m)_dingir_-ma—lid-gul

    [_igi_ (m)x x x] _dumu_(?)# (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_

    [x x x x x]-szu-[x]-ni

    AI Translation

    Witness NN. Witness Inurta-abu-ushur.

    Witness NN. Witness Dannan-Adad.

    Witness, son of Ilma-lidgul.

    Witness NN, son of Nabû-ushur.

    ...... him


    Witness NN. Witness Inurta-abi-ushur.

    Witness NN. Witness Dan-Adad.

    Witness, son of Ilumma-lidgul.

    Witness NN, son of Nabû-ushur.




    [x x] x#+[x x] ni(?) ud(?) x x#-a-nu

    AI Translation


    ... ......

    P224975: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_na4-kiszib_ (m)]15(?)#—_man_—_du gal_—_zadim_ [x x x] _dumu_ (m)(d)15—ta-_su_ [x x x]+x#-u-ni

    AI Translation

    Seal of Issar-sharru-ibni, chief builder, son of Issar-tassu, ...unu.


    Seal of Issar-sharru-ibni, chief bow-maker ..., son of Issar-tariba, owner of the ... being sold.



    mAm#-mu _ta_(v) mAm#-[mu la _dug4-dug4_]

    man-nu szA ina ur-kisz [ina ma-ti]-ma _dug4-dug4#_-u-[ni o(?)] asz-szur (d)szA-masz lu _en_—de#-ni-szu a-de-e szA _man_ ina qa-ti-szu lu-ba-'u

    _igi_ (m)_sag-du_-a-nu _igi_ (m)qu-li-i

    _igi_ (m)_mu_—us-se-zib _igi_ (m)_arad_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

    _igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_kar_-ir _igi_ (m)_numun_-u-te-i

    _igi_ (m)rém-ana—asz-szur _igi_ (m)(d)_me-me_—_mu_—_du_

    AI Translation

    Whoever does not litigate against me

    Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, Ashur and Shamash shall be his prosecutors. May the treaty of the king be binding on him.

    Witness: Remut-bani. Witness: Qulî.

    Witness Shumu-ussezib. Witness Urdu-ahheshu.

    Witness Nergal-etir. Witness Zarmutî.

    Witness Remanni-Ashur. Witness Gula-shumu-ibni.


    No-one shall litigate with anyone

    Whoever in the future, at any time, contravenes, Ashur and Shamash shall be his prosecutors. The treaty of the king shall call him to account.

    Witness Kaqqadanu. Witness Qulî.

    Witness Mussezib. Witness Urdu-ahheshu.

    Witness Nergal-etir. Witness Zar'utî.

    Witness Remana-Ashur. Witness Gula-shumu-ibni.



    _igi_ (m)mu-_di_—(d)_szu_

    _igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su_

    AI Translation

    Witness Mushallim-Marduk.

    Witness Ahu'a-eriba.


    Witness Mushallim-Marduk.

    Witness Ahû'a-eriba.



    [x x x x x lim-me (m)]_en#_—lu—da-ri

    [x x x x x x _igi_] (m)_arad_—15

    [x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x x#+[x]

    AI Translation

    ...... ..., eponym year of Bel-lu-dari.

    ...... Witness Urdu-Issar.



    Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Bel-lu-dari.

    ....... Witness Urdu-Issar.


    P224976: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    É# 05 _ansze 7_(ban2)(?)# [x x x x x x] :- (m)s,i-id-qa-a-a s,i-du-na-[a-a x x]

    _uru-nina-ki_ :- _id_ É 02 _ansze_ [x x x] _suhur id suhur kaskal-2_ sza _uru_-(d)_im_(?)#—[x x] _suhur_ ma-'u-u-te sza É—_lugal_ x#+[x x] _suhur_ ha-am-ri _suhur_ (m)s,i-id-qa-a-[a]

    É 02 _ansze_ qa-ta-nu _suhur_ [x x x x]

    _suhur kaskal-2_ sza _uru_-(m)(d)_im_—[x x x]

    (m)su-u—ba-al _ta_(v) [x x x x x x]

    _suhur_ (m)s,i-id-qa-[a-a x x x x x]

    bu-ru _suhur_ x#+[x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    An estate of 5 hectares 7 decares ... ditto Shidqâ, Sidonean .

    An estate of 2 hectares ... adjoining the river, the road of Adad-..., the ... of the royal house, the ..., the ..., Shidqâ,

    An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining .

    adjoining the road of Adad-...,

    Su-bal with .

    adjoining Shidqâ, .

    a threshing floor adjoining .


    An estate of 5 hectares 7 decares of ... ditto Shidqaya, the Sidonian ... Nineveh, ditto the river.

    An estate of 2 hectares ... adjoining the river, adjoining the road of the town of Adad-..., adjoining the maintenance field of the king's house ..., adjoining the sacred precint, adjoining Shidqaya,

    An estate of 2 hectares "thin" land adjoining ...

    adjoining the road to Adad-... ...

    Su-bal from ...

    adjoining Shidqaya, ...

    well, adjoining ...



    sza _uru_-tur-[x x x x x x x]

    (m)(d)15—szA-x#+[x x x x x x x]

    _suhur ama_ sza [x x x x x x x]

    _gisz-gu-za suhur_ [x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    of Tur......


    adjoining the side road of .

    throne adjoining .


    of Tur...


    adjoining the side road of ...

    throne land adjoining ...



    _suhur kaskal-2_ sza [x x x x x x x]

    _suhur_ na-hal-li(?)# [x x x x x x]

    kaq-qar pu-s,e-e [x x x x x x]

    ad-ru _pu suhur_ [x x x x x x x]

    _suhur_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab_ [x x x x x x x]

    _gisz-sar pu_ ad-ru ina(?) [x x x x x x]

    sza _lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te# [x x x x x x]

    ina _sza 02 1_/2 _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_ x x]

    _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku#_ [x x x x x x]

    [x]+x x x# [x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    adjoining the road of .

    adjoining the wadi .

    the vacant lot .

    a threshing floor, a well, adjoining .

    adjoining Nabû-shumu-ushur .

    A vineyard, a threshing floor in .

    of these men .

    for 2 1/2 minas of silver .

    years ......



    adjoining the road of ...

    adjoining the wadi ...

    A vacant lot ...

    threshing floor, well, adjoining......

    adjoining Nabû-shumu-ushur, ...

    orchard, well, threshing floor in ...

    of these men ...

    for 2 1/2 mina of silver ...

    he shall have the usufruct ...... for years ......




    _iti-dul ud 01_-_kam_ [x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Month Tishri VII, 1st day, eponym year of NN.


    Month Tishri VII, 1st day, eponym year of NN.

    P224977: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x x x x]+x#-szu x#+[x x x x x x x]

    [x x x] _lu#-nam uru_-szu lu#-[u x x x] [lu-u] _lu#-a-ba uru_-szu lu-[u x x x]

    [sza de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) [(m)x x x x] [_ta_(v) _dumu_]-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v) _dumu_-_mesz_—[_dumu_-_mesz_-szu]

    [x x ub]-ta#-'u-u-ni 20(?) [x x x x] [x _ma-na_] _kug#-gi_ sak-ru u(?)#-[x x x x] [x _ansze-kur_]-_ra_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ a-[na x x x]

    [x x x]-_ra sum_-an kas-pu# [a-na 10-_mesz_-te]

    [a-na _en_]-_mesz_-szu u-ta-ra# [ina la de-ni-szu] [i-da]-bu-ub-ma la [i-laq-qi]

    AI Translation

    ... his ...

    ... the governor of his city, or ..., or the scribe of his city, or .

    seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN, his sons, his grandsons,

    ... they have brought. 20 ... minas of pure gold ..., x white horses to .

    ... will give the money tenfold to its owners.

    He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.


    his ..., ...

    whether the governor of his city, or ... or the scribe of his city, or ...

    seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN, with his sons, with his grandsons, ...,

    he shall give 20 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold ..., he shall give x white horses to .......

    He shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

    He shall contest in his 'no-lawsuit' and not succeed.

    P224978: legal-transaction tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    05 _ansze 1_(ban2) 05 qa# [x x] ina _gisz-ban_ sza [x qa] sza (m)bar-ruq#-[qu]

    ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_di_-szu-nu

    ina _igi_ (m)_apin_-esz—15

    ina ad-ri _sag-du_-szA _sum_-nu#

    AI Translation

    5 hectares, 1 seah 5 'litres' ..., by the seah of x 'litres', belonging to Barruqu;

    at the disposal of Nabû-shallimshunu.

    at the disposal of Eresh-Issar.

    They shall pay its capital in the threshing floor.


    5 homers one seah 5 'litres' ... according to the seah of x 'litres' belonging to Barruqu,

    at the disposal of Nabû-shallimshunu,

    at the disposal of Eresh-Issar,

    They shall pay at the threshing floor in its original amount.



    szum-ma la i-din-(nu) tar(*)#-bi _iti-barag_

    AI Translation

    If they do not pay, the additional payment shall increase by Nisan I.


    If they do not pay, it shall accrue interest. Month Nisan I,

    P224987: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [i3]-ba-e [i3]-ba-e-mesz [i3]-gu7#!-e

    AI Translation

    they will eat, they will eat,


    he will allot they will allot he will have use



    i3#-ba-e i3-ba-e-mesz i3#-gu7!-e

    AI Translation

    They will eat, they will eat


    he will allot they will allot he will have use

    P224990: school tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    mu du10-ga# mu da#-risz mu du10-ga mu da-risz

    AI Translation

    good year, good year,


    good year lasting year good year lasting year

    P224999: school tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ad-da!(_ta_)-zu isz-me-(d)da-gan lugal kalam-ma-gin7 ))_q000482 053_ (gesz)gu-za-a-ni suhusz#-bi# mu-ra-gi

    AI Translation

    Your father Ishme-Dagan, king of the nation, ... 573 of his throne he fashioned for you.