P339000: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri t,e4-hi-tum isz-tu _babila2(ki) ik-szu-du#-[nim] [(disz)za-ku]-ra#?-a-bu-um u3 3(disz) _lu2_ ra-ak-bu-u2 _ARAD2-mesz_ [be-li2-ia u3] 1(u)# ra#-ak-bu#-u2 _lu2_ babila2(ki)
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: the citizens of the tehitum-tree from Babylon have arrived. Zakkur-abuum and 3 rakkû, servants of my lord, and 10 rakkû, citizens of Babylon,
[ki-ma] lu#-pu#-ti-ia-ma x [...] [...] lu-usz2-pu-ur li-ik#-[ki-su2-nim] [u3 wu]-di ki-ma a-na szi-pi2-ir _(gesz)tukul-mesz#_ [...] [...]-ne2-ta na-ak-su-tum-ma i-ba-asz-szu-u2 [(gesz)]s,a#-ar-ba-tim sza i-ba-asz-sze-ma u3 1(disz) (gesz)ur2-na-am szu-bi-lam u3 asz-szum (gesz)ya-szi-bi-im ha-ra-da-an sza ta-asz-pu-ra-am um-ma at-ta-a-ma a-na su2-uk-ki-im sza a-bi-ia asz-ku-un-szu
As soon as I have finished my work, ... ... I shall write to him, and if, as soon as for the writing of weapons ... ... ... ... he will be killed, and there is a sharbatu-wood that there is, and one urna-wood he shall bring out, and concerning the yashibu-wood, the haradan-wood, which you wrote, thus you: "I have set it for the sukku-wood of my father."
mi-im-ma a-[...] _[x]-mesz_ x [...]
. . . anything .
P339001: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a#-na# be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma asz-szum sza _lu2-kur2_ ba-za-ha-tam id-da-ar-sa3-am-ma u3 s,a-ba-am sza ki-ma la-pa-tim il-pu-tu sza be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am a-na an-ni-tim [be]-li2# la i-'a4-ad-da-ar i-na s,a-bi-im ki-bi-it-[tim] ba-za-ha-tam i-la-ap-pa-tu u3 s,a-[ba-am] i-la-ap#-pa-tu-ma a-na an-ni-tim be#-[li2] pa-an (d)da-gan (d)utu u3 (d)iszkur-ma be-li2 li-ta#-[ap-li-is] a-di pa-an (d)da-gan (d)utu u3 (d)iszkur be-li it-ta-na-ap-la-su a-na _(gesz)tukul-hi-a_ e-pe2-szi-im
be-li2 la i-ha-am-mu-ut, u3 _lu2-kur2_ sza-a-tu be-li2 la i?-x-du i-ta-ab-bu-lu-um-ma li-ta-ab-ba-al-szu i-nu-[ma] (d)da-gan (d)utu u3 (d)iszkur _dingir-mesz_ an-nu-tu# a-an-nam i-ta-ap-lu-ka u3 te-re-tu-ka# [sza-al-ma] i-na u4-mi-szu be-li2 _(gesz)tukul-hi-a_ [li-pu-usz] isz-tu i-na ha-al-s,i2#-[ia-ma]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: Because of the enemy, the satrap has been seized, and the captive who like a satrap has been released, about whom my lord wrote, to this matter my lord should not be negligent; in the satrap of the captive the satrap has been seized, and the captive has been seized, and to this matter my lord shall be able to speak. Before Dagan, Shamash and Adad, my lord has been able to grasp, and to the weapons I shall do.
My lord should not be afraid, and that enemy my lord should not ..., they will speak, and they will speak to him. When Dagan, Shamash and Adad these gods, why have they prayed to you? And your scribal arts are there, and at that time my lord should exercise weapons. From my scribal arts
szu-ul-mu-um be-li2 la i-[na-a4'-'i3-id] be-li2 li-it-ta-al-la#-[ka-am] i-na qa-at be-li2-ia a#-[na-ku-ma] a-na zi-im te-re-ti-ka a-ta-[al-la-ak] u3 mi-nu-um an-ne2-e-ta-an sza i-na# [um-ma-na-tim] qa-al-la-tim i-na ba-za-(ha)-tim be-li2 i-la-ku isz#-tu#-ma li#-ib#-bi i'2-'i3-du na-s,a-ar pa-ag-ri-im u2-ul ad#-[di] am#-mi-nim be-li2 x a x [x-x] qa#-du# ba-za-ha-tim [qa]-la#-tim i-la#-[ku-u2] i-na ki-bi-it-tim-ma be-li2 li#-[il-li-ik] sza-ni-tam s,a-bu-um pa-t,e4-ru ib-szu-ma u3 i-na a-la-ne2-e iq-bu-nim-ma
s,a-ba-am sza ki-ma i-mu-ru-nim u2-sza-a'2-'i3-id u3 at,-ru-dam a?-wa?-tim be-li2 a-na _lu2 gal mar-tu-mesz_ u3 _gal ku5-mesz_ li-da-an-ni-in-ma li#-hi-t,u2-ma u3 s,a-ba-am i-na qa-ti-szu-nu la u2-wa-sza-ru-nim
My lord should not be negligent, my lord should go. By the command of my lord I shall go, and to the right of your scribal art I shall go. And what this is about in the midst of the
The captive who saw me, he slew, and returned. My lord should give to the great Amorite and the great captives, so that they may be slandered, and the captive in their hands they should not release.
P339002: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a#-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma a-lum ma-ri(ki) _e2-gal_-lum u3 ha-al-s,um sza-lim a-na sze-im za-ku-tim sza ma-asz-ka-na-tim# ka-ma-si-im a-hu-um u2-ul na-di# [i-na] pa#-ni-tim asz-szum la-wi ra-za-ma-a(ki) u3 at-lu-uk szar-ra-ia a-na be-li2-ia asz-pu-ra-am a-lum ra-za-ma-a(ki) la-wi u3 szar-ra-ia i-na li-ib-bi a-li-szu-ma wa#-szi-ib im-ta-ha-as, [u2-s,i2]-ma 5(disz) me s,a-ba-am i-na s,a-bi-im [na-ak-ri]-im# u2-sza-am-qi2-it [...] x x 2(disz) _lu2 aszgab_ ia-sza-bi
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: a man of Mari, the palace, and Halshum, the well-being, for the barley of the zakutu of the mushkanatu, the kamasim, the one who has not been given, in the presence of the man of Rashma and Atluk, my king, to my lord I wrote. A man of Rashma, the man and my king in the heart of his own, and while he was staying, he sat down, and 5 hundred of the scouts in the scouts I cut down. ... 2 men, the scouts,
x [...] u3 [_lu2]-mesz#_ x x x x [x] x x [x] ak-nu [...]-szu#-nu i-ri-ik u3 a-di sze-em sza asz-[la-ka-a](ki) u2-sze-ri-bu an-ni-tam a-na i-ba-[al-(d)iszkur asz-pu]-ur u3 e-nu-ut# qar-ni-li-im [asz-sza-ti-szu] _dumu-mesz_#-szu# u3 _ansze#-hi-a_ sza i-[ra-ka-bu] a-na sa-ga-ra-tim(ki) [i-ka-asz-sza-du] it-ti _ansze-hi-a_ u3 e-nu-[ut qar-ni-li-im] i-na# sa-ga-ra-tim(ki) asz-sza#-[ti-szu u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu] [u2]-pa-ah-ha-ar asz-szum (munus)du#-[uh-sza-tim]
[a-na] s,e#-er be-li2-ia u2-sza-re#-[em] [u3 asz-szum] 4(disz) _lu2 (giri3)-saga(ga#)-[mesz_ sza u2-sza-ru-szu-nu]-ti [sza be-li2 isz-pu-ra]-am# um-ma-a-(mi)mi [szum-ma i-na bi-ri]-szu-nu 1(disz) _dumu e2_ t,up-pi2 i-ba-asz-[szi] [szu-re-szu wa]-ar#-ka-at _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-[ti]
... and the men ... ... ... ... they sinned, and until the rain of Ashlak he brought them back. This I wrote to Ibal-Addu. Further, concerning the sacrificial sheep, his sons and the donkeys that he brought to Sagaratum he shall carry. With the donkeys and the sacrificial sheep in Sagaratum his sons he shall greet. Concerning the sacrificial sheep
Concerning the 4 sagga-men about whom my lord wrote to me, saying: "If in their midst there is one son of the house of the tablet, his share is equal to that of those men" —
[ap]-ru#-us2#-ma _dumu e2_ t,up-pi2 i-na bi-ri-szu-[nu] u2-ul i-ba#-asz-szi
I have sworn by the name of the son of the tablet house that there is no claim between them.
P339003: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na] be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma# [um-ma] ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma [(disz)]ha#-ia3-su-u2-mu ki-a-am isz-pu-ra-am [um-ma]-a-mi s,a-bu-um _elam-ma_ u3 _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) [i-na] ka#-bi-it-ti-szu a-na ma-a-at [(disz)zi]-im#-ri-li-im a-na li-ib#-bi# i-da-ma-ra-as, [i-li]-em-ma ma-am-ma-an sza ma-a-at i-da-ma-ra-as, u2-sze-ez-ze-bu u2-ul i-ba-asz-szi# (disz)zi#-im-ri-li-im sze-ep-szu# i#-na# ma#-[tim] sza-ni-tim ur2-[ri]-ik u3 at-ta a-na [zi-im-ri-li]-im u2-ul ta-sza-ap-pa-ar-[ma a-na szu-zu-bi-ni]
u2-ul i-il-la-kam-ma [ma-a-at] i-da-ma-ra-as,# [ih-ha-la-aq] _lu2_ mu-usz2-ke#-[nu-um ...]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: Hayasumu wrote to me as follows: "The satrap of Elam and the man of Eshnunna with his own strength to the land of Zimri-Lim to the heart he shall kill; he himself will kill, and the land of Zimri-Lim he will kill shall not be able to take. Zimri-Lim is a slave in another land. You shall not send to Zimri-Lim, and to our fate you shall not write.
He shall not come and he shall not slander anyone. The man who slanders .
x [...] a-na s,e-[er ...] u3 a-nu-um-ma [...] isz-tu i-la-s,u2-[ra-a(ki)] a-na s,e-er [be-li2-ia] a-na t,a3-ba-tim(ki) u2-sza-asz-szi-[szu-nu-ti]
... to ... and now ... from Ilashura to my lord to Tabatum I have brought them.
P339004: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-[ia] qi2-bi2-[ma] um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im# _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma asz-szum a-la-ak ia-at-ti-in-e-ra-ah it#-ti _ARAD2-mesz_ sza be-li2-ia asz2-ta-al-ma a-la-ak-szu u3 it-ti s,a-bi-im-ma# wa-sza-ab-szu ri-it-tum
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: As to what I shall do, Iattin-Erah with the servants of my lord I asked and I shall go to him and with the shabum and his habitations are very well.
u3 isz-tu ia-at-ti-in-e-ra-ah i-il-la-ku a-na ia-at-ti-(in)-e-ra-ah u3 in-na-ha-an sza i-na pa-an _ha-na-mesz_ i-il-la-ku 2(disz) (tug2)mar-da-tim _us2_ be-li2 li-sza-bi-lam u3 szum-ma a-wa-tum8 a-[li]-ka#-at
be-li2 li-sza#-[bi-lam] a-na-ku a-na be-li2#-[ia sza _ARAD2_-du-ti-ia] asz#-pu-ra-am be-li2 li#-isz#-ta#-al# sza a-(na) szar#-ru#-ti#-szu t,a3#-[bu li-pu-usz2]
and from Yattin-erah goes, to Yattin-erah and the ... who goes before the ..., 2 mardatu-garments, the length, my lord may send. And if the order is good, I shall go.
My lord should send me. I wrote to my lord about my servant, saying: "My lord should ask him, 'Why should he do good things for his kingship?'"
sza-ni-tam s,a-bu-um i-na-asz-szi#-ma i-na si-ha-a me-eh-re-et pu-zu-ra-an#[(ki)] i-bi-it u3 i-sze-er-ma usz-te-esz-sze-er
The second, the shabum-priest, he took and in the midst of the midst of Puzuran he seized and he seized and he brought to me.
P339005: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na be-li2-ia] [qi2]-bi2-[ma] um#-ma ba#-ah-di-li-[im] _ARAD2_-ka-a-[ma] (disz)bu-qa-qum ki-a-am isz#-pu-[ra]-am# um-ma-a-mi 3(disz)? li-mi s,a-[ba-am] u3 2(disz) me _(gesz)ma2-tur-hi-a_ sza [...] [i]-na# ka-s,a-a(ki) _lu2-mesz_ [...] u2-[...] (disz)bu-qa#-[qum isz-pu-ra-am] um#-ma-a-mi# [1(disz) me 5(u) s,a-ba-am]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: Buqaqum wrote to me as follows: "3? men are dead and 200 chariots of ... in Kashâ ... and ... Buqaqum wrote to me: "150 men are dead."
t,u2-ur-dam#-[ma a-li-ik pa-ni-szu-nu] szu#-uk#-na-[am-ma szu-ta-as,-bi-it] an-ni-tam bu-qa-qum# [isz-pu-ra-am] i-na ha-ni-i _nig2-szu#_ [...] i-na _dumu-mesz_ si#?-[im-a-al] u3 i-na _dumu-mesz_ ter#-[qa(ki)]
u3 ia-sa-ra-am ha#-[ne-em] a-na a-li-ik pa-ni-szu-nu# [asz]-ku-un-ma at,-t,a3-ra-ad [u3 a]-na#-ku-ma a-di ia-ab-li-ia(ki) [a-na s,e-er] bu-qa-qi2-im [asz-t,u2]-ur# t,e4-ma-am ga-am-ra-am# [asz-pu]-ur# sza-ni-tam t,up-pa-at [be-li2-ia a-na ha-am-mu-ra-pi2]
he will return and go to their presence. I have sworn by the name of Buqaqum. In the presence of the king, the property ... among the sons of Sima'al and among the sons of Terqa
and Yasaram, the wise one, to their presence I established, and I have sent. Further, I myself, and to Yablia to the outskirts of the city I wrote. A detailed report I wrote. The second report of my lord to Hammurapi
_lugal# babila2(ki) usz-ta#-bi-lam# [me-hi-ir i]-ba-asz-szu [a-na s,e-er] be-li2-ia szi-[na]-a
The king of Babylon has made it come forth. There is a fault for it. To my lord, these are my faults.
P339006: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma [u4]-mu s,a-bi-im i-ta-ar-ku# (i-na) de-ri-im#(ki) [isz-tu _u4] 2(u)#?-kam_ wa-asz-[bu]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: "When the enemy has seized, from the 20th day in Der he will be residing" —
u4-ma-am s,a-[bu-um li-nu-uh-ma] u3 _nig2-gub_ li-ip#-tu#-un ur-ra-am mu-usz-te-er-ta-am ma-li ri-ik-si sza a-na be-li2-ia aq-bu-u2 [a]-na _gal ku5-mesz_ u3 _nu-banda3-mesz_ li-ib-lu-nim u3 (gesz)za-am-ra-tim _zabar_ [a]-na# _ha-na#-mesz_ ma-li i-ba-asz-sze-e li#-ib#-[lu]-nim# na-ab-la-am _ha-na-mesz_ u2-ul [i-szu] sza-ni-tam szum-ma _(gesz)gu-za_ a-na a-li-ik pa-an s,a-bi-im be-li2 i-na-ad-di-in _(gesz)gu-za_ li-ib-lu-nim
The day the shabu-demon shall be swollen, and the property shall be opened. The night, the shattertam-demon, all the rites which I spoke to my lord, to the chief fisherman and the captains may they bring. And bronze shabu-wood for the shabu-demons, all the he shall bring. The nablam-demons shall not have. Another thing: If the shabu-demon before the shabu-demon my lord shall give, the shabu-demon may they bring.
u3 1(disz) _ARAD2_ be-li2-ia# sza# it#-[ti s,a-bi-im i-la-ku] a-di s,a-ba-am um-ma-na-tim# [u2-sza-ak-x] be-li2# li-it,-ru-dam#
and 1 servant of my lord who with the sabû will go, until the sabû the army shall ..., may my lord be well.
P339007: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2#-[ia qi2-bi2-ma] um-ma ba-ah-[di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma] _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri t,e4-hi-tum# [...] (disz)ia-ah-mu-us-dingir u3 [...] (disz)na-am7-ra-sza-ru-ur x [...] a-li-ik i-di-szu-[nu] x x [...] ik#-szu#-du-nim u3 ki-[a-am iq-bu-nim] [um-ma] x [...]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: the sons of the messenger of Tehitum ... Iahmusil and ... Amra-sharur ... the one who went with them ... they conquered and as follows they said: .
[a-na] zi#?-im?-ri#-[li-im-ma] i-na#-szu lu-u2 na-sze-e it-ti [_lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-ti] t,e4-mu-um an-nu-um sza i-nu-ma wa-asz2-ba#-[ku sza-ak-nu] u3 a-me-er-ta-szu-nu asz2-ta#?-al#? [um-ma-a-mi _(gesz)tukul-hi-a_] sza in-ne#-ep#-szu ki-i um#-ma#-a-[mi da-am7-da-am] _lu2_ la-ar-sa3(ki) 1(u) li-mi _lu2_ babila2#[(ki) s,a-bu-um] sza ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 di-ku u3 1(u) [li-mi ba-al-t,u2] u3 um-ma#-[a]-mi i-nu-ma s,a-bu-um _lu2#_ [esz3-nun-na(ki)] isz#-tu# an-da-ri-ig(ki) i-tu-ra-am [szum-ma (gesz)_igi-kak_-szu]
szum#-ma _(gesz)illur_-szu# ki-a-am sza-aq#-[la-at u2-ul isz-szi-szu-ma] u2-ul u2-sa3-ah-hi-ir-szi# an-ni-tam sza iq#-[bu-nim] u3 um-ma a-na-ku-ma pa-an _lugal_ ki-i [um-ma-a-mi] pa-nu ik-ki-ru-nim# [...] x x [...]
to Zimri-Lim and therewith either the nashe-offering with those men, this report which when I was appointed, was placed, and their witnesses I asked, saying: "The weapons which were made, when I was a mighty man, the man of Larsa, 10 persons, the man of Babylon, the captive of Hammurapi, the judge, and 10 persons, dead, and when the captive of Eshnunna from Antarig returned, if his eye-stones
If his chariot is as a saqlat, he has not brought him and has not returned to her this one which he said and saying: "I am before the king, like the king's face they have smashed me" ... .
an-ni-tum# a-me-er-ta-szu-nu u3 i-[na-an-na] (disz)i-szar-li-im pa-an um-ma-na-tim# [s,a-bi-it] u3 s,a-bu-um _lu2_ esz3-nun-[na](ki) [...]
This is their ..., and now Ishar-Lim before the army, the sabitu and the sabutum, the man of Eshnunna .
P339008: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na] be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma# [um]-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-[ma] [a]-na# ha#-na-at(ki) ak-szu-ud-ma [t,e4-ma]-am sza asz-szum na-sa3-ah a-la-ne2-e [sza isz]-tu# mu-ul-ha-an(ki) sza-ap-li-isz [t,e4-ma-am] sza#-a-tu ma-ha-ar me-ep-ti-im [aq-be2-e]-em# (disz)ki-ib-si2-(d)iszkur [isz-ta]-al#-ma# [um-ma-mi] [...] i-ba-asz
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: I conquered Hanat and a report concerning the roiling of the road which from Mullhan I received above the report of the previous one. Kibsi-Adad heard it and said: "There is .
um-ma#? [be-li2-ma] a#-hi#-[e-ba-al] i-na ha-na-at(ki#) [mi]-ma#-a t,up-pi2 la [i-sze-me] asz-szum a-hi-e-ba-al la szu-usz2-mi-im be-li2 u2-wa-e-ra-an-ni _lu2_ sza-a-tu a-na-ku a-na la szu-usz2-mi-im u3 me-ep-tu-u2 id-ni-nam um-ma-a-mi asz-szum _lu2_ sza-a-tu a-na-ku a-ta-na-ap-pa-al sza#-ni#-tam# asz-szum _(gesz)ma2-tur-hi-a_ sza it-ti-ia [il-li]-ka me-ep-tu-u2 a-wa-tam ki-a-am is,-ba-tam [um]-ma#-a-mi _(gesz)ma2-tur-hi-a_ szi-na-ti [u3] _lu2 szu-pesz-mesz 1(disz)-am3_ a#-sza#-ma-am-ma ka-ra-am
[sza] ia-ab-li-ia(ki) li-ki-lu
"My lord, the aforementioned in Hanat did not hear my tablet. Because the aforementioned in Hanat did not know me, my lord has told me, that man I am, to not know me, and the scepter has given me. Because of that man I am, I am, and the scepter has given me another order. Because of the scepter which came with me, the scepter has taken away my order. Because of that one, the scepter and the one of the scepter are one-twelfth of a day, and the one of the scepter
May the people of Yabla be reconciled.
[...] [a]-na s,e-ri-ia# [...] sza# be-li2-ia ma-x [...] [ik]-szu#-ud i-na-an-na szum#-[ma ...]
... to my side ... of my lord ... he conquered. Now if .
P339009: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma _gu4-hi-a udu-hi-a_ u3 _(gesz)ma2-tur-hi-a_ s,a#-ba#-am usz-ta-am-li-ma [ak-pu]-ud isz-te9-ni-isz i-la-ku [an-ni]-tam# ak-pu-ud ge-er-rum szu-u2 i-[la-ak] [u3] _gu4#-hi-a_ u3 _udu-hi-a_ i-pe2-sza#-[am] [x x] x i-[...] [(disz)]ia#-an-ti-in-e!-[ra-ah ...] [...] x x x [...]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: "The oxen, sheep and the sabayu boats have been piled up and I have inspected them. Further, I have performed the following. This I have performed. The eru-demon is here. He performs the following, and the oxen and sheep he performs. ... ... Iantin-erah .
[...] [x x] x a-na [...] [u2-sza]-ab-ba-lam [...] [be]-li2# li-[...] [u3] a-na-ku-ma x [...] s,a-ba-am li-x [...] sza e-bu-rum [...] be-li2 li-[...] sza-ne2-e-em u4-ma-am sza t,up-[pi2] [a]-na be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lam [ge]-er-ra-am sza-a-tu a-t,a3-ar-ra-ad
... ... to ... he shall bring ... my lord ... and I ... ... ... of the quay ... my lord ... secondly, the day of the tablet he shall bring to my lord. That extispicy I shall write down.
P339010: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-ia qi2#-bi2-ma [um]-ma# ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2#_-ka-a-ma [(disz)]s,u2-ri-ha-am-mu [isz]-me-ma ki-ma (d)da-gan a-na tu-ut-tu-ul(ki) [i-ru]-bu# a-na s,e-er ia-ri-im-li-im [il-li]-ik# um-ma szu-ma isz-tu (d)da-gan [a-na tu-ut-tu-ul](ki) i-[ru-bu] [...] x
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: Shuri-hammu heard that Dagan entered Tutul and went to Yarim-Lim. Thus he: "From Dagan entered Tutul .
[... a-na be-li2-ni5] [lu-uk-ru]-ba#-am-ma [lu-uq-qi2] u3 i-ia-ti li-is,-s,u2-ra-an-ni [a-an-na]-am# id#-di-in-szu-um [_igi_] (d)da-gan [a]-na# tu-ut-tu-ul(ki) i-ru-ub (disz)su-mu-la-ba u3 da-di-ha-du-un it#-ti (d)da-gan il-li-ku isz#-tu _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ (d)da-gan a-na tu-ut-tu-ul(ki) i-ru-ub-ma t,up#-pi2 an-ne2-e-em
... to our lord let me enter, let me eat, and let me keep safe; this year he gave him. Before Dagan to Tuttul he entered; Sumu-laba and Dadi-hadun with Dagan he went. From the 16th day Dagan to Tuttul he entered, and this tablet
a-na s,e#-[er be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lam]
I have sent it to my lord.
P339011: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma [um-ma] ba-ah-di-li-im _[_arad2_]_-ka#-a-ma [asz-szum _siskur2]-re#_ sza (d)di-ri-tim [be-li2 ki-a-am isz-pu-ra-am] [um-ma-a-mi ...]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: Because of the sacrifice of Dirigum, my lord wrote to me as follows: ".
[an-ni-tam be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am] [ki-ma t,up-pi2 be-li2]-ia# [sza be-li2 isz-pu]-ra-am [a-na mu-usz-ke-nim] ka-li-szu asz-pu-ur dan#-[na-tim] asz-ku-un ka-lu-szu _siskur2-re_ sza (d)[di]-ri-tim [i]-na# ma-ri(ki) i-na#-[aq-qi2]
This is what my lord wrote to me. Like the tablet of my lord which my lord wrote to me, I wrote all of it for the assembly. I established the strong ones. All of them the sacrifices of Dirigum in Mari they performed.
P339012: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na] be-li2-ia [qi2]-bi2-ma [um-ma] ba-ah-di-li-im [_arad2_]-ka-a-ma [te]-re-tim a-na szu-lum s,a-bi-im [u2]-sze-pi2-isz-ma a-na te-re#-tim [sza]-al-ma-tim s,a-ba-am at,-ru-ud [u3] a-nu-um-ma te-re-tim szi-na-ti [a-na] s,e#-er be-li2-ia [usz]-ta#-bi-lam
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: I have written the omens for the well-being of the enemy and for the omens of the enemy I have sent. And now these omens to my lord I have sent.
[u3 1(disz) _dumu masz2-szu]-gid2-gid2_ at,-t,a3-ar-dam [it-ta-la]-ak _a-sza3_ zu-za-am [i-t,e-eh-hi] ul-la-nu-um [i-na sza-pa]-al# za-ar-ri i-be2-et [i-ta-ar]-ma [te-re-tim i-ip]-pe2#-esz
and 1 son of a guarantor I received, he went, the field of the zuzam-tree he smashed, the ullanum-tree in the zagaru-wall he smashed, and the steles he made.
P339013: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na# [be]-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2#_-ka-a-ma [lu-u2] it-tum-ma sza i-nu-ma [i-na me]-eh#-re-et ku-ul-hi-tim(ki) [la-ma szi]-hi#-it, sza-am-szi-im [be-li2 u2]-ri#-id-ma is3-se-en6-(ni)-ma [u2-sza-al]-li-im [it-ti ia]-gi#-ih-(d)iszkur be-li2 iq-be2-em [lu-u2] it#-tum i-nu-ma [i-na ka-ra-asz2 ap]-pa-an(ki) [a-na be-li2-ia] ki#-a-am aq-bi# [um-ma a-na-ku]-ma [u4-ma-am ma]-a-at ia#-[mi]-na#(ki#) [a-na qa-ti]-ka# na#-[ad-na-at]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: either with you, as when in the opposite side of Kullitum the shitum-demon my lord had seized, and he had seized me, and he had made whole. With Iagih-Addu my lord said, either with you, when in the quay of Appan to my lord I said, thus: "I myself, the day of the land of Iamina, to your hands are given."
[u3 ma]-a-tum szi-i s,u2#-[ba]-at# [ak]-ka#-di-im-ma hu-lu#-[pa]-at [be-li2] qa#-qa-ad szar-ru-ti-szu# li#-ka-bi-it [ki-ma] _lugal ha-na-mesz_ at-ta [u3] sza#-ni-isz _lugal_ ak-ka-di-im at-ta [be-li2] i-na _ansze-kur-ra_-hi-a_ la i-ra-ka-ab [i-na] (gesz)nu-ba-lim u3 _ansze-hi-a_ ku-da-ni-ma be#-[li2] li-ir-ka-am-ma qa-qa-ad szar-ru-ti-szu li-ka-bi-it an-ne2-tim a-na be-li2-ia ad-bu-bu a-lum ma-ri(ki) _e2-gal_-lum# u3 ha-al-s,um ka-lu#-szu sza-[lim] a-na na-s,a-ar a-lim ma-[ri(ki)] a-hu-um [u2-ul na-di]
be-li2 a-la-kam [li-pu-usz] ar-hi-isz be-li2 li-ik-szu#-[dam-ma] li-ib-bi ma-ti-szu li-[ni-ih]
And that land, the shubatu of Akkad, and the hulupatu of my lord, the area of his kingship may be secured. Like a king of Hanas you, and another king of Akkad you, my lord, with horses does not go, with a trough and a donkey a kudani, my lord may be sated, and the area of his kingship may be secured. This to my lord I spoke. The city, palace, and all of its inhabitants are well. The people of Mari are well; the one who is not well,
My lord should go and do it. My lord should quickly reach me and the heart of his land may rejoice.
s,a-bu-um a-szar a-la#-[ki-im li-li-ik u3 be-li2] a-na ma-ri(ki) li-li-kam# [li-ib-bi ma-ti-szu li-ni-ih] _iti#_ a-bi-im _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-[kam_ t,up-pi2 an-ne2-e-em a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lam]
The shepherd in the place of the akkum-festival may he go; and my lord to Mari may he go; the heart of his land may he rejoice. The month of Abum, the day 21 this tablet to my lord I sent.
P339014: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na be-li2]-ia [qi2]-bi2#-ma [um-ma] ba#-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma [asz]-szum e-pi2-isz-ti _lu2-mesz_ we-du-tim sza# be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am asz-szum a-la-ki [qe2]-ru#-ub um-ma a-na-ku-ma [_sze_ a-na] _si-la2_ s,a-bi-im u2-sza-ab-ba-[al-ma] [sze]-em# ma-an-nu-um usz2-qa-al#-[la-pa] [i]-na# a-la-ki-ia-ma#
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: concerning the work of the weddinu-men about which my lord wrote, concerning the journey, I entered. Thus: "I am bringing the barley to the ration of the shabu and whatever he has seized, in my journey
[...] x x x [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] u2-sza-bi-[lam] i-[na-an]-na a-nu-um-ma t,up-pi2 sza# s,a#-bi#-im i-di-sza#-am sza _lu2_ u3 szum-szu [u3] e2-tam u2-sza#-asz2#-[t,e4]-ra#-am-ma u2-[sza]-bi-lam [u3] t,up#-pi2 um-ma-tim sza na-ap#-ha#-ra-at [s,a]-bi#-[im] e-pi2-isz-tim u2-sza-at,#-[t,e4-er]-ma [szum]-ma#! pa-an ma!-an-nim ub-ba-al#-ma# [la u2-ub]-ba!-la!-am an-ne2-em [be-li2 li-iq]-bi [... wa]-ar#-ki t,up-pi2-ia an-ni-i-im
... ... ... he brought to me. Now, the tablet of the shabu-priest he gave me, of the man and his name, and the house he made available, and he brought to me. Further, the tablet of the craftsmen, of the shabu-priest reeds, he brought to me, and if before me I shall go, but I shall not go. This my lord should say: ... before this tablet
P339015: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na] be-li2-ia [qi2]-bi2-ma [um-ma] ba-ah#-[di]-li#-im [_arad2_-ka-a]-ma [t,e4-hi-tum isz-tu ha-s,u2]-ra#-a(ki) [u3 qa-t,a2-nim(ki) ik-szu]-dam# [...] x [x] x x x x [x] [_ARAD2_-du-_mesz_ be]-li2#-ia# [u3 ... _lu2_ ha]-s,u2#-ra-a(ki) [a-li]-ik# i-di-[szu-nu] [a]-na s,e-er be-li2-ia#
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: The report from Hashur and Qatanum has arrived. ... ... ... ..., the servants of my lord, and ... the man of Hashur, I will go with them to my lord.
sza isz-tu pa-na i-na ha-s,u2-ra#(ki#) wa-asz-bu u3 _1(disz) lu2_ ha-s,u2-ra-a(ki) [a]-li-ik i-di-szu-nu a-na babila2(ki) [i]-ti-qu2 [(disz)]la-wi-dingir _ARAD2_ be-li2-ia [u3] ha#-ab-du-ba-ah-la _lu2_ qa-t,a2-nim(ki) [a-li]-ik i-(di)-szu a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia [x _dumu]-mesz_ szi-ip-ri _lu2_ babila2(ki) [u3 1(disz) _lu2_] qa-t,a2-nim(ki) [a-li]-ik# i-di-szu-nu [a-na] babila2#(ki) i-ti-qu2
who from the beginning in Hashura was living and 1 man from Hashura I marched, and their aid to Babylon I received. La-wi-ili, servant of my lord, and Habdu-bahla, man of Qatanum I marched, and his aid to my lord I received. x sons of the steward of Babylon and 1 man of Qatanum I marched, and their aid to Babylon I received.
P339016: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
a-na be-li2-ia# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ba-ah-di-li-im _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma t,e4-hi-tum isz-tu _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki) (disz)na-ap-si-e-ra-ah u3 _2(disz) lu2_ sza si2-ik-ki-szu
(disz)ia-as2-ki-in-(d)[x-x] _dumu_ sa-ma-a-da-hi#-im# u3 _2(disz) [lu2_ sza si2-ik-ki-szu]
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: The report from Egal-latim Napsi-Erah and 2 men of his .
Yaskin-..., son of Samadahim, and 2 men of his chariot crew,
a-li-ik i-di-szu-nu isz-tu _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki) ik-szu-du-nim (disz)(d)utu-ha-zi-ir _ARAD2_ be-li2-ia u3 _1(disz) dumu_ szi-ip-ri-im _lu2_ ka-ak-mi-im(ki) a-li#-[ik i]-di#-szu [ik-szu-du]-nim# [a-na s,e-er] be#-[li2-ia] at,-t,a3-ar-dam#
I marched with them, from Egal-latim I achieved their goal. Shamash-hazir, servant of my lord, and 1 son of Shipirim, the man of Kakkim I marched with him I achieved their goal. To the eunuch of my lord I have brought.
P339017: letter tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
[a-na] be-li2#-[ia] [qi2]-bi2-ma# [um]-ma ba-ah-di-li#-[im] _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma# [asz]-szum# t,e4-em da-mi#-[...] i-[...] x-im
To my lord speak! Thus Bahdi-Lim, your servant: Because of the report of ... .
[wa-ar-ka-as-su2-nu] [ap]-ru-us-[ma] ki#-la-lu-szu-nu ka-lu-u2 [i]-na-an-na a-di t,e4-mu-um [an-nu]-um# ma-ha-ar be-li2-ia# [...] x it-[ta-asz-ki-nu] [...] x x [...]-rum ka-lu#-szu# [...] li#-[...]
I have sworn by their side and their full weight. Now, until this report before my lord ... they have set ... ... his full weight .
P339021: letter tablet
Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI
x an? ku x na#-be2#-a x-ba [u3]-na#-du11 inim lugal i-dab5 inim e2-gal-ka e2#-ni ib2-de6#-a-am3? e2 (d)en-ki-ka-ka? amar niga in ba-an#-tar#?-tar#? nig2-gur11-bi ni2-ta sag3-sag3-x
... ... ... ... The king took the king's word, the king's word was uttered in his palace The calf was snatched from the grain store The property was snatched from the grain store
u2-gu ba-an-de2-de2 ensi2-ke4 na-be2-a amar niga in-ra ki?-na e2-a ni2-ba? u3-tu-e [nig2]-gur11-ra-ba? sza (d)namma x x en8-bi nu-na-tar-e iri-za i3-ne-gi4-x i3-na-du11 x an? ku x na-be2-a
he has sworn. The ruler should not ... a grain-fed calf. In the midst of the house, he should not ... a ...-house. The property of Namma should not be ...ed. He will return to your city. He will speak to you. ... ... should not .
P339022: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] [...] [...] [...]-dingir-ra [... (d)nanna-si]-sa2 [...] ba-zal [... udu] masz2 szu-gid2 lu2-ma2-gan(ki)
sa2-du11 (d)inanna-sze3 ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti u4 1(u) 5(disz) ba-zal
u4 2(u) la2 1(disz) ba-zal
... ... ... ... ... of the gods ... Nanna-sisa ... ... ... sheep and goats, shugid offerings, Lu-Magan,
for the regular offerings to Inanna, Ur-nigar received; 15th day passed;
the 19th day passed;
udu nig2-mu10-us2-sa2 [...] u4 2(u) 7(disz) [ba-zal]
bala [...]
sheep for a nigmusa offering ..., 27th day passed;
bala ...
P339023: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
foreman: Ur-Shulpa'e;
u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la
25th day, month: "Barley at the quay."
P339024: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
foreman: Ur-Shulpa'e;
gurumx(|_igi-erim_|) u4 1(u) iti nesag ki-su7 a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra
inspection of 10th day; month: "First fruits," under cultivation, field Ninura;
P339025: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)lamma dumu ur-nig2 lu2-kal-la dumu ur-(d)nansze lu2-(d)ba-ba6 lu2 lunga al-la (gesz#)gesztin#?
Ur-Lamma, son of Ur-nig; Lukalla, son of Ur-Nanshe; Lu-Baba, lung-builder, alla wine;
P339026: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[... (d)]usz-ka-limmu2 [...] sila3 esza
zi-ga didli
... Ushkalimu ... a liter of esha-flour
to the Emah temple;
... reed basket
ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 ensi2 ki [...]-ta iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Lu-dingira, under seal of the governor, from ...; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339027: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 4(u)-kam 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) sar al 6(disz) sar-ta a2-bi u4 2(gesz2) 1(u)-kam
its labor: 240 days; 420 sar hoed at 6 sar per day, its labor: 210 days;
a2-bi u4 1(gesz2)-kam a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a-sza3 igi-e2-mah-sze3 ugula a-gu-gu kiszib3 a-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
its labor: 960 days; labor of hirelings, field before Emah; foreman: Agugu; under seal of Akalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
a-a-kal#-[la] dub-[sar] dumu lugal#-[e2-mah-e]
Ayakalla, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339028: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-(d)dumu-zi-da na-ab-be2-a mu lugal tukum-bi kiszib3 nig2-dab5 gesz-kin-ti ba-ba-ti mu ma2 (d)en-ki
Lu-Dumuzida will not say: "If the king if under seal of Nigdab, the geshkinti-offering is received," year: "The boat of Enki."
u3 mu si-ma-num2(ki) iti a2-ki-ti-ta u4 1(u)-am3 zal-la nu-mu-de6 dub-bi nu-zi-zi ga-ab-su bi2-in-du11
and year: "Simanum." From month "Akitu," the day 10 passed, "Its tablet is not smashed," he said.
Seal 1
for Lu-Dumuzida;
P339029: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti 3(disz)-sze3 iti e2-iti-6(disz)-ta iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-sze3 ansze#-da-re-a gurusz#-bi# u4 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2)-kam kiszib3 ur-e11-e ugula lu2-(d)da-mu mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
for 3 months, from month "House-month-6," to month "Festival of Shulgi," "The donkeys," its laborers: 420 days; under seal of Ur-e'e, foreman: Lu-Damu; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339030: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(disz)-sze3 kun i7 gesz-gi-gal szu-luh ak u4 2(disz)-sze3 sze bala-a sze ma2-a si-ga u3 ma2 bala ak ki-su7-ra me-en-kar2-ta gu2 i7 e3-sze3 u4 2(disz)-sze3 i7 e3 ma2 gid2-da
for 3 days, the tail of the Geshgigal-waterway Shuluh canal, for 2 days, barley bala, barley rations of the barge, rations of the barge, and barge bala, from the kisu-way Menkar to the bank of the canal went; for 2 days, the canal went, barge punted,
u4 3(disz)-sze3 ka i7 e3-ta kar lugal-sze3 ma2 gid2-da u4 2(disz)-sze3 ma2 ba-al-la sze bala-a guru7-a im ur3-ra sza3 kar lugal ugula ur-e2-nun-na giri3 lu2-nam2-an-ka kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
for 3 days from the mouth of the river to the king's port barge punted; for 2 days barge unloaded, barley transferred, grain weighed out, granary, ur-paste, inside the port of the king, foreman: Ur-Enunna, via Lu-nam-an; under seal of Inim-Shara; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339031: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)suen ugu2 (ugula) kikken2-ke4-ne ba-a-gar kiszib3 _arad2_ giri3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e iti pa4-u2-e mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
Ur-Suen, on the duty of the foreman of the mills, deposited; under seal of ARAD, via Lugal-niglagare; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "En-unugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339032: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a kind of profession
ur-(d)nun-gal szunigin 3(disz) gin2 ku3-sig17 szunigin 6(disz) ma-na 1(u) 6(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-[babbar] ki lugal-nesag-[e-ta] ur-(d)nun-gal [szu ba-ti] mu en [...]
for Ur-Nungal; total: 3 shekels of gold; total: 6 mana 16 1/3 shekels of silver; from Lugal-nesage Ur-Nungal received; year: "The en-priestess of ..."
P339033: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 4(u) 5(disz)-sze3
u4 3(u)-sze3 a2 bala-a ma2-gur8-re su-su-dam iti min3-esz3 mu ma2 (d)en-ki
for 45 days
for 30 days, labor of bala of the barge, are to be delivered; month: "minesh," year: "The barge of Enki."
P339034: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
from Umma;
nibru(ki)-sze3 ma2 gar-ra e2#-sahar-ta-ke4#? ba-gi-in sza3 bala-a iti szu-numun mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
to Nippur barge stationed, from the Esahar temple ... erected; in the bala; month: "Sowing," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
e2-sahar#-[ta] dumu lugal-[...]
E-saharta, son of Lugal-.
P339035: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 1(disz) sa-ta
gu# [...] 9(gesz2)# 3(u) 3(disz) gi# [zex(_sig7_)]-a gi ga6-ga2 en-du8-du-ta ga2-nun gaba e2 lugal#-ka-sze3 de6-a
its reeds: 11 bundles each;
... 73 reeds, reeds ..., from Endudu to the threshing floor of the royal household .
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la ugula lu2-(d)szara2 iti pa4-u2-e mu en (d)nanna# ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Sheshkalla, foreman: Lu-Shara; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The high-priestess of Nanna in Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-[sar] dumu ugu2-du6
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Ugudu.
P339036: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 4(u) 1(disz) sila4 ga
141 suckling male lambs,
zi-ga bala-a ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 ba-ba-ti mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
booked out of the bala account, from Ushmu, under seal of Babati; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339037: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)a-ra ma2 3(u) gur
ku3-ta sa10-a
a boat of 30 gur capacity,
bought from silver
(gesz)kiri6 a-pi4-sal4(ki) ki lu2-(d)ha-ia3-[ta] gaba-ri kiszib3 [...] sza3 bala-[a ...] [mu ...]-mah ba-[...]
garden of Apisal, from Lu-Haya, copied, under seal of ..., in the bala; year: "... ."
P339038: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
na-am-ri2-lum a-zu
da-da gala
Namrilum, physician.
Dada, the gala;
a kind of garment
in-dah nig2-ba lugal ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
indah, royal gift, from Ushmu, under seal of the governor, year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
P339039: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) sar (gesz)dih3 ku5-a 2(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 5(u) 1(disz)-kam 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(u) sar gi zex(_sig7_)-a 3(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 4(u) 5(disz)-kam a2 lu2 hun-ga2
720 sar of reed cut at 20 sar per day, its labor: 51 days; 420 sar of reeds at 30 sar per day, its labor: 45 days; labor of hirelings;
a-sza3 zalag-ga a-gesztin ugula szesz-a-ni kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a giri3 da-da mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
field "white"; grapes, foreman: his brother; under seal of Gu'ugua, via Dada; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339040: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurum2 ak lugal giri3 ha-ab-ru-sza (u3) lu2 mar-ha-szi(ki)-ka ugula ur-mes kiszib3 a-kal-la nu-banda3
inspection of the king via Habrusha, and the man of Marhashi, foreman: Urmes, under seal of Akalla, the superintendent;
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba#-hun#
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339041: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 nir-i3-da-gal2
kiszib3 a-ab-ba-mu ka-guru7 e2 (d)nanna e2 (d)nanna-sze3
sze-ba du3-a-ku5
via Niridagal;
under seal of A'abbamu, the granary administrator of the temple of Nanna, to the temple of Nanna;
barley rations that are to be weighed out,
ki nam-ha-ni szesz lugal-ma2-gur8-re
lu2-(d)nanna dumu dingir-ba-ni
ensi2 babila-ma(ki) giri3 lu2-kal-la dub-sar szunigin 3(u) sze gur zi-ga mu ensi2 babila-ma(ki)-sze3
from Namhani, brother of Lugal-magure;
Lu-Nanna, son of Ili-bani.
governor of Babylon, via Lukalla, the scribe; total: 30 gur barley booked out, year: "The governor of Babylon."
mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339042: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
me-zu dumu ur-(d)utu-[ra] ur-(d)szara2-ke4 in-szi-sa10 egir-ra nu-sa10 bi2-du11#
Mezu, son of Ur-Shamash, Ur-Shara has chosen me, but I have not chosen me behind him.
nam-lu2-inim-ma-sze3 im-ta-e3-esz2 lu2 nam-erim2-ma-bi szu ti-ga2-de3 nu-un-sze igi ensi2-ka-sze3 igi i3-da-mu-sze3 igi ur-ab-zu-U-sze3 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
to be witnesses he has sworn; the person who the crime committed shall not take, before the governor, before Idamu, before Ur-abzu'u; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339043: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
igi-kar2 na-am-ri2-lum
before the scouts, Samrilum;
ki a-lu5-lu5-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti (d)li9-si4 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from Alulu, under seal of the governor; month: "Lisi," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-[kal-la] ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339044: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-kam
u4 2(disz)-kam u4 3(disz)-kam ka i7 gibil-ka
1st day.
2nd day, 3rd day, at the mouth of the new canal;
kun i7-da gub-ba sza3# sahar-ra [...] sza3#? gu2 tul2-ta ga6#?-ga2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi [mu] an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
standing at the bank of the river, in the dust ..., from the gu-flour of the canal ..., month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
[...] dub-[sar] dumu [...]
scribe, son of .
P339045: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti (d)pa4-u2-e mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal-ta u4 2(u)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 6(disz)-sze3 mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal-sze3
from month "Pa'u'e," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king," 20th day passed, to month "Harvest," 16th day, year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
ga2-nun sza3 gesz-gi-da tusz-a ugula ur-ge6-par4 kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2
foreman: Ur-gepar, under seal of Inim-Shara;
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-iti-da
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-itida.
P339046: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu4 su-su nu-banda3-gu4 u3 [su]-su engar sza3 gu4-suhub2 ka kesz2-ra2 kiszib3 nu-banda3-gu4 u3 engar ki kas4-ta u3-um-de6 kas4-ra nu-un-su-su gu4 su-su-ba
oxen, susu, the overseer, and susu, the plowman, in the oxen-pen, at the gate of the oxen-pen, under seal of the overseer, and the plowman, from Kas, to Umde, Kas did not bring, the plowman, the susu,
kiszib3 usz-mu kas4-ra nig2-ka9-a ba-[na]-an-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ushmu, the messenger, account of Bananzi; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339047: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2 ma-ri2(ki)-me ki inim-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 lu2-tur-tur u4 1(disz)-a u4 1(u)-sze3 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
men of Mari, from Inim-Shara, under seal of Lu-turtur, 1st day, 10th day, year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu a-na-mu lu2 lunga (d)[szara2]
Sheshani, scribe, son of Ana-mu, lung-worker of Shara.
P339048: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-a
a-da gub-ba
barley rations
standing water
iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti nesag-sze3
a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2
ugula lugal-iti-da kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from month "Harvest" to month "First fruits,"
field Kamari;
foreman: Lugal-itida, under seal of Ur-gigir; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu [...]
Ur-gigir, scribe, son of .
P339049: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ba szunigin 1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz) 4(ban2) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 sze gur sza3-bi-ta
regular offerings
barley rations; total: 98 gur 4 ban2 1 1/2 sila3 barley; therefrom:
sa2-du11 sze-ba e2 (d)en-ki u3 (d)_usz_-ka-limmu2 mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan mu us2-sa-bi
regular offerings, barley rations, house of Enki and Ushkalimmu, year following: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan," year following that.
P339050: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 su-ga ur-dingir-ra engar
la2-ia3 su-ga lu2-(d)utu dumu gu-u2-gu-a ugula ur-am3-ma igi ensi2-ka-sze3 ib2-dab
deficit repaid by Ur-dingira, the plowman;
deficit repaid, Lu-Utu, son of Gu'ugua, foreman: Ur-amma, before the governor, took.
e2-udu-ka za3 ba-ab-szu2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
in the sheep-pen he will measure out. Month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
P339051: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_hi_ gi-zi ze2 gub-ba-me ugula usz-mu
... reeds, standing at the barley-fed grain
P339052: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu4-lah5 gu4 gu2-ru engar-ra 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ensi2-ke4 lugal-nesag-e sza3#?-ra du2-ru-un-bi-ib
oxen-drivers, oxen-drivers, plowmen, 9th grade, governor: Lugal-nesage, in? the heart he will bring.
in-na-an-du11 u4 6(disz)-am3-ka# nu#-ub-u3-zu a2-ta ba-du8 lugal-nesag-e ga2-la bi2-in-dag mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu [mu]-du3-a mu# us2#-sa-bi
he has sworn. On the 6th day he did not know your status. From the labor he was sworn. Lugal-nesage has sworn. Year following: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected." Year following that.
Seal 1
lugal-[nesag-e] dub-sar dumu lu2-banda3(da#)
Lugal-nesage, scribe, son of Lu-banda.
P339053: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e sa-dur2-ra
bar-la2 szu2-luh ak a-sza3 nun-na
a kind of reed mat
a kind of profession
... of the princely field
kun-zi-da a-sza3 a-u2-da
i7 gu4-suhub2 szu2-luh ak
kab2-ku5 a-sza3 gibil a2 lu2 hun-ga2 kiszib3 na-ba-sa6 mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
at the threshing floor of the field of Auda;
the szuhub canal he dug;
..., new field, labor of hirelings, under seal of Nabasa; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
na-ba-[sa6] dumu he2-sa6# iszib (d)[szara2]
Nabasa, son of Hesa, scribe of Shara.
P339054: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 iti 3(disz)-kam ki na-u2-a-ta a-lu5-lu5 i3-dab5 kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-nun-ka iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti sze kar gal2-la-sze3 mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna en (d)inanna ba-hun
delivery of Shara; 3rd month, from Nau'a Alulu accepted; under seal of Lu-Namnun; from month "Harvest" to month "Barley at the quay," year: "En-unugal of Inanna was installed as en-priestess of Inanna."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka dub-[sar] dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka#
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339055: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Ur-sukkal;
for Ur-Halmusha;
ur-(d)a-szar2 ad6? kusz si-il-la udu e2-du6-la ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2-ka sza3 a-pi4-sal4(ki)
Ur-Ashar, the ..., the sheep of the 'house of the sheep'; Ur-Lisi, the governor, in Apisal;
iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339056: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 2(barig) 1(ban2) [5(disz) sila3] zu2-lum (gesz)kiri6 igi#-kur-ra ur-(d)su4-an-na ma2-gin2
total: 2 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 dates from the orchard of Igikura, Ur-Suana like a boat.
iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339057: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
diri 2(u) 2(barig) 2(disz) sila3 1(u) 3(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 gur lu2-du10-ga diri 1(u) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 5(disz) gin2 gur ur-(d)en-lil2-la2 diri 1(u) 8(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz)#? gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 gur lugal-ukken-ne2 la2-ia3 4(u) 3(asz) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 3(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 gur a-ab-ba
surplus: 20 gur 2 barig 2 sila3 13 1/3 shekels, Lu-duga; surplus: 10 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3 5 shekels, Ur-Enlila; surplus: 18 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 2 sila3 15? shekels, 1/4 shekel, Lugal-ukkene; deficit: 43 gur 8 2/3 sila3 3 1/3 shekels, A'abba;
la2-ia3 2(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 1(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 gur ur-(gesz)gigir diri 3(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 8(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 3(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 gur lugal-e2-mah-e la2-ia3 6(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur da-du-mu
Lady: 27 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5 1/2 sila3 1 5/6 shekels; Ur-gigir; surplus: 37 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 8 5/6 sila3 3 2/3 shekels; Lugal-emahe; deficit: 6 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 Dadumu;
P339058: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu sahar si-ga
kun-zi-da i7 suh-gibil-du3-a ku5-ra2
a-sza3 la2-tur sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a
... of the field of the m., soil piled up,
at the bank of the new canal blocked,
field Latur, barley rations;
kab2-ku5 da-gu-na-ka sahar si-ga ugula (d)szara2-a-mu kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lugal-e2-mah-e iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa (hu)-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
at the threshing floor of Daguna; dirt heap, overseer: Sharamu; under seal of the shatam-official of Lugal-emahe; month: "Harvest," year after: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar [dumu] lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339059: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 7(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 (uruda)nig2-su3-a
ka-la-lum i3-la2
... 7 1/3 mana 4 shekels of copper for nigsua-tools
he deposited it.
he will pay back the silver he received.
ugula nam-ha-ni giri3 lu2-(d)inanna sukkal iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma2-gur8-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu#-ne-dim2
foreman: Namhani; via Lu-Inanna, the messenger; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Great-Barge for Enlil and Ninlil fashioned."
P339060: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba u3 pa4 a-da-ga ba-al-la a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra ugula ur-mes kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a
the field of Ninura, foreman: Urmes, under seal of Gu'ugua;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339061: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu4-suhub2-ta guru7 a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3 in-u de6-a a-ra2 7(disz)-kam
guru7 a-pi4-sal4(ki) gi du3-a giri3 lu2-du10-ga
from the threshing floor of the oxen-pen, to the granary of Apisal, he cleared; for 7th time.
the reed-worker of Apisal, reed-worker, via Lu-duga;
ki-su7 a-sza3 gibil in-u du3-a u3 ga2-nun gi du3-a
ki-su7 a-sza3 nun-na in-u du3-a giri3 in-u9-u9 ugula _arad2_-mu kiszib3 da-a-ga mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
at the threshing floor of the new field, he built a new inu-vessel, and he built a reed storage facility.
at the threshing floor of the princely field, he built; via Inu'u, foreman: ARADmu, under seal of Da'aga; year: "Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-a-ga dub-sar dumu ur-gesz-sza3-ga
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-geshaga.
P339062: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-ba-an ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-a mu us2-sa-a-bi
from the house of Ban, under seal of the governor; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected," year following that.
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339063: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) sar (u2)kiszi17 1(u) 5(disz) sar-ta# a2-bi u4 4(u) 6(disz)-kam 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 2(u) sar (u2)|_zi&zi_|-sze3#?-sze bu3-ra 2(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 7(disz)-kam
a-da gub-ba
720 sar of kishizi-plant at 15 sar per day, its labor: 46 days; 420 sar of ...-plant at 20 sar per day, its labor: 77 days;
standing water
giri3 ur-am3-ma
[a]-sza3-ge (a) du11-ga u3 pa4 a-da-ga ba-al-la a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra a2 sza3-gu4-ka ugula ur-lugal kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3#
via Ur-Amma;
field "Duga" and the canal of Adaga were cleared; field Ninura, labor of oxen, foreman: Ur-lugal, under seal of Gu'ugua; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339064: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a zar3 tab-ba
a-da gub-ba sa-du8 ak a-sza3 e2-mah u3 kun-zi-da e2-duru5 (d)amar-(d)suen-ka gub-[ba]
barley weighed out,
... stationed, a threshing floor in the field Emah and the Kunzida, the 'house of Amar-Suen' stationed,
szum2 ba-al-la
u3-dag-ga sumun-e szu-luh ak giri3 lugal-e2-mah-e ugula lugal-ku3-ga-ni kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
given as a gift
for Udaga, the chief of the shuluh, via Lugal-emahe, foreman: Lugal-kugani, under seal of Lu-dingira; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6
Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Ur-Baba.
P339065: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
3(szar2) 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 3(u) sa gi gu-nigin2-bi 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 2(disz) sze-bi 3(u) 2(ban2)#? gur sze gi sila-a gal2-la lugal-a2-zi-da e3-dam sze-bi ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta
420 bundles of reed, their weight: 6242 gur, their barley: 30 gur 2 ban2; barley of reed, in the street, at the disposal of Lugal-azida, delivered; its barley from Lu-dingira;
[...] ezem#? ki ur-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 lugal-a2#-zi-da dumu# da-da iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-asz-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
... festival, from Ur-Shara, under seal of Lugal-azida, son of Dada; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "For the 2nd time Shashrum was destroyed."
P339066: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 5(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 3(u) 6(disz) ma-na
Their weight: 45 minas.
Their weight: 36 minas.
ki-la2-bi 8(disz) ma-na ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta a-a-kal-la aszgab szu ba-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
its weight: 8 mana; from Ur-Shulpa'e Ayakalla, the smith, received; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339067: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 la2-tur sza3 da-gu-na ba-al-la gurusz-e 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 da-da-ga
field Latur, in Daguna, cleared; male laborers: 7 1/2 shekels each, foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Dadaga;
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339068: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 2(disz) kusz gu4
lugal-gesz-hur-e engar
al-ba-ni-du11 engar
dingir-saga engar
deficit: 2 hides of oxen,
Lugal-geshhure, the ploughman;
Allanidu, the ploughman;
Dingir-saga, the ploughman;
inim-(d)szara2 engar kusz gu4 ri-ri-ga ur-(d)nin#-su su-su-dam mu# ur#-(d)nin-su-sze3 kiszib3 i7#-pa-e3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
Inim-Shara, the plowman, leather-trimmed oxen, for Ur-Ninsu to be returned; year: "Ur-Ninsu was seized." Sealed tablet of Ipa'e. Year: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
i7-pa-e3 dub-[sar] dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-[du5]
Ipa'e, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339069: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)kiri6 du6-za-na-a lu2-(d)nin-ur4-ra i3-dab5 iti (d)dumu-zi mu gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
the orchard of Duzana Lu-Ninura accepted; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."
P339070: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 la2-mah kun-zi-da gi4-a
a-sza3 (d)szara2-ta gi-zi ma2-a gar
ka i7-da-sze3 ma2 gi-zi gid2-da
field Lamah, reconstructed in the "gateway";
from the field of Shara reed reeds in the barge stationed;
to the mouth of the waterway barge with reed stretched out,
ki lu2-nig2-lagar-e-ta ur-(d)nin-su i3-dab5 iti min-esz3 mu (d)nanna kar-zi-da a-ra2 2(disz)-kam e2#-a-na ba-an-kux(_kwu147_)
from Lu-nig-lagare Ur-Ninsu accepted; month: "minesh," year: "Nanna of Karzida for the 2nd time his house was erected;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)nin-su sa12-du5 (d)szara2 dumu lugal-nesag-e sa12-du5-ka
Ur-Ninsu, the regular offering of Shara, son of Lugal-nesage, the regular offering.
P339071: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra
kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la dumu tir-gu mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of Ku-Ninura;
under seal of Sharakam;
under seal of Sheshkalla, son of Tirgu; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta gaba-ri kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
under seal of Lu-Namma; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked." From Ur-Shulpa'e, first copy, under seal of Ur-Nungal; year: "The Great-Stele was erected."
P339072: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 amar-(gesz)kiszi17 a-sza3 muru13 u3 a-sza3 i7 lugal a de2-a
water stationed, field Amar-kishi, field Muru, and field King's canal irrigated,
ugula ur-e2-nun-na giri3 gu2-tar kiszib3 e2-gal-e-si mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
foreman: Ur-Enunna, via Gutar, under seal of Egalesi; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
e2-gal-e-si dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)[szara2] sa12-du5-ka
Egalesi, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339073: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 2(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2
ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 1(disz) gin2
Their weight: 11 2/3 mana 2 2/3 shekels.
Their weight: 1 5/6 ma-na, 1 shekel.
kin til-la ki da-da-ga-ta ur-(d)szara2-ke4 in-la2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
finished work, from Dadaga did Ur-Shara take; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)[szara2] dub-sar dumu lugal-[uszur4]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339074: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga e2 nir-i3-da-gal2 ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
booked out of the house of Niridagal, from Agu, under seal of Sharakam; year: "The Great-Stele was erected."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339075: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] masz2 u4-sakar u4 1(u) 5(disz) (d)szul-gi [...] udu niga u4-sakar-gu-la [...] udu niga (gesz)gigir u4 6(disz) [...] udu niga (gesz)gigir u4 7(disz) [...] sila4 bar-ba zi-ga u4-sakar u4 1(u) 5(disz) (d)amar-(d)suen
... he will measure the interest on the threshing floor for 15 days. Shulgi ... grain-fed sheep for the threshing floor ... grain-fed sheep for the chariot for 6 days. ... grain-fed sheep for the chariot for 7 days. ... lambs with a rib cut, grain-fed sheep for 15 days. Amar-Suen
(d)szu-(d)suen 2(disz)-kam szunigin# 1(u) udu niga szunigin 3(disz) udu u2 [szunigin ...] 1(disz) sila4 bar-ba zi-ga szunigin 1(disz) masz2 [sa2]-du11# (d)lamma lugal-ke4-ne ki# a-lu5-lu5-ta iti min-esz3 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
for Shu-Suen, 2nd year; total: 10 sheep, grain-fed, total: 3 sheep, grass-fed, total: ... 1 lamb, with a breast, booked out; total: 1 goat, regular offerings of the lamma king, from Alulu; month: "minesh," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339076: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba zi-ga sza3 (kusz)du10-gan-na sa2-du11 kas4 gur4-sa3-an muhaldim iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu si-ma-num2(ki)-ta
Basket-of-tablets: credits in the pouch, regular offerings of the messengers, Gursan, cooks, from month "Harvest," year: "Simanum."
Basket-of-tablets: credits in the pouch, rations of the messengers, Gurzan, the cook, from the month "Harvest," year: "Simanum,"
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-sze3 i3-gal2
to month "Barley at the quay," year: "The Amorite wall was erected," are here.
to the month "Barley at the harbor," year: "The Amorite wall was erected," are here.
P339077: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3 _ne#_?-a gub-ba ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3!-ta iti szu-numun-ta iti e2 iti-6(disz)-sze3 mu hu-uh2!(_gisz_-_kuszu2_)-nu-ri(ki) [...]
in the "Assyrian" district stationed, from Ur-Shulpa'e; from month "Sowing" to month "House of the 6th month," year: "Huhnuri ..."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen nita kal-ga [lugal uri5(ki)-ma] lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-[(d)li9-si4] ensi2# umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339078: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-kal-la engar
kal-la engar
ba-sa6 nu-su
Lukalla, the plowman;
Kalla, the plowman;
for Basa, not ...;
ur-e2-gal engar
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu du5-la2 nu-su
Ur-Egal, the ploughman;
Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Dula, not a slave.
kiszib3# ba-sa6 mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Basa; year after: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ba-sa6 dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6#-ga
Basa, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339079: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi# 2(disz) 2/3(disz) sar# e2-kiszib3-ba zi3 u3 e2-kiszib3-ba mun-gazi ba-an-ba#-ra
ki-la2-bi 2(disz) sar
Their weight: 2 2/3 sar. In the sealed house, flour and in the sealed house, malt was brought.
Their weight: 2 sar.
gur gesz _sze3_ ki#? x x ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la# mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
... barge
gur barley, from ..., from Agu, under seal of Lukalla; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339080: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 2(gesz2) 3(disz) masz2
deficit: 233 billy goats,
la2-ia3-am3 diri#? 1(gesz2) 3(u) 2(disz) udu bar-su-ga
diri-ga-am3 diri la2-ia3 udu i3 siki#? ur-e11-e kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
deficit: extra: 92 sheep, without fleece,
extra, extra deficit of sheep, oil, wool of Ur-e'e, under seal of Lu-Haya; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-[sar] dumu ur-e11-e
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-e'e.
P339081: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[u4]-sakar u4 1(u) 5(disz) iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ra-sze3 ab-ba-gi-na su-su-da
Sakar, 15th day, month: "Festival of Shulgi," Abbagina, Susuda;
mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi# lugal#-ku3-zu-sze3 igi lugal-e2-mah-e-sze3 igi ur-(d)nin-tu-sze3 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Lugal-kuzu, before Lugal-emahe, before Ur-Nintu. Year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-sa6#-[ga]
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-saga.
P339082: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e11-e-ta ensi2-ke4 szu ba-ti
from Ur-e'e the governor received;
iti diri mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
extra month: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339083: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] gu4# [...] amar du3-a [...] udu niga# [...] [...] masz2# [...] ka5-a-[mu?] [...] masz2-da3 [...] [...] munu4 gur [...] 4(ban2)#? kasz ninda gur [...] zi3 sig15
... oxen ... calf ... calf ... grain-fed sheep ... ... goat ... goat ... goat ... goat ... emmer ... ... malt ... 4 ban2? beer, bread ... fine flour
nig2-dab5 en hun-e-da# ensi2 umma(ki)
nigdab-offering of the en-priest, governor of Umma.
P339084: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 1(u) 2(disz) (na4)nig2-da hi-a sza3#? gu2 1(disz)-a-kam
sza3#? gu2 2(disz)-a-kam
... 12 nigda stones, ..., in the 1st 'neck',
in the second neck;
gil#-sa (d)nin-(d)su4-an-na bar-ta gal2-la nigar(gar)-ki-du10 i3-dab5 iti pa4-u2-e mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
reed basket for Nin-Suana, from the barag, ... Nigar-kidu accepted; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339085: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal udu niga saga giri3 an-na-hi-li-bi
sza3-gal udu niga sa2-du11 dingir-re-ne giri3 a-lu5-lu5
fodder for good quality sheep, via Anna-hilibi;
general of sheep, grain-fed, regular offerings of the gods, via Alulu;
ki an-na-hi-li-bi-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
from Anna-hilibi, under seal of Lu-Naman; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339086: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kar-ra umma(ki)-ta i7 lugal-sze3 ma2 gid2-da ma2 diri-ga u4 2(disz)-sze3 sze ma2-a si-ga u4 3(disz)-sze3 i7 lugal-ta nag-su(ki)-sze3 ma2 gid2-da
from the port of Umma to the royal canal barge punted, barge extra, for 2 days barley loaded into the barge, for 3 days from the royal canal to Nagsu barge punted;
u4 1(disz)-sze3 nag-su(ki)-a ma2 bala ak u3 ma2 diri-ga u4 4(disz)-sze3 ma2 ba#-al-la sze bala-a im ur3-ra ugula lil-la kiszib3 lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)? mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
for 1 workday, in Nagsu barge was balad, and barge surplus, for 4 workdays barge was empty, barley balad, ..., foreman: Lila, under seal of Lugal-ushur?, year: "The barge of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-uszur3? dub-sar dumu a2-an-du-ru
Lugal-ushur?, scribe, son of A-anduru.
P339087: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula-gesz2-da lu2 [...]-bi-ne
foreman: Lu-...-bine;
a kind of profession
[...]-szi-in [...] sze lu2 _hi_-numun-um
zi-ga u4 3(disz)-kam
... ... barley of a man
booked out, 3rd day;
P339088: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_-(d)szara2 dumu lugal#-nir-gal2 ma2-gin2 [iti] sze-sag11-ku5-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal
Warad-Shara, son of Lugal-nirgal, barge skipper. From month "Harvest," under seal of Ur-Nungal.
sze-ba-e dah-ha mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul
barley rations repaid; year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."
Seal 1
ur#-(d#)nun#-gal# dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339089: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 3(disz) kasz dida du 1(ban2) szunigin 6(disz) sila3 kasz saga szunigin 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 kasz szunigin 3(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 ninda szunigin 1(u) 4(disz) gin2 i3 szunigin 1(u) 4(disz) gin2 naga szunigin 1(u) 3(disz)# sa szum2 u4 2(u)-kam iti min-esz3 mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3
total: 3 wort-beer, regular offering, 1 ban2 barley per liter; total: 6 sila3 fine beer; total: 1 ban2 5 sila3 beer; total: 3 ban2 8 sila3 bread; total: 14 shekels oil; total: 14 shekels alkali-plant; total: 13 bundles onions; 20th day; month: "minesh," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."
P339090: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(disz) sar
ma2 ninda-sze3
Their weight: 1 sar.
for a barge for bread;
ki a-gu-ta# kiszib3 lu2-u18 mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
from Agu, under seal of Lu-u; year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-u18 dumu bi2-du11 muhaldim#
Lu-U, son of Bidu, cook.
P339091: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Lu-isa;
for Ur-Suen;
P339092: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-tu e2 nesag-ta
kiszib3 lu2-(d)szara2 gur sze szah2#?
under seal of Ur-Nintu, from the house of nesag;
under seal of Lu-Shara; gur barley of a pig;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la [...] gur a2 lu2 hun-ga2 kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba sza3 sze bar-ta gal2-la iti szu-numun mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-asz-ru-um mu-hul
under seal of Lukalla ..., labor of hirelings, under seal of Ur-Shara, chief accountant, from barley barley, repaid; month: "Sowing," year: "for the 2nd time Shashrum was destroyed."
P339093: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 5(disz) ma-na
Their weight: 5 minas.
i3-e du3-a-bi lugal-ku3-zu ba-an-de6
he has sworn by the name of Lugal-kuzu.
P339094: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 7(asz) gu2 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na tug2 gu2-na gu2-edin-na mu en ga-esz(ki)
1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 4(u) 1(disz) tug2 usz-bar
ki-la2-bi 1(gesz2) 1(u) 7(asz) gu2 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na
its weight: 7 talents 1 2/3 mana; garments for gu'na, Gu'edina; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh."
141 ushbar textiles,
Their weight: 77 talents, 6 2/3 minas.
tug2 gu2-na mu ma2 (d)en-ki ki [...]-ta lu2#-kal-[la] in-la2 i3-kal-la szu ba-ti mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
garment for a throne year: "The boat of Enki from ... Lukalla was caulked," Ikalla received; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339095: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 szesz-kal-la sipa udu kur-ra
giri3 ur-(gesz)gigir unu3
via Sheshkalla, shepherd of the mountain sheep;
via Ur-gigir, cowherd;
giri3 lugal-hi-li sipa gu4 udu e2-du6-la ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2-ka
udu bar-ku3-ga (d)szara2 ur-(d)ma-mi na-gada ki ur-(d)nun-gal-ta usz-mu i3-dab5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
via Lugal-hili, shepherd of oxen and sheep of the Dula-house; Ur-Lisi, the governor;
sheep of the kug-offerings of Shara, Ur-Mami, the herdsman, from Ur-Nungal, Ushmu accepted; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339096: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 ma2-gur8-ra
offering for the boatyard;
e2 (d)szara2-sze3 ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti nesag mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
to the house of Shara, from Lu-dingira, under seal of the governor; month: "First fruits," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-[la] ensi2# umma(ki) [_arad2_-zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339097: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-hu-du10 lu2 ma2 tur
regular offerings
Ahudu, the man who is a small boat.
ma-da umma(ki) kiszib3 ensi2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa en (d)nanna ba-hun
for Adalal;
Land of Umma, under seal of the governor; month: "Harvest," year after: "The priest of Nanna was installed."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[...] ensi2# umma#[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]
... governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339098: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(disz)-sze3 ka-ma-ri2(ki)-ta e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-sze3 gir2-a gen-na
e2 (d)nin-mar(ki)-ka-ta uri5(ki)-sze3 umma(ki)-sze3 ma2 su3 im-gid2#
for 3 days from Kamari to the house of Ninmar he took it as a loan.
from the house of Ninmar to Ur and Umma barge punted,
giri3 szesz-kal-la# a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ugula lu2-(d)szara2 iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub (ga2)gar#-ra# mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
via Sheshkalla, 2nd time; foreman: Lu-Shara; month: "Bricks cast in moulds for a carpenter," year after: "Anshan was destroyed."
Column 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) szesz-kal-la
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Sheshkalla.
Column 2
dub-sar dumu na-silim _arad2_-zu
scribe, son of Nasilim, is your servant.
P339099: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal udu niga
sza3-gal gu4 niga kiszib3 5(disz) an-na-hi-li-bi
kiszib3 7(disz) bi2-da
ration of grain-fed sheep
in the stall of the grain-fed oxen, under seal of An-hilibi;
under seal of Bida;
kiszib3 5(disz) lugal-a2-zi-da
kiszib3 1(u) a-lu5-lu5 sza3-gal gu4 udu niga ki ad-da-ta gaba-ri (kiszib3)-ba ur-(d)nun-gal mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Lugal-azida;
under seal of Ali-lu, general, oxen, sheep, grain-fed, from Adda, from the first sealed tablet of Ur-Nungal; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339100: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
3(bur3) 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ sze-numun-bi 3(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur sze nig2-ar3-ra sza3-gal amar-bi 1(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur sze kasz dida!(_u2_-_u2_)-bi 4(barig) 2(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 u4 4(disz)-sze3
3 bur3 1 eshe3 3 iku surface area, its seed grain: 3 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley, grain for emmer, its fodder: 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley, its wort, beer: 4 barig 2 ban2 4 sila3 for 4 days;
szunigin 7(asz) 4(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 sze gur zi-ga-am3 la2-ia3 1(asz) sze gur nig2-ka9-ak sze a-(e)-bar-ra-ka e2-gal-e-si iti (d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
total: 7 gur 4 ban2 4 sila3 barley booked out; deficit: 1 gur barley, account of barley of Abara, Egalesi; month: "Lisi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339101: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a-sza3 (gesz)gaba-tab-e uru4-a ki e2-gal-e-si-ta
labor of hirelings, field of the ..., reed-fed, from Egalesi;
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti iti (d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
Ur-Shulpa'e received; month: "Lisi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu ha-ba-lu5-ge2
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Habaluge.
P339102: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal nagar
(gesz)e-szu de6-a u3 (gesz)ig _hi_-la2-a
chief of the carpenters;
... a door and a door .
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 4(disz) ma-na zi-ga (gesz)ig e2-gal kiszib3 _arad2_ dumu szesz-kal-la mu bad3 ba-du3
their weight: 1 talent 4 mana; booked out; door of the palace, under seal of ARAD, son of Sheshkalla; year: "The wall was erected."
Seal 1
lugal#-[...] dub-[sar] dumu lugal-(d)[...]
Lugal-..., scribe, son of Lugal-.
P339103: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3-bi 5/6(disz) gin2 1(u) 4(disz) sze
ku3-bi igi-4(disz)-gal2
lu2-dingir-ra (lu2) i3-gara2
its silver: 5/6 shekel 14 grains;
its silver: 1/4 shekel;
Lu-dingira, the man of the threshing floor;
szunigin 5/6(disz) gin2 2(u) 9(disz) sze ku3-babbar szunigin 1(barig) 2(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 igi-[sag] mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
total: 5/6 shekel 29 grains silver; total: 1 barig 2 ban2 2 sila3 first-class beer; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339104: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i3 kasz lu2 masz2-da-re6-a-ke4-ne mu kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge tum3-da-sze3
they are the drinkers of beer, under seal of Shakuge, to be brought;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Lu-Haya; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339105: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(bur3) _gan2_ ur-(d)en-lil2-la2 7(bur3) 1(esze3) _gan2_ lu2-dingir-ra 3(bur3) 4(iku) _gan2_ kal-la-mu 4(bur3) 3(iku) _gan2_
2 bur3 field area: Ur-Enlila; 7 bur3 1 eshe3 field area: Lu-dingira; 3 bur3 4 iku field area: Kalamu; 4 bur3 3 iku field area:
lu2-(d)nanna 7(bur3) 2(esze3) _gan2_ lu2-dingir-ra 6(bur3) 2(esze3) _gan2_ (d)dumu-zi-urua(a)
Lu-Nanna 7 bur3 2 eshe3 field, Lu-dingira 6 bur3 2 eshe3 field, Dumuziua;
P339106: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(esze3)? _gan2_ gesz a-[ra2 n-kam] ur-(d)suen [engar]
a-sza3 us2-sa igi-[zi]
lu2-(d)szara2 engar
2(bur3) _gan2_ gesz a-ra2 1(disz)-kam lugal-nir-gal2 engar 1(esze3)? _gan2_ gesz a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
1 eshe3? field, ..., Ur-Suen, the plowman;
field facing the ...;
Lu-Shara, the ploughman;
2 bur3 field, wood, for 1 time, Lugal-nirgal, the plowman; 1 eshe3 field, wood, for 1 time,
ur-e2-an-na engar a-sza3 muru13 gurum2 ak u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam ugula ur-mes iti szu-numun mu hu-hu-nu-ri[(ki) ba-hul]
Ur-Eanna, the plowman, field, muru, inspections, 18th day; foreman: Urmes; month: "Sowing," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339107: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 na-ra-am-(d)suen ku5-ra2
a-da gub-ba e sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 a-bu3 u3 a-sza3 apin-ba-zi
the gate of Naram-Sin is to be opened.
the irrigation work to be performed on the threshing floor, field Abu and field of Apin-bazi;
ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e [bad3 mar]-tu# mu-du3
foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Lugal-hegal; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar[(gar)]
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339108: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 6(disz) sila3-ta a2-bi u4 5(gesz2) ki _arad2_-ta sza3-bi-ta
a2-bi u4 4(gesz2) 4(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) a2 6(disz) sila3-ta sze-bi 5(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 gur _sig7#_? igi e2-masz-da3-a kiszib3 da-da-a
labor: 6 sila3 each day, its labor: 420 days, from ARAD therefrom:
its labor: 189 1/2 workdays; labor: 6 sila3 each, its barley: 5 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 7 sila3, yellow; before Emashda'a, under seal of Dada;
szunigin 5(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 gur zi-ga-am3 la2-ia3 1(barig) 3(disz) sila3 sze nig2-ka9-ak sze a2 lu2 hun-ga2 sig4 du8-a (d)szara2-za-me ugula kikken-na mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
total: 5 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 7 sila3 booked out; deficit: 1 barig 3 sila3 barley; account of barley, labor of hirelings, bricks laid out; Shara-zame, foreman of mills; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339109: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(esze3)? _gan2_ tug2 gurx(|_sze-kin_|) _gan2_-ta gesz-ur3-ra [a-ra2 n] 4(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta a2 erin2-na-bi u4 3(u) 6(disz) 2(bur3) 2(iku) _gan2_ szu ur3-ra a-ra2 3(disz) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta
1 eshe3? field, textiles, ..., from the field, the harrowing, for n 4 1/2 iku per day, its labor of the troops: 36 days; 2 bur3 2 iku field, hand-plowing, for 3 4 1/2 iku per day,
a2 erin2-na-bi u4 1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(disz) a-sza3 du6-gesz-i3-ka ugula ur-e2-nun kiszib3 szesz-a-ni mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
labor of the troops: 98 days; field Dugesh-i, foreman: Ur-Enun, under seal of Sheshani; year: "The Great-Stele was erected."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu da-da
Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.
P339110: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 7(asz) gur a-ra2 1(disz)-kam 1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 2(u) 2(barig) gur a-ra2 2(disz)-kam guru7 kam-sal4-la
67 gur, 1st time; 420 2 barig, 2nd time; grain-fed, kamsala;
guru7 sahar-u2-u2
sza3 szu-nu-kusz2 szunigin 3(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) sze gur sze gesz e3-a iti (d)dumu-zi mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
heaped-up grain heap
in Shunukush; total: 115 gur barley, barley rations, excavated; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shashru was destroyed."
igi#? lu2-du10?-numun?-ba da-da
before Lu-du-numuna? Dada;
P339111: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
5(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 1(u) sar gi zex(_sig7_)-a 2(u) [sar-ta] a2-bi u4 2(gesz2) 5(u) 1(barig) 1/2(disz)-[kam]
a2-bi u4 3(u) 1/2(disz)-kam
a2-bi u4 1(u) 4(disz) 1/2(disz)!-kam a-sza3 amar-(gesz)kiszi17
420 sar of reed, reeds, 20 sar each, its labor: 210 1/2 days;
its labor: 30 1/2 days;
its labor: 14 1/2 days; field Amar-kishi;
a2-bi u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sar gi ku5-a 2(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 3(u) 5(disz)!-kam
a2-bi u4 2(u) 2(disz)-[kam] a-sza3 e2-mah nu-banda3-gu4 lugal-(d)[isztaran] kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-[e] mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-[...]
its labor: 17 days; 420 sar, reed cut, 20 sar per day, its labor: 35 days;
its labor: 22 days; field Emah, oxen manager: Lugal-Ishtaran, under seal of Lugal-niglagare; year: "For the 2nd time, Sha-...;"
Seal 1
lugal-[si-_ne_-e] dub-[sar] [dumu lugal-ezem]
Lugal-sinee, scribe, son of Lugal-ezem.
P339112: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da kun-nagar gub-ba
kun-zi-da ki-gam-ma u3 en-da-gal gub-ba
stationed at the quay and the quay-station;
at the quay of Kigama and Endagal stationed;
ugula ur-mes kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Ur-mes, under seal of Gu'ugua; year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339113: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 (d)szara2-sze3
to the house of Shara;
[...] ninda zi3-gu saga
e2 (d)nin-ur4-ra
e2-gal-sze3 kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti (d)[dumu]-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
... bread made with fine flour
house of Ninura,
to the palace, under seal of the governor; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339114: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku6 nisi ga-sze-a nunuz gesztin
fish, nisi, roasted, emmer, wine
ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Ushmu, under seal of the governor, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339115: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa-ra ak sze gur10-a a-sza3 muru13
a-sza3 kesz2-ra2 a-sza3 gu2-e3
... barley rations, field muru
field for a kishra offering, field Gu'e;
ki-su7 gu2-e3
ki-su7 igi e2-duru5 a-sza3 me-en-kar2 ki lu2-du10-ga-ta kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam-ma lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 mu-du3
... of the threshing floor
at the threshing floor before the Eduru, field "Menkar," from Lu-duga, under seal of the shatama of Lu-Naman; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-[an-ka] dub-[sar] dumu lu2-(d)[szara2] sa12-du5-[ka]
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339116: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2 da-a-ga
ma2 inim-ma-ni
ma2 giri3-ni
barge of Da'aga;
his word boat
barge with feet
e2-kiszib3-ba e2-gal kux(_kwu147_)#?-ra
mar-sa-a kux(_kwu147_)?-ra ma2 lugal-ma2-gur8-re [nig2-dab5] gesz-kin-ti-ka ba-ku5 szunigin 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 5(u) 3(asz) gu2 esir2 gul-gul szunigin 1(gesz2) 5(u) gu2 esir2 apin [szunigin] 2(u) 3(asz) gu2 im-babbar2 [...] 2(asz)? gu2 esir2 da?-um-gi(ki#?)
in the sealed house, palace brought;
to the marsa canal brought; barge of Lugal-magure, nigdab-offering of the geshkinti-offerings were taken; total: 153 talents of bitumen, destroyed; total: 105 talents of bitumen, plow; total: 23 talents of gypsum; ... 2 talents of bitumen, Da'umgi;
mu en-mah-gal-an-na [...]
year: "Enmahgalana ...."
P339117: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szesz-kal-la na-gada mu-kux(_du_) kiszib3 ensi2-ka
Sheshkalla, the nagda, delivery, under seal of the governor;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
month: "Dumuzi," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339118: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gesz gu2-ne-sag ama-_il2_-sze3
date palm
for the gunesag tree of the mother;
ki lu2-kal-la-ta a-gu szu ba-ti iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Lukalla Agu received; month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339119: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(u) la2 1(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 6(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 1(u) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 5(u) 5(disz) ma-na
Their weight: 9 minas.
Their weight: 6 1/3 mana.
Their weight: 41 2/3 minas.
Their weight: 1 talent 14 2/3 minas.
Their weight: 1 talent 55 minas.
siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak didli
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 2(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki a-du-ta ur-(d)szara2-ke4 in-la2 i3-kal-la szu ba-ti iti min-esz3 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
mountain wool for a scepter
Their weight: 1 talent 32 2/3 mana.
cloths, rations, from Adu Ur-Shara has taken; Ikalla received; month: "minesh," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
P339120: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siki udu-lah5 ki ur-(d)ma-mi-ta ensi2-ke4 szu ba-ti
wool for a ram, from Ur-Mami, the governor, received;
iti diri mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
extra month: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339121: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] udu lu2-kal-la# [...] udu# [...] 2(disz) masz2 lugal-a2-zi-da gudu4
... sheep of Lukalla ... sheep ... 2 billy goats, Lugal-azida, gudu4;
a kind of profession
udu gu2#-na
sze-ta sa10#-[a] mu-kux(_du_) iti sze-sag11#-ku5 mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
a kind of fattened sheep
for Shaninga;
barley rations received; delivery, month: "Harvest," year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339122: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu gub-ba
gu4-e-us2-sa ugula i7-pa-e3
at the threshing floor of the field of manu-wood stationed;
foreman: oxen-driver, foreman: Ipa'e;
kiszib3 kas4 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of Kas; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339123: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta
gu-nigin2-ba 6(disz) sa-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ma-mi
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa gi-zi
its trough: 5 bundles each,
its trough: 6 bundles each, under seal of Ur-Mami;
its ...: 5 bundles of reed,
kiszib3 [...] [...] iti [...] mu# [...]
under seal of ... month: "...," year: "...,"
P339124: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 e2-amar-ra gub-ba
a-e3-a a-ga-am3-gu-la u3 bar-la2-ba gub-ba
stationed at the gate of the amaru house;
at the waterway, at the quay and at the quay stationed;
ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Lu-Haya; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339125: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8-ta ki ur-mes-ta ugu2 ab-ba-saga ga2-ga2-dam
from month "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked," from Urmes, to Abbasaga delivered;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
ab-ba-sa6-ga [dumu da-du-mu] [nu-banda3-gu4]
Abbasaga, son of Dadumu, oxen manager.
P339126: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 2(u) 3(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 2(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2!(_gaz_)-ak
Their weight: 23 minas of mountain wool for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 12 2/3 mana, wool from the mountain, a girig-tool
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki szesz-ku3-[...]-ta lu2-kal-la u3 i3-kal-la in-la2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
cloths, rations, from Sheshku-..., Lukalla and Ikalla, he has weighed out. Month: "Lisi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339127: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 5(u) 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 2(u) sar gi ku5-a 1(u) 5(disz) sar-ta a2-bi u4 4(u) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) a2 lu2 hun-ga2 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sar (u2)kul ku5-a a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 3(u)
its labor: 520 sar; reed cut at 15 sar a day, its labor: 45 1/3 days; labor of hirelings: 420 sar; kul cut; its labor: 210 days;
a2-bi u4 3(u) 2(disz) a2 sza3-gu4 a-sza3-ge kin ak a-sza3 e2-mah ugula lugal-ezem kiszib3 lugal-ku3-ga-ni mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
its labor: 32 workdays; labor of oxen herdsmen, field work to be done, field Emah; foreman: Lugal-ezem; under seal of Lugal-kugani; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
[lugal-ku3-ga-ni] dumu ur-mes#?
Lugal-kugani, son of Ur-mes.
P339128: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 1(disz) gu4 mu# [1(disz)] szunigin 2(disz) dumu kar-ra# udu-bi 2(disz) tug2-bi 2(disz) szunigin 2(disz) masz2 mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 bad3 mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du3
total: 1 ox, year: "1;" total: 2 children of Karra, its sheep: 2 garments; total: 2 billy goats; delivery of Shara; month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall Muriq-tidnim erected."
P339129: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-(d)nun-gal
ugula lu2-bala-saga
ugula ur-(d)nu-musz-da
ugula ur-(d)suen
foreman: Ur-Nungal;
foreman: Lu-bala-saga;
foreman: Ur-Numushda;
foreman: Ur-Suen;
P339130: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lu2-tur-tur
foreman: Lu-turtur;
ugula bi2-du11-ga sze szuku-e tak4-a ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-(ta) kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
foreman: Biduga; barley rations, rations, booked out from Lu-Shulgi; under seal of Ur-Shara; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
[ur-(d)szara2] dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-[la]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339131: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da a-sza3 nun-na gi4-a u3 e sa-dur2-ra a-da gub-ba
kab2-ku5 a-u2-da ku5-a
a-sza3 da-gi4#-(a)-ta
at the threshing floor of the princely field, restored, and the sadurra-vessel, the irrigation district, stationed;
... of the audi canal
from the field of Dagi'a;
ga2-nun# [du6-ku3]-sig17-(sze3) u2 [il2]-la
[...] _szul#_? [...] [...] ugula (d)[...] kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 mu# ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
to the storage facility Dukusig, grass .
... Shul ... ... foreman: ... under seal of Lugal-hegal; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar [dumu ur-nigar(gar)]
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339132: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-esz3-bar-ra dumu al-la-mu-sze3 usz-mu dumu ka-ka-ke4 in-szi-sa10
Ur-eshbara, son of Allamu, Ushmu, son of Kaka, has bought.
ur-nigar(gar) lu2 szutum2 igi ensi2-ka-sze3 dumu umma(ki) iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
Ur-nigar, the man of the shutum, before the governor, son of Umma. Month: "Lisi," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339133: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu (d)szu-[(d)]suen# lugal#
mu ma2 [(d)en-ki ba-ab-du8]
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul ri-ri-ga udu bala-a zi-ga ki ur-lugal-ta giri3 lu2-kal-la u3 ur-(d)nun-gal sza13-dub-ba
year: "Simanum was destroyed." Ririga, bala sheep booked out. From Ur-lugal. via Lukalla and Ur-Nungal, the chief accountant.
P339134: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze ga6-ga2 ki-su7 (d)amar-(d)suen-(d)szara2 u3 ki-su7 zalag-ga
sze ga6-ga2 sza3 umma(ki)
barley transported, under seal of Amar-Suen-Shara, and under seal of brightening;
barley transported, in Umma;
ugula ur-(d)nin-tu kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu en (d)nanna kar#-zi-da ba-hun
foreman: Ur-Nintu, under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339135: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nu-banda3-gu4 lugal-ezem
nu-banda3-gu4 da-a-ga
manager of oxen, Lugal-ezem;
manager of oxen: Da'aga;
nu-banda3-gu4 a-gu-gu
nu-banda3-gu4 lugal-(d)isztaran a-sza3 amar-(gesz)kiszi17 ugula lu2-dingir-ra kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e iti szu-numun u4 8(disz)-kam mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) mu-hul
the overseer of oxen, Agugu;
oxen-manager: Lugal-Ishtaran, field Amar-kiszi, foreman: Lu-dingira, under seal of Lugal-niglagare; month: "Sowing," 8th day, year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Shashrum destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-si-_ne_-e dub-sar [dumu lugal-ezem]
Lugal-sinee, scribe, son of Lugal-ezem.
P339136: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti 1(u) 3(disz)-sze3 a2-bi u4 6(gesz2) 3(u) iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti diri-sze3
for 13 months, its labor: 420 days; from month "Harvest" to month "Extra;"
gab2-ra-sze3 a-tu i3-dab5 kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 ugula lugal-ezem mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
for the second time Atu accepted; under seal of Lu-Haya, foreman: Lugal-ezem; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339137: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
House of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple of the Dog House Temple
udu gu2-na
[sze]-ta# sa10-a mu#-kux(_du_) [iti] sze#-sag11-ku5
a kind of fattened sheep
for Shaninga;
barley purchased, delivery; month: "Harvest,"
mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
year following: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339138: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(u)-sze3 gu2 gir u3 sza3 e2-gal
ugula a-gu
for 30 days, ... and in the palace;
foreman: Agu;
sza3 bala-a kiszib3 lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|) iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
in bala; under seal of Lugal-ushur; month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-uszur3? dub-sar dumu a2-an-du-ru
Lugal-ushur?, scribe, son of A-anduru.
P339139: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
4(gesz'u) sar (gesz)dih3 ku5-a 2(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 2(gesz2)-kam a2 lu2 hun-ga2 ugula i7-pa-e3
420 sar of tamarisk cut at 20 sar per day, its labor: 420 days; labor of hirelings, foreman: Ipa'e;
kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lugal-a2-zi-da a-sza3 e2 lugal mu ku3-gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
under seal of Lugal-azida, field of the royal house; year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
lugal-a2-zi-da dub-[sar] [dumu da-da]
Lugal-azida, scribe, son of Dada.
P339140: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lugal-ezem-ta kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu e2 puzur4-(d)da-gan ba-du3
from Lugal-ezem, under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."
P339141: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(esze3) 1(iku) _gan2_ gesz-ur3#-[ra] a-ra2 3(disz) [4(iku)] 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta
gesz-ur3-ra a-ra2 2(disz) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta a2-bi u4 1(u) 4(disz)
2 eshe3 1 iku field area, harrowing, for 3 4 1/2 iku per day,
..., per 2 4 1/2 iku surface area per day, its labor: 14 days;
a-sza3 la2-mah-gu-la ugula ur-mes kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
field Lamahgula, foreman: Ur-mes, under seal of Ur-Shara; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
for Ur-Shara;
P339142: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(u) 2(disz)-sze3 kab2-ku5 na-ra-am-(d)suen ku5-ra2
u4 1(u) 8(disz)-sze3
for 12 days, the threshing floor of Naram-Sîn was blocked;
for 18 days
kun-zi-da i7 si-sa2 ku5-ra2 giri3 nig2-ul-pa-e3
u4 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3 a-da gub-ba e sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 a-bu3 ugula _arad2_ kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
at the canal bank of the sisa canal, cut off, via Nig-ulpa'e;
for 15 days, Ada stationed, on the sadura canal; field Abu, foreman, servant; under seal of Lugal-hegal; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-[nigar(gar)]
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339143: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka-ma-ri2(ki)-ta umma(ki)-sze3 ziz2 zi-ga kun i7-da ma2 bala-a ak
a-gesztin-na-ta umma(ki)-sze3 sze zi3-gu zi-ga
from Kamari to Umma rations booked out, at the bank of the river, the barge of the bala moored,
from Ageshtina to Umma barley and emmer booked out;
ugula ur-(d)suen kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu sza-szu2-ru(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Ur-Suen, under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339144: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lu2-(d)nin-szubur
ugula lugal-nig2-lagar-e
ugula lu2-(d)szara2 gurum2 ak u4 7(disz)-kam
foreman: Lu-Ninshubur;
foreman: Lugal-niglagare;
foreman: Lu-Shara, inspection of the 7th day;
(ugula) lugal-nig2-lagar-e
(ugula) lu2-(d)szara2 gurum2 ak (u4) 8(disz)-kam tir szum2-bad3 gesz#? zi-ga giri3 lugal-ku3-zu dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e iti sze-sag-ku5 mu bad3 ba-du3
foreman: Lugal-niglagare;
foreman: Lu-Shara; inspections performed; 8th day; ..., ..., booked out; via Lugal-kuzu, son of Lugal-nig-lagare; month: "Harvest," year: "The wall was erected."
P339145: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
in-u ma2-a si-ga ka-ma-ri2(ki)-ta ma2 gid2-da ma2 diri-ga umma(ki)-a ba-al giri3 ukken-ne2
inu barge, barge suspended from Kamari barge punted barge extra punted barge of Umma withdrawn, via Ukkene;
ugula da-a-ga kiszib3 a-kal-la mu sza-asz-szu2-ru(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Da'aga, under seal of Akalla; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-[sar] dumu ur#-(gesz)gigir
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339146: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 3(disz) kasz dida (saga) szunigin 2(disz)#? [kasz dida du] szunigin 3(disz) gin2 kasz saga szunigin 1(ban2) [2(disz)] sila3 kasz szunigin 5(ban2) ninda szunigin 1(u) gin2 i3 [szunigin] 1(u) gin2 [naga] 1(u) 5(disz) sa szum2 zi-ga u4 4(disz)#?-kam iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la
total: 3 worts, fine beer; total: 2 worts, regular beer; total: 3 shekels fine beer; total: 1 ban2 2 sila3 beer; total: 5 ban2 bread; total: 10 shekels oil; total: 10 shekels alkali-plant; 15 bundles onions booked out; 4th day; month: "Barley at the quay;"
mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk was hired."
P339147: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(bur3) _gan2_ gesz-ur3-ra a-ra2 1(iku) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta a2 erin2-na-bi u4 1(u) 2(disz) a-sza3 zalag-ga a-sza3 a-gesztin
a2 erin2-na-bi u4 3(disz)
1 bur3 of ..., per 1 iku 4 1/2 iku each, its labor: 12 workdays; field "Night," field "Ageshtin;"
its labor of the troops: 3 days;
a-sza3 du6-gesz-i3-ka ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 lu2-(d)szara2 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
field of Dugesh-i, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Lu-Shara; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)[szara2] dub-[sar] dumu ur-(gesz)[gigir]
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339148: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zu2-lum ba-an-si
ku6 ba-an-si
dates ripened
fish that has been caught
a2-ki-ti-sze3 ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
to Akiti, from Agu, under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339149: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
aga3 lugal-sze3 ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-da-ta
for the crown of the king; from Ur-Dumuzida
kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal iti szu-esz5-sza mu en (d)nanna ga-esz5(ki)
under seal of Ur-Nungal; month: "shu'esha," year: "The high-priestess of Nanna in Ga'esh."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-[ba-ka]
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339150: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze bala-a da-umma(ki) giri3 lugal-an-ne2 lu2 sze gur10-a lugal kiszib3 szesz-kal-la
barley bala, Da'umma, via Lugal-ane, the man who the barley rations of the king, under seal of Sheshkalla;
ugula da-du-mu mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Dadumu; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339151: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ tug2-gurx(|_sze-kin_|)
1(bur3) 4(iku) _gan2_ gesz-ur3-ra a-ra2 3(disz) 5(iku) _gan2_-ta a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra-du6-na
1 eshe3 3 iku field, textile-making,
1 bur3 4 iku of ...-field, for 3 times 5 iku of ...-field, field Nin-uraduna;
ugula a-gu-gu kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
foreman: Agugu, under seal of Shakuge; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
sza3-ku3-ge dub-sar# dumu (d)szara2-[ga2-la2]
Shakuge, scribe, son of Sharagala.
P339152: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi3-ba lu2 hu-hu-[nu]-ri(ki) ki a-a-kal-la muhaldim ki ur-(d)gu4-nu2-a-ta
flour of the man of Huhnuri, from Ayakalla, the cook, from Ur-Gunua
[kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal] iti szu-esz5-sza mu en (d)nanna ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ur-Nungal; month: "shu'esha," year: "The priest of Nanna in Ga'esh was installed;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-[sar] dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-[ba-ka]
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339153: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu a-na _arad2_ nimgir-di-de3 i3-me-am3 ba-da-gur i3-du10-ga dumu ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3 ur-suh igi-sa6-sa6
son of the servant of Nimgir-dide, he is saying: "Badagur, Iduga, son of Ur-gigir, the overseer: Ur-suh, Igisasa;"
ur-(d)su4-an-na nam-lu2-inim-ma-sze3 im-ta-e3-esz2 sza3-ba ur-nigar(gar) lugal-ni nam-erim2-ma ba-ni-dab5 nam-erim2 u3-ku5 ur-nigar(gar)-ke4 ba-an-tum2-mu dumu umma(ki) iti pa4-u2-e mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum mu-hul
Ur-Suana has sworn by the name of the witnesses. There Ur-nigar, his master, has been seized for crimes. The crimes of Uku Ur-nigar he has sworn. The son of Umma. Month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, destroyed Urbilum."
P339154: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 2(u) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 7(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 4(asz) gu2 3(u) ma-na# 1(u) gin2 siki kur-ra peszx(|_szu-kad4_|)-a
Their weight: 1 talent 20 minas.
Their weight: 1 talent 37 minas of mountain wool for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 4 talents 30 minas 10 shekels wool from the mountain,
ki-la2-bi 3(u) 5(disz) ma-na#
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 3(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na gin2!(_mug_)
ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta i3-kal-la szu ba-ti iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
Their weight: 35 minas.
Their weight: 1 talent 31 1/2 minas of silver.
from Ur-Nintu, Ikalla received; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
P339155: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] ugula ur-(gesz)gigir
foreman: Ur-gigir;
[...] geme2# ugula ur-(d)suen
gurum2 ak sze bala u4 7(disz)-kam mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
... female laborers, foreman: Ur-Suen;
inspection of barley, bala day 7, year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
P339156: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8-ta ugula ur-mes
from month "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked," to the foreman: Ur-mes;
ugu2 lugal-nesag-e ga2-ga2-dam mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-sze3
to be brought to Lugal-nesage; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lugal-nesag-e dub-sar dumu lu2-banda3(da)
Lugal-nesage, scribe, son of Lu-banda.
P339157: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) u3-ma-ni 4(gesz'u) ku6 gam-gam 2(u) ku6 ki-a?
115, Umani; 420 fish, gamgam; 20 fish, where?;
mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 3(disz)-kam ba-hul
mu an-sza-an(ki)
mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ki ur-e2-nun-ta
year following: "Simurrum for the 3rd time was destroyed."
year: "Anshan."
year following: "Anshan," from Ur-Enun
1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) ur-ki-ama-ka szu-du8-a szu-ku6-e-ne
420, Ur-ki-ama, the shudu'a-priests, the fishers;
P339158: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 2(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2
ki-la2-bi 2(u) 2(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2
Their weight: 1 talent 2 2/3 mana 5 shekels.
Their weight: 22 1/3 mana, 1 1/2 shekels.
uruda (gesz)ig (d)gu-la si-il-la ki lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
copper door of Gula, ..., from Lu-Enlila; month: "Harvest," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
P339159: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
da-da dumu nigar-hu-bu7(bu)-rim3(ki)
Dada, son of Nigarhuburim.
[...] sila-a gal2-la e3-a ki (d)utu-ka sze-musz#?-ke4 szu ba-ti sza3#? nig2-ka9-ka ba-na-gar lu2-bi-ne i3-ne-zi-zi
... ... came out from the street, from Utu barley rations received, in the account deposited, they will be their men.
P339160: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze ba-al-la sze bala-a sza3 e2 (d)nin-ur4-ra-ka ugula lugal-iti-da kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
barley rations, barley rations in the house of Ninura, foreman: Lugal-itida, under seal of Lukalla;
mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339161: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu#-nigin2#-ba 1(u) sa#-ta sze-bi 1(u) 2(asz) gur gi#? bala# ma2-la2-a-[da] dar-a-bi#
its beams: 10 bundles each, its barley: 12 gur, reeds of the bala of the boat, its reeds:
lu2-dingir-ra-ke4 su-su-dam iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
Lu-dingira has received; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-dingir-[ra] dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6
Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Ur-Baba.
P339162: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)szara2 dumu giri3-ni ur-sukkal dumu za-a-a ur-(d)szara2 dumu ma-an-szum2 sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-gurx(|_sze-kin_|)# u3 sze# [...] szu bar-ra#-me#
Ur-Shara, son of Girini; Ur-sukkal, son of Zaya; Ur-Shara, son of Manshum; barley rations and barley rations ... are their rations.
kiszib3 a-kal-la mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Akalla; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339163: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga (gesz)ig lugal-ka
booked out of the royal door;
ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti szu-numun mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Akalla, under seal of the governor; month: "Sowing," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339164: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 4(disz) gin2 2(u) 4(disz) sze ku3 mun-gazi
ku3-bi [...] la2-ia3 su-su ka-ga gi-na ur-(d)suen u3 _usz_ mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
deficit: 4 shekels 24 grains of silver, malt;
its silver: ...; deficit, ...; regular offerings of Ur-Suen and Ush; year: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dumu ur-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Suen, son of Ur-Kugani.
P339165: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
udu sze-ta sa10-a
bought sheep
ki lu2-(d)suen-ta kiszib3 da-da-ga iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Lu-Suen, under seal of Dadaga; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339166: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 1(u) 6(asz) sze gur iti e2-iti-[6(disz)] ka i7 [...] mu en [...]
total: 16 gur barley, month: "House-month-6," at the mouth of the river ... year: "The en-priestess of .
P339167: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ba iti ezem-szul-gi mu en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3 a-sza3 la2-mah-ta
barley rations, month: "Shulgi festival," year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by goat was chosen;" from the field Lamah;
Seal 1
ur-[(d)suen] dub-sar dumu# ur#-e2-[nun-na]
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-Enunna.
P339168: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 la2-mah-ta umma(ki)-sze3 sze ga6-ga2 ugula (d)szara2-kam kiszib3 gu-du#-du
from the field Lamah to Umma barley transported; foreman: Sharakam; under seal of Gududu;
mu ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2
year: "The mighty barge was fashioned."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen# lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an ub-[da limmu2-ba]
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[gu-du-du] [dub-sar] [dumu da-da-ga] [_arad2_-zu]
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339169: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 a-sza3 a-u2-da a2 lu2 hun-ga2 ugula (d)szara2-a-mu kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2
the reservoir of the field of Auda, labor of hirelings, foreman: Sharamu, under seal of Inim-Shara;
dumu da-a-ga mu en ga-esz5(ki) ba-hun
son of Da'aga; year: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dumu da-a-ga
Inim-Shara, son of Da'aga.
P339170: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
udu ensi2-ka ri-ri-ga ki ur-saga-ta
sheep of the governor, slander, from Ur-saga;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti pa4-u2-e mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of Lukalla; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339171: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 4(gesz2)-kam kab2-ku5 a-(pi4)-sal4 sahar szu-ti-(a) u3 a-sza3 i7 lugal-x-ka a du11-ga u4 3(disz)-sze3 kun-zi-da a-pi4-sal4(ki) [...]
its labor: 420 days; threshing floor of Apisal, dirt from the shuti canal, and field of Lugal-x canal, water pumped; for 3 days, the canal of Apisal .
ma2-la2-a ma2 bala# ak ugula ur-e2-nun-na kiszib3 e2-gal-e-si mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
barge of the bala barge, workman: foreman: Ur-Enuna, under seal of Egalesi; year: "The barge of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
e2-gal-e-si dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Egalesi, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339172: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-la2-a kesz2-(ra2) u2 sa la2-a u3 (d)nin#-ildu3-ta ma2 gid2-da
(d)nin-ildu3-ma-ka (gesz)ma-nu sa la2-a u3 ma2-la2-a kesz2-ra2
the barge bound, the grass cut off and from Nin-ildu the length of the barge
For Nin-ilduma, the boat of the deficit and the boat of the keel are to be set up.
nibru(ki)-sze3 ma2 gid2-a ma2 ba-al-la u3 umma(ki)-ka [...] ugula a-gub-ba-na kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam szesz-kal#-[la] iti (d)li9-si4 mu ur-bi2-[lum](ki) ba#-hul#
to Nippur barge punted, barge unloaded, and Umma ..., foreman: Agubana, under seal of Sheshkalla; month: "Lisi," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-[la] dub-[sar] dumu na-silim
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339173: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga ki szesz-kal-la-ta
reed-bearing, from Sheshkalla;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti szu-numun mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah (d)en-lil2-la2-ra mu-na-du3
under seal of Lukalla; month: "Sowing," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele for Enlil erected."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e [szusz3]
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339174: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
geszbun2 alan (d)szu-(d)suen e2 (d)szara2-ka sze sahar-ra ki usz-mu-ta
..., statue of Shu-Suen, in the house of Shara, barley smashed, from Ushmu;
kiszib3 ensi2 giri3 (d)suen-dingir-szu sagi iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3
under seal of the governor, via Sîn-ilshu, cupbearer; month: "Harvest," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga [lugal uri5(ki)-ma] lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[a-a-kal-la] [ensi2] umma#[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339175: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kusz udu masz2 szum-ma giri3 ru-ba-ti a-igi-du8
sheep skins given as an interest, via Rubati, the doorman;
kusz udu ga2 udu usz2-a mu kiszib3 a-a-kal-la aszgab tum3-da-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
leather of sheep, wool of sheep, dead; year: "The seal of Ayakalla, the ..., under seal of Lu-dingira," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lu2-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu ur-nigar[(gar)]
Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339176: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ukken-ne2
ugula gu2-tar
ugula ba-sa6
ugula usz-mu
ugula ur-ama-na
foreman of the assembly;
foreman: Gutar;
foreman: Basa;
foreman: Ushmu;
foreman: Ur-Amana;
ugula [ur-mes] [...] ugula lugal#-[iti-da] gurum2 ak u4 2(disz)-kam sze bala-a sze ga6-ga2 ki-su7 a-kun-kum2-ta iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) mu# us2#-sa-a-bi
foreman: Ur-mes; ...; foreman: Lugal-itida; inspections performed; 2nd day; barley of the bala; barley transported; from the threshing floor of Akunkum; month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash," year after that;
P339177: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 ugur2-tur a-sza3 la2-mah gub-ba ugula lugal-nesag-e kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
at the threshing floor of Ugurtur, field Lamah stationed, foreman: Lugal-nesage, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
iti pa5-u2-e mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-szu-[ru]-um(ki) ba-hul
month: "Pa'u'e," year: "For the 2nd time Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah#-[e] dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga#-[ni]
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339178: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
P339179: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gudu4 (d)szara2 gir2-su(ki) ki lu2-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
for the gudu-officiant of Shara of Girsu, from Lukalla, under seal of the governor;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339180: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
igi-kar2 sukkal-mah
igi-kar2 sza3-ku3-ge szagina
igikar, chief minister;
igikar, Shakuge, general;
lu2 e2 lu2-dingir-ra szagina-sze3 im-gen-na
ki a-lu5-lu5-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
the man who entered the house of Lu-dingira, the general;
from Alulu, under seal of the governor; month: "House-month-6," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339181: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 la2#-ia3# bala-a ur-(d)ba-ba6-ke4 su-su-dam kiszib3 ur-(d)[ba-ba6]
the deficit of the bala of Ur-Baba has paid. Sealed tablet of Ur-Baba.
mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ba-ba6 [dub-sar] dumu da-a-ga#
Ur-Baba, scribe, son of Da'aga.
P339182: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 1/3(disz) sar
ma2 ninda-sze3
Their weight: 1 1/3 sar.
for a barge for bread;
ki a-gu-[ta] kiszib3 ur-(d)suen iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from Agu, under seal of Ur-Suen; month: "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339183: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] ki a-tu-ta
... from Atu;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lu-Haya; month: "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339184: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lu2-(d)suen
sza3 mar-sa
foreman: Lu-Suen;
in the marsa reed
ugula ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 iti e2-iti-6(disz)
foreman: Ur-Shulpa'e; month: "House-month-6."
P339185: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-gi-[na-ta]
from Lugina;
kiszib3 ur-zabala3[(ki)] u4 2(disz)-kam sza3 bala-a mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi
under seal of Ur-Zabala, 2nd day, in the bala; year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.
P339186: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gur sze-numun-ta ma2-a si-ga nibru(ki)-sze3 ki-(su7) a-kun-kum2-ta ki _arad2_-ta
from the gur of seed barley to the barge, to the side of Nippur, from the threshing floor Akunkum, from ARAD;
kiszib3 szesz-ki-ag2 iti szu-numun mu gu-za-ku3 (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
under seal of Sheshkiag; month: "Sowing," year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
ki-ag2-szesz dumu ka-ka# ma2-lah5
beloved of the elder brother, son of Kaka, the boatman.
P339187: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula dux(_gin2_)-la2
ugula ur-(gesz)gigir kikken2
ugula lugal-mu-ma-ag2
ugula lu2-(d)utu gurusz a2 (1/2(disz)) ugula ur-(d)gesztin-(an)-na
foreman: Dula;
foreman: Ur-gigir, miller;
foreman: Lugal-mumag;
foreman: Lu-Utu, male laborers, labor of 1/2 workday, foreman: Ur-Geshtinana,
ugula lugal-nig2-lagar-e
ugula usz-mu
ugula da-da
ugula _arad2_-mu
ugula du10-ga
ugula u3-dag-ga
foreman: Lugal-niglagare;
foreman: Ushmu;
foreman: Dada;
foreman: ARADmu;
foreman: Duga;
foreman: Udaga;
u3 ak ma2-da mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
and the boatman, year: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339188: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 3(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 9(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) gin2
ki-la2-bi 2(u) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
Their weight: 1 2/3 ma-na.
Their weight: 3 1/2 minas.
Their weight: 9 ma-na 15 shekels.
Their weight: 23 2/3 mana wool from the mountain, a girigak-vessel.
ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta i3-kal-la szu ba-ti
ki-la2-bi 3(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak ki a-du-ta
ki-la2-bi 3(asz) gu2 1(u) la2 1/3(disz) ma-na ki i3-kal-la-ta (tug2) ki-la2 tag-ga mu-kux(_du_)
Ikalla received from Ur-Nintu;
Their weight: 3 1/2 mana, wool from the mountain, a girigak-vessel, from Adu;
its weight: 3 talents 9 1/3 mana; from Ikalla, the weighted garment, delivery;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339189: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki gi-na
ki a-a-gi-na mu10-us2-sa2 la-ga-ru#? ugula lu2-dingir-ra
dumu ur-dub-la2-me
established place
from A'agina, ...; foreman: Lu-dingira;
sons of Ur-dublame
dumu bar-lum ugula ba-al-li2-mu ki ensi2-ka-me
ki ur-nigar((gar))-ka i3-sar-am3 ki ensi2-ka-kam
son of Barlum, foreman: Ballimu, with the governor;
from Ur-nigar he will measure out; from Ensi
P339190: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) sa-ta ugula lu2-du10-ga
its rations: 10 bundles each, foreman: Luduga;
szunigin 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 5(disz)#? sa gi ki ur-e2-mah-ta kiszib3 lugal-nir mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li ba-hul
total: 165 bundles of reed, from Ur-Emah, under seal of Lugal-nir; year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-nir dub-[sar] dumu ur-(d)[szara2] [sza13-dub-ba-ka]
Lugal-nir, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339191: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 5(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 7(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur ma2 nibru(ki)
u4 2(u) 5(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 3(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur
u4 3(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 3(ban2) bala gi-zi
for 25 days, its barley: 7 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, barge of Nippur;
for 25 days, its barley: 3 gur 2 barig 3 ban2,
for 3 days, its barley: 3 ban2, bala reed;
u4 3(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 3(ban2) ma2 [...]
u4 3(u)-sze3 sze-bi 2(asz) 2(barig) gur ma2 iri-sa12-rig7!(_pa_-_hub2_)(ki) gi ze2-a
u4 2(gesz2) 3(u)-sze3 sze-bi 1(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gur ki ad-da lu2 ur3-ra-ka
u4 3(u)-sze3 sze-bi 1(barig) 3(ban2) ma2 gi-zi
for 3 days, its barley: 3 ban2; barge ...;
for 30 days, its barley: 2 gur 2 barig, barge of Irisagrig, reeds of zea;
for 210 days, its barley: 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3, from Adda, the urra man;
for 30 days, its barley: 1 barig 3 ban2; barge, reed-cut;
szunigin 1(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
total: 14 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure;
P339192: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
udu-bi 5(u) 6(disz) sila4-bi 3(u) udu-lah5 ba-ur4 udu szu-(d)nisaba ur-(d)hal-mu-sza4 lu2-[(d)]nin-ur4-ra u3 giri3-ni-i3-sa6
its sheep: 56 lambs; 30 rams slaughtered; sheep of Shu-Nisaba, Ur-Halmusha, Lu-Ninura and Girini-isa;
giri3 ur-(d)nun-gal iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
via Ur-Nungal; month: "House-month-6," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
P339193: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lil-la
tir pa4-li-ir-da-ma (u2)gug4 bu3-ra
foreman: Lila;
from the mountain Palirdama, a plant that has been cultivated
gurum2 ak u4 [...] 5(disz)-kam iti (d)dumu-zi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
inspection, the 5th day, month: "Dumuzi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339194: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 (d)en-ki ki _arad2_-ta
regular offerings of Enki, from ARAD;
nigar(gar)-ki-du10 szu ba-ti mu puzur4-da-gan ba-du3
Nigar-kidu received; year: "Puzrish-Dagan was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-ga dumu [...]
Lu-ga, son of .
P339195: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
du6-ku3 nesag (d)en-lil2-la2 ki a-gu-ta
Duku, the first-fruits offering of Enlil, from Agu;
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
from Agu, under seal of Lugal-niglagare; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-si-_ne_-e dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-[ga]
Lugal-sinee, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339196: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)gigir u4 6(disz)
(gesz)gigir u4 7(disz)
sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi-ra
chariot of 6 days
chariot of 7 days
regular offerings of Shulgi;
a2 u4-da u4 3(disz)-kam
sa2-du11 (gesz)geszbun2 (d)amar-(d)suen szunigin 1(u) 1(disz) udu niga szunigin 3(disz) masz2 niga szunigin 5(disz) udu u2 szunigin 1(disz) sila4 bar-ba zi-ga ki a-lu5-lu5-ta iti (d)amar-(d)suen mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
regular offerings
labor of the day, 3rd day;
regular offerings, offerings of Amar-Suen; total: 11 sheep, grain-fed, total: 3 billy goats, grain-fed, total: 5 sheep, grass-fed, total: 1 lamb, with a breast, booked out from Alulu; month: "Amar-Suen," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339197: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-bi 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 kasz saga-bi 4(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 e2-tum-bi 2(disz) sila3 duh-bi 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 kab2 du11-ga (kasz) saga#-[ka]
its barley: 4 ban2 5 sila3, its fine beer: 4 ban2 2 sila3, its etum: 2 sila3, its bran: 2 ban2 5 sila3, the jug of good beer;
sze-bi 2(ban2) kasz du-bi 2(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 duh-bi 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 kab2 du11-ga kasz du-ka giri3 na-silim u3 ur-(d)nisaba
its barley: 2 ban2, its regular beer: 2 ban2 8 sila3, its bran: 2 ban2 3 sila3, its ..., regular beer: via Nasilim and Ur-Nisaba;
P339198: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba gurum2-ak ab2 e2-tur3 gu4-(gesz)apin udu eme-gi udu kur-ra
Basket-of-tablets: inspections of cows of the stall, plow-oxen, sheep of Sumer, sheep of the mountains,
Basket-of-tablets: inspections, cows of the stall, plow-oxen, sheep, domestic, sheep, foreign,
sipa ud5 gu4-suhub2 i3-gal2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
shepherd of the oxen and suckling oxen, are here; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
shepherds of nannies, boot-oxen, are here; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339199: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam
27th day.
u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam
igi-kar2 ur-saga kiszib3 ensi2 iti nesag mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
28th day.
inspection of Ur-saga, under seal of the governor; month: "First fruits," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal#-[la] ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339200: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gi kesz2-ta#? gi-bi gu2 3(u)-ta a-sza3 du6-(d)szara2 iti-ta#? u4 8(disz) zal#?-[la]
gi kesz2-ta#? gi-bi 3(u) gu2-ta iti min-esz3 ugula lu2-(d)inanna
reeds, reeds, 30 bundles each, field of Du-Shara; from month "Flight" to day 8, completed;
reeds from the kesh ritual; reeds: 30 talents each, month: "minesh," foreman: Lu-Inanna;
a-sza3 a-gur4? udu niga mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-(kam)-asz ba-hul giri3 a-kal-la dub-sar
field of Agur?, grain-fed sheep; year: "Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed." via Akalla, the scribe.
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu lugal#-nesag#-[e]
Akalla, scribe, son of Lugal-nesage.
P339201: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa-asz ki (d)szara2-a-mu-ta kiszib3 lugal-nir
Martash, from Sharamu, under seal of Lugal-nir;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2
month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The mighty barge was fashioned."
Seal 1
lugal-nir dub-sar dumu ur-(d)[szara2] sza13-[dub-ba-ka]
Lugal-nir, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339202: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 kas4 ki-su7 i7 sal4-la-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
regular offerings, from the messengers, from the quay of the sala canal, from Lu-Shulgi;
kiszib3# ur-ge6-par4 iti szu-numun mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ur-gepar; month: "Sowing," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
ur-ge6-par4 dub-[sar] dumu [a-a-kal-la]
Ur-gepar, scribe, son of Ayakalla.
P339203: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-(ba) u3 e-ga sahar si-ga
kab2#-[ku5] a-sza3 en-du8-du-ka sahar si-ga ugula ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
standing by the side of the threshing floor and removing the dirt,
at the reservoir of the field of Endudu, soil sifted, foreman: Ur-Shulpa'e;
kiszib3 ur-dun i7 (d)amar-(d)suen-ke4 ba-al-la mu gu-za-ku3 (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
under seal of Ur-dun, the Amar-Suen canal, completed; year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."
P339204: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_-ra u3-na#-[a]-du11# [...] [...]
ur-sila-luh du3-a-ku5 ki lugal-nesag-e-ta iti (d)li9-si4 dah-he-dam (mu) en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3
Ur-silaluh, the akkum-priest, from Lugal-nesage; month: "Lisi-dahhedam," year: "The en-priest of Nanna by goat was chosen."
Column 1
(d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(d)li9#-[si4] ensi2# umma#[(ki)] [_arad2_-zu]
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339205: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 la2-ia3 su-su lugal-me-a ugula mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
deficit: 115 workdays, the deficit: susu; Lugal-me'a, foreman; year: "Enmahgalana was installed."
P339206: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ab-ba-gi-na dumu lugal-(en)-nun-ga2 a-kal-la dumu du10-ga ur-e11-e dumu ba-zi-ge ur-(d)lugal-banda3(da) dumu ki-lu5-la kur2 ur-(d)lu2-lal3 kur2 ur-ma-ma [ugula? ur]-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3-gu4 [...] lugal-ma2-gur8-re [...]-da
Abbagina, son of Lugal-ennuga, Akalla, son of Duga, Ur-e'e, son of Bazige, Ur-lugalbanda, son of Kilula, enemy of Ur-Lulal, enemy of Ur-Mama, foreman: Ur-gigir, oxen manager, ... Lugal-magure, .
[...] i3 du10-ga sze-ba e2-sahar-ta# sze-ba ur-ge6-par4 dumu lu2-dingir-ra szuku-e tak4-a
... good oil, barley rations from the sahar-house, barley rations of Ur-gepar, son of Lu-dingira, szuku-offerings,
P339207: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba nu-banda3 aga-sag-kesz2
nu-banda3 _arad2_-re-szum
Zar, the basket-of-tablets of the overseer of the agasag,
the overseer: ARAD-reshum;
a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra dumu dab5-ba-me kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu us2-sa en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
field of Ninura, son of the satrap, under seal of Lugal-emahe; year after: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-[e] dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339208: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i7 (d)amar-(d)suen-ga2-ra-a a-da gub-ba u3 gi sumun ku5-ra2 u2 gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a u4 2(disz)-sze3
the Amar-Suen canal, the water stationed, and the reeds, the reeds cut, the grass ... for 2 days,
gu2-bi kesz2-ra2 u4 6(disz)-sze3 ka i7 dub-la2 (d)utu gub-ba kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
its necks tied, for 6 days, at the mouth of the Dubla canal of Utu stationed, under seal of Ur-Shara; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-la
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339209: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)tukul-e dab5-ba-me
they are seized with weapons;
iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
from month "Harvest," under seal of Luduga; year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dumu lu2-ga-mu#
Lu-duga, son of Lugamu.
P339210: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 (d)lamma lugal ki inim-(d)szara2-ta
regular offerings of the king, from Inim-Shara;
sza3 bala-a mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
in bala; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339211: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 kas4 ki-su7 uku2-nu-ti-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta kiszib3 ur-ge6-par4
regular offerings, from the threshing floor of Ukunuti, from Lu-Shulgira, under seal of Ur-gepar;
iti nesag mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month "First fruits," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
ur-ge6-par4 dumu su-tur lu2 lunga
Ur-gepar, son of Sutur, lung surgeon.
P339212: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 a-lu5-lu5
ki lugal-e2-mah-e-ta
under seal of Alulu;
from Lugal-emahe;
kiszib3 kas4 iti (d)dumu-zi mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Kas; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339213: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2 a-sza3 la2-mah a-sza3 tur a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra a-sza3 ugur2-tur [a]-sza3 la2-mah#
barley rations, field Kamari; field Lamah; field tur; field Ninura; field Ugurtur; field Lamah;
u3 a-sza3 gi-apin-ku5-ra2 ugula (d)szara2-mu kiszib3 szesz-a-ni mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
and the field Gi-apin-kura, foreman: Sharamu, under seal of Sheshani; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dub-[sar] dumu da-da#
Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.
P339214: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki szesz-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Sheshkalla, under seal of Lukalla;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3-a mu us2-sa-a-bi
month "Harvest," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected," year after that.
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339215: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-sag11-ku5 gub-ba
u4 3(u) 2(disz)-sze3 a-e3-a na-ra-am-(d)suen gub-ba u3 u2 na-ga-ab-tum ga2-ra
the harvester stationed;
for 32 days, at the threshing floor of Naram-Sîn stationed, and the grass of Naragabtum he brought;
u4 4(disz)-sze3 ka i7-da e2-ansze-ka [...] ugula _arad2_ kiszib3 lu2-(d)szara2 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
for 4 days, at the mouth of the river, in the house of the donkeys, ..., foreman: ARAD, under seal of Lu-Shara; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-[(d)szara2] dub-[sar] [dumu ...]
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of .
P339216: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(u2)|_zi&zi_|-sze3#? bu3-ra
[...] u4 1(disz)-(sze3) ma2 gid2-da u3 [...] sahar zi-ga giri3 lugal-nesag-e
giri3 nimgir-an-ne2
... a plant
... for 1 day barge punted and ... dirt booked, via Lugal-nesage;
via Nimgir-ane;
iti sze-sag11-ku5
ugula lugal-e2-mah-e giri3 ur-(d)szara2 kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
month "Harvest;"
foreman: Lugal-emah, via Ur-Shara, under seal of Lugal-emah; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-[e2-mah-e] dub-sar dumu [lugal]-ku3-[ga-ni]
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339217: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 a-sza3 muru13
siskur2 a-sza3 kiszi17
siskur2 a-sza3 i7 lugal
siskur2 a-sza3 an-e-gar
siskur-offering of the field Muru;
siskur-offering of the field Kishi;
siskur-offering of the royal field,
offering in the field of An-egar;
siskur2 a-sza3 a-u2-da siskur2 a-sza3-ga
siskur2 ki-su7 ki ur-e11-e-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz
offering in the field of Auda; offering in the field of ...;
siskur-offerings, kisu-offerings, from Ur-e'e, under seal of the governor; year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time."
P339218: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
year following: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
a2 geme2 hun-ga2 lu2 lunga-ke4-ne sze-bi a-du-mu ba-an-na-zi nig2-ka9 a2-bi tukum-bi mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3-a a-du-mu nu-un-na sze-bi su-su-da mu lugal-bi in-pa3
the labor of the hirelings and the brewers, its barley has been brought to me. If the account of its labor is empty, year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected, but my father did not live," that barley has been brought to me, and the name of the king has been written.
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-[tam]
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, chief accountant.
P339219: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-mu u3-na-a-du11 a-ba-gal a-sza3 kas4 zi-zi-da sag-bi mu-ba szuku ensi2-ka us2-sa pa3-de3-[...] ma-an-du11
For my master, I have spoken. Abagal, the field of the messengers, the Zizida, its head is its name. The szuku of the governor, after the ... of the governor, I have spoken.
u4 lugal-mu ba-gen-na-ta 4(bur3) 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_-gu4 6(bur3) _gan2_ ensi2 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ ur-am3-ma 1(bur3) _gan2_ lu2-eb-gal 2(bur3) _gan2_ dingir-bi2-la-ni 1(bur3) _gan2_ lu2-dingir-ra nu-banda3-gu4 1(bur3) _gan2_ lu2-du10-ga nu-banda3-gu4 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ szesz-tab-ba-ni 1(bur3) _gan2_ a-ab-ba sa12-du5
When Lugal-mu had passed, 4 bur3 1 eshe3 3 iku field area, 6 bur3 field area, governor, 1 eshe3 3 iku field area, Ur-ama, 1 bur3 field area, Lu-ebgal, 2 bur3 field area, Ili-bilani, 1 bur3 field area, Lu-dingira, oxen manager, 1 bur3 field area, Lu-duga, oxen manager, 1 eshe3 3 iku field area, Sheshtabani, 1 bur3 field area, Ayaba, chief surveyor,
tesz2-a i3-pa3 kin bi2-in-ak-esz2
he has paid, he has sworn by the name of the god.
P339220: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 kas4 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta lu2-du10-ga szu ba-ti mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-ba-du8
regular offerings of the messengers, from Ur-Shulpa'e, Lu-duga received; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339221: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu za-ni sza3 nar (d)szul-gi zah3-ta gur-ra ki ensi2-ka-ta ur-(d)nin-tu i3-dab5!(_lu_) iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-gar mu us2-sa en-unu6-gal (d)inanna
son of Zani, in the midst of the singer Shulgi, from the zah-offering returned; from the governor Ur-Nintu accepted; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "Enunugal of Inanna."
P339222: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_ sza-at-(d)ma-mi
im-ti-dam-e in-szi-sa10 ba-sa6-sa6 lu2 szutum2-ma
servant of Shat-Mami.
he has paid; he is paid; he is purchased and acquired.
dumu gar-sza-na(ki)-ka mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
son of Garshana; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339223: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ba-saga ur3#?
e2# szutum2 [sza3?] tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki)
ki-a-nag ur-(d)namma
... of the roof
house of shutum in Tummal;
at the threshing floor of Ur-Namma;
e2#? ba-ba-ti-sze3 ki ba-za-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal iti szu-esz-sza mu# en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
to the house of Babati, from Baz; under seal of Ur-Nungal; month: "shu'esha," year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-[gal] dub-[sar] dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-[ba-ka]
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339224: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gi zex(_sig7_)-a 2(u) sar-ta
al 5(disz) sar-ta a-sza3 gu2-de3-na ugula# ur-saga
reed, reed, 20 sar = 20 sila3 each
at 5 sar per day, field Gudena, foreman: Ur-saga,
ugu2 (d)szara2-ka ba-a-gar kiszib3 a-du-mu mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun-ga2
from Shara deposited; under seal of Adumu; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
[ur-(d)suen] dub-[sar] dumu ur-(gesz)[gigir] sza3-[tam]
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official.
P339225: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gibil
new barley
sze sumun sze-ba za3-mu ki-su7 e2-duru5-gu-la-ta iti szu-numun mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
barley, grain rations, grain rations, from the threshing floor of the Durugula; month: "Sowing," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339226: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-ka9 udu-ta sza3-bi-ta
siki-bi 1(u) gu2 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na kiszib3 ensi2-ka
diri nig2-ka9-ak udu szunigin 6(gesz2) 4(u) udu szunigin 5(u) 7(disz) sila4
account of sheep, therefrom:
its wool: 10 talents 6 2/3 mana, under seal of the governor;
surplus of the account of sheep; total: 420 sheep; total: 57 lambs;
zi-ga-am3 la2-ia3 1(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz) udu siki-bi 2(asz) gu2 4(u) 2(disz) ma-na diri 5(u) 7(disz) sila4 siki-bi 5(u) 7(disz) ma-na siki la2-ia3 1(asz) gu2 4(u) 5(disz) ma-na siki nig2-ka9-ak mu siki-sze3 kas4 dub-sar mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
booked out; deficit: 91 sheep, its wool: 2 talents 42 mana; extra: 57 lambs, its wool: 57 mana wool; deficit: 1 talent 45 mana wool, account of the wool; year: "The scribe," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
nig2-ka9-bi ur-ge6-par4-ke4 in-ak
its account of Ur-gepar has cleared.
P339227: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dub-la2 (d)utu-sze3 ug3-_il2_-e szu ba-ab-ti
zi-ga ensi2-ka
zi-ga lu2-kal-la
the ... of the Dubla to Utu has received;
booked out of the account of the governor;
booked out of the account of Lukalla;
P339228: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu-la a-sza3 (la2)-mah-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta kiszib3 lugal-ku3-zu iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu en eridu[(ki)] ba-[hun]
from the threshing floor of the great field La-mah, from Lu-Shulgira, under seal of Lugal-kuzu; month: "House-month-6," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dumu lu2#-[(d)szara2]
Lugal-kuzu, son of Lu-Shara.
P339229: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 ensi2 iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of the governor; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed;"
Column 1
[(d)amar]-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[a-kal-la] [ensi2] [umma(ki)] _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339230: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-szi-an i3-dab5 mu kiszib3 a-szi-an tum3-da-sze3
Azi-An received; year: "The seal of Azi-An was seized."
kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir dumu a-si-lu iti min-esz3 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Ur-gigir, son of Asilu; month: "minesh," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-[si4] ensi2 [umma(ki)] ur-(gesz)[gigir] _arad2_-[zu]
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Ur-gigir is your servant.
P339231: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam
u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam
14th day.
16th day.
u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam
u4 2(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
ki (d)szara2-kam-ta kiszib3 ensi2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
17th day.
19th day.
from Sharakam, under seal of the governor; month: "Lisi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-[la] ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339232: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 1(u) udu u2 bar-su-ga
100 sheep, grass-fed, without fleece,
zi-ga nigin2-ba bala-a ki usz-mu-ta mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
booked out; repaid; bala from Ushmu; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
P339233: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza-dur#?-saga-mu 1(esze3) _gan2_ lugal-me-e3-a 1(esze3) 5(iku) _gan2_ lugal-inim-gi-(na)
Shadur-sagamu, 1 eshe3 field, Lugal-me'a, 1 eshe3 5 iku field, Lugal-inim-gina,
szunigin 1(bur3) 1(esze3) 1/4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 dal-ba-na nin#-sa6-_ni_ u3 a-bu3-ka szu-ku6-ne
total: 1 bur3 1 eshe3 1/4 iku field area, field Dalbana, Ninsani and Abaku fisherman;
P339234: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-e3-a na-ra-am-(d)suen-sze3 (u2)har-an ga6-ga2
i7 puzur4-ma-ma gub-ba
to the waterway Naram-Sîn haran-plant delivered;
stationed at the Puzrish canal.
ugula (d)szara2-kam kiszib3 lu2-gi-na mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
foreman: Sharakam, under seal of Lugina; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-gi-na dub-[sar] dumu sza3-ku3-[ge]
Lugina, scribe, son of Shakuge.
P339235: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 ur-nigar(gar) ur-(d)gesztin-an-ka lu2-dingir-ra u3 ur-(d)ma-mi lu2 zah3!(A-_ha_) igi-du8-a szu bar-ra-me
via Ur-nigar, Ur-Geshtinanka, Lu-dingira, and Ur-Mami, the man of Zah, the inspection, are the responsibility of the ...;
P339236: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] e2-usz-bar ki-su7#?-ra# x-x-[ka gub-ba] ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta
... of the weavers in the kisu ... stationed, from Ur-Nintu
kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)amar-(d)suen
under seal of Ur-Shara, chief accountant; month: "Lisi," year: "Amar-Suen."
Seal 1
ur#-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4?
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339237: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ba-a-ni#? he2-na-eb2-szum2-mu
he shall give his barley.
Seal 1
ur-[(d)szara2] dub-[sar] dumu lugal-uszur4 nu-banda3-gu4 (d)[szara2]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur, manager of oxen of Shara.
P339238: school tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula dingir-ra
ugula lu2-saga
foreman: Dingira;
foreman: Lu-saga;
ugula ur-(d)nin-tu#?
ugula lugal-inim-gi-na szunigin 1(u) 2(disz) 1/3(disz) geme2 a2 2/3(disz) szunigin 9(disz) 1/2(disz) geme2 a2 1/2(disz) iti 1(disz)-sze3 a2-bi u4 1(gesz'u) 5(u) 5(disz)-kam mu a2 2/3(disz) a2 1/2(disz) a2-silim-ma-asz ugu2-a ba-a-ga2-ra-esz2-a#?
foreman: Ur-Nintu?;
foreman: Lugal-inim-gina; total: 12 1/3 female laborers, 2/3 workdays; total: 9 1/2 female laborers, 1/2 workdays, per month, its labor: 105 days; year: "2/3 female laborers, 1/2 workdays," Asilimash owed;
mu en (d)nanna masz-e [...]
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by goat ...."
P339239: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-(d)utu na-gada ki kas4-ta ensi2-ke4
Lu-Utu, the nagda-priest, from Kas, the governor;
szu ba-ti mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
received; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339240: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
aga3-us2 lugal giri3 ha-ab-ru-sza kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na sukkal maszkim
royal steward, via Habrusha, under seal of Lugal-inim-gina, the messenger, responsible official;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
P339241: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)szara2 lu2 azlag2-ta i3-kal-la szu ba-ti mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
from Ur-Shara, the fuller, Ikalla received; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339242: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba e2 szu-szum2-ma nig2-gur11 ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma u3 dam dumu-na nig2-gur11 (d)szul-gi-ra
Basket-of-tablets: xxx
Basket-of-tablets: house of consignments, property of Ur-Lisi, the governor of Umma and his wife and children, property of Shulgi,
giri3 sza3-ta-ku3-zu sukkal u3 nig2-gur11 bar-ra gaba-ri kiszib3-ba ba-ba-ti i3-gal2 iti (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki)
via Shatakuzu, the messenger, and the other property, copies, sealed tablet of Babati, are here; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu."
via Shatakuzu, the messenger, and property of outside, copies of sealed tablets of Babati, are here; month "Dumuzi," year: "The en-priest of Eridu."
P339243: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 lu2-dingir-ra-szum2
[...] sze-lu2
via Lu-dingirashum;
giri3# da-a-ga
giri3 lu2-(d)szara2 dumu al-la ki ur-e11-e-ta ugu2 da-da-ga ba-a-gar mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
via Da'aga;
via Lu-Shara, son of Alla; from Ur-e'e's account on account of Dadaga set; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339244: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki im-a-ni-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la giri3 dingir-ra sza3 bala-a
from Imani, under seal of Lukalla, via Dingira, in the bala;
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339245: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(u2)|_zi&zi_|-sze3#? gudu4#?
ki ur-saga ugula
for Urzizi, the gudu priest;
from Ur-saga, foreman;
szunigin 1(u) 3(asz) 3(ban2) sze gur sze-ba za3-mu didli iti dal mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
total: 13 gur 3 ban2 barley, barley rations of the zamu-offerings, monthly rations, year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339246: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 1(u) 6(disz) gesz hi-a zu2-lum-bi 2(asz) 3(ban2) gur
total: 16 reeds, its dates: 2 gur 3 ban2,
da-ad-da-mu apin-la2 e2 (d)nin-ur4-ra iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
Dadamu, plowman, house of Ninura; month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339247: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra
kiszib3 al-ba-ni-du11
under seal of Lu-dingira;
under seal of Allanidu;
kiszib3 za-ri2-iq kuruszda
ma2-a si-ga umma(ki)-sze3 giri3 ur-(d)nisaba szunigin 1(gesz2) 8(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 ziz2 gur szunigin 1(u) 2(ban2) gig gur gur sze ma2-a si-ga-ta szunigin 1(u) 7(asz) 3(barig) ziz2 gur sa2-du11-ta guru7 |_ki-an_|(ki)-ta giri3 lu2-gi-na u3 (d)szara2-ba-zi-ge
under seal of Zariq, fattener;
barge moored at Umma, via Ur-Nisaba; total: 68 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 emmer; total: 10 gur 2 ban2 kashk cheese, barley moored at the barge; total: 17 gur 3 barig emmer, regular offerings, from the grain-store of Ki'an; via Lugina and Shara-bazige;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
month: "Harvest," year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
P339248: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra u3-na-a-du11 tukum-bi
e2-gal-e-si uri5(ki)-sze3 sza3-bi in-ne-silim lu2 hu-ba-a u3 ad-(kup4)
to Lu-Shulgi speak! If
to the palace of Ur, its heart he has satisfied; the man who brought it and the scribe
uri5(ki)-sze3 tur-am3-i3-li2 u3-gi4 he2-ne-eb2-szum2-mu tukum-bi
lu2 hu-ba-a u3 ad-kup4 kiszib3 in-da-gal2-la ka-ma-ri2(ki)-ta sza3-bi he2-eb-sa2-e
to Ur Turam-ili will give back. If
for the one who has a claim and for the one who has a copy of the sealed document in hand, from Kamari he shall clear it.
P339249: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(esze3) _gan2_ gesz a-ra2 3(disz)-kam lu2-(d)szara2 engar
lugal-nir-gal2 engar a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu [...] 1(esze3) _gan2_ gesz a-ra2 1(disz) [... n-kam] ur-e2-an-na engar#
ugula lu2-(d)nanna
1 eshe3 ..., 3rd time, Lu-Shara, the plowman;
Lugal-nirgal, the plowman; field Manu; ...; 1 eshe3 ...; ...; ...; Ur-Eanna, the plowman;
foreman: Lu-Nanna;
a-sza3 muru13
ur-(d)suen engar
a-sza3 us2-sa igi-zi-[...] ugula ur-mes gurum2 ak u4 3(disz)-kam iti szu-numun mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
field of muru
Ur-Suen, the ploughman;
field, from Igizi-...; foreman: Ur-mes; inspections performed; 3rd day; month: "Sowing," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339250: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
en-du8-du-ta gu2 idigna-sze3 gi ga6-ga2
ma2 gi gid2-da ka i7 gurusz-gin7-(du)-sze3
from Endudu to the bank of the Tigris reed transported;
a barge of long reeds, at the mouth of the "Wool-of-the-Foot" canal,
sahar zi-ga ka i7 gurusz-gin7-du ugula i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 kas4 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
soil booked out, at the mouth of the "Gate of the Young Man," foreman: Ipa'e, under seal of Kas; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339251: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Dani;
(d)nin-e2-gal-e-si sza3 e2 (d)gu-la siskur2 lugal ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 nu-ur2-a-a sagi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
For Ninegalesi, in the house of Gula, the king's offering, from Ushmu, under seal of Nuraya, cupbearer; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339252: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba sza3-bi su-ga mar-sa giri3 lugal-nir-gal2
Basket-of-tablets: therefroms, restitutions, of the barges, via Lugal-nirgal,
Basket-of-tablets: thereins, restitutions, of the shipyard via Lugal-nirgal,
i3-gal2 mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
are here; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
are here; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
P339253: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3 mar-sa
lugal-nig2-lagar-e mun!
in the marsa reed
Lugal-niglagare, flour
gurum2 ak u4 7(disz)-kam iti pa4-u2-e
inspection of the work, 7th day, month: "Pa'u'e;"
P339254: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] tug2 nig2-lam2 us2 szar3# ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na [...] tug2 guz-za us2 szar3 ki#-la2-bi 4(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na [...] 2(disz) tug2 guz-za 3(disz)-kam us2 ki#-la2-bi 2(u) 2/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 [...] 4(disz) tug2 guz-za 4(disz)-kam us2 ki-la2-bi 3(u) 9(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na
... textiles, niglam, the length, its weight: 1 2/3 mana ... textiles, guzza, the length, its weight: 4 1/2 mana ... 2 guzza textiles, the length, its weight: 20 2/3 mana 5 shekels ... 4 guzza textiles, the length, its weight: 39 2/3 mana
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 1(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 8(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga dingir-ra-ke4 in-la2 ki# ur-(d)nin-tu-ta [i3]-kal-la szu ba-ti [iti] min-esz3 mu ma2 (d)en-ki
Their weight: 41 5/6 minas.
Their weight: 8 ma-na 10 shekels.
from Ur-Nintu, the garments that were weighed by the god, he will weigh out; month: "minesh," year: "The boat of Enki."
P339255: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam
u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam
27th day.
28th day.
u4 3(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
u4 3(u)-kam ki a-al-li2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
30th day;
30th day, from Alli, under seal of the governor; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Column 1
[(d)szu-(d)suen] lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-[a-kal-la] ensi2# umma#[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339256: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 muru13-ka-kam ku5-da bi2-in-esz-a-na-na
He has sworn by the name of the 'gatekeeper' of the muru canal that he has sworn by the name of the 'gatekeeper'.
kab2-ku5 (gesz)asalx(|_a-tu-nir_|) u3 eme sig-ga-ka nu-bi2-in-esz-a ur-(gesz)gigir-ra nam-erim2-bi ku5-dam igi# ensi2-ka-sze3 igi a-mu-a-sze3 igi lu2-dingir-ra dumu lugal-ba-ta-ab-e3-sze3 igi da-ad-da-mu-sze3 igi i3-da-mu-sze3
The chariot's 'gate' of the asal tree and the 'skin' of the tongue did not have a name, Ur-gigira, its troops were taken away. Before the governor, before Amua, before Lu-dingira, son of Lugal-batabe, before Dadamu, before Idamu,
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa en (d)nanna ba-hun
month: "Harvest," year after: "The priest of Nanna was installed."
P339257: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ba nar-e-ne sza3 uri5(ki)-ma ugula da-da gala giri3 igi-an-na-ke4-zu
barley rations of the singers in Ur, foreman Dada, the chief of the corvée, via Igi-ana,
ki# ensi2#? umma#(ki)-ta ba-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3
from the governor of Umma booked out; year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
P339258: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku-ku sza3-bi 1(disz)-am3 a-gu-a gesz-sze3 in-na-szi-la2-am3
igi bi2-in-du8-sza-am3
kuku, its inner part is 1, he has taken it as a loan.
he will make him look at me.
lu2-dingir-ra-ke4 nam-erim2 u3-ku5
a-gu-a ib2-su-su
di til-la dumu gar-sza-na-ka mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
Lu-dingira, the enemy, he killed.
he will measure the barley at the threshing floor;
to be given back; son of Garshana; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339259: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i7 i7 sal4-la(ki) szu ur3-ra
kab2-ku5 i7 kun-nagar gub-ba
canal of the Salla canal, dredged,
stationed at the intake of the canal of the quay-gate.
ka i7 (d)amar-(d)suen-ke4-gar gub-ba
kun i7-da gub-ba ugula# ab-ba-saga kiszib3# (d)szara2-he2-gal2 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
at the mouth of the Amar-Suen canal stationed;
at the outlet of the canal stationed, foreman: Abbasaga, under seal of Shara-hegal; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-he2-gal2 dub-[sar] dumu ur-[mes]
Shara-hegal, scribe, son of Urmes.
P339260: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-du-du-ra# u3-na-a-du11
szesz-a-ni dumu nam-tur ha-mu-na#-ab-szum2-mu
he will tell Gudu
Sheshani, son of Namtur, shall give to him.
ti-e2-mah-ta he2-na-ab-szum2-mu mu en eridu(ki)
from Ti'emah may he give. Year: "The high-priestess of Eridu."
Seal 1
lu2-e2-mah-e dub-[sar] dumu ur-(d)li9-si4-na ensi2 umma(ki)-ka
Lu-Emahe, scribe, son of Ur-Lisina, governor of Umma.
P339261: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
Column 1
[...] szunigin 5(disz) gurusz ugula ur-(d)suen
... total: 5 male laborers, foreman: Ur-Suen;
Column 2
szunigin 1(u) 1(disz) gurusz ugula da-du
total: 11 male laborers, foreman: Dadu;
Column 1
szunigin 6(disz) gurusz ugula ur#-esz3-bar
total: 6 male laborers, foreman: Ur-eshbar;
Column 2
szunigin 1(u) 2(disz) gurusz ugula ma2-gur8-re
szunigin 6(disz) gurusz ugula na-ba-sa6
total: 12 male laborers, foreman of the tugboats;
total: 6 male laborers, foreman: Nabasa;
P339262: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(disz) lugal-amar-ku3
deficit: 1 Lugal-amarku;
la2-ia3-am3 sza3 bala-a kiszib3 lu2-saga mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
deficit, in the bala; under seal of Lu-saga; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-[sa6-ga] [...]
Lu-saga ...
P339263: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bu3-du-um-ki-ri-isz _arad2_ i3-dab5
[...] kasz# du ma-an-szum2 i3-dab5
Buduum-kiridish, servant, accepted;
... he took Manshum's regular beer;
bala-ta u4 2(u) 1(disz) zal-la
bala-ta u4 2(u) 2(disz) zal-la hu-un-hi-li szu-a-gi-na
gaba-ri kiszib3 lu2-gi-na
from the bala day 21 completed,
from the bala day 22 full days, Hunhili, Shu-agina;
copy of the sealed tablet of Lugina.
sza3 bala-a u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu hu-uh2-nu-ri ba-hul
in bala; 22nd day; month: "House-month-6," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed;"
P339264: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 mu iti-da
a-sza3-ge a du11-ga a-sza3 (d)szara2-gu2-gal
labor of the month of Adda.
field irrigated with water, field Shara-gugal;
ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 a-gu-gu iti (d)li9-si4 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
foreman: Lu-Shara; under seal of Agugu; month: "Lisi," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-e2-mah dub-sar dumu da-da
Ur-Emah, scribe, son of Dada.
P339265: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 1(u) gurusz ugula a-du-du
total: 10 male laborers, foreman: Adudu;
P339266: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 4(u)# 4(disz)#-kam a-sza3 na-ga-ab-tum-ma nu-banda3-gu4 lugal-(d)isztaran
its labor: 44 days; field Nagabtuma, oxen manager of Lugal-Ishtaran;
ugula _arad2_ kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
foreman: ARAD, under seal of Inim-Shara; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)[szara2] dumu ur-[nigar(gar)]
Inim-Shara, son of Ur-nigar.
P339267: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
al ak 5(disz) sar-ta a2 6(disz) sila3-ta a-sza3 (d)nin-hur-sag nu-banda3-gu4 inim-(d)szara2
cultivated land: 5 sar, labor: 6 sila3 each, field Ninhursag, oxen manager; Inim-Shara;
giri3 lu2-gir2-su(ki) kiszib3 ur-(d)utu mu si-ma-num2(um)(ki) ba-hul
via Lugirsu, under seal of Ur-Utu; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)[utu] dumu al-la [sukkal]
Ur-Utu, son of Alla, the messenger.
P339268: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam
26th day.
u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
27th day; from Lu-dingira, under seal of the governor; month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[a-a-kal-la] ensi2# umma(ki) _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339269: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 e2-mah
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 igi-e2-mah-sze3 ugula szesz-saga
water stationed, field Emah;
the field to be irrigated, in front of Emah; foreman: Shesh-saga;
kiszib3 a-kal-la mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of Akalla; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
a-a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ukken-ne2
Ayakalla, scribe, son of Ukkene.
P339270: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 szesz-saga iti dal mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
for Ur-Nintu;
for Habaluge;
under seal of Shesh-saga; month: "Flight," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
szesz-sa6-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-gu3-de2-a
Shesh-saga, scribe, son of Lugal-gudea.
P339271: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 ba-ba-ti-sze3
lu2 e2-muhaldim [...] (gi)gur-dub
to the house of Babati;
one of the kitchen, ..., gurdub basket,
ur-szu muhaldim zi3 munu4 ba-na-si
zi3 esza ba-an-si ur-nigar(gar) sza3-tam kiszib3 ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra sza3 bala-a mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki)
Urshu, cook, flour and malt flour, for Banasi;
flour rations rations rations of Ur-nigar, the shatam, under seal of Ku-Ninura, in the bala; year following: "Simanum."
Seal 1
ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra dub-sar dumu na-[silim]
Ku-Ninura, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339272: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 5(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 3(disz) ma-na 7(disz) gin2 siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 2(asz) gu2 5(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
Its weight: 5 1/3 mana, wool from the mountain, for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 3 minas 7 shekels wool from the mountain, for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 2 talents 5 1/2 mana wool from the mountain, a girigak-vessel;
ki-la2-bi 3(u) 2(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na 7(disz) gin2
ki da-da-ga-ta da-da-ga u3 i3-kal-la in-la2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
Their weight: 32 5/6 minas 3 shekels.
Their weight: 15 ma-na 7 shekels.
from Dadaga Dadaga and Ikalla have taken. Month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339273: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 gu4-e-a-na-am3-_du_ gu4-(gesz)apin 5(disz)-kam kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga
deficit of oxen-ea-amdu, plow-oxen manager, 5th year, under seal of Lu-duga;
dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
son of Lugal-niglagare, year: "The Great-Stele was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Lugal-niglagare.
P339274: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u2-bi 6(disz) sar 1(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 gurusz-e 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta
e sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 muru13 ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 ur-lugal
its labor: 6 sar 1 1/3 shekels; male laborers: 7 1/2 shekels each;
..., field Muru, foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Ur-lugal;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339275: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(d)szara2 umma(ki)
(d)szara2 a-pi4-sal4(ki)
Shara of Umma
Shara of Apisal
for Ninegal;
i3-kal-la szu ba-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3
Ikalla received; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
P339276: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) 1(u) gin2 gurusz [u4] 1(disz)-sze3 diri 1(barig) esir2 _e2_-A
[...] sa (u2)a-|_zi&zi_|
deficit: 77 10 shekels, male laborers, for 1 day, extra: 1 barig, bitumen,
... azizi plant
diri la2-ia3 nig2-ka9 mar-sa a-pi4-sal4(ki) kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
surplus deficit of the account of the Amorite bank of Apisal, under seal of Lu-Haya; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339277: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
umma(ki)-ta gu2-edin-na-sze3 ma2 gid2-da ma2 diri-ga u4 3(disz)-sze3 ki-su7 gu2-edin-na-ta sze ma2-a si-ga u4 3(disz)-sze3 gu2-edin-na-ta
from Umma to Gu'edina barge punted, barge extra punted, for 3 days from the threshing floor of Gu'edina barley loaded, for 3 days from Gu'edina barge punted,
umma(ki)-sze3 ma2 gid2-da u3 ma2 bala ak u4 3(disz)-sze3 e2-kikken-sze3 [sze] ga6-ga2 sze bala-a ugula a-gu kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam ur-(d)szara2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
to Umma barge punted and barge bala performed; for 3 days to the mill barley transported; barley transferred; foreman: Agu; under seal of the shatam-official of Ur-Shara; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-[la]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339278: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-kal-la-ta ugu2 lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2
from Lukalla, against Lu-Enlila;
ba-a-gar kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba mu ku3-gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
sealed tablet of Ur-Shara, chief accountant; year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-[uszur4]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339279: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 la2-mah-ta a-sza3 (d)szul-pa-e3-sze3 giri3-a gen-na u3 gu4 ansze i7-de3 bala-a u4 2(disz)-sze3
from the field Lamah to the field Shulpa'e via Giria, went, and the donkeys and donkeys to the canal bala for 2 days,
a-sza3 (d)szul-pa-e3-ta a-sza3 la2-mah-sze3 giri3-a gen-na ugula lu2-du10-ga kiszib3 kas4 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
from the Shulpa'e field to the Lamah field via Giria, to the foreman Lu-duga, under seal of Kas; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339280: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-a sa la2-a a-sza3 amar-(gesz)kiszi17
a-e3-a a-sza3 e2-mah gub-ba
barley rations, without interest, field of Amar-kishi;
at the threshing floor of the Emah field stationed;
a-ga-am _gan2_-mah szu ur3-ra ugula _arad2_-mu kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e mu# hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
Agam, GANmah, hand ..., foreman: ARADmu, under seal of Lugal-niglagare; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-si-_ne#_-[e] dub-[sar] dumu lugal-ezem#
Lugal-sine'e, scribe, son of Lugal-ezem.
P339281: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurusz-e 1(u) 3(disz) gin2-ta a-bur2 a-sza3 la2-tur sza3 da-gu-na ba-al-la ugula ab-ba-saga kiszib3 da-da-ga
13 shekels each male laborers, Abur, field Latur, in Daguna, cleared; foreman: Abbasaga, under seal of Dadaga;
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339282: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a sa la2-a
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra ugula a-gu-gu
the barley is to be weighed out and checked.
heaped up grain, ..., foreman: Agugu;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
under seal of Lu-Haya; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339283: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tir gu2 i7 gir2-su(ki)-ka (u2)gug4 zex(_sig7_)-a u3 a-e bu3-a uku2-nu-ti bala-a sa-du8 ak
the bank of the Girsu canal, the mash-plant, the zex-plant and the water-course, the ukunuti-plant, during the bala, the sadu-offerings,
ugula a-kal-la kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Akalla, under seal of Ur-Shara; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-[la]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339284: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka i3-sin2(ki)-ta unu(ki)-sze3 ma2-la2-a a-ra2 2(disz)-am3 ib2-de6 unu(ki)-ta nibru(ki)-sze3 ma2-la2-a gur-ra ugula lil-la
from the mouth of Isin to Uruk, the barge twice, he will bring; from Uruk to Nippur, the barge returned; foreman: "Left."
kiszib3 ukken-ne2 iti szu-numun mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of the assembly; month: "Sowing," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339285: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
guru7 |_ki-an_|(ki)-ka du3-de3
ki-su7 gu-la a-sza3 la2-mah-ta ugula a-kal-la ((ta)) e2 (d)szul-pa-e3
the granary of Ki'an is to be poured out.
from the threshing floor of the great field Lamah; foreman: Akalla, from the house of Shulpa'e;
kiszib3 ur-dun mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
under seal of Ur-dun; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-[dun] dub-[sar] [dumu da-da]
Ur-Dun, scribe, son of Dada.
P339286: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(asz) 2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 6(disz) gin2 esir2 _e2_-A hul gur
la2-ia3-am3 diri 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 3(u) 1/2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
deficit: 1 gur 2 2/3 sila3 6 shekels bitumen, evil EA;
deficit: extra: 420 1/2 workdays, male laborers,
diri-ga-am3 diri la2-ia3 ur-saga dub-sar mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz)-kam si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
additional deficit, additional deficit of Ur-saga, the scribe, year following: "For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed."
P339287: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) 1(u) gin2 geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 la2-ia3 nig2-ka9-ak a2 geme2 ur-e11-e kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3
deficit: 93 10 shekels labor of 1 workday, deficit of the account of labor of the female laborers of Ur-e'e, under seal of Lu-Haya;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-[sar] dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339288: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[x 2(gesz2)? 1(u)] 2(disz) dug 3(ban2) 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 2(u) dug 5(ban2) 1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 3(u) dug 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3
lugal-ra-us2-sa ki lu2-kal-la-ta
... 142 jugs 3 ban2 900 jugs 5 ban2 900 jugs 1 ban2 5 sila3
for Lugal-rausa, from Lukalla;
lu2 lunga-ke4 szu ba-ab-ti kiszib3 lu2-tur-tur [mu] en# eridu(ki) ba-hun
the brewer received; under seal of Lu-turtur; year: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-tur-tur-ra dub-sar dumu a-na-mu
Lu-turtura, scribe, son of Ana-mu.
P339289: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu-kux(_du_) a-du-du na-gada kiszib3 szesz-kal-la e2 ensi2-ka-sze3
delivery of Addu, the nagda; under seal of Sheshkalla, to the household of the governor;
iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah in-du3
month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-[sar] [dumu ...]
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of .
P339290: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi 1(ban2)-ta sze-bi 2(asz) 4(ban2) gur a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a-da gub-ba a-sza3 me-en-kar2
its labor: 1 ban2 each, its barley: 2 gur 4 ban2, labor of hirelings stationed at the threshing floor, field "Menkar";
sza3 buru14 kiszib3 szesz-kal-la giri3 lu2-du10-ga iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
in the harvest, under seal of Sheshkalla, via Lu-duga; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu na-[silim]
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339291: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3 zu2-lum
ku3-bi 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ki lugal-ezem-ta a-kal-la szu ba-ti
pure dates
its silver: 2 1/2 shekels; from Lugal-ezem Akalla received;
iti pa4-u2-e mu us2-sa e2 _pu3_ mu us2-sa-a-bi ku3 iti a2-ki-ti u3 [...] giri3 u3-ma-ni
month "Pa'u'e," year following: "The house of the well," year following: "The silver." month "Akitu" and ..., via Umani;
Column 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) a-kal-la
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Akalla.
Column 2
dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3 [_arad2_-zu]
scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager, is your servant.
P339292: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga-am3 ki nig2-du10-ga-mu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
reed-bearing, from Nigdugamu, under seal of Lukalla;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month: "Lisi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339293: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 (d)asznan-sze3 ki (d)szara2-kam-ta
for the offering of Ashnan, from Sharakam;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-nun-ka iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lu-Nammunka; month: "House-month-6," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-an-[ka] dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339294: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(a2) lu2 hun-ga2 6(disz) sila3-ta a-sza3 muru13
labor of hirelings: 6 sila3 each, field muru;
ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 a-kal-la mu us2-sa ur-bi2-i3-lum(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Akalla; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-kal-[la] dub-[sar] [dumu ...]
Akalla, scribe, son of .
P339295: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[(u2)]|_zi&zi_|-sze3#? zex(_sig7_)-a tir e2 lugal-ka-ta gu2 i7 (d)amar-(d)suen-ke4-ga2-ra-sze3 ga6-ga2
from the ... of the royal house to the bank of the Amar-Suen canal .
kab2-ku5 i3-szum2-ma-ta sahar szu ti-a
kab2-ku5 i7 sal4-la-ta sahar szu ti-a ugula lil-la kiszib3 (d)szara2-he2-gal2 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8#
from the depot he gave; dirt he took.
from the reservoir of the sala canal, dirt taken, foreman: Lila, under seal of Shara-hegal; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-he2-gal2 dub-[sar] dumu ur-[mes]
Shara-hegal, scribe, son of Urmes.
P339296: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta kiszib3 (d)szara2-ba-an-sa6
from E-urbidu, under seal of Shara-bansa;
sza3 bala-a mu (d)i?-bi2-(d)suen lugal
in bala; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-ba-an-[sa6] dumu da-[...]
Shara-bansa, son of Da-...,
P339297: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 ur-(d)ma-mi
sa2-du11 (d)szara2
kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir
kiszib3 a-ab-ba-ni gur sa2-du11 (d)amar-(d)suen
under seal of Ur-Mami;
regular offerings of Shara;
under seal of Ur-gigir;
under seal of A'abbani, gur, regular offerings of Amar-Suen,
kiszib3 a-kal-la
sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi-ra kiszib3 szesz-a-ni
giri3 ur-(d)nisaba szunigin 2(disz) sila3 ziz2 gur sa2-du11-ta giri3 lu2-gi-na u3 (d)szara2-ba-zi-ge iti diri mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
under seal of Akalla;
regular offerings of Shulgi, sealed tablet of Sheshani.
via Ur-Nisaba; total: 2 sila3 emmer, regular offerings; via Lugina and Shara-bazige; extra month: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;"
P339298: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3-gu4 kiszib3 a-kal-la mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
foreman: Ur-gigir, oxen manager; under seal of Akalla; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
a-kal-[la] dub-[sar] dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339299: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 4(disz) 1/2(disz)-ta
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) 1/2(disz)-ta
its beams: 4 1/2 each,
its beams: 5 1/2 each,
ma2 lu2-banda3(da) ugula ur-sila-luh kiszib3 lugal-gu4-e iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
barge of Lu-banda, foreman: Ur-silaluh, under seal of Lugal-gu'e; month: "House-month-6," year: "En-unugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)nu-musz-da dub-sar dumu lugal-gu4-e
Ur-Numushda, scribe, son of Lugal-gu'e.
P339300: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-saga
ugula lu2-u18 gurum2 ak
foreman: Ur-saga;
foreman: Lu-u, inspection of the work.
a-sza3 gu2-edin-[na] iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta u4 2(u) 5(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
field of the Gu'edina; from month "Harvest" to day 25 elapsed, under seal of the governor; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Column 1
[(d)amar-(d)suen] nita# kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an ub-[da limmu2-ba]
Amar-Suena, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[ur-(d)li9-si4] [ensi2] [umma(ki)] [_arad2_-zu]
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339301: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_ bi2-da
dumu lugal-ur2-ra-ni gurum2-e tak4-a iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 7(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta
servant of Bida.
son of Lugal-urani, inspection performed; from month "Harvest," the 7th day passed;
i7-pa-e3 i3-dab5 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
Ipa'e accepted; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
i7-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5
Ipa'e, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339302: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 a-u2-(da)-gu-la
a-da gub-(ba) a-sza3 a-u2-da-tur ugula a-kal-la
the field of Au-dagula, stationed;
the field of Audatur, foreman: Akalla,
kiszib3 lugal-szu-nir-re mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Lugal-shunire; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
lugal-szu-nir-[re] dumu lu2-ga [iszib]
Lugal-shunire, son of Luga, isib.
P339303: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 5(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-nun
giri3#? [...]
deficit: 5 1/2 sila3 butter oil,
via ...;
la2-ia3 ka-ga gi-na lugal-hi-li su-su-dam mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
deficit, established, Lugal-hili will clear; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-hi-li dumu ur-a-ba-[...]
Lugal-hili, son of Ur-aba-.
P339304: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam
u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam
27th day.
28th day.
dumu bu3-u2-du
nam-ha-ni sagi ki ur-mes-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki)
a kind of profession
son of Bu-udu
Namhani, cupbearer, from Ur-mes, under seal of the governor; month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "Simanum."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[a-a-kal-la] [ensi2] [umma(ki)] [_arad2_-zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339305: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 sza3 sahar-ra u4 1(disz)-sze3 ugula ur-mes
labor of the dirt, for 1 day, foreman: Ur-mes,
kiszib3 da-a-gi a-sza3 amar-(gesz)kiszi17 iti min-esz3-ta iti e2-iti-6(disz)-sze3 a-sza3-ge kin ak mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Da'agi, field of Amar-kiszi; from month "minesh" to month "E-month-6," field work performed; year: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-a-gi dub-sar
Da'agi, scribe.
P339306: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tir sza-za-giri3-ta
from the sza-zagiri3-tre
sza-za-giri3 i3-szum2-ma-sze3 ki ur-(d)szara2-ta nig2-u2-rum szu ba-ti mu (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
to Sha-zagiri for Ishumma, from Ur-Shara Nig-urum received; year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
[nig2-u2-rum] dub-[sar] dumu (d)nanna-[i3-zu]
Nig-Urum, scribe, son of Nanna-izu.
P339307: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 a-sza3 nin10-nu-du3 sa-ra ak iti szu-numun kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam ur-e11-e mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
siskur-offerings, field Nin-nudu, sa'ak; month: "Sowing," under seal of the shatam-official of Ur-e'e; year: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-[e11-e] dub-[sar] dumu [ur-nigar(gar)]
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339308: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) sa-ta gi zex(_sig7_)-a en-du8-du-ta ga2-nun e2 lugal ku4?-ra
its gu-nigin-measure: 10 bundles, from reeds of reeds, from Endudu, to the royal house brought;
ugula a-a-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
foreman: Ayakalla; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Akalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339309: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 9(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 4(disz) ma-na
Their weight: 1 1/2 minas.
Their weight: 9 1/3 mana.
Their weight: 4 ma-na.
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki a-du-ta ur-(d)nun-gal-ke4 in-la2 lu2 azlag2 ensi2-ka-ke4 szu ba-ti iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu ma2 (d)en-ki-ka ba-ab-du8
cloths, repaid, from Adu Ur-Nungal has taken; the azlag-priest of the governor received; month: "House-month-6," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339310: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 6(disz) sila3-ta a-sza3 (d)szara2-ka gi kesz2-ra2 u3 lumx(_kwu354_) ansze-(sze3) nu2-a
labor of hirelings: 6 sila3 each, field Shara, reeds gathered and ... donkeys,
ugula sza-lim-be-li2 kiszib3 ur-e2-mah mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Shalim-beli, under seal of Ur-Emah; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-e2-mah dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-[ni]
Ur-Emah, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339311: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 ma2 hun-ga2 ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 lugal-e-ba-an-sa6
labor of the hirelings, from the depot of Kaguru, under seal of Lugal-ebansa;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339312: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
geme2 udu ur4-ra sza3 e2-masz ugula ur-(d)nin-tu kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
female sheep raised, in the Emash, foreman: Ur-Nintu, under seal of Lukalla;
iti diri mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
extra month, year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339313: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szesz-kal-la na-gada ki ur-(d)nun-gal-ta ensi2-ke4
Sheshkalla, the herder, from Ur-Nungal the governor;
szu ba-ti mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
received; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339314: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)utu-ta
a kind of profession
from Ur-Utu;
umma(ki)-sze3 ma2-a ga2-ra giri3 lu2-(d)utu
to Umma barge loaded, via Lu-Utu;
P339315: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i3-du-du dumu ur-nigar(gar) ba-usz2 iti 1(u)-sze3 iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la-ta iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3 a2-bi u4 5(gesz2)-kam kiszib3 a-kal-la u3-um-de6
Idudu, son of Ur-nigar, died; from the month "Barley at the quay" to the month "Dumuzi," its labor: 520 days; under seal of Akalla, Umde;
kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir zi-re-dam mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Ur-gigir, booked out; year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu [bar]-ra-an
Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Barran.
P339316: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu ur-(d)a-szar2 engar-me iti min-esz3-ta iti [...-sze3] engar (d)gu-la-sze3
son of Ur-Aszar, the plowman; from month "minesh" to month "...," for the plowman Gula;
ki gu2-tar-ta ur-lugal i3-dab5 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from Gutar did Ur-lugal accept; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339317: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
from Aninga;
a kind of profession
(gesz)kiri6 (d)lamma-mu ur-gu2-edin-na
servant of the king.
Palace of Egesi
garden of Lamma-mu, Ur-gu'edina;
P339318: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 e2-kas4 ki-su7 uku2-nu-ti-ta ki ka-guru7-ta
regular offerings of the storehouse, from Ukunuti, from Ka-guru;
kiszib3 igi-gun3 iti min-esz3 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Igigun; month: "minesh," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ma-mi dumu a2-zi-da#
Ur-Mami, son of Azida.
P339319: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gudu4 e2-mah
overseer of the Emah temple
udu gu2-na
sze-ta sa10-a mu-kux(_du_) mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-[(d)]suen lugal
a kind of fattened sheep
barley rations received; delivery, year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339320: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u2-a-la-sze3 ur-e2-gal-ke4 in-szi-sa10 lu2 szutum2-bi ba-usz2
to U'al did Ur-Egal take; the man who took it away died.
nam-lu2-inim-ma-sze3 im-ta-e3-esz2 sza3-ba inim-(d)utu-ke4 nam-erim2-bi u3-ku5 ur-e2-gal-ke4 ba-an-tum2-mu igi lugal-ku3-zu-sze3 igi ur-nigar(gar)-sze3 di til-la dumu i7-dulx(|_ur_xMIN|)-la(ki)
to the witnesses he brought. Within Inim-shamash, its crime he imposed on Ur-egal. Before Lugal-kuzu, before Ur-nigar, the verdict was pronounced. The son of Idulla
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum mu-hul
year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339321: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la-li2-sze3 e2-a-lu2-bi in-szi-sa10 mu e2 puzur4-(d)da-gan-ta igi ur-(d)hal-mu-sza4-sze3 igi a-kal-la-sze3
from Lali to Ea-lu he bought. From the year: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan before Ur-Halmusha before Akalla."
igi ur-gu2-de3-na-sze3 igi lu2-eb-gal ulu3-di-gal-sze3 egir-ra la-li2 ab-ba-ne2 nu-sa10 bi2-du11 igi ensi2-ka-sze3 ba-gi-in e2-a-lu2-bi sag szu-na ba-an-gi4 di til-la dumu a-e-bar-ra mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
before Ur-gudena; before Lu-ebgal, to Uludigal; after Lali his father had not been able to deliver; before the governor he imposed; the Ea-lubi's head he shaved off; the verdict he pronounced; the son of A'ebara, year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339322: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2 gurusz-e gu-nigin2 3(disz)-ta [e] sa-dur2-ra ka-ma-ri2 si-ga ugula# szesz-kal-la
the wages of the male laborers, the wages of 3 laborers each, the sadurra of Kamari, the scribal art, foreman: Sheshkalla;
[kiszib3] ur-(gesz)gigir [iti] (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ur-gigir; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(gesz)[gigir] dub-sar dumu [bar]-ra-[an]
Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Barran.
P339323: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
geme2 e2-lunga-sze3 iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la-ta u4 1(u) 5(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta iti e2-iti-6(disz) u4 8(disz)-sze3 u3 bala-sze3 gen-na bala-ta gur-ra
female laborers for the brewer's storehouse, from month "Barley at the quay" 15 days have passed, from month "House-month-6," 8 days, and to the bala he went; from the bala he returned;
ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta kiszib3 lu2-tur-tur mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from Ur-Nintu, under seal of Lu-turtur; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu a-[an]-na-mu
Sheshani, scribe, son of Annamu.
P339324: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-e3-a i7 sal4-la-ka gub-ba ugula ur-am3-ma kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal
at the waterway of the salla canal stationed, foreman: Ur-ama, under seal of Ur-Nungal;
iti diri mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
extra month: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339325: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-la2-a ak u4 1(u) 6(disz)-sze3 ma2 gid2-da ma2 ba-al-la ma2 su3 gur-ra ga2-nun e2 lugal-ta
for the barge to be moored; for 16 days barge punted, barge unloaded, barge returned, from the royal house
nibru(ki)-sze3 ugula lu2-bala-saga kiszib3 ukken-ne2 mu en ga-esz ba-hun
to Nippur, foreman: Lu-bala-saga, under seal of the assembly; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339326: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-iti-da sza3 nibru(ki)-sze3
for Lugal-itida, in Nippur;
ki da-da-a
from Dada;
P339327: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 2(u) 4(disz) 1/2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 i3-szum2 ugula ur-lugal kiszib3 i3-kal-la
... 24 1/2 workdays, male laborers, barley rations, threshed, field Ishum; foreman: Ur-lugal, under seal of Ikalla;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
i3-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Ikalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339328: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 6(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 1(u) 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 4(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2
ki-la2-bi 4(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na
Their weight: 6 ma-na.
Their weight: 1 talent 11 ma-na 10 shekels.
Their weight: 1 talent 49 1/2 ma-na 5 shekels.
Their weight: 4 1/2 minas.
siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki a-du-ta ur-(d)szara2-ke4 in-la2 i3-kal-la szu ba-ti iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
mountain wool for a chariot
Their weight: 1 talent 12 minas.
cloths, rations, from Adu Ur-Shara has taken; Ikalla received; month: "Lisi," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
P339329: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-a zar3 tab-ba
a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2(ki)
ka-giri3-da ki-sur-(ra) ad ak
barley rations, .
field Kamari;
the quay of the Kisurra, I have done.
kab2-ku5 a-sza3 i3-szum2 tusz-a sza3 buru14 ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 ur-lugal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
the threshing floor of the field he gave, he sat; in the harvest, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Ur-lugal; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339330: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] [...] [...] dabin# [...] esza [...] zi3 dub-dub e2 (d)szara2-sze3
(d)nin-hur-sag ka-ma-ri2(ki)
... ... dabin ... esha flour ... dubdub flour for the house of Shara
Ninhursag of Kamari;
(d)lugal-zimbirx(|_ud-nun-kib_|)(ki)-e ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-[ab]-du8#
Lugal-zimbira, from Lu-dingira, under seal of the governor; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal#-[la] ensi2# umma#[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339331: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(gesz'u) 9(gesz2) sa gi
zi-ga uri5(ki)-ma nig2-ka9 dam-gar3 mu sza-asz-ru(ki)-ka
420 bundles of reed,
booked out of the account of Ur, account of the merchant, year: "Shashru."
ba-an-zi nig2-ka9 bala-a mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki)-ka ugu2-a ga2-ga2-dam kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
Banzi, account of the bala, year: "Huhnuri was brought to me," under seal of Lukalla;
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339332: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 2(disz) sa-ta kun e2 (d)szara2-ka-ta ga2-nun du6-ku3-sig17-sze3 gurusz-e 1(disz) 1/2(disz) gu-nigin2-ta ugula a-gu-gu
216 bundles of reed, its weight: 12 bundles each, from the door of the house of Shara to the door-jamb of the gold-worker, male laborers, 1 1/2 bundles each, foreman: Agugu;
kiszib3# lugal-he2-gal2 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-hegal; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-[he2]-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339333: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Ur-eshbara;
szunigin 5(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) gur sze ur5-ra szunigin 1(u) 2(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur szunigin 1(asz) ziz2 gur szunigin 2(barig) gig sze guru7-a e3-da kiszib3 dab-ba ki _arad2_-ta ku3-ga-ni szu ba-ti iti nesag mu us2-sa ha-ar-szi ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
total: 5 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 barley rations; total: 12 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley; total: 1 gur emmer; total: 2 barig emmer barley rations, seized; under seal of ARAD, Kugani received; month: "First fruits," year after: "Harshi Kimash was destroyed."
P339334: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 7(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 sze gur 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zu2-lum gur
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta
... 7 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 3 sila3 barley, 114 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 dates,
from Ur-Shulpa'e;
ugu2 (d)szara2-kam ga2-ga2-dam mu ma2 (d)en-ki [ba]-ab#-du8
to be delivered to Shara; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339335: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mudra5 he2-na-ab-szum2-mu
he shall give to him as a loan.
kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
under seal of the governor; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-[(d)li9-si4] ensi2# [umma(ki)] _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339336: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 [...]-sze3 zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2(ki) ugula i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam szesz-kal-la dumu da-da
for ... he will add the zar3; he will measure it; field Kamari, foreman: Ipa'e; under seal of the shatam-official Sheshkalla, son of Dada;
mar-da-re-a gu4-e-us2-sa i3-gar mu (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
for Mardarea, the oxen-driver, he imposed; year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e dub-sar dumu da-da
Lugal-niglagare, scribe, son of Dada.
P339337: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra-(ta)
ki-su7 a-sza3 la2-mah-ta
from the field Ninura;
from the threshing floor of the field Lamah;
ki-su7 gub3 temen-na-ta
a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu-ta
e2-kikken-ta sze ur5-ra kiszib3 nu ra-a mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
from the threshing floor of the temen threshing floor;
from the manu-field;
from the mill barley, interest not collected, year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
P339338: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka (d)szara2-pa3-da gub-ba ugula a-gu-gu kiszib3 a-a-kal-[la]
at the mouth of Sharapada stationed, foreman: Agugu, under seal of Ayakalla;
mu us2-sa (d)szu#-(d)suen lugal#-[e bad3] mar#-tu mu#-[du3]
year following: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
a-a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ukken-ne2
Ayakalla, scribe, son of Ukkene.
P339339: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Abiya;
for Girini-isa;
ad6? kusz mu-kux(_du_) mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
..., delivery, year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339340: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1/3(disz) sar _asz#_? [...] bur-ma-am3 sukkal ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta
its weight: 1/3 sar; ..., the messenger, from Ur-Shulpa'e;
kiszib3 sza13-dub-ba sza3 bala-a mu us2-sa ha-ar-szi ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Shaduba, in the bala; year after: "Harshi Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-[(d)szara2] dub-[sar] dumu lugal-uszur4#
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339341: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kid szer7-ru-um ma2 _szim_ bala-a dim2-ma ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 a-du-mu
..., boat of aromatics, ..., from Agu, under seal of Adumu;
mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year following: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-tam
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official.
P339342: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka-ma-ri2(ki)-ta _isz_-su(ki)-sze3 ma2-gur8 lugal du8-de3 giri3 _ka_-al szagina
from Kamari to Ishsu barge of the king to be moored; via Kanal, general;
kiszib3 lu2-saga mu en ga-esz5(ki)
under seal of Lu-saga, year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh."
Seal 1
lu2-[sa6-ga] dub-sar dumu ur-ki-ag2-mu
Lu-saga, scribe, son of Ur-kiagmu.
P339343: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 3(asz) 4(barig)
la2-ia3 ka-ga gi-na ur-(gesz)gigir (nu)-banda3-gu4
deficit: 3 gur 4 barig;
deficit, established, Ur-gigir, oxen manager;
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339344: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 kas4 e2-kikken-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
regular offerings, from the messengers of the mill, from Lu-Shulgi;
kiszib3 gur4-sa3-an iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Gursan; month: "Harvest," year after: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
gur8-sa3-an muhaldim dumu du#?-la-bi
Gursan, cook, son of Dulibi.
P339345: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu al-ba-ni-du11-me [...]-ti-a-sze3 [...]-ta
son of Allanidu, from .
ugula (d)szara2-a-mu kiszib3 bi2-du11-ga mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Shara-amu, under seal of Biduga; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
bi2-du11-ga dub-sar dumu la-a-sa6
Biduga, scribe, son of La'asa.
P339346: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-lugal a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
Ur-lugal, field of Manu, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
iti#? [...] mu hu-hu-[nu]-ri(ki)
month? ... year: "Huhnuri."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339347: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)iszkur giri17-dab5
sze#-ba za3-mu
for Ur-Ishkur, the chariot driver;
barley rations of the zamu;
iti min-esz3 mu hu-hu-nu-ru(ki) ba-hul
month: "minesh," year: "Huhnuru was destroyed."
P339348: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-du10-ga i3-dab5
lu2-bala-saga i3-dab5 iti nesag-ta ki lugal-e-ba-an-sa6-ta
Lu-duga accepted;
Lu-bala-saga accepted; from month "First-fruits," from Lugal-ebansa
kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 _si#_? mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun#
under seal of Ur-Shara, ... year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)[szara2] dub-[sar] dumu szesz-kal#-[la]
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339349: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3 ki mu-kux(_du_) ur#-(gesz)gigir sukkal dumu dam-na
in the delivery of Ur-gigir, the messenger, son of Damna;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-du3
month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected."
P339350: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze bala-a sze ga6-ga2 u3 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu-ta umma(ki)-sze3 ma2 gid2-da
barley bala, barley transported, and from the boat field to Umma barge punted;
ugula ab-ba-gi-na kiszib3 szesz-a-ni mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
foreman: Abbagina, under seal of Sheshani; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu da-da
Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.
P339351: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da gurusz-gin7-(du) gub-ba
kun-zi-da kun nagar gi4-a
standing at the quay of "like a young man";
..., ..., ...,
ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Gu'ugua; year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339352: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nu-(gesz)kiri6-ta gur-ra lil-la i3-dab5
from the orchard returned, ... accepted;
iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta u4 7(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
from month "Harvest" to day 7 he will be released, year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Column 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2# umma(ki)
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma.
Column 2
lil-la [dumu ...] _arad2_-[zu]
... is your servant.
P339353: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3-bi 2(disz)-am3 kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal szesz a-ab-ba
kiszib3-bi 2(disz)-am3 kiszib3 sipa-da-ri2#
kiszib3 ur-nigar(gar) nu-(gesz)kiri6
their sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Ur-Nungal, brother of A'abba;
its sealed tablets: 2, under seal of Sipa-dari;
under seal of Ur-nigar, gardener;
kiszib3-bi 3(disz)-am3 kiszib3 ur-e2-nun kiszib3 la2-ia3 lu2 nig2-dab5-ba-ke4-ne ki lugal-ezem szabra-ta giri3 ur-(d)szara2 e2-gal-e-si ba-an-dab5 mu gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
their sealed tablets: 3, under seal of Ur-Enun, under seal of Laia, the nigdab-men, from Lugal-ezem, the chief household administrator, via Ur-Shara, in Egalesi took; year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."
P339354: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a kind of profession
szunigin 5(asz) sze-ba gur ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta kiszib3 igi-pesz2 iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
total: 5 gur barley rations, from Lu-Shulgi, under seal of Igipesh; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
igi-pesz2 dumu ur-(d)iszkur
Igipesh, son of Ur-Ishkur.
P339355: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa10-am3# udu siskur2 a-sza3 la2-tur ki ka-guru7-ta
the price of sheep for the offering, field Latur, from Ka-guru;
kiszib3 ur-(d)ur3-bar-tab iti diri mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Ur-Urbartab; extra month, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ur3-bar-tab dumu lugal-a2-zi-da gudu4 e2-mah
Ur-Urbartab, son of Lugal-azida, gudu4 of the Emah.
P339356: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3-ni-i3-sa6 [...]-bu3#-mu a-szi#-an
ki ur-(d)nin-tu
Girini-isa, ...-bumu, the attendant.
from Ur-Nintu;
sze-ba a-bala ki-sur-ra-(me)
kiszib3 igi-(d)szara2-sze3
e2-kikken-gibil-ta iti diri mu# si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
barley rations of the bala of the lands;
under seal of Igi-Shara;
from the new mill; extra month: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339357: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
a-ra2 2(disz)-kam kasz ninda-da kux(_kwu147_)-ra
1st time.
for the 2nd time, beer and bread brought;
a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
ku6 sar-da kux(_kwu147_)-ra ki a-tu-ta kiszib3 ensi2 sza3 (gesz)kiri6 (d)szu-(d)suen iti pa4-u2-e mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
1st time.
fish caught in the sar canal, from Atu; under seal of the governor, in the garden of Shu-Suen; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an ub-[da limmu2-ba]
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-[kal-la] ensi2# [umma(ki)] [_arad2_-zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339358: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-ru-[ta]
from Urru;
kiszib3 _arad2_ iti pa4-u2-e mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
under seal of ARAD; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu# dub-[sar] dumu ur-[nigar(gar) szusz3]
ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339359: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(disz)-kam
u4 4(disz)-kam
3rd day.
4th day.
kiszib3 ensi2 iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of the governor; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed;"
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an ub-[da limmu2-ba]
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
[a-kal-la] ensi2# umma[(ki)] _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339360: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu sze-ba-a-na-sze3 da-bu-szu-ba-du2 mu nam-dumu-(sze3) szu ba-ti ki lu2-kal-la-ta
for the year "Barley-in-the-box" Dabu-shubadu, for the year "The son" received; from Lukalla
kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of the governor; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma#[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339361: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a pa-e3 a-sza3 gid2-da-ka gub-ba
kun-zi-da ki-gam-ka gub-ba
... a well in a long field stationed,
stationed at the quay of Kigam;
ugula ur-mes kiszib3 da-da-ga iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Ur-mes, under seal of Dadaga; month: "Harvest," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar[(gar) szusz3]
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339362: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-gal-sze3 de6-a giri3 ba-saga u3 dingir-pu3-zi ki a-tu-ta
to the palace he will measure out; via Basaga and Dingir-puzi, from Atu;
kiszib3 ensi2 iti [...] mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of the governor; month: "...," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339363: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7#-ra#-[ta] sze bala#-[a] ugula [...]
from the threshing floor barley bala, foreman: ...;
kiszib3 gu-du-du iti nesag mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Gududu; month: "First fruits," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)[szara2] dub-[sar] dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339364: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(esze3) _gan2_ sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a a-sza3 _gan2_ ur-gu ki lu2-dingir-ra lu2 i3-gara2 kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
2 eshe3 field, barley rations, field, field Urgu, with Lu-dingira, the man who carries it, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339365: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurusz-e 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta a-bur2 a-sza3 la2-tur sza3 da-gu-na ba-al-la ugula lugal-nesag-e
male laborers: 7 1/2 shekels each, Abur field, Latur, in Daguna, cleared; foreman: Lugal-nesage;
kiszib3 da-da-ga mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Dadaga; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339366: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8-ta ki ur-mes-ta
from month "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked," to year: "From Urmes."
ugu2 lu2-du10-ga dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e ga2-ga2-dam mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-sze3
to Luduga, son of Lugal-niglagare, delivered; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga aga3-us2 ensi2 dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e
Lu-duga, satrap of the governor, son of Lugal-niglagare.
P339367: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kusz si-ga su-ta uri5(ki)-sze3
leather straps, from the side, to Ur,
giri3 hu-li2-bar
ki a-kal-la aszgab-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
via Hilibar;
from Akalla, the leatherworker, under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339368: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 2(u) 6(disz) sa-ta gi ze2-a sza3 gesz-gi-ta gi _szid_ (d)en-lil2-la2-ta kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na sza3 tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki) ki ensi2-ka-ta ur-(d)nun-gal-ke4 ba-an-dab
its gu-nigin-measure: 26 bundles each, reeds from the barley-fed reeds from the reeds of the reeds from the reeds of the shita-priest of Enlil, under seal of Abbagina, in Tummal, from the governor, Ur-Nungal took;
giri3 lu2-kal-la gaba-ri kiszib3-ba iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
via Lukalla, copy, under seal of the month: "House-month-6," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339369: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki _arad2_ ka-guru7-ta ugu2 lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2 ba-a-gar kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba
from ARAD of the granary, on account of Lu-Enlila he has deposited. Sealed tablet of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339370: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) sar (u2)kiszi17 [ku5-a] 1(u) 2(disz) sar-ta a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(barig) a-sza3 (d)amar-(d)suen-(d)szara2-ki-ag2
96 sar of kishizi-plant, cut at 12 sar a day, its labor: 93 barig, field Amar-Suen-Shara-kiag;
a2 sza3-gu4-ka ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 sza3-nin-ga2 mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
labor of the oxen herdsman, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Sha-ninga; year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
sza3-nin-ga2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)
Sha-ninga, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339371: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi [...] ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lugal-igi-husz
its weight: ..., from Agu, under seal of Lugal-igihush;
ma2 (zi3)-da-a (ba)-dulx(|_ur_xA|)? iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
barge of flour carried; month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-igi-husz dub-sar dumu ba-sa6
Lugal-igi-hush, scribe, son of Basa.
P339372: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 5(asz) 2(barig) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) gin2 sze la2-ia3 sze-numun ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3-gu4-ke4 su-su-dam
deficit: 5 gur 2 barig 5 1/3 sila3 5 shekels barley; deficit of the seed corn of Ur-gigir, the oxen manager; to be delivered;
a de2-a mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
water rations, year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-dingir-ra
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-dingira.
P339373: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-la2-a gid2-da kiszib3 ur-nigar(gar) dumu lu2-gi-na u3-um-de6
the boat of the long boat, under seal of Ur-nigar, son of Lugina, Umde;
kiszib3 lugal-(gesz)gigir-re zi-re-dam mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-(d)da-gan ba-du3
under seal of Lugal-gigirre, booked out; year after: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) lugal-(gesz)gigir-re dub-sar _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Lugal-gigirre, scribe, is your servant.
P339374: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze sa la2-a u3 szu ur3-ra a-sza3 (d)amar-(d)suen-(d)szara2-ki-ag2 u3 a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra
barley without interest and ..., field Amar-Suen-Shara-kiag and field Ninura;
ugula (d)szara2-za-me kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu us2-sa en (d)inanna ba-hun
foreman: Shara-zame, under seal of Lugal-emahe; year after: "The priest of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339375: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
im-a-ni na-gada
a-bi2-a na-gada ki ur-e11-e-ta
his ...,
Abia, the nagda-official, from Ur-e'e;
kiszib3 ensi2 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of the governor; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339376: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bala im-ma su-ga-ta gi-zi ze2-de3 usz-mu ensi2-ke4 a2 in-da-ag2 gi-zi-bi
During the reign, after the reed fence had been erected, the reed fence was seized by the governor. Its reed fence
From the bala-obligation of the last year that was repaid to cut fresh reeds Ushgu the governor ordered, but these fresh reeds
nu-un-ze2 1(szar'u) sa gi-zi im ba-a-sze-en6 ba-hul usz-mu en3-bi nu-un-tar ga2-la bi2-in-dag inim ensi2-ka-ke4 gesz la-ba-an-tuku-am3 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
he did not remove, 10 hundred bundles of reeds he smashed, he destroyed, he did not remove the reeds, he did not remove the reeds, he did not bury them, he did not have the ensi's word. Year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
he did not cut. 36,000 bundles of fresh reed: rain fell and they were destroyed. Ushgu did not make an inquiry, he neglected that. The command of the governor he did not obey; year following: "Shu-Suen, the king, the wall of Martu erected."
Seal 1
usz-mu dub-sar dumu lugal-s[a6-ga]
Ushmu, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
Ushgu, the scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339377: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] igi-kar2 gu-u2-gu-a
..., the eye of Gugua,
igi-kar2 sukkal-mah szunigin 1(u) 4(disz) udu szunigin 3(disz) sila4 szunigin 6(disz) masz2
zi-ga iti sze-sag11-ku5
Igi-kar, the messenger; total: 14 sheep; total: 3 lambs; total: 6 billy goats.
booked out; month: "Harvest;"
P339378: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 mar-sa gub-ba [...] gurum2 nig2-ka9-a [ba]-an-na-zi kiszib3 lu2-sa6-i3-zu
96 1/2 workdays, at the barge stationed, ..., inspection of accounts, Banazi, under seal of Lu-sa-izu;
tum3-da-sze3 kiszib3 ur-saga mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
to Tumda, under seal of Ur-saga; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-sa6-ga dumu ur-(d)bil3
Ur-saga, son of Ur-Bil.
P339379: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka e2-szah2 (d)szul-pa-e3 gub-ba
a-bur2 (d)szul-pa-e3 gub-ba gurum2 ak giri3 inim-(d)szara2
at the gate of the pig house of Shulpa'e stationed;
water-dispatch of Shulpa'e stationed, inspections performed, via Inim-Shara;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3 ugula lugal-ezem mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lu-Haya, foreman: Lugal-ezem; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339380: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su(ki) dumu (d)nanna-ki-ag2
kiszib3 ur-dun
kiszib3 sza-lim-be-li2
under seal of Lu-Ningirsu, son of Nanna-kiag;
under seal of Ur-Dun;
under seal of Shalim-beli;
they have been squandered.
kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a
ur-mes nu-banda3-gu4
under seal of Gu'ugu'a;
Ur-mes, manager of oxen,
P339381: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
usz2 inim-(d)szara2 dumu lu2-saga engar iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8-ta u4 1(u) 5(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta
Dead: Inim-Shara, son of Lu-saga, the plowman; from month "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked," to day 15 he has departed;
ugula ur-(d)nin-su kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lugal-ku3-zu
foreman: Ur-Ninsu, under seal of the shatam-official of Lugal-kuzu;
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339382: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tir szum2-ba-ad-ta ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta kiszib3 ukken-ne2
from the "Sumbad-tree"; from E-urbidu, under seal of the assembly;
iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339383: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba u3 mar-da-re-a a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2 ugula lugal-nesag-e kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam szesz-kal-la
the threshing floor and the mardarea field, Kamari; foreman: Lugal-nesage; under seal of the shatam-official Sheshkalla;
mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e dub-sar dumu da-da
Lugal-niglagare, scribe, son of Dada.
P339384: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta sza3-gal udu-nita2-[sze3?] ki ur-e2-mah-ta
its beams: 5 bundles each, for the ram-vessel, from Ur-Emah;
kiszib3 a-lu5-lu5 iti pa4-u2-e mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
under seal of Alulu; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
a-lu5-lu5 dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2-ka
Alulu, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.
P339385: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 1(u) la2 1(disz) sa gi _szid_ gu-nigin2-ba 2(u)-ta
ma2-la2-a gid2-da kun e2 (d)szara2-ta
... 9 bundles reed, ..., its ... at 20 each;
the boat of the long boat docked from the house of Shara;
umma(ki)-sze3 ugula i-szar-ru-um kiszib3 ur-(d)nu-musz-da mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
to Umma, foreman: Isharrum, under seal of Ur-Numushda; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nu-musz-da dub-sar dumu lugal-gu4-e
Ur-Numushda, scribe, son of Lugal-gu'e.
P339386: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
booked out;
ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-da-ta kiszib3 ensi2 iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu us2-sa en ga-esz(ki) ba-hul
from Ur-Dumuzida, under seal of the governor; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was killed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339387: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 3(u) 7(disz) ma-na 7(disz) gin2 siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 3(u) 5(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na siki mug
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga
Their weight: 37 minas 7 shekels of mountain wool for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 35 2/3 mana wool for a mug.
cloth that is weighed out and weighed out
ki dingir-ra-ta i3-kal-la in-la2 iti dal mu us2-sa ki ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
from Dingira Ikalla weighed out; month: "Flight," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339388: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(d)szara2 umma(ki) ba-an-dab5
masz-masz a-sza3 kesz2-ra2
e2 (d)szara2-ka temen si-ga
Shara of Umma has taken;
gazelle in the field of the keshra;
House of Shara, foundations firmly established.
(d)lamma-(d)szu-(d)suen-tu-da ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu ma2 (d)en-ki-ka ba-ab-du8
for Lamma-shu-Suentuda, from Ikalla, under seal of the governor, year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339389: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta kiszib3 mu-ni
from E-urbidu, under seal of Muni;
sza3 bala (u4) 2(u) 2(disz)-kam iti nesag mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
in bala, 22nd day; month: "First fruits," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu gur4-sa3-an
ARADmu, scribe, son of Gursan.
P339390: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3-bi 1(disz) gin2 la-um (gesz)gigir (d)szara2 _hi_-(la2)-de3
its silver: 1 shekel less the chariot of Shara,
ki lu2-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka giri3 a-a-mu iti min-esz3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
from Lukalla, under seal of the governor, via Ayamu; month: "minesh," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339391: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga giri3 ur-(d)suen szesz [...] ki kas4-[ta]
..., via Ur-Suen, brother of ..., from Kas;
mu en [...] nam-erim2-bi ba-ku5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "The lord ... its war was waged." Year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339392: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar-sze3 [...]-a-sze3 [...]-na in-szi-sa10 [lu2] szutum2-ma nu-ub-tuku
... 2 shekels of silver to ... ... he bought. A person who has no credit,
(1(disz)) u3-ma-ni lu2-ki-inim-ma-(me)-esz2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
for Umani, the witnesses; month: "Lisi," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"
P339393: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)geszimmar e2 (d)szara2-ka-ke4 ak-de3
the date palm of the house of Shara .
e2-kiszib3-ba-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur mu na-mah ba-du3
from the sealed house, under seal of Lu-Ninshubur; year: "The Great Oval was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu lugal-he2-gal2 mu-sar (d)szara2
Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Lugal-hegal, the scribe of Shara.
P339394: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 5(disz) sila3 sze [giri3] ur-(u2)|_zi&zi_|-sze3
giri3 ur-(d)iszkur sza3-gal ansze kar-ta
... 5 sila3 barley via Urzizi;
via Ur-Ishkur, fodder of the donkeys from the quay;
ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 [ur-(u2)|_zi&zi_|-sze3?] [iti ...] [mu ...]
from the depot, under seal of Ur-zizi; month: "...," year: "...,"
Seal 1
ur-(u2)|_zi&zi_|-sze3#? _arad2_ (d)nin-ur4-[ra]
for Urzizi, servant of Ninura;
P339395: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gesz ra ur-(d)nin-tu u3 [...]-i3-sa6 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki)
barley of the harvest, Ur-Nintu and ...-isa, year: "Huhnuri."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339396: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gesz ra ur-ge6-par4 i3-bad ki-su7 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu
barley of the threshing floor of Ur-gepar, the ibad-house, the threshing floor, field of Manu;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339397: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 ki-sa2-a e2 (d)szara2-ka ki a-lu5-lu5-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
siskur offering in the reed bed of the house of Shara, from Alulu, under seal of the governor;
iti szu-numun mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
month: "Sowing," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339398: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba sa 5(disz)-ta gurusz-bi 1(u) 2(disz) gurusz ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 giri3-ni-[i3-sa6]
its labor: 5 laborers each, its labor: 12 laborers, foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Girini-isa;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
month: "Dumuzi," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
giri3-ni-i3-x?-sa6 dumu ur-sukkal?
Girini-..., son of Ur-sukkal?.
P339399: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-lu5-lu5-ta kiszib3 gu-du-du
from Alulu, under seal of Gududu;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3
month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339400: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kin szuku-ra 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sar-ta mu (gesz)ma-nu ku5-da-sze3 ki gu-u2-gu-a-ta
work on the shukura, at 1 2/3 sar per day, from the year: "The boat for the kuda-service" to the year: "Gu'ugua."
kiszib3 ur-e2-masz mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Ur-Emash; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-e2-masz dub-sar dumu ur-sila-luh
Ur-Emash, scribe, son of Ur-silaluh.
P339401: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 na-ra-am-(d)suen usz2-a [...] gurusz u4 2(disz)-sze3 kab2-ku5 a-u2-da usz2-ta ugula a-kal-la
the threshing floor of Naram-Sin, dead; ..., male laborers, for 2 days, the threshing floor of Auda, dead; foreman: Akalla;
kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Inim-Shara; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Inim-Shara, son of Ur-nigar.
P339402: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Abbagina;
he is
siki ba sag ensi2-ka mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
wool, beginning of the governor, year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
P339403: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-nigar(gar) en-nun-ga2 ti-la en-nun-ta de6-a ur2-ra-ni (u3?) lugal-e2-mah-e
giri3 lugal-ba-ta-ab-e3
Ur-nigar, the guard, from the guard, the ..., his dog, and? Lugal-emahe,
via Lugal-batabe,
lu2-su-[...] szu ba-ab-ti iti (d)dumu-zi mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
Lu-su-... received; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339404: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sahar zi-ga
(u2)har-an ga6-ga2 ka i7-da gurusz-gin7-du-ka
dirt that is piled up
haran-plant, cultivated in the mouth of the river, for the young man,
ugula lu2-bala-saga kiszib3 da-da-ga iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Lu-bala-saga, under seal of Dadaga; month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339405: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-numun mur gu4
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a-sza3-ga kiszib3 asz-a ki ka-guru7-ta
seed barley, blood of an ox
labor of hirelings, field under seal of Asha, from Ka-guru;
kiszib3 lugal-(d)isztaran mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of Lugal-Ishtaran; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-(d)isztaran dub-sar dumu lu2-banda3(da)
Lugal-Ishtaran, scribe, son of Lu-banda.
P339406: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam
u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam
21st day.
22nd day.
u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
23rd day, under seal of the governor; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal? kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339407: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ba-lu5 dumu ur-li i3-dab5
ki dingir-ra-ta _arad2_-(d)nanna i3-dab5
Bilu, son of Urli, accepted;
from Dingira ARAD-Nanna accepted;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
month: "Harvest," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
_arad2_-(d)nanna dumu lugal-uszur3 gu-za-la2 umma(ki)
Warad-Nanna, son of Lugal-ushur, the throne bearer of Umma.
P339408: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-a zar3 tab-ba
gu4-e-us2-sa-a a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2
barley rations, .
oxen-drivers, field Kamari;
ka-giri3-da e ki#-[sur]-ra ad ak gurum2 ak u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam ugula da-du-mu kiszib3 ur-lugal sza3 buru14 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
at the quay gate, above the Kisurra, he did the work, inspection he did. The 18th day, foreman: Dadumu, under seal of Ur-lugal; in the harvest year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339409: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 6(disz)-kam
u4 7(disz)-kam
6th day.
7th day.
u4 8(disz)-kam
ki ur-mes-ta kiszib3 ensi2 iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
8th day.
from Ur-mes, under seal of the governor; month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed;"
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339410: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-kam
u4 2(disz)-kam
1st day.
2nd day;
u4 3(disz)-kam
u4 4(disz)-kam ki a-al-li2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
3rd day.
4th day, from Alli, under seal of the governor; month: "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal? kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339411: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(u) 1(asz) 1(barig) 2/3(disz) sila3 sze gur la2-ia3 ka-ga gi-na ki da-da-ga-ta lu2-(d)szara2 dumu lugal-iti-da-ke4
Lady: 11 gur 1 barig 2/3 sila3 barley, lady: regular rations, from Dadaga, Lu-Shara, son of Lugal-itida,
su-su-dam mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
to be delivered; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-ti-da
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-tida.
P339412: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
masz igi-3(disz)-gal2-bi si-de3 ki giri3-ni-i3-sa6-ta du-du-ke4 szu ba-an-ti
its interest is 1/3 shekel, from Girini-isa Dudu has received;
iti nesag-e su-su-da mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi lu2-du10-((du10))-ga-sze3 igi ha-ni-sa6-ga-sze3 iti szu-numun-na mu lugal ba-pa3!(_ur_)
to month "First fruits," year: "The king has sworn by the name of the king." Before Lu-duga and before Hanisaga. month "Sowing," year: "The king was installed."
P339413: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
erin2 diri a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3
extra troops to Apisal;
[mu] kiszib3 ur-[e11]-e-ka tum3-da-sze3 kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Ur-e'e was brought to Umda." Year: "Ur-Shara was king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-la
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339414: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ad-kup4 gesz-ur3-ra-ka-sze3 iti e2-iti-6(disz)-ta iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3
for the threshing floor laborers, from month "House-month-6," to month "Dumuzi,"
ugula a-gu kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
foreman: Agu; under seal of Ur-Nungal; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339415: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 (d)amar-(d)suen-(d)szara2-ki-ag2 ugula lugal-e2-mah-e kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
the field of Amar-Suen-Shara-kiag, foreman: Lugal-emahe, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
giri3 a-szi-an# mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
via Ashipan; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339416: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu-[kux(_du_)] lu2-(d)nin-[...] u3 ur-(d)szul-[...] iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3 gu2-un mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
delivery of Lu-Nin-... and Ur-Shul-...; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected;" guun year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339417: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 (d)utu u4-da# gaba-ri-a a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra
offering of Utu, daily, from the field Ninura;
ki a-du-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra iti (d)dumu-zi mu ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2
from Adum, under seal of Lu-Shulgi; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The mighty barge was fashioned."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Lu-Shulgira, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339418: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
udu gu2-na
a kind of profession
a kind of fattened sheep
sze-ta sa10 mu-kux(_du_) iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
barley rations, delivery; month: "Harvest," year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339419: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da a-pi4-sal4(ki) iti nesag-ta u4 1(u) 8(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta ba-ab-usz2
from the storage facility of Apisal, from month "First-fruits" to day 18 he sinned, he died;
iti min-esz3-ta u4 1(u)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-sze3 [...]-usz gal2-[...]-e [...]-ku5
from month "minesh," to day 10, he will be repaid. ... .
P339420: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_ dumu szesz-kal-la [... (gesz)]urumx(|_ur2_xU2|)
e2 ensi2-sze3
servant of Sheshkalla ... a reed basket
to the governor's house;
iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339421: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-ra-us2-sa ki lugal-sza3-la2-ta kiszib3 lu2-saga
for Lugal-rausa, from Lugal-shala, under seal of Lu-saga;
sza3 bala-a u4 2(u)-kam iti szu-esz-sza mu en ga-esz(ki)
in bala; 20th day; month: "shu'esha," year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh."
Seal 1
lu2-sa6-ga dub-sar dumu ur-ki-ag2-mu
Lu-saga, scribe, son of Ur-kiagmu.
P339422: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)gag e2 du3-a u3 (gesz)ka-ab-ba e2 (d)amar-(d)suen-ke4 su-bu-de3 inim ensi2-ta
The door of the house built and the door of the house of Amar-Suen are to be hung. By the order of the governor,
ki ur-(d)suen-ta kiszib3 usz-mu iti min-esz3 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
from Ur-Suen, under seal of Ushmu; month: "minesh," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
usz-mu dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Ushmu, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339423: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(kusz)a-ga2-la2 kesz2-ra2 ma2-da-ga ma2 a-pi4-sal4(ki)-ta ka gir13-gesz(ki)-sze3 ma2 gid2-da
leather straps, for the binding of the boatyard, from the Apisal canal to the mouth of Girgesh barge punted;
u3 ma2 gur-ra ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 lu2-gi-na iti (d)li9-si4 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
and barge returned, foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Lugina; month: "Lisi," year: "The barge of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu sza3-ku3-ge
Lugina, scribe, son of Shakuge.
P339424: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u)-sze3
u4 1(u)-sze3 sza3 umma(ki)
u4 1(u)-sze3
for 20 days
for 10 days in Umma;
for 10 days
sza3 e2-te-na-ka
u4 1(u) 6(disz)-sze3 sza3 bala-a sze-bi 2(u) 1(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 sza3-gal udu niga bala-a giri3 lugal-a2-zi-da iti min-esz3 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
in the Etenaka temple
for 16 days in the bala; its barley: 21 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3, fodder of sheep, grain-fed, in the bala; via Lugal-azida; month: "minesh," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339425: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) kusz udu ki a-kal-la aszgab-ta a-du su-su-dam iti szu-numun-na mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
deficit: 420 sheep-hides from Akalla, the leatherworker; until now, the month "Sowing," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ku-li dumu ur-ki-ag2-mu
Kuli, son of Ur-kiagmu.
P339426: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 e2-kas4 ki-su7 uku2-nu-ti ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 igi-gun3
regular offerings of the storehouse, kisu Ukunuti, from Ka-guru, under seal of Igigun;
iti szu-numun mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month: "Sowing," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ma-mi dumu a2-zi-da
Ur-Mami, son of Azida.
P339427: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szunigin 1(gesz2) 2(u) 7(disz) sar
total: 147 sar;
P339428: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal uz-tur sza3 e2 (d)nin-ur4-ra-ka ki sza3-ku3-ge-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal
the uztur-vessel in the Ninura temple, from Shakuge, under seal of Ur-Nungal;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339429: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 a-sza3 kesz2-ra2
[...] engar-e-ne [... ur]-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba [...] nam-erim2 ku5 [...] nu-(gesz)kiri6 u3 kuruszda
offering in the field of the keshra;
... the farmers ... Ur-Shara, the treasurer ... the criminals seized ... the orchard and the fattener
ki ur-e11-e-ta kiszib3 ur-e11-e mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
from Ur-e'e; under seal of Ur-e'e; year: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed."
P339430: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e2-mah-ta du11-ga-ni szu ba-ti
from Ur-Emah did Dugani receive;
kiszib3 gu-du-du iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e ma2-gur8-mah mu-dim2
under seal of Gududu; month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Barge fashioned."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339431: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tu-ra u2-li iti (d)li9-si4-ta u4 1(u) 5(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3
from the threshing floor of the threshing floor, from the month "Lisi" to the 15th day passed, to the month "Dumuzi"
kiszib3 lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lu-Shulgira; year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szul-gi dub-sar dumu da-da-ga
Lu-Shulgi, scribe, son of Dadaga.
P339432: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e2-mah-ta e2 (d)szara2-sze3 iti e2-iti-6(disz)-ta
from Ur-Emah to the house of Shara, from month "House-month-6,"
sag iti (d)li9-si4-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)szara2 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
beginning of month: "Lisi," under seal of Lu-Shara; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu da-da-ga
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Dadaga.
P339433: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu-la a-sza3 la2-mah gub-ba ugula ur-mes kiszib3 gu-(u2)-gu-a
at the threshing floor of the great field stationed, foreman: Urmes, under seal of Gugua;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339434: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 la2-tur a-sza3 la2-mah gub-ba
a-sza3 (d)amar-(d)suen-((d)szara2)-ki-ag2 a-da gub-ba
field Latur, field Lamah stationed;
field of Amar-Suen-Shara-kiag, with a father stationed;
ugula (d)szara2-a-mu kiszib3 a-szi-an mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Sharamu; under seal of Ashian; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
u2-szi-an _arad2_ (d)szara2 dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Ushi-An, servant of Shara, son of Lugal-saga.
P339435: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da i7 idigna gub-ba
stationed at the bank of the Tigris canal.
bar-la2 sza3 tir i7 a-pi4-sal4(ki) ba-al nu-banda3-gu4 i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 al-la-palil2 mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
barla, in the spring of Apisal, were carried off; oxen manager of Ipa'e, under seal of Allapalil; year: "The Great Oval was erected."
Seal 1
al-la-palil2 dub-sar dumu ur-a-a-mu
Ala-palil, scribe, son of Ur-ayamu.
P339436: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 kas4 e2-kikken-ta ki ka-guru7-ta
regular offerings from the messengers of the mill, from the depot of the granary;
kiszib3 a2-na-na iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um ba-hul
under seal of Anana; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed;"
Seal 1
lu2-[...] dumu [...]
Lu-..., son of .
P339437: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 2(u) 5(disz) ma-na ki ur-(d)szara2-ta ku-ku szu ba-ti
its weight: 25 mana; from Ur-Shara Kuku received;
iti ezem nesag mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
month: "Festival of the New Year," year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
dumu-munus lugal gu-gu ra2-gaba _arad2_-zu
daughter of the king, Gugu, the chariot driver, is your servant.
P339438: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
palil2 (gesz)dih3 ku5-da
palil2 al ak-da a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra-du6-na ugula a-gu-gu kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge
a kind of reed mat for a kiln
..., field Ninuraduna, foreman: Agugu, under seal of Shakuge;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
sza3-ku3-ge dub-sar dumu (d)szara2-ga2-[la2]
Shakuge, scribe, son of Sharagala.
P339439: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 2(u) 7(disz)#?-kam 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sar (u2)har-an bu3-ra 2(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz)-kam
its labor: 27 days; 420 sar of haran-plant, threshed at 20 sar per day, its labor: 95 days;
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a-sza3 gu4-suhub2 ugula inim-(d)szara2 kiszib3 na-ba-sa6 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
labor of hirelings, field of oxen-suhub, foreman: Inim-Shara, under seal of Nabasa; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
na-ba-sa6 dumu he2-sa6 iszib (d)szara2
Nabasa, son of Hesa, scribe of Shara.
P339440: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu4 libir
ki a-kal-la aszgab-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga
ox, old
from Akalla, the leatherworker, under seal of Lu-duga;
iti szu-numun mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Sowing," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Lugal-niglagare.
P339441: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 2(disz)-ta gi zex(_sig7_)-a lu2-bala-saga e2-masz ku4?-ra ugula lu2-bala-saga
its gu-nigin-measure: 12 pieces of reed, reeds, Lu-balasaga, in the Emash-house brought; foreman: Lu-balasaga;
kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Sharakam; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339442: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 (d)nanna ki ur-(d)ba-ba6
house of Nanna, with Ur-Baba;
_arad2_ (d)nin-lil2-le-ma-ag2-me ugula nig2-si-sa2-e a-hu-a sa-gaz-mu ba-ak bi2-du11 sa-gaz-ak-asz la-ba-gi-in iti 1(disz) u4 5(disz)-am3 en-nun-ga2-sze3 ba-a-dab5
servant of Ninlil-lagamme, foreman of accounts, Ahua, he killed. He said: "He killed, he did not return." For 1 month 5 days he was seized by the watch.
P339443: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
he deposited it.
u3 nu (gesz)ur-kusz2 numun 3(disz)-kam ab-ba-gi-na i3-la2 ugula nam-ha-ni giri3 lu2-(d)inanna sukkal iti (d)pa4-u2-e mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki)-ka mu-hul
and the urkush reeds, 3rd year, Abbagina received; foreman: Namhani, via Lu-Inanna, the minister; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."
P339444: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 i7 (d)szul-pa-e3 u3 kab2-ku5 a-bur2-ta sahar szu ti-a
a-da gub-ba
the waterway of the Shulpa'e canal and the waterway of the Abur canal .
standing water
e sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 (d)szul-pa-e3 ugula gu3-de2-a kiszib3 ur-mes mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
..., field Shulpa'e, foreman: Gudea, under seal of Ur-mes; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
ur-mes dumu na-ba-lu5
Ur-mes, son of Nabalu.
P339445: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[... gurusz u4] 1(disz)-sze3 zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 gu2-edin-na
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 usz-gid2-da u3 a-sza3 du6-(d)szara2
... male laborers for 1 workday, ..., ..., field of the Gu'edina;
the ..., the ..., the ushgida field and the field of Du-Shara;
gurum2 ak sza3 buru14 ugula inim-(d)szara2 kiszib3 e2-gal-e-si mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
inspection of harvest; in the harvest, foreman: Inim-Shara; under seal of Egalesi; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
e2-gal-e-si dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Egalesi, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339446: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 3(u) sa gi-zi gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta
ugula i7-pa-e3
420 bundles of reed, its total: 5 bundles each;
foreman: Ipa'e;
kiszib3 gu-du-du mu en (d)inanna ba-hun
under seal of Gududu; year: "The priest of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339447: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-nigar(gar) nig2-lagar _szim_
a kind of aromatic substance
P339448: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(disz)-sze3
u4 5(disz)-sze3
u4 2(disz)-sze3
for 3 days
for 5 days
for 2 days
u4 2(disz)-sze3
u4 1(u) 7(disz)-sze3 szunigin 6(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 duh saga gur szunigin 2(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 duh du gur iti pa4-u2-e mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
for 2 days
for 17 days; total: 6 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 fine bran; total: 2 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3 bran, regular quality; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339449: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal-(ta) iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-sze3 gab2-us2-sze3 lugal-uszur4 i3-dab5 ugula lu2-(d)da-mu
from month "Dal" to month "Festival of Shulgi," to the second month, Lugal-ushur accepted; foreman: Lu-Damu;
kiszib3 ur-e11-e mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
under seal of Ur-E'e; year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339450: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)gigir u4 6(disz)-kam
(gesz)gigir u4 7(disz)
(gesz)gigir u4 1(u) 5(disz)
chariot, 6th day;
chariot of 7 days
chariot for 15 days,
a2 u4-da szunigin 2(u) udu niga szunigin 2(disz) udu bar-ba-zi-ga szunigin 1(u) udu u2 szunigin 3(disz) sila4 bar-ba-zi-ga szunigin 3(disz) masz2 sa2-du11 (d)szara2 ki a-lu5-lu5-ta iti nesag mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3
labor of day, total: 20 grain-fed sheep, total: 2 sheep, ...; total: 10 sheep, grass-fed, total: 3 lambs, ...; total: 3 billy goats, regular offerings of Shara, from Alulu; month: "First fruits," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."
P339451: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku6 su3 2(barig)-ta
en zu2-lum 1(barig)-ta esz3-esz3 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3
fish, 2 barig each,
Lord of dates, at 1 barig each, for the eshesh-esh-priest of Enlil,
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal sza3 bala-a mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Agu, under seal of Ur-Nungal, in the bala; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-ge6-par4 dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la
Ur-gepar, scribe, son of Ayakalla.
P339452: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-kam
u4 2(disz)-kam
1st day.
2nd day;
u4 9(disz)-kam
u4 1(u)-kam
u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam a-sza3 [...] ensi2 ugula e2-mah-ki-du10 iti e2-iti-6(disz)
9th day.
10th day.
11th day; field ...; governor, foreman: Emahkidu; month: "House-month-6."
mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
year: "The house of Shara was erected."
P339453: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
3(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa gi-zi gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta gi-zi zex(_sig7_)-a a-sza3 (d)szara2-ka
420 bundles of reed, its length 5 bundles each, reed, red, field of Shara;
ugula a-kal-la kiszib3 ur-e2-gu-la mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
foreman: Akalla, under seal of Ur-egula; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
ur-e2-gu-la _arad2_ (d)szara2 aga3-us2 a?-a-kal-la
Ur-egula, servant of Shara, scout of Ayakalla.
P339454: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
en-du8-du-ta kar-sze3 gi ga6-ga2
kar-ra ga2-nun sze du3-a
from Endudu to the quay reed transported;
at the quay, barley rations made;
ugula szesz-kal-la nu-banda3-gu4 kiszib3 szesz-kal-la dumu tir-gu iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Sheshkalla, oxen manager; under seal of Sheshkalla, son of Tirgu; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339455: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ba za3-mu-ka giri3-se3-ga (gesz)kiri6 (d)nin-e2-gal-ka ugula nam-ha-ni mu ensi2 babila(ki)-sze3
barley rations of the zamu-farmers, via the orchard of Ninegal, foreman: Namhani, year: "The governor of Babylon."
ki ur-(d)li9-si4-na ensi2 umma(ki)-ta ba-zi kiszib3 ba-ba-ti mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
from Ur-Lisina, governor of Umma, booked out; under seal of Babati; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339456: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 3(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 7(disz) gin2 kin-dub2-ba szitim-e-ne lu2-(d)nin-szubur szu ba-ti
Their weight: 15 minas.
their weight: 13 1/2 mana 7 shekels; the kindub-workers, the shitum-workers, Lu-Ninshubur received.
kiszib3 e2 (d)szara2 giri3 da-da-ga u3 lu2-banda3(da) iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu si-mu-ru-um u3 lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul
under seal of the house of Shara, via Dadaga and Lu-banda; month: "House-month-6," year: "Simurum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."
P339457: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-sze3 sahar-ta ib2-us2 ugula kas4 nu-banda3 i7-pa-e3
for 1 day, dirt piled up, foreman: messengers, manager: Ipa'e;
kiszib3 ur-(d)nu-musz-da mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu ba?-du3
under seal of Ur-Numushda; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu (d)szara2-za-me
ARADmu, scribe, son of Shara-zame.
P339458: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 a-pi4-sal4(ki)
delivery of Shara of Apisal;
ki sza3-ku3-ge-ta ur-e11-e-ke4 szu ba-ti mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
from Shakuge did Ur-e'e receive; year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
P339459: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 al-lu
kiszib3 ur-(d)ma-mi
kiszib3 ur-(d)suen sa2-du11 (d)szara2
under seal of Allu;
under seal of Ur-Mami;
under seal of Ur-Suen, regular offerings of Shara;
sa2-du11 (d)amar-(d)suen kiszib3 a-kal-la
kiszib3 nigar(gar)-ki-du10
sa2-du11 (d)asznan szunigin 1(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) ziz2 gur kar-ta iti (d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
regular offerings of Amar-Suen, under seal of Akalla;
under seal of Nigar-kidu;
regular offerings of Ashnan; total: 14 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 emmer, from the threshing floor; month: "Lisi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339460: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-gum2-sze3 ki a-a-kal-la ((ta)) aszgab-ta kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lu2-(d)ha-ia3 mu e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) ba-du3
booked out, from Ayakalla, the leatherworker; under seal of the shatam-official of Lu-Haya; year: "The house of Shara in Umma was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339461: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dumu ur-sila-luh-ta ur-gesz i3-dab5 iti min-esz3 mu us2 (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
from Girini-isa, son of Ur-silaluh, Ur-gesh accepted; month: "minesh," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
P339462: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 a-du
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Adu;
iti szu-numun mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "Sowing," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ku-li dub-sar dumu ur-ki-ag2-mu
Kulli, scribe, son of Ur-kiagmu.
P339463: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu ur-(d)utu gab2-us2-me
for Lu-hegal;
son of Ur-Utu, the builder;
ki lugal-nig2-lagar-e-ta iti (d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
from Lugal-nig-lagare; month: "Lisi," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
P339464: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 2(disz) tug2 usz-bar
giri3 lu2-(d)[...] mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
62 ushbar textiles,
via Lu-...; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
giri3 ur-(d)szara2 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e tug2 bar-ra-kar-ra ki ensi2-ka-ta i3-kal-la szu ba-ti mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
via Ur-Shara; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, the garment for Barakara"; from the governor Ikalla received; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339465: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal ur-ra ki nir-i3-da-gal2 giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6
the 'strength' of Ur, from Niridagal, via Ur-Baba;
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339466: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu ur-dub-la2 aszgab-me
dumu ur-(d)szara2 aszgab lu2 (kusz)ha-ti-ti-um-ma-sze3
son of Ur-dula, the smith.
son of Ur-Shara, the leatherworker, for the man of the sandals;
iti nesag-ta ki lil-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from month "First fruits" to month "Lilla," under seal of the governor, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339467: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-lu5-lu5 i3-dab5 ki (d)szara2-i3-sa6-ta
Alulu accepted; from Shara-isa
kiszib3 kas4 iti (d)dumu-zi mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Kas; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339468: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3-ta sa10 ki dam-gar3-ta kiszib3 lugal-e-ba-an-sa6
from silver, as exchange from the merchant, under seal of Lugal-ebansa;
mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339469: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu lu2 sze zuh-a nu-un-dab5-ba-sze3 ur-am3-ma-ke4 su-su-dam
because he did not capture the barley of the man, Ur-ama has repaid it.
mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-am3-ma dub-sar dumu na-silim
Ur-ama, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339470: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal-ta u4 1(u) 6(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3
from month "Flight" to day 16 he will bring back, to month "Dumuzi,"
ki lugal-nesag-e-ta kiszib3 lugal-igi-husz mu bad3 ba-du3
from Lugal-nesage, under seal of Lugal-igihush; year: "The wall was erected."
Seal 1
lugal-igi-husz dub-sar dumu ba-[sa6]
Lugal-igihush, scribe, son of Basa.
P339471: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga-am3 ki usz-mu-ta
reed-bearing, from Ushmu;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339472: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 (d)amar-(d)suen-(d)szara2-ki-ag2 gub-ba ugula szesz-kal-la
at the threshing floor of Amar-Suen-Shara-kiag stationed, foreman: Sheshkalla;
kiszib3 i-szar-ru-um mu ma2 (d)en-(ki) ba-ab-du8
under seal of Isharrum; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
i-szar-ru-um dub-sar dumu ur-(d)en-lil2-la2
Isharrum, scribe, son of Ur-Enlila.
P339473: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)dumu-zi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339474: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-e3-a a-sza3 igi-e2-mah-(sze3) gub-ba
at the threshing floor in front of Emah stationed,
e sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 (ki)-ag2 szu ur3-ra ugula za3-mu kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
..., field beloved, hand carried, foreman: Zamu, under seal of Lugal-nig-lagare; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e dub-sar dumu [...]
Lugal-niglagare, scribe, son of .
P339475: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e sa-dur2-ra sipa-da sahar si-ga ugula lil-la kiszib3 ur-lugal
..., the saduru-vessel of the shepherd, the sahar-vessel ..., foreman: Lila, under seal of Ur-lugal;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339476: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-ezem bahar3
geme2 kikken2-me
for Lugal-ezem, the granary;
female miller
ki al-ba-ni-du11-[...] silim-dingir szu ba-ab-ti siki-bi e2-gal-sze3 gur-dam kiszib3 u3-ma-ni mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
from Albanidu-... Simil-ilum received; its wool to the palace returned; under seal of Umani; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
u3-ma-ni dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Umani, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339477: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3-se3-ga-bi iti szu-numun-ta u4 2(u)-am3
its courier: from month "Sowing," day 20;
ba-ra-zal ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta umma(ki) ba-_ni_ kiszib3 lugal-ku3-zu giri3 ur-(d)dumu-zi-da mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
bazal, from Lu-dingira Umma was delivered; under seal of Lugal-kuzu, via Ur-Dumuzida; year following: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339478: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-zi-da _arad2_ a-za-a-sze3 nin-me-lam2-e in-szi-sa10 lu2 szutum2-ma nu-ub-tuku
for Azida, servant of Aza, Nin-melam has taken; he is a man without a lawsuit.
igi ensi2-ka-sze3 ba-ab-dab5 igi i3-kal-la-sze3 igi lu2-kal-la-sze3 igi dingir-ra-sze3 iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
before the governor seized; before Ikalla; before Lukalla; before the god; month: "Lisi," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339479: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 2(u) la2 1(disz) sa-ta umma(ki)-ta sag-ub3?(ki)-sze3 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 lu2-igi-sa6-sa6
their total: 19 bundles; from Umma to Sagub?, from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Lu-igisasa;
iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-igi-sa6-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Lu-igisasa, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339480: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lugal-ezem-ta da-da-e szu ba-ti iti szu-numun mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
from Lugal-ezem did Dada'e receive; month: "Sowing," year: "Anshan was destroyed."
P339481: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ab-ba-gi-na
ugula lugal-nesag-e
ugula kas4
foreman: Abbagina;
foreman: Lugal-nesage;
foreman of runners;
szunigin 3(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz) sa gi mu-kux(_du_) ur#?-gesz-bar iti (d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
total: 126 bundles of reed, delivery of Ur-geshbar; month: "Lisi," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339482: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lugal-ma2-gur8-re
a-ba-ne-gin7 a-ra2 1(disz)-sze3
from Lugal-magure;
his silver
like Abane, for 1 time
his silver
a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
a-ba-ne-gin7 a-ra2 3(disz)-kam
2nd time.
Like Abane, for the 3rd time.
P339483: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(esze3) _gan2_ tug2-gurx(|_sze-kin_|) 1(bur3) 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta gesz-ur3-ra a-ra2 3(disz) 5(iku) _gan2_-ta 1(bur3) 1(esze3) _gan2_ gesz-ur3-ra a-ra2 3(disz) 5(iku) _gan2_-ta szuku engar nu-banda3-gu4 inim-(d)szara2
2 eshe3 field for weaving, 1 bur3 1/2 iku surface area at each, the kiln-worker's labor: 3 5 iku surface area at each, 1 bur3 1 eshe3 field for weaving, 3 5 iku surface area at each, the plowman, oxen manager, Inim-Shara;
kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-hegal; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339484: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ba-zi kiszib3 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal-ke4-ne
booked out; under seal of the royal messenger;
sza3 an-za-gar3 i7 gir2-su(ki) mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal-e si-mu-ru-um(ki) mu-hul
in Anzagar, canal Girsu; year: "Ibbi-Suen, the king, Simurrum destroyed."
P339485: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(gesz)gigir gu-za-la2-ta mu ku-li (dumu) ensi2 umma(ki)-ka-sze3 ur-(d)li9-si4 ka-guru7
from Ur-gigir of Guzala, year: "Kuli, the son of the governor of Umma, Ur-Lisi, the granary manager."
szu ba-ti sze-bi gi4-gi4-dam iti _ne_-_ne_-gar mu dumu-munus lugal ensi2 an-sza-an(ki) ba-an-tuku
received; its barley has been returned; month: "NENEgar," year: "The queen of the governor of Anshan was installed."
P339486: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-sur-ra-ta nag-su(ki)-ta tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki)-sze3 ku6 masz-da-re-a tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki) ib2-_il2_
from the Kisurra to Nagsu to Tummal fish of the mashdarea he weighed out.
ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 sza3-nin-ga2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Sha-ninga; month: "Lisi," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
sza3-nin-ga2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)
Sha-ninga, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339487: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
u4 3(u)-kam
30th day;
30th day.
kiszib3 ensi2 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of the governor; month: "Harvest," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal? kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339488: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-nesag-e kuruszda
for Lugal-nesage, fattener;
for Shaninga;
udu gu2-na mu-kux(_du_) mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
sheep for a banquet, delivery, year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339489: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
udu gu2-na u3 udu sze-ta sa10-a ki ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra-ta
sheep for a banquet and sheep for barley, as a gift, from Ku-Ninura;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz-e i3-pa3
month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen;"
P339490: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-tag (gesz)na2 ensi2-ka-sze3 giri3 lu2-(d)iszkur
for the reed basket for the governor, via Lu-Ishkur;
ki lu2-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-du3
from Lukalla, under seal of the governor; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339491: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba kiszib3 dab-ba a2 erin2-na ur-(d)nin-su nu-banda3-gu4 iti 1(u) 2(disz)-kam
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, labor of the troops, Ur-Ninsu, manager of oxen, 12th month,
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, labor of labor-troops, Ur-Ninsu, manager of oxen, a period of 12 months,
i3-gal2 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
are here; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
are here; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339492: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 9(disz)
la2-ia3 su-su ka-ga gi-na lugal-ma2-gur8-re ugula
deficit: 9.
deficit, repaid, established, Lugal-magure, foreman;
mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-ma2-gur8-re dumu lugal-su-[sin2(ki)] nu-banda3-gu4
Lugal-magure, son of Lugal-susin, oxen manager.
P339493: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
igi-kar2 ba-saga kiszib3 ensi2 iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
before: Basaga; under seal of the governor; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was installed;"
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal? kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339494: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam
u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam
12th day.
13th day.
ki (d)szara2-kam-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti szu-numun mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
from Sharakam, under seal of the governor; month: "Sowing," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339495: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 (gesz)asalx(|_a-tu_|)-du3-ta i7 sal4-la-asz sze ma2-a si-ga u3 guru7-a im ur3-ra
from the threshing floor of the asaldu-tree, the sala-waterway, barley of the barge, rations and the silo, a brickwork of bricks.
ugula ab-ba-gi-na kiszib3 ukken-ne2 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
foreman: Abbagina, under seal of Ukkene; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339496: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 3(u) 5(disz) a2 sza3-gu4-ka a-sza3 uku2-nu-ti
its labor: 35 workdays; labor of the oxen-pen, field Ukunuti;
giri3 a-a-kal-la dumu ma-an-ba kiszib3 sza3-nin-ga2 ugula i7-pa-e3 mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
via Ayakalla, son of Manba; under seal of Sha-ninga, foreman of Ipa'e; year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
sza3-nin-ga2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)?
Sha-ninga, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339497: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 6(disz) sila3-ta a-sza3 du6-(d)szara2-ki-_bad_ ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 nam-sza3-_bad_
labor of hirelings: 6 sila3 each, field of Du-Shara-ki-DUR, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Namsha-DUR;
ur-(d)nun-gal-ka mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
for Ur-Nungal; year: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2 sa12-du5
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Inim-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339498: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-kam
u4 2(disz)-kam
1st day.
2nd day;
u4 3(disz)-kam ki ur-mes-ta kiszib3 ensi2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
3rd day, from Ur-mes, under seal of the governor, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339499: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ta sa10-a
udu gu2-na
from barley bought;
a kind of fattened sheep
ki sza3-nin-ga2 mu-kux(_du_) mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
from Sha-ninga, delivery, year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339500: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-e2-mah-e udu szum2-ma ki-su7 ur-gu
Lugal-emahe, sheep given as a gift, under seal of Urgu;
kiszib3 lugal-nesag-e iti nesag mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of Lugal-nesage; month: "nesag," year: "The Amorite wall was erected;"
Seal 1
lugal-nesag-[e] dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Lugal-nesage, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339501: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] gur [kiszib3 igi]-dingir-sze3 [...]-a-du ki a-tu gu-za-la2-ka-((ta)) mu-gal2-la
... gur under seal of Igi-dingir ...-adu, from Atu, the chairbearer, he will have it.
u3-um-de6 kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 zi-re-dam mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
for Umde; under seal of Lugal-hegal, booked out; year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara.
P339502: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu5-lu5-mu geme2 kikken-na-sze3 iti (d)dumu-zi-ta szesz-saga i3-dab5
for Lulumu, the female laborers of the mill, from the month "Dumuzi," Shesh-saga accepted;
mu sza-asz-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ba-hul
year: "Shashrum for the 2nd time was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-sa6-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-gu3-de2-[a]
Shesh-saga, scribe, son of Lugal-gudea.
P339503: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka
from Agu, under seal of Lu-Naman;
sza3 bala-a mu e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) ba-du3
in bala; year: "The house of Shara in Umma was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339504: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bar-la2 i7 sal4-la(ki) ba-al-la ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra
barla canal of Salla, cleared; foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Lu-Shulgi;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szul-gi-[ra] dub-sar dumu da-da-ga
Lu-Shulgira, scribe, son of Dadaga.
P339505: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kin szuku-ra 2/3(disz) sar mu (gesz)ma-nu ku5-da-sze3 ki gu-u2-gu-a-ta
work to be done, 2/3 sar, year: "The boat was brought to the dock," from Gugu'a;
kiszib3 ur-e2-masz mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of Ur-Emash; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
ur-e2-masz dub-sar dumu ur-sila-luh
Ur-Emash, scribe, son of Ur-silaluh.
P339506: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-nesag-e dumu ur-am3-ma siskur2 ki-su7 e2-te-na-ka ki sza3-nin-ga2-ta
Lugal-nesage, son of Ur-ama, offering at the threshing floor of the Etena, from Sha-ninga;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra iti nesag mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3
under seal of Lu-Shulgi; month: "First fruits," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected;"
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Lu-Shulgira, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339507: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a kind of profession
from Susa
P339508: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 nin-he2-du7 a-sza3 u3-dag-ga a-e de6-a
field Nin-hedu, field Udaga, ditched;
sze gu4-e-a-na-am3-_du_-bi su-su-de3 ba-szum2-esz2 ur-(d)nansze lu2 kin-(gi4-a) lugal maszkim [igi] ensi2-ka-sze3 ba-til mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
the barley of his oxen he shall give back. Ur-Nanshe, messenger of the king, the enforcer, before the governor he shall serve. Year: "The silver throne of Enlil was fashioned."
P339509: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zu2-ur2-zu2-ur2 lu2 kin-gi4-a ia3-ab-ra-ad
igi-kar2 i3-szar-(d)szul-pa-e3 iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 bad3 mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du3
the messenger of Ia'abra,
inspection of Ishar-Shulpa'e; month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall Muriq-tidnim erected."
P339510: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)hal-mu-sza4-ta nigar(gar)-ki-du10
from Ur-Halmusha Nigar-kidu
szu ba-ti iti min-esz3 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
received; month: "Minesh," year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed;"
Seal 1
nigar(gar)-ki-du10 dumu lu2-bulug3-ga2 aszgab [(d)szara2]
Nigar-kidu, son of Lu-buluga, the suckling priest of Shara.
P339511: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurusz-e 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta a2-bi u4 1(u) 7(disz) 2/3(disz)-kam dub-la2 (d)utu-ka gub-ba u3 (i7) en-du8-du ba-al-la
the male laborers: 7 1/2 shekels each, its labor: 17 2/3 days, the 'chamber' of Utu stationed, and the canal of Endudu was blocked.
ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Gu'ugua; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339512: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Shu-ili;
for Puzur-Ishtar;
ku3 masz2 a-sza3-ga ki lugal-ku3-zu-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu ku3 masz a-sza3-ga szuku ensi2-ka-sze3 kiszib3-bi nu-zi-zi mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
silver and interest from the field, from Lugal-kuzu, under seal of the governor, year: "The silver and interest from the field for the shuku-offering of the governor were not collected," under seal of Nuzizi; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339513: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-(d)nin-szubur nu-banda3
Lu-Ninshubur, the overseer;
dumu ur-(gesz)gigir lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 i3-dab5 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
son of Ur-gigir, Lugal-ebansa accepted; month: "Harvest," year: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;"
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339514: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-buru14 dub-sag e2-gal-sze3 de6-a a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ki lu2-kal-la-ta kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
the harvest, the first tablet of the palace, delivered; for 2 years, from Lukalla, under seal of Shara; month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339515: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gi-a sa10-a ki (d)szara2-i3-zu-ta kiszib3 a-gu mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul
reeds purchased, from Shara-izu, under seal of Agu; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the land of Zabshali destroyed."
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339516: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
su-ga inim-(d)inanna szesz-a-ni unu3 i3-dab5 mu kiszib3 ur-e11-e-ka tum3-da-sze3
suga-offerings of Inim-Inanna, his brother, the cowherd accepted; year: "The seal of Ur-e'e was seized."
kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Shakuge; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
sza3-ku3-ge dumu he2-sa6-ge iszib (d)szara2-ka
Shakuge, son of Hesage, steward of Shara.
P339517: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
esir2 bala-sze3 tum3-da-sze3 ba-a-gar
to the bitumen-floor for the bala-offerings he deposited;
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 iti szu-numun mu us2-sa en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Lugal-ebansa; month: "Sowing," year after: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339518: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta kiszib3 giri3-(d)nansze-i3-dab5
from E-urbidu, under seal of Giri-Nanshe-idab;
mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
giri3-(d)nansze-i3-dab5 ma2?-lah5? dumu lugal-nir-gal2
Giri-Nanshe-idab, the boatman?, son of Lugal-nirgal.
P339519: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu (d)szara2-a-mu
en8 tar-re
son of Shara-amu
a kind of insect
[...] lugal-e dah-hu ugula usz-mu
..., Lugal-e, Dahhu, foreman of Ushmu.
P339520: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal
iti szu-numun
month "Flight;"
month "Sowing;"
iti min-esz3 ki ur-(d)ga2-tum3-du10-ta kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam (d)szara2-kam e2-masz-a gub-ba mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
month "minesh," from Ur-Gatumdu, under seal of Shatam-Shara, in the Emasha temple stationed; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339521: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki _arad2_-e-eb-ta ukken-ne2 szu ba-ti nibru(ki)-sze3
from ARAD-eb the assembly received; to Nippur
iti (d)dumu-zi-da mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
month: "Dumuzida," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339522: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)kiszi17 ku5 1(u) 5(disz) sar a-sza3 (d)szul-pa-e3 u3 a-sza3 pu2-si4-mu
..., 15 sar = 900 m2 of field Shulpa'e and field Pusimu,
ugula za3-mu nu-banda3-gu4 lugal-(d)isztaran kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Zamu, oxen manager: Lugal-Ishtaran, under seal of Inim-Shara; month: "House-month-6," year: "Harshi was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339523: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u2 zex(_sig7_)-a a-sza3 en-du8-du ugula i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 a-du-mu
grass mash, field Endudu, foreman: Ipa'e, under seal of Adumu;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-tam
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official.
P339524: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 a-ba-gal-gu-la
sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a
the field of Abagalgula, stationed;
barley ...
ugula ur-mes kiszib3 kas4 mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
foreman: Ur-mes, under seal of Kas; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339525: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 6(disz)-ta kun e2 (d)szara2-ta ga2-nun du6-ku3-sig17-sze3 gurusz-e gu-nigin2 1/2(disz)-ta ugula lugal-ku3-ga-ni
216 bundles of reed, its weight: 16 each, from the tail of the house of Shara to the ... of the goldsmiths, the laborers, the weight: 1/2 each, foreman: Lugal-kugani;
kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2
under seal of Lugal-hegal,
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339526: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e sa-dur2-ra a-sza3 ki-ag2 szu ur3-ra
a-ga-am a-sza3 _gan2_-mah szu ur3-ra
... a field beloved by the hand,
Agam, field of GANmah, hand ...;
ma2-la2-a (gesz)ma-nu a-sza3 _gan2_-mah-ta a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3 gid2-da ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e iti dal mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
barge of manu-boats from the field of GANmah to Apisal, long, foreman Lu-Shara, under seal of Lugal-niglagare; month: "Flight," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-si-_ne_-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ezem
Lugal-sine-e, scribe, son of Lugal-ezem.
P339527: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 5(u) 8(disz)#? geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 zi3 ar3-a a2 u4-du8-a-bi nu-ub-(ga2)gar ki szesz-saga-ta
98? workdays, female laborers, labor of flour-flour, labor of the threshing floors, not accounted; from Shesh-saga
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lukalla; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339528: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 nin10-nu-du3-ta a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3 in-u im-de6 ugula za3-mu
from the threshing floor of Ninnudu to Apisal he brought; foreman: Zamu;
kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of Lu-duga; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nin-tu
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Ur-Nintu.
P339529: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8-ta ki ur-mes-ta
from month "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked," to year: "From Urmes."
ugu2 lu2-dingir-ra dumu lugal-e2-mah-e ga2-ga2-dam mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-sze3
to Lu-dingira, son of Lugal-emahe, delivered; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339530: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e11-e-ta ugu2 lu2-kal-la ba-a-gar kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2
from Ur-e'e, on account of Lukalla he set it. Sealed tablet of Ur-Shara.
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul
year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339531: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 kin-ak a-sza3 en-du8-du ki ku3-ga-ni-ta
labor involved in the work on the field Endudu, from Kugani;
ugu2 lu2-du10-ga ga2-ga2-dam mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
to be delivered to Luduga; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu he2-ma-du
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Hemadu.
P339532: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi [...] ma-na 4(disz) gin2 siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 4(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 siki kur-ra siki (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
its weight: ... minas, 4 shekels wool from the mountain, a girigak-vessel,
Their weight: 14 minas 6 shekels of mountain wool, wool for the chariot,
ki-la2-bi 8(disz) ma-na siki mug
ki dingir-ra-ta ensi2-ke4 in-la2 iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
Its weight: 8 minas of mug-silver.
from Dingira the governor took; month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339533: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ba bahar3 dug gesztin-na-ka ki sukkal-mah
barley rations carried out, from the wine vat, with the sukkalmah;
mu sze nu-un-tuku-a-sze3 kiszib3 a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
since he did not have barley, under seal of Ayakalla, governor of Umma, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339534: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi [...] lu2-du10-ga-a iti nesag-ta u2-gu ba-an-da-an-de2 iti nesag-ta
its weight: ... Luduga, from month "First fruits" to month "First fruits" he weighed out.
iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3 ur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 szu-du8-a-ni in-gub igi ensi2-ka-sze3 igi al-la-mu-sze3 igi ur-(d)nin-gal-sze3 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
for the month Dumuzi, Ur-Enlila his shudu-priest, he stationed; before the governor, before Allamu, before Ur-Ningal; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339535: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz) sa-ta ga2-nun-na ku4?-ra gaba e2 lugal
its gu-nigin-measure: 13 bundles each, for the storehouse, entered; at the royal house;
kiszib3 a-a-kal-la ugula gu2-tar mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
under seal of Ayakalla, foreman of the throne bearers; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Akalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339536: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki szesz-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Sheshkalla, under seal of Lukalla;
iti nesag mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3 mu us2-sa-bi
month "First fruits," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected," year after that.
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339537: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gesz-gi-ta e2-masz-a ku4?-ra kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam
from the reed bed in the emasha-house entered; under seal of Sharakam;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339538: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gazi-bi 2(ban2)-ta u2-kur-bi 1(ban2)-ta za3-hi-li-bi 2(disz) sila3-ta u2-hu-bi 2(disz) sila3-ta hu-ri2-um-bi 3(disz) 1/2(disz)-ta sze zi-bi2-tum-bi 1(disz) sila3-ta
its gazi: 2 ban2 each, its ukur: 1 ban2 each, its zahili: 2 sila3 each, its uhu: 2 sila3 each, its hurium: 3 1/2 each, its zigitum barley: 1 sila3 each,
(u2)ka3-ma-am3-tum-bi 2/3(disz) sila3-ta gu2 1(iku) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6-kam
its ka-mamtum-plant: 2/3 sila3 each, its horns: 1 iku, the field of the orchard;
P339539: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-ta en-nun ti-la ugula ur-saga kiszib3 dingir-ra-ka
month "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, watch of life;" foreman: Ur-saga, under seal of Dingira;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
dingir-ra dub-sar dumu lu2-ga
Dingira, scribe, son of Luga.
P339540: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gesz-(kusz)ummu3-a-ta zi3 ma2-a si-ga
zi3 ba-al-la na-ga-ab-tum-sze3
from the threshing floor flour carried by the barge,
to the house of Enena;
flour that has been thrown away for Nagabtum;
zi3 ga6-ga2
gu2 erin2-na-ka dub-gar ugula lu2-dingir-ra kiszib3 lugal-ku3-zu mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
flour for a granary
for the necks of the troops, scribe, foreman: Lu-dingira, under seal of Lugal-kuzu; year: "Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2
Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Lu-Shara.
P339541: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
za3 1(u)-sze3 lu2-mah i3-dab5
for the remaining 10 workdays, Lu-mah accepted;
mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 |_ki-an_|(ki) giri3 ur-dun mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
delivery of Shara of Ki'an via Urdun; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339542: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nidba ma2 nesag-ta
offering from the barge of nesag offerings;
ki ur-ki-ama-ta ha-lu5-lu5 szu ba-ti iti sze-sag-ku5 mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3 mu us2-sa-bi
from Ur-ki-ama Halulu received; month: "Harvest," year after: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected," year after that.
P339543: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 _gan2_ ur-gu-ta sze ma2-a si-ga umma(ki)-(sze3) ma2 gid2-da ugula a-a-kal-la
from the threshing floor of the field Urgu barley loaded into the barge, to Umma barge punted, foreman: Ayakalla;
kiszib3 lu2-[kal-la] mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-na-du3
under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339544: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga mu-kux(_du_)-bi ib2-ta-zi ki ur-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti e2-iti-6(disz)
booked out; delivery, Ibtazi, from Ur-Shara, under seal of the governor; month: "House-month-6."
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339545: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(szar2) 2(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 3(u) sa gi _szid_ gu-nigin2-ba 2(u) 2(disz) sa-ta sze-ta sa10-a nibru(ki)-ta umma(ki)-sze3 ki inim-[(d)szara2]-ta
720 bundles of reeds, ..., its gu-nigin-measure: 22 bundles each, barley taken, from Nippur to Umma, from Inim-Shara;
kiszib3 a-gu mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Agu; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339546: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zu2-si e2-gal-ta
from the palace's ... finger
ki-la2-bi 6(disz) ma-na
zi-ga la2-ia3 1(u) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na
Their weight: 6 ma-na.
booked out; deficit: 18 1/2 mana;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki
year: "The boat of Enki."
P339547: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 4(disz)-kam
4th day.
u4 5(disz)-kam ki a-al-li2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti nesag mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
5th day, from Alli, under seal of the governor; month: "First fruits," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339548: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-ge ugula-gesz2
lugal-gaba dumu ur-nigar(gar)
in the womb of the foreman
for Ur-dununa;
Lugal-gaba, son of Ur-nigar.
szunigin 1(disz) gu4-gesz szunigin 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(disz) szunigin 2(disz) dumu kar-ra udu-bi 2(disz) tug2-bi 2(disz) mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
total: 1 ox, total: 1 ox, 3 years old; total: 2 children of Karra, its sheep: 2 garments; 2 delivery of Shara; month: "Lisi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339549: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 sza3-gu4 a-sza3 pu2-si4-mu ugula lugal-ezem
labor of oxen herdsman, field Pusumu, foreman: Lugal-ezem;
kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Inim-Shara; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Inim-Shara, son of Ur-nigar.
P339550: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da i7 idigna (d)szul-pa-e3 ku5-ra2 ugula lugal-ezem
at the bank of the Tigris, for Shulpa'e, cut off, foreman: Lugal-ezem;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339551: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 (d)nin-hur-sag gub-ba ugula lugal-ezem [kiszib3 gu]-du-du
at the threshing floor of Ninhursag stationed, foreman: Lugal-ezem, under seal of Gududu;
mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu da-da-ga
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Dadaga.
P339552: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(disz)-sze3 a-sza3 _gan2_-alal
for 3 days, field GANalal;
ugula lu2-(d)nin-szubur mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lu-Ninshubur; year: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2 sa12-du5
Sharakam, scribe, son of Inim-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339553: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 2(u) 2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 la2-ia3 a2 gi zex(_sig7_)-a a-sza3 en-du8-du kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
deficit: 22 workdays, male laborers, deficit of reeds, reeds, field Endudu, under seal of Lu-dingira, son of Lugal-emahe;
mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
year following: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lu2-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Lu-dingira, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339554: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga-am3 ki ur-ru-ta giri3 ti-e2-mah-ta
... from Urru, via Tiemah;
kiszib3 _arad2_ iti pa4-u2-e mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-(hun)
under seal of ARAD; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339555: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(u2)har-an bu3-ra
ugula ur-mes kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na
haran plant
foreman: Ur-mes, under seal of Abbagina;
a-sza3 uku2-nu-ti mu sza-asz-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ba-hul
field Ukunuti; year: "Shashrum for the 2nd time was destroyed."
Seal 1
ab-ba-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Abbagina, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339556: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
from Ur-Shara, under seal of the governor;
mu-kux(_du_) ib2-ta-zi iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3 mu us2-sa-a-bi
delivery, he will deliver; month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after that.
P339557: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka i7 (d)amar-(d)suen-(ke4-ga2)-ra ad ak ugula da-a-gi4 kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
at the mouth of the Amar-Suen canal, the father, the overseer: Da'agi, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339558: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal gu4 udu niga e2-kikken-gibil-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
the threshing floor of oxen and sheep, grain-fed, from the milling house, from Lu-Shulgi;
kiszib3 an-na-hi-li iti (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Anna-hili; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
an-na-hi-li-bi dumu (d)utu-ge6
Anna-hilibi, son of Utu-ge.
P339559: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki kal-la engar-ta kiszib3 a-kal-la aszgab
from Kalla, the plowman; under seal of Akalla, the leatherworker;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dumu lu2-bulug3-ga2 aszgab-gal
Akalla, son of Lu-buluga, chief weaver.
P339560: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 a-sza3 la2-mah ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2
at the threshing floor of the field Lamah, from Agu, under seal of Inim-Shara;
iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-iti-da
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-itida.
P339561: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
igi-gal2 kun-zi-da a-sza3 (d)szara2 a-sza3 la2-tur
before Kunzida, field Shara, field Latur;
u3 a-sza3 en-du8-du kiszib3 nam-lu2-i3-du10 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3 mu us2-sa-bi
and the field of Endudu, under seal of Namlu-idu; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected," year following that.
Seal 1
ur-e2-mah lu2-mah (d)szara2 nam-lu2-i3-du10 sza3-tam _arad2_-zu
Ur-Emah, lu-mah of Shara, Namlu-idu, the shatam-official, is your servant.
P339562: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta kiszib3 ur-su4
from E-urbidu, under seal of Ursu;
sza3 nibru(ki) mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
in Nippur, year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-su4 dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ur-su, son of Ur-gigir.
P339563: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-gu4-sze3 ki lugal-nig2-lagar-e-ta ba-sa6 i3-dab5
to the oxen-pen, from Lugal-niglagare Basa accepted;
mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
year: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
ba-sa6 dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Basa, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339564: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3-ge a du11-ga a-sza3 la2-mah a-sza3 (d)szara2 u3 a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra
field irrigated, field Lamah, field Shara and field Ninura;
ugula szesz-kal-la giri3 ur-am3-ma dumu sza3-gu4-ka kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Sheshkalla, via Ur-ama, son of Shagu'a, under seal of Gu'ugua; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339565: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti min-esz3 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-am3 zal-la mu en eridu(ki) iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-sze3
month "minesh," 15th day passed, year: "The en-priestess of Eridu," month "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
szesz-kal-la dumu na-silim i3-dab5
Sheshkalla, son of Nasilim, accepted;
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu na-silim
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339566: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2 ku6-da la2-de3 ga2-nun-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti pa4-u2-e
from the fish-barge to the quay, under seal of the governor; month: "Pa'u'e."
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339567: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gesz ra-a ur-sa6-ga ugula ki-su7 a-sza3 muru13 [gaba] i7 sal4-la
..., Ursaga, foreman of the field, muru, ... of the sala canal;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um ba-hul
month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed;"
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-nesag-e
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Lugal-nesage.
P339568: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 kar-ra du3-de3 kiszib3 lu2-sa6-i3-zu mu si-ma-num2(ki)
to the port of Dude; under seal of Lu-sa-izu; year: "Simanum."
Seal 1
lu2-sa6-i3-zu dub-sar dumu a-kal-la
Lu-sa-izu, scribe, son of Akalla.
P339569: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)suen-ta
from Lu-Suen;
kiszib3 da-da-ga giri3 ur-am3-ma iti nesag mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Dadaga, via Ur-amma; month: "First fruits," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339570: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula i3-kal-la
foreman: Ikalla;
gurum2 ak u4 3(disz)-kam a-sza3 (d)szara2 gaba ki-su7 zar3 tab-ba mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3-a mu us2-sa-bi
inspection, 3rd day; field Shara, on the side of the Kisu, zar3-offerings, year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected," year after that.
P339571: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-sag11-ku5 a-sza3 _gan2_-tur lu2-sa6-i3-zu kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
harvest, field of 'GANtur,' Lu-sa-izu, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu us2-sa sza-asz-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
year after: "Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339572: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-a-kal-la-ta (gesz)apin-sze3 engar-e szu ba-ab-ti kiszib3 lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra
from Ayakalla to the plough the farmers received; under seal of Lu-Shulgi;
mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Lu-Shulgira, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339573: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta gi zex(_sig7_)-a sza3 ki!(_kar_) su7 gub3 temen-na-ka ansze nu2
its ...: 5 bundles each, reeds of reed, in the ..., on the ground, on the temen, donkeys not,
gurusz-e gu-nigin2 2(disz)-ta ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
male laborers, rations: 2 each, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339574: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a zi-ga gu2 i7-da gub-ba
kab2-ku5 a-bu3-ka
standing water, water booked out, standing water of the canal,
the gate of Abuka;
gu2-ba na-gab2-tum ga2-ra ugula lugal-ku3-ga-ni kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
on the stand of Nagabtum, to be delivered; foreman: Lugal-kugani, under seal of Lugal-hegal; year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar [dumu ...]
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of .
P339575: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam
u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam
15th day.
16th day.
u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam ki bur-ma-ma-sze3 ki a-al-li2-ta iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
17th day, from Bur-mama, from Alli; month: "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339576: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-ra2 1(disz)-kam e2 ki-tusz
a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
for 1 year, house in residence;
2nd time.
a-ra2 3(disz)-kam
(gesz)ma2 gag kesz2-ra2 szunigin
szunigin 2(u) 6(disz) kusz udu zi-ga-am3
3rd time.
barge with a barge tied together; total:
total: 26 sheep-hides booked out;
P339577: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
from Ikalla, under seal of the governor;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 na-ru2-a-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 mu-ne-du3
year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, Great-stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339578: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kin szuku-ra 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sar-ta mu (gesz)ma-nu ku5-da-sze3 ki gu-u2-gu-a-ta
work on the shukura, at 1 2/3 sar per day, from the year: "The boat for the kuda-service" to the year: "Gu'ugua."
kiszib3 lugal!(_lu2_)-he2-gal2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lugal-hegal; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara.
P339579: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga bala-sze3 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 bi2-du11-ga
booked out for the bala; from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Biduga;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
month: "Harvest," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
bi2-du11-ga dub-sar dumu la-a-sa6
Biduga, scribe, son of La'asa.
P339580: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)apin-sze3 giri3 ur-(d)en-lil2
(gesz)apin-sze3 giri3 lugal-e2-mah-e szesz a-ab-ba
for the plow, via Ur-Enlil;
for the plow, via Lugal-emahe, brother of A'abba;
(gesz)apin-sze3 giri3 lu2-gi-na gu4-suhub2-sze3 ka ba-ab-kesz2
giri3 du-u2-a-ni ki lugal-ku3-zu sipa ansze-ta kiszib3 kas4 mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
to the plow, via Lugina, to the oxen-plow he smashed the mouth;
via Du'uani; from Lugal-kuzu, herdsman of donkeys; under seal of Kas; year: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339581: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i7 (d)szara2 ba-(al)-la ugula lugal-e2-mah-e kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam ur-(d)nam2-nun-ka mu ha-ar-szi ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
canal of Shara cleared, foreman: Lugal-emahe, under seal of the office of administrator of Ur-Namnun; year: "Harshi Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nam2-nun-ka dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nin-su sa12-du5-ka
Ur-Nammunka, scribe, son of Ur-Ninsu, chief surveyor.
P339582: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
uku2-nu-ti ugula ba-sa6
for Ukunuti, foreman: Basa;
kiszib3 ukken-ne2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of the assembly; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339583: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bala-sze3 sa12-du5-sze3 la-he-dam mu ugula-ne-sze3 kiszib3 (d)szara2-he2-gal2
to the bala, to the regular offerings, not to be returned, to the foremen, under seal of Shara-hegal;
mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu mu us2-sa-bi
year following: "The Amorite wall," year following that;
Seal 1
(d)szara2-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-mes
Shara-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-mes.
P339584: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...]-x (uruda)gag-a-ra-ab-ba ki-la2-bi 1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 mu (gesz)ig ku3-sig17-sze3 ur-dun i3-la2 ugula nam-ha-ni giri3 lu2-(d)inanna sukkal
... of the gagaraba-vessel, its weight: 1 ma-na 15 shekels, year: "The door of gold was fashioned," Ur-Dun received; foreman: Namhani; via Lu-Inanna, the messenger;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma2-gur8-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-dim2
month: "Harvest," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Great-Barge for Enlil and Ninlil fashioned."
P339585: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-mes-ta ur-(d)szara2 szu ba-ti
from Ur-mes did Ur-Shara receive;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3 mu us2-sa-a-bi
month: "Dumuzi," year after: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected," year after that.
P339586: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-masz gub-ba ugula lu2-(d)nin-ur4-ra kiszib3 a-kal-la nu-banda3
in the mash-house stationed, foreman: Lu-Ninura, under seal of Akalla, the superintendent;
iti diri mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
extra month: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339587: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
usz-mu lu2 azlag2
ur-(gesz)gigir lu2 azlag2
lugal-ur2-ra-ni lu2 azlag2
Ushmu, the mighty man.
Ur-gigir, the mighty man,
Lugal-urani, the mighty man,
tug2 zu2 uh e2 dingir-re-ne-ta de6-a kal-kal-ge-de3 ki lu2-kal-la-ta kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam i3-kal-la mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
garments made of ..., from the temple of the gods, to be carried out, from Lukalla, under seal of Ikalla, year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
i3-kal-la dub-sar dumu [lu2-sa6-ga]
Ikalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339588: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti (d)li9-si4
from Ur-Shara, under seal of the governor; month: "Lisi."
u4 1(u)-kam mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
10th day, year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339589: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 a-gesztin-ta e2-udu a-sza3 la2-mah-sze3 gi-zi ga6-ga2
from the vineyard field to the sheep house, the field Lamah, reed transport carried;
ugula lu2-dingir-ra dumu he2-ma-du kiszib3 (d)szara2-ba-zi-ge iti diri mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
foreman: Lu-dingira, son of He-madu, under seal of Shara-bazige; extra month: "Great-stele" year: "The throne was erected."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) (d)szara2-ba-zi-ge dub-sar _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Shara-bazige, scribe, is your servant.
P339590: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for the city;
sze-ba za3-mu iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
barley rations of the zamu-festival; month: "House-month-6," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed;"
P339591: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bahar3-e-ne szu ba-ab-ti ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2
they have received from Bahar; from Akalla, under seal of Inim-Shara;
iti szu-numun mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Sowing," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-iti-da
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-itida.
P339592: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-la2 gi ga2-nun en-du8-du-ta gesz-kin-ti-a kux(_kwu147_)?-ra inim ensi2-ka
from the barge of reeds to the quay of Endudu, for the geshkintia service, delivery, according to the order of the governor,
ugula ur-(d)szakkan kiszib3 lu2-igi-sa6-sa6 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Ur-Shakkan, under seal of Lu-igisasa; year: "Urbilum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-igi-sa6-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Lu-igisasa, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339593: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 a-sza3-ge kin-ak ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
labor of hirelings, field work assigned; from Lu-Shulgi;
ugula giri3-[...] kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Giri-..., under seal of Inim-Shara; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-dingir-[ra]
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-dingira.
P339594: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u2 ga6-ga2 u3 tir gub-ba ugula _arad2_ kiszib3 lu2-gi-na
grass cut and threshing floor stationed; foreman: ARAD; under seal of Lugina;
iti (d)pa4-u2-e mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu sza3-ku3-ge
Lugina, scribe, son of Shakuge.
P339595: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
5(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) sa gi-zi gu-nigin2-ba sa 5(disz)-ta ga2-nun nesag-ka kux(_kwu147_)?-ra ki lugal-mu-ma-ag2-ta gur8-sa3-an szu ba-ti iti dal
460 bundles of reed, its bundles of 5 bundles each, for the nesag-vessel delivery, from Lugal-mumaggur, Gursan received; month: "Flight,"
mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
Seal 1
gur8-sa3-an dumu al-la
Gursan, son of Alla.
P339596: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 (d)szara2 ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur
regular offerings of Shara, from Ur-Nintu, under seal of Lu-Ninshubur;
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu du10-ga szabra (d)szara2-ka
Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Duga, chief household administrator of Shara.
P339597: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze szuku-ra du-du u3 ba-zi-ge ki ur-(d)nun-gal-ta lugal-nig2-lagar-e su-su-dam
barley for the rations of Dudu and Bazige, from Ur-Nungal, Lugal-niglagare will deliver.
mu en (d)nanna ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna in Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e dumu iri-bar-re
Lugal-niglagare, son of Iri-barre.
P339598: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dumu he2-(d)suen iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ta
son of He-Suen, from month "Festival of Shulgi,"
iti (d)li9-si4-ta u4 1(u) ba-ra-zal-ta iti diri-sze3 zi-ga-am3 mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz)-kam si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
from month "Lisi," 10th day passed, to month "Extra," booked out; year after: "For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed."
P339599: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal ansze inim a2-da-da-(ta) ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
fodder of donkeys, according to the command of Adada, from Lu-Shulgi;
kiszib3 ur-dingir-ra iti [...] mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ur-dingira; month: "...," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339600: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a e3-a en-du8-du-ka gub-ba
a e3-a a-dagal-(la-ka) gub-ba
When water comes out, the Endudu temple stands.
When the water comes out, there is a stationed water-vessel.
nin-zabala3(ki)-sze3 gen-na ugula lil-la kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
to Nin-Zabala he went; foreman: Lila; under seal of Ur-Shara; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-la
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339601: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(bur3)? 5(iku) _gan2_-gu4 ba-an-na-ra-si nu-un-uru4 i3-in-bar
1 bur3 5 iku field, Banarasi, the oxen manager, he weighed out;
kiszib3 ba-sa6 a-de2-a mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Basa, for the adea festival; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ba-sa6 dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Basa, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339602: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 szu-ma-ma u3 lu2-giri17-zal u4 1(disz)-kam
via Shu-Mama and Lu-girizal, 1st day;
P339603: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 ka-ma-ri2 gub-ba ugula lugal-nesag-e kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a
at the quay of Kamari stationed; foreman: Lugal-nesage, under seal of Gu'ugaga;
mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year following: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339604: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurusz-e 1(u) gin2-ta a2 lu2 hun-ga2 6(disz) sila3-ta a-egir kab2-ku5 i7 sal4-la-ke4 szu-luh ak
for the male laborers: 10 shekels each, labor of hirelings: 6 sila3 each, after the quay of the salla canal he poured out shuluh;
ki ur-dun-ta kiszib3 da-da-ga mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
from Ur-Dun, under seal of Dadaga; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339605: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 am3-mi#-[ri2]-ma-ka kun-zi-da gi4-a ugula da-da-ga
at the quay of Ammirima, the quay gate returned, foreman Dadaga;
iti sze kar gal2-la mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339606: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a zi-ga i7 [idigna]-da gub-ba [nu]-banda3#-gu4 ur-ga2-nun kiszib3 lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra
water booked out, at the Tigris stationed, oxen manager: Urganun, under seal of Lu-Shulgi;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
month: "Harvest," year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Lu-Shulgira, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339607: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-dun-ra u3-na-du11
Ur-Duna spoke to him.
lu2 giri3-(d)nanna-i3-dab5-ra he2-ma-ze2-e iti min-esz3 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
to the man who Giri-Nanna-idab may he give. Month: "minesh," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339608: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 ugur2-tur a-sza3 la2-mah-ka gub-ba ugula lugal-iti-da
at the threshing floor of the ugurtur, in the field Lamah stationed, foreman: Lugal-itida;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e iti min-esz3 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
under seal of Lugal-emahe; month: "minesh," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339609: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 a-sza3-e kin ak ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na
labor of the field "Ashage," work done, foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Abbagina;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ig-alim dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-ga
Ur-Igalim, scribe, son of Ur-saga.
P339610: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) sa-ta kar-ra ga2-nun-sze3 ba-kux(_kwu147_)? ugula szesz-kal-la
from its threshing floor 10 bundles, to the quay to the quay brought; foreman: Sheshkalla;
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Sheshkalla, son of Lugal-magure; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339611: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula da-du-mu gurum2 ak mar-sa u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam iti (d)dumu-zi mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Dadumu, inspection of the barge; 11th day, month: "Dumuzi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339612: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu-la a-sza3 la2-mah-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
from the great threshing floor of the field Lamah, from Lu-Shulgira;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti dal-sze3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Lugal-emahe; from month "Harvest" to month "Flight," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Inim-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339613: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zabala6(ki)-ta ma2 zi3-da [...] gid2-da
umma(ki)-ta ka-ma-ri2(ki)-sze3 ma2 su3 gid2-da
((ki)) sag-da-na-ta
from Zabalam barge with flour ... long
from Umma to Kamari barge punted,
from his head
umma(ki)-sze3 ma2 su3 gur-ra iti (d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa puzur4-da-gan mu us2-sa-bi ugula lugal-ukken-ne2
to Umma barge returned; month: "Dumuzi," year after: "Puzrish-Dagan," year after: "The foreman: Lugal-ukkene."
P339614: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sar (u2)kiszi17 ku5-a 1(u) 5(disz) sar-ta a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 4(u) 3(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) sar (u2)kiszi17 ku5-a 2(u) sar-ta a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 3(u) 9(disz) a2 sza3-gu4
420 sar of kishi-plant, 15 sar each, its labor: 610 sar of kishi-plant, 20 sar each, its labor: 89 workdays, oxen manager;
a-sza3 nin10-nu-du3 ugula lugal-ezem kiszib3 ur-(d)utu mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
field Nin-nudu, foreman: Lugal-ezem, under seal of Ur-Utu; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
[lugal-he2-gal2] dub-sar dumu ur-(d)utu
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-Utu.
P339615: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 7(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 uruda ki da-da-ga-ta ur-sa6-ga szu ba-ti
Their weight: 47 minas 5 shekels of copper. From Dadaga did Ur-saga receive.
iti (d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz)-kam si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
month: "Lisi," year after: "For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed."
P339616: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki giri3-ni-i3-dab5-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)dumu-zi
from Girini-idab, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Dumuzi."
mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
year: "Enmahgalana was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339617: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gi-a sa10-a ki ur-(d)suen-ta kiszib3 szesz-kal-la
barley reeds sold, from Ur-Suen, under seal of Sheshkalla;
iti szu-esz-sza mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "shu'esha," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339618: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki)-ta mu szu-(d)nin-szubur sukkal nin-sze3
from Akalla, governor of Umma, year: "Shu-Ninshubur, the messenger of the queen;"
isz-me-lum szu ba-ti iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
Ishmelum received; month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
wa-ta2-ru-um sukkal isz-me-lum _arad2_-zu
Watarim, messenger of Ishmelum, is your servant.
P339619: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka dug kesz2-ra2 nibru(ki)-sze3 giri3 ba-saga sagi
ba-ri2-ga u3
at the ka-door, the kesh-way to Nippur, via Ba-saga, cupbearer;
si2-im-tum ba-ra-bulug4 ki nigar(gar)-ki-du10-ta kiszib3 ur-e11-e iti (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
simtum-offerings were carried off; from Nigar-kidu, under seal of Ur-e'e; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e [dub-sar] [dumu ur-nigar(gar)]
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339620: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze bala-a-da umma(ki) giri3 lugal-an-ne2
barley of the bala, Umma, via Lugal-ane;
ugula ba-sa6 kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Basa, under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339621: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 (d)szara2
field of Shara;
sze-ta sa10-a ki ur-lugal-ta kiszib3 da-da-ga kusz-bi ki ur-lugal i3-gal2 iti (d)dumu-zi mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
barley purchased from Ur-lugal, under seal of Dadaga, its leather from Ur-lugal are here; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339622: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ziz2 gu2-nida zi-ga a-sza3 la2-mah-ta nibru(ki) ugula a-da-lal3 iti szu-numun kiszib3 _arad2_
emmer, rations, from the field Lamah, from Nippur, foreman: Adalal; month: "Sowing," under seal of ARAD;
mu (d)nanna kar-zi-da a-ra2 2(disz)-kam e2-a-na ba-an-ku4?
year: "Nanna of Karzida for the 2nd time entered his house."
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339623: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurum2 ug3-_il2_ u4 [...]-kam ki ku3-ga-ni-ta kiszib3 ur-e11-e
inspection of the porters; ... day; from Kugani, under seal of Ur-e'e;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month: "Dumuzi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339624: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(disz)-sze3 umma(ki)-ta tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki)-sze3 ma2 hun-ga2 im-si-ka gid2-da
for 2 days from Umma to Tummal barge of the hirelings of Imsika long;
u4 7(disz)-sze3 tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki)-sze3 tusz-a u4 1(disz)-sze3 umma(ki)-sze3 gen-na ugula ur-saga kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam ur-ge6-par4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
for 7 days to Tummal stayed; for 1 day to Umma went; foreman: Ur-saga; under seal of the office of treasurer; Ur-gepar; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-ge6-par4 dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la
Ur-gepar, scribe, son of Ayakalla.
P339625: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gi-a sa10-sa10 ki lugal-nig2-lagar-e-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
barley reeds as a gift, from Lugal-niglagare, under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e;
iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu ha-ba-lu5-ge2
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Habaluge.
P339626: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 gu2-edin-na
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 usz-gid2-da
heaped up grain, piled up in the field of the Gu'edina;
heaped up grain, carried off, field of the ushgida;
a-sza3 du6-(d)szara2 [...] gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 muru13 gurum2 ak sza3 buru14 ugula lugal-ezem kiszib3 e2-gal-e-si mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
field Du-Shara, ..., laborers, for 1 day, ..., field muhru, inspections performed, in the harvest, foreman: Lugal-ezem, under seal of Egal-esi; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
e2-gal-e-si dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Egalesi, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339627: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 6(disz) sila3-ta a-sza3 a-gesztin ugula lugal-e2-mah-e
labor of hirelings: 6 sila3 each, field of wine-making, foreman: Lugal-emahe;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e szesz lugal-(gesz)kiri6 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
under seal of Lugal-emahe, brother of Lugal-kiri; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339628: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 1/2(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 2(u) 2(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 4(disz) ma-na siki kur-ra siki (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
Their weight: 10 1/2 minas of mountain wool for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 22 5/6 mana wool from the mountain, a girigak-vessel;
Their weight: 44 mana, wool from the mountains, wool from the sceptre;
ki-la2-bi 3(u) 7(disz) ma-na 1(u) gin2 siki kur-ra peszx(|_szu-kad4_|)-a
ki-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2 2(u) la2 1/3(disz) ma-na siki mug
tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta ensi2-ke4 in-la2 iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
Their weight: 37 minas 10 shekels of mountain wool, ...;
Their weight: 1 talent 20 less 1/3 mina wool for a mug,
cloths, weighed out, from Ur-Nintu, the governor, he took. Month: "House-month-6," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339629: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta
from Ur-Shulpa'e;
kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lugal-e2-mah-e [giri3?] da-gi-mu mu (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
under seal of Lugal-emahe, via Dagimu; year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339630: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 8(disz)-kam iti dal mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3
8th day, month: "Flight," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."
P339631: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-diri nig2 ezem-ma sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi-ra
nig2-diri nig2 ezem-ma
..., the goods of the festival, regular offerings of Shulgi,
a kind of small thing, something of a festival
sa2-du11 (d)amar-(d)suen ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta ka-guru7 szu ba-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
regular offerings of Amar-Suen; from Ur-Shulpa'e, the granary manager, received; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339632: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 a-gu-du
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Agudu;
iti min-esz3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "minesh," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
a-gu-du dumu ur-(d)ba-ba6 szandana-ka
Agudu, son of Ur-Baba, chief household administrator.
P339633: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bi2-du11-ga-ra u3-na-a-du11 lugal-ab-ba dumu [szesz]-saga-ka lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ra na-ba-du3-de3
Biduga he will tell him. Lugal-abba, son of Shesh-saga, Lu-Ninshubur he will let him build.
[iti sze-sag11]-ku5-ta-a [u4 ...] zal-la-ta [...]-ba [igi] ensi2-ka-sze3-am3 i3-dab5 ka-asz2-am3
from the month "Harvest" to the day "... is full" ... before the governor he took, and he will pay.
P339634: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 (d)iszkur-sze3 ki a-gu-ta
for the offering of Ishkur, from Agu;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur iti (d)dumu-zi mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Lu-Ninshubur; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu du10-ga szabra (d)szara2-ka
Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Duga, chief household administrator of Shara.
P339635: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3 masz a-sza3-ga a-sza3 i3-szum2 u3 a-sza3 a-szim kiszib3 nig2-u2-rum
silver, interest on the field Ishum and the field Ashim, under seal of Nig-Urum;
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
nig2-u2-rum dub-sar dumu (d)nanna-i3-zu
Nig-Urum, scribe, son of Nanna-izu.
P339636: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 nin10-nu-du3 ugula a-gu-gu kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2
field Nin-nudu, foreman: Agugu, under seal of Inim-Shara;
mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dumu [ur-nigar(gar)]
Inim-Shara, son of Ur-nigar,
P339637: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 ma2 [...] ma2 bala ak ki-su7 a-sza3 muru13 a-sza3 me-en-kar2-ta
barge of ... barge of bala ..., from the field of muru, field of Menkar,
gu2 e3-sze3 sze la2-a ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta kiszib3 lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 iti sig4-(gesz)szub-ba-ga2-ra mu en-nun-(d)amar-((d)suen)-ra en [...]
to go out, barley deficit, from Lu-Shulgi, under seal of Lugal-ebansa; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "Ennun-Amar-Suen, en-priestess of ...;"
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339638: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 (d)szara2 ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e dumu ma-ni-du10
regular offerings of Shara, from Ka-guru, under seal of Lugal-niglagare, son of Manidu;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
month: "Harvest," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e [dumu ma-ni-du10]
Lugal-niglagare, son of Manidu.
P339639: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-lu5-lu5-ta kiszib3 gu-du-du
from Alulu, under seal of Gududu;
iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-gar mu us2-sa ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2
month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The mighty barge was fashioned."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339640: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-(a) a-sza3 _gan2_-mah ugula lugal-(d)isztaran kiszib3 lugal-ku3-ga-ni
barley rations of the field GANmah, foreman: Lugal-Ishtaran, under seal of Lugal-kugani;
mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-ga-ni dumu ur-mes
Lugal-kugani, son of Ur-mes.
P339641: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 (d)szul-pa-e3 sze bala-a e2-duru5 (d)szul-pa-e3-sze3 sze zi-ga
at the threshing floor of Shulpa'e, barley bala, to the threshing floor of Shulpa'e weighed out;
u3 guru7-a im ur3-ra ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 gu-du-du iti nesag mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
and the granary, ..., foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Gududu; month: "First fruits," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339642: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a a-sza3 gu2-edin-na ugula ur-(d)nin-su kiszib3 ku-li
barley rations, field Gu'edina, foreman: Ur-Ninsu, under seal of Kuli;
mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year following: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ku-li dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nun-gal
Kuli, scribe, son of Ur-Nungal.
P339643: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-tu u3 szesz-saga mu en ga-(esz)(ki) u3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of Ur-Nintu and Shesh-saga, years: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh" and "Shu-Suen is king,"
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of Ur-Nintu and Shesh-saga of the year: "Ga'esh," and the year: "Shu-Suen is king,"
are here.
are here.
P339644: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 1(disz) ma-na siki-gi (gesz)(ga)garig2-ak
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na siki-gi peszx(|_szu-kad4_|)-a
ki-la2-bi 4(u) 7(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na siki-gi peszx(|_szu-kad4_|)-a
Their weight: 41 minas of wool for the girigak-vessel.
Their weight: 41 1/2 minas of reed, wool of the pesh-a-flour;
Their weight: 47 2/3 mana wool, ...;
ki-la2-bi 9(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 7(disz) gin2
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki szesz-saga-ta i3-kal-la u3 lu2-kal-la in-la2 iti szu-numun-na mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
Their weight: 9 5/6 minas 7 shekels.
their weight: 15 mana 15 shekels of weighted textiles, from Shesh-saga Ikalla and Lukalla weighed out; month: "Sowing," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339645: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 a-sza3 (d)szul-gi-ra ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta
offering of the field of Shulgi, from Ur-Shulpa'e;
kiszib3 da-da-ga mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Dadaga; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339646: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tug2 sa-gi4-a ki ensi2-ka-ta
sagi garments, from the governor;
kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 lu2 azlag2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Ur-Shara, the fuller; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) ur-(d)szara2 dumu ur-(d)suen lu2 azlag2 _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Ur-Shara, son of Ur-Suen, the man who provides for the troops, is your servant.
P339647: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 (d)szul-gi-ra-ka gub-ba ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta
at the house of Shulgi stationed, from Ur-Nintu
kiszib3 ba-saga gu-za-la2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa puzur4-(d)da-gan ba-du3
under seal of Basaga, throne bearer; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Puzrish-Dagan was erected;"
P339648: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
erin2 diri giri3 lu2-(d)szara2 dumu lugal-en-nun ugu2 a-ab-ba-ka ba-a-gar
extra troops, via Lu-Shara, son of Lugal-ennun, on the shore of the sea deposited;
kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka mu en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3
under seal of Ur-Shara, chief accountant; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by goat was chosen."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4 nu-banda3-gu4 (d)szara2
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur, manager of oxen of Shara.
P339649: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 2(disz) sa-ta e2 szu-kab-ta2-sze3 ki a-a-kal-la ugula-ta
its reeds: 12 bundles, to the house of Shu-kabta; from Ayakalla, foreman;
kiszib3 ensi2 a2 erin2-na iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-mah mu-du3
under seal of the governor, labor of the troops; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339650: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u)-sze3 buru4(muszen) dal-sze3 a-sza3 na-gab2-tum
for 20 days, the eagles to the side, field Nagabtum;
nu-banda3 lu2-du10-ga kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2 iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen na-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 mu-ne-du3
the overseer: Lu-duga; under seal of Lugal-hegal; month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen, the satrap of Enlil and Ninlil, erected."
Seal 1
lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar [dumu ...]
Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of .
P339651: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-ar3-ra _har_-ra
ninda igi-sa6 ar3-a
... emmer
bread made with a cast iron casting-blade
ugula lugal-e2-mah-e kiszib3 a-gu iti min-esz3 mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
foreman: Lugal-emahe, under seal of Agu; month: "minesh," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339652: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun u3-dag-ga usz2-usz2-a ugula da-a-ga kiszib3 lu2-(d)szara2 dumu al-la sukkal
the tail of the udaga, dead, foreman: Da'aga, under seal of Lu-Shara, son of Alla, the messenger;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
month: "Dumuzi," year after: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szara2 dumu al-la sukkal
Lu-Shara, son of Alla, the messenger.
P339653: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e11-e-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
from Ur-e'e, under seal of the governor; year: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339654: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3-ta sa10-a giri3 lu2-kal-la ki dam-gar3-ta i3-kal-la szu ba-ti
from silver, as a gift, via Lukalla, from the merchant, Ikalla received;
mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
P339655: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tug2 dumu kar-ra (d)szara2 |_ki-an_|(ki) ki lugal-a2-zi-da-ta i3-kal-la
garment for the son of the quay of Shara of Ki'an, from Lugal-azida Ikalla
szu ba-ti mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
received; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
P339656: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 i3-szum2 a-sza3 ka-ma-(ri2)(ki) a-sza3 en-du8-du a-sza3 e2 dun a-sza3 an-ne2-gar a-sza3 bar-bar
field Ishum; field Kamari; field Endudu; field Dun; field Anegar; field Barbar;
a-sza3 musz-bi-an-na
field of Mushbi-ana;
P339657: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
en-um-i3-li2 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal dumu a-an-na-ti sukkal umma(ki)-a iri i3-_du_
Enum-ili, messenger of the king, son of Annati, messenger of Umma, city of Idu.
a2-ag2-ga2 lugal in-bala ur2-ra szu bi2-ba-a [iti ...] mu en (d)inanna ba-hun
the royal scribal arts have been performed on the throne. The month ..., the year: "The en-priestess of Inanna was installed."
P339658: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 su-su ka-ga gi-na [...] sze gu4 nig2-lagar-e [...] mu 1(disz)-kam
deficit, repaid, established ... barley of oxen, ... 1st year.
mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul-ta mu (d)nanna kar-zi-da-sze3
from year: "Anshan was destroyed" to year: "Nanna to Karzida"
P339659: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(d)szara2 umma(ki)
Shara of Umma
(d)szara2 a-pi4-sal4(ki)
(d)szara2 anzu2(muszen)
(d)nin-e2-gal tug2-ba dingir-re-ne ki i3-kal-la-ta
Shara of Apisal
Shara the Anzu bird
For Ninegal, the garment of the gods, from Ikalla
mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
P339660: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3 _szim_-a sa10-a ki lu2-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
silver, aromatics, as a gift, from Lukalla, under seal of the governor;
giri3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 i3-ra2-ra2 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
via Ur-Shulpa'e, will pay; year after: "Shu-Suen the Amorite wall erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339661: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 gibil
from ...-natir;
stationed, field being reconstructed;
ugula lu2-(d)da-mu kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
foreman: Lu-Damu, under seal of Shakuge; year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
sza3-ku3-ge dub-sar dumu (d)szara2-ga2-la2
Shakuge, scribe, son of Sharagala.
P339662: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi-ra ki ur-e2-mah-ta
regular offerings of Shulgi, from Ur-Emah;
kiszib3 gu-du-du iti (d)li9-si4 mu e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) ba-du3
under seal of Gududu; month: "Lisi," year: "The house of Shara in Umma was erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339663: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka-ma-ri2(ki)-ta kar umma(ki)-sze3 sze zi-ga ugula da-du-mu
from Kamari to the port of Umma barley booked out, foreman: Dadumu;
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339664: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) sa-ta lu2-(d)nanna dumu inim-(d)szara2
its gu-nigin-measure: 10 bundles; Lu-Nanna, son of Inim-Shara;
ugula ur-e2-diri kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah ba?-du3
foreman: Ur-Ediri, under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339665: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 da-da-ga
from Ipa'e, under seal of Dadaga;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
month: "Harvest," year: "Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339666: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-dab5 nig2-(gesz)tag-ga lugal-ka-sze3
for the nigdab-offering of the royal gift;
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti pa4-u2-e mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of the governor; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szul-gi nita [kal-ga] lugal [uri5(ki)-ma] lugal [an-ub-da limmu2-ba]
Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339667: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti min-esz3-ta u4
ki ur-(d)szakkan2?-ta
from month "minesh," day
from Ur-Shakkan?;
(d)szara2-a-mu i3-dab5 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
Sharamu accepted; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-a-mu dumu (d)szara2-szesz
Sharamu, son of Shara-shesh.
P339668: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-diri gu3-de2 du-u2-_ka_ igi-du8 ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 lugal-nir
..., Du'u-ka, the gatekeeper; from Ka-guru, under seal of Lugal-nir;
mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-nir dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Lugal-nir, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339669: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki inim-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 mu-ni
from Inim-Shara, under seal of Muni;
sza3 bala-a mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
in bala; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
mu-ni dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la gudu4 (d)nin-ur4-ra
Muni, scribe, son of Ayakalla, gudu-priest of Ninura.
P339670: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-da gub-ba a-sza3 sipa-da ugula i7-pa-e3
the field of the shepherd, foreman: Ipa'e;
kiszib3 ur-lugal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Ur-lugal; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-lugal dub-sar dumu da-a-gi4
Ur-lugal, scribe, son of Da'agi.
P339671: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 zu2-lum la2-ia3 nig2-ka9 bala-a ki ur-(d)szara2-ta lu2-dingir-ra-ke4
deficit: 3 ban2 2 sila3 dates; deficit of the account of the bala, from Ur-Shara Lu-dingira;
su-su-dam mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
to be delivered; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-dingir-ra dub-sar dumu a2-an-du-ru
Lu-dingira, scribe, son of A-anduru.
P339672: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lil-la ugu2 lugal-ku3-zu ba-a-gar kiszib3 lugal-ku3-zu
foreman: Lila, on account of Lugal-kuzu he set it. Sealed tablet of Lugal-kuzu.
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e
Lugal-kuzu, son of Lugal-niglagare.
P339673: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
3(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 2(u) ku6 sag-kur2 sza3 za3 1(u) ku6 e2-gal-la ku4?-ra giri3 kasz-de2-a
420 sagkur fish, in the center; 10 sagkur fish, entering the palace, via Kashdea;
ki ensi2-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)utu iti (d)dumu-zi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
from the governor, under seal of Ur-Utu; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)utu dumu al-la sukkal
Ur-Utu, son of Alla, the messenger.
P339674: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-gur8 ensi2-ka-sze3 mi-ri2-za su-bu-de3 ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-da-ta
for the barge of the governor, mirazu to subude; from Ur-Dumuzida
kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Abbagina; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ab-ba-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Abbagina, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339675: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-lu5-lu5-ta kiszib3 a-kal-la aszgab iti nesag-ta
from Alulu, under seal of Akalla, the leatherworker; from month "First fruits,"
iti dal-sze3 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month "Flight," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-kal-la [dumu] lu2-bulug3-ga2 aszgab-gal
Akalla, son of Lu-buluga, chief weaver.
P339676: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi3-_il2_ esir2 su-ba ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 ur4-sza3-ta-lu2
flour, bitumen, ..., from Agu, under seal of Ur-shatalu;
sza3 bala-a mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
in bala; year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
ur4-sza3-ta-lu dumu ur-szu-ku3-ga gudu4
Ur-shatalu, son of Ur-shukuga, gudu-priest.
P339677: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti sze-sag11-ku5
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Harvest."
mu us2-sa en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
year following: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339678: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ta sa10-a e2 ninda gesz-asz-sze3 ki inim-(d)szara2-ta
from barley bought, for the bread-house of the gesh-assu-festival, from Inim-Shara;
kiszib3 lugal-a2-zi-da u4 [... n-kam] mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-azida; ... day, year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-a2-zi-da dub-sar dumu da#?-[da]
Lugal-azida, scribe, son of Dada.
P339679: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 zabala3-sze3
en-um-i3-li2 szu ba-ti
to the house of Zabala;
Enum-ili received;
ki giri3-ni-i3-sa6-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Girini-isa, under seal of the governor; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339680: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(szar2) 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) sa-ta ki lu2-sa6-i3-zu-ta ur-(gesz)gigir szu ba-ti
420,45 bundles of reed, the gunigin-stock, 10 bundles each, from Lu-sa-izu Ur-gigir received;
mu (d)nanna ga-esz(ki) e2-a-na ba-an-ku4?
year: "Nanna of Ga'esh his temple was erected."
Seal 1
ur-(gesz)gigir dumu lugal-[e2-mah-e]
Ur-gigir, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339681: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 6(disz) sila3-ta sze-bi 3(asz) 3(barig) gur a2 lu2 hun-ga2 uszur2 _gan2_ gesz bad3
labor: 6 sila3 each, its barley: 3 gur 3 barig, labor of hirelings, ushur2 field, ... of the wall;
giri3 ur-dun kiszib3 ur-(d)nam2-nun-ka mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
via Ur-Dun, under seal of Ur-Nammunka; year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nam2-nun-ka dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nin-su sa12-du5-ka
Ur-Nammunka, scribe, son of Ur-Ninsu, chief surveyor.
P339682: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal (ansze)kunga2 e2-kikken-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
from the stallions of the mill, from Lu-Shulgi;
kiszib3 a-ab-ba-ni iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of A'abbani; month: "Harvest," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-ab-ba-ni dumu lu2-banda3(da) mu6-sub3 (d)szara2
A'abbani, son of Lu-banda, musub-priest of Shara.
P339683: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 1(u) 5(asz) sze gur a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu
a-sza3 la2-mah
95 gur of barley, field of manu-wood,
field Lamah;
sze gesz e3-a e2 szu-szum2-ma giri3 lu2-(d)nanna dumu inim-(d)szara2 iti pa4-u2-e mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
barley harvested, house of the rations, via Lu-Nanna, son of Inim-Shara; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339684: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su(ki) dumu ur-(d)iszkur-ta giri3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szabra gaba-ri kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Lu-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Adad, via Ur-Shulpa'e, chief household manager, copy, under seal of Lukalla;
iti diri mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
extra month, year: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339685: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 gur4-sa3-an
from Agu, under seal of Gursan;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
month: "Dumuzi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
gur8-sa3-an muhaldim dumu du-la-bi
Gursan, cook, son of Dulibi.
P339686: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta
lu2-bala-saga i3-dab5
ur-(d)suen i3-dab5
from Ur-Nintu;
Lu-bala-saga accepted;
Ur-Suen accepted;
(d)szara2-za-me i3-dab5
lugal-e2-mah-e i3-dab5 iti (d)dumu-zi-ta u4 1(u) 6(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
Shara-zame accepted;
Lugal-emahe accepted; from month "Dumuzi," day 16 passed, year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339687: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra gu4 (d)gu-la ugula ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
the ..., the ..., the oxen of Gula, foreman: Ur-Shulpa'e;
kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam i3-kal-la mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
under seal of Ikalla; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
i3-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Ikalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339688: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 in-sa6-sa6
from Agu, under seal of Insasa;
iti nesag mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
month "First fruits," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
in-sa6-sa6 dumu bi2-du11 muhaldim
Insasa, son of Bidu, cook.
P339689: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 4(u) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 4(disz) sa-ta en-du8-du-ta ga2-nun e2 lugal-ka ku4?-ra
420 bundles of reed, its bundles: 14 bundles each, from Endudu to the storehouse of the royal household brought;
ugula i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Ipa'e; under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339690: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nigin2 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) gin2-ta igi-sag 1(u) gin2-ta puzur4-(d)szara2
total: 1 barig 1 ban2 5 shekels each, first-fruits: 10 shekels each, Puzur-Shara;
nigin2 1(barig) 1(ban2)-ta igi-sag 1(u) gin2-ta ug3-_il2_ szum2 ensi2 mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
total: 1 barig 1 ban2 each, front: 10 shekels each, porter: Shum, governor; year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339691: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
igi-kar2 lu2 mar-ha-szi(ki) ki ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2-ta kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
inspection of the man of Marhashi; from Ur-Lisi, the governor; under seal of Lugal-inim-gina; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "En-unugal of Inanna was installed."
P339692: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4-de3-gid2-da gaba-ta gi4-a (d)szara2 umma(ki) mu 2(disz) iti 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
Udegida, from the frontier returned, Shara of Umma, 2 years, 9 months,
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta mu ma2 (d)en-ki-ka ba-ab-du8
from Ur-Shulpa'e, year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339693: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga ki ur-ru-ta
... from Urru;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti pa4-u2-e mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
under seal of Lukalla; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339694: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka i7 (((d)szul)) (d)szul-gi gub-ba ugula lu2-(d)szara2
at the mouth of the Shulgi canal, stationed, foreman: Lu-Shara;
kiszib3 sza3-ku3-ge mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Shakuge; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
sza3-ku3-ge dub-sar dumu (d)szara2-ga2
Shakuge, scribe, son of Sharaga.
P339695: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-ul-pa-e3 i3-dab5
ma-ma i3-dab5
Nigulpa'e accepted;
Mama accepted;
ur-(d)dumu-zi-da i3-dab5 ki ur-e11-e-ta sipa ud5-ke4-(ne) i3-dab5 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
Ur-Dumuzida accepted; from Ur-e'e the shepherd of the sheep took; year following: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339696: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-bi 6(asz) gur mu engar-e-ne-sze3 kiszib3 lugal-gu4-e
its barley: 6 gur, for the farmers; under seal of Lugal-gu'e;
iti dal mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
month "Flight," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-gu4-e dumu ur-nigar[(gar)] dub-sar
Lugal-gu'e, son of Ur-nigar, scribe.
P339697: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-ru-ta kiszib3 da-da-ga
from Urru, under seal of Dadaga;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan mu us2-sa-a-bi
month "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan," year after that.
Column 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) lu2-du10-ga
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Lu-duga.
Column 2
dub-sar dumu nigar(gar)-ki-du10 gal5-la2-gal _arad2_-zu
scribe, son of Nigar-kidu, chief accountant, is your servant.
P339698: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-ba lugal ki ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki)-ka-ta lu2-(d)nanna
royal gift; from Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, Lu-Nanna
szu ba-ti sze ar-szi-ah-ta mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
received; from Arshi'ah barley; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339699: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-kas4-sze3 ki lugal-nig2-lagar-e-ta
to the depot, from Lugal-niglagare;
kiszib3 gur4-sa3-an mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Gursan; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
gur8-sa3-an muhaldim dumu du-la-bi
Gursan, cook, son of Dulibi.
P339700: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-pi4-sal4(ki)-ta nibru(ki)-sze3 ma2 zi3 sig15 gid2-da i7 (d)amar-(d)suen-ni-tum-a ma2 bala ak u3 a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3
from Apisal to Nippur barge with fine flour, length of the Amar-Suenitum canal barge bala performed and Apisal
ma2 su3 gur-ra bala ensi2 adab(ki)-sze3 kiszib3 gu-du-du ugula lu2-(d)szara2 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
barge moored, for bala of the governor to Adab, under seal of Gududu, foreman: Lu-Shara; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu da-da-ga
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Dadaga.
P339701: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 1(disz) gin2 kin til-la ki da-da-ga-ta ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba i3-la2 iti sze-sag11-ku5
their weight: 17 1/2 mana 1 shekel, finished work, from Dadaga did Ur-Shara, the chief accountant, bring; month: "Harvest."
mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul
year: "Harshi was destroyed."
P339702: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
erin2 ma2-da-ga
troops of the border troops
giri3 ab-ba-gi-na mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
via Abbagina; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
P339703: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-du-du mu6-sub3 kiszib3 nu-ra-a lugal-nir
a-a-kal-la gudu4 (d)szu-(d)suen ur-e2-mah i3-dab5 kiszib3 nu-ra-a
Addudu, the fox, under seal not received, Lugal-nir;
Ayakalla, gudu-priest of Shu-Suen, Ur-Emah accepted; under seal of Nura;
lu2-gi-na dub-sar lu2-(d)utu sipa i3-dab5 kiszib3 nu-ra-a ur-(d)nun-gal mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
Lugina, scribe, Lu-Utu, shepherd, accepted; under seal not received; Ur-Nungal; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339704: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 kas4 a-sza3 uku2-nu-ti ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 igi-gun3
regular offerings, messengers, field Ukunuti, from Ka-guru, under seal of Igigun;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month: "Lisi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ma-mi dumu a2-zi-da
Ur-Mami, son of Azida.
P339705: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam
u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam
u4 3(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
27th day.
28th day.
30th day;
iti nesag
u4 1(disz)-kam iti dal ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu us2-sa en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
month "First fruits,"
1st day, month: "Flight," from Lu-dingira, under seal of the governor; year after: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339706: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam ki a-al-li2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
26th day, from Allib, under seal of the governor;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 bad3 mar-tu u3 mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du3
month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall and Muriq-tidnim erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339707: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gu2-na gesz ra-a lugal-mu-ma-ag2
barley rations of Lugal-mumag,
ki-su7 a-sza3 muru13 gaba i7 sal4-la(ki) mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
Kisu field, muru, opposite the Salla canal; year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu he2-ma-du
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Hemadu.
P339708: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
for Ur-Mami;
for Lugal-zagesi;
P339709: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 ga2-nun gaba-kar-ka-ta nibru(ki)-(sze3) ma2-la2-a gid2-da
from the storehouse of Gabakar to Nippur barge punted,
kun i7 gibil e2-sag-da-na gub-ba
a2 giri3-gub ugula lu2-(d)da-ni kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
at the new bank of the Esagan canal stationed;
labor, via Lu-dani, under seal of Lu-duga; year: "For the 2nd time Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu he2-ma-du
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Hemadu.
P339710: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_ da-da nar-nita2 e2 szu-da-da in-du8 ba-gi-in hul-hul-de3 ba-szum2
servant of Dada, the singer, in the house of Shudada he hung, he hung, he gave to the evildoer.
P339711: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra ugula _arad2_
heaped up ..., foreman: ARAD;
kiszib3 da-a-ga mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Da'aga; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
Seal 1
da-a-ga dub-sar dumu ur-gesz-sza3-ga
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-geshaga.
P339712: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ta sa10-a e2-gu4 gaz-sze3 ki a-a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ur-gu2-de3-na sza3 bala-a
from barley bought, for the oxen-house to be destroyed; from Ayakalla, under seal of Ur-Gudeena, in the bala;
u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam sza3 e2-te-na-ka mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
23rd day, in Etena; year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-gu2-de3-na dumu lu2-giri17-zal
Ur-gudena, son of Lu-girizal.
P339713: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
u4 1(u)-kam
9th day.
10th day.
lugal-ezem sagi ki a-al-li2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti sig4-i3-szub-ba-ga2-ra mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
Lugal-ezem, cupbearer, from Al-li, under seal of the governor; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339714: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal ansze ki-su7 gub3 temen-na-ta ki _arad2_-ta
fodder of the donkeys, on the threshing floor, from ARAD;
da-da szu ba-ti iti (d)li9-si4 mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
Dada received; month: "Lisi," year: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;"
Seal 1
da-da dumu _ka#_?-[...]
Dada, son of KA-.
P339715: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3 uri5(ki) ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-da-ta
in Ur, from Ur-Dumuzida;
kiszib3 ensi2 iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of the governor; month: "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339716: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e11-(e)-ka-ta szesz nam-1(u) ki ba-al-t,u2-sza-ri2 gub-ba-am3
from Ur-eka, brother of Nam-na-na-ah, at Ba-al-tushari stationed;
ma2 ur-gi7-ra gu2-ab-(ba)-sze3 u3 ansze lugal gu2-du8-a-asz ma2 in-gid2 mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
for the lion barge to Guabba and the royal donkeys to Gudu'ash barge moored; year after: "Anshan was destroyed."
P339717: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 2(gesz2) 2(u) 2(disz)-kam e gaba ki-ak-ka si-ga ugula i3-kal-la
its labor: 62 days; via the quay, at the quay stationed; ... foreman: Ikalla;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339718: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 2(disz) sa-ta en-du8-du-ta ga2-nun e2-lugal-ka ku4?-ra
its gu-nigin-measure: 12 bundles, from Endudu to the threshing floor of the royal house brought;
ugula lu2-du10-ga kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman: Lu-duga, under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339719: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 (d)szara2 a-pi4-sal4(ki) ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta
regular offerings of Shara of Apisal, from Ur-Shulpa'e;
giri3 ku3-ga-ni kiszib3 ur-e11-e
via Kugani, under seal of Ur-e'e;
P339720: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz)-kam a-sza3 gi-apin-ba-zi
a2-bi u4 3(u) 8(disz)-kam a-sza3 ku-li a2 sza3-gu4
its labor: 115 days; field Gi-apin-bazi;
its labor: 38 days; field Kuli; labor of oxen;
ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Inim-Shara; year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339721: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lugal-e2-mah-e-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Lugal-emahe, under seal of Lukalla;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "Harvest," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339722: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(disz) ma-na-ta
ki-la2-bi 1(u) 5(disz) gin2-ta
Their weight: 1 ma-na each.
Their weight: 15 shekels each;
ki a-tu-ta lugal-nesag-e szu ba-ti iti dal mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul
from Atu did Lugal-nesage receive; month: "Flight," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-nesag-e dumu lu2-gi-na
Lugal-nesage, son of Lugina.
P339723: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu szi-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
reed-cutting, from Ushmu, under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shimanum was destroyed."
P339724: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9-ak lu2-du10-ga ugula mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Lu-duga, foreman, year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Basket-of-tablets: accounts of Luduga, the foreman, year: "The house of Shara was erected."
P339725: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ta sa10-a ki ur-lugal-ta kiszib3 a-du
barley purchased from Ur-lugal, under seal of Adu;
iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
month: "Sowing," year after: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
a-du dub-sar dumu lu2-ga aga3-us2 ensi2
Adu, scribe, son of Lu-ga, chief steward of the governor.
P339726: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal gu4 niga ki ur-(d)isztaran-ta kiszib3 an-na-hi-li-bi
in the threshing floor of grain-fed oxen, from Ur-Ishtaran, under seal of Anna-hilibi;
sza3 bala-a iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
in bala; month: "House-month-6," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed;"
Seal 1
an-na-hi-li-bi kuruszda dumu (d)utu-ge6
Anna-hilibi, fattener, son of Utu-ge.
P339727: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi3-da esir2 su-ba bala-sze3 ki a-gu-ta
flour, bitumen, and reeds for the bala, from Agu;
kiszib3 ur-gu4-nu2-a mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Ur-gu'nua; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339728: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ab-za-na-(asz) ma2 gid2-da giri3 sze-er-ha-an ugula lu2-(d)szara2 mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
Abzana's barge punted, via Sherhan, foreman: Lu-Shara; year after: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
sze-er-ha-an dumu lugal-[...]
Sherhan, son of Lugal-.
P339729: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2 gu2-na a-bu-ma ga6-ga2 ugula lu2-bala-saga
the property of Abuma, transported; foreman: Lu-bala-saga;
kiszib3 a-gu mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Agu; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339730: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-hu-(ba)-qar dumu a-bu-du10
a-bu-du10-sze3 szesz-kal-la in-szi-sa10 puzur4-(d)pirig3 lu2 szutum2-ma
Ahu-baqar, son of Abu-duri.
to Abudu Sheshkalla has paid; Puzur-Pirig, the man of shutuma;
dumu pa5-tibira(ki) mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
son of Patibira, year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339731: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-kas4 sza3 an-za-gir13-sze3
for the messenger house in Anzagir;
ki lu2-sa6-i3-zu-ta kiszib3 ba-saga iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
from Lu-sa-izu, under seal of Basaga; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
ba-sa6-ga sagi dumu lu2-(d)nin-mug#?-ga
Basaga, cupbearer, son of Lu-Ninmuga.
P339732: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lu2-bala-saga szu ur3-ra zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 la2-mah kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lugal-nesag-e
foreman: Lu-bala-saga, shaved, piled up, field Lamah, under seal of the official of Lugal-nesage;
mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-nesag-e dub-sar dumu lu2-banda3(da)
Lugal-nesage, scribe, son of Lu-banda.
P339733: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-duru5-gu-la tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki)-sze3 (ma2) gid2-da ma2 diri-ga zi3 ga6-ga2
to the 'House of the God' to Tummal barge punted, barge moored, flour .
u3 ma2 ba-al-la ugula ur-(gesz)gigir szabra kiszib3 lugal-ab-ba mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
and the barge abandoned; foreman: Ur-gigir, the chief household manager; under seal of Lugal-abba; year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-ab-ba dumu ur-e2-nun-na
Lugal-abba, son of Ur-Enunna.
P339734: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 ninda gesz-asz-sze3 ki inim-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 nimgir-an-ne2
for the house of bread for a gesh-assu-festival; from Inim-Shara, under seal of Nimgir-ane;
bala#-[sze3] mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
to the bala; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
nimgir-an-ne2 dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2
Nimgir-ane, scribe, son of Inim-Shara.
P339735: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa gub-ba ugula lu2-bala-saga mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
stationed on the docks; foreman: Lu-bala-saga; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339736: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siki udu 1(u)-kam siki sila4 5(disz)-kam ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-da-ta kiszib3 ensi2
wool for 10 sheep, wool for 5 lambs, from Ur-Dumuzida, under seal of the governor;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339737: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gada du-bi 1(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gada sumun bala-ta gur-ra e2-kiszib3-ba-ka ku4?-ra mu 1(u) 7(disz)-kam
the linen, its double-measure: 17 1/2 linen, from the bala-measure returned, into the sealed house brought, year 17;
kiszib3 ensi2-ka ki i3-kal-la-ta mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
under seal of the governor, from Ikalla; year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
P339738: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)suen szu-ku6
ki inim-(d)szara2-ta
Ur-Suen, fisherman;
from Inim-Shara;
for Bazi;
ki lugal-sza3-la2-ta giri3 ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra mu-kux(_du_) iti dal mu en (d)nanna ba-hun
from Lugal-shala, via Ku-Ninura, delivery; month: "Flight," year: "The priest of Nanna was installed;"
P339739: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki gu-du-du-ta lu2-kal-la szu ba-ti gaba-ri kiszib3-ba
from Gududu did Lukalla receive; copy of sealed tablet.
iti (d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
month: "Lisi," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
P339740: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba zi-ga sze i3-gal2 iti ezem-(d)amar-(d)suen-ta u4 2(u) 4(disz)-am3 ba-ra-zal-la-ta
Basket-of-tablets: credits of barley are here; from month "Festival-of-Amar-Suen," 24th day passed,
Basket-of-tablets: credits of barley, are here; from the month "Festival-of-Amar-Suen," 24th day passed,
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) mu-hul-ta
from year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Shashurum destroyed."
year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Shashurum destroyed."
P339741: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)nu-musz-da dumu (d)szara2-za-me-ka e2 lugal-nesag-e enku-ka nu-un-kux(_kwu147_)-kux(_kwu147_)-da bar-ta bar-sze3 lu2 nu-un-gi4-gi4-a dumu lugal-nir-gal2 ma2-gin2-na
Ur-Numushda, son of Sharazame, did not enter the house of Lugal-nesage, the enku-official, from the other side to the other side, did not return the man, son of Lugal-nirgal, the boatman.
lu2 nu-un-du11-du11-a mu lugal-bi i3-pa3 tukum-bi inim ab-ba-na-ka ba-a-gi4 i3-hul(ul)-hu-da mu lugal-bi i3-pa3
he has not spoken, the name of the king has been determined. If the word of his father he has changed, he will be devastated, the name of the king has been determined.
P339742: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 engar i3-bi igi 4(barig) 1(ban2) dug i3-ib2-si ki ur-(d)ba-ba6-ta
labor of the plowmen: its oil: 4 barig 1 ban2, jug of ibsi, from Ur-Baba;
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
Ur-Shulpa'e received; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339743: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-muhaldim-sze3 ki a-gu-ta
for the kitchen, from Agu;
kiszib3 i3-kal-la bala-a iti dal mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
under seal of Ikalla, bala; month: "Flight," year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
i3-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Ikalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339744: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ziz2 gesz ra-ra ur-(d)ma-mi ki-su7 a-sza3 ur-gu
... emmer, Ur-Mami, the threshing floor of the field Urgu,
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339745: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-kiszib3-ba ku4?-ra ki ur-e11-e-ta ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti kiszib3 ensi2 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
from the sealed house entered; from Ur-e'e Ur-Shulpa'e received; under seal of the governor; year: "Amar-Suen is king."
P339746: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_gan2_ ha-an-da ugula lu2-giri17-zal
_gan2_ ur-(d)nin-su ugula la-ba a-sza3 _gan2_ ur-gu [sza3 a-pi4-sal4]-la(ki)
field Handa, foreman: Lu-girizal;
field of Ur-Ninsu, foreman: not present; field of Urgu, in Apisal;
u4 1(disz)-kam iti min-esz3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
1st day, month: "minesh," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
P339747: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi3 nig2 buru14-sze3 ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 in-sa6-sa6
flour for the harvest, from Agu, under seal of Insasa;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
in-sa6-sa6 dumu bi2-du11 muhaldim
Insasa, son of Bidu, cook.
P339748: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba kasz-de2-a u3 ninda szu-ur3-ra (d)szul-gi-ra i3-gal2
Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x
Basket-of-tablets: Beer ceremonty and Bread-spread of Shulgi are here;
P339749: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-a-kal-la u3-na-a-du11
mu la2-ia3 nam na-ka-[...]
Ayakalla will tell you.
year: "... ."
su-su-da-sze3 szu bar-ra inim ensi2-ta ur-(d)nun-gal maszkim iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
to Susa, from the order of the governor, Ur-Nungal was enforcer; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339750: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 3(disz)-sze3
u4 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3 szunigin 2(u) 6(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 gur iti min-esz3 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
for 3 days
for 15 days; total: 26 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3, month: "minesh," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339751: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 gur in-u-da ak
(gi)kaskal zu2-lum ak
e2-te-na-ta _isz_-su(ki)-sze3
... male laborers for 1 day, he weighed out the straw,
reed basket for eating dates
from the household Etena to Ishsu
ma2 su3 diri-ga u3 in-u ma2-a si-ga ma2 gid2-da u3 ma2 ba-al-la sza3 e2-te-na
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
a long boat and a raft, a fixed boat, a long boat and a boat without mooring in the house;
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339752: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bala-sze3 gen-na bala-ta gur-ra ugula szesz-saga kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal
to the bala journey, returned from the bala; foreman: Shesh-saga, under seal of Ur-Nungal;
mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339753: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
2(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 5(u) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz) sa-ta sza3-gu4-ke4 ga6-ga2
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz) sa-ta sza3 gesz-gi-ta
420 bundles of reed, its reeds: 13 bundles each, the oxen's stalls, tanned;
its reeds: 13 bundles each, from the reeds;
geme2 usz-bar ga6-ga2 ga2-nun e2 lugal-ka ku4?-ra ugula lugal-e2-mah-e kiszib3 a-kal-la mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
female weavers, delivered, to the granary of the royal house brought, foreman: Lugal-emahe, under seal of Akalla; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Akalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339754: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)u3-suh5 ma2-a ga2-ra
i7 lugal-[ta] umma(ki)-(sze3) ma2 (gesz)u3-suh5 gid2-da
reed basket for a boat to be loaded;
from the royal canal to Umma barge with a mooring pole stretched out,
u3 ma2 ba-al-la ugula _arad2_-mu kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ba-hul
and the barge abandoned, foreman: ARADmu, under seal of Abbagina; year: "Shashrum for the 2nd time was destroyed."
Seal 1
ab-ba-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Abbagina, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339755: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 tur a-du-ma kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
small field Addama, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339756: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba kiszib3 dab-ba na-u2-a mu 1(disz) iti 5(disz)-kam i3-gal2 mu en-mah-gal-an-na-ta
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance of Na'ua, 1st year, 5th month, are here; from year: "Enmahgalana."
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, Na'ua a period of 1 year 5 months, are here; from the year: "Enmahgalana"
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun iti 5(disz)-sze3
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was hired."
to the year: "Enunugal of Inanna was hired," 5 months.
P339757: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i7 gu4-suhub2-a (ku5-ra2) u3 szu2-luh ak
a-sza3 iszib-e-ne ugula (d)szara2-kam
the sluice canal, the cultic canal, and the szuluh canal,
field of the scribes, foreman: Sharakam;
kiszib3 na-ba-sa6 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Nabasa; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
P339758: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_gan2_ a-sza3 (d)szul-gi-ta e2-udu-niga a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3 gi-zi im-[ga6-ga2]
from the field of Shulgi to the sheep-pen to Apisal reeds he brought;
e2-szitim gub-ba e2 szu-tum-ka gub-ba ugula (d)szara2-kam kiszib3 nam-ha-ni mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
in the Eshitum house stationed, in the Shutum house stationed, foreman: Sharakam, under seal of Namhani; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339759: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-ta ba-luh
from the father he will die;
he has sworn by the name of the king.
ziz2 a-ta luh-ha ki-su7 a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra giri3 lugal-e2-mah-e u3 (d)szara2-ba-zi-ge iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
from the emmer rations emptied, field of Ninura, via Lugal-emahe and Shara-bazige; month: "House-month-6," year: "for the 2nd time Shashrum was destroyed."
P339760: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
guru7 sahar-u2-u2-ta i7 lugal-sze3 sze ga6-ga2 ugula ku3-ga-ni
from the granary of sahar-u'u to the royal canal barley transported, foreman: Kugani;
kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-nun-ka iti diri mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lu-Nammunka; extra month: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-nun-ka dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2
Lu-Nammunka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara.
P339761: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
en-du8-du-ta an-za-gar3-sze3 gi-_il2_ ma2-gur8 lugal-sze3
from Endudu to Anzagar, reed basket for the royal barge,
ugula a-kal-la kiszib3 (dingir)-ra mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
foreman: Akalla, under seal of the god; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
dingir-ra dub-sar dumu lu2-ga
Dingira, scribe, son of Luga.
P339762: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 8(gesz2) 2(u) 1/2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 la2-ia3 su-su i7-pa-e3 nu-banda3
deficit: 420 1/2 workdays, male laborers, deficit: susu, Ipa'e, the superintendent;
mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
i7-pa-e3 dumu lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|) nu-banda3-gu4 (d)szara2?
Ipa'e, son of Lugal-ushur, manager of oxen of Shara.
P339763: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
bahar3 szu ba-ab-ti kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba
received from Bahar; under seal of Ur-Shara, chief accountant;
sza3 bala-a iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
in bala; month: "House-month-6," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed;"
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339764: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 6(disz) sa-ta sza3-gal udu niga ki ur-e2-mah-e-ta
its beams: 6 bundles each; fodder of grain-fed sheep, from Ur-Emahe;
kiszib3 ur-(d)[ma-mi] iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Ur-Mami; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ma-mi dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2-ka
Ur-Mami, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.
P339765: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 4(u) sar (u2)kiszi17 ku5-ta 1(u) 5(disz) sar-ta a2 sza3-gu4-sze3
420 sar of kishi-plant cut at 15 sar per day, labor of oxen-drivers;
gu4-ta gur-ra nu-banda3-gu4 lugal-(d)isztaran kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
from the oxen returned, the oxen manager: Lugal-Ishtaran, under seal of Sharakam; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu [nig2-bi-mu]
Sharakam, scribe, son of Nigbimu.
P339766: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[n] 2(barig)? sze gur
(a2) lu2 hun-ga2 a-sza3-ga ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
n gur 2 barig? barley,
labor of hirelings, field from Lu-Shulgi;
kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 mu (en) (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e; year: "The priest of Nanna of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu ur-(d)isztaran lu2 udu niga
Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Ur-Ishtaran, man of grain-fed sheep.
P339767: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sag nu-tuku la2-ia3 su-ga lu2 nig2-dab5-ke4-ne ki a-tu-ta
la2-ia3 su-ga a2 szu-ku6 ki ur-(d)ba-ba6-ta
without interest, the deficit will be paid. The nigdab-men from Atu
deficit repaid, labor of fisheries, from Ur-Baba;
gaba-ri kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a-mah mu-du3
copy of sealed tablet of Ur-Nungal. Month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Great-Stele erected."
P339768: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra
umma(ki)-ta gu2-de3-na-sze3 gen-na
heaped up grain heaped up
from Umma to Gudea he went;
a-sza3 gu2-edin-na u3 musz-bi-an-na ugula a-gu kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam lugal-ku3-zu giri3 ur-ge6-par4 mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
field of Gu'edina and Mushbi'ana, foreman: Agu; under seal of the shatam-official, Lugal-kuzu; via Ur-gepar; year following: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339769: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa-sze3 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ta ki ur-lugal-ta
to the sea, from month "Festival of Shulgi," from Ur-lugal;
kiszib3 lu2-sa6-i3-zu mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lu-sa-izu; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-sa6-i3-zu dub-sar dumu a-kal-la
Lu-sa-izu, scribe, son of Akalla.
P339770: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 5(disz)-sze3 kun i7 tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki)-ta ka-sahar-sze3
for 5 days, from the bank of the Tummal canal to the kasahar canal
ma2 nig2-gu2-na bala-a-ka nigin2-na ugula ur-(d)nin-tu kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
foreman of the barge of the bala, granary; foreman: Ur-Nintu, under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339771: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2 bala ak kid szer7-ru-um se3-ga ugula a-gu kiszib3 bi2-du11-ga
boat of bala, kid of szerrum, bound; foreman: Agu, under seal of Biduga;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
bi2-du11-ga dub-sar dumu la-a-sa6
Biduga, scribe, son of La'asa.
P339772: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2 zi3-da-sze3 ki a-gu-ta
for the flour barge, from Agu;
kiszib3 lugal-iti-da iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Lugal-itida; month: "Sowing," year after: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-iti-da dub-sar dumu ur-e2-an-na
Lugal-itida, scribe, son of Ur-Eanna.
P339773: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta
from E-urbidu;
kiszib3 mu-ni sza3 bala-a mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Muni; in the bala year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
mu-ni dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la gudu4 (d)nin-ur4-ra
Muni, scribe, son of Ayakalla, gudu-priest of Ninura.
P339774: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi u4 1(u) 5(disz)-ta iti pa4-u2-e u4 2(u)-sze3
from month "Festival of Shulgi" 15th day to month "Pa'u'e," 20th day;
ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 ur-e11-e mu ha-ar-szi(ki) hu-ur5-ti ki-masz(ki) asz-sze3 ba-hul
foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Ur-e'e; year: "Harshi, Hurti, Kimash, for the extispicy were destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339775: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra a-sza3 a-gesztin-na u3 a-sza3 lugal ugula (d)szara2-za-me
the ..., the ..., the field of the wine-presser, and the field of the king, foreman: Shara-zame;
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu us2-sa en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
under seal of Sheshkalla; year after: "Enmahgalana was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e dub-sar dumu da-da
Lugal-niglagare, scribe, son of Dada.
P339776: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tir ansze gu tum2-ma-da tusz-a usz2 ur-gu2-de3-na dumu u2-ta2 nar iti sze-sag-ku5-ta
The ... of the donkeys, sitting in the ..., dead: Ur-gudena, son of Uta, the singer. From month "Harvest,"
iti diri-sze3 ugula e2-a-lu2-bi kiszib3 ur-e11-e mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
for a second month, foreman: Ea-lubi, under seal of Ur-e'e; year: "Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339777: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] (kusz)ummu3 ka dug za3-sze3-la2-a lugal-ra-us2-sa-sze3 [...] ki a-kal-la aszgab-ta
... with a leather strap, for the mouth of a jug of beer for Lugal-ra'usa; from Akalla, the leatherworker;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la giri3 bi2-du11-ga mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
under seal of Lukalla, via Biduga; year: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339778: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)suen dub-sar
lugal-nig2-lagar-e a-sza3 la2-mah kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
Ur-Suen, scribe.
Lugal-niglagare, field Lamah, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339779: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lugal-ukken-ne2 ugu2 ab-ba-sa6-ga ga2-ga2
foreman: Lugal-ukkene, on account of Abbasaga, he will be paid.
mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
ab-ba-sa6-ga dumu da-du-mu nu-banda3-gu4
Abbasaga, son of Dadumu, overseer of oxen,
P339780: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3-(d)nanna sukkal ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
Ku-Nanna, messenger, from Ushmu, under seal of the governor;
sza3 bala-a mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
in the bala; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339781: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 1(u) gin2 ki a-gu-ta
its weight: 10 shekels, from Agu;
kiszib3 mu-ni sza3 bala-a mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Muni; in the bala year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
mu-ni dumu a-kal-la gudu4 (d)nin-ur4-ra
Muni, son of Akalla, gudu-priest of Ninura.
P339782: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-gi-na-ta kiszib3 ur-zabala3(ki)
from Lugina, under seal of Ur-Zabala;
mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi
year following: "... ."
Seal 1
ur-zabala3(ki) aga3-us2 ensi2 a-a-kal-la
Ur-Zabala, chief steward of Ayakalla.
P339783: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] lunga-da-ne
... their lunges
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)saman4 iti (d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Ur-Saman; month: "Lisi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)saman3 dub-sar dumu lu2-gi-na
Ur-Saman, scribe, son of Lugina.
P339784: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal szitim e2 (d)szara2-ka gub-ba lu2-dingir-ra maszkim
chief accountant of the house of Shara stationed, Lu-dingira was enforcer;
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of the governor; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339785: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-al-li2-ta
from Alliba;
kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-a mu us2-sa-bi
under seal of the governor; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after: ".."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339786: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa10-am3 udu-sze3 e2-kikken-gibil-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta
as the price of the sheep from the mill, from Lu-Shulgi
kiszib3 a-du u3 a-lu5-lu5 kuruszda iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Adu and Alulu, fattener; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
a-lu5-lu5 dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2-ka
Alulu, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.
P339787: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 sze gu4 niga-bi ki usz-mu-ta ur-(d)ma-mi-ke4
deficit of barley of the oxen, its grain, from Ushmu Ur-Mami
su-su-dam iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
to be delivered; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ma-mi dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2
Ur-Mami, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.
P339788: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
4(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 1(u) sa gi-zi gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz)-ta gurusz-e 3(disz) gu-nigin2-ta
420 bundles of reed, its weight: 5 each, male laborers: 3 each,
sza3 a-sza3 la2-mah ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 nimgir-an-ne2 iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
in the field Lamah, foreman: Sheshkalla, under seal of Nimgir-ane; month: "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
nimgir-an-ne2 dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2
Nimgir-ane, scribe, son of Inim-Shara.
P339789: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 1(disz) udu bar-gal2
ki ur-e11-e-ta lu2-(d)suen i3-dab5 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
121 sheep, with fleece,
from Ur-e'e Lu-Suen accepted; year: "Amar-Suen is king."
P339790: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti e2-iti-6(disz)
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "House-month-6."
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339791: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 sza3-gu4 palil2 a-sza3 gibil nu-banda3-gu4 inim-(d)szara2
labor of oxen herdsman, new field, oxen manager: Inim-Shara;
kiszib3 na-ba-sa6 giri3 lu2-du10-ga iti nesag mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Nabasa, via Lu-duga; month: "First fruits," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
na-ba-sa6 dumu he2-sa6 iszib (d)szara2
Nabasa, son of Hesa, scribe of Shara.
P339792: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
an-za-gar3-ta kar-sze3 ma2 kusz-gal2 gid2-da
from the threshing floor of the Anzagar to the quay barge with leather straps stretched out,
ugula a-kal-la kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Akalla, under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339793: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 a-kal-la aszgab
under seal of Akalla, the leatherworker;
kusz udu ri-ri-ga ki a-bi2-a-ta mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
leather of a wild sheep, from Abiya; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339794: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9-ak u3 kiszib3 dab-ba-bi ur-(d)en-lil2-la2 i3-gal2
Basket-of-tablets: accounts and sealed documents of conveyances of Ur-Enlila are here;
Basket-of-tablets: accounts and their sealed documents of conveyance of Ur-Enlila, are here;
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) mu-hul
year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Shashurum destroyed."
year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Shashurum destroyed."
P339795: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga bala-a ki ur-(d)szara2-ta
booked out of the bala account, from Ur-Shara;
kiszib3 kas4 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Kas; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339796: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 8(disz)-sze3 a-sza3 dingir ba-a-kesz2-bi iti pa5-u2-e mu an-sza(ki) ba-hul
for 8 days, the field of the god was cultivated; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Ansha was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339797: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka i7 amusz sahar si-ga ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 da-da-ga
at the mouth of the river of mash and dirt ..., foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Dadaga;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339798: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gi zex(_sig7_)-a lugal-e2-mah-e en-du8-du-ta kab2-ku5 i7 sal4-la-sze3 dur szu sur-ra
from the reeds of the reeds of Lugal-emahe to the quay of the sala canal a reed sling was cast.
kiszib3 ur-mes ugula lugal-e2-mah-e mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
under seal of Ur-mes, foreman: Lugal-emahe; year: "Enmahgalana was installed."
Seal 1
ur-mes dub-sar dumu ur-(d)asznan
Ur-mes, scribe, son of Ur-Ashnan.
P339799: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal gu4 _hi_-da
ki u3-ma-ni-ta ku3-ga-ni szu ba-ti
... of a bull
Kugani received from Umani;
mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) [...] a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
year: "Simurrum for the 9th time was destroyed."
P339800: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa-a gub-ba ugula (d)szara2-kam kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3
stationed on the dock, foreman: Sharakam, under seal of Lu-Haya;
mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339801: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-kal-la-ta
from Akalla;
e2-gibil ensi2-ka-sze3 kiszib3 szesz-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
to the new house for the governor, under seal of Sheshkalla; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339802: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurusz-e 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta e a-sza3 sza-ra-hu-um-ma ugula szesz-kal-la
male laborers: 7 1/2 shekels each, field Sharahuma, foreman: Sheshkalla;
kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Abbagina; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szara2# dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-[ga]
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-saga.
P339803: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-a u3 sze u4-de3 de6-a ri-ri-ga ugula (d)szara2-a-mu
barley rations and barley of the day delivered, reeds, foreman: Sharamu;
kiszib3 a-du-mu mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
under seal of Adumu; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-tam
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official.
P339804: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-a-kal-la-ta
from Ayakalla;
la2-ia3 su-ga gu4-e-a-na-am3-_du_ giri3 gu-du-du iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
deficit repaid by oxen-e'a-amdu, via Gududu; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
P339805: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-kal-la-ta ab-ba-saga szu ba-ti iti min-esz3
from Akalla Abbasaga received; month: "minesh."
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ab-ba-sa6-ga dumu da-du-mu nu-banda3-gu4
Abbasaga, son of Dadumu, overseer of oxen,
P339806: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki nig2-du11-ga-ni-(ta) kiszib3 ur-ama-na sza3 bala-a
from Nigdugani, under seal of Ur-ammana, in the bala;
mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-ama-na dub-sar dumu lugal-nig2-lagar-e
Ur-ammana, scribe, son of Lugal-niglagare.
P339807: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu-la a-sza3 la2-mah gub-ba ugula lugal-nesag-e kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a
at the threshing floor of the great field stationed, foreman: Lugal-nesage, under seal of Gu'ugaga;
mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339808: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339809: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu engar-e-ne-sze3 kiszib3 lugal-gu4-e
for the farmers, under seal of Lugal-gu'e;
iti dal mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
month "Flight," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-gu4-e [dumu ur-nigar(gar)] [dub-sar]
Lugal-gu'e, son of Ur-nigar, scribe.
P339810: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-gu dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
1(esze3) 1/2(iku) _gan2_ bi2-du11-ga
Agu, son of Lugal-emahe.
1 eshe3 1/2 iku field, Biduga;
a-sza3 (d)szara2 kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
field of Shara, under seal of Lugal-emahe; month: "Harvest," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339811: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 _gan2_! kab2 du11-[ga] mu zuh-a nu-mu-dab5 ki-su7-ka gu2-ni bi2-du3-a-sze3
deficit of the field, the opening of the 'field', he did not capture, but he deposited it at the 'kisu' site for him.
ur-zabala3(ki) su-su-dam a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2(ki) iti szu-numun mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
Ur-Zabala to be returned; field Kamari; month: "Sowing," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339812: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] (uruda)har ki lu2-igi-sa6-sa6-ta ugula _arad2_ iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu sza-asz-ru ba-hul
... copper har, from Lu-igisasa, foreman, servant; month: "Harvest," year: "Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-iti-da dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)gesz-bar-e3
Lugal-itida, scribe, son of Lu-Geshbare.
P339813: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi 4(barig) sze-sag11-ku5-ta ki-su7 a-sza3 muru13 ugula lugal-nig2-lagar-e giri3 usz-mu
its labor: 4 barig, barley rations, from the threshing floor, field Muru, foreman: Lugal-niglagare, via Ushmu;
iti min-esz3 mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-[um(ki)] a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
month: "minesh," year after: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."
Seal 1
usz-mu dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Ushmu, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339814: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sahar zi-ga a-sza3 a-ba-gal (d)[en-lil2]-la2
earth reeds reeds, field of Abagal of Enlil,
ugula lugal-iti-da iti [...] mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
foreman: Lugal-itida; month: "...," year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339815: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lugal-a2-zi-da-ta in-sa6-sa6 szu ba-ti
Insasa received from Lugal-azida;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)dumu-zi mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
under seal of Lukalla; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339816: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki _arad2_-ta mu lugal-ezem-sze3 lu2-tur-tur szu ba-ti
from ARAD, to Lugal-ezem did Lu-turtur receive;
mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu a-an-na-mu
Sheshani, scribe, son of Annamu.
P339817: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-a-i3-li2 szagina
Ea-ili, general;
i3-lal3-lum ki ensi2 umma(ki)-ka-ta kiszib3 lu2-dingir-ra szabra mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
Ilallum, from the governor of Umma, under seal of Lu-dingira, the chief household manager; year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339818: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3 masz2 ga2-ga2 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta
silver and interest are to be paid; from Ur-Shulpa'e
mu lu2 nig2-dab5-ba-ke4-ne-sze3 gaba-ri kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal sza3 bala-a iti min-esz3 mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
year: "The men of the nigdab offerings were brought." Copy of seal of Ur-Nungal, in bala. Month: "minesh," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
P339819: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(bur3) 3(iku) _gan2_ gesz a-[ra2 1(disz)]
a2 erin2-na-bi u4 1(u) 4(disz) kin ak ba-_ud_ szuku-re ba-ab-de6
1 bur3 3 iku field area, logs, for 1 time,
its labor of the troops: 14 days; work completed, ... .
a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra ugula lugal-e2-mah-e kiszib3 nu-ur2-(d)iszkur mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
field of Ninura, foreman: Lugal-emahe, under seal of Nur-Adda; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
nu-ur2-(d)iszkur dub-sar dumu a-hu-du10
Nur-Adda, scribe, son of Ahudu.
P339820: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki dam-gar3-ne-ta kiszib3 lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from the merchants, under seal of Lugal-ebansa; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339821: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze sa-a se-ge4-de3 ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 szesz-saga
barley rations to be carried out, from Agu, under seal of Shesh-saga;
sza3 bala-a mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
in bala; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
szesz-sa6-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-gu3-de2-[a]
Shesh-saga, scribe, son of Lugal-gudea.
P339822: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 2(disz) _tur_ lugal la2-ia3 ma2-lah5 la2-ia3 sza3 bala-a kiszib3 lu2-ga-mu mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki)
deficit: 2 ...; royal deficit; deficit of the charioteers; deficit in the bala; under seal of Lugamu; year: "Huhnuri."
Seal 1
lu2-ga-mu _arad2_ ag2
Lu-gamu, servant of Ag.
P339823: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 i7 sal4-la sahar si-ga ugula ur-saga kiszib3 da-da-ga
the reservoir of the sala canal, soil smashed, foreman: Ur-saga, under seal of Dadaga;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Lisi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339824: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-sza3 me-en-kar2 ugula ur-(d)da-ni kiszib3 szesz-kal-la giri3 lu2-(d)[nam2]-nun-ka
field of Menkar, foreman: Ur-dani, under seal of Sheshkalla, via Lu-Nammunka;
iti szu-numun mu en-mah-gal-an-na en (d)nanna ba-hun
month: "Sowing," year: "Enmahgalana, priestess of Nanna, was installed;"
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu na-silim
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339825: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa-a gub-ba ugula lugal-ezem kiszib3 lugal-e-ba-an-sa6
stationed on the docks, foreman: Lugal-ezem, under seal of Lugal-ebansa;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Dumuzi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-e-ba-an-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran
Lugal-ebansa, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran.
P339826: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2 ib2-gid2
kar-ra-sze3 bala-a
umma(ki)-sze3 bala-a
barge bound
to the quay
to Umma bala
ugula ur-(d)ur3-bar-tab iti szu-numun mu an-sza-an((ki)) ba-hul
foreman: Ur-Urbartab; month: "Sowing," year: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339827: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[szu-zu]-ga2-ra-ta ki _arad2_-ta ze2-na-a ugula szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5
from Shuzugara, from ARAD, Zenaya, foreman, received; month: "Harvest."
mu e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3
year: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."
Seal 1
ze2-na _arad2_ (d)szara2
Zana, servant of Shara.
P339828: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula lugal-e2-mah-e ki-su7 a-sza3 la2-mah-ta iti (d)li9-si4 mu si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bum2 a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
foreman: Lugal-emahe, from the threshing floor of the field Lamah; month: "Lisi," year: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Inim-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339829: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2
from Agu, under seal of Lu-Enlila;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
month: "Harvest," year after: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-mu-tum2 dub-sar dumu e2-gal-e-si
Shara-mutum, scribe, son of Egalesi.
P339830: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u) 5(disz)-sze3 en-nun ti-la ugula ur-saga kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2
for 25 days, watch, life; foreman: Ur-saga, under seal of Ur-Shara;
mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu gu2#?-u3-dib
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Gu-UDib.
P339831: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-la2-a ba-al-la ta dingir-me-me-saga-ta e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3
[ma2 ...] ba-al-la
from the barge moored, from Dingir-mesaga to the house of Enlil,
... boat of Baal;
[...] in-na-an-du8 ugula a-gu-gu kiszib3 bi2-du11-ga sza3 bala-a mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
... he has sworn. Foreman: Agugu, under seal of Biduga, in the bala year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
bi2-du11-ga dub-sar dumu la-a-sa6
Biduga, scribe, son of La'asa.
P339832: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta ki ur-e2-mah-ta kiszib3 a-lu5-lu5
its reeds: 5 bundles each, from Ur-Emah, under seal of Alulu;
iti (d)pa4-u2-e mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
a-lu5-lu5 dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2-ka
Alulu, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.
P339833: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu-la-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir szabra
from the great storage facility, from Lu-Shulgira, under seal of Ur-gigir, the chief household manager;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "Lisi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu bar-ra-an
Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Barran.
P339834: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] _arad2_ dumu lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)? ki lugal-e-ba-an-sa6-ta sze-ba e2-kikken-gibil-ta
for Lugal-mena;
..., servant of Lugal-ushur, from Lugal-ebansa, barley rations of the New House;
ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Lu-Shulgira, under seal of Lu-duga; month: "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu he2-ma-du
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Hemadu.
P339835: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 gu-la (a-sza3) la2-mah gub-ba giri3 ur-zabala3(ki) ugula ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3-gu4
at the threshing floor of the great field, stationed, via Ur-Zabala, foreman: Ur-gigir, oxen manager;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339836: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 5(disz) sila3-ta _gan2_ lugal-e2-mah-e ugula bur-ma-am3
labor: 5 sila3 each, field Lugal-emahe, foreman: Burmam;
gurum2 u4 6(disz)-kam a-sza3 _gan2_-mah kiszib3 lugal-ku3-zu iti (d)li9-si4 mu ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti u3 ma-da-bi u4 asz-a ba-hul
inspection of the 6th day; field "GANmah;" under seal of Lugal-kuzu; month: "Lisi," year: "Kimash, Hurti and its land were destroyed;"
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dub-sar dumu [...]
Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of .
P339837: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-lu5-lu5-ta
from Alulu;
kiszib3 a-kal-la iti min-esz3 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Akalla; month: "minesh," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339838: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki inim-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 mu-ni
from Inim-Shara, under seal of Muni;
mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
mu-ni dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la gudu4 (d)nin-ur4-ra
Muni, scribe, son of Ayakalla, gudu-priest of Ninura.
P339839: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u3 szandana 3(disz)-a-bi
and the shanganum, 3 of them;
szunigin 4(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar masz2-da-re6-a szu-numun ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
total: 4 mana of silver, the mashdarea-offerings, seed-stock of Ur-Shulpa'e received; month: "House-month-6," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339840: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur5-sa6-sa6 engar
Ur-sasa, the ploughman;
for Ur-Dumuzi;
ugula szesz-kal-la kiszib3 a-kal-la aszgab iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
foreman: Sheshkalla; under seal of Akalla, the smith; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dumu lu2-bulug3-ga2 aszgab-gal
Akalla, son of Lu-buluga, chief weaver.
P339841: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 en-du8-du? dub-la2 (d)utu-ka sahar si-ga ugula ur-(d)nin-tu
for the reed-basket of Endudu?, the dubba-house of Utu; dirt heaped up for the foreman: Ur-Nintu;
kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Gu'ugua; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339842: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
5(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 4(u) sa gi-zi gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta gurusz-e 3(disz) gu-nigin2-ba-ta
sza3 a-sza3 la2-mah
420 bundles of reed, its weight: 5 bundles each, male laborers: 3 bundles each,
in the Lamah field;
ugula i-szar-ru-um kiszib3 nimgir-an-ne2 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
foreman: Isharrum, under seal of Nimgir-ane; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
nimgir-an-ne2 dub-sar dumu inim-(d)szara2
Nimgir-ane, scribe, son of Inim-Shara.
P339843: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ensi2-ta _arad2_ nagar szu ba-ti
from the governor ARAD, the carpenter, received;
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la dumu-na mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Sheshkalla, her daughter, year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dumu _arad2_-mu
Sheshkalla, son of ARADmu.
P339844: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze ga6-ga2 sze bala-a sza3 kar-ra ugula lu2-dingir-ra
barley transported, barley bala, in the quay, foreman: Lu-dingira;
kiszib3 szesz-kal-la iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Sheshkalla; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339845: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2-(d)inanna ki ur-e11-e-ta kiszib3 lugal-ezem mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
Lu-Inanna, from Ur-e'e, under seal of Lugal-ezem; year: "Simurrum Lulubu for the 9th time were destroyed."
P339846: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 ur-saga sza3 bala-(a)
from Agu, under seal of Ur-saga, in the bala;
iti szu-esz-sza mu (en) (d)nanna (kar)-zi-da ba-hun
month: "shu'esha," year: "The high-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
Seal 1
ur-sa6-ga dumu ur-dingir-ra
Ur-saga, son of Ur-dingira.
P339847: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ta e3-a kiszib3 ur-e2-ninnu-ka inim-ma-ni-zi-de3 ba-an-de6
from the gu-nigin-vessel came out; under seal of Ur-Eninnu, he has sworn by his name.
kiszib3 inim-ma-ni-zi sza3 uri5(ki) mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Inim-manizi, in Ur, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
inim-ma-ni-zi dumu a2-na-mu
Inimmanizi, son of Anamu.
P339848: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
1(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa gi ku3-bi 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3 en-du8-du-ta 1(szar2) sa gi ku3-bi 8(disz) gin2 a-ba-gal-ta
720 bundles of silver, its silver: 15 shekels, from Endudu; 600 bundles of silver, its silver: 8 shekels, from Abagal;
da-ti szu ba-ti ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta ensi2-ke4 szu ba-ti iti (d)li9-si4 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul
Toti received; from Ur-Shulpa'e, the governor, received; month: "Lisi," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szul-gi nita [kal-ga] lugal [uri5(ki)-ma] lugal [an-ub-da limmu2-ba]
Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339849: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki da-da-ta ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3 szu ba-ti
from Dada did Ur-gigir, the overseer, receive;
iti (sig4)-(gesz)i3-szub-ga2-ra mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szul-gi nita [kal-ga] lugal [uri5(ki)-ma] lugal [an-ub-da limmu2-ba]
Shulgi, strong man, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3 dumu ur-tesz2 [_arad2_-zu]
Ur-gigir, the overseer, son of Ur-tesh, is your servant.
P339850: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-ku3-zu dumu i3-li2-mu a-sza3 la2-mah kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
Lugal-kuzu, son of Ili-mu, field Lamah, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339851: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2 masz-kan2(ki)-me
the people of Mashkan;
(gesz)tir-ra sa-gaz bi2-in-ga-esz lu2 kin-gi4-a ensi2 mu ugula-sze3 im-bi bu3-u2-la im-ta im-bi ba-an-na-szum2
the forest he smashed, and the messenger of the governor, after the governor had sworn, he gave it back to him, and he gave it back to him.
P339852: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2-lunga gub-ba iti nesag-ta iti dal-sze3 ki a-kal-la ugula-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
in the brewer's storehouse stationed, from month "First fruits" to month "Flight," from Akalla, foreman, under seal of Lukalla;
giri3 lugal-e mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
via Lugale; year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339853: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ad6? a2-sag3 ri-ri-ga ki ur-(d)szara2-ta
harvest? of the Asag reed harvest, from Ur-Shara;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti szu-numun mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lukalla; month: "Sowing," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339854: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-gur8 ensi2-ka-sze3 ki pa3-da-ta kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na
for the barge of the governor, from Pada, under seal of Abbagina;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
month: "Lisi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ab-ba-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re
Abbagina, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.
P339855: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 mu6-sub3 i3-dab5 ki lugal-nir-ta
delivery of Shara, musub accepted; from Lugal-nir;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339856: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki szesz-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Sheshkalla, under seal of Lukalla;
iti pa4-u2-e mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339857: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kusz gu4 ansze ri-ri-ga
leather of an ox, a donkey, suckling;
mu 3(disz)-kam kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir szabra iti szu-numun mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki)
year: "... ." under seal of Ur-gigir, the chief household manager; month: "Sowing," year after: "Simurrum, Lulubu."
Seal 1
ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu bar-ra-an
Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Barran.
P339858: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lugal-e2-mah-e-ta kiszib3 lu2-sa6-i3-zu ki ur-(d)szara2 ga2-ra
from Lugal-emahe, under seal of Lu-sa-izu, from Ur-Shara, delivered;
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-sa6-i3-zu dub-sar dumu a-kal-la
Lu-sa-izu, scribe, son of Akalla.
P339859: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 i3 im-babbar2 tug2 sa-gi4-a dingir-re-ne gur-ra i3-kal-la szu ba-ti
labor of imbabbar oil, garments of the sagi gods returned, Ikalla received;
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
year: "Amar-Suen is king."
P339860: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u3-dag-ga-sze3 (u2)har-(an) ga6-ga2 ugula inim-(d)szara2#
to be returned; haran-plant to be carried; foreman: Inim-Shara;
kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2# mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Inim-Shara; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2# dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339861: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-(d)utu enku-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
from Ur-Utu, the enku; under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339862: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 5(disz) sa-ta ki lugal-mu-ma-ag2 kiszib3 bi2-da
its beams: 5 bundles each, from Lugal-mumag under seal of Bida;
iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
P339863: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti szu-numun
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Sowing,"
mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339864: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu gu4 la2-ia3 lugal-a2-zi-da-sze3 kiszib3 a-gu-gu
for the oxen, deficit of Lugal-azida, under seal of Agugu;
mu en (d)nanna masz-e i3-pa3
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna by goat was chosen."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) lugal-ezem dub-sar dumu da-da _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Lugal-ezem, scribe, son of Dada, is your servant.
P339865: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
tug2-gurx(|_sze-kin_|) 1(iku) _gan2_-ta gurum2 u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam a-sza3 da-ur4-ra iti sze-kar-ra-gal2 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
tug-gurx 1 iku field area each, inspection, 22nd day, field Durra; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339866: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ta sa10-a e2 ninda gesz-asz-sze3 ki inim-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 lugal-a2-zi-da
from barley bought, for the house of bread for gesh-ash, from Inim-Shara, under seal of Lugal-azida;
bala u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
bala, 28th day, year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-a2-zi-da dub-sar dumu ab-ba
Lugal-azida, scribe, son of Abba.
P339867: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-ab-ba ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 lil-la
from the sea, from the granary, under seal of Lilla;
iti szu-numun mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
month: "Sowing," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Column 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki)
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma.
Column 2
lil-la [dumu ...] [_arad2_-zu]
... is your servant.
P339868: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gur in-u-da-sze3 ka-ma-ri2(ki)-sze3 |_ki-an_|(ki)-ta ki da-a-ti-sze3
to Inuda, to Kamari, from Ki'an to Da'ati,
kiszib3 a-gu iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa en eridu(ki)
under seal of Agu; month: "Harvest," year after: "The high-priestess of Eridu."
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339869: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-e2-mah-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)ma-mi
from Ur-Emah, under seal of Ur-Mami;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
ur-(d)ma-mi dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2-ka
Ur-Mami, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.
P339870: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-ba lugal na-am-ri2-lum a-zu-dingir-ra maszkim
the royal gift of Amri-lum, Azu-dingira was enforcer;
ki an-na-hi-li-bi-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
from Anna-hilibi, under seal of the governor; month: "House-month-6," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"
P339871: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-saga
ugula lugal-ma2-gur8-re iti szu-numun
foreman: Ur-saga;
foreman: Lugal-magure; month: "Sowing."
[...] sa2-du11 kiszib3 al-lu mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
... regular offerings, under seal of Allu; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P339872: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 4(disz) sa-ta e2-masz-a gesztin kur-ra kiszib3 (d)szara2-kam
its gu-nigin-measure: 14 bundles each, for Emasha, wine of the mountain, under seal of Sharakam;
ugula (d)szara2-a-mu mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
foreman: Sharamu; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-kam dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Sharakam, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339873: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka sza3 uri5(ki)
from Ushmu, under seal of the governor, in Ur;
iti pa4-u2-e mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339874: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki geme2-(d)kal-kal-ta mu esz3-e-ki-ag2-sze3
ki ur-ab-ba-saga-ta
la2-ia3-ta su-ga ki lu2 lunga-ke4-ne-ta usz-gid2-da si-ga
from Geme-Kalkal, for the year: "The shrine E-kiag."
from Ur-Abbasaga;
from the deficit repaid; from the lung-workers the lengthened length repaid;
giri3 a-du-mu iti min-esz3 szunigin 2(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
via Adumu; month: "minesh," total: 2 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 barley, year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339875: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-ru-ta ri-ri-ga-am3
from Urru he will measure it.
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)li9-si4 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Lukalla; month: "Lisi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339876: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu (gesz)ig ki di-ku5 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-sze3 i3-la2 ugula lugal-ku3-zu giri3 lu2-(d)inanna sukkal
year: "The door was erected at the place of the judge Lu-Ningirsu." Foreman: Lugal-kuzu, via Lu-Inanna, the messenger.
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma2-gur8-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-dim2
month: "Harvest," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Great-Barge for Enlil and Ninlil fashioned."
P339877: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal?-uszum-gal szu ba-ti ki a-gu-ta
Lugal-ushumgal received; from Agu;
kiszib3 ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Ku-Ninura; year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra dub-sar dumu na-silim
Ku-Ninura, scribe, son of Nasilim.
P339878: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gesz e3-a e2 szu-szum2-ma u4 6(disz)-kam
barley threshed, house of ..., 6th day;
sza3 guru7 gibil mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
in the new silo; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
P339879: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun ki a-tu-ta
year: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh was hired." From Atu.
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti mu ma2 (d)en-ki-ka ba-ab-du8
Ur-Shulpa'e received; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339880: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 szu-a-gi-na
nig2 siskur2 (d)nisaba
regular offerings of Shu-agina;
offering of the siskur of Nisaba
ki (d)szara2-kam-ta kiszib3 (d)szara2-i3-zu iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
from Shara-kam, under seal of Shara-izu; month: "House-month-6," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-i3-zu dub-sar dumu _arad2_ ka-guru7-ka
Shara-izu, scribe, son of ARAD of Kaguruka.
P339881: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] udu bar-su-ga
ki kas4-ta ur-e11-e i3-dab5
... sheep with a thigh
from Kas Ur-E'e accepted;
mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
year following: "Kimash was destroyed."
P339882: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 dam-gar3-ne ki lu2-kal-la-ta
via the merchants, from Lukalla;
mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
P339883: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
duh du-bi 2(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 gur
duh du-bi 3(barig)
duh du-bi 1(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3
its bran: 2 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3,
its bran is 3 barig;
its bran: 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3,
duh-bi 1(asz) 2(ban2) gur szunigin 4(asz) 4(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 duh gur iti nesag mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
its bran: 1 gur 2 ban2, total: 4 gur 4 ban2 4 sila3 bran, month: "First fruits," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
P339884: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ku3 masz2 a-sza3-ga
ki gu-u2-gu-a-ta
silver, interest from the field,
from Gu'ugu'a;
mu-kux(_du_) lu2-kal-la szu ba-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
delivery of Lukalla; received; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339885: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga sza3 bala ki szesz-kal-la-ta lugal-nig2-lagar-e szu ba-ti
booked out of the bala; from Sheshkalla Lugal-niglagare received;
Seal 1
lugal-nig2-lagar-e ugula usz-bar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-tam
Lugal-niglagare, foreman of weavers, son of Ur-gigir, official.
P339886: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
udu gu2-na mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2 mu en-mah-gal-an-na mu en-unu6-gal mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
sheep for a banquet, year: "The silver chair of Enlil was fashioned," year: "Enmahgalana," year: "Enunugal," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
mu en-nun-gal-an-na ba-hun mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
year: "Ennungalana was installed," year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
P339887: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba kiszib3 dabx(_u8_)?-ba uruda nig2-sziti-ma u3 dam-gar3 ki da-da-ga-ta
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, copper, accounts, and merchants from Dadaga,
Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of dab, copper of ..., and trade agents, from Dadaga,
mu 1(disz)-a-kam i3-gal2 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
year: "The first, are here." year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."
1 year, are here; year: "Harshi Kimash were destroyed."
P339888: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] 5(disz) sila3 dabin gur [...] _szim_ gur
... 5 sila3 dabin-flour, ... ...,
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta a-du szu ba-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Ur-Shulpa'e, until the delivery, year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339889: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lugal-mu na-be2-a ensi2 umma(ki)-ra u3-na-a-du11
Lugal-mu, when he was governor of Umma, he said:
iti-da lu2 ki-masz(ki)-ke4 ha-ba-ab-szum2-mu
month "Let the man of Kimash give it to me."
P339890: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ziz2-ta sze hal-la ugula ur-(d)nin-tu kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-nun-ka
from the emmer, barley rations, foreman: Ur-Nintu, under seal of Lu-Nammunka;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339891: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-tu-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3
from Atu, under seal of Lu-Haya;
mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339892: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi-ga mu-kux(_du_) ib2-ta-zi ki ur-(d)szara2-ta
booked out; delivery of Ibtazi; from Ur-Shara;
kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3
under seal of the governor, year: "The Great-Stele was erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339893: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
7(szar2) 4(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) sa gi-zi ki szesz-a-ni-ta ba-sa6 szu ba-ti iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la
420 bundles of reed, from Sheshani's account booked out, received; month: "Barley at the quay."
mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-a-bi
year following: "Anshan was destroyed," year after that.
Seal 1
ba-sa6 dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Basa, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339894: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-ba lugal
kiszib3 usz-mu
kiszib3 ba-a-mu
royal gift
under seal of Ushmu,
under seal of Ba'amu;
kiszib3 ad-da guru7-ta e3-a e2-kikken-gibil-ta iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Adda, from the silo he went out; from the new mill; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
P339895: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] (gi)ma-an-sim nig2-ar3-ra [...] (gi)su7-su7 kid szer7-ru-um gu2 (gesz)kiri6
... reed basket for a gift ... reed basket for a kid for a szerrum-offering, neck of a garden
[...] 1(u) 5(disz) (gi)gur nag
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga sza3 bala-a mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
... 15 gur kashk cheese,
from Agu, under seal of Lu-duga, in the bala; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu ur-(d)nin-tu
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Ur-Nintu.
P339896: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-da-ga-asz ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka
for Madagash, from Ikalla, under seal of the governor;
giri3 lugal-iti-da mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
via Lugal-itida; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339897: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa gub-ba ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 a-du-mu
stationed on the dock, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Adumu;
mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sza3-tam
Ur-Suen, scribe, son of Ur-gigir, official.
P339898: school tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
giri3 nin-he2-gal2
szunigin 2(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze lugal im ga-ga2 gurum2 ak u4 4(u) 5(disz)
via Nin-hegal;
total: 2 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure, ..., inspection, day 45;
giri3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e iti ezem-(d)szul-gi la2-ia3 sa6-sa6 la2-ia3 dumu lu2-sa6 ur-(d)_en_-[...] mu en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
via Lugal-niglagare; month: "Festival of Shulgi," deficit: "good," deficit: "the son of Lu-sa," Ur-En-... year: "Enmahgalana was installed."
P339899: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kab2-ku5 i7 sal4-la gub-ba ugula lu2-du10-ga kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a
at the reservoir of the sal-water stationed, foreman: Lu-duga, under seal of Gu'ugaga;
a2 sza3-gu4-ka mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
labor of the oxen-pen, year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339900: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
nig2-dab5 za3-mu-ka egi-zi-mah i3-dab5
donated by Zamu; Egizimah accepted;
mu e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) ba-du3
year: "The house of Shara in Umma was erected."
P339901: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
a-ra2 3(disz)-kam
1st time.
2nd time.
3rd time.
a-ra2 1(disz)-kam sze-ba u3 sze ur5-ra bar-ta gal2-la iti pa4-u2-e
for 1 year, barley rations and barley rations from the barley rations will be repaid. Month: "Pa'u'e."
P339902: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 _arad2_-dam
from Dingira, under seal of ARADdam;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
month: "Lisi," year: "Shashru was destroyed;"
Seal 1
_arad2_-dam dumu al-la
ARADdam, son of Alla.
P339903: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
[...] geme2 iti [...]
iti 5(disz) iti (d)li9-si4-ta iti diri-sze3
... female laborers, month: "...,"
from the 5th month, month "Lisi," to the extra month,
mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 3(disz)-kam ba-hul
year following: "Simurrum for the 3rd time was destroyed."
P339904: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal nam-ra-ak bala u4 3(u)-kam ki inim-(d)szara2-ta
..., bala of the 30th day, from Inim-Shara
kiszib3 (d)szara2-i3-zu iti nesag mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Shara-izu; month: "First fruits," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
(d)szara2-i3-zu dub-sar dumu lugal-mu-ma-ag2
Shara-izu, scribe, son of Lugal-mumag.
P339905: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
dug udul2 nig2-gu7 lugal-bi 3(u)-am3 ki ensi2-ka-ta (d)utu-saga szu ba-ti
the jug of reed, the property of the king, are 30; from the governor Utu-saga received;
iti pa4-u2-e mu ku3 gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The pure throne of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
(d)utu-sa6-ga dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Shamash-saga, son of Ur-nigar.
P339906: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)apin-sze3 ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 da-du-mu
for the plow, from Akalla, under seal of Dadumu;
mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."
Seal 1
da-du-mu nu-banda3-gu4 dumu lugal-iri-na
Dadumu, oxen manager, son of Lugal-irina.
P339907: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2 ki-su7 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu-ta ki _arad2_-ta inim-(d)szara2
labor of hirelings, from the threshing floor of the field of manu-wood, from ARAD Inim-Shara;
dumu ur-nigar(gar) iszib (d)nin-si-gar szu ba-ti iti min-esz3 mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
son of Ur-nigar, guarantor of Ninsigar, received; month: "minesh," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339908: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
esir2 2(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3 ma2 esir2 gid2-da kiszib3 ba-da dam-gar3
to the bitumen: 115 barges, bitumen-bricks long, sealed tablet of Bada, the merchant;
mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
year following: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
ba-da dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Dada, son of Ur-gigir.
P339909: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_gin2_ (gi)kid ma2-gur8-sze3 ensi2-ka ki lu2-(d)nagar-pa-e3-ta
in shekels for the mat for the boatyard, the governor; from Lu-Nagar-pa'e;
kiszib3 dingir-ra iti nesag mu en-mah-gal-an-na
under seal of Dingira; month: "First fruits," year: "Enmahgalana."
Seal 1
dingir-ra dub-sar dumu lu2-ga
Dingira, scribe, son of Luga.
P339910: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 lu2 hun-ga2
a-sza3 (d)nin-ur4-ra ki ka-guru7-ta giri3 nig2-u2-rum
labor of hirelings
field of Ninura, from the depot Nig-urum;
kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Abbagina; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-sa6-ga
Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-saga.
P339911: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i7 pisan-(gesz)i3-szub-ba ba-al-la ugula i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
the canal of Basket-of-tablets-empty reopened, foreman: Ipa'e, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
mu (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2
year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339912: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-ta sa10-a ki ab-ba-gi-na-ta kiszib3 a-du
from barley bought, from Abbagina, under seal of Adu;
mu ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2
year: "The mighty barge was fashioned."
Seal 1
a-du dub-sar dumu lu2-ga
Adu, scribe, son of Luga.
P339913: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal (ansze)kunga#? [suh]-gibil-(du3-a-ta) [...]-gal
from the fodder of the kunga stallions, re-established, ...;
kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti min-esz3 mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan(ki) mu us2-sa-a-bi
under seal of Lukalla; month: "minesh," year after: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan," year after that;
Column 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) lu2-kal-la
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Lukalla.
Column 2
dub-sar _arad2_-zu
scribe, is your servant.
P339914: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2 |_ki-an_|(ki)
delivery of Shara of Ki'an;
iti 1(u) 3(disz)-kam ki ur-dun-ta kiszib3 ur-e2-mah mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
13th month, from Ur-Dun, under seal of Ur-Emah; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e2-mah dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Emah, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339915: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi 7(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na ki lu2-kal-la-ta lu2-du10-ga szu ba-ti
its weight: 7 1/2 mana; from Lukalla Lu-duga received;
iti szu-numun mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
month: "Sowing," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu he2-ma-du
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Hemadu.
P339916: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 da-a-gi ugula da-da iti (d)dumu-zi
under seal of Da'agi, foreman: Dada; month: "Dumuzi;"
mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) a-ra2 3(disz)-(kam) ba-hul
year following: "Anshan for the 3rd time was destroyed."
Seal 1
da-a-gi4 dub-sar dumu lugal-[...]
Da'agi, scribe, son of Lugal-.
P339917: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)li9-si4
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Lisi."
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339918: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
umma(ki)-ta kar-sze3 in-bul5-bul5 ga6-ga2 ma2-a si-ga x
from Umma to the quay he smashed, he smashed, the barge he smashed,
ugula _arad2_-mu kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam a-du uri5(ki)-ma-sze3 mu a-ra2 2(disz)-kam sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul
foreman: ARADmu; under seal of the shatam-offering, until Ur; year: "For the 2nd time Shashru was destroyed."
Seal 1
[ku-li] dub-sar dumu ur-[ki-ag2-mu]
Kulli, scribe, son of Ur-kiagmu.
P339919: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
((a-sza3)) a-ga-am3 a-sza3 la2-mah si-ga ugula ur-(d)en-lil2-la2 giri3 ur-lugal
field Agam, field Lamah, reconstructed; foreman: Ur-Enlila, via Ur-lugal;
kiszib3 a-kal-la iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu us2-sa en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
under seal of Akalla; month: "Barley at the quay," year after: "Enmahgalana was installed;"
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339920: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da [...] u3 ka i7 amusz gub-ba u4 9(disz)-kam [ugula ...]
for the ... of the ... and the mouth of the ... canal stationed; 9th day, foreman: ...;
kiszib3 a-kal-la iti nesag mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
under seal of Akalla; month: "First fruits," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339921: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sa2-du11 dub-sar ki lu2-(d)nanna dumu inim-(d)szara2
regular offerings, scribe, from Lu-Nanna, son of Inim-Shara.
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul
month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu lugal-uszur4
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Lugal-ushur.
P339922: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 i3-kal-la
from Agu, under seal of Ikalla;
sza3 bala-a u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam iti nesag mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
in bala; 25th day, month: "First fruits," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
i3-kal-la dub-sar dumu lu2-sa6-ga
Ikalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339923: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)apin _hi_-la2-de3 engar-e-ne szu ba-ab-ti
The ploughmen have taken the plow,
kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam a-gu-gu mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
under seal of the administrator of Agugu; year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e2-mah dumu [da-da]
Ur-Emah, son of Dada.
P339924: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
mar-sa-ta ki a-du-mu-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)suen
from the sea, from Adumu, under seal of Ur-Suen;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)suen dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ur-Suen, son of Ur-gigir.
P339925: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-sze3 a-sza3 la2-mah-ta a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu-sze3 sze zi-ga ki dingir-ra-ta
for 1 day, from the field Lamah, to the field Manus, barley booked out from the account of Dingira;
giri3 _arad2_ iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi
via ARAD; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year following, year following.
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339926: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba sa 5(disz)-ta gurusz-bi 1(u) 6(disz) gurusz ugula lugal-ku3-zu kiszib3 giri3-ni-i3-sa6
its labor: 5 laborers each, its labor: 16 laborers, foreman: Lugal-kuzu, under seal of Girini-isa;
iti (d)dumu-zi mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3
month: "Dumuzi," year: "The Amorite wall was erected."
Seal 1
giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dub-sar dumu ur-[e11-e]
Girini-isa, scribe, son of Ur-e'e.
P339927: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gesz ra-a a-sza3 la2-mah ki-su7 gu-la ugula ba-sa6
barley cut, field Lamah, under seal of Gula, foreman: Basa;
iti nesag mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul
month: "First fruits," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."
Seal 1
a-tu dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga
Atu, scribe, son of Lugal-saga.
P339928: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
iti min-esz3 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki)-ta iti nesag mu us2?-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki)-sze3
from month "minesh," year: "Urbilum," to month "First fruits," year after: "Urbilum."
ki a-a-gi-na dam-gar3-asz ba-ra-e3 kiszib3 da-da-ga
from Ayagina, the merchant, he has freed; under seal of Dadaga;
P339929: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siki igi-sa6-_ne_ sza3 a-pi4-sal4(ki) kiszib3 kas4
wool for the igisa-festival in Apisal, under seal of Kas;
mu sza-asz-ru-um(ki)
year: "Shashrum."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) en-kas4 dub-sar dumu ur-(d)isztaran _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Enkas, scribe, son of Ur-Ishtaran, is your servant.
P339930: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula ur-sukkal kun i7 ma2-gur8-ka gub-ba-am3
foreman: Ur-sukkal, the reservoir of the canal of the barge stationed;
giri3 ur-(d)nin-su iti (d)dumu-zi mu an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
via Ur-Ninsu; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nin-su sa12-du5 (d)[szara2] dumu lugal-[nesag-e] sa12-du5-ka
Ur-Ninsu, the regular offering of Shara, son of Lugal-nesage, the regular offering.
P339931: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2-bi u4 2(disz)-kam
its labor: 2 days;
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 ensi2 sza3 bala-a mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
from Agu, under seal of the governor, in the bala; year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339932: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3-gal ansze zi-gu5-um-ma ki-su7 (d)amar-(d)suen-(d)szara2-ki-ag2-ta ki ka-guru7-ta
fodder of the donkeys, grazing-pens, from the threshing floor of Amar-Suen-Shara-kiag, from the granary;
kiszib3 igi-(d)szara2-sze3 iti szu-numun mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Igi-Shara; month: "Sowing," year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."
Seal 1
igi-(d)szara2-sze3 _arad2_ (d)szara2
Before Shara, servant of Shara.
P339933: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 uku2-nu-ti sze bala-a ma2-a si-ga umma(ki)-sze3 ma2 gid2-da u3 ma2 ba-al-la ugula szesz-kal-la
at the threshing floor Ukunuti; barley bala, barge moored at Umma; barge punted and barge unloaded; foreman: Sheshkalla;
kiszib3 lu2-gi-na iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lugina; month: "Barley at the quay," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-gi-na dub-sar dumu da-da
Lugina, scribe, son of Dada.
P339934: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ka (se3)-ga ki a-gu-ta lu2-kal-la szu ba-ti
from Agu did Lukalla receive;
kiszib3 na-ba-sa2 mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
under seal of Nabasa; year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
na-ba-sa2 dub-sar dumu gu-u2-gu-a
Nabasa, scribe, son of Gugua.
P339935: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
unu(ki)-sze3 ki nin-sze3 ki a-gu-ta
to Uruk, from the queen, from Agu,
kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga sza3 bala-a mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
under seal of Lu-duga, in bala; year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)kiri6
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Lugal-kiri.
P339936: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
an-za-gar3-sze3 ki lugal-si-_ne_-e-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga
to Anzagar, from Lugal-sine'e, under seal of Lu-duga;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lu2-du10-ga dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5
Lu-duga, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339937: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze gur10-a a-sza3 gur4?-da-ur4-ra ugula lugal-iti-da
barley rations of the field Gurdura, foreman: Lugal-itida;
kiszib3 ur-e2-masz mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ur-Emash; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
Seal 1
ur-e2-masz dub-sar dumu ur-sila-luh
Ur-Emash, scribe, son of Ur-silaluh.
P339938: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
szu-du7-a ki inim-(d)szara2-ta e2-udu (d)en-lil2-dingir-szu-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)da-mu
to be delivered; from Inim-Shara, to the sheep house of Enlil-dingirshu, under seal of Lu-Damu;
sza3 bala-a u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3
in bala, 27th day, year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)da-mu dub-sar dumu lugal-(gesz)gigir-re
Lu-Damu, scribe, son of Lugal-gigirre.
P339939: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zar3 tab-ba szu ur3-ra ugula lugal-ezem kiszib3 lu2-(d)ha-ia3
the ..., the ..., foreman: Lugal-ezem, under seal of Lu-Haya;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)ha-ia3 dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lu-Haya, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, cattle manager.
P339940: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i3-na-s,i-ir i3-me-a
nam lu2-inim-ma-sze3 im-ta-e3-esz2
he will measure out;
he has sworn by the name of the witnesses.
nam-erim2-bi u3-ku5-esz2 i3-na-s,i-ir-e ba-ab-tum2-mu mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
its crime he shall cut off, and he shall pay back. Year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
P339941: letter tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)nun-gal u3-na-a-du11 sa10 ansze a-ab-ba-ni-ka masz2-ba ensi2-ke4
Ur-Nungal, who gives the price of the donkeys of the sea, the interest of the governor,
szu bi2-in-ba
he has taken it as a loan.
P339942: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ri-ri-ga-am3 ki ur-ru-ta giri3 ur-(d)suen
reed-spread, from Urru, via Ur-Suen;
kiszib3 _arad2_ iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
under seal of ARAD; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
_arad2_-mu dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
ARADmu, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339943: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
(gesz)apin-sze3 ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lugal-iti-da
for the plow, from Akalla, under seal of Lugal-itida;
iti min-esz3 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
month: "minesh," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-iti-da dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la
Lugal-itida, scribe, son of Ayakalla.
P339944: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sze-bi 1(asz) gur mu ur-mes engar-sze3 kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 dumu ur-(gesz)gigir iti dal
its barley: 1 gur, year: "Urmes, the plowman." Under seal of Inim-Shara, son of Ur-gigir; month: "Flight."
mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul
year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."
Seal 1
inim-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Inim-Shara, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339945: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-ge6-par4 _szim_ a-sza3 ur-gu kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e
Ur-gepar, aromatics of the field Urgu, under seal of Lugal-emahe;
iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month: "Harvest," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339946: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki usz-mu-ta kiszib3 gu-du-du
from Ushmu, under seal of Gududu;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) mu-du3
year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
Column 1
(d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
gu-du-du dub-sar dumu da-da-ga _arad2_-zu
Gududu, scribe, son of Dadaga, is your servant.
P339947: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
3(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) sa gi _szid_ gu-nigin2-ba 2(u) 5(disz) sa-ta gu-nigin2-bi 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) guru7 a-pi4-sal4(ki)-ta
420 bundles of reed, ..., its total: 25 bundles each, its total: 84 bundles of grain from Apisal;
ma2-a ga2-ra umma(ki)-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka iti (d)dumu-zi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
to the barge to Umma, under seal of Lu-Naman; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2 sa12-du5-ka
Lu-Namanka, scribe, son of Lu-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339948: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza3 en-du8-du (gi?) ze2-a dub-la2 (d)utu-sze3 ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3#? szesz-saga
in the Endudu canal, reeds? of the reed-beds, dubla of the sun, from Lu-Shara, under seal of Shesh-saga;
mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
year following: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-sa6-ga dub-sar dumu ma-ba |_kun_-[_sze3-ka_]|
Shesh-saga, scribe, son of Baba-Kun-she-ka.
P339949: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki ur-ru-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
from Urru, under seal of Lukalla;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339950: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki inim-(d)szara2-ta
ki a-kal-la-ta sze-ba mu sze ur5-ra-ka-sze3 guru7-a tak4-a iti dal mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
from Inim-Shara;
from Akalla, barley rations, year: "Barley for the urra-flour was piled up," to the silo, month "Flight," year: "Shu-Suen is king."
P339951: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
im-sar-ra ba-an-si ki a-kal-la-ta
... from Akalla
kiszib3 ur-(d)nun-gal giri3 _arad2_ dub-sar mu en kar-zi-da ba-hun
under seal of Ur-Nungal, via ARAD, the scribe, year: "The en-priestess of Karzida was installed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-[ka]
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339952: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki szesz-kal-la dumu tir-gu-ta
from Sheshkalla, son of Tirgu;
ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta szunigin 1(gesz2) 5(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 dabin gur ma2 si-ga gaba-ri kiszib3 ur-lugal iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
from Lu-Ninshubur; total: 105 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 dabin flour, barge moored, checked, sealed tablet of Ur-lugal; month: "House-month-6," year: "Shashrum was destroyed."
P339953: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula hu-wa-wa kiszib3 ur-e11-e
foreman: Huwawa, under seal of Ur-E'e;
iti dal u4 1(u)-kam mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
month "Flight," 10th day, year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."
P339954: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siki ba dingir-re-ne
lu2-saga szu ba-ti
wool for the gods
Lu-saga received;
e2-kiszib3-ba e2-masz-ta bar-gal2-la giri3 a-kal-la lugal-ezem u3 lu2-banda3 iti min-esz3 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bum2(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul
from the sealed house of the Emash, from the bargalla, via Akalla, Lugal-ezem, and Lu-banda; month: "minesh," year: "Simurrum and Lullubum for the 9th time were destroyed."
P339955: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i3 e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti
oil of the house of Shara of Umma, Ur-Shulpa'e received;
mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun
year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."
P339956: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gurusz-e 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta ugula lugal-ezem bar-la2 a-sza3 (d)inanna kiszib3 ukken-ne2
male laborers: 7 1/2 shekels each, foreman: Lugal-ezem, barla, field of Inanna, under seal of the ukkene;
mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
year: "Shashrum was destroyed."
Seal 1
ukken-ne2 dub-sar dumu ur-(gesz)gigir
Ukkene, scribe, son of Ur-gigir.
P339957: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
5(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 zi3 ar3!(_hi_)-a usz-bar ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
188 workdays, labor of flour milling, weavers, from Ur-Nintu, under seal of Lukalla;
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339958: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
i7 sal4-la-ke4 szu-luh ak ugula da-du-mu kiszib3 da-da-ga
the sala canal, Shu-luh, the ak-priest of Dadumu, under seal of Dadaga;
iti dal mu ma2 en eridu(ki) ba-ab-_mu_
month "Flight," year: "The boat of the lord of Eridu was caulked."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339959: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da dub-la2 (d)utu gub-ba ugula lugal-nesag-e giri3 ur-lugal
for the 'courtyard' of the Dubla of Utu stationed, foreman: Lugal-nesage, via Ur-lugal;
kiszib3 da-da-ga mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Dadaga; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
Seal 1
da-da-ga dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339960: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 su-ga usz-mu nig2-ka9 mu en eridu(ki)-ta
deficit repaid, Ushmu account of the year: "The en-priestess of Eridu"
usz-mu i3-dab5 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
Ushmu accepted; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
P339961: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi [...] ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 in-sa6-sa6
its weight: ..., from Agu, under seal of Insasa;
mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
in-sa6-sa6 dumu bi2-du11 muhaldim
Insasa, son of Bidu, cook.
P339962: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi3 ma2 sal ba-al-la e2 szu-tum-a ku4?-(ra) ugula lugal-e2-mah-e kiszib3 lugal-inim-gi-na
flour of a boat that is not emptied, into the house of shutuma brought, foreman: Lugal-emahe, under seal of Lugal-inim-gina;
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun-ga2
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lugal-inim-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-nesag-e
Lugal-inimgina, scribe, son of Lugal-nesage.
P339963: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)dumu-zi
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Dumuzi."
mu sza-szu2-ru(ki) ba-a-hul
year: "Shashru was destroyed."
P339964: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
lu2 ma2-a gub-ba ugula lugal-ku3-ga-ni giri3 lu2-(d)szara2
one barge attendant, foreman: Lugal-kugani, via Lu-Shara;
kiszib3 nam-sza3-tam ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal
under seal of the office of administrator of Ur-Shulpa'e; month: "Harvest," year: "Amar-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339965: administrative tag
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
pisan-dub-ba nig2-ka9-ak ugula (d?)szara2-kam ugula iti 1(u) 3(disz)-kam i3-gal2
Basket-of-tablets: accounts of the foreman Sharakam, foreman of the 13th month, are here;
Basket-of-tablets: accounts, foreman Sharakam, foreman, a period of 13 months, are here;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) mu-du3
year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."
P339966: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ugula da-da-a nu-banda3 u-bar
ugula mudra5
foreman: Dada, the overseer: Ubar;
foreman: Mudra;
ki a-ab-ba
ki ur-(d)suen
from A'abba;
with Ur-Suen;
P339967: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar ki gu-du-du-ta kiszib3 a-du
Ur-Shara, scribe, from Gududu, under seal of Adu;
iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-ga2-ra mu us2-sa (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ku-li dub-sar dumu ur-ki-ag2-mu
Kulli, scribe, son of Ur-kiagmu.
P339968: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-su7 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu-ta ki ka-guru7-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-tu
from the threshing floor of the field of Manu; from the granary; under seal of Ur-Nintu;
iti dal mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul
month "Flight," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nin-tu dub-sar dumu du11-ga
Ur-Nintu, scribe, son of Duga.
P339969: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ma2-da-ga de6-a ugula i7-pa-e3 kiszib3 lugal-iti-da
for the boatmen, dea, foreman: Ipa'e, under seal of Lugal-itida;
mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
Seal 1
lugal-iti-da nu-banda3-gu4 dumu giri3-ni
Lugal-itida, oxen manager, son of Girini.
P339970: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
usz2 ur-(gesz)gigir iti nesag mu hu-hu-nu-ri(ki)-ta ugula ur-(d)en-lil2-la2
Dead: Ur-gigir; from month "First-fruits," year: "Huhnuri," foreman: Ur-Enlila;
kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu (d)[szu]-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339971: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
im-sag3 ziz2-ka du11-ga 4(u) gur-kam ugula kikken2-na-ke4-ne
The rations of the flour are 40 gur each. The foremen of the mills
zi-zi-dam kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
booked out; under seal of the governor; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339972: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
igi-kar2 ug3-_il2_ ki ku3-ga-ni-ta kiszib3 ur-e11-e iti (d)dumu-zi
for the inspection of the porters; from Kugani, under seal of Ur-e'e; month: "Dumuzi."
mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339973: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la iti (d)dumu-zi
from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Dumuzi."
mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339974: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
masz a-sza3-ga ki a-ab-ba-ta a-kal-la szu ba-ti
interest on the field from the Sea Akalla received;
iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz)-kam si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul
month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed."
P339975: legal tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
la2-ia3 _gan2_ kab2 du11#-[ga] mu lu2 sze zuh-a nu-mu-dab5 ki-su7-ka gu2-ni bi2-in-du3-a-sze3
deficit of the field, the opening of the field, he said, because a man who seized the barley did not take it, he built a threshing floor for him.
ur-(gesz)gigir dumu lugal-lu2-ni-ke4 su-su-dam a-sza3 ka-ma-ri2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
Ur-gigir, son of Lugal-luni, to be delivered; field Kamari; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-a-ni dumu ur-(gesz)gigir sukkal ensi2 umma(ki)
Sheshani, son of Ur-gigir, messenger, governor of Umma.
P339976: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(disz)-sze3 a-da gub-ba a-sza3 (d)szul-gi sza3 nag-su(ki) ugula ze2-na kiszib3 ur-e11-e
for 1 day, Ada stationed, field Shulgi, in Nagsu, foreman: Zena, under seal of Ur-e'e;
iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul
month: "House-month-6," year after: "Anshan was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-e11-e dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)
Ur-E'e, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.
P339977: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a zi-ga idigna-da gub-ba
(u2)har-an na-ga-ab-tum gar
... water stationed on the Tigris,
haran-plant, nagaktum-plant, gar
ugula e2-a-lu2-bi kiszib3 lugal-nig2-lagar-e iti diri mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) a-ra2 2(disz)-kam ba-hul
foreman: Ea-lubi, under seal of Lugal-nig-lagare; extra month: "Shashrum for the 2nd time destroyed,"
Seal 1
lugal-si-_ne_-e dub-sar dumu lugal-[ezem]
Lugal-sinee, scribe, son of Lugal-ezem.
P339978: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
sza-ga-ru pa siskur2-ra sa10-a u3 pa masz2-szu-gid2-gid2 sza3 bala-a
shakaru-offerings, offering, and mash-shugigid offerings, in the bala;
ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of the governor; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339979: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki e2-ur2-bi-ta lu2-sa6-i3-zu szu ba-ti
from E-urbi Lu-sa-izu received;
sza3 bala u4 8(disz)-kam iti nesag mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal
in bala, 8th day; month: "First fruits," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-sa6-i3-zu dub-sar dumu a-kal-la
Lu-sa-izu, scribe, son of Akalla.
P339980: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
en-du8-du-ta kab2-ku5 i7 masz! tir-ka-sze3 gi il2-la
from Endudu to the quay of the mash river to the threshing floor reed carried;
ugula ba-sa6 kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e iti (d)dumu-zi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
foreman: Basa; under seal of Lugal-emahe; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339981: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 a-kal-la u3-de6 kiszib3 lugal-ku3-ga-ni zi-re-dam
under seal of Akalla, Ude; under seal of Lugal-kugani, booked out;
mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bum2(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul
year: "Simurum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."
Seal 1
lugal-[e2-mah-e] dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339982: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u)-sze3 gesz-gi-tur-tur-sze3 ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la
for 20 days to Geshgigtur, from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Lukalla;
lu2-dingir-ra dumu _arad2_-hu-la szu ab-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
Lu-dingira, son of ARAD-hula, received; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3
Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.
P339983: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
P339984: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2 (d)asznan ki (d)szara2-kam-ta kiszib3 szesz-kal-la
offering of Ashnan, from Sharakam, under seal of Sheshkalla;
iti szu-numun mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul
month: "Sowing," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."
Seal 1
szesz-kal-la dub-sar dumu tir-gu
Sheshkalla, scribe, son of Tirgu.
P339985: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
5(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) sa gi gu-nigin2-ba 1(u) 3(disz) sa-ta i3-gal2 ki a-ab-ba-ta lugal-(gesz)kiri6 szu ba-ti
420 bundles of reed, its reeds: 13 bundles each, are here; from A'abba did Lugal-kiri receive;
mu e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3
year: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."
Seal 1
lugal-(gesz)kiri6 dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-ni
Lugal-kiri, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
P339986: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki-la2-bi [...] ma2 zi3-da
Its weight: ... barge of flour.
ba-a-dulx(|_ur_xA|)? ki ur-(d)szul-pa-e3-ta kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-mu2 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
Badulx, from Ur-Shulpa'e, under seal of Ur-Ninmu; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nin-mu2 dub-sar dumu a-ab-ba-ni
Ur-Ninmu, scribe, son of Aya-bani.
P339987: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
gu-nigin2-ba 6(disz) sa-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu-ku6 ugula ur-(d)suen kiszib3 ab-ba
its gu-nigin-measure: 6 bundles; Ur-nigar, fisherman; foreman: Ur-Suen; under seal of Abba;
iti min-esz3 a-sza3 en-du8-du mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul
month: "minesh," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."
Seal 1
ab-ba dub-sar dumu a-kal-la
Abba, scribe, son of Akalla.
P339988: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
zi3 buru14 us2-sa ugula ab-ba-gi-na kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a
flour for the harvest, extra, foreman: Abbagina, under seal of Gu'ugua;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2
Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.
P339989: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
_arad2_-(d)szara2 dumu lu2-igi-sa6-sa6 iti min-esz3-ta
Warad-Shara, son of Lu-igisasa, from month "minesh;"
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul
year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the land of Zabshali destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)nun-gal dub-sar dumu ur-(d)szara2 sza13-dub-ba-ka
Ur-Nungal, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.
P339990: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kiszib3 lugal-nir
e2-kikken sumun-ta ki ka-guru7-ta giri3 dingir-ra
under seal of Lugal-nir;
from the mill, from the granary, via Dingira;
u3 lu2-(d)nam2-an-ka iti min-esz3 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8
and Lu-Naman; month: "minesh," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."
P339991: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 2(u)-sze3 a-bu-um-sze3 ki lu2-bala-saga-ta
for 20 days, to Abum, from Lu-balasaga
kiszib3 a-gu mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
under seal of Agu; year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e
Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.
P339992: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki szesz-kal-la-[ta] kiszib3 a-kal-la
from Sheshkalla, under seal of Akalla;
sza3 bala-[a ...]-du mu [us2-sa ...] mu [us2-sa-bi]
in the bala ... year following: "... ."
Seal 1
a-kal-la [dub-sar] [dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3?]
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.
P339993: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 lugal-ku3-zu sza3 bala-a
from Agu, under seal of Lugal-kuzu, in bala;
iti dal mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3
month "Flight," year: "The house of Shara was erected."
Seal 1
lugal-ku3-zu dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)szara2
Lugal-kuzu, scribe, son of Lu-Shara.
P339994: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam
13th day.
u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam ((sze)) kiszib3 ensi2 iti (d)dumu-zi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun
14th day, barley, under seal of the governor; month: "Dumuzi," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."
Column 1
(d)amar-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba
Amar-Suena, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:
Column 2
a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu
Akalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.
P339995: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ki nig2-mu-me-(en8)-ta sza3 tum-malx(_tur3_)(ki) erin2-e szu ba-ti
from Nigmume'en, in Tummal, the troops received;
kiszib3 ur-(d)szara2 mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun
under seal of Ur-Shara; year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was hired."
Seal 1
ur-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-la
Ur-Shara, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.
P339996: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
e2 ninda gesz-asz ur-(d)ba-ba6-ka-sze3 ki a-gu-ta
for the bread-house of the gesh-ash of Ur-Baba, from Agu;
kiszib3 a-kal-la sza3 bala-a mu si-ma-num2(ki)
under seal of Akalla, in the bala; year: "Simanum."
Seal 1
a-kal-la [dub-sar] [dumu lu2-sa6-ga]
Akalla, scribe, son of Lu-saga.
P339997: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
a2 gu4 la2-a a-sza3 tur ugula lugal-iri-da kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e szesz a-ab-ba
labor of oxen, deficit, small field, foreman: Lugal-irida, under seal of Lugal-emahe, brother of A'abba;
mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal
year: "Shu-Suen is king."
Seal 1
lugal-e2-mah-e dub-sar dumu [inim-(d)szara2] [sa12-du5-ka]
Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Inim-Shara, chief surveyor.
P339998: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
siskur2-e gub-ba ki a-tu mu an-sza(ki) ba-hul
offering stationed, with Atu; year: "Ansha was destroyed."
Seal 1
ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) a-tu dub-sar dumu lugal-sa6-ga _arad2_-zu
Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Atu, scribe, son of Lugal-saga, is your servant.
P339999: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
kun-zi-da i7 ka-min-na-ka gub-ba ugula lugal-e2-mah-e giri3 a-kal-la nu-banda3
at the canal of the quay stationed, foreman: Lugal-emahe, via Akalla, the superintendent;
iti (d)li9-si4 mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun
month: "Lisi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."
Seal 1
a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar) szusz3
Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar, chief cattle manager.