AICC / Publications / p335

P335000: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_numun_-u-ti _gal_—_gesztin na4-kiszib_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _lu_(v)-02-u

09 _ma-na 15 gin kug-ud_

ina 01 _ma-na_-e(*) sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis gi-nu-u sza asz-szur sza (m)asz-szur—_sag_—i-szi

AI Translation

Seal of Zeruti, wine master, seal of Ululayu, deputy.

9 minas 15 shekels of silver

One mina of Carchemish, regular offering of Ashur, of Ashur-reshi-ishi.


Seal of Zarutî, wine master, seal of Ululayu, deputy.

9 minas and 15 shekels of silver

by the mina of Carchemish, regular offering of Ashur, belonging to Ashur-reshi-ishi, at the disposal of Zarutî, wine master of the New Palace, and at the disposal of Ululayu, deputy.



_iti-sig4 ud 16_-_kam_

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Sivan III, 16th day, eponym year of Sha-Nabû-shû, eunuch.



_kug-ud_ a-na 04-tu-szu _gal_-bi

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-a-ni _lu_(v)-_sag lu_(v)-_sag_—_man_ szA _ugu_ É—_man_-_mesz_-ni

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_mu_—ki-in _lu_(v)-A—_sig_ sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_du lu_(v)-_kasz-lul_

AI Translation

The silver shall increase by a fourth.

Witness Nabû-shezibanni, eunuch and king's eunuch who is on the royal daises.

Witness Ilu-shumu-ka''in, chariot fighter of the governor. Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Marduk-ibni, cupbearer.


The silver shall increase by a fourth.

Witness Nabû-shezibanni, eunuch, eunuch of the king, overseer of the royal crypts.

Witness Ilu-shumu-ka''in, chariot fighter of the governor. Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Marduk-ibni, cupbearer.



_igi_ (m)mu-tak-kil—asz-szur _bappir_

_igi_ (m)_numun_-i

AI Translation

Witness Mutakkil-Ashur, brewer.

Witness Zarutî.


Witness Mutakkil-Ashur, brewer.

Witness Zarî, scribe.

P335001: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



09 _ma-na 15_(*) _gin kug-ud_ gi-nu-u sza(*) asz-szur sza (m)asz-szur—_sag_—isz ina _igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti _gal_(*)—_gesztin_(*) ina _igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _lu_(v)-02-u

_iti-sig4 ud 16_-_kam_

AI Translation

9 minas 15 shekels of silver, regular offering of Ashur, belonging to Ashur-reshi-ishi, at the disposal of Zeruti, wine master, and Ululayu, deputy.

Month Sivan III, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


9 minas and 15 shekels of silver, regular offering of Ashur, belonging to Ashur-reshi-ishi, at the disposal of Zarutî, wine master, and at the disposal of Ululayu, deputy.

Month Sivan III, 16th day, eponym year of Sha-Nabû-shû.



_kug-ud_ a-na 04-tu-szu _gal_-bi

AI Translation

The silver shall increase by a fourth.


The silver shall increase by a fourth.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-a-ni _lu_(v)-_sag_ szA _ugu_ É—_lugal_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_mu_—ki-in _lu_(v)-A—_sig_ sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_du_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—de-ni—a-mur

_igi_ (m)mu-tak-kil—asz-szur _bappir_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shezibanni, eunuch who is overseeing the royal house.

Witness Ilu-shumu-ukin, chariot fighter of the governor.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Marduk-ibni.

Witness Nabû-deni-amur.

Witness Mutakkil-Ashur, brewer.


Witness Nabû-shezibanni, eunuch, overseer of the royal crypts.

Witness Ilu-shumu-ka''in, chariot fighter of the governor.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Marduk-ibni.

Witness Nabû-deni-amur.

Witness Mutakkil-Ashur, brewer.

P335002: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ki-s,ir-ti 08 _ma-na 03_-su _kug-ud sag_-_mesz_ sza (d)15 sza _uru_-arba-il szA (m)_lal_—_apin_-esz _lu_(v)-_simug_ ina _igi_ (m)gir-te _lu_(v)-_nagar_—_gisz_-mu-gir-ri

ina pu-u-hi it-ti-szi ina _iti-apin_ id-dan

szum-ma ina _iti-apin_ la id-din _kug-ud_ a-na 05 _gin_-szu i-rab-bi

_igi_ (m)la—te-ga—ana—(d)15 _lu_(v)-03-_u5 uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a

_igi_ (m)da-du-su _lu_(v)-_dam-qar uru_-kal-zi-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ki_-ia _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ sza É-_gal_—_gibil_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-rim _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ sza É—(d)_masz_

_igi_ (m)_pa_—_nig-gub_—_pab lu_(v)-_i-du8_ sza _lu_(v)-tur-ta-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_szu-2_—_dib lu_(v)-qur-_zag uru_(*)-_kaskal_(*)-a(*)#-a(*)

AI Translation

A total of 8 1/3 minas of silver, first fruits of Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Tahar-eresh, smith, at the disposal of Girtu, carpenter.

He has taken it as a loan. It shall increase by the month of Marchesvan VIII.

If he does not pay in Marchesvan VIII, the silver shall increase by 5 shekels.

Witness La-tegâ-ana-Issar, 'third man' from the Inner City.

Witness Dadusu, merchant from Calah.

Witness Nabû-isse'a, porter of the New Palace.

Witness Ahu-larim, porter of the temple of Ninurta.

Witness Nabû-kudurri-ushur, porter of the commander-in-chief.

Witness Nabû-qati-shabat, royal bodyguard from Harran.


Envelope of 8 1/3 minas of silver, first fruits of Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Tuqunu-eresh, smith, at the disposal of Girittu, chariot maker.

He has taken it as a loan. He shall pay in Marchesvan VIII.

If he does not pay in Marchesvan VIII, the silver shall increase by 50 percent.

Witness La-teggi-ana-Issar, 'third man' from the Inner City.

Witness Dadusu, merchant from Kilizi.

Witness Nabû-isse'a, porter of the New Palace.

Witness Ahi-larim, porter of the temple of Ninurta.

Witness Nabû-kudurru-ushur, porter of the commander-in-chief.

Witness Nabû-qati-shabat, royal bodyguard from Harran.



_igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia _lu_(v)-A—_sig_ sza(*) _gaszan_—É

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a _lu_(v)-rak-su da-la-a-ni

_igi_ (m)mu-qa-lil—_idim lu_(v)-_nar_ asz-szur-a-a

_igi_ (m)_be_-a-dur(*) _lu_(v)-sze-lap-pa-a-a

_igi_ (m)_ad_—_nu_—_zu lu_(v)-_ninda uru_-kal-zi-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_-ir _lu_(v)-_gar-u-u uru_-kur-ba-il-a-a

_igi_ (m)_en_—lih-kim _lu_(v)-mu-tar—_umusz_ sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)_ad_—ana—É-_gal_—lil-bur _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_en_—la-mur _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni-te

_iti-gud ud 20_-_kam_ lim-me (m)man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Witness Bel-Harran-isse'a, chariot fighter of the Lady of the House.

Witness Nuhshaya, raksu of the parade.

Witness Muqallil-kabti, Assyrian singer.

Witness Adur, architect.

Witness Abi-bani-le'i, baker from Calah.

Witness Nergal-nashir, governor of Kurbail.

Witness Bel-lihkim, intelligence officer of the crown prince.

Witness Abi-ana-Ekalli-lilbur, scribe.

Witness Bel-lamur, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Iyyar II, 20th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-ahhe.


Witness Bel-Harran-isse'a, chariot fighter of the lady of the house.

Witness Nuhshaya, ... conscript.

Witness Muqallil-kabti, Assyrian singer.

Witness Metaku, architect.

Witness Abi-ul-idi, baker, from Kilizi.

Witness Nergal-nashir, driller, from Kurbail.

Witness Bel-lihkim, intelligence officer of the crown prince.

Witness Abi-ana-ekalli-lilbur, scribe.

Witness Bel-lamur, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Iyyar II, 20th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-ahhe, governor of Shimirra.

P335003: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)(d)_gaszan_—_apin_-esz ki-s,ir#-[ti] 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud sag-du_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e(*) gar-[ga-mis]

sza (m)_dumu-usz_-a-a ina _igi_ (m)(d)_gaszan_—_apin_(*)-esz

04 _gin kug-ud_ sza _iti_-szu i-rab-bi

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—rém-a-ni _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_gal_-szi

_igi_ (m)kan-da-la-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Belet-eresh, ..., 1/2 mina of silver, capital, by the mina of Carchemish.

From Aplaya, at the disposal of Belet-eresh.

4 shekels of silver per month,

Witness Inurta-remanni. Witness Nabû-ushabshi.

Witness Kandalanu.


Seal of Belet-eresh. An envelope copy concerning 1/2 mina of silver, capital, by the mina of Carchemish,

belonging to Aplaya, at the disposal of Belet-eresh.

It will increase 4 shekels of silver per month.

Witness Inurta-remanni. Witness Nabû-ushabshi.

Witness Kandalanu.



_igi_ (m)sa-me-e' _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab#_

_iti-barag ud 25_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)man-nu—ki#—(d)_im_

sza _uru_-s,u-pi-te _igi_ (m)_uru_(*)—_zalag_(*)-i(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Sam'u. Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Month Nisan I, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness Nurî.


Witness Same'. Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Month Nisan I, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad of Shupat.

Witness El-nurî.

P335004: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ki-[s,ir]-te# 10 _ma-na kug_(*)-_ud_(*) _sag-du_

[ina 01 _ma-na_-e] szA _uru_-gar#-ga-mis [x x x x x x x x x]-ni

szum-ma ina _iti-ab#_ [x x x la _sum_-ni] _kug-ud_ a-na 04-tu-szu [i-rab-bi]

_iti-ab ud 10_(*)-_kam_ lim-mu [(m)x x x]

AI Translation

a kishirtu-shrine of 10 minas of silver, capital;

shall place one mina of silver in the lap of Carchemish .

If he does not pay in Tebet X, the silver shall increase by a fourth.

Month Tebet X, 10th day, eponym year of NN.


Envelope of 10 minas of silver, capital,

by the mina of Carchemish

If he does not pay ... in Kanun X, the silver shall increase by a fourth.

Month Kanun X, 10th day, eponym year of NN.



_igi_ (m)a-hi—ba-as-tu _lu_-[_gal_—_i-du8_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

Witness Ahi-bastu, head porter.


Witness Ahi-bastu, head porter.



_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_asz#_

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a

_igi_ (m)_pa_—_mu_—_asz lu-a-ba#_

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-iddina.

Witness: Nunayu.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.


Witness Shamash-iddina.

Witness Nuhshaya.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

P335005: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


U du du x#+[x x x x x x x x] ina _igi_ (m)di-di-i# [x x x x x x]

ina _sag-du dingir gibil_ szA _iti_(*)#-[x id-dan] szum-ma la id-din e-s,i-ip

_iti-diri-sze ud 21_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)at-ri—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lugal_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_be_-ma—(d)_im igi_ (m)_pab_—_du_-ka(*)

AI Translation

and ...... before Dadî .

He shall pay in the first month of the new moon. If he does not pay, he shall redeem the land.

Month Intercalary Addaru XII, 21st day, eponym year of Atri-ilu.

Witness Ahu-duri. Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Shumma-Adad. Witness Ahu-ibni.


and ......, at the disposal of Diddî, ....

He shall pay on the new moon of the month .... If he does not pay then, he shall pay double.

Month Adar Sheni XII/2, 21st day, eponym year of Atar-il.

Witness Ahu-duri. Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Shumma-Adad. Witness Ahu-illika.

P335006: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _igi_ (m)_bad_—_pab_(*)-_mesz_(*)-szu(*)#

AI Translation

at the disposal of Duri-ahheshu.


at the disposal of Duri-ahheshu.



ina _iti-ab sum_-an

AI Translation

He shall pay in Tebet X.


He shall pay in the month of Tebet X.



_igi_ (m)t,u-ri—ba-al-tu

_igi_ (m)ha-na-ni _sipa_

_igi_ (m)ia-a'-ta-a-nu

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—id-ri _a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#—I s,a-bit e(*)-gir(*)#-[te]

[_iti_-x _ud_-x]+3(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Turi-ballit.

Witness Hananu, shepherd.

Witness Yatanu.

Witness Il-idri, scribe.

Witness ...-na'id, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., x+3rd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Turi-baltu.

Witness Hananu, shepherd.

Witness Yatanu.

Witness Il-idri, scribe.

Witness ...-na'id, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of ....

P335007: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x] [ina 01 _ma-na_-e] szA(*) _uru#_-gar-ga-mis [sza] (m)#A-[a-a] ina _igi_ o(*) [(m)]_en_—A—_sum_(*)#-[na x x x]+x# ina _igi#_ (m)[x x x]

02 _gin_-_mesz#_ ina [_ma_]-_na_ sza _iti#_-szu

AI Translation

...... for one mina of Carchemish belonging to Aplaya, at the disposal of Bel-aplu-iddina, ..., and at the disposal of NN.

2 shekels by the mina of his month,


x shekels of silver by the mina of Carchemish, belonging to Aplaya, at the disposal of Bel-apla-iddina ... and NN.

It shall increase 2 shekels per mina per month.



_iti-dul ud#_ [x]-_kam_

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Tishri VII, day, eponym year of Nabû-kenu-ushur.



_igi#_ [(m)]_dingir_(*)#—ha-na(*)-ni

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)_apin_-esz—15#

[_igi_] (m)x—sa#-gab

AI Translation

Witness Ilu-hanani.

Witness Ahu-eresh.

Witness Eresh-Issar.

Witness ...-sagab.


Witness Il-hanani.

Witness Ahu-eresh.

Witness Eresh-Issar.

Witness ...-sagab.

P335008: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] (m(*))_pab_(*)-x#+[x x x x]

[x x x x x] szum-ma la i#-[din]

[a-na x x] _gal_-bi (m)mil-ki—ra-mu [x x x (m)ba]-zu-zu _en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_

[(m)x-x-x]—15(*) _ta_(v) (m)asz-szur—_ad_—_pab_

AI Translation

...... Ahu-...

...... If he does not pay

Milki-ramu, NN and Bazuzu, are the guarantors.

...-Issar with Ashur-abu-ushur


... Ahu-...

.... If he does not pay

it shall increase by .... Milki-ramu ..., Bazuzu are the guarantors.

...-Issar with Ashur-abu-ushur, ... Milki-ramu ....



[x x x x x] _iti#-kin ud 18_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)_en_]—_i# lu_(v)-tur-tan-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)]-ha#-za-nu szA _uru_-kal-ha

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)]-_a#-ba_—_kur 02_-u

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi_ (m)30—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)x x _igi_ (m)x]-sze-e'—_dingir_

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—x x x# _lu_(v)-x#

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 18th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id, commander-in-chief.

Witness NN, mayor of Calah.

Witness NN, deputy palace scribe.

Witness NN. Witness Sin-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN. Witness ...she'-ilu.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-.


Month Elul VI, 18th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id, commander-in-chief.

Witness NN, mayor of Calah.

Witness NN, deputy of the palace scribe.

Witness NN. Witness Sin-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN. Witness ...she'-il.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-..., ....

P335009: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x] x x# _kug-ud_ [x x] ib x# ud szA x# [sza] (m)ga-lul [ina _igi_ (m)]_gir_(*)-2(*)#—15 _lu_(v)-_ma-du-du_

[ina] _sag#-du dingir gibil_ [sza] _iti-dul_ i-dan

AI Translation

... silver ... of ... of Gallulu, at the disposal of Shep-Issar, boatman.

He shall pay in the beginning of the new moon of Tishri VII.


x ... of silver ...... belonging to Gallulu, at the disposal of Shepe-Issar, sailor.

He shall pay at the beginning of the new moon of the month of Tishri VII. If he does not pay, it shall increase by a third.



[_iti_]-_barag ud 01_-_kam_ [lim-mu] (m)(d)_utu_—da-in-a-ni

[_igi_ (m)]_ur_(*)—15

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—_lal_-a-ni

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz_

[_igi_ (m)](d)_utu_—rém-a-ni

[_igi_ (m)x]-nu-ni-ia

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 1st day, eponym year of Shamash-da''inanni.

Witness Na'di-Issar.

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.

Witness Shamash-remanni.

Witness ...nuniya.


Month Nisan I, 1st day, eponym year of Shamash-da''inanni.

Witness Sun-Issar.

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.

Witness Shamash-remanni.

Witness ...nunia.

P335010: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ma-na_ [_kug_]-_ud_(*)# _sag-du_ ina 01 _ma_-[_na_] sza(*) _uru_-gar-ga-mis sza _mi_-[ad-da]-ti _mi_-szA-kin-te ina _igi_ (m)[bi]-bi(*)#-ia _lu_(v)-02-i _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

ku-um 02 _ma-na# kug-ud_ É 12 _ansze a-sza-ga_ ina _ugu edin_(*) _uru_-asz-szur (m)qur-di—(d)_im mi_-szu 03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu (m)kan-dal-a-nu _mi_-szu _pab 07 zi_-_mesz 12 ansze_ a-na szA-par-ti

AI Translation

Two minas of silver, capital, by the mina of Carchemish, belonging to Addatu, the governess, at the disposal of Bibia, deputy village manager.

In lieu of 2 minas of silver, an estate of 12 hectares of land on the plain of the city of Ashur, Qurdi-Adad, his wife, 3 sons, Kandalanu, his wife, a total of 7 persons, and 12 hectares of land for cultivation —


Two minas of silver, capital, by the mina of Carchemish, belonging to Addati, governess, at the disposal of Bibiya, deputy village manager.

In lieu of two minas of silver, an estate of 12 hectares of land outside the city of Ashur, plus Qurdi-Adad, his wife, his 3 sons, and Kandalanu and his wife — a total of 7 persons and 12 hectares of land are placed as a pledge at the disposal of Addati.



ina _sza ud_-me(*) sza _kug-ud sum_-u-ni

AI Translation

On the day that he pays the silver, he shall redeem the house.


On the day he pays the silver, he shall redeem the people and the field.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(*)—_gisz lu_(v)-_a-ba dumu_—_uru-nina_

_igi_ (m)(d)szu-ri-ha—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_asz lu_(v)-_a-zu_

_igi_ (m)da-ri—_en igi_ (m)t,a-bi-i _lu_(v)-_ninda_

_igi_ (m)za-bi-nu _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir _igi_ (m)an-da-ra-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_pab lu_(v)-_sipa_—_muszen_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)sa-gib-i _lu_(v)-_i-du8_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-zeru-leshir, scribe, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness Shuriha-ila'i.

Witness Shamash-ahu-iddina, physician.

Witness Dari-Bel. Witness Tabî, baker.

Witness Zabinu, tailor. Witness Andranu.

Witness Shamash-ahu-ushur, bird-watcher.

Witness Sagibi, porter.


Witness Nabû-shumu-leshir, Ninevite scribe.

Witness Shuriha-ila'i.

Witness Shamash-ahu-iddina, physician.

Witness Dari-Bel. Witness Tabî, baker.

Witness Zabinu, tailor. Witness Andaranu.

Witness Shamash-ahu-ushur, gooseherd.

Witness Sagibî, porter.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim _iti-apin ud 01_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shallim. Month Marchesvan VIII, 1st day.


Witness Nabû-shallim.

P335011: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)mil-ki-ia _lu-en-nam_ szA _uru_-tal-mu-si _en a-sza_-_mesz_ É-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz un_-_mesz_ ta-da-ni

(m)e-hi—ia-a _mi_-szu 03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu 02 _dumu-mi_-_mesz_-szu (m)_gisz-bal_-a _mi_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu (m)_dug-ga_—ru-hi-ti _mi_-szu _dumu_-szu (m)nab-te-e _mi_-szu _ama_-szu _pab_-szu (m)dul(*)-la-a-a-qa-nun _mi_-szu _ama_-szu _dumu_-szu _pab_-szu (m)u-ri—ia-a _mi_-szu _ama_-szu _pab_-szu _pab 27 zi_-_mesz_ a-di _a-sza_-_mesz_-szu-nu a-di É-_mesz_-szu-nu a-di _gisz-sar_-_mesz_-szu-nu a-di _gud_-_mesz_-szu-nu a-di _udu_-_mesz_-szu-nu a-di qin-ni-szu-nu ina _uru_-da(*)-di-u-al-la

ina _en-nam uru_-tal-mu-si tu-pisz-ma _mi-erim_—É-_gal_ ku-um 20 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis

a-na szA-par-te szA-kin man-nu szA ur-kisz# u(*) ma-te-ma lu-u (m)mil-ki-ia(*) _en-nam_ lu-u _lu-02_-e-szu lu-u _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _lu_-ha-za-nu _uru_-szu [lu-u] _dumu_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-szu szA i-za-qu-[pa-an-ni] [_gil_-u-ni x _ma_]-_na# kug-ud_ ina bur-ki# [(d)x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Milkiya, governor of Talmusu, owner of the fields, houses, gardens and people being sold.

Ehi-Yâ, his wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters, Shillâ, his wife, 2 sons, Tab-ruhiti, his wife, son, Tabtê, his wife, his mother, his brother, Dullayaqanun, his wife, his mother, his son, his brother, Uri-Yâ, his wife, his mother, his brother, a total of 27 persons, together with their fields, houses, gardens, oxen, sheep, and their livestock, in the town of Dadi-Ualla.

The queen has contracted and bought them for 20 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Milkiya, the governor, or his deputy, or his village manager, or the mayor of his city, or his son, or his grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation, shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of DN.


Seal of Milkiya, governor of Talmusu, owner of the field, houses, gardens and people being sold.

Ehi-yâ, his wife, three sons and two daughters; Pilaqqâ, his wife and two sons; Tab-ruhiti, his wife and son; Nabtê, his wife, mother and brother; Dullaya-qanun, his wife, mother, son and brother; Uriah, his wife, his mother and his brother; in all 27 persons plus their fields, houses, gardens, cattle, sheep and kinsmen in the town of Dadi-ualla in the province of Talmusu —

the palace concubine has contracted them; they are placed as a pledge in lieu of 20 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Milkiya, governor, or his deputy or village manager, or the mayor of his city or his sons or grandsons, shall place x minas of silver in the lap of ....



_igi_ (m)u(*)-x#+[x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)am—ra-mu _lu-tug-ka-k_ÉSZ szA É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)na-bu-ti-i _gal_—ki-s,ir szA _usz-bar_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém-a-ni _lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit dan(*)-ni-te

_iti-kin ud 27_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_kam_-esz

AI Translation

Witness U.

Witness Am-ramu, tailor of the palace.

Witness Nabutî, cohort commander of weavers.

Witness Nabû-remanni, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Elul VI, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh.


Witness .......

Witness Am-ram, tailor of the palace.

Witness Nabutî, cohort commander of the weavers.

Witness Nabû-remanni the scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Elul VI, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh, governor of Sam'al.

P335012: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)]_nu_—_lugal_—iq#-bi _lu#_-[x x] [_na4-kiszib_ (m)]I(*)#—(d)_masz lu_-da-gil—a(*)-[x x]

[_lu-arad_-_mesz_]-ni szA (m)(d)_nu_—_lugal#_—[iq-bi u (m)I—(d)_masz_] [ku-um 01 1/2 _ma_]-_na# kug-ud_ a-na szA-par#-[ti ina _igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im_]

_lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ dan-nu szA _lugal_(*)# [szak-nu]

man#-nu szA 01 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_-_mesz_ a-na (m)rém-[a-ni—(d)_im_] id#-dan-u-ni _lu-arad_-_mesz_-szu u#-[sze-s,a]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_pab lu-dib_—_kusz-pa#_-[_mesz_ szA _dumu_-_man_]

_igi#_ (m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _lu_-: [:-]

_igi#_ (m)bar-ruq-qu _lu_-: [:-]

AI Translation

Seal of Shalam-sharri-iqbi, ..., seal of Na'di-Inurta, daggil-a...,

The servants of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi and Na'di-Inurta have contracted and bought them for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The chief chariot driver of the king is stationed.

Whoever pays 1 1/2 minas of silver to Remanni-Adad, shall redeem his servants.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto ditto.


Seal of Shalam-sharri-iqbi, ..., seal of Na'di-Inurta, augur.

The servants of Shalam-sharri-iqbi and Na'di-Inurta are placed as a pledge in lieu of 1 1/2 minas of silver at the disposal of Remanni-Adad,

chief chariot driver of the king.

Whoever pays the 1 1/2 minas of silver to Remanni-Adad, shall redeem his servants.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the prince.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto ditto.



_igi#_ (m)sa-ak#-kan _lu_-:- :-

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(*)—_asz lu_-:- :-

AI Translation

Witness Sakkannu, ditto ditto.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto ditto.


Witness Sakkannu, ditto ditto.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto ditto.



_igi_ (m)(d)30—_masz lu-03_-szu dan-nu szA _dumu_—_man_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu-03_-szu szA _man_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_(*) _lu-02_-u szA _lu_(v)-_gal_—u#-[rat]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz lu-gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_

_igi#_ (m)_i#_—(d)_im lu_-:-# ((_gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_asz_(*)# _lu_-:-# ((_gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)ba]-ni-i s,a-bit e-gir-[ti]

[_iti_-x _ud_-x]+4(*)-_kam_ lim-me (m)_iti-ab_-a-[a]

[szA É]—_gibil# igi_ (m)na-di-nu _lu-a-ba_ szA _lugal#_

AI Translation

Witness Sin-ashared, chief 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man' of the king.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, horse trainer of open chariotry.

Witness Na'di-Adad, ditto.

Witness ...-iddina, ditto.

Witness Banî, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., 4th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.

Witness Nadinu, scribe of the king.


Witness Sin-ashared, chief 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Na'id-Adad, ditto.

Witness ...-iddina, ditto.

Witness Banî, keeper of the tablet.

Month .... day, eponym year of Kanunayu of the New Palace.

Witness Nadinu, scribe of the king.

P335013: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



50 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz sag_ sza (m)_du_—_pab_-u-a ina _ugu_ (m)tab-al-lu-u-a

_mi-nir-gal_—_uru_-arba-il [ina szA]-par-ti kam-mu-sa-at

[_be_-ma] _usz be_-ma _zah_ [_musz_] _gir-tab a_-_mesz i_-_mesz ugu# en_-szA

AI Translation

50 minas of copper, capital, belonging to Bani-ahu'a, against Taballu'a.

The chief of Arbela is staying in the presence of the king, my lord.

If he dies or flees, or if he is struck by a snake or scorpion, water and oil, it will be against his lord.


50 minas of copper, capital, belonging to Bani-ahu'a, upon Taballua.

Takilat-Arbail is placed as a pledge.

If she dies or if she flees, by a snake, scorpion, water or oil, the responsibility is upon her owner.



ina _ud_-me sza _urudu_-_mesz_

AI Translation

On the day that the copper is to be melted, he shall pay the silver tenfold.


On the day that he brings the copper he shall redeem the woman.



_igi_ (m)15—_mu_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—15

_igi_ (m)rem-ut—_en_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-an-ni

_igi_ (m)sa-ak-lu

_igi_ (m)ha-zi-a-nu

AI Translation

Witness Issar-shumu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.

Witness Shulmu-Issar.

Witness Remut-Bel.

Witness Nabû-etiranni.

Witness Saklu.

Witness Hazianu.


Witness Issar-shumu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.

Witness Shulmu-Issar.

Witness Remut-Bel.

Witness Nabû-etiranni.

Witness Saklu.

Witness Hazianu.



_iti-gud ud 05_

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-dan.

P335014: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_a-sza_ szA _mi_-szA-kin-te

AI Translation

field of the governess.


A field belonging to the governess, a field which Inbi-Ashur has been enjoying as a pledge —



_ku_-u-ni _lu_(v)(*)-A—_kin_ sza É—_en_-_mesz_-szu it-ta-lak _a-sza_ É—_en_-_mesz_-szu

ur-ta-me sze-eb#-szu _sze_(*)-nu-sa-hi ku-um# _kug-ud_-szu u-sa-ni-lum _a-sza_ É—_en_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x x x (m)](d)_pa_—sa-lim

[x x x x x x x x]-hi ur(*)-ta-me(*)#

[x x x x x x x x] (m(*))_pab_—_su_

AI Translation

The messenger of his lord's household went and took the field of his lord's household.

He shall pay the straw and straw taxes in lieu of his silver. He shall redeem the field and the house of his lords.

...... Nabû-salim

...... have been gathered

...... Ahu-eriba


the messenger of its owner's household has gone and forfeited the field of his lord's household.

In lieu of the silver due to him, they have suspended the corn and straw taxes. A field of the owner's household

...... Nabû-shallim

...... forfeited

...... Ahu-eriba



[x x x x x] x ku(*)-um(*)# _sze_-nu-sa-hi szA x#+[x x]+x# u-sa-ni-lum _a-sza_ É—_en_-_mesz_-szu

man-nu szA _gil_-u-ni 02 _kur_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ ina asz-szur# _sum_-an 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ ina (d)_nin-lil sum#_-[an] a-de-e sza (_lugal_) _szu-2_-szu u-ba-'u

_igi_ (m)kab(*)-lu(*)—15 _gal_—_gag_-_mesz igi_ (m)x x#

_igi_ (m)sa-na—_dingir lu_(v)-A—_kin_ sza _gal_—É

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém-a-ni _a-ba_

AI Translation

Instead of the straw of ..., he shall measure the field of his lord's household.

Whoever breaks the contract shall give two white horses to Ashur, and shall give one mina of gold to Mullissu, and shall redeem the treaty of the king.

Witness Kablu-Issar, chief eunuch. Witness NN.

Witness Sana-ilu, messenger of the major-domo.

Witness Nabû-remanni, scribe.


In lieu of the straw tax which ... suspended, a field of the owner's household shall be taxed.

Whoever breaks the contract shall give two white horses to Ashur, and shall pay one mina of gold to Mullissu. The treaty of the king shall call him to account.

Witness Kablu-Issar, rab sikkati. Witness ....

Witness Sana-il, messenger of the major-domo.

Witness Nabû-remanni, scribe.

P335015: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)man-nu—ki—_erim_

[x _ma_]-_na kug-ud_ sza (m)_pab_—_bad_ [ina] _igi_ (m)[man-nu]—ki(*)—_lu_(v)-_erim_

[ina(*)] ku-um _kug-ud_ (m)man-nu—ki—_erim_ [ina] szA#-bar-ti szA-kin ina _mu-an-na#_-_mesz_

[ina] _ud_-me sza _kug-ud_

AI Translation

Seal of Mannu-ki-shabi,

x minas of silver belonging to Ahu-duri, at the disposal of Mannu-ki-shabi.

Instead of silver Mannu-ki-shabi will pay in full the silver in the years to be given.

On the day that he pays the silver, he shall redeem his land.


Seal of Mannu-ki-shabi.

x minas of silver belonging to Ahu-duri, at the disposal of Mannu-ki-shabi.

In lieu of the silver Mannu-ki-shabi is placed as a pledge for a number of years.

On the day he pays the silver, Mannu-ki-shabi shall be redeemed.



_usz#_ hal-qa ina _ugu en_-szu

_iti#-kin ud 05_-_kam_ lim#-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_asz_—_pab_

_igi#_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz a_ (m)15—_bad_

_igi_ (m)qur-di#-i

_igi_ (m)u(*)-gi-né#-e

[_igi_ (m)]ia—ki(?)#-ti-E

[_igi_ (m)x-x]-ka#-a

[_igi_ (m)la]—te#-gi—15

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_pab#_—_asz_

AI Translation

He shall have the usufruct of it for his lord.

Month Elul VI, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-nadin-ahi.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, son of Issar-duri.

Witness Qurdî.

Witness Ugina.

Witness Ya-kiti'e.

Witness ...ka.

Witness La-teggi-Issar.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.


If he dies or flees, the responsibility is upon his owner.

Month Elul VI, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-nadin-ahi.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, son of Issar-duri.

Witness Qurdî.

Witness Uginê.

Witness Aya-kettu-iqbi.

Witness ...kâ.

Witness La-teggi-ana-Issar.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

P335016: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x-x]+x—_dug_(*)-_ga_(*)# _lu_(v)-02-i(?)#

sza# _uru_-ra-s,a-pa [_en_] _un_-_mesz a-sza-ga_ ta-da#-an

É(*)# 02 me _a-sza-ga_ ina _uru#_-qu-ba-a-te# _suhur# uru_-til—ra-ha-ia-te _suhur# uru_-É—(d)ra-man-nu _suhur uru_-É—_lu_(v)-szA—_ugu_-hi—_uru suhur# uru-bad_—(d)na-na-a (m)_dug-ga_—ri-gi-ma-tu—(d)_im mi_-szu 02 _mi-tur_-_mesz_-szu (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_dingir_-_mesz mi_-szu 02 _gud-nita 10 ansze sze-numun_-_mesz_ a-ar-szu

AI Translation

Seal of ...-tab, deputy governor.

You give the people of Rashappa, owners of the people and the field.

An estate of 200 hectares of land in the town of Qubate, adjoining the cities of Till-rahayate, Bit-Ramannu, Bit-Sha-sha-uhhi-sharri, Dur-Nanaya, Tab-rigimatu-Adad, his wife, two daughters, Nabû-shar-ilani, his wife, two oxen, 10 hectares of arable land, and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., and a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of ..., a field of


Seal of ...-taba, deputy governor of Rashappa,

owner of the people and land being sold.

An estate of 200 hectares of land in the town of Qubate, adjoining the towns of Til-rahayate, Bit-Ramannu, Bit-sha-muhhi-ali, and Dur-Nanâ; Taba-rigimatu-Adad, his wife and two girls of his; Nabû-shar-ilani and his wife; 2 oxen; and 10 hectares of sown field,



ina ku-mu# 15 _ma-na kug-ud#_ ina 01 _ma_-[_na_-e] sza _uru#_-gar-ga-[mis]

AI Translation

In lieu of 15 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish,


are placed as a pledge at the disposal of Dannaya in lieu of 15 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.



szA(*)-ki(*)-an(*) man-nu(*) sza(*)# [x x x]+x# u-sze-ra-ba-an-ni [_un_-_mesz a_]-_sza#-ga_ u-sze#-s,i

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib

_igi#_ (m)da-ru-ra-a

_igi#_ (m)ha-ra—_man_(*)

_igi#_ (m)man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)ha-ba-a-si-te-ma(*)

_igi#_ (m)za-ib(*)-da-a#-ni

_iti-sze ud 04_-_kam_ lim-(me) (m)(d)_pa_—U—_pab_ ki-s,ir (m)(d)asz(*)-szur—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz_

AI Translation

Whoever brings me ..., will bring the people of the field.

Witness Nabû-shezib.

Witness Darurayu.

Witness Hara-sharru.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Habastitema.

Witness Zabdanu.

Month Adar XII, 4th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur, cohort commander of Ashur-ahhe-iddina.


Whoever brings the silver shall redeem the people and the land.

Witness Nabû-shezib.

Witness Darurâ.

Witness Hara-Dadi.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Habasitema.

Witness Zabdanu.

Month Adar XII, 4th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur, staff of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

P335017: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03 _ma-na kug-ud_-_mesz_(*)# [ina 01 _ma_]-_na#_ sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis# [sza (m)]rém#-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-[_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]

[ina _igi_ (m)ba]-ni#-i _lu_(v)-02-u

ina _igi_ (m)#t,u-si-i _lu_(v)-x#+[x x x]

(m)di-di#-i _lu_(v)-x#+[x x _mi_-szu] a-na szA-bar-te _gar#_-[nu]

_kug-ud_-_mesz_ la i-[rab-bi]

AI Translation

3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Remanni-Adad, chariot driver;

at the disposal of Banî, deputy.

at the disposal of Tusî, .

Didî, ..., and his wife are placed as a pledge.

The silver shall not increase.


3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Remanni-Adad the chariot driver,

at the disposal of Banî, deputy,

and at the disposal of Tusî, ....

Didî, ..., and his wife are placed as a pledge.

The silver shall not bear interest. On the day that they pay the silver, they shall redeem the people.



_igi_ (m)_man_—_dingir#_-[a-a _lu_(v)-x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-as(*)#-[te _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_kar_-ir#

_igi_ (m)(d)[_pa_—_mu_]—_pab_(*) [_lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_]

_igi_ (m)szum-mu—_dingir lu_(v)(*)-[_gal_—ki-s,ir]

_iti-gud ud 10_(*)-_kam_(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Sharru-ila'i, .

Witness NN.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Ashur-etir.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, head porter.

Witness Shumma-ilu, cohort commander.

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Sharru-ila'i.

Witness NN, ....

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Ashur-etir, ....

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, head porter.

Witness Shummu-ilu, cohort commander.

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Mar-larim.

P335018: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



17 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina ma-né-e sza _lu_(v)(?)-_dam_(?)-_qar_(?)# sza _mi_-in-di-bi-i ina _igi_ (m)ar-ba-a-a

_iti-du6_(*) _kug-ud_ ina _sag-du_-szu _sum_-an szum-ma la _sum_-ni 02 _gin_ a-na ma-né-e sza _iti_-szu

_gisz-sar_ sza _gisz_(*)-til-lit(*) [o] zaq-pu

AI Translation

17 minas of silver by the mina of the merchant belonging to Indibi, at the disposal of Arbayu.

He shall pay the silver in its original amount in Tishri VII. If he does not pay, it shall increase by two shekels per mina per month.

The vineyard is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


17 minas of silver by the mina of the merchant, belonging to Indibî, at the disposal of Arbayu.

He shall pay the silver in its original amount in Tishri VII. If he does not pay, it shall increase two shekels per mina per month.

A vineyard in the village of Bel-ahhe, adjoining the vineyards of Habasu, Se'-barakku and the chief scribe, and Dari-Bel, his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters, together with his property, everything, down to the chaff and twig, and Hulli and his daughter, are placed as a pledge.



a-na szA-par-ti szA-kin me-tu hal-qu ina _ugu en_-szu-nu ina _ud_-me sza _kug-ud_ a-di# ru-bé-e-szu u-sze-rab-a-ni

_gisz-sar un_-_mesz_ u-sze-s,a _iti-ne ud 09_-_kam#_

lim-mu (m)_sum_-ni—_pab_-_mesz_ (_igi_) (m)man-nu—ki-i—(d(*))x x#

AI Translation

On the day he brings the silver together with its interest, he shall redeem the land and the people.

Month Ab V, 9th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Eponym year of Iddin-ahhe. Witness Mannu-ki-.


If they die or flee, the responsibility is upon their owner. On the day he brings the silver plus its interest, he shall redeem the orchard and the people.

Month Ab V, 9th day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.

Witness Mannu-ki-....



_igi#_ (m)(d)_szu#_—_numun_(*)—_du igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a-nu

_igi#_ (m)ma-ka-me-e# _lu_(v)-_zadim ban#_-_me_(*)

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni. Witness Ahu'anu.

Witness Makamê, brewer.

Witness Remanni-ilu.

Witness Shamash-ahu-ushur.


Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni. Witness Ahuanu.

Witness Makkamê, bow-maker.

Witness Remanni-ilu.

Witness Shamash-ahu-ushur, of the king's stand-by.

P335019: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _ma-na_] _kug-ud_ ina ma-né-e _uru_(*)-gar(*)-gar(*)-mis(*) [sza _mi_]-szA(*)#-ki-in-ti sza _murub4_—_uru_ ina(*) _ugu# dumu_(?)-szu ina _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)15

(m)_suhusz_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_-szu sza (m)_arad_—(d)15 a-na szA-par-ti ina _igi mi_-szA-kin#-[ti]

AI Translation

x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to the governess of the central city, against his son, at the disposal of Urdu-Issar.

Ubru-ahheshu, son of Urdu-Issar, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to the harem manageress of the central city, are upon his son, at the disposal of Urdu-Issar.

Ubru-ahheshu, son of Urdu-Issar, is placed as a pledge at the disposal of the harem manageress of the central city.



ina A(*)-_mesz_(*) ina(*) I(*)-_mesz_(*) ina(*) _zah_ ina _usz_ ina _musz_(*) ina(*) _gir_(*) ina _ugu_ (m)_arad_—15#

AI Translation

Concerning Urdu-Issar,


If he dies or flees — by water, oil, snake or scorpion — it is upon Urdu-Issar.



_mi_-szA-ki-in-tu _kug-ud_-szA (ta)-dag(*)-gal(*)#

[_ud_(*)]-mu sza _kug-ud sum_-ni# _lu_(v) u-sze-s,a#

szum#-mu _lu_ la i(*)-pa(*)-t,u(*)#-[ru] _mi#_-szA-[ki]-in-tu _kug-ud_-szA(*) x x# [x]

_igi_ (m)dan-na-a _igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_usz_-a _igi_ (m)_dug_—_im_—15

_igi_ (m)tab-bal-a-a

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru-nina_

AI Translation

The woman Shakintu will pay her silver.

The day he pays the silver, the man shall redeem the man.

If a man does not pay, Shakintu shall pay her silver.

Witness Dannaya. Witness Bel-ahhe.

Witness Ushura. Witness Tab-shar-Issar.

Witness Tabalayu.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.


The harem manageress shall see her silver.

The day the silver is paid, he shall redeem the man.

If they do not release the man, the harem manageress shall ... her silver.

Witness Dannayu. Witness Bel-ahhe,

Witness Miqtu-adur. Witness Tab-shar-Issar,

Witness Tabalayu.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.



[_igi_ (m)]su-ma(*)-a-a A(*)-[_ba_]

_iti#-gan_(*) _ud 26_-_kam_(v)(*)

AI Translation

Witness Sumaya, scribe.

Month Kislev IX, 26th day, eponym year of Bel-sharru-ushur.


Witness Sumaya, scribe.

Month Kislev IX, 26th day, eponym year of Sin-shumu-ibni.

P335020: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



30 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud#_ sza (m)ub-bu-ki sza (m)musz-ke-nu—la(*)—_szesz_ ina _igi_ (m)_lal_-un(!)—15 _zadim_(*)#-ni asz-szur

(m)(d)_pa_—_asz_—_pab arad_-szu

AI Translation

30 shekels of silver belonging to Ubbuki and Mushkenu-la-ahi, at the disposal of Tuqun-Issar, the builder of Ashur.

Nabû-nadin-ahi, his servant,


30 shekels of silver, belonging to Ubbuku, belonging to Mushkenu-la-ahi, at the disposal of Tuqun-Issar, bow maker of Ashur.

Nabû-nadin-ahi, his servant, is placed as a pledge. His tablet = the deed of the slave remains valid = with the owner of the slave; his share has been taken instead of his tablet.



ina _ud_-me sza _kug-ud sum_-u-ni

_arad_-szu u-sze-s,a _usz zah_ ina _ugu_-hi(*) _en_-szu

_iti-kin ud 13_(*) lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

_igi_ (m)ur-ri-ha _igi_ (m)_pab_—a-bu

_igi_ (m)_igi_—15—la-mur

[_igi_ (m)]da-ia-[x(*)]

AI Translation

On the day he pays the silver, he shall redeem the land.

He shall bring his servant and die, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Month Elul VI, 13th day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu.

Witness Urriha. Witness Ahu-abu.

Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

Witness Daia.


On the day that he pays the silver, he shall redeem his servant.

If he dies or flees, the responsibility is upon his owner.

Month Elul VI, 13th day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu.

Witness Urriha. Witness Ah-abû.

Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

Witness Daiâ.



_igi_ (m)qi-te-_be_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_di-kud_(*)

_igi_ (m)ra-man—ra-[me(*)]

_igi_ (m)30—I

AI Translation

Witness Qiti-iddina.

Witness Ubru-dikud.

Witness Ramman-rame.

Witness Sin-na'id.


Witness Qiti-muti.

Witness Ubru-madanu.

Witness Ramman-ram.

Witness Sin-na'id.

P335021: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_masz_]—_kam_-esz

[x _ma-na kug-ud_] sza# (m)ta-_su_—15 [ina _igi_ (m)(d)]_masz_(*)#—_kam_-esz

[x _ansze a-sza_] ina _uru_-szu-ra [_suhur kaskal_] szA(*)# _uru_-dan-na-a-ni [_suhur a_]-_sza#_ szA (m)a-a—me-tu-nu [a-na szA]-par-ti szA-kin

AI Translation

Seal of Inurta-eresh,

x minas of silver belonging to Tariba-Issar, at the disposal of Inurta-eresh.

x hectares of field in Shura, adjoining the road to Dannanu, and the field of Aya-metunu, are placed as a pledge.


Seal of Inurta-eresh.

x minas of silver belonging to Tariba-Issar, at the disposal of Inurta-eresh.

x hectares of field in the town of Shura, adjoining the road to Dannanu and the field of Aya-metunu, are placed as a pledge.



[03] kar#-ap-hi 03 me-re-sze

[A]-_sza ku kug-ud_

AI Translation

3 cloaks, 3 large ones;

The silver is the price of the field.


He shall have the usufruct of the field for three fallow years and three crop years.

One shall place the silver upon the corn heap, and one shall redeem the field.



_igi_(*)# (m)si-ip-ra-a-nu

[_igi_] (m)(d)_a-10_—_dingir_-a-a

[_igi_ (m)]_suhusz_—(d)15

[_igi_ (m)](d(*))30—_man_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)](d)#_utu_—u-pa-hir

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_ lim-mu

AI Translation

Witness Sipranu.

Witness Apladad-ila'i.

Witness Ubru-Issar.

Witness Sin-sharru-ushur.

Witness Shamash-upahhir.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Sipranu.

Witness Apladad-ila'i.

Witness Ubru-Issar.

Witness Sin-sharru-ushur.

Witness Shamash-upahhir.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Zazaya.

P335022: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x] ina(*) _kur_-ha-zi(*)-te [_dumu_ (m)a]-mur—_dingir#_ [_en_(*)] A(*)-_sza# sum_-ni

É 03(*) _ansze_(*) 4(ban2)(?) _a#_-[_sza_(*) x x] _suhur_ (m)_pab_—ia-[x x x] _suhur_ (m)_dingir_—ia#-[x x] [_suhur_ (m)]_dingir_(*)-a(*)#-[a—x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, in Hazite, son of Amur-ili, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares 4 decares of land ... adjoining Ahu-ya..., Il-ya..., Ila'i-...,


Seal of NN of Gaza, son of Amur-ilu, owner of the land being given over.

An estate of 3 hectares 4 decares of land ..., adjoining the estates of Ahi-yaqar, Il-ya... and Ila'i-...



_uru_(*)#-szi-[x] x x# [x x] ina mu(*)-le-e(*)# [o] _pab_ É 08 _ansze 3_(ban2)(*) _a#_-[_sza_] za-ku-te la _sze_-szi-ib-sze la(*)# [_sze_-nu-sa-hi] ina _uru_-bar-u-ri(*)# [o]

u-pisz-ma _mi-ad_—ra-mi _nin_-sa sza _ama_—_lugal_ ku-um 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ a-na szA-par(*)-[ti] 03 kar-ap-hi 03 mi(*)-re-sze

AI Translation

in all an estate of 8 hectares 3 decares of uncultivated land, without straw or straw in the town of Baruri —

Abi-ram, mistress of the queen mother, has contracted and bought her for half mina of silver as a pledge. She shall pay three groves and three hectares of land.


the city of Shi..., on a hill — a total of 8 hectares 3 decares of exempt land, void of straw and corn taxes, in the town of Baruri —

Abi-rami, the sister of the queen mother, has contracted and will enjoy it as a pledge for three fallow years and three cultivated years in lieu of 1/2 mina of silver.



_ku kug-ud#_ ina _ugu sze_-ta-ra-mi _gar_-an _a-sza_ u-sze-s,a

_igi_ (m)si-lim—_dingir_(*) _igi_(*) (m)di(*)-di(*)#-a(*)

[_igi_ (m)pal]-hu(*)#—u(*)-sze-zib(*)

AI Translation

He places silver and gold upon the corn taxes, and brings the field in.

Witness Silim-ilu. Witness Dadiya.

Witness Palhu-ushezib.


If he places the silver upon the corn-heap, he shall redeem the land.

Witness Silim-Ashur. Witness Didiya.

Witness Palhu-ushezib.



[_igi_ (m)x x] _igi#_ (m)_pab_—_kam_(*)-esz _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_-a-ni

[_igi_ (m)x]—_su pab 03 uru#_-bar-u-ri(*)#

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_asz_(*) _a-ba_(*) _iti#-sig4 ud 11_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Ahu-eresh. Witness Nabû-sharrani.

Witness ...-eriba, a total of 3 from Baruri.

Witness ...-iddina, scribe. Month Sivan III, 11th day.


Witness NN. Witness Ahu-eresh. Witness Nabû-sharrani.

Witness ...-eriba; a total of three from Baruri.

Witness ...-iddina, scribe.

P335023: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] i#-sa-he-isz(*)# [x x x]

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_en_—_pab#_ [_lu-03_]-_u5_ sza (m)szA—(d)_pa_—szu-u [_ta_(v)] _igi#_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_im_ [ku-um] 50 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

AI Translation

... together .

Marduk-belu-ushur, 'third man' of Sha-Nabû-shû, has contracted and bought them from Mannu-ki-Adad for 50 shekels of silver.


... together ... —

Marduk-belu-ushur, the 'third man' of Sha-Nabû-shû, has contracted and shall enjoy it as a pledge from Mannu-ki-Adad in lieu of 50 shekels of silver for years.



[_dumu_]-szu 03 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ [ina _igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_en_—_pab_] u-szab [i-pa-lah-szu _ud_-mu sza _mu_]-_an-na_-_mesz_-szu [u-szal-lam-u-ni] _kug#-ud_ u-sze-rab [_dumu_-szu _a-sza_-szu u-sze]-s,a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x] É(*)

AI Translation

He shall reside three years in the presence of Marduk-belu-ushur and shall enjoy him. On the day he completes his years, he shall bring the silver and bring his son and field.

Witness NN, ... of the house.


His son shall stay for three years with Marduk-belu-ushur and serve him. On the day he completes his years, he shall bring the silver, and redeem his son and field.

Witness NN, ... of the house.

P335024: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x-x]—_kam#_-esz

[x _gin_(?) _kug-ud_ sza (m)(d)]_pa-tug#_—_pab_ [_sag_-_mesz_(?) sza (d)15] sza# arba-il-_ki_ [ina _igi_ (m)x x x _lu_]-_lunga#_

[_mi_-la—a-masz]-szi a-na szap-ri

[kam]-mu#-sat a-di 10 _ud_-me o(*) _sum#_-an _be_-ma la _sum_-an [_mi_] zar-pat na-szi-at

[_igi_] (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _igi_ (m)sa-gi-bi-i

[_igi_ (m)]bar#-ruq-qu _lu-a-ba_

[_iti_]-_sze ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ad_—ra-mu [_lu_(v)(*)]-_sukkal_ [_gal_]-u

AI Translation

Seal of ...-eresh,

x shekels of silver belonging to Nusku-ushur, first fruits of Ishtar of Arbela, at the disposal of NN, brewer.

La-amashi has sent her to me.

He shall pay the silver tenfold in full. If he does not pay, the woman will be sated.

Witness Arbailayu. Witness Sagibi.

Witness Barruqu, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 7th day, eponym year of Abu-ram, grand vizier.


Seal of ...-eresh.

x shekels of silver belonging to Nushku-nashir, first fruits of Ishtar of Arbela, at the disposal of NN the brewer.

The woman La-amashi is placed as a pledge.

He shall pay within 10 days. If he does not pay, the woman is acquired and taken.

Witness Arbailayu. Witness Sagibî.

Witness Barruqu, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 7th day, eponym year of Abi-ram, grand vizier.



ina _igi_ (m)[x x x _lu-lunga_]

_mi_-la—a-masz-szi [a-na szap-ri]

kam-mu-sat a-di 10 _ud_-me _kug-ud sum_-an _be_-ma la _sum_-an# [_mi_] zar-pat na-szi-at

[_igi_ (m)_uru_]-arba-il-a-a _igi_ (m)sa-gi-bi-i

[_igi_ (m)bar]-ruq-qu _lu-a-ba_

[_iti-sze_] _ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ad_—ra-mu [_lu_(v)-_sukkal_] _gal_-u

AI Translation

at the disposal of NN, brewer.

La-amashi has written to me:

He shall pay the silver 10 days later. If he does not pay, the woman will be seized.

Witness Arbailayu. Witness Sagibi.

Witness Barruqu, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 7th day, eponym year of Abu-ram, chief vizier.


at the disposal of NN the brewer.

The woman La-amashi is placed as a pledge.

He shall pay the silver within 10 days. If he does not pay, the woman is acquired and taken.

Witness Arbailayu. Witness Sagibî.

Witness Barruqu, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 7th day, eponym year of Abi-ram, grand vizier.

P335025: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05 _ansze a-sza_ sza (m)e-du—szal#-[lim] ina _uru_-kar—_a-10_

(m)mu-sze-zi-bu 01 1/2 (_ma_)-_na kug-ud_ a-na (m)e-du—szal-lim i-ti-din

5/6 _ma-na_ sza _a-sza_ (m)mu-sze-zib i-si-szu e-kal

AI Translation

5 hectares of land of Edu-shallim, in Kar-Adad.

Mushezibu has given 1 1/2 minas of silver to Edu-shallim.

Mushezib will take 5/6 minas of field with him.


Five hectares of land belonging to Edu-shallim in the city of Kar-Apladad.

Mushezibu has paid 5/6 minas of silver to Edu-shallim.

Mushezibu shall enjoy with him 5/6 minas worth of the produce of the land.



ina _ud_-me sza _kug-ud sum_-u-[ni]

AI Translation

On the day he pays the silver, he shall redeem the house.


On the day that he pays the silver, he shall redeem his land.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sig5_—_dingir_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)il-tap-pa

_igi_ (m)a-bi-da-a-nu

_igi_ (m)_en_—_kam_-esz

_igi_ (m)lu-u—ba-lat, _igi_ (m)la(*)—tu(*)-ba(*)#-o(*)

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-damqi-ilani.

Witness Il-tapa.

Witness Abidanu.

Witness Bel-eresh.

Witness Lu-balat. Witness La-tuba.


Witness Nabû-damqi-ilani.

Witness Iltappa.

Witness Abidanu.

Witness Bel-eresh.

Witness Lu-balat. Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.



_igi_ (m)kU(*)-_ka_—_kam#_-esz

_igi_ (m)_numun_—15

AI Translation

Witness Kubabu-eresh.

Witness Zar-Issar.


Witness Kubabu-eresh.

Witness Zar-Issar.



sza _egir_

_szu_(*)# _ud 06_-_kam_

AI Translation

of the following year:

6th day.


The year following the remission of debts.

6th of Tammuz IV.

P335026: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05# _ansze a_-(_sza_) sza (m)e-du—szal-lim

[ina] _uru#_-kar—_a-10_ (m)mu-sze-zib [5/6] _ma-na# kug-ud_ a-na (m)e-du—szal#-lim

i#-ti-din 5/6 _ma-na_ sza _a-sza_ (m)mu-sze-zib _ta_(v) (m)e-du—szal-lim kal-e

AI Translation

5 hectares of field of Edu-shallim,

Mushezib has contracted and bought them for 5/6 mina of silver by the mina of Edu-shallim.

Mushezib has contracted and bought the land for 5/6 mina of silver from Edu-shallim.


5 hectares of land belonging to Edu-shallim in the city of Kar-Apladad.

Mushezib has paid 5/6 minas of silver to Edu-shallim.

Mushezib shall enjoy with Edu-shallim 5/6 minas worth of the produce of the land.



ina _ud_-me sza 01 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ (m)e-du—szal-lim a-na (m)mu-sze-zib

AI Translation

On the day that Edu-shallim gave 1 1/2 minas of silver to Mushezib, he shall pay the silver.


On the day that Edu-shallim pays 1 1/2 minas of silver to Mushezib, he shall redeem his land.



_igi_ (m)il-tap-pa _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sig_(*)—_dingir_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)a-bi-da-nu _igi_ (m)_en_—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—tak-lak

_igi_ (m)_numun_—15 _igi_ (m)kU(*)-_ka_—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)lu-u—ba-lat, _igi_ (m)la—tu-TÉSZ-ni—_dingir_

_iti-gud ud 16_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Iltapa. Witness Nabû-damqi-ilani.

Witness Abidanu. Witness Bel-eresh.

Witness Shamash-taklak.

Witness Zar-Issar. Witness Kubabu-eresh.

Witness Lu-balat. Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Iltappa. Witness Nabû-damqi-ilani.

Witness Abidanu. Witness Bel-eresh.

Witness Shamash-taklak.

Witness Zar-Issar. Witness Kubabu-eresh.

Witness Lu-balat. Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of Dananu of Manshuati.



_egir_ da(*)-ra(*)-ri(*)# _ud_(*)# [x x]

AI Translation

After the darri .


After the remission of debts .......

P335027: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu] s,u-bar-szu [isz-kun]

[s,u-bar (m)x x]-i [_en lu sum_(*)]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of ...i, owner of the man being sold.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of ...î, owner of the man being sold.



nu-[x x x x x x x x x x]-ni la u-s,a man-nu sza [x] _ma#-na kug-ud_ a-na (m)mu-szal-lim—d-_innin_(*) _sum_-nu-ni _lu_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu u-sze-s,a

_igi_ (m)si-pa-ra-nu _lu_-s,a-rip—tuh-szi-e

[_igi_] (m)_sza#_—_uru_-a-a _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_di_(*)—_pab_-_mesz_

[_lu_(v)-mu]-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz igi_ (m)(d)30—_asz lu-03-u5_(*)

[_igi_ (m)]na(*)-s,i-i _igi_ (m)bi-hi-i

[_igi_ (m)]im#-ma-ni—asz-szur(*) _igi_ (m)ia-a-a

[_pab 08 igi_]-_mesz uru-du6_(*)—(d)_masz_-a-a

[_igi_ (m)asz]-szur—_asz_—_pab_-_mesz_ sza _uru-lu-sag_-_mesz_

[_pab 09_] _igi_-_mesz lu-arad_-_mesz_ sza _lu_-[_gal_]—_sag_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)]na-di-i _lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit# [_im_]

[_iti_]-_ziz# ud 26_-_kam_(*) lim-mu# [(m)(d)]_pa_—_kalag#_-in-an-ni _lu_-tur-[ta-nu]

AI Translation

Whoever pays x minas of silver to Mushallim-Issar, shall redeem the man and his people.

Witness Siparanu, chariot driver.

Witness Ibashi-aya. Witness Ashur-shallim-ahhe.

Witness Sin-iddina, 'third man.'

Witness Nashî. Witness Bihî.

Witness Immani-Ashur. Witness Yaya.

in all 8 witnesses from Til-Inurta.

Witness Ashur-nadin-ahhe, from the village of Re'i-alpi.

in all 9 witnesses, servants of the chief eunuch.

Witness Nadî, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Shebat XI, 26th day, eponym year of Nabû-da''inanni, commander-in-chief.


If he does not pay, he shall not come out. Whoever pays x minas of silver to Mushallim-Issar, shall redeem the man together with his people.

Witness Sipparanu, tanner of colored leather.

Witness Libbalayu. Witness Ashur-shallim-ahhe, chariot driver.

Witness Sin-iddina, 'third man.'

Witness Nashî. Witness Bihî.

Witness Immani-Ashur. Witness Yaya.

A total of 8 witnesses from Til-Inurta.

Witness Ashur-nadin-ahhe, from Eunuch Town.

In all 9 witnesses, servants of the chief eunuch.

Witness Nadî, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Shebat XI, 26th day, eponym year of Nabû-da''inanni, commander-in-chief, in the reign of Tiglath-Pileser III, king of Assyria.

P335028: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _kug-ud mi-gaszan_—_ki_-ia GÉME sza _mi_-szA-kin-te a-na _mi_-sin-qi—15 a-di bal-lat,-u-ni ta-pal-lah-szu(*)

AI Translation

Instead of silver, you shall give to Sinqi-Issar the maid of the governess, as long as he lives.


Instead of the silver, Belet-isse'a, maid of the harem manageress, shall serve Sinqi-Issar for life.



_iti-gud ud 14_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_pab_-ir

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 14th day, eponym year of Ashur-nashir.


Month Iyyar II, 14th day, eponym year of Ashur-nashir.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-a-ni

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_kar_-ir-a-ni#

_igi_ (m)ia-man-ni

_igi_ (m)_im_—15

_igi_ (m)i-sa#-na-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shezibanni.

Witness Ashur-etiranni.

Witness: Yamanu.

Witness Shar-Issar.

Witness Isanayu.


Witness Nabû-shezibanni.

Witness Ashur-etiranni.

Witness Yamani.

Witness Shar-Issar.

Witness Isanayu.

P335029: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] _uru_(*)-kal(*)-hi(*) _pab_(*) 02(*) _zi#_-[_mesz_] [_ta_(v) _igi lu-dam-qar_] (m)(d)_ag_-u-a ip-ta-at,-ra

[ku-um 70 _ma-na_] _urudu_-_mesz_ a-di _ti_-u-ni

[i-pal]-la#-ah(*)-szu(*) ina szir-ti i—li-disz [ina ma-te]-e-ma lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu [sza (m)lu]—szA#-kin lu-u _un_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _lu_(v)]-_en_(*)#-_nam_-su lu-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-szu [lu-u ha-za]-nu _uru_-szu il-la-kan-ni [x x x x]-szu(?)-ni 70 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ [a-na (m)(d)_ag_-u-a] i-da-an _lu_ u-sze-s,a

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu-i_]-_du8_ szA _ka_ o(*) _gal_-ti

AI Translation

Nabû'a has written to NN of Calah, in all 2 persons.

Instead of 70 minas of copper, he shall pay the rent.

At any time, whether the brothers of Lu-shakin or his people, or his governor, or his prefect, or the mayor of his city come, he shall pay 70 minas of copper to Nabû'a. The man shall redeem the man.

Witness NN, porter of the great gate.


...... Calah, a total of two persons, Nabû'a redeemed from the merchant.

In lieu of 70 minas of copper, he shall serve him as long as he lives.

If tomorrow or the day after or at any time, whether the brothers of Lu-shakin or his people or his governor or his prefect or the mayor of his city comes and ......, he shall pay 70 minas of copper to Nabû'a in order to redeem the man.

Witness NN, porter of the main gate.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _kur_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu-gal_]—ka-qul-ti

[_igi_ (m)x-x-x]-ir(*) _dumu_ (m)lu—_di_-me

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu-tug-ka-k_ÉSZ

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_-szA—_ugu_—É

[_igi_ x x x x] szA _murub4_—_uru_

AI Translation

Witness NN, .

Witness NN, commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness, son of Lu-shallim.

Witness NN, tailor.

Witness NN, guarantor.

Witness NN, overseer of the household.

Witness NN, ... of the centre of the city.


Witness NN, palace ....

Witness NN, chief kakkullu officer.

Witness, son of Lu-shalim.

Witness NN, tailor,

...... the guarantor.

Witness NN, overseer of the household.

Witness NN, ... of the central city.

P335030: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


12(?) _ma#_-[_na kug-ud sag-du_] sza (m)(d)_utu_—_ad_-u-a _lu-gisz-gigir_

ina pu-u-hi it-ti-szi 01 _ma-na_

12 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ szA _iti_-szu i-rab-bi

_mi-g_ÉME—(d)kur-a _mi_-szu _mi-ad_—ra-hi-i _dumu-mi_-su (m)suk-ka-a-a _dumu_-szu [x x x x x]-lu _dumu_-szu (m)_en_—_igi-lal_-an-[ni]

[_pab 05 zi_-_mesz_ ku]-um _kug-ud_ kam-mu-su

AI Translation

12 minas of silver, capital, belonging to Shamash-abu'a, horse trainer.

He has taken it as a loan.

He shall pay 12 shekels of silver each month.

The maid of Kura, his wife, Abi-rahî, his daughter, Sukkaya, his son, NN, his son, Bel-emuranni,

in all 5 persons, in lieu of the silver.


12 minas of silver, capital belonging to Shamash-abu'a, horse trainer.

He has taken it as a loan.

It shall increase 12 shekels of silver monthly per mina.

Amat-kurra, his wife, Abi-rahî, his daughter, Sukki-Aya, his son,, his son, Bel-emuranni,

in all 5 persons are placed as a pledge in lieu of the silver.

P335031: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x x# _arad_ szA# (m)tar-hu-x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

... servant of Tarhu.


Tiurame, servant of Tarhu..., his 2 sons, 1 wife, a total of 4 persons.



[a-na szA-par-ti] _gar_(*)#-nu ku-um 06 _ma-na kug-ud_ [x x x x x]+x#-tu ina _igi_ (m)na-hi-ri-i#

[szu-nu 06] _ma#-na kug-ud_ (m)ti-ur-a-me [x x x x x] _mu-an-na_-szu a-na (m)na-hi-ri-[i] [id-dan szum]-ma(*)# _kug-ud_ la id-din (m)ti-ur(*)#-[a-me] [_u un_-_mesz_-szu zar]-pu# laq-qi-u ru(*)-bé#-[e la-szu]

[x x x x x x] (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab_ [x x x(*)]

AI Translation

Instead of 6 minas of silver ..., he shall place ... at the disposal of Nahirî.

Tiurame shall give 6 minas of silver ... every year to Nahirî. If he does not pay, Tiurame and his people will be purchased and acquired. There will be no revocation, lawsuit, or litigation.

...... Nabû-shumu-ushur .


They are placed as a pledge in lieu of 6 minas of silver ... at the disposal of Nahirî.

Tiurame shall give 6 minas of silver ... years. If he does not pay Tiurame and his people are purchased and acquired. There is no interest.

...... Nabû-shumu-ushur ...

P335032: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma_(*) 30 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

ina _igi_ (m)_szu-2_—asz-szur—_dib dumu_ (m)15—I(*)#

ina _igi_ (m)su-u-su A (m)lu—_gar_ o(*)

_kusz_-masz-kur4 sza 16(*) _gid-da_ e-pu-szu ina ku-me ina(*) _iti-gud_ o(*)

AI Translation

1 mina 30 shekels of silver of Kishir-Ashur,

at the disposal of Marduk-Ashur-shabat, son of Issar-na'id.

at the disposal of Susu, son of Lu-shakin.

The mashkuru-skins of 16 long are to be made in a kiln in Iyyar II.


One mina 30 shekels of silver belonging to Kishir-Ashur,

at the disposal of Qat-Ashur-ashbat, son of Issar-na'id,

at the disposal of Susu, son of Lu-shakin.

They shall make a 16 x long raft and give it instead of the silver in the month of Iyyar II.



_sum_-nu _be_-ma la _sum_-nu ina 04-tu-szu _gal_-[bi]

AI Translation

If he does not pay, it shall increase by a fourth.


If they do not pay, it shall increase by a fourth.



(m)_i-gal_—_dingir_-_mesz en_—_szu-2_-[_mesz_] o(*)

_iti-ab ud 22_ lim-me (m)asz-szur#—[x x]

_igi_ (m)_ad_—_gisz lu_(v)-[x x]

_igi_ (m)mar-du-[u]

_igi_ (m)a-bi-[x x]

AI Translation

Ibashi-ilani, guarantor;

Month Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Ashur-.

Witness Abi-leshir, .

Witness Mardû.

Witness Abi-.


Ibashi-ilani is the guarantor.

Month Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Ashur-....

Witness Abi-leshir, ....

Witness Mardû.

Witness Abi-....



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a#

AI Translation

Witness Nabû'a.


Witness Nabû'a.



_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Ilu-ushur.


Witness Ilu-ishshur.

P335033: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



11 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ sza (d)15 szA(*) _nina_(?)#-_ki_(*) sza (m)_gir-2_—(d)15 ina _igi_ (m)ku-lu-u'—(d)15 ina _igi_ (m)da-an—kur-ba-il

ku-um ru-bé-e É 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) _a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 10 qa

tab-ri-i har-pu-tu(*) za-ku-tu(*) szu#-nu

_suhur a-sza_ szA (m)kasz-szu-du(*)#

AI Translation

11 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Nineveh belonging to Shep-Issar, at the disposal of Kulum-Issar, at the disposal of Dan-Kurbail.

Instead of the rent, an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of land by the seah of 10 'litres'

They are a kind of harpist, they are zakutu-demons.

adjoining the field of Kashuhdu,


11 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Nineveh belonging to Shep-Issar, at the disposal of Kulu'-Issar, at the disposal of Dayyan-Kurbail.

In lieu of the interest he shall have the usufruct of an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of field by the seah of 10 'litres'.

The grazing land and the waste land are exempt.

Adjoining the field of Kashudu, adjoining the field Kashudu, adjoining the road.



_suhur kaskal 03_(*) _mu_(*)-_an_(*)-_mesz_(*)# 03 _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku_

AI Translation

adjoining the road of 3 years and 3 years .


He shall have the usufruct of the land for 3 crop-years and 3 fallow-years.



ki-ma _mu_-_mesz_-szu u-sa-lim _kug-ud_ ina _ugu_ ta-ra-me i-szA-kan _a-sza_-szu u-sze-s,a sze-ib-sze nu-sa-hi ki-i szA _uru sum_-an

_iti-ziz_ lim-mu (m)(d)_nu_—_man_—E

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_pa igi_ (m)_gir-2_—15

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_usz_—_ti_

_igi_ (m)kasz-szu-du

_igi_ (m)_numun_—_gin_

AI Translation

When he completes his years, he places silver upon the corn heap, and brings his field, and gives the corn tax as he wishes.

Month Shebat XI, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Urdu-Nabû. Witness Shep-Issar.

Witness Issar-nadin-shallim.

Witness Kashuhdu.

Witness Zeru-ukin.


When he completes his years and places silver upon the corn-heap, he shall redeem his land. He shall pay straw and corn taxes as of the city.

Month Shebat XI, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Urdu-Nabû. Witness Shep-Issar.

Witness Issar-metu-uballit.

Witness Kashudu.

Witness Zeru-ukin.



_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_bad_

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-duri.


Witness Nergal-duri.

P335034: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)ku-lu-u'—(d)[15] [_na4-kiszib_ (m)]da-an—_uru_-kur-ba-[il] [_ta_(v)] _sza uru_-il-li-[x x]

[11] _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ [sza (d)15 szA _nina-ki_] [sza] (m)_gir_(*)—15(*)# [x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Kullu'-Issar, seal of Dan-Kurbail from Illi...,

11 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Nineveh, belonging to Shep-Issar, .


Seal of Kulu'-Issar. Seal of Dayyan-Kurbail from the town of Illi....

11 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Nineveh belonging to Shep-Issar, ...



[_igi_ (m)]_arad_(*)—(d(*))_pa_(*) _igi_ (m(*))_gir_(*)-2(*)—15(*)#

[_igi_ (m)]15—_usz_-tu—bal-lit, _igi_ (m)ka-szu-du#

[_igi_ (m)]nar-gi-i _igi_ (m)gab-bu—_dingir_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Witness Urdu-Nabû. Witness Shep-Issar.

Witness Issar-aplu-ballit. Witness Kashuhdu.

Witness Nargî. Witness Gabbu-ilani.


Witness Urdu-Nabû. Witness Shep-Issar, ....

Witness Issar-metu-uballit. Witness Kashudu.

Witness Nargî. Witness Gabbu-ilani.

P335035: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma-na kug-ud_ sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis sza (m)si-lim—asz-szur ina _igi_ (m)_arad_—15

ku-um ru-bé-e sza _kug-ud#_ É 06 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-ha-ta-a ina _gisz-ban_ sza 10 qa É (m)si-lim—asz-szur _igi-2_-_mesz_ i-szak-kan-u-ni i-na-Asz-szi a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku 04_ me-re-sze 04 kar-ap-hi

AI Translation

One mina of silver from Carchemish belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Urdu-Issar.

Instead of the interest on the silver, he shall have the usufruct of an estate of 6 hectares of land in the town of Hatâ, by the seah of 10 'litres', and shall pay the house of Silim-Ashur, in perpetuity. He shall have the usufruct of 4 hectares and 4 groves.


One mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Urda-Issar.

In lieu of the interest on the silver, Silim-Ashur shall take an estate of 6 hectares of land of his choice in the town of Hatâ, according to the seah of 10 'litres,' and shall have the usufruct of it for years. He shall enjoy it for 4 crop years and 4 fallow years.



_ku_ me-re-sze-szu u-sal-lim _sag-du kug-ud_ ina _ugu sze_-ta-ra-me

i-szak-kan _a-sza_-szu u-sze-s,a 04 _ansze_ me(!)-re(!)-sze(!) 02 _ansze_ kar-ap-hi _pab 06 ansze a-sza_ za-ku-te

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad igi_ (m)se-e'—nu-ri

_igi_ (m)(d)szér—_dingir_-a-a _igi_ (m)A—_pab_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—arba(*)-il _lu-a_—_sig igi_ (m)gur-di-i

_igi_ (m)bi-ta-ti-i _igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_masz_

_iti-sig4 ud 12_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ta_(v)(*)—10—ni-nu

AI Translation

He weighed out his grain and placed the capital silver upon the corn heap.

He shall cultivate his field, four hectares of arable land, two hectares of arable land, in all 6 hectares of arable land.

Witness Ahu-duri. Witness Se'-nuri.

Witness Sher-ila'i. Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail, chariot fighter. Witness Gurdî.

Witness Bitatî. Witness Nergal-ashared.

Month Sivan III, 12th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-ninu.


After he has completed his cultivation, he i.e., Urda-Issar shall place the capital sum of the silver on the corn heap and redeem his land.

Four hectares of cultivated and 2 hectares of fallow land, a total of 6 hectares of exempt land.

Witness Ahi-duri. Witness Se'-nuri.

Witness Sher-ila'i. Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail, chariot fighter. Witness Gurdî.

Witness Bitatî. Witness Nergal-ashared.

Month Sivan III, 12th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

P335036: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x 01 _ma_]-_na kug-ud_ szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis [sza (m)si-lim—asz-szur ina] _igi#_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 [ina pu-u]-hi(*)# it-ti-szi#

[04 _ansze_ me-re]-sze# 02 _ansze a-sza_ ka-rap-hi

[_pab 06 ansze a_]-_sza_ za-ku-te ina _uru_-ha-ta-a [ina _gisz-ban_ szA 10] qa _a-sza_ É (m)si-lim—asz-szur [_igi-2_-_mesz_ i-szak-kan]-u-ni i-na-Asz-szi

AI Translation

...... 1 mina of silver of Carchemish belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Urdu-Issar. He has taken it as a loan.

4 hectares of mesu-land, 2 hectares of wide land,

In all, 6 hectares of uncultivated land in the town of Hatâ, by the seah of 10 'litres', in the estate of Silim-Ashur, they are bringing in and bringing in.


One mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Urda-Issar. He has taken it as a loan.

Silim-Ashur shall take 4 hectares of cultivated and 2 hectares of fallow land,

a total of 6 hectares of exempt land of his choice in the town of Hatâ, according to the seah of 10 'litres,'



[a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku_] 04# me-re-sze#

AI Translation

He shall have the usufruct of it for a number of years.


and he shall have the usufruct of it for years. He shall enjoy it for 4 crop years and 4 fallow years.



[lim-mu (m)_ta_(v)—10]—a-ni-nu _igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad#_

[_igi_ (m)se-e'—nu-ri _igi_ (m)](d)szér—_dingir_-a-a

[_igi_ (m)A—_pab igi_ (m)man-nu—ki]—arba-il

[_lu_(v)-A—_sig igi_ (m)gur-di]-i

[_igi_ (m)bi-ta-ti-i _igi_ (m)_u-gur_]—_masz_

AI Translation

Eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu. Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Se'-nuri. Witness Sher-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur. Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Gurdî.

Witness Bitatî. Witness Nergal-ashared.


eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu. Witness Ahi-duri.

Witness Se'-nuri. Witness Sher-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur. Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail, chariot fighter.

Witness Gurdî.

Witness Bitatî. Witness Nergal-ashared.

P335037: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] (m)man-nu—ki-i(*)—(d)_masz#_ [x x x _kug_]-_ud_ ha(*)-bu-li-szu#

[(m)(d)_nu_]—_man_(*)#—iq-bi a-na _lu-dam-qar#_ id-din# (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_masz mi_-arba-il-_ki_—_man_-rat# _mi_-szu _dumu-mi_-su

_pab 03 zi_-_mesz ta_(v) _igi lu-dam-qar_ ip-ta-t,ar

ku#-um ru-bé-e szA _kug-ud_ a-na (m)(d)_nu_—_man_—iq-bi

[i]-pal#-lu-hu-szu lu-u _lu-gar_-nu-szu

AI Translation

... Mannu-ki-Inurta ... silver for his rations

Shalam-sharri-iqbi gave to the merchant. Mannu-ki-Inurta, Arbela-sharrat, his wife and his daughter,

In all 3 persons have been released from the merchant.

Instead of the interest on the silver to Shalmu-sharri-iqbi,

or his prefect,


... Mannu-ki-Inurta

Shalmu-sharri-iqbi paid ... silver, his debt, to the merchant, and redeemed Mannu-ki-Inurta, Arbail-sharrat, his wife, and his daughter,

in all 3 persons from the merchant.

In lieu of interest in silver they shall serve Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Whether his prefect, or his ... who pays the silver to Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, shall redeem .......



[x x x x x x x u]-sze-s,a _iti-gan ud 16_(*)-_kam_

[x x x x x x x] _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz_

[x x x x _igi_ (m)(d)]_utu_—szal-lim _igi_ (m)iz-bu

[x x x x x x] _igi_(*)# (m(*))x#+[x x x]-me(?)

[x x x x (m)](d)_im_—[x x x x]+x#

[o(*) _igi_ (m)]im#-ma-ni—[_dingir_ x x x(*)]

AI Translation

Month Kislev IX, 16th day, eponym year of NN.

...... Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.

Witness Shamash-shallim. Witness Izbu.

...... Witness

...... Adad-...

Witness Immani-il, .


Month Kislev IX, 16th day,

....... Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.

...... Witness Shamash-shallim. Witness Izbu.

...... Witness

...... Witness Adad-....

Witness Immani-il, ....

P335038: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)sa-pi-ku _a-ba_ o(*) _en#_ [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Sapiku, scribe, owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of Sapiku, scribe, owner of the ... being sold.



[x x x x]+x x#—_dingir_-a-[a]

[_igi_ (m)x]-szi(?)#—i

[_igi_ (m)mu-szal]-lim#—(d)_u-gur_

_igi_ (m)A-ia _a-ba iti-du6 ud 13_(*)-_kam_

lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_bad_—_pab lu_(v)(*)-_gar-kur kur_-(bar)-hal-za

AI Translation


Witness ...shi-i.

Witness Mushallim-Nergal.

Witness Aplaya, scribe. Month Tishri VII, 13th day.

Eponym year of Ashur-duru-ushur, governor of Barhalzi.


Witness ...-ila'i.

Witness ...shî

Witness Mushallim-Nergal.

Witness Aplaya, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 13th day, eponym year of Ashur-duru-ushur, governor of Barhalzi.




AI Translation

a kind of profession


Aramaic caption: For Nabû-shumu-iddina. Deed of ....

P335039: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



17 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ sza (d)15 sza _uru_-arba-il sza (m)(d)_pa_—E ina _igi_ (m)mu-_lal_—asz-szur

ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_sag_—i-szi ina pu-u-hi i-ta-s,u ina# 04-tu-szu e-ra-bi

_a-sza#_ ina a-ri-szu-u-te

e-ra-Asz e-s,i-da la qe-e-pu [la] szA-ka-szu mu-tu-u-tu

_ta_(v)# _sza_-bi _a-sza_ [ha]-bu#-li-szu

AI Translation

17 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Arbela belonging to Nabû-iqbi, at the disposal of Mukin-Ashur.

They have taken it as a loan from Ashur-reshi-ishi and entered it for a fourth time.

A field in cultivation.

I have been negligent, I have not been negligent, I have not been negligent.

From the field of his grazing land


17 shekels of silver belonging to Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Nabû-iqbi, at the disposal of Mutaqqin-Ashur, at the disposal of Ashur-reshi-ishi.

They have taken it as a loan. It shall increase by a fourth.

He shall cultivate and harvest the field as a tenant-farmer.

Neither a royal delegate nor his prefect shall have the usufruct of even half of the field.

He the creditor will be paid his debts in full from the field.



_iti-apin ud 21_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_u-u_-i _lu-igi-dub_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)15—_zu_

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_ad_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)(d)15—masz-lal-la-a-te

AI Translation

Month Marchesvan VIII, 21st day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Nergal-abu-ushur.

Witness Issar-mashlalate.


Month Marchesvan VIII, 21st day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Nergal-abu-ushur.

Witness Issar-mashlallate.

P335040: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)mu-_lal_—asz-szur

_na4-kiszib_ (m)asz-szur—_sag_—i-szi A (m)si-lim—asz-szur

17 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ sza (d)15 sza _uru_-arba-il sza (m)(d)_pa_—iq-bi ina _igi_-szu-nu

ina pu-u-hi it-ta-s,u ina 04-tu-szu e-rab-bi

AI Translation

Seal of Mukin-Ashur,

Seal of Ashur-reshi-ishi, son of Silim-Ashur.

17 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Nabû-iqbi, at their disposal.

He has taken it as a loan. It shall increase by a fourth.


Seal of Mutaqqin-Ashur.

Seal of Ashur-reshi-ishi, son of Silim-Ashur.

17 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Arbela belonging to Nabû-iqbi, at their disposal.

They have taken it as a loan. It shall increase by a fourth.



_a-sza_ ina a-ri-szu-ti

AI Translation

A field in a grove


He shall cultivate and harvest the field as a tenant-farmer.



la _lu-til-gid-da_ la szA-ka-szu mu-tu-u-tu _ku ta_(v) _sza_-bi _a-sza_

ha-bu-li-szu u-sa-at-a-lam

_iti-apin ud 21_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_u-u_-i _lu-igi-dub_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—15—_zu_

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_ad_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_kur_—asz-szur _igi_ (m)I—15 _igi_ (m)hi-he-e

AI Translation

The haruspex is not his supervisor, he is a slave. There is no profit from the field.

He made his limbs grow tall.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 21st day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Nergal-abu-ushur.

Witness Shulmu-mat-Ashur. Witness Na'di-Issar. Witness Hihe.


Neither a royal delegate nor his prefect shall have the usufruct of even half of the field.

He the creditor will be paid his debts in full from the field.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 21st day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Nergal-abu-ushur.

Witness Shulmu-mat-Ashur. Witness Na'di-Issar. Witness Hihê.



sza kar-- mu-u-ni u-szal-lam#

AI Translation

He shall pay the silver tenfold to its owner.


He who is present shall pay in full.



_sze-kin-kud_ is-szi-szu i-szA-kan-an

AI Translation

He sets the harvester with him.


He shall place a harvester with him.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sa-kip

_igi_ (m)_arad_—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)_lal_—asz-szur

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—A—_asz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-sakip.

Witness Urdu-Ashur.

Witness Ubru-Ashur.

Witness Tashmetu-Ashur.

Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina, scribe.


Witness Nabû-sagib.

Witness Urdu-Ashur.

Witness Ubru-Ashur.

Witness Mutaqqin-Ashur.

Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina, scribe.

P335041: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza _lugal_ sza (m)(d)_utu_—da-ru ina _igi_ (m)man-nu—a(?)#-ki—_nina_(*)-_ki_(*)#

É-[su ina szA-par-ti] szA(?)#-[kin x x x x x x]-szu la-Asz-szu

[szum]-ma _kug-ud_ la# [_sum_-ni x x x x x]

AI Translation

1/2 mina of silver by the mina of the king belonging to Shamash-daru, at the disposal of Mannu-aki-Ninua.

He has not ... his house in the presence of the king, my lord.

If he does not pay the silver, .


1/2 mina of silver by the mina of the king belonging to Shamash-daru, at the disposal of Mannu-aki-Ninua.

His house is placed as a pledge. There is no ....

If he does not pay the silver, .......



[ina] _sza#_-bi _ud_-me sza _kug-ud_ u(!)-szal(!)-lam#-[u-ni] _sum_-an-u-ni a-na É-szu e-ra-ab#

AI Translation

On the day he pays back the silver, he shall enter his house.


The day that he pays back the silver in full, he shall enter his house.



_iti-kin ud 25_-_kam mu 22_-_kam_ (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su man szu_

_igi_ (m)(d)15—ta-ri-bi

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _igi_ (m)il-lu-u

_igi_ (m)s,il—(d)_en_(*)

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 25th day, 22nd year of Sennacherib, king of the world.

Witness Issar-taribi.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness Illû.

Witness Shil-Bel.


Month Elul VI, 25th day, year 22 of Sennacherib, king of the world.

Witness Issar-tariba.

Witness Urda-Issar. Witness Illû.

Witness Shil-Bel.



_igi_ (m)si-lim—se _igi_ (m)mu-szal-lim—(d)_szu_

AI Translation

Witness Silim-Se'. Witness Mushallim-Marduk.


Witness Silim-Se'. Witness Mushallim-Marduk, scribe.

P335042: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)(d)_utu_—_du_—A x#+[x x x] (m)la—tu-ba-szA-ni—[_dingir_ (m)x x] (m)_gin_—_ad_-ia (m)_szesz_—_dingir#_-[a-a] _pab 06 lu-erim_-_mesz_

02 _gu-un urudu_-_mesz 03 ansze 6_(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz kasz_(*)-_mesz_(*)

sza(*) _iti_ dul-lu _du_-usz(*) tal-pi-tu gab-bu _gisz-ur_(*)-_mesz_(*) u-s,a-bat

AI Translation

Shamash-bani-apli ..., La-tubashanni-ilu, NN, Ken-abuya, Ahu-ila'i, a total of 6 men —

2 talents of copper, 3 homers 6 seahs of bread and beer;

I shall do the work every month, and I shall cut down all the beams.


Shamash-bani-apli, NN, La-tubashanni-ilu, NN, Ken-abuya, Ahu-ila'i, a total of six men.

Their wage is 2 talents of copper and 3 homers 6 seahs c. 700 litres of bread and beer.

They shall work for a month. One shall install beams on the entire barn, plaster the roof, and put in the drain pipe.



szum-mu li-bi-tu(*)# ta-ma-t,i _egir_(*) _iti_ dul-la-szu(*)-nu(*) _du_-usz(*) u-ga-mur

_igi_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_

_igi_ (m)qur-bu—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)10—_pab_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—U(*)—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_gisz-mi_(*)—[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_(*)—[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_im_—[x x x]

[_iti_-x _ud_] 06-_kam#_

AI Translation

If they see a remission of debts in the future, I shall perform their rituals in the following month.

Witness Abi-ul-le'i.

Witness Qurbu-ilu.

Witness Adad-ahu-ushur.

Witness Inurta-belu-ushur.

Witness Shil-.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Adad-.

Month ..., 6th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


If the bricks are in short supply, they shall do their work and finish it in the following month.

Witness Abu-ul-idi.

Witness Qurbu-ilu.

Witness Adad-ahu-ushur.

Witness Inurta-bel-ushur.

Witness Shil-....

Witness Nabû-....

Witness Adad-....

Month ..., 6th day, eponym year of Bel-dan, during his second term.

P335043: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _ud 01_-_kam_ sza _iti_-[x]

AI Translation

On the 1st of .


On the 1st day of month ...



(m)_lugal_—lu—da-ri [x x x]

_mi-di_(*)-mu-i-tu a-di [x x x]

10 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ [x x x]

ina _sza_-bi _uru_-ni(*)#-[nu-a]

AI Translation

Sharru-lu-dari .

the woman Maditu until .

10 shekels of silver ...;

in Nineveh.


Sharru-lu-dari ...

Shulmitu with ...

10 shekels of silver ...

in Nineveh



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ab-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)gab-bu—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni

_igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu#_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)qur-di—(d)_im lu_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)ku-lu-ka-an(*)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Ab....

Witness Gabbu-ilani.

Witness Arbailayu, .

Witness Qurdi-Adad, .

Witness Kullukan.


Witness NN, ....

Witness Ab..., ....

Witness Gabbu-ilani.

Witness Arbailayu, ....

Witness Qurdi-Adad, ....

Witness Kulukan-....



[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—_numun#_—_gin_—_gisz_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-zeru-kenu-leshir.


Witness Nabû-zer-ketti-leshir, mayor.

P335044: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x] i#-ba-tu-qu i-da-nu-ni

[x x x] _arad_ É—_dingir_ i-tu-ru(?)#-ni

AI Translation

... they have seized and given

... the servant of the temple returned


... they shall divide and give

... return the temple slave



[x x x x x] É szu-tu-u-ni

[tu-a-ru de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ [x x x x] la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

...... that house

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


... this house

Any revocation, lawsuit, litigation or ... is void.



[x x x x]-nu x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x]+x#-_pab_ [x x x]

[x x x x x]+x#-ir lisz-[x x x]

[x x x]-_pab_ iq-ri-bu-u-ni

[x x x]-bat _lu_-x#-me

[x x]-a-ni lu (m)A-ia _a-ba_

[x x x] _igi_ (m)kur—(d)_masz_

AI Translation

......-ushur .

...... let him .

...-ushur said to me:

...bat, ...

... or Aplaya, scribe

... Witness Kur-Inurta.



......-ushur ...


they approached ...-ushur

...bat, ...

..., whether Aplaya, scribe.

.... Witness Kur-Inurta.

P335045: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x a-na (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#-u-a

[_sum_]-an(*) _be#_-ma la kit-tu la _sum_-ni _mi_ a-di sa-Ar-ti-szA

_sum_-an (m)ha-na-na

AI Translation

...... to Nabû'a

If he does not pay, the woman shall live as long as she lives.

Hanana will pay.


... shall give to Nabû'a.

If indeed he does not pay, he shall give the woman and her fine.

Hananu is the guarantor of the man.



_igi_ (m)_ka-dingir-ki_-a-a# _lu_-ha-za-nu

[_igi_ (m)]gu-gu-u# [x x x-a]-a

[_igi_] (m)_ad_—[x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]-bi-di-x# [x x x]

[_iti_-x _ud_] 10(?)#-_kam_ lim-mu# [(m)x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Babilayu, mayor.

Witness Gugu, .

Witness Abi-.

Witness ...bidi.

Month ..., 10th day, eponym year of NN.


Witness Babilayu, mayor.

Witness Gugû, ...ean.

Witness Abi-....

Witness ...bidi-..., ....

Month ..., 10th day, eponym year of NN, governor of ...

P335046: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]+x#-e

[x x x x (m)]lu(*)#—_ti_(*)

[x x x x x x]-bi# ina qa(*) _urudu_-_mesz_

[x x x x _uru_]-u(*)#-pe-e

[x x x x x]-ti

[x x x x x x x]+x#

[x x szum-ma la id]-di-nu

AI Translation


... Lu-balat

...... by the copper .

...... Upê



... If they do not give



...... belonging to Lu-balat,

...... by a copper litre

...... Upî



... If they do not pay, ........



[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-i(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x—_dingir_]-_mesz_(*)#-ni

[_igi_ (m)x-x]-a(*)#-a

[_igi_ (m)x-x]-a(*)#-nu

[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_(*) lim]-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz_

AI Translation

Witness ...î.

Witness ...-ilani.

Witness ...ayu.

Witness ...anu.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina.


Witness ...î.

Witness ...-ilani.

Witness ...ayu.

Witness ...anu.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina.

P335047: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-nu sza (d)_im_(*)# [x x] sza _uru_(*)-ka#-[an-nu-u'] e-me-du-u(*)-ni# [x x (x)]

04 _gin_-_mesz_ [_kug-ud_] sza (m)_numun_(*)—[x x x]

AI Translation

The judgement which Adad ... of Kannu' has imposed .

4 shekels of silver belonging to Zeru-.


A judgment which Adad ... of the city of Kannu' imposed ....

4 shekels of silver belonging to Zeru-..., at the disposal of Shamash-....



ina _ud 05_-_kam_ [sza _iti_-x] _kug-ud_ u-szal(*)#-[lam]

AI Translation

He shall pay the silver on the 5th of .


He shall give and pay in full the silver on the 5th day of the month ....



i-dan szum-ma# [la i-din] a-na 1/2 _gin#_-[szu _gal_-bi]

AI Translation

If he does not pay, it shall increase by 1/2 shekel.


If he does not pay, it shall increase by 1/2 a shekel.



_iti-gud ud 20_-_kam#_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)_a-10_(*)—_idim_(*)—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 20th day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i.

Witness Apladad-kabti-ahhe.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur.


Month Iyyar II, 20th day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i.

Witness Apladad-kabti-ahhe.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur.



_igi_ (m)(d)_ag_(*)—_numun_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—15

_igi_ (m)_a-10_—id-ri

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina.

Witness Remanni-Issar.

Witness Apladad-idri.


Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina.

Witness Remanni-Issar.

Witness Apladad-idri.

P335048: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_iti_]-_gud# ud 16_-[_kam_ lim-mu(*) (m)x x x]

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of NN.


Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of ....



ina _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—x#+[x x]

ina _igi_ (m)u-a-ri#

ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—ka-s,ir# [x x x]

ina _igi_ (m)_ba_-szA-a-a x#+[x x x]

ina _igi_ (m)ur-ki-me-e(?)# [x x x x]

ina _igi_ (m)ib(?)-na-a-[a x x x]

AI Translation

at the disposal of Shamash-.

at the disposal of Uari.

at the disposal of Nabû-kashir .

at the disposal of Iqishâ .

at the disposal of Urkimê .

at the disposal of Ibnaya .


Witness Shamash-....

Witness Uari.

Witness Nabû-kashir, ....

Witness Iqisha-Aya, ....

Witness Urkimê, ....

Witness Ibni-Aya, ....



ina _igi_ (m)ba(*)-x#+[x x]

ina _igi_ (m)me-szA-[x x]

AI Translation

at the disposal of Ba.

at the disposal of Mesha.


Witness Ba....

Witness Mesha....

P335049: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _ud 01_-_kam_] szA(*) _iti-sig4_ [_be_-ma _arad_] szA (m)u-qu-pu [ina _szu_]-2 (m)me-na-hi-me u-sze-s,u-u-ni

la u-sa-hir(*) la i-din

AI Translation

If on the 1st of Sivan III a servant of Uqupu comes forward and is assigned to Menahem,

He has not yet returned and given the money.


On the first day of Month Sivan III, if he has not returned the slave whom Uqupu redeemed from the control of Menahim, Upuqu shall pay 2 minas of silver with its interest to Menahim.

Month Nisan I, 23rd day, eponym year of Ashur-garua-nere.



[_igi_ (m)d]-_ag_(*)#—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

[(x) x x]+x#—_ad_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shar-ahheshu.



Witness Nabû-shar-ahheshu.

Witness ...-abi.

P335050: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#_-[_kiszib_ (m)]mi-i-nu—[ah-t,i]—a-na—_dingir_

10 _gin#_-[_mesz kug_]-_ud_(*) szA [(m)si-lim—_an-szar_]

ina _igi_-szu ku(!)-mu (m)pu-du-pi-ia-ti

(m)mi-i-nu—ah-t,i—a#-na—_dingir kug-ud_ a-na (m)si-lim—_an-szar_(*) _sum#_-an

_be_-ma (m)pu-du-pi-ia-ti

AI Translation

Seal of Minu-ahti-ana-ili,

10 shekels of silver of Silim-Ashur,

in the presence of Pudupiyati.

Minu-ahti-ana-ili shall pay the silver to Silim-Ashur.

If Pudupiyati


Seal of Minu-ahti-ana-ili.

10 shekels of silver belonging to Silim-Ashur

at his disposal, in lieu of Pudupiyati.

Minu-ahti-ana-ili shall pay the silver to Silim-Ashur.

If Pudupiyati does not pay the silver, ....



_iti-gud ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la#-Asz-me

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_erim_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_su_—(d)10(*) _igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)a-i—su(*)-u-ri

a-na _ud 20_-_kam kug-ud sum_-an

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi.

Witness Riba-Adad. Witness Shulmu-ahhe.

Witness Ai-suri.

He shall pay the silver on the 20th day.


Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi.

Witness Eriba-Adad. Witness Shulmu-ahhe.

Witness Ai-suri.

He shall pay the silver on the 20th day.

P335051: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma-na kug-ud 30_(*) _gin_-_mesz_ sza (m)man-nu—ki—arba-il ina _igi_ (m)_arad_—ia-ar-da(*)-a

(m)mu-na-bi-du a-du 05(*) _ud_-_mesz_ u-ba-la szum-ma la id-din (m)_arad_—ia-ar-da(*)-a

AI Translation

One mina of silver and 30 shekels belonging to Mannu-ki-Arbail, at the disposal of Urda-Yardaya.

Munabidu will serve for five days. If he does not, Urdu-Yardâ will pay the silver.


One mina 30 shekels of silver belonging to Mannu-ki-Arbail, at the disposal of Urda-Yardâ.

He shall bring Munnabidu within 5 days. If he does not give him, Urda-Yardâ shall pay it back in full.



(m)_su_—(d)_im en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)I—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)bi-i'-szu

_igi_ (m)la—tu-TÉSZ-ana—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_

_iti-dul ud 18_(!)-_kam_ lim-mu (m)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su man kur_—asz-szur

AI Translation

Eriba-Adad, guarantor

Witness Na'di-ilu.

Witness Bi'shu.

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Witness Abi-ul-le'i.

Month Tishri VII, 18th day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


Riba-Adad is the guarantor.

Witness Na'di-ilu.

Witness Bi'shu.

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Witness Abi-ul-idi.

Month Tishri VII, 18th day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.



_igi_ (m)si-par-a-nu

AI Translation

Witness Sipparanu.


Witness Sipranu.

P335052: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



x#+[x x x x] _iti-sig4_(*)# [x x x x]

(m)(d)[x x x x x x x x]

(m)x#+[x x x]+x# (m)pu(*)-hur—[_gisz_ x x x]

_igi_-_mesz_-szu u-ba-la _ta_(v) [x x x]

u-ka-nu ki-i 37 [x x x] (m)(d)_masz_—_pab_—_pab_ a-na (m)mu(*)#-[tak-kil—(d)_szu_]

i-din-u-ni _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

...... Sivan III .

NN, ...;

NN, Puhur-leshir ...,

he will bring his witnesses and ... from .

Inurta-ahu-ushur has contracted and bought them for 37 minas of silver by the mina of Marduk-shumu-ushur.

the ...


... month of Sivan III, ...

Ninurta-ahu-ushur, ...

NN, Puhur-leshir, ...

shall produce his witnesses, with ...

they will testify that Inurta-ahu-ushur paid Mutakkil-Marduk 37 shekels of silver.

If his witnesses testify that he is a debtor, Inurta-ahu-ushur ...



szum-ma _igi_-_mesz_ i-tu(*)#-[bi-la] _kug-ud_ a-di ru-bé-szu (m)(d(*))#[_masz_—_pab_—_pab_] a-na (m)mu-tak-kil—(d)_szu_ i#-[dan]

_iti-sig4 ud 12_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_du igi_ (m)za-[x x x]

AI Translation

If he sends them, Inurta-ahu-ushur shall pay the silver, up to its value, to Mutakkil-Marduk.

Month Sivan III, 12th day, eponym year of Ashur-.

Witness Bel-ibni. Witness Za.


If he brings witnesses, Inurta-ahu-ushur shall pay the silver with its interest to Mutakkil-Marduk.

Month Sivan III, 12th day, eponym year of Ashur-....

Witness Bel-ibni. Witness Za....



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_mu_—_gar_-un

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun.


Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun.



_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur.

P335053: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]-tu ana _iti-sig4_(*)# [x x x x]

[(m)pu]-hur(*)#—_gisz_ (m)_en_—_gin_ [x x x x]

[_igi_-_mesz_-szu] u#-ba-la x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

... to Sivan III .

Puhur-leshir, Bel-ka''in, NN,

he will bring his eyes to .


... by the month of Sivan III, ...

Puhur-leshir, Belu-ka''in ...

shall bring his witnesses ...

P335054: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim#—_pab_-_mesz a_ (m)_igi_(*)—(d)_pa_—t,e-mi

(m)man-nu#—ki—_kur_—asz-szur ina qab#-si ni#-nu-u-a a(*)-na(*) _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_-su—E

: (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_

i-s,a-bat ina _ugu lu_-ur#-ki-i sza GÉME(*) sza(*)# iq(*)-bu(*)-u(*)-ni(*)#

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-shallim-ahhe, son of Pan-Nabû-temi.

Mannu-ki-mat-Ashur is in the middle of the night, at the disposal of Nabû-shallim-ahhe.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi.

ditto Kishir-Ashur;

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Concerning the bodyguard of the maid about whom they spoke,


Seal of Nabû-shallim-ahhe, son of Pan-Nabû-temi.

Mannu-ki-mat-Ashur seized Nabû-shallim-ahhe in the centre of Nineveh —

in the presence of Nabû-ballussu-iqbi,

ditto Kishir-Ashur,

in the presence of Nabû-nadin-ahhe —

on account of surety for the slave woman of whom he had said: "I most certainly will bring the surety" but whom he had not brought.



u-ma-a (m)man-nu—ki—_kur_—asz-szur 01 1/2 _gin kug-ud_ a-na (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz_ la u-ma-t,i ur-ta-mesz-szu(*)

a—ki-ma i-s,a-du-szu x e-te-s,i-di _lu_(v)-ur-ki-i u-ba-a u-bal-la#

_iti-sig4 ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_ag#_—tap-pu-ti—_du_

AI Translation

Now Mannu-ki-mat-Ashur has not paid 1 1/2 shekels of silver to Nabû-shallim-ahhe.

When he had seized him, he had ... carried off. The Urku'eans brought him back.

Month Sivan III, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-tapputi-ibni.


Now Mannu-ki-mat-Ashur did not allow Nabû-shallim-ahhe a deduction of a shekel or half a shekel of silver but released him.

As soon as he has harvested his harvest, he will seek a surety and bring one.

Month Sivan III, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-tapputi-alik.



_igi_ (m)pa(*)-szA-nu

: (m)_arad_—15

: (m)qu-ni-hu-ru#

: (m)pi-sa-ni-szi

AI Translation

Witness Pashanu.

ditto Urdu-Issar;

ditto Qunihuru;

ditto Pisanishi;


Witness Pashanu.

Ditto Urdu-Issar.

Ditto Quni-huru.

Ditto Pisanishi.

P335055: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



10 _gin kug-ud sag-du_ sza# (m)_dil_—szal#-lim ina# _igi_ (m)_su_—(d)_im_ sza _uru_-su#-pu-ri—e-de-te

_mi#-nin_(*)-su#-nu GÉME(?)#-su

AI Translation

10 shekels of silver, capital, belonging to Edu-shallim, at the disposal of Eriba-Adad of Supri-edete.

their maids; his maids.


10 shekels of silver, capital belonging to Edu-shallim, are at the disposal of Eriba-Adad from Supuri-eddete.

He shall give Ahassunu, his maid, for the money in Sivan III.



szum(*)#-mu _mi_(*)-_tur_(*)#-su

AI Translation

If his wife


If he does not give his girl, he shall increase the silver by 1/2 shekel and pay it.



szum#-mu i-ti-din [x x x] gab(*)#-bu-ma x x#

AI Translation

If he gives, ... all .


If he pays it, the whole ... ...



_iti#_-[_dul ud_] 23-_kam_ [lim]-me(*)# (m)(d)_utu_—_kur_—a-a-bi

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_sza_—_uru_

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 23rd day, eponym year of Shamash-mat-ayabi.

Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali.


Month Tishri VII, 23rd day, eponym year of Shamash-kashid-ayabi.

Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali.



[_igi_ (m)x]-su#-nu

AI Translation

Witness ...sunu.


Witness ...sunu.

P335056: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



10(*) [_gin kug-ud sag-du_] sza(*)# [(m)_dil_—szal-lim ina _igi_ (m)_su_—(d)_im_]

sza# [_uru_-su-pu-ri—e-de-te]

AI Translation

10 shekels of silver, capital belonging to Edu-shallim, at the disposal of Eriba-Adad.

of Supri-edete.


Ten shekels of silver, capital belonging to Edu-shallim, at the disposal of Eriba-Adad

from Supuri-eddete.



_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x] _igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x] _igi#_ [x x x x x x x] _igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


Witness .......

Witness .......



_iti#-dul ud 23_-_kam#_ lim#-mu (m)(d)_utu_—_kur_—a-a-bi

_igi#_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_ad_—_pab_

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 23rd day, eponym year of Shamash-mat-ayabi.

Witness Marduk-abu-ushur.


Month Tishri VII, 23rd day, eponym year of Shamash-kashid-ayabi.

Witness Marduk-abu-ushur.

P335057: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_man_]—_pab_ sza—_lu_(v)-_gir-2_

[de-e-nu szA] (m)_uru-nina-ki_-a-a [_lu_(v)-_sag_—_man_ ina] _ugu# lu-arad_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v)# (m)[_en_]—_man_—_pab_ ig-ru-u-ni

ina _sag-du dingir gibil_ sza _iti-sig4_ (m)_en_—_man_—_pab_ a-na (m)_pab_—_su_ a-na (m)10—_mu_—_sum_-na ur-ki-'u-u-ti-szu la na-s,a ina _szu-2_ (m)_nina-ki_-a-a _lu-sag_—_man_

la isz-kun _kug-ud_-szu _zah_

szum-ma ur-ki-'u-ti-szu na-s,a

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-sharru-ushur, sha shepi guard.

The case which Ninuayu, the eunuch of the king, brought against his servants with Bel-sharru-ushur:

On the new moon day of Sivan III Bel-sharru-ushur shall not give his auxiliary troops to Ahu-riba or to Adad-shumu-iddina, and shall not transfer them to Ninuayu, the eunuch of the king.

He shall not place his silver in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh.

If he has a reed-bed,


Seal of Bel-sharru-ushur, sha shepi guard.

Lawsuit which Ninuayu, the king's eunuch, brought against Bel-sharru-ushur on account of his servants.

On the new moon day of month Sivan III Bel-sharru-ushur did not bring Ahu-eriba and Adad-shumu-iddina, his sureties, and did not hand them over to Ninuayu, the king's eunuch.

His silver was lost.

If he brings his sureties and hands them over to Ninuayu, Ninuayu will pay 30 shekels of silver to Bel-sharru-ushur, the sha shepi guard.



u szum-ma É (m)la—te-gi—a-na—15 i-na-mar-u-ni _lu_ a-di sa-ar-te-szu

_sum_-na _iti-du6 ud_-me 13-_kam_ lim-me (m)asz-szur—gar-u-a—ni-ri _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul_

_igi_ (m)_nu_—_man_—iq-bi sza—_gir-2_

_igi#_ (m)u-qur—_pab_-_mesz_ :-

[_igi_] (m)(d)szér—lut-bi-e :-

[_igi_ (m)](d)30—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-mu-szar-kis

[_igi_ (m)](d)szA-masz—_zalag_-ri sza—_gir-2_

[_igi_ (m)](d)_masz_—_numun_(?)#—_pab lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

And if a house of La-teggi-ana-Issar becomes visible, the man shall pay the silver together with his sartu.

Month Tishri VII, 13th day, eponym year of Ashur-garua-niri, chief cupbearer.

Witness Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, sha shepi guard.

Witness Uqur-ahhe, ditto.

Witness Shar-lutbê, ditto.

Witness Sin-ila'i, recruitment officer.

Witness Shamash-nuri, sha shepi guard.

Witness Inurta-zeru-ushur, scribe.


Or if he Bel-sharru-ushur is seen with La-teggi-ana-Issar, he Bel-sharru-ushur will hand over the man and his fine.

Month Tishri VII, 13th day, eponym year of Ashur-garu'a-nere, chief cupbearer.

Witness Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, sha shepi guard.

Witness Uqur-ahhê, ditto.

Witness Sher-lutbê, ditto.

Witness Sin-ila'i, recruitment officer.

Witness Shamash-nuri, sha shepi guard.

Witness Inurta-zeru-ushur, scribe.



_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-.


Witness Shamash-..., sha shepi guard.

P335058: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na [x x x x x x x]

a-na [x x x x x x x]

szum-[ma x x x x x x]

04 _ma-na kug_-[_ud_]

a-na (m)_dingir_-[x x x x x]

_iti-dul ud_-10-[x lim-mu x x x]

AI Translation

to ......

to ......

If ......

4 minas of silver

to Ilu-...

Month Tishri VII, 10th day, eponym year of .


to ......

to ......

If ......

4 minas of silver

to Il-...

Month Tishri VII, 10th day, eponym year of ....



_igi_ (m)_dingir_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ilu-.

Witness Ilu-.

Witness NN.


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

P335059: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



bi-lat 03 _ma-na#_ [_urudu_-_mesz_] _sag_-_mesz_ szA (d)[15 szA _uru_-arba—il] sza (m)(d)30—[re-man-ni] ina _igi_ (m)gab-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba-ni-[i x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_(?)#—[x x x]

AI Translation

A total of 3 minas of copper, first fruits of Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Sin-remanni, at the disposal of Gab.

Witness Bel-Harran-.

Witness Banî, .

Witness Shamash-.


One talent and 3 minas of copper, first fruits of Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Sin-remanni, at the disposal of Gab....

Witness Bel-Harran-....

Witness Banî ....

Witness Shamash-....



_igi_ (m)bi-si(*)-x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_gir-2_—[x x x]

_iti#_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar#_-[_utu_—x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Bisi.

Witness Shep-.

Month ..., day, eponym year of .

Witness Marduk-.


Witness Bisi....

Witness Shep-...,

Month ..., day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Marduk-..., scribe.

P335060: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x# _kug-ud_ (m)[x x x x]

[x x x (m)](d)_amar-utu_—_szesz a_(*) [x x x]

[x x x x]+x# _ud 15_-_kam_ szA _iti-barag#_

[ina ma]-né(*)#-e 01 _gin kug-ud_ [x x x]

[x x x mu]-kin-nu# (m)s,il-la-a(*)-[a x x x]

[(m)x x x]-bi A-szu szA [(m)x x x]

[(m)x x x]-a A-szu szA (m)[x x x]

[(m)x x x]-tu A-szu szA [(m)x x x]

AI Translation

... silver NN

... Marduk-nashir, son of .

...... 15th day of Nisan I

for one mina of silver .

... Shillaya ., son of NN,

...a, son of NN,

...tu, son of NN,


... silver NN

... Marduk-nashir, son of ...

... 15th day of month Nisan I,

It shall increase 1 shekel of silver per mina.

...... Shillaya, ..., son of NN,

...a, son of NN,

...tu, son of NN



[x x x] _kur-nim-ma_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... Elam ...


... Elam ...

P335061: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)_di_-mu—_kur_—asz-szur [_lu_]-_gisz_(*)-_apin_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

[x x x x] _mesz#_ sza (m)si-niq—15

[x x x x] it(*)#-tu-ra 10 _gin kug-ud_

e-s,ip _sum_-an

AI Translation

Seal of Shulmu-mat-Ashur, ploughman of Kishir-Ashur.

... the ...s of Siniq-Issar

...... returned and paid 10 shekels of silver.

He shall pay the silver.


Seal of Shulmu-mat-Ashur, ploughman of Kishir-Ashur.

... belonging to Siniq-Issar.

If he refuses ..., he shall pay the double sum of 10 shekels of silver.

stamp seal impression



[x x x x x] hi-bi-la(*)#-[te] [(x) x x] _szu_(*)-2(*) (m)si-niq—15 [ih]-bi(*)-lu(*)#-u-ni e-s,ip [a-na] (m)si-niq—15 _sum_-an

[_igi_] (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

AI Translation

... the ...s, the ...s, ..., in the hands of Siniq-Issar, have been brought and he shall give them to Siniq-Issar.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.


... the debts he owed ... are under the control of Siniq-Issar. He shall pay double to Siniq-Issar.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.



[_igi_] (m)kak-kul-la-nu

[_igi_] (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Kakkullanu.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur.


Witness Kakkullanu.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur.

P335062: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x _ma_]-_na kug-ud_

AI Translation

... minas of silver


x minas of silver belonging to Luqu, at the disposal of Dannî.



[a-na 04]-tu(*)# _gal_

[_iti_-x] _ud 04_ o(*) [lim-mu (m)]_en_-szu(?)#-[nu]

AI Translation

for one fourth;

Month ..., 4th day, eponym year of Belshunu.


It shall increase by a fourth.

Month ..., 4th day, eponym year of Belshunu.



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_ag_(*)—x#

[_igi_ (m)x-x]-a-a

[_igi_ (m)]qur(*)#-di—10

[_igi_ (m)]szum(*)#-ma—ia-u(*)

[_igi_ (m)]la—te-gi—ana—15

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-.

Witness ...ayu.

Witness Qurdi-Adad.

Witness Shumma-Yau.

Witness La-teggi-ana-Issar.


Witness Nabû-....

Witness ...ayu.

Witness Qurdi-Adad.

Witness Shumma-Ya'u.

Witness La-teggi-ana-Issar.

P335063: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_lu_(v)(*)]-_lul_(*)#-_mesz_(*) sza(*)# ina(*) _ugu_ É (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_ : iz(*)-qa-pu(*)-u(*)-ni(*)#

13 _ma-na kug-ud_ (m)ki-din—_dingir ta_(v)(*) _igi lu_(v)(*)-_lul_-_mesz_ : it-ta-s,a a-na (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_ it-ti-din szal(*)#-lu(*)-mu(*) _sum_-ni

AI Translation

The criminals who are gathered against the house of Shumma-ilani,

Kidin-ili has taken 13 minas of silver from the criminals and given it to Shumma-ilani. He is paid.


The thieves who were impaled on the house of Shumma-ilani —

Kidin-ili took 13 minas of silver from the thieves and given it to Shumma-ilani. It has been paid in full.



_igi_ (m)ab-da-a

AI Translation

Witness Abdâ.


Witness Abdâ.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—ka-szir _lu_(v)-szA—_ugu_—qa(*)-(na)-a(*)-te

_igi_ (m)arba-il-a-a _ki-min_

_igi_ (m)se-'i-lu(*)

[_igi_ (m)(d)]szA(*)#-masz(*)—_ag_—_zi_

[_igi_ (m)x-x]—_su lu_(v)-_mu hal_(*) _ansze_(?)

[_igi_ (m)a]-na(*)#—asz-szur—tak-lak

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-kashir, overseer of the qati.

Witness Arbailayu, ditto.

Witness Se'ilu.

Witness Shamash-ra'im-ketti.

Witness ...-eriba, haruspex of a donkey.

Witness Ana-Ashur-taklak.


Witness Nabû-kashir, overseer of reeds.

Witness Arbailayu, ditto.

Witness Sa'ilu, ditto.

Witness Shamash-ra'im-ketti.

Witness ...-eriba, cook ...

Witness Ana-Ashur-taklak.



[_iti_-x] _ud 30_-_kam_

AI Translation

Month ..., 30th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., 30th day, eponym year of Metunu.

P335064: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



10# _ma_(*)-_na kug_(*)-_ud 01_ me 20 _ansze sze-pad_-[_mesz_] a#-du ru-bé-szu sza (m)si-lim—asz-szur ina(*)# _igi_ (m)ha-an-t,a-sa-ni ina(*)# _igi_ (m)(d)_mes_—_mu_—_pab_

a(*)#-na(*) _iti-kin_ i-du-nu [szum]-mu la i-din-nu

AI Translation

10 minas of silver, 120 homers of barley, together with the rations of Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Hannasani and Marduk-shumu-ushur.

They shall pay in Elul VI. If they do not pay, they shall pay x minas of silver.


10 minas of silver and 120 homers of barley plus its interest, belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Hantasanu and Marduk-shumu-ushur.

They shall pay in Elul VI. If they do not, the silver shall increase 50 percent per mina.



[(m)_en_]—_apin# en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Bel-eresh is the guarantor.


Bel-eresh is the guarantor.



[_igi_] (m(*))(d)#_pa_—la—tu-szar-a-ni

_igi_ (m)mil-ka-ia : (m)nu-ra-a-ni

_igi_ (m)man-nu—a-ki—arba-il

_igi_ (m)sa-la-ma-me _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu

_igi_ (m)nu-usz-ku—_dingir_-a-a

_iti-sig4_ [x] [lim]-mu (m)da-na-a-nu

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-la-tusharanni.

Witness Milkaya, ditto. Nurani.

Witness Mannu-aki-Arbail.

Witness Salammame, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Month Sivan III, day, eponym year of Dananu.


Witness Nabû-la-tusharanni.

Witness Milkaya. Ditto Nurani.

Witness Mannu-aki-Arbail.

Witness Salamame, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Month Sivan III, day, eponym year of Dananu.



_egir_(*)# du-ra#-[ri] x#

AI Translation

After the strewn offerings .


After the remission of debts ....

P335065: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



30 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud 10 ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina [_gisz-ban_] sza 09 1/2 qa [_urudu_] sza (m)_en_—_ba#_-[szA] ina _igi_ (m)_asz_—_pab_-[_mesz_]

a-na pu-u-[hi it-ti-szi]

AI Translation

30 shekels of silver, 10 homers of barley by the copper seah of 9 1/2 'litres' belonging to Bel-iqisha, at the disposal of Iddin-ahhe.

He has taken it as a loan.


30 shekels of silver, 10 homers of barley according to the copper seah of 9 1/2 'litres', belonging to Bel-iqisha, at the disposal of Nadin-ahhe.

He has taken it as a loan.



_iti_-[x _ud_ x-_kam_] lim-mu (m)_nu_(*)—[_man_—E]

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—I(?)# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_ib_(*)—_su_(?)#

_igi_ (m)15—_bad_(?)#

_igi_ (m)man-nu—[x x x]

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Marduk-na'id, .

Witness Urash-eriba.

Witness Issar-duri.

Witness Mannu-.


Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharru-iqbi.

Witness Marduk-na'id, ....

Witness Urash-riba.

Witness Issar-duri.

Witness Mannu-....



_igi_ (m)_pab_—_su igi_ (m)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_man_—_igi-lal#_-[a-ni]

AI Translation

Witness Ahu-eriba. Witness NN.

Witness Sharru-emuranni.


Witness Ahu-eriba. Witness NN.

Witness Sharru-emuranni.



[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kur_-u-ni]

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-matuni.


Witness Nabû-shadûni, scribe.

P335066: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



10 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis 75 _udu-nita_-_mesz 01 gud-ab-nigin#_ sza (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-_dib_—a-pa-te

ina _igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu_(v)-02-u _kur_-bar-hal-zi ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_a-ba_ ina _igi_ (m)masz-qa-ru _lu_(v)-03-si-szu ina _igi_ (m)_dingir_—dal-a _lu_(v)-:- ((03-si-szu))

ina pu-u-hi i-ta-s,u a-na# 03-si-szu i-ra-bi

AI Translation

10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish, 75 rams, 1 ox, belonging to Remanni-Adad, chariot driver.

Witness Arbailayu, deputy governor of Barhalzi. Witness Nabû-riba-ahhe, scribe. Witness Mashqaru, 'third man.' Witness Il-dalâ, ditto.

He has taken it as a loan. It shall increase by a third.


10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish, 75 rams, and one heifer belonging to Remanni-Adad, chariot driver,

at the disposal of Arbailayu, deputy governor of Barhalza, Nabû-riba-ahhe the scribe, Mashqaru the 'third man,' and Il-dalâ ditto.

They have taken it as a loan. It shall increase by a third.



_udu_-_mesz gud-ab-nigin_ ina _iti-sze sum_-an szum-ma la _sum_-ni _udu_-_mesz_ u-lu-du

AI Translation

He shall give the sheep and oxen in Adar XII. If he does not, the sheep and oxen will be weighed out.


One shall give back the sheep and the heifer in Adar XII. If not, the sheep will give birth.



_iti#-ab 25_-_kam_ lim#-mu (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

_igi#_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-03-si-szu

_igi_ (m)u-a-Ar-me-ri _lu_(v)-:-

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab#_ [_lu_(v)]-_dib_—a-pa-te

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib# _lu_(v)-:- ((_dib_—a-pa-te)) _igi_ (m)bar-ruq

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz lu_(v)-:- _igi_ (m)sa-kan-nu :-#

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i _lu_(v)-_dib_—a-pa-te A—_man_

_igi_ (m)_numun#_-u-ti-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir A—_man_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—ba-Asz-te _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Sharru-lu-dari.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarmeri, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto. Witness Barruqu.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto. Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Ahu-ballit, head porter.


Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Sharru-lu-dari.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarmeri, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto. Witness Barruqu.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto. Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the prince.

Witness Habasti, head porter.



[_igi_] (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab 03_-si-szu

[_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_]—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur.


Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbî.

P335067: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu_]-2-u# _uru_-bar-hal-za

[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_—_pab_-_mesz_] _lu-a-ba_

[_na4-kiszib_ (m)masz-qa-ru] _lu-03-u5_

[_na4-kiszib_ (m)_dingir_—dal-a] _lu_-:- ((03-_u5_))

[10 _ma-na kug-ud_] ina 01# _ma-na_-e [sza _uru_-gar-ga]-mis

[ina _igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu-02_-u] _kur_-bar-hal-za [ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_—_pab_-_mesz_] _lu#-a-ba_

AI Translation

Seal of Arbailayu, deputy governor of Barhalza.

Seal of Nabû-riba-ahhe, scribe.

Seal of Mashqaru, 'third man'.

Seal of Ilu-dalâ, ditto.

10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish;

Witness Arbailayu, deputy governor of Barhalza. Witness Nabû-riba-ahhe, scribe.


Seal of Arbailayu, deputy governor of Barhalza,

seal of Nabû-riba-ahhe, scribe,

seal of Mashqaru, 'third man,'

seal of Il-dalâ ditto.

10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish, 75 rams, and one good heifer belonging to Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria,

at the disposal of Arbailayu, deputy of Barhalza, Nabû-riba-ahhe the scribe, Mashqaru the 'third man,' and Il-dalâ ditto.



[ina pu-u-hi i-ta]-s,u# a-na 03-si-szu [i-ra-bi _udu_-_mesz gud_]-_ab#-nigin_ [ina _iti-sze sum_-an szum]-ma la id-din

[_udu_-_mesz_ u-lu-du _igi_ (m)](d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab lu-03_-szu

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab_] _lu#-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)bar-ruq _lu_-:-] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) _igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu_-:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz lu_-:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) _igi_] (m)#sak-kan _lu_-:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a _lu-gal_]—_ka-k_ÉSZ# _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i _lu-gal_]—_ka#-k_ÉSZ szA _dumu_—_lugal_

[_igi_ (m)_pab_—ba-Asz-te _lu_]-_gal#_—_i-du8_

AI Translation

He shall pay the sheep and oxen in Adar XII. If he does not pay, the silver shall increase by a third.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Barruqu, ditto. Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto. Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Ahu-ballit, head porter.


They have taken it as a loan. It shall increase by a third. One shall give back the sheep and the heifer in Adar XII. If not, the sheep will give birth.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Barruqu, ditto. Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto. Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the prince.

Witness Habasti, head porter.



[_igi_] (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab 03_-szu _igi_ (m)(d)#_szu_—_man_—_pab a_ (m)gab-e

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.' Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbê.


Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.' Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbê.

P335068: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ansze-a_-((A))-_ab-ba_ sza 02-a-a kar-ru-u-ni sza (m)dan-na-ia ina _igi_ (m)ia-hu-t,u ina _igi_ (m)_dingir_—_gin_—[_pab_]

AI Translation

2 camels of two year olds, belonging to Dannaya, at the disposal of Yahutu and Ilu-kenu-ushur.


Two double-humped camels belonging to Dannaya, at the disposal of Yahutu, Ilu-kenu-ushur, and Adad-aplu-iddina.



ina _ud 01_-_kam_ sza# [_iti-apin_]

AI Translation

On the 1st of Marchesvan VI


They shall give the camels back on the 1st of Marchesvan VIII.



szum-mu la id-din-nu 06 _ma-na_

_kug-ud_ id-du-nu _iti-du6 ud 14_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_man_—nu-ri

_igi_ (m)si-qi—(d)15(*) _igi_ (m)_di_—_man_

_igi_ (m)10—_kalag_-an

AI Translation

If they do not pay, they shall pay 6 minas of silver.

Month Tishri VII, 14th day, eponym year of Sharru-nuri.

Witness Siqi-Issar. Witness Shulmu-sharri.

Witness Adad-dan.


If they do not give them, they shall pay 6 minas of silver.

Month Tishri VII, 14th day, eponym year of Sharru-nuri.

Witness Siqi-Issar. Witness Shulmu-sharri.

Witness Adad-dan.



szum#-mu _kug-ud_ la _sum_ [o] 02 _gin_ a-na 01 _ma-na_

AI Translation

If he does not pay the silver, he shall pay 2 shekels for 1 mina of silver.


If they do not pay the silver, it will increase by 2 shekels per mina.

P335069: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ia-hu-t,i _lu-02_-u _kur_-ra-s,ap#-[pa]

02 me _udu-u8_-_mesz 01_ me 50 _udu-uz_-_mesz 02_ me 30 _dumu_—_mu-an-na pab 05_ me 80(!) _udu_-_mesz_

ina _igi_ (m)ia-hu-t,i [_lu-02_-u _kur_-ra-s,ap-pa] ina _igi_ (m)_dingir_—_gin_—_pab#_ [A (m)x x x x] ina _igi_ [(m)10—A—_asz lu-3-u5_]

ina _iti_-[x _ud_ x-_kam_ id-du-nu szum-mu]

AI Translation

Seal of Yahuti, deputy governor of Rashappa.

200 ewes, 150 rams, 230 yearlings: in all 580 sheep.

at the disposal of Yahutu, deputy of Rashappa, Ilu-kenu-ushur, son of NN, and Adad-aplu-iddina, 'third man.'

They shall give them back on the of ...; if not, they shall pay x minas of silver.


Seal of Yahutu, deputy governor of Rashappa.

200 ewes, 150 she-goats, 230 yearlings, a total of 580 sheep belonging to Dannaya, the ...,

at the disposal of Yahutu, deputy of Rashappa, Ilu-kenu-ushur, son of ..., and Adad-aplu-iddina, 'third man.'

They shall give them back on the of .... If they do not, they shall pay x minas of silver.



_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness .......


Witness NN, ....



_igi_ (m)ba-t,u-t,a-[nu] _lu-a_-[_ba_(*)]

_igi_ (m)10—_pab_-ir _lu_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_zalag igi_ (m)_dumu-usz_-a#-a _lu-a-ba_

_iti-gud ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)a-tar—_dingir_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_sum_-na—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Batutanu, scribe.

Witness Adad-nashir, .

Witness Ahu-nuri. Witness Aplaya, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 7th day, eponym year of Atar-ilani.

Witness Sin-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.


Witness Batutanu, scribe.

Witness Adad-nashir, ....

Witness Ahi-nuri. Witness Aplaya, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 7th day, eponym year of Atar-ili.

Witness Sin-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.

P335070: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



72 _udu_-_mesz_ sza (m)si(*)-lim(*)—asz(*)-szur(*)# sam-mah-u-te(*)# ina _igi_ (m)ha-an-t,a-sa-ni ina _igi_ (m)mar-duk

[ina] _iti#-ne sum_-nu

AI Translation

72 sheep belonging to Silim-Ashur, sammahutu-offerings, at the disposal of Hannasanu and Marduk.

They shall pay in Ab V.


72 miscellaneous sheep belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Hantasanu and Marduk.

They shall give them back in Ab V. If they do not, they shall ... an equal amount.



[(m)]_en#_—_apin en_—_szu_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)_du_—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)bi-li(*)#-i

_iti-sig4_ lim-me (m)da-na-ni

AI Translation

Bel-eresh, guarantor

Witness Nabû-ahhe-iddina.

Witness Bani-eresh.

Witness Bilî.

Month Sivan III, eponym year of Dananu.


Bel-eresh is the guarantor.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-iddina.

Witness Banitu-teresh.

Witness Bilî.

Month Sivan III, eponym year of Dananu.



[_igi_ (m)]A—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Aplu-ushur.


Witness Aplu-ushur.

P335071: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



11(*) _udu-u8_-_mesz_ a#-di _udu-nita_-_mesz_-szi-na sza _mi_-szA-ki-in-tu ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_asz_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—u(*)-_kalag_-an-ni

AI Translation

11 ewes, including their rams, belonging to the governess, at the disposal of Nabû-nadin-ahi.

Witness Ilu-uda'anni.


11 ewes plus their rams, belonging to the governess, at the disposal of Nabû-nadin-ahi.

Witness Ilu-da''inanni,



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-o(*)—15

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar.


Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur,

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar,



_igi_ (m)la—TÉSZ-ni—_dingir lu_(v)-_a-ba#_

_iti-sze ud 10_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness La-tubashanni-ilu, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.

P335072: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05 me _udu-nita_-_mesz 26 gud 50 ansze-nita_(*)#-[_mesz_] [sza] (m)rém#-a-ni—10#

[ina] _igi#_ (m)arba-il-a-a _lu#-02_-u

[ina] _igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu_(v)#-[x x]

ina _igi_ (m)(d)_im#_—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

500 rams, 26 oxen, 50 donkeys — of Remanni-Adad.

at the disposal of Arbailayu, deputy governor.

at the disposal of Ubru-Nabû, .

at the disposal of Adad-ila'i.


500 rams, 26 oxen and 50 donkey stallions belonging to Remanni-Adad,

at the disposal of Arbailayu, deputy governor,

at the disposal of Eriba-Nabû, ...,

and at the disposal of Adad-ila'i.



ina _iti-barag sum_-[nu] szum-ma la _sum#_-[nu]

AI Translation

They shall pay in Nisan I. If they do not pay, they shall pay x minas of silver.


They shall give them back in Nisan I. If they do not, the rams, oxen, and donkeys shall bear interest by an equal amount.



_iti-barag ud# 01_ li-mu (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu_(v)-[sar-tin]

_igi_ (m)sa-si-[i]

_igi_ (m)i-sa-na-[a-a]

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu, chief judge.

Witness Sasî.

Witness Isanayu.


Month Nisan I, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu, the sartinnu.

Witness Sasî.

Witness Isanayu.



_igi_ (m)ba-la-[si-i]

_igi_ (m)di-di-[i]

AI Translation

Witness Balasî.

Witness Dadî.


Witness Balasî.

Witness Didî.

P335073: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ansze 5_(ban2) _gisz-gesztin_-_mesz_ sza (m)man-nu—ki—_nina-ki_ ina _igi_ (m)par-ta-a-ma

[ina] _iti-gud gisz-gesztin_-_mesz_ [ina] _uru#_-ni-nu-a _sum_-an

[szum-mu] la i-di#-ni

AI Translation

2 imaru 5 decares of wine belonging to Mannu-ki-Ninua, at the disposal of Partama.

He shall give the wine back in Iyyar II in Nineveh.

If he does not pay, he shall pay the silver tenfold.


Two homers 5 seahs of wine belonging to Mannu-ki-Ninua are at the disposal of Partama.

He shall give the wine back in Iyyar II in Nineveh.

If he does not, he shall pay in silver according to the market price of Nineveh.



[_iti-ab ud_] 25#-_kam_ [lim-me (m)man]-nu—ki—(d)_im_

[_igi_ (m)]sa-na-a-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_-ir _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—na-sa-hir(*)#

_igi_ (m)rém-ut—_dingir igi_ (m)_dil_—szal-lim

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—tak-lak _igi_ (m)_numun_—15

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness Sananu.

Witness Shamash-nashir. Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Remut-ili. Witness Edu-shallim.

Witness Shamash-taklak. Witness Zeru-Issar.


Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness Sananu.

Witness Shamash-nashir. Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Remut-ili. Witness Edu-shallim.

Witness Shamash-taklak. Witness Zar-Issar.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—tak-lak

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-taklak.


Witness Nabû-taklak.

P335074: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)par-ta#-[a-ma]

02 _ansze 5_(ban2) _gisz-gesztin#_-[_mesz_] sza (m)man-nu—ki—_nina#_-[_ki_]

ina _igi_ (m)par#-ta-a-ma

ina _iti-gud gisz-gesztin_-_mesz_ ina _nina-ki sum_-an

szum-mu la i-di-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Partama.

2 imaru 5 decares of wine belonging to Mannu-ki-Ninua;

at the disposal of Partama.

In Iyyar II wine will be sold in Nineveh.

If he does not pay, he shall pay the silver tenfold.


Seal of Partama.

Two homers 5 seahs of wine belonging to Mannu-ki-Ninua,

at the disposal of Partama.

He shall give the wine back in Iyyar II in Nineveh.

If he does not, he shall pay in silver according to the market price of Nineveh.



_iti-ab# ud 25_ lim-me (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_im_

_igi_ (m)sa-na-nu _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_-ir

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—tak-lak# _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—na#-[as-hir]

_igi_ (m)_dil_—szal-lim [_igi_ (m)]rém-ut#—[_dingir_]

_igi_ (m)[(d)]_utu_—[tak-lak _igi_ (m)_numun_—15]

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness Sananu. Witness Shamash-nashir.

Witness Nabû-taklak. Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Edu-shallim. Witness Remut-ili.

Witness Shamash-taklak. Witness Zeru-Issar.


Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness Sananu. Witness Shamash-nashir.

Witness Nabû-taklak. Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Edu-shallim. Witness Remut-ili.

Witness Shamash-taklak. Witness Zar-Issar.

P335075: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05 _ansze gesztin_-_mesz_ ina 01 qa sza _man_ sza (m)si-lim—asz-szur ina _igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_uru-kaskal_

ina _ud 01_-_kam_ szA _iti-barag_ i-dan _be_-ma la i-din

AI Translation

5 homers of wine by the king's standard belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Ubru-Harran.

He shall pay on the 1st of Nisan I. If he does not pay, he shall pay x minas of silver.


5 homers of wine according to the royal 'litre,' belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Ubru-Harran.

He shall give it back on the first day of Nisan I. If he does not, he shall pay the wine in silver according to the market price of Nineveh.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)gur-ra-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad_

_igi_ (m)u-bu-ru#-u-te

_iti-sze ud 05_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Gurrayu.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Uburute.

Month Adar XII, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Witness Gurrayu.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Uburutu.

Month Adar XII, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina.

P335076: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]-_mesz_ sza _kur_-gar-ga-mis (m(*))qur(?)-bu(*)#—_ad_-u-a a-na (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi 09 _ansze gesztin_-_mesz_ ina _gisz#-ban_ sza 09 qa ina _kur_-É—za-ma-a-ni _sum_-na

[szum]-ma la _sum_-ni a-ki ma-hi-ri [szA] _uru#-nina sum_-an(*)#

AI Translation

Qurbu-abu'a has contracted and bought them for 9 homers of wine by the seah of 9 'litres' in Bit-Zamani.

If he does not pay, he shall pay as before from Nineveh.


Qurbu-abu'a shall repay x shekels of silver of Carchemish to Bel-ahhe with 9 homers of wine, by the seah of 9 'litres,' in Bit-Zamani.

If he does not, he shall pay according to the market price of Nineveh.



_igi_ (m)ri-ba-a-a

_igi_ (m)ba-ti-i-ti

_lu_-sze-la-pa-a-a _igi_ (m)_gir-2_—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)u-bu-ku

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru-nina_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_dingir_-_mesz_

_iti-gan ud 03_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Ribayu.

Witness Batitu.

Witness Shep-Ashur.

Witness Ubuku.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Nabû-bel-ilani.

Month Kislev IX, 3rd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ribaya.

Witness Batiti, architect.

Witness Shep-Ashur.

Witness Ubbuku.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Nabû-bel-ilani.

Month Kislev IX, 3rd day, eponym year of Sennacherib.

P335077: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ [(m)]si#-me(*)-si#-me _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ szA _mi_(?)-a#-hu-si-te

05 _ansze 2_(ban2)(*) _gesztin_-_mesz_ [ina] 01 qa(*) szA(*) _man_(?)# szA (m)si#-lim—asz-szur ina _igi_ (m)si-me(*)-si(*)#-[i]-me

ina _iti-ne sum_-an# (m)me-eh-sa-a _en_—_szu#_-[2]-_mesz_(*)

sza _gesztin_-_mesz igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)A—_pab_

AI Translation

Seal of Simesime, village manager of the woman Ahusite.

5 homers 2 seahs of wine by the king's standard belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Simesime.

He shall pay in Ab V. Mehsâ, the owner of the slaves.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.


Seal of Simesime, village manager of the lady Ahusitu.

5 homers 2 seahs of wine by the 'litre' of the king belonging to Silim-Ashur, at the disposal of Simesime.

He shall pay in Ab V. Mehsâ is the guarantor of the wine.

Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.



_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad#_

_iti-gud_ lim-mu (m)_lugal_—_zalag#_

AI Translation

Witness Ahu-duri.

Month Iyyar II, eponym year of Sharru-nuri.


Witness Ahu-duri.

Month Iyyar II, eponym year of Sharru-nuri.

P335078: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)asz-szur—_en_—_pab lu-gal_—É

sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis 06 _ansze i_-_mesz_ hal-s,u ina _gisz-ban_ szA 10 qa 01 qa _urudu_-_mesz_ szA (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni ina _igi_-szu

ina _iti-ziz i_-_mesz sum_-an szum-ma la _sum_-ni a-na mit-har i-rab-bi

_iti-ne ud 21_-_kam_ lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_apin_-esz sza _uru_-sa-ma-al-la

AI Translation

Seal of Ashur-belu-ushur, major-domo.

6 homers of refined oil by the copper seah of 10 'litres', 1 'litre' of copper belonging to Shumma-ilani, at his disposal.

He shall give the oil in Shebat XI. If he does not, it shall increase by a fifth.

Month Ab V, 21st day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-eresh of Sam'al.


Seal of Ashur-bel-ushur, the major-domo of Carchemish.

Six homers c. 1,200 'litres' of refined oil by the copper seah of 10 'litres,' belonging to Shumma-ilani, at his disposal.

He shall give the oil in the month of Shebat XI. If he does not, it shall increase by an equal amount.

Month Ab V, 21st day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh of Sam'al.



_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_man_—_du lu-03_-szu É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_pab_—_pab lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

o(*) _igi_ (m)_pab_—_zalag lu_-:

_igi_ (m)_numun_—_zi_—_gisz_

_igi_ (m)(d)kU(*)-_ka_—sa-pi

AI Translation

Witness Bel-sharru-ibni, 'third man' of the palace.

Witness Bel-ahu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Ahu-nuri, ditto.

Witness Zeru-ketti-leshir.

Witness Kubabu-sapi.


Witness Bel-sharru-ibni, 'third man' of the palace.

Witness Bel-ahu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Ahu-nuri, ditto.

Witness Zer-ketti-leshir.

Witness Kubabu-sapi.

P335079: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



30 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina _gisz-ban_ szA 10 qa sza (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_ ina _igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

_lu-gisz-gigir dumu_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu ta_(v) _uru_-ma-ga-ni-s,i sza _szu-2_ (m)un-za-ar-hi—15

AI Translation

30 homers of barley by the seah of 10 'litres' belonging to Nabû-duri, at the disposal of Kanunayu.

A charioteer, son of Abu-ul-le'i, has contracted and bought them from Maganishu, under the control of Unzarri-Issar.


30 homers of barley by the seah of 10 'litres' belonging to Nabû-duri, at the disposal of Kannunayu,

horse trainer, son of Abu-ul-idi from Maganishi, under the control of Unzarhi-Issar, cohort commander.



ina _iti-apin sze-bar_

AI Translation

In Marchesvan VIII barley will increase.


He shall pay the barley in the month of Marchesvan VIII in Maganishi. If he does not pay, he shall pay the barley with an equal amount in Nineveh.



_sum_-an _iti-apin ud 17_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)man-nu—ki—_man sag_—_man_

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si _gal_—É

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil 03_-szu

AI Translation

Month Marchesvan VIII, 17th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-sharri, king's eunuch.

Witness Balasî, major-domo.

Witness Urdu-Mullissi, 'third man.'


Month Marchesvan VIII, 17th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-sharri, king's eunuch.

Witness Balassu, major-domo.

Witness Urdu-Mullissi, 'third man.'



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)szA—(d)_pa_—szu-u

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Sha-Nabû-shû.


Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Sha-Nabû-shû.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad_

_igi_ (m)ak-bar

m(?)qszrn 'r

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Akbar.



Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

Witness Ahi-duri.

Witness Akbar.

Aramaic caption: The barley is tied up.

P335082: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni ina _igi_ (m)as-ta-qu-um-me

ina pu-u-hi it-ti-szi a-na 01 :- 3(ban2)-a-a ta-rab-bi

AI Translation

2 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of Ataqumme.

He has taken it as a loan. It shall increase by 3 seahs per homer.


Two homers of barley belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of Astaqumme.

He took it as a loan. It shall increase by 3 seahs per homer.



_iti-barag ud 27_-_kam_

lim-me (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-in—_man_

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Eponym year of Ashur-da''in-sharru.


Month Nisan I, 27th day,

eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.

P335083: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01(*) _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni

AI Translation

1 homer of barley belonging to Bahianu,


1 homer of barley belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of Gabbî. He has taken it as a loan.



a-na 01 :- 5(ban2)-a-a ta-rab-bi

04 _lu_(v)(*)-e-s,i-di

_iti-barag ud 21_-_kam_

AI Translation

for 1 ditto 5 seahs,

4 eshidu-priests;

Month Nisan I, 21st day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


It shall increase by 5 seahs per homer.

4 harvesters.

Month Nisan I, 21st day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335084: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



23 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni [ina] _igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-u-a

ina ad-ri a-na _sag-du_-szA szum-ma la _sum_-ni a-na _ansze 5_(ban2)-szA

AI Translation

23 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of Nabû'a.

If he does not pay, it shall increase 5 seahs per homer.


23 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu are at the disposal of Nabûwa.

He shall pay its capital at the threshing floor. If he does not pay, it shall increase 5 seahs per homer.



_iti-szu 23_(*) lim-me (m)_sum_-na—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Month Tammuz IV, 23rd day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.


Month Tammuz IV, 23rd day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Shimirra.

P335085: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ (m)(d)_pa_—_zalag_—nam-mir

01 :- (m)la—TÉSZ-a-ni—_dingir_

01 :- (m)s,ab-ta-a-nu

sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni ina pa-ni-szu-nu

ina pu-u-hi it-ta-s,u

AI Translation

2 homers of barley: Nabû-nuri-nammir.

1 ditto — La-tubashanni-ilu;

1 ditto — Sabtanu;

From Bahianu.

He has taken it as a loan.


Two homers of barley — Nabû-nuru-nammir;

one ditto — La-tubashanni-ilu;

one ditto — Shabutanu;

barley belonging to Bahianu, at their disposal.

They have taken it as a loan.



_iti-kin ud 29_-_kam_

lim-mu (m)_en_—_igi_-a-ni

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 29th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Eponym year of Bel-emuranni.


Month Elul VI, 29th day,

eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335087: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


01 _ansze 2_(ban2) _sze-pad_-_mesz_ (m)30—_man_—_pab_

7(ban2) (m)_u-gur_—_masz_

7(ban2) (m)re-mut-ti—_dingir_

7(ban2) (m)_di-kud_—kur-ba-il

sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni ina pa-ni-szu-nu ina pu-u-hi it-ta-s,u

_iti-gud ud 25_(*)-[_kam_(*)]

AI Translation

1 homer 2 seahs of barley: Sin-sharru-ushur.

7 seahs, Nergal-ashared;

7 seahs: Remutti-ilu;

7 seahs — Dayyan-Kurbail;

of Bahianu, in their presence, he has taken it as a loan.

Month Iyyar II, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


One homer and two seahs of barley — Sin-sharru-ushur,

7 seahs — Nergal-ashared,

7 seahs — Remutti-ili,

7 seahs — Dayyan-Kurbail

belonging to Bahianu, at their disposal. They have taken it as a loan.

Month Iyyar II, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335088: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 me _sze-pad_-_mesz sag-du#_ sza _mi_-szA-kin-tu sza [x x x] ina _igi_ (m)_dingir_—a-mar _lu_(v)-_gal#_—[kar-ma-ni]

ina _sza_-bi _iti-ne_ x#+[x x x]

ina _uru-bad_—_man_—_gin_ [x x x]

[x x] x# _sum_-an

AI Translation

200 homers of barley, capital, belonging to the governess of ..., at the disposal of Il-amar, chief of trade.

in Ab V ......

in Dur-Sharruken .

... he shall give.


200 barley, capital, belonging to the harem manageress of ..., at the disposal of Il-amara, chief of granaries.

In the month of Ab V, ...

in Dur-Sharruken ...

he shall give ...




_igi_ (m)te-rik—[x x]

_igi_ (m)_lugal_—_dingir_(*)-a(*)#-[a x x x]

_igi_ (m)qur(*)-[di(*)—x x x]

_iti-szu#_ [_ud_ x]-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szA(*)-rid(*)# [x x x]

AI Translation


Witness Terik-.

Witness Sharru-ila'i, .

Witness Qurdi-.

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Nabû-shadi, .



Witness Terik-....

Witness Sharru-ila'i, ....

Witness Qurdi-....

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of ....

Witness Nabû-ashared, ....

P335089: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 [: (m)x x x x x]

01 : [(m)x x x x x]

01 : (m)sze(*)-x#+[x x x]

01 : (m)_arad_(*)—x#+[x x x]

01 : (m)ga-lul#

5(ban2) (m)_suhusz_—_pab_-_mesz#_

5(ban2) (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_-ir

01 : (m)_su_(*)—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni

01 : (m)_pab_-u-ni-i

AI Translation

1 ditto NN,

1 ditto NN,

1 ditto — She...;

1 ditto, Urdu-...;

1 ditto — Galul;

5 seahs Ubru-ahhe,

5 seahs — Shamash-nashir

1 ditto — Eriba-ilani;

1 ditto — Ahunî;


One ditto — ......,

one ditto — ......,

one ditto — She...,

one ditto — Urda-...,

one ditto — Gallulu,

5 seahs — Ubru-ahhe,

5 seahs — Shamash-nashir,

one ditto — Eriba-ilani,

one ditto — Ahunî,



5(ban2) (m)qur-di—15

5(ban2) (m)kU-_ka_—_pab_—_asz_

01 : (m)kU-_ka_—_dingir_-a-a

sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni# [ina pa-ni-szu-nu]

ina pu-u-hi it-[ta-s,u]

[_iti_]-_barag# ud_-10-[x-_kam_]

AI Translation

5 seahs, Qurdi-Issar;

5 seahs — Kubabu-ahu-iddina.

1 ditto — Kubabu-ila'i;

of Bahianu, at their disposal.

He has taken it as a loan.

Month Nisan I, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


5 seahs — Qurdi-Issar,

5 seahs — Kubabu-ahu-iddina,

one ditto — Kubabu-ila'i;

barley belonging to Bahianu, at their disposal.

They have taken it as a loan.

Month Nisan I, 10th day.



[x x x x x x] na#-as-ha-at

AI Translation

...... is seized


... withdrawn.

P335090: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05(*) _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza gar-ga-mis sza (m)_u-gur_—_lugal_—_pab_ ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz a_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ag_—_zi lu_(v)-_a-ba_ sza _en-nam_ sza(*) _uru-bad_—_man_—_gi-na_

05 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ sza _iti gal_-bi

AI Translation

5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Nergal-sharru-ushur, at the disposal of Nabû-shumu-iddina, son of Nabû-ra'im-ketti, scribe of the governor of Dur-Sharruken.

5 shekels of silver for the month of Adar XII.


5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish belonging to Nergal-sharru-ushur, at the disposal of Nabû-shumu-iddina, son of Nabû-ra'im-ketti, scribe of the governor of Dur-Sharruken.

The silver shall increase 5 shekels per month.



_iti-gud ud 26_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)gab-ba-ru

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 26th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.


Month Iyyar II, 26th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.



_igi_ (m)(d)_ag_—A—_asz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_ag_—sze-zib mu-kil—a-pa-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)a-hi—ra-mu :-

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-in—_lugal_(*) :-

_igi_ (m)di-si-i _a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—I qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)30—_man_(*)—_du lu_(v)-_mu_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-shezib, chariot driver.

Witness Ahi-ramu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-da''in-sharru, ditto.

Witness: Disî, scribe.

Witness Shamash-na'id, royal bodyguard.

Witness Sin-sharru-ibni, cook.


Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-shezib, chariot driver.

Witness Ahi-ram, ditto.

Witness Ashur-da''in-sharri, ditto.

Witness Disî, scribe.

Witness Shamash-na'id, royal bodyguard.

Witness Sin-sharru-ibni, cook.



_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_numun_—_du_

AI Translation

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni.


Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

P335091: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz sag#_-[_du_ szA] (m)asz-szur—ib-ni# [x x]

AI Translation

1 homer of barley, capital, belonging to Ashur-ibni, .


1 homer of barley, capital belonging to Ashur-ibni ....



lim-mu (m)_dingir_—_ki_-ia#

AI Translation

Eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.


eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.

P335092: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz sag-du#_

(m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_pab ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ba-hi-a-ni

AI Translation

3 homers of barley, capital;

Shamash-ahu-ushur has contracted and bought them from Bahianu for x minas of silver.


3 homers of barley, capital —

Shamash-ahu-ushur has taken it as a loan from Bahianu.



_iti-barag ud 01_(?)#-_kam_

lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—de-e-nu—_du_-usz

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Eponym year of Nabû-denu-ipush.


Month Nisan I, 1st day,

eponym year of Nabû-denu-epush.

P335093: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



10 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni

AI Translation

10 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu,


10 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu



_iti-sig4 ud 21_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)ma-za-ar-né-e

_igi_ (m)30—_pab_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)na(*)-na(*)-a-a

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 21st day, eponym year of Mazarnê.

Witness Sin-ahu-iddina.

Witness Nanaya.


Month Sivan III, 21st day, eponym year of Manzarnê.

Witness Sin-ahu-iddina.

Witness Nanaya.



_igi#_ (m)da-an-da#-[ru]

AI Translation

Witness Dandaru.


Witness Dandaru, scribe.

P335094: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x (m)]_a-10_—dal(*)-[a]

sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni# ina _igi_-szu-nu ina pu-u-hi it-ta-s,u

AI Translation

... Apladad-dalâ

of Bahianu, at their disposal, have taken it as a loan.


...... — Apladad-dalâ;

barley belonging to Bahianu, at their disposal. They have taken it as a loan.



_iti-gud ud 10_(*)#-_kam_

lim#-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Iyyar II, 10th day,

eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335095: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x] _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ [szA (m)]tar(*)#-hu-da-pi-i

AI Translation

x homers of barley belonging to Tarhu-dapi,


x homers of barley belonging to Tarhundapî ...



[lim-mu (m)]mi-tu-nu

AI Translation

Eponym year of Mitunu.


Eponym year of Metunu.

P335096: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] _iti-szu ud 23_ [lim]-me (m)_sum_-na—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-s,i-me-er

AI Translation

Month Tammuz IV, 23rd day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Shimirra.


Month Tammuz IV, 23rd day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Shimirra.

P335097: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _igi_ (m)[x x x]

ina _igi_ (m)(d)[x-x]-a(*)#

ina _igi_ (m)ke#—lam-szi

sza _uru_-du-u(*)#-'a

ina pu-u-hi it-ta-s,u

AI Translation

at the disposal of NN.

at the disposal of ...a.

at the disposal of Ke'-lamshi.

of Du'a.

He has taken it as a loan.


at the disposal of ...,

at the disposal of ...a,

at the disposal of Ki-lamshi,

of Du'a.

They have taken it as a loan.



_iti-barag ud 26_(*)

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 26th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Nisan I, 26th day.

P335098: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05(*) _ninda gisz-banszur_-_mesz_

AI Translation

5 loaves of bread for the tables;


5 bread offering-tables including their huhurtu breads, 10 loaves of huhurtu bread of 1 'litre' each, with utensils, and 6 shekels of silver belonging to the Sibitti and belonging to Nabû-sharru-ukin, at the disposal of Sha-la-mashe and at the disposal of Girittu.



_kug-ud_ a-na 04-tu-szu _gal_-bi _ninda_-_mesz ud_-mu szA e-ri-szu-u-ni

_sum_-an _iti-szu ud#_ [x]-_kam#_ lim-mu (m)_en_—_kur_-u-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_-su

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_-su—E

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_

AI Translation

The silver shall increase by a fourth. The bread of the day that they bring it will increase by a fourth.

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Bel-shadû'a.

Witness Nabû-balassu.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi.

Witness Ubru-Nabû.


The silver shall increase by a fourth. He shall pay the bread on the day that Nabû-sharru-ukin demands it.

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Bel-shadu'a.

Witness Nabû-uballissu.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi.

Witness Ubru-Nabû.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

Witness Babilayu.


Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

Witness Babilayu.

P335099: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03 _ansze sze-gig_ o(*) ina _gisz-ban_ sza(*) _kur_-ia-u-di sza (m)a-du-ni—ih(*)-a(*) ina _igi_ (m)a-tar—su-ri _arad_(*) sza (m)pa-di-i

AI Translation

3 homers of wheat by the seah of Judah, belonging to Aduni-ihâ, at the disposal of Atar-suri, servant of Padî.


3 homers of wheat according to the Judean seah, belonging to Aduni-ih'a, at the disposal of Attar-suri, servant of Padî.



ina _iti-kin_ a-na _sag-du_-szA

AI Translation

In Elul VI, as its capital levy shall increase by a fifth.


He shall pay it in its original amount in the month of Elul in Nineveh.



szum-mu(*) la _sum_-ni a-na 01(*) _ansze 5_(ban2) _gal_-a(*)

_iti-gud_ (m)gi-ri—s,a-pu-ni

_igi_ (m)a-bi—um-me

_igi_ (m)15—ta-a-zi

AI Translation

If he does not pay, it shall increase 5 seahs per homer.

Month Iyyar II, eponym year of Giri-shapuni.

Witness Abi-umme.

Witness Issar-tazi.


If he does not pay, it shall increase 5 seahs per homer.

Month Iyyar II, eponym year of Gir-Shapunu.

Witness Abi-ummi.

Witness Issar-tazi.



_igi_ (m)bir—(d)szA-masz

02 _lu-sze-kin-kud_

AI Translation

Witness Bir-Shamash.

2 harvesters.


Witness Bir-Shamash.

2 harvesters.

P335100: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04 _ansze sze-gig_-_mesz_ sza (m)ba-hi-a-ni ina _igi_ (m)la—a-masz-szi—_en_

ina pu-u-hi it-ti-szi

a-na 01 :- 5(ban2)-a-a i-rab-bi#

AI Translation

4 homers of wheat belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of La-amashi-Bel.

He has taken it as a loan.

he shall increase by 5 seahs per homer.


4 homers of wheat belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of La-amashi-Bel.

He has taken it as a loan.

It shall increase by 5 seahs per homer.



_iti-gan ud_ [x-_kam_]

lim-mu (m)ma-an-za-né-e

AI Translation

Month Kislev IX, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Eponym year of Manzanê.


Month Kislev IX, day,

eponym year of Manzarnê.

P335101: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



o(*) _ansze-gir_(*)-_nun-na sig_ sza (m)man-nu—_gim_—_uru_-arba-il ina _igi_ (m)_gisz-bal_—li-pi-re(*)-e

(m)ur-da-a _en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_

ina _iti-gud sum_-an [szum-ma] la# _sum_-an 30(?)# _ma-na kug-ud_

AI Translation

A good mules belonging to Mannu-ki-Arbail, at the disposal of Shilli-lipire.

Urdâ, guarantor.

He shall pay in Iyyar II. If he does not pay, he shall pay 30 minas of silver.


A good mule belonging to Mannu-ki-Arbail, at the disposal of Pilaqqi-lipirê.

Urdâ is the guarantor.

He shall give it back in Iyyar III. 6 If he does not, he shall pay 30 minas of silver to the king.



a-na _lugal sum_-an _iti-ziz ud 15_-_kam#_ lim-mu (m)_ta_—(d)_im_—a-ni-nu

_igi_ (m)ar-ze-zu _lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—ki(*)-s,ir(*)

_igi_ (m)ma-mi-i _lu_-: ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

[_igi_ (m)]ha—ba-sa-tu _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)]kU(*)#-ba-bu—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Month Shebat XI, 15th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness Arzezu, cohort commander.

Witness Mamî, ditto.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Kubabu-ila'i.


Month Shebat XI, 15th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness Arzezu, cohort commander.

Witness Mamî, ditto.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Kubabu-ila'i.



[_igi_] (m)a-bi#-lu-re-e

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Abilurê.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.


Witness Abilurê.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.

P335102: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ra-pa-a _dumu_ (m)ab-di—li-me _lu-nar ta_(v) _uru_-szid-di-a-si-ka

10 _gin kug-ud_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _gal_—ki-s,ir ina _igi_-szu ina ad-ri _sze-in-nu_-_mesz_

60 ma-qa-ru-tu ina _igi_ (m)ra-pa-a

20 :- ina _igi_ (m)_pab_-u-bi

AI Translation

Seal of Rapâ, son of Abdi-lime, singer from Shiddiasika.

10 shekels of silver belonging to Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander, at his disposal, in the threshing floor of straw.

60 baskets, at the disposal of Rapâ.

20 ditto, at the disposal of Ahu-ubi.


Seal of Rapâ, son of Abdi-Limi, singer from Shiddiasika.

10 shekels of silver belonging to Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander, at his disposal at the threshing floor for straw.

60 bales at the disposal of Rapâ,

20 ditto at the disposal of Ahubu,



20 :- ina _igi_ (m)szA-Asz-ma-a-a#

_pab 01_ me ma-qar-rat-_mesz_ szA _sze-in_-[_nu_]-_mesz#_

AI Translation

20 ditto, at the disposal of Shashaya.

100 containers of straw,


20 ditto at the disposal of Shashmayu,

in all 100 bales.



sza 10 _gin kug-ud_ ina _uru_-szi-di-a-si-ka

_sum_-nu _be_-ma la _sum_-nu ina mit-har _gal_

(m)ra-pa-a _en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_ szA _sze-in-nu_-_mesz_

_iti-barag ud 15_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—sa-kip

_igi_ (m)_man_—_mu_—_gin lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_ szA A—_man_

_igi_ (m)_man_—_igi-lal_-a-ni :- _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_zi_—_ag gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)qur-di—10 _gal_—u-ra-te

AI Translation

which is 10 shekels of silver in Shidiasika.

If they do not pay, it shall increase by a fifth.

Rapâ, the guarantor of the straw;

Month Nisan I, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sakip.

Witness Sharru-shumu-ukin, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Sharru-emuranni, ditto. Witness Ashur-kettu-iddina, cohort commander.

Witness Qurdi-Adad, team commander.


They shall pay the straw worth 10 shekels of silver in Shiddiasika.

If they do not pay, it shall increase by the same amount.

Rapâ is the guarantor of the straw.

Month Nisan I, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sakip.

Witness Sharru-shumu-ukin, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Sharru-emuranni, ditto. Witness Ashur-kettu-irâm, cohort commander.

Witness Qurdi-Adad, team commander.



_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_

_igi_ (m)gir-tu _igi_ (m)kur—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Silim-Ashur, horse trainer.

Witness Girtu. Witness Kur-ila'i.


Witness Silim-Ashur, horse trainer.

Witness Girittu. Witness Kur-ila'i.



_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_numun_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-zeru-ushur.


Witness Shamash-zeru-ushur, scribe.

P335103: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



32 _ansze 5_(ban2) _sze-pad_-_mesz 01 gud-nita_ sza _gisz_-ta-lak-te sza _dumu_—_man_ sza _szu-2_ (m)_en_—_bad lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _dumu_—_man_ ina _igi_ (m)nar-gi-i sza _uru_-ba(*)-la(*)-_mesz_

ku-um _sze-pad_-_mesz_ ku-um _gud-nita_ a-na (m)_en_—_bad_ i-pa-lah-szu

sza man sza _sze-bar gud_-_mesz_

AI Translation

32 homers 5 seahs of barley, 1 ox of the sceptre of the crown prince, in the charge of Bel-duri, governor of the crown prince, at the disposal of Nargî of Balames.

Instead of barley and instead of oxen they will fear Bel-duri.

Of the king of barley and oxen.


32 homers and 5 seahs of barley and one wagon-ox belonging to the crown prince, under the control of Bel-duri, governor of the crown prince, at the disposal of Nargî of the town Balatu.

In lieu of the barley and in lieu of the ox, he shall serve Bel-duri.

Whenever someone brings the barley and the oxen, he shall redeem the man.



_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-qur(!)-_zag uru_-ba-lat,-a-a

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_zu igi_ (m)asz-szur—_sipa_-szu-nu

_uru_-ba-lat,-a-a _igi_ (m)_arad_—15

_igi_ (m)_en_—_ad_—_pab igi_ (m)ki—ma-ma

sza _uru_-na-s,a-pi-na-a-a _igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ad_—_pab_

_uru_-ba-lat,-a-a _igi_ (m)_dingir_—rém-a-ni

sza—_na4_-pu-li-szu _iti-kin_

AI Translation

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard from Balassu.

Witness Ashur-le'i. Witness Ashur-re'ushunu.

Witness Urdu-Issar.

Witness Bel-abu-ushur. Witness Ki-Mama.

Witness Bel-Harran-abu-ushur.

Witness Ilu-remanni.

Month Elul VI, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard from Balatu.

Witness Ashur-le'i. Witness Ashur-re'ûshunu from Balatu.

Witness Urdu-Issar.

Witness Bel-abu-ushur. Witness Ki-Mama, from Nashibina.

Witness Bel-Harran-abu-ushur, from Balatu.

Witness Ilu-remanni, limestone man.

Month Elul VI, 18th day, eponym year of Sha-Nabû-shû.

P335104: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na _ud 22_(*)-_kam_ sza _iti-gud_ (m)_dil_—szal-lim (m)(d(*))_a-10_—kil-la-a-ni A (m)ri-za# u-ba-la# a-na (m)gab-bu—_szu-2_—_dingir sum_-an _be_-ma la na-s,a la# _sum_-ni _arad_ a-ki _arad_-i-szu _sum_-an

AI Translation

On the 22nd of Iyyar II Edu-shallim and Apladad-killanni, son of Riz, will bring the money to Gabbu-qati-ilu. If he does not bring it, he shall pay the servant as his servant.


On the 22nd day of the month of Iyyar II, Edu-shallim shall bring Apladad-killanni son of Riza. He shall give him to Gabbu-ina-qat-ili. If he is not brought nor handed over, he shall give a servant equal to his own servant.



_iti#-gud ud 26_-_kam_

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 26th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Iyyar II, 26th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id.



_igi_ (m)bu-si—_dingir_-_mesz_(*)# sza(*)—_igi_—de-na-ni

_igi_ [(m)]u#-bu-ra-ki#

_igi_ (m)[mu]-ni—e-pu-usz—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_en_

AI Translation

Witness Busi-ilani, court clerk.

Witness Uburaki.

Witness Muni-epush-ilu.

Witness Nabû-dur-beli.


Witness Busi-ilani, court clerk.

Witness Uburaku.

Witness Minu-epush-ilu.

Witness Nabû-dur-beli.



_igi_ (m)d-_pa_-u-a

AI Translation

Witness Nabû'a.


Witness Nabû'a.

P335105: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_na4-kiszib_ (m)_dil_—szal-lim [x x x]—A—_pab_

ina _ud 32_(*)-_kam_ sza _iti-gud_ (m)_dil_—szal-lim (m)(d)_a-10_—[kil-la-a-ni]

_sum_-[an _be_]-ma la na-s,a la(*) _sum_-ni [_arad_] sza a-ki _arad_-i#-szu

[_sum_]-an(*) _iti-gud ud 26#_ o(*) [lim]-mu# (m)_en_—I

[_igi_ (m)bu]-si—_dingir_-_mesz lu_-sza—_igi_—de-[na]-a-ni

_igi_ (m)ub-ra-ki#

_igi#_ [(m)]mu-ni—e-pu-usz—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)(d(*))_nin_(*)-_urta_(*)—_kar_(*)#-a(*)-ni(*)#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_en_(*) _lu_(v)#-[x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_-u-a

AI Translation

Seal of Edu-shallim, ...-aplu-ushur,

On the 32nd of Iyyar II, Edu-shallim and Apladad-killanni will be present.

If he does not pay, he shall forfeit the slave who is his servant.

Month Iyyar II, 26th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id.

Witness Busi-ilani, court clerk.

Witness Ubraki.

Witness Muni-epush-ilu.

Witness Mullissu-etiranni.

Witness Nabû-dur-beli, .

Witness Nabû'a.


Seal of Edu-shallim, son of DN-aplu-ushur.

On the 32nd day of the month of Iyyar, Edu-shallim shall bring Apladad-killanni, son of Riza, shall give him to Gabbu-ina-qat-ili.

If he is not brought or handed over, he shall give a servant equal to his own servant.

Month Iyyar II, 26th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id.

Witness Busi-ilani, court clerk.

Witness Ubraku.

Witness Minu-epush-ilu.

Witness Inurta-etiranni.

Witness Nabû-dur-beli, ....

Witness Nabû'a.

P335106: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04 _ma-na kug-ud_ ha-bu-li sza (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a sza ina _ugu_ (m)sa-i-li (m)sa-i-lu a-na (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a u-sa-lim it-ti-din

u-t,u-ru _ta_(v) _igi_ a-he-isz

AI Translation

4 minas of silver, the debt of Shamash-ila'i, which was due to Sa'ilu, Sa'ilu has paid to Shamash-ila'i.

They have been released from each other.


4 minas of silver, debts owed to Shamash-ilayu by Sa'ilu — Sa'ilu has paid them in full to Shamash-ila'i.

They are mutually paid off. Neither shall litigate against the other.



_iti-sig4 ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)man-nu—ki—10

_igi_ (m)sa-e-ru

_igi_ (m)_u-u_(*)-i

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 7th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness: Siru.

Witness Dadî.


Month Sivan III, 7th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

Witness Sa'eru.

Witness Dadî.



_igi_ (m)rém-ut—(d)_ba-u#_

AI Translation

Witness Remut-Ba'u.


Witness Remut-Babu.

P335108: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x]-_lal_(?)-a-ni

[x x x x (m)_an_(?)]-_szar_—_kalag_—_man_

[x x x x x x]—_dingir_-a-a

[x x x x (m)ba]-la-si

[x x x x x x]—_asz_

[x x x x x x] _lu-02_ [x x x x x x] x#

AI Translation


...... Ashur-da''in-sharru


...... Balasi


...... deputy


Witness ...-taqqinanni.

Witness Ashur-da''in-sharru.

Witness ...-ila'i.

Witness Balasi.

Witness ...-iddin.

Witness NN, deputy.

P335109: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x] _en#_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of ..., owner of the ... being sold.



a-na# [_en_-szu _gur_-ra]

ina de-[ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la [i-la-qi]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)15—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba(*)-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)tab(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN.

Witness Issar-.

Witness Bel-.

Witness Ba....

Witness Tab....


He shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ....

Witness Issar-....

Witness Bel-....

Witness Ba....

Witness Tab ....



_igi_ (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.


Witness ....



[(m)x x x] _lu_(v)-_a-ba iti-barag_ o(*)

[_ud_ x-_kam_ lim]-mu# (m)za-ze-e

AI Translation

NN, scribe. Month Nisan I, eponym year of NN.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Zazê.


NN, scribe.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Zazê.

P335110: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_] (m)pi(*)#-pi-ia [x x x]

[_igi_] (m(*))bar—na(*)-pi-i x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]Asz-ta-ma-Asz-ti [x x x]

_igi_ (m)ta-ba-la-a-a _lu_(v)#-[x x x]

_igi#_ [(m)]gab#-bu—_dingir_-_mesz_—_kam_(*)-[esz]

_iti-sig4 ud 27_-_kam_ lim-[mu (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a] _lu_(v)-_sukkal gal_

AI Translation

Witness Pipiya, .

Witness Bar-napi, .

Witness Ashtamashti, .

Witness Tabalayu, .

Witness Gabbu-ilani-eresh.

Month Sivan III, 27th day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i, grand vizier.


Witness Pipia, ....

Witness Bar-napî, ....

Witness Ashtamashti, ....

Witness Tabalayu, ....

Witness Gabbu-ilani-eresh,

Month Sivan III, 27th day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i, chief vizier.

P335111: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-nu sza (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-a-ba ta sza_ (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _dumu_ (m)di-lil—(d)15 _ta sza_-bi _uru_-szA-bi-re-e-szu _lu-engar_ sza _szu-2_ (m)_pab_—u-qur _dumu_ (m)ak-kul-la-nu _lu-gal_—har-bi sza _lu-gal_—_kasz-lul_ ina _ugu_ sa-ar-te sza _gud-nita_ sza (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _ta_ É (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ isz-ri-qu-u-ni

ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_gin_—_gisz lu_-ha-za-nu _lu-02_-u sza _nina-ki_ iq-t,ar-bu

01-en _gud-nita_ sa-ar-tu sza _gud-nita_ sza isz-riq-u-ni (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi e-mid ku-um sa-ar-te-szu

s,a-bit ina _ud_-me sza _gud-nita_ u-sze-rab-a-ni

AI Translation

The case which Nabû-sharru-ushur, the scribe, brought against Ahu-la-amashi, son of Dilil-Issar, from Shabireshu, farmer, in the charge of Ahu-uqur, son of Akkullanu, chief cupbearer of the chief cupbearer, concerning the oxen rations that Ahu-la-amashi brought from the house of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

They have spoken to Nabû-zeru-kenu-leshir, mayor, deputy of Nineveh.

Ahu-lâmashi has taken away from him one ox, the sartu of the ox which he had weighed out. Instead of his sartu, he has taken away one ox, the sartu of the ox which he had weighed out.

On the day he brings the ox, he shall redeem the land.


Lawsuit of Nabû-sharru-ushur, scribe, with Ahu-la-amashi, son of Dilil-Issar from Shabireshu, farmer, care of Ahu-uqur, son of Akkullanu, plough manager of the chief cupbearer, on account of the fine for the ox which Ahu-la-amashi stole from the estate of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

They approached Nabû-zeru-kitti-leshir, deputy mayor of Nineveh.

Ahu-la-amashi was fined one ox for the ox he stole. Instead of his fine he was arrrested.

On the day that he brings the ox he can go.



_iti-kin ud 12_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)mu-_di_—(d)asz-szur

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_nina-ki dumu_ (m)_igi-lal_—(d)15

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 12th day, eponym year of Mushallim-Ashur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua, son of Pan-Issar.


Month Elul VI, 12th day, eponym year of Mushallim-Ashur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua, son of Atamar-Issar, from Bit-Hurapî



_igi_ (m)(d)15—_i dumu_ (m)aq-ri _lu_-la-si-mu sza _nina_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_asz dumu_ (m)_en_—_mu_—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ sza (m)la—qé-pu

_igi_ (m)pa-ru-ta-a-ni _dumu_ (m)ar-zi-iz-zi _lu-engar_ sza _lu_-sar-tin-ni

_pab 04 igi_-_mesz ta sza uru_-É—hu-ra-pi-i

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-a-ni _dumu_ (m)tab-ni-i _lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)15—pa(?)-ia(?) _lu-dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su dumu_ (m)(d)15—_mu_—_asz lu-szu-i_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_gin_—bal-lit, _dumu_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _dumu_—_sig5_

_igi_ (m)ab—e-a-su-pi _dumu_ (m)sa-mu-nu—ia-tu-ni _simug-kug-gi_

_igi_ (m)szA—la—_gaszan_—man-nu _dumu_ (m)(d)15—_bad lu-kur-gar-ra_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_-da-a-a-lu

AI Translation

Witness Issar-na'di, son of Aqri, a nun of Nineveh.

Witness Ahu-iddina, son of Bel-shumu-eresh, farmer of La-qepu.

Witness Parutanu, son of Arzizzi, farmer of the Sartinnu.

in all 4 witnesses from Bit-Hurapî.

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni, son of Tabnî, scribe.

Witness Issar-pa'ia, merchant.

Witness Nabû-eriba, son of Issar-shumu-iddina, porter.

Witness Ashur-kenu-ballit, son of Shumma-ilani, chariot fighter.

Witness Abi-Easupi, son of Samunu-yatuni, goldsmith.

Witness Sha-la-Belet-mannu, son of Issar-duri, governor.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, scout.


Witness Issar-na'id, son of Aqru, runner of Nineveh,

witness Ahu-iddina, son of Bel-shumu-erish, farmer of La-qepu,

witness Parutani, son of Arzizzi, farmer of the chief judge,

in all 4 witnesses from Bit-Hurapî.

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni, son of Tabnî, scribe.

Witness Issar-paya, merchant.

Witness Nabû-eriba, son of Issar-shumu-iddina, barber

Witness Ashur-kenu-ballit, son of Shumma-ilani, chariot fighter.

Witness Abi-yasubu, son of Samunu-iatuni, goldsmith.

Witness Sha-la-Belet-mannu, son of Issar-duri, kurgarrû.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, dayalu.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-a-ni _dumu_ (m)da-da-a-a _a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni, son of Dadâ, scribe.


Witness Nabû-taqqinanni, son of Dadaya, scribe.

P335112: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-is, _arad_ sza (m)s,a-pa-nu

04 _zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ szA (m)_sanga_—(d)15 is-si-riq ina _igi lu-sukkal_ uq-t,ar-ri-ib-szu 02 me 10 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ e-te-mi-is-su

ku-um sa-ar-ti-szu _urudu_-_mesz ta_(v)(*) _si_(*)

it-ti-din man-nu 02 me 10 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ a-na (m)_sanga_—(d)15 id-dan-u-ni

_arad_-szu u-sze-s,a man-nu szA ib-bal-lak-kat-u-ni asz-szur U (d)_utu en_—de-né-e-szu 10 _ma-na kug-ud 10 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_nin-lil gar_-an

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir _lu-a-ba_ szA _sukkal#_

_igi_ (m)_gal_-szi—_dingir lu_-szA(*)—_igi_—_di-kud_-_mesz_ sza _uru_-kal-ha#

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-tarish, servant of Shapanu.

4 persons, servants of Sangû-Issar, he seized and brought before the vizier. I have inspected him and weighed 210 minas of copper.

Instead of his sartu-offering, he shall take the copper from the .

Whoever gives 210 minas of copper to Sangû-Issar,

Whoever breaks the contract, Ashur and Shamash, his prosecutors, shall place 10 minas of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Mullissu.

Witness Nabû-etir, scribe of the vizier.

Witness Rabshi-ilu, courtier of Calah.


Seal of Nabû-tarish, servant of Shapanu.

He stole 4 persons, servants of Sangû-Issar. The latter took him before the vizier, who imposed upon him 210 minas of copper as a fine.

In lieu of his fine, the copper, he has given ....

Whoever pays 210 minas of copper to Sangû-Issar shall redeem his servant.

Whoever violates the agreement, Ashur and Shamash shall be his prosecutors. He shall place 10 minas of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Mullissu.

Witness Nabû-etir, scribe of the vizier.

Witness Ibashi-ilu, president of the court of Calah.



_igi#_ (m)

_igi_ (m)me-i-su _lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—pa-da _lu_-:-

_igi_ (m)a-zi—_dingir lu_-:-

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—kil-la-an-ni

_igi_ (m)s,a-a-a-di _lu-gal_—_nagar_

_igi_ ((m))_dugud_-i _lu-a_(*)-_ba_(*) _dib im_

_iti-sze ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ta_—(d)10—an-ni

_igi_ (m)_gir-2_—asz-szur _lu_-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)_du_-a-a _dumu_ (m)(d)_en_—_man_—_du_

_igi_ (m)_du_-a-a _dumu_ (m)(d)_pa_—A—_asz lu-a-ba_

AI Translation


Witness Mesu, scribe.

Witness Ilu-pada, ditto.

Witness Azi-il, ditto.

Witness Nabû-killanni.

Witness Sha'adi, chief carpenter.

Witness Tabî, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-anni.

Witness Shep-Ashur, royal bodyguard.

Witness Banaya, son of Bel-sharru-ibni.

Witness Banaya, son of Nabû-aplu-iddina, scribe.


Witness .

Witness Misu, scribe.

Witness Il-pada, ditto.

Witness Azi-il, ditto.

Witness Nabû-killanni.

Witness Shaiadu, chief carpenter.

Witness Kabtî, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness Shep-Ashur, royal bodyguard.

Witness Banaya, son of Bel-sharru-ibni.

Witness Banaya, son of Nabû-aplu-iddina, scribe.

P335113: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



40 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz sag-du#_ sa-Ar-tu sza _lu_(v)(*)-_sukkal_ e#-me-du-u-ni [ina] _igi# mi_-szA-ki-in-te

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—im-me

_igi#_ (m)_dingir_—u-_kalag_-ni

AI Translation

40 minas of copper, capital, the sartu of the vizier, are at the disposal of the governess.

Witness Il-immi.

Witness Ilu-uda''inanni.


40 minas of copper, capital, fine imposed by the vizier, at the disposal of the governess.

Witness Il-immi.

Witness Ilu-uda''inanni.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.


Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur,



_igi_ (m)la—TÉSZ-ni—_dingir_

_iti-sze ud 10_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.

P335114: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-nu sza (m)asz-szur—szal-lim _ta_(v)(*) (m)s,al-mu—_pab_-_mesz_ ina _ugu_ (m)_di_-mu—_kam_-esz _arad_-szu sza (m)asz-szur—szal-lim

AI Translation

The lawsuit which Ashur-shallim brought against Shalmu-ahhe concerning Shulmu-eresh, the servant of Ashur-shallim.


A lawsuit which Ashur-shallim argued with Shalmu-ahhe, concerning Shulmu-eresh, the servant of Ashur-shallim.



ina _igi_ (m)_gir-2_—_man lu_-(sar)-tin

iq-t,ar-bu 01 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud lu_-(sar)-tin e-te-me-di

AI Translation

at the disposal of Shep-sharri, sartinnu.

The sartinnu has weighed out 1 1/2 minas of silver.


They approached Shep-sharri, chief judge.

The chief judge imposed 1 1/2 mina of silver.



01 _ma-na kug-ud_ (m)s,al-mu—_pab_-_mesz_ a-na (m)asz-szur—szal-lim id-din

_di_(*)-mu(*) ina(*) bir(*)#-tu(*)-szu-nu _gil_-u-ni asz-szur (d)_utu_(*)# _en_ de-ni-szu 10 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

(d(*))asz-szur# _en_—de-ni-szu

_iti-szu_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_szu_—_gur_

_igi_ (m)li-pu-su

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)—_pab_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_ o(*) (m)la—qe-pu

_igi_ (m)il—qi-su

AI Translation

Shalmu-ahhe has given 1 mina of silver to Ashur-shallim.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Ashur is his lord.

Month Tammuz IV, eponym year of Ashur-gimilli-taqqin.

Witness Lipusu.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Witness Ubru-Nabû and La-qepu.

Witness Il-qisu.


Shalmu-ahhe paid Ashur-shallim 1 mina of silver.

Peace is between them. Whoever breaks the contract, Ashur and Shamash shall be his prosecutor. He shall pay 10 minas of silver.

Ashur shall be his prosecutor.

Month Tammuz IV, eponym year of Ashur-gimilli-tere.

Witness Lipushu.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, La-qepu.

Witness Il-Qisu,




AI Translation




P335115: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-nu sza _lu_-sar-tin-nu a-na (m)ha-ni-i e-me-du-u-ni

03 me _udu_-_mesz_ a-di sa-Ar-ti-szi-na sza _dumu_—_man_ ina _igi_ (m)ha-ni-i

_mud_-_mesz_ sza _lu-sipa 01_-en _lu 02 gu-un urudu_-_mesz_ sa-Ar-tu-szu (m)ha-ni-i a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu a-di _a-sza_-_mesz_-szu ku-um 03 me _udu_-_mesz_ a-di sa-Ar-ti-szi-na ku-(um) _mud_-_mesz_ sza _lu-sipa_-_mesz_

AI Translation

The judgment which the sartinnu imposed on Hanî.

300 sheep, including their sartinas, belonging to the crown prince, at the disposal of Hanî.

Hanî and his people, together with his fields, instead of 300 sheep and their fields, instead of the blood of the shepherds,


A judgment which the sartinnu imposed upon Hanî.

Hanî owes the crown prince 300 sheep plus their fine.

The blood money of the shepherd is one man, and his fine is two talents of copper. Hanî with his people and fields are taken in lieu of the 300 sheep plus their fine and the blood money of the shepherd.



man-nu sza u-ba-'u-szu-u-ni

AI Translation

Whoever opposes it,


Whoever seeks him out, whether his prefect or his cohort commander or any relative of his who seeks him out and pays the 300 sheep along with their fine and the blood money for the shepherd, one man plus the two talents of copper of the fine, shall redeem Hanî.



u-sze-s,a hur-sa-an i-tu(*)-ra

_igi_ (m)tab-ni-i _lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)s,al-mu—_man_—iq-bi

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_zi_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)am-si-i

AI Translation

The mountain has turned back.

Witness Tabnî, scribe.

Witness Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Shamash-kettu-iddina.

Witness Amsî.


He refused the river ordeal.

Witness Tabnî, scribe.

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Shamash-kettu-iddina.

Witness Amsî.



_iti-ziz ud 27_-_kam_(*)

AI Translation

Month Shebat XI, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Shebat XI, 27th day, eponym year of Dananu.

P335116: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-nu sza (m)rém-an#-[ni—x x x] _ta_(v) (m)mal-ga-di(?)# [x x x] sza (m)pa-szi-i de-e(*)#-[nu]

_un_-_mesz_ ku-um _un_-[_mesz_-szu x x x] [x x x x x] ti(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

The lawsuit of Remanni-... against Malgadi and Pashî.

the people instead of his people .


Lawsuit which Remanni-... argued with Malgadi on account of the people of ..., and in which Pashî imposed judgment.

People instead of his people he shall give.



_ma#-na kug-ud_ i-dan _iti_-[x]

_ud 17_-_kam_ lim-me (m)_nu_—_man_—_e#_ [o]

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_dingir lu_(v)-x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_apin_-esz _lu_(v)-qur-_zag#_

_igi_ (m)_arad_—15 _uru_-hu-ba-[ba-a-a]

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—szal-[lim]

_igi_ (m)ia-hu-[t,i]

AI Translation

He shall pay x minas of silver.

17th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Remanni-ilu, .

Witness Marduk-eresh, royal bodyguard.

Witness Urdu-Issar, from Hubab.

Witness Nergal-shallim.

Witness Yahutu.


He shall pay x minas of silver.

Month ..., 17th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.

Witness Remanni-ilu, ....

Witness Marduk-eresh, royal bodyguard.

Witness Urdu-Issar, Hubabean.

Witness Nergal-shallim.

Witness Yahutu.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz igi_ (m)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)si-lim—10 [x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz_ (m(*))_arad_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)pa-ru-t,i _igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—U—[_pab_]

_igi_ (m)du-nu-su(?) _igi_ (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina. Witness NN.

Witness Silim-Adad, .

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, Urdu-.

Witness Parruti. Witness Bel-Harran-belu-ushur.

Witness Dunusu. Witness NN.


Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina. Witness NN.

Witness Silim-Adad, ....

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, Urdu-....

Witness Paruttu. Witness Bel-Harran-belu-ushur.

Witness Dunusu. Witness NN.



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_masz_—_sum_-na

[_igi_ (m)x]—_bad_

[_igi_ (m)]_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni

[_igi_] (m)mil-ki—_dingir_

_igi_(*) (m(*))hu(*)-zi-ru(*)

AI Translation

Witness Inurta-iddina.

Witness ...-duri.

Witness Shumma-ilani.

Witness Milki-il.

Witness Huziru.


Witness Inurta-iddina.

Witness ...-duri.

Witness Shumma-ilani.

Witness Milki-il.

Witness Huziru.

P335117: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de#-e-nu sza (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_(*)# _lu_-ha-za-nu e-mid-u-ni

ina _iti-ab_ (m)(d)_im_—re-s,u-u-a

il-la-ka ina ku-tal _mi-di_-mu-i GÉME-szu

AI Translation

The judgement which Nabû-ahhe-riba, mayor, imposed.

In Tebet X Adad-reshuwa will be governor.

he will come, behind the woman Tiglath-pileser, his maid.


The judgment which Nabû-ahhe-riba, the mayor, imposed.

In month of Tebet X Adad-reshua

will come and stand behind Salamî, his maid.



iz-za-az szum-ma la il-li-ka GÉME ina ku-um GÉME

AI Translation

If he does not come, the maid instead of the maid shall serve.


If he does not come, Salamî will give a maid instead of a maid.



(m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz# en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_ sza _mi-di_-mu-i a-di _sza_(*) _iti-ab_

szum-ma _mi_ la i-din GÉME ina ku-um GÉME (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz_ a-na (m)ka-nu-ni

_sum_-an _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_di_-szu-nu

_igi_ (m)man-nu—lu—_di_-mu

AI Translation

Nabû-ahu-iddina is the guarantor of the woman Shulmu until the month Tebet X.

If a woman does not give, a maid instead of a maid of Nabû-ahu-iddina to Kanuni.

Witness Ashur-shallimshunu.

Witness Mannu-lu-shulmu.


Nabû-ahu-iddina is the guarantor of Salamî until the month of Tebet X.

If he does not give the woman, Nabû-ahu-iddina will give a maid for a maid to Kanuni.

Witness Ashur-shallimshunu.

Witness Mannu-lu-shulmu



_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_dingir igi_ (m)_arad_(*)—_du_(*)-tu#

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-ilu. Witness Urdu-banitu.


Witness Mannu-ki-ilu. Witness Urdu-Banitu.



_igi_ (m)I—mar-duk

_iti_-[x] _ud 19_ szA(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Na'di-Marduk.

Month ..., 19th day, eponym year of ..., king of Assyria.


Witness Na'id-Marduk.

Month ..., 19th day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.

P335118: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_be_-ma ina _sag-du_(*) _iti_ (m)_en_—_kar_-ir (m)gab-bu—(d)_im_ la-a na-s,a a-na (m)man-nu—ki—arba-il la-a i-din(*) sa-ar-ti sza(*) É(*)#-szu u-szal-lam#

_iti-ziz ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)ban-ba-a

AI Translation

If in the beginning of the month Bel-etir does not bring Gabbu-Adad, he does not give to Mannu-ki-Arbail, he will pay back the payment of his house.

Month Shebat XI, 10th day, eponym year of Banbâ.


If at the beginning of the month Bel-etir does not bring Gabbu-Adad and give him to Mannu-ki-Arbail, he shall pay in full the fine on his house.

Month Shebat XI, 10th day, eponym year of Banbâ.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir-a-ni

_igi_ (m)_pab_—a-bu

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-etiranni.

Witness Ahu-abu.


Witness Nabû-etiranni.

Witness Ahabu.



_igi_ (m)a-bu-nu

_igi_ (m)_nina_(*)#-_ki_-a-a

_igi_ (m)mu-sa-la-me

_igi_ (m)na-mu-u

_igi_ (m)ka-bar—_dingir_

AI Translation

Witness Abunu.

Witness Ninuayu.

Witness Musallamu.

Witness Namû.

Witness Kabar-il.


Witness Abunu.

Witness Ninuayu.

Witness Musallamu.

Witness Namû.

Witness Kabar-il.

P335119: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[de-e-nu sza] _sukkal_(*) sar-tin [a-na (m)x x x]-_masz_ [x x x x x x] e#-me-du-u-ni

[x x hur-sa-an] i#-tu-ra [x x x] _ansze# a-sza_ u-ta-me sza# [(m)]si#-lim—asz-szur sza (m)_pab#_-u-a-a ina _uru-01_-tu _uru_(*)-_sze_(*)—(m(*))a(*)-hu(*)-u-ni

_di_-mu ina bir-ti-szu-nu mAm-ma mAm-ma

la _dug4-dug4_ man-nu sza i-_gil_-u-ni _lugal_(*)# u(*) _dumu_—_lugal_ lu-u _en_-de-ni-szu

AI Translation

The judgment which the vizier and the sartinnu imposed on ...-ashared .

... a mountain he returned and ... hectares of field he acquired. Silim-Ashur and Ahu'ayu are in Issete and the village Ahuni.

All is well between them. Whoever

Whoever breaks the contract, the king and the crown prince shall have the usufruct of the land.


The judgement which the vizier and the sartinnu imposed upon ...... .......

... refused the ordeal and forfeited two estates of x hectares of land, those of Silim-Ashur and Ahuaya in Issete and the village of Ahunu.

Peace is between them. Neither shall litigate against the other.

Whoever breaks the agreement, the king and the crown prince shall be his prosecutors. He shall pay x minas of silver and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.



[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)x x]-an-ni :

[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)x x x x] :

[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)x]—15(*)# :

[_igi_ (m)na]-bu(*)#-u-a _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu(*)

_igi_ (m)nu(*)-usz(*)-ku(*)#—_dingir_-a-a :

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad igi_ (m)_zalag_—(d)szA-masz

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_kam_-esz

_igi_ (m)e-di—_dingir#_

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin#_-[a]-a

[_igi_ (m)a]-bu-nu

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness ...anni, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto. Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN. Witness ...-Issar, ditto.

Witness Nabû'a, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nushku-ila'i, ditto.

Witness Ahu-duri. Witness Nur-Shamash.

Witness Shamash-eresh.

Witness Edi-il.

Witness Ululayu.

Witness Abunu.


Witness NN. Witness ...anni, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto. Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto. Witness ...-Issar, ditto.

Witness Nabû'a, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nushku-ila'i, ditto.

Witness Ahu-duri. Witness Nur-Shamash.

Witness Shamash-eresh.

Witness Edi-il.

Witness Ululayu.

Witness Abunu.



[_igi_] (m)_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Sharru-ushur.


Witness Sharru-ushur.

P335120: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-nu sza (m)lu—te-rik(*)#—[_lugal_-su] _lu_-ha-za-nu e-[me-du-u-ni]

30 _gin kug-ud_ sa-[ar-ti] szA GÉME sza [x x x x x]

AI Translation

The lawsuit which Lu-terik-sharrussu, mayor, brought.

30 shekels of silver, the fine of the maid of ...;


The judgement which Lu-terik-sharrussu, the mayor, imposed.

30 shekels of silver, the fine for the maid which ...



_igi_ (m)_en_(*)#—[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)I—15(?)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-.

Witness Bel-.

Witness Na'di-Issar, .


Witness Bel-..., ....

Witness Bel-..., ....

Witness Na'di-Issar, ....



_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_ [x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ubru-Nabû, .


Witness Ubru-Nabû, ....

P335121: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] x x x# [x x]

x x szA(*) de(*)#-ni 04 _ma-na kug-ud_ sza (m)_pab_-bu-u—_be_(*) ina _igi_ (m)ag-ri _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ sza _lu_(v)-sar-tin e-me-du-u-ni

AI Translation


... who seeks a lawsuit, shall pay 4 minas of silver of Ahû-iddina at the disposal of Agrî, scribe of the chief judge.


...... of the lawsuit.

4 minas of silver of Ah-abû, which the chief judge imposed, are at the disposal of Agru, scribe.



ina _iti-ne kug-ud sum_-an

_be_-ma la _sum_-ni a-na 04-ti-szu i-[_gal_]-bi(*)

AI Translation

He shall pay the silver in Ab V.

If he does not pay, it shall increase by a fourth.


He shall give the silver in the month of Ab V.

If he does not pay, it shall increase by a fourth.



_igi_ (m)a-ta-a _lu_(v)-_en_—_uru_ sza _uru-simug-kug-gi igi_ (m)_u-u_(*)-i _lu_(v)-kal-pu—szi-pi-ri-ti

AI Translation

Witness Atâ, city lord of Simugku. Witness Dadî, kalpu-shipiritu.


Witness Atâ, city lord of Goldsmith Town. Witness Dadî, dispatch rider.



_igi_ (m)_a#_-ia _lu_(v)-_en_—_uru_ sza _uru_-hu-x x#

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu#_-kal-pu—szi#-[pi-ri-ti]

AI Translation

Witness Aplaya, city lord of Hu.

Witness NN, chariot driver.


Witness Aplaya, city lord of Hu....

Witness NN, dispatch rider.



[x x x x x]+x#-ba

[x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-_nigir_(*)—É-_gal_

AI Translation


... the palace herald



... the palace herald.

P335122: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)mu-sze-zib—mar-duk _lu-gar_-nu szA _ansze-kur_-_mesz_ szA É

_gibil en lu sum_-ni

(m)_pab_-szi-na _lu-uszbar5_—_tug_-s,ip-rat _arad_-szu sza (m)mu-sze-zib—mar-duk

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ szA _man ta_(v) _igi_ (m)mu-sze-zib—mar-duk ina _sza 01 1_/2 _ma-na_

ina sza _man_ il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din# _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi [tu-a]-ru(*)# de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu# [man-nu sza ina ur-kisz] ina(*)# ma(*)-te(*)-ma(*)# i-zaq-qup-an#-[ni _gil_-u-ni] lu-u (m)mu-sze-zib—mar-duk [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu(*)] lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_(*)#-[_mesz_-szu] sza de-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_ [_ta_(v)] (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu] _u dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta#-[u-ni] 05(*) _ma-na kug-ud luh_-[u x _ma-na_]

AI Translation

Seal of Mushezib-Marduk, prefect of the horses of the house.

New owner, owner of the man being sold.

Ahshina, weaver of shawls, servant of Mushezib-Marduk.

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king, has contracted and bought them from Mushezib-Marduk for 1 1/2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Mushezib-Marduk or his sons, brothers or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall place 5 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Seal of Mushezib-Marduk, prefect of the horses of the New Palace,

owner of the man being sold.

Ahushina, weaver of shipratu-garments, servant of Mushezib-Marduk —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king, has contracted and bought him from Mushezib-Marduk for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Mushezib-Marduk or his sons, brothers or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall place 5 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh.



ina de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_-qi] kas-pu a-na 10-[_mesz_-te a-na _en_-szu]

_gur_-Ar s,ib-tu [be-nu ana 01 me _ud_-me sa-Ar-tu a-na] kal _ud_-[_mesz_-te o]

_igi_ (m)(d)30—rém-[an-ni]

_igi_ (m)(d)za-ba4-ba4—[_su_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-02_-u

_igi_ (m)_pab_-u(*)-a—_su_

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—bé-sun _dumu_ (m)isz-man-ni—(d)10

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—ta-sze-zib _lu-arad_ sza (d)15

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab_-_mesz lu-a-ba a_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim-szu-nu szA _uru_-im-gur—(d)_be_

_iti-kin ud 20_-_kam_ lim-me (m)_di_-mu—_en_—_hal_

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Sin-remanni.

Witness Zababa-eriba.

Witness Adad-.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy.

Witness Ahu'a-eriba.

Witness Adad-bessunu, son of Ishmani-Adad.

Witness Shumma-tashezib, servant of Ishtar.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ahhe, scribe, son of Nabû-shallimshunu of Imgur-Enlil.

Month Elul VI, 20th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-ka''in.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Sin-remanni.

Witness Zababa-eriba.

Witness Adad-....

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy.

Witness Ahû'a-eriba.

Witness Adad-bessunu, son of Ishmanni-Adad.

Witness Shumma-tashezib, servant of Ishtar.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe, son of Nabû-shallimshunu of Imgur-illil.

Month Elul VI, 20th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.

P335123: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)qi-bit—(d)15 _na4-kiszib_ (m)la—te(*)-gi—(d)na-na-a-a(*) _na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_im pab 03 lu_-_mesz en lu sum_-ni

(m)ha-bil—_gin arad_-szu-nu

u-pisz-ma (m)ri-ba-a-te _ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te ina _sza 02 ma-na 10# gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ i-zi-rip i-si-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_(*) la(*)-szu(*)

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz im-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni i#-_gil_-u-ni lu-u _lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te# lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu(*)#-u(*) _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu [lu(*)]-u(*)# _pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu# [sza] _ta_(v)(*)# (m)ri-ba-a-te# [lu-u _dumu_]-_mesz_(*)#-[szu]

AI Translation

Seal of Qibit-Issar, seal of La-teggi-Nanaya, seal of Mannu-ki-Adad, a total of 3 men, owners of the man being sold.

Habil-ken, their servant,

Ribate has contracted and bought them from these men for 2 minas and 10 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or grandsons or brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ribate or his sons,


Seal of Qibit-Issar, seal of La-teggi-Nanaya, seal of Mannu-ki-Adad, in all 3 men, owners of the man being sold.

Habil-ken, their servant —

Ribate has contracted, purchased and bought from these men for 2 minas and 10 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons or their brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ribate and his sons



ina bur-ki# [(d)x x x x x x x] kas-pu a-na [10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-szu _gur_-Ar] ina la de-ni-szu _dug4_-[_dug4_ la _ti_-qi]

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz#—_dingir_-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)t,u-ri#-i

_igi_ (m)10—_pab_—_asz_ [_igi_ (m)]d(*)#-_pa_(*)—_ag_(*)—_zi_(*)#

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_(*)-i [o]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dug_(*)-_ga_(*)#—_gisz_(*)-[_mi_—(d)x]+x

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_(*)#—_masz_ [_lu_]-_a-ba_

_iti-ziz ud 22_-_kam#_ lim-mu (m)mu-szal-lim—asz-szur _lu-gar-kur uru_-a-li-[hi]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shamash-ila'i.

Witness Turî.

Witness Adad-ahu-iddina. Witness Nabû-ra'im-ketti.

Witness Inurtî.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Tab-shil-.

Witness Nergal-ashared, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 22nd day, eponym year of Mushallim-Ashur, governor of Alihu.


in the lap of DN ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shamash-ila'i.

Witness Turi.

Witness Adad-ahu-iddina. Witness Nabû-ra'im-ketti.

Witness Inurtî.

Witness Nabû-....

Witness Tab-shil-....

Witness Nergal-ashared, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 22nd day, eponym year of Mushallim-Ashur, governor of Alihu.



07 _gin kug-ud_ sza _na4-kiszib_-szu-nu

AI Translation

7 shekels of silver for their seals.


7 shekels of silver for their seals.

P335124: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)(d)#_szu_—_man_—_pab_(*)

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

_en lu_ ta-da-ni

[(m)](d)_pa_—ia-a-li _arad_-szu-nu(*)# sza# (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_ sza# (m)_man_—[lu—da-ri]

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a#-ni—(d)#[_im_] _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa#_-_mesz_ [o] ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ [o] ina# 01 _ma-na_-e# sza _uru_-gar-ga#-[mis]

il#-qi kas-pu ga#-mur [ta-din] [_lu_ szu]-a-te za-rip [la-qi] [tu-a]-ru# de-e#-[nu]

AI Translation

Seal of Marduk-sharru-ushur,

Seal of Sharru-lu-dari,

owner of the man being sold.

Nabû-yali, servant of Marduk-sharru-ushur and Sharru-lu-dari.

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Marduk-sharru-ushur,

seal of Sharru-lu-dari,

owners of the man being sold.

Nabû-iyyali, servant of Marduk-sharru-ushur and Sharru-lu-dari —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man]-nu sza ina# ur-kisz u(*) ina(*) ma(*)#-[te-ma] i-za-qu#-pa-a-ni [o] man-nu _gil_-u-ni [o] 05(*)# _ma-na kug-ud# sum_-an [o]

_igi_ (m)#(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu_-mu-kil#—[_pa_-_mesz_] [sza] _dumu_—[_man_]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu#_-[:] ((mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_)) sza _dumu_—_man_

[_igi_] (m)szum-ma—[_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _lu_-:] ((mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_)) sza _dumu_—_man_

_igi#_ (m)sa-ak-kan-nu# [_lu_-:] ((mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_)) sza _dumu_—_man_

_igi#_ (m)bar-ruq#-qu [o]

[_igi_] (m)(d)#[_pa_—_su_] _lu-02_-u# [o]

[_igi_] (m)[_pab_—la]-mur# _lu-gisz_-[_gigir_]

[_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki]—_kaskal lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir#_

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, and breaks the contract, shall pay 5 minas of silver.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy.

Witness Ahu-lamur, horse trainer.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whoever breaks the contract, shall pay 5 minas of silver.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy.

Witness Ahu-lamur, horse trainer.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer.

P335125: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)sa-a-_ad en lu_(v) _sum_-an-ni

(m)la-du-qi-i _arad_-szu sza (m)sa-a-_ad_ u-pisz-ma

(m)_pab_—mil-ki ina _sza_-bi 02 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis

il-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-ad-din _lu_(v)# _ur5_-_mesz_ zar(*)-pu la-qi# tu-a#-ri de-e-nu(*) _dug4_(*)-_dug4#_ [la-Asz-szu]

man-nu szA ina ur-[kisz ina ma-te-ma] i-za-qa-pa(*)#-[ni x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Sa'ad, owner of the man being sold.

Laduqî, servant of Sa'abu, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.

Ahu-milki has contracted and bought him for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The borrowers are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint .


Seal of Sa'abu, owner of the man being sold.

Laduqqî, a servant of Sa'abu —

Ahi-milki has contracted and bought him for two minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint



szA(*) _ta_(v)# [(m)_pab_—mil-ki _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz#_-[szu de-ni _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni] 20 _ma-na kug-ud_ [x _ma-na kug-gi_] ina bur-ki (d)15 a#-[szi-bat _uru_-x] _gar_-an _kug-ud_ a-na 10-_mesz_-[szu a-na _en_-szu _gur_] ina la de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la _ti#_

_igi_ (m)qi(*)#-ti—_dingir_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)#szA—la—ma-szA-e _lu_(v)-ha-za-nu

_igi_ (m)mu-du-bi-ra-a-a

_igi_ (m)s,a-du-ru(*) _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—sze-zib

_pab 04 igi_-_mesz dumu uru_-szu

_igi_ (m)li—qi-pu

_igi_ (m)bu-bu-u-tu

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_(?)-su-nu _lu_(v)-_ninda_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz lu_(v)-_ninda_

_igi_ (m)_en_—lu—da-ri

AI Translation

shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Qiti-ilani.

Witness Sha-la-mashe, mayor.

Witness Mudubirayu.

Witness Shaduru. Witness Shamash-shezib.

in all 4 witnesses, sons of his city.

Witness Li-qipu.

Witness Bubutu.

Witness Ubru-sunu, baker.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-iddina, baker.

Witness Bel-lu-dari.


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ahi-milki, his sons and grandsons, shall place 20 minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Qiti-ilani.

Witness Sha-la-mashê, mayor.

Witness Mudabirayu.

Witness Shadduru. Witness Shamash-shezib.

A total of 4 witnesses, natives of his city.

Witness La-qepu.

Witness Bubutu.

Witness Ubrussunu, baker.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-iddina, baker.

Witness Bel-lu-dari.



_iti#-apin ud 17_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)ban-ba-a

AI Translation

Month Marchesvan VIII, 17th day, eponym year of Banbâ.


Month Marchesvan VIII, 17th day, eponym year of Banbâ, second vizier.

P335126: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku#-[um _na4-kiszib_-szu-nu] s,u#-pur-szu-nu _gar_-nu#

s,u-pur# [(m)za]-ku(*)-ri s,u-[pur] (m)du-kur—_dingir en lu_ ta-da#-ni

(m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba-il _dumu_-szu sza(*) (m)_pab_-ia-u

u-pisz-ma (m)ba-hi-a-nu [_ta_(v)] pa(*)#-an (m)za-ku-ri _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)du-kur—_dingir_ [ina _sza_]-bi(*)# 30 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ ip-ta-t,ar#

[kas-pu] ga-mur ta-din _lu_ szu-a-[tu] [za]-rip(*)# laq(*)-qi(*) tu-a-ru de-e#-[nu(*)]

[_dug4_]-_dug4_(*) la(*)-Asz(*)-szu man-nu sza ina ur#-[kisz] [ina ma]-te(*)-ma(*) i-za-qu-pa-a(*)#-[ni] [10 _ma_]-_na_(*) _kug_(*)-_ud_(*) _sum_(*)-an(*) _lu_ u(*)#-[sze-s,a]

[s,ib-tu] be(*)-en(*)-nu(*) ana(*) 01 me _ud_-me sa(*)#-ar(*)-tu(*) ina(*) kal _ud_-_mesz_

_igi_(*)# [(m)]_en_(*)—_bad_(*) _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-ni

[_igi_] (m(*))du(?)#-su(*)-su(*)

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Zakuru, fingernail of Dukur-il, owner of the man being sold.

Mannu-ki-Arbail, son of Ahiya'u;

Bahianu has contracted and bought them from Zakuru and Dukur-il for 30 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall pay 10 minas of silver to redeem the man.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Bel-duri, village manager.

Witness Dususu.


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Zakkur, fingernail of Dukur-il, owners of the man being sold.

Mannu-ki-Arbail son of Ahi-Yau —

Bahianu has contracted and released him from Zakkur and Dukur-il for 30 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint shall pay 10 minas of silver to redeem the man.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Bel-duri, village manager.

Witness Dususu.



_igi_(*) (m(*))mil(*)#-ku—_dingir igi_ (m)_en_—_igi_-a-ni

_igi_(*) (m(*))(d(*))_utu_—sze-zib

[_igi_(*)] (m(*))a(*)-ta-ra

[_igi_(*)] (m(*))(d(*))_masz_(?)#—mu-sze-zib

[_iti_]-_ne_(*) _ud# 05_-_kam_ [x x]-bu-u lim-mu (m)mi-tu#-nu _lu_(v)(*)-_gar-kur uru_-i#-sa-na

[_igi_ (m)](d)_ag_(*)#—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_ [_lu_(v)-_a-ba_] _dib_ dan-ni-ti

02(*) _ma-na# urudu_-_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-szu(*)-nu

AI Translation

Witness Milku-ilu. Witness Bel-emuranni.

Witness Shamash-shezib.

Witness Atarâ.

Witness Inurta-mushezib.

Month Abu V, 5th day, day, eponym year of Mitunu, governor of Isana.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe, keeper of the contract.

2 minas of copper for their fingernails.


Witness Milku-il. Witness Bel-emuranni.

Witness Shamash-shezib.

Witness Atara.

Witness Inurta-mushezib.

Month Ab V, 5th day ......, eponym year of Metunu, governor of Isana.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe, keeper of the contract.

two minas of copper for their fingernails.

P335127: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_u-gur_—_du_(*)# _lu_(v)-02-u sza _uru_-x#-[x x x] _en lu_ ta-[da]-a-[ni]

(m)[bul]-lut,-t,u _arad_-szu sza (m)_u-gur_—_du_

u-pisz-ma (m)ka-bar—_dingir lu_(v)-qur-bu-u-ti sza—_gir-2_ ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na kug_-[_ud_] [ina 01] _ma-na#_-e sza [x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nergal-ibni, deputy governor of ..., owner of the man being sold.

Bulluttu, servant of Nergal-ibni.

Kabar-il, bodyguard of the sha shepi guard, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of .


Seal of Nergal-ibni, deputy governor of ..., owner of the man being sold.

Bullutu, servant of Nergal-ibni —

Kabar-il, royal bodyguard of the personal guard, has contracted and bought for one mina of silver by the mina of ....



10 _ma-na kug_-[_ud_ x _ma-na kug-gi_] ina bur-ki (d)[x x x x x] i-szak-kan szum(*)#-[ma x x x x] a-de#-e sza _man#_ [ina qa]-ti(*)#-szu

[u]-ba(*)#-'u _iti_-[x _ud_] 20-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_man_]—_pab lu-gal_—_sag_

[_igi_ (m)x-x]-i(*)# _lu_(v)-qur-bu-u-ti

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-_mesz lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x-x-x]-a(*)#-a _lu_(v)-szA—_igi_—de-na-[ni]

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_dingir_(*)#-a-a _lu_(v)-_sag_

_igi_ (m)szA-ni(*)-ia _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)15—mu-kin-ia

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of DN ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month ..., 20th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, chief eunuch.

Witness ...î, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness ...ayu, court clerk.

Witness ...-ila'i, eunuch.

Witness Shaniya, scribe.

Witness Issar-mukinia.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of DN ....... If he does not pay, the treaty of the king shall call him to account.

Month ..., 20th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, chief eunuch.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness ...ayu, court clerque.

Witness ...-ila'i, eunuch.

Witness Shania, scribe.

Witness Issar-mukinnia.



_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_mu_—_pab a_ (m)_en_—_gisz-tir_(?) [x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-shumu-ushur, son of Bel-leshir, .


Witness Nergal-shumu-ushur, son of Bel-qishti, ....



[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi_ (m)szam-szA-ni—_dingir_

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi_ (m)_pab_—_kam_-esz

[x x x x _igi_ (m)]tar(*)#-di-ia _lu_(v)(*)-_gisz-gigir_—na-kAm-ti

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Shamshani-il.

Witness NN. Witness Ahu-eresh.

Witness Tardiya, horse trainer of the nukamtu.


Witness NN. Witness Shamshanni-ilu.

Witness NN. Witness Ahu-eresh.

... Witness Tardia, trainer of the reserve horses.

P335128: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ha-ta-a-a _en lu sum_-a-ni

(m)lu—_pab_-_mesz arad_-szu

u-pisz#-ma ((m))dan-na-a-a _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ha-ta-a-a

ina _sza 20 gin kug-ud_ il-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _lu_ szu-a-te za-rip laq-qi

tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man#-nu sza i-_gil_-u-ni [x _ma_]-_na kug_-[_ud_ x _ma-na kug_]-_gi_(*)#

AI Translation

Seal of Hatâ, owner of the man being sold.

Lu-ahhe, his servant,

Dannaya has contracted and bought them from Hattâ for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay x minas of silver and x minas of gold.


Seal of Hattayu, owner of the man being sold.

Lu-ahhe, his servant —

Dannaya has contracted and bought him from Hattayu for 20 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay x minas of silver and x minas of gold.



[ina] de(*)-ni(*)#-[szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz#—[_dingir_]-a-a# [_lu_-x x]

_igi#_ (m)hi-ma-ri-i :

_igi_ (m)za-ab-da-a _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ o(*)

_igi_ (m)ha-ra—_u-u_(*) :

_igi_ (m)man-nu-(ki)—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-sza—hu-t,a-ri

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_masz lu_(v)-_nagar_

_iti-kin ud 05_-_kam_ lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab_(!)

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_masz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, .

Witness: Himari, ditto.

Witness Zabdâ, chariot driver.

Witness Hara-Dadi, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ahhe, mule-driver.

Witness Urdu-Inurta, carpenter.

Month Elul VI, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.

Witness Urdu-Inurta, scribe.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, ....

Witness Himarî, ditto.

Witness Zabdâ, chariot driver.

Witness Hara-Dadi, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, staff bearer

Witness Urda-Inurta, carpenter.

Month Elul VI, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.

Witness Urda-Inurta, scribe.

P335129: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur#-[szu]

isz-kun : s,u-pur (m)ha-ak-ku-bu _en lu_(v) _sum_-an

(m)(d)_utu_—_su lu_(v)-_arad_-szu sza (m)ha-ak-ku-bu

u-pisz-ma (m)a-tu-e-hu _lu_(v)-03-_u5 ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ha-ak-ku-bu ina _sza 30 gin kug-ud_-_mesz_ il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-ad-din _lu_(v) szu-a-ti za-rip laq-qi [tu-a]-ru# de-e-ni da-ba-bu

[la-Asz-szu man]-nu sza ina ur-kisz [i-za-qu-pa-ni _gil_-u]-ni

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Akkubu, owner of the man being sold.

Shamash-eriba, servant of Hakkubu.

Atuehu, 'third man', has contracted and bought it from Hakkubu for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Bel-iqisha or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and his grandsons,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Hakkubu, owner of the man being sold.

Shamash-eriba, servant of Hakkubu —

Atuehu, 'third man,' has contracted and bought him from Hakkubu for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint and breaks the contract



[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)]-_dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)a-ba(?)#-gu-u _lu_(v)-_a-ba kur-lu_(v)-ar-ma-a-a

_igi_ (m)ab-du—(d)a-gu-u-ni _lu_(v)-03-_u5 02_-i

lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab iti-ab ud 07_-_kam_

_lu_(v)-_a-ba_ (m)_en_—_asz_

01 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-szu

_igi_ (m)at-ta-'a-ni#

AI Translation

Witness NN, merchant.

Witness Abagu, scribe of the Arabs.

Witness Abdu-Aguni, deputy 'third man.'

Eponym year of Nabû-duru-ushur. Month Tebet X, 7th day.

Scribe: Bel-iddina.

1 mina of copper for his fingernail.

Witness Atta'ani.


Witness NN, merchant.

Witness Abagû, Aramean palace scribe.

Witness Abdu-Aguni, deputy 'third man.'

Eponym year of Nabû-duru-ushur; month Tebet X, 7th day.

Scribe: Bel-iddina.

One mina of copper for his fingernail.

Witness Atta'ani.

P335130: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku]-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-bAr(*)#-szu _gar_-un

s,u-pur (m)_ti-la_—_kam_-esz _en lu#_

(m)ak-bar _lu_(v)-_arad_-szu

u-pisz-ma (m)mu-_di_—15 _gal#_—[_uru_-_mesz_-ni] sza _gal_—_sag ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_ti-la#_—[_kam_-esz] ina _sza 01_ me _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _lu_ szu-a-tu# za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de#-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni lu-u (m)_ti-la_—_kam_-esz lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v) (m)mu-_di_—15 de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni

10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Balatu-eresh, owner of the man.

Akbar, his servant,

Mushallim-Issar, village manager of the chief eunuch, has contracted and bought them from Balatu-eresh for 100 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Balatu-eresh or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar,

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Balatu-eresh, owner of the man.

Akbar, his servant —

Mushallim-Issar, village manager of the chief eunuch, has contracted and bought him from Balatu-eresh for 100 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Balatu-eresh or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar,

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi#_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—mu(*)-sze(*)#-zib(*) [x x x] [o] _en_ kas-pi x#+[x x]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab#_—[x x] [_igi_ (m)x x]+x# [x x x x x x] _igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x] _igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x] _igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x] _igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-mushezib, ..., owner of the money .

Witness Shamash-ahu-.


Witness Nergal-mushezib ..., owner of the money ....

Witness Shamash-ahu-....

P335131: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4_]-_kiszib#_-szu s,u-bar-szu isz-kun#

[s,u-bar] (m)asz-szur—_pab_-ir _en lu_

(m)_pab_—le-'i-ti : _arad_-szu

u-tap-pisz (m)(d)_utu_—_ad_—_pab ta_(v) _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_pab_-ir ina _sza_-bi 50 _ma-na urudu_-_me_(*)

i-si-qi(!) kas-pu gam-(mur) ta-din-ni _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi(!) _gur_ de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma lu (m)asz-szur—_pab_-ir lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu _lu_(v)-_en-nam_-su man-nu sza# de-nu _dug4-dug4_ [_ta_(v) (m)(d)]_utu_—_ad_—_pab_ [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] u-ub-ta-'u#-u-ni [x _ma-na kug_]-_ud# 01 ma-na kug-gi_

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ashur-nashir, owner of the man.

Ahu-le'iti, ditto, his servant,

Shamash-abu-ushur has contracted and bought them from Ashur-nashir for 50 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ashur-nashir or his sons or brothers or his governor, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-abu-ushur and his sons, shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ashur-nashir, owner of the man.

Ahu-le'iti, his slave —

Shamash-abu-ushur has contracted and bought him from Ashur-nashir for 50 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ashur-nashir or his sons or brothers or his governor, whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-abu-ushur or his sons, shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Adad, the lord of Kilizi, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[man-nu szA i]-bal(*)#-ka(*)-tu(*)#-ni [x x x x x]+x# _sum_-an

[x x x x s,ib-tu] be(*)-nu [a-na 01 me _ud_-_mesz_ sa-ar-tu ana] kal _ud_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _sanga_ szA (d)_igi-du_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-na(?)#-a-a _gal_—50(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _arad_ szA (m)x x#-nu-[x]

_igi#_ (m)[x x x x]-a(*)-ni _lu_(v)(*)-_engar_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-a _gal_—ki-s,ir

_iti_(*)-x x# _ud 03#_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-[Asz-me] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-de#-[e]-ri#

_igi#_ (m)_dug-ga_—_im_—(d)_pa lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[x _ma_]-_na# urudu_-_mesz_ szA# s,u-pur-szu

AI Translation

Whoever breaks the contract shall give .

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness NN, priest of Palil.

Witness ...nayu, commander-of-fifty.

Witness NN, servant of .

Witness ...ani, farmer.

Witness ...a, cohort commander.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der 645.

Witness Tab-shar-Nabû, scribe.

x minas of copper for his fingernail.


Whoever transgresses, shall pay .......

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness NN, priest of Palil.

Witness ...nayu, commander-of-fifty.

Witness ... servant of NN.

Witness ...ani, farmer.

Witness ...a, cohort commander.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.

Witness Tab-shar-Nabû, scribe.

x minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335132: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_na4#-kiszib_ (m)is-bu-t,u A (m)mu-sa-la-mu _lu#-nu-gisz-sar_ sza É-_gal en lu_ ta-da-ni

[(m)](d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a _lu-szam arad_-szu sza# (m)is-bu-t,u _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ szA É-_gal_

u-pisz-ma (m)_nina-ki_-a-a _lu-sag_—_man_ [ina _sza_] 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis

[il]-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din [_lu_] szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru [de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

AI Translation

Seal of Isbutu, son of Musallamu, gardener of the palace, owner of the man being sold.

Shamash-ila'i, the buyer, servant of Isbutu, gardener of the palace.

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Isbutu, son of Musallamu, gardener of the palace, owner of the man being sold.

Shamash-ila'i, bought slave, servant of Isbutu, gardener of the palace —

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

P335133: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)mu-ki-nu—asz-szur [_lu_(v)-_arad_]-szu(*)# sza(*) _lu_(v)(*)-szA(*)—_igi_(*)—É-_gal_ [_en_] _lu# sum_-ni

(m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab lu_(v)#-_ninda_(*) _arad_-szu sza (m)mu-_gi-na_—[asz-szur]

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a-ni—[10] _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ dan-nu ina [_sza_] 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina _uru_ szA gar(*)#-[ga-mis]

i-zi-rip i-si-qi kas-[pu] gam-mur ta-din _arad_ szu-a-te [za-rip] laq-qi tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4#_

la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma lu-u (m)mu-_gi-na_—asz-szur# lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu o(*) _szesz_-_mesz_-szu [sza(*)] _ta_(v)(*) (m)rém-a-ni—10

AI Translation

Seal of Mutinu-Ashur, servant of the palace superintendent, owner of the man being sold.

Nabû-belu-ushur, baker, servant of Mukin-Ashur.

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That servant is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Mukin-Ashur or his sons or brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad,


Seal of Mukin-Ashur, servant of the palace superintendent, owner of the man being sold.

Nabû-belu-ushur, baker, servant of Mukin-Ashur —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, has contracted, purchased, and acquired him for one mina silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That servant is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Mukin-Ashur or his sons or brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons, shall pay 10 minas of silver. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



la _ti_ s,ib-tu bé(*)-nu ina [01 me _ud_-_mesz_] sa-ar#-tu ina kal [_ud_-_mesz_]

_igi#_ [(m)(d)_masz_]-_masz_(*)—_man_(*)#—[_pab lu-03_-szu]

[_igi_ (m)u-ar-bi-si _lu_(v)-:]

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu_(v)]-_dib_(*)—_kusz#_-[_pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze]-zib(*)# [_lu_(v)-:] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i] _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)—ki(*)-[s,ir]

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—u(*)#-pa-hir(*)

[_iti_-x _ud_] 21(*)-_kam_(*) [lim-mu (m)(d)_utu_]—_kur#_—a-a-bi

[_igi_ (m)a]-hi(*)—t,a-ba

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbisi, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness ...-upahhir.

Month ..., 21st day, eponym year of Shamash-mat-ayabi.

Witness Ahi-taba.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe.


Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbisi, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness ...-upahhir.

Month ..., 21st day, eponym year of Shamash-kashid-ayabi,

Witness Ahi-taba.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe.

P335134: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)#[x x x x x]

(m)hu-li-i _arad_-szu# [sza (m)x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)(d)U(*)-_gur_(*)#—[x x x] _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz_-[_pa_-_mesz_ ina _sza_] 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina szA [_man_ il-qi]

kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad#-[din _lu_] szu-a-tu za-rip laq#-[qi] tu-a-ru de-e-[nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-zaq#-qup-an-ni _gil_(*)-u-ni [x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_(*) _sum#_-an _lu_ u-sze-s,a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_]-_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(*)#-:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu#_-:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

AI Translation

Seal of NN,

Hulî, servant of NN,

Nergal-..., chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall pay x minas of silver to redeem the man.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.


Seal of NN.

Hulî, servant of NN —

Nergal-..., chariot driver, has contracted and bought him for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever, in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, shall pay x minas of silver to redeem the man.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.



[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)x x]—_du_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _igi_ (m)#a-ha-ta-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu-a-ba_

_iti-sze ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)mar—la-[rim]

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness ...-ibni.

Witness NN. Witness Ahatâ.

Witness NN, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Mar-larim.


Witness NN. Witness ...-ibni.

Witness NN. Witness Ahatâ.

Witness NN, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 10th day, eponym year of Mar-larim.

P335135: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a [_lu_-x x] sza _uru-bad_—_man_—_gin en lu_ [_sum_-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Shamash-ila'i, ... of Dur-Sharruken, owner of the man being sold.


Seal of Shamash-ila'i, ... of Dur-Sharruken, owner of the man being sold.



[x _ma-na kug_]-_gi_(*) ina(*) bur(*)-ki(*) (d(*))15(*) _nina_(*)#-[_ki_] [i-szak]-kan(*)# kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-szu [u-ta(*)]-ra

[_igi_ (m)]u#-a-ar-bi-is _lu-03-u5_(*)#

[_igi_] (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_pab lu_-mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)sa-kan _lu_-mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)#_pa_—sze-zib _lu_-: ((mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_))

_igi_ (m)[(d)]_pa#_—_su lu-02_-u sza _lu-gal_—u-rat#

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru-kaskal lu-gisz-gigir_—_du8_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_(*)—mu-sze-zib _lu_-: ((_gisz-gigir_—_du8_))

_igi_ (m)da(*)#-ri—_man lu_-: ((_gisz-gigir_—_du8_))

_igi_ (m)_ad_—_nu_—_zu lu-a-ba#_ s,a-bit dan-nat szu-a#-[te(*)]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_bad lu-a-ba#_ [o(?)]

_igi_ (m)sa-i-ru# _lu-03#-u5_-szu

_igi_ (m)se-e'—da-la-a _lu-gisz_(*)-_gigir_(*)—_du8_-_mesz_

_iti-sze ud 16_-_kam#_ lim-mu (m)gab-ba-ru#

AI Translation

shall place x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Ilu-mushezib, ditto.

Witness Dari-sharru, ditto.

Witness Abi-bani-le'i, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Witness Issar-duri, scribe.

Witness Sa'iru, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-dalâ, horse trainer of open chariotry.

Month Adar XII, 16th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.


He shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Ilu-mushezib, ditto.

Witness Dari-sharru, ditto.

Witness Abi-ul-idi, scribe, keeper of this contract.

Witness Issar-duri, scribe.

Witness Sa'iru, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-dalâ, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Month Adar XII, 16th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.



[_igi_] (m)(d)_ag_—A—_asz a-ba_ sza _mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina, scribe of the queen.


Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina, scribe of the queen.

P335136: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_dingir_—_kam_-esz _en tur_ ta-da-a-ni

(m)a-a—t,u#-ri _arad_-szu sza (m)_dingir_—_kam_-esz u-pisz-ma

(m)si-lim—asz-szur ina _sza 30 gin_-_mesz_

_kug-ud ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _tur_ szu-a-tu za-rip _ti_-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-[kisz] [ina] ma#-[te]-ma# [i]-za(*)-qu(*)#-[pa-an-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Ilu-eresh, owner of the pig being sold.

Aya-turi, servant of Ilu-eresh, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.

Silim-Ashur has contracted and bought him for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That pig is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Seal of Ilu-eresh, owner of the boy being sold.

Aya-turi, servant of Ilu-eresh —

Silim-Ashur has contracted and bought him for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That boy is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint



_igi_ (m)(d)30—_dingir_-a-a#

_igi_ (m)_su_—(d)[_im_]

_igi_ (m)ab-di-i [o]

_igi_ (m)a-tan-ha—(d)_utu#_

_igi_ (m)10—na-gi

_igi_ (m)na-tu-nu

_igi_ (m)ra-hi-mi-i

_igi_ (m)(d)15—I

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_mu_—_pab lu-a-ba_

_iti-sze ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz lu-igi-dub_

AI Translation

Witness Sin-ila'i.

Witness Eriba-Adad.

Witness Abdî.

Witness Atanha-Shamash.

Witness Adad-nagi.

Witness Natunu.

Witness Rahimî.

Witness Issar-na'id.

Witness Marduk-shumu-ushur, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina, treasurer.


Witness Sin-ila'i.

Witness Eriba-Adad.

Witness Abdî.

Witness Atanha-shamash.

Witness Adad-nagi.

Witness Natunu.

Witness Rahimî.

Witness Issar-na'id.

Witness Marduk-shumu-ushur, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina, chief treasurer.

P335137: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab lu_(v)-_ninda arad_]-szu [szA (m)mu-_gi-na_—asz]-szur

[u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a]-ni#—(d)10 [_lu-dib_]—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ dan#-nu ina _sza_ [01 _ma_]-_na# kug-ud_ ina _uru_ szA(*) gar-ga-mis

i-zi-rip i-si-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _arad_ szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz#-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma lu-u (m)mu-_gi-na_—(d)asz-szur lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)10 _ta_(v) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu(*) de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni

AI Translation

Nabû-belu-ushur, baker, servant of Mukin-Ashur.

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That servant is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Mukin-Ashur or his sons or brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons,


Nabû-belu-ushur, baker, servant of Mukin-Ashur —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot-driver, has contracted, purchased, and acquired him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That servant is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Mukin-Ashur or his sons or brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons, shall pay 10 minas of silver. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[s,ib-tu be-nu a-na 01] me# _ud_-me [sa-ar-tu ana kal] _ud_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab_] _lu#-03_-szu

[_igi_ (m)u-ar-bi]-si _lu_-: ((03-szu))

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu-dib_]—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu_]-: ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i _lu-gal_—ki]-s,ir#

[_igi_ (m)(d)x—u-pa]-hir#

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbisi, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness ...-upahhir.


Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbisi, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness ...-upahhir.

P335138: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[u-pisz-ma (m)asz]-szur(*)—[x x x] [_lu_-x x] _uru_(*)#-_bad_(*)—[_man_—_gin_] [ina _sza_ x] _gin kug-ud_ [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)]_ka_(*)#-_dingir_(*)-_ki_(*)#-[a-a]

[il-qi] kas-pu gam-mur [o] [ta-ad-din] _lu_ szu-a-tu [o] [za-rip laq]-qi tu-a-ru [o] [de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

[man-nu szA] _gil_-u-ni [o] [x _ma-na kug_]-_ud 10_ [_ma-na kug-gi_]

AI Translation

Ashur-..., ... of Dur-Sharruken, has contracted and bought said property for x shekels of silver from Babilayu.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and 10 minas of gold


Ashur-..., ... of Dur-Sharruken, has contracted and bought him from Babilayu for x shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and 10 minas of gold



[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-szA(*)

[_igi_ (m)](d)15(?)—_gal_(*)#

[_iti_]-_gan ud 04_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness ...sha.

Witness Issar-rabi.

Month Kislev IX, 4th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness ...sha.

Witness Issar-rabi.

Month Kislev IX, 4th day, eponym year of Zazaya.

P335139: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_i-gal_—_dingir_-_mesz#_ [_lu_(v)-x x(*)] _en lu sum#_-[ni]

[(m)]lu#—szA-kin _arad_-szu [sza (m)]_i-gal_—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni#

[tu]-pisz#-ma _mi_-szA-kin#-[tu] [sza] _murub4#_—_uru nina#-ki_ [ina _sza_ x _ma_]-_na# kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-[e(*)]

[sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis] tal#-qi kas-[pu gam-mur(*)]

AI Translation

Seal of Ibashi-ilani, ..., owner of the man being sold.

Lu-shakin, servant of Ibashi-ilani.

The governess of the Citadel of Nineveh has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.


Seal of Ibashi-ilani, ..., owner of the man being sold.

Lu-shakin, servant of Ibashi-ilani —

the harem manageress of the central city harem of Nineveh has contracted and bought him for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _igi_ (m)(d)#[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# _igi_ (m)_ad_—_bad lu_(v)#-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)tab]-a-la-a-[a]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-i _igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba#-[il]

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_bad_—_en_-ia

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_man_—_pab# igi_ (m)ra-me-ti(*)#-[i]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_zalag_-ir _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-barag ud 22_-_kam_ lim-me (m)mar—la-rim _lu_-tur(*)#-[tan]

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness NN.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-.

Witness NN. Witness Abi-duri, .

Witness Tabalayu.

Witness ...i. Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness ...-dur-beliya.

Witness ...-sharru-ushur. Witness Rametî.

Witness Nabû-nammir, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 22nd day, eponym year of Mar-larim, commander-in-chief.


Witness NN. Witness NN.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-....

Witness NN. Witness Abu-duri, ....

Witness Tabalayu.

Witness ...i. Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness ...-dur-beli'a.

Witness ...-sharru-ushur. Witness Rametî.

Witness Nabû-nammir, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 22nd day, eponym year of Mar-larim, commander-in-chief of Commagene.

P335140: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)asz-szur—_i a_ (m)mar-da-[ni(?)] _en lu sum_-ni

AI Translation

Fingernail of Ashur-na'di, son of Mardanu, owner of the man being sold.


Fingernail of Ashur-na'di, son of Mardanu, owner of the man being sold.



[x x x x]+x# _ma-du-du_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)ra]-hi-me—_dingir_ szA _uru_-ha-at-pi-na(*)-x#

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—_mu_—_gisz lu-a-ba_

_iti#-dul ud 18_-_kam_

AI Translation

...... boatmen

Witness Rahime-il of the town of Hatpina.

Witness Nabû-shumu-leshir, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 18th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


... boatmen.

Witness Rahim-il, from the town Hatpina....

Witness Nabû-shumu-leshir, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 18th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri.

P335141: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_] (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_bad lu_-mu-kil#—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ [_na4-kiszib_] (m)_pab_—li-i _dumu_-szu [_en_] _mi#-tur sum_-a-ni

[_mi_-x]-_man#_-u-ti# x

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-Harran-duri, chariot driver; seal of Ahu-lî, his son, owner of the woman being sold.

...-sharruti .


Seal of Bel-Harran-duri, chariot driver, seal of Ahu-le'i his son, owner of the girl being sold.

...-sharruti ...



[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu-gal_—[x x x] A—_man_

[_igi_ (m)]a-ta—id-ri _lu_-qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)]man-nu—ki—_kaskal lu-gisz-gigir_

[_igi_] (m)_du_-a-a _lu-a-ba_

[_igi_] (m)(d)15—_pab_(?)—_bad#_

[_igi_ (m)]se-e'—qa-tar

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_pab_-_mesz_—_sum_-na

[_igi_ (m)sa(?)]-i-lu _lu-a-ba uru_-ar-ma-a-a

AI Translation

Witness NN, chief ... of the crown prince.

Witness Ata-idri, royal bodyguard.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer.

Witness Banaya, scribe.

Witness Issar-ahu-duri.

Witness Se'-qatar.

Witness ...-ahhe-iddina.

Witness Sa'ilu, scribe of the Armieans.


Witness NN, chief ... of the crown prince.

Witness Attâ-idri, royal bodyguard.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer.

Witness Bunaya, scribe.

Witness Issar-nashir-duri,

Witness Se'-qatar.

Witness ...-ahhe-iddina.

Witness Sa'ilu, Aramean scribe.



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_im_—_mu_—_pab_ [_lu_]-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—sa-kip

AI Translation

Witness Adad-shumu-ushur, scribe.

Witness Nabû-sakip.


Witness Adad-shumu-ushur, scribe.

Witness Nabû-sakip, village manager.

P335142: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)se-e—sa-ka-a _lu_(v)#-_gal_—É _en lu sum_-nu

(m(*))[x x]-ri-i : _arad_-szu [sza (m)se-e—sa]-ka-a _lu-gal_—É

[u-pisz-ma (m)szér]—u#-a-ri

AI Translation

Seal of Se'-sakâ, major-domo, owner of the man being sold.

...rî, ditto, servant of Se'-sakâ, major-domo.

Shar-uari has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


Seal of Se'-sakâ, major-domo, owner of the man being sold.

...rî, servant of Se'-sakâ, major-domo —

Sher-uari has contracted and bought him



_igi_ [(m)]30—_en_(*)—_pab#_

_igi_ (m)30—_numun_(*)—_sum_-na

_igi_ (m)se-e—szum-ki

_igi_ (m)sal-sa-li _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-ab ud 01_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Sin-belu-ushur.

Witness Sin-zeru-iddina.

Witness Se'-shumki.

Witness Salsalli, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Sin-belu-ushur.

Witness Sin-zeru-iddina.

Witness Se'-shumki.

Witness Salsali, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 1st day, eponym year of Abi-ram.

P335143: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)(d)15—ta-_su lu-usz_—_ansze#_-[_mesz_] _arad_ sza (m)(d)_en_—_du_ szA(*) (m)ki-s,ir(*)#—[x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_ ina _sza#_-[bi] 01 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza _lugal_ ina(*)# [x x] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_du ta_(v) _igi_ (m)[ki-s,ir—x x]

il-qi kas-pu gam-[mur] ta-[din] _lu_ szu-a-tu# za-rip laq-qi# [tu-a-ru] de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

man-nu szA ina ur#-kisz ina ma-te-e#-[ma] lu-u (m)(d)_en_—_du_ lu#-[u (m)ki-s,ir—x x] lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu#-nu lu#-[u x x x x x]

AI Translation

Issar-taqqin, donkey driver, servant of Bel-ibni, of Kishir-.

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king in .... From Bel-ibni and from Kishir-.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Bel-ibni or Kishir-... or their brothers or ......,


Issar-tariba, donkey-driver, servant of Bel-ibni and Kishir-... —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought him from Bel-ibni and Kishir-... for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king ....

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Bel-ibni or Kishir-..., or their brothers or ......



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)u#-[x x x x x x x] sza _lu#_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_numun_—kit-ti—_gisz_(*) [_lu_-x x x]

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a _lu_-[x x x]

_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x]+x _lu#_-[_a-ba_]

AI Translation

Witness .......

Witness U....... of the .

Witness Zer-kitti-leshir, .

Witness Nunaya, .

Witness NN, scribe.


Witness .......

Witness NN, ... of ....

Witness Zer-ketti-leshir, ....

Witness Nuhshaya, ....

Witness NN, scribe.

P335144: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)10—ra-pa(*)#-a _lu_(v)-_dam-qar en lu_-szi-me(*) ta-da-ni

(m)ka-ma-ba-ni _arad_-szu _lu_-tab-la-a-a

u-pisz-ma (m)gir—ha-a _gal_—50 ina _sza 01 ma-na 07 gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

[il]-qi# kas-pu ga-mur ta-din [_lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip] _ti_-qi

AI Translation

Seal of Adad-rapâ, merchant, owner of the man being sold.

Kamabani, servant of the Tabalean;

Gir-Hâ, commander-of-fifty, has contracted and bought for 1 mina 7 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Adad-rapa, merchant, owner of the purchased man being sold.

Kamabani, his Tabalean servant —

Gir-Hâ, commander-of-fifty, has contracted and bought him for one mina and 7 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired.



_igi_ (m)ha-ba-ni (m)a-ba-a—_dingir#_

_igi_ (m)pi-si-ni-szi _gal_—50

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_dingir lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

_iti-ab ud 22_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Habanu. Abâ-il.

Witness Pisinishi, commander-of-50.

Witness Remanni-ilu, merchant.

Month Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Habani, Aba-il.

Witness Pisanishi, commander-of-fifty.

Witness Remanni-ilu, merchant.

Month Tebet X, 22nd day, eponym year of Belshunu.

P335145: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)a-si-i _en lu sum_-ni

(m)a-tar—ha-mu _arad_-szu sza(*) (m)a-si-i

u-pisz-ma (m)tar-hu-un-da-pi-i# ina _sza 32 gin kug-ud_ il-[qi(*)]

kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din# _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu# [sza] ina ur#-kisz ina ma#-te-e(*)-ma _gil_-u-ni [lu-u] (m)a-si-i [lu-u] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu lu(*)-[u(*)] [_dumu_(*)]—_dumu_(*)-_mesz_-szu(*)# [sza de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4#_ o(*) [_ta_(v) (m)tar-hu-un-da-pi-i ub]-ta#-u-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Asî, owner of the man being sold.

Atar-hamu, servant of Asî.

Tarhundapî has contracted and bought him for 32 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Asî or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Tarhundapî,


Seal of Asî, owner of the man being sold.

Atar-hamu, servant of Asî —

Tarhundapî has contracted and bought him for 32 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Asî or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Tarhundapî



[ina] bur-ki# [(d)15 a-szi-bat] o(*) _nina-ki gar_-[an] kas-pu o(*) a-na# [10-_mesz_]-te(*)# a-na _en_-_mesz#_-szu(*) _gur_-ra

_igi_ (m)a-[x]-'u(*)#-u

_igi_ (m)[x x x]-i(*)#

_igi_ (m)na(*)#-zi-[x x]

_igi_ (m)nu-nu-a [x x]

_igi_ (m)na-ni-i#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz_(*) _lu#-a-ba_

_iti-sze ud 30_-_kam_

AI Translation

He shall place the money tenfold to its owners in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh.

Witness A...'û.

Witness ...î.

Witness Nazi.

Witness Nunua, .

Witness Nanî.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 30th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


shall place ...... in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness A...'u.

Witness ...î.

Witness Nazi....

Witness Nunua, ....

Witness Nanî.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Month Adar XII, 30th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri.

P335146: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur#-szu _gar_-un#

s,u-pur (m)asz-szur—_pab_-ir _en lu_ (m)_pab_—le-'i-ti#

_arad_-szu u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_utu_—_ad_—_pab ta_(v) _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_pab_-ir ina _sza 50 ma-na_

_urudu_-_mesz_ is-si-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip _ti#_-qi _gur#_ de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu szA ina] ur#-kisz ina ma-te-ma [lu-u (m)asz-szur—_pab_]-ir lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu] lu#-u _lu-en-nam_-su [sza de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)](d)_utu_—_ad_—_pab_ [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u]-u#-ni [x _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 1 _ma-na kug_]-_gi#_

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ashur-nashir, owner of the man. Ahu-le'iti,

Shamash-abu-ushur has contracted and bought it from Ashur-nashir for 50 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ashur-nashir or his sons, brothers or his governor, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-abu-ushur, his sons and grandsons, shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ashur-nashir, owner of the man. Ahu-le'iti, his servant —

Shamash-abu-ushur has contracted and bought him from Ashur-nashir for 50 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ashur-nashir or his sons or brothers or his governor, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-abu-ushur, his sons and grandsons, shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold



[_lu_(v)-_gar-kur_] _uru_(*)#-de(*)-[e-ri]

[x _ma-na_] _urudu#_ szA s,u-pur-[szu]

AI Translation

governor of Der

x minas of copper for his fingernail.


eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.

x minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335147: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—[_ad_-u-a] _en lu_ [_sum_-ni]

(m)_pab_—la-mur _lu_(v)-_sag# lu_(v)-_arad_-szu sza (m)(d)_utu_—_ad_-u-a

u-pisz-ma (m)rém#-a-na—(d)_im lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ dan-nu# sza# (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur [ina _sza_ x] _ma_(*)#-_na_(*) _kug#-ud_ il-qi

[kas-pu gam-mur] ta(*)#-din _lu_(*) szu(*)#-a(*)-tu [za-rip laq-qi tu]-a#-ru [de-e-nu]

AI Translation

Seal of Shamash-abu'a, owner of the man being sold.

Ahu-lamur, eunuch, servant of Shamash-abu'a.

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Shamash-abu'a, owner of the man being sold.

Ahu-lamur, eunuch, servant of Shamash-abu'a —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought him for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



[x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma-na kug_]-_gi_(*)# [ina bur-ki (d)]_isz#-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru-nina-ki# gar_-an kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la _ti_

_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i _lu_(v)-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_ szA A—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz#—[szal(*)]-lim# _lu_(v)-[:] ((_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_)) szA É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)ba(*)-ni(*)#-[i] _lu_(v)-_a-zu_

_igi_ (m)s,il(*)#-la-a-a _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-02-u sza o(*) _gal_—u-rat-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_pab_-u—a-mur _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_

_igi_ (m)szam-szA-ni—_dingir lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(*)—_asz lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir#_

_igi_ (m)_nu_—_man_—iq-bi# [x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Shamash-shallim, ditto of the palace.

Witness Banî, physician.

Witness Shillayu, merchant.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Ahû-amur, horse trainer.

Witness Shamshani-ilu, horse trainer.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, horse trainer.

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi, .


... shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the prince.

Witness Shamash-shallim, ditto of the palace.

Witness Banî, physician.

Witness Shillayu, merchant.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Ahû-amur, horse trainer.

Witness Shamshanni-ilu, horse trainer.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, horse trainer.

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi, ....



_igi_ (m)ia-da#-[x x x x]

_iti-barag ud_ [x-_kam_]

AI Translation

Witness Yada.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Yada'-il, ....

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Gabbaru.



[_igi_ (m)(d)]gu-la—_numun_—_kam_-esz _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Gula-zeru-eresh, scribe.


Witness Gula-zeru-eresh, scribe.

P335148: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)zu-un-bu _en dumu_-szu _sum_-ni

(m)(d)_u-gur_—_kar_-ir _dumu_-szu

u-pisz-ma (m)A-ia _lu-03_-szu szA (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil dumu_—_man ta_(v) _igi_ (m)zu-un-bi# ina _sza 02 ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma#_-[_na_] szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis i-[zi-rip]

i-si(*)-qi kas-pu [gam-mur] ta-din _dumu_-szu za-[rip laq-qi] tu(*)#-a(*)-ru de-nu [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

x x# 01 me _ud_-me(*) [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Zunbu, owner of the son being sold.

Nergal-etir, his son;

Aplaya, 'third man' of Urdu-Mullissi, crown prince, has contracted and bought them from Zunbu for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. His son is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

... 100 days .


Seal of Zunbu, the owner selling his son.

Nergal-etir, his son —

Aplaya, 'third man' of Arda-Mullissu, the crown prince, has contracted and bought him from Zunbu for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. His son is purchased and acquired. Any revocation lawsuit or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.



[_igi_ (m)x x]-ba(*)-a(*)# [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-nu [x x x] [_igi_ (m)x x] x# [x x x] [_igi_ (m)x x x] x# [x x x] [_igi_ (m)x x x]—_asz_(*)# [x x x] [_igi_ (m)x x x] x# [x x] [_igi_ (m)x x x]-i#-ni [x x]

[_igi_] (m(*))(d(*))_isz_(*)-_tar_(*)—_ba_(*)-[szA]

_iti-dul ud 12_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness ...bâ, .

Witness, .... Witness NN, .... Witness NN, .... Witness ...-iddina, .... Witness NN, .... Witness NN, .

Witness Issar-iqisha.

Month Tishri VII, 12th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness ...bâ, ....

r 2 Six broken lines with names of witnesses

Witness Issar-iqisha.

Month Tishri VII, 12th day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.

P335149: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ (m)sa-'u#-u-ti _na4-kiszib#_ (m)(d)_en_—_man_—_pab na4-kiszib#_ (m)ak-bu-ru

[_pab 03_] _lu_(*)#-_mesz_(*) _en_(*) _lu sum_-ni

[(m)x x x x _lu-usz_]—gam#-mal-_mesz lu-arad_-szu-nu [szA _lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te] up-pisz-ma

[(m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_]-mu(*)-kil(*)#—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

Seal of Sa'utu, seal of Bel-sharru-ushur, seal of Akburu,

in all 3 men, owners of the man being sold.

NN, the archers, their servant, who are these men, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver;


Seal of Sa'uti, seal of Bel-sharru-usur, seal of Akburu,

a total of 3 gentlemen, owners of the man being sold.

NN, camel driver, servant of these gentlemen —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver has contracted



[la] i-laq#-[qi]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]za#-ba4-ba4—_su lu_-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—sze-zib _lu_-[:-] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)man-nu]—ki#—asz-szur _lu_-[:-] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)man-nu]—ki#—_man lu_-[:-] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)]dan-na#-a-a _lu_-[:-] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—_numun_—_asz lu_-[:-] ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_-[_gal_—ki-s,ir]

_iti-barag ud 28_-_kam_

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Zababa-eriba, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-sharri, ditto.

Witness Dannaya, ditto.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Zababa-eriba, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-sharri, ditto.

Witness Dannaya, ditto.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme.

P335150: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_lu_]-mu#-kil—_kusz#-pa_-_mesz_ dan#-[nu] [sza] (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur#-[_ki_] ina# _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na#_-[e sza] _uru#_-gar-ga-mis il-qi#

kas#-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a#-ru de-e-nu _dug4#-dug4_

la#-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma# i-za-qu-pa-an-ni

AI Translation

The chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-nashir or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)15 szA _nina gar_-an kas#-[pu] a-na 10-_mesz_-te [a]-na# _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq]-qi#

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335151: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)sa-si-i _en lu sum_-ni

(m)sa-su-u _lu-arad_-szu

(m)(d)_pa_-u-a(*)# [_lu_]-man#-za-si(*) x#-te(*)

AI Translation

Seal of Sasî, owner of the man being sold.

Sasû, his servant,

Nabû'a, ...;


Seal of Sasî, owner of the man being sold.

Sasû, his servant,

Nabû'a, ...,



_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_nina_(*)-_ki_(*) x _lu#_-szA—_igi_—[x x]

_igi_ (m)_gisz-mi_—30 _lu-gal_—_nig-szid_

_igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)suk-ku-a-a

_igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

_iti-ziz_ lim-mu (m)mar—la-rim

_igi_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua, .

Witness Shil-Sin, chief of accounts.

Witness Bel-ahu-iddina.

Witness Sukkaya.

Witness Kanunayu.

Month Shebat XI, eponym year of Mar-larim.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari.


Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua, ... superintendent.

Witness Shil-Sin, chief of accounts.

Witness Bel-ahu-iddina.

Witness Sukki-Aya.

Witness Kanunayu.

Month Shebat XI, eponym year of Mar-larim,

Witness Sharru-lu-dari.

P335152: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x] _lu#-sanga_ asz-szur

[_en lu_] _sum#_-a-ni

[(m)x x x]—_im arad_-szu

AI Translation

Seal of NN, priest of Ashur.

owner of the man being sold.

...-sharru, his servant,


Seal of NN, priest of Ashur,

owner of the man being sold.

...-Adad, his servant

P335153: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_gaszan_—u-s,a-la _en lu sum_-an(*)-[ni]

[(m)x x x]—_apin#_-esz _arad_-szu [sza (m)(d)_gaszan_]—u(*)#-s,al(!)-la

[tu-pisz-ma _mi-gar_]-_kur_(*)-tu [sza x x x] _uru_(*)#-asz-szur [ina _sza_ x _gin_]-_mesz_(*)# _kug-ud_

[il-qi kas]-pu# gam-mur [ta-din _lu_] szu-a-te [za-rip la-qi] tu-a-ru [de-e-nu _dug4_]-_dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu sza ina] ur#-kisz ina ma-te-ma [i-za-qu-pa-a]-ni i-_gil_-u-ni [lu-u (m)(d)_gaszan_—u]-s,a-la lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-_mesz_(*) [lu-u mAm-ma]-ni(*)-szu(*) [sza de-e-nu _dug4_]-_dug4#_ [_ta_(v) _mi-gar-kur_-tu ub-ta-u]-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Belet-ushalla, owner of the man being sold.

...-eresh, servant of Belet-ushalla

governor of ... of Ashur has contracted and bought her for x shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Belet-ushalla or his sons, grandsons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess,


Seal of Belet-ushalla, owner of the man being sold.

...-eresh, servant of Belet-ushalla —

the harem manageress of ... of the city of Assur has contracted and bought him for x shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Belet-ushalla or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or any relative of his lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the harem manageress,



[x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma_]-_na# kug-gi_ [ina bur-ki (d)x]+x# a-szib(*)-bi _uru_-asz-szur [i-szA-kan kas]-pu# a-na 10-_mesz_ [a-na _en_-szu _gur_]-ra(*)# ina de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] la _ti_ [de-en-szu _di_]-_kud#_ la i-szA-mu-[u(*)]

[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_(*)] lim-mu (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_kur_-u o(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _igi_ (m)(d)_szu_(?)—_zu_(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi_ (m)_en_—_man_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi#_ (m)asz-szur—_asz_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#—_dingir_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-si-i

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA]-masz(*)#—dal-a _igi_ (m)_en_—lu(*)#—_ti_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]asz(*)—_man_(*)—_du_

[_igi_ o(*) (m)]_iti#-ab_-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#—_masz_

_igi_ (m)man(*)#-[nu]—ki—_nina_

_igi_ (m)ha-na(?)—se(?)#-e' _igi_ (m)u(*)#-[x x]

_igi_ (m)za-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)gi(?)# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)nar-gi-i

AI Translation

shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of DN residing in Assur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-shadû.

Witness NN. Witness Marduk-le'i.

Witness NN. Witness Bel-sharru-ushur.

Witness NN. Witness Ashur-nadin-ahi.

Witness ...-ilani.

Witness ...sî.

Witness Shamash-dalâ. Witness Bel-lu-balat.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ibni.

Witness Kanunayu.

Witness ...-ashared.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Hana-Se'. Witness U.

Witness Za....

Witness Gi....

Witness Nargî.


shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of DN residing in Assur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not hear his case.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-shadu'a.

Witness NN. Witness Marduk-le'i.

Witness NN. Witness Bel-sharru-ushur.

Witness NN. Witness Ashur-nadin-ahi.

Witness Gabbu-ilani.

Witness ...sî.

Witness Shamash-dalâ. Witness Bel-lu-balat.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ibni.

Witness Kanunayu.

Witness ...-ashared.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Hana-Se'. Witness U....

Witness Za....

Witness Gi....

Witness Nargî, scribe.

P335155: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba(*)#-[il] _en nin_-szu ta-da#-[ni]

_mi_-bi-li-lu(*)-tu _nin_-su sza (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba-il tu-pisz-ma

_mi_-za-ar-pi-i szA-kin-tu ina _sza_ o(*) 1/2(*) _ma-na kug-ud uru_-gar-ga-mis _ta_(v) _igi_ o(*) (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba-il ta-al#-[qi]

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _mi_ szu-a-tu zar-pat-at la-qi-at tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-e-ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni lu-u (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba-il lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu sza _ta_(v) _mi_-zar4-pi-i de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Mannu-ki-Arbail, owner of his sister being sold.

Bililutu, sister of Mannu-ki-Arbail —

Zarpî, the second woman, has contracted and bought her for 1/2 mina of silver from Mannu-ki-Arbail.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mannu-ki-Arbail or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Zarpî,


Seal of Mannu-ki-Arbail, owner of his sister being sold.

Bililutu, sister of Mannu-ki-Arbail —

Zarpî, the harem manageress, has contracted and bought her for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Mannu-ki-Arbail.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mannu-ki-Arbail or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Zarpî,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug_-[_gi_] ina bur-ki (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-[kal-hi] _gar_-an

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Inurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.



s,ib-tu be-en#-nu a-na# 01 [me _ud_-_mesz_] sa-ar-tu a-na [kal _mu-an-na_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)la-[x x x x] x# _lu_(v)-x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x] _lu_(v) :

_igi_ (m)[x x x x] _lu_(v) :

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]—_dingir_(*)

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x]—(d)_pa_

_igi_ (m)(d(*))[x x x x]—iq-bi

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—qa-li

_igi_ (m)_su_—10 _lu-02_-u

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz(*)-szur(*)

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a(*)-a(*) _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Shumma-.

Witness La..., .

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness ...-ili.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-Nabû.

Witness ...-iqbi.

Witness Nabû-dur-qali.

Witness Riba-Adad, deputy.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.


Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Shumma-....

Witness La..., ....

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness ...-ilu.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-Nabû.

Witness DN-iqbi.

Witness Nabû-dur-qalli.

Witness Eriba-Adad, deputy.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.



_iti-ne ud 27_-_kam_ lim(*)-mu(*) (m)mar—la-rim _lu_(v)-tur-tan o(*) _uru_-ku-[mu-hi]

AI Translation

Month Ab V, 27th day, eponym year of Mar-larim, commander-in-chief of Kummuhu.


Month Ab V, 27th day, eponym year of Mar-larim, commander-in-chief of Commagene.



ina _lal_-is, (m)asz-szur—_du_—_dumu_(*)-_usz_(*) _man kur_—asz

AI Translation

At the disposal of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria.


In the reign of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria.

P335156: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su_ [_lu_-szA—_ugu_—É] [sza] _kur#_-bar-ha-[za] [_en_] _mi sum_-ni

_mi-ad_—li-ih-ia GÉME-szu sza (m)_pab_-u-a—_su lu_-szA—_ugu_—É

tu-pisz-ma _mi-gar-kur_-tu _uru_-asz-szur ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na 05 gin#_ [_kug-ud_]

ta-al-qi kas-pu# [gam-mur] ta-din _mi_ szu#-[a-te] za-ar-pa-at la#-[qi-at] tu-a-ru de-e-[nu _dug4-dug4_]

la-Asz-szu man-nu sza(*) [ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-ma i-za-[qu-pa-a-ni] i-_gil_-u-ni lu-[u (m)_pab_-u-a—_su_] lu-u _en_-szu sza de-[e-nu] _dug4-dug4 ta_(v)(*)# [_mi-gar-kur_-tu]

AI Translation

Seal of Ahu'a-eriba, overseer of the household of Barhaza, owner of the woman being sold.

Abi-lihiya, maid of Ahu'a-eriba, overseer of the household.

The governess of Ashur has contracted and bought her for half mina 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Ahu'a-eriba or his lord, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the prefect,


Seal of Ahu'a-eriba, overseer of the household of the land of Barhaza, owner of the woman being sold.

Abi-lihiya, the maid of Ahu'a-eriba, overseer of the household —

the harem manageress of the city of Assur has contracted and bought her for half mina and 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Ahu'a-eriba or his master, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the harem manageress,



ub-ta-u-ni 10 _ma_-[_na kug-ud_] 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-[ki (d)x] a-szi-bi _uru_-asz-szur i-[szA-kan] kas-pi a-di 10-_mesz_ a-na# [_en_-szu _gur_-ra] ina de-ni-szu i-_dug4_-[_dug4_-ma la _ti_]

_iti-gud ud 05_-_kam_ lim#-[mu (m)x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—da-[la-a]

_igi_ (m)_im_—(d)15(*)# [x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sig5_—_dingir_(*)-[_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_asz_—_pab lu-sanga_

_igi_ (m)ma-na-ni

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru-nina_

_igi_ (m)ha-an-nu(*)-u-si

_igi_ (m)10—na(*)-ta(*)-an

_igi_ (m)na(*)#-ma-ri—($U(*)-U(*)$)

[_igi_ (m)ha]-na—se-e'

[_igi_ (m)]nar#-gi-i _lu-a-ba_

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of DN residing in Assur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Shamash-dalâ.

Witness Shar-Issar, .

Witness Nabû-damqi-ilani.

Witness Ashur-nadin-ahi, priest.

Witness Mananu.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Hannusi.

Witness Adad-natan.

Witness Nari-Dadi.

Witness Hana-Se'.

Witness Nargî, scribe.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of DN residing in Assur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Shamash-dalâ.

Witness Shar-Issar, ....

Witness Nabû-damqi-ilani.

Witness Ashur-nadin-ahi, priest.

Witness Mananu.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Hannusi.

Witness Adda-natan.

Witness Namari-Dadî.

Witness Hana-Se'.

Witness Nargî, scribe.

P335157: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)rém-[a-ni—_dingir_] [_lu_]-_sanga_ szA d-_en_(?)#-[a-nu] [_en_] _mi_ [_sum_-ni]

[_mi_]-(d)#na-na-a-a—da-[x x] _a#-mi_ (m)su-qa-a-a GÉME(*)#-[szu(*)] sza (m)rém-a-ni—_dingir_ u-pisz-[ma]

(m)_be_(?)#—_dingir_-_mesz igi_(*)-_dub_(?) _dumu_(*)# (m)ka(*)-ku(*)#-la-ni ina _sza_-bi [x] _ma-na kug-ud ta_(v) _igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_dingir_

[il]-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _mi#_ za-Ar-pat laq-qi-[at] tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma [i-za-qu-pa-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Remanni-ilu, priest of Belanu, owner of the woman being sold.

Nanaya-da..., daughter of Suqaya, maid of Remanni-ilu —

Shum-ilani, treasurer, son of Kakkullanu, has contracted and bought them from Remanni-ilu for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Seal of Remanni-ilu, priest of Belanu, owner of the woman being sold.

Nanaya-da..., daughter of Suqaya, maid of Remanni-ilu —

Shumma-ilani, treasurer, son of Kakkullanu, has contracted and bought her for x minas of silver from Remanni-ilu,

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Remanni-ilu or his sons or his brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and his brothers,



03 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)be-la-nu a-szi-bi _uru#_-hi-ra-na _gar_-an kas-pu [a]-na# 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_]-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma

la# i-laq-qi _iti-ne_ [_ud_] 20-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_u-u_-i [_lu_(v)-_igi-dub_]

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_man igi_ (m)_en_—[_kaskal_]—_pab_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)ba-ni-i _igi_ (m)_gin_—_numun#_

_igi_ (m)szA-szi-i : (m)_dug-ga_—_igi#_—[x x]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_im#_ [x x x x x]

_pab uru_-hi-ra-[na x x x x(*)]

_igi_ (m)ab-da-[x x x x x(*)]

AI Translation

shall place 3 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Belanu residing in Hirana, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Ab V, 20th day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer.

Witness Shulmu-sharri. Witness Bel-Harran-ahu-ushur.

Witness Banî. Witness Mukin-zeri.

Witness Shasî, ditto Tab-pan-.

Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, .

total, in the town of Hirana, .

Witness Abda.


shall place 3 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Belanu residing in Hirana, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit not succeed.

Month Ab V, 20th day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, witness Bel-Harran-ahu-ushur,

witness Banî, witness Mukin-zeri,

witness Shashî, ditto Tab-pan-...,

witness Mannu-ki-Adad, ...,

all from Hirana ....

Witness Abdâ..., ...



_igi_ (m)bi-la-[x x x x x(*)]

_igi_ (m)qi-x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Bila.

Witness Qi....


witness Bila...,

witness Qi...,



_igi_ (m)ha-am(*)—_gisz_(*) [x x x x x]-i

_igi_ (m)ab-di—(d)_en_(*)-a(*)-nu(*)# [_a-ba_ s,a-bit] dan#-ni-te

_pab uru_-[di]-qu-qi-na-a-a(*)# [_igi_ x x x]+x—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Witness Ham-leshir, .

Witness Abdi-Belanu, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Total, from Diquqina. Witness ...-ahhe.


witness Ham-leshir, ...,

witness Abdi-Belanu, scribe, keeper of the contract,

all from Diquqina. Witness ...-ahhe

P335158: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)asz-szur—_kur_—_lal_ [_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)_du_—a-mur [_pab 02_] _lu_-_mesz_-e A (m)pu-t,a—nu(*)-sze(*)# _en# mi sum_-ni

_mi-15_—re-me-ni GÉME#-szu-nu sza# _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te

u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir szA A—_man_ ina _sza 1_/2 _ma-na kug-ud_

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _mi_ szu-a-tu za-ar-pat la-qi-at tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

Seal of Ashur-matu-taqqin, seal of Bani-amur, in all 2 men, sons of Puta-nushe, owners of the woman being sold.

Issar-remeni, maid of these gentlemen:

Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, has contracted and bought for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Ashur-matu-taqqin, seal of Banû-amur, in all 2 men, sons of Puta-nushe, owner of the woman being sold.

Issar-remenni, maid of these men —

Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, has contracted and bought her for half mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-[ma] i-za-qu-pa-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons or their brothers or their grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and his grandsons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their brothers or any relative of theirs, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu and his sons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi sum_-an kas-pu ina [10-_mesz_-te] _en_-szu u-_gur_-ru ina la de-ni-szu _nu dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi-u

s,ib-ti be-ni a-na 01 me _ud_-_mesz_ sa-ar-tu a-na kal _mu_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)]ki#-s,ir—asz-szur _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir szA qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] :-

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] :-

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]—_dingir_—_di_-szu-nu [:-]

[_igi_ (m)]asz-szur—_man_—_pab_ :-

[_igi_ (m)]zi#-zi-i 02-u

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

shall pay 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-ili-shallimshunu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, ditto.

Witness Zizî, deputy.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.


shall give 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ....

Witness ...-ili-shallimshunu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, ditto.

Witness Zizî, deputy.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the king.



[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—_lal_-is, _lu-gigir_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)]asz-szur—kil-la-an-ni

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-tarish, royal horse trainer.

Witness Ashur-killanni.


Witness Nabû-tarish, royal horse trainer.

Witness Ashur-killanni.



_iti-dul ud 26_ lim-me (m)x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 26th day, eponym year of NN.


Month Tishri VII, 26th day, eponym year of NN. Witness Iqbi-....

P335159: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(*)#—[_asz_] [_en_] _mi#_ ta-da-a(*)#-[ni]

_mi-an_-e—ta-ba#-ni GÉME#-[szu] sza (m)(d)_pa_—_numun#_—_asz_

u-pisz-ma# [(m)szum]-ma#—_dingir_-_mesz#_ [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_]

il(*)#-qi [kas-pu gam-mur ta-din] _mi_ szu-a-te za-ri(*)#-[ip] laq-qi(*) tu-a-ru de#-[e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

[man]-nu sza ina ur-kisz# [ina] ma-te-ma i-za-qu#-pa-a-[ni] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4# ta_(v)(*)# (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz ta_(v)(*)# _dumu_-_mesz#_-szu _ta_(v)(*) _dumu_—_dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu] [_ta_(v)] _pab#_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v)(*) _dumu_(*)—_pab_(*)#-[_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-zeru-iddina, owner of the woman being sold.

The woman Shane-tabani, maid of Nabû-zeru-iddina.

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons, grandsons, brothers and nephews,


Seal of Nabû-zeru-iddina, owner of the woman being sold.

Shamê-tabani, maid of Nabû-zeru-iddina —

Shumma-ilani, has contracted and bought her for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons, grandsons, brothers and nephews,



[sza] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ [ub]-ta-'u-ni [kas]-pu ina 10-_mesz_ ina _en_-_mesz_-szu# u(*)#-_gur_ ina de-e-ni-szu _dug4#-dug4_-ma la (i)-laq-qi

[s,ib]-tu be-en-nu(*) ina(*)# 01 me _ud_-me sa(*)#-ar-tu# [ina(*)] kal _ud_-me#

[_igi_ (m)](d)za-ba4-ba4—_pab_—_pab#_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x]—_dingir_(*) _lu_(v)(*)-_ninda_(*) _lu_(v)(*)-x x#+[x]

_igi_ (m)ha-ni-na-a-a

_igi_ (m)da-ga-na—mil-ki

[_igi_ (m)man]-nu#—_gim_—_erim_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)la—TÉSZ]-a#-na—_dingir lu_(v)-_tin_

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-sze(?)-a-bu

[_igi_ (m)x x x] sze x# [x x x]

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Zababa-ahu-ushur.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-ilu, baker of the .

Witness Haninayu.

Witness Dagana-milki.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi.

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu, master builder.

Witness ...she'abu.

Witness NN, .


whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Zababa-ahu-ushur.

Witness NN, ....

Witness ...-ilu, baker of the ....

Witness Haninaya.

Witness Dagan-milki.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi.

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu, master builder.

Witness ...abu, ....

Witness NN.......



[x x x x x _mu_] 24#-[_kam_] (m(*))#(d)30—_pab_-_mesz#_—[_su_]

AI Translation

...... 24th year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


...... 24th year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

P335160: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)da-ri—_ad_-u-a _en mi sum_-ni

_mi_-(d)na-na—_tuk_-szi(!) GÉME-szu sza (m)da-ri—_ad_-u-a u-pisz-ma

(m)tab-ni—(d)15 ina _sza 01 1_/2 _ma_-[_na_]

[_kug-ud_ x x x x] _ti_-qi kas#-[pu] [gam]-mur# ta-din _mi_ szu-[a-te zar-pat]

[la]-qi#-at man-nu sza# [i-za-qu-pa-ni _gil_-u-ni] [lu-u (m)da]-ri#—_ad_-[u-a lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] [lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu(*)#-u [_szesz_-_mesz_-szu] lu#-[u _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu sza _ta_(v)(*)] (m)tab-ni—(d)15 _dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-szu] de-e-nu ub-ta-u-ni 02 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an(*)

AI Translation

Seal of Dari-abu'a, owner of the woman being sold.

Nana-ra'imshi, maid of Dari-abu'a, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.

Tabni-Issar has contracted and bought her for 1 1/2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired.

Whoever lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Dari-abu'a or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Tabni-Issar, his sons and grandsons, shall pay 2 minas of silver.


Seal of Dari-abu'a, owner of the woman being sold.

Nanâ-lurshi, maid of Dari-abu'a —

Tabni-Issar has contracted and bought her for 1 1/2 minas of silver ....

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired.

Whoever lodges a complaint, whether Dari-abu'a or his sons, grandsons or his brothers or his nephews, and seeks a lawsuit against Tabni-Issar, his sons or grandsons, shall pay two minas of silver to redeem the woman.



_igi_ (m)bar-ruq#

_igi_ (m)aq-[ru]

_igi_ (m)_pa_(*)—[za-qip—_sig_]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ki-ma-[ma-a-a]

_igi_ (m)ri-ha-[te]

_iti-gud ud 05_-_kam_ lim-[mu sza] Ar#-kat (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Aqru.

Witness Nabû-zaqip-damqa.

Witness NN.

Witness Kimamayu.

Witness Rihate.

Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Barruqu.

Witness Agru.

Witness Nabû-zaqip-enshi.

Witness NN.

Witness Kimamaya.

Witness Rihati.

Month Iyyar II, 5th day, the year after the eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasa.

P335161: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_mi_-x x]-ma#-li GÉME-szu

[u-pisz]-ma (m)_nina-ki_-a-a _lu#-sag lugal_ ina _sza_-bi 35(*) _gin_-_mesz_ [_kug_]-_ud ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ia-a-ma-ni il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _mi_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i#-za-qu-o(*)-ni _gil_-u-ni [lu-u (m)ia]-a-ma-ni lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu _pab_-_mesz_-szu sza] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

AI Translation

...mali, his maid.

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought them for 35 shekels of silver from Yamanu.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Yamanu or his sons or his brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Adad, his sons and his brothers,


...mali, his maid —

Ninuayu, eunuch the king, has contracted and bought her for 35 shekels of silver from Yamani.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Yamani or his sons or his brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation



ina bur-ki ina(*) bur(*)-ki(*)# [(d)x _gar_-an] kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-szu _gur_-ra a-na de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_iti-gud ud 14_-_kam_ [lim]-mu# (m)u-pa-qa—a-na—arba-il

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-szi—_du lu-gal_—É

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_i lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)_en_]—lik-s,ur _lu-03_-szu

[_igi_ (m)uz]-na-nu _lu_-mu-kil—ap(*)-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—id-ri

[_igi_ (m)_dingir_]—im-me(*) _dam-qar#_

AI Translation

He shall place the money in the lap of DN and in the lap of DN. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Iyyar II, 14th day, eponym year of Upaqa-ana-Arbail.

Witness ...shi-ibni, major-domo.

Witness Nabû-na'id, chariot driver.

Witness Bel-likshur, 'third man.'

Witness Uznanu, chariot driver.

Witness ...-idri.

Witness Il-immi, merchant.


shall place x minas of silver in the lap of DN, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Iyyar II, 14th day, eponym year of Upaq-ana-Arbail.

Witness ...shi-ibni, major-domo.

Witness Nabû-na'id, chariot driver.

Witness Bel-likshur, 'third man'.

Witness Uznanu, chariot driver.

Witness ...-idri.

Witness Il-immi, merchant.



[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-e _lu_-[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness ...e, .


Witness ...e, ....

P335162: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)se-e'—za-ba-di [_en_] _mi sum_-ni

_mi#-ad_—ha-a'-li [GÉME-szu(*)] sza (m)se-e'—za-ba-[di]

u-pisz-ma _mi_-la#—te-gi(*)—a(*)#-[na—x x] _ta_(v)(*) pa-an (m)se-e'—za-ba#-di ina _sza_-bi 09 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur [ta]-ad#-din _mi_ szu-a-tu# zar-pat laq(*)-qi(*)#-at tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz u(*) ma-[te]-me(*)# i-za-qu-pa#-[ni] _gil#_-_mesz_-u-[ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Se'-zabadi, owner of the woman being sold.

Abi-hali, maid of Se'-zabadi.

La-teggi-ana-... has contracted and bought them from Se'-zabadi for 9 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future or at any time lodges a complaint and breaks the contract,


Seal of Se'-zabadi, owner of the woman being sold.

Abi-ha'li, the maid of Se'-zabadi —

the woman La-teggi-ana-... has contracted and bought her from Se'-zabadi for 9 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future and at any time lodges a complaint and breaks the contract shall place two minas of silver and two minas of gold in the lap of Nikkal, shall tie 4 white horses to the feet of Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)ha-an-di-i _lu_-na(*)#-szi-i

_igi_ (m)_zalag_-a-nu _lu-nigir_

_igi#_ (m)ha(*)-su(*)#-si-i _dumu_ (m)zib-di-i

[_igi_ (m)x]—dal(*)-a _lu-nigir_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)]gir(?)#—s,ap(*)-hu-ni(*)#

_iti#-ziz ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_ag_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Handî, sheikh.

Witness Nuranu, herald.

Witness Hasusî, son of Zibdî.

Witness ...-dalâ, herald.

Witness Gir-shaphuni.

Month Shebat XI, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Handî, carrier.

Witness Nuranu, herald.

Witness Hasusî son of Zabdî.

Witness ...-dalâ, herald.

Witness Gir-shaphuni.

Month Shebat XI, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasa.

P335163: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_lu_(v)]-_sanga_(*) sza# (d)_en# ta_(v) _igi_ (m)30—_en_—_pab_ ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na kug-ud_

i-si-qi# :(*) kas-pu ga-mur ta-din-ni _mi_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi o(*) tu-a-ru _di-kud_ o(*) _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz#-[szu]

sza _bal_-kat-tu-u-ni o(*) 01 _ma-na kug-ud 01_(*) _ma_(*)-_na_(*) _kug_(*)-_gi_(*)#

AI Translation

The priest of Bel has contracted and bought them from Sin-belu-ushur for one mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

One mina of silver, one mina of gold, and one mina of silver belonging to the king of Assyria.


NN, priest of Bel has contracted and bought her from Sin-belu-ushur for one mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall give one mina of silver and one mina of gold to Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—_mu_—_pab arad_ sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_

_igi_ (m)ha-na—se [_lu_(v)-s,a]-rip(*)#—_kusz-du8-szi-a_ [x x x x] x x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Adad-shumu-ushur, servant of the chief eunuch.

Witness Hana-se', chariot driver.


Witness Adad-shumu-ushur, servant of the chief eunuch.

Witness Hana-Se', tanner of coloured leather.



1/2 _ma-na urudu#_-[_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-szu]

_lu_(v)(*)-[x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

1/2 mina of copper for his fingernail.

the ......


1/2 mina of copper for his fingernail.


P335164: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_mi_-x]+x#-di-bé-e-szA—_sza_-bi GÉME(*)-[szu] sza (m)(d)se-e'—a-a-li

u-pisz-ma (m)s,al-mu—_pab_-mesz o(*) ina _sza_-bi 01 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina szA _uru_-[gar-ga-mis] _ta igi_ (m)se-e'—a-a-li il-qi#

kas-pu ga-mur ta-ad-din _mi_ szu-a-tu zar-pat la-qi-at# tu-a-ru de-e-nu da-ba-[bu la-Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-[te-ma] i-za-qu-pa-ni _gil_(*)#-[u-ni] lu-u (m)se-e'—a-a-[li lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu#-[u _pab_-_mesz_-szu] _ta_(v)(*) (m)s,al-mu—_pab_-_mesz_(*)# [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] [_dumu_]—_dumu#_-_mesz_-szu# [de-nu _dug4-dug4_]

AI Translation

...dibêsha-le'abi, maid of Se'-ayali.

Shalmu-ahhe has contracted and bought said property for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Se'-ayyali.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Se'-ayali or his sons, grandsons or brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shalmu-ahhe, his sons and grandsons,


...-dibesha-libbi, maid of Se'-ayyali —

Shalmu-ahhe, has contracted and bought her for 1 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Se'-ayyali.

The money is paid completely. That woman purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Se'-ayyali or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shalmu-ahhe, his sons and his grandsons

P335165: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _sza_-bi bi-lat _urudu_-[_mesz_]

il-qi kas-pu ga-mur# [ta-din] tu-a-ru _dug4-dug4_ la-a-[szu]

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz lu-u ina(*) ma(*)-ti(*)-ma(*)# i-za-qu-ba(*)-ni ma-a _mi_ a-pat,-t,ar 01 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an i(*)-pat,(*)-t,ar(*)

o(*) _iti-szu ud 15_-_kam_

AI Translation

From the silver of the copper .

The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, saying: "I have written to the woman and he shall pay one mina of silver."

Month Tammuz IV, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


has bought her for one talent copper.

The money is paid completely. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future or at any time lodges a complaint, saing: "I will release the woman," shall pay one mina of silver to release her.

Month Tammuz IV, 15th day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.



_igi_ (m)man-nu—_gim_—10 _gal_—[x x]

_igi_ (m)ru-ra-di-di _lu_(v)-_sag_ szA _mi_-szA-kin-te

_igi_ (m)ga-lu-lu _i-du8_

_igi_ (m)zi-zi-ia :

_igi_ (m)mu-qa-lil—_idim_-tu :

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab lu-sag_

_igi_ (m)[du]-un(*)-qi—15 [o(?)]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, chief .

Witness Ruradidi, eunuch of the governess.

Witness Gallulu, gatekeeper.

Witness Ziziya, ditto.

Witness Muqallil-kabti, ditto.

Witness Nabû-duru-ushur, eunuch.

Witness Dunqi-Issar.

Witness ...ayu.


Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, chief ....

Witness Ruradidi, eunuch of the harem governess.

Witness Gallulu, porter.

Witness Ziziya, ditto.

Witness Muqallil-kabti, ditto.

Witness Nabû-duru-ushur, eunuch.

Witness Dunqi-Issar.

Witness ...aya

P335166: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x]—_asz_ o(*) [ina _sza_-bi(*)] 01(*) 1/2 _kug-ud ta_(v) _igi_(*)-szu(*)-nu(*)

[il-qi kas-pu] gam-mur ta-din GÉME [szu(*)-a(*)-tu(*) za-Ar]-pat# la-qi-at [tu-a-ru] de#-ni _dug4-dug4_ [la-Asz-szu]

[man]-nu# sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma# [i-_gil_-u-ni x] _ma#-na kug-ud 01 ma-na_ [_kug-gi_ ina bur-ki] (d)30 i-szak-kan [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te] a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

......-iddina has contracted and bought them from them for 1 1/2 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That maid is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Sin, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


...-iddin has contracted and bought her for 1 1/2 minas of silver from them.

The money is paid completely. That maid is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Sin, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[x x x x x x x] x x#

[x x x x x x x] É(*)-_mesz_(*)

[_igi_ (m)gi(?)]-ri(*)#—_u-u_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa-tug_—_asz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]30—_en_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-bi(*)#—a-tar(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x]-di-i _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-a(*)-nu—_man lu_(v)-03(*)-szu(*)

AI Translation


...... houses

Witness Giri-Daddi.

Witness Nusku-iddina.

Witness Sin-belu-ushur.


Witness ...dî, chariot driver.

Witness ...anu-sharri, 'third man.'



...... ...

Witness Giri-Dadi.

Witness Nusku-iddina.

Witness Sin-belu-ushur.


Witness ...dî, chariot driver.

Witness ...anu-sharru, 'third man'.

P335167: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_-e-ri-x#+[x x x]

u-pisz-ma _mi_-[x x x x x] ina _sza 1_/2 _ma_(*) 04 _gin#_-[_mesz kug-ud_] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—[x x x x x x x]

kas-pu gam-mur ta#-[din _mi_ szu-a-te] zar-pat la-qi-at [tu-a-ru] de-nu _dug4-dug4_ [la-Asz-szu]

AI Translation


NN has contracted and bought them from Inurta-... for 1/2 mina 4 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Eri... —

... has contracted and bought for half mina and 4 shekels of silver from Inurta-....

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever ......


Whoever ......

P335168: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_-sam(*)-si(*)#—[x x] GÉME(*)-szu(*) _dumu ga_(*)# [x (x) x]-_mesz_

u-pisz-ma (m)[x (x) x]+x#-a-a ina _sza_-bi# [x _ma-na_] _kug#-ud_-_mesz_

il-qi kas-pu ga-mur# ta-din _mi dumu#_ [szu]-a-te za-Ar-pu laq#-[qi(*)]-iu(*)-u(*)

AI Translation

Samsi-..., his maid, a son, ... ...;

...ayu has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman and her son are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Samsi-..., his maid, a suckling child ... —

...ayu has contracted and bought for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman and child are purchased and acquired.



[man-nu sza] de(*)#-e(*)-nu _dug4_(*)-_dug4_(*)# [o] ub(*)-ta(*)-u(*)-ni(*)# _kug_(*)-_ud_(*) [a]-na(*)# 10(*)-_mesz_(*)-te(*) a(*)-na(*)# _en_-_mesz_-[szu] _gur_

_igi_(*)# [(m)]x x x# x x# x x

_igi_(*)# (m(*))(d(*))#[x]+x#+[x] x x x

_igi_(*)# (m(*))x#+[x]—_man_(*)—_du_(*)

_igi_(*) (m(*))[x x x]-a-nu x x# [x]+x#

AI Translation

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation shall return the silver tenfold to its owners.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-sharru-ibni.

Witness ...anu, .


Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation, shall return the silver tenfold to its owners.

Witness NN, ....

Witness NN.

Witness ...-sharru-ibni.

Witness ...anu, ...



[_igi_ (m)x (x)]+x#-me _igi_ (m)s,a-la-a-a _iti_(?)#-[x _ud_ x-_kam_]

AI Translation

Witness Witness Shalayu. Month ..., day.


Witness Witness Shalaya. Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Dadî, treasurer. Witness ....

P335169: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)_en_—_du_(*)# _en mi sum_-[ni]

_mi_-u-qu-pu-tu GÉME-szu# sza (m)_en_—_du_(*) u-pisz-ma

(m)szum-ma#—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni ina _sza 01 ma-na kug-ud_ sza gar-gar#-mis

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur [ta-din] _mi#_ szu-a-te#

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-ibni, owner of the woman being sold.

Uquputu, maid of Bel-ibni —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Bel-ibni, owner of the woman being sold.

Uquputu, maid of Bel-ibni —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought her for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired.



_igi_ (m)ha(*)-x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)tak-ku-[lu]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kad_-an-ni(*)#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad#_—_pab_

_lu_(*)-A(*)-_ba_(*) _iti#_-[x] _ud 25_-_kam_(?) lim-mu (m)(d)_pa#_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Ha....

Witness Takkulu.

Witness Nabû-kashiranni.

Witness Nabû-duru-ushur.

Month ..., 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ha....

Witness Takkulu.

Witness Nabû-kushuranni.

Witness Nabû-duru-ushur, scribe.

Month ..., 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasa.

P335170: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ina [_sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_ ta-al-qi]

kas-pu [gam-mur ta-din] _mi_ szu-a-tu zar-pat# [la-qi-at] tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ [la-Asz-szu]

ina ur-kisz ina im—ma-te-ma# lu-u (m)_ad_—sa-lam lu-u _dumu_-_mesz#_-[szu] lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz#_—[_szesz_-_mesz_]-szu lu-u _lu_-szak-an-szu lu-u# [x x x x] lu-u qur-ub-szu sza de#-[e-nu _dug4-dug4_] _ta_(v)(*) _mi_-ad-da#-[ti x x x] _u# egir_-szu [x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

You buy them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

In the future, at any time, whether Abi-salam or his sons, brothers, nephews, or his prefect, ..., or a relative of his, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Addatu ... and his sons,


Addati, governess, has contracted and bought her for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever, at any time in the future, whether Abi-salam or his sons, brothers or nephews, or his prefect, ..., or neighbour, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Addati, ..., and his sic successor

P335171: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x] [_en mi_ ta-da]-ni

[_mi_-x x x]-x-su GÉME [sza (m)x x x x]-a# u-pisz-ma

[(m)x x x x]-Asz(?) _ta_(v) pa-an [(m)x x x x] ina _sza 30 gin kug-ud_

[il-qi kas]-pu# ga-mur [ta-din _mi_] szu#-a-[te]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the woman being sold., maid of NN has contracted and bought

NN has contracted and bought from NN for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Fingernail of NN, owner of the woman being sold., the maid of ...a —

NN has contracted and bought her from ... for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] A (m)30—_masz#_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-me _arad_-szA

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_gin_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x _sukkal#_

AI Translation

Witness NN, son of Sin-ashared.

Witness, her servant.

Witness ...-kenu-ushur.

Witness NN, vizier.


Witness ..., son of Sin-ashared.

Witness, her servant.

Witness ...-kenu-ushur.

Witness ..., ... of the vizier.

P335172: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)[x x x] _en mi_-szu(*)# [_sum_-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the woman being sold.


Seal of NN, the owner selling his wife.



01 _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_ x _ma-na kug-gi_] ina bur(ur)-ki (d)#[x x x x x] i-szak-kan kas-pu a-na# [10-_mesz_-te] ina _en_-_mesz_-szu(*)# u-_gur_-ra# ina de-ni-szu i-_dug4-dug4_ la [x x]

_igi_ (m)du-du-u-a _lu_(v)-A—_sig#_ sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-kal-[ha]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _igi_ (m)qa-qa(*)#-[a(?)]

_igi_ (m)mu-qu-ru _igi_ (m)I(?)#—[x x x]

_iti-sig4 ud#_ [x-_kam_]

AI Translation

shall place one mina of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of DN residing in .... He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dudû'a, chariot fighter of the governor of Calah.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness Qaqâ.

Witness Muquru. Witness Na'di-.

Month Sivan III, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


He shall place one mina of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Duduwa, chariot fighter of the governor of Calah.

Witness Urda-Issar. Witness Qaqâ.

Witness Muquru. Witness Na'di-....

Month Sivan III, day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.



[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.


Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

P335173: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_mi#-an_-e#—ta-ba#-[ni GÉME-szu] [sza] (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz_ u-[pisz-ma]

(m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_ ina _sza#_ [x _ma-na_]

_kug-ud ti_-qi kas-[pu gam-mur] ta#-din _mi_ szu-a-te# [za-ar-pat] la#-qi-at tu#-[a-ru de-e-nu]

_dug4#-dug4_ la#-[Asz-szu man-nu sza] [ina] ur#-kisz ina [ma-te-ma] [lu]-u# [(m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz_ lu-u]

AI Translation

The woman Shane-tabani, maid of Nabû-zeru-iddina, has contracted and bought her for x minas of silver.

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Nabû-zeru-iddina or his sons or his grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Shamê-tabani, maid of Nabû-zeru-iddina —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought her for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Nabû-zeru-iddina or

P335174: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad#_—ku-s,ur [_lu_(v)]-_sag en mi sum_-ni

[_mi_]-(d)_nin-lil_—_bad_—_pab_(*) GÉME szA (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—ku-s,ur u-pisz-ma

(m)si-lim—asz-szur _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—ku-s,ur ina _sza_-bi 1/2(*) _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi#

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _mi_ szu-a-tu zar-pat la-qi-at tu(*)-a-ru de-nu(*) _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza [ina ur]-kisz ina ma-te#-ma [_gil_-u-ni lu-u] (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—ku-s,ur [lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_]—_pab_(*)#-_mesz_-szu [sza de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta]-u-ni#

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-duru-kushur, eunuch, owner of the woman being sold.

Mullissu-duru-ushur, maid of Nabû-duru-kushur —

Silim-Ashur has contracted and bought them from Nabû-dur-kushur for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Nabû-duru-kushur or his brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation


Seal of Nabû-duru-kushur, eunuch, owner of the woman being sold.

Mullissu-duru-ushur, the maid of Nabû-duru-kushur —

Silim-Ashur has contracted and bought her from Nabû-duru-kushur for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Nabû-duru-kushur or his brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation

P335175: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4_]-_dug4#_

[la-Asz-szu man-nu sza] _gil#_-u(*)-ni [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma_]-_na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_im_ a-szib _uru_-ana-na(*) _gar_ kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Adad residing in Anah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Adad residing in Anah. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners.



(m)ku-ru-ku _en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_ sza(*) _mi_

_igi_ (m)isz-ta—(d)szér

_igi_ (m)aq-ru

_igi#_ (m)bar-ruq

[_igi_ (m)]ri-ha-te

[_igi_ (m)](d(*))#_pa_—[za(*)]-qip—_sig_

[_igi_ (m)ki-ma-ma]-a-a

AI Translation

Kuruku is the guarantor of the woman.

Witness Ishta-Sher.

Witness Aqru.

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Rihate.

Witness Nabû-zaqip-damqa.

Witness Kimamayu.


Kuruku is the guarantor of the woman.

Witness Ishta-Sher.

Witness Agru.

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Rihati.

Witness Nabû-zaqip-enshi.

Witness Kimamaya.

P335176: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)u-si-a' 02 _mi_-_mesz_-szu _mi_-me-e'-sa-a _mi_-ba-di-a (m)se—gab-a (m)_en_—_kaskal_—tak-lak 02 _dumu-mi_-_mesz_ pir-su _pab 07 zi_-_mesz lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)_arad_—(d)15

u-pisz-ma (m)se—ma-a-di

AI Translation

Seal of Urdu-Issar, owner of the people being sold.

Usaya, his two wives, Me'sâ, Badiya, Se'-gaba, Bel-Harran-taklak, two daughters, pirsu-girls: in all 7 persons, servants of Urda-Issar.

Se'-madi has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


Seal of Urda-Issar, owner of the people being sold.

Hosea and his two wives, Me'sa and Badia; Se'-gabbâ and Bel-Harran-taklak; two weaned daughters; a total of 7 persons, servants of Urda-Issar —

Se'-madi has contracted and bought them for 3 minas of silver.



il-qi kas-pu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely.


The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



_igi_ (m)_en_—_zalag lu_(v)-tam-_qar_

_igi_ (m)am—ia-te-e'-u

_igi_ (m)sa-an-gi-i

_igi_ (m)ku(*)-i-sa-a

_igi_ (m)se—_bad_

_igi_ (m)

_iti-dul_ lim-mu (m)da-na-nu

AI Translation

Witness Bel-nuri, shandabakku.

Witness Am-yate'u.

Witness: Sangî.

Witness Kuisâ.

Witness Se'-duri.


Month Tishri VII, eponym year of Dananu.


Witness Bel-nuri, merchant.

Witness Am-yate'u.

Witness Sangî.

Witness Kuisâ.

Witness Se'-duri.


Month Tishri VII, eponym year of Dananu.

P335177: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_ag_—_su en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)kan-da-la-nu 03# _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _mi_-szu 02 _dumu-mi_-_mesz#_-szu _szesz_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu

u-pisz-ma (m)_iti-kin#_-a-a _ta_(v)(*) _igi_ (m)(d)_ag_(*)—_su_ ina _sza_-bi 06(*) _ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te zar4-pu laq-qi-u

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—_su_ lu-u _lu-en-nam_ lu-u _lu-02_-u sza de-e-nu _dug4_-(_dug4_) ub-ta-u-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-eriba, owner of the people being sold.

Kandalanu, his 3 sons, his wife, his 2 daughters, his brother, his 2 sons,

Ululayu has contracted and bought them from Nabû-eriba for 6 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Nabû-eriba or the governor or the deputy governor, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation


Seal of Nabû-eriba, owner of the people being sold.

Kandalanu, his 3 sons, wife and two daughters, his brother and his two sons —

Ululayu has contracted and bought them from Nabû-eriba for 6 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Nabû-eriba or the governor or the deputy governor, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation, shall pay 12 minas of silver.



_igi_ (m)(d)_ag_—_zu_-a-ni _lu-03-u5_

_igi_ (m)_di_(*)-mu(*)—_en_(*)—la(*)-mur(*) _ki-min_

_igi_ (m)_zalag_-a-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)man(*)-nu(*)—ki(*)—(d(*))15(*)—_zu_(*) _lu_(*)-_ki-min_

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a _lu-i-du8_

_igi_ (m)U(*)-U(*)—_du lu-03-u5_

_igi_ (m)A—sze-zib-an-ni _lu-a_—_sig_

_igi_ (m)ku(*)-si-si-i _igi_ (m)(d)_masz_(*)-i

_igi_ (m)ri-sa-a-a

_igi_ (m)ta-ti-i _lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit e-gir-te(*)

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_dingir igi_ (m)hu—ma-ma-te#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_masz lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_ad_—_pab lu-a-ba_

_iti-gud ud 08_-_kam_ li-mu (m)man-za-ar-né-e _lu-en-nam kur_-kul-la-ni-a _mu 22_-_kam_ (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-le'ani, 'third man.'

Witness Shulmu-beli-lamur, ditto.

Witness Nuranu, cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i, ditto.

Witness: Nunayu, porter.

Witness Dadi-ibni, 'third man.'

Witness Aplu-shezibanni, chariot fighter.

Witness Kusisî. Witness Inurtî.

Witness Risayu.

Witness Tatî, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Witness Nergal-ilu. Witness Hu-matu.

Witness Nabû-ashared, scribe.

Witness Ashur-abu-ushur, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 8th day, eponym year of Mannea, governor of Kullania, 22nd year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


Witness Nabû-le'ani, 'third man.'

Witness Shulmu-beli-lamur, ditto.

Witness Nuranu, cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i, ditto.

Witness Nuhshaya, porter.

Witness Dadi-ibni, 'third man.'

Witness Aplu-shezibanni, chariot fighter.

Witness Kusisî. Witness Nurtî.

Witness Risaya.

Witness Tatî, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Witness Nergal-ili. Witness Humamati.

Witness Nabû-ashared, scribe.

Witness Ashur-abu-ushur, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 8th day, eponym year of Manzarnê, governor of Kullania, year 22 of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

P335178: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _en un_-_mesz_ ta-da-ni

(m)ha-am-nu-nu _mi_-szu _mi-ama_-szu (m)ad-da-a (m)_dingir_—su(*)-ri o(*) _szesz_-_mesz_-szu 02 _nin_-_mesz_-szu _pab 07 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)_arad_—(d)15

u-pisz-ma (m)se-e'—ma-a'#-du _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ sza _dumu_—_man_ ina _sza 02 ma-na kug-ud_ ina sza o(*) gar-ga-mis

il-qi kAs-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar4-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Urdu-Issar, owner of the people being sold.

Hamnunu, his wife and mother, Addaya, Il-suri, his brothers and his two sisters, a total of 7 persons, servants of Urda-Issar —

Se'-ma'du, village manager of the crown prince, has contracted and bought them for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Seal of Urda-Issar, owner of the people being sold.

Hamnunu, his wife and mother, Addâ and Il-suri, his brothers, and his two sisters, a total of 7 persons, servants of Urda-Issar —

Se'-madi, village manager of the crown prince, has contracted and bought them for two minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)10—ta-ka-a

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_en lu_(v)(*)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)10—sa-na-ni _lu_(v)(*)-03-szu

_igi_ (m)se-e'—hu-ut-ni _lu_(v)(*)-_gisz_(*)-_gigir_(*)

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—I

_igi_ (m)o(*)

_iti-sze ud_-mu 16-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Adad-takâ.

Witness Shulmu-beli, village manager.

Witness Adad-sanani, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-hutni, horse trainer.

Witness Nabû-na'id.


Month Adar XII, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Adda-sakâ.

Witness Shulmu-beli, village manager.

Witness Adda-sannani, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-hutni, horse trainer.

Witness Nabû-na'id.


Month Adar XII, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh.

P335179: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_man_-a-ni _en un_-_mesz sum_-an

(m)_im-04_-i _arad_-[szu (m)x]+x#—_im_—_an-szar mi_-(d)ur-kit—_dingir_-a-a [x x x x] É _pab 03_(*) _zi_-_mesz_ É(?)# [x] x#

tu-pisz-ma _mi-pab_—t,a-li _mi_-szA-kin-ti sza _uru-murub4_—_uru#_ ina _sza#_-bi 04 _ma-na kug-ud_ ta-al#-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te za-ar-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-ni _dug4-dug4_ la-szu

AI Translation

Seal of Sharrani, owner of the people being sold.

Adadî, his servant, ...-sharru-ana-Ashur, Urkit-ila'i, ..., a house, in all 3 persons, a house ...,

Ahu-tali, governess of the Citadel, has contracted and bought them for 4 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Sharranu, owner of the people being sold.

Amurrî, his servant; ...-shar-Ashur; Urkit-ila'i; ...; a household of all together 3 persons ... —

Ahi-talli, governess of the central city harem, has contracted and bought them for 4 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



man-nu szA _ta_(v) _mi_-szA-kin-ti# de-ni _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni 15 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

s,ib-ti a-na 01 me _ud_-mu sa-ar-ti a-na kal _ud_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_du lu_(v)(*)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)na-bu-u-a :

_igi_ (m)10(*)—_ki_-ia :

_igi_ (m)szA-ma-a' _lu_(v)(*)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_man_—_sipa_(!)-u-a(*) _lu_(v)(*)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)kU(*)-_ka_—_su lu_(v)(*)-_i-du8_

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—kib-si—_pab_ :

_igi_ (m)e-zi—pa-szar(*)#

_igi_ (m)_ba_-szA-a

_iti-sze ud 18_(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess shall pay 15 minas of silver.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Ahu-ibni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû'a, ditto.

Witness Adad-isse'a, ditto.

Witness Shama', scribe.

Witness Sharru-re'û'a, royal bodyguard.

Witness Kubabu-eriba, porter.

Witness Inurta-kibsi-ushur, ditto.

Witness Ezi-pashar.

Witness Iqishâ.

Month Adar XII, 18th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess shall pay 15 minas of silver.

Guaranteed against seizures for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Ahu-illika, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû'a, ditto.

Witness Adad-isse'a, ditto.

Witness Shama', scribe.

Witness Sharru-re'û'a, royal bodyguard.

Witness Kubabu-eriba, porter.

Witness Inurta-kibsi-ushur, ditto.

Witness Ezi-pashir.

Witness Iqishâ.

Month Adar XII, 16th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335181: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)da#-[gan—mil-ki] _en un_-_mesz_ ta#-[da-ni]

(m)i-man-nu-u _mi_-u-nu(*)#-[x x]-ni(?)# (m)mil-ki—u-ri _pab 03 zi_-_mesz#_

u-pisz-ma (m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ sza (m)_ka-k_ÉSZ—_lugal ta_(v) _igi_ (m)da-gan—mil-ki ina _sza 03 ma-na kug-ud#_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis _ti_-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar#-pu laq-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i#-zaq-qup-an-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u(*) (m)da-gan—mil-ki# lu-u(*) _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu lu-u dan-nu

sza _ta_(v) (m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub#-ta-'u-u-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Dagan-milki, owner of the people being sold.

Imannû,, Milki-uri, a total of 3 persons;

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver of Kish-sharri, has contracted and bought said property from Dagan-milki for 3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Dagan-milki or his brothers or his nephews or any relative of his or any relative of his,

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons, shall place 10 minas of pure silver and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Seal of Dagan-milki, owner of the people being sold.

Immannu, the woman, and Milki-uri, a total of 3 persons —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver of the royal corps, has contracted and bought them from Dagan-milki for 3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Dagan-milki or his brothers or nephews, or any relative of his or anyone influential,

and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons, shall pay x minas of silver and one mina of gold to Ishtar of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)ad-da-a _lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_pab_-i—ra-me _lu_-: ((_a-ba_))

_igi_ (m)pa-qa-ha _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)na-ad-bi—ia-a-u _lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_en_—_igi-lal_-an-ni

_igi_ (m)bi-in—di-ki-ri

_igi_ (m)_dug_—_im_—(d)15 _igi_ (m)tab-ni-i

_lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit _im_ ina _iti-ne_

AI Translation

Witness Addâ, scribe.

Witness Ahi-ram, ditto.

Witness Paqaha, village manager.

Witness Nadbi-Ya'u, chariot driver.

Witness Bel-emuranni.

Witness Bin-dikiri.

Witness Tab-shar-Issar. Witness Tabnî.

The scribe took the tablet away. It is to be read in Ab V.


Witness Addâ, scribe.

Witness Ahi-ram, ditto.

Witness Paqaha, village manager.

Witness Nadbi-Ya'u, chariot driver.

Witness Bel-emuranni.

Witness Bin-dikiri.

Witness Tab-shar-Issar. Witness Tabnî, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Ab V, 20th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Ashur-le'i.

P335182: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)]_ag_—_mu#_—[_gisz_] [_en_] _un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)mar-di-i _lu-nu-gisz-sar mi_-szu _dumu-mi_-su _pab 03 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_-ni sza (m)(d)_ag_—_mu_—_gisz_

u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir ina _sza 01 ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te zar4-pu _ti_-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni i-_gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gisz_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-shumu-leshir, owner of the people being sold.

Mardî, gardener, his wife and his daughter, a total of 3 persons, servants of Nabû-shumu-leshir —

Kakkullanu, cohort commander, has contracted and bought for one mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-shumu-leshir or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-shumu-leshir or his sons,


Seal of Nabû-shumu-leshir, owner of the people being sold.

Mardî, gardener, his wife and his daughter, in all 3 persons, servants of Nabû-shumu-leshir —

Kakkullanu, cohort commander, has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Nabû-shumu-leshir or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu, his sons and his grandsons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru_-ni-nu-a _gar_-an kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

szum-ma _un_-_mesz_ ina _kur_(*)-e la _sum_-ni

_kug-ud_ u-rab-ba (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gisz_ a-na (m)kak-kul-la-ni _sum_(*)#-[an]

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir szA qur-_zag_ sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)mar-du-u _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir sza—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)li—qi-pu : :

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—I : :

_igi_ (m)A—_man_—_dingir_-a-a : :

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si-i : :

_igi_ (m)hu-ba-szA(*)#-a-te : :

_igi_ (m)(d)#[x x]—_pab_ : :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] : :

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

If he does not give the people in the land,

Nabû-shumu-leshir will give the silver to Kakkullanu.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Mardû, cohort commander of the sha shepi guard.

Witness Li-qipu, ditto ditto.

Witness Ilu-na'id, ditto ditto.

Witness Aplu-shar-ila'i, ditto ditto.

Witness Balasî, ditto ditto.

Witness Hubashate, ditto ditto.

Witness ...-ushur, ditto ditto.

Witness NN, ditto ditto.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

If he does not give the people in the land, the silver will increase.

Nabû-shumu-leshir shall pay the silver to Kakkullanu.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander of the bodyguard of the crown prince.

Witness Mardû, cohort commander of sha shepi guard.

Witness La-qepu, ditto ditto.

Witness Il-na'id, ditto ditto.

Witness Mar-sharri-ila'i, ditto ditto.

Witness Balasî, ditto ditto.

Witness Hubashate, ditto ditto.

Witness ...-ushur, ditto ditto.

Witness NN, ditto ditto.



_igi_ (m)ag-ru _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir szA—_gir-2_ (m)_suhusz#_—[(d)_pa_]

AI Translation

Witness Agru, cohort commander of sha shepi guard. Ubru-Nabû.


Witness Agru, cohort commander of sha shepi guard. Ubru-Nabû.

P335183: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)ki-qi-la(*)-ni _lu_(v)#-[x x] _en# un_-_mesz_ ta-da#-[ni]

[(m)x x]—_lugal_(?)#—_pab mi#-ama_-szu [_pab 02 lu_(v)]-_arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)ki-qi-la(*)#-ni

[u-pisz]-ma# (m)szum-mu—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na kug-ud_-_mesz_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ki-qi-la(*)-ni il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din [_un_-_mesz_] za-ar-pu laq-qi-u [tu-a]-ru _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu] sza# _gil_-u-ni [x _ma_]-_na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi#_ [ina] bur-ki (d)_nin_-[_lil_]

AI Translation

Fingernail of Kiqillanu, ..., owner of the people being sold.

...-sharru-ushur, his mother, a total of 2 servants of Kiqillani.

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Kiqillanu for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Mullissu.


Fingernail of Kiqillanu, ..., owner of the people being sold.

...-sharru-ushur and his mother, a total of 2 servants of Kiqillanu —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Kiqillanu for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Mullissu residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)za-zi-i _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi#_ (m)(d)_utu_—sze-zib _lu_(v)-03-_u5_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sag_—i-szi _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_i lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)(d)_mes_—_mu_—_asz lu-gisz-gigir_—_gir-2_

_iti#-szu ud 02_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_(*)—_ti-la_(*)#-[su—E]

AI Translation

Witness Zazî, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-shezib, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-reshi-ishi, chariot driver.

Witness Sin-na'id, cohort commander.

Witness Marduk-shumu-iddina, horse trainer of the sha shepi guard.

Month Tammuz IV, 2nd day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi.


Witness Zazî, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-shezib, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-reshi-ishi, chariot driver.

Witness Sin-na'id, cohort commander.

Witness Marduk-shumu-iddina, horse trainer of the royal guard.

Month Tammuz IV, 2nd day, eponym year of ....

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, scribe, keeper of the document.

P335184: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)se—na-tan _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)di-na-na _mi_-ga-bi-a _mi_-szu _pab 02 zi lu-arad_-_mesz_(*) sza (m)se—na-tan

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu_-mu(*)-kil(*)—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-din(*) _un_-_mesz_ za-Ar-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-ni _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ma-te-me lu-u (m)se—na-tan lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu# sza i-zaq-qu-pa#-ni _gil_-u-ni de-e-ni _dug4-dug4# ta_(v) (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im u_(*)# [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] ub-ta-'u-u-[ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Se'-natan, owner of the people being sold.

Dinana, Gabiya, his wife, a total of 2 persons, servants of Se'-natan —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Se'-natan or his relative, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons,


Seal of Se'-natan, owner of the people being sold.

Dinana and Gabbiya, his wife, a total of 2 persons, servants of Se'-natan —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Se'-natan or his relative, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons,



01 _ma-na kug-ud 01_ [_ma-na kug-gi_] ina bur-ki (d)_gaszan_(*)—_nina_(*)#-[_ki gar_-an] kas-pi a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na(*)# [_en_-szu _gur_-ra] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la _ti_

_igi_ (m)_en_—_dumu-usz_—_sum_-na _lu-en-nam_(*)# [x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_ad_—_pab lu_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)U(*)-_gur_(*)—_lugal_—_pab lu_-szA—_ugu_—_uru_

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur(*) _lu_(*)-ha(*)-za(*)-nu(*)

_igi_ (m)al(*)—_dingir_—mil-ki _dumu_ (m)_en_—_zalag_

_igi_ (m)_en_—tak-lak

_igi_ (m)ri-hi-me—_man_(*) _lu-dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—de-ni—_igi-lal dumu_ (m)d(*)-_en_—_a#_—_sum_-na

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—szal-lim# _dumu_ (m)a-tar(*)#-a

_igi_ (m)ni-nu-a-a _igi_ (m)ba(*)-ri-ki(*)

_igi#_ (m)_pab_—_dingir_-a-a _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-an-ni

_igi#_ (m)_gin_-i _lu-a-ba_

_iti-ziz ud 10_-_kam_

AI Translation

shall place one mina of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Sharrat-Ninua, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bel-aplu-iddina, governor of .

Witness Sin-abu-ushur, .

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, city overseer.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, mayor.

Witness Al-il-milki, son of Bel-nuri.

Witness Bel-taklak.

Witness Rihim-sharri, merchant.

Witness Ilu-deni-lamur, son of Bel-aplu-iddina.

Witness Adad-shallim, son of Atarâ.

Witness Ninuayu. Witness Bariki.

Witness Ahu-ila'i. Witness Nabû-shezibanni.

Witness Kenî, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


shall place one mina of silver and one mina of gold in the the lap of the Lady of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bel-aplu-iddina, governor

Witness Sin-abu-ushur, ....

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, city overseer.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, mayor.

Witness El-il-milki, son of Bel-nuri.

Witness Bel-taklak.

Witness Rahim-Dadi, merchant.

Witness Ilu-deni-lamur, son of Bel-aplu-iddina.

Witness Adad-shallim, son of Atarâ.

Witness Ninuayu. Witness Bariku.

Witness Ahi-ila'i. Witness Nabû-shezibanni.

Witness Kenî, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 10th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-sharri.

P335185: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4-kiszib_]-szu# s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

[s,u-pur (m)_en_—_kaskal_]—_ki#_-ia _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[(m)(d)x—u]-s,al#-la 05 _zi_-_mesz_

[(m)x x x]+x#-mu 06 _zi_-_mesz_

[(m)x x x x] 04 _zi_-_mesz_

_pab 15_(*)# [_zi_-_mesz_] _arad#_-_mesz_ sza (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia#

u-pisz#-[ma] (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_(*)# _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_(*)# [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_] ina _ma-na_ sza(*) _uru_-[gar-ga-mis] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia# [il-qi]

kas-pu ga-am-mur ta-[ad-din] _un_-_mesz_ za-ar-pu la-[qi-u] tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina mat-e-ma i-za-qu-pa-an-ni lu-u (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu sza de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_ o(*) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _u dumu_—_dumu_(*)-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u-u-[ni]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Bel-Harran-isse'a, owner of the people being sold.

...-ushalla, 5 persons;, 6 persons;

NN, 4 persons;

Total 15 persons, servants of Bel-Harran-isse'a.

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-isse'a for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bel-Harran-isse'a or his sons, grandsons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Bel-Harran-isse'a, owner of the people being sold.

...-ushalla — 5 persons; — 6 persons;

...... — 4 persons;

in all 15 persons, servants of Bel-Harran-isse'a —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-isse'a for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bel-Harran-isse'a or his sons, grandsons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons, shall pay x minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi#_ (m)sa-ma-a' _lu_(v)-mu-ra-ba-nu sza _dumu_—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—hu-sa-an-ni _lu_(v)-mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)hal-u-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_zalag lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)s,u-s,a-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)da(*)-lu(*)-u-a _lu_(v)-_a-zu_(*)

_igi_ (m)a-ti-in-ni _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)ab-da-a' _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)pa-qa-[ha] _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_-[_mesz_-szu] _lu_(v)-mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz#_ sza(*)# _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)—_ka_(*)#-KÉSZ

_igi_ (m)za#-a(*)-zi-i [_lu_(v)]-mu#-_dib_—_pa#_-[_mesz_] sza _lu_(v)-_kasz#_-[_lul_]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_zu lu_(v)-_arad_ [x x x x x]

_iti-barag_ lim-mu (m)_sum_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_gar_(*)#-[_kur uru-bad_—_man_—_gin_]

_igi_ (m)_dug_—_im_—(d)_ag lu_(v)-_a-ba_ s,a-bit [_im_]

AI Translation

Witness Sama', mule trainer of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-husanni, chariot driver.

Witness Halua, scribe.

Witness Ahu-nuri, scribe.

Witness Shushaya, scribe.

Witness Dalu'a, physician.

Witness Atinni, scribe.

Witness Abdâ, scribe.

Witness Paqaha, village manager.

Witness Bel-ahheshu, chariot driver of the cohort commander.

Witness Zazî, chariot driver of the cupbearer.

Witness Bel-le'i, servant of .

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

Witness Tab-shar-Nabû, scribe, keeper of the tablet.


Witness Sama', horse raiser of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-hussanni, chariot driver.

Witness Halua, scribe.

Witness Ahi-nuri, scribe.

Witness Shushâ, scribe.

Witness Daluwa, physician.

Witness Atinni, scribe.

Witness Abda', scribe.

Witness Paqaha, village manager.

Witness Bel-ahheshu, chariot driver of the cohort commander.

Witness Zazî, chariot driver of the cupbearer.

Witness Bel-le'i, servant of ....

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

Witness Tab-shar-Nabû, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

P335186: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_pab_ [x _zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ szA (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia]

u-pisz#-[ma (m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_] ina _sza 18 ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_] sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis# [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia]

_ti_-[qi] kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-[din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te] zar-pu laq-qi#-u tu-[a-ru de-e-nu]

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu# szA ina ur#-[kisz] ina ma-te-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni# [lu-u (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu] lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu [sza de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu] _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u-[u-ni] 20# _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an kas-pu a-[na 10-_mesz_-te] a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-e-ni#-[szu] _dug4#-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi#

_igi#_ (m)sa-ma-a' _lu_-mu-ra-ba-nu szA A—_man_

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—hu-us#-sa-an-ni _lu_-mu-_dib_(*)—_pa_-_mesz_

_igi#_ (m)[x x x x] _lu-a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu#-a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu-a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu-a_]-_ba_

AI Translation

in all x persons, servants of Bel-Harran-isse'a —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-isse'a for 18 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bel-Harran-isse'a or his sons, grandsons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons, shall pay 20 minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sama', horse raiser of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-hussanni, chariot driver.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, scribe.


a total of x persons belonging to Bel-Harran-isse'a —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-isse'a for 18 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bel-Harran-isse'a or his sons, grandsons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons, shall pay 20 minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sama', horse raiser of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-hussanni, chariot driver.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, scribe.



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)a-[ti-in-ni _lu-a_]-_ba#_

_igi_ (m)_dumu_(*)#—[x x _lu-a_]-_ba_

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[_en_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu] _lu#_-[mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_] sza _lu-gal#_—_ka-k_ÉSZ#

_igi_ (m)_en_—_zu lu-arad_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)za-a-zi-i _lu_-[mu-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_] sza _lu_-[_kasz-lul_]

_iti-barag_ lim-[mu (m)_dingir_—_ki_-ia _lu-gar-kur_]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Atinni, scribe.

Witness Mar-.

Witness NN.

Witness Bel-ahheshu, chariot driver of the cohort commander.

Witness Bel-le'i, servant of .

Witness Zazî, chariot driver of the cupbearer.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a, governor of the land of Suhu.


Witness NN, ...

Witness Atinni, scribe.

Witness Mar-..., scribe.

Witness NN, ....

Witness Bel-ahheshu, chariot driver of the cohort commander.

Witness Bel-le'i, servant of ....

Witness Zazî, chariot driver of the cupbearer.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a, governor of Damascus.

P335187: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib#_-[szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun]

s,u-pur (m)_en_—_kaskal#_—[_ki_-ia _en un_-_mesz_] ta-ad-[da-ni]

(m)_dingir_—na-tan [x x x x x] (m)a-du-ni—t,u-[ri x x x x x] 03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x x] _pab 07 zi_-_mesz_ [_arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia]

u-pisz-ma [(m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_] _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_] ina(*)# _ma-na_ sza _uru#_-[gar-ga-mis] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_en_—[_kaskal_—_ki_-ia]

il-qi kas#-[pu gam-mur] ta-ad-din [_un_-_mesz_ za-ar-pu] la-qi#-[u]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Bel-Harran-isse'a, owner of the people being sold.

Ilu-natan ..., Aduni-turi ..., 3 sons of his, NN, a total of 7 persons, servants of Bel-Harran-isse'a —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-isse'a for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Bel-Harran-isse'a, owner of the people being sold.

Il-natan ......, Aduni-turi ......, his 3 sons, ......, a total of 7 persons, servants of Bel-Harran-isse'a —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-isse'a for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish .

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man]-nu(*) sza(*)# [i-za-qu-pa-an-ni] [x _ma_]-_na_(*) _kug_(*)#-[_ud_ i-dan] kas#-[pu] a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na# _en_-szu [u-ta-ra] ina [de]-ni#-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma [la i-laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)sa-ma#-a' _lu_(v)-mu-ra#-[ba-nu] sza (m)(d)_u-gur_—_mu_(*)—[x]

_igi_ (m)za-zi-i _lu_(v)-mu-kil#—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] sza _lu_(v)-_kasz-lul#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—sze-zib _lu_(v)-03#-[_u5_ x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _lu_(v)#-[mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—[ki-s,ir]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)pa-qa(*)-ha(*)# [_lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)[x x] x x# [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x] x# [x]

_iti-barag_ [_ud_ x-_kam_] lim-mu (m)_sum_-[na—_pab_-_mesz_] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur kur_(*)#-[_bad_—_man_—_gin_]

AI Translation

Whoever lodges a complaint shall pay x minas of silver. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sama', horse trainer of Nergal-shumu-.

Witness Zazî, chariot driver of the cupbearer.

Witness Shamash-shezib, 'third man' .

Witness Bel-ahheshu, chariot driver of the cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-.

Witness Paqaha, village manager.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Dur-Sharruken.


Whoever lodges a complaint shall pay x minas of silver. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sama', horse raiser of Nergal-shumu-....

Witness Zazî, chariot driver of the cupbearer.

Witness Shamash-shezib, 'third man' of ....

Witness Bel-ahheshu, chariot driver of the cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-....

Witness Paqaha, village manager.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Dur-Sharruken.



_igi_ (m)_dug_—_im_—(d)_ag#_

AI Translation

Witness Tab-shar-Nabû.


Witness Tab-shar-Nabû, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

P335188: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]I—_dingir lu_(v)-02-e(*) [_en un_]-_mesz sum_-ni

[(m)x x x x]+x-szu(*)# 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu-mi_(*)#-[su]

[_pab 04_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—[x x x _mi_-szu 02] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu# _dumu-mi 02 g_ÉME#-[_mesz_(*)]

_pab 07_(*) (m)_gisz-mi_—_en#_ [x x] x x#-szu(*) [x x x]

_pab 03_ (m)asz-szur—_en_—_pab mi_-szu _pab_-[szu _pab 03_(*)] _pab 17 lu_(v)-_zi_-_mesz# arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)#[I—_dingir_]

u-pisz-ma (m)bal(*)#-t,a-ia _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)I—_dingir_ ina _sza 08# 1_/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina _ma-na_-e sza _man#_ il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur# [ta]-din _un_-_mesz ur5#_-tu za-ar-pu# _ti_-u# tu-a-ru de-[e-nu] _dug4-dug4#_ [la-Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ina# [ur]-kisz# ina ma-[te-ma] i-_gil_-[u(*)]-ni kas-[pu ana 10]-_mesz_-te# [ana _en_-_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

Seal of Na'di-ilu, deputy, owner of the people being sold.

NN, his ..., his 2 sons, his daughter,

Nabû-..., his wife, his 2 sons, his daughter, 2 maids, a total of 4 people.

in all 7: Shil-Bel, NN,

In all 3 persons: Ashur-belu-ushur, his wife and his brothers, in all 3 persons, 17 persons, servants of Na'di-ilu.

Baltaya has contracted and bought them from Na'di-ilu for 8 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


Seal of Na'di-ilu, deputy governor, owner of the people being sold.

NN, his two sons and his daughter, a total of 4;

Nabû-..., his wife, two sons, daughter, and two maids, a total of 7;

Shilli-Bel, his ... and ..., a total of 3;

Ashur-belu-ushur, his wife and brother, a total of 3; in all 17 persons, servants of Na'di-ilu —

Baltayu has contracted and bought them from Na'di-ilu for 8 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those men are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)ga-x#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ta-ri#-[ba—x x] _lu_(v)(*)-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—ka(*)#-in—_man_(*) _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)#—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)hal-la(*)#-pa(*)-a-a _lu_(v)(*)-:

_igi_ (m)ba(*)-du8(*)#-du8(*) _lu_(v)(*)-:

_igi_ (m)_iti-ab_(*)#-a-a _lu_(v)(*)-mu-kil#—ap-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)hal-di(*)—_szesz_(*)#—_pab lu_(v)(*)-mu(*)-_gur_(*)—_umusz_

_igi_ (m)arba-il(*)#-a-a _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_—_i-du8_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_(*)#—[x x] _lu_(v)(*)-_i-du8_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz#_—[x x x _lu_(v)]-ha-za#-nu sza(*)# _uru_-qu-da(*)-ru(*)

_igi_ (m)da-[x x _lu_(v)-x] sza(*) _dumu#_—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)30(*)#—[_ti_]-su—_e lu_(v)#-[A]—_sig5_

[_iti_-x _ud_] 18-_kam#_

AI Translation

Witness Ga....

Witness Tariba-.

Witness Nabû-ka''in-sharru, chief .

Witness Hallipayu, ditto.

Witness Badudu, ditto.

Witness Kanunayu, chariot driver.

Witness Haldi-ahu-ushur, intelligence officer.

Witness Arbailayu, head porter.

Witness Ubru-.... porter.

Witness Ubru-.

Witness Da..., ... of the crown prince.

Witness Sin-balassu-iqbi, chariot fighter.

Month ..., 18th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ga....

Witness Tariba-....

Witness Nabû-ka''in-sharru, commander of ....

Witness Hallabayu, ditto.

Witness Baddudu, ditto.

Witness Kanunayu, chariot driver.

Witness Haldi-ahu-ushur, intelligence officer.

Witness Arbailayu, head porter.

Witness Ubru-..., porter.

Witness Ubru-..., the mayor of Qudaru.

Witness Da..., ... of the crown prince.

Witness Sin-balassu-iqbi, chariot fighter.

Month ..., 18th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli.

P335189: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_] (m)[x x x x x] _na4#-kiszib_ (m)ki-qil-la(*)#-[nu] _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni#

(m)(d)_pa_—_i mi_-ak-ba-ra-a _pab 02 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_-ni szA _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-u-te

u-pisz-ma _mi-gar_-tu szA _murub4_—_uru_ ina _sza 01 ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma_(*)-e szA _man ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-ti

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-Ar-pu la-qi(*)-u tu-a-ru de-e#-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man]-nu# szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma [i-za-qu-pa]-ni 04(*)# _ma-na kug-ud_ [_luh_-u x _ma-na kug_]-_gi#_ sak-ru

AI Translation

Seal of NN, seal of Kiqillanu, owner of the people being sold.

Nabû-na'id, Akbarâ, in all 2 persons, servants of these gentlemen —

The governess of the central city harem has contracted and bought them from these gentlemen for one mina of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall place 4 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Seal of NN, seal of Kiqillanu, owners of the people being sold.

Nabû-na'id and the woman Akbarâ, a total of two persons, servants of these men —

the governess of the central city harem has contracted and bought them from these men for one mina of silver by the king's mina.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall place 4 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



la i-laq-qi s,ib-ti be-en a-na 01 me _ud_-me(*) sa-Ar-tu a-na kal _ud_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)e-ni—_dingir arad_ szA A—_man_

_igi_ (m)szA—(d)15—du-bu

_igi_ (m)_pab_—na-ad-bi

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_sum_-na

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)#—_masz_

_iti-ab ud 09_(*)-_kam#_

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Eni-il, servant of the crown prince.

Witness Sha-Issar-dubbu.

Witness Ahu-nadbi.

Witness Shamash-iddina.

Witness Nabû-ashared.

Month Tebet X, 9th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Eni-il, servant of the crown prince.

Witness Sha-Issar-dubbu.

Witness Ahi-nadbi.

Witness Shamash-iddina.

Witness Nabû-ashared.

Month Tebet X, 9th day, eponym year of Zazî.

P335190: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_di_-mu—_en en un_-_mesz_ ta-da#-ni

(m)_pab_-bu-u _lu#_-[x x (m)x x] _lu-usz_—_ansze-ab_-[_ba_-_mesz_] _mi_-ri-mu-tu# ([x) _mi_-szu] _pab 03 zi#_-[_mesz arad_-_mesz_] sza (m)_di_-mu#—[_en_]

u-pisz-ma (m)x#+[x x x]+x x# _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_en_ ina _sza_-bi 03 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e sza _man_

il-qi(*) kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar4-pu laq-qi-u tu#-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

AI Translation

Seal of Shulmu-beli, owner of the people being sold.

Ahu-abû, ..., NN, donkey driver, Rimutu, his wife, a total of 3 persons, servants of Shulmu-beli —

NN has contracted and bought from Shulmu-beli for 3 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Shulmu-beli, owner of the people being sold.

Ahabû, ...; NN, camel driver, and his wife Rimuttu; a total of 3 persons, servants of Shulmu-beli —

... has contracted and bought them from Shulmu-beli for three minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



la-Asz-szu(*) man-nu(*) sza(*) ur-kisz(*)

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Shulmu-beli or his sons, grandsons or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against ... and his sons,



[ub-ta-u-ni x _ma-na kug_]-_ud luh_-u [x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki] (d)_nin-lil_ [_gar_-an kas-pu] a-na 10-_mesz_ [ana _en_-szu _gur_-ra ina] de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] la _ti_

[_igi_ (m)_di_]-mu—_lugal_

[_igi_ (m)]_su_—(d)15 _lu-mu_

[_igi_ (m)]_arad_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_ka_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_ki-ta_-a-a

_igi_ (m)la—tu-ba-szA-a-ni—(d)15

_igi_ (m)la—tu-ba-szA-a-ni—_dingir_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x A]-_ba#_

AI Translation

shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Mullissu, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shulmu-sharri.

Witness Riba-Issar, cook.

Witness Urdu-ahheshu.

Witness Ilu-tab-ushur.

Witness Uballayu.

Witness La-tubashanni-Issar.

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Witness NN, scribe.


shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Mullissu, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shulmu-sharri.

Witness Tariba-Issar, cook.

Witness Urda-ahheshu.

Witness Ilu-piya-ushur.

Witness Shaplaya.

Witness La-tubashanni-Issar.

Witness La-tubashanni-ilu.

Witness NN, scribe.



[_iti_-x] _ud 20#_-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Month ..., 20th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., 20th day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.

P335191: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um] _na4#-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

[s,u]-pur# (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)ta-ri-bi—(d)15 _szesz_-szu _mi_-szu _dumu-mi_-sa _pab 04 zi#_-[_mesz_] _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_-ni sza (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a

tu-pisz-ma _mi-bar-sipa-ki_-i-tu _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a ina _sza_-bi 03 _ma-na kug-ud#_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e sza _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_ ta-al-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-ar-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-a-szu man-nu# sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-_gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu-szu lu-u qur-ub-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu sza de-ni _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) _mi-bar-sipa-ki_-i-tu _u egir_-szu

ub-ta-'u-u-ni 01 _ma-na_ o(*) _sig_-ger-du _ku_ mar _dug_-a-ga-nu kur-ru _nag 01 ma-na kug-ud#_ [_luh_-u] 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_im_(*)# a-szib _uru_-u-rak-ka _gar_-[an(*)] kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz#_-[szu _gur_] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma(*) la [i-laq-qi]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Babilayu, owner of the people being sold.

Taribi-Issar, his brother, his wife, and his daughter, a total of 4 persons, servants of Babilayu —

Barsippitu has contracted and bought it from Babilayu for 3 minas of silver by the mina of the merchant.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Babilayu or his sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, prefect, or relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Barsipatu and his sons,

shall eat one mina of red wool, shall drink a full agannu vessel of salt, shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Adad residing in Urakka, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Babilayu, owner of the people being sold.

Taribi-Issar, his brother, wife, and daughter, a total of 4 persons, servants of Babilayu —

Barsipitu has contracted and bought them from Babilayu for 3 minas of silver by the mina of the merchant.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Babilayu, or his sons, grandsons, brothers, or nephews, or his prefect, or a neighbour or relative of his who seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Barsipitu and his sic successor,

shall eat one mina of plucked wool, shall drink a full agannu vessel of tanner's paste, shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Adad residing in the city of Urakka, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x (x) x]+x#—_dingir lu_(v)-[_sag_]

_pab 06 igi_-_mesz lu_(v)-_sag_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_uru-nina_-a-a _lu_(v)-ha-za-nu

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)30 _arad_ szA _lu_(v)#-_sukkal_

_igi_ (m)ha-am-bi-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—_simug-kug-gi_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—10 _lu_(v)-_nagar_(*)

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_pab arad_ sza _lu_(v)-tur-ta-nu

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_asz lu_(v)-_i-szur_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_du_—ka _arad_ sza (m)(d)30—_su#_

_igi_ (m)_gin_—_pab arad_ sza _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

_igi_ (m)hal-di—_kar_-ir _lu_(v)-_usz-bar_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)#sa-gi-bi-i _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ sza É-[_gal_]

_igi_ (m)_dingir#_—ib-ni _lu_(v)#-_a-ba_(*) s,a-bit# [t,up-pi]

_iti#-apin_(*) [_ud_ x-_kam_] [lim-mu] (m)#asz-szur—[_en_—_pab lu_(v)-_gar-kur_]

AI Translation

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness ...-ilu, eunuch.

in all 6 witnesses, eunuchs.

Witness Ninuayu, mayor.

Witness Urdu-Sin, servant of the vizier.

Witness Hambî, chief goldsmith.

Witness Remanni-Adad, carpenter.

Witness Ilu-ushur, servant of the commander-in-chief.

Witness Ashur-ahu-iddina, royal scribe.

Witness Ahu-bani-ka, servant of Sin-eriba.

Witness Kenu-ushur, servant of the treasurer.

Witness Haldi-etir, weaver.

Witness Nabû-shallim, scribe.

Witness Sagibi, porter of the palace.

Witness Ilu-ibni, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Marchesvan VIII, day, eponym year of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharruken.


Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness ...-ilu, eunuch.

A total of 6 eunuch witnesses.

Witness Ninuayu, mayor.

Witness Urda-Sin, servant of the vizier.

Witness Hambî, chief goldsmith.

Witness Remanni-Adad, carpenter.

Witness Ilu-ishshur, servant of the commander-in-chief.

Witness Ashur-ahu-iddina, oil-presser.

Witness Ahu-illika, servant of Sin-eriba.

Witness Kenu-ahu, servant of the treasurer.

Witness Haldi-etir, weaver.

Witness Nabû-shallim, scribe.

Witness Sagibî, porter of the palace.

Witness Ilu-ibni, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Marchesvan VIII, day, eponym year of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of Shahuppa.

P335192: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)mi-[na-hi-mi] _en mi#_-_mesz_(!) _sum#_-ni

_mi_-ia-qar—_pab_-_mesz dumu-mi_-sa# _mi_-a-bi—ia-ah-ia _pab 03 zi_-_mesz_ sza (m)mi-na-hi-mi

u-pisz-ma _mi-ad_—ra-hi-i _nin_-sa sza _mi_-szA-kin-te ina _sza 02 ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_ sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis

AI Translation

Seal of Minahimu, owner of the women being sold.

Yaqar-ahhe, her daughter, Abi-yahiya, a total of 3 persons belonging to Minahimi.

Abi-rahî, sister of the governess, has contracted and bought her for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


Seal of Menahem, owner of the women being sold.

Yaqar-ahhe, her daughter, and the woman Abi-yahya, a total of 3 persons belonging to Menahem —

Abi-rahî, sister of the governess, has contracted and bought them for two minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.



il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar-pu laq-qi-u tu-a-ru

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is completely paid. The people in question are acquired and purchased. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



la-a-szu man-nu szA _gil_-u-ni 10 _ma-na 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)15 a-szib(*) _nina-ki gar_-an kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-szu _gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

_igi_ (m)si-lim—_dingir lu_(v)-_sanga#_

_igi_ (m)di-di-i# [o]

_igi_ (m)mil-ki—la(*)-[rim]

_igi_ (m)_uru_(*)—u-[x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]—_pab_-x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever breaks the contract shall place 10 minas of gold and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-ilu, priest.

Witness Dadî.

Witness Milki-larim.

Witness U....

Witness ...-ahu-.


Whoever breaks the contract, shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-ili, priest.

Witness Dadî.

Witness Milki-larim.

Witness El-u....

Witness ...-ahu-....



[_gar_]-_kur# kur_-x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

governor of the land of .


Month of ..., day, eponym year of NN, governor of ....



l mnhm

AI Translation



Aramaic caption: Concerning Menahem.

P335193: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x x x]

[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-03-szu

[_na4-kiszib_] (m)a-ta-a(*)—qa(?)#-mu-ia _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_pab_(*)# A (m)_en_—_kaskal_—tak-lak _lu_-_mesz en un_-_mesz sum_-an

(m)_szesz_—nu-ri _dam_(*)#-szu _dumu-mi_-szu _pab 03_ (m)man-nu—ki—_nina-ki mi_-szu 03(*)# _dumu_-_mesz_-szu(*) _pab 05_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar mi_-szu (m)(d)_pa_—_mu mi_-szu (m)nu-ra-a-a _pab 13 zi_-_mesz_

u-pisz#-ma (m)szum-mu(*)—_dingir_-_mesz_ ina _sza#_-bi 06 1/2# _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi

i-za-rip i-si-qi _un_(*)#-_mesz_ szu-a-te za-Ar-pu la-qi-u kas-pu ga-mur _sum_-ni tu-a-ru de-ni _dug4-dug4_

AI Translation

Seal of NN, ...,

Seal of NN, 'third man'.

Seal of Atâ-qamuya, cohort commander.

Total, son of Bel-Harran-taklak, the men, owners of the people being sold.

Ahu-nuri, his wife and daughter, a total of 3; Mannu-ki-Ninua, his wife and 3 sons, a total of 5; Nabû-etir, his wife, Nabû-iddina, his wife, and Nuraya, a total of 13 persons;

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought him for 6 1/2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of ......,

seal of ..., 'third man,'

seal of Atâ-qamuya, cohort commander,

all sons of Bel-Harran-taklak, gentlemen, owners of the people being sold.

Ahi-nuri, his wife and daughter, a total of 3; Mannu-ki-Ninua, his wife and 3 sons, a total of 5; Nabû-etir and his wife; Nabû-iddina and his wife; Nuraya; in all 13 persons —

Shumma-ilani has contracted, bought, purchased and acquired them for 6 1/2 minas of silver.

Those people are purchased and acquired. The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



la-a-szi(*) man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-me lu-u (m)s,il—asz-szur _lu_(v)(*)-_en-nam_ lu-u _lu_(v)(*)-_mesz szu-2_-szu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u me-me-ni-szu-nu _ta_(v) (m)szum-mu—_dingir_-_mesz_ i-_gil_-u(*)-ni kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te(*)# a-na _en_-szu _sum_-an 01 _ma-na kug-gi_(*)# a-na bur-ki (d)15 szA _nina-ki gar_-an

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _lu_(v)(*)-02-i sza _usz_(*)—kib(*)-szu

_igi_ (m)i-la-a sza—_lu_(v)(*)-_szam_(*)

_igi_ (m)qa-a : _igi_ (m)ha-an-t,u-szu

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—asz-szur

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

_igi#_ (m)_ad_-i—qa-mu(*)

_igi#_ (m)30—za-qi(*)-pi [_lu_(v)]-_muszen_(*)-_du_

[_igi_ (m)]_di_-mu—_szesz_-_mesz_ sza—hu-t,a-ru(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _lu_(*)-_arad_ sza _dumu_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Shil-Ashur, the governor, or the men in his charge, or their sons or anyone, breaks the contract with Shumma-ilani, shall pay the money tenfold to its owner. He shall place one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû'a, deputy of the 'kibshu'.

Witness Ilâ, buyer.

Witness Qâ, ditto. Witness Hantushu.

Witness Remanni-Ashur.

Witness Nabû-shar-ahheshu.

Witness Abi-qamu.

Witness Sin-zaqipu, bird-watcher.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, shakinu.

Witness NN, servant of the crown prince.

Witness NN, scribe.


Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Shil-Ashur, the governor, or the men in his charge, or their sons or relatives, breaks the contract with Shumma-ilani, shall pay the money tenfold to its owner, and shall place one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû'a, deputy of the tracker.

Witness Ilâ, bought man.

Witness Qâ, ditto. Witness Hantushu.

Witness Remanni-Ashur.

Witness Nabû-shar-ahheshu.

Witness Abi-qam.

Witness Sin-zaqip, fowler.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, staff-bearer.

Witness NN, servant of the crown prince.

Witness NN, scribe.

P335194: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)si-in—_du_—_igi_ [_lu_-x x x _dumu_-szu] _mi_-szu _dumu-mi_-su pir-su [(m)x x x _dumu_-szu] _mi_-szu _dumu-mi_-su (m)u-s,a-[x x x x x] _lu_-szA—_u-sag_-_mesz_-szu _mi_-szu _pab 10_ [_zi_-_mesz_]

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu#_-[mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] _ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te# [ina _sza_-bi]

x _ma-na kug-ud_ sza _uru#_-gar-ga-mis _ti_-qi(*)# [kas-pu] [gam-mur ta]-din# _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-ar#-[pu la-qi-u] [tu-a-ru] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

[s,ib-tu be-en]-nu a-na 01 me _ud_-_mesz_ sa-ar-[tu]

[a-na kal _mu_]-_an#-na_-_mesz_ man-nu szA ina ur-kisz# [ina ma-te-ma] _gil#_-u-ni lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an#-[nu-te] [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_]-szu(*)-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu(*)-[nu] [lu-u x x x x]+x#-_mesz en_—il-ki-szu-nu de-e#-[nu] [_dug4_]-_dug4# ta_(v) (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im u dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu]

[ub]-ta#-'u-u-ni 01 _gu-un kug-ud 10 ma-na_ [_kug-gi_] [a]-na (d)#15 sza(*) _nina-ki sum_-an kas-pu# [a-na]

AI Translation

Sin-bani-pani, ..., his son, his wife, his daughter, a pirsu, NN, his son, his wife, his daughter, Usha..., his eunuchs, his wife, a total of 10 persons —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought said property from these gentlemen for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or grandsons or their ...s or their labour-duty superior, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons,

shall give one talent of silver and 10 minas of gold to Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Sin-alik-pani, ..., his son, wife and weaned daughter; NN, his son, wife and daughter; Usha..., hatter, and his wife, a total of 10 persons —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought said people from these gentlemen for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or grandsons, or ... their labour-duty superior, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons,

shall pay one talent of silver and 10 minas of gold to Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_]-_masz_—_man_—_pab lu-03-u5#_ [dan-nu]

[_igi_ (m)x-x]—_kam#_-esz _lu-03_-[_u5_]

[_igi_ (m)u]-ar#-bi-is _lu-03_-[_u5_]

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u]-ti#-i _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz_-[_pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz]—_lugal_—_pab lu_-[:-] ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze]-zib _lu_-[:-] ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-[x x]

($[_igi_] (m)x x x-gi(*)#-me _lu_-[x x]$)

($_igi#_ (m)_en_—_igi-lal lu_-[x x]$)

_igi_ (m)_lugal_—_gin_—_pab igi_ (m)suk-ka-a#-[a _lu-arad_]

sza _lu-kasz-lul igi_ (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-_mesz_—[_di_(?) _lu_-x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-02_-e sza _lu#_-[_gal_—u-rat]

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—szal-lim _lu_-[mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_iti-barag_(*)# _ud 21_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)x x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)#(d)30#—[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness ...-eresh, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, ditto.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness NN, .

Witness, .

Witness Bel-lamur, .

Witness Sharru-kenu-ushur. Witness Sukkayu, servant.

Witness Adad-ahhe-shallim, .

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Shamash-shallim, chariot driver.

Month Nisan I, 21st day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Sin-.


Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness ...-eresh, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, ditto.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness NN, ....

Witness ...gime, ....

Witness Bel-lamur, ....

Witness Sharruken-ushur. Witness Sukkaya, servant of the cupbearer.

Witness Adad-ahhe-shallim, ....

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Shamash-shallim, ....

Month Nisan I, 21st day, eponym year of ....

Witness Sin-.......

P335195: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)(d)szA-masz—im-me _mi_-szu _dumu_-szu 04 _dumu-mi_-_mesz_-szu _pab 07 zi_-_mesz lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)gab-ri

u-pisz-ma (m)mu-szal-lim—(d)15 ina _sza 01_ me 80 _ma-na urudu#_-_mesz ta_(v) _igi_ (m)gab-ri

il-qi kas#-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz#_ szu-a-tu za-ar-pu la(*)-qi-u# tu-a-ru de-e#-[nu] da-ba-bu la-Asz-szu#

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma _gil_-u-ni

AI Translation

Shamash-immi, his wife, son, and 4 daughters, a total of 7 persons, servants of Gabrî —

Mushallim-Issar has contracted and bought them from Gabrî for 180 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Shamash-immi, his wife, son, and 4 daughters, a total of 7 persons, servants of Gabbaru —

Mushallim-Issar has contracted and bought them for 180 minas of copper from Gabbaru.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall pay 10 minas of silver to Ninurta residing in Calah. He shall pay one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



be-en-nu# [s,ib(*)]-tu(*)# a-na 01 me _ud_-me sa-ar(*)-tu a-na kal _ud_-_mesz_-te

_igi_ (m)iz-bu—_si-sa lu_(v)-_gir-la_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_-ma—lid-gul(*)# _lu_(v)-_gir-la_

_igi_ (m)sa-gi-il#—bi-i'-di _lu_(v)-_arad_ sza _lu_(v)-_sukkal_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur(*)—_asz_(*) _dumu_(*)—_uru_(*)-_nina_(*)#

_igi_ (m)si-lim—(d)15(*) _lu_(v)-_i-du8 lu_(v)-_arad_ sza# _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza [_uru_]-kal#-hi

[_igi_ x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-ma-ki(*)#-[su] [x x x x x x x x x] x#

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Izbu-leshir, sha shepi guard.

Witness Ilumma-lidgul, sha shepi guard.

Witness Saggil-bi'di, servant of the vizier.

Witness Ashur-iddina, from Nineveh.

Witness Silim-Issar, porter, servant of the governor of Calah.

Witness NN, chariot driver.


Guaranteed against epileptic seizures for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Ezbu-leshir, butcher.

Witness Ilumma-lidgul, butcher.

Witness Saggil-bi'di, servant of the vizier.

Witness Ashur-iddina, a Ninevite.

Witness Silim-Issar, porter, servant of the governor of Calah.

Witness NN, tax collector.



_iti-sig4 ud 03_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—ba#-[ni] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-kal-[hi]

04 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-[szu]

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 3rd day, eponym year of Ashur-bani, governor of Calah.

4 minas of copper for his fingernail.


Month Sivan III, 3rd day, eponym year of Ashur-bani, governor of Calah.

4 minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335198: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)ak-ba-ru x#+[x x x x] (m)man-nu—ki-i—_pab_-_mesz_ [_arad_-szu] szA (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—[_asz_]

u-pisz-ma (m)dan-na#-[a] ina _sza 1_/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ il#-[qi]

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din [_lu_ szu-a-tu] za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de#-[e-nu]

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz# ina ma-te-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni# lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz#_ lu-u _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu#_—[_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _ta_(v)# (m)dan-na-a u _dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4#_ ub#-[ta-'u-u]-ni [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na] _en#_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq]-qi#

AI Translation

Akbaru ..., Mannu-ki-ahhe, servant of Nabû-ahu-iddina —

Dannaya has contracted and bought her for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-ahu-iddina or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Dannaya and his sons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Akbaru, son of Mannu-ki-ahhe, a servant of Nabû-ahu-iddina —

Dannaya has contracted and bought him for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-ahu-iddina or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Dannaya and his sons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_pab_(*)#-i—qa-mu# [_lu_]-_dam-qar_(*)# [o] ki-s,ir _man_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—ia-qar _lu#_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_du_(*)-ia(*) _lu_(*)#-[x x]+x#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)#—[x x x _lu-a_]-_ba#_

AI Translation

Witness Ahi-qamu, merchant, king's cohort.

Witness Ahu-yaqar, .

Witness Banaya, .

Witness Nabû-.


Witness Ahi-qam, merchant from the king's staff.

Witness Ahiqar, ....

Witness Banaya, ....

Witness Nabû-..., scribe.

P335199: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)#ni-nu-a-a (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_ (m)za-bi-nu [_pab_(*)] 03 _arad_-_mesz lu_(v)#-_tur_-_mesz_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—ia-li

u#-pisz-ma (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_gin lu_(v)#-_gal_—ki-s,ir sza _lugal_(*)# [ina] _sza#_-bi 01 _ansze-kur-ra sig5_ il-qi

[kas(*)]-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-ti zar4-pu laq(*)-qi(*)#-[u] [tu]-a#-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man]-nu# sza a-na ur-kisz a-na ma-te-ma e-la-an#-[ni] [lu]-u _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-sa-mar-na(*) [lu]-u _lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-ti lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu-nu] [_ta_(v)] (m)#asz-szur—_mu_—_gin_ u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [de-e-nu] _dug4_(*)-_dug4_(*)# i-gar-ru-u-ni

AI Translation

Ninuayu, Nergal-ushur, Zabinu, in all 3 servants, young men of Nabû-yali.

Ashur-shumu-ka''in, cohort commander of the king, has contracted and bought said property for 1 good horse.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether the governor of Samaria or these men or their sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ashur-shumu-ukin and his sons,


Ninuayu, Nergal-nashir, Zabinu, in all 3 slaves, servants of Nabû-ayali —

Ashur-shumu-ka''in, cohort commander of the king, has contracted and bought them for one good horse.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether the governor of Samaria or these men or their sons, and instigates a lawsuit or litigation against Ashur-shumu-ka''in and his sons,



[x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru i]-na bur-ki# [(d)x a-szib _uru_-x x _gar_] [kas-pu a-na] 10-_mesz_-te [a-na] _en_-_mesz_-szu# _gur_-ra(*)# [ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_]-ma(*)# la il(*)-laq#-[qi]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)#-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-[_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_dumu_—_sig_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]a#-zi-i [x x x x x x x]

[x x x] x x# [x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place x minas of pure gold in the lap of DN residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot fighter.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness .......

Witness Azi, .



shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of DN residing in ... and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot fighter.

Witness NN, scribe.


Witness Azî ......


P335200: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)x x x] _lu_(*)-_dib_ szA _igi_(*)#-szu 01(*) _dumu ga_(*)# [x x x] _mi#_-szu 02 _arad#_-_mesz_-szu _pab 10 zi_-[_mesz_]

[(m)x x x]+x# 02 _mi_-_mesz#_-szu 03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [x x x] _arad_-_mesz_-szu _pab 10 zi_-_mesz_ [_pab_-ma 20] _un#_-_mesz_ szA (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa sza_(?)#

[x x]+x# u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gar_-un [_lu-dib_—_kusz_]-_pa_-_mesz_ szA (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_ [_man kur_—asz-szur] ina _sza 10 ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_

[szA _uru_-gar]-ga-mis# _ti_-qi kas-pu [gam-mur ta-din] _un#_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu [zar-pu laq-qi-u tu-a]-ru# de-e-nu# [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu] szA(*)# [ina ur-kisz]

AI Translation

NN, chariot driver, in his charge, 1 son, ..., his wife, 2 servants of his, a total of 10 persons;

NN, his 2 wives, his 3 sons, NN, x servants of his, a total of 10 persons, and 20 people of Ubru-Nabû —

Nabû-shuma-ishkun, chariot driver of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void. Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


NN, a prisoner in his custody, 1 suckling child, ......, his wife, 2 servants of his, a total of 10 persons;

NN, his 2 wives, his 3 sons, x ..., x servants of his, a total of 10 persons, in all 20 people of Ubru-Nabû ... —

Nabû-shumu-ishkun, chariot driver of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them for 10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void. Whoever, at any time in the future



[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_]-A(*)-_ba_(*) szA# _dumu_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu#-gal_—kal(*)-lap(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x (m)]_an-szar_—_en_—_pab lu-gar-kur_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x (m)](d)#_pa_—_pab#_—[_sum_]-na [o] _lu_-mu-tar—_umusz_-_mesz_(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x (x)]-_bad#_—_pab lu_-: _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a [o] _lu-a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-a _lu-03_-szu szA _lu-02_-u

[_igi_ (m)]zi(*)#-zi-i _lu_-mu-tar—_umusz_-_mesz_(*)#

[x x x x]+x#-_mesz_ la mah-ru-u(*)-ti(*)#

[x x x x x] x# [x] _igi_ (m)_i#_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN, scribe of the crown prince.

Witness NN, chief of the kallapu.

Witness NN, ... of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor.

Witness NN, scribe. Nabû-ahu-iddina, reporter.

Witness ...-duru-ushur, ditto. Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Witness ...a, 'third man' of the deputy.

Witness Zizî, intelligence officer.

......s not present

...... Witness NN.


Witness NN, scribe of the crown prince.

Witness NN, commander of outriders.

Witness NN, ... of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor.

Witness ... and Nabû-ahu-iddina, intelligence officers.

Witness ...-duru-ushur, ditto. Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Witness NN, 'third man' of the deputy governor.

Witness Zizî, intelligence officer.

... not received .......

.... Witness NN.

P335201: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_-(d)_nin-lil#_—_ama g_ÉME-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab 03 zi_-_mesz_

u-pisz-ma (m)_uru-nina-ki_-a-a _lu-sag_—_man un_-_mesz ta_(v)(*) _igi_ (m)ab-di-i ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_] ina 01 _ma-na_-e _urudu_(*)-[_mesz_]

il-qi kas-pu [gam-mur] _sum_-ni _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu

AI Translation

Mullissu-iddina, his maid, and his 2 sons, a total of 3 persons;

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought them from Abdî for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of copper.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Mullissu-ummi, his maid and his 2 sons, in all 3 persons —

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought the people from Abdî for half mina of silver by the copper mina.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man]-nu szA _gil_-u-ni [x] _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an [_un_-_mesz_] u-sze-s,a

[_igi_] (m)ab-di—se-e'

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—ki-la-a-ni

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim

_igi_ (m)(d(*))_pa_(*)#—_ur_-ka—_zi_

AI Translation

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay x minas of silver to redeem the people.

Witness Abdi-Se'.

Witness Shamash-killanni.

Witness Nabû-shallim.

Witness Nabû-sharka-ketti.


Whoever breaks the contract, shall give x minas of silver to redeem the people.

Witness Abdi-Se.

Witness Shamash-killanni.

Witness Nabû-shallim.

Witness Nabû-takilka-shatbi.

P335202: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_ad_—_pab en#_ [_un_-_mesz sum_-ni]

(m)ba-ra-a-hu a-di _un_-_mesz#_-[szu] (m)#t,a-bu-ni a-di _un#_-[_mesz_-szu] [(m)]si#-ti-ir-ka-a-nu a-[di _un_-_mesz_-szu] gab#-bu a-na gi-mir#-[ti-szu-nu]

u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_mes_—[x x x x x x] sza (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz#_—[_su man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_] i-na _sza_ bi-lat# [_urudu_-_mesz_] [_ta_(v)] _igi#_ (m)_en_—_ad#_—[_pab_ il-qi]

[kas-pu] ga-[mur ta-din] [x x x] x x [x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-abu-ushur, owner of the people being sold.

Barahu and his people; Tabuni and his people; Sitirkanu and his people, all of them, in their entirety.

Marduk-..., ... of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them from Bel-abu-ushur for a silver price.

The money is paid completely.


Seal of Bel-abu-ushur, owner of the people being sold.

Barahu including his people, Tabuni including his people, and Sitirkanu including his people, all of them in their entirety —

Marduk-..., the ... of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them from Bel-abu-ushur for a talent of copper.

The money is paid completely.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir-a#-[ni _lu_(v)-x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—mu-_sig5 lu_(v)#-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_ka_—ti(*)-nu-ra-a-a _lu_(v)-lAh-hi-[nu x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_mu_—_pab lu_(v)-_sanga_ szA(*) (d)#[x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-mur _lu_(v)-_sanga_ szA(*) (d)x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)na-bu-u-a _lu_(v)-_sanga_ szA(*) (d)#[x x]

_igi_ (m)un-zar4-hu _lu_(v)-_sanga_ szA(*) (d)_lal_

_igi_ (m)mar-di-i _lu_(v)-_sanga_ sza(*) (d)_gaszan_(*)—_kur_-ha

_igi_ (m)(d)_me-me_—_numun_—_du lu_(v)-_sanga_ sza (d)_me-me_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_zu_-a-ni _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ szA É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)zi-zi-ia _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ szA É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_kam_-esz _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ szA É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)mu-qa-lil—_idim lu_-:

_igi_ (m)ba-na-a-a _lu_-:

_igi_ (m)ga-lul _lu_-:

_igi_ (m)_nunuz_-a-a A(*)-[_ba_ s,a-bit _im_]

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-etiranni, .

Witness Nabû-mudammiq, .

Witness Babila-tinurayu, temple steward .

Witness Shamash-shumu-ushur, priest of .

Witness Ahu-lamur, priest of .

Witness Nabû'a, priest of .

Witness Unzarhu, priest of Tashmetu.

Witness Mardî, priest of Sharrat-nipha.

Witness Gula-zeru-ibni, priest of Gula.

Witness Ashur-le'ani, porter of the palace.

Witness Ziziya, porter of the palace.

Witness Ilu-eresh, porter of the palace.

Witness Muqallil-kabti, ditto.

Witness Banaya, ditto.

Witness Gallulu, ditto.

Witness Nuhshaya, scribe, keeper of the tablet.


Witness Nabû-etiranni, ....

Witness Nabû-mudammiq, ....

Witness Bab-Tinurayu, temple steward ....

Witness Shamash-shumu-ushur, priest of ....

Witness Ahu-lamur, priest of ....

Witness Nabû'a, priest of ....

Witness Unzarhu, priest of Tashmetu.

Witness Mardî, priest of Sharrat-nipha.

Witness Gula-zeru-ibni, priest of Gula.

Witness Ashur-le'ani, porter of the palace.

Witness Zizî, porter of the palace.

Witness Ilu-eresh, porter of the palace.

Witness Muqallil-kabti, ditto.

Witness Banaya, ditto.

Witness Gallulu, ditto.

Witness Pir'aya, scribe, keeper of the tablet.



_iti-diri_(*)-_sze ud 14_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)[man-za-Ar-né-e] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-ku(*)-la#-[ni-a]

AI Translation

Month Intercalary Addaru XII, 14th day, eponym year of Mannu-zernê, governor of Kullania.


Intercalary Adar XII/2, 14th day, eponym year of Manzarnê, governor of Kullania.

P335203: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)30—_pab_—_sum_-na _na4-kiszib_ (m)tu-u-i _pab 02 lu_-_mesz_-e _en mi_-_mesz sum_-ni

_mi_-ha-za-la-a _mi_-hu-da#-[x x x] _mi-nin_—im-ma-a [_pab 03 mi_]-_mesz g_ÉME#-_mesz_ sza _lu_-_mesz_ [an-nu]-te#

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)[da]-na(*)#-a-a [ina _sza_ x] _gin#_-_mesz kug-ud_ [ina 01 _ma_]-_na_-e sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis [_ta igi lu_]-_mesz_-e an-nu-u-te

[x x il]-qi# kas-pu [o(*)] [gam(*)-mur(*) ta-din] _mi_-_mesz_ szu-[a-te]

AI Translation

Seal of Sin-ahu-iddina, seal of Tu'î, in all 2 men, owners of the women being sold.

Hazalâ, Huda..., Nin-immâ, a total of 3 women and female servants of these gentlemen —

Danaya has contracted and bought them from these gentlemen for x shekels of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those women are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Sin-ahu-iddina, seal of Tuwi, a total of 2 men, owners of the women being sold.

Hazalâ, Huda..., Ahati-immâ, a total of 3 women, female servants of these gentlemen —

Dannaya has contracted and bought them from these gentlemen for x shekels of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those women are purchased and acquired



[kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_]-te a-na _en#_-[_mesz_-szu] [_gur_ ina de-ni-szu] _dug4-dug4_-ma la [_ti_]

[_igi_ (m)ib]-na#-a-a _dumu_ (m)_en_—_man_—_du_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—iq-bi _lu_(v)-_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a'(*) _lu_(v)(*)-_dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—[_man_]—_pab lu_(v)-_gigir_ sza(*)# u(!)-rat

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(?)#—[x x x x x szA] A—_man#_

_igi_ (m)ha-lah-[a-a x x]

_igi_ (m)mar-du-u-a _lu_(v)#-[_a-ba_]

_iti-barag ud 25_-[_kam_] lim-me (m)ban-ba-a

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ibnaya, son of Bel-sharru-ibni.

Witness ...-iqbi, porter.

Witness ...a', merchant.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, horse trainer of the 'festival.'

Witness Nabû-zeru-.

Witness Halahâ, .

Witness Mardu'a, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 25th day, eponym year of Banbâ.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ibnaya, son of Bel-sharru-ibni.

Witness ...-iqbi, porter.

Witness ...a', merchant.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, horse trainer of teams.

Witness Nabû-zeru-..., ... of the crown prince.

Witness Halahhayu, ....

Witness Mardua, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 25th day, eponym year of Banbâ, second vizier.

P335204: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_(*) [(m)(d)]_pa#_—[_en_—_pab_]

_mi_-mar-qi#-hi-ta(*)-a(*) GÉME#-[szu _dumu_-szA] _pab 02 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ sza# (m)[(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab_]

u-pisz-ma# (m)[(d)_pa_]-u-[a] _ta_(v) pa-an (m)[(d)_pa_]—_en_—[_pab_] ina _sza 02 ma-na kug-ud#_ ina(*) 01(*) _ma#_-[_na_] sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis [i-zi-rip]

i-si-qi# kas-pu ga#-[mur] ta-din(*) _un_(*)-_mesz_(*)# [szu]-a-tu# za-ar-pu(*)# [la-qi-u(*)] [tu-a-ru de]-e#-nu _dug4-dug4#_ [la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA ina ur-kisz] ina ma-ti#-[ma] [i-za-qu]-pa(*)#-a(*)-[ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-belu-ushur,

Marqihitâ, his maid, her son, a total of 2 persons, servants of Nabû-belu-ushur —

Nabû'a has contracted and bought them from Nabû-belu-ushur for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Seal of Nabû-belu-ushur.

Marqihitâ, his maid, and her son, a total of two persons, servants of Nabû-belu-ushur —

Nabû'a has contracted, purchased, and bought them from Nabû-belu-ushur for two minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint



[h h h] brh# [h h h h h]

AI Translation


Aramaic caption: Marqihitâ and her son ..., ... Nabû-belu-ushur.



[sza(*) _ta_(v)] (m)(d)_pa_-u-a [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_(*)]-szu de-e-nu _dug4#_-[_dug4_] [ub]-ta#-o(*)-u-ni 05(*) _ma-na kug#_-[_ud luh_-u] 02# _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur#-[ki (d)_masz_] a-szib _uru_-kal-hi _gar_-an#

s,ib-tu be-en-nu a-na 01 me _ud_-[_mesz_] sa-ar-tu a-na _du-a_(*) x#+[x x x]

kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz#_-[szu _gur_] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la# [_ti_]


_igi_ (m)_mu_-a-a _dumu_ (m)(d)_utu#_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_zalag_(*)-a-a _dumu_ (m)hu-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_sanga_—(d)15 _arad_ sza _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x x]

_igi#_ (m)man-nu—li-im-me _dumu_ (m)[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)](d(*))#_pa_(*)—_zu_(*) _dumu_ (m)(d(*))_pa_(*)—[x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_arad_(*)#—(d)15 _dumu_ (m)_ta_(v)(?)—x#+[x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_gir-2_(*)#-[a]-a(*) _dumu_ (m)qi(*)-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-la(*)-a#-[a]

AI Translation

shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

a kind of profession

Witness Shumaya, son of Shamash-.

Witness Nurayu, son of Hu.

Witness Sangû-Issar, servant of the .

Witness Mannu-limmi, son of NN.

Witness Nabû-le'i, son of Nabû-.

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Issi-.

Witness Shep-Aya, son of Qi.

Witness ...layu.


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû'a, his sons and grandsons, shall place 5 minas of refined silver and two minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

The money

Witness Shumaya, son of Shamash-....

Witness Nuraya, son of Hu....

Witness Sangû-Issar, servant of the ....

Witness Mannu-Limmi, son of ....

Witness Nabû-le'i, son of Nabû-....

Witness Urda-Issar, son of Issi-....

Witness Shepaya, son of Qi....

Witness NN..., son of Ubru-....



_iti#-sze ud 26_-_kam#_ [lim]-mu (m)_iti#-ab_-a#-[a]

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 26th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.


Month Adar XII, 26th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.



[_igi_ (m)]_numun_—(d)15 _dib_ dan-ni-te(*)#

[x] _gin_(*)# _kug-ud_ sza _umbin_-szu#

AI Translation

Witness Zer-Issar, keeper of the contract.

x shekels of silver for his fingernail.


Witness Zar-Issar, keeper of the contract.

x shekels of silver for his fingernail.

P335205: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_en_]—A—_asz lu-gal_ [_lu_-za-ma]-ri(*) szA# _uru_-tar-bu-si-e [_en_] _un#_-_mesz_ ta-da-a-ni

[(m)gab(?)]-e _lu_-ka-s,ir _mi_-szu [_ama_]-szu(*)# 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab 05 zi_-_mesz_ [_arad_]-_mesz#_ szA (m)(d)_en_—A—_sum_-na

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im_ [_lu_-mu-kil]—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ szA _man ta_(v) _igi_ [(m)(d)_en_]—A—_asz_ i-na _sza 03 ma-na_ [_kug-ud_ szA _uru_]-gar#-ga-mis# _ti_-qi

[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-ad-din# [_un_-_mesz_] szu#-a-tu# za-Ar(*)-pu#

[la-qi-u tu-a]-ru(*) de(*)-e(*)#-[nu] [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu] man(*)#-nu [szA ina ur-kisz]

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-aplu-iddina, chief singer of Tarbusê, owner of the people being sold.

Gabbê, tailor, his wife, his mother, 2 sons, a total of 5 persons, servants of Bel-aplu-iddina —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king, has contracted and bought them from Bel-aplu-iddina for 3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void. Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, shall place 10 minas of pure silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. Should he litigate in his lawsuit, he will not succeed.


Seal of Bel-aplu-iddina, chief singer of Til-Barsip, owner of the people being sold.

Gabbê, tailor, his wife, mother, and two sons, a total of 5 persons, servants of Bel-aplu-iddina —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king, has contracted and bought them from Bel-aplu-iddina for 3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future



[_lu-02_-u szA] _lu-gal#_—[u-rat]

[_igi_ (m)asz]-szur#—_dingir_-a-a _dumu_ [(m)_man_]—_du_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)](d)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab a# lu-mah_

szA# _uru_-tar-bu-si-e(*) _iti-szu_ [_ud_] 20#-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

AI Translation

deputy of the team-commander

Witness Ashur-ila'i, son of Sharru-ibni.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, son of the emissary.

Month Tammuz IV, 20th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.


deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, son of Sharru-ibni.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, son of the emissary of Til-Barsip.

Month Tammuz IV, 20th day, eponym year of Kanunayu of the New Palace.

P335206: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)d-_en_—_dug4-ga_(*)#

s,u-pur (m)_numun_—_du_

s,u-pur (m)(d(*))_en_—_ad_—_pab#_

_en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[(m)x (x) x]—(d)_amar-utu mi_-szu

[x (x) _dumu_-_mesz_]-szu 02 _dumu-mi_-_mesz_-szu

[_pab_ x] _zi_(*)#-_mesz arad_-_mesz_-ni [sza _lu_]-_mesz#_ an-nu-ti

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)ur-du [_ta_(v) _igi_] _lu#_-_mesz_ an-nu-ti [ina _sza_-bi 01] me 80 _urudu_-_mesz ti_-qi(*)#

[kas-pu] gam-mur ta-ad-din [_un_-_mesz_] za-Ar-pu laq-qi-u [tu-a]-ru# _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu szA ina] ur-kisz i-zaq-qup-an-ni [de]-e-nu _ta_(v) (m)ur-du _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u-u-ni

01 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na_ [_kug-gi_] ina bur-ki szA x#+[x x x x x] kas-pu a-[na 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_]

AI Translation

Fingernail of Bel-tab,

Fingernail of Zeru-ibni,

Fingernail of Bel-abu-ushur,

owner of the people being sold.

...-Marduk, his wife,

x sons of his, 2 daughters of his,

in all x persons, servants of these men —

Urdu has contracted and bought them from these men for 180 shekels of copper.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Urdu and his sons,

shall place one mina of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


Fingernail of Bel-iqbi,

Fingernail of Zeru-ibni,

Fingernail of Bel-abu-ushur,

owners of the people being sold.

...-Marduk, his wife,

his x sons, his 2 daughters,

in all x persons, servants of these men —

Urdu has contracted and bought them from these men for 180 shekels of copper.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit against Urdu and his sons,

shall place one mina of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.



_igi_ (m)_nu_—TÉSZ-ba(*)-ana(*) _lu#_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szab-szi _arad_ szA _lu#_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—lu-u—_di_-mu#

_igi_ (m)sa-'a-mu

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—A—_asz_

_igi_ (m)(d)za-ba4-ba4—_kam_-esz

_igi_ (m)ag-ru _igi_ (m)(d)10—mu-sze-is,-s,i

[_igi_] (m)mar-duk-a-te _lu-a-ba_

[_iti_]-_du6_(*) _ud_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Shalmu-tarshi-ana, .

Witness Nabû-shabshi, servant of the .

Witness Mannu-lu-shulmu.

Witness Sa'amu.

Witness Adad-aplu-iddina.

Witness Zababa-eresh.

Witness Agru. Witness Adad-musheshi.

Witness Mardukati, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, day, eponym year of .


Witness La-tubashanni, ....

Witness Nabû-ushabshi, servant of ....

Witness Mannu-lu-shulmu.

Witness Sa'amu.

Witness Adad-aplu-iddina.

Witness Zababa-eresh.

Witness Agru. Witness Adad-musheshi.

Witness Mardukati, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, day, eponym year of Shulmu-....

P335207: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_pab_ x] _lu-zi_-_mesz_ [_arad_-_mesz_-szu] [sza (m)]ar#-ba-a-a

[u-pisz]-ma# (m)_nina-ki_-a-a _lu-sag_—_man_ [ina _sza_ x] _ma-na kug-ud_ ina ma-né-e sza _kur_-gar-ga-mis _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ar-ba-a-a il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te za-ar-pu laq-[qi]-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu da-[ba-a]-bu

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz# U ma-te-ma i-za-qu#-[pa]-a-ni i-_gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)ar#-[ba]-a-a lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu sza de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) [(m)]_nina#-ki_-a-a _ta_(v) [_szesz_-_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

in all x persons, servants of Arbayu —

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought them from Arbayu for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Arbayu or his brothers, nephews or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ninuayu and his brothers,


in all x persons, servants of Arbayu—

Ninuayu, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Arbayu.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Arbayu or his brothers, or his nephews, or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ninuayu, and his brothers, and his nephews,



ub-ta-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud luh 01 ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_en_—da-an _lu-03_-szu sza _lu_-szA—_ugu_—É-a-ni

_igi_ (m)_im_—(d)15 : o(*)

_igi_ (m)a-di-i _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)uz-na-nu _igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _lu-tug-ka-k_ÉSZ

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—nat-kil _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ sza _dumu_—_man_

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ sza du-na-na-te

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_sig5_-iq _igi_ (m)la—tu-ba-szA-an-ni—(d)_im_

_igi_ (m)tur-s,u—15 _igi_ (m)di-lil—15

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)[asz]-szur—_pab#_-[_mesz_]-szu(?)—_apin_(?)# _lu-a-ba_

[x x x x x] _lugal_

AI Translation

Witness Bel-dan, 'third man' of the overseer of the houses.

Witness Shar-Issar, ditto.

Witness Addî, chariot driver.

Witness Uznanu. Witness Ululayu, tailor.

Witness Ashur-natkil, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the 'double-duty.'

Witness Ashur-damqu. Witness La-tubashanni-Adad.

Witness Turshu-Issar. Witness Dilil-Issar.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Ashur-ahheshu-eresh, scribe.

...... the king


Witness Bel-dan, 'third man' of the chamberlain.

Witness Shar-Issar, ditto.

Witness Addî, chariot driver.

Witness Uznanu. Witness Ululayu, tailor.

Witness Ashur-natkil, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the standards.

Witness Ashur-dammiq. Witness La-tubashanni-Adad.

Witness Tarshi-Issar. Witness Dilil-Issar.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Ashur-ahheshu-eresh, scribe.

... of the king.

P335208: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_-su-u-[x x x] x x# [x x x x x x x] 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu-mi_-su x# [x x x x x x x x x]

02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab 04_ (m)mad(*)-a-a [x x x x x x x x x x (x x)] (m)u-ra-a-a _mi_-szu (m)si-ti(*)#-[ir-x x x x x x x x x] (m)(d)_u-gur_—_sum_-na _pab 20 lu_(v)(*)-_zi#_-[_mesz arad_-_mesz_]-ni(*) sza (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a tu(*)-[pisz-ma _mi_-x x x x x]

[_mi_]-szA#-_gim_(*)-tu sza [_murub4_]—_uru_(*)# [x x x x x x x x x] ina _sza 08_(*) _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud ti_ x x x x x x x]

[x x x x] de#-e-[nu] _dug4_(*)#-[_dug4_ x x x x x x x x] [x x x x 02] _ansze_(*)#-_kur-ra_-[_mesz_ x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Su..., NN, his two sons, his daughter, NN

a total of 2 sons of his, a total of 4; Madâ ......; Urâ, his wife; Sitir...; NN; Nergal-iddina; in all 20 persons, servants of Arbailayu —

The governess of the central city harem is paid in full by the mina of silver.

... lawsuit or litigation ...... 2 horses .


the woman Su..., his wife, his two sons, his daughter, a total of 5; NN, his wife, his two sons, a total of 4;

Madaya, ......, a total of x; Uraya and his wife; Sitir......, a total of x; Nergal-iddina; in all 20 persons, servants of Arbailayu —

..., governess of the central city harem, has contracted and bought them for 8 minas of silver.

whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur.



[ana _en_-_mesz_-szu] u-ta-ra [ina de-ni-szu] [_dug4-dug4_]-ma# la i#-[laq-qi]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_amar-utu_—_apin_-esz _lu_(v)-mu-szar-kis#

[_igi_] (m)hal-ma#-nu _lu_(v)-mu-szar-kis

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab lu_(v)-ha#-[za]-nu sza _uru_-ni-nu-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_am_—_dingir_-_mesz lu_(v)-ha-za-nu# sza _uru_-ni-nu-[a]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_-a-[ni _lu_(v)]-szA(*)—_ugu_(*)#—_uru_ sza _uru_-ni-nu-[a]

_igi_ (m)na-ni#-i _lu_(v)-A(*)-_ba_(*)# sza _dumu_—_lugal#_

_igi_ (m)na-din(*)-ia _lu_(v)-_dam-qar# ansze-kur-ra#_-[_mesz_(*)]

_igi_ (m)(d)hal-di—rém-a-ni _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)(d(*))_pa_(*)#—[_sig5_]-iq _lu_(v)#-02-u sza _lu_(v)-_a-ba_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]-da-ku(?)# sza _uru_-ni-nu-a

_igi_ (m)[x]-a-ni-a(*)# [_lu_(v)-szA]—_ugu_(*)#—É—_dingir_-_mesz_ sza _uru-sza_—_uru_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] sza _mi_—É-_gal_

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_pab_—_pab lu_(v)(*)-03-[szu(*)] sza (m)(d)30—_lugal_—_dingir_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—(d(*))[x] _lu_(v)(*)-[03-szu] sza _lu_(v)-tur-ta-ni

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] x x x# [x] _dumu_—_uru_-ni-nu-a

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Marduk-eresh, recruitment officer.

Witness Halmanu, recruitment officer.

Witness Nabû-belu-ushur, mayor of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû-ashared-ilani, mayor of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû-sharrani, city overseer of Nineveh.

Witness Nanî, scribe of the crown prince.

Witness Nadiniya, merchant of horses.

Witness Haldi-remanni, merchant.

Witness Nabû-dammiq, deputy of the palace scribe.

Witness ...daku of Nineveh.

Witness ...aniya, overseer of the temples of the Inner City.

Witness NN, ... of the queen.

Witness ...-ahu-ushur, 'third man' of Sin-shar-ilani.

Witness ...-..., 'third man' of the commander-in-chief.

Witness NN, citizen of Nineveh.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Marduk-eresh, recruitment officer.

Witness Halmanu, recruitment officer.

Witness Nabû-belu-ushur, mayor of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû-rim-ilani, mayor of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû-sharrani, city overseer of Nineveh.

Witness Nanî, scribe of the crown prince.

Witness Nadin-Ea, horse merchant.

Witness Haldi-remanni, merchant.

Witness Nabû-dammiq, deputy of the palace scribe.

Witness NN, ... of Nineveh.

Witness ...ania, overseer of the temples of the Inner City.

Witness NN, ... of the queen.

Witness ...-ahu-ushur, 'third man' of Sin-shar-ilani.

Witness NN, 'third man' of the commander-in-chief.

Witness NN, citizen of Nineveh.

P335209: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x] x x x# u-pisz#-ma (m)30(*)#—[_lugal_—_pab_] ina _sza_-bi 01 1/2 _ma-na 05 gin_-_mesz kug-ud#_ [il-qi]

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ za-[ar-pu] _ti_-u de-ni _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma _gil#_-[u-ni] lu-u (m)30—_sum_—_pab_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-[u mAm]-ma(*)-nu(*)#-[szu] de-ni _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)30—_lugal_(*)-_pab_(*)# _ta_(v) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-u-[ni] 10 _ma-na kug-ud 05 ma-na kug-gi 04_ [_ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_] _babbar_-_mesz_ a-na (d)30 a-szib _uru_-[_kaskal_] i#-dan _kug-ud_ a-na 10-_mesz_-te# [a]-na# _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ a-na de#-[ni-szu] _dug4#-dug4_-ma la i-laq-[qi]

AI Translation

Sin-sharru-ushur has contracted and bought for 1 1/2 minas 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Sin-nadin-ahi or his sons or anyone, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-sharru-ushur or his sons, shall pay 10 minas of silver, 5 minas of gold, and 4 white horses to Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the silver tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Sin-sharru-ushur has contracted and bought them for 1 1/2 minas and 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Sin-nadin-ahi or his sons or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-sharru-ushur and his sons, shall pay 10 minas of silver, 5 minas of gold, and four white horses to Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the silver tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)]x x-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)man(?)-nu(?)#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)x x x x# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)x x x x# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)x x x x# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)rém(?)-a(?)-ni(?)#—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)10(?)-[x x x x] _lu_(v)-_arad_(*)# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)[ha-an-du] _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[_en_]—la-mur _lu_(v)-[_a-ba_]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-i# _lu_(v)-_dam_-[_qar_] [sza] É(*) _mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Mannu-.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Remanni-.

Witness Adad-..., servant of .

Witness Handu, .

Witness Bel-lamur, scribe.

Witness ...î, merchant of the queen's household.


Witness .......

Witness Mannu-....

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness Remanni-....

Witness Adad-..., servant of ....

Witness Handu, ....

Witness Bel-lamur, scribe.

Witness NN, merchant of the queen's house.

P335210: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



x x# [x x x x (x) _mi_-szA]-kin(*)-tu(*) sza(*) _murub4_(*)#—[_uru_] ina _sza 10 ma_-[_na kug-ud_] il#-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-ar-pu laq-qi(*)-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-e-ma i-zaq-qu-pan-ni lu-u (m)se-e'—gab-ba-ri lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu#_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu sza _ta_(v)(*) _mi_-szA-kin-tu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e#-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni

AI Translation

...... the governess of the central city harem has contracted and bought for 10 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Se'-gabbari or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, his sons and grandsons,


the governess of the central city harem has contracted and bought them for 10 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Se'-gabbari or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, his sic sons and grandsons,



10 _ma#-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru-nina_ i-szak-kan 02 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ ina(*) _gir-2_ asz-szur i-rak-kas 04 _ansze_-har-ba-kan-ni ina _ki-ta_ (d)_szesz-gal_ u-sze-rab kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab lu_(v)-ha-za-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_am_—_dingir_-_mesz#_

_igi#_ (m)_im_—asz(*)-szur(*)#

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—[x x]

[_igi_] (m)_en_(*)#—[x x x]

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall tie two white horses at the feet Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-belu-ushur, mayor.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ilani.

Witness Shar-Ashur.

Witness Nabû-shumu-.

Witness Bel-.


shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-belu-ushur, mayor.

Witness Nabû-rim-ilani.

Witness Shar-Ashur.

Witness Nabû-shumu-....

Witness Bel-....

P335211: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[de]-e(*)#-nu(*) _dug4-dug4#_ [la-Asz-szu]

[man]-nu szA ina ur-kisz# ina ma-te-e-me(*) i#-qa-bu-u-ni ma-a _un_-_mesz_ la-a ad(*)#-din lu-u (m)i-qi-si lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu szA i-qab-bu-ni ma-a _un#_-_mesz_ la-a ad-din _kug-ud_-_mesz_ a-na 10-a-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu u-ta-ra

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_dil_—_si_-[_sa_]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_bad#_

_igi_ [(m)]bar-ruq-qu#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-[zib]

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, says: "I did not give the people," whether Iqisi or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers, who says: "I did not give the people," shall return the silver tenfold to its owners.

Witness Shamash-dil-lishir.

Witness Bel-duri.

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Nabû-shezib.


Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, says: "I did not sell the people," whether Iqisu or his sons, grandsons or brothers, who says: "I did not sell the people," shall return the silver tenfold to its owners.

Witness Shamash-edu-leshir.

Witness Bel-duri.

Witness Barruqu.

Witness Nabû-shezib.



[_igi_] (m)(d)_utu_—_mu_(*)—_sum_-na

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ba_-szA-an-ni

_igi_ (m)_pab_—ma-ma-a-te#

_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—[x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—ka-[szir]

_igi#_ (m)_an-gal#_—me-[si]

[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_] lim#-mu (m)_asz_—_pab_-_mesz_ [_lu-gar-kur uru-bad_]—_lugal_(*)—u(*)-kin(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-shumu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-iqishanni.

Witness Ahi-matu.

Witness Bel-.

Witness Adad-kashir.

Witness Issaran-mesi.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Dur-Sharruken.


Witness Shamash-shumu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-iqishanni.

Witness Humamati.

Witness Bel-....

Witness Adad-kashir.

Witness Issaran-mesi.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

P335212: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)x]-nu(*)-lam(*)-szi(*) (m)_en_—nu-ri# [x x] _arad_(*)-_mesz_(*)#-[szu]

[(m)(d)]_utu_—_su mi_-bu-su-ku(*)# _mi_-szu

[u]-pisz-ma (m)i-si(?)-na-a-a [_ta_(v) _igi_] (m)ki-ri-bi-tu—asz-szur [ina _sza_] 50# _urudu_-_mesz_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e [x x x x]+x# i-zi-rip

[i-si-qi] kas-pu ga-mur [ta-din _un_]-_mesz_ szu-a-tu(*) za-ar-pu [la-qi]-u tu-a-ru de-nu [_dug4-dug4_] la-Asz-szu

[man-nu szA ina] ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma

AI Translation

...nulamshi and Bel-nuri, ..., his servants,

Shamash-eriba, his wife Busuku;

Isinayu has contracted and bought them from Kiribtu-Ashur for 50 copper minas .

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


...nulamshi and Bel-nuri..., his servants,

Shamash-eriba and his wife Busuku —

Isinnayu has contracted, acquired and purchased from Kiribtu-Ashur for 50 shekels of copper by the mina of ....

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time,



[_uru_-x x x] i#-szak-kan [kas-pu a-na 10]-_mesz_-a-te [a-na _en_]-_mesz_-szu u-ta-ra [ina de]-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la _ti_

[man-nu] sza _gil_-u-ni [i]-bal(*)#-a-kat(*)-u-ni [x] _ma#-na kug-ud sum_-an

[_igi_ (m)]_bad#_—asz-szur _igi_ (m)_i-gal_—_dingir_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-mal-ku-u-te(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-hu _igi_ (m)hi-li#-s,i(*)

AI Translation

shall place x minas of silver in the lap of DN residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Whoever breaks the contract and breaks the contract, shall give x minas of silver.

Witness Duri-Ashur. Witness Ibashi-ilani.

Witness ...malkuti.

Witness Witness Hilissi.


shall place ...... in the lap of DN residing in .... He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Whoever breaks the contract and contravenes, shall give x minas of silver.

Witness Dur-Ashur. Witness Ibashi-ilani.

Witness ...-malkute.

Witness Witness Hilishi.

P335213: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)i—da-a-te—_en_—a-la-ka _na4#-kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_lugal_—_pab na4#-kiszib_ (m)_lugal_—_mu_—ki-in _pab 03 lu_-_mesz_-e _dumu_ (m)asz-szur—szal-lim—[_pab_-_mesz_] _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)_dingir_—_gin_—_pab_ (m)s,il—asz-szur [(m)x x x] 02 _mi-tur_-_mesz pab 05 zi#_-[_mesz_] _lu#-arad_-_mesz_ szA _lu_-[_mesz_-e an-nu-ti]

[u]-pisz-ma# (m)rém-an-ni#—[(d)_im_] [_lu-dib_—_kusz_]-_pa_-[_mesz_ x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Idat-belu-allak, seal of Adad-sharru-ushur, seal of Sharru-shumu-ukin, a total of 3 men, sons of Ashur-shallim-ahhe, owners of the people being sold.

Ilu-kenu-ushur, Shil-Ashur, NN, 2 young women: a total of 5 persons, servants of these gentlemen.

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver ... has contracted and bought them for .


Seal of Iddate-Bel-allaka, seal of Adad-sharru-ushur, seal of Sharru-shumu-ukin, a total of 3 men, sons of Ashur-shallim-ahhe, owners of the people being sold.

Ilu-kenu-ushur, Shil-Ashur, NN, 2 girls, a total of 5 persons, servants of these men —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted ...



_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-[ir] _lu_-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz lu_-[:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) szA A—_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_-[_gal_—ki-s,ir :-]

_igi_ (m)na-ha-ra-a-u _lu_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_uru-kaskal_—_man_—_pab lu_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)gal-lul# _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir#

_igi#_ (m)_dug_—_im_—[x x x] :-#

_igi#_ (m)ha—ba-[as]-ti _lu-gal_—I-[_du8_]

_igi#_ (m)ba-su-u-a _igi_ (m)_uru_-kal-ha-a#-[a]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir _igi_ (m)szi-ma-nu _lu_(v)-_dam_-[_qar_]

_iti-sze ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu_-sar-tin-nu _igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab_


szA A—_man# igi_ (m)(d)_im_—bé-sun#

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-etir, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness Naharâ, .

Witness Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, .

Witness Gallulu, cohort commander.

Witness Tab-shar-.... ditto.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Basua. Witness Kalhayu.

Witness Nabû-etir. Witness Shimanu, merchant.

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu, chief judge. Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur.

chariot driver

Witness Adad-bessunu.


Witness Nabû-etir, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness Naharau, ....

Witness Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, ....

Witness Gallulu, cohort commander.

Witness Tab-shar-..., ditto.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Basu'a. Witness Kalhayu.

Witness Nabû-etir. Witness Shimanu, merchant.

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu, the sartinnu.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Adad-bessunu.

P335214: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_en_] _mi_-[_mesz sum_-ni]

_mi_-(d)ba-ni-tu—_apin#_ [x x x x x] _pab 02 zi_-_mesz_ szA (m)[x x x x] szA (m)pa-qa—a-[na—x x x]

u-pisz-ma _mi_-[x x x x x] szA-kin-tu szA [x x x] ina _sza_-bi 50(*) _gin#_-[_mesz kug-ud ti_]

kas-pu [gam-mur ta-din]

AI Translation

owner of the women being sold.

Banitu-eresh ..., in all 2 persons belonging to NN and Paqa-ana-..., ...,

NN, the captive of ..., has contracted and bought her for 50 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.


owner of the women being sold.

Banitu-teresh and NN, in all 2 persons belonging to NN and Paqa-ana-... —

NN, the harem manageress of ..., has contracted and bought them for 50 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.



_igi#_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu#—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—ma-x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)_arad_-a-a [x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-da-bir#-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)i-sa-na-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-_sig_—asz-szur [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_im_—15 _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)iq-bi(?)—_dingir_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_en_—_dingir_-[_mesz_ x x x]

_igi_ (m)lu-qu _lu_(v)-[x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Shulmu-.

Witness Ashur-ma.

Witness Urdayu, .

Witness Mudabirâ.

Witness Isanayu.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, .

Witness Mudammiq-Ashur, .

Witness Shar-Issar, .

Witness Iqbi-il, .

Witness Ashur-bel-ilani, .

Witness Luqu, .


Witness NN.

Witness Shulmu-....

Witness Ashur-ma....

Witness Urdu-Aya, ....

Witness Mudabirayu.

Witness Isanayu.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, ....

Witness Mudammiq-Ashur, ....

Witness Shar-Issar, ....

Witness Iqbi-ilu, ....

Witness Ashur-bel-ilani, ....

Witness Luqu, ....



[...] x kl

AI Translation


Aramaic caption: ......

P335215: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)sa-gi-bi-i _lu-usz-bar mi_-szu

(m)se-e'—nu-ri _mi_-szu 02 _dumu-mi_(?)-_mesz_-[szu]

_pab 06 zi#_-[_mesz arad_-_mesz_] sza (m)(d)[x x x x]

AI Translation

Sagibi, weaver, his wife;

Se'-nuri, his wife, 2 daughters of his;

in all 6 persons, servants of NN —


Sagibî, weaver, and his wife;

Se'-nuri, his wife and two daughters;

a total of 6 persons, servants of NN



[_igi_ (m)]_pab#_—_bad dumu_ (m)pa-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha-am-na-nu _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz_-[_pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)10—ra-hi-mu _lu-03-u5_

_igi_ (m)za-an-za-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)gab-ri-i _lu-ki-min_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru-sza_—_uru_ s,a-bit t,up-pu

_iti-ne ud 22_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Ahu-duri, son of Pa.

Witness Hamnanu, chariot driver.

Witness Adad-rahimu, 'third man.'

Witness Zaanzanu, cohort commander.

Witness Gabrî, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali, keeper of the tablet.

Month Ab V, 22nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ahu-duri, son of Pa....

Witness Hamnanu, chariot driver.

Witness Adad-rahim, 'third man.'

Witness Zanzanu, cohort commander.

Witness Gabrî, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali, keeper of the tablet.

Month Ab V, 22nd day,

P335216: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)lu-u—bal-at, _en lu-un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _mi_-szu 04 _dumu_-_mesz_(*)-szu(*)# [_pab_] 06 _zi_-_mesz lu-arad_-_mesz#_-[ni] [sza] (m)lu-u—bal-at, u-pisz-ma(*)#

[(m)(d)]_utu_—_dingir#_-a-a _lu-gal_—[x x x] x x# [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)lu-u]—bal-[at, x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Lu-balat, owner of the people being sold.

Nabû-shezib, his wife, 4 sons, a total of 6 persons, servants of Lu-balat —

Shamash-ila'i, chief ..., has contracted and bought them from Lu-balat, .


Seal of Lu-balat, owner of the people being sold.

Nabû-shezib, his wife, his 4 sons, a total of 6 people, servants of Lu-balat —

Shamash-ila'i, chief ......, has contracted and bought them from Lu-balat



[x x x x x] _lu#_-sze-lap#-pa-a#-[a]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-an-ni

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-ib(*)# _lu_-na-sik-ku

[_igi_ (m)]mar(*)#-da(*)-a-na _igi_ (m)na-tan

[_igi_ (m)]ba-la-su _igi_ (m)bar—za-qe-e

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_zu lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit

dan-ni-te _iti-ne ud 25_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_kam_-esz

_igi_ (m)(d)ra-man—dal-a _uru_-szA—za-bi-na-a-a

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_igi-lal a_ (m)asz-szur—_ad_—_pab_

AI Translation

...... the Shelapaeans

Witness ...anni.

Witness ...ib, tailor.

Witness Mardanu. Witness Natan.

Witness Balasu. Witness Bar-zaqê.

Witness Ilu-le'i, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Ab V, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh.

Witness Ramman-dalâ, from Shazbina.

Witness Ahu-lamur, son of Ashur-abu-ushur.


Witness NN, architect.

Witness ...anni.

Witness ...ib, sheikh.

Witness Mardanu. Witness Natan.

Witness Balassu. Witness Bar-zaqê.

Witness Ilu-le'i, scribe, keeper of the document.

Month Ab V, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh.

Witness Ramman-dalâ, from Shazabinâ.

Witness Ahu-lamur, son of Ashur-abu-ushur.

P335217: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4-kiszib_ (m)_kalag_-a]-ni#—_u-gur na4-kiszib_ (m)zi(*)-li#-[i] [_na4-kiszib_ (m)kur-la]-a-a _na4-kiszib_ (m)asz-szur—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz_ [_dumu_-_mesz_] (m)gab-bu—_dingir_-_mesz_—_apin_-esz

[_pab 04 lu_]-_me en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[x x x] _mi#_-szu _pab 02_ (m)[_gig_]—a-da-la-li# [(m)_dingir_-x x x _pab_] 02 _lu#_-s,u-hur-te [_mi_-man-nu—x-x-x] _ama#_-szu-nu _pab 05 zi_-_mesz_ [_arad_-_mesz_ sza] _lu#_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te

[u-pisz-ma (m)rém]-a#-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-[_mesz_ o(*)] [sza (m)asz-szur—_du_]—_a# man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ [ina _sza 05 ma-na kug-ud_ ina szA] _uru#_-gar-ga-mis [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_kalag_-a-ni—_u-gur_] _ta_(v)# _igi_ [(m)zi-li-i]

AI Translation

Seal of Nuranni-Nergal, seal of Zilî, seal of Kurlayu, seal of Ashur-shallim-ahhe, sons of Gabbu-ilani-eresh,

in all 4 men, owners of the people being sold.

NN and his wife, in all 2: Bab-adallali, Ilu-..., in all 2 chariot drivers, Mannu-..., their mother, in all 5 persons, servants of these gentlemen.

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Dannanu-Nergal and from Zilî.


Seal of Da''inanni-Nergal, seal of Zilî, seal of Kur-ila'i, seal of Ashur-shallim-ahhe, sons of Gabbu-ilani-eresh,

a total of 4 men, owners of the people being sold.

... and his wife, a total of 2; Marshish-adallal, Da..., a total of 2 youths; Mannu-..., their mother; in all 5 persons, servants of these gentlemen —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them for 5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Da''inanni-Nergal, Zilî

P335218: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)]_gig#_—a-da-la-li (m)ba(*)#-[x x x]

[_pab 02_] _lu#_-s,u-hur-te _mi_-man-nu—[x x]

_ama#_-szu-nu _pab 05 zi_-_mesz lu_(v)-[_arad_-_mesz_] sza _lu_-_mesz_-e an-[nu-te]

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-_dib#_—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] dan-nu sza (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—[asz-szur-_ki_] ina _sza#_-bi 05 _ma-na kug-ud#_ ina(*) sza _uru#_-[gar-ga-mis] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_kalag_-a-ni—_u-gur ta_(v) _igi 1_-zi(*)-[li-i] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)kur-la-a-a _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)asz-szur—szal-lim#—[_pab_-_mesz_]

il-qi kas(*)-pu(*) ga#-mur ta-din-ni [o] [_un_-_mesz_ szu-a]-tu [za]-Ar-pu laq-qi-u# [tu-a-ru] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu#

[ina ur-kisz ina] ma#-te-ma man#-nu sza e(*)#-[la-ni] [i-za]-qu-pa#-[ni i-_gil_-u-ni]

AI Translation

Bab-adallali, Ba...,

in all 2 chariot drivers, Mannu-...;

in all 5 persons, servants of these gentlemen —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Dannat-Nergal, from 1zilî, from Kurlayu, from Ashur-shallim-ahhe.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

In the future, at any time, who comes forward and breaks the contract,


Marshish-adallal, Ba...,

a total of 2 youths; Mannu-..., their mother;

in all 5 persons, servants of these gentlemen —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them for 5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Da''inanni-Nergal, Zilî, Kur-ila'i, and Ashur-shallim-ahhe.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

In the future, at any time, whoever comes forward, lodges a complaint, and breaks the contract,



[lu-u (m)_kalag_-a]-ni—_u-gur_ lu-u# [(m)zi-li-i] [lu-u (m)kur-la-a]-a lu-u (m)asz-[szur—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz_] [lu-u] _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu]-nu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz#_-[szu-nu _szesz_-_mesz_-szu-nu] [lu-u] _dumu#_—_szesz_-(_mesz_)-szu-nu lu-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu-[szu-nu] [lu-u] ha#-za-nu-szu-nu lu-u mu-mu-nu-szu#-[nu]

[sza] _ta_(v) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im#_ [_lu_(v)-_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] [_ta_(v)] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-[_mesz_-szu] de#-[e-nu] [_dug4_]-_dug4_ ub#-ta-u#-[ni x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

or Nurani-Nergal, or Zilî, or Kurlaya, or Ashur-shallim-ahhe, or their sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, prefect, or mayor, or their witnesses,

seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, and his sons and grandsons,


whether Da''inanni-Nergal, Zilî, Kur-ila'i or Ashur-shallim-ahhe, or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect or mayor, or any relative of theirs,

and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, and his sons and grandsons ...

P335219: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)szi-[x x x x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)bur-x#+[x x x x x x]

_en un_-_mesz sum#_-[ni]

AI Translation

fingernail of Shi...,

Seal of Bur-..., .

owner of the people being sold.


Fingernail of Shi...,

seal of Bur-...,

owners of the people being sold.



[_igi_ (m)]x x#+[x] _igi_(*) (m)_di_(*)-mu(*)#—[x x x] [o(*)] sza _mi_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—lip(*)-hur

_igi_ (m)_uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a s,a#-bit t,up-pi

_iti-ne ud 29_-_kam_ lim-me (m)_dingir_—_ki_-ia

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Shulmu-.... of the queen.

Witness Ilu-liphur.

Witness Mari-Aya, keeper of the tablet.

Month Ab V, 29th day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.


Witness NN. Witness Shulmu-..., ... of the queen.

Witness Ilu-liphur.

Witness Libbalayu, keeper of the tablet.

Month Ab V, 29th day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a, the governor of Damascus.

P335220: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ (m)rém(?)#-[x x x] [_en_] _un#_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Seal of Remanni-..., owner of the people being sold.


Seal of Remanni-..., owner of the people being sold.



[x x la] i-laq-qi#

_igi_ (m)a-bi-lu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)sa-e-ru _lu-03_-[_u5_]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_numun_—_asz_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_i lu_-su-sa-nu(?)# [x x]

_igi_ (m)_kam_—_dingir lu-03-u5_ sza A-[_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—nam-mir _lu#_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _lu-arad_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_lal_-in _lu_-mu-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)se-e'—pa-rak-ka [x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—im-me _lu_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha#-an-di-i [x x x]

AI Translation

... he does not take

Witness Abilu, cohort commander.

Witness: Siru, 'third man.'

Witness Bel-zeru-iddina, .

Witness Nabû-na'id, .

Witness Hari-ilu, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-nammir, .

Witness Nabû'a, servant of .

Witness Sin-tarshi, .

Witness Se'-pakka, .

Witness Il-immi, .

Witness Handî, .


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Abilu, cohort commander.

Witness Sa'iru, 'third man.'

Witness Bel-zeru-iddina, ....

Witness Nabû-na'id, horse trainer ....

Witness Eresh-ilu, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-nammir, ....

Witness Nabû'a, servant of ....

Witness Sin-mutaqqin, ....

Witness Se'-barakka, ....

Witness Il-immi, ....

Witness Handî, ....



[_igi_] (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_im_ [x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, .


Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, ...

P335221: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ti-ri-i _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu _uru-kaskal_-a(*)-a(*) _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[x x x x x] x x#—[(d)]na-na-a(*)# _mi_-szu [x x x x x x x _pab_] 06 _zi_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Seal of Tirî, prefect of the Harranites, owner of the people being sold.

......-Nanaya, his wife, NN, NN, in all 6 persons,


Seal of Tirî, prefect of the Harranians, owner of the people being sold.

NN, his wife ...-Nanaya, ......, a total of 6 people



[_igi_ (m)x x x x]—A(*) _lu_(v)-A-[_ba_]

_iti-dul ud 25_(*)-_kam_ lim-mu (m)asz(*)-szur(*)—_kalag_-in-a-ni sza _kur_-qu-e

AI Translation

Witness ...-apli, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 25th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni of Que.


Witness ...-apli, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 25th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni of Que.



01 _gin kug-ud_ sza s,u-pur-szu

AI Translation

1 shekel of silver for his fingernail.


1 shekel of silver for his fingernail.

P335222: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)sa-la-ma-nu _mi_-szu (m)mu-su-ka#-a-a _mi_-szu (m)_arad_(?)—_masz 02 dumu-mi pab 05_(?) _zi_-_mesz_

(m)x#+[x x]-a-a _dumu_-szu(?) (m)ga-di(?)-ia(?)-a

[x x x x _pab_] 10 _zi_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Salamanu and his wife; Musukayu and his wife; Urdu-Inurta and 2 daughters: a total of 5 persons.

...ayu, his son; Gadiya;

...... in all 10 persons;


Salamannu, and his wife; Musukayu and his wife; Urdu-Inurta and 2 daughters; in all 7 persons,

...aya, his son, Gadiâ,

... in all 10 persons,



02(*) _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ [ina _gir-2_ (d)30] a-szib# _uru-kaskal_ i-rak-kas kas#-[pu] a-[na] 10-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_

ina [de]-ni#-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

_igi_ [(m)se]-e'(*)—na-qa-me _lu_(v)-_gal_—til-li

sza _lu_(v)-tur-ta-nu _igi#_ [(m)ab]-di—mil#-ki _dumu lu-en-nam_

sza _uru_-la-hi-ri

[_igi_ (m)x]-sa-me _dumu_ (m)ki-la-ku-u

[_igi_ (m)x x]-la-a-a _igi_ (m)tar#-di-tu—asz-szur _sag_ [_igi_ (m)man-nu]—ki—_erim_(?)# _igi_ (m)ta-ba-li

AI Translation

shall tie 2 white horses at the feet Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Se'-naqame, cohort commander.

Witness Abdi-milki, son of the governor.

of Lahiru.

Witness ...same, son of Kilaku.

Witness ...layu. Witness Tarditu-Ashur, eunuch. Witness Mannu-ki-shabi. Witness Tabal.


shall tie 2 white horses at the feet Sin residing in Harran, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Se'-naqame, armorer of the commander-in-chief.

Witness Abdi-milki, son of the governor of Lahiru.

Witness ...same, son of Kilakû.

Witness ...laya. Witness Tarditu-Ashur, eunuch.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi. Witness Tabalu.



ina _iti-ab ud 06_-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 6th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


In the month of Tebet X, 6th day, eponym year of Nabû-da''inanni, governor of Que.

P335223: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)si-ip-[ra-a-nu] _en un_-_mesz sum#_

(m)_pab_-u-a x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Sipranu, owner of the people being sold.

Ahu'a ......


Seal of Sipranu, owner of the people being sold.

Ahu'a ......



[_igi_ (m)x x—(d)]15(?)# _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_(*)#-[_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)[_an-szar_—_dingir_]-a#-a _lu_(v)-03-szu

_igi_ (m)_en_—_ki_-ia# _lu_(v)-mu-tir—t,e-me

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_en_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)hi-nu-mu ki-s,ir—_man_

_igi_ (m)szu-ma-a ki-s,ir—_man_

_igi_ (m)rém-ut ki-s,ir—_man_

_igi_ (m)a-hu-ni-i(*) ki-s,ir—_man_

_igi_ (m)pal-hu—sze-zib

AI Translation

Witness ...-Issar, chariot driver.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, 'third man.'

Witness Bel-isse'a, intelligence officer.

Witness Sin-belu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Hinumu, royal corps.

Witness Shumaya, royal corps.

Witness Remuttu, royal corps.

Witness Ahunî, royal corps.

Witness Palhu-shezib.


Witness ...-Issar, chariot driver.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, 'third man.'

Witness Bel-isse'a, intelligence officer.

Witness Sin-belu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Hinnumu, of the royal corps.

Witness Shumaya, royal corps.

Witness Remuttu, royal corps.

Witness Ahunî, royal corps.

Witness Palhu-shezib, merchant.



[x x x x x x lim]-me (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

...... ... eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasa.

P335224: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_ag_(*)#—_su lu_(*)#-[x x x] _arad_(*)# _lu_(*)-_en_(*)#-[_nam_] _en un_-_mesz sum_(*)#-[ni]

[(m)x x x]—_numun mi_-szu _pab 02#_ [o]

[(m)x x x x] _mi_-szu _pab 02#_ [o]

[(m)x x x x] 02# _dumu_-_mesz_-szu x#+[x x x]

[_mi_-x x x x] _dumu_-szA _pab_(*) [02]

[x x x x x] _uru#_-hi(?)-x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-eriba, ..., servant of the governor, owner of the people being sold.

...-zeri, his wife, a total of 2;

NN and his wife, a total of 2;

NN and his 2 sons .

NN, her son, in all 2;

...... the town of Hi.


Seal of Nabû-eriba, ..., servant of the governor, owner of the people being sold.

NN, his wife, a total of 2;

NN, his wife, a total of 2;

NN, his 2 sons ...;

NN, her son, a total of 2;

...... the city of ...



[x x x x x] ni [x x x x x(*)] [x x x x _en_]-_mesz_(*)#-szu u-[ta-ra(*)]

[_igi_ (m)]U(*)-_gur_(*)#—_du lu_(*)-03(*)-[szu]

[_igi_ (m)]man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz lu_(*)#-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_dug-ga_-i _lu_(*)-rak-[su(?)]

[_igi_ (m)]_en_—_pab_—_asz lu_(*)-_gisz-gigir_—na-[kam-ti]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)gu-la _lu_(*)-02-u sza _lu_(*)-_gal_—_a-zu_

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_(*)#—[x] _lu_(*)-_a-ba_ s,a#-[bit dan-ni-te]

[_iti_]-_gud# ud 12_-_kam_

AI Translation

...... he will return ...... his lords

Witness Nergal-ibni, 'third man.'

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, .

Witness Tabî, recruit.

Witness Bel-ahu-iddina, horse trainer of the nukamtu.

Witness Urdu-Gula, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Nabû-shumu-.

Month Iyyar II, 12th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


...... shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Nergal-ibni, 'third man.'

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, ....

Witness Tabî, conscript.

Witness Bel-ahu-iddina, trainer of reserve horses.

Witness Urda-Gula, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Nabû-shumu-..., scribe, keeper of the document.

Month Iyyar II, 12th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-eresh, governor of Sam'al.



[x x x x x x x x]+x#-a sza(*) _kur_-[x x]

AI Translation

...... of the land .


......... of the land of ....

P335225: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]_arad#_—(d)15 [_en un_-_mesz_] _sum_-ni

(m)mar—ia-te-e' (m)se-e'—im-me# [(m)]mu-ra-a _pab 03 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ [sza (m)]_arad#_—(d(*))15 u-pisz-ma#

[(m)se-e'(*)—ma]-'a(*)#-di _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru#_-_mesz_ [sza _dumu_—_man_ ina] _sza#_-bi 50 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud#_ [_ta_(v) (m)_arad_—(d)]15(*)# il-qi

[kas-pu gam-mur ta]-din(*)#-ni(*)

AI Translation

Seal of Urdu-Issar, owner of the people being sold.

Mar-yate', Se'-imme, Murâ, a total of 3 persons, servants of Urdu-Issar —

Se'-madi, village manager of the crown prince, has contracted and bought them from Urdu-Issar for 50 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.


Seal of Urda-Issar, owner of the people being sold.

Mar-yate', Se'-imme and Murâ, a total of 3 persons, servants of Urda-Issar —

Se'-madi, village manager of the crown prince, has contracted and bought them from Urda-Issar for 50 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]-x#-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-_engar_

[x x x x x] _uru-sze_—ra-bu

[_igi_ (m)_pab_(?)—ia]-ba-ba _lu_(v)(*)-_engar_

[_iti_-x _ud_] 07(?)#-_kam_ lim-me [(m)man-nu—ki—10 _gar-kur uru_]-s,u-ba-te

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_pab#_—_asz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness ...s.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, farmer.

...... the village of Rabu

Witness Ahi-yababa, farmer.

Month ..., 7th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad, governor of Shubate.

Witness ...-ahu-iddina, scribe.


Witness NN....

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, farmer.

...... from Kaprabu.

Witness Ahi-yababa, farmer.

Month..., 7th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad, governor of Shupat.

Witness ...-ahu-iddina, scribe.

P335226: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—ku#-[s,ur]-a(*)#-ni(*) _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni#

[(m)a]-tar(*)—szum(*)-ki(*)# _arad_-szu [x x x x x x x x]

[u-pisz-ma (m)x x x x]-ni# [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)]_en_—_kaskal#_—[ku]-s,ur-a-ni [ina _sza_] x# 30(*) [_gin kug-ud_] [ina sza _uru_-gar-ga]-mis(*)# _ti_-[qi]

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-Harran-kushurani, owner of the people being sold.

Atar-shumki, his servant, .

NN has contracted and bought from Bel-Harran-kushurani for 30 shekels of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


Seal of Bel-Harran-kushurani, owner of the people being sold.

Atar-shumki, his servant, ...... — has contracted and bought them from Bel-Harran-kushurani for 30 minas of silver, by the mina of Carchemish.



[ina(*)] de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti#_

_igi_ (m)kan-dal-a-nu

_igi_ (m)ra-di-mu

_igi_ (m)ha-ru-s,a-a

_igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_bad lu_(v)(*)-_nar_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—gab-e

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab_

_iti-apin ud 14_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_kam_-esz _lu_(v)(*)-_gar-kur uru_-sam-al-li

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kandalanu.

Witness Radimu.

Witness Harushâ.

Witness Bel-Harran-duri, singer.

Witness Ilu-gabê.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 14th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh, governor of Sam'al.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kandalanu.

Witness Radimu.

Witness Harushâ.

Witness Bel-Harran-duri, singer.

Witness Il-gabbê.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 14th day, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh, governor of Sam'al.

P335227: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[u-pisz-ma] (m)(d)_masz_—_pab_—_asz#_ [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)]dan-nu—(d)_u-gur_ [ina _sza_ x _ma_]-_na urudu_-_mesz_ il-qi

[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-din-ni [x x x szu-a]-tu za-rip [la-qi tu]-a-ru de-e-nu

[_dug4-dug4_] la#-a-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz# [ina ma-te]-ma# i-za-qu-pa-ni# [lu-u (m)]dan#-nu—[(d)]_u-gur#_

AI Translation

Inurta-ahu-iddina has contracted and bought said property from Dannu-Nergal for x minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Dannu-Nergal or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN, his sons and his grandsons,


Inurta-ahu-iddina has contracted and bought him from Dannu-Nergal for x minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Dannu-Nergal or his sons or his grandsons,



[lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu sza _ta_(v) (m)(d)]_masz_(*)—_pab_(*)—_asz_(*) [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-nu] _dug4#-dug4_ ub-ta(!)-u-ni

[x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_-_mesz sum_-an

[s,ib-tu be-nu] a-na 01 me _ud_-_mesz_ [sa-ar-tu] ina kal _mu-an-na_-_mesz_

[kas-pu ana] 10-_mesz_-te ina _en_-szu [_gur_-ra] ina# la de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] la laq-qi

[x x x x x x x x]-su [x x x]

AI Translation

or his brothers, who seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ahu-iddina,

shall give x minas of silver.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

...... him ...


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ahu-iddina,

shall give x minas of silver.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.


P335228: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4-kiszib_ (m)se]-e#—i-me [_na4-kiszib_ (m)]di#-szi-i [_pab 02_] _en# un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[x x x x x] x x x# [x x]

[x x x x] x _dumu#_ [x x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x# _dumu_ [x x x x x]

[(m)x x x x] _dumu_-szu 03 x#+[x x x]

[(m)x x x x]-sa(*)-a _dumu_-szu [o]

[x x x _pab_ x _zi_-_mesz_] szA _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)se-e—ia-te-e# [_ta_(v)] _igi#_ (m)se-e—i-me _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)di#-[szi-i] [ina] _sza# 02 ma-na kug-ud ti#_-[qi]

kas#-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _un_-[_mesz_ szu-a-tu] zar#-pu _ti_-u tu-a-ru de-e(*)#-[nu]

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA _gil#_-[u-ni] i-zaq-qup-an-ni 20 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_ x _ma-na_] _kug-gi_ a-na (d)30 a-szib _uru-kaskal#_ [_sum_-an] kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-_mesz_-szu(*)# [_gur_-ra]

AI Translation

Seal of Se'-imme, seal of Dishî, in all 2 owners of the people being sold.


...... son ...

...... son .

NN, his son, 3 .

...sâ, his son,

... in all x persons of these men

Se'-yate' has contracted and bought them from Se'-imme and from Dishî for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract and lodges a complaint, shall pay 20 minas of silver and x minas of gold to Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


Seal of Se'-imme, seal of Dishî, in all two men, owners of the people being sold.


... son ...

... son ...

..., his son, 3 ...

...sâ, his son,

... in all x persons, belonging to these men —

Se'-iatê has contracted and bought from Se'-imme and from Dishî, for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract and lodges a complaint, shall give 20 minas of silver and x minas of gold to Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335229: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] _mi_-sa-da-a(*)-a _ama#_-szu _pab 02 zi_

[u-pisz]-ma(!) (m)_arad_—(d)15 _lu_-szA—_ugu_—É-a-ni [_ta_(v) (m)(d)]_di_-ma-nu—im-me ina _sza 1 1_/2 _ma-na kug-ud_

[ina ma-né]-e szA _man ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur [ta]-ad#-din _lu-un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu [za]-ar#-pu laq-qi-u tu-a-ru [de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[s,ib]-tu be-nu ina 01 me _ud_-_mesz_ sa-Ar-tu

[a-na] kal# _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ man-nu szA ina ur-kisz [ina ma-te]-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni _gil_-u-ni [lu-u (m)(d)]_di_-ma-nu—im-me lu-u _dumu_-_mesz#_-szu [lu-u _dumu_]—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz#_-[szu] [lu-u _dumu_—_pab_]-_mesz_-szu lu-u da#-[x x] [lu]-u _lu-nam_-su lu-u [x x x x x] sza# _ta_(v) (m)_arad_—(d)15 u [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu de-e#-[nu _dug4-dug4_] ub-ta-'u-u-[ni x x x x x]

AI Translation

......, Sadaya, his mother, in all 2 persons;

Urdu-Issar, overseer of the houses, has contracted and bought them from Salmanu-imme for 1 1/2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Salmanu-imme or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or ..., or his governor or ..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Urdu-Issar and his sons and grandsons,


NN and Sadaya, his mother, a total of 2 persons —

Urdu-Issar, chamberlain, has contracted and bought them from Salmanu-imme for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract whether Salmanu-imme or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews or ... or his governor or ..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Urdu-Issar and his sons and his nephews



[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—szal-lim _lu-gal_(*)—_uru_(?)-_mesz_(?) szA(*) É(*) _lu_(*)#-[x x]

[_igi_ (m)]dan#-na-a-a _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ [o]

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#—_dingir lu-03_-szu

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_dingir_-a-a _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)ta]-ri-ba—(d)15 _lu-gal_—_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)]_di_(*)#—_kur lu-gal_—za-am-ma-ri

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—_ti_-su—_dug4_(*)-_ga_(*) _lu_-szA—hu-si-ni-szu

[_igi_ (m)](d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a _lu_-szA—É—02-e

_igi#_ (m)ha—ba-Asz-tu _lu-gal_—_i-du8_

_igi#_ (m)_en_—_bad igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_kam_-esz

_igi#_ (m)ta-ga-li-i _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kad_(*)-an-ni

_iti#-ab ud 28_(*)-_kam_ lim (m)mar—la-rim

AI Translation

Witness ...-shallim, village manager of the house of the .

Witness Dannaya, chariot driver.

Witness ...-ilu, 'third man.'

Witness ...-ila'i, cohort commander.

Witness Tariba-Issar, head porter.

Witness Shulmu-mati, chief singer.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, shushu-housekeeper.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, deputy.

Witness Habashtu, head porter.

Witness Bel-duri. Witness Shamash-eresh.

Witness Tabali. Witness Nabû-kashiranni.

Month Tebet X, 28th day, eponym year of Mar-larim.


Witness ...-shallim, village manager of the household of the ....

Witness Dannaya, chariot driver.

Witness ...-ilu, 'third man'.

Witness ...-ila'i, cohort commander.

Witness Tariba-Issar, head porter.

Witness Shulmu-mati, chief singer.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, husinnu man.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, lackey.

Witness Ha-bashti, head porter.

Witness Bel-duri. Witness Shamash-eresh.

Witness Tagalî. Witness Nabû-kushuranni.

Month Tebet X, 28th day, eponym year of Mar-larim.

P335230: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)sar-u-ar-ri _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

_na4-kiszib_ (m)mar—sam-si _lu-02_-u

_na4-kiszib_ (m)se-e—_nu_(?)# _lu-gal_—É

_na4-kiszib_ (m)se-e—ha-ti(*)# _lu_-szA—_ugu_—_uru_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)na(*)-hi-ra(*)#-[x _lu_]-mu#-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Seal of Saruari, owner of the people being sold.

Seal of Mar-samsi, deputy governor.

Seal of Se'-ittannu, major-domo.

Seal of Se'-hati, city overseer.

Seal of Nahira..., chariot driver.


Seal of Sar-uarri, owner of the people being sold.

seal of Mar-samsi, deputy,

seal of Se'-..., major-domo,

seal of Se'-hati, city overseer,

seal of Nahiranu, chariot driver,



[x x x x x x x x x] la laq-qi

_igi_ (m)zi-zi-i _lu-dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)pa-ru-t,u

_igi_ (m)iq-bi—_dingir igi_ (m)(d)30—_pab_-ir

_igi_ (m)ab-di—a-zu(*)#-zi _igi_ (m)ka-ku-si

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_utu_ [_igi_ (m)(d)]_utu_—_su_

_igi_ (m)I—_dingir igi#_ [(m)(d)]_szu_—_su_

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_pab_-ir _lu-nigir_

_iti-szu ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_en_—_igi-lal_-an-ni

AI Translation

...... not sold

Witness Zizî, merchant.

Witness Parrutu.

Witness Iqbi-ilu. Witness Sin-nashir.

Witness Abdi-azuzi. Witness Kakkusi.

Witness Urdu-Shamash. Witness Shamash-eriba.

Witness Na'di-ilu. Witness Marduk-eriba.

Witness Sin-nashir, herald.

Month Tammuz IV, 1st day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Zizî, merchant.

Witness Paruttu.

Witness Iqbi-ilu. Witness Sin-nashir.

Witness Abdi-Azuzi. Witness Kakkussu.

Witness Urda-Shamash. Witness Shamash-eriba.

Witness Na'di-ilu. Witness Marduk-eriba.

Witness Sin-nashir, herald.

Month Tammuz IV, 1st day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335231: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-[szu-nu s,u-pur-szu-nu isz-ku-nu]

s,u-pur (m)su-ra#-[a-a] (m)_kur_-gar-ga-mesz(*)-a-a (m)(d)_pa_—_zalag_-ir _pab 03 lu_-[_mesz_] be-li _lu-un_-_mesz_ ta-[da-ni]

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Surayu, Carchemishayu, Nabû-nammir, a total of 3 men. My lord, you give the people.


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernails of Surayu, Gargameshayu, and Nabû-nammir, a total of three gentlemen, owners of the people being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _igi_ (m)]im(?)-ma(*)-ni#—_dingir_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x#—_su lu-a-ba_

_iti-ziz ud 01_-_kam_ lim-me

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Immani-il.

Witness ...-eriba, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


Witness Immani-il.

Witness ...-riba, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 1st day, eponym year of Zazaku.

P335232: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_na4#-kiszib_ (m)na-bu-ti _en un_-_mesz_ ((ta)) ta-_sum_-a-ni

[(m)x x]—_pab#_-_mesz_—_ti mi_-szu [(m)x x]—_du_ (m)_en_—_man_—_du_ [(m)x x x]-szi(?)# _pab 05 zi_-_mesz_

[u-pisz-ma] (m)mil-ki—_zalag_ [_lu_]-_sag# mi_—É-_gal#_

AI Translation

Seal of Nabuti, owner of the people being sold.

...-ahhe-shallim, his wife, ...-ibni, Bel-sharru-ibni, NN, a total of 5 persons,

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


Seal of Nabuti, owner of the people being sold.

...-ahhe-ballit, his wife, ...-ibni, Bel-sharru-ibni, and ...shi, a total of 5 persons —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought them

P335233: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)(d)szA-masz—a-a-li _lu_-szA—[x x]

(m)ia-nu#-qu _dumu_-szu _mi#_-[x x x x x]

(m)da-lu(*)#-u(*)-a(*) _dumu_-szu _mi_-x#+[x x x]

_mi_-ba-u-ia-a [x x x x x]

_mi_-di#-im-ba(*)-a(?)# [x x x x]

(m)da-di(*)-i(*)# [x x x x]

_mi_-sa-an-x#+[x x x x x]

_pab_ [x _zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_]

sza [(m)x x x x u-pisz-ma] (m(*))[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Shamash-ayali, ...;

Yanuqu, his son, NN, .

Dalu'a, his son, NN,

the woman Ba'uya .

the woman Dimbaya .

Dadî ...

the woman San.

in all x persons, servants of ...;

of NN has contracted and bought


Shamash-ayali, ...,

Yanuqu, his son, ...

Daluwa, his son, ...

the woman Bauyâ ...

the woman Dimbâ ...

Dadî, ...

the woman San...

in all x persons, servants of NN —

... has contracted



[ina de-ni]-szu(*) _dug4#-dug4_-[ma la _ti_]

s,ib-tu be-en-nu a-na [01 me _ud_-me] sa#-ar-tu kal _mu#_-[_an-na_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)a-tar-a-a [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d(*))30—s,a-la(*)-a(*)# [x x]

_igi_ (m)_dug_—_im_—(d)15# [x x(*)]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz_ [x x x(*)]

_igi_ (m)_dug-ga_—É(*)—(d)15 [x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_ka_-ia-a#—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)a-zi—_dingir lu_-[_a-ba_]

_igi_ (m)mi-i-su [_lu-a-ba_]

[_igi_] (m)hal-li-s,i(*) [x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Atarâ, .

Witness Sin-shalâ, .

Witness Tab-shar-Issar, .

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, .

Witness Tab-biti-Issar, .

Witness Ilu-ba'iya-.

Witness Azi-il, scribe.

Witness Misu, scribe.

Witness Hallissi, .


he shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Idraya, ....

Witness Sin-shalâ, ....

Witness Tab-shar-Issar, ....

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, ....

Witness Tab-bet-Issar, ....

Witness Ilu-pia-..., ....

Witness Azi-il, scribe.

Witness Misu, scribe.

Witness Halleshi, ....



[ina tar-s,i (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_asz_] _man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ szum-mu [x x x(*)]

AI Translation

in the service of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, if .


In the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria. If ..... does not pay, he shall ... 10 minas of silver.

P335234: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[kas-pu gam-mur] ta-din [_un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za]-ar-pu laq-qi-u [tu-a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4_

[la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina] ur-kisz [ina ma-te-ma] i-za-qu-pa-a-ni

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall give x minas of refined silver to redeem the people.



[_un_-_mesz_ u-sze]-s,a s,ib-tu be-en-nu [ana 01 me _ud_-_mesz_] sa#-ar-tu ina kal _ud_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _igi_] (m)(d)_utu_—_su#_

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness NN. Witness Shamash-eriba.


Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness NN. Witness Shamash-eriba.

P335235: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x s,ib-tu] be-en-nu [x x x x x x] sa-ar-tu [x x x x x]

ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-[ma la _ti_]

_igi_ (m)(d)10-i [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—ra-mu# [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)si-i-[li x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ra-'u-[u x x x x]

_igi_ (m)lu—_di_-[me x x x x]

_igi_ (m)za-ki-ru# [x x x x]

[x x x x x x]-_mesz_

AI Translation

...... a gift, a dowry, ......, a sartu-offering ......,

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Adad-na'id, .

Witness Ahu-ram, .

Witness Sili, .

Witness Ra'û, .

Witness Lu-shallim, .

Witness Zakiru, .



...... Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Addî, ....

Witness Ahi-ram, ....

Witness Se'-ili, ....

Witness Ra'û, ....

Witness Lu-shalim, ....

Witness Zakiru, ....


P335236: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



kas-pu# [gam-mur ta-din] _un_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

la-[qi-u x x x x]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. The people .

bought ...


The money is paid completely, these people are purchased and

acquired ...



[ina de]-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] [la] i-[laq-qi]

[_igi_] (m)na-bu-u-a [x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_zu_ [x x]

_igi#_ (m)_en_—A—_asz_ [x x]

_igi#_ (m)a-tar—su-li [x x]

_igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_pab#_-[_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_masz_(?) [x x]

_igi_ (m)ga-di-ia

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû'a, .

Witness Nabû-le'i, .

Witness Bel-aplu-iddina, .

Witness Atar-suli, .

Witness Arbailayu.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Urdu-Inurta, .

Witness Gadiya.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû'a, ....

Witness Nabû-le'i, ....

Witness Bel-aplu-iddina, ....

Witness Atar-suli, ....

Witness Arbailayu.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Urdu-Inurta, ....

Witness Gadia.

P335237: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)]man#-nu—ki-i—[x x x]

_mi#_-ha-an-di-[x x x]

_mi_-(d)15—_hal_-[an-ni] _mi_-x x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation



Issar-shimanni, NN, ......,







[_igi_ (m)]_en#_—[x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_utu_(?)—tu-x#+[x x x]

_igi#_ (m)_en_—_du uru_-kal-[ha-a-a]

_igi_ (m)na-a'-nu x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ab-di _lu-nagar#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad#_—_sig_ x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_i lu-a_-[_ba_(?)]

_iti-barag ud 28_(?)-[_kam_] [lim]-mu (m)szA—(d)#[_pa_—szu-u]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-.

Witness Shamash-tu.

Witness Bel-ibni, from Calah.

Witness Na'anu, .

Witness Abdi, carpenter.

Witness Nabû-duru-damqu, .

Witness Nabû-na'id, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Sha-Nabû-shû.


Witness Bel-....

Witness Shamash-tu...

Witness Bel-ibni, from Calah.

Witness Na'nu, ...

Witness Abdi, carpenter.

Witness Nabû-dur-enshi, ....

Witness Nabû-na'id, scribe

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Sha-Nabû-shû.

P335238: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)[x x x]-a-a [x x x (x(*))]

_mi-hal_(*)-a(*)#-ni—(d)[x x x x(*)]

_arad_-_mesz_-ni szA (m)[x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)x#+[x x x x] _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ [x x x x x] ina _ta_(v) pa-an _lu_-_mesz#_ [an-nu-te] ina _sza 02 ma-na kug-ud_ [x x(*)]

i-zi-rip i-_ti_-qi ma-[x x(*)] ina _igi_ sza _arad_ sza [x x] sza _simug-kug#_-[_gi_]

AI Translation

...ayu, ...;

the haruspex of N

servants of NN

NN, the governor of ..., has contracted and bought them from these men for 2 minas of silver.

He has taken it and paid ... before the servant of ... and the goldsmith.


...ayu ...,


servants of NN —

NN, governor of ... has contracted, acquired and bought from these men for 2 minas of silver ...

at the disposal of the servant of ... of the goldsmith.



[x x x(*)] szu(*)-a-tu(*) za(*)#-[ar-pu la-qi-u(*)] [x x x x] la(*)-[Asz-szu x x x x]

AI Translation

... that ... is purchased and acquired. There is no ... there.


Those ... are purchased and acquired. Any lawsuit, or litigation is void.

P335239: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x x x] _en_ [_mi_-_mesz_ ta-da-ni]

_mi-dil_(*)-qi-di(*)#-ra _mi_-[x x x x x] _mi_-ba-ba-a-a _dumu_-[_mi_-sa] _pab 03 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz#_-[szu]

u-pisz-ma (m)ri(*)-sa-[a-a] [_lu_]-qur(*)-bu(*)#-ti sza(*) [x x x] [ina _sza_ x] _ma#-na_(*) _kug_(*)-[_ud_ x x]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the women being sold.

Qidira, NN, Babaya, her daughter, a total of 3 persons, his servants —

Risaya, royal bodyguard of ..., has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver .


Seal of ......, owner of the women being sold.

Edu-qidira, the woman ..., and her daughter Babaya, a total of 3 persons, his servants —

Risaya, bodyguard of ..., has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.



[_igi_ (m)x]+x x#+[x x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]a-a—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_engar_(*)# [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)_en_—_zu lu_(v)-_engar#_ [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)da-ri—_en lu_(v)-_engar#_ [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)na-bi—ra-mu _lu_(v)-_engar#_ [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)ba-la—im-me _arad#_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)za-ba-a-a _kur_-bar-[hal-zi-a-a]

_igi_ (m)szA(*)-a-da _uru_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)a-me-qi _uru_-[x x x]

_iti#-kin ud 20_+[x-_kam_] lim#-mu (m)mi-tu#-[nu]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Aya-ahhe, farmer .

Witness Bel-le'i, farmer .

Witness Dari-Bel, farmer .

Witness Nabi-ramu, farmer .

Witness Bala-immi, servant of .

Witness Zabayu, from Barhalzi.

Witness Shada, from .

Witness Ameqi, from .

Month Elul VI, 20+xth day, eponym year of Mitunu.


Witness NN... ....

Witness Aya-ahhe, farmer ....

Witness Bel-le'i, farmer ....

Witness Dari-bel, farmer ....

Witness Nabi-ram, farmer ....

Witness Ba'al-immi, servant of ....

Witness Zabayu, from Barhalzi.

Witness Shada, from ....

Witness Ameqi, from ....

Month Elul VI, 20th day, eponym year of Metunu.



[_igi_] (m)(d)_masz_(*)#—[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Inurta-.


Witness Inurta-....

P335240: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x] _en#_ [x x x x x x x]

_mi_-la—s,a(*)-hi(*)-i(*)#-[ti x x x] sza (m)im-[x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)[x x x x x] ina _sza_-bi 05(*) [x x x x x] il-qi [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the ... being sold.

La-shahiti, ... of Im...,

NN has contracted and bought for 5 .


Seal of NN, owner of the woman being sold.

La-shahittu, ... of Im... —

NN has contracted and bought her for 5 .......



man-nu szA ina# [ur-kisz x x x x x] i-za-qu-[pa-ni] _gil_-[u-ni] 01 _ma-na_ [x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)til-la-[a-a x x x]

_igi_ (m)10—_dug_(*)-_ga_(*) [x x x]

_igi_ (m)qur-di(*)#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)pa-x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)i(*)#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall pay one mina .

Witness Tillayu, .

Witness Adad-tab, .

Witness Qurdi.

Witness Pa....

Witness I....


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall give one mina .......

Witness Tillayu, ....

Witness Adad-tab, ....

Witness Qurdi-....

Witness Pa....

Witness NN.



_iti-barag ud 15_

AI Translation

Month Nisan I, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Nisan I, 15th day, eponym year of Bel-lu-dari.

P335241: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x] _en# un_-_mesz#_ [ta-da-ni]

(m)hal-mu-su _lu_(v)-_tug-ka-k_ÉSZ _mi_-szu

(m)x x#-hu(*)-la(*)-a-a (m)ma-ri—li-hi(*)

[(m)x x x]+x#-a (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_gin_-in#

[_pab 06_] _zi#_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)mar(?)-x#+[x x x]

[u-pisz]-ma# (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a [x x x x x]-x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... owner of the people being sold.

Halmusu, tailor, his wife,

...hulayu, Mari-lihi,

NN, Ashur-shumu-ka''in,

in all 6 persons, servants of Mar... —

Babilayu ......


...... owner of the people being sold.

Halmusu, tailor, his wife,

...hulayu, Mari'-lihi',

NN, Ashur-shumu-ka''in,

in all 6 persons, servants of Mar-... —

Babilayu, ..., has contracted ...



[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-la-a-[a x x x]

_igi_ (m)_su_-ba(*)-a-a(*) [x x]

_igi_ (m)a-a—am-me [x x x]

_igi_ (m)_u-u_(*)—_du_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)tu(*)-im(*)#-mu [x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d(*))#[x]—sze-zib _lu_(v)#-[x x]

_igi_ (m)10—rém-a-ni _lu_(v)#-[x x]

[_iti_]-x# [_ud_-x] lim(*)#-[mu x x x x(*)]

AI Translation

Witness ...layu, .

Witness Eribayu, .

Witness Aya-amme, .

Witness Dadi-ibni, .

Witness Tu'immu, .

Witness ...-shezib, .

Witness Adad-remanni, .

Month ..., day, eponym year of .


Witness ...layu, ....

Witness Riba-Aya, ....

Witness Aya-ammu, ....

Witness Dadi-ibni, ....

Witness Tuimmu, ....

Witness ...-shezib, ....

Witness Adad-remanni, ....

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of ....

P335242: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)]_dingir_—ta#-[ka(?)-a _lu_(v)-x x x] [sza] É(*)#-_sag-il_(*)# [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_]

[il]-qi kas-pu# [gam-mur] ta#-din _un_-_mesz#_ [szu-a-tu] [za]-ar-pu la#-[qi-u tu-a-ru] de#-e-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

[man]-nu sza ina ur#-[kisz _gil_-u-ni] lu-u (m)_dingir_—ta-ka(?)#-[a lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu sza [_ta_(v) (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im_] [de]-e#-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni] [kas]-pu# a-na# [10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-szu]

AI Translation

Il-takâ, ... of Esaggil, has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, breaks the contract, whether Il-takâ or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Remanni-Adad has contracted and bought them from Il-takâ, the ... of Esaggil for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future breaks the contract, whether Il-takâ or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_numun_-ti-i [_lu_(v)-_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] sza _dumu_—[_man_]

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-[as-te _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_]

_igi_ (m)(d)30—I [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)s,il-[la-a-a _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—[x x x x x] [_igi_ (m)]x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Sin-na'id, .

Witness Shillayu, merchant.

Witness Adad-.


Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the prince.

Witness Habasti, chief porter.

Witness Sin-na'id, ....

Witness Shillaya, merchant.

Witness Adad-.......

P335243: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)(d)ra-man—dal(*)-a(*)# _en# un_-_mesz sum_-a-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Ramman-dalâ, owner of the people being sold.


Seal of Ramman-dalâ, owner of the people being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x]-u-ni

[_igi_ (m)]_pab_(*)#—_bad_

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-zi-iz(*)

_iti#-sig4 ud 22_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness ...unu.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness ...ziz.

Month Sivan III, 22nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness ...uni.

Witness Ahi-duri.

Witness ...ziz.

Month Sivan III, 22nd day, eponym year of Dananu.

P335244: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ina-[x x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_suhusz_—[x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)ha-an-[x x x]

[_na4-kiszib_] (m)_sig5_—_inim_(?)#-[_mesz_—_lugal_]

[_lu_]-_mesz en un_-_mesz_ [_sum_-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Ina-...,

Seal of Ubru-...,

Seal of Han...,

Seal of Mudammiq-sharri-sharri,

The men and the people being sold.


Seal of ......,

Seal of Ubru-...,

Seal of Han...,

Seal of Danqu-dibbi-sharri,

gentlemen, owners of the people being sold.



_igi#_ (m)sa-me-[e' x x x]

_iti-gud_ lim-mu# [(m)da-na-nu(?)] ti-ri-s,i (m)asz-szur#—[_pab_—_asz_]

AI Translation

Witness Same', .

Month Iyyar II, eponym year of Dananu, governor of Ashur-ahu-iddina.


Witness Same', ....

Month Iyyar II, eponym year of Dananu, in the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

P335245: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)[x x x x x] _en un_-_mesz_ [ta-da-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the people being sold.


Seal of NN, owner of the people being sold.



[_gar_]-an# kas(*)-pu(*)# [a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_] [ina de]-ni(*)-szu(*) _dug4#_-[_dug4_-ma x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)si-lim—x#+[x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)ha-an-di-[i x x x]

[_igi_] (m)se(*)—na(*)-x#+[x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)hu-x#+[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)ia—_pab_(*)#-[_mesz_]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—[_pab_(?) x x]

[_igi_] (m)mil-ki—ra#-[mu]

_iti-szu_ [_ud_ x-_kam_]

AI Translation

shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-.

Witness Handî, .

Witness Se'-na.

Witness Hu....

Witness Ya-ahhe.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, .

Witness Milki-ram.

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


shall place ...... in the lap of ...... and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-....

Witness Handî, ....

Witness Se'-na....

Witness Hu....

Witness Ya-ahhe.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, ....

Witness Milki-ramu.

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.

P335246: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)i(*)#-du(*)-u-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru#_-(_mesz_) [sza] _uru#_-la-hi-ra sza É _ama_—_man_ [_en_] _un_-_mesz_ ta-da-ni

[(m)x x x x]-a(*)# _lu_(v)-_engar_

[(m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-_engar_(*)

AI Translation

Seal of Idu'a, village manager of Lahiru, of the house of the queen mother, owner of the people being sold.

...a, farmer;

NN, farmer;


Seal of Idu'a, town manager of Lahiru of the domain of the queen mother, owner of the people being sold.

..., farmer;

..., farmer;



[_igi_ (m)x x x]—10 _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)_arad_]—(d)na-na-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_iti_-x x x] _ud 07_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness ...-Adad, scribe.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya, scribe.

Month ..., 7th day, eponym year of NN.


Witness ...-Adad, scribe.

Witness Urda-Nanaya, scribe.

Month ..., 7th day, eponym year of Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief cupbearer.

P335247: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


s,u-pur (m)e-ri-hi _lu_-lah-hi-nu [sza] (d)_pa en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

AI Translation

Fingernail of Erihi, temple steward of Nabû, owner of the people being sold.


Fingernail of Erihi, temple steward of Nabû, owner of the people being sold.

P335248: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[man-nu sza] ur(*)#-[kisz ina ma-ti-ma i-_gil_-u-ni] _ta_(v)# (m)_mu_—_gisz_(*) [de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni] 01 _ma-na sig_-ger#-[du _ku_ mar _dug_-a-ga-ni kur-ru _nag_] 01 _ma-na kug-ud luh#_-[u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru] [ina bur-ki (d)x x x x x x i-szA-kan]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumu-leshir, shall eat one mina of dark wool, drink a full agannu vessel, and place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of DN.


Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumu-leshir, shall eat one mina of plucked wool and shall drink a full agannu vessel of tanner's paste. He shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of .......



02 _ansze-kur-ra babbar_-_mesz#_ ina _gir-2_ (d)[asz-szur i-rak-kas] 04 _ansze_-har-bak-kan-ni ina _gir-2_ (d)_masz-masz_ [u-sze-rab] bi-lat _an-na_ a-na(*) _en-nam_(*) _uru#_-[szu _sum_-an] kAs-pu a-na [10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_] [x] x x# [x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring 4 harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall give the silver, tenfold, to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


He shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall pay a talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

P335249: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[il]-qi kas-pu [gam-mur] [ta-ad-din] _un_-_mesz_ szu-[a-tu] [za-ar]-pu laq-[qi-u] [tu-a-ru] de-e-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_]

[la-Asz-szu man-nu szA] ina ur-kisz [ina ma]-te-ma [i-za]-qu-pa-ni i-_gil_-u-ni

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract,



[kas-pu a]-na [x x] x x [ana _en_-_mesz_]-szu [_gur_-ra ina de]-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma la] i(?)-[laq-qi]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335250: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_apin_-esz _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[(m)x x x] _mi_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu-mi_-[su x x x x]

[_pab_ x] _zi#_-_mesz arad#_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-eresh, owner of the people being sold.

NN, his wife, two sons, his daughter, NN, .

in all x persons, servants of ...;


Seal of Bel-eresh, owner of the people being sold.

..., his wife, his 2 sons, his daughter ...

in all x persons, servants

P335251: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)i-du-[u-a] _lu-gal_—[_uru_]-_mesz en_ [_un_-_mesz sum_-ni]

[(m)x x x]—_en 02 mi#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Idu'a, village manager, owner of the people being sold.

...-Bel, 2 women .


Seal of Idu'a, town manager, owner of the people being sold.

...-Bel, 2 women ...



_iti-kin ud#_-[x lim-mu (m)x x x]

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, day, eponym year of NN.


Month Elul, day, eponym year of PN, commander-in-chief.

P335252: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-[tu—_pab_] _dumu_ (m)a-mur-t,i-sze# _lu_(v)-ha-sa-a-a sza _szu-2_ (m)_arad#_—[15] sza _sza uru-lu_(v)-_tug-ud_-_mesz_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _dumu_-szu

_na4-kiszib_ (m)si-lim—(d)_im_ :(*) _en dumu-mi_-szu-nu _sum_-ni

_mi_-(d)_nin-lil_—ha-s,i-na _dumu-mi_-su sza (m)(d)_pa_—_kad_—_pab_

tu-pisz-ma _mi_-ni-ih-ti-e-szA-ra-u ina _sza_-bi 18 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ a-na (m)s,i-ha-a _dumu_-szA a-na _mi_-u-ti-szu tal-qi

_mi_-szu szA (m)s,i-ha-a szi-i

kas#-pu gam-mur ta-din

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-rehtu-ushur, son of Amurtishe, Hasean, in the charge of Urdu-Issar, from the town of Lushtu.

Seal of Kanunayu, his son.

Seal of Silim-Adad, ditto, owner of their daughter being sold.

Mullissu-hashina, daughter of Nabû-kashir-ushur —

Nihti-esharrau has contracted and bought her for 18 shekels of silver to Shihaya, her son, as his wife.

The wife of Shihaya is here.

The money is paid completely.


Seal of Nabû-rehtu-ushur, son of Amu-rteshe, the Hasaean, employee of Urdu-Issar, from Fuller Town.

Seal of Kanunayu, his son.

Seal of Silim-Adad, ditto, owners of their daughter being sold.

Mullissu-hashina, daughter of Nabû-rehtu-ushur —

Nihtiesharau has contracted and bought her for 18 shekels of silver to Shihâ her son as a wife.

She is the wife of Shihâ.

The money is paid completely.



ma(?)#-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-tu—_pab_

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-rehtu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews or his brothers or his nephews or his brothers or his nephews or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his nephews or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his nephews or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his brothers or his


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-rehtu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews or his prefect or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nihtiesharau, her sons and her grandsons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an ina de-e-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

(m)sah-pi-ma-a-u _lu_(v)-_i-du-du_

(m)_en_—_mu_—_asz dumu_ (m)_dingir_-u—_kalag_-a-ni

(m)_suhusz_—(d)_nin-lil dumu_ (m)a-ti-i _lu_(v)-_tug-ud_

_pab 03 lu_-ur-ki-u-_mesz_ sza _mi ta_(v) _igi_ sa-ar-te _szu-2_ s,ib-ti ha-bul-li sza(*) kar-me-u-ni szu-u _lu_-ur-ki-u(*)

_igi_ (m)a-mur-t,i-sze

_igi_ (m)ba-ni-tu(?) _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-a

_igi_ (m)pu-t,u—um-he-e-sze

_igi_ (m)ha-Asz-ba(?)-as(?)#-nu-x#+[x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_man_—_pab#_

_igi_ (m)a-si#-[i]

AI Translation

shall give 10 minas of silver. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Sapima'u, porter;

Bel-shumu-iddina, son of Ilu-da''inanni;

Ubru-Mullissi, son of Atî, linen weaver.

In all 3 urku-officials of the woman, from the sartu-offering, the hand of the shittu-offering, the halulu-offering, are in the presence of the urku-official.

Witness Amurtishe.

Witness Banitu. Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Putu-umheshe.

Witness Hashbasnu.

Witness Bel-sharru-ushur.

Witness Asî.


shall give 10 minas of silver. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Sahpimau, perfume maker,

Bel-shumu-iddina, son of Ilu-ukallinanni,

Ubru-mullissi, son of Atî, fuller,

in all 3 sureties of the woman against a fine, stolen property, and debts, He who is present is the surety.

Witness Amu-rteshe.

Witness Banitu. Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Putu-Meheshe.

Witness Hashbasnu....

Witness Bel-sharru-ushur.

Witness Assî.



_igi_ (m)hal-x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ab-di#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ab-di(?)#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-[a-a]

AI Translation

Witness Hal....

Witness Abdi-.

Witness Abdi-.

Witness Ululayu.


Witness NN.

Witness Abdi-....

Witness Abdi-....

Witness Ululayu.



_iti-kin ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_kur_—_lal_

_igi_ (m)_zalag_—(d)szA-masz _igi_ (m)pu-t,u—(d)pa-i-ti

_igi_ (m)a-te-e' _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz a-ba#_

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 1st day, eponym year of Ashur-matu-taqqin.

Witness Nur-Shamash. Witness Putu-Paiti.

Witness Ate'. Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe.


Month Elul VI, 1st day, eponym year of Ashur-matu-taqqin.

Witness Nur-Shamash. Witness Putu-paiti.

Witness Ate'. Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, scribe.

P335253: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x]-ia(*)#-ka-a-x#-a o(*) [_na4-kiszib_ (m)]_pab#_-u-a—_su dumu_ (m)a-a—_pab_-_mesz_ [_en_] _mi_ ta-_sum_-ni

_mi_-s,a-le-en-tu GÉME-szu-nu sza _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-u-ti

u-pisz-ma (m)ka-ku-la-nu _lu-gal_—s,ir(*)-ki(*) sza A—_man 1_/2 _ma-na_ a-na (m)tar-hu-na-zi _arad_(*)-szu(*) a-na _mi_-su-ti il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din-ni _mi_ szu-a-te za-o(*)-pat la(*)-_ti_ tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_-_mesz_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-u-te lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

Seal of ...yakkaya, seal of Ahu'a-eriba, son of Aya-ahhe, owner of the woman being sold.

The woman Shalentu, maid of these gentlemen,

Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina for Tarhunazi, his servant, as a wife.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews,


Seal of ......, seal of Ahû'a-eriba, son of Aya-ahhe, owner of the woman being sold.

Shalentu, maid of these men —

Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, has contracted and bought her for 1/2 mina, for Tarhunazi, his servant, as a wife.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether these men or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his brothers' sons or their prefect, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu, his sons and his grandsons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

_iti-gud ud 20_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_nu_—_man_—iq-bi _lu_(v)-tur-ta-nu _kab_

_igi_ (m)li—qi-pu _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si o(*) A (m)(d)_pa_(*)—na-kil :(*)- ma(*)

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-is, _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir man_

_igi_ (m)zi-ze-e _lu_(v)-02-e sza _gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-ni _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir man_(*)

[_igi_] (m)i-di-i _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

[_igi_ (m)]hi#-ri-s,a#-a-a _lu_(v)-_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#+[x x]-sze-ri

AI Translation

shall give 10 minas of silver.

Month Iyyar II, 20th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, commander-in-chief of the left.

Witness Li-qipu, cohort commander.

Witness Balasi, son of Nabû-nakil, ditto ditto.

Witness Nabû-tarish, royal chariot driver.

Witness Zizê, deputy cohort commander.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal chariot driver.

Witness Addî, merchant.

Witness Hirishayu, porter.

Witness ...sheri.


shall give 10 minas of silver.

Month Iyyar II, 20th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, commander-in-chief of the left.

Witness La-qepu, cohort commander.

Witness Balasî, son of Nabû-nakil, ditto.

Witness Nabû-tarish, horse trainer of the king.

Witness Zizî, deputy cohort commander.

Witness Ashur-killanni, horse trainer of the king.

Witness Addî, merchant.

Witness Hirishaya, porter.

Witness ......



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_utu#_—_sum_(!)—_pab a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-nadin-ahi, scribe.


Witness Shamash-nadin-ahi, scribe.

P335254: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_-a-bi—da-la(?)# [x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-nu ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ a-na (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _lu-arad_-szu a-na _mi_-u-te _ta igi_ (m)_te_-a-a _ta igi 02 dumu_-_mesz_-szu il-qi

[kas-pu gam-mur] _sum_-ni _mi_ [x x x]

AI Translation

Abi-dalâ ...

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought him for half mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish. He will pay the slave to Ululayu, his wife, from Issiya and from his two sons.

The money is paid completely. The woman .


Abi-dalâ ... —

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought her for half mina of silver as a wife for Ululayu, his servant, from Sukki-Aya and from his two sons.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired.



_igi_ (m)li#—qi-pu _lu_(v)-: ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_igi_ (m)zi-zi-i _lu_(v)-02-u sza _lu_(v)-: ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-an-ni _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-is, _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir man_

_igi_ (m)i-di-i _kur_-kisz-qa(*)#-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)hi#-ri-s,a-a-a _lu_(v)-[_i-du8_]

AI Translation

Witness Li-qipu, ditto.

Witness Zizî, deputy ditto.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-tarish, royal chariot driver.

Witness Addî, Kishqaean.

Witness Hirishayu, porter.


Witness La-qepu, ditto.

Witness Zizî, deputy of ditto.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-tarish, horse trainer of the king.

Witness Addî, from Kishqa.

Witness Hirishayu, porter.



[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_nu_(?)#—[_man_—E]

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.


Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, commander-in-chief of Commagene.

P335255: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4_(*)#-_kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_pab_(*)#—[_asz_] [_en_] _un_-_mesz# sum_-ni(*)#

[(m)](d)#[U]-_gur_—_kal#_-an _mi_(*)-15(*)—x#+[x _mi_-szu] _mi#_-mar-ti-i :- ma-Ar-a-sa(*)# 03 ru-u-t,u# [la-an-szA] _pab 03 zi_-[_mesz arad_-_mesz_] sza# [(m)(d)_im_—_pab_—_asz_]

u-pisz-ma [(m(*))man-nu—ki-i(*)]—(d)al-la(*)#-[a-a] rak-su# sza _lu-gal_—_sag_-_mesz#_ ina _sza_-bi 02(*) _ma-na# kug-ud_ ina ma-né(*)#-e sza _uru_-ga-Ar(*)#-sa-mi-si(*) _ti_

ur-ki da(*)-ra(*)#-ri _un_-_mesz_ a-si-qi

kas-pu ga-mur# ta-din _un_-_mesz_ szu-[a-tu] za-Ar-pu :- _ti_ tu-a-ru# [de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_

la-Asz-szu# [man-nu] sza# ina ur-kisz [ina ma-te-ma] lu#-u (m)(d)_im_—_pab_—_asz_ [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_]—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu]-u _dumu_—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

Seal of Adad-ahu-iddina, owner of the people being sold.

Nergal-dan, Issar-..., his wife, Martî, ditto, three young, her own offspring, a total of three persons, servants of Adad-ahu-iddina —

Mannu-ki-Allaya, the raksu of the chief eunuch, has contracted and bought them for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

I have strewn the people's limbs for ever after.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Adad-ahu-iddina or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall deposit one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Seal of Adad-ahu-iddina, owner of the people being sold.

Nergal-dan, Issar-..., his wife, Martî, ditto, her daughter, 3 spans is her height, a total of 3 persons, servants of Adad-ahu-iddina —

Mannu-ki-Allaya, consript of the chief eunuch, has contracted and bought them for 2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

" I have bought the people after the remission of debts."

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Adad-ahu-iddina or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews or ..., lodges a complaint and breaks the contract and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Allaya and his sons,



[x _ma_]-_na# kug-ud luh_-u(*) 01 _ma-na kug-gi#_ sak#-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szib _uru-nina_ :- _gar_-an _gisz-ban gu_(*)#-[_un_] _urudu_-_mesz_ a-na (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-ha# u-sze-la lu-u _dumu-usz_-szu _gal_-u(*)# lu-u _dumu-mi_-su ra-bi-tu _ta_(v)# 01 _ansze_ ri-qi-e _dug-ga_-_mesz_-te(*)# a-na bé-la-tu—s,e-e-ri :- i-qa(*)-mu(*)# [kas]-pu# a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu u-_gur#_ [ina(*)] de-nu(*)-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti#_

[be]-e(*)#-nu s,ib-tu a-na 01 me _ud_-_mesz_ [sa]-Ar#-tu a-na (kal) _mu-an-na_-_mesz_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_mu_—_pab_-_mesz igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_lugal_ [_igi_ (m)man(*)]-nu#—ki—_uru_-ni-nu-a# _pab 03_(*) _igi_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]+x x x# te

[_igi_ (m)ta]-bal(*)#-a-a _igi_ (m)pu-hi-i# [o]

[_igi_ (m)(d)bu(?)]-ru#—_ad_—_pab_ (m)10—_pab_-ir#

[_igi_ (m)]iz(*)#-bu _igi_ (m)ta-li(*)-[x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-ia# _igi_ (m)ki-[x x x]

[x x x x]+x x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall return the bow, the copper kettle, to Ninurta residing in Calah, or his older son or his young daughter, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ahhe. Witness Shulmu-sharri. Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua. A total of 3 witnesses .

Witness Tabalayu. Witness Puhî.

Witness Buru-abu-ushur. Witness Adad-nashir.

Witness Izbu. Witness Tali.

Witness ...ya. Witness Ki.



shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall dedicate a bow weighing a talent of copper to Inurta residing in Calah, shall burn either his first born son or his eldest daughter with one homer of fine incense for Belat-sheri, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe, witness Shulmu-sharri, witness Mannu-ki-Ninua. A total of 3 witnesses ......

Witness Tabalayu. Witness Puhî.

Witness Buru-abu-ushur. Witness Adad-nashir.

Witness Izbu. Witness Tali....

Witness ...ya. Witness Ki....




[_iti_-x] _ud 03_-_kam#_ [lim-mu (m)](d)szA-masz—_kur_—a-a-[bi]

AI Translation

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Shamash-mat-ayabi.


Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Shamash-kashid-ayabi.



[_igi_ (m)]arba-il-a-a _igi_ (m)_u-gur_—[x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_asz_—_pab igi_ (m)da-di-[i]

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Arbailayu. Witness Nergal-.

Witness ...-nadin-ahi. Witness Dadî.

Witness Ubru-.


Witness Arbailayu. Witness Nergal-....

Witness ...-nadin-ahi. Witness Dadî.

Witness Ubru-....

P335256: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab lu-arad_ szA (m)(d)_utu_(*)—_man_(*)#-a(*)-ni _en mi sum_-a-ni

_mi-nin_—_ad_-szA GÉME-szu sza (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab 04_ ru-u-t,u

u-pisz-ma (m)ab-du-nu# _dumu_(*) (m(*))ku(*)-ku-ul(*)-[la]-a-a(*)# ina _sza_-bi# 02 1/2 _gin kug-ud_

[il-qi] kas-pu gam-mur ta-din# _mi_ szu-a-tu za-ar-pat la-qi-at tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4#_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-[te]-ma# i-za-qu-za-pa-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab_

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-belu-ushur, servant of Shamash-sharrani, owner of the woman being sold.

The woman Belet-abisha, maid of Nabû-belu-ushur, of 4 spans' height.

Abdunu, son of Kukullayu, has contracted and bought him for 2 1/2 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-belu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-belu-ushur and his sons and his grandsons,


Seal of Nabû-belu-ushur, servant of Shamash-sharrani, owner of the woman being sold.

Ahat-abisha, maid of Nabû-belu-ushur, of 4 spans —

Abdunu, son of Kukullayu, has contracted and bought for 2 1/2 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-belu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Abdunu, his sons and his grandsons,



ub-ta-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 05 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki# (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru-nina gar_-an kas#-[pu] ina 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma# la _ti_

_igi_ (m)nar-gi-i#

_igi_ (m)ta-ki-la-ti

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_asz_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)pa-mu-u

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_zi#_—_ag_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_ad#_—_su_

_igi_ (m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)mu-qa-lil—_idim_

_igi_ (m)_te_-a-a _igi_ (m)rém-mu-ut—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and 5 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nargî.

Witness Takilati.

Witness Ashur-nadin-ahi.

Witness Pamû.

Witness Ilu-ketti-ushur.

Witness Ilu-abu-eriba.

Witness Riba-ahhe.

Witness Muqallil-kabti.

Witness Sukki-Aya. Witness Remut-ilani.


shall place 10 minas of refined silver and 5 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nargî.

Witness Takilati.

Witness Ashur-nadin-ahi.

Witness Pamû.

Witness Ilu-kettu-iram.

Witness Il-abu-riba.

Witness Riba-ahhe.

Witness Muqallil-kabti.

Witness Sukki-Aya. Witness Remut-ilani.



_igi_ (m)(d)30—_i igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—15 _igi_ (m)_ti-la_—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)lu-qu#

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_su a_ (m)ur-di

AI Translation

Witness Sin-na'id. Witness Ululayu.

Witness Kishir-Issar. Witness Balatu-eresh.

Witness Luqu.

Witness Marduk-eriba, son of Urdu.


Witness Sin-na'id. Witness Ululayu.

Witness Kishir-Issar. Witness Balatu-eresh.

Witness Luqu.

Witness Marduk-eriba, son of Urdu.

Left Column i


_igi_ (m)_arad_—15 A (m)ha(*)#-[ri]-ru(*)-ri(*)#

_igi_ (m)sin-qi A (m)_gin_-i(*) _igi_ x x x#

_igi_ (m)di-lil—15 A (m)bu-a(*)-di—ia(?)-a#-u

AI Translation

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Hariruri.

Witness Sinqi, son of Kenî. Witness NN.

Witness Dilil-Issar, son of Budi-Yau.


Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Hariruri.

Witness Sinqi, son of Kenî. Witness NN.

Witness Dilil-Issar, son of Buadi-Iau.

Left Column ii


_igi_ (m)x#+[x x]+x#-a-a-u

_iti#_-[x] _ud 14_-_kam_ li#-[mu] (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness ...ayu.

Month ..., 14th day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.


Witness ...ayu

Month ..., 14th day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.



_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)al-la-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Urdu-Allaya.


Witness Urdu-Allaya.

P335258: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)ba-bi-[x x x x x] 04 ru-u-[t,u u-pisz-ma]

(m)_dumu_—_man#_—_dingir_-[a-a x x x] sza (m)is(*)-[x x x x x x] ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_] _ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_-[e x x x x]

kas-pu gam-mur [ta-din] _lu_ szu-a-tu [za-rip _ti_] tu-a-ru de-[e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

man-nu [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Babi... has contracted and bought for 4 talents of silver.

Mar-sharri-ila'i, ... of Is..., has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver from these men.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever ......


Babi..., ... of 4 span —

Mar-sharri-ila'i, ... of Is..., has contracted and bought him for one mina of silver from these men.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever ......



lu-[u x x x x x x x x]

lu-u [x x x x x x x x]

sza _ta_(v) [(m)x x x x x] _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _ta_(v) _szesz_-[_mesz_-szu x x x x x]

10 _ma-na#_ [x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

or ......

or ......

who with NN, his sons, grandsons, and brothers .

10 minas ......;

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


whether ...

whether ...

and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN, his sons and his grandsons, against his brothers,

shall pay 10 minas of ....

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

P335259: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)_gisz-mi_—asz-szur [_en_] _dumu sum_-ni

[(m)(d)]_u-gur_—_pab_—_pab dumu_-szu

[x] ru#-t,u u-pisz-ma (m)_su_—_dingir_ [_ta_(v)] _igi_ (m)_gisz-mi_—asz-szur [ina] _sza# 16 gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

[il]-qi kas-pu gam-mur [ta]-din _lu_ szu-a-tu [za-rip] laq-qi [tu-a-ru] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

AI Translation

Seal of Shil-Ashur, owner of the son being sold.

Nergal-ahu-ushur, his son;

Riba-ilu has contracted and bought them from Shil-Ashur for 16 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Shil-Ashur, owner of the son being sold.

Nergal-ahu-ushur, his son, of x spans —

Riba-ilu has contracted and bought from Shil-Ashur for 16 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[la-Asz-szu man-nu] szA _gil_-u-ni [x x x x x _kug_]-_ud sum_-an

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_pab_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-di-di [_igi_ (m)x x x]-nu [_igi_ (m)x x x]-Asz(*)# [_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# [_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# [_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#

[x x x (m)x]—_man_—_pab_

[x x x (m)x x]—_kam_-esz

AI Translation

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay ... silver.

Witness ...-ahhe.

Witness ...di. Witness Witness ...ash. Witness NN.

... ...-sharru-ushur

... ...-eresh


Whoever breaks the contract shall give ... of silver.

Witness ...-ahhe.

Witness ...didi.

..., ...-sharru-ushur.

..., ...-eresh.



[x x x x x] _lu#-a-ba_

AI Translation

...... the scribe


......, scribe.

P335260: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_-(d)_pa_—ra-mat GÉME-szu-nu 03 ru-t,u tu-pisz-ma

_mi_-(d)ur-kit—_hal_-a-ni i-na _sza 09 gin_-_mesz_ (_kug-ud_) _ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_ o(*) an-nu-te

tal-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _mi-tur_ szu-a-tu zar-pat la-qi-at tu(*)#-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA i-na ur#-[kisz] i-na ma-te-ma _gil#_-[u-ni] [x x x x x] x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Nabû-ramat, their maidservant, has contracted and bought them for 3 spans.

Urkitti-shimanni has contracted and bought her for 9 shekels of silver from these men.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract .


Nabû-ramat, their servant of 3 spans —

Urkittu-tashmanni has contracted and bought her for 9 shekels of silver from these men.

The money is paid completely. That girl is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract



_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x# [x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x# [x x x x x] _lu#_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—tak-lak _lu-i-du8#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a-a(*) _lu-a-ba_

_iti-ziz ud 02_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)gab-ba(*)-ru _gar uru-bad_—(m(*))(d)30—_pab_-[_mesz_]—_su#_

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN, .

Witness Inurta-taklak, gate-guard.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 2nd day, eponym year of Gabbaru, governor of Dur-Sîn-ahhe-riba.


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN, ....

Witness Inurta-taklak, porter.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, 2nd day, eponym year of Gabbaru, governor of Dur-Sin-ahhe-riba.

P335261: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(m)x x x x] (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a _dumu_-szu 04 ru(*)-t,u(*)#

[(m)x x x (m)]u-si-a _dumu 03_ ru-u-t,u

[(m)x]—(d(*))#15 pir-su _mi_-ba-a-as-si _dumu-mi#_-[su]

[_pab 06_] _zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_-ni [sza] (m)(d)_szu_—re-man-ni u-pisz-ma

[(m)]mil#-ki—_zalag lu_(v)-_sag_ sza _mi_—É-_gal ta_(v)# _igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—((man(*)))—re-man-ni# [ina _sza_] 02 _ma-na 10 gin_-_mesz#_ [_kug-ud_ il-qi]

AI Translation

NN, Shamash-ila'i, his son of 4 spans' height;

NN, Usia, son of 3 spans' height;

...-Issar, pirsu; Bassi, his daughter;

in all 6 persons, servants of Marduk-remanni —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought it from Marduk-remanni for 2 minas and 10 shekels of silver.


NN and Shamash-ila'i, his son of 4 spans,

NN and Usiya, his son of 3 spans,

...-Issar, a weaned child, and Ba'assi, his daughter,

a total of 6 persons, servants of Marduk-remanni —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought them from Marduk-remanni for 2 minas and 10 shekels of silver.

P335262: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib mi_-da-li-ia-a _en mi-tur sum_-ni

_mi_(*)#-a-na—_ad_—da-la-ti _dumu#-mi_-sa 05 ru-t,u

u#-pisz-ma _mi-pab_—t,al-li _mi-erim_—É-_gal ta_(v) _igi mi_-da-li-ia-a ina _sza 1_/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din _mi-tur_ szu-a-tu zar-pat laq-qi-at tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu [man]-nu# szA(*) ina ur-kisz

AI Translation

Seal of Daliya, owner of the girl being sold.

Ana-abu-dalati, her daughter of 5 spans,

Ahu-talli, palace woman, has contracted and bought them from Daliya for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Seal of the woman Daliya, owner of the girl being sold.

Ana-abi-dalati, her daughter of 5 spans —

Ahi-talli, harem woman, has contracted and bought her from Daliya for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That girl is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever at any time in the future lodges a complaint ...



_igi_(*)# (m)x#+[x x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_(*)-[x x x x]

[_iti_]-_ziz ud 22_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-ahu-.

Month Shebat XI, 22nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness ....

Witness Nabû-ahu-....

Month Shebat XI, 22nd day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

P335264: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)x x x x x] _arad#_-szu-nu [sza (m)x x x x x x x]—_dingir_-szu(*)

[u-pisz-ma (m)]szum#-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni [ina _sza_] 30(*) _ma-na# urudu_-_mesz_ [_ta_(v)] _igi lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _tur_ szu-u-a-te za-rip la-qi tu-u-a-ru

AI Translation

NN, servant of ...-ilshu

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for 30 minas of copper from these gentlemen.

The money is paid completely. That pig is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


NN, servant of NN and ...-ilishu —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought him from these men for 30 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That boy is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu sza ina ur-kisz [ina] ma-te-ma i-za-qup-an-ni lu-u

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bel-iqisha or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these men or their sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons and grandsons, shall pay two minas of silver to the god ... residing in ....



_igi_ (m)mu(*)-[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Witness Mu....

Witness NN.


Witness Mu...,

Witness NN.

P335265: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[s,u-pur (m)x x (m)]ur(*)#-du (m)am(*)#-[x x x x] [x x x x]-a-a (m)na-a'-[di—x x x]

(m)_uru_(*)—tuk-la(*)-a-tu-u-a (m)mu-mar—_dingir_ (m)(d)_utu_—_zu mi-15_—di-'i-ni-ni _mi_-mu-ki-na-at—d-_innin pab 05 lu-zi_-_mesz_

u-pisz-ma (m)mu-szal-lim—d-_innin_

AI Translation

Fingernail of NN, Urdu, Am..., ...ayu, Na'di-...,

Tuklatua, Mumar-ilu, Shamash-le'i, Issar-di'inini, Mukinat-Issar: a total of 5 persons.

Mushallim-Issar has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.


Fingernail of NN, Urdu, Am..., ...aya, and Na'di-....

El-tuklatua, Mumar-ili, Shamash-le'i, Issar-da''ininni, and Mukinnat-Issar, a total of five persons —

Mushallim-Issar has contracted and bought them for 74 minas of copper.



kas-pu ga-mur _sum_-ni _di-kud_(*) _dug4-dug4#_ la-a-szu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. Lawsuit or litigation is void.



_igi_ (m)qur-di—(d)_u-gur_ (_dumu_) (m)t,a-bu-su

_igi_ (m)ur-di-i _dumu_ (m)su-su-u

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—A—_asz igi_ (m)_suhusz_-i _lu_(v)-_i-szur_

_igi#_ (m)ni-nu-a-a _lu_(v)#-[x x x]

_igi#_ (m)qur-di—_dingir_-[x x x]

_iti-gud ud 09_-_kam#_ [lim-mu]

AI Translation

Witness Qurdi-Nergal, son of Tabusu.

Witness Urdî, son of Susû.

Witness Ashur-aplu-iddina. Witness Ubru-Sharrî, royal eunuch.

Witness Ninuayu, .

Witness Qurdi-ilu.

Month Iyyar II, 9th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


Witness Qurdi-Nergal, Tabussu.

Witness Urdî, son of Susû.

Witness Ashur-aplu-iddina. Witness Ubrî, oil-presser.

Witness Ninuayu, ....

Witness Qurdi-....

Month Iyyar II, 9th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni.

P335266: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



u(*)#-ma-a it-ta-($at$)-ru-us, [is]-sa-hi-isz _mi_-kur-a—di-im-ri _dumu#-mi_-su szA (m)a-tar—qa-mu _lu#_ a-na(*) (m)(d)_utu_—_gin_—_pab dumu_-szu szA# (m)sa-ma-ku ku-um da-me i-dan da-me i-ma-si szum-ma _mi_ la i-din ina _ugu_ qa-bu-ri sza (m)sa-ma-ku i-du-ku-szu

man-nu szA ina _ugu_ man-nu _bal_-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud sum_(*)-an(*)# _an-szar_ (d)_utu_ x#+[x x x x x]+x x#+[x]

AI Translation

Now they have seized Kura-dimri, daughter of Atar-qamu, a man, and are giving her to Shamash-kenu-ushur, son of Samaku, instead of blood. He will give blood. If he does not give, they will kill him on the battlefield of Samaku.

Whoever breaks the contract, shall pay 10 minas of silver. The gods Ashur and Shamash .


Now they have come to an agreement. He shall hand over Kurra-dimri, the daughter of Attar-qamu, the scribe, to Shamash-kenu-ushur, the son of Samaku, in lieu of the blood money. He will wash off the blood. If he does not hand over the woman, they will kill him on Samaku's grave.

Whoever breaks the contract with the other party, shall pay 10 minas of silver. Ashur and Shamash are his prosecutors.



lim-mu# [x x x x x x x x]

(m)_an-szar_—_du_—_a man#_ [_kur_—asz-szur _igi_ (m)x x x] o(*) _lu-gal#_—[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)a-da-lal _lu-dumu_—_szu-2_ szA(*) [x x x]

_igi#_ [(m)(d)]_im#_—ba-ba-u _lu-dumu_—_szu-2_(*) sza _dumu_—_man_

_igi_ (m)asz(*)-szur(*)#—_dingir_-a-a [x x x x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x x x x]-hu(*)

AI Translation

eponym year of NN.

Witness NN, chief .

Witness Adallal, chariot driver of .

Witness Adad-baba'u, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.


Eponym year of NN, ... of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.

Witness NN, chief ....

Witness Adallal, adjutant of ....

Witness Adad-baba'u, adjutant of the crown prince.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.

P335267: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—A—_sum_-na] [_en_] _un_-_mesz#_ [_sum_-ni]

[(m)x x]-a(*)—_dug_(*)-_ga_(*)# _arad_-szu [_mi_-x x x]—_dingir_(*)#-a-a _mi_-szu [_mi_-x x]-a(*)-tu _dumu-mi_-su [_pab 03_] _zi#_-_mesz_ u-pisz-ma

[(m)rém-a-ni]—(d)_im# lu_-mu-kil—_kusz#-pa_-_mesz_ [dan-nu szA (m)asz-szur]—_du_(*)—_a lugal_ o(*) [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—A—_sum_-na [ina _sza_ x] _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

[il-qi _un_-_mesz_ szu-a]-tu(?)# zar(*)-[pu la-qi-u]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-aplu-iddina, owner of the people being sold.

...a-tab, his servant, ...-ila'i, his wife, ...atu, his daughter, a total of 3 persons —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king, has contracted and bought said property from Nabû-aplu-iddina for x shekels of silver.

The people of that town are purchased and acquired.


Seal of Nabû-aplu-iddina, owner of the people being sold.

...a-tab, his servant, ...-ila'i, his wife, ...atu, his daughter, a total of 3 persons —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of king Assurbanipal, has contracted and bought them from Nabû-aplu-iddina for x shekels of silver.

Those people are purchased and acquired.



[kas-pu a-na 10]-_mesz_(*) a#-[na _en_-szu _gur_] [ina de-ni-szu] i#-da-bu-ub(*)#-[ma la i-laq]-qi(*)# [de-en-szu] da-a-a-ni la(*)# [i]-sze(*)-me(*)#

[_igi_ (m)sa]-'i(*)#-ru _lu-03-u5_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—_igi-lal_(?)-an _lu-03-u5_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_en_(*)—u(*)-($sat(?)$) _lu_-ha-za-nu

[_igi_] (m)(d(*))#U(*)-_gur_(*)—_dingir_-a(*)-a(*)# _lu_(*)-A(*)-_ba_(*)

[_igi_ (m)]hu#—ba-szA-a-te _lu-gar-u-u_

[_igi_ (m)]a(*)#-kul-la-a-nu

[_igi_ (m)]_en_(?)#—la-mur _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-ni

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall not raise a claim against him.

Witness Sa'iru, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-emuranni, 'third man.'

Witness Bel-usat, mayor.

Witness Nergal-ila'i, scribe.

Witness Hubashate, prefect.

Witness Akkullanu.

Witness Bel-lamur, village manager.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness Sa'iru, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-emuranni, 'third man.'

Witness Bel-usat, mayor.

Witness Nergal-ila'i, scribe.

Witness Hubashati, driller.

Witness Akkullanu.

Witness Bel-lamur, village manager.

P335268: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)_lugal_—lu—da-ri

s,u-pur (m)a-tar—su-ru

s,u-pur _mi_-a-mat—(d)su-u'-la _mi_-szu sza (m)_en_—_bad lu_(v)(*)-03-szu sza a-rit

_en_ É _sum_-an

É ep-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu a-di _gisz-ig_-_mesz_-szu# _tur_ ina _uru_-ni-nu-u(*)-a _suhur_ É (m)man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz suhur_ É ((m))_dingir_—_ki_-ia _suhur_ su-qa-qi u-pisz-ma

(m)_gisz-mi_—asz-szur _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Fingernail of Sharru-lu-dari,

Fingernail of Atar-suru.

Fingernail of Amat-Su'la, wife of Bel-duri, 'third man' of the akitu-house.

owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, a threshing floor in Nineveh, adjoining the house of Mannu-ki-ahhe, the house of Ilu-isse'a, and the street —

Shil-Ashur, scribe.


Fingernail of Sharru-lu-dari,

fingernail of Atar-suru,

fingernail of Amat-Su'la, wife of Bel-duri, shield-bearing 'third man,'

owners of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams, doors and a yard in Nineveh, adjoining the house of Mannu-ki-ahhe, the house of Ilu-issiya, and the street —

Shilli-Ashur, Egyptian scribe, has contracted and bought it for one mina of silver by the mina of the king from Sharru-lu-dari, Atar-suru and Amat-Su'la, the wife of Bel-duri.



il-qi kas(*)-pu(*) gam-mur ta-din# É szu-a-tu za-rip _ti_ tu-a-ru de-e-ni u _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu(*) man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma lu _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-ti(*) sza de-ni u _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)s,il—asz-szur ub-ta-'u-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

_igi_ (m)szu-sa-an-qu ha-at-na _man_

_igi_ (m)hur-ma-s,a _lu_(v)-03-szu

_igi_ (m)ra-su-u' _lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—_ma-du-du_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab lu_(v)-mu-ri-ba-nu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or anyone else, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shil-Ashur, shall pay 10 minas of silver.

Witness Shusanqu, haruspex of the king.

Witness Hurmasha, 'third man.'

Witness Rasu', chief boatman.

Witness Nabû-duru-ushur, horse trainer.


The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or anyone else, seeks a lawsuit and litigation against Shilli-Ashur, shall pay 10 minas of silver.

Witness Shusanqu, the king's brother-in-law.

Witness Hur-washi, 'third man.'

Witness Rasu', chief boatman.

Witness Nabû-duru-ushur, horse raiser.



_igi_ (m)hur-ma-s,a _lu_(v)-_gal_—_ma-du-du_

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab igi_ (m)zi-it-ti(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Hurmasha, chief boatman.

Witness Sin-sharru-ushur. Witness Zitti.


Witness Hur-washi, chief boatman.

Witness Sin-sharru-ushur. Witness Zitti.



_iti-sig4 ud 16_-_kam_ lim-me (m)za-za-a

_lu_(v)(*)-_gar-kur uru-a_r-pad-da _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_gin_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)mi-tu-ru _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz_(*)

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 16th day, eponym year of Zazâ.

Witness Shamash-kenu-ushur.

Witness Mituru. Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.


Month Sivan III, 16th day, eponym year of Zazaya, governor of Arpad.

Witness Shamash-kenu-ushur.

Witness Mituru. Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.

P335269: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri A (m)_pab_-u-a—_su lu-gigir_ sza _lu-gal_—_sag_ szA A—_man en_ É _sum_-ni

É [ep]-szu a-du _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu 06 _gisz-ig_-_mesz pu_ ina _sza_-bi _pab_ É tal-pi-tu a-na gi-mir-te-szA ina _uru-nina suhur_ (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab suhur_ (m)kak-kul-la-ni _suhur_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _suhur_ (m)t,u-si-i

u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-ni ina _sza 02 ma-na kug-ud_

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din É szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qup-an-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)_man_—lu—da-ri lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _lu-gar_-nu-szu lu mAm-ma-mu-nu(*)-szu sza de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_ (m)kak-kul-la-ni _dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-u-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Sharru-lu-dari, son of Ahu'a-eriba, horse trainer of the chief eunuch of the crown prince, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and 6 doors, a well in it, a total of a built house in its entirety in Nineveh adjoining Sin-sharru-ushur, adjoining Kakkullanu, adjoining Kanunayu, adjoining Tusî,

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Sharru-lu-dari or his sons or his brothers or his prefect or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu and his sons,


Seal of Sharru-lu-dari, son of Ahû'a-eriba, horse trainer of the chief eunuch of the crown prince, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams, 6 doors and well within, in all a house and a barn in its entirety in Nineveh adjoining Sin-sharru-ushur, adjoining Kakkullanu, adjoining Kanunayu and adjoining Tusî —

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Sharru-lu-dari or his sons or his brothers or his prefect or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu and his sons,



[x] _gu-un kug-ud 10 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki isz-tar a-szi-bat _nina_ i-szak-kan kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-szu u-_gur_ ina la de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—bal-lit, _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _lu_(v)-:- ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu_(v)-:- ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-an-ni _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_i lu_(v)-:- ((qur-_zag_))

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_di_—_pab_-_mesz igi_ (m)asz-szur—bal-lit, _pab_-szu

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab lu-03_-szu _dumu_ (m)ia-zi-ni

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si-i _lu_-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)la-bi-ga-a-a

_igi_ (m)i-di-i _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—A—_asz_

_igi_ (m)hi-ri-s,a-a-a

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_dingir igi_ (m)hu-su-ra-a-a

_igi_ (m)ur-du _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)mu-sze-zib—asz-szur _lu_(v)-:- ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

AI Translation

shall place x talents of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ashur-ballit, cohort commander.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Kanunayu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-na'id, ditto.

Witness Ashur-shallim-ahhe. Witness Ashur-ballit, his brother.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, 'third man', son of Yazinu.

Witness Balasî, royal bodyguard.

Witness Labigayu.

Witness Idî. Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina.

Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Mannu-ki-ilu. Witness Husurayu.

Witness Urdu, cohort commander.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, cohort commander.

Witness Mushezib-Ashur, ditto.


shall place 1 talent of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ashur-ballit, cohort commander.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Kanunayu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-na'id, ditto.

Witness Ashur-shallim-ahhe. Witness Ashur-ballit, his brother.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, 'third man', son of Yazini.

Witness Balasî, royal bodyguard.

Witness Labigayu.

Witness Addî. Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina.

Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Mannu-ki-ili. Witness Husurayu.

Witness Urdu, cohort commander.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, cohort commander.

Witness Mushezib-Ashur, ditto.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_di_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-:- ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_kar_-ir _lu_(v)-:- ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_igi_ (m)10—ra-pa-a' A (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir lu_(v)-szA—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab 03_-szu

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shallim-ahhe, ditto.

Witness Marduk-etir, ditto.

Witness Adad-rapa', son of Nabû-etir.

Witness Shumma-ilu, sha shepi guard.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'


Witness Nabû-shallim-ahhe, ditto.

Witness Marduk-etir, ditto.

Witness Adda-rapa', son of Nabû-etir.

Witness Shumma-ilu, sha shepi guard.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man'.



_iti-sig4 ud 17_ lim-mu (m)30—_man_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)iq-bi—_en lu-a-ba_

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 17th day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur.

Witness Iqbi-Bel, scribe.


Month Sivan III, 17th day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur.

Witness Iqbi-bel, scribe.

P335270: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku#-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu _gar_-un

s,u-pur# (m)du-si-i _en_ É _sum_-ni

É ep-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu a-di _gisz-ig_-_mesz_-szu É—_na tur_-szu É—_tu5_-szu É—02-e 2/3(*) szA É—dan-ni É _nim_ É-a-bu-sa-te É—_szu ki-mah_ ina _sza_-bi u-pisz-ma

(m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ sza _lu_-szA—_ugu_—É-a-ni ina _sza 03 ma-na kug-ud_ ina szA _lugal ti_-qi(*)

kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din É szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la#-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz _u#_ ma-te-e-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni _gil#_-u-ni lu-u (m)du-si-i lu#-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu sza _ta_(v) (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz#_-ni _dumu_-_mesz_-szu# de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

ub-[ta]-'u#-u-ni _ma-na 05 ma-na kug-ud luh_-[u x _ma-na kug_]-_gi#_ sak-ru ina bur-[ki (d)x x x x x] _gar#_-an

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Dusî, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, a bedroom, its small rooms, a second bedroom, two-thirds of a big house, a courtyard, a abusate, and a bedroom with a tomb in it —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver of the overseer of the household, has contracted and bought them for 3 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Dusî or his sons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani and his sons,

shall place one mina and five minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of DN residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Dusî, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, a sleeping room, its yard, its bathroom, servants' quarters, two thirds of the main building, an upper floor, a storehouse, and a wing with a tomb in it —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver of the chamberlain, has contracted and bought it for 3 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever, at any time and in the future, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Dusî or his sons, brothers or relatives, who seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani and his sons,

shall place a mina and 5 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of the god ... residing in ..., and shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur and bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall pay one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_arad_-a-a _lu-usz-bar_—_gun_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_du szesz_-szu szA _lu_-ha-za-an-nu

_igi_ (m)_gin_-u-a _uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a

_igi_ (m)_en_—_du arad_ szA _lu#_-szA—_ugu#_—É-a-ni

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir lu-dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)bi-bi-e _lu-sipa_(?)# _gal_

_igi_ (m)_sig5#_—_inim_-_mesz_—(d)15 _lu_-:-

[_igi_] (m)#qa-lu-un-zu _lu_-:-

_igi#_ (m)asz-szur—sze-zib-an-ni _lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_mu_-_mesz_-te _lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)qit-ti—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _lu-03_-szu

_igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a# _lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_iti-gud ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu# [(m)za-za-a-a]

AI Translation

Witness Urda'i, weaver of arrows.

Witness Ilu-ibni, brother of the mayor.

Witness Kenua, from the Inner City.

Witness Bel-ibni, servant of the overseer of the houses.

Witness Shumma-ilu, merchant.

Witness Bibê, chief shepherd.

Witness Mudammiq-ahhe-Issar, ditto.

Witness Qallunzu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-shezibanni, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-bel-shumate, scribe.

Witness Qitti-ilani, 'third man.'

Witness Arbailayu, chariot driver.

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Zazâ.


Witness Urdaya, weaver of multicolored trim.

Witness Ilu-ibni, brother of the mayor.

Witness Kenu'a, from the Inner City.

Witness Bel-ibni, servant of the chamberlain.

Witness Shumma-ili, merchant.

Witness Bibê, chief shepherd.

Witness Danqu-dibbi-Issar, ditto.

Witness Qalunzu, ditto.

Witness Ashur-shezibanni, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-bel-shumati, scribe.

Witness Qiti-ilani, 'third man.'

Witness Arbailayu, chariot driver.

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Zazaya, governor of Arpad.

P335271: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É _gisz-04_-_ig_ a# [x x x]

01-et _gisz-ig_ ina _sza_-bi x#+[x (x) x]

_suhur_ É (m)s,il—(d)_pa_

_suhur_ É (m)_dug_—_im_—(d)15

_suhur_ É (m)(d)_utu_—_zu_

_suhur_ su-qa-qi

É ina _sag uru-nina-ki_

u-pisz-ma (m)ku-kul-a-a _ta igi_ (m)pa-qa—a-na—arba-il _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_im_—15 ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din É szu-a-te za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

an estate of four doors .

1 door in ...;

adjoining the house of Shil-Nabû,

adjoining the house of Tab-shar-Issar,

adjoining the house of Shamash-le'i,

adjoining the street

An estate at the head of Nineveh.

Kukulayu has contracted and bought them from Paqa-ana-Arbail and Shar-Issar for half mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


a house, 4 doors ...

one door in ...

adjoining the house of Shil-Nabû,

adjoining the house of Tab-shar-Issar,

adjoining the house of Shamash-le'i,

adjoining an alley,

a house in the best part of Nineveh —

Kukullayu has contracted and bought from Upaqa-ana-Arbail and from Shar-Issar for half mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



pqn'rb'l sr'sz

AI Translation

Pqn'rb'l, sr'sh;


Aramaic caption: Upaqa-ana-Arbail and Shar-Issar.



man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qup-pan(*)-a-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)pa-qa—a-na—arba-il lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu sza _ta_(v) (m)ku-kul-la-a-a _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni 05 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)un-zar4-hi—asz-szur :(*) :(*)

_igi_ (m)_numun_—15 :(*) :(*)

_igi_ (m)hi-ri-s,a-a-a

_igi_ (m)su-nu-[x x(*)]

_igi_ (m(*))[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Paqa-ana-Arbail or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kukullayu, his sons and his grandsons, shall pay 5 minas of silver.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, cohort commander.

Witness Unzarhi-Ashur, ditto ditto.

Witness Zar-Issar, ditto ditto.

Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Sunu.

Witness NN.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Upaqa-ana-Arbail or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kukullayu, his sons and his grandsons, shall give 5 minas of silver.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, cohort commander.

Witness Unzarhu-Ashur, ditto ditto.

Witness Zar-Issar, ditto ditto.

Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Sunu....

Witness NN.



_iti-gud ud 10_-_kam_ lim-me (m)asz-szur—rém-a-ni [x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_asz_—_pab lu_(v)-_a-ba_ [(x x x x)]

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Ashur-remanni, governor of .

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahi, scribe.


Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Ashur-remanni, chief eunuch of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahi, scribe ....

P335272: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz_ s,u-pur (m)_ta_(v)—(d)_im_(*)—_pab_(*)#-tu be-li É _sum_-ni mu-s,u-u a-di _tur#_

É ep-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu 02 _gisz-ig#_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi _suhur_ É (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab# suhur_ É (m)(d)_utu_—_mu_—_pab suhur_ É (m)_iti-kin#_-a-a _suhur_ É (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir _suhur_ (m)(d)_utu_—u(*)-bal(*)-lit,(*)#

u-pisz-ma (m)_su_—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _lu_(v)-_dam#-qar ta_(v)# pa-an (m)man-nu—ki-i(*)—_pab_-_mesz#_ [ina] _sza 03 2_/3 _ma-na kug-ud_ il#-[qi]

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din [É szu-a-tu] za-rip la-qi tu-a#-[ru de-e-nu]

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-ma lu-[u _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu#-[nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu] sza _ta_(v) (m)_su#_—[_dingir_-_mesz_-ni x x x x x]

AI Translation

Fingernail of Mannu-ki-ahhe, fingernail of Issi-Adad-ahhutu, my lord. The house is paid completely. The rent is to be paid up to the 'third man.'

An estate of a built house with its beams and two doors therein, adjoining the houses of Nabû-duru-ushur, Shamash-shumu-ushur, Ululayu, Nabû-nashir, Shamash-uballit, and the house of the king, my lord, and the fields of the king, my lord.

Riba-ilani, merchant, has contracted and bought them from Mannu-ki-ahhe for 3 2/3 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Riba-ilani .


Fingernail of Mannu-ki-ahhe; fingernail of Itti-Adad-ahhutu, owners of the house being sold. The exit together with the courtyard,

a built house with its beams and two doors, adjoining the houses of Nabû-duru-ushur, Shamash-shumu-ushur, Ululayu, Nabû-nashir, and Shamash-uballit —

Riba-ilani the merchant has contracted and bought it from Mannu-ki-ahhe for 3 2/3 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Riba-ilani ......



kas#-pu [a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_] ina de-ni-szu _dug4#_-[_dug4_-ma x x x]

_igi_ (m)du-gul—_igi_—_dingir lu_(v)(*)#-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_ sza—gi-né-szu sza(*)# [x x]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _dumu mi_-hi(?)-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—50 sza x x x#

_igi_ (m)za-ha-t,u-t,u _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir

_igi_ (m)_su_—(d)15 _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir

_igi_ (m)ba-ba-a-nu _lu_(v)-_nagar_—_gisz-umbin_-_mesz_(*)#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—kal-li-e#

_igi_ (m)za-ru-ti#-i _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin#_-a-a

_igi_ (m)ba-ni-i _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni-ti

_iti-sze ud 21_-_kam_ lim(*)-mu (m)d-_en_—_man_-a-ni _lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-kur-ba-il

AI Translation

shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dugul-pan-ili, .

Witness Nabû-ushur, shakinû-official of .

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Hi.

Witness Nergal-ahu-ushur, commander-of-fifty of .

Witness Zahatutu, tailor.

Witness Riba-Issar, tailor.

Witness Babanu, woodworker.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Zarutî, scribe.

Witness Ululayu.

Witness Banî, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Adar XII, 21st day, eponym year of Bel-sharrani, governor of Kurbail.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dugul-pan-ili, ....

Witness Nabû-nashir, official in charge of the regular offering of ....

Witness Urda-Issar, son of the woman ....

Witness Nergal-ahu-ushur, commander-of-50 of ....

Witness Zahatutu, tailor.

Witness Tariba-Issar, tailor.

Witness Babanu, wheelwright.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, postmaster.

Witness Zarutî, scribe.

Witness Ululayu.

Witness Banî, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Adar XII, 21st day, eponym year of Bel-sharrani, governor of Kurbail.



04 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-szu

AI Translation

4 minas of copper for his fingernail.


4 minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335273: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)bi-ir—a-tar _en_ É _sum_-an

É ep-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu 01 _gisz-ig_-_me_-szu É _an-ta_ mu-s,u-u is-sa-hi(*)-si _suhur_ É (m)_pab_-bu-u _suhur_ É (m)su-na-a-a _suhur#_ É (m)ha-na(*)—hu-ru

[u]-pisz-ma (m)ha-la—szu-ri [ina _sza_-bi] x# _gin kug-ud_ il-qi

[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-ad-din [É szu-a-tu] za-rip laq-qi

AI Translation

Seal of Bir-atar, owner of the house being sold.

An built house with its beams and one door, a lower house with a terrace, adjoining the house of Ahu-ibû, adjoining the house of Sunaya, adjoining the house of Hana-huru,

Hala-shuri has contracted and bought him for x shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Bir-atar, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams, one of its doors, the upper story together with an exit, adjoining the house of Ah-abû, adjoining the house of Sunaya, adjoining the house of Hana-huru —

Hala-shuri has contracted and bought it for x shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[ina ur-kisz man]-nu i-za-qu-pa(*)#-[ni]

[x x x x x x x x]-szu(*) _sum_-an [kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_ ana _en_]-szu u-_gur_ [ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la] i#-laq-qi

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-s,i

_igi_ (m)[x x x]+x#-10

_igi_ (m)30—x#—I

_igi_ (m)za-x-nu

_igi_ (m)15—_bad_

_igi_ (m)_pab_(?)-ma-nu

_igi_ (m)a-szu-i(?)-si

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab a-ba_

_iti-sig4 ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_kalag_-ni-an-ni _lu-gar-kur uru_-qu-'e

AI Translation

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,

He shall give ... to his ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...shî.

Witness ...-Adad.

Witness Sin-...-na'id.


Witness Issar-duri.

Witness Ah-manu.

Witness Assuisi.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, scribe.

Month Sivan III, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-da''inanni, governor of Que.


In the future whoever lodges a complaint,

shall give ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...shi.

Witness .......

Witness Sin-...-na'id.


Witness Issar-duri.

Witness ...manu.

Witness Ashuisi.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, scribe.

Month Sivan III, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-da''inanni, governor of Que.



01 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza _na4-kiszib_-szu

AI Translation

1 homer of barley, whose seal is in place;


1 homer of barley for his seal.

P335274: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)sze-li-pi _en_ É ta-da-ni

É ep-[szu a-di _gisz-ur_]-_mesz_-szu a-di# [_gisz_]-_ig#_-_mesz_-szu me-szil ad#-[ri x x x x] _a-qar uru_-zi(?)#-da-da tak(*)-pi-[x x x ina] gi#-mir-ti#-szA _suhur_ É [(m)U(?)]-U(*)—iq-bi _suhur_ [É (m)x x]-mu—e-ri

u-[pisz-ma (m)man]-nu#—ki—_uru_-arba-il [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)sze]-li-pi [ina _sza_ x _ma-na_] _kug-ud_

[sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis] il(*)#-qi kas-pu [gam-mur ta-din] É za-rip [laq-qi tu-a-ru] de#-nu _dug4-dug4#_

[la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina] ur#-[kisz] [...] [...]

AI Translation

Seal of Shelipi, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, half of a threshing floor, ..., a field in Zidada, ... in its entirety, adjoining the house of Dadi-iqbi and the house of,

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Shelipi for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future .


Seal of Shelepu, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, a half of a threshing floor ... in the irrigated land of the town of Zidada, a ...... in its entirety, adjoining the house of Dadi-iqbi and the house of —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Shelepu for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Shelepu or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail and his sons, shall pay two minas of silver and two minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the silver tenfold to its owners.



de-e-szu(*) _di-kud_ la i-szA-mu-u

_igi_ (m)_gir-2_—15 _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—15 _lu_(v)-03-_u5_ sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul_

_igi_ (m)_numun_—(d)15

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-ra-ka-su

_igi_ (m)_en_—_bad_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_su_

_igi_ (m)su-hu-ra-mu-u _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_ sza(*) _dumu_—_man#_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki#—_ad lu_(v)-ra-ka-su sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag#_

_iti-barag ud 24_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)ba-an-ba-a _lu_(v)-_sukkal 02_-u

AI Translation

The judge shall not hear his case.

Witness Shep-Issar, scribe.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Witness Kishir-Issar, 'third man' of the chief cupbearer.

Witness Zer-Issar.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, tailor.

Witness Bel-duri.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, scribe.

Witness Marduk-eriba.

Witness Suhuramû, merchant of the crown prince.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, conscript of the chief eunuch.

Month Nisan I, 24th day, eponym year of Banbâ, deputy vizier.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness Shep-Issar, scribe.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Witness Kishir-Issar, 'third man' of the chief cupbearer.

Witness Zar-Issar.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, conscript.

Witness Bel-duri.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, scribe.

Witness Marduk-eriba.

Witness Suhuramû, merchant of the crown prince.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, conscript of the chief eunuch.

Month Nisan I, 24th day, eponym year of Banbâ, the second vizier, in the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

P335275: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)(d)15—_bad na4-kiszib_ (m)lu—szA-kin _dumu#_ (m)ab(*)#-szi-e-szu _lu_-mu-s,ur-a-a _en_ É _sum_-ni

É ep-szu(*) a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu a-di _gisz-ig_-_mesz_-szu ina _uru_-É—(m)_su_—_dingir_ qa-an-ni szA _uru-erim_-_mesz_—(d)_im_

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_kusz-pa#_-_mesz_ dan-nu sza (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a lugal kur_—asz-szur-_ki ta_(v) pa-an (m)(d)15—_bad ta_(v) _igi_ (m)lu—szA-kin ina _sza 04 ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e# szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis

_ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din É# za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4#-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz [ina ma]-te(*)#-e-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni [_lu_]-_mesz#_-e(*) an-nu#-te lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_(*)#-[szu-nu]

AI Translation

Seal of Issar-duri, seal of Lu-shakin, son of Abshieshu, Egyptian, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, in Bit-Eriba-ilu, near the fort of the men of Adad,

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them from Issar-duri and Lu-shakin for 4 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these men or their sons


Seal of Issar-duri, seal of Lu-shakin, son of Abshieshu the Egyptian, owners of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors in the town Bet-Eriba-ilu on the outskirts of the city of Shab-Adad —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought it from Issar-duri and Lu-shakin for 4 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these gentlemen or their sons



[_igi_ (m)]pa(*)-x#+[x x x] _lu_-[x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_ad_(*)—[x x] _lu_-[x x]

[_igi_ (m)se]-e'(*)#—_dingir_-a-a _lu_-:-

[_igi_ (m)]ba(*)#-hi(*)-a-nu(*) _lu_-:-

_igi_ (m)(d)#_szu_—rém-a-ni _lu#_-:-

_pab# 06 igi_-_mesz uru_-É—(m)_su_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_sum_—_a lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni#-te

_iti-ziz ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_iti-ab#_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Pa..., .

Witness Abi-.

Witness Se'-ila'i, ditto.

Witness Bahianu, ditto.

Witness Marduk-remanni, ditto.

in all 6 witnesses from Bit-Eriba-ila'i.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Shebat XI, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu.


Witness Pa..., ....

Witness Abi-..., ....

Witness Se'-ila'i, ditto.

Witness Bahianu, ditto.

Witness Marduk-remanni, ditto.

A total of 6 witnesses from Bet-Eriba-ilu.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Shebat XI, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu, governor of the New Palace.

P335276: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku]-um _na4-kiszib_-szu [s,u-pur-szu isz-kun]

s,u#-pur (m)_gir-2_—(d)15(*)# [_en_ É ta-da-ni]

[É] ep-szu a-di _gisz_-[_ur_-_mesz_-szu] [a-di] _gisz#-ig_-_mesz_-szu masz-x#+[x x x x]

[x x (x)] ku-tal-li [x x x x]

[x x] É#—_ki-na_ [x x x x x]

[_suhur_] (m)(d)[x x x x]

[_suhur_] (m)si(*)#-[x x x x x]

[x x x] _ansze_ [x x x x x]

[x x x x]+x# [x x x x x] [_ta igi_] (m)_gir-2_—[(d)15 x x]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Shep-Issar, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, .

... rear ...

... the bedroom .

adjoining NN,

adjoining Si.

... hectares .

...... from Shep-Issar .


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Shep-Issar, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors, ......

... the rear ...

... bedroom ...

adjoining ......

adjoining Si......

... hectares ... —

NN has contracted and bought said property from Shep-Issar



[04 _ansze_-har]-ba(*)#-kan(*)-ni(*)# [ina _ki-ta_ (d)_masz-masz_(?) u-sze-rab] [x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_(*) a-na bur#-[ki (d)x x x x i-szak-kan] [kas-pu] a-na 10-_mesz_-[te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra]

[ina] de-ni-szu _dug4#_-[_dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—[x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—[x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)asz-szur—_ad_—_pab_ [x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_nu_—_man_—iq-[bi x x x]

[_igi_] (m)_suhusz_—(d)U(*)-_gur_(*)# [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)sa-ka-a'# [x x x(*)]

[_igi_] (m)_suhusz_—(d)[x x x] [_dumu_(?)] _uru-nina_-[_ki_]

_igi_ (m)tab-ni—(d)[x x _lu-a-ba_(*)]

[s,a(*)]-bit t,up-pi _iti_(*)#-[x _ud_ x-_kam_] lim(*)#-mu (m)_di_-[x x x x x(*)]

AI Translation

shall bring four harbakannu horses to the left of Nergal, shall place x minas of silver in the lap of DN, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-zeru-.

Witness Mannu-ki-.

Witness Ashur-abu-ushur, .

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi, .

Witness Ubru-Nergal, .

Witness Saka', .

Witness Ubru-..., citizen of Nineveh.

Witness Tabni-..., scribe.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Shulmu-..., governor of .


He shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall place x minas of silver to the lap of ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-zeru-.......

Witness Mannu-ki-.......

Witness Ashur-abu-ushur ....

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi ....

Witness Ubru-Nergal ....

Witness Saka' ....

Witness Ubru-..., a Ninevite.

Witness Tabni-..., scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.

P335277: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_bad lu_(v)-_en#_-[_nam_] _en_ É ta-da-an-[ni]

ri-pi-tu a-na gi-mir-tu-[szA]

ri-pi#-tu sza (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—[isz-kun] (m)10—x#+[x x] x x# [x x] a-na (m)_en_—_bad lu_(v)-_en-nam#_ i-din#-u-ni (m)_en_—_bad_ a-na (m)szA-kil-ia i-ti-[din]

_suhur#_ [x x x]+x# gab-x#

(m)(d)_pa_—_mu#_—[isz]-kun# [x x x]

[x]+x# tab-re-e x#+[x x x]

[man]-nu sza ur-kisz ma-te-[ma] [i-_gil_]-u-ni lu-u (m)_en#_—[_bad lu_(v)-_en-nam_] [lu-u] _szesz#_-_mesz_-szu# [x x x] [x x x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-duri, governor, owner of the house being sold.

a reed nest in its entirety.

The extispicy which Nabû-shumu-ishkun and Adad-... ... gave to Bel-duri, the governor, Bel-duri gave to Shakil-ya.

adjoining ..., adjoining .

Nabû-shumu-ishkun .

... tablets ...

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Bel-duri, the governor, or his brothers, .


Seal of Bel-duri, governor, owner of the property being sold.

A barnyard in its entirety.

A barnyard which Nabû-shumu-ishkun and Adad-..., ... gave to Bel-duri, the governor, Bel-duri has given to Shakil-Aya.

Adjoining ......

Nabû-shumu-ishkun ...


Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Bel-duri, the governor, or his brothers



_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-nu#—[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)a-ur—[x]+x x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)_uru_-ni#-nu-a _arad_ [(m)x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-[nu]—ki—_pab_-_mesz igi_ (m)[x x x]

_igi_ (m)[(d)]_im_—szal-lim _igi_ (m)(d)[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_iti_(*)#-_ab_-a-a _igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)szA(*)-kil-ia sza _uru_-x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba-sa-su _igi_ (m)[x x x x]

_iti-sze ud 12_-_kam_ lim(*)#-[mu] (m)sa-gab _lu_(v)-_gar_-[_kur uru-kaskal_]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Mannu-.

Witness NN.

Witness Ur-....

Witness Nineveh, servant of NN.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe. Witness NN.

Witness Adad-shallim. Witness NN.

Witness Kanunayu. Witness NN.

Witness Shakil-Aya, from the town .

Witness Basasu. Witness NN.

Month Adar XII, 12th day, eponym year of Sagab, governor of Harran.


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Mannu-..., ....

Witness NN.

Witness Ashur-....

Witness Ninuayu, servant of ....

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe. Witness NN.

Witness Adad-shallim. Witness NN.

Witness Kanunayu. Witness NN.

Witness Shakil-Aya, of the town ....

Witness Basasu. Witness NN.

Month Adar XII, 12th day, eponym year of Sagab, governor of Harran.



_di_-mu ina bir-tu(*)#-[szu-nu]

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—rém-a#-[ni x x x]

[_igi_] (m)ur-du _igi#_ [(m)x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]dan-ni-i(*)# [x x]

AI Translation

There is peace between them.

Witness Nergal-remanni, .

Witness Urdu. Witness NN.

Witness Dannî, .


Peace is between them.

Witness Nergal-remanni, ....

Witness Urdu. Witness NN.

Witness Dannî, ....



_igi_ (m)tar-di(*)#-ia _igi_ (m)s,al-mu _igi_ (m)_hal_-x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—[x]+x#—_zu igi_ (m)za-bi-nu _lu_(v)#-[x x] sza [x x]-a-a _igi_ (m)_pab_-ia _sanga_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x] _igi_ (m)(d)x x x# _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_ [x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Tardiya. Witness Shalmu. Witness Hari-.

Witness Bel-...-le'i. Witness Zabinu, ... of ...ayu. Witness Ahiya, priest .

Witness NN. Witness NN, horse trainer .


Witness Tardiya. Witness Shalmu. Witness Shemanni-....

Witness Bel-...-le'i. Witness Zabinu, ... of .... Witness Ahuya, priest ....

Witness NN. Witness NN, horse trainer of ....

P335278: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)(d)]_pa#_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_sag_ sza A—_man_ a-na (m)hal—su-hu ($o$) a-na (m)30—_man_—_pab_ it-ti-din

É ip-ta-t,ar kas-pu gam-mur ta-din É szu-a-te za-Ar-pi laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

Nabû-nadin-ahhe, eunuch of the crown prince, has given to Hal-suhu and Sin-sharru-ushur.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Nabû-nadin-ahhe, eunuch of the crown prince, has paid ...... to Hal-Suhu and to Sin-sharru-ushur, and redeemed the house.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-_gil_-u-ni i-za-qu-pa-an-ni lu-u (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Sin-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sharru-ushur and his sons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Sin-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-nadin-ahhe,



10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u [x] _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-($i$)-ru [ina] bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ [a-szi-bat] _uru-nina-ki_ i-_gar_-nu [kas-pu a-na] 10-_mesz_ [a-na _en_-_mesz_]-szu _gur_ [ina de-ni-szu _dug4_]-_dug4_-ma [x x x]

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place 10 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)15—_bad#_ [x x x x x x]

_iti-gud ud_ [x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(?)-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Issar-duri, .

Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Nabû-.


Witness Issar-duri, ....

Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Nabû-....

P335279: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)_di-kud_—kur-ba-il] _en_ É _sum#_-ni

03 É-_szu-2_-_mesz_(*) _tur#_ [o] 01 _gisz-ig_ ina _sza_-bi ina _uru-nina-ki_ gab-di (m)na-ha-ra-u gab-di (m)d-_pa_-u-a

AI Translation

Seal of Dayyan-Kurbail, owner of the house being sold.

3 small houses, 1 door in Nineveh, adjoining Naharû, adjoining Nabû'a;


Seal of Dayyan-Kurbail, owner of the house being sold.

Three storehouses including a courtyard and a door, in Nineveh, adjoining the houses of Naharau, Nabû'a and Kummayu —



u-pisz-ma (m)di-lil(*)#—[(d)15]

AI Translation

Dilil-Issar has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


Dilil-Issar has contracted and bought them from Dayyan-Kurbail for 30 shekels of silver.



il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-_sum_-ni É szu-a-te za#-ar-pi la-qi# tu#-a-ru de-e(*)#-[nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz#-[szu]

man-nu szA i-_gil_-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud_ i-dan#

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d(*))#[x _lu_(v)-qa]-tin(*)-ni

_igi#_ (m)_dug_—_im#_—[x x x x]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay 10 minas of silver.

Witness Urdu-..., brewer.

Witness Tab-shar-.


The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay 10 minas of silver.

Witness Urda-..., tiller.

Witness Tab-shar-....



_igi_ (m)lu—szA-kin _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz igi_ (m)_be_(*)#-ma—_dingir_-_mesz iti-ne#_

_ud 22_ lim-mu (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su lugal#_ [_kur_—asz-szur]

AI Translation

Witness Lu-shakin. Witness Shamash-.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina. Witness Shumma-ilani. Month Ab V.

Month of Elul VI, 22nd day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.


Witness Lu-shakin. Witness Shamash-....

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina. Witness Shumma-ilani.

Month Ab V, 22nd day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

Edge Column ii



AI Translation



Aramaic caption: Dayyan-Kurba'il.

P335280: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_pab 11_(?) [x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)[_man_—lu—da-ri] _ta igi_ (m)za-bi-ni# [x x] ina _sza_-bi 05 _ma-na kug-ud_

É il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din É szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma lu-u (m)za-bi-ni lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu szA _ta_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

AI Translation

in all 11 .

Sharru-lu-dari has contracted and bought them from Zabinu for 5 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Zabinu or his sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sharru-lu-dari,


in all 11 hectares of land —

Sharru-lu-dari has contracted and bought the estate from Zabinu ... for half mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That estate is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Zabinu or his sons or his grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sharru-lu-dari, his son and his grandson,



ub-ta-'u-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)30 a-szib _uru-bad_—(m)_man_—_gin gar_-an 04 _ansze_-har-bak-kan-ni _ki-ta_ (d)_masz-masz_ u-sze-rab kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x] x szA É-_gal_

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Sin residing in Dur-Sharruken, shall bring four harbakannu horses under the supervision of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, ... of the palace.


shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Sin residing Dur-Sharruken, and shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ... , ... of the palace.

P335281: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ad_-u-a _dumu_ (m)ka-a-ki sza _uru_-ma-ga-ni-ib(*)# _en_ É ta-_sum_-ni

x x# É tal-pi-te

[x x x]+x# 01 A(*)-_mesz_ bi il(?) kan na ki-qi(*)-il-te

[_suhur_ É] (m)ba-hi-a-ni [_suhur_ É] (m)da-ni-ia-ti—_dingir_

[kaq-qi-ri] pu(*)#-s,e-e 30 _gid_(*)-_da_(*)# [x x x x ina] _uru_-ma-ga#-[ni-ib] [x x x x x x x x] di [x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Shamash-abu'a, son of Kaki of Maganib, owner of the house being sold.

... house of the reed-cuttings

...... 1 water ... ... .

adjoining the house of Bahianu, adjoining the house of Daniati-ilu,

A vacant lot 30 hectares of land ... in Maganib .


Seal of Shamash-abu'a son of Kaki from Maganuba, owner of the house being sold.

... house, a barn

... water ... dung heap

adjoining the house of Bahianu and the house of Daniati-ilu,

a vacant lot 30 cubits long ... in the town Maganuba



[02 _ma-na kug_]-_ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ [ina bur-ki (d)]_nin_(*)#-_lil gar_-an [02 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_] _babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_(*) asz-szur [a-szib É-_szar-ra_] KÉSZ(*) [ina de-ni-szu i-da]-bu-bu-ma [la i-laq]-qi

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] A—_sig_ szA _gaszan_(*)#—É(*) szA _dumu_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _dumu_ (m)x]-x#-u-ni

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _dumu_ (m)]ma-ri-i'

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _dumu_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x] sza _uru_-ha-ta-ia-te [_igi_ (m)x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

shall place two minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Mullissu, shall tie two white horses at the feet of Ashur residing in Esharra, and shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, chariot fighter of the Lady of the House of the Crown Prince.

Witness NN, son of ...unu.

Witness NN, son of Mari'.

Witness NN, son of Ahu'a-eriba.

Witness NN, ... of Hatayate. Witness NN, .


shall place two minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Mullissu, and shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur residing in Esharra. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, chariot fighter of the lady of the house of the crown prince.

Witness NN, son of ...unu.

Witness NN, son of Mari'.

Witness NN, son of Ahu'a-eriba.

Witness NN, ... of Hatayate.

P335283: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_suhur_] su-qa#-[qi x x x x]

[É x _ansze_] 2(ban2) _gisz-sar_ [x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma _mi_-[x x x x] _lu_-szA-kin-te sza _uru#_-[_murub4_—_uru_] _ta igi_ (m)lu-te-x#+[x x x] ina _sza 05_(*) _ma-na 10 gin#_-[_mesz kug-ud_]

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur# [ta-din] É szu-a-tu za-ri(?)#-[ip laq-qi]

AI Translation

adjoining the street .

An estate of x hectares 2 decares of orchard .

NN, the prefect of the Citadel, has contracted and bought it from Lute... for 5 minas and 10 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


adjoining an alley ....

An estate of x hectares and 2 decares, a garden ... —

NN, the harem manageress of the central city harem, has contracted and bought it from Lu-te... for 5 minas and 10 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That estate is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu] szA _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)lu#-[te-x x x] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu [_dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu] sza _ta mi_-[x x x x de-nu] _dug4_-[_dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni]

10 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud 05 ma-na kug-gi_] ina bur#-[ki (d)x x x _gar_]

AI Translation

Whoever breaks the contract, whether Lute... or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN,

shall place 10 minas of silver and 5 minas of gold in the lap of DN residing in .


Whoever breaks the contract, whether Lu-te..., whether his sons, whether his grandsons, whether his brothers, whether his nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN,

shall place 10 minas silver and 5 minas of gold in the lap of DN ...



_iti-gud ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu# [(m)x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_(*)—[x x x x]

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Arbailayu, .

Witness Shamash-.


Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Arbailayu, ....

Witness Shamash-....

P335284: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ [(m)x x x x x]

_na4#-kiszib_ (m)(d)[x x x] _dumu_ (m)(d)_szu_—_ti-la_(*)# [x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab lu_-[x x x x]

_pab 03 lu_-_mesz_-e _en_ É _sum#_-[ni]

É ep-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu a-di _gisz-ig_-_mesz_-szu ina _uru-nina_ É—a-kul-li É—_ki-na_ É—_tu5_ É—qur-szu É-ub-sa-a-te É _an-ta 04 gisz-ig_-_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi

_suhur_ É (m)A-i _suhur_ (m)hu(*)-s,ur-a-a _suhur_ (m)mar-duk _suhur_ (m)(d)_szu_—_ti-la_

[x x] É(?) _pab_(?)# sza la il-ki

[x x x x]-ra(?)#-si u-pisz-ma [(m)x x x x x] ina _sza 02 ma-na 30 gin kug-ud_

[il]-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din É# szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi [tu]-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz [ina] ma-te-ma i-za-qup-an-ni

AI Translation

Seal of NN,

Seal of NN, son of Marduk-uballit, .

Seal of Ashur-sharru-ushur, .

in all 3 men, owners of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors in Nineveh, a kiln, a bedroom, a bedroom, a qurshu-house, and a storehouse, a lower room with four doors therein:

an estate of Aplaya, an estate of Hushurayu, an estate of Marduk, and an estate of Marduk-uballit;

... house, in all without labour-duty;

NN has contracted and bought for 2 minas and 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Seal of ....

Seal of NN, son of Marduk-uballit, ....

Seal of Ashur-sharru-ushur, ....

In all 3 men, owners of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors in Nineveh, a tool shed, a bedroom, a bathroom, a wedding pavilion, a storehouse, an upper story with 4 doors therein,

adjoining the house of Aplî, adjoining Hushurayu, adjoining Marduk, adjoining Marduk-uballit,

... a house — all without labour-duty ... —

NN has contracted and bought for 2 minas and 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or ... or any relative of theirs, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,



[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _a-ba igi_ (m)rém-ut—_dingir igi_ (m)_dingir#_-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_kam#_-esz _a-ba iti-ne ud 13_ lim-me

AI Translation

Witness NN, scribe. Witness Remut-ili. Witness Ilu-.

Witness ...-eresh, scribe. Month Ab V, 13th day, eponym year of NN.


Witness NN, scribe. Witness Remut-ili. Witness Ilu-....

Witness ...-eresh, scribe. Month Ab V, 13th day, eponym year of Ashur-garua-nere.

P335285: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É ep-szu a-di] _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu

[a-di _gisz-ig_-_mesz_]-szu# É dan-nu

[x x x x] É—_tu5_ ina _sza_-bi

[x x x x x x]+x# É—_szu-2_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x] ina _sza_-bi

[x x x x x x] É—_szu-2_(*)-_mesz#_

[x x x x x x] sza# (m)x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

A built house with its beams,

with its doors, a strong house,

... a house in it

...... the storehouses

...... there

...... the storehouses

...... of NN


A built house with its beams,

with its doors, main house,

..., a bathroom therein

..., workroom

... therein

..., workroom

... of NN

P335286: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ab-[x x x]

_na4-kiszib mi_-a-x#+[x x x]

_en_ É—_szu-2_-[_mesz_ ta-da-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Ab...,

seal of A...,

owner of the house being sold.


Seal of Ab...,

seal of A...,

owner of the workroom being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x]-la-a [x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—na-tan _lu_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _lu_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ku-ti-i _lu_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_im-04_-i _lu_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)su-si-i

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_

AI Translation

Witness ...layu, .

Witness Bel-natan, .

Witness Ululayu, .

Witness Kutî, .

Witness Adad-na'id, .

Witness Susî.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-eriba.


Witness ...lâ, ....

Witness Bel-natan, ....

Witness Ululayu, ....

Witness Kutî, ....

Witness Amurrî, ....

Witness Susî.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-eriba.



_igi_ (m)ak-kul-la-nu _lu_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_sanga_—15

_igi_ (m)o(*)

AI Translation

Witness Akkullanu, .

Witness Sangû-Issar.



Witness Akkullanu, ....

Witness Sangû-Issar.

Witness .



[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_en_(?)—_kur_(?)]-u-a

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Bel-shadû'a.


Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Bel-shadu'a.

P335287: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_na4-kiszib_ (m)_zalag_—(d)szA-masz _en_ É _sum_-ni

É ep-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu(*)# a-di _gisz-ig_-_mesz_-szu ina _uru-nina#_

_suhur_ É (m)_pab_—gi-di [o]

_suhur_ É (m)ha-zu-gu [o]

_suhur_ É (m)mu-sze-zib—_dingir_-[x]

_suhur_ É (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_

_suhur_ e-nu É sza(*) bu [x x x]

it-ta-s,a(?) me-ti-ni# [x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nur-Shamash, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams and doors in Nineveh,

adjoining the house of Ahu-gidi,

adjoining the house of Hazagu,

adjoining the house of Mushezib-ilu-...,

adjoining the house of Ubru-Nabû,

adjoining the house of .

he took away .


Seal of Nur-Shamash, owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams, with its doors, in Nineveh

adjoining the house of Ahi-gidi,

adjoining the house of Hazugu,

adjoining the house of Mushezib-DN,

adjoining the house of Ubru-Nabû,

adjoining the spring. The house of ....


P335288: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)szam-mu—_ti-la lu_(v)-_sag en_ É _sum_-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Shammu-uballit, eunuch, owner of the house being sold.


Seal of Shammu-balati, eunuch, owner of the house being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]+x# _lu-i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)]i-di-i _dam-qar_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_ti-la_—_pab a_ (m)asz-szur—_zi#_—_ag_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_man_(*)—_du gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)_nu_—_man_—E :

AI Translation

Witness NN, porter.

Witness Addî, merchant.

Witness Nusku-balassu-ushur, son of Ashur-napshati-ushur.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ibni, cohort commander.

Witness Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, ditto.


Witness ..., porter.

Witness Addî, merchant.

Witness Nusku-balassu-ushur, son of Ashur-kettu-iram.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ibni, cohort commander.

Witness Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, ditto.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-sag_

_igi_ (m)o(*)

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, eunuch.



Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, eunuch.

Witness .

P335289: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_suhusz_-i _dumu_ (m)ha-la-id-di _en_ É ta-da-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Ubru-Nabû, son of Haladdi, owner of the house being sold.


Seal of Ubrî, son of Halaiddi, owner of the house being sold.



_igi_ (m)hi-ri-s,a-a-[a] _lu_-[_i-du8_]

_igi_ (m)_zu_-te(*)—_dingir lu_-da#-[a-a]-li#

_igi_ (m)aq-da-Asz—_dingir lu-bappir_

_igi_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_ : :

_igi_ (m)_zalag_—(d)_utu lu-simug-kug-gi_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—rém-a-ni _lu_(v)-03-szu 02-u A—_man_

AI Translation

Witness Hirishayu, porter.

Witness Marduk-ilu, scout.

Witness Aqdash-ilu, brewer.

Witness Abi-ul-le'i, ditto ditto.

Witness Nur-Shamash, goldsmith.

Witness Ashur-remanni, 'third man' of the crown prince.


Witness Hirishayu, porter.

Witness Lite-ili, dayyalu.

Witness Agdash-ili, brewer.

Witness Abi-ul-idi, ditto ditto.

Witness Nur-Shamash, goldsmith.

Witness Ashur-remanni, deputy 'third man' of the crown prince.



_igi_ (m)_dingir_—ia-di-nu _gal_—ki-s,ir :

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kad_-a-ni _lu-dib_—_kusz_-o(*)-_mesz_ :

22 _gid-da 18_(*) _dagal_

AI Translation

Witness Il-yadinu, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness Nabû-kashir, chariot driver ditto.

22 long, 18 wide;


Witness Il-iadini, cohort commander, ditto.

Witness Nabû-kushuranni, chariot driver, ditto.

22 long, 18 wide.



_iti-gan ud 28_-[_kam_ x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Month Kislev IX, 28th day, eponym year of NN.


Month Kislev IX, 28th day, eponym year of ....

P335290: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


01 _ansze#_ [x x x x x x]

ina _uru_-ni-[nu-a x x x x]

_suhur_ É (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab suhur_ su-qa-qi u-pisz-ma

(m)a-du-nu—dal-a _ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te _ha-la_ É _ad_-szu-nu ina _sza 12 ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e

szA _lugal ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din É szu-a-tu za-rip

AI Translation

1 hectare .

in Nineveh .

an estate of Nabû-shumu-ushur adjoining the street —

Adunu-dalâ has contracted and bought them from these men, the share of their father's house, for 12 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


1 hectare of land ...

in Nineveh ...

adjoining the house of Nabû-shumu-ushur, adjoining an alley —

Adunu-dalâ, has contracted and bought it from these men — the share of their father's estate — for 12 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That house is purchased and acquired.

P335291: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x ku]-tal É sza (m)_dingir_—_pab_

[x x x x x x ku]-tal É (m)_pab_—nu-ri

AI Translation

... behind the house of Ilu-ushur

...... behind the house of Ahu-nuri


... at the back of the house of Ilu-ishshur,

... at the back of the house of house Ahi-nuri,



[x x x x x x x x]-hi(?) _gisz-sar_

[x x x x x x x x] (m)a-di-i

[x x x x x x x x] _uru_-ma-ga-ni-s,i

AI Translation

...... garden

...... Addî

...... Maganishi


...... orchard

...... Addî,

...... Maganishi

P335292: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] qa(*)-an-ni(*) [x x x]

[x x x] (m)(d)_szu_—_en_—_pab lu_(v)#-[x x]

[x x is]-sa-hi-isz e-ru-szu(*)# [x x x x]

[gab]-di É (m)lu-qu [x x x x]

[gab]-di É (m)(d)_szu_—_en_—[_pab_]

[gab]-di É (m)(d)za-ba4-[ba4—x x]

[gab]-di É (m)_en_—_man_—[_pab_]

[u-pisz-ma (m)]ka#-ku-la-[nu x x]

AI Translation

... inside ...

... Marduk-belu-ushur, .

... entered with him .

adjoining the house of Luqu ...,

adjoining the house of Marduk-belu-ushur,

adjoining the house of Zababa-...,

adjoining the house of Bel-sharru-ushur,

Kakkullanu ... has contracted and bought them for .


... outside ...

... Marduk-belu-ushur, ...

... together they shall cultivate ...

adjoining the estate of Luqu, ...

adjoining the estate of Marduk-belu-ushur,

adjoining the estate of Zababa-...,

adjoining the estate of Bel-sharru-ushur —

Kakkullanu has contracted ...

P335293: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_dingir_-[x x x x] A (m)10(?)-[x x x]

:- (m)a-di-i A (m)[x x x x x]

:- (m)(d)_pa_—szA-lit, A (m)[x x x x x]

_en_ É sza a-kul-li [_sum_-ni]

É sza _gisz_-a-kul-li ina _nina-ki pu_ ina _sza_-bi 43 ina 01 _kusz gid-da_

25 ina 01 _kusz dagal_-szu gab-di É (m)kul-ku-la-nu _gal_—ki-s,ir

gab-di É (m)_dingir_—ma-na-ni _lu_(v)-_gigir_

gab-di _sila_ gab-di _sila_-ma

u-pisz-ma (m)ku-ku-la-nu ina _sza_-bi 03 _ma-na 30 gin kug-ud_

_ti_ kas-pu ga-mur ta-din É sza _gisz_-a-kul-li szu-[a-tu] zar4-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu]

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina mat-e-[ma] e-za-qu-pa-ni e-_gil#_-[u-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Ilu-..., son of Adad-.

ditto Adî, son of NN, .

ditto Nabû-shallit, son of NN, .

owner of the house being sold.

An estate of a wooden grove in Nineveh, a well in its environs: 43 cubits long;

25 cubits wide adjoining the house of Kullullanu, cohort commander.

adjoining the house of Il-manani, horse trainer,

adjoining a street, adjoining a street,

Kukkullanu has contracted and bought for 3 minas and 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That house and that akullu-tree are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract,


Seal of Ilu-..., son of Adad-...,

ditto of Addî, son of NN,

ditto of Nabû-shalit, son of NN,

owner of the outbuilding being sold.

An outbuilding in Nineveh, a well within, 43 cubits is the length, 25 cubits its width,

adjoining the house of Kakkullanu, cohort commander,

adjoining house Il-mananî, horse trainer,

adjoining a street, adjoining another street —

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought it for 3 minas and 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That outbuilding is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu and his sons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug_-[_gi_] ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-[bat] _nina-ki gar_-an kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_-te# ana _en_-szu _gur_ ina de-e(*)-ni-[szu] _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz_ qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_-su—iq-bi :-

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—ki-la-a-ni :-

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_masz_ :-

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—rém-a-ni qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri :-

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-tu—_pab_ :-

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_pa a-zu_

_igi_ (m)hi-ri-s,a-a-a

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_pa igi_ (m)_en_—I

_iti-ne ud 22_-[_kam_] lim-mu (m)_nu_—_man_—_e#_

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, ditto.

Witness Ashur-killanni, ditto.

Witness Nergal-ashared, ditto.

Witness Shamash-remanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari, ditto.

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur, ditto.

Witness Urdu-Nabû, physician.

Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Urdu-Nabû. Witness Bel-na'id.

Month Ab V, 22nd day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, ditto.

Witness Ashur-killanni, ditto.

Witness Nergal-ashared, ditto.

Witness Shamash-remanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari, ditto.

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur, ditto.

Witness Urdu-Nabû, physician.

Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Urdu-Nabû. Witness Bel-na'id.

Month Ab V, 22nd day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi.



_igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)id-di-i _lu_(v)#-[_dam-qar_]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-ahhe, .

Witness Iddî, merchant.


Witness Bel-ahhe, ....

Witness Addî, merchant.



_igi_ (m)30—_pab_—_asz# a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Sin-ahu-iddina, scribe.


Witness Sin-ahu-iddina, scribe.

P335294: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u#-pur [(m)_suhusz_—a-la-a-a] _en_ [kaq-qi-ri pu-s,e-e _sum_-ni]

kaq-qi-ri pu-[s,e-e _suhur_(?) (m)]_masz_(*)#-i _gisz-sar_ É 01 _ansze 6_(ban2) _a-sza_ ina _uru_-É—da-[gan] _suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _suhur_ (m)qur-di—15 _suhur_ hi-ri-te sza _uru_-a-di-an _suhur_ (m)_en_—tak-lak

u-pisz-ma (m)ga-zi-lu ina _sza_-bi 80 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ i-zi-rip

i-si-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _a-sza-ga_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi tu-a-ru# de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-szu

man-nu szA ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa#-ni lu-u (m)_suhusz_—a-la-a-a lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_(*)-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu _ta_(*)# (m)ga-zi-lu _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu#

AI Translation

Fingernail of Ubru-Allaya, owner of the vacant lot being sold.

an estate of 1 hectare 6 decares of land in Bit-Dagan, adjoining the garden of Arbailayu, Qurdi-Issar, the alley of Adian, Bel-taklak,

Gazilu has contracted and bought for 80 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Ubru-Allaya or his sons or his brother or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Gazilu and his sons,


Fingernail of Ubru-Allaya, owner of the vacant lot being sold.

A vacant lot adjoining Nurtî, a garden, an estate of 1 hectare 6 decares of land in the town of Bit-Dagan, adjoining the garden of Arbailayu, the estate of Qurdi-Issar, the canal of Adian, and the estate of Bel-taklak —

Gazilu has contracted, purchased and acquired it for 80 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Ubru-Allaya or his sons or brothers or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Gazilu and his sons, shall pay 10 minas of silver and 5 minas of gold to Ninurta residing in Calah.



02 _ansze-kur-ra babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir#_-[2 (d)asz-szur] i-ra-kas 04 _ansze_-har-ba(*)#-[kan-ni] ina _gir-2_ (d)_masz-masz_ u-sze-[rab bi-lat] _an-na_ a-na _lu_(v)-szak-nu# [_uru_-szu _sum_-an] kas-pu a-na 01 me-ni(*) a#-[na _en_-szu] u-tar ina de-ni-szu _dug4#_-[_dug4_-ma la _ti_]

_igi_ (m)I—_dingir lu_(v)(*)#-[x x x _igi_ (m)x x x]—_masz_(*)

_igi_ (m)_arad_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu [_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#

_pab 04 igi_-_mesz uru#_-[masz-ka]-ri(*)-ta(*)#-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_du#_ o(*) (m)(d)_im_—_mu_—_pab#_

_igi_ (m)pu-u#-[lu _igi_ (m)](d(*))#szA-masz—x#-da-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_kaskal_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_sanga_(*)#—(d)15 _lu_(v)-_a-ba#_

_iti-kin# ud 15_-_kam#_ lim-mu (m)szA—asz-szur—[du-bu]

AI Translation

shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring 4 harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall pay the tribute of the sky to the prefect of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Na'di-ilu, .... Witness ...-ashared.

Witness Urdu-ahheshu. Witness NN.

in all 4 witnesses from Mashkaritu.

Witness Nergal-ibni. Witness Adad-shumu-ushur.

Witness Pulu. Witness Shamash-...dâ.

Witness Bel-Harran-.

Witness Sangû-Issar, scribe.

Month Elul VI, 15th day, eponym year of Sha-Ashur-dubbu.


He shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall bring 4 harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall pay 1 talent of tin to the prefect of his city, and shall return the money a hundredfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Na'di-ilu, .... Witness ...-ashared.

Witness Urda-ahheshu. Witness NN.

A total of 4 witnesses from Mashkarit.

Witness Nergal-ibni. Witness Adad-shumu-ushur.

Witness Pulu. Witness Shamash-...dâ.

Witness Bel-Harran-....

Witness Sangu-Issar, scribe.

Month Elul VI, 15th day, eponym year of Sha-Ashur-dubbu.



04 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-szu i-ti-szi

AI Translation

4 minas of copper for his fingernail have been taken.


He has collected 4 minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335295: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)sza—_dingir_—ta(*)-za-az(*)# A (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_ É kaq-qir pu-s,e-e _sum_-an-ni

kaq-qir 05 ina 01 _kusz gid-da 05_(*)# ina(*) 01 _kusz dagal_ gab-di É (m)mu-sze-zib—(d)_pa_ gab-di É (m)(d)_pa_—A—_man_—_pab_ gab-di _bad_ gab-di É (m)da-di-i

u-pisz-ma (m)mu-sze-zib—(d)_pa_

AI Translation

Seal of Sha-ilu-tazaz, son of Nabû-nadin-ahhe, owner of the vacant lot being sold.

A plot of 5 cubits long and 5 cubits wide adjoining the house of Mushezib-Nabû, the house of Nabû-aplu-sharru-ushur, the wall, the house of Dadî,

Mushezib-Nabû has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.


Seal of Sha-ili-tazzaz, son of Nabû-nadin-ahhe, owner of the vacant lot being sold.

A lot, 5 cubits long and 5 cubits wide adjoining the house of Mushezib-Nabû, adjoining the house of Nabû-mar-sharri-ushur, adjoining a wall, and adjoining the house of Dadî —

Mushezib-Nabû has contracted and bought it for .......



il-qi(*) [kas-pu gam-mur] ta#-din [x x x x] [szu-a]-tu(*) pat(*)-[(x) x]+x#

[x x x x x] lim-me (m)(d(?))#[za(?)]-ba4(?)-ba4#—_su_

[_igi_ (m)]_nu_—_pab_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)]_en_—_ad_-u-a

[_igi_ (m)x]-x#-ru

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-ki(?)-ri(?) _lu-ninda#_

[_igi_ (m)]x-za(*)-qip(*)

_igi_ (m)_pab_(*)—eri(*)#-ba

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_igi-lal_

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Zababa-eriba.

Witness Shalmu-ahhe.

Witness Bel-abu'a.


Witness ...kiri, baker.

Witness ...zaqip.

Witness Ahu-eriba.

Witness Ahu-lamur.


The money is paid completely. That vacant lot is purchased and acquired.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Zababa-eriba.

Witness Shalmu-ahhe.

Witness Bel-abu'a.


Witness ...kiri, baker.

Witness ...-zaqip.

Witness Ahu-eriba.

Witness Ahu-lamur.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_—_e igi_ (m)_dingir_—sze-zib

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi. Witness Ilu-shezib.


Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi. Witness Ilu-shezib.

P335296: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_pab_-[x x x] A (m)hur-ru-s,u# [x x x(*)] _ta_(v) _sza_-bi _uru_-[x x x x] _en_ kaq-qi-ri pu-s,e#-e ta-da-a-ni

kaq-qir-ri pu-s,e-e ina _uru#_-[x x x x]

[x ina 01 _kusz_] _gid-da 26_ ina [01 _kusz dagal_] [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Ahu-..., son of Hurrussu, ... from the town of ..., owner of the vacant lot being sold.

vacant lot in the town .

... cubits long, 26 cubits wide .


Seal of Ahu-..., son of Hurrushu, ... from the town of ......, owner of the vacant lot being sold.

vacant lot in ...

x cubits long, 26 cubits wide



_gar_(*)-an(*)# kas-pu a-na 10-_me_(*)-te(*)# [a-na _en_-szu] _gur_-ra ina la de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)ra-hi-mu—U(*)-U(*) _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz#_ [x]

_igi_ (m)_man#_—[_igi_]-_lal#_-a-ni _lu_(v)-03-si :(*) :(*)

_igi_ [(m)x x x]-ram(*)#-ma _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-03-si :

[_igi_ (m)na]-di-nu _igi_ (m)man—_numun_(*) sza—_gir-2 a_—_man_(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x]-lu—(d)15 _igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)kak(?)]-kul#-la-ni [x x x]

AI Translation

shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Rahimu-Daddi, chariot driver .

Witness Sharru-emuranni, 'third man' ditto ditto.

Witness ...ramma, cohort commander.

Witness NN, 'third man' ditto.

Witness Nadinu. Witness Sharru-zeru, sha shepi guard of the crown prince.

Witness Witness NN.

Witness Kakkullanu, .


He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his 'no-lawsuit' and not succeed.

Witness Rahim-Dadi, chariot driver ...

Witness Sharru-emuranni, 'third man' ditto ditto.

Witness ...ramma, cohort commander.

Witness NN, 'third man' ditto.

Witness Nadinu. Witness Manzarnê, sha shepi guard of the crown prince.

Witness Witness NN.

Witness Kakkullanu, ....



[x x x] x x [x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]ba(*)#-da(*)-a _pab uru_-di-qu-qi-[na]

[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu] (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—_di_—_pab_-_mesz a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Badâ, all from Diquqina.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-shallim-ahhe, scribe.



Witness Badaya, all from Diquqina.

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-shallim-ahhe, scribe.

P335297: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um# _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur#-[szu isz-kun]

s,u-pur (m)(d)_ag_—sze-zib-a-ni [x x(*)]

kaq-qi-ri pu-s,e-e# ina ku-tal-li sza _uru_-arba-il# _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)t,u-ki-i(*)# [o] [_suhur a_]-_sza#_ (m)(d)_ag_(*)#—[x x x]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Nabû-shezibanni, .

A vacant lot in the rear of Arbela, adjoining the field of Tukî and the field of Nabû-...,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Nabû-shezibanni, ....

A vacant lot behind the city of Arbela, adjoining the field of Tukî and the field of Nabû-...



_igi_(*)# [x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_ad_—_pab lu#-a_-[_ba_]

s,a-bit _im iti_-[x _ud_ x-_kam_]

AI Translation

Witness .......

Witness Sin-abu-ushur, scribe.

Receiver of the tablet. Month ..., day.


Witness .......

Witness Sin-abu-ushur, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Sennacherib.

P335298: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x ina] 01 _kusz gid-da_ [x ina 01 _kusz dagal_] [_suhur_] (m(*))qi-li-i _suhur_ É(*)# [(m)x x x]

[_suhur_ (m)](d)15—_sum_-na—_pab_-_mesz_ mi-szil _gisz-sar#_ [sza(*)] U(*)#-_sar suhur_ (m)u-qur—(d)_im_

[_suhur_] (m(*))#ma-hi-te-e _pab_-ma o(*) _a#-sza_ kaq-qi-ri pu-s,e-e mi-szil _gisz-sar_ ina _uru_-me-ra

AI Translation

... cubits long, x cubits wide, adjoining Qilî, adjoining the house of NN,

an estate of a half of a vegetable garden adjoining Uqur-Adad, adjoining the field of Issar-nadin-ahhe,

Total, a field, a vacant lot, half a garden in Mera.


... x cubits long, x cubits wide, adjoining Qilî, adjoining the house of NN, adjoining Issar-nadin-ahhe.

Half of a vegetable garden adjoining Uqur-Adad, adjoining Mahitê.

In all a field, a vacant lot, and half a garden in Mera belonging to Ashur-belu-da'an, son of Nabû-ushalla, horse trainer of the open chariotry —



u-pisz# o(*) (m)_ud_-20-_kam_-a-a _gisz-gigir_—_gir-2_ [ina _sza_]-bi 32 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ [_ta igi_] (m)asz-szur—_en_—_kalag_-an

[il-qi kas]-pu ga-mur ta-din-ni [_a-sza_] kaq-qi-ri pu-s,e-e mi-szil _gisz-sar_ [szu]-a-te za-Ar-pu la-qi-u [tu]-a-ru de-nu [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu] sza ina ur-kisz [ina ma-te-ma] _gil_(*)#-u-ni lu-u (m)[asz-szur—_en_—_kalag_-an] [lu]-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x]

AI Translation

Eriba-eresh, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for 32 shekels of silver from Ashur-belu-da''in.

The money is paid completely. That field, vacant lot, half of that garden are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Ashur-belu-da''in or his sons .


Eshrayu, horse trainer of the sha shepe guard, has contracted and bought them for 32 shekels of silver from Ashur-belu-da'an.

The money is paid completely. That field, vacant lot, half a garden are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Ashur-belu-da'an or his sons ...,



01 _gin kug-ud_

AI Translation

1 shekel of silver


One shekel of silver for his seal.

P335299: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)zi-ba-a-a

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_pab_—_asz_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_apin_-esz

_pab 03 lu_-_mesz_-e _en_ kaq-qi-ri pu-[s,e]-e ta-_sum_-ni

[kaq]-qi#-ri pu-s,e-e

[x ina] 01 _kusz gid-da_

[x ina 01 _kusz_] _dagal_ gab-di#

[x x x x] _sum_ [x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Zibayu.

Seal of Bel-ahu-iddina.

Seal of Bel-eresh,

In all 3 men, owners of the vacant lot being sold.

vacant lot

x cubits long,

x cubits wide, adjoining

...... given .


Seal of Zibaya,

seal of Bel-ahu-iddina,

seal of Bel-eresh,

in all 3 men, owners of the vacant plot being sold.

A vacant lot

... cubits long

... cubits wide

adjoining ......



_igi#_ (m)ba-[x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ta-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_-_mesz_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)ur-du [x x]

_igi_ (m)_i-gal_—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni#

_igi_ (m)_en_—_zu_

_igi_ (m)bi-la-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Ba....

Witness Ilu-.

Witness Ta....

Witness Ahhe-.

Witness Urdu, .

Witness Ibashi-ilani.

Witness Bel-le'i.

Witness Bilayu.


Witness Ba....

Witness Ilu-....

Witness Ta....

Witness Ahhe-....

Witness Urdu, ....

Witness Ibashi-ilani.

Witness Bel-le'i.

Witness Bilaya.



_igi_ (m)tak-lak—ana—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)tak-lak—ana—asz-szur

AI Translation

Witness Taklak-ana-ili.

Witness Taklak-ana-Ashur.


Witness Taklak-ana-il.

Witness Taklak-ana-Ashur.

P335300: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4-kiszib_ (m)re-mut-ti—_dingir_] _dumu_ (m)ha-ri—x#+[x x _en_ kaq-qi-ri] pu-s,e-e _sum_-[ni]

[kaq]-qi-ri pu-s,e-e ina _uru_-na-s,ib-na#

u-pisz-ma (m)rém(?)-ut(?)—(d)_u-gur lu-sag_ szA _mi_-szA-kin-te [ina] _sza 08 ma-na urudu_-_mesz ta igi_ (m)re-mut—_dingir_ il-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din kaq-qir pu-s,e-e szu-a-tum za-ar-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

ina ur-kisz ina im—ma-te-ma lu-u (m)rém-ti—_dingir_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu]-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_—_szesz_-_mesz_-[szu]

AI Translation

Seal of Remutti-il, son of Hari-..., owner of the vacant lot being sold.

A vacant lot in Nashibina —

Remrut-Nergal, eunuch of the governess, has contracted and bought them from Remut-ilu for 8 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That vacant lot is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

In the future, at any time, whether Remanni-ilu or his sons, brothers or nephews,


Seal of Remutti-il, son of Hari-..., owner of the vacant lot being sold.

A vacant lot in Nashibina —

Remut-Nergal, eunuch of the harem manageress, has contracted and bought for 8 minas of copper from Remut-ili.

The money is paid completely. That vacant lot is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Remutti-il, or his sons, or his brothers, or his nephews

P335301: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[u-pisz]-ma (m)bar(*)-[di]-i# [_ta_(v)] _igi_ (m)_en_—_man#_—_pab_ ina# [_sza_]-bi 05 1/2 _ma-na kug#-ud_ ina 01(*) _ma_(*)-_na_(*) sza _man_

il-qi kas-pu gam-[mur] ta-din É kaq-qi-ri pu-s,e-e szu-a-tu zar-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma lu (m)_en_—_man_—_pab_ lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu _pab_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

Bardî has contracted and bought them from Bel-sharru-ushur for 5 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That vacant lot is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Bel-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Adad, his sons and his grandsons, shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Bardî has contracted and bought it from Bel-sharru-ushur for 5 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That house and vacant lot are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Bel-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bardî, his sons and his grandsons,



01 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar uru-nina gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-szu# a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu u-ta-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_bappir_

_igi_ (m)ur-du _lu_(v)-_usz-bar_

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—rém-a-ni :

[_igi_ (m)]ra#-ma-nu-u _lu-dam-qar uru_-kisz-qa-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a-a : : o(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#—_numun_ : _igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]+x# _mi_-É-_gal_

AI Translation

shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, brewer.

Witness Urdu, weaver.

Witness Shamash-remanni, ditto.

Witness Rammanû, merchant from Kishqa.

Witness ...ayu, ditto ditto.

Witness ...-zeri, ditto. Witness NN, ... of the queen.


shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, brewer.

Witness Urdu, weaver.

Witness Shamash-remanni, ditto.

Witness Ramanû, merchant from Kishqu.

Witness ...ayu, ditto ditto.

Witness ...-zeri, ditto. Witness NN, ... of the queen.

P335302: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)_en_—_szu_—_gur_(!) szA x x _kiszib_(*)# (m)_pab_—la-mur _lu_(v)-mu#-kil—_gud_-_mesz_ sza É-_gal en_ kaq#-qir pu-s,e _sum_-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-qati-tere of ..., seal of Ahu-lamur, ox stallions of the palace, owner of the vacant lot being sold.


Seal of Bel-gimillu-tere, ..., seal of Ahu-lamur, ox fattener of the palace, owner of the vacant lot being sold.



[x x x x ina] de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] la _ti_

_igi#_ (m)_gir-2_(*)—_man_

_igi_ (m)sa-gi-ru _gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab gal_—ki-s,ir _dumu_ (m)_pab_—ba-as-te

_igi_ (m)ag-ru _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa#_—_ti_—E

AI Translation

... shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shep-sharri.

Witness Sagiru, cohort commander.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, cohort commander, son of Ahu-bate.

Witness Agru, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shep-sharri.

Witness Sagiru, cohort commander.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, cohort commander, son of Ahi-bashte.

Witness Agru, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi.



_igi_ (m)bal-t,a-a o(*) _gal_—50

_igi#_ [(m)]_arad_—na-na-a o(*) _a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Baltayu, commander-of-50.

Witness Urdu-Nanâ, scribe.


Witness Baltaya, commander-of-fifty.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya, scribe.



[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-me (m)]_man#_—_usz_—_ti#_

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Sharru-nadin-shallim.


Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Sharru-metu-ballit, ......

P335303: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)bal#-t,a-a-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba_(*)# _en gisz-sar_ sza _gisz_-til-lit-[ti(*)] _sum_-ni

_gisz-sar_ sza _gisz_-til-lit-ti(*) ina _uru_-kip-szu-na _suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)_pab_—_du#_-ka _suhur id_ :- sza (m)ur-ba-a-a# _suhur suhusz_(?)# bur-ti(*)

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)man-nu—ki-i—arba#-il _ta_(v)# _igi_ (m)bal-t,a-a-a [ina] _sza 04 ma#-na kug-ud_ sza# _uru_-gar-ga-mis

il#-qi kas-pu gam-mur _sum_(*)#-ni _gisz-sar#_ szu-a-tu#

AI Translation

Seal of Baltaya, scribe, owner of the vineyard being sold.

A vineyard in Kipshuna, adjoining the vineyard of Ahu-ibnakka, the ditto of Urbayu, and the foundations of the threshing floor —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought them from Baltaya for 4 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Baltaya, scribe, owner of the vineyard being sold.

A vineyard in the city of Kipshuna adjoining the garden of Ahu-illika, the canal of ditto of Urbayu, and the foundation of a well —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Baltaya for 4 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That vineyard is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu szA] ina# [ur]-kisz [ina ma]-te#-ma i-za#-qu-pa-ni _gil#_-u-ni 12 _ma-na kug-ud_ [x _ma_]-_na# kug-gi_ a-na (d)15 [a-szi-bat] _uru_-ni-nu#-a _sum_-an [kas-pu] a-na 10-_mesz#_-[te] a#-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ [ina de-ni]-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

_iti-szu ud 18_-_kam_ lim-me (m)da-na#-nu sza _uru_-man-s,u-a#-te

_igi_ (m)(d)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a#

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir-an-ni

_igi_ (m)sa-me-e'

_igi#_ (m)u-su-na-a

_igi#_ (m)la-ap-sa-re-e

_igi#_ (m)da-ia(*)-a o(*)

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall pay 12 minas of silver and x minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Tammuz IV, 18th day, eponym year of Dananu of Manshuate.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.

Witness Nabû-etiranni.

Witness Same'.

Witness Usunâ.

Witness: Lapsarê.

Witness Dayâ.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall pay 12 minas of silver and x minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Tammuz IV, 18th day, eponym year of Dananu of Manshuati.

Witness Ashur-ila'i.

Witness Nabû-etiranni.

Witness Same'.

Witness Usunâ.

Witness Lapsarê.

Witness Dayâ.



_igi_ (m)a#-si-nu-u

AI Translation

Witness Asinû.


Witness Asinû.



[ina tar-s,i (m)asz-szur]—_pab_—_asz man kur_—asz-szur _gisz-sar_ laq-qi#

AI Translation

In the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, I cultivated a vineyard.


The vineyard was purchased in the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

P335304: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]id-ri-ia _en gisz-sar sum_-ni

_gisz-sar_ zaq-pu szA _gisz_-til-lit ina _uru_-ur-ul-li _suhur_ ad-ri _suhur_ qab-li _suhur kaskal_ szA ina _uru_-kip-szu-u-ni _du_-u-ni _suhur_ szA a-na mu-sze-bi-rit _du_-ni _suhur gisz-sar_ szA (m)(d)_im_—_du_-ni

u-pisz-ma (m)man-nu—ki-i—_uru_-arba-il _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ad-ra-ia ina _sza 31 gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

_ti_-qi kas-pu gam(*)-mur ta-ad-din _gisz-sar_ szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz a-na ma-te-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni lu-u (m)ad-ri-ia lu-u _dumu_-_mesz#_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu szA de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)man-nu—ki-i—_uru_-arba-il _dumu_-_mesz_-szu u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub#-ta-'u-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u [05(?)] _ma#-na kug-gi_ sak-ru

AI Translation

Seal of Idriya, owner of the garden being sold.

A vineyard in Urulli, adjoining a threshing floor, a courtyard, the road that goes to Kipshuni, the road that goes to the quay, and the garden of Adad-ibni —

Mannu-ki-Arbail, cohort commander, has contracted and bought it from Adraya for 31 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Adriya or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, his sons and grandsons, shall place 10 minas of refined silver and 5 minas of pure gold


Seal of Idraya, owner of the garden being sold.

A planted vineyard in the town of Urulli, adjoining a threshing floor, a grove, the road which goes to Kipshuna, one which leads to the ferry, and the garden of Adad-ibni —

Mannu-ki-Arbail, the cohort commander, has contracted and bought it from Idraya for 31 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That vineyard is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Idraya or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, his sons and his grandsons, shall place 10 minas of refined silver and 5 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz lu-sanga_

_igi_ (m)A-i _igi_ (m)du-sa-a

_igi_ (m)(d)szér—u#-a-ri _lu-gal_—szad(*)-dan-ni

_igi_ (m)_ud_-07-_kam_—_dingir_-a-a _arad_ sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)hal-di—_dingir_-a-a _lu-nu-gisz-sar_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_gisz_

_igi_ (m)ia-da-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-in-a-ni _lu-a-ba_

_iti-gud ud 28_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)da-na-nu ina tar-s,i (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_asz man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_

02 _ud_-mu-_mesz 02 mi_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, priest.

Witness Aplaya. Witness Dusâ.

Witness Sher-uari, chief tailor.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, servant of the crown prince.

Witness Haldi-ila'i, gardener.

Witness Ashur-shumu-leshir.

Witness Yadanu.

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 28th day, eponym year of Dananu, in the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

2 days, 2 women,


Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, priest.

Witness Aplî. Witness Dusâ.

Witness Sher-uari, coffer-master.

Witness Sebetti-ila'i, servant of the crown prince.

Witness Haldi-ila'i, gardener.

Witness Ashur-shumu-leshir.

Witness Yadanu.

Witness Nabû-taqqinanni, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 28th day, eponym year of Dananu, in the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

He can draw extra water for two days and two nights.

P335306: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)10—_pab_-ir _lu-a#_-[_ba_] A (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir _lu-a-ba_ sza É [(m)_an-szar_—_zu_] _en gisz-sar_ ta-da-a-ni#

_gisz-sar_(*)# ina _kur_-si-in-ga-ra# ina(*) É#—[(d)15] 02 lim 06(*) me ($x$) _gisz_-til-lit# [ina _sza_-bi]

É a-na gi-mir-ti#-[szu] _suhur# gisz-sar_-_mesz_ szA (m)[x x x x] [_suhur_] _gisz-sar_ sza(*) (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Adad-nashir, scribe, son of Nabû-nashir, scribe of the house of Ashur-le'i, owner of the garden being sold.

A vineyard in Singara, in the temple of Ishtar, 2,600 vines therein.

an estate in its entirety adjoining the gardens of NN and the garden of NN,


Seal of Adad-nashir, scribe, son of Nabû-nashir, scribe of the house of Ashur-le'i, owner of the vineyard being sold.

A vineyard in Singara, in the house of Ishtar, 2,600 vines within it;

an estate in its entirety adjoining the gardens of NN and the garden of NN



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x] x x# [x x x]

_igi_ [(m)da]-ri—_man lu_-[_gisz-gigir_—_du8_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—szal-lim _lu#_-[_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—mu-sze-zib _lu#_-[_gisz-gigir_—_du8_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_numun_—_du lu#_-[_a-ba_]

_iti-ne ud 03_-_kam_ [o]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN, .

Witness Dari-sharru, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Shamash-shallim, chariot driver.

Witness Ilu-mushezib, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

Month Ab V, 3rd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness ....

Witness ... ... ....

Witness Dari-sharru, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Shamash-shallim, chariot driver.

Witness Ilu-mushezib, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

Month Ab V, 3rd day, eponym year of Gir-Shapunu.

P335307: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)qu-u-a-a(*) _dumu_ [(m)]kU(*)#-[_ka_—x x] _uru_-tar-qa-na-a-a _en gisz_-[_sar sum_-ni]

_gisz#-sar_ sza til-lit-te(*) [x x] [ina(*) _sza_(*)] _uru#_-tu-ur-sa#-[na x x] [_suhur_] _gisz#-sar_ sza (m)[x x x] [_suhur gisz_]-_sar#_ sza (m)[x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Quaya, son of Kubabu-..., from Tarqana, owner of the garden being sold.

A vineyard ... in Tursana, adjoining the vineyard of NN, adjoining the vineyard of NN,


Seal of Quwayu son of Kubabu-... from Tarqana, owner of the vineyard being sold.

A vineyard ... in the city of Tursana ..., adjoining the vineyards of NN and NN



_igi#_ [x x x x _igi_] (m)tar-di-tu—_pab_(*)-_mesz_(*)#

_igi_ (m)[x x x _lu_]-mu#-kil—_pa_-_mesz igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab#_

_igi_ (m)(d)#[x x]—_su igi_ (m)ul-lu _lu_(v)-_i-du8_ [o]

_igi_ (m)qi-bit—asz-szur _igi_ (m)_dingir_—mu-_lal_

_iti-gud ud 25_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ sza _uru_-mar-qa-si

_gisz-sar_ sza gi-né-e sza asz-szur (d)_nin-lil_

szu-u _igi_ (m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-qe-pu _uru_-kar—(d)_utu_

_igi_ (m)_dumu-usz_-a-a A (m)mu-_di_—asz-szur :

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ka—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-ha-za-nu

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Tarditu-ahhe.

Witness NN, chariot driver. Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur.

Witness ...-eriba. Witness Ullu, porter.

Witness Qibit-Ashur. Witness Ilu-muballissu.

Month Iyyar II, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur of Marqasa.

A vineyard of Ashur and Mullissu.

Witness Riba-ahhe, delegate of Kar-Shamash.

Witness Aplaya, son of Mushallim-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ka-ahhe, mayor.


Witness .... Witness Tarditu-ahhe.

Witness NN, chariot driver. Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur.

Witness ...-eriba. Witness Ullu, porter.

Witness Qibit-Ashur. Witness Ilu-mutaqqin.

Month Iyyar II, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur of Marqasa.

It is a vineyard providing regular offerings to Ashur and Mullissu.

Witness Riba-ahhe, legate of Kar-Shamash.

Witness Aplaya son of Mushallim-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ka-ahhe, mayor of Tursana.



A-_mesz_ qa-ni(*)# [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

water near .


The water outside the vineyard .......

P335308: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)bi-bi-i _en_—_gisz-gigir en gisz-sar sum_-ni

_gisz-sar_ sza _u-sar_ ina _uru_-ni-nu-a ina _igi_ ti-tu-ri _sumun suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_gin_—du-gul _lu_(v)-A—_sig# suhur gisz-sar_ sza (d)_masz-masz suhur kaskal_—_man suhur id_ u-pisz-ma (m)man-nu—ki—arba-[il]

[ina _sza_ x _ma_]-_na kug#_-[_ud_] il#-[qi]

AI Translation

Seal of Bibî, chariot owner, owner of the garden being sold.

A vegetable garden in Nineveh, in front of the tu'ru-house, adjoining the garden of Nabû-kenu-dugul, the chariot fighter, the garden of Nergal, the royal road, and the river — Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver.

He shall pay x minas of silver.


Seal of Bibî, chariot fighter, owner of the garden being sold.

A vegetable garden in Nineveh facing the old bridge, and adjoining the garden of Nabû-kenu-dugul the chariot fighter, the garden of Nergal, the king's road, and the river —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver



ina de#-[ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_gin_(?)# [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)qur-di—(d)15(*)# [_lu-gal_—ki-s,ir]

_igi_ (m)gi-ni-ia _lu#_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)da-ni-i _lu#_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—_sum_—_mu lu-gal_—ki-s,ir#

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_kaskal lu_-: ((_gal_—ki-s,ir)) gi-mir-a-a

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_dingir_-a-a sza—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-Asz-me _lu_(v)-_mu_

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_be lu-sum-ninda_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)07-_bi lu-dam-qar_

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Ashur-shumu-ka''in, .

Witness Qurdi-Issar, cohort commander.

Witness Giniya, .

Witness Danî, .

Witness Adad-nadin-shumi, cohort commander.

Witness Ubru-Harran, ditto.

Witness Ahu-ila'i, sha shepi guard.

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook.

Witness Remanni-iddina, confectioner.

Witness Ubru-Sebetti, merchant.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-.......

Witness Ashur-shumu-ka''in, ....

Witness Qurdi-Issar, cohort commander.

Witness Ginniya, ....

Witness Danî, ....

Witness Adad-nadin-shumi, cohort commander.

Witness Ubru-Harran, Cimmerian ditto.

Witness Ahi-ila'i, sha shepi guard.

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook.

Witness Remanni-Illil, confectioner.

Witness Ubru-Sebetti, merchant.



[_iti_]-_dul ud 13_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ta_(v)—(d)_im_—a-ni-nu#

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 13th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.


Month Tishri VII, 13th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

P335309: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

s,u-pur (m)ba-tu-'a-a _en gisz-sar sum_-ni

_gisz#-sar_ sza _u-sar uru_-kal-gu-rig(*) [sza] (m)ba-tu-'a-a u-pisz-ma

[(m)x x]+x#-szi ina _sza_-bi 05 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

[x x (x) il-qi kas-pu gam]-mur o(*)

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Batu'a, owner of the garden being sold.

A vegetable garden in Kalguri belonging to Batu'a —

...shi has contracted and bought them for 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Batu'a, owner of the garden being sold.

A vegetable garden in Kalgurig, belonging to Batu'a —

...shi has contracted and bought it for 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.



[kas-pu ana] 10-_mesz_-te a(*)-na(*)# [_en_-szu _gur_] [ina de-ni]-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

_igi_ (m)szu-ma-a-a

_igi_ (m)ki(*)-ni-ih-ma-a

_igi_ (m)ha-ti-a-nu

ina _iti-ne ud 25_-_kam_

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shumaya.

Witness Kinihmâ.

Witness Hatianu.

Month Ab V, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shumaya.

Witness Kinihmâ.

Witness Hatianu.

Month Ab V, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-le'i.

P335310: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ze-e-[x x x] _lu-nu-gisz-sar arad lu_(*)#-[x x x] _en gisz-sar_-_mesz_ [_sum_-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Ze..., gardener, servant of ..., owner of the gardens being sold.


Seal of Ze..., gardener, servant of NN, owner of the gardens being sold.



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-szal-[lim—x x]

_igi_ (m)I—_dingir lu#_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)_numun_-ti-i# [_lu-gal_—ki-s,ir]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kur_(*)#-u-a _lu_-[x x x x]

_iti-barag ud 20_(?)-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Mushallim-.

Witness Na'di-ilu, .

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-shadû'a, .

Month Nisan I, 20th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness .......

Witness Mushallim-....

Witness Na'id-ilu, ....

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-shadû'a, ....

Month Nisan I, 20th day, eponym year of Shamash-kashid-ayabi of ....



_igi_ (m)_iti-kin#_-[a-a _lu-a-ba_]

AI Translation

Witness Ululayu, scribe.


Witness Ululayu, scribe.

P335311: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—u-bal#-lit,-su

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—up(*)-ni(*)#-ia

[_pab 02_] _lu_-_mesz_-e# [A (m)x x x]-_mesz_-szu

[_lu_]-_i-du8_ szA [x x x x x x] _uru#_ [_en_] _gisz-sar_ szA U(*)#-[_sar_ x x x x _sum_]-ni(*)#

AI Translation

Seal of Nergal-uballissu,

Seal of Nergal-upniya,

in all 2 men, sons of NN,

The gatekeeper of ...... the city, owner of the orchard and vegetable garden being sold.


Seal of Nergal-uballissu,

seal of Nergal-upni'a,

in all 2 men, sons of ......,

porter of ... of the city, owner of the vegetable garden and ... being sold.



[_igi_ (m)](d)#_pa_—sze-zib _lu_-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shezib, .


Witness Nabû-shezib, ....

P335312: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] (m)_dingir_-[x x x]

[x x x x] _igi_ (m)na-di-nu

_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu#_—[_dumu_-_mesz_-szu]

[x x x x] _dug4#-dug4_(*)

AI Translation

...... Ilu-...

...... Witness Nadinu.

his sons and his grandsons;

... litigation


... Ilu-...,

... before Nadinu,

his sons, his grandsons

... litigation

P335313: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] sza# _uru_-pa-da-ni

[(m)x x x]+x#-a-ni _lu-engar mi_-[szu]

[x x x _gisz-sar_] sza _gisz_-til-lit

AI Translation

...... of Padanu

...ani, farmer, his wife

... vineyard


... of the town of Paddanu

...ani, farmer, his wife

... vineyard

P335314: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ (m)qur-di#—15—la-mur

_na4-kiszib_ (m)I—asz-szur

_pab# 02 lu_-_mesz_-e _en gisz-sar sum_-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Qurdi-Issar-lamur,

Seal of Na'di-Ashur,

in all 2 men, owners of the garden being sold.


Seal of Qurdi-Issar-lamur,

seal of Na'id-Ashur,

in all 2 men, owners of the garden being sold.



[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_arad_ sza _lu_(v)(*)-_en_(*)#-[_nam_]

[_iti_-x] _ud 11_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_]—_man#_—_pab lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-mar-qa-si

[szA] _gisz-sar_ szu-a-tu _sze_-nu-sa-hi-szu la# i-na-su-hu il-ku(*)

AI Translation

NN, servant of the governor

Month ..., 11th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasa.

He shall not eat the corn of that garden, nor shall he drink the straw of it.


Witness NN, servant of the governor.

Month ..., 11th day, eponym year of Adad-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasi.

The corn taxes of that garden shall not be exacted, he shall not do the labour service with his town.

P335315: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur# (m)_pab_—_dingir_-a(*)-a(*)# [x x x x] _en gisz-sar_ [_gisz_-til-lit-te _sum_]-ni(*)#

[_gisz-sar_ x]-lim(*) _gisz_(*)-til(*)#-lit(*)-te ina(*) _uru_(*)-me(*)-du(*)-un(*)# [x x x x x] (m)pi-qa#-qi [x x x x x x]+x-te#-e [x x x x x x x x]-di

AI Translation

Fingernail of Ahu-ila'i, ..., owner of the vineyard being sold.

x thousand vines in the town of Medur ......, Piqaqi, ......,


Fingernail of Ahu-ila'i, ..., owner of the vineyard being sold.

A vineyard of x thousand vines in the town Medun adjoining the land of Piqaqu



[x x x x x (m)]se(*)#—_ad_(*) _uru#_-[x x]

[x x x x x x] x# sza(*) _uru_(*)-ir(?)-ri(*)

[_igi_] (m)_sag_(*)-_du_(*)-a(*)-nu _lu_(v)-_sag_

_igi_ (m)qur#-di—10 _uru_(*)-li(*)-x#-gam(*)-a-a

_igi_(*)# (m(*))ana-ku o(*)

AI Translation

...... Se'-abu, from .

...... of Irri

Witness: Re'i-banianni, eunuch.

Witness Qurdi-Adad, from Li...gama.

Witness Anaku.


Witness ... Se-abi from ....

Witness ... of Irri.

Witness Kaqqadanu, eunuch.

Witness Qurdi-Adad from ....

Witness Anaku.



[_iti_]-_dul ud 22_(?)-_kam#_ [lim-mu (m)_en_—_man_-a-ni]

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 22nd day, eponym year of Bel-sharrani.


Month Tishri VII, 22nd day, eponym year of Bel-sharrani, governor of Kurbail.

P335316: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_a-sza_-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz un_]-_mesz_ za-Ar-pu# [o] [la-qi-u tu-a-ru] de#-nu(*) _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu szA ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-ma [lu-u (m)x x x x lu]-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu sza e]-la-an-ni [_ta_(v) (m)rém-an-ni—(d)]_im dumu_-_mesz_-szu [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de]-nu _dug4-dug4_

[ub-ta-u-ni ma-a] kas-pu la gam-mur [la ta-ad-din _a-sza_]-_mesz_(*)# _gisz-sar_-_mesz_(*)# [_un_-_mesz_ la za-ar-pu] la [la-qi-u(*)]

AI Translation

The fields, orchards and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether NN or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons,

"The money is not paid completely, the fields, gardens and people are not purchased and acquired."


the fields, gardens and people are acquired and purchased. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether NN, or his sons grandsons, brothers or nephews comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, and his sons and grandsons, saying:

"The money is not completely paid, the fields, gardens and people are not acquired and purchased,"



[x x _kug-ud_ ina 10]-A(*)-_ta_(*)#-[_an_] [a-na _en_-szu _gur_] ina(*)# la de-ni-[szu] [_dug4-dug4_-ma la] _ti#_-qi

[_igi_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri] _lu-en-nam uru-bad_—(m)_man_—_gin_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-: ((_en-nam_)) szA _uru_-a-me-di

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-: ((_en-nam_)) szA _uru_-tu-usz-hi

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-03_-szu dan-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_]-_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_]-_gal_—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-03_-szu

[_igi_ (m)ha—ba-as-te] _lu-gal_—_i-du8_-_mesz_

[_igi_ x x x x x x x x x szA _dumu_]—_man_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

Witness NN, ditto of Amedi.

Witness NN, ditto of Tushhu.

Witness NN, chief 'third man.'

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, cohort commander.

Witness NN, 'third man.'

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness ....... of the crown prince.


shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

Witness NN, ditto of Amidi.

Witness NN, ditto of Tushhan.

Witness NN, chief 'third man.'

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, cohort commander.

Witness NN, 'third man.'

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness NN, ... of the prince.

P335317: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)pa-szi-i _dumu_ (m)i-ba-Asz-szi—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _ta_(v) _sza uru_-da-a-a-nu—(d)_im en a-sza_ ta-da-a-ni

É 01 _ansze 2_(ban2) _a-sza suhur ama_ szA ku-da-ri _suhur_ (m)_im_—(d)15 _suhur_ (m)_suhusz_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _suhur_ na-ah-li

u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_nu_—_pab_-_mesz lu_-szA—_gir-2_ ina _sza_-bi 10 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

AI Translation

Seal of Pashî, son of Ibashi-ilani, from the town of Dayanu-Adad, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 1 hectare 2 decares of land adjoining the side road of the kudiru-tree, Shar-Issar, Ubru-ahheshu, and the wadi;

Shalmu-ahhe, sha shepi guard, has contracted and bought them for 10 shekels of silver.


Seal of Pashî, son of Ibashi-ilani, from the city of Dayyanu-Adad, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of one hectare and 2 decares of field adjoining the side road of ..., adjoining Shar-Issar, adjoining Ubru-ahheshu, adjoining a wadi —

Shalmu-ahhe, sha shepi guard, has contracted and bought it for 10 shekels of silver.



laq-qi(*) kas-pu gam-mur ta-ti-din _a-sza_ szu-a-te za-rip laq-qi(*) tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-a-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz U ma-ti-ma i-zaq-qu-pa-an-ni i-_gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)pa-szi-i lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _ta_ (m)(d)_nu_—_pab_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni

10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _nina-ki_ i-szak-kan# _kug-ud_ a-na 10-a-te [a-na _en_]-szu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Pashî or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shalmu-ahhe, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the silver tenfold to its owner.


The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future or at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Pashî or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shalmu-ahhe, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_dingir_-ma—le-'i

AI Translation

Witness Ilumma-le'i.


Witness Ilumma-le'i.



_igi_ (m)a-szi-ru _igi_ (m)_en_—sze-zib-a-ni _igi_ (m)ab-di-i

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_pab_-ir _iti-gud ud 05_-_kam_ lim-me (m)bul-lu-t,u

AI Translation

Witness Ashiru. Witness Bel-shezibanni. Witness Abdî.

Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of Bullutu.


Witness Ashiru. Witness Bel-shezibanni. Witness Abdî.

Witness Marduk-nashir. Month Iyyar II, 5th day, eponym year of Bullutu.

P335318: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—li-sa#-[me]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-ir(*)

_na4-kiszib_ (m)t,a-bu-su

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—iq-bi _en a-sza sum#_-[ni]

É 01 _ansze 3_(ban2) _a-sza_ bir-ti hi-ri#-a-te _suhur a-sza_ sza(*) (m)_iti-ab_-a-a [o] _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)mu-qa-li-i# _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a [o] _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)mu-sze-zib—(d)[x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)ri-ba-a-[te] ina _sza_-bi 04 _gin_-_mesz kug_-[_ud_] _ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-[te] _a-sza_ i-zi-rip i-si#-[qi]

AI Translation

Seal of Mannu-lisame.

Seal of Adad-nashir,

Seal of Tabusu.

Seal of Adad-iqbi, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 1 hectare 3 decares of field between hiriatu-trees, adjoining the field of Kanunayu, the field of Muqallî, the field of Hunzuya, and the field of Mushezib-...,

Ribate has contracted and bought the field for 4 shekels of silver from these men.


Seal of Mannu-lisame,

seal of Adad-nashir,

seal of Tabussu,

seal of Adad-iqbi, owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 1 hectare 3 decares of land between ditches, adjoining the fields of Kanunayu, Muqallî, Nuhshaya, and Mushezib-... —

Ribate has contracted, purchased, and bought the field from these men for 4 shekels of silver.



kas-pu ga-mur ta-[din] _a-sza_ szu-a-tu za-rip la#-[qi] tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_] la-a-szu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



man-nu sza ur-kisz ina ma-a-te-ma# sza i-za-qup-an-ni lu-u _lu_(v)(*)-[_mesz_ an-nu-te] lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu _pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu# lu mAm-ma-nu-szu-nu _ta_(v) (m)_su_-_mesz_-te# _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni kas-pu a-na 10-a-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu(*) _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ub la _ti_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_du_ (m)_pab#_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir lu_(v)-_sanga#_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi (m)_u-gur#_—_masz_

_igi_ (m)_ma-mu_—iq-bi

_igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a (m)_dingir_—ka-bar

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—rém-a-ni (m)_suhusz_—15

_igi_ (m)mu-qa-li-i (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_du_—_a lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these men or their sons or brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Rihati and his sons and grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Marduk-ibni. Ahu-iddina.

Witness Shumma-ilu, priest.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi. Nergal-ashared.

Witness Mamu-iqbi.

Witness Kanunayu. Ilu-kabar.

Witness Shamash-remanni. Ubru-Issar.

Witness: Muqallî, Nunaya.

Witness Nabû-bani-apli, scribe.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these men or their sons, brothers or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ribate, his sons and grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Marduk-ibni. Ahu-iddina.

Witness Shumma-ilu, priest.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi. Nergal-ashared.

Witness Mamu-iqbi.

Witness Kanunayu. Ilu-kabar.

Witness Shamash-remanni. Ubru-Issar.

Witness Muqallî. Nuhshaya.

Witness Nabû-bani-apli, scribe.



_iti-ab ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Tebet X, 7th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335319: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku]-um _na4-kiszib_-szu# [s,u-pur-szu _gar_-un]

s,u-pur (m)ha-sa-bu# [_lu_(v)-x x x] _en a-sza_ [_sum_-ni]

É 20(?) _ansze a-sza#_ ina _uru_-ni(?)#-[x x x] _suhur# a-sza_ sza (m)[x x x x x] _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)[x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)man-nu—ki—[_uru_-arba-il] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ha-sa-bu# [ina _sza_ x x x x x]

il-qi kas-pu gam-[mur ta-din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu] za-rip# la-qi tu-a-ru# [de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu] [man-nu sza ina] ur#-kisz [ina ma-te-ma]

[i-za-qu-pa-ni] lu-u [(m)ha-sa-bu] [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u [x x x x]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Hasabu, ..., owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 20 hectares of land in the town of Ni... adjoining the field of NN and the field of NN —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Hasabu for .

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void. Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

whether Hasabu or his sons or .


In place of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Hasabu ..., owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 20 hectares of land in Nineveh, adjoining the field of NN and the field of NN —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Hasabu for .......

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Hasabu, his sons or ...



_igi_ (m)_di_(*)#-[mu—_en_—la-Asz-me(?)]

_igi_ (m)a-bu(?)#-[nu]

_igi_ (m)ha—[ba-as-tu]

_igi_ (m)na(*)-[mu-u]

_igi_ (m)_zalag_—_dingir_-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar#_-ir [_lu_(v)-_a-ba_]

_iti-gud#_ [_ud_ x-_kam_] lim-mu [(m)x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme.

Witness Abunu.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Namû.

Witness Nur-ila'i.

Witness Nabû-etir, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of NN.


Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme.

Witness Abunu.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Namû.

Witness Nur-ila'i.

Witness Nabû-etir, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, day, eponym year of ..., governor of ....

P335320: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É 05 _ansze a-sza#_-[_ga_ x x x]+x a(*)# _suhur_ ha-x#+[x x] kam(*)# [x x x]-mar(*) _suhur_ na#-hal-li dan#-[ni x x x] _suhur kaskal_ sza [a-na] _uru_-x-hu(?)-u(*)#-te(*)

_du_-u-ni [x]+x x x x#+[x]+x# _a-sza-ga suhur_ É# (m)za(*)-ba(*)-a(*)#-a _suhur_ É (m)qi(*)#-di-ni an-nu-u-te _suhur_-_mesz_(*) sza(*) É(*)

u-pisz-ma (m)mu-szal#-lim—_dingir_ [ina _sza_]-bi 20 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ [ina] _ma-na_-e sza _kur_(*)-e o(*)

AI Translation

An estate of 5 hectares of land ... adjoining ..., a strong wadi ..., and the road that leads to ...hute —

...... field, adjoining the house of Zabayu and the house of Qidini, these houses and the houses of the temple —

Mushallim-ilu has contracted and bought him for 20 minas of copper by the mina of the mountain.


An estate of 5 hectares of land ..., adjoining ......, the big wadi ..., and the road leading to the town ...hute;

an estate of x ... of land adjoining the houses of Zabayu and Kidinnu; these are the adjoining houses of the house —

Mushallim-ilu has contracted and bought said property for 20 minas of copper by the mina of the mountain.



kas-pu ga-mur ta-din É _a-sza-ga_ szu#-a-te za-ri(*)-ip(*)# la-qi man-nu sza o(*) ur-kisz ina ma-a-te-ma i-bal-kat-u-ni lu-u (m)za-ba-a-a-u lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu 01 _ma-na kug-ud 02 ma_(*)-_na_(*)# _kug-gi_ ina bu-ur-ki (d)#[_isz_]-_tar_(*)# a-szi-pat _uru_-arba-il-_ki_ i(*)-szak(*)#-[kan(*)] kas-pu ina 10-_mesz_ o(*) ina _en#_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_-ra] ina de-ni#-szu i-da-bu#-[bu] la i-laq-qi#

de#-[en-szu _di-kud_ la i]-szA(*)-mu(*)#-u [_igi_ (m)x x x x x x] x# [_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x] x x# [_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x] ga#

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That house and field are purchased and acquired. Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Zabayu or his sons, shall place one mina of silver and two minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


The money is paid completely. That house and land are purchased and acquired. Whoever in the future, at any time, transgresses, whether Zabayu or his sons, shall place one mina of silver and two minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.



10-tu(*) nu-sa-hi(*) U [04-tu szi-ib-szi]

AI Translation

10 litres of soup and 4 litres of rations;


The corn tax is 1/10 and the straw tax 1/4.

P335321: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_en_(*) É(*)# [_a-sza un_-_mesz_] _sum#_-ni

É 15 _ansze a-sza suhur kaskal_ szA(*) _uru-sze_—(m)[dan-na-a] o(*) a-na# _uru-sze_—(m)il-di-szi _du_-u#-[ni]

[x _gisz_]-_sar_(*)#-_mesz suhur a-sza_ szA (m)lu(*)-[x x x]

[_suhur a-sza_ szA] (m)_sum_(*)#-na-a É 04 _ansze_ [_a-sza_] [_suhur kaskal_ szA _ta_(v)] _uru#-sze_—(m)dan-na-a a-na _uru_(?)#-[_sze_] [(m)x x x _du_]-u(*)#-ni _pab 05 suhur_ (m)_hal_-a-[ni—(d)x]

AI Translation

owner of the house, field, and people being sold.

An estate of 15 hectares of land adjoining the road of the village of Dannaya, to the village of Ildishi —

x vineyards adjoining the field of Lu.

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the road leading from the village Dannaya to the village of NN, a total of 5 hectares adjoining the field of Ahanni-...,


owner of the house, land, and people being sold.

An estate of 15 hectares of land adjoining the road which leads from the village of Dannaya to the village of Ildishi;

x gardens adjoining the field of Lu... and the field of Iddinaya;

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the road which leads from the village of Dannaya to the village of ..., a total of 5 hectares adjoining the field of Ishmanni-...



[_igi_] (m)(d(*))30—_masz lu-03_-szu szA(*) _dumu_(*)#—[_man_]

_igi_ (m)_numun_-ut-ti-i _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir [:]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-02_-u szA _lu-gal_—[u-rat]

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab lu-03_(*)-szu#

_igi_ (m)_du_-i _lu-02_-u szA _lu-gal_—[_a-zu_]

_igi_ (m)(d)za-ba4-ba4—_su lu-03#_-[szu]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_zu lu-03#_-[szu]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_erim_-_mesz pab_-szu szA (m)_gin_-a-ni#—[(d)15]

_iti#-ab ud 17_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_man_—lu—da-ri#

AI Translation

Witness Sin-ashared, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.'

Witness Ashur-le'i, 'third man.'

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi, brother of Kenani-Issar.

Month Tebet X, 17th day, eponym year of Sharru-lu-dari.


Witness Sin-ashared, 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.'

Witness Ashur-le'i,'third man.'

Witness Mannu-ki-shabe, brother of Kinanni-Issar.

Month Tebet X, 17th day, eponym year of Sharru-lu-dari, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

P335322: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um [_na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun]

s,u-pur (m)_dingir#_—[ma-la-ku] _en a-sza_ [_sum_-ni]

É 30 _ansze a-sza#_ [x x x] sza A-_mesz_ É 02 _ansze#_ [x x x] sza _sze-gisz-i_ : ina x#+[x x x] i-na-ra-szu-[x (x)]

ina _uru_-ha-me-[e] _suhur id suhur_ [x x] _suhur_ sa-ha-ru# [x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)man-nu—ki#—[_uru_-arba-il] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_dingir_—ma-la(*)-ku(*)# ina _sza_-bi 11 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud#_ [_ti_]

kas-pu ga#-mur ta-din# _a-sza#_ [szu-a-tu za-rip laq-qi]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ilu-malak, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of land ... of water, an estate of 2 hectares ... of sesame, in ... he shall .

in the town of Hamê, adjoining the river, ..., and the street .

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Il-malak for 11 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Il-malak, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of land, ... of water; an estate of 2 hectares ... of sesame in ......, ......

in the city of Hamê adjoining the river, ..., and a tower ... —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought said property from Il-malak for 11 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired.



lu(*)#-[u x x x x x] lu-u [x x x] x x# [x x x x] lu-u qur-ub#-[szu o] lu-u [mAm-ma-nu-szu]

AI Translation

or ......, or ......, or his family, or his neighbour,


or his prefect, neighbour or relative, whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail and his sons, shall place 6 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of DN. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)a-[bu-nu x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-[nu—ki-i—_pab_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)tu(*)-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-[nu—ki-i—_ad_(?)] A (m)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)#[x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x]

_iti-sze_(*) [_ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Abunu, .

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Tu....

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, son of NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Adar XII, day, eponym year of NN.


Witness Abunu ....

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Tu....

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, son of ....

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Adar XII, day, eponym year of ....

P335323: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]_arad#_—15 _na4-kiszib_ (m)_im-04_-i [_na4-kiszib_ (m)]_iti#-kin_-a-a _lu-zadim_(*) _uru-usz_—_ansze_-a-a [_en a-sza_] ta-da-a-ni

[É x _ansze a-sza_] _suhur_ na-hal [_suhur_ x x x x x] _suhur#_ (m)15—_bad_ : (m)15—_bad#_ [x x x x x] ku-tal _gisz-sar#_ [x x x x] _suhur a-sza_

AI Translation

Seal of Urdu-Issar, seal of Adad-na'dî, seal of Ululayu, horse trainer of the town of Damascus, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land adjoining the wadi, ..., Issar-duri ditto Issar-duri, ..., behind the orchard, ..., and the field —


Seal of Urdu-Issar, seal of Amurrî, seal of Ululayu, bow maker from Donkey Driver Town, owners of the field being sold.

An estate of x hectares of field adjoining a wadi, adjoining ..., adjoining the field of Issar-duri : Issar-duri ... behind the orchard ..., adjoining the field



[A]-_ba#_ s,a-bit _im_

[_iti_-x _ud_-x x lim]-mu (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i.


scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i, vizier.

P335324: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[s,u-pur (m)x x x] s,u-pur (m)[x x x]

[x x x x _sza_]-_ga sum_-ni

É# 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) _sza-ga_ ina [x x] [ina(*)] _uru_-ki#-si-ri(*)# _suhur sza-ga_ sza(*)# (m)15(*)#—_du_—_igi# suhur_ ($o$) _kaskal_ [sza a]-na _uru_(*)-x (x#) i-la-ku(*)-u-ni

É 3(ban2) _sza-ga suhur_ [x]+x x# _suhur sza-ga_ [x x x] _suhur ki-min_ [x x x x x]

[u]-pisz-ma (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Fingernail of NN, fingernail of NN,

...... is given.

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of field in ... in Kisiri, adjoining the field of Issar-bani-lamur, and the road that leads to ... —

An estate of 3 decares of field adjoining ..., adjoining field ..., adjoining ditto .

NN has contracted


Fingernail of NN, fingernail of NN,

owners of the field being sold.

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of field in ... in Kisiri adjoining the field of Issar-alik-pani, adjoining the road that leads to ....

An estate of 3 decares of field adjoining ..., adjoining the field ..., adjoining ditto ... —

NN has contracted them from Mushallim-...

P335325: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)na-[x x x x] _na4#-kiszib_ (m)ki#-[x x x x] _en# a-sza_ ta-da#-[ni]

É(?)# 10 _a-sza uru_-[x x x]

[_suhur_ (m)]da(*)#-a-a-ni# [x x x] [x x] _suhur_(*)# (m(*))ra-an-qi(*)#-ra-[x] [_suhur_ (m)x]-ma(*)#-nu(*)-ru(*)—E(*)# [o]

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)sze(*)#-ma-hu(*)# [o] _lu_(v)#-A(*)-_zu_(*) (m)asz-szur(*)#—_pab_—_sum_-na# [ina _sza_] 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_ il-[qi]

AI Translation

Seal of Na..., seal of Ki..., owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land in the town of ...,

adjoining Daianu, ..., Ranqira..., ...manuru-iqbi,

Shemahu, physician, has contracted and bought them for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


Seal of Na..., seal of Ki..., owners of the field being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land in the city ...

adjoining the fields of Dayyanu ..., Ranqira... and Shulmanu-...-iqbi —

Shemahu, the doctor of Esarhaddon, has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina of silver.



[o(*) gam]-mur ta#-di-ni [_a-sza_] szu-a-tu za(*)-rip(*)# [o]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired.


It is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired.



[laq-qi] tu(*)-a(*)#-[ru] [de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4#_ [la-Asz-szu]

[sza _gil_-u]-ni 02 _ma#_-[_na kug-ud_] [ina bur-ki] (d)10(*) i(*)-szak(*)#-[kan] [kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_ a]-na _en_-szu u-[_gur_] [ina de-e]-ni _dug4-dug4_-ma# [la _ti_]

[_igi_ (m)x]-ri-ma _lu_(v)#-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]-na(?)#-na _lu_(v)#-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]-bu(*)-ri(*)# [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-szu(*) x#+[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-szu(*) x#+[x x x]

[x x x] (m(*))_arad_(*)#—[(d)x x]

[_iti_]-_kin_(?)# _ud_(*)-me(*) 10(*)-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

He shall place two minas of silver in the lap of Adad, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...rima, .

Witness ...nana, .

Witness ...buri, .

Witness ...shu, .

Witness ...shu, .

... Urdu-...

Month Elul VI, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place 2 minas of silver in the lap of Adad, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...rima ....

Witness .......

Witness ...buri....

Witness ......

Witness .......

... Urda-....

Month Elul VI, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-duru-ushur.

P335326: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um# _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun#

[s,u]-pur# (m)(d)_utu_—tab-ni—_pab a lu-azu_ [_en_] _a-sza sum_-ni#

É 01 _ansze a-sza_ i-na ma-al-gu-te _suhur a-sza_ szA _lu-sukkal suhur a-sza_ szA (m)A-i

É 8(ban2)(*) _a-sza_ i-na _kaskal_ qa-at-ni _suhur a-sza_ szA (m)_pab_—_dug-ga suhur a-sza_ (m)_arad_—_an-gal_

É 01 _ansze a-sza_ ina _ugu ama_ szA _lu_-kal-da-a _suhur a-sza_ szA (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su suhur a-sza_

szA (m)(d)_szu_—_en_—_pab_ É 8(ban2) _a-sza suhur a-sza_ szA# (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su suhur# a-sza_ szA (m)_ad_—_dug-ga_

[x x x x x x]-ra-a-te

[x x x x] É 02 _ansze# 5_(ban2) _a-sza_ [x x x x x x x x]-a-a

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Shamash-tabni-ushur, son of a physician, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 1 hectare of land in cultivation adjoining the field of the vizier and the field of Aplaya, adjoining the field of the harem manageress, and adjoining the field of the harem manageress.

An estate of 8 decares of field in the narrow road adjoining the field of Ahu-tab, adjoining the field of Urdu-Issar,

An estate of 1 hectare of land on the side road of the Chaldeans, adjoining the field of Nabû-ahhe-eriba, adjoining the field of the king, my lord.

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the field of Nabû-ahhe-eriba and the field of Abi-tab;


an estate of 2 hectares 5 decares of field ......ayu


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Shamash-tabni-ushur, son of haruspex, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 1 hectare of land in the ... adjoining the field of the vizier and the field of Aplî;

an estate of 8 decares of land on the narrow road adjoining the field of Ahi-taba and the land of Urda-Issaran;

an estate of 1 hectare of land upon the side road of the Chaldeans, adjoining the field of Nabû-ahhe-eriba and the field of Marduk-bel-ushur;

an estate of 8 decares of land adjoining the field of Nabû-ahhe-riba and the field of Abi-taba;

an estate ......... ...;

an estate of 2 hectares and 5 decares of land ......ayu



_igi#_ (m)suk-ka-a-a ina(*) _igi_(*) _igi_-_mesz_(*) _dumu_(*)—_nina_(*)#

_igi_ (m)_gir-2_—(d)15 _igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a-a

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)15 _lu-kasz-lul#_ szA _lu-sukkal_

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_asz lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni-te

lim-mu (m)tak-lak—a-na—[(d)]_en lu-gar-kur uru_-na-s,i-bi#-[na]

03 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza s,u-pur-szu(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Sukkayu, at the disposal of the Ninevite.

Witness Shep-Issar. Witness Ahu'ayu.

Witness Ubru-Issar, cupbearer of the vizier.

Witness Marduk-iddina, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Eponym year of Taklak-ana-Bel, governor of Nashibina.

3 minas of copper for his fingernail.


Witness Sukkaya; in the presence of Ninevite witnesses.

Witness Shep-Issar. Witness Ahu'aya.

Witness Ubru-Issar, cupbearer of the vizier.

Witness Marduk-iddina, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Eponym year of Taklak-ana-Bel, governor of Nashibina.

3 minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335327: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—_zu en a-sza sum_-a-ni

É 35 _ansze a-sza_ ina ma-za-ru-te ina _gisz-ban_ sza 09 qa ina _uru_-sa-i-ri _suhur_ (m)ir-s,i-s,i _suhur a-sza_ szA (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_pab suhur a-sza_ szA (m)(d)_utu_—szal-lim _suhur_ mu-sa-kil-a-te

u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_utu_—szal-lim ina _sza 05 ma-na kug-ud ti_

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _a-sza_ za-rip la-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-le'i, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 35 hectares of land in cultivation by the seah of 9 'litres' in the town of Sa'iri, adjoining Irshi, the field of Shamash-sharru-ushur, the field of Shamash-shallim, and the groves —

Shamash-shallim has contracted and bought for 5 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Seal of Nabû-le'i, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 35 hectares of land in cultivation by the seah of 9 'litres' in the city of Sairu, adjoining Irshishu, the field of Shamash-sharru-ushur, the field of Shamash-shallim, and the fatteners —

Shamash-shallim has contracted and bought said property for five minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Nabû-le'i or his sons or brothers, and seeks a lawsuit against Shamash-shallim, his sons and grandsons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _nina-ki gar_-an kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu i-_dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)mar-di-i _igi_ (m)10—_mu_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_(*)—_pab_

_igi_ (m)mu-sze-zib—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-as-te

_igi_ (m)_en#_—_kaskal_—_bad_

_igi_ (m)ir-s,i-s,i

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a

_igi_ (m)ba-hi-i

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szA-gim(!) _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-ab ud 25_(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Mardî. Witness Adad-shumu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.

Witness Mushezib-ilu.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Bel-Harran-duri.

Witness Irshishi.

Witness: Nunayu.

Witness Bahî.

Witness Nabû-shakim, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Mardî. Witness Adad-shumu-iddina.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.

Witness Mushezib-ilu.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Bel-Harran-duri.

Witness Irshishu.

Witness Nuhshaya.

Witness Bahî.

Witness Nabû-shagim, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Sharru-nuri.

P335328: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ [x x x x x] _uru_-[x x x x]

(m)(d)_im_—_du dumu_(*)# [(m)_ud_-20-_kam_-a-a]

É 15 _ansze sze-numun#_ [x x x x] ina ma-za-ru-te bu-ra(*)-a(*)#-[te x x x] sza (m)(d)_im_—_du dumu_ (m)_ud_-20(?)-_kam#_-[a-a]

u(*)-tap(*)-pisz(*) ina _sza_-bi 30(*) _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_] a(*)-na(*) (m)(d)30—A—_sum_-na _lu_-x#+[x x] i-zi-rip it-ti-din#

kAs(*)-pu ga-mur _sum_-[ni]

_a-sza-ga_ za-rip la-a-qi

a-pil za-a-ku tu-a-ru# da-ba-a-bu la-a-szu#

ina ur-kisz ina _sza_-bi _dumu_-[_mesz_]

(m)(d)_im_—_du_ lu-u [x x x x]

lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-[szu x x]

AI Translation

Seal of ..., ... of .

Adad-ibni, son of Ea-ahu-iddina;

An estate of 15 hectares of land ... in cultivation, cultivated land ... belonging to Adad-ibni, son of Ea-ahhe-iddina,

He has contracted and bought it for 30 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.

The field is purchased and acquired.

He is paid, he is free from claims. There is no legal claim.

In the future, among the sons of .

Adad-ibni or .

or his brothers .


Seal of NN, from the town of ....

Adad-bani, son of Eshrayu.

An estate of 15 hectares of sown field ... in cultivation, wells ... belonging to Adad-bani, son of Eshrayu —

he has contracted and given it legally to Sin-aplu-iddina, ... for 30 minas of silver.

The money is completely paid.

The field is purchased, acquired, paid off and cleared.

Any revocation or litigation is void.

In the future, amongst the sons of

Adad-bani, whether ...

or his brothers ...



lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_—[_szesz_-_mesz_-szu]

x szA(?)# me il# [x x x]

AI Translation

or his nephews,


or his nephews




[szA] de-nu da-ba-a-bu# _ta_(v) (m)(d)30—A—_sum_-na U [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] ub-ta-'u-u#-[ni]

01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru a-na [(d)15] be-lat _uru_-arba-il i-da-an kAs(*)-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-[szu] u-ta-a(*)-ra ina de#-ni-[szu] i-da-bu-ub la-a i-la-[qi]

_igi_ (m)ba-na-ni

_igi_ (m)_szesz_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)_en_—_ki-usz_(*)—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—_mu_—_gar_ x#+[x]

_igi_ (m)ub-ru—(d)x#+[x]

(m)_bad_—15 _lu_-[x x x x]

_iti-barag ud 06_-_kam_ [lim]-mu (m)bu-lut,

AI Translation

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-aplu-iddina and his sons,

shall give one mina of pure gold to Ishtar, lady of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bananu.

Witness Ahi-ila'i.

Witness Bel-kish-ila'i.

Witness Adad-shumu-ishkun, .

Witness Ubru-.

Duri-Issar, ...;

Month Nisan I, 6th day, eponym year of Bullutu.


seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-aplu-iddina and his sons,

shall give one mina of pure gold to Ishtar, Lady of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bananî.

Witness Ahi-ila'i.

Witness Bel-kibsi-ila'i.

Witness Adad-shumu-ishkun.

Witness Ubru-DN.

Duri-Issar, ....

Month Nisan I, 6th day, eponym year of Bullutu, chief singer.

P335329: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_pab_ [x x x x x x x x x x]

a-na(*) (m(*))#[x x x x x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_pa_—_dub_—_numun_ É 06 _ansze a-sza_ ina ma-zar-u-te ina _uru_-szA—_gisz-mi_-a-a ina _gisz-ban 09_ qa _urudu ta_(v)(*) _igi_ (m)_en_—_nig-gal_—_bad_(*) _lu_(v)-_sag_(*) A—_man ta_(v)(*) _igi lu_(v)(*)-_mesz_ an-nu-ti ina _sza_-bi 36 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina _gisz-ban 09_ qa _urudu_

il-qi man-nu sza _gil_-u-nu _sze-pad_-_mesz_ ina ad-ri a-na (d)_pa_

id-dan _a-sza_ u-sze-s,i _suhur a-sza_ sza(*)# (m)(d)_pa_—_dub_—_numun suhur_ [_a-sza_ sza (m)](d)_en_—_du suhur a-sza_ [sza (m)]_ad_—[_dug_(*)]-_ga_(*)#

AI Translation

total ......

to NN ......

Nabû-shapik-zeri has contracted and bought an estate of 6 hectares of land in cultivation in Sha-shillia, by the seah of 9 'litres', from Bel-kudurri, eunuch of the crown prince, and from these gentlemen for 36 homers of barley by the seah of 9 'litres'.

Whoever breaks the contract shall give the barley at the threshing floor to Nabû.

adjoining the field of Nabû-shapik-zeri, the field of Bel-ibni, and the field of Abi-tab,


In all ......

to NN, ... —

Nabû-shapik-zeri has contracted and bought an estate of 6 hectares of land in cultivation in Sha-Shillaya, according to the copper seah of 9 'litres' from Bel-Ingal-duri, eunuch of the crown prince and from these men for 36 homers barley according to the copper seah of 9 'litres'.

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay the barley at the threshing floor to Nabû to redeem the land.

Adjoining the field of Nabû-shapik-zeri, adjoining the field of Bel-ibni, adjoining the field of Abi-tab,



_suhur kaskal_ sza _ta_(v) _uru_-kur-ba#-[il] sza(*) a-na# _uru-01_-tu il-lak-[u-ni]

_pab 01_-en# _bur_(*) _sag_(*)-_du_(*) É [x x x]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_dub#_—[_numun_] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)am-me-ni—_dingir_ sza(*) _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_ad_—_dug-ga_ il-qi-u-nu _suhur kaskal uru-01_-tu _suhur kur_-u _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)_ad_—_dug-ga_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém-a-ni

_igi_ (m)e-t,e-ri _igi_ (m)szul-lum(*)-a(*)

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_asz igi_ (m)am-me-ni—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)_mu_—_mu igi_ (m)_tuku_-szi—_dingir_

_pab 07 igi_-_mesz uru_-szA—s,il-a-a

_igi_ (m)_zalag_—e-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba kur-a_r-ma-a-a szA A(*)#—_man_

_igi_ (m)_dumu-usz_—_pab lu_(v)-_pab_-szu szA (m)_en_—_nig-gal_—_bad_(*)

[_igi_ (m)]man(*)-nu(*)#—ki(*)—(d)_pa_ :

[_igi_ x x x x x (x) (m)]man-nu#—ki—_sza_—_uru_

AI Translation

adjoining the road which leads from Kurbail to Issete.

in all, one cloak, headpiece of the house ...;

adjoining the field of Nabû-shapik-zeri, from Ammeni-il and from Abi-tab, adjoining the road to Issete, adjoining the mountain, adjoining the field of Abi-tab,

Witness Nabû-remanni.

Witness Eteri. Witness Shulluma.

Witness Nabû-iddina. Witness Ammeni-ilu.

Witness Shuma-iddina. Witness Rashil.

in all 7 witnesses from Sha-Shilaya.

Witness Nur-ea, Aramean scribe of the crown prince.

Witness Aplu-ushur, brother of Bel-kudurri.

Witness Mannu-ki-Nabû, ditto.

Witness NN, Mannu-ki-Libbali.


adjoining the road that leads from Kurbail to Issete.

In all one plot at the beginning of ...

adjoining the field that Nabû-shapik-zeri bought from Ammini-il and from Abi-tab, adjoining the road to Issete, adjoining the mountain, adjoining the field of Abi-tab.

Witness Nabû-remanni,

witness Etiru, witness Shulluma,

witness Nabû-iddina, witness Ammini-il,

witness Zakir-shumi, witness Rashi-ili,

in all 7 witnesses from Sha-Shillaya.

Witness Nur-Ea, Aramean scribe of the crown prince.

Witness Aplu-ushur, brother of Bel-Ingal-duri.

Witness Mannu-ki-Nabû, ditto.

Witness NN. Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali.

P335330: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É x _ansze a-sza_]-_ga#_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza(*) 10(*) [qa x x x]

[x x x x] _sza_(*)# _igi-2_-_mesz_ ad(*)-ru(*)

[_suhur a-sza_]-_ga#_ sza _uru_-ur#-zu-na-pi

[_suhur a_]-_sza-ga_ sza (m)_pab_—lim-me

[_suhur a_]-_sza_ sza (m)lu—_di_-me

[x x x x] _sza_(*)# _ki_(!)-_mesz_ pu-s,e-e É szi(*)-qi(*)

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)_di-kud_—kur-ba-il [ina _sza_]-bi 30 _gin_-_mesz_ sza 01 _ma-na 1_/2 _kug-ud_

il-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-din-ni _a-sza-ga_ za-ri(*)-bi la-a-qi o(*) tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-a-szu man-nu ina ur-kisz ina ma-a-te lu-u (m)a-bi-ti-i# lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu#_-[_mesz_—_pab_]-_mesz_-szu sza de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_ (m)_di-kud_—kur-ba-il ub-ta-u-ni ma-a _a-sza-ga#_ sza _ad_-ni szu(*)-u o(*)

AI Translation

An estate of x hectares of land by the seah of 10 'litres' .

...... eyes are dark

adjoining the field of Urzunapi,

adjoining the field of Ahu-limmu,

adjoining the field of Lu-shallim,

...... in the midst of the fields, a terrace, a house, a threshing floor,

Dayyan-Kurbail has contracted and bought for 30 shekels of silver for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, in the land, whether Abitî or his sons, brothers or nephews, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Dayyan-Kurbail, saying: "It is the field of our father."


An estate of x hectares of field according to the seah of 10 'litres' ...

......, springs and a threshing floor

adjoining the field of the town Urzunapi

adjoining the field of Ahi-limmi,

adjoining the field of Lu-shalim,

......, a vacant lot, and an irrigated area —

Dayyan-Kurbail has contracted and bought for 30 shekels by the mina of half a mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Abi-itî or his sons or his brothers or his nephews, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Dayyan-Kurbail saying: "It is the field of our father",



01 _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_] 01 _ma-na_ [_kug-gi_] [x x x x]+x# a bi at(?) x#+[x x]

02 _ansze-kur-ra babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_ asz-szur i-ra-ka-sa kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-a-te a-na _en_-szu [_gur_] ina de-ni-szu i-da-bu-bu la-a-qi

_igi_ (m)ab-di—U(*)-U(*) _lu_(v)-_gal_—sa-gul-la-a-te

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_sag_

_igi_ (m)ga-la-gu-su# _sipa_

[_igi_ (m)]hal-la-ba#-a x x x

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—rém-a-ni :

[_igi_ (m)]szu(*)#-ma(*)-a-a _lu_(v)-_sag_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—ki-la-a-ni :

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-i

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a-a

[x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place one mina of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of DN .

shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Abdi-Dadi, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, eunuch.

Witness Galagusu, shepherd.

Witness Hallabâ, .

Witness Nabû-remanni, ditto.

Witness Shumaya, eunuch.

Witness Nabû-killanni, ditto.

Witness ...î.

Witness ...ayu.



shall give one mina of silver and one mina of gold ......,

shall tie 2 white horses at the feet Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Abdi-Dadi, overseer of the herds.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, eunuch.

Witness Galagusu, shepherd.

Witness Hallabayu, ....

Witness Nabû-remanni, ditto.

Witness Shumaya, eunuch.

Witness Nabû-killanni, ditto.

Witness ...i.

Witness ...ayu.




man-nu sza _ugu_ il-ki _dug4#_-[_dug4_-u-ni]

AI Translation

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the labour-duty .


Whoever contests the labour duty, shall pay the money tenfold.

P335331: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)(d)na(?)-x-x-x#+[x x x x] _dumu_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—bal-lit, _en a-sza sum_-ni

[É] 05 _ansze a-sza-ga_ [ina _gisz_]-_ban_ sza 08 qa [ina _uru_]-_sze_(*)#—(m)_zalag_—É# [x x x]+x x x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Na..., son of Marduk-ballit, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 5 hectares of land by the seah of 8 'litres' in the village of Nur-Bel .


Seal of Na..., son of Marduk-ballit, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 5 hectares of field by the seah of 8 'litres' in the village of Nur-beti ......



[_igi_] (m)#na(*)-ni-i _lu_-[x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)se-e—ha-za-a _lu#_-[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu_(v)-_gal_—x#+[x]

[_igi_] (m)har—U(*)-U(*) _dumu mi_-pir-su-u#

[_igi_] (m)il-ti—TÉSZ _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

[_igi_] (m)10—ia-ba-bi _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_] (m)30—A—_pab gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)_igi_—(d)15—la-mur

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_igi-lal_-an-ni A (m)_uru-ka-dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_i lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-gan ud 08_-_kam_ lim-mu# (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a [_lu_]-_sukkal_(*)# _gal_-[u]

AI Translation

Witness Nanî, .

Witness Se'-hazâ, .

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, chief .

Witness Har-Dadi, son of Pirsû.

Witness Ilti-tabish, merchant.

Witness Adad-yababi, scribe.

Witness Sin-aplu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

Witness Nusku-emuranni, son of Babilayu.

Witness Nabû-na'id, scribe.

Month Kislev IX, 8th day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i, chief vizier.


Witness Nanî, ....

Witness Se'-haza, ....

Witness Ahu-lamashi, chief ....

Witness Hara-Dadî, son of Pirsû.

Witness Ilti-bashti, merchant.

Witness Adad-yababa, scribe.

Witness Sin-aplu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Pan-Issar-lamur.

Witness Nusku-emuranni, son of Babilayu.

Witness Nabû-na'id, scribe.

Month Kislev IX, 8th day, eponym year of Ashur-ila'i, chief vizier.



[dnt hql' zy ...]zry# zy k(*)pr(*) [...]

AI Translation


Aramaic caption: Deed of the field of ...-zeri of the village of ......

P335332: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)na-pi-i(?)#

: (m)15—_i na4-kiszib_ (m)ri(*)-[x x x]

: (m)se-e—da-la

: (m)_zalag_—(d)a-a

: (m)ag-gar _pab 06 lu_-_mesz en a-sza_ ta-da-ni

É# 10 _ansze a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza qa 09 [_suhur_] masz(*)#-qi-i _suhur_ bu-ru dan-nu [_suhur_ (m)]se(*)—da(*)-la(*) x#+[x x] [x x] x# ha(*)-me(*) x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Napî,

ditto Issar-na'di, seal of Ri...,

ditto Se'-dalâ;

ditto Nur-Aya;

ditto of Aggar; in all 6 men, owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land by the seah of 9 'litres' adjoining the mashqû-field, the big threshing floor, Se'-dalâ ... ... .


Seal of Napî,

ditto Issar-na'id, seal of Ri...,

ditto Se'-dalâ,

ditto Nur-Ea,

ditto Aggar, in all 6 men, owners of the field being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land by the seah of 9 'litres' adjoining the drinking place, adjoining the main well, adjoining Se'-dalâ ...



_igi_ (m(*))(d(*))#[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz#_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—_gim_—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_du_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_du_

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—u-bal-lit,

_igi_ (m)i-gi-i

_igi_ (m)_zu_—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)na#-bi-si-ik-ki

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur.

Witness Marduk-bani-ushur.

Witness Nergal-ibni.

Witness Nergal-uballit.

Witness Igî.

Witness Marduk-ilu.

Witness: Nabi-sikki.


Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur.

Witness Marduk-bani-ahi.

Witness Nergal-ibni.

Witness Nergal-uballit.

Witness Igî.

Witness Lit-il,

Witness Nabisikki.

P335333: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x ina _sza_]-bi _gisz-ban_ sza 10# [qa]

[x x x x _a-sza_]-_ga#_ a-na sza-pu-su#

[x x x x _suhur_] _kaskal#-2_(*) [sza a-na] _uru-sze_—bir-[x x x]

_du_(*)#-[u-ni x x x] _suhur# kaskal-2_(*)—_lugal_ sza _uru_-[x x]

u(*)-[pisz-ma (m)_en_-x x]+x# _ta_(v) _igi lu_(v)-_mesz_-e(*)#

szu-a-tu(*) il-qi kas#-pu ga-mur [ta-din]

AI Translation

...... within the seah of 10 'litres'

...... field to be used for irrigation

...... adjoining the road that leads to the village of Bir.

...... adjoining the royal road of .

Bel-... has contracted and bought them from these men for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


by the seah of 10 'litres'

... field in exchange for

... adjoining the road that leads to the village of Birtayu,

... adjoining the royal road of ... —

Bel-... has contracted and bought it from these men.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu# sza ina ur-kisz ina ma(*)-te(*)#-[ma _gil_-u-ni]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract,


Whoever, in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons or their brothers or any relative of theirs, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-... and his people,



01 _ma-na kug-ud# luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi#_ [sak-ru] ina bur-ki (d)_nin-gal_ [x x x x] 02# _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir#_-[2 (d)30] a-szib _uru-kaskal_ i-[rak-kas] kas#-pu a-na [10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-szu _gur_-ra] ina# de-e(*)-ni#-[szu _dug4-dug4_-ma x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Nikkal ..., shall tie two white horses at the feet of Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Nikkal resinding in ..., shall tie 2 white horses at the feet of Sin residing in Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)da#-di-i _lu#_-[x _igi_ (m)x x x _lu-a-ba_]

s,a-bit t,up-pu(*) _iti_-[x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Dadî, .... Witness NN, scribe.

Month ..., day, eponym year of NN.


Witness Dadî, .... Witness NN, scribe. keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of NN, governor of ....

P335334: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É 06 _ansze#_ [_a-sza_] ina _gisz-ban_ sza# [x x x]

_suhur_ É(?) [x x x x]

gab-di# [x x x x x]

_suhur_ [x x x x x]

gab-di# [x x x x x]

u-pisz-[ma (m)x x x] ina _sza 02_ [x x x x]

kas-pu gam-[mur ta-din] _a-sza_ szu-a-[tu za-rip la-qi] tu-a-ru [de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_]

la-Asz-szu [man-nu sza x x x] lu-u (m)[x x x x x x x] _ta_(v) (m)[x x x x x x x] de-e-[nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni]

04 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_ ina bur-ki (d)x] a-szi-[bat _uru_-x x i-szak-kan]

AI Translation

An estate of 6 hectares of land by the seah of .

adjoining the house of .

adjoining .

adjoining .

adjoining .

NN has contracted and bought for 2 .

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever ..., whether NN or NN, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN,

shall place 4 minas of silver in the lap of DN residing in .


An estate of 6 hectares of land according to the seah of ...

adjoining the house ...

adjoining ...

adjoining ...

adjoining ... —

NN has contracted for 2 .......

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever ..., whether ......, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against ......,

shall place 4 minas of silver in the lap of DN residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)sa-x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_uru_-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_(?)-[x x x]

_iti-sze ud 20#_-[_kam_ lim-mu (m)x x x]

_igi_ (m)ad-[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Sa....

Witness Ha....

Witness NN.

Witness Marduk-.

Month Adar XII, 20th day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Ad....


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-....

Witness Sa....

Witness Ha....

Witness NN.

Witness Marduk-....

Month Adar XII, 20th day, eponym year of ...

Witness NN.

P335335: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um# [_na4-kiszib_-szu s,u]-pur-szu isz-kun#

s,u-pur (m)sze-er-ri(*)#—id-ri _en a-sza sum#_-ni

É 03 _ansze# a-sza_ qa-ni ma-szA-qi-te _suhur kaskal#_ [szA] _uru_-kal#-ha _suhur_ (m)za-bi-ni _suhur ama_ szA [_uru-sze_—(m)]ar-ma-a-a

É 7(ban2) _a-sza suhur_ (m)_kur_(*)-_uri_-a-a _suhur# kaskal_ szA _uru_-kal-ha _suhur_ (m)za-bi-ni

_suhur#_ (m)_en_—_ti-la_ É 03 _ansze a-sza suhur#_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a _suhur_ (m)za-bi-ni _suhur#_ (m)_en_—_ti-la suhur ama#_ szA _uru-sze_—[(m)zi-zi-i]

[_suhur_] _uru-lu-bahar_-_mesz_ É 04 _ansze_ [_a-sza_] _suhur#_ (m)za-bi-ni _suhur_ (m)_en_—_ti-la#_ [_suhur_] _ama#_ szA _uru-sze_—(m)zi-zi#-[i]

[x x x] x É 01 _ansze# a_-[_sza suhur_ x x] _suhur#_ (m)qi-bit#-[né]-e# [_suhur kaskal_ sza _uru_-kal-ha]

É# 4(ban2) _gisz-gu-za_ x#+[x x x x x]

[o(*) É] 01 _ansze 1_(ban2) _a-sza_ ina _uru-lu_-[_bahar_-_mesz_]

[x x x] szA É u-pisz-ma [(m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a] [_ta_(v)(*)] _igi#_ (m)sze-er—id-ri ina# [_sza_ x _ma-na_]

[_kug-ud_] il#-qi kas-pu gam-[mur ta-din]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Sherri-idri, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land in cultivation, adjoining the road of Calah, Zabinu and the side road of the village of Armaya,

an estate of 7 decares of field adjoining the fields of Urartayu, Calah, Zabinu,

An estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Nunaya, Zabinu, Bel-uballit, and the side road to the village of Zizî —

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining Zabinu, Bel-uballit, the side road of the village of Zizî,

An estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining ..., Qibitnê, and the road of Calah —

An estate of 4 decares of throne land .

An estate of 1 hectare 1 decare of land in the town of Lu-baharmes;

Inurta-ila'i has contracted and bought said property from Sher-idri for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Sher-idri, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land on the edge of an irrigation outlet, adjoining the road to Calah, the field of Zabinu, and the side road to the village of the Aramean;

an estate of 7 decares of land adjoining the field of Urartayu, the road to Calah, and the fields of Zabinu and Bel-lu-balat;

an estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Nuhshaya, Zabinu and Bel-lu-balat, the side road to the village of Zizî and Potter Town;

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Zabinu and Bel-lu-balat, the side road to the village of Zizî, and ...;

an estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining ..., the field of Qibinnî and the road to Calah;

an estate of 4 decares of throne land .........;

an estate of 1 hectare and 1 decare of land in Potter Town, ... of a house —

Inurta-ila'i has contracted and bought this property from Sher-idri for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_szesz_-_mesz_-[szu szA] _ta_(v) (m)(d)_masz_(*)—_dingir_-a-a de-e-nu# _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni# kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-[szu _gur_] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq#-[qi]

_igi#_ (m)x#+[x x x x x] _lu_-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_en_—[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_im_—[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_u-gur_—_du#_ [_lu_-x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]mat-a-a _lu#_-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]asz-szur—nat-kil _lu-gal_(*)#—[x x x]

_igi#_ (m)mu-né-pisz—_dingir lu_-ha-za-an(*)#-[nu]

_igi#_ (m)_uri_-a-a

_igi#_ (m)qi-bit-né-e

_igi#_ (m)_pab_—_dug-ga igi_ (m)_te_-a-a

_igi#_ (m)za-bi-ni _pab 05 dumu uru_-szu

_iti-ziz ud 16_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_dug_—_im_—asz-szur

_lu-igi-dub gal_-u _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _lu-a-ba_

s,a-bit dan-ni-te _igi_ (m)_dug-ga_-i

AI Translation

shall bring a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ila'i, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, .

Witness ...-belu-.

Witness Adad-.

Witness Nergal-ibni, .

Witness Matâ, .

Witness Ashur-natkil, chief .

Witness Muneppish-ilu, mayor.

Witness Urartayu.

Witness Qibitnê.

Witness Ahu-tab. Witness Sukki-Aya.

Witness Zabinu. In all 5 citizens of his city.

Month Shebat XI, 16th day, eponym year of Tab-shar-Ashur.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Witness Tabî.


whether Sher-idri or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ila'i, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness .......

Witness ...-Bel-....

Witness Adad-....

Witness Nergal-ibni, ....

Witness Madayu, ....

Witness Ashur-natkil, chief ...

Witness Muneppish-ilu, mayor.

Witness Urartayu.

Witness Qibinnî.

Witness Ahi-taba. Witness Sukkaya.

Witness Zabinu. A total of 5 residents of his city.

Month Shebat XI, 16th day, eponym year of Tab-shar-Ashur, the chief treasurer.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Witness Tabî. Witness Ainê. Witness Mannu-ki-shabi.

P335336: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku#-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

s,u#-pur (m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a _en a-sza sum_-ni

É# 03(*) _ansze a-sza_ ina qa-an-ni masz-qi-te _suhur kaskal_(*)

szA(*)# _uru_-kal-hi _suhur_ (m)za-bi-ni É 7(ban2) _a-sza suhur#_ (m)_uri_-a-a _suhur kaskal-2_ szA _uru_(*)-kal-hi _suhur_ (m)za-bi-ni

_suhur#_ (m)_en_—lu-_ti-la_ É 03 _ansze a-sza-ga_ [_suhur_] (m)HÉ-_nun#_-[a-a] _suhur#_ (m)_en_—lu-_ti-la_ [_suhur ama_ szA _uru-sze_—(m)]zi#-zi-i

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Inurta-ila'i, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land in the middle of the meadow, adjoining the road of the city of ...;

an estate of 7 decares of field adjoining Urartayu, the road of Calah, and Zabinu;

an estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Nuhshaya and Bel-lu-balat, and the side road to the village of Zizî;


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Inurta-ila'i, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land on the edge of an irrigation outlet, adjoining the road of the city of Calah and the field of Zabinu;

an estate of 7 decares of land adjoining the field of Urartayu, the road of Calah, and the fields of Zabinu and Bel-lu-balat;

an estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining Nuhshaya, Bel-lu-balat, and the side road of the village of Zizî.



_igi_ (m)_suhusz_(?)#—(d)15(*)# _lu_-[_kasz-lul_]

_igi_ (m)suk-ka-a-a _lu-usz-bar#_

_igi_ (m)qi-bi-ni#-i _lu-uszbar5# igi_ (m)isz-me—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)(d)szér—nu-ri _dumu_ [(m)]_dingir#_—szum-ki

_igi#_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su igi#_ (m)(d)szA-masz#—nam-mir _lu-dam-qar_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu-a-ba_ s,a]-bit# _im_

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_ lim-mu# [(m)(d)]_utu_—_en_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Ubru-Issar, cupbearer.

Witness Sukkayu, weaver.

Witness Qibinî, weaver. Witness Ishme-ilu.

Witness Sher-nuri, son of Ilu-shumki.

Witness Ahu'a-eriba. Witness Shamash-nammir, merchant.

Witness NN, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Shamash-belu-ushur.


Witness Ubru-Issar, cupbearer.

Witness Sukkaya, weaver.

Witness Qibinnî, weaver. Witness Ishme-ilu.

Witness Sher-nuri, son of Il-shumki.

Witness Ahû'a-eriba. Witness Shamash-nammir, merchant.

Witness NN, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Shamash-belu-ushur, governor of Arzuhina.

P335337: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_suhur#_ (m)[x x x x x x x x] _suhur#_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_(*)-x#-[x x x x]

_suhur#_ (m)A-i É [x x x x x x x] _suhur#_ (m)za-bi-ni _suhur_ x# [x x x x] ku-tal _du6_(*) _pab 11 ansze#_ [_a-sza_ x x x x]

[É x] _ansze 8_(ban2) _a-sza_ [x x x x x x] _suhur# a-sza_ sza (m)A-i [x x x x] _suhur# a-sza_ sza (m)_pab_—im-[me x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining NN, Bel-Harran-...,

adjoining the houses of Aplaya, ..., Zabinu, ..., the rear of the moat; in all 11 hectares of field .

An estate of x hectares 8 decares of field ... adjoining the field of Aplaya ..., adjoining the field of Ahu-immi ...,


adjoining the fields of NN, Bel-Harran-... and Aplî;

an estate of x hectares of land adjoining Zabinu and ..., at the back of the mound, a total of 11 hectares of land ...;

an estate of x hectares 8 decares of land ... adjoining the fields of Aplî ... and Ahi-immi ...



ina _sza 02 ma#_-[_na kug-ud_ x x x x]

il-qi [kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _a-sza_] szu-a-tu za-ar#-[pi la-qi tu-a-ru de-nu]

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu [man-nu sza ina ur-kisz _gil_-u-ni] lu-u (m)rém#-a-ni#—_dingir_ lu#-[u x x x x x] lu-u# mAm-ma-nu-szu _ta_(v) [(m)(d)_masz_—_dingir_-a-a] [de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_ [ub-ta-'u-u-ni] 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ [_luh_-u x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru] a-na# [(d)x a-szib _uru_-x x x _sum_-an]

AI Translation

for 2 minas of silver .

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future breaks the contract, whether Remanni-ilu or ... or his relative, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ila'i, shall pay one mina of refined silver and x minas of pure gold to DN residing in .


Inurta-ila'i has contracted and bought said property for 2 minas of silver .......

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future breaks the contract, whether Remanni-ilu or his ... or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ila'i, shall pay one mina of refined silver and x minas of pure gold to the god ... residing in ...



[x x x x x 03]-su _kug-ud_ sza s,u-pur-szu

AI Translation

...... 1/3 mina of silver for his fingernail.


...... a third of a mina of silver for his fingernail.

P335338: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]+x# A(*)-_sza_(*)# [_suhur_ (m)]_kur#-uri_-a#-[a _suhur_] [_kaskal_ szA _uru_-kal-ha(*)] _suhur_ [(m)za]-bi#-ni _suhur_ (m)_en_—_ti_(*)#

[É 03 _ansze a_]-_sza# suhur_ (m)[HÉ]-_nun_-a-a _suhur_ (m)_en_—_ti_(*)# [(m)za-bi-ni] _suhur ama_(*) szA# _uru-sze_—(m)zi-zi(*)#-[i]

[_suhur uru-lu_]-_bahar_(*)#-_mesz_ É 04# _ansze a-sza suhur#_ [(m)za-bi-ni _suhur_ (m)]_en_(*)#—_ti_(*) _suhur ama_ szA _uru-sze_—(m)[zi-zi-i]

[x x x x É 01] _ansze# a-sza suhur_ (m)qi-[bit-né-e]

[x x x (x)] _suhur# kaskal_ szA _uru_-kal(*)-ha É(*) 4(ban2) [_gisz-gu-za_]

[x x É 01] _ansze# 1_(ban2) _a-sza_ szA _man_(?) szA(*) ina(*) x#+[x x x x] [x x x x]+x# ina ma-al-gu#-te [x x x x x]

[x x x x] É(*) [x] _ansze_(*)# _a-sza_ [x x x x x x] [x x x x] _suhur# a-sza_ [x x x x] [x x x x x x] _ama_(*) sza(*) _uru#_-[_sze_ x x x] [x x x x x x x x x] _suhur#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... field, adjoining Urartayu, the road to Calah, Zabinu and Bel-balatu;

An estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Nunaya, Bel-uballit, Zabinu, and the side road of the village of Zizî —

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining Zabinu, Bel-uballit, the side road to the village of Zizî,

an estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining Qibinê, adjoining ...;

an estate of 4 decares of throne land,

An estate of 1 hectare 1 decare of land of the king which in .

an estate of x hectares of land ...... adjoining the field ......, the side road of the village ......, adjoining ......,


an estate of x decares of land adjoining the field of Urartayu, the road to Calah, and the fields of Zabinu and Bel-lu-balat;

an estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Nuhshaya, Bel-lu-balat and Zabinu, the side road to the village of Zizî and Potter Town;

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the fields of Zabinu and Belu-lu-balat, the side road to the village of Zizî, and ...;

an estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining Qibinnî, ..., and the road to Calah;

an estate of 4 decares of throne land ...;

an estate of 1 hectare 1 decare of land ...... in ... ......;

an estate of x hectares of land ...... adjoining the field of ......, the side road to the village of ...... and ...



[x x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x (m)(d)]_masz_(?)#-i(*) u(*) _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu] [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_] ub#-ta-'u-u-[ni] [x _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u x _ma_]-_na# kug-gi_ sak-ru ina(*)# [bur-ki]

[(d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal]-hi _gar_-an 02 _ansze-kur_-_mesz babbar#_-[_mesz_ ina _gir-2_] [(d)asz-szur i-rak-kas 04(?)] _ansze#_-har-bak-kan-ni ina _ki-ta_ (d)#[_masz-masz_] [u-sze-rab 01] _gu#-un an-na_ a-na _lu-en#_-[_nam uru_-szu] [_sum_-an kas-pu ana 10]-_mesz_-te ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra [o] [ina de-ni-szu] _dug4#-dug4_-ma la _ti_-qi

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_asz_(*) _lu_-lah-hi-nu szA(*) É—kad-mu-ri

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_asz# dumu_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-ni _lu-sanga_ szA (d)_pa_ szA _uru-nina#_-[_ki_]

[_igi_ (m)x]—_en_(*)#—_gin lu-gal_—sze-lap-pa-a-[a]

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#—A—_pab dumu_ (m)asz-szur—rém-an-ni#

[_igi_ (m)]se(*)#-e'—[x x] _lu_-szA—qur(*)#-[bu-ti] [_igi_ (m)x x x x x x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

...... Inurtî and his sons and grandsons seek a lawsuit or litigation against Inurtî, shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Ninurta, who resides in Calah, places two white horses at the feet of Ashur, and brings four harbakannu horses under the authority of Nergal. He shall give one talent of silver to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...-iddina, steward of the storehouse.

Witness ...-iddina, son of Ubru-Nabû.

Witness, priest of Nabû of Nineveh.

Witness ...-belu-ka''in, chief builder.

Witness ...-aplu-ushur, son of Ashur-remanni.

Witness Se'-..., royal bodyguard. Witness NN, .


whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurtî, his sons and grandsons, shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah.

He shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall bring 4 harbakannu-horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall pay one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...-iddina, steward of the Kadmuri temple.

Witness ...-iddina, son of Ubru-Nabû.

Witness, priest of Nabû of Nineveh.

Witness ...-belu-ka'in, chief architect.

Witness ...-aplu-ushur, son of Ashur-remanni.

Witness Se'-..., royal bodyguard.

P335339: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib#_-[szu-nu s,u-pur-szu-nu isz-ku-nu]

s,u-pur (m)_ad_—x#+[x x x] s,u-pur (m)_ad_—_su_(*)# [_en a-sza sum_-ni]

[É] 03 _ansze a-sza-ga_ ina _uru_-[x x x x] _suhur#_ um-me sza _uru_-tu(*)-x#+[x x] _suhur# a-sza_ szA (m)_arad_—(d)[x x x] _suhur# a-sza_ sza (m)_gir_(*)-2(*)—[x x x] [x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-tur-[tan x x x x]

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Abu-..., fingernail of Abu-eriba, owner of the land being sold.

an estate of 3 hectares of land in the town of ..., adjoining the village of Tu..., the field of Urdu-..., the field of Shep-..., NN, the commander-in-chief .


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Abu-..., fingernail of Abu-eriba, owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land in the town of ..., adjoining the side road of Tu..., the field of Urda-..., and the field of Shep-..., the ... of the commander-in-chief



[_igi_ (m)x x x]-szu _igi_ [(m)x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—_mu_—_pab_ [x x x]

[_iti_-x] _ud 22_-_kam_ lim-mu#

AI Translation

Witness ...shu. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, .

Month ..., 22nd day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


Witness ...shu. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, ....

Month ..., 22nd day, eponym year of Shalmaneser V, king of Assyria.

P335340: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_nu_—_man_—iq-bi _lu#_-[x x x] _uru-lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz_-a-a _en a-sza#_ [x x x] _sum_-a-[ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, ... of the village of Lushtammaru, owner of the field being sold.


Seal of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, ... from Susanu, owner of the ... field being sold.



[_igi_ (m)]10—u-[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)gab-ri#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur(?)-[x x x]

sza _uru_-a-di-an [x x x]

an-nu-ti _lu_-_mesz uru_(?) _igi_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_dib_-ti-iq

_igi_ (m)_gisz-zag-mi_—ra-ma

_igi_ (m)ag-ru _lu_(v)-03-_u5_

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Adad-u.

Witness Gabri-.

Witness Ashur-.

of Adian ...

These men are witnesses of the city.

Witness Nabû-shabtiq.

Witness Shil-rama.

Witness Agru, 'third man.'

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur.


Witness Adad-....

Witness Gabri-....

Witness Ashur-....

of Adian ...

these men are of the city, witnesses.

Witness Nabû-ussetiq.

Witness Sammû-ram.

Witness Agru, 'third man'.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur.



_iti-kin ud 01_-_kam_ lim-[mu x x x x x x x]

_uru_-a-mat—_man_(?)—_bad_(?)-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 1st day, eponym year of NN.

the town Amat-sharru-duri .


Month Elul VI, 1st day, eponym year of ....




[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit] dan#-ni-te

AI Translation

Witness NN, scribe, keeper of the contract.


Witness NN, scribe, keeper of the contract.

P335341: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu-nu s,u-pur]-szu#-nu [x x x]

[s,u]-pur# (m)ma(*)-x#+[x x x]

[s,u]-pur (m)asz-szur—_pab_-[x x x]

[s,u]-pur (m)ha-a-an(*)#-[x x]

[_pab_] 03 _lu_-_mesz_-e _en#_ [_a-sza sum_-ni]

É 09 _ansze 3_(ban2)(*) _a-sza_ tab-ru _gal_(*)#-[u]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab#_

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)na(*)-ga-a(*)# [o]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)gam(*)-bu-la-a(*)#-[a]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)kab-ia(?)# [x]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)_arad_—(d)[x]

u-pisz-ma (m)u(*)-ku(*)#-[x (x)] _dumu_ (m)ia-qi-ru# [_ta_(v)] _igi_ (m)ma-ri(*)#-[x]

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails .

Fingernail of Ma...,

Fingernail of Ashur-ahu-...,

Fingernail of Han...,

in all 3 men, owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 9 hectares 3 decares of land, large threshing floor;

adjoining the field of Nabû-duru-ushur,

adjoining the field of Nagâ,

adjoining the field of Gambulayu,

adjoining the field of Kabiya .

adjoining the field of Urdu-...,

Uku..., son of Yaqiru, has contracted and bought it from Mari... for x minas of silver.


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Ma....

Fingernail of Ashur-ahu-....

Fingernail of Han....

In all 3 men, owners of the field being sold.

An estate of 9 hectares 3 decares of field and a large grazing land

adjoining the field of Nabû-duru-ushur,

adjoining the field of Naga'a,

adjoining the field of Gambulayu,

adjoining the field of Kabia...

adjoining the field of Urdu-... —

Uku..., son of Yakiru, has contracted and bought it from Mari'-..., from Ashur-ahhe, ... from Han...



[x x x x] za(*)-ar(*)#-[pu la-qi-u] [tu-a-ru de]-en-nu _dug4-dug4_(*)# [la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA ina] ur(*)#-kisz ina mat-[e-ma] [i-za-qup-an-ni] _gil#_-u-[ni]

[x _ma-na_] _kug#-ud 01 ma-na_ [_kug-gi_] [ina bur-ki] (d)#_im_ a-szib _uru#_-[x x x x] [kas]-pu a-na# o(*) _en_-_mesz gur#_-[ra]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—im-me [o(*)]

_igi_ (m)ka-ku(*)-su(*)# _uru_-sza—(m)bir-ta-a(*)#-[a]

_igi#_ (m)ki-si(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract,

shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Adad residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Il-immi.

Witness Kakkusu, from Sha-Birtayu.

Witness Kisi.


... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract,

shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Adad residing in ..., and shall return the money to its owners.

Witness Il-immi.

Witness Kakkusu, from Sha-Birtaya.

Witness Kisi....



[x x x x x x x] ku-um x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x#-a _lu_(v)-[x x(*)]

AI Translation

...... instead of .

......a, ...


...... instead of ...


P335342: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x (x(*))] _en a-sza sum_-ni

[x x x x x x]+x x x#-ba-al ina _uru_-mir(*)#-[x x x] [x x x x]—_man_(*)—_pab suhur uru_-la-hi-x#+[x x] [x x x x]+x# _suhur_ ha-li-di(*) [x x] [x x x (x) (m)](d)asz-szur—_en_—_lal_ [o] [x x x] _suhur_(*)# (m)di-di-i(*)# [x x x]

AI Translation

NN, owner of the field being sold.

...... in the town of Mir...; ...-sharru-ushur adjoining the town of Lahi...; ... adjoining the alley; ... Ashur-belu-taqqin ... adjoining Didî ...;


Seal of NN, owner of the field being sold.

...... in the town of Mir..., adjoining DN-sharru-ushur, adjoining the city of Lahi..., ..., adjoining a cave ..., adjoining Ashur-belu-taqqin, ..., adjoining Didî, ...



[_igi_ (m)]sa(*)#-si-i [o]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_masz_(*)#-i [o]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-u(*)#-tu(*) _dumu_ (m)ha-ri(*)-[x x]

[_igi_ (m)a(*)]-da(*)-la-la _lu_(v)-rak-sa [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—szal-lim _lu_(v)-rak-sa (m)i-[x x]

[_igi_ (m)]di(*)#-di-i

[_igi_ (m)ba]-ni-i

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-szu-szu

[_igi_ (m)x]-la(*)-bar-su(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_su lu_(v)-_a-ba#_

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_ lim-mu#

AI Translation

Witness Sasî.

Witness Inurtî.

Witness ...utu, son of Hari.

Witness Adallala, recruit .

Witness Nabû-shallim, recruit of I.

Witness Dadî.

Witness Banî.

Witness ...shushu.

Witness ...labarsu.

Witness ...-eriba, scribe.

Month ..., day, eponym year of ..., governor of ... 646 B.C.


Witness Sasî.

Witness Inurtî.

Witness ...utu, son of Hari....

Witness Adallala, conscript ....

Witness Nabû-shallim, conscript of NN.

Witness Didî.

Witness Banî.

Witness ...shushu.

Witness ...labarsu.

Witness ...-eriba, scribe.

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Sharru-lu-dari, governor of Dur-Sharruken.

P335343: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_asar-lu-hi_—rém-a-ni

_na4-kiszib_ (m)hi-da-ta-ni _en# a-sza sum_-ni

É [x x x x x x x x]

sza# [x x x x x x x x x x]

gab-di _uru#-sze_—(m)_dug#_-[_ga_-x x]

u(*)-pisz#-ma (m)[ku]-ku#-la-nu ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_

il-qi kas-pu# gam-mur ta-ad-din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-_ti_ tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

AI Translation

Seal of Asalluhi-remanni,

Seal of Hidatanu, owner of the land being sold.

An estate .

of ......

adjoining the village of Tab-...,

Kukkullanu has contracted and bought him for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Asalluhi-remanni,

seal of Hidatani, owner of the field being sold.

An estate ......

of ......

adjoining the village of Tab-... —

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit against Kakkullanu, his sons and his grandsons,



kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-szu u-_gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-[ma] la i-laq#-[qi(*)]

_iti-gud ud 15_ lim-me (m)_iti_(*)-_ab_(*)#-[a-a] sza _uru-bad_—(m)_man#_—[_gin_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-is, _lu_(v)-szA—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-ni _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si-i _lu_(v)-: ((qur)--_zag_)

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_pa lu_(v)-szA—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_-i _lu_-: ((szA—_gir-2_))

_igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu_-: ((szA—_gir-2_))

_igi_ (m)_arad_—_dumu-usz lu_(v)-: ((szA—_gir-2_))

_igi_ (m)qar-ha-a o(*) _lu_(v)-: ((szA—_gir-2_))

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Iyyar II, 15th day, eponym year of Kanunayu of Dur-Sharruken.

Witness Nabû-tarish, sha shepi guard.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Balasî, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Nabû, sha shepi guard.

Witness Inurtî, ditto.

Witness Arbailayu, ditto.

Witness Urdu-apli, ditto.

Witness Qarhâ, ditto.


shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Month Iyyar II, 15th day, eponym year of Kanunayu, of Dur-Sharruken.

Witness Nabû-tarish, sha shepi guard.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Balasî, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Nabû, sha shepi guard.

Witness Inurtî, ditto.

Witness Arbailayu, ditto.

Witness Urdu-apli, ditto.

Witness Qarhâ, ditto.



[x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation




P335344: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina _sza_-bi 09 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_

u-pisz-ma a-na (m)kak-[kul-la-ni]

i(*)-ti-din kas-pu ga#-[mur] ta-din _a-sza_ za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru _dug4#_-[_dug4_] la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

he has contracted and bought it for 9 minas of copper.

Kakkullanu has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


for 9 minas of copper

he has contracted it and given to Kakkullanu.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_iti_(*)-_szu_(*) _ud 13#_-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Tammuz IV, 13th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Tammuz IV, 13th day, eponym year of NN.

P335345: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_dumu_-_mesz_-szu# [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] de-e-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni]

kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te# [a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra]

ina la de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-[ma la i-laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)ri-ha-nu [x x x]

_igi_ (m)_an-gal_—mu-szal-lim#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and grandsons,

shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Rihanu, .

Witness Issaran-mushallim.

Witness Nabû-belu-.

Witness Ba....

Witness NN.


seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN, his sons or his grandsons

he shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his 'no-lawsuit' and not succeed.

Witness Rihanu, ....

Witness Issaran-mushallim.

Witness Nabû-bel-....

Witness Ba....

Witness ....



[x x x x(*)] sza _a-sza_ szu-a-tu [_sze_-nu-sa-hi-szA]

AI Translation

...... of that field, its corn taxes


The corn-taxes of that field shall not be exacted, .......

P335346: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ [x x x x x x x]

20 _ansze a-sza#_ [x x x x]

x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of ......

20 hectares of field ...,



Seal of NN, ...

20 hectares of land ...




_igi_ (m)(d(*))#[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_di_—U(*)-U(*) [x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha-szA-nu [x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba-ri-[x x (x x)]

_igi_ (m)_asz_—_pab_-[_mesz_ o(*)]

_iti-apin ud 10_-_kam_ ina(*) tar-s,i (m)(d)[x x x] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Shulmu-da''in, .

Witness Hashanu, .

Witness Bari.

Witness Iddin-ahhe.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 10th day, in the time of NN, governor of .


Witness ....

Witness Silim-Dadî, ....

Witness Hashanu, ....

Witness Bari..., ....

Witness Nadin-ahhe.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 10th day, in the time of NN, governor of ....



lim-mu# (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Eponym year of NN.


..., ...



[_igi_ (m)x x x]-bal-lit, _lu_(v)(*)-_ab-ba_

AI Translation

Witness ...-ballit, scribe.


Witness ...ballit, scribe.

P335347: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a [o] sza _uru_-til—ha-u-ar# _en_ É _a-sza_ ad-ru tab-ri-[u] _pu_ ina tar-ba-s,u _sum_-ni(*)

[É x] _ansze# a-sza suhur a-sza#_ [x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû'a from Tillhar, owner of the house, field, threshing floor, threshing floor and well in Tarbashu.

An estate of x hectares of land adjoining the field of .


Seal of Nabû'a of Til-hawar, owner of the house, field, threshing-floor, tabriu and well in the courtyard being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land adjoining the field of ...



_igi_ (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_bad lu_(v)(*)-x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)qur-di-i _igi_ (m)ia-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)na-hi-ri-i : (m)dan-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)u(*)-ta-a : (m)lu-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_kin_-a-a : (m)_ad_—ia-qar#

_igi_ (m)_zalag_-a-nu : (m)da-na-ia : (m)dim(*)-x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)_an-gal_—_en_—_pab_ : (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir

_igi_ (m)ia-di-i' _pab 02_ sza _uru-2_—_lu_(v)(*)-_sag_(*)-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_nigin_-Ar—_dingir_ : (m)hi-ri—_pab_(*)

AI Translation

Witness Bel-Harran-duri, .

Witness Qurdî. Witness Ya.

Witness Nahirî, ditto, Dannat-.

Witness Utâ, ditto, Lu.

Witness Ululayu, ditto Abi-yaqar.

Witness Nuranu, ditto Danaya, ditto Dim.

Witness Issaran-belu-ushur, ditto Nabû-nashir.

Witness Yadi', a total of two from the village of eunuchs.

Witness Kudurru-ilu, ditto. Hiri-ushur.


Witness Bel-Harran-duri, ....

Witness Qurdî. Witness Ya....

Witness Nahirî. Ditto Dan....

Witness Utâ. Ditto Lu....

Witness Ululayu. Ditto Abi-yaqar.

Witness Nuranu. Ditto Dannaya. Ditto Dim....

Witness Issaran-belu-ushur. Ditto Nabû-nashir.

Witness Yadi'. A total of two witnesses from Eunuch Town.

Witness Sahar-ili. Ditto Hiri-ahi.



_pab 02_ sza _uru-2_—s,a-a-s,i

_iti-dul_ lim-mu (m)_man_—_zalag gar-kur_ bar-hal-za

AI Translation

in all, 2 from the town of Shashî.

Month Tishri VII, eponym year of Sharru-nuri, governor of Barhalza.


A total of two from the town of Shashu.

Month Tishri VII, eponym year of Sharru-nuri, governor of Barhalzi.



_sze_-nu-sa-[hi x x x x x x x x]

ina _uru_-til—ha-u-ar [x x x x x]

AI Translation

straw ......

in Tillahar .


The corn taxes of that land shall not be exacted.

In Til-hawar ....

P335348: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _sza_ x _ma_]-_na urudu#_-_mesz ti_-qi# [kas-pu]

[gam-mur ta]-ad-din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu [o] [za-rip] laq#-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu#

[_dug4_]-_dug4#_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz# [ina] ma#-te-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni lu-u# [(m)]u-qu-u-a lu-u (m)_pab_-u-a—_su#_ lu#-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu# lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Uqu'a or Ahu'a-eriba or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, his sons and grandsons,


Inurta-ila'i has contracted and bought it for x minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Uquwa or Ahu'a-eriba, or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or any relative of theirs, or their prefect, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Inurta-ila'i, his brothers and nephews, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)mu]-né#-pisz—_dingir lu_-[ha-za-nu]

[_igi_ (m)_kur-uri_-a]-a _lu_-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-a# _lu_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Muneppish-ilu, mayor.

Witness Urartayu, .

Witness ...a, .


Witness Muneppish-ilu, mayor.

Witness Urartayu, ....

Witness ...a, ....

P335349: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)s,il—asz-szur#—[_du_]-ak(*)#

_ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni lu-u (m)s,il—asz-szur—_du_ o(*)

AI Translation

from Shil-Ashur-ibni.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Shil-Ashur-ibni or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Assurbanipal, his sons and his grandsons,


Nabû'a has contracted and bought it from Shilli-Ashur-allak.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Shilli-Ashur-allak or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû'a and his sons,



[kas]-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur#_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_

_igi_ (m)du-gul—_igi_—_dingir_

[_igi_ (m)man-nu]—ki#—_uru_-arba-il [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dugul-pan-ili.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail, .


shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dugul-pan-ili.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

P335350: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



kas-pu ga-mur ta#-[din] [A]-_sza_ szu-a-tu za-rip laq#-[qi] [de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man]-nu# sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti o(*)

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or his sons or his grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-emuranni and his sons and his grandsons,



[x _ma_]-_na_ [_kug-ud_ x _ma_]-_na kug-gi_

AI Translation

x minas of silver, x minas of gold,


shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold

P335351: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_pa_]-_mesz_(*) dan(*)-nu [sza (m)asz]-szur(*)#—_du_(*)—[_a lugal kur_—asz-szur]-_ki_ ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_] il#-qi gas-pu ga-mur# [ta]-ad#-din

_a-sza_ za-ar-pi [laq-qi(*) man-nu] sza ina ur(*)-kisz(*)#

ina ma-te-ma i-_gil_-u-[ni lu-u _lu_]-_mesz_ an-nu-ti# lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu# sza(*) _ta_(v)# [(m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im_] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu#_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de#-[nu _dug4-dug4_]

AI Translation

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 1/2 mina of silver.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur, his sons or his grandsons,

Should a claim arise concerning these men or their sons, they shall contest with Remanni-Adad, his sons and his grandsons.


Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina of silver.

The money is paid completely. The land is purchased and acquired.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_]—_pab lu-03_-szu dan-nu

[_igi_ (m)u-ar]-bi#-is _lu-03-u5_

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_]—_pab lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze]-zib _lu_-: ((_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_))

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# : _igi_ (m)bar-ruq :

[_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_]—_mu_(*)#—_pab lu-gal_—_hal_

[_igi_ (m)ba-ni-i] _lu_(*)-02-u _lu-gal_—_a-zu_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_ sza É _gaszan_(*)—[É(*)]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_] _lu-02_-u _lu-gal_—u-rat

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# _igi_ (m)bu-di(*)—ba(*)#-al(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-di _pab 03 igi_-_mesz_ [x x x] [_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto. Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Marduk-shumu-ushur, chief haruspex.

Witness Banî, deputy chief physician.

Witness ...a, chariot driver of the household of the Lady of the House.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness NN. Witness Budi-Ba'al.

Witness ...di, a total of 3 witnesses, .... Witness NN, .


Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness ..., ditto. Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Marduk-shumu-ushur, chief haruspex.

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness NN, chariot driver of the house of the lady of the palace.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander of the prince.

Witness NN. Witness Budi-Ba'al.

Witness ...di, a total of 3 witnesses from ....

P335352: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] nu [x x x]

[gab-di A]-_sza_ (m)si-ni#-nu-x#

[x x x]+x# 01 mu-s,u-u

[gab]-di _gisz-sar_ sza (m)_pab_—tab-szi

[x x x x]-te sza (d)15 sza _uru_-arba-il

[x x x] É du(*)-gu-li(*)

[x x x] ad-ri _a-sza-ga_

[tab]-ri(*)#-u ina _uru-sze_—(m)ma-s,i—_dingir_

[u-pisz-ma] (m)rém-ut—(d)_im_

AI Translation

...... not ...

adjoining the field of Sininu...,

...... 1 scout

adjoining the garden of Ahu-tabshi,

... of Ishtar of Arbela

... house of libation;

... threshing floor, field

a reed basket in the village of Mashil;

Remut-Adad has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.



adjoining the field of Sininu..,

... one exit,

adjoining the garden of Ahu-ittabshi,

... of Ishtar of Arbela

... ...

... threshing floor, field,

grazing land in the village of Mashi-ilu —

Remut-Adad has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.



[x x x _kug_]-_ud_ sza _na4-kiszib_-szu

AI Translation

... silver for his seal


... silver of his seal, from ...tê.



[kas-pu gam]-mur _sum_-ni [x x x x] É ad-ru [x x x x]+x# _na4_-kan-nu ($tab(*)-ri(*)$)-u(*) [za-rip la]-qi tu-a-ru

[de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-szu] man-nu sza ina ur-kisz [ina ma-te-ma i]-zaq#-qu-pa-ni

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. ... house, threshing floor, ..., and ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


The money is paid completely. ... house, threshing floor, ..., stone structure, and grazing land are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint,

P335353: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É 60(?) _ansze_ [x x x x x]

_sag uru_-ki-x#+[x x u-pisz-ma (m)x x x] _ta_(v) pa-an (m)_nigin_—[x x x _ta_(v) pa-an] (m)rém-ut—_dingir ta_(v) pa#-[an x x x] ina _sza_-bi 03 _ma_-[_na kug-ud_ il-qe]

_suhur kaskal_ sza a-na [x x x _du_-u-ni]

_suhur_ ta-hu-me [x x x x x]

_suhur kaskal_ sza a-na x#+[x x x _du_-u-ni]

kas-pu ga-mur ta-[din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu] za-rip laq-qi tu#-[a-ru de-nu] [_dug4_]-_dug4_ la#-[asz-szu x x x]

AI Translation

An estate of 60 hectares .

NN has contracted and bought from Kudurru-..., Remut-ili and NN for 3 minas of silver.

adjoining the road that leads to .

adjoining the border .

adjoining the road that leads to .

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


An estate of 60 hectares ...

the best part of the town Ki... — NN has purchased and acquired from Nashur-..., from Remut-ili and from ..., for 3 minas of silver,

adjoining the road that leads to ...,

adjoining the border ...,

adjoining the road that leads to ....

The money is paid completely, that field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[x x x x _lu_(v)]-mu#-kil—_kusz_-[_pa_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

...... the chariot driver


Witness NN, chariot driver.



_igi_ (m)ub-ru—(d)10 _lu-a-ba_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)sal-lim—ia _lu-a-ba_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_igi-lal_-a-ni [x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ubru-Adad, scribe .

Witness Sallim-Ia, scribe .

Witness Bel-emuranni, .


Witness Ubru-Adad, ... scribe.

Witness Sallim-Ea, ... scribe.

Witness Bel-emuranni, ....

P335354: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_suhur_ [x x x x x x x x]

_suhur_ [x x x x x x x x]

_pab 06_(?) _ansze 3_(ban2) _a-sza_-_mesz_

u-pisz-ma (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu ina _sza 30 gin_-_mesz kug-ud ti_-qi

É 02 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-e-ru-di# _suhur_ (m)(d)10—_ad_—_pab suhur_ (m)[x x x x] _suhur_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining .

adjoining .

in all 6 hectares 3 decares of land,

Nabû-shezib has contracted and bought them from Nabû-shar-ahheshu for 30 shekels of silver.

An estate of 2 hectares of land in Erudi, adjoining Adad-abu-ushur, adjoining NN, adjoining Abi-ul-le'i, .


adjoining ......

adjoining ......

in all 6 hectares 3 decares of field ... —

Nabû-shezib has contracted and bought from Nabû-shar-ahheshu for 30 shekels of silver.

An estate of 2 hectares of field in the town of Erudi ..., adjoining Adad-abu-ushur, adjoining NN, adjoining Abi-ul-idi, ...



_pab 02 ansze#_ [_a-sza_ x x x x]

AI Translation

in all 2 hectares of field .


In all 2 hectares of field ....



[x x (m)(d)_pa_—_man_]—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

... Nabû-shar-ahheshu


... Nabû-shar-ahheshu

P335355: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur# (m)s,a-bu—_sig5_

s,u-pur (m)ab-zi-i

s,u-pur (m)_su_—asz-szur

s,u-pur (m)(d)_utu_—szal-lim

s,u-pur (m)par-szi-du

_pab 05 lu_-_mesz en_ ad-ri

É 09 qa ad-ru ina _uru_-du-'u-u-a _suhur_ (m)(d)_im_—rém-a-ni _suhur lu_-sza—_ugu_—É

u-pisz-ma (m)asz-szur—szal-lim#—_pab_-_mesz_ ad-ru _ta_(v)(*)# pa(*)-an# [_lu_-_mesz_-e] szu(*)-nu-ti ina _sza#_ [x _ma-na kug-ud_]

AI Translation

Fingernail of Shabu-damqu,

fingernail of Abzi,

Fingernail of Riba-Ashur,

Fingernail of Shamash-shallim,

fingernail of Parshidu,

in all 5 men, owners of the threshing floor.

An estate of 9 'litres' of threshing floor in Du'ua adjoining Adad-remanni and the overseer of the household;

Ashur-shallim-ahhe has contracted and bought said property from these gentlemen for x minas of silver.


Fingernail of Shabu-damqu,

fingernail of Abzî,

fingernail of Eriba-Ashur,

fingernail of Shamash-shallim,

fingernail of Ipparshidu,

a total of 5 men, owners of the threshing floor.

A property of 90 square metres, a threshing floor in Du'ua, adjoining the estates of Adad-remanni and the overseer of the household —

Ashur-shallim-ahhe has contracted and bought said threshing floor from these men for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.



tu-a-ru _dug4-dug4_ [la-Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ur-kisz# [ina ma-te-ma] sza _ta_(v) (m)asz-szur—szal-lim#—[_pab_-_mesz_] de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-[ta-u-ni] 01 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an#

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz_ [_lu_(v)-ha-za-nu] sza# _uru_-du-'u-[u-a]

_igi_ (m)szA—(d)[x—a-ni]-ni

_igi_ (m)tak-lak—a#-na—_en_-ia _lu_-sza—_ugu_—É sza (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)su-hi-ru

_igi_ (m)arba-il-a-a

_igi_ (m)mu-szal-lim#—(d)_masz_

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ashur-shallim-ahhe, shall pay one mina of silver.

Witness Ashur-shallim-ahhe, mayor of Du'ua.

Witness Sha-...-anini.

Witness Taklak-ana-beliya, overseer of the household of Shumma-ila'i.

Witness Suhiru.

Witness Arbailayu.

Witness Mushallim-Inurta.


The money is paid completely. That threshing floor is purchased and acquired. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ashur-shallim-ahhe, shall pay one mina of silver.

Witness Ashur-shallim-ahhe, mayor of Du'ua.

Witness Sha-Ashur-anini.

Witness Taklak-ana-beliya, overseer of the household of Shumma-ila'i.

Witness Suhiru.

Witness Arbailayu.

Witness Mushallim-Inurta.



_igi_ (m)sza-u-la-a-nu _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ s,a-bit t,up-pi

_iti-gud ud 04_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Shaulanu, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Iyyar II, 4th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Shaulanu, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Iyyar II, 4th day, eponym year of Sin-shallimanni, governor of Rashappa.

P335356: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É 01 _ansze_ [_a-sza suhur kaskal_ sza a-na _uru_-x x x]

_du_-u-ni _pab_ [x x x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi 40 _ma-na urudu_-[_mesz_ x x x x x]

ina mu(?)-le-e É [x x x x x x]

_pab_ É 07 _ansze a_-[_sza_ x x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi 72 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz pab_-ma [x x x] _a-sza_ ma-za-ru-te ina _gisz-ban_ sza 09 qa _urudu_-[_mesz_] ad-ru É i-se-nisz ina _uru-engar_-_mesz_

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_—_pab ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_lugal_

ina 02 me _urudu_-_mesz_ il-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _a-sza_ É ad-ru szu-a-tu

AI Translation

An estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining the road that leads to .

all ......

for 40 minas of copper .

in the middle of the house .

in all an estate of 7 hectares of land .

Total: 72 minas of copper. Total ... field, zarrirutu-fields, by the copper seah of 9 'litres'. A threshing floor and a house are also in the villages.

Nergal-ahu-ushur has contracted and bought them from Ubru-sharri for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field, house, and threshing floor are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


An estate of 1 hectare of land, adjoining the road that leads to GN.

in all ......

for 40 minas of copper ...

on high ground, an estate of ...

In all an estate of 7 hectares of land ...... for 72 minas of copper

All together x hectares of field in cultivation by the copper seah of 9 'litres,' a threshing floor, together with a house in Farmer Town —

Nergal-ahu-ushur has contracted and bought them from Ubru-sharri, for 200 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That field, house, and threshing floor are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni lu-u (m)_suhusz_—_lugal_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu _ta_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_—_pab u szesz_-_mesz_-szu de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni

05 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u [x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru] ina bur-ki (d)[x x x x x x x _gar_] kas-pu a-na 10-[_mesz_-te a-na _en_-szu _gur_ ina de-ni-szu] _dug4-dug4#_ [la _ti_ x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Ubru-sharri or his sons or brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nergal-ahu-ushur and his brothers,

shall place 5 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of DN residing in .... He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ubru-sharri or his sons or his brothers, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nergal-ahu-ushur and his brothers,

shall place 5 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of DN ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_lu-gar-kur kur_-x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

governor of .


governor of ....

P335357: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)lu-lab-bir—_man_-us-su _dumu_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_man_—_pab en a-sza_ ad-ri _gisz-sar sum_-ni

É 1(ban2) _lal_ a-na 02 _ansze a-sza_ gab-di _a-sza_ szA (m)_en_—_du_ gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)bal-t,a-a-a

É 01 _ansze a-sza_ gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)kak-kul-la-nu

É 8(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _ama_ sza _uru_-sa-i-ri gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)_en_—_du_

É 9(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di na-hal-li

gab-di _na4_ zaq-pu É 5(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)ki-s,ir#—asz-szur gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)kak-kul-la#-nu

É 8(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur-ma gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)kak-kul-la-nu

É 01 _ansze a-sza_ gab-di _kaskal_ sza _uru_-ha-szA-nu

gab#-di na-hal-li É 01 _ansze 1_(ban2)# _a-sza_ gab#-di na-hal-li dan-nu gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_

É 7(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)asz-szur—_kur_—_lal_-in

gab#-di _a-sza_ sza (m)kak-kul-la-nu É 3(ban2) _a-sza_ [gab]-di _a-sza_ sza (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_ gab-di na-hal-li (d)ku-si

[É] 6(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _kaskal_ sza _uru_-sa-i-ri

[gab]-di# _a-sza_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur É 01 _ansze a-sza_ [gab-di] _kaskal#_ sza _uru_-sa-i-ri-ma gab-di (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur-ma

[É x x A]-_sza_ gab-di _kaskal_ sza _uru_-sa-i-ri-ma gab-di É—_dingir_

[x x x x]+x# na-hal-lu sza ina _sza_ ia-ar-hu it-ta-ba-ku-u-ni

[x x x x] sza (m)kak-kul-la-nu

[É x x x] _a-sza_ gab-di _kaskal_ sza _uru_-sa-i-ri [x x x x x] _uru_-mar-di-ia-a-né-e

[x x x x x] _a-sza_ sza (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil_

AI Translation

Seal of Labbir-sharrussu, son of Marduk-sharru-ushur, owner of the field, threshing floor and garden being sold.

An estate of 1 decare of grain for 2 hectares of field adjoining the field of Bel-ibni, adjoining the field of Baltaya,

An estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining the field of Ashur-ila'i, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

An estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the side road of the town of Sa'iri, adjoining the field of Bel-ibni,

an estate of 9 decares of field adjoining the wadi;

an estate of 5 decares of field adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

An estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur and adjoining the field of Kakkullanu;

An estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining the road of Hashanu, adjoining the road of the city of Harran.

an estate of 1 hectare 1 decare of field adjoining the forecourt, adjoining the forecourt of Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the quay wall;

An estate of 7 decares of field adjoining the field of Ashur-matu-taqqin, adjoining the field of the king, my lord,

an estate of 3 decares of field adjoining the field of Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the wadi of Kusi;

an estate of 6 decares of field adjoining the road of Sa'iri;

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining the road of Sairu, adjoining Kishir-Ashur,

An estate of ... field adjoining the road of Sairim and the temple, adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the house of the gods, adjoining the house of the gods, adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the road of the city of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ..., adjoining the house of ...,

...... the reed-bed which is in the ayarhu-vessel has been deposited

...... of Kakkullanu

An estate of x hectares of field adjoining the road of Sairu, ......, and Mardianê,

...... field of Urdu-Mullissi


Seal of Lulabbir-sharrussu, son of Marduk-sharru-ushur, owner of the field, threshing floor and garden being sold.

An estate of one decare less than 2 hectares of field adjoining the field of Bel-ibni, adjoining the field of Baltaya,

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining the field of Ashur-ila'i, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the side road to Sairi, adjoining the field of Bel-ibni,

an estate of 9 decares of field adjoining the wadi, adjoining an erected stone,

an estate of 5 decares of field adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining the road of Hashanu, adjoining the wadi,

an estate of 1 hectare 1 decare of field adjoining the main wadi, adjoining the field of Ubru-Nabû,

an estate of 7 decares of field adjoining the field of Ashur-matu-taqqin, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

an estate of 3 decares of field adjoining the field of Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the wadi of Kusu,

an estate of 6 decares of field adjoining the road of Sairi, adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur,

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining the road of Sairi, adjoining Kishir-Ashur,

an estate of ... field adjoining the road of Sairi, adjoining the temple

... a wadi that runs to a pond

... of Kakkullanu,

an estate of ... field adjoining the road of Sairi, ... of Mardianê

...... field of Urdu-Mullissi,



[x x x x x] _uru_-mar-di-ia-a-né-e

[x x x x x] ia-ar-hu gab-di (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil_

[x x x x] gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

[gab-di na]-hal#-li dan-nu É 3(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _ama_ szA _uru-sze_—di-qa-ra-te

[gab-di _a-sza_] sza (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_ É 3(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_—ma

[gab-di na]-hal-li (d)ku-si É 8(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_

[gab-di A]-_sza#_ sza (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a É 2(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)ar-bi-te-hi

[gab-di] _kaskal_ sza _uru_-ha-szA-nu É 01 _ansze a-sza_ gab-di _kaskal_ sza _uru_-ha-szA-ni-ma

[gab-di] _a-sza_ sza (m)_en_—_du_ É 8(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil_

[gab-di] _a-sza_ sza (m)ar-bi-te-hi É 8(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di _ama_ [sza] _uru#-sze_—di-qa-ra-te gab-di (m)ar-bi-te-hi

_pab 20 ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-(m)_ad_—_dingir_-a-a

u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _ta igi_ (m)lu-lab-bir—_man_-us-su

ina _sza 03 ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi# kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _a-sza_ szu-a-te za-ar-pi laq-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina im—ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-an-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)lu-lab-bir—_man_-us-su lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _ta_ (m)kak-kul-la-nu _ta dumu_-_mesz_-szu _ta dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni

10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-[szi]-bat _uru-nina-ki gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina la de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)(d)sag-gil—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—A—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_ad lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si-i _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-an-ni _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_i lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu

AI Translation

...... Mardianê

...... a grove adjoining Urdu-Mullissi,

...... adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur

an estate of 3 decares of field adjoining the mother of the village of Diqarate, adjoining the road of the village of the king,

an estate of 3 decares of field adjoining Ubru-Nabû-ma, adjoining the field of Nabû-sharru-ushur, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, my lor

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the wadi of Kusi;

an estate of 2 decares of field adjoining Arbitehi, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord,

An estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining the road of Hashanu, adjoining the road of the city of Hashanu,

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining Urdu-Mullissi, adjoining the field of Bel-ibni, adjoining the road of the king, the ...;

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the side road of the village of Diqarte, adjoining Arbitehi;

in all 20 hectares of land in the town of Abu-ila'i.

Kakkullanu, cohort commander, has contracted and bought them from Labbir-sharrussu for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Labbir-sharrussu or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander.

Witness Saggil-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-aplu-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, cohort commander.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, cohort commander.

Witness Balasî, royal bodyguard.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-na'id, royal bodyguard.


... Mardianê

... a pond adjoining Urdu-Mullissi,

... adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur, adjoining the main wadi,

an estate of 3 decares of field adjoining the side road to the village of Diqarati, adjoining the field of Ubru-Nabû,

an estate of 3 decares of field likewise adjoining Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the wadi of Kusu,

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the field of Ashur-ila'i,

an estate of 2 decares of field adjoining Arbitehi, adjoining the road of Hashanu,

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining the road of Hashanu, adjoining the field of Bel-ibni,

an estate of 8 decares of field likewise adjoining Urdu-Mullissi, adjoining the field of Arbitehi,

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining the side road of the village of Diqarati adjoining Arbitehi,

in all 20 hectares of field in Abi-ila'i —

Kakkullanu, cohort commander has contracted and bought from Lulabbir-sharrussu for 3 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Lulabbir-sharrussu or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kakkullanu and against his sons and against his grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander.

Witness Saggil-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-mar-sharri-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, cohort commander.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, cohort commander.

Witness Balasî, royal bodyguard.

Witness Ashur-killanni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nabû-na'id, royal bodyguard.



_igi_ (m)_lal_—_kam_-esz _igi_ (m)a-di-i _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

_iti-ziz ud 13_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_egir_-u

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_idim_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit _im_

AI Translation

Witness Tashmetu-eresh. Witness Addî, merchant.

Month Shebat XI, 13th day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur, 'first man'.

Witness Nabû-kabti-ahheshu, scribe, keeper of the tablet.


Witness Tuqunu-erish. Witness Addî, merchant.

Month Shebat XI, 13th day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur, arkû.

Witness Nabû-kabti-ahheshu, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

P335358: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-_mesz_-szu-nu s,u-pur-szu-nu isz-kun-nu

s,u-pur (m)(d)_pa_—_masz_ s,u-pur (m)mu-_di_—asz-szur

s,u-pur (m)asz-szur—_kur_—_lal_-in s,u-pur (m)(d)_pa_—_i# pab 04 dumu_ (m)_kur_-i-tu-'a-a-a _en a-sza_-_mesz_

É 14 _ansze a-sza_ ina ma-az-za-ru-ti# É# ad-ru _gisz-sar_ ina _sza uru-simug-kug-gi#_

[u]-pisz-ma (m)_mu_—_gisz# lu_(v)-mu-szar#-ki-su# [ina] _sza 20_(*)# [_ma_]-_na# urudu_-_mesz ta_(v) _igi lu_-_mesz_-[e] o(*)

[an-nu-ti _en a_]-_sza_-_mesz_ il-qi kAs(*)-pu gam-mur# [ta-din _a-sza_ szu]-a-tu za-rip la-a#-[qi] [tu-a-ru de-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz#-[szu]

[man-nu sza ina ur]-kisz# ina ma-ti-[ma] [lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu]-ti lu-u(*) _dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu-nu]

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Nabû-ashared, fingernail of Mushallim-Ashur,

Fingernail of Ashur-matu-taqqin, fingernail of Nabû-na'id, a total of 4 sons of Itu'ayu, owners of the fields being sold.

An estate of 14 hectares of land in cultivation, a house, a threshing floor, and a garden in the city of Smugkug;

Shumu-leshir, recruitment officer, has contracted and bought them for 20 minas of copper from these gentlemen.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether ... or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Nabû-ashared, fingernail of Mushallim-Ashur,

fingernail of Ashur-matu-taqqin, fingernail of Nabû-na'id, a total of 4 sons of Itu'ayu, owners of the land.

An estate of 14 hectares of land in cultivation, a house, a threshing floor and an orchard in Goldsmith Town —

Shumu-leshir, recruitment officer, has contracted and bought it for 20 minas of copper from these gentlemen, the owners of the land.

The money is paid completely. That land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these gentlemen or their sons ...



[_igi_ x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-qur(*)#-[bu-ti]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-u-a _dumu_ (m)sza—asz(*)-szur(*)—a(*)#-[ni-ni]

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-a _dumu_ (m)_en_—_uru_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-i _dumu_ (m)ha-nu-bu

[_igi_] (m)gi-ia#-a _dumu_ (m)_en_—_uru_(*)#

_igi#_ (m)(d)_masz_-i(*)# _dumu_ (m)_ka-dingir_-a#-[a]

_igi_ (m)su-si-ia# [_lu_(v)]-_simug-kug-gi_ sza É# _lu_(v)-_sukkal_(*)#

_igi_ (m)_dingir_-ma—_zu_ [_dumu_] (m)su-si-ia _ki-min#_

_igi_ (m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz uru-simug-kug-gi_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)ur-du _igi_ (m)la—tu-ba-szA-ni—_dingir lu_(v)-_usz-bar_ szA É _lu_(v)-_sukkal_

_iti-gan ud 26_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_en_—_kalag_-an _lu_(v)-_gar-kur uru_-kal-hi ina 02-e pu-ri-szu

AI Translation

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness, son of Sha-Ashur-anini.

Witness ...a, son of Bel-ushur.

Witness ...î, son of Hanubu.

Witness Giyâ, son of Bel-ushur.

Witness Inurtî, son of Babilayu.

Witness Susiya, goldsmith of the house of the vizier.

Witness Ilumma-le'i, son of Susiya, ditto.

Witness Riba-ahhe, goldsmith.

Witness Urdu. Witness La-tubashanni-ilu, weaver of the house of the vizier.

Month Kislev IX, 26th day, eponym year of Bel-dan, governor of Calah. He has been paid in full.


Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness ...u'a, son of Sha-Ashur-aninu.

Witness ...a, son of Bel-ali.

Witness ...i, son of Hannubu.

Witness Giyâ, son of Bel-ali.

Witness Inurtî, son of Babilayu.

Witness Susiya, goldsmith of the vizier's household.

Witness Ilumma-le'i, son of Susiya, ditto.

Witness Riba-ahhe from Goldsmith Town.

Witness Urdu. Witness La-tubashanni-ilu, weaver of the vizier's household.

Month Kislev IX, 26th day, eponym year of Bel-dan, governor of Calah, during his second term.



_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa_ s,a-bit dan-ni-ti

AI Translation

Witness Ubru-Nabû, keeper of the contract.


Witness Ubru-Nabû, keeper of the contract.

P335359: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um# _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

s,u-pur (m)par-szi-di _en_(!) _a-sza sum_-ni

É 04 _ansze a-sza-ga_ ina ma-za-ru-ti

É : ad-ru me-szil(*) _gisz-sar_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)la—qé-pu _suhur kaskal_ sza _uru-sze_—_gal_-_mesz_ [_suhur_] _kaskal_(*) [sza] _uru_(*)-_sze_(*)#—[x x]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Parshidi, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 4 hectares of land in cultivation.

an estate of a threshing floor, half a garden in the village of La-qepu, adjoining the road of the village of the magnates, adjoining the road of the village of ...,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ipparshidu, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 4 hectares of land in cultivation;

an estate of ditto, a threshing floor, a half of a garden in the village of La-qepu, adjoining the road of Kapar-rabuti and the road of the village of ...



_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)(*)#-_sag_ sza _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)—x#+[x]

_igi_ (m)hal-di—_pab igi_ (m)hal-di—_du#_

_igi_ (m)ke-e-a-a _igi_ (m)rém-ut—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)ia-da—_dingir lu_(v)(*)-i-tu-'a-a-a

_pab 06 igi_-_mesz_ sza _uru-sze_—(m)la—qé-pi

_igi_ (m)_ta_(v)(*)—(d)_im_—_pab_-u-tu _arad_ sza _lu_(v)(*)-_sukkal_

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _arad_ sza _lu-gal_—_kasz-lul_

_pab 02 igi_-_mesz_ sza _uru-sze_—da-na-ia

_igi_ (m)gir-sa-a' _igi_ (m)_en_—tak-lak

_igi_ (m)_gir-2_—10 _pab 03_ : _uru_-ni-hu-ut-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, eunuch of the chief .

Witness Haldi-ushur. Witness Haldi-ibni.

Witness Ke'ayu. Witness Remut-ili.

Witness Yada-ilu, Itu'ean.

in all 6 witnesses from the village of La-qepu.

Witness Issi-Adad-ahhutu, servant of the vizier.

Witness Ululayu, servant of the chief cupbearer.

in all 2 witnesses from the village of Dannaya.

Witness Girsa'. Witness Bel-taklak.

Witness Shep-Adad, in all 3 ditto from Nihutu.


Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, eunuch of the chief ....

Witness Haldi-nashir. Witness Haldi-ibni.

Witness Kê-Aya. Witness Remut-ili.

Witness Yada'-il, an Itu'ean.

A total of 6 witnesses from the village of La-qepu.

Witness Itti-Adad-ahhutu, servant of the vizier.

Witness Ululayu, servant of the chief cupbearer.

A total of 2 witnesses from the village of Dannaya.

Witness Girsâ. Witness Bel-taklak.

Witness Shep-Adad. A total of 3 ditto from the town Nihut.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_di_ s,a-bit t,up-pi

_iti-sze ud 15_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-ahhe-shallim, keeper of the tablet.

Month Adar XII, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Nabû-ahhe-shallim, keeper of the tablet.

Month Adar XII, 15th day, eponym year of Shamash-belu-ushur.

P335360: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[kas-pu gam-mur] ta(*)#-ad-din(*)# [o(*)] _a-sza_ É ad-ru _gisz-sar un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu(*)# [za-ar-pu] laq-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-e-ma lu-u (m)asz-szur—_numun_—_du_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v) (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_(*)—_du u dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That field, house, threshing floor, orchard and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ashur-zeru-ibni or his sons, grandsons or brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-shumu-ibni and his sons,


The money is paid completely. That field, house, threshing floor, garden and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ashur-zeru-ibni or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-shumu-ibni and his sons,



05 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 02 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru a-na (d)_masz sum_-an 01 _gu-un an-na_ a-na _lu-nam uru_-szu _sum_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en#_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi#

_igi_ (m)#bu-la(*)-lu _lu-a-zu_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#+[x] _lu#-a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_]-_dam-qar#_

AI Translation

shall give 5 minas of refined silver and two minas of pure gold to Ninurta, shall give one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bullalu, physician.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, merchant.


shall give 5 minas of refined silver and 2 minas of pure gold to Ninurta, shall give one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bulalu, physician.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN, merchant.

P335361: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É] 02 _ansze#_ [_a-sza_ sza _lu_(v)-x x x x]-a#-a ina _uru_-qa(*)#-[di-né-e _suhur_ x x x x] _suhur id_-ha(*)-bur(*)# [_suhur_ (m)x x x]—_si-sa suhur_ ma-u(*)-te sza [(m)x x x x x]-ni(*)#

É 10 _ansze a-sza_ sza(*) _lu_(v)(*)-x x x x#-a-a ina _uru_-qa-di-né-e _suhur uru-sze_—(m)ki-i-ni _suhur ka-gal_ sza _uru_-qa-di-né-e _suhur kaskal_—_man_

sza _uru-bad_—a-du-ku—01-lim _pab 50 ansze a-sza_ É szi-qi É ad-ru 02 _gisz-sar_-_mesz u-sar_-_mesz_ ina _uru_-bur-ri-im _um_(*) _uru_-qa-di-né-e

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz_-a-pa-te dan-nu sza (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

an estate of 2 hectares of land of the ...eans in Qadinê, adjoining ..., the Habur River, ...-leshir, and the field of;

An estate of 10 hectares of land of the ...eans in Qadinê, adjoining the village of Kini, the gate of Qadinê, and the royal road —

in all 50 hectares of land, a house, a threshing floor, a house, a threshing floor, 2 vegetable gardens in Burrim, or Qadinê.

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver.


An estate of two hectares of land of the ...eans, in Qatna, adjoining ......, the Habur River, the field of ...-leshir, and the maintenance field of ...;

an estate of 10 hectares of land of the ...eans, in Qatna, adjoining the village of Kini, the city gate of Qatna, and the royal road of Dur-Katlimmu;

a total of 50 hectares of land under irrigation, a house, a threshing floor, and two vegetable gardens in the town of Burrim next to the city of Qatna —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought it for 10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Bel-sharru-ushur, Nabû'a and Ashur-shi'i.



_ta_(v)(*) _igi_ (m)asz-szur—szi-i il-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-din(*)-ni _a-sza_ É ad-ru _gisz-sar_

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. The field, house, threshing floor and orchard are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. That field, house, threshing floor and gardens are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



ina ma-te-ma man-nu sza i-za-qu-pa-a-ni lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu _szesz_-_mesz_-szu-nu _dumu_—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu-(nu) _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu-szu-nu _lu_-ha-za-na-szu-nu

_lu_(v)-mu-mu-nu-szu-nu qur-bu man-nu sza e-la-a-ni _ta_(v)(*) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz_-a-pa-_mesz_ dan-nu _ta_(v)(*) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ [ub]-ta#-u-ni 01 _gu-un ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 10 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru-nina-ki_ i-szak-kan kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-_mesz_-szu u-ta(*)-ra(*)# ina la de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-ma la i-laq#-qi

[_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz]-szur# _lu_(v)-_sukkal_ dan-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_sukkal 02_-u _igi_ (m)u-bar-bi-si 03-si-szu [dan]-nu

[_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_]—_man#_—_pab a_ (m)gab-bé-e

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] 03-si-szu _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_gin_—_pab 03_-si-szu

[_igi_ (m)x x x x 03]-si#-szu _igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—asz-szur [_lu_(v)-_dib_—a-pa-te] sza# _dumu_—_lugal_

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab dib_—a-pa]-te _igi_ (m)bar-ruq _ki-min_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _ki-min igi_ (m)]_numun_—_gin ki-min_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-02-u sza _gal_]—u-rat-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x]+x#

[_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru-kaskal lu_(v)-_gisz_]-_gigir_(*)#—_du8_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

At any time, who opposes me, whether these men, their sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, prefects, mayors, or any relative of theirs,

Whoever comes up against Remanni-Adad, the chief chariot driver, and his sons and grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation, shall place one talent of refined silver and 10 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, chief vizier.

Witness NN, deputy vizier. Witness Ubarbisi, chief 'third man.'

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbê.

Witness NN, 'third man.' Witness Ashur-kenu-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness NN, 'third man.' Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver. Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto. Witness Zeru-ukin, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness .......

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of open chariotry.

Witness .......


In the future, at any time, whoever lodges a complaint, whether these men, their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect or mayor, or any close relative of theirs,

whoever comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, and his sons and grandsons, shall place one talent of refined silver and 10 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness NN, second vizier. Witness Uarbisi, chief 'third man.'

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbê.

Witness NN, 'third man.' Witness Ashur-kenu-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness ... 'third man.' Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, chariot driver of the prince.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver. Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto. Witness Zeru-ukin, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness ........

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness ........

P335362: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É szi]-qi(*) _gisz#_-[_sar gisz_-til-lit x x x x x x x x x É]

10 _ansze a-sza 01_(*)# _gisz-sar gisz_(*)#-[til-lit x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x] _uru-sze_—dan(*)-a-a# [x x x x x x x x x]+x x#

[x x x x _uru_]-_sze_(*)#—(m(*))zu(*)-um(*)-bi x#+[x x x x x]+x# tal-pi-tu

[x x x x] ina _uru_-(d)_utu_—ri-qa _pab_-ma 05# me 80 _ansze a-sza_-_mesz 10 gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz_(*)-til(*)-lit(*)# 06 _gisz-sar_-_mesz_ szi(*)#-qi A-_mesz_ É(*)-_mesz_(*) ina na-gi-i _kur_-arrap-ha sza# (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_su_ sza# (m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz_ sza(*) (m)_gin_(*)-i(*) ina _uru_-(d)#_utu_—ri#-[qa]

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a-ni#—(d)_im lu_(v)-mu-kil(*)—_kusz_-[_pa_-_mesz_ dan-nu] sza# (m)asz-szur#—_du_-_dumu-usz# lugal kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ ina _sza#_ [x x x x x x x x] [x x x] sza# e-gir-ra-_mesz_-te _ta_(v)(*)# [_igi lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te] [o (m)rém]-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-mu#-[kil—_kusz_—_pa_-_mesz_ dan-nu]

AI Translation

An estate of x hectares of land, vineyards ......, a house, ......, a house, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ......, ...,

10 hectares of field, 1 vineyard ......;

...... the village of Dannaya

...... the village of Zumbi .

... in the town of Shamash-riqa. Total: 580 hectares of land, 10 vineyards, 6 vineyards, water and houses in the district of Arrapha, belonging to Marduk-eriba, Riba-ahhe, Kenî, in the town of Shamash-riqa.

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from these gentlemen for ...... of the letters.


under irrigation, a vineyard ......;

10 hectares of land, one vineyard ......

... village of Dannaya ......

... village of Zumbi ......, a barnyard

... in the town of Shamash-riqa; in all 580 hectares of land, 10 vineyards, 6 irrigated gardens, and houses in the district of Arrapha, belonging to Marduk-eriba, Riba-ahhe and Kenî, in Shamash-riqa —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from these gentlemen for ...... documents.



il-qi# kas-pu ga-mur ta-din-ni _a-sza_-_mesz_ É(*)#-[_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz_ szi-qi] ad#-ri-_mesz id-igi-2_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-ar-pa laq-[qi-a] tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu ina ur-kisz-szi ina(*)# [ma-te-ma]

lu-u (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_su_ lu-u (m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz_ lu-u (m)_gin_-i _dumu_ (m)_su_(*)#—[_pab_—_mesz_] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu-nu _dumu_—_szesz_-_mesz_-szu-[nu] lu#-u _lu-gar_-nu-szu-nu lu-u mAm-ma-szu-nu qur-bu sza e-la-a-ni _ta_(v)(*)# [(m)]rém#-a-ni—(d)_im dumu_-_mesz_-szu _u dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu

[_dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni i]-gar#-ru-u-ni ma-a kas-pu la ga-mur [la ta-din-ni _a-sza_-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz_ szi-qi] A-_mesz_ ad-ri-_mesz_

[_id-igi-2_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu la za-ar-pa la laq-qi-a x] _gu-un kug#-ud luh_-u

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses, orchards, straw, and canals are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

or Marduk-eriba, Riba-ahhe, Kenî, son of Riba-ahhe, or their sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, prefect, or relative, who comes up against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons,

They are arguing: "The money is not paid completely, the fields, gardens, irrigation, and threshing floor are not given."

Those canals are not to be diverted or cleared away.


The money is paid completely. Those lands, houses, irrigated gardens, threshing floors and springs are purchased and acquired. Any revocation lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Marduk-eriba or Riba-ahhe or Kenî son of Riba-ahhe, or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect, or any relative of theirs, comes forward and seeks or institutes a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, saying:

"The money is has not been paid completely. Those lands, irrigated gardens, threshing floors and springs are not purchased and acquired,"

shall pay x talents of refined silver

P335363: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É 60 _ansze#_ [_a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 10 qa] É tal-pi-tu a-na gi#-[mir-ti-szu] É 2(ban2) ad-ru i-na _uru-dul_—na-hi#-[ri]

(m)qar-ha-a _lu-engar_ (m)e(*)-ni—_dingir_(*)# 01 _dumu_ pir-su (m)ab-szA-a _szesz_-szu(*)#

_mi_-pa-pa(*)-a _ama_-szu(*)-nu _pab 05 zi_-[_mesz_] É 60 _ansze a-sza_ É tal-pi-tu(*)# a-na gi-mir-ti-szA u-pisz-ma#

(m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_kusz_-[_pa_-_mesz_] [sza] (m(*))asz-szur—_du_—_a lugal kur_—asz-szur-_ki_(*)# [_ta_(v)] _igi#_ (m)(d)nu-usz-hu—sa-lih(?)#-[an-ni] [ina _sza_ x] _ma#-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e [sza] _uru#_-gar-ga-mis _ti_-qi

[kas]-pu# gam-mur ta-ad-din(*)# [_a-sza_-_mesz_] É# _un_-_mesz_ szu-a#-[tu] [za]-ar(*)#-pu la(*)-qi(*)#-[u]

AI Translation

An estate of 60 hectares of land by the seah of 10 'litres', a house plot in its entirety, an estate of 2 decares of threshing floor in the town of Dur-Nahiri;

Qarha, farmer; Eni-ilu, 1 son of Pirsu; Abshaya, his brother;

In all 5 persons, an estate of 60 hectares of land and a house plot in its entirety —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from Nushhu-salihanni for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


An estate of 60 hectares of land by the seah of 10 'litres', a barnyard in its entirety, and a plot of 2 decares, a threshing floor, in Til-Nahiri;

Qarhâ , farmer, Eni-il, a weaned boy, Abshâ, his brother, and Papâ, their mother;

in all 5 persons, an estate of 60 hectares of land and a barnyard in its entirety —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from Nushhu-sallihanni for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, buildings, and people are purchased and acquired.



[_igi_ (m)]_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu_(*)#-[03-_u5_]

[_igi_] (m)se-e'—ha-ri _lu_-[:] ((03-_u5_))

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-02_-u _lu-gal_—[u-rat]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_uru#-kaskal lu_(v)(*)-_gisz-gigir#_—[_du8_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)se-e'—dal-a4 :(*)

_igi_ (m)I—(d)10 :(*)# [o]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_sum_(*)—_a lu_(*)-_a-ba#_ [s,a-bit dan-ni-te]

_iti-sze ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_iti-ab_-[a-a]

AI Translation

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-hari, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of open chariotry.

Witness Se'-dalâ, ditto.

Witness Na'di-Adad, ditto.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu.


Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man'.

Witness Se'-hari, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of open chariotry.

Witness Se'-dalâ, ditto.

Witness Na'di-Adad, ditto.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu of the New Palace.

P335364: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_] (m)(d)nu-usz-hu—sa-lih(*)-an-[ni] [_lu_]-_gisz#-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz en a-sza un_-_mesz sum_-ni#

[É 60 _ansze_] _a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 10 qa-_mesz_ [É tal-pi-tu] a-na gi-mir-ti-szu [É 2(ban2) ad]-ru# ina _uru-dul_—na-hi-ri#

[(m)qar-ha-a _lu-engar_ (m)]e(*)-ni(*)#—[_dingir dumu_ pir-su] [(m)ab-szA-a] _szesz_-szu _mi_-pa#-[pa-a _ama_-szu-nu]

[_pab 05 zi_]-_mesz#_ É 60 [_ansze a-sza_] [É] tal(*)-pi#-tu [a-na gi-mir-ti-szu]

[u-pisz]-ma# [(m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im_]

AI Translation

Seal of Nushhu-salihanni, horse trainer of the open chariotry, owner of the land and people being sold.

An estate of 60 hectares of land by the seah of 10 'litres', a house plot in its entirety, a house of 2 decares of threshing floor in Dur-Nahiri;

Qarha, farmer; Eni-il, son of Pirsu; Abshaya, his brother; Papâ, their mother;

in all 5 persons, an estate of 60 hectares of land, a house, and a vineyard in its entirety —

Remanni-Adad has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


Seal of Nushhu-sallihanni, horse trainer of the open chariotry, owner of the land and people being sold.

An estate of 60 hectares of land by the seah of 10 'litres,' a barnyard in its entirety, and a plot of 2 decares, a threshing floor, in Til-Nahiri;

Qarhâ, farmer, Eni-il, a weaned boy, Absâ his brother, and Papâ, their mother;

in all 5 persons, an estate of 60 hectares of land, and a barnyard in its entirety —

Remanni-Adad ... has contracted and



[ina de-ni]-szu(*) _dug4_(*)#-[_dug4_-ma la _ti_]

_igi#_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur [_lu-sukkal_ dan-nu]

[_igi_ (m)](d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz#_

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib :-

[_igi_] (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni :-

_igi_ (m)#bar-ru-qu :-

[_igi_] (m)#sa-ak-kan :-

[_igi_] (m)#_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu-03-u5_

[_igi_ (m)]se-e'—ha-ri :-

[_igi_ (m)](d)#_pa_—_su lu-02_-u _lu-gal_—u-rat

[_igi_ (m)man]-nu—ki#—_uru-kaskal lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)se]-e'#—dal-a4 :-#

[_igi_ (m)I]—(d)#_im_ :

[_igi_ (m)(d)15]—_sum_(*)#—_a lu_(v)-_a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni-te#

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, chief vizier.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-hari, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Se'-dalâ, ditto.

Witness Na'di-Adad, ditto.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Shumma-ilani, ditto

Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man.'

Witness Se'-hari, ditto.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Se'-dalâ, ditto.

Witness Na'di-Adad, ditto.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.



[_iti-sze_] _ud# 01_-_kam_ li-mu

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


Month Ab V, 1st day, eponym year of Kanunayu of the New Palace.

P335365: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[s,u]-pur (m)bar—[ha-te-e] _en a#-sza_ É _un_-_mesz sum_(*)#-[ni]

[É] 50(*)# _ansze a-sza 10_ lim _gisz_-til-lit#

[É] ep#-szu (m)ha-szA-na(*) 04 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _mi#_-szu _mi#_-da-an-qi-i _dumu_-szA _dumu#_-[_mi_-sa] _pab 09_(*)# _zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz#_ sza# [(m)bar—ha]-te-e ina _uru_-ti-'i#-i

u#-[pisz-ma] (m)szum-mu—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _ta_(v)# [_igi_ (m)]bar#—ha-te-e(*) ina _sza#_-bi 06 _ma-na kug#-ud_ ina _ma#_-[_na_-e sza _man_ il-qi]

kas-pu ga-am#-[mur ta-ad-din] _a-sza_ É [_un_-_mesz gisz-sar_ szu-a-tu] za-ar#-[pu laq-qi-u]

AI Translation

Fingernail of Bar-hatê, owner of the land, house, and people being sold.

An estate of 50 hectares of land, 10,000 stalks of vine,

Hashana, his 4 sons, his wife, Danqî, her son, and her daughter, a total of 9 persons, servants of Bar-hatê, in the town of Ti'î —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Bar-hatê for 6 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That field, house, people, and garden are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Bar-hatê, owner of the land, house, and people being sold.

An estate of 50 hectares of land, 10,000 vines, and a built house;

Hashana, his 4 sons and his wife; the woman Danqî, her son and her daughter; a total of 9 persons, servants of Bar-hatê in the town of Ti'i —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Bar-hatê for 6 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That land, house, people, and garden are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu sza ina ur-kisz _gil#_-[u-ni] lu (m)bar—ha-te lu(*)# _dumu_-_mesz_-szu# lu qur-ub-szu lu mAm-ma-nu-szu# sza _ta_(v) (m)szum-mu—_dingir_-_mesz#_-ni _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu de#-e-nu da-ba-bu ub-ta#-['u]-ni(*)# [10 _ma_]-_na kug-ud# 01 ma#-na kug#-gi_ sak(*)-ru(*)# [ina bur]-ki(*)# (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru#_-[_nina_] _gar_(*)-an(*)# [kas-pu] a(*)#-na 10-_mesz_ a-[na] _en_-szu _gur#_ [o] [ina de]-ni#-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la# _ti_

[_igi_ (m)]_dumu_(*)#—_zalag lu-02_-u _uru_-ma-ga#-nu-ba

[_igi_ (m)x x]—(d)#_pa lu_(v)(*)-x-bar(*)#-ru(*) :-

[_igi_ (m)x x]—qa(*)-mu o(*) _lu_(v)-mu-kil#—_pa_-_mesz_ :-#

[_igi_ (m)x]—mu(*)#-za-x#+[x _igi_] (m)ra-pa-ia#

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, breaks the contract, whether Bar-hate or his sons, family, or relative, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani and his sons, shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Mar-nuri, deputy governor of Maganuba.

Witness ...-Nabû, ... of ditto.

Witness ...-qamu, chariot driver ditto.

Witness ...-muza.... Witness Rapaya.


Whoever, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Bar-hatê, his sons, or a neighbour or relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani and his sons, shall place ten minas of silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Mar-nuri, deputy of Maganuba.

Witness ...-Nabû, ... of ditto.

Witness ...-qam, chariot driver of ditto.

Witness NN.... Witness Rapaya.

P335366: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_arad_(*)-_mesz_ (m)bar(*)—ha(*)#-[te-e] ina _uru_-ti-'i-[i]

u-pisz-ma (m)szum#-[mu—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)bar—(ha)-te-[e] ina _sza 06 ma-na kug-ud_ ina [_ma-na_ sza _man_]

il-qi kas-pu gam-mur# ta-ad-din# _a-sza_ É _un_-_mesz gisz-sar_ szu-a-[tu] za-Ar-pu laq-[qi-u] tu-a-ru de-[e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la#-[Asz-szu]

AI Translation

The servants of Bar-hatê in Ti'î.

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Bar-hatê for 6 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That land, house, people, and orchard are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


servants of Bar-hatê in the town of Ti'i —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Bar-hatê for 6 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That field, house, people, and garden are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu# szA ina ur-[kisz _gil_-u-ni] lu-u (m)bar—ha-at(*)#-[e] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [o] lu-u qur-ub(*)#-[szu o]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future breaks the contract, whether Bar-hatê or his sons or his family,


Whoever, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Bar-hatê, his sons, or a neighbour or relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani and his sons,



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma_-[_na kug-gi_] ina bur-ki (d)_isz_-[_tar_ a-szi-bat] _nina-ki gar_-an kas-[pu a-na 10-_mesz_] a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur#_-[ra] ina de-ni-szu _dug4_(*)#-[_dug4_-ma]

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335367: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02(*) _zi#_-[_mesz_ x x x x x x x x x]

(m)_zalag_—[x x x x x x x x x x]

(m)szA(*)—(d(*))#[x x x x x x x x]

(m)(d)#[x x x x x x x x x x]

(m)ba-ni(*)#-[i x x x x x x x]

(m)_apin_(*)-ka-x#+[x x x x x x x x]

_pab 12 zi_-[_mesz_ (m)x x x x x x] _mi_-szu _dumu-mi_-su# (m)I—[x x x x x] _pab 05 zi_-_mesz_ o(*)

AI Translation

2 persons .



NN, ......;

Banî ......


NN, his wife, his daughter, Na'di-..., NN, a total of 5 persons,


2 persons .......




Banî, ......,

Eresh-..., NN; a total of 12 persons.

NN, his wife and daughter; Na'di-... and NN; a total of 5 persons,



_pab 30 zi_-_mesz lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_ sza É-szu u-pisz-ma

(m)rém-a-ni—10 _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ sza _man kur_—asz-szur ina _sza 30_(*) _ma-na kug-ud ta_(v) _igi_ (m)arba-il-a-a

_a-sza_-_mesz_ É-_mesz un_-_mesz_ il(*)-qi(*) kas(*)-pu gam-[mur ta-din _a-sza_-_mesz_ É-_mesz un_]-_mesz_ [szu-a-tu zar-pu la-qi-u tu]-a-ru(*)

[de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man]-nu [sza ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu]-ban(*)-ni(*) [_ta_(v) (m)rém-a-ni—10 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_]-szu(*) [de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u]-ni(*) [x _ma-na kug-ud luh_ x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak]-ru(*)#

AI Translation

In all 30 persons, servants of his house —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them from Arbailayu for 30 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold


in all 30 persons, servants of his house —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said fields, houses and people for 30 minas of silver from Arbailayu.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation with Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold



[_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)]na#-na(*)-a _lu_(v)#-[x x x x]

[x x x] _igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Urdu-Nanaya, .

... Witness NN.


Witness Urda-Nanaya, ....

.... Witness NN.

P335368: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É 02 _ansze_ [_a-sza_] _suhur_(*)# (m)man-nu—ki-i—arba-il-_ki#_

_lu-gisz-gigir#_ [_suhur_ o(*)] _id 01 ansze 4_(ban2)

_suhur_ (m)_pab_—qa#-[mu] É(*)# 8(ban2) _suhur_ (m)man-nu#—ki—_pab_-_mesz#_

_suhur_ É(*)# [(m)x x]-ma(*)-ti-te(*) É 2(ban2)

_suhur#_ [x x _suhur_] na#-hal É 3(ban2) _suhur_ (m)[x x x x x x x x x x x x] x#

[É x] _ansze a-sza_ [x x x x x x]

[É] 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) :(*) (m)_pab_—qa-mu(*)# [x x x x x]

É# 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) _a-sza_ szA _mi_-sa-ma(*)#-[x x x]

É 02 _ansze_ ina _murub4_—_uru suhur_ (m)ha-an#-[x]-ti#

É 07(*) _ansze a-sza uru_-(m)(d)_en-zu_(*)—_kar_(*)-ir(*)

É 02 _ansze a-sza_ na-hal dan-nu (m)_pab_—qa-mu(!)

É 05 _ansze a-sza_ szA (m)a-ba—_dingir_ u (m)a-gi-nu

É 3(ban2) _suhur_ (m)lu-ba-Asz-a-na—_dingir_

É 2(ban2) _suhur_ (m)ab-di—hi-mu-nu u (m)_pab_—qa-mu

(m)man-ni-i É 03 _ansze 5_(ban2) : (m)ka-ki#-i

_lu-simug-kug-gi_ É 03 _ansze 5_(ban2) _a-sza_

(m)_pab_—qa-mu (m)ma-ad-ki#-ri É 05 [_ansze_] o(*)

_a-sza_ (m)_pab_—qa-mu (m)a-du-ru É [x _ansze_]

AI Translation

An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining Mannu-ki-Arbail, adjoining the road of the city of Sharru-nashir, adjoining the fields of the king, my lord.

horse trainer adjoining the river; 1 hectare 4 decares;

an estate of 8 decares adjoining Mannu-ki-ahhe,

an estate of 2 decares adjoining the house of ...matite,

an estate of 3 decares adjoining ......,

An estate of x hectares of land .

an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares ditto Ahu-qamu ...,

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of land belonging to the woman Sama...,

An estate of 2 hectares in the centre of the city, adjoining Han...ti;

an estate of 7 hectares of land in the town of Sîn-etir;

An estate of 2 hectares of land, a forecourt, a fortress — Ahu-qamu.

An estate of 5 hectares of land belonging to Aba-il and Aginu,

An estate of 3 decares adjoining Lu-bashanni-ilu;

an estate of 2 decares adjoining Abdi-himunu and Ahu-qamu;

An estate of 3 hectares 5 decares adjoining Kakkî;

an estate of 3 hectares 5 decares of field,

Ahu-qamu, Madkiri, an estate of 5 hectares;

A field, Ahu-qamu, Aduru, an estate of x hectares;


An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining the estate of Mannu-ki-Arbail the horse trainer and the river;

1 hectare 4 decares, adjoining Ahi-qamu;

an estate of 8 decares adjoining Mannu-ki-ahhe and the house of ...matite;

an estate of 2 decares adjoining ... and a wadi;

an estate of 3 decares adjoining ......;

an estate of x hectares of land ......;

an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares adjoining Ahi-qamu ......;

an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of land belonging to the woman Sa...;

an estate of 2 hectares in the centre of the city, adjoining Han...ti;

an estate of 7 hectares of land in the town of Sin-etir;

an estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining the big wadi and Ahi-qamu;

an estate of 5 hectares of land belonging to Aba-il and Aginu;

an estate of 3 decares adjoining Lubashanni-ilu;

an estate of 2 decares adjoining Abdi-Himunu, Ahi-qamu and Mannî;

an estate of 3 hectares 5 decares adjoining Kakkî the goldsmith;

an estate of 3 hectares 5 decares of land adjoining Ahi-qamu and Madkiri;

an estate of 5 hectares of land adjoining Ahi-qamu and Aduru;

an estate of x hectares, adjoining the field of the domestics of Nanî ...;



_a-sza_ un-zar4-hi (m)na-ni-i _lu#_-[x x x É x _ansze_]

_a-sza_ un-zar4-hi _uru-sze_—kal-du(*) [x x x x] _pab_ É 34 _ansze a-sza_ mu-le(*)#-[e]

AI Translation

An undeveloped field, Nanî, ..., a house, ... hectares of land,

an estate of 34 hectares of land, a threshing floor, a threshing floor, a house, a threshing floor, a house,


an estate of x hectares, adjoining the field of the domestics of the Chaldean village ...;

a total area of 34 hectares of hill land, a total area of 40 hectares of land ......, including the people ......, in the city of ... —



(m)_dingir_(*)—_dib_(*)#-an-ni _lu_(*)-_sag man#_ ina _sza#_-[bi]

10 _ma-na kug-ud ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta#-[din] _a-sza_ É szu-a-tu _ti_-qi tu-a-ru

de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ o(*) man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma _gil_-u(*)-ni 01 _gu-un kug-ud 10 ma-na kug-gi_ a-na# asz-szur a-szib É-_szar-ra sum_-an# kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na [_en_]-szu# _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_-qi

_igi#_ (m)_be_-ma—_dingir lu-gal#_—ki-s,ir# o(?)

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-Asz-ti# [_lu_]-_gal#_—_i-du8#_-[_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ka—da _lu-03_-szu szA A—[_man_]

_igi_ (m)_numun_-ut-i _lu-dib_—_kusz-pa#_-[_mesz_ szA A—_man_]

_igi_ (m)ni-ih-ra-mu _lu-03_(*)-[szu szA A—_man_]

_igi_ (m)tab-_uru_-a-a _lu_-: ((03-szu)) szA A—_man igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ba_-szA _lu_-sza(*)—_igi_(*)#—[É-_gal_(?)]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_ad lu_-ha-za-[nu szA _uru_-x x x]

_igi_ (m)lu-ba-Asz-a-na—_dingir igi_ (m)_pab_(*)—qa(*)#-[mu]

_igi_ (m)la—qé-pu _igi_ (m)_sanga_—(d)15#

_lu-a-ba iti-gud ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu [(m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab_]

AI Translation

Ilu-shabanni, eunuch of the king, is there.

The money is paid completely. That field and house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall pay one talent of silver and 10 minas of gold to Ashur residing in Esharra, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shumma-ilu, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Mannu-ka-da, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Nihramu, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Tabalayu, ditto. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-iqisha, palace superintendent.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, mayor of .

Witness Lu-bashana-ilu. Witness Ahu-qamu.

Witness La-qepu. Witness Sangû-Issar.

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


Ilu-ishbatanni, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought it for 10 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That land and house is purchased. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall pay one talent of silver and 10 minas of gold to Ashur residing in Esharra, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shumma-ilu, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Mannu-ka-Adda, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Nihramu, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Tabalayu, ditto. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-iqisha, palace superintendent.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, mayor of ....

Witness Lubashanni-ilu. Witness Ahi-qamu.

Witness La-qepu. Witness Sangû-Issar, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur, governor of Dur-Sharrukku.

P335369: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x _dumu_]-_mi_-su x#+[x]

[x x x x x x x x]—_dingir dumu_-szu _ga_(*)

[x x x x x x]+x#-s,i(*) _dumu-mi_-su 04 ru(*)-t,u(*)#

[x x x x x(*)]-a(*)#-te(*) (m)_ag_—_gin_—_dadag-ga_ [o]

[_mi_-x x x]-kit-tu GÉME-szu 02 _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_-szu#

[É x] _ansze_(*)# 8(ban2)(*) 08 1/2 qa _a-sza_ É ad-ru

[x x x x]+x#-en-hu u-pisz-ma (m)lu—_ti-la_(*)#

AI Translation

...... his daughter .

......-ili, his son, is dead

......, his daughter of 4 spans' height;

...... Nabû-kenu-dagga

...kittu, his maid, 2 servants of his;

An estate of x hectares 8 decares 8 1/2 'litres' of land, a house, a threshing floor,



... his ... daughter,

...-ili, his suckling child,

...shi, his daughter of 4 spans,

...ate, Nabû-kenu-ubbib,

...kittu, his maid, his 2 servants,

an estate of x hectares of land according to the seah of 8 1/2 'litres', a house, a threshing floor ..... —

Lu-balat, deputy of Silim-Inurta, governor of ...... has contracted and bought them for 1 talent of iron.



[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-din É A(*)#-_sza gisz_(*)-[_sar un_-_mesz_] [za-ar-pu] la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e#-[nu _dug4-dug4_(*)]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. The house, field, orchard and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. The house, field, garden and the people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[la-Asz-szu] man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-[te-ma] [i-za-qu-pa-ni] _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)_dug-ga_—_ka_—(d)[x x] [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_]—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—[_pab_-_mesz_-szu] [lu-u x x x x lu-u] _gar_-nu-szu lu-u _lu_-ha-za-nu _uru_-szu [sza _ta_(v) (m)lu]—_ti dumu_-_mesz_-szu _lu_(v)-_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ [x x x x x de]-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni

[x _ma-na kug_]-_gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ [a-szi-bat x x x x _gar_-an 01] bi-lat(?) _na4-za-gin_ hi-ip _kur_-szu# [x x x x x x x x x _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_] _babbar_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Tab-ka-... or his sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, ..., his prefect, mayor of his city, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Lu-balat, his sons, chariot driver, ...,

shall place x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in ..., shall place one talent of lapis lazuli, the 'residence' of his land, and shall ... white horses.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Tab-rigim-..., or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews or ... or his prefect or the mayor of his city, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Lu-balat, his sons or the chariot driver ...

shall place x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in ... and ... 1 talent of lapis lazuli hewn-off from the quarry, he shall tie 2 white horses ......

P335370: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku]-um# _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu _gar_-un

[s,u]-pur (m)_dingir_—a-mar _lu_(v)-_gal_—kar-ma-ni [o] sza _uru_-ma-ga-nu-ba _en gisz-sar a-sza un_-_mesz sum_-an

02 _gisz-sar_-_mesz_ sza til-lit É 03 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-usz_—hi-ri-ti

(m)qa-u-su (m)asz-szur—_en_—_lal_-in _lu_(v)-_nu-gisz-sar_ (m)_pab_-me-e _lu_(v)-_engar# man_(*) 03 _mi#_-[_mesz_] 01# _dumu pab 07# zi_-_mesz_

u#-pisz-ma# [(m)szum-ma—_dingir_]-_mesz#_-ni [ina] _sza#_-bi 25 _ma#_-[_na_ x _kug-ud_] _ta_(v)# _igi_ (m)_dingir#_—a-ma(*)-[ra il-qi]

kas#-pu gam#-mur ta-din _gisz#_-[_sar_]-_mesz# a-sza un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te za-rip# la-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4#-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-e(*)-me i-zaq-qu-pa-ni# lu-u (m)#_dingir_—a-mar lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu#

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Il-amar, chief of trade of Maganuba, owner of the garden, field and people being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land in the town of Hirite;

Qausu; Ashur-belu-taqqin, gardener; Ahu-me'i, king's farmer; 3 women; 1 son; a total of 7 persons.

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them from Il-amara for 25 minas x silver.

The money is paid completely. Those gardens, land, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Il-amar or his brothers, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Il-amar, chief of granaries of Maganuba, owner of the garden, land, and people being sold.

Two vineyards; an estate of 3 hectares of land in the city of Shiddi-hiriti;

Qausu; Ashur-belu-taqqin, gardener; Ahi-immê, palace farmer; 3 women; 1 son; a total of 7 persons —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for 25 minas of silver from Il-amar.

The money is paid completely. Those gardens, land, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Il-amar or his brothers, nephews or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons or grandsons, shall pay x minas of silver, and shall redeem the gardens, the land, and the people.



[_igi_ (m)]sa#-ma-a' _lu_(v)-mu-rib(*)#-[ba]-nu# [sza(*)] _dumu_(*)#—_man_(*)

[_igi_ (m)_en_]—_kaskal#_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_gur_(*)—_umusz_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x]—_numun#_—_du lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir# sza _gisz_(*)#-ut-tar-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)mu-sze-zib—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ sza(*) É(*)-_gal_(*)#

_igi_ (m)t,u-du-te _lu_(v)-A—_sig_ sza (m)(d)_u-gur_—_masz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-du6_(*) _ud 01_-_kam_ lim-me (m)_dingir_—_ki_-ia

AI Translation

Witness Sama', chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, reporter.

Witness ...-zeru-ibni, cohort commander of the chariotry.

Witness Mushezib-ilu.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, chariot driver of the palace.

Witness Tudute, chariot fighter of Nergal-ashared.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 1st day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a.


Witness Sama', horse raiser of the crown prince.

Witness Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, intelligence officer.

Witness ...-zeru-ibni, cohort commander of large-wheeled chariotry.

Witness Mushezib-ili.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, palace chariot driver.

Witness Tudute, chariot fighter of Nergal-ashared.

Witness Nabû-ahu-iddina, scribe.

Month Tishri VII, 1st day, eponym year of Ilu-isse'a, governor of Damascus.

P335371: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)szum-ma—(d)_im#_ [x x x x x x x x]

(m)gab-bu—a-mur [_lu_]-_engar#_ [x x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_asz_—_pab_-_mesz#_ [01] _dumu 04 lal_(*)# [x x x x]

01 _mi 01 dumu 03 lal_ É 60 _ansze a-sza-ga 31 zi_-_mesz gisz-sar_ sza til-lit up(*)-pisz#-ma

(m)(d(*))15(*)—_bad lu-a-ba_ sza _mi-ama_—_lugal_ ina _sza 01 1_/2 _ma-na la_ ina 01 _gu-un kug-ud ta_(v)# _igi_

(m)pa-ru-t,i il#-qi _kug-ud#_ gam-mur ta-din# _a-sza# gisz-sar un#_-_mesz_ szu#-a-tu zar4-pu laq-qi-'u tu-a-ru _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz U mat-e#-ma

AI Translation

Shumma-Adad .

Gabbu-amur, farmer .

Nabû-nadin-ahhe, 1 son of 4 spans' height ...;

An estate of 60 hectares of land, 31 persons, a vineyard —

Issar-duri, scribe of the queen mother, has contracted and bought him for 1 1/2 minas not less 1 talent of silver from PN.

The money is paid completely. That field, garden, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future or at any time lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons, shall place 10 minas of pure silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Shumma-Adad, ......;

Gabbu-amur, farmer, ......;

Nabû-nadin-ahhe, 1 boy of 4 spans ...;

NN, 1 woman, 1 boy of 3 spans; an estate of 60 hectares of land, 31 persons and a vineyard —

Issar-duri, scribe of the queen mother, has contracted and bought said property for 1 1/2 minas less than one talent of silver from Paruttu.

The silver is paid completely. That land, garden, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future or at any time lodges a complaint, whether Paruttu or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Issar-duri and his sons, shall place x talents of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the silver tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x] _lu-03-u5 ama_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu#-gal_—ki-s,ir :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# _lu-a-ba_ :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_]-qur#-bu-ti

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x] _gir#-2_

AI Translation

Witness NN, 'third man' of the queen mother.

Witness NN, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness NN, scribe of ditto.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.


Witness NN, 'third man' of the queen mother.

Witness NN, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness NN, scribe of ditto.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.

P335372: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ [(m)x x x _na4-kiszib_] (m)_gin_—_ad_(*)-u-a A-szu

_pab_(*)# 02(*) _lu#_-[x x x x x]-a-a _en a-sza-ga_ É szi(*)-qi(*)# [_un_-_mesz gisz_]-_sar#_ ta-da-a-ni

[É x _ansze a-sza-ga_ x x] _suhur# a-sza_ sza (m)_gir_(*)-2(*)—15 [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]-ra-a-nu [x x x x x x x x _suhur a-sza_] sza# (m)ga-lul

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x É] 06(*) _ansze_ [_a-sza suhur kaskal_ sza a-na _uru_-x x x _du_-u]-ni#

[_suhur kaskal_ sza a-na _uru_-x x x _du_]-u-ni : (m)ku-sa-ni(*) [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-ak-pu

[É x _ansze a-sza-ga_ x x x x x] _suhur gisz#-sar_

[sza (m)x x _suhur kaskal_ sza a-na _uru_-x]+x#-hi-li _du_-u-ni [_suhur_ x x x _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)bi]-su(*)#-u-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ [_suhur_ x x x _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)](d)_utu_—rém-a-ni _suhur a-sza_ [sza (m)x x x x x x x] É(*)# 22(*) _ansze a-sza-ga_ [x x x x x ina ma-za]-ru-ti ina _gisz-ban_ sza 10 qa [x x x x x x x x x] _suhur#_ É (m)_arad_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu : (m)_te_-a-a

[x x x x x _gisz-sar_] sza _gisz_-til-lit _suhur gisz-sar_ [sza (m)x x x x x] _suhur_ : sza (m)(d)_im_—_kalag_-an [x x x x x x x] : (m)bé-e(*)-lu(*)—ha-lu-s,u

[x x x x x x x] (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab lu_(v)-_engar_ (m)_pab_—pa-da

[_dumu_-szu _pab 02 zi_-_mesz_] (m)si-lim—_u-u_(*) 04 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu

[01 _dumu-mi_-su _pab_] 06# _zi_ (m)ab-du-u-ni _lu_(v)-_engar_

[x x x x x x]+x#-szu _pab 02 zi pab_-ma 08 _zi_-_mesz_ [x x x x x] tal#-pi-ta-a-te 01 _gisz-sar_ til-lit

AI Translation

Seal of NN, seal of Ken-abu'a, his son.

in all 2 ...eans, owners of the field, house, threshing floor, people, and garden being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land ... adjoining the field of Shep-Issar, ......ranu, ......, and the field of Gallulu;

an estate of 6 hectares of land adjoining the road that leads to .

adjoining the road leading to ..., ditto Kusanu .

An estate of x hectares of land ... adjoining the orchard

adjoining the road that leads to ...hili, the field of Bisu'a, the scribe, the field of ..., the field of Shamash-remanni, the field of NN, an estate of 22 hectares of field ... in cultivation by the seah of 10 'litres', ......, the house of Urdu-ahheshu, ditto, and the estate of ...-aya.

......, a vineyard adjoining the vineyard of NN and the estate of Adad-dan, ......, Belu-halushu,

...... Nabû-ahu-ushur, farmer; Ahu-pada

Silim-Daddi and his 4 sons, a total of 2 persons,

1 daughter of his, in all 6 persons, Abduni, farmer.

...... in all 2 persons, in all 8 persons, ......, ..., ..., 1 vineyard.


Seal of NN, seal of Ken-abua, his son,

in all 2 men from ..., owners of the field under irrigation, people, and vineyard being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land ... adjoining the field of Shep-Issar, ......ranu, ...... adjoining the field of Gallulu, ......;

an estate of 6 hectares of land adjoining the road which leads to ...

adjoining the road which leads to ..., adjoining Kusanu, .........;

an estate of x hectares of land ... adjoining the garden of NN, the road which leads to the town ...hili, ...... the field of Bisuwa the scribe, ...... the field of Shamash-remanni, and the field of ...;

an estate of 22 hectares of land ... in cultivation, by the seah of 10 'litres,' ...... adjoining the estates of Urda-ahheshu, Sukkaya, and ...;

a vineyard adjoining the vineyards of ..., Adad-dan, ...... and Belu-halushu;

...... Nabû-ahu-ushur, farmer, Ahi-pada, his son, a total of 2 persons;

Silim-Dadi, his 4 sons and one daughter, a total of 6 persons;

Abdunu, farmer, his ..., a total of 2 persons;

in all 8 persons, ......, x barnyards, 1 vineyard, x hectares of field in cultivation —



[u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)]-mu(*)#-kil—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] [dan-nu szA (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_]—asz(*)-szur(*) [ina _sza_-bi] [x _ma-na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma_]-_na#_ sza(*) _uru_(*)-[gar-ga-mis(*)] [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)x x x (m)_gin_]—_ad_(*)-u-a [il-qi]

[kas-pu ga-mur ta-din]-ni _a-sza-ga gisz#_-[_sar_] [É szi-qi _un_-_mesz_ szu]-a-tu za-Ar-pu# [o] [laq-qi-u tu-a-ru de-nu] _dug4#-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-me] i#-za-qu-pa-a-ni [_gil_-u-ni lu (m)x x lu (m)_gin_]—_ad_(*)#-u-a _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu _szesz_-_mesz_-szu-nu _dumu_]—_szesz#_-_mesz_-szu-nu _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu-szu-[nu] [x x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-qur-bu-szu-nu [_ta_(v) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu

[_dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni 02 _ansze-kur-ra_] _babbar_(*)# ina _gir-2_ asz-szur i-rak-kas [04 _ansze_-har-ba-kan-ni ina _gir-2_ (d)30 szA _uru_]-_kaskal#_ u-sze-rab [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma-na kug-gi_ ina] bur#-ki (d)_isz-tar_

[a-szi-bat _uru_-x x i-szak-kan x x] x# bé-ni a-na 01 me _ud_-_mesz_

[sa-ar-tu a-na kal _ud_-_mesz_ kas-pu] ana 10-_mesz_-te ana# _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la# i-laq#-qi

[_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-03]-szu dan-nu

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu_(v)]-_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_(?)]—szal(*)#-lim _lu_(v)-[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)#[x x x x x sza _lu_(v)]-_gal_(*)—_sag_(*)#

_igi#_ (m)_pab_—la#-[masz-szi _lu_(v)-03-szu] _lu_(v)-: ((_gal_—_sag_))

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—la(*)-[x x x x _lu_(v)-: ((03-szu)) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_] o(*)

_igi_ (m)am-me-ni(*)#—[x x x x] _lu_(v)-: ((03-szu)) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_

_igi#_ (m)bi-bi(*)-[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-: ((03-szu)) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_

_igi_ (m)ha-di-[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-: ((03-szu)) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_

_igi#_ (m)gur-di#-[i _lu-gisz-gigir_—_du8_]-_mesz_(?)#-te

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_(*)#—[x x x x x x]-_im_ : :

[_igi_ (m)](d)[x x x x x x x x] sza A—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x _lu_(v)-A]-_ba_(*)#—_kur_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x _lu_(v)-_gisz_]-_gigir#_

AI Translation

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from NN and Ken-abua.

The money is paid completely. That field, garden, house, rent and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether NN or Ken-abua, their sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, or prefect, NN or their bodyguard, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons,

shall tie two white horses to the feet Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet Sin of Harran, and shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh.

shall place ... in the city of ... for 100 days,

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-shallim, .

Witness NN, ... of the chief eunuch.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man' ditto.

Witness Marduk-la..., ditto.

Witness Ammeni-.... ditto.

Witness Bibi..., ditto.

Witness Hadi..., ditto.

Witness Gurdî, horse trainer of open chariotry.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness NN, ... of the crown prince.

Witness NN, palace scribe.

Witness NN, horse trainer.


Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from NN and Ken-abua for x minas of silver by to the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That land, vineyard, barnyards, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether NN or Ken-abua, or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect ...... or their neighbour, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons,

shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring 4 harbakannu horses to the feet of Sin of Harran, and shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-shallim, ....

Witness NN, ... of the chief eunuch.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man' of ditto.

Witness Marduk-la..., ditto.

Witness Ammini-..., ditto.

Witness Bibiya ... ditto.

Witness Hadi..., ditto.

Witness Gurdî, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Nabû-...... ditto ditto.

Witness NN, ... of the prince.

Witness ......., palace scribe.

Witness ...... horse trainer.



dnt byt# w hqly# h k(*)nb(*) zy

AI Translation

DN byt ... ...


Aramaic caption: Deed concerning the house and fields of H and Ken-abua ... in the Land of the Chief Cupbearer.

P335373: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir—_zi_-_mesz dumu_ (m)ib-ni-ia _lu-a-ba en a-sza un_-_mesz sum_-ni

É 20 _ansze a-sza_ u(*)-gar(*)-ru _gisz-sar_ sza _u-sar_ sza# (m)_numun_-i bur(*) (m)(d)_pa_—_sig5 mi_-su-szu(*) 01 _dumu-mi_ x#+[x x]+x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-etir-napshati, son of Ibniya, scribe, owner of the land and people being sold.

An estate of 20 hectares of land, a threshing floor, a vegetable garden belonging to Zerî, a house, Nabû-damqu, his wife, 1 daughter ......,


Seal of Nabû-etir-napshati, son of Ibniya, scribe, owner of the field and people being sold.

An estate of 20 hectares of land, an irrigated field, a vegetable garden belonging to Zarî son of Nabû-dammiq, his wife, 1 daughter ......



_igi_ (m)a(*)#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa#_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)la(*)#-[x x x]

_iti-apin#_ [_ud_ x-_kam_ lim]-mu# (m)asz-szur—_kalag#_-[in-an]-ni

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar#_-ir—_zi_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Witness A....

Witness Nabû-.

Witness La..., .

Month Marchesvan VIII, day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.

Witness Nabû-etir-napshati.


Witness A....

Witness Nabû-....

Witness La...,

Month Marchesvan VIII, day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.

Witness Nabû-etir-napshati, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

P335374: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4_-[_kiszib_ (m)x x x]—_pab_-_mesz dumu_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_apin_-esz

_en_ [_a-sza_-_mesz_] É(*)#-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz un_-_mesz_ ta-da-ni

É# [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of ...-ahhe, son of Marduk-eresh,

owner of the fields, houses, orchards and people being sold.

an estate .


Seal of ...-ahhe son of Marduk-eresh,

owner of the fields, houses, gardens, and people being sold.

An estate ......



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d(*))#[x x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)si(*)#-[x x x x x x x x x x x]

_pab_ x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa#_-[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pa_—tak-[lak x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha-am-[x x x x x x x x x x] _man_(*)

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—[_pab_ x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_(*)#-[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib [x x x x x _uru_]-arrap(*)#-ha(*)

_igi_ (m)a-zi—_dingir#_ [x x x x x]

_iti-barag_(*)# [_ud_ x]-_kam#_ lim-[mu (m)]it(*)#-ri—_dingir_

AI Translation

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness Si.

total ......

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Nabû-taklak, .

Witness Ham..., .

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, .

Witness Nabû-etir.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ... of Arrapha.

Witness Azi-il, .

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Itri-ilu.


Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness Si.......

A total of .......

Witness Nabû-.......

Witness Nabû-taklak, ....

Witness Ham..., ... of the king.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, ....

Witness Nabû-etir-.......

Witness Nabû-shezib, ... of Arrapha.

Witness Azi-il, ....

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Atar-il, governor of Lahiru.

P335375: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x]+x# _en a-sza_-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz un_(*)-_mesz_(*) _sum_-ni

[x x x x x x x x x a-na] gi#-mir-ti-szu

[x x x x x ina] ma#-za-ru-te _id a_-_mesz_ ka-a-a-ma(*)-nu(*)

[x x x x x x x za(?)]-ka(*)-szA iz-zak-ru

[x x x x x x x x]-la(*)-a _lu-gisz-apin_

[x x x x x x x x x x]+x# _zi_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x x]+x#—_su_(*) _pab 05_(*) _zi_-_mesz_

AI Translation

NN, owner of the fields, orchards and people being sold.

...... in its entirety

...... in the marshes, the water is constantly flowing.

...... will be placed as a pledge., plowman;

...... persons

......-eriba, in all 5 persons;


Seal of ..., owner of the fields, gardens, and people being sold.

...... in its entirety

...... fields in cultivation, a canal with permanent water-flow.

...... its freedom from encumbrances has been declared

......lâ, plowman,

......, a total of x persons,

......-eriba, a total of 5 persons,



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x x x] :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x x] : :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x _uru_]-ni-nu-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x] :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] :

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] : [x x x x x x x x] _mesz#_

[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)gi-hi-lu] _lu-gar-kur_

AI Translation

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ... ditto ditto.

Witness NN, ... of Nineveh.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, ditto.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Gihilu, governor of the land of Suhu.


Witness ......, ditto.

Witness NN, ... ditto ditto.

Witness NN, ... of Nineveh.

Witness NN, ... ditto.

Witness NN, ... ditto.

Witness NN, ... ditto.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Gihilu, governor of Hatarikka.

P335376: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_en# un_-_mesz a-sza# gisz-sar#_-[_mesz_ ta-da-ni]

É 10 _ansze a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 09 qa#

01 _gisz-sar_ til-lit _suhur id_-i-lab-bi#-[a-szu] _suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)_man_—lu—da-ri _suhur id_(*)#-[x x]

01 _gisz-sar_ til-lit _suhur gisz-sar_ sza x#+[x x x x x]

_suhur_(*)# [_id_]-i(*)#-lab-bi-a-szu _suhur_ [x x x x x] [É tal-pi-tu a]-na# gi-mir-ti#-[szu _suhur_ x x x x] [_suhur gisz-sar_] sza# (m)a-a—x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

owner of the people, field and orchard being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land by the seah of 9 'litres';

1 vineyard adjoining the river Ilabbiashu, the garden of Sharru-lu-dari, and the river ...;

1 vineyard adjoining the vineyard of ......;

adjoining the river Ilabbiashu, adjoining ..., the house, the alley in its entirety, adjoining ..., adjoining the orchard of Aya-...,


owner of the people, land, and vineyards being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land by the seah of 9 'litres';

one vineyard adjoining the river Ilabbiashu, the vinyeard of Sharru-lu-dari, and the river ...;

one vineyard adjoining the vineyard of ..., the Ilabbiashu river, and ...;

a barnyard in its entirety adjoining ......, the garden of Aya......



[kas-pu a-na 10]-_mesz_(*)-te(*) a(*)-na# [_en_-szu _gur_] [ina de-ni-szu] _dug4-dug4_-ma [la _ti_-qi]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_]-_masz_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-[03-szu dan-nu]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]szA#-masz—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-[mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_] (m)#(d)_mes_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)#-[mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ szA _mi_—É-_gal_]

_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu_(v)-_sukkal_ dan-nu# _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-[zib]

_igi_ (m)sa-ka-nu _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi A (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-3-szu

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-as-ti _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-02-u sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—u-rat#

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ad_-u-a _lu_(v)-ha-za-[nu] sza# _uru-nina#_-[_ki_]

_igi_ (m)_pab_-u—a-mur _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—szal-[lim] _igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)#—[_man_—_pab_]

_igi_ (m)man#-nu—ki—_uru-kaskal igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the queen.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier. Witness Nabû-shezib.

Witness Sakkanu, chariot driver.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, son of Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Shamash-abu'a, mayor of Nineveh.

Witness Ahû-amur. Witness Shamash-shallim. Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran. Witness NN.

Witness .......


He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man'.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the queen.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier. Witness Nabû-shezib.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi son of Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Shamash-abu'a, mayor of Nineveh.

Witness Ahû-amur. Witness Shamash-shallim. Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran. Witness NN.

Witness .......

P335377: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É] 01 _ansze suhur#_ [x x x x x x x x x] _suhur kaskal uru_-s,al-li—ib(*)-szi _suhur#_ (m(*))x#+[x x x x]

É 02 _ansze suhur kaskal_—_man_ sza _uru_-É(*)—x#+[x x (x)] _suhur_ (m)_arad_—_u-gur suhur uru_-É—ku#-ti-i(*)# [x (x x)]

_suhur lu_(v)-_arad_—É-_gal_ É 01 _ansze#_ [x x x] _suhur kaskal uru_-É—ku-ti-i [_suhur_ (m)(d)x]—ba(*)-ni(*)# _suhur ka_—(d)sa-gi-[il x x x]-s,a#

É 01 _ansze 2_(ban2) _suhur_ (m)_dingir_-x#+[x x _suhur_ (m)]ha-na-si

_suhur#_ (m)_arad_—_u-gur_ É 03 _ansze suhur#_ [(m)x x] x-ba(*)#-ni [_suhur_] (m)(d)_utu#_—iq-bi _suhur ama uru-dul_—_lu_(v)-_kur-gar-ra_

AI Translation

An estate of 1 hectare adjoining ......, the road to Shalli-ibshi, and NN,

An estate of 2 hectares adjoining the royal road of Bit-..., Urdu-Nergal, Bit-Kutî ...,

an estate of 1 hectare ... adjoining the road of Bit-Kutî, ...-bani, the gate of Saggil, ...sha;

An estate of 1 hectare 2 decares adjoining Ilu-... and Hanasi;

an estate of 3 hectares adjoining ...bani, Shamash-iqbi, the side road to Dur-Kurgara,


An estate of 1 hectare of land adjoining ......, the road to Shalli-ibshi and the estate of .........;

An estate of 2 hectares adjoining the royal road to Bit-..., the estate of Urda-Nergal, the town of Bit-Kutî ..., and the estate of the palace personnel;

An estate of 1 hectare ... adjoining the road of Bit-Kutî, the estate of ...-bani, and the gate of Saggil ...;

An estate of 1 hectare 2 decares adjoining the estates of NN, Hanasi and Urda-Nergal;

An estate of 3 hectares adjoining ...-bani, Shamash-iqbi, the side road of Til-Kurgarri, and ...-bani;



[_suhur_ (m)(d)x]—ba#-ni É 01(*) _ansze_(*) 6(ban2) _a-sza_ [x x x x x x]+x-ku(*)# _suhur_ um-me [x x x x x x]-ni#-ri _suhur_ (m)(d)_utu_—iq-bi

AI Translation

an estate of 1 hectare 6 decares of land ......, adjoining the ..., ......, and Shamash-iqbi;


An estate of 1 hectare 6 decares of land adjoining ...ku, the side road of ..., and the fields of ...-niri, Shamash-iqbi, and ...;



[x x x x x x x] _pab_(*)# 23(*) _ansze a-sza_ [x x x x x x x] É ep-szu 02 _gisz-ig_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x] ina _uru_-ha-nu-ri

[u-pisz-ma (m)za(?)]-zi#-i _lu_(v)-_sag lugal_ [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_kar_]-ir#—(d)_ku_(*) ina _sza 06 ma-na 04_(*)-tu(*) _la_(*) [_kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma_]-_na_(*)# sza _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_ il-qi(*)#

[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-din _a-sza_ É kaq-qi-ri# [pu-s,e-e o(*)] ta#-din tu-a-ru de-en-nu _dug4-dug4_(*) la#-szu

[man-nu] sza(*)# ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma lu-u(*) (m)_kar_-ir#—[(d)_ku_] [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_]-szu(*)# lu-u _dumu_-(_dumu_)-_mesz_-szu sza de-en-nu# [_dug4_(*)-_dug4_(*)] [_ta_(v) (m)za(?)-zi]-i(*)# ub-ta-u-ni kas-[pu ana 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-szu _gur_]

AI Translation

...... in all 23 hectares of field, ......, a built house, 2 doors, ...... in Hanuri.

Zazî, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought them from Ishtar-Marduk for 6 1/4 minas of silver by the mina of the merchant.

The money is paid completely. The field, house, and vacant lot are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Mushezib-Marduk or his sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Zazî, shall return the money tenfold to its owner.


in all 23 hectares of land ......, a built house, two doors ...... in the town of Hanuru —

Zazî, eunuch of the king, has contracted and bought it from Etir-Marduk for 5 3/4 minas of silver by the mina of the merchant.

The money is paid completely. The field, house, and building plot are sold. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Etir-Marduk, or his sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Zazî, shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

P335378: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc




É 40 _ansze#_ [x x x x x x x x]

01-en bu(*)#-[ru x x x x x x x]

_suhur_(*)# [x x x x x x]

: _kaskal-2_(*)# [x x x x x x x]

: ia(*)-[ar-hi x x x x x x x]

sza _uru-sze_ [x x x x x x x x]

É 10 _ansze#_ [x x x x x x x x]

gab-di _ama_ szA(*)# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

PN will pay the silver.

An estate of 40 hectares .

one ... ......

adjoining .

ditto the road .

ditto yarhu-plant .

of the village .

An estate of 10 hectares .

adjoining the mother of .


Owner of the ... being sold.

An estate of 40 hectares .......

a well ......

adjoining ...

ditto the road ......

ditto the pond ......

of the village of ....

An estate of 10 hectares ......

adjoining the side road of ...,



: bu-ru [x x x x x]

: (m)sa-al-x#+[x x x x]

: (m)10—pa-da-a [x x x x]

_pab 40 ansze a-sza 02_(*) É(*)#-[_mesz_ x x]

AI Translation

ditto, a fox .

ditto Sal...,

ditto Adda-padâ, ...;

40 hectares of field, 2 houses ...,


ditto well ...,

ditto Sal...,

ditto Adda-pada, ....

In all 40 hectares of field and 2 houses ..., one garden ......



(m)ra-tu-lu (m)#[x x x x x x]

_mi_-bi-ta-a _mi_-szu [x x x]

_mi_-ia-qi-ra-a# [x x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_(*)# [x x x x x x x] _ta_(v)(*) (m)_sanga_(*)#—[x x x x x x x]

kas-pu gam-mur# [ta-din] _a-sza_-_mesz_ É-_mesz_ x x#+[x x] szu-a-tu zar-pu la-[qi-u tu-a-ru]

de-nu _dug4#-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-ma lu-u [(m)x x x x x] lu _dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu x x x x]

AI Translation

Ratulu, NN, NN,

the woman Bitâ, his wife .

Yaqirâ ......

NN, chief eunuch, has contracted and bought it from Sangû-.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses and ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Should a claim concerning that house, or land, arise, NN or his sons ......,


Ratulu, NN,

woman Bitâ, his wife ...,

woman Yaqirâ ... —

NN, ... of the chief eunuch, has contracted and bought from Shangû-..., ....

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses and ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether NN or his sons ...



[_igi_ (m)x x]—_lugal# igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _igi_ (m)_numun_—_sanga_-su

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi_ (m)la-qi-si _lu_(v)-_gisz-ban_(*)-_tag-ga uru-sze_—ka-par

[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim]-mu (m)sa-i-lu _lu_(v)-_gal_—_mu_

AI Translation

Witness ...-sharri. Witness Kanunayu. Witness Zeru-shangasu.

Witness NN. Witness Laqisi, bow-bearer from the village of Kapar.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Sa'ilu, chief cook.


Witness ...-sharri. Witness Kanunayu. Witness Zer-shangusu.

Witness NN. Witness Laqisi, archer of the village.

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Sa'ilu, chief cook.

P335379: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)man-nu]—ki(*)-i—asz(*)-[szur (m)li-i'-ti-ru-u]

[(m)x x x]-ri u-pisz(*)#-[ma (m)A-a-a] [_ta_(v) pa-ni]-szu-nu ina _sza 02 ma-na#_ [_kug-ud ti_-qi]

[kas-pu] ga#-mur ta-ad-din _a-sza#_ [É _gisz-sar_] [szu-a-tu] za#-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru# [de-e]-nu _dug4-dug4_ la#-Asz-szu

[man-nu szA ina] ma#-te-e(*)-ma ina _egir_-kat(*) [_ud_-me szA e]-la-an-ni lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab_ [lu-u (m)man-nu(*)]—ki-i—asz-szur# lu-u (m)li-i'-ti-ru-u [lu-u (m)x x]-ru-ku#-[x x] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu# [lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_]-_mesz_-szu-nu# [lu-u _pab_]-_mesz_-szu-nu lu(*)#-[u _dumu_—_pab_]-_mesz_-szu-nu lu(*)#-[u mam]-ma(*) _lu_(v)#-[_en_]—il#-ki-szu-nu szA e-la-an-ni#

AI Translation

Mannu-ki-Ashur, Li'tirû,

Aplaya has contracted and bought them from them for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field, house, and orchard are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Nabû-duru-ushur, Mannu-ki-Ashur, Li'tirû, ...ruku..., or their sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, or any relative of theirs who comes forward,


of Nabû-duru-ushur, Mannu-ki-Ashur, Li'tirû and NN —

Aplaya has contracted and bought said property from them for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field, house, and orchard are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever at any time in the future comes forward, whether Nabû-duru-ushur, Mannu-ki-Ashur, Li'tirû, or ...ruku..., or their sons, grandsons, brothers, or nephews, or any labour-duty superior of theirs, who comes forward and institutes a lawsuit or litigation against Aplaya and his sons, saying:



i-qab#-bu-u-ni ma-a kas-pu la(*) gam-mur la# ta-din _a-sza_ É _gisz-sar_ la a-pil

la# za-rip la laq-qi 01 _ma-na kusz-tab-ba ku#_ am—mar _dug_-a-gan-ni _nag dumu-usz_-szu a-na (d)30 _gibil dumu-mi_-su _gal_-te(*) _ta_(v) 2(ban2) _mud_—_erin_ a-na be-lit—(d(*))_edin_ i-szar-rap kas-pu ih#-hur a-na 12(*)-_ta_(*)#-a-a a-na _en#_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de(*)#-[ni-szu] _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_(*)#-[qi]

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-[a x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)na(*)-har#-[a-u x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)#[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m(*))[x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He says: "The money is not paid completely. The field, house and orchard are not purchased."

shall eat one mina of tin, shall drink all kinds of agannu-beer, shall kiss his new born daughter, shall tie 2 seahs of cedar-seed to the lady of the steppe, shall return the money tenfold to its owners, and shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ululayu, .

Witness Naharâ, .

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness .......


"The money is not completely paid. The field, house and orchard are not paid for, cleared and bought,"

shall eat one mina of oxhide and drink a full agannu vessel of tanner's paste. He shall burn his first-born son before Sin, and shall burn his eldest daughter with 2 seahs of cedar balsam before Belet-sheri. He shall return the money he received twelvefold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ululayu ....

Witness Naharau ....

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

P335380: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)ha-a-bi [_en_] É(*)# _a-sza gisz-sar#_ [_gisz_]-_sar#_ sza _u-sar_ [_sum_]-ni(*)#

[É ep]-szu a-di [x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Habi, owner of the house, field, garden, and vegetable garden being sold.

"House built up until .


Seal of Habi, owner of the house, field, orchard and vegetable garden being sold.

A built house with its doors



[ina de-ni-szu] _dug4_(*)#-[_dug4_-ma x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-la _igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-a-a _igi_ (m)mar(*)#-[x]+x#

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_masz_(?)# _igi_ (m)_ud_-ia(?)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]—_du# igi_ (m)[_dingir_]—ma(*)#-a-di

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Witness NN.

Witness ...ayu. Witness Mar.

Witness ...-ashared. Witness Eriya.

Witness ...-ibni. Witness Il-madi.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Witness NN.

Witness ...ayu. Witness Mar....

Witness ...-ashared. Witness Shamshiya.

Witness ...-ibni. Witness Il-madi.



[_iti_]-_gud ud 24_-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 24th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Iyyar II, 24th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335381: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu]—ki#—(d)_im_

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_sag_

[x x x x x] _dumu_—_man_

[_en_ É ta-da]-a-ni

[É ep-szu a-di] _gisz-ur_-_mesz#_-[szu]

[a-di x] _gisz-ig#_-[_mesz_-szu x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x(*)] za-ku-u

AI Translation

Seal of Mannu-ki-Adad,

...... eunuch

...... the crown prince

owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams,

with his ... doors .

...... are exempt


Seal of Mannu-ki-Adad,

... eunuch,

... of the crown prince,

owner of the house being sold.

A built house with its beams,

with its x doors, ......

...... exempt



[_igi_ (m)x x x]-szu _gisz-gigir_ x#+[x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]-i# A (m)lu-qu

[_igi_ (m)sa-la]-ma#-nu _gisz-gigir_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-i _lu_(v)-_nar_(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_man#_—_su_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi_ (m)10—rém-a-ni

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_pab_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] A (m)se-e'—id-ri

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-03-_u5_

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-_ma-du-du_

AI Translation

Witness ...shu, ... chariot.

Witness ...î, son of Luqu.

Witness Salamanu, chariot owner.

Witness ...î, singer.

Witness ...-sharru-eriba.

Witness NN. Witness Adad-remanni.

Witness ...-ahhe.

Witness NN, son of Se'-idri.

Witness NN, 'third man.'

Witness NN, boatman.


Witness ...shu, ... horse trainer.

Witness ...i, son of Luqu.

Witness Salamanu, horse trainer.

Witness ...i, singer.

Witness ...-sharru-eriba.

Witness NN. Witness Adad-remanni.

Witness ...ahhe.

Witness NN, son of Se'-idri.

Witness NN, 'third man'.

Witness NN, skipper.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-mu#-kil—_pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)]-_gal_(*)#—_tin_(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi_ (m)ha-na(*)-na(*)

AI Translation

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chief builder.

Witness NN. Witness Hanana.


Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, master builder.

Witness NN. Witness Hananu.

P335382: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]_gin_(*)-a#-ni—(d)15 _lu_(v)-[x x x] _uru_(*)#-qat(*)-ta-na-a-a _en a-sza-ga un#_-[_mesz_] ta#-da-[ni]

[É 15 _ansze a_]-_sza-ga suhur kaskal_ sza# _uru-sze_—(m)[dan-na-a] a(*)-na(*)# [_uru-sze_—(m)il-di-szi il]-lak-u-ni _suhur_ [x x x x]

[x _gisz-sar_-_mesz suhur a_(*)-_sza_(*) szA (m)lu-x x x] _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)_sum_-ni(*)-[ia]

[É 04 _ansze a-sza suhur kaskal_ szA _ta_(v)] _uru#-sze_—(m)dan-na-a [o]

[a-na _uru-sze_—(m)x x x il-lak]-u-[ni] [_pab 05 suhur_ (m)_hal_-a-ni—(d)x x _suhur_] _kaskal_(*) sza(*) a(*)-na(*)# [_uru-sze_] [(m)x x x il-lak-u-ni x x x] bu [x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Kenanni-Issar, ... of the city Qattanayu, owner of the land and people being sold.

An estate of 15 hectares of land adjoining the road leading from the village Dannaya to the village of Ildishi, adjoining .

x gardens adjoining the field of Lu... and the field of Iddiniya;

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the road leading from the village of Dannaya;

in all 5 adjoining the fields of Harrani-... and the road that leads to the village of NN —


Seal of Kinanni-Issar, Qatnean ..., owner of the land and people being sold.

An estate of 15 hectares of land adjoining the road which leads from the village of Dannayato the village of Ildishi and adjoining ...;

x gardens adjoining the field of Lu... and the field of Iddiniya;

an estate of 4 hectares of land adjoining the road leading from the village of Dannaya to the village of ...;

a total of 5 hectares adjoining Ishmanni-... and the road leading to the village of ...



_igi_ (m)(d)#[szA-masz—_man_—_pab_(?) _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar#_-[_utu_—_man_—_pab_] A [(m)gab-bi-i]

_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti#-[i] _lu_(v)#-mu-[kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi#_ (m)(d)30—[_masz_] _lu_(v)#-03(*)-szu(*)# [sza _dumu_-_man_]

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u]-ti-i _lu_(v)-_gal#_—[ki-s,ir sza _dumu_—_man_]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-02-u sza# [_lu_(v)-_gal_—u-rat]

[_igi_ (m)d] (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-[03-szu sza _dumu_—_man_]

[_igi_] (m)ba-ni-i _lu_(v)-02(*)#-[u sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_a-zu_]

[_igi_ (m)](d(*))za(*)-ba4(*)#-[ba4—_su lu_(v)-03-szu]

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbî.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver.

Witness Sin-ashared, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.'


Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbî.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver.

Witness Sin-ashared, 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the prince.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man'.

Witness Banî, deputy chief physician.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man'.

P335383: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_(*)# (m)lu-ki-ma-ma [_na4_]-_kiszib_(*)# (m)_numun_—_si-sa_

[_en a-sza_]-_mesz# un_-_mesz sum_-nu

[É x _ansze_] _a-sza-ga_-_mesz_

[_suhur_ x x]-lu(*)-ub-la o(*)

[x x x x x x]-an(*)#-ni-ia(*)

[x x x x x x]+x# _a-qar_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_engar_

[x x x u-pisz-ma (m)]ba#-hi-a-nu [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_] ina(*) sza _man_(*)# [x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#+[x]

AI Translation

Seal of Lukimama, seal of Zeru-leshir,

owner of the fields and people being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land

adjoining ...lubla;

...... me

...... of water

...... farmer

Bahianu has contracted and bought for x minas of silver by the mina of the king .


Seal of Lukimama, seal of Zeru-leshir,

owners of the fields and people being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land

adjoining ...lubla


...... irrigated fields

NN, farmer, ... —

Bahianu has contracted and acquired said property for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.



[x x x x x x x _a-sza_]-_mesz_(*) _un_(*)#-[_mesz_] [x x x a-na _mu-an_]-_na_(*)#-_mesz_ [_ku ud_-mu sza _kug-ud sum_-nu]-ni [_a-sza_-_mesz un_-_mesz_] u-sze-s,u-u

[_iti_-x _ud_] 23-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)za]-za#-a-a

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_pab_—_pab lu_(v)-lAh-hi-nu

[_igi_ (m)qur]-di#—(d)_im gal_—u-rat

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-szi-i

[_igi_ (m)]_dingir_(*)—pa(*)#-a(*)-di

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_-u-a _simug-kug-gi_

[_igi_ (m)]su(*)#-ra-ra-a-te

[_igi_ (m)]_sanga#_—15 _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—rém-a-ni

AI Translation

shall ... the fields and people for years, and shall return the land and people to their owners.

Month ..., 23rd day, eponym year of Zazâ.

Witness ...-ahu-ushur, temple steward.

Witness Qurdi-Adad, team commander.

Witness ...shi.

Witness Ilu-padi.

Witness Nabû'a, goldsmith.

Witness Surarate.

Witness Sangû-Issar, scribe.

Witness Nabû-remanni.


He shall enjoy the fields and the people for years .... On the day that they pay the silver, they shall redeem the fields and the people.

Month ..., 23rd day, eponym year of Zazaya.

Witness ...-ahu-ushur, temple steward.

Witness Qurdi-Adad, team commander.

Witness ...shî.

Witness Ili-pada.

Witness Nabû'a, goldsmith.

Witness Surarate.

Witness Sangû-Issar, scribe.

Witness Nabû-remanni.

P335384: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ga-di—_dingir en a-sza un_-_mesz muszen_-_mesz sum_-an

É# 30 _ansze a-sza suhur kaskal_—_lugal_ [szA _ta_(v)] _uru#_-ma-li-ia-ti [a-na] _uru#_-kan-nu-u' _du_-ku-u-ni [_suhur_ na-hal]-li szA _ta_(v) _uru_-a-di-an [a]-na _uru-sze#_—(m)[x]-x#-ha(*) _du_-ku-u-ni _suhur kaskal_ sza _ta_(v) _uru-sze_—_dingir_ a-na _uru_-kan-nu-u' _du_-ku#-[u]-ni a#-di _ugu id_ ina _sza#_ [x x x]

kaq#-qi-[ri] pu#-s,e-e ina _uru_-[x x x]

(m)tar#-hu-un#-dAp(*)-pi-i _lu_-x#+[x x x] [x x x x x]+x#-szu _dumu_-[szu o] [x x x x x x x x] _mi_-[szu]

AI Translation

Seal of Gadi-il, owner of the field, people, and birds being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of land adjoining the royal road from Maliyati to Kannu', the wadi from Adian to the village of ...ha, and the road from the village of Il to Kannu', as far as the river —

vacant lot in the town .

Tarhundappî, ..., his son, NN, his wife,


Seal of Gadi-il, owner of the land, people, and fowl being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of land adjoining the king's road leading from Maliyati to Kannu', the wadi running from Adian to the village of ...ha, and the road leading from the village of the god to Kannu', all the way to the river, in ...;

a vacant lot in the city of ...;

Tarhundapî ..., his son NN, his wife ...



[kas-pu ga]-mur ta-din# [_a-sza_] _un#_-_mesz muszen_-_mesz_ szu-a-te# [zar-pu _ti_-u] [tu]-a#-ru de-e-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA ina ur]-kisz ina mat-e-ma _gil#_-[u-ni] [kas-pu a]-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en#_-[_mesz_-szu _gur_] [ina de]-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma# [la _ti_]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-i(*)# _dumu_ (m)[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] x x# [x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—as,-bat(*) _lu-i-du8#_ [_iti_-x] _ud 12_-_kam_

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That land, people, and birds are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...î, son of NN.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-asbat, gate-guard. Month ..., 12th day.


The money is paid completely. That land, people, and fowl are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...î, son of ....

Witness ...-ashbat, porter.

Month ..., 12th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335385: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-ir

_lu-a-ba_ szA É (m)_an-szar_—_zu en gisz-sar lu_ ta-da-a-ni _gisz-sar_

ina _kur_-si-in-ga-ra ina É—(d)15 01 lim _gisz_-til-lit ina _sza_-bi É 02 _ansze a-sza_ qab-lu szA _gisz_-al-la-an É 06 _ansze a-sza_ u-szal-lu É _sze-numun_-_mesz_ É ina _sza_-bi _gisz-sar_ ia-ar-hu _suhur gisz-sar_ szA _lu-sukkal suhur gisz-sar_ szA (m)_en_—mu-szal-lim _suhur gisz-sar_ szA (m)_dumu-usz_-a-a _suhur gisz-sar_ szA (m)_pab_—_apin_-esz (m)lu-su(?)-mu _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ u-pisz-ma#

(m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_kusz#_-[_pa_-_mesz_] ina _sza 04 ma-na kug-ud#_ ina 01 [_ma-na_-e]

szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis# il-[qi kas-pu gam]-mur# ta-ad-din _gisz-sar_ qab-lu szu-a-tu# zar-pu laq-qi(*)-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4#_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina# ur-kisz ina [ma-te-ma] i-zaq-qup-an-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-[u] (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-ir lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu(*)#-[u] _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu# szA _ta_(v) [(m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im_]

AI Translation

Seal of Adad-nashir,

The scribe of the house of Ashur-le'i, owner of the garden and the man being sold.

In Singara in the temple of Ishtar 1,000 vines are in it. An estate of 2 hectares of land, a grove of juniper, an estate of 6 hectares of land, a house, seed corn, and an estate in the orchard are in it. The orchard of the vizier, the orchard of Bel-mushallim, the orchard of Aplaya, the orchard of Ahu-eresh and the gardener Lusumu, gardener, have built and

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for 4 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Adad-nashir or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad,


Seal of Adad-nashir,

scribe of the house of Ashur-le'i, owner of the vineyard and the man being sold.

A vineyard in Singara, in the house of Ishtar, 1,000 vines within it; an estate of two hectares of land; a grove of oak trees; an estate of 6 hectares of land, including a meadow, a seed-corn house and a house; a garden and a pool adjoining the gardens of the vizier, Bel-mushallim, Aplaya, and Ahu-eresh; Lusumu, gardener —

Remanni-Adad the chariot driver has contracted and bought it for 4 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That vineyard and grove are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Adad-nashir or his sons or grandsons, whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons,



_dug4-dug4_ ub-ta#-['u-ni x _ma-na_] _kug-ud luh_-u 01# [_ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru] ina bur-ki (d)_isz_-[_tar_ a-szi-bat _uru-nina-ki_] _gar_-an kas-pu a-na# [10-_mesz_-te a-na] _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de#-[ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la i-[laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu#_-[_sukkal_ dan-nu]

_igi_ (m)_lugal_—_dingir_-a-a _lu#_-[_gal_—ki]-s,ir# szA _lu_-qur#-_zag_

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_mu#_—_kam_-esz _lu-gal_—_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_gar_—_mu lu-gal_—_masz-masz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_man_—_pab lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ sza _mi_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—asz-szur _lu_-:- ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) szA _dumu_—_man_

_igi_ (m)tar-di-tu—asz-szur _lu-03_-szu szA _dumu_—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)_numun_—_gin lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-02_-u szA _lu-gal_—u-rat

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_numun_—_du lu-a-ba_

_iti-szu ud 26_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)gir—s,a-pu-nu

AI Translation

shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Sharru-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Issar-shumu-eresh, chief scribe.

Witness Marduk-shakin-shumi, chief exorcist.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the queen.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Tarditu-Ashur, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, chariot driver.

Witness Zeru-ukin, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

Month Tammuz IV, 26th day, eponym year of Gir-Shapunu.


shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Sharru-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Issar-shumu-eresh, chief scribe.

Witness Marduk-shakin-shumi, chief exorcist.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the queen.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto of the prince.

Witness Tarditu-Ashur, 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, chariot driver.

Witness Zeru-ukin, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

Month Tammuz IV, 26th day, eponym year of Gir-Shapunu.

P335386: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4_-[_kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-ir]

[_lu-a-ba_] sza(*) [É (m)_an-szar_—_zu_] [_en gisz_]-_sar lu#_ [ta-da-a-ni]

[_gisz-sar_ ina] _kur_-si-in#-[ga-ra ina É—(d)15] [01 lim] _gisz#_-til-lit [ina _sza_-bi] [É] 02# _ansze a-sza_ [qab-lu szA _gisz_-al-la-an] [É] 06# _ansze a-sza_ u#-[szal-lu] [É _sze-numun_]-_mesz_ É# [ina _sza_-bi]

AI Translation

Seal of Adad-nashir,

The scribe of the house of Ashur-le'i, owner of the garden being sold.

A vineyard in Singara, in the temple of Ishtar, 1,000 vines therein; an estate of 2 hectares of land on the bank of the river, an estate of 6 hectares of land, cultivated land, and a seed-corn house therein;


Seal of Adad-nashir,

scribe of the house of Ashur-le'i, owner of the garden and the man being sold.

A vineyard in Singara, in the house of Ishtar, 1,000 vines within it; an estate of two hectares of land; a grove of oak trees; an estate of 6 hectares of land, including a meadow, a seed-corn house and a house;



[_kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)15] a(*)-szi(*)-bat(*) _nina_(*)#-[_ki gar_] kas-pu a#-[na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra] ina de-ni-szu _dug4#_-[_dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-[szur _lu-sukkal_ dan-nu]

_igi_ (m)_lugal_—_dingir_-a-[a _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir szA qur-_zag_]

_igi_ (m)15—_mu_—_kam_-esz# [_lu-gal_—_a-ba_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_gar_—_mu#_ [_lu-gal_—_masz-masz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_man_—_pab_ [_lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ szA _mi_—É-_gal_]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—asz-szur _lu#_-[: ((_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) szA _dumu_—_man_]

_igi_ (m)tar-di-it—asz-szur _lu#_-[03-szu szA _dumu_—_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz lu_(*)#-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)_numun_—_gin_ [_lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_ [_lu-02_-u szA _lu-gal_—u-rat]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_numun_—_du_ [_lu-a-ba_]

_iti-szu ud 26_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)gir—s,a-pu-nu]

AI Translation

shall place a pure gold ring in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, chief vizier.

Witness Sharru-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Issar-shumu-eresh, chief scribe.

Witness Marduk-shakin-shumi, chief exorcist.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the queen.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Tardit-Ashur, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, chariot driver.

Witness Zeru-ukin, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

Month Tammuz IV, 26th day, eponym year of Gir-Shapunu.


He shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Sharru-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Issar-shumu-eresh, chief scribe.

Witness Marduk-shakin-shumi, chief exorcist.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the queen.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto of the prince.

Witness Tarditu-Ashur, 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, chariot driver.

Witness Zeru-ukin, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Marduk-zeru-ibni, scribe.

Month Tammuz IV, 26th day, eponym year of Gir-Shapunu.

P335387: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_numun_—_gin a_ (m)_en_—_bad_ sza _uru_-ir-bu-u-a-a _en gisz-sar un_-_mesz sum_-ni

_gisz-sar_ szal-mu sza _gisz_-til-lit _uru_-ir-bu-u-a-a

_suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)ul-ka-a

_suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)_du_—_pab_-_mesz_

_suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)_be_-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni

_suhur gisz-sar_ szA (m)_gin_-i A (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab_

(m)si-na-in-ni (m)15-_ka_—_dingir_-a-a _pab 02 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_-szu

u-pisz-ma (m)kul-ku-la-a-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_numun_—_gin a_ (m)_en_—_bad_ ina _sza_-bi 03 _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din-ni _gisz-sar un_-_mesz_ szu-a-te za-ar-pat _ti_ tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)_numun_—_gin_

AI Translation

Seal of Zeru-ukin, son of Bel-duri of Irbû, owner of the garden and people being sold.

A complete vineyard in the town of Irbu.

adjoining the garden of Ulkâ,

adjoining the garden of Bani-ahhe,

adjoining the garden of Shumma-ilani,

adjoining the garden of Kenî, son of Nabû-duru-ushur,

Sininni, Issar-ba''i-ila'i, in all 2 persons, his servants.

Kullullanu, cohort commander, has contracted and bought them from Zeru-ukin, son of Bel-duri, for 3 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That garden and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Zeru-ukin or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and his grandsons,


Seal of Zeru-ukin, son of Bel-duri, from Irbû, owner of the garden and the people being sold.

a complete vineyard in Irbû,

adjoining the garden of Ulkâ,

adjoining the garden of Bani-ahhe,

adjoining the garden of Shumma-ilani,

adjoining the garden of Kenî, son of Nabû-duru-ushur,

Sinainni, Kubaba-ila'i, in all 2 persons, his servants —

Kulkulanu, cohort commander, has contracted and bought them from Zeru-ukin, son of Bel-duri, for 3 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That garden and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Zeru-ukin or his sons, his grandsons or his brothers, his nephews or his prefect, his cohort commander or his neighbour, the mayor of his city or any relative of his, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kulkulanu, his sons, his grandsons and any relative of his,



01 _gu-un kug-ud 05 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru_-arba-il _gar_ kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ ina _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra de-e-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la il-qi

_igi_ (m)_nigin_—_dingir a_ (m)zi-zi-i

_igi_ (m)_i-gal_—_dingir_-_mesz a_ (m)_u-gur_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)10—bal-lit, _lu-600 a_ (m)gu-gi-i

_igi_ (m)a-szi-re-e : A (m)_pab_-u-a

_igi_ (m)_du_—_pab_-_mesz a_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

_pab 05 igi_-_mesz uru_-ir-bu-u-a-a

_igi_ (m)hal-di—t,a-ia _lu_(v)-szA—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab a_ (m)I—15 _arad_ szA A—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém-a-ni _pab_-szu : o(*)

_igi_ (m)10—_ad_—_pab a_ (m)_bad_—10

_igi_ (m)kur—_asz_—_pab lu_(v)-600 A (m)ki—ma-ma

_igi_ (m)10—_kam_-esz A (m)10—_ki_-ia

_igi_ (m)ha-an-da—pi-i : A (m)hu-un-zu-di-i

_igi_ (m)30—_man_—_pab a_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_arad_—15 A (m)kut-nu :

AI Translation

shall place one talent of silver and five minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kudurru-ilu, son of Zizî.

Witness Ibashi-ilani, son of Nergal-ila'i.

Witness Adad-ballit, herald, son of Gugî.

Witness Ashirê, ditto, son of Ahu'a.

Witness Bani-ahhe, son of Kanunayu.

in all 5 witnesses from Irbu.

Witness Haldi-taya, sha shepi guard.

Witness Nabû-ushur, son of Na'di-Issar, servant of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-remanni, his brother, ditto.

Witness Adad-abu-ushur, son of Duri-Adad.

Witness Kur-nadin-ahi, herald, son of Ki-Mama.

Witness Adad-eresh, son of Adad-isse'a.

Witness Handa-pî, ditto, son of Hunzudî.

Witness Sin-sharru-ushur, son of Nabû-ushur.

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Kutnu, ditto.


shall place one talent silver and 5 minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Liphur-ilu, son of Zizî.

Witness Ibashi-ilani, son of Nergal-ila'i.

Witness Adad-ballit, herald, son of Gugû.

Witness Ashirê, ditto, son of Ahû'a.

Witness Bani-ahhe, son of Kanunayu.

In all 5 witnesses from Irbû.

Witness Haldi-taya, sha shepi guard.

Witness Nabû-ushur, son of Na'di-Issar, servant of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-remanni, his brother, ditto.

Witness Adad-abu-ushur, son of Duri-Adad.

Witness Kur-nadin-ahi, herald, son of Ki-Mama.

Witness Adad-eresh, son of Adad-isse'a.

Witness Handa-pî, ditto, son of Hunzudî.

Witness Sin-sharru-ushur, son of Nabû-ushur.

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Kutnu, ditto.



_igi_ (m)15—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_ szA—_gir-2_

_pab 10 igi_-_mesz uru_-hu-_ka_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu_-qur-bu-tu

AI Translation

Witness Issar-nadin-ahhe, sha shepi guard.

in all 10 witnesses from Hubushkia.

Witness Nabû-eriba, royal bodyguard.


Witness Issar-nadin-ahhe, sha shepi guard.

In all 10 witnesses from Hubaba.

Witness Nabû-eriba, royal bodyguard.



_iti-ziz ud 17_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_nu_—_man_—_e lu_-tur-ta-nu _uru_-ku-mu-hi

o(*) (m)(d)_pa_—I o(*) _a-ba igi_ (m)_pab_—_zu_(*) A (m)_kaskal_-a-a : _igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_pab_—_asz_

AI Translation

Month Shebat XI, 17th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, commander-in-chief of Kummuhu.

Witness Nabû-na'id, scribe. Witness Ahu-le'i, son of Harranayu, ditto. Witness Nusku-ahu-iddina, scribe.


Month Shebat XI, 17th day, eponym year of Shalmu-sharri-iqbi, commander-in-chief of Commagene.

Witness Nabû-na'id, scribe. Witness Ahu-le'i, son of Harranayu, ditto. Witness Nusku-ahu-iddina.

P335388: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)mar-tu-u'(*) _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ sza _mi_—(_kur_) _na4-kiszib_ (m)mar-di-i _pab 02 lu_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_ szA _lu-en-nam_ sza _kur_-bar-hal-za _en un_-_mesz sum_-ni

(m)rém-ut—_dingir_-_mesz ama_-szu 03 _pab_-_mesz_-szu _pab 05 zi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ti dumu_-szu (m)sa-si-i 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _mi_-szu (m)(d)_pa_-u-a 03 _pab_-_mesz_-szu _nin_-szu _pab 05 zi_ (m)za-bi-nu _lu-nu-gisz-sar mi_-szu _gisz-sar_ szA za-mar _pab 17 zi_-_mesz gisz-sar_ ina _uru_-na-bu-ur(*) _lu-arad_-_mesz_ szA (m)[mar]-tu#-u'(*) szA (m)mar-di-i(*)

u-pisz-ma# [_mi-pab_]—t,al#-li _mi_-szA-[kin-tu] szA _uru-nina-ki ta_(v)# [_igi lu_-_mesz_ an]-nu-tu [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_ szA] _uru#_-gar-ga-mis#

[il-qi kas-pu] gam#-mur o(*) [ta-din(*) _un_-_mesz gisz_]-_sar#_-_mesz_ o(*) [za-rip la]-qi(*)# tu-a-ru di-i-[nu]

AI Translation

Seal of Martu', village manager of the queen, seal of Mardî, in all 2 men, servants of the governor of Barhalza, owners of the people being sold.

Remut-ilani, his mother, his three brothers, a total of 5 persons; Shamash-balassu, his son, Sasî, his two sons, his wife, Nabû'a, his three brothers, his sister, a total of 5 persons; Zabinu, gardener, his wife, a garden of Zamar; in all 17 persons, a garden in Nabû, servants of Martu' and of Mardî.

Ahu-talli, governess of Nineveh, has contracted and bought them from these men for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people and the gardens are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Martu', village manager of the queen; seal of Mardî; a total of two men, servants of the governor of Barhalza, owners of the people being sold.

Remut-ilani, his mother and his 3 brothers, a total of 5 persons; Shamash-balassu and his son; Sasî, his two sons and his wife; Nabû'a, his 3 brothers and his sister, a total of 5 persons; Zabinu, gardener, his wife, and a fruit orchard; in all 17 persons and an orchard in the city of Nabur, servants of Martu' and Mardî —

Ahi-talli, governess of Nineveh, has contracted and bought them from these men for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people and the orchard are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



[ina ma-te-e]-ma(*) [i-za-qup-an-ni] [i-_gil_-u]-ni(*)# di-i-nu(*)# o(*) _dug4-dug4 ta_(v)# _mi_-szA-kin-te ub-ta-'u-u-ni kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)la-hi-ra-a-a

_igi_ (m)_numun_—15 _lu-gal_—_usz-bar_-_me_

_igi_ (m)na-bu-ti-i# _lu-usz-bar_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_asz lu-a_—_sig_

_igi_ (m)_man_—_igi-lal_-an-ni

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir _igi_ (m)ma-zu-gu

_igi_ (m)ba-ni-i _lu-a-ba_

_iti-gud ud 01_-_kam mu 23_ (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ lim-me (m)man-nu—ki—10—_man_(*)

AI Translation

If he in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Witness Lahirayu.

Witness Zer-Issar, chief weaver.

Witness Nabutî, weaver.

Witness Marduk-iddina, chariot fighter.

Witness Sharru-emuranni.

Witness Nabû-nashir. Witness Mazugu.

Witness Banî, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, year 23 of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad-sharri.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, breaks the contract, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Witness Lahirayu.

Witness Zar-Issar, chief weaver.

Witness Nabutî, weaver.

Witness Marduk-iddina, chariot fighter.

Witness Sharru-emuranni.

Witness Nabû-nashir. Witness Mazzugu.

Witness Banî, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, year 23 of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad-milki of Shupat.

P335389: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)ba-ri-ki _lu-gal#_—[x x] _na4-kiszib_ (m)a-ba—il o(*) [x x(*)]

_en un_-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz_ É-_mesz_ [_sum_-ni]

01 _gisz-sar 01_ lim _gisz_(*)-til(*)-lit(*) [ina _kur_-i-za-li] _suhur gisz-sar_ szA (m)x#+[x x x x]

02-u _gisz-sar 02_(*) lim(*)# [_gisz_-til-lit x x] [x x x x x x x x x x]

[_pab 02_] _gisz-sar_ [o] 03(*) lim# [_gisz_-til-lit]

[o (m)]ba(*)#-al(*)—zu-ri _lu_(*)#-[_nu-gisz-sar_] [_mi_]-szu(*)# _dumu_-szu(*) _dumu-mi_-su (m)x#+[x x x]

_pab# 07 zi_-_mesz 02_ É-_mesz 02 gisz-sar#_-[_mesz_] _gisz_-til-lit-_mesz 04 na4_-i(*)-ga-[ra-te] ina(*) _kur_(*)-i-za-li szA(*)# (m)ba-ri-ki# [U (m)a-ba—il] ina _uru_-is-pal-lu-re(*)#-[e x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-an-ni—(d)#[_im lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] dan-nu szA (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur-[_ki_] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ba-ri-ki _ta_(v) [_igi_ (m)a-ba—il]

_ti_-qi kas-pu gam-mur ta-[din _un_-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz_] É-_mesz na4_-i(*)-ga-ra(*)#-[te szu-a-tu zar-pu] laq-qi-u tu-a-ru de#-[nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-[te-e-ma i-zaq-qup-an-ni] lu-u (m)ba-ri-ki lu#-[u (m)a-ba—il]

AI Translation

Seal of Bariki, chief ..., seal of Aba-il, .

owner of the people, gardens, and houses being sold.

1 vineyard, 1,000 vines in Izalla, adjoining the vineyard of NN,

a garden, 2,000 vines .

in all 2 vineyards, 3,000 vines.

Ba'al-zuri, gardener; his wife, son, and daughter; NN, ...;

In all 7 persons, 2 houses, 2 vineyards, 4 igarate stones in Izalla, belonging to Bariki and Aba-il, in the town of Ispallure .

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from Bariki and Aba-il for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people, gardens, houses and stone igarate are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bariki or Aba-il,


Seal of Bariki, chief ..., seal of Abail,

owners of the people, vineyards and houses being sold.

A vineyard of 1,000 vines in Izalla, adjoining the vineyard of NN;

A second vineyard of 2,000 vines in ..., adjoining the vineyard of NN;

a total of two vineyards of 3,000 vines;

Ba'al-azuri, gardener, his wife, son, and daughter; NN, his wife and ...;

in all 7 persons, two houses, two vineyards and 4 stone walls in Izalla belonging to Bariki and Abail, in the town Ispallurê ... —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from Bariki and Abail.

The money is paid completely. Those people, vineyards, houses, and stone walls are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Bariki or Abail or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their governor, ... or relative, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons,



ub-ta-u-ni 01 _gu-un kug_-[_ud luh_-u 10 _ma-na kug-gi_] sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_(*)# [a-szi-bat] _uru-nina gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10#-[_mesz_ a-na _en_-szu _gur_-ra] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma [la i-laq-qi]

_igi_ (m)szum-ma#—(d)asz-szur _lu-en-nam_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab lu-03_-szu [dan-nu]

_igi_ (m)sa-si-i _lu_-ha-za-nu _uru_(*)#-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_mu_—_kam_-esz _lu-gal_—A(*)#-[_ba_]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_im_—_mu_—_pab lu-gal_—[_masz-masz_(?)]

[_igi_ (m)]_mu_(*)#-a-a _dumu_ (m)(d(*))#[_pa_—_numun_—_gisz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—_sum_(*)#—_mu lu_-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)#(d)szA-masz#—[_man_—_pab lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu#_-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-02_(*)#-[u szA _lu-gal_—u-rat]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_mu_—_asz lu_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-mur _igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)a-qa-ba _igi_ (m)ba-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)bar-zi-ku-tu (m)bu#-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad pab 07 igi_-_mesz#_ [_uru_-is-pal-lu-ra-a-a]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_mu_—_a lu_-[_a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni-te]

_iti-ziz ud 10_-_kam_ lim(*)-mu(*) [(m)_iti-ab_-a-a É—_gibil_]

AI Translation

shall place one talent of refined silver and 10 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shumma-Ashur, governor of .

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Sasî, mayor of .

Witness Issar-shumu-eresh, chief scribe.

Witness Adad-shumu-ushur, chief exorcist.

Witness Shumaya, son of Nabû-zeru-leshir.

Witness Nabû-nadin-shumi, .

Witness .......

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Issar-shumu-iddina, .

Witness Ahu-lamur. Witness NN.

Witness Aqaba. Witness Ba.

Witness Barzikutu, Bu.

Witness Ahu-duri. A total of 7 witnesses from Ispalluru.

Witness Issar-shumu-iddina, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Shebat XI, 10th day, eponym year of Kanunayu of New Palace.


shall place one talent of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shumma-Ashur, governor of ....

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief 'third man.'

Witness Sasî, mayor of ....

Witness Issar-shumu-eresh, chief scribe.

Witness Adad-shumu-ushur, chief exorcist.

Witness Shumaya son of Nabû-zeru-leshir.

Witness Nabû-nadin-shumi, ... exorcist.

Witness .......

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Issar-shumu-iddina, ....

Witness Ahu-lamur. Witness NN.

Witness Aqaba. Witness Ba....

Witness Barzikutu. Bu....

Witness Ahu-duri, a total of 7 witnesses from Ispallurê.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Shebat XI, 10th day, eponym year of Kanunayu of the New Palace.



[_igi_ (m)x x—(d)]_im lu#_-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—re#-eh-tu—_pab_ [o(?)]

[_igi_ (m)]asz-szur—_ki_-ia _igi_ (m)[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness ...-Adad, .

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur.

Witness Ashur-isse'a. Witness NN.


Witness ...-Adad, ....

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur.

Witness Ashur-isse'a. Witness NN, 'third man.'



_lu-03_-szu _igi_ (m)_pab_—[x]+x x# [_lu-a-ba_] Ar-ma-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Ahu-.


Witness Ahu-..., Aramean scribe.

P335390: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu] s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

[s,u-pur (m)x x x]-an-na-a [_en gisz_]-_sar_ É _un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[x x x x x]+x# (m)za-na-a

[x x x x x] 3 e-pi-na-te [x x x x x x]+x# sa x#+[x]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of ...anâ, owner of the garden and house being sold.

...... Zanâ

...... three reed-beds .


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of ...annâ, owner of garden, house and the people being sold.

... Zanâ,

... 3 ploughs



[_sze_-nu-sa-hi-szu] la i-na-as-su-hu# [_sze-in-nu_(?)-szu la isz-szab]-ba-Asz

[il-ku _ta_(v) _uru_-szu-nu la il]-lu-ku

AI Translation

He shall not remove his straw and straw taxes, he shall not take it.

They have not come out of their city.


its corn or straw tax shall not be exacted,

they shall not perform the labour service with their town

P335391: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x ina] _sza 05 ma-na kug-ud_ [ina szA _uru_-gar]-ga-mis il-qi

[kas-pu gam-mur] ta#-din _un_-_mesz_ zar-pu [laq-qi-u] tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

[la-Asz-szu] man#-nu szA ina ur-kisz _gil_-u-ni lu-u [(m)x x x]-ri lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u] _dumu#_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

...... has contracted and bought for 5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future breaks the contract, whether ...ri or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews,


NN has contracted and bought them for 5 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, breaks the contract, whether ...ri or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers or his nephews



[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu-gal_—_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-masz-masz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-gal_—_masz-masz_ szA É A—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-i-du8_ szA (d)_pa_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-i-du8_ szA É-_gal_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_]-sza#—de-na-ni

[x x x x]+x# lim-mu [x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Witness NN, head porter.

Witness NN, exorcist.

Witness NN, chief exorcist of the palace of the crown prince.

Witness NN, gate-guard of Nabû.

Witness NN, gate-guard of the palace.

Witness NN, judge.

...... eponym year of NN.


Witness NN, head porter.

Witness NN, exorcist.

Witness NN, chief exorcist of house the crown prince.

Witness NN, porter of Nabû.

Witness NN, porter of the palace.

Witness NN, court clerk.

Month ..., day eponym year of NN.

P335392: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x _pab_] 08(*)# _zi_-_mesz_ É# [x _ansze a-sza_(?)] [_gisz-sar_ x]-lim# _gisz_-til-lit É ad-[ru]

AI Translation

... in all 8 persons, an estate of x hectares of land, a vineyard of x thousand stalks, a house and a threshing floor —


... In all 8 persons, an estate of ... hectares of land, a vineyard of x thousand vines, a house, a threshing floor and a grove in the district of Harran —



[(m)]rém#-a-ni—(d)_im_ [_lu_-mu]-kil#—_pa_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver;


Remanni-Adad, chariot driver, has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish

P335393: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x# _mi_-[szu] [(m)x x x] _lu_(v)#-_nu-gisz-sar#_

[u-pisz-ma (m)mil-ki]—_zalag lu_(v)-_sag_ [sza _mi_—É]-_gal# ta_(v) _igi_ (m)I—asz-szur [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)]qur#-di—(d)15—la-mur [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_ ina sza _man_

[il-qi kas-pu] gam(*)#-mur ta-din

AI Translation

...... his wife NN, gardener

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought it from Na'di-Ashur and Qurdi-Issar-lamur for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely.


..., his wife, NN, gardener —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen has contracted and bought them from Na'id-Ashur and from Qurdi-Issar-lamur for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. That land and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



[man-nu szA ina] ur#-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni [lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an]-nu#-te lu o(*) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu [lu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu] mAm(*)-ma(*)-nu(*)-szu-nu [lu x x x x x x] x x x#

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons or any relative of theirs or .


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons or any relative of theirs or ......

P335394: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]_pab#_—_bad_ [_en a-sza_] É _un_-_mesz sum_-ni

[x _ansze a_]-_sza_ É ad-ru [x x É szi]-qi ina _uru_-szi-ba-ni-ba

[x x x x] (m)mil-ki—su(*)-[ri] [x x x x x]-a(*)# _mi_-szu [o]

[x x x x (m)]bal#-t,a-a-a [x x x _mi_]-_uru_(*)#-_nina_(*)-_ki_(*)-i(*)#-[tu]

[x x x x]+x# (m)(d)_im_—_su#_ [x x x x x]-szA—lip(*)-hur _mi_(*)#-[szu] [x x x x x x]-tu

AI Translation

Seal of Ahu-duri, owner of the land, house, and people being sold.

x hectares of field, a house, a threshing floor, ..., a house, a threshing floor in Shibaniba;

...... Milki-suri, his wife NN,

Baltayu, NN, Ninevitu,

...... Adad-eriba, ...sha-liphur, his wife, .


Seal of Ahu-duri, owner of the land, house, and people being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land, a house, a threshing floor, ..., irrigated land in Shibaniba;

... Milki-suri, his wife NN, ...;

Baltaya ..., his wife Ninuitu, ...;

Adad-eriba, his wife ...sha-liphur, ...



[tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4_]-_dug4_ la-Asz-szu [man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina] ma-ti-ma

[_gil_-u-ni x _ma_]-_na kug-ud 04_(*) _ma_-[_na kug-gi_] [a-na (d)15 a-szi-bat] _uru_(*)#-_nina sum_-an [_a-sza un_-_mesz_] É(*)# u-sze-s,a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz#_-[_pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_pab lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]+x# A (m)_en_—_ki_-ia

[_igi_ (m)_di_-mu]—_en_—la-Asz-me _lu_(v)-mu-[kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—rém-a-ni _lu_(v)-_simug-kug-gi_ szA [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_-u-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)]u-si-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)]_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—_usz-bar_-_mesz_

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_gin_—_a a-ba_

_iti#-gud ud 15_-_kam_ [lim]-me (m)_en_—_igi-lal_-a-ni

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,

shall give x minas of silver and 4 minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall redeem the field, people, and house.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness ...-ushur, scribe.

Witness NN, son of Bel-isse'a.

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-remanni, goldsmith of .

Witness Nabû'a, head porter.

Witness Usî, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-eriba, scribe.

Witness Arbailayu, chief weaver.

Witness Nabû-kenu-iddina, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 15th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni.


Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall pay x minas of silver and 4 minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall redeem the field, the people and the house.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness ...-ushur, scribe.

Witness ... son of Bel-isse'a.

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-remanni, goldsmith of ....

Witness Nabû'a, head porter.

Witness Usi', cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-eriba, scribe.

Witness Arbailayu, chief weaver.

Witness Nabû-ka''in-aplu, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 15th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335395: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz en 02 un_-_mesz sum_-ni

É# ep-[szu x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Shulmu-ahhe, owner of the two people being sold.

built house .


Seal of Shulmu-ahhe, owner of the house and people being sold.

A built house ...



_igi_(*) (m)hal(*)-di(*)#—[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(*)#—[x x]

_iti-szu ud_ [x-_kam_] lim-mu (m)(d)[30—_pab_-_mesz_-_su_]

AI Translation

Witness Haldi-.

Witness Nabû-zeru-.

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Sennacherib, governor of Arbela.


Witness Haldi-....

Witness Nabû-zeru-....

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

P335396: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x] _dumu_-szu x#+[x x x]

[x x x _dumu_] _ga_(*)# _pab 06# zi_-[_mesz arad_-_mesz_]

[sza(?) (m)]bi—da(*)#-[di É x _ansze a-sza_] [x]-lim-06(*)-me(*) _gisz_(*)-til(*)#-[lit x x x] _pu#_ ina _sza_-bi _uru_(*)-[x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)se#-[e'—ma-a-di] _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ [sza _dumu_—_man_]

AI Translation

...... his son .

NN, a ..., in all 6 persons, servants of the king.

An estate of x hectares of land, x thousand six hundred hectares of vine ..., a well in the town of ...,

Se'-madi, village manager of the crown prince, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


...... his son ...,

..., a suckling child, a total of 6 persons, servants of Bi-Dadi;

an estate of x hectares of land, x thousand 600 vines ..., a well, in the town ... —

Se'-madi, village manager of the crown prince has contracted



[a]-na(*)# [10]-_mesz_(*)-te(*)# [a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_] [ina de]-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-[ma la i-laq-qi]

[_igi_ (m)]mu-na(*)-se-e(*) [_lu_(v)-x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]sa-ni-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—[x x x] _uru_-zi-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]se-e—_zalag_ [x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—mu(*)#-[x (x)] _lu_(v)(*)#-_gisz-gigir_ qur(*)-bu(*)-[ti]

[_igi_ (m)](d)#[x]+x#+[x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]-ri-[x]—_kur_—_lal_

[_igi_ (m)x]-ri-i-U(*) o(*)

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-la(*) _uru_-a-mu(*)-x#+[x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Munasê, .

Witness Sanî, chief .

Witness Se'-nuri, .

Witness Bel-mu..., royal chariot driver.

Witness NN.

Witness ...-matu-taqqin.

Witness ...rî.

Witness, from Amu.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Manasseh, ....

Witness Sanî, chief ... of the town of Zi....

Witness Se'-nuri, ....

Witness Bel-mu..., horse trainer of the royal bodyguard.

Witness ....

Witness ...-matu-taqqin.

Witness ......

Witness from the town Amu....

P335397: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

_du_(?)#-[u-ni x x x x x x x x]

_ta_ [x x x x x x x x]

É [x x x x x x x x]

_suhur uru#_-[_sze_—x x x x x]

_suhur uru-sze_(?)#—[x x x x x]

(m)(d)_ba-u_—[x x x x x x x x]

03(?) _dumu-mi_-_mesz_-[szu x x _pab_ x _zi_-_mesz_]

u-pisz-[ma (m)x x x x x x] ina _sza 01_ me [x _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_] _ta igi#_ (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation


went ......

from ......

An estate .

adjoining the village of .

adjoining the village of .


3 daughters of his ..., in all x persons,

NN has contracted and bought them from NN for 100 minas of copper.


...... adjoining the road that

leads from ... to .......

from ......;

an estate of x hectares of land ......

adjoining the village of ......

adjoining the village of ......


his 3 daughters and ..., a total of x persons —

... has contracted and bought said property for 100 minas of copper from ...



_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mar-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)rém-an-ni—[x x _lu_-x x]

_igi_ (m)it-ta-[x x x _lu_-x x]

_igi_ (m)_gig_—a-[da-lal _lu_-x x x]

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)[x _lu_-x x x]

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu_-[x x x]

_iti-dul ud 15_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Mar-.

Witness Remanni-.

Witness Itta..., .

Witness Shar-adallal, .

Witness Ubru-..., .

Witness Ubru-Nabû, .

Month Tishri VII, 15th day, eponym year of Sennacherib, governor of Dur-Sharruken.


Witness ......

Witness Mar-......

Witness Remanni-......

Witness Itta......

Witness Marshish-adallal, ...

Witness Ubru-.......

Witness Ubru-Nabû, ....

Month Tishri VII, 15th day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

P335398: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]-a (m)ba-Asz-szA-szA _pab 02 lu_-_mesz_

[x x x x]+x#—_man_(*) _dumu_(*)-_mi_-sa _pab 18 zi_-_mesz_

[_uru-sze_—(m)x x]—_mu_—_asz_ a-na gi-mir-ti-szu

[u-pisz-ma (m)x x]—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-03-szu [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)x x x]-me(?) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_tug-ka-k_ÉSZ

[ina _sza_-bi x x x x x] il(*)#-qi kas(*)-pu(*)# [gam-mur ta-din _a-sza un_-_mesz_ szu-a]-tu(*) zar(*)#-[pu]

AI Translation

...a, Bashasha, in all 2 men,

...-sharri, her daughter, in all 18 persons,

The village of ...-shumu-iddina in its entirety

...-ila'i, 'third man' has contracted and bought them from, chief tailor.

The money is paid completely. That land and people are purchased and acquired.


..., Bashasha, in all 2 men,

...-sharri, her daughter, in all 18 persons,

the village of ...-shumu-iddina in its entirety —

...-ila'i, 'third man' has contracted and bought from, chief tailor for .......

The money is paid completely, this land and people are purchased and acquired

P335399: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x]+x x x#

[x x x x x x x _lu-gal_]—da#-ni-bat

[x x x x x x x x x x] _uru_

[x x x x x x x x x x] _pab 04_(*)

[x x x x x x x x]+x#-man-nu—la—_en_ [o]

[x x x x x x x x x x]-qur(*) _pab 05 zi_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x x] É# ri-pi-tu

[x x x x x x x x] (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_asz dumu_-szu

[x x x x x x x x] _uru_-arba-il#

[x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_(*) o(*)

AI Translation


...... the chief victualler

...... city

......, in all 4

...... Mannu-la-Bel

......qur, in all 5 persons;

...... the house of the extispicy

...... Ashur-shumu-iddina, his son

...... Arbela




...... chief victualler

...... of the city

......, in all 4


......qur, in all 5 persons,

...... house, a barnyard

...... Ashur-shumu-iddina, his son

...... Arbela




[x x x x x x x x x x x]-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x x x x x x _ma-na_] _kug-ud_ [x _ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)15 szA] arba#-il i-szA-kan [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_]-szu _gur#_-ra

[x x x x x x x x x x] x x x#

AI Translation

...... his ...s

shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.



...... his ...s

shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.


P335400: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] _pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu mAm-ma-[nu-szu-nu] [sza de-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v)] (m)_dingir_—gab-bé(*)#-[e x x x]

[x x x x x x] 02 _ansze_(?)-[_kur-ra_-_mesz_ x x x]

AI Translation

NN and their brothers and all their relatives, who seek a lawsuit or litigation against Il-gabbê ...,

...... 2 horses .


... or their brothers or any relative of theirs, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Il-gabbê, ...

... 2 horses ...

P335401: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É x] _ansze_(*) A(*)#-[_sza_ ina] _uru_(*)-ka(*)-an(*)#-[nu-u'] _suhur#_ um-me sza(*)# _uru_-ka-an-nu(*)-[u'] _suhur kaskal_ sza a-na _uru_-nu-hu(*)#-bi _du#_-[u-ni]

_gisz-sar_ ina _sza_-bi [x x]-u#-ri _suhur gisz-sar_ sza [x (x) x]+x#-a-szi-di

_pab_(*)-ma(*) 40(*) _a-sza_ x#+[x x]+x x x x# [x x x x x x x]+x x#+[x]

AI Translation

An estate of x hectares of land in the town of Kannu', adjoining the side road of Kannu' and the road leading to Nuhbu;

A vineyard in ..., adjoining the vineyard of ...ashidi,

Total 40 hectares of land .


An estate of x hectares of field in Kannu', adjoining the side road of Kannu' and the road that leads to Nuhub;

including a garden ... adjoining the garden of ...ashidi,

a total of 40 hectares of land ......



10 _ma-na kug-ud_ [x _ma_]-_na_(*)# [_kug-gi_ sak-ru] ina (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-pat(*) _uru_-ni-nu-a _sum#_-[an] kas-pu ina 10-_mesz_-te ina _en_-_mesz_-szu u(*)-_gur#_

ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-la-qi de-e-szu(*) _di-kud_ la i-szA-mu-u

_igi#_ (m)ar(*)-ze(*)#-zu _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_—ki-s,ir#

[_igi_ (m)ha—ba-sa-tu] _gal#_—_lu_(v)-_i-du8_-_mesz#_

[_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—(d)15 _lu_(v)]-_gal_—ki-s,ir#

AI Translation

shall give 10 minas of silver and x minas of pure gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness Arzezu, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Kishir-Issar, cohort commander.


He shall give 10 minas of silver and x minas of pure gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not listen to his case.

Witness Arzezu, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Kishir-Issar, cohort commander.

P335402: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04 _mi-gurusz#_-[_tur_(*)-_mesz_ x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_utu_—_ki_-ia# [x x x x x x x]

02 _mi-tur_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x]

03 _gisz-sar_-[_mesz_ x x x x x x x]

ti-din-tu [x x x x x x x x]

a-na (m)kab(*)#-[x x x x x x x x]

u-pisz-[ma (m)x x x x x x _ta igi_] (m)hal-di—x#+[x x x x x x x x] ina _sza_-bi 10 [_ma-na kug-ud_ szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis]

il(*)-qi(*)# [kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din]

AI Translation

4 young women .

Shamash-isse'a .

2 girls ......

3 gardens .

payment ......

to Kab......

NN has contracted and bought from Haldi-... for 10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.


4 nubile girls ......

Shamash-isse'a ......

2 girls ......

3 gardens ......

a gift ......

to Kab...... —

NN has contracted and bought said property from Haldi-... for 10 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.



_gur_-ra# [x x x x x x x x x]

sza _gisz-sar#_-[_mesz_ x x ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la i-la(*)#-[qi]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_en_—lu#-[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-[as-tu x x x]

_igi_ (m)e-zi(*)#—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)rém-ut-[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

return ......

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Bel-lu-.

Witness Habasti, .

Witness Ezi-.

Witness Remut-.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owner, and shall ...... of the orchards ....

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-.......

Witness Bel-lu-.......

Witness Habasti, ....

Witness Ezi-.......

Witness Remut-.......

Witness Nabû-.......

Witness Nabû-.......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......



[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-_a-ba igi_ (m)kil-lam-szi _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_-ir

[_iti_-x] _ud 17_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ta_(v)—10—a-ni-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _igi_ (m)hal-mu-su _lu#_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN, scribe. Witness Killamshi. Witness Shamash-nashir.

Month ..., 17th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness NN. Witness Halmusu, .


Witness NN, scribe. Witness Kê-lamshi. Witness Shamash-nashir.

Month ..., 17th day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness NN. Witness Halmusu, ....

P335403: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x _gisz_]-_sar#_ til-li-te [x x x]+x x x# [x x x]-_ki_

u-pisz-ma (m)gi-ru#-[x x] _lu_(v)-mu-tir(*)#—t,e-me

AI Translation

... vineyard .

Giru..., intelligence officer —


... a vineyard in ...... adjoining ... and ... —

Giru..., information officer of Nergal-shumu-ibni, has contracted and acquired it for a talent of copper.



[il-qi x x]+x# 08 _ansze gesztin#_-[_mesz_] [x x a-na szA]-par-ti(*) _ku_(*)#

[man-nu sza ina _egir_] _ud_(*)#-_mesz du_-u(*)#-[ni] [_urudu_-_mesz sum_-u]-ni(*)# _gisz-sar_ [til-li-te u-sze]-s,a

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _uru-sze_—(m)mil-ki(*)-x#+[x]

[_igi_ (m)szA—la]—ma-szi-i

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-_kur_-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-a-a sza _gu-un_ [_urudu_-_mesz_(?)] i-di-nu-ni

[_igi_ (m)di]-lil#—(d)15

[_iti_-x] _ud# 07_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)man-nu—ki]—10

AI Translation

He has taken ... 8 homers of wine ... for the banquet.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall redeem the vineyard.

Witness NN, village of Milki.

Witness Sha-la-masî.

Witness ...-mati.

Witness ...ayu, who gave me talent and copper.

Witness Dilil-Issar.

Month ..., 7th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.


He shall enjoy as a pledge 8 homers of wine ....

Whoever in the future comes and pays the copper shall redeem the vineyard.

Witness NN, from the village of Milki-....

Witness Sha-la-mashê.

Witness NN...ayu.

Witness ...ayu, who paid the talent of copper.

Witness Dilil-Issar.

Month ..., 7th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad.



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)—[x x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_im#_—[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Adad-.


Witness Nabû-....

Witness Adad-....

P335404: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É [x x x x x x x x x x]

[gab]-di hi-ri-ti# [u-pisz-ma (m)30—I] ina _sza_-bi 06 _ma_-[_na kug-ud_ il-qi]

kas-pu gam-mur ta#-[ad-din] _un_-_mesz_ zar4-pu _ti#_-[u tu-a-ru de-nu]

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu [sza ina ur-kisz] i-za-qu-za-pa-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u (m)_dingir#_-[x x x] lu#-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u (_dumu_)—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-nu _dug4-dug4_ [_ta_(v)] (m)30—_i dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u-u-ni

[x _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u] 01(?) _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru [ina bur-ki (d)15 a]-szi-bat _uru-nina gar_-an [02 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz babbar_]-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_ asz-szur i-ra-kas [04 _ansze_-har-ba-kan-ni ina] _gir-2_ (d)_masz-masz_ u-sze-rab

AI Translation

An estate .

Sin-na'id has contracted and bought them for 6 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Ilu-... or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-na'id, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal.


An estate of ...... adjoining the ditch —

Sin-na'id has contracted and bought for 6 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract whether NN or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-na'id, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall tie two white horses at the feet Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses at the feet Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)ba-ga-gi _igi_ (m)_ka-dingir_-a-a _igi_ (m)ur-du

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—bé-sun _pab 04 arad_-_mesz lu_-szA—_igi_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)lu—ki—ma-ma _igi_ (m)_u-u_—iq-bi _igi_ (m)hal(?)-mu(?)-su(?)

_pab 03 lu-arad_-_mesz_-ni sza _lu-gal_—_sum-ninda_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_ti-la_-su—iq-bi _igi_ (m)_gin_-a-ni—15

_pab 02 arad_-_mesz_-ni _lu-igi-um gal_-e

_igi_ (m)s,il—10 _lu-arad_ sza _lu-gal_—kar-ma-[ni]

_igi_ (m)ag-ru _lu-kasz-lul dumu_—_uru-nina_

[_igi_] (m)asz-szur—_pab_-_mesz_—_pab igi_ (m)_uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a

[_igi_] (m)_arad_—15 _lu-arad_ szA [x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]szum#-ma—_dingir#_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

Witness Bagagi. Witness Babilayu. Witness Urdu.

Witness Ashur-bessunu. A total of 4 servants of the palace superintendent.

Witness Lu-ki-Mama. Witness Dadi-iqbi. Witness Halmusu.

in all 3 servants of the chief confectioner.

Witness Ilu-balassu-iqbi. Witness Kenani-Issar.

in all 2 servants of the chief treasurer.

Witness Shil-Adad, servant of the chief of trade.

Witness Agru, cupbearer, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness Ashur-ahhe-ushur. Witness Mari-Aya.

Witness Urdu-Issar, servant of .

Witness Shumma-ilani.


Witness Bagagi. Witness Babilayu. Witness Urdu.

Witness Ashur-bessunu. In all 4 servants of the palace superintendent.

Witness Lu-ki-Mama. Witness Dadî-iqbi. Witness Halmusu.

In all 3 servants of the chief confectioner.

Witness Ilu-balassu-iqbi. Witness Kinanni-Issar.

In all 2 servants of the chief treasurer.

Witness Shil-Adad, servant of chief of granaries.

Witness Agru, cupbearer, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness Ashur-ahhe-ushur. Witness Libbalayu.

Witness Urdu-Issar, servant of ....

Witness Shumma-ilani.

P335405: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] _dingir_ [x x x x] [x x x x ina] _sza 01 1_/2 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud_]

AI Translation

...... the god ...... for 1 1/2 minas of silver


...... has bought for 1 1/2 minas of silver from these men.



[kas-pu gam-mur] ta-din _gisz-sar_ [szu-a-tu] [za-rip laq-qi tu-a-ru] de-e-nu _dug4#_-[_dug4_]

[la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-e-ma [i-_gil_-u-ni] [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na] _en_-_mesz_-[szu _gur_-ra]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

P335406: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]-re(*)#-e ina _kur lu-nigir_(*)#—[É-_gal_] _suhur_ [_gisz_]-_sar#_ sza (m)par-szi-[du] _suhur_ [_gisz_]-_sar#_ sza (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-[a] _suhur_ [_gisz_]-_sar#_ sza (m)(d)_utu#_-[x x x] _suhur_ [_gisz_]-_sar#_ sza (m)da-[x x x]

[x x x u]-pisz-ma (m)_en_—_bad lu-gal_—É# [x x] [ina _sza_-bi x _gu_]-_un ud-ka-bar_-_mesz_ [x x x x x]-_mesz_ i-zi(*)-rip i-si-qi#

[kas-pu gam-mur] ta-din _gisz-sar_ szu-a-tum# [x x x x tu]-a-ru _dug4-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina] ma-te-[ma(*)]

AI Translation

... in the land of the palace herald, adjoining the orchard of Parshidu, the orchard of Hunzuya, the orchard of Shamash-..., and the orchard of Da... —

Bel-duri, major-domo of ... has contracted and bought said property for x talents of bronze .

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


...... in the Land of the Palace Herald, adjoining the orchard of Parshidu, adjoining the orchard of Nuhshaya, adjoining the orchard of Shamash-... and adjoining the orchard of Da..., ... —

Bel-duri, major-domo ..., has contracted, bought and acquired it for x talents of bronze .......

The money is paid completely. That orchard is purchased and acquired. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time,



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-_lal#_—asz-[szur x x]+x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)sze-lu(*)#-bu [x x x]+x x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x]—asz-szur [x] bu x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_nin_(*)]-_gal_—_mu_—_sum_-na [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-ba-a#-nu _lu_-x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Mukin-Ashur, .

Witness Shelubu, .

Witness ...-Ashur, .

Witness Nikkal-shumu-iddina, .

Witness ...banu, .


Witness ....

Witness Mutaqqin-Ashur, ....

Witness Shelubu, ....

Witness ...-Ashur, ....

Witness Nikkal-shumu-iddina, ....

Witness ...banu, ....

P335407: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_pab#_—ia-qar# _lu_(v)-02-u sza _uru_-arrap(*)-ha(*)# [o(*)]

[01 _gisz-sar_ x] 10 x#-a-ni(*) 01 _gisz-sar 02_(*)# [x x x] [01 _gisz-sar_ x x]+x x# _pab 03 gisz-sar_-_mesz_ [e-nu sza A]-_mesz_(*) É(*)# _lu_(v)(*)-_nu-gisz-sar_

[ina _sza_-bi] u-pisz-ma (m)_pab_—ia-ba#-ba [ina _sza_ x]-me(*)# _urudu_-_mesz_ o(*) a(*)-na(*) sza-az-bu(*)-si sza(*)# [_lu_(v)]-hu(*)#-ub-te(*) sza _lu_(v)-_sukkal_(*)# ina _ugu gisz-ma gub_-u-ni ina _ugu lu_(v)-02-u _sum_-ni

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din _gisz-sar_-_mesz_ e-nu sza A-_mesz_ É _lu_(v)-_nu-gisz-sar_ za-ar-pu la-qi-u tu-a-ru de(*)#-nu _dug4-dug4_-bu la-Asz-szu

[man-nu] sza ina _egir ud_-mu# i-za-qu-[pa-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Ahu-yaqar, deputy governor of Arrapha.

1 garden ..., 10 ..., 1 garden, 2 ..., 1 garden ..., in all 3 gardens, of water, house, gardener.

Ahi-yababa has contracted and bought them for x hundred minas of copper for the ziggurat of the captives of the vizier for the boat.

The money is paid completely. The gardens are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Seal of Ahiqar, deputy governor of Arrapha.

1 garden ......; 1 garden with 2 ...; 1 garden ...; a total of 3 gardens including a spring, a house, and a gardener —

Ahi-yababa has contracted and sold them on behalf of the deputy for x hundred minas of copper for the maintenance of the captives whom the vizier boarded on a ship.

The money is paid completely. The gardens, the spring, the house and the gardener are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future lodges a complaint, whether Ahi-yababa or his sons, grandsons, or brothers, and contests in his lawsuit, shall ... ... .... He shall return the money tenfold to its owners.



[_igi_ (m)x x x]-da(*)#-a _lu_(v)(*)-mu#-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-ku# _lu_(v)(*)-szA(*)-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-a(*)# _igi_ (m)e(*)-ni(*)—_dingir_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_apin_-esz# _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_(*)—x#

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-i(*) _lu_(v)(*)-_hal_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x x# _lu_(v)(*)-A(*)-_ba_(*) sza(*) x x#

[_igi_ (m)x x] x x x# _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ sza _uru#_-arrap-ha

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-x# _gal_

ina _iti-gan ud 15_-_kam_ lim-mu# (m)_di_-mu—_lugal_

AI Translation

Witness ...dâ, .

Witness ...ku, .

Witness ...a. Witness Eni-il.

Witness ...-eresh. Witness Shamash-.

Witness ...î, haruspex.

Witness NN, scribe of .

Witness NN, scribe of Arrapha.

Witness NN, chief .

Month Kislev IX, 15th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri.


Witness ...dâ, ....

Witness ...ku, ....

Witness ...â. Witness Eni-il.

Witness ...-eresh. Witness Shamash-....

Witness ...î, haruspex.

Witness NN, scribe of ...

Witness NN, city scribe of Arrapha.

Witness NN....

Month Kislev IX, 15th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri, governor of Halziatbar.

P335408: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[s,u-pur x x x x x x x] (m)ur-bu-ru

[_dumu_ (m)li-pu-u-gu _lu_-(d)]_alad_(*)# szA _uru_-kar—(d)_u-gur_

[x x x x x x x x] _kur#_-ga-su-pi

[É x _ansze a-sza_ ina] u-szal-li szA ka# [x x]-tar(*) [_suhur_ x x x _suhur_ (m)]a#-ki-su _suhur_ (m)ha-am(*)-x#+[x x]-ru(*)#

[x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_ x# _di_-mu x#+[x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x] É(*)#-_gal_(*) 02(*)-u(*) [x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x]+x# É(*) [x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x]+x# _suhur_ (m)ma-[x x x x x x x x]

[x x]-ra-a-te ina kit(*)-[x x x x x x x x (x x)]

_suhur_(*) qa(?)-bu(*)#-ri sza(*) A(*)#-[_mesz_ ina _sza_-bi la-Asz-szu-u-ni]

szA _sze-bar_ ina(*) _sza_(*)-bi(*)# la(*) u-sze-[s,u-u]-ni(*) É(*) 02(*) _ansze_(*)# [_a-sza_] ina _edin_ x x#+[x (x) x]+x#-te(*) É da(*) kisz# É ta-ba-[x x x] _a-sza_ e-ru-szu la(*)# né-mu(*)-lu(*) _sze-numun_(*) ub#-bu-lu la i-[na-szi-u(?)]

_suhur id_-u-la-ia szA _ka_—ir-kal-li _pab uru_(*)-[x x x]

_a-sza_ la ke-e-te ina _uru_-za-ku-u-te szA _ka_—ir-kal(*)#-[li]

u-pisz-ma (m)har-ha-an-da-a _lu_-(d(*))_alad_(*) szA É _dumu_(*)#—[_lugal_] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ur-bu-ru _dumu_ (m)li-pu-u-gu ina _sza#_ [07(?) _ma-na_(?)] ku-pa-a-te ina 05 _ma-na ud-da mi_-ar-na(*)—szi-[x x x]

_mi-ama_ (d)_alad_-_mesz_ il-qi kas-pu kAm-[mur ta-din] la né-mu-lum _a-sza_ i-si-qi tu(*)#-[a-ru _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i#-[_gil_-u-ni] lu-u (m)ur-bu-ru lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

Fingernail of ...... Urburu

son of Lipugu, herald of Kar-Nergal.

...... Gasupu

An estate of x hectares of land in the meadow of ..., adjoining ..., adjoining Akishu, adjoining,

......s ...... well-being

... the second palace .

... house .

... adjoining Ma.

...s in ......

There is no water therein.

An estate of 2 hectares of land in the steppe ...te, a house, a ... house, a house, a ... house, a field, a threshing floor, a threshing floor, a threshing floor, and a threshing floor, a field that cannot be seen, and a seed that cannot be cultivated —

adjoining the Ulaya River of the Irkallu Gate, total, the town .

A not cultivated field in Zakutu of the Irkallu Gate —

Harhandâ, a herdsman of the house of the crown prince, has contracted and bought it from Urburu, son of Lipugu, for 7 minas of kupatu and 5 minas of silver by the mina of Arna-shi.

The money is paid completely. The field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Urburu or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Fingernail of ...... Urburu,

son of Lipugu, a genie of Kar-Nergal,

...... land of Gasupi.

An estate of x hectares of land in the meadow of ..., adjoining ..., adjoining Akisu, adjoining,

... ... ...

... another palace ...

... house ......

... adjoining Ma......,

...s in ......

adjoining the graveyard, where there is no water and where no barley is brought forth;

an estate of two hectares of land in the steppe of the town ...te, an estate of ..., an estate of ... — they cultivate the field with no profit, they produce no dry seed —

adjoining the River Ulaya of the Gate of Hell, all in the city ...;

an irreal field in the town Zakuti of the Gate of Hell —

Harhandâ, genie of the house of the crown prince has contracted and purchased said property from Urburu, son of Lipugu, for 7 minas of bird fodder and 5 minas of daylight granted by Arna-shi..., the 'mother' of the genies.

The money is completely paid; he has bought the field for no profit. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Urburu or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Harhandâ and his sons, shall pay 10 talents of ....



04 _iti_ sza# _iti-ne iti-kin_ ina i-ga-[ri x x x x (x)] 04(*) pu-la(*)-a(*)-ni(*)# _sum_-an 05 _ma-na ud-da 07 ma_-[_na_ ku-pa-a-te] _sum_-an ina de-ni#-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma zi-ki-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)sa-[a—s,i]-id-qi (d)_alad_ sza _ta_(*)# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)sa-sa-lu(*)-u _lu_(v)(*)-02(*)-u(*)# sza _lu_(v)(*)#-A(*)-x#+[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dug-ga_—sa-la#-me _lu_(v)-x x szA(?) É(?)# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)u-a-u-a :(*) ak(*)-ku#-u(*) szA(*)# _uru_(*)-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)qu-a-qu-a :(*) qa-ri-bu szA(*) bir#-ti [x x x]

_igi_ (m)hal-li—ar-ra-ka-a-te :(*)# _kur_(*)-_gi-muszen_ szA _kur_(*)-x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)_murub4_(*)—hur-da-a-te(*) :(*) a(*)-dam-mu-mu al-[x x x] sza _dam_-sa ina _ugu_ s,u(?)-ha-ta-a-te(*) szA(*) _kur_(*)-kasz-ie-[e-ri]

_igi_ (m)di-ib-ba-a x bi(?) tu(*) ga x x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# 1 qa(*) [x] _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x x x x]

[x x x x x]-a-a i i sza# qa la# [x x]

[x x x x x (x)] _gir_(*)-_nun-na_ szA(*)# ka-li-e(*)# [x x]

[x x x x x x (x)]+x# qa x x su# uh si (d)15 [o]

[x x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur_ o(*) _edin_

[x x x x x x x x]+x# _dingir_(*)-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x _ud_] 30(?)-_kam#_

[x x x x x x x x x]+x (m)na(?)#-bu(*)-a#-a(*)

AI Translation

He shall pay 4 months of Ab V and Elul VI in the threshing floor, and shall give 4 ...s of flour, 5 minas of fresh water and 7 minas of kuppadu-flour. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sa'idqi, herald from .

Witness Sasallû, deputy of the .

Witness Tab-sallame, ... of the house of .

Witness Ua'ua, ditto, the akku-priest of .

Witness Quaquâ, ditto, the herald of the ...s.

Witness Halli-arrakati, ditto of the ...-birds.

Witness Murub-hurdate, ditto. The wife of her wife is the ... of Kassites.

Witness Dibbâ, .

Witness NN, .

...... the ...eans ... not .

...... the 'finger' of the whole 'finger' .

...... qa ... ... Ishtar

...... the governor of the steppe

...... the gods

...... 30th day

...... Nabû'ayu


He shall spend four months of Ab V and Elul VI at the wall ..., shall provide four foundation stones, and shall pay five minas of daylight and 7 minas of bird fodder. He shall contest in his lawsuit and ... ....

Witness Sâ-shidqi, a genie from ....

Witness Sasallû, deputy of ....

Witness Tab-salame, ... of the house of ....

Witness Woewoe, ditto, the 'owl' of the city of ....

Witness Cawcaw, ditto, the 'crow' between ....

Witness Longlegs, ditto, the 'goose' of ...

Witness Middle-of-Vulvas, ditto, the 'wasp' ... whose wife ... over the ... of Mount Kashiyeri.

Witness Dibbâ ... ....

Witness ... .......

Witness ...ayu ... ....

Witness NN, the 'express mule' ....

Witness ... ....... of Ishtar.

Witness NN, governor of the steppe.

...... gods

Month ..., 30th day,

...... Nabû'aya.



[x x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-a-ti

AI Translation




P335409: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_masz_-_dingir_(*)—a-a _lu_(v)-02-u sza _uru_-da-na-a-a#

_na4-kiszib_ (m)as-qu(*)-di _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ sza _ama_(*)#—[_man_]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)hi-ri—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_(*)#

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_ti-la lu_(v)-03-_u5_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém-a-ni _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir#

_na4-kiszib_ (m)15—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-:- ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_na4-kiszib_ (m)mil-ki—id-ri [_lu_(v)-:-] ((_gal_—ki-s,ir))

_na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_-arba-il _lu_(v)-A(*)#—[_sig_]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_numun_—_gin lu_-:-# ((A—_sig_))

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_u-u_—_du lu_-:- ((A—_sig_)) _pab 10 lu_-_mesz_-e _uru_-da-na#-a-a _en uru_ a-na# gi-mir-te#-szu _sum_-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Inurta-ila'i, deputy governor of Danaya.

Seal of Asqudi, scribe of the queen mother.

Seal of Hiri-ahhe, chariot driver.

Seal of Adad-uballit, 'third man.'

Seal of Nabû-remanni, cohort commander.

Seal of Issar-ila'i, ditto.

Seal of Milki-idri, ditto.

Seal of Mannu-ki-Arbail, chariot fighter.

Seal of Zeru-ukin, ditto.

Seal of Dadi-ibni, ditto. In all 10 men from Danaya, owners of the city being sold in its entirety.


Seal of Inurta-ila'i, deputy of the town of Dannaya;

seal of Asqudu, scribe of the queen mother;

seal of Hiri-ahhe, chariot driver;

seal of Adad-uballit, 'third man';

seal of Nabû-remanni, cohort commander;

seal of Issar-ila'i, ditto;

seal of Milki-idri, ditto;

seal of Mannu-ki-Arbail, chariot fighter;

seal of Zeru-ukin, ditto;

seal of Dadi-ibni, ditto; a total of 10 gentlemen from Dannaya, owners of the town being sold in its entirety.



_ta_(v) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im# u dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu#_-_mesz_-szu de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni 02 _gu-un kug-ud# luh_-u 01 _gu-un kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szib# _uru-nina-ki gar_-an 02 _ansze-kur-ra babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_ asz-szur i-rak-kas kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra#

ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi#

_igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu_(v)-sar-tin-nu

_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu_(v)#-_sukkal_ dan-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab# lu_(v)-03-_u5_

_igi_ (m)u-bar-bi(*)-si(*)# _lu_(v)-:- ((03-_u5_))

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu_(v)#-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu_(v)#-:- ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_))

_igi_ (m)bar-ruq :- _igi_ (m)sa#-kan-nu :-

_igi_ (m)(d)za-ba4-ba4—_su lu_(v)-03-szu [_igi_] (m)_pab#_—la-masz-szi :-

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab_ :- _igi_ (m)ha—ba-as-te# _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-02-u sza _lu_(v)-_gal#_—u-rat

_igi_ (m)ba-ni-i _lu_(v)-02-u sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_a-zu_

_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-te-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki#-s,ir sza _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_ sza# [A—_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ :- sza—_gir-2_ sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)30—_masz lu-03-u5_ sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)_pab_-u(*)—a(*)-mur _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_—_du8 igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_kaskal_ :-#

_iti-ab ud 25_-_kam_ lim-me (m)_en_—na-a'-di(*) _lu_(v)#-tur-ta-[nu]

AI Translation

shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall place two talents of refined silver and one talent of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kanunayu, sartinnu.

Witness Silim-Ashur, chief vizier.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Ubarbisi, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto. Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.' Witness Ahu-lâmashi, ditto.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, ditto. Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the bodyguard of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, ditto of the sha shepi guard of the crown prince.

Witness Sin-ashared, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness Ahu-amur, horse trainer of the open chariotry. Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, ditto.

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Bel-na'di, commander-in-chief.


whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons, shall place two talents of refined silver and one talent of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kanunayu, sartinnu.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Ubarbisi, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-shezib, ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto. Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.' Witness Ahu-lâmashi, ditto.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, ditto. Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the bodyguard of the prince.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, ditto of the sha-shepi guard of the prince.

Witness Sin-ashared, 'third man' of the prince.

Witness Ahu-amur, horse trainer of the open chariotry. Witness Mannu-ki-Harran ditto.

Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id, commander-in-chief.

P335410: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_uru_-mu-si-na—_a#_—[_asz_ a-na gi-mir-ti-szu x x x]

a-di _a-sza-ga_-_mesz_-szu# [_un_-_mesz_-szu É x _ansze a-sza_] ina _gisz-ban_ szA 09 qa _urudu_-_mesz_ za-[ku-te la _sze_-szi-ib-sze] la _sze_-nu-sa-hi _suhur_ ta-hu#-[me szA _uru_-x x x x] _suhur#_ ta-hu-me szA _uru-dug-ga_—_gisz-mi_(*)#—[x x x x x] _suhur uru_-né-ri-bi szA _lu-en-nam uru_(*)#-[ar-pad-da]

01 _gisz-sar_ szA _gisz_-til-lit 01 lim 05 me _gisz_-til-[lit ina _sza_]

01 _gisz-sar u-sar_ (m)_di_-mu—_en lu-engar#_ [o(*)] (m)ia—_pab_-_mesz dumu_-szu s,u-hur-tu _mi_-u-a-ri#-[x x]

_mi_-szu _pab 03_ (m)ka-ma-su _lu-engar_ (m)hu-ru-bi-sa-[x] _dumu_-szu s,u-hur-tu _mi_-lu—bal-t,a-at _mi_-szu _pab 03 zi_-_mesz#_

_pab 06 zi#_-_mesz uru_-mu-si-na—A—_asz_ a-na gi-mir-ti-szu ina na-gi-e szA _kur_-ar-pad-da ina _szu-2 uru_-né-ri-bi sza(*) _lu-nam kur_-ar-pad-da u-pisz-[ma]

(m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_ dan#-[nu] szA (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ ina _sza 17 1_/2 _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_] ina 01 _ma-na_-e szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis _ta_(v) _igi#_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_uru-nina ta_(v) _igi_ (m)(d)30—_mu_—[x]

_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)i-ka-ri _ti_-qi(*) kas-pu gam-mur# ta-din _uru a-sza gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit _gisz-sar#_ [_u-sar_] _un#_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-Ar-pu laq-qi(*)-u tu-a-[ru]

de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz _u#_ ma-te-ma man-nu szA i-zaq-qup-an-[ni]

AI Translation

Musina-aplu-iddina in its entirety .

an estate of x hectares of land by the copper seah of 9 'litres,' without straw or corn taxes, adjoining the border of ..., the border of Tab-shimmi-..., and the pass of the governor of Arpad —

1 vineyard, 1,500 vines therein.

1 vegetable garden; Shulmu-beli, farmer; Ya-ahhe, his son, a suckling; Uari...;

Kamasu, farmer; Hurubisa..., his son, a shurtu; Lu-baltat, his wife; a total of 3 persons.

In all 6 persons from Musina-aplu-iddina, in its entirety, in the district of Arpad, in the district of the city Nerib of the governor of Arpad.

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 17 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Mannu-ki-Ninua and Sin-shumu-.

The money is paid completely. That city, field, vineyard, vegetable garden, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, and at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


The town of Musina-aplu-iddina in its entirety ..., with its fields and people;

an estate of x hectares of land by the copper seah of 9 'litres,' exempt land with no straw and corn taxes, adjoining the border of the town ..., adjoining the border of the town of Tab-shil-..., and adjoining the city Nerab of the governor of Arpad;

one vineyard with 1,500 vines in it and one vegetable garden;

Shulmu-Bel, farmer, Ya-ahhe, his adolescent son, his wife Uari..., a total of 3;

Kamasu, farmer, Hurubisa..., his adolescent son, his wife Lu-baltat, a total of 3 persons;

in all 6 persons and the town of Musina-aplu-iddina in its entirety in the district of Arpad next to the city Nerab of the governor of Arpad —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 17 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish from Mannu-ki-Ninua, Sin-shumu-... and Ikkaru.

The money is paid completely. That town, field, vineyard, vegetable garden and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, and at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mannu-ki-Ninua, Sin-shumu-... or Ikkaru, or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect, mayor, governor, relative, or neighbour,



[lu]-u mAm-ma-nu-szu-nu qur-bu man-nu# szA e-la-[an-ni] [szA] _ta_(v) (m)rém-an-ni—(d)_im lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz#_ dan-nu szA (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur-_ki ta_(v) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni

02 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_ asz-szur i-rak-kas 04 _ansze_-har-ba-kan-ni ina _gir-2_ (d)_masz-masz_ u-sze-rab 02 _gu-un kug-ud luh_-u 01 _gu-un kug#-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar#_ [a-szi-bat _uru_]-_nina# gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-[te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu] _gur#_-ra

ina de-ni-szu _dug4#_-[_dug4_-ma la i-laq]-qi# de-en-szu _di#_-[_kud_ la i-szA-mu]

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab#_ [_lu-03-u5_]

_igi_ (m)u-ar-bi-is# [_lu_-:-]

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu#_-[mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)_numun_-ut-ti-i _lu#_-[_gal_—ki-s,ir]

_igi#_ (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a _lu#_-[_gal_—ki-s,ir]

[_igi_] (m)bar-ruq _lu#_-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz#-[szi _lu-03-u5_]

_igi_ (m)(d)za-[ba4-ba4—_su lu-03-u5_]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, and his sons and grandsons,

shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, shall place two talents of refined silver and one talent of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbis, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander.

Witness Barruqu, chariot driver.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man.'

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.'

Witness Ashur-.

Witness .......


whoever comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, and his sons and grandsons,

shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, shall place two talents of refined silver and one talent of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man'.

Witness Uarbis, ditto.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander.

Witness Barruqu, chariot driver.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, 'third man'.

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man'.

Witness Ashur-.......

Witness ........

P335411: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x]-ki(*)-ki(*) _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x] [x x x x] _en_(*)# _uru-sze_ ta-da-ni#

[_uru_]-_sze#_—(m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib a-na gi-mir-ti-szu [a-di A]-_sza_-_mesz_-szu a(*)-di(*) _gisz#-sar_-_mesz_-szu [a-di _un_]-_mesz_-szu ina(*) qab(*)#-si(*) szA(*) _uru#_-ak-[x x x] [_suhur_] _uru#-sze_—(m)ba#-ha-a-a# [_suhur_] _uru#-sze_—(m)ta-ba-la#-[a-a] [_suhur_] _uru#-sze_—(m)($x x$)-u-te [_suhur_] _uru#-sze_—(m)lu(*)-u(*)#—_pab_-_mesz_ [_suhur uru-sze_]—(m)da(*)-ka-na-a(*) [_suhur uru_]-_sze_(*)—(m)_numun_-ti-i

[u-pisz]-ma(*)# (m)mil-ki—_zalag lu_(v)-_sag_ sza _mi_(*)—_kur_(*)# [ina _sza_ x] _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi#

[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-ad(*)-din _uru-sze#_ [o(*)] [szu-a-tu(*) za-rip] laq-qi tu-a-ru#

[de-e-nu(*) _dug4-dug4_] la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur#-[kisz] [ina ma-te-ma i]-za-qu-pa-a-[ni] [lu-u (m)x]-ki(*)-ki(*)# lu-u _dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

Seal of ...kiki, ..., owner of the village being sold.

The village of Nabû-shezib in its entirety, together with its fields, gardens, and people, in the environs of Ak..., adjoining the village of Bahaya, the village of Tabalâ, the village of ...ute, the village of Lu-ahhe, the village of Dakanâ, and the village of Zertî —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought her for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That village is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether or his sons


Seal of ...kiki, ......, owner of the village being sold.

The village of Nabû-shezib in its entirety including its fields, including its orchards, and including its people in the centre of the city of Ak... adjoining the village of Bahayu, adjoining the village of Tabalayu, adjoining the village of ...ute, adjoining the village of Lu-ahhe, and adjoining the village of Dakanâ and the village of Zarutî —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That village is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether ...kiki or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Milki-nuri,



[ub-ta-u]-ni(*) bi#-lat _ma-na_(*) _kug-ud_ o(*) [ina bur]-ki(*)# sza (d)_isz-tar_ sza _nina-ki#_ [_gar_]-an(*) kas-pu# a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-[_mesz_-szu] [_gur_]-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_(*)-qi(*)#

[_igi_ (m)]_ka#-dingir-ki_-[a-a _lu_(v)]-03-_u5_

[_igi_ (m)]am(*)-bu(*)-[x x]+x#

[_igi_ (m)]tab(*)#-_uru_-a(*)-a(*)# [_igi_ (m)]_en_—_uru_(*)-_kaskal_—_pab_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_im_(*)—[x]+x#-a(*)-ni(*)# [_lu_(v)]-qur#-_zag_(?)

[_igi_ (m)]x#-[x x x] _lu_(v)#-_en_—_gisz-gigir_

[_igi_ (m)]x# [x x x] _lu_(v)-_a-ba#_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_numun_-tu _uru_(*)-ha(*)-za(*)-hi(?)#-a(*)-[a]

[_igi_ (m)x]-me(*)-a(*) _lu_(v)-_dam#-qar_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—_sag_—isz(*)-szi _igi_ (m)10—rém-a-ni _dumu_—_nina-ki_

[_igi_ (m)]ba#-zu-zu _lu_(v)-ha-za-nu _uru_(*)#-_sze mi_—É-_gal uru_-la-hi-ra-a-a

[_igi_ (m)]_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu_(v)-gu-gal

[_igi_ (m)](d(*))_masz_(*)-ti(*)-i

[_igi_ (m)]_gin#_-i _lu-a-ba_

[_iti_]-_kin# ud 19_(*)-_kam_(*) [lim-me] (m)mar—la-rim-me

AI Translation

shall place a mina of silver in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Babilayu, 'third man.'

Witness Ambu.

Witness Tabalayu. Witness Bel-Harran-ahu-ushur.

Witness Adad-...ani, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, chariot owner.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN.

Witness Zarutî, from Hazaria.

Witness'a, merchant.

Witness Nabû-reshi-ishi. Witness Adad-remanni, from Nineveh.

Witness Bazuzu, mayor of the village of the queen of the Lahiru.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, canal inspector.

Witness Inurtî.

Witness Kenî, scribe.

Month Elul VI, 19th day, eponym year of Mar-larimu.


shall place one talent and a mina of silver in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Babilayu, 'third man.'

Witness Ammi-Buru.

Witness Tabalayu. Witness Bel-Harran-ahu-ushur.

Witness Adad-...ani, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, chariot owner.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness NN.

Witness Zarutî, from Hazahi.

Witness ...mea, merchant.

Witness Nabû-reshi-ishi. Witness Adad-remanni, from Nineveh.

Witness Bazuzu, mayor of the Lahirean village of the queen.

Witness Ahu-lamashi, canal inspector.

Witness Inurtî.

Witness Kenî, scribe.

Month Elul VI, 19th day, eponym year of Mar-larim, commander-in-chief of Commagene.

P335412: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu-nu (m)ha-ru-ra-[a-nu(*)] (m)sa-li-la-a-nu s,u-bar-szu-nu isz-kun(*)#

_uru_-i-si-tu bé-et 10 _ansze#_ [_a-sza-ga_] ina _sza_-bi u-szal-li ina _uru_-[x x x] (m)ab-di—ku-bu-bi _mi_-[szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _pab 04 lu_(v)(*)-_zi_-_mesz_ sza (m)ha#-[ru-ra-a-nu] o(*)

U(*)# [(m)sa-li-la-a-nu u-pisz]-ma (m)[_dumu-usz_-a-a] [_ta_(v) _szu-2_-szu-nu ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi]

[_uru_-i-si-tu a-du A]-_sza-ga#_-[_mesz_] [(m)ab-di—ku-bu]-bi# a-du _un_(*)#-[_mesz_-szu] [ap-lu zar-pu] _ti_(*)#-qi-u o(*) [tu-a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ o(*)

[la-Asz-szu man-nu] sza# ina Ar-kat(*) _ud_-me o(*) [sza e-la]-an(*)#-ni : lu-u (m)ha-ru-[ra-a-nu] [lu-u (m)sa]-li#-la-a-nu [lu-u _dumu_]-_mesz_(*)#-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu#-[nu] [lu-u _pab_]-_mesz_(*)-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_(*)—_szesz_(*)#-[_mesz_-szu-nu] [lu-u _lu_(v)]-ha#-za-na-szu-nu lu-u _lu_(v)#-[_gar_-nu(?)-szu-nu] [lu-u] _im_(*)#-_ri-a ki-min ki-min_ [x x x] [lu-u mAm]-ma-szu-nu e-la-an-[ni] [_ta_(v) (m)]_dumu-usz_-a-a [_u dumu_-_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

Instead of their seals Haruranu and Salilanu set their fingernails.

Isitu, together with 10 hectares of land, in a field in ..., Abdi-Kububi, his wife, and his two sons, a total of 4 persons belonging to Haruranu —

Aplaya has contracted and bought them from them for x minas of silver.

The town of Istitu, together with fields, Abdi-Kububi and his people, are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Haruranu or Salilanu, or their sons, grandsons, brothers, nephews, or mayor, or prefect, ..., or any relative of theirs, comes forward and lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Aplaya or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN, his sons, his grandsons,


Instead of their seals Haruranu and Salilanu impressed their fingernails.

A tower and an estate of 10 hectares of land in the midst of a meadow in the town of ...; Abdi-Kububi, his wife and two sons, a total of 4 persons belonging to Haruranu and Salilanu —

Aplaya has contracted and bought said property from them for x minas of silver.

The tower together with the fields and Abdi-Kububi together with his people are paid for, purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future comes forward, whether Haruranu or Salilanu or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their mayor or prefect, or their kinsman, ..., or relative, who comes forward and institutes a lawsuit or litigation against Aplaya and his sons, saying:



[i-qab-bu-u-ni ma-a kas-pu] [la gam-mur la ta-ad-din i-si-tu] [a-di _a-sza-ga_-_mesz_ (m)ab-di]—ku(*)-bu(*)#-[bi] [a-di _un_]-_mesz_(*) la laq-qi-[u(*) la ap-lu]

[x x x x]-mur(*) u-ma-a kas(*)#-[pu ih-hur] [a-na 12-_ta_-a]-a(*)# a-na _en_-szu [_gur_-ra] [ina de-ni-szu] _dug4-dug4_-ma la# [i-laq-qi(*)]

[_igi_ (m)_u-gur_]—szal(*)#-lim-an-ni _lu_(v)-_gal_—[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-_gal_—sa(*)-x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)_an-gal_—me]-si(*) _lu_(v)(*)-rak(*)#-su(*) [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_im_]—ka#-szir [_lu_(v)-x x x]

_igi_(*)# [(m)](d)_amar_(*)#-[_utu_—_mu_—_asz lu_(v)-x x x]

_igi_ (m)#[x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x x] _dumu_—_uru-nina#_-[_ki_]

_igi_ (m)ba-qu-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—tak-lak _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—_pab_ : _igi_ (m)bal-ti(*)#—[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_ba-u_—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su lu_(v)-_a#_-[_ba_]

s,a-bit t,up-pi _iti-sig4 ud 10_-[_kam_] lim-me (m)_di_-mu—_lugal_

AI Translation

They say: "The money is not paid completely." They say that the field, Abdi-Kububi and the people are not purchased and acquired.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-shallimanni, chief .

Witness NN, chief .

Witness Issaran-mesi, recruit .

Witness Adad-kashir, .

Witness Marduk-shumu-iddina, .

Witness .......

Witness NN, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness Baqu.

Witness Adad-taklak, .

Witness Ilu-ushur, ditto. Witness Balti-.

Witness Babu-ahhe-iddina.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-riba, scribe.

Month Sivan III, 10th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri, governor of Dur-Sharruken.


"The money has not been paid completely; the tower together with the fields and Abdi-Kububi together with his people are not purchased and paid for ......,"

shall return the money he received twelvefold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-shallimanni, chief ....

Witness NN, chief ....

Witness Issaran-mesi, conscript ....

Witness Adad-kashir, ....

Witness Marduk-shumu-iddina, ....

Witness NN, .......

Witness NN, resident of Nineveh.

Witness Baqu.......

Witness Adad-taklak, ....

Witness Ilu-ushur, ditto. Witness Balti-....

Witness Babu-ahhe-iddina.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-eriba, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Sivan III, 10th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri.



[x x x x x x x x x]+x# i-ta-s,u

AI Translation

...... he has taken


They collected ...... for their fingernails.

P335413: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _uru_-x x x x (m)ab-di—ku]-bu#-[bi] [_mi_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab 04 lu_(v)]-_zi_-_mesz#_ [sza (m)ha-ru-ra-a-nu U (m)sa]-li#-la-a-[nu]

[u-pisz-ma (m)_dumu-usz_-a]-a# _ta_(v) _szu-2_-szu-nu#

[ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_] il#-qi kas-pu gam#-[mur] [ta-din _uru_]-i(*)#-si(*)-tu a-di _a-sza#_-[_ga_-_mesz_] [(m)ab-di]—ku(*)-bu-bi a-di _un_-[_mesz_-szu] [ap]-lu(*)# [zar-pu laq]-qi# tu-a-ru _dug4_(*)#-_dug4_ [la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu] szA ina mat(*)-e(!)-ma(*) ina(*) _egir_(*)# [_ud_-me] szA(*)# e-la-an-ni lu-u (m)ha-ru-ra-a-nu(*)# lu-u (m)sa-li-la-a-nu lu-u szu-nu lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_szesz_-szu-nu lu-u _lu-gar_-nu lu-u _lu_-szA-pi-ru lu-u mAm-ma _en_—il-ki-szu-nu szA e-la-a-ni de-e-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v)(*) (m)_dumu-usz_-a-a# _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu i-gar-ru-u-ni i-qab-bu-u-ni

ma-a kas#-pu la gam-mur la# ta-ad-din# i-si-tu a-di A(*)#-[_sza-ga_-_mesz_ (m)ab-di—ku-bu-bi]

AI Translation

Abdi-Kububi, his wife and two sons, a total of 4 persons belonging to Haruranu and Salilanu —

Aplaya has contracted and bought them from them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The town of Isitu, together with fields, Abdi-Kububi and his people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Haruranu or Salilanu, or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect, or overseer, or any relative of theirs who comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Aplaya and his sons,

"You have not given the money, the hut, together with the fields of Abdi-Kububi,


in the town ...; Abdi-Kububi, his wife and two sons, a total of 4 persons belonging to Haruranu and Salilanu —

Aplaya has contracted and bought said property from them for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The tower together with the fields and Abdi-Kububi together with his people are paid for, purchased and acquired. Any revocation or litigation is void.

Whoever at any time in the future comes forward, whether Haruranu or Salilanu, whether they or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or a prefect, commissioner or labour-duty superior of theirs, who comes forward and institutes a lawsuit or litigation against Aplaya and his sons, saying:

"The money is not completely paid. The tower together with the fields and Abdi-Kububi together with his people are not paid for, purchased, acquired ...,"



01 _ma-na kusz-tab-ba ku#_ [am—mar] _dug_-a-gan-ni kur-ru _nag_(*) _dumu_(*)#-[_usz_-szu a-na (d)30] _gibil dumu-mi_-su# _gal_-tu _ta_(v)(*) 3(ban2)(*) _mud_(*)—_erin#_ a-na be-lit—(d)_edin_ i-szar-rap kas-pu ih-hur a-na 12-_a-ta-an_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—szal-lim-a-ni _lu_-x x#

_igi_ (m)_an-gal_—me-si _lu_-rak(*)-su(*)#

[_igi_] (m)(d)_im_—ka-szir _lu_-[x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_mu_—_asz lu_-[x x x] [x x x x x] ka bu [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

shall eat one mina of ..., shall drink a full agannu vessel of wine, and shall give his son to Sin, his eldest daughter, from 3 seahs of cedar-seeds to the Lady-of-the-Festival, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-shallimanni, .

Witness Issaran-mesi, recruit.

Witness Adad-kashir, .

Witness Marduk-shumu-iddina, .


shall eat one mina of oxhide, shall drink a full agannu vessel of tanner's paste, shall burn his first-born son before Sin, shall burn his eldest daughter with 3 seahs of cedar resin before Belet-sheri. He shall return the money he received twelvefold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-shallimanni, chief ....

Witness Issaran-mesi, conscript.

Witness Adad-kashir, ....

Witness Marduk-shumu-iddina, ....

P335414: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4_]-_kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-[szu]

[isz]-kun(*)# s,u-pur (m)_dingir_—_su_(*)

[_en_ x x x x] ta-da-a-ni

[x x x x x x]+x# (m)man-nu—_gim_—_pab_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x] di

[x x x x x x x x] 01# _ma-na kug-ud_

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ilu-eriba.

owner of the ... being sold.

...... Mannu-ki-ahhe


...... 1 mina of silver


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ilu-eriba,

owner of the ... being sold.

...... Mannu-ki-ahhe

...... ...

...... for one mina of silver



[x x x x x x x x] (m)(d)30(*)—x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_tur_ sza (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_man_(*)—_pab#_

[_igi_ (m)x]-mu(*)#-u-a _dumu_—_uru-nina_-a o(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x]-i

[_igi_ (m)]_iti-kin_-a-a _en urudu_(*)-_mesz_

[_igi_] (m(*))_utu_-szi—E

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—isz-kun _lu_(v)#-_a-ba_ s,a-bit t,up-pi

_iti#-gud 02_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_di_-mu—_man_

[_igi_ (m)]bi(?)#-u-a-si-i o(*) sza—_gir-2_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-ra#-ni-i _lu_(v)-_arad#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

...... Sin-...

......, the 'third man' of Marduk-sharru-ushur

Witness'a, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness ...î.

Witness Ululayu, owner of the copper.

Witness Shamshi-iqbi.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Iyyar II, 2nd day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri, governor of Marqasa.

Witness Biwasî, sha shepi guard.

Witness ...ranî, servant of .


...... Sin-...

Witness NN, manservant of Marduk-sharru-ushur.

Witness ...mua, from Nineveh.

Witness ...î.

Witness Ululayu, owner of the copper.

Witness Shamshi-iqbi.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Iyyar II, 2nd day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri.

Witness Biwasî, sha shepi guard.

Witness ...ranî, servant of NN, royal ....



[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_en_-ia _lu_(v)(*)-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#—_mu_—isz-[kun x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#+[x x x] a ti [x x]

AI Translation

Witness ...-beliya, .

Witness ...-shumu-ishkun, .

Witness NN, .


Witness ...-beliya, ....

Witness ...-shumu-ishkun, ....

Witness ........

P335416: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina(*) _sza_(*)# [x _ma-na kug-ud_ szA _uru_-gar-ga-mis]

_ti_-qi kas-pu# gam-mur [ta-din x x x x] szu-a-tu# [zar]-pu# _ti_-u [tu-a-ru]

de-e#-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu# [szA ur-kisz] ina ma#-te-ma i#-zaq-qup-an-ni _gil_-u-[ni] lu-u (m)(d)_utu#_—_pab_—_pab_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu(*) lu-u _dumu_—_dumu#_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu lu-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu-szu lu#-u _en_—il#-ki-szu szA _ta_(v) (m)rém-an#-[ni]—(d)10 _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu _u dumu_—_dumu#_-_mesz_-szu(*) de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni#

05 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 02 _ma-na kug_-[_gi_] sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi _gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-szu _gur_-ra ina de#-[ni-szu] _dug4-dug4_-ma la i#-[laq-qi]

AI Translation

... minas of silver of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Shamash-ahu-ushur or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or any relative of his, or his prefect, labour-duty superior, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons,

shall place 5 minas of refined silver and two minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Remanni-Adad has contracted and bought said property for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those ...... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Shamash-ahu-ushur or his sons, grandsons, brothers, or nephews, or his relative, or his prefect or labour-duty superior, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons,

shall place 5 minas of refined silver and two minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_pab lu-dib_—_kusz#-pa_-_mesz_ szA A—_man_

_igi_ (m)(d)za-ba4-ba4#—_su lu_-:# ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) szA A—_man#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz lu_-: ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) szA _a#_—[_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim _lu_-:- szA :- _ka-dingir#_-[_ki_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—ki#-s,ir [szA A—_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—bé-sun _igi_ (m)szum-ma—[_dingir_-_mesz_-ni]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—[arba-il] _igi_ (m)_numun_-[u]-ti#-i _lu-i_(*)-_du8_(*) A(*)—_man_(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Zababa-eriba, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-shallim, ditto of ditto.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Adad-bessunu. Witness Shumma-ilani.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail. Witness Zarmutî, porter of the crown prince.


Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Zababa-eriba, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-shallim, ditto of the ditto of Babylon.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Adad-bessunu. Witness Shumma-ilani.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail. Witness Zarutî, porter of the crown prince.

P335417: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



lu-u (m)[x x x] _dumu_-szu _pab_-_mesz_-szu# lu-u mAm-[ma]-nu#-szu lu-u szA-kan-szu de-ni _ta_(v) (m)30—_masz ta_(v) _dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-u-ni

AI Translation

or NN, his son, brothers, or any relative of his, or his prefect, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-ashared and his sons,


whether NN or his son or his brothers or any litigant of his or his prefect, seeks a lawsuit against Sin-ashared, and against his sons,



_kug-ud_ a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur#_ ina# de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma _nu#_ [_ti_]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)am-ri—15 _lu-simug_

_igi_ (m)ib-na-a-a _lu_-na-si-ki _ka-dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_-a-a

[_igi_] (m)e-da-si x#+[x x x] [x x x]+x# _uru_-x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Amri-Issar, smith.

Witness Ibnaya, Babylonian herald.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Edasi, .


Witness Amri-Issar, smith.

Witness Ibnaya, Babylonian sheikh.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Edasi, ....

P335418: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x kas-pu] gam-mur(?)# [ta-din] [x x x x x szu-a]-tu za-rip laq-qi

[tu-a-ru de]-ni _dug4-dug4_ la-szu

[man-nu szA ina ur]-kisz ina ma-te-e-ma [i-za-qu]-pa#-a-ni lu-u (m)mar—su-ri [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu#-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x x x x]-_mesz#_-szu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired.

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mar-suri or his sons or brothers,


The money is paid completely. That ... acquired and purchased.

Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mar-suri or his sons or his brothers,



[kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-szu]-_mesz gur_ [ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la i-laq-qi

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-i _lu_(v)-_sanga_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_sanga_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_sanga_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_sanga_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_sanga#_

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...î, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

Witness NN, priest.


shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...i, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

Witness NN, priest.

P335419: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[kas-pu] ga-mur# [ta-din] [_un_-_mesz_] szu-a-tu za-ar#-[pu la-qi-u] [tu]-a#-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4#_ [la-Asz-szu]

man-nu# sza ina ur-kisz a-na# [ma-te-ma] lu#-[u] (m)_ti-la_—_apin_-esz lu#-[u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u# sza de-nu _dug4#_-[_dug4_] _ta_(v) (m)mu-_di_—15# [ub-ta-u-ni] kas-pi a-na# 10-[_mesz_-te]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Balatu-eresh or his sons or seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar, shall pay the silver tenfold to its owner.


The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Balatu-eresh or his sons, or whosoever, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)d-_innin_—A—_asz_ :- A (m)[x x]

_igi_ (m)e-bi-si—_man_(*)# [x x] _lu_-mu-kil#—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi#_ [(m)x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Issar-aplu-iddina, ditto, son of NN.

Witness Ebisi-sharri, ..., chariot driver.

Witness NN.


Witness Issar-aplu-iddina, son of NN.

Witness Ebissi-sharri..., chariot driver.

Witness NN.

P335420: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



tu-a-ru# [de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-[ma _gil_-u-ni] lu-u (m)(d)_utu_—_du_—_igi_ lu-u (m)_suhusz_—[x x x] sza# _ta_(v) (m)(d)_utu_—_numun_—_ba_-szA _lu_(v)-szA(*)#-[x x x] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-[nu]

_dug4#-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni 01 _ma-na#_ [ger-du] [_ku_ am]—mar# _dug_-a-ga-ni kur-ru [_nag_(*)]

[3(ban2) _za_]-_hi-li-sar_ a-di _ka_(*)-_gal_(*)# [i-za-ru-ni-szu]

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Shamash-bani-pani or Ubru-..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-zeru-iqisha, ..., his sons and grandsons,

shall have the usufruct of the land, shall eat one mina of wild pig, shall drink all kinds of agannu-beer, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

3 seahs of emmer, together with the gate, are his rations.


Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract whether Shamash-alik-pani, whether Ubru-..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-zeru-iqisha, ..., his sons and his grandsons,

shall eat one mina of plucked wool, shall drink a full agannu vessel of the tanner's paste,

they shall scatter for him 3 seah of cress as far as the city gate and he shall pick it up with the tip of his tongue until he fills up a 'litre',



[04] _ansze#_-har-ba-kan-ni ina _gir-2_ [(d)]_szesz-gal_ i-rak-kas

AI Translation

He shall tie 4 harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal.


he shall tie four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_en_—_kalag_-an _lu-a_—É-_gal_

sza É—_usz_-_mesz_-te _igi_ (m)[x]—_sum_(*)—A(*)# _lu-me-me_ sza ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_du_(*)# [pa-qid]-du(*)#-ni(*)

_igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_-ir _lu-hal_(*) sza(*)# [A]—_man_

_igi_ (m)_gisz-pa_-szu—al-di-i _lu_(v)-qur(*)-[bu-ti]

_igi_ (m)bar-ruq _lu-tin_ sza É A(*)#—[_man_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]a-a—_man_—_du_ o(*) _lu_(v)-_sza_(*)-_tam_(*) x#+[x]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-dan, palace steward.

Witness ...-nadin-apli, shandabakku, appointed before Ashur-shumu-ibni.

Witness Bel-nashir, haruspex of the crown prince.

Witness Shil-aldî, royal bodyguard.

Witness Barruqu, builder of the house of the crown prince.

Witness Aya-sharru-ibni, .


Witness Bel-dan, courtier of the Succession Palace.

Witness ...-nadin-apli, exorcist appointed at the disposal of Ashur-shumu-ibni.

Witness Belu-nashir, haruspex of the crown prince.

Witness Hattushu-aldi, royal bodyguard.

Witness Barruqu, master builder of the house of the crown prince.

Witness Ea-sharru-ibni, bishop ...



[x x x x—(d)]_ag_(*) _lu_(v)-_igi#_-[_dub_ x x]

[_iti_-x _ud_] 10-_kam_ lim-[mu (m)_en_—iq-bi]

AI Translation

...-Nabû, treasurer .

Month ..., 10th day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi.


...-Nabû, treasurer ...

Month ..., 10th day, eponym year of Bel-iqbi, governor of Bit-zamani.

P335421: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]a(*)#-da(*)—na-a-gi(*)# [_en_ x x x] ta-da-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Ada-nagi, owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of Adda-nagi, owner of the ... being sold.



[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_]

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief.

P335422: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x] ta-din _lu_(v)-[x x] [x x x za]-rip laq-qi [tu-a-ru]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. The ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu] szA ina ur-kisz [ina ma-te-ma] i-za-qu-pa-[an-ni] i-_gil_-u-ni [lu-u]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Bel-iqisha or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and his grandsons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Marduk-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons or ..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Barruqu

P335423: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



gab-di# [x x x x x x x x]

(m)10—_en_—_lal lu_-[x x x x x x x] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ta-ab-[x x x x x x x]

kas-pi gam-mur ta-[din x x x x] za-rip laq-qi [tu-a-ru] de-e-ni [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu] sza# [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining .

Adad-belu-taqqin, ..., has contracted and bought it from Tab... for .

The money is paid completely. ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever ......


......, adjoining ... —

Adad-belu-taqqin the ... has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver from Tab....

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_pab 02_(?)# [x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

_pab 03 arad_(?)#-[_mesz_ x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—tap-[pu-ti x x x x x]

_iti-ab ud 01_(?)-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

in all 2 ......

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

in all 3 servants .

Witness Ilu-tapputi, .

Month Tebet X, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness NN, ....

Witness NN, ....

A total of 2 .......

Witness .......

Witness ......

A total of 3 servants of ....

Witness Ilu-tapputi ....

Month Tebet X, 1st day, eponym year of Mutakkil-Ashur ....

P335424: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x] x x#-_mesz_ [x x x lu-u _en_]—il-ki-szu [sza de-nu _dug4_]-_dug4# ta_(v) (m)d-_en_—_bad_ [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] _dumu#_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u-u-ni

05# [_ma-na kug-ud_ x] _ma#-na kug-gi_ a-na# (d)#[15 a-szi]-bat _uru_-arba-il _gar_(*)-an# [o] _ansze-kur_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir#_-[2 asz-szur i-rak-kas]

AI Translation

...... or his labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-duri, his sons and grandsons,

shall place 5 minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall tie white horses at the feet of Ashur.


...... or his labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-duri, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place 5 minas of silver and x minas of gold before Ishtar residing in Arbela, shall tie white horses at the feet of Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _lu-gal_—kal-lap

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _lu-600_(*)—_kur_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _a#_ (m)gi-mil-lu

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]-x# _lu-sanga 02_-u

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] x# _lu_-qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-a(*)#-a _lu_-x(?)# [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-x x x x#

AI Translation

Witness NN, chief kallapu.

Witness NN, palace herald.

Witness NN, son of Gimillu.

Witness NN, deputy priest.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness ...ayu, .

Witness NN, .


Witness NN, commander of mounted scouts.

Witness NN, ... of the palace herald.

Witness NN, son of Gimillu.

Witness NN, deputy priest.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness ...ayu, ....

Witness NN, ....

P335425: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar-pu] laq-qi-u# [tu]-a#-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu] sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma [i]-za#-qu-pa-a-ni lu-u (m)_erim_(*)-_mesz_—_sig_ [lu]-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(v) (m)mu-_di_—15 [de-e]-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni(*)# [kas]-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na [_en_-szu] [_gur_]-ra(*)# a-na de-ni-szu(*) [_dug4-dug4_-ma]

AI Translation

The people of that village are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Menahem-damqu or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Shabu-damqu or his sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335426: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x (m)]ga-ru#-[s,u(?) x x]

[x x (m)]_en_—sa-ma-['a x x x]

[o (m)]ta(*)-qu(*)#-u(*)-ni [x x x]

[u]-pisz-ma (m)asz-szur—szal-lim#—[_pab_-_mesz_] [x x] _ta_(v) [_igi_] (m)ga-ru-[s,u(?)] [ina _sza_] 01 _gu-un 03 ma-na#_ [_urudu_-_mesz_]

[il-qi kas]-pu gam-mur# [ta-din]

AI Translation

... Garushu ...

... Bel-sama'a .

Taquni ...

Ashur-shallim-ahhe has contracted and bought them from Garushu for one talent and 3 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely.


... Garrushu ...

... Bel-sama', ...

Taquni ... —

Ashur-shallim-ahhe has contracted and bought them from Garrushu for one talent and 3 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely.

P335427: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)man-nu—ki—arba-il _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)ki]-s,ir(*)#—[(d)15]

[ina _sza_-bi x _ma_]-_na_(*)# _kug-ud_ il-[qi] [kas-pu] ga#-mur ta-din [_gisz_]-_sar_(*)# szu-a-te za-Ar-pi(*) la-qi tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought them from Kishir-Issar for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Kishir-Issar for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That garden is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man]-nu sza# ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-e-ma [e]-la#-an-ni lu-u (m)ki-s,ir—15 [lu-u] _dumu#_-szu lu-u mAm-mu-nu-szu [sza _gil_-u-ni i-za]-qup(*)-an(*)#-ni [_ta_(v) (m)man-nu—ki-i]—_uru#_-arba-il [de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni x] _ma_(*)#-_na_(*)

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Kishir-Issar or his son or relative, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, shall place x minas of silver and ten minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Kishir-Issar or his son or relative, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, shall pay x minas of silver

P335428: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


A(*)-_sza_(*)# [szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi]

de-e-nu [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ina [ur-kisz x x x x x] lu (m)_pab_—ia(*)-[qar lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu _dumu_—_dumu_-[_mesz_-szu lu x x x x] sza de-en#-[nu _ta_ (m)x x x x x] _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu x x x x]

AI Translation

That field is purchased and acquired.

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ahu-yaqar or his sons or grandsons or ..., seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


That field is purchased and acquired.

Any lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Ahi-iaqar, or his sons, or his grandsons, or ..., and seeks a lawsuit against NN and his sons,

P335429: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ba-hi-a-ni _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ sza _mi_-lAh-hi-ni-te

_mi_(*)-u(*)#-hi(*)-ma-a [_mi_-szu sza (m)(d)]_en_(?)#—_du_(*)-usz(*)# [x x x x x]+x# lu(*) [x x] [x x x x] sa(*) x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Bahianu, village manager of the woman Lahhinitu.

Uhimâ, wife of Bel-ipush .


Seal of Bahianu, village manager of the temple stewardess.

Uhimâ, the wife of Bel-epush



[mAm-ma _ta_(v)] mAm-ma [la i]-da#-bu-ub [_ta_(v) pa]-an(*)# a-ha-isz [ut,]-t,u(*)-ru _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

_igi_ (m)su-ra-[ra]-a(*)-te

_igi_ (m)man-nu—_gim_—_uru_-arba-il

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—hu#-sa-a-ni

_igi_ (m)rém-ni—_dingir_

_iti-barag_ o(*) lim-mu (m)_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Whoever does not speak with anyone, will litigate in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Surarate.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Nabû-hussanni.

Witness Remanni-ilu.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.


Neither shall litigate against the other. They are mutually paid off, there is no complaint.

Witness Surarate.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Nabû-hussanni.

Witness Remanni-ilu.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe of Shimirra.

P335430: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]-li(*)# sza _uru_-arba-il# [x x x x]

[u-pisz]-ma (m)mu-szal-lim—d-_innin lu_-[_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_] [ina _sza_] 80(*) _ma-na urudu_-_mesz 02_(*) _ansze sze_(*)-_pad_(*)-_mesz_ a-ki pa-sza(*)-[ri]

[i]-zi(*)#-rip i-si-qi kas-pu ga-mur ta-di-ni [_lu_] szu#-a-tu za-rip la-a-qi a-pil za-a-ku [tu-a]-ru# _di-kud dug4-dug4_ la-a-szu

[man-nu sza a]-na# ur-kisz a-na _ud_-me a-s,a-ti [lu (m)x x]+x#-ba-nu lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu _dumu_—_dumu_]-_mesz_-szu lu _en_—il-ki-szu [de-nu] _dug4#-dug4 ta_(v) (m)mu-szal-lim—d-_innin_

[ub-ta]-'u(*)-u-ni 05 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ [a-na (d)15 sza] _uru_(*)-arba-il _sum_-an [kas-pu a]-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-Ar [ina] _di#-kud_(*)-szu _dug4#-dug4_ la-a i-la-qi

AI Translation

... of Arbela .

Mushallim-Issar, village manager, has contracted and bought them for 80 minas of copper and two homers of barley according to the market value.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether ...banu or his sons or his grandsons or his labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar,

shall give 5 minas of silver and one mina of gold to Ishtar of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


... of Arbela ... —

Mushallim-Issar, village manager, has contracted, purchased, and bought him for 2 homers of barley equalling 80 minas of copper at its current value.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased, acquired, paid off, and cleared. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, in far-off days, whether ...banu or his sons, grandsons or labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mushallim-Issar,

shall pay 5 minas of silver and one mina of gold to Ishtar of Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335431: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


lu-[u (m)x x x lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu# lu-u [x x x x x] sza _ta_(v) (m)man-nu—ki—arba-il [_u dumu_-_mesz_-szu] de-nu(*) _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni#

02 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi _gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ ina(*) de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)qur-di—(d)15 _igi_ (m)gi-in-na-a-a

_igi#_ (m)ha—ba-as-ti

[_igi_] (m)ma-le-e-za-zi

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—tak-lak _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun#_—[_gin_]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_gin igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_gir_(*)#-2(*)—asz-szur(*) [x x x x]

AI Translation

whether NN or his sons, grandsons or ..., seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail and his sons,

shall place two minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Qurdi-Issar. Witness Ginnaya.

Witness Habasti.

Witness: Malezaza.

Witness Nabû-taklak. Witness Nabû-zeru-ka''in.

Witness Nabû-belu-ka''in. Witness NN.

Witness Shep-Ashur, .


Whoever ... breaks the contract, whether NN or his sons, grandsons or ..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail and his sons,

shall place two minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Qurdi-Issar. Witness Ginnaya.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Malezazi.

Witness Nabû-taklak. Witness Nabû-zeru-ka''in.

Witness Nabû-belu-ka''in. Witness NN.

Witness Shep-Ashur. ....

P335432: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[szA] de#-e-nu _dug4#_-[_dug4_] _ta_(v)# (m)mil-ki—_zalag dumu_-_mesz#_-[szu] ub#-ta-'u-u-ni#

kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu# u-ta-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

_igi#_ (m)_zu_—_dingir lu-gal_—ki-s,ir sza _lu_(v)-A—_sig_ sza _mi_—É-_gal_

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-'e-e-i _lu-03-u5_-szu sza [x x]

[_igi_ (m)qur]-di(*)—_u-gur_(*) _lu_(v)-_gal_—kal-lap# [x x]

AI Translation

seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Milki-nuri and his sons,

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Marduk-ilu, cohort commander of the chariot fighter and the queen.

Witness ...'î, 'third man' of .

Witness Qurdi-Nergal, commander of the kallapu troops.


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Milki-nuri and his sons,

shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Lit-il, cohort commander of the chariot fighters of the queen.

Witness ...e'i, 'third man' of ....

Witness Qurdi-Nergal, commander of mounted scouts.

P335433: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] sza x x x x x x za#-[ar-pu] [la]-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ma#-te-ma i-za-(qu)-pa-an-ni _gil_-u-ni [lu]-u (m)bé-e-si—I lu-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu-szu [lu]-u _lu_(v)-_en-nam#_-su lu-u mAm-ma-mu(*)-szu lu-u ha#-[za]-nu# _uru_-szu _ta_(v) (m)_en_—_bad dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_]-szu de-e-nu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Besi-na'di or his prefect, his governor, or any relative of his, or the mayor of his city, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-duri, his sons and grandsons,


...... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether Bessi-na'dat or his prefect or his governor or any relative of his or the mayor of his city, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-duri and his sons and his grandsons, shall place one talent of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335434: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[u-pisz-ma (m)asz-szur]—_bad_—_pab# ta_(v)# _igi_ (m)rém-ni—_dingir_ [ina _sza_ x x x]

[il]-qi# kas-pu ga-[mur] [ta-din]-ni kaq-qa-[ru pu-s,e-e(?)]

AI Translation

Ashur-duru-ushur has contracted and bought them from Remanni-ilu for .

The money is paid completely. That vacant lot is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Ashur-duru-ushur has contracted and bought it from Remanni-ilu for .......

The money is paid completely. That vacant lot is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu szA ina] ur-kisz ina# [ma-te-ma]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Remanni-ilu or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ashur-duru-ushur and his sons and his grandsons,



[kas-pu a]-na 10-_mesz_-te# [x x x x]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely.


shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

P335435: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]-_mesz#_-szu gab(*)-bi(*)# [x x x x] [x x x] sza _uru_-arba-[il-_ki_ u-pisz-ma]

[(m)mu]-szal#-lim—d-_innin lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_(*)-[ni] [x x x] ina# _sza_-bi 16 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud_]

[il-qi] kas#-pu ga-mur ta#-[din] [_un_-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar-pu] laq-qi-u# [tu-a-ru de-nu]

AI Translation

all his ...s ...... of Arbela

Mushallim-Issar, village manager, has contracted and bought them for 16 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


all his ......, ... of Arbela —

Mushallim-Issar, village manager, has contracted and bought them for 16 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired.

P335436: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[lu-u _lu_-_mesz_ an]-nu-te lu-u [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu] [lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_]-_mesz_(*)#-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_(*)—_pab_(*)#-[_mesz_-szu-nu] [lu-u] qur#-ub-szu-nu lu-u [x x x x x x] [lu-u] _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir-_mesz_-[szu-nu sza de-nu _dug4-dug4_]

_ta_(v) _mi_-szA-kin-tu ub-ta-'u#-[u-ni 01 _ma-na sig_-ger-du _ku_] _ban_-su kur-ru _nag 02 ansze#_-[_kur-ra_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_ sza (d)asz-szur i-rak-kas] 04 _ansze_-har-ba-kan-ni ina _ki_-[_ta_ (d)_masz-masz_ u-sze-rab] 02 _gi_-_mesz_ szA la ki-s,ir [ina _ka_—asz-szur i-zaq-qap] bi-lat _an-na_ a-na _lu-en-nam_(*)# [_uru_-szu _sum_-an] bi-lat _za-gin_ hi-ip _kur_-szA-du-szu# [x x x x]

[x x x x] _lu#_-ga-a-ru _mi_-x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x x x] szA _nina-ki_

AI Translation

or these men, or their sons, or their grandsons, or their brothers, or their nephews, or their ..., or their cohort commanders, who seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN,

He shall eat one mina of wool, drink his beer, and place two horses at the feet of Ashur. He shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall place two uncut reeds at the Gate of Ashur. He shall give a tribute of tin to the governor of his city, and shall pay a tribute of lapis lazuli, the damage to his land, .

... the scout .

...... of Nineveh


Whoever breaks the contract whether these men, or their sons, or their grandsons, or their nephews, or their relative, or ..., or their cohort commanders, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the harem manageress,

shall eat one mina of plucked wool, shall drink one 'litre' of tanner's paste, shall tie 2 white horses at the feet of Ashur and bring 4 harbakannu horses at the feet of Nergal, shall set up 2 reeds without nodes at the gate of Ashur, shall give one talent of tin to the governor of his city, shall ...... one talent lapis lazuli hewn-off from the quarry.

... adversary ......

... of Nineveh



_igi_ (m)_lugal_—_dingir_-_mesz# igi_ [(m)x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ni-ir-gi-i _igi_ (m)ki#-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-na-bi-ti _igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)li#—[qe]-pu [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Sharru-ilani. Witness NN.

Witness Nirgî. Witness Ki.

Witness Munabitu. Witness NN.

Witness Li-qepu, .


Witness Shar-ilani Witness NN.

Witness Nargî. Witness Ki....

Witness Munnabitu. Witness NN.

Witness La-qepu, ....

P335437: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)[x x x] _en_—_uru uru_-szA-di-kan-ni _en_ [_mi sum_-ni]

_mi_-ra-ma-a—[ia-a GÉME-szu] szA (m)_suhusz_—[(d)x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma# [(m)10—ka-pa-ra] ina _sza_-bi 50(*)# [_gin_-_mesz kug-ud ti_]

kas-pu ga-[mur ta-din] GÉME# szu-a-[te za-Ar-pat] [x x x] x [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Ubru-..., city lord of Shadikanni, owner of the woman being sold.

Ramâ-Yâ, maid of Ubru-..., .

Adad-kapara has contracted and bought him for 50 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That maid is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Ubru-..., city lord of Shadikanni, owner of the woman being sold.

Ramâ-Yâ, the maid of Ubru-... —

Adad-kapara has contracted and bought her for 50 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That maid is purchased and acquired.



_igi_(*) (m(*))li(*)-pu(*)#-[szu(?) x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—[x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x] x# [x x x]

_igi_ (m)ia-bur(*)-x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)#(d)_pa_—_gisz_(*) [_lu_(v)-x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)gi-mil-[lu(?) x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_ag lu_(v)#-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha-na-na [x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz dumu_ (m)im#-[x x x]

_iti-barag_ lim-mu sza _egir_ (m)_iti-ab_-a#-[a x x]

AI Translation

Witness Lipushu, .

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Ubru-.

Witness NN.

Witness Yabur-.

Witness Nabû-leshir, .

Witness Gimillu, .

Witness Urdu-Nabû, .

Witness Hanana, .

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, son of Im.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Kanunayu, .


Witness Lipushu, ....

Witness Nabû-.......

Witness Ubru-.......

Witness .......

Witness Yabur..., ....

Witness Nabû-leshir, ....

Witness Gimillu, ....

Witness Urda-Nabû, ....

Witness Hanan, ....

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, son of Im....

Month Nisan I, eponym year of the official after Kanunayu.



[szA(?) _mi_-ra-ma-a]—ia#-a sza a-na (m)10—ka-pa-ra _sum_-u-ni

AI Translation

of Ramâ-Yâ, who gave them to Adad-kapara.


Concerning Ramâ-Yâ, who was sold to Adad-kapara.

P335438: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x (x) za]-rip _ti_-qi tu-a-ru o(*)

[de-e-nu] _dug4_(*)#-_dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu szA o(*) [ina ur-kisz ina ma]-te-e-ma lu-u _lu_(*)-_erim_-_mesz_ szu-nu-te [lu-u _dumu_]-_mesz_(*)#-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-szu-nu [lu-u _pab_-_mesz_]-szu-nu lu-u _en_—il-ki-szu-nu [sza de]-e#-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(!) (m)ka-da-la-ni [_u dumu_]-_mesz_-szu u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab_-_mesz_-szu de-e#-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni

01 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_im_ a-szib _uru-bad_—(d)_be_ i-szak-kan 01 _gu-un an-na_ a-na _lu-gal_—_kasz-lul sum_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ o(*) a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la# [_ti_]

AI Translation

...... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons, grandsons, brothers or labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kadalanu, his sons and grandsons, and his brothers,

shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Adad residing in Dur-Enlil, shall give one talent of tin to the chief cupbearer, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


...... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether those men or their sons or their grandsons or their brothers or their labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Kandalanu and his sons and his grandsons and his brothers a lawsuit or litigation,

shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Adad residing in Dur-Illil, shall give one talent of tin to the chief cupbearer, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_en igi_ (m)su-u-a _uru_-kal-ha-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—(d)_pa_(*) x#+[x x]

03 _igi lu_(v)-ni-nu-u _igi_ (m)i-lu—_ki_-ia(*)#

_igi_ (m)_gin_—_man_-te—_dingir igi_ (m)mil-qi(*)-i

[_igi_] (m)_pab_—_du_-ka _arad_ szA _lu-gal_—_sag#_

[_igi_] (m)_arad_—(d)15 _igi_ (m)_uru_-ni-nu-u-a-(a)

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-su-ur-ri _igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_dingir_-a-a

[x x x x x]-ni(*) 02(*) _uru_-szu-ra-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x]—t,u-ru _igi_ (m)_du#_—_igi-lal arad_(*)#-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—15 _igi_ (m)a-ga-bu-ru

[_igi_ (m)x x]—iq#-bi _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_pab igi_ (m)I(*)-_gal_—_dingir_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-ga#—_sig igi_ (m)a-ra-ka-i

[_igi_ (m)x x]-i(*) 02(*) _uru_(*)-i(*)-ni(*)—_kur_(?) _igi_ [(m)]a-zi—_dingir_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a 02(*) _uru_-hi-di-ni-ba

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _igi_ (m)sa-i-_dingir 02 uru-sze_—(m)x x#-du [x x x x x x x x x]+x x#-u-nu

AI Translation

Witness Shulmu-beli. Witness Su'a, from Calah.

Witness Nabû'a. Witness Mannu-ki-Nabû, .

3 witnesses, Ninevite; witness Ilu-isse'a.

Witness Kenu-shar-ili. Witness Milkî.

Witness Ahu-ibni, servant of the chief eunuch.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness Ninuayu.

Witness ...-surri. Witness Bel-ila'i., 2 Shuruans;

Witness ...-turu. Witness Bani-lamur, servants.

Witness ...-Issar. Witness Agaburu.

Witness ...-iqbi. Witness Ashur-ahu-ushur. Witness Ibashi-ilani.

Witness Witness Arakai.

Witness ...î, 2 from Ini-mati. Witness Azi-il.

Witness ...a, 2 from Hidiniba.

Witness NN. Witness Sa'ilu, 2 — village of ...du.


Witness Shulmu-beli. Witness Sua, from Calah.

Witness Nabû'a, witness Mannu-ki-Nabû, witness ...,

3 witnesses from Nineveh. Witness Ilu-isse'a.

Witness Muka''in-sharrute-ilu. Witness Milqî.

Witness Ahu-illika, servant of the chief eunuch.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness Ninuayu.

Witness ...surri. Witness Bel-ila'i,

Witness, 2 witnesses from Shuru.

Witness ...-turu, witness Gabbu-amur, servants.

Witness ...-Issar. Witness Akburu.

Witness ...-iqbi. Witness Ashur-ahu-ushur. Witness Ibashi-ilani.

Witness ...... Witness Arakai,

witness ...i, 2 witnesses from In-mati. Witness Azi-il,

witness ...a, 2 witnesses from Hidiniba

Witness NN, witness Sa'ilu, 2 witnesses from the village of ...du

P335439: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _sza_] 13(?)# _ma-na_(*)# [_kug-ud_]

i-zi#-rip is#-[si-qi kas-pu] [gam]-mur# ta-din [x x x x] [za]-Ar#-pu laq-[qi-u tu-a-ru] [de]-e(*)#-[nu _dug4-dug4_]

AI Translation

... for 13 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Nabû-shumu-ishkun has purchased and bought them for 13 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void



[_ta_(v) (m)](d(*))_pa_(*)—_mu_—_gar_-un _ta_(v) _dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu] [_ta_(v)] _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-[u-ni] [x] _ma#-na kug-ud 05 ma-na kug#_-[_gi_] i#-na bur-ki (d)_im_ a-szib _uru_-[x x x]

_gar#_-an kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na# [_en_-szu] _gur#_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-[ma] la(*)# _ti_(*) de(*)-en-szu _di_(*)#-[_kud_ la i-szA-mu]

[_igi_ (m)_pab_]-bu-u(?)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

... he will pay x minas of silver and 5 minas of gold at the disposal of Adad residing in .

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ahabû, .


whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-shumu-ishkun or against his sons shall place x minas of silver and 5 minas of gold in the lap of Adad residing in ....

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness Ahabû ...

P335440: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x] man-nu szA# ina(*) ur(*)#-[kisz ina ma-te-ma] [e-la]-an-ni lu-u (m)ki-s,ir#—[(d)15] [lu-u _dumu_]-_mesz_-szu lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu [o] [szA i-za]-qup(*)#-an-ni _ta_(v) (m)man-nu—ki—arba#-[il] [u _dumu_]-_mesz_(*)#-szu(*) de-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_ [ub-ta]-'u#-u-ni kas-pu 10-_ta-am_ [a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu] _gur_(*)-ra# ina de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] la# i-laq-qi

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Kishir-Issar or his sons or relatives, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail and his sons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether Kishir-Issar or his sons or relatives, whoever lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail and his sons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)man-nu]—ki-i—_pab_-_mesz lu_-rak(*)#-[su]

[_igi_ (m)man]-nu—ki-i—_ad lu_-rak-su#

[_igi_ (m)]_numun_—(d)15

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_mu_—_asz_ s,a-bit _im_

[_iti_]-_barag# ud 25_-_kam 05_-_kam_(*) _mu-an_-[_na_] [(m)asz-szur]—_pab#_—_sum_-na _man kur_—_an-szar#_-[_ki_] [lim-mu] (m)ban-ba#-[a _lu-sukkal 02_-u]

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, recruit.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, recruit.

Witness Zer-Issar.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, keeper of the tablet.

Month Nisan I, 25th day, 5th year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria. Eponym year of Banbâ, deputy vizier.


Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, conscript.

Witness Mannu-ki-abi, conscript.

Witness Zar-Issar.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina, keeper of the tablet.

Month Nisan I, 25th day, year 5 of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, eponym year of Banbâ, the second vizier.

P335441: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la#-[Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ur-kisz a-na ma-te#-[ma] i-za-qu-pa#-a-ni de-[e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-[ni] lu-u (m)de-ti—_en_—_du_(*)-ka(*)# lu-u _dumu_-(szu) lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-szu# lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu#_—_szesz_-[_mesz_-szu]

sza _ta_(v)(*) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im dumu_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Deti-belu-ibni, his son, grandsons, brothers or nephews,

seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his son and grandsons,


Those ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or seeks a lawsuit or litigation, whether Deti-Bel-allaka or his son, grandson, brothers, or nephews,

whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his son and grandson, shall place x minas of refined silver and 5 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The king shall be his prosecutor.



_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _lu_(v)-mu(*)-kil(*)#—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab_ [_lu_(v)-:- ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) _dumu_—_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(*)#—_asz_ [_lu_(v)-:- ((mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_)) _dumu_—_man_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ [_lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir :-]

AI Translation

Witness Kishir-Ashur, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, ditto.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of ditto.


Witness Kishir-Ashur, chariot driver.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of ditto.

P335442: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_igi_—(d)_pa_(*)—t,e#-[mi]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a# [x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)—sze-zib-a(*)#-[ni(*)]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_di_-mu—x#+[x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—ku(*)-x#+[x]

_pab 05 lu_-_mesz en_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Pan-Nabû-temi,

Seal of Kanunayu, .

Seal of Nabû-shezibanni,

Seal of Shulmu-.

Seal of Shamash-ku.

in all 5 men, owners of the ... being sold.


Seal of Pan-Nabû-temi,

Seal of Kanunayu ...,

Seal of Nabû-shezibanni,

Seal of Shulmu-...,

Seal of Shamash-ku...,

a total of 5 gentlemen, owners of the .......



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)10-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]

_iti-ziz_ [_ud_ x-_kam_] [lim]-mu (m)_lugal_(*)#—[nu-ri]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Shumma-.

Witness Adad-.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Sharru-nuri.


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Shumma-....

Witness Adad-....

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Sharru-nuri, corps of ..., king of Assyria.

P335443: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x] [_ta_(v)] _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-[x x x]

il(*)#-qi(*) kas-[pu gam-mur ta-din] [_a-sza_] _un_(*)#-_mesz_ [szu-a-te zar-pu] [laq-qi]-u [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... from Nabû-.

The money is paid completely. That land and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


NN has contracted and bought from Nabû-....

The money is paid completely. That field and people are acquired and purchased.



[x x x (m)](d(*))_pa_(*)#-[x x x x] _dumu_(*)#-_mesz_-szu [szA de-nu _dug4-dug4_] [_ta_(v) (m)]ni-nu-a-[a _u szesz_-_mesz_-szu]

[ub]-ta-u-ni [ma-a x x x x] [x x]-a(*)#-a(*) ta-da-[x x x x]

[x] _ma-na kug-gi_ a(*)#-[na x x x x]

[kas]-pu(*)# a-na [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Should Nabû-... and his sons seek a lawsuit or litigation against Ninuayu and his brothers,

"...... you .

x minas of gold for .

the money to .


whether Nabû-... or his sons seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ninuayu, and his brothers

saying "..... ......",

shall give x mina of gold to ...

and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

P335444: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x kas-pu gam-mur ta]-din(*) [_un_(?)-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar-pu la]-qi(*)#-'u(*)-u(*) [tu-a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4#-dug4_(*)

[la-Asz-szu man-nu sza] ur-kisz(*)# [ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ e]-la(*)#-an-ni

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, comes forward, whether ..., or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against ..., shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, in distant days, comes forward, whether PN the deputy, or his sons or his grandsons or the governor of Arrapha,



[szA e]-la-an-ni _ta_(v) (m)(d)30—re-man-ni [_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_]—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu [_dug4_]-_dug4#_ i-gar-ru-u-ni ma-a [kas-pu] la o(*) ga-mur la-a ta(*)-din(*)

[ma-a x] szu(*)-a-ti(*) la ta-din [x] _ma-na kug-ud_ ina bur-ki (d)15 [sza(*)] _uru_-ni-nu-a i-szA-kan 02(?)# _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_masz_ i-szA-kan

[_igi_] (m)_lugal_—_igi_-(_lal_)-a-ni _lu_(v)(*)-qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)]_di#_-mu—_en_—la-Asz-(me) _lu_(v)(*)-03-[_u5_] [_igi_ (m)x x x x]-ni(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

who comes up against Sin-remanni, his sons and grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation, saying: "The money is not paid completely" —

"You have not given ... of them." He shall place x minas of silver in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall place two minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta.

Witness Sharru-emuranni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, 'third man.' Witness NN, .


whoever comes forward and institutes a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-remanni, his sons or grandsons, saying: "The money is not paid completely, that property is not sold,"

shall place x minas of silver in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall place 2 minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta.

Witness Sharru-emuranni, royal bodyguard.

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, 'third man'.

P335445: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[tu-a]-ru(*)# de-[e-nu _dug4-dug4_]

la-Asz-szu man-nu szA# ina ur#-[kisz] U ma-te-ma i-zaq-qup-[an-ni] lu-u (m)mar-di-i lu-u _dumu_-[_mesz_-szu] lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu _ta_(*) (m)(d)15—_bad# u dumu_-_mesz_-szu _u dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-'u-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud 02 ma-na kug-gi_ a-na# (d)15 szA _uru-nina sum_-an

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mardî or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Issar-duri and his sons and grandsons, shall pay 10 minas of silver and two minas of gold to Ishtar of Nineveh.


Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, or at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Mardî or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Issar-duri and his sons and grandsons, shall pay 10 minas of silver and two minas of gold to Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.



_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_uru-kaskal_—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—É(*)# [(m)(d)]_pa_(?)#—_sag_(*)-_kal_(*)

_igi_ (m)mil-ki—id-ri _lu-gal_(?)#—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_—_pab igi_ (m)#[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_du igi#_ [(m)x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_asz#_—[A x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)[x x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]ki(*)#-ma-[ma-a-a x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, major-domo of Nabû-reshi-ushur.

Witness Milki-idri, chief .

Witness Nergal-ahu-ushur. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-zeru-ibni. Witness NN.

Witness Issar-nadin-apli, .

Witness Urdu-.

Witness Kimamayu, .


Witness Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, major-domo of Nabû-ashared.

Witness Milki-idri, chief ....

Witness Nergal-ahu-ushur. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-zeru-ibni. Witness ....

Witness Issar-nadin-apli .......

Witness Urda-.......

Witness Kimamaya ....

P335446: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_arad_]-_mesz_(*)#-ni(*) sza(?)# [(m)]_dingir_—a-mar-ra [_lu_(v)]-_gal#_—kar-ma#-ni

[u-pisz]-ma# (m)szum-ma—_dingir#_-_mesz_-ni [ina _sza_] 1/2(*) _ma-na kug_-[_ud_ ina] ma-né-e# sza _man_

[il]-qi(*)# kas-pu ga#-mur _sum_-ni [_un_-_mesz_] szu-a-tu zar-pu# la-qi-u [tu]-a#-ru de-e#-nu _dug4-dug4#_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

servants of Il-amara, chief of trade;

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


servants of Il-amara, chief of granaries —

Shumma-ilani has contracted and bought them for 1/2 mina of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu] sza# ina ur-kisz# ina ma-te-ma [i]-za(*)#-qu-pa-ni lu-u (m)_dingir_—a-mar(*)#-ra [lu-u] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _dumu_]—_pab#_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _en_—il-ki-szu

[sza de-e]-nu# _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)szum-ma—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni# [_u dumu_]-_mesz#_-szu _u dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu [_u pab_-_mesz_-szu] _u# dumu_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-u-ni [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma_]-_na kug#-gi_ sak-ru#

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Il-amara or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or his labour-duty superior,

shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed, and shall place x minas of silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Il-amara or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or his labour-duty superior,

and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shumma-ilani, his sons, grandsons, brothers and nephews, shall pay x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold.

P335447: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



u-[pisz-ma (m)_im_—_u-gur_—_du_-lak] ina _sza_-bi [x x x x x x] a-na _mi_-u#-[ti x x x x x]

kas-pu gam-mur [ta-din]

man-nu sza# ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma _gil_-u-ni lu-u _lu_(v)-_mesz_ an-nu-te lu-u mAm-ma-nu-szu-nu

AI Translation

Adad-narari-ibni has contracted and bought it for .

The money is paid completely.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether these men or anyone else,


Shar-Nergal-allak has contracted and bought for ...... as a wife.

The money is paid completely.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or any relative of theirs or their cohort commander, breaks the contract and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shar-Nergal-allak,



02 _ma-na kug-ud_ i-dan

_igi_ (m)(d)30—I [x x x]

_igi_ (m)ab-bu-x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_-a-a(*)#—[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)10#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

shall pay 2 minas of silver.

Witness Sin-na'id, .

Witness Abbu-.

Witness Ila'i-.

Witness Adad-.


shall pay 2 minas of silver.

Witness Sin-na'id, ....

Witness Abbu..., ....

Witness Ila'i-..., ....

Witness Adad-..., ....

P335448: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku#-um _na4-kiszib_-szu _umbin#_-[szu isz-kun]

s,u-pur (m)ab-di—_u-u en_ [É] ta-_sum_-[ni]

É [x _ansze a_]-_sza-ga_-_mesz_ sza [x x x]

[x x x x]+x# _suhur sag_(*) _a-sza_(*)# [x x x]

[x x x x x]-a#-ni u-pisz (m)(d)#[x x x] _lu_(v)-_gal#_—[x] ina _sza_-bi 1/2 _ma-na 05_(*) _gin_(*)# [x x x]

il-qi(*)# kas-pu _til_-mur _a-sza-ga#_ [szu-a-tu] 02-szu _ta_(v) _en_-szu la-qi tu#-[a-ru] de-nu _dug4-dug4_-_mesz_ la#-[Asz-szu]

man-nu szA# [ina] ur#-kisz [ina ma-te-ma]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Abdi-Dadi, owner of the house being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land of .

...... adjoining the top of the field .

NN, chief ..., has contracted and bought for 1/2 mina 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired twice from its owner. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Abdi-Dadi, owner of the estate being sold.

An estate of x hectares of land of ...

... adjoining the short side of the field ...... —

NN, chief ... has contracted and bought for half a mina 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is acquired from its owner for a second time. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time,



[_igi_ (m)]lu-te-ah-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)qi]-ti-_be_(*) [x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]ba#-hi-a-nu x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x]

_pab 02 igi_ sza _uru#_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim [x x]

AI Translation

Witness Luteah.

Witness Qiti-iddina, .

Witness Bahianu, .

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

in all 2 witnesses from the town of .

Witness Nabû-shallim, .


Witness Luteah....

Witness Qiti-muti, ....

Witness Bahianu, ....

Witness NN, ...,

witness NN, ...,

in all two witnesses from the town ....

Witness Nabû-shallim, ....



[x] _gin kug-ud_ sza [s,u-pur]-szu

AI Translation

x shekels of silver for his fingernail.


x shekels of silver for his fingernail.

P335449: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x _a-sza_] za-ku-u-te

[x x x x] sza# (m)asz-szur—_du_—_pab_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x] ni i _ad_(?)# [x x x x x x]+x# _lal_ x

AI Translation

...... of free land

...... of Assurbanipal


... tax-exempt field

... of Ashur-bani-ahhe

P335450: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_pab_—_su lu-hal_

[x x x]-u _pu sum_-a-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-ahu-eriba, haruspex.

... the water is given.


Seal of Nabû-ahu-riba, haruspex,

...... well being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-t,u(*) _uru_(*)-x#+[x x-a-a]

_igi_ (m)[x]+x#-a'(*) _uru_-[x x x-a-a] _dumu_ (m)li-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—qu-mu [x x x]

_igi#_ (m)a-du-nu _kur_-hal(*)-pa(*)#-[a-a]

_pab 05 ta_(v)(*) _uru#_-ar-gu-u(*)#-nu

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—szad#-du-u-a

[_lu_(v)-_a-ba_ s,a]-bit t,up-pi

[x x x] _kur_(*)#-s,i-du-nu-a-a

[x x x] _pab_(*) 03(*) _ta_(v)(*) sza ina _ugu_ na-hal

[_igi_ (m)asz]-szur(*)#—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-sa-si-nu

AI Translation

Witness ...tu, from .

Witness ...a', from ..., son of Li.

Witness Ahu-qum, .

Witness Adunu, from Halpa.

in all 5 from Argunu.

Witness ...-shaddû'a.

Scribe, keeper of the tablet.

... Sidon

... in all, 3 from the district of the town of ...;

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, tailor.


Witness ...tu from ....

Witness ...a' from ..., son of Li....

Witness Ahi-qum, ....

Witness Adunu from Halpa.

In all 5 from Argunu.

Witness ...-shaddû'a,

scribe, keeper of the tablet.

... from Sidon,

..., in all 3 from above the wadi.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, bow maker from Donkey-Driver Town.

P335451: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] sza (m)x#+[x x x x] _suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)[x x x x x] _suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)ki-[s,ir—15]

[u]-pisz-ma (m)(d)30—A—_asz lu_-[x x x] [_ta_(v)] _igi_ (m)ki-s,ir(*)—15 ina _sza_(*)-bi# [x _ma_]-_na_(*) _kug_(*)-_ud_(*)# il-qi x#+[x x] [szu-a-tu] za#-rip laq#-[qi]

AI Translation

...... of NN, adjoining the orchard of NN, adjoining the orchard of Kishir-Issar,

Sin-aplu-iddina, ..., has contracted and bought it from Kishir-Issar for x minas of silver. That ... is purchased and acquired.


... of NN, adjoining the orchard of NN, adjoining the orchard of Kishir-Issar —

Sin-aplu-iddina, ..., has contracted and bought it from Kishir-Issar for x minas of silver. That ... is purchased and acquired.



[x x x x] x x x# (m)(d)30—[A—_asz_]

[U] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub#-ta-u-ni 06 [_ma-na kug-ud_] _sum#_-an kas-pu a-na 10-[_mesz_-te a-na] [_en_]-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra x x# [x x x] [ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la i-laq]-qi

AI Translation

...... Sin-aplu-iddina

shall give 6 minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sin-aplu-iddina and his sons,

shall pay 6 minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.



[x x x lim]-mu# (m)man-nu#—[x x x x x]

AI Translation

... eponym year of Mannu-..., governor of .


... eponym year of Mannu-....

P335452: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[É x] _ansze# a-sza-ga_

[x x x] _uru-sze_—(m)an-da-ra-ni

[x x x]-_mesz_ É a-na _uru_-da-ri-gi(*)#

[x x x]+x# É 03 _ansze_ É szi-[qi(*) x x]

[u-pisz-ma] (m)rém-an-ni—[(d)_im_] [_lu_(v)-_dib_—_kusz-pa_]-_mesz_ [dan-nu]

AI Translation

An estate of x hectares of land

... the village of Andarani

...s, a house in the town of Darigi;

... an estate of 3 hectares, a house, a threshing floor .

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


An estate of x hectares of land

... the village of Andaranu

... a house in the town of Darigu

... an estate of 3 hectares under irrigation ... —

Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, has contracted and bought

P335453: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]-me _a-sza-ga_

[x x x _uru-dug_]-_ga_(*)#-e-te

[x x (m)asz]-szur(*)#—ga-ru#-u-a—ni-ri

[x (x)] _uru_(*)-kap(*)-ri(*)#—(m)bir#-ta-a-a

[x _uru_-kul]-im(*)#-me-er-ra

[x x (x)]+x#-ti-i'-ti

[_suhur a_]-_sza_ sza (m)asz-szur—ga#-[ru-a—ni-ri]

AI Translation

...... field

... the town Tabete

... Ashur-garua-niri

... the town of Kaprî-Bertayu

x, Kulimmera;


adjoining the field of Ashur-garua-niri,


... field

... Tabete

... Ashur-garua-niri

... village of Birtayu

... Kulimmera


adjoining the field of Ashur-garua-niri



[_suhur a_]-_sza_ sza (m)(d)_im_-[x x x]

[_suhur_ É] (m)gi-[x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining the field of Adad-...,

adjoining the house of Gi...,


adjoining the field of Adad-...

adjoining the house of Gi...

P335454: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x (x)]+x#-di

[x x x x x x x _lu_]-_gal#_—_sag_ [ina _sza_ x _ma_]-_na kug-ud_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e sza _man_

[il-qi(*)] kas#-pu gam-mur ta-din [x x x] _pu_ zar-pu# laq-qi-u [tu-a-ru] de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la

[man-nu sza] ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-me [i-za-qup]-an-ni _gil_-u-ni [lu-u] _lu#_-_mesz_-e an-nu-[te] [lu-u _dumu_]-_mesz_(*)#-szu-nu lu-u [x x]

AI Translation


...... the chief eunuch has contracted and bought for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely. ... the well and the zarpu are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or ...,



...... the chief eunuch has bought for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.

The money is paid completely, ... and well are acquired and purchased. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or ...,

P335455: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_suhur_(*)] _a-sza_ szA (m)x#+[x x x x x x]

[i]-na(*)# _ugu_ [x x x x x x]

_suhur a-sza_ [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining the field of NN,

Concerning .

adjoining the field of .


adjoining the field of NN

upon ......

adjoining the field of ......



[a]-szib(*)# _uru_-[x i-szA-kan kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_] [a(*)]-na _en_-_mesz_-[szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu] o(*) _dug4-dug4_-ma [la i-laq-qi]

[_igi_ (m)]mu-né-pi-[isz(*)—_dingir lu_-ha-za-nu]

[_igi_ (m)]_uri_-a-a [x x x x x] [_igi_ (m)]x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place x minas of silver in the lap of DN, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Muneppish-ilu, mayor.

Witness Urartayu, .... Witness NN, .


He shall place ... in the lap of DN residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Muneppish-ilu, mayor.

Witness Urartayu, ....

P335456: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x] 05(*) _gisz-ig_(*)#-[_mesz_]

[(x) x x x x x x x] (m)lib-lut,

[(x) x x x x x x x]+x#-a-a

[(x) x x x x x x]+x#-di _suhur_ su(*)#-qa-qi [(x) x x x x x] tu#-pisz-ma

[_mi_-x x x _mi-erim_]—É#-_gal_ sza U(*)-U(*) [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—szal-lim ina _sza_-bi [x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_(*)# sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis

[tal-qi kas]-pu gam-mur ta-din [x x x x szu]-a(*)#-te za-rip la-qi [tu-a-ru] de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man-nu sza ur-ki]-isz(*)# ina ma-te-ma

AI Translation

...... 5 doors

...... Liblut


...... adjoining the street .

NN, the queen, has contracted and bought them from Nabû-shallim for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


......, 5 doors,

...... Liblut,


......, adjoining a street ... —

NN, concubine of the king, has contracted and bought it from Nabû-shallim for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-shallim or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against ...,



[_ta_(v) _mi_-x x x ub-ta(*)]-'u-u-ni 10 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_] [x _ma-na kug_]-_gi_(*)# ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ [a-szi-bat _uru_]-ni(*)-na(*)-a(*) i-szak-[kan] [kas-pu a-na 10]-_mesz_-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_-ra ina] de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_]-ma la i-la-qi

[_igi_ (m)ha]-an#-t,u

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_apin#_-esz

[_igi_ (m)x x]-u#-tu

[_igi_ (m)ma-mi]-i(*)#

[_igi_ (m)HÉ]-_nun_(*)#-a-a

[_igi_ (m)ar]-ze#-zu(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-_lal_(*)#

AI Translation

shall place 10 minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Hanntu.

Witness ...-eresh.

Witness ...utu.

Witness Mamî.

Witness Nuhshaya.

Witness Arzezu.

Witness ...-taqqin.


shall place 10 minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Hantu.

Witness ...-eresh.

Witness ...utu.

Witness Mamî.

Witness Nuhshaya.

Witness Arzezu.

Witness ...-taqqin.

P335457: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x] qa(*) 01 _ban_(*)# _urudu_ o(*)

[x x x x x x x]-ia#-u-tu

[x x x x x x A]-_sza_ sza (m)asz-szur—_numun_—_du_

[x x x u-pisz]-ma# (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_ [_ta_(v) (m)x x-_pab_-_mesz_] ina# _sza_-bi 01 1/2 _ma-na 02 gin kug-ud_

[il-qi(*) kas-pu gam]-mur ta-din-ni [x-_mesz_ szu-a-tu zar]-pu(*)# la-qi-u [tu-a-ru de]-e#-nu _dug4-dug4_

[la-Asz-szu] man-nu sza _gil_-u-ni [lu-u (m)x x]+x#—_pab_-_mesz_ lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_]—_szesz_(*)#-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

...... x litres, 1 seah of copper;


...... field of Ashur-zeru-ibni

Ahu-lâmashi, horse trainer, has contracted and bought them from ...-ahhe for 1 1/2 minas and 2 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract, whether ...-ahhe or his sons or his nephews,


...... by the copper seah of 1 'litre'


... field of Ashur-zeru-ibni —

Ahu-la-amashi, horse trainer has contracted and bought from ...-ahhe for 1 1/2 mina 2 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those ... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract, whether ...-ahhe or his sons or his nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ahu-la-amashi and his sons,



[x _ma-na kug-ud_ x] _ma-na kug-gi_ a-na asz-szur i-dan# [kas-pu a-na 10]-_mesz_-te# a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_-ra ina] de-e(*)-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma [la i-la]-qi

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_numun_—_du_]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x _igi_ (m)](d)#_szu_—_hal_-a-ni

[_igi_ (m)x x x (x) x _igi_ (m)x]+x#-na-a-a

[x x x x x x x x x]-a-a

AI Translation

shall give x minas of silver and x minas of gold to Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN. Witness Ashur-zeru-ibni.

Witness NN. Witness Marduk-shimanni.

Witness NN. Witness ...nayu.



shall pay x minas of silver and x mina of gold to Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness .... Witness Ashur-zeru-ibni.

Witness .... Witness Marduk-ishmeanni.

Witness .... Witness ...nayu.


P335458: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] _uru_-s,i-ib(*)-te

[u-pisz-ma (m)x x]—_igi-lal_-an-ni [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug_]-_ud#_ ina 01 _ma-na_ sza _man#_ [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)x x x]-am(?)-ra(*) il-qi

AI Translation

...... Shibte

...-emuranni has contracted and bought him from ...-amra for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.


... town of Shibte —

...-emuranni has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver by the mina of the king from ...amra.



[kas-pu ga-mur] ta(*)#-din-ni

[x x x x x x] _gisz-sar_-_mesz_ x#+[x] [x x x x x x x x]-_mesz_-szu [x x x x]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely.

...... orchards .


The money is paid completely.

... orchards ...



[man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina] ma-te-ma [_gil_-u-ni] [lu (m)x x x x x] lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [o] [lu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu _szesz_-_mesz_-szu [lu mAm-ma-nu]-szu(*)# qur(*)-[bu x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether NN or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, .


Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether NN, or his sons or his grandsons, or his brothers, or any relative of his, or his neighbour

P335460: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza _a-sza_(?) [x x x x x] _suhur_ na-hal [x x x x x]

É 01 _ansze a_-[_sza_ x x x x x] _suhur_ É(?) (m)ba(?)-[x x x]

u-pisz-ma# (m)hu#-[x x x x] ina _sza_-bi 01 me [x x _urudu_-_mesz_]

kas-pu ga-[mur ta-din x x x] szu-a-tu [x x x x]

AI Translation

of the field ... adjoining the wadi .

An estate of 1 hectare of land ... adjoining the house of Ba...,

Hu... has contracted and bought for 100 ... of copper.

The money is paid completely. That .


of field ... adjoining the wadi ....

An estate of 1 hectare of field ... adjoining the house of Ba... —

NN has contracted for 100 ... of copper.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired.



_gu-un an-na_ a-na# [x x x x x]

kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ [x x x x x x] a-na de-ni-szu [x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_lal_-a-ni [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)e-zi—[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

The talent of this ... to .

shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ashur-taqqinanni, .

Witness Ezi-.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


a talent of tin to ...

and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ashur-taqqinanni, ....

Witness Ezi-....

Witness ....

Witness ....

P335461: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x] _ansze# a_(*)-_sza_(*) x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x] ina(*) _sza_(*) ub-x#-a-ti(*) x# [x x x]

[x x] _ansze_(*)# _a-sza_(*) ina _sza_(*) _gaba_(*) _suhur#_ [x x x] [_suhur kaskal_] sza(*)# ana(*) _uru_(*)-_sza_—_uru_ [_du_-u-ni]

[x _ansze a_]-_sza suhur kaskal uru_-[x x x]

[x _ansze a_]-_sza suhur_ um(*)-[me x x x x]

[x _ansze a_]-_sza_(*) _suhur_(*)# [x x x]

AI Translation

x hectares of field .

... in the ...s .

x hectares of field on the other side, adjoining ..., and the road that leads to the Inner City;

x hectares of field adjoining the road of ...,

x hectares of field adjoining the side road .

x hectares of field adjoining ...;


x hectares of land ...

... in ......

x hectares of land in ... adjoining ..., adjoining the road that leads to the Inner City.

x hectares of land adjoining the road of ....

x hectares of land adjoining the side road ...

x hectares of land adjoining ...

P335462: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] ina _uru_

[x x x x x x]+x x#

[x x x x x x]+x#

[x x x x x x]+x x# a-na _uru_-ni(?)-[x]-a(?)-qi _du_-u-ni _suhur gal_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... in the city



...... goes to the town Ni...aqi, adjoining the great .


...... in the city



... the road that leads to Ni...aqi, adjoining ......



02 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_] _sum_-an

_igi_ (m)_ti-la_—_kam_-esz _lu_(v)-ku-lu-u

_igi_ (m)15—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_en_—_gisz-gigir_

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_gin_—bal-lit,

_igi_ (m)_arad_—15 A (m)_suh_—_kam_-esz

_igi_ (m)_dumu_—(d)15

_igi_ (m)qu-ri-i

_igi_ (m)ki-qi-la#-[nu]

AI Translation

shall give 2 minas of silver.

Witness Balatu-eresh, kulumu.

Witness Issar-nadin-ahhe, chariot owner.

Witness Shamash-kenu-ballit.

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Teshtu-eresh.

Witness Mar-Issar.

Witness Qurî.

Witness Kiqillanu.


shall give 2 minas of silver.

Witness Balatu-eresh, kulu'u.

Witness Issar-nadin-ahhe, chariot owner.

Witness Shamash-kenu-ballit.

Witness Urdu-Issar, son of Teshê-eresh.

Witness Mar-Issar.

Witness Qurî.

Witness Kiqillanu.

P335463: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)ku(?)-na(?)#-si-i A (m)har-ma-ki _lu-usz_—_ansze-nita_

É 01 _ansze#_ [x x x x x] lu(?)# li x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Fingernail of Kunasî, son of Harmaku, mare farmer.

An estate of 1 hectare .


Fingernail of Kunasî, son of Harmaki, donkey driver.

An estate of one hectar of land .........



_igi_ (m)asz-szur—szal-lim-szu(?)-nu(?)# A (m)bir-ta-a-a

_igi_ (m)_dumu_—15 _lu_-rak-su

AI Translation

Witness Ashur-shallimshunu, son of Birtayu.

Witness Mar-Issar, recruit.


Witness Ashur-shallimshunu, son of Birtayu.

Witness Mar-Issar, recruit.



_iti-sze ud 25_-_kam_

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Adar XII, 25th day, eponym year of Bel-iqishanni.

P335464: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)_en_—_gisz_ [x x x x x x x x]

(m)id-x#+[x x x x x x x x]

35 _gisz_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Bel-leshir .


35 ...,


Bel-leshir ......


35 ...



_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-[x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—bé-sun [_lu_-x x] sza A—_man igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Mannu-ki-.

Witness Ashur-bessunu, ... of the crown prince. Witness Nabû-.

Witness NN.


Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-....

Witness Mannu-ki-....

Witness Ashur-bessunu, ... of the crown prince. Witness Nabû-....

Witness NN.



[_igi_ (m)x x]—_asz_—_pab igi_ (m)15-[x x x]

[x x x x] _na4-kiszib_-szu

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—re-eh-tu—_pab lu_(v)-[_a-ba_]

AI Translation

Witness ...-nadin-ahi. Witness Issar-.

... his seal

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur, scribe.


Witness ...-nadin-ahi. Witness Issar-...

... for his seal

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur, scribe.

P335465: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x] _lu_-[x x]

[x x x x x] _en a_-[_sza_]

[x x x x x] _sum_-ni [o]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, ...,

...... owner of the field being sold.

...... given


Seal of ..., ...

... owner of the field

... being sold.

P335466: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)](d)15-a-ni(?) [x x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_—_asz lu_-[x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—lu—_di#_-[mu x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_en_(?)—[x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_uru#_-[x x x x x]

_na4-kiszib_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Issar-anu, .

Seal of Shamash-ahu-iddina, .

Seal of Mannu-lu-shallim, .

Seal of Bel-.

Seal of NN,

Seal of NN, ...,


Seal of Issarani, ...,

seal of Shamash-ahu-iddina, ...,

seal of Mannu-lu-shalim, ...,

seal of Bel-...,

seal of NN, ...,

seal of NN, ...,



[_igi_] (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-[a-a x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-[tu—_pab_ x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—I [x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ab-da-a' [x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-tak-kil-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si#-[i x x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_sag_—[i-szi x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-x#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-ila'i, .

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur, .

Witness Issar-na'id, .

Witness Abda', .

Witness Mutakkil-.

Witness Balasî, .

Witness Ashur-reshi-ishi, .

Witness Mu....


Witness Shamash-ila'i, ....

Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur, ....

Witness Issar-na'id, ....

Witness Abda', ....

Witness Mutakkil-..., ....

Witness Balasî, ....

Witness Ashur-reshi-ishi, ....

Witness Mu..., ....

P335467: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi-nin#_—_ad_-szA _dumu-mi_-su# sza# (m)_suhusz_—asz-szur

u#-pisz-ma (m)za-ab-di-i _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)_suhusz_—asz-szur ku(*)-um(*) 30 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ il(*)-qi(*)# szA(*)# (m)za-ab-di-i szA (d)[x x x]

ku-um# ha-bul-le-e-szu# _dumu-mi_-su a-na (m)zab-di-i(*)# it#-ti-din _mi_ szu-a-tu(*) za#-ar-pat laq(*)#-qi-at [tu]-a(*)-ru(*) de(*)-e(*)#-nu _dug4-dug4_

[la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina] ur(*)#-kisz

AI Translation

The woman Ninu-abisha, daughter of Ubru-Ashur,

Zabdî has contracted and bought them from Ubru-Ashur for 30 shekels of silver.

Instead of his inheritance, his daughter to Zabdî has given. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Ahat-abisha, daughter of Ubru-Ashur —

Zabdî has contracted and bought her from Ubru-Ashur in lieu of 30 shekels of silver. Belonging to Zabdî and belonging to DN.

In lieu of his debts he has given his daughter to Zabdî. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future,



[x]+x#+[x]+x de(*)#-e(*)-nu(*) _dug4_(*)-_dug4_(*)# _ta_(v) (m)zab-di-i _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-u-ni

10# _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _nina-ki_ i-szak-kan kas-pu ana 10-_mesz_-[te(*)] ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi#

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-[a]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—mu-_lal_-[in(*)]

[_igi_] (m)mu(*)-qu-[x]

[_igi_] (m)szA-kil-[ia]

[_igi_ (m)]10—mil-ki—[x x x(*)]

AI Translation

... seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Zabdî, his sons and grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Ashur-muballissu.

Witness Muqu.

Witness Shakil-Aya.

Witness Adad-milki-.


... and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Zabdî, his sons and his grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.

Witness Ashur-mutaqqin.

Witness Muquru.

Witness Shakil-Aya.

Witness Adad-milki-....



_iti-szu ud_ x-_kam#_ [lim-me] (m)asz-szur#—_bad_—_pab_

AI Translation

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Ashur-duru-ushur.


Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Ashur-duru-ushur.

P335468: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)(*)#-[x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nergal-sharru-ushur, .


Seal of Nergal-sharru-ushur, ....



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_gin lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)—ki(*)-s,ir(*)# szA É—02-e

_igi_ (m)_im_—(d)_pa_—a-la-ka

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-belu-ka''in, cohort commander of the deputy governor.

Witness Shar-Nabû-allak.


Witness Nabû-belu-ka''in, cohort commander of the domestics.

Witness Shar-Nabû-allaka.



[_iti_-x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)]_ta#_—(d)_im_—a#-[ni-nu]

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.


Month ..., day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

P335469: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)x#+[x x x x x] _lu_-[x x x x x x x x]

_na4#_-[_kiszib_ (m)x x x x x]

_na4_(*)#-[_kiszib_ (m)x x x x x]

_na4_(*)#-[_kiszib_ (m)x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of NN, ..., .

Seal of NN,

Seal of NN,

Seal of NN,


Seal of NN, ......,

seal of NN,

seal of NN,

seal of NN,



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x _lu-a-ba_]

_iti-barag_ [_ud_ x-_kam_ lim-me (m)_en_—_igi-lal_-ni]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni.


Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness Nabû-..., scribe.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni, 20th year of Sennacherib.

P335470: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)har-ma-ki]

[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)]sa-ma(*)-a-ti

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi_ (m(*))_pab_—_asz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _igi_ (m(*))_zi_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]+x x x# x x#+[x]

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Harmaki.

Witness NN. Witness Samati.

Witness NN. Witness Ahu-iddina.

Witness NN. Witness Zakir-ushur.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness .......


Witness NN. Witness Harmaki.

Witness NN. Witness Samati.

Witness NN. Witness Ahu-iddina.

Witness NN. Witness Napishtu-ushur.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness .......

P335471: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)sa]-la-ma-na—i-me [_en_ x x x] ta-din#-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Salamanu-imme, owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of Salmanu-imme, owner of the ... being sold.



[_igi_ (m)dan-na-a-a _lu_(v)-_dib_]—_kusz#_-a-pa-te

[_igi_ (m)](d)[x x—_dingir lu_(v)]-03-si

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)ta]-ri(*)#-ba(*)—15 _lu-gal_—_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)_di_]-mu(*)#—_kur lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—za-ma-ri

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_]-su—iq-bi _lu_(v)-szA—hu-si-ni-szu

[_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_]—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-sza—É—02-e

[_igi_ (m)ha]—ba#-as-ti _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_

[_igi_ (m)_en_]—_bad_(*)# _igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_apin_-esz

[_iti_-x _ud_] 13(*)#-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Dannaya, chariot driver.

Witness ...-ilu, 'third man.'

Witness ...-ila'i, cohort commander.

Witness Tab-Issar, head porter.

Witness Shulmu-mati, chief singer.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, shushu-housekeeper.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, deputy.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Bel-duri. Witness Shamash-eresh.

Month ..., 13th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Dannaya, chariot driver.

Witness DN-ilu, 'third man'.

Witness ...-ila'i, cohort commander.

Witness Tariba-Issar, head porter.

Witness Shulmu-mati, chief singer.

Witness Nabû-balassu-iqbi, husinnu man.

Witness Shamash-ila'i, lackey.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Bel-duri. Witness Shamash-eresh.

Month ..., 13th day, eponym year of NN. Witness Nabû-kushuranni.

P335472: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x la i]-laq-qi#

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]+x# _igi_ (m)_pab_-bu-u

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—id#-ri

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _igi_] (m)nar-gi-i#

AI Translation

... he does not take

Witness NN. Witness Ahu-abû.

Witness ...-idri.

Witness NN. Witness Nargî.


... not succeed.

Witness NN. Witness Ah-abû.

Witness ...-idri.

Witness NN. Witness Nargî.

P335473: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]+x# x x x x#+[x x x]

[x x x x (m)]_en#_—_sum_-na _lu-nam uru_-[kul-me-ra]

[x x x x x] (m)gab-ba-ra(?)# [x x x x]

AI Translation


...... Bel-iddina, governor of Kullera

... Gabbara ...



... Bel-iddina, governor of Kullimmeri

... Gabbarua ...



[_igi_ (m)sa]-si(*)#-i _lu_-ha-[za-nu x x x]

[x x x x] É [x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Sasî, mayor .

... house ...


Witness Sasî, mayor ...

... house ...

P335474: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x (m)sin]-qi—15 _lu_-[x x] [x x x x x x x]+x#-hu sza [x x] [x x x x x x x]+x# pu-s,a-ni [x x] [x x x x x x x]+x#-hu sza [x x] [x x x x x x x]+x x x#

AI Translation

... Sinqi-Issar, .


... Sinqi-Issar, ...

P335475: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_ (m)x#+[x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x#—_pab_—_pab_ [x x]

[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_en-nam_ sza _uru_-x#+[x x]

[x x x x x x] _igi#_ (m)_ti-la_—[x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-_gal_—x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

......s, NN

......-ahu-ushur .

...... the governor of .

...... Witness Balatu-.

...... the chief .


......., NN

... ...-ahu-ushur ...

..., governor of ...

... Witness Uballit-...

..., chief ...

P335476: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] (m)ri(*)-[x x x x]

[x x x x x] _urudu_(*) il-qi(*)#

[man-nu sza x x] i-da-nu-[ni] [_lu_ u]-sze(*)#-s,a(*) _igi_ (m)x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]_pab_—la-mur _lu_(v)-[x x]

[_igi_] (m(*))mar-di(*)-[i]

AI Translation

...... Ri...

...... copper he bought.

Whoever gives ..., the man shall bring .... Witness NN.

Witness Ahu-lamur, .

Witness Mardî.


and bought from Ri...

for ...... copper.

Whoever gives ... shall redeem the man. Witness NN.

Witness Ahu-lamur, ....

Witness Mardî,



[_igi_ (m)]e-sze(*)-ra-[a-a]

[_igi_ (m)]sa-me-ku(*)# [o]

[_igi_ (m)]_zu_—(d)[x x]

[_iti_-x _ud_] 18(*)-_kam#_

AI Translation

Witness Esherâ.

Witness Sameku.

Witness Marduk-.

Month ..., 18th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Esherayu.

Witness Sameku.

Witness Lit-....

Month ..., 18th day

P335477: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)](d)#_u-gur_(*)—_zu_(*)

[_en_ x x x x x ta-da]-ni(?)#

AI Translation

Seal of Nergal-le'i,

owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of Nergal-le'i,

owner of the ... being sold.



[_dumu-usz_-szu _gal_-u ina ha]-am#-ri sza (d)#_im gibil_

[kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na] _en_-szu _gur_(*) [ina la de-ni-szu _dug4_]-_dug4#_ la-a _ti-la_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)-x] sza# _mi_-É-_gal_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu-gal_—ki]-s,ir :-

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu-03_]-_u5_(*)

[_igi_ (m)]_mu_—_gisz lu_(v)-_sanga gal_(*)-u(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)-ha-za-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _igi_ (m)man-nu—_gim_—[x] :-

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_du# lu_(v)-_sanga_ É(*)#—(d(*))gu(*)-la

[x x x x x x _lu_(v)-A]-_ba_(*)# É—_dingir_

[x x x x x x]-a

x#+[x x x x x x]-nu

[_igi_] (m)_lugal_(*)#-[x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-mu-kil(*)—_pa_(*)#-_mesz_

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su igi_ (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)]ul(*)-lu _igi_ (m)o(*)

AI Translation

His great son will be born in the midst of Adad.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, ... of the queen.

Witness NN, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness NN, 'third man.'

Witness Shumu-leshir, chief priest.

Witness NN, mayor.

Witness NN. Witness Mannu-ki-..., ditto.

Witness ...-ibni, priest of the temple of Gula.

...... the scribe of the temple


Witness Sharru-..., chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-eriba. Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur.

Witness Ullu. Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.


He shall burn his first born son at the sacred precint of Adad.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner, he shall contest in his 'no-lawsuit' and not succeed.

Witness NN, ... of the queen.

Witness NN, cohort commander, ditto.

Witness NN, 'third man'.

Witness Shumu-leshir, chief priest.

Witness NN, mayor.

Witness NN. Witness Mannu-ki-..., ditto.

Witness ...-ibni, priest of the temple of Gula.

Witness NN, temple scribe.



Witness Sharru-..., chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-riba. Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur.

Witness Ullu. Witness .

P335478: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x]—(d)_im_ [_en_ x x x x] _sum_-nu

AI Translation

Seal of ...-Adad, owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of ...-Adad, owner of the ... being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_uru_]-ni(*)-nu(*)-a(*)# [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]+x x x x# sza A—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)-ha]-za-a-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)-lAh-hi-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir a_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)]-_simug-kug-gi_

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]+x#—_asz_(*)—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Witness NN, .

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua, .

Witness NN, ... of the crown prince.

Witness NN, mayor.

Witness NN, temple steward.

Witness NN, horse trainer of the crown prince.

Witness NN, goldsmith.

Witness ...-nadin-ahhe.


Witness NN, ....

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua, ....

Witness NN, ... of the crown prince.

Witness NN, mayor.

Witness NN, temple steward.

Witness NN, horse trainer of the crown prince.

Witness NN, goldsmith.

Witness ...-nadin-ahhe.

P335479: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x kas-pu gam-mur ta]-din [x x x x x x x x] tu#-a-ru [de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_] la#-Asz-szu

[man-nu szA ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-ma [_gil_-u-ni x _ma-na_] _kug-ud sum_-an [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_] a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4_]-_dug4_-ma [la i]-laq(*)-qi#

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall pay x minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


The money is paid completely. ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall give x minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki]-i(*)#—_lugal_

[x x x x x x x]—_asz_

[x x x x x x x x]-nu

[x x x x x x x x]—_du_

[x x x x x x x]+x#—_igi-lal_

[x x x x x x x]-na-zu

[x x x x x x x x]-nu

[x x x x x x x x]—_pab_

[x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-sharri.








Witness Mannu-ki-sharri.

Witness ...-iddin.


Witness ...-ibni.

Witness ...-emuranni.

Witness .......


Witness ...-ushur.


P335480: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x x] _ma-na kug-ud_

[x x x x x x x x (m)]s,il(?)—a-a

[x x x x x] _gal igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a

AI Translation

...... minas of silver

...... Shil-Aya

...... Witness Nabû'a.


...... minas of silver

...... Shil-Aya.

...... Witness Nabû'a.

P335481: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[de-e-nu] _dug4#-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

[man]-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina [ma-te-ma] i#-pa-ri-ku-u-ni [x x x x] [x] _ma#-na kug-ud_ ina bur#-[ki (d)15] [a]-szi#-bat _uru_-ni-nu-a [x x x]

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall place x minas of silver in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh.


Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract ..., shall place x minas of silver in the lap of DN residing in Nineveh.

P335482: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x x] a-na#

[x x x x x x x x]+x#-szi-na

[x x x x x x x x]+x#-a-a

[x x (m)asz-szur—ga-ru]-a—ni-ri

AI Translation

...... to

...... them


... Ashur-garua-niri


...... to



... Ashur-garua-niri

P335483: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[u-pisz]-ma (m)(d)[_utu_—I x x x] [_ta_(v) pa]-an (m)bal#-[t,a-a-a] [ina _sza_-bi] 01 _ma-na_(*) [x x x x]

AI Translation

Shamash-na'id, ..., has contracted and bought them from Baltaya for one mina .


Shamash-na'id, ... has contracted and bought from Baltaya, for one mina ......



[x x x x x] lu-u

[x x x x x _ta_(v)] (m)(d)_utu_—I [de-nu] [_dug4-dug4_] ub-ta-u-[ni]

[x _ma-na_] _kug-ud 01 ma-na_ [_kug-gi_] [ina bur-ki (d)]15 sza _uru_-[x x x]

[_gar_]-an# 01 _gu-un_ [_an-na_] [a-na _lu_]-_en-nam uru#_-[szu _sum_-an]

[kas-pu a]-na 10-[_mesz_-te] [a-na _en_]-_mesz_-[szu _gur_ x x]

AI Translation

...... or

...... seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-na'id,

shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of .

shall give one talent of tin to the governor of his city,

shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


...... whether

...... seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shamash-na'id,

shall place x minas of silver and one mina gold in the lap of Ishtar of ...,

shall give 1 talent of tin to the governor of his city,

and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

P335484: extispicy-query tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] lu-u ina [x x x x]

[x x x x x x] lu-u za(*)#-[x x x x]

[x x x x x lu]-u(*) _gisz_(*)-_gigir_(*)-[_mesz_ x x]

[x x x x x x] lu-u _i#_-[_du8_-_mesz_ x x]

[x x _lu_-szA—É—ku]-din(*)#-ni [x x x x x]

[x x x _lu_-hat(?)]-ta(*)#-a-a(*)# [x x x x x] [x x x x x x] ka x#+[x x x x x] [x x x x x x] lu(*)#-u [x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... or in .

...... should be free .

...... or chariots .

...... or the gates .

... the mule stable .

... the Hattian .


...... or among ......

...... or the exempted ......

...... or the chariot men ......

...... or the keepers of ... gates

...... the attendants of the mule stables ......

...... the Hittites ......

P335485: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x kas-pu] ga(?)-[mur ta-din] [x szu-a-tu] za-rip [la-qi tu-a-ru] [de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ [la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA ur]-kisz(?) ina ma-ti#-[ma _gil_-u-ni] [lu-u (m)x x x lu]-u _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu] [lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu] lu-u _pab_-_mesz_-[szu x x x x]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether NN or his sons, grandsons or brothers, .


The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever ......, at any time, breaks the contract, whether ... or his sons or his grandsons or his brothers ...

P335486: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x] _igi_ (m)ba-ni-i(*)# [x x x]

[x x x x x]+x x x# _igi_ (m)ma-[x x x]

[x x x x x]-a-ti _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

[x x x x x] _lu_-ha-za-nu sza [x x x]

[x x x _lu-gal_—ki]-s,ir sza [x x x]

[x x x x x x] _igi_ (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... Witness Banî, .

...... Witness Ma.

...... Witness Nabû-.

... the mayor of .

... cohort commander of .

...... Witness NN.


...... Witness Banî ....

...... Witness Ma....

...... Witness Nabû-....

Witness NN, mayor of ....

Witness NN, cohort commander of ....

...... Witness NN.

P335487: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] zar4#-pat _ti_-at# [tu-a-ru] de-e-nu [_dug4_]-_dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[man]-nu szA _gil_-u-ni [x] _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug#_-[_gi_]

AI Translation

... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold


That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place x mina of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of DN

P335488: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] lu _dumu-usz_-szu

[x x x x x] _ta_(v) A-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x sza e-la-an-ni] de-nu [_dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni i-gar]-ru-u-ni

AI Translation

...... or his son

...... with his water

If he comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation,


whether NN or his son

against NN or his sons

... comes forward and seeks and institutes a lawsuit or litigation



[x _ma-na_] _kug-ud 10 ma-na_ o(*) ina bur-ki [asz-szur a]-szib É-_szar-ra gar_-an [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x] _ma-na kug-gi_ sak#-[ru] [ina bur-ki (d)15 a-szi-bat] _uru-nina-ki gar_-an# [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_] ana _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_]

[ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_]-ma la _ti#_

AI Translation

shall place x minas of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Ashur residing in Esharra, shall place x minas of silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place x minas of silver and 10 minas of gold in the lap of Ashur residing in Esharra, shall place x mina of silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335490: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x] _ta_(v) pa-an (m)[x x x x] ina _sza_-bi [x _ma-na kug-ud_] ina 01 _ma-na_ sza(?)# [x x x]

il-qi kas-pu [gam-mur ta-din x] szu-a-tu za-rip [la-qi de-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu x x x]

AI Translation

...... has contracted and bought from NN for x minas of silver by the mina of .

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


NN has contracted and bought from NN for x minas of silver by the mina of ....

The money is paid completely, that ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

P335491: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]+x x x x# [x x x x x x x x] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu ub-ta-'u-u-ni

[x _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u] 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru

AI Translation

...... he will bring his sons

x minas of refined silver, 1 mina of pure gold,


seeks a lawsuit or litigation against ...... his sons

shall place x mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold

P335492: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x# [x x x x x x]

la-a-szu [man-nu sza ina ur-kisz] ina ma-te-me# [i-za-qup-an-ni lu-u (m)x x x] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu x x x x x]

AI Translation


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether NN or his sons .


Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether NN, or his sons ... comes up, ... and breaks the contract, shall give 5 minas of silver.



[_igi_ (m)]a-bi-[x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-nu-u [x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Abi-.

Witness ...nû, .


Witness Abi-..., ....

Witness ...nû, ....

P335493: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] _uru_-arba-[il x x]

[x x x x x]-be(?)-lu _lu_(v)-[x x x]

[x x x (m)szum]-mu—_dingir_-_mesz_ [x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_asz_—_pab igi_ [x x x] [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...... Arbela .

......-belu, .

... Shumma-ilani .

Witness ...-nadin-ahi. Witness NN.


... from Arbela.

......belu, ...

... Shummu-ilani ...

Witness ...-aplu-ushur. Witness ....

P335494: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x _nu_] _ti_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)]_iti-ab_-a-a _lu_(v)-x#+[x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)30—u-bal-lit,# [x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)_su_-ti—_dingir_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—A—_asz lu_(v)#-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_i lu_(v)-qur#-[_zag_]

_igi_ (m)_en_—_du_ [x x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_-[x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]ab(?)-di#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... not survived

Witness Kanunayu, .

Witness Sin-uballit, .

Witness Rihati-il, .

Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina, .

Witness Nabû-na'id, royal bodyguard.

Witness Bel-ibni, .

Witness Nabû-shumu-.

Witness Abdi-.


...... not succeed.

Witness Kanunayu, ....

Witness Sin-uballit, ....

Witness Ribati-il, ....

Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina, ....

Witness Nabû-na'id, royal bodyguard.

Witness Bel-ibni, ....

Witness Nabû-shumu-..., ....

Witness Abdi-..., ....

P335495: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x _ma-na_] _kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi#_ [a-na (d)]_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi _sum#_-[an] kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a-na _en#_-[_mesz_-szu] [_gur_] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-[ma] la i-laq-[qi]

_igi_ (m)hi-ma-ri-i _lu_(v)-[x x]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni [_lu_(v)-x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—kib-su—_pab#_ [_lu_(v)-x x] sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam_

_igi_ (m)tab-li-[x x]

_iti-ziz ud_ [x-_kam_] lim-me (m)asz-szur—_en#_—[_pab_] _lu_(v)-_gar-kur_ [_uru_-szA-hup-pa]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_(*)#-[a-a]

AI Translation

shall give x minas of silver and one mina of gold to Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Himari, .

Witness Urdu-ilani, .

Witness Inurta-kibsu-ushur, ... of the governor.

Witness Tabli.

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of Shahuppa 645 B.C.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.


He shall pay x minas of silver and one mina of gold to Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Himarî, ....

Witness Urda-ilani, ....

Witness Inurta-kibsi-ushur, ... of the governor.

Witness Tabli....

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Ashur-belu-ushur, governor of Shahuppa.

Witness Nushku-ila'i ....

P335496: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x tu-pisz-ma] _mi_(*)#-_pab_(*)—t,ar-li [_mi_-szA-kin-tu sza] _uru_(*)-_nina#_ o(*) [_ta igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-ni [x x x x x x x x]+x#-szu(*)

[_ti_ man-nu sza ur-kisz] ina ma(!)-ti-ma [lu-u (m)x x x-ni] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_ [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u x]+x# _uru_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x x x x]-szu

[x x x x x x] sza(*)# _di-kud_

AI Translation

Ahu-talli, governess of Nineveh, has contracted and bought said property from for .

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether or his sons or grandsons or ... his towns or ... his .

...... of the judge


Ahi-talli, governess of Nineveh, has contracted and bought them from for .......

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether ... or his sons or grandsons, or the .... of his city,

seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ahi-talli



[x x x x x x x x] kas-pu [a-na 10-_mesz_-te a]-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma_]-_na kug-gi_ [ina bur-ki (d)x a-szib _uru_]-hal-i-na i-szA-kan

[x _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_] (d)15 i-ra-ka-sa [x _ansze_-har-ba]-kan-ni ina _gir-2_ [(d)x x x x x u-sze]-ra(*)-ba(!) [ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] _nu_(*)# _ba_(*)-_ti_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_]-_sag_ sza (m)_en_—_gisz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _uru_-sa-su(*)-ka(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _kur_]-gil(*)#-za-a-nu

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _uru_(?)]-ad-a-ri

[x x x x x x x x]+x# _uru_-szu

AI Translation

shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of DN residing in Halina.

shall tie x white horses to the feet of Ishtar, shall bring x harbakannu horses to the feet of ..., and shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, eunuch of Bel-leshir.

Witness NN, from Sasuka.

Witness NN, Gilzanu.

Witness NN, from Adari.

...... his city


He shall return the money tenfold to its owners, and shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of the god ... residing in ...halina.

He shall tie x white horses to the feet of Ishtar, and shall bring x harbakannu horses to the feet of .... He shall litigate in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, eunuch of Bel-leshir.

Witness NN, from Sasuka.

Witness NN, from Gilzanu.

Witness NN, from Adari.

...... of his city

P335497: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina de-ni]-szu(*) i(*)-_dug4_(*)#-[_dug4_ la _ti_]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab_ [_lu_(v)-3-_u5_]

[_igi_] (m)u-ar-bi-is# [_lu_(v)-3-_u5_]

_igi#_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab lu_(v)#-[_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]

_igi#_ (m)sa-kan-[nu _lu_(v)-:- ((_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]))

_igi#_ (m)bar-ruq _lu_(v)#-[:- ((_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]))

_igi#_ (m)(d)_utu_—_zi_—[x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)ha—ba-as-[te _lu_(v)-_gal_—_i-du8_]

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir#—[asz-szur _lu_(v)-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun#_—[_asz lu_(v)-:- ((_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_]))

_igi#_ (m)da-ha-[x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Uarbis, 'third man.'

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Shamash-kettu-.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto.

Witness Daha.


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man'.

Witness Uarbis, 'third man'.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto.

Witness Barruqu, ditto.

Witness Shamash-kettu-..., ....

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, ditto.

Witness Daha....

P335498: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina] _sza_-bi 55 [_gin kug-ud_ x x x x]

[il]-qi# kas-pu ga-[mur ta-din] [x x x x] szu-a-tu za-rip la#-[qi] [tu-a]-ru# de-nu _dug4#_-[_dug4_ la-szu]

[man-nu sza ina] ur#-kisz ina [ma-te-ma]

AI Translation

... for 55 shekels of silver .

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


and bought it for 55 shekels of silver ...

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time,



[_igi_] (m)la-i-ti—_dingir#_ [x x x]

_igi#_ (m)pa-ri-pa-za(?) [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)se-e'—gab-[ba-ri]

_igi#_ (m)ha-za—_dingir lu_(v)-x#+[x x x x]

($[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_igi_(?)-[_lal_-an-ni]$)

[_igi_] (m)_dingir_—mu-sze-zib _lu_(v)#-[_a-ba_]

[s,a-bit] _im iti-ziz ud_ [x-_kam_] [li]-mu (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Laiti-il, .

Witness Paripasa, .

Witness Se'-gabbari.

Witness Haza-il, .

Witness Nusku-emuranni.

Witness Ilu-mushezib, scribe.

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Nabû-.


Witness Laiti-il, ....

Witness Paripaza, ....

Witness Se'-gabbari.

Witness Haza-il, ....

Witness Nusku-emuranni.

Witness Ilu-mushezib, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Nabû-..., .......

P335499: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)10—_en_—_pab_

[x x]+x# _kiszib_(?) (m)_kam_-esz—(d)[x x]

[x] 05 _erim_ sza É x# [x]

[x]+x (m)#asz-szur—_numun_—_asz_(*) _mi_(?)#-[szu]

[(x)] sza# (m)_gir-2#_—[x x x]

[x] sza# _kur_-hal-[x x x]

[x]-_mesz# igi_ [x x x x]

[x] _ta# en_-szu [x x]

[x] (m)10—x#+[x x x]

[x] (m)#zi-zi-[i]

[x] (m)#sa-gi-bi-i'#

[x] (m)#lu(*)-du(?)-ni-e

[x] (m)_masz#_-ti-i

_pab# 09_ [(x) x]+x x#+[x]

[x]+x#-i (m)[x x x]

[x]+x# _ta_(v) (m)bi-[x x x] [x]-ih-nu [x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Adad-belu-ushur,

... seal of Eresh-...,

... 5 men of the house of .

... Ashur-zeru-iddina, his wife

... of Shep-...

... of Hal...

...s before ...

... from his owner .

... Adad-...

... Zizî;

... Sagibi';

... Luduni;

... Inurtî;

in all, 9 ...;

...i, NN,

... with Bi...


Seal of Adad-belu-ushur,

..., seal of Eresh-...,

... 5 men of ... house,

... Ashur-zeru-iddina, his wife

... of Shep-...,

... of Hal...

...s before ...

... from its owner ...

... Adad-...,

... Zizî,

... Sagibi',

... Ludunî,

... Inurtî,

in all 9 ...


... with Bi...



ina bur#-[ki] [(d(?))]15(?) _kug-gi_ [x x] x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

in the lap of Ishtar of gold .


in the lap of Ishtar, gold ...

P335500: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)]_amar-utu_—_zi_-_mesz#_—[x x] [_en_ x x x]+x#-e _sum_-a-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Marduk-napshati-..., owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of Marduk-napshati-..., owner of the ... being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]-ki

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi_ (m)asz-szur#—_asz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-a-a _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—A—_asz#_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x x#+[x x] _igi_ (m)kur—_dingir_-a-a

[_iti_-x _ud_-x-x] lim-me (m)sa-gab#

AI Translation

Witness ...ayu.


Witness NN. Witness Ashur-iddina.

Witness ...ayu. Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina.

Witness NN. Witness Kur-ila'i.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Sagab 651.


Witness ...ayu.


Witness NN. Witness Ashur-iddina.

Witness ...ayu. Witness Nabû-aplu-iddina.

Witness ....... Witness Kur-ila'i.

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of Sagab.

P335501: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ana 10-_mesz_ ana] _en_(*)#-_mesz_-szu u(*)#-[tar] [ina] de#-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma [la] i-laq-qi

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—tak-lak

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_-a-a

[_igi_ (m)]_pab#_—_bad_

[_igi_ (m)]A(*)#—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)U]-U—la(*)-rim

[_igi_ (m)]nar#-gi-i

[_igi_ (m)]sa(*)-ru—ki-na

[_igi_ (m)](d)_szu_(*)-ia

[_igi_ (m)](d)_en_—_pab_-ir

[_iti_]-_sze# ud 06_-_kam_

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-taklak.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Dadi-larim.

Witness Nargî.

Witness Saru-kina.

Witness Marduk-ia.

Witness Bel-nashir.

Month Adar XII, 6th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-taklak.

Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Witness Ahi-duri.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Dadi-larim.

Witness Nargî.

Witness Sarru-kena.

Witness Mardukaya.

Witness Bel-nashir.

Month Adar XII, 6th day, eponym year of Abi-ram.

P335502: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



u-[pisz-ma (m)x x x] ina _sza_-bi [x x x x]

il-qi kas-pu# [gam-mur] ta-di-ni _mi_(*)# [szu-a-tu za-rip _ti_] de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ [o] la-Asz-szu [o]

AI Translation

NN has contracted and bought it for .

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


NN has contracted and bought her for ....

The money is paid completely. This woman is purchased and acquired. Any lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu sza _gil_-u-[ni] 05(?) _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an

AI Translation

Whoever breaks the contract shall pay 5 minas of silver.


Whoever breaks the contract, shall give 5 minas of silver, and shall return the money tenfold to their owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)s,i-id-qa-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(?)—_mu_—_asz_

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_man_(?)—[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Shidqayu.

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina.

Witness ...-sharru-.


Witness Shidqâ,

Witness Nabû-shumu-iddina,

Witness ...-sharru-...

P335503: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-[x x x x x x x x] _u dumu_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x x]

ub-ta-'u-u-ni [x x x x x x x x] sak-ru ina bur-ki [x x x x x x x x] 01 _gu-un an-na_ a-na [x x x x x x] a-na 10-a-te a-na _en_-[szu x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_en_—_numun_—_ba_-szA _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_im_—szal-lim [x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)se-e'—ha-an-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]30#—na-tan-nu# [x x x]

AI Translation

or the brothers ...... or the sons .

shall place ......, shall place ......, shall give one talent of tin to ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness Bel-zeru-iqisha, .

Witness Adad-shallim, .

Witness Se'-han.

Witness Sin-natannu, .


whether his brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and sons, ......

shall place x minas of silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of DN residing in ..., shall give 1 talent of tin to the governor, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Bel-zeru-iqisha, ....

Witness Adad-shallim, ....

Witness Se'-han....

Witness Sin-natannu, ....



[x x x x x]-kin(?)-nu [x x x x]

[x x x x x]—15 _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

AI Translation

......s ...

...-Issar, ...


...kinnu ....

...-Issar, ....

P335504: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-e-[nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni]

10 _ma-na kug_-[_ud_ x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)sa-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

shall place 10 minas of silver .

Witness NN.

Witness Sa....


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation,

shall place 10 minas of silver ......

Witness NN.

Witness Sa....



_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)10(?)—[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Adad-.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


Witness NN.

Witness Adad-....

Witness NN.

Witness NN.



[x x x x x x x x]-su-nu

[x x x x x x x x]-bi-ra

AI Translation

...... them




P335505: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ [a-na _en_-szu _gur_] ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-[ma la _ti_]

_igi_ (m)da-bit-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dabit.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Dabit....

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

P335506: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] szA _uru_-ba(?)-zi(?)#

[x x x x] (m)10(*)—ia-ab

[x x x x] _uru_-bu-ru-na(?)-tu [x x x x]+x# di u [x x x x] x x x#

AI Translation

...... of Bazi

... Adda-yab

... Burunatu


...... of the town Bazi

...... Adad-iab,

...... town Burunatu



[_igi_ (m)]ga-ru-s,u

[_igi_] (m)30—I

_pab_(*)# 02(*) _uru_-usz(?)-ta-la-hi

[_igi_] (m)_gin_-i

[x x x x x]+x#-ba-a

[x x x x x x] 02

[x x x x x x]-nu

[x x x x x] _mi_ asz

AI Translation

Witness Garushu.

Witness Sin-na'id.

in all 2 from Ushtalahu.

Witness Kenî.


...... 2

...... woman,


Witness Garushu,

witness Sin-na'id,

in all 2 from Ushtalahi.

Witness Kenî,


... 2



P335507: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x] _ma-na kug-ud luh#_ [x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru] [ina] bur-ki (d)_pa_ a-szi#-[bi _uru_-x x _gar_-an] kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ [a-na _en_-szu _gur_] [ina] de-ni-szu-nu _dug4-dug4_-[ma la _ti_]

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si-i [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_uru-kaskal_ [x x x x]

[x x] sza [x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Nabû residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in their lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Balasî, .

Witness Ubru-Harran, .

... of ...


shall place x mina of refined silver and x mina of pure gold in the lap of Nabû residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. They shall contest in their lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Balasî, ....

Witness Ubru-Harran, ....

... of ...

P335508: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x x#+[x x x x] [x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

[u-pisz]-ma (m)_en_—[x x x x] [ina _sza_ x] _gin#_ [_kug-ud_ x x x] _ta_(v)# _igi_ (m)[x x x (x)] [x]+x x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation


Bel-... has contracted and bought said property for x shekels of silver from NN.


...... —

Bel-... has contracted and bought it for x shekels of silver from NN.



[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_man_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)x-x]—(d)_gaszan_(*) _lu_(v)#-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)a]-da-lAl _lu_(v)(?)-[x x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)a-'i-la#-[nu]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)#-[x x]

_igi_ (m)za-bi-nu [x x x]

[_igi_] (m)ki—ma-ma [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]ha-nu-nu [x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]10—_en_—_pab_ [x x x x]

[_iti_]-_gud# ud 01_-[_kam_] [lim-mu] (m)_uru_-arba-il-[a-a]

AI Translation

Witness ...-sharru-ushur.

Witness ...-Belet, .

Witness Adallal, .

Witness A'ilanu.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, .

Witness Zabinu, .

Witness Ki-Mama, .

Witness Hanunu, .

Witness Adad-belu-ushur, .

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of Arbailayu.


Witness ...-sharru-ushur.

Witness ...-Belet, ....

Witness Adallal, ....

Witness A'ilanu, ....

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, ....

Witness Zabinu, ....

Witness Ki-Mama, ....

Witness Hanunu, ....

Witness Adad-belu-ushur, ....

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of Arbailayu.



[_igi_ (m)(d)]_en_—_kaskal_—[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-Harran-.


Witness Bel-Harran-....

P335509: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _sza_ x] _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_] [ina 01 _ma-na_-e] sza _kur_-gar-ga-mis

[il-qi kas-pu] gam-mur ta-din# [x szu-a-tu] za-rip laq-qi [tu-a-ru] de#-e-nu _dug4-dug4_

[la-asz-szu man]-nu szA ina ur-kisz# [ina ma-te-ma] i-zaq-qup-an-[ni] [x x x x x x x x]-us(?) [x x x x x x x x x x]-szu

AI Translation

... minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint,


... has contracted and bought for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint,



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu-dib_]—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu-en_]-_nam#_ szA arba-il

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu-gal_]—da-ni-bat

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-gal_—_mu_ szA A—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_]-ha-za-nu sza arba-il

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x] _murub4_—_uru_ sza(?) _nina_

[x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, governor of Arbela.

Witness NN, chief victualler.

Witness NN, chief cook of the crown prince.

Witness NN, mayor of Arbela.

Witness NN, city-ruler of Nineveh.



Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, governor of Arbela.

Witness NN, chief victualler.

Witness NN, chief cook of the crown prince.

Witness NN, mayor of Arbela.

Witness NN, ... of the centre of the city of Nineveh.


P335510: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x] la _ti_

AI Translation

...... not to recover


He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)x x]-di-a _lu_-szA—_gir-2_

[_igi_ (m)x x]+x#-ta-a' _lu-03_-szu

[_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_en_]—la-Asz-me _lu-mu_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-02_-u

[_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_be lu_]-_sum-ninda_

AI Translation

Witness ...dia, sha shepi guard.

Witness ...ta', 'third man.'

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook.

Witness NN, deputy.

Witness Remanni-iddina, confectioner.


Witness ...dia, sha shepi guard.

Witness ...ta', 'third man.'

Witness Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook.

Witness NN, deputy.

Witness Remanni-Illil, confectioner.

P335511: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ina de-ni-szu] _dug4#-dug4 nu#_ [_ti_]

[_igi_ (m)_lugal_—lu]—da-ri A (m)_en#_-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-ti A (m)la-i-ti#—[_dingir_]

[_igi_ (m)x x-hu]-ut(?)#-ni A (m)30—_pab_—_asz#_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-ni-i _lu_-ha-za-[nu]

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-a-a _dumu_—_uru-nina#_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—da#-ri A (m)_en_—_kaskal_—[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-nu A (m)ku-si-ni(?)# [x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _igi_ (m)sah-ra-a [x x]

[x x x x x x x x x]-ni-i

[x x x x x x x x x]-x—_dingir_

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari, son of Bel-.

Witness ...ti, son of Laiti-il.

Witness ...hutni, son of Sin-ahu-iddina.

Witness ...nî, mayor.

Witness ...ayu, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness ...-dari, son of Bel-Harran-.

Witness, son of Kusinu, .

Witness NN. Witness Sahrâ, .




He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sharru-lu-dari, son of Bel-....

Witness ...ti, son of Laiti-il.

Witness ...-hutni, son of Sin-ahu-iddina.

Witness ...nî, mayor.

Witness ...ayu, citizen of Nineveh.

Witness ...-dari, son of Bel-Harran-....

Witness, son of Kusini, ....

Witness .... Witness Sahrâ, ...



P335512: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na] _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur#_-[ra] [ina] la# de-ni-szu _dug4_-[_dug4_-ma] _nu ti#_

_igi#_ (m)har-si-su x#+[x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)ta-a-ka-in(?)# [x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)in-ba-a :#

_igi#_ (m)man-nu—ki—ni-nu-[a]

[_igi_ (m)]man-nu—ki—arba-il

[_igi_ (m)x x (x)]+x# x

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Harsisu, .

Witness Takin, .

Witness Inbâ, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness NN.


he shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his 'no-lawsuit' and not succeed.

Witness Harsisu, ....

Witness Takain, ....

Witness Inbâ, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Ninua.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness .......

P335513: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_dib#_—_pa_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x]+x# É-_gal_

[x x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gigir man_

[x x x x x x] sza A—_man_

[x x x x x x]+x#-szal-lim-x#+[x]

AI Translation

...... chariot drivers

...... palace

...... the royal chariotry

...... of the crown prince



......, chariot driver

...... palace

...... horse trainer of the king

...... of the crown prince

... ...shallim...

P335514: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x x]+x# _gil_-u-ni

[x x x x x x x x] _kur_—asz-szur-_ki_

[a-de-e] _man_ ina _szu-2_-szu u-ba-'u

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)-_en-nam_

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)-2-u

[_igi_ (m)x x x]-u _lu_(v)-szal-szi-_u5_-szu

[_igi_ (m)]_lal_—_kam_-esz _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

AI Translation

...... is a reed mat

...... Assyria

The treaty of the king is in his hands.

Witness NN, governor.

Witness NN, deputy.

Witness ...u, porter.

Witness Tashmetu-eresh, .

Witness NN, .


...... breaks the contract

...... of Assyria

the treaty of the king shall call him to account.

Witness ..., governor.

Witness ..., deputy.

Witness ...u, 'third man'.

Witness Tuqunu-erish, ....

Witness ..., ....

P335515: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _ma-na kug-ud_] 02(?) _ma-na kug-gi_

AI Translation

x minas of silver, 2 minas of gold,


He shall place x minas of silver and two minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _gal_—ki-s,ir sza _mi-kur_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—I :-

[_igi_ (m)ba]-nu-nu [:-]

[_igi_ (m)man]-nu#—ki—(d)15—_zu_

AI Translation

Witness NN, cohort commander of the queen.

Witness Nabû-na'id, ditto.

Witness Banunu, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.


Witness NN, cohort commander of the queen.

Witness Nabû-na'id, ditto.

Witness Banunu, ditto.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.

P335516: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_] sza(*) _man_(*)# [_kur_—asz-szur] [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_] _ta_(*)# _igi_(*) [_lu_-_mesz_-e]

[an-nu-te il-qi] kas(*)#-pu(*) [gam-mur ta-din]

AI Translation

The chariot driver of the king of Assyria has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver from these men.

The money is paid completely.


Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of the king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property from these gentlemen for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely.



[_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu] lu#-u _pab_-_mesz_-szu-nu sza de-[nu] [_dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)rém-a]-ni(*)#—(d)_im u dumu_-_mesz_-szu# [_dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_]-szu# ub-ta-'u-u-ni [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x _ma_]-_na# kug-gi_ a-na (d)_isz-tar_ [a-szi-bat _uru-nina-ki_] _sum#_-an kas-pu [a]-na# 10-_mesz_ [a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu u]-tar-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4#_-[ma la] _ti_(*)-qi(*)#

[_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_]-_masz_—_man_—_pab lu-dib#_—[_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)x x]—rém#-a-ni _lu_(*)-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)sa-kan]-nu _lu_(*)-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons shall pay x minas of silver and x minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness ...-remanni, .

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.


whether ..., their sons, grandsons or brothers, who seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad and his sons and grandsons, shall pay x minas of silver and x minas of gold to Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness ...-remanni, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

P335517: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x (m)]zi#-zi-i [x x x x]

[x x x x (m)]man-nu—ki-[x x x x]

[x x x x x]-sa(?)-_mesz_ [x x x x]

[x x x x x] _a-sza_ [x x x x]

[x x x x x] _ansze_ [x x x x]

[x x x x x]+x# sza [x x x x]

[x x x x x] na-hal [x x x x]

AI Translation

... Zizî ...

... Mannu-ki-.

......s ...

... field ...

...... hectares .

...... of ...

...... the wadi .


... Zizî ...

... Mannu-ki-...

...... ...

... field ...

... hectares ...

... of ...

... wadi ...



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)mu-[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_bad_—[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)e-nu(?)#-[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)na-ni-[i x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_masz_(*)—[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness .......

Witness NN.

Witness Mu....

Witness Duri-.

Witness Enu....

Witness Nanî, .

Witness Inurta-.


Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness Mu.......

Witness Duri-.......

Witness Enu.......

Witness Nanî, ....

Witness Inurta-..., ....

P335518: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



kas-[pu gam]-mur ta-din x#+[x x x] za-rip _ti_ tu-[a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4_-[_dug4_ la-asz-szu]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. That ... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



10 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ i-dan kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-szu u-_gur_ ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ la i-laq-qi

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)i-man-nu-u

_igi_ (m)sa-la-ma-man

_igi_ (m)_pab_—id-ri

_igi_ (m)sa-ma-ka

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab a-ba_

AI Translation

shall pay 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-ila'i.

Witness Imannû.

Witness Salamanu.

Witness Ahu-idri.

Witness Samakka.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, scribe.


He shall pay 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nabû-ila'i.

Witness Imannû.

Witness Salamanu.

Witness Ahi-idri.

Witness Samaku.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, scribe.

P335519: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi_ (m)_dingir_(?)—du(?)-u-su(?)# [x x x] ki-s,ir—_lugal_

_igi_ (m)_uru-kaskal-2_-a-a _lu_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)un-za-ar-hu—15 [x x x] _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ sza [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)10—_ad_—_pab a_—_sig_ sza [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)10—_kam_-esz _ta_(v) _sza uru#_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—_numun_(?)-x [x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ilu-dusu, ... of the royal corps.

Witness Harranayu, .

Witness Unzarhu-Issar, ... gardener of .

Witness Adad-abu-ushur, chariot fighter of .

Witness Adad-eresh, from the town of .

Witness Inurta-zeru-.


Witness Ilu-dusu, ... of the royal corps.

Witness Harranayu, ....

Witness Unzarhu-Issar, ... gardener of ....

Witness Adad-abu-ushur, chariot fighter of ....

Witness Adad-eresh, from ....

Witness Inurta-zeru-..., ....

P335520: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir#_-[a-a]

[_igi_] (m)A—[_pab_]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—[_pab_]

[_igi_] (m)_dug_—_im_—(d)[_im_]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—tak-lak#

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—ba-ni

[_igi_ (m)]_pab_—_bad_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)hu-ra-a-a]

AI Translation

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Tab-shar-Adad.

Witness Nabû-taklak.

Witness Nabû-bani.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Hurayu.


Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Tab-shar-Adad.

Witness Nabû-taklak.

Witness Nabû-bani.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Hurayu.

P335521: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—arba#-[il x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dingir_—lu-[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-[a-a _lu-i-du8_]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-[a _lu-gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ]

_igi_ (m)qur-di—(d)15 _lu_-[_gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ]

_igi_ (m)ma-mi-i _lu-gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gar_-un [_lu-a-ba_]

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail, .

Witness Ilu-lu.

Witness Nuhshaya, porter.

Witness Issar-.

Witness Nabû'a, cohort commander.

Witness Qurdi-Issar, cohort commander.

Witness Mamî, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe.


Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail, ....

Witness Ilu-..., ....

Witness Nuhshaya, porter.

Witness Issar-..., ...

Witness Nabû'a, cohort commander.

Witness Qurdi-Issar, cohort commander.

Witness Mamî, cohort commander.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe.

P335522: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_ (m)la]—qé-pu [_lu_(v)]-sza#—_gir-2_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_]-sza—_gir-2_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—(d)15 _lu-3-u5_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-ri _lu_-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_-mu-kil—a]-pa-a-ti

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_-mu-kil—a]-pa-a-ti

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_-mu-kil—a]-pa-a-ti

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x _uru_-ni]-nu-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x _uru_]-_nina_

AI Translation

Witness La-qepu, sha shepi guard.

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.

Witness ...-Issar, 'third man.'

Witness ...ri, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, ... of Nineveh.

Witness NN, ... Nineveh.


Witness La-qepu, sha shepi guard.

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.

Witness ...-Issar, 'third man'.

Witness ...ri, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, ... Nineveh.

Witness NN, ... Nineveh.

P335523: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ba-ni#-[i x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—mu(*)-[x x]

_igi_ (m)_dug-ga_—_uru_(?) [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—ri-[x x x]

_igi_ (m(*))x-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Banî, .

Witness Nabû-mu.

Witness Tab-..., .

Witness Nabû-ri.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


Witness NN.

Witness Banî, ....

Witness Nabû-mu....

Witness Tab-....

Witness Nabû-ri....

Witness .......

Witness NN.



_igi_ (m)ku-s,ur—a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—x x#

AI Translation

Witness Kushur-Aya.

Witness Inurta-.


Witness Kushur-Aya.

Witness Inurta-....

P335524: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_igi_ (m)ni-nu-a-a _lu_(v)-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—d-_innin lu_(v)-_arad_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)a-za-na-a-a _lu_(v)-_arad_ sza [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)lip-hu-ru _uru_-ka-par(*)—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)pu(?)-uh-ra-ti—d-_innin_

AI Translation

Witness Ninuayu, .

Witness Ubru-Issar, servant of .

Witness Azanâ, servant of .

Witness Liphuru, from Kar-.

Witness Puhrati-Issar.


Witness Ninuayu, ....

Witness Ubru-Issar, servant of ....

Witness Azanayu, servant of ....

Witness Liphuru, from the village of ....

Witness Puhrati-Issar.



[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)-_arad_ sza _dumu_—[_man_]

[x x x x]-nu-u-ti [x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN, servant of the crown prince.

... ...s ...


Witness NN, servant of the crown prince.


P335525: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_ (m)x x x x x _lu_]-3-[szu]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-:- ((3-szu))

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-qur-_zag_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-a-ba_ ar-ma-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-gar_-nu _dumu_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-:- ((_gar_-nu)) :- ((_dumu_—_man_))

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-gal_—50

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-3_-szu# [o]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN, 'third man.'

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, scribe of the Arabs.

Witness NN, prefect of the crown prince.

Witness NN, ditto ditto.

Witness NN, commander-of-50.

Witness NN, 'third man.'

Witness NN, .


Witness NN, 'third man'.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, Aramean scribe.

Witness NN, prefect of the crown prince.

Witness NN, ditto ditto.

Witness NN, commander-of-50.

Witness NN, 'third man'.

Witness NN, ....

P335526: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu-gal_]—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)x x]—_dingir_-a-a _lu-3-u5 a_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—(d)_gaszan lu-3-u5 kur_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-szA—_gir-2_

AI Translation

Witness NN, cohort commander.

Witness ...-ila'i, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness ...-Belet, 'third man' of the country.

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.


Witness NN, cohort commander.

Witness ...-ila'i, 'third man' of the crown prince.

Witness ...-Belti, 'third man' of the palace.

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.



[_igi_ (m)]asz#-szur—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

[_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i]—_erim_-_mesz_ szA É-_gal_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-_gal_—ki-s,ir

[x x x x x]-ba-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)-szA—_gir-2_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# :-

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-_gal_—ki-s,ir

AI Translation

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi, of the palace.

Witness NN, cohort commander.


Witness NN, sha shepi guard.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, cohort commander.


Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Mannu-ki-shabi, of the palace.

Witness NN, cohort commander.


Witness NN, sha shepi guard.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness NN, cohort commander.

P335527: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x x]

_en a-sza#_ [x x x x x x]

É 50 qa(?) _gisz-gu_-[_za_]

_suhur a-sza#_ sza (m)(d)10—_man_—_pab#_

_suhur# id_-sa-ni(?)-ti(?)

_suhur a-sza#_ szA (m)ri-[x x x]

_suhur_ :- (m)x x x#

É 10 qa ina bi-ri-ti _id_ ina _sza_(?) x# [x x x]

_suhur_(?) _id_-x x x x#

_suhur_(?) A(?)-_sza_(?) x x x#

AI Translation


owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 50 'litres', a throne-house,

adjoining the field of Adad-sharru-ushur,

adjoining the river Sanitu;

adjoining the field of Ri...,

adjoining ditto NN,

An estate of 10 'litres' in the middle of the river in ... .

adjoining the river .

adjoining the field of .



owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 3 decares of crownland

adjoining the field of Adad-sharru-ushur,

adjoining the river Saniti,

adjoining the field of Ri...,

adjoining ditto of NN.

An estate of 1 decare in between the river in ...

adjoining the river ...,

adjoining the field ...



u-pisz-ma# (m)[x x x x x]

_kug-ud_ ina _ugu sze_-[ta-ra-me] i-szA-kan _a-sza_-szu u-[sze-s,a]

[_iti_-x] _ud 15_-[_kam_] [lim]-me# (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation

NN has contracted

He shall place the silver upon the corn taxes, and shall redeem his field.

Month ..., 15th day, eponym year of NN.


NN has contracted

If he places silver upon the corn-heap, he shall redeem his land.

Month ..., 15th day, eponym year of NN.



[(m)]asz-szur—[x x x] _a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x]—szal-lim

AI Translation

Ashur-..., scribe.

Witness ...-shallim.


Ashur-..., scribe.

Witness ...-shallim.

P335528: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_ (m)bar]-ruq-qu# [_lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)asz-szur]—_dingir#_-a-a [_lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir qur-_zag_]

[_igi_ (m)sa]-ak#-kan _lu_(v)#-[_dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_]—_man#_—_pab a_ (m)[gab-bé-e]

[_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_]—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-3-[szu]

[_igi_ (m)](d)#za-ba4-ba4—_su_ [_lu_(v)-3-szu]

[_igi_] (m)#_iti-ab_-a-a _igi_ (m)[x x x x x]

_iti#-ab ud 28_-_kam_ lim-[mu (m)_en_—na-a'-di]

AI Translation

Witness Barruqu, chariot driver.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbê.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.'

Witness Kanunayu. Witness NN.

Month Tebet X, 28th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id.


Witness Barruqu, chariot driver.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, son of Gabbê.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Zababa-eriba, 'third man.'

Witness Kanunayu. Witness NN.

Month Tebet X, 28th day, eponym year of Bel-na'id, governor of Commagene.

P335529: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)mar(?)]-du(*)-u# _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

szu(*)#-[a-tu za-rip] up(*)#-pu la(*)-[qi tu-a-ru] de(*)-ni(*)# [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz]-szu

man-nu sza(*)# [ina _egir_-at _ud_-me]

AI Translation

Seal of Mardû, village manager.

He shall pay the money tenfold. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Seal of Mardû, village manager.

That ... is acquired, paid and taken over. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future comes forward and breaks the contract, shall return the money he has received tenfold to its owner.



_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—15(!)—_zu_(!) _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir sza _mi_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)ba-nu-nu _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir _ki-min_

_igi_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a _lu_(v)-qur-bu-tu

[_igi_] (m)(d)_masz_-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—da-a-a-[li] [sza] _uru#_-kal-ha

[_igi_ (m)]_arad_—15 _lu_(v)-_simug-kug_-[_gi_]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_masz_—ra(*)-szi

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-3-szu sza _mi_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)na-bu-u-a-a _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_ sza—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)na-bu-u-a-a

_igi_ (m)ku-si-si-i

lim-me (m)_en_—_igi-lal_-a-ni _lu_(v)-tur-ta-[nu] _iti-sig4 ud 09_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i, cohort commander of the queen.

Witness Banunu, cohort commander of ditto.

Witness Ululayu, royal bodyguard.

Witness Inurtî, chief scout of Calah.

Witness Urdu-Issar, goldsmith.

Witness Inurta-rashi.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, 'third man' of the queen.

Witness Nabû'a, horse trainer of the sha shepi guard.

Witness Nabû'a.

Witness Kusisî.

Eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief. Month Sivan III, 9th day, eponym year of Bel-emuranni.


Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i, cohort commander of the queen.

Witness Banunu, cohort commander ditto.

Witness Ululayu, royal bodyguard.

Witness Nurtî, chief scout of Calah.

Witness Urda-Issar, goldsmith.

Witness Inurta-rashi. Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, 'third man' of the queen.

Witness Nabû'a, horse trainer of the sha-shepi guard.

Witness Nabû'a.

Witness Kusisî.

Eponym year of Bel-emuranni, commander-in-chief. Month Sivan III, 9th day.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_asz_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina.


Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, keeper of the tablet.

P335530: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



u-[pisz-ma (m)]_im#_-i _lu#_-[x x x x] ina _sza 1_/2 _ma-na 04 gin_-_mesz kug-ud ti#_

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu zar-pu laq-qi-u tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

Adad-... has contracted and bought for 1/2 mina 4 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Sharî, ... has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina 4 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni i-_gil_-u-ni lu-u

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Bel-iqisha or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and his grandsons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Titî or his son or his grandson, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Sharî, his son and his grandson,



05 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_masz_(?) [x x x x x] [i]-szak-kan kas-[pu x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place 5 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place 5 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta ..., and shall return the money ...



dnt hql'#

AI Translation

DN hql'


Aramaic caption: Deed of the field of Titî from .......

P335531: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x] [_en_ x x x x x x x ta-da]-ni

[x x x x x x x x]-ni(*) _mi_-szu (m)[x x x x x x x x] _dumu-mi_-su

_mi_-[x x x x x x x x x x] x# (m)[x x x x x x x x x x]-a

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the ... being sold.

...... his wife, NN, his daughter,



Seal of NN, owner of the ...... being sold., his wife, NN his son, his daughter,

the woman ......



_igi_(*)# [(m)x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u#-u-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba#_

_iti-ne ud 05_-_kam_ lim-mu# (m)_di_-mu#—_en_

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Month Ab V, 5th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli.


Witness .......

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.

Month Ab V, 5th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli, governor of Talmusa.

P335532: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x]-ni(?)#-si

[x x x x x x x x x x]-a

[x x x x _a-sza_ ina ma-za]-ru-te

AI Translation



...... field in cultivation




... field in cultivation



[x x x x x x x x u]-ta-ra

[ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq]-qi

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _dumu_—_uru_-szu-nu

AI Translation

...... he returned

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, their citizen.


he shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ..., their fellow citizen.

P335533: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_(?)-ia(?) _lu_(v)-x# [x x] (m)man-nu—ki—[x _lu_(v)]-_bad_-_hal_ : (m)ki-s,ir(?)#—[asz-szur x x x] _pab 03 en_-_mesz lu_(v) _sum_-ni

(m)ma-ku-[x x x x _arad_-su-nu] sza (m)d-_en_—_kaskal_—_ki_(?)#-[ia sza (m)man-nu—ki—x]

sza (m)ki-s,ir(?)#—asz-szur [u-tap-pi-szu] a-na (m)si-lim—[asz-szur(?) i-tan-nu] man-nu sza 04 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud sum_-an-[u-ni] _arad_-szu(?)# u-sze-s,a

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_asz lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

AI Translation

Bel-Harran-isse'a, ...; Mannu-ki-..., cavalryman ditto; Kishir-Ashur, ...; in all 3 owners of the man being sold.

Maku..., servant of Bel-Harran-isse'a and Mannu-ki-.

Whoever pays 4 1/2 minas of silver to Silim-Ashur, shall redeem his servant.

Witness Ashur-ahu-iddina, cohort commander.


Bel-Harran-issiya, ...; Mannu-ki-..., cavalryman ditto; Kishir-Ashur, ...; a total of 3 owners of the man being sold.

Maku..., servant of Bel-Harran-issiya, Mannu-ki-... and Kishir-Ashur —

they have contracted and sold him to Silim-Ashur. Whoever pays 4 1/2 minas of silver, shall redeem his servant.

Witness Ashur-ahu-iddina, cohort commander.



_igi_ (m)I—asz-szur _lu_(v)-sze-[lap-pa-a-a]

AI Translation

Witness Na'di-Ashur, architect.


Witness Na'id-Ashur, architect.



_igi_ (m)(d)_im_(*)—x#+[x x]+x# _pab_ sza (m)(d)[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x] _igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x] [_igi_ (m)x x x] x x# [x x] [_igi_] (m)[x x x x x x x] _igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Adad-.... Total, of NN.

Witness NN. Witness NN.


Witness Adad-..., brother of NN.

r 3 Break



_iti_-[x _ud_] 15-_kam_

AI Translation

Month ..., 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., 15th day, eponym year of Ashur-belu-ushur.

P335534: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x A (m)]_iti-ne_-a-a

[_na4-kiszib mi_-x]-da-ta _dumu-mi_-su

[_pab 02 lu_]-_mesz_-e _lu_(v)-_ninda_-_mesz_ sza _lu_(v)-_igi-dub gal_-e [_en_ É _a-sza_ ad]-ri ta-da-ni

AI Translation

Seal of ..., son of Abi-ayu.

Seal of, his daughter.

In all 2 men, bakers of the chief treasurer, owners of the house, field and threshing floor being sold.


Seal of NN, son of Abaya,

Seal of, his daughter,

a total of 2 persons, bakers of the grand treasurer, owners of the house, field and threshing-floor being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)-mu-kil]—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—_numun#_—_asz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_]—_kar_-ir—_zi_-_mesz lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x]-nu _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ [sza _lu_(v)]-_igi-dub gal_-e

[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—sze-zib _lu_(v)-ha-za-nu

AI Translation

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, scribe.

Witness Nabû-etir-napshati, scribe.

Witness, scribe of the chief treasurer.

Witness ...-shezib, mayor.


Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness NN, chariot driver

Witness Nabû-zeru-iddina, scribe.

Witness Nabû-etir-napshati, scribe.

Witness, scribe of the grand treasurer.

Witness ...-shezib, mayor of Arbela.

P335535: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—tak-lak

_na4-kiszib_ (m)ib-ta-Asz(*)—_gisz_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)tab-la-a-a

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_uru-dug_-a-a

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_u-gur_—_pab_—_pab_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)si-lim—_dingir_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)mu-qal-lil—_idim_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)10—_pab_—_asz_(*)

_na4-kiszib_ (m)_dil_—_gisz_

_na4-kiszib_ (m)sa-a-ri-u-ni

_na4-kiszib_ (m)sa-ma-na(*)-a-a gab-bu

AI Translation

Seal of Shamash-taklak,

Seal of Ibtash-leshir,

Seal of Tabalayu.

Seal of Tabalayu,

Seal of Nergal-ahu-ushur,

Seal of Silim-ili,

Seal of Muqallil-kabti,

Seal of Adad-ahu-iddina.

Seal of Edu-leshir,

Seal of Sarinu.

Seal of Samanâ, all.


Seal of Shamash-taklak,

seal of Ibtash-leshir,

seal of Tabalayu,

seal of Eridayu,

seal of Nergal-ahu-ushur,

seal of Silim-ili,

seal of Muqallil-kabti,

seal of Adad-ahu-iddina,

seal of Edu-leshir,

seal of Sariuni,

seal of all the Samanaeans.



(m)s,i-ri-i _en_—_mud_-_mesz_ sza (m)si-lim—_dingir gaz_-u-ni

AI Translation

Shirî, blood-sucker whom Silim-ili killed.


Shirî, the owner of the blood money, whom Silim-ili killed. lt is their liability: be it his Shirî's wife, be it his brother, be it his son, or whoever among them first "arises" i.e. shows up. They i.e. one of them shall pay the blood money.



_igi_ (m)tar-di-tu—asz-szur o(*) 3-szu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sag_—i-szi _lu_(v)-_i-du8_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_pab_—_asz lu_(v)-szA—_ugu_—qa-na-te

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—10 _lu_(v)-_i-du8_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_mu_—_asz lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir sza _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_—_sum-ninda_

_igi_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu 3_-szu

AI Translation

Witness Tarditu-Ashur, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-reshi-ishi, porter.

Witness Nusku-ahu-iddina, overseer of the banquets.

Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, porter.

Witness Ashur-shumu-iddina, cohort commander of the chief confectioner.

Witness Abi-ul-le'i, 'third man.'


Witness Tarditu-Ashur, 'third man'.

Witness Nabû-reshi-ishi, porter.

Witness Nusku-ahu-iddina, overseer of reeds.

Witness Mannu-ki-Adad, porter.

Witness Ashur-shumu-iddina, cohort commander of the chief confectioner.

Witness Abi-ul-idi, 'third man'



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû'a, scribe.


Witness Nabû'a, scribe.



_iti-apin_(?) _ud 03_(*)-_kam_ lim-me (m)_nu_—TÉSZ

AI Translation

Month Marchesvan VIII, 3rd day, eponym year of Shalmu-lishir.


Month Marchesvan VIII, 3rd day, eponym year of La-bashi.

P335536: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



qi-ni-tu sza [(m)_en_—I] a-na _dumu-mi_-szu id#-[di-nu-ni]

É ina _uru-nina-ki_ ina _igi_ É—_ka-gal_ (d)szA-masz

[(m)x]+x#-a—te-qu-me _lu_(v)-_ninda_

[(m)la]—da#-gil—_dingir lu_(v)-_tug-ud_

_mi#_-[x x x]-ma-a _mi_-szu

(m)(d)15—_bad_—qa#-li _lu_(v)-szA—_sagszu_-_mesz_-szu

(m)a-a—e-hu-[x x] _mi_-(d)ur-kit-tu—_zu_-at

_mi_-szu (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la#-mur _lu_(v)-_ninda#_

_mi_-(d)ur-kit-tu—ri-szat# [_mi_-szu]

_mi_-man-nu—ki—_ama mi_-ha-te-za(?)-a(?)-a(?)


_mi_-pa-hi-i _pab_ É 11 _zi_-_mesz_

sza (m)_en_—I a-na _mi_-ba-al-te—ia-a-ba-te _dumu-mi_-szu _sum_-nu-u-ni

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-ma bi-lat _lugal_

AI Translation

The gift which Bel-na'id gave to his daughter,

A house in Nineveh, before the Gate of Shamash.

...a-tequme, baker;

La-dagil-ilu, linen worker;

...mâ, his wife,

Issar-dur-qalli, eunuch of his,

Aya-ehu..., Urkittu-le'at,

Shulmu-beli-lamur, baker;

Urkittu-rishat, his wife,

Mannu-ki-ammi and Hatezâ,


Pahî, in all an estate of 11 persons.

Bel-na'id has given to Ba'alte-yabate, his daughter.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, whether Nabû-shumu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-shumu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Property that Bel-na'di gave to his daughter.

A house in Nineveh before the gate-house of Shamash,

...a-tequme, baker,

La-dagil-ili, fuller,, his wife,

Issar-dur-qalli, cap-man.

Aya-ehu..., Urkittu-le'at,

his wife, Shulmu-bel-lamur, baker.

Urkittu-rishat, his wife,

Mannu-ki-ummi, Hatezaean,

Murabbatash, Pahî.

In all a house and 11 persons,

that Bel-na'di gave to his daughter Ba'ti-yabatu.

Whoever in the future, at any time, wants to collect the king's tax from Ba'ti-yabatu — may Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, gods of the king, call him to account.



_iti-sze ud 14_-_kam_ lim-me (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab gar kur_-qu-u-e

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur

_igi_ (m)ka-kul-la-nu

_igi_ (m)_man_—_mu_—_gin_-in

_igi_ (m)_lugal_—_bad_

_igi_ (m)_kam_-esz—_dingir#_

_igi_ (m)(d)15—I

_igi_ (m)_en_—iq-bi

_igi_ (m)_dumu_—(d)15

_igi_ (m)za-bi-nu

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 14th day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur, governor of Que.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Kakkullanu.

Witness Sharru-shumu-ka''in.

Witness Sharru-duri.

Witness Eresh-ilu.

Witness Issar-na'id.

Witness Bel-iqbi.

Witness Mar-Issar.

Witness Zabinu.


Month Adar XII, 14th day, eponym year of Marduk-sharru-ushur, governor of Que.

Witness Kishir-Ashur.

Witness Kakkullanu.

Witness Sharru-shumu-ka''in.

Witness Sharru-duri.

Witness Eresh-ilu.

Witness Issar-na'id.

Witness Bel-iqbi.

Witness Mar-Issar.

Witness Zabinu.

P335537: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)rém-a-na—_be dumu_ (m)ia-ta-na—e-li _ta_(v) _uru_-É—(m)_ad_—_dingir_-a-a _en a-sza sum_-an(*)-ni

É 02 _ansze 3_(ban2) _a-sza_ pu-u-ru _suhur_ na-hal _suhur_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _suhur_ s,e-e-ri _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa suhur a-sza_ sza (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur-ma

É 7(ban2) _a-sza suhur kaskal-2_ sza a-na _uru_-ha-szA-na _du_-u-ni _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)gi-ra-a-a _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)kak-kul-la-ni

[_pab_] 03 _ansze a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban 09_ qa [i-na] _uru#_-É—(m)_ad_—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Seal of Remanni-iqbi, son of Yatana-eli, from Bit-Abi-ila'i, owner of the land being sold.

an estate of 2 hectares 3 decares of field, a threshing floor, adjoining the wadi, Kishir-Ashur, the wadi, the field of Ubru-Nabû, and the field of Kishir-Ashur:

An estate of 7 decares of field adjoining the road leading to Hashanu, adjoining the field of Girâ, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

Total: 3 hectares of land by the seah of 9 'litres' in Bit-Abi-ila'i.


Seal of Remanni-Illil, son of Yatana-il, from Bit-abi-ila'i, owner of the field being sold.

an estate of 2 hectares 3 decares of field, a lot, adjoining a wadi, adjoining Kishir-Ashur, adjoining the plain, adjoining the field of Ubru-Nabû, adjoining the field of Kishir-Ashur,

an estate of 7 decares of field adjoining the road that leads to Hashanu, adjoining the field of Gir-Aya, adjoining the field of Kakkullanu,

in all 3 hectares field by the seah of 9 'litres' in Bit-abi-ila'i —



u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir sza _dumu_—_man ta_(v) _igi_ (m)rém-a-na—_be_ ina _sza_-bi 12 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ il-qi

03 mi-ri-sze 03 ka-rap-hi _pab 06 mu_-_mesz a-sza ku_

_kug-ud_ ina _ugu sze-su7_ i-szak-kan _a-sza_-szu u-sze-s,a

_a-sza_ za-ku-u-te la szi-ib-sze la nu-sa-hi

_iti-ab ud 07_-_kam_ lim-me (m)asz-szur—_kur_—_lal_

_igi_ (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur _lu-gal_—ki sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu_-:- ((_gal_—ki)) sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)un-zar4-hu—asz-szur :- ((_lu-gal_—ki)) sza A—_man_

_igi_ (m)zi-zi-i _lu_(v)-2-i sza _gal_—ki qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)gi-ra-a-a _igi_ (m)pa-di-i

_igi#_ (m)_arad_—(d)_nin-lil_(*)

AI Translation

Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, has contracted and bought it from Remanni-iddin for twelve shekels of silver for a number of years.

3 hectares, 3 groves, in all 6 hectares of field, cultivated land.

He shall place the silver upon the corn heap, and shall redeem his field.

The field is exempt from claims, without straw and corn taxes.

Month Tebet X, 7th day, eponym year of Ashur-matu-taqqin.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, ditto of the crown prince.

Witness Unzarhu-Ashur, ditto of the chief of the crown prince.

Witness Zizî, deputy of the cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Girâ. Witness Padî.

Witness Urdu-Mullissi.


Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, has contracted and bought it from Remanni-Illil for 12 shekels of silver for a number of years.

He shall have the usufruct of the field for 3 crop years and 3 fallow years, in all 6 years.

If he places silver upon the corn-heap, he shall redeem his land.

The land is exempt, void of straw and corn taxes.

Month Tebet X, 7th day, eponym year of Ashur-matu-taqqin.

Witness Kishir-Ashur, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, ditto.

Witness Unzarhu-Ashur, ditto.

Witness Zizî, deputy of the cohort commander of the royal bodyguard.

Witness Gir-Aya. Witness Padî.

Witness Urdu-Mullissi.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—pir-hi—_gisz a-ba_ s,a-bit dan-ni-te

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-pirhi-leshir, scribe, keeper of the contract.


Witness Nabû-pir'u-leshir, scribe, keeper of the contract.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-is,

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-tarish.


Witness Nabû-tarish.

P335538: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _dumu_ (m)_arad_—asz-szur _ta_(v) _sza uru_-ka(*)-na(*)-ka-nu _en a-sza_ a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz_

ta-da-a-ni É 01 _ansze a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 08 qa ina ma-az-ru(*)-u-ti _suhur a-sza_ sza (m)su(?)-si-i _suhur ama_ sza _uru_-du-un-ni _suhur_ (m)asz-szur—bé-su-nu

u-pisz-ma (m)gir-tu ina _sza 10 gin_-_mesz_(*) _kug-ud_

_a-sza_ a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku_

03 _sze_-me-ri-sze 03 _sze_-ka-rap-hi _pab 06 mu-an-na_-_mesz a-sza_ e-kal

AI Translation

Seal of Urdu-Issar, son of Urdu-Ashur, from the town of Kananu, owner of the field being sold for years.

An estate of 1 hectare of land by the seah of 8 'litres' in cultivation, adjoining the field of Susî, the side road of Dunni, and Ashur-bessunu,

Girtu has contracted and bought for 10 shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of the field for a number of years.

3 homers of emmer and 3 homers of raphu-corn: in all 6 years the field will be available.


Seal of Urdu-Issar, son of Urdu-Ashur, from the town of Kankanu, owner of the field being sold for a number of years.

An estate of 1 hectare of field by the seah of 8 'litres,' in cultivation, adjoining the field of Susî, adjoining the side road of Dunni, adjoining Ashur-bessunu —

Girittu has contracted for 10 shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of the field for a number of years.

He shall enjoy the field for 3 crop years and 3 fallow years, in all 6 years.



_sze_-szib-sze-szu i-szab-bu-szu _sze_-nu-sa-hi-szu i-na-su-hu

AI Translation

He eats his rations and eats his corn taxes.


Its straw tax shall be collected. Its grain tax shall be extracted.



_iti-du6_(*) _ud 09_-_kam_ lim-me (m)10—rém-a-ni

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—sze-zib-a-ni

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—bé-su-nu

_igi_ (m)szA—qa-la—_gur_-szu

_igi_ (m)10—_pab_—_sum_-na

_igi_ (m)kur—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)pa-szi-i (m)U(*)-U(*)—iq-bi

_igi_ (m)su-si-i

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-a

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 9th day, eponym year of Adad-remanni.

Witness Nergal-shezibanni.

Witness Ashur-bessunu.

Witness Sha-qala-etirshu.

Witness Adad-ahu-iddina.

Witness Kur-ila'i.

Witness Pashî, Dadi-iqbi.

Witness Susî.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.


Month Tishri VII, 9th day, eponym year of Adad-remanni.

Witness Nergal-shezibanni.

Witness Ashur-bessunu.

Witness Sha-qala-tuarshu.

Witness Adad-ahu-iddina.

Witness Kur-ila'i.

Witness Pashî, Dadi-iqbi.

Witness Susî.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya.



_igi_ (m)_suhusz_(?)—(d)_pa igi_ (m)a-si-i

AI Translation

Witness Ubru-Nabû. Witness Asî.


Witness Ubru-Nabû. Witness Assî.



_igi_ (m)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)a-da-lal

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Adallal.


Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Adallal.

P335539: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_utu_—bal-lit,-an-ni _na4-kiszib_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _pab 02 dumu_-_mesz_ (m)_ad_—_su ta_(v) _sza uru_-qu-ur-u-bi _en a-sza_ É ad-ru _gisz-sar_ tab-ri-u _pu_ a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz sum_-a-ni

É 02 _ansze a-sza_ gab-di (m)ur-di

gab-di (m)lu-u—_ti-la_ É 9(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)hu-sa-a-a : (m)(d)_pa_—_ti_-su—E

É 8(ban2) _a-sza#_ [gab-di (m)]lu-u—_ti-la_ gab-[di x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Shamash-ballitanni, seal of Urdu-Issar, in all 2 sons of Abu-eriba, from Qurubi, owner of the field, threshing floor, orchard, and well being sold for years.

An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining Urdu, adjoining the field of the ...;

an estate of 9 decares of field adjoining Husayu ditto Nabû-balassu-iqbi, adjoining the house of the king, the ...;

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining Lu-balat, adjoining .


Seal of Shamash-ballitanni, seal of Urdu-Issar, in all 2 sons of Abu-eriba, from Qurubi, owners of the field, house, threshing floor, orchard, grazing land and well being sold for a number of years.

an estate of 2 hectares field adjoining Urdu, adjoining Lu-balat,

an estate of 9 decares of field adjoining Husaya, ditto Nabû-balassu-iqbi,

an estate of 8 decares of field adjoining Lu-balat, adjoining ......



gab-di (m)(d)_masz_(?)#-[_masz_-x x É] 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) _a-sza_ gab#-[di (m)x x x x] gab-di (m)lu-u—_ti-la_ [x x x x]

sza il-qi-'u gab-di (m)_u-gur_—_mu#_—[_asz_]

5(ban2) _a-sza_ É-it-hi-s,i ina _gir-2 dul_

gab-di (m)_be_-ma—(d)_im 9_(ban2)(?) ina ku-tal _dul_

gab-di (m)(d)_utu_—_su 03 ansze_ ka-ba-ku

_pab 20 ansze a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ sza 09 qa É ad-ru _gisz-sar_ tab-ri-u _pu_ ina _uru_-qur-u-bi

u-pisz-ma (m)kak-kul-la-nu _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir ina ku-um 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku 03_ me-ri-sze 03 ka-rap-hi 06 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_

_a-sza ku kug-ud_ ina _ugu sze-su7_ i-szak-kan

_a-sza_ u-sze-s,a 10-tu _sze_-nu-sa-hi

04-tu sze-ib-sze _iti-ab ud 03_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_a-ba_—_kur_

_igi_ (m)ba-la-si-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir A(*)—_man_(*)

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-an-ni _lu_(v)-: ((_gal_—ki-s,ir)) : ((A—_man_))

AI Translation

an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of field adjoining NN, adjoining Lu-balat ...,

adjoining Nergal-shumu-iddina,

5 decares of field, 'kithishu'-house, at the foot of the waterway;

adjoining Shumma-Adad, 9 decares in the rear of the threshing floor;

adjoining Shamash-eriba, 3 hectares of land, cultivated land;

In all 20 hectares of land by the seah of 9 'litres', a house, threshing floor, garden, threshing floor and well in Qurubu.

Kakkullanu, cohort commander, has contracted and bought them for one mina of silver for three years, three spans and six years.

He shall place the silver on the corn heap.

The field will be irrigated and cultivated for 10 days.

Month Tebet X, 3rd day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur, palace scribe.

Witness Balasî, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Ashur-killanni, ditto ditto.


adjoining Nergal-..., an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of field adjoining ..., adjoining Lu-balat, ...

... adjoining Nergal-shumu-iddina,

5 decares of field, a ... at the feet of the tell adjoining Shumma-Adad,

9 decares in the rear of the tell adjoining Shamash-eriba,

3 hectares of ...

in all 20 hectares field by the seah of 9 'litres', a house, threshing floor, garden, grazing land and a well in Qurubi —

Kakkullanu, cohort commander, has contracted it and he shall have the usufruct of the field for a number of years, for 3 crop years and 3 fallow years, in all 6 years, in lieu of one mina of silver.

If he places silver upon the corn-heap, he shall redeem his land.

He shall pay 1/10 of the corn tax and 1/4 of the straw tax.

Month Tebet X, 3rd day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur, palace scribe.

Witness Balasî, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Ashur-killanni, ditto. ditto.



_igi_ (m)zi-zi-i _lu_(v)-2-u : ((_gal_—ki-s,ir)) : ((A—_man_))

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_su igi_ (m)_be_-ma—10

_igi_ (m)ur-du _igi_ (m)lu-u—_ti-la_

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_mu_—_asz pab 05_(?)# _dumu_-_mesz uru_-szu

AI Translation

Witness Zizî, deputy ditto.

Witness Shamash-eriba. Witness Shumma-Adad.

Witness Urdu. Witness Lu-balat.

Witness Nergal-shumu-iddina. A total of 5 citizens of his city.


Witness Zizî, deputy ditto. ditto.

Witness Shamash-eriba, witness Shumma-Adad,

witness Urdu, witness Lu-balat,

witness Nergal-shumu-iddina, in all 5 citizens of his city.



_igi_ (m)i-di-i _lu_(v)-_dam-qar igi_ (m)hi-ri-s,a-a-[a]

_igi_ (m)_mu_-a-a _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

dnt hql'

AI Translation

Witness Idî, merchant. Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Shumaya, scribe.

DN hql'


Witness Addî, merchant. Witness Hirishayu.

Witness Shumayu, scribe.

Aramaic caption: Deed concerning land.

P335540: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)man-nu—lu(*)-sa(*)#-me(*)

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-ir(*)#

_na4-kiszib_ (m)t,a-bu-su

_en a-sza sum_-[ni]

É 03 _ansze_ bu-u-ru dan-nu

É 4(ban2)(*) e-nu bir-ti(*) hi-ri-a(*)-te _suhur_ hi-ri-te _suhur_ (m)_pab_—_sig suhur a-sza_ szA (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _suhur_ (m)_dingir_—ka-bar _suhur_ hi-ri-te _suhur a-sza_ szA (m)_pab_—u-qur _suhur a-sza_ szA (m)sa-a-si-i

u#-pisz-ma (m)ri-ba-te ina _sza 25_(*) _gin#_-_mesz kug-ud a-sza#_ a-na _mu_(*)#-[_an-na_]-_mesz a-sza_ e#-[kal]

e(*)-ra#-[Asz e-s,i-id] x x# [x x] x x x x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Mannu-lu-samme,

Seal of Adad-nashir,

Seal of Tabusu.

owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of strong threshing floors;

An estate of 4 decares between the hiriatu fields, adjoining the hiriatu fields, Ahu-damqu, the field of Kanunayu, Ilu-kabar, the hiriatu fields, the field of Ahu-uqur, and the field of Sasî —

Ribate has contracted and bought the field for 25 shekels of silver.

I have gone and ...ed .


Seal of Mannu-lusame,

seal of Adad-nashir,

seal of Tabussu,

owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares, with a big well;

an estate of 4 decares with a spring between the ditches, adjoining a ditch, the field of Ahu-damqu, the field of Kanunayu, Ilu-kabar, a ditch, and the fields of Ahu-uqur and Sasî —

Ribate has contracted and shall enjoy the land for years for 25 shekels of silver.

He shall cultivate and reap it for x fallow and x crop years.



e-da-nu szA-kin(*)# [x x _kug-ud_] ina _ugu_ ta-ra-me# [i-sza-ku-nu] o(*) u-sze-s,u-[u]

_igi_ (m)szum-ma—[_dingir lu-sanga_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_me-me_—_mu_—[_gisz_]

_igi_ (m)_szu_—_du igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz#-[szi]

_igi_ (m)_ma-mu_—iq-bi#

_igi_ (m)_ka-dingir-ki_-a-a (m)_pab_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a (m)_suhusz#_—(d)15

_igi_ (m)mu-qa-li-i

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a (m)iz-bu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—szA-kin—_di_-mu

_igi_ (m)di-na-nu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_du_—_a lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-ab ud 07_(*)-_kam_ lim-mu# (m)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_

AI Translation

They shall place x minas of silver upon the taramu and shall redeem the king, my lord.

Witness Shumma-ilu, priest.

Witness Gula-shumu-leshir.

Witness Marduk-ibni. Witness Ahu-lâmashi.

Witness Mamu-iqbi.

Witness Babilayu. Ahu-iddina.

Witness Kanunayu. Ubru-Issar.

Witness Muqallî.

Witness: Nunaya. Witness: Izbu.

Witness Nabû-shakin-shallim.

Witness Dinanu.

Witness Nabû-bani-apli, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 7th day, eponym year of Sennacherib, governor of Arbela.


The term is fixed. They shall place the silver upon the corn heap, and shall redeem their land.

Witness Shumma-ilu, priest.

Witness Gula-shumu-leshir.

Witness Marduk-ibni. Witness Ahu-lâmashi.

Witness Mamu-iqbi.

Witness Babilayu. Ahu-iddina.

Witness Kanunayu. Ubru-Issar.

Witness Muqallî.

Witness Nuhshaya. Ezbu.

Witness Nabû-shakin-shulmi.

Witness Dinanu.

Witness Nabû-bani-apli, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 7day, eponym year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

P335541: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ sza _kur_-la-hi-ri

_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-2-u :-

:- (m)mu-ra-su-u _lu_(v)-3-szu :-

:- (m)za-bi-nu _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ :-

_pab 04 lu_-_mesz_-e _en uru_ ta-da-a-ni

_uru-sze_—(m)ba-ha-a-a a-di gi-mir-ti-szu É 05 me _a-sza_ a-di(!) _sze-numun_-szu ar-szi _suhur uru_(*)-_sze_(*)—(m)tap-ha—a-ri-($x$) _suhur a-sza_ sza _uru-sze_—(m)s,il—_en lu_(v)-_sipa_ sa-kul-lat _suhur a-sza_ sza _uru_-pa-qu-tu sza _uru-bad_(*)#—_man_—_gin_(*)-a-a _suhur a-sza_ sza _uru-sze_—(m)_pab_—ia-qar u _uru-sze_—(m)s,il—_en_

u-pisz-ma (m)a-tar—_dingir lu_(v)-_sag_ sza _dumu_—_lugal uru-ka-dingir ta_(v) pa-an _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-ti [a(*)]-na# _sza_-bi 14 _ma-na kug-ud_ [ina] 01(*)# [_ma-na_]-e sza _lugal_

[il-qi ina _mu_]-_an#-na ku_

AI Translation

Seal of Nergal-ila'i, governor of Lahiru.

Seal of Sin-sharru-ushur, deputy ditto.

ditto of Murasû, 'third man' ditto;

ditto Zabinu, chariot driver ditto;

in all 4 men, owners of the city being sold.

An estate of 500 hectares of land including its seed, adjoining the village of Tapha-ari..., the village of Shil-Bel, the shepherd, the village of Paqutu, Dur-Sharruken, the village of Ahu-yaqar and the village of Shil-Bel —

Atar-ilu, eunuch of the crown prince of Babylon, has contracted and bought them from these gentlemen for 14 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

He shall have the usufruct of it for a year.


Seal of Nergal-ila'i, governor of Lahiru,

seal of Sin-sharru-ushur, deputy of ditto,

ditto of Murasû, 'third man' of ditto.

ditto of Zabinu, chariot driver of ditto.

a total of 4 men, owners of the town being sold.

The village of Bahaya in its entirety, an estate of 500 hectares of land with its sown fields, adjoining the village of Tapha-ari..., and the land of the village of Shilli-Bel the herdsman, the land of the towns of Paqutu and Dur-Sharrukkayu, and the land of the villages of Ahiqar and Shilli-Bel —

Atar-il, eunuch of the crown prince of Babylon, has contracted and acquired it from these gentlemen for 14 minas of silver by the mina of the king.

He shall have the usufruct of it for a year.



[01 _mu-an-na_(?)] _sze-numun_ [01 _mu-an_]-_na_(*)# kar-ap-hi

[_egir_(?) 02(?)] _mu-an-na kug-ud_ ina _ugu_ [ta]-ra#-me i-szA-kan _a-sza_-szu

u-sze-s,a _a-sza_ szu-a-tu _sze_-nu-sa-hi-szu la i-na-su-hu _sze-in-nu_-szu la i-szA-ba-Asz

_igi_ (m)30—_en_—_pab lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir sza _kur_

_igi_ (m)ra(*)-pi-i' _lu_(v)-3-szu sza É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)_en_—_i lu_(v)-_igi-dub_ sza _dumu_—_man#_

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_sza_—_uru lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_man_-a-ni _lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—I(*)-_me_(*)

_igi_ (m)gi-na-a-a _kur-nim-ma_-a-a

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gar lu_(v)-_a-ba_

_iti-gud ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-Asz-me _gar-kur_ de-ri

AI Translation

1 year of seed, 1 year of reed-beds;

After two years he shall place the silver on the corn heap.

The corn taxes of that field shall not be collected, the straw taxes shall not be gathered.

Witness Sin-belu-ushur, cohort commander of the country.

Witness Rapi', 'third man' of the palace.

Witness Bel-na'id, treasurer of the crown prince.

Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali, scribe.

Witness Marduk-sharrani, chief of the chariot drivers.

Witness Ginayu, Elamite.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.


One year of seeding, one year of fallowing.

After the second year one shall place the silver upon the corn heaps, and one shall redeem one's land.

Corn or straw taxes shall not be exacted from that land.

Witness Sin-belu-ushur, cohort commander of the palace.

Witness Rapi', 'third man' of the palace.

Witness Bel-na'id, treasurer of the crown prince.

Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali, scribe.

Witness Marduk-sharrani, oil master.

Witness Ginnaya, an Elamite.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe.

Month Iyyar II, 1st day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.



_suhur a-sza_ sza _uru-sze#_—[x x x x x]

sza la [x x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining the field of the village of .

which not .


Adjoining the field of the village of ....

Without .......

P335542: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)a-tar—_dingir lu_(v)-_gal_—u-rat _en uru_ ta-da-ni

_uru-sze_—(m)ba-ha-a-a a-na gi-mir-ti-szu a-di _a-sza_-_mesz_-szu 01 _lu_(v)-_engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu ina _sza_ na#-gi-e _kur_-la-hi-ra

[u-pisz-ma] (m)mil-ki—_zalag_ [_lu_(v)-_sag_ sza] _mi_—É-_gal_ [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)a]-tar—_dingir_ [ina _sza_ x _ma kug-ud_ szA] _uru#_-gar-ga-mis

[il-qi kas-pu gam]-mur# ta-din [_uru-sze_ szu-a-tu za-rip] laq-qi [tu-a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4#_ o

AI Translation

Seal of Atar-ilu, team commander, owner of the town being sold.

The village of Bahaya in its entirety, together with its fields, 1 farmer and his people, in the district of Lahiru —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought it from Atar-il for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That village is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Atar-ili, team commander, owner of the village being sold.

The village of Bahaya in its entirety including its fields and 1 farmer with his people in the district of Lahiru —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought it from Atar-ili for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That village is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.



[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x]+x#

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-_gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]—_pab lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]—(d)al-la-tum _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi#_ [(m)]_bad#_-i _lu_(v)-3-_u5_

_igi_ (m)_dingir_-ma—_zu lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_man lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)10—la-din _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_kaskal lu_(v)-3-_u5_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-3-_u5_

_igi_ (m)ig-la-nu _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

_iti-sze ud 19_-_kam_ lim-me(*)# (m)_iti-ab_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN, cohort commander.

Witness ...-ushur, treasurer.

Witness ...-Allatu, cohort commander.

Witness Durî, 'third man.'

Witness Ilumma-le'i, cohort commander.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, royal bodyguard.

Witness Adad-ladin, royal bodyguard.

Witness Ubru-Harran, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Iglanu, village manager.

Month Adar XII, 19th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.


Witness NN, ....

Witness NN, chief tailor.

Witness ...-ushur, treasurer.

Witness ...-Allatu, cohort commander.

Witness Durî, 'third man.'

Witness Ilumma-le'i, cohort commander.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, royal bodyguard.

Witness Adda-ladin, royal bodyguard.

Witness Ubru-Harran, 'third man.'

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur, 'third man.'

Witness Iglanu, village manager.

Month Adar XII, 19th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.



[sza _uru-sze_ szu-a-tu] _sze_-nu-sa-hi-szu

AI Translation

of that village, his corn taxes


Corn or straw taxes shall not be exacted from that village.

P335543: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)30—ku-s,ur-a-ni _na4-kiszib_ (m)U(*)-U(*)—_dingir_-a-a _en a-sza sum_-ni

É 02 _ansze 2_(ban2) _a-sza_ ina _gisz-ban_ szA 9 qa ina _uru-di-kud_—(d)_im_ gab-di ku-da(?)-ri gab-di x x x# gab-di (m)x x x x# gab-di ku-da-ri

u-pisz-ma (m)A—_man_—_en_—_pab_-_mesz#_ ina _sza_-bi 12 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_

il-qi a-na _mu-an-na_-_mesz ku_

ina _ud_-me sza _kug-ud_ i-dan-nu-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Sin-kushurani, seal of Dadi-ila'i, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 2 hectares 2 decares of land by the seah of 9 'litres' in the town of Dayyan-Adad, adjoining a cult dromedary, adjoining ..., adjoining NN, adjoining a cult dromedary,

Aplu-shar-belu-ahhe has contracted and bought them for 12 shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of it for a number of years.

On the day that he pays back the silver, he shall redeem his land.


Seal of Sin-kushuranni, seal of Dadi-ila'i, owners of the estate being sold.

An estate of 2 hectares 2 decares of field by the seah of 9 'litres' in the village of Dayyan-Adad, adjoining ..., adjoining ..., adjoining NN, adjoining ... —

Mar-sharri-bel-ahhe has contracted and bought for 12 shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of the field for a number of years.

On the day that he pays the silver, he shall redeem his field.



_igi_ (m)_dingir_-ma—_zu_

_igi_ (m)ab-di-i

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—isz-kun _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—_mu_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)tar-te-ba

_igi_ (m)_im_—(d)15

_igi_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sa-kip _a-ba_

_iti-barag ud 26_-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness Ilumma-le'i.

Witness Abdî.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, chariot driver.

Witness Adad-shumu-ushur.

Witness: Tarteba.

Witness Shar-Issar.

Witness Abi-ul-le'i.

Witness Ubru-ahheshu.

Witness Nabû-sakip, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 26th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness Ilumma-le'i.

Witness Abdî.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, chariot driver.

Witness Adad-shumu-ushur.

Witness Tartiba.

Witness Shar-Issar.

Witness Abi-ul-idi.

Witness Ubru-ahheshu.

Witness Nabû-sakip, scribe.

Month Nisan I, 26th day, eponym year of Upaq-ana-Arbail.

P335544: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4#-kiszib_ (m)ha-na-nu# _en a-sza sum_-ni

É 03 _ansze a-sza_ ma-az-ru-te# ina _gisz-ban_ szA 10 qa _a-sza_ za-ku-te i-na _uru_-ha-ta-a _suhur ama_ szA _uru_-szu-ri(*)# [x x] _suhur kaskal_ szA _uru_-szu-ri(*)# [x x] _suhur a-sza_ szA (m)pu-t,i-[x x] _lu-gal_—50 _a-sza_ ina ma#-[az-ru-te] la _sze_-nu-sa-hi u-[pisz-ma]

(m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu_-szA—[x x x] ina _sza 1_/2 _ma-na 04 gin_-[_mesz kug-ud_]

_ti_-qi a-na _mu-an-na#_-[_mesz_] _ku 04_ me-re-sze 04 ka-[rap-hi _ku_]

me-re-sze-szu u-szal#-[lam] _sag-du kug-ud_ ina _ugu#_ [_sze-su7_]

AI Translation

Seal of Hananu, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of uncultivated land by the seah of 10 'litres', a zakutu-field in Hatâ, adjoining the side road of Shuru ..., the road of Shuru ..., and the field of Puti..., commander-of-fifty, a field uncultivated, without straw —

Silim-Ashur, ..., has contracted and bought him for 1/2 mina 4 shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of it for years. He shall have the usufruct of it for 4 crop years and 4 fallow years.

He shall pay the capital amount of the corn taxes.


Seal of Hanan, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of cultivated land according to the seah of 10 'litres,' exempt land in the town of Hatâ, adjoining the side road to Shuri ..., the road to Shuri ..., and the field of Puti..., the commander-of-fifty — cultivated land with no corn taxes —

Silim-Ashur, the ..., has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina 4 shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of it for years. He shall enjoy it for 4 crop years and 4 fallow years.

When he completes his cultivation, he i.e. Hanan shall place the capital sum of silver on the corn heap, and shall redeem his land.



_iti-ab# ud 12_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)ban-ba-a]

_igi_ (m)A—_pab_ [_igi_ (m)x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)#—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)su-[x x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)man#-[nu—ki-i—arba-il]

_igi_ (m)(d)_en_(*)#—[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)pu-t,u(*)#-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ha-me-[x x x x x x]

_iti-ab ud 12_-[_kam_ lim-mu (m)ban-ba-a] _lu-sukkal_ (m)(d)x x# [x x x]

szum-ma du-ra-ru szA-kin (m)si#-[lim—asz-szur]

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 12th day, eponym year of Banbâ.

Witness Aplu-ushur. Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Nabû-.

Witness Su....

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Bel-.

Witness Putu.

Witness Hame..., .

Month Tebet X, 12th day, eponym year of Banbâ, vizier. NN .

If a reed-bed is required, Silim-Ashur shall pay the silver.


Month Tebet X, 12th day, eponym year of Banbâ.

Witness Aplu-ushur. Witness NN.

Witness .......

Witness Nabû-....

Witness Su.......

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Bel-....

Witness Putu....

Witness Hame....

Month Tebet X, 12th day, eponym year of Banbâ, the vizier. NN, scribe.

If a remission of debts takes place, Silim-Ashur shall retrieve his silver.

P335545: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x x x] _en#_ [x x x x x x x x]

É# 10 _ansze_ É zi-ib-li _suhur_ [na-hal(?)] _suhur#_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _suhur kaskal-2_ szA a-na _uru_-ib-li _du_-u-ni _suhur# kaskal_ szA a-na _uru_-su-mur-u-nu _du_-u-ni

[x] _man_ i-kar-ri-ka É 08 _ansze_ [x] bu-ra-a-ni _suhur#_ na-hal _suhur#_ um-me szA _uru_-ia-ra-nu _suhur# a-sza_ za-ku-ti szA _a-sza_

[szA (m)]_numun_-ut-ti-i É 06 _ansze_ [x bu]-ra-ni _suhur# kaskal-2_ szA a-na [_uru-sze_]—te#-ma-na-a-a _du_-u-ni [_suhur ama_(?)] szA _uru-sze_—te-ma-na-a-a

[É x _ansze suhur_] _a#-sza_ szA (m)ak-pa-lu(*) [_suhur kaskal_ szA a-na] _uru-sze_—(d)_utu du_-u-ni [_suhur kaskal_ szA a-na] _uru_-ib-'a-la

[_du_-u-ni É x _ansze_ x x] _gisz-sar_ szA _u-sar_ [_suhur_ x x x x x _suhur_ (m)](d)_pa_-u-a

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the ... being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land, a ziblû-house, adjoining the wadi, the estate of Nabû'a, the road leading to Ibla, and the road leading to Sumurunu;

An estate of 8 hectares x groves adjoining the wadi, the fort and the village of Yaranu, and the exempt field of the field of ..., adjoining the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the king, the field of the

An estate of 6 hectares x hectares of land adjoining the road leading to the village of Temanu and the side road leading to the village of Temanu —

An estate of x hectares adjoining the field of Akpalu, the road leading to the village of Shamash, and the road leading to Ibalu —

An estate of x hectares ..., a vegetable garden adjoining ......, and Nabû'a —


Seal of ......, owner of the ... being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares with a manure house, adjoining the wadi, the estate of Nabû'a, the road leading to Ibla, and the road leading to Sumurunu, ......;

an estate of 8 hectares with x wells, adjoining the wadi, the side road to Yaranu, and the exempt field of the land of Zarutî;

an estate of 6 hectares with x wells, adjoining the road leading to the village of Temanayu and the side road of the village of Temanayu;

an estate of x hectares, adjoining the field of Akpalu, the road leading to the village of Shamash, and the road leading to Ibala;

an estate of x hectares x decares with a vegetable garden, adjoining ...... Nabû'a, ...... the field of Nabû-zeru-ibni;



[É x _ansze_ x x x x x (m)]di-lil—10 [x x x x x x x x] _suhur_(*)# (m)(d)_pa_-u-a [x x x x x x x x (m)]_ka_(*)#-_dingir_(?)-_ki_(?)-a-a

[x x x x x x x x x x] _ansze_

AI Translation

An estate of x hectares ......, Dilil-Adad, ...... adjoining Nabû'a, ...... Babilayu,

...... hectares


an estate of x hectares .......adjoining Dilil-Adad, ....... adjoining Nabû'a ....... Babilayu;

in all ....... hectares ........ —



[x x x x x x x x x x] u-pisz-ma [(m)x x x x x ina _sza_ x] _ma-na kug-ud_

[il-qi a-na _mu-an-na_]-_mesz ku_ [03 me-re-sze 03] kar#-ap-hi

[_ud_-mu sza _kug-ud_ i-dan-u-ni _a-sza_]-szu(*)# u-(sze)-s,a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x x x]-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x]-a-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x x]—(d)#10(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-usz-bar_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu_-:-

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x]+x#-an

[_igi_ (m)x x x x x] _lu-dib_—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x x]-e

[_igi_ (m)]_numun_-ti-i _lu-a-zu_

[_iti_-x _ud_] 03-_kam_ lim-me [(m)(d)_u-gur_]—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—_kasz-lul_

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab lu#_-[A]-_ba#_

AI Translation

NN has contracted and bought for x minas of silver

He shall have the usufruct of it for a number of years.

If he pays back the silver, he shall redeem his field.

Witness ...a.

Witness ...ayu.

Witness ...-Adad.

Witness NN, weaver.

Witness NN, ditto.


Witness NN, chariot driver.


Witness Zarutî, physician.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief cupbearer.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, scribe.


NN has contracted and acquired it for x minas of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of it for years; 3 crop years, 3 fallow years.

On the day he pays the silver, he shall redeem his land.

Witness NN....

Witness ...aya.

Witness ...-Adad.

Witness NN, weaver.

Witness NN, ditto.

Witness .......

Witness NN, chariot driver.

Witness .......

Witness Zarutî, physician.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Nergal-sharru-ushur, chief cupbearer.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, scribe.

P335546: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)30—_man_—_dingir_-_mesz en a-sza gisz-sar_ ta-da-ni

É [_a-sza gisz_]-_sar_ x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Sin-shar-ilani, owner of the field and garden being sold.

An estate of field, orchard .


Seal of Sin-shar-ilani, owner of the field and garden being sold.

A house, a field, and a garden ...



_igi_ (m)(d)_ag_—tak-lak [x x x]

_igi_ (m)A—_mu lu_-ma-hi-s,u

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_pab_-_mesz ki_(*)-_min_

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab dumu_ (m)_di-kud_—10

_igi_ (m)_uru_-kal-ha-a-a _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz_

_iti-barag ud 28_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)dan-na-nu szA _uru_-mar-qa-sa

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-taklak, .

Witness Aplu-iddina, horse raiser.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, ditto.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, son of Dayyan-Adad.

Witness Kalhâ, chariot driver.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Dannanu of Marqasa.


Witness Nabû-taklak, ....

Witness Aplu-iddina, archer.

Witness Shulmu-ahhe, ditto.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, son of Dayyan-Adad.

Witness Kalhayu, chariot driver.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Dananu of Marqasa.



_sze-numun_ ar-szu is-se(*)-nisz(*)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

the seed ... next to it .


The sown seed is also ........

P335547: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x ina] _mu#-an-na_ [sza ina 01 _gin kug-ud_] 6(ban2)(*) _sze_(*)-_pad_(*)#-_mesz_ tal(*)#-lik(*)-u-ni

[u-pisz-ma _ta igi_(?) (m)](d)_ag_(*)#—_ba_-szA [(m)x x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_gal_—_nig-szid_ [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_(*)# ina(*) ma(*)-né(*)#-[e]

AI Translation

...... in the year when you went for 1 shekel of silver and 6 seahs of barley,

NN, chief of accounts, has contracted and bought them from Nabû-iqisha for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


...... in the year when one shekel of silver bought six seahs of barley —

NN, chief of accounts, has contracted and bought it from Nabû-iqisha for x minas of silver by the mina of ...



[x x x x x _dumu-usz_-szu] _gal_(*)#-u(*) [o] [ina ha-am-ri sza] (d)_im gibil_ [ina de-ni-szu _dug4_]-_dug4_ la _ti_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]—_lal_(*) _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)#-_en_—_gisz-ma_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)-_en_—_gisz-ma_

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)(*)#-3-szu(*) szA a(*)-pa(*)-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)#-3-szu sza(*) :(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(v)-3-szu# [x x]

AI Translation

...... his great son shall contest in the halmu-contest of Adad and not succeed.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness ...-taqqin, merchant.

Witness NN, boat owner.

Witness NN, boat owner.

Witness NN, 'third man' of the window-glass.

Witness NN, 'third man' ditto.

Witness NN, 'third man' .


He shall burn his first-born son in the sacred precinct of Adad. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN, scribe.

Witness ...-taqqin, merchant.

Witness NN, boat owner.

Witness NN, boat owner.

Witness NN, 'third man,' holder of reins.

Witness NN, 'third man,' ditto.

Witness NN, 'third man' ....

P335548: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] _ansze_(?)# [x x x]

[x x x x x x] _dumu_(?) [x x x]

[x x x x x x x]-a-a É [x x x]

[x x x x x x] _gin_-_mesz kug_-[_ud_ il-qi]

[a-na _mu_]-_an-na_-_mesz ku#_

[x x me]-re#-szi _ku_

[man-nu] sza# i-bal-kat-u-ni [x] _ma-na kug-ud_ i(*)-dan

AI Translation

...... hectares .

...... son ...

......ayu, house .

...... he will pay ... shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of it for years.

Whoever transgresses shall pay x minas of silver.


... hectares ...

... son of ...

...... estate ...

has contracted and bought it for x shekels of silver.

He shall have the usufruct of the field for a number of years.

He shall enjoy it for x crop years.

Whoever transgresses shall pay x mina of silver.



[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_su_

[_igi_] (m)_pab_-u-a—a-mur

[_igi_] (m)li—qi-pu

[_igi_ (m)]szA—la—_dingir_—ma-nu

[_igi_ (m)]zi#-ib-bu

[_igi_ (m)]_pab#_—_bad_

[_igi_ (m)ki]—ma#-ma

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-eriba.

Witness Ahu'a-amur.

Witness Li-qipu.

Witness Sha-la-ili-manu.

Witness Zibbu.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Ki-Mama.


Witness Nabû-eriba.

Witness Ahû'a-amur.

Witness Li-qipu.

Witness Sha-la-ili-mannu.

Witness Zibbu.

Witness Ahi-duri.

Witness Ki-Mama.

P335549: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



07 _tug-ki-ta_-_mesz babbar_-_mesz_

02 _tug#_-gul-_igi-2_

01 _tug_-qir-mu

01 _tug_-ma-qa-t,i bé(*)-te _zag sa5_

01 _tug_-ur-nat _zag kur_(?)# [(x x)]

AI Translation

7 white garments;

2 cloaks;

1 qirmu-garment;

1 bed, the front red;

1 urnutu-garment, the front red, of the country;


7 lower garments, white;

2 cloaks;

1 overcoat;

1 house gown, the front red;

1 urnutu-garment, the front red, of the country.



_iti-gan_ lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_kam_-esz

AI Translation

Month Kislev IX, eponym year of Nabû-ahu-eresh.


Month of Kislev IX, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-eresh 681 B.C..

P335550: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_] (m)si-x#+[x x x x x x]

_pab 02 igi_-_mesz_ [x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)si-lim—_dingir lu#_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_ [x x x x]

_iti#-apin ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu# [(m)x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Si....

in all 2 witnesses .

Witness Silim-il, .

Witness Nabû-ahhe-riba, .

Month Marchesvan VIII, 1st day, eponym year of NN.


Witness Si......,

a total of 2 witnesses from ....

Witness Silim-ili, ....

Witness Nabû-ahhe-riba, scribe.

Month Marchesvan VIII, 1st day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme, governor of Der.

P335551: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


li-mu [(m)x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d(?))[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dumu-usz_-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)(d)15—_bad#_ [x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_hal_(?)-a-ni [(x)]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_numun_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_en_-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)qa-na-su-[si x x]

_igi_ (m)_arad_—asz-szur _lu_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—nam-mir [x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém(?)-[a-ni]

AI Translation

..., ...;

Witness NN.

Witness Aplaya.

Witness Issar-duri, .

Witness Ashur-shimanni, .

Witness Ashur-zeru-.

Witness Nabû-belu-.

Witness Qanasusi, .

Witness Urdu-Ashur, .

Witness Nabû-nammir, .

Witness Nabû-remanni.


eponym year of NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Aplayu.

Witness Issar-duri, ....

Witness Ashur-ishmanni, ....

Witness Ashur-zeru-....

Witness Nabû-bel-....

Witness Qanasusi, ....

Witness Urdu-Ashur, ....

Witness Nabû-nammir, ....

Witness Nabû-remanni.

P335552: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[u-pisz]-ma (m)_man_—lu—da#-[ri] [ina _sza_-bi] 02 _ma-na kug-ud_ [il-qi]

[kas-pu] ga#-mur ta-din [x x x] [x x x a]-na# gi-mir-te-szu zar(*)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

Sharru-lu-dari has contracted and bought for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. ... in its entirety .


Sharru-lu-dari has contracted and bought for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That ... in its entirety is purchased and acquired.

P335553: votive-donation tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)[_en_]—_i# na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)[_pa_]—_i szesz_-szu _na4-kiszib_ (m)_arad_—(d)15# _dumu_ (m)_en_—_i na4-kiszib_ (m)szum-ma—us(?)#-se-zib _dumu_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _pab 04 lu_-_mesz_-e _en lu_ a-na (d)_nin-urta_ szA qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha sze-lu-'i

(m)_bad_—ma-ki—[(d)]15 _dumu mi-ag_-ti _nin_-szu-nu szA (m)[_en_]—I sza (m)(d)_pa_—I sza ina ha-rim-ti-szA tu-szab-szu-u-ni ur-tab-bi-'u-szu a-na (d)_nin-urta en_-szu-nu a-na szi-rik-ti is-sa-ar-ku a-na il-ki tup-szik-ki ina É—(d)_masz_ id-da-gal

man-nu _egir_-u szA _ka_ dan-ni-te szu-a-tum la tu-szam-zak (d)_nin-urta_ ik-ri-bi-ka i-szem-mi

U szA u-szam-za-ku (d)_masz_ szA ina ik-ri-bi-szu zak-ru li-tur li-ni-in-szu

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-na'id, seal of Nabû-na'id, his brother, seal of Urdu-Issar, son of Bel-na'id, seal of Shumma-ussezib, son of Kanunayu, in all 4 men, owners of the man, to Ninurta in Calah seized.

Dur-maki-Issar, son of the eunuch, their sister, whom Bel-na'id and Nabû-na'id had captured during her reign, had seized and sinned against Ninurta, their lord, for a ritual. He was slighted by the work and the sceptres in the temple of Ninurta.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks this mighty gate, may Ninurta listen to his prayers.

And as for the one who removes it, may Ninurta, who is entrusted to him by his exalted command, return and give him back.


Seal of Bel-na'id, seal of Nabû-na'id, his brother, seal of Urad-Issar, son of Bel-na'id, seal of Shumma-ussezib, son of Kanunayu — in all 4 men, owners of the man being dedicated to Ninurta of Calah.

Dur-maki-Issar, son of Ra'imtu the sister of Bel-na'id and of Nabû-na'id, who gave birth to him during her prostitution — they have brought him up and presented him as a gift to Ninurta, their lord. For labour-duty or corvée work he is considered part of the temple of Ninurta.

Any future person: do not cast aside the wording of this document; Ninurta will hear your prayer.

But whoever casts it aside, may Ninurta, who is called on in his prayer, turn and punish him.



_igi_ (m)id-din-ia _lu-sanga_ szA(*) (d)_masz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab lu-sanga_ szA (d)_pa_

_igi_ (m)(d)_mes_—_man_(?)—_pab_(?) _lu-sanga_ szA d-_ag_(?)

_igi_ (m)mu-sze-zib#—(d)_pa lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—[_pab_]—_pab lu-gal_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz#_—[(d)]_pa# lu-gal_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)s,il#—_en_—[dal]-li# _lu_-szA—_ugu_—É A—_lugal_(*)

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_utu lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)sa-lim#—_gin lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)_arad_—[(d)15] _lu-sanga_ szA (d)15

_igi_ (m)[x x x] _lu-sanga_ szA (d)_im_

_igi_ (m)[x x x x] _lu_-sza—_gisz_-en-di-szu

_igi_ (m)[x x x x] _lu-gal_—_nu-lul_ szA (d)_masz_

_igi_ (m)_di_-ma#-[nu—x] _lu-mu_ É—(d)_masz_

_pab 05 lu#_-[_tu_(?)-_mesz_]—É—sza—_dingir_

_igi_ (m)na-ni#-i [_lu_]-lah-hi-nu szA (d)_pa_

_igi_ (m)ur-du _lu-mu_ É—_dingir_ szA É—(d)_pa_

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_(?)-_masz_(?)—_mu_—_asz a_ (m)(d)_pa#_—mu-_sig5 lu-a-ba_ s,a-bit# dan-ni-te

_iti-kin ud 18_-_kam_ lim-me# [(m)asz]-szur#—gi-mil—tir-ri

AI Translation

Witness Iddin-Ya, priest of Ninurta.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Mushezib-Nabû, scribe.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, palace manager.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, palace manager.

Witness Shil-belu-dalli, overseer of the household of the crown prince.

Witness Remanni-Shamash, scribe.

Witness Salim-ken, scribe.

Witness Urda-Issar, priest of Ishtar.

Witness NN, priest of Adad.

Witness NN, cart driver.

Witness NN, chief chariot driver of Ninurta.

Witness Shulmanu-.

in all 5 temple-enterers.

Witness Nanî, temple steward of Nabû.

Witness Urdu, temple administrator of the temple of Nabû.

Witness Nergal-shumu-iddina, son of Nabû-mudammiq, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Elul VI, 18th day, eponym year of Ashur-gimilli-tirri.


Witness Iddin-Ea, priest of Ninurta.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Marduk-sharru-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Mushezib-Nabû, scribe.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, palace manager.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, palace manager.

Witness Shilli-bel-dalli, overseer of the household of the crown prince.

Witness Remanni-Shamash, scribe.

Witness Salim-ken, scribe.

Witness Urad-Issar, priest of Ishtar;

witness NN, priest of Adad;

witness NN, incenser;

witness NN, chief singer of Ninurta;

witness Shulmanu-..., cook of the temple of Ninurta;

in all 5 men, temple enterers.

Witness Nanî, temple steward of Nabû.

Witness Urdu, temple cook of the temple of Nabû.

Witness Nergal-shumu-iddina, son of Nabû-mudammiq, scribe, keeper of the contract.

Month Elul VI, 18th day, eponym year of Ashur-gimilli-tere, chief treasurer.

P335554: votive-donation tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



a-na (d)_nin-urta_ szA qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha

(m)man-nu—de-iq _en_—a-rit _lu-sag_ (m)(d)_pa_—_szub_—_zi dumu_-szu

a-na (d)_masz_ gisz-ru dan-dan _dingir_-_mesz_ qar-du a-na _ti-la zi_-_mesz_ sza (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz a-na [(d)]_nin-urta_ szA qé-reb _uru_-kal-ha a-na szi-rik-ti isz-ruk

man-nu szA _ta_(v) _igi_ (d)_nin-urta_ ik-ki-mu-szu lu-u _lu-gar_-nu-szu# lu-u _lu_(v)-_gal_—50-szu(*) lu-u _szesz#_—[_ad_-szu] lu-u _dumu_—_szesz_—_ad_-szu lu-u [x x x x] ina da-na-ni u pu-[x x x]

AI Translation

To Ninurta of Calah:

Mannu-deq, eunuch, eunuch; Nabû-shubu-ketti, his son;

For the god Ninurta, the mighty, the great gods, for the life of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, and for the life of Ninurta, who lives in Calah, he dedicated this.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether his prefect, his commander-of-fifty, his uncle, his grandsons, or ..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN,


To Ninurta of Calah —

Mannu-de'iq, shield bearer of the eunuch, has presented Nabû-maqtu-shatbi, his son,

to Ninurta, the powerful, the mightiest of the gods, the warrior, for the life of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, to Ninurta of Calah as a gift.

Whoever takes him away from Ninurta, whether his prefect, his commander-of-fifty, his uncle, his cousin, or his ..., by force or through vindication —



(d)_masz_ ina _gisz-tukul_ la (pa)-di(?)#-[i] li-kam(*)-szu (d)[gu-la] si(*)#-mu _ir_-zu ina# [_su_-szu] lu tasz-kun [(d)_im_]

AI Translation

May Ninurta strike him with a merciless weapon. May Gula place a scepter in his body. May Adad


May Ninurta defeat him with a merciless weapon. May Gula place a never-healing sore on his body. May Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, make him perish through famine. May Nabû curse him with a curse that cannot be undone. May Ishtar residing in Arbela clothe him with leprosy.



asz-szur (d)#[30 (d)_utu_] _en_ [(d)_u-gur_] (d)_masz_ [(d)]gu#-la _mu#_-szu [_numun_-szu] [ina _kur_—asz-szur]-_ki_ lu(*)-hal-li-qu

[_iti_-x] _ud 11_-_kam_ [lim-mu] (m)bu-lut,-t,u

[_igi_] (m)_sum_-na-ia _lu-sanga_ szA (d)_masz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab lu_(v)-_sanga_ szA (d)_pa_

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu#-gal_—_kur_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_pab_ [_lu_(v)]-_gal_—_kur_

_igi_ (m)na-szuh—da#-[la] _lu_(v)#-ha-za-nu

_igi_ (m)_arad_—15 [_igi_ (m)]du#-u(*)-du-u

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—mu-_lal igi_ (m)di-lil—15

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_su igi_ (m)Ar-za-bu-tu

AI Translation

May Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nergal, Ninurta, and Gula make his name and his seed disappear from Assyria.

Month ..., 11th day, eponym year of Bulluttu.

Witness Iddinaya, priest of Ninurta.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, palace manager.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, palace manager.

Witness Nashuh-dalâ, mayor.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness Dudu.

Witness Inurta-mutaqqin. Witness Dilil-Issar.

Witness Ahu-eriba. Witness Arzabutu.


May Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nergal, Ninurta and Gula make his name and his seed disappear from the land of Assyria.

Month ..., 11th day, eponym year of Bullutu.

Witness Iddin-Ea, priest of Ninurta.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Ubru-Nabû, palace manager.

Witness Nabû-ahu-ushur, palace manager.

Witness Nashuh-dalâ, mayor.

Witness Urad-Issar. Witness Dudû.

Witness Inurta-mutaqqin. Witness Dilil-Issar.

Witness Ahu-eriba. Witness Arzabutu.

P335555: votive-donation tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)I—(d)15 _na4-kiszib_ (m)asz-szur—_kur_-ka—_kal_-in _dumu_-_mesz_ (m)(d)15—_mu_—_sum_-na _lu-usz-bar_ sza _mi_—É-_gal en lu_ ta-da-a-ni

(m)szum-ma—(d)_pa lu-usz-bar_—bir-me _arad_-szu-nu

u-pisz-ma (m)i-din-a-a _lu-sanga_ szA (d)_masz_ a-na (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi ina _sza 01 1_::2 _ma-na kug-ud ta_(v) _igi_ (m)I—15 _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_kur_-ka—_kal_-in iz-zi-rip is-si-iq-qi

_gur_-ra de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz u ma-ti#-[ma] i-zaq-qu-pa-an-ni [_gil_-u-ni] lu#-u _lu_-_mesz_-e [an-nu-te]

AI Translation

Seal of Na'di-Issar, seal of Ashur-matka-eresh, sons of Issar-shumu-iddina, weaver of the queen, owner of the man being sold.

Shumma-Nabû, weaver of ziggurats, their servant.

Iddinaya, priest of Ninurta, has contracted and bought it for Ninurta residing in Calah for 1 1/2 minas of silver from Na'di-Issar and from Ashur-matka-da''in.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons or their grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons and his grandsons,


Seal of Na'id-Issar, seal of Ashur-matka-da''in, sons of Issar-shumu-iddina, weaver of the queen, owner of the man being sold.

Shumma-Nabû, weaver of multicoloured trim, their servant —

Iddin-Ea, priest of Ninurta, has contracted, purchased and bought him for Ninurta residing in Calah for 1/2 mina of silver from Na'id-Issar, and from Ashur-matka-da''in.

Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint or breaks the contract, whether these men or ......,



[x x x x] mu#-mu-szu#-[nu x x]

[x x x]+x#-li-me(?)# [x x x]

[x x x x x] 10 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud luh_-u] [x] _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_nin-urta_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi _gar_-an kas-pu a-na 10-a-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi

s,ib-ti be-en-ni(*) a-na 01-me _ud_-me sa-ar-tu a-na kal _mu-an-na_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab lu-sanga_ sza (d)_pa_

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_lugal_—_pab lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_ szA _lu-gal_—_sag_

_igi_ (m)s,il—_en_—dal-li _lu_-szA—_ugu_—É

_igi_ (m)_arad_—15 _lu-sanga_ sza É—kid-mu-ri#

_igi_ (m)sa-lim—_gin lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—(d(*))_utu_(*) :- sza _lu-gal_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)da(?)-ni(?)-ni (m)pu-u-li

AI Translation

... their names .

shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the chief eunuch.

Witness Shil-belu-dalli, overseer of the household.

Witness Urdu-Issar, priest of the Kidmuri temple.

Witness Salim-ken, scribe.

Witness Remanni-Shamash, ditto of the palace manager.

Witness: Danini. Witness: Puli.


... any litigants of theirs ...


shall place 10 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, priest of Nabû.

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the chief eunuch.

Witness Shilli-bel-dalli, overseer of the household.

Witness Urad-Issar, priest of the Kidmuri temple.

Witness Salim-kenu, scribe.

Witness Remanni-Shamash, ditto of the palace manager.

Witness Danninu. Witness Pulu.



_igi_ (m)_suhusz_—(d)_pa lu-gal_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)du-du-u _lu_-lah-hi-nu sza (d)[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)na-ni-[i] _lu_-:- sza (d)[_pa_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_ :- (m)(d)_im_—na(?)-[x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ubru-Nabû, palace manager.

Witness Dudû, temple steward of .

Witness Nanî, ditto of Nabû.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-riba, ditto. Witness Adad-na.


Witness Ubru-Nabû, palace manager.

Witness Dudû, temple steward of DN.

Witness Nanî, ditto of Nabû.

Witness Nabû-ahhe-riba, ditto. Adad-na....



_iti-szu ud 17_(?)-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)za-ba4-ba4—_su#_

_igi_ (m)ri-ba-a-te _igi_ (m)na(*)-a'(*)-di(*)-i _igi_ (m)t,u-ri(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

Month Tammuz IV, 17th day, eponym year of Zababa-eriba.

Witness Ribate. Witness Na'dî. Witness Turi.


Month Tammuz IV, 17th day, eponym year of Zababa-eriba.

Witness Ribate. Witness Na'dî. Witness Turi...

P335556: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[É x _ansze a-sza_ x x x]+x#-ri [o] [x x x x x _suhur kaskal_ sza] a-na _uru_-ba-na-[x] [il-la-ku-ni _suhur kaskal_] sza(*)# ina _sza_-bi—_uru_ il-la#-[ku-ni]

[x x x x x] _uru#-sze_ sza (m)hu-ni-[i]

[_suhur_ mu(?)]-s,u(*)#-u' sza (m)(d)_im_—_pab_-[ir] [_suhur_ (m)(d)U]-_gur_—_pab_—_pab suhur#_ (m)(d)#30—_apin_-[esz]

[x x x x]-_mesz suhur_ [(m)x x]+x#-hu [x x]

AI Translation

An estate of x hectares of land ..., adjoining the road leading to Bana... and the road leading to the Inner City;

...... the village of Hunî

adjoining the 'Gate of Adad-nashir, adjoining Nergal-ahu-ushur and Sin-eresh,

...... adjoining .


An estate of x hectares of land ...... adjoining the road which leads to Bana... and the road which leads to the Inner City,

... adjoining the village of Hunnî,

adjoining the exit of Adad-nashir and the estates of Nergal-ahu-ushur and Sin-eresh

...... adjoining ... ...



[_suhur_ x] sza (m)_pab_—la-[masz(?)]-szi [x x]

[x x x] _lugal_ ia-a-x#+[x x x] _lu_(v)#-[x x x]

[x x] ad#-ri-_mesz_ É 3(ban2) [x x x x x] [x _suhur_] _kaskal_—_man suhur kaskal_(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining the ... of Ahu-lâmashi .

... the king .

... threshing floors; an estate of 3 decares ... adjoining the royal road and the road .


...... of Ahu-lâmashi ...

...... the king ...... ... ...

... threshing floors; an estate of 3 decares ... adjoining the king's road and adjoining the road to ....



[_pab_] 80(*) _a-sza 03_ É-_mesz 03_ ad(*)#-[ri-_mesz gisz-sar pu_ tab-ri-u] sza# _lu_-_mesz_-e an-[nu-te]

u-pisz-ma _mi_-a-hi—t,ar-li _mi-gar_-tu(*) sza _murub4#_—[_uru_] sza _uru_-ni-nu#-[a] ina ba-la-t,i sza _lugal_ ina _sza_-bi 06 _ma-na kug-ud_ il#-[qi]

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _a-sza_-_mesz_ É-_mesz_ ad-ri-_mesz gisz-sar pu_ tab-ri-'u szu-a-tu za-rip-pu la-qi-'u tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu sza ina ur-kisz-szi ina ma-te-ma lu-u _lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu(*)# lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-[_mesz_-szu-nu szA] de(*)-[e-nu] _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) _mi-gar_-te ub-ta-['u-u]-ni [kas]-pu# a-na 10-_mesz_ a-na# [_en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra]

AI Translation

In all 80 hectares of land, 3 houses, 3 threshing floors, a garden, and a well, a total of these men —

Ahi-talli, governess of the Citadel of Nineveh, has contracted and bought them for the life of the king for 6 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, houses, threshing floors, orchard, and well are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


In all 80 hectares of land, 3 houses, 3 threshing floors, a garden, a well and a grazing land belonging to these men —

Ahi-talli, governess of the central city harem of Nineveh, has contracted and bought said property for 6 minas of silver for the king's 'life.'

The money is paid completely. That land, houses, threshing floors, garden, well and grazing land are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

P335557: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



É (m)(d)_im_—_kalag_-an _lu_(v)-sar-tin 08 _zi_-_mesz 20 ansze a-sza 01_-me-50 _udu-nita_-_mesz_ ina _uru-2_—_dumu-mi_—_lugal_

É (m)_zalag_-a-nu _lu_(v)-_sukkal_ É _un_-_mesz a-sza udu_-_mesz_ ina _kur_-bar-hal-zi

É (m)_an-gal_—mu-sa-lim _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_ É ina _igi_ (m)_be_-ma—ta-zib _lu_(v)-_i-du8_

40 _a-sza_ ina _igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—_kar_-ir

É (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_pab lu_(v)-_igi-um 02_ ina _igi_ (m)(d)30—x#+[x x x]

[É (m)](d)#_pa_—szal-lim [x x x x] [(x) x x] x x# [x x x x x]

[x x] _a-sza_ x#+[x x x x] ina _uru_-szA-bi(?)#-[ri-szu(?)] la x#+[x x x]

É (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—[x x x x x] ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—re-[s,u-u-a(?)]

AI Translation

An estate of Adad-dan, the sartinnu; 8 persons; 20 hectares of arable land, 150 rams in the town of the daughter of the king;

An estate of Nuranu, vizier, a house, people, a field and sheep in Barhalzi;

An estate of Issaran-musalim, chief eunuch, at the disposal of Shumma-tazib, porter.

40 hectares of field, at the disposal of Marduk-etir.

An estate of Nabû-belu-ushur, deputy, 2 at the disposal of Sin-.

An estate of Nabû-shallim .

... field ... in Shabirishu .

An estate of Nabû-ahu-..., assigned to Ashur-reshuwa.


An estate of Adad-dan, sartinnu: 8 people, 20 hectares of land, 150 sheep, in the ditto town of the Daughter of the King.

An estate of Nuranu, vizier: a house, people, field, and sheep, in the region of Barhalzi.

An estate of Issaran-musallim, chief eunuch: the house is assigned to Shumma-tashezib, doorman;

40 hectares of land are assigned to Marduk-etir.

An estate of Nabû-belu-ushur, deputy treasurer: assigned to Sin-...

An estate of Nabû-shallim ...:

... field ...; in the town of Shabirishu, .........

An estate of Nabû-ahu-..., ..., assigned to Ashur-reshuwa



É (m)_pab_—_bad#_ [x x x x x] 08 _zi_-_mesz_ [x x x x] ina _uru_-ba-x#+[x x x]

É (m)_dumu-usz_-x# [x x x x] É ina(?) _igi_(?)# [x x x]

[(x) x x]-_mesz_ ra-qa-a-te(?)# ([x x]) [ina _uru_]-hi#-in-da-a-na

[É (m)]bar—s,a-ru-ri _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir (m)ki-qi(?)-la(?)#-a-ni _dumu_-szu

[É] (m)kU(*)-_ka_—szal-lim-a-ni _lu_(v)-_a-ba un_-_mesz a-sza_-_mesz udu_-_mesz gisz-sar_-_mesz_ ina _uru_-gar-ga-mis É _sig5_ szu-u

É (m)bar-bar-a-ni _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_ ina _igi#_ (m)man-nu—ki—_un_-_mesz szesz_-szu

É (m)zab-da-a-nu _lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz_ ina _igi_ (m)sa-i-la-a _dumu_-szu

_pab 13_ É-_mesz_

É (m)(d)_pa_—_lal_-is, _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

É (m)_pab_—ra-mu _lu_(v)-:-

É (m)ba-la-su _lu_(v)-:-

É (m)a-ri-hu _lu_(v)-qur-_zag_

_pab 04_ É-_mesz_ sza a-na _dumu_(*) GÉME—É-_gal_ sza É-_gal gibil_

AI Translation

An estate of Ahu-duri ...... 8 persons ...... in the town of Ba.

An estate of Aplu-..., ..., an estate before ...,

...s, ...s, in Hindana;

An estate of Bar-shararuri, cohort commander; Kiqilani, his son;

An estate of Kubabu-shallimanni, scribe, people, fields, sheep and orchards in Carchemish. It is a good estate.

An estate of Barbaranu, royal bodyguard, assigned to Mannu-ki-nishe, his brother.

An estate of Zabdanu, chariot driver, assigned to Sailâ, his son.

Total 13 houses.

An estate of Nabû-tarish, cohort commander.

an estate of Ahu-ramu, ditto;

an estate of Balasu, ditto;

An estate of Arihu, royal bodyguard;

in all 4 houses for the son of the palace maid of the new palace.


An estate of Ahu-duri, ...: 8 people, ... in the town of Ba...

An estate of Aplu-...: the house is assigned to ... ......;

x ...-men, unemployed ... in the city of Hindanu.

An estate of Bar-sharuri, cohort commander; Kiqilanu, his son.

An estate of Kubabu-shallimanni, scribe; people, land, sheep, orchards, in Carchemish. This is an estate in good standing.

An estate of Barbarani, bodyguard; assigned to Mannu-ki-nishê, his brother.

An estate of Zabdanu, chariot driver; assigned to Sa'ilâ, his son.

A total of 13 estates.

An estate of Nabû-tarish, cohort commander,

an estate of Ahi-ramu, ditto;

an estate of Balassu, ditto;

an estate of Arihu, bodyguard:

in all, 4 estates which are given over to the the sons of the palace maids of the New Palace.

P335558: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_kug_]-_gi#_-_mesz_ sza _ta_(v) _ugu#_ [x x (x x)] x# sza# szu-kut-te sza _mul_(*)#-_mesz_ sza (m)asz-szur—ba-ni _lu_(v)-_en-nam uru_-kal-ha u-sze-rid-da-ni _iti-gud ud 15_-_kam_

lim-mu (m)(d)_masz_—_du_—_igi_

47(*) _ma-na kug-gi ta_(v) _ugu_ u-ma-ma(*)#-ni

17(*) _ma-na_ sak-ru 01 ina _sza_(?)#-[bi (x x)]

30 _ma-na 02_-u i-x#+[x x x x x]

26 1::2 _ma_ ina sa te(?)# [x x (x x)]

_pab 63_(*)# 1::2 _ma-na_ [x x x x x x]

[x x] _ma-na#_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

The gold which he brought from ... of the shubûtu-priests of the stars of Ashur-bani, the governor of Calah.

Eponym year of Inurta-bani-lamur.

47 minas of gold from the utensils;

17 minas of refined silver, 1 of them ...;

30 minas two .

26 1/2 minas in ... ...;

Total 63 1/2 minas .

... minas ...


The gold, from the ... of the ornaments of the gods, which Ashur-bani, the governor of Calah, brought down.

Month of Iyyar II, 15th day, eponym year of Inurta-alik-pani 711 B.C..

47 minas of gold, from the statues of the beasts;

17 minas of refined gold, one of them ......;

30 minas of second quality ......;

26 1/2 minas in ....

In all 63 1/2 minas ...;

... minas



[x x x x x] an [x x x x] ih-ti-at, x#+[x x (x)] _iti-ne ud 12_-[_kam_ x x]

_pab 01 gu_ sza _kalag_-te x#+[x (x x)] sza _lu-en-nam_ kal-ha _lu-gal_—x#+[x x x] i-hi-t,u-ni a-na (m)ke-ni-i id(*)#-[din-u-ni]

03 _gu_ sza _kalag_-te 05 _ma-na asz_ [o] sza _lu-igi-dub_ id-nu-ni [o]

_pab 04 gu_ szA _kalag_-te 57 _ma-na asz_ [o] _kug-gi_ sak-ru sza _igi_ (m)_gin_-i

[o] 03(*) _ma babbar-dil_ gi-zu-tu ina _sza_-ma ka-s,ip

AI Translation

...... he died ...... Ab V, 12th day .

In all, 1 talent of the heavy kind ..., which the governor of Calah and the chief ... took and gave to Kenî.

3 talents of the heavy kind, 5 minas of copper which the treasurer gave to me.

In all, 4 talents of the heavy kind, 57 minas of pure gold, at the disposal of Kenî.

3 minas of agate, a reed basket inside it,


......; ... has weighed out .... Month of Ab V, 12th day ....

In all, 1 talent of the heavy sort ..., which the governor of Calah and the chief ... weighed out and gave to Kenî.

3 talents of the heavy sort, 5 minas ... ..., which the treasurer gave.

In all, 4 talents of the heavy sort, 57 minas ... refined gold at the disposal of Kenî.

3 minas of agate, ... included in it.

P335559: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x]-szu-nu

[x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x (m)(d)]_pa_—_mu_—_gar_-un [x x x x x x x]-e(?)# [x x x x x x x]-ia# [x x x x x x x]+x#—U(*)-_gur_(*) [x x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x]+x#-ha(*)

AI Translation

...... them


...... Nabû-shuma-ishkun


... of theirs


... Nabû-shumu-ishkun



[o(?)] is,-s,a-na _igi_ (m)a-qar(*)—ia-a x#+[x (x)]

u is-si-szu-nu it-tal-($x$)-ka# ([x])

lim#-me (m)_man_—e-mur-an-ni

x# (m)ta-ri-bi _dumu_ (m)im-bu-ia(?)#

[o(?)] (m)e-t,e-ri sza (m)su-ma-ia

[o(?)] sza# (m)su(*)-ul-lu-mu

02 _lu_(v)(*)-_sanga_ si-qur-ri-ti [o(?)] it-ta-an-nu-ni-szu

[_ud_] 18-_kam_ lim-me (m)asz-szur—ba-ni

AI Translation

Witness Aqar-Yâ, .

and came with them .

Eponym year of Sharru-emuranni.

... Taribi, son of Imbûya;

Eteru of Sumâ,

From Sullumu.

2 priests have given him the siqurru-vessels.

18th day, eponym year of Ashur-bani.


...... before Aqar-yâ ...

and he came with them.

Eponym year of Sharru-emuranni 712 B.C..

... Taribi, son of Imbu'a

Eteri — whom Sumaya,

and whom Sullumu —

2 priests of the ziggurrat — gave to him.

18th day, eponym year of Ashur-bani 713 B.C..

P335560: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] 11# _kur_ [x x x x]

[x x x x _mi_]-_hub_-_mesz_ [(x)]

[x x x x]-_mesz_ (m)lu-u-qu [x x x]

[x x x x] _sa5 01 kur_ ir-gi-nu

[x x x _mi_]-_hub# pab 03 kur_-_mesz_

[x x x x]-_mesz 02 szu-2_ (m)_en_—x x x#

[x x x x x _kur_]-_mesz_ x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...... 11 horses .

...... ewes

...s Luqu ...

... red, 1 irginu-coloured horse,

...... a female kid, in all 3 horses,

......s, 2 under the command of Bel-...,

...... horses .


... 11 ... horses,

... x mares:

total, x horses — Luqu ....

1 red horse, 1 irginu-coloured horse,

1 mare: total, 3 horses,

..., care of Bel-...

x ... horses, ......



[x x x x _mi_]-_hub_-_mesz_ [(x)]

[x x x x x x x]-_mesz#_

[x x x x x] dan-na [(x)]

[x x x _szu-2_(?) (m)]_du#_-ia

[x x x x _kur_]-_mesz_

[x x x _kur_ ir]-gi-nu o

[x x x x _mi_]-_hub_

[x x x x _kur_]-_mesz_

[x x x x x]+x#-ta-'a#

[x x x _szu-2_(?)] (m)_du_-ia#

AI Translation

...... ewes


...... strong .

... in the charge of Banaya.

...... horses

... the land will become irginu-coloured

...... a female kid

...... horses


... in the charge of Banaya.


... x mares,



... care of Banaya.

x ... horses,

x irginu-coloured horses,

... x mares:

total, x horses

— NN,

... care of Banaya.

P335561: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ur-su-tu sza 04 [_tug_-x x] 04 _tug_-nik-si dul(*)#-[lu] qa-at-nu sza (d)x#+[x x x] ina pa-an (m)ur-da-a(*)# [o] _lu-gal_—_usz-bar_-_mesz#_

01 me 25 _ma-na urudu_-_mesz a_r(*)-hisz ep-pa-pa-al(*)#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _lu_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)an-di-a-a [o]

AI Translation

A garment, 4 ...-garments, and a ...-garment, a work of ..., are at the disposal of Urdâ, chief weaver.

I shall quickly process and weigh 125 minas of copper.

Witness Nabû'a, .

Witness Andiya.


A parcel of 4 ... and 4 pieces of cut cloth, fine work, belonging to the god ..., at the disposal of Urdâ, chief weaver.

He shall quickly pay 125 minas of copper.

Witness Nabû'a, ....

Witness Andiayu.



_igi_ (m)(d)asz-szur—_mu_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)ba-hi-a-[nu]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—[x]

_igi_ (m)tak(?)-li-[x x]

_iti-ne ud 07_-[_kam_] li(*)-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—[_pab_] _lu-gar-kur uru_-mar-qa-[si]

AI Translation

Witness Ashur-shumu-ushur.

Witness Bahianu.

Witness Nabû-ahu-.

Witness Takli.

Month Ab V, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasi.


Witness Ashur-shumu-ushur.

Witness Bahianu.

Witness Nabû-ahu-....

Witness Takli....

Month Ab V, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Marqasi.




AI Translation

a shawl


A napkin to be placed over the king's shoulders.

P335562: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza a-na x#+[x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir# [x x (x x)]

04-me ku-zip-pu (m)(d)#[x x (x)]

e-dan (m)(d)_pa_—sze(?)#-[zib-(an-ni)] _en_—pi-qi-ti sza sa#-[x (x)] x x x# _tug-an-ta_-_mesz tug-bar-dib_-_mesz#_ it-ti-din szu-u _mi_-szu qa-ri-i-a-ti e-ta-ap-sze

_tug_-ma-qa-at,-a-ti sza _tug-gada_

AI Translation

which to ......

Nabû-nashir ...

400 garments, NN;

Nabû-shezibanni, the official of ..., has given ... shirts and turbans. He has shaved his wife and shaved her head.

a shawl of linen;


which to ......

Nabû-nashir ...;

NN will provide 400 cloaks;

Nabû-shezibanni, the official of ..., gave upper garments and robes; he and his wife prepared banquets.

Gowns of linen, 1 urnutu-garment covering the entire figure — Shamash-iddin is the recipient.



01-lim-05(*)-me _tug_-na-ha-pa-a-te sza _kur_(?)-qu(*)-ra(?)-a-a (m)u-di-ni e-dan

70 _tug_-muk-lAl sza-la-szu-te(!) (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-an-ni e-dan

_lu-dumu_(?)#—_szu-2_-_mesz_-ti sza Ar(!)-ka-su-nu u-du(*)-u(*)-ni(*)#

AI Translation

Udini will give 1,500 shawls of the Que.

Nabû-shezibanni will give 70 full-grown shalashutu-garments.

The hand-guards who have come before me


Udini will provide 1,500 wraps of the Gurraeans.

Nabû-shezibanni will provide 70 third-rate shawls.

The adjutants whose background is known



_pab 11_(*) _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_ sza _ta_(v)# [x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_—50 ih-li#-[qu-u-ni o]

AI Translation

In all 11 men who had fled from NN, the commander-of-fifty,


Total: 11 men, who ran away with NN, the commander-of-fifty, and came to me.

P335563: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



33 _tug#_-[x x x x x]

20 _tug_-ur(*)#-[nat x x x x x]

77 _tug#_-[x x x x x]

02(!) _tug#_-[x x x x x]

10# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

33 ...-garments ...;

20 urnutu-garments ......;

77 ...-garments ...;

2 ...-garments ...;

10 ......;


33 ...-garments ...;

20 urnutu-garments ...;

77 ...-garments;

2 ...-garments;

10 ...



_pab 03_-me [x x x x x]

AI Translation

in all, 300 .


Total: 300+x ...

P335564: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(x) x x] x x# [x x x x]

[(x) x]+x _zag sa5 kur#_ [x x x x]

[(x) x]+x# _bi_(*) _zag_(*) _sa5_(*) x#+[x x x x]

[x ma]-qa(?)# bir(*) _zag gi6_ [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-ur(*)#-nat bir _zag sa5_ x#+[x x x x]

[(x) x] :- :- _zag sa5 kar 04_(?) [x x x x]

[x]+03 :- :- _zag sa5 kur 30_ [x x x x]

[x]+01(*) _tug_-gul-_igi zag sa5_ [x x x x]

[x]+01(*) _tug_-qir-me _zag sa5 kar#_ [x x x]

[x] _tug#_-:- _zag sa5 kur_ [x x x x]

[x]+x# rad(*)-di-di (seal impression) [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-gul-_igi-2_ (seal impression) [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-hu-zu-nu (seal impression) [x x x x]

[x x x x] x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation


... the front red, of the country ...;

... its right is red .

x 'litres' of mixed fruit, the front black, ...;

x urnutu-garments, felted, the front red ...;

... ditto ditto, the front red, of the port, 4 ...;

x+3 ditto ditto, the front red, of the country; 30 ...;

x+1 cloaks, the front red ...;

x+1 cloaks, the front red, of the port ...;

x ditto garments, the front red, of the country ...;

... a reed mat, seal impression .

x cloaks, seal impression ...;

x huhzunu-garments, seal impression ...;


... ... ...;

... ..., the front red, of the country;

... ..., the front red, ...;

... gowns, felted, the front black, ...;

... urnutu-garments, felted, the front red, ......;

... ditto, ditto, the front red, of the port; 4 ......;

x+3 ditto, ditto, the front red, of the country; 30 ......;

x+1 cloaks, the front red ...;

x+1 overcoats, the front red, of the port, ...;

...garments ditto, the front red, of the country, ...;

... veils seal impression ...;

... cloaks seal impression ...;

... huzunu-garments seal impression ...;

...... ...

P335565: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x _tug_-na]-s,a-bat _nigin_ [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-ur#-nat bir _nigin_ [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-hu#-zu-[nu x x x x]

[x _tug_]-_an#-ta_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-muk#-lal _zag#_ [x x x]

[x]+x# _tug-ki_(*)—[x x x x]

AI Translation

x sashbatu-garments, a 'tug'-strap, a 'reed' ...;

x urnutu-garments, felted, the 'path' ...;

x huhunu-garments ...;

x upper garments ...;

x shawls, the front ...;

... ...-garments ...;


x straight garments, the edging ...;

x urnutu-garments, felted, the edging ...;

x huzunu-garments ...;

x upper garments ...;

x shawls, the front ...;

x lower garments

P335566: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x] _tug_-ma-qa bir _zag gi6_ [o]

[x] _tug#_-ma-qa bir _zag sa5_ [o]

[x _tug_]-ur-nat :- _zag_ :- [o]

[x _tug_]-ur-nat :- :- [x (x)]

[x _tug_]-ur-nat :- :- [x (x)]

[x] _tug#_-ma-qa :- :- [x (x)]

03 _tug_-qar-_pa_ x#+[x]

02 _tug_-[x]+x#

AI Translation

x gowns, felted, the front black;

x gowns, felted, the front red;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, the front ditto;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ...;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ...;

x gowns, ditto, ditto, ...;

3 ...-garments;

2 ...-garments;


x gowns, felted, the front black;

x gowns, felted, the front red;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, the front ditto;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto ...;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto ...;

x gowns, ditto, ditto ...;

3 bedspreads ......;

2 ... garments ......

P335567: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


bir _nu_ [x x x x]

_zag sa5#_ [x x x x] ni# [x x x x]

AI Translation

... not ...

the front red .


...... ... felted, not ...;

...... the front red ...

P335568: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x# 13(?) x#+[x x x x]

_pab 21# ma-na 01_(?)+[x x x]

_pab 01 gu-un kug-ud#_

an-nu-ti _lu_(v)-_gar_-nu#-[_mesz_(?) sza (x x)] u-di-na la [id-din-u-ni]

01 _ma-na_ (m)(d)_pa_(?)#—[x x (x x)]

01 _ma-na_ (m)(d)_dumu_-x#+[x x (x x)]

AI Translation

...... 13 .

Total: 21 minas 1+x .

in all, 1 talent of silver.

These prefects who have not yet given .

1 mina, Nabû-...;

1 mina, Mar-...;


... 13 ...

total, 21 minas ....

In all, 1 talent of silver.

These are the prefects who have not yet paid ...:

1 mina, Nabû-...;

1 mina, Mar-...;



12 _gin_ (m)_dug-ga_—_im#_—[x x]

22 _gin_ (m)_kad_-[x x (x x)]

1::2 _ma-na_ (m)_man_—lu#—[x x]

01 _ma-na_ (m)_en_—_man_—_pab_ sza-[x x (x x)]

10 _gin_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x (x x)]

_pab 07 lu-gar_-nu-[_mesz_(?) (x x)]

_pab 07 1_::2 _ma-na_ x#+[x x (x x)]

04(?) _gin_ (m)(d)x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

12 shekels, Tab-shar-.

22 shekels, Rabi-...;

1/2 mina, Sharru-lu-...;

1 mina, Bel-sharru-ushur, ...;

10 shekels, Nabû-...;

in all 7 prefects .

in all 7 1/2 minas .

4 shekels, NN ...;


12 shekels, Tab-shar-...;

22 shekels ......;

1/2 mina, Sharru-lu-...;

1 mina, Bel-sharru-ushur of ...;

10 shekels, Nabû-...;

total, 7 prefects;

total 7 1/2 minas ....

4 shekels, NN

P335569: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kug-ud_ pa-hur-tum

04 kap-pi _kug-ud 03_ [x x x] 05 _gin ud 28_-_kam#_ [x x] _ta igi lugal_(*)# [x x]

12 1::2 _ma_ [x x x x]

[x] _ma_(?)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

silver for the 'request';

4 silver ...s, 3 ...s, 5 shekels, the 28th day, ... from the king ...;

12 1/2 minas ...;

x minas ...;


Silver, collection.

4 bowls of silver, 3 ..., 5 shekels: the 28th day ..., from before the king ...:

12 1/2 minas ....

x minas ...

P335570: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


03 _ma-na 1_::3(*) _ma_ x#+[x x] _ta mul_(*) al-x#+[x x]

1 2::3 _ma-na_ x#+[x x] _ta 02 mul_(*) _u-sag_(*) [x x]

03 _ma-na 2_::3 _ma_ x#+[x x] _ta 04_ szA—_gaba_-_mesz_(?)# [x x] [x x x] x x# [x x]

AI Translation

3 minas 1/3 mina ... from the star .

1 2/3 minas ... from 2 stars .

3 minas 2/3 minas ..., with 4 breast-bones .


3 minas, 1/3 mina ..., with a star-shaped ornament ...;

1 2/3 minas ..., with two star-shaped ornaments for a headband ...;

3 minas, 2/3 mina ..., with 4 breast-pieces ...

P335571: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


09 _ma-na_ sza sza(?)—mu-sze-zib-te(*) [o]

18 _ma-na_ sza 02 sza(*) x# [(x x)]

01(?)# _gu 03_(*) _ma_(*) sza 11(*) sza(*) da(?)-x# [x]

[x]+02(*) _ma-na_ sza 04 _gisz_(*)-mu(*)-gir(*)#-[ra-te(?)]

AI Translation

9 minas of mushezibtu-wood;

18 minas of 2 stones of ...;

1 talent, 3 minas of 11 ...,

x+2 minas of 4 chariots,


9 minas for the shielded archers;

18 minas for 2 ...;

1 talent 3 minas for 11 ...;

x+2 minas for 4 chariots.

P335572: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x]-_mesz#_ qa-ti [x x x]

[x x x x x x _sig4_]-_mesz#_ i-szA-hu#-[t,u]

[x x x x] mesz#-lu 02 ti-ik-[pi]

[x x x x x 01 tik]-pu re(*)-he _sig4_(*)-_mesz_ i-szA-hu#-[t,u]

[x x x x x x]+x# ina _bad# 02_ tik-pi re(*)-he

[x x x x x x ina] _sza_(?)# ka-ri-ir

[x x x x x x]+x# _sig4_-_mesz_ i-szA-hu-t,u

[x x x x x]+x#-bi _uru_-ha-ta-ri(*)-ka _uru_-s,u-ba(*)-a

[x x x x x x] ina _sza_ sa(?)-te sza É-_gal_—ma-szar-te

[x x um]-ma-ni-szu-nu qur-bu

[x x x x x x x]-ku(?)

[x x x x x]+x# re(*)-he

AI Translation

...... hands .

...... they will pile up bricks

... half, 2 brick-courses

...... 1 brick-course, the remainder of bricks are torn out.

...... in the wall, 2 brick-courses remaining.

...... in the ka'hiru-temple

...... they will pile up bricks

...... the cities Hatarikka and Shubaya

...... in the 'residence' of the Review Palace

... their troops are gathered


...... remaining


...... hand ...

...... they shall glaze the bricks.

... half, 2 brick-courses;

... 1 brick-course remaining, they shall glaze the bricks.

... in the city-wall, 2 brick-courses remaining,

... of them have been laid

...... they shall glaze the bricks.

...... Hatarikka, Shupat.

... in the sutu-measures of the Review Palace

... their craftsmen are present.


... remaining



[x x x] i-kar-ru-ru(*)#

[x x _sig4_-_mesz_ i-szA]-hu#-t,u

[x x x x] _lu_(v)(?)#-_gal_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] pu-u-lu

[x x x mu]-sze#-bi-szu-nu

[x x _sig4_-_mesz_ i]-szA-hu-t,u

[_iti_-x] _ud 04_-_kam_ e-bir—_id_

AI Translation

... they throw

... they will pile up the bricks.

...... the magnates

...... the 'residences'

... their ...

... they will pile up the bricks.

Month ..., 4th day, ebir-iddina.


... they shall lay,

... they shall glaze the bricks;

... the magnates

... limestone

... their residences,

... they shall glaze the bricks.

Month of ..., 4th day, Across the River.

P335573: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[01 tu]-ga#-nu-u _gisz_-x-_mesz_ [01 :-(?)] _gisz-kin-gesztin_(*) [01 :-(?)] _gisz_-si-ir-di [o sza (m)](d)_pa_—za-qip#—_gin_(*) _lu-gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ [o] sza# (m)_gisz-nu_—(_ug5_)-_ga_—_ti-la_

[01(?) _muszen_(?)]-_tur_ x# _muszen-tu_-_mesz 01_(*) _muszen_-ku-pi-tu [o] sza(*) (m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab lu_(?)-_gal_(?)#—_kur_(*)

AI Translation

1 ...-garment of ...-wood, 1 ditto of wine, 1 ditto of boxwood, of Nabû-zaqip-ken, village manager of Shamash-mukin-balat,

1 duck, x birds, 1 duck — of Nabû-duru-ushur, chief of the palace.


1 spray of ...-fruit, 1 ditto of grapes, 1 ditto of olives — of Nabû-zaqip-keni, the village-manager of Shamash-metu-uballit.

1 duck, x doves, 1 kupitu bird — of Nabû-duru-ushur, the palace manager of Mashkala.



[o x] _muszen#_-_mesz gisz_-qu-li [o sza(?)] _lu#-engar_—_kur_(?) _uru#_-kal-ha

AI Translation

x ducks, a basket, belonging to the palace farmer of Calah;


x collared birds — of the palace farmer of Calah.

P335575: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



50 _lu_(v)-sza—_bad_-[_hal_-_mesz_ x x] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu [x x x x] ina _sza_-bi _uru#_-[x x x]

szu-nu a-du [x x x x (x)] a-du _gud-nita#_-[_mesz_-szu-nu x (x)] sza# _dumu_(*)-szu-u-ni sza# [x x x x]

AI Translation

50 cavalrymen, ..., their sons, ......, in the city of .

they together with ... and their oxen, ... of their son and of .


50 cavalrymen ... and their sons ... in the city ... —

they along with ... and along with their oxen ..., which ......, at the disposal of NN, governor of Parsua.



a-du _sza_-bi _iti-dul_ u-szal#-[lam] id#-dan-szu-nu [o]

ki-ma gab-bi u-sa-lim it#-[ti-din] (m)sa-ah-hi-i ina pa-ni-[szu] u-ram-mu-u [o]

_iti-barag_ lim-mu (m)_dug-ga_—_im_—[asz-szur]

AI Translation

He shall pay them back in full by the end of the month Tishri VII.

As soon as he has completed the whole work, Sahhî will come to him.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Tab-shar-Ashur.


He shall give them back in full by the month Tishri VII.

As soon as he has given them all back in full, they shall release Sahhî to him.

Month Nisan I, eponym year of Tab-shar-Ashur.

P335576: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



06 lab-ba-szu-te 02-me-08(?) sza—_ud_-_mesz pab 02_-me-14(*) _lu-erim_-_mesz_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ na-s,a-an-ni

08 lab-ba-szu-te

AI Translation

6 ...s, 208 ...s, in all 214 men whom Nabû-sharru-ushur brought.

8 ...;


6 clad men, 208 stripped: total, 214 men, whom Nabû-sharru-ushur brought.

8 clad men, 96 stripped: total, 104 men, whom Ilu-piya-ushur brought.



_pab 14_ lab-ba-szu-te 03-me-04 sza—_ud_-_mesz_

_pab 03_-me-18 _lu-erim_-_mesz 01_-me-77 _kur_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Total 14 ...s, 340 days.

Total: 380 men, 177 horses.


In all, 14 clad men, 304 stripped:

grand total, 318 men; 177 horses.



_iti-sig4 ud 11_(?)-[_kam_]

AI Translation

Month Sivan III, 11th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Sivan III, the 11th day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-shadû'a 650 B.C..

P335577: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



30 _nita_ pu-ha-lu 02-me-50 _u8_-_mesz_ a-li-su 02-me _dumu_—_mu-an_-[_na_]

AI Translation

30 males, 230 ewes, his companions, 200 yearlings,


30 rams, 250 bearing ewes, 200 1-year-old lambs, 3 male goats, 10 bearing female goats, 7 1-year-old kids. Total 480 white sheep, 20 goats.



_pab 05_-me _iti-ab ud 25_-_kam_(?)#

AI Translation

Total: 500. Month Tebet X, 25th day.


Total 500. Month of Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Mannu-ki-Adad 683 B.C..

P335578: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03-me _kur_-_mesz iti-sig4 ud 10_-_kam_

02-me-93 _kur_-_mesz 04_(*) _gir_-_mesz pab 02_-me(*)-97 _kur_-_mesz gir_-_mesz iti-dul ud 08_-_kam_

_pab 05_(*)-me-93 _kur_-_mesz 04 gir_-_mesz_

_pab 05_-me-97 _kur gir_-_mesz_

AI Translation

300 horses, month Sivan III, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

293 horses, 4 mules: total 297 horses, mules. Month Tishri VII, 8th day.

Total 593 horses, 4 mules.

Total 597 horses and mules.


300 horses, month of Sivan III, 10th day.

293 horses, 4 mules: total 297 horses and mules, month of Tishri VII, 8th day.

Total 593 horses, 4 mules.

Total 597 horses and mules, of Mugallu, which Ili-ukallanni has brought.



_pab_(*) lim-me (m)sa-gab

_pab 05_-me-89 _kur_-_mesz 08 gir_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Total, eponym year of Sagab.

Total 589 horses, 8 mules.


Total, eponym year of Sagab 651 B.C..

Total: 589 horses, 8 mules.

P335579: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


04 _udu kur_-te-man#-a-a sza (m)asz-szur—_kar_-ir _lu_(v)-_gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ

02 _gisz_-ku-kul(?)-u _gisz_-ha-ah-hi (m)_man#_—[lu]—da#-ri

AI Translation

4 Temanean sheep belonging to Ashur-etir, chief tailor;

2 wooden ...s, Sharru-lu-dari;


4 Temanaean sheep belonging to Ashur-etir, chief tailor.

2 wooden boxes of peaches — Sharru-lu-dari.

P335580: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc




_bad_-_hal_ qur-ub

AI Translation



cavalryman of the royal bodyguard.


175 horses:


cavalry of the bodyguard.

P335581: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



88 _kur_

06 _gir_

_pab 94_


AI Translation

88 horses,

6 swords;

Total 94.



88 horses,

6 mules:

in all, 94

— Sin-ashared.



_iti-gud ud 09_

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 9th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Iyyar II, 9th day, eponym year of Abi-ram 677 B.C..

P335582: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _tug_-ma-qa-t,i bé-te _zag sa5 kar_

_ta igi_ (m)i-bi-ia ina É-a-ni

AI Translation

2 shawls, the house, the front red, of the port;

From Ibbiya to the house of the king.


2 house gowns, the front red, of the port,

from Ibbiya, in the domestic quarters,



_szu_ (m)asz-szur—kil-la-ni

_iti-gud ud 02_-_kam_

AI Translation

Care of Ashur-killanni.

Month Iyyar II, 2nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


care of Ashur-killanni.

Month of Iyyar II, 2nd day, eponym year of Sha-Nabû-shû 658 B.C..

P335583: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)qar-ha-x#+[x x x] _szu-2_ (m)kul-ku-la-a-[nu(?)]

_iti-kin ud 20_-_kam_

AI Translation

Qarha..., in the charge of Kullulanu.

Month Elul VI, 20th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Qarha..., in the charge of Kulkulanu.

Month of Elul V, 20th day, eponym year of Sharru-metu-uballit.

P335584: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] ad-ru(?) [za-rip] laq-qi tu-[a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-te-e-ma _gil_-u-ni 05 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru 20 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _nina-ki_ i-szak-kan kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra

AI Translation

... is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall place 5 minas of pure gold and 20 minas of refined silver in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


... That threshing floor is acquired and purchased. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall place 5 minas of pure gold and 20 minas of refined silver in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.



_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_(?)—_i lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)arba-il-_ki_-a-a

_igi_ (m)[x x x]-a-a-te

[x x x x x]-na-a

AI Translation

Witness Shamash-na'id, cohort commander.

Witness Arbailayu.

Witness ...ate.



Witness Shamash-na'id, cohort commander.

Witness Arbailayu.

Witness ...ate.


P335585: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x]+01 _tug-bar-dib gun_(*) _lu_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

[x] _tug_-ma-qa-t,i bé-[te] _sa5_(?)# [x x x x]

[x] _tug#_-ur-nat :- :- [x x x x]

[x _tug_]-ur-nat bir# [x x x]

[x] _tug_-ur-nat(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

x+1 robes, multicoloured, men's ...;

x ...-garments, the house, red ...;

x urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ...;

x urnutu-garments, felted, ...;

x urnutu-garments ...;


x+1 robe, multicoloured, ... ... ...;

... house-gowns, red ...;

... urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ...;

... urnutu-garments, felted ...;

... urnutu-garments ...

P335586: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02-me-39 _kur_-_mesz_

AI Translation

239 horses,


239 horses:




AI Translation




P335588: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] an#-ni-u me-x#+[x x x] [x x]-bi#-ru u-ma-[x x]

[x e]-tar#-ba _iti-szu ud#_ [x-_kam_] [lim]-mu# (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-Asz#-[me]

[x x]+x# _sze-pad_-_mesz lal_-[e(?)] [x x x x x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

... this ... ... .

Month Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme.

... barley, refined, .


All this ...... came in.

Month of Tammuz IV, day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli-lashme 670 B.C..

... barley, deficit

P335589: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x (m)_dug_]—_im#_—asz-szur

[x x x x x]-ia-a

[x x x (m)_man_]—lu#—da-ri

[x x x] _uru_(?)#-gam-bul-a-a _gibil_-_mesz_

[x x x (m)(d)x]—_mu_—_asz_

[x x x]+x# sza _gud_-_mesz_

[x x x] _gin_(?)#-_mesz kug-ud_-szu-nu

[x x x x] _me_(?)# _ansze_-_mesz_ [(x x)]

AI Translation

... Tab-shar-Ashur


... Sharru-lu-dari

... the new Gambuleans

... ...-shumu-iddina

...... of oxen

... shekels of silver their

...... horses .


... Tab-shar-Ashur


... Sharru-lu-dari

... the new Gambulaeans

... ...-shumu-iddina

... of oxen

... shekels, their silver.

...... donkeys



[x x x x x] (m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim(?)-[(x x)]

[x x x _sze-numun_(?)]-_mesz_ te-lit

[x x x x x]+x# na szi an ni

[x x x x]+x x x x#-du-u-ni-ni

[x x x x] up-pa(?)-szu-u-ni

[x x x x x]+x#—_mu_—_du_ [x x x x x]+x# _apin_(?) x# [(x x)]

AI Translation

...... Nabû-shallim .

... seed corn, extispicy

...... us

...... they have done



... Nabû-shallimanni

... grain produce


...... they ... us

...... they carried out

...... ...-shumu-ibni

P335590: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x (m)]a(?)-da-ra-ha-te _mi_-am(?)-x#+[x x]

[x x]-_mesz_ (m)_u-gur_—_ad_—[x x]

[x _gisz-sar_]-_mesz u-sar_ [x x] [x x x x x x] x x# [x x]

AI Translation

... Adaratu, Am...,

... Nergal-abu-.

x vegetable gardens .


...... the woman Adrahate, the woman Am-... ......

......... Nergal-abu-... ......

...... x vegetable gardens ......

P335591: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)a-du-nu—[x x x]

(m)na-bu-tu—[x x x x]

(m)am—ba-ba [x x x]

(m)ab-da-a' [x x x]

(m)la-ia-a' [x x x]

01-en : _dumu_ pir-su# [x x x x]

_pab 04 dumu_-_mesz pab_ [x _zi_-_mesz_] _arad_-_mesz_ sza (m)[x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma [(m)x x x x x] [_lu_]-_a-ba_ x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation



Am-baba ...

Abda' ...

Laia' ...

one ditto, the son of Pirsu ...;

in all 4 sons, in all x persons, servants of NN —

NN, scribe, ...



Nabutu, ...,

Am-baba, ...,

Abda', ...,

Laia', ...,

one ditto weaned son ...,

in all 4 sons, in all x persons, servants of NN —

NN, scribe, has contracted and bought

P335592: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]-_mesz_

[x x x x x] _mi_-szu [x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation


... his wife


in all, x ...s

NN, his wife



[(m)x x]+x-_mesz_(?)# _lu_(v)-_engar_

AI Translation

...s, farmer;


NN, farmer:



[o] _pab 06 lu_(v)-_engar_-_mesz_

[(m)]_arad_(?)#—15 _lu_(v)-_nu-gisz-sar_

[(m)x-x]+x#-nu _lu_(v)-_nu-gisz-sar mi_-szu# [x x] u#-tur-a-ti [x x]+x# szA-zi-iz-zi [x x x x x]-na#

AI Translation

in all 6 farmers.

Urda-Issar, gardener;, gardener, his wife, ... small ...s, ... who sits .


in all 6 farmers.

Urda-Issar, gardener.

NN, gardener, his wife.

P335593: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[02] _ansze# sze-pad_-_mesz#_ [(m)x x x x]

02# :- (m)a-a—x#+[x x]

02# :- (m)_di_-mu—la#-[mur]

02# :- (m)mar—bi-i'-di

02# :- (m)dal-a—_dingir_

02# :- (m)10—_en_—_pab_

_pab# 12_ :- _sze-pad_-_mesz_ sza# (m)ba-hi-a-ni [ina] pa#-ni-szu-nu

AI Translation

2 homers of barley — N

2 ditto — Aya-...;

2 ditto — Shulmu-lamur;

2 ditto — Mar-bi'di;

2 ditto — Dala-ilu;

2 ditto — Adad-belu-ushur;

Total 12 ditto of barley belonging to Bahianu, at their disposal.


2 homers of barley — NN,

2 ditto — Aya-...,

2 ditto — Shulmu-lamur,

2 ditto — Mar-bi'di,

2 ditto — Dalâ-il,

2 ditto — Adad-belu-ushur;

a total of 12 ditto of barley belonging to Bahianu, at their disposal.

P335594: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] su x#+[x x x x x]

[x É] 2(ban2)(?) _a-sza_ [x x x]

[x x x a]-di _un_-[_mesz_-szu x x x] [x x x x x] a-na gi-mir-[ti-szu x x x] [x x x x x x]+x# ak x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

an estate of 2 decares of field .

... and his people .


...............; an estate of 2 decares of field ......

...... and his people ......

...... in its entirety ......

P335595: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x (x)]-_mesz mu_-[_mesz_ zar-pu] [la]-qi-u tu#-[a-ru] [de]-e-nu _dug4_-[_dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu] sza ina ur-kisz im#—[ma-ti-ma] [i-pa]-ri-ku-u-ni [x _ma-na kug_]-_ud_ ba-Asz-[lu(*)] [x _ma-na kug-gi_] sa-ak-ru#

AI Translation

Those ...s are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, shall place x minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


...... are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract shall place x mina of refined silver and x mina pure gold in the lap of Mullissu, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335596: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_suhur kaskal_ sza] a-na _uru_-x#+[x x x]

[x x x] _suhur kaskal uru-nina_(*)# [u-pisz-ma] [(m)x x x ina] _sza 09 ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ [x x]

[_ta_(v)] _igi#_ (m)_du_—_pab_-_mesz_ [il-qi man-nu] [szA ina ur-kisz ma]-ti#-ma [x x x x]

AI Translation

adjoining the road that leads to ...,

NN has contracted and bought for 9 minas of copper .

Whoever in the future, at any time, .


adjoining the road that leads to ...,

... adjoining the road of Nineveh — NN has contracted and bought it for 9 minas of copper ... from Bani-ahhe.

Whoever in the future, at any time, ...

P335597: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(m)]_uru_(*)-arba(*)-il(*)-_ki_(*)#-[a-a x x x] _dumu mi_-da-hi-x#+[x x x x x] _mi_-(d)15—nap-szir-[x x x x x] _pab 05 zi_-_mesz arad_-[_mesz_ sza (m)x x x]

u-pisz-ma (m)_be_-ma#—[_dingir_-_mesz_-ni] _lu_-mu-kil—_kusz-pa_-_mesz#_ [ina _sza_-bi] [x _ma-na kug-ud_] ina(*) sza _uru_(*)#-[gar-ga-mis]

AI Translation

Arbailayu ..., son of Dahi..., ..., Issar-napshir..., ..., a total of 5 persons, servants of NN —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


Arbailayu ..., son of the woman Dahi..., Issar-napshir..., a total of 5 persons, servants of NN —

Shumma-ilani, chariot driver, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish

P335598: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x a-di(?)] _un_-_mesz#_-[szu-nu] [x x x]+x# na-ni(?)# [x x] [x x x] x x# [x x]

AI Translation

... and their people


...... and their people



[x x x] a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu-nu

[x x x]+x#-nu i-na _sza_-bi

[x x x]+x# É ad-ru _gisz-sar_

[x x x]-szu i-na _sza_-bi

[x x (m)x]+x#—_du_-usz [x x x]

AI Translation

NN and their people

...... there

... house, threshing floor, garden

... there

... ...-epush .


...... and their people

...... containing ....

......, house, threshing-floor, garden,

...... containing ...

...... ...-epush, ...

P335599: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)x x x x]+x x-szu(*) _lu_(v)(?)#-[x x] [(m)x x x x x]+x#-a _pab 02 dumu_-_mesz_ [_mi_-x x x] _dumu#-mi_-su

[x x x x] _pab# 10 zi_-_mesz_

[u-pisz-ma (m)]mil#-ki—nu-ri [_lu_(v)-_sag_ sza] _mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

NN, ..., NN, NN, a total of 2 sons, NN, his daughter,

...... in all 10 persons;

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.


NN, ......, NN, a total of 2 sons, NN, her daughter,

... a total of 10 persons —

Milki-nuri, eunuch of the queen, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.



[ina sza _man_] il#-qi _kug-ud_ [gam-mur ta-din] É# _a-sza un_-_mesz_ [szu-a-tu za-Ar]-pu(*)# _ti_ [tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_] la-Asz-szu#

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That house, field, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


The money is paid completely. That house, land, and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

P335600: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ub-ta-'u-[u-ni x x x x]

kas-pu (ana) 10-[_mesz_ ana _en_-_mesz_-szu] u-ta-[ra ina de-ni-szu] _dug4_-[_dug4_-ma la _ti_]

AI Translation

they have seized .

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


seeks ...

shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

P335601: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


sza _uru-nina#_-[_ki gar_-an] kas-pu ina [10-_mesz_] ina _en_-li-[szu _gur_] ina la de-[ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la (i)-laq-[qi]

_igi_ (m)s,i-[x x x x x x] A (m)du-la-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shi..., son of Dula.


shall place x minas of silver in the lap of DN of Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Shi..., son of Dula...

P335602: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[kas-pu gam]-mur ta-din# [tu-a-ru de-e-nu] _dug4#-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ib]-bal-kat-u-ni [kas-pu a]-na# 10-_mesz_-te [a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu] _gur_-Ar

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future violates the contract, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future contravenes, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

P335603: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01(*) _ansze-nita usz_ ina _sza_-bi 01 1::2 _ma-na 07 gin_

01 _mi-ansze_ ina _sza 37 gin_

02-tu _mi-ansze_ ina _sza_-bi 01 _ma-na_

03-su _mi-ansze_ ina _sza 01 ma-na_ sza _lugal_

04-tu _mi-ansze_ ina _sza 32 gin_

AI Translation

1 donkey: slaughtered. Therefrom: 1 1/2 minas 7 shekels.

1 woman for 37 shekels.

Two donkeys for 1 mina each.

Three-thirds of a donkey for one mina of the king.

One fourth female donkey for 32 shekels.


1 male donkey ..., in exchange for 1 1/2 minas 7 shekels.

1 female donkey in exchange for 37 shekels.

A second female donkey in exchange for 1 mina.

A third female donkey in exchange for 1 royal mina.

A fourth female donkey in exchange for 32 shekels.



_pab 05 1_::2 _ma-na 02 gin_

AI Translation

Total 5 1/2 minas 2 shekels.


Total 5 1/2 minas 2 shekels.

P335604: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _sza_] x# _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_]

[01-et] _mi#_ ina _igi_ (m)(d)na(?)#-[na-a—x] [ina] _sza 1_::2(*) _ma-na kug-ud_

[01]-et# [_mi_ ina _igi_] (m)_en_(*)—_ad_-u-a [ina] _sza 03_(?)-su(?)# _kug-ud_

01-et _mi_ ina _igi_ (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_-[szu] ina _sza 1_::2 _ma-na kug-ud_

[01-et] _mi_ ina _igi_ (m)ba-ni-i

AI Translation

for x minas of silver

1 woman assigned to Nanaya-... for 1/2 mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Bel-abu'a for 1/3 of a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Bel-ahheshu for 1/2 mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Banî.


For half a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Nanaya-... for half a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Bel-abu'a for 1/3 of a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Bel-ahheshu for half a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Banî for half a mina of silver.



01-et# _mi_ ina _igi_ (m)_di_(*)#—[x x] ina _sza 1_::2 _ma-na_ [_kug-ud_]

[01]-et _mi_ ina _igi_ (m)_ad_—[x x] ina _sza 03_-su _kug-ud_

02 _lu_(v)-_zi_-_mesz_ ina _igi_ (m)_en_—ib-[ni] ina _sza 01 1_::2 _ma-na kug-ud_

01-et _mi_ ina _igi_ (m)kun-da-a-a ina _sza 01_(?)# 1::2(?) _ma-na# kug-ud_

AI Translation

1 woman assigned to Shulmu-... for 1/2 mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Abi-... for 1/3 of a mina of silver.

2 persons assigned to Bel-ibni for 1 1/2 minas of silver.

1 woman assigned to Kundayu for 1 1/2 minas of silver.


1 woman assigned to Shulmu-... for half a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Abi-... for one third of a mina of silver.

2 people assigned to Bel-ibni for half a mina of silver.

1 woman assigned to Kundayu for one and one-half minas of silver.

P335605: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x A]-_sza_(?)# 01 É tal-pi-tu ina _uru_(?)#-[x x x]

[x x x A]-_sza_ ina _uru_-x#+[x x x x]

[x x x A]-_sza_ ina _uru_-szA-bar-me x#+[x x x x]

[x x x A]-_sza_(?)# ina _uru-01_-te (m)har-ma-ki# [a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu(?) x x x]

[x x x (m)ib(?)]-ni#—_lugal_ a-di# [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x x]

[x x x (m)x-x]-szal(?)#-hi a-di# [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x x] [x x x x x x] x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

... field, 1 house, ... in the town ...;

... field in the town .

... field in Shabarme .

... field in Issete, Harmaku and his people, .

... Ibni-sharri and his people, ......,

..., ...shallhi and his people, NN and his people,


...... of field, 1 barnyard in the town ...,

...... of field in the town ...,

...... field in Shabarme ...,

...... of field in Issete, Harmaku and his people,

Ibni-sharru and his people,

...-shalhi and his people,

P335606: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ x x x]

[x x x x x x] _lu-nu_-[_gisz-sar_ x x x]

[x x x x]-nu _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x]-si _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ [x x x]

[x x x x]-szal(?)#-lim _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ [x _zi_-_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x x x x]+x#—(d(*))_masz_(?)# _lu-nu-gisz-sar 02#_ [_zi_-_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x x x x]+x#-_kur mi_-szu _pab 02_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-a [x x x]

[x x x x x]-ni 04 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_en_—_pab 02 zi#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x x x]+x#-an-ni 02 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)nu-ri—15 02 _zi_-_mesz_ [x x x]

[x x x _zi_(?)]-_mesz_ (m)_im_—15 02 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)(d)szA-masz—kil-la-an-[ni x x x]

[x x x]+x# (m)(d)_mar-tu_—na-s,a-pa _dil_-ma-[nu x x x (m)(d)]_pa-tug_—sze-zib-an-[ni x x x]

[x x x] _dil_-ma-nu (m)_arad_—(d)ba-ni-ti# [x x x]-ha-ru-u-a [x x x]

[_mi_]-ba(?)-ki(?)-szA(?) _ama_ szA# 04 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)d-_ag_—_su_ x#+[x x x]+x#-a-a _lu#_-[x x x]

(m)_arad_-i (m)_arad_—15 (m)a-a-u—id-ri# _szesz_-_mesz_-szu _mi_-a(?)-hu(?)#-a _ama_-szu x x# [x x x]

_mi-ad_—ra-hi-i _mi-15_—_ama_-man-ni _mi#_-ha-ar-ra-a _mi_-(d)_nin-lil_—_bad#_ [x x x]

(m)li-bu-szu 02 _zi_-_mesz mi_-ba-zi-tu [x x x] (m)man-nu—ki—10 02 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)[x x x x]

(m)_en_—_gin_-in _dil_-ma-nu (m)ra-hi-mu—10 [(m)]se#-e—su-ri _dil_-man (m)(d)_asar#_-[_lu-hi_—x x x]

(m)_dingir_—ep-pa-Asz (m)10—hu-ut-ni _mi_-ba-an(?)#-na-a 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szA _mi_-x#+[x-x x x]

_mi_-suk-ki-i-tu 03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szA (m)s,u-u-s,u _lu-sipa_—_udu_-_mesz 03 zi_-_mesz_ (m)qur-di#—[x x x]

(m)nu-ri-i _sipa_—_udu_-_mesz mi_(*)-ha(*)-an(*)-za#-ba-a _mi_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab 04_ (m)a-u-i-ra-a _mi_-a-sa-a [_mi_-szu _pab 02_ (m)x x x] _zi_-[_mesz_ x x x]

_pab 06 sipa_—_udu_-_mesz_ (m)na-ni-i _lu_(v)-_usz_—gam-mal-_mesz 02 zi_-_mesz_ (m)10—id-ri _lu-usz_—gam-mal-_mesz#_ [x _zi_-_mesz_ (m)x x x]-a—_dingir lu-usz_—[gam-mal-_mesz_ x x x]

(m)ma-ti-'i-i _lu-usz_—gam—mal-_mesz 02 zi_-_mesz_ (m)am—ra-pi-i' _lu_(v)(*)-_usz_—gam-mal-_mesz dil_-man(*)# [(m)x x x _lu_]-_usz_—gam-mal-_mesz dil_-man# [x x x]

(m)10—u-bal-lit, _mi_-har-ra-a _mi_-szu _pab 02_ (m)ia-ta-ma-a 02 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)na-ni-i 02 _zi#_-[_mesz_ x x x x x x]+x#—_kam_-esz _lu_-[x x x]

(m)in—_dingir lu-usz-bar_—_gun 02 zi_-_mesz_ (m)_pab_—le-i _lu-usz#-bar_—_gun 02 zi_-_mesz_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x]+x# 03 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)[x x x]

(m)szam-ga-a-a-ni 02 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)qit-ti—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni 2# _zi_-_mesz_ (m)_ad_—ra-[hi-i(?) x x x x x x x x x]-nu _dil_-man _mi_-x#+[x x x]

(m)_arad_—(d)_du_-tu _dil_-man (m)pi(*)-szA-at-ti _dil_-man _mi_-hi-t,u-bar-ra [02(?)] _dumu_-_mesz_-szA (m)a-hu-x#+[x x x x x x (m)x]—kil-la-[an-ni x x x]

(m)gu(*)-gi-i _dil_-man _mi_-(d)_du_-tu—a-a-li _mi_-dam-qa-a-a(?)# _mi_-de-e-ru-x#+[x x x]

_mi_-bi-'a-a _mi-ag_-ti-i _mi_-a-da-di—t,a-al-li _mi_-x#+[x]-ru#-hi—(d)_nin_-[_lil_(?) x x x]

01 É 01 _gisz-sar u-sar_ ina _uru_-a-di-a (m)qur-di—_u-gur# lu_-qa-[tin x x x]

_pab 01_-lim-07-me _a-sza 40 gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz_-til-lit 02-ta _gisz#_-[_sar_]-_mesz#_ [x x x]

06 É-_mesz_ sza (m)d-_ag_—_lugal_—u-s,ur(?)# [_lu-gal_—_sag_ x x x]

30 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-szul-mu—_hal-s_,U-_mesz 20 ansze_ ina _uru_-kur-ru-x# [x x x x x x x x x] x-_mesz 20 ansze a_(?)#-[_sza_ x x x]

30 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-an-di-ta-a 20 _ansze_ ina _uru-du6_—ra-a-[x x x x x x x x x x x]-hi#-ti _pab 01_-me-70 [_ansze a-sza_ x x x]

01 _gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit ina _kur_-si-in-ga-a-ra 1 _gisz-sar_ til-lit [x x x x x x x x x] 1 _gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit [x x x]

1 _gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit ina _uru-sze_—(m)d-_ag_—_pab_-ir 1 _gisz-sar_ za-am-ri [x x x x x x x x (m)]_man#_—lu—da-ri _lu-ninda 04 zi#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

(m)szar#-ri-i _lu-engar 06 zi_-_mesz_ (m)mil-ki—nu-ri _lu-engar_ [x _zi_-_mesz_ (m)x x x]—15 _lu-engar 02 zi_-_mesz_ [x x x]

(m)qit-ti—_be lu-engar 06 zi_-_mesz_ (m)(d)_im_—a-na(*)-a _lu-engar_(*)# [x _zi_-_mesz_ x x x x (m)ba]-a(*)-a-di—_dingir lu-engar 12 zi_-[_mesz_ x x x]

(m)_pab_—le-'u-ti 04 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)na-zi#-bi-ri(*)-i(*) 02(*) _zi_(*)#-[_mesz_ (m)x x x x x] _zi#_-_mesz_ (m)sam-si—id-[ri x x x]

(m)ga(?)-gi(?)# 05 _zi_-_mesz#_ (m)_im_(?)-[x x _zi_-_mesz_ (m)x x x x] 02 _zi#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

(m)ha-nu-nu(*)# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... gardener .

...... gardener ., gardener ., gardener .

...shallim, gardener; x persons .

......-Inurta, gardener, 2 persons .

...... his wife, in all 2; Urdu-Nanaya, ......;, 4 persons; Shamash-belu-ushur, 2 persons; NN, ......;

......anni, 2 persons; Nuri-Issar, 2 persons; NN, ......;

... persons; Shar-Issar, 2 persons; Shamash-killanni, ......;

... Amurru-nashapp, single, ..., Nusku-shezibanni .

... single, Urdu-Baniti, ...harua, .

Bakkisha, mother of four persons; Nabû-eriba, ...ayu, .

Urdu-Issar, Urdu-Issar, Ayu-idri, his brothers, Ahua, his mother, .

Abi-rahî, Issar-amma-manni, Harrâ, Mullissu-duri .

Libushu, 2 persons, the woman Bazitu, ..., Mannu-ki-Adad, 2 persons, NN, ......,

Bel-ka''in, double; Rahimu-Adad, Se'-suri, double; Asalluhi-..., ...;

Ilu-eppash, Adad-hutni, Banaya and her two sons, NN,

Sukkitu and her 3 sons; Shushu, shepherd, 3 persons; Qurdi-..., ......;

Nurî, sheep herder, Hanzabayu, his wife, and his two sons, a total of 4; Aurayu, his wife Asâ, a total of 2; NN, x persons ......;

In all 6 shepherds; Nanî, chariot driver, 2 persons; Adad-idri, chariot driver, x persons; ...a-ilu, chariot driver, ......;

Mati'î, chariot driver, 2 persons; Am-rapi', chariot driver, double; NN, chariot driver, double; NN, ...;

Adad-uballit, Harrâ, his wife, a total of 2; Yatamâ, 2 persons; Nanî, 2 persons; ......-eresh, ...;

In-ilu, weaver of multicoloured yarn, 2 persons; Ahu-le'i, weaver of multicoloured yarn, 2 persons; NN, NN, 3 persons; NN, ......;

Shamgani, 2 persons; Qitti-ilani, 2 persons; Abi-rahî, ......, a married woman; NN, ......;

Urdu-Banitu, double; Pishattu, double; Hitubara, her two sons; Ahu..., NN

Gugî, a married woman; Banitu-ayali, Damqaya, Deru...;

Bi'â, Natî, Adadi-talli, ...ruhi-Mullissi .

1 house, 1 vegetable garden in Adia; Qurdi-Nergal, the master-builder ...;

Total 1,780 hectares of field, 40 vineyards, 2 vineyards .

6 houses of Nabû-sharru-ushur, chief eunuch ...;

30 hectares of field in Shulmu-harran, 20 hectares in Kurru..., ......s, 20 hectares of field ......,

30 hectares of field in Anditâ, 20 hectares in Til-rayu, ......; in all 170 hectares of field ...;

1 vineyard in Singara, 1 vineyard ......, 1 vineyard ......,

1 vineyard in the village of Nabû-nashir, 1 vineyard ......, Sharru-lu-dari, baker, 4 persons ......,

Sharrî, farmer, 6 persons; Milki-nuri, farmer, x persons; ...-Issar, farmer, 2 persons; NN, ...;

Qitti-iqbi, farmer, 6 persons; Adad-anâ, farmer, x persons; NN, Badi-il, farmer, 12 persons; NN, ...;

Ahu-le'uti, 4 persons; Nazibirî, 2 persons; NN, x persons; Samsi-idri, ......;

Gagi, 5 persons; Adad-..., x persons; NN, 2 persons; NN, ......;

Hanunu ......


NN, gardener, x persons ......;

NN, gardener, x persons ......; gardener, x persons ......; gardener, x persons ......;

...-shallim, gardener, x persons ......;

... ...-Inurta, gardener, 2 persons ......;

NN and his wife NN, in all 2 persons; Urda-Nanaya, ......;, 4 persons; Shamash-belu-ushur, 2 persons ......;

...anni, 2 persons; Nuri-Issar, 2 persons; ......;

NN, x persons; Shar-Issar, 2 persons; Shamash-killanni, ......;

...; Amurru-nashapa, single; Nusku-shezibanni, ......;

..., single; Urda-Baniti, ...; Harû'a, ......;

Bakisha, her mother, 4 persons; Nabû-eriba, ...; ...ayu, ...; ......;

Urdî, Urad-Issar and Yau-idri, his brothers, Ahu'a his mother, ......;

the women Abi-rahî, Issar-remanni, Harrâ, Mullissu-duri, ......;

Libushu, 2 persons; the woman Bazitu, x persons; Mannu-ki-Adad, 2 persons; NN, ......;

Bel-kin, single; Rahimu-Adda, Se'-suri, both single; Asalluhi-..., ......;

Ilu-eppash, Adda-hutni, the woman Bannâ and her 2 children; the woman NN, ......;

the woman Sukkitu and her 3 children; Shushu, shepherd, 3 persons; Qurdi-..., ......;

Nurî, shepherd, his wife Hanzabâ and his 2 children, in all 4 persons Auirâ and his wife Asâ in all 2 persons; NN, x persons; ......;

in all 6 shepherds; Nanî, camel driver, 2 persons; Adda-idri, camel driver, x persons; ...a-ilu, camel driver, ......;

Mati'î, camel driver, 2 persons; Am-rapi', camel driver, single; NN, camel driver, single; ......;

Adad-uballit and his wife Harrâ, in all 2 persons; Yatamâ, 2 persons; Nanî, 2 persons; ...-eresh, ..., ......;

In-ili, weaver of multicolored fabrics, 2 persons; Ahu-le'i, weaver of multicolored fabrics, 2 persons; NN, ..., 3 persons; NN, ......;

Shamgayani, 2 persons; Qitti-ilani, 2 persons; Ab-rahî, x persons; NN, single; NN, .......;

Urda-Banitu, single; Pishatti, single; the woman Hitubarra and her 2 children; Ahu-..., ...; ...-killanni, ......;

Gugî, single; the women Banitu-ayali, Damqaya, Deru-... ......;

Bi'â, Ra'imtî, Adadi-talli, ...-ruhi-Mullissu, ......;

1 house, 1 vegetable garden in Adia; Qurdi-Nergal, tiller, .......

All together 1,700 hectares of field, 40 vineyards, 2 vegetable gardens, .......

6 estates of Nabû-sharru-ushur, chief eunuch of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria.

30 hectares of field in the town Shulmu-birati, 20 hectares in Kurru-..., ........., 20 hectares of field ......,

30 hectares of field in Anditâ, 20 hectares in Til-ra..., x hectares in ...hiti; total 170 hectares of field. ......,

1 vineyard in Singara, 1 vineyard in ..., 1 vineyard in ..., ......,

1 vineyard, in the village of Nabû-nashir, 1 orchard in ...; Sharru-lu-dari, baker, 4 persons; ......;

Sharrî, farmer, 6 persons; Milki-nuri, farmer, x persons; ...-Issar, farmer, 2 persons; ......;

Qiti-muti, farmer, 6 persons; Adda-anâ, farmer, x persons; ...; Bayadi-ilu, farmer, 12 persons; ......;

Ahu-le'uti, 4 persons; Nazibirî, 2 persons; NN, x persons; Samsi-idri, ......;

Gagi, 5 persons; Shar-..., x persons; NN, 2 persons; NN, ......;

Hanunu, ......



10(?)# [x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x]

06 _lu_(?)#-[x x x x x] x x# [x x x]

(m)ab(?)-[x x x x]+2 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)man-nu—ki#—[x x x x]

01 _gisz-sar#_ [til-lit(?) (m)(d)]_ag_—_numun_—_ba_-szA 01 _gisz-sar_ til-lit sza (m)[x x x x]

01(?) [_gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit(?) (m)]ia#-ar-hi 01 _gisz-sar_ til-lit ziq-pu 01(*) _gisz-sar_ til(?)-lit(?) sza# [x x x]

(m)[x x x x]-a-i _pab 09 gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz_-til-lit ina _uru_-pa-at-tu-[x x x]

x#+[x x x x x x] 02-ta _gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit ina _uru_-kal-ha a-di [x x x]

x#+[x x x x x x _gisz_]-til-lit ina _kur_-za-bar(*)-ra _pab 02_-ta _gisz-sar_-[_mesz gisz_-til-lit x x x]

[x x x x x x x] ina(*)# _kur_-ka-a-szi-ie(*)-e-ri (m)_pab_—la-[x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x]+x# 01 _gisz_(?)#-[x x x] [x x x x x x x x x x] x x# [x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _zi_-_mesz#_ [x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] (m)ia-hu-t,u# [x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] 04 _zi_-_mesz_ [x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x]+2 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)[x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x]+2 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)[x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x]+3 _zi_-_mesz#_ (m)[x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x]+2 _zi_-_mesz_ (m)[x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x]+2 _zi_-_mesz_ [x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x] _zi_-[_mesz_ x x x]

AI Translation

10 ......;

6 ......;

Ab..., x+2 persons; Mannu-ki-..., ...;

1 vineyard of Nabû-zeru-iqisha, 1 vineyard of NN,

1 vineyard — Yarhi; 1 vineyard, ziqpu; 1 vineyard of ...;

...ayu, in all 9 vineyards in Pattu...;

......, 2 vineyards in Calah, including .

...... vineyard in Zabar; in all 2 vineyards .

...... in Kashiru Ahu-la.

...... 1 ...

...... persons .

...... Yahutu .

......, 4 persons .

......, x+2 persons, NN,

......, x+2 persons, NN,

......, x+3 persons, NN,

......, x+2 persons, NN,

...... x+2 persons .

...... persons .


10 ......

6 .........

Ab..., x+2 persons; Mannu-ki-..., ......;

1 vineyard, Nabû-zeru-iqisha; 1 vineyard of NN, ......;

1 vineyard, Yarhi; 1 vineyard of seedlings, 1 vineyard of ..., ......

NN; in all 9 vineyards in Pattu.... ......,

......; 2 vineyards in Calah with ..., ...... ,

... vineyards in Zabarra; in all 2 vineyards in .... ......

...... in Kashieri; Ahu-la..., ......

......; 1 vineyard ......

...... persons; ......

......; Yahutu, ......

......, 4 persons; ......

......, x+2 persons; NN, ......

......, x+2 persons; NN, ......

......, x+3 persons; NN, ......

......, x+2 persons; NN, ......

......, x+2 persons; NN, ......

......, x persons; NN, ......

P335607: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x x x x]+x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x] 20(?)# _ansze_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x]+x# 1 É ina _uru-nina_ [x x x]

[x x x x x] (m)sa-am-bu-uk-x(?) [x x x]

[x x x x x]+x# _uru_(?)—_lu_-szA—_tug-u-sag_-_mesz_-szu x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x x]+x# _lu-engar 04 zi_-[_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x x x x x] _lu-sipa_ [x x x]

AI Translation


...... 20 hectares in the village of N

...... 1 house in Nineveh .

...... Sambuuk.

...... his eunuchs .

...... farmer, 4 persons .

...... shepherd .



...... 20 hectares of field in the village of NN; ......

......, 1 house in Nineveh, ......

...... Sambuk..., ......

...... Hatter Town, ......

......; NN, farmer, 4 persons; ......

......; NN, shepherd, ......

P335608: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _ansze a_]-_sza#_ ina _uru-2_—_lu-gisz-gigir_ (m)_lal_—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_pab_—_sum_-na _lu-engar_ a-di [_un_-_mesz_-szu]

[(x) x _ansze_] _a-sza_ ina _uru_-da-ar-ra-as-ka (m)di-di-i _lu-engar_ a-di [_un_-_mesz_-szu]

[x x]—d-_ag lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_gin_-a-ni—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un#_-[_mesz_-szu]

[x] _ansze# a-sza_ ina _uru_-É—(m)ur-bi-ru (m)_lal_—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_pab_—_sum_-na _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu#

[(m)(d)]_utu_(?)—rém-an-ni a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)d-_ag_-u-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)(d)_en_—di(!)-pa-ri-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m(*))si(*)#-in-qi—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu 20 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-a-sa-a-a-ti (m)(d)_gaszan_—_i lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

20 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-mi-il-ia-a-ba (m)_gin_-a-ni—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu _pab_ ina _kur_-hal-zi _uru_-arba-il

01 É ina _ka_—(d)ha-am-ri 1::2 _gisz-sar u-sar_ ina _igi ka-gal_ sza _uru_-ni-nu-a ina _uru_-arba-il

(m)15—_bad_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)da-ri—_en_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)gab-bu—a-mur a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)man-nu—ki#—d-_ag_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu 20 _ansze a-sza 02_-ta _gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz_-til-lit ina _uru-2_—qa-ba-si-i ina _sag uru_-arba-il

(m)_di#_-mu—_pab_-_mesz lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

02(?)# _ansze a-sza 01_ É# ina _igi ka-gal_ szA _nina-ki_ (m)(d)_masz_—_ad_—_pab_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)gu(?)#-ra-a' _ki-min pab_ ina qab-si _uru_-kal-ha

50(?)# _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-01_(*)-tu(*) (m(*))ku-um-ma-a-a ina _uru_-arrap-ha (m)_pab_-bu-u _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)(d(?))_id_(?)#-za-ban—_sum_-na _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)d-_ag_—sze-zib _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_dingir_—at-kal(*) _ki-min_

40 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)ri(*)-mu-ti ina _kur_-bar-hal-za (m)la-ba-'u-u _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)ba-su-na-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu 40 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)nu-u-ni ina _kur_-bar-hal-za

(m)bal-t,a-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_numun_—_gin lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

40 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-an-du-li (m)si-in-qi—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

02(?) _ansze_(?) _a-sza#_ ina _uru_-a-si-hi (m)at-ta-a'—id-ri _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)[x x x _lu-engar_] a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ki-ra—_pab_-_mesz lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)pal-hu—u-sze-zib _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x _lu-engar_ a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ta(?)-a'#-la-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)as-ta-na-nu a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x _lu-engar_ a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_dingir_—im-me _lu_(*)-_engar_(*) a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)man-nu—ki-i—a-da _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x _lu-engar_ a-di _un_]-_mesz_-szu (m)na-ti-ni-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ka-bar—_dingir lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(x x) x x x x x ina] _uru#_-ka-Asz-pi (m)sa-la-ma-a-nu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(x x) x x x x] _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_lal_—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(x x) x x x x] til-lit ina _uru_-ia-da-'i-i (m)ab-di-i _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)hu]-li(?)#-i _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x _gisz-sar_ til-lit] ina _uru_-bar-za-ni-is-ta (m)10—ra-ha-a-u _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x _gisz-sar_ til-lit] ina _uru-du6_—za-ni-i (m)ma-an-ni-i _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m(*))[(x x) x x x] _lu#-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_pab_—im-me-e _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(x x) x x x]-szu(?) ina _uru_-ab-si-ia-a-a (m)at-tu(*)-na-a-a _lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_pab_—le-i _lu-nu-gisz-sar ki-min_

02(?) _gisz#_-[_sar_] til-lit ina _uru_-is-pal-lu-re-e (m)15—na-ma-ri (m)qu-ma-na-a-a _lu-nu-gisz-sar_-_mesz_

a-di _un_-_mesz#_-szu-nu _pab_ ina _kur_-i-zal-li

[x] _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze#_—(m)_dingir_—s,a-le-e (m)zab-di-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ha-di-ia _lu-engar ki-min_

(m)man-nu—ki—15 _lu#-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)a-a—_dug-ga lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)rém(?)-a(?)#-ni—10 _lu-engar_ a-di _un#_-_mesz_-szu (m)_pab_—le-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ha-an-s,i-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)_en_—_du_-usz(?)# [_lu-engar_] a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ket-ti-ra-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)(d)_im_—_su lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-x]+x#-ra-ni (m)bi-ia-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)x#+[x x (x x) _lu-engar_ a]-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)zi-zi-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

010+[x _ansze a-sza_(?)] ina _uru_-ar-di-i-zi (m)ta-a'-la-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x x x] _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x ina] _uru_(*)#-a(*)-bi(*)-s,a(*)-x x# (m)_dingir_—hi(*)#-in-ni [x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x ina] _uru-du6_—ha-lu#-li-na ina na-gi-[e x x x x x]

[(m)x x x _lu-engar_ a-di _un_]-_mesz_-szu (m)_u-gur_—_kalag_-an a-di(*) _un_(*)-_mesz_(*)-szu(*) (m(*))x x# [x x x x (x x)]

[(m)x x x x x _lu-engar_] a-di _un_-[_mesz_-szu x x x x]

AI Translation

x hectares of field in the village of the horse trainer; Tuqunu-eresh, farmer, and his people; Ahu-iddina, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in the town of Darrashka, Dadî, farmer, and his people,

...-Nabû, farmer, and his people; Kenani-Issar, farmer, and his people;

x hectares of field in Bit-Urbiru; Tashmetu-eresh, farmer, and his people; Ahu-iddina, farmer, and his people.

Shamash-remanni and his people; Nabû'a, farmer, and his people; Bel-diparî, farmer, and his people.

Sinqi-Issar, farmer, and his people. 20 hectares of field in the town of Asate; Belet-na'di, farmer, and his people.

20 hectares of field in Miliaba; Kenanni-Issar, farmer, and his people; all in the province of Halzi of Arbela.

1 house in the Gate of Hamri, 1/2 vegetable garden opposite the Nineveh Gate in Arbela;

Issar-duri and his people; Dari-Bel and his people; Gabbu-amur and his people.

Mannu-ki-Nabû and his people, 20 hectares of field, two vineyards in Qabasî, in the vicinity of Arbela;

Shulmu-ahhe, farmer, and his people;

2 hectares of field, 1 house, in front of the Nineveh Gate; Inurta-abu-ushur and his people; Gurâ ditto: all in the centre of Calah.

50 hectares of field in Issete; Kummâ in Arrapha; Ahû, farmer, and his people.

Zaban-iddina, farmer, and his people; Nabû-shezib, farmer, and his people; Ilu-atkal, ditto.

40 hectares of field in the village of Rimutti in Barhalza; Laba'û, farmer, and his people;

Basunâ, farmer, and his people. 40 hectares of field in the village of Nuni in Barhalza.

Baltaya, farmer, and his people; Zeru-ukin, farmer, and his people;

40 hectares of field in the town of Anduli; Sinqi-Issar, farmer, and his people;

2 hectares of field in the town of Asihi; Atta'-idri, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Kira-ahhe, farmer, and his people; Palhu-ushezib, farmer, and his people.

NN, farmer, and his people; Ta'lâ, farmer, and his people; Atananu and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Il-immi, farmer, and his people; Mannu-ki-ada, farmer, and his people.

NN, farmer, and his people; Natinî, farmer, and his people; Kabar-il, farmer, and his people.

...... in Kashpi; Salamanu, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Tashmetu-eresh, farmer, and his people;

......, a vineyard in Yada'î; Abdî, gardener, and his people;

Hulî, gardener, and his people;

x vineyards in Barzanita; Adad-rahayu, gardener, and his people;

x vineyards in Til-zanî; Mannî, gardener, and his people;

NN, gardener, and his people; Ahu-immê, gardener, and his people;

...... in the town of Absiya, Atunayu, gardener, and his people, Ahu-le'i, gardener, ditto.

2 vineyards in Ispallure; Issar-namari and Qumanayu, gardeners;

Total, in the land of Izalli.

x hectares of field in the village of Il-shalê; Zabdî, farmer, and his people; Hadiya, farmer, ditto.

Mannu-ki-Issar, farmer, and his people; Aya-tab, farmer, and his people.

Remanni-Adad, farmer, and his people; Ahu-le'i, farmer, and his people; Hanshî, farmer, and his people.

Bel-epush, farmer, and his people; Kettirâ, farmer, and his people; Adad-eriba, farmer, and his people;

x hectares of field in the town of ...rani; Biya, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Zizî, farmer, and his people.

100 hectares of field in the town of Ardizi; Ta'lâ, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people;

...... in Abisha... Ilu-hinni .

...... in Til-halulina in the district .

NN, farmer, and his people; Nergal-dan and his people; NN and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people, ......,


x hectares of field in Horse-Trainer Town; Tuqunu-eresh, farmer, and his people; Ahu-iddina, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in Darraska; Didî, farmer, and his people;

...-Nabû, farmer, and his people; Kinanni-Issar, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in Bet-Urbiru; Tuqunu-eresh, farmer, and his people Ahu-iddina, farmer, and his people;

Shamash-remanni and his people; Nabû'a, farmer, and his people; Bel-dipari, farmer, and his people;

Sinqi-Issar, farmer, and his people. 20 hectares of field in Asayati; Belet-na'dat, farmer, and his people.

20 hectares of field in Milyaba; Kinanni-Issar, farmer, and his people. Total in the county of Arbela.

1 house at the gate of Hamri, half a vegetable garden opposite the Nineveh Gate in Arbela;

Issar-duri and his people; Dari-Bel and his people; Gabbu-amur and his people;

Mannu-ki-Nabû and his people. 20 hectares of field, 2 vineyards in Qabasî Town in the best part of Arbela;

Shulmu-ahhe, farmer, and his people.

2 hectares of field, 1 house opposite the Nineveh Gate; Inurta-abu-ushur and his people; Gura', ditto. Total in central Calah.

50 hectares of field in Issete; Kummayu, in Arrapha; Ahabû, farm er, and his people;

Zaban-iddina, farmer, and his people; Nabû-shezib, farmer, and his people; Ilu-atkal, ditto.

40 hectares of field in the village of Remutti in Barhalzi; Laba'û, farmer, and his people;

Basunâ, farmer, and his people. 40 hectares of field in the village of Nuni in Barhalzi;

Baltaya, farmer, and his people; Zeru-ukin, farmer, and his people.

40 hectares of field in Anduli; Sinqi-Issar, farmer, and his people.

2 hectares of field in Asihi; Atta'-idri, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Kira-ahhe, farmer, and his people; Palhu-ushezib, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; ...lâ, farmer, and his people; Astananu and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Il-immi, farmer, and his people Mannu-ki-Adda, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Natinî, farmer, and his people; Kabar-il, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in Kashpu; Salamanu, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Tuqunu-eresh, farmer, and his people.

x vineyards in Yada'î; Abdî, gardener, and his people;

Hulî, gardener, and his people.

x vineyards in Barzanista Adraha'u, gardener, and his people.

x vineyards in Til-zanî; Mannî, gardener, and his people;

NN, gardener, and his people; Ahi-immê, gardener, and his people

... in Absiyayu; Attunayu, gardener, and his people; Ahu-le'i, gardener, ditto.

2 vineyards in Ispallurê; Issar-namari, Qumanayu, gardeners,

with their people. Total in Izallu.

x hectares of field in the village of Ilu-shalê; Zabdî, farmer, and his people; Hadiya, farmer, ditto;

Mannu-ki-Issar, farmer, and his people; Aya-taba, farmer, and his people;

Remanni-Adad, farmer, and his people; Ahu-le'i, farmer, and his people; Hanshî, farmer, and his people;

Bel-epush, farmer, and his people; Kettirâ, farmer, and his people; Adad-eriba, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in ...rani; Biyâ, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Zizî, farmer, and his people.

1+x hectares of field in Ardizi; Ta'lâ, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people.

... in Abisha... Il-hinni .......

... in Til-halulina in the district of ...;

NN, farmer, and his people; Nergal-dan and his people; NN and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; ......



[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)(d)[x x x] x x x#

[x x x x x x x x x (m)]rém-a-na—(d)_szu lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu#

[x x x x x x x] sza (m)_dingir_—lib-szi (m)a-bi—sa-lam-ma _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x x]—_szid_ (m)da#-ad-di-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un#_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x (m)]di-di-i _lu-engar#_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)hasz(?)-da(?)-a-nu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x x x# _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]-ru _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x _ansze_] _a-sza_ ina _uru_-[x]-me(?) [x x x] a [x x] _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x _ansze_] _a-sza_ ina _uru-sze#_—(m)u(?)-[x x]-a (m)_pab_—_dingir_-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x _ansze_] _a-sza_ ina _uru_—_lu-lunga_(?)#-_mesz_ (m)ki-qi(*)-la-a-nu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x]-_mesz 04 gisz-sar_-_mesz u-sar_ ina _uru_-É—(m)10—_kam_-esz (m)szum-ma—_dingir lu-engar_ a-di _un_-[_mesz_-szu]

(m)_lal_—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_en_—_gin_-in _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)e-s,i-da-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz#_-[szu]

(m)_en_—_bad lu-engar_ a-di# _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)szA-pu-lu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-[szu]

40 _ansze a-sza 03 gisz-sar_-_mesz_(*) _gisz_-za-am-ri ina _uru-sze_—d-_ag_ ina _kur_-ha-lah-ha

[(m)(d)x]+x#—_mu_—_asz lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)mu-_di_—_dingir lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_en_—lu—ba-lat, _lu-nu-gisz-sar ki-min#_

8(ban2) _a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)man-nu—lu-u—_pab_-u-a (m)ab-ba-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)_en_(?)#—lu—ba-lat, _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_pab_—im-me-e _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_dingir_—zu-nu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x] _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_—_lu-sipa_-_mesz_ sza _dumu_—_lugal_ (m)gur-di-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)(d)_du_(*)-tu(*)—_kam_-esz a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)suk-ka-a-a (m)(d)szA-masz—qa-na-a a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu-nu _pab lu uru_(?)-_nina#-ki_

80 _ansze a-sza 05 gisz-sar_-_mesz u-sar_ ina _uru_-i-ri-in-ni-ih

(m)aq-ru _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)qur-di—_u-gur lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)_arad_—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)10—mil-ki—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)d-_ag_—_asz_—_pab lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ka-bar—_dingir lu-nu-gisz-sar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

60 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-bad_—(d)na-na-a (m)da-di-i _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)sa-sa-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

01-me-40 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_—(m)_en_-iq-bi (m)_dug-ga_—_im_—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)(d)_asar-lu-hi_—_bad lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)la—qé-pu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

(m)gab-bu—ana—15 _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_ta_—(d)_im_—_szesz_-u-tu _lu_(*)-_engar_(*) a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)s,al-mu-ti _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x] _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-[x]-al-a-hi-na# (m)30—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x _lu_]-_engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)a-ha-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)a-a-ab-bu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x x]-mur(?) _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x] sza (m)sa-lam-me (m)_lal_—_kam_-esz _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x x] _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu _pab_ ina mad-bar _uru_-kal-[ha]

[x x x ina] _uru_-ba-az-re-e sza _lu_-zu-ka-a-a (m)kur-ban-nu _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[(m)x x x x x] _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu (m)ma-ri-id-di _lu-engar_ a-di _un_-[_mesz_-szu]

[x x x x A(?)]-_sza_(?)# 01-en _gisz-sar u-sar 01_-en É ina _uru_-a-x#+[x x x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x x x x a]-di# [_un_]-_mesz_-szu (m)d-_ag_—_gin_—bal-lit, _lu_-qa-tin-nu a-di [_un_-_mesz_-szu]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (m)x x x x] _lu-engar_ a-di [_un_-_mesz_-szu]

AI Translation

NN, farmer, and his people; NN, ...;

...... Remanni-Marduk, farmer, and his people

...... of Ilu-libshi, Abi-salama, farmer, and his people,

......-eriba, Daddî, farmer, and his people,

......, Didî, farmer, and his people, Hashdanu, farmer, and his people,

......, NN, farmer, and his people,, farmer, and his people

x hectares of field in the town of, ..., NN, farmer, and his people,

x hectares of field in the village of U...a; Ahu-ila'i, farmer, and his people;

x hectares of field in the town of the brewers; Kiqillanu, farmer, and his people;

x ...s, 4 vegetable gardens in Bit-Adad-eresh; Shumma-ilu, farmer, and his people;

Tashmetu-eresh, farmer, and his people; Bel-kenin, farmer, and his people; Eshidayu, farmer, and his people;

Bel-duri, farmer, and his people; Shapulu, farmer, and his people;

40 hectares of field, 3 orchards, in the village of Nabû in Halahha;

...-shumu-iddina, farmer, and his people; Mushallim-ilu, farmer, and his people; Bel-lu-balat, gardener, ditto.

8 decares of field in the village Mannu-lu-ahu'a; Abbaya, farmer, and his people;

Bel-lu-balat, farmer, and his people; Ahu-immê, farmer, and his people; Ilu-zunu, farmer, and his people;

x hectares of field in the village of the crown prince; Gurdî, farmer, and his people;

Banitu-eresh and his people, Sukkayu and Shamash-qanâ and their people, a total of a man from Nineveh.

80 hectares of field, 5 vegetable gardens in Irinnih;

Aqru, farmer, and his people; Qurdi-Nergal, farmer, and his people;

Urdu-Issar, farmer, and his people; Adad-milki-eresh, farmer, and his people;

Nabû-nadin-ahi, gardener, and his people; Kabar-il, gardener, and his people.

60 hectares of field in Dur-Nanaya, Dadî, farmer, and his people.

Sasâ, farmer, and his people; Kanunayu, farmer, and his people;

140 hectares of field in the town of Bel-iqbi; Tab-shar-Issar, farmer, and his people;

Asalluhi-duri, farmer, and his people; La-qepu, farmer, and his people;

Gabbu-ana-Issar, farmer, and his people; Issi-Adad-ahhutu, farmer, and his people; Shalmuti, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in ...alahina; Sin-eresh, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Ahâ, farmer, and his people; Ayabbu, farmer, and his people.

...mur, farmer, and his people; Kanunayu, farmer, and his people;

...... of Salamme, Tashmetu-eresh, farmer, and his people.

NN, farmer, and his people, a total of x people, in the district of Calah.

...... in the town of Bazarê of the Zikaeans; Kurbannu, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Mariddi, farmer, and his people;

...... field, one vegetable garden, one house in the town of A...,

NN and his people, Nabû-kenu-ballit, the master builder, and his people,

......, NN, farmer, and his people,


......; NN, farmer, and his people; NN, ...

......; Remanni-Marduk, farmer, and his people.

...... of Ilu-libshi; Abi-salamma, farmer, and his people;

......; NN; Daddî, farmer, and his people;

......; Daddî, farmer, and his people; Hashdanu, farmer, and his people.

......; NN, farmer, and his people;

......; NN, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in ...; NN, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in the village of U...a; Ahi-ila'i, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in Brewer Town; Kiqillanu, farmer, and his people.

x ...s, 4 vegetable gardens, in Bet-Adad-eresh; Shumma-ilu, farmer, and his people;

Tuqunu-eresh, farmer, and his people; Bel-ukin, farmer, and his people; Eshidayu, farmer, and his people;

Bel-duri, farmer, and his people; Shappulu, farmer, and his people.

40 hectares of field, 3 orchards, in the village of Nabû in Halahhu;

...-shumu-iddina, farmer, and his people; Mushallim-ilu, farmer, and his people; Bel-lu-balat, gardener, ditto.

8 decares of field in the village of Mannu-lu-ahû'a; Abbaya, farmer, his people;

Bel-lu-balat, farmer, and his people; Ahi-immê, farmer, and his people; Ilussunu, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in Shepherd Town of the Crown Prince; Gurdî, farmer, and his people;

Banitu-teresh and his people; Sukkaya, Shamash-qanâ, and their people. Total of the men of Nineveh.

80 hectares of field, 5 vegetable gardens, in Irinnih;

Aqru, farmer, and his people; Qurdi-Nergal, farmer, and his people;

Urad-Issar, farmer, and his people; Adad-milki-eresh, farmer, and his people;

Nabû-nadin-ahi, gardener and his people; Kabar-il, gardener, and his people.

60 hectares of field in Dur-Nanaya; Daddî, farmer, and his people;

Sasaya, farmer, and his people; Kanunayu, farmer, and his people.

140 hectares of field in the town of Bel-iqbi; Tab-shar-Issar, farmer, and his people;

Asalluhi-duri, farmer, and his people; La-qepu, farmer, and his people;

Gabbu-ana-Issar, farmer, and his people; Issi-Adad-ahhutu, farmer, and his people; Shalmuti, farmer, and his people.

x hectares of field in ...alahina; Sin-eresh, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Ahâ, farmer, and his people; Ayabbu, farmer, and his people;

...mur, farmer, and his people; Kanunayu, farmer, and his people.

... of Salamme; Tuqunu-eresh, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people. Total in the steppe of Calah.

... in Bazrê of the mercenaries; Kurbannu, farmer, and his people;

NN, farmer, and his people; Mariddi, farmer, and his people.

... of field, 1 vegetable garden, 1 house, in A...; ......;

NN, ..., and his people; Nabû-kenu-ballit, tiller, and his people;

......; NN, farmer, and his people

P335609: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x (m)x]-il—(d)x 01(?)-en _gisz-sar gisz_-til-lit 03 _ansze#_ [_a-sza_ x x x]

[x x x] (m)la-bu-di 50 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-li(?)-is,(?) [x x x]

[x x x (m)na]-ar-gi 20 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)_be_(?)-mu—_man_ [x] _ansze# a-sza_ ina _uru_(?)#-[x x x x]

[x x x]+x#-hi-ni 20 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-t,u-u'-ia-ti 40 _ansze_ [_a-sza_ ina x x x x x]

[x x x a-na] gi#-mir-ti-szu ina _kur_-qu-e (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_ a-di _un_-[_mesz_-szu x x x x x x]

[x x x (m)]_en#_—_kaskal_—_ki_-ia _ki-min_ (m)tab-ni—15 _ki-min_ (m)(d)[x x x x]

[x x x (m)x]—(d)na-na-a _ki-min u szesz_-_mesz_-szu (m)na-[x x x x]

[x x x (m)x]+x#-hu-ru _ki-min_ (m)da-ri—_en ki-min_ (m)x#+[x x x x]

[(m)x x x x _ki-min u_] _szesz_-_mesz_-szu (m)_suhusz_—(d)_u-gur ki-min_ (m)[x x x x x]

[x x x (m)_iti_(?)]-_ab_-a-a _ki-min_ (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _ki-min_ (m)[x x x x]

[x x x (m)]sam#-si—_dingir_-a-a _ki-min_ (m)bar-ruq _ki-min_ [(m)x x x x]

[(m)x x x x _ki_]-_min_ (m)mu-qa-lil—_idim ki-min_ [x x x x]

[x x x x (m)]sam(?)#-si—_dingir_-a-a _ki-min_ (m)[x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x]+x-x# _ki-min_ (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation

... ...-..., 1 vineyard, 3 hectares of field .

... Labudi, 50 hectares of field in the town of Lis, .

... Nargi, 20 hectares of field in the village of Shumma-sharri, x hectares of field in the town of .

......hini, 20 hectares of field in Tu'iati, 40 hectares of field in ...,

... in its entirety in Que, Nabû-ushur and his people, .

......, Bel-Harran-isse'a ditto, Tabni-Issar ditto, NN ......,

... ...-Nanaya ditto and his brothers, Na...,

......, ...huru ditto, Dari-Bel ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto and his brothers; Ubru-Nergal ditto; NN .

......, Kanunayu ditto, Ahu-lâmashi ditto, NN ......,

......, Samsi-ila'i ditto, Barruqu ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Muqallil-kabti ditto, NN ......,

......, Samsi-ila'i ditto, NN ......,

...... ditto, NN ......,


......, Shil-... 1 vineyard, 3 hectares of field ......

...... Labudi; 50 hectares of field in Lish..., ......

...... Nargi; 20 hectares of field in the village of Shumma-sharru, x hectares of field in ..., ......

...... in ...hini, 20 hectares of field in Tu'yati, 40 hectares of field in ..., ......

...... in its entirety in Que. Nabû-nashir and his people, ......,

......, Bel-Harran-isse'a ditto, Tabni-Issar ditto, ......,

......, ...-Nanaya ditto and his brothers, Na... ......,

......, ...huru ditto, Dari-Bel ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto and his brothers, Ubru-Nergal ditto, NN ......,

......, Kanunayu ditto, Ahu-la-amashi ditto, NN ......,

......, Samsi-ila'i ditto, Barruqu ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Muqallil-kabti ditto, NN ......,

......, Samsi-ila'i ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, NN ......,



[x x x (m)x x]-bu _ki#_-[_min_ x x x x x x]

[x x x x x] (m)pa-li-t,u _ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x x _ki_]-_min#_ (m)ur-da-a-nu _ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x x]+x# _ki-min_ (m)pi-sa-an-di _ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x]+x# _ki-min_ (m)si-in-qi—15 _ki-min u szesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x]-i(*) _ki-min_ (m)la—qé-pu _ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x]-me _ki-min_ (m)asz-szur—_en_—_pab ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x]+x# _ki-min_ (m)szi-im-ka-a-a _ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x]+x# _ki-min_ (m)mad-bar-a-a _ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x]+x# _ki-min_ (m)_di_-mu—_en ki-min_ [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x]+x# _ki-min_ (m)_gam_(*)—_zu ki-min u szesz_-szu (m)x#+[x x x x x]

[(m)x x]-a-bi _ki-min_ (m)_arad_—(d)na-na-a _ki-min_ (m)gid-gid-da-[nu x x x]

[(m)x x-a-szu] _ki-min_ (m)_di_—(d)ta-qu-me _ki-min_ (m)tu-s,a-[s,u x x x]

[(m)x x x x _ki-min_] (m)na-an-na-a _ki-min_ (m)gab-bu—_dingir_-_mesz#_ [x x x x] [x x x x] x x x# [x x] x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

... ...bu ditto .

... Palitu ditto .

NN ditto, Urdanu ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Pisandi ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Sinqi-Issar ditto, and his brother ...,

...i ditto, La-qepu ditto, NN ......, ditto, Ashur-belu-ushur ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Shimkayu ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Madbarâ ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Shulmu-beli ditto, NN ......,

NN ditto, Kippat-le'i ditto and his brother, NN ......,

...abi ditto, Urdu-Nanaya ditto, Gidgidanu ......,

...ashu ditto, Salmanu-taqume ditto, Tushashu ......,

NN ditto, Nanaya ditto, Gabbu-ilani .


......, ...bu ditto, NN ......,

......, Palitu ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Urdanu ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Pisandi ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Sinqi-Issar ditto and his brother, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, La-qepu ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Ashur-belu-ushur ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Shimkaya ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto Madbarayu ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Shulmu-beli ditto, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Kunush-le'i ditto and his brother, NN ......,

......, ...-abi ditto, Urda-Nanaya ditto, Gidgidanu ditto, NN ......,

......, ...ashu ditto, Silim-Taqume, ditto Tushashu, NN ......,

......, NN ditto, Nannâ ditto, Gabbu-ilani ..., NN ......,

P335610: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]-i _ki-min_ (m)x#+[x x]

[x x x] (m)sa-ka—_dingir_ [x x]

[x x _lu_]-_engar ki-min_ (m)ig—_dingir_

[x x _lu_]-_engar ki-min_ (m)sa-[x x] [x x x] x x# [x x]

AI Translation

... ditto NN

... Sakka-il .

..., farmer, ditto; Ig-ili,

..., farmer, ditto; Sa...;


......, NN ditto; NN ......;

......; Saka-il ......;

......; NN, farmer, ditto; Igilî ......;

......; NN, farmer, ditto; Sa... ......;

P335611: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



40 [_ansze a-sza_(?) x x x]

_pab_ x#+[x]+x#+[x x x x]

_pab_(*) ina(*) _uru_(*)-x x# [x x x x]

_en_(*) _un_(*)#-_mesz_(*)-[szu x x x x]

(m)x#—_di_(*)-mu(?) [x x x x]

(m(*))s,i(*)-id-[x x x x]

[x] x x x# [x x x x]

[x x] _en un_-[_mesz_-szu x x x]

[x] _en un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x]

[(m)]_pab_(?)#—_zu en un_-_mesz_-szu (m(*))x#-[x x x x]

ina _uru_-ba-ri#-ih-ti [x x x x]

ina _uru_-sa-am(?)#-ha-ra-a-a [x x x x]

02 _gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz_-til-lit [x x x x]

40 _ansze a-sza_ (m)(d)_im_—sa-gab (m)[x x x x]

_pab_ ina _uru_-til-le-e 70 _ansze a_-[_sza_ x x x x]

_pab 03 lu-engar_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

40 _ansze a-sza_ (m)pa-as-ti#-[i(?) x x x x]

_pab_(*) [ina] _uru_-gu-za-na [x x x x]

[(m)x-(x)]-bu (m)ta-at-[ti-i(?) x x x x]

AI Translation

40 hectares of land ...;

total ......

total, in the town of .

owner of the people being sold.

...-shallim ...


... and his people, .

... and his people, .

Ahu-le'i and his people, NN and his people,

in Barihti .

in Samharâ .

2 vineyards .

40 hectares of field, Adad-sagab, NN,

Total, in Tillê 70 hectares of field .

in all 3 farmers .

40 hectares of field, Pastî ......,

total, in Guzana.

...bu, Tattî, NN,


40 hectares of field, ......,

in all ......;

total in the town of .... ......

and his people ......,

...-shulmu, ......,

Shid..., ......


NN and his people, ......

... and his people, ......

Ahu-le'i and his people, NN ......,

in Barihtu, ......,

in Samhara, ......

2 vineyards, ......;

40 hectares of field, Adda-sagab, NN, ......;

total in Tillê. 70 hectares of field, NN, NN, NN,

in all 3 farmers; .......

40 hectares of field, Pastî, ......;

total in Guzana. ......,

...bu, Tattî, ......



[x _gisz-sar_-_mesz_] _gisz_(*)#-til-lit [x x x x]

[x] x x# [x x] x#-ni-e [x x x x]

(m)d(*)-_ag_(*)—_bad_—[x x x x]

(m)_pab_-u-a—_su_ [x x x x]

_en un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x]

40 _ansze a-sza 10_(?) [_gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz_-til-lit(?) x x x x]

a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x]

_pab 02 lu-engar_-[_mesz_ x x x x]

01-en _gisz-sar gisz_-[til-lit x x x x]

ina _uru_-ap-ku [x x x x]

ina _uru_-si-x#+[x x x x]

[_en_(?)] _un#_-_mesz_-szu [x x x x]

[_pab_ (x)] _lu_-[_engar_-_mesz_(?) x x x x]

[x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

x vineyards .

Nabû-duru-..., ...;

Ahu'a-eriba ...

and his people, .

40 hectares of field, 10 vineyards ......;

and his people, .

in all 2 farmers .

one vineyard .

in Apku ......

in Si......

his people .

Total, x farmers .


x vineyards, ......

... ... ...nî, ......,

... ... ...-Issar, in all 2 ...,

Nabû-dur-..., ......,

Ahû'a-riba, ......

and his people, .......

40 hectares of field, 10 vineyards, ......

and his people, ......,

in all 2 farmers; ......,

1 vineyard, ......

in Apku. ......

in Si.... ......

and his people, ......,

in all x farmers; ......

P335612: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] _en# un_-_mesz_-[szu]

[x x x x x]+x# _en un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x] _en un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x] _en un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x (m)]ta#-at-ti-i _en un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x (m)x]+x#-a-bu-u _en un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x]-sza(?) _pab 02 lu-engar_-_mesz en un_-_mesz_-szu-nu

[x x x x _en un_]-_mesz_-szu ina _uru_-na-s,a-pi-na(?)#

[x x x x _en un_-_mesz_]-szu(*)# ina _uru_-bu-x#+[x]

[x x x x _en un_]-_mesz#_-szu-nu ina _uru#_-[x x x]

AI Translation

...... and his people,

...... and his people

...... and his people

...... and his people

... Tattî and his people,

... Abû and his people,

......, in all 2 farmers, owners of their people.

...... and his people in Nashapina

...... and his people in Bu.

...... and their people in the city .


......, NN and his people,

......, NN and his people,

......, NN and his people,

......, NN and his people,

......, Tattî and his people,

...... ...abû and his people,

......, NN, ...sha, in all 2 farmers and their people,

......, NN and his people in Nashapina.

......, NN and his people in Bu....

......, NN, NN and their people in ....

P335613: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] ina# _uru_-di-a-ti(?) x#+[x x x x]

[x x x]+x# ina _uru-du6_—har-ra-pi(?)-na# [x x x x]

[x x x x] _a-sza_-_mesz un_-_mesz_ ina _uru-kar_—(d)15 [x x x x]

[x x _ansze a_]-_sza 01_-en _gisz-sar gisz_-til-[lit x x x x]

[x x x x ina(?)] _uru_-x#+[x x]+x _pab asz_(*) _man_(*) ga(*) [x x x x]

[x x x x] _ansze# a-sza_ ina _uru-lugal_—_sum_-na# [x x x x]

[x x x x] x _kur#_-di-qu-ki-na# [x x x x]

[x x x x] 02 _lu#_-qa-tin-ni# [x x x]

[x x x x] _lu_(?)-si(?)-x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

... in the town of Dati .

... in Til-Harrapina .

... fields and people in Kar-Issar .

x hectares of field, one vineyard .

...... in the city of ..., in all a king .

...... a field in Sharru-iddina .

...... Diqukina .

... 2 ...-men .

... the ...


...... in the town of Diati; ......

...... in Til-harrapina; ......

......, fields and people in Kar-Issar; ......

...... x hectares of field, 1 vineyard, ......

...... in the town of ...; ... ......

...... x hectares of field in Sharru-iddina; ......

...... ... Diqukina ......

...... 2 tillers ......

...... ... ......

P335614: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] x x#-ru [a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu x x]

[x (m)]_pab_-u-a—a-mur a#-[di _un_-_mesz_-szu x x]

[x] (m)(d)_im_—sa-gab a(*)-[di _un_-_mesz_-szu x x]

[x] (m)s,i-bit—_uru_ a-[di _un_-_mesz_-szu x x]

[x] (m)(d)_utu_—_zu_ a(*)-[di _un_-_mesz_-szu x x]

[x x x]+x#-bu a-di(*)# [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x]

AI Translation

...... and his people, .

... Ahu'a-amur and his people, .

... Adad-sagab and his people, ...,

... Shibit-Adad and his people, .

... Shamash-le'i and his people, .

...bu and his people, .


...... and his people, ......

......, Ahû'a-amur and his people, ......

......, Adda-sagab and his people, ......

......, Shibit-ali and his people, ......

......, Shamash-le'i and his people, ......

......, ...bu and his people, ......

P335615: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x]—_e lu_(v)-_gal_—[x x x x]

[x x x x x x]-a _pab 09 lu_(v)-_erim_-[_mesz_ x x x]

[x x x x x x] _gisz-sar_-_mesz gisz-murub4_-_mesz_ [x x x]

[x x x x x x x x]-_mesz 03_ ad#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

......-iqbi, chief .

......a, in all 9 men .

...... gardens, orchards .

......s, 3 .


... ...-iqbi, chief ...,

......, in all 9 men ...

owners of the fields, orchards and groves being sold.


P335616: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)a(?)]-tar—hu-[ut-ni(?) x x x]

01 _gisz-sar gisz_-[til-lit x x x]

02 _gisz-sar_-_mesz u#_-[_sar_ x x x]

01 _uru-sze_ a-na gi-[mir-ti-szu x x x]

01-me _a-sza_ ina# [_sza_-bi(?) x x x]

(m)ab-ba-a a-di [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x x]

(m)_ad_—_zalag_ a-di _un#_-[_mesz_-szu x x x]

(m)_arad_—(d)_gaszan_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-[szu x x x]

(m)sam-si(*)—_zalag_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-[szu x x x]

(m)ha-nu(*)-nu# a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)pi#-la-qu a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu# [x x x]

(m)ha#-szA-nu a-di _un_-_mesz_-[szu x x x]

(m)rém-a-ni—(d)asz-szur a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)_dug-ga_—_pab_-_mesz_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)ur-du a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)a-a—ra-mu a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)_iti-ab_-a-a a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)a(*)-bi-da-a a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)ia-at(?)-ma-a a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)d-_en_—_bad_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)qur-di—_an-gal_ a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)da-an-du(*)-ru a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

(m)_ad_—ra-hi-i a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

AI Translation

Atar-hutni ...

1 vineyard ...;

2 vegetable gardens .

1 village in its entirety .

100 hectares of field therein .

Abbâ and his people, ......,

Abu-nuri and his people, ......,

Urda-Belet and his people, ......,

Samsi-nuri and his people, ......,

Hanunu and his people, ......,

Pillaqu and his people, ......,

Hashanu and his people, ......,

Remanni-Ashur and his people, ......,

Tab-ahhe and his people, ......,

Urdu and his people, ......,

Aya-ramu and his people, ......,

Kanunayu and his people, ......,

Abidayu and his people, ......,

Yatmâ and his people, ......,

Bel-duri and his people, ......,

Qurdi-Issar and his people, ......,

Danduru and his people, ......,

Abi-rahî and his people, ......,


Attar-hutni, ......;

1 vineyard, ......;

2 vegetable gardens; ......;

1 village in its entirety; ......;

100 hectares of field in .......

Abbâ and his people, ......,

Abu-nuri and his people, ......,

Urda-Belet and his people, ......,

Samsi-nuri and his people, ......,

Hanunu and his people, ......,

Pilaqqu and his people, ......,

Hashanu and his people, ......,

Remanni-Ashur and his people, ......,

Tab-ahhe and his people, ......,

Urdu and his people, ......,

Aya-ramu and his people, ......,

Kanunayu and his people, ......,

Abidâ and his people, ......,

Yatmâ and his people, ......,

Bel-duri and his people, ......,

Qurdi-Issaran and his people, ......,

Danduru and his people, ......,

Abi-rahî and his people, ......,



[(m)x x x x x a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x x x a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x x x a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x x x a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x x x a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x x x a-di] _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)x x x x x] a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu [x x x]

[(m)(d)]_asar_(*)-_lu_(*)-_hi_(*)—_ad_—_pab_(?) a-di [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x x]

[(m)](d)_pa_—_gin_—bal-lit, o(*) a-di# [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x x]

(m)al(*)—tuk-la—_un_-_mesz_ o(*) a-di# [_un_-_mesz_-szu x x x]

(m)hu-um-bé-e (m)mu(?)#-[x x x x]

(m)_dingir_—_su_ (m)x#+[x-x x x x]

[(m)(d)]_utu_—kil-la-[an-ni x x x]

[(m)x x] ni(?) tak(?)# [x x x]

AI Translation

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, NN and his people,

Asalluhi-abu-ushur and his people, ......,

Nabû-kenu-ballit and his people, ......,

Al-tukla-nishe and his people, ......,

Humbê, Mu...,

Ilu-eriba, NN,

Shamash-killanni .

NN ...


NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

NN and his people, ......,

Asalluhi-abu-ushur and his people, ......,

Nabû-kenu-ballit and his people, ......,

Al-tukla-nishe and his people, ......,

Humbê, Mu..., ......,

Ilu-eriba, NN, ......,

Shamash-killanni, ......,

NN, ......

P335617: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



38 _udu-nita_-_mesz 01_ li-da-_mesz_

20 _udu-dumu_—_mu_-_mesz_

02 _udu_-pu-ha-la-ni

06 _uz_-_mesz_ [x]+4 li-da-_mesz_

AI Translation

38 rams, 1 ...;

20 rams,

2 ... sheep;

6 goats, x+4 pigs,


38 sheep, 1 lamb.

20 1-year-old sheep.

2 rams.

6 goats, x+4 kids, 2 billy-goats, belonging to Sagibî.



_iti-ab ud 08#_-[_kam_] lim-me (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-in-a-ni

_pab_ szu(*)-szi 07

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 8th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.

Total: 7.


Month of Tebet X, 8th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni 685 B.C..

Total: 67.

P335618: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



za-uz-zu sza _masz gud udu_-_mesz_

40 _gud sag_-_me 01_-me da-ri-u

_pab 01_-me-40 _gud_ a-na _masz_(?) É _lu-gal_—_mu_-_mesz_

20 _lu-engar_-_mesz dingir_-_me_-ni sza _nina-ki szu-2_ (m)(d)30—_man_—_du_

01-me-10 _gud_-_mesz_ a-na _lu-engar_-_mesz_ [_szu-2_] (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

The zazazu of the extispicy of the ox and the sheep.

40 oxen, first fruits, 100 everlasting;

In all 140 oxen for the extispicy of the house of the chief cook.

20 farmers, gods of Nineveh, care of Sin-sharru-ibni.

110 oxen for the farmers, in the charge of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Distribution of levy of oxen and sheep.

40 oxen, first-fruits, 100 regular offerings;

Total 140 oxen for the levy of the house of the chief cook.

20, the farmers of the gods of Nineveh, in the charge of Sin-sharru-ibni.

110 oxen for the farmers, in the charge of Nabû-sharru-ushur.



É _lu-gal_—_mu_-_mesz_(*)#

AI Translation

an estate of a chief cook;


of the house of the chief cook.

P335619: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



20 _ansze a-sza_ sza (m)ba-ra-ki(?)#—[x (x)]

20 _ansze a-sza_ sza (m)asz-szur—_du_—[x x]

10 _ansze a-sza_ sza (m)t,u-ri-i(*)#

[10(?)] _ansze a-sza_ sza (m)ha-an-ni-i

[10(?)] _ansze# a-sza_ ma-'u-ut-tu

[_pab_] 70 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—bi-se-e

[20] _ansze a-sza_ sza (m)da-ri—be-el

AI Translation

20 hectares of land of Baraki-...,

20 hectares of field of Assurbanipal ...,

10 hectares of land of Turî,

10 hectares of field of Hannî,

10 hectares of land, substantial;

Total 70 hectares of land in the village of Bisê.

20 hectares of land of Dari-bel;


20 hectares of land of Baraki-...,

20 hectares of land of Ashur-bani-...;

10 hectares of land of Turî;

10 hectares of land of Hannî;

10 hectares of land, prebend:

in all, 70 hectares of land in the village Bisê.

20 hectares of land of Dari-Bel;



40(*) _ansze a-sza_ ma-'u-ut(*)-tu

AI Translation

40 hectares of land, substantial;


40 hectares of land, prebend :



_pab 60_(*) _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—_lu-engar_

40# _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru_-lu-u-am(*)-ma

40 _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru-sze_—(m)ak-ku-la-ni

_pab 02_-me-10 _ansze a-sza_ ina _kur_-ha-lah-hi

(m)a-hi-ia—qa-a-mu ina _kur_-ha-lah-hi e-kal

AI Translation

in all 60 hectares of field in the village of the farmer.

40 hectares of land in the town of Lu'ama;

40 hectares of land in the village of Akkullanu;

Total: 210 hectares of land in Halahhu.

Ahiya-qamu is going to Halahhu.


in all, 60 hectares of land in the village of the Farmer.

40 hectares of land in the town of Lu'amma;

40 hectares of land in the village of Akkullanu.

Total of 210 hectares of land in Halahhu:

Ahiya-qamu will enjoy the usufruct in Halahhu.

P335620: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]+x# sza x#+[x x]

[(x) x _uru_]-ni-nu-u-[a o]

2(ban2) 05 qa _ninda_-_mesz 1_(ban2) _kasz#_-[_mesz_] 60 _lu_-qa-tin-_mesz ku_(*)#

1(ban2) _ninda_(*)-_mesz 05_ qa _kasz_-_mesz# lu-usz-ku_(*)-_mesz lu-nar_-_mesz# mi-nar_-_mesz ku_(*)

03 qa _ninda_-_mesz 05_ qa _kasz_-[_mesz_] _dumu_(*)—_ka-dingir-ki lu-sipa_(?)#-[_mesz_]

02 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ szA _lu_-lAh-hi#-[ni]

02 qa _ninda_-_mesz lu_-sza(?)#—[x x x] _lu_-sza(*)—[x x x x x] 02 ra(*)#-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... of ...

... Nineveh

2 seahs 5 'litres' of bread, 1 seah of beer, 60 master-builders of gold;

1 seah of bread, 5 'litres' of beer: the chanters, female singers, the singers.

3 'litres' of bread, 5 'litres' of beer: the Babylonians are shepherds.

2 'litres' of bread for the temple steward.

2 litres of bread: the ..., the ..., 2 ......;


... ...

... Nineveh.

2 seahs 5 'litres' of bread, 1 seah of beer — 60 tillers, consumption.

1 seah of bread 5 'litres' of beer — the chanters, singers and female singers, consumption.

3 'litres' of bread 5 'litres' of beer — the Babylonians and the shepherds.

2 'litres' of bread of the steward;

2 'litres' of bread, the ... and the ...

P335621: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x]+01 _ki_—hal-_mesz_(*)# [x x x]

02(?)#-szu szA-har-rat# [x x]

02(?)#-szu _kusz-da_(*)-_e-sir#_ duh-szi-e

02-szu _har kug-ud_ szA _ud_-_mesz#_

02 _an-ta_-_mesz gi6_

02 szA—_isz 02 ki_—hal(*)-_mesz_(*) _gi6 02_ s,ip-rat

a-na _lu-mah_-_mesz_ sza _kur-uri_(*)# [o]

AI Translation

x+1 outer garments ...;

two ...s ...

2 pairs of leather straps,

Two silver rings for the days

2 black upper parts;

2 ...s, 2 black kihalu-sheep, 2 shirratu-sheep;

to the emissaries of Urartu.


x+1 reinforced lower garments ...,

2 pairs of leggings ...,

2 pairs of sandals of dyed leather,

2 sets of silver torcs, for the days they were present,

2 black upper garments,

2 ... garments, 2 black reinforced lower garments, 2 scarves,

to the emissaries of Urartu.



_iti-ziz ud 15_(*)#-_kam_

10 kap-pi _kug-ud_ ma-da-tu

01 _har kug-ud 01 ma-na_-a

AI Translation

Month Shebat XI, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

10 silver tribute bowls;

1 silver bracelet, 1 mina.


Month of Shebat XI, 15th day.

10 silver tribute bowls;

1 silver torc at 1 mina.

P335622: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_uzu-ur# uzu-zag_

_disz_-ha-a-ni 02 nis(*)-hi(*) _zag_-_mesz_

sza 01 _gud-nita_ kar-szu _ur5-usz bir_-_mesz sza_-bu 01 _udu_ szal-mu#

04 _sag-du gaba_ o(*) sza 04 _udu-nita_ szu-bé-e

_dug_-ma-zi-u A-_mesz_—_uzu#_

_dug_-ma-zi-u a-ku#-[si]

01 _kur-gi-muszen 01 muszen#_

10 _tu-gur4 07 ninda_ dan#-[ni]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_ gi-né-[e]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-[tu]

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_-lap-pa#-[ni]

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder,

2 cuts of shoulders;

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, hearts. 1 whole sheep.

4 heads, breasts of 4 rams, ...;

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves, 7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.


A thigh, a shoulder,

outer cuts; 2 cuts of shoulders.

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart. 1 whole sheep;

4 heads and the breasts of 4 roast sheep.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves. 7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

A flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.



01 _udu 07_ (_uzu_) 03 qa _ninda_-me(*)-dir

02 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ (gi-né-e) 02 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

an-ni-u _ta_(v) _sza_ gi-né-e esz-[szi]

re-ha-te sza _igi_ (d)asz-szur

AI Translation

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of midru-bread;

2 'litres' of regular offering loaves; 2 'litres' of spiced bread.

This is from the regular offering.

The remainder of the offerings before Ashur.


1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat. 3 'litres' of midru-bread;

2 'litres' of regular offering loaves; 2 'litres' of spiced bread.

This is from the new regular offerings.

The leftovers from before Ashur.

P335623: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc






_pab_ an#-nu-u-te [_lu_]-_lul_-_mesz_ [x (m)]rém-a-ni—10

AI Translation





All these men, criminals ... Remanni-Adad.






all these are the criminals who took 30 sheep from Remanni-Adad.

P335624: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ina _igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)]-_gal_—ki-s,ir#

[x x x x] e-rab-ba

[x x x x x] u#-sze-rab ina _szu-2_ ina _uru_(?) x x (x#)

[x x x x x]+x# _udu_-_mesz u ansze_(*)-_nita_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x]+x#-ra [x x x x x x x]+x x#

AI Translation

at the disposal of NN, cohort commander.

...... enter

...... will bring ... into the hands of ... in the city .

...... sheep and donkeys


...... cohort commander

...... shall come in

...... shall bring in, in his hands, in the city of ......

...... sheep and donkeys



[(m)x x x x x _lu_(v)]-_a-ba_(*)

[(m)x x x x x _lu_(v)]-02(*)-szu

[(m)x x x x]-szA(?) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz_ [(m)x x x x]-ri(?) [(m)x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x] mu

AI Translation

NN, scribe

NN, deputy;

NN, village manager; NN, ...ri; NN, ......;


...... scribe

...... his deputy

...... village manager

P335625: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lu_-x x# [x x] sza a-na (m)a-x#+[x x] ta(*)-di-nu-[(u)-ni]

_mi_(*)-ta(*)-_kur_-ha x#+[x]

(m)u-s,i-ha-an-szA [(x)]

_asz_ (m)hur—ti-bu-u [o]

_asz_ (m)pu-t,i-hu-u-ru [(x x)]

($x$) 01 _mi_ [o]

_asz_ (m)hu-u-ru-x#+[(x)]

_zah_ (m)s,u-ma-Asz-sze-ri(?)#

01 _mi 01 03_ [ru]

:- (m)pu-t,i-ma-a-ni [o]

:- (m)pu-t,i-sze-ri [o]

[(x)] (m)ku(?)-ra-ra-a [o]

[(x) (m)]s,i#-hi-[i(?)]

AI Translation

The ... whom you gave to A.

the woman Takurha .



Putihuru, ...;

1 woman;


a ration of Shumasheri;

1 woman, 1 of 3 spans' height;

ditto Putimanu,

ditto Putisheri;

... Kurarayu;



The ..., who was given to A...:

the woman Tattapha...,



Puti-Huru ...,

1 woman,


fugitive Shumasheri;

1 woman, 1 woman of three spans' height;

ditto, Puti-Mani;

ditto, Puti-Sheri;

ditto, Kurarâ;

ditto, Shi-hî




_pab 04 mi_(*)-_usz_-[_bar_-_mesz_]

_pab 09 erim_-_mesz 08_(*) [_mi_-_mesz_]

_pab 17 zi_-[_mesz_]

02 _gisz-na 05_(?) [x x (x)]

01(*) _banszur_ [x x x]

02 kan(*)-ni [x x]

02 _gisz-szu_(?) x#+[x x (x)]

01 ha-s,i-nu(*) 01(*) [x x x]

01 _gisz-ban 20_ x#+[x (x)]

02 ad pu(?) u a [x x (x)]

[x] x _dumu_ [x x x]

[x]+04(?) _gud_(?)-_mesz_ [x x x]

AI Translation


in all, 4 weavers.

in all 9 men, 8 women.

in all 17 persons,

2 beds, 5 ...;

1 table ...;

2 baskets ...;

2 wooden ...;

1 ..., 1 ...;

1 bow, 20 ...;

2 ... and ...;

... son of ...

x+4 oxen ...


... the woman Esha-rteshe:

in all, 4 female weavers.

Total, 9 men, 8 women.

Total, 17 people.

2 beds ...

1 table ...

2 racks ...

2 ...s ...

1 axe, 1 ...

1 bow, 20 arrows

2 ......

... son ...

x+4 oxen ...

P335626: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


02 _eme_-_mesz kug-gi_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_kar_-ir _lu_(v)-tur-tan

01 _eme kug-gi_ [sza] (m)ab-da-a' _lu_(v)-_en-nam uru_-ra-s,ap-pa

AI Translation

2 tongues of gold belonging to Nabû-etir, commander-in-chief.

1 tongue of gold belonging to Abda', governor of Rashappa.


2 blades of gold, belonging to Nabû-etir, the commander-in-chief;

1 blade of gold belonging to Abdâ, the governor of Rashappa.

P335627: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] _erim zi uru_-pa-pa-ma(*)-a-a sza _lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ na-s,u(*)#-[ni]

[_iti_-x _ud_] 14-_kam_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—ba-ni

AI Translation

... men from the town of Pahama, who brought the magnates

Month ..., 14th day, eponym year of Ashur-bani.


x deportees from the town of Papama, which the magnates brought in.

Month of ..., 14th day, eponym year of Ashur-bani 713 B.C..

P335628: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


il-ku sza (m)_man#_—_gi-na man kur_—asz#-[szur] a-na _lu-en-nam_ i-ri-mu#-u-ni _iti-ab ud 25_-_kam_

AI Translation

The ilku-offerings which Sargon, king of Assyria, had brought to the governor. Month Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


State service which Sargon, king of Assyria, remitted to the provincial governor. Month of Tebet X, 25th day, eponym year of Taklak-ana-Bel 715 B.C..

P335629: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ur(?)]-su-tu _gisz_(*)-_mes_(*)-kan(*)#-ni sza _gir-2_-_mesz_-sza _kud 01_-en _gisz-na en gisz-da_(*)-szA _gir-2_-_mesz_-szA

_gisz_-[_na_(?)] _en gisz-da_(*)-szA _gisz-banszur_(*) _mes_(*)-kan-nu _tur kasz-lul 05 gisz-gu-za_ ina _igi_ (m)ba-a-a-i

_iti-gud ud 10_-_kam_

AI Translation

The ... of the bed and its feet are tied. One bed and its feet are tied.

A bed, her bed, a table, a ..., a small table, a ..., 5 chairs, at the disposal of Ba'ayu.

Month Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


A ... of sissoo-wood, whose feet are cut. One bed with its board and its feet.

A bed with its board. A table of sissoo-wood, small, for drink-dispensing. 5 chairs: at the disposal of Bayi.

Month of Iyyar II, 10th day, eponym year of Sargon 719 B.C..

P335630: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc









[_pab_] 06# _lu_(v)-sze-lap-pa-a-a



AI Translation





773 BC Riba-Adad.


in all 6 Shelappueans.










total, 6 architects.









_pab 06 lu_(v)-_a-ba_-_mesz_

AI Translation



883 BC Ashur-shumu-iddina.


in all 6 scribes.






total, 6 scribes.

P335631: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc







_pab 04 lu-simug_—_an_(?)#-[_bar_]

(m)_di_-mu#—[x x x] _lu_-x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation





in all, 4 ironsmiths.

Shulmu-..., ...;






total, 4 ironsmiths.

Shulmu-..., ...;



_pab 05_(*) [_lu_-x x x]

(m)lip-[x x x x]

(m)ba-za-zu# [o]


_pab 03 lu_(v)-_dug_(*)-_qa_(*)-_bur_(*)#

AI Translation

in all 5 ...;




in all, 3 cupbearers.


total, 5 ....


Bazazu, ...;


total, 3 potters.

P335632: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)_en_—_pab_—_asz dumu lu-szu-ha_ ina _igi_ (m)szum-ma—(d)_im lu-ninda_

(m)bu-lut, _lu-kab_(*)-_sar_ ina _igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—iq-bi _lu-ninda_

(m)bu-lut, _lu-kug_(*)-_dim_(*) ina _igi_ (m)gi-rit-te(*) _lu-ninda_

AI Translation

Bel-ahu-iddina, son of the haruspex, is at the disposal of Shumma-Adad, baker.

Bullutu, scribe, assigned to Marduk-iqbi, baker.

Bullutu, goldsmith, assigned to Girittu, baker.


Bel-aha-iddin, son of the Fisher family, assigned to Shumma-Adad, baker;

Bullutu, engraver, assigned to Marduk-iqbi, baker;

Bullutu, silversmith, assigned to Girittu, baker;



(m)_en_—_du lu_-ki-na-al(?)-te(*)

AI Translation

Bel-ibni, cohort commander;


Bel-ibni, kinaltu-priest, assigned to Arad-Aya, baker.



_pab 04 dumu_—_ka-dingir-ra-ki_

AI Translation

in all, 4 Babylonians.


Total, 4 citizens of Babylon assigned to bakers.

P335633: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


92 _ansze sze-numun 92 ansze_ ka-rap-hi 02 _gisz-sar_-_mesz_ sza _gisz-gesztin#_

U zi-it(*)-tum(*) kAs-pi(*)#

AI Translation

92 hectares of sown land, 92 hectares of open land, 2 vineyards;

and the remainder of the kashpu-offerings.


92 hectares sown, 92 hectares fallow; 2 vineyards;

he also took his portion of silver from his paternal estate.

P335634: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(x x) x]+x# _uru_-[x (x)]-u(*) _nam_(*) _kur_(*)-bar(*)-hal(*)#-[za(?)]

[x] _ansze# uru_-zi-in-ba(*)-nu(*)

[x] _ansze uru_-gul-su-nu

[01] _gisz-sar_ til-lit _uru_-hu-ba-ba

[(_pab_)] 80 _ansze a-sza 01 gisz-sar_ til-lit _nam kur_-si(*)-me(*)#-[e(?)]

02#-me _uru_-na-pi-su

50 _ansze uru-en_—iq-bi

_pab 02_-me-50 _ansze a-sza nam uru_-la-hi-ri#

[01(?)] _gisz#-sar_ til-lit _uru_-e-bir-né-e ina _kur_-[x x]

[x]+04-me ($x x$) _a-sza 02 gisz-sar_ til-lit(*)#

_pab_(?)# _lu_(v)-_gar_ [x (x)]

AI Translation

..., the town ...u, governor of Barhalza

x hectares, the town of Zinbanu;

x hectares, the town of Gullunu;

1 vineyard in Hubaba;

in all 80 hectares of land, 1 vineyard, in the province of Si'immê;

200, the town of Napisu;

50 hectares, in the town of Bel-iqbi;

a total of 250 hectares of land in the province of Lahiru.

1 vineyard in the town of Ebirnê in the land of ...;

x+400 hectares of field, 2 vineyards;

total, the prefect .


x hectares in the town ...u in the province of Barhalza.

x hectares in the town of Zinbanu;

x hectares in the town of Gulsunu;

1 vineyard in the town of Hubaba;

in all, 80 hectares of land, 1 vineyard in the province of Si'immê.

200 hectares — the town of Napissu;

50 hectares — the town Bel-iqbi:

in all, 250 hectares of land in the province of Lahiru.

1 vineyard in the town of Ebirnê in the region of ...

x+400 hectares of land; 2 vineyards:

total, the prefect of ...

P335635: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(m)x (x) x] x-ti(?)# (m)(d)15—e-mu-qi-ia [_lu_-x x x x]

[(m)]a(?)#-ke-e(*)—la-an-szi _lu_-se-pi-u (m(*))[x x x]

(m)ta-bal-a-a _lu_-mu-s,ap-pi-u (m)_pab_—im-mi-i (m)(d)x#-[x x x]

(m)la—da-gil—_dingir_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-a-ni _pab 04 lu-i-szur_-_mesz_ [x x x]

[o] (m)(d)kU(*)-_ka_—ub-ri (m)_arad_—(d)15 (m)gab-bu—a-mur _pab 06 lu_-[x x x]

[x (m)]ra-szi—_dingir_ (m)re-eh(*)-tu(*)—ana—mar-duk(*) (m)(d)da-gan—_ad_(*) _lu_(*)#-[x x x x]

(m(*))_pab_(*)-u(?)-a(?)—_su_(?)# (m)gi-ri—ba-'a-al (m)szum-ma—us-[se-zib x x]

[x x x]+x# _pab 12 lu-ma-lah4 kusz_-masz-ki-ri a-x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x]—30(?) (m)an-gu-lu (m)is-pi-it,(?)-t,i—(d)#[x x x x]

[x x x x] (m(*))ma-ri-i-di(*)# (m)_dingir_—x x# _gar_(?) [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...ti, Issar-emuqiya, ...,

Akê-lanshî, the supiu; NN, ...;

Tabalayu, the chariot driver; Ahu-immî; NN;

La-dagil-ili, Nabû-shezibanni, in all 4 eunuchs ...;

Kubabu-ubri, Urdu-Issar, Gabbu-amur, in all 6 .

... Rashil, Rehtu-ana-Marduk, Dagan-abu, .

Ahu'a-eriba, Giri-Ba'al, Shumma-ussezib, ...,

... in all 12 scouts of mashkiru-garments .

...-Sîn, Angulu, Ispitti-...,

...... Maridi and Ilu-... are present.


...ti Issar-emuqiya, ......,

Kê-lamshi, painter, NN, ...

Tabalayu, dyer, Ahu-immî, NN, ...

La-dagil-ili, Nabû-shezibanni, in all 4 oil-pressers; NN, NN, NN,

Kubabu-ubri, Urad-Issar, Gabbu-amur, in all 6 ...; NN, NN,

Rashi-ili, Rehtu-ana-Marduk, Dagan-abi, ..., NN, NN,

Ahu'a-eriba, Giri-Ba'al, Shumma-ussezib, NN,

NN, in all 12 skin-raft boatmen .........

...-Sin Angulu, Ispitti-..., ......

... Mariddi, Ilu-..., .........

P335636: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a]-na(*)# 10-_mesz#_-[te] [a-na] _en_-szu [_gur_-ra]

[ina] de-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_ la _ti_]

AI Translation

shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



[s,ib]-tu# be(*)-ni a-na# [01 me] [_ud_-me] sa-Ar-ti [a-na kal _ud_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-ri-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x]-ku-[x x x]

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness ...ri.

Witness ...ku.


Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

P335637: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[01 qab-lu sza] _uru#_-kar—(m)[x x]

[01 qab-lu] sza _uru_-hal-zi#-[x x]

[01 qab-lu] sza _ki-ta uru_-bar-[x x]

[_pab_ x] qab-la-te ina _igi_ (m)ki-s,ir#—[x] [o] sza _lugal_ i-di-nu-[u-ni]

01 qab-lu sza _uru_-kar-me-e [x x]

01 qab-lu sza _uru-nu-gisz-sar_-[_mesz_] ina _a-qar uru_-sa-[x x]

[01] qab-lu sza _uru_-du-un(*)#-[ni—(d)_utu_] ina(*)# _a-qar uru_-sa-[al-li]

[01] qab#-lu sza na-hal [x x x] ina _a-qar uru_-[x x x]

[01] qab-lu sza _uru_-a-[x x x]

[01 qab-lu] sza [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 grove of Kar-...;

1 grove of the town Halzi...;

1 grove of the lower side of the town Bar...;

Total, x 'fields' at the disposal of Kishir-..., whom the king gave.

1 grove of Karmê ...;

1 grove of the orchards in the meadow of Sa...;

1 grove of the town Dunni-Shamash in the marsh of the town Salli;

1 grove of the wadi ... in the marshes of the town ...;

1 grove of A...;

1 grove of ......;


1 grove of the town of Kar-NN;

1 grove of the town of Halzi...;

1 grove which is beneath the town of Bar....

in all, x groves assigned to Kishir-..., which the king himself bequeathed.

1 grove of the town Karmê ...;

1 grove of the Gardeners Town, in the farmland of the town Sa...;

1 grove of the town of Dunni-Shamash, in the farmland of the town of Salli;

1 grove of the brook ... in the farmland of the town ....

1 grove of the town A...;

1 grove of ...

P335638: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


20 _udu_-_me 50 gin kug-ud nig-szid_-_me_ (m)_suhusz_-i _lu-a-ba a_r-ma-[a-a] it-ti-din _iti-barag_ [_ud_ x-_kam_]

lim-mu (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a _lu-igi-dub gal_-[u]

(m)ba-si-i qi-da-'a-a sza _udu_-_me_

_igi_ (m)(d)10—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)s,a-an-s,a-ru-ru

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—(d)15—_zu_

AI Translation

Ubru-Nabû, the Aramean scribe, has given 20 sheep and 50 shekels of silver as a gift.

Eponym year of Arbailayu, chief treasurer.

Basî, a qida'u of sheep;

Witness Adad-eresh.

Witness: Shansharuru.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.


Ubrî, the Aramean scribe, gave 20 sheep and 50 shekels of silver, accounts.

Month Nisan I, day, eponym year of Arbailayu, chief treasurer.

Bassi is the ... of the sheep.

Witness Adad-eresh.

Witness Shansharuru.

Witness Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i.

P335639: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(x)] _mi_-szu 01-en _dumu#_-[szu x (x)]

szA-ni-u _dumu_-szu# [x x (x x)]

01-et _dumu-mi_-su _tur_-[x x x x]

02-ta _mi_-ba-tu-la-[te x x x]

_pab 07 zi_-_mesz_ (m)mi-nu—ah#-[t,i]

_lu-engar mi_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz#_-[szu]

[01(?)] s,a-hu-ur-ti#

_dumu-mi_-su 04 ru-u-t,u#

_dumu_-szu 03 ru-u-t,u

[_dumu_]-szu szA-ni-u pir-su

[_pab 08_(?)] _zi_-_mesz_

[(m)x-x]-nu#—_dingir lu-engar_

[x x x]-szu _dumu_-szu s,a-hur-tu

[x x x x] ru-u-t,u#

[x x x x] ru#-u-t,u#

AI Translation

... his wife, one son of his .

another son of his .

one daughter of his, a ...-girl,

2 women of Batulate ...;

In all 7 persons, Minu-ahti.

farmer, his wife and his 2 sons;

1 sahurtu-vessel;

his daughter of 4 spans' height;

a son of his, 3 spans' height;

his second son, a pirsu-demon;

in all 8 persons., farmer;

... his ..., his son, a sahurtu-demon

...... a rutu-demon

...... a rutu-demon


... his wife, one son of his,

a second son of his, ...,

one daughter of his, small ...,

two adolescent girls ...: in all, 7 people.


farmer: his wife, two sons of his,

1 young girl,

a daughter of his, of 4 spans' height,

a son of his, of 3 spans' height,

another son of his, weaned:

in all 8 people., farmer,

his wife, an adolescent son,

... of x spans' height,

... of x spans' height,



[x x x (m)]x#—(d)_utu#_ [(x) x] pir-su [sza] _ga_

[(x) x]+x# _pab_-ma 01 _lal_-t,i

AI Translation

... ...-Shamash ... a pirsu-shrine of .

... in all, 1 .


...-Shamash, 1 son, weaned, 1 son, suckling.

... Grand total, 1 less than 30 people.

P335640: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] _kug-ud sag-du_

[x x x x]-_mesz_-ni (m)a-tar—su-ri

[x x x x x x] _si hab_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] _iti-kin ud 10_-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)x x x x]—_pab_

AI Translation

... silver, capital

......s, Atar-suri

...... the horns are bent.

Month Elul VI, 10th day, eponym year of ...-ushur.


... silver, capital

..., Attar-suri

... ...

... Month Elul VI, 10th day, eponym year of ...-ushur



[x x x x x x x]+x#

[x x x x x x x] :-

[x x x x x x x] :-

AI Translation


...... ditto;

...... ditto;



......, ditto.

......, ditto.

P335641: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



de-[nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta-u-ni]

01 _ma-na_ [x x x x x x x x] ina bur-ki [x x x x x x x x] i-szak#-[kan x x x x x x x x]

a-na (d(?))[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

shall place one mina ...... in the lap of .

to ......


seeks a lawsuit or litigation,

shall place one mina ...... in the lap of ......

to DN ......



la [i-laq-qi]

_igi_ [x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness .......


and not succeed.

Witness .......

P335642: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x _ma_]-_na kug-ud 01 ma_-[_na kug-gi_] [a]-na (d)_masz_ [_sum_-an] kas#-pu a-na 10-[_mesz_] [a-na] _en#_-_mesz_-[szu _gur_]

AI Translation

shall give x minas of silver and one mina of gold to Ninurta, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.


shall give x mina of silver and one mina of gold to Ninurta, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

P335643: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] _mi#_-szu

[x x x x x x] _mi_(?)#-szu

[x x x x x] _dumu-mi_-su

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x (m)x x x]—_dingir_(?) _mi_-szu

[_pab_ x _zi_-_mesz arad_]-_mesz_-ni

[sza (m)x x x x x] u-pisz#-[ma]

AI Translation

...... his wife

...... his wife

...... his daughter


...... ...-ilu, his wife

in all x persons, servants of the king, my lord.

of NN has contracted


... his wife,

... his wife,

... his daughter,


... ...-ili, his wife,

in all x persons, servants of ... —

... has contracted



[man-nu szA ina ur]-kisz# ina ma-te-[ma] [i-za-qu-pa]-ni _gil_-u-ni [x _ma-na kug-ud_ x] _ma-na kug-gi_ [ina bur-ki (d)_isz_]-_tar_ a-szib-bat [x x x x i-szak]-kan kas-pu [ana 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-szu _gur_]-ra [ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma] la# i-laq-qi

[x x x x x x x x]—iq-bi

[x x x x x] _lu_(v)(?)-_gal_—_mi_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x x]-ri(?)-bi

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in .... He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


...... the chief cook



Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, shall place x mina of silver and x mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


..., overseer of women.


P335644: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi_ (m)id(?)#-[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)sa(?)#-[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Id.

Witness Sa....

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


Witness Id..., ...

Witness Sa..., ...

Witness ......

Witness ......

Witness ......

Witness ......

P335645: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


s,u-pur [x x x x x x x x]

sza ki(?)-[x x x x x x x x]

_mi_-e-hi-e(?) [x x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma [x x x x x x x x]

[ina] _sza#_-bi 04(?) [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

fingernail of .

of ......

the woman Ehê .

...... has contracted

within 4 ......


Fingernail of ...

of ......

Ehî ...... —

...... has contracted

...... for 4 ...

P335646: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


06(*) _gin kug-ud_ (m)ba-hi-a-[nu] [a]-na (m)ha-le-e-s,i [ina pu-hi]

it#-ti-din (m)_ta_(v)—(d)_im_—_pab#_-[u-tu]

_lu_(v)-_a-ba_ [(m)x x x]

AI Translation

Bahianu has contracted and bought them for 6 shekels of silver for Haleshi.

Issi-Adad-ahhutu has given it.

scribe, NN.


Bahianu has loaned 6 shekels of silver to Haleshi.

Issi-Adad-ahhutu ......

Scribe: NN.

P335647: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ku-um _na4-kiszib#_-[szu-nu s,u-pur-szu-nu]

isz-kun-nu s,u#-[pur (m)x x x x x]

s,u-pur (m)gab-ba(?)#-[ru x x x x x]

_pab# 02 szesz_-_mesz en#_-[_mesz_ x x x x]

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of N

fingernail of Gabbaru .

in all 2 brothers, owners of the ... being sold.


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of ...,

fingernail of Gabbaru, ...,

in all 2 brothers, owners of the ... being sold.

P335648: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


03 _ansze_ [x x x x] sza (m)[x x x x] ina _igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x] _lu_-hi(?)#-[x x x x]

ina pu-u-hi it-[ti-szi]

ana 01 :- 5(ban2) [x x x]

AI Translation

3 hectares ... belonging to NN, at the disposal of NN, .

He has taken it as a loan.

for 1 ditto 5 seahs ...;


Three homers of ..., belonging to NN, at the disposal of NN, ...

He took it as a loan.

It shall increase by 5 seahs per homer.

P335649: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _a-sza_ ina [x x]

AI Translation

... field in .


... field in ...

P335650: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_igi_ (m)x x] _lu_(v)-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]-li-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)sa-la(?)-ma(?)-me]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_-[a-a]

_igi_ (m)A—_pab lu_(v)-[x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN, .


Witness Salammame.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur, .


Witness NN, ...


Witness Salamame.

Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

P335651: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ina _igi_ (m)ia-hu-t,u# ina _igi_ (m)_dingir_—_gin_—_pab a_ x#+[x x x] ina _igi_ (m)10—A—_asz lu_(v)-3-_u5#_

ina _ud 01_-_kam_ sza _iti-apin_ [ina] _kur_-ru-s,a-pa id-du-nu

[szum]-mu la# [id-din-nu]

AI Translation

at the disposal of Yahutu, Ilu-kenu-ushur, son of NN, and Adad-aplu-iddina, 'third man.'

They will deliver them in Rushapa on the 1st of Marchesvan VIII.

If they do not pay,


at the disposal of Yahutu, Ilu-kenu-ushur son of ..., and Adad-aplu-iddina, 'third man.'

They shall give them back on the 1st of Marchesvan VIII in Rashappa.

If they do not give

P335652: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)[(d)_en_]—A—_asz# lu_(v)-_gal_—za#-[ma]-ri szA _uru_-tar-bu-si-ba# _en lu_(v)-_un_-_mesz#_ ta-da-a-ni

(m(*))[gab(?)-e _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir _mi_-szu]

ina _sza#_ [03 _ma-na kug-ud_ szA _uru_-gar]-ga#-mis

il-qi# [kas-pu gam-mur ta-ad-din(*)] _lu_(v)-_un#_-[_mesz_ szu-a-tu za-Ar]-pu# la-qi-[u tu-a-ru de-e-nu]

_dug4-dug4_ [la-Asz-szu man-nu szA ina ur]-kisz(*)# ina# ma-te#-[ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Bel-aplu-iddina, chief singer of Til-Barsip, owner of the people being sold.

Gabbê, tailor, his wife;

for 3 minas of silver of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Seal of Bel-aplu-iddina, chief singer of Til-Barsip, owner of the people being sold.

Gabbê, tailor; his wife

Remanni-Adad has contracted and bought them for 3 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether Bel-aplu-iddina or his sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or ..., or any relative of his,



[lu]-u [mAm-ma-nu-szu sza _ta_(v) (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im_]

[_igi_ (m)si-lim—(d)asz-szur _lu_(v)-_sukkal_ dan]-nu

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i _lu_(v)-mu-kil]—_kusz#-pa_-_mesz_ szA _dumu_—[_man_]

[_igi_ (m)_numun_-u-ti-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki]-s,ir(*)# szA (_dumu_)—_man_

[_igi_ (m)(d)szA-masz]—_man_—_pab# lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-_mesz#_

[_igi_ (m)sa]-kan(*)#-nu _lu_(v)-mu-kil#—[_pa_-_mesz_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa#_—_su lu_(v)-02#-[u] sza# _lu_(v)-_gal#_—u-rat#

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a _dumu_(*) [(m)]_man_—_du_(*)

_igi_ (m)(d(*))_u-gur_—_man_—_pab_ sza(*)# _lu_(v)(*)-_mah_(*) _uru_ [szA] _uru#_-tar-bu-si-ba

_iti-szu ud 20_-_kam#_

AI Translation

or any relative of his who has sided with Remanni-Adad,

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the crown prince.

Witness Zarutî, cohort commander of the crown prince.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, son of Sharru-ibni.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, emissary of the city of Tarbusiba.

Month Tammuz IV, 20th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Zarutî, chariot driver of the prince.

Witness Zarutî , cohort commander of the prince.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Ashur-ila'i, son of Sharru-ibni.

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur, son of the city emissary of Til-Barsip.

Month Tammuz IV, 20th day, eponym year of Kanunayu of the New Palace.

P335653: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x] _sza_ lu(*)# [x x x x]

[x x x x x] _suhur# id suhur#_ [x x x x x]

[x x x x x] É(*) (m)_pab_—_sig5_ (m)(d)_u-gur#_—u-bal#-[lit,]

[x x x x]+x# _mi_-szu u-pisz-ma _mi#-kur_-i-tu# [_dumu_]-_mi_ [(m)(d)]30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su man kur_—asz-szur _nin_-su sza (m)asz-[szur]—_pab#_—_asz man kur_—asz-szur-ma ina _sza_-bi 08 _ma-na kug-ud#_ ina ma-né-[e] sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis il-qi

kas-pu gam-mur# ta-din _gisz-sar_ É _a-sza un_-_mesz_ szu-a-[te zar-pu] laq-qi-'u tu#-a-ru de-[e]-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-[szu]

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz im—ma-[te]-ma# i-za-qu-pa-ni _gil_-u-ni lu-u _lu_-_mesz_-e an#-nu-ti [lu-u] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu lu-u _szesz_-[_mesz_-szu-nu] lu#-u _dumu_—_pab_-szu-(nu) lu-u szak-nu-szu-nu sza _ta_(v)# [_mi_]-_kur_-i#-ti(*) _u dumu_-_mesz_-szA _u dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szA de#-[e-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub]-ta#-'u-[u-ni]

10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u [x _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru] ina bur-ki# (d)_isz-tar_ a-[szi-bat _uru-nina-ki gar_-an]

AI Translation

...... he should .

...... adjoining the river, adjoining .

... the house of Ahu-damqu, Nergal-uballit,

...... his wife has contracted and bought her, the daughter of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the sister of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, for 8 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That garden, house, field and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against the governess, her sons and grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


...... in ......

... adjoining the river, ....... and the house of Ahu-damqu;

Nergal-uballit ... and his wife —

Shadditu, daughter of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, and sister of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought said property for 8 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That garden, house, land and people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these gentlemen or their sons, grandsons, brothers or nephews, or their prefect, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shadditu and her sons and grandsons,

shall place 10 minas of refined silver and x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall set up 7 marsh reeds which are without nodes at the gate of Ashur.



ina _gir-2_ [(d)asz-szur i-rak-kas 04 _ansze_ har-ba-kan-ni] ina _ki_-[_ta_ (d)_masz-masz_ u-sze-rab] ina la de#-ni-szu [_dug4-dug4_-ma] la# i-[laq-qi]

[_igi_] (m)sa-si-[i x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)_suhusz_—x#+[x x x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)_en_—lu#-[x x x x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)s,il-[x x x x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)(d)[x x x x x x x x] _igi#_ (m)[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall place 4 homers of harbakannu-sheep at the feet of Nergal. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sasî, .

Witness Ubru-.

Witness Bel-lu-.

Witness Shil-.

Witness NN. Witness NN.


He shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal. He shall contest in his non-lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Sasî, ....

Witness Ubru-..., ....

Witness Bel-lu-balat, ....

Witness Shil-..., ....

Witness ......

P335654: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x-_mesz_ x#+[x x x x _dumu-usz_-szu] [_gal_-u a-na] (d(*))ha#-am-ri (d)[_im gibil_] [kas-pu] a-na# 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur#_ [ina] de#-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti#_

_igi_ (m)ab-da-a _lu-sag_ szA—_igi_—É—_dingir#_

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_su lu-gal_—É-_gal#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—szal-lim—_pab_-_mesz lu-a-ba_—É—_dingir#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib-a#-ni _lu_-szA—_ugu_—_en_—_lugal_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa#_—ga-mil# _lu-sag_(*) szA É—_ki-mah#_

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_lugal lu-sag ki-min_

_igi_ (m)_di_-mu—_lugal lu-gal_—_gisz-gag#_-_mesz_

_igi#_ (m)mu-tak-kil—asz-szur _lu-lunga_(*)

_igi#_ (m)_arad_—(d)na#-na-a _lu-sanga_ szA (d)_utu#_

_igi#_ (m)asz-szur—_ki_-ia _lu-sag_ szA x#+[x x x]

_igi#_ (m)ku-na#-a-a _lu-sag#_ [szA x x x]

[_igi_] (m)(d)É-_a#_—_man_—_du#_ [_lu_-x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Abdâ, eunuch, temple supervisor.

Witness Ahu-eriba, palace manager.

Witness Marduk-shallim-ahhe, scribe of the temple.

Witness Nabû-shezibanni, overseer of the crown prince's office.

Witness Nabû-gamil, eunuch of the chapel.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, eunuch, ditto.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, chief of the chariotry.

Witness Mutakkil-Ashur, brewer.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya, priest of Shamash.

Witness Ashur-isse'a, eunuch of .

Witness Kunayu, eunuch of .

Witness Ea-sharru-ibni, .


shall burn his first born son at the sacred precint of Adad, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Abdâ, eunuch, temple supervisor.

Witness Ahu-eriba, palace manager.

Witness Marduk-shallim-ahhe, temple scribe.

Witness Nabû-shezibanni, overseer of the royal crypts.

Witness Nabû-gamil, eunuch of the mausoleum.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, eunuch, ditto.

Witness Shulmu-sharri, rab sikkati.

Witness Mutakkil-Ashur, brewer.

Witness Urdu-Nanaya, priest of Shamash.

Witness Ashur-isse'a, eunuch of ....

Witness Kunaya, eunuch of ....

Witness Ea-sharru-ibni, ....

P335655: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



10 _ansze#_ [_a-sza_ ina] _uru_-ni-ra-ma-a-a# _arad_-_mesz_ sza _lu_(v)-_en-nam kur_-si-me-e ku-um da-me ib-ta-at-qu

40 _ansze a-sza_ a-na né-hu _uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a _pab 02_-me-70+[x] _ansze a-sza_ sza ina tar-s,i (m)tukul-ti—A—É-_szar-ra_

40 _ansze a-sza_ [(m)]_en_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _lu_(v)-kal(*)-la-pu ina kas-pi# i-si-qi

30 _ansze_ :- a-na _mu_-_mesz 02 gisz-sar# 01 lu_(v)-_nu-gisz-sar_ (m)ha-t,u-ku# [x x x]

_pab 70 a-sza 02 gisz-sar_-_mesz 02 lu_(v)#-[_nu_]-_gisz#-sar_ ina tar-s,i (m)(d)_di_-ma-nu—_masz_

[x]-me _a-sza_ a-na _mu_-_mesz_

AI Translation

10 hectares of field in the town of Niram, servants of the governor of Si'immê, were seized instead of blood.

40 hectares of field to be used as a pasture in the Inner City; in all 270+x hectares of field in the charge of Tiglath-pileser.

40 hectares of field, Bel-ahheshu, the kallapu has bought for money.

30 hectares, ditto, for that year, 2 gardens, 1 gardener — Hatuku .

In all 70 hectares of field, 2 orchards, 2 gardeners, in the charge of Shalmaneser III.

x hundred hectares of field for that purpose


10 hectares of land in the town of Niramayu — the servants of the governor of Si'immê were split off in lieu of blood money;

40 hectares of land, undisturbed in Inner City: in all 270+x hectares of land, which date from the time of Tiglath-Pileser.

40 hectares of land — Bel-ahheshu, the kallapu-messenger bought them;

30 hectares, ditto, — in usufruct; 2 orchards, 1 gardener, Hatuku....

In all, 70 hectares of land, 2 orchards, 1 gardener, which date from the time of Shalmaneser.

x hundred hectares of land in usufruct, in the town of Timbu'nayu — the servants of the crown prince, the servants of the commander-in-chief will enjoy them in usufruct for one-fifth yearly interest growth.



02 _gisz-sar_ (m)ad-ri-e _arad dumu_—_man_

02 :- (m)_pa_-u-a _lu_(v)-s,a-rap—kAs-2-[pi]

01 :- 01 _lu_(v)-_nu-gisz#-sar_ (m)mu-_di_—asz-szur# _lu-03_-szu(?)# _dumu uru-nina_

_pab 04_-me-50 _ansze a-sza 07 gisz-sar_-_mesz 50 zi_-_mesz_ i-na kAs-2-pi _sum_-nu

09(?) _ma-na kug-ud_ sza (m)i-gi-li-i _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_—_ansze-kur uru_-kal-ha-a-a

05 _ma-na_ :- sza (m)(d)_utu_—_i lu_(v)-_usz-bar_ sza É _mi_—É-_gal_

02 _ma-na_ :- sza (m)(d)_pa_-u-a _simug-kug-gi_

[x x] sza (m)[x]-mu(?)#-di-ni _lu_(v)-_sanga_

[x x x x x x] x x# szi

AI Translation

2 gardens, Adrî, servant of the crown prince;

2 ditto — Nabû'a, chariot driver;

1 ditto, 1 gardener; Mushallim-Ashur, 'third man' of Nineveh;

450 hectares of field, 7 orchards, 50 persons, sold for money.

9 minas of silver of Igilî, horse merchant of Calah.

5 minas ditto, of Shamash-na'id, weaver of the palace of the queen;

2 minas ditto, of Nabû'a, goldsmith.

... of ...mudini, priest


2 orchards — Adrie, servant of the crown prince;

2 ditto — Nabû'a, silversmith;

1 ditto, 1 gardener — Mushallim-Ashur, a 'third man' from Nineveh.

In all, 450 hectares of land, 7 orchards, 50 people were sold.

9 minas of silver of Igilî, the horse trader from Calah;

5 minas, ditto, of Shamash-na'id, weaver of the Queen's Palace;

2 minas, ditto, of Nabû'a, goldsmith;

... of ...mudini, priest;




[x] _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza (m)ti-ku-su(?) _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_-_mesz dumu#_—[_man_]

[x]-me(?)-60 _ma-na_ :- sza (m)di-a-si-a (m)u-ri-ta-a _lu_(?)#-[x x]

_pab 26 ma-na 04_-tu _kug-ud_ (m)_di#_—[x x x]

AI Translation

x minas of copper belonging to Tikusu, village manager of the crown prince.

x hundred and sixty minas ditto of Diasia and Urita, ...;

in all, 26 1/4 minas of silver — Shulmu-.


x minas of copper of Tikusu, the village manager of the crown prince;

x 60 minas ditto of Diasia and Uritâ, ....

In all, 26 minas 1/4 of silver, NN

P335656: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]+x x#+[x x x]+x# [x x]

(m)_pab_—_asz 01 dumu 01 mi_-[szu _pab 03_]

_mi_-ba-si-i 03 _dumu_-_mesz pab#_ [04]

_mi_-sa-gi-bé-e 01 _dumu pab 02_

_mi_-e-zib-tu _mi_-s,i(?)-ha-ti(?)#

_mi-suhusz_-tu (m)_igi_—15—la-mur#

(m)_pab_—la-mur _lu-sum-ninda#_

(m)man-nu—lu(?)—_zi lu-engar_

(m)na-ni-i _lu-nu-gisz-sar_

AI Translation


Ahu-iddina, 1 son, 1 woman: a total of 3.

the woman Basî, 3 sons, in all 4;

Sagibê, 1 son, in all 2.

Ezibtu, Shihati,

Ubrutu, Pan-Issar-lamur,

Ahu-lamur, confectioner;

Mannu-lu-zi, farmer;

Nanî, gardener;



Ahu-iddina, 1 son, 1 wife of his: in all 3.

The woman Bassî, 3 sons, in all 4.

The woman Sagibê, 1 son, in all 2.

The woman Ezibtu; the woman Shihati;

the woman Uburtu; Pan-Issar-lamur;

Ahu-lamur, confectioner;

Mannu-lu-zitti, farmer;

Nanî, gardener.

P335657: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x] _gu-un_ ina _szu-2_ (m)_igi_(*)-_lal_(?)#—[x x x x x x] [ina] _sza 05 ma-na kug-ud_ ina qa-ab-si _uru_-[x x la-qi]

04(*) _gu-un_ ina _szu-2 lu-simug_—_an-bar uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a ma-a _mu_-szu la u-da ina _sza 01 ma-na_ (erasure) _kug_(?)-_ud_(?)# ina qa-ab-si _uru-kaskal_ la-qi

_pab 75 gu-un an-bar_ ina _sza 18_(*) _ma#-na_ [_kug-ud_ la]-qi

03-me-01 _kusz-duh-szi-a_ ina _szu-2_ (m)[x x] x x x# _uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a ina _sza 10 2_::3 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud_ ina] qa#-ab-si _uru_-kal-hi la-qi-u szu-u _ka-gal_ u-se(*)#-s,i

03 _kusz-duh-szi-a_ ina _sza ka-gal_ sza _uru-kaskal_ ina _sza 06 1_::2 _gin kug-ud_ la-qi-u

_pab 03_-me-04 _kusz-duh-szi-a_-_mesz_

84 _kusz_-s,al-li ina _sza 02 ma-na 53_(?) _gin kug-ud ta_(v) _kur_-ku-mu-uh-hu la-qi-u szu-ma-nu sza _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_-_mesz_ la u-da#

AI Translation

x talents, in the charge of Pan-..., for 5 minas of silver, in the centre of .

4 talents from the hands of the ironsmith of the Inner City, saying: "I do not know his name." He has bought it for one mina of silver in the centre of Harran.

75 talents of iron for 18 minas of silver,

301 leather straps have been purchased from NN, the ... of the Inner City, for 10 2/3 minas of silver by the mina of Calah. He has taken it to the city gate.

3 hides of ... in the city gate of Harran, for 6 1/2 shekels of silver.

Total: 340 leather straps.

84 leather bags for 2 minas 53 shekels of silver from Kummuhu; I do not know the price of the merchants.


x talents of iron purchased from Atamar-... ..., for 5 minas of silver, inside the city of .....

4 talents purchased from an ironsmith of the city of Assur — he says: "I don't know his name" — for 1 mina of silver, inside the city of Harran.

Total: 75 talents of iron purchased for 18 minas of silver.

301 dyed skins purchased from NN ... of the city of Assur for 10 2/3 minas of silver, inside the city of Calah. He the seller exported them through the city-gate himself.

3 dyed skins purchased within the city-gate of the city of Harran, for 6 1/2 shekels of silver.

Total: 304 dyed skins.

84 cured skins purchased for 2 minas 53 shekels of silver from Kummuh — I don't know the names of the merchants.



08 qu-up-pa-ti sza _di_-x (x#) ina _sza 02 ma-na 10_ [_gin kug-ud_] ina qa-ab-si _uru-kaskal_ la-qi-[a] ma-a _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_-_mesz_ la u-da#

AI Translation

8 baskets of ... for 2 minas and 10 shekels of silver in the centre of Harran, saying: "I do not know the merchants."


8 boxes of ... purchased for 2 minas 10 shekels of silver inside the city of Harran — he says "I don't know the merchants."



01 _gu-un 06 ma-na dag-gaz na4_-[x x] la ba-si-li ina _sza 01 ma-na 10 gin_ [_kug-ud_ ina _szu-2_] (m)ba-la-si _dumu_—_ka-dingir-ra-ki_ ina qa-ab-si# _uru-kaskal_ la-qi ma-a e-ti(*)-qu szu-u(*)#

02 _tug-gada_-_mesz_ ina _sza 01 ma-na 23_(*) _gin_-_mesz_ ina _szu-2 lu_(v)-ar-ma-a-a szu-u ina _uru-kaskal_ la-qi ma-a la u-da-a-szu

05(*)# _tug_-sza(*)-din _gada_ ina _sza 1_::2 _ma-na kug-ud_ ina _szu-2_ [_uru_]-ku-mu(*)-ha(*)-a-a szu-u ina _uru-kaskal_ a-si-qi ma(*)-a(*) la(*) u(*)-da(*)-szu(*)#

04 5::6 _ma-na sig_-[x] 03(?)#-su _sig-sa5_ ina _sza 01 ma-na_ [x x x x x] [x x x x x x x x] la-qi

x# [x x x x x x x x] _gin_(?)# _kug-ud_ [x x x x x x x x x] x x# a-na _uru-kaskal#_ [x x x x x x x x x x la]-qi-u

AI Translation

One talent and six minas of ...-stone, not finished, for one mina and 10 shekels of silver, from Balasu, a citizen of Babylon, in the centre of Harran. He said: "He has gone out."

Two tunics for one mina 23 shekels are in the charge of the Arameans. He is in Harran, but he says: "I don't know him."

I bought five linen garments for half a mina of silver from the Kummuhites in Harran, saying: "I did not know him."

4 5/6 minas of wool, 1/3 mina of red wool, from 1 mina of ..., ... bought.

...... shekels of silver ...... to Harran .


1 talent 6 minas blocks of genuine ...-stone purchased for 1 mina 10 shekels of silver from Balassu, citizen of Babylon inside the city of Harran — he says: "He was passing through."

2 linen-garments purchased for 1 mina 23 shekels from a certain Aramaean, in the city of Harran — he says: "I don't know him."

I purchased 5 linen togas for 1/2 mina silver from a Kummuhaean, in the city of Harran — he says: "I don't know him."

4 5/6 minas of black wool and 1/3 mina of red wool were purchased for 1 mina .......

Total: ... minas ... shekels of silver ...... to the city of Harran ...... were purchased.



(m)mu-un-na-bit-ti _dumu_-szu sza (m)_en_—mu-szal-lim _dumu_ (m)uk-ka-[a-a]

(m)(d)_pa_—u-s,al-li (m)(d)_pa_—_szu-2_—s,a-bat (m)_din-tir_—lu-mur _pab_(*) 03(*) _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x]

(m)ki-rib-tu _dumu_-szu szA (m)ni(?)-me-qi-x#

AI Translation

Munnabitu, son of Bel-mushallim, descendant of Ukkaya;

Nabû-ushalli, Nabû-qati-shabat, Ilu-lumur, in all 3 .

Kiribtu, son of Nimeqi...;


Munnabitu, son of Bel-mushallim, son of Ukkayu.

Nabû-ushalli, Nabû-qati-shabat, Babili-lumur, total 3 ...-men.

Kiribtu, son of Nimeqi....

P335658: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x _ma_(?)]-_na_(?)# sza (m)se-e'—ma-'a(*)-di(?)#

[x x x]+x# _sze_ (m)(d)_di_-ma-nu—_masz 03_-su _ma la_

[x x x] (m)_iti-kin_-a-a 04-tu _ma-na_ :-

[x x x] sza# 04 03 04-_mesz_ o(*) :-

[x x] _ma_(?) (m)s,al-mu 04-tu _ma la_

[x] _ma_(?)# (m)_pab_—ke-nu 1::2 _ma_ :-

[x] _ma_(?)# (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab 03_-su _ma_ :-

[x] _ma_(?)# (m)ha-ri-me-i 1::2 _ma_ :-

[x x x] (m)30—_man_—_pab 03_-su _ma_ :-

[x x (m)x]+x#—ta(*)-_ki_-ni 03-su _ma_ :-

[x x (m)x]—sze-zib-an-ni :- :-

[x x (m)x x x]-su# o(*)

[x x x x]-a(*)

[x x x x]-_mesz 04 gin_ :-

[x x x x] _ma_(*)-_na_(*) _kug_(*)-_ud_(*)#

AI Translation

x minas of Se'-ma'adi,

...... barley of Salmanu-ashared Shalmaneser, 1/3 mina les

... Ululayu, 1/4 mina ditto;

... of 4 3 4ths ditto;

x minas, Shalmu, 1/4 mina not,

x minas, Ahu-kenu, 1/2 mina ditto;

x minas, Ashur-sharru-ushur, 1/3 mina ditto;

x minas, Harimê, 1/2 mina ditto;

... Sin-sharru-ushur, 1/3 mina ditto;

... ...-takini, 1/3 mina ditto;

... ...-shezibanni, ditto ditto;



......s, 4 shekels ditto;

...... minas of silver


x minas, of Se'-ma'adi;

......, of Salmanu-ashared, 1/3 mina lacking;

... Ululaya, 1/4 mina ditto;

... of 4 3/4 ditto;

x minas, Shalmu, 1/4 mina lacking;

x minas, Ahu-kenu, 1/2 mina ditto;

x minas, Ashur-sharru-ushur, 1/3 mina ditto;

x minas, Harimî, 1/2 mina ditto;

x minas, Sin-sharru-ushur, 1/3 mina ditto;

... ...-taqqin, 1/3 mina ditto;

... ...-shezibanni, ditto, ditto;



......, 4 shekels ditto;

Total, ... minas of silver.

P335659: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_uru-sze_—qu-[x x x x x]

_uru-sze_—ha-[x x x x x]

_uru-sze_—(m(*))s,il-[x x x x x]

a-na gi-mir#-[ti-szu-nu]

a-di _gisz-sar_-_mesz_(*)#-[szu-nu]

ina _igi_ (m)_gaszan_—sam-me—_dingir_(*)#-[a-a]

01(?)# _gu 01 ma_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—[x x] _lu-gal_—_ma-du-du_-_mesz_ [o]

[x] _ma#_ (m)pa-di-i _gal_—_nagar_-[_mesz_]

[x]+1 _gu_ (m)(d)_mes_—_su gar_-nu szA _lu-pa_-_mesz_

[x]+10 _ma_ (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab lu-arad_ szA# (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-en-nam_

[x]+2(*) _gu_ (m)_dingir_—zab-bad-da _a-ba_ szA _lu_-ha-za-ni _uru-nina_

_pab_ (m)si(*)-me(*)—_dingir_-a'(*) _lu-02_-i

o(*) 20 _ma_ (m)pa-di-i _gal_—_uru_(?)#-_mesz_ É x x# [x]

08 _ma_ (m)[x x x x x] [x x x x x]

01(*)# _gu 10_ [_ma_ (m)x x x x] _lu_(*)-x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the village of Qu.

the village of Ha.

the village of Shil-...,

in their entirety

together with their gardens,

at the disposal of Sharrat-samme-ila'i.

1 talent, 1 mina, Mannu-ki-..., chief of the boatmen.

x minas, Padî, chief carpenter.

x+1 talents, Marduk-eriba, prefect of the scribes.

x+10 minas, Sin-sharru-ushur, servant of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor.

x+2 talents, Ilu-zabbada, scribe of the mayor of Nineveh.

Total, Sime-ila', deputy.

20 minas, Padî, village manager of the house ...;

8 minas, NN, ...;

1 talent 10 minas, NN, ...;


The village of Qu...,

the village of Ha...,

the village of Shil-...,

in their entirety,

including their gardens,

at the disposal of Sharrat-samme-ila'i.

1 talent 1 mina, Mannu-ki-..., chief of the sailors.

x minas, Padî, chief of the carpenters.

x+1 talents, Marduk-eriba, prefect of the staff-bearers.

x+10 minas, Sin-sharru-ushur, servant of Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor.

x+2 talents, Ili-zabada, scribe of the mayor of Nineveh.

Total: Sime-ila', deputy.

20 minas, Padî, village-manager, of the estate ......;

8 minas, NN .......

1 talent 10 minas, NN, ......

Obverse Column ii


_uru_-si-la(?)-[x x x x x]

(m)kU(*)-_ka_—sa(*)#-[tar o] _gal_—_uru_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

Sila... ...

Kubabu-satar, village manager .


The town of Sila...,

Kubabu-satar, village manager ......

Reverse Column iii


[o(?)] 04(?)#-lim-04-[me x x x x]

[o(?)] 09(?)# _uru_(?)-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

39# _nu_(?)-[_gisz-sar_(?)-_mesz_(?)]

05#-me-94(?) x# [x x x]

08-me-14 x#+[x x]

01 _lu#-a_-[_ba_(?)]

[o] 40(?)# _erim_(?)-_mesz_(?)#

03(?)#-lim-02-me-20 _a-sza_

[x] _gu 19 ma kug-ud_

[_pab_] _uru_-si-'i-me-e

AI Translation

4,400 ...

9 towns ......

39 gardens;

594 ...

814 ...

1, scribe;

40 men,

3,220 hectares of field;

x talents 19 minas of silver

Total, in the town of Si'immê.


4400 ...,

9 towns ...,

39 gardeners,

594 ...,

814 ...,

1 scribe,

40 men,

3,220 measures of cornland,

x talents 19 minas of silver,

total: the city of Si'immê.

P335660: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[x x x x (m)sa]-al(*)#-ti—_dingir_ [(x x x x) _lu_]-ha-za-nu _nina-ki_

[x]+05(*)# _ma kug-ud_ (m)na(?)-din(*)# _lu_(v)-_a-ba_ sza _lu-gal_—u-rat(*)#-_mesz_(*)

10 _ma_ (m)as(*)-tar—gad(*)-di _lu-gal_—_nar_

02(*)-me _udu_-_mesz_ szA (m)da-ri—_man lu-02_-u szA _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_pab 07 gu-un 12 ma kug-ud_ [x]+x# _gesztin_-_mesz 02_-me _udu_-_mesz_ ha-bul [(x) e]-gir(*)-a-te la-bir-a-te

[x x]+x#-tu 90 _ansze gesztin_-_mesz#_ szA# (m)_nigin_—_dingir lu#_-[x x x]

20 _ma_(*) (m(*))_en_(*)—_man_—[x x x x]

10(?)# _ma_ szA (m)[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... Salti-il, mayor of Nineveh

Nadin, scribe of the team-commanders;

10 minas, Astar-gabdi, chief singer.

200 sheep of Dari-sharru, deputy of the cohort commander;

Total: 7 talents 12 minas of silver, x ... of wine, 200 sheep, a reed basket, x letters, .

... 90 homers of wine of Kudurru-ilu, .

20 minas, Bel-sharru-.

10 minas of NN,


..., Sa'alti-il, mayor of Nineveh.

5 minas of silver, Nadin, scribe of the team commander.

10 minas, Astar-gaddi, chief musician.

200 sheep of Dari-sharru, deputy of the cohort commander.

Total, 7 talents 12 minas of silver, x homers of wine, 200 sheep — debts on the old documents.

... 90 homers of wine, of Nashir-ili, ....

20 minas, Bel-sharru-..., ....

10 minas, of NN, ....

Obverse Column iii


[x] _ma#_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x x] A (m)a-x#+[x x x x x x x]

20 _ma_ (m)_dingir_—qal(*)-x#+[x x x x x]

01 _gu_ (m)si-lim—[x x x x x]

01 _gu_ (m)_man_—_mu_—x#+[x x x x] _a#_ [x x x x x]

01 _gu# 10_(?) [_ma_ (m)x x x x] [x x x x x x x]

20 _ma_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x] _lu_(*)-_dam_(*)-_qar#_ ([x x x])

02 _gu 15_(*) _ma_(*)# (m)(d)#[x x x x] _uru#_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

x minas, NN, son of A......,

20 minas, Ilu-qalla..., .

1 talent, Silim-..., .

1 talent, Sharru-shumu-..., son of NN.

1 talent 10 minas, NN .

20 minas, NN, merchant.

2 talents 15 minas, NN, of the town .


x minas NN, son of A.......

20 minas, Ilu-qal..., ....

1 talent, Silim-..., ....

1 talent, Sharru-shumu-..., son of NN.

1 talent 10 minas, NN ....

20 minas, NN, the merchant.

2 talents 15 minas, NN, ... of the town ....

Reverse Column i


_uru_(?)#-[x x x x x x x x]

520#+[x x x x x x x x]

_uru_(?)#-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the town ......

520 ......;

the town ......


The town ......;

52+x ......;

the town .......

Reverse Column ii


07 [x x x x x x x x x] ina(*) É(*)# [x x x x x x x x]

18 a-[rit x x x x x x x] ina É (m)[x x x x x x]

16 :- (m)_sum_-na#-[x x x x x]

11(*)# a-rit ina _igi_(*) (m)[x x x x] [_lu_]-_gal_—[x x x x x x x]

[x]+x a(*)-rit(*)# [x x x x x x]

(m)(d)10—hu-ut(?)-ni# [x x x x]

17 _gisz-ban_ ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(?)#—_su_(*) _gar_-nu A—_man_

17(?)# szA—_bad_(*)-_hal_(*) 01(*) _gisz-ban uru-sze_—ha-né-e ina _igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur _sukkal_

15(?)# _lu_-ma-'a-as-su ina _igi_ (m)ku-sa-a-a _dib_—_pa_-_mesz gar-kur_

_uru_-ag-ga-nu a(*)-di a-x#+[x x x]

[x x] (m)si-i#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

7 ...... in the house .

18 shield bearers ...... in the house of NN,

16 ditto — Iddina-..., ...;

11 shield bearers, at the disposal of NN, chief .

... a ... ...

Adad-hutni ...

17 bows at the disposal of Nabû-eriba, prefect of the crown prince.

17 cavalry mounts, 1 bowman, in the village of Hanê, at the disposal of Silim-Ashur, vizier.

15 'shepherds' at the disposal of Kusayu, chariot driver of the governor.

the city Agganu as far as .

... Si...


7 ...... in the estate of NN, ....

18 shield bearers ...... in the estate of NN, ....

16 ditto, Iddina-... ....

11 shield bearers, at the disposal of NN, chief ....

x shieldbearers ...,

Adad-hutni, ....

17 bowmen, at the disposal of Nabû-eriba, prefect of the crown prince.

17 cavalry, 1 bowman — the village of Hanê, at the disposal of Silim-Ashur, vizier.

15 corral-men, at the disposal of Kusayu, chariot driver of the Prefect of the Land.

The town Agganu, including its ...,

... Se'-...

Reverse Column iii


x# [x x x x x x x x x]

_pab_(?)# [x x x x]+x#-_mesz_

26 _zi#_ ina _uru_(*)-t,u(*)-a-a-bi ina(*) _igi_(*) (m)A(*)-10—si-'a-a _pab_-szu sza (m)si-lim—asz-szur

06 _lu-gisz-ban_ ina _uru-du6_—ra-ha(*)-u(?)#-a ina _igi_ (m)(d)a-a—ia-ba-ba _lu-gar_-nu szA _lu-pa_-_mesz_

03 _lu-engar_(*) _uru-sze_—sa-qa-ma-nu ina(*) _igi_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri A (m)a-ri-hi

[x] _lu_-szA—_bad_-_hal_ [x x]+x x#-ha-an-za-lu-lu x# [x x x] x x x# [x x x x]

ina(*) _igi_(*) (m)#qar-ha-a _lu_-x x# [x x]

01 _lu-engar uru-ah_-da-at-sa-ma(?)-x# ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_ag_—_man gal_—ki-s,ir

02 _lu_-szA—_bad_-_hal_ ina _igi_ (m)szA—la—ma-sze-e sza É _lu-gal_—_sag_

01 _lu-pa uru_(!)-_sze_—_uru_-_mesz_ [ina _igi_] (m)#_numun_-u-ti _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

[x _lu_]-_pa#_-_mesz uru_-ha-mu-na [ina _igi_ x x]+x#-a'(*) _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir [(x x) x x x] _lu#-pa_-_mesz_

AI Translation


Total ......s.

26 persons in Tu'abi, at the disposal of Apladad-si'a, brother of Silim-Ashur.

6 bowmen in Til-rahûa, at the disposal of Aya-yababa, prefect of the chariot drivers.

3 farmers of the village of Saqamanu, at the disposal of Sharru-lu-dari, son of Arihi.

... cavalryman; ...hanzallulu;

at the disposal of Qarhâ, .

1 farmer, in the town of Ahdatsama..., at the disposal of Ashur-ra'im-sharru, cohort commander.

2 cavalrymen assigned to Sha-la-mashe of the house of the chief eunuch.

1 shepherd of the village of Zarutî, cohort commander.

x chariot drivers from Hamuna, at the disposal of ...a', cohort commander; x chariot drivers.



total, ......s.

26 persons in the town of Tu'a-abi, at the disposal of Apladad-si'a, the brother of Silim-Ashur.

6 bowmen — the town of Til-rahawa, at the disposal of Aya-yababa, the prefect of the staff-bearers.

3 farmers — the village of Saqamanu, at the disposal of Sharru-lu-dari, son of Arihi.

x cavalrymen, at the disposal of ...hanzalulu, ...

at the disposal of Qarhâ, ....

1 farmer — the town of Ahdat-Sama..., at the disposal of Ashur-ra'im-sharri, cohort commander.

2 cavalrymen, at the disposal of Sha-la-mashê, of the estate of the chief eunuch.

1 staff-bearer of the village of the gods, at the disposal of Zaruti, cohort commander.

x staff-bearers of the town Hamuna, at the disposal of ...a', cohort commander in charge of staff-bearers.

Reverse Column iv


[x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x x]+13 _zi_-_mesz_ :- ina _igi_ [x x x]—_pab lu-nam_(*) [x x x x]+x#-nu-lu-zi

[x x x x] 23# _zi_-_mesz_ o(*) [x x x x x] _lu#-gal_—ki-s,ir [x x x x x x x]+x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x x] 09(?)-_kam_ [x x x x x x x]+x#—_mu_(*)

AI Translation


... 13 persons ditto, at the disposal of ...-ushur, governor of ...nuluzi.

...... 23 persons ...... cohort commander .

...... the 9th day;



total, x+13 persons, ditto, at the disposal of ...-ahi, the governor ......nuluzi.

... total, 23 persons, at the disposal of ..., cohort commander .......

...... 9th day, eponym year of ......-shumi.

P335661: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x]+x#-e

[x _ma_ szA (m)x x _lu_]-_a-ba_ [szA _igi_ pi]-qit-ta-te

[x _ma_ szA (m)](d)_pa_—_en_—_pab_ [x x]+x# É _lu-gal_—u-rat

03 _ma_ szA (m)ku-re-e _dumu_—É-_gal_

02 _ma_ szA (m)iz-zi-a _kur_(*)-ku-um(*)-mu(*)# [o(?)]

02 _ma_ szA(*) [x x x x x x x]

20(?)# [x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation


x minas of NN, scribe, in charge of the extispicy.

x minas of Nabû-belu-ushur, ... of the house of the team-commander.

3 minas of Kurê, palace prince.

2 minas of Izzia of Kummu.

2 minas of ...;

20 ......;



x minas of NN, scribe in charge of the appointments.

x minas of Nabû-belu-ushur, ... of the house of the team commander.

3 minas of Kurê, palace official.

2 minas of Izzia, of Kummu.

2 minas of NN, ....

20 ......

Obverse Column ii


07 _ma_ [x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x]

40 _ansze_(*)# [x x x x x x] _uru_(*)#-[x x x x x]

01 1::2 _ma_ [x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

7 minas ......

40 hectares ......, the town ......;

1 1/2 minas .


7 minas, ..., ....

40 hectares ......, the town of ....

1 1/2 mina, ......

P335662: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x x] 3 4-_mesz ma-na_

[x x x x x x] _sa5# kun_-tu

[x x x x x]+x tu(*)# 01(*) 2::3(*) _ma-na_

[x x x x x x]+x# _sa5 kun_-tu

[x x x x x x x]-_a 01 1_::2 _ma-na_

[x x x x x x] 01 03-su _ma-na_

[x x x x x] _sa5# kar_

[x x x x x] _sa5# kar_

[x x x x x x]+x# _zag_

[x x x x x x]+x# _ud_ x#

[x x x x x] _sa5#_ [x (x)]

AI Translation

...... 3 4-year-old minas

...... is red, the tail.

...... 1 2/3 minas

...... is red, the tail.

...... 1 1/2 mina;

...... 1 1/3 mina;

...... red, of the port;

...... red, of the port;

...... the front

...... day ...

...... red ...


...... 3/4 mina;

...... red, rear part;

...... 1 2/3 mina;

...... red, rear part;

......... 1 1/2 mina;

...... 1 1/3 mina;

... red, of the port;

... red, of the port;

...... the front;

...... ...;

... red ...

P335663: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_pab_ na-mur-tu [x x x x] sza(*)# [x x x x x]

_iti-dul_ [_ud_] 07 lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

Total, audience gift ... of .

Month Tishri VII, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu.


Total, audience-gifts ... of .......

Month of Tishri VII, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu 646 B.C..

P335664: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x x] gi-dil

[x x x x x] _gar_(*)

[x x x x x x] _ki-lal_

[x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x] _kug-gi_

[x x x x x x] 06(*)-su(*) _la_

[x x x x x x] _la#_

[x x x x x x x]

[x x x x] gi#-dil

AI Translation

...... long

...... is present.

...... the equivalent was:


...... of gold

...... one sixth missing;

...... not


...... long


...... braid,

...... ...

...... in weight;


...... gold,

...... 1/6 missing;

...... missing;


...... braid

Obverse Column ii


02 _mul_-_mesz_-te sza _suhusz_ sza 02 isz-pat 10 _gin 5_::6 _ba ki-lal_

_pab 01 ma 07 gin 06_-su _kug-gi_ ina _ugu 02_ isz-pat _libir-ra_-_me_

04 _mul_-_mesz_-te sza(*) szuq-da-ni sza 02 _ban_-_mesz kalag_-_mesz 19 gin kug-gi ki-lal_

[x x x x] lu#-bu-si [x x x x]+x# _kug_(*)-_gi_(*) _ki-lal_

[x x x x x lu]-bu#-si(*) [x x x x x _ki_]-_lal#_

AI Translation

2 stars of the base of two 'bases': 10 5/6 shekels, total.

Total: 1 mina 7 6/6 shekels of gold on 2 original ...s.

4 stars of the shuqdanu-stars, of two large sutu-stars, 19 shekels of refined gold;

...... should be trimmed; ... gold, ...;

...... should be trimmed


2 star-shaped ornaments of the base of two quivers, 10 5/6 shekels in weight;

total, 1 mina 7 1/6 shekels of gold on 2 old quivers.

4 star-shaped ornaments of the ...s of 2 large bows, 19 shekels of gold in weight;

..... of clothing, ...... of gold in weight.

...... of clothing, ...... in weight.

Obverse Column iii


09 _gin 06_-su a-na [x x x] _na4_-_mesz_ sza(*) _kur_-i-zal(*)#-[la]

02 5::6 a-na bat-qi(*) x#+[x x] a-bu-bi a-na 03 bu-[x x]

02 03-su a-na _kun_ [x x] sza _szur-muszen_(*)-_du_ x#+[x x x]

_pab 05 gin_ a-na bat-qi(*) x#+[x x] sza-ku-[tu x x x]

01 03-su a-na bat(?)#-[qi x] a-na rim-ki [x x x] sza _gir#_ [x x x]

11 1::2 _gin kug_(*)-_ud_(*) a(*)-na# [x x] szA—ba-ah(*)-x#+[x x]

02 06-su a-na 24 x#+[x x x]

_pab 13_(*) 03 04-_mesz_ a-na x#+[x x x] sza 03 szA—ba-ah-[x x x]

ki-i szA—ba-ah-x#+[x x x] [o] _ta_(v)(*) _sza_ É-_gal_ na-s,u#-[ni-ni(?)] [o ina] _ugu_ la ni-iq-ri(?)#-[ib] [(x) x] szA(?)#—_gil_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x] [x x x x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

9 6/6 shekels for ... stones of Izalla;

2 5/6 for the ..., the water for 3 .

2 1/3 shekels for the tail ... of a eagle ...;

Total: 5 shekels for the rations of ..., the shakkutu-offerings ...;

1 1/3 shekel for the rations ... for the rations ... of the foot ...;

11 1/2 shekels of silver for ... of the ...-priest;

2 6ths for 24 .

Total: 13 3 04 to ... of 3 sha bah...;

When the ...s brought us out of the palace, we did not approach the palace. ... the ...s .


9 1/6 shekels, for ..., stones of Izalla;

2 5/6 shekels for the repair of ...... a Deluge-monster, for 3 ...;

2 1/3 shekels for the tail ... of a falcon ...:

total, 5 shekels for repair of ...... jewellery;

1 1/3 shekel for repair for the bath ..., of the dagger ...;

11 1/2 shekels of silver, for ... sha bah...;

2 1/6 shekels for 24 ......:

total, 13 3/4 shekels for the repair of 3 sha bah...;

when they brought the sha bah... from the palace ..., we did not go near them.

Reverse Column i


[x]+03 _ma 13 1_::2# [x x x]

[x]+28 _ma_ [(x x)] 09 _gin#_ [x x]

_pab_ É (d)_nin_(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

x+3 minas 13 1/2 .

x+28 minas 9 shekels ...;

total, the temple of the goddess Nin.


x+3 minas 13 1/2 shekels

x+28 minas 9 shekels ...

Total — the temple of DN.

Reverse Column ii


[(x) x] _ma 03 gin 03 04_-_mesz_

AI Translation

x minas 3 shekels 3 1/4 shekels;


x minas 3 3/4 shekels.

P335665: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


06(?)# _ma-na kug_(*)-[x x x x x x]

sza (m)_en_—x#+[x x x x x x]

23(*) _ansze_(*)# [x x x x x x]

ina(!) bi(?)-[x x x x x x]

lim(?)-mu(?)# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

6 minas of silver .

of Bel-......

23 hectares ......;

in ......

eponym year of NN.


6 minas of silver ...,

of Bel-...

23 homers ...

in ......

eponym year of ...

P335666: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _lu#_-[x x x x x]

[x x x x] _ma-na kug-ud_ [x x x x] [x x x] _lu-nam nina_-[_ki_]

[x x x] _ma#-na kug-ud_ (m)ra-ga(*)-[x] [x x x x x] _lu-dam-qar_

[x x x x _kug_]-_ud_(?)# 50 _sze-pad_ [x x x x]-bi(?) _nagar_—mu-gir

[x x x x x x x]+x# (m)me-na-hi-mu# [x x x x x _lu_]-_dam#-qar_

AI Translation

... the ...

... minas of silver ... the governor of Nineveh

... minas of silver, Raha..., merchant.

...... silver, 50 homers of barley, the 'plowman';

...... Menahimu


NN, the ....

x minas of silver, NN, ... governor of Nineveh.

x minas of silver, Raga..., ... merchant.

x minas of silver, 50 homers of barley,, chariot-builder.

..., Menahimu, ... merchant.

P335667: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma-na kug-gi_ [a-na x x x]

04 1::2 _ma_ a-na [x x x x]

1::2 _ma-na_ a-na [x x x x]

03 04-_mesz_ a-na [x x x x]

03 _ma-na_ a(*)-na(*)# [x x x x]

02 _ma-na_ a(*)-[na x x x x]

04-tu a-[na x x x x]

_pab 12 ma-na#_ [x x x x] a(*)-nu(*)-tu(*) [x x x x x] x x x x# [x x x x x]

11# _ma-na_ a-na# [x x x x]

30(?) _ma-na_ a-na [x x x x]

05(*) _ma_ a-na [x x x x]

01 _ma_ [x x x x x]

18 _ma 03_-su(*)# [x x x] a-na [x x x x]

02 _ma_ a-na [x x x x]

_pab 01 gu-un 30_ [_ma-na_ x x] a-na dul-li [x x x]

ina _igi_ x#+[x x x x x]

02 _gu_ ina _kalag_-te [x x x]

01 _gu_ ina _kalag_-te [x x x] a-na 02 [x x x x x]

_pab_(*) 03 _gu-un_(*)# [x x x x]

ina _igi_ x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 mina of gold for ...;

4 1/2 minas for ...;

1/2 mina for ...;

3 1/4 minas for ...;

3 minas for ...;

2 minas for ...;

one-fourth to .

Total: 12 minas ... of .

11 minas for ...;

30 minas for ...;

5 minas for ...;

1 mina ......;

18 1/3 minas ... for ...;

2 minas for ...;

Total, 1 talent 30 minas ... for the work .

before ......

2 talents in large quantities .

1 talent in large quantities ... for 2 .

in all 3 talents ...;

before ......


1 mina of gold ...;

4 1/2 minas, for ...;

1/2 mina for ...;

3/4 mina for ...;

3 minas for ...;

2 minas for ...;

1/4 of a mina for ...:

Total, 12 minas ...; utensils ...

11 minas for ...;

30 minas for ...;

5 minas for ...;

1 mina ...;

18 1/3 minas ... for ...;

2 minas for ...:

Total, 1 talent 30 minas x shekels for the work ...,

at the disposal of .......

2 talents of the heavy sort ...;

1 talent of the heavy sort ... for 2 ...:

Total, 3 talents ...,

at the disposal of .......



01 _gu-un kug-ud 01_ [x x x] a-na [x x x x]

08 _ma 02 nig_(*)-_na_(*)#-[_mesz_]

06 _ma 02_ kap(*)-[pi x x] a-na kap-pi la(?)# [x x x]

09(?) _ma-na_ a-na 040+[x x x x]

1::2 _ma-na_ a-na 020+[x x x x]

12 _ma-na_ a-na 01 x#+[x x x]

03 _ma-na 02_(*) sza(*)—_szu-2_(*)-_mesz#_ [x x]

04 _ma-na 02_ da-li [x x x]

1::2 _ma-na 01_ sza x#+[x x x]

12 _ma-na 02_ it(*)-[x x x]

_pab 01 gu-un 58_(?) _ma_-[_na_ x x]

_pab 12 ma kug-gi_ x#+[x x x] a-na dul-li x#+[x x x x] _dumu_—_man_ i-hur(?)#-[x x x] [x x x]+x#+[x x x x]

29 _gu_ ina _kalag_(*) 20 _ma_(*)-[_na_ x x x] sza _uru-sza_—_uru_ (m)x#+[x x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-_a-ba_—É—_dingir_ [x x x x] U (m)ka-par x#+[x x x x x] dul(*)-lu(*)-szu(*) gam(*)-mur [x x x x] e-pa-Asz ina _igi#_ [x x x x x]

04 _gu-un 30 ma-na_ [x x x x x] a-na at-me(*)-ni [x x x x x] sza _uru-nina_(*) i(*)-[x x x x] (m)hu-ni-i U(*) [x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 talent of silver, 1 ... for ...;

8 minas 2 ...s;

6 minas, 2 ...-vessels ..., not for ...-vessels;

9 minas for 400+x .

1/2 mina for 2+x .

12 minas for 1 ...;

3 minas, 2 chariot drivers ...;

4 minas, 2 ...-beer;

1/2 mina, 1 of ...;

12 minas 2 ...;

in all, 1 talent 58 minas .

in all, 12 minas of gold ... for the work ... the crown prince received .

29 talents, heavy, 20 minas ... of the Inner City, NN, scribe of the temple, ..., and Karru ..., have performed his ritual. ...... they are doing it before .

4 talents 30 minas ... for the ... of Nineveh ... Hunî and N


1 talent of silver, 1 ...... for ......;

8 minas, 2 incense-burners ...;

6 minas, 2 bowls ... for the bowls ......;

9 minas for 4+x ...;

1/2 mina for 2+x ...;

12 minas for 1 ......;

3 minas for 2 basins for washing hands ...;

4 minas, 2 buckets ...;

1/2 mina, 1 ......,

12 minas, 2 ......:

Total, 1 talent 58 minas.

Total, 12 minas of gold ....., for the work ... the crown prince received .......

29 talents of the heavy sort, 20 minas ... of the Inner City, NN, the temple scribe ..., and Kapar, ......; his work is complete; he is doing ...: at the disposal of NN.

4 talents, 30 minas ... for the cella of DN of Nineveh; Hunnî and .......

P335668: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]-su(?) (m)_en_—szal-lim

[x x x x x] (m)ba-sa(*)-ni-i

[x x x x x (m)]gab#-bu—a-mur

[x x x x x] _gisz-ban 08_ qa

[x x x x x x]+x x x x#-di-hi 1(ban2) 06 qa

[x x x x (m)]_ka_(?)#-_dingir_-a-(a) _gisz-ban 06_(*) qa

[x x x x x x (m)]su-li-li

AI Translation

... Bel-shallim

...... Basanî

...... Gabbu-amur

...... seah of 8 'litres'

......dihi, 1 seah 6 'litres';

...... Babilayu; seah of 6 'litres';

...... Sullili


... Bel-shallim

... Basanî

... Gabbu-amur

... seah of 8 'litres'

... ...dihi — 1 seah of 6 'litres'

... ... Babilayu — seah of 6 'litres'

... Sulili



[x x x x (m)_pab_]—la-masz-szi _gisz-ban 06_ qa

[x x x x x (m)]su-ha-a-a

[x x x x (m)x]+x#—_u-gur_

AI Translation

...... Ahu-lâmashi, seah of 6 'litres';

...... Suhaya

... ...-Nergal


... Ahu-lamashi — seah of 6 'litres'

... Suhayu

... ......-Nergal



[x x x x x]-za _gisz-ban 08_ qa

[x x x x x]—(d(*))15(*) _gisz-ban 08_ qa

[x x x x x x] (m)x#-da

[x x x x x (m)]ba(*)#-sa-ni-[i]

[x x x x x x] x# [x]+x#

[x x x x x x x x]-i

[x x x x x x x] _gisz-ban 08_ qa

[x x x x x x x] _gisz-ban 08_ qa

[x x x x x x x]—a(*)#-mur

[x x x x x x (m)]ba(?)-sa(?)#-ni-i(?)#

AI Translation

...... a seah of 8 'litres';

...-Issar, seah of 8 'litres';

...... ...da

...... Basanî



...... seah of 8 'litres'

...... seah of 8 'litres'


...... Basani


... — seah of 8 'litres'

... ...-Issar — seah of 8 'litres'

... ...da

... Basnî



... ... seah of 8 'litres'

... ... seah of 8 'litres'

... ...-amur

... Basnî

P335669: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)]_arad_(?)#—(d)_pa_ [_mi_-szu (x)] _dumu#_-szu

[(m)a-na]—ka-szA—at-kal _mi_-szu 03 _dumu_-szu


(m)(d)_pa_—a-pil—ku-mu-u-a(*)# _mi_-szu _dumu_(*)-szu(*)#

É 10 _ansze a-sza sze-numun a_r(*)-szu ina _uru_-til—bu(?)-x#

AI Translation

Urda-Nabû, his wife, ..., his son,

Ana-kasha-atkal, his wife, 3 sons,


Nabû-apil-kumu'a, his wife and son,

An estate of 10 hectares of land, seed and arable land in the town of Tillu-bu...,


Urda-Nabû, his wife, x sons of his;

Ana-kasha-atkal, his wife, 3 sons of his;


Nabû-apil-kumu'a, his wife, a son of his.

An estate of 10 hectares of land, cornland under cultivation, in the town of Til-bu... — tax-exempt ....



(m)(d)_pa_—_suh_—bal-lit,# _mi_-szu 03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _pab 05 zi_

(m)a-na—me-ni—_du mi_-szu _pab 07_ [o]

AI Translation

Nabû-taqqin-ballit, his wife, 3 sons, a total of 5 persons;

Ana-meni-ibni, his wife, in all 7;


Nabû-teshû-ballit, his wife, 3 sons of his: in all 5 people;

Ana-mini-allak, his wife: in all 7.

P335670: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _dumu_ (m)_ad_—la(*)#-[mur]

_mi_-szu sza (m)_ad_—la-mur#




_mi_-szu 03 _dumu-mi_-_mesz_-szu

(m)qur-di—15 _lu_(v)-_sum-ninda_

03 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _mi_-szu


AI Translation

2 sons of Abu-lamur;

The wife of Abu-lamur.




his wife, 3 daughters of his;

Qurdi-Issar, confectioner;

3 sons of his, his wife;

his daughter


Two sons of Abu-lamur;

the wife of Abu-lamur;




his wife, 3 daughters of his;

Qurdi-Issar, confectioner;

3 sons of his, his wife,

his daughter.



_pab 17 zi_-_mesz_ sza la _gisz_-le-'i

AI Translation

in all 17 persons, without a writing-board.


In all 17 people, who are not on the writing-board.

P335671: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



36(*)# Ar-ma-a-a#-[te]

15(*) ku-sa-a-a-te# [x x]

07 asz-szur-a(*)-a-te GÉME#-[_mesz_-szi-na]

04 szi-ih-lu _pab#_ [62(?)]

[x]+03 _mi_-s,ur(*)-ra—[a-a-te]

[x _mi_]-kasz(*)#-szA-[a-a-te]

[x] _mi#-kur-gar-ra#_-[_mesz_]

03# Ar-pad-da#-[a-a-te]

01 szi-ih-lu _pab 05 02 g_ÉME#-[_mesz_-szi-na]

01 _mi_-as(*)-du(?)#-[di]-te [x x x]

02 ha-at-ta-a-a-te _mi_-x#-[x x x]

_pab 94_ ($x$) 46(?) GÉME-_mesz_-szi(*)-na(*)# [o]

_pab_(*) sza _ad_-szu sza A—_man pab 01_-me-40

_mi_-szi-ti—tab(*)-ni 02(*) GÉME-_mesz_ :-

_mi_-a-mat—e-mu-ni 03 :-#

08 _mi-nar_(*)-_gal_

03 _mi-a_r-ma-a-a-te

11(*) _mi_-hat-ta-a-a-te(*)#

13 _mi_-s,ur-ra-[a-a-te]

13 _mi-kur-gar-ra_(?)#-[_mesz_]

04 _mi-sah_(?)-[x x x (x)]

AI Translation

36 Armati:

15 kushite ...;

7 Assyrian women, their servants:

4 ...s: in all 62.

x+3 Shirra-ayate;

x Kassite women;

x female Kurgarrû-priestesses;

3 Arpadeans;

1 ..., in all 5 women, their two maids;

1 Asdite woman ...;

2 ...s, the woman NN;

a total of 94 women and 46 maids —

Total, of his father, of the crown prince.

Shiti-tabni, 2 maids, ditto;

Amat-Emuni, 3 ditto;

8 female singers;

3 women of Aramu.

11 female Hatti,

13 Shirrate women;

13 female Kurgarrû-priestesses;

4 women ...;


36 Aramean women;

15 Kushite women ...;

7 Assyrian women, maids of theirs;

4 replacements...;

x+3 Tyrian women ...;

x Kassite women;

x female Corybantes;

3 women from Arpad;

1 replacement...;

1 woman from Ashdod;

2 Hittite women, ..........

In all, 94 women and 46 maids of theirs:

total, of the father of the crown prince; in all, 140.

The woman Shiti-tabni, 2 maids, ditto;

the woman Amat-Emuni, 3 ditto.

8 female chief musicians;

3 Aramean women;

11 Hittite women;

13 Tyrian women;

13 female Corybantes;

4 women from Sah...;



09 _mi_-kasz-szA-[a-a-te]

_pab 61 mi-nar#_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

9 Kassite women;

61 female singers in all;


9 Kassite women;

in all, 61 female musicians.



06 _mi_-lAh-hi-nat [(x x)]

06 _mi-a-ba_-_mesz a_r-x#+[x x (x x)]

01(*)# _mi_-an-dar-i-tu

04 _mi_-du-ra-a-a-te

15 _mi-simug_-_mesz mi-gar-u-u_-_mesz_

01 _mi-szu_(*)-_i pab 33_

_pab 01_-me-94 ($x$) 52(?) GÉME-_mesz_

01(*) _mi_-mu-raq(*)-qi-tu o(*) 02 GÉME-_mesz_-szA

_pab 01_-me-56(*) [x x x]

AI Translation

6 women, Lahhinat, ...;

6 scribes ...

1, Andaritu;

4 women from Durate;

15 smiths and smiths;

1 woman: in all, 33.

a total of 94 women and 52 maids.

1 woman, Muraqitu, her 2 maids;

in all, 156 ...


6 temple stewardesses ...;

6 female ...... scribes;

1 woman-...;

4 women from Dor;

15 female smiths and stone-borers;

1 female barber; in all, 33.

Grand total: 194 women and 52 maids;

also 1 female spice-bread baker; her 2 maids;

in all, 156.

P335672: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


01 _mi_(?)#-[x x x x x x]

_mi-kasz-lul_-_mesz 01 szab kasz#_-[_mesz_]

(01(*) sa(*) ni(*) lu(?)# _mi-ninda_-_mesz_(?)) ia-a


07 _mi-igi-dub_-_mesz_

01 _mi_-hu#-ma(*)-ta-a-te

10 a-na _mi-nar_-_mesz_

01 _mi_-(d)_nin-gal_—_man_-at

AI Translation

1 woman ......

one jar of beer,

1 ..., whether women or men;


7 female treasurers;

1 woman: Humatate;

10 for female singers;

1, Nikkal-sharrat;


1, the woman ......,

female cupbearers; 1 jar of beer;

1 ..., the female bakers ...;

the woman Nikkal-amat.

7, the female treasurers;

1, the woman Humatate.

10, for the female singers;

1, the woman Nikkal-sharrat.

P335673: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)(d)_en_—_kalag_-an# [x x x (x x)]

(m)_nig-gub lu_-[x x x]

(m)_nig-gub lu-ninda szu_(?)# [x x (x x)]

(m)A-a-a :- [x (x x)]

(m)_mu_—_sum_-na :- [o] :-# [o]

(m)(d)_pa_—_asz_ :- _gu#_-[_du8-a_-a-a(?)]

(m)ri-mu-te :- _kisz_-[_ki_-a-a]

AI Translation

Bel-dan ...

Kudurru, ...;

Kudurru, baker, ...;

Aplaya, ditto ...;

Shuma-iddin, ditto ditto;

Nabû-iddina, ditto of Cutha;

Rimuttu, ditto of the Kishites;


Bel-dan, ...;

Kudurru, ...;

Kudurru, baker, ...;

Aplaya, ditto, ...;

Shuma-iddin, ditto, ditto;

Nabû-iddin, ditto, man of Cutha;

Remuttu, ditto, man of Kish;



(m)sa(?)-ri(?)—_du-du lu_-[x x] _szesz_(?)-_unug#_-[_ki_-a-a]

_iti-sze ud 27_-_kam_

AI Translation

Sari-buni, ... of Uruk;

Month Adar XII, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Sari..., ... of Ur.

Month of Adar XII, the 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur 672 B.C..

P335674: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc









(m)(d)_pa_—_zi_—[x x]



(m)(d)15—[x x x]

[(m)]sam(?)#-si-[x x]

[(m)(x)-x]—_un_(*)-_mesz_(*) [x x x]

[x x x] iq#-t,i-bi

AI Translation












...-nishe ...

... said













...-nishe ...,

... he said.



[(x x) x] sza(*)# _ta_(v)(*) _nina_(*)-_ki_(*)# [(x) x]-u-né-en(*)-ni

[(x) x x]-_mesz_(*)# sza an-na-ka

[(x) x x] i(*)-di-ia-an

[(x) x x]+x# 02-e-szu-nu

AI Translation

... who ... from Nineveh

...s of here

... Idiyan

... two of them


... who came out from Nineveh to us.

The ... which are here,

... he will judge,

... the two of them.

P335675: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc










[_pab 07_] _dumu uru-nina_

[(m)_arad_]—(d)_du_(*)-te [(m)x x x]-ru [x x x x x x]

AI Translation








in all 7 citizens of Nineveh.

Urdu-Banite, NN,









in all, 7 Ninevites.




[x x] _gal#_—ki-s,ir

AI Translation

... cohort commander


... cohort commander.

P335676: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x]-a(?)

[x x x x x]-a

[_pab_ x _lu_-x]-_mesz_

[(m)x x x x]-ni [_lu-dib_]—_kusz#-pa_-_mesz_

[(m)x x (x)]—_su_





_pab 05 lu-gisz-gigir man_

(m)gir—s,a-pu-nu szA is-si-szu

(m)(d)_szu_—_su lu-a-ba_ É-_gal_

AI Translation



in all x ...s., chariot driver;






Total 5: royal charioteers.

Gir-shapunu, who is with him;

Marduk-eriba, scribe of the palace.




total, x ...s., chariot driver.






total, 5 horse trainers of the king's chariots.

Gir-shapunu, his colleague.

Marduk-eriba, the scribe of the palace.

Reverse Column ii


_lu_(*)-_nam kur_-pu(*)-u(*)-me

_lu_-[_nam uru_-kul]-me(*)#-ri

AI Translation

governor of Pumme.

governor of Kulleri


The governor of Upumu;

the governor of Kulimmeri.

P335677: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(m)x x x—(d)]_im lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[(m)x x x]+x# _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

[(m)x x x x]+x# _lu-gar_-nu

[(m)x x x]+x#—15 _lu_-:-

[(m)x x x] _lu_-qur-_zag_

[(m)x x x x _lu-gal_—ki]-s,ir

AI Translation

...-Adad, chariot driver;

NN, cohort commander;

NN, prefect;

...-Issar, ditto;

NN, royal bodyguard;

NN, cohort commander;


...-Adad, chariot driver;

NN, cohort commander;

NN, prefect;

...-Issar, ditto;

NN, royal bodyguard;

NN, cohort-commander;

Reverse Column i


(m)_a-10_—[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation



Apladad-..., ...;

Reverse Column ii


[(m)x x x x _lu_]-_gar_-nu

[(m)x x x] _lu-sag_

[(m)x x]-a(?) _lu_-qur-_zag dumu_(*)—_man_(*)

[(m)x x]—_lugal lu_-szA—_gir-2_

[(m)x-x]—asz-szur _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[(m)(d)x]—_man_(?)#—_pab lu_-qur-_zag_

[(m)(d)_amar_]-_utu_—_mu_—_pab lu-gal_—_hal_

[(m)(d)x]—_man_—_pab lu-gar_-nu

[(m)x x x x]+x# _lu-en_—_gisz_(*)-_gigir_(*)

AI Translation

NN, prefect;

NN, eunuch;

...a, bodyguard of the crown prince;

...-sharri, sha shepi guard;

...-Ashur, chariot driver;

...-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard;

Marduk-shumu-ushur, chief haruspex;

...-sharru-ushur, prefect;

NN, chariot owner;


NN, prefect;

NN, eunuch;

...a, bodyguard of the crown prince;

...-sharri, sha shepi guard;

...-Ashur, chariot driver;

...-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard;

Marduk-shumu-ushur, chief diviner;

...-sharru-ushur, prefect;

NN, chariot owner;

P335678: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[01] _gal_—ki#-s,ir _kab#_

[01] _dib_—_pa_-_mesz 03_-szu-_mesz_ :- _sag_(*)-_usz_(*)-_mesz_

01# 02 qur-_zag gir-2 du8_-_mesz_

01# _dib_—_pa a_—_man_ sza(*) _ki_-szu

[01] _banszur_(?)# 02-u A—_man_

[x _gal_—ki]-s,ir-_mesz_ :-

[o] 02(*) _gigir_(*) A—_man du8_-_mesz_ :-

01# ($x$) (d)x#—_sum_—_mu_

[o] 01 _gal_—50-[_mesz gisz_(?)]-_gigir_(*)#-_mesz_

[o] (d)_szu_—[x x x]+x#

[o] 06 _nar_-_mesz_

[o] _gal_—_sag_(*)#

x# _nam_-_mesz_ x x-ni(*)# _sag_(*)-_mesz_

[o] 01 _gar_-nu-_mesz_ sza _bad_-_hal_

[x] _sag_(*)#-_mesz dim4_-_mesz_

[x] _gar_-nu-_mesz a_—_man_

[x] szA—_igi_—_sila_

[x] _gal_(*)—50(*) 03-szu-_mesz_

AI Translation

1, cohort commanders of the left;

1 chariot driver, 3rd class ditto, sagushu-priests;

1 of 2, the bodyguards of the feet, ...;

1 chariot driver, the crown prince, with him;

1 second table of the crown prince;

x cohort commanders ditto;

2 chariots, the crown prince; the 'paths' ditto;

1, ...-nadin-shumi;

1 of the commander-of-50 of the chariotry;


6 singers;

chief eunuch;

... governors, eunuchs,

1 prefects of cavalry;

x, eunuchs, ditto;

x, prefects of the crown prince;

x, the overseer of the street;

x, commander-of-50, 'third men';


1, cohort commander of the left;

1, chariot drivers, 'third men' ditto, permanent;

1, 2 bodyguards of the sha shepi guard, of the open-chariotry;

1, chariot driver of the crown prince, and his colleagues;

1, second table of the crown prince;

... cohort commanders, ditto;

2, chariot-horse-trainer of the crown prince, of open chariots ditto;

1, Nabû-nadin-shumi;

1, commanders-of-50 of the chariotry;


6 singers of ...;

chief eunuch;

..., governors, ..., eunuchs;

1, prefects of the cavalry;

... eunuchs, trainees;

... prefects of the crown prince;

x, overseers of the streets;

x, commanders-of-50 of the 'third men';

Obverse Column iii


[x x x]+x-_mesz#_ sza 03-szu-_mesz gir-2_(*)#

[_pab_] 07# ina(*) _en_(*)-_nun_(*)#-szu-nu (line erased or eroded)

01(?)# 02-u-te um-man _lu-hal_-_mesz_

01(?)# (m)30—_man_—_pab_

[x] (m)(d)_nin#-gal_—_asz_

10(?)# [ub-sa-(a)]-te qab-sa-te

[01(?)] um-man _szu#-2 man_

[01(?)] _sza_—_uru_-a-a

01(?)# _dumu_-_mesz nina-ki_

04(?)# _dumu_-_mesz uru_-arba-il

_pab# 07 tur pab 01_ x#+[x]

_pab# 22_ ina É [x]

_pab# 85_ ga-x#+[x x]

[x] _sipa_(?)-_mesz_ [x x x]

[x]+07 _sipa_(?)-_mesz#_ [x x x]

[x]+04(*) _gisz_-x#+[x x x x]

32(*) [x x x x x]

AI Translation

......s of the third 'path'

Total 7 in their guard.

1 second haruspex, haruspex;

1, Sin-sharru-ushur;

x, Nikkal-iddina;

10 ...s, small;

1, scholars of the king's hand;

1, the Ayyaru;

1, citizens of Nineveh;

4 sons of Arbela;

Total 7 ..., in all 1 .

Total 22 in the house of .

in all 85 ...

x shepherds ...

x+7 shepherds .

x+4 ...-wood ...;

32 ......;


...s of the 'third men' of the sha shepi guard;

In all 7, in their guards.

1, deputies, scholars, diviners;

1, Sin-sharru-ushur;

... Nikkal-iddin;

10, the central stables;

1, scholars in the service of the king;

1, ditto from Assur;

1, ditto from Nineveh;

4, ditto from Arbela;

Total 7, the yard; total 1, ...;

Total 22, in the ... house;

Total 85, ...;

x, shepherds ...;

x+7, ......;

x+4, ......;

32 ......

P335679: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x-me] _lu_(v)(*)#-qur-_zag_(*)#

[x-me _lu_(v)-_gisz_]-_gigir#_—_du8_-_mesz_

[x-me _lu_(v)]-_gar_(*)#-nu(*)-_mesz_ ma-'a-si

[x-me] _lu_(v)#-A—_sig5_

[03(?)-me] _lu_(v)(*)#-sza—É—_gir_

05-me-20(?)# _lu_(v)(*)-_gal-gal_-_mesz_

03-me _lu_(v)-sza—É—02-e

03-me _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir

02-me-20 _lu_(v)-_kasz_(*)-_lul_ o(*)

04-me _lu_(v)-_mu_-_mesz_

AI Translation

x hundred, the bodyguard;

x hundred, the open chariotrymen;

x hundred prefects, many;

x hundred, the 'saggar.'

300, the chariot driver;

520, the magnates;

300, the deputy governors;

300, the tailors;

220, the cupbearers;

400, the cooks;


x hundred, the bodyguards;

x hundred, the horse trainers of the open chariotry;

x hundred, the prefects of the royal corral;

x hundred, the chariot fighters;

300, the mule-house-men;

520, the high officials;

300, the domestics;

300, the tailors;

220, the cupbearers;

400, the cooks;



04-me _lu_(v)#-_sum-ninda_-_mesz_

02-me [_lu_(v)]-_a-ba_-_mesz_

01-[lim 02-me] É(*)# _gaszan_—É

08(?)#-[me _lu_(v)]-_gal_—_sag_

[x x] (m(*))_pab_—_bad_

[x x (m)]de(?)#-nu—a-mur

AI Translation

400, the confectioners;

200, the scribes;

1,200, the household of the Lady of the House;

800, the chief eunuch;

... Ahu-duri

... Denu-amur


400, the confectioners;

200, the scribes;

1,200, the household of the Lady of the House.

800, the chief eunuch;

x hundred, Ahu-duri;

x hundred, Denu-amur;

P335680: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03-me _lu_(v)#-[szA—É—_gir_]

05-me _lu_(v)-_gal-gal_(*)#-_mesz_(*)

03-me _lu_(v)#-[szA]—É—02-e

04-me _lu_(v)-ka(*)#-s,ir

02-me-20 _lu_(v)(*)#-_kasz-lul_

AI Translation

300, the chariot driver;

500, the magnates;

300, the deputy governor;

400, the tailors;

220, the cupbearers;


300, the mule-house-men;

500, the high officials;

300, the domestics;

400, the tailors

220, the cupbearers.



04-me _lu_(v)-_mu#_-_mesz_(*)

04-me _lu_(v)-_sum_(*)#-[_ninda_]-_mesz#_

02-me _lu_(v)-_a-ba_-_mesz#_

01-lim 02(*)-me(*) É _gaszan_—É

[x]-me _lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—_sag#_

AI Translation

400, the cooks;

400, the confectioners;

200, the scribes;

1,200, the household of the Lady of the House;

x hundred, the chief eunuch;


400, the cooks;

400, the confectioners;

200, the scribes;

1,200, the household of the Lady of the House;

800, the chief eunuch;

P335681: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_pab# 74 banszur_-_mesz 51_(*)#+[x] _szab_-_mesz 02_ bat

[o] za-'u(*)#-u-zu

[(x) x]-_mesz_(?)# ina É x#+[x x x]+x# e-ta-ak(*)-lu

[re-eh]-ti _banszur_-_mesz_ a-na _un_-_mesz_ É(*) [x x x x x] A za-'u-u-zu(?)#

AI Translation

a total of 74 trays, 51 jars, 2 each;

a kind of profession

...s have been gathered in the house of .

The rest of the tables for the people of the house ...... are free.


Total 74 'tables' 51 jars, 2 missing;


The ...s ate in the ...-house;

the remainder of the tables were distributed to the domestic staff of the palace .......

P335682: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)ga(?)]-di-a _lu_-szA—_gir-2_

[(m)(xx2)]—ia(*)#-ta-a' _lu-03_-szu

[(m)_di_-mu—_en_]—la-Asz-me _lu-mu_

[(m)x x x x] _lu-02_-u

[x x x x _lu_]-_sum-ninda_

AI Translation

Gadia, sha shepi guard;

...-yata', 'third man';

Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook;

NN, deputy;

...... confectioner


Gadia, sha shepi guard;

...-yata', 'third man';

Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook;

NN, deputy;

NN, confectioner;



[(m)x x x _lu-en_—_gisz_]-_gigir#_

[x x x x]+x sza(?)-pal(?)# ap(*)-ti

AI Translation

NN, chariot owner;

...... the opening of the window


NN, chariot owner;

in all, x: the 'residences' beneath the Window.

P335683: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(m)(d)#[x x x x x x]

(m)za#-[x x x _lu_-qur]-_zag_(*)#

(m)mu-[x x x] _lu_(*)-:-

(m)a-da(*)-lAl(*)# _lu-dumu#_—_szu-2_

(m)qur-di—asz-szur _lu-gar_-nu A—_man_

(m)(d)_pa_—nat#-kil _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

(m)_dug_—_im_—(d)_pa lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

(m)(d)_pa_—sze-zib _lu-gal_—_sum-ninda ama_—_man_

(m)asz-szur—za-qip _lu-gar_-nu

(m)(d)_im_—_zu lu_-:-

[(m)](d)#30—_en_—_mu_-_mesz lu_-szA—É—150(*)#

AI Translation

NN, ...;

Za..., royal bodyguard;

Mu..., ditto;

Adallal, chariot driver;

Qurdi-Ashur, prefect of the crown prince;

Nabû-natkil, cohort commander;

Tab-shar-Nabû, chariot driver;

Nabû-shezib, chief confectioner of the queen mother;

Ashur-zaqip, prefect;

Adad-le'i, ditto;

Sin-bel-shumati, the temple administrator;


NN, ...;

Za..., royal bodyguard;

Mu..., ditto;

Adallal, adjutant;

Qurdi-Ashur, prefect of the crown prince;

Nabû-natkil, cohort commander;

Tab-shar-Nabû, chariot driver;

Nabû-shezib, chief confectioner of the queen mother;

Ashur-zaqip, prefect;

Adad-le'i, ditto;

Sin-bel-shumate, man of the 'Left' House;

Obverse Column ii


[(m)](d(*))#_masz_—_du_—_igi_(*) _lu_(*)#-[x x x]

(m)_arad_(*)—10(*) _lu_(*)-[x x]

(m)15#—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz lu-en_(?)#—[x]

(m)(d)_masz-masz_—_man_—_pab lu_-[x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_-x#+[x x x]

(m)tu-qu-nu—_kam_-esz _lu#_-[x]+x#

(m)(d)_amar-utu_—szal-lim _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)_man_—_igi-lal_-a-ni _lu-03_-szu A—_man_

(m)ta-bal-a-a _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)man-nu—ki—asz-szur _lu_-:-

(m)(d)_pa#_—kil-la-a-ni _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz#_

[(m)x]-ba(?)#-a-a _lu_-ha-za-nu [o(?) sza] _uru#-sza_—_uru_

[(m)x x x]-(d)#_im lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x] _lu_(*)#-:-

AI Translation

Inurta-bani-pani, ...;

Urda-Adad, ...;

Issar-nadin-ahhe, ...;

Nergal-sharru-ushur, ...;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, ...;

Tuqunu-eresh, ...;

Marduk-shallim, royal bodyguard;

Sharru-emuranni, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Tabalayu, royal bodyguard;

Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto;

Nabû-killanni, chariot driver;

...bayu, mayor of the Inner City;

...-Adad, chariot driver;

...... ditto;


Inurta-alik-pani, ...;

Urad-Adad, ...;

Issar-nadin-ahhe, ...;

Nergal-sharru-ushur, ...;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, ...;

Tuqunu-eresh, ...;

Marduk-shallim, royal bodyguard;

Sharru-emuranni, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Tabalayu, royal bodyguard;

Mannu-ki-Ashur, ditto;

Nabû-killanni, chariot driver;

Arbayu, mayor of the Inner City;

...-Adad, chariot driver;

NN, ditto;

Reverse Column i


(m)(d)#[x x x x x x x x]

(m)_pab_-a#-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

NN, ......;

Ahu'a-..., ...;


NN, ...;

Ahu'a-..., ...;

P335684: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)x]+x x#+[x x x x x x]

(m)man-nu—ki-[x x x x x]

(m)ga#-di-[x x x x x]

(m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

(m)is-pu-ti [x x x x x]

(m)_lugal_—nu-ri [x x x x]

_pab 07_ sza [mu-sze-bi] sza _lu-en-nam_(?)# [x x x]

AI Translation

NN, ...;



Riba-ahhe ...

Isputi ......

Sharru-nuri ...

Total: 7 for the 'residences' of the governor .


NN, ...;

Mannu-ki-..., ...;

Gadi..., ...;

Riba-ahhe, ...;

Isputi, ...;

Sharru-nuri, ...;

in all, 7, of the 'residences' of the governors.



(m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gar_-un# [x x x x x]

(m)tar-hu-un-da—pi(?)#-[i] _lu-gar_-nu hal#-[ta-a-a]

_pab 02_(*) sza mu-sze-[bi x x x x]

(m)ga-da-a'# [x x x x x x] [x x x]+x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Nabû-shuma-ishkun .

Tarhunda-pî, prefect of the Haltaeans;

in all, 2 for the 'residences' .

Gada' ......


Nabû-shumu-ishkun, ...;

Tarhundapî, prefect of the Hallateans;

in all, 2, of the 'residences' of ....

Gada', ...;

P335686: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


sza (m)_en_—_kaskal#_—_kur_-u-a _lu_(v)-_nam_(*)# _uru-kar_—(m)asz-szur—_pab_—_asz_

01 _udu_(?)-_nita_(?) sza (m)x#-i _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

[(m)x]—_zalag_(?) sza (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-_sag_

[(x) x x x] _udu_-x# sza(?) (m)_en_—_bad_

AI Translation

From Bel-Harran-shadû'a, governor of Kar-Ashur-ahu-iddina.

1 male sheep of ...i, treasurer.

...-nuri of Nabû-eriba, eunuch;

... sheep ... of Bel-duri


of Bel-Harran-shadû'a, governor of Kar-Esarhaddon.

1 sheep of ...i, treasurer.

...-nuri of Nabû-eriba, eunuch.

... ... of Bel-duri

P335687: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x#-_muszen_--_mesz_ (m)(d)_szu_—_kar_-ir# [o]

[x x x] _bur za-gur4_-_mesz_ (m)man-nu—ki—ni-nu-a

[x x x x x x] _ku6_ (m)asz-szur—_lugal_—_pab_

[x x x] sza(*)# duq-di (m)szum-ma—(d)_pa_

[x x x] dan(?)# ni in (m)(d)30—_man_—_pab_

[x x x x x]+x# _kasz_ (m)_di_-mu—[x x] [x x x x x]+x# (m)[x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... birds; Marduk-etir

... of ..., ...; Mannu-ki-Ninua;

...... fish, Ashur-sharru-ushur

... of the threshing floor Shumma-Nabû

...... ... Sin-sharru-ushur

...... beer Shulmu-.


...... birds, Marduk-etir,

... ......s, Mannu-ki-Ninua,

...... fish, Ashur-sharru-ushur,

......of almond, Shumma-Nabû,

...... ..., Sin-sharru-ushur,

...... beer, Shulmu-...,



[x x x s,ar]-hu(*)#-te-szu (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a

[x x x x]-a(*)-te (m)_nu_—_man_—E

[x x x x x] (m)30(?)#—E

AI Translation

... his ... Arbailayu

...s Shalmu-sharri-iqbi

...... Sin-iqbi


..., served hot, Arbailayu,

......s, Shalam-sharri-iqbi,

...... Sin-iqbi.

P335688: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


_pab 05_ [x x x x x]





(m)man-nu—ki#—[x x]

(m)_dug-ga_—[x—x x]

AI Translation

in all 5 ......








total, 5 ....







Reverse Column ii







(m)arba-il-a-a [x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation






Arbailayu ...








P335689: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(m)(x)]—_du#_—_numun lu_(v)(?)-_engar_(?) A-[szu x x]

[(m)(d)]_utu_—sze-zib _lu-igi_-[x x]

[x x x] 02 _mi_ [x x x]

[x x x] 59 [x x x] [x x x]-a-a [x x x]

AI Translation

...-bani-zeri, farmer, his son .

Shamash-shezib, ...;

... 2 women ...

... 59 ...


...-bani-zeri, farmer, his son ...

Shamash-shezib, ...

... 2 women ...

... 59 ...

P335690: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_pab_ x# _lu_(v)-[x x x x x x]

15 _erim_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

_pab 36_ [x x x x x x] x x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

total, x, ...;

15 men ......

in all, 36 .


In all, x ...-men.

15 men ...

in all, 36 ...



(m)_kaskal-2_—x#+[x x x x]

(m)la—qe-pu# [x x x x]

_pab 07 lu_(v)-_lul_-[_mesz_ x x x]

_gaz_ x#+[x x x (x x)]

(m)kU(*)-_ka_—_pab_-[ir (m)x x x]

_pab 02 lu_(v)-_en_(?)#—[x x x]

(m)szum-ma—_dingir_ [x x x x]

_pab 02_ [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Harran-..., ...;

La-qepu ...

in all 7 criminals .

kill ......

Kubabu-nashir, NN,

in all 2 ...

Shumma-ilu ...

in all 2 ......



La-qepu ...:

in all, 7 criminals ......

the slaughter of ...

Kubabu-nashir, NN:

in all 2 ...

Shumma-ilu, NN:

in all, 2 ......

P335692: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(m)x x x]—sze-zib _lu_(?)-mu(?)-x x#

[x] a(?)#-ri-bu

[(m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—_su lu-02_-u sza(*)# _lu-gal_—u-rat

[(m)](d)_masz-masz_(*)—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

[(m)]zu(?)#-ar-zu(*)-ar-za(*) _lu_-:-(*)

[_pab 3_] mu#-szab _lu-gal_-_mesz_

[(m)(d)x]—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—ki-s,ir o(*)

[(m)x x x]+x# _lu_-qur-_zag_

[(m)x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

...-shezib, ...;

x, a bibu-vessel;

Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander;

Nergal-sharru-ushur, cohort commander;

Zerzuarza, ditto;

in all, 3: the 'residences' of the magnates.

...-sharru-ushur, cohort commander;

NN, royal bodyguard;

NN, ...;


...-shezib, ......;


Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team commander;

Nergal-sharru-ushur, cohort commander;

Zuarzuarza, ditto;

total, 3: the 'residence' of the magnates.

...-sharru-ushur, cohort commander;

NN, royal bodyguard;

NN, ......;

Obverse Column ii


_pab_(*) mu(*)#-[szab _lu_-x x]

o(*) _uru_-ti-lu-[li(?) x x]

o(*) _pab_ É [x x x]

o(*) (m)si-lim—[x x x] _lu-03_-szu [x x x]

o(*) (m)_pab_—la(?)#-[mur] _lu_-qur(*)#-[_zag_]

o(*) (m)(d)_im_—[x x x] _lu_(*)#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

total, the 'residence' of the .

the town of Tiluli .

total, the house of .

Silim-..., 'third man' ...;

Ahu-lamur, royal bodyguard;

Adad-..., ...;


total, the 'residence' ...;

the city of Tiluli ...;

total: the house of ....

Silim-..., 'third man' ...;

Ahu-lamur, royal bodyguard;

Adad-..., ...;

Reverse Column i


[_pab_ x] mu-szab# [x x x]

[x x x]-sa-a'#-[x x x]

[x x x] _lu#-gal_—[x x x]

AI Translation

Total x, 'residences' .'...

... the chief .


total, x: the 'residence' ....'...;

NN, chief ...;

P335693: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i









[_pab 07 a-ba_] _ud_—_an_—_be_



[(m)x x]-a-a







_pab 09_(*) _masz-masz_-_mesz_

AI Translation


811 BC Iddin-ahhe.






Total 7 scribes.










in all 9 exorcists.









total, 7 astrologers.




... bu';






total, 9 exorcists.

Obverse Column ii







_pab 05 hal_-_mesz_










_pab 09 a-zu#_-_mesz_

AI Translation






in all 5 haruspex.










in all 9 physicians.







total, 5 diviners.










total, 9 physicians.

Reverse Column i








_pab 06 usz-ku_-_mesz_




_pab 03_ da-gil—_muszen_



AI Translation






857 BC Marduk.

in all 6 ...s.




in all, 3 — the Dagil-birds.










total, 6 lamentation priests.




total, 3 augurs.



Reverse Column ii



_pab 03_ har-t,i-bi




[_pab 03_] _a-ba_-_mesz_ mu#-s,ur-a-a

_iti-ab ud 17_(*)-_kam_

AI Translation


in all, 3 hartibu-demons.




in all 3 scribes of the Mushuru.

Month Tebet X, 17th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.



total, 3 Egyptian scholars.




total, 3 Egyptian scribes.

Month of Tebet X, 17th day.

P335694: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_pab 04 lu_(v)-su-sa-ni szA _lu_(v)-zu(*)-un(*)

_pab 08_ sza _szu-2_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_igi_ sza _uru_-hal-zi

(m)_suhusz_—15 _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_

(m)mu-sze-zib—_dingir_ :

(m)qu-qu-u-a su


[(m)](d)_utu_—szal-lim su

(m)si-lim—(d)_im_ :#

AI Translation

in all 4 ... of the Zunu.

Total 8 under the command of Ahu'a-lamur of Halzi.

Ubru-Issar, horse trainer;

Mushezib-ili, ditto;

Ququ'a, farmer;


Shamash-shallim, scribe.

Silim-Adad, ditto;


Total 4 horse trainers of the zunzurahu.

Total 8, in the charge of Ahu'a-lamur, of the city of Halzu.

Ubur-Issar, horse trainer;

Mushezib-ilu, ditto.

Ququa, horse trainer;


Shamash-shallim, horse trainer;

Silim-Adad, ditto.

Obverse Column ii


















_pab 23_(*)

AI Translation





772 BC Shumma-adur.


883 BC Ashur-kallimanni.










total 23.


















Total 23.

Reverse Column i




AI Translation


I am not a king.




Reverse Column ii



_lu_(v)-su-sa-nu u-re-e


[(m)x x x]-gab-bi

[(m)x x]—da-ri(*)

[(m)x x x x]-i

AI Translation


the Susanu, the porter;







horse trainer of the teams.





P335695: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x] x x x#

[01 (m)asz]-szur(*)#—_szu_—_gur lu-igi-dub_

01 (m)_pab_—_dingir_-a-a _lu-en-nam uru-nina-ki_

01 (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab en-nam uru-nina-ki_

ki-s,ir (m)(d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su gibil_

01 (m)mi-i-su _en-nam uru_-arba-il

01 (m)(d)_szu_—_su en-nam uru_-pu-mu

01 (m)_en_—_asz en-nam uru_-kul-me-ra

01 (m)ab-da-a' _lu-en-nam# uru_-ra-s,a-pa

01 (m)asz-szur—_du_—_igi lu-en-nam uru_-bar-hal-za

[01 (m)]id-ri-ia _lu-en-nam# uru_(*)-hal(*)-x#-[x x x]

AI Translation


1, Ashur-gimilli-taqqin, treasurer;

1, Ahu-ila'i, governor of Nineveh;

1, Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Nineveh;

New cloak of Sennacherib,

1, Misu, governor of Arbela;

1, Marduk-eriba, governor of the city of Pummu;

1, Bel-iddina, governor of Kullera;

1, Abda', governor of Rashappa;

1, Assurbanipal, governor of Barhalza;

1, Idriya, governor of ...;


1, ......;

1, Ashur-gimilli-tirri, treasurer;

1, Ahi-ila'i, governor of Nineveh;

1, Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Nineveh

— the new corps of Sennacherib;

1, Misu, governor of Arbela;

1, Marduk-eriba, governor of Upumu;

1, Bel-iddina, governor of Kulimmeri;

1, Abda', governor of Rashappa;

1, Ashur-alik-pani, governor of Barhalza;

1, Idriya, governor of ...;

Obverse Column ii


01 (m)_lugal_—_zalag en-nam_(*) _uru_(*)-tusz#-[ha-an]

01 (m)s,i(*)-la-a-a [x x x(*)]

_lu-en-nam_ [x x x]

AI Translation

1, Sharru-nuri, governor of Tushhan;

1, Shilayu, ...;

the governor .


1, Sharru-nuri, governor of Tushhan;

1, Shillaya, ...,

governor of ...;

Reverse Column i


01 (m)(d)x#+[x x x]

01 (m)x _di#_ [x x x] _lu_-[x x x]

01 (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_—[_pab_]

01 (m)(d)szA-masz—[x x x] _lu_-x#+[x x x]

01 (m)mil-ki—[x x x] _lu-gal_(*)#—[x x x]

01 (m)(d)_pa_—_szu_—[x x x]

01 (m)da-ri—_lugal_ [x x x]

[01 (m)]asz-szur—_kalag_-in-[an-ni]

AI Translation

1, NN;

1, NN, ..., ...;

1, Nergal-sharru-ushur;

1, Shamash-..., ...;

1, Milki-..., chief ...;

1, Nabû-da''in-.

1, Dari-sharru, ...;

1, Ashur-da''inanni;


1, NN;

1, NN, ...;

1, Nergal-sharru-ushur;

1, Shamash-..., ...;

1, Milki-..., chief ...;

1, Nabû-gimilli-...,

1, Dari-sharru, ...;

1, Ashur-da''inanni;

Reverse Column ii


_iti-ab ud 16#_-_kam_

AI Translation

Month Tebet X, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month of Tebet X, 16th day.

P335696: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[01 x x (x)]-ni(*) _lu#_-[x x x]

[01 x x x]+x# _lu_-tur-ta#-[nu]

[01 (m)_dumu-usz_-a]-a# _lu-600_—É-_gal#_

[01 (m)x x]+x#-a-a _lu-gal_—_sag#_

[01 (m)szA]—(d(*))#_pa_—szu-u

[01 (m)asz-szur]—_szu#_—_gur lu-igi-dub_

[01 (m)(d)_pa_]—_man_—_pab lu-nam uru-nina_ o(*)

[ki]-s,ir sza (m)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su gibil_

[01 (m)]mi(?)#-i-su _lu-nam uru_-arba-il

[01 (m)]ab(*)#-da-a _lu-nam kur_-ra-s,ap-pa

[01] (m(*))asz-szur—_du_—_igi lu-nam kur_-bar-hal-za

01(*)# (m)a-tar-a-a _lu-nam kur_-($x x$)

01 (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab lu-nam uru_(*)#-($x$)

01 (m)_pab_—im-me-e _lu-nam#_ [_kur_-hi-in-dan]

01 _lu-igi-dub_ x#+[x (x x)]

[01] (m(*))(d)_utu_(*)#—_man_—_pab lu-gal_(*)—_sag dumu_—_lugal#_

AI Translation

1,, ...;

1 ..., commander-in-chief;

1, Aplaya, palace herald;

1, ...ayu, chief eunuch;

1, Sha-Nabû-shû;

1, Ashur-gimilli-taqqin, treasurer;

1, Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Nineveh;

New cloak of Sennacherib.

1, Misu, governor of Arbela;

1, Abdâ, governor of Rashappa;

1, Assurbanipal, governor of Barhalza;

1, Atarâ, governor of .

1, Nergal-sharru-ushur, governor of .

1, Ahu-immê, governor of Hindana;

1, treasurer ...;

1, Shamash-sharru-ushur, chief eunuch, prince;


1,, ...;

1, NN, commander-in-chief;

1, Aplaya, the palace herald;

1, ...aya, chief eunuch;

1, Sha-Nabû-shû;

1, Ashur-gimilli-tirri, treasurer;

1, Nabû-sharru-ushur, governor of Nineveh

— the new corps of Sennacherib;

1, Misu, governor of Arbela;

1, Abdâ, governor of Rashappa;

1, Ashur-alik-pani, governor of Barhalza;

1, Atariya, governor of ...;

1, Nergal-sharru-ushur, governor of ...;

1, Ahu-immê, governor of Hindana;

1, chief treasurer;

1, Shamash-sharru-ushur, chief eunuch of the crown prince;

Reverse Column ii


01 (m)da(*)-ri#—_man lu_-szA—_ugu_(?)#—[x]

01 (m)_silim_—(d)ta-qu-mu _lu-gal_—til(*)-li(*)

01 (m)szA-szi-i _lu-gal_—bat-qi

01 (m)gab-bu—a-mur _lu_(*)#-_gal_(*)—_sum-ninda_

01 (m)qur-di—15 _lu-gal_—_nig-szid_ [o]

_pab 49_(*) _lu-gal-gal_-_mesz dumu_—_lugal_

_pab_ a-na _dumu_—_lugal_ [o]

01 (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab lu-sag_(?)# _dumu_—_lugal_

01 (m)(d)_pa_—re-s,u-u-a _lu-gal_(*)—_tug_(*)-_ud_(*)# [o]

01 (m)man—ki—_uru-kaskal lu-gal_(*)—É(*)#

01 (m)tu-ti-i _lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru_(*)-[_mesz_-ni]

[_pab_] a-na É _gaszan_—[É]

AI Translation

1, Dari-sharru, overseer of .

1, Shalmu-Taqumu, cohort commander;

1, Shasî, chief bathqi;

1, Gabbu-amur, chief confectioner;

1, Qurdi-Issar, chief of accounts;

49 magnates, sons of the crown prince, in all.

Total, for the crown prince.

1, Marduk-sharru-ushur, eunuch of the crown prince;

1, Nabû-reshuwa, chief turban bearer;

1, Man-ki-Harran, major-domo;

1, Tutî, village manager;

all to the household of the Lady of the House.


1, Dari-sharru, overseer of ...;

1, Silim-Taqumu, chief of the equipment;

1, Shashî, chief of the replacements;

1, Gabbu-amur, chief confectioner;

1, Qurdi-Issar, chief of the accounts.

In all, 49 higher-ranking magnates of the crown prince.

All assigned to the crown prince.

1, Marduk-sharru-ushur, eunuch of the crown prince;

1, Nabû-reshu'a, chief fuller;

1, Man-ki-Harran, major-domo;

1, Tutî, village inspector.

All assigned to the household of the Lady of the House.

P335697: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


04-lim 01(?)-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

4,001 ......


4,100+x ......

P335698: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


03-me-50 _gisz_-a-rit

02-me-40 _gisz-ban_

_pab 05_-me-90 sza la il-li-ku-ni-ni

AI Translation

350 trays;

2 40 bows,

Total 590, who did not come.


350 shield-bearers,

240 bows i.e. archers.

Total: 590, who did not come.

P335699: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x x x]-ni

[x x x x x x x]—_du#_

(m(*))x# [x x x x x x x]

(m)da#-[x x x x x x]

(m)_gir-2_—[x x x x x x]

(m)asz-szur—[x x x x x] _lu_(?)#-:-

(m)(d)_pa_—_pab_(*)—_kam_(*)#-[esz o] _lu-gar_-nu

(m)(d)_pa_—_numun_-[x x] _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)mu-sze-zib—asz-szur# [_lu_]-_dib#_—_pa_-_mesz_

(m)rém-a-ni—10(*) [_lu_]-:-(*)

(m)U(*)-U(*)—iq-bi [_lu_]-_sag_

(m)dan-nu—_u-gur_ [_lu_-sza]—_gir-2_

(m)pi-la-an-za-zu _lu#_-[x (x)]-ni(?)#

(m)(d)_mes_—x#+[x x _lu-gar_]-nu

(m)(d)_utu_—x#+[x x] _lu_-[x]

(m)d-_en#_—_pab_—[(x x)] _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

[(m)]_en_(*)—x#+[x x] _lu-sukkal_

(m)x#+[x x]-a _lu-gar_-nu

(m)(d)[x x] _lu_-:- i-tu-'u

(m)(d)[x x]+x# _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)asz-szur—x#+[x (x x)] _lu-sag ama_—_man_

(m)_du_—x#+[x (x) x]+x# _lu-gar_-nu _dumu_—_man_

(m)rém-[a-ni]—_dingir#_ :- :-

(m)_pab_-[(x) x]+x# _lu-igi-dub_(*) _ama_—_man_

(m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x x]+x# _lu_-szA—_igi_—_kur_ :-

(m)_ka-dingir_-a#-a _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)mu-sze-[zib—asz]-szur# _lu-sag_

(m)szA—la—masz(*)-e(*)# _lu-gar_-nu

(m)sa-'i(?)-ru(*) _lu_(*)#-03-szu

(m)[x x x]+x _dib_(?)#-_ba_

(m)[x x x] _lu_-qur-_zag ama_—_man_

(m)15—_i lu#_-:- :-(*)

(m)ab-di—li-mu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir#

(m)_en_—_ad_—_pab lu-3_(*)-szu(*) x#+[x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_bad_—_pab lu-sag ama_(*)#—[_man_]

(m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz lu-03_-szu _dumu_—_man_(*)#

(m)_suhusz_—_u-gur lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _gal_—_sag_

(m)si-lim—_dingir lu_-:- _dumu_—_man_

(m)(d)_pa_—mu-sze-s,i _lu-02_-u _gal_—_a-ba#_

(m)_arad_—(d)É-_a lu-usz-ku_

AI Translation


NN, ...;


Shep-..., ...;

Ashur-..., ditto;

Nabû-ahu-eresh, prefect;

Nabû-zeru-..., royal bodyguard;

Mushezib-Ashur, chariot driver;

Remanni-Adad, ditto;

Dadi-iqbi, eunuch;

Dannu-Nergal, sha shepi guard;

Pilanzazu, ...;

Marduk-..., prefect;

Shamash-..., ...;

Bel-ahu-..., chariot owner;

Bel-..., vizier;

...a, prefect;

NN, ditto of Itu'u;

NN, royal bodyguard;

Ashur-..., eunuch of the queen mother;

Bani-..., prefect of the crown prince;

Remanni-ilu, ditto ditto;

Ahu-..., treasurer of the queen mother;

Nabû-..., palace superintendent ditto;

Babilayu, royal bodyguard;

Mushezib-Ashur, eunuch;

Sha-la-mashê, prefect;

Sa'iru, 'third man';

NN, scribe.

NN, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Issar-na'di, ditto ditto;

Abdi-Limu, cohort commander;

Bel-abu-ushur, 'third man' ...;

Nabû-duru-ushur, eunuch of the queen mother;

Nabû-ahu-iddina, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Ubru-Nergal, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Silim-ili, ditto of the crown prince;

Nabû-musheshi, deputy of the chief scribe;

Urda-Ea, weaver;



NN, ...;

Da..., ...;

Shep-..., ...;

Ashur-..., ditto;

Nabû-ahu-eresh, prefect;

Nabû-zeru-..., royal bodyguard;

Mushezib-Ashur, chariot driver;

Remanni-Adad, ditto;

Dadi-iqbi, eunuch;

Dannu-Nergal, sha shepi guardsman;

Pilanzazu, ...;

Marduk-..., prefect;

Shamash-..., ...;

Bel-nashir-..., chariot owner;

Bel-..., vizier;

...â, prefect;

NN, ditto of the Itu'aeans;

NN, royal bodyguard;

Ashur-..., eunuch of the queen mother;

Ibni-..., prefect of the crown prince;

Remanni-ilu, ditto ditto;

Ahu-..., treasurer of the queen mother;

Nabû-..., palace superintendent ditto;

Babilayu, royal bodyguard;

Mushezib-Ashur, eunuch;

Sha-la-mashê, prefect;

Sa'iru, 'third man';

NN, scribe;

NN, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Issar-na'id, ditto ditto;

Abdi-Limu, cohort commander;

Bel-abu-ushur, 'third man' of ...;

Nabû-duru-ushur, eunuch of the queen mother;

Nabû-ahu-iddina, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Ubru-Nergal, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Silim-ili, ditto of the crown prince;

Nabû-musheshi, deputy of the chief scribe;

Urad-Ea, lamentation-priest.

Obverse Column ii


(m)U-[_gur_]—_numun#_—_du lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)x#+[x x]—_pab_(?)# _lu-03_-szu _dumu_—_man_

(m)#[x x x]+x# _lu_-qur-_zag#_

[(m)x x]-nu _lu-gar_-nu _ma_(*)-_du_-_mesz_

[(m)x x]—_pab lu_-qur-_zag_

[(m)]30—_en#_—_mu_-_mesz lu_-szA—É—_kab_(*)

[(m)szA]—la#—masz-e _lu#_-[_gal_—ki]-s,ir# _gal_—_sag_

[(m)]_suhusz#_—15 _lu_-sza—É(*)—_gar_-nu-_mesz_

[(m)]_arad_—(d)na-na-a _lu_-qur-_zag_

[(m)]ha-nu-nu _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _gal_—_sag_

[(m)]gu-lu-su _lu-gar_-nu i-tu-'u

[(m)]rém-a-ni—15 _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

[(m)]_gir-2_—10 _lu-03_-szu

[(m)]kab#-ti—_dingir lu_-:-

(m)s,a-lam(*)#—_man_(*)—iq-bi :-#

(m)_igi_(*)—[x x x x] _lu_(*)-_sag_(*)# _ama_—_man_(*)#

(m)(d)[x x] _lu_-qur-_zag dumu_—_man_

(m)_gir#_-[2—x x] :- :-

(m)s,il-[x x] _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)(d)_im_(*)#—[x x] _lu-gar_-nu gur-ri#

(m)(d)_pa_(*)#—[x x] _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _dumu_—_man_

(m)se-[e'(?)—qa(?)]-mu# _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)ha-am-[x]+x#-su _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

(m)[x]+x x#+[x x]+x# _lu-i-du8_

[(m)]a-da(*)-lAl(*)# _lu-dumu_—_szu-2_ sza _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_

(m)(d)#_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_-sza—_gir-2_

(m)_suhusz#_—_pab_-_mesz_ [_lu_]-_gal#_—ki-s,ir _gal_—_sag_

(m)(d)30(*)#—_pab_-ir _lu#_-[kal]-lap qur-bu

(m)(d)_pa_—sa-lim _lu_-qur#-_zag_

(m)sa-lam-a-nu _lu#_-[_gal_]—ki-s,ir _ama_—_man_

(m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab lu#_-[_gisz_]-_gigir_(?)# _dumu_—_man_

(m)mu-tak-kil—asz-szur _lu#_-[qur]-_zag_(*)# _ama_—_man_

(m)ga-da(*)#-a' _lu#_-qur-_zag_

(m)man-nu—ki#—_pab_-_mesz lu-gar_-nu#


(m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-Asz-me _lu-mu_


(m)tar-hu-un-da—pi-i _lu-gar_-nu hal-ta-a-a#

(m)da-ni-i _lu-a#-ba_

(m)mu-sze-zib—(d)#[x (x) _lu_]-_mu#_

(m)arba-il-a-[a _lu_-qur]-_zag#_

(m)(d)#[x x]+x#-zi-ga

[(m)(d)]_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—_gesztin_

(m)[la]—qe-pu _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)[(d)]_mes_—_man_—_pab lu_-:- _dumu_—_man_

(m)mu(*)#-sze-zib—_dingir lu_-na-ki-su

(m)ha-di-du _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)bu-lu-zak-ru _lu-sag_

(m)ar-ba-a-a _lu-en-nam_

(m)_pab_—_bad lu-gal_—da-ni-ba-te

(m)_pab_—_bad lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _dumu_—_man_

AI Translation

Nergal-zeru-ibni, royal bodyguard;

...-ushur, 'third man' of the crown prince;

NN, royal bodyguard;, prefect of the boatmen;

...-ushur, royal bodyguard;

Sin-bel-shumate, the chariot driver;

Sha-la-mashê, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Ubru-Issar, prefect;

Urda-Nanaya, royal bodyguard;

Hanunu, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Gulusu, prefect of Itu'u;

Remanni-Issar, chariot owner;

Shep-Adad, 'third man';

Kabti-il, ditto;

Shalam-sharru-iqbi, ditto;

Pan-..., eunuch of the queen mother;

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

Shep-... ditto ditto;

Shil-..., royal bodyguard;

Adad-..., prefect of the Gurru.

Nabû-..., cohort commander of the crown prince;

Se'-qamu, royal bodyguard;, chariot owner;

NN, gate-guard;

Adallal, the 'hand' of the chief eunuch;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, sha shepi guard;

Ubru-ahhe, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Sin-nashir, royal kallapu;

Nabû-salim, royal bodyguard;

Salamanu, cohort commander of the queen mother;

Ashur-sharru-ushur, chariot driver of the crown prince;

Mutakkil-Ashur, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Gada', royal bodyguard;

Mannu-ki-ahhe, prefect;


Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook;


Tarhunda-pî, prefect of the Haltaeans;

Danî, scribe.

Mushezib-..., cook;

Arbailayu, royal bodyguard;


Nabû-sharru-ushur, wine master;

La-qepu, royal bodyguard;

Marduk-sharru-ushur, ditto of the crown prince;

Mushezib-ilu, the herald;

Hadidu, royal bodyguard;

Buluzarri, eunuch;

Arbayu, governor;

Ahu-duri, chief of the 'festival';

Ahu-duri, cohort commander of the crown prince;


Nergal-zeru-ibni, royal bodyguard;

...-ushur, 'third man' of the crown prince;

NN, royal bodyguard;, prefect of the boatmen;

...-ushur, royal bodyguard;

Sin-bel-shumate, man of the 'Left' House;

Sha-la-mashê, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Ubru-Issar, man of the house of the prefects;

Urad-Nanâ, royal bodyguard;

Hanunu, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Gullusu, prefect of the Itu'aeans;

Remanni-Issar, chariot owner;

Shep-Adad, 'third man';

Kabti-ili, ditto;

Shalam-sharri-iqbi, ditto;

Pan-..., eunuch of the queen mother;

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

Shep-..., ditto ditto;

Shil-..., royal bodyguard;

Adad-..., prefect of the Gurraeans;

Nabû-..., cohort commander of the crown prince;

Se'-qamu, royal bodyguard;, chariot owner;

NN, gate-guard;

Adallal, adjutant of the chief eunuch;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, sha shepi guard;

Ubru-ahhe, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Sin-nashir, personal kallapu;

Nabû-salim, royal bodyguard;

Salamanu, cohort commander of the queen mother;

Ashur-sharru-ushur, chariot-horse trainer of the crown prince;

Mutakkil-Ashur, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Gada', royal bodyguard;

Mannu-ki-ahhe, prefect;


Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook;


Tarhundapî, prefect of the Hallateans;

Danî, scribe;

Mushezib-.., cook;

Arbailayu, royal bodyguard;


Nabû-sharru-ushur, wine manager;

Laqepu, royal bodyguard;

Marduk-sharru-ushur, ditto of the crown prince;

Mushezib-ili, butcher;

Hadidu, royal bodyguard;

Bulu-zakru, eunuch;

Arbayu, governor;

Ahu-duri, grain-purveyor;

Ahu-duri, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Reverse Column i


(m)x#+[x x _lu_]-_gal_—ki-s,ir _gal_—_sag_

(m)(d)_im#_—[x x] _lu#_-qur-_zag dumu_—_man_

(m)zi-zi#-[i] _lu#-i-du8_

(m)u-pa-qa—[x x] _lu-gar_-nu

(m)_gir-2_—15(?) _lu#-mu_

(m)szA-pu-lu(*) [(x)] _lu#-i-du8_

[(m)]_en_(*)#—_pab_(*)-_mesz_-szu [_lu_]-03#-szu _ama_—_man_(*)

[(m)x x x] _lu_-qur-_zag dumu_—_man_

[(m)x x x x] _lu-sag_ [o(*)]

[(m)(d)x—da]-mi-iq :-

[(m)x x x]-gi _lu-gar_-nu _nim-ma_-a-a

[(m)x x x]-szir :- :-

[(m)x x x]-ru(?)# _lu_-x x (x) _sag_(?)#

(m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab#_ [_lu_-x] _ama#_—_man_

(m)(d)_pa_—kil-a#-[ni _lu-dib_]—_pa#_-_mesz_

(m)pu-t,i-szi(*)#-[ri _lu_]-mu(*)#-s,ur-a-a

(m)15—I(*)# _lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)e(?)#-ta-[x (x) x]+x# _lu-i-du8_

(m)[x x]+x# _lu-gal_—ki#-s,ir

[(m)U]-U-i# [_lu_]-_gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_

(m)[x]+x#—_ad_-u-a _lu_-:- :-

(m)_dingir_(*)#—da-la-a _lu_-:- :-

[(m)]_en_(*)#—_du_-usz _lu_-:-(*)# [:-]

[(m)x]+x#—_mu_—_gin_-in _lu-i-du8_

[(m)]mu(*)#-sze-zib—_dingir lu-02_-u _gal_—_usz_(*)#—kib-si

[(m)x]-ru(?)#-su _lu_-qur-_zag_

[(m)qur]-di—asz-szur _lu-gar_-nu _dumu#_—_man_

(m)_di#_-mu—_en lu_-sza—_gir-2_

(m)man-nu—ki—15—_zu# lu_-:-

(m)_pab_(*)#—_bad lu_-sza—É—_kab_ o(*)

[(m)x x x] _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

[(m)x x]+x#—asz-szur _lu-gal_—_sipa_(*)#-_mesz_

[(m)x x]+x#—(d)_im lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

(m)_gin_-a-ni—15 _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _dumu_—_man_

(m)man-nu—ki—asz-szur _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

(m)_lugal_—nu-ri _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

(m)_pab_-bu-u _lu_-:-

(m)(d)_masz_—_dingir#_-[a-a] _lu_-qur-_zag ama_—_man_

(m)mar-duk-[x (x)] _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

(m)a-szi-[pa-a _lu_]-_gal_(?)—_sum_(?)#-_ninda_

(m)[x x x _lu_-x]+x _ama_—_man#_

[(m)x x x] _lu-sag ama_—_man_

[(m)x] x x x# _lu-gal_—_nig-szid dumu_—_man_

AI Translation

NN, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Adad-..., bodyguard of the crown prince;

Zizî, gate-guard;

Upaqa-..., prefect;

Shep-Issar, cook;

Shapulu, gate-guard;

Bel-ahheshu, 'third man' of the queen mother;

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

NN, eunuch;

...-damiq, ditto;, prefect of the Elamites;

...shir, ditto ditto;, ... eunuch;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, ... of the queen mother;

Nabû-killanni, chariot driver;

Putishari, Egyptian;

Issar-na'id, royal bodyguard;

Eta..., gate-guard;

NN, cohort commander;

Dadî, horse trainer of the open chariotry;

...-abu'a, ditto ditto;

Ilu-dalâ, ditto ditto;

Bel-epush, ditto ditto;

...-shumu-ka''in, gate-guard;

Mushezib-ilu, deputy of the cohort commander;

...rusu, royal bodyguard;

Qurdi-Ashur, prefect of the crown prince;

Shulmu-beli, sha shepi guard;

Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i, ditto;

Ahu-duri, the 'chamber';

NN, chariot owner;

...-Ashur, chief shepherd;

...-Adad, chariot owner;

Kenanni-Issar, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Mannu-ki-Ashur, chariot driver;

Sharru-nuri, chariot owner;

Ahabû, ditto;

Inurta-ila'i, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Marduk-..., chariot owner;

Ashipâ, chief confectioner;

NN, ... of the queen mother;

NN, eunuch of the queen mother;

NN, chief of accounts, crown prince;


NN, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Adad-..., bodyguard of the crown prince;

Zizî, gate-guard;

Upaqa-..., prefect;

Shep-Issar, cook;

Shappulu, gate-guard;

Bel-ahheshu, 'third man' of the queen mother;

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

NN, eunuch;

...-dammiq, ditto;, prefect of the Elamites;

...shir, ditto ditto;, ... of the eunuch;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, ... of the queen mother

Nabû-killanni, chariot driver;

Puti-Shiri, Egyptian;

Issar-na'id, royal bodyguard;

Eta..., gate-guard;

NN, cohort commander;

Dadî, horse trainer of the open chariotry

...-abu'a, ditto ditto;

Il-dalâ, ditto ditto;

Bel-epush, ditto ditto;

...-shumu-ukin, gate-guard;

Mushezib-ilu, deputy of the chief tracker;

...rusu, royal bodyguard;

Qurdi-Ashur, prefect of the crown prince;

Shulmu-beli, sha shepi guard;

Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i, ditto;

Ahu-duri, man of the 'Left' House;

NN, chariot owner;

...-Ashur, chief of the shepherds;

...-Adad, chariot owner;

Kinanni-Issar, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Mannu-ki-Ashur, chariot driver;

Sharru-nuri, chariot owner;

Ahabû, ditto;

Inurta-ila'i, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Mardukayu, chariot owner;

Ashipâ, chief confectioner;

NN, ... of the queen mother;

NN, eunuch of the queen mother;

NN, chief accountant of the crown prince;

Reverse Column ii


(m)man-nu—ki—_lugal lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

(m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz lu-gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_

(m)_man_—lu—da-ri _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

(m)(d)_pa_—_di-kud lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

(m)bir-ia-ma-a _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz ama_—_man_

(m)pal-hu—u-sze-zib _lu_-[x x]-_mesz_

(m)_arad_—(d)#_pa lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _dumu_—_man_

(m)ha-ni(*)#-si-ku _lu-03_-szu _dumu_—_man_

(m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _dumu_—_man_

(m)il-ta-da-a-a _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz ama_—_man_

(m)(d)_amar-utu_—_su lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _gal_—_sag#_

(m)ub-bu-ku _lu_-:- _dumu_—_man#_

(m)mar-di-i _lu_-:- [x]

(m)[(d)]_utu_—szal-lim# _lu-02_-u _gal_—x#+[x x]

(m)[x x x] _lu-gal_—u(*)#-[rat]

(m)_u-gur_—u-bal-lit,# [x x x]

(m)_en_—_man_—_pab_ [x x x x x]

(m)_ad_—_gisz lu#_-[x x x x x]

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]+04(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

Mannu-ki-sharri, chariot driver;

Nabû-shumu-iddina, horse trainer of open chariotry;

Sharru-lu-dari, chariot driver;

Nabû-dikud, cohort commander;

Bir-yamâ, chariot driver of the queen mother;

Palhu-ushezib, ...;

Urda-Nabû, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Hani-siku, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Iltadayu, chariot driver of the queen mother;

Marduk-eriba, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Ubbuku, ditto of the crown prince;

Mardî, ditto;

Shamash-shallim, deputy of the chief ...;

NN, team commander;

Nergal-uballit, ...;

Bel-sharru-ushur .

Abu-leshir, ...;

Month ..., x+4th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Mannu-ki-sharri, chariot driver;

Nabû-shumu-iddina, horse trainer of the open chariotry;

Sharru-lu-dari, chariot driver;

Nabû-dayyan, cohort commander;

Bir-yamâ, chariot driver of the queen mother;

Palhu-ushezib, ... of the ...s;

Urad-Nabû, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Hanisiku, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Iltadayu, chariot driver of the queen mother;

Marduk-eriba, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Ubbuku, ditto of the crown prince;

Mardî, ditto ditto;

Shamash-shallim, deputy of the chief ...;

NN, team commander;

Nergal-uballit, ...;

Bel-sharru-ushur, ...;

Abi-leshir, ...;

Month of ..., the x+4th day.

P335700: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]—_dingir_(?)#

[x x x _kasz_]-_lul_

01 _lu_(v)(?)#-_igi-dub_

01 _nam kur_-ra-s,ap-pa

01 _nam kur_-arrap-ha#

01 :- la-hi#-[ri]

AI Translation


...... beer;

1, treasurer;

1, governor of Rashappa;

1, governor of Arrapha;

1 ditto of lahiru;



x, chief cupbearer;

1, treasurer;

1, governor of Rashappa;

1, governor of Arrapha;

1, ditto of Lahiru;



01 _en_—_szur_(*)

01 _en_—_du_(*)

_iti-gud ud 07_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_kur_-u-[a]

AI Translation

1, Bel-etir;

1, Bel-ibni;

Month Iyyar II, 7th day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-shadû'a.


1, Bel-etir;

1, Bel-ibni.

Month of Iyyar II, 7th day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-shadû'a 650 B.C..

P335701: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x x x x]+x#

[(m)x x x]—_im_ [_lu_]-_dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[(m)x x]-a-a _lu-en-nam_

[(m)(d)x]—_man_—_pab lu-sag_

[(m)(d)x]—_su lu_-:-

[(m)x]-bi-i _lu-igi-dub ama_—_man_

[(m)x x x x] _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir :-

[(m)x x x x x _lu_]-mu-szar2-kis

[(m)x x x x x] _lu#-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x _lu_]-_gar_(*)#-nu

[x x x x x x _lu-en_]—_gisz_(*)#-_gigir_ [x x x x x x x x]+x#

[_pab_] 14(*) mu-sze-bi qa-ba-su-te

[(m)](d)#_pa_—_mu_—_pab lu-i-du8_

[(m)(d)]_pa_—kil-la-a-ni _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

[(m)]tar-hu#-un-da—pi-i _lu-gar_-nu

_pab 03_ mu-sze-bi _lu#-a-ba_-_mesz_

(m)(d)_im_—_zu_(*) _lu-gar_-nu

(m)(d)_bu_—_zalag lu-en_—_gisz-gigir#_

(m)di-lil—(d)15 _lu_-:-

(m)(d)_pa-tug_—_man_—_pab lu-02_-u sza _lu-kasz-lul ama_—_man_

(m)man-nu—ki—asz-szur _lu-dib_—_pa_-_mesz_

(m)_pab_—_gisz lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

_pab 06_ mu-sze-bi _lu-en_(*)-_nam_

AI Translation


...-sharru, chariot driver;

...ayu, governor;

...-sharru-ushur, eunuch;

...-eriba, ditto;

...bî, treasurer of the queen mother;

NN, cohort commander of ditto;

NN, recruitment officer;

NN, chariot driver;

...... prefect

...... the chariot owner

Total 14: the 'residences' of the qabasutu-houses.

Nabû-shumu-ushur, gate-guard;

Nabû-killanni, chariot driver;

Tarhunda-pî, prefect;

in all, 3: the scribes.

Adad-le'i, prefect;

Ibni-nuri, chariot owner;

Diophantos, ditto;

Nusku-sharru-ushur, deputy of the cupbearer of the queen mother;

Mannu-ki-Ashur, chariot driver;

Ahu-leshir, chariot owner;

in all, 6: the 'residences' of the governor.



...-Adad, chariot driver;

Arbayu, governor;

...-sharru-ushur, eunuch;

...-eriba, ditto;

Gabbî, treasurer of the queen mother;

NN, cohort commander ditto;

NN, recruitment officer;

NN, chariot driver;

NN, prefect;

NN, chariot owner;

in all, 14: the central 'residences.'

Nabû-shumu-ushur, gate-guard;

Nabû-killanni, chariot driver;

Tarhundapî, prefect;

in all, 3: the 'residences' of the scribes.

Adad-le'i, prefect;

Ser-nuri, chariot owner;

Dilil-Issar, ditto;

Nushku-sharru-ushur, deputy of the queen mother's cupbearer;

Mannu-ki-Ashur, chariot driver;

Ahi-leshir, chariot owner;

in all, 6: the 'residences' of the governors.

Obverse Column ii


[x x x x x x x]-a [x x x]

[(m)x (x) x]-ma(?)#-a _lu_-[x x x]

[(m)x x x]—_dumu-usz lu-kasz_(*)-_lul_(*)#

(m)_pab_(*)-_mesz_(*)#—szal-lim _lu_-qur#-_zag_

_pab 05_ mu-sze-bi _lu-szim_xA(?)#

(m)asz-szur—_asz lu_-qur-_zag_

(m)ta-bal-a-a _lu_-:-

(m)asz-szur—_sum_—_pab_-_mesz lu-en_—_gisz#_-[_gigir_]

_pab 03_ mu-sze-bi _uru-sze_—(m)x#+[x x]

(m)(d)15—_mu_—_asz lu_-x#+[x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-tu—_pab lu_-[x] _ama_(*)#—_man_

(m)(d)_im_—_pab_-_mesz_—_silim lu-dib#_—[_pa_]-_mesz#_

(m)_dingir_—mu-sze-zib _lu-gisz-gigir_—[_du8_]-_mesz#_

(m)sa-ku-ku _lu_-[:-]

(m)pu-u-lu _lu_-:-#

(m)szum-ma—u-se-zib _lu_-:-

(m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz lu_-:-

(m)mu-sze-zib—asz-szur _lu_-qur-_zag_

_pab 09_(*) mu-sze-bi hu-ha(?)#-ma-a-a

(m)[x x] x x# [x] x# _gal_(*)—_dam_(?)#-[_qar_]

(m)am(*)-bat-tu _lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

(m)mu-sze-zib—asz-szur _lu-sag_

(m)_en_—_bad lu_-szA—_gir-2_

_pab 04_ mu-sze-bi _lu_-lah-hi-ni

(m)rém-a-na—(d)_im lu_-qur-_zag_

_pab 01_ mu-sze-bi _lu-nar-gal_

(m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_-a-ni _lu_-[x x] _uru-hal_-[S,U o]

(m)qur-di—asz-szur [x x x]

(m)_gir_-[2—asz]-szur [x x x]

(m)mil-ki—x#+[x x x]

(m)15—I [x x x]

(m)ta-bal-[a-a x x x]

_pab 06_ mu-sze-[bi x x x]

AI Translation

......a ...

...mâ, ...;

...-apli, cupbearer;

Ahhe-shallim, royal bodyguard;

in all 5: the 'residences' of the ...-official.

Ashur-iddina, royal bodyguard;

Tabalayu, ditto;

Ashur-nadin-ahhe, chariot owner;

in all, 3: the village of NN.

Issar-shumu-iddina, ...;

Nabû-rehtu-ushur, ... of the queen mother;

Adad-ahhe-shallim, chariot driver;

Ilu-mushezib, horse trainer of the open chariotry;

Sakkuku, ditto;

Pulu, ditto;

Shumma-usezib, ditto;

Nabû-shumu-iddina, ditto;

Mushezib-Ashur, royal bodyguard;

in all, 9: the 'residences' of the Huhameans.

NN, chief merchant;

Ambattu, chariot owner;

Mushezib-Ashur, eunuch;

Bel-duri, sha shepi guard;

in all, 4: the 'residences' of the temple steward.

Remanni-Adad, royal bodyguard;

in all, 1: the 'residences' of the chief singer.

Nergal-sharrani, ... of the fort;

Qurdi-Ashur ...

Shep-Ashur ...


Issar-na'id ...

Tabalayu ...

in all, 6: the 'residences' .


......a, ...;

...mâ, the ...;

...-apli, cupbearer;

Ahhe-shallim, royal bodyguard;

in all, 5: the 'residences' of the brewers.

Ashur-iddina, royal bodyguard;

Tabalayu, ditto;

Ashur-nadin-ahhe, chariot owner;

in all, 3: the 'residences' of the village of NN.

Issar-shumu-iddina, ...;

Nabû-rehtu-ushur, ... of the queen mother;

Adad-ahhe-shallim, chariot driver;

Ilu-mushezib, horse trainer of open chariotry;

Sakkuku, ditto;

Pulu, ditto;

Shumma-ussezib, ditto;

Nabû-shumu-iddina, ditto;

Mushezib-Ashur, royal bodyguard;

in all, 9: the 'residences' of the Huhamaeans.

NN, chief merchant;

Ambattu, chariot owner;

Mushezib-Ashur, eunuch;

Bel-duri, sha shepi guard;

in all, 4: the 'residences' of the steward.

Remanni-Adad, royal bodyguard;

in all, 1: the 'residences' of the chief singer.

Nergal-sharrani, ... of Birtu;

Qurdi-Ashur, ...;

Shep-Ashur, ...;

Milki-..., ...;

Issar-na'id, ...;

Tabalayu, ...;

in all, 6: the 'residences' of ....

Reverse Column i


(m)a-da-lAl _lu-dumu#_—[_szu-2_]

(m)man-nu—ki—_man lu_-[x x]

(m)_an-gal_—_du_-usz _lu_-[x x]

_pab 03_ mu-sze-bi _lu_(?)#-[x x]

(m)_suhusz#_—(d)07-_bi lu-dam_(?)#-[_qar_]

[(m)](d)_amar-utu_—_su lu-gal_—ki-[s,ir] _gal_—_sag_ o(*)

(m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu_-qur-_zag_ x#+[x]

(m)rém-a-na—15 _lu-en_—_gisz#_-[_gigir_]

(m)_arad_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu _lu-03_-szu qur(*)#-[bu(?)]

(m)man-nu—ki—_man lu-gar_-[nu]

_pab 06_ mu-sze-bi _lu-gal_(?)#—[x]

(m)s,il—asz-szur _lu_(v)-_gal_—[x x]

(m)(d)_utu_—szal-lim _lu_-x#+[x x]

_pab 02_ mu-sze-bi _lu_(v)-[x x x]+x#

[(m)x]-x—_dingir# lu_-[x x]

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x]

[_pab 03_] mu(*)-sze(*)-bi(*)# [x x]

(m)(d)_masz-masz_—_gin_—_pab lu-en_—_gisz-gigir_

(m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—ki-s,ir A(*)—_man_

(m)u-a-za-ru _lu_-qur-_zag ama_—_man_

(m)qu-qi-i _lu_-rag-gi-mu

o(*) _pab 04_ mu-sze-bi di-ka-ni-a-a

(m)gu-lu-su _lu-gar_-nu

(m)ga-da-a _lu_-szA—_gir-2_

(m)_di_-mu—_en lu-02_-u _lu-gal_—_kar_ szA _ama_—_man_

[(m)x]-ma-nu(*) _lu-03_-szu A—_man_

[(m)_di_]-mu#—_en_—la-Asz-me _lu-mu_

[(m)x x x]-bu _lu-gal_—da-a-a-li

[(m)x x x x] _lu_-szA—x#+[x x]

AI Translation

Adallal, chariot driver;

Mannu-ki-sharri, ...;

Issaran-epush, ...;

in all, 3: the 'residences' of the .

Ubru-Sebetti, merchant;

Marduk-eriba, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, royal bodyguard ...;

Remanni-Issar, chariot owner;

Urdu-ahheshu, 'third man';

Mannu-ki-sharri, prefect;

in all, 6: the 'residences' of the chief .

Shil-Ashur, chief ...;

Shamash-shallim, ...;

in all, 2: the 'residences' of the .

...-ilu, ...;



in all, 3: the 'residences' ...;

Nergal-kenu-ushur, chariot owner;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Uazaru, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Quqî, the raggigu;

in all, 4: the 'residences' of the Dikaneans.

Gulusu, prefect;

Gadâ, sha shepi guard;

Shulmu-beli, deputy chief of the fortress of the queen mother;

...manu, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook;

...bu, chief of the scouts;

NN, ...;


Adallal, adjutant;

Mannu-ki-sharri, ...;

Issaran-epush, ...;

in all, 3: the 'residences' of the ....

Ubru-Sebetti, merchant;

Marduk-eriba, cohort commander of the chief eunuch;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, bodyguard ...;

Remanni-Issar, chariot owner;

Urad-ahheshu, personal 'third man';

Mannu-ki-sharri, prefect;

in all, 6: the 'residences' of the chief ....

Shil-Ashur, chief ...;

Shamash-shallim, ...;

in all, 2: the 'residences' of the ....

...-ili, ...;

NN, ...;

NN, ...;

in all, 3: the 'residences' of ....

Nergal-kenu-ushur, chariot owner;

Nabû-sharru-ushur, cohort commander of the crown prince;

Wazaru, bodyguard of the queen mother;

Quqî, prophet;

in all, 4: the 'residences' of the Dikanaeans.

Gullusu, prefect;

Gadâ, sha shepi guard;

Shulmu-beli, deputy of the chief of the quays of the queen mother;

...manu, 'third man' of the crown prince;

Shulmu-beli-lashme, cook;

...bu, chief of the scouts;

NN, ......

Reverse Column ii


(m)hur—sze—szu _lu-gar_-nu _lu_-hal(!)-ta-a-a

[_pab_ x] mu-sze-bi _ki-ta_ ap-ti(*)

[x x x]-me(?) _lu-i-du8_

[_pab 1_ mu]-szab# _lu-gal_—_sag_(?)#

[x x x _uru_]-s,i(*)-du(*)#-na-a-a [x x x]-kal(?)#-u-ni

[(m)x x x _lu_]-qur-_zag a_—_man_

[x x x x] _uru_-s,i-du-na-a-a

[x x x _lu_]-03-szu A—_man_ [x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x] A—_man#_

[x x x x x x]+x# _ama_—_man_

[(m)x x x x _lu_]-qur-_zag a_—_man_

[x x x x x] _lu_(*)#-_gal_-_mesz_

[x x x x x x]+x# A—_man_

[x x x x x x x] _bar_(?)#

AI Translation

Hur-sheshu, prefect of the Haltaeans;

Total x, the lower side, the opening., gate-guard;

in all, 1: the 'residence' of the chief eunuch.

...... Sidon .

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

...... Sidon

... 'third man' of the crown prince;

...... the crown prince

...... the queen mother

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

...... magnates

...... the crown prince


Hur-shi-Eshu, prefect of the Hallateans;

in all, x: the 'residences' beneath the Window., gate-guard;

in all 1: 'residence' of the chief eunuch.

... Sidonians who eat ....

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

NN, Sidonian;

NN, 'third man' of the crown prince;

NN, ... of the crown prince;

NN, ... of the queen mother;

NN, bodyguard of the crown prince;

in all, x: the 'residences' of the magnates.

NN, ... of the crown prince;


P335702: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] _lu-engar 04_ [_zi_-_mesz_(?) x x]

[x x x x]+x#-i 04 _zi_-[_mesz_(?) x x x x]

[(m)]_du_-i _lu-gisz_-[_gigir_ x x x x]

(m)_en_—_ti-la 02 zi_-[_mesz_(?) x x x x]

(m)sa-a-su 07 _zi_-[_mesz_(?) x x x x]

(m)man-nu—a-ki—_pab_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

[(m)]szi(?)#-ib(*)-sze-e _lu_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

... farmer, 4 persons .

...... 4 persons .

Banî, horse trainer .

Bel-uballit, 2 persons .

Sasu, 7 persons .

Mannu-ki-ahhe .

Shibshê, ...;


NN, farmer, 4 persons ......

NN, 4 persons ......

Banî, horse trainer ......

Bel-uballit, 2 persons ......

Sasu, 7 persons ......

Mannu-ki-ahhe, ......

Shibshê, ......

P335703: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _lu_(v)-A—_sig#_ sza _dumu_—_man_

[x x x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-:-

[x x x (m(?))]_hal_—_dingir_

[x x x x]+x#—_sig5_—_dingir_-_mesz_

[x x x (m)x]+x#-lu-lu

[x x x (m)x]+x#-na-a

[x x x x x]-qu-[x x]

AI Translation

...... the chariot fighter of the crown prince

...... ditto

... Hari-ili


... ...lulu

... ...nâ



... chariot-fighter of the crown prince

..., ditto

... Ishme-ili





P335704: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i



02 sza _uru_-É—za-ma-na(?)#

_lu_(v)-tur-ta-nu sza _uru_-ku-mu-ha

[(x) x x] qu(*)#-e(*) [x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

chief cupbearer

2 from Bit-Zamani;

commander-in-chief of Kummuha


chief cupbearer.

2 of the town of Bit-Zamani

commander-in-chief of Kummuh.

...... Que

Reverse Column i


_lu_(v)(*)-um(?)-man(?)# [x x]

AI Translation

the haruspex .


Scholars ....

P335705: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[((m))x]+x#-szi-du# [x x x x x]

_pab uru_-ma-ri-x#+[x x x x x]

_pab_ szA (m)30—_bad_(*)# [x x (x)]

_a nin_ (m)_pab_—_dingir#_ [x (x x)]

_pab_ szA (m)_pab_—_su_ x#+[x (x x)]

_lu_(v)-_nam_ na-a-a-li# [x (x x)]

szA a-na _dingir_ id-din-u-ni# ina dan-ni-ti la szA-t,ir

AI Translation

...shidu ...

total, in the town of Mari..., .

Total, of Sin-duri, .

son of the sister of Ahu-ili .

Total, of Ahu-eriba .

the governor of Na'alu .

which they gave to the god, is not written in a favorable way.


...shidu ....

Total of the town of Mari....

Total of Sin-duri ....

The son of the sister of Ahu-.......

Total, of Ahu-eriba ...

the governor of Bit-Nayyali....

All that he gave to the god is not written in the deed.

P335706: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc






_lu_-qe-e-pu _uru_-ki(*)-ti-pa(*)#-ta


_lu_-tar-gu-ma-nu sza _kur_-man-nu-a-a

AI Translation


royal bodyguard.


the delegate of Kitipata;


The Targumanu of Mannua





delegate of Kitipata,


interpreter of the Mannaeans,




_lu#-mah_ sza _kur#_-zi-ki-ri-ta-a-a

_dumu_(?)#-szu nu-ku al-lak

01-en _ansze_(*)-_kur_(*)-_ra_(*) _gisz_(*)-a-ri(*)-tu 01-en _tug_(*)-_gada_ [(x) la(?)]-a(?)#-szu

AI Translation


emissary of the Zikirite.

I shall not go with his son.

1 horse, a haystack, 1 linen garment — there is none.



envoy of the Zikirtaeans.

... I told them: "I will go."

One horse, a shield and a linen garment are not present.

P335707: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_pab_ x mu]-szab(*) _lu#_-[x x x x]

[(m)x x]—_pab#_-_mesz lu-gal_—ki-s,ir#

[(m)(d)_pa_]-_tug#_—_man_—_pab lu-gal_—_tug_(*)-[_ud_] [o] sza _ama#_—[_man_]

[_pab 2_] mu#-szab _lu-en_-[_nam-mesz_(?)]

[(m)(d)x]—a-lik—pa-ni _lu#_-[x x] [o sza] _ama_—[_man_]

[x x x x]-ni _lu_-[x]

[x x x x x] _lu_-[x x]

AI Translation

in all, x, 'residences' of the ...;

...-ahhe, cohort commander;

Nusku-sharru-ushur, chief tailor of the queen mother;

in all, 2: the 'residences' of the governors.

...-alik-pani, ... of the queen mother;, ...

...... the ...


in all, x: 'residence' of the ....

...-ahhe, cohort commander;

Nushku-sharru-ushur, chief fuller of the queen mother;

in all, 2: the 'residence' of the governors.

...-alik-pani, ... of the queen mother;, ...;

NN, ...;

P335708: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)u-bur—ia(?)-x x (x#)

_pab 03_ ina(*) _kur_(*) _lu_(*)#-[x (x x)]


(m)ni-ta(*)-a-a-ha-ti(?) [o]

(m)at-ka-la-an-ni [o]

(m)su-a-li-i [o]

_pab 04 lu-en-nam_-_mesz_

(m)i(*)#-ti-i _lu_-mu-kil—[_kusz_]-_pa_-_mesz_

[(m)(d)x]—_lugal_—_pab lu_-x x x x#

AI Translation


in all 3: in the land of the .





in all, 4 governors.

Itî, chariot driver;

...-sharru-ushur, ...;



total, 3, in the Land of the ... Official;





total 4 — the governors;

Ittî, chariot driver;

...-sharru-ushur, ...;

P335709: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x _lu_]-_simug#-kug-gi_

[x x x _lu-gar_]-_u-u_(*)-_mesz_

[x x x _lu_]-_bur_(*)#-_gul_(*)

[x x x _lu_]-_kab_(*)#-_sar_

[x x x _lu_]-_simug_—_urudu_

[x x x _lu_]-sze#-lap-a-a [x x x x x] x#

AI Translation

... goldsmith

... the prefects

... the chariot driver

... the haruspex

... coppersmith

... the shelapu-officials


... goldsmith

... stone-borers

... stone-carver

... engraver

... coppersmith

... architect

P335710: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x _alam_]-_dim#_-mu-u#

[x _masz_]-_masz#_-tu

[_pab_ x x x]+x#-esz _a-ba_ [x x A (m)x x]+x#-a-ni

[x e]-gir#-a-te _ud_—_an_—_be_

[x] iq-qur—_du_-usz

[x] _gisz-zu_-_mesz_

[x] _ud_—_an_—(d)_be_

[x] _uru_—ina—_sukud_—_gar_

[x] _alam-dim#_-[mu-u]

[x] _sa-gig#_-[_mesz_]

[x] _dub_-_mesz_

[x] ki-is-pi

[x] _masz-masz_-tu

13(*)# ÉSZ-_qar_ za-ki-qu

06 bul-t,i

_pab 01_-me-88

(m)(d)_pa_—_sum_—_a hal_ [A] (m)#(d)15—_bad_

AI Translation

x, the statue of a sculptor;

x, exorcists' lore,

Total, ...esh, scribe, son of ...ani.

x letters of Enuma Anu Enlil,

x, Iqqur-ipush;

x writing-boards;

x, Enuma Anu Enlil,

x, the town of Ina-sukud-ishkun;

x, the 'singer';

x, sick;

x tablets,

x, kispu-wood;

x, exorcists' lore,

13 ashqar-vessels, ...;

6 rations;

Total 188.

Nabû-nadin-apli, haruspex, son of Issar-duri.


x, physiognomic omens,

x, exorcists' lore,

in all, x, NN, scribe, ... son of NN.

x one-column tablets, Enuma Anu Enlil,

x, Iqqur ipush,

x polyptychs,

x, Enuma Anu Enlil,

x, "If a city is set on a hill,"

x, physiognomic omens,

x, symptoms,

x tablets,

x, funerary offerings,

x, exorcists' lore,

13, Dream series,

6, medical recipes,

in all 188,

Nabû-nadin-apli, diviner, son of Issar-duri.

Obverse Column ii


[01 ki-is]-pu

[x] _masz#-masz_-tu

[x ÉSZ]-_qar_ za-ki-qu

[_pab_ x]-me-37

(m)#(d)_pa_—_gar_—szul-me _hal_

01 e-gir-tu _usz11-bur-da_-_mesz_

(m)mu-sze-zib—(d)_pa a_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gar a-ba_ sza _man ka-dingir-ra_

01 _dub_(*)# [x x (x)] iq-qur#—[_du_-usz]

($06$) _pab 01_ (m)(d)[x x x x]

06 _uru_—ina#—[_sukud_—_gar_]

02 _ud_-_mesz#_ [_dug-ga_-_mesz_]

02 iz(?)#-[bu]

AI Translation

1 reed basket;

x, exorcists' lore,

x, 'Extra';

Total: x+37.

Nabû-shakin-shullim, haruspex;

1 letter of ushburda-priests;

Mushezib-Nabû, son of Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe of the king of Babylon.

1 tablet of ..., Iqqur-ipush;

in all, 1: NN.

6: town of Ina-sukud-ishkun.

2 good days,

2 of Izbu;


1, funerary offering,

x, exorcists' lore,

x, Dream series,

in all, x+37,

Nabû-shakin-shulmi, diviner.

1 one-column tablet, anti-witchcraft,

Mushezib-Nabû, son of Nabû-shum-ishkun, the scribe of the king of Babylon.

1 tablet ... Iqqur ipush,

in all, 1, NN.

6 tablets of "If a city is set on a hill",

2 of auspicious days,

2 of Izbu

Obverse Column iii


[A (m)(d)x]—_mu#_—[x (x x)]

[01] _dub_ [x]

01 e-gir-tu# _masz-masz_-tu

_pab 02_ (m)tab-ni#-i A-[_ba_] szA _gal_—_sag_(?) A—_man#_

01 _mul-sag-mu_

01 _ud_-_mesz dug-ga_-_mesz_

01 iz-bu

01 ÉSZ-_qar_ za-ki-qu

09 x#+[x]-_mesz_

01 ki-is-pu

[01] _masz-masz_-tu

[_pab_] 15# (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—x# [A]-_zu# a_ (m)su-x#+[x x (x)]

AI Translation

son of ...-shumu-...;

1 tablet ...;

1 letter, exorcist's note;

Total 2, Tabnî, scribe of the chief eunuch of the crown prince.

1 Jupiter;

1 good day;

1 izbu-vessel;

1 of the 'Shqar'-offerings, zakiqu-offerings;

9 ...s;

1 kispu-vessel;

1 extispicy.

Total 15: Nabû-shumu-..., scribe, son of Su.


son of ...-shumu-....

1 tablet, ...,

1 one-column tablet, exorcists' lore,

in all 2, Tabnî, scribe of the chief eunuch of the crown prince.

1, The New Year Star,

1, auspicious days,

1, Izbu,

1, Dream series,

9 ...,

1, funerary offering,

1, exorcists' lore,

in all 15, Nabû-shum-..., physician, son of Su....

Reverse Column i


[_pab_ x]+02 _dub_-[_mesz_]

[(m)(d)_pa_]—_ti_-su—iq-bi [A (m)(d)]_pa_(?)#—A—_asz lu-sanga_ (d)[x]

AI Translation

in all, x+2 tablets.

Nabû-balassu-iqbi, son of Nabû-aplu-iddina, priest of DN.


in all x+2 tablets,

Nabû-balassu-iqbi, son of Nabû-apal-iddin, priest of DN.

Reverse Column ii


04 _ud_—_an_—(d)[_be_]

06 _uru_—ina—_sukud#_—[_gar_]

01 iz(?)#-[bu]

02 [x x x]

AI Translation

4: Enuma Anu Enlil;

6: town of Ina-sukud-ishkun.

1 izbu-vessel;

2 ...;


4 tablets Enuma Anu Enlil,

6, "If a city is set on a hill,"

1, Izbu,

2, ...

Reverse Column iii


01 _masz-masz_-u#-tu

_pab 08_ (m)(d)[x]—_mu_—_gisz# a_ (m)_dumu_—(d)#[15] _a-ba gal_—kal(?)-lap(?)# A—_man_

01 _gisz-zu 08 gisz#_-[_ig_-_mesz_] bul-[t,i x x]

08 _dub#_-[_mesz_]

03# [x x x]

AI Translation

1 mashmashtu-soul;

in all 8: ...-shumu-leshir, son of Mar-Issar, scribe, chief of the kallapu, crown prince.

1 wooden ..., 8 doors of protection ...;

8 tablets,

3 ...;


exorcists' lore,

in all 8, ...-shumu-leshir, son of Mar-Issar, a scribe of the chief ... of the crown prince.

1 polyptych of 8 leaves, medical recipes,

8 tablets ...,

3 ......

P335711: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x (m)]_en#_—_kaskal_—_man_—_pab_ [x x x]

[x x x x]-nu (m)rém-a-ni—10(?)# [x x x]

[x x x x]-sa-al-la-[x x x x]

[x x x x]—_kur_-u-ni [x x x]

[x x x x] (m(?))_dumu_(?)—_utu_(?) [(x x)]

[x x x x] (m)#10—_en_—x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur .

... Remanni-Adad .


...-mati ...

... Mar-shamash .

... Adad-belu-.


... Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur ..., Remanni-Adad ...


...-shaduni ...

... Mar-Shamash-...

... Adad-bel-...

P335712: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x sza] _ka_(*)# _gisz-li-u5_-[_um_ x]

[x] _gud_-_mesz udu_-[_mesz_ x x]

[x] _gud_(?)#-_mesz_ sza _iti_-x#+[x x]

[x _uru-kar_]—tukul-ti—A—É-[_szar-ra_ x]

[x] _uru#-ka-dingir-ra-ki#_ [x] [x x]+x#-ni asz(*)-szur(*) x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

... of the mouth of the sceptre .

x oxen, sheep ...;

x oxen of the month ...;

... Kar-Tukulti-Ashura .

... Babylon ... Ashur .


...... in accordance with the wording of the writing-board,

...... cattle and sheep ......,

...... cattle of the month of ...,

...... the town of Kar-Tukulti-apil-Esharra, ...

...... Babylon ......

P335713: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 sza (m)za-li-a-a sza—_gir-2#_

01 sza (m)qu-i-li :-

01 sza (m)sa-ar-sa-a :-

[(x)] sza ina _igi_ (m)_uru-kaskal_-a-a [x]+x#-ni sza hal-ta-a-a

[01(?) sza] (m)_nina_-a-a sza—_gir-2_

AI Translation

1, of Zalaya, sha shepi guard;

1, of Quili, ditto;

1, of Sarsâ, ditto;

... who is at the disposal of Harranayu, ... of the Haltaeans.

1, of Nineveh, sha shepi guard;


One, of Zaliayu, personal guard;

One, of Quili, ditto;

One, of Sarsâ, ditto;

all who are assigned to Harranayu, ...... of the Hallataeans.

One of Ninuayu, personal guard



[(m)](d)#_pa_—_en_-szu-nu _a-ba_—_kur_

AI Translation

Nabû-belshunu, palace scribe,


Nabû-belshunu, palace scribe.

P335714: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x]+x# (m)ki-s,ir—asz-szur#

[(x x)] sza _lu_(v)-sza—_igi_—_kur_(?)#

[x]-_mesz_ sza _lu_(v)-03-szu sza (m)hi(?)-ri(?)#-[x (x)] [x x]-u(?)-ni

[x] (m)t,u-ru-u-su o(*)

[_lu_(v)-(_en_)]-_nam_ sza _kur_-ra-s,a#-[pa]

[x x x] (m)_u-gur_—szal-lim# [o]

[_lu_(v)-(_en_)]-_nam#_ sza _uru_-[x x (x)]

[x x x x x]+x x#+[x x]

AI Translation

... Kishir-Ashur

... of the palace superintendent

...s of the 'third man' of Hiri.

... Turusu;

governor of Rashappa

... Nergal-shallim

governor of ...



... Kishir-Ashur,

... of the palace supervisor.

...s of the 'third man,' whom Hiri... ...ed.

... Turusu,

governor of Rashappa,

... Nergal-shallim,

governor of the city of ...,


P335715: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc




(m)gi-ni-ia(*) [o]

(m)asz-szur—_mu_(*)—_gin_ [o]

_bad_-tu ta-a-a-ru

[(x x)] _usz-ku_

szu-tu-ma(?)# [x x]



sza(*)# É [x]

[x] ina [x x]

AI Translation





The wall is a taharu-wall.

... awe-inspiring aura;

he ...



of the house .

... in ...



Sin- ......,



... return,

... lamentation priest,

he ...



of the temple of DN

... in ...

P335716: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[x x (m)]tu(*)-ta(*)#-mu(*)-u o(*)

[x x (m)]ku-za-a-a o(*)

[x x] (m)asz-szur—_zu_(*) o(*)

AI Translation

... Tutammû

... Kuzâ

... Ashur-le'i


... Tutammû,

... Kuzayu,

... Ashur-le'i.

Reverse Column i


(m)(d)_pa-tug_—_asz_ o(*)

A (m)_man_—lu—da-ri o(*)

[_lu_(?)-_gal_(?)—ki]-s,ir o(*)

[(x)] (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-[a-a]

[(x)] A (m)_man_—lu—[da-ri]

[(x) (m)]ba-[x x x x x x] [(x)] A (m)_gir-2_—[x x x x x]

AI Translation


son of Sharru-lu-dari;

cohort commander


... son of Sharru-lu-dari

Ba..., son of Shep-..., ...;



son of Sharru-lu-dari

cohort commander.


son of Sharru-lu-dari.

Ba... ..., son of Shep-....

P335717: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_dingir_(?)#—I [x x x]

(m)_u-gur_—_masz_ [x x x]

(m)ra-ma-da [x x x]

(m)_suhusz_-i [x x x]

[(m)]mu#-_lal_—asz-szur [x x x]

[(m)asz]-szur#—sze-zib-a-ni [x x x]

[(m)x]-at-[x x x]

AI Translation

Ilu-na'id ...

Nergal-ashared .

Ramada ...


Mukin-Ashur ...

Ashur-shezibanni .;


Ilu-na'id ...

Nergal-ashared ...

Ram-Adda ...

Ubrî ...

Mutaqqin-Ashur ...

Ashur-shezibanni ...

P335718: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)]x x# [x x x x x x]

(m)e-ba(*)-lu-x#+[x x x x x]

(m)_suhusz_—asz-szur sza _uru_-ku(?)-x# [(x x)]

_pab# 04_ sza _szu-2_ (m)_iti-kin_-a-a# [o(*)]

[(m)]ha#-li-mu-su sza _uru_-ar-ba(*)-s,i(*)-na#

[(m)]lu#—_di_-mu sza _uru_-s,u-pi-te

(m)a(?)#-bu-ru sza _uru_-ta-la-mu-sa

[_pab_] 03# sza _szu-2_ (m)kar(*)-la(?)#-a-a

[(m)]x#—(d)_im_ sza _uru_-ti-i-te

[(m)x x]+x#-nu(*) (m)na#-qa-ba-a-a

[(m)]li(?)#-i-ti-ri (m)me-li-ki—_dingir_

[(m)x]+x#-ti-a (m)(d)_utu_—I

AI Translation

NN, ...;

Ebalu..., ...;

Ubru-Ashur of Ku.

Total 4 under the command of Ululayu.

Halimusu of Arbashina;

Lu-shallim of Shupat

Aburu of the town of Tallamusa;

Total, 3 under the command of Karlayu.

...-Adad of Tite;, Naqabayu,

Litiri, Meliki-ilu,

...tia, Shamash-na'id,




Ubur-Ashur, of the town of Ku....

Total: 4, in the charge of Ululayu.

Halimusu, of the town of Arbashina

Lu-shulmu, of the town of Shupat

Aburu, of the town of Talamusa.

Total: 3, in the charge of Karallayu.

...-Adad, of the town of Tite, Naqabaya,

Litiri, Meliki-ili,

...tia, Shamash-na'id.



[_pab 07_] _szu-2_ (m)na-a-ni-i

AI Translation

Total 7 under the command of Nanî.


Total: 7, in the charge of Nanî.



[(m)x x x]-i (m)s,a-bu—_sig5_

[(m)x-x]—_di_-a-nu (m)sa-kan—da-da

[(m)x-x]+x#-ti-i _uru_(*)-_sze_—i-ti-ri(*)

[(m)]sa-ni-i (m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_-a-a _lu_(v)-_gal_—_erim_-_mesz_


(m)ha-u(*)-e (m)_en_—A—_su_


_pab_-ma 31 _lu_(v)-_erim_-_mesz_

sza ina _kaskal_ i-li-ku-[ni]

pu(*)#-tu o(*) ina _uru_-[x x x x x] [x x x x] x x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

...i, Sabu-damqu,

...-shallimanni, Sakkan-dada,

...tî, from the village of Itiri;

Sanî, Shamash-ila'i, commander of the troops;


Huê, Bel-aplu-eriba,


Total: 31 men.

who went on the road

adjoining the town of .


...i, Shabu-damqu,

...-shulmanu, Sakan-Dada,

...ti, of the village of Itiri.

Sanî, Shamash-ila'i, troop commander.


Haue, Bel-aplu-eriba,


Grand total: 31 troops,

which went on campaign

and opposite the town of ......

P335719: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]-_mesz_ (m)(d)_szu_—_apin#_-[esz]

[x x x]+x# (m)_numun_-ut-ti#-([i])

[(m)x x]—_igi-lal_-ni _lu_(*)-:- (m)arba-il-[a-a]

[_mi_-(d)_nin_(?)]-_lil_(?)#—tu-bal-lit, [x x x x x]+x# (m)(d)#[x x x x x]

AI Translation

... Marduk-eresh

... Zeruttî

...-emuranni, ditto of Arbailayu

Mullissu-tuballit, NN,


NN, Marduk-eresh;

...: Zarutî;

...-emuranni, ditto; Arbailayu;

the woman Mullissu-tuballit

P335720: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_kar_-x# [x x x x]


(m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x (x x)]

_pab 08_(*) (m)_lugal_—[x (x x)]


(m)mu-qur(?) o(*)



(m)in-x#+[x x]


AI Translation

Mushezib-..., ...;



in all 8: Sharru-...;











in all, 8: Sharru-....







P335721: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


sza a#-ha-hu mah-s,u-u-ni _sza_-_mesz_-szu-nu _zi_-hu-nin-ni _eme_-_mesz_-szu-nu szal-lu-pa U bat-tu-qu

an-nu-te szA _ki-ta_ ia-an-nu-si kar-ru-u-ni de-e-nu-u-ni

(m)_ka-dingir_-a-a _dumu_ (m)(d)_pa_—ka-s,ir

(m)_numun_—_gisz a_ (m)_asz_—_pab_-_mesz_

(m)_pab_—li-i _dumu_ (m)(d)szA-masz—_pab_-ir

(m)_pab_-_mesz_-ia _dumu_ (m)ba-ni-i

(m)la(*)—qe-pu A (m)_pab_-_mesz_-szu

(m)_en_—szal-lim A (m)ia-di—_dingir_

(m)_en_—_ti-la a_ (m)_en_—_pab_—_asz_

(m)s,al-la-a A (m)man-nu—ia-a-ri

[(m)x x x]—_man_(?) A (m)szA—(d)_pa_—szu-u

AI Translation

who have been seized by ahahu, their hearts, their lungs, their tongues, they are stricken and they are stricken.

These are the ones that are below. They are liable for the loss.

Babilayu, son of Nabû-kashir;

Zer-leshir, son of Iddin-ahhe;

Ahu-lî, son of Shamash-nashir;

Ahheya, son of Banî;

La-qepu, son of Ahheshu;

Bel-shallim, son of Yadi-ili;

Bel-uballit, son of Bel-ahu-iddina;

Shallaya, son of Mannu-iari;

...-sharru, son of Sha-Nabû-shû;


who are each wounded, with their hearts ripped out and their tongues torn out, and mutilated.

These are the ones placed under the ... and judged:

Babilayu, son of Nabû-kashir;

Zer-leshir, son of Iddin-ahhe;

Ahu-le'i, son of Shamash-nashir;

Ahheya, son of Banî;

La-qepu, son of Ahheshu;

Bel-shallim, son of Yadi'-il;

Bel-uballit, son of Bel-ahu-iddina;

Shallaya, son of Mannu-yari;

...-sharri, son of Sha-Nabû-shû;

Obverse Column ii


sza a-na 02-szu x#+[x x x x]

_pab 35_ qin-na#-[a-te x x] ba-tiq mu-[x x x x x]

(m)(d)szA-masz—_man_—_pab_ [x x x]

(m)kun-zu-ba(*)-nu(?)# [x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—mu-szab-[szi x x x]

_pab 02 kalag_ [x x x x]

(m)A-ia _sar#_ [x x x x]

(m)zab-di-i [x x x x]

(m)_man_—_igi-lal_-a-ni [x x x x]

(m)_suhusz_—_kaskal-2_ [x x x x]

(m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_ [x x x x]

_pab 05_ szA x#+[x x x x]

(m)ba—a-a-di—_dingir#_ [x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_asz_(?)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

which twice .

35 groves ..., ... .

Shamash-sharru-ushur .

Kunzubanu ...;

Nabû-mushabshi .

in all, 2 strong .

Aplaya, ...;

Zabdî ...

Sharru-emuranni .

Ubru-Harran, ...;

Bel-ahhe-riba .

Total 5 of ...

Ba-adi-il ...

Nabû-shumu-iddina .


which ... twice/into two.

Total 35 families ..., mutilated .......

Shamash-sharru-ushur ...;

Kunzubanu ...,


total 2 adults ....

Aplaya ...,

Zabdî ...,

Sharru-emuranni ...,

Ubru-Harran ...,

Bel-ahhe-eriba ...;

total 5 .......

Ba-yadi-il ...,

Nabû-shumu-iddina ...,

P335722: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(m)x x]—_dingir_-a _dumu_(?)# [(m)x x x]

[x x x] _dumu_ (m)(d)_pa#_—[x x x x]

[(m)x-x]—tak-lak _lu_-[x x]

AI Translation

...-ila'i, son of NN,

..., son of Nabû-.

...-taklak, ...;


...-ila'i, son of NN

NN, son of Nabû-...

...-taklak, ...

P335723: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)ri-mu-tu _lu_(v)-03-szu

03 _dumu_-_mesz 02 mi_-[_mesz_(?) 01] _dumu_(*)#-_mi_

01 _dumu_—_nin_ [(x x)]

01(*) a-na _ugu_ x#+[x] _ansze_(*)#-_nita_ [o]

_pab 08 01_ gam-mal [x (x)]+x#

(m)ki-rib(*)-tu _lu_(v)#-[x (x) x]+x#

01 _mi 01 ansze_(*)-_nita_(*)#

01 gam-mal 01 _lu_(v)#-([x])

(m)la—ba(*)#-si sza—_bad_-_hal_

02 _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz 02 mi_-[_mesz_]

_pab 05 04 ansze_ [o(*)]

_pab 16 erim zi_-_mesz_-szu-nu

AI Translation

Rimutu, 'third man';

3 sons, 2 women, 1 daughter;

1, the daughter of ...;

1 for ... donkeys;

in all 8; 1 ...;

Kiribtu, ...;

1 woman, 1 donkey;

1 ..., 1 ...;

La-bashi, cavalryman;

2 servants, 2 women;

Total 5: 4 donkeys.

in all, 16 people, their people.


Remuttu, 'third man' on the chariot,

3 sons, 2 women, one daughter,

1 son of a sister, ...

1 for ...... donkey.

In all, 8; 1 dromedary ....

Kiribtu, ...

one woman, 1 donkey,

1 dromedary, 1 ...

La-bashi, cavalryman,

2 slaves, 2 women.

In all, 5; 4 donkeys.

Total, 16 men with their folks.



(m)_en_—_du_-usz _dumu_—_ka-dingir_-_mesz_

01 _arad pab 02_

AI Translation

Bel-epush, Babylonian;

1 slave: in all 2;


Bel-epush, citizen of Babylon,

1 slave: in all, 2.



(m)sa-ra-a-ni (m)ri-mu-tu

_pab 02 lu_(v)-_unug_(!)-_ki_-a-a

_pab 20 erim zi_

02 gam-mal 03 _ansze_

AI Translation

Saranu, Rimutu,

in all 2 Urukeans.

in all, 20 people, .

2 ..., 3 hectares;


Sarani, Remuttu:

in all, two Urukites.

In all 20 men and their folks,

2 dromedaries, 3 donkeys.

P335724: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_lu-erim_-_mesz_ x#+[x]

ina É—(d)[x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_su_ [x]


(m)x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

men ...

in the temple of DN.

Nabû-eriba ...


NN ......


People, ...

in the temple of DN ......:

Nabû-eriba ...

Marduk-iddina ...




_pab_ [x x x]

AI Translation

total ...


Total: ......

P335725: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)ab-di—i-ia(*)-zi o(*)

sza _uru_-kar—(m)asz-szur—_pab_—_asz_



02 _gud_-_mesz 02 ansze_-_mesz_

20 _udu_-_mesz_ [x] _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_

[x x x (m)(d)(_amar_)]-_utu#_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation


of Kar-Ashur-ahu-iddina.



2 oxen, 2 donkeys:

20 sheep, x homers of barley,

... Marduk-sharru-ushur



of Kar-Esarhaddon.


The woman Ezibtu.

2 oxen, 2 donkeys,

20 sheep, x homers of barley,

... Marduk-sharru-ushur.



[x x x x x]+x _kug-ud#_

[x _ma_(?) (m)]ar-za-a-a

1::2 _ma_ (m)ze-e-zi-i

AI Translation

...... silver

x minas, Arzâ.

1/2 mina, Zezi.


... silver,

... — Arzayu.

Half a mina — Zezî.

P335726: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)szu(?)-x-x# [x x x x x x x x x x]

(m)ir-bi—hal-di a-di(?)# [x x x x x x] o(*) ina _uru_-ir-bu-[x x x x x x]

(m)Ar-he-e _lu-nu-gisz#_-[_sar_ x x x x]

_pab 09 zadim_-_mesz_ ina(?) _lu_-[x x x x x]

_pab_-ma 03-me-88(*)# [x x x x x x]

[x] x x x x# [x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x] x _pab_(?)# 03 _kaskal-gid_(?)# [x x x x]

[x _gisz_]-_sar_-_mesz_ sza _gisz_-til-lit [x x x x x]

[(x) x]-me(?)#-60 _a-sza_-_mesz 03_-me-84#+[x x x]

[(x) x x]+x#-ti(?) _gisz-sar a-sza_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

[(x) x (m)_tukul_-ti—A]—É-_szar-ra lugal kur_—[asz-szur]

AI Translation

Shu..., ......;

Irbi-Haldi and NN, in the town of Irbu...,

Arhe'e, gardener .

in all 9 ...-carpenters, in the .

Total: 388 .


......, in all 3 leagues .

x vineyards .

x60 hectares of field, 384 .

... ..., orchard, fields .

... Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria


Shu... ......,

Irbi-Haldi and his people in the town of Irbu...,

Arhê, gardener, .......

A total of 9 bow makers among the ....

In all, 388 ......


......, a total of 3 double hours ...

... vineyards ......

x hundred and sixty hectares of field, 384 ...

... orchards, fields and ...

... Tiglath-Pileser III, king of Assyria

P335727: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x]+1 _kur_-bar-hal-zu(*)#

[x]+1 _uru_-arrap-ha

[x]+1 _uru_-kal-hu

[x]+1 _kur_—za-mu-u

[x]+1 (m(*))sza—asz-szur—du-bu

AI Translation

x+1, Barhalzu;

x+1, Arrapha;

x+1, Calah;

x+1, the land of Zamû;

x+1 Sha-Ashur-dubbu;


1, governor of Barhalzu;

1, governor of Arrapha;

1, governor of Calah;

1, governor of Mazamua;

1, Sha-Ashur-dubbu.



[_pab_] 13(*)#

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]+x#-_kam_

AI Translation

Total 13

Month ..., day, eponym year of .


Total 13.

Month of ..., day, eponym year of La-bashi 657 B.C..

P335728: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] :# _un_(*)-[_mesz_-szu]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x# [:-]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]—_an_-e :-

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _ki-ta_ :-

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] :(*)

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]-_mu_(*)# :(*)

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-szu

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uru_(?)#-a-bat-te(*)-e :-

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x# _engar_(*)—É _uru_-x#+[x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x] a-di _un_-_mesz_-szu

[x x x x x x x x x x x x _uru_]-ti#-i-na(*) :-

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _engar_(*)#—É _uru_-bi-[x (x)]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x (m)]qa#-tar—_dingir_ [(x x)]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _engar_(*)#—É x#+[x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uru_(?)#-ad-x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uru_-kal-ha(*)# [x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uru_-har-hum(*)-ba(*)#

[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uru-nina_ [o(*)]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x# _uru_-ba-du-u(?)-a(?)#

AI Translation

...... means his people.

...... ditto;

......-shamê ditto;

...... lower ditto;

...... ditto;

......-iddin, ditto;

...... him

...... the town of Abattê ditto;

......, farmer of the household of the town .

...... and his people

...... the town of Tina ditto;

......, farmer of the household of the town Bi.

...... Qatar-ilu .

...... farmer of the household .

...... the town Ad.

...... Calah .

...... Harhumba

...... Nineveh

...... Badua


...... ditto his people,

...... ditto,

......-shamê ditto,

...... lower ditto,

...... ditto,

......... ditto,

...... his ...,

...... the town of Abattê ditto,

...... estate farmer of the town of ...,

...... and his people,

...... the town of Tina ditto,

...... estate farmer of the town of Bi...,

...... Qatar-il, ...,

...... estate farmer of ...,

...... the town of Ad...,

...... Calah ...,

...... Harihumba,

...... Nineveh,

...... Badû'a,



[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uru_-ia(?)#-[x x x]

AI Translation

...... Ya...


...... Ya...

P335729: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)(d)_szu_—_mu_—_du dumu_ (m)tab-né-e-a _dumu_ (m)_dingir_—_kar_-ir _lu-masz-masz_ qin-ni sza É (m)ga-hal É—_ad_-szu ina _igi en_-ia

(m)_ki_—(d)_amar-utu_—_ti-la dumu_ (m)szA-pik—_numun dumu_ (m)ba-la-su qin-ni sza É (m)_mu_—lu-ub-szi _lu-usz-ku_ É—_ad_-szu ina _igi_ É—(d)_lugal_—_er-ra_

(m)(d)_kaskal-kur_-u _dumu_ (m)mar-duk _dumu_ (m)(d)_ba-u_—_apin_-esz qin-ni sza É (m)_en_—e-t,i-ra É—_ad_-szu ina _igi ka_ e-reb (d)gu-la

AI Translation

Marduk-shumu-ibni, son of Tabnea, son of Ilu-etir, exorcist, has taken the estate of Gahal, his father's house, to my lord.

Itti-Marduk-balatu, son of Sha-pik-zeri, son of Balasu, the 'third man' of the house of Shumu-lubshi, the weaver of his father's house, before the house of Sharru-erra.

Harran-shadû, son of Marduk, son of Babu-eresh, the family of the house of Bel-etira, his father's house, in front of the gate of the entrance of Gula.


Marduk-shuma-ibni, son of Tabnea, son of Ilu-etir, exorcist; family of the house of Gahal; his paternal house faces my lord's.

Itti-Marduk-balatu, son of Shapik-zeri, son of Balassu; family of the house of Shumu-lubshi, lamentation priest; his paternal house faces the temple of Lugal-Erra.

Balihû, son of Marduk, son of Babu-eresh; family of the house of Bel-etira; his paternal house faces the Gate of the Entry of the goddess Gula.



(m)szA—pi-i—_en a_ (m)A-ia _dumu_ (m)qi-il-ti-i qin-ni sza É _lu-ma-du-du_ É-szu-nu ina a-hu-la-a in-di _pu_(*) _sze-numun_

(m)_en_—_pab_—_asz dumu_ (m)(d)_pa_—ka-s,ir _dumu_ (m)(d(*))_pa_—_zu_ qin-ni sza É (m)e-gi-bi É—_ad_-szu ina _sila_ sza (d)isz-ha-ra

_pab 05 lu-erim_-_mesz_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_en_-szu-nu a-na _ti-la zi_-_mesz_-szu a-na (d)_en_

AI Translation

Sha-pi-Bel, son of Aplaya, descendant of Qiltî, the family of the house of the boatmen, has taken their house in the river. He has poured out a well of seed corn.

Bel-ahu-iddina, son of Nabû-kashir, son of Nabû-le'i, the tenant of the house of Egibi, his father's house, in the street of Ishhara.

In all 5 men of Nabû-belshunu, for the preservation of his life and for the life of Bel.


Sha-pî-Bel, son of Aplaya, son of Qiltî; family of the house of the Boatman; their house is on the other side, beside the well of the field.

Bel-aha-iddin, son of Nabû-kashir, son of Nabû-le'i; family of the house of Egibi; his paternal house is in the street of the goddess Ishhara.

In all, five people, whom Nabû-belshunu has exempted from claims and presented to the god Bel for the preservation of his life.

P335730: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 ha ia a kam 01 qa-pi-ru _ku6_-_mesz_ sza (m)la(*)-ba-su _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kar_

01 sa-lu za-am-ri sza (m)szA—(d)_pa_—szu-u _lu_(v)-_gal_—_sag_

01 da-pi-'u _kug-ud_ ni-ih-su _kug-gi_ sza (m)mil-ki—_zalag_

01 _udu-nita_ sza (m)_en_—_kalag_-an _lu_(v)-_nam_ na-a-a-ba(*)-ni

AI Translation

1 ha, a cow, 1 qapiru of fish, of Labasu, chief of trade.

1 basket of mixed fruit, of Sha-Nabû-shû, chief eunuch.

1 silver ring, a gold ring of Milki-nuri,

1 male sheep of Bel-dan, the governor of Nabani;


1 ......; 1 ... of fish, of Labasu, chief of trade;

1 basket of fruit, of Sha-Nabû-shû, chief eunuch;

1 silver ... with a gold band, of Milki-nuri.

1 sheep, of Bel-dan, governor of ...



[_iti_-x _ud_ x]+1-_kam_ [lim-mu (m)x x x x]

AI Translation

Month ..., xth day, eponym year of NN.


Month ..., xth day, eponym year of NN.

P335731: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)_en_—_sum_-na _lu_-sze-lap-pa-a-a [o] A (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu [o] (m)rém-ut—(d)gu-la _dumu#_-[szu] _mi_-qu-na-ba-tu# _mi_-in-qa-a-a [o] _mi_-kul-la-a-a _mi_-a-dir-tu _mi_-bi-it-tu-u _pab 04 dumu-mi_-_mesz_-szu

_pab 07_ qi-in-nu É (m)_arad_—_gir4_(*)#-_kug_ in-di É(*)—(d)_pa_ sza (m)ha-ri#-e

(m)ki-din—(d)mar-duk _lu-gal_—_du a_ (m)sa-pi-ki# _mi_-bé-lat-su-nu _nin_-su _pab 02_ ina _ka_ sa-a-me(*)

(m)_numun_-u-tu _lu-kasz-lul_ sza (d)be-lit—_ka-dingir-ki mi_-ma-qar-tu _nin_-su

AI Translation

Bel-iddina, a builder, son of Bel-ahheshu; Remut-Gula, his son; Qunabatu, Inqaya, Kullaya, Adirtu, Bittû, in all 4 daughters of his;

Total 7 — the house of Urdu-ilu. In the district of the house of Nabû of Harê.

Kidin-Marduk, chief chanter, son of Sapiku; the woman Belatsunu, his sister; a total of 2 at the gate of Sam'u.

Zerrutu, cupbearer of the Lady of Babylon, and Maqartu, his sister.


Bel-iddin, architect, son of Bel-ahheshu; Remut-Gula, his son; Qunnabatu, Inqaya, Kullaya, Adirtu, Bittû — in all, 4 daughters of his.

Total, 7, family of the house of Arad-Nergal; the house is beside the temple of the god Nabû-sha-harê.

Kidin-Marduk, chief builder, son of Sapiku; the woman Bilassunu, his sister. In all, 2 in the Gate of Same.

Zerutu, cupbearer of the goddess Belet-Babili; the woman Maqartu, his sister. In all 2.



(m)bu-lut, _lu-kab-sar a_ (m)_dumu-usz_-ia

_pab 03_ qi-in-nu É (m)_zalag_—(d)30 in-di szu-tu-um-me _lugal_

_mi_-ga-ga-a-a _mi_-szu sza (m)id-du-u-a _lu-gal_—_du_ ina _ka_ sa-a-me

_pab 13 dumu_—_ka-dingir-ra-ki_

(m)_pab_-u-nu _dumu_ (m)sa-pi-ki _lu-a-ba uru-gu-du8-ki_-a-a

_pab 14 zi_-[_mesz_(*)]

AI Translation

Bullutu, scribe, son of Aplaya.

In all, 3 houses in the estate of Nur-Sin. The king's extispicy.

Gagâ, wife of Iddu'a, chief cook, at the gate of Sam'u.

in all, 13 Babylonians.

Ahunu, son of Sapiku, scribe of Cutha.

in all 14 persons,


Bullutu, engraver, son of Aplaya.

In all, three families of the house of Nur-Sin, beside the king's silos.

The woman Gagayu, wife of Iddu'a, chief builder in the Gate of Same.

In all, 13 Babylonians.

Ahunu, son of Sapiku, scribe, from Cutha.

In all, 14 people.

P335732: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc









AI Translation

















AI Translation









AI Translation








P335733: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[o] _pab# 03_ (m)15—u-zu(*)-uz(*)#-na-szi(?)#

[o] (m)asz-szur—_en_—_lal_ (m)ga-lul

[o] (m)15—tuk-lat _pab 03 a_—[x]

[o] (m)_u-gur#_—_kalag_-an (m)in-[x]

[o] _pab_(*) 02(*) (m)asz-szur—_en_—_lal_

AI Translation

Total 3: Issar-uzuzunashi.

Ashur-belu-taqqin, Galul,

Issar-tuklat, in all 3 ...;

Nergal-dan, In...,

in all, 2: Ashur-belu-taqqin.


In all 3 — Issar-uzuznashi.

Ashur-belu-taqqin, Gallulu,

Issar-tuklat: in all 3 messengers.

Nergal-dan, In...:

in all, 2 — Ashur-belu-taqqin;



[ina] _szu_(*)#-2(*) (m)_pab_-bu-u _gal_(*)—50 x# (m(*))a-zar4—ia-u

AI Translation

in the charge of Ahu-abû, commander-of-50, and Azar-yau.


in the charge of Ahabû, commander-of-fifty; ... Azar-ya'u



[x x]—_man_(*) _gal_—_a-zu_(*)

[_pab_] 03(*) (m)(d)_utu_—_zalag_

[o (m)]_ti_(*)—_man_(*)-_mesz_-ni(?)

[o] (m)uz-na-a'

AI Translation

...-sharru, chief physician;

Total 3: Shamash-nuri.

773 BC Balatu-sharrani.



...-sharru, chief physician:

in all, 3 Shamash-nuri.



P335734: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc










AI Translation






the maid of the lord












P335735: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



30(*)# _uru-kur_-[x x x x]

04(*) da(*)#-[x x x x]

11 _erim zi_(*)#-[_mesz_ x x]

_pab 15_(?)# [x x x x]

_pab 06_(?) _mi#_-[_mesz_]

_pab 21 erim zi_-[_mesz_ x x]

sza(*) (m)ik-x x# [x x x]

a(*)#-[na] _ugu_(*)# pi-i _lu_(v)(*)-[x x x]

[(m)]ha-su-a-ta# [x x]

[x] _uru_-ab-na-na(?)# [x x x]

01(?)# _arad_—_kur 06_ sza x#+[x x]

_pab_(*)# 07 sza(*) (m)10(*)—[x x (x x)]

[x]+x# _uru_-gar-ga-mis# [x x (x x)]

[sza(?)] (m)su-su-u-a _lu_(v)#-[x (x x)]

[(x) x _uru_]-kul(?)#-la-ni#-[a (x x)]

[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

30 — governor of .

4 ......;

11 persons, persons ...;

total 15 ...

in all 6 women.

in all, 21 persons, .

of Ik...

Concerning the mouth of the .

Hasuata ...

... Abnana ...

1 palace servant, 6 of ...;

Total 7 of Adda-...,

... Carchemish .

of Susu'a, ...

... Kullania .



30, from the town ......

4 ......

11 people, deportees ...:

in all, 15 ....

In all, 6 women

Grand total, 21 people deportees...,

in the charge of Ik......,

on the orders of the ...-official.

Hasuata ...,

from the town Abnana, ...

1 palace servant, 6 of ...:

in all, 7 in the charge of Adad-...,

from the city Carchemish ...

and of Susu'a, ...

of the city Kullania




06 _kur-uri_-[a-a]

_pab 02 lu_(v)-[x x x]

72(*) sza(?) [x x x]

_pab 74_(*) _erim_(?)# [_zi_-_mesz_(?) (x x)]

01 _dumu 01#_ [x x x]

_pab 02 dumu#_-[x x]

_pab 76_(*) _erim_-[_mesz_ x x]

07 _mi_-_mesz_ [01 _dumu-mi_(?)]

_pab 08 mi_-_mesz_ [o]

_pab 84 erim zi#_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

6 Urartian,

in all 2 ...

72 of ...;

a total of 74 persons, .

1 son, 1 ...;

in all, 2 sons of .

a total of 76 men .

7 women, 1 daughter;

in all 8 women.

a total of 84 persons, dead.


6 Urartians.

In all, two ...

72, of ...:

in all, 74 people, deportees

1 boy, 1 ...

in all, 2 boys ...:

in all, 76 people ...

7 women, 1 girl,

in all 8 women.

Grand total, 84 people, deportees.

P335736: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(m)(d)]_en_—_ki_-a _lu_(v)-02-i [o]

[(m)(d)_en_]—lu—_ti lu_(v)-_gal_—_uru#_

[(m)mar]—la(*)-rim _dumu_ (m)_pab_—x#+[x x]

[(m)x x]+x# _lu_(v)-_sag lu_(v)(*)-[x x] [x x x x x]+x x# [x x]

AI Translation

Bel-isse'a, deputy;

Bel-lu-balat, city manager;

Mar-larim, son of Ahu-...;

NN, eunuch, ...


Bel-isse'a, deputy ...;

Bel-lu-balat, village manager;

Mar-larim, son of Ahu-...;

... eunuch, ...

P335737: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


(m)_man_—_igi-lal_-[an-ni x x x]

sza kar—[x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x x x x x x]

A (m)bi—da-di o(*)

_simug-kug-gi_ o(*)

sza kar—(m)_di_-ma-nu#—[_masz_]

(m)arba-il-a-a o(*)

[A (m)]a-szi-ra-a o(*) [x x x x]+x#-te o(*)

AI Translation

Sharru-emuranni .

of Kar-......

Nabû-..., ...;

son of Bi-Dadi;


From Kar-Shallimanni-ashared.


son of Ashirâ, ...te;


Sharru-emuranni ...

of Kar-...;


son of Bi-Dadi,


of Kar-Shalmaneser;


son of Ashirâ,

P335738: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


02(?)-te(?) _bur_(*) sza(*) É(*)#-[_gal_(?)]

01 _mi_—É(?)-[_gal_(?)]

[01] _dumu_—_lugal#_

[x] _lu_(v)-_sukkal_ dan-[nu]

[x] _lu_(v)-_sukkal 02_-[u]

[x] _lu_(v)#-_numun_(?)—[_man_]

[x] _lu_(v)#-_dib_(?)—_pa_-[_mesz_]

[x _lu_(v)]-_gal_(?)—ki(?)-s,ir(*)#

AI Translation

2 ...s of the palace;

1, the queen;

1, the crown prince;

x, the chief vizier;

x, the deputy vizier;

x, the crown prince;

x, chariot drivers;

x, cohort commanders;


Second meal of the palace:

1, the queen;

1, the crown prince;

x, the grand vizier;

x, the deputy vizier;

x, the kings' seed;

x, the chariot drivers;

x, the cohort commanders;

P335739: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i





_pab 03 uru_-a-bi-la-te#

ina _kur_-i(*)-zal [o]

(m)hal-di-ia-a [o]


_uru#_-bu-szA-a _uru_(*)-hu(*)-ub(*)#-[x (x)]

[_pab_(*)] 05# (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ ku (m)asz-szur—x#+[x (x)]

[(m)]nu-ri-ia(?)# [(x)]

[(m)]_kam_-[esz—x (x)]

_pab 02 kur_(*)-x# [x x x]

(m)_en_—[x x x x]

(m)x#+[x x x x x]

(m)be-[x x x x]

_pab 03_ [_uru_-x x x]

_pab 05_ [(m)x x x]

(m)x#+[x x x x x]

(m)_pab_—[x x x x]

_pab 02_ x#+[x x x x]

(m)qur-[di—x x x]

(m)ni-[x x x x]

(m)(d)[x x x x]

_pab 03 uru#_-[x x x]

_pab 05_ (m)[x (x)] _ud_(?)#



_pab 02 uru_-qab-lit _kur_-i-zal




_pab 03_(!) _uru_-qar-e-na _bi-gud_

_pab 05_ (m)at-ta-a—id-ri





[o(*)] _pab 04 uru_-il-gi(*)-e(?)# [o]

AI Translation




in all, 3 from Abilate.

in Izalla.



Bushâ, Hub...,

Total 5: Nabû-sharru-ushur, together with Ashur-.



in all 2 ...-priests ...;


NN ......


in all, 3 — governor of .

Total 5: NN.

NN ......


in all 2 ......




in all 3 from the town ...;

Total 5: NN.



in all 2 from Qablit, the land of Izalla.




in all 3 — the town of Qarena, cattle.

Total 5: Attâ-idri.





in all, 4 from Ilgê.





total 3: town of Abilate,

in the land of Izalla.



town of Busha, town of Hup....

Total 5: Nabû-sharru-ushur, instead of Ashur-....



total 2: land of ...




total 3: ....

Total 5: ....



Total 2: ...




total 3: town of ...

Total 5: ...



total 2: town of Qablit in the land of Izalla




total 3: town of Qarena ...

Total 5: Atâ-idri.





total 4: town of Ilgê.

Obverse Column ii


[(m)x x x]-a(*)-nu

[(m)x x]-na(?)#—_dingir_



_pab 04 uru_-si-na(*)-'i-i(*)-ni(*)



_pab 05_(*) [(m)man]-nu—ki—_man_



_pab 02 uru#_-[e]-gal-lat



_pab 02 uru_-kak-kab-na-sze(?)


ina _uru_-qar-ti—hal-di

_pab 03 bi-gud bad_—_man_-ka

[_pab_] 06# (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

[x x x x (m)]_en_(?)—_man#_—_ag_(*)

AI Translation




in all, 4 from Sina'ini.



Total 5: Mannu-ki-sharri.



in all 2 from Egallat;

683 BC Bani-sharru-dahu.


in all 2 from Kakkabnashe.


in Qarti-haldi.

in all, 3 oxen of Dur-Sharrukku.

Total 6: Nabû-sharru-ushur.

...... Bel-sharru-ushur





total 4: town of Sina'ini.


town of Nuniba.

Total 5: Mannu-ki-sharri.



total 2: town of Ekallate.



total 2: town of Kakkabnashe.


in the town of Qarti-Haldi,

total 3: ... Dur-sharruken.

Total 6: Nabû-sharru-ushur.

... Bel-sharru-iram

Obverse Column iii


_pab 02 uru_-me-ri(?)#-[x (x)]

_pab 05_ (m)asz-szur—_en_—[x x]

(m)_gaszan_—_ad_(*)—_pab_(*) ina _uru_-e(*)#-[x]


ina _uru_-ab-na(?)#-[x x x]



_pab 02_ ina _uru_-bu-ram-ma(*)#

_pab 05_ (m)_di_-mu—_man_ [o]

(m)_sanga_—15 [o]

ina _uru_-ar-bu-na-a [o]

(m)mu-_sig_—10 [o]

ina _uru_-ha-a-ba

(m)nir-gi-i [o]

ina _uru_-il-hi-ni


ina _uru_-tak-ku-[x]

_pab 04_ (m)dan-na(*)#-[a-a]

AI Translation

in all 2 from Meri...;

Total 5: Ashur-belu-.

Sharrat-abu-ushur in the town of E...;


in the town of Abna.



in all 2 in the town of Buramma.

Total 5: Shulmu-sharri.


in Arbunâ.


in Haba.


in Ilhinu.


in Takku...

in all 4: Dannaya.


total 2: town of Meri...;

Total 5: Ashur-belu-....

Belet-abu-ushri in the town of E...,


in the Town of Abna...



total 2: in the town of Buramma.

Total 5: Shulmu-sharri.


in the town of Arbunâ,


in the town of Haba,


in the town of Ilhini,


in the town of Takku....

Total 4: Dannaya.

P335740: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


23(*) [x] _mi_(*)-_mesz_(*)#

15 _dumu-mi_-_mesz#_

_pab 43 mi_-[_mesz_]

_pab_(?)# 01(*)-me(*)# [x x x]

AI Translation

23 ... women;

15 daughters;

43 women in all;

in all 100 ...


23 women ...;

15 daughters ...;

in all, 43 women ....

Grand total, 100 ....

P335741: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x (m)x]—ra-mu [(x)] x (x#) [x x]

[x x x x x x (m)da(?)]-bi-bi :- (m)_mu_—_gin_ :-

[x x x x x x (m)x x x] _dumu_ (m)nu-ra-nu :-

[x x x x x x x x]-szar-ti 21(?) _ugu_ (m)arba-il-a-[a]

[x x x x x x (m)]_en#_—_ti-la_ (m)s,il—(d)_nin-lil#_

[x x x x x x x x x] _en in gal bad gisz-gigir_

[x x x x x x x x] (m)_hi-li_—(d)15

[x x x x x x x x x x (m)]bar(?)#-hu(*)-u [x x x x x x x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

...... ...-ramu .

...... Dabibi ditto, Shumu-ukin ditto,

......, son of Nuranu, ditto;

...... 21 against Arbailayu

...... Bel-uballit, Shil-Mullissi,

...... lord of the great wall of the chariot

...... Hili-Issar

...... Barhû


......-ramu, ...;

...... Dabibi ditto; Shumu-ukin ditto;

......, son of Nuranu, ditto;

......... 21 incumbent on Arbailayu;

...... Bel-uballit; Shil-Mullissu;

...... NN, ......;

...... Kuzub-Issar;

...... Barhû;

P335742: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x]-_mesz zah_-_mesz_ sza# _lu_(v)-_en-nam_ [o] sza _uru_-szi-i-mu

[(m)]man-nu—a-ki—asz-szur sza _uru_-su-sa-nu

(m)_suhusz_—_dumu-usz_ sza _uru-dul_(?)—[x-(x)]-a-a#

[(m)(x)]-ta(?)# ma tu qu

[(m)](d)_pa_—_pab_-ir sza _uru_-ir#-ba-a-a


[(m)]_arad_(?)#—(d)15 [sza] _uru_(*)#-du-un-na(?)-te(?)# [x x x x]+x#-ma-a-[x] [x x x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

x, seized by the governor of Shimu;

Mannu-aki-Ashur of Susa,

Ubru-apli of Dur-...aya;

...ta, ...;

Nabû-nashir of the town of Irbâ;


Urda-Issar of Dunnate


x people, runaways, of the governor of the town of Shimu.

Mannu-aki-Ashur, of Horse Trainer Town;

Ubru-apli, of Til-...aya;


Nabû-nashir, of the town Irbayu;


Urda-Issar, of the town Dunnate.

Obverse Column ii


(m)qa(*)-ri-ta-a-a sza _uru_-di-bi-ra-a(*)-ti

[(m)]za-am-x#+[x x x x] [x]+x# (m)_suhusz_—_pab_(*)-[_mesz_] _pab 03 uru_-u-bu-[x (x x)]

(m)man-nu—a-ki—_sza_—_uru#_ ([x x]) [(m)](d(?))#10—bé-sun [(m)x]-bur—sze-e' [_pab_ x] _uru#-01_-tu [x x x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

Qaritayu of the town of Dibirati;

Zam..., NN, Ubru-ahhe, a total of 3 from Ubbû...,

Mannu-aki-Libbali, Adad-bessunu, ...bur-she', a total of x from Issete;


Qaritayu of the town Dibirati;

Zam..., ... Ubru-ahhe: Total 3, of the town Upu...

Mannu-aki-Libbali, Adad-bessunu, Ubur-she': Total 3, of the town Issutu.

Reverse Column i


(m)ab-du-u(?) [(x)] _uru_-na-hal—_du_-[x]

_pab#_ [x x x x x x]

_uru-sze_(*)—(m(*))[x x x x x]

(m)a-zi—_dingir#_ [x x x]

_uru_-ta-ma(?)-ra-na(?)# [o]

(m)I(*)-_gal_(*)—_dingir_-_mesz_-ni _uru_-s,a-i-di-ni

(m)zer(*)-ma-hu o(*)

AI Translation

Abdû, from Nahal-...;

total ......

the village of NN .

Azi-il ...


Ibashi-ilani, from Shaidini;



Abdû of the town Nahal-....

Total .......

of the village NN ...;

Azi-il ...,

of the town Tamarana;

Ibashi-ilani, of the town of Shaidini;


Reverse Column ii





[x] _erim# uru_-x#-zu(?)-li(?)-hi

[_pab_ x]-me#-40 _erim#_-_mesz_ [o] _zah_-_mesz_

AI Translation




x men from ...zulihi;

in all, x+40 exempts.





— x people of the town ...zulihi.

In all, x+140 people, fugitives.

P335743: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] 12 [x x x x]

[x x x] _pab 15 lu-erim_-_mesz_

[x x x] 05(*)# _mi-qal_-_mesz_

[x x x] _pab 29 erim zi_-_mesz_ [x x x] x x x# [x x]

AI Translation

...... 12 .

... in all 15 men

... 5 females;

... in all 29 persons, dead .


... 12 ...;

... total, 15 people.

... 5 females, young

... in all, 29 people, deportees.

P335744: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)a-[x x x x x x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x x x x x x]

(m)_u-gur_—szal-lim# [x x] x x# [x x]

_pab 01 lu_(v)-qur-bu-[ti x x (x x)]

01 _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir 03 x#+[x x x]

AI Translation


total ......

Nergal-shallim .

in all, 1 bodyguard .

1 tailor, 3 ...;


NN ......

in all ......

Nergal-shallim ......

Total, 1 bodyguard ...,

1 tailor, 3 ...,



01 _nu-gisz-sar_—ur-qi [(x x)]

01 s,a-hur-tu 01 _du_(?) 01 x# [(x)]

_pab 09 erim kalag_-[_mesz_(?)]

AI Translation

1 gardener's orchard ...;

1 ...;

in all, 9 strong men.


1 vegetable gardener

1 adolescent, 1 ... 1 ...:

in all 9 adult people.



01 _dumu 05 01_ :(*) 04 02 :(*) pir(*) _pab_(*)# [04 _dumu_-_mesz_]

_pab 13 erim_-_mesz 12 mi_-x x#+[x x]

03 _dumu-mi 04 05_ : 03 _pab 08_(?) [_dumu_(*)-_mi_-_mesz_]

_pab 20 mi_-_mesz_ x# _pab 33 erim_ [o]

06 _gud 01 gisz-sar_ ur-qi 02(?) [x x x]

[_pab_-ma x] _lu_(v)-qur-bu-[ti x x x x]

[x x x] 21 ka-s,ir [x x x x x]

[x _gisz-sar_]—ur-qi(?)# [x x x x x] [x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 son of 5 spans' height; 1 ditto, of 4 spans' height; 2 ditto, of pir; in all 4 sons.

in all 13 men, 12 women .

3 daughters, 4 of 5 spans' height, 3 daughters, in all 8 daughters,

in all 20 women ..., in all 33 men.

6 oxen, 1 vegetable garden, 2 ...;

All together ... royal bodyguards .

... 21 ... ...

x orchards .


1 son of 5 spans, 1, ditto, of 4 spans, 2, ditto, weaned: in all, 4 sons.

Total, 13 men, 12 women ...,

3 daughters of 4 spans, 5, ditto, of 3 spans: total 8 daughters:

in all, 20 women, ... Grand total 33 men and women

6 oxen, 1 vegetable garden, 2 ....

Grand total x bodyguards ...,

... 21 tailors ......

x vegetable gardeners ...

P335745: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x (m)](d)_be_—_sum_-[na(?) x x x]

[x x x x] (m)(d)_im_—_ba_-szA _bul_(?)# [x x x]

[x x x (m)](d(?))#_nu-dim-mud_—_sig7_ x#+[x x x]

[x x x]+x-na# (m)_di-kud_—(d)_im#_ [x x x]

[x x x x]+x# (m)(d)_di_-ma-nu—[x x x x]

[x x x]+x#-ma (m)(d)_szu_—A—[x x x]

AI Translation

... Enlil-iddin .

... Adad-iqisha .

... Nudimmud-damqu .

... Dayyan-Adad .

...... Salmanu-.

... Marduk-aplu-.


... Illil-iddina...

... Adad-iqisha ......

... Nudimmud-bani ...

... Dayyan-Adad ...

... Salmanu-... ...

... Marduk-aplu-... ...

P335746: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)tab-_uru_-a-a _gud_

(m)dan-nu—_u-gur_ :-

(m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_du_ :-

(m)_man_—_igi-lal_-a-ni :-

(m)(d)_pa_—szal-lim :-

(m)_en_—_pab_-ir :-

o(*) _pab_ an-nu-te

sza _ga_-_mesz_

sza sa-li-a-te

AI Translation

Tabalayu, ox;

Dannu-Nergal, ditto;

Nabû-zeru-ibni, ditto;

Sharru-emuranni, ditto;

Nabû-shallim, ditto;

Bel-nashir, ditto;

All these are the king's men.

of the ...

of the saliate.


Tabalayu — an ox

Dannu-Nergal — ditto

Nabû-zeru-ibni — ditto

Sharru-emuranni — ditto

Nabû-shallim — ditto

Bel-nashir — ditto

All these —

of milk

of nets



sza qa-ru-hi

sza ia-nu-qi

sza _gisz-ur_-_mesz_

AI Translation

of qaruhu-trees

of the yanuqu-festival.

of beams


of ...

of a suckling

of beams.

P335747: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)bak(*)-ka-a(*) [x x x x x x]

sza (m)su-[x x x x x x x]

u (m)(d)na-na-[a—x x x x]

_lu_(v)-qur-bu#-[ti x x x x x]

(m)sam-si—sa-[x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—tab-[ni—_pab_(?) x x x x]

(m)ia(*)-di-i'# [x x x x]

(m)10—ku-na(*)-[x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_numun_(?)—[x x x x]

(m)ia-kin(?)#-[x x x x x]

_pab 11 erim_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

_mi_-il-x#+[x x x x x x x x]

sza (m)_ad_—_asz_(?) [x x x x]

30 _zi_-[_mesz_ x x x x]

sza (m)su#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Bakkâ ......

of Su......

and Nanaya-...,

the royal bodyguard .

Samsi-sa..., ...;

Nabû-tabni-ushur .

Yadi' ...


Nabû-zeru-..., ...;


in all 11 men .

the woman Il...

of Abi-iddina .

30 persons .

of Su...


Bakkâ ...

of Su...

and Nanaya-...

royal bodyguard...

Samsi-sagab ...

Nabû-tabni-ushur ...

Yadi' ...




in all, 11 people ...

The woman Il...

of Abu-iddina ...

30 deportees...

of Su...



50 _zi_-_mesz_ [x x x x x]

_arad_-_mesz_-szu [sza (m)x x x]

20 _ma-na kug-ud_ sza(*)# [x x x]

ina qa-an-ni(*)# [_uru_-x x x x]

sza(*) 10 _ma-na kug-ud_ [x x x x x]

ku-zip-pi ina _igi_ [(m)x x x x x]

_dumu_ (m)_en_—ra(?)-[x x x x x x]

sza 02 _gu_-[_un_ x x x x]

qi-ni-su#-[nu x x x x x]

_ta_(v) É-_mesz_-[szu-nu x x x x x]


_pab_ an-ni-u [x x x x]

ina _igi_ (m)(d)_szu_—A—[x x x x]

ina _bad_—(m)_lugal_(?)#—[_gin_(?) x x x x]

AI Translation

50 persons .

the servants of N

20 minas of silver of ...;

in the environs of the town .

of 10 minas of silver .

a garment at the disposal of NN.

son of Bel-ra.

of 2 talents .

their hands .

from their houses .

They are bringing it.

all this ......

at the disposal of Marduk-aplu-.

in Dur-Sharruken .


50 deportees ...

slaves of NN ...

20 minas of silver, of ...

on the outskirts of the town ....

To the value of 10 minas of silver ...

cloaks assigned to NN ...

son of Bel-.......

To the value of 2 talents of copper

their property ...

from their houses ...

was plundered.

All this ...

assigned to Marduk-aplu-...

in Dur-Sharruken.

P335748: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x x]+x# _dumu_(*)-szu _en_(?)-_mesz_(?)# [x x x x x x]

[(m)x x x x]-szu _dumu-mi_-su _ama_-[szu x (x x)]

[(m)x-x]-u-mu _ama_-szu _szesz_-szu _dumu_-szu _dumu_(?)#-[_mi_-su]

[(m)(x)-x]-na _mi_-szu _dumu_-szu [(x x x)]

[(m)x-x]-mu _mi_-szu _ama_-szu _szesz_-szu _nin_-su [o]

[(m)x-x]—a-bi _ama_-szu _mi_-szu 02 _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [o]

[(m)x-x]-ri _mi_-szu (m)za-ar-hi—_dingir ama_-szu GÉME-szu# [o]

[(m)x x] GÉME-szu [o]

[_pab_] an(*)#-ni-u sza (m(*))ga-a-a _ha-la_ a-na _dumu_(*)-_mi_(*)-_mesz_(*)-szu(*)# [(x x x)] u-za-ku-u-[ni o]

[x x]+x# ki-i _lugal_ i-ha-ru-u(*)#-[ni (x x)] [(m)x x x]-a-a _lu_(v)-_dumu_—_sig5_ [x x] x x# [x x] [x x x x] x x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... his son, the owners .

NN, his daughter, his mother, .

...umu, his mother, his brother, his son, his daughter,, his wife, son, ...;, his wife, his mother, his brother, his sister,

...-abi, his mother, his wife, and his 2 sons,

...ri, his wife, Zarhi-il, his mother, his maid,

NN, his maid;

All this is of Gaya, the share has been given to his daughters.

... when the king ...ed me, ...ayu, a 'good heir' .


...... ..., his son, ...s ......

...... of his, his daughter, his mother ...;

...umu, his mother, his brother, his son, his daughter;, his wife, his son;, his wife, his mother, his brother, his sister;

...-abi, his mother, his wife, his two sons;

...ri, his wife; Zarhi-il, his mother, his female slave;

NN, his female slave:

all this, which Zizibayu freed from encumbrances as a legacy for his daughters.

... as he approached the king, ...ayu, nobleman ..., ......

P335749: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


(m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-arad_ szA (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_pab_



(m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz pab 02_(*) _lu-arad_-_mesz_ szA (m)_numun_-u-ti _lu_(v)-03-_u5 gigir_(?)#-_mesz_

(m)ia-ta(?)-a#-a' _lu_(v)-:- (m)(d)_utu_—_pab_-[ir(?)]

_lu_(v)-03-_u5 gigir_(?)#-_mesz_ [(x)]

(m)lu-up-pu(?)# _lu_(v)-:- (m)gi-sa(*)#-[x (x)]

[(m)x-x-x]+x# _dumu_ (m)[x x x x] [x x x x] x x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Nabû-eriba, servant of Ashur-ahu-ushur.



Nabû-ahu-iddina, in all 2 servants of Zeruti, 'third man' of the cavalry.

Yata', ditto of Shamash-nashir;

'third man' of the chariotry,

Luppu, ditto of Gisa...;

... son of NN


Nabû-eriba, slave of Ashur-ahu-ushur,

horse trainer of open chariotry;


Nabû-ahu-iddina. Total 2 slaves of Zaruti, chariot 'third man.'

Yata', ditto, Shamash-nashir,

chariot 'third man.'

Luppu, ditto, Gisa...,

NN son of NN

Reverse Column ii


[(m)x]—ki-it#-[x x x x x x] [o] _lu#-a-ba_(?)# [x x x x]

(m)_arad#_—(d)_pa_(*) _lu#-a-ba_ x#+[x x x]

(m)_pab_-bu-u _lu-a-ba_(!) _kur_(*)-Ar(*)-ma(*)-a(*)#-[a]

_pab_ an-nu-te# _lu_-um(*)-ma(*)-a(*)-ni(*) [o] sza(*)# _en-nun_(*) [(x x x)]

AI Translation

...-kit..., scribe .

Urda-Nabû, scribe .

Ahabû, scribe of the Arabs.

All these are the scholars who keep the watch.


...kit..., scribe ...

Urda-Nabû, scribe ...

Ahabû, Aramaean scribe.

All these are scholars of the watch.



_pab 85_(?)# [o]

AI Translation

in all 85.


Total 85.

P335750: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)]na(?)-ni-i# [x x x x x x x]

[(m)](d)_pa_-u-a [_lu_-x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_zu lu_(*)#-[x x x x x x]

(m)_di_-mu—_lugal_ x# [x x x x x]

ina _ugu_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a [x x x x x]

(m)_en_—tak-lak _lu-arad_ (m)e-[x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_kad_-a-ni _lu_-:- (m)x#+[x x x]

(m)(d)_pa-tug_—sze-zib-a-ni _lu_-:- (m)_pab_(?)#-[x x (x)]

(m)(d)_im_—_pab_—_asz lu_-:- (m)x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Nanî ......

Nabû'a, ......;

Nabû-le'i, .

Shulmu-sharri .

Concerning Arbailayu .

Bel-taklak, servant of E...,

Nabû-kushuranni, ditto of NN,

Nusku-shezibanni, ditto of Ahu...;

Adad-ahu-iddina, ditto of NN, ...;


Nani ......

Nabû'a, ......

Nabû-le'i, ......

Shulmu-sharri, ......

incumbent on Arbailayu, ......

Bel-taklak, slave of E...

Nabû-kushuranni, ditto of NN

Nusku-shezibanni, ditto of Ahu-...

Adad-ahu-iddina, ditto of NN



(m)_arad_—(d)_du_-ti _lu-arad_ szA (m)[x x x x]

(m)szA-ki-ru _lu-arad_ szA (m)_pab_-bu-[u]

(m)pu-u-lu _lu_-:- (m)man-nu—ki—[x x]

(m)_uru_-[x] x x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Urdu-Baniti, servant of NN,

Shakiru, servant of Ahu-abû.

Pulu, ditto of Mannu-ki-...;

NN ......


Urda-Baniti, slave of NN

Shakiru, slave of Ahabû

Pulu, ditto of Mannu-ki-...

NN ......

P335751: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x]-_mesz_(?)# [o] sa#-a-a-te [la(?)] na-as-ha [x x] szal-hi-u [(x)] _uru_(*)#-szA-hu(*)-pa(*)

[(x) x]+1 i-si-ta-te [o] _gisz-ur_-_mesz_ s,ab-bu-tu

[o] sa#-a-a-te na-as-ha [(x) x] 20(?) 34(?)# 29

AI Translation

...s, not ...ed; ..., empty land, Shahupa.

x+1 towers, beams, ...;

The sattu-measure is ... 20;34 29.


...s, the scaffolds not removed; ... rampart — ... governor of Shahuppa.

x+1 towers, the beams fixed, the scaffolds removed;

... 20 34 29 ... brick-courses

Obverse Column ii


08 i-si-ta-te 32 29 27 25 15 12 tik-pi 07 06 05 04 szal-hi-u 01-me-05 _bad uru_-arrap-ha

03# i-si-ta-te 59 32 tik-pi _uru#_-kal-ha

[x] i-si-ta-te 22 [o(?)] 19 18 15 [x]-me#-05 01-me-03 _bad kur#_-qu-u-e

[(x) x] tik-pi i-si-tu [(x) x]+9(?) szal-hi-u [x]-me-05 _bad uru_-bir-tu

[x]+16 tik-pi i-si-tu

AI Translation

8 towers: 32 29 27 25 15 12; tikpu 7 6 5 4; a total of 105, the wall of Arrapha.

3 towers, 59 32 towers: Calah.

x towers: 22, 19, 18, 15, 105, 03 cavalry mounts of Que;

x brick-courses, a terrace, x+9 terraces, x+5 fortified wall of the fort

x+16 brick-courses, terrace;


8 towers, 32 29 27 25 15 12 brick-courses; 7 6 5 4, rampart; 105, city-wall — governor of Arrapha.

3 towers, 59 32 brick-courses — governor of Calah.

x towers, 22 19 18 15; 105 103, city-wall — governor of Que.

x brick-courses, one tower; ..., x+9, rampart; 105, city-wall — governor of Birtu.

x+16 brick-courses, one tower

Obverse Column iii


95 90 86(?)# 87 76 70 69 68 65 _lu_(v)-_nigir_—É-_gal_

89 81 80 79 54 52 _lu_(v)-_gal_—_kasz-lul_

78 77 _bad uru_-ar-pad-da

95 _bad 23# sig4 dagal_ tam-li-u _kur_-É—za-ma-ni#

01-me-28 _sig4#_ [_dagal_ o(?)] tam-li-u _lu#_-[x (x x)]

01-me _sig4 dagal_ [(x x)] _uru#_-ha-ta(?)#-[rik-ka]

[(x) x]+x szal(?)#-[hi-u] [(x) x]+x# ki x#+[x x]

AI Translation

95 90 86 87 76 70 69 68 65 — palace herald.

89 81 80 79 54 52, chief cupbearer;

78 77, the city wall of Arpad;

95 walls, 23 wide bricks, the terrace of Bit-Zamani;

127 wide bricks, the ...;

100 bricks wide, in the town of Hatarikka;

... the remainder


95 90 86 87 76 70 69 68 65 — the palace herald.

89 81 80 79 54 52 — the chief cupbearer.

78 77, city-wall — governor of Arpad.

95, city-wall; 23 wide bricks, terrace — governor of Bit-Zamani.

128 wide bricks, terrace — ....

100 wide bricks, terrace — governor of Hatarikka.

... rampart ... .......

Reverse Column i


[o _kur_]-bar-hal-zi#

[x] i-si-ta-te ga-mur [x]+13 :- _gisz-ur_-_mesz_ [o] s,ab-bu-tu [o] sa-a-a-te la na-as-ha _kur_-ra-s,a-pa

[o] 03 i-si-ta-te [o(?) _gisz_]-_ur_-_mesz_ [s,ab-bu]-tu#

AI Translation

governor of Barhalzi

x towers, completed; x+13 ditto beams, ..., not trimmed; the land Rashappa.

3 towers, ... of beams;


governor of Barhalzi.

x towers, completed; 13 ditto = towers, the beams fixed, the scaffolds not removed — governor of Rashappa.

3 towers, the beams fixed

Reverse Column ii


[x] 01-me-03 [x x x x]

[o] 01 (m)asz-szur—U—[_lal_(?)-in(?)] _gisz-ur_-_mesz_ s,ab#-[bu-tu] sa-a-a-tu na#-[as-ha]

AI Translation

... 103 ...

1 Ashur-belu-taqqin, the beams are seized and the sattu is removed.


... 103 ...

Ashur-belu-taqqin, the beams fixed, the scaffolds removed — treasurer.

P335752: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


81 20# [x x x] 83 _ta_(v) [x x x] 27 22 _ta_(v) _sza_(?)# [x x (x)] _uru-dul_—bar-sa-[ip(?)]

84 83 82 [x x x] 35 _ta_(v) É-a-ni [x x x]

91 89 850+[x x x] 81 74 (m)asz-szur—[x x]

[x] 82 81 [x x x] [x x x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

81 20 ...; 83 from ...; 27 22 from ... Dur-Barsip;

84 83 82 ... 35 from the house .

91 89 875+x ...; 81 74 Ashur-...;

82 81 ...


81 20 ..., 83 from ..., 27 22 from among ... — governor of Til-Barsip.

84 83 82 ..., 35 from the interior ....

91 89 85+x ..., 81 74 — Ashur-....

x 82 81 ...

Reverse Column i


[o] 90 (m)_pab_—le-i

[x]+20 (m)(szA)—asz-szur—du-ub#-[bu]

[x x (m)10(?)]—_kalag_-ni(?)-ni(?)#

[x x x (m)](d)30—_pab_-_mesz_—[_su_]

AI Translation

90, Ahu-le'i;

x+20 Sha-Ashur-dubbu;

... Adad-da''inanni

... Sennacherib


x 90 — Ahu-le'i;

x+20 — Sha-Ashur-dubbu;

x — Adad-da''inanni;

x — Sennacherib;

P335753: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Reverse Column i


ku#-[pi]-ru# ta(?)-bi(?)-[u] _uru_-ar#-pad-da

01 i(?)-si(?)-tu(?)# la na-as-ha-at(?)# 01 bi-[i]-bi la ga-mur ku-pi-ru ta-bi-u _kur_—za-mu-u

01 bi-i-bi la ga-[mur] ku-pi-ru ta-bi-u (m)asz-szur—U—_lal_

03(*) _szu-2_-_mesz_ sza _ka-gal 05_ i-si-ta-te _gisz-ur_-_mesz_ ta-bi-u-te s,ab-bu-tu [01] bi-i-bi# la ga-mur

AI Translation

a ... of the town Arpad;

1 ..., not smashed, 1 ..., not finished, a kuppiru-snake, a tabû-snake: the land of Zamû.

1 cloak, not finished, a kuppiru-vessel, a cloak: Ashur-belu-taqqin.

3 hands of the gate; 5 ...s of tabiru-wood, seized; 1 ... not finished.


the bitumen loose — governor of Arpad.

1 tower, ... not removed; 1 gutter, not completed, the bitumen loose — governor of Mazamua.

1 gutter, not completed, the bitumen loose — Ashur-belu-taqqin.

3/4 of the gateway; 5 towers, the loose beams fixed; 1 gutter, not completed,

Reverse Column ii


[x x x na]-as-ha ku-pi-[ru x x]-te [x x x x ga]-mur

AI Translation


... removed; the bitumen ...; the ... completed.

P335754: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x _a-sza_ ina _uru_-na(?)-s,i(?)]-bi(?)#-na

[x x x x x x]-t,u(*)-ti-szu

[x x x x x x] i-na-szi

[ina _igi_ (m)x x x] A(?) (m)da-ni-i

[x _a-sza_ ina _uru_-x]-pu(?)#-u

AI Translation

x hectares of field in Nashibina;

...... his ...

...... he is

at the disposal of NN, son of Danî.

x hectares of field in the town of ...pu;


x hectares of land in the city of Nashibina,


... took;

assigned to NN son of Danî.

x hectares in the town of ...pû

Obverse Column ii


01 _lu-engar_ [x x x x]

(m)as-qud x#+[x x x]


40 _a-sza_ ina _uru_-s,e(?)-e-la-a ina _igi_ (m)_uru_-kal-ha-a-a _lu_-szA—_gir_(*)-2(?)

40 _a-sza_ ina _uru_-a-pi-a-ni ina _igi_ (m)bar-bi-ri _lu_-gur-a-a [x x (x x)]

[x]+20(*) [_a-sza_ ina _uru_-x x x]

AI Translation

1 farmer ...;

Asqud ...

40 hectares of land in the town of Shillaya, assigned to Calah, sha shepi guard.

40 hectares of land in the town of Apiani, assigned to Barbiru, a Gurrean .

x+20 hectares of field in the town ...;


1 farmer ...;

Asqudu ...,


40 hectares of land in the town of Shelâ, assigned to Kalhayu, the sha shepi guardsman.

40 hectares of land in the town of Apiani, assigned to Barbiri, the Gurrean ....

x+20 hectares of land in the town ...

P335755: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x]-_mesz lugal_(*)



[x x]+x#-a


[_uru_-x x] _kar_(*)

[x x x x]-ra [x x x x]-x#

AI Translation

...s of the king





..., quay



...s of the king:







Obverse Column ii








[x]+x# _gal_—_kar_



AI Translation







... chief of trade










... chief of trade



Reverse Column ii


[(x x) x]+x# _nam_-_mesz_

[x x x]-_mesz kur#_

[x x x x] x#-_mesz_

AI Translation

... governors

...s of the land



... provinces

... of the palace


P335756: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]—ku(*)-du(*)-ri(*) la(*) tal-li-ka#

[x x x] la(*) u#-da(*) [o]

AI Translation

...-kudurri did not come

... I do not know


...-kudurri did not come

...... I do not know

P335757: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x] _ma_(*) _kug-ud_ szA (m)(d)#[x x x]

[x] _ma kug-ud_ szA (m)da-x#+[x x]

[x x] 1::4(?) [_kug_]-_ud_(*)# szA (m)ha-ni-i _lu_-[x (x)] [szA] _lu_-[_en_]-_nam#_ szA _uru_-ha-u-ri-na#

[x] _ma# kug-ud_ szA (m)_dingir_—dal-a _lu-02_-e [o] szA _uru_-ha-u-ri-na

[x] _ma kug-ud_ szA (m)zab-ba-a-nu _uru-kaskal-a_

[x] _ma kug-ud_ szA (m)(d)_im_—_du lu-sanga_ szA (d)_nin-gal_

[x] _ma_(*)# _kug-ud_ szA (m)_dingir_—id-ri _lu-dam-qar_

[x x x x x x x] x x#-li [x x x x x x] x x x#

AI Translation

x minas of silver of NN,

x minas of silver of Da...,

x 1/4 mina of silver of Hanî, ... of the governor of Hurina;

x minas of silver of Il-dalâ, deputy governor of Haurina.

x minas of silver of Zabbanu, of Harran.

x minas of silver of Adad-ibni, priest of Nikkal.

x minas of silver of Il-idri, merchant.



x minas of silver, of NN.

x minas of silver of Da....

x+1/4 of silver, of Hanî, ... of the governor of Haurina.

x minas of silver of Il-dalâ, deputy of Haurina.

x minas of silver, Zabbanu of Harran.

x minas of silver of Adad-ibni, priest of Nikkal.

x minas of silver, of Ilu-idri, the merchant.


Reverse Column ii


[(x) x x]-_mesz#_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ [o]

[x x] szA (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_di_ [o]

[(x) x x]-_mesz_ szA (m)_lugal_—_zi_—_ag lu-sag_

[x x]+13(*) _ma-na kug-ud_ [(m)ha-an]-da—a-si-ri [_lu-en_]-_nam_ szA _uru_-hab-ru-ri

[x (x) _sze_]-_pad#_-_mesz_ szA (m)_arad_—(d)15 [_lu_]-_a#-ba_ szA _igi_ pi-qit-ta-te

[x (x)] 60(*) _sze-pad_-_mesz_ x szA (m)ur-du

[x x] (m)_suhusz_—(d)07-_bi_

[x x]-_mesz_(*)# szA (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—x#+[x (x)] [(x)] _lu-gal_—x#+[x x]

AI Translation

...s, Nabû-sharru-ushur;

... of Nabû-ahhe-shallim

...s of Sharru-kettu-iddina, eunuch.

Handa-asiri, governor of Habruri, has contracted and bought her for x+13 minas of silver.

x homers of barley belonging to Urdu-Issar, scribe, in charge of the extispicy.

x 60 homers of barley ... of Urdu;

... Ubru-Sebetti

...s of Nabû-ahhe-..., chief .


... Nabû-sharru-ushur

... of Nabû-ahhe-shallim.

...s of Sharru-kettu-iram, eunuch.

x+13 minas of silver, Handa-asiri, the governor of Habruri.

x homers of barley, of Urad-Issar, the scribe in charge of the appointments.

x 60 homers of barley, of Urdu,

... Ubru-Sebetti.

... barley, of Nabû-ahhe-..., chief ....

P335758: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] _kug-ud_ szA (m)man-nu—ki—_erim_ [o] [o] _lu_(v)(*)#-rak-su szA _gal_—É szA _gal_(*)—_sag_(*)#

[o] _pab_ ha-bul _gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-ni [o] sza(*) _uru#_-ar-ba-ga [o] [sza(?) _nam_(?) _uru_(?)]-la(?)-hi#-ri

AI Translation

x silver belonging to Mannu-ki-shabi, the recruit of the major-domo and the chief eunuch;

Total, the village manager of Arbaga and the governor of Lahiru.


... silver, of Mannu-ki-shabê, mercenary of the major-domo of the chief eunuch.

Total, debt of the village manager of Arbaga of the province of Lahiru.

P335759: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x] (m(*))_pab_—la-mur

[x x (m)(d)x]—_pab_-_mesz_—_gi_

[x x (m)x-x]—se-e'

[x x x x]-_mesz_(*)—_kar_

[x x x x x]—_asz_(?)

[x x (m)x x x]+x#

[x x x x]+x _gal_—_sag#_

[x x (m)]_en_(*)#—ba-ni

[x (m)x-x]-a(?) _lu-a-ba_

[szA(?) _lu_]-_gal#_—kis-si-te

[x x (m)x-x]+x#-ra-du

[x x x] _lu_(?)#-ha-za-nu

[x x (m)x]-bu-nu (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

[x x x] szA(?)# (m)_pab_-bu-u

AI Translation

... Ahu-lamur

... ...-ahhe-shallim

... ...-Se'



... NN

...... chief eunuch

... Bel-bani

...a, scribe;

From the cohort commander.

... ...radu

... the mayor

... Bunu, Sharru-lu-dari,

... of Ahu-abû


x minas of silver, Ahu-lamur;

..., ...-ahhe-shallim.

x minas, ...-Se';

..., ...-ahhe-etir;

..., ...-iddin.

x minas, NN, ...

of the chief eunuch.

x minas, Bel-bani;

..., ...a, scribe

of the chief of the fodder supplies.

x minas, ...radu,

the mayor.

x minas, ...bunu, Sharru-lu-dari,

... of Ahabû.

Obverse Column ii


02 _ma_ (m)x#+[x x x x]

[x x x x]

06 _ma_ [(m)x x x x]

[x x x x x]

01 _gu_ [(m)x x x x]

[x x x x]

04(?) [x x x x x x x]

szA(?) x#+[x x x x x x]

05 _ma_(*)# [x x x x x x]

_lu_(*)#-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

2 minas, NN, .


6 minas, NN,


1 talent, NN,


4 ......;

of ......

5 minas ......;

the ......


2 minas, NN ...,


6 minas, NN ...,


1 talent, NN ...,


4 minas ...

of ...;

5 minas, NN,

the ...

P335760: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma 10 gin 04_(*)-tu (m)x+[x x x x x]

É (m)ma-ni-ni ku (m)[x x x x]

02 _ma 23 gin 03_-su [x x x x]

ku (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

20 _gin_ (m)la(*)-ar-x#-[x]+x#+[x x x]

12 _gin_ (m)_en_—_man_—_pab_(?)#

_pab 04 ma 34 gin 06_-su(*) x x x x x#

[x]+04(*) _gin_ (m)ga-ru-s,u o(*)

[x]+01(*) _gin_(*) _kug_(*)#-_ud_ (m)_en_(*)#—_man_—_pab_ o(*)

[x]+01 _gin 03 04_(*)-[_mesz_ (m)_arad_(?)—(d)]na(?)#-na-a o(*)

[x]+21 _gin_ (m)suk-[ka]-a#-a(*)

[x] _gin 06#_-su (m)mu(*)#-[x x x]+x#

[x] (m)sza-mu-lu A (m)[x x x]+x#

[x x]-su sza kam-na-a-te [x x]+x#-lu-qu

[x x]+x# _szu-2_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gar_(?)# [x x x x]+x x x#

AI Translation

1 mina 10 1/4 shekels, NN ......;

the house of Manini, NN .

2 minas 23 1/3 shekels ...;

Instead of Nabû-.

20 shekels, Lar...;

12 shekels, Bel-sharru-ushur;

Total: 4 minas 34 6/6 shekels .

x+4 shekels, Garushu;

x+1 shekel of silver, Bel-sharru-ushur;

x+1 shekel, 3 1/4 minas, Urdu-Nanaya;

x+21 shekels, Sukkaya;

x shekels, one-sixth; Mu...;

... Shamulu, son of N

... of the stallions .

... in the charge of Nabû-shumu-ishkun .


1 mina 10 1/4 shekels, NN...,

the house of Manini; in lieu of NN.

2 minas 23 1/3 shekels, NN,

in lieu of Nabû-....

20 shekels, Lar...;

12 shekels, Bel-sharru-ushur.

In all, 4 minas 34 1/6 shekels, ....

x+4 shekels, Garushu;

x+1 shekel of silver, Bel-sharru-ushur;

x+1 3/4 shekel, Urad-Nanâ;

x+ 21 shekels, Sukkaya;

x 1/6 shekels, Mu...;

... Shamulu, son of NN;

...... of sweetcakes ...;

... care of Nabû-shumu-ishkun; ...



[x x x (m)]_arad_—(d)15

[x x x]+1 _gin_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

[x x] (m)suk-ka-a-a A (m)ha(*)-an-t,u

[_pab_ x]+1 _ma 34_(?) _gin kug#_-[_ud_(?) x] _sze_(*)#-_pad_-ut-tu

[x x x x x]+x# ta-din [o]

[x x x x x x]

[x x x x] _gin_(?)# re-e-[he(?)] o(*)

[x x x x] ta-din [o]

[x x x x] _szu_(?)# (m)nar-gi#-[i] la(?)# _sum_(*)-ni(*)

o(*) 20 _ma-na 03 gin_ (m)(d(*))#[x x x]

_pab# 25 ma-na 23 gin_ [(x x)]

[o] re-e-he ina _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—x#+[x x x] [o] _lu_(v)-_a-ba_(*)

AI Translation

... Urdu-Issar

x+1 shekels: Nabû-sharru-ushur;

... Sukkaya, son of Hanntu;

Total: x+1 minas 34 shekels of silver, x homers of barley.

...... are given


...... shekels, the rest

...... given

...... the hands of Nargî are not given.

20 minas 3 shekels, NN;

Total: 25 minas 23 shekels.

... is at the disposal of Nabû-..., scribe.


... Urad-Issar;

... x+1 shekels, Nabû-sharru-ushur;

... Sukkaya, son of Hantu;

total, x+1 minas, 34 shekels of silver ... barley.

...... given;


... shekels, remaining;

... given;

... care of Nargî, not given;

20 minas 3 shekels, NN;

total, 25 minas 23 shekels remaining,

at the disposal of Nabû-..., the scribe.



[o] _pab# 02 gu-un_ [o]

AI Translation

in all, 2 talents.


In all, 2 talents.

P335761: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] _ud_(?)# [x x x] [lim]-mu# (m)tak-lak(?)#—[ana—_en_]

07 _ma-na kug-ud_ [ha(?)-bul(?)] sza (m)e-bi-x#+[x (x)] _dumu uru-ka-dingir#_-[_ki_]

lim-mu (m)asz-szur—ba-[ni]

_pab 02_-me-05 _ma-na kug_(*)#-[_ud_]

ha(*)#-bu-li(*)# [x x x]

[(x) x]+x _kur_(?)#-Ar(*)-zi(?)#-[zu(?)]

AI Translation

......, day, eponym year of Taklak-ana-Bel.

7 minas of silver, capital, belonging to Ebi..., citizen of Babylon.

Eponym year of Ashur-bani.

Total: 205 minas of silver.

a ... of ...;

... Arzizu


... ... ..., eponym year of Taklak-ana-Bel 715 B.C..

7 minas of silver debt of Ebi..., the Babylonian,

eponym year of Ashur-bani 713 B.C..

Total, 205 minas of silver,

debts ...

... of the country of Arzizu.

P335762: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x]-din(*)-u-ni

[x x x x x]+x#

[x x x _ka-dingir_]-_ra#-ki_

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x]-tu(?)

[(x) x] _zag#_—up-nu

[x x x x]-_mesz_(*)# _gaba-gu_

[x x x x szA]-ku-tu(*)

[x x x x x] _kur#-uri_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x x]-pat [x x x x x x x]+x# [x x x x x x x x] 05 [x x x x x x x x]+x# 800+[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... gave


... Babylon




x, the 'seat';

......s, ...-s,

...... a shakkutu-vessel

...... Urartians


who gave


... Babylon




... prayer bowl


... jewellery.

... Akkadian

Obverse Column ii


_pab_ ir-bu szA A—_man_

ir-bu szA lim-me(*)# [(m)]sa16-gab a-di lim-me(*) (m(*))[(d)_pa_]—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu sza 06 _mu_-[_an_]-_na#_-_mesz_ szA ina na-[kAm]-ti u-sze-ri#-[bu]-u-ni

11 _gu 200_+[x _ma_-(_na_) _kug_]-_ud#_ ÉSZ-_qar_

29(*) kap-[pi] _kug#-ud_ ma-da(*)-tu(*)# 25 _ma_-[(_na_)] _ki_-[_lal_]

40 szad-din(*) [x x x x]

51(*) _gu_(*)# [x x x]+x x#+[x x]

AI Translation

Total, the extispicy of the crown prince.

In the eponym year of Sagab, until the eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu, which they had brought in six years in the district of the city of Ashur, they had brought the king, my lord, into the presence of the king, my lord.

11 talents and 200+x minas of silver, the price of a qar-priest's house;

29 silver tribute bowls, 25 minas of weight;

40 baskets of ...;

51 talents ......;


Total, the crown prince's revenues.

Revenue from the eponym year of Sagab 651 B.C. to the eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu 646 B.C., for 6 years, which they brought into the treasury:

11 talents, 20+x minas of silver, as work-materials;

29 silver tribute bowls, 25 minas in weight.

40 togas ...;

51 talents ...

P335763: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x]+x# _kug-ud_

[x] _dumu#_—_man_

[x] _lu_(v)#-_sukkal_

[x] _lu_(v)#-tur-tan _zag_

[x] _lu_(v)#-tur-tan _kab_(*)

[x (m)]asz-szur—_man_—_pab_

[x] (m)_numun_—_du_

[x] _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

[x] _uru_-arrap-ha

[x] _uru#_-di-masz-qa

[x (m)_man_—_igi_]-_lal_-an-ni

[x _ka_]-_dingir_(*)#-_ra-ki_

[x] _ma# ki-lal_

[x x x]—asz-szur

[x x x] _sza_(?)-bi(?)# [x]

AI Translation

... silver

x, the crown prince;

x, the vizier;

x, the commander-in-chief on the right;

x, the commander-in-chief of the left;

... Ashur-sharru-ushur

... Zeru-ibni

x, treasurer;

x, Arrapha;

x, Damascus;

... Sharru-emuranni

x Babylonians;

x minas, the equivalent:


... heart ...


... of silver.

x, the crown prince;

x, the vizier;

x, the commander-in-chief of the right;

x, the commander-in-chief of the left;

x, Ashur-sharru-ushur;

x, Zeru-ibni;

x, the treasurer;

x, Arrapha;

x, Damascus;

x, Sharru-emuranni;

x, Babylon;

total, x minas in weight.


... therein ...

Obverse Column ii


71(?) [x x x x]

200+[x _ma_] _ki-lal_(*)

e-[gir-a]-ti gab-bu(*)#

_ku6_-_mesz kug-ud_

02-me-16 (m)[asz]-szur(*)#—_man_—_pab_

01-me-44 [x x]+x# _ki-lal_

kap-pi# [_kug_]-_ud_

01-lim [x (m)asz-szur—_man_]—_pab_(*)#

01-me-100+[x (m)x x]-bi#

03-me [x x x]—_sig5#_

50(*) [x x x x x] _di#_

02 [x x x x]-_lal_(?)# [x x x x] _har_ [x x x x]-_mesz_

AI Translation

71 ...

2+x minas, the equivalent:

All the letters.

silver fish

216, Ashur-sharru-ushur;

144 ..., the equivalent was:

silver kappu-cake

1,000 ..., Ashur-sharru-ushur;


300, ...-damqu;

50 ......;

2 ......s,


71 ......;

20+x minas in weight.

All debt-notes.

Fish of silver:

216, Ashur-sharru-ushur;

144 minas in weight.

Silver bowls:

1,000+x — Ashur-sharru-ushur;


300, NN;

50 .........

2 .........

Obverse Column iii


ina _uru-bad#_—[(m)_man_]—_gin_

01-lim sza (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab#_

50 sza _lu_(v)-_arad_-_mesz_-szu

62 _ta_(v) _sza_ sza _lu_(v)-ma-'a-ba-a-a

_pab 01_-lim-01-me-12 _iti-gud ud 29_


10 a-na (m)_en_—_du lu_(v)-_sza-tam#_

20 a-na 10 _pab_-_mesz_-szu sza (m)_en_(*)#—[_du_]

_pab 30 iti-sig4 ud 09_-_kam#_

ina _uru-bad_—(m)_man_—_gin#_

05 (m)pu(?)-ti-i [x x x] _lu_(v)-_gal_—_usz_(*)-[_ku_-_mesz_]

_iti-sig4 ud_(*) [x-_kam_]

ina _uru#_-[x x x x x]

_pab 35_ [x x x x x]

sza(*) _lu_(v)(*)-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

in Dur-Sharruken.

1,000, of Ashur-sharru-ushur;

50 of his servants;

62 from the Ma'abieans;

Total: 1,121, month Iyyar II, 29th day.

a kind of profession

10 for Bel-ibni, prelate;

20 for 10 brothers of Bel-ibni;

Total 30: month of Sivan III, 9th day.

in Dur-Sharruken.

5: Putî ..., chief of the chariot drivers;

Month Sivan III, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

in the town .

in all, 35 .

of the ......


in Dur-Sharruken.

1,000, of Ashur-sharru-ushur;

50, of his servants;

62, out of that of the Moabites;

total, 1,112 — the 29th of Iyyar II.

Divided up as follows:

10, to Bel-ibni, the prelate;

20, to ten brothers of Bel-ibni;

In all, 30 — the 9th of Sivan III,

in Dur-Sharruken.

5, Putî, ... the chief lamentation priest:

month of Sivan III, xth day,

in the city of ......;

Total, 35 ......

of the .......

Reverse Column ii


_har_-_mesz kug-gi_(*)# [x x]

02 (m)na-x x#-sze(?)-ia(*)-Asz(?)

02 (m)a-bi-esz-ta-am-ba(*)

02 (m)isz(*)-ta(?)-ki-par(*)-ri(?)

_gal_—a-s,ap-pi _pab 06_ x x x# [x x] x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

gold rings ...

2, Na...-sheiash;

2, Abi-eshtamba;

2, Ishta-kiparri;

the chief of the apsû; in all 6 .


rings of gold ...

2, Na...sheiash,

2, Abieshtamba,

2, Ishtakiparri, commander of pack-animals;

total, 6 ...

Reverse Column iii


[x x x x x] _ta ansze_(!)-u(*)-x x#

[x x x]-_mesz# kug-gi_ sza 08-a-te(*)

[x x x x]-pu-hu(*)-te

[x x x] x x# 02-me-31 _erim_-_mesz_-ni—_man_

[x x x] _har#_-_mesz kug-gi_(?)# [x x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

...... with donkeys

...s of gold of 8 spans' height;


...... 231 king's men

... gold rings


...... from the teams:

......s of gold, "of eighths";


...... 231 king's men;

x gold rings

P335764: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[an-ni-(tu)] a-nu-tu [sza _dingir_]-_mesz#_ sza _uru_-ak-kad [sza ina] _kur#-nim-ma-ki_ [tal-li]-ku(*)-u-ni

[x x] a-a-ri sa-da-ni [sza] (d)_gaszan_—_uru_-ak-kad _kug-gi_

[x x] _kug-ud 15 ma-na ki-lal_-szu [(m)(d)]_nin_(*)#-_gal_—_sum_-na ki-i [ina _kur_]-_nim#-ma-ki_ szu-tu-u-ni [ina] pu#-hi it-ti-szi

[x] szap-pe-e _kug-ud_

01(?) ta(*)#-ak-ka-si(*) _kug-ud_

03 ti-ri-ma-te _kug-ud_

01 sza—sa-la-'i _kug-ud_

04 ki-su-ki _kug-ud_

02 su-sul-lu _kug-ud_

01 si-ib-ka#-ru-u _kug-ud_

01 ma-sap-pu(*) _kug-ud#_

03 x x x# [x x x x]

01(*) [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

These are the things that the gods of Akkad have done in Elam.

... of gold, a sadani of the Lady of Akkad,

Mullissu-iddina has received x silver, 15 minas of its weight, as he is in Elam.

x baskets of silver;

1 necklace of silver;

3 silver tirimate-bowls;

1 basket of silver;

4 silver kisuki-garments;

2 bracelets of silver;

1 silver ...;

1 silver jar;

3 ......;

1 ......;


These are the objects of the gods of Akkad, which went to Elam:

x rosettes of gold alloy of the Lady of Akkad, in gold;

... of silver, 15 minas in weight — Nikkal-iddin, when he was in Elam, borrowed it;

x wine jars of silver;

1 block of silver;

3 drinking-cups of silver;

1 sprinkler of silver;

4 grates of silver;

2 boxes of silver;

1 bowl on a stand of silver;

1 basket of silver;

3 ......;

1 ...

Obverse Column ii


_pab_-ma an-nu-tu _lal_(*)-[e]

_lu-sanga_-_mesz_ i-qab(*)#-[bi-u] ma-a i-ba-Asz-szi# ([x x]) _ta_(v) _sza_-bi (m)_en_—ib-ni# ina _kug-gi_ it-ti-din(*)

2::3(*) _ma-na_ bat-qu sza ki-gal-li sza (d)_gaszan_—_uru_-ak-kad s,a(*)-bit

12 _gin_ ina _ugu_(*) o(*) szA-bir _kug_(*)-_gi_(*) la-bi-ru-tu sza (d)na(*)-[na]-a(*)# ur-ta-ad-di esz-szu(*)-te(*)# [e-ta-pa-Asz]

2::3(*) _ma-na_ a-na 04 kak-ka-[ba-te] eb-ba-te sza (d)_gaszan_—[_uru_-ak-kad] sza _ugu_ ku-ma-ri [x x (x)]

08 _gin_ a-na 02 szA-bir# [_kug-gi_(?)] sza (d)_dumu_—É ep-[szu(?)]

10 _gin_ o(*) na-mur-tu# [sza] a-na _man kur-nim-ma-ki#_ uq(*)-t,ar-ri-[bu-u-ni]

02(*) _gin_(*)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

All these are ruined.

The priests say: "There is ... from Bel-ibni and he has given it to me with gold."

2/3 mina of ... of the quay of the Lady of Akkad, captured.

I have added twelve shekels to the old gold shapbiru-vessel of Nanaya and made new ones.

2/3 mina for 4 exquisite kakkatu-cakes of the Lady of Akkad which are on the kumari-cakes ...;

8 shekels for 2 gold shapbiru-vessels of Mar-biti.

10 shekels of silver which they presented to the king of Elam.

2 shekels ......;


All these are missing.

The priests say: "There is some from out of it, which Bel-ibni has given away for gold."

2/3 of a mina — used for the repair of the pedestal of the Lady of Akkad;

12 shekels — I added on to the old rings of gold of Nanaya, and made new ones;

2/3 mina — for 4 pure star-shaped ornaments of the Lady of Akkad which are on the shoulder ...;

8 shekels, made into 2 rings of gold of the god Mar-biti;

10 shekels, audience gift which they presented to the king of Elam;

2 shekels ......

Reverse Column i


i-si-szu-nu [x x x x x]

_pab 21 ma-na_ [x x x x x]

02 ki-su-[ki] _kug_-[_ud_(*) x x] ina _kaskal_ sza _uru_-szid(?)-di(?)—x#+[x (x)] _lu-kur_-pil-la-ta-a-[a] uh-tal-li(*)-qu [o]

08 _ma-na kug-ud_ sza (d)_igi-du_ sza _uru_-u-pi-i ina _ugu 02 nig-na_-_mesz_ la-bi-ru-u-ti sza (d)_gaszan_—_uru_-ak-kad# ur-ta-ad-di# esz-szu-tu e-ta-[pa-Asz]

AI Translation

with them .

in all, 21 minas .

They have ...ed two silver wagons on the road to Shiddi-..., and have seized the Pillatians.

I have added eight minas of silver of Palil of Opis to the two old nignû-vessels of the Lady of Akkad. I have made a new one.


with them ...;

total, 21 minas ...;

2 grates of silver ...: the Pillataeans lost them on the road of the town Shiddi-...;

8 minas of silver of the god Palil of Opis: I added to the two old incense-burners of the Lady of Akkad, and made new ones.

Reverse Column ii


_kug-gi_ sza x#+[x x x x] (m)gi-lu-u-a [x x x (x x)] isz-szu-u#-[ni x x (x x)]

02 szA-bir _kug_(*)#-[x x x]

02 _ma-na ki_(*)-_lal_(*)-szu(*)#-[nu] 04 kak-ka-ba(*)#-[te] eb#-ba(*)-[te] 2::3 _ma-na ki#-lal-bi_(*)

01-et _szu-gur_(*) _kug-gi# 04 gin_(*)# _ki-lal-bi_(*)#

[x x]+x# tar(*)-s,u(*)# _kug-gi_ [x _ma_]-_na ki-lal-bi#_

[x _ma_]-_na kug-gi_ szi-bir-tu [(x x)] sza sa-bi-bi

[_pab_ x] _ma-na 10 gin kug-gi_ [_pab_] sza# (m)gi-lu-u-a isz#-szu-u-ni

AI Translation

The gold which Gilua ... brought .

2 rings of silver ...;

2 minas of their weight; 4 fine kakkabatu-cakes, 2/3 mina of their weight;

1 gold ring, 4 shekels in weight;

... of gold, x minas of weight;

x minas of gold, the 'strength' of the sabibu-festival;

Total: x minas and 10 shekels of gold, all that Gilu'a brought.


The gold, which ... Gilu'a ... took ...:

2 gold rings, 2 minas in weight;

4 pure star-shaped ornaments, 2/3 mina in weight;

1 gold finger-ring, 4 shekels in weight;

... ... of gold, x minas in weight;

x minas of gold, fragments of a ...;

total, x minas 10 shekels of gold: all that Gilu'a took away.

P335765: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01-te _har_ rit-te _kug-gi 01 ma 04 gin la_(!) 01 _har_ du-ra-'i _kug-gi 03_-su _ma_(*) 03-su(*) _gin la_ ku-ri-nat(*) 03 _gin_ (m)szum-ma—_dingir gal_—ki-s,ir

01 _har_ du-ra-'i _kug-gi 15 03_-su(*)# _gin 01 har_ rit-te 32# 1::3(?) _gin_(*)# (m)_pab_—_bad a_(*) (m)x# [x x]

[01]-te _har#_ rit-te _kug#_-[_gi_] 30 1::2 _gin_(*)# _ki_-[_lal_] 01-te _har_ du#-ra-'i [_kug-gi_] x#+[x] 03(*)# 04(*)-_mesz#_ ([x]) [o (m)asz]-szur—ba-ni#

[01-te] _har_ rit-te _kug-gi_ [x]+02 04-tu _gin_ [(x x)]

AI Translation

1 bracelet of gold, 1 mina 4 shekels less 1 bracelet of gold, 1/3 mina 3 shekels less kurinat, 3 shekels: Shumma-ilu, cohort commander.

1 bracelet of gold, 15 1/3 shekels, 1 bracelet of 32 1/3 shekels, Ahu-duri, son of NN;

1 bracelet of gold, 30 1/2 shekels of weight, 1 bracelet of a gold necklace, ..., 3 1/4 minas, Ashur-bani;

1 bracelet of gold, 2 1/4 shekels;


1 hand-ring of gold, 1 mina less 4 shekels; 1 arm-ring of gold, 1/3 mina less 1/3 shekel, a necklace, 3 shekels: Shumma-ili, cohort commander.

1 arm-ring of gold, 15 1/3 shekels; 1 hand-ring, 32 1/3 shekels: Ahu-duri, son of NN

1 hand-ring of gold, 30 1/2 shekels in weight; 1 arm-ring of gold, x 3/4 shekels: Ashur-bani.

1 hand-ring of gold, x+2 1/4 shekels in weight; 1 arm-ring, x 1/3 shekels: Sin-sharru-ushur.



[01] _har_ rit-te _kug#_-[_gi_] 31 1::2 _gin la_(*)# [o] 01 _har_ du-ra-'i [o] 03(*)-su _gin#_ [_la_(?)] (m)_suhusz_—(d)_im_

01-te _har_ rit-te 1::2 _ma_(*) 01 1::2 _gin 01 har_ du-ra-'i 03-su 01 _gin la_ (m)ar-zi-zi

01-te _har_ rit-te 1::2 _ma_(*) 01(*) 1::2 _gin_(*) _la_ (m)ur-du

01-te _har_ rit-te 04-tu _ma 1_::2 _gin_ (m)ha-su-u-mu(!)

AI Translation

1 bracelet of gold, 31 1/2 shekels less 1 bracelet of ..., 1/3 shekel less Ubru-Adad,

1 bracelet, 1/2 mina, 1 1/2 shekels, 1 bracelet, 1/3 mina less 1 shekel: Arzizi.

1 bracelet, 1/2 mina less 1/2 shekel, Urdu;

1 bracelet, 1/4 mina 1/2 shekel, Hasumu;


1 hand-ring of gold, 31 shekels less half a shekel; 1 arm-ring, 1/3 mina less a shekel: Ubru-Adad.

1 hand-ring, 1/2 mina 1 1/2 shekels; 1 arm-ring, 1/3 mina less 1 shekel: Arzizi.

1 hand-ring 1/2 mina less 1 1/2 shekels: Urdu.

1 hand-ring, 1/4 mina 1/2 shekel: Hasumu.



01-te _har_ rit-te 1::2 _ma 04 gin 1_::2 _gin_

AI Translation

1 bracelet, 1/2 mina 4 1/2 shekels;


1 hand-ring, 1/2 mina 4 1/2 shekels: Bel-Harran-sharru-ushur, son of Akkadayu.

P335766: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x]-me(?)#-10(*) _gu-un_ ina 01 _gisz-um_-[ni-ni]

05(*)-me(*)-25(*) _gu_ o(*) ina 01 _gisz-um_-ni-ni

07-lim kap-pi _kug-ud_ ina 01 _gisz-um_-ni-ni#

01-me-08 _sig4_-_mesz kug-ud_

07-me-20 kap-pi _kug-ud_

69 _sag-kul nim-ma kug-ud#_

08 a-ri-tu _kug-ud_

04 sza—_ugu_—ni-ri _kug-ud_ hu-sze-e _kug-ud_ is-se-nisz

_pab_ ina 01 _gisz-um_-ni-ni

04-me-50 u-de-e _kug_(*)#-[_ud_] sza(?) _lu_(?)-_gal_(?)#—_kasz_(*)-_lul_(*) [o]

AI Translation

x hundred and ten talents in one wooden box.

525 talents in one wooden box.

7,000 silver kappu-vessels in one wooden box;

108 silver bricks;

720 silver bowls;

69, the capital of Elam: silver.

8 silver aitu-vessels;

4 ...s of silver, and one half of silver, are here.

Total, in one bed.

400 450 utensils of silver belonging to the chief cupbearer;


x hundred 10 talents in one wooden chest;

525 talents in one wooden chest;

7,000 silver bowls in one wooden chest;

108 silver bricks;

720 silver bowls;

69 bolts of silver;

8 shields of silver;

4 yoke finials of silver; the scraps of silver are together with it:

all, in one wooden chest.

450 vessels of silver, belonging to the chief cupbearer, in one wooden chest.



[(x) x _kug_]-_gi#_ ina _sza_-bi#

[x x] _sag#-du_ ina _sza_-bi

[x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

x gold ... therein.

... the head there



... of gold therein;

... capital therein.


P335767: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] tak-ku-sat _kug-gi_

[x x x x x _kug_]-_gi_(*)#

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x _ugu_(?)]-hi _na4_-_mesz_

01 sza—_igi-du8_ tak-ku(*)-sat :- _kug_(*)-_gi_(*)#

02 sza—_igi-du8_ :-

01 _ban-da_ gul-lat _kalag_(*)-_mesz_ :-

01 :- :- _qal_-_mesz_ :-

01 sza(*)—_gaba kug-gi 01_ mu-dak(*)-ki-u :-

01 _ban-da_ gu-um-'e-e 01(*) szA—_gaba 01_ mu-dak-ki-szA _kug-gi_

01 :- su-'e :- 01 _ban-da_ tim(*)-me(*) :-

01 :- :- _qal_-_mesz 01_ :- su-'e-e _qal_

01 qu-li _igi_(*)-2(*)-_mesz kug-gi_

[x x] _na4_-_mesz_ [x x(*)]

[(x) x] tuk#-pi(*)-at(*) _kug-gi_ [x x x(*)]

[x x x x x x x]+x# :- [x x x]

AI Translation

... a gold takkusatu-strap

...... of gold



...... stones

1 eye-stone, ... of gold;

2 of the treasurer of ditto;

1 necklace of large ...-plants, ditto;

1 ditto ditto, small ditto;

1 breast-piece of gold; 1 ...; ditto;

1 necklace of gu'u-disease, 1 breast-bone, 1 ring of gold;

1 ditto of cress, ditto; 1 necklace of firs, ditto;

1 ditto ditto, small, 1 ditto, small,

1 necklace of eyes of gold;

... stones ...

..., a gold ring ...;

...... ditto .


... tubes of gold;

...... of gold;



...... stones;

1 lens with tubes ditto of gold;

2 lenses, ditto;

1 necklace of a big ..., ditto;

1 ditto ditto, with small tubes, ditto;

1 breastpiece of gold, 1 ..., ditto;

1 necklace of ..., 1 breastpiece; its 1 ... of gold;

1 ditto of doves ditto, 1 necklace of pillars ditto;

1 ditto of small dittos, 1 ditto of small doves;

1 collar of eyes of gold;

... stones ...;

... of kidney-shaped gems and gold;

...... ditto ...



[x] _ban-da#_ [x x (x x)]

01 qu-lu(*) _kug_(*)-_gi_(*) x#+[x (x x)]

01 _ban-da pesz4-ansze_-_mesz#_ [o]

02 qu-li [x (x)] _musz#-gir_

02 _ban_-[_da_ x x x x x]

02 qu#-[li x x x] _musz#-gir_

01 [x x x x x x x]

01 [x x x x x x x]+x#

01 [x x x x x x _kug_]-_gi_ ina _sza_-bi#

[01] _ban#-da gisz_ rak-[ku]-su# ni-ih-su _kug-gi#_

01 qu-lu _gisz_ rak-ku(*)-su :- :-

01 _ban-da nu-ur-ma_ :-

01 _ban-da pesz4-ansze_(*) _kug-ud kug-gi_

01 _ban-da_ u(*)-da-at _gisz_ rak-ku(*)-su _sag-du ur_-[A(*)]-_mesz_ :-

03 _ban-da_-_mesz_ gi(*)-dil _kug-gi_

01 _ban-da_ su-'e-e :-

01 _ban-da_ s,u-up(*)-tu me-s,ir :-

01 qu-li t,u-di _kug-ud_

_pab 34 ban-da_-_mesz 15_ qu-li 04 sza—_igi-du8_-_mesz_

AI Translation

x necklaces ...;

1 necklace of gold ...;

1 necklace of donkey-hides;

2 baskets of ..., snakes;

2 seahs ......

2 ..., snakes;

1 ......;

1 ......;

1 ...... of gold therein.

1 necklace of reed, a bow of gold;

1 ... of reed, ditto, ditto;

1 necklace of pomegranates, ditto;

1 necklace of pigeon hides, silver and gold;

1 necklace of ..., a wooden ring, the head of the lions, ditto;

3 necklaces of long chains of gold;

1 necklace of su'û-fruit, ditto;

1 necklace of ..., ditto;

1 ... of silver;

34 necklaces, 15 necklaces, 4 eye-stones:


x necklace ...;

1 collar of gold ...;

1 necklace of cowries;

2 collars of ... of serpentine;

2 necklaces ...;

2 collars ...... of serpentine;

1 ......;

1 ......;

1 ...... of gold therein;

1 necklace with wooden attachment and inlay of gold;

1 collar with wooden attachment ditto ditto;

1 necklace of pomegranates, ditto;

1 necklace of cowries, silver and gold;

1 necklace of ... with wooden attachment and heads of lions, ditto;

3 necklaces of braids of gold;

1 necklace of doves, ditto;

1 polished necklace, with a band, ditto;

1 collar of ... of silver:

In all, 34 necklaces, 15 collars, 4 lenses.

P335768: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 _kusz-ban-da_ o(*) _kug-gi_ ti-ra-ni

01 me-s,ir _kug-gi_ za-ki-u

15(*) _mul_-_mesz_ me-s,ir

05 sa-'u-rat ti-ra-ni

43 :- _qal_-[_mesz_]

04 _na4_-_mesz_ me-[x x x x]

04 _na4_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

1 necklace of gold, ...;

1 ring of gold, ...;

15 stars, a halo;

5 baskets of figs;

43 ditto, small;

4 stones ...

4 stones ...


1 necklace of gold in coils,

1 band of pure gold,

15 stars, formed into a band;

5 coiled bracelets

43 ditto, small;

4 ...-stones ......;

4 ...-stones ...

Obverse Column ii


_pab_ [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

total ......


total ......

Reverse Column i


14(?) [x x x x x]

01 _gu_ [x x x x] x#+[x x x x x]

12 [x x x x x]

AI Translation

14 ......;

1 talent ......

12 ......;


14 .......

1 talent .......

12 ......

Reverse Column ii


[x] dul(*)#-li _lugal_(*)#

AI Translation

x, royal work;


... work for the king.

P335769: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


sur [x x x]

01 _kusz-ban-da_ [x x x] dul-li _man_ sza [x x x]

me-s,ir _kug_(*)-_gi_ [x x x] 05 sa-'u-rat [x x x] 59(*) _tur-lu_-_mesz_ [x x x] 01 _gu-gaba_-in-nu 06 [x x x]

12 _na4-kiszib_-[_mesz_ x x x] 08(*) :- si-[x x x x]

_te_-_mesz_ si-ik(?)#-[x x x]

01 _gu-gaba#_-[in-nu x (x x)]

AI Translation

1 bow ..., the king's work of ...;

a gold band ..., 5 bands of ..., 59 piglets, ..., 1 breast-bone, 6 ...,

12 seals ..., 8 ditto ditto ...,

the ...s ...

1 breast-bone ...;


... ...:

1 necklace ..., work for the king on the part of ...,

a golden band ..., 5 bracelets ..., 59 thresholds ..., 1 pectoral, 6 ...,

12 cylinder seals of ..., 8 ditto of ......,

...s, .......

1 pectoral, ...

Reverse Column i


01 dAp-pa-as(*)#-tu [x x x x] 04 _sig-lu-kur_(*) _gar_-nu(?) x x# [x (x)]

01-me-36 tak-ku(*)-sat# [x x]

01-me-36 bu-t,u#-[x x x]

04-me-04 tak-ku-sat x#+[x (x)]

sza dAp-pa-as#-[ti x x]

04-me tak-ku-sat x#+[x x x]

04-me bu-t,u#-[x x x]

11 _ma-na 13 1_::2 _gin_ [x x x]

11 _gin kug-ud_ sza(?) [x x x]

01 qu(*)-lu(*) _kug_(*)-_gi_(*) [x x x] dul-lu _mu_(?)# [x x x x] sza(?)# _ta_(v) x#+[x x x x x]

[x x] _pesz4_(*)#-_mi_(*)-_ansze_(*)# [x x x x]

[x x x tak]-ku-sat [x x x x]

[x x x e(?)]-gir(?)#-te [x x x x] [x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 ..., 4 ...-garments, ...;

136 baskets ...;

136 ......;

400 ...,

of the sceptre .

400 baskets ...;

400 ......;

11 minas 13 1/2 shekels ...;

11 shekels of silver of ...;

1 gold bowl ..., work of ... which from .

... donkey stallions .

... a takkusatu-vessel .

... letter ...


1 cover of ..., 4 ...... ...,

136 tubes ...,

136 ......,

404 tubes ...

of the cover ...,

400 tubes ...,

400 ......,

11 minas 13 1/2 shekels ...,

11 shekels of silver for ....

1 clasp of gold ..., work of ..., which from ...,

... cowrie shell ...

... tubes ...

... letter ...

Reverse Column ii


01 [x x x x x] _kalag_-_mesz_

[x x _kur_] ni(*)-ta-a-te

14(?)# [x x x] tak(*)#-ku-sat

6+[x x] ia _bur_

[x x x] ir(?)-s,i-s,i(*) _kug-ud_

01 [(x) x x] 12 _gud_(*)-_mesz kug-gi_

[x] _tur#-lu_-_mesz kalag_(!)-_mesz_

[x x]+x# _kur_(*) ni-ta-a-te

[x x x] HÉ#-_med gi6 gud_-_mesz_

[x x x x x]-szu-u-te [x x x x x]+x#-da(*)-szi-i [x x x x x x] _nun_(*) (x#)

AI Translation

1 ......, large;

... the lands of the nitatu

14 ..., ...;

6+x ..., extispicy.

... of silver

1 ..., 12 gold oxen,

x large ...s;

... the lands

... red wool, black, oxen

...... them


1 ... big ...;


14 ... tubes;

6+x ... ...;

...... of silver;

1 ..., 12 oxen, of gold;

x thresholds, big;

... ......; wool, black, oxen


P335770: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 _zag_(*)—up(*)-ni(*)# [:-]

01 lit(!)-tu(*) _kug-ud_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 kap-pi _kug-ud_ ma-da(*)-te

_pab_ (d)asz(*)-szur

01 sa(*)-bar-u _kug-gi_ [o] tam-lit _haszhur_(*)—_gisz-gi_ [o] _gi#-ambar_(*) _zu_

[x] _urudu_(*) _kur_ x x#

[x x]+x _kug_(*)-_ud_(*)#

[01] ni-ip-hu _kug-gi_(*)

[x] _umbin_(?)# _ur_(*)-_mah_(*)

[01] _nu_(*)—_man sar_ asz-szur-a-a

01(?)# _ab kug-gi_

[01(?)] _zag_—up-ni :-

[01(?)] _ab kug-ud_

[01(?)] _zag_—up-ni :-

[x x x x] _kug-ud#_

AI Translation

1 ditto shoulder;

1 1/2 shekels of silver;

1 shawl ditto;

1 silver tribute bowl;

Total, of the god Ashur.

1 gold sabaru, a gold turban, a reed basket, and a date palm.

x copper ...

... silver

1 gold ring;

x, lion's tail;

1, prince of Assyria;

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 shawl ditto;

... silver


1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 silver tribute bowl:

total — the god Ashur.

1 golden mountain goat, inlaid with 'marsh-apple' and marsh reed of ivory;

... copper of the country ...

a silver ...;

1 gold disk;

1 lion's foot;

1 royal statue, with Assyrian inscription;

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

... of silver

Obverse Column ii


[x x x x x x]-te

_pab_ (d)15—É—kid-mu-ri#

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 _ab kug-ud_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

_pab_ (d)15 É—e-qi

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 _ab kug#_-[_ud_]

01 _zag#_—up-ni :-

[01 _nu_]—_man kug-ud ugu_ ru-qi

[01] kap#-pi _kug-ud_ ma-da-te

01 _tug_-qat(*)-a-tu a-dir-tu

_pab_ (d)_amar-utu_

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

04 _ab kug-ud_

04 _zag_—up-ni :-

[x x x x]+x# asz(*)-pu-u

AI Translation


Total, Issar-biti-kidmuri.

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 shawl ditto;

Total, Ishtar of the House of Eqi.

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 shawl ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a throne;

1 silver tribute bowl;

1 ...-garment, dark;

Total, Marduk.

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

4 cows of silver;

4 ...-garments ditto;

...... I planted



total — Ishtar of Bit-Kidmuri.

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto:

total — Ishtar of Bit-Eqi.

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a cauldron;

1 silver tribute bowl;

1 dark, fine garment:

total — Marduk.

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

4 cows of silver;

4 prayer bowls ditto;

... jasper ...

Obverse Column iii


_pab_ [x x x x x]

01 _ab_(*)# [x x x x]

01 _zag#_—[up-ni :-]

_pab_ (d(*))[x x x x]

01 [x x x x x]

01 [x x x x x]

_pab_(?)# [x x x x]

01 [_ab kug-ud_]

01 _zag#_—[up]-ni# :-

01 _nu_—_man kug-ud ugu_ ru-qi(*)

01 kap-pi _kug-ud_ ma-da(*)-te

_pab_ (d)_masz_

[01] _ab kug-ud_(*)

[01] _zag#_—up-ni :-

[x _nu_]—_man# kug-ud ugu_ ru-qi(*)

[_pab_ (d)]be-let—_ti_

[x x] duq-di _ugu_(*)# _suhusz_ qab(*)-si-tu _masz kug-gi_

AI Translation

total ......

1 cow ......;

1 shawl ditto;

total, NN.

1 ......;

1 ......;

total ......

1 cow of silver;

1 hem of ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a throne;

1 silver tribute bowl;

Total, Ninurta.

1 cow of silver;

1 shawl ditto;

x crown princes of silver for the requisitions;

Total, Belet-balati.

... a ... of ... on the base of the 'finger' of the golden 'increment'.


total ....

1 cow of ...;

1 prayer bowl ditto:

total — the god ....

1 ......;

1 ......;

total .......

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a cauldron;

1 silver tribute bowl:

total — Ninurta.

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

x royal statues of silver on a cauldron:

total — Belet-balati.

... of almond on a base, in the middle, a setting of gold.

Obverse Column iv


pi-i-nu ki(*)-is(*)-su(?)#

ti(*)-kat gi-dil _kug-gi_ szA-nu-'i

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 _nu_—_man kug-ud ugu_ ru-qi(*)

01 kap-pi _kug-ud#_ ma-da(*)-te

01(*) _tug_(*)-qat(*)-a(*)-tu(*) a(*)-dir-tu _gada_

_pab_ (d)_nin-lil_

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 _ab kug-ud_

01 _zag_—up-ni [:-]

01 kap-pi _kug-ud_(*)# [ma-da-te]

_pab_ (d)[x x x]

AI Translation

The wording of a kissu-cake.

a necklace of a ring of gold; another necklace of a ring of gold;

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a throne;

1 silver tribute bowl;

1 sash, linen, ...;

Total, Mullissu.

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 hem ditto;

1 silver ring, small;

total, NN.


a button ...,

neck-pieces of double gold braid;

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a cauldron;

1 silver tribute bowl;

1 dark, fine garment of linen:

total — Mullissu.

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 silver tribute bowl:

total — the god ....

Reverse Column i


01 _ab_(*)# [_kug-gi_]

01 _zag_—up#-[ni :-]

01 _ab_ [_kug-ud_]

01 _zag_—up-ni [:-]

_pab_ (d)qur-bu—ni-isz-mu-szA(*)#

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 _ab kug-ud_

01 _zag_—up-ni :-

01 _nu#_—_man_(*) _kug-ud ugu_ ru-qi(*)

_pab_ (d)_tar_—_bal_-e

01 _ab kug-gi_

01 _zag_—up#-ni :-(*)#

_pab_ (d)_nin_(*)-[x (x)]

01(*) _ab_(*)# [_kug-gi_]

AI Translation

1 cow of gold;

1 hem ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 hem ditto;

Total, Qurbu-nishmusha.

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 shawl ditto;

1 silver ... for the rations;

Total, Tarbâ-etir.

1 cow of gold;

1 shawl ditto;

total, Nin....

1 cow of gold;


1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto:

total — the goddess Qurbu-neshmûsha.

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 cow of silver;

1 prayer bowl ditto;

1 royal statue of silver on a cauldron:

total — the goddess Parisat-palê.

1 cow of gold;

1 prayer bowl ditto:

total — Nin-....

1 cow of gold;

Reverse Column ii


[x x x]+x#-s,u _kug-gi_

[(x) x]-_mesz# sa5_

[(x) x] bur(?)#-ki (d)15

[x] _ab_(*)# _ku_

[x x x]+x# bu-s,u


[(x) szA(?)]-ku-tu _na4 kug-gi zu_(?)# _za-gin_ a-sa-par

01(*) hum-ba-bar-i-tu _na4-za-gin_

[x] :-(*) _zu_(*)

[x] :-(*) x (x#)

AI Translation

... of gold

...s red;

... of Ishtar

x ... ...;

... a pig


I sent ... of gold, gold and lapis lazuli.

1 humbaritu-stone of lapis lazuli;

x ditto, of ...;

... ditto ...;


... ... of gold

... red

......lap of the statue of Ishtar


... byssus


I sent ... jewellery of stone, gold, ivory and lapis lazuli.

One figurine of Humbaba, of lapis lazuli;

x ditto, of ivory;

x ditto, ...

Reverse Column iii



01 qa-_zag i_—_dug-ga_

01 _tug_-szad-din bu-s,i(*)

01 x x x# sza _lugal_(*)# _kur_(*)-_nim_(*)-_ki_(*)#

_pab_ (d)x# [x x x]

AI Translation


1 qazag of sweet oil;

1 shawl of bushi-garment;

1 ... of the king of Elam;

total, NN.



1 beaker of sweet oil;

1 toga of byssus;

1 ... of the king of Elam:

total — the god ....

P335771: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 hi-in(*)-x#-[x x x] _babbar_(*)-_dil-dil_ [(x x)]

01 _dim_(*) a(*)-hi _na4_-[x (x)]

02 _na4_-me-s,i [(x x)]

[x]+04 t,ur-ri _na4_-_mesz_ szim(*)-mat(*)

[x] _na4-gu 08_(*) t,ur-ri

_na4_(*)#-_kiszib_(*) _babbar-dil 07_ tuk-pi(*)-a-te(*) [(x) _na4_]-_babbar-dil_

[_na4_(?)]-_kiszib_(*) _babbar-dil-dil_

[(x) x x]-_mesz# nir_

[x x] _na4_(?)#-(d)_lama_

[x x x] _sze_(*) ab(?)# pi-is,-s,i

[x x x]+x s,a#-pi-u

AI Translation

1 ... of white ...;

1 ... of ...-stone;

2 stones for ...;

x+4 pomegranates of shimmatu-stone;

x stones, 8 pomegranates;

Seal of agate, 7 rings of agate,

Seal of agate

...s, nir.

... of bull colossi

... barley ...

... shatapu-glas


1 ...... of papparminu-stone ...;

1 armband of ...-stone;

2 ... stone ...;

4+ strings of amulet stones for paralysis;

x neck-stones, 8 strings;

a seal of agate; 7 kidney-shaped gems of agate;

a seal of papparminu-stone;

x ...s of chalcedony;

x of rose jasper;


... coloured;

Obverse Column ii


03 x#+[x x x x x] _kug-ud_ x#+[x x x]

01-te _gisz-tukul-ma-nu kug-ud#_

04 _na4_-me(*)-s,u(*) _za-gin_

01 :- _dur-mi-na-ban-da_

01 :- _za-suh_(*)

01 _sag-du_ u-si _za-gin_

02 _dim_(*) _dag-gaz_-si

AI Translation

3 ...... of silver ...;

1 silver weapon,

4 mesu-stones of lapis lazuli;

1 ditto of breccia;

1 ditto of ...;

1 head, a band of lapis lazuli;

2 ...s,


3 ...... of silver ...;

1 magic wand of silver;

4 ... stones of lapislazuli;

1 ditto of "small" breccia;

1 ditto of shubû-stone;

1 goose head of lapislazuli;

2 bars of stone blocks

Reverse Column ii


[x x x]+x#-hu-u-ri 10 _ma 26_(*) 1::2 _gin ki-lal_

[x x] tar(?)-di(*)#-tu ina(*) _ugu_-hi _pab 12 ma-na_ ($26 1::2$) _gin ki-lal_

[x x x]+x#-ri _kug-gi_

[x x x x]-ri-ni szA(?)—qab(?)#-li

[x x x x] szA—x#-pi(?)-ni

[x x x x] _na4#_-_mesz_ x#

[x x x x] 04(*) szu-[x] x x#-_mesz_

[x x x]+x#+[x x x] _kalag_(*)-_mesz_

[x x x x] _na4_-_mesz kalag_(*)#-_mesz_

[x x x x] _kur# qal_-_mesz_

[x x x] u#-re-e 02(*)-te

[x x x x] _ki-lal_(*)#

AI Translation

...huru 10 minas 26 1/2 shekels, the deficit;

... additional ...; in all 12 minas 26 1/2 shekels, exchange rate.

... of gold

...... the 'residences'

... stones ...

...... 4 ...s;

...... big .

... large stones

...... the land is small.

... two second threshing-floors

...... the equivalent was:


......... 10 minas 26 1/2 shekels in weight;

... an addition to it; in all 12 minas 26 1/2 shekels in weight.

... of gold;

...... of a loincloth;


... mixed stones;

... 4 ...;

... large ...;

... large stones;

......, small;

... handles, second-size

... weight

P335772: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 szal-t,u(*) t,u-di _kug-ud ugu suhusz# mul_-_mesz igi-2 muszen_ pi-qit (m)(d)_szu_—_man_—_pab_

01 _kusz-ban-da szen_-szA ha-pi _nig_(*)-x#-szA ha-pi _masz kug-gi#_

[o] 01# _gu_(*)-_gaba_-in-nu(*) _szen_-szA(*) [ha-pi]

01 tim-me _zu masz kug#_-[_gi_(?)]

_te_-_mesz szen_-szA ha-pi o(*) _masz kug#_-[_gi_(?)]

01 ki-is-su(?) _zu_

pi#-qit (m)_gaszan_(*)—sa-me—_dingir_-a-a

01 _kusz-ban-da_ gi-mir(*)-tu szA _sag-du szur-muszen kug-ud_

01 szA—_igi-du8_ s,u-u-pu(*)

01 É—_sag-du_ [o] _kug-ud_

04 _mul_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

01 _gu_(*)-_gaba_-in(*)#-[nu x x x x] _kusz_-[x x x x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 silver ring on the base of the stars, eyes of a bird, oxen of Marduk-sharru-ushur;

1 necklace of her ..., her ..., her ..., a gold ring,

1 breast-bone, its 'finger' is split.

1 ... of carnelian, a gold ...;

The 'paths' of her 'finger' are split. The 'increment' is gold.

1 kissu-vessel,

Witness Sharrat-samme-ila'i.

1 necklace of the entire head of a lion of silver.

1 ...;

1 silver ...;

4 stars ......

1 breast-bone ......, a leather strap ......,


1 bow-case ... of silver, on a base, with star-shaped ornaments and bird's eyes: entrusted to Marduk-sharru-ushur.

1 necklace, its 'kettle' broken, its ... broken, with a setting of gold;

1 pectoral, its 'kettle' broken;

1 caryatid of ivory, with a setting of gold;

...s, its 'kettle' broken, with a setting of gold;

1 ... of ivory:

entrusted to Sharrat-samme-ila'i.

1 complete necklace, of silver falcon heads;

1 polished lens.

1 money-box of silver;

4 the star-shaped ornaments ...;

1 pectoral, ...

Obverse Column ii


01 [x x] x# [x x x x]

20 _ur_(?)-A-_mesz_(?)# [x x x x]

47 _igi-2_ [x x x x x]

49 _gud_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x] [(x) x]+x# ku(*)-x#+[x x x x x] [x x] pa [x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 ......;

20 lions ......

47 eyes ...;

49 oxen ......


1 ......;

20 lions ...;

47 eye-stones ...;

49 oxen ...

Reverse Column i


_gud_ [x x x x x x x]

06 x#+[x x x x x x x]

01(*) szA(*)—_igi-du8_ [x x x x x]

64 tim#-[me x x x x x]

01 pi-in-di x#+[x x x x x]

08-me-34(?) [x x x x x]

01 dAp(*)-pa-as-tu HÉ-[_med_ (x x x)]

03-me-82 tak(*)-ku-[sat x x x]

04-me-32 bu-t,u(*)#-[x x x x]

04 _sig_(*)-_lu-kur gar_-nu x#+[x x x x]

01-me# tak-ku-sat [x x x x]

AI Translation

ox ......

6 ......;

1 eye-snake ......;

64 ...s ...;

1 basket ......;

834 ......

1 ... of emmer;

382 baskets of ...;

432 ......;

4 ...-garments, ...;

100 baskets of ...;


an ox ......;

6 ... ......;

1 lens ...;

64 caryatids;

1, ... ...;

834 ...;

1 cover of red wool....;

382 tubes...;

432 ......;

4 .........;

100 tubes ...;

Reverse Column ii


_pab 100_+[x x x x x x x x]

a(*)-na(*) x#+[x x x x x x x]

ina _igi_ (m)_gaszan_(*)—sa(*)-me(*)—_dingir_-a(*)#-a

04 _gin lal_(*)-e(*) szA ru(*)-x#+[x x] a-na 05(*) _ma_(*) 39 _gin kug-gi_ [o] _sig5 gur_ o(*)

a-na 01 _kusz-ban-da_ gul-lat o(*) e-tap-szu(*) o(*)

06 _ma-na 33_(*) _gin kug-gi babbar_-u a-na 01 _kusz-ban-da_ sza su(*)-'e o(*) e-tap-szu

_pab 12 ma-na 27 gin kug-gi_ lit-ku ina É—02-e la(*) hi(*)-t,i

04 _ma-na kug-ud_ ba-lat(*) _te_-[_mesz_] _kusz#-ban-da_

na-mur-tu (m)mil-ki—15(*)

AI Translation

in all, 100+x .

to ......

at the disposal of Belet-samme-ila'i.

4 shekels of refined silver, of ..., for 5 minas 39 shekels of good gold,

I have done it for 1 necklace of ...-silver.

I have done it for 6 minas 33 shekels of white gold for one bow of a 'strap.'

Total: 12 minas 27 shekels of pure gold in the second house. No crime.

4 minas of silver, the price of the ...s, a bow;

Witness Milki-Issar.


Total, 10+x ...

to ......

at the disposal of Sharrat-samme-ila'i;

4 shekels, deficit of the ......, reconverted into 5 minas 39 shekels of good gold:

they have fashioned it into 1 necklace of ...;

6 minas 33 shekels of white gold: they have fashioned it into 1 necklace of doves.

Total, 12 minas 27 shekels of gold; the sample in the domestic quarter was not weighed.

4 minas of silver, excluding the ...s and necklaces;

the audience-gift of Milki-Issar of the cohort of Zaruti.

P335773: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[pi]-qit(*)#-tu (m)szA—(d)_pa_—szu-u [x x]

[x] _kusz_(*)#-_ban-da kug-gi_ gi-nu-[u]

me(*)-s,ir(*)# _kug-gi za-gin_(?)# ([x x])

[x tak]-ku-sat pi-i me-s,ir(?)#

[x] sa(*)#-'u-rat x# [x x]

[x x]+x#-_mesz_ gi-nu(?)-x#+[x]

[x x]+x# _gid-da_ x x# [x x]

[x x x]+x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

a prebend of Sha-Nabû-shû .

x necklaces of gold, regular quality;

a gold ring and lapis lazuli ...;

x ...s, ... of the sceptre;

... sa'urat ...

... regular offerings

... long ...



entrusted to Sha-Nabû-shû ....

1 ordinary necklace of gold;

a band of gold and lapis lazuli;

x tubes ... band;

x bracelets ......

... regular ...s;

...... length ...


P335774: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


[01 _gud_ si-sal-hu] 05# _udu-nita 05 dug_(*)-_szab_(*) x x x# 02# _gisz_(*)-kak(*)-kul(*) _haszhur_(*)#-_kur-ra 03_ kak-kul _gisz-ma_-_mesz 01_(*) _gisz_-kak-kul _gisz-kib 02_ qa-bir _zu-lum-ma 14_(?)# _gisz_(*)-_na_-_mesz_ za-mar _en-nam uru_-qar-ni-na

01(?) _gud_ si-sal-hu 02 _udu-nita 04 dug-szab uru_-ur-zu-hi-na

01(*) _gud_ si-sal-hu 02 _udu-nita uru-kur_—za-mu-u

[01(?)] _gud_ si-sal-hu 02 _udu-nita uru_-si-'i-me-e

[01(?)] _gud_(*) si(*)-sal(*)#-[hu x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 sisalhu ox, 5 male sheep, 5 jars of ..., 2 baskets of hashhurru-beer, 3 baskets of boats, 1 basket of tamarisk, 2 qabiru-vessels of dates, 14 zamaru-vessels: the governor of Qarnina.

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep, 4 jars of wine: Urzuhina.

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep, from the town of Zamû;

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep, Si'immê.

1 sisalhu ox ......;


1 sisalhu ox, 5 male sheep, 5 jars of ..., 2 wooden boxes with quinces, 3 boxes with figs, 1 box with prunes, 2 pots of dates; 14 trays of fruit — the governor of Qarnina.

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep, 4 jars — Urzuhina.

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep — Mazamua.

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep — Si'immê.

1 sisalhu ox ......

Reverse Column i


[o] _lu-en-nam uru#_-[x x x x x x x x]

[01 _gud_] si-sal-hu 02 _udu-nita_ (m)(d)x#+[x x x x] [o] _lu-en-nam uru_-gar-ga-mis [o]

[01] _gud_ si-sal-hu 03 _udu-nita_ (m)_pab_—im-me-e [o] _lu#-en-nam uru_-hi-in-dan

[01 _gud_] si-sal-hu# [(m)]_lugal_(?)#—_zalag en-nam uru_-tusz-ha-an

[01] _gud#_ si-sal-hu# [(m)]ba(?)#-a-a-te—_dingir_ [_lu_]-_en-nam_(*) _uru_(*)#-a-mi-di

[01 _gud_] si#-sal-hu 01 _udu-nita_ (m)_en_—u-sa-a-te [_lu-en_]-_nam# uru_-sa-am-al

[x x x x x x x x x x] x x# _nu-ur-ma_

AI Translation

the governor of .

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep: NN, governor of Carchemish.

1 sisalhu ox, 3 male sheep: Ahu-immê, the governor of Hindana.

1 sisalhu ox: Sharru-nuri, governor of Tushhan.

1 sisalhu ox: Baate-il, governor of Amidu.

1 sisalhu ox, 1 male sheep: Bel-usate, governor of Sam'al.

...... pomegranates


the governor of .......

1 sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep — NN, the governor of Carchemish.

1 sisalhu ox, 3 male sheep — Ahu-immê, the governor of Hindana.

1 sisalhu ox — Sharru-nuri, the governor of Tushhan.

1 sisalhu ox — Bayate-ili, the governor of Amidi.

1 sisalhu ox, 1 male sheep — Bel-usate, the governor of Sam'al.

...... pomegranates

P335775: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 iz#-[bu x]

02 _na4-kiszib_ hal(*)-tu#

01 _ud_-mu _dingir uru_

03 kam-ma-a-ni

01 _gisz-gigir_ (m)ib-nu-tu

01 is-hur—ma-a-da

01 ÉSZ-_qar si_-_du_

01 _min_ (d)_gisz-gin-masz_

40(?) e-gir-a#-te [x x x x]+x#

[x _ud_—_an_]—(d)_be_(*)

[x _hal_]-u-tu

[01 _gisz-zu_] 12# _gisz-ig_

[x] _usz_(*)#-_ku_-tu

01 03# kak-ku—sak-ku(*)

01 06# bul-t,i

_pab 06 gisz-zu_-_mesz_ szal-mu-u-te 04 _gisz#-ig_-_mesz_

AI Translation

1 izbu-garment ...;

2 seals, missing;

1 day: "The god of the city."

3 ...;

1 chariot: Ibnutu.

1, Ishur-mada;

1 of the 'ShA-qar', the 'path';

1 ditto: Gilgamesh;

40 letters ...

x, Enuma Anu Enlil,

x, swollen;

1 arrow, 12 doors,

x, suckling;

1, 3 knives;

1 of 6 spans' height;

in all 6 original wooden trays, 4 doors.


1 tablet of Izbu ...,

2 of Seal of haltu stone,

1 of "Day of the City God,"

3 esoteric compositions,

1 tablet of "The Chariot of Ibnutu,"

1 of Ishur mada,

1 of the SI.DU series,

1 of the Gilgamesh series,

40 one-column tablets

x polyptychs of Enuma Anu Enlil,

x of the extispicy corpus,

1 polyptych of 12 leaves,

x of lamentations,

1 of 3 leaves of kakku sakku,

1 of 6, medical recipes,

in all 6 complete polyptychs, 4 leaves,

Obverse Column ii


02 mu-kal(*)-lim(*)-[tu]

_pab 04_-me-35(*) [_dub_-_mesz_]

(m)(d)_pa_(*)—x#+[x x x]

06 a-szi-pu-tu

02 iz-bu

_pab 28 dub_-_mesz_

(m)(d)_utu_—_su hal_

01 _dub pi_—U-ri

(m)A-a-a _masz-masz en-lil-ki_-a-a

03 _dub_-[_mesz_]

05 e#-[gir-a-te] _ud#_—[_an_—(d)_be_] x# [x x x]

AI Translation

2 of the 'residences';

in all, 435 tablets.


6 axes;

2 of Izbu;

in all 28 tablets.

Shamash-eriba, haruspex;

1 tablet of the 'hand-lifting' service;

Aplaya, the Nippurian incantation priest;

3 tablets,

5 letters of Enuma Anu Enlil .


2 tablets of commentaries,

in all 435 tablets,


6 tablets of exorcists' lore,

2 of Izbu,

in all 28 tablets,

Shamash-eriba, diviner.

1 tablet of ...,

Aplaya, an exorcist of Nippur.

3 tablets,

5 one-column tablets of Enuma Anu Enlil

Obverse Column iii


02(*)# ka(*)-lu-tu(*)#

01(*) ÉSZ(*)#-_qar_(*) za(*)-ki(*)-qu(*)

_pab 01_-me-85(*) _dub_(*)-_mesz_(*)#

(m)ar-ra-bu _masz_(*)-_masz_(*)# o(*) _en-lil-ki_-a-a

01 _dub_ [x]

01# e-gir#-[tu]

AI Translation

2 ...;

1 ashqar-vessel, ...;

in all, 185 tablets.

Arrabu, incantation priest of the Nippurians.

1 tablet ...;

1 letter;


2 tablets of lamentations,

1 of the Dream series,

in all 185 tablets,

Arrabu, an exorcist of Nippur.

1 tablet,

1 one-column tablet

Reverse Column i


01# [x x] x x# [x]

_pab 04 ud_—_an_—(d)_be_

01 02 _sag-me-gar_ (d)_szul-pa#_-[_e-a_]

02 03-a-a iz-bu

01 05 _na4-kiszib_ hal-tu

[x x (x)] _alam_(*)-_dim_(*)-mu(*)-[u]

AI Translation

1 ......;

in all, 4: Enuma Anu Enlil.

1, 2 Jupiters, Shulpaea;

2 of 3 spans' height;

1 of 5, seal of the haltu-priest;

... a statue of myself


1 ......,

in all 4 of Enuma Anu Enlil,

1 polyptych of 2 leaves, Sagmegar = Shulpaea,

2 of 3 leaves each, Izbu,

1 of 5, Seal of haltu stone,

x of physiognomic omens,

Reverse Column ii


03 03(*)-a-a bul(*)-[t,i]

01 03 _ab_(*)-_sze_(*)-_ge_(*)#-[_da_]

_pab_(*) 10 _gisz-zu_-_mesz_(*)#

45 _dub_-_mesz_

05 e-gir-a-te#

04 a-sar-ri(*)

_pab# ud_—_an_—(d(*))#_utu_ (sic)

[x x bul]-t,i#

37 _uru_(?)#—[ina—_sukud_—_gar_]

06 mu-kal#-[lim-tu]

_pab 03_-me-42 [_dub_-_mesz_]

(m)(d)_pa_(*)—A—_asz_ [x x] A (m)_suhusz_(*)#—[(d)x]

AI Translation

3 of 3 spans' height;

1, 3 ...;

in all 10 writing-boards.

45 tablets,

5 letters;

4 asarrahu-vessels;

Total, day of Enuma Anu Enlil.

... life

37, the town of Ina-sukud-ishkun;

6 ...;

Total: 333 tablets.

Nabû-aplu-iddina, son of Ubru-...;


3 polyptychs of 3 leaves each, medical recipes,

1 of 3, favourable days;

in all 10 polyptychs;

45 tablets,

5 one-column tablets,

4 diagrams,

all Enuma Anu Enlil;

x medical recipes,

37 tablets of "If a city is set on a hill,"

6 of commentaries,

in all 342 tablets,

Nabû-apal-iddin ..., son of Ubru-DN,

Reverse Column iii


_pab 01_-me#-[x _dub_]-_mesz#_


[x x _ud_—_an_]—(d)#_be_

[x _hal_-u]-tu#

[x] _uru_—ina—_sukud_—_gar#_

[x] iz-bu

[x (x)] 04(*) a-szi-pu-tu

[x (x)] 04(*) bul(*)-t,i(*) [x x] x x x#

_iti-ziz ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu _en_-szu-nu _lu-nam kur_-hi-in-dan

[x x]+x _lugal_(?)#

AI Translation

in all, 100+x tablets.


... Enuma Anu Enlil

x, swollen;

x, the town of Ina-sukud-ishkun;

x, izbu;

... 4 ...;

... 4 provisions .

Month Shebat XI, 1st day, eponym year of their lord.

... the king


in all 100+x tablets,


..., Enuma Anu Enlil,

..., extispicy corpus,

..., "If a city is set on a hill,"

..., Izbu,

x polyptychs of 4 leaves, exorcists' lore,

x polyptychs of 4 leaves, medical recipes

Month of Shebat XI, 1st day, eponym year of Belshunu, governor of Hindana 648 B.C..

...... king

P335776: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x] _ki-lal_

[x x x x x]+x#-me

[x x x x x] re-he

AI Translation

...... the equivalent was:


...... remaining


...... in weight;


...... is left.

Obverse Column ii


02 x#+[x x x x x x]

02 _gu-un_(?)# 14 2::3(*) [x x x]

_pab_ (m)(d)_utu_—_gin_—x#+[x x x]

15 na-s,ar(*)-pat [x x x]

[x] _gu#-un 02 ma_-[_na_ x x]

AI Translation

2 ......

2 talents 14 2/3 .

Total, Shamash-kenu-.

15 ...,

x talents 2 minas .


2 ......;

2 talents 14 2/3 minas:

total, Shamash-mukin-....

15 crucibles ...;

x talents 2 minas ...

P335777: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] qur(?)#-_zag kab_

[x x x x x] _dumu_—_lugal_

[x x x x _lu-03_]-_u5#_

[x x x x x] _gisz-gigir_-_mesz_

[x _szu-2_] (m)30—_apin_-esz

49# _szu-2_ (m)(d)_utu_(?)#—[x (x)]

6 _szu-2_ (m)s,ur-[x (x x)]

AI Translation

...... the left chest;

...... the crown prince

...... 'third man'

...... chariots

x, in the charge of Sin-eresh,

49, in the charge of Shamash-.

6, in the charge of Shur-.


... bodyguard of the left,

... of the crown prince,

... 'third man,'

... chariotry,

x, in the charge of Sin-eresh,

49, in the charge of Shamash-...,

6, in the charge of Shur...,



61 _szu-2_ (m)_masz_—tab-ni-[(x)]

10 _szu-2_ (m)_zalag_—_dingir_—[(x)]

[x] _szu-2_ (m)ab-di-[i (x x)]

[x] _szu-2_ (m)am-ma-[a-a (x x)]

_pab# 02_-me-08 _gisz_-a-rit# ([x x])

[x]+8 _szu-2_ (m)tar-di-tu—asz-szur

[x]+7 _szu-2_ (m)_dug-ga_—_pab_-_mesz_

[x] _szu-2_ (m)I—_dingir_

[x] _szu-2_ (m)_u-u_—_du_

[x] _szu-2_ (m)_numun_—_gin_

[x] _szu-2_ (m)hu-da-da

[_pab_ x _lu_(?)]-_gisz-ban_

AI Translation

61 under the command of Inurta-tabni-...;

10, in the charge of Nur-ili-.

x, in the charge of Abdî, ...;

x, in the charge of Ammayu, ...;

in all, 208 shield bearers.

x+8 under the command of Tarditu-Ashur,

x+7, in the charge of Tab-ahhe.

x, in the charge of Na'di-ilu,

x, in the charge of Dadi-ibni,

x, in the charge of Zeru-ukin,

x, in the charge of Hudada;

in all x bowmen.


61, in the charge of Ninurta-tabni-...,

10, in the charge of Nur-ili,

x, in the charge of Abdî-...,

x, in the charge of Ammaya.

Total: 208 shield-bearers.

x+8, in the charge of Tarditu-Ashur,

x+7, in the charge of Tab-ahhe,

x, in the charge of Na'di-ilu,

x, in the charge of Dadi-ibni,

x, in the charge of Zeru-ukin,

x, in the charge of Hudada.

Total: x bows i.e. archers.

P335778: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)(d)]15—x# (m(*))_pab_—me-e (m)qur-di—[x x]

[x x] _lu-dug_(!)-_qa-bur_-_mesz_ [o]

[(m)x—x]-an(*)-ni _lu-nam kur_-[x x x]

AI Translation

Issar-..., Ahu-me, Qurdi-...,

... cupbearers

...anni, governor of ...;


Issar-..., Ahu-immê, Qurdi-...,

x potters.

...anni, governor of ...,



[x x x]—_igi-lal_-an-[ni x x]

[x x x]-na-szi-ia [x x x]

[x x x] _kur_-gi-mir-[ra-a-a]

[x x x] _sza_(?)#-bi na(*)-[x x]

[x x x]-u-ni x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...-emuranni .

... my ...

... the Cimmerians

... heart ...


...-emuranni ...,

...... ...

... Cimmerians

... out of ....


P335779: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]—_en_(*)# 01 i-si-tu [x x x]

[x x] bi#-ri-a-te 02 ti-ik(*)#-[pi]

[(m)x]+x#-ma-na-a-a _lu_(v)-szA—[x x x]

[x x x]+x# (m)(d)_im_—_ki_-[ia o(?)]

[_uru_]-_du6#_—bar-sa-ip _kur_—za-mu#-[a]

[(m)_pab_]—le-i i-za-[x x x]

AI Translation

...-Bel, 1 ...;

... ...s, 2 brick-courses;

...manayu, ...;

... Adad-isse'a

Til-Barsip, Zamua

Ahu-le'i ...


...-bel; 1 tower ...

... cross-beams, 2 brick-courses,

...manayu, ....

... Adad-isse'a;

governor of Til-Barsip, governor of Mazamua;

Ahu-le'i will ...



[x x x]+x# ti-ik#-[pu o]

AI Translation

... brick-courses


... brick-courses



[x] _uru_-arrap-ha 01 mesz-lu [x x]

[ina] _sza ka-gal 02_ mesz-lu# [x x]

[x] _uru_-kal-ha ina [_sza_ x x] [x x x]-_mesz#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

x, Arrapha, 1 half ...;

in the gate 2 hundred .

... Calah in .


x governor of Arrapha; one half ...,

inside the gateway; the other half not ...

x governor of Calah, inside ......

P335780: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc




_murub4_—_uru_ ni-nu-a

_kur_—ma-szar-te _nina-ki_

_kur_—ma-szar-te ki-s,ir _gibil_







02 _uru_-su-ni-e


É _gaszan_—É

AI Translation

the governess;

The centre of the city is in Ninua.

The Assyrian embassy in Nineveh.

The New Land, the New Kishir.







2 — governor of Sunê


the house of the Lady of the House.


Harem governesses

Nineveh Central City;

Review Palace of Nineveh;

Review Palace of the New Contingent;







2, Sunê;


the household of the Lady of the House.



_pab 13_ [_mi-gar_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

in all, 13 female prefects.


Total, 13 harem governesses.



25 _gal_—_kasz_(*)#-[_lul_]

20 ra-s,ap-pa#

10 600—_kur_

10 ur-zu-hi-na

05 ma-za-mu-a

25 arrap-ha

30 kar—asz-szur

20 la-hi-ru

_pab 01_-me-45

AI Translation

25, chief cupbearer;

20 rashappu-plants;

10: the Palace Herald.

10 Urzuhina;

5 Mazamua;

25 Arrapha;

30 Ashur-karu-shabatu;

20 Lahiru;

Total: 145.


25, the land of the chief cupbearer;

20, Rashappa;

10, the palace herald;

10, Urzuhina;

5, Mazamua;

25, Arrapha;

30, Kar-Ashur;

20, Lahiru;

Total, 145 weavers.

P335782: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_pab 04_-me-76 [(x)] am(?)#-ru-te 01-lim-05-me-22 ((_disz_)) _igi lu_(v)-_sipa_—_bur_

[o] _pab 01_-lim-09#-me-98 _udu-sze_-_mesz_

[(x)]+x _kur#_-qu-e

[(x)] 02-me [(x)]

[(x)] 01-lim-02-me-30 [(x)]

AI Translation

a total of 476 ..., 115 22 in the charge of the shepherd of the throne bearers.

Total: 1,098,98 sheep.

... Que

200 ...



Total: 476 inspected, 1522 at the disposal of the banquets-shepherd.

Total: 1998 grain-fed sheep.

... province of Que.



P335783: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


50 _gu#_ [x x x x x]

10 _gu_ a-na mi-iq-ta-ni a-na _gisz-ma_-_mesz_

_pab 02_-me-74 _gu-un sig-gada_ a-kil-tu

_gisz-hab_ a-kil-tu

30 _gu_ a-na _ka_(?)# a-na né-ri-bi

20 _gu_ a-na 06-me ma-qa-t,i a-na 06-me _tug_-ur-nat

03 _gu_ (m)e-pa-a a-na szA—_igi_—_ka_-_mesz_

02 _gu uru_-a-li-hu a-na szA-ap(*)-pi-na(!)-te

03 _gu_ a-na _tug_-isz-hi

02 _gu_ a-na hi-li _tug-ib-lal_

08(*) _gu 10 ma_ a-na 05-me _tug_(*)-na(?)-ha(*)#-bat gur-ri

02 _gu_ a(*)-na(*)# [x]-ru(?)# A—_sig_ a-na gu(*)-zip(*)-pi _lu-gisz_(*)-_ban_(*)-_tag_(*)

02 _gu_ É _lu_-ka-s,ir

02 _gu_ (m)_im_—15

05 _gu_ a-na t,i(*)-bu(*) _gada_

AI Translation

50 talents .

10 talents for the rigging of boats,

Total: 274 talents of wool, akiltu-garments.

a kind of reed mat for a sceptre

30 talents for the gate and for the entrance.

20 talents for 600 bags and 600 urnutu-garments.

3 talents, Epâ, to the ...;

2 talents, the town of Alihu, for the shapinatu-festival;

3 talents for the turban.

2 talents for a turban of ...;

8 talents 10 minas for 500 gurru-garments.

2 talents for ... of ..., for ... of a cloak, for the bowman.

2 talents, the house of the tailor.

2 talents, Shar-Issar.

5 talents for the tibu of linen;


50 talents ....

10 talents for occasional needs and for the boats.

In all, 274 talents of linen fibre — consumption.

Madder — consumption.

30 talents for the gate and the entrance.

20 talents for 600 gowns and for 600 urnutu-garments.

3 talents, Epâ, for the gate-overseers.

2 talents, the city Alihu, for the boats.

3 talents for the ...-textiles.

2 talents for wrappings of sashes.

8 talents 10 minas for 500 wraps of the Gurraeans.

2 talents for ... of the chariot-fighters and for the cloaks of the archers.

2 talents, the house of the tailors.

2 talents, Shar-Issar.

5 talents for twine of linen.

Reverse Column i


02 _gu lu-masz_(!)-_masz_-_mesz_ sza kal _mu-an-na_

20(*) _gu_ szA—kur-ri-szu _dumu uru_-ni-nu-a

05 _gu_ sza—_lu_-s,al-li-szu-nu sza né-ri-bi

02 _gu lu-usz-bar_—s,ip-rat

01 _gu_ szA—hal-lu-up-ti-szu-nu

_pab 01_-me-09(*) _gu 10 ma_(!)

_sig_(*)#-HÉ-_med_(*) a-kil-tu

07 _gu 10 ma ugu nu 22 gu_ hu-ha-rat HÉ-_med_(*) a-na 03-szu

15 _gu 10 ma lu-02_-u

30 _gu 20_(*) (sup-ras-) _ma_ hu-ha-rat HÉ-_med_(*) a-na 02-szu

_pab 22 gu h_É-_med_(*) ina _sza_-bi 53 _gu_ hu-ha-rat HÉ-_med_(*)

AI Translation

2 talents, the exorcists, for the entire year.

20 talents, the chariot driver, son of Nineveh.

5 talents, the chariot drivers of the entrance;

2 talents, the chariot driver.

1 talent of their haluptu-sheep;

Total: 109 talents, 10 minas.

a turban of wool;

7 talents 10 minas, over the nu 22 talents of huhatu-plant, ..., for 3 times.

15 talents 10 minas, deputy;

30 talents 20 minas of ...-seeds for two.

Total: 22 talents of red wool, in all 53 talents of red wool,


2 talents, the exorcists, of the whole year.

20 talents, the Ninevite hide-soakers.

5 talents, the hide-dealers of the entrance.

2 talents, the weavers of scarves.

1 talent, the clothing-dealers.

In all 109 talents, 10 minas.

Red wool — consumption.

7 talents 10 minas, upon statues; multiplied by three, 22 talents of scarlet dye for red wool.

15 talents 10 minas, the deputy.

Multiplied by two, 30 talents 20 minas of scarlet dye for red wool.

Total, 22 talents of red wool, produced with 53 talents of scarlet dye for red wool.

Reverse Column ii


[x] _gu#_ ka-a-a-man-ni-u [a]-di# mi-iq-ta-ni

[_sig_]-_gada#_ a-kil-tu

[(x x) a]-na# mal(*)-di-di szA É—15(?)# [(x) x _gisz_]-_na#_-_mesz gisz-gu-za_-_mesz_ [o sza] kal _mu-an-na_

[x]+05 _ma-na_(*) É(*) _lu_(v)-ka-s,ir

[x] _ma#_ É _lu_(v)-_kasz-lul_

[x] _ma#_ É—_lu_(v)-02-e

[x] _ma#_ szA—_igi_—_gisz_-szA—_gid-da_

[x] _ma_ sza—hu-pa-ni-szu

[x]+01(*) _ma kusz-da-e-sir_ sza(*) _kur_(?)

40(*) _ma_ t,u-a-nu(*) _gada_ qa-at-nu 06-su ina 01 _gin_

02 _gu_ t,i-bu _gada_

_pab_ (sup-ras-) 03 _gu 10 ma_ É—_gibil_

02 _ma_ a-na aq-qa-ba-ni sza ga-me-da(*)-te

01 _gu_ (m)_im_—15

_pab 30 gu 21 ma-na ta_(v) _igi lu_(v)-_gal_-_mesz_ la ni-mah-har

AI Translation

x talents of kamannû-wood, as far as the edge;

a linen garment, a gift;

... for the ... of the temple; ... the chairs for the entire year

x+5 minas, the house of the tailor;

x minas, the house of the cupbearer;

x minas, the deputy household manager;

x minas, the 'seat-of-a-tug';

x minas, his ...;

x+1 minas of leather for the horses of the country;

40 minas of tannu-flour, linen, a sixth of a shekel for one shekel.

2 talents of tibu-silver, linen.

Total: 3 talents 10 minas, the New Palace.

2 minas for the qaqqabanu of the matedate.

1 talent, Shar-Issar.

In all, 30 talents and 21 minas from the magnates we received.


x talents, regular consumption, including occasional needs.

Linen fibre — consumption:

for the veils of the temple of Ishtar, for beds and chairs for the whole year.

x+5 minas, the house of the tailors;

x minas, the house of the cupbearer;

x minas, the domestic quarters;

x minas, the man in charge of the rickshaw;

x minas, the basket-dealer;

x+1 minas, the sandals of the palace;

40 minas, thin linen thread, 1/6 per one shekel;

2 talents, twine of linen.

In all, 3 talents, 10 minas — the New Palace.

2 minas for the hind-part of the ...-garments.

1 talent, Shar-Issar.

Total, 30 talents, 21 minas. We are not receiving it from the magnates; we buy what we give.

P335784: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ma-na sig-h_É-[_med_]

02 _ma-na sig-gi6#_ [o]

_pab_ a-na _tug-si_-x#+[x (x)]

1 1::2 _ma-na sig-h_É(*)#-[_med_]

1 1::2 _ma-na sig_-[_gi6_ o]

_pab_ a-na _tug_-qar-_pa_(?)#

2 1::2 _ma-na sig-h_É-_med_(*) [o]

2 1::2 _ma-na sig-gi6_ [o]

a-na _tug_-qir-mu [o(*)]

20 _ma sig-h_É-_med_(*)

20 _ma-na_ [_sig-gi6_ o]

a-na 01 [x x x x]

AI Translation

2 minas of red wool;

2 minas of black wool;

total, for the ...-garments.

1 1/2 minas of red wool;

1 1/2 minas of black wool;

total, for the qarpu-garments.

2 1/2 minas of red wool;

2 1/2 minas of black wool;

to the qirmu-garment;

20 minas of red wool;

20 minas of black wool;

to 1 ...


2 minas of red wool;

2 minas of black wool;

total, for the ......-garments.

1 1/2 minas of red wool;

1 1/2 minas of black wool;

total, for the bedspreads;

2 1/2 minas of red wool;

2 1/2 minas of black wool,

for the overcoats;

20 minas of red wool,

20 minas of black wool,

for one ...;



[x x]+x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation






_pab 26 ma h_É-[_med_] 26 _ma gi6_ o(*)

_pab 01 gu 22 ma-na_ [o]

AI Translation

Total: 26 minas of red wool, 26 minas of black wool.

Total: 1 talent 22 minas.


In all, 26 minas of red wool, 26 minas of black.

In all, 1 talent, 22 minas.

P335785: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ma sig_(*)-_sa5_(*) a-na _tug_-ma-qa-t,a-te sza _lu_(v)-na-si-ka-ni

10(?)# _ma sig-sa5 20 ma-na sig-gi6 ta_ É

[x _ma_] _sig#-sa5 05 ma sig-gi6 ta sza_ É-_gal_

[x _ma sig_]-_sa5 25 ma-na sig-gi6_ [x x x x x x x]+x# _ud_ o(*)

[x x x x x x]+x# 10 _ma-na gada_

AI Translation

2 minas of red wool for the mashhatu-garments of the tailors.

10 minas of red wool, 20 minas of black wool from the house;

x minas of red wool, 5 minas of black wool from the palace;

x minas of red wool, 25 minas of black wool, .

...... 10 minas of linen;


2 minas of red wool for the gowns of the sheikhs.

10 minas of red wool, 20 minas of black wool, from the house.

x minas of red wool, 5 minas of black wool from within the Palace.

x minas of red wool, 25 minas of black wool .........;

......, 10 minas of flax.



[x x x x x] (m)_erim_—_sig5_

[x x x x]+04 _ma-na gada_ (m)_erim_—_sig5_

[(x) x] _gu-un 10 ma-na mi-15#_—_tuk_(*)—rém

[_pab_ x]+18(*) _gu-un 18_(*) _ma-na gada_

AI Translation

...... Adad-damqu

...+4 minas of linen, Adad-damqu;

x talents, 10 minas, Issar-da''in-rem;

in all, x+18 talents 18 minas of linen.


... Shabu-damqu;

..., x+4 minas of flax, Shabu-damqu;

x talents, 10 minas, Issar-rishi-remi;

In all, x+18 talents, 18 minas of flax.

P335786: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04# _tug_-[x x x x x x]

02(*) _tug_(*)-_si_(*)#-[_luh_ x x x x]

03 _tug_-ur-[nat x x x x x]

02(*) _tug-ki_—hal-pat bir-sze(?)# [x x]

03 _tug-ki_—hal-pat :- [x x]

03 _tug_-na-s,a-bat :- [x x x]

03 _tug_-qir-me(*) _zag sa5_ [x x]

01 _tug_-[qar]-_pa_ si(?) x#+[x x x]

06 _tug_-dAp-pa-sat _gisz-na#_ [x x]

05(*) _tug_-ur-nat bir-sze _zag sa5 kar_ [x (x)]

04 _tug_-na-s,a-bat :- _nigin_ :- [o]

05(*) _tug_-ur-nat :- :- :- sa-a x#+[x]

01(*) ku-zip-pi _na4_-_mesz#_ ([x])

AI Translation

4 ......-garments;

2 ...-garments ...;

3 urnutu-garments ......;

2 halpatu-garments, multicoloured, ...;

3 halpatu-garments, ditto, ...;

3 sashbatu-garments, ditto, ...;

3 cloaks, the front red ...;

1 ...-garment ...;

6 shawls, bed linen ...;

5 urnutu-garments, multicoloured, the front red, of the port, ...;

4 sashbatu-garments, ditto, the 'strength' ditto;

5 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ditto, ...;

1 garment of ... stone;


4 ...-garments ......;

2 ......-garments ...;

3 urnutu-garments ...;

2 reinforced lower garments, felted, ...;

3 reinforced lower garments ditto ...;

3 straight garments, ditto, ...;

3 overcoats, the front red ...;

1 bedspread of ...;

6 blankets for a bed ...;

5 urnutu-garments, felted, the front red, of the port ...;

4 straight garments, ditto, the edging ditto;

5 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ditto, ...;

1 cloak studded with stones;



04# _tug_-ma-qa-t,i _gada zag sa5_(*)# _kar_(*) _gu_(?)# ([x])

04 _tug_-ur-nat :- :- :- [x x]

03 _tug_-ma-qa-t,i :- _zag sa5_(*)# ([x x])

03 _tug_-ha-ri-rat# [x x x x]

02 _tug_-ma-qa-t,i :- _gun_(*) [x x x]

01 _tug_-ur-nat :- :- [x x x]

01 _tug-ki_—hal-up-tu [x x x]

01 _tug_-ga-mid :- s,i(*)-[x x x]

01 _tug_-ur-nat :- gi(?)#-[x x x]

03 _tug_-ur-nat :- [x x x]

03 _tug_-kar-_zi_(!)-[_mesz_ x x]

02 _tug_-sa-su-pat# [x x x]

02 _tug_-sa-su-pat# [x x x]

AI Translation

4 gowns, linen, the front red, of the port, ...;

4 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ...;

3 shawls ditto, the front red ...;

3 hariratu-garments ...;

2 shawls ditto, multicoloured ...;

1 urnutu-garment, ditto, ditto, ...;

1 haluptu-garment ...;

1 shawl ditto, ...;

1 urnutu-garment, ditto, ...;

3 urnutu-garments, ditto, ...;

3 karzi-garments ...;

2 ...-garments ...;

2 ...-garments ...;


4 gowns of linen, the front red, of the port, ......;

4 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ditto ...;

3 gowns ditto, the front red ...;

3 ...-garments ...;

2 gowns ditto, multicoloured ...;

1 urnutu-garment, ditto, ditto ......;

1 reinforced lower garment ...;

1 ...-garment, ditto, ... ...;

1 urnutu-garment, ditto, ......;

3 urnutu-garments, ditto ...;

3 caps ...;

2 towels ...;

2 towels ...

P335787: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 qar-[_pa_ x x]

01 _tug_-gul(*)#-[_igi-2_ x x]

04 _tug_-dAp-pa-[sa-te (x x)] _sa5_(?)# ([x x])

45(*) _tug_-gul(*)#-[_igi-2_ x (x)] _sa5_(*) [(x x)]

02 _tug_-gul-_igi-2 zag sa5_(*) _kur# 30_ :- _sumun_ x#+[x]

02 rad-di-di 02 _gu-la_ s,u-pu [(x x)]

02 muk-lal bir _zag sa5 na4_-[_mesz_ (x)]

02 _u-sag 03_ s,ip-rat _sa5 kar_

04 qar-_pa_ si-gi(*) 02(*)-szu szA-har-rat _sa5_(*) _gi_(?)# ([x])

04 _si-luh h_É-_med_(*)

01 na-s,a-bat bir _nigin sa5 kar_

AI Translation

1 ...,

1 cloak ...;

4 ...-garments, red, ...;

45 cloaks, red, ...;

2 cloaks, the front red, of the land; 30 ditto, ...;

2 ..., 2 talents of ...,

2 pomegranates, felted, the front red, of the stones ...;

2 heads; 3 ...s, red, of the port;

4 ...-sheep, 2 reeds, red, ...-sheep;

4 baskets of chick-peas;

1 nabatu-vessel, felted, a red ziggurat, of the port;


1 bedspread, ...;

1 cloak, ...;

4 blankets, red, ...;

45 cloaks. ..., red, ...;

2 cloaks, the front red, of the country; 30 ditto, old ...;

2 veils; 2 wraps, embroidered;

2 shawls, felted, the front, red, with ...-stones;

2 mitres; 3 scarves, red, of the port;

4 bedspreads of tuft, 2 pairs of leggings, red, ...;

4 ...-garments of red wool;

1 straight garment, felted, the edging red, of the port.



01 _tug_-na-s,a-bat bir _zag_(*) _sa5 kar_

02 _tug_-ur-nat bir _nigin_ :- :-(*)#

03 _tug_-ur-nat _gada_ s,ip-pi [o]

09 _tug_-szA—_gil zag_(*) [x x (x x)]

11(*) _tug_-sa-su(*)-pat x#+[x x]

_pab_(*) 01-me(*)-01+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 shawl, felted, the front red, of the port;

2 urnutu-garments, felted, the 'finger' ditto ditto;

3 urnutu-garments, linen, ...;

9 ...-garments, the front ...;

11 ...-garments ...;

in all, 101+x .


1 straight garment, felted, the front, red, of the port;

2 urnutu-garments, felted, the edging ditto, ditto;

3 urnutu-garments, of linen, ...;

9 ...-garments, the front, ...;

11 towels, ...:

Total: 101+x ...

P335788: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x]+01(*) _tug_-ur-nat# [x x x]

[x]+02 _tug_-ma-qa#-[t,i x x x]

[x]+01 _tug_-:- :- _zag_ [x x x]

AI Translation

x+1 urnutu-garments ...;

x+2 ...-garments ...;

x+1 ditto garments, ditto, the front ...;


x+1 urnutu-garments ...;

x+2 gowns ...;

x+1 ditto-garment, ditto, the front ...

P335789: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 kan-nu dul6(*)-li#

01 _gisz_-kit-tur-ru _gisz-ku_ sza(*) mu(*)-sze(*)-bi(?)#

02 _tug_-dAp-pa-sat 01 _tug_-qir-mu

01 _tug_-gul-_igi-2 01 tug_-qar-_pa_

01 _tug-si-luh_ an-nu-te sza _gisz-na_ sza É—(d)sze-ru-u-a la ni-in-tu-ha

x x#-ba(*)-te 15 _gi-gid#_-_mesz suhusz nu_-[(x x)]

[x x x x x x]-ki [x x x(*)]

AI Translation

1 bowl of mixed fruit;

1 wooden box, a wooden box for bringing out;

2 shawls, 1 qirmu-garment;

1 cloak, 1 ...;

We did not remove these linen garments from the bed of the temple of Sherua.

...s, 15 long reeds, the base not ...;

...... your ...


1 pot stand, for the ritual;

1 wooden stool of boxwood, of the residence;

2 blankets, 1 overcoat;

1 cloak, 1 bedspread;

1 ... — these pertaining to the bed of the temple of Sheru'a, we did not pick up.

..., 15 reed flutes, their base not ...;




01 _tug_-szA—_gil gisz_(?)-_hur#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

1 ...-garment, a drawing ...;


1 ...-cloth with designs ...

P335790: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


08 _gisz-na_ ga-ri-s,a-te

12 _gisz-na_ ib-bi-a-te

10 sa-li _kur_(*)-i-sa-a-te

10 sa-li _u-sum-sar_

[10] sa-li _u-sum-sikil_

[x] _udu_-_mesz_

x#+[x _dug_-ku-ta-te] _kasz_

[_pab_(*)] sza _nam# uru-bad_—15

02 _gisz-na_ ga-ri-s,a-te

03 _gisz-na_ ib-bi-a-te

03 sa-li _kur_-i-sa-a-te

03 sa-li _u-sum-sar_

03 sa-li _u-sum-sikil#_

05 _udu_-_mesz_

05 _dug_-ku-ta-te _kasz_

02 _ansze sze-sa-a_

_pab_ sza _nam uru_-ba-lat,

AI Translation

8 trays of yoghurt;

12 wooden trays of small onions;

10 baskets of Isate-bread;

10 baskets of garlic;

10 baskets of shallots;

x sheep;

... a cup of beer;

Total, of the province of Dur-Issar.

2 trays of yoghurt;

3 wooden trays of small onions;

3 baskets of chick-peas;

3 baskets of garlic;

3 baskets of shallots;

5 sheep;

5 kutatu-vessels of beer;

2 homers of roasted grain;

Total, of the province of Balassu.


8 trays of cakes;

12 trays of thick bread loaves;

10 baskets of leeks;

10 baskets of garlic;

10 baskets of shallots;

x sheep;

x cans of beer;

total of the administrative district of Dur-Issar.

2 trays of cakes;

3 trays of thick bread loaves;

3 baskets of leeks;

3 baskets of garlic;

3 baskets of shallots;

5 sheep;

5 cans of beer;

2 homers of roasted grain.

Total of the administrative district of Balat.

Obverse Column ii


02 _gisz-na_ ga-ri-s,a-te

03 _gisz-na_ ib-bi-a-te

03 sa-li _kur_-i-sa-a-te

03 sa-li _u-sum-sar_

03 sa-li _u-sum-sikil_

05 _udu_-_mesz_

[x _dug_-ku-ta]-te# _kasz_

[x _ansze sze-sa_]-A

[x sa-li _kur_-i-sa-a]-te(*)

05(*)# [sa-li _u-sum_]-_sar_

06 [sa-li _u-sum_]-_sikil_

10 _udu_(*)#-_mesz_(*)

10 _dug_(*)-ku(*)-ta(*)-te(*) _kasz_(*)

02 _ansze sze-sa-a_

_pab_ (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-mur sza _nam uru_-szA—A—_man_

AI Translation

2 trays of yoghurt;

3 wooden trays of small onions;

3 baskets of chick-peas;

3 baskets of garlic;

3 baskets of shallots;

5 sheep;

x cans of beer;

x homers of sesame;

x baskets of Isate-bread;

5 baskets of garlic;

6 baskets of shallots;

10 sheep;

10 jugs of beer;

2 homers of roasted grain;

Total Shulmu-beli-lamur, of the province of Sha-Aplu-sharri.


2 trays of cakes;

3 trays of thick bread loaves;

3 baskets of leeks;

3 baskets of garlic;

3 baskets of shallots;

5 sheep;

x cans of beer;

x homers of roasted grain;

x baskets of leeks;

5 baskets of garlic;

6 baskets of shallots;

10 sheep;

10 cans of beer;

2 homers of roasted grain.

Total, Shulmu-beli-lamur, of the administrative district of the town of the crown prince.

Reverse Column i


01 _gisz-na_ ga-ri-s,a-te

01 _gisz-na_ ib-bi-a-te

02 sa-li _kur_-i-sa-a-te

02 sa-li _u-sum-sar_

02 sa-li _u-sum-sikil_

02 _udu_-_mesz_

02 _dug_-ku-ta-te _kasz_

01 _ansze sze-sa-a_

_pab_ (m)se-e'—ra-hi-i [o] _nam uru-kar_—10(?) [o]

01 _gisz_(*)-_na_(*) ga(*)-ri(*)-s,a(*)-te#

01(*) _gisz-na_(*) ib(*)-bi(*)-a(*)-te#

[02] sa(*)-li(*)# U(*)-_sum_(*)#-[_sar_]

[x sa-li _u-sum_]-_sikil#_

05 _udu_-_mesz_

08 _dug_-ku-ta-te _kasz_

05 _ansze sze-sa-a_

_pab_ (m)tu-ti-i _gal_—_uru_-_mesz_

AI Translation

1 jar of fig-beer;

1 wooden bed;

2 baskets of chick-peas;

2 baskets of garlic;

2 baskets of shallots;

2 sheep;

2 jars of beer;

1 homer of roasted grain;

Total, Se'-rahî, from the province of Kar-Adad.

1 ...-wood bed;

1 bed of ...;

2 baskets of garlic;

x baskets of shallots;

5 sheep;

8 kutautes of beer;

5 homers of roasted grain;

Total, Tutî, village manager.


1 tray of cakes;

1 tray of thick bread loaves;

2 baskets of leeks;

2 baskets of garlic;

2 baskets of shallots:

2 sheep;

2 cans of beer;

1 homer of roasted grain;

Total Se'-rahî, of the administrative district of Kar-Adad.

1 tray of cakes;

1 tray of thick bread loaves;

2 baskets of garlic; ......;

x baskets of shallots;

5 sheep;

8 cans of beer;

5 homers of roasted grain.

Total Tutî, village manager.

Reverse Column ii


_pab 31_(*) _gisz-na_ ga-ri-s,a-te 46 :- ib-bi-a-te

41 sa-li _kur_-sa-a-te

40 :- _u-sum-sar_

40 :- _u-sum-sikil_

74 _udu_-_mesz_

77 _dug_-ku-ta-te _kasz_

25(*) _ansze sze-sa-a_

_pab# igi-lal_

[x _gisz-na_] ga(*)#-ri-s,a-te(*)

_iti-szu ud 28_

AI Translation

Total 31 trays of harishatu-bread, 46 ditto of ibbî-bread.

41 baskets of shallots;

40 ditto of garlic;

40 ditto of shallots;

74 sheep;

77 containers of beer;

25 homers of roasted grain;

total, inspection.

x trays of figs;

Month Tammuz IV, 28th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Total, 31 trays of cakes; 46 ditto of thick bread loaves;

41 baskets of leeks;

40 ditto of garlic;

40 ditto of shallots;

74 sheep;

77 cans of beer;

25 homers of roasted grain.

All this, inspected.

x trays of cakes

Month of Tammuz IV, 28th day.

P335791: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x sa]-li [_u-sum_]

[x sa]-li _sum_(*)#-[_sikil_]

[x _ansze sze_]-_sa#-a_ o

[x ku-ta-a]-te(*)# _kasz_-_mesz_

[_pab_ (m)(d)x—_ti_]-su(*)—_e gal_—_uru_-_mesz_-ni

[02 _udu_]-_nita_-_mesz_

02# _gisz-na_-_mesz_ ib-bi-a-te

01(*) _gisz-na_ hu-hu-rat

02 sa-li _kur_-_mi_-_mesz_

02 sa-li _u-sum_

02 sa-li _sum-sikil_

01 _ansze sze-sa-a_

02 ku-ta-a-te _kasz_-[_mesz_]

_pab_ (m)asz-szur—_kur_—_lal_-in _gal_—_uru_-_mesz#_-[ni]

02# _udu-nita#_-[_mesz_]

02# _gisz-na_-[_mesz_ ib-bi-a-te]

02# sa-li [_kur_-_mi_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

x baskets of garlic;

x baskets of shallots;

x homers of roasted grain;

x containers of beer;

Total, ...-balassu-iqbi, village manager.

2 male sheep;

2 wooden trays of small onions;

1 bed of huhuratu-wood;

2 baskets of ...;

2 baskets of garlic;

2 baskets of shallots;

1 homer of roasted grain;

2 ...s of beer;

Total, Ashur-matu-taqqin, village manager.

2 male sheep;

2 wooden trays of small onions;

2 baskets of sheep;


x baskets of garlic;

x baskets of shallots;

x homers of roasted grain;

x cans of beer.

Total, ...-balassu-iqbi, village manager.

2 male sheep;

2 trays of thick bread loaves;

1 tray of huhurrutu-type bread loaves;

2 baskets of leeks;

2 baskets of garlic;

2 baskets of shallots;

1 homer of roasted grain;

2 cans of beer.

Total, Ashur-matu-taqqin, village manager.

2 male sheep;

2 trays of thick bread loaves;

2 baskets of leeks;



[x] sa-li# [_sum-sikil_]

[x _ansze_] _sze-sa#_-[A]

[01] _dug_-ku(*)-tu [_kasz_-_mesz_]

[_pab_] (m)szA—(d)_pa_—_gub_-az [x x x]

_pab 10 udu-nita_-_mesz#_

10 _gisz-na_-_mesz_ ib-bi-a-te

08 :- hu-hu-rat

10 sa-li _kur_-_mi_-_mesz_

08(?)# :- zi-in-zi-me

08# :- _u-sum_

10(*) :- _sum-sikil_

[x] _ansze 5_(ban2)(*) _sze-sa-a_

[x _dug_]-ku-ta-a-te# [_kasz_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

x baskets of shallots;

x homers of sesame;

1 jar of beer;

Total, Sha-Nabû-ushur, .

in all 10 rams.

10 wooden trays;

8 ditto of huhuratu-seeds;

10 baskets of horses;

8 ditto of zinzim-bread;

8 ditto of garlic;

10 ditto of shallots;

x homers 5 seahs of sesame;

x cans of beer;


x baskets of shallots;

x homers of roasted grain;

1 can of beer.

Total, Sha-Nabû-izzaz, ....

Total, 10 male sheep;

10 trays of thick bread loaves;

8 ditto of huhurrutu-type bread loaves;

10 baskets of leeks;

8 ditto of red onion;

8 ditto of garlic;

10 ditto of shallots;

x homers 5 seahs of roasted grain;

x cans of beer

P335793: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[01] _na4_-ki-szA-du _kug-gi#_

04 a-sa-la-a-te _urudu_

20 _utul_-_mesz urudu kalag_-_mesz_ sza 02 _ansze_-a-a

03 du-u-di _urudu_

03 tap-ha-a-ni _urudu_ sza 7(ban2)-a-a

18 a-ga-na-a-te _urudu_

20 da-la-a-ni _urudu_

20 ma-zi-a-ni _urudu_

[x x x]-a-ni _urudu_

AI Translation

1 kishadu-stone of gold;

4 asallu-vessels of copper;

20 large copper pots for 2 donkeys.

3 copper casseroles;

3 copper kettles for 7 seahs each;

18 copper agannu-vessels;

20 bronze ...s;

20 copper mashtakanu-vessels;

... of copper


1 amulet of gold;

4 asallu-vessels of copper;

20 large cooking pots of copper, of two homers capacity each;

3 kettles of copper;

3 cauldrons of copper, of 7 seahs 140 litres each;

18 amphoras of copper;

20 buckets of copper;

20 tureens of copper;

x ...s of copper;

Reverse Column ii


_pab_(*) ina(*) _uru_(*)#-[x x]

_dumu_-_mesz lu_(v)-[x x] (m)da(*)-di(?)-[i] (m)bi-i'-si(?)#-[i] _mu_-_mesz_-szu-[nu o(?)]

AI Translation

total, in the town of .

..., Dadî and Bi'sî, their names,


Total, in the city ...;

the sons of the ......; Dadî and Bi'sî are their names.

P335794: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 tap(*)-hu(*) _urudu 01 ansze_

01 :- _urudu 5_(ban2) la _suhusz_

01 :- sza 2(ban2)

03 :- sza 1(ban2)-a-a

01 ha-ri-e sza 02 _ansze_

01 :- sza 6(ban2)

05 sa-ap-lu _qal_-_me_

01 :- ha-pi _urudu_(*)

02 kal-lat É(!)—_tu5_

02 ma-zi-i _urudu_

05 qa-_zag_ É—_tu5_

AI Translation

1 copper kettle, 1 donkey.

1 ditto of copper, 5 seahs without foundation;

1 ditto of 2 seahs;

3 ditto of 1 seah each;

1 harû of 2 hectares;

1 ditto of 6 seahs;

5 small baskets;

1 ditto of copper, ...;

2 baskets of mixed fruit.

2 copper ...s;

5 'litres' of refined silver for the bedroom;


1 cauldron of copper, 1 homer c. 200 litres;

1 ditto of copper, 5 seahs c. 100 l., no base;

1 ditto, of 2 seahs;

3 ditto, of 1 seah each;

1 vat of 2 homers c. 400 l.;

1 ditto of 6 seahs;

5 small vases;

1 ditto, broken, of copper;

2 pails for the bathroom;

2 tureens of copper;

5 cups for the bathroom;



05 ga(?) me i'(*) 02(*) qa

02 a-sa-al-lu _urudu_

01 ki-i-ri sza 6(ban2)

01 :- sza 3(ban2)

02 _utul_-_mesz 3_(ban2)-a-a

01 : 1(ban2) 04 :- ka-su(!)-pat#

01 du-du _urudu_ dan-nu

01 :- kas-su-pi :-(*)

01 :- qa-lu(*)

01 na-zi-tu _urudu 05_ qa

02 sza—_szu-2_-_mesz urudu_

11 _nig-na urudu 01 ki-ne_(*) _urudu_

10 na(*)-s,a-bat _gisz-ig_-_mesz_(*)

02 ru(?)#-qi _kaskal-2_(*) _urudu_

01 bu-s,i-ni _urudu_

AI Translation

5 ..., 2 'litres';

2 asallu-vessels of copper;

1 ki'ru-vessel of 6 seahs;

1 ditto of 3 seahs;

2 jars, 3 seahs each;

1 ditto, 1 seah 4 ditto, cress,

1 big copper kettle;

1 ditto of ...;

1 ditto, small;

1 ... of copper, 5 'litres';

2 ...s of copper;

11 copper censers, 1 copper ...;

10 doors,

2 teams of copper,

1 copper kettle;


5 ... of 2 'litres';

2 asallu-vessels of copper;

1 pithos of 6 seahs c. 120 l.;

1 ditto of 3 seahs;

2 cooking pots, 3 seahs each;

1 ditto, 1 seah; 4 ditto, chipped;

1 large kettle of copper;

1 ditto, chipped, ditto;

1 ditto, small;

1 fermenting vat of copper, 5 'litres' in capacity;

2 basins for washing hands, of copper;

11 censers of copper; 1 brazier of copper;

10 handles for doors;

2 kettles for travel, of copper;

1 lamp of copper.

P335795: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x]+x# bir-me(?)# [o]

[x x]+x# _mi_(?)—É-_gal_

[x] É(?)#—_dingir_ szA _dib_(*)-u(*)-ni

[x x]+x#-_mesz kug-gi_

[ki(?)]-s,ir(*)# (m)asz-szur—_di_-man

[x x] _mi_(*)-_dingir_-_mesz_—_apin_(!)-esz

[x x x] _mi_(?)#—É-_gal_

[x x x x] szA(?)#-ku-tu

[x x x x x]+x#-u-ni

AI Translation

... scattered

... the queen

x, the temple which he captured;

...s of gold

the estate of Ashur-shallimanni,

... the women of Ilu-eresh

... the queen

...... the shakkutu-offering

...... us


...... multicoloured ...

...... the queen

... of the temple, which were taken.

...s of gold;

... of Ashur-shallimanni;

... of the woman Ilani-eresh;

...... the queen.

...... jewellery

which he/she ......d.

Obverse Column ii


_pab 10_ [x x x x]

01 _gin_ [x x x x]

an-ni-u(*) [x x x x]

01 _kusz-ban-da_ [x x x]

me-s,ir [x x x x]

10(*)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

in all, 10 ....

1 shekel ...;

this ......

1 bow ...;

the 'path' ...

10 ......;


Total, 10 ...;

1 shekel ....

This is ....

1 necklace ...

a band ...;

10 ...

P335796: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


szA-az-bu-su sza(*) [x x x]

05 ak-li 01 [x x x]

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_(?)#-[_mesz_ o]

_dug_-ha-as,-bu [x x x]

2(ban2) _sze_-hasz-lat a(*)-[x x]

10 _ma-na sig_-_mesz#_ [x x]

01 qa# I(*)-_gisz_(*) lu(*)#-[x x] [(x) x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

the shakbushu-offerings of .

5 loaves of bread, 1 ...;

a flagon of beer;

a tureen of ...;

2 seahs of ...-seeds;

10 minas of wool ...;

1 litre of oil .


Consignment of ...:

5 loaves, 1 ...;

a flagon of beer;

a hashbu-pot of ...;

2 seahs of crushed grain ...;

10 minas of wool ...;

1 'litre' of oil ......;

P335797: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


40 kal-li _sumun_-_mesz_

40 _bur gin_

40 ba-a-a-du

40 a-lu-nat

40 _utul-tur_(*)-_mesz_

40 sa-li ga-bu-di

40 mut(*)-qi-i-tu asz-szur-i-tu

40 :- ar-mi-i-tu

[x] x _sze_(*)#-hi-in-hi-ni

[x x x x x x]-ni

AI Translation

40 kallu-vessels of ...;

40 shekels of silver,

40 ...;

40 alumnatu-plants;

40 small vessels;

40 baskets of mixed kernels;

40 Assyrians,

40 ditto of rams;

... Hinhinu-barley;


40 bowls of old dishes;

40, regular meal;

40, vigil;

40 crabs;

40 small cooking pots;

40 baskets of ...;

40 Assyrian sweets;

40 Aramean ditto;

... hinhinu-seeds;




[x x x] _gal_(?)—É(?)# [x x]

AI Translation

... the major-domo .


... major-domo ...

P335798: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x]+x# _dumu_—_lugal_

[x _mi_-(d)]sze(*)-ru-u-a—_kar_-at

[x (m)_an_]-_szar_(*)#—_gin_—_bal_-ia

[x (m)_an-szar_—e-tel—_an_—_ki_]—_ti-la-bi_

[x (m)(d)_gisz-nu11_—_ug5_]-_ga#_—_ti-la_ [o]

AI Translation

... the crown prince

x, Sherua-etirat;

... Ashur-kenu-iqisha

... Ashur-etel-shamash-uballit-balati

... Shamash-mukin-balati


..., the crown prince;

... the lady Sheru'a-eterat;

... Ashur-mukin-pale'a;

... Ashur-etel-shamê-ersheti-muballissu;

... Shamash-metu-uballit

Obverse Column ii


x x# [x x x x]

_pab 20_ x#+[x x x]

02 _udu_ sap-lisz(*)-hi(*)#

26 _udu_ e-qu-te _gibil_(*)

17 _udu en ku_-_mesz_

10 _udu 10 nim_ kab-bur

10 _udu 10 nim_ s,ar-hu(*)-te-szu

05 _udu_ tak-bar

05 :- si(*)-sal(*)-hi(*)

05 :- gab-bu-bu

05 :- hal-lam(*)#

05 _utul-tur_-_mesz_

_pab 65 udu_-_mesz bur_

x _udu#_-_mesz_ ki-ru-tu(*)

[x] :- um-man(*) u-ra-si

[x] sza(*)# É—_usz_-u-te

[_pab_(?) x] _udu_-_mesz_ a-kil-tu(*)# [x x x x x] x x#

AI Translation


in all 20 ...

2 sheep, saplishhu-offering;

26 new sheep,

17 sheep, lord of ...;

10 sheep, 10 spring lambs, ...;

10 sheep, 10 spring lambs, his ...;

5 fattened sheep;

5 ditto of mixed kernels;

5 ditto, all;

5 ditto, hallam;

5 small pots;

65 sheep, rations,

x sheep, kirutu-offerings;

x ditto, a smith of a threshing floor;

x, of the 'house of life';

in all x sheep, rations .



in all, 20 ...

2 sheep, saplishhu-offering;

26 ... sheep, burnt offering;

17 sheep, including the eaten ones;

10 sheep, 10 spring lambs, fat;

10 sheep, 10 spring lambs, served hot;

5 sheep, fattened;

5 ditto, of the sisalhu-type;

5 ditto, roasted;

5 ditto, hallam;

5, small cooking pots;

in all, 65 sheep, from the meal;

x sheep, kirrutu-meal.

x ditto, masters of the brick-masons;

... of the Succession Palace;

total x sheep, consumption.

Reverse Column ii


[x x x] ki sza _ki_-szu

[x x]-_mesz_ da x# sza _ki_-szu

[x x]-da-_bu_ sza _ki_-szu

[(x) x]-_mesz lugal_ sza _kur_-sa(?)-lat

01# _gal_—ki-s,ir _kab_ sza _ki_-szu

01 _dib_—_pa_-_mesz 03_-szu-_mesz sag-usz_(?)#-_mesz_ sza _ki_-szu-nu

[01 qur]-_zag#_ sza _gir-2 lu-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz#_ [x _dib_—_pa_]-_mesz_ sza x#+[x x x x x] [x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

... with him

...s beside ... which is with him

... of his side

...s of the king of Salat

1 cohort commander, left, with him;

1 chariot driver, 3rd class, first class, with them;

1 shoulder-bone of the feet of the open chariotry, x chariot drivers of ......;


...... and his colleagues;

...... and his colleagues;

...... and his colleagues;

x, troops of the king, of the land of Sallat;

1, cohort-commander of the 'left' and his colleagues;

1, chariot-driver, regular 'third men' and their colleagues;

x, bodyguard of the sha shepi guard of the open chariotry;

P335799: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Reverse Column i


[x] 03(*)-szu-_mesz nim_-[_ma_-a-a]


01 _gigir_ (erasure) [o]

03 qur(*)-_zag gir-2 gisz_(*)-_gigir_(*)#

01(*) _du8_-_mesz_

_pab 08 01 gisz-pa_

01 _dib_—_pa 03_-szu sza A—_man_ (m(*))da(*)-ni(*)-i(*)

01 _banszur 02_-u A—_man_

02(*)# _sag-usz_(*)-_mesz_ :-

02(*)# _gal_—ki-s,ir-_mesz_ :-

[x] _gigir a_—_man_

[x x] _du8_(*)#-_mesz a_—_man_

[x x x x x]+x#+[x]

AI Translation

x Elamite 'third men';

cohort commander

1 chariot,

3 chariot-drivers, chariot-drivers,

1 cloak;

in all 8; 1 wooden spoon.

1, chariot driver of the third rank of the crown prince; Danî;

1 second table of the crown prince;

2 heads ditto;

2 cohort commanders ditto;

x, the chariot of the crown prince;

... the royal gate;



x, Elamite 'third men,'

cohort commanders;

1, chariot-horse-trainers;

3, bodyguards of the sha shepi guard, of the chariotry;

1, of the open chariotry;

Total, 8. 1 staff-bearer.

1 chariot driver, 'third man' of the crown prince, Danî;

1, second table of the crown prince;

2, regular troops of ditto;

2, cohort commanders of ditto;

x, chariot-horse-trainers of the crown prince;

x, open chariotry of the crown prince;

x, chariot drivers, ditto;

Reverse Column ii


[(x x) x x] x ik(?)#

[(x x) x]+x# su _sal ud_(*) _tar_

[(x x) x]+x# sza _ki_(*)-szu

[(x x)] _sanga_(?)# sza (d(*))_en_(*)

[(x x)] _dib#_—_pa_-_mesz_ szA _ki_-szu

[x x] _nam_(*) _kur_(*)-kal(?)-x#

[x x] um(*)-man(*)#

[x x] x x (x#) [x x x]

AI Translation

... with him

... priest of Bel

x, chariot drivers with him;

... governor of Chaldea

... the shandabakku


x, ...

x, ...

x, his colleagues

x, priest of Bel;

x, chariot driver accompanying him;

x, ... governor of Kal...;

x, scholar;

x, ......

P335800: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



30# _ansze sze-numun uru-sze_—ka-an-si—(d(*))#15

20 _ansze sze-numun_ [o(*)] ina _uru_-lu(*)-a-ma-[(x)]

AI Translation

30 hectares of sown land in the village of Kansi-Issar;

20 hectares of sown land in the town of Lu'ama;


30 hectares of sown land in the village of Kansi-Issar;

20 hectares of sown land in the town of Lu'ama.



_pab 50 ansze sze-numun_ ina na-ge-e

AI Translation

50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city of ..., in all 50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city of ..., in all 50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city of ..., in all 50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city of ..., in all 50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city of ..., in all 50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of ..., in all 50 hectares of


In all, 50 hectares of sown land in the district of the city Arrapha.

P335801: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x] :-(*)# [x x x x x x x]

[x x x] :-# :- :- _nu_(*)-_ur_(*)-_ma_(?)# [o]

[x x x] :- :- :- _ka_ sa(?)#-a(*)-a(*) 01(*) 1::2(*) _ma_(*)

[x x x] :- :- :- :- sa-a-a 01(*) 1::2(*) _ma_

[x x x] :- :- :- bar hu _ka ma_ sa-a 01 1::2

[x x x] :- :- :- :- szi-tu(*) szi su be [o] sa-a [01(?)] 1::2

[x x x x x :-] :- :- sa-a 01 _ma_(*) 04(*)-tu

[x x x x x x x x] x#-_hi-a_

[x x x x x x x x] 04(*)-tu(*)#

AI Translation

... ditto .

... ditto ditto ditto, pomegranates;

... ditto ditto ditto, gate of Sa'a; 1 1/2 mina;

... ditto ditto ditto ditto, ..., 1 1/2 mina;

... ditto ditto ditto, ..., ..., ..., 1 1/2;

... ditto ditto ditto ditto ... ... 1/2

...... ditto ditto ditto, ..., 1 1/4 mina;


...... fourth


...... ditto ......;

...... ditto ditto ditto, pomegranates;

...... ditto ditto ditto, the fringe knotted, 1 1/2 mina;

...... ditto ditto ditto ditto knotted, 1 1/2 mina;

...... ditto ditto ditto ... ... the fringe ... knotted, 1 1/2 minas;

...... ditto ditto ditto ditto, textile, ..., knotted 1 1/2;

...... ditto ditto, knotted 1 1/4 mina;


...... 1/4;

Obverse Column ii


_pab#_ [x x x x x x]

01 ur-nat _gi6_(*) _nigin zag#_ [x] sa-a _gud igi-2 gu#_-[_la_]

02 :- :- _nigin_ :- _ka ma_ sa#-a

01 :- :- _nigin_(!) _masz_ sa-a# su-ni(?)#

16 :- :- _nigin_ :- sa-a# _sa5_ [o]

40 :- :- :- _sa5_(*) [(x) x]-a(?)-te(*) [o]

33 :-(?) ma(?)# bi(?) [x x]

04 :- [x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

total ......

1 black urnutu-garment, trimmed, the front ..., a bull, a shoulder, a neck;

2 ditto ditto, surrounded by a halo, ditto, of the mouth, of the 'path';

1 ditto ditto, surrounded by a halo of ...;

16 ditto ditto, surrounded by a halo, ditto, red;

40 ditto ditto ditto, red, ...-shaped;

33 ditto, "...;"

4 ditto ......;

total ......


total ......;

1 urnutu-garment, black, edging, the front ..., knotted, with a bull, ..., ...;

2 ditto ditto, edging ditto, the fringe ... knotted;

1 ditto ditto, edging with a goat, knotted, ...;

16 ditto ditto, edging ditto, knotted, red;

40 ditto ditto ditto, red, knotted;

33 ditto ...... ...;

4 ditto ......;

total .......

Obverse Column iii


x x#+[x] x _sig_(*)# [o]

01 ma-qa-t,i _gada_(*) _zag gu_(*)#-[_la_] _na_ [o]

02 :- :- :- _ka_ x#+[(x x)]

04(?) x x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... ..., thin

1 gown of linen, the front red, of the man's body;

2 ditto ditto ditto, gate ...;

4 ......;


... wool;

1 gown of linen, with front, and a wrap for a bed.

2 ditto ditto ditto, the fringe ...;

4 ... ...

Reverse Column ii


_pab 100_+[x x x x x]

03 ma-qa-t,i# [x x x x]

01 _ki_—hal-pat# [x x x]

03 ma-qa-t,i :- [x x x]

01 _ki_—hal-pat :-(*) [x x x]

03 ma-qa-t,i x#+[x x x]

53 :- :- _zag#_ [x x]

04(?) [x x] :- :- [x x x]

AI Translation

in all, 100+x .

3 baskets ...;

1 outer garment ...;

3 ... ditto ...;

1 outer garment ditto ...;

3 baskets ...;

53 ditto ditto, the front ...;

4 ... ditto ditto ...;


Total 10+x ...

3 gowns ......;

1 reinforced lower garment ...;

3 gowns ditto ...;

1 reinforced lower garment ditto ...;

3 gowns ...;

53 ditto ditto with front ...;

4 ... ditto ditto ...

Reverse Column iii


25(*)# [x x x x x]

01 :-(*) :-(*)# [x x x x x x]

_pab_ x#+[x x x x x x]

50(*) ur-nat x#+[x x x]

10(*) ($x x x$)

_pab_ [x x x x x x x]

02 :- :- _zag kar_(*)# _nu_ sa-a

93 ur-nat bir _zag kar_(*)

22 :- :- :- _kur_

14(*) :- :- :- _gi6_

_pab_ [x x] x#-szu(?)

_pab_(?)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

25 ......;

1 ditto ditto ......;

total ......

50 urnutu-garments ...;

10 ...;

total ......

2 ditto ditto, the front red, of the port, not red;

93 urnutu-garments, felted, the front red, of the port;

22 ditto ditto ditto, of the country;

14 ditto ditto ditto black;

Total ... his .

total ......


25 ......;

1 ditto ditto ......;

total .........;

50 urnutu-garments .........

10 ...

total ......;

2 ditto ditto the front red, of the port, not, knotted;

93 urnutu-garments, felted, the front red, of the port;

22 ditto ditto ditto, of the country;

14 ditto ditto ditto, black;

total ... ... ...

total ......

Reverse Column iv


[x x]-bi x x#+[x x x x]

[x] _kun_(?) _gun-a kur_(?)

[x _tug_]-_gada_ sa-a

[x x] _za nigin gud_(*) :-

[x x] _zag_ :- x# pi(*)

[x _tug_]-ha-ri-rat _gun_

AI Translation

x bows, ...,

x linen garments, ...;

... the front, surrounded by a ... of oxen, ditto;

... the front ditto ...;

x hariratu-garments, multicoloured;



... the rear, multicoloured, of the country;

... linen, knotted;

... ... edging, with a bull, ditto;

... the front ditto, ...;

... ...-garments, multicoloured.

P335802: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



20 x ma#-qa-t,i(*)# [x x x]

60 ma-qa-t,i bé-[te x x]

04 ma-qa-t,i _zag#_ [x x x]

04 ma-qa-t,i x#+[x x x]

02(*) _tug-ki-ta#_—[x x x]

20 ga-mid [x x x x]

02 qir-[me x x x x]

AI Translation

20 ..., ...;

60 ...s, the house ...;

4 gowns, the front ...;

4 baskets ...;

2 ...-garments;

20 ...-garments ...;

2 ...s ...


20 gowns ...;

60 house-gowns, ...;

4 gowns, the front ...;

4 gowns ......;

2 lower garments ...;

20 ...-garments ......;

2 overcoats ...



x#+[x ur(?)]-nat _gada babbar_(*) [x x]

x x# [x (x) x]+x#-bu _gun_ [x x x]

_pab_(*)# [o] 07(*)-me(*) [x x x x]

AI Translation

... urnutu-garments, white, ...;

... ..., talents .

Total: 700 ...


... urnutu-garments of linen, white, ...;

... ... ..., multicoloured ....

Total: 700+x ...

P335803: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x (x x) x]+x# _zag kun_-tu(*)#

[x x x (x x) x]+x# 01 _ma 03_-si

[x x x x (x x)] :- :- _zag_ :- 01 _ma 03_-si [o]

[x x x (x x)] :- _zag_ :- 01 _ma 04_-tu [o]

[x x x (x x)] :- :- _zag kar nu 01 ma 03_-si#

[x x (x x) x]+x# :- :- _zag_ :- 01 _ma 04_-tu

[x x x (x x)] :- :- _zag sa5_ pu-li

[x x x x (x x)] :- _zag sa5 kur_

[x x x x (x x)] _zag_(*) _gi6_(*)# [x (x x)]

AI Translation

...... the front, the rear;

...... 1 1/3 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/3 mina;

... ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/4 mina;

... ditto ditto, the front red, of the port, not 1 1/3 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/4 mina;

... ditto ditto, the front red, of the doorway;

... ditto, the front red, of the country;

... the front black ...;


... the front and the rear part;

... 1 1/3 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/3 mina;

..., ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/4 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front red, of the port, not, 1 1/3 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/4 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front red, of limestone;

..., ditto, the front red, of the country;

...... front black ...;



[x x (x x) x]+x# 77 ur-nat-_mesz_ [x x (x x)]

[x x (x x) _gu_(?)]-_la_ bé(*)-te(*) sza _mi_-_mesz_

[x (x x) x]+x# bir :- :-

[x x x (x x)]-si(?) :- _zag sa5_(*)# ([x])

[x x (x x) x]+x# _zag sa5 kar_(*)# ([x])

[x x x (x x)] _zag sa5 kur_ [o]

[x x (x x)] gul#-_igi-2 zag sa5 kar_

[x x (x x) ma-qa]-t,i(?) _nu zag_

[x x x x x (x x)]-ip-tu(*)

[x x x x (x x) x]+x# _ud_(?) _me_

AI Translation

... 77 urnutu-garments .

... the house, the house of the women,

... ... ditto ditto;

... ditto, the front red, ...;

... the front red, of the port;

... the front red, of the country;

... the front red, of the port;

... ..., ..., not on the right;

...... opened

...... day


... 77 urnutu-garments ...;

... house-wraps for women;

......, felted, ditto, ditto;

......, ditto, the front red;

... the front red, of the port;

... the front red, of the country;

... cloaks, the front red, of the port;

... gowns, not with front;


...... ...

P335804: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[(x x)] sza# e-gir-[a]-te

[x]+20 _gisz_-qa-_zag_ x x#

02(?) hu(?)#-hu-rat x x#-_mesz_

16(?) pi-tiq(?) x# hu

[x] ta(?)-nu-ki(?) x x#

[x]+07 _gisz_-mu-lap-pi-te

[x] _szab gesztin_ ha-x#-pi(?)

[x] :- :- sa#-ar(?)-hu

[(x) x x] _gesztin_(?)—ha-li#

[x x _dug_-ku]-ta(*)#-a-te I(*)-_mesz_(*)#

[x x x] x# _szab i_-_mesz_

[x x x] x x# _gesztin_-_mesz#_

[x x x x] _sud_(*)#-_mesz_

[É—ku-zip]-pu _sud_

[x x x x x] _sze#-pad_-_mesz_

AI Translation

... of letters

x+20 ...-wood ...;

2 ...s,

16 ... ...;

x+7 mukuppatu-vessels;

x jars of ... wine;

x ditto ditto, ...;

... of halû-wine;

x jars of oil;

...... oil,

...... wine

...... days

a garment house

...... barley


... of tablets;

20 wooden cups ...;

2 ......;

16 ......;

x ......;

7 wooden spatulae;

x jars of ... wine;

x ditto ditto, ...;

x ... of vinegar;

x cans of oil,

... jar of oil;

... of wine;

... empty ...s;

1 empty container for cloaks;

... barley;

Obverse Column ii


02 x#+[x x x x x]

01 _ma_ [x x x x x]

04 _ma_ [x x x x x]

30 qa-_zag_ x#+[x x x x]

01 ta-nu-ki [x x x x x]

04 _szab gesztin_(*)# [x x x]

23 :- :- sa-ar(?)#-[hu]

08 :- ha-li [o]

_pab 35_(*) _szab gesztin_-[_mesz_]

02 _dug_-ku-ta-a-te I-_mesz_

06 1::2 _dug-szab i_-_mesz_

09 _kusz_-duh-szi-i(*)

02 _kusz_—a(*)-ra-ba-ni _sud_-_mesz_

01 _gisz_-É(*)—ku-zip-pi _sud_

30 _ansze sze-pad_-_mesz_

08 _gisz_-mu-lap-pi-te

AI Translation

2 ......

1 mina ......;

4 minas ...;

30 ... ...;

1 ...-garment ...;

4 jars of wine ...;

23 ditto ditto, cress;

8 ditto of mixed kernels;

in all, 35 jars of wine.

2 jars of oil;

6 1/2 jugs of oil;

9 leather bags;

2 arabani-skins, long;

1 cloak, wool;

30 homers of barley;

8 ...;


2 ......;

1 mina ...;

4 minas ...;

30 cups ...;

1 ... ...;

4 jars of ... wine;

23 ditto ditto ...;

8 ditto of vinegar;

total 35 jars of wine.

2 cans of oil;

6 1/2 bowls of oil;

9 dyed leathers;

2 empty leather bags of dormouseskin;

1 empty wooden container for cloaks;

30 homers of grain;

8 wooden spatulae;

Reverse Column i


[x x x x] mir-t,u

[x x x] _sa5 kur_ lu bur

[x x x] :- :- mir-t,u

[x x x] :- _gi6_ :-

[x x] _tug_(*)#-muk-lal _sa5 kar nu_

[x x] _tug#_-:- :- mir-t,u

[x x] _tug#_-:- _zag sa5 kur_

[x x] _tug_-:- :- :- mir-t,u

[x _tug_]-szA(*)#—_isz zag sa5 kar nu_

[x x x x] :-(*) _zag gi6_

[x _tug-ki-ta_]—hal(*)#-lu-pat

[x x x x] _sa5_(*)# [x (x x)]

AI Translation

...... a scepter

... red, may the land be destroyed.

... ditto ditto, a kind of profession

... ditto, black ditto;

... a shawl, red, of the port, not;

... ditto, ditto, a shawl;

... ditto, the front red, of the country;

... ditto, ditto, ditto, ...;

x shawls, the front red, of the port, not;

... ditto, the front black;

x hallopatu-garments;

... red ...;


...... rubbed;

x ... red of the country ...;

x ...s, ditto, ditto, rubbed;

x ... ditto, black, ditto;

x shawls, red of the port, not;

x ditto garments, ditto, rubbed;

x ditto garments, the front red, of the country;

x ditto garments, ditto, ditto, rubbed;

x ... garments, the front red, of the port, not;

x ... ditto, the front black;

x reinforced lower garments;

... red ...

Reverse Column ii


06# _tug_-na-s,a-bat# [x x x x] bir-sze _nu_ [x x x x]

02 _tug_-ma-qa-[t,i x x x]

02 _tug-ki#_-[_ta_—hal-lu-pat] 14 _tug_-x#+[x x x x] 09 _tug_-[x x x x] 01 _tug_-[x x x x] x#+[x x x x x] 02 _tug#_-[x x x x] 01 [x x x x x] 01 [x x x x x] 01 [x x x x x]

AI Translation

6 sashes ..., ..., ..., not ...;

2 ...-garments ...;

2 outer garments, 14 ...-garments, 9 ...-garments, 1 ...-garment, ......, 2 ...-garments, 1 ......,


6 straight garments ..., felted, not ...;

2 gowns ...;

2 reinforced lower garments ...;

P335805: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



sza(*)-az-bu-su sza _tug_(*)-kin-da-ba-si

01(?) _gisz_(?)#-[_banszur_]-_mesz_ tal(*)-lul(*)

04 _ansze 5_(ban2)(*) _ninda_ sad-ru(*)

02 _ansze ninda qal_(*)-_mesz_

01(*) _ansze ninda#_-ib-bi-a-te

05(*) _ansze kasz_-_mesz_

02 _ansze gesztin_-_mesz_

20 _udu_-_mesz 01 gud-nita_

15 _ma sig_-_mesz_

1(ban2)(?)# _ninda qal_(*) szA _sze_(*)-hasz-la(?)-te(?) _udu_(*)-_siskur_(*)

[(x) x] _ninda_(*) _ka_(?) x#+[x (x)]

AI Translation

a shabusu-garment of a kindabasu-garment;

1 table, decorated;

4 imaru 5 seahs of regular offering loaves;

2 homers of small bread loaves;

1 homer of ibbi-bread;

5 homers of beer;

2 homers of wine;

20 sheep, 1 ox;

15 minas of wool;

1 seah of small bread loaves, a sacrifice;

... bread ...


A consignment of gowns;

1 tables, equipped;

4 homers 5 seahs of ordinary bread;

2 homers of small bread loaves;

1 homer of thick bread loaves;

5 homers of beer;

2 homers of wine;

20 sheep; 1 ox;

15 minas of wool;

1 seah of small bread loaves from crushed grain; a sacrificial sheep;

... ...-bread ...;



_pab_(*)# an-ni-u szA [o] asz-szur-a-a

AI Translation

All this of the Assyrians.


all this of the Assyrians.



02 qa I-_mesz barag_(!) x x#

_gisz_(*)-_mesz_ o(*)

AI Translation

2 'litres' of oil for the dais ...;



2 'litres' of refined oil ...;


P335806: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column ii


02 _gud un_-_mesz_ [É]

02(?) _gud suhusz_-_mesz_(?)#

[x x] _gesztin_(?)# [x x]

10 [x x x x]

10 :- [10 _nim_ s,ar-hu-te-szu]

10 :- [tak-bar]

10 :- si#-[sal-hi]

10 :- gab-[bu-bu]

[10(?)] :- hal-[lam]

[10(?)] _utul-tur_-_mesz_ [o]

[x _udu_] ki#-ru-tu(?) x#

[_pab_ x] _udu_(?)# _bur_ [x x]

AI Translation

2 oxen, the people of the house;

2 oxen, the foundations;

... wine ...

10 ......;

10 ditto, 10 spring lambs, his ...;

10 ditto, ...;

10 ditto of sisalhu-aromatics;

10 ditto, all;

10 ditto, hallam;

10 small pots;

x sheep, kirutu-offerings ...;

Total x sheep, rations .


2 oxen, people of the palace;

2 oxen, guests ...;

... wine ...

10 ......

10 ditto, 10 spring lambs, served hot;

10 ditto, fat;

10 ditto, sisalhu;

10 ditto, roasted;

10 ditto, hallam;

10, small cooking-pots;

x sheep, kirrutu-meal;

Total, x sheep of the meal ...

Reverse Column i


[x x] É-_gal#_ [x x x]

[x (m)(d)]30(?)#—_man_—_pab_ [o]

[o] um-man ma-a'-du-te

01 (m)ba-la-su _lu_(v)-_sanga_ sza _uru-kaskal_

01 _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_ sza _uru-kaskal_

10 ub-sa-a-te qab-sat

[x]+x# 02-u-te _a-ba_-_mesz_ [o] sza# _nam_-_mesz_

[x] um#-man _szu#_-[2] _man#_

[x _sza_—_uru_]-a-a

[x] _dumu_(?)-[_mesz uru-nina_]-_ki_

[x] _uru#_-[kal-ha]-a-a

[x] _dumu_-[_mesz uru_-arba]-il

[x]+x# _kaskal_-[_ki_-a-a] [x]+05 [x x x x x x x] [x x] [x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the palace .

... Sin-sharru-ushur

many scholars,

1, Balasu, priest of Harran;

1, treasurer of Harran;

10 ubsatu-vessels, ...;

... two scribes of the governors

x, the 'scouts' of the king's hand;

x, from the Inner City;

x citizens of Nineveh;

x, Calah;

x, from Arbela;

... the Babylonians ... 5


... palace ...

1, Sin-sharru-ushur;

many scholars;

1, Balassu, priest of Harran;

1, the treasurer of Harran;

10, central stables;

x, deputies and scribes of governors;

x, scholars in the service of the king;

x, ditto, from Assur;

x, from Nineveh;

x, from Calah;

x, from Arbela;

x, from Harran

P335807: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x] :-

[x x] 20 :-

[x x] 15 :-

[_pab_] 70(?)# 2(ban2)-a-a

AI Translation

... ditto;

... 20 ditto;

... 15 ditto;

in all 70 2 seahs of barley rations each;


... ditto,

... 20 ditto,

... 15 ditto,

total 70, at 2 seahs each.

Obverse Column ii


02 [x x x]

_pab 55_ [x x]

28 15# [x x]

40 11 [x x]

17 10 [x x]

_pab 85_(*) [x x]

AI Translation

2 ...;

in all, 55 ...

28 15 ...

40 11 ...

17 10 ...

in all 85 ...


2 ...,

total 55 ....

28 15 ...,

40 11 ...,

17 10 ...,

total 85 ....

Reverse Column i


03 [x x x]

02 15 :- [o]

_pab 05 2_(ban2)(?)-a-a [o(?)]

AI Translation

3 ...;

2 15 ditto;

in all 5 2 seahs .


3 ...,

2 15 ditto ...,

total 5, at 2 seahs each.

Reverse Column ii


_pab 04 1_(ban2)-a-a

03 15 :-

02 14(?) :-

08# 10 :-

AI Translation

in all 4 1 seah each.

3 15 ditto;

2 14 ditto,

8 10 ditto;


total 4, at 1 seah each.

3 15 ditto,

2 14 ditto,

8 10 ditto

P335809: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] É—_gibil_

[x x x x x]

[x x] _gisz_(*)#-_kin-gesztin_

[x x x]-x# _gesztin_

AI Translation

... New Palace


... wine;

... wine


... the New House;


... grapes;

...... wine



[x x x]—_pab#_—_asz lu_(?)#-[x x x]

_pab# iti-kin ud 14_-_kam_

AI Translation

...-ahu-iddina, ...;

Total, month Elul VI, 14th day.


...-ahu-iddina, the ....

Total, month of Elul VI, 14th day.

P335810: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _kur_] _gi6_(*)-_mesz_(*) 05(*) _kur_(*) [x x x]

[x x] _kur_(*)# ir(*)-gi(*)#-[ni x x x x x]

[_pab_ x]+2(*) _kur_(*)-_mesz_(*) (m(*))(d(*))[x x x x]

[x _kur_] _gi6_(*)# 04 ir(*)-gi-ni [x x]

[x _kur-mi_]-_hub_-_mesz pab 26_(*) _kur_(*)-_mesz_(*)

[x x]-pa(*)#-qa(*) _szu-2_ (m)_du_(*)-ia(*) [(x x)]

[x _kur_] _gi6_-_mesz 04 sa5_-[_mesz_ x x]

[x] _kur_ ir-gi-ni [x x x x]

6# _kur-mi-hub_(*)#-[_mesz_ x x x]

04 _kur_ ir(*)#-[gi-ni x x x]

09(*) _kur gi6#_ [x x x x x]

_pab 18_(*) (m(*))pa(*)#-di(*)—_en_ x#+[x x]

05(*) : _sa5_(*) 06(*)# : _gi6_-_mesz 05_(*) _kur_(*)# [x x]

01(*) : har(*)#-[sza]-a-a 09 _kur-mi_-[_hub_-_mesz_]

_pab 26_(*)# [x x]+x# _har_ [x x x]

06 : [_gi6_-_mesz_ x : ir(*)]-gi-ni

01 :(*) _sa5_(*)# [x x x x]+x# 05 :(*) _mi-hub_-_mesz_

_pab 17_ [_kur_-_mesz_ (m)(d)x]—_pab_(*)#—_asz_

03 [x x x x x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_

14(*) _kur-mi-hub_-[_mesz_]

_pab 18_(*) _kur_-_mesz_ (m)a-x#+[x-x]-i#

AI Translation

x black horses, 5 horses ...;

... the irginu-coloured land .

x+2 horses, NN ......,

x black horses, 4 irginu-coloured horses ...;

x mares, in all 26 horses.

..., in the charge of Banaya, ...;

x black horses, 4 red ones .

x irginu-coloured horses .

6 mares ...

4 irginu-coloured horses ...;

9 black horses .

Total 18: Padi-Bel .

5 ditto red, 6 ditto black, 5 horses ...;

1 ditto of Harsheans; 9 mares;

in all, 26 ..., x ...,

6 ditto black, ... ditto irginu-coloured;

1 ditto of red ..., 5 ditto of female kids;

Total 17 horses — ...-ahu-iddina.

3 ......s;

14 mares;

in all 18 horses — A...i.


x black horses, 5 red horses,

x irginu-coloured horses, ....

Total x+2 horses, — NN.

x black horses, 4 irginu-coloured ...,

x mares: in all, 26 horses.

...... care of Banaya ...

x black horses, 4 red, ...,

x irginu-coloured horses ...,

6 mares ...

4 irginu-coloured horses, ...,

9 black horses, ....

Total 18 — Padi-Bel ....

5 ditto red; 6 ditto black; 5 ... horses,

1 ditto of Harshean type; 9 mares.

Total 26 ...... ....

6 ditto black, x ditto irginu-coloured,

1 ditto red, ......, 5 ditto mares.

Total 17 horses — ...-ahu-iddina.

3 ......,

14 mares.

Total 18 horses — A...i.



05 _kur gi6_-_mesz_ [05 _kur sa5_-_mesz_]

02 _kur_ ir(!)-gi#-[ni]

05(*) _kur-mi-hub_-_mesz_

_pab 17 kur_-_mesz_ (m)ia-hu-t,u(*)

05 _kur gi6_-_mesz 05 kur_ ir-gi#-[ni]

02 _kur sa5_-_mesz 04 kur-mi-hub_-_mesz_(*)#

_pab 18 kur_-_mesz_ sza (m)_dumu_—15

[x] _kur_ ir-gi-ni

[x]+1 _kur sa5 06 kur gi6_-_mesz_

[x] _kur_-har-ba-ka-nu

[x] _kur_-har-sza(*)-a-a

[x]+8 _kur-mi-hub_-_mesz_

[_pab_] 26 _kur_(*) (m)_en_—_du_

[x] _kur# sa5 02 kur_ ir#-[gi]-ni

[x _kur_] _gi6# 09_(*) _kur-mi-hub_-[_mesz_]

[_pab_ x]+4 _kur_ (m)_arad_(?)#—[x x x]

AI Translation

5 black horses, 5 red horses,

2 irginu-coloured horses,

5 mares;

In all 17 horses, Yahutu.

5 black horses, 5 irginu-coloured horses,

2 red horses, 4 mares:

Total 18 horses of Mar-Issar.

x irginu-coloured horses,

x+1 red horses, 6 black horses,

x, Harbakanu;

x Harsheans;

x+8 mares;

Total 26 horses, Bel-ibni.

x red horses, 2 irginu-coloured horses,

x black horses, 9 mares,

Total, x+4 horses — Urdu-.


5 black horses, 5 red horses,

2 irginu-coloured horses,

5 mares.

Total 17 horses — Yahutu.

5 black horses, 5 irginu-coloured horses,

2 red horses, 4 mares.

Total 18 horses, of Mar-Issar.

x irginu-coloured horses,

x+1 red horses, 6 black horses,

x harbakannu horses,

x of Harshean type,

x+8 mares.

Total 26 horses — Bel-ibni.

x red horses, 2 irginu-coloured horses,

x black horses, 9 mares.

Total x+4 horses — Urda-....



[x x]-me(?)#-02(*) x#+[x x x]

[_pab_ x _kur_ (m)]_du_-ia# ([x x])

AI Translation

x+02 ...

Total x horses, Baniya.


x+102 ....

Total x horses, care of Banaya ....

P335811: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_pab_] 20+[x _kur_(?)]-_mesz_(*)# sza(*) É-_gal_

[x x x x] 08(?)# _kur_(*) ir-gi-nu#

[x] _kur_ [x x] _kur#_-har(*)-sza-a(*)

[x]+9 _mi-hub_-nat# [x]+x# _kur sa5_(?)#

[x x x x x x x x x x]

[x] _kur_(*) ir(*)-gi-ni# 01(*) _kur_(*)#-[x x x] 05(*) _ansze_(*)# [x x x x x x x] x# _kur_(*)-[x x x x x x x] [x] _kur_(*)-x#+[x x x x x x x] [x] _kur_(*)-[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Total 20+x horses of the palace.

...... 8 irginu-coloured horses,

x horses, x horses, Harshean,

x+9 female kids, ... red, of the land;


x irginu-coloured horses, 1 ...-horse, 5 hectares of ...-land, ......-mountain, ......-mountain, ......-mountain, ......-land,


In all, 20+x horses of the palace:

x ... horses, 8 irginu-coloured horses,

x ... horses, x horses of Harshean type,

x+9 mares, x red horses,


x irginu-coloured horses, 1 ... horse



[01(?)] _kur sa5 03_(*) _kur_ ir-gi-nu 14(?)# _mi-hub_-nat _pab 18_(*) _kur_-_mesz_

sza(*)# (m)kur-ba-a-nu

[01(?)] _kur# gi6 04 kur_ ir-gi-ni

[01(?) _kur_] _sa5 15 mi-hub_-nat

[_pab_] 21# _kur_ sza (m)ha-ba-si

[01(?) _kur_] _sa5_(*)# 12 _kur_ ir-gi-ni [09(?) _mi_]-_hub_-nat _pab 22_(*) _kur_

[sza] (m)me-'i-su

[x _kur_] _gi6_(*)-_mesz 01 kur sa5_

[x] _mi#-hub_-nat _pab 18 kur_

[sza] (m)_suhusz_—15

[_pab_]-ma# 01-me-64 _kur_(*)-_mesz_(*)#

[sza] _szu_(*)#-2 (m)_du_-[ia(?)]

AI Translation

1 red horse, 3 irginu-coloured horses, 14 female horses: in all 18 horses.

From Kurbanu.

1 black horse, 4 irginu-coloured horses,

1 red horse, 15 female lambs,

Total 21 horses, of Habasi.

1 red horse, 12 irginu-coloured horses, 9 suckling female horses: in all 22 horses.

From Me'isu.

x black horses, 1 red horse,

x female kids, in all 18 horses,

From Ubru-Issar.

Total: 164 horses.

From Banaya.


1 red horse, 3 irginu-coloured horses, 14 mares: in all 18 horses,

of Kurbanu.

1 black horse, 4 irginu-coloured horses,

1 red horse, 15 mares:

in all, 21 horses, of Habasi.

1 red horse, 12 irginu-coloured horses, 9 mares: in all 22 horses,

of Me'isu.

x black horses, 1 red horse,

x mares: in all 18 horses,

of Ubur-Issar.

Grand total 164 horses,

care of Banaya.

P335812: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_kur_-_mesz gisz_

_ansze-kur_-_mesz gisz_


AI Translation

mountain ranges

horses of logs

a donkey


Yoke horses.

Yoke horses.

Female donkey.

P335813: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02-me-04 _kur_-_mesz_

AI Translation

244 horses,


204 horses:




AI Translation




P335814: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


02 _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ sza (m)_dingir_—tak-lak _lu-nam kur_-par-su-a

01 _tug_-kar-_zi gada_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_

AI Translation

2 horses of Ilu-taklak, governor of Parsua.

1 karzi-garment, linen, of Nabû-ahhe-eriba;


2 horses — of Ilu-taklak, governor of Parsua;

1 linen head-cloth — of Nabû-ahhe-eriba, the delegate of Tyre.

P335815: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 _na4-kiszib gar-u-u_ a-na 04 _na4_-_mesz har_

01 03 :-(*)# duh-szi-e(*)

01 _dag-gaz_ (d)_lama_(!)# me-szil-szu(*) a-na 01 _na4_ me-szil-szu i-su-hur

01 _dag-gaz_ asz(*)-pu(*)-u(*) a-na# 03 _na4_-_mesz_

01 :-# a-na 01 _na4_ gi-dil _kug-gi_

01 _dag-gaz ad_-asz-mu# a-na 01 _na4_

02 :-(*) me-ki(*) a-na 02 _na4_ gi-dil _kug-gi_

01 01(*) :- _en_(?)# gi-dil(*) _giszimmar_ :- a-na 03

01 04(*)# _na4 har_ :-

01 _na4-kiszib asz-gi-gi_ a-na 04 gi-(dil) _kug-gi 01 dag-gaz_ sag-gil(*)-mud(*)

01 _ta_(v)(*) _sza_ na(*)-szi [re]-eh(*)#-tu(*) i-su-hur

[x x x x x]-da(*) a-na 01

AI Translation

1 seal, ..., for 4 stones of ...;

1 of 3, ditto, ...;

He returned one half of a bull colossus to one half of a stone.

1 piece of ..., for 3 stones.

1 ditto for 1 ring of gold;

1 piece of ...-stone for 1 stone.

2 ditto of meki-stone for 2 stones of a ziggurat of gold;

1 ditto, 1 ditto, the owner of the reeds, date palms, ditto, for 3;

1 4 stones for a ring ditto;

1 seal of ashgigu-wood for 4 reeds of gold; 1 reed jar of saggilmud-silver;

1 from the nashtu-offering; the rest has been returned.

...... to one


1 perforated cylinder seal for 4 gems of a torc.

1 for 3, ditto of rock crystal.

1 piece of rose jasper, half of it for one gem, half of it went back.

1 piece of jasper for 3 gems.

1 ditto for one gem of a braid of gold.

1 piece of abashmu-stone for one gem;

2 ditto of glass for 2 gems of a braid of gold.

1 for 1 ditto including a braided datepalm of ditto, for 3;

1 for 4 gems of a torc ditto;

1 cylinder seal of ashgikû-stone, for 4 gems of a braid of gold.

1 piece of saggilmud-stone; 1 gem was taken from it; the rest went back.

x ... for 1.

Obverse Column ii


01 _igi-zag_(*)-_ga#_ [a-na 01(?)]

01 _dag-gaz gug_(*)-_gazi#_ a-na 01

01 _na4-kiszib_ :- a-na 01

01 _za-suh_ a-na# 01

01 _na4-kiszib gi-rim_(*)-_hi-li-ba_(*) a-na 01

01 _dag-gaz na4-t_ÉSZ a-na 01

02 _na4-sal_(*)-_la_

05 _na4-pa_

01 _dag-gaz_ su-u 01 _ta_(v)(*) _sza_ na(*)-szi re-eh-tu is-su-hur

01 _na4-an-zah_ a-na 01

01 _na4-gug_(*) a-na 01

01 _dag-gaz im#_-[_ma_]-_na 02 ta_(v) _sza_ na(*)-szi(*)-u(*)# re-eh-tu is-su-hur

_pab 32_

_za-gin gug#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

1 eye-stone for 1.

1 ... of figs for 1.

1 seal ditto for 1

1 ... for 1.

1 seal of a haruspex for 1

1 piece of tin for 1;

2 of sallu-stone;

5: agate;

1 ...-sheep, one from the ..., the rest returned.

1 anzahhu-stone for 1.

1 carnelian for 1

1 ..., 2 ..., from the ...; the rest has been returned.

Total 32.

lapis lazuli, carnelian .


1 igizaggû-stone for 1.

1 piece of beet-like carnelian for 1.

1 cylinder seal of ditto for 1.

1 shubû-stone for 1.

1 cylinder seal of girimhilibê-stone, for 1.

1 piece of baltu-stone for 1.

2 multashiptu-stones;

5 cowrie shells;

1 piece of red sandstone; one gem was taken from it, the remainder went back.

1 piece of frit for 1.

1 of carnelian for 1.

1 piece of sandstone; 2 gems were taken from it; the remainder went back.

In all, 32;

lapislazuli, carnelian, ....

Reverse Column i


01 _na4-zu#_ [x]

02 _gug#_ [x]

02 _babbar_(*)-[_dil_ x]

01 _musz-gir#_ qa-ni

01 _za-suh_(*)#

01 :(*) _lagab-ud_

02 ba-ah-re(*)#-e

02 _na4-ag-ga_

02 asz-pu-u

01 _nir_

02 _na4-zalag_

01 pi-in-du-u _masz_(*) _kug-gi_

_pab 15_ ut-ru-te

ina bat-te

_pab 47_

13 _kur 01 gir_(*) _ama_ ma(*)-ni-tu lim-mu (m)_en_—I

02 _kur iti-dul_ lim-mu (m)_dug_—_im_—30

02 _kur iti-barag 06 kur iti-dul pab 08_ lim-mu (m)arba-il-a-(a)

_pab 23 kur 01 gir_(*) ina _sza ud_-_mesz_

01 _kur_ ina 20 [x (x)]

01 _kur_ ina 15 x#+[x]

08 _ma kug-ud_ ina bat-te(*)#

_szu-2_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—[_di_]

_pab_(*) x x# [o]

AI Translation

1 ...-stone;

2 ...-oxen,

2 white ...;

1 snake, the front;

1 ...;

1 ditto, short;

2 baskets;

2 of agate;

2 of a kind;

1 ...;

2 of zalagu-stone;

1 ... of gold;

Total 15 ...

in the second

in all, 47.

13 horses, 1 chariot, one mother, regular offering; eponym year of Bel-na'id.

2 horses, month of Tishri VII, eponym year of Tab-shar-Sin.

2 horses, month Nisan I, 6 horses, month Tishri VII, in all 8th day, eponym year of Arbailayu.

Total 23 horses, 1 chariot, in days.

1 horse in 20 ...;

1 horse in 15 ...;

8 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish;

in the charge of Nabû-ahhe-shallim.

total ...


1 gem of ... obsidian;

2 of carnelian ...;

2 of agate;

1 of serpentine ...;

1 of shubû-stone;

1 ditto, ...;

2 pieces of coral;

2 of "love"-stone;

2 of jasper;

1 of chalcedony;

2 of zalaqu-stone;

1 of red pindû-stone with gold setting.

Total, 15 extra,

put aside.

In all, 47.

13 horses, 1 mule — initial amount; eponym year of Bel-na'id 663 B.C..

2 horses; month of Tishri VII, eponym year of Tab-shar-Sin 662 B.C..

2 horses, month of Nisan I; 6 horses, month of Tishri VII; in all 8, eponym year of Arbailayu 661 B.C..

Total 23 horses, 1 mule, during the period.

1 horse in 20 days;

1 horse in 15 days;

8 minas of silver put aside.

Care of Nabû-ahhe-shallim.

Total .......

Reverse Column ii


[x x] (m)(d)_pa_(*)—_pab_—_asz_ [_lu_]-_a#-ba dam-qar_-_mesz_

01 :- (m)a-zar4-ia(*)-u qur-_zag_

01 :- (m)(d)_pa_—_zalag_-ka—_igi a-ba_

01 :- (m)da-nu-ni x#

01 :- (m)man—ki—_man gigir_(*) _gal_—mu-gi

01 :- (m)qur-di—asz-szur _sza_(*)#-_uru_(*)-a-(a)

01 :- (m)_kalag_-an—_unug-ki_(*)

01 :- (m)(d)_utu#_—_ti_-su

01 :- _mi_-kab-ta-a-a

02(*) :- (m)ba-sa-a-a (m)e(*)-qa-a

01 :- (m)di-di-i ha-za-nu

01 :- (m)(d)_szu_—rém-ni _usz_(*)—kib-si

_pab 13 a-ba_—_kur_

01 (m)szur-szi-i A(*) (m)10—_en_—_pab_

01 (m)_szu-si_-szA—I [o]

01 (m)asz-szur—ki-la-ni _ad_-szu szA (m)_barag_(?)—_zalag_-a

01 _mi_(*)-a-a—ha-a

01 (m)di-lil—15 ma-ki-su sza _nam_ qu-e

_pab 05_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_di_

_pab 18_ ma-hi-ir 07 _ud_-_mesz_ re-he [o]

_iti-dul ud 25_ lim-mu (m)arba-il-a-a

_nig_(*)#-_szid_ ep(*)-szu

AI Translation

... Nabû-ahu-iddina, scribe of the merchants.

1 ditto — Zariau, royal bodyguard;

1 ditto — Nabû-nuri-pani, scribe;

1 ditto — Danunu, ...;

1 ditto — Man-ki-sharri, chariot driver of the commander-of-mugi;

1 ditto — Qurdi-Ashur, from the Inner City;

1 ditto — Dan-Uruk;

1 ditto — Shamash-balassu;

1 ditto, the woman Kabtaya;

2 ditto, Basâ, Eqâ,

1 ditto, Dadî, mayor;

1 ditto — Marduk-remanni, cohort commander;

Total 13 scribes.

1, Shurshi, son of Adad-belu-ushur;

1, Shil-na'id;

1, Ashur-killanni, father of Barak-nuri;

1, Aya-ha'i;

1, Dilil-Issar, chariot driver of the province of Que;

Total 5: Nabû-ahhe-shallim.

Total 18: the remaining 7 days.

Month Tishri VII, 25th day, eponym year of Arbailayu.

A requisition is made.


... Nabû-ahu-iddin, scribe of the merchants.

1 ditto, Azar-Ya'u, the bodyguard;

1 ditto, Nabû-nurka-lamur, scribe;

1 ditto, Danuni;

1 ditto, Man-ki-sharri, horse trainer of the rab mugi;

1 ditto, Qurdi-Ashur, of the Inner City;

1 ditto, Da'an-Uruk;

1 ditto, Shamash-ballissu;

1 ditto, the woman Kabtaya;

2 ditto, Basaya, Eqâ;

1 ditto, Didî, mayor;

1 ditto, Marduk-remanni, tracker.

Total 13 — the palace scribe.

1, Shurshî, son of Adad-belu-ushur;

1, Ubansha-na'id;

1, Ashur-killanni, the father of ...;

1, the woman Aya-hâ;

1, Dilil-Issar, the toll-collector of the province of Que.

Total 5 — Nabû-ahhe-shallim.

In all, 18 received, 7 days remaining.

Month of Tishri VII, 25th day, eponym year of Arbailayu 661 B.C..

Accounts made.

P335816: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


01-me-20 _u8_-_mesz_

40 _udu_-_mesz kalag_-_mesz_

01-me-40 _dumu_—_mu-an-na_

_pab 03_-me _udu_-_mesz_


AI Translation

120 ewes,

40 big sheep;

140 yearlings;

Total 300 sheep.



120 ewes,

40 big sheep,

140 1-year-olds.

Total 300 sheep.


P335817: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


01 _gud 02 uzu_

02 _udu 02 udu-nim_(*) kab-bur

01 _udu 01 udu-nim_(*) 01 _muszen_(*)—_gal_(*)-u(*) 10 _tu-gur4-muszen_ hal-lam

02 _udu_ si-sal-hi

02 _udu_ gab-bu-bu

02 szu-na-ni gi-ri-s,a-te

[o] 60# gi-ri-s,a-te

02 o(*) _ninda#_-_mesz_(*) _qal_(*)

10 _banszur_-_mesz_

10 ziq-pi

01 _muszen_—_gal_-u(*)

01 u-szA-mu-tu-_muszen_

01 tam-szil-_muszen_

15(*) _tu-gur4-muszen_

02 ak-bir(*)#

01 _dug_-a-ga-nu [x (x)]

01 :- bu-de#-[e]

AI Translation

1 ox, 2 cuts of meat;

2 sheep, 2 spring lambs, ...;

1 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves, hallam-plant,

2 sisalhu sheep;

2 whole sheep;

2 ...s, ...;

60 reed baskets;

2 small bread loaves;

10 tables;

10 zigpi;

1 duck;

1 ushumutu-bird;

1 duck;

15 turtledoves;

2 ...;

1 agannu-vessel ...;

1 ditto of budê-confection;


1 ox, 2 cuts of meat;

2 sheep, 2 spring lambs, fat;

1 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves, in hallam-type preparation;

2 sheep, sisalhu;

2 sheep, roasted.

2 trays of cakes,

60 cakes;

2 small bread-loaves;

10 tables;

10 shoots of sesame;

1 duck;

1 ushamutu-bird;

1 wood pigeon;

15 turtledoves;

2 jerboas;

1 amphora of ...;

1 ditto of budê-confection;

Obverse Column ii


01 _dug_-a-ga(*)#-[nu x x]

10 sa-li# [x x x x x]

10 _dug#_-[x x x x x]

10 _dug_-x#+[x x x x]

01 sa-lu [x x x x x]

_pab_ x#+[x x x x x x]

02 _uzu_ [x x x x x]

02 _udu_ a-[x x x x x]

01# _udu 01_(*) [x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 agannu-vessel ...;

10 baskets of ...;

10 ......;

10 ......;

1 basket of ...;

total ......

2 cuts of meat .

2 sheep ......

1 sheep, 1 ......;


1 amphora of ...;

10 baskets...;

10 ...-vessels;

10 ...-vessels;

1 basket ...:

total ....

2 cuts of meat ...;

2 sheep, ... ...;

1 sheep, 1 ...

Reverse Column i


02 _udu_(?)# [x x x]

50 gi(?)#-[ri-s,a-te]

01 _dug_-a(*)-[ga-nu x x]

01 :- bu-de(*)#-[e o]

01 :- :(?) ma#-[x x x]

05 sa-li x#+[x x x x]

05(*) _dug-szab gesztin_(*)#-([_mesz_])

_pab un_-_mesz_ É [o]

AI Translation

2 sheep ...;

50 reed baskets;

1 agannu-vessel ...;

1 ditto of budê-confection;

1 ditto ditto ...;

5 baskets ...;

5 jars of wine;

total, the people of the house.


2 sheep ...;

50 cakes;

1 amphora of ...;

1 ditto of budê-confection;

1 ditto ditto ...;

5 baskets of ...;

5 jars of wine:

total, the palace personnel.

Reverse Column ii


07(*) _uzu_-[x (x)]

10 _banszur_-[_mesz_]

10 ziq-pi#

_pab_ zak-ku-u(*)#

_pab udu-siskur_-_mesz_ sza _gal_—_sag ud 15_-_kam_

AI Translation

7 cuts of meat;

10 tables;

10 zigpi;

total, the zakku-offerings.

Total, the sacrifices of the chief eunuch. 15th day.


7 cuts of meat;

10 tables;

10 shoots of sesame;

total, the exempted officials.

Total, the offerings of the chief eunuch; the 15th day.

P335818: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


16(*) _gud_-_mesz_

15 _udu_-_mesz_

sza _ud 11_-_kam_

AI Translation

16 oxen,

15 sheep;

From the 11th day.


16 oxen,

15 sheep,

of the 11th day.

P335819: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04 _udu_-_mesz_ kim-ra-ni sza _ud 10_-_kam_

19 _udu_-_mesz_ sza _ud 11_-_kam_

_pab 23 udu_-_mesz_ um-mu

03 _udu 03 uzu_ ina É—(d)[x]

[x x x] _uzu_ kir-ru-tu ina _ugu_ [x x]

[x x] kab(?)#-bur 04 _uzu_ x#+[x x x]

[x x x x x]-_mesz 02 uzu#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

4 kimranu-sheep, of the 10th day;

19 sheep of the 11th day;

in all 23 sheep, the 'inspector'.

3 sheep, 3 cuts of meat, in the temple of DN;

... meat of the kirrutu-offering upon .

... ribs, 4 cuts of meat .

......s, 2 cuts of meat .


4 kimru-sheep, of the 10th day;

19 sheep of the 11th day:

total 23 sheep, original amount.

3 sheep, 3 cuts of meat in the temple of DN;

x cuts of meat, kirrutu-meal upon ...;

x fat ..., 4 cuts of meat ...;

......s; 2 cuts of meat ...



[x x x a(?)]-na(*)# ma-as,-s,ar(*)#-[ti(?)]

_pab 23_ a-kil-tu

AI Translation

... for the guard

in all, 23 — akkiltu-offerings.


... for the guard.

Total 23, consumption, the 11th day.

P335820: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti#

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me [o]

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-la-pa-ni#

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_ hasz-la-ti#

sza qur-sze# (d)_nin_-[_lil_]

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu.


A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.

Of the wedding ritual of Mullissu — of the queen.



_ud 17_-_kam szu-2_ (m)szA-kil-ia [o]

AI Translation

17th day, care of Shakil-Aya.


The 17th day, care of Shakilia, the brewer.

P335821: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_dug-szab kur_-i-zal-li

_dug-szab kur_-hul(*)-bu-nu

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-la-pa-ni

AI Translation

a jar of Izalla wine;

a jar of wine: Hulbunu.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;


A jar of Izalla wine;

a jar of Helbon wine;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;



_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_ hasz-lat

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.


a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.



sza qur-sze (d)_nin-lil_ sza _mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

Of the wedding night of Mullissu, of the queen.


Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of the queen. The 18th day.

P335822: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_dug-szab kur_-i-zal-li

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-la-pa-ni

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_ hasz-lat

AI Translation

a jar of Izalla wine;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.


A jar of wine from Izalla;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.



sza qur-sze (d)_nin-lil_

AI Translation

Of the wedding night of Mullissu.


Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of the chief treasurer.



_ud 21_-_kam_

AI Translation

21st day.


The 21st day.

P335823: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_dug_]-_szab# kur_-i-zal-li

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me

_dug#-2_(ban2) _kasz_-la-pa-ni

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_ hasz-lat

AI Translation

a jar of Izalla wine;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.


A jar of wine from Izalla;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;

a 2-seah jar of beer of bruised grain.



sza qur-sze (d)_nin-lil_

AI Translation

Of the wedding night of Mullissu.


Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of the crown prince.



_ud 19_-_kam_

AI Translation

19th day.


The 19th day.

P335824: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



06 _gud 05 uzu 15 udu_-_mesz_

08 _dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni

04 _dug-2_(ban2) bu-de-e

10 _dug-2_(ban2) _ga_

30 su-lu-kan szu-'e

AI Translation

6 oxen, 5 cuts of meat, 15 sheep,

8 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

4 2-seah jars of budê-confection;

10 2-seah jars of wine;

30 bags of chick-peas;


6 oxen, 5 cuts of meat, 15 sheep;

8 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

4 2-seah jars of budê-confection;

10 2-seah jars of milk;

30 bags of chick-peas;



30 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

AI Translation

30 bags of sesame;


30 bags of sesame;



06 _dug-szab gesztin_ me(*)-zi

_ud 05_-_kam szu-2_ (m)lu—szA-kin [(x) x]+x#

_szu-2_ (m)_u-u_—_dingir_-a-a _mi_-[x (x)]

_szu-2_ (m)a-mur—_dingir_-tu—(d)asz-szur _lu_(v)-_sum#-ninda_

AI Translation

6 jars of mezu-wine;

5th day, care of Lu-shakin, .

Care of Dadi-ila'i, .

care of Amur-ilutu-Ashur, confectioner.


6 jars of mezu-wine.

The 5th day, care of Lu-shakin ...,

care of Dadi-ila'i and the woman ...;

care of Amur-ilutu-Ashur, the confectioner.

P335825: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03 _ur 03 zag#_ [_disz_-ha-ni]

02 nis-hi _zag_ sza 07 _gud#_ [kar-szA-ni] _ur5-usz_-_mesz bir_-_mesz sza_-_mesz#_

05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ sza [É—_dingir_]

01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_—_gal_-u 10 [_tu-gur4_]

_dug_-ma-zi-u szA A-_mesz_—_uzu#_

_dug_-ma-zi-u szA a-ku-si 07 ak-li dan#-[ni]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

_dug-2_(ban2) o(*) ha-mur-ti _dug_-ma-si-tu la-pa-ni

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat 03 su-lu-kan szu-'e

03(*) su#-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i 08_ :- kul-la-ni

_dug#_-qa-bu-tu _kasz_-t,i-i-t,i

_dug#_-qa-bu-tu an-dah#-[sze]

[_dug_]-qa-bu-tu su-[pur-gil]

[_dug_-qa]-bu#-tu sir-[di]

[_gisz_-sa-al]-lu(*) za-[am-ri]

[re-ha-ti sza] pa(*)-an(*) (d(*))#[asz-szur]

AI Translation

3 thighs, 3 shoulders, ...;

2 cuts of shoulder, of 7 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup; 7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer; a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain. 3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame; 8 ditto of mixed kernels;

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

The remainder which is before Ashur.


3 thighs; 3 shoulders; outer cuts;

2 cuts of shoulders. Of 7 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup. 7 big loaves.

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced loaves.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer; a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain. 3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame; 8 ditto of kernels.

A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

The leftovers from before Ashur.



[_dug-2_(ban2) bu]-de-e# [asz-szur-a-a]

_dug#_-[ma]-si-tu bu-de-e# [gar-ga-mis]

_dug_-ma#-si-tu hu-lu(*)#-[t,i]

_dug_-ma-si#-tu mar-me-na _dug#_-[a-s,u-du] har-sze za#-am-ri 04 sa-pu#-ul-hi

1(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz_ szi-ri-at 01# su-lu-kan szu-'e

01 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i 06_ :- kul-la-ni

_dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i _dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze

_dug_-qa-_zag_ su-pur-gil _dug_-qa-_zag_ sir(*)#-di

_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

_dug_-szA-za(*)-mu-u(*) me-zi(*) _dug_(*)-szA#-[za-mu-u] la-'u(*)#-u(*)

sza qur-sze (d)_nin-lil#_ [sza x x]

01 _udu 07 uzu 03_ qa [_ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e]

02 qa _ninda_-me(*)-dir 02# [qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu]

gi-nu-u [_gibil_ o]

_ud 19_-_kam_ [_szu-2_ (m)x x x]

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of budê-confection;

a flagon of yoghurt;

a flagon of marmena-wine; a bowl of hard hamru-beer; 4 ...;

1 seah of ...-loaves; 1 bag of chick-peas;

1 bag of sesame; 6 ditto of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer; a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces; a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

a flask of mezu-wine; a flask of la'u-wine;

of the wedding night of Mullissu of .

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of midru-bread, 2 'litres' of spiced bread.

New regular offerings.

19th day, care of NN.


a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of Carchemish budê-confection;

a flagon of yoghurt;

a flagon of marmena-yoghurt; a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit. 4 ...;

1 seah of ...-loaves, 1 bag of chick-peas;

1 bag of sesame; 6 ditto of kernels.

A cup of fig-beer; a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces; a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

A flask of mezu-wine; a flask of la'u-wine.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of ....

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of midru-bread; 2 'litres' of spiced bread.

The new regular offerings.

The 19th day. Care of NN.

P335826: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_ur zag disz_-ha-(ni) 02 nis-hi _zag ta_(v) _sza gud-nita_ sza É—_ad_

02 _ur 02 zag ta_(v) _sza_ szA—_siskur_(*)-_mesz_ sza 06 _gud_ kar-szA-ni _ur5-usz bir sza_-_mesz_

05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ szA É—_dingir_

01 _udu_ tak-bar-ru 01 _kur_(*)-_gi_(*) 01 _muszen_—(_gal_) 10 _tu-gur4_(*)

_dug_-ma-zi-u sza A-_mesz_—_uzu_

_dug_-ma-zi-u o a-ku-si

07 ak-li dan#-[ni]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ [gi-né-e]

1(ban2) 01 qa# _ninda_-[qa-du-tu]

_dug#-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti#

[_dug_]-ma-si-tu la#-[pa-ni]

[_dug_]-:- _kasz_ hasz#-[lat]

AI Translation

The front of the thigh is split. There are 2 cuts of shoulder from the ox of the father's house.

2 thighs, 2 shoulders, from the offerings of 6 oxen: the stomach, liver, kidneys, hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep, 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a ditto of beer of bruised grain.


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts; 2 cuts of shoulders, of one ox of the temple of Dagan;

2 thighs, 2 shoulders from the oxen of the pilgrims. Of 6 oxen: the stomachs, the livers, the kidneys, the hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep. 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup;

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced loaves.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a ditto of beer of bruised grain.



02(*)# su-lu-kan [szu-'e]

02(*) su-lu-kan# [_sze-gisz-i_]

AI Translation

2 bags of chick-peas;

2 bags of sesame;


2 bags of chick-peas;

2 bags of sesame;



08 su-lu-kan# [kul-la-ni]

_dug_-qa-_zag kasz_(*)#-[t,i-i-t,i]

_dug_-:- an-[dah-sze]

_dug_-:- su(*)#-[pur-gil]

_dug_-:- sir(*)-di#

_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

03 _uzu_(*)-lip-szat 10 ban-dil-_mesz_ sza (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_ e-ba-szu-u-ni

01 _udu 07 uzu 03_ qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

02 qa me-dir 02 qa qa-du-tu gi-nu-u _gibil_

_pab_ an-ni-u sza _igi_ asz-szur

01 tak-pu sza _igi_ (d)_en_

AI Translation

8 bags of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

3 cuts of meat, 10 cuts of onions, which Bel-ahhe-riba prepared.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of medir-seed, 2 'litres' of roasted garlic, new regular offering.

All this from before Ashur.

1 basket of mixed kernels before Bel;


8 bags of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

3 scrotums, 10 bellies, which Bel-ahhe-eriba made.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of midru-bread; 2 'litres' of spiced bread — new regular offerings.

All this from before Ashur.

1 basketload from before Bel.



_ud 04 szu-2_ (m)tu-ri-i

AI Translation

4th day, in the charge of Turî.


The 4th day. Care of Turî.

P335827: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_uzu-ur uzu-zag uzu-disz_-ha-ni [o]

02 nis-hi _zag_-_mesz_ [o] sza 01 _gud_ kar-szu# [_ur5-usz_]

_bir_-_mesz sza_(*)# [01 _udu_ szal-mu]

01 _udu_ sza# [É—_dingir_]

03 _uzu_(*)-[_sag-du gaba_-_mesz_] sza 04# [_udu_ szu-bé-e]

01 _kur-gi#_-[_muszen 01 muszen_—_gal_]

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder, and a shoulder;

2 cuts of shoulders of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart.

biru-plants, of 1 whole sheep.

1 sheep of the temple;

3 heads, the breasts of 4 cuts of sheep;

1 goose, 1 duck,


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts;

2 cuts of shoulders. Of one ox: the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the heart.

One whole sheep;

1 sheep of the temple;

3 heads; the breasts of 4 roast sheep.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.



_dug_-ma-zi-u A-_mesz_—[_uzu_]

_dug_-ma-zi-u [a-ku-si]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi(*)#-[né-e]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du#-[tu]

_ud 02_-_kam szu#_-[2 (m)](d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

The 2nd day. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

The 2nd day. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335828: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_uzu-ur# uzu-zag uzu-disz_-ha-ni

02 nis-hi _zag_ sza _gud_ sza É—(d)da-gan sza _lu-igi-dub_ sza É(*)—asz-szur

[02] _ur# 02 zag ta sza_-bi# szA(*)—_siskur#_-_mesz_ sza 06 _gud#_ [o] kar-szA#-[ni] _ur5-usz_-_mesz bir_-_mesz#_ [_sza_]-_mesz#_

05 _udu_ szal#-[mu-te 01 _udu_] sza# É—_dingir#_

01(*) _udu_ tak-bar 01 _udu_ kim-ru

13 _dug_-sih-ha-rat sap-lisz(*)-hi

01 _udu_ rim(*)-ku sza _lu_(v)(*)-_igi_(*)-_dub_ É—asz(*)-szur(*)

01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_—_gal_-u(*) 10 _tu-gur4-muszen_

02 _dug_-ma-zi-i sza A-_mesz_—_uzu_(*)#

_dug_-ma-zi-u sza a-ku-si

07(*) ak-li dan-ni

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-ni-i

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder, and a shoulder;

2 cuts of shoulder of an ox of the temple of Dagan, of the treasurer of the Ashur temple.

2 thighs, 2 shoulders, from the offerings of 6 oxen, thighs, kidneys, livers, hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep, 1 kimru-sheep,

13 jars of bittersweet beer;

1 sheep for a libation bowl of the treasurer of the House of Ashur;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

2 tureens of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts;

2 cuts of shoulder, of an ox of the temple of Dagan — of the treasurer of the Ashur temple.

2 thighs, 2 shoulders, from the oxen of the pilgrims. Of 6 oxen: the stomachs, the livers, the kidneys, the hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep; 1 kimru-sheep;

13 platters of saplishhu;

1 sheep for ablution — of the treasurer of the Ashur temple.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

2 tureens of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;



1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du(*)-tu

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur(*)-ti(*)

AI Translation

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;


1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;



_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me

_dug_-ma-si-tu la-pa-ni

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat

03 _dug-2_(ban2) sza hi-in-hi-ni

01 ziq-pu _sze-gisz-i_

02 su-lu-kan szu-'e 02 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i 06_ sza kul-la-ni

_dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i(*)-t,i _dug_-:(*) an-dah-sze

_dug_-:(*) su-pur-gil _dug_-:(*) sir-di

_gisz_-sa-al-[lu za-am-ri]

sza pa-an# [(d)asz-szur]

_szu-2_ (m)(d)_pa#_—_man_—_pab ud 24#_-[_kam_]

07 _uzu_ sza# _gud_(*) sza# [É]—(d)da-gan# sza _lu_-tur-ta-ni

sza _ud 24_-_kam_

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 jar of sesame;

2 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame; 6 bags of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer; a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

which is before Ashur.

Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur. The 24th day.

7 cuts of meat of an ox of the temple of Dagan, of the commander-in-chief;

From the 24th day.


a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 shoot of sesame;

2 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame; 6 bags of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer; a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

From before Ashur.

Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur. The 24th day.

7 cuts of meat of an ox, of the temple of Dagan — of the commander-in-chief.

Of the 24th day. Care of Shamash-ibni.

P335829: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uzu-ur# uzu-zag_

[_disz_-ha-a-ni] 02 nis-hi _zag_-_mesz_

[sza 01] _gud#-nita_ kar-szu _ur5-usz_

_bir_-_mesz sza_-bu# is(?) 01 _udu_ szal-mu

[x _sag-du_] _gaba_-_mesz_ [sza 04 _udu-nita_] szu-bé-e

[_dug_-ma-zi-u] A-_mesz_—_uzu_

[_dug_-ma-zi-u] a-ku-si

[01 _kur-gi-muszen 01_] _muszen_—_gal_-u

[10 _tu-gur4 07_] _ninda_(*) dan-ni

[1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_] gi-né-e

[1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_]-qa-du-tu

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder,

2 cuts of shoulders,

From 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart.

...s, the heart, 1 whole sheep.

x heads and breasts of 4 rams, roasted;

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves, 7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.


A thigh, a shoulder,

outer cuts; 2 cuts of shoulders.

From one ox: the stomach, the liver,

the kidneys, the heart. 1 whole sheep;

x heads and the breasts of 4 roast sheep.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced loaves.

P335830: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 qa _ninda_-_mesz#_ [x x]

_dug-2_(ban2) bu-[de-e]

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-[ha-mur-ti]

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu#-[me]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-[t,i]

AI Translation

2 'litres' of bread ...;

a 2-seah jar of budê-confection;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a cup of fig-beer;


2 'litres' of loaves ....

A 2-seah jar of budê-confection;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a cup of fig-beer;



_dug_-:(*) an-dah-sze#

_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri#

AI Translation

a ditto of small onions;

a basket of mixed fruit.


a ditto of small onions;

a basket of mixed fruit.



sza _igi_ (d)15 _ud_ [x-_kam_]

ina _szu-2_ (m)tu-ri#-[i]

_uzu-ur uzu#_-[_zag_]

[01 _udu_]-_nim_(*)#-tu x#+[x x x] [x x x] x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

of the front of Ishtar on the xth day;

in the charge of Turî.

A thigh, a shoulder,

1 spring lamb .


All before Ishtar, the xth day.

Care of Turî.

A thigh, a shoulder,

1 female spring lamb ....

P335831: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_ur 01 zag disz_-ha-ni 02 nis#-[hi _zag_-_mesz_] sza _gud_ sza É—(d)da(*)-gan [sza _gal_]—_kasz-lul_

02 _ur 02 zag ta_(v)(*) _sza_(*) _siskur_-_mesz_

sza 05 _gud_ kar-szA-ni _ur5-usz_(*) _bir sza_-_mesz_

05(*) _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ szA(*) É#—_dingir 01 udu_ tak-bar-ru

01 _udu_ kim-rum 01 _udu_ rim-ku sza(*) _gal_—_kasz_(*)-_lul_(*)

12 _dug_-sih-ha-rat sap-lisz(*)-hi 01 _kur-gi-muszen_

01 _muszen 10 tu-gur4 dug_-ma-zi-u# A-_mesz_—_uzu_

_dug_-ma-zi-u a-ku-si 07 ak-li# dan-ni

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e 1(ban2) 01 qa# qa-du-tu

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti _dug_-ma#-si-tu la-pa-ni

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat 03 _dug-2_(ban2) hi-hi-ni

01 ziq-pu _sze-gisz-i 03_ su-lu-kan szu-'e

03 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i 09_ : kul-la-ni

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i

_dug_-qa-_zag#_ an-dah-sze _dug_-:(*) su-pur-gil

[_dug_-qa-_zag_] sir(*)#-di _gisz_-sa(*)-al-lu za-[am]-ri

[an]-ni-u sza# [_igi_ (d)asz-szur]

AI Translation

One thigh, one shoulder, two cuts of shoulders of an ox, of the temple of Dagan, of the chief cupbearer;

2 thighs, 2 shoulders, from the offerings;

Of 5 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple; 1 fattened sheep.

1 kimru-sheep, 1 ribku-sheep, of the chief cupbearer;

12 jars of fig-beer; 1 goose;

1 duck. 10 turtledoves. A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup; 7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer; a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain. 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 bag of sesame; 3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame; 9 ditto of mixed kernels;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer; a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a ditto of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

This is what is before Ashur.


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts, 2 cuts of shoulder of an ox, of the temple of Dagan — of the chief cupbearer.

2 thighs, 2 shoulders, from the oxen of the pilgrims.

Of 5 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple; 1 fattened sheep;

1 kimru-sheep; 1 sheep for ablution — of the chief cupbearer.

12 platters of saplishhu. 1 goose,

1 duck, 10 turtledoves. A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup. 7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves; 1 seah 1 qa of spiced bread;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer; a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain. 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

a shoot of sesame; 3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame; 9 ditto of mixed kernels.

A 2-seah jar of amumu-beer; a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a ditto of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

All this from before Ashur.



[_uzu-zag_ nis-hi _zag_ sza _gud_]

01 _udu#_ [szal-mu 01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_]

AI Translation

A shoulder; cuts, the front of the ox;

1 whole sheep; 1 goose; 1 duck;


A shoulder; a cut of shoulder of an ox.

1 whole sheep. 1 goose, 1 duck.



_dug-2_(ban2) hi-hi(*)-ni# _dug_-ma-si-tu(?) bu(?)#-[de-e]

_dug_-ma-si-tu :(*) gar-ga-mis

_dug_-:(*) hu-lu-t,i _dug_-:(*) mar-me-na#

_dug_-a-s,u-du har-[sze] za-am-ri

04 sa-pu-ul-hi 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ szi(*)-ri(*)-at(*)

01 su-lu-kan szu-'e 01 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

06 :(*) kul-la-ni _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i

_dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze _dug_-: su-pur-gil

_dug_-:(*) sir-di _gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u _gesztin_ me-zi

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u _gesztin_ la-'u-u

sza qur-sze (d)_nin-lil_ sza _lu_(v)-_gar-kur_

01 _udu 07 uzu 03_ qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-ni-i#

02 qa me-dir 02 qa qa-du-tu#

gi-nu-u _gibil_

_ud 22_(*)-_kam szu-2_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds; a flagon of budê-confection;

a flagon of ditto of gargamish-confection;

a ditto of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of bittersweet beer;

4 ...; 1 seah 1 'litre' of smoked bread;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

a flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'û-wine;

Of the wedding night of Mullissu, of the governor.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread, 2 'litres' of spiced bread.

New regular offerings.

The 22nd day. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds; a flagon of budê-confection;

a flagon of Carchemish ditto;

a ditto of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit.

4 ...; 1 seah 1 'litre' of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

A flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'u-wine.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of the Prefect of the Land.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat. 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of midru-bread; 2 'litres' of spiced bread.

The new regular offerings.

The 22nd day. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335832: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



13# _dug_-[sih-ha-rat sap-lisz-hi]

01 _udu_ rim-ku sza _lu#_-[x x x x]

02 _dug_-ma-zi-i sza A-_mesz_—_uzu#_

01 _dug_-ma-zi-u sza a-ku-si

01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_—_gal_-u 10 _tu-gur4_

06 ak-li dan-ni 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-ni-i

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me

AI Translation

13 jars of bittersweet beer;

1 sheep for a libation bowl of the ...;

2 tureens of bouillon;

1 tureen of soup;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

6 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;


13 platters of saplishhu;

1 sheep for ablution — of the ...-official.

2 tureens of bouillon;

1 tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

6 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' spiced bread.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;



_dug_-ma-si-tu la-pa-ni

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat

AI Translation

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.


a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.



03 _dug-2_(ban2)(*) hi-in-hi-ni

01 ziq-pu _sze-gisz-i_

02 su-lu-kan szu-'e

02 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

06 su-lu-kan kul-la-ni

_dug_-qa-_zag kasz_-t,i-i-o(*)-t,i

_dug_-:(*) an-dah-sze _dug_-qa-_zag_ su-pur-gil

_dug_-: sir-di o(*) _gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri sza(?)# [x x x x x] 01# [x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 jar of sesame;

2 bags of chick-peas;

2 bags of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a ditto of olives; a basket of mixed fruit ......;


3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds.

1 shoot of sesame.

2 bags of chick-peas;

2 bags of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a ditto of olives; a basket of mixed fruit. ......

P335833: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _zag_ [(x x)] _gud_

05 _udu_ szal-mu-u-te

01(*) _udu_ szA É—_dingir_

_dug_-ma-zi-u A-_mesz_—_uzu_

_dug_-ma-zi-u a-ku-si

07(*) ak-li dan-ni

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-[né-e]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa#-[du-tu]

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz#_-[ha-mur-ti]

_dug_-ma-si-[tu la-pa-ni]

AI Translation

2 shoulders, x oxen,

5 whole sheep.

1 sheep of the temple;

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;


2 shoulders of 1 ox.

5 whole sheep;

1 sheep of the temple.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup;

7 big loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced loaves.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;



sza (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_(*) e-ba-szu-u-ni

01 _udu 07 uzu_(*)

03 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

02 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

02 qa _ninda_-me(*)-di-ri

gi-nu-u _gibil_

re-ha-ti sza _igi_ asz-szur

_ud 10_-_kam szu-2_ (m)tu-ri-i

AI Translation

which Bel-ahhe-riba has done.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat;

3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread.

2 'litres' of mediri-bread;

New regular offerings.

The remainder of the offerings before Ashur.

10th day, care of Turî.


which Bel-ahhe-eriba made.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat,

3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread;

2 'litres' of midru-bread.

The new regular offerings.

The leftovers from before Ashur.

The 10th day. Care of Turî.

P335834: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_uzu-ur zag#_ [_disz_-ha-ni]

02 _uzu_-nis-hi _zag_ [_ta_(v) _sza gud_-(_nita_)] sza É—da-gan# [sza _lu_(v)-_igi-dub gal_]

02 _uzu-ur 03 uzu_(*)-_zag_(*) _ta#_ [_sza_] sza—_siskur_-_mesz_ sza 07 _gud_-_mesz_ kar-szA-ni# _ur5-usz_-_mesz bir_-_mesz sza_-_mesz_

05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ sza É—_dingir_

01 _udu_ tak-bar 01 _udu_ kim-ru 01 _udu_ rim-ku

sza _lu_(v)-_igi-dub gal 12_(*) _dug_-sih-ha-rat sap-lisz-hi(*)#

01 _kur-gi-muszen 01 muszen_—_gal_-u 10 _tu-gur4-muszen_

_dug_-ma-zi-i A-_mesz_—_uzu_

_dug_-ma-zi-i a-ku-si

07(*) ak-li dan#-ni 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_(*) gi(*)-né(*)-e(*)

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu _dug-2_(ban2) ha-mur-te

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a-mu-me

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_-la-pa-ni

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz sze_-hasz-lat

03 _dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni 01 ziq-pu _sze-gisz-i_

03 su-lu-kan-nu _sze_-szu-'e

03 su-lu-kan-nu _sze-gisz-i_

08(*) su-lu-kan-nu kul-la-ni

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder,

2 cuts of shoulder, from the ox of the Dagan House, of the chief treasurer.

2 thighs, 3 shoulders, from the offerings of 7 oxen, thighs, kidneys, hearts,

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep, 1 kimru-sheep, 1 ribku-sheep,

From the chief treasurer. 12 jars of saplishhu-seeds.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds, 1 jug of sesame;

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;

8 bags of mixed kernels.


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts;

2 cuts of shoulder of an ox of the temple of Dagan, of the chief treasurer;

2 thighs, 3 shoulders from the oxen of the pilgrims. Of 7 oxen: the stomachs, the livers, the kidneys, the hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep; 1 kimru-sheep, 1 sheep for ablution — of the chief treasurer.

12 platters of saplishhu.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup;

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread. A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds; 1 shoot of sesame;

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;

8 bags of mixed kernels.



_dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i#-[t,i]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze

_dug_-qa-_zag_ su-par-gil-li

_dug_-qa-_zag_ sir-di _gisz_-sa-o(*)-lu za-am-ri

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ sza _gisz-kin-gesztin_

01 _udu 07_(*) _uzu 03_(*) qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

02(*) qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu 02(*) qa _ninda_-mid-ri

gi-nu-u _gibil_ sza _igi_ asz-szur

sza 01 _gud_ kar-szu _ur5-usz bir_-_mesz sza_-bu

01 _kur-gi-muszen 01 muszen_—_gal 02 ninda_-ak-li dan-ni

2(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz 04_ qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu _dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-_mesz_

05 qa _zu-lum-ma ta_(v) _sza_-bi _sag_-_mesz_ sza _ugu kur_—_uri-ki lugal_ u#-ki-nu-u-ni

ina 05 _gisz-gigir_-_mesz szu-2_ (m)x x x (x#) _ud 25_-[_kam_]

AI Translation

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

1 seah 1 'litre' of bread made with grapes;

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread; 2 'litres' of midru-bread;

New regular offerings before Ashur.

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, hearts.

1 goose, 1 duck, 2 big loaves;

2 seahs of bread, 4 'litres' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of beer;

5 litres of dates from the first fruits which the king established for Akkad.

in 5 chariots, care of NN.


A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

1 seah 1 'litre' of bread with raisins.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread; 2 'litres' of midru-bread.

The new regular offerings from before Ashur.

Of one ox: the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the heart.

1 goose, 1 duck. 2 big loaves;

2 seahs of loaves; 4 'litres' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of beer;

5 'litres' of dates. From the offerings of first-fruits, which the king imposed on Akkad.

In 5 chariots. Care of NN. The 25th day.

P335835: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _gud 10 udu 01 muszen_—_gal ka_ suk-ki dan-nu

01 _gud 10 udu 01 muszen_—_gal ka_ suk-ki qal-li

02 _gud 01_ si-sal-hu 30 _udu 02 muszen_—_gal igi_ (d)15 É—_dingir_

_pab 04 gud 01_ si-sal-hu 50 _udu_-_mesz 04 muszen_—_gal siskur_-_mesz iti-ne ud 11_-_kam_

_uzu gud_-_mesz udu_-_mesz_ ri-ik-su

AI Translation

1 ox, 10 sheep, 1 duck, gate of the big sukku-gate;

1 ox, 10 sheep, 1 duck, gate of the sukku-house, small;

2 oxen, 1 sisalhu-vessel, 30 sheep, 2 ducks before Ishtar of the temple.

In all 4 oxen, 1 sisalhu, 50 sheep, 4 ducks, sacrifices. Month Ab V, 11th day, eponym year of Bel-sharru-ushur.

oxen, sheep, rations,


1 ox, 10 sheep, 1 duck — gate of the big shrine;

1 ox, 10 sheep, 1 duck — gate of the small shrine;

2 oxen, 1 sisalhu ox, 30 sheep, 2 ducks — before Ishtar of the temple;

in all 4 oxen, 1 sisalhu ox, 50 sheep, 4 ducks, offerings of the month of Ab V, 11th day.

Meat of oxen, sheep — obligatory:



01 _uzu 01 udu mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

1 cut of meat, 1 sheep: the queen.


1 cut of meat, 1 sheep — the queen;



01 _uzu 01 udu dumu_—_lugal_

01 _uzu 01 udu gal_—_sag_

_pab 03 uzu 03 udu ku_-_mesz_

04 _gud 04_(*) _uzu 44 udu_-_mesz 04 muszen_—_gal_

AI Translation

1 cut of meat, 1 sheep, the crown prince;

1 cut of meat, 1 sheep of the chief eunuch;

Total 3 cuts of meat, 3 sheep of ...;

4 oxen, 4 cuts of meat, 44 sheep, 4 ducks,


1 cut of meat, 1 sheep — the crown prince;

1 cut of meat, 1 sheep — the chief eunuch;

in all, 3 cuts of meat, 3 sheep, consumed.

4 oxen, 4 cuts of meat, 44 sheep, 4 ducks — obligation of the palace.

P335836: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ sza É]—_dingir_

[01 _udu_] tak(*)-bar(*)#-([ru) 01 _kur_]-_gi# 01 muszen_

[10 _tu_]-_gur4 dug_-ma-zi-u A-_mesz_—_uzu_

[_dug_-ma]-zi-u sza a-ku-si

07 ak-li dan-ni 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu(*)#

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

_dug_-ma-si-tu la-pa-ni

_dug_-: _kasz_ hasz-lat

_dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni

AI Translation

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep; 1 goose; 1 duck;

10 turtledoves, a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a ditto of beer of bruised grain.

a 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;


5 whole sheep, one sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep. 1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves. A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a ditto of beer of bruised grain.

A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;



03 su-lu-kan szu-'e

AI Translation

3 bags of chick-peas;


3 bags of chick-peas;



03 : _sze-gisz-i_

07 : kul-la-ni

_dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i

_dug_-: an-dah-sze

_dug_-:- su-pur-gil

_dug_-:- sir-di#

_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri#

01 _udu 07 uzu 03_ qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

1(ban2) 01 qa me(*)-dir 1(ban2) 01 qa qa-du-tu

gi-nu-u _gibil_ sza(*) _igi_(*) (d(*))asz(*)-szur(*)

01# tak-pu sza pa-an [(d)]_en_(*) sza(*) _murub4_(*) x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

3 ditto of sesame;

7 ditto of mixed kernels;

a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

New regular offerings before Ashur.

1 basket of mixed fruit before Bel, in the middle of ...;


3 ditto of sesame;

7 ditto of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

1 sheep; 7 cuts of meat; 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of midru-bread; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced loaves.

The new regular offerings from before Ashur.

1 basketload from before Bel — of the Central ...

P335837: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 _ur 03 zag_

_uzu-disz_-ha-ni 02 nis-hi _zag_

sza 01 _gud_ kar-szu _ur5-usz bir_-_mesz sza_

05(*) _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu-nim_-tu

02 _uzu_ sza 01 _udu_ szu-bé#-e da-ri-i

01 _muszen_—_gal_-u _dug-2_(ban2)(*) [x x x x]

_dug-2_(ban2)# [x x x x x x x]

10# [x x x x x x]

02(*) [x x x x x x]

02 _uzu_ sza(?)# [01 _udu_ szu-bé-e]

01 _muszen_—_gal_-u _dug#_-[2(ban2) x x]

_dug_-ma-zi-[u a-ku-si]

06 ak(*)-li(*)# [dan-ni]

AI Translation

2 thighs, 3 shoulders,

thighs; 2 cuts of shoulders;

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, hearts.

5 whole sheep, 1 spring lamb,

2 cuts of meat of 1 long-fleeced sheep.

1 duck. A 2-seah jar of ...;

a 2-seah jar of ...;

10 ......;

2 ......;

2 cuts of meat; 1 cut of roast sheep;

1 duck. A 2-seah jar of ...;

a tureen of soup.

6 big loaves;


2 thighs, 3 shoulders;

outer cuts; 2 cuts of shoulders.

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart.

5 whole sheep, 1 female spring lamb;

2 cuts of meat of 1 constant roast sheep.

1 duck. A 2-seah jar of ...;

a 2-seah jar of ...;

10 ......;

2 ......;

2 cuts of meat of roast sheep.

1 duck. A 2-seah jar of ...;

a tureen of soup;

6 big loaves ...;



02(?) _ninda_(*)-ka-[ma-na-te]

07 qa _ninda_(?)# [x x x]

AI Translation

2 kamanu-cakes;

7 'litres' of bread ...;


2 kamanu-cakes;

7 'litres' of regular offering loaves ....



_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-[x x x x x] sza bu-de(?)#-[e(?) x x x x]

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha(*)#-[mur-ti]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ [t,i-i-t,i]

_dug_-: an-[dah-sze o]

01 _ninda_-ak-li# [dan-ni]

_dug_-qa-_zag#_ [x x x x]

_dug_-qa-_zag kasz_(*)#-ha-mur-ti

an-ni-u ina É—_ki-mah_-hi

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of ... beer of budê-confection ...;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions;

1 big loaf;

a cup of ...;

a cup of bittersweet beer;

This is in the Kidmah.


A 2-seah jar of ...-beer; a ditto of budê-confection;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions.

1 big loaf ...;

a cup of ...;

a cup of hammurtu-beer.

This in the mausoleum, for the Inner City.

P335838: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



1(ban2) 01 qa# [_ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu]

_dug_-ma-si-tu la(*)-pa(*)-ni(*) _dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat#

03 su-lu-kan szu-'e 02 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

08 :(*) kul-la-ni _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i

_dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze _dug_-[qa]-_zag#_ su-pur-gil

_dug_-qa-_zag_ sir-di _gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

re-ha-ti sza _igi_ (d)asz-szur

_uzu-zag_ nis-hi _zag_ sza _gud_

01 _udu_ szal-mu 01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_

AI Translation

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a flagon of bittersweet beer; a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame;

8 ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

a basket of mixed fruit.

The remainder of the offerings before Ashur.

A shoulder, cuts of shoulder of an ox.

1 whole sheep; 1 goose; 1 duck;


1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

A flagon of bittersweet beer; a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame;

8 ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit,

a basket of mixed fruit.

The leftovers from before Ashur.

A shoulder, a cut of shoulder of an ox.

1 whole sheep. 1 goose, 1 duck.



_dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni

_dug-2_(ban2) bu-de-e

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of budê-confection;


A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of budê-confection;



_dug_-ma-si-tu bu-de-e [o]

_dug_-ma-si-tu hu-lu#-[t,i]

_dug_-ma#-si-tu mar-me-[na]

_dug#_-[a]-s,u#-du har-sze za-am-ri

04(?)# [sa-pu-ul-hi] 1(ban2)# _ninda_(*)-_mesz_ szi-ri-at#

01 [su-lu-kan szu-'e] 01(*) su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

06 su(*)#-[lu-kan kul-la-ni] _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i#

_dug_-qa-_zag#_ [an]-dah-sze(*)# _dug_-qa-_zag_ su-pur-gil

_dug_-qa-_zag_ sir-di _gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u _gesztin_ me-zi

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u _gesztin_ la-'e-e

sza(?) qur(*)#-[sze (d)_nin-lil_] sza(?) _dumu_(?)—_man_(*)#

AI Translation

a flagon of budê-confection;

a flagon of yoghurt;

a flagon of marmena-beer;

a bowl of bittersweet beer;

4 ...; 1 seah of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

a flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'u-wine;

of the wedding night of Mullissu of the crown prince.


a flagon of Carchemish budê-confection;

a flagon of yoghurt;

a flagon of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit;

4 ...; 1 seah of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels; a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

A flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'u-wine.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of the crown prince.

P335839: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_uzu-ur uzu-zag_] _disz#_-ha-ni

[02 nis-hi _zag_ sza] 01(*)# _gud_ [kar-szA-ni _ur5-usz_] _bir#_-_mesz sza_-_mesz_

[05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_] sza É—_dingir_

[01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_—_gal_]-u 10 _tu-gur4_

[_dug_-ma-zi-u] sza(*)# A-_mesz_—_uzu_

[_dug_-ma-zi]-u(*)# sza a-ku-si

[07 ak]-li(*)# dan-ni 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-ni-i

[1(ban2) 01 qa] _ninda_-qa-du-tu _dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

[_dug_]-ma-si-tu _kasz_-la-pa-ni

_dug#_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat

02 su-lu-kan szu-'e 02 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

07 su-lu-kan kul-la-ni

_dug_-qa-_zag kasz_-t,i-i-t,i

_dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze

_dug_-qa-_zag_ o(*) su-pur-gil

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder, a shoulder, a shoulder;

2 cuts of shoulder, of 1 ox: the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup;

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

2 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame;

7 bags of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;


A thigh; a shoulder; outer cuts;

2 cuts of shoulder. Of x+1 oxen: the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the hearts.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves,

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread. A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain;

2 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame;

7 bags of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;



_dug_-qa-_zag_ sir-di

[_gisz_]-sa-al-lu(*) za-am-ri

[re-ha-ti(?) sza] _igi#_ (d)asz-szur

AI Translation

a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

The remainder of the offerings before Ashur.


a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

The leftovers from before Ashur.



_uzu-zag_ nis-hi _zag_ sza(*) _gud_(*)#

01 [_udu_] szal-mu 01 _kur-gi-muszen_

01 _muszen_—_gal_-u _dug-2_(ban2) hi#-[in]-hi#-ni

_dug-2_(ban2) bu-de-e asz-szur-a-a

_dug_-ma-si-tu bu-de-e gar-ga-mis

_dug#_-ma-si-tu hu-lu-t,i _dug_-:(*) mar-me-na

_dug#_-a-s,u-du har-sze za#-am-ri

[x]+x# sa-pu-ul-hi 1(ban2) [_ninda_-_mesz_ szi]-ri#-at

[01] su(*)#-lu-kan szu-'e# [01 su-lu-kan _sze_]-_gisz-i_

[06] su(*)#-lu-kan x#+[x x x x x x x]

[_dug_-qa]-_zag#_ t,i(*)-i(*)-[t,i _dug_-: an-dah-sze]

[_dug_-: su]-pur-gil# [_dug_-: sir-di]

[_dug_-szA-za-mu-u me-zi _dug_-szA-za-mu-u la-'u-u]

[sza qur-sze] (d)_nin_(?)-_lil#_ [sza] _dumu_—_man_ [_szu-2_ (m)](d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

[_ud_ x]-_kam_

AI Translation

A shoulder, cuts of shoulder of an ox;

1 whole sheep; 1 goose;

1 duck. A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of budê-confection;

a flagon of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of bittersweet beer;

... cress, 1 seah of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 bags of ...;

a cup of fig-beer; a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;

a flask of mezu-wine; a flask of la'u-wine;

of the wedding night of Mullissu of the crown prince, care of Nabû-sharru-ushur. day.


A shoulder; a cut of shoulder of an ox.

1 whole sheep. 1 goose,

1 duck, A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of Carchemish budê-confection;

a flagon of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit.

x ...; 1 seah of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels ....

A cup of fig-beer; a ditto of small onions;

A ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;

A flask of mezu-wine; a flask of la'u-wine.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of the crown prince. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

The xth day.

P335840: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x] sza x#+[x _gud_]

[kar-szA-ni _ur5-usz bir_-_mesz_] _sza_-_mesz#_

[01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_—_gal_-u 10] _tu-gur4_

_dug#_-[ma-zi-u sza A]-_mesz_—_uzu_

_dug_-[ma-zi-u sza] a-ku-si

07 ak-li dan-ni# 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti

AI Translation

...... of ... ox

The kidneys, livers, kidneys, hearts.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;


of x oxen:

the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;



_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz#_-[a]-mu-me

_dug_-ma-si-tu la-pa-ni

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_(*) hasz(*)-lat(*)

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.


a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.



03 _dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni

01 ziq-pu _sze-gisz-i_

03 su-lu-kan szu-'e

03 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

09 su-lu-kan kul-la-ni

_dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i _dug_-:- an-dah-sze

_dug#_-:- su-pur-gil _dug_-:-(*) sir-di

_gisz#_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri#

sza# pa-an (d)asz-szur

[01] _udu_ (07) _uzu_

[03] qa _ninda_-_mesz#_ gi-ni-i

[02] qa _ninda_-me(*)-dir-ri

02(*) qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

gi-nu-u _gibil_(*)

_ud_(*) 14(?)#-_kam_(*) _szu-2_ (m)tu-ri-i

AI Translation

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 jar of sesame;

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;

9 bags of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer; a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

which is before Ashur.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat;

3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of midru-bread;

2 'litres' of spiced bread.

New regular offerings.

14th day, care of Turî.


3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 shoot of sesame;

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;

9 bags of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer; a ditto of small onions;

a ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

From before Ashur.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat;

3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of midru-bread;

2 'litres' of spiced bread.

The new regular offerings.

The 14th day. Care of Turî.

P335841: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _udu-nita 02 dug_-u-de-e hab-bur

01 _gisz_-kak-kul-lu _nu-ur-mesz_

01 :- _gisz_(*)-_kin_(*)-_gesztin_-_mesz_

05 kak-ka-ba(*)-nat(?)#-_muszen_ sza (m)man-nu—ki#—[asz-szur] _lu-igi-dub_

01 _udu-nita_ sza# [(m)x]+x#-_mesz_ [o] _lu-nam kur_—[za]-mu#-a

01 _udu-nim_(?) x#+[x (x)] _udu-nim uz_(?)-a-a sza (m)30—[x-x]—_lugal_(?) x#+[x x]

02(?)# _kur_-_mesz_ sza (m)(d)x x# [x x x] _lu_(v)-_en-nam kur_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

1 male sheep, 2 jugs of habbur-beer;

1 ... of pomegranates;

1 ditto of wine;

5 kakkabanatu-birds of Mannu-ki-Ashur, treasurer.

1 male sheep of ...s, governor of Mazamua.

1 ... sheep, x ... sheep, rams, of Sin-...-sharri .

2 horses of NN, governor of .


1 male sheep, 2 storage-vessels of habbur-wine;

1 wooden box of pomegranates;

1 ditto of grapes;

5 gray partridges, of Mannu-ki-Ashur, the treasurer.

1 male sheep of NN, the governor of Mazamua.

1 spring lamb ..., 1 spring lamb ..., of Sin-...-sharri ....

2 horses of NN, the governor of ....



01 _masz-da_(*) [x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_nam uru#_-[x x x x]

10 _dug_(*)-_szab_(*) _kasz_(?)# [x (x)]

01 _dug_(*)-[x x x x x x x]

01 x x# [x x x]

04(*) _tug_(?)-x x (x#) A(*) [x x (x)] sza (m)x (x#)-a-a x#+[x x]

01-te _tug_(*)-sza(*)—_isz_(*)-_mesz_(*) [(x)] _da_(?)#

02 _tug_-za-za-ba-te sza (m)_ud_-20-_kam_-a-a _usz-bar_

03 tar-ma-zi-li-_muszen_

01 u-szA-me(*)-tu-_muszen_

01 ku-pi-tu-_muszen_

AI Translation

1 ...-vessel ..., the governor of .

10 jars of ... beer;

1 ......;

1 ......;

4 ...-garments, sons of ..., belonging to ...ayu ...;

1 ...-garment, next to the ...;

2 zazabatu-garments of Ea-ahhe-iddina, weaver.

3 Tarmazili-birds;

1 ushumetu-bird;

1 kupitu-bird;


1 gazelle of NN, the governor of ...

10 jars of ... beer,

1 jar ......,

1 ... ...,

4 ...-clothes ..., of ...-ayu ....

1 ...-garment ...,

2 ...-garments of Eshrayu, weaver.

3 tarmazilu-birds;

1 ushametu-bird;

1 kupitu-bird of Baltaka-ammuri.

P335842: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_uzu_]-_ur uzu-zag_(*)# [_disz_-ha]-ni(*) 02(*) nis(*)#-[hi _zag_] [sza x _gud_] kar-szA(*)-ni# [_ur5-usz_] _bir_-_mesz sza_-[_mesz_]

01(*) _udu_ sza É—_dingir#_ [o]

03 _uzu_(*)-_sag-du gaba_-_mesz_ sza 04 _udu_ szu-bé-e

01 _kur-gi-muszen_

01 _muszen_—_gal_-u

10 _tu-gur4-muszen_

AI Translation

a thigh, a shoulder, shoulder cuts, 2 cuts of shoulder, of x oxen, a tail, kidneys, hearts;

1 sheep of the temple;

3 heads, the breasts of 4 cuts of sheep;

1 goose,

1 duck;

10 turtledoves;


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts, 2 cuts of shoulders; of x oxen: the stomachs, the liver, kidneys, hearts.

1 sheep of the temple.

3 heads, the breasts of 4 roast sheep.

1 goose,

1 duck,

10 turtledoves.



_dug_-ma-zi-u sza _a#_-[_mesz_—_uzu_]

_dug_-: sza a-ku-si

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

re-ha-a-ti sza# pa-an (d)asz-szur _szu-2_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

a tureen of bouillon;

a ditto of soup;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

The remainder of the offerings before Ashur, in the charge of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


a tureen of bouillon,

a ditto of soup;

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah, 1 'litre' of spiced bread.

The leftovers from before Ashur. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur, the 6th day.

P335843: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_]-qa-du#-[tu _dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur-ti]

[_dug_-ma]-si-tu la-pa-ni _dug_-[ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat]

[03 su]-lu-kan szu-'e 03 su-lu-kan(*)# [_sze-gisz-i_]

[x :-] kul-la-ni _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-[i-t,i]

[_dug_-qa]-_zag_(*)# :(*) an-dah-sze _dug_-[qa-_zag_ : su-pur-gil]

[_dug_-qa-_zag_] :(*) sir-di _gisz_(*)#-[sa-al-lu za-am-ri]

[03] _uzu_(*)#-lip-szat [10 ban-dil-_mesz_]

[(x) x x] _du_(*)# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer; a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 bags of chick-peas; 3 bags of sesame;

x ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup ditto of small onions; a cup ditto of quinces;

a cup ditto of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

3 cuts of meat, 10 bundles;

... goes ......


1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer.

A flagon of bittersweet beer; a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 bags of chick-peas; 3 bags of sesame;

x ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup ditto of small onions; a cup ditto of quinces;

a cup ditto of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

3 scrotums, 10 bellies,

which Bel-ahhe-eriba made.



[_uzu-zag_ nis-hi _zag_ sza _gud_]

[01 _udu_ szal-mu 01] _kur_(*)-[_gi_ o]

[01 _muszen_]—_gal_(*)

AI Translation

A shoulder; cuts, the front of the ox;

1 whole sheep; 1 goose;

1 duck;


A shoulder; a cut of shoulder of an ox.

A whole sheep; a goose,

a duck.



_dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni#

_dug-2_(ban2) bu-de-[e asz-szur-a-a]

_dug_-ma-si-tu bu-de-e gar-ga(*)#-[mis]

_dug_-:(*) hu-lu-t,i _dug_-:(*) mar-me-[na]

_dug_-a-s,u-du har-sze za-am-ri#

[x] sa-pu-ul-hi 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ szi-ri-[at]

[01] su#-lu-kan szu-'e 01 su-lu-kan _sze_(*)#-[_gisz-i_]

[06] :- kul-la-ni _dug_-[qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze _dug_(*)#-[: su-pur-gil]

_dug_-:(*) sir-di _dug_(*)#-[szA-za-mu-u me-zi]

[_dug_]-sza(?)#-za(?)-mu(*)-[u _gesztin_ la-'u-u]

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of budê-confection;

a ditto of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of bittersweet beer;

x seahs 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives; a bowl of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'u-wine;


A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of Carchemish budê-confection;

a ditto of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit;

x ...; 1 seah 1 'litre' of ...-loaves,

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 ditto of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a ditto of quinces;

a ditto of olives; a flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'u-wine

P335844: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x x x]+x#-ni(*)

01 [x x x x x x x x]-_mesz_(*) É(*) x#

_dug#_-[x x x x x x]-ku(*) _kur_(*) x#

02 _dug_-ki-ra-a-_mesz_ (x) x#-_hi-a_(*) _szem_ x# _szem_ [o]

_tug_-sa-su-up-pu(*) _tug_-kan(*)-dir(*)-sze(*)

ni-ip-szu _sig-h_É-_med_(*) kap(*)-pu(*) sza I(*)-_gisz_(*)—_dug_(*)

10 _dug_-a-ga-na-_mesz_ sza ki-sa-a-ni a-na pa-an qe-e o(*)

01-me-20 _banszur_(*)-_mesz_ tal-lul-a(*)-te sza 01-en _banszur_(*) 03 qa _ninda_ sad(*)-ru

01 qa ri-pi-tu 01 ka(*)-me-szu 01 hab-ru(*)-u

01 qa _ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz 01 ninda_ i-bi(*)-tu

01 qa hu-hu-rat

01 _ansze ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz 2_(ban2)(*) ib-bi-_mesz_

AI Translation

1 ......s, the house ...;

...... jar of ... of the land ...;

2 jars of ..., ...-plant,

a shawl, a kandirshe-garment,

a turban of red wool, a bowl of sweet oil;

10 agannu-vessels of kisanu-wood, placed in front of the ...;

120 table-tops, each of which is a table of 3 'litres' of sweet bread.

1 'litre' of ripitu-bread, 1 tamarisk, 1 ...;

1 'litre' of small bread loaves; 1 'litre' of cured bread loaves.

1 'litre' of huhuratu-bread;

1 homer of small bread loaves, 2 seahs of small onions,



1 ......s, the house ...;

...-vessel ...... ...;

2 pithoi of mixed spices, ...-spice, ...-spice;

a towel, a kandirshe-garment;

a tuft of red wool; a bowl of scented oil;

10 amphoras of ...s before ...;

120 equipped tables, for each table 3 'litres' of regular bread,

1 'litre' of ripitu-bread, 1 ..., 1 ...;

1 'litre' of small loaves of bread; 1 thick loaf of bread;

1 'litre' of huhurrutu-bread;

1 homer of small loaves of bread; 2 seahs of thick loaves of bread;



06 _dug-szab_-_mesz_ a-na _igi_ e-ri-bi a-na pa-an _lu-sanga_-_mesz_ sza 02 _ud_-_mesz_

01 _ansze ninda_ sad-ru 2(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz_ a-na _ur_(*)#-_ku dingir_-_mesz_

04 _ansze kasz 01 ansze gesztin_ a-na hi-a-qi

AI Translation

6 jars before the entry and before the priests for 2 days.

1 homer of bread, 2 seahs of small bread loaves for the dog of the gods;

4 homers of beer, 1 homer of wine for libation;


6 jars before the temple enterer and the priests for 2 days.

1 homer of regular bread, 2 seahs of small bread loaves for the dogs of the gods.

4 homers of beer, 1 homer of wine for mixing.

P335845: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_uzu-ur uzu-zag_] _uzu#_-[_disz_]-ha#-ni

[02 nis-hi _zag_ sza x _gud_ kar]-szA-ni

[_ur5-usz_-_mesz bir_-_mesz sza_]-_mesz#_

[05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ sza É]—_dingir#_

[01 _kur-gi 01 muszen_—_gal_-u 10 _tu_]-_gur4#_

[_dug_-ma-zi-u A-_mesz_—_uzu dug_-ma-zi-u a]-ku#-si

[07 ak-li dan-ni 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi]-ni-i

[1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu _dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha]-mur-ti

[_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_-la-pa]-ni#

[_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat 03 su-lu-kan szu]-'e

[03 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i 08_ su-lu-kan] kul#-la-ni

[_dug_-qa-_zag kasz_-t,i-i-t,i _dug_-qa-_zag_] an(*)#-dah-sze

[_dug_-qa-_zag_ su-pur-gil _dug_-qa-_zag_] sir(*)#-di

[_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am]-ri#

[03 _uzu_-lip-szat 10] ban(*)#-dil(*) [x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder, shoulder and shoulder;

2 cuts of shoulder of x oxen, of the kashkanu-vessel;

Cancerous, eminent, and raging.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon; a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain; 3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame; 8 bags of mixed kernels;

a cup of fig-beer; a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces; a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

3 thighs, 10 thighs, ......;


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts,

2 cuts of shoulder; of x oxen: stomachs,

livers, kidneys, hearts;

5 whole sheep, 1 sheep of the temple;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon; a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread; 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain 3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame; 8 bags of mixed kernels;

a cup of fig-beer; a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces; a cup of olives.

A basket of mixed fruit.

3 scrotums, 10 bellies;



[01 _muszen_—_gal_-u] _dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi#-[ni]

[_dug-2_(ban2) bu]-de-e asz-szur-a-a

[_dug_]-ma#-si-tu bu-de-e gar-ga-mis

_dug_-:- hu-lu-t,i _dug_-:- mar-me-_an_(*)

_dug_-a-s,u-du har-sze za-am-ri

03 sa-pu-ul-hi 1(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz_ szi-ri-at

01 su-lu-kan szu-'e 01 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_

06 su-lu-kan kul-la-ni _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i

_dug_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze _dug_-qa-_zag_ su-pur-gil

_dug_-qa-_zag_ sir-di _gisz_-sa-lu za-am-ri

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u _gesztin_ me-zi

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u _gesztin_ la-'u-u

sza qur-sze (d)_nin-lil_ sza É _lu_(v)-_igi-dub gal_-e

i-ta-nu _ud 21_(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

1 duck. A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of budê-confection;

a ditto of yoghurt; a ditto of marmean-yoghurt;

a bowl of bittersweet beer;

3 ...; 1 seah of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

a flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'û-wine;

Of the wedding night of Mullissu, of the house of the chief treasurer.

The 21st day.


1 duck 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of Carchemish budê-confection;

a ditto of yoghurt; a ditto of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit.

3 ...; 1 seah of ...-loaves;

1 bag of chick-peas; 1 bag of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels. A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

A flask of mezu-wine;

a flask of la'u-wine.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu — those of the estate of the chief treasurer gave it.

The 21st day. Care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335846: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



16(*) _dug-2_(ban2) hi-in(*)#-[hi-ni o]

04 ziq-pi _sze#_-[_gisz-i_]

04-me _ninda_-ak-[li dan-ni]

04-me _ninda_-qa-[du-tu o]

16(*) szA pa-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

16 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

4 bags of sesame;

400 big loaves;

400 loaves of bread;

16 of ......;


16 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

4 shoots of sesame;

40 big loaves;

40 spiced-loaves;

16 ... ....



sza _ud 20_-_kam_(*)#

AI Translation

From the 20th day.


Of the 20th day.

P335847: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_disz_-ha-ni] 02 nis#-[hi _zag_-_mesz_]

[sza x] _gud-nita_(*) kar(*)#-[sza-ni] [_ur5-usz_] _bir_-_mesz sza_(*)#-[_mesz_]

[x x x] _udu#-nita_ szal-[mu]

[x _uzu-sag_]-_du gaba_(*)-[_mesz_] [sza] 04(*) _udu-nita_ szu-bé(*)#-[e]

[_dug_]-ma#-zi(*)-u A-[_mesz_—_uzu_]

[_dug_-ma-zi]-u a-ku-[si]

[01 _kur-gi_]-_muszen 01 muszen_—[_gal_-u]

[10 _tu_]-_gur4_(*)#-_muszen_(*) 05+[x x x]

AI Translation

2 cuts of shoulders,

Of x oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

... whole ram

x heads, the breasts of 4 rams, thighs,

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves, 5+x ...;


Outer cuts, 2 cuts of shoulder.

Of x oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts;

x whole male sheep,

x heads and breasts of 4 roast sheep.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves. 5+x ...

P335848: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[01 _kur-gi 01_] _muszen_(*)#—[_gal_-u 10 _tu-gur4_]

[_dug_-ma-zi-u] A-_mesz_—_uzu#_ [_dug_-ma-zi-u a-ku-si]

[07 ak-li dan]-ni 1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda#_-[_mesz_ gi-né-e]

[_dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-ha-mur]-te(*) _dug-2_(ban2) _kasz_-a#-[mu-me]

[_dug_-ma-si-tu] _kasz_-la-pa-ni

[_dug_-ma-si]-tu _kasz_ hasz-lat#

[03 su-lu-kan] szu-'e#

[03 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz_]-_i#_

AI Translation

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon; a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer; a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;


1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon; a tureen of soup.

7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' regular offering loaves.

A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer; a 2-seah jar of amumu-beer;

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;



[_dug_-qa-_zag_] t,i-[i-t,i]

[_dug_-qa]-_zag_(?)# [a-mu-me(?)]

[_dug_]-qa-_zag#_ [an-dah]-sze ((_gisz-i_))

_dug_-qa-[_zag_ su]-pur-gil#

_dug_-qa-[_zag_ sir]-di#

_gisz#_-sa-[al-lu za-am-ri]

an-ni#-[u sza pa-an (d)asz-szur]

AI Translation

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives;

a basket of mixed fruit.

This is what is before Ashur.


A cup of fig-beer;


a cup of small onions;

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives;

1 basket of mixed fruit.

This from before Ashur.

P335849: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[01 _udu_ szal-mu 01 _kur_]-_gi 01 muszen#_

[_dug-2_(ban2) hi]-in#-hi-ni

[_dug-2_(ban2) bu]-de#-e asz-szur-a-a

_dug_-ma-si#-tu bu-de#-e gar(*)-ga(*)-mis(*)#

AI Translation

1 whole sheep; 1 goose; 1 duck;

a 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of budê-confection;


1 whole sheep; 1 goose, 1 duck.

a 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;

a 2-seah jar of Assyrian budê-confection;

a flagon of Carchemish budê-confection;



_dug_-ma-si-tu hu-lu-t,i

_dug_-ma-si-tu mar-me-na

[_dug_]-a-s,u-du har-sze za-am-ri

AI Translation

a flagon of yoghurt;

a flagon of marmena-beer;

a bowl of bittersweet beer;


a flagon of yoghurt;

a flagon of marmena-yoghurt;

a bowl of harshu and mixed fruit;



[x x x x x x x] 01(*) su-lu-kan szu-'e

[01 su-lu-kan _sze-gisz_]-_i 06_ sza kul-la-ni

1(ban2)(*) [_ninda_-_mesz i_-_mesz_] _dug_-qa-_zag_ t,i-i-t,i

_dug_(*)-[: an-dah]-sze# _dug_-qa-_zag_ su-pur-gil

_dug_-qa(*)-_zag_(*)# [sir]-di# _gisz_-sa-lu za-am(*)-ri(*)

_dug_-szA-za-mu-u me#-zi _dug_-szA-za-[mu-u la-'u-u]

[sza qur-sze (d)]_nin#-lil_ szA(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

...... 1 bag of chick-peas;

1 bag of sesame; 6 of mixed kernels.

1 seah of bread and oil; a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit.

a flask of mezu-wine; a flask of la'u-wine;

of the wedding night of Mullissu of .


.......; 1 bag of chick-peas;

1 bag of sesame; 6 of mixed kernels;

1 seah of oil bread; a cup of fig-beer;

a ditto of small onions; a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives; a basket of mixed fruit;

a flask of mezu-wine; a flask of la'u-wine.

Of the wedding night of Mullissu — of ....

P335850: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_uzu-ur uzu-zag_]

[_uzu-disz_]-ha-ni 02 nis-[hi] _zag_-[_mesz_]

sza 01 _gud_ kar-szu _ur5-usz_-[_mesz_] _bir_-_mesz sza_ o(*) 01 _udu_ szA É—_dingir_

03 _sag-du gaba_-_mesz_ sza 04 _udu_-szu-bé-e

01 _kur-gi 01 muszen 10 tu-gur4_

_dug_-ma-zi-u szA(*) A-_mesz_—_uzu_

_dug_-ma-zi-u szA(*) a-ku-si

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-[e]

1(ban2) 01 qa _ninda_-qa-[du-tu]

AI Translation

A thigh, a shoulder,

thighs; 2 cuts of shoulders;

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, hearts of 1 sheep of the temple.

3 heads, breasts of 4 rams.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

a tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread.


A thigh, a shoulder;

x outer cuts, 2 cuts of shoulder.

Of 1 ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys, and heart: 1 sheep of the temple.

3 heads and the breasts of 4 roast sheep.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

A tureen of bouillon;

a tureen of soup.

1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;

1 seah 1 'litre' of spiced bread;



_dug-2_(ban2) ha-mur-[ti]

AI Translation

a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;


a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer;



_dug_-ma-si-[tu] _kasz_-la-pa-ni [o]

_dug_-ma-si-tu _kasz_ hasz-[lat]

re-ha-ti sza _igi_ asz-szur

01 _udu 07_(*) _uzu_

07 ak-li dan-ni

03 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi-né-e

02(*) qa _ninda_-qa-du-tu

02 qa _ninda_-me-di-ri

gi-nu-u _gibil_

[_ud_ x]-_kam_(*)# _szu-2_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

AI Translation

a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

The remainder of the offerings before Ashur.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat;

7 big loaves;

3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread.

2 'litres' of mediri-bread;

New regular offerings. day, care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


a flagon of bittersweet beer;

a flagon of beer of bruised grain.

The leftovers from before Ashur.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat.

7 big loaves;

3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread;

2 'litres' of midru-bread.

New regular offerings,

the xth day, care of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

P335851: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02 su#-[lu-kan _sze-gisz-i_]

06 su-lu#-[kan kul-la-ni]

1(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz_ [I-_mesz_]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ [_kasz_-t,i-i-t,i]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ [an-dah-sze]

AI Translation

2 bags of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels.

1 seah of oil-bread;

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;


2 bags of sesame;

6 bags of mixed kernels.

1 seah of oil-bread.

A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;



_dug_-qa-_zag_ su#-[pur-gil]

_dug_-qa-_zag_ sir-di#

AI Translation

a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives;


a cup of quinces;

a cup of olives;



_gisz_-sa-al-lu za-am-ri

sa-an-bu-ku sza sa-lu-[pi]

03 _uzu_-lip-szat 10 ban-dil(*) _ta_(v)(*) _sza gud_ sza ina pa-an [o] (m)_en_—_pab_-_mesz_—_su_

an-ni-u sza _igi_ (d)asz-szur

[04(?)] _kur-gi-muszen_

[24(?) _uzu_-bu]-ur-ki [x x x] [x x x x]+x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

a basket of mixed fruit.

The sa-anbu-bowl of the sa-lupi-vessel

3 cuts of shoulder, 10 cuts of shoulder, from the ox, which are before Bel-ahhe-eriba.

This is what is before Ashur.

4 goose-doves;

24 roast meat .


a basket of mixed fruit;

a cluster of dates.

3 scrotums, 10 bellies, from an ox which was before Bel-ahhe-eriba.

This from before Ashur.

4 geese;

24 loin-cuts ...

P335852: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


2(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz_ x# [x x x]

06 _uzu_-_mesz dug-szab_(?)# [x x x]

2(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz 05_(?) qa _ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz_(*)#

09 _uzu_-_mesz dug-szab gesztin#_ [x x]

02 qa _ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz 04_(*) i-bi-[a-te]

AI Translation

2 seahs of bread .

6 cuts of meat, a bowl of ...;

2 seahs of bread, 5 'litres' of small bread loaves;

9 cuts of meat, a jar of ... wine;

2 'litres' of small bread loaves; 4 ... loaves;


2 seahs of ... bread;

6 cuts of meat, a jar of wine.

2 seahs of bread, 5 'litres' of small bread loaves;

9 cuts of meat, a jar of ... wine.

2 'litres' of small bread loaves, 4 thick bread loaves.

P335853: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03 _ur 03 zag uzu#_-[_disz_-ha-a-ni]

02 nis-hi _zag_ sza 60 [_gud_ kar-szA-ni]

_ur5-usz_-_mesz_ sza 60 _gud#_

05 _udu_ szal-mu-te 01 _udu_ sza# [É—_dingir_]

01 _udu_ tak-bar-ru 01 _kur-gi_ [01 _muszen_—_gal_]

[10 _tu-gur4_] _dug_-ma#-[zi-u A-_mesz_—_uzu_]

AI Translation

3 thighs, 3 shoulders, thighs;

2 cuts of shoulder of 60 oxen, of the 'residences';

The stomachs of 60 oxen.

5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep, 1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves, a tureen of bouillon;


3 thighs, 3 shoulders, outer cuts;

2 cuts of shoulder. Of 60 oxen: the stomachs,

the livers; of 60 oxen the kidneys, the hearts.

5 whole sheep, 1 sheep of the temple;

1 fattened sheep. 1 goose, 1 duck,

10 turtledoves. A tureen of bouillon



_ud 02_(?)-_kam_(?)# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

On the 2nd day .


The 2nd day.

P335854: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_ur zag uzu-disz_-ha(*)-ni(*)#

02 nis-hi _zag_-_mesz_ sza [x] _gud#_ kar-szA-ni _ur5-usz bir_ [_sza_]-_mesz#_

01 _udu_ szal(*)-mu(*) 01(*) [_udu_ tak-bar]-ru(*)#

04 _sag#_-[_du gaba_ sza _udu-nita_ szu]-bé-e#

01 _kur_-[_gi-muszen 01 muszen 10 tu-gur4_]-_muszen#_

01 [x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

a thigh, a shoulder, and a shoulder;

2 cuts of shoulders of x oxen, a thigh, a shoulder, a shoulder, and a liver.

1 whole sheep; 1 fattened sheep;

4 heads, the breasts of the ram, ...;

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.

1 ......;


A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts,

2 cuts of shoulders. Of x oxen: the stomachs, liver, kidneys, hearts.

1 whole sheep; 1 fattened sheep,

4 heads and breasts of x roast sheep.

1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves,

1 ......

P335855: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 [_gud_ si-sal-hi ina _igi_ (d)_en_]

[02 _udu 01 nim 01_] _muszen_—_gal_

[x x x x x x x x] an#

[01 _udu_ ina _igi_] (d(*))_pa_

[01 _mi-amar 01 udu_ ina _igi_] (d(*))#si-ki-te [x x _gibil_] sza# A—_man_

[01 _udu_ ina _igi_ (d)_gaszan_]—sa-me

[_pab 01 gud_ si-sal-hi 01 _mi-amar_] 06 _udu 01 muszen_—_gal_

[_iti-szu ud_ x]+01-_kam_

[01 _gud_ si-sal-hi ina _igi_ (d)]_en_

[02 _udu 01 nim 01_] _muszen_—_gal_

[x x x x x x x]+x# an

[01 _udu_ ina _igi_] (d(*))#_pa_

[01 _mi-amar 01 udu_ ina _igi_ (d)]si-ki-te [x x _gibil_ sza A]—_man_

[01 _udu_ ina _igi_ (d)_gaszan_]—sa-me

[_pab 01 gud_ si-sal-hi 01 _mi_]-_amar_(*)# 06 _udu 01 muszen_—_gal_

[_iti-szu ud_] 04-_kam_

[01 _gud_ si-sal-hi ina _igi_] (d)_en_

[02 _udu_] 01 _nim_ [01 _muszen_—_gal_]

[x x x] ina(?) x#+[x x]

[01 _udu_] ina _igi_ (d(*))#[_pa_]

AI Translation

1 sisalhu ox, before Bel;

2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck,


1 sheep before Nabû;

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikitu, new ... of the crown prince;

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme;

Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck.

Month Tammuz IV, x+01th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

1 sisalhu ox, before Bel;

2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck,


1 sheep before Nabû;

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikitu, new ... of the crown prince;

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme;

Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck.

Month Tammuz IV, 4th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.

1 sisalhu ox, before Bel;

2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck,

... in ...

1 sheep before Nabû;


1 sisalhu ox, before Bel;

2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck;


1 sheep before Nabû.

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Lisikutu — new ... of the crown prince.

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme.

Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck;

month of Tammuz IV, 3rd day.

1 sisalhu ox, before Bel;

2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck;


1 sheep before Nabû;

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikutu — new ... of the crown prince.

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme.

Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck;

month of Tammuz IV, 4th day.

1 sisalhu ox, before Bel;

2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck;


1 sheep before Nabû;



[01 _mi-amar_] 01 _udu_ ina _igi_ (d)si(*)#-[ki-te] [x x]+x# _gibil_ sza A—[_man_]

[01 _udu_] ina _igi_ (d)_gaszan_—sa-me(*)#

[_pab 01_] _gud#_ si-sal-hi 01 _mi-amar 06 udu 01_(*) _muszen_(*)#—[_gal_]

[_iti_]-_szu ud 05_-_kam_

[01] _gud 02 udu 01 nim 01 muszen_—_gal_ ina _igi_ (d)_en_

01 _udu_ ina _igi_ (d)_pa_

01 _mi-amar 01 udu_ ina _igi_ (d)si-ki-te

01 _udu_ ina _igi_ (d)_gaszan_—sa-me

_pab 01 gud_ [01(*)] _mi-amar 06 udu 01 muszen_—_gal_

_iti-szu ud 06_-_kam_

_pab 01 gud-nita 03 gud_ si-sal-hi-_mesz 04 mi-amar_-_mesz 24 udu 04 muszen_—_gal siskur_-_mesz_ qin-na-a-a-te sza _mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikitu, new ... of the crown prince;

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme;

Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck.

Month Tammuz IV, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.

1 ox, 2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck, before Bel;

1 sheep before Nabû;

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikitu.

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme.

Total, 1 ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck.

Month Tammuz IV, 6th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

In all, 1 ox, 3 sisalhu oxen, 4 calves, 24 sheep, 4 ducks, offerings of the queen.


1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikutu — new ... of the crown prince.

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme.

Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck;

month of Tammuz IV, 5th day.

1 ox, 2 sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck, before Bel;

1 sheep before Nabû.

1 female calf, 1 sheep before Sikutu.

1 sheep before Sharrat-samme.

Total, 1 ox, 1 female calf, 6 sheep, 1 duck;

month of Tammuz IV, 6th day.

Total 1 ox, 3 sisalhu-oxen, 4 female calves, 24 sheep, 4 ducks, ... offerings of the queen.

P335856: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x] ma(*)#-da-te

[x x] da-ri-i [01] _udu_(*) _dug-szab gesztin lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

5(ban2) _zid-da 5_(ban2) _sze-pad_-_mesz dug-szab gesztin lu_(v)-_sipa_ da-ri-i

01-me _udu_ ma-da-te 02 _udu 02 dug-szab lu_(v)-_gal_—_mu_

_udu dug-szab lu_(v)-_a-ba_-szu

:-- ma _gal_—_nig-szid_

7(ban2) _lal 04_(*) _ma_(*) _duh_(*)-_lal_ bi-lat _urudu_-_mesz gal_—_tug-ud_

02 _udu 02 dug-szab_ a-kul-la-szu

10# _ma-na urudu 02 udu 02 dug-szab gal_—I-_mesz_

_ki_(*)-_min_-ma _lu_(v)-_a-ba_-szu

04(?)# _ninda_(?)-_mesz gisz-ma 02_(?)# _amar_(?) _gisz_-:- 10 it-hu-su _nu-ur udu dug-szab gesztin gal_—_gisz_-za(*)-ma(*)-ri(*)

2(ban2) _gisz_-duq-di 2(ban2) bu-t,u-na(*)-te _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)#—_sum_(*)-_ninda_

AI Translation

... tribute

... everlasting; 1 sheep, a bowl of wine: treasurer.

5 seahs of flour, 5 seahs of barley, a jar of wine: the eternal shepherd.

100 sheep, tribute; 2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: chief cook.

sheep, bowl of wine: his scribe.

ditto, chief of accounts;

7 seahs of honey, 4 minas of ..., the copper weight of the chief fuller;

2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: his food.

10 minas of copper, 2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: chief of oil.

Ditto, his scribe.

4 loaves of fish, 2 calfs of ditto, 10 ..., pomegranates, sheep, a bowl of wine: chief of the zamaritu-tree;

2 seahs of tamarisk, 2 seahs of budunatu-bread, chief confectioner;


Distribution of tribute.

... regular-offering sheep, 1 sheep, a bowl of wine: treasurer.

5 seahs of flour, 5 seahs of barley, a bowl of wine: regular-offerings shepherd.

100 tribute sheep, 2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: chief cook.

A sheep, a bowl of wine: his scribe.

ditto: chief of accounts.

7 seahs of honey, 4 minas of wax, a talent of copper: chief fuller.

2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine, his food,

10 minas of copper, 2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: oil master.

The same: his scribe.

4 fig-loaves, 2 ... of figs, 10 carrying-sticks of pomegranates, a sheep, a bowl of wine: fruit master.

2 seahs of almonds, 2 seahs of terebinths: chief confectioner.



_dug-szab_ x# :-

AI Translation

a bowl of ... ditto;


A bowl of wine: ditto.

Bottom Column ii


01 _gisz-gigir_ a-na ma-szar-te 01 _udu 01 dug-szab lu_(v)-_a-ba_ sza _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

01 _gisz_-tal-lak-tu a-na ma-szar(?)-te 01 _udu 01 dug-szab lu_(v)-szA—_igi_—É-_gal 02_-u

_dug-szab gesztin gal_—_gisz_-tal-lak-te

02 _ansze-nita gisz_-qir-si _lu_(v)-szA—_igi_—É-_gal_

06 _tug_-gu-li-ni 04 _tug_-sa-ga-te 02-szu# _tug_-zu-ur(?)-zi 01 _udu dug-szab gesztin lu_(v)-szA—_igi_—É-_gal_

:-- ma _lu_(v)-_a-ba_-szu

20 _ma gisz-h_É-_med 2_(ban2) _gisz_(?)-tu-ba(*)-qi _lu_(v)-_gal_—_tug-ud_

02-me _gisz-sza-gir_(*) _lu_(v)-_gal_—bat-qi

01 _udu dug-szab_ a-kul-la-szu

:- _lu_(v)-02-u-szu

:- _lu_(v)-_a-ba_-szu

05 _udu 05 dug-szab mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

1 chariot for the review, 1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: scribe of the treasurer.

1 basket for the review, 1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: deputy palace superintendent.

a bowl of wine: chief of the wagons;

2 donkeys, a wooden trough: palace superintendent.

6 cloaks, 4 sagatu-garments, two pairs of kurzi-garments, 1 sheep, a bowl of wine: palace superintendent.

ditto, his scribe.

20 minas of reed, 2 seahs of ..., chief tailor;

200 chariots, the chief of the bathqi;

1 sheep, a bowl of wine: his food.

ditto, his deputy;

ditto, his scribe.

5 sheep, 5 bowls of wine: the queen.


1 chariot for the review, 1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: scribe of the treasurer.

1 wagon for the review, 1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: deputy palace supervisor.

A bowl of wine: wagon master.

2 ...-donkeys: palace supervisor.

6 cloaks, 4 sashes, 2 pairs of saddle-bags, 1 sheep, a bowl of wine: palace supervisor.

ditto: his scribe.

20 minas of red dye, 2 seahs of ...-wood: chief fuller.

200 willows: overseer of the levy.

1 sheep, a bowl of wine: his food.

ditto: his deputy.

ditto: his scribe.

5 sheep, 5 bowls of wine: the queen.

Bottom Column iii


01 _udu dug-szab lu_(v)-szA—_igi_—É-_gal_

_dug-szab 01 ma-na urudu lu_(v)-_kasz-lul mi_(*)—É-_gal_

07(?) _ma-na urudu lu_(v)-_gal_—u-rat

02 _udu 02 dug-szab_ a-kul-la-szu

01 _udu dug-szab lu_(v)-_a-ba_-szu

03 _ma urudu udu 01 dug-szab lu_(v)-03-_u5_ É-_gal_

01 _udu 01 dug-szab lu_(v)-_gal_—mu-gi sza _gisz-gigir_

01 _udu lu_(v)-_gal_—mu-gi sza _bad_-hal-li

02 _udu 02 dug-szab lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir-_mesz_ sza É-_gal_

01 _udu 01 dug-szab lu_(v)-_gal_—_nig-szid_

01 _udu 01 dug-szab lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_(!)-_mesz_

10 _ma-na urudu gal_—_dug_-ku-ta-te

01 _dug-szab_ a-kul-la-szu

AI Translation

1 sheep, a bowl of wine: palace superintendent.

A bowl of wine, 1 mina of copper, the cupbearer, the queen;

7 minas of copper, the team commander;

2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: his food.

1 sheep, a bowl of wine: his scribe.

3 minas of copper, sheep, 1 bowl of wine: 'third man of the palace.'

1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: chief chariot driver of the chariot.

1 sheep, the rab mugi of the cavalry;

2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: cohort commanders of the palace.

1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: chief of accounts.

1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: chariot driver.

10 minas of copper, the chief cupbearer;

1 bowl of wine: his food.


1 sheep, a bowl of wine: palace overseer.

A bowl of wine, 1 mina of copper: cupbearer of the queen.

7 minas of copper: team commander.

2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: his food.

1 sheep, a bowl of wine: his scribe.

3 minas of copper, a sheep, 1 bowl of wine: 'third man' of the palace.

1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: commander of the chariotry.

1 sheep: commander of the cavalry.

2 sheep, 2 bowls of wine: cohort commanders of the palace.

1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: chief of accounts.

1 sheep, 1 bowl of wine: chariot-driver.

10 minas of copper: vessel master.

1 bowl of wine: his food.

Reverse Column i


03 ha(?)-li-pa-te 3(ban2) _zid-da dug-szab gesztin_ (m)30—_dingir_-a-a

02 _gu-un urudu_-_mesz_ a-na 02 _bad_-_hal gir_(*)-2(*)

[x] _gu-un urudu_ sza(?)# la(*) bi-ti

[x] _ma-na urudu_ [x] _bad#_-_hal_ sza _lu_(v)-qur-bu-te(*)

[x x x]+x# _urudu_

[x x] _bad_-_hal_

[x]-ta(?)-a-a [x x (m)]_en_—la(*)-bur

[x] _udu_(*)-_mesz lu_(v)-_mah_-_mesz_

[x _gu_]-_un_(*)# _urudu gal_—ra-qu-te

[x x x] 24 _udu_-_mesz_

[x x]-_mesz# 1_(ban2) _sze-gisz-i_ hal-s,u

[x x]+x# ra-qu-tu(*) _qal_-su(*)

[x x x x x] _urudu_

[x x x] _lu_(v)#-_nar_-_mesz_

[x x x x x] _gesztin_

[x x x]-du# ina É-_gal_

[x x] _dug-szab iti_

[o] :- _gal_—_sag_

04(?)# :- szA—_igi_—É-_gal_

01 _udu dug-szab 01 ma_(*) x x# _gal_—_gesztin_

AI Translation

3 halipatu-vessels, 3 seahs of flour, a jar of wine: Sin-ila'i.

2 talents of copper for 2 cavalry mounts.

x talents of copper without interest,

x minas of copper, x cavalry mounts of the royal bodyguard;

... of copper

x cavalry mounts,

..., Bel-labur,

x sheep, the emissaries;

x talents of copper, chief of the ...s;

... 24 sheep

...s, 1 seah of refined sesame;

... large ...

...... copper

... the singers

...... wine

...... in the palace

... a bowl of wine per month;

ditto, chief eunuch;

4 ditto, palace supervisor;

1 sheep, a bowl of wine, 1 mina of ..., chief wine maker;


3 wrappings, 3 seahs of flour, a bowl of wine: Sin-ila'i.

2 talents of copper for 2 cavalrymen of the personal guard.

x talents of copper without a household.

x minas of copper for the cavalryman of the bodyguard.

... of copper

for ... the cavalryman

... Bel-labur.

x sheep: the envoys

x talents of copper: spice master

..., 24 sheep

...s, 1 seah of refined sesame oil

... fine spices

...... copper

... singers

...... wine

...... in the palace

... a bowl of wine per month

ditto, chief eunuch

4 ditto, palace overseer

1 sheep, a bowl of wine, 1 mina of ... wine master.

Reverse Column ii


25 _udu masz-gal lu_(v)-s,a-rip—tuh-szi-e

06(?) _ma-na 04_-tu _urudu_ sza bir-te bir-ni

20(?) _ansze sze-gisz-i 01 ansze 4_(ban2) _i ku_(*) _uru_-sza-bi-ri-szu

AI Translation

25 sheep, ..., the shirptuhshi-official;

6 1/4 minas of copper for the copper between the columns.

20 homers of sesame, 1 homer 4 seahs of oil, the town of Shabirishu;


25 adult goats: leather dyer.

6 1/4 minas of copper ...

20 homers of sesame oil, 1 homer 4 seahs pure oil: the town of Shabireshu.

P335857: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


03# su(*)-lu(*)-kan(*) [szu-'e]

03 su-lu-kan [_sze-gisz-i_]

08(?)# su-lu-kan kul-la-ni#

_dug#_-qa-_zag kasz_-t,i-i-t,i#

_dug#_-qa-_zag_ an-dah-sze

[_gisz_]-sa-al-lu za-am-ri#

[01 _udu 07_] _uzu_(*)# 03 qa _ninda_-_mesz_ gi(*)#-[né-e]

[02 qa] _ninda_-qa-du(*)#-[tu]

[02 qa] _ninda_(?)#-me-[di-ri]

AI Translation

3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;

8 bags of mixed kernels.

a cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a basket of mixed fruit.

1 sheep, 7 cuts of meat, 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread;

2 'litres' of mediru-bread;


3 bags of chick-peas;

3 bags of sesame;

8 bags of mixed kernels.

A cup of fig-beer;

a cup of small onions;

a basket of mixed fruit.

1 sheep; 7 cuts of meat. 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;

2 'litres' of spiced bread;

2 'litres' of midru-bread ...

P335858: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x] szA-har-rat

[x x x x x] _ug_(*) _musz_

[x x x x]+x# :- _sa5 kar_

[x x x x] :- _sa5 kur_

[x x x x] :- _babbar_-_mesz_

[x x x x] :- _babbar_-_mesz_

[x x x]+x# _kusz_(!)-_da_(*)-_e-sir_

[x x x x] _gid_(?)#-_da_

[x x x x] :- _sa5 gi6_

[x x x x]+x# mar-szA-ni

[x x x x _tug_-s,i]-ip(?)#-rat

AI Translation

...... the sharrat

...... a snake's head

... ditto, red, of the port;

... ditto, red, of the land;

... ditto, white;

... ditto, white;

... leather straps;

...... long

... ditto, red, black;

...... a widow

...... a shipratu-garment


... leggings;

......, snake;

... ditto, red, of the port;

... ditto, red, of the country;

... ditto, white;

... ditto, white;

... shoes;

... long;

... ditto, red and black;

... straps;

... scarves;

Obverse Column ii


01 _tug_-pa-x#+[x x] É—ra-ma(*)#-ki szA qi-ir-si

03 _tug_-sa-su-pat bé-te _zag sa5_(*)# _kur_

01 _kusz-da-e-sir_ sza _kur_-gi-mir-a-a

08 _kusz_-gi-ni-se-e(?)#

01 mu-kar-ri-su _urudu_

01 za-rat _an_-e

_tug_-s,i-ip-rat _gisz-gu-za_ sze-pa-te _sa5 kar_

01 _tug_-hu-zi-qu-tu(*)

01 _tug-sza_(?)# _u-sag_-_mesz_ [x x] _sa5_(?)# _kur_ [x x x x x] x x#

AI Translation

1 ...-garment for the ...-house of the qirsu;

3 sasupatu-garments, the house, the front red, of the land;

1 leather ration of the Cimmerians;

8 leather bags;

1 copper ...;

1: the queen of the heavens;

a cloak, a chair, a red ..., and a ...;

1 huhiqutu-garment;

1 robe, heads ... red, of the country .


1 bathroom ...-cloth, of the qirsu;

3 house towels, the front red, of the country;

1 Cimmerian shoe;

8 leather ...s;

1 copper dish;

1 open-air tent;

shipirtu textiles for a chair with feet, red, of the port;

1 huziqutu textile;

1 ... head-cloths ... red, of the country

Reverse Column i


[(x) x]+x hu s,u(*)# [x x]

(m(*))a-bu-tu [x]


(m)ma(*)-ga-szu x x#

_pab_ x#+[x x] (m)_tar_-x#+[x (x x)]

AI Translation

Abbutu ...;

a kind of profession

Magashu ...;

Total ..., Tar-.



Abbutu ...


Magashu ...

Total, ...

P335859: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01(*)-te ga-gi _kug-gi_ tam-x# tuk(*)-pi-ia-te _na4-babbar-dil_ (m)man-nu—ki—asz-szur _lu_(v)-_igi-dub_

02 _tug-ki-ta_—hal(*)-lu(*)-pat mu(*)-us-ki (m)ab-di—mil(*)-ki _lu_(v)-_gal_—ka(*)-s,ir

02 _ansze-kur-ra_ (m)_dumu_—(d)15 _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir

01 _gisz_(*)-x x#-ku [x] _gisz-gigir_(*) [x x]-_mesz_ ina(*) _ugu_-[hi] (m(*))asz(*)-szur(*)#—[x x _lu_(v)]-_sanga_ [sza (d)15 É]—e(?)-qi

01(*) x#+[x x _nim_]-_ma_(*)-a(*)-a(*)

sza(?)# [x x] _na4-babbar-dil-dil_

01(*) mu(?)-x#+[x x] _zu_(?) _suhusz_(*)# _kug-ud_

01(*) x#-[x x x x]-tu

01(*) x#-[x x x x]+x#-tu

_pab_(*) 06(*) _gisz_(*)#-[_gag-ud_]-_tag_(*)#-_ga_-_mesz pab_(*) (m(*))x#+[x x x]-a-a _lu_(v)-_sza-tam_

AI Translation

1 gold ..., 1 ... of pappardilû-stone, Mannu-ki-Ashur, treasurer;

2 halliptu-garments, the 'seats' of Abdi-milki, the chief tailor;

2 horses, Mar-Issar, cohort commander;

1 ...-chariot, x chariots, ...s, on behalf of Ashur-..., priest of Ishtar of the Bit-Eqi.

1 Elamite ...;

of ... agate

1 ... of ..., base of silver;

1 ......;

1 ......;

in all 6 arrows. Total, ...ayu, prelate.


1 golden necklace, inlaid with agate kidney-stones — Mannu-ki-Ashur, the treasurer.

2 Phrygian reinforced lower garments — Abdi-milki, the chief tailor.

2 horses — Mar-Issar, the cohort commander.

1 wooden ... of a chariot, with ...s on top — Ashur-..., the priest of Ishtar of the Bit Eqi.

1 Elamite ...

of ... papparminu-stone,

1 ... of ivory, base of silver,

1 ...,

1 ...,

in all 6 arrows — all NN, the prelate of Der.



01 _gisz-ban 09 gisz_-bu(*)#-kin-ni 01-en qu-lu _na4_-_mesz_ ku-u-ri(*) _pab_ (m)asz-szur—_dumu-usz_—_gisz_

AI Translation

1 bow, 9 bow-sticks, 1 necklace of coloured stones: all Ashur-apla-leshir.


1 bow, 9 wooden water-vessels, 1 collar of artificial stones — all Ashur-aplu-leshir, son of Issar-naid, the mayor.

P335860: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_gir_(*) sza _lu-gir-2_

sa-hi-ru sza _gisz-na_ sza _lu_-qur-_zag_

_sag-du_ ar-me sza (m)kur-ba-il-a-a

_sag_(*)-_du_(*) me-su-ki eg-ru-te sza (m)_suhusz_—(d)na-na-a

_gisz-nu-ur-ma_ sza (m)_u-gur_—_kar_-ir

tar(*)-nu-gal-_muszen nigin_ sza (m)_di_-mu—_en_(*)#—la-Asz-me

a-da-mu(*)-um sza (m)ka-bar—_dingir_

_sag-du# lu-sanga_ sza (m)_su_—(d)#_im_

[(x x)] (m)man—ki-i—_man_

[(x x)] (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

[(x x)] (m)man—ki-i—asz-szur

[x x x x] _lu_(*)-_nagar_(?)#-_mesz_(?) x#-a-tu [x x x x x x]+x x#+[x x]

AI Translation

The foot of the sheikh.

a basket of ..., of the bodyguard;

The head and the loins of Kurbailayu.

The head, the 'seat' of the 'traps' of Ubru-Nanaya.

A pomegranate of Nergal-etir.

a tarnugal-bird, a reed nest of Shulmu-beli-lashme.

I have heard that Kabar-ili is a fugitive.

The priest's head belongs to Eriba-Adad.

... Mannu-ki-sharri

... Nabû-sharru-ushur

... Mannu-ki-Ashur

... the ... carpenters


A dagger, from a royal guard;

a ...-piece from a bed, from a bodyguard;

an ibex head, from Kurbailayu;

a head of crossed falcons, from Ubru-Nanaya;

a pomegranate, from Nergal-etir;

a spinning cock, from Shulmu-beli-lashme;

a wasp, from Kabar-ili;

a priest's head, from Eriba-Adad;

..., from Mannu-ki-sharri;

..., from Nabû-sharru-ushur;

..., from Mannu-ki-Ashur;

..., from the ... carpenters;



02 _gir_-_mesz_ sza _urudu_-szu(?)#-[nu] la ta-da-nu

ina _ugu_ (m)man-nu—ki—_ad lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir sza la lab-bu-szu-u-ni

ina _ugu_ un-zar4-hi sza kal-za-ni sza 03 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ si-in-nu-tu la szak-nu

ina _ugu_ u-rat _bad_-_hal_ sza _szu_(*)-2 sza a-na _lu_(v)-_nu-gar_-_mesz_ sza—_gir-2_-_mesz sum_-nu

sza _lu_(v)-_gisz-gigir_-_mesz_-ni la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

2 feet of copper, not given;

Concerning Mannu-ki-abi, cohort commander, who has not been sacked,

Concerning the kalzanu-offerings for 3 years, they are not valid.

Concerning the cavalrymen under the control of the prefects and sha shepi guards,

There are no charioteers in the country.


2 feet, whose copper is not for sale.

Concerning Mannu-ki-abi, cohort commander, who has not been dressed in purple.

Concerning the 3-year-old domestic slaves of the palace residents — they have not been brand-marked.

Concerning the cavalry teams which are in service which are to be given to the prefects of the royal guard.

There are none for the grooms.

P335861: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x] _ki_(*)#-_na_(*) [o]

[x x x x x x x]+x# _usz11-zu#_

AI Translation

...... the ground

...... your wailing


...... beds;

...... sorcerer;



[(x) x]-szu(*)#-nu 03 né(*)-me-di [ha-a-a-at-te]

[x _igi_(?)] _nigin 10 nam-rim 07_ x#+[x x]

[(x) x x]-tu te-qi-ti 08 _hul_(*)# [x]

[x] _hul_(*)# _muszen bar_-i

[x _tar_] _gir_(*)#-2(*) _hul_-tim(?) 14(*) _gu am 30_

[(x) x] _erim silim 10 usz11_(*)-_zu 03 usz_-_mesz_ [o]

18(*) _gu_ sza _gisz_-né-med _lugal_ [o]

AI Translation

... their ..., 3 ...s,

... is split. The 'strength' is 10 ...; the 7th .

... ..., a gift, 8 evil ...;

x, evil of a duck,

x, the feet of evil, 14 oxen, 30 oxen,

x men, shaved, 10 dead, 3 dead.

18 talents of the royal sceptre;


their ..., 3 stones against "couch of panic";

x, to turn the face; 10, the oath; 7 ....

... for daubing; 8, the evil of ...;

x, the evil of a strange bird.

x, to keep evil off; 14 amulets ......

x, to heal ...; 10, sorcerers; 3, pestilence.

18 amulets of the couch of the king.

P335862: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_sze-pad_-[_mesz_ x x x x]

27(*) [x x x x x x x]

01-me [x x x x x x x]

_pab_ an-ni-[u x x x x x]

[(x) x _gu_]-_un_(?) 100+[x _ma_ x x]

AI Translation

barley ......

27 ......;

100 ......

all this ......

x talents 100+x minas .


barley ...;

27 ......;

100 ......;

all this .......

x talents, 10+x minas ...



80 [x x x x x x x x]

50(*) x#+[x x x x x x x]

03 2::3(?)# [x x x x x x x]

11 _ma-na_(*) 10(*) [_gin_ x x x x x]

[x] x# [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

80 ......;

50 ......;

3 2/3 ......

11 minas 10 shekels ...;


80 ......;

50 ..........

3 2/3 ......;

11 minas 10 shekels ...;


P335863: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



05-me-71 _igi_-_mesz_

01-me-89(*) _lal_-e

_pab 07_-me-60(?)# _uru_-gu-za-na

06-me-86(?) _igi_-_mesz_

03-me-34(?)# _lal_-e

_pab# 01_-lim#-20 _uru_-na-s,ib#-na [x x x]+x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

571 witnesses,

189 fullers;

Total: 760 from Guzana.

686 witnesses,

334 ...

in all 1,20, the town of Nashibina .


571 — seen;

189 — missing:

in all, 760 — the city of Guzana.

686 — seen;

334 — missing:

in all, 1,020 — the city of Nashibina.



03-me-[(x)] 02 [x (x)]

01-me-84(?)# _uru_-gu-za-na

_pab 05_-me-25 _lal_-e


01-lim-01-[me x x (x)]

AI Translation

300 ... 2 ...

184, Guzana;

Total 525 — missing.


1,100 ...;


300+x — ...;

184 — Guzana:

in all, 525 — missing.


1,100+x ....

P335864: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_pab_(*)# 02 _gud_ [_uzu bur_]

[o] 02 _uzu_ [_mun_]

[o] 01 _gaba ud_(?)-[_hal_ o]

[o] 01 _gud_ ina É—a(*)#-[ni]

[o] 01 _uzu_ sza _iti_ sza _mi_—É-_gal_(*)#

[x] _gud szu-2_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

AI Translation

in all 2 oxen, meat of the extispicy;

2 cuts of meat;

1 breast, ...;

1 ox in the 'house';

1 month's meat of the queen;

x oxen, in the charge of Sharru-lu-dari.


In all, 2 oxen, meat from the meal;

2 cuts of salted meat,

1 breast, ...,

1 ox in the inner precinct

1 cut of meat for the month, of the queen,

x oxen, care of Sharru-lu-dari.

Reverse Column ii


01 _igi-dub uru-kaskal_

01 um-man _szu-2 man_

01 _uru-sza_—_uru_-a-a

02 _dumu_ ni-nu-a

01 _dumu_ arba-il kal-ha-a-a

01 _uru-kaskal_-a-a [o]

[01] _uru_(?)#-_be_(?)—U(*) :- ni(?)#

AI Translation

1 tablet of the treasurer of Harran;

1, scholars of the king's hand;

1, the Inner City;

2 sons of Nineveh;

1 Arbela-ilu son of Calah;

1, the Harranites;

1, the town of ...;


1, treasurer of Harran,

1, scholars in the service of the king,

1, the Assurites,

2, scholars of Nineveh,

1, scholars of Arbela and Calah,

1, the Harranites,


P335867: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc




É—[x-(x)]-_mesz an-bar_

kan x x# _urudu_

14 ri-ta-a-te _urudu_

kip-pa-a(*)-te _urudu_

_sag-du a-2_(*)-_mesz_ É-a-ni-a-te _urudu_

_sag-du_ ma-szad-da-a-te _kusz_-x#-zu a-di 05 kak-ka-pa-a-te(*)

É ku-ta-hu _an-bar_

_kusz_-tap-szi-e-_mesz_(*) a-di _na4_-_mesz_-szu-nu szar-szu-du

_sag-ki gisz_(*)-_ki-kal_ ra-pi-qi

AI Translation

a kind of tree

... houses of iron;

... of copper

14 copper rations;

a ... of copper;

The head, the arms, the ...s, copper.

The head, the ..., the ..., together with 5 ...,

a house of iron ...;

The straps, together with their stones, are high.

The top of the ramp is atrophied.


Wooden quivers;

a case for ...s of iron;

...s of copper;

14 handles of copper;

loops of copper;

the top part of inside arms, of copper;

the top part of the draught-poles of ... leather, with 5 star-shaped objects.

A case for spears, of iron;

coverings of leather, including their precious stones, firmly fixed.

The front of the base-board, nailed.



02 kur-kur-ru(*) _urudu_ bar-ru-mu

02 la _ki-min_

_pab_ an-ni-e dul-lu ga-mar(!)

si-da-a-te _urudu_ sza ka-pa-a-ri

_gu-e urudu qal_(?)#-tu sza ka-pa-a-ri

06 ri-ta-a-te sza ta-mar-zi sza ka-pa-a-ri#

06 kak-ka-pa-a-te sza kab-bu-su

AI Translation

2 copper kurkurru-vessels,

2 without ditto;

All this work is completed.

The copper ...s of the kaparu-vessels are in good condition.

A copper ... of a kaparu-vessel;

6 reed baskets for tamarzi and kaparu-bread;

6 kakkapatu-vessels for the ...;


2 containers of copper, speckled;

2 not ditto;

all this — completed work.

Copper ...s, to be polished;

a copper armour, light, to be polished;

6 furniture feet of ..., to be polished;

6 star-shaped objects, to be hammered;



ku-ub-te _urudu_

AI Translation

copper rations


lumps of copper, to be polished.

P335868: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



02-me-12 [ina 01 _kusz lugal_] _gid-da_ sza [x x]

86 ina 01 _kusz lugal dagal_

02-me-31 _gisz_-ha-hu

01-me-95 _gisz-haszhur_

04 _gisz_-s,u-s,u-nu

50 (erasures) _gisz-ma_ ($x$)

_pab 04_-me-80 _gisz_-_mesz_ zak-ru

03-lim (erasures) _gisz_-til-lu-tu

AI Translation

122 cubits, the length of ..., the king's length;

86 cubits, the length, of the king;

231 ...;

145 apple trees;

4 ...;

50 boats,

in all, 480 wooden beams, ...;

3,000 stalks of vine;


212 by the royal cubit length of ...,

86 by the royal cubit width.

231 peach trees,

195 apple trees,

4 shushunu trees,

50 fig trees:

total 480 named trees.

3,000 vines.



22(?)-me-32 [x x]

40 x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

2232 ...

40 ......;


2,232 ...s,

40 ...s.

P335869: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


02 06 [o]

02 05

02 04

03 03

01 02

_pab 14 gisz-zu_-_mesz_

02 _gisz-ig_-_mesz_ ti-ra-a-ni

_pab hal_-u-tu

01 05 [(x x)]

01 03 [o]

01 02(?)# [o]

_pab_ [03 _gisz-zu_-_mesz_]

AI Translation

2 of 6 spans' height;

2 of 5,

2 of 4,

3 of 3,

1 of 2,

Total 14 writing-boards.

2 doors of ...;

Total, the extispicy.

1 of 5,

1 of 3,

1 of 2,

in all, 3 writing-boards.


2 polyptychs of 6 leaves,

2 of 5,

2 of 4,

3 of 3,

1 of 2,

in all 14 polyptychs,

2 leaves, convolutions of the intestines,

all extispicy.

1 polyptych of 5 leaves,

1 of 3,

1 of 2,

in all 3 polyptychs,



11(?) [_gisz-ig_-_mesz_] sza _hal_-u-tu

AI Translation

11 doors for a halûtu-demon;


11 leaves of extispicy.

Bottom Column ii


10 _gisz_(!)-_zu_-_mesz# pab hal_-u-tu

_pab ta_(v) É—(m)i-ba#-[a]

01 s,ar-rat—_an_-e

02 iq-qur—_du_

06 a-szi-pu-tu

05(?)# ÉSZ-_qar har_-ra

[04] _masz#-ti-la_

[_pab_] 18# _dub_-_mesz_

AI Translation

10 writing-boards: total, extispicy.

Total, from Bit-Ibaya.

1, the sky-scout;

2 of Iqqur-ibni;

6 axes;

5 ... of carnelian,

4 ...;

in all 18 tablets.


10 polyptychs, all extispicy.

All from Bit-Ibâ.

1 tablet of Rope of Heaven,

2 of Iqqur ipush,

6 of exorcists' lore,

5 of the HAR-ra series,

4 of Mashtila,

in all 18 tablets.

Reverse Column i


_pab_ (m)asz-szur—mu-kin—_bal_-ia

AI Translation

Total, Ashur-mukin-paliya.


All of Ashur-mukin-pale'a.

Reverse Column ii


_iti-sze ud 29#_-_kam_(v) lim-mu (m)_en_-szu-nu

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 29th day, eponym year of Belshunu.


Month of Adar XII, 29th day, eponym year of Belshunu 648 B.C..

P335870: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


06 qa _ninda_-_mesz 03_ qa _kasz-sag_

01 qa _gesztin_(*) _uzu-ur_ sza _udu-nita_

01 x#+[x (x)] sza (m)_lugal_—_gi-na_

[(x x x) x]+x#+[x x]

AI Translation

6 'litres' of bread, 3 'litres' of first-class beer;

1 'litre' of wine, the thigh of the ram;

1 ... of Sharru-ukin;



6 'litres' of bread, 3 'litres' of first-class beer;

1 'litre' of wine; thigh of a male sheep;

1 ...... which Sargon


P335871: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]-_mesz_(*) [o]

[x x x x x] _dug-szab_-_mesz_(*)# ([x])

[x x x x]+x# 02 sa-li _sum_(?)#-[_sar_(?)]

[x x x x]-kil#-li ba-Asz-lu-te#

[x x x x]-lu(*)# 02 _tug_-dAp-pa-sat [o]

[x x x x x]+x# _pab_ an-ni-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-[_kur_(?)]

[x x x x x]+x# na-as,-s,u(?)#-[u-ni]

[x x x x x]+x# _uzu-ti_ sza# [x x]

[x x x x x x] 10 _udu_ [o]

[x x x x x x]-_muszen_(*) :- [x x]

[x x x x x x] du(*)# :- [x x x]

[x x x x x x] (d(*))15(?)# [x x x]

AI Translation


...... jars of ...;

...... 2 baskets of garlic;

... the rest

...... 2 shawls;

...... all this, the governor

...... they brought

...... the flesh of .

...... 10 sheep;

...... bird ditto ...;

...... ditto .

...... Ishtar .



...... jars of ...;

...... 2 baskets of garlic;

... boiled leeks;

...... 2 blankets;

...... all this, of the Prefect of the Land;

... brought it.

...... rib of ...;

...... 10 sheep;

...... bird ditto ...;

...... ditto ...;

...... Ishtar ...



[x x] x x# [x x x x x]

[x x]-u(?)#-a(*)-a it-tal(?)#-[ku-u-ni]

[x x]+x# _gesztin_ [(x x)]

AI Translation

...eans came

... wine ...



...eans came.

... wine ...

P335872: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


01 sa(?) su(?) x# nu(*) _mi_(*)-_gar_(*)-tu(*) _uru_(*)#-ha(*)-a(*)-u(*)-ri(*)-na(*)#

01 _gud 10 udu_ par-su-a 10 _gisz-pa_-_mesz gisz_(*)-mur(*)-ra(*)#-[nu] 01 _kusz_-kur-si-u _lu_(v)-600—_kur_

02 _gud_ (m)_dingir_—tak-lak

01 _udu-nita_(*) (m)(d)_u-gur_—_dingir_-a-[a] [x x x]+x x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

1 ..., the governess of Haurina;

1 ox, 10 parsua sheep, 10 wooden arrows, 1 leather ... of the palace herald;

2 oxen: Ilu-taklak.

1 male sheep: Nergal-ila'i .


1 ... — the governess of Haurina;

1 ox, 10 Persian sheep, 10 staffs of murranu tree, 1 leather strap — the palace herald;

2 oxen — Ilu-taklak;

1 male sheep — Nergal-ila'i;

P335873: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x] 04(?)#-te(*) 1::2 qa-a-a

[x x x x]-_mesz_(*) _mi_(*)-_nar 1_::2 qa

[x x x x] 1::2 qa

[x x x x] x x# 1::2 qa

[x x x x] x x x# [x x x] 04(?)-te

[x x x x]+x#-bu-si 1::2 qa-a

AI Translation

... 4 1/2 'litres' each;

...s, the singer, 1/2 'litre';

... 1/2 'litre';

...... 1/2 'litre';

...... 4

...busi 1/2 'litre';


......... 1/2 'litre' each;

......, female singer, 1/2 'litre';

...... 1/2 'litre';

...... ... 1/2 'litre';

...... ...... 1/4;

......busi, 1/2 'litre' each;



[x x x x]+x#-_mesz 1_::2 qa#-a

[x x x x] 04-te

[x x x x] sa(?)#-a-a-te 04-te

[x x x x] 03(?)# 04 qa _gesztin_-_mesz_

[x x x x]+x# 15(?) _mi-nar_-_mesz 1_::2 qa-a#

[x x x x] _gesztin_-_mesz_

AI Translation

...... 1/2 'litre' each;

...... 4

... four ...

...... 3 4 'litres' of wine

...... 15 female singers 1/2 'litre' each;

...... wine


......s 1/2 'litre' each;

...... 1/4;

......... 1/4;

...... 3/4 'litre' of wine;

...... ... 15 female singers 1/2 'litre' each;

...... wine;



[x x x x] 2(ban2)# 06(?) qa 03 04 qa

AI Translation

... 2 seahs 6 'litres', 3 4 'litres'


Total: ... 2 seahs, 6 3/4 'litres'.

P335874: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _gisz_(*)-_ki#-dur_-ri _szab_ pa(*)#-[ni-u(?)]

01 _gisz_(*)#-:- :- s,u-pu(*)# [o]

01 _gisz_(*)-mah(*)#-ru-s,u _szab_ pa(*)-ni(*)-u(!)#

01 _gisz_(*)#-tasz-ku-u s,u-pu

01 _gisz_-ma-ak-su-tu(*)

_pab 05_

01 _gisz_-É—_gu-zi_-_mesz_ s,u-pu

($_pab 06_(?)$)

02 _gisz_-szu-na-na-ti

01 _gisz_-szA—_kar_-ni

04(?)# _gisz_-sza—_nim_(*)-_mesz_

AI Translation

1 wooden cloak, previous.

1 ditto ditto of pomegranates;

1 ..., a ...,

1 wooden tashku-vessel, ...;

1 boat;

Total 5:

1 wooden throne, ...;

in all, 6.

2 trays;

1 wooden ...;

4 ...-woods;


1 wooden wine-jar stool, used;

1 wooden ditto ditto, polished;

1 wooden jar rack, used;

1 wooden tripod, polished;

1 wooden incense holder;

in all, 5.

1 wooden cupboard, polished:

in all 6.

2 wooden trays;

1 wooden ...;

4 wooden fly-whisks.



_pab_-ma 24 a(*)-nu(*)-ut(*) _gisz_-_mesz_

01 mu(*)-kar(*)#-ri(*)-su(*) _urudu_

03(*) kap(*)#-pi(*) _urudu_

01(*) [o] _utul_(*) _urudu_

[_pab_] 05(*)# a(*)-nu(*)-ut _urudu_

[01]-te(*) a(*)#-ru(*)-ut-hi _an-bar_(*)

AI Translation

Total: 24 trees.

1 copper ...;

3 copper kettledrums;

1 copper vat;

in all 5 copper .

1 iron aruthu-vessel;


Grand total: 24 implements of wood.

1 copper oil dish;

3 bowls of copper;

1 cooking pot of copper;

in all 5 copper items.

1 set of iron tongs

P335875: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


_pab lu-nu-gisz-sar nina-ki_

[_pab lu-nu-gisz_]-_sar_(*)# [x x x]

AI Translation

Total, gardener of Nineveh.

total, gardener .


Total — the Nineveh gardener.

Total — the gardener ....

Obverse Column ii


_pab_ [x x x x] _uru_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Total, ... of the town .


Total — the ... of the city of ....

Reverse Column ii


a-na _mi_—É-_gal_

AI Translation

to the queen.


To the queen. Month of Tishri VII, 7th day.

P335876: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] _lu_(v)(?)#-_tur_(*) _dug_-x#+[x x x]

[(x) x] sa-a _gisz-nu-ur-ma_(?)# [x x x]

[x x] _dug#-szab gesztin_(*)-_mesz_ ina É(?)# [x x x]

ina(*)# _ugu_(*) _gisz_(*)-x#+[x x x x] [x]+x#-ri(*)-i(*) x#+[x x x x x] [x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

a-na _szu#_ [x x x x x]

75(*) _gisz_-[x x x x x]

01 x# szA (m)x#+[x x x x]

_mun_(*) tu(?)-[x x x x x]

a-na [x x x x x x]

02(*) _ansze 5_(ban2) _gesztin#_ [x x x] [x]+x x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

... the 'inspector' ... a ...-vessel

... a pomegranate .

... a bowl of wine in the house .

concerning the .

to the hand of .

75 ...,

1 ... of NN,

salt ......

to ......

2 homers 5 seahs of wine .


... apprentice, ...-pot

... pomegranates ...

...jars of wine in the house ...

on a wooden ......

into the charge of ......

75 wooden ......,

1 ... of NN,

salt ......,

for ......;

2 homers, 5 seahs of wine ...



1(ban2)(*) 05(*) qa _ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz_ [(x x)]

_dug-szab gesztin_(*)#-[_mesz_]

2(ban2) _ninda qal_-_mesz_ [(x x x)]

_dug-szab gesztin_(*)# ([x x])

_pab_ an-[ni-u(?) x x x]

[x]-me x x# [x x x]

[(x) x]-_mesz gesztin_(*)-_mesz_(*) sza [x x]

[ina] _igi_(?)# _mi_(*)-u(*)-bi(*)-i(*)-te(?)# ([x x])

[x x] x# [o] 04(*) qa _ninda_-_mesz_ [o]

[x x x] _uzu#-kun_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

1 seah 5 'litres' of small bread loaves ...;

a bowl of wine;

2 seahs of small bread loaves ...;

a bowl of wine ...;

all this ...

... hundred ...

...s of wine of .

before Ubite .

... 4 'litres' of bread

... loin ...


1 seah 5 'litres' of small bread-loaves ...;

a jar of wine ...;

2 seahs of small bread-loaves ...;

a jar of wine ...:

all this ....

x hundreds ... ...

...s wine of ......

at the disposal of the woman Ubite ....

... ... 4 'litres' of bread

... oxtail ...

P335877: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma-na_ [x x x x x x]

_uru_-kal-hi(?)# [x x x x x]

03 _ma-na kug_(?)#-[_ud_ x x x x x]

02 _ansze_ [x x x x x x]

02 _gin_(*)-_mesz_(*) [x x x x x x]

_ta_(v)(*) i(*)-[x x x x x x]

79(*) [_ansze_ x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 mina ......;

Calah ......

3 minas of silver .

2 hectares .

2 shekels ......;

from ......

79 hectares ......;


1 mina ...;

the city of Calah ...;

3 minas of silver ...;

2 homers ....

2 shekels ...

from ......;

79 homers ...



13(*) _ma_(?)#-[_na kug-ud_ (x x x)]

ma(*) as(*)-[x x x x x x]

_ta_(v)(*) _lu_(*)#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

13 minas of silver ...;

"I ......

with the ......


13 minas of silver.

They say: "... ...

from the ...



i-ba(?)-[x x x x x x]

79 _ansze_ [x x x x x]

13 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud_(?) x x x x x]

sza ur-ki [x x x x x x]

nu(*)-szA-li-mu(*)#-[u-ni x x x x]

e-gir-te(*) [x x x x x x] u(?)-[x x x x x x x x] _gisz_(?)-[x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

79 hectares ...

13 minas of silver .

which later .

we shall make them happy .

a letter ......


... ...

79 homers ...

13 minas of silver ...

which after ...

we paid in full ...

the document ..."



ma(*) la(*) ni(*)-[x x x x x x]

_un_(*)-_mesz_(*) (m(*))[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

"We did not .

the people of NN .


They say: "We did not ......

the people of NN ...

P335878: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x] _kug-ud_ [x x x x x]-li(*)#-szA [x x x x x x]-pu(?)#

AI Translation

...... silver


...... silver

Obverse Column ii


_pab_ sza# [x x x x] ina _ugu_-hi [x x x]

_pab_ na-mur-tu# [x x]

01 _kusz_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

Total, of ... concerning .

Total, audience gift .

1 leather ...;


Total, of ... in addition ....

Total, audience-gifts ...

1 necklace

P335879: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


06 _gud_ [x x x x]

10 _gisz-pi_ [x x x x]

01-me [x x x x x]

60 szi-ri-[x x x x]

04 szi-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

6 oxen ...;

10 wooden ...;

100 ......

60 ......

4 ......


6 cattle ......

10 cattle ......

100 hectares of land ......

60 ......

4 ......

P335880: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


02(?)# (m)_ad_(?)#-[x x x x x]

02(?) (m):- [x x x x]

02 (m)a-ta-[x x x]

02 (m)x-lu-x#+[x x]

_pab 18_(?) _har_(?) _gi_(?)# [x x x x] a(*)-na(?) [x x x x x]

02(*) _har_(*) [x x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

2 — Abu-...,

2 ditto, NN;

2, Ata...;


in all 18 rings of gold ... to .

2 rings ......


2, NN;

2, NN;

2, Ata...;


in all 18 gold rings ... for ...;

2 rings .......

P335881: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_udu_ [x x x x]

_udu_ [x x x x]

_udu_ [x x x x]

_mi-asz#_-[_gar_(?) x x x]

(m)pu-ka-[x x x]

01 _gud_ ta(?)# [x x x] ina _ud_(?) si(?)# [x x x] 01 _ne_ [x x x x] [x] _mah_(?) [x x x x] [(x)] x

AI Translation

sheep ...

sheep ...

sheep ...

the governess .


1 ox from ..., on the day ..., 1 ... ..., ... great .


sheep ......,

sheep ......,

sheep ......,

female kid ......,


1 ox ......

P335882: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



27 _ma_(*)-_na_(*) _kug_(*)#-[_ud_]

06(*)-me _sze_(*)-_pad_(*)-_mesz_(*) x x x# [x]

AI Translation

27 minas of silver;

600 homers of barley ...;


27 minas of silver

600 homers of grain ...



[x]-me#-60 x# [x x]

05# _lu_-a-me-lu-tu#

03 sza da-mi(*)

02-me-15(*) _udu_-_mesz_

AI Translation

x hundred and sixty .

5 people,

3 of pomegranates;

215 sheep;


x+60 ...,

5 — persons,

3, compensation for bloodshed

215 sheep ...



_pab_ (m)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza(*)#-[a]

AI Translation

Total, Ahheshaya.


Total: Ahheshaya.

P335883: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _gisz_(*)-x x# [x x x x]

01 _gisz_-ma-hi-x#+[x x x x]


sza _mi_-ga-gu(?)#-[x x x]

a-na(*) _lugal_(?)# [x x x]

[(x) x] sa _gisz#_ [x x x]

AI Translation

1 ......;

1 ...-wood ...;


of the woman Gagu.

to the king ...


1 wooden ...;

1 wooden ......;

Urad-Nanaya ...;

of the woman Gagu ...

to the king ...,

... wooden ...



[x] _gisz_(*) bu# szu sza(?) [x x x]

05 _gisz-na ninda_-_mesz_ [x x x]

01 _gisz-na_ za(*)-mar# [x x x]

10 _dug_-ku-ta-te [x x x]

10 x# si x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

x ...s of ...;

5 beds of bread ...;

1 bed ...;

10 ...-vessels ...;

10 ... ......


... ... of .......

5 trays of ... bread;

1 tray of fruit ...;

10 cans of beer;

10 ... ......

P335884: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_pab_(*) 03(*) _ma_(*)-_na_(*)# [x x x]

_kug-ud_ sza É x#+[x x x]

pir-ku u la ket-tu [o] s,ar-tu u szar(*)-qu-tu(*) [o] szA (m)bu-bu-u(*) [o] [a(?)]-na(?)# _lu_(*)-[x x] [(x) x x]+x#-la(?)-sa-a-a us#-[x x]

AI Translation

in all, 3 minas .

silver of the house .

The ...lase have ...ed the ...,


In all, 3 minas ...,

silver of the house of ....

They have restituted the iniquity and injustice, the crime and theft of Bubû to the ...ean ....

P335885: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]-ma-ni

[x x] _lu_(*)#-tur-ta-nu _kab_

[x x x] sza (m)man—ki—arba(*)-il(*)

[x x x] ina(?) _uru_-kal-ha

[x (m)(d)x]—_mu_—_pab a-ba_

[x x (m)]ra(*)#-hi(*)-ma-a

AI Translation


... commander-in-chief of the left;

... of Mannu-ki-Arbail

... in Calah

...-shumu-ushur, scribe

... Rahimâ


... NN,

... the commander-in-chief of the left.

...... of Mannu-ki-Arbail

...... in Calah

......-shumu-ushur, scribe

... Rahimâ.

P335886: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x (d)]_nin_(*)#-_lil_ o(*)

[x x x]+x# _uru_-kal-hi

[x x x]+x#-tu _uru-bad_—_man_—(_gi_)-_na_

[x x x]+x#

[x x] _nina_(?)#-_ki_ [x x]

AI Translation

... Mullissu

...... Calah

...... Dur-Sharruken


... Nineveh ...



... Calah,

...... Dur-Sharruken,


...... Nineveh ......

P335887: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[(x x) x] sza(*)# [x x x x x]

[(x x)] sza _uzu_-[x x x] [(x) sza pa-an] (d)15 ta-a-a-ru É-_gal#_ ([x x])

[_uzu_-szu]-bé-e sza pa-an (d)15# ([x x])

[(x) x] _uzu#-gaba_ sza pa-an (d)asz-szur _tar_(?)# ([x x])

[_uzu_]-_gaba_(*)# sza pa-an (d)_nin_-[_lil_]

[x x x x] _uzu_(*)#-_gaba_ sza _igi_ (d)[x x x] [x x x x x x]+x szu# [x x x]

AI Translation

... of ...

... of ... meat before Ishtar, the palace .

... the roasted meat before Ishtar.

... the breast before Ashur .

breast before Mullissu.

... breast before .


... of ......;

... the ... meat offered before Ishtar, is to revert to the palace ...;

roast meat offered before Ishtar;

... breast offered before Ashur, ...;

breast offered before Mullissu;

... breast offered before ...

P335888: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x]-tu _szem_-[x x x x]

08-tu dul(?)#-[x x x x]

_pab 16_ [x x x x x]+x#

sza 05 [x x x]-ti(*)#

AI Translation

8 workdays .

Total 16 ......

of 5 ...


x..ths of shekel of ...-aromatic;

1/8 of ......;

in all 16 shekels ...

of 5 .......

P335889: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_kug-ud#_ [x x x x x x] sza _ama_—[_man_ x x x x]

02 1::2 _ma-na_ ina _sza_ [x x x x] [o] a-na É(*)—asz(*)-szur(*) x#+[x x (x x)]

[x] _gin_ ina 01 [_ma_(*)] asz-szur-[a-a (x x)]

[(x) x] _kur#_-ia-man-a-a [x x x x]

17(*)# _gin_ ina 01-et(*) [x x x x]

[(x) x] _lu_(v)(?)#-_erim_(*) _zi kug_(*)-_ud_(*) x#+[x (x x)]

[(x) x] _gin_ a-na x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Silver ...... of the queen mother .

2 1/2 minas in ... for the House of Ashur .

x shekels for 1 mina of Assyrian ...;

... the Yamaneans .

17 shekels in one ...;

... the people, the silver .

... shekels to .


Silver ... of the queen mother ...

2 1/2 minas among ... for the Ashur temple ...;

x shekels by the Assyrian mina;

... Ionian ...;

17 shekels, in one ...;

x deportees, silver, ...;

x shekels for ...



sza# É(?) [x x x x] _pab 07 ma_(*) [x x x x]

02 _ma-na_ a(*)-[na x x x x] ($20 _gin_$) [x x x x x]

01 _ma-na_ x#+[x x x x x] (m)da-ri—[_man_(?) x x x x] a-na _lu_(v)-[x x x x x]

x# pi x#+[x x x x x]

24(*) _gin_ [x x x x x] szA(*) ina(*) _igi_(*) [x x x x x]

16 _gin_ ina 05 _kusz#_-[x x x]

24(*) _dumu_(*)-_mi_(*)—_man_(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation

of the house ..., in all 7 minas .

2 minas for ...; 20 shekels for .

1 mina ..., Dari-sharru ..., to the .

24 shekels ... which are before ...;

16 shekels in 5 cubits ...;

24 daughters of the king ......;


of the house ...; in all, 7 minas, ....

2 minas for ...;

1 mina, ...; Dari-sharru ...; for the ....


24 shekels ... which are at the disposal of ...;

16 shekels in 5 leather ...;

24, the daughter of the king ...,



_ta_(v) _kug-ud_(*) sza x#+[x x x] is-hur-an-[ni x x x x x]

15 [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

with the silver which ... he received .

15 ......;


from the silver which ... returned to me ...;

15 ......



05 _gin_ a(*)-na(*) x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

5 shekels for ...;


5 shekels, for .......

P335890: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


ma-a (m)da-ri—_man lu_(v)-_sag_ ku-sa-a ina _ugu_ de-ni szA (m)_pab_—sa(*)-pa _kur_-ku-muh-a a-na dan-nu-te e-te-li-a 01 _gu kug-ud_ it-tah-ra-an(*)-ni

_pab 02_-i _uru_-ra-s,ap-pa

ma-a (m)da-ri—_man_ :- 02 _ma kug-ud_ da-an-at(?)-te it-ti-szi 05 _ma-na_ ina _sza_ e-gir-te is-sa-t,ar

_pab 02_-i la-hi-ri

ma (m)da-ri—_man_ :- 04 _ma sag-du kug-ud_-szu [x x x] x x x x#

AI Translation

Dari-sharru, the Kushite eunuch, has gone up to the case of Ahu-sappa of Kummuh for a serious case. He has given me one talent of silver.

Total, of the town Rashappa.

"Dari-sharru has taken two minas of silver, a substantial loan. He has written 5 minas in the letter.

Total, of the two Lahiru.

"Dari-sharru, ditto, 4 minas, capital, his silver .


He said: "Dari-sharru, Kushite eunuch, came up for an emergency concerning the case of Ahu-sapa of Kummuh and received 1 talent of silver from me."

Total of the deputy of Rashappa.

He said: "Dari-sharru, ditto, took 2 minas of silver by force and wrote 5 minas in the debt-note."

Total of the deputy of Lahiru.

He said: "Dari-sharru, ditto, 4 minas, capital of his silver ......."

Obverse Column ii


ma (m)ki-s,ir—(d)15 _lu_(v)-szA—pu-li-szu(*) ina szA-pal (m)_di_-mu—_man lu_(v)-_sag kur_-ku-sa-a-a e-ta-rab (m)_di_-mu—_man lu_(v)-qur-_zag_ ina _ugu_-hi-ia is-sap-ra 20 _ma kug-ud_ da-an-at-te it-tah-ra-an-ni

_pab 02_-i ra-s,a-pa

ma (m)_di_-mu—_man_ :- 03 _ma kug-ud_ it-ti-din [x] _lu_(v)(*)-_gal_(*)—bat(*)-qi(*)#

AI Translation

Kishir-Issar, the chariot driver, has entered the presence of Shulmu-sharri, the Kushite eunuch. Shulmu-sharri sent a royal bodyguard to me, and he has given me 20 minas of silver.

Total, of the two ...s.

Shulmu-sharri has given 3 minas of silver to ... the chief of the baths.


He said: "Kishir-Issar, the limestone-provider, entered into service under Shulmu-sharri, the Kushite eunuch; Shulmu-sharri sent a royal bodyguard over to me, and he received from me 20 minas of silver by force."

Total of the deputy of Rashappa.

He said: "Shulmu-sharri, ditto, gave 3 minas of silver to the chief of replacements ......."

Reverse Column i


_pab 02 gu-un#_ [x x x]

_pab_-ma 03 _gu 02 ma kug-ud 1 lu-tur_ o(*)

AI Translation

in all 2 talents .

Total: 3 talents 2 minas of silver, 1 kid.


Total, 2 talents ....

Grand total, 3 talents 2 minas of silver, one boy.

P335891: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x] _muszen#_—_gal_-u#

02 tam-szil-_muszen_

02 kak-kab-nat-_muszen_

20 _tu-gur4-muszen_

02 ak-bir

14 zi-iq-pi

o(*) 01 _gur ni_

40 hu-hu-rat

2(ban2) _ninda_-_mesz qal_-_mesz_

2(ban2) _ninda_ ib-bi-a-te#

10 _banszur_-_mesz_

10 _szab_-_mesz_ [o]

AI Translation

x ducks;

2 ducks;

2 chicks;

20 turtledoves;

2 ...;

14 zigpi-vessels;

1 kurru, ...;

40 huhuratu-vessels;

2 seahs of small bread loaves;

2 seahs of small bread loaves;

10 tables;

10 jars;


x ducks;

2 wood pigeons;

2 gray partridges;

20 turtledoves;

2 jerboas;

14 shoots of sesame;

1 ...;

40 huhurrutu-type bread loaves;

2 seahs of small bread loaves;

2 seahs of thick bread;

10 tables;

10 jars;

Reverse Column i


2(ban2) [x x x x]

02 [x x x x]

08 qa# [x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x]

07 [x x x x]

14(*) [x x x x x x]

10 [x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

2 seahs ...,

2 ......

8 litres ...;

total ......

7 ......;

14 ......;

10 ......;


total ......


2 seahs of ...;

2 ...;

8 qa...;

total ....

7 ...;

14 ...;

10 ...;


total ....

Reverse Column ii


_pab udu-siskur_-_mesz_ tur(*)-tan sza _ud 13_-_kam_

AI Translation

Total, sacrifices of the small audience gift of the 13th day.


Total, the offerings of the commander-in-chief, of the 13th day.

P335892: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x x]+x#

[x x x] _su_(?)-_da_-_mesz_

[x x x] _pab kug-gi kug-ud_

[01 _kusz-ban_]-_da pesz4-mi-ansze_-_mesz_

[x x x]+x# _kug-ud_ ni-ih-su _kug-gi_

[x x x]-na(?)# su-sa-ni

[x x x x]+x#-_mesz kug-ud_

AI Translation


... ...s

... total, gold and silver.

1 necklace of pigeons' hides;

... silver, a gold ring,

... ... of the terrace

......s of silver




... total, gold and silver.

1 necklace of cowries;

... of silver, a gold inlay;

... susanu-vessels,

...s of silver

Obverse Column ii


01(*) qu#-[lu x x x] _kug-gi#_ [x x x x]

28 _mul_(*)#-[_mesz_ x x x] 01 sa-li(?)# [x x x x] na-x#+[x x x x] _gal_—x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

1 ... of gold ...;

28 stars ......, 1 basket ......, chief ......;


1 collar ..., gold ...,

28 stars ...

Reverse Column ii


[x] tak(*)#-ku(*)-sat(*) 06(*) x#+[x x]

[x x] 03(?)# ir-s,i-s,i _kug#_-[_ud_(?)]

[x x] sza ku-um qu-li(?)# [x x x]

[x x] _ugu_(*)-hi#-szA qar-ru-bu(?)# [x x x] [x x] x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

x ...s, 6 ...;

... 3 silver irshishu-vessels;

... which instead of the .

... upon her .


... tubes, 6 ...,

..., 3 silver ...s,

... which, instead of the fastening-band ...

... presented in addition to it ......

P335893: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


05(*) _gisz#_-[x x x x x]

05 _gisz_-x#+[x x x x]

a-nu-tu x#+[x x x]

a-nu-tu [x x x x]

1::2 _kusz_-x#+[x x x]

02 _kusz_-x#+[x x x x]

01 _tug_-ma-x#-[x x x]

01(?)# _tug_-za-nu-[x x x x]

[x] _tug#-ki-ta_(*)—hal(*)-pa(*)#-[te x x]

[x _tug_]-s,i-bir-[a-ti(?) x x]

[x _tug_]-szA-har-ra-[te x x x] [x x] x sza(*) x# [x x x]

AI Translation

5 ...,

5 ...-wood ...;

the ...s ...

the ...s ...

1/2 cubit ...

2 leather ...;

1 ...-garment ...;

1 ...-garment ...;

x lower garments ...;

x shimbiratu-garments ...;

x harru-garments .


5 wooden ...,

5 wooden ...,

equipment of ...,

equipment of ...;

1/2 leather ...,

2 leather ...,

1 ... cloth,

1 zanu... cloth,

x reinforced lower garments ...,

x scarves,

x leggings

P335894: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


05(*) _na4-har_-_mesz_ o(*)

[x] x x#-pi-a-ti

[x (x) x]+x#-pa-ni

[x x x x] gab(*)-bu

[x x x x _kur_]-_uri_(*)

AI Translation

5 stones for a ring;


...... all

...... Urartu


5 grindstones,

x ... ...,

x ... ...,

all ...

... Urartu

Obverse Column ii


10 _gud_-_mesz_(*) 01-me(*) _udu_(*)-_mesz#_

01-te _gisz-na gisz_-ib-x x# [o]

01-te _gisz-na_ s,u(*)-[x x (x)]

02 _gisz-banszur_(?) [x x x x]

10 _gisz-sal_-[x x x x x]

02(?)# _gisz_-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

10 oxen, 100 sheep,

1 bed of ...,

1 bed ...;

2 tables ...;

10 ...-trees ...;

2 ......;


10 oxen, 100 sheep,

1 tray of ...,

1 tray of ...,

2 tables of ...,

10 ......,

2 ......,

Reverse Column i


ina(?) [x x x x x x]

_pab 01_(*)# [x x x x]

05(*) _dumu_(*)-_mi_(*) [x x x]

_pab 10_(*) _lu_(*)-_erim_(*)-_mesz_(*) [x x (x x)]

a(*)-du(*) a(*)-nu(*)-ut(*)# [É-szu-nu]

_gisz_(*)-_apin_(*)-_mesz_(*) tal(*)-lul(*)#-([a)-te] 01-en(*) [(x)] _ansze_(?)# _kun_(*) x#+[x x (x)]

AI Translation

in ......

in all, 1 ...;

5 daughters ...;

in all 10 men .

as far as the ... of their houses,

plows, ..., one hectare of land .


in ......,

in all, 1 ....

5 daughters ...,

in all 10 men ... together with their domestic furniture

and ploughs, fitted-out.

1 donkey ... ...

Reverse Column ii


[(x) x x] _urudu_(*)# 01 _utul urudu_

[x x x]-nu o(*) _urudu_

[x a-ru]-ut(*)-hi _an-bar_(*)

02 _gir_(?)-_me_(?)# _tur_-_mesz an-bar_

AI Translation

... of copper; 1 copper vat;

... of copper;

x iron aruthu-vessels;

2 small iron swords;


... of copper, 1 copper cooking-pot,

x copper ...,

x iron tongs,

2 iron knives.

P335895: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x]-_mesz_

[x x x x] _muszen_—_gal_-e(*)

[x x x x x] _kur-gi_(*)#

[x x x x x] _kur_(*) x x#

[x x x x x] x x#

[x x x x x x]+x x#

[x x x x x] _nina_(?)-_ki_

[x x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_

[x x x x x x x]+x#

[x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation


...... ducks

...... mountain

...... the land .



...... Nineveh






... ducks;

... geese;




...... Nineveh;




Obverse Column ii


[x x (m)]a(*)-kul(*)-la(*)-ni(*)#

[(x) x] sza(*)# _gal_(?)—É(?) A(*)—_man_

[x x x] _ur erin_(*)

[x x x] _zag_-_mesz_ kab-bur

10 _ur#_-_mesz_(*) _kalag_(*)-x# _udu_(*)

10 [_ku6_(?)]-_mesz_(*) ti(*)-nu-ri

_pab 06_(*) _gud_(*) _uzu# bur_

06(*) _uzu_ [o] _mun_(*)

08(*) _uzu_(*) É(*)—x x#-i(*)

01 _gaba ud-hal#_

03 _gud_ ina É-a-ni

04 :- _szu-2_ (m)_man_—lu—da-ri

01 :- _murub4_—_uru_

09 _uzu_ É-_gal_(*)—ma-szar-te

01 _gud_ :- ki-s,ir _gibil_

09 _uzu_ É—_gibil_(*)

06 :- É—_usz_-u-te

06 :- É—_gibil murub4_—_uru_

05 :- É—ku-tal

01 _gud_(*) [x x x]

AI Translation

... Akkullanu

... of the major-domo of the crown prince;

... a lion, a pig,

... shoulders, short;

10 large ... sheep thighs;

10 fish, tinuri;

in all 6 oxen, meat of the extispicy;

6 cuts of meat, salt;

8 cuts of meat from the ...-house;

1 breast, a thigh;

3 oxen in the house;

4 ditto, in the charge of Sharru-lu-dari,

1 ditto, the centre of the city;

9 cuts of meat, the Review Palace;

1 ox, ditto, new booty;

9 cuts of meat of the New Palace;

6 ditto of the 'house of the dead';

6 ditto, the New Palace in the centre of the city;

5 ditto, the storehouse;

1 ox ...;


... Akkullanu;

... of the major-domo of the crown prince;

... loins ...;

... shoulder portions of fat oxen;

10 big thigh cuts of sheep;

10 oven-baked fish;

Total 6 oxen, meat of the meal;

6 cuts of ... meat, salted;

8 cuts of meat, the ...-House;

1 breast, ...;

3 whole oxen, in the inner precinct;

4 ditto, care of Sharru-lu-dari;

1 ditto, the Central City;

9 cuts of meat, the Review Palace;

1 ox, the ditto of the New Corps;

9 cuts of meat, the New Palace;

6 ditto, the Succession Palace;

6 ditto, the New Palace of the Central City;

5 ditto, the Rear Palace;

1 ox ...

Obverse Column iii


_bir_(*)-_mesz_(*) [_sza_-_mesz_]

10 _kur-gi_ ba(?)#-[a-a-du]

10 :- s,ar(*)-hu(*)-te(*)-szu(*)#

10 _muszen_—_gal_-e(*)# [o(?)] :-(*)#

10 :- [hal-lam]

10 :- ba-[a-a-du]

10 tam-szil-[_muszen_ ba-a-a-du]

01-me _tu_(*)-[_gur4_ s,ar-hu-te-szu]

01-me :- [hal-lam]

01-me :- [ba-a-a]-du

03-me _szesz-muszen_ :-

[01]-me kak-kab-nat _ta_(v)(*) ki-ru-te(*)#

50# :- _ta_(v) _bur_(*) _za-gur4_ [_ga_]

50 ak(*)#-[bir]

10 _ka_(?)# [x _bur_]

02-me [:- ki-ru-tu]

10 _udu_-_mesz_(*)# [x x]

01-me [x x x x]

02-lim [x x x x]

01-me [x x x x]

01-[me x x x x] x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

intestines, hearts

10 kurgi, ...;

10 ditto of his sharahutu-vessels;

10 ducks, ditto;

10 ditto, hallam;

10 ditto, ...;

10 ducks, suckling;

100 ...s, his ...;

100 ditto, hallam;

100 ditto, ...;

300 ducks, ditto;

100 bags of mixed kernels.

50 ditto from the 'bur' of the zagurtu-vessel;

50 ...;

10 ...s, ...;

200 ditto, kirrutu-measures;

10 sheep ...;

100 ......

2,000 ...

100 ......

100 ......


livers, hearts;

10 geese, of the vigil;

10 ditto, served hot;

10 ducks, ditto;

10 ditto, hallam;

10 ditto, vigil;

10 wood pigeons, vigil;

100 turtledoves, served hot;

100 ditto, hallam;

100 ditto, vigil;

300 marrutu-birds ditto;

100 gray partridges from the kirrutu-meal;

50 ditto from the meal ......;

50 jerboas;

10 ... of the meal;

200 ditto, kirrutu-meal;

10 sheep ...;

100 ...;

2,000 ...;

100 ...;

100 ...

Obverse Column iv


01 _sag_(?)# [x x x]

_pab 07_ [x x x]

01 szA(?)# [x x]

i-szA(?)#-ri-ib(?)-u(*)-ni(?)# 1 [x x x] x x#

AI Translation

1 head ...;

in all 7 ...

1 of ...;

they will be able to .


1, ......;

total 7 ...;

1, ...;


Reverse Column i


x 01 [x x x x x x x]

_pab 08_(*) [x x x x x x]

03 [x x x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x x]

01 [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 ......;

in all 8 ......

3 ......;

total ......

1 ......;


1 ......;

total, 8 ......;

3 ......;

total, ......;

1 .......

Reverse Column ii


01# _sag_-_mesz dim4_-_mesz_ [o] _gar_-nu-_mesz_ sza A—_man_

[o] 01 szA—_igi_—_sila_

[01 _gal_—50]-_mesz_(*) sza 03-szu _gir-2_

[_pab 07_ ina] _en#-nun_-szu-nu [x x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

1, eunuchs, prefects of the crown prince;

1 ...;

1 of the commander-of-50 of the third rank of the sha shepi guard;

in all 7 in their guard .


1, eunuchs, trainees, prefects of the crown prince;

1, overseers of the streets;

1, commanders-of-50 of the 'third men' of the sha shepi guard;

in all 7 in their guards;

P335896: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04-me _ansze#_ [x x x x]

10 _gisz-sar_(?)#-[_mesz_ x x x x] ina _uru_-É—[x x x x]

[x _gisz_]-_sar_-[_mesz_ x x x]

[ina] _uru_(?)#-É(?)—kar(?)#-[x x x x]

AI Translation

400 hectares ...;

10 gardens ... in Bit-...,

x gardens ...

in Bit-Kar...


400 hectares of land ...,

10 orchards ... in the village of ...;

x orchards ... in the village of Kar-....

in the district of the town of Sarugi



20 _ansze_ [_a-sza_ x x x x]

02 _gisz-sar_-[_mesz_ x x x] ina _uru_-szu-[x x x x x]

80 _ansze sze_(?)# [x x x x]

20 _szu_(?) 20 [x x x x x] [x] x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

20 hectares of field ...;

2 gardens ... in the town of Shu...,

80 homers of barley ...;

20 hands 20 .


20 hectares of land ...,

2 orchards ..., in the town of Shu....

80 hectares of sown land ...,

20 ..., 20 ... ......

P335897: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_pab_(*) an(*)#-[nu-ti x x x x]

e(*)-x#+[x x x x x x]

ina x#+[x x x x x]

_pab_(*) an-[nu-ti x x x]

[(x)] _en_(?)#-_lil-ki_(?)# [x x x x]

[(x) x]+x# a szA x#+[x x x x]

_pab_ an-nu-ti# [x x x]

bi-in-x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

all these .

in ......

all these ...

Nippur ......

... of ...

all these ...


All of these,


in ..........

All of these ...

Nippur ......


All of these ...


P335899: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x] qut-_pa#_ [x x x x]

15(*)# qut-_pa_ [x x x x]

07 qut-_pa_ x#+[x x x]

20-ma a-hi [x x x x]

07 qut-_pa gu_ nap-[szal-tu x x x]

51 nap-szal-tu x#+[x x x x]

03 nap-szal-tu x#+[x x x]

an(*)-nu-tum(*)# [x x x x x]

[(x) x]+x# Asz x#+[x x x x]

[x x x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

... a ... ...

15 ...-plants ...;

7 ...-plants ...;

20 ..., the back ...;

7 ...s, ... of the neck;

51 ...-offerings ...;

3 ...-offerings ...;

these ......


... fumigants ......;

15 fumigants ...;

7 fumigants ...;

20 ... ......;

7 fumigants, for neck salves ......;

51 salves ......;

3 salves ......;

these ......;



P335900: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


01 _tug_-gul(*)-_igi#_-[2 x x x] _szu-2_ (m)asz-szur—[x x x] _lu_(v)(*)-_sag_(*) [x x x x]

01 gul-_igi-2_(*) [x x x x] _lu_(v)-_usz-ku#_ [x x x x]

_pab_(*) x#+[x x x x x x]

sza(?)# lu-[x x x x] x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

1 cloak ..., care of Ashur-..., eunuch .

1 eye-stone ..., the sculptor ...;

total ......

of ......


1 cloak ..., care of Ashur-..., the eunuch ...;

1 cloak, care of NN, lamentation priest ...;

total ......

of ......;

P335901: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


04 _gud_-_mesz_ szA 02-ni-tu(*) _gisz-zu_-_mesz_ ina pa-an (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz_ (m)_igi_—pa-tin 01 szu id ab tu pu u tu 20 bu 30

er-szu e-lu-u na(*)-szu-u

_ud 14_-_kam_ szA _iti-barag#_

AI Translation

4 oxen, of two-thirds of the writing-board, at the disposal of Nabû-ahu-iddina and Pan-patin. One horn, a horn, a horn, a horn, 20 horns, 30 horns.

He is a fugitive, he is a fugitive.

The 14th of Nisan I.


4 oxen recorded on two sets of writing-boards, at the disposal of Nabû-ahu-iddina, Ilu-patin and NN ......

Demanded, ascended and taken away.

On the 14th day of month of Nisan I he led the oxen away.

P335902: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc




[_zag_] _disz_-ha(*)-ni

_uzu_-nis-hi _zag_

sza 02 _gud_ kar-szA-ni _ur5-usz_-_mesz bir_-_mesz sza_-_mesz_

01 _udu_ rim-ku

03 _dug-2_(ban2) hi-in-hi-ni

01 ziq(*)#-pu _sze-gisz-i_

sza [_dumu_]—_man_(*)#

AI Translation


the front, the rear;

cut of shoulder.

Of 2 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kidneys, hearts.

1 sheep for a libation bowl;

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;

1 jar of sesame;

of the crown prince.


A thigh,

a shoulder, outer cuts,

cuts of shoulders.

Of 2 oxen: the stomachs, the livers, kidneys, hearts.

1 ablution sheep.

3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seed;

1 shoot of sesame.

All of the crown prince.



[_ud_] 23-_kam_

ina 02 _gisz-gigir_-_mesz_

AI Translation

23rd day.

in 2 chariots.


The 23rd day.

In 2 chariots, care of Ashur-ahhe-eriba.

P335903: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] (erasure) _uru_-sa-te-gil-le-e

[x x x]—15 :-

[x x x] _uru_-da-du-ru#

[x x x] 21 _pa_-_mesz_

[x x x] _uru_-szA-di-i-na [x x x x] x x x x x#

AI Translation

... the town of Sategillê

...-Issar, ditto;

... Daduru

... 21 bundles of onions;

... Shadina


... the town of Sategillê

...-Issar, ditto

... the town of Daduru

... 21 staff-bearers

... the town of Shadina

P335904: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x] pu-hal(?)-_mesz#_ [(x)]

[x]+3 04-_mesz_

02(?) 03-_mesz_

06 02-_mesz_

04 _dumu_—_mu_

25 _mi-gud_-_mesz_

05 04-_mesz_

03 03-_mesz_

03 02-_mesz_

06 _dumu-mi_—_mu_

_pab_(?)# [x x]

AI Translation

x stallions ...;

x+3 4-year-olds

2 1/3 minas,

6 2-year-olds,

4 sons;

25 oxen,

5 4-year-olds

3 3-year-olds

3 2-year-olds

6 daughters of mine;

total ...


x males ...

x+3 4-year-olds

2 3-year-olds

6 2-year-olds

4 1-year-olds

25 cows

5 4-year-olds

3 3-year-olds

3 2-year-olds

6 1-year-olds

Total ......

P335905: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[il]-ku(?) _lu_(?)#-[x x x x (x x)]

[x x x x x x x x]

[x x] _sze_-[x x x x]

[x x] _kasz_-[_mesz_ (x x x)]

[x x] _sze-gu-nig-har-ra_-_mesz_

02(?)# _ansze sze-ziz-am_-_mesz_

01 _ansze zid-da_-_mesz_

3(ban2) _gisz-kin-gesztin_-_mesz_ :- 1(ban2) ka(*)-bi-lu-ki

12 ka-ma-na-a-te sza _gisz-ma_

1(ban2) _i-gisz_-_mesz_ sza _szah_-_mesz_

_tug-ki-ta_—hal(*)-lu-up(*)-tu _tug_-gul(*)-_igi_

_tug#-u-sag tug_-s,i-pir-tu

[_tug_]-ur#-nu-tu 06 _ma-na sig_-_mesz_

[x x] _tug#_-sa-a-gu 02 _kusz_-_mesz_ ma-za-'i

[a-na x]+x#-szu _kusz-e-sir_-_mesz# gibil_-_mesz_

[x x x x] bar(?)#-tu 02-te x#+[x x x]+x#-_lul_-a-te

[x x x x x] sza 01 _ma_-[_na_ x x x x]+x# _an-bar_

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _an-bar#_

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]+x# _an-bar_

AI Translation

the ilku-offering of the .


... barley ...

... beer ...

... barley rations

2 homers of sesame;

1 homer of flour;

3 seahs of wine ditto, 1 seah of kabilukku-beer;

12 kamanate-vessels of a boat;

1 seah of oil for pigs;

a hallubtu-garment, a gullû-garment,

a turban, a scribal art,

a urnutu-garment of 6 minas of wool;

... a turban, 2 leather bags;

New boots for his .

...... the second .

...... of 1 mina of iron .

...... of iron


...... of iron


State service of the ....


... grain ...,

... beer ...,

... vetch,

2 homers of emmer,

1 homer of flour,

3 seahs of grapes, 1 seah of ...,

12 fig-cakes,

1 seah of pig-fat,

a reinforced lower garment, a cloak,

a hat, a scarf,

a tunic, 6 minas of wool,

...a sash, 2 water-skins,

x pairs of new sandals,

...... 2 ...s,

... of 1 mina, ... of iron,

...... of iron,


...... of iron,

P335906: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_uru_-x#+[x x x x]

_uru_-za-[x x x]

_uru_-a-[x x x]

_uru_-ba#-[x x x]

_uru-kaskal_(?)# [x x x]

_pab 30 uru#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

AI Translation

the town ......



the town Ba...

Harran ...

in all 30 towns .






Harran ...

Total: 30 towns ...

P335907: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



03-me-34 _erim_-_mesz kalag_(?)#-[_mesz_]

38 _dumu_-_mesz 05_ ru-t,i

41 _dumu_-_mesz 04_ ru-t,i

40 _dumu 03_ ru-t,i

28 _dumu_ pir-si

25 _dumu_ sza _ga_

_pab 01_-me-72 _lu-tur_-_mesz_

03-me-49 _mi_-_mesz_

08 _mi 05_ ru-t,i

22 _mi 04_ ru-t,i

49 _mi 03_ ru-t,i

17 _mi_ pir-si

AI Translation

334 strong men,

38 sons, 5 spans' height;

41 sons of 4 spans' height;

40 children of 3 spans' height;

28 children of Pirsi;

25 — the son of a .

Total 172, the youths.

349 women;

8 women, 5 spans' height;

22 women, 4 spans' height;

49 women, 3 spans' height;

17 females, pirsu-type;


334 able-bodied men;

38 children of 5 spans' height;

41 children of 4 spans' height;

40 children of 3 spans' height;

28 children, weaned;

25 children, sucklings.

Total 172 boys.

349 women;

8 females, of 5 spans' height;

22 females, of 4 spans' height;

49 females, of 3 spans' height;

17 females, weaned;



25 _mi_ sza _ga_

_pab 01_-me-21 _dumu-mi_-_mesz_

_pab_-ma 09-me-77 _erim_-_mesz zi_-_mesz kur_-qu-u-a-a

AI Translation

25 women of ...;

121 daughters in all;

Total: 977 people, people of Que.


25 females, sucklings.

Total 121 girls.

Grand total 977 people, deportees, from Que.

P335908: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



17(*) _ansze#_ (m)sze-im-ka(?)-[ia]

11 :- (m)ba-li-ma-a-ni

05(?) :- 4(ban2) (m)bi-e-ni-e

03 :- 2(ban2) (m)u-ba-a-di

05 :- 5(ban2) (m)ba-ri-ki-i(?)

06 :- 6(ban2)(*) (m)_uru-nina-ki_-a-a

07 :- (m)la-ba-a-ni

03 :- (m)(d)_im_—szal-lim

01 :- 6(ban2) (m)ba-ru-hu—_dingir_

08 :- (m)(d)_be_—_mu#_—im-bi#

02 :- (m)ia-x#-duk(?)

02 :- 4(ban2) (m)_kul_-ha-za-a-te(*)

_pab 70 7_(ban2) i(*)-bi-su(*) a-na _uru-nina-ki_

AI Translation

17 imaru, Shemkaya;

11 ditto — Balimani;

5 ditto 4 seahs — Benê;

3 ditto 2 seahs — Ubadi;

5 ditto 5 seahs — Bariki;

6 ditto 6 seahs — Ninuayu;

7 ditto — Labani;

3 ditto — Adad-shallim;

1 ditto 6 seahs — Baruhu-ilu;

8 ditto — Enlil-shumu-imbi;

2 ditto — Ya...duk;

2 ditto 4 seahs — Kullat-hazate;

in all 70 7 seahs of barley rations for Nineveh.


17 homers — Shemkaya

11 ditto — Balimani

5 ditto 4 seahs — Benê

3 ditto 2 seahs — Ubadi

5 ditto 5 seahs — Barikî

6 ditto 6 seahs — Ninuayu

7 ditto — Labani

3 ditto — Adad-shallim

1 ditto 6 seahs — Baruhu-il

8 ditto — Illil-shumu-imbi

2 ditto — Ya...

2 ditto 4 seahs — Kulhazate

Total: 70 homers 7 seahs in bundles to Nineveh.



75(?) _ansze 7_(ban2) 07 qa iq-bi(?)

AI Translation

75 hectares 7 decares 7 'litres', he said.


75 homers 7 seahs 7 'litres' ....

P335909: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)e-x#+[x x x]

_lu_(v)-_mah_ [_kur_-x x]

56 x#+[x x x x] 01(*) x#+[x x x x] 01(*)# [x x x x]

AI Translation


the emissary of .

56 ......; 1 ......;



envoy of the land of ...,

56 ...



04 _ansze#_-[_mesz_ x x x]

09(*) _ansze#_-[x x x]

(m)(d)_utu_—_dingir_(?)#—[x (x)]

_lu_(v)-qe(*)-e-[pu x x]

i-si-szu [x x x]

_iti-ab_ [x x x x] [x]+x# qur [x x x]

AI Translation

4 donkeys ...

9 donkeys ...;


the delegate .

with him ...

Month Tebet X, day, eponym year of NN.


4 horses ...,

9 donkeys,


delegate ...

... with him.

Month of Tebet X, day ......

P335910: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] x#+[x x]-_mesz_

02 _kur_ har-szA-a-a

04(*)# _kur-mi-hub_-_mesz_

[_pab_(*)] 34 _kur_-_mesz_


[x x x x] _sa5_-_mesz_

AI Translation


2 Harshean horses,

4 mares;

Total 34 horses,


... red



2 of Harshean type,

4 mares.

Total 34 horses

— Bel-emuranni.

x red horses

P335911: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[01] sa-lu pu-t,u-ri [x x x] sza _lu_(*)#-_nam_(*) _kur_(*)-bar-ha(?)-zi#

01 _udu-nita_ sza (m)_en_—_pab_-ir _lu-nam uru_-kal-ha

[01] _udu-nita_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—ku-s,ur-a-ni _lu#-nam uru-a_r-zu-hi-na

[01 tar]-ma#-zi-li-_muszen_ [sza (m)(d)x]—_su lu_(v)-_sag_—_man_

[x x x x] _dug_-kan-du(*) _gisz-gesztin_

[x u-szA-mu]-te-_muszen_

[01 tu-ga-nu-u] _nu_(*)-_ur_(*)-_ma_(*)-_mesz_(*)#

AI Translation

1 basket of mixed kernels ... of the governor of Barhazi;

1 male sheep of Bel-nashir, governor of Calah.

1 male sheep of Nabû-kushuranni, governor of Arzuhina;

1 tarmazilu-bird of ...-eriba, eunuch of the king;

... a kandu-vessel of wine;

x ushumute-birds;

1 turban, pomegranates;


1 basket of truffles ... — of the governor of Barhalzi;

1 male sheep — of Bel-nashir, the governor of Calah.

1 male sheep — of Nabû-kushuranni, the governor of Arzuhina;

1 tarmazilu bird — of ...-eriba, eunuch of the king;

... vessel of wine,

1 ushamutu-bird,

1 spray of pomegranates



[x x x x] _lu_(*)#-ha-za(*)-ni(*)# [o]

[01] _udu#-nita 01 udu-nim_ sza (m)(d)_pa_—de-ni—e-pu-usz _lu-gal_—_sipa_-_mesz_

01 _udu_-kab(*)#-su 20 _muszen_-_mesz_ qu-li(*)

01 tu-ga-nu-u _nu_(*)-_ur-ma_-_mesz_ sza (m)mil-ki—_zalag_

a-na _gaszan_—É

AI Translation

... the mayors

1 male sheep, 1 spring lamb of Nabû-deni-epush, chief shepherd;

1 ram, 20 ducks,

1 turban of lions, of Milki-nuri.

To the Lady of the House:


..., mayor;

1 male sheep, 1 lamb — of Nabû-deni-epush, the chief shepherd;

1 lamb, 20 collared birds,

1 spray of pomegranates — of Milki-nuri.

To the Lady of the House.

P335912: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01(*)# [x x x x x x x x x x]

01 1::2 _ma#_-[_na_ x x x x x x]

10 1::2 _ma-na# kug-ud_ szA (m)_pab_(?)#-[x x x]

01 1::2 _ma-na_ [x x x x x x]

a-na 15 _ma-na 1_::2 [x x x x x]

10 _ma-na_ szA (m)(d)_utu_—[x x x x x]

_pab 102_ (sic*) _ma-na#_ [x x x x x]

szA (m)(d)_utu_—u-bal#-[lit, x x x x x]

szA _uru_-ni-na-[a(?) x x x x x x]

01(*)# 1::2# _ma_-[_na_ x x x x x x]

AI Translation

1 ......;

1 1/2 minas ...;

10 1/2 minas of silver of Ahu-...,

1 1/2 minas ...;

for 15 minas 1/2 .

10 minas of Shamash-...,

Total: 102 minas .

of Shamash-uballit .

of Nineveh .

1 1/2 minas ...;


1 ...

1 1/2 minas ......

10 1/2 minas of silver of Ahu-...

1 1/2 minas ...

for 15 minas 1/2 ...

10 minas of Shamash-...

in all, 102 minas ...

of Shamash-uballit ...

of Nineveh ....

1 1/2 minas ...



10 [x x x x x x x x x x x]

_me_(*) [x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

10 ......;

the battle .


10 ......

... ......

P335913: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


08 ÉSZ#-[_qar_ x x x]

07 di-x#+[x x x x]

07 (d)1 _na#_ [x x x]

26 _na4-gu kug_-_mesz#_

30 _tu-ra_-[_kilib-ba_-_mesz_]

33 x x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

8 ...-courses ...;

7 ......

7: Ishtaran ...;

26 gold oxen;

30 ...s;

33 ......;


8, ... series,

7, ...,

7, Anu ....

26, Holy Neckstones.

30, Turakilibbû.

33, ..........

P335914: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x e-lal(?)]-lum

[x x x _an_(?)]-_zah_

[(x) x x] x x#-_mesz_

[(x) x x] x# pa ri(*) i

[(x) x] asz(*)-pu(*)-u

[(x) x] (d(*))_lama_

[x]+x# _gug_(*)-_gazi_(*)-_sar_(?)#

_pab_(*)# szA—_igi_—_kur_

[(x) x]+04(*) _erim_

[x ki(?)]-s,ir-tu [(x) x] x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

... of Elallu;

... anzahhu-demon


... lamassu-demon

x ... of mustard;

total, the palace superintendent.

x+4 men;

... the sceptre .


... of elallu-stone;




... jasper

... rose jasper

... beet-like carnelian

total, the palace superintendent.

...x+4 men

... envelope

Obverse Column ii


[x] sza(?)#—sa-la(!)-'i(*)

11(?)# _dur-mi-na_

12 :(*) _ban-da_

02 _gisz-nu11_-[_gal_ (x x)]

04 szi(?) ri(?)# [x x]

AI Translation

x, the 'residences';

11 ...;

12 ditto of olives;

2 beds ...;

4 ...


x sprinklers;

11 pieces of breccia ...;

12 pieces of "small" breccia;

2, of alabaster ...;

4 ......

Reverse Column i


01 _gir#_ [x x x x]

_pab_ sza(?) [x x x x]

_iti_ [x x x x]

01 _za_ [x x x x] sza x#+[x x x x x x]

02 _ka_-[x x x x x] _lu_(v)-_gal_—[x x x x x]

01 02 x#+[x x x x x]

_pab 03_(*)

02 _kur_-nu x#+[x x]

01 _za_(*)-_gin_(?)# [(x x)]

01(*) _musz-gir_(*)

_pab_(*) _ud_(*) 28(?)

AI Translation

1 footstool ...;

total, of ...

month ......

1 ...-stone .

2 ......, the chief ......;

1, 2 ......

in all, 3.

2 horses ...

1 lapis lazuli ...;

1 snake;

Total, 28th day.


1 dagger ...;

all of ......,

month of .......

1 ... of ......;

2 of obsidian ..., the chief of ....

1, 2 ......

total, 3.

2 of hematite ...;

1, lapis lazuli;

1, serpentine;

total, the 28th day.

P335915: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x x] :-(*)

[x x x x x]+x#-ki

_pab_ an(*)-qar-[ru]-na#-a-a

02(*) _har gi sig_ (m)pa-du-u—_dingir_ É—am-man-a-a

sza(*) 01 _lu har ud 04_-_mesz_

sza 01 :- :- _sig_

AI Translation

...... ditto;

...... your

Total, the Angarunaeans.

2 gold rings, small, Padû-il, the household of the Ammaneans;

of 1 man, a ring, 4 days;

of 1 ditto ditto, small;


...... ditto;

...... ...:

total, the men from Ekron.

2 rings, gold, small, Padû-il, from Bit-Ammon;

per each man a silver ring, one quarter mina;

per each ditto — ditto, small;



a-na _arad_-_mesz_-szu sza _ki_-szu

_pab kur_-É—am-man-a-a

AI Translation

to his servants who are with him.

Total, from Bit-Ammanu.


for his servants and his associates:

total, the men from Bit-Ammon.

Bottom Column ii


_pab#_ gu-x#+[x x x x]

02 _har ud 1_::2 [_ma_-a-a]

(m)ba-il—[x x]+x# _pab_ ar-qa(?)#-a-a

[x] _har_ [_ud_] 1::2(?)# _ma_(*)-a-a [(m)x x x]-id(*)-'a(*)

[_pab_] s,i(?)#-mir-a-a

[x _har gi_(?)] 1::2# _ma_-a-a [x x] ta-bal-a-a

[x _har_] _gi sig_ [a-na(?)] _arad#_-_mesz_-szu

_pab_ sza 02 _erim har gi_ [o]

_pab_ ta-bal-a-a

AI Translation

total, Gu...

2 rings, 1/2 mina each,

Ba'il-..., all Arabs;

x rings, 1/2 mina each,'a,

Total, the Shimireans.

x rings of reed, 1/2 mina each, ... of Tabalean,

x gold rings, small, for his servants.

Total, of 2 men, a gold ring.

Total, the Tabaleans.


total, the men from Byblos.

2 silver rings, 1/2 mina each, Ba'il-...:

total, the men from Arqa.

x silver rings, ..., 1/2 mina each,'a:

total, the men from Shimirra.

x gold rings, ..., 1/2 mina each, the emissary of Tabal;

x rings, gold, small, for his servants;

total, for every two men, a ring of gold:

total, the men from Tabal.

Bottom Column iii


[x x] _ud_ [x x x x] ki-i ma-da#-[tu x x]

U sza 03 [x x x x] a-na _arad#_-[_mesz_-szu] sza _ansze_-u-rat# [x x] ina _uru#_-arba-il# [x x]

_pab 20 uru_(?)#-[x x x]

02 _har gi#_ [x x x x] (m)da(*)-[x x x x x]

sza 03 _erim har ud_(*)# [o] a-na _arad_-_mesz_-szu# [o]

U(*) szum-ma la# [o] il-lak-[ka o] sza 02(*) _erim_(?)# [_har_ x] i-szak-ku(?)#-[nu]

U ki-i [o] il-lik-an-[ni o]

02 _har gi 03_ :- [_ud_ o]

02 ku-ri-nat _kug#_-[_ud_] is-sa-ak(*)-nu [o]

_pab_ hu(*)-bu(*)-us(*)#-[ka-a-a]

02 _har gi 04_-[a-a] (m)ma-ni-a(*) _lu_(v)(*)#-[x x]

sza# 01 _lu har#_ [x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x x]

02 _har_(*)# [x x x x x x] 01 [x x x x x x x] 01 [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... ... when tribute .

And of 3 spans' height, he ...ed to his servants of the team ... in Arbela.

in all 20 from the town ...;

2 rings, gold ..., Da...,

of 3 men, a silver ring, for his servants.

And if he does not go, they shall place ... a ring for two men.

And when he came,

2 rings, gold, 3 ditto, day;

2 silver kurinatu-vessels, ...;

total, the Hubusheans.

2 rings, 4 each, Maniya, ...;

of 1 man a ring .


2 rings ......, 1 ......,


... ... ..., when the tribute ...;

and for every 3 men silver ring, for his servants who brought the horse teams ... to Arbela:

total 20, the men from ....

2 rings, gold, ..., Da......;

per each 3 men, a silver ring, for his servants;

and if he does not come, per each 2 men a ring, ... shall be set aside;

and when he came,

2 gold rings; 3, ditto, of silver,

2 neck-pieces of silver they set aside:

total, the Hubushkians.

2 gold rings, 1/4 each, Mania, ...;

per each man, a ring of ...,

......, .......

2 rings ...

Reverse Column i


02 :- [x x x x x x]

_pab_ sza [x x x x x] a-na (sup-ras-) x#+[x x x x x] sza is-si-szu-nu# u-s,u-ni-[ni]

_pab_ sza 07 _erim har_(?)# [x x x]

02 _har gi sig_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x]

02(*) :-(*) :-(*) 02 _har ud 01_(*) _ma-na_-a-a

02 :- :- 02 [x x x x]

_igi_(?) x#+[x x x x x x]

_pab uru_(?)#-[x x x x x]

sza 03 [x x x x x]

sza 02 [x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x]

02 _har_ [x x x x x] _lu_(v)-[x x x x x]

sza [x x x x x x] a-na# [x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x]

02 [_har_ x x x x x]

AI Translation

2 ditto ......;

Total, of NN, who has been bringing ... with them.

Total, of 7 men, a ring .

2 rings, small, Nabû-...;

2 ditto ditto, 2 rings, of 1 mina each;

2 ditto ditto, 2 ......;

Witness .......

total, the town .

of 3 ......

of 2 ......

total ......

2 rings ......

of ...... to .

total ......

2 rings ......


2 ditto ......;

total, of ..., for ........., who came out with them;

total, for every 7 men a ring of ...,

2 gold rings, small, Nabû-...;

2 ditto, ditto, 2 silver rings, of 1 mina each,

2 ditto, ditto, 2 ...

... ......;

total, of the city ......

for every 3 ...

for every 2 ...

total, .......

2 rings, ......, PN, the ...ean;

per each man ...... to ......;

total, .......

2 rings ......

Reverse Column ii


[x _har_] _gi_(?)# 03-su-_mesz_ [a-na sza] _ki_-szu [ma]-da-tu na-s,a-ni

_pab_ [o (m)]_dingir_-a—na-sa-ka _lu_(v)#-[na-si]-ku ar-ba-a-a

02 [_har gi_(?)] _sig_ (m)[x x x]-x#-a' _dumu_(?) [x x x x]-hu(?)#

sza 02(?) [x x x x] a-na (m(?))[x x x x] ki-i [x x x x] il-[lik-an-ni]

_pab_ (m)x#+[x x x x]

sza(?)# _erim_(*) _har# ud 03_-su a-na# _mah_-_mesz_ sza# _mi_-ia-ti(?)#-a ki#-i _ansze#_-[_kur_(?)]-_mesz_ ina _sza# uru_-ar#-[ba]-il# na-s,u-ni-ni

02 _har gi 2_::3 _ma_-a-a (m)ha-am-me-Asz-ti-i# _mah_(?) x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x x]+x#-_ki_(*)-a-a

[x x x] sza# is-si-szu(*)

[x _har_] _gi# sig_ [(m)](d)#te-er—_dingir_-a(*)-[a] _gal#_—a(*)-s,ap [o] sza a-ri-bi

[x x x] _har ud 04_-_mesz_ [a-na] sza# _ki_-szu

[x _har_] _gi sig_ [(m)]iu-u-si-iq—_dingir dumu_ (m)_dingir_-a—ra-me [o] na-sik sza É(*)—[x]

[(m)]_kur_-qa-al(*)-qa-la(*)-a(*)#-[a] _kur_(?)#-a-ru-bu sza(*) [_ki_-szu]

[x x x] _kug-ud_ x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

x rings of gold, 1/3 mina each, for the one who takes it away.

Total Ila-nasaka, the Arbaean sheikh.

2 gold rings, small, ...a', son of;

of 2 ... to NN, when NN came

Total, NN.

The har of the men has been given for a third time to the eunuchs of Yatia. When they brought the horses into Arbela, they ...ed them.

2 rings, 2/3 mina each, Hamme-ashtî, ...,

...... the ...eans

... who with him

x gold rings, small, Ter-ila'i, chief of the aribu-trees;

... a silver ring, 4 days, for his use.

x gold rings, small, Shamash-ilu, son of Ila-rame, the seal of the house of ...;

Qalqalayu, the Arubu who is with him,

... silver ...


x rings of gold, 1/3 shekel, for those who brought the tribute with him:

total, Ilâ-nasaka, the sheikh of the Arabs.

2 gold rings, small, ...'a, son of ...;

for every 2 men, ...., to ......, when he came ....

Total, NN.

For every man a silver ring, 1/3 shekel, for the emissaries of the lady Yatia, when they brought the horses into Arbela.

2 gold rings, 2/3 mina each, Hamme-ashtî, the emissary of ...,

... of the country of ...,

... his associates.

x gold rings, small, Ter-ila'i, chief of the pack-animals of the Arabs;

... a silver ring, 1/4 shekel, for his associates.

x gold rings, small, Yusiq-ili, son of Ilâ-rame, sheikh of Bit-...,

Qalqalayu, his Arab associate.

... silver ...

Reverse Column iii


[x _har_] _gi sig#_ [(m)]_pab#_—li-di(?)# ([x x]) ia-su-ba#-[a-a]

02 (m)_dingir_—ba-a-[x x] [o] x# szi(?) (m)ba(?)-x#+[x x]

[x x x] ar#-zi-za-a-a

[x x x] x x x#-sa-a-a

[x x x] 1::2 _ma_-a-a

[o a]-na(?)# _mah_-_mesz_ [U] _en_—_uru_-_mesz_ [sza ma]-da#-tu ina arba-il [na]-s,u#-ni-ni

[x _har_] _gi sig_ [(m)(d)_pa_]—_en_—_mu_-_mesz_ bi-rat-a-a

[x _har_] _gi sig_ [(m)]sag-gil—_gin_—ub-bi-ib _sza#-tam_ sza de(*)-e-ri

_pab# 05 erim har ud 04_ a-na sza _ki_-szu

[x] _har ud 01 ma_-a-a (m)e-t,e-ru _sza_(*)-_tam_ sza# _uru_-ga-na#-na-ti

[x] _har_(?) _ud_(?)# [x x x]

AI Translation

x gold rings, small, Ahu-lidi, ... of Yasuba.

2, Ilu-ba..., NN, Ba...,

... the Arzizaeans


... 1/2 mina;

The emissaries and the city-lords who brought the tribute to Arbela have come.

x gold rings, small, Nabû-bel-shumati, the Birataean;

x gold rings, small, Saggil-kenu-ubbib, prelate of the 'residences';

in all 5 men, a ring, 4 of them, to his side.

x silver rings, 1 mina each, Eteru, the treasurer of the city Gananate;

x rings, ... day;


x gold rings, small, Ahu-lidi..., the man from Yasubu.

2, Ilu-ba'di, ......

... the man from Arzizu

... the man from

... 1/2 mina each,

to the emissaries and city rulers who brought the tribute to Arbela.

x gold rings, small, Nabû-bel-shumate from Birat.

x gold rings, small, Saggil-kenu-ubbib, prelate of Der.

Total, 5 men — a silver ring, 1/4 shekel, for his associates.

x silver rings, 1 mina each, Eteru, prelate of Gannanati.

x rings, silver ...



sza 02 _arad#_-[_mesz_-szu]

sza 03 _erim_ [_har_ x] i-szak-[ku-nu]

_pab 02_(?) [x x x x]

02 _har#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

of 2 servants of his,

of 3 men ... he shall place .

in all 2 ......

2 rings ......


for every 2 servants of his,

for every 3 men a ... ring, shall be set aside.

In all, 2 .......

2 rings ......



_lu_-x x# [x x x x x]

sza _ki_-szu [x x x x x]

01 _har gi sig#_ [x x x x]

02# qu-da-si _kug#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation

the ...

who with him .

1 gold ring, small, ...;

2 necklaces of silver ...;


the ...;

his associates ....

1 gold ring, small, ...,

2 earrings of ......

P335916: grant tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] 60(?)# _ansze_ [x x x x x]

[x x x x x] 20 _ansze_ ina _uru_-[x x x x]

[x _ansze_ ina _uru_-x]+x#-nu-u-a 40 _ansze_ ina _uru_-[x x x x]

[x _ansze_ ina] _uru_-a-di-an 20 _ansze_ ina _uru_-[x x x x]

[x x ina] _kur#_-ra-s,ap-pa 01-me _ansze uru_-ta-x#+[x x x]

[x] _ansze_ ina _uru_-(d)asz-szur—_kar_-[ir x x x x]

[x x] _ansze_(?)# ina _usz_ a-qu-[x x x x x]

[x x] _pab 06_-me x#+[x x x x x x]

[x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x]

[x x x] (m)(d)_masz_—[x x x x x x] [x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... 60 hectares .

...... 20 hectares in the town .

x hectares in ...nua, 40 hectares in ...,

x hectares in Adian, 20 hectares in ...,

... in Rashappa, 100 hectares in the town Ta.

x hectares in the town of Ashur-etir .

... hectares in the ... of the quay .

... in all 600 .


... Inurta-.


...... 60 hectares ...,

...... 20 hectares in ...,

...... x hectares in ...nû'a, 40 hectares in ...,

...... x hectares in Adian, 20 hectares in ...,

...... in Rashappa, 100 hectares the town of Ta...,

...... x hectares in the town of Ashur-etir, ...

... x hectares alongside Aqu....

......, in all 600 ...


...... Inurta-... ......

P335917: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


A (m)[x x x x x x x]

_ta_(v) _sza#_ [_uru_-x x x x]

sza te-[x x x x x]

(m)asz-szur—_pab_—[x x x x]

A (m)(d)_utu_(?)#—[x x x x]

mu-_dib_—_pa_(*) _gal_—_sag_(?)# [x x x]

ina _sza ma_ esz-[x x x]

ina _an_ x#+[x x x x x]

AI Translation

son of NN

from the town of .

of ......


son of Shamash-.

chariot driver of the chief eunuch .

in the boat ...

in the sky .


son of ...

from the town of ...

of .......


son of Shamash-...

chariot driver of the chief eunuch ...

in a ... boat ...

in ......

P335918: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] _kaskal_(*)# [(x)]

[x x x x]+x# 02(*) [x (x)]

[x x x x]+x# _udu nag_(*)# ([x x])

[x x x] _ansze-kur 02_ [x (x x)]

[x x] _gisz#-gigir 02_ [x (x x)]

AI Translation

... road ...

...... 2 ...

...... sheep, drink .

... horses 2 .

... chariot, 2 .


... expedition

......, 2 ...

...... sheep, consumption, ...

... horses, 2 ...

...chariot, 2 ...

P335920: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x (m)x x x _gal_—ki]-s,ir [(x x x x)] _lu_-szA—_gir_(*)-2(*)

[x x (x x) (m)]ha(*)#-ni-i [(x x x) _uru_]-ha-u-ri-na

[x x (m)]mu(?)#-qal-li—_idim_ [(x x x)] _lu-sag_

[x x x]+x#-x-ri [o(?) _lu_]-_nam uru-kaskal_

[x x (m)x]-a(?)-na [_lu_-x x x (m)]szA—(d)_pa_—szu(*)-u

[x x x x x x]-na

AI Translation

NN, cohort commander of NN, sha shepi guard;

... Hanî, ... of Haurina

... Muqalli-kabti, eunuch

......ri, governor of Harran

...ana, ...; Sha-Nabû-shû,


x minas, NN, cohort commander of the sha shepi guardsmen.

x minas, Hanî, ... of Haurina.

x minas, Muqallil-kabti, eunuch.

x minas, ......ri, governor of Harran.

x minas, ...ana, ... of Sha-Nabû-shû.

Obverse Column ii


x#+[x x x x x x] _lu#_-[x x x x x]

02 _ma_ [(m)x x x x] _lu_(*)#-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... the ...

2 minas, NN, ...;


x minas NN, ...

2 minas NN, ....

P335921: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x x x x x x] _ma_

[x x x x x x x] _gisz_(?)#-_mesz_

[x x x x x x] te(?)# 01 1::2 _ma_

[x x x x] :- sa-a-te 01 1::2 _ma_

[x x x x] _kun_(*)-tu _ka gisz_(?)-_mesz_

[x x x] sa-a-a-te 01 1::2 _ma_

[(x) x] :- :- _zag_ :- sa-a-a-te

03(*) szi(*)-tu(*) szi su be si _gun 01 1_::2 _ma_

02 :- :- _zag_ :- sa-a-a-te 01 _ma 04_-tu

18 :- :- _zag_ :- 01 1::2 _ma_

59(*) :- :- _zag_ :- 01 _ma 03_-si

05(*) :- :- _zag_ :- 01 _ma 04_-tu

35(*) :- :- _zag kar nu 01 ma 04_-tu

[x]+10 :- :- _zag sa5_ pu-li

[x]+10 :- :- _zag sa5 kur#_

AI Translation

...... mina;

...... logs

...... 1 1/2 mina;

... ditto, ..., 1 1/2 mina;

...... tail, gate of the logs

... ..., 1 1/2 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front ditto, ...;

3 ...s, the length is x x ...s, the width 1 1/2 ...;

2 ditto ditto, the front ditto, of the ..., 1 1/4 mina;

18 ditto ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/2 mina;

59 ditto ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/3 mina;

5 ditto ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/4 mina;

35 ditto ditto, the front red, of the port, not 1 1/4 mina;

x+10 ditto ditto, the front red, of the door;

x+10 ditto ditto, the front red, of the country;


...... mina;


......... 1 1/2 mina;

... ditto, knotted, 1 1/2 mina;

... the rear, the fringe, ...;

... knotted, 1 1/2 mina;

... ditto, ditto, the front ditto, knotted;

3 textiles ..., multicoloured, 1 1/2 mina;

2 ditto, ditto, the front ditto, knotted, 1 1/4 mina;

18 ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/2 mina;

59 ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/3 mina;

5 ditto, ditto, the front ditto, 1 1/4 mina;

35 ditto, ditto, the front red, of the port, not, 1 1/4 mina;

x+10 ditto, ditto, the front red, of limestone;

x+10 ditto, ditto, the front red, of the country

Obverse Column ii


_pab_ [x x x x x x x]

01-me [x x x x x x x]

20 :- [x x x x x x x]

20 :- :- [x x x x x x]

_pab 01_-me x#+[x x x x x x]

01 ur-nat x#+[x x x x x] sa-a-[a-te x x x x]

02 :- :- [x x x x x x]

01 :- :- [x x x x x x]

16 [x x x x x x x x]

40 [x x x x x x x x]

30 [x x x x x x x x]

01(*) [x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

total ......

100 ......

20 ditto ......;

20 ditto ditto ......;

in all 100 .

1 urnutu-garment ......, ...,

2 ditto ditto ......;

1 ditto ditto ......;

16 ......;

40 ......;

30 ......;

1 ......;


total ......;

100 ......;

20 ditto ......;

20 ditto ditto ......

Total, 100 .........;

1 urnutu-garment ......, knotted ...;

2 ditto ditto ......;

1 ditto ditto ......;

16 ......;

40 ......;

30 ......;

1 ......;

Reverse Column i


18 [x x x x x x x x]

34(*) [x x x x x x x x]

02 :- [x x x x x x x]

21 :- [x x x x x x x]

18 [x x x x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x x x]

_pab_ [x x x x x x x]

03 [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

18 ......;

34 ......;

2 ditto ......;

21 ditto ......;

18 ......;

total ......

total ......

3 ......;


18 ......;

34 ......;

2 ditto ......;

21 ditto ......;

18 ......;

total ......;

total ......;

3 ......

Reverse Column ii


[x]-me-42 _sig_-_mesz_ szab-bu-szu

[x] 08-me-33 _sig_-_mesz sig_

[x]+04 ma-qa-t,i _gada zag sa5_

[x]+02 ur-nat gu-ub-li

[x]+04 _ki_(*)—hal-pat _gada_ ha-ri-ra-te

[x x] sza(?)#—_gil_(*) _gisz-hur_-_mesz_

[x x x x x]-_mesz# gada_

[x x x x x x x]-_mesz_

AI Translation

x42 ...-garments, his own;

x,83 wool, wool;

x+4 gowns, linen, the front red;

x+2 urnutu-garments, ...;

x+4 halpatu-garments of linen, hariru-garments;

... the plans

......s of linen;



x+142 collected textiles;

total 833 textiles of wool;

x+4 gowns of linen, the front red;

x+2 urnutu-garments, of Byblos;

x+4 reinforced lower garments, of linen, ...-garments;

... cloth for designs;

...s of linen;


P335922: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x _udu_ sap-lisz]-hu(*)#

[x _udu_ e-qu-te] _gibil_(*)#

[x x x x x x x]-szu(?)

[x _udu_ x _nim_ kab]-bur(*)#

[x _udu_ s,ar-hu]-te#-szu

[x _nim_ s,ar-hu]-te(*)#-szu

[x _udu_ tak]-bar(*)

[x :- si-sal(?)]-hi(?)#

AI Translation

x sheep, saplishhu-offering;

x equtu-sheep, new;

...... him

x sheep, ..., ...-coloured,

x sheep, his ...;

x spring lambs, his ...;

x fattened sheep;

x ditto, sisalhu-containers;


x saplishhu sheep;

x ... sheep, burnt offering;


x fat sheep and spring lambs;

x sheep, served hot;

x spring lambs, served hot;

x fattened sheep;

x sisalhu ditto;

Obverse Column ii


[x] :- ba(*)-a(*)-a(*)-du(?)#

01(*) :- ina É-a-ni

02 tam(*)-szil(*) ba-a-a-du

20 _tu-gur4#_ s,ar(*)-hu-te-szu

10 :- hal(*)-lam

10 :- ina É-a-ni

05 kak-kab-nat _bur_(*)

25 :- _ta_(v) _bur za_(*)-_gur4 ga_

20 ak-bir

10 _ku6_-_mesz bur_

50(*) :- ki-ru-tu(*) x x x x# [x x]

AI Translation

x ditto, ...;

1 ditto in the house;

2 baskets of mixed kernels;

20 tunics, his ...;

10 ditto of mixed kernels.

10 ditto in the house;

5 kakkabnatu-garments of ...;

25 ditto from the 'bur' of the zagurtu-vessel;

20 ...;

10 fish, ...;

50 ditto, kirrutu-garments ...;


x ditto, of the vigil;

1 ditto, in the inner precinct;

2 wood pigeons, vigil;

20 turtledoves, served hot;

10 ditto, hallam;

10 ditto, in the inner precinct;

5 gray partridges, of the meal;

25 ditto, from the meal ......;

20 jerboas;

10 fish of the meal;

50 ditto, kirrutu-meal;

Obverse Column iii


01 (m)(d)_pa#_—[x x x]

02 (m)_gisz-nu_—(_ug5_)-_ga_—_ti-la_(*)


01 _gal_(*)—ki-s,ir-_mesz_(*) qur(*)-_zag_(*)#

01 mu-szar2-kis-_mesz_

01 ha-za-nu (m)_en_—_kar_-ir

02(*) _dib_—_pa_-_mesz uru-nina_-o(*)-_mesz_

02 _lu_(v)-03-szu-_mesz_ :-

01(*) 03-szu-_mesz nim-ma_-a-a

[x x]+x#+[x x]-ha(?)#

AI Translation

1, Nabû-...;

2, Shamash-shumu-uballit;


1, cohort commanders of the royal bodyguard;

1, shakshu-priests;

1 ..., Bel-etir;

2 chariot drivers from Nineveh;

2 'third men' ditto;

1, Elamite 'third men';



1, Nabû-...;

2, Shamash-metu-uballit and


1, cohort commanders of the bodyguard;

1, recruitment-officers;

1, mayor Bel-etir;

2, Ninevite chariot drivers;

2, ditto 'third men';

1, Elamite 'third men';


Reverse Column i


10 ur(*) x# [x x x x]

23 u-ra-te(*)#

_pab 01_-me-60 _banszur_(*)-_mesz_ a-kil-tu

03 _dug_(*)-_szab_(*)#-_mesz kasz_(*)#

AI Translation

10 ...-skins ...;

23 teams;

in all 160 tables, rations,

3 jars of beer;


10 ... ...,

23, teams.

In all 160 tables, consumption.

3 jars of beer,

Reverse Column ii


10# [02]-u(*)-te um(*)-man(*)


02 _kur_(*)-_asz gar_-nu-_mesz bad_-_hal_

_sag_(*)-_mesz_ tar(*)-bi(*)-a-ni

_gar_-nu-_mesz_(?) A—_man_

01 _kur_(*)-_asz_ szA—_igi_—_sila_

01(*) _kur_(*)-_asz_(*) _gal_(*)—50(*)-_mesz_(*) sza 03-szu-[_mesz_]

01 _kur_(*)-_asz gal_(*)#—[x x x]

AI Translation

10 deputy governors;


2 Assyrian garnatu, cavalry mounts;

the first and second heads;

governors of the crown prince;

1, Assyrian, overseer of the street;

1 Assyrian, commander-of-50 of the third rank;

1, Assyrian, chief .


10, deputies, scholars,


2, Assyrian, prefects of the cavalry;

eunuchs, trainees;

prefects of the crown prince;

1, Assyrian, overseers of the streets;

1, Assyrian, commanders-of-50 of the 'third men';

1, Assyrian, chief ......

P335923: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_pab#_ [01]-me(?)#-58 _dug_-ha(*)-as,(*)-bi

AI Translation

158 jars of hamashbû-beer,


in all 158 clay pots

P335924: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc

Obverse Column i


[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_ [x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

... the xth day;

... the xth day


... the xth day;

... the xth day;

Obverse Column ii


[x x]+x# _ud 10_(*)+[x-_kam_]

[x] 08# qa (_ud_) 23-_kam#_

3(ban2) 08 _pab_(*) 03(*) _ansze_(*)# ([x _ban_) x] qa e-tar-ba

_iti-sig4 ud 02_-_kam_

3(ban2) 03 qa _ud 03_-_kam_

3(ban2)# 03 qa _ud 04_-_kam_

1(ban2)# 06 qa _ud 05#_-_kam 1_(ban2)(*) [_ud 06_-_kam_ x x x]

AI Translation

... 10+xth day.

x 8 'litres', the 23rd day;

3 seahs 8 in all 3 hectares ... seahs ... qa —

Month Sivan III, 2nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

3 seahs 3 'litres', the 3rd day;

3 seahs 3 'litres', the 4th day;

1 seah 6 'litres', the 5th day; 1 seah the 6th day; ...;


... the 10+xth day;

... 8 'litres', the 23rd day;

3 seahs 8 'litres': in all, 3 homers x seahs x 'litres' arrived.

Month of Sivan III, 2nd day.

3 seahs 3 'litres', the 3rd day;

3 seahs 3 'litres', the 4th day;

1 seah 6 'litres', the 5th day; 1 seah the 6th day;

Obverse Column iii


[_ud_] 27-[_kam_ n(ban2)] _ud 28_-_kam_(*) 2(ban2) _ud 29_(*)-_kam_(*)#

2(ban2) _ud 30_-_kam 4_(ban2)(*) 01 qa(*)

_iti-szu ud 01_-_kam_

2(ban2) _ud 03#_-_kam 2_(ban2) _ud 04_-_kam_

2(ban2) _ud 05_-_kam 04_ qa _ud 06_-_kam 2_(ban2) _ud 08_-_kam 09_ qa _zid_(*)-_da_(*) x#+[x] _ud_(?)# [x]-_kam_(*)#

[x x x x x x x x]

[x] x x 01(?)# qa(*) _ud_(*)# 16(*)-_kam#_

[x x x x x x] _ud_(*) 19(*)-_kam#_

AI Translation

27th day, n seahs 28th day, 2 seahs 29th day;

2 seahs the 30th day; 4 seahs 1 'litre';

Month Tammuz IV, 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.

2 seahs the 3rd day; 2 seahs the 4th day;

2 seahs the 5th day, 4 litres the 6th day, 2 seahs the 8th day, 9 litres of flour ... the ... day;


... 1 'litre', the 16th day;

...... the 19th day;


the 27th day; x seahs the 28th day; 2 seahs the 29th day;

2 seahs the 30th day; 4 seahs 1 'litre',

month of Tammuz IV, 1st day;

2 seahs the 3rd day; 2 seahs the 4th day;

2 seahs the 5th day; 4 'litres' the 6th day; 2 seahs the 8th day; 9 'litres' of flour ... the xth day;


... 1 'litre', the 16th day;

...... the 19th day;

Reverse Column i


1(ban2) _ud 16_-_kam_

1(ban2) _ud 19_-_kam_

2(ban2) _ud 21_-_kam_

2(ban2) 08 qa _ud 22_-_kam_

2(ban2) 06 qa _ud 23_-_kam_

2(ban2) 06 qa _ud 24_-_kam_

2(ban2) 06 qa _ud 25_-_kam_

2(ban2) 06 qa _ud 27_-_kam_

1(ban2) _ud 28_-_kam_

1(ban2) _ud 29_-_kam_

3(ban2) _ud 30_-_kam_

3(ban2) 08(!) qa _iti-gan ud 01_-_kam_

AI Translation

1 seah, the 16th day;

1 seah, the 19th day;

2 seahs, the 21st day;

2 seahs 8 'litres', the 22nd day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 23rd day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 24th day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 25th day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 27th day;

1 seah, the 28th day;

1 seah, the 29th day;

3 seahs, the 30th day;

3 seahs 8 'litres', month Kislev IX, 1st day,


1 seah, the 16th day;

1 seah, the 19th day;

2 seahs, the 21st day;

2 seahs 8 'litres', the 22nd day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 23rd day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 24th day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 25th day;

2 seahs 6 'litres', the 27th day;

1 seah, the 28th day;

1 seah, the 29th day;

3 seahs, the 30th day;

3 seahs 8 'litres'; month of Kislev IX, 1st day.

Reverse Column ii


[x x x x _ud 03_]-_kam#_

[x x x x _ud_] 04(*)#-_kam_

[x x x] qa _ud 05_(*)-_kam_

[x x x] 07(?)# qa _ud 07_-_kam_

08 qa

_pab 12 ansze 1_(ban2)(*) (sup-ras-)

07 _ansze ta_(v)(*) _sza#_ e-tar-ba

ki-is-pu _ninda_-_mesz_


_iti_(*)-_kin_(?)# _ud 15_-_kam_

AI Translation

...... the 3rd day;

...... 4th day

... litres, the 5th day;

... 7 'litres', the 7th day;

8 'litres'

Total 12 homers 1 seah of .

7 hectares have entered there.

a basket of bread;


Month Elul VI, 15th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


... the 3rd day;

... the 4th day;

... 'litres', the 5th day;

... 7 'litres', the 7th day;

8 'litres':

in all, 12 homers 1 seah.

Out of this, 7 homers arrived.

Offering of bread

of the Hittite women.

Month of Elul VI, 15th day.

Reverse Column iii


[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam_

[x x x _ud_ x]-_kam#_

AI Translation

... the xth day;

... the xth day;

... the xth day;

... the xth day;

... the xth day;

... the xth day;


...... the xth day;

...... the xth day;

...... the xth day;

...... the xth day;

...... the xth day;

...... the xth day

P335925: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ina _uru_-(m)sze(?)#-[x x x x x]

40 _a-sza_ ina(?) [x x x x x] szA [x x x x x] ina _igi_ (m)si(*)-[x x x x]

30 :- :- ina(?)# [x x x] ina _igi_ (m)(d(?))#[x x x x]

AI Translation

in the town of She.

40 hectares of land in ... belonging to NN, at the disposal of Si.

30 ditto ditto, at ..., at the disposal of NN.


in the town of She...;

40 hectares of land in ..., belonging to ..., assigned to Si...;

30 ditto, ditto, in the town of GN, assigned to NN, ...

P335926: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[01 _gud_]-_nita# 10 udu-nita_-_mesz_ [x _muszen_(?)]—_gal_-_mesz 10 szab gesztin_ o(*) sza (m)_dumu-usz_-a-a _lu-600_—É-_gal_

01 _gud-nita 10 udu-nita_-_mesz 10 szab gesztin_-_mesz pab#_ [x x x x]+x x#-a-te

AI Translation

1 ox, 10 male sheep, x ducks, 10 jars of wine — of Aplaya, palace herald.

1 ox, 10 male sheep, 10 jars of wine: all ...s.


1 ox, 10 male sheep, x ducks, 10 jars of wine — of Aplaya, the palace herald.

1 ox, 10 male sheep, 10 jars of wine — all ...s.

P335927: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x (x)] _udu-sila4_-_mesz_

[x]-me-14 _udu-u8_-_mesz_

[x]+8 _udu-dumu_—_mu-an-na_

[x]+73 _udu-dumu-mi_—_mu-an-na_

_pab 04_-me-01 _babbar_-_mesz_

[x]+20 _udu-masz_-_mesz 01_-me _udu-uz_-_mesz_

[x]+27 _udu-dumu_—_mu-an-na_

[x] _udu-mi-asz-gar_-_mesz#_

[_pab_] 02(*)-me-27(*) _gi6_-_mesz_

[_pab_] 06-me-28 (m)_bad_—ma-ki-i—(d)15

AI Translation

x lambs;

x+14 ewes;

x+8 yearlings

x+73 yearlings.

Total: 401 white .

x+20 rams, 100 rams,

x+27 yearlings.

x female kids;

Total: 227 black sheep.

Total: 68, Dur-maki-Issar.


x lambs,

x+114 ewes,

x+8 1-year-old male sheep,

x+73 1-year-old ewes:

Total 401 white sheep.

x+20 male goats, 100 female goats,

x+27 1-year-old male kids,

x 1-year-old female kids:

Total 227 black goats.

Total 628 — Dur-makî-Issar.



[x x] _udu-sila4_-_mesz_

[x]-me(*)#-20 _udu-u8_-_mesz_

AI Translation

x lambs;

x hundred 20 ewes;


x lambs,

x+120 ewes,



[x]+4 _udu-dumu_—_mu-an-na_

[x]+3 _udu_(*)-_dumu_(*)#-_mi_—_mu-an-na_

_pab#_ [x]+1-me-96(?) _babbar_-_mesz_

[x _udu_]-_masz_-_mesz 30 udu-uz_-_mesz_

[x] _dumu_(*)#—_mu_ :- 20 _udu-mi-asz-gar_-_mesz_

_pab#_ [x]+12 _gi6_-_mesz_

[_pab_ x]-me-38# (m)_nina-ki_-a-a

[x _udu_]-_sila4#_-_mesz 80_(?) _udu-u8_-_mesz_

[x] _dumu#_—_mu-an-na 33 udu-dumu-mi_—_mu-an-na_

[_pab_ x]-me-30# (m)sa(*)-ka(*)-a—_dingir_

[x x x]-_mesz 10 udu-dumu-mi_—_mu-an-na_

[x x] (m)(d)_u-gur_—u-bal-lit, _tin_-x x#

AI Translation

x+4 yearlings

x+3 'sheep-sheep'-year-olds;

Total: x+196 white .

x goats, 30 rams,

x sons, ditto, 20 female kids;

Total: x+12 black sheep.

in all x+38, Ninuayu.

x lambs, 80 ewes,

x yearlings, 33 yearlings:

Total: x+30, Sakâ-ilu.

...s, 10 yearlings

... Nergal-uballit, .


x+4 1-year-old male sheep,

x+3 1-year-old ewes:

Total 196 white sheep.

x male goats, 30 female goats,

x 1-year-old ditto = kids, 20 1-year-old female kids:

Total 142 black goats.

Total 338 — Ninuayu.

x lambs, 80 ewes,

x 1-year-old male sheep, 33 1-year-old ewes:

Total x+130 — Saka-ili.

x ewes, 10 1-year-old ewes.

Total x Nergal-uballit ....

P335928: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ina# _iti-barag 60 gud_-_mesz 30 ansze-nita 10 lu_(v)-_zi_-_mesz ta_(v) _uru_-bi-du-u-a hab-tu

90 _gud_-_mesz 30 ansze-nita_-_mesz# 01_-lim-05-me _udu_-_hi-a ta_(v)# [x x (x x)] hab-tu ina _szu_(?)# [x x (x x)]

30 _gud_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x (x)]

AI Translation

In Nisan I 60 oxen, 30 donkeys, 10 persons from Bidua have been captured.

90 oxen, 30 donkeys, and 1,500 sheep from ... have been taken from .

30 oxen ......;


In the month of Nisan I 60 oxen, 30 donkeys and 10 persons were stolen from the village of Bidua,

90 oxen, 30 donkeys and 1,500 sheep were stolen from the village of ... in the hand of NN,

30 oxen, ......



ih-tab-ta(*)# [x x x x]

_dumu_(?)—_sig5_-_mesz_ [x x x x]

ina _sza_-bi _ud 20_(*)+[x-_kam_ x x x]

32 _ansze_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]

sa-mu-hu#-[te x x]

02-lim _udu#_-[_mesz_ x x x]+x#-_mesz_

_ta_(v) _uru_-x-x#-a(*)-ni(*) hab-ta(?)#

AI Translation

he smashed .

the good sons .

on the 20+xth day .

32 donkeys ...

samutu-diseases .

2,000 sheep .

I have been seized from the town ...ani.


he stole ......

chariot fighters ......

within the 20+xth day ...

32 donkeys ......

mixed ......

2,000 sheep ......

were stolen from the village of ...ani.



i-ba-Asz-szu-[u-ni x x x x x]

AI Translation

there is ......


There are ...

P335929: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



06 _ansze#_-[_mesz igi-lal_-_mesz_]

17 [_ansze_-_mesz usz_-_mesz_]

_pab 23 ansze_-[_mesz_]

06-me-82 _gud_-_mesz igi-lal_-_mesz_

01-lim-01(*)-me-27 _usz_(*)-_mesz_

_pab 01_-lim-08(*)-me-09 _gud_-_mesz_

05-me-43 _udu_-_mesz igi-lal_-_mesz_

02#-lim-02(*)-me-15(*) _usz_-_mesz_

AI Translation

6 oxen, inspected;

17 donkeys, dead;

23 donkeys in all;

682 oxen, inspected;

1,127 dead.

Total: 1,089.

543 sheep, inspections;

2,215 dead.


6 donkeys, inspected,

17 donkeys, dead.

Total 23 donkeys.

682 oxen, inspected,

1,127, dead.

Total 1,809 oxen.

543 sheep, inspected,

2,215, dead.



[_pab 02_-lim]-07(?)#-me-58(*) _udu#_-[_mesz_]

AI Translation

Total: 2,758 sheep.


Total 2,758 sheep.



_pab_ sza ina _nina-ki_

96 ($15$) _gud_-_mesz_

02-lim-04-me-90 _udu_-_mesz_

_pab#_ sza ina _uru-bad_—sa-ru-uk-ka

[ina] qi-bi (m)(d)_szu_—_su_(?)

[x x x x] x x x#

AI Translation

Total, which is in Nineveh.

96 oxen,

2,490 sheep;

Total, which is in Dur-Sarukku.

At the command of Marduk-eriba,



Total that were in Nineveh.

96 oxen,

2,490 sheep.

Total that were in Dur-Sharruken.

At the instruction of Marduk-eriba


P335930: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia] [_arad_-ka] (m)asz-szur—_en_(*)#—[_pab_(?)]

[ki]-i(*)# a-na-ku [x x]

[x x] _lugal_ ina É-_gal#_ [x x]

AI Translation

To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-belu-ushur.

Just as I ...

... the king in the palace .


To the king, my lord: your servant Ashur-belu-ushur.

When I was ....,

... the king in the palace ...

P335931: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



hi-bi-la-[(a)-te] sza _uru_-qa-pa-[ta-a-a]

01-lim-03-me [x x x x]

01-lim _tug_-szad#-[din(?) x x x]

02-lim x#+[x x x x x]

01(*)-me [x x x x x]

10 _ma-na kug_(?)#-[_ud_ x x]

60 _gud_ [x x x x x]

60(*) _ansze_(!)-[_kur-ra_-_mesz_ (x x)]

ma(*)-a(*) _pab_ an-ni-[u (x x x)] sza _lu_(v)-02-i [x x (x x)] (m)_en_—_idim_—_szesz_(?)#-[_mesz_-szu] ih-bi-lu-na(*)-szi(?)#-[ni o]

ma-a 01-lim-06(*)-me [x x] il-ki-in(*)-ni [x x]

AI Translation

The rites of the Qapateans

1,300 ...

1,000 shawls ...;

2,000 ......

100 ......;

10 minas of silver ...;

60 oxen ......

60 horses ...;

All this ... which the deputy ... and Bel-kabti-ahheshu brought to us

"1,000 ... have come .


Debts of the Qappateans:

1,300 ...;

1,000 togas ...;

2,000 ...;

100 ...;

10 minas of silver ...;

60 oxen ...;

60 horses ....

They say: "All this is ... that the deputy ..., Bel-kabti-ahheshu, owes to us."

"1,600 ... is our ilku-service, which we give year after year."



ma(*) 01-me-50 _udu_-_mesz 20 gud_-_mesz_ [o] 02 _ansze_(!)-_kur-ra_-_mesz_ [o] a-na na-mur-te [o] sza(*)# _uru-bad_(*)#—[_man_—_gin_] [ni]-it-ti#-[din(?)]

AI Translation

We have given 150 sheep, 20 oxen, and 2 horses for the audience gift of Dur-Sharruken.


"We have already given 150 sheep, 20 oxen and 2 horses, as audience gift of the town Dur-Sharruken."

P335932: administrative tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[05] (m)na-si(?)-x x x x#

05# _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_ (m)ba-sa-su

05 :- (m)is-pu-te

05(?) : (m)_dingir_(?)—ha-a-ri(?)

_pab 20 ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz#_ u-rat

05 _ansze-gir-nun-na_-_mesz_ [o] (m)(d)_u-gur_—_sum_—_pab_ [(x)]

_pab 18 ansze#_ [x x x x]

03 (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—x#+[x (x)]

03 (m)in-[x x x]

03 (m)_dug-ga_—_im#_—[x x]

AI Translation

5 — Nasi...;

5 horses: Basasu.

5 ditto — Ispute;

5 ditto — Il-hari;

in all 20 horses trained to the yoke —

5 mules, Nergal-nadin-ahi, ...;

in all 18 donkeys .

3: Nabû-sharru-.

3 of In...;

3: Tab-shar-...;


5 — Nasi...;

5 horses — Basasu;

5 ditto — Ispute;

5 ditto — Il-hari.

Total, 20 horses for teams.

5 mules — Nergal-nadin-ahi.

Total, 18 horses ....

3, Nabû-sharru-......;

3, In...;

3, Tab-shar-...:



_pab 09 ansze-kur_-_mesz_ [x x x]

AI Translation

in all 9 horses .


in all, 9 horses ...



[x] _ansze_-ku-din 02 _ansze-kur_-_mesz_ É _lu_(v)-x#+[x x]

01 _kur 01 ansze-gir_-[_nun-na_] 01 _ansze_ É _lu_(v)(?)#-[x x x]

01 _ansze-gir-nun-na#_ [x x]

01 : É [x x x]

01 : [x x x x]

01 _kur_-_mesz_ [x x x]

01 : [x x x x]

01 : [x x x x] [01] : [x x x x] [x] _ansze#_-[x x x x]

AI Translation

x mules, 2 horses, the house of the ...;

1 horse, 1 mules, 1 homer, the house of the .

1 mules ...;

1, ditto, house ...;

1 ditto ...;

1 horses ...

1 ditto ...;

1 ditto ..., 1 ditto ..., x donkeys ...,


x mules, 2 horses — the house of the ....

1 horse, 1 mule, 1 equid — the house of the ....

1 mule, ...

1 ditto — the house ...,

1 ditto ...,

1, of the horses ...,

1 ditto ...,

1 ditto ...

P335933: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x# szi ud# [x x]

[x (m)(d)]_amar#-utu_—_pab_-x#+[x x x]

[x x] _szu_(?)-_si_(?)# [x x]

AI Translation

... Marduk-ahu-.

... the 'finger' .



... Marduk-ahu-...


P335934: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu-nu s,u-pur-szu#-nu isz-kun

s,u-pur (m)(d)szA-masz—ia-da-a' s,u-pur (m)da-nu-ni-i# o(*)

_en a-sza_ ta-dan-a-ni É 30 _ansze a-sza_ É a-na gi-mir-ti-szu na(*)-hal(*) _pu_ É _tur# gisz_(*)-_sar_(*)-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x (m)](d)#_pa_—_zalag_-ir

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Shamash-yada', fingernail of Danunî,

An estate of 30 hectares of land, a house in its entirety, a wadi, a well, a house, a small house, gardens .

...... Nabû-nammir


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of Shamash-yada', fingernail of Danunî, owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of land, a house in its entirety, a wadi, a well, a house, a courtyard, orchards, ......

...... Nabû-nammir



_igi_ (m)(d)x#+[x x]+x x x#+[x x]

_igi_ (m)ia-hu-u-t,u# _igi_ (m)_ad_—_ur_(*)-x#+[x]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—me-ti-i-na _igi_ (m)_pab_—_asz_(*)#

_igi_ (m)szi-ma-a-nu _igi_ (m)ha-bil(*)—_gin_

_igi_ (m)lu-u—A(*)-i _pab 09 lu_(v)-_igi_-_mesz_-e(*)

_igi_ (m)_an-gal_—me-si _igi_ (m)(d)_im_—ka-szir

_igi_ (m)_gir-2_-a-a _igi_ (m)i-di-i

_igi_ (m)i-qi-su _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_mu_—_asz szesz_-szu

_igi_ (m)ha-a-ri—_pab_-_mesz igi_ (m)ki-di-ni—mar-duk

_igi_ (m)hu(*)—ma-ma-a-ti _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Yahutu. Witness Abi-na'id.

Witness Mannu-ki-metina. Witness Ahu-iddina.

Witness Shimanu. Witness Habil-ken.

Witness Lu-Aplu. A total of 9 witnesses.

Witness Issaran-mesi. Witness Adad-kashir.

Witness Shep-Aya. Witness Idî.

Witness Iqisu. Witness Shamash-shumu-iddina, his brother.

Witness Hari-ahhe. Witness Kidini-Marduk.

Witness Hu-mati, scribe.


Witness .......

Witness Yahutu. Witness Abi-sun....

Witness Mannu-ki-metina. Witness Ahu-iddina.

Witness Shimanu. Witness Habil-ken.

Witness Lu-ahi. A total of 9 witnesses.

Witness Issaran-mesi. Witness Adad-kashir.

Witness Shep-Ea. Witness Iddî.

Witness Iqisu. Witness Shamash-shumu-iddina, his brother.

Witness Hari-ahhe. Witness Kidinni-Marduk.

Witness Humamati, scribe, keeper of the tablet.



s,a-bit t,up-pi ina _iti-sze ud 08_(*)-_kam_ lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—_gin_—_pab_

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 8th day, eponym year of Nabû-kenu-ushur.


Month of Adar XII, 8th day, eponym year of Nabû-kenu-ushur.



[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_] (m)a-du-u-ri

[_igi_ (m)x x x _igi_ (m)]na(*)#-bu-za-a' _lu_(v)-_dam-qar_

[x x x x x sza s,u]-pur#-szu-nu i-tah-ru

AI Translation

Witness NN. Witness Aduri.

Witness NN. Witness Nabû-za', merchant.

...... received their fingernails


Witness .... Witness Aduru.

Witness .... Witness Nabuza', merchant.

They have received ... for their fingernails.

P335935: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_pab_(*) [02 _dumu_-_mesz_ x x x]—(d)_im en_-[_mesz_] É(*)# _sum_-ni

É ep-szu ina gi-mir(*)-ti-szu a-di _gisz-ur_-_mesz_-szu a-di _gisz-ig_-[_mesz_-szu] ina _uru_-né-med—(d)15 _suhur kaskal_—[_lugal_] _suhur_ É (m)_dug-ga_-i _suhur_ (m)ka-x#+[x x] _suhur_ É (m)_di_-mu—_en_—la-mur _suhur_ É (m(*))A(*)-ia _suhur sila_

u-pisz-ma (m)rém-a-ni—(d)_im lu_(v)-mu-kil—_pa_-a-te sza (m)asz-szur—_du_—_a man kur_—asz-szur ina _sza_-bi 05(*) _ma-na kug-ud_ il-qi

kas#-pu ga-mur ta-din É za-rip [_ti_ tu-a]-ru(*)# de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

AI Translation

in all 2 sons of ...-Adad, owners of the house being sold.

A built house in its entirety, with its beams and doors, in the town Nemed-Issar, adjoining the royal road, the house of Tabî, the house of ..., the house of Shulmu-beli-lamur, the house of Aplaya, the street —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought them for 5 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


a total of 2 sons of ...-Adad, owners of the house being sold.

A built house in its entirety with its beams and doors in the city of Nemed-Issar, adjoining the king's road, adjoining the house of Tabî, Ka..., the houses of Shulmu-beli-lamur and Aplaya, and adjoining the street —

Remanni-Adad, chariot driver of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, has contracted and bought it for 5 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. The house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu sza] ina(*)# ur-kisz u ma-te-ma [lu-u (m)(d)]_pa_—ma-li(*)-ik u (m)szum-ma—_dingir_ [lu-u] _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu u o(*) [lu]-u _lu_(v)-_gar_-in-szu-nu u _lu_(v)-ha-za-nu _uru#_-szu-(nu)

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Nabû-malik or Shumma-ilu, or their sons or their grandsons, or their prefect or mayor, comes forward and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons, shall deposit 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Whoever in the future, and at any time, whether Nabû-malik and Shumma-ilu, or their sons, grandsons and brothers, or their prefect and the mayor of their city,



[_ta_ (m)rém-a-ni—(d)]_im_(*)# u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu [u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu de-nu] _dug4-dug4_ [ub-ta-'u-u-ni x _ma-na kug_]-_ud# 01 ma-na kug-gi_ [ina bur-ki (d)15 a-szi]-bat _nina gar_-an [kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_-te a]-na# _en_-szu _gur_

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-_a-ba_ sza _dumu_—_man_

[_igi_ (m)x x x _lu_(v)-szA]—_igi_—É-_gal a_(*)—_man_(?)#

[_igi_ (m)ha—ba-as]-te# _lu_(v)-_gal_—I-[_du8_]

[_igi_ (m)ba-ni-i _lu_(v)]-2#-u sza _lu_(v)-_gal#_—[_a-zu_]

[_igi_ (m)(d)x x]+x#—_ba_-szA _lu_(v)#-[x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_(v)#-mu(*)-kil(*)—[_pa_-_mesz_ x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur(*)—_man_(*)—_pab_(*) _lu_(v)-mu#-[kil—_pa_-_mesz_ x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_(*) _lu_(v)-[02-u _lu_(v)-_gal_—u-rat]

_igi_ (m)sa(*)-kan(*)#-[nu _lu_(v)-mu(*)-kil(*)—_pa_-_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x x x x x]

_iti#_-[x _ud_ x-_kam_ lim-mu (m)x x x x]

AI Translation

shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness NN, scribe of the crown prince.

Witness NN, palace superintendent of the crown prince.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness ...-iqisha, .

Witness NN, chariot driver .

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, chariot driver .

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness .......

Month ..., day, eponym year of NN.


seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness NN, scribe of the crown prince.

Witness NN, palace superintendent of the prince.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Banî, deputy of the chief physician.

Witness ...-iqisha, ....

Witness NN, chariot driver ....

Witness Ashur-sharru-ushur, chariot driver ....

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team commander.

Witness Sakkannu, chariot driver.

Witness NN, ....

Month ..., day, eponym year of ....

P335936: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)]sa(*)#-la(*)-me É _ansze 5_(ban2) _a-sza_ [x x x x] _uru_-hat-ta-a

[x x x x a]-na _mu_-_mesz ku_

_suhur_ (m)me-si-me-si# _suhur_ (m)ab-di—a-a(*) [o] _suhur_ szA pi-li-is(*)-ta(*)-[a-a]

ku-um 15(*) _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ a-na [szA-par-ti _gar_]

AI Translation

Seal of Salame, owner of the house, a field of 5 decares ... in the town Hatti.

...... for those years

adjoining Mesimê, Abdi-Aya, and the estate of Pilistâ;

Instead of 15 shekels of silver he shall place it as a pledge.


Seal of Salamu. An estate of a hectare 5 decares of land ... in the town Hattâ —

NN shall have the usufruct of it for years.

Adjoining Mesimesi, Abdi-Aya and the estate of the Philistines.

It is placed as a pledge in lieu of 15 shekels of silver.



03 me-re-sze 03 ka-rap-hi

AI Translation

3 ..., 3 ...;


3 crop years, 3 fallow years.



_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_uru_-arba-[il]

_igi_ (m)_pab_-bu-u(*) _lu-gal_—[_a-ba_]

_igi_ (m)ab-di—a-a(*)#

_igi_ (m)me-si-me-si

_igi_ (m)_du_-i _igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)15

_igi_ (m)_pab_-u-nu

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)15 _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—re-eh-ti—_pab_

[_iti_]-_ab ud 01_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)_ta_(v)—(d)_im_—a-ni-nu

[_igi_ (m)]a-a-bu—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Ahu-abû, chief scribe.

Witness Abdi-Aya.

Witness Mesimesi.

Witness Banî. Witness Urdu-Issar.

Witness Ahunu.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness Nabû-rehti-ushur.

Month Tebet X, 1st day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness Aya-abu-ushur.


Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.

Witness Ahabû, chief scribe.

Witness Abdi-Aya.

Witness Mesimesi.

Witness Banî. Witness Urda-Issar.

Witness Ahuni.

Witness Urda-Issar. Witness Nabû-rehtu-ushur.

Month Tebet X, 1st day, eponym year of Issi-Adad-aninu.

Witness Aya-abu-ushur.

P335937: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x] [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)da(?)]-di(?)#-i [ina _sza_ x x x x]

[il-qi] kas-pu ga(*)#-[mur ta-din tu-a-ru] [de-nu] _dug4-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu]

[man-nu szA] ina ur-kisz ina [ma-te-ma] [lu-u (m)_u-u_(?)]-i lu-u _dumu_-[_mesz_-szu] lu#-u _szesz_-_me_-szu lu _lu_-[x x x] lu#-u mAm(*)#-ma(*)-nu-szu sza x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

...... from Dadî in .

The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Dadî or his sons or brothers or ... or any relative of his, ... or any relative of his, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Remanni-Adad, chief chariot driver, has contracted and bought it from Dadî for .......

The money is paid completely. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Daddî or his sons or brothers, or his ... or any relative of his, whoever lodges a complaint and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons,



[x _ma-na kug-ud_] 01 _ma-na kug-gi_

AI Translation

x minas of silver, 1 mina of gold,


shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Mullissu, shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu-sukkal gal_-[u]

_igi_ (m)szum-mu—_dingir lu-gal_—ki-s,ir

_igi_ (m)hab-as-ti _lu-gal_—_i-du8_-_mesz#_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab lu-gal_—_i-du8_-[_mesz_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su lu-2_-u sza _gal_—[u-rat]

_igi_ (m)_nu_—_man_—iq-bi [x x x x] [x x x x] x x# [x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Shumma-ilu, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, head porter.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi, .


Witness Silim-Ashur, grand vizier.

Witness Shummu-ilu, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti, head porter.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, head porter.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy of the team-commander.

Witness Shalam-sharri-iqbi, ....

P335938: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur (m)se—da-la(*)#-[a] s,u-pur (m)30—_i pab_(*)-[szu] _en a-sza_ ta-da-ni

É 02 _ansze_ sza [(m)]se—dal-a sza (m)30—I ina(*) _uru_-(m)me-ze-e up-pisz-ma o(*)

_lu_(v)-_sag_ ina _sza 05_(*) _gin kug-ud ti_

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din _a-sza_ za-rip _ti_ tu-a-ru de-e-nu de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-szu

man-nu _gar_-nu szA _gil_-u-ni 10 _ma-na kug-ud luh_-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru#

AI Translation

Fingernail of Se'-dalâ, fingernail of Sin-na'id, his brother, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 2 hectares belonging to Se'-dalâ and Sin-na'id in Mezê —

The eunuch has contracted and bought it for 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. The land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract shall place 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold


Fingernail of Se'-dalâ, fingernail of Sin-na'id, his brother, owners of the land being sold.

An estate of 2 hectares belonging to Se'-dalâ and Sin-na'id in the town of Mezê

the eunuch has contracted and bought it for 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. The land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Any prefect who breaks the contract shall pay 10 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)se—ma-ti-i'

_igi_ (m)za-bu-du

_igi_ (m)qu-li-i

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_(*)—30(*) sza _uru_-s,i-ri-na

_igi_ (m)10—im-me _dumu_ (m)_zalag_—se-e

ina _iti-ab ud 06_(*)-_kam_ lim-me (m)_en_—_kaskal_—U(*)—_pab_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_pab_

AI Translation

Witness Se'-mati'.

Witness Zabudu.

Witness Qulî.

Witness Ubru-Sin of Shirina.

Witness Adad-immi, son of Nur-se'.

Month Tebet X, 6th day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-belu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur.


Witness Se'-mati'.

Witness Zabudu.

Witness Qulî.

Witness Ubru-Sin of Shirina.

Witness Adad-immi son of Nur-Se'.

Month Tebet X, 6th day, eponym year of Bel-Harran-belu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-shumu-ushur, keeper of the tablet.

P335939: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[(m)]_pab_(*)#—li-ti _arad#_-szu

u(*)-pisz(*)#-ma(*) (m)man-nu—ki#—_uru_-arba-il _ta_(v)(*)# [_igi_] (m)_numun_(*)-i(*) a-na 01 1/2 _ma-na kug-ud_-_mesz_ a-na 01 ma-né(*)-e(*) sza _kur_-gar(*)-ga(*)-mis(*)# i-zi-rip i-si-qi

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din-ni _lu#_ szu-a-tum za-ar-pi laq-qi tu-a-ru de-nu(*) _dug4#-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

[s,ib]-tu(*)# _en_(*)-e-nu a-na 01 me _ud_-me [sa]-ar#-tu ina kal _mu-an-na_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Ahu-liti, his servant,

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and bought it from Zerî for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.


Ahi-le'iti, his servant —

Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted, purchased, and acquired him from Zarî for 1 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Guaranteed against epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.



man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-mu lu-u (m)_numun_-i lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _en_—il-ki-szu sza de-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)man-nu#—ki—_uru#_-arba-il _u dumu_-_mesz_-szu _u dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu

ub-ta-'u-u-ni _gu-un ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ ina bur-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat _uru_-arba-il# i-szak-kan kas(*)-pu(*)# a-na 10-_mesz_-te ina _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur#_-ra a-na de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi de-in-szu (d)_di_(*)-_kud_(*)# la i-szA-mu

_igi#_ (m)[x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Zerî or his sons, grandsons, brothers or labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, his sons and grandsons,

shall place one talent of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness .......


Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Zarî or his sons, grandsons or brothers, or his labour-duty superior, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail, his sons and grandsons,

shall place a talent of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Arbela, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. The divine judge shall not heed his case.

Witness NN.



_igi_ (d)_nu_—_lugal_(*)# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

before Shalam-sharri .


Witness: the king's statue.

P335940: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_] (m)szum-ma—i-ba#-[szi]—_zi_(*)# [_en_] _arad#_-_mesz sum_-in

(m)da-an-du-si _dumu-mi_-szu (m)la—qe-pu _dumu_-szu _pab 03 zi_-_mesz arad_-_mesz_-szu sza (m)szum-ma—i-ba-szi—_zi_(*)

u-pisz-ma (m)si-lim—asz-szur ina _sza 30 gin_-_mesz kug-ud ti_

kas-pu gam-mur ta-din [_un_-_mesz_] szu-a-tu za-ar-pu [la-qi-u] tu-a-ru

AI Translation

Seal of Shumma-ibashi-ketti, owner of the servants being sold.

Dandousi, his daughter, La-qepu, his son, a total of 3 persons, servants of Shumma-ibashi-ketti —

Silim-Ashur has contracted and bought them for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of Shumma-ibashi-kettu, owner of the servants being sold.

Dandusi, his daughter, and La-qepu, his son, a total of 3 persons, servants of Shumma-ibashi-kettu —

Silim-Ashur has contracted and bought them for 30 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. Those people are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[ina] bur#-ki (d)_isz-tar_ a-szi-bat# _uru_(*)#-_nina_(*) _gar_-an kas-pu ina 11(*)-_mesz_ [ina] _en_(*)-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra ina de-ni#-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la i-laq-qi#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa-tug_—_dingir_-a-a

_igi_ (m)A—_pab_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_dug-ga_—_im_—(d)_im_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—tak-lak

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—ba-ni

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad_

_igi_ (m)hu-ra-a-a

AI Translation

He shall place the money in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nusku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Tab-shar-Adad.

Witness Nabû-taklak.

Witness Nabû-bani.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Hurayu.


He shall place x minas of silver and x minas of gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money elevenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Nushku-ila'i.

Witness Aplu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Tab-shar-Adad.

Witness Nabû-taklak.

Witness Nabû-bani.

Witness Ahu-duri.

Witness Hurayu.



[_iti_-x] _ud 01_-_kam_

AI Translation

Month ..., 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-belu-ushur.


Month ..., 1st day, eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina.

P335941: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



04 _ansze sze#-pad_-_mesz_


AI Translation

4 homers of barley;



4 homers of barley —

Garrushu has taken it as a loan from Bahianu.



_iti-ne ud 18_(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

Month Ab V, 18th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month Ab V, 18th day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli.

P335942: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



1/2 _ma 05_(*) _gin 03 udu_ [_nig_]-_szid_-_mesz_ szA 15(?) ni#-[nu]

[x x x x] x#+[x]

[x x x x] _kug#_ o(*) ina [x x x] _gal_-bi

[(m)]x x—_asz# en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_

AI Translation

1/2 mina 5 shekels, 3 sheep, accounts of 15 shekels.


...... of silver in ...,

...-iddina is the guarantor.


1/2 mina 5 shekels and 1/3, accounts of Ishtar of Nineveh.


The silver shall increase by ....

...-iddina is the guarantor.



_iti-kin ud 08_ lim-mu (m)(d)_utu_—_man_—_du_

AI Translation

Month Elul VI, 8th day, eponym year of Shamash-sharru-ibni.


Month Elul VI, 8th day, eponym year of Shamash-sharru-ibni.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_gin_—_ti_

_igi_ (m)15—_apin_-esz

_igi_ (m)_numun_—15

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-kenu-ballit.

Witness Issar-eresh.

Witness Zar-Issar.


Witness Nabû-kenu-ballit.

Witness Issar-eresh.

Witness Zar-Issar.



_igi_ (m)sze-'u-u

_igi_ (m)_en_—_hal_-e-u-ni

AI Translation

Witness She'û.

Witness Bel-shimanni.


Witness She'û.

Witness Bel-shimanni.

P335944: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x x x x]-li(*)#-i

[u-pisz-ma (m)su]-ha#-a-a [x x x x x x x]-li(*)#-i [ina _sza_-bi] x# _urudu_(*)-_me_(*) il(*)-qi

[kas-pu] ga#-mur ta-din [_mi_ szu]-a-tu za(*)-Ar(*)#-pa-at la-qi-at [tu]-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu

man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma lu (m)bu-la-lum(*) lu _dumu_-_mesz_-szu _dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu szA de-nu _dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)su(*)#-ha-a-a

ub-ta-u-ni 01 _ma-na_ ger-du _ku_(*)# mar _dug_-a-ga-ni kur-ru _nag 02 ma-na kug-ud luh 01 ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru ina bur-ki (d)_innin_ a-szi-bat o(*) _uru-nina_ i-szA-kan

AI Translation


Suhaya, ...lî, has contracted and bought them for x minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Bulalu or his sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Suhaya,

shall eat one mina of gerdu-bread, drink a cup of agannu-wine, shall place two minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


..., ...lî —

Se-Haya, has contracted and bought ... ...lî for ...... of copper.

The money is paid completely. That woman is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Bullalu or his sons or his grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Se-Haya,

shall eat one mina of plucked wool, shall drink a full agannu vessel of the tanner's paste, shall place 2 minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar residing in Nineveh, shall pay a talent of tin to the governor, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.



_igi_ (m)_lal_—_kam_-esz

_igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—_ki_-ia

_igi_ (m)_pab_-u-a—_su igi_ (m)(d)_masz_-i

_igi_ (m)_di_-lim—(d)_im_

_igi_ (m)_en_—_szu_(*)-u-a

_igi#_ (m)_dingir_—tak-lak

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_(*)—_numun_—_ba_(*)-szA(*)# _lu_(v)#-_a-ba_ s,a-[bit t,up]-pi#

[_iti_-x] _ud# 03_(*)-[_kam_ lim-mu (m)_pab_(?)]—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Tashmetu-eresh.

Witness Inurta-isse'a.

Witness Ahu'a-eriba. Witness Inurtî.

Witness Shulmu-Adad.

Witness Bel-eriba.

Witness Ilu-taklak.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iqisha, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Ahu-ila'i.


Witness Tuqunu-eresh.

Witness Inurta-isse'a.

Witness Ahu'a-eriba. Witness Inurtî.

Witness Silim-Adad.

Witness Bel-qatu'a.

Witness Ilu-taklak.

Witness Nabû-zeru-iqisha, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month ..., 3rd day, eponym year of Ahu-ila'i,

P335945: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_mi_(*)-_gaszan_(*)—_pab mi_(*)-[x x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—de-ni—[_du_-usz (m)x x x x]

(m)_pab_—im-me-e# [(m)x x x x x x]

(m)tam-lu(*)-u—ti(*)# [(m)x x x x x x]

(m)(d)15—ta-_su_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_gal_-szi [(m)x x x x x x x]

(m)_tu_—_dingir_-_mesz lu_(v)-[x x x x x x]

(m)(d)_pa_—_gi_ (m)mar-tu-[x (m)x x x x x]

(m)sa-la-ma—(d)_im_ [(m)x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Belet-ushur, NN,

Nabû-deni-epush, NN,

Ahu-immê, NN,

Tamlu-ti, NN,

Issar-taqqin, NN,

Nabû-ushabshi, NN,

Balatu-ilani, .

Nabû-ushallim, Martu..., NN,

Salama-Adad, NN,


The woman Beltu-ushur, NN, NN,

Nabû-deni-epush, NN, NN,

Ahi-immê, NN, NN,

Tamluti, NN, NN,

Issar-tariba, NN, NN,

Nabû-ushabshi, NN, NN,

Erba-ilani, NN, NN,

Nabû-ushallim, Martu', NN,

Salam-Adad, NN, NN,



(m)ha-an(*)#-ni-i(*)# sza(*) [x x x x x]

É 40 _a-sza-ga_ ina _sza uru_(*)#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Hannî of ...

An estate of 40 hectares of land in the town .


Hannî, ......;

an estate of 40 hectares of land in the city ...;



_pab 31 un_(*)#-_mesz sze-bar_ [x x x x x x]

É 40 _a-sza-ga_ ina _sza uru#_-[x x (m)x x x] ina _sza_-bi 17 1/2 _ma-na kug#_-[_ud ta igi mi_-x x x] _mi_-szA-kin-te sza _murub4#_—[_uru_ u-se-s,i(?)]

AI Translation

in all 31 people, barley rations .

An estate of 40 hectares of land in the town of ..., NN has bought it for 17 1/2 minas of silver from NN, the governess of the central city.


in all 31 persons, barley ..., an estate of 40 hectares of land in the city ... —

NN has released said property from NN, governess of the central city harem, for 17 and a half minas of silver.

P335946: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um] _na4_(*)#-_kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

s,u(*)-pur# (m)s,al-mu—_pab_-_mesz en a-sza sum_-ni

É 03 _ansze a-sza suhur lu_-sa(*)-ak(?)#-lu(*)-te [_suhur_] É# zi-ib-li _suhur_ (m)(d)_ku_(*)—_kam_-esz [x x x x x x] (m)da-a-di-i

[x x x x x x x] _a-sza_ ina _uru_-ku-lu-na(*)

[x x x x x x x x]+x# _uru_(*)-kal(*)-hi(*) [x x x x x x x x x x]+x#-_mesz_

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Shalmu-ahhe, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the sakklitu-priests, the bit ziglu, Marduk-eresh, NN, Dadî,

...... field in Kulluna

...... Calah


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Shalmu-ahhe, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining the simpletons, the manure house, and the estates of Marduk-eresh, NN and Dadî;

An estate of x hectares of land in Kuluna

...... Calah



[x x x x x x x x x x x]-ha(*)-a(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_-qur-bu-te

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _pab_-szu

_igi_(*) (m(*))(d(*))#[_pa_]-u(*)#-a _lu-arad_ sza _lu-gal_—_kasz-lul_

_igi_(*) (m(*))_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu-engar_—_kur igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir

_lu-engar_—_kur_-ma _igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz-szi _lu-engar_—_kur_ sza _uru_-me-ra

_iti-barag ud 28_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)(d)_utu_—_en_—_pab lu-gar-kur uru-a_r-zu-hi-na

AI Translation


Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, his brother.

Witness Nabû'a, servant of the chief cupbearer.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, palace farmer. Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi, palace farmer of Mera.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Shamash-belu-ushur, governor of Arzuhina.


Witness NN, mayor.

Witness NN, royal bodyguard.

Witness NN, his brother.

Witness Nabû'a, servant of the chief cupbearer.

Witness Ahu-la-amashi, palace farmer. Witness Nabû-nashir, also a palace farmer.

Witness Ahu-la-amashi, palace farmer from the town of Mera.

Month Nisan I, 28th day, eponym year of Shamash-belu-ushur, governor of Arzuhina.



_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—rém-a-ni _lu_(*)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-remanni, scribe.


Witness Nabû-remanni, scribe.

P335947: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



re(*)#-he(*)-te _nig-szid_-_mesz_ sza ina _igi_ (m)_gin#_-i

ina# _iti-kin_ u-bal-la ina(*) _uru_(*)-ar(*)-pad(*)-da(*)

AI Translation

The rest of the accounts are at the disposal of Kenî.

He shall bring it in Elul VI and bring it to Arpad.


The remainder of the accounts that are at the disposal of Kenî.

He shall bring in the month Elul VI and give them to the official of Nusku-sharru-ushur in Arpadda.



[szum]-ma# la _sum_-ni (m)bur—na-s,a-pa-a (m)kU-ub-ti-x# _lu_-x#+[x x] [(m)x]-te—(d)sze-rum _dumu_ (m)lu-bur—pi-i

AI Translation

Bur-Nashappâ, Kubti..., ...te-Sherum, son of Lubur-pî,


If he does not pay, Bur-nashabâ, Kubti ..., ..., ...te-Sher, son of Lubur-pî, the guarantors of Sher-idri, shall pay in full these accounts to Nusku-sharru-ushur in Nineveh.



[sza kar-mu]-ni _nig-szid_-_mesz_ an-nu-te u-szal-lam

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_ lim-mu (m)30—_man_—_pab a-ba_—_kur_(*)# [x x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Those accounts are completed.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur, palace scribe.


The one who is present shall pay these accounts in full.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Sin-sharru-ushur, palace scribe.

P335948: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur]-szu isz-kun(?)#

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.



[x _ma-na_] _kug#-ud 01 ma-na kug_-[_gi_] [ina bur]-ki# (d)_nin-gal gar_-an [x] _ansze#-kur-ra babbar_-_mesz_ ina _gir-2_ (d)30# [sza] _uru-kaskal_ i-ra-kas [kas]-pu# a-na 10-a-_mesz_ ana _en_-szu _gur_-Ar [ina] de#-ni-szu i-da-bu-bu-ma [o] la# i-la-qi

[_igi_] (m)10—ka-bar _igi_ (m)10—ia-ba

[_igi_ (m)]a-zar-ri _igi_ (m)ma-ti—_gin_

[_igi_ (m)]se-e'—im-me

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#—se-e'

[_igi_ (m)x]-ti-a

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi_ (m)ba-na-a

[x x x x x x x]-nu

AI Translation

shall place x minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Nikkal, shall tie x white horses at the feet of Sin of Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Adad-kabar. Witness Adad-iabâ.

Witness Zarru. Witness Mati-ken.

Witness Se'-imme.

Witness ...-Se'.

Witness ...tia.

Witness NN. Witness Banâ.


shall place x mina of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Nikkal, shall tie x white horses at the feet Sin of Harran, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Adda-kabar. Witness Adda-yaba.

Witness Azarri. Witness Mati-ken.

Witness Se'-imme.

Witness ...-Se'.

Witness ...tia.

Witness NN. Witness Banaya.




[x x x x x x]+x#-se-e

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# _a-ba_

AI Translation


Witness NN, scribe.



Witness NN, scribe.

P335949: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um] _na4-kiszib#_-[szu] s,u-pur-szu isz-kun

s,u-[pur] (m)(d)_im_(*)#-i _en a-sza sum#_-ni

8(ban2) _a-sza_ ina [_uru-sze_]—É—bala-t,i# _suhur a-sza_ sza# (m)ga-gi-i _suhur a-sza_ [sza] (m)(d)_utu_—_ba_-szA

6(ban2) _a-sza_ [_suhur_] _kaskal# uru_-kar—(d)15 _suhur a-sza_ [sza] (m)(d)_im_-i _suhur_ [_a-sza_] sza# (m)(d)_utu_—_ba_-szA

3(ban2) _a-sza gisz-gu-za_ ina u-szal(*)-li _suhur_ (m(*))ga-gi-i _suhur_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ba_-szA

01 _ansze_ ina u-szal(*)-li _suhur a-sza_ sza [(m)(d)]_im_-i _suhur_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ba_-szA

03 _ansze a-sza_ ina mu-le-e# _suhur_ (m)(d)#_im_-i _suhur_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ba_-[szA]

_pab 05_(*) _ansze 2_(ban2) _a-sza_ É ad-ri _gisz-sar 06_(*)#-su(*) sza _pu_ ina _uru-sze_—ki-luh(*)-te(*)

[u]-pisz-ma (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_ [_ta_(v) _igi_] (m(*))(d(*))_im_(*)-i(*) ina _sza 01 ma-na_ [_kug_]-_ud_ [ina ma-né]-e(*)# sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis [il]-qi#

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Adad-na'id, owner of the land being sold.

8 decares of field in the village of Bit-Balati, adjoining the field of Gagî and the field of Shamash-iqisha,

6 decares of field adjoining the road to Kar-Issar, adjoining the field of Adad-na'id, adjoining the field of Shamash-iqisha,

3 decares of land, throne land in cultivation adjoining Gagî and Shamash-iqisha;

1 hectare in cultivation adjoining the field of Adad-na'id and Shamash-iqisha;

3 hectares of field in the village adjoining Adad-na'id and Shamash-iqisha;

in all 5 hectares 2 decares of field, an estate of adri, a garden of 6 hectares of water in the village of Kiluhte;

Nabû-sharru-ushur has contracted and bought them from Adad-na'id for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Addî, owner of the land being sold.

Eight decares of land in the village of Bit-balati, adjoining the fields of Gagî and Shamash-iqisha;

6 decares of land adjoining the road to Kar-Issar and the fields of Addî and Shamash-iqisha;

3 decares of throne land in a meadow adjoining Gagî and Shamash-iqisha;

1 hectare in a meadow adjoining the fields of Addî and Shamash-iqisha;

3 hectares of land on high ground adjoining Addî and Shamash-iqisha;

a total of 5 hectares and 2 decares of land, a house, a threshing floor, an orchard, and 1/6 of a well in the village of Kiluhte —

Nabû-sharru-ushur has contracted and bought said land from Addî for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.



[kas]-pu(*)# ga-am-[mur o] ta#-din _a-sza_ É ad-ru _gisz-sar_(*)# _pu_(*) szu-a-tu za-ar-pu laq(*)#-[qi]-u(*) tu-a-ru de-e-nu da-ba#-bu la-Asz-szu

man-nu [sza ina] ur-kisz ma-te-e-ma lu (m)(d)_im_(*)#-[i lu _dumu_]-_mesz_-szu mAm-ma-nu-szu sza(*) (_ta_(v)) (m)(d)_pa_—_man_(*)#—[_pab_] de-e-[nu] da-ba-bu ub-ta#-[u-ni i-gar-ru-u-ni] kas-pu a-na 10-_mesz_ a(*)-[na _en_-szu _gur_-ra] ina de-ni-szu _dug4_-[_dug4_-ma la] _ti_(*)#

_igi_ (m)ur-du [_lu-gisz_]-_gigir_—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m(*))ki-s,ir#—[(d)x] A(*) [(m)](d)_ku_(*)—_apin_(*)-esz(*)

_igi_ (m)(d)[x x]-sa A(*) (m)mar-da-ni

[_igi_ (m)ga]-gi#-i _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—_ba_-szA

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_(*)-ir(*) A (m)_en_—lu—_ti_

_igi_ (m)kal-bu A (m)_ad_(*)—szam-szi

_igi_ (m)e-da(*)#-a(*)-a _igi_(*) (m)ip(*)#-[par]-szi(*)#-du(*)

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ba_-szA-ni _uru_(*)-ki(*)-s,ir(*)-ta(*)-a-a#

_igi_ (m)_suhusz_(*)#—(d(*))07(*)#-_bi_ ina _iti-ne ud 10_-_kam_

[lim]-mu# (m)_en_—_man_-a-ni (m)(d)_pa_—dan-na-ka—_igi_

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. That field, house, threshing floor, garden and well are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether Adadi or his sons or relatives, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Urdu, horse trainer of the sha shepi guard.

Witness Kishir-..., son of Marduk-eresh.

Witness, son of Mardanu.

Witness Gagî. Witness Shamash-iqisha.

Witness Nabû-nashir, son of Bel-lu-balat.

Witness Kalbu, son of Abu-shamshi.

Witness Edâ. Witness Ipparshidu.

Witness Nabû-iqishanni, from Kishirtu.

Witness Ubru-Sebetti. Month Ab V, 10th day.

Eponym year of Bel-sharrani. Nabû-danka-lamur.


The money is paid completely. That land, house, threshing floor, orchard, and well are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever, in the future, at any time, whether Addî, or his sons or relatives, seeks and starts a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur, shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Urdu, groom of the sha shepi guard.

Witness Kishir-.... Witness Marduk-eresh.

Witness, son of Mardanu.

Witness Gagî. Witness Shamash-iqisha.

Witness Nabû-nashir, son of Bel-lu-balat.

Witness Kalbu, son of Abu-shamshi.

Witness Edayu. Witness Ipparshidu.

Witness Nabû-iqishanni from Kishirtu. Witness Ubru-Sebetti.

Month Ab V, 10th day, eponym year of Bel-sharrani.

Nabû-dannaka-lamur, scribe.

P335950: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



(m)_ka-kug_—lu-nu _mi_-szu _dumu_-szu _pab 03 zi_-_mesz_

_gisz-sar_ zaq-pu sza til-lit-ti

_suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)asz-szur—_dingir_-a-a

_suhur gisz-sar_ sza (m)_pab_—_bad_

_suhur sila suhur uru_ É 02 _ansze a-sza_

qa-ni _uru_ ku-tal _uru_-[x x]-kin

_suhur kaskal_ sza _ta_(v) _uru-sze_—[(m)x]+x#-du-ni a-na _uru_-ar-ma-a-a [o] _du_-u-ni

[x x] za da [x]+x# [x] sza a-na _sza_(?)-bi(?)

[x x x x x x x]-am u-sal-li [x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Kubabu-lunu, his wife and son, a total of 3 persons;

A vineyard of the complete vineyard.

adjoining the garden of Ashur-ila'i,

adjoining the garden of Ahu-duri,

an estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining the street of the town of ..., adjoining the road of the city;

the centre of the city, behind the town ...kin;

adjoining the road which leads from the village of ...duni to the Arameans.

... ... which in

...... he sat down


Kubabu-lunu, his wife and his son, in all 3 persons,

and a planted vineyard,

adjoining the vineyard of Ashur-ila'i,

adjoining the vineyard of Ahu-duri,

adjoining a street, adjoining the city.

An estate of 2 hectares of land outside town, at the back of the town ...kin

adjoining the road that leads from the estate of ...duni to Aramean Town,


...... the meadow



[x] ina bur-ki(?) [(d)x x x x x]

[x x] ina _gir_(?) [x x x x x]

ina de-[ni-szu x x x x x]

kas-pu a-na [10-_mesz_-te a-na _en_]-szu# [_gur_]

_igi_ (m)[x x x x x x]-gab

_igi_ ((m))asz-szur—x#+[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)za-[ba4-ba4—x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—_bad_ [_lu_-szA]—_gir-2_

_igi_ (m)qa-x#+[x x]-i

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-mur

_igi_ (m)da-di-i

_igi_ (m)sza—[(d)]15—szu-nu

[x x x x x x]—_bad_ o(*)

[x x x x x x] x#+[x x]+x#

[x x x x x x]+x# [x]

[x x x x x] _uru_

[x x x x x]—_pab_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_—_kam_-esz _lu_(v)-_a-ba_

AI Translation

... in the lap of .

... at the foot .

in his lawsuit .

The money is paid completely. That ten-fold to its owner.

Witness ...gab.

Witness Ashur-.

Witness Zababa-.

Witness Ahu-duri, sha shepi guard.

Witness Qa....

Witness Ahu-lamur.

Witness Dadî.

Witness Sha-Issar-shunu.




...... city


Witness Nabû-eresh, scribe.


... in the lap of ......

... at the feet of ......

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

He shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness ...gab.

Witness Ashur-.......

Witness Zababa-....

Witness Ahi-duri, sha shepi guard.

Witness Qa...i.

Witness Ahu-lamur.

Witness Dadî.

Witness Sha-Issar-shunu.

Witness ...-duri



...... city

Witness ...ahhe

Witness Nabû-eresh, scribe



[x x x x] _mu 02_-_kam_

[x x x x x]-a-a

AI Translation

...... second year



... second year




[sza _a-sza_] szu#-a-tu _sze_-nu-sa-hi-szu la i-[na-su-hu]

[x x x]-_mesz_ ina il-ka#-szu-nu x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x x x x] _ku_ [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

He shall not return his straw rations to their place.

...s in their work .


of field in question its grain tax shall not be extracted,

...... and they shall not perform their labour duty,

...... shall have the usufruct of ...

P335951: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_numun_(*)—_gin en a-sza sum_-an-ni

É# 04 _ansze a-sza-ga_ [x] sza# (m)_numun_(*)—_gin_ ina _uru_-sa-ma-nu [o]

_suhur# kaskal_ sza _uru_-[x x]

_suhur# a-sza_ sza (m)[x x]

_suhur# uru_-e-[x x x x]

[x x] _kug-ud_ [x]-asz o(*)

[x x] _uru_-is-[x x]

[x x] _uru_-ia-[x x]+x# [x x x] x#+[x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Zeru-ukin, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 4 hectares of land ... belonging to Zeru-ukin, in Samanum;

adjoining the road of .

adjoining the field of NN,

adjoining the town of E...,

... silver ...

... the town of Is.

... Ya...


Seal of Zeru-ukin, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 4 hectares of land ... belonging to Zeru-ukin, in Samanu,

adjoining the road of ...,

adjoining the field of NN,

adjoining ...,

... silver ...

... Is...

... Ya...



[x (m)]_dug-ga_—s,il—[x x x]

szA-ki-ni 03(*) _mu_(*)-[_an-na_-_mesz_ x] 03 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ kar(*)#-[ap-hi] _pab 06 mu-an-na_-_mesz ku#_

[x x]+x# ina _ugu_ x x x#

a-na# 03 me-re-e-sze _ku_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir

_igi_ (m)_en_—_man_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)_bal_-u-a

_igi_ (m)be-li—_hal_-a-[ni]

_igi_ (m)ha-an-di-qu-[x]

_igi_ (m)(d)30(*)—I

_igi_ (m)(d)15—[x]+x-na-x-x#

AI Translation

... Tab-shill-.

... 3 years ... 3 years of strewn wool, in all 6 years of .

... concerning .

He shall pay 3 minas of silver.

Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Bel-sharru-ushur.

Witness: Ibû'a.

Witness Bel-shimanni.

Witness Handiqu.

Witness Sin-na'id.

Witness Issar-.


... Tab-shil-... is placed as a pledge.

He shall enjoy it for three crop years and 3 fallow years, in all 6 years.

... upon ....

He shall enjoy the usufruct of the field for three crop years.

Witness Nabû-nashir.

Witness Bel-sharru-ushur.

Witness Palû'a.

Witness Beli-ishmeanni.

Witness Handiqu....

Witness Sin-na'id.

Witness Issar-....



_iti-dul ud 07_-_kam_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_sig5_ x#-[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 7th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-damqu, .


Month Tishri VII, 7th day, eponym year of NN.

Witness Nabû-shallim, scribe.

P335952: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)mu-_lal_—_dingir en lu_ o(*)

(m)sza(*)—15—du(*)-bu(*) _arad_(*)-szu# o(*)

u-tap-pisz (m)_suhusz_—[x x x] _ta_(v) _igi_ (m)mu-_lal_—_dingir_ [o] ina _sza_-bi 20 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ i-zi-rip i-si-qi

kas-pu ga-mur ta-din

AI Translation

Seal of Mukin-ili, owner of the man.

Sha-Issar-dubbu, his servant,

Ubru-... has contracted and bought it from Mukin-ilu for 20 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely.


Seal of Mutaqqin-ilu, owner of the man.

Sha-Ishtar-dubbu, his servant —

Ubru-... has contracted, purchased, and bought him from Mutaqqin-ilu for 20 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



s,ib-tu ina 01 me _ud_-me

sa-Ar-tu ina kal _ud_-me man-nu# sza(*) ib(*)-bal-kAt-u-ni# kas(*)-pu(*) a#-na 10-_mesz_ ina _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_-ra] ina# de-ni-szu# _dug4-dug4_ la(*)# [_ti_]-qi(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x]-bi-si-i o(*)

[_igi_] (m)HÉ-_nun_(*)-a(*)-a(*) _lu_(v)-_gal_—ki-s,ir sza _lu_(v)-_gal_(*)—_sag_(*)#

[_igi_ (m)](d)30—_ad_—_pab lu_(v)-_i-du8_

[_igi_] (m)ku-lu-u'—15

_igi#_ (m)tar-di-ia(*)-a

_igi#_ (m)(d)15—_mu_—_gisz_

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa_—_ti-la_

AI Translation

Guaranteed against seizures of epilepsy for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Whoever breaks the contract shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...bisî.

Witness Nuhshaya, cohort commander of the chief eunuch.

Witness Sin-abu-ushur, porter.

Witness Kulum-Issar.

Witness Tardiya.

Witness Issar-shumu-leshir.

Witness Nabû-uballit.


Guaranteed against seizures for 100 days and against fraud forever.

Whoever transgresses shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall litigate in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...bisî.

Witness Nuhshaya, cohort commander of the chief eunuch.

Witness Sin-abu-ushur, porter.

Witness Kulu'-Issar.

Witness Tardiya.

Witness Issar-shumu-leshir.

Witness Nabû-uballit.



_igi#_ [(m)](d)_pa_—_su lu_(v)-_a-ba_

ina _mu-an-na 21_ (m)30—_pab_-_mesz_—_su man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-eriba, scribe.

In the 21st year Sennacherib, king of Assyria,


Witness Nabû-eriba, scribe.

In the 21st year of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.



_iti-sze_(*) _ud 20_(*)-_kam_(*) lim#-[mu (m)asz-szur]—_kalag_(*)#-ni(*)-a-ni x#+[x x x] x [x x x] x

03(*)# _ma-na_ [_urudu_-_mesz_ szA s,u]-pur#-szu

AI Translation

Month Adar XII, 20th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni, governor of .

3 minas of copper for his fingernail.


Month Adar XII, 20th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni, governor of Que.

3 minas of copper for his fingernail.

P335953: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib_ (m)(d)x#+[x x x] [_en_] _lu_ ta-da#-[ni]

[(m)x x] _arad_-szu (m)za-kir x#+[x x]

[(m)x]-bil(?) _lu#_-szA—_igi_—É(?)#-[_gal_] [ina _sza_] 1/2 _ma-na 05 gin kug-ud_

[is]-si-qi kas-pu [ga-mur] [ta-din] _lu_ szu-a-tu

AI Translation

Seal of NN, owner of the man being sold.

NN, his servant, Zakir ...,

...bil, palace superintendent, has contracted and bought for 1/2 mina 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Seal of ..., owner of the man being sold.

NN, his servant, Zakiru —

...bil, palace superintendent has contracted and bought for half mina 5 shekels of silver.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired.



[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu-gal_—[x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _lu_-szA—_gir-2_ [x]

AI Translation

Witness NN, chief .

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.


Witness NN, chief ....

Witness NN, sha shepi guard.



[x x x x x] _lu_(v)(?)-[x]

[_iti_-x] _ud 27_-_kam_

AI Translation

...... the ...

Month ..., 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.



Month ..., 27th day, eponym year of Bel-....

P335954: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x#+[x x]+x x#

[x x x x x x]+x#

[x x x x x x]—_zu_

[x x x x x x]-al

[x x x x ub]-ta-u-ni

[x x x x x]+x#-ba-ri

[x x x x x x]—_du_

[x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation





...... brought









...... seeks






[x x x x x x] ni _pab_ za a#

[x x x x x x]-ba

[x x x x x] ina _igi_ (m)ni-szu

[x x x x x]+x#

[x x x] _igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—A—_asz_

[x x x] _igi_ (m)man-nu—ki(?)—_uru_(*)-_sza_(*)—_uru_(*)

[x x x]+x# [x x x x x x]

AI Translation

...... all, ...


...... at the disposal of Nishu.


... Witness Shamash-aplu-iddina.

... Witness Mannu-ki-Libbali.





... at the disposal of Nishu.


.... Witness Shamash-aplu-iddina.

.... Witness Mannu-ki-Libbi-ali.


P335955: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x x] _dumu_ (m)a-is(?)-si

[x x x x x]+x# (m)a-ri-hi

[x x x] _dumu_ (m)na(?)-s,a(?)#-an-ni

[x x x]-i _lu-simug#_ [x x]

[x x x] _dumu_(*)# (m(*))(d(*))[x x x x]

[x x x x] x# (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation

......, son of Aissi;

...... Arihi

..., son of Nashani

...i, smith ...

..., son of NN

...... NN


..., son of Aissi,

... Arihi,

..., son of Nashanni,

...i, smith ...,

..., son of NN,

......, NN,

P335956: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu] s,u-pur-szu [isz-kun]

[s,u-pur (m)_arad_(?)—da]-ga#-na [_lu_-x x] [_en a-sza_] ta#-da-a-[ni]

[É x x x _suhur_] _kaskal uru_-kal-a-ha

[x x x x x x] _kur_(*)-s,u(*)-s,i(*)

[x x x x x] : (m)a-pa-a-a

[x x x x x] : (m)se-e'(*)—a-mu-ti

[x x x x x x]+x#-nu(*) _uru_(*)-ka-la-ha(*)

[x x x x x x] _a-sza_ sza (m)(d)_im_—_du_

[x x x x x] : : (m)(d(*))_masz_(*)-_masz_(*)—I

[x x x x x] 3(ban2) _a-sza_ ina ma-za-ru-u-te ($x$)

[(x x) u-pisz]-ma (m)pu-ta-[a]-a [_ta_(v) _igi_ (m)x x]+x x#-u-nu(*) [ina _sza_ x _ma-na kug-ud_] il(*)-qi

[kas-pu gam-mur ta]-din _a-sza_ szu-a-tu [za-rip la-qi] tu-a-ru#

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Urdu-dagana, ..., owner of the land being sold.

An estate of ... adjoining the road to Calah;

...... Shushi

...... ditto Apâ

...... ditto Se'-amuti

...... the town of Kalahha

...... field of Adad-ibni

...... ditto ditto Nergal-na'id

...... 3 decares of field in cultivation

Putaya has contracted and bought them from ...unu for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Urdu-Dagan, ..., owner of the land being sold.

An estate of ... adjoining the road to Calah.

...... Shushi

... ditto Apaya,

... ditto Se'-amuti.

...... Calah.

...... field of Adad-ibni,

... ditto ditto Nergal-na'di,

... 3 decares of field in cultivation —

Putaya has contracted and bought from ...unu for x minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina] ma#-te-ma

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN and his sons,


Whoever in the future, at any time, whether ...unu or ... or his superior or ... his brothers, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Putaya, whether his ... or his ...,



[01 _ma-na kug-ud luh_]-u 01 _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru [ina bur-ki] (d)_isz-tar_ szA# _uru_-ni(*)-[nu]-a [_gar_-an ina de]-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_ [la i]-laq(*)-qi kas-pu [ana 10-_mesz_-te ana] _en_-_mesz_-(szu) u-ta-ra

[_igi_ (m)]_arad_(*)#—(d)15(*) _igi_ (m)x x#—(d)15(*)

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]-a-a(*) [x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x x]+x# [x x x x x]

AI Translation

shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh, and shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Urdu-Issar. Witness ...-Issar.

Witness ...ayu, .

Witness NN, .


shall place one mina of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Urda-Issar. Witness ...-Issar.

Witness ...aya ...

Witness ......

P335957: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



s,u-pur# (m)bar-ru(*)#-qu _en a-sza_ o(*)

É 13(*)# _ansze a-sza_ ina _uru#_-al-li-i sza É _lu_(v)-tur-ta#-[ni] gab-di _mi-an-szar_(*)—[x x x x] gab-di (m)mi-nu—ah#-[t,i—ana—_dingir_] gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)[x x x]—_dingir_(*) gab-di _a-sza_ sza (m)da-gan—_nam lu_(v)-_gal_—_gisz_(*)-_sar_(*)# _a-sza kaskal gisz-apin_-_mesz_-te

u-pisz#-ma (m)mu(?)-ad(*)#-di-i [ina] _sza_-bi 30(*) _ma_-[_na_] _urudu_-_mesz_ il-qi

[kas]-pu ga#-[mur ta]-din _a-sza_ za-rip la-qi

[tu-a-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la]-Asz(*)#-szu man#-nu szA ina ur-kisz

AI Translation

Fingernail of Barruqu, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 13 hectares of land in the town of Allî of the village of the commander-in-chief, adjoining Ashur-..., Minu-ahti-ana-ili, NN-ili, Dagan-nam, chief gardener, field, road and plows;

Muaddî has contracted and bought him for 30 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. The field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,


Fingernail of Barruqu, owner of the land.

An estate of 13 hectares of land in the city of Allî of the domain of the commander-in-chief, adjoining the woman Ashur-..., Minu-ahti-ana-ili, and the fields of ...-ilu and Dagan-shimti, manager of the garden, field, road and the plows —

Muaddî has contracted and bought said property for 30 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. The land is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future ...



_igi#_ [(m)x x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_ka-dingir_-[a-a _lu_-x x x]

_igi_ (m)mi-nu—ah-t,i—[ana—_dingir_] _be_(*) _am_(*)

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_pab_-_mesz_(*)# _lu-sag_

_igi_ (m)zi-ba(*)-a-te _lu_-ha-za-a-nu

_igi_ (m)rém-a-ni—_dingir igi_ (m)(d)30—I

_igi_ (m)_pab_—i-tab-szi _igi_ (m)dam(?)#-qi(*)-i(*)#

_igi_ (m)ki-nu-u-a _igi_ (m)mu-lu-bu(*)

_igi_ (m)ku-ku-lu _igi_ (m)ku#-lu(*)-lu(*)

_igi_ (m)_en_—_mu_—_asz_(*) _lu-a-ba_

_iti-ab ud 17_(*)-_kam_

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Babilayu, .

Witness Minu-ahti-ana-ili, scribe.

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe, eunuch.

Witness Zibate, mayor.

Witness Remanni-ilu. Witness Sin-na'id.

Witness Ahu-itabshi. Witness Damqî.

Witness Kinua. Witness Mullubu.

Witness Kukulu. Witness Kuululu.

Witness Bel-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Month Tebet X, 17th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness .......

Witness Babilayu, ....

Witness Minu-ahti-ana-ili, ....

Witness Mannu-ki-ahi, eunuch.

Witness Zibate, mayor.

Witness Remanni-ilu. Witness Sin-na'id.

Witness Ahu-ittabshi. Witness Damqî.

Witness Kinua. Witness Mullu-abu.

Witness Kukulu. Witness Kullulu.

Witness Bel-shumu-iddina, scribe.

Month Tebet, 17th day, eponym year of Liphur-ilu.

P335958: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _ma_]-_na urudu_-_mesz_ sza (m)ur-da-a

[ina _igi_ (m)]man-nu—ki-i—(d)15 É 01 _ansze 5_(ban2)(?)# É(*)# 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) ina _sag_(*) ka-pi É x#+[x] É(*)# 01 _ansze_ ku-ri-bat(*) ina _ugu_ na-[hal-li]

AI Translation

x minas of copper belonging to Urdâ.

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of land, an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares at the head of the wadi, an estate of ..., an estate of 1 hectare of cultivated land on the wadi;


x minas of copper belonging to Urdâ, at the disposal of Mannu-ki-Issar.

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares of land, an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares on top of the river bank, an estate of x..., and an estate of 1 hectare of plowed field on the wadi



[_igi_ (m)x]+x#—_pab igi_ [(m)x x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]szum-mu—_dingir_-a-a _igi#_ (m(*))_numun_-[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x]—ma(*)-di(*) _igi_ (m)ur(*)-du(*) (_igi_(*)) (m)di(*)-di(*)

[_igi_ (m)x]-qu-ra-a _igi_ (m)ti(*)-ka-la

[_igi_ (m)]_ad_(*)#—_su igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—_gisz lu-a_-[_ba_]

[_iti_-x _ud_-x]+x# lim-me (m)_sum_-na—_pab_-_mesz_(*)#

AI Translation

Witness ...-ushur. Witness NN.

Witness Shumma-ila'i. Witness Zeru-.

Witness ...-madi. Witness Urdu. Witness Dadi.

Witness ...qurâ. Witness Tikala.

Witness Abi-eriba. Witness Nabû-shumu-leshir, scribe.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.


Witness ...-nashir. Witness NN.

Witness Shumma-ila'i. Witness Zeru....

Witness Il-madi. Witness Urdû. Witness Didi.

Witness ...qurâ. Witness Tikala.

Witness Abu-eriba. Witness Nabû-shumu-leshir, scribe.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.

P335959: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku]-um# _na4-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu

isz#-kun s,u-pur (m)(d)_pa_—_hal_-ni _en a-sza sum_-na

É 03 _ansze 8_(ban2) _a-sza suhur_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_apin_-esz szi-di _pa-barag_(?)-_ga_(*)# _suhur_ (m)gir—s,a-pu-nu _suhur_ (m)x#+[x x]

[É x] _ansze suhur kaskal gisz-a_-(_tu_)-_gab_-[_lisz_(*)] [x x x] _suhur_ (m)(d)_pa_—sze(*)-zib(*)-[an-ni] [u-pisz-ma (m)(d)]_pa_(?)#—[x]—_asz_(?)#

[ina _sza_ x _gu_]-_un_(*) 07(*) _ma_(*)#-_na urudu_-_mesz_

[il]-qi(*) kas(*)-pu(*) ga-am-ru [ta-din] A(*)-_sza_ szu-a-tu [za]-rip(*)# laq-qi(*)

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Nabû-shimanni, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares 8 decares of land adjoining Marduk-eresh, adjoining the quay wall, Gir-shapunu, and NN;

An estate of x hectares adjoining the road of the ...-boat and Nabû-shezibanni —

... talents 7 minas of copper

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Nabû-shimanni, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 3 hectares 8 decares of land adjoining Marduk-eresh, alongside the canal of the shrine, and adjoining Giri-Shapunu and ...;

an estate of x hectares adjoining the road of the poplar grove, ... and Nabû-shezibanni —

Nabû-...-iddina has contracted and bought said property for x talents and 7 minas of copper.

The money is paid completely. That land is acquired and purchased.



[man-nu] sza# de-e-ni _dug4-dug4_ [ub-ta-u-ni] sza(*)# ina ur-kisz [ina ma-te-ma i]-_gil_(*)#-u-ni

[i-qab-bu-u-ni] ma(*)#-a(*) _a-sza_ [la za-rip la laq-qi]

[_igi_ (m)man]-nu(*)#—ki—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_(*)# (m(*))_apin_-esz—(d)15

_igi_ (m)_ad_—_su_

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_pab_-ir 04 _lu_(v)-mu-szar-kis-_mesz_-ni

_igi_(*)# (m)_su_—_pab_-_mesz lu_(v)-_gal_—_kad_-ri

_igi_(*) (m(*))_en_—_man_—_pab lu_(v)-_engar_—É-_gal_

_igi_ (m)#e-s,i-di-a-a :-

[_igi_ (m)(d)]_pa_(*)#—_pab_(*)-ir :-

[_iti_-x] _ud 27_-_kam_

AI Translation

Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation, who in the future, at any time, breaks the contract, shall pay x minas of silver.

"The field is not purchased and acquired."

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Eresh-Issar.

Witness Abi-eriba.

Witness Nergal-nashir, 4 recruitment officers.

Witness Riba-ahhe, chief tailor.

Witness Bel-sharru-ushur, palace farmer.

Witness Eshidayu, ditto.

Witness Nabû-nashir, ditto.

Month ..., 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Whoever seeks a lawsuit or litigation and in the future, at any time, breaks the contract and says:

"The field is not acquired and bought" ....

Witness Mannu-ki-ahhe.

Witness Eresh-Issar.

Witness Abu-eriba.

Witness Nergal-nashir; 4 recruitment officers.

Witness Riba-ahhe, cohort commander.

Witness Bel-sharru-ushur, palace farmer.

Witness Eshidayu, ditto.

Witness Nabû-nashir, ditto.

Month ..., 27th day, eponym year of Shulmu-sharri, governor of Halziatbar.



_igi_(*) (m(*))(d)#[x]—_zalag_(*)-ir(*)#

AI Translation

Witness ...-nammir.


Witness ...-nammir, scribe.

P335960: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x]-ni(*)# [_en a-sza_]-_ga#_ ta-dan-ni

[É] 04 _ansze a-sza-ga_ ina _uru_-du-ni [x x]+x# mi-szil bu-ri 05(*)-su(*) sza bu-ri

[u]-pisz#-ma (m)asz-szur—A—_pab_ ina _sza_-bi [x _ma_]-_na_(*) _kug_(*)#-[_ud_] sza(*) _lugal_(*) _ti_(*)-qi(*)#

AI Translation

Seal of, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 4 hectares of land in Duni, ... half of the crop, 5 hectares of the crop,

Ashur-aplu-ushur has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.


Seal of, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 4 hectares of land in the town of Dunnu; ... 1/2 of a well; 1/5 of a well —

Ashur-aplu-ushur has contracted and bought it for x minas of silver by the mina of the king.



[_igi_ (m)(d)x]+x#—_sum_(*)-na(*) (m)#_arad_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

[_igi_ (m)](d)#_ag_(*)—I(*) (m(*))(d)_pa_—_pab_-ir _lu_(v)-_engar_—_kur_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-szi(*) _uru_-me-ra-a-a

[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam#_ [lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_zu_] _gar-kur uru_-arba-il

[_igi_ (m)x x x x _lu_(v)]-A(*)-_ba_(*)#

AI Translation

Witness ...-iddina. Urdu-ahheshu.

Witness Nabû-na'id, Nabû-nashir, palace farmer.

Witness ...shi, from Mera.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-le'i, governor of Arbela 645.

Witness NN, scribe.


Witness Shamash-iddina. Urda-ahheshu.

Witness Nabû-na'id. Witness Nabû-nashir, palace farmer.

Witness NN, from the town of Mera.

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-le'i, governor of Arbela.

Witness NN, scribe.

P335961: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ku-um _na4-kiszib_-szu [s,u-pur-szu _gar_]

s,u-pur (m)u-paq [_en a-sza sum_-ni]

É 30 _ansze_ [_a-sza_ x x x] sza (m)_an-szar#_—[x x x u-pisz-ma]

(m)_en_—_kaskal#_—[_en_—_pab lu_-x x x] sza [x x x x x x x x] x#+[x (x)] ina _sza_(?)# [x x x x x x]

[É] szu-a-tu(*) za-rip laq#-[qi] tu-a-ru de-e-nu _dug4-dug4#_

la-a-szu man-nu szA ina ur-kisz ina mat-e-ma i-za-qu-pa-ni lu (m)u-[paq] lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu lu-u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu lu mAm-ma-nu-szu lu _lu_(v)-_gar_-szu lu _en_—il-ki-szu sza de-e-nu da-ba-bu _ta_(v) (m)_en_—_kaskal_—_en_—_pab_ lu(?) [_dumu_-szu] ub-ta-u-ni

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Upaq, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of land ... belonging to Ashur-... —

Bel-Harran-belu-ushur, ... of ......, is in .

That house is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Upaq or his sons, brothers or relatives, or his prefect or his labour-duty superior, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-Harran-belu-ushur or his son,


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Upaq, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 30 hectares of field ... of Ashur-... —

Bel-Harran-beli-ushur, ... of ... has contracted and bought it for .......

That estate is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Upaq or his sons or his brothers or any relative of his or his prefect or his labour-duty superior, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Bel-Harran-beli-ushur or his son

P335962: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x] ni [x x x x x x]

[lu-u _ta_(v)] _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu lu-u]

[x x x] ub-ta-[u-ni]

[x]+x# _ma-na kug-gi_ sak-ru# [ina bur-ki] (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi _gar_-an# [_sig_-ger-du] _ku_(*)# _dumu dug_-a-ga-ni kur-ru# [_nag_] [kas-pu ana] 10-_mesz_ ana _en_-szu _gur_-ra [ina de-ni-szu] i-dab-bu(*)-ma(*) [la] i(*)#-laq-qi

[_igi_ (m)x x x] _igi#_ (m)szi-ba-ni

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x# _lu_(v)-_gisz_-[_gigir_] sza A(?)—[_man_] [x x x x] di ad [x x]

AI Translation

or with his sons,

... they brought

shall place x minas of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, shall eat a red wool ..., and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN. Witness Shibanu.

Witness NN, horse trainer of the crown prince.



whether against his sons, or his ...

seeks ...

shall place x mina of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, shall eat plucked wool and drink a full agannu vessel of tanner's paste. He shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness NN. Witness Shibanu.

Witness NN, horse trainer of the crown prince.

P335963: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)ki-s,ir—(d)_pa a_ (m)gab-bu—ina(?)—_szu_(?)#-[2]—_dingir ta_(v)(*)# _sza uru_-qar-[x x]+x#-a-a _en g_ÉME [ta-da-ni]

AI Translation

Seal of Kishir-Nabû, son of Gabbu-ina-qat-ili, from Qar..., owner of the female slave being sold.


Seal of Kishir-Nabû, son of Gabbu-ina-qat-ili, from the town of Qar..., owner of the maid being sold.



[(x x x) _iti_-x] _ud 14_-_kam_ [(x x)] lim-me (m)asz-szur—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

Month ..., 14th day, eponym year of Ashur-shar-ahhe.


Month ..., 14th day, eponym year of Ashur-shar-ahhe.



[_igi_ (m)](d)_szu_—_pab_—_asz a-ba_

_igi_ (m)ba-lat,(?)—E

_igi_ (m)_igi_—(d)_szu_

AI Translation

Witness Marduk-ahu-iddina, scribe.

Witness Balassu-iqbi.

Witness Pan-Marduk.


Witness Marduk-ahu-iddina, scribe.

Witness Balat-iqbi.

Witness Pan-Marduk.

P335964: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[kas]-pu ga-mur [ta-din]

[x x]-at [x]+x x# [la]-qi tu-[a]-ru de-[e-nu] [_dug4_]-_dug4#_ [la]-Asz#-szu

AI Translation

The money is paid completely.

... will pay ...; he will pay back the money tenfold.


The money is paid completely.

...... purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.



[kas-pu a-na] 10(*)-_mesz_(*) [(x)] [ana _en_-_mesz_]-szu u(*)-ta(*)-ar(*)#

[de-in-szu _di-kud_] la# i-sza(*)-mu(*)#

[_igi_ (m)x]—U—_pab gal_—ki#-[s,ir]

[_igi_ (m)]ik-ka-ru(*) _gal#_—[x x]

_igi#_ (m)szA-gi-im _gal_—[x x]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_szu_—te-er _gal_—[ki-s,ir]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_masz_-i _gal#_—[x x]

[_igi_ (m)]bar-ruq# [_gal_—x x]

AI Translation

The money is paid completely. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness ...-belu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Ikkaru, chief .

Witness Shagim, chief .

Witness Marduk-ter, cohort commander.

Witness Inurtî, chief .

Witness Barruqu, chief .


he shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

The judge shall not heed his case.

Witness ...-belu-ushur, cohort commander.

Witness Ikkaru, chief ....

Witness Shagim, chief ....

Witness Marduk-ter, cohort commander.

Witness Inurtî, chief ....

Witness Barruqu, chief ....

P335965: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ku-um] _na4#-kiszib_-szu s,u-pur-szu isz-kun-nu

s,u#-pur (m)(d)_masz_-i _en a-sza sum_-ni

É 02 _ansze a-sza suhur a-sza_ sza(*) [x x x] _suhur kaskal_ sza ina _uru-igi-2_-_mesz du_-[u-ni]

É 01 _ansze 6_(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)man-[nu—ki—(d)_im_]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)_dug-ga_—d-_en_ É 01 [_ansze a-sza_] gab-di (m)te-ir-ri _suhur_ (m)_dingir_—x#+[x x x]

gab-di _kaskal edin_ É 01 _ansze#_ [_a-sza_] gab-di [x x]+x-zu# gab-di [x x x x x]

É 5(ban2) [A]-_sza_ ina na-hal sza [x x x x] _suhur_ (m)_te_-a-a _suhur_ (m)su-si-[i]

É 5(ban2)# [A]-_sza_ gab-di (m)_dug-ga_—d-_en#_

gab-[di (m)]su-si-i É 4(ban2) [_a-sza_ x x x x] gab-di (m)#(d)_utu_—_gin_—du-gul gab-[di x x x x]

[x x x x _gisz_]-_gu-za_-u _suhur_ (m)asz-szur—[x x x x x]

[x] x x x# É 4(ban2) x x x# gab#-di (m)(d)_pa_-u-a gab-di (m)_te_-a-a

É 03 _ansze a-sza suhur_ (m)su-si-i

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Inurtî, owner of the land being sold.

An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining the field of ... and the road that goes to the village of ...;

An estate of 1 hectare 6 decares of field adjoining Mannu-ki-Adad, adjoining the field of the king, my lord.

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining Terru, Ilu-..., adjoining the field of Tab-Bel, adjoining the road of the ...,

an estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining ...zu, adjoining .

An estate of 5 decares of field in the wadi of ... adjoining the estates of Shubayu and Susî,

An estate of 5 decares of field adjoining Tab-Bel;

an estate of 4 decares of field ... adjoining Shamash-kenu-dugul, adjoining ...,

...... throne, adjoining Ashur-...,

An estate of 4 decares of ... adjoining Nabû'a, adjoining Banaya,

An estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining Susî, adjoining the road of the city of Arbela.


Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Inurta-na'di, owner of the field being sold.

An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining the field of ... adjoining the road that leads to Enati.

An estate of 1 hectare 6 decares of field adjoining Mannu-ki-Adad, adjoining the field of Tab-bel.

An estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining Terri, adjoining NN, adjoining the steppe road.

An estate of 1 hectare of field adjoining ......, adjoining ....

An estate of 5 decares of field in the wadi of ... adjoining Sukki-Aya, adjoining Susî.

An estate of 5 decares of field adjoining Tab-Bel, adjoining Susî.

An estate of 4 decares of field ... adjoining Shamash-kenu-dugul, adjoining ...,

An estate of ... of throne land, adjoining Ashur-..., ....

An estate of 4 decares of ... adjoining Nabû'a, adjoining Sukki-Aya.

An estate of 3 hectares of land adjoining Susî, adjoining the field of Kur-ila'i, adjoining Etir-..., adjoining Nergal-sharru-ushur.



gab-di (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab_ É 2(ban2) _gisz-gu-za_-u

gab-di (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab_ É 6(ban2) _a-sza_ gab-di (m)man-nu—ki—(d)_im_

AI Translation

an estate of 2 decares of throne land adjoining Nergal-sharru-ushur;

an estate of 6 decares of field adjoining Mannu-ki-Adad, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord, and adjoining the field of the king, my lord


An estate of 2 decares of throne land adjoining Nergal-sharru-ushur.

An estate of 6 decares of field adjoining Mannu-ki-Adad, adjoining the side road of Bel-le'i.



_pab#_ É 11 _ansze a-sza_ ad-ru _gisz-sar gud_ ina _uru_-hu-[li]-i sza É _lu_(v)-tur-ta-ni

u-pisz-ma (m)_arad_—[(d)]_masz#_ ina _sza_-bi 02 [_ma-na kug-ud_]

[_ta_(v)] _igi#_ (m)(d)_masz_-i il#-qi kas-pu ga-mur# [ta]-din# _a-sza#_ szu-a-tu za-ri-ip la-a-[qi] tu-a#-[ru] de-e-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-[Asz-szu]

man-nu sza ina ur#-kisz ina ma-te-ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni lu-u (m)[(d)]_masz#_-i lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-[szu] _u# dumu_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu sza _ta_(v) [(m)]_arad#_—(d)_masz ta_(v) _dumu#_—_dumu_-_mesz_-szu [de-e-nu _dug4_]-_dug4_-bu ub-ta-u-ni

[x _ma-na kug-ud_] _luh#_-u 01 _ma_-[_na kug_]-_gi#_ sak-ru [ina bur-ki (d)]_masz_ a#-szib _uru_-kal#-[hi i-szA]-kan [02 _ansze-kur-ra babbar_-_mesz_] ina _gir-2_ asz-szur i-[rak-kas] [04 _ansze_-har-ba-kan]-ni ina _gir-2_ (d)_masz-masz_ [u-sze-rab] [kas]-pu a-na# [10-_mesz_-te a]-na _en_-szu _gur_ [ina de-ni-szu] _dug4#-dug4_ la# [i]-laq-[qi]

[_igi_] (m)asz-szur—_zu_ [x x x]+x x#+[x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]x x x# [x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Total, an estate of 11 hectares of land, a threshing floor, a garden, and an ox in Hullî of the estate of the commander-in-chief;

Urdu-Inurta has contracted and bought for 2 minas of silver.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Inurtî or his sons or grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Urdu-Inurta and his grandsons,

shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah, shall tie two white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ashur-le'i, .

Witness .......


In all, an estate of 11 hectares of land, threshing floor, and a garden of an ox in Hulî of the domain of the commander-in-chief —

Urdu-Inurta has contracted and bought for 2 minas of silver from Inurtî.

The money is paid completely. That field is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, breaks the contract whether Inurtî or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Urdu-Inurta and his grandsons,

shall place x minas of refined silver and one mina of pure gold in the lap of Inurta residing in Calah, shall tie 2 white horses to the feet of Ashur, shall bring four harbakannu horses to the feet of Nergal, and shall return the money tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Ashur-le'i, .......

Witness .......

P335966: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



01 _ma-na 04 gin kug-ud sag-du_ sza (m)bu-ra-qa-a ina _igi_ (m)_pab_—_ad_-u _lu_(v)-mu-qur-bu-te

_ud 30_-_kam_ sza(*) _iti-du6 kug-ud sum_ szum-mu la i-din 04 _gin kug-ud_ szA _iti_-szu

_gal_-bi# (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz en_—_szu-2_-_mesz_ szA _kug-ud_

AI Translation

One mina and four shekels of silver, capital, belonging to Buraqâ, at the disposal of Ahu-abu, royal bodyguard.

The silver shall increase by 4 shekels per month.

Nabû-ahu-iddina is the guarantor of the silver.


One mina and 4 shekels of silver, capital, belonging to Buraqâ, at the disposal of Ah-abu, royal bodyguard.

He shall pay the silver on the 30th day of the month of Tishri VII. If he does not pay, it shall increase 4 shekels per month.

Nabû-ahu-iddina is the guarantor of the silver.



_iti-dul_(*) _ud 20_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)gab-ba-ri

_igi_ (m)na-ni-i

_igi_ (m)(d)_gisz_—_gibil_—szak-szid(*)

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ka—se-e'

AI Translation

Month Tishri VII, 20th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.

Witness Nanî.

Witness Gilgamesh-emuranni-shakshid.

Witness Mannu-ka-Se'.


Month Tishri VII, 20th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.

Witness Nanî.

Witness Gilgamesh-edashu-shakshid.

Witness Mannu-ka-Se', goldsmith.

P335967: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)_pab_—_ad_-u _lu_(v)-qur-bu-te

01 _ma-na 04 1_/2 _gin kug-ud sag-du_ sza (m)bu-ra-qa-a ina _igi_ (m)_pab_—_ad_-u

_ud 30_-_kam_ szA _iti-du6 kug-ud sag-du_ (_sum_) szum-mu la i-din 04 _gin kug-ud_ szA _iti_-szu _gal_-bi

(m)(d)_pa_—_pab_—_asz en_—_szu-2_ szA _kug-ud_

_iti-du6 ud 20_-_kam_ lim-mu(*) (m)gab-ba-ri

AI Translation

Seal of Ahu-abu, royal bodyguard.

One mina and 4 1/2 shekels of silver, capital, belonging to Buraqâ, at the disposal of Ahu-abu.

The silver shall increase by a fourth on the 30th day of Tishri VII. If he does not pay, it shall increase by 4 shekels per month.

Nabû-ahu-iddina is the guarantor of the silver.

Month Tishri VII, 20th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.


Seal of Ah-abu, royal bodyguard.

One mina and 4 1/2 shekels of silver, capital, belonging to Buraqâ, at the disposal of Ah-abu.

He shall pay the silver in its original amount on the 30th day of the month of Tishri VII. If he does not pay, it shall increase 4 shekels of silver per month.

Nabû-ahu-iddina is the guarantor of the silver.

Month Tishri VII, 20th day, eponym year of Gabbaru.



_igi_ (m)na-ni-i _igi_ (m)(d)_gisz_—_gibil_—szak-szid(*)

_igi_ (m)#man-nu—ka—se-e' _lu_(v)-[_simug_]-_kug-gi_

[_igi_ (m)x]+x#-li-i

AI Translation

Witness Nanî. Witness Gilgamesh-apli-shakshid.

Witness Mannu-ka-Se', goldsmith.

Witness ...lî.


Witness Nanî. Witness Gilgamesh-edashu-shakshid.

Witness Mannu-ka-Se', goldsmith.

Witness ...lî.

P335968: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ [(m)x x x x] x# (m)(d)_pa_(*)—_kalag_-in-an-ni

_na4-kiszib#_ [x x x x x x x x]-a(*)

_ansze_-ku(*)#-[du-nu x x x x x x] x# _uru-sze_—x#+[x x x x x x x]-ri(*)#

szA _mi_-szA-kin-te(*) szA _uru_-kal-zi ina _igi_-_mesz_-szu-nu

_iti-apin_ lim-mu (m)szA—(d)_im_—a-ni-nu

_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki-i—_uru_-arba-il

AI Translation

Seal of NN, seal of Nabû-da''inanni,

Seal of ...a,

The mules ...... the village of ......ri

of the governess of Kilizi, at their disposal.

Month Marchesvan VIII, eponym year of Sha-Adad-aninu.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.


Seal of NN, seal of Nabû-da'inanni,

seal of NN .......

A mule, ........., the village of ......,

belonging to the governess of the harem of Kilizi, at their disposal.

Month Marchesvan VIII, eponym year of Sha-Adad-aninu.

Witness Mannu-ki-Arbail.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_mu_—isz-kun _lu-a-ba_

_igi_ (m)ina—_im_—asz-szur—_du_-ak _lu-gal_—mug(*)-gi

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe.

Witness Ina-shar-Ashur-ibni, chief mugi.


Witness Nabû-shumu-ishkun, scribe.

Witness Ina-shar-Ashur-allak, rab mugi.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—de-ni#—a-mur _lu-2_-u

_igi_ (m)ma-mi-i

_igi_ (m)qur-di—(d)15 _lu-gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ

_igi_ (m)ha—ba-Asz-ti-i

_igi_ (m)Ar-ze-e-zu

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u8-a _lu-gal_—_ka-k_ÉSZ

_igi_ (m)HÉ-_nun_-a-a _lu-i-du8_

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-deni-amur, deputy.

Witness Mamî.

Witness Qurdi-Issar, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Arzezu.

Witness Nabû'a, cohort commander.

Witness: Nunayu, porter.


Witness Nabû-deni-amur, deputy.

Witness Mamî.

Witness Qurdi-Issar, cohort commander.

Witness Habasti.

Witness Arzezu.

Witness Nabû'a, cohort commander.

Witness Nuhshaya, porter.

P335969: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x]—15(*)

[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x]—15(*)

[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x x x x x x] x#

[_en_ x x x x x x x x x] _sum#_-[ni]

É# 10 _ansze a-sza ka_ ia-ar-ha# [o] [_suhur_] _kaskal_(*)-2(*) sza(*) _ta_(v)(*)# É—(m)_su_—_dingir_ [o] [a-na x x x x] il#-lak-u-ni# [x x x x x] sza# É sa-a(*)#-[x (x)] [x x x x x x x] x x x# [x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of ...-Issar,

Seal of ...-Issar,

Seal of NN, ...,

owner of the ... being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land, a gate, a threshing floor, adjoining the road which leads from Bit-Eriba-ilu to ..., ... of the house .


Seal of NN, son of ...-Issar;

Seal of NN, son of ...-Issar;

Seal of ......,

owners of the land ... being sold.

An estate of 10 hectares of land, a gate, a pool, adjoining the road which leads from Bet-Eriba-ilu to ..., adjoining the ... of the ... house ....



man#-[nu sza ina ur-kisz ina] ma#-te-ma i-[za-qup-an-ni _gil_-u-ni] lu#-u _lu_-[_mesz_-e] an-nu#-[te lu-u _dumu_]-_mesz_-szu-nu [sza de-e-nu] _dug4-dug4#_ [_ta_(v) (m)]rém(*)#-a-ni—[(d)_im_] _dumu#_-_mesz_-szu# [_dumu_]-_dumu#_-_mesz_-szu ub-[ta-u-ni] kas(*)#-pu a-na 10-_mesz#_-te a-na [_en_-_mesz_-szu]

[_gur_]-ra _igi_ (m)_iti-ab_-a-a _lu_-sar(*)#-[tin-nu]

[_igi_] (m)si-lim—asz-szur _lu-sukkal igi_ (m)[x x x x]+x#

[_igi_ (m)]sa(*)-si-i' _lu_-ha-za-an(*)#-nu

[_igi_ (m)](d)szA-masz—_lugal_—_pab lu-dib_—_kusz_-(_pa_)-_mesz_

[_igi_] (m)bar-ruq :- _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_kar igi_ (m)(d)30—rém-a(*)-ni(*)

[_igi_ (m)]sa#-ak(*)-kan(*) _lu_-: ((_dib_—_kusz_-_pa_-_mesz_)) _igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_numun_—_pab_

[_igi_ (m)]in#-na-an-ni _lu_-szA—_ugu_—_nina-ki_

[_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_su_] _lu#-02_-u _gal_—u-rat

[_igi_ (m)_pab_-u—a-mur] _lu#-gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_

[_igi_ (m)man-nu—ki—_kaskal_] _lu_-:- ((_gisz-gigir_—_du8_-_mesz_))

AI Translation

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and his grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Kanunayu, master builder.

Witness Silim-Ashur, vizier. Witness NN.

Witness Sasi', mayor.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Barruqu, ditto. Witness Nabû-etir. Witness Sin-remanni.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto. Witness Nabû-zeru-ushur.

Witness Innanni, overseer of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Ahû-amur, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, ditto.


Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint an breaks the contract, whether these men or their sons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Remanni-Adad, his sons and grandsons, shall return the money tenfold to its owner.

Witness Kanunayu, sartinnu.

Witness Silim-Ashur, vizier.

Witness Sasî, mayor.

Witness Shamash-sharru-ushur, chariot driver.

Witness Barruqu, ditto. Witness Nabû-etir. Witness Sin-remanni.

Witness Sakkannu, ditto. Witness Nabû-zeru-ushur.

Witness Innanni, superintendent of Nineveh.

Witness Nabû-eriba, deputy team-commander.

Witness Ahu-amur, horse trainer of the open chariotry.

Witness Mannu-ki-Harran, ditto.

P335970: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



40(*) _ma-na urudu_-_mesz_ sza (m)kur—_dingir_-a-a ina _igi_ (m)qi-bit—15

a-na 03-si-szu-nu _gal_-u

_iti-gud ud 16_-_kam_ lim-me (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-in-an-ni

AI Translation

40 minas of copper belonging to Kur-ila'i, at the disposal of Qibit-Issar.

They are yearly increasing by a third.

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.


40 minas of copper belonging to Kur-ila'i, at the disposal of Qibit-Issar.

It will increase by a third.

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.



_igi_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_

_igi_ (m)_u-u_(*)—bu-nu

_igi_ (m)si-na-a

_igi_ (m)ta-bal-a-a

AI Translation

Witness Abi-ul-le'i.

Witness Dadi-bunu.

Witness Sinâ.

Witness Tabalayu.


Witness Abi-ul-idi.

Witness Dadi-bunu.

Witness Sinâ.

Witness Tabalayu.

P335971: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[a-na 03]-si-szu#-nu _gal_-[u]

_iti-gud ud 16_-_kam_ lim#-me (m)asz-szur—_kalag_-in-an-ni

AI Translation

They shall increase by a third.

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.


will increase by a third.

Month Iyyar II, 16th day, eponym year of Ashur-da''inanni.



_igi#_ (m)_ad_—ul—_zu_

_igi#_ (m)_u-u_(*)—bu-nu

_igi#_ (m)si-na-a

[_igi_] (m)ta-bal-a-[a]

[_igi_ (m)](d)_pa_—rém-a-ni

AI Translation

Witness Abi-ul-le'i.

Witness Dadi-bunu.

Witness Sinâ.

Witness Tabalayu.

Witness Nabû-remanni.


Witness Abi-ul-idi.

Witness Dadi-bunu.

Witness Sinâ.

Witness Tabalayu.

Witness Nabû-remanni.

P335972: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)(d)[asz-szur—_asz_]

01 _ma-na kug-ud sag_(?)#-[_du_] sza (m)_dug_—_im_—asz-szur# ina _igi_ (m)asz-szur—_asz_

_kug-ud_ a-na 04-ut-ti-szu i-rab-bi

AI Translation

Seal of Ashur-iddina,

One mina of silver, capital, belonging to Tab-shar-Ashur, at the disposal of Ashur-iddina.

The silver shall increase by a fourth.


Seal of Ashur-iddina.

One mina of silver, capital, belonging to Tab-shar-Ashur, at the disposal of Ashur-iddina.

The silver shall increase by a fourth.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a

_igi_ (m)_u-u_(*)—iq-bi

AI Translation

Witness Nabû'a.

Witness Dadi-iqbi.


Witness Nabû'a.

Witness Dadi-iqbi.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—na(*)-din(*)#—_pab_-_mesz_

_igi_ (m)ha-bur—(d)15

_igi_ (m)(d)30—I

_igi_ (m)[(d)]U(*)-_gur_(*)#—_pab_—_pab_

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa#_—_pab_—x#+[x]

_iti-dul ud 11_-_kam#_ lim-me (m)a-u(*)#-[ia-nu]

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Habur-Issar.

Witness Sin-na'id.

Witness Nergal-ahu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-ahu-.

Month Tishri VII, 11th day, eponym year of Auianu.


Witness Nabû-nadin-ahhe.

Witness Habur-Issar.

Witness Sin-na'id.

Witness Inurta-ahu-ushur.

Witness Nabû-ahu-....

Month Tishri VII, 11th day, eponym year of Auianu,



_igi_ (m)ud-[x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ud....


Witness Ud....



_igi_ (m)_bad_(*)—10(*)

AI Translation

Witness Duri-Adad.


Witness Dur-Adad.

P335973: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



15 _gin_-_mesz kug-ud_ sza (d)15 sza _uru_-arba#-[il] sza (m)_zalag_—(d)szA-masz ina _igi_ (m)_bad_—asz-szur ina _igi_ (m)_uru_-arba-il-a-a ina _igi_ (m)kur—_dingir_-a-a

AI Translation

15 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Arbela belonging to Nur-Shamash, at the disposal of Dur-Ashur, at the disposal of Arbailayu, at the disposal of Kur-ila'i.


15 shekels of silver of Ishtar of Arbela, belonging to Nur-Shamash, at the disposal of Duri-Ashur, at the disposal of Arbailayu, at the disposal of Kur-ila'i, from the estate of Azhula.



ku-um ru-bé-e

AI Translation

Instead of the king, my lord,


In lieu of interest Shulmu-mat-Ashur, his son, is placed as a pledge for 3 years.



_be zah_ ina _ugu en_-_mesz_-szu

ina _ud_-me _dumu mu-an-na_-_mesz_-szu u-szal-lam-u-ni _kug-ud sum_-an _dumu_-szu u-sze-s,a

_igi_ (m)_im-04_-i (m)asz-szur—x#+[x x]

AI Translation

The 'station' is over his lords.

On the day he completes his years, he shall pay the silver, and shall redeem his son.

Witness Adad-na'id, Ashur-.


If he dies or flees, the responsibility is upon his owner.

On the day the son completes his years, he shall pay the silver in full, and redeem his son.

Witness Amurrî, Ashur-...,.



_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—sa-kip(?)

_igi_ (m)15—_mu_—_asz_

_igi_ (m)mar-dan-nu

AI Translation

Witness Nabû-sakip.

Witness Issar-shumu-iddina.

Witness: Mardanni.


Witness Nabû-sakip.

Witness Issar-shumu-iddina.

Witness Mardannu.



_iti_-[x] lim-mu

AI Translation

Month ..., eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., eponym year of Zababa-eriba.

P335974: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ (m)(d)_pa_—s,al-li _szesz_-szu sza (m)ha-za—_dingir_

_na4-kiszib mi_-ri-szA-o(*)—_ad_-szA _mi-nu-kusz-u_

sza (m)ha-za—_dingir pab 02 lu_-_mesz_-e _arad_-_mesz_-ni sza _gaszan_—É sza _dumu_—_man en lu sum_-ni

(m)mar—su-ri _arad_-szu-nu sza _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te u-pisz-ma

(m)_dingir_—_pab arad_ sza _dumu_—_lugal uru_-il(*)-lat(*)-a-a _ta_(v) pa-an _lu_-_mesz_-e an-nu-te ina _sza 01 ma-na kug-ud_ ina ma-né-e sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis il-qi

kas-pu gam#-mur ta-din _lu_ szu-a-tu za-rip la-qi tu-a-ru de-e-nu

_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu man-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma i-za-qu-pa-a-ni(*)# lu-u (m)(d)_pa_—s,al-li lu-u _mi_-ri#-[szA]—_ad#_-szA lu-u o(*) _dumu_-_mesz#_-szu-nu lu-u _pab#_-[_mesz_-szu-nu] lu-u _lu-gar_-nu-szu-nu lu-[u x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Nabû-shalli, brother of Haza-ilu.

Seal of Rishâ-abushu, chariot driver.

Total 2 men, servants of the Lady of the House of the crown prince, owners of the man being sold.

Mar-suri, servant of these gentlemen, has contracted and bought them for x minas of silver.

Ilu-ushur, servant of the crown prince of the city Illati, has contracted and bought them from these men for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-shalli or Risha-abushu or their sons or brothers or their prefect or ......,


Seal of Nabû-shalli, brother of Hazail,

seal of Risha-abisha, widow of Hazail,

a total of 2 gentlemen, servants of the lady of the house of the crown prince, owners of the man being sold.

Mar-suri, servant of these gentlemen —

Ilu-ishshur, servant of the crown prince, from the town of Illat, has contracted and bought him from these gentlemen for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. That man is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-shalli or Risha-abisha, or their sons or brothers, or their prefect, ..., labour-duty superior or ...,



sza# _ta_(v) (m)_dingir_—_pab u dumu#_-[_mesz_-szu] de-nu _dug4-dug4_ ub-ta#-[u-ni] 02 _ma-na kug-ud_ e-s,ip _sum_-an# _lu_ u-sze-as, ina de-ni-szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_-qi

_igi_ (m)_arad_—(d)_pa lu-muszen-du_

_igi_ (m)_ad_—_pab lu_-:

_igi_ (m)s,al-mu—_pab_-_mesz lu-gisz-gigir_

_igi_ (m)_di-kud_—kur-ba-il _lu_-kal-la-bu

_igi_ (m)qu-qu-u-a# _lu_-kal-la-bu

_igi_ (m)da-u-li-i _lu_-:

_igi_ (m)mi-nu—_du_—_dingir lu-gisz-gigir_

_igi_ (m)di-lil—(d)15 _lu-a-ba dib im_

_iti-barag ud 10_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)da-na-nu _lu-gar-kur uru_-man-s,u-_mesz_

ina tar-is, (m)asz-szur—_pab_—_sum_-na _lugal kur_—asz-szur-_ki_

AI Translation

He who seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ilu-ushur and his sons shall pay two minas of silver. The man shall redeem the man. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Urdu-Nabû, bird-watcher.

Witness Abi-ushur, ditto.

Witness Shalmu-ahhe, horse trainer.

Witness Dayyan-Kurbail, kallapu.

Witness Ququ'a, kallapu.

Witness: Daulî, ditto.

Witness Minu-bani-ilu, horse trainer.

Witness Dilil-Issar, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Nisan I, 10th day, eponym year of Dananu, governor of Manshumes.

in the presence of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.


and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Ilu-ishshur and his sons, shall pay the double amount of two minas of silver to redeem the man. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

Witness Urda-Nabû, fowler.

Witness Abu-ushur, ditto.

Witness Shalmu-ahhe, horse trainer.

Witness Dayyan-Kurbail, outrider.

Witness Ququ'a, outrider.

Witness Daulî, ditto.

Witness Minu-epush-ili, horse trainer.

Witness Dilil-Issar, scribe, keeper of the tablet.

Month Nisan I, 10th day, eponym year of Dananu, governor of Manshuati.

Purchased in the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

P335975: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



ku-um# [_na4-kiszib_-szu-nu s,u-pur-szu-nu]

isz-kun#-[nu s,u-pur (m)x x x x] s,u-pur [(m)x x x x x] _pab 02 lu#_-[_mesz_-e _en a-sza sum_]

É _ban_ tab-ri-e# [x x x x x] sza (m)isz(*)-mu(*)-x#+[x x x x x x]

u-pisz-ma o(*) (m)_di#_-[mu—_man_ x x x] ina _sza 1_/2 _ma-na kug_-[_ud_ x x x]

il-qi kas-pu ga#-[mur ta-din] ad-ru(*) szu-a-tu za-[ri-ip] la-qi-ta tu-a-[ru de-e-nu]

sza _dug4-dug4_ la-szu ma-nu sza ina ur-kisz ina ma-ti-ma lu-u _lu_-_mesz_ a-nu-te lu-u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu-nu sza _ta_(v) (m)_di#_-mu—_man_ u _dumu_-_mesz_-szu

AI Translation

Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernails.

Fingernail of NN, fingernail of NN, in all 2 men, owners of the field being sold.

An estate of a seah of figs ...... of Ishmu.

Shulmu-sharri, ..., has contracted and bought him for 1/2 mina of silver .

The money is paid completely. That threshing floor is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Shulmu-sharri and his sons, shall deposit 10 minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


Instead of their seals they impressed their fingernail.

Fingernail of NN, fingernail of NN, in all 2 men, owners of the field being sold.

An estate of 1 decare of grazing land ...... belonging to Ishmu... —

Shulmu-sharri, ... has contracted and bought it for 1/2 mina of silver ....

The money is paid completely. That threshing floor is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, whether these men or their sons, seeks a lawsuit against Shulmu-sharri and his sons,



01 _ma-na kug-ud 01 ma-na kug-gi_ a-na (d)_masz_ a-szib _uru_-kal-hi i-dan(an) 01 bi-lat _an-na_-_me_ a-na _lu_(v)-_en-nam uru_-szu i-dan(an)# kas-pu a-na 10-a-te a-na _en_-_mesz_-szu [_gur_]

_igi_ (m)(d)_utu_—rém-a-ni _lu_(v)#-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_im_—_dingir_-a-a [x x]

_igi_ (m)mar-du-ku _lu_(v)#-[x]

_igi_ (m)ha-na-na _uru_-[x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_i lu_(v)(?)-[x]

_igi_ (m)ku-la-a-a _lu_(v)#-[x]

lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_du_ x#+[x x] _lugal_ [x x x x x x] _iti-ab_ [_ud_ x-_kam_]

_igi_ (m)lu#-[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

shall give one mina of silver and one mina of gold to Ninurta residing in Calah, shall give one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Shamash-remanni, .

Witness Adad-ila'i, .

Witness Marduk, .

Witness Hanana, from .

Witness Marduk-na'id, .

Witness Kulayu, .

Eponym year of Ashur-ibni, ... of the king. Month Tebet X, day, eponym year of .

Witness Lu....


shall give one mina of silver and one mina of gold to Ninurta residing in Calah, shall give 1 one talent of tin to the governor of his city, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners.

Witness Shamash-remanni, ....

Witness Adad-ila'i, ....

Witness Marduku, ....

Witness Hananu, from ....

Witness Marduk-na'id, ....

Witness Kulaya, ....

Eponym year of Ashur-bani, ......, month Tebet X, day.

Witness Lu..., scribe.

P335976: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib#_ (m)_kur_(?)-ha(?)-sa#-a-a# _na4-kiszib#_ (m)_pab_-[u]-a—x x#

_en_ tab-ri-[u] ta(*)-da(*)#-a-[ni] ina _uru_-mu(*)-lu(*)-x#+[x] ina# [x x x]

É(*) 12(*)# _ansze_(*) A(*)#-[_sza_] [o]

[É] 02(?)# _ansze a-sza suhur_ na#-hal(*)-li# sza (m)ha-sa(?)#-a-a o(*) _suhur#_ [(m)]_dug-ga#_—_im_—sag(*)#-gi-il(*)

É# 01 _ansze suhur_ (m)_dug-ga_—_im_—sa(*)#-gi(*)-[il]

É# 01 _ansze suhur_ (m)(d)_im#_—rém-a-ni

É# 01 _ansze suhur kaskal_ sza na#-hal _uru-01_-te _suhur kaskal_ sza o(*) a-da#-ri

É 3(ban2) _suhur_ (m)_asz_—_pab_-[_mesz_]

_suhur kaskal_—_man_(*) É 4(ban2) ina x# [x x]+x# _suhur_ (m)_su_—(d)_im_ [o]

É 03 _ansze suhur_ na-hal-li

[É] 11(*) _ansze suhur_ (m)(d)_szu_—_apin_-esz

É 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) _suhur_ (m)_dug-ga_—_im_—sag-gi(*)-[il]

[x x x x]+x# É-_mesz_

AI Translation

Seal of Hashayu, seal of Ahu'a-...,

The owner of the tabriu is staying in ..., in the town of Mulu..., in .

an estate of 12 hectares of land

An estate of 2 hectares of land adjoining the wadi of Hasâ, and Tab-shar-Saggil;

An estate of 1 hectare adjoining Tab-shar-Saggil;

An estate of 1 hectare adjoining Adad-remanni;

An estate of 1 hectare adjoining the road of the wadi of Issete and the road to Adari;

an estate of 3 decares adjoining Iddin-ahhe;

an estate of 4 decares in ..., adjoining Eriba-Adad;

An estate of 3 hectares adjoining the wadi;

An estate of 11 hectares adjoining Marduk-eresh;

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares adjoining Tab-shar-Saggil;

...... houses


Seal of Hasayu, seal of Ahu'a-...,

owners of the tabriu being sold in the town Mulu... and in ....

An estate of 12 hectares of land;

an estate of 2 hectares of land, adjoining the wadi of Hasayu and Tab-shar-Saggil;

an estate of 1 hectare adjoining Tab-shar-Saggil;

an estate of 1 hectare adjoining Adad-remanni;

an estate of 1 hectare adjoining the road of the wadi of Issete and the road to Adari;

an estate of 3 decares adjoining Iddin-ahhe and the king's road;

an estate of 4 decares in ..., adjoining Eriba-Adad;

an estate of 3 hectares adjoining the wadi;

an estate of 11 hectares adjoining Marduk-eresh;

an estate of 1 hectare 5 decares adjoining Tab-shar-Saggil;

... houses adjoining Tab-shar-Saggil.



É 01 _ansze_(*)# 2(ban2) _suhur_ :- :- :-- ma _suhur_ (m)(d)_szu_—_apin_-esz

o(*) É 6(ban2)(*) bi(*) du(*) hi pi

É [x x x x x x]-da(*)-ti(*)

AI Translation

An estate of 1 hectare 2 decares adjoining ditto ditto, adjoining Marduk-eresh;

An estate of 6 decares of land, ...;

an estate of ......dati;


an estate of 1 hectares 2 decares adjoining ditto and Marduk-eresh;

an estate of 6 decares ......;

an estate of ... adjoining ...dati;



É 4(ban2) _suhur_(?)# :- :- :-- ma

É 4(ban2) x x x# [x]-bi-bi-na(*)

É 5(ban2) _a-sza uru-sze_—t,u-ba

É 4(ban2) _a-sza kaskal_ sza a-da-ri

É 6(ban2)-ma _kaskal_ sza _uru#_-a-me-di

É 8(ban2) qu(*)-ta(*)-nu(*) _suhur#_ (m)_su_—(d)_im suhur_ (m)(d)_szu_—_apin_-esz

É# 5(ban2) _suhur ka_(*) na(*)-hal(*)

_suhur#_ ku-su(*) É 3(ban2) tab-ri-u _suhur_(*)# pa(*)-gi(*) _suhur_ (m)ur-szu(*)-me(*) x x# _suhur_(*)# a(*)-da(*)-ri(*) sza (m)mar-da(*)#-[a(?)]

u#-pisz-ma (m)asz-szur—_asz_ [_ta_] _igi# lu_-_mesz_ a-nu-u-ti ina _sza_-bi 03 _ma-na 1_/2(*) _ma_(*) _kug-ud_ ina [ma]-né-e sza _uru_-gar-ga-mis il(*)-qi(*)

kas-[pu] ga-mur ta(*)#-di-ni _a-sza_ szu-nu-tu(*) kaq-[qi]-ri# pu-s,e-e za-rip# la-qi-u tu#-[a]-ru de-nu _dug4-dug4_ la-[szu]

man-nu sza# _gil_-ni(*) lu-u _lu_-_mesz_ an-nu-te _ta_(v) (m)asz-szur—_asz dumu_-[_mesz_]-szu de-nu(*)# _dug4-dug4#_ [ub-ta-u-ni] 10 _ma-na kug-ud_ i#-[dan] _a-sza_-szu u-sze-s,i

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_ad_—_pab# lu_(v)(*)-[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_dug-ga#_—_im_—sa(*)#-[gi-il x x x]-ki

AI Translation

an estate of 4 decares adjoining ditto ditto ditto,

an estate of 4 decares ...bibina;

an estate of 5 decares of land in the village of Tuba;

an estate of 4 decares of field on the road to Adari;

an estate of 6 decares, road to Amedu;

an estate of 8 decares of cultivated land adjoining Eriba-Adad and Marduk-eresh;

an estate of 5 decares adjoining the gate of the wadi;

an estate of 3 decares of land, a threshing floor, a paggi, a threshing floor of Urshume ..., and a threshing floor of Mardâ;

Ashur-iddina has contracted and bought them from these men for 3 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. Those fields, vacant lot and vacant lot are purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract, whether these men or Ashur-iddina or his sons, shall contest in his lawsuit and pay 10 minas of silver to redeem his field.

Witness Nabû-abu-ushur, .

Witness Tab-shar-sagil, .


an estate of 4 decares adjoining ditto;

an estate of 4 decares ......;

an estate of 5 decares of field in the village of Tuba;

an estate of 4 decares of field along the road to Adari;

an estate of 6 decares along the road to Amidi;

an estate of 8 decares, qutanu plot, adjoining Eriba-Adad and Marduk-eresh;

an estate of 5 decares adjoining the mouth of the wadi and the ...;

an estate of 3 decares, tabriu, adjoining the ..., Urshume ... and the threshing-floor of Mardâ —

Ashur-iddina has contracted and purchased said property from these gentlemen for 3 1/2 minas of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely. The said fields and vacant lot are acquired and purchased. Any revocation, lawsuit or litigation is void.

Whoever breaks the contract, whether these gentlemen or anyone, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation with Ashur-iddina and his sons, shall pay 10 minas of silver to redeem his field.

Witness Nabû-abu-ushur, ....

Witness Tab-shar-Saggil, ....



[_igi_] (m)x x x x# [x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)]x x x x# [x x x x x]

[_igi_ (m)x x x] A(*) [x x x x x]

_igi_ [(m)x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN, son of .

Witness NN.


Witness ... ....

Witness ... ....

Witness NN, son of NN.

Witness .......



[_igi_ (m)szA—la]—ma(*)#-sze(*)-e _lu_(v)(*)-x#+[x x] _igi_ (m)a-da-lal

[_igi_ (m)]x-pa(*)#-Asz(*)—tu(*)-a(*)-ri(*)# _iti-sig4 ud 01_-_kam_

_igi_ (m)a-a—mi(*)-il(*)-ki(*)# lim-mu (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-_mesz_—_asz_

AI Translation

Witness Sha-la-mashe, .... Witness Adallal.

Month Sivan III, 1st day, eponym year of ...pash-turi.

Witness Aya-milki. Eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina.


Witness Sha-la-mashê, .... Witness Adallal.

Witness ..pash-tuari. Month Sivan III, 1st day.

Witness Aya-milki. Eponym year of Nabû-ahhe-iddina, treasurer.

P335977: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4_]-_kiszib#_ (m)(d)_masz_—A—_sum_-na [_en_ (x) x]-_mesz#_ ta-da#-ni

AI Translation

Seal of Inurta-aplu-iddina, owner of the ... being sold.


Seal of Inurta-aplu-iddina, owner of the ...s being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x]—ma-'a-di _lu_(v)-_a#_-[_ba_]

AI Translation

Witness ...-madi, scribe.


Witness ...-ma'di, scribe.



[_iti_-x] _ud# 15_-_kam_ [lim-mu] (m)ka-nun-a-a#

AI Translation

Month ..., 15th day, eponym year of Kanunayu.


Month ..., 15th day, eponym year of Kanunayu, governor of the New Palace.

P335978: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x _gin_]-_mesz_(*)# _kug-ud#_ [sza (m)]_dug_—_im_—asz-szur sza(*)# ina 01 ma-né-e ina _igi_ (m)ia-di-da-a

ina _iti#-szu kug-ud_ [ina] _sag#-du_-i-szu _sum_-an# [_be_]-ma la i-di-in# [a]-na# 1/2 _gin_-szu _gal_-bi

AI Translation

x shekels of silver belonging to Tab-shar-Ashur, which are at the disposal of Yadidaya.

He shall pay the silver in its original amount in Tammuz IV. If he does not pay, it shall increase by 1/2 shekel.


x shekels of silver belonging to Tab-shar-Ashur by the mina standard, at the disposal of Yadidâ.

He shall pay the silver in its original amount in Tammuz IV. If he does not pay, it will increase by 1/2 shekel.



_iti#-gud_ [_ud_] 28(*)-[_kam_] [lim]-mu (m)asz-szur—_pab_(*)-ir(*)#

_igi_ (m)_u-gur_—_man_—_pab#_-[_mesz_]-szu

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—ib-ni—_pab_-_mesz#_

_igi#_ (m)(d)_pa_—[x x x x]

AI Translation

Month Iyyar II, 28th day, eponym year of Ashur-nashir.

Witness Nergal-shar-ahheshu.

Witness Ashur-ibni-ahhe.

Witness Nabû-.


Month Iyyar II, 28th day, eponym year of Ashur-nashir.

Witness Nergal-shar-ahheshu.

Witness Ashur-ibni-ahhe.

Witness Nabû-....



_igi#_ (m)asz-szur—x# [x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)[x]+x#-is—(d)szér(*)#

AI Translation

Witness Ashur-.



Witness Ashur-....




[_igi_ (m)(d)x]—_sum_(*)#—_mu_(*) [_lu_(v)-_a-ba_(*)]

AI Translation

Witness ...-nadin-shumi, scribe.


Witness ...-nadin-shumi, scribe.

P335979: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x x]+x# A—_man_

[x x]+x# an(*)-nu(*)-te

[x x] (m(*))pu-t,i-szu

[x x]+x# x x x

[x u]-sze-s,a(*)

AI Translation

...... the crown prince

these ...

... Putishu


... he will bring


...... the crown prince

these ...

... Putishu


he shall redeem ....



[x x]+x# _ud_-mu [x x]+x# x [x x]+x#-szu

AI Translation

... day ... his .


When ......



[x x]+x# _igi_ x x#

[x] _igi igi_ (m)(d)_masz_—_man_—_pab_

[x x]+x#-ah-ra-a-u

[_igi_ (m)]_numun_—_gin i_(*)-_du8_(*)

[_iti_]-_du6# ud 22_

AI Translation

... before ...

Witness Inurta-sharru-ushur.


Witness Zeru-ukin, porter.

Month Tishri VII, 22nd day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


....... Witness NN.

...... Witness Inurta-sharru-ushur.

Witness ...ahrau.

Witness Zeru-ukin, porter.

Month Tishri VII, 22nd day, eponym year of Ahi-ila'i.

P335980: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[_na4-kiszib_ (m)x]—(d)_amar-utu_ [_en_ É _gisz_]-_sar_(*) _un_(*)-_mesz sum_-an

AI Translation

Seal of ...-Marduk, owner of the house, garden and people being sold.


Seal of ...-Marduk, owner of the house, garden and people being sold.



[_igi_ (m)x x x]—_dingir_-_me_

[_igi_ (m)x x x]+x#-ba(*)-ri

AI Translation

Witness ...-ilani.

Witness ...bari.


Witness ...-ilani.

Witness ...-bari.



[_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_

AI Translation

Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Month ..., day, eponym year of Shulmu-beli.

P335981: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—la-masz#-[szi]

_igi_ (m)a-gu-[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_u-gur_—_man#_—[_pab_]

[_igi_] (m)(d)_pa#_—[x x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness Ahu-lâmashi.

Witness Agu....

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-.


Witness NN.

Witness Ahu-la-amashi.

Witness Agu....

Witness Nergal-sharru-ushur.

Witness Nabû-....

P335982: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] ina [x x x x x] _suhur# a-sza_ [x x x x x]

É# 2(ban2) [x x x x x] _suhur#_ (m)_suhusz_—[x x x x x]

[x]+x# [x]+x# 2(ban2) _suhur#_ [x x x x x]

É 01 _ansze 5_(ban2) [x x x x x] _suhur a-sza#_ [x x x x x]

É 5(ban2) [x x x x x] _suhur_ (m)x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

... in ... adjoining the field of .

an estate of 2 decares ... adjoining Ubru-...,

... 2 seahs adjoining .

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares ... adjoining the field of .

an estate of 5 decares ... adjoining NN .


... in ..., adjoining the field ...

An estate of 2 decares ..., adjoining Ubru-......

... 2 decares adjoining ...

An estate of 1 hectare 5 decares ... adjoining the field ...

An estate of 5 decares ... adjoining ......

P335983: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi#_ (m)x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)ki-x#+[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)_di-kud_—[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab_-[x x x x]

_iti-apin ud_ [x-_kam_] lim-me (m)(d)30—[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness Ki....

Witness Dayyan-.

Witness Nabû-ahu-.

Month Marchesvan VIII, day, eponym year of Sin-.


Witness NN, ....

Witness NN, ....

Witness Ki..., ....

Witness Dayyan-.., ....

Witness Nabû-ahu..., ....

Month Marchesvan VIII, day, eponym year of Sin-...

P335984: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[_na4-kiszib_ (m)mil]-ki—im-[me-e]

[x x x] x x# gi [x x x x]

[x x x x x]+x# 20 _ansze_ [x x x x]

[x x x x x]-_mesz_ (m)_pab_—x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x x]+x# me [x x x x x]

AI Translation

Seal of Milki-immê,

...... reed ...

...... 20 hectares .

...... Ahu-...


Seal of Milki-immi


...... 20 hectares ...

......s Ahu-......


P335985: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x] _mi_-ga-[x x x x]

[x] ina _sza 01 ansze_ [x x x]

[_suhur_] _gisz-sar_ sza [x x x x]

_suhur# gisz-sar_ sza (m)[x x x]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)ha-an#-[x]

_suhur a-sza_ sza (m)ad-[x x]

_pab 03 zi_-_mesz_ x#+[x x x x x]

sza _gisz_-til-lit [x x x x x]

u-[pisz]-ma (m)x x# [x x] _ta_(v)# [pa]-an (m)_dingir_—szal-x#+[x x] [ina _sza_]-bi# 01 _ma-na kug-ud_ [ina _ma-na_ sza] _uru_-gar-gar-ga-[mis il-qi]

[kas]-pu(*)# ga(*)-mur(*) [x x x x]

AI Translation

... the woman Ga.

... in 1 hectare .

adjoining the orchard of .

adjoining the garden of NN,

adjoining the field of Han...,

adjoining the field of Ad...,

in all 3 persons .

of the terrace .

NN has contracted and bought from Ilu-shalla... for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.


... Ga...

... therein 1 hectare ...

adjoining the orchard of ...,

adjoining the orchard of ...,

adjoining the field of Han...,

adjoining the field of ...,

in all 3 persons, ...

of vines ... —

NN has contracted and bought from Ilu-shal... for one mina of silver by the mina of Carchemish.

The money is paid completely.



[tu-a]-ru de-nu(*) [_dug4-dug4_ la-Asz-szu]

[man-nu] sza# ina ma-[ti-ma x x x] [x x]+x x#+[x x x x x x x] lu-u [(m)x]+x#+[x x x _dumu_-_mesz_-szu] U(?)# [x x x x] de-nu# [_dug4-dug4 ta_(v) (m)x x x ub-ta-u-ni]

10 _ma-na#_ [_kug-ud_ x x x]

AI Translation

Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint and breaks the contract, whether NN or his sons or ..., and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against NN,

10 minas of silver ...;


Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

Whoever in the future, ..., whether NN or his sons or ..., seeks a lawsuit or litigation against ...,

shall ... 10 minas of silver ...

P335986: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]+x x x x# [x x x x x]

[A]-_sza#_ ina na-hal(*) (m)kur(?)-ri(?)#-[x x x]

_suhur# a-sza_ ina _kaskal_ x#+[x x x x x]

[ina] _sza#_ o(*) _ma-na 1_/2 [x x x x x]

[x x] x# _ta igi_ [(m)x x x x x]

[x x x x x] u _ti_ x#+[x x x x x]

[x x x x x]+x# _a-sza#_ [x x x x]

AI Translation


field in the wadi of Kurri...,

adjoining the field in the road .

for a mina and 1/2 .

... from NN

...... and life .

...... field .



field in the wadi Kurri...

adjoining the field by the road ...

for one mina and a half ...

... from ......


... field ...

P335987: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi#_ [x x x x x]

_igi#_ [x x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)[x x x x]

x x x# [x x x x x]

[x]+x# _pab_(?) 03(?) [x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness .......

Witness .......

Witness NN.


... in all 3 .


Witness NN.

Witness NN.

Witness NN.


... in all 3 ...

P335988: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_igi#_ (m(*))_en_—_pab_-[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)asz-szur—mu-[x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)asz-szur—x+[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Bel-ahu-.

Witness Ashur-mu.

Witness Ashur-.


Witness Bel-ahu-....

Witness Ashur-mu....

Witness Ashur-....

P335989: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[ki]-s,ir#-ti 02 _ma-na kug-ud sag#-du_ ina 01 _ma-na_-e sza# _uru_-gar-ga-mis

[sza (m)x]-x ina _igi#_ (m)(d)_masz_—_pab_—_asz_

[x x x x i]-rab-bi

[x x x x x]-me mu

[x x x x x x]-ni

AI Translation

A total of 2 minas of silver, capital, by the mina of Carchemish.

From NN, at the disposal of Inurta-ahu-iddina.

...... will increase

...... year


Envelope of 2 minas of silver, capital, by the mina of Carchemish.

belonging to ..., at the disposal of Inurta-ahu-iddina,

It shall increase ....





[x x x x x x]-nu

[x x x x x x]+x#-i

[x x x x x x]—_pab_(*)

AI Translation






... ...-ushur

P335990: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[isz]-ku(*)-nu(*) [x] ki-[x x]

AI Translation

they set up ...


Instead of their seal they impressed their fingernail. .......



[x x]+x#-_szar_—A-_pab_ x x x

[x x]+x# sza ra x 01 _gin_

[x] _gin kug-ud_(?)# ina _ugu_-hi-szu x#+[x]

[x x]+x# szA a _lu_(v)(?)-x#+[x x]

AI Translation

...-sharru-ushur .

... of ... 1 shekel

x shekels of silver upon him .

... of the ...


...-aplu-ushur ...

...... 1 shekel

... shekels of silver upon him ...


P335991: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x] x#+[x]

_igi#_ (m)_dingir_-[x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)si-si#-[i x x x]

_igi#_ (m)ba-x#+[x x x x]

_igi_ (m)man-nu—x#+[x x x x]

_igi#_ (m)(d)_en_—[x x x x]

[_igi_] (m)#[x x x x]

AI Translation

Witness Ilu-.

Witness Sisî, .

Witness Ba....

Witness Mannu-.

Witness Bel-.

Witness NN.



Witness NN.

Witness Sisî, ....

Witness Ba....

Witness Mannu-....

Witness Bel-....

Witness ....

P335992: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



20(*) _ansze sze-pad_-[_mesz_] sza# (m)ba-[hi-a-ni] ina _igi_ (m)_pab_-[u-a]-a(*)#

ina pu-u-hi _il#_-szi

_igi_ (m)na(*)-na(*)#-[a]-a(*)#

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_-u-a# _lu_(v)-A—_sig_

AI Translation

20 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of Ahu'ayu.

He shall pay the silver in full in its entirety.

Witness Nanaya.

Witness Nabû'a, chariot fighter.


20 homers of barley belonging to Bahianu, at the disposal of Ahu'aya.

He has taken it as a loan.

Witness Nanaya.

Witness Nabû'a, chariot fighter.



a(*)-na(*)# 01(*) :- 02 _ban_(*)-a-a [i-rab]-bi(*)#

[_iti_-x _ud_] 06-_kam_ [lim]-mu (m)_asz_—_pab_-_mesz_

AI Translation

He shall pay 2 seahs to one ditto and one seah each.

Month ..., 6th day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe.


It shall increase two seahs per homer.

Month ..., 6th day, eponym year of Iddin-ahhe, governor of Shimirra.

P335993: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ku-um x x]+x x#+[x x x x] [s,u-pur-szu]-nu isz-ku-nu

[(m)x]—_sig5_(?)#-iq _dumu_(?)#-[szu]

AI Translation

Instead of ......, they impressed their fingernails.

...-dammiq, his son;


Instead of their seal they impressed their fingernail.

...-da''iq, his son

P335994: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x]-szu (m)gam-[x x x x]

[x x x]-u t,u [x x x x]

[x x x] sza (m)[x x x x]

AI Translation


... good ...

... of NN


... Gam...


... of NN

P335995: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_na4-kiszib_ (m)pa-ra-nu#-[x] _lu_(v)-_nu-sar ta_(v)(*) _uru#_-[x x] _en lu sum_-ni#

(m(?))(d(?))#[x-x]-x _arad#_-szu [x x x x x x x]+x#

AI Translation

Seal of Paranu..., gardener, from the town of ..., owner of the man being sold.

NN, his servant, .


Seal of Paranu..., gardener from the town of ..., owner of the man being sold.

NN, his servant,



[x x x x]-s,u# _lu_(v)(?)-_sag_ [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)#_suhusz_—15 [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)[x x]+x#-a-a [x x x x]

_igi_ (m)(d)_pa_—_pab#_—[x x x]

_igi_ (m)_pab_—[x x x x x]

_igi_ (m)na-[x x x x x]

_iti-ziz ud#_ [x-_kam_]

AI Translation

...shu, eunuch .

Witness Ubru-Issar, .

Witness ...ayu, .

Witness Nabû-ahu-.

Witness Ahu-.

Witness Na....

Month Shebat XI, day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


Witness ..shu, eunuch ....

Witness Ubru-Issar, ....

Witness ...ayu, ....

Witness Nabû-ahu-....

Witness Ahu-....

Witness Na....

Month Shebat XI, xth day, eponym year of ....

P335996: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[x x x]+x#-hi _lu#_-[x x x]

AI Translation

...hi, ...


... ...hi, ...



[x x x]—asz-szur [x x x]

AI Translation

...-Ashur ...


... ...-Ashur, ...

P335997: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x x]+x# _sza du_

[x x x (m)]_a#_—_man_—_pab_ [x x x x]-me-et [x x x x]-i [x x x x]-ri# [x x x x]-hi [x x x x]-u 02

AI Translation

...... the heart is ful

... Aplu-sharru-ushur .




P335998: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[ku-um] _na4#-kiszib_-szu s,u#-[pur-szu]

[isz-kun s,u-pur] (m)#_dingir_—_pab#_—[_pab_]

[x x x x x]+x#+[x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ilu-ahu-ushur,



Instead of his seal he impressed his fingernail.

Fingernail of Ilu-ahu-ushur


P335999: legal-transaction tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


x# [x x x x x x x x x x x x] ina bur-ki# [(d)x x x x x x i-szA-kan] kas-pu [ana 10-_mesz_-te ana _en_-_mesz_-szu _gur_-ra] [ina] de-ni#-[szu _dug4-dug4_-ma la _ti_-qi]

AI Translation

shall place ...... in the lap of DN ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.


shall place ...... in the lap of DN ......, and shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.