AICC / Publications / p228

P228005: lexical tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


[(kasz)]dida# [...]

[(kasz)]dida imgaga3

[(kasz)]dida# imgaga3 mah

[(kasz)]dida# _ka_-ge _kak_

[(kasz)]dida# _ka kak_-x#

[(kasz)dida] lal3(?)#-[hab2-ba]

AI Translation

... sweetened beer

sweetened beer made with imgaga emmer

premium sweetened beer made with imgaga emmer

... sweetened beer

... sweetened beer

sweetened beer made with emmer

Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

... sweetened beer

sweetened beer made with imgaga emmer

premium sweetened beer made with imgaga emmer

... sweetened beer

... sweetened beer

sweetened beer made with dripped honey

P228008: lexical tablet

Old Babylonian Oracc


(kasz)dida _ka_-ge#-x

(kasz)dida _ka kak_-a#

(kasz)dida lal3#-hab2-ba

(kasz)dida ud tab-ba

(kasz)dida ud sal-la

(kasz)dida sza3-ge guru7#

(kasz)dida e2-da-di

(kasz)dida gu-la

kasz nag lugal

kasz ku7-ku7

kasz# hu-ru-um

kasz# saga

kasz# gen

[kasz] garza


[(kasz)uluszin3] mah#

AI Translation

... sweetened beer

sweetened beer .

sweetened beer made with emmer

sweetened beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

sweetened beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

sweetened beer for the heart of the grain-fed worker

sweetened beer for an edadi offering

sweetened beer made with sweetened beer

royal beer

sweet beer

beer for a hurum offering

good quality beer

ordinary quality beer

beer for a garza offering

emmer beer

premium emmer beer

Chiera, Edward

... sweetened beer

... sweetened beer

sweetened beer made with dripped honey

sweetened beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

sweetened beer exposed to little sunlight

sweetened beer for a free will offering

sweetened beer for an edadi offering

great sweetened beer

beer for royal consumption

sweet beer

beer of a hurum container

good quality beer

ordinary quality beer

beer for the garza rites

emmer beer

premium emmer beer

P228022: lexical tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sa-ma-ag |_urudu_xU-_lagab_| = %a um-s,a-tum#
  • 1(disz) ku-u2 _tar_ = %a pa-ra-s,um#
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a ba#-ta-[qum]
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a _ki_/_di_-lu-[x]
  • 1(disz) ha-asz _tar_ = %a szi-ib-[rum]
  • 1(disz) ta-ar _tar_ = %a na#-[ka-su-um]
  • [1(disz) _tar_] = %a [...]
  • [1(disz) _tar_] = %a [...]
  • [1(disz)] si#-la _tar_ = %a su2-[u2]-qu2-[um]
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a szu-lu-u2#-[um]
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a eq-[bu-um]
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a mu#-szu-[um]
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a zu-gu#-[...]
  • [1(disz) ...] _din#_ = %a ba#-[la-t,u3-um]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sa-ma-ag copper .
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 tar of ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 sila of ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ..., ...,
  • Reverse

  • [1(disz) e-pi]-ig# _sig_ = %a x-[...]
  • [1(disz)] nu-uz# _nunuz_ = %a ri-[...]
  • 1(disz) _nunuz_ = %a pe-e-[lu-u2-um]
  • 1(disz) _nunuz_ = %a e-ri-[im-ma-tum]
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a bi-i-tum#
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a ga-ni-nu-um#
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a x-x-[...]
  • [1(disz) ...]
  • [1(disz) ...]
  • 1(disz) _ga2#_ = %a a#-[la-kum]
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a szu-ta-[...]
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a na-ap-x-[...]
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a pa-t,a-rum#
  • 1(disz) _ga2_ = %a el-lum
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ... door,
  • 1 nuz ...
  • 1 pigeon,
  • 1 ewe,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • P228023: lexical tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-x [...]-esz [...]-zu

    AI Translation

    Column 2'


    gazi#(+gi-zi) _ku7_(+ga-ga-le)-e(sar#) _ku7_(+ga-ga-le) zubi-ke4(+zu-bu-ke4) sum(+szum)(sar) _gisz_(+tu-ku-ul) mes(+me-esz3) gu2 ki am-la2 [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 1


    kikken#(+ki-in-ki#-in#) e2 x(+x-x) idim-e(+i-di-me-e) am-sza4(+am-sza) sum(+szum)(sar) geszimmar-e(+ge2-esz-ni-in-ba-ar-re) e2-zi-da(+e2-zi3-da) sumur2-sze3(+su2-mu-ur2-sze) am3-la2(+am3-la2) sum(+szum) szir-dili(+sze-ri-dili) x an-na#?

    AI Translation

    The kiln-worker, the house of ..., the idim-worker, the wild bull, the date palm, the Ezida, the shumur-plant, the amar-plant, the shirdili-plant, ... of heaven,

    Column 2


    [...] [...] sar# [...] sar# [...] sar# [...] sar# [...] sar# [...] sar#

    AI Translation

    P228024: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x [...] x [...] x [x] [...] _ah_ [x] [...] muszen# [...] muszen x [...] x-zi [...] uruda a-[...]-_igi_-_du_ a#-[...]-_igi#_?-_du_ u2 [...] _igi_ x u2 [...] _a gesztin_? (dug)kur-ku-ru2 (dug)dur2 buru3 (dug)x-me szika _ri_

    AI Translation

    ... ... bird ... bird ... ... copper ...



    szika _kal_ szika _kal_ szika _kal_ szika ugur2 bal (im)durun-na (im)_ne_-_du_-_du_ x giggi kur x su4 kur x _ku_ uzu# bun2 uzu# (kusz)esir4? uzu# [...] [x] x [...] [x] x [...] _sahar#_ [...] x [x?] _hub2_ inim-ma en-_di_ en gesztu2 _gisz_ x _amar amar amar kalam amar kalam_

    AI Translation

    P228051: lexical prism

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    ad-gi4 ki-sag ad-hal abrig

  • 5(asz) |_ga_xDIM|
  • 5(asz) gazi
  • 5(asz)# |_ga2_x(_ha-lu-ub2_)|
  • 1(u)# uz _ama_
  • 1(u)# masz2 su4#
  • [...] tu

  • 1(u) gukkal
  • ab2 ga gu7-esz amar ga nag-esz

  • 1(u) zi suhur
  • 3(asz) ziz2 _gan2_
  • 3(asz) kad4
  • 3(asz) utu2
  • AI Translation

    scribe, chief accountant, steward.

  • 5 ...
  • 5 gur of gazi,
  • 5 gur ...
  • 10 nanny goats,
  • 10 billy goats, suckling,
  • 10 fat-tailed sheep,
  • cow fed, calf fed, nanny goat fed,

  • 10 ...,
  • 3 gur emmer, field,
  • 3 ...,
  • 3 suckling sheep,
  • Surface b


    [...] x x [...] pesz2#-da ri-a [...] ga [...] gara2 [...] ab2

  • 1(asz)# ninda2
  • 1(u) u8
  • 1(asz) utua
  • 1(u) ud5
  • [...] masz2# nunuz kad4-gam(muszen#) 1(gesz2) 1(u) 1(disz) szusz3 nar _gar#_ uri#[(ri)] _isz# zu_ sza3# nam-gu2 se3#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... cow

  • 1 ninda,
  • 10 ewes,
  • 1 nanny goat,
  • 10 nanny goats,
  • ... goat, suckling eagle, 91 ..., nar, ... of Ur, ... of the namgu-disease,

    Surface c

  • 5(asz)# [...]
  • 5(asz) gazi
  • 5(asz) |_ga2_x(_ha-lu-ub2_)|#
  • 1(u) uz ama
  • 1(u) masz2 su4
  • 1(u) tu
  • 1(u) gukkal
  • ab2 ga gu7-[esz] amar ga-[...] x x [...]

  • 3(asz) ziz2 _gan2_
  • 3(asz) kad4
  • 3(asz) utu2
  • 5(asz) gir2 _an_
  • 1(u) kisz#-da3#
  • 1(u) ga
  • 1(asz) gara2!(_ga_)
  • AI Translation
  • 5 gur ...,
  • 5 gur of gazi,
  • 5 gur ...
  • 10 nanny goats, mother,
  • 10 billy goats,
  • 10 bundles of meat,
  • 10 fat-tailed sheep,
  • cow that eats milk, calf that eats milk .

  • 3 gur emmer, field,
  • 3 ...,
  • 3 suckling sheep,
  • 5 ...
  • 10 kishda-measures,
  • 10 ...,
  • 1 gur of barley,
  • Surface d


    [...] [...] [...] u8# [...] utua# [...] ud5

  • 1(asz) masz2
  • nunuz kad4-[...](muszen) 1(gesz2) [1(u)] 1(disz) x x x x x x _gar_ uri(ri) _isz_ zu sza3 nam-gu2 se3 ki 1(szar2@v) 1(szar2@v) 1(szar2@v)? kiszig2-kiszig2 kib-kib

    AI Translation

    ... ... ewe ... ... ... ewe

  • 1 billy goat,
  • Surface e


    [...] x x [...] |_zi&zi_|#-[...] |_zi&zi_|#-[...] _e2_-_pirig_-bur3 |_ninda2_x(_me-gan2_@t)| en-me-kar2 en-zi-me-kar2 x x x ri-a al#-tar al-tar-ra?-bi-sze3 sza3 gu2-bi nam-gi4 _pap_-_pu2_-bi _pap_-_pu2_ |(_u2-x-zu_?)&(_u2-x-zu_)|-bi gesz-bi (gesz)apin erin2# [...] gi-bi

    AI Translation

    Surface f


    [...] dur# [...] |_zi&zi-lagab_|-ra# |_zi&zi-lagab_| (gesz)_bad_-a szub5-be2 |_zi&zi-lagab_| dur# (gesz)_en gan2#_ [...] ki-x ki-x sze-gin2#-[a] za-gin3 duru5# sal-la ur-ur u2-a _hi# ba_-x hirinx(_lak175_) sila3? sar

    AI Translation

    P228110: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [ga-an]-ze2#-er# = %a na-ab#-lum# an#-bar7 = %a mu-us,-la-lum an#-(bar7)-_gan2_ = %a ka-ra-ru-um [an]-bar7-_gan2_ gesz-e = %a na-na-zi-tim#? an#-ur2 = %a i-szi-id sza-me an#-pa = %a a-pi sza-me-e* [an]-ur2 si5-a = %a sza-du-um ta-ri-ik [an]-ur2# gesz la2-a = %a sza-du-um i-tam-ma-ma [an]-ur2# u2-si-an-ta = %a sza-du-um ta-ri-ik

    AI Translation

    a kind of tree a kind of tree



    [u2]-sze3-en = %a li-li-a-tum# u2#-sa5-an# = %a szi-wi-i-tum [(d)](+gan2#-ses)gansis = %a e-t,u-tum an#-ta-gal2 = %a e-lu-um [(d)]lamma = %a la-ma-szum [(d)]szedu = %a sze-du-um# mul#-mul = %a i-ta-an-pu#-hu-um mul#-mul = %a i-ta-an-bu-t,u3-um

    AI Translation

    a kind of a kind

    P228140: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [...] (gesz)banszur za3-gu2-[la2 ...] [...] (gesz)_tur_-x [...] [...] (gesz)muru5-za-nu-[um ...] [...] in#-na-an-[...] [...] u4 ti-la-ni-sze3#? [...] [...] igi#?-ni-sze3 i3-x-[...] [...] u4# kur2-sze3 ibila x-[...] [...] x-ni-sze3 [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for his life ... before him ... ... in the future heir ... ... .

    P228200: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    sumun2# a gar-ra

    sumun2# a si3-ga

    sumun2 sur-ra


    zi3 munu4


    munu4 al(?)# x x

    AI Translation

    a kind of water vessel

    filtered water

    a kind of reed mat

    a kind of reed



    malt ...

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    beer mash infused with water

    beer mash infused with water

    strained beer mash

    cooked beer mash

    malt flour


    ... malt

    P228213: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    # agrig - [|_igi-dub_|] = %a a-ba-ra-ak-kum # agrig " [ag]-ri#-ig = %a ag2-ri-iq-qu3-um # imhur4 - |_igi-a_| = %a hu-ur-hu-ma-at me-e # imhur2 - |_igi-bi_| = %a hu-ur-hu-ma-at _kasz #_ halib - |_igi-kur_| = %a ir-ka-la # ganzer - |_igi-kur-za_| = %a da-ni-na# # ganzer3 " ga-an-ze2-er = %a ka-ni-sur-ru# # ganzer3 = %a ba-ab er#-[s,e-tim]

    AI Translation

    agrig s


    steward steward foam on water foam on beer Netherworld the nether world Netherworld gate to the nether world



    # gurum2 " gu-ru-um - |_igi-x_| = %a pi-qi3?-[it-tum]

    AI Translation

    ... inspection



    P228330: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] x [...] [...]-gin7# eden# [...] [...]-ki#-gar-ra# [...] [...]-bi#-ta lipisz#-[...] [...] x x gi#-x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... like a desert ...

    P228348: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    ku6# [gir2] _an_ ku6 gir2 sza3 gir2 _an_ sza3 gir2 lib# gir2 [...] gir2#

    AI Translation

    fish ... fish

    Column 2


    _an_ |_naga_xDISZ| gir2 sur gir2 _an_ sur# gir2# x x [x]

    AI Translation

    P228359: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    [ninda gur4]-ra zi3-kum

    [ninda gur4]-ra zi3 gu2-nida

    ninda# gur4-ra zi3-sig15

    ninda gur4-ra zi3 [...]

    [ninda] gur4-ra zi3 [...]

    [ninda] gur4-ra zi3 [...]

    [ninda] gur4#-ra dabin

    [ninda] gur4-ra zi3-milla#

    [ninda gur4]-ra _mu_(?)#

    [ninda gur4]-ra i3 de2-a#

    [ninda gur4]-ra# i3 de2-a#

    [ninda] hi-ib-[za ...]

    ninda# pa-an-du-nu-um

    ninda# pa-na-ni-kum

    [ninda] gazi-ta

    [ninda] harub-ba

    [ninda ...]-da

    [ninda sag]-gar

    AI Translation

    bread made with flour

    bread made with the gurgur flour

    bread made with fresh emmer flour

    bread made with ... flour

    bread made with ... flour

    bread made with ... flour

    bread made with a flour mixture

    bread made with fine flour

    ... bread

    baked bread made with oil

    baked bread made with oil

    ... bread

    bread for Pandunum;

    a kind of bread

    bread made with gazi flour

    bread for a harubba offering

    ... bread

    bread for a head

    Gordon, Edmund J.

    thick bread made with whole grain flour

    thick bread made with fine emmer flour

    thick bread made from coarse flour

    thick bread made with ... flour

    thick bread made with ... flour

    thick bread made with ... flour

    thick bread made with barley flour

    thick bread made with bad quality flour

    thick bread ...

    thick pastry

    thick pastry

    type of pastry

    pandunum bread

    pannigum bread

    bread made with mustard/dodder

    bread made with carobs

    ... bread

    ... bread

    P228368: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc

    Reverse Column i


    [tu7 ar-za-na] saga

    [tu7 lu-ub2](sar)

    [tu7 tun3]-la2(sar)

    [tu7 gana2]-sze#(sar)

    [tu7 (gesz)]masz(sar)

    [tu7 ...] masz(sar)

    [tu7 a-dar]-ra#(sar)

    [tu7 ...] x(sar)

    [tu7 ba-ba]-da

    [tu7 ba-ba]-da saga#

    [...] x


    [...] A

    [...] _ka_ x-ga

    [tu7 _ud_ szen]-na

    [tu7 uzu]-bala

    AI Translation

    good quality soup

    soup made with lukubba plant

    soup made with the tunla plant

    soup made with the ganshe plant

    soup made with the mash plant

    soup made with ... gazelle

    soup made with the adara plant

    soup made with ... emmer

    soup made with the babada plant

    good quality soup

    soup made with the ... plant

    soup made with the bala plant


    soup made with good quality barley groats

    soup made with turnips

    soup made with the dunla plant

    soup made with the ganshe plant

    soup made with the mash plant

    soup made with the mash plant

    soup made with the adara plant

    soup made with the ... plant


    good quality porridge





    ... soup of the cauldron

    meat broth

    Reverse Column ii


    kasz# [...]

    (kasz)dida(?) [...]

    (kasz)dida(?) [...]

    kasz nag lugal#

    kasz saga#

    (kasz)dida sza3-ga [guru7]

    kasz saga#

    kasz gen#



    (kasz)uluszin3 mah#

    kasz ud [tab-ba]

    kasz ud sal-[la]

    kasz [...]

    kasz _ig_-[...]

    kasz zi3 x-[...]

    kasz# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    royal beer

    good quality beer

    sweetened beer for the heart

    good quality beer

    ordinary quality beer

    emmer beer

    emmer beer

    premium emmer beer

    beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

    beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

    ... beer

    ... beer

    beer made with ... flour

    ... beer



    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    beer for royal consumption

    good quality beer

    sweetened beer for a freewill offering

    good quality beer

    ordinary quality beer

    emmer beer

    emmer beer

    premium emmer beer

    beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

    beer exposed to a little sunlight

    ... beer

    ... beer

    beer made with ... flour

    ... beer

    P228400: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] ki# iri#-_tag_ a-nag a#? eme ha-mun-na du6#? egir x egir#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... behind

    Column 2


    _masz masz_ nun _masz_ gu4 du7 sikil#? gi gur7 gi-rin [gi] hal

    AI Translation

    Column 3


    x x alim la2#? alim _kal_ su-din nir akszak(ki)-a _ka_ kur x ki gar

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... of Akshak ... .

    Column 4


    ma-ba ma-dar _ha_-A(ki) hesz5!(_lu2_)-szi# hesz5#-[...]

    AI Translation

    The boat of the ... of Ha'a, ..., .

    Column 1


    x [...] a-na [...] dub-bi [...] mes-za-[...] a#-na-mu-na uszusz uszusz nun ga-rasz ki ga-rasz ki lagar ki szita3 am x [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 2


    u5 zi# x x ildu2 ildu2 bar-ra en i3 zu en edin zu a de2-um ebih [...]-de2 [...] gir17 x gir17 [...] gir17 [...] _szid_

    AI Translation

    Column 3


    [...]-ka# [...]-da sag egir? _ka_ egir sag#-nir [...] gibil [...] x [...] x ki#? [...] ki-gu4#-si# ki# [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 4


    [...] _szid#_ [ki] sa12-du5# ki din x ki x x ki da-ab x sikil [ki] kul#?-aba4#?

    AI Translation

    P228489: school tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    [...]-ka(?)# [sze u3] masz2-bi# [gur]-ru#-dam

    lu2#-ki-inim-ma itud#-bi mu-bi

    [n(asz)] n(barig) n(ban2) sze gur

    AI Translation

    ... will return the barley and its interest

    Its witnesses, its month, its year.

    n gur n barig n ban2 barley,


    ... the barley with its interest are to be returned in ....

    Its witnesses, its month its year.

    Tot gur tot barig tot ban of barley.

    P228553: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc

    Reverse Column i


    bappir2 _ud_(?)#

    bappir2# pad-pad-ra2#

    bappir2# ud tab-ba


    [sumun2] a# gar-ra

    AI Translation

    ... dough and herbs used for making beer

    dough and herbs used for making beer

    dough and herbs used for making beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

    a kind of profession

    beer mash infused with water

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    ... dough and herbs used for making beer

    broken up dough and herbs used for making beer

    dough and herbs used for making beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

    beer mash

    beer mash infused with water

    Reverse Column ii


    duh x#

    duh duru5

    duh had2

    duh ha#-[ha-la]

    duh ha-[ha-la _du_]

    duh kurun5#

    AI Translation

    ... bran


    emmer beer

    ... bran

    ... bran

    bran used for making beer

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    ... bran

    soaked/ripe bran

    dried bran

    filtered bran

    ... filtered bran

    bran used for making choice liquor

    P228632: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [a-ab-ba igi-nim-ma] = %a [tam-tum] e#-li-[tum] sug# = %a [ba]-ma#-tum [sug]-musz# = %a [s,u2]-s,u2-u2-[um] [...]-da = %a [na]-as,#-ma-da-[tum] [sug]-za3-ge4# = %a s,e#-ru-u2-um ba#-ma#-tum# [ambar] = %a [ap]-pa-ru-um [ambar] mah# = %a [ap]-pa-ru-um s,i#-[ru-um] ambar# ban3-da = %a [ap]-pa#-ar#-ru#-um# [...] umah = %a mi-uh2-s,um# engur# = %a a-ap-su-um# [abzu] = %a a#-ap-su-um [i]-zi# = %a [pe]-zu-ru-um [i]-zi# = %a [a]-gu#-u2-um [i-zi] hu-luh-[ha] = %a [a]-gu#-um ga-al-tum [a]-ge6# = %a [a-gu-u2-um]

    [uh2]-pu2 = %a la#-[wi-ri-a-nu] [si-du11]-ga# = %a hu#-[ba-al-lum] [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...] [a-ra]-li = %a er-s,e#-[tum] [kur-nu]-gi4 = %a er-s,e#-[tum la ta-ri] [uh2]-pu2 = %a ki-ik#?-[...] tir# = %a qi2-isz-[tum] [tir]-tir# = %a qi2-sza-a-[tum] [tir ha-szu-ur2-ra] = %a qi2-isz-ti ha-szu-ur#-[ri] [tir ku3] = %a qi2#-isz-tum e-le#-[tum] me3# = %a ta#-ha-zu-um szen#-[szen] = %a [qa2]-ab#-lu-[um] szen#-szen sag gi4-a = %a [qa2-ab-lum] la# ma-ha#-[ri]

    AI Translation

    sea sag s

    Column 1


    [...] = %a [bu]-bu-uh2-tum [...] = %a li#-iq-ta-tum [u3]-na#-a#-[du11] = %a qi2-bi-szum [u3-na-de3]-dah# = %a szu-ni-szum ((um)) [...] = %a szu-li-su-um [u3-gub]-ba# = %a u2#-gup-pu-um [x] u3#-ba = %a [ki]-sza#-a-tum [il2]-la = %a [na-szu]-u2#-um tun3#-la2 = %a [szu-up]-lum# ki#-ma-an-ze2-er = %a [...] sig = %a [sza-ap-li]-tum# igi-nim = %a [e-li]-tum iri# du3#-a = %a [szu-lu-ma]-tim [ul-du3]-a = %a [s,i]-a-tum [en]-nu#-[ug3] = %a [ma]-s,a-ar-tum [ki en-nu-ug3] = %a ma#-s,a-ar-tum [...] = %a [x]-bu-u2-tum

    [esz3-ta-gur]-ra# = %a isz-ta-gu-ru-um [en-nu]-ug3# = %a ma-s,a-ar#-tum [en-nu]-ug3# an#-usan = %a ba-ra#-[ri]-tum [en]-nu-ug3 [murub4] = %a qa2#-ab#-[li]-tum en#-nu-ug3 u4# zal-[le-da] = %a [sza-at ur-ri]-im [en]-nu#-ug3# [szuszana] = %a [... i]-ta-la-ak [en-nu-ug3 1/2(disz)] = %a [... i]-ta-la-ak [en-nu-ug3 szanabi] = %a ma-[s,a]-ar#-ti#-[im] i#-ta-la-ak [...] = %a [x?-x]-um [iri-ki-gal] = %a [x?-x]-ga-lu-u2-um [ba7] = %a bu#-um [masz-masz] = %a [ma-asz2]-ma-szum

    [|_masz-en-kak_|] = %a [mu]-usz#-ke-nu-um [...] = %a [...]-um [...] = %a [...]-x-x-um [...] = %a [...]-x-x-[x]

    AI Translation

    eshtagur ... watch ...

    a kind of profession

    Column 2


    [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...] [...] = %a [...]

    a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...] a2# [...] = %a [...]

    AI Translation

    ... labor ... labor

    ... labor ...

    P228663: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc

    Obverse Column i


    [sze] zar#

    [sze] zar# tab-ba

    [sze] zar sal-la

    sze# zar kesz2-da

    sze# garadinx2((_sze-nun&nun_)&(_sze-nun&nun_))

    [sze] ku5-da

    sze# nu-ku5-da

    sze# us2-sa

    [sze] nu-us2-sa

    [sze] nir-ra

    [sze nu]-nir-ra

    AI Translation

    barley of the zar

    barley of the zar, piled up,

    barley of the zar that is not ripe

    barley weighed out by the knot

    barley for a granary

    roasted barley

    barley that is not harvested

    barley ...

    barley that is not cultivated

    nirra barley

    barley that is not sown

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    barley of a sheaf

    barley of piled sheaves

    barley of spread sheaves

    barley of bound sheaves

    barley of a stack

    harvested barley

    barley that is not harvested

    treaded grain

    grain that is not treaded

    winnowed grain

    grain that is not winnowed

    Obverse Column ii


    sze# [...]

    sze-gesz-i3# [...]

    sze-gesz-i3# [...]

    sze-gesz-i3# [...]

    sze-gesz-i3# [...]

    sze-gesz-[i3 ...]

    duh [sze-gesz-i3]


    szu-si x [...]



    ga uzud#-[da]

    ga gur3#-[ru]


    ga x-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... barley

    sesame ...

    sesame ...

    sesame ...

    sesame ...

    sesame seeds .

    sesame oil soup

    ... reed mat

    ... finger

    reed mat

    a kind of profession

    nanny goat milk

    baked bread

    a kind of meat

    ... milk

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    ... barley

    ... sesame seed

    ... sesame seed

    ... sesame seed

    ... sesame seed

    ... sesame seed

    sesame seed husks


    finger of ...



    goat milk

    transported milk


    ... milk

    P228726: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc

    Obverse Column i


    tu7 ar-za-na saga#

    tu7 lu-ub2(sar)

    tu7 dun3-la2

    tu7 gana2-sze

    tu7 (gesz)masz

    tu7 (gesz)mas-gur2

    tu7 a-dar(sar)

    tu7 (kusz)lubx2((_lu-esz2_)&(_lu-esz2_))-szir(sar)

    tu7 ba-ba-da

    tu7 ba-ba-da saga

    [tu7] zi3(!)(_tug2_-)da

    [...] zi3(?)#-da

    AI Translation

    good quality soup

    soup made with lukubba plant

    soup made with the dunla plant

    soup made with the gana plant

    soup made with the mash plant

    soup made with the mashgur plant

    soup made with the adar plant

    soup made with the lubshir plant

    soup made with the babada plant

    good quality soup

    soup made with flour

    ... flour

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    soup made with good quality barley groats

    soup made with turnips

    soup made with the dunla plant

    soup made with the ganshe plant

    soup made with the mash plant

    soup made with the mashgurum plant

    soup made with the adara plant

    soup made with the lubshir plant


    good quality porridge

    soup made with flour

    soup made with flour

    Obverse Column ii


    tu7# [...]

    kasz# [...]

    kasz# [...]

    kasz# [...]

    kasz [...]

    kasz [...]

    (kasz)dida# [...]

    (kasz)dida x# [...]

    (kasz)dida x# [...]

    (kasz)dida [...]

    (kasz)dida# [...]


    AI Translation

    ... soup

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer


    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    ... soup

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer

    ... sweetened beer


    Reverse Column i


    u4-[hi-in ...]

    u4-hi-[in ...]

    u4-hi-in# [...]

    u4-hi-in# [...]

    u4-hi-in x# [...]

    u4-hi-[in ...]

    u4-hi-[in ...]


    zu2-lum [...]

    AI Translation

    fresh dates

    fresh dates ...

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates

    fresh dates ...

    fresh dates ...

    fresh dates ...


    ... dates

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates

    ... fresh dates


    ... dates

    Reverse Column ii




    mun _u2-kur_

    mun al-szeg6-ga2

    mun al-gaz-za



    [naga] duru5

    [naga] had2

    pa# naga

    [...] naga

    AI Translation



    ... malt

    ... malt

    roasted malt

    a kind of plant

    a kind of insect

    hard emmer

    a kind of plant

    a kind of resinous plant

    ... alkali-plant

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel



    product of the shimbirida plant

    cooked salt

    crushed salt

    alkaline plant

    horned alkalai

    soaked/ripe alkaline plant

    dried alkaline plant

    branch of an alkaline plant

    ... of an alkaline plant

    P228738: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    a du11-ga

    a du11-ga

    AI Translation

    a kind of water

    a kind of water

    Falkowitz, Robert S.

    to irrigate

    to irrigate

    P228765: literary and lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    gissu# du10-ga# ug3#-e ni2 dub2#-bu

    AI Translation

    Good bed for the people, who sat on the bed

    Column 1


    nin-da-da nin-ib2-da# nin-x-[x] nin#-[x-x]

    AI Translation

    Nindada, Ninibda, Nin-...,

    Column 2


    nin#-[...] nin#-[...]

    AI Translation

    Nin-... Nin-...

    P228766: school tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc

    Reverse Column i


    x#-[...] ki i3(?)-li2(?)#-[x-x-ta] (disz)lugal(?)#-[...] szu ba-an-ti

    mu-_du_ ud buru14-ka# sze al-ag2-e

    5(asz) n(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur# (disz)ib-ni-(d)en-lil2 szesz lu2(?)-x-x-x# x#-[x-x]-x# szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation

    Lugal-... received from Ili-.

    he will measure the barley at the delivery of the harvest.

    Ibni-Enlil, the brother of Lu-..., received 5 gur n barig 3 ban2 of barley;

    Peterson, Jeremiah

    Lugal-... has received from Ili-... tot gur of barley;

    he will measure the barley at the delivery of the harvest.

    Ibni-Enlil, the brother of Lu-... has received 5 gur tot barig 3 ban of barley ...

    Reverse Column ii


    [...]-x-x# [ki x]-x#-i3-li2-ta [(disz)x-x]-x#-ke4 [szu] ba#-an-ti#

    [...] [sze] al-ag2-e

    [n]+2(asz) sze gur sila#-a gal2-sze3

    ki a-ba-(d)en-lil2-gin7-ta

    AI Translation

    PN2 received from PN1 tot gur of barley;

    ... he will measure the barley.

    n+2 gur of barley for the street,

    from Aba-Enlil-gin;

    Peterson, Jeremiah

    PN has received from ...-ili tot gur of barley;

    he will measure the barley at ....

    x+2 gur of barley, that is not yet in hand lit: in the street,

    PN has received from Aba-Enlil-gin ...

    P228831: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    kasz sza3-ge guru7

    kasz e2-da-di

    kasz sza3-ge guru7

    kasz e2-da-di

    AI Translation

    beer for the heart, grain-fed,

    beer for an edadi offering

    beer for the heart, grain-fed,

    beer for an edadi offering

    Reiner Erica & Civil, Miguel

    beer for a free will offering

    beer for an edadi offering

    beer for a free will offering

    beer for an edadi offering

    P228838: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'

  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [e-lu]-u2#-um
  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [...]-um
  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [sza-mu]-u2
  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [sza-qu2-u2]-um
  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [ha]-mu#-u2
  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [i]-lum
  • [1(disz) ... _an_] = %a [a]-sa#-ak-kum
  • 1(disz) ... |_ku3-an_|] = %a [a]-sa#-ak-kum
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ... ...
  • 1 ... ...
  • 1 ..., ...
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ... ...
  • 1 ... of ...,
  • 1 ... ...
  • 1 ..., ... of Asakkum;
  • Column 2'

  • 1(disz) ...] = %a [...]-um#
  • 1(disz) ...] = %a [...]-x-um
  • 1(disz) ...] _ud_ = %a sza#-bu#-lu#-um
  • 1(disz) ha#-ad# _ud_ = %a na-am-ru-um
  • 1(disz) u2-szu |_u-ud_| = %a e-re-eb (d)utu(+szi)
  • 1(disz) |_u-ud_| = %a u2-tu?-ur-tum
  • 1(disz) e _e3_ = %a wa-a-s,u2-um
  • 1(disz) _e3_ = %a hi#-a-t,u3-um
  • 1(disz) _e3_ = %a ru-ub-bu-um
  • 1(disz) e# _e11#_ = %a [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • Column 1

  • 1(disz) [...] = %a [...]
  • 1(disz) ki-sze-eb# [_dub_] = %a [...]
  • 1(disz) _dub#_ = %a [...]
  • 1(disz) _dub_ = %a ri#-[it-tum]
  • 1(disz) [u4]-ru#-da# _urudu_ = %a we-e-ru-um#
  • 1(disz) e-me-da |_um-me_| = %a ta-ri-tum
  • 1(disz) su-(mu)-ug |_urudu_xU| = %a szu-ul-lum
  • 1(disz) |_urudu_xU| = %a ma-as,-s,um
  • [1(disz) ] |_urudu_xU| = %a um-s,a-tum
  • [1(disz) ... _tar_] = %a [pa-ra]-s,u2-um
  • [1(disz) _tar_] = %a [ba-ta]-qum#
  • 1(disz) ta-ar# [_tar_] = %a [...]
  • 1(disz) _tar_ = %a [...]
  • [1(disz) si]-la _tar_ = %a su2-u2-qum#
  • [1(disz) ] _tar_ = %a szu-lu-um
  • [1(disz) ] _tar_ = %a eq-bu-um
  • [1(disz) ] _tar#_ = %a su2#-lu-um
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 tablet of ...,
  • 1 tablet, ...,
  • 1 copper ewe,
  • 1 emeda, ...,
  • 1 copper ...,
  • 1 copper ...
  • 1 copper ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 tar ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 sila of ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • Column 2

  • [1(disz) ... _kisal_] = %a ki#-sa-lum
  • [1(disz) ... _e2_] = %a bi-tum
  • [1(disz) ... |_e2_xGAR|] = %a mi-el-ku
  • [1(disz) ... ] |_e2_xSAL|# = %a ma-asz-ta-kum
  • [1(disz) ... ] |_e2_xSZE|# = %a qa2-ri-tum
  • [1(disz) ... ] |_e2_xMI|# = %a ki-is,-s,um
  • [1(disz) ... |_e2_xSAL|] = %a re-mu
  • [1(disz) ... |_e2_x(_a-ha-da_)|] = %a [e-da]-ak-kum
  • [1(disz) ... ] = %a [...]-u2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ..., the courtyard,
  • 1 ... house,
  • 1 ..., ...
  • 1 ..., ...
  • 1 ..., ...
  • 1 ..., ...
  • 1 ..., ...,
  • 1 ..., ...
  • 1 ...,
  • P228844: lexical tablet

    nan CDLI



    [(disz)]a#-ba#-ak#?-[...] (disz)u-bar-(d)la-ga#-ma#-al# (disz)i-din-(d#)urasz (disz)i-bi-(d)ir3-ra (disz)i-lu#-su#-na-da (disz#)e-ku-u2-a

    AI Translation

    Abak-..., Ubar-Lagamal, Iddin-Urash, Ibbi-Irra, Ilusunada, Eku'a,



    (disz)s,a-bi-(d)en-lil2 (disz)(d)utu-mu-sze-zi-ib (disz)i-t,ur-asz-du-um (disz)isz-me-dingir [x x] x [x]

    AI Translation

    Shabi-Enlil, Shamash-mushezib, Itur-ashdum, Ishme-ili, .

    P228898: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)dingir-da-nu-me-a (disz)a-ba-ak?-nu-um (disz)u-bar-(d)la-ga-ma-al (disz)i-din-(d)urasz (disz)i-bi-(d)er3-ra (disz)i-lu-su-na#-da# (disz)s,a-bi-(d)en#-lil2 (disz)(d)nanna-lu2-ti

    AI Translation

    Dingirdanum, Abaknum, Ubar-lagamal, Iddin-Urash, Ibbi-Erra, Ilusunada, Shabi-Enlil, Nanna-luti,



    (disz)(d)utu-mu-sze-zi-ib (disz)i-t,ur-asz-du-um (disz)isz#-me-((asz))-dingir

    AI Translation

    Shamash-mushezib, Itur-ashdum, Ishme-ili,

    P228928: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc

    Reverse Column ii


    sze# [...]

    sze x x# [...]

    sze a de2-[a]

    sze a-ta de2#-[a]

    sze ud-de3 ri-a

    sze ha-ba-zi-in


    sze lillan

    an sze



    mug sze#

    x# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... barley

    ... barley

    irrigated barley

    barley that has been lost from the harvest

    barley of the distant days

    barley that has been piled up

    a kind of insect

    barley of the lillan

    barley of the sky


    barley ration

    barley smashed with a spoon


    ... barley

    ... barley

    irrigated barley

    grain dried after the flood

    grain that is ... with sunlight

    fresh green barley


    barley beginning to head

    ear of barley


    barley stubble

    barley afflicted by ergot


    Reverse Column iii





    [ga]-ra#-an haszhur(!)(_ma_)

    [ga]-ra#-an pesz3

    [ga-ra-an] nu-ur2-ma

    AI Translation

    a kind of profession

    a kind of large apple

    a kind of snake

    pomegranate basket



    split ...

    bunch of fruit

    bunch of apples

    bunch of figs

    bunch of pomegranates

    P228929: lexical tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    udu# gukkal niga sag10 udu# gukkal niga _tum_ la2-e udu ad4 udu ku5-ku5-da udu ri-ri-ga [udu] na# de5-ga [udu] kur#-ra [...] gi#-na [...]-a

    AI Translation

    fattened fat

    Column 1


    uzu# [...] uzu [...] uzu [...] uzu [...] uzu gu2-mur7 uzu zu2 kesz2 gu2#-[...] uzu gu2!(|_gu2_xKAK|)-bala gesz du3-a uzu za3-_lu#_ uzu sila3# za3#-[...] uzu# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... meat ...

    Column 2


    [...]-szag4#-ga# uzu# nig2-luh uzu ab-tir uzu# e2-mur!(|_hi_xNUN|)-ra uzu _bad_?-bi uzu# x-dar#? [...]-x [...] sa# [uzu] sa# gal [uzu] sa# dah uzu# sa nim-ma-ra uzu |_e2#_xSAL#|

    AI Translation

    P228950: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-ku5# [...]-ka# [...]-e# [...] gu4# [...]-ta#-an-sil2 [... sa10]-am3#-ba-ka i3-la2-e tukum#-bi gu4 [igi?]-bi#? ib2-ta-an-ku5 [szu-ri sa10-am3]-ba#-ka [i3-la2]-e [...] [...]-x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he will pay. If he has seized a ox, he will pay. ... ... .

    Column 2'


    si#-bi#! ib2#-ta#-[an-ku5] igi-5(disz)-gal2 sa10#-[am3-ba-ka] i3-[la2-e] tukum-bi# [gu4] sa-sal-bi ib2-ta#-[an-sil2] igi-4(disz)-gal2 sa10-am3-ba-[ka i3-la2-e] tukum-bi [gu4] kun-bi ib2#-[ta-an-x] igi-3(disz)-gal2 sa10#?-[...] tukum-[bi gu4] x? gu2-bi# [...]

    AI Translation

    Its horns he will cut off. One-half of its value he will pay. If an ox its stalks he shall cut off, one-fourth of its value he will pay. If an ox its tail he shall cut off, one-third of its value ... If an ox ... its tail .

    P228991: school tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    [2(u)] sze gur

    [(disz)lu2]-(d)inana-ke4 [(disz)a-bu]-um#-_an_-ra [esz] bi2-in-de2

    [(iti)]szu#-numun-a [sze i3]-ag2-e

    [lu2]-ki#-inim-ma [itud-bi] mu-bi-im

    AI Translation

    20 gur of barley,

    Lu-Inana will pay to Abum-ilum a 12-fold penalty.

    he will measure the barley in the fourth month.

    Its witnesses, its month, its year.

    Chiera, Edward

    20 gur of barley

    Lu-Inana gave as a loan to Abum-Ilum

    In the fourth month he will measure the barley.

    Its witnesses, its month, its year.