P251417: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
gi al-dar#
gi al-ku5-da
gi al-ug5-ga
reed reed
reed that has been cut of
reed that has been thrown away
split reed
cut reed
dead reed
P251423: administrative tablet
Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI
8(asz@c) (gesz)szukur 2(asz@c) (gesz)eme gir2 sanga zabala6(ki) e2# sza3-ge-pa3-da umma#?[(ki) x]-x x [...]
8 ..., 2 ..., ..., temple administrator of Zabala, house of Shagepada, Umma, ...,
[ur]-(d)samanx(|_sze3-nun-bu_|)-kam lugal-kur dub-sar mu-de6 7(disz@t)# mu iti 1(u) 2(disz@t)
Ur-Samman, Lugalkur, the scribe, has sworn. 7 months, 12 months.
P251424: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u@c) 3(gesz2@c) 5(u@c) udu x ama#-ab#-zu-si
420 sheep ... of Ama-abzusi,
P251429: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
(na4)na za-gin3-na
a type of stone
lapis lazuli earring
mortar with lapis lazuli decoration
P251430: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u@c) 1(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) _ku6 dar-ra_ 7(gesz2@c) la2 1(u@c) _ku6 sag-ba e3?_ 5(gesz'u@c) 2(gesz2@c) la2#? 1(u@c)#? _ku6 a-ab-ba_ 1(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) _ku6 tur-tur gur# sag-mah_ nam-mah#
720 fish of the river; 770 fish of the head out; 770 fish of the sea; 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 fish of small fish, the sagmah-demon of the nammah-demon;
x x x x (x) u3 x x [x] u-ub-lu _sza3-bi-ta 1(u) ku6_ x-an#-ni# im-hur
... and ... he smote; from there 10 fish ... he received.
P251431: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
4(asz@c) es2 _ur3_?-_szid_ e2-ba 1(asz@c) sa za3-lu
4 ash-c-beams, ..., of the house, 1 ash-c-beam, ...,
Column 2
lugal-(a)aga-nu2 e2-gal de6
Lugal-aganu, the palace administrator,
P251432: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(u@c) 2(asz@c) 3(barig@c) _sze gur-sag_ a-na _masz2_ ur-sa6 im-hur
12 gur 3 barig of barley for the goat of Ursa received.
6(asz@c) 1(barig@c)# 4(ban2@c)# _sze gur-sag_ a-na _ansze gu7_ ur-sa6 im-hur
6 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 of barley for the donkey, the dog received.
P251433: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) ? CDLI
Column 1
2(asz@c) nig2-dul5 gu4-apin gibil ur-sag 2(asz@c) 1(asz@c@90) gu4-apin ab-ba-tur 1(asz@c) apin [x]-gu#?
2 nigdul5 plow oxen, new, Ursag; 2 plow oxen, Abbatur; 1 plow ...;
Column 2
1(asz@c) 1(asz@c@90) nig2-dul5 gu4-apin szud3-ni-du10 1(asz@c) apin lugal-tum-gal-zu lugal-(a)aga-nu2 tug2-du8-gal
1 nigdul5 plow ox, Shud-nidu, 1 plow ox, Lugal-tumgalzu, Lugal-aganu, garment-maker,
Column 3
P251434: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) lu2 tu-ra 4(disz@t) ninda sila3-ta ugula a-de5-de5 iti szuba3!(|_za-musz3_|)-nun
1 turban-driver, 4 ninda sila3 each, foreman: Adede, month: "Shuba-nun;"
P251435: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) ? CDLI
5(asz@c)#? ziz2 gur si-sa2# ki ezem (d)dumu#-zi-da [me]-(sag3)sag7
5 gur? emmer, regular offerings, at the festival of Dumuzida, Mesagsaga;
[...] [x]-x-la-a [...]-da [x]-an-ne2 [...]
P251436: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
[n] 5(disz@t) sila3 (i3)-nun [n] 1(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) nig2-ar3-ra 3(barig@c) munu4 sa2-du11 ba#-da-gen#
n 5 sila3 butter oil, n 1 barig 3 ban2 nigarru-flour, 3 barig regular flour, he brought;
P251437: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) kasz gur8-gur8 igi-_gam_-_gam 1_(asz@c) kasz gur8-gur8 ir9
1 gurgur beer for Igi-gamgam, 1 gurgur beer for Ir;
sa2-du11 1(asz@c) kasz nesag2 aga3-us2 a-ga-de3(ki)
regular offerings, 1 ash-c-measure of beer, nesag-offerings of the troops of Agade,
P251438: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
7(asz@c)# _uruda szum_ ur-(d)utu im-hur
7 copper bowls, the price of Ur-Shamash received;
P251475: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
sumun2 a gar-ra
sumun2 al-szeg6-ga2
a kind of profession
... water
roasted emmer
beer mash
beer mash soaked in water
cooked beer mash
P251480: lexical tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
nig2-dab5 du10 nig-erim2!(|_ru-ne_|)-e nig2-si-sa2-e
Good nigdab offerings, evil offerings, and nigsisa offerings.
P251486: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
nin-e-gal-le-si nin-bur-szu!(_si_)-ma3 nin-sag-[...]
Nin-egal-lesi, Nin-bur-shuma, Nin-sag-...,
x _gam_?-_gam_?
P251491: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
tug2 a-tux2(_sze-naga_xA)
tug2# luh-ha
a garment
a kind of garment
textile for a luhha garment
mourning garment
washed garment
clean garment
P251494: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
ubur3(_dag-kisim5_xIR(?))# zi ku3-sig17
ubur2(_dag-kisim5_xLU(?))# dili ku3-sig17
si(?) ku3-sig17
... of gold
a kind of reed mat for a single gold ubur drum
gold horn
golden true breast
golden single breast
golden horn
P251495: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
(gesz)al zu2 limmu5
(gesz)al gi-zi x-ru
(gesz)al sag gal2-la
(gesz)al sag nu-gal2-la
a kind of reed basket for a reed bed
... reed basket
a kind of large hoe
a kind of reed mat that has no head
hoe with four teeth
... hoe
hoe with a head
hoe that has no head
P251497: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) ? CDLI
nin#-me-te-en-te-en nin#-ki-ur3-ra-_ni_!-szu2? nin#-gu-gilim
Nin-meteen, Nin-kiura-nishu, Ningugulim,
P251498: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) ? CDLI
gal kisal gal sila4 gal szab
large kisal, large lamb, shabu-vessel
P251509: lexical tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
(d)inanna-zabalax(|_za-masz-unu_|) (d)nin-urta-gal (d)inanna (d)utu (d#)nanna
Inanna-zabalam, Ninurta-gal, Inanna, Utu, Nanna,
([d])en-lil2 (d#)nin-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nergalx(|_giri16-unu-gal_|) (d)hendur-sag
Enlil, Ninlil, Enki, Nergal, Hendursag,
P251516: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
masz2 nu-ub-tuku ku3 (d)utu-sze3 ki (d)utu-ta (disz)(d)suen#-e#-ri-[ba]-am# [szu ba-an]-ti#
Sîn-eribam received from Shamash a loan of 1 shekel of silver without interest,
P251517: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
masz2 nu-ub-tuku ki i3-li2-ba-ni (disz)dingir-na-da szu ba-an-ti iti# [gu4]si#-su-ka#
Ili-bani has received from Ili-bani a loan of not having interest; month: "Flight;"
P251518: literary tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
[...] umbin [...] (gesz)geszimmar ki# sikil#-e# [mu2-a] zu2-lum za-gin3 la2-[gu10-ur2] u3-ne-du11? i3-utu kal-ga x lugal aga3-us2-e-ne a gub-ba-a a (gesz)ma2 x-x tu15 gub-ba sze mu-un-x-x
[...]-x x
P251531: literary tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[x x] _kur_(ki)-ke4 ki#? x bur2-ra# lu2#-tur-mu lu2 _igi_ [...] x _ka_ gesz _gar_ dam# x x-un zi _tur_-bi zu sza2-bi-a kal#-bi _ka ka_ num? da? bi [x x] x _ka#_ im? u4# ga2 me-en? [...] x x x _igi_?-ga2 me-en
... of the land ...
[dumu]-nita#-zu e2#-zu#-sze3# im#-me# dumu?-munus-zu ama5#?-bi#-sze3 szi-im-me _ga_?-zu?-e2-ta _ka_ szu x _an_ kasz nag-na-zu sza2# [...] e2-ta e3 sza3-zu na#-gu7#-e an su3-da-am3# ki# kal#-kal#-la-am3 an-da nig2 im-da-lu-lu-am3 [...] kur-kur-re zi im-[...]
Your son, to your house, spoke? Your daughter, to its mother spoke? Your ..., your beer, your beer, the ... of the house, your heart was ..., the heavens were swollen, the earth was swollen, the earth was swollen, everything was scattered?, the lands were swollen
P251535: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[...] x x sza3# x [...] x u3 a de2#? [...]
inim-inim-ni ba-an-szum2 nu-bala-e tukum-bi a-sza3 ba-hul a-sza3# ib2-ta-e3 ((disz)) a-sza3 sze la-ba-ab-gar a-sza3 (d)iszkur ba-an-sag3 sag ku3-babbar u3 masz2-bi i3-la2-e ((en)) iti szu-numun-a u4 4(disz)-kam ba-za mu# adab(ki) ba-hul
mu# kur# mar-tu-sze3 a-ra2 3(disz)-kam ba-zah2 [u3] lu2-(d)i#-szum# nar in-de5-de5-ga-sze3 [...]-ni-sze3#? in-dab5? 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar lugal-inim-gi-na [in-na-la2 iti]-_ne_-_ne_-gar u4 5(disz)-kam ba-zal [mu nu-ur2-(d)]iszkur lugal
... ... and water .
If a field has been destroyed, a field has been seized, a field that has not been cultivated, a field that Ishkur has seized, the capital silver and its interest he shall pay. Month: "Sowing," 4th day, eponym year of Adab was destroyed.
year: "The Amorite land for the 3rd time was destroyed"; and Lu-Ishum, the singer, to the ... he took; 1/2 mina of silver Lugal-inim-gina he weighed out; month "NENEgar," 5th day passed; year: "Nur-Adad was king."
[...] gal? [... (d)]nin#?-urta#?-en-nam? ku3-sze3# in#?-szum2#? [...]-(d)suen u3 (d)urasz-mu-ba-li2-it, [... szu] ba-an-ti-esz [...]-bi lu2-sa-gaz ba-an-ak? [...-ne]-ne# nig2-gur11-ne-ne dam-ne-ne [dumu-ne]-ne# u3 du3 ku3-babbar ba-an-tum3(_nim_)-mu iti kin-(d)inanna u4 6(disz)-kam ba-zal mu nu-ur2-(d)iszkur lugal
... great ... Ninurta-ennam gave to him for silver ...-Sîn and Urash-muballit ... he received ... he killed ... ... they killed the criminals ... their property, their wives, their sons, and their silver ... month "kin-inanna," 6th day passed; year: "Nur-Adad was king."
P251543: administrative tablet
Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) masz2 i3-li gu-ti-um
1 billy goat, Ili, Gutium;
he will measure out.
P251557: lexical tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
gal zadim gal simug gal _pa_-_dim_
chief smith, chief smith, chief smith, chief smith.
P251558: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
my things
a kind of profession
his wife
my thing
wash basin
a plant
P251559: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
tu7 uzu-bala(!)
tu7 u3(?)-li-bu-um
tu7 esza
soup made with the bala vegata plant
soup made with the ulibum plant
soup made with the esha plant
meat soup
a kind of soup
soup with esha flour
P251564: school prism
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
Column 1
[(disz)a]-na-isz8-tar2-tak2#-la-ku mu#-ni-im sa10 til-la-ni-sze3
in-na-la2 gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala ki lu2-(d)nanna-ta dumu lu2-(d)utu lu2-(d)nu-musz-da in-szi-sa10 (disz)szu-(d)iszkur simug ku3 la2-bi (disz)i3-li2-asz-ra-ni lu2-gi-na-ab-tum3-ma-bi u4 kur2 lu2 lu2 nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-dam mu# lugal#-bi# [in]-pa3# [igi ...]-(d)utu [igi] hal#-hal#-lum [igi] nu-ur2-ia dub-sar kiszib lu2-inim-ma-a#-bi-me-esz ib2-ra-asz iti bara2-za3-gar mu bad3-(u)-gul-la2(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-gul bad3 ba-an-hul
Ana-ishtar-taklaku, named it for his life,
he has sworn. The scribal art has been discontinued. From Lu-Nanna, son of Lu-shamash, Lu-Numushda has bought. Shu-Adad, the silver smith, its deficit, Ili-ashranni, and Luginabtumma, when the enemy did not return to him, the name of the king he has sworn. Before ...-shamash, before Halhallum, before Nuria, the scribe, their witnesses, he shall return. The month of Nisanum, year: "The city Wall was destroyed with weapons."
Column 2
dingir-ma-lik mu-ni-im sa10 til-la-bi-sze3
in-na-la2 ki nu-ru-um-li-s,i2-ta (disz)ba-gi?-na-tum2? in-szi-sa10 inim gar-ra sag-nita2# lugal-a-ni ((x)) ba-ab-gi4#-gi4 u4 kur2-sze3 inim nu-ga2-ga2-a mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi# nu-uh2#-e2-a dumu x-x-x-x igti# x x x x dub-sar iti gu4-si-sa2 mu bad3 nu-kar2(ki) ba-gul
ku3-ta-asz gub-ba (disz)la-lu-u2-um ib2-ta-gub hub2-ni szu luh? (gesz)kesz2-da
Dingir-malik, his name, as its full price
Baginatum has paid. From Nurum-lishi Baginatum has purchased. He has sworn by the name of the king. In the future he will not raise a claim concerning the property of the king. The son of ..., the scribe. Month: "Oxen-feast," year: "The wall of Nukar was destroyed."
Lalum will stand by with the silver; his hubni will be shaved with a kishda-tool.
Column 3
[...] [...] tug2# [an-ni-ib2]-mu4-mu4#? u4 ki# x [...] na-[...] ku3 szu ba-te#-[ga2] e2-ta ib2-ta-e3# tukum-bi# ba-zah3 ba-usz2 u2-gu [ba-an-de2] ku3 i3-la2-[e] tukum#-[bi] ga2-la ba-[an-dag] x x [...]
masz2#? [...] ki [...-ta] (d)en-[...] szu ba-an#-[ti] u4 buru14-[ka] ku3# i3#-la2#-[e] igi x-[...] x [...]
... ... ... ... ... ... he took away the silver. He left the house, he died, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he took the silver away, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, he was seized, .
an interest rate of ... was paid from ..., at the delivery of the harvest, he will pay back the silver .
Column 1
_un_? ki-tusz ad#?-[x] _un_? ki-tusz ad#?-da#? da#? x |_uru_xMIN|? x-[x] x ma#-ni-nu-um [a-sza3] ma#-ni-nu-um [...] x-x ]...\-la [...]-ni?-ma [ki ma]-ni-nu-um-ta [(disz)] ni#?-id#?-na-tum [dumu? nu]-ur2#-isz8-tar2 [in]-szi#-sa10 [sa10 til]-la-bi-sze3 [n ma]-na ku3-babbar
..., the residence of the father ..., the residence of the father ..., ... Maninum, the field of Maninum ... ... ... from Maninum Nidnatum, son of Nur-Ishtar, bought for n minas of silver, as its full price,
Column 2
[in-na]-la2 [lugal] a-sza3-ga [inim nu]-um-ga2-ga2 [u3?] a#-sza3#-ga nu-gi4-gi4 [u4 kur2] lu2 lu2 [nu-mu-un]-gi4#-gi4-dam [mu] lugal-bi in#-pa3-de3-esz igi# a-la?-ma-nu-um igi# ma-nu-um-ba-lum-dingir [igi] szu#-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak dub-sar iti# szu-numun-a mu# (gesz)gigir ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar [e2] an-nu-ni-tum [x x] x x a# [mu]-na#-dim2# [n] _gan2#_ [a]sza3 x x x x x x x x x [...] x x [...] x x x x x [...] sa10# [til-la-bi-sze3]
in-na-la2# ki an-na-tum#-ta i-din-(d)suen in-szi-sa10 u4# [kur2] lu2# lu2 nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-dam mu lugal-bi in-pa3#-[de3-esz] iti _ne_-_ne_-[gar] mu# i7# kun#-x [...]
he has sworn by the name of the king that the field shall not be sold and that the field shall not be returned to its owner. When a foreigner does not return to its owner, he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Alamanum, before Manum-balum-ili, before Shu-Ningarrak, the scribe. The month of Dumuzi, the year in which the gold chariot and silver of the house of Annunitum he built. n hectares of field ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... as its full price
he has sworn. From Annatum Iddin-Sîn has purchased. When a hostile person will not return to him, he has sworn by the name of the king. The month of ..., the year in which the canal .
Column 3
1/2 ma-na ku3-babbar sa10 sze-sze3 ki szu-dingir-ta ((d))sze-rum-ik-ri-bi szu ba-an-ti u4 buru14-ka ganba _sig7 ti_ i3-du#-a-gin7 sze i3-ag2-e igi nu-ur2-dingir dub-sar iti kin-(d)inanna mu ugnim tin-tir(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-sig3 sila4 hi-a udu hi-a (gesz)kiri6 hi-a (na4)na hi-a x x hi-a szim#? hi-a zabar-ra hi#-[a] ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar hi-a# sze hi-[a] sze-gesz-i3 hi-a x x hi-a u3 (gesz)szu-kara2 hi-a (gesz)ir#? ig-bi x [x] x x x
u3 x x ha-la# [...] i3-ba-[e-ne] x [...]
Sherum-ikribi received from Shu-dingir 1/2 mina of silver as a loan for barley. At the delivery of the harvest, the harvest, like a good harvest, the barley he will measure out. Before Nur-ilum, the scribe. Month: "Flight of Inanna," year: "The army of Babylon was smashed with weapons." The lamb was smashed with sheep, the orchard was smashed with stone, ... was smashed with cypress was smashed with bronze, the gold was smashed with silver, the barley was smashed with sesame, ... was smashed with a wooden basket, its door was .
and ... share ... .
Column 1
(gesz)kesz2-da (gesz)ig u3 (gesz)sag-kul gub-ba mu-bi-sze3
e2 szu-(d)ha-ri?-ma-ke4? e2 e2-sze3 in-na-an-szi-gar tug2-bi al-ur3#-ra inim-bi al-til mu lugal tesz2(esz) sig3-bi in-pa3 nam#? inim# ur#-dun# x x x _ud_ [x] inim-bi in#-gar e2#-mu bi2-in-du11 lu2-inim#-ma#-bi-mesz in#-da-ne-esz in-gin6-ne-esz gesz in ta ba-an-tuku [x]-ta szu bala-de3? [(disz)]ur#-szul [n] ma#-na ku3-babbar [sa10 til]-la#-ni-sze3 [...] ra#? [...] x
he will set up a wooden box, a door, and a sagkul door. That year,
The house of Shu-Harima, the house of the house, he set up for him. Its garments he trimmed, and its word he finished. The king made a decision concerning its bricks, and the word of Urdun ... he placed it. He said to me: "My house is set up." They have sworn by their words and they have sworn by their word. From the ... of the balade, Urshul ... minas of silver as his full price, .
Column 2
1(bur3) _gan2_ a#-sza3# x x x nam-apin-la2-sze3 igi-4(disz)-gal2-ta sze mu 3(disz)-kam i3-ag2-e a-sza3 _ud_-_ud_-_ga_ nam-sukkal-mah# u3 nam-szabra zig3-ga-bi a-sza3 ((disz)) kab2-du11-ga# ugu lugal a-sza3-ga in-tuku igi bur-nu-nu dumu szu-isz8-tar2 igi kur(+um)-a-bi iti du6-ku3 mu szita2#? ku3-sig17 sur-ra dingir-re-e-ne-ra mu-na?-dim2 (disz)dingir-a-bi dumu szesz-du10-ga a-sza3 (d)en-lil2-(al)-sa6 a-sza3-ga-ni-sze3 a bi2-in-du11 tukum-bi a-sza3 a de2-a sze ma2 si-ga-ta u4 kur2-sze3 pa6 a du11-ga-(mu) nu-ub-be2-a
igi# a-mu-ru-um igi dingir-ma-an-szum2 dub-sar-tur [iti gan]-gan-e3 [mu] us2#-sa i7 kun ba#-ba-al
1 bur3 field area, ..., for the plowing, at 1/4 barley per year he ruled. The field of ..., the office of the vizier and the office of the chief household administrator, the field of Kab-duga, against the king, the field has acquired. Before Burnunu, son of Shu-Ishtar, before Kurumabi, the month "Harvest," the year "The gold shita-offerings of the gods were made" Ili-abi, son of Sheshtuga, the field of Enlil-alsa, his field, he poured water. If the field has been poured with water, barley from the barley from the barley, in the future the canal of the water he shall not be poured.
before Amurrum; before Ili-manshum, the scribe; month: "GANgan," year after: "The canal of the tail was dug."
Column 3
ub-ta pa3#-[da] sila-ta# ba#?-da#-[kur2-ra] ka ur-gi7-ra#-[ta kar] (disz)i3-li2-en#-[nam] nam-dumu-ni-sze3 [...] nam-ibila-ni-sze3# in-gar u4 kur2-sze3 tukum-bi (disz)i3-li2-en-nam dam ba-an-tuku u3 dumu nig2-nam-me-a u3-tu (disz)la#-ma-dingir ibila# szesz#-gal#-am3#? ha-la szu ba#-te#?-[ge26] a-ne-ne-am# i3-ba-e-esz! tukum-bi ad-da-mu nu-me-en bi2-in-du11 gu2-ni in-na-ga2-ga2 ku3-sze3 ba-ab-szum2-mu-usz tukum-bi (disz)i3-li2-en-nam la-ma-dingir-sze3 ibila-mu nu-me-en bi2-in-du11 e2 [...]
From the beginning, the street was changed, from the mouth of the dog to the quay Ili-ennam for his son ... for his heir he established. In the future, if Ili-ennam has no wife and no children, Lama-ilu, the heir of the great brother, has taken a share, they will divide equally. If my father did not swear, he will give me back the silver. If Ili-ennam did not swear, the house .
Column 1
[...] dam?-a#-[ni] [...]-x-ne#? mu# lugal#-bi in#-pa3-de3-esz igi a-na-ku-dingir(la#-ma) igi mu-tum-dingir dub-sar iti du6-[ku3] mu ib-ra-at#([ki]) u3 iri(ki) didli# [...]
da# [...] gu2 i7 [...] da a-za3 ku?-x da a-sza3 hi-lum sa-dur2-bi a-sza3 szu-nu-nu sa10 til-la-bi-sze3
in-na-la2 ki i-lu-su2-na-da-ta [(disz)]dingir#-na#-da in#-szi-sa10 [u4 kur2] lu2 lu2 [nu-mu]-un#-gi4-gi4-dam [mu] lugal-bi [in]-pa3#-de3-esz
... his wife ... he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Ana-ku-ilama, before Mutum-ilum, the scribe. The month of Duku, the year: "Ibarat and the city .
next to the bank of the river ... next to the ... field next to the field of Hilum, its sadurbi, the field of Shu-nunu, its full price
Ilu-sunada has paid. When a foreigner does not return a man, he will pay back the money he received.
Column 2
[...] [...] [...] [mu ...] x [...]-bi#?-da-ra [mu]-na-dim2 [n] gin2 ku3-babbar mu# sze sag11-ku5-sze3 ki a-wi-il-i3-li2-ta [(disz)nu]-ur2-(d)isz-ha-ra [szu] ba-an-ti u4# buru14-ka lu2# sze sag11-ku5 us2-sa tukum-bi [nu]-us2-sa-ta [n] ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e [igi x]-la-i3-gin7? [igi x]-la-ak-i3-gin7? [dub]-sar iti [sze-sag11]-ku5 mu [...] dingir-re-e-[ne-ra] mu-na-[dim2] (disz)(d)szul-gi-ad-lal3# szandana dam dingir nin-he2-gal2 dam-a-ni ba-usz2 egir dam-a-ni-ta (d)nin-lil2-ama-mu geme2-ni#
igi di-ku5-bi-me-esz u3 ab-ba iri(ki)-me-esz dug nam-geme2-a-ni in-gaz
... ... ... he built for him. n shekels of silver, year: "Barley was seized" from Awil-ili Nur-ishhara received. At the delivery of the harvest, if a man the barley was seized from the side of the side, n minas of silver he shall weigh out. Before ..., before ..., the scribe. The month of the sagku, year: "... of the gods he built." Shulgi-adlal, the maid of the god Ninhegal, his wife, died. After his wife Ninlil-ama'umu, his female slave,
before the judges and the citizens of the city, he smashed the pot of his slave-girlship.
Column 3
[...] [...] sag#? ku? e ne? _ri_-_ri_-ga u4 kur2-sze3 dumu nin-he2-gal2 dumu (d)nin-lil2-ama-mu-sze3 geme2 arad-me-esz nu-ub-be2-a ha-la tesz2 igi-3(u)-gal2-bi i3-ba-e-esz mu lugal-bi in-pa3-de3-esz igi ha-ma-ti-il? igi be-di-lum dub-sar iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu (i7)buranun(ki) ba-ba-al
nam#-tab#-ba# [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x x [...] kar e2#-(d)suen?(ki)-sze3 gi4-gi4-dam ku3-bi libir bi2-gal2-la ma-na ku3-[babbar] e2 um-mi-a-sze3#? x x x
... ... ... In the future, the daughter of Ninhegal, the daughter of Ninlil-amammu, the slave-girls who do not have a husband, will divide the share equally among themselves, and they have sworn by the name of the king. Before Hamatil; before Bel-dilum, the scribe. Extra month: "Harvest," year: "The Euphrates were dug."
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to the quay of the E-Suen? returned, its silver, restored, is there. One mina silver for the house of the ummia .
that silver which is the outstanding debt
Surface e
ib2-gi4-gi4#-ne#? u3 szu-la2 nu-mu-un-ne#?-szum2#? igi lu2-(d)utu dub-sar iti ab-e3-a mu ugnim tin-tir(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-sig3
gu2 (i7)me-(d)en-lil2-la2 da e (d)szul-gi da _esz_ x us2-sa (i7)ma-e-[x] sa-dur2-bi 5(disz)? [x] (disz)ki?-szi-im-x-[x] sa10 til-la-[bi-sze3] nig2-nam-ma x [x x] in#-na#-[la2]
they will return and they will not give the rations. Before Lu-Utu, the scribe. Month: "Abea," year: "The army of Babylon was struck down with a weapon."
the bank of the Me-Enlil canal next to the Shulgi-point, next to the ...-point, its length is 5? ..., Kishim-... has purchased it for its full price.
P251566: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
Column 1
x [...] i#-[na ...] _a-sza3_ x [x x]-mu-ti-ia ik-szu-du-nim-ma i-na e-bu-ri-im
il-qu2-u2-ma a-na be-el hu-bu-ul-li-szu-nu id-di-nu
a-na nu-ur2-(d)isztaran a-na _ku3-babbar_ ad-di-isz-szi-i-ma
a-na a-pil-ku-bi _szu-ku6(+ri-im)_ ((a-na)) la te-ge-er-ri-szu-nu-ti a-na ri-ib-ba-ti-szu-nu ad-di-in
a-na (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ sza-mu-uh-tum a-na _ku3-babbar_ ad-di-isz-szi-ma
... ... in ... the field of my ... he conquered and in the quay
they took and gave to the lord of their crimes.
I gave to Nur-Ishtaran for silver, and
I gave them as a gift to the apilkubu, the fisherman, to not trample them, as their own gifts.
I gave to Sîn-eribam, son of Shamuhtum, for silver, and
Column 2
[...] x x x
sza# asz-szum ri-ib-ba-ti-szu-nu [a]-na# _ku3-babbar_ ad-di-nu-u2-ma ri#-ib-ba-su2-nu a-pu-lu-u2 u3 _4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 u2-sal_ a-na _ku3-babbar_ id-di-nu-u2-ma
x id-di-nu-ni-im
sza a-na _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ad-di-nu-u2-ma _dam-gar3_-szu-nu a-pu-lu-u2
As to their interest I gave them, and their interest I incurred, and a field of 4 iku of u-sal-field for silver I gave, and
... gave
who gave them for 10 shekels of silver and their merchants I have seized.
hi-bi#-il-ti a-pu#-[ul]
I have smashed the sacrificial sheep.
P251568: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
Column 1
[...] x x [...] [ku3 mu]-tum2#-da [...] da# su sze3 [... ba-an]-tum2-mu [... ku3]-babbar ku3 nam-tab-ba [...] 1(ban2) sze-ba-sze3 [... sze-gesz]-i3# sa10#-sa10-de3 [ki ip]-qu2?-(d)li9-si4-na [(disz)]puzur4-i3-li2-szu (disz)szu-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak u3# a-bu-ni szu ba-an-ti-mesz [kaskal] silim-ma-bi-ta# [x]-ra#-ak til-la [tesz2-a] se3#-a#-bi i3-ba-e-ne [...] nig2 a-na gal2-bi [...] x szesz-am3 tesz2-a se3-a-bi [i3]-ba-e-ne [um]-mi-a dag-(gi4)-am3 [nu]mu-un-ta-zu-zu
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... silver, silver of the namtaba offerings ... 1 ban2 of barley ... for buying sesame, from Ipqu-Lisina Puzur-ilishu, Shu-Ningarrak and his father received. After the journey was completed, they will divide the remainder of the inheritance. ... whatever there is, ... brothers, they will divide the remainder of the inheritance. ... a slanderous mother,
Column 2
ki be-li2#-[...] (disz)i3-li2-x-[...] in-szi-in#-[sa10]
sa10 til-la#-[ni-sze3] in-na-[la2] gesz#?-gan#?-na# ib2#-[ta-bala] sag-[munus? ...] inim gar-ra-a-ni [ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4] mu lugal-bi in#-[pa3]
ki (d)nanna-ma!(_mir_)-[an?-szum2?] (disz)(d)utu-ba-[ni] in-szi-[in-sa10]
sa10 til-la-ni-sze3 in-na-la2 egir u4-da-ka# (d)nanna-ma-an#!-[szum2?] nam (d)utu-ba-ni _arad_-da-a-ni# nu in-na-an-du11# mu lugal-bi in#-[pa3]
Ili-... bought from Beli-...;
he has paid as his full price; he has sworn by the cheshgan drum; his wife ... has sworn by the word of the king;
Shamash-bani bought from Nanna-manshum?;
he will pay to him as his full price. After that, Nanna-manshum will not say: "Utu-bani is his servant"; he has sworn by the name of the king.
P251569: literary tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
nam-sipa kalam-ma-sze3 mu-un-ni-il2 kur giri3-zu-sze3 mu-un-gar
to shepherdship of the land he made come forth, and to the foreign lands he placed it.
nam#-sipa kalam-ma-sze3 mu-un-ni-il2 kur giri3-zu-sze3 mu-un-gar
He made the shepherdship of the land shine, and he placed the foreign lands at your feet.
P251575: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
7(asz@c) lu2 nu-banda3 3(asz@c) lugal-abba2-mu
7 mana wool for the superintendent, 3 mana wool for Lugal-abumu,
P251577: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sig4 gu2-en-na sze6-ga2
... brick
iti e2-iti-6(disz)
month: "House-month-6;"
P251578: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
2(u@c) sze gur sag sze-kam(|_hi_xTIL|) ki gi4-gi4-bi-sze3 4(u@c) sze gur lu2-(d)en-lil2 dam-gar3-ra
20 gur of barley, capital, for the barley rations, from the remissions; 40 gur of barley, Lu-Enlil, the merchant;
ur-zikum-ma dub-sar-da an-da-tuku sze lu2 nibru(ki)-ka-kam
Ur-zikuma, the scribe, has given to him. Barley of the man of Nippur.
P251579: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(gesz2@c) ninda 6(disz) ninda gu 3(asz@c) kasz puzur4-er3-ra ugula szu#-gal5:la2 1(gesz2@c) ninda 6(disz) ninda gu 3(asz@c) kasz
60 ninda 6 ninda gu 3 beer, Puzur-Erra, foreman: Shugalla; 60 ninda 6 ninda gu 3 beer,
en-ra-ra szunigin 1(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) 4(disz@t) sila3 1/3(disz)(sza) sze a-ga-de3(ki) zi-ga ur-zikum-ma itix(_ud_@s) mu-tir
for Enra; total: 1 barig 3 ban2 4 sila3 1/3 barley of Agade booked out; Ur-zikuma, month: "Mounding."
P251580: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(gesz2@c) ninda 1/3(disz)
3(asz@c) kasz 2(ban2@c) sze ansze gu7 pu2-ta
60 ninda, 1/3 volume,
3 gur of beer, 2 ban2 of barley, barley fed to donkeys, from the well;
dub-sar-mah umma(ki) szunigin 1(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) sze a-ga-de3(ki) szunigin 2(disz@t) sila3 zi3 imgaga3 zi-ga ur-zikum-ma [iti] a2-ki#-[ti]
for the scribe of Umma; total: 1 barig 1 ban2 barley for Agade; total: 2 sila3 flour for the imgaga offering of Ur-zikuma; month: "Akitu."
P251581: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
4(ban2@c) dabin a-ga-de3(ki) 1(ban2@c) zi3-gu ib-ni-lugal szu-gal5:la2
4 ban2 flour, Agade; 1 ban2 flour, Ibni-lugal, the szugalla;
szunigin 5(ban2@c) 1(disz@t) sila3 dabin a-ga-de3(ki) zi-ga ur-zikum-ma iti szu-gar
total: 5 ban2 1 sila3 of dabin, Agade booked out; Ur-zikuma; month: "shugar;"
P251582: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
2(u@c) 3(asz@c) 1(barig@c) sze gur si-sa2 ma2 _arad2_-lugal-ta ur-zikum-ma-ke4 szu ba-ti
23 gur 1 barig barley, regular offering, from the barge of ARAD-lugal, Ur-zikuma received;
sza3-bi-ta 1(asz@c) sze gur za3-mu ma2-_gin2 1_(asz@c) ur-(d)inanna 1(asz@c) la2 1(ban2@c) 5(disz@t) sila3 lugal-gesz
therefrom: 1 gur barley, zamu-flour, for the boat of the king; 1 Ur-Inanna; 1 less 1 ban2 5 sila3: Lugal-gesh;
P251583: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(barig@c) dabin a-ga-de3(ki) _arad2_ lu2-sa6 sagi-me zi-ga
60 litres of barley 1 unit for Agade, servant of Lu-sa, cupbearer, booked out;
ur-zikum-ma itix(|_ud_@sxTIL|) esz2-gar3-szu-gar
Ur-zikuma, month "Eshgar-shugar,"
P251584: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(gesz2@c) ninda 1/3(disz) 6(disz@t) ninda imgaga3 3(asz@c) kasz 1(ban2@c) 3(disz@t) sila3 1/3(disz) sze ur-(d)nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|) dub-sar 1(ban2@c) zi3 imgaga3
60 breads, 26 breads, imgaga; 3 jugs of beer, 1 ban2 3 sila3 1/3 barley, Ur-Nergal, the scribe; 1 ban2 flour, imgaga;
2(disz@t) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra imgaga3 i7 ensi2 hasz-de3 lugal-e szu ba-ti szunigin 1(barig@c) 3(disz@t) sila3 1/3(disz) sze a-ga-de3(ki) szunigin 1(ban2@c) 4(disz@t) sila3 imgaga3 zi-ga ur-zikum-ma
2 sila3 of nigara, the imgaga-flour of the governor of Hashde, did Lugal-e receive; total: 1 barig 3 sila3 1/3 barley of Agade; total: 1 ban2 4 sila3 of imgaga-flour, booked out of the account of Ur-zikuma;
P251585: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
2(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 3(barig@c) 5(ban2@c) 2(disz@t) sila3 sze gur a-ga-de3(ki) 1(u@c) 2(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) 3(disz@t) sila3 zi3 imgaga3 gur a-ga-de3(ki) 3(barig@c) 7(disz@t) sila3 gu2-gu2
240 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3 barley, Agade; 10 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 3 sila3 fine flour, Agade; 3 barig 7 sila3 oxen,
zi-ga ur-zikum-ma itix(|_ud_@sxTIL|) ezem (d)nin-mug u4 1(u) 2(disz@t) al-zal nig2-ka9-bi ba-ak
booked out of the account of Ur-zikuma; month "Festival of Ninmug," 12th day passed; its account was canceled;
P251586: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
8(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) imgaga3 gur 9(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) gu2-gu2 gur 1(u@c) la2 2(barig@c) bappir gur szu-a gi4-a
8 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 imgaga, 9 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 gugu2; 10 gur less 2 barig bapir, returned,
lu2 esz2-gid2 e2-_gan2_-i7 szu ba-ti
one who the eshgid ritual for the Egani temple received;
P251587: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) sze gur ur-mes szabra dumu-dumu-me 6(asz@c) sze gur
1 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 barley for Ur-mes, the household manager, the sons; 6 gur barley,
da-da ansze-surx(_erim_) 1(u@c) sze gur ur-dingir szu-i gala dam-gar3
Dada, the herdsman, 10 gur of barley, Ur-ili, the shu-i, the chief merchant,
P251588: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
5(asz@c) sze gur aszgab-gal 3(asz@c) sze gur gu4 udu
5 gur barley, ...; 3 gur barley, oxen, sheep;
3(asz@c) a2-ni-ta 1(asz@c) la#-[x] e2-mah-ta am3-ta-e3
3 mana wool for Anita, 1 mana wool for La..., from Emah I took;
P251589: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
3(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) munu4 a-ga-de3(ki) szu-a gi4-am3 lu2-(d)(asz)asz7-gi4-am3
3 barig 1 ban2 of barley for Agade, repaid, Lu-Ashgi
munu4-mu2 e2-nig2-gur11-ra ba-ku4
The pig was brought into the storehouse.
P251590: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) dabin gur ur-(d)za!-ba-ba ma2-_gin2 1_(asz@c) nagar-gal 1(asz@c) nimgir!-gal 1(asz@c) lu2-lil#-la 1(asz@c) azlag4-gal 1(asz@c) la-ni lu2 a-x-la 1(asz@c) _kam4_-mu 1(asz@c) si-du3 2(barig@c) (d)en-lil2-la2 sagi-mah 1(asz@c) szitim-gal 2(barig@c) ur-sa6 lu2 x-x-x 1(asz@c) nig2#-ar3#-ra# gur#? e2-dam-si#
1 gur dabin, Ur-Zababa, the boatman; 1 gur nagargal; 1 gur nimgirgal; 1 gur Lu-lila; 1 gur azlaggal; 1 gur Lani, the man of ...; 1 gur kammu; 1 gur sidu; 2 barig Enlil-sagimah; 1 gur shitimgal; 2 barig Ur-sa, the man of ...; 1 gur nigara, the house of the damsi;
1(asz@c) (d)(asz)asz7-gi4-pa-e3 1(asz@c) ur-(d)iszkur dub-sar 1(asz@c) 1(asz@c) nig2-ar3-ra gur 1(asz@c) uzugx(|_an-zag_|)-sze3 1(asz@c) e2-uszumgal
1 gur for Ur-Ishkur, the scribe, 1 gur for Nigara, 1 gur for Uzug, 1 gur for E-ushumgal,
P251591: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
2(asz@c) udu-nita inim-ma 1(asz@c) dingir-zu-a 1(asz@c) udu a-ra2 1(disz@t) 1(asz@c) udu a-ra2 2(disz@t)-kam-ma 2(asz@c) udu a-ra2 3(disz@t)-kam-ma [1(asz@c)] udu a-ra2 4(disz@t)-kam-ma
2 rams, according to the command of 1 Ilzua; 1 ram, 1 time, 1 ram, 2 times, 2 rams, 3 times, 1 ram, 4 times,
lu2-ganun-ke4 in-lah5 2(asz@c) dingir-ga2 1(asz@c) ur-(d)dumu szunigin 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) udu x-sag#-an-na
Lu-ganun he will take. 2 Dingirga 1 Ur-Dumu; total 11 sheep of ...-sagana.
P251592: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
2(u@c) 6(asz@c) (gesz)dib(_lak780_) 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) (gesz)masz-umbin 1(asz@c) (gesz)gub taskarin
26 ..., 11 ..., 1 ...,
Column 2
1(asz@c) (gesz)dal-dal-lum
1 ash-c-tree,
P251598: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
Column 1
1(asz@c) _gan2_ a-tu szusz3 ab2
1(asz@c)# _gan2#_ lugal-ku3-ga-ni dumu inim-(d)szara2 sipa-ta szusz3 i3-dab5 szu lu2-zabala3(ki) 1(asz@c) _gan2_ lu2-(d)utu unu3# 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-e2-mah
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 nigar(gar)-ki-du10 dumu ur-(gesz)gigir 1(asz@c) _gan2_ lu2-eb-gal dumu am3-ma na:gada 1(asz@c) _gan2_ nigar(gar)-ki-du10 dumu kal-la nar 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 lugal-kisal 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-(d)utu 1(asz@c) _gan2_ al-ba-ni-du11 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 lu2-du10-ga
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ lu2-(d)szara2 dumu ur-e11-e
1 ash-c-worker, 'field' Atu, cattle manager,
their children;
1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Lugal-kugani, son of Inim-Shara, shepherd, from the cattlepen accepted; hand of Lu-Zabala; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Lu-Utu, cowherd; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Ur-Emah;
their sons; 1 ash-c-worker ? field for the people of Nigar-kidu, son of Ur-gigir; 1 ash-c-worker ? field Lu-ebgal, son of Amma-nagda; 1 ash-c-worker ? field for Nigar-kidu, son of Kalla, the singer; 1 ash-c-worker ? field for the people of Lugal-kisal; 1 ash-c-worker ? field for Ur-Utu; 1 ash-c-worker ? field for Allbanidu; 1 ash-c-worker ? field for the people of Ludaga;
and their sons, 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Lu-Shara, son of Ur-e'e,
Column 2
1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3# [szesz]-kal#-la dumu# da#-da ki ur-(d)ba-ba6-ta lu2-(d)utu i3-dab5 szu ur-nigar(gar) 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-sukkal# unu3
1(asz@c) _gan2_ ab-ba-gi#-na#
dumu-ni-me szu ug3 ur#-nigar#(gar#) 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 sila#-si-ig#
1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 lugal-ab#-ba
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ gu-du-du 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ad-da-kal#-la#
sza3# ka-sahar-ra(ki#?) dumu da-a-da-ga x szu lugal-ku3-ga-ni 1(asz@c) _gan2_ lugal-szu-nir-re
dumu-ni-me szu ur-dingir-ra 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-(d)a-szar2
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 an-ta-lu2?
ur-sukkal i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ lugal-ezem unu3
[... lu2]-dingir#-ra dumu# ur#-(d)ma-mi-me
1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Sheshkalla, son of Dada, from Ur-Baba did Lu-Utu accept; under the control of Ur-nigar; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', Ur-sukkal, cowherd;
1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Abbagina;
their sons, care of the people of Ur-nigar; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Silasig;
1 ash-c-worker, 'field', porter: Lugal-abba;
their sons; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Gududu; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Addakalla;
in Kasahar, son of Dadaga; ..., hand of Lugal-kugani; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Lugal-shunire;
their sons, hand of Ur-dingira; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Ur-Ashar;
their sons, 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', for the people of Antalu,
Ur-sukkal accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Lugal-ezem, cowherd;
Lu-dingira, son of Ur-Mamime.
Column 3
1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 ur-(d)ur3-bar-tab 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-dingir-ra dumu szesz-kal-la lugal-ezem i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ (d)szara2-mu unu3 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ab-ba-gi-na
dumu _arad2_-dam-me (d)szara2-a-mu i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-(d)su4-da unu3
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 (d)szara2-pa3-da dumu# ur-(d)suen ur-(d)su4-[da] i3-dab5 szu inim-gi 1(asz@c) _gan2_ (d)szara2-kam unu3
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ (gesz)guzza-ni? dumu inim-gi-me (d)szara2-kam i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ lugal-ku3-zu unu3 dumu ur-e11-e 1(asz@c) _gan2_ hu-ti
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ giri3-ni-i3-sa6# dumu ur-ki-ag2-mu 1(asz@c) 1(barig) 4(disz) ug3 mu-du x 3(ban2)# 1(disz) tug2# ab#-ba-kal-la [x] 2(disz) _arad2_-(d)szara2
dumu#-ni-me lugal-ku3-zu i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 lugal#-szu-nir-e unu3
x x ug3 lu2-(d)szara2 dumu ur-su4-su4
1 ash-c-worker, 'field', porter: Ur-Urbartab; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Ur-dingira, son of Sheshkalla, Lugal-ezem accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Sharamu, cowherd; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Abbagina;
son of ARAD-damme, Shara-amu accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Ur-Suda, cowherd;
sons of them, 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Sharapada, son of Ur-Suen, Ur-Suda accepted; hand of Inim-gi; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', Shara-kam, cowherd;
sons of them; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Guzzani, son of Inim-gi; Shara-kam accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Lugal-kuzu, cowherd, son of Ur-e'e; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Huti;
their sons, 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Girini-isa, son of Ur-kiagmu, 1 ash-c-worker, 1 barig 4 porters, mudu-workers, ... 3 ban2 1 textile for Abbakala, ... 2 for ARAD-Shara,
and her children, Lugal-kuzu accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Lugal-shunir'e, cowherd;
... the people of Lu-Shara, son of Ur-susu,
Column 1
lugal#-szu#-nir#-re i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ usz unu3 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-e2-mah
dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 lugal-si-sa2
ki (d)szara2-kam-ta usz i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 al-ba-ni-du11 unu3
dumu-ni-me szu bu3-du 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 lu2-(d)szara2 dumu-ni al-ba-ni-du11 i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ur-ama-na unu3
dumu gu-za-la2 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3# lugal#-ma2#-gur8#-re
usz2# lu5-lu5
ur-ama-na i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ pu3-du 1(asz@c)# _gan2#_ ug3 ur-[x]-da dumu pu3#-du pu3#-du# i3#-dab5# 1(asz@c)# _gan2#_ ug3# a-szi-mu2 unu3 1(asz@c)# _gan2#_ ug3 lu5-am3? [a]-szi-mu2 i3-dab5 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ad#-da-da
1(asz@c)# _gan2_ ug3 ur-ge6-par4 x 1(asz@c)# _gan2_ ug3 lu2-bala-saga 1(asz@c) _gan2_ ug3 _arad2_-hu-la ad#-da-da i3-dab5
Lugal-shunire accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field': Ur-Emah;
their sons; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', porter: Lugal-sisa;
from Sharakam, took; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Allanidu, cowherd;
received from their sons; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Lu-Shara, his son, Albanidu accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', Ur-ammana, cowherd;
son of Guzala; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', for the people of Lugal-magure;
dead, lu'u-disease
their children;
Ur-ammana accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field' of Pudu; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field' of the people of Ur-x-da, son of Pudu; Pudu accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field' of the people of Ashipu, the cowherd; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field' of the people of Lu-am; Ashipu accepted; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field' of Addada;
1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Ur-gepar; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of Lu-bala-saga; 1 ash-c-worker, 'field', the people of ARAD-hula, Addada accepted;
Column 3
unu3 gab2-ra-me ugula a-tu sza3 a-pi4-sal4(ki) mu ku3-gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
foreman: Atu, in Apisal; year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
a-tu dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-la
Atu, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P251599: royal-monumental cone
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
u4 lugal-a-mu sanga (d)iszkur-ke4 nam-ensi2 adab(ki) in-ak-a ur-(d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|) ama-tu kal-ga ((d)dam-gal-nun-na-ka)-ke4 _arad2_ kal-ga (d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|)-ke4 |_szu2-bad_|-la kal-ga lugal-nig2-bara4-du10 _igi_-_nagar_-ke4 u4 ur-(d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|) (d)dam-gal-nun-na-ke4 sza3 ku3-ga-ne2 ba-an-pa3-da
When Lugalamu, the temple administrator of Ishkur, the governorship of Adab took away, Ur-Immata, the mighty mother of Damgalnuna, the mighty servant of Immata, the mighty steward of Lugalnigbaradu, the carpenter, when Ur-Immata of Damgalnuna his holy heart was smitten,
Column 2
e2-mu du3-ma in-na-du11-ga ur-(d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|)-ke4 (d)dam-gal-nun-na-ra inim sza3-ga-na in-na-du11-ga in-na-gen-na u4-ba ur-(d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|)-ke4 usz-bi 6(disz@t) kusz3 1(disz@t) zipah2 ki-ta im-ta-e3 nu-esz3 sagi
he has said to him: "Build my house!" Ur-Imma to Damgalnuna he has said to him: "Go!" At that time, Ur-Imma, its weight: 6 cubits, 1 sailor, from the ground, he has gone up to the nu'esh, cupbearer.
Column 3
_arad2_ geme2 e2-e ba-szum2 (d)dam-gal-nun-na-ke4 bar-bi-a ur-(d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|)-ra nam du10 mu-(ni)-in-tar nam-ti ama-na nam-ti dam dumu-na nam-ti szesz-a-ne-ne al im-ma-na-du11 (d)dam-gal-nun-na ur-(d)immax(|_lagab_x(_sig7-me_)|)-ra mu-na-gub
The slave who gave the slave woman into the house, Damgalnuna, in this same place, Ur-Imma decreed a good fate for her. The life of his mother, the life of his wife and children, and the life of their brothers he declared to him. Damgalnuna stood in Ur-Imma.
P251600: royal-monumental tablet
Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI
(d)nin-kar2 dingir szuba3 an-na lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 e2 nigin6?(ki)-ka-ni
For Ninkar, the god who provides for An, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, his Nigin temple,
he built for him.
P251612: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
P251613: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
e2-nig2-gur11 ba-ku4
he has received from the account;
P251639: lexical tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
ad-gi4 ki-sag ad-hal abrig 5(asz@c) |_ga2_xDIM| 5(asz@c) gazi 5(asz@c) |_ga2_x(_e2-ne_)| 5(asz@c) uz 5(asz@c) masz su4 1(u@c) tu 1(u@c) gukkal 1(asz@c) ab2 _kal 1_(asz@c) amar ga 1(u@c) zi3 suhur 1(u@c) zi3 ziz2 3(asz@c) kad4
adgi, the chief of the adhal, the adhal, 5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 10 ..., 10 fat-tailed cows, 1 ... calf, 10 ... flour, 10 ... flour, 10 ... flour, 3 ...,
Column 2
3(asz@c) utux(_lak384_) 4(asz@c) gir2 _an 1_(u@c) pesz2-da 1(u@c) ga 1(asz@c) gara2 1(u@c) ab2 1(asz@c) gu4 1(u@c) u8 1(asz@c) utua 1(u@c) ud5 1(asz@c) masz2 1(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) nunuz kad4(muszen) szusz3 nar _gar_ kinda2 _isz_ sza3
3 utux, 4 gir2 ..., 10 peshda, 10 ..., 1 gara, 10 cows, 1 ox, 10 ewes, 1 utua, 10 ewes, 1 ewe, 1 goat, 1 goat, 1 goat, 11 suckling goats, 91 suckling eagles, ...,
Column 3
5(asz@c) |_ga2_xMUN| 5(asz@c) gazi 5(asz@c) |_ga2_x(_e2-ne_)| 5(asz@c) uz 5(asz@c) masz su4 1(u@c) tu 1(u@c) gukkal 1(asz@c) ab2 _kal 1_(asz@c) amar ga 1(u@c) zi3 suhur 1(u@c) zi3 ziz2 3(asz@c) kad4 3(asz@c) utux(_lak384_) 4(asz@c) gir2 _an 1_(u@c) pesz2-da 1(u@c) ga
5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 5 ..., 10 ..., 10 fat-tailed sheep, 1 ... calf, 10 ... flour, 10 ... flour, 10 ... flour, 3 ..., 3 ..., 4 ..., 10 ...,
Column 4
1(asz@c) gara2 1(u@c) ab2 1(asz@c) gu4 1(u@c) u8 1(asz@c) utua 1(u@c) ud5 1(asz@c) masz2 1(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) nunuz kad4(muszen) szusz3 nar _gar_ kinda2 _isz_ sza3 1(szar2@c) ki 1(szar2@c) 1(szar2@c) ki kiszig2 szennur
1 gara10 cows, 1 ox, 10 ewes, 1 utua10 ewe, 1 nanny goat, 1 nanny goat, 91 nanny goats, ..., ..., ..., in total: 61 kiszig, ...,
Column 5
gesz gi |_zi&zi-lagab_| |_zi&zi-sze3_| e2 pirig ux(_ezen_)-ga |_ninda2_xGUD-_keszda_| me-en kar2 me-en-zi kar2 dam _isz isz_ al-tar al-tar kar2 sza3 gu2 gi4 pa5 pa5 lumx(|_zu&zu-sar_|) gesz (gesz)apin surx(|_hi_xMASZ|)
reed ree
Column 6
gi gi-dur tar |_zi&zi-lagab_| |_zi&zi-lagab_| gesz _dur2_ |_zi&zi-sze3_| |_zi&zi-sze3_| gesz _dur2_ x _gan2_ en ad ki-sag an ki |_sze&sze-a_| za7:gin3-a sal ur-ur |_sze&sze-a_|-hi bad ambar sar szagan
reed, reed,
P251640: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
5(asz@c) sze gur lugal-esz3-dam 5(asz@c) a-ne-ne 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) lugal-a2 a-li-li-kam 6(asz@c) 2(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) me-unu(ki)-ge-si 5(asz@c) 2(barig@c) ama-esz3-lil2-ta 5(asz@c) 5(ban2@c) e2-ki 8(asz@c) 3(barig@c) e2-an-ta
5 gur barley, for Lugal-eshdam; 5 for Anene; 2 2 barig, for Lugala, Alili; 6 2 barig 4 ban2 for Munug-gesi; 5 2 barig for Ama-eshlil; 5 5 ban2 for Eki; 8 3 barig for E-an;
Column 2
2(barig@c) _giri3_-_erin2 3_(ban2@c) lu2 (d)dumu-zi-ma-ru14(|_uru-a_|)(ki) 1(asz@c) dam ad-da szesz ur-lu2 3(barig@c) nin-tur 3(barig@c) ama-ni-al-sa6 3(barig@c) si-ni-sa 2(barig@c) a-gil-sa-mu 2(barig@c) nin-ur2-ni 1(barig@c) _giri3_-_erin2_ me-unu(ki)-ge-si 4(ban2@c) al-kam
2 barig, the labor-troops, 3 ban2: men of Dumuzi-maru; 1 ash-troop: wife of Dada, brother of Ur-lu; 3 barig, Nintur; 3 barig, Ama-ni-alsa; 3 barig, Sinisa; 2 barig, Agil-samu; 2 barig, Nin-urni; 1 barig, the labor-troops of Meunu-gesi, 4 ban2: he will go.
Column 3
i3-gu7 szitim 2(ban2@c) i3-szah2 a-sa10 5(ban2@c) addirx(|_a-giszgal_xA|) gada nig2 a-si (gesz)mar gigir2 hun-ga2-kam 1(ban2@c) (d)inanna-tesz2-mu 1(ban2@c) _nim 1_(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) nig2-sa10 tug2 pesz2-ak
oil, shitum-plant, 2 ban2 oil, asa, 5 ban2 linen, linen, ..., ax, a gigir-tool, a hireling, 1 ban2 for Inanna-teshmu, 1 ban2 ..., 1 barig 2 ban2 nigsa, textile for the plow,
Column 1
szunigin-bi 4(u@c) 2(asz@c) la2 2(ban2@c) sze e2 _an_(ki)-kam
total: 42 gur less 2 ban2 barley of the house of An;
P251641: legal tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 adab(ki)-ki-gal-la 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 ama-a-zu5!(|_ninda2_xME|) 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 ur-tur 1(u@c) ninda
10 ninda 1 sila3 soup, Adab-kigala; 15 ninda 1 sila3 oil; 1 ninda 1 sila3 soup, Ama-azu; 10 ninda 1 sila3 oil, Ur-tur; 10 ninda
Column 2
1(asz@c) i3 sila3 nin-ig-gal gala 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 e2-da-hul2 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 musz-tur 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 lugal-usz-sux(_musz_) nu-kiri6
1 sila3 oil for Nin-iggal, the chief; 10 breads; 1 tu7 sila3 for Eda-hul; 10 breads; 1 tu7 sila3 mushtur; 10 breads; 1 tu7 sila3; 1 tu7 sila3 oil for Lugal-ushux, the orchard;
Column 3
1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 isz-me-i3-lum 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) ninda# 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 1(asz@c) tu7! sila3 szu-ni-dingir 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 ra-bi2-i3-lum 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 nin-a-zu5!(|_ninda2_xME|)
10 ninda 1 sila3 oil, 1 tu7 sila3 i-shme-ilum 15 ninda 1 sila3 oil, 1 tu7 sila3 Shu-ni-ilum 10 ninda 1 tu7 sila3 ra-bi-ilum 10 ninda 1 i3 oil, 1 tu7 sila3 nin-azu
Column 4
1(u@c) mu-a 1(u@c) _im_-a 1(u@c) la-ma-asz-tar2 1(u@c) lugal-en-nun 1(u@c) lu2-lil#-la bahar2 1(u@c) lugal-gesztu3-gal 2(u@c) ninda 1/2(disz@c) i3 sila3 nin-du6-a
10 years; 10 ...; 10 Lamashtar; 10 Lugal-ennun; 10 Lu-lila, the granary; 10 Lugal-geshtugal; 20 ninda 1/2 sila3 of Nin-dû'a;
Column 5
1(u@c) dur2-dub2 lu2-ki-inim-ma-me 1(asz@c) ninda
2(asz@c) tu7 sila3 1/2(disz@c) ku3 gin2 1(asz@c) dug nigar-mud
10 ..., the witnesses, 1 ninda,
2 soups, 1/2 sila3 silver, 1 jug of nigarmud,
Column 6
dub-sar 2(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 lugal-kalam-tu! 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 ama-si [...]-x
scribe; 20 ninda 1 sila3 oil; 1 soup sila3 lugal-kalamtu; 10 ninda 1 sila3 amasi- oil; .
Column 1
1(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) udu 1(asz@c) i3 |_umbin_xUDU| 1(asz@c) dug 1(asz@c) uzu ur2 nimgir-gal 1(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) ((sila3)) udu 1(asz@c) i3 |_umbin_xUDU| 1(asz@c) dug 1(asz@c) uzu ur2
60 loaves of bread, 1 sheep, 1 jug of olive oil, 1 jug of ...-meal, 1 rib of nimgirgal, 60 loaves of bread, 1 sila3 of sheep, 1 jug of olive oil, 1 jug of ...-meal,
Column 2
x-da 4(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 szesz#?-x-gal# 4(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 ma-ma-hir-su 4(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 szesz-nig2-lu5-le
... 40 ninda 1 sila3 oil, 1 tu7 sila3 soup, Shesh-x-gal 40 ninda 1 sila3 milk, Ma-hirsu 40 ninda 1 sila3 milk, Shesh-nigulu
Column 3
4(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 ur-samanx(|_sze-bu-nun_|) 2(u@c) ninda dumu ur-_gul_?-_pa5_? 2(u@c) ($ erasure $) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 szu12-utu 2(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 e2-_du_ nimgir-me
40 ninda 1 sila3 of Ur-samanx; 20 ninda of the son of Ur-gul?; 20 ninda 1 sila3 of Shu-utu; 20 ninda 1 sila3 of the ... of the Nimgirs;
Column 4
1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 sila3 ur-(d)suen 1(u@c) ninda 1(asz@c) tu7 ur-(d)dumu-zi-da# u4 e2 sa10 nig2-sa10 1(u) e2 gin2 ur-sag-kesz3 ensix(|_gar-pa-te-si_|)!
10 ninda 1 soup sila3 Ur-Suen 10 ninda 1 soup Ur-Dumuzida, day of the sale of the house, 10 shekels of house, Ur-sagkesh, the governor;
Column 5
gesz-sza3-ki-du10 lu2 nig2-sa10 gu7 _ab_-_kisal_ nig2-sa10 ak gag-bi egarx(_sig4_) a#-du3 i3-bi za3 a-ak inim al-til
The man eats the goods, the ... of the goods, its stomach is covered with blood, its liver is covered with oil, its liver is covered with oil, the food offering is finished.
P251642: legal tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
1(asz@c) sag geme2-(d)en-lil2 dam ur-_tur_ lu2 lunga3 _ni_-_ka_ ne-sag 1(asz@c) ku3 ma-na szu-du8-a-bi3 i3-gub bu-za an-da-ti
1 head-sheaf, Geme-Enlil, wife of Ur-tur, lung-surgeon, NI-KA, the nesag-priest, 1 silver mina, its shudu'a-priest, he seated, the throne of Andati;
Column 2
1(asz@c) amar-in-nab nu-kiri6 ensi2 adab(ki) i3-da-ti 1(asz@c) szesz-gu-la giri3-ni sza13-dub-da i3-da-ti 2(asz@c) gu4 unu(ki)
1 Amar-innab, the gardener, governor of Adab, Idati; 1 Sheshgula, his feet, the chief accountant, Idati; 2 oxen, Uruk,
Column 3
ba-szi-de6#? en-sila3 ur-(d)sud3-da e2-kab(ki)-ra i3-na-szum2 1(asz@c) kesz3!(|_szu4-gir2_|)-ta mu-ni bar ur-(d)gibil6-ta (d)utu-gu2-gal ba-ta-sa10
Bashide, the ensila-priest of Ur-Suda, to the Ekab-priest gave; from the kesh-priest his year: "From Ur-Gibil to Utu-gugal he gave."
Column 1
e2 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) ku3 gin2 en-u2 i3-sa10 1(az@c) ur-kesz3 1(u@c) a-ne-da e2-bi3 (gu2) an-ne-gar 1(asz@c) ur-(d)en-lil2 [x?] lu2-ki-inim#-ma-bi3-me
the house 15 shekels of silver, the owner bought; 1 Ur-kesh 10 Aneda, its house, the neck of An-egar; 1 Ur-Enlil ..., their witnesses;
Column 2
1(asz@c) dingir-sipa _kal_-_di_ dingir-_ka_-er-me adab(ki) i3-durun dam-mah2 aga3-us2 lugal mu-de6
1: Ili-sipa, Kaldi, Ili-ka-erme, Adab, Idurun, the great wife, the king's envoy, to Mude,
P251643: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
1(u@c) 5(asz@c) gurusz-dub!(_mes_) gala 5(asz@c) lugal-a2-mah 5(asz@c) lugal-nir-gal2 5(asz@c) x-x
15 gurushdub-men, chief accountant; 5 Lugal-amah; 5 Lugal-nirgal; 5 ...;
Column 2
4(asz@c) amar-_gul 6_(asz@c) la2 1/4(|_asz_xDISZ@c|) lugal-szud3-du10 5(asz@c) sag-dingir-tuku 3(asz@c) 1/2(disz@c) sag-esz3-tuku
4 ..., 6 less 1/4, Lugal-shuddu, 5 ..., 3 1/2 ...,
Column 3
5(asz@c) nam2-[...]
5 ...
P251644: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
5(u@c) sze gur e2-sag-szu4? 4(u@c) 1(asz@c) (d)pa-bil2-sag 4(u@c) 1(asz@c) ama-gesztin-_an 4_(u@c) (d)nin-szubur 1(asz@c) 4(u@c) (d)nin-imma3 3(ban2@c) 4(u@c) e2-dam
50 gur barley for Esagshu? 41 gur for Pabilsag 41 gur for Ama-geshtin-an 40 gur for Ninshubur 40 gur for Ninimma 3 ban2 40 gur for Edam
Column 2
4(u@c) (d)sza-ma-gan 2(asz@c) 2(u@c) (d)inanna 2(u@c) bara2-(d)en-lil2-gar 3(u@c) 5(asz@c) (d)en-ki
40, Sha-magan; 20, Inanna; 20, Bara-Enlilgar; 35, Enki;
Column 1
2(barig@c) igi-du3 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) ur-(d)nin-pirig 4(asz@c) nin-du6-a 4(asz@c) me-(d)sza-ma-gan 5(asz@c) ur-[...] edin-ba [x?]
2 barig, Igidu; 2 barig, 3 ban2 Ur-Ninpirig; 4 Nindu'a; 4 Me-Shamangan; 5 Ur-..., the steppe ...;
P251649: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
gesz 1/2 gig4
(gesz)sa gal
(gesz)sa gesz-gi
(gesz)gur2 har-muszen-na
(gesz)gidru har-muszen-na
1/2 shekel of wood
a kind of tree
large reed basket
a kind of reed mat
reed basket for reed
bird thorn
bird feeder
reed basket for birds
a kind of tree
measuring container of half a shekel
large net
throwing net
net for hunting in the reed thicket
bird snare
loop of a bird snare
stick of a bird snare
P251671: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
4(u@c) 8(asz@c) 2(ban2@c) sze# gur# nam-mah-ni 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) 4(ban2@c) lugal-itix(|_ud_@sxTIL|)-da 2(u@c) 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) szu-na 8(asz@c) 2(barig@c) gala
48 gur 2 ban2 barley, Nammahni; 15 gur 4 ban2 Lugal-itix; 21 gur 2 barig Shuna; 8 gur 2 barig gala;
P251679: administrative tablet
ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI
Column 1
ninda dug (d)inanna 2(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) (d)iszkur 1(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) (d)nin-mug 1(gesz2@c) ninda 2(asz@c) (d)en-ki 1(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) e2-dam 1(gesz2@c) ninda
bread for a jug of Inanna; 240 breads for Ishkur; 240 breads for Ninmug; 240 breads for Enki; 240 breads for Edam; 240 breads for
Column 2
(d)|_en2-e2_|-si 1(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) (d)bara2-en-lil2-gar ninda e2-dumu 3(gesz2@c) ninda 3(asz@c) e2-gudux(_ah_) 1(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) puzur4-(d)asz8-gi4 2(gesz2@c) ninda 1(asz@c) ma-u2
Enesi; 210 loaves of bread; 1 loaves of bread for Bara-enlilgar; 210 loaves of bread for the house of the prince; 210 loaves of bread for the Egudu'u temple; 210 loaves of bread for Puzur-Ashgi; 210 loaves of bread for the boat;
Column 3
2(gesz2@c) ninda 2(asz@c) ur-(d)(sze3)szer7-da 2(gesz2@c) ninda 2(asz@c) ur-nu 1(gesz2@c) ninda nu-mu-na 2(gesz2@c) ninda 2(asz@c) i3-la-la u4 2(u@c) 3(disz@t) iti sze-gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-am3#
240 loaves of bread, 2 for Ur-Sherda, 240 loaves of bread, 2 for Urnu, 240 loaves of bread not Muna, 240 loaves of bread, 2 for Ilala, 23 days of month: "barley rations,"
P251684: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
Column 1
[...] x x [abul] muzug2 [abul] (d)nin-lil2-la2 [x] x x [abul] a2#-sikil-la2 abul# nig2-ku5-da hu-da-du-um eszszeb x-_du_? kisal# bar-ra ka2 [ka2] bar-ra [ka2] tillax(|_asz-an-asz_|) [ka2] e2-gal [ka2] x-a [ka2] a2#-sikil-la2 [ka2] gu#-la [ka2 x? igi] gal2 [ka2 gesz]-kin#-ti [ka2] mah [ka2 (gi)]ma-sa2-ab e2 ka2 ka2 [e2 en]-nu-[ug3] [e2]-dub-ba-[a] [e2] _ezen_? [...] [e2] gu#?-la#? [e2] x x [e2] x-a
... Gate of the cultic rites Gate of Ninlil ... Gate of the asikil rituals Gate of the nigkud temple of Hudaduum, ... Gate of the courtyard, Gate of the courtyard, Gate of the palace, Gate of ... Gate of the asikil ritual, Gate of the great ... Gate of the geshkinti, Gate of the great musukkab, Gate of the sab-vessel House, Gate of the Ennug Temple, House of the scribal arts House, ... House,
... Gate of impurity Gate of Ninlil ... Gate of purity Gate of the Nigku taxes clay pit? clay pit? outer courtyard gate outer gate gate on the street palace gate ... gate gate of the brewer large gate ... gate gate of the workshop great gate gate of the masab basket house gate gate prison scribal school ... house great house ... house ... house
Column 2
e2 gul#-la# e2 gul-la e2 gul-la e2 si3-ke e2 szu#-szum-ma e2 szu-gi4-na e2 en-nu-ga2 e2 ki en-nu-ga2 e2 di# e2 di si3-ke e2 sag-_im_ e2 til3 e2 si-ga e2 bur12-ra e2 ku5-da e2 ki-se3-ga e2 ka5-a e2 bibad(muszen) e2 _sal_-x e2 _di_-am3 e2 nam-x-x e2 iri bar-ra e2 iri sza3-ga e2 da? e2 x e2-ur5-ra e2-kinkin2 e2 ka?-us2-[sa] e2 ukken-na# e2 a2-ag2-[ga2] e2 nig2-(szu)-taka4?-[a] e2 nir-da e2 szer7-da e2 nam-tag e2 nam-tag e2 usz-bar e2 x e2 x [e2] gi#?-sig#?-[ga]
The destroyed house The destroyed house The destroyed house The ... house
destroyed house destroyed house destroyed house ... house warehouse? storage for szuagina offerings prison prison law court house where justice is administered ... house house of life silent house torn-out house isolated house chapel for funerary offerings fox house duck house ... house ... house ... house suburban house town house side room ... house debtor's prison mill house of the ka'usa functionary assembly house assignment house house of the nigszutaka gift house of crime house of crime house of sin house of sin weaver's workshop ... house ... house house with a fence
Column 1
[e2] x x [e2]-zi-da#? [e2]-sanga-mah# e2# be2-li2-(d)da-[...] e2-gal-mah e2-sa-bad e2 _an_-_im_?-_du3_? e2-a-ra-li e2-gal an-ne2 e2 u2-ma e2-me-zi-da e2-hi!(_kur_)-li# e2 x e2 x e2 gesz-[...] e2-an-na# e2 _hi_-x e2-sza3-hul2-la e2-nim-ma e2-sukud-ta e2-sar-ra e2-ul-[masz] e2-hur-sag-galam-[ma] e2 x-x ki galam-ma e2-an#-za#?-gar3 e2-ib-gal e2 x-me-_du_ e2-bara2-dur2-gar-ra e2-me#-husz?-ni2-gur3-ru e2 x ukken? e2 na4 _ka_-_ud_-_kak_ e2-galam-ta-ni2-gur3-ru e2 nun agrun e2-hur-sag e2 puzur4-isz!-(d)gan-da e2-me-ur4-ur4
e2-musz3-kalam-ma e2-ninnu [e2]-tar-sir2#-[sir2] e2#-_bur2_ [e2 ...]-gid2#-da
The house ... The house ... The house of the sangammah temple The house of Beli-da... The palace of the sagah temple The palace of the ... temple The palace of An The palace of the future The house of the sagah temple The house of the ... temple The house of the ... temple The house of the ... temple The house of the ... temple The house of the ... temple The house of the ... temple The house of the ... temple The ... temple The ... temple The ... temple The ... temple The ... temple The ... temple The ... temple The palace of the ... temple The palace of the ... temple The temple of the ... temple The temple of the Puzurish-Ganda temple The temple of the ... temple
House of the Land Temple of Eninnu Temple of the Inana of the Etarsirsir Temple of the Bur temple Temple of the ... .
... True House House of the Exalted Purifier House ... My Lord is Dagan? Exalted Palace Esabad Temple of Gula at Isin ... House Netherworld palace reaching to the sky house of triumph House of the True Me's House of Luxuriance ... ... ... House of Heaven ... House of the Happy Heart High House High House Esara temple of Inanna at Ulmasz House, Mountainrange of the Land House ... House of the Tower House, Big Chapel ... House, Dais of the Throne House that Carries the Fierce Me's ... ... House that carries Dread from the Land princely house cella House Mountainrange House Under the Protection of Dagan House which Gathers the Me's House of the Deluge White House House of the Judge of the Land
House, Appearance of the land House Fifty Temple of Baba at Irikug
Column 2
x x x x x x x x x aszlug# arah4# [e2] usz gid2-da szutum2# [e2] sa10 [e2] szakanka e2# he2-gal2 e2 he2-gal2 e2 la2 e2 gu2 kar-ra e2 du-un-nu#-um# e2 bur-[sag] e2 bur-gi# e2 bur-ra e2 _kal_? e2 sikil e2 dag-si-a e2 gag-ga _tar_ e2 lugal? e2 kin?-gi4 e2 |_dag-kisim5_xX|-ra e2 dam e2 ur5-ra e2 duh-a e2 ga-an-tusz e2 ni2 dub2-bu e2 ki-na2 [e2] _usz_?-x [e2 ...]-e gid2-da# x x x x x x
... ... ... storeroom storehouse storeroom storehouse shop marketplace house of plenty house of prosperity empty idle? house house on the quay fortified house strorehouse of the bursag offering storehouse of the burgia offering storehouse of the bur offering ... storehouse in a temple ... ... royal house messenger house spousal house house with a mortgage house that is released house inhabited by a tenant room for relaxing bedroom ... ... ... ...
P251686: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
(gesz)#gu-za szu-nigin2
(gesz)gu-za zag-bi us2#
(gesz)gu-za gid2-da
(gesz)gu-za ku3-babbar gar(?)#;ra
(gesz)gu-za tu5-a
total chair
chair with its front facing
long chair
silver throne
chair for a wedding night
chair of honor
arm chair
chaise longue
silver-plated chair
bath chair
P251689: school tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
_gan2 3_(iku@c) lugal-pa-e3 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) lugal-szita-mu [n] lugal#-[...]-ki-gi-[...]-x-ma 1(bur3@c)# 1(esze3@c) lugal-pirig-tur [...]-x
field: 3 iku Lugal-pa'e; 3 1/2 iku Lugal-shitamu; n Lugal-...-kigi-...ma; 1 bur3 1 eshe Lugal-pirigtur ...;
Column 2
1(bur3@c) lugal-sza3-dingir-zu 1(esze3@c) lugal-a-nun 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) lugal-szu-sikil 1(bur3@c) lugal-nimgir
1 bur3 Lugal-shadigirzu, 1 eshe Lugal-anun, 1 bur3 Lugal-shusikil, 1 bur3 Lugal-nimgir,
Column 3
3(iku@c) 2(barig@c) lugal-da-kusz2 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) lugal-nagar-zi 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) lugal-ib2-te-e3 1(bur3@c) ur-a2#-zi
3 iku 2 barig Lugal-dakusz, 1 bur3 1 eshe Lugal-nagarzi, 1 bur3 1 eshe Lugal-ibte'e, 1 bur3 Ur-azi,
Column 4
1(u@c) 3(asz@c) [2(barig@c)] ur-[...] 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) [n(barig@c)] ur-(d)inanna 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) 2(barig@c) igi-dingir-sze3@90 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) 2(barig@c)# ur-[...]
13 gur 2 barig Ur-... 13 gur 13 gur n barig Ur-Inanna 13 gur 2 barig Igi-dingir-she90 13 gur 2 barig Ur-.
for Lugal-epa;
P251690: school tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
1(bur3@c) _gan2_ e2-hur-sag 1(esze3@c) lugal-ezem 2(iku@c) dingir-ur-sag 1(esze3@c) ur-(d)nin-ildu3
1 bur3 field, Ehursag; 1 eshe3 Lugal-ezem; 2 iku Dingir-ursag; 1 eshe3 Ur-Nin-ildu;
Column 2
1(esze3@c) 1/2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) ur-(d)gidri 2(iku@c) ur-(d)nin-gal 4(iku@c) ur-(d)hendur-sag 1(bur3@c) ur-(d)nin-|_ga2_xMUSZ| 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) ur-_pa_
1 eshe 3/4 iku Ur-Gidri 2 iku Ur-Ningal 4 iku Ur-Hendursag 1 bur3 Ur-Nin-GaxMush 1 1/2 iku Ur-PA
Column 3
2(esze3@c) e2-mah-da 1(bur3@c) ur-(d)nin-x [...] 1(bur3@c) [ur?]-(d#)[...]-_musz#_
2 eshe3: Emahda, 1 bur3: Ur-Nin..., 1 bur3: Ur-...-mush,
Column 4
1(bur3@c) 2(iku@c) ur:e2 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) ur-tilla3 4(iku@c) ur-(d)nin-girimx(|_a-bu-ha-du_|) 2(bur3@c) 5(iku@c) ur-_pa_
1 bur3 2 iku for Ur-e; 1 eshe3 3 1/2 iku 1/4 iku for Ur-tilla; 4 iku for Ur-Ningirim; 2 bur3 5 iku for Ur-PA;
P251696: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
ha#-[la ...] ha-la um-mi-a ha-la szesz ha-la ad-da ha-la e2 ad-da ha-la ku3 ad-da-ne#-ne# ha-la ama ad-da-ne#-ne sza3 ha-la e2 a-sza3 (gesz)kiri6 ugu szesz-szesz nig2-gur10!(_ul_) e2 ad-da
gal2-la a-na gal2-[la]-ta
tesz2-a se3-ga-a-bi i3-ba-e-ne
from the ...,
They will divide the remainder of the payment.
P251707: legal-transaction tablet
Neo-Assyrian Oracc
(m)_di_-mu-_en_-arrap-ha A (m)10-a-tar a-na É-[_gal_] a-na [(m)](d)#_utu_-_gin_-_pab_ a-na (m)szA-szam-a-ia [iq]-t,i#-bi ma-a# 30 _gin-mesz_ [_kug-ud_] [sza] _ta_(*)# _igi_-ia x [x ...] [... x] x-a-ni x [x ...]
Shulmu-bel-arrapha, son of Adda-atar, told me to enter the palace, to Shamash-kenu-ushur and to Shashamaya: "The 30 shekels of silver which he received from me ...
Shulmu-Bel-Arrapha, son of Adda-atar, spoke thus to the palace, to Shamash-kenu-ushur and to Shashamaya: "Thirty shekels of silver that were to my disposal ... PN has made it good."
[u]-ta-t,ir _di_-mu [ina bir-ti]
I have written to the king, my lord, that the king, my lord, should know this.
There is peace between them. He has paid in full in the month ....
man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-me _gil#_
_igi_ (m)kat-ma-a-a
_igi_ (m)a-bi-bi
_igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a-_su_
_igi#_ (m)am-ha-di-i
Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract,
Witness Katmâ.
Witness Abibi.
Witness: Ahu'a-eriba.
Witness: Am-hadî.
Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract ....
Witness Katmaya.
Witness Abibi.
Witness Ahu'a-eriba.
Witness Ammi-hadî.
[_igi_] (m)se-ha-ri
Witness Se'-hari.
Witness Se'-hari.
[lim]-me (m)me-tu(!)-nu#
Eponym year of Metunu.
Eponym year of Metunu 700 BC.
P251726: legal other-object
ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI
Column 1
en-mete-na ensi2 lagasz(ki) _arad2_-ra-ni ur#-(d)ba-ba6 lu2-ti-ke4 en-an-ne2-tu ur-(d)ku3-x-su13 (x) dumu ama-bara2-si ur-(d)ba-ba6 en-gi6
Enmetena, ruler of Lagash, is his servant. Ur-Baba, the man of Luti, Enanetu, Ur-Ku-x-su, son of Ama-barasi, Ur-Baba, the engi.
Column 2
dumu mes-_ud_-ga2-me sag-kur-da dumu utu-mu-kusz2 mes-ki-erim2-ma dumu ur-tul2-sag ur-sa6-ga dumu ki-nu-nir-ki-du10 lugal-gesztin utu-mu-kusz2 ur-(d)ba-ba6
son of Mesudge, Sakurda, son of Utu-mukush, Meski-erima, son of Ur-tulsag, Ur-saga, son of Kinunir-kidu, Lugal-geshtin, Utu-mukush, Ur-Baba,
Column 3
lu2-ti-ke4 1(asz@c) sar# e2# x x gi nig2 sa10#-ma-ta e-ne-sze3-sa10 4(u@c) sze gur 2(disz@t) _ul 1_(asz@c) sila3 i3-szah2 4(asz@c) ninda 1(asz@c) ninda sila3 1(asz@c) sa sar [lu?] sza ba-ti
for Luti 1 sar, house ..., reeds, goods of sale, for sale; 40 gur barley, 2 ..., 1 sila3 lard, 4 ninda, 1 ninda, 1 sar, ...,
Column 4
ur-(d)ba-ba6-ke4 e2-bi (d)en-ki-sza3#?-dul5?-la mu-na-du3 pu2 szeg12 alurx(_bahar2_)-ra e2-a mu-na-du3 ur-(d)ba-ba6-ke4 e2#-bi a2#-na be2#-sa10#
Ur-Baba, the temple of Enki-shadula he built. The well with a cedar roof he built for the temple. Ur-Baba, the temple, for the price he bought.
Column 5
szesz-sa-ni nu-da-sa10
Sheshani is not able to pay
P251735: lexical tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) ? CDLI
Column 1
x-x-ku6# izi#-ku6 _szesz_-ku6 udu-usz-min3-ku6 |_ninda2_x(_u-gu4_)|-ku6 ab2#-ku6 _nim#_?-ku6 [...]
..., fire, ...,
Column 2
mul#-[ku6] a-ab#-[ku6] ab-suhur-ku6# ninda2-ab-suhur-ku6 e-sir2-ku6 gur7-ku6 musz-ku6 du6-ku6
The star is the fish of the sea The absuhur fish is the bread of the absuhur fish The esir fish is the fish of the marsh The fish is the fish of the marsh
Column 3
husz#?-[...-ku6] _du_?-[...-ku6] sag-gid2-ku6 ga-sur-ku6#
... fish ... fish
P251737: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(u@c) 4(asz@c) ud5 ur-szubur 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) lu2-bara2-ge 1(u@c) 6(asz@c) igi-ni-sze3 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) nig2-du7 1(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) inim-ma-ni-zi 1(u@c) ur-(d)iszkur szusz3 szu-nigin2 1(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 3(asz@c)
14 nanny goats, Ur-shubur 12, Lubarge 16, before him; 11 nigdu, 10 less 1 Inim-manizi; 10 Ur-Adad, cattle manager; total: 103,
ud5 u4-de3 hul-am3 ((ur-(d)en-lil2)) ((lugal-mu-da-kusz2)) ((e2 (d)en-lil2-la)) ($ doodles $) ((_tum tum tum tum_))
The evil ewe of the storm, Lugalmudakush, the temple of Enlil,
((_lul lul lul_))
a kind of insect
P251738: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
3(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) udu-nita 4(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) 5(asz@c) u8 5(u@c) 4(asz@c) sila4 1(u@c) 3(asz@c) siki gu2 ma-na la2 2(asz@c) adab(ki)-bi 4(gesz2@c) la2 1(u@c) udu-nita 5(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) u8 1(gesz2@c) sila4 1(u@c) 4(asz@c) ((la2 1(u@c)#)) siki gu2 ma-na la2 1(u@c)
185 rams, 155 ewes, 54 calf-sheep, 13 suckling lambs, less 2 wool-sheep, its Adab: 420 less 10 rams, 420 ewes, 240 suckling lambs, 14 less 10 wool-sheep, less 10 suckling lambs,
1(u@c) 2(asz@c) siki gu2 la2 7(asz@c) ma-na i3-lum-_gar3 3_(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) udu-nita 6(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) u8 1(gesz2@c) 3(asz@c) sila4 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) siki gu2 la2 8(asz@c) ma-na usanx(|_an-gu2_xPAP|)-du6
12 talents less 7 minas of wool, ...; 240 rams, 420 ewes, 133 lambs, 15 talents less 8 minas of wool,
za3#-mu na-gada ur-(d)iszkur szusz3
Zamu, the herdsman, Ur-Ishkur, cattle manager.
7(gesz2@c) 4(u) udu
420 sheep,
P251739: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
5(disz@t) ku3 gin2 igi 3(disz@t)-gal2 4(u@c) sze gur galax(|_arad-ku_|) dumu ur-mu 5(disz@t) ku3 gin2 igi 4(disz@t)-gal2 4(u@c) sze gur ur-esz3
5 1/3 shekels, 40 gur barley for the satrap, son of Urmu; 5 1/2 shekels, 40 gur barley for Ur-esh;
P251740: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u@c) la2 1(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) 5(asz@c) udu 5(u@c) la2 3(asz@c) sila4 1(u@c) 4(asz@c) siki gu2 la2 6(asz@c) ma-na ad-da e2-zur-zur
115 sheep, 5 less 3 lambs, 14 less 6 talents wool, father of E-zurzur,
1(gesz'u@c) la2 4(asz@c) udu 1(gesz2@c) 1(asz@c) sila4 1(u@c) 7(asz@c) siki gu2 la2 4(asz@c) ma-na ur-(d)en-ki
98 sheep, 11 lambs, 17 wool-sheep, less 4 minas, Ur-Enki;
P251741: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(u@c) sze gur ur-nu 8(asz@c) e2-nam 3(asz@c) 2(barig@c) (d)en-lil2-la2 5(asz@c) inim-ma-ni-zi 2(asz@c) 3(barig@c) lugal-gesz 2(asz@c) e2-gissu-bi
10 gur barley for Urnu; 8 gur for Enam; 3 gur 2 barig for Enlil; 5 gur for Inimmanizi; 2 gur 3 barig for Lugal-gesh; 2 gur for E-gessubi;
P251742: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
4(asz@c) gab2-ra a-ba-mu-na 3(asz@c) ig-gi 3(asz@c) nam-mah-ni 3(asz@c) a-zu-zu 3(asz@c) igi-si4 3(asz@c) e2-amasz 3(asz@c) _im_-ki 4(asz@c)# en-gu2-gal
4 ... Abamuna 3 ... 3 Nammahni 3 Azuzu 3 Igisi 3 Eamash 3 Imki 4 Engugal
Column 2
2(asz@c) ur-zikum 3(asz@c) ur-gu 3(asz@c) _an_-na 3(asz@c) sza3-ga-ni-su13 3(asz@c) galax(|_ku-arad_|) 4(asz@c) nimgir-ab-zu 2(asz@c) nam-mah 1(asz@c) ur-_pa 1_(asz@c) lu2-lil-la 1(asz@c) lugal-bara2-e#
2 Urzikum 3 Urgu 3 Ana 3 Shaganisu 3 Galaxas 4 Nimgir-abzu 2 Nammah 1 Ur-PA 1 Lu-lila 1 Lugal-bara'e
Column 1
2(asz@c) a-(gesz)rin2-a 1(asz@c) a2-ni-ta 1(asz@c) ugula-iri 1(asz@c) dub-sar 1(asz@c) engar 2(asz@c) ur-a2 3(asz@c) lugal-iri 3(asz@c) ur-(d)asz8#-gi4#
2: A-rina, 1: A-nita, 1: Ugula-iri, 1: scribe, 1: plowman, 2: Ur-a, 3: Lugal-iri, 3: Ur-Ashgi,
P251743: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) udu-nita e2-amasz# 1(asz@c) masz2 ur-(d)am-ma-_ne_-ra 1(asz@c) masz2 sag-dingir-tuku 1(asz@c) udu en-me-a-nu2 1(asz@c) udu ur-a-da 1(asz@c) udu _szim_-_du 1_(asz@c) masz2 e2-ur2 1(asz@c) udu ur-(d)en-lil2 1(asz@c) udu ur-a2
1 male sheep for the house of Amma-ne, 1 male sheep for Ur-Amma-ne, 1 male sheep for Sag-dingirtuku, 1 sheep for Enmenunu, 1 sheep for Ur-ada, 1 sheep for ..., 1 male sheep for the house, 1 sheep for Ur-Enlil, 1 sheep for Ur-a,
1(asz@c) sila4 lugal-gesz 1(asz@c) udu ur-nu
1 lamb for Lugal-gesh, 1 sheep for Urnu,
P251744: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
5(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur ma2-_ka 6_(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur lugal-szud3 1(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) sze gur nin-sze3 ba-de6 3(asz@c) esir4 kusz-la
5 gur 2 barig barley for the boat; 6 gur 2 barig barley for Lugal-shud; 1 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley for Nin-she; to be carried; 3 gur bitumen,
2(asz@c) sila4 ($ erasure $) 1(asz@c) sila4 a-rin2-_gir 1_(asz@c) ku3 gin2 ur-esz3 ba-de6 3(asz@c) sa _ka_ ur-gu 1(asz@c) ku3@n gin2 gada-kam nin-sze3 ba-de6
2 lambs, 1 lamb of Arin-gir, 1 shekel of silver for Ur-esh was carried off; 3 bundles of onions, 1 shekel of linen for Nin-she was carried off;
P251745: legal tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) u8 4(asz@c) udu-nita udu ma-ma ur-(d)iszkur ur-nu an-ne-szum2
9 ewes, 4 male sheep, sheep of mother Ur-Ishkur, Ur-nu, to Anneshum;
P251746: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(u@c) 2(asz@c) e2-amasz 8(asz@c) ur-e2 8(asz@c) ur-a-da 8(asz@c) lugal-e 8(asz@c) sag-dingir-tuku 6(asz@c) _szim_-_du 6_(asz@c) ur-(d)_ta 8_(asz@c) ur-(d)en-ki 6(asz@c) igi-ni-sze3 4(asz@c) en-me-nu2
12: Eamash; 8: Ur-e; 8: Ur-ada; 8: Lugal-e; 8: Sag-dingirtuku; 6: ...; 6: Ur-Ta; 8: Ur-Enki; 6: igi-nishe; 4: Enmenu;
4(asz@c)# e2-ur2 4(asz@c) ur-(d)en-lil2 7(asz@c) lugal-sipa 6(asz@c) ad-da 6(asz@c) A-_ka_-du3 3(asz@c) (d)en-lil2-le 1(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) ur-(d)en-lil2 5(asz@c) ur-nin 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) lu2-esz2-gana2 6(asz@c) giri3-ni
4 ur-houses, 4 Ur-Enlil 7 Lugal-sipa 6 Adda 6 A-KA-du 3 Enlil-houses, 9 Ur-Enlil 5 Ur-nin 12 Lu-esh-gana 6 vias,
P251747: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(asz@c) nimgir-ab-zu 1(asz@c) lugal-iri 1(asz@c) nam-mah-ni 1(asz@c) a-zu-zu 1(asz@c) igi-si4 1(asz@c) e2-amasz 1(asz@c) _im_-ki 1(asz@c) en-gu2-gal 1(asz@c) ur-zikum-ma
1 Nimgir-abzu 1 Lugal-iri 1 Nammahni 1 Azuzu 1 Igisi 1 Eamash 1 Imki 1 Engugal 1 Urzikuma
1(asz@c) ur-(d)asz8-gi4 1(asz@c) sza3-ga-ni-su13 1(asz@c) _an_-na 1(asz@c) galax(|_arad-ku_|) 1(asz@c) nam-mah#! 1(asz@c) dub-sar 1(asz@c) ur-_pa 1_(asz@c) lu2-lil-la 1(asz@c) lu2-bara2-ge 1(asz@c) ugula-iri 1(asz@c) engar
Ur-Ashgi, Shaganisu, Ana, Gala, Nammah, scribe, Ur-PA, Lu-lila, Lu-barage, Ugula-iri, 1 plowman,
P251748: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
1(u@c) 6(asz@c) ab2-mah2 7(asz@c) ab2 3(disz@t) 5(asz@c) ab2 2(disz@t) 2(asz@c) ab2 1(asz@t) 4(asz@c) gu4-utua@v 1(asz@c) szunigin 3(u@c) 5(asz@c) ab2
16 heifers, 7 cows, 3 cows, 5 cows, 2 2 cows, 1 4 oxen, total 35 cows,
a kind of profession
P251749: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
5(asz@c) giri3-ni gu-la 6(asz@c) e2-amasz-zi 5(asz@c) ur-i7-da 5(asz@c) _szim_-_du 5_(asz@c) ur-e2 6(asz@c) sag-dingir-tuku 5(asz@c) en-me-a-nu2
5 of his feet are strong; 6 of Ea-mashzi; 5 of Ur-ida; 5 of ShIM-DU; 5 of Ur-e; 6 of Sag-dingirtuku; 5 of Enmenu;
Column 2
5(asz@c) lugal-e2 5(asz@c) ur-(d)en-ki 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) tum-al 6(asz@c) za3-mu udu dab5-ba lagaszx(|_szir-bur-la-muszen_|)(ki)
5: Lugal-e; 5: Ur-Enki; 12: Tumal; 6: Zamu, the sheep captured by Lagash;
Column 1
1(u@c) la2 1(asz@t) sze gur# ur-zikum 1(u@c) 4(disz@t) ur-(d)utu 1(u@c) ur-(d)utu 1(u@c) ur-_har_ e2-_sar_-kam
10 less 1 gur barley for Ur-zikum 14 Ur-shamash 10 Ur-shamash 10 Ur-har, the Esarku;
P251750: administrative tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
Column 1
2(u@c) 4(asz@c) sze gur nimgir-ab-zu 1(gesz2@c) 5(u@c) ur-nu 2(u@c) dub-sar 3(gesz2@c) ur-(d)iszkur 2(u@c) 2(asz@c) 2(barig@c) szusz3 5(asz@c) ugula-iri sipa ud5-me
24 gur barley for Nimgir-abzu; 190 for Urnu; 20 for the scribe; 240 for Ur-Adda; 22 2 barig for Shush; 5 for Ugula-iri, shepherd of the sheep;
Column 2
2(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) unu3 nig2!-kas4-me sze ur-mes-sze3 ab-szi-du7 szu-nigin2 8(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) 1(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur 1(gesz2@c) 5(u@c) la2 3(asz@c) lugal-e2
240 unu-farmers, the accounts of barley of Ur-mes, were repaid; total: 141 gur 2 barig barley, 115 less 3 lugal-e;
Column 1
5(asz@c) _gan2_ me-e2 ur-(d)esz5@t-pesz 8(gesz2@c) 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) 1(barig@c) lugal-gesz
5 gur ..., for the me-e of Ur-Eshtpesh; 142 gur 1 barig, Lugal-gesh;
Column 2
sze la2-ia3 sipa-kam
barley deficit of the shepherd;
P251751: legal tablet
ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI
Column 1
7(asz@c) ku3 luh-ha gin2 sa10 e2 2(asz@c) e2-bi sar gin2 1(u@c) 1(u@c) 1(asz@c) ku3 luh-ha gin2 nig2-diri 2(asz@c) sze lid2-ga nig2-ba
7 shekels of luhha-silver, as the price of 2 houses, its house: 10 sar 10 11 shekels of luhha-silver, as the nigdiri-measure; 2 lidga-shekels of barley, the offering;
Column 2
2(asz@c) siki ma-na tug2 1(asz@c) me:gal2 tug2 4(ban2@c) sze ninda 4(u@c) gug2 5(asz@c) kur2 tu7(|_hi_xDISZ|) 5(asz@c) kur2 edakuax(|_lagab_xHA|) 1(asz@c) i3 sila3 ur-(d)en-ki (d)en-lil2-mu-szum2 e2-gissu-bi-du10
2 mana wool, 1 megal wool, 4 ban2 barley, bread, 40 gug, 5 different types of soup, 5 different types of soup, 1 sila3 oil, Ur-Enki, Enlil-mushum, E-gissu-bidu,
Column 3
lu2 sa10 gu7 1(barig@c) sze 1(u@c) gug2 gan-e2-gibil 3(ban@c) sze 1(u@c) gug2 nin-ra 1(barig@c) sze 1(u@c) gug2 nin-gaba-gal2-abzu 1(ban2@c) sze 1(u@c) gug2
man who bought; 1 barig barley, 10 gugs of GAN-egibil; 3 ban barley, 10 gugs of Ninra; 1 barig barley, 10 gugs of Nin-gabagal-abzu; 1 ban barley, 10 gugs of
Column 4
gan-ki-ku3 2(ban2@c) sze 1(u@c) gug2 gan-(d)e-lum 3(ban2@c) sze 1(u@c) gug2 nin-szu-mu-gi4 nin-lu2 1(asz@c) si-gar 1(asz@c) ki-tusz-me-te 1(asz@c) bar-tab
for Gankiku; 2 ban2 barley, 10 gugs for Gan-Elum; 3 ban2 barley, 10 gugs for Ninshu-mugi, the lady; 1 sigar, 1 Kitushmete, 1 bartab;
Column 5
1(asz@c) lugal-e2-gub 1(asz@c) e2-tesz2-mu 1(asz@c) (d)nin-gidri-men 1(asz@c) sag-a-ra2-ba-szum2 (ba15)baharx(_edin_) 1(asz@c) (d)sud3-ra-mu-gi4 1(asz@c) utu-mu-kusz2 gala!(|_arad-ku_|)
1 Lugal-egub 1 Eteshmu 1 Ningidrimen 1 Sag-arabashum ... 1 Sudramugi 1 Utumukush, the gala priest
Column 1
1(asz@c) utu-mu-kusz2 dumu nigin6-ki-du10 1(asz@c) ur-(d)dumu-zi dub-sar lu2 ki-inim 1(asz@c) uruda ma-na 4(u@c) ninda! 4(u@c) gug2 2(asz@c) kur2 tu7(|_hi_xDISZ|)
1 Utumu-kusz, son of Nigin-kidu; 1 Ur-Dumuzi, scribe, man of the document; 1 copper mana; 40 ninda; 40 gug; 2 kur-plants, soup;
Column 2
2(asz@c) kur2 edakuax(|_lagab_xHA|) ur-(d)inanna um-mi-a lu2 e2 esze2 gar 1(u@c) ninda 1(u@c) gug2 ur-(d)samanx(|_un-sze3-sze-bu_|)? nimgir:sila 1(asz@c) ku3 gin2 nigar-mud ugula lu2
2 kur2 of the edakua-vessel, Ur-Inanna, the ummia, the man of the house of the eshe-vessel, 10 ninda 10 gug, Ur-Samanx, the herald, 1 shekel silver, Nigarmud, the foreman, the man,
Column 3
an-na-ne-sag dumu nigin6-ki-du10 sipa lu2 e2 sa10 bala ur-(d)en-lil2 ki-uzug2!(|_ka-u2_|)
Annesag, son of Nigin-kidu, shepherd of the man, the house of profit, bala of Ur-Enlil, the ki'uzu temple.
P251772: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
bad3 kiri3-gu10
pa-ag2 kiri3-gu10
buru3 kiri3-gu10
tumu kiri3-gu10
my hair
my nose
my nose
my nose
my nose
my suckling,
my nose
my nose
my nose
my cheek
my nose
both sides of my nose
the wall of my nose
the breathing of my nose
my breath
my breathing
my nostril
the air of my nose
siki kiri3-gu10
kiri3 teg3-ga2-gu10
ah-da kiri3-gu10
siki tun3-gu10
sum4 mug-gu10
sum4 gid2-da-gu10
my nose
my nose
my ear
my hair
my ...
my shattered hair
my hair
my hair
my mug sacrificial plant
my long hair
the hair of my nose
my running nose
the mucus of my nose
my mustache
my ...
my ...
the hair of my mustache
my beard
my wooly beard
my long beard
P251775: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na s,i-li2!-(d)utu qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4-ma a-nu-um-ma (disz)a-pil2-(d)da-mu a-na s,e-ri-ka at-t,a2-ar-dam ap-pu-tum ku-nu-uk-ki an-ni-a-am i-na a-ma-ri-ka na-asz-pa-ka-am a-hi-a-am sza _3(disz) szu-szi gur_ at-ta u2 szu-u2 pi-te-a-am
id#-na-a-ma sza#-pe-el-tam szu-un-ni-a-ma
To Shilli-Shamash speak! Thus Ur-Zababa: "Now Apil-Damu to your side I have sent. This aphutu of your kunukku is my kunukku. At your appearance you will send me a kunukku of 3 gur. And he is my sceptre."
He gave me a pure scepter,
[a-na] _sza3-gal gu4-hi-a#_ [u3] ki#-is-_su2_-at _u8-udu-hi-a_ [i]-na# qa2-ti-ka li-ib-szi u3# a-pil2-(d)da-mu sza-ni-a-am u4-um-szu mah-ri-ka la i-bi-it-tam t,u3-ur-da-asz-szu an-ni-ki-a-am szi-ip-ru-um na-di la ta-ka-al-la-asz-szu ap-pu-tum
To the horn of oxen and the tail of sheep in your hands may it be favourable. And Apil-Damu, second, his days he did not pass before you. His supplications are here; you shall not slander him.
P251776: school tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
a-na ha-zi-ru-um qi2-bi2-ma um-ma lu2-(d)nin-urta-ma (d)utu li-ba-li2-it,-ka asz-szum a-wa-tim sza _lu2_ masz-kan2-szabra(ki)-mesz sza i-na zar-bil-lum(ki) ta-aq-bi-a-am um-ma at-ta-ma _erin2-hi-a_ ka-lu-szu sza ma-ah-ri-i-a id-di-an-ni-ma a-na larsam(ki) a-na wa-ar-ki ru-be2-e it-ta-al-kam a-na szar-ri-im aq-bi-i-ma szar-ru-um li-ba-tim im-ta-la# um-ma szar-ru-um-ma asz-szum la-ma-si2-im an-ni-tim sza it-ti ha-zi-nu-um
To Hazirum speak! Thus Lu-Ninurta: May Shamash be your helper! As to the words of the Mashkan-shaba-men who in Zarbillum spoke, thus you: "The entire army of my predecessor gave to me, and to Larsam to the side of the governor went." To the king I said, and the king of Babylon went away. Thus the king, as to this omen which with Hazinum
P251778: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
a kind of tree
P251783: school tablet
Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI
a-na dingir-szu!-ba-ni qi2-bi2-ma um-ma mu-na-wi-ru-um a-hu-ka#-ma! (disz)im-gur-(d)suen# _ku3-babbar u3 sze_ u2-la i-szu szar-ru-um i-na a-la-ki!-im a-na-di!(_pa_)-na-kum li-ib-ba-ka u2-t,a-ab szum-(ma) i-na ki-tim be-li2 na-bi-el-ia at-ta
To Ilshubani speak! Thus Munawirum, your brother: Imgur-Sîn has no silver and barley. The king in the city I will give you. May your heart rejoice. If in the earth, my lord, you are.
P251788: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
for Ningeshzida;
P251790: royal-monumental other-object
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(d#)amar-(d)suen nibru(ki)-a (d)en-lil2-le mu pa3#-da sag-us2 e2 (d)en-lil2-ka nita
Amar-Suena, in Nippur, Enlil nominated by him, the chief administrator of the temple of Enlil, male.
P251795: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal#?-szu?-ru#?-du#?-ke4? in-la2-e szu# he2-bar-re#
Lugal-shurududu has sworn by the name of the god.
Seal 1
en-um-e2-a dub-sar dumu a-dar di-ku5
Enum-ea, scribe, son of Adar, the judge.
P251826: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na s,i-li2-(d)utu qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-li-gi-mil-ma (d)utu asz-szum-ia _mu szar2-kam_ li-ba#-al#-li-it,-ka isz-tu u4-mi-im sza a#-na# adab(ki) ta-al-li#-kam# x-pu-sza [x] x ku x x x 1(u) [x] x x x [x] i-pu#-szu-ma-a _1(gesz2) 2(u)_ ri# [x x] x it#?-ti-ka usz-te-ri-[x x x]
To Shilli-Shamash speak! Thus Aligi-Mil: "Shamash, because of my great name may I be sated with you." From the day you came to Adab, ... ... he did ... and ... ... with you .
P251827: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a]-na# i3-li2-uru4#? qi2#-bi2-ma# um-ma (d)suen-mu-sza!(_ta_)-[lim]-ma (d)utu li-ba-al-li#-[it,]-ka asz-szum _a-[sza3_-li]-im sza!(_ta_) i-din# [x]-(d#)iszkur te-ki#-mu-[ma a-na] x-bi-x-la# ta-ad-di-[nu-u2? (disz)]i-din-(d)iszkur szar-ra-am im-[hu]-ur#-ma szar-ru-um re-di-a-am# it-ta!(_sza_)-di-szu hu-mu-ut, la-ma re-di szar-ri-im ik-szu-da#-ak-ka _a-sza3_-lam a-na be-el-szu [te]-e#-er ap-pu-tum
To Ili-uru speak! Thus Sîn-mushallim and Shamash may they be reconciled with you. Because of the field which he gave, ...-Adad you have acted and to ... you have given. Iddin-Adad, the king, received, and the king, the first-ranking, has given him. The king, the first-ranking, has seized you. The field to his lord you have returned.
P251834: literary tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
u4 re-a u4 su3#-ra2 re-a ge6 re-a ge6 bad#-ra2# re-a mu re-a mu su3-ra2 re-a u4-ba u2-_kam_? inim zu-a kalam-ma? ti-la-am3 szuruppak(ki) gesztu2 u2-_kam_? inim-zu-a kalam-ma ti-la-am3 szuruppak(ki) dumu-ni-ra na na-mu-un-de5-de5 szuruppak(ki) dumu ubara-tu-tu-ke4 zi-u4-su3-ra2 dumu-ni#-ra na na-mu-un-de5-de5 dumu-mu na-de5-ge! na#-de5-mu# he2-dab5 zi-u4-su3-ra2 inim gizzal he2-em-szi-ak na-de5-ga-mu szu nam-bi2-bar-re-en inim du11-ga-mu na-ab#-ta#-bala-e-de3 na-de5 ab-ba nig2 kal-la-a gu2-zu he2-em-szi-gal2
dur3 ur3# gu3-di-na-ab-sa10-sa10 erin2-zu sza-re-eb-si-il#? _gan2_ kaskal-la nam-ba-e-ga2-ga2 nam-silig gu2-ga2-am3 a-sza3 ka-giri3-ka nam-ba-e#?-ur3#?-ru a zu _igi_? bulug _ne gan2_-zu-a pu2 na-an-du3 ug3#-e# [...] [...]-eb-hul?-x e2 sila dagal-la-ta nam-bi2-ib#-la2#-e#-en# kesz2-da gal2#-la-am3 szu du8-a nu-un-tum3 lu2#-bi# sza#-[ba]-e-dab5-be2-en za-e szu-du8-a nam-mu-ak-en lu2-ra igi-du8-a na-an-ak-en uru2#-bi sza-ba-re-eb-su-su ki du14-da-ka nam-ba-e-gub-bu-de3-en
du14-de3 ni2-zu a-na? nam?-mu#-ga2#-da-zu-zu-un [x]-x nam-x x _ka_ nam-ur3?-[ur3-re?] [x] x e2-gal-ka bi2-in-gub-[x-x] du14-ta bar-ta gub-gub-[x-x] i3#?-ni-ta#? sila kur2-ra nigin2-na-ma-an#-[x x]
The day of the future, the day of the future, the night of the future, the night of the future, the year of the past, the year of the future, the day of the future, the day of the future, the word of the land, life of Shuruppak, the wisdom of the future, the word of the land, life of Shuruppak, his son, may he not kill. Shuruppak, the son of Ubaratutu, may he not kill. My son, may he not kill. May my son be taken away from me. May my son be taken away from me. May my word be uttered in the mouth, may my word be altered, may my son be taken away from me. May my elder brother, the one who is a strong one, may your voice be heard.
You shall not ... the ... of the roof of the house, you shall not ... the roof of the field of the road, you shall not ... the strength of the field, you shall not ... the field of the road, you shall not ... the water of the well, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the ... of the broad street, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the ... of the city, you shall not ... the ... of the place where the people are to sit, you shall not ... the people, you shall not ... the ... of the city, you shall not ... the ... of the city, you shall not ... the ... of the .
... your heart to ... your ... ... ... ... of the palace ... ... ... from the ... ... ... ... the street of the foreign lands
nig2 nam-mu-zuh-zuh ni2-zu nu#?-usz-en# e2 nam-mu-buru3-de3-en mi#?-x-si?-sahar al nam#-[me] ni2-zu sag na#-nam ul-_gan_? na-nam dumu-mu sa# gaz# nam#-mu#-ak#-en ni2-zu x-x-x x-bar#-re-e nita nimgir#?-si# na-an#-[...]-en ki#-sikil# [...] ka [...]-ga2-ga2 du14 nam-[...]-en lul nam-[...] ka# tar#? [...] na-[...] na-[...] giri3 ur5#?-re# x ab x egir-bi-sze3 x x-gim _igi_ x x [...] u2 nu?-kin?-kin?-ga2#-sze3 udu...- usz nu-se3-ga#-sze3 usz se3-ga kaskal [...] x-am3 kaskal# [...] am3# ansze# [...]-ak-x
You are not one who is to be slighted? You are not one who is to be slighted? You are one who is to be slighted? You are one who is to be slighted? You are one who is to be slighted? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be a suckling child You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be a suckling child You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be a malevolent female ... You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is not to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be smitten? You are one who is to be s
P251861: royal-monumental tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) ? CDLI
Column 1
_[a-na ba-la-at, (d)szul-gi szar]-ru#-um [dan]-nu#-um [il3 ma]-ti-im#_ [lugal ki]-en-gi# [ki]-uri#? _[szar szu-me-ri-im u3 ak]-ka#-dim_ lugal#?-mu [nam-ti a-a-na] di-ku5 [ki mu-ni]-in#!-gar-gar _[u3 a-na ba-la]-at,# a-bi-szu [mu-sza]-ar#?-szi-id di-ni-im_ [gu3]-de2-a [e2-kur-ra bara2]-ge si _[gu3]-de2#-a [wa-szi-ib] e2#-ku-ri-im_ [ma2-gid2] ma2#? (d)en-lil2-la2 _[sza-di-id_ ma2 (d)en]-lil2#
To the life of Shulgi, the strong king, the il of the land, king of Sumer and Akkad, the king?, for the life of his father he established there. And to the life of his father he dedicated it. Gudea, the Ekur temple, the dais Gudea, the residing in the Ekur, the shadid boat of the boat of Enlil, the shadid boat of Enlil,
Column 2
[(d)nin-gir2-su-ke4] x x x-pa3# _sza# (d#)nin#-gir2-su# szu-ma6-am u2#-sza#-ar-szu-u2-szu_ en-dub-ba _ka_ gi-na _sza# pu-lu-ku-szu ki-nu_ agrig mah (d)nansze _a-ba-ra-ku-um ra-bu-um sza_ (d)nansze ama la-ga-sa um-ma du-tu-_ga_ _um-mi la-ga-asz a-ma-du-tu_ nig2-mu-ur2-limmu5-sze3 um?-ma masz#-su3#!-da2-ar zi du11# _ka_ gi-na inim-ma i3-gar _i-na ma-si2-a-ti-im la-bi-ra-ti-im_ _sza (d)suen ki-ta-am i-na pi2-szu isz#-ku-nu (d#)suen [ki]-ta-am_
Ningirsu ... ... Ningirsu, the shima-priest, he has sworn by the word of the enduba ..., the true word of the cultic center, the true agrig priest of Nanshe, the great abaraku priest of Nanshe, the mother who is not sated, saying: "You are not sated, you are not sated, the adolescent, the one who is not sated, the one who is sated with the nigmulimmu priesthood, saying: "You are the true mashsudar, the true word that is set, he has established in the old mashtum priesthood of Sin, the former, by his mouth he has established. Sin, the former,
Column 3
x [...] u4 (d#)[nin-gir2-su] lugal (gesz#)[tukul-ke4] _a-nu-[mi] (d)nin-gir2#-[su] be-el ka-ki-im#_ a-a-ni du2-di3 a2-bi mu-da-ni-ag2# _bi-su2 e-pe-sza-am# u2-wa-_wa_-ra-ni-ma#_ e-la#-at# aga3-gara2 ak-sze3# ha-pa-ni-gar _e-la-ta-am is-pu-nu-ma_ kur e-lam hu-lu-uh2-lam _ma#-as-su2-nu sa-ar-tam2 nam-erim2-sze3 hu-la#-a _sza-la-su2-nu isz-lu-lam_ kur ma2-gan-na an#-ta za! hi-in-ta-a-a _i-na sza-du ma-ka-an_ na4 _lu# u2-sze-ri-dam#_
When Ningirsu, the king of weapons, the Anuma, Ningirsu, the lord of the gate, his father, a good father, his father, he gave to him, and his father to do the work, he ..., and the Elatian to the agagara service he imposed, and the Elatian to the sacrificial rites to be performed, and the Elamite land to be slain, their shalal, and to the enemy to be slain, their shalal, the land Magana from above, the za-inta stone from the ... he brought.
Column 1
kur me-luh-ha-ta# i-si im-ku4-ku4 _i-na sza-du me-luh-ha i-szi-a#-am# u2-sze-ri-dam#_ kur dilmun(ki)-na iri(ki) mar-du-ta# _gu pirig su#_ za3 im-[mi]-dib#? _i-na# sza-du-u2 tilmun-[(x)](ki#) ma-at a-mu-ri-im [(x)] ma-ar-gi-a-am u2-sze#-[ri]-dam#-ma_ ma2# hu-mu-us2# [i]-si#? alam-mu-sze3 al#-tu# _i-szi-a-am [(x x) x a-na] s,a-al-mi-ia# [ab-ni]_ alam-bi x x [x x] 8(disz) _szu-szi_ 5(u)# [7(disz)] _s,a-al#-[mu szu-nu] 8(disz)# szu#-szi [x x (x x)]_ e2#-[ninnu?] e2 (d)nin#-[gir2-su-sze3 mu?-ku4?]
(d)nin#-[gir2-su x x x] ki [...]
from the land Meluhha he entered. In the midst of the land Meluhha he entered. In the city of Dilmun, the city of Mardu, a ... pig he slew. In the midst of the land of Amurum, the Margi he entered. The boat of Hummus, he sailed, he sailed, he sailed. In my ..., its ..., 8 hands, 47 hands, 8 hands, ... In the Eninnu, the temple of Ningirsu, he entered.
For Ningirsu ... .
Column 2
[sa2-du11] alam#-mu#?-usz#? [gar?]-ra#?-mu#? gibil2? 1(disz) sila3 ninda 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) sila3 kasz 1(disz) sila3 gara2# 1(disz) sila3 |_za-gul-qa_| 1/2(disz) sila3 sa2-du11 na mah ha-pa-ni-gar alam 8(disz) _szu-szi_ 5(u) 7(disz) _a-na sza-tu-uk_ _s,a#-al-mi-ia_
_a-na sza-tu-uk_ _s,a-al-mi-ia_ _lu asz-ku#-un#_ [alam 8(disz) _szu-szi_ 5(u) 7(disz)]
regular offerings of Ammu-ush, new ones, 1 sila3 bread, 1 sila3 soup, 1 sila3 beer, 1 sila3 libation beer, 1 sila3 ..., 1/2 sila3 regular offerings, nah-pa-nigar, the image 8 fingers, 57, for the shatukku offerings, my shalmi offerings,
for the shatukku-offering of my shalmu-offering, I established as a total of 8 talents and 57 talents.
P251865: royal-monumental tablet
Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI
ensi2# adab(ki) lugal#-nir-gal2 ensi2 adab(ki) lugal-nu-du11#-ga# ensi2 adab(ki) mug-ge-si ensi2 adab(ki) szeg12-kur ensi2 adab(ki#)
governor of Adab, Lugal-nirgal governor of Adab, Lugal-nuduga governor of Adab, Muggesi governor of Adab, Shegkur governor of Adab,
ra-am-ra-zu-suen nam-lugal-ni-du10
Ram-rapzu-Sîn, for the life of Lugal-nidu,
P251867: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
a kind of boat
boat of the karnamnun festival
Wild Goat of the Abzu boat Enki's barge
Throne Boat Enlil's barge
Boat Departing from the Princely Quay Ninurta's barge
P251871: administrative tablet
ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI
Column 1
[n] 1(esze3@c)# 3(iku@c) x-x x da?# gu#-gal? 2(esze3@c) _ka_-_sar 3_(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) x-bur#-kin? 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) nin-tur#? 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) ur2-x x-_ur_? x x x x
... 1 eshe3 3 iku ... gugal?; 2 eshe3 ka-sar; 3 1/2 iku ...burkin?; 3 1/2 iku Nintur; 1 eshe3 1 1/2 iku Ur-...;
Column 2
[...] 3(iku@c)# 1/2(iku@c) [e2]-uszum-gal 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) ki#?-nu#?-ni#?-il2# 4(iku@c) a2-ni#-x 8(bur3@c) x-x 1(bur3@c) la2 1/2(iku) e2-na 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c)# gu#-la 7(bur3@c)# [x]-_ru_-x-x 3(iku@c) x-abzu 6(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c)# [...] x x x x? 7(bur3@c)# x x x [...] [...]
... 3 1/2 iku E-ushumgal 3 1/2 iku Kinuni-il 4 iku Ani-... 8 bur3 ... 1 bur3 less 1/2 iku Ena 3 1/2 iku Gula 7 bur3 ... 3 iku ... Abzu 6 1/2 iku ... 7 bur3 .
Column 3
2(esze3@c) x-x 1(bur'u@c) 2(bur3@c)# mu-ni-a-da-szid 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) amar-szuba3(|_musz-za7_|) lu2 x-_hi#_? 1(esze3@c) lugal#-(d)tu igi-nu-du8 1(esze3@c) 1/2(iku@c) lugal#-mah! a-_ha_-_ne 1_(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) pa4-en-ni 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) x-x-x abzu#-x nagar 1(esze3@c) e2#-_du_-_du_ x-_ne 1_(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) lugal-hur#-sag# 2(bur3@c) ama#-[...] 2(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) u2-x-x 1(esze3@c)# 1(iku@c) x-x 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) lugal#-x-si
2 eshe3 ..., 12 eshe3 muni-adashid, 3 eshe3 Amar-shuba, man of ..., 1 eshe3 Lugal-tu, Iginudu, 1 1/2 iku Lugal-mah, A-hane, 1 eshe3 1 1/2 iku Pa-enni, 1 eshe3 1 iku ...-Abzu-..., the carpenter, 1 eshe3 1 iku Lugalhursag, 2 ... Ama-..., 2 eshe3 3 iku U-..., 1 eshe3 1 iku ..., 1 eshe3 Lugal-x-si,
Column 4
ugula nu-banda3 gu4 5(bur3@c) lu2-(d)lamma (d)en-ki 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) pag-ga (ba15)bahar2# 4(iku@c) ur-x-_ganun_ n 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) lu2-nu-mu-da#-sa2# n lugal:ib2?-x-x 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) ki#-x a-x-x-gal2 2(esze3@c) de5-de5 a-ba-da-sa2 3(bur3@c) ur-(d#)ildu3 A-_kalam_?-x 4(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) lugal-x-x 2(bur3@c) di-utu# ensi2-gal 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) x-x 2(bur3@c) lu2#-x-x
foreman, superintendent; oxen: 5 bur3 Lu-lamma of Enki; 1 bur3 1 eshe3 1 iku, pagga, ...; 4 iku Ur-x-ganun; n 1 1/2 iku, Lu-nu-mudasa; n lugal-ibx; 1 eshe3 1 1/2 iku, Ki-x; 2 eshe3 Dede, Abadasa; 3 bur3 Ur-ildu, A-kalam...; 4 1/2 iku, Lugal-x; 2 bur3 Da'utu, the chief of the governor; 3 bur3 1 eshe3 ...; 2 bur3 Lu-...;
Column 5
1(esze3@c) x-x 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) ur-sag x-_szid 3_(bur3@c) a-la-x [...] [...] 1(bur3@c) [...]-hur#-sag# i3-du8 1(bur3@c) x-x x x x x _su3 4_(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) me-an-nu-si ugula _bi# 1_(esze3@c) lugal#-ad#-da# 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) en-ne2-mud 1(bur3@c) [...]-x 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) x-x 12(bur3@c) x-ba#-x-a# [...] [...] _kal ta_
1 eshe3 ..., 3 bur3 1 eshe3 Ursag, ..., 3 bur3 Ala-..., ..., 1 bur3 ...hursag, the doorman, 1 bur3 ..., 4 1/2 iku Mannusi, the foreman, this: 1 eshe3 Lugal-adda, 3 bur3 1 eshe3 Ennemud, 1 bur3 ..., 1 eshe3 1 iku ..., 12 bur3 ...-ba-..., ..., all from
Column 6
1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c)# x-szesz#-x 2(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) e2-hur-sag 4(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c)# 2(iku@c) _gan2#_-x 2(esze3@c) sag-x-x 2(esze3@c)# [x]-mah#-di 3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) [...] x-da# 2(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) du-du x x x? 3(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) x-x 4(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) lugal#-an-dul3# 1(bur3@c) 2(esze3@c) en-ne2#-mud# 1(bur3@c) ak-x-x 2(esze3@c) x-x 1(esze3@c)# 3(iku@c)# 1/2(iku@c)# [...] n x-x-x
1 eshe3 3 iku ..., 2 eshe3 3 iku Ehursag, 4 bur3 1 eshe3 2 iku ..., 2 eshe3 ..., 2 eshe3 ...-mahdi, 3 1/2 iku ..., 2 bur3 1 eshe3 Dudu, ..., 3 bur3 1 eshe3 ..., 4 bur3 1 eshe3 Lugalandul, 1 bur3 2 eshe3 Ennemud, 1 bur3 Ak..., 2 eshe3 ..., 3 1/2 iku ...,
Column 7
2(esze3@c) 4(iku@c) lugal-ezem 2(esze3@c) nimgir-x-na 2(bur3@c)# 2(esze3@c) x-en-x 2(esze3@c) ur-(d)|_lagab_xX| 4(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) _an_-_lul 1_(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) a-zu-zu sipa 1(esze3@c) ur-(d)tu 2(esze3@c) x-da# 3(iku@c) ama#-bara2#-si 2(esze3@c) utu-mu-kusz2# x 2(esze3@c)# [...] 2(bur3@c) x-x-x 2(esze3@c) x-x-x n 1(bur3@c)# [x]-(d)ildu3 x x
2 eshe3 4 iku Lugal-ezem 2 eshe3 Nimgir-x-na 2 bur3 2 eshe3 ...-enx 2 eshe3 Ur-Lagabx 4 1/2 iku An-lul 1 eshe3 1 iku Azuzu, shepherd 1 eshe3 Ur-Tu 2 eshe3 ... 3 iku Ama-barasi 2 eshe3 Utu-mukush 2 eshe3 ... 2 bur3 ... 2 eshe3 ... 1 bur3 ...-ildu
Column 8
1(esze3@c) ur-(d)utu 1(esze3@c) mes-utu-ba 1(esze3@c) gu-la 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) ur-sag-utu 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) bara2-sag3-nu-di 2(bur3@c) ki-x-me 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) x-ak (d)en-lil2 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) ur-(d)inanna 3(bur3@c) gal-nagar 3(iku@c) si-du3 lum-ma 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) u4#-bi-kur-ra 2(esze3@c) lam:sag-du3 3(iku@c) pa4-x-x 2(bur3@c) 2(esze3@c) n(iku@c) x _ka#_-_li#_-_li# 1_(esze3@c) ama#-bara2#-si 2(esze3@c) lu2#-x 2(esze3@c) e2-_du_-_du_
1 eshe3 Ur-Utu 1 eshe3 Mesutuba 1 eshe3 Gula 1 eshe3 3 iku Ur-sagutu 1 eshe3 3 iku Bara-sagnudi 2 bur3 ki-xme 1 eshe3 3 iku ... Enlil 1 eshe3 3 iku Ur-Inanna 3 bur3 gal-nagar 3 iku sidu Lumma 1 eshe3 3 ubi-kura 2 eshe3 Lam-sagdu 3 iku Pa-... 2 bur3 2 eshe3 ... ka-li-li 1 eshe3 Ama-barasi 2 eshe3 Lu-... 2 edu
Column 9
(ba15?)bahar2 2(bur3@c) mes#-pa3 gala!? 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) e2-_du_-_du an_-_bu 1_(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) x-na#-_du 1_(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) a2#-ni-kur-ra 2(bur3@c) mes-utu-ba 3(bur3@c) _an_-x-x? 1(esze3@c) ad-da a-ne-ne 2(bur3@c) dingir-en-ne2 ugula-e2 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c) x-_du# szid 2_(esze3@c) ur-ga2# szubur 1(bur3@c) ur-(d)ildu3 x-x 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) sag-dingir?-tuku#? 1(esze3@c) nar# n ama#-bara2#-si
Bahar; 2 bur3 Mespa, gala; 1 bur3 Edudu, An-bu; 1 bur3 ...-nadu; 1 eshe3 3 iku Ani-kura; 2 bur3 Mesutu-ba; 3 bur3 ...; 1 eshe3 Adda, Anene; 2 bur3 Dingir-ene, foreman of the house; 1 bur3 1 eshe3 ...-du, szid; 2 bur3 Ur-ga, Shubur; 1 bur3 Ur-ildu, ...; 1 eshe3 1 iku Sag-dingirtuku?; 1 eshe3 ..., Ama-barasi;
Column 10
1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) x-x 1(esze3@c) mes-pa3 2(bur3@c) gu2-gal 3(bur3@c) da#-da# x-x 1(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) amar#-_tum 1_(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) uru18-_du_-_du_-x 4(iku@c) ak zadim 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) utu-mu#-kusz2 gala 1(esze3@c) 2(iku@c) lugal-szud3-du10 1(bur3@c) me-zu-an-da be!-li2-ku3 2(bur3@c) lugal-a2-na-tum2-ma# 1(bur3@c) bara2-ga-ni-du10 2(esze3@c) bara2-sag-ni-du10 szu?-nir 1(bur3@c) x-x-x-x
1 eshe3 3 iku ... 1 eshe3 Mespa 2 bur3 Gugal 3 bur3 Dada ... 1 eshe3 1 iku Amar-tum 1 eshe3 3 iku Uru-du-... 4 iku Ak, the smith 1 eshe3 3 iku Utu-mukush gala 1 eshe3 2 iku Lugal-shuddu 1 mezu-anda, Beliku 2 Lugal-a-natuma 1 baraganidu 2 eshe3 baraganidu, Shu-nir 1 .
Column 11
1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) lugal-x-si 1(esze3@c) ama-bara2-si uru18 3(iku@c) du11-ga-ni 1(esze3@c) ur-szubur szidim 1(bur3@c) la2 1(iku@c) masz-da3 dub-sar 2(iku@c)# mes#-utu-ba gal-_sar 2_(esze3@c) u9(|_ezem_xAN|)-lumx(_lak218_)-sar 1(esze3@c) 1(esze3@c) lugal-(d)tu a-zu5 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) ur-(d)ildu3 amar-(gesz)pesz3 1(bur3@c) pa4-si-lugud2-da
1 eshe3 3 iku Lugal-x-si 1 eshe3 Ama-barasi, URU; 3 iku Dugani; 1 eshe3 Ur-shubur, the builder; 1 bur3 less 1 iku Mashda, the scribe; 2 iku Mesutuba, the chief scribe; 2 eshe3 Uzu-lum; 1 eshe3 1 eshe3 Lugal-tu, the azu; 1 eshe3 3 iku Ur-ildu, Amar-pesh; 1 bur3 Pasi-luguda;
Column 12
n x-ki#-_bu# 1_(esze3@c) x-ama-uszum-x 4(iku@c) ur-szubur 1(esze3@c) x-szesz 1(esze3@c) la2 1/4(iku@c) pa4-nam2 dub-sar# 1(esze3@c) x-pirig? pa4-nam2 2(bur'u@c) numun amar-_tum 1_(esze3@c) ur-[...] 1(bur3@c) 1(esze3@c)# masz-da3# _ka#_-_li#_-_li#_
...-kibu, 1 eshe3 ...-ama-ushum-x, 4 iku Ur-shubur, 1 eshe3 ..., 1 eshe3 less 1/4 iku Panam, the scribe, 1 eshe3 ...-pirig, panam, 20 bur'u seed of Amar-tum, 1 eshe3 Ur-..., 1 bur3 1 eshe3 mashda Ka-lili,
Column 2
gu2-an-sze3 4(szar2@c) 9(bur3@c) 2(esze3@c) 1(iku@c)? _gan2_ u2-rum kar-na4 ukur2-gi da (gesz)kiri6-ka du6 |_szir-muszen-su_|-_kisz_(_lak218_)# sag-apin di#-utu sanga zabala6# [...]-_tur_ [...] x [...] gu#:[sur]
to Guan; 69 bur3 2 eshe3 1 iku field, Urum, the urum canal, the Ukurgi canal, next to the orchard, the canal of the ... shir-mushsu-kish, the sag-apin, the judge, the temple administrator of Zabala; ... ... gu-sur;
Column 3
me-an-ne2-du10 ensi2
for Mannedu, the governor;
P251883: mathematical other-object
Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI
P251884: mathematical other-object
Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI
P251888: lexical tablet
Old Babylonian Oracc
bronze lion
bronze eagle
bronze cloak
bronze figurine of a lion
bronze figurine of a lion-headed eagle
brone figurine of a mountain goat
P251889: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
nin-zi-sza3-gal2 nin-tu-ma nin-tam-ma
Ninzishagal, Nintuma, Nintama,
P251894: royal-monumental tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
eridu(ki) nam-lugal a-lu-lim mu 8(szar2) i3-ak# e-lal3-gar mu 1(szar'u) 2(szar2) i3#-[ak] eridu(ki) ba-szub nam-lugal-sze3 bad3-tibir(ki)-ra ba-de6 am-mi-lu2-an-na lugal mu 1(szar'u) i3-ak en-me-gal-an-na mu 8(szar2) i3-ak (d)dumu-zi mu 8(szar2) i3-ak bad3-tibir(ki)-ra ba#-szub# nam-lugal-sze3 la#-[ra-ak ba-de6] en-sipa-zi-[an-na (lugal)] mu 3(szar2) 5(gesz'u) i3-[ak]
Eridu, kingship of Alu-lim, 8szar2 he ruled; Elalgar, 8szar2 he ruled; Eridu was destroyed, for the kingship to Badtibir was carried off. Ammi-lu-ana, king, 8szar2 he ruled; En-megal-ana, 8szar2 he ruled; Dumuzi, 8szar2 he ruled; Badtibir was destroyed, for the kingship to be carried off, was carried off. Ensipa-zi-ana, king, 3rd,600 he ruled;
la-ra-ak ba-szub# nam-lugal-sze3 zimbir(ki#) [ba-de6] me-dur-an-ki mu 2(szar2) i3-ak# zimbir(ki) ba-szub nam-lugal-sze3 szuruppak(ki)-sze3 ba-de6# ubur-du-du mu# 1(szar'u) i3-ak szunigin# 8(disz)# lugal mu#-bi-me-esz szar2!-gal 1(szar2) 5(gesz'u) gesz-x i3-ak x mi id ri# ir mi ri# x x gi zi za ni 3(u) usz#? _ki-ma# bi-ni-im szi-t,i-ir-[szu]_ _sza! a-na me-[...]_ _u3 [...]_ _i-za-a-[...]_
he did not return to work, to be king he departed to Sippar. Medur-anki he ruled for 20 years, to Sippar he ruled for kingship to Shuruppak he ruled. Ubur-dudu he ruled for 10 years. Total: 8 kings, their names are numerous. 650 ... he ruled. ...
_szi-ta-sa3-am u3-la ta-ka-la!(_li_)_
... you are a shitasam-demon
P251902: royal-monumental other-object
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
Column 1
u4 an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-le (d)utu-ur2 larsa(ki)-ma nam-lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri u3 nam-sipa kur mar-tu szu mu-na-an-du7-usz-a u4-ba gu-un-gu-nu-um nita kal-ga lugal larsa(ki)-ma engar uri2(ki)-ma szu-gi4-gi4 e2-babbar2-ra lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri ibila kal-ga sa-mi-um-ma bad3 gal larsa(ki)-ma (d)utu ki-bala-e sa2-di mu-bi-im
When An and Enlil to Utu of Larsa the kingship of Sumer and Akkad and the shepherdship of the Amorite land had given, at that time Gungunum, the mighty man, king of Larsa and farmer of Ur, restored, Ebabbar, king of Sumer and Akkad, the mighty heir of Samium, the great wall of Larsa, which Utu in the lands had enlarged, its name
Column 2
mu-un-du3 nam-galam diri!-mu-ta iri(ki)-mu ambar-ta he2-em-ta-e11 sza3 mu 1(asz)-ka szeg12-bi! hu-mu-du3 bad3 gal hu-mu-til iri(ki)-((ni))-ga2 muru2-ba (i7)buranun si ha-pa-ni-sa2 u4-ba# u4 bala-ga2 sze 3(asz) sze gur-ta siki 1(u) ma-na-ta i3 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3-ta
ugnim-mu nam-he-a kin-bi hu-mu-ni-ib2-ak ga2-e lugal nig2-gi-na-me-en a2-ba gesz he2-bi2-in-gar
he built. Further, from my city, from the sea I shall go out. Within one year its bricks I built. The great wall I completed. In my city, the streets of the Euphrates I cleared away. At that time, during my reign, barley, 3 gur per day, wool, 10 minas, oil, 1 ban2 5 sila3 each,
I am the king who makes everything good. I set my hands to make decisions.
P251903: letter tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
en-ma i-su-dingir _dub-sar-mah_ a-na szu-i3-li2-su a-ra-sze3 _GAN2 eresz-dingir_ u3 za-ab-ti a-wa-zu-nu
Now Isu-ilum, the scribe, to Shu-ilisu, to the a-ra-ashe, the field of Eresh-ilum and the zabtu-demons, your delegates
li ik dam u3 mim-ma a-ra-sze3 szu ut ti it-ba-lu li-sa-ti-in
May he not eat, drink, or eat anything of the road.
P251904: letter tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
en-ma li-na-asz2-be-li2 a-na zu-zu a-bi2 u3 a-hi isz-tum _agar4_ masz-da-lu su4-a-im a-na _agar4 _gan2_ bar-sa_ ni-a-im ma-e li-di3-in-ma _GAN2_ li-im-la2 _GAN2_ an? na e ni _GAN2_ ma-e u3-la ma-li
Now, let him ask him, to the king and father, from the irrigated field, the irrigated field, the irrigated field, the field of the barsa-field, the ..., let him give, and the field he shall fill. The field ..., the field ..., the field ..., and the field ...,
ad-da ma-e da-na-da#-an-ma _GAN2_ i-ma-la2-ma u3-la ki ma-szi _sze_ ar-zu-a-an a-na ir3-ra-ra tu-kal2-li-mu i-ha-tu-kum a-e a-e ma-an-num2 ki a-bi2 u3 a-hi _GAN2_ ma-e szum-li-ma lu tum-ku#-uk
The father is mighty, and the field he will fill, and if the field is not filled with grain, you will be able to harvest the barley, to the irra-plant you will be able to harvest. The father is a lord, and the father is a lord. If the field is filled with grain, you will be able to harvest it.
P251905: letter tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
en-ma szu-ma-ma a-na szu-i3-li2-su a-na _geme2_ u3 _ARAD2_ 2(barig@c) _sze_ 1(barig@c) _ku6_
Now, he is to Shu-ilisu, to the slave woman and the slave-girl: 2 panu of barley, 1 panu of fish.
li-di3-in a-na-gu in a-la-ki lu-ti-szum a ik-la ma-num2 (ki) a-hi
Let him give, to the one who goes, let me bring him, the water he poured, the mule with Ahi.
P251906: letter tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
en-ma ur-(d)isztaran a-na zu-zu 1(asz@c) 3(barig@c) _sze gur_ sza isz-de3 ba-zi-zi
Now Ur-Ishtaran to Zuzu 1 kor 3 panu of barley for the qû-offering of Bazi
su-lum-su-saga im-hu-ra-ni a-na bu3-zu-zu u3 ur-ur li-di3-nam mim-ma la i3-szu4 a-ga-li-isz
Sulum-su-saga received, may he give to buzuzu and to the lion, and not do anything to him.
P251907: letter tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
en-ma zi-gur a-na i-mi-dingir u3 szu-i3-li2-[su] 3(bur3) _GAN2#_ sza a-na za-ar-bu-[a-ba] u3-kal2-li-mu a-na _esz2-gar3#_ u3-la ku#-lum [a]-na mi-nim# [...]
Now, the rations for Imi-ilu and Shu-ilissu, 3 bur3 of field which for Zaarbu-aba he provided, to the eshgaru, or the rations for whatever .
[n] 2(asz@c) nu [...] in su gu# [...] lu# [x] za [x] u3 _e2_ a-na al-x-[x] li-di3-szum#
n 2 ... ... ... ... ... and the house to ... may he give him.
P251913: prayer-incantation tablet
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_(na4)gug_ _gazi(sar)_ _na4_ ma-mit ana _na nu te_
You do not approach a man's stone.
Carnelian of kasû color, stone of curse that a man not approach.
P251921: lexical cylinder
Old Babylonian Oracc
Column i
ku(?)#-[x-x(?) ugu]-gu10#
murub4 ugu-gu10
ki ur2 ugu-gu10
murub4 sag-da#-gu10
sur3 sag-da-gu10
dilib sag-da-gu10
zi sag-da-gu10
x sag#-da-gu10 x#-[x qa2]-qa2(?)-di(?)-ia# x#-[...]
munsub(?)# [...]
siki [...]
suhur dig(?) [...]
siki szub(?) [...]
my neck
my ...
my ribs
my temples
my ribs
my head
my head
my head
my forehead
my forehead
... my head ... my hand .
wool ...
... wool
my skull
the ... of my skull
the bowl of my skull
the middle of my skull
my skull base
my head
the middle of my head
half of my head
the hair of my head
the breath of my head
the ... of my head
the hair of my head
the hair of my head
the ... hair of my head
my fallen hair
Column ii
siki (a)aka3-gu10#
(gesz)tukul siki-gu10#
dal siki-gu10
siki ma-dur7-gu10
siki hi-a-gu10
siki szu-gi4-gu10#
umbin ku5-gu10
ugu uz-gu10
[ugu] ze2#-ze2-a-gu10 [bu]-ur2#-ru-szu-ti [x(?)]-x# iri [x-x(?)]-ru#-um [...]-gu10 [...]-szi [...]-gu10#
my akku-garment
my hair weapon
my hair thigh
my hair
my hair
my szugi-skin
my ribs
my ribs
my nose
my thigh
my thigh
My ..., my ...,
a lock of my hair
the bun of my hair
the parting of my hair
my unkempt hair
my salt and pepper hair
my gray hair
my horn a hair style
my hair lock
my forelock
my hair trimmings
my scalp of ...
my scalp with patches of hair
Column iii
musz igi-gu10
ki igi-gu10#
si-im-ta# igi-gu10#
ma-ad igi-gu10#
pa igi-gu10
gakkul igi#-gu10
(d)#lamma igi-gu10
kukku5 igi-gu10
babbar igi-gu10
zalag igi-gu10
sza3 igi-gu10
na4# igi-gu10 [a-ba]-an# i-ni-ia#
my ...
my eye
my eye
my eyeball
my eyeball
my eyeball
my eye
my eye
my eyeball
my face guardian
my eyeball
my white eyes
my eyes
my eye
My eyestone is the apsû of my eye.
my face
the appearance of my eyes
my face
my eyebrows
the spots in both of my eyes
my pupils
my eye
my eye lid
my eyeball
my pupil
the black of my eye
the white of my eye
the light of my eye
the inside of my eye
the iris of my eye
Column iv
[pa]-an-ta# [kiri3-gu10]
zi# [kiri3]-gu10(?)#
tumu kiri3#-gu10
kiri3(?) ten#-[na]-gu10#
u4-nu11 min-gu10
sa te-gu10(!)
u2-sakar min#-gu10
siki tunx2(_ka_x[_sa_])-bar-gu10# sa3-ap-[sa-pi2(?)] _zu_(?) x#-[...] x#-[...]
my nose
my nose
my nose
my tenna-finger
my thigh
my thigh
my neck
my neck
my scepter
my ear
My hair is swollen, my ear ... .
the nostril of my nose
the breadth of my nose
the wind in my nose
my extinguished nose
my cheek bone
both my cheekbones
my cheek
my jaw muscle
my sideburn
both my sideburns
my moustache
Column v
absin3 eme-gu10#
zu2 ga-gu10
kinkin zu2-gu10
(gesz)tukul zu2-gu10
zu2 gal-gal-gu10
zu2 tur-tur#-[gu10] szi-in-na-tu#-[u2-a] ; s,e2(?)-eh(?)#-[ra(?)-tum(?)]
my tongue
my tongue
my stomach
my ribs
my thigh
my big tongue
My little teeth, my shinnatu-skin, my shinnatu-skin,
the ... of my tongue
the 'furrow' of my tongue
my tooth
my milk tooth
my molar
the crown of my tooth
my large teeth
my small teeth
Column vi
gu2-bal min-gu10
sa mah gu2-gu10
sa# gu2-gu10
sag# gu2-har-gu10
[zi(?)]-zi(?)#-gu10 [...]-x# [...]-gu10# [...]-ri(?)# [...]-gu10 [...]-a-a [...]-gu10# [...]
my neck
my ribs
the great strength of my neck
my neck
my ribs
my head
my nignu-x
my nose
My ... ... my ... ...
my nape
the nape on both sides of my neck
the main tendon of my neck
tendons of my neck
my windpipe
my Adam's apple
my uvula
my breath
my breaths
Column vii
tibir szu-gu10#
egir szu-gu10
szu tibira(ra)-gu10
sza3 kiszib-la2-gu10
x# kiszib-la2-gu10
szu silig-gu10
szu-si# gal-gu10
szu-si tur-gu10
szu-si du3-a-gu10
[x-x] umbin(?)#-gu10 [...]-x-x#
my hand
my hand tibir
behind my hand
my tibira-hand
my thigh
my thigh
my ... scepter
my throne
my swollen hand
my toe
my big toe
my small finger
my finger
... my ... ...
my hand
my wrist
the back of my hand
my fists
my wrist
the inside of my wrist
the outside of my wrist
my wrestling hand
my fist
my finger
my thumb
my pink
my ... finger
... of my nail
Column viii
siki gaba-gu10
pa-pa gaba-gu10
gag ti-gu10
gu2#-mur7-u2-gu10 x-x-a#-a
my breastbone
my breastbone
my breastbone
my ribs
my neck
my neck
my neck
my thigh
my chin
my ribs
my ribs ...
the "churn" of my breasts
my chest
the hair on my chest
the "branches" of my breast-bone
my lap
my rib
the tip of my rib
my backbone
my tendon
my achilles tendon
my big muscle
my spine
Column ix
sza3# [...]
ellag2-gun3 bar-ra-gu10
ellag2(!)(_hi_xNUN-)gun3 sza3-ga-gu10#
hasz4 bar-gu10
dub3 bar-gu10
dur gesz3-gu10
szir min-gu10 isz-ka#-[a-a]
. . . heart
my kidneys
my ribs
my nose
my shins
my belly, my belly
my thigh
my thigh
my ear
my ear
My ear, my ear,
my intestines
my lung
my spleen
my gall bladder
my "outer" kidney testicle
my "inner" kidney
my abdomen
my thigh
my penis
the frenum of my penis
both my testicles
Column x
[hi]-li(?) dam-gu10#
dur2(?)# kun-gu10
murub2 du-gu10
lagab il-da-gu10
a szed6-da-gu10
giri3 gid2-da-gu10
us2 da-gu10 ki-im-s,i2 [x]-x-x-gu10# [...]
my wife's sacrificial blood
my tail
my tail
my thigh
my shins
my suckling goat
my cold
my cold water
my ribs
my stomach
my long foot
My left shoulder, my ... .
the pleasures of my spouse
my tail
the ... of my tail
my buttocks
the constrictor of my anus
my feces
my urine
my leg
my hip
my femur
my shin
Column xi
szu-si giri3#-[gu10]
szu-si gal (giri3)-gu10#
szu-si tur giri3-gu10
kiri3 szu-si giri3-gu10
sza3-mah szu#-si giri3-gu10(?)#
zu2#-kesz2 szu-si# giri3-[gu10]
umbin szu#-si giri3-gu10#
kukku5# umbin szu-si giri3(?)-gu10#
umbin szu-si [x]-gu10# [s,u2]-pu-ur x#-[x]-x#
my foot
my big toe
the small fingers of my foot
my toes, the 'finger' of my foot
my toe
my toe
my toe nails
my toe ...
my ... finger
my toe
my large toe
my little toe
the tip of my toe
the inside of my toe
the assembly of my toe
my toe nail
my black toe nail
the nail of my ... toe
Column xii
me zi-gu10#
sag(?)#-gu10 pa-ag-ri
uzu# sila3 dili-gu10
[zi]-gu10 [na]-pi2-isz-ti
[x] uzu-gu10
my chin
my ziz-gu-tongue
my forehead is a snare
my ribs
My life is a saga.
my ...
my suckling ribs
my sacrificial thing
my nigrah
my foot
my ...
my ... thigh
my dwarfism
my stature
my body
my meat ration
my life
my boils
my fever
my inflammation
my wound
my skeleton
the ... of my flesh
P251923: royal-monumental other-object
Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI
(d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki) lu2 e2-ninnu# (d)nin-gir2-su-ka# in-du3-a e2-_pa_ e2 ub-imin-[a-ni] mu-na-du3
For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, the E-PA, his temple of habitations, he built for him.
P251928: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na (d)suen-a-bu-szu qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)a-hu-u2-a-ga-mil-ma (d)utu asz-szum-i-a _mu szar2-kam_ li-ba-al-li-it,-ka i-nu-u2-ma a-na-ku u3 at-ta i-na masz-kan2-szabra(ki) [ni-in-na-am]-ru#-u2#
To Sîn-abushu speak! Thus Ahu-agamil: "Utu, because of me the year of the great crown may he make you prosper." Now, I and you in Mashkan-shabrû weep.
P251945: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na a-hu-[um] qi2-bi2-ma um-ma dingir-ba-ni#-[ma] bi-ta-am# be2-ri-am# e-zi-ba#-am ku-nu-ki i-na a-ma-ri#-[ka]
To Ahum speak! Thus Ili-bani: "The throne is a snare, you are a snare." Your cultic rites are firmly established in your presence.
t,u2-pi-[ia] pi-te-e-[ma]
li-qe2-e-ma sze-a-am sza-am-[ma?] a-na u2-ku-le3 bi-tim i-di-in
My supplication is heard.
Let him give, and the barley, the barley, the barley, the barley for the ukullu-offering he shall give.
P251947: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am qi2-bi2-ma um#-ma e-te-el-pi4-sza-ma ([d])utu# li-ba-al-li-it,-ka [a-nu-um-ma] (disz)(d)suen-i-ri-ba-am [qa2-du-um] _1(disz)# ma-na ku3-babbar_ [a-na s,e-ri-i-ka] [at,-t,a-ar-da-kum?]
To Sîn-iqisham speak! Thus says E-te-el-pisham and may Shamash be glad on your account. Now, Sîn-iribam, the seller, I have given you 1 mina of silver as your loan.
P251972: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na i3-li2-a-a-ba-asz qi2#-bi2-ma um#-ma a-hu-ni-ma a-pu-tum szum-ma i-na ki-tim a-hi at#-ta a#-na# ka#-ap#-ri#-im# a#-li#-ik#-ma# bi#-it# ku#-nu#-ki#-ia# pi!#-te#-e#-ma#
x _zu2-lum-ma_ x x _sal-la?_ x x _gu2-gal_
To Ili-ayabash speak! Thus Ahunu and Aphutum: If in the earth you are to the kaprum I go and the boundary of your kunukku-house I shall remove.
... dates ... ... ... gugal-plant
_n gur gu2!-nig2-ar3-ra#_ _n gur sze-gesz-i3_ usz-ra-am-ma i-na e-li-ip-(pi)-im (sza) (d)suen-ub-lam szu-ur-ki-ba-am li-ib-la-am a-pu-tum la te-ge4
n gur of gunigarra-plant, n gur of sesame, and in the elippu-vessel of Sîn-ublam the shurkibam-vessel may he slay. The aphutu-vessel does not approach.
P251973: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na sa#-[ri-qum] qi2-bi2#-[ma] um-ma (d)iszkur-tu-[kul2-ti] isz-tu i3-li2-tu-[kul2-ti] a-sza-ta-am u2-sza-hi-za#-[an-ni] u2-szi-ir-szi-na-a-_tim_ a-di i-na-an-na a-na ma-s,a-ar-ti-im u2-la a-qu2-ul (disz)a-hi-a-ba-al ba-ba-am la u2#-s,i si2-ka-ti-im# i-na bi-ra-ma x x i-di-[i]
To the sarigum: speak! Thus Adad-tukulti from Ili-tukulti I have slighted. He has slighted me. Now, for guard duty, I have not sinned. Ahi-abal, the slave, did not take care of the shackles in the street .
[_(gesz)ma2_ ...] i-t,e-bu#-u2#? [ta-am-ka-ru]-u2?-a [a-ma-ti]-ia [i-ta]-di#-u2 [(disz)u]-bar#-ru-um [u3] (d)suen-_apin_ a-na _gi-hi-a_ sza a-na a-pa-ri-im i-li-_kum_ szu-ri-ba-a
... boat ... they seized, and my words they uttered. Ubarrum and Sîn-eresh to the reeds which to the aparium-house the gods .
P251998: school tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a]-na i-tur2#-asz#-du# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)gu#-la-ba-la#-su2#-ma# asz-szum _[a]-sa3_-im sza _a-sza3# gir4#-[hi]-a_ ta-asz-pu#-ra#-am# um-ma at#-ta#-a-ma _a-sza3_-am ak-su2#-um asz-ku-uk esz-bi-ir u3 szi-ir-ha-am asz-ku-un (disz)(d)suen#-i-din-nam _szabra#_ a-na isz-li#-im-ki#-[nu-um] u3 (d)suen-za#-ni-in isz-pu-ra-am#-ma#
la i-na-wi-ra-am sze-er-ha-am ip#-ta-ar-[ku] ki-a-am ta-asz-[pu]-ra#-am a-na szar-ri-im aq-bi [um]-ma a-na-ku-u2#-ma# be-li2 isz-tu _mu 1(u)-[kam]_
To Itur-ashdu speak! Thus Gulabalasu: "You wrote me about the field of the Girhu field, thus you: the field I have cultivated, I have cultivated, I have cultivated, and I have established a shirha. Sîn-iddinam, the household manager, to Ishlim-kinum and Sîn-zanin wrote to me, and
He has not sinned, he has opened a door. As you wrote, I said to the king: "I myself, my lord, from the 10th year
_a#-sza3#_-am# ta#-di#-na#-am#-ma# a-ka-al i-na-an-na (disz)(d)suen#-i#-din#-nam# _szabra#_ _a-sza3_-li i-te#-ek#-ma-an-ni isz-su-ni-isz-szu-u2-ma u3-ba-an szar#-ri#-im# is,-s,a-ba-at a-nu-um-ma (disz)(d)utu-ki#-ma#-i3#-li2#-ia#
a-na# [wa]-ar#-[ka]-ti#-im# pa#-ra#-si2-_in_ it-_la_-[ku]-nim [it-ti ...]-ki-ma-i3-li2-a a-na s,e-[ri-i-ka at,]-t,a-ar-dam _a#-sza3#_-am# ma-la [pa-ar]-ku la i-bi-[it-tu]-ni u3 at-[ta it]-ti#-szu#-nu la tu#-uh2-ha-[ra]-am [a]-na ni-szi#-szu# szar#-ru#-um it-ti-szu li#-di#-in
Now Sîn-iddinam, the owner of the field, has gone to him, and seized the king. Now Shamash-kima-iliya,
to the harkatu-priests you have sworn. With ...kima-ilia to your side I have sworn. As much field as there is, he has not sworn, and you with them you have not sworn. To his people the king with him may he give.