AICC / Publications / p366

P366009: omen tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



_be_ x-x-x# [x x x x x x x x x]

_be 10 sza-nigin_ x# [x x x x x x x]

_be z_É szub-bat u# [x x x x x x x]

_be gag-ti_ szA 15 u 2-30# [x x x x x x x]

_be gag-ti_ szA [x x x x x x x x x]

_be sza-nigin_ [x x x x x x x]

_be muru nig-tab_ [_gir bar_-ma _du8_ x x x x]

_be ugu_(nu) _me-ni_ [_bar_-ma _du8_ x x x x]

_be sag z_É _bar_-ma [_du8_ x x x x x x x]

_be sag szu-si bar_-ma [_du8_ x x x x x x x x x]

_be sag ba bar_-ma [_du8_ x x x x x x x x x]

_be du8 dal-ba-an-na bar_-ma [_du8_ x x x]

_be_ x-x-li x x#-szu ana ti-[x x x x x x x x]

_be na gim gir gir gim na_ e-s,ir x# [x x x x x x]

an-nu-tum _uzu_-_mesz_ szA (lu2)_hal_ mam-[ma _nu zu_(u)]

_be na_ kab-su _kalag bal_(ut) u-[szal-lam-szu x x x x x]

_be kiszib 15_ na(*)-hi(*)-is(*) ZÉ na-ah-sat# _silim_(At(?))# [x x x x x]

_be 10 sza-nigin_ u _kiszib_-_mesz la_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x]

_be 10 sza-nigin_ [x x x x x x x x]

[_be 10_] _sza-nigin_ [x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

If ......

The coils of the colon are 10 in number.

The gall bladder is flattened and .

The breast-bone on the right and on the left .

The breast-bone of .

The coils of the colon .

The 'station' is curled and is split .

The 'station' is elevated above the 'well-being' and is split .

The top of the gall bladder is split and .

The top of the 'finger' is split and is split .

The top of the 'finger' is split and .

If the 'station' is split and is short .

If the ... of his ... to .

The 'station' is like a 'foot'-mark. The 'station' is a 'foot'-mark. .

These are the flesh of the haruspex, nobody is to be found.

The 'station' is thick. The 'strength' is removed. It is reconstructed.

The right 'finger' is split. The gall bladder is swollen. The 'well-being' .

If the coils of the colon are 10 and the vertebrae are missing .

The coils of the colon are 10 in number.

The coils of the colon are 10 in number.

Handcock, Percy S.

If ....

If the coils of the colon are 10 ....

If the gall bladder is unsteady and ....

If the right and left sides of the breastbone ....

If the ... sides of the breastbone ....

If the coils of the colon ....

If the center of the crucible of the path is divided and loosen ....

If the upper part of the palace is divided and loosen ....

If the head of the gall bladder is divided and loosen ....

If the head of the processus pyramidalis is divided and loosen ....

If the head of the liver is divided and loosen ....

If a split in the middle area is divided and loosen ....

If ... ....

If the station is drawn like the path and the path like the station ....

This are omens which not every diviner knows.

If the station is obliterated and the reinforcement is crossed over: it will benefit him ....

If the right vertebra is receded: It is favourable, ....

If the coils of the colon are 10 and the intestines are receded, ....

If the coils of the colon are 10 ....

If the coils of the colon are 10 ....



_be_ [8 _kiszib_-_mesz_ x x x x x x x x]

_be 9_ [_kiszib_-_mesz_ x x x x x x x]

_be 10_ [_kiszib_-_mesz_ x x x x x x x]

_be 11 kiszib_-_mesz_ ana _uzu_ [x x x x x x x x]

_munus-uru_ x [x x x x x x x x]

an-nu-u mu-kal-lim-tum szA szum(*)#-[ma _igi-bar_ x x x x x x]

_be_(ma) _mu_-_mesz_ szA ina ba-ru-ti _kur_-_mesz_-ma# [_giszkim_-szu-nu ana la-ma-di _kur_(At)]

_be_ is-ri 15 _zalag_(ir) _bur szub_-ma _igi_ u _sza_(*)#-[_nigin_ x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

If the vertebras are 8 .

If the vertebras are 9 .

If the vertebras are 10 .

If the vertebras are 11 .

a woman ......

This is the omen which .

If the names of those who are in the past have changed and their sign is changed to the west:

If the right side of the 'finger' is dark: the 'finger' will be 'loose' and .

Handcock, Percy S.

If the vertebras are 8 ....

If the vertebras are 9 ....

If the vertebras are 10 ....

If the vertebras are 11 ....

secret ....

This is a mukallimtu-commentary on "If the eye-slit ...."

Omens which are strange in extispicy and their signs are suitable for learning.

If the right Isru is bright and there is a visible hole and the coils of the colon ... Catchline.

P366016: royal-monumental cone

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

Column 1


[...] [...] [...]-um# [...]-tim# [...] bu#-ni#-szu# dam#-qu2-tim ip#-pa-al#-su2-ma zimbir(ki) _iri#_ s,i-a-tim ma-ha-su2# _bad3#_-sza! e-pe2-sza-am e2-babbar a-na asz-ri-szu tu-ur!-ra-am _u6-nir_ gi-gu-na-szu s,i-ra-am re-szi-sza ki-ma sza-me-e ul-la-a-am (d)utu u3 (d)a-a a-na szu-ub-ti-szu-nu el-le-tim in re-sza-tim u3 hi-di-a-tim e-re-ba in pi2-szu# sza la ut-ta-ak-ka-ru iq-bi#-u3 i3-nu-szu _ur#-sag szul_ (d)utu a-na szi-ma-tim ra-bi-a-tim sza (d)en-lil2 a-na zimbir(ki) u3 e2-babbar i-szi-mu

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... his good fortune he gathered and Sippar, the exalted city, his cult center he built. The Ebabbar to its former place he returned. The u-nir, his exalted throne, its top like the heavens, the god Shamash and the goddess Aya for their pure dwellings in the top and the sanctuaries entered. By his command, which cannot be changed, he said. At that time, the hero of Shamash, to the great destiny of Enlil, to Sippar and the Ebabbar he named.

Column 2


[...] sa-am-su-i-lu#-na szar-ra-am li-pi2-it qa2-ti-szu ia-ti ha-di-isz is-si-a-ni-ma te-er-tam szu-a-ti u2-wa-e-ra#-an-ni i3#-nu-szu na-ap-ha-ar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im# sza i-ze2-ru-[ni-in-ni] in# li-ib#-bu sza-at-tim isz-ti-a-at! a-di 8(disz)-um in _(gesz)tukul lu a-du!-uk _iri-iri_ za-i-ri-ia a#-na# _du6#-du6#_ u3 kar-mi lu# [u2]-te!-er# _suhusz#_ [a]-ia#-bi# le#-em#?-nim? in _kalam_ lu# as#?-su#?-uh2# na-ap-ha-ar _kalam#_ a-na qi2-bi#-ti-ia lu u2-sze-szi-ib sza isz#-tu# u4-um s,i-a-tim

ib-ba-ni-u3 in _lugal_ mah-ra _lugal_ ma-am#-ma-an (d)utu la im-gur#-ru-ma _bad3_ zimbir(ki#)

AI Translation

... Samsu-iluna, the king, his hand he seized. My heart was glad with him and he gave me this letter. At that time, the flood of the land of Sumer and Akkad, which they had brought, in the midst of the night, from the eighth to the threshing floor with weapons I smashed. The cities of my enemies to a strewn-offering and a strewn-offering I re-established. The foundations of the evil ones in the land I slew. The flood of the land to my command I settled. That which from the distant days

he created. In the king of the past no king of the past had a god Shamash return and the wall of Sippar

Column 3


la i-pu-szu-szum-ma sa-am-su-i-lu-na# na-ra-am (d)utu u3 (d)a-a _lugal_ da!-num2! _lugal_ babila2(ki) _lugal_ ki-ib-ra-at ar-ba#-im _lugal_ sza qi2-bi2-su it-ti (d)utu u3 (d)a-a ma-ag#-ra-at a-na-ku in qi2-bi-it# (d)utu u3 (d)marduk (in ti-bu-ut) (um-ma-an ma-ti-ia-ma) (in li-ib-bu) sza-at-tim szu-a-ti [_szeg12_-szu al-bi-in] _bad3#_ zimbir#(ki) ki-ma _sa-tu_-im ra-bi-im u2-ul-li e2-babbar u2-ud-di#-isz _u6-nir#_ gi-gu-na-szu-(nu) s,i-ra-am# re-szi-sza ki-ma sza-[me-e] u2#-ul-[li] (d)utu (d)iszkur u3 (d)a-a

el#-le#-tim in#?-na# re#?-sza#?-x (u2-sze-ri-ib) a-na e2-babbar _(d#)lamma#_-szu

AI Translation

Samsu-iluna, beloved of Shamash and Aya, the mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the world quarters the four, king whose command is pleasing to Shamash and Aya, I, by the command of Shamash and Marduk, in the utterance of my land in the midst of the world quarters the earth I piled up. The wall of Sippar, like a great mountain, I raised up. The Ebabbar I renovated. Their magnificent unir, their ginnu-poles, I raised up like heaven. Shamash, Adad, and Aya

Elamite ... he brought to the Ebabbar, his protective spirit.

Column 4


[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] _bad3#_ [szu-u2 (d)utu] a-na# [sa-am-su-i-lu-na] isz-ru#-[uk-szum] me-te-lu-[tam du-un-nam] u3 ba-la-t,am# [szum-szu] a-na szu-a-ti (d)utu# mu-ul-li# re-esz szar-ru#-ti-szu# ba-la-t,am# [t,u2]-ub# li-ib#-bi-im da-ra#-a-am szar-ru-tam sza sza-ni!-nam# la i-szu-u2# _gidri_ mi-sza-ri-im mu-ki-(in)-na-at _kalam_ _(gesz)tukul_ dan-nam# ma-asz-ka-asz na-[ki-ri] be-lu-ut ki-ib-ra#-[at] ar-ba-[im] a-na da-ar# [e-pe2-szum] a-na [qi2-isz!-ti-szu] id#-[di-isz-szum]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he entrusted to Shamsu-iluna the wall, the perfect one, the perfect one, and life. That is his. To this, Shamash, the foremost of his kingship, life, happiness, eternal life, kingship, which no other king had, a scepter of justice, the one who establishes the Land, a strong weapon, the one who defeats enemies, the lordship of the four quarters, forever to do, and to his benevolent command he gave him.

Column 1


i3-nu (d)en-lil2 _lugal_ sza i3-li2 be-lum ra-bi-um sza ma-ta2-tim a-na# (d)utu in# bu-ni-szu# dam#-qu2-tim ip#-pa-al#-su2-ma zimbir(ki) _iri#_ s,i-a-tim ma-ha-su2# _bad3#_-sza! e-pe2-sza-am e2-babbar a-na asz-ri-szu tu-ur!-ra-am _u6-nir_ gi-gu-na-szu s,i-ra-am re-szi-sza ki-ma sza-me-e ul-la-a-am (d)utu u3 (d)a-a a-na szu-ub-ti-szu-nu el-le-tim in re-sza-tim u3 hi-di-a-tim e-re-ba in pi2-szu# sza la ut-ta-ak-ka-ru iq-bi#-u3 i3-nu-szu _ur#-sag szul_ (d)utu a-na szi-ma-tim ra-bi-a-tim sza (d)en-lil2

u3 e2-babbar i-szi-mu ki-ma hi-du-tim it-ta-asz-ka-an-szum# sa-am-su-i-lu#-na szar-ra-am li-pi2-it qa2-ti-szu ia-ti ha-di-isz is-si-a-ni-ma te-er-tam szu-a-ti u2-wa-e*-ra#-an-ni i3#-nu-szu na-ap-ha-ar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im# sza i-ze2-ru-[ni-in-ni] in# li-ib#-bu sza-at-tim isz-ti-a-at! a-di 8(disz)-um in _(gesz)tukul lu a-du!-uk _iri-iri_ za-i-ri-ia a#-na# _du6#-du6#_ u3 kar-mi lu# [u2]-te!-er# _suhusz#_ [a]-ia#-bi# le#-em#?-nim? in _kalam_ lu# as#?-su#?-uh2# na-ap-ha-ar _kalam#_

sza isz#-tu# u4-um s,i-a-tim isz-tu _szeg12_ e2-babbar ib-ba-ni-u3 in _lugal_ mah-ra _lugal_ ma-am#-ma-an (d)utu la im-gur#-ru-ma _bad3_ zimbir(ki#) la i-pu-szu-szum-ma sa-am-su-i-lu-na# na-ra-am (d)utu u3 (d)a-a _lugal_ da!-num2! _lugal_ babila2(ki) _lugal_ ki-ib-ra-at ar-ba#-im _lugal_ sza qi2-bi2-su it-ti (d)utu u3 (d)a-a ma-ag#-ra-at a-na-ku in qi2-bi-it# (d)utu u3 (d)marduk (in ti-bu-ut) (um-ma-an ma-ti-ia-ma) (in li-ib-bu) sza-at-tim szu-a-ti [_szeg12_-szu al-bi-in] _bad3#_ zimbir#(ki)

e2-babbar u2-ud-di#-isz _u6-nir#_ gi-gu-na-szu-(nu) s,i-ra-am# re-szi-sza ki-ma sza-[me-e] u2#-ul-[li] (d)utu (d)iszkur u3 (d)a-a a-na szu-ub-ti-szu-nu# el#-le#-tim in#?-na# re#?-sza#?-x (u2-sze-ri-ib) a-na e2-babbar _(d#)lamma#_-szu da-mi-iq-tam u2-te-er sza e-li (d)utu (d)iszkur u3 (d)a-a t,a-bu e#-pu-usz qi2-bi-it (d)utu u3 (d)marduk a-na asz-ri asz-ku-un _bad3_ szu-u2 (d)utu a-na sa-am-su-i#-lu#-na# isz-ru#-uk#?-szum# me-te-lu-[tam du]-un#-nam# u3 ba-la-t,am# szum-szu# a-na szu-a-ti (d)utu

ba-la-t,am# [t,u2]-ub# li-ib#-bi-im da-ra#-a-am szar-ru-tam sza sza-ni!-nam# la i-szu-u2# _gidri_ mi-sza-ri-im mu-ki-(in)-na-at _kalam_ _(gesz)tukul_ dan-nam ma-asz-ka-asz na-ki-ri be-lu-ut ki-ib-ra-at ar-ba-im a-na# da-ar e-pe2-szum# a-na qi2#-isz!-ti-szu id#-di-isz-szum

AI Translation

When Enlil, king of the gods, great lord of the land, to Shamash with his good counsel he prayed, and Sippar, the exalted city, his cult center he built, and the Ebabbar to its place he returned, and its high treasury, its exalted throne, like the heavens, the god Shamash and Aya for their pure dwellings in the high and the low he entered, and by his command, which cannot be altered, he said. At that time, the hero, the life of Shamash, for the great destiny of Enlil

and Ebabbar he decided, like a slander he gave him. Samsu-iluna, the king, his hand he seized. I rejoiced with him and he gave me this letter. At that time the flood of Sumer and Akkad which they had brought to me, in the midst of that year, for eighteenths of a year with weapons I fought. The cities of my enemies to a snare and a snare I returned. The foundations of the evil ones in the country I slew. The flood of the country

which since distant days from the brickwork of the Ebabbar he had built, by the king of the past no king of the world had sinned against Shamash and the wall of Sippar had not built, and Samsu-iluna, beloved of Shamash and Aya, the mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the world quarters the four, king whose command is pleasing to Shamash and Aya, I, by the command of Shamash and Marduk, in the midst of my land, its bricks I laid. The wall of Sippar

The Ebabbar I renovated. The u-nir, their exalted ginû-vessels, its top like a mountain I raised up. Shamash, Adad, and Aya for their pure dwellings ... I brought in. To the Ebabbar his protective spirit, a good one, I returned. The command of Shamash, Adad, and Aya, good, I did. The command of Shamash and Marduk I established. That wall Shamash to Samsu-iluna I gave. The lordly majesty, strength, and life, that is his name. To that Shamash

Life, happiness, eternal life, kingship, without rival, a scepter of justice, who establishes the Land, a strong weapon, who protects the enemies, lordship over the four quarters, forever to do, to his own accord gave to him.

P366017: royal-monumental cone

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

Column 1


i3-nu (d)en-lil2 _lugal#_ sza# i3-li2 be-lum ra-bi-um sza ma-ta2-tim a-na (d)utu in bu-ni-szu dam#-qu2#-tim ip#-pa-al#-su2-ma zimbir(ki) _iri_ s,i-a-tim# ma-ha-su2# _bad3#_-szu# [e-pe2]-sza-[am] e2#-[babbar] a#-na asz-ri-szu# tu-ur-ra-am _u6#-nir_ gi-gu-na-szu s,i-ra-am re-szi-sza ki-ma sza-me-e ul-la-am (d)utu u3 (d)a-a a-na szu-ub-ti-szu-nu el-le-tim in re-sza-tim u3 hi-di-a-tim e-re-ba in pi2-szu sza la ut-ta-ak-ka-ru iq-bi-u3 i3-nu-szu _ur#-sag szul_ (d)utu a-na szi-ma-tim ra-bi-a-tim sza (d)en-lil2

u3 e2-babbar# i-szi-mu ki-ma hi-du-tim it-ta-asz-ka-an-szum sa-am#-su-i-lu#-na szar-ra-am li-pi2-it qa2-ti-szu ia-ti ha-di-isz is-si-a-ni-ma te-er-tam szu-a-ti u2#-wa-e-ra-an-ni [i3]-nu#-szu na-ap-ha-ar [ma]-at szu#-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im

AI Translation

When Enlil, king of the gods, great lord of the land, to Shamash with his good counsel he prayed, and Sippar, the exalted city, his cult center he built, and the Ebabbar to its place he returned, and its exalted throne, like the heavens, the god Shamash and Aya for their pure dwellings in the high mountains and the sanctuaries he entered, by his command which cannot be changed, he said. At that time, the hero of Shamash for the great destiny of Enlil

and Ebabbar he decided, like a slander he punished him. Samsu-iluna, the king, his hand he seized. I rejoiced with him and he returned to me this letter. At that time, the land of Sumer and Akkad

Column 2


sza i-ze2-[ru-ni-in-ni] in li-[ib-bu] sza#-at#-tim# [isz-ti-a-at] a-di 8(disz)#-[szu] in _(gesz)tukul# lu# [a-du-uk] _iri-iri_ za-[i-ri-ia] a-na# _du6#-du6#_ u3# [kar-mi] lu u2-[te-er] _suhusz#_ a#-ia#-[bi le-em-nim] [in _kalam_ lu as-su-uh2] na-ap#-[ha-ar _kalam_] a-na# [qi2-bi-ti-ia] lu# [u2-sze-szi-ib] sza# [isz-tu u4-um s,i-a-tim] isz-tu# [_szeg12_ e2-babbar] ib-ba-ni#-[u3] in _lugal_ mah#-[ra] _lugal_ ma-am-ma#-[an] (d)utu la im-[gu-ru-ma] _bad3_ zimbir#([ki]) la i-pu-szu#-[szum-ma] sa-am-su-[i-lu-na]

na-ra-am (d)[utu u3 (d)a-a] _lugal_ da#-[num2] _lugal_ babila2#[(ki)] _lugal_ ki-ib#-[ra-at] ar#-[ba-im] _lugal_ sza qi2#-[bi2-su] it-ti (d)utu# [u3 (d)a-a] ma-ag-ra-at# [a-na-ku] in qi2-bi-it# [(d)utu] u3 (d)[marduk] in ti-[bu-ut] um-ma-an ma#-[ti-ia-ma] in li#-[ib-bu] sza-at-tim szu#-[a-ti] _szeg12_-szu al-[bi-in] _bad3#_ zimbir#([ki]) ki-ma _sa-tu_-[im ra-bi-im] u2-ul#-[li] e2-babbar# u2-ud#-[di-isz]

AI Translation

which they had sinned against me, in the middle of that year eight times with weapons I killed. My city Za'iri to be razed and destroyed I returned. The foundation of my enemy's evil was weakened in the country. The destruction of the country to my command I settled. That which from distant days from the foundations of the Ebabbar had been built, no king before me had ever sinned against Shamash, and the wall of Sippar had not built, and Samsu-iluna

beloved of Shamash and Aya, the mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the world quarters the four, king whose command is pleasing to Shamash and Aya, I, by the command of Shamash and Marduk, in the wrath of my land, in the midst of that year its bricks I fashioned. The wall of Sippar, like a great mountain, I raised up and the Ebabbar I renovated.

Column 2


u3 ak#-[ka-di-im] sza i-ze2-ru#-ni#-[in-ni] in# li-ib-[bu] sza#-at-tim isz-ti-a#-[at] a-di 8(disz)#-um#? in _(gesz)tukul# lu! a-du#-uk#? _iri-iri_ za-i-ri-ia-sza a#-na _du6-du6_ u3 kar#-mi lu u2-te-er# _suhusz#_ a-ia-bi u3 le-em-nim in# ma-tim lu as-su2-uh na-ap-ha-ar ma-tim a-na qi2#-bi-ti-ia lu u2-sze-szi#-ib# sza# [isz-tu u4-um s,i-a-tim] isz-tu# [_szeg12_ e2-babbar]

AI Translation

and the land of Akkad, who had sided with me, in the middle of that year, up to 8? with weapons I killed. The cities of her Zairiyasha to the quay and the harbor I returned. The foundation of the enemy and the evil in the land I tore out. The sapping of the land to my command I settled. That from the distant days from the foundation of the Ebabbar

P366019: royal-monumental tablet

Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI

Column 1


[... _lugal] babilax(|_tin-tir_|)#(ki) nun_ na-a-du [... qar]-ra#-du la sza-na-an [...] e#-tel-lu qar-du [... sza]-ga#-pi-ru [...] _ta a dam_ [...] sza#-qu-u2 (d)marduk [...] ru-um-ti3 _dingir gal-gal_ [...] _dingir-dingir (d)ag_

AI Translation

... king of Babylon, the prince who provides ..., the valiant man who cannot be rivalled ..., the mighty, the valiant man ..., the shakapiru-priest ... from the wife ..., the exalted one of Marduk ..., the prince, the great gods ..., the gods of Nabû,

Column 2


isz-tu _sila-dagal ka2-gal-(d)utu_ a-di ki-sza2-ad# ga-at-ti sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-e-a qer-ba-szu i-pu2-szu ga-nu-ni tal-la-ak-ta-szu la szu-ud-du-la-at la du-um-mu-qu szi-pi2-ir-szu in gu-szu-ur _(gesz)erin_ ba-nu-u2 s,u2-lu#-ul-szu sza _e2-gal_ szu-a-tim szu-bat hi-da#-a-tim u2-ra-asz2 tak-ne2-e masz-ta-ku ri-sza-a-tim [u2]-te#-ed#-du#-szu# lib3#-bi ha-disz ub-lam-ma [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

From the square of the Gate of Shamash to the outskirts of the entire district which the kings, my ancestors, had built inside it, the cultic rites of his cultic rites were not completed and his work was not finished. With a scepter of cedar, the source of his work, a seat of joy in that palace, a dwelling of joy, I made it shine like daylight. I joyfully re-established the rituals of my heart and ... .

P366022: royal-monumental cylinder

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x [...] x x x x x [...] [...] sza2#? a-na x _x-mesz#_-szu2 la _ig_ x [x x x x] [...] x-ti zi-kir _mu_-szu2 it-u2-du qi2-bit-su# [x x x x] [...] u2#-szah-ma-t,u ma-har [...] [... la] ma#-gi-ru qi2-bi-ti# [... szu]-a#?-ti# u2-szal-pit2 u2-reb-bu da-ad-mu# [x] [...] _dingir#_ ti-ik-li-szu2 [... i?]-na tukul-ti-szu2 kit-mu-su u2-sap-pu-u2 be-lut-su [...] x la i#-szu-t,u ab-sza2-ni [sza2? _a-sza3-mesz? dumu-mesz? babila-me?_ u3? bar2-sipa(ki?) it]-ba#-lu-ma u2-tar-ru ra-ma-nu-usz

[...] qi2#-bit-su u zi-kir _mu_-szu2 la isz-hu-t,u-ma la i-du-ru be-lut-su [...] ir-hi-is,-ma a-bu-ba-nisz is-pu-un [... ha-at-tu] rama#-ni-szu2 im-qut-su-ma na-pisz-ta-szu2 ib-li [... isz]-lu#-lam-ma u2-ra-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) [(disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal gal_]-u2# _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) [_lugal_ kib-rat er-bet-ti] _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur_ szu-me-ri u3 uri(ki#)

[li-ip-li-pi da-ru-u2 sza2 (disz)(d)en-ba-ni _dumu_ (disz)a-da-si] _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) per-'u bal-til(ki) szu-qu-ru _numun lugal_-ti ki-sit2-ti s,a-a#-[ti] [... _e2_ (d)]gu#-la bar2-sipa(ki) sza2 ina du-un-nu a-gi-i ez-zu-tu i-ni-szu2 mu#?-[szab?-szu?] [...] ma-qit-ta-szu2 usz-ziz-ma u2-dan-nin rik-si-[szu] [... szip?]-ri# szu-a-ti# ha-disz lip-pa-[lis-ma] [...] x x [...] x x x _mi ur_ [x x x] [...] x _rik#_ [x x x] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his name he made known, his command ... he made manifest before ... ... unsubmissive to oath ... that ... he destroyed, he confined, the settlements ... ... the god his support ... with his support he made manifest his lordship ... ... did not know, the abshanu ... whose fields, the sons of the Babylonians? and Borsippa? had taken and thereby made them a colossal cultic rites

... his command and the mention of his name did not change and did not cease his rule ... he became angry and his enemies he smote. ... his anger overwhelmed him and his life he departed. ... he carried off and to Assyria he went. Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad,

The eternal li'pi of Bel-bani, son of Adasi, king of Assyria, the stele of Baltil Ashur, the supreme, the seed of kingship, the stele of the high mountains, ... the temple of Gula of Borsippa, which in the wrath of the fierce agû he had erected, his residence, ... his throne he set up and strengthened its bonds. May ... may he see the work of this work with pleasure and ...

P366147: administrative tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ [...]
  • i-na szar-da-da-nim _da_ sin-re-me-ni u2-sza-lum ma-la i-li-am sza be-le-su2-nu-ma# (disz)u-bar-(d)utu _dumu_ nu-ri-ia# u3# sin-re-me-ni a-na be-le-su2-nu _lukur nig2_ (d)utu i-di-nu _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 sa3-bi-um sza a-wa-at _dub_ an-ni-im u3-na-ka-ru _igi_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar _igi_ bur-nu-nu _igi_ (d)mar-tu-ba-ni [_igi_] (d)iszkur-re-me-ni [_igi_] (d)utu-li-t,u2-ul

    AI Translation
  • 3 iku field area .
  • In Shardadanum the street of the strewn offerings he made splendid, as much as there was of them. Ubar-shamash, son of Nuriya, and the strewn offerings to their lady, naditu of Shamash, gave. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Sabium, who the word of this tablet he shall erase, before Lipit-Ishtar, before Burnunu, before Martu-bani, before Adad-remeni, before Shamash-litul



    _igi_ (d)nin-szubur#-ba-ni _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _igi_ la-ma#-si2# _igi_ (d)a-a-szi-ti _igi_ (d)inanna-ama-mu _dumu-munus_ a-ab-ba-t,a3-bu-um _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    Before Ninshubur-bani, before Belessunu, before Lamassi, before Aashiti, before Inanna-amamu, daughter of Aya-tabum, the scribe.

    P366148: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ bu-sza
  • i-ta na-bi-(d)utu _dumu sipa_ u3 inim-(d)utu _ki_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _dumu sipa_ (disz)sza-at-(d)a-a _nin_ (d)utu i-na sza-wi-ri-sza _in-szi-sa10 sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_ _ku3#-babbar in-na-la2_ _gesz#-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _inim-bi al-til_ _u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra_ _inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk u3 a-pil-sin it-mu-u2

    AI Translation
  • 3 iku of field in the bushu-field,
  • From Nabi-shamash, son of the shepherd, and Inim-shamash, with Nur-shamash, son of the shepherd, Shat-Aya, the mistress of Shamash, in her ... he bought. For the full price of silver he received it. The scepter he smashed. That word he swore. In future, a man or a man will not raise a claim concerning that matter. The name of Shamash, Marduk and Apilsin he swore.



    _igi_ asz-ri-(d)en-lil2 _dumu_ be-lum _igi_ (d)nanna-_di#_ _dumu_ sin-na-s,ir _igi_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ en-ne-sin _igi_ i-di-ia _dub-sar_ _igi_ dingir-ma-an-szum2 _dumu_ sin-illat-su _igi_ e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ en-ne-en-sin _igi_ inim!-(d)en-lil2-la2 _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _igi_ lu2-(d)iszkur _dumu_ isz-me-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    before Ashur-enlil, son of Bel; before Nanna-di, son of Sin-nashir; before Nabi-ilishu, son of Ennesin; before Idiya, the scribe; before Ilmanshum, son of Sin-illatsu; before Eribam, son of Ennesin; before Inim-enlila, son of Ilshu-bani; before Amel-adad, son of Ishme-adad;



    _dub 3(iku) gan2# a-sza3_ i-na# [_a-gar3_ bu-sza] i-ta _a-sza3_ na-bi-(d)utu _dumu sipa#_ u3 i-ta inim-(d)utu _ki_ nu-ur2-(d)utu _dumu sipa_ (disz)sza-at-(d#)a-a _nin_ (d)utu _dumu#-munus#_ [sze]-ep#-(d)suen i-na szi-wi-ri-[sza] [_in-szi-sa10 sa10 til]-la-bi-sze3_ _ku3#-[babbar in-na]-la2_ _gesz-gan#-[na ib2]-ta#-bala_ _inim-bi# al#-til_ _u4 kur2#-[sze3] lu2# lu2#-ra_ _inim [nu]-um-ga2-ga2-a#_ _mu_ (d#)utu (d)marduk# u3# a-pil-sin it-mu#-[u2]

    AI Translation

    Tablet 3 iku of land in a field in the field of bushu, from the field of Nabi-shamash son of the shepherd and from Inim-shamash with Nur-shamash son of the shepherd Shat-Aya, wife of Shamash daughter of Shep-sîn, in her reed-bed he bought; for its full price he paid the silver; the reed-bed he seized; its word he swore; in future days a man or a man a falsehood he swore; the name of Shamash, Marduk and Apilsin he swore.



    _igi_ asz-ri-(d)en-lil2 _dumu_ be-[lum] _igi_ (d)nanna-_di_ _dumu_ sin-na#-[s,ir] _igi_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu _igi_ e-[ri-ba-am] _igi_ sin-en-ne-na-x _igi_ dingir-ma-an-szum2 _dumu_ sin-illat-su2 _igi_ lu2-(d)iszkur _dumu_ isz-me-(d)iszkur _igi_ inim-(d)en-lil2-la2 _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _igi_ i-di-ia _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    before Ashur-enlil, son of Bel; before Nanna-shallim, son of Sin-nashir; before Nabi-ilishu; before Eribam; before Sin-ennena-...; before Ili-manshum, son of Sin-illatsu; before Amel-adad, son of Ishme-adad; before Inim-enlila, son of Ilshu-bani; before Idiya, the scribe.

    P366149: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x x [...] u3 _an_-la#-[...] _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam i7_ [...] _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma a-sza3 _ad_?-[...] _ki_ (d)utu-zi-mu _ugula dam-gar3_ (disz)il-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu# _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-re#-me-ni# i-na sza-i-wi-ri-sza _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_ _ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2_ _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala!_ _inim-bi al-til sza3-ga-ni al-du10_ _u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra_ _inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a_

    AI Translation

    ... and ... its head ... the first ... canal, its second head ... the field of ... with Shamash-zimu, the foreman of the merchant, Illanu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sîn-remeni, in her ... he bought. The price of its full price he paid. The scepter he seized. The word he finished, his heart happy. In the future a man or a person will not raise a claim.



    _mu (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk (disz)a-pil-(d)suen u3 _iri_ zimbir(ki) _in-pa3-de3-mesz_ _igi_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar _igi_ sza-mu-uh-(d)suen _igi_ (d)iszkur-re-me-ni _igi_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar _dumu_ (d)nanna-tum# _igi_ lu2-(d)iszkur-ra _dumu_ lu2-(d)da-mu _igi_ dingir-szu-illat-su2# _igi_ na-ra-am#-[...]

    AI Translation

    Year: "Shamash, Aya, Marduk, Apil-Sîn and Sippar prayed." Before Lipit-Ishtar; before Shamuh-Sîn; before Adad-remeni; before Lipit-Ishtar, son of Nanna-tum; before Adad-ra, son of Lu-damu; before Ilshu-illatsu; before Naram-...;

    P366150: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila-sze3_ be-le-su2-nu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ma-ah-ta-nu-u2 (disz)e-ri-isz-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-dingir re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na e-eb-le-e a-hi nam-ka-ru-um i-ta (d)suen-i-din-nam u3 ha-e-um u3 na-bi-(d)suen (disz)be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ ma-ah-ta!-nu a-na e-ri-isz-tum _dumu-munus-a-ni lukur_ (d)utu id-di-in a-di be-le-su2-nu ba-al-t,a3-at (disz)e-ri-isz-tum it-ta-na-szi-szi

    AI Translation

    As heirs, their lady, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Mahtanu, Erishtu, daughter of Sîn-ili, the guardian of her reign, 1 eshe3 3 iku field in the Eble, the side of the namkarum-tree, with Sîn-iddinam and Heum and Nabi-sîn, Belessunu, daughter of Mahtanu, to Erishtu, daughter of Shamash, gave, until their own slave, Erishtu, has given to her.



    wa-ar-ki (disz)be-le-su2-nu a-na _a-sza3_ sza be-le-su2-nu a-na e-ri-isz-tum id-di-nu ma-ma-an u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu# _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk u3 a-pil-(d)suen _in-pa3-de3-esz_ _igi_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar _igi_ sza-mu-uh-(d)suen _sanga_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _dumu_ bur-nu-nu _igi_ (d)iszkur-re-me-ni _igi_ i-da-du-um _i3-du8_ _igi_ a-ap-pa-t,a3-bu-um _sanga_ (d)i-ku-nu-um _igi_ sin-ga-mil _dumu_ nu-ru-bu-um _igi_ a-hu-wa-qar _dumu_ sa3-sum2 _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ _ka_-_da_-_da_

    _igi_ ra-bi-s,il-(la)-szu

    AI Translation

    Before Belessunu to the field of Belessunu to Erishtum gave, no one shall dispute. The name of Shamash, Marduk and Apil-Sîn he imposed. Before Lipit-ishtar, before Shamuh-Sîn, priest of Shamash; before Ninshubur-bani, son of Burnunu; before Adad-remeni; before Idaduum, gatekeeper; before Appat-abuum, priest of Ikunu; before Sin-gamil, son of Nuruum; before Ahu-waqar, son of Sasum; before Sin-iddinam, son of Ka-da-da.

    Before his great heir.



    _igi_ ma-nu-um _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ (d)a-a-szi-ti _igi_ a-lu-pa-tum _igi_ sza-lu-ur-tum _igi_ ha-[an]-ba-tum _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _igi_ sa3-la-ti-ia _igi_ hu-nu-ub-tum _igi_ la-ma-si2# _igi_ ma-li-ka-tum _igi_ i-ba#-[lu-ut,]

    AI Translation

    Before Manum; before Sin-iddinam; before Ayasti; before Alupatum; before Shalurtum; before Hanbatum; before Nishi-inishu; before Salatiya; before Hunubtum; before Lamassi; before Malikatum; before Ibalut.



    _dub ibila-sze3_ (disz)be-le-su2-nu# [...] _lukur#_ (d)utu a-na e-ri-isz-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)suen#-[dingir] re-di-it wa-ar-ka-[ti-sza] _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na [e-eb-le-e] i-ta (d)suen-i-din-nam# [...] (disz)be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ ma#-[ah-ta-nu] a-na e-ri-isz-tum# [_dumu-munus-a-ni lukur_ (d)utu id-di-in] a-di be-le-su2-nu# [ba-al-t,a3-at] (disz)e-ri-isz-tum# [it-ta-na-szi-szi] wa-ar-ki (disz)be-[le-su2-nu a-na _a-sza3_] sza (disz)be-le-su2-nu a-[na e-ri-isz-tum id-di-nu]

    _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk [u3 a-pil-(d)suen] _in-pa3-de3-esz_ sza a-wa-at# [u2-na-ka-ru] _igi_ li-pi2-it-esz18-dar _igi_ sza-mu#-[uh-(d)suen _sanga_ (d)utu] _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _igi_ (d)iszkur#-[re-me-ni] _igi_ i-ba#-lu#-ut, _igi#_ i3-da-du-um [...]

    AI Translation

    a heir-mark of Belessunu ..., naditu of Shamash, to Erishtum, daughter of Sîn-ili, the prefect of her fathers, 1 eshe3 3 iku field in the Eble, from Sîn-iddinam ... Belessunu, daughter of Mahtanu, to Erishtum, daughter of Shamash, he gave; until Belessunu had died, Erishtum he brought. After Belessunu to the field of Belessunu, to Erishtum he gave.

    The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Apil-Sîn he has sworn by the word of Nakaru. Before Lipit-ishtar, before Shamuh-Sîn, priest of Shamash, before Ninshubur-bani, before Adad-remeni, before Ibalut, before Idaduum, .



    [_igi_ (d)suen-ga]-mil# _dumu# nu#-ru#-[bu-um] [_igi_ a]-hu#-wa-qar _dumu_ sa3-sum2 _igi#_ [...] [_igi_] ma#-nu-um _dumu_ (d)utu-zi-mu sanga# [...] [_igi_ (d)]suen#-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)x-x-x _igi#_ ra-bi-s,il-la-szu _dumu_ x-ra?-x-x _igi_ a-hu-szi-na [_dumu_ ma]-szum _igi_ i-mi-[...] _igi_ ma-li-ka-tum# [_dumu_] bu#-nu-x-da-x-[...] _igi_ da-mi-iq-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)utu!-tab!-ba!-szu! _igi_ ge-me-ia _dumu#-munus_ x-lu-ma-[...] _igi_ isz-me-esz18-dar _dumu-munus_ i3-li2-ba-ni

    _igi_ (d)a-a-szi-ti _dumu-munus_ an-pi4-(d)suen _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-ra-bi _igi_ ma-na-a _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-en-nam# _igi_ sza-lu-ur-tum _dumu-munus_ i-me-ri-nu-um _igi_ ha-an-ba-tum _dumu-munus_ nu-ur2-(d)iszkur _lukur_ (d)utu _igi_ a-lu-pa-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-ni-ia _igi_ sa3-la-ti-ia

    AI Translation

    Before Sîn-gamil, son of Nurubu; before Ahu-waqar, son of Sasum; before ...; before Manum, son of Shamash-zimu, priest ...; before Sîn-iddinam, son of ...; before Rabi-shillashu, son of ...; before Ahushina, son of Mashum; before Imi-...; before Malikatum, son of Bunu-...; before Damiqtum, daughter of Shamash-tabbash; before Gemeia, daughter of ...; before Ishme-ishtar, daughter of Ili-bani;

    Before Ayashitu, daughter of Anu-pî-Sîn; before Nishi-nishu, daughter of Sîn-rabi; before Manaya, daughter of Sîn-ennam; before Shalurtum, daughter of Imerinum; before Hanbatum, daughter of Nur-Adad, naditu of Shamash; before Alupatum, daughter of Sîn-ia; before Salatiya.

    Seal 1


    da-mi-iq-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _sanga#_ (d)utu

    AI Translation

    Damiqtum, daughter of Shamash-tabbash, priest of Shamash.

    Seal 2


    (d)iszkur-[re-me]-ni _dumu_ (d)da-mu-gal-zu _ARAD e2-babbar2_

    AI Translation

    Adad-remeni, son of Damu-galzu, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 4


    [li-pi2]-it#-esz18-dar [_dumu_ (d)utu]-tab#-ba#-szu [_sanga_ (d)]utu

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, son of Shamash-tabbash, priest of Shamash.

    Seal 6


    (d)suen-en-nam _sanga_ (d)utu _dumu_ (d)suen-i-mi-ti _ARAD e2-babbar2#_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-ennam, sanga priest of Shamash, son of Sîn-imitti, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 7


    (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _dumu_ bur-nu-nu _ugula lukur_ (d)utu _ARAD e2-babbar2_

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur-bani, son of Bur-nunu, overseer of the naditu of Shamash, servant of Ebabbar.

    P366151: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 1(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ ku#?-li#-li(ki) _da a-sza3_ (disz)wa-tar-(d)i-ku-nim u3 _da a-sza3_ sa-bi-bu-um _ki_ be-el-szu-nu _dumu_ asz-di-li-tu-ur _(disz)(d)a-a-ku-zu-ub-ma-tim _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ s,il2-li2-akszak(ki) i-na _har ku3-babbar_-sza _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-a-ni-sze3_ _ku3-babbar in-na-la2_ _sza3-ga-a-ni al-du10_ _gesz-gan-na ib-ta-bala!_ _inim-bi al-til_ _nu-mu-un-gi-gi-ta_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk sin-mu-ba-li2-it, u3 (iri)zimbir(ki) in!-pa3-de3-mesz_

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 1 1/2 iku field area, in the field of the city of Kullili, adjacent to the field of Watar-Ikunum and adjacent to the field of Sabibuum, with their lord, son of Aszdi-li-tur, Aya-kuzub-matim, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shilliakshak, with her silver ring he bought; for her full price silver he weighed out; her heart he was satisfied; she sat down; she sat down; she sat down; she sat down; she sat down; she sat down; she sat down. The nugitu-priest of Shamash, Marduk, Sîn-muballit and Sippar, they imposed upon them.



    _igi_ im-gur-sin _dumu_ u2-qa2-dingir _igi_ lu2-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ a-gi-gu-um _igi_ e-tel-pi2-sin _igi_ be-la-kum _igi_ _arad_-(d)mar-tu _igi_ si2-ia-tum _igi_ sin-ga-mil _igi_ sin-i-qi2-sza-am _igi_ wa-tar-(d)i-ku-nim _igi_ x-x-sa3 _igi_ lu2-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ (d)utu-zi-mu _igi_ ta-ri-bu-um _dumu_ isz-lik-sin _igi_ i-din-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ mu-tum-me-el _igi_ sin-dingir _dumu_ pu-um-ra-bi [...]-x _dumu_ _arad_-di-ia [...]-x-wa-qar [...]-tum# [...]-a

    AI Translation

    Before Imgur-sîn, son of Uqqa-ili; before Lu-Amurtu, son of Agiguum; before Etel-pîsin; before Belakum; before Warad-Amurtu; before Siyatum; before Sin-gamil; before Sin-iqisham; before Watar-ikunim; before; before Lu-Amurtu, son of Shamash-zimu; before Taribuum, son of Ishlik-sin; before Iddin-Amurtu, son of Mutum-mel; before Sin-ili, son of Puum-rabi; ... son of Warad-diya; ...-waqar; ... .



    [i-na _har] ku3#-babbar#_-sza _in-[szi-in-sa10]_ _sa10# til-la-ni-sze3_ [_ku3]-babbar in-na-la2_ _sza3#-ga-a-ni (al)-du10_ _gesz-gan ib2-ta-bala_ _u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra#_ _inim# nu-ga2-ga2-da_ _mu#_ (d)utu (d)marduk a-pil-sin u3# (iri)zimbir(ki) _in#-pa3-de3-mesz#_

    AI Translation

    He bought her for silver by the silver bracelet, and for his life he paid the silver. He smashed her heart, he smashed her skull. In the future, a man or a man will not raise a claim concerning the name of Shamash, Marduk, Apilsin, and Sippar, will be smashed.



    [...]-_ad_? [...]-um

    AI Translation

    ...-ad? ...

    P366158: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na [x] x x(ki)
  • i-ta _a-sza3_ _pi_(ki)-ia u3 ra-ba-ba-ni

  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-ra-tim
  • i-na zi-ti ra-bu-ut-sa3 i-ta e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ su-ka#-li u3 i-ta im-gur-ri-im sza be-la-kum a-na il-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu ma-ar-ti-szu i-di-nu-ma (disz)ib-ni-(d)mar-tu a-pi2-il-sza u2-ul i-tu-ru-u2-ma (disz)qa2-qa2-da-nu-um u3 i-di-szum _dumu-mesz_ be-la-kum u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu-u2 _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk sin-mu-ba-li2-it, u3 zimbir(ki) it-mu-u2

    AI Translation
  • 4 iku of field in ...,
  • from the field of my city and the great mountains

  • 3 iku of field in the district of the city of Til-Ashur;
  • In her great birth year, from Eribam, son of Sukali, and from Imgurum, which Belakum to Iltani, the naditu of Shamash his father, gave, but Ibni-Amurrum, her son, did not return, and Qaqadanum and Idishum, sons of Belakum did not return, the year Shamash, Marduk, Sîn-muballit and Sippar they called.



    _igi_ (d)utu-dingir _igi_ _pi_(ki)-ia _dumu_ sin-re-me-ni _igi_ _pi_(ki)-na-s,ir _igi_ sin-ma-gir _igi_ zimbir(ki)-t,a3-ab _igi_ qa2-qa2-da-nu-um _igi_ a-wi-il-dingir _igi_ a-wa-ti-ia _igi_ sin-dingir _igi_ er3-ra-na-da _igi_ a-hu-wa-qar _igi_ szu-pi2-sza _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    before Shamash-ili; before Pia, son of Sîn-remeni; before Pia-nashir; before Sin-magir; before Sippar-tab; before Qaqadanum; before Awil-ili; before Awatiya; before Sin-ili; before Erra-nada; before Ahu-waqar; before Shu-pisha, scribe.



    _dub_ 4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na gu2? x x x(ki) i-ta _a-sza3_ _pi_(ki)-ia _dumu_ sin-re-me-ni u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ ra-ba-ba-ni

  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-ra-tim
  • zi-ti ra-bu-ut-sa3 i-ta _a-sza3_ e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ su-ka#-lum u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ im-gur-rum _dumu_ pa-la-er3-ra sza be-la-kum a-na il-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu ma-ar-ti-szu i-di-in (disz)ib-ni-(d)mar-tu a-pi2-il-sza u2-ul i-tu-ru-u2-ma (disz)i-di-szum u3 qa2-qa2-da-nu-um _dumu-mesz_ be-la-kum u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu-u2

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning 4 iku of field in the district of ..., from the field of Piya, son of Sîn-remeni, and from the field of Rababani.

  • 3 iku of field in the district of the city of Til-Ashur;
  • a large share from the field of Eribam, son of Sukalum, and from the field of Imgurrum, son of Pala-Erra, which Belakum to Iltani, naditu of Shamash, his father, gave. Ibni-Amurrum, her steward, did not return and Idishum and Qaqadanum, sons of Belakum, did not return.



    _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk sin-mu-ba-li2-it, u3 zimbir(ki) it-mu-u2 _igi_ (d)utu-dingir ra-bi-a-nu-um _igi_ _pi_(ki)-ia _dumu_ sin-re-me-ni _igi_ _pi_(ki)-na-s,ir _dumu_ sin-dingir _igi_ a-wi-il-dingir _dumu_ _arad_-sin _igi_ a-wa-ti-ia _dumu_ pi2!-ir!-hi-im _igi_ er3-ra-na-da _dumu_ na-ka-rum _igi_ sin-dingir _dumu_ pu-ra-bi _igi_ qa2-qa2-da-nu-um _dumu_ ba-la-qum _igi_ sin-ma-gir _dumu_ i-din-(d)mar-tu _igi_ a-hu-wa-qar _dumu_ sa-mu-dingir _igi_ szu-pi2-sza _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    Year: "Shamash and Marduk gave Sin-muballit and Sippar." Before Shamash-ilum, the great one. Before Piya, son of Sîn-remeni. Before Piyil-nashir, son of Sîn-ilum. Before Awatiya, son of Warad-sîn. Before Erra-nada, son of Nakalum. Before Sin-ilum, son of Purubi. Before Qaqadanum, son of Balaqum. Before Sin-magir, son of Iddin-Marduk. Before Ahu-waqar, son of Samu-ilum. Before Shu-pisha, the scribe.

    Seal 1


    (d)mar-tu (d)gesztin-an-na

    AI Translation

    Amurru, Geshtinana,

    Seal 2


    (d)utu-dingir _dumu_ wa-tar-(d)i-ku-nu-um _ARAD_ an (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Shamash-ilu, son of Watar-Ikunum, servant of Anu and Amurru.

    Seal 3


    (d)utu (d)a-a

    AI Translation

    Shamash, Aya,

    P366162: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sar an-za-gar3_ li-tir li-im-t,i3-ma
  • _9(disz) sar kislah_ i-na _a-gar3_ bu-sza
  • _us2-sa-du kislah_ mu-ha-du-um u3 i-ta _kislah dumu-munus_ a-wi-il-dingir _lukur_ (d)utu _ki_ be-el-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ isz-me-(d)iszkur (disz)hu-za-la-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ak-sza-ia _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_ _ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2_ _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _inim-bi al-til_ _u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra_ _inim nu-ga2-ga2-a_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar of Anzagar, may it be restored, may it be restored,
  • 9 sar, the weight in the field of the bushu-plant,
  • the lower side, next to the cloister of Muhadum, and next to the cloister of the daughter of Awil-ili, naditu of Shamash, from Beltani, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Ishme-Adad, Huzalatum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Akshaya, bought; for the full price of silver he paid; he imposed a penalty; its word he shall carry; in future a man or a person shall not make a complaint.



    _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk (disz)am-mu-ra-pi2 u3 _iri_ zimbir(ki) _in-pa3-da_ _igi_ sin-bi-ni-a-an-ni _dumu_ i3-li2-i-din-nam _igi_ (d)utu-i-din-nam u3 la-ma-si2 _nin9#-bi_ _dumu-me_ e-ri-ba-am _igi_ be-le-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-illat-su2 _igi_ ha-du-an-ni-a-am _dumu_ puzur4-(d)utu _igi_ ig-mil-sin _dumu_ dingir-lam-_ka_-ta-_za_ _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _igi_ sin-re-me-ni _dub-sar_ _mu gu-za_ (d)nanna babila2(ki)

    AI Translation

    Year: "Shamash, Marduk, Ammi-rapi and Sippar were installed." Before Sin-binianni, son of Ili-iddinam; before Shamash-iddinam and Lamasi, its sister, sons of Eribam; before Beletum, daughter of Sîn-illatsu; before Hadu-anniam, son of Puzur-shamash; before Igmil-sîn, son of Ilam-ka-taza; before Sin-iddinam, son of Shamash-tabbash; before Sîn-remeni, the scribe, the name of the throne of Nanna of Babylon.


  • [_1(disz)] sar an-za-gar3 _9(disz) sar kislah_
  • [i-na] _a#-gar3_ bu-sza li-tir li-im-t,i3-ma [_us2-sa-du] kislah#_ mu-ha-du-um _dumu_ a-ha-am-ar-szi [u3 i-ta] _kislah# dumu-munus_ a-wi-il-dingir [_ki_ be-el-ta-ni] _lukur_ (d)utu [(disz)hu-za-la-tum _lukur_ (d)utu] [_dumu-munus_ akszak](ki)-ia [i-na sza-we]-ri-sza

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar of anzagaru, 9 sar of a rope,
  • in the field of the business may he restore, and the adjoining plot of land of Muhadum, son of Aham-arshi, and adjacent to the plot of land of daughter of Awil-ili, with Beltani, naditu of Shamash; Huzalatum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Akshak in her midst



    _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _inim-bi al-til u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 [lu2-ra_] _inim nu-ga2-ga2-a mu_ (d)[utu (d)marduk] (disz)am-mu-ra-pi2 u3# _iri#_ zimbir#[(ki)] _in-pa3-[da_] _igi_ (d)suen-bi-ni-[a-an-ni] _dumu# i3-li2-[i-din-nam] _igi_ (d)utu-i-din-nam# u3# la#-ma-si2# lukur# (d)utu _dumu-me_ e-ri-[ba]-am _igi_ be-le-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-illat-su2 _igi_ ha-du-an-ni-a-am _dumu_ puzur4-(d)utu _igi_ ig-mil-sin _dumu_ dingir-lam-_ka_-ta-_zi_ _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu

    AI Translation

    Its wording has been completed. In the future, a person who a claim concerning the name of Shamash, Marduk, Ammu-rapi and Sippar will clear it. Before Sîn-binianni, son of Ili-iddinam; before Shamash-iddinam and Lamassi, naditu of Shamash, son of Eribayam; before Beletum, daughter of Sîn-illatsu; before Hadu-anam, son of Puzur-shamash; before Igmil-sîn, son of Ilam-ka-tazi; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Shamash-tabbash;

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ be-el-ta-ni

    AI Translation

    Seal of Beltani.

    Seal 5


    _kiszib3_ (d)utu-i-din-nam#

    AI Translation

    Seal of Shamash-iddinam

    Seal 6


    _kiszib3_ sin-re-me-ni

    AI Translation

    Seal of Sîn-remeni.

    P366163: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _9(disz) sar kislah_ i-na _a-gar3_ bu-sza
  • i-ta _kislah_ u-bar-rum _dumu_ si-ki-lum u3 i-ta _kislah dumu-munus_ i-bi-sin _lukur_ (d)utu _da an-za-gar3_ sza u-bar-rum _ki_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _dumu_ i3-li2-a-bi-isz-ti-kal2 (disz)im-gur-(d)suen u3 sin-i-din-nam _dumu-me_ sin-re-me-ni (disz)geme2-(d)utu _lukur_ (d#)utu _dumu-munus_ mu-ha#-du#-um i-na _har ku3-babbar_-sza

    AI Translation
  • 9 sar, the weight in the field of the bushu-plant,
  • from the cloister of Ubarrum, son of Shikil, and from the cloister of the daughter of Ibbi-sîn, naditu of Shamash, next to the Anzagar of Ubarrum, with Ilshu-bani, son of Ili-abi-ishtikal; Imgur-sîn and Sin-iddinam, sons of Sîn-remeni; Geme-shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Muhadum, in her silver bracelet.



    _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_ _ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2_ _sza3-ga-ni al-du10_ _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _inim-bi al-til_ _u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra_ _inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk am-mu-ra-pi2 u3 _iri_ zimbir(ki) it-mu-u2 _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)szakkan2 _igi_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu

    AI Translation

    he has paid. The price of its full price he has sworn. He has sworn by the scepter. He has sworn by the word. The decree is complete. In the future a man or a man will not raise a claim concerning the name of Shamash, Marduk, Ammurapi and Sippar will say. Before Nur-shakkan, before Nur-ilishu.



    _igi_ a-na-sin-tak2-la-ku _igi_ ak-ka-du-um _igi_ _arad2_-(d)nin-szubur _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _igi_ (d)utu-ra-bi _dumu_ u2-ba-bu

    AI Translation

    before Anasin-taklaku; before Akkadum; before Warad-Ninshubur; before Ninshubur-bani; before Shamash-rabi, son of Ubabu;



    _dub 1(u) la2 1(disz) sar kislah_ i-na _a-gar3_ bu-sza i-ta# _kislah_ u-bar-rum _dumu_ si-ki-lum u3 i#-ta _kislah dumu-munus_ i-bi#-(d)suen _lukur_ (d)utu _da an-za-gar3_ u-bar-rum _ki_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _dumu_ i3-li2-a-bi-isz-ti-kal2 (disz)im-gur-(d)suen u3 (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu-me_ (d)suen-re-me-ni (disz)geme2-(d)utu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ mu-ha-du-um i-na _har ku3-babbar_-sza _in-szi-in-sa10_

    AI Translation

    Tablet 11 less 1 sar: the 'garment' in the field of business, from the 'garment' of Ubarrum, son of Sikil-lum, and from the 'garment' of the daughter of Ibbi-sîn, naditu of Shamash, next to the Anzagar 'garment' of Ubarrum, with Ilshu-bani, son of Ili-abi-ishtikal; Imgur-sîn and Sîn-iddinam, sons of Sîn-remeni; Geme-shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Muhadum, from the silver she received.



    _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3 ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2_ _sza3-ga-ni al-du10 gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _inim-bi al-til u4 kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra_ _inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk am-mu-ra-pi2 u3 _iri_ zimbir(ki) it-mu-u2 _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)szakkan2 _dumu_ dingir-szu-na-s,i-ir _igi_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ puzur4-(d)gu-la _igi_ _arad2_-(d)nin-szubur _dumu_ sin-ib-ni _igi_ a-na-(d)suen-tak2-la-ku _dumu_ sig-(d)iszkur _igi_ ak-ka-du-um _dumu_ (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 _igi_ na-bi-(d)utu _dumu_ i3-li2-ma-lik-ki

    _igi_ (d)utu-ra-bi _dumu_ _arad2_-(d)ba!-ba6! _igi_ sin-im-ma-tim _dumu_ a-ha-am-ar-szi _mu bad3_ szi-ra-mah(ki)

    AI Translation

    for the full price of his silver he gave. His heart was happy, he repaid the scepter. His word was complete. In the future a man or a person will not raise a claim concerning the name of Shamash, Marduk, Ammurapi and Sippar will say. Before Nur-shakkan, son of Ilshu-nashir; before Nur-ilishu, son of Puzur-Gula; before Warad-Ninshubur, son of Sîn-ibni; before Ana-Sîn-taklaku, son of Sippar-Adad; before Akkadum, son of Nanna-manshum; before Nabi-shamash, son of Ili-malikki.

    Before Shamash-rabi, son of Warad-Baba; before Sin-immati, son of Aha-marshi. Year: "The wall of Shiram."



    _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _dumu_ sin-ub-lam

    AI Translation

    Before Ninshubur-bani, son of Sîn-ublam.

    Seal 2



    AI Translation

    I am a scout.

    Seal 3


    a-bu-wa-qar dumu hi-ni-ni-im dam-gar3 _arad_ (d)suen

    AI Translation

    Abi-waqar, son of Hininim, merchant, servant of Sin.

    Seal 4



    AI Translation

    a kind of adversity

    Seal 5



    AI Translation


    Seal 6


    (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)utu-ra-bi

    AI Translation

    Enlil, Ninlil, and Shamash,

    Seal 7



    AI Translation

    a kind of profession

    Seal 8


    (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni dumu (d)suen-ub-la-am _arad#_ ha#-am#-mu#-ra#-pi2#

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur-bani, son of Sîn-ublam, servant of Hammurapi.

    Seal 9



    AI Translation


    Seal 10


    dumu#-munus#? _arad_-i3-li2-szu

    AI Translation

    daughter of Warad-ilishu

    Seal 11


    (d)[...] im-gur-sin

    AI Translation

    ... a sceptre

    Seal 12



    AI Translation


    P366165: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(iku)# _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na mi-nam-ri-qa2-ti
  • [i]-ta _a-sza3_ nu-ur-i3-li2-szu u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu-ma _dumu_ puzur4-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak _sag-bi_ (disz)(d)suen-mu-ba-al-li2-it,

  • _2(iku) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6 i-na (iri)bu-qu2-la-nu-um
  • i-ta _(gesz)kiri6_ _arad_-(d)suen _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)en-lil2-la2 u3 i-ta _(gesz)kiri6_ i-bi-(d)sza-ha-an _sag-bi i7 buranun-na

  • _4(disz) sar e2_ i-na zimbir-edin-na(ki)
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na har ku3-babbar_-sza
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ (d)iszkur-ma-gir
  • _1(disz)_ szar-rum-(d)iszkur zi-im-ru-ha-ra-ah
  • u3 (d)utu-gim-la-an-ni

  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ szi-ma-a-ha-ti
  • _1(disz) (d)inanna-kisz(ki)-um-mi
  • u3 (d)a-a-um-mi-a-lit-tim

  • _5(u) u8 udu-hi-a_
  • _3(disz) gu4-hi-a_ sza-di-du-tum
  • _1(disz) ab2_ u3 ma-ra-sa
  • AI Translation
  • 4 iku of field in the meadow;
  • from the field Nur-ilishu and from the field Nur-ilishu, son of Puzur-Ninkarrak, descendant of Sîn-muballit;

  • 2 iku of field, orchard in Buqulanum;
  • from the orchard of Warad-Sîn, son of Nur-Enlila, and from the orchard of Ibbi-Shan, the head of the Euphrates,

  • 4 sar of house in Sippar-edina;
  • 1/2 mina of silver,
  • 1 head of Adad-magir;
  • 1: Sharrum-Adad Zimru-harah;
  • and Shamash-giganni

  • 1 slave woman: Shimahati;
  • 1 Inanna-kishummi;
  • and Ayum-matitum

  • 50 ewes,
  • 3 oxen, shaddudutu-type,
  • 1 cow and a marasa-vessel,
  • Reverse

  • _1(disz) szen_ sza _1(ban2)-a_
  • _2(disz) tug2-hi-a 5(disz) bar-si_ _man_
  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu_
  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin ad-bar
  • sza (d)suen-ra-bi _ad-da-a-ni_ a-na ka-an-sza-as-su-ma-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus-a-ni_-szu i-di-nu ap-lu-us2-sa a-na a-hi-sza a-na sza i-ra-am-mu i-sza-t,a2-ar _igi_ s,il2-li2-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak _igi_ dingir-pi4-(d)a-a _dumu_ _arad_-(d)suen _igi_ e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi-um _dumu_ sza-lim-pa-li-ih-(d)utu _igi_ e-ri-ib-sin _dumu_ dingir-hi-ta _igi_ (d)utu-mu-ba-li2-it, _dumu_ a-bi2-ia-tum _igi_ dingir-szu-illat-su _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _igi_ er3-ra-ia _dumu_ sza-lu-rum _igi_ (d)en-lil2-qa2-bu-tu-ia

    _igi_ sin-e-ri-((e?))-ba-am _dumu_ pa-la-er3-ra _igi_ ma-ah-nu-ub-dingir (_dumu_) (d)nanna-a2-dah-ma-gir dingir-a-bi _dumu_ ir-bi-akszak(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 jar of 1 seah;
  • 2 garments, 5 ..., the king;
  • 1 kinkin-stone for fine flour;
  • 1 kinkin-stone for adbar;
  • of Sîn-rabi his father, to Kanshassumati, naditu of Shamash, his daughter, gave, and her apl., to her brother, to whom he shall write, before Shilli-ninkarrak, before Ili-pî-aya, son of Warad-sîn, before Etel-pî-nabium, son of Shalim-palib-shamash, before Eribsin, son of Ilihata, before Shamash-muballissu, son of Abi-iatum, before Ilshu-illatsu, son of Ilshu-bani, before Erraya, son of Shalurum, before Enlil-qabutuya,

    before Sin-eribam, son of Palil-Erra; before Mahnub-ili, son of Nanna-adah-magir; Ili-abi, son of Irbi-akshak.



    _igi_ a-bi2-ia-tum u3 er-s,i-ti-(ia) _dumu-me_ ha-am-mi-su-mu-u2 _iti sig4-a u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu a2-dam_ ma3-al-gi4-a(ki)

    AI Translation

    Before Abiyatum and Erituia, sons of Hammi-sumû. The month of Simanu, the day 20 the year of the wife of Malgia.


  • _4(iku)# _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na mi-nam-ri-qa2-[ti]
  • i-ta _a-sza3_ nu-ur-i3-li2-szu u3 [i]-ta# _a-sza3_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu-ma _dumu_ puzur4#-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak _sag-[bi]_ (disz)(d)suen-mu-ba-al-li2-it,

  • _2(iku) [_gan2_] (gesz)kiri6 (iri)bu-qu2-la-nim(ki)
  • [i-ta] _(gesz)kiri6_ _arad_-(d)suen _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)en-lil2 u3 i-ta _(gesz)kiri6_ i-bi-(d)sza-ha-an _sag-bi i7 buranun-na

  • _4(disz)# sar e2_ i-na zimbir-edin-na(ki)
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na har ku3-babbar_-sza
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ (d)iszkur-ma-lik _mu-ni-im_
  • _1(disz)_ szar-rum-(d)iszkur zi-im-ru-a-ra-ah
  • u3 (d)utu-gim-la-an-ni

  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ szi-ma-a-ha-ti
  • _1(disz) (d)inanna-kisz(ki)-um-mi
  • u3 (d)a-a-um-mi-a-lit-tim

  • _5(u) u8 udu-nita2-hi-a_
  • _3(disz) gu4-hi-a_ sza-di-du-tum
  • _1(disz) ab2_ u3 ma-ra-sa
  • _1(disz) szen_ sza _1(ban2)-a_
  • _2(disz) tug2-hi-a 5(disz) bar-si_
  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu_
  • AI Translation
  • 4 iku of field in the meadow;
  • from the field Nur-ilishu and from the field Nur-ilishu, son of Puzur-Ninkarrak, descendant of Sîn-muballit;

  • 2 iku field area, orchard of Buqulanum;
  • from the orchard of Warad-Sîn, son of Nur-Enlil, and from the orchard of Ibbi-Shahan, the head of the Euphrates,

  • 4 sar, house in Sippar-edina;
  • 1/2 mina of silver,
  • 1 slave named Adad-malik,
  • 1: Sharrum-Adad Zimarah;
  • and Shamash-giganni

  • 1 slave woman: Shimahati;
  • 1 Inanna-kishummi;
  • and Ayum-matitum

  • 50 ewes,
  • 3 oxen, shaddudutu-type,
  • 1 cow and a marasa-vessel,
  • 1 jar of 1 seah;
  • 2 garments, 5 ...;
  • 1 kinkin-stone for fine flour;
  • Reverse

  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin ad-bar
  • sza (d)suen-ra-bi _ad-da-a-ni_ a-na ka-an-sza-as-su-ma-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus-a-ni_-szu i-di-nu ap-lu-us2-sa i-na a-ah-hi-sza a-na sza i-ra-am-mu i-sza-t,a2-ar _igi_ s,il2-li2-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak _igi_ dingir-pi4-(d)a-a _dumu_ _arad_-(d)suen _igi_ e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi-um _dumu_ sza-lim-pa-li-ih-(d)utu _igi_ e-ri-ib-(d)suen _dumu_ dingir-hi-ta _igi_ (d)utu-mu-ba-li2-it, _dumu_ a-bi2-ia-tum _igi_ dingir-szu-illat-su _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _igi_ _arad_-sa3 _dumu_ ha-am-mi-su-mu-u2

    _igi_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ pa-la-er3-ra _igi_ ma-ah-nu-ub-dingir _dumu_ (d)nanna-a2-dah-ma-gir i3-li2-a-bi _dumu_ ir-bi-akszak(ki) _igi_ a-bi2-ia-tum u3 er-s,i-(ti)-ia _dumu-me_ ha-am-mi#-su#-mu-u2

    AI Translation
  • 1 kinkin-stone for adbar;
  • of Sîn-rabi his father, to Kanshassu-matum, naditu of Shamash, his daughter, gave, and her apl. in her womb, to whom he shall write, before Shilli-ninkarrak, before Ili-pî-aya, son of Warad-sîn, before Etel-pî-nabium, son of Shalim-pa-lih-shamash, before Erib-sîn, son of Ilihata, before Shamash-muballissu, son of Abi-iatum, before Ilshu-illatsu, son of Ilshu-bani, before Warasa, son of Hammi-sumû.

    before Sîn-eribam, son of Palil-Erra; before Mahnub-il, son of Nanna-adah-magir; Ili-abi, son of Irbi-akshak; before Abi-yatum and Ershitia, sons of Hammi-sumû.



    _iti sig4-a u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu a2-dam_ ma3-al-gi4-a(ki)

    AI Translation

    Month "Bricks," 20th day, year: "The merchant of Malgia."

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ra-bi _dumu_ (d)suen-illat-su _ARAD_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Sîn-rabi, son of Sîn-illatsu, servant of Ninshubur.

    Seal 2


    (d)utu-mu-ba-li2-[it,] _dumu_ a-bi2-ia-[tum] _ARAD_ ha-ga-lum#

    AI Translation

    Shamash-muballit, son of Abi-yatum, servant of Hagalum.

    Seal 3


    dingir-szu-illat-su2 _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _ARAD_ ha-la-[lum]

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-illatsu, son of Ilshu-bani, servant of Halalu.

    Seal 4


    ma#-ah-nu-ub-dingir _dumu_ (d)nanna-a2-dah-ma-gir _ARAD_ ha-ga-lum

    AI Translation

    Mahnub-ili, son of Nanna-adah-magir, servant of Hagalum.

    Seal 5


    i3-li2-a-[bi] _dumu_ ir-bi-akszak#(ki#) _ARAD_ ha-ga-[lum]

    AI Translation

    Ili-abi, son of Irbi-akshak, servant of Hagalum.

    Seal 6


    _kiszib_ er3-ra-ia

    AI Translation

    Seal of Erraya.

    P366169: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _e2_ ru-ut-tum _ki_ ru-ut-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ i-zi-ga-tar (disz)(d)marduk-ni-szu u3 an-pi4-sza _e2_ a-na ki-is,-ri a-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_ u2-sze-s,i2 ki-is,-ri _mu 1(disz)-kam_

  • _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    The house of Ruttu with Ruttu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Izi-gatar, Marduk-nishu and Anisha, the house for the storage for one year, he shall remove. The storage for one year

  • 3 shekels of silver
  • he shall pay.



    ri-isz-ti ki-is,-ri _mu 1(disz)-kam_

  • _1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • ma-ah-ra-at

  • _4(disz) ezem (d)utu 6(disz) pi2-hu
  • _6(disz) uzu_ i-pa-qi2-si2
  • _iti_ a-ia-ri-im _u4 2(u)-kam_ i-su2-hu-ma i-ru-ub _iti ezem (d)iszkur u4 2(u)-kam_ i-na-sa3-ha-ma u2#-s,i2

    AI Translation

    The reed-bed of the kishiru-house, year 1.

  • 1/2 shekel of silver
  • a kind of object

  • 4 festivals of Shamash, 6 salves,
  • 6 cuts of meat he shall measure out.
  • The month of Ayari, the day 20 he will be ill, and he will enter. The month of the festival of Adad, the day 20 he will be ill, and he will recover.

    Column 1


    _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur# ugula lukur_ (d)utu

    AI Translation

    Before his people, the naditu, the foreman, the naditu of Shamash.

    Column 2


    _igi_ be-le-su2-nu# _dumu-munus_ sin-i-din-nam _iti_ a-ia-ri-im _mu us2-sa alan_ (d)inanna

    AI Translation

    Before Belessunu, daughter of Sin-iddinam. Month: "Ayarim," year following the "The statue of Ishtar."

    P366171: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)dumu-munus-er-s,e2-tim _dumu-munus_ za-ba-ia-tum u3 e-ri-isz-ti-(d)iszkur _ki_ za-ba-ia-tum a-bi-sza u3 e-ri-isz-ti-(d)iszkur um-mi-sza (disz)be-el-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ s,u2-li-li a-na ma-ru-tim u3 ka-lu-tim il-qe2-szi te-er-ha-sa3

  • _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ (disz)za-ba-ia-tum
  • u3 e-ri-isz-ti-(d)iszkur ma-ah-ru li-ib-ba-szu-nu t,a3-bu u2-da-ma-aq-szi-ma a-na mu-tim i-na-ad-(di)-szi _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 ha-am-(mu)-ra-pi2

    AI Translation

    Mar-eretim, daughter of Zabayatum, and Erishti-Adad, from Zabayatum her father and Erishti-Adad her mother, Beltanu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shullili, for marriage and marriage took.

  • 5 shekels of silver: Zabayatu;
  • and Erishti-Addu, their first-born son, their good heart he made clear to her and to her name he gave her. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Hammurapi



    it-mu-u2 _igi_ (d)utu-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ szu-mu-li-ib-szi _igi_ i-din-sin _dumu_ mu-na-wi-rum _igi_ sin-na-s,ir _dumu_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu _igi_ (d)nanna-tum _dumu_ lu2-(d)suen _igi_ ma-si-iq!-tum _dumu_ (...) _igi_ la-ma-si2 _dumu-munus_ (d)nanna-i-lu-u2 _igi_ erisz-ti-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ ma-ni-um _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus_ a-bi-ia-tum _mu bad3_ zimbir(ki)

    AI Translation

    they will be delivered. Before Shamash-eribam, son of Shumu-libshi; before Iddin-sîn, son of Munawirum; before Sin-nashir, son of Nabi-ilishu; before Nannatum, son of Lu-Sîn; before Masiqtum, son of ...; before Lamasi, daughter of Nanna-ilû; before Erishti-aya, daughter of Manium; before Nishi-inishu, daughter of Abi-yatum. Year: "The wall of Sippar."



    _dub_ (disz)dumu-munus-er-s,e2-tim _dumu-munus_ za-ba-ia-tum u3 e-ri-isz-ti-(d)iszkur# _ki_ za-ba-ia-tum a-bi-sza u3# e-ri-isz-ti-(d)iszkur um-mi-sza# (disz)be-el-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ s,u2-li-li a-na ma-ru-tim u3# ka-lu-tim il-qe2-szi

  • _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ te-er-ha-sa3
  • (disz)za-ba-ia-tum a-bu-sza u3# e-ri-isz-ti-(d)iszkur um-ma-sza ma-ah-ru li-ib-ba-szu-nu t,a3-ab (disz)be-el-ta-ni (disz)dumu-munus-er-s,e2-tim u2-da-ma-aq#-ma a-na mu-tim i-na-di-szi

    AI Translation

    Tablet of Mar-eretim, daughter of Zabayatu, and Erishti-Adad, from Zabayatu her father and Erishti-Adad her mother, Beltanu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shullili, for marriage and marriage presented it.

  • 5 shekels of silver for terhasa-offerings.
  • Zabayatum, her father, and Erishti-Adad, her mother, were present. Their hearts were happy. Beltani and Mar-eretim were frightened and to the year he gave them.



    _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 it-mu-u2 _igi_ (d)utu-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi _igi_ i-din-sin _dumu_ mu-na-wi-rum _igi_ sin-na-s,ir _dumu_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu _igi_ (d)nanna-tum _dumu_ lu2-(d)nanna-ka _igi_ la-ma-si2 _dumu-munus_ (d)nanna-i-lu-u2 _igi_ ma-si-iq-tum _igi_ e-ri-isz-ti-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ ni-nu-um _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus_ a-bi-ia-tum _igi_ sza-mu-uh-tum _dumu-munus_ a-pil-(d)suen _igi_ ka-da-du-um _dumu-munus_ u-bar-rum _mu bad3_ zimbir(ki) _gu-la_

    AI Translation

    the year "Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Hammurapi heard." Before Shamash-eribam, daughter of Shumum-libshi; before Iddin-sîn, son of Munawrum; before Sin-nashir, son of Nabi-ilishu; before Nannatum, son of Lu-Nanna-ka; before Lamassi, daughter of Nanna-ilû; before Masiqtum; before Erishti-aya, daughter of Ninum; before Nishi-inishu, daughter of Abi-yatum; before Shamashtum, daughter of Apil-sîn; before Kadaduum, daughter of Ubarrum; the year "The Great Wall of Sippar."

    Seal 1


    (d)utu-e-ri-ba-am# dumu szu-mu-um-li-ib-[szi] _arad_ e2-babbar2-ra#

    AI Translation

    Shamash-eribam, son of Shumum-libshi, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 4


    ni-szi-i-ni-[szu] _dumu-munus_ a-bi2#-[ia-tum] lukur (d)utu

    AI Translation

    Nishi-inishu, daughter of Abiyatum, naditu of Shamash.

    Seal 5


    _kiszib3_ sin-na-s,ir

    AI Translation

    Seal of Sin-nashir

    Seal 6


    ma-si-iq-tum dumu-munus ia-ri-im-i-szum geme2 (d)utu (d)[a-a]

    AI Translation

    Masiqtum, daughter of Iarim-ishum, wife of Shamash, Aya.

    Seal 7



    AI Translation


    Seal 8


    (d)utu szul zi mah an ki-a nam-mah-ni [...]

    AI Translation

    Shamash, the most exalted one, who ... heaven and earth,

    Seal 9


    ha-li-[...] dumu-munus ri-isz-(d)[...] dam a-bi2-[ia-tum?]

    AI Translation

    Hali-..., daughter of Rish-..., wife of Abi-yatum?.

    Seal 10


    _kiszib3_ za-ba-ia-tum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Zabayatum

    P366172: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _6(disz) sar e2 kislah_
  • _da e2_ sin-sze-me-e _dumu_ u-bar#-(d#)[...] u3 _da_ ta-ad-di-in-nu-nu# _dumu-munus_ ma-s,i-a-am-i3-li2# _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam sila dagal_ (d)bu#-[ne2-ne2] _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam_ (d#)marduk#-[x]-a?-am-mu _e2_ be-el-ta-ni _lukur#_ (d)[utu] _dam_ t,a3-ab-[...] _ki_ be-el-ta-ni# [...] _dam_ x-[...] [x] la x [...] [...] x [...] [i]-na _har# ku3#-babbar#_-sza _in#-[szi-in-sa10]_ _sa10# til-la-bi-sze3_

    AI Translation
  • A built-up house plot of 6 sar,
  • next to the house of Sin-shemê, son of Ubar-... and next to Tadinnunu, daughter of Mashi-ammili; its top is 1 'street', the wide street of Bunene; its second is Marduk-...ammu, the house of his lady, naditu of Shamash, wife of Tab-..., with his lady ..., wife of ... ... ... ... with her silver bracelet she bought; her full price


  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar in-na-an#-[la2]_
  • _igi_ an-pi2-(d)a-a _sanga_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)suen-ma-an-szum2 _sanga_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)suen-ba-ni _ugula lukur (d)utu-mesz_ _igi_ bur-nu-nu _ugula lukur_ (d)[utu] _igi_ (d)nanna-tum _ugula lukur_ (d)[utu] _igi_ a-hu-ki-nu _igi#_ e#-[la-li] _igi_ _arad2_-sa3 u3 u2#-s,ur#-me#-(d#)utu# _i3-du8-mesz_ sza _ka2_ ga-gi-im(ki#) _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal-e igi erin2-na-sze3 i3-gen-na-a ma-da e-mu-ut-ba-lum#[(ki)] u3 lugal-e_ ri-[im-(d)suen]

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 minas of silver he weighed out.
  • before Anu-pî-aya, priest of Shamash; before Sîn-manshum, priest of Shamash; before Sîn-bani, overseer of the Shamash priests; before Bur-nunu, overseer of the Shamash priests; before Nannatum, overseer of the Shamash priests; before Ahukinu; before Elali; before Warad-sa and Uhurme-shamash, gatekeepers of the gate of Gagim. The month of Duku, the day 1 of the year in which Hammurapi the king, before the troops went, and the land of Emutbalum and the king Rim-Sîn

    P366175: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na bu-ra-a(ki) i-na _a-gar3 usz-gid2-da_ i-ta _a-sza3_ sa3-ri-qum _dumu#_ [i-lu]-uk-ka u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ la-ma-si3 _dumu-munus#_ [i-lu]-uk#-ka _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma e_ sza ra-bi _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma a-sza3 dumu-munus_ (d)suen-_apin_

  • _1(disz) 2/3(disz) sar e2_ i-na ki-di-im
  • _da e2_ sig-an-tum _dumu_ ma-asz2-qum u3 _da e2_ (d)da-mu-mu-ba-li2-it, _dumu_ ad-ma-ti-dingir _sag-bi e2 dumu-munus lugal_ _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma sila_

  • _1(disz) geme2_ be-el-tum-ma-gi-ra-at
  • _1(disz) geme2_ (d)ma-mu-til-la-nu
  • _1(disz) szen uruda 1(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3#-[gu 1(disz)] (na4)kinkin dabin_
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-[im bu-szu-sza u3 wa]-ar-ka-sa3 sza na-ra-am-tum _lukur_ (d)utu [_dumu-munus_ u-bar-(d)utu] [a-na nu-ur2]-akszak#(ki) _dumu_ szu#-i3#-li2-szu

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field in Bora, in the meadow Ushgida, from the field Sariqum, son of Ilukka, and from the field Lamasi, daughter of Ilukka; its head is 1 and it is the height of the mountain; its head is 2 and the field of the daughter of Sîn-eresh;

  • 1 2/3 sar of house in the courtyard;
  • next to the house of Simantum, son of Mashqum, and next to the house of Damu-muballit, son of Admati-ilu; the second front of the house of the queen; the second front of the street,

  • 1 female slave named Beltum-magirat,
  • 1 female slave of Mamu-tillanu,
  • 1 liter of copper, 1 kiln of fine flour, 1 kiln of fine flour,
  • All this, her body and her limbs, of Naramtum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Ubar-Shamash, to Nurakshak, son of Shu-ilishu.



    a-hi-sza id-di-[nu] a-di na-ra-am-tum a-ha-at a-bi-szu ba-al-t,a3-at mi-im-ma-sza qa2-as-sa3-ma u2-ka-al isz-tu i-lu-sza iq-te-ru-szi sza nu-ur2-akszak(ki) a-na mi-im-ma sza na-ra-am-tum a-na sza-at-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ (d)iszkur-ra-bi u3 a-na ia-szi-im-dam-qa2-at u3 wi-il-di-sza ma-la wa-al-da-at u3 ul-la-du _u4-kur2-sze3_ (disz)nu-ur2-akszak(ki) u3 _dumu-me_ u-bar-(d)utu u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 it-mu-u2 _igi_ il-ta-ni _dumu-munus lugal_

    _igi_ geme2-(d)utu _dumu-munus_ szu-mu-(d)iszkur _igi_ dingir-pi4-(d)a-a _igi_ isz-me-(d)suen _sanga_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)marduk-la-ma-sa3-szu _igi_ ra-pa-asz-s,il2-li2-e2-a _igi_ im-gur-(d)en-lil2 _dumu_ s,il2-li2-(d)utu _igi_ a-wi-il-(d)iszkur _dumu_ (d)gu-la-ba-la-t,i _igi_ im-gur-(d)nin-urta sza _di-ku5_ _igi_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _igi_ e-ri-ib-sin

    AI Translation

    until the naramtu-demon, the brother of his father, was dead, all of her property she carried off, and from her god she returned. Of Nurakshak to all of the naramtu-demon to Shat-Aya, daughter of Adad-rabi, and to Iashimdamqat and her wildi-service, as much as there was, and all that she had, in the future Nurakshak and the sons of Ubar-shamash, he will not be angry. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Hammurapi he heard, and before he he walked, daughter of the king

    before Geme-shamash, daughter of Shumu-Adad; before Ili-pî-aya; before Ishme-sîn, priest of Shamash; before Marduk-lamassashu; before Rapash-shilli-ea; before Imgur-enlil, son of Shilli-shamash; before Awil-adad, son of Gula-balati; before Imgur-ninurta, judge; before Adad-manshum; before Eribsin.



    _igi_ ka-lu-um-mu _igi_ sza-at-(d)a-a _iti bara2-za3-gar_ _mu_ zimbir(ki)

    AI Translation

    before Kalummu; before Shat-Aya; month: "Barazar," year: "Sippar."



    [_1(esze3) 3(iku)] _gan2#_ a-sza3_ i-na bu#-[ra-a(ki)] [i-na] _a-gar3 usz-gid2-da_ [i]-ta _a-sza3_ sa3-ri-qum _dumu_ [i-lu-uk-ka] u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ la-ma-si3 [_dumu-munus_ i-lu-uk-ka] _sag-bi e_ sza ra-bi# _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma a-sza3 dumu-munus_ [(d)suen-_apin_]

  • _1(disz) 2/3(disz) sar e2_ i-na ki-di#-[im]
  • _da e2_ sig-an-tum _dumu_ ma-[asz2-qum] u3 _da e2_ (d)da-mu-mu-[ba-li2-it, _dumu_ ad-ma-ti-dingir] _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma e2 dumu-munus [lugal]_ _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma sila_

  • _1(disz) geme2_ be-el-tum-ma-gi#-[ra-at]
  • _1(disz) geme2_ (d)ma-mu-ti-la-[nu]
  • _1(disz) szen uruda 1(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu [1(disz) (na4)kinkin dabin_]
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-im bu-szu-sza u3# [wa-ar-ka-sa3] isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_ sza na-ra-(am)-tum _lukur_ (d)utu dumu-munus_ u-bar-(d)utu a-na nu-ur2-akszak#(ki) _dumu_ szu-i3-li2-szu a-hi-sza id-di-[nu] a-di na-ra-am-tum _dumu-munus_ u-bar-(d)utu ba-al-t,a3-at

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field in Bora, in the ushgidda-field, from the field Sariqum, son of Ilukka, and from the field Lamasi, daughter of Ilukka, its top is the highest, its bottom is the 2nd, the field of the daughter of Sîn-eresh;

  • 1 2/3 sar of house in the courtyard;
  • next to the house of Simantum, son of Mashqum, and next to the house of Damu-muballit, son of Admati-ilu; its top is 1; the house of the queen; its top is 2; the street

  • 1 female slave named Beltum-magirat,
  • 1 female slave named Mamu-tilanu;
  • 1 liter of copper, 1 kiln-stone for fine flour, 1 kiln-stone for fine flour,
  • all this, her property and her dowry from the peg to the gold of Naramtum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Ubar-shamash, to Nurakshak, son of Shu-ilishu, her brother, gave; until Naramtum, daughter of Ubar-shamash was seized,



    mi-im-ma-sza qa2-as-sa3-ma u2-ka#-al isz#-tu# i-lu-sza [iq-te]-ru#-[szi]

    AI Translation

    All of it he shook and he shook her. From her god he returned to her.

    Seal 1


    [il-ta-ni _lukur (d)utu] [_dumu-munus_ (d)]suen#-mu-[ba-li2-it,] [_geme2] (d)utu (d)a-a

    AI Translation

    he has taken.

    Seal 2


    (d)(sze3)szer7-da _nin-[mu_] _a-ra-zu-e gesz-tuku_ _di-ku5 nig2-sza3-a-mu#_ _nam-ni2-te-ga2_ [...]

    AI Translation

    O Sheshrada, my mistress, the azu-demon, the judge, my possessions, my supplications .

    Seal 3


    _arad2_-(d)suen _sanga_ (d)[utu] _dumu_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _ARAD_ (d)[a-a]

    AI Translation

    Warad-Sîn, priest of Shamash, son of Lipit-Ishtar, servant of Aya.

    Seal 4


    isz-[me-(d)suen] _sanga_ (d)[utu] _dumu_ i-ku-un-pi4#-[(d)urasz] [_ARAD_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2]

    AI Translation

    Ishme-Sîn, sanga priest of Shamash, son of Ikun-pî-Urash, servant of Hammurapi.

    Seal 5


    (d)marduk-la-ma-sa3-szu _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim _ugula lukur_ (d)utu _ARAD_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2

    AI Translation

    Marduk-lamassashu, son of Sîn-mushallim, overseer of the naditu of Shamash, servant of Hammurapi.

    P366181: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila_ (d)a-a-ku-zu-ub-ma-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ s,il2-li2-akszak(ki) (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-na-s,ir re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza _1(esze3) 5(iku)# 1/2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ qa2-ab-li-im i-ta _a-sza3_ wa-tar-(d)i-ku-nu-um u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ sa-bi-bu-um _dumu_ ha-ia-ab-ni-dingir _2(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _ka2 iri(ki)_ _i7_ idigna i-ka-al u3 i-na-ad-di-ma sza ni-szi-i-ni-szu-ma _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-na-s,ir

  • _2/3(disz) sar e2 du3-a_ i-na ga-gi-im
  • _1(disz) geme2_ ma-asz-tum
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-im sza (d)a-a-ku-zu-ub-ma-tim a-na ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-na-s,ir ma-ar-ti-sza id-di-nu a-di (d)a-a-ku-zu-ub-ma-tim ba-al-t,a3-at# mi-im-mu-sza qa2-as-sa3 u2-ka-al wa-ar-ki (d)a-a-ku-zu-ub-ma-tim qa2-ti ni-szi-i-ni-szu u2-ka-a-al

    AI Translation

    A heir of Ayaku-zumatum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shilliakshak. Nishi-nishu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shamash-nashir, the provider of her estates: 1 eshe3 5 1/2 iku field in the field Qablim, from the field Watar-ikunum and from the field Sabibuum, son of Haiabni-ilum; 2 eshe3 field field in the city gate of the Tigris River he shall pass and he shall give back; from Nishi-nishu and daughter of Shamash-nashir

  • A built house plot of 2/3 sar in the grove
  • 1 female worker, ...;
  • All this that Ayakubmatim gave to his people, the naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shamash-nashir, her mother, until Ayakubmatim, the life of her life, she shall give. After Ayakubmatim, the hand of his people, she shall give.



    a-pil-ti ni-szi-i-ni-szu (disz)geme2-be-el-tim (disz)a-ma-at-be-el-tim ma!-la _sza3_-sza i-ma#-s,i2# at-ta-as,-s,i2 i-na ma-ah-ri-ki u2-ul usz-sza-ab i-qa2-ab-bi-ma i-na ap-lu-ti-sza in-na-sa-ah _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ it-mu-u2 _igi_ ra-ab-bu-ha-du-u2 ra-bi-a-nu-um _igi_ ri-im-(d)suen _dumu_ sin-re-i _igi_ dumu-er-s,e-tim _dumu_ im-gu-ia _igi_ a-hu-um-ki-nu _dumu_ ta-ri-bu-um _igi_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ sze-le-bu-um _igi_ hu-bu-du-um _dumu_ dumu-i7-idigna

    _igi_ a-wi-li-ia _dumu_ ta-ri-bu-um _igi_ (d)utu-illat-su2 _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)kab-ta _igi_ dumu-er-s,e-tim _aga-us2-sag_ _igi_ u2-s,ur-we-dam _dub-sar_ _iti apin-du8-a u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal (gesz)tukul szu-nir_

    AI Translation

    The extispicy of his people: Geme-beltim and Amat-beltim, as many as her heart desires, I have sought out. Before you he did not stand, he said, and in her extispicy he swore. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king said. Before Rabbu-hadû, the great one; before Rim-Sîn, son of Sîn-rei; before Dumuzim, son of Imguya; before Ahum-kinu, son of Taribu; before Ibni-Amurtu, son of Shelebu; before Hubuduum, son of Idigna;

    before Awiliya, son of Taribu; before Shamash-tillassu, son of Nur-kabta; before Dumuzim, a satrap; before Ushur-wedam, the scribe. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 5 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king erected a weapon.



    _ibila_ (d)a-a-ku-zu-ub-ma-tim _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ s,il2-li2-akszak(ki) (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-na-s,ir re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza _1(esze3) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3 murub4#_ i-ta _a-sza3_ wa-tar-(d)i-ku-nu-um u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ sa3-ab-bu-um _dumu_ ha-ia-ab-ni-dingir _2(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _ka2 iri(ki)_ _i7_ idigna i-ka-al u3 i-na-ad-di-a-am-ma sza ni-szi-i-ni-szu-ma

  • _2/3(disz) sar e2 du3-a_ i-na _ga2-gi4-a(ki)_
  • _1(disz) geme2_ ma-asz-tum
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-im sza (d)a-a-ku#-zu#-ub#-ma#-tim# _lukur_ (d)utu a-na ni-szi-i-ni-szu id-di#-[nu] a-pil-ti ni-szi-i-ni-szu# (disz)a-ma-at-be-el-tim (disz)a-ma-at-be-el-tim a-na ni-szi-i-ni-szu u2-ul a-ha-at a-bi-ia at-ti# at-ta-as,-s,i2

    AI Translation

    Ayakkuzubatum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shilliakshak; Nishi-inishu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shamash-nashir, the provider of her dowry; 1 eshe3 5 1/2 iku field in the middle of the field, from the field Watar-Ikunum and from the field Sabbuum, son of Haiab-ili; 2 eshe3 field in the city, the Tigris River, he will close and he will give back; that which Nishi-inishu

  • 2/3 sar, a built house in Gagia;
  • 1 female worker, ...;
  • All this that Ayakubmati, the naditu of Shamash, gave to us, the debt of our people, Amat-beltim and Amat-beltim to our people, I have not sinned against my father.



    ma-ah-ri-ki u2-ul usz-sza-ab# i-qa2-ab-bi-i-ma# i-na ap-lu-ti-sza in-na-[sa-ah] u3 ni-szi-i-ni-szu u2-ul [...] i-qa2-ab-bi-ma i-na mi-im-mu-sza i-te-li# _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ it-mu-u2 _igi_ ra-ab-bu-u2-ha-du-u2 ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ (d)utu-illat-su2 _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)kab-ta _igi_ ri-im-(d)suen _dumu_ sin-re-i-i _igi_ dumu-er-s,e-tim _dumu_ im-gu-ia _igi_ a-hu-um-ki-nu _dumu_ ta-ri-bu-um _igi_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ sze-le-bu-um# _igi_ hu-bu-du-um _dumu_ dumu-i7-idigna

    _igi_ a-wi-li-ia _dumu_ ta-ri-bu-um _igi_ u2-s,ur-we-dam _dub-sar_ _igi_ dumu-er-s,e-tim _aga-us2-sag_ _iti apin-du8-a u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu (gesz)tukul szu-nir nig2 babbar-ra_

    AI Translation

    He will not enter your presence, he will say, and in her womb he will be slighted, and his people he will not ... he will say, and in everything he will go, the name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king will say. Before Rabbu-hadû, great one; before Shamash-tillassu, son of Nur-kabta; before Rim-Sîn, son of Sîn-re'i; before Dum-er-shetim, son of Imguya; before Ahum-kinu, son of Taribu; before Ibni-amurtu, son of Shelebu; before Hubuduum, son of Idigna;

    before Awiliya, son of Taribu; before Ushur-wedam, scribe; before Dumber-shetim, adolescent; month: "Harvest," 5th day, year: "The black-headed weapon was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    ra-ab-bu-ha-du-u2 dumu it-ri-du-um _arad_ (d)suen

    AI Translation

    Rabbu-hadû, son of Itridum, servant of Sin.

    Seal 2


    (d)utu-illat-su2 dumu nu-ur2-(d)kab-ta _arad_ (d)nin-si4-an-na

    AI Translation

    Shamash-tillassu, son of Nur-kabta, servant of Ninsiana.

    Seal 3


    dumu-er-s,e-tim dumu im-gu-ia _arad_ (d)i-szum

    AI Translation

    son of Eretim, son of Imguya, servant of Ishum.

    Seal 4


    hu-ub-bu-du-[um] dumu dumu-i7-idigna# _arad_ (d)suen#

    AI Translation

    Hubbudum, son of Tigris, servant of Sin.

    Seal 5


    a-wi-li-ia dumu ta-ri-bu-um _arad2_ (d)szara2

    AI Translation

    Awiliya, son of Taribuum, servant of Shara.

    Seal 6


    (d)utu (d)a-a

    AI Translation

    Shamash, Aya,

    Seal 7


    dumu-er-s,e-tim# dumu zi-da _arad_ (d)szara2

    AI Translation

    Dum-erishtim, son of Zida, servant of Shara.

    Seal 8


    (d)nin-pirig3 lagarx(|_munus-hub2_|) (d)utu# dingir szu tag-ga-mu sig5!(|_igi-pi_|)-ga

    AI Translation

    Ninpirig, the suckling female kid of Shamash, the god who holds my hand, is good.

    P366182: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(bur3) 1(esze3) 1(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ t,a3-bi-im _ki_ mu-na-wi-ir-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ na-bi-(d)utu (disz)lugal#-(d)utu _dumu_ (d)[x]-e#-ri-ba-am _a-sza3_ [a-na] er#-re-szu-tim a-na [sza]-lu#-usz-tim u2-sze-s,i2 sza-lu-usz-tam

    AI Translation

    1 bur3 1 eshe3 1 iku field in the "field of the tabum-field" — from Munawirtum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Nabi-shamash, Lugal-shamash, son of ...-eribam, the field for irrigation and for cultivation he brought. The irrigation and forage



    i-na _(gesz)ban2_ (d)utu i-na _ka2_ ga-gi-im u2-bi-ib-bi

  • 4(disz) _ezem 3(ban2) zi3-da-ta-am3!_
  • 2(disz) _uzu hi-a_ i-pa-qi2-du
  • _igi_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)a-a _igi_ (d)bu-ne2-ne2 _igi_ (d)ma-mu _igi_ il-ta-ni _(munus)dub#-sar_ _iti apin-du8-a_ _mu (gesz)tukul szu-nir ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_

    AI Translation

    They sat down at the bow of Shamash at the gate of the throne.

  • 4 festivals, 3 seahs of flour,
  • 2 cuts of meat he shall eat.
  • Before Shamash, before Aya, before Bunene, before Mamu, before Iltani, the scribe. The month of Arahsamnu, the year in which he fashioned a weapon with gold and silver.

    Seal 1


    (d)utu [(d)a-a] _kiszib3_ lugal-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    Shamash, Aya. Seal of Lugal-Shamash.

    P366185: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    ap-lu!-ut be-le-su-nu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ma-ni-um (disz)geme2-(d)ma-mu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza _5(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ puzur4-il3-a-ba4 i-ta _a-sza3_ (d)suen-na-s,ir _dumu_ sin-ma-gir u3 _a-sza3 a-gar3_ du-um-mu-qa2 _dumu-munus_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ szu-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ u2-s,i2-ia-tum _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma_ a-tap _a-gar3 sag-bi 2(disz)-kam sag-du3_ _1(bur3) 2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ puzur4-il3-a-ba4 i-ta nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu sza _siki-hi-a_

    u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ be-le-su-nu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ _sag-bi 1(disz)_-kam-ma_ a-tap _a-gar3-sag-bi-2(disz)-kam a-sza3_ ur-(d)lugal-banda3(da) _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ ak-ba-rum i-ta _a-sza3_ mu-na-wi-rum _dumu_ lu2-dingir u3 i-ta _a-sza3 lukur_ (d)utu sza i-ta _a-sza3_ (d)suen-eri-ba _dumu_ dumu-zimbir(ki) _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma_ (i7)nu-ra-tum _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma e_ sa-mu-um _2(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ pa-hu-s,um(ki) i-ta _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma_ (i7)za-bu-um

    _szunigin 2(bur3) 1(esze3) 4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_-ri-sza-am

  • _1(disz) 1/3(disz) sar e2 du3-a u3 ki-gal2_ i-na _ga2-gi-a(ki)_
  • _da e2_ geme2-kal-la-tim u3 _da e2 dumu-munus_ da-qum

  • _6(disz) sar e2 ki-gal2_ i-na zimbir(ki)-gal i-na _sila (d)imin-bi_
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ (d)suen-ma-asz-ma-asz u3 _szesz-ni_
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ a-na-pa-ni-(d)utu-na-di x _aszgab_
  • _2(disz) (uruda)szen-hi-a_ mi-im-ma-an-nu-um bu-szu-sza sza wa-ar-ka-sa3
  • s,u2-lu-sza sza i-na i-ga-ri-im za-aq-pa-at isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_ sza be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ ma-ni-um ir-szu-u2 u3 i-ra-asz-szu-u2 sza geme2-(d)ma-mu-ma a-pil-ti-sza _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir a-di be-le-su2-nu _lukur_ (d)utu ba-al-t,a3!-at! mi-im-ma-sza qa2-ti geme2-(d)ma-mu u2-ka-al-ma i-na _mu 1(disz)-kam 6(asz) sze gur 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-ba_

  • _2(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 i3-ba 6(disz) ezem-hi-a 2(ban2) zi3-da-hi-a_
  • _2(disz) uzu-ta-a_ (disz)geme2-(d)ma-mu _lukur_ (d)utu dumu-munus_ sin-dingir i-pa-aq-qi2-si
  • _2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ hu-bu-li (disz)be-le-su2-nu
  • (disz)geme2-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir i-pu-ul (disz)be-le-su2-nu u2-ul ih-ta-ba-al mi-im-mu-sza an-nu-um a-na hu-bu-li-sza u2-ul iz-za-az sza sze-a-am u3 _ku3-babbar_ i-qi2-pu-szi i-na mi-im-mu-sza i-te-el-li isz-tu be-le-su2-nu ap-lu-sa3 an-ni-tum a-na geme2-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir id-di-nu-ma _mu 2(disz)-kam_ i-pe2-ru-szi (disz)geme2-(d)utu _dumu-munus_ i3-li2-i-qi2-sza (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus_ dingir-pi2-(d)utu _dumu-munus-mesz_ a-ah-hi a-bi-sza a-na _a-sza3_-am sza pi2-i t,up-pi2

    an-ni-im ir-du-ma-ma# t,up-pa-at nu-du-ni (disz)be-le-su2-nu sza a-bu-sza id-di-nu-szi-im t,up-pa-at ap-lu-ut (disz)na-ra-am-tum a-ha-at a-bi-sza

    AI Translation

    Aplût of their lady, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Manium; Geme-Mamu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sin-ili, the attendant of her marriage; 5 iku field, field of Puzur-ilaba, from the field of Sîn-nashir, son of Sin-magir, and the field of Dummuqa, daughter of Nur-ilishu, and from the field of Shu-ilishu, son of Ushiyatum; its head is 1; a tappu; the field of the 2nd, its head is 1 bur3 2 iku field, field of Puzur-ilaba, from Nur-ilishu, of wool;

    and from the field of Belshunu, naditu of Shamash, daughter, its head is 1; the canal of the second canal; the field of Ur-Lugalbanda; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, the field of Akbarum; from the field of Munawirum, son of Lu-il; and from the field of the naditu of Shamash, which is from the field of Sîn-eriba, son of Sippar; its head is 1; the Nurutu canal; its head is 2; the field above Samum; 2 eshe3 field, the field of Pahushum; its head is 1; the tail is 2; the bank of the Zabuum canal;

    Total: 2 bur3 1 eshe3 4 iku field, field of Agar-risham;

  • 1 1/3 sar of built house and a kigal in Gagia,
  • next to the house of Geme-kallati and next to the house of the daughter of Daqum,

  • 6 sar of the kigal-house in Sippar, in the street of the Sebetti,
  • 1 slave: Sîn-mashmash and his brother;
  • 1 male slave named Ana-pani-Shamash-nadi, x male slaves,
  • 2 zenhi-vessels, everything of her business, of her rations;
  • her clothing which in the igarum-vessel is trimmed, from the peg to the gold of their lady, daughter of Manum, he has shaved and he has shaved, of Geme-Mamu, her daughter, daughter of Sin-il, until her lady, naditu of Shamash, she has shaved, everything of Geme-Mamu, and in one year 6 gur of barley, 12 minas of wool,

  • 2 ban2 4 sila3 oil, 6 festivals, 2 ban2 flour,
  • 2 cuts of meat: Geme-Mamu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sin-ili, will bind him.
  • 2/3 mina 6 shekels of silver, the debt of Belshunu;
  • Geme-Mamu, daughter of Sin-ili did not perform; Belessunu did not raise a claim; all of her that she had to sell did not stand; that barley and silver she had sold, all of her she has carried off. From Belessunu her apl., to Geme-Mamu, daughter of Sin-ili gave, and for the 2nd year she has leased. Geme-Shamash, daughter of Ili-iqisha, Nishi-inishu, daughter of Ili-pî-Shamash, daughters of Ahhu, her father, to the field according to the wording of the tablet.

    This he sinned against me, and the tablet of slander he gave to Belessunu, her father. The tablet of apprehension of Naramtu, the brother of her father,



    sza ap-lu-sa3 id-di-nu-szi-im-ma ma-li _sza3_ sza ma-s,i2-a-at u3 t,up-pa-at _dumu-munus-mesz_ ah-hi a-bi-sza sza ir-gu-ma-szi-im (disz)zi-im-ri-e-ra-ah ra-bi-a-an zimbir(ki) u3 _kar_ zimbir(ki) i-na _ka2_ (d)utu i-mu-ru-ma a-na pi2-i t,up-pa-ti-sza mi-im-ma-sza an-ni-a-am u2-bi-ir-ru-ma a-na be-le-su2-nu id-di-nu asz-szum geme2-(d)utu u3 ni-szi-i-ni-sza i-na la i-di-im ir-gu-ma-szi-im sze-er-tam i-mi-du-szi-na-ti u3 t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im u2-sze-zi-bu-szi-na-ti u3 be-le-su2-nu a-na szi-ma-ti-sza il-li-ku

    t,up-pi2 ap-lu-tim t,up-pa-at um-ma-tim sza _a-sza3_-im u3 _e2_ sza be-le-su2-na a-na geme2-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir id-di-nu u3 t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im sza _dumu-munus-mesz ah-hi a-bi-sza szu-zu-ba (disz)(d)suen-dingir [a]-na ma-s,a-ar-tim i-na _e2_ i-ku-un#-pi4-sin a-hi-sza i-zi-ba t,up-pa-tum szi-na i-na _e2_ i-ku-un-pi4-sin ih-li-qa2-ma (disz)sin-dingir ma-har sin-isz-me-a-ni u3 _kar zimbir(ki)_ isz-ku-ma i-ku-un-pi4-sin ki-ma t,up-pa-tum szi-na hal-qa2-a

    [a]-na# sin-[isz]-me-a-ni u3 _kar_ zimbir(ki) iq-bi i-na qa2-be2-e sin-isz-me-a-ni u3 _kar_ zimbir(ki) t,up-pa-am an-ni-a-am u2-ba-al-li-t,u2-ma t,up-pi2 ap-lu-tim t,u-pi2 um-ma-tim u3 t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im sza geme2-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir it-ti be-le-su2-nu la-qi2-a-at i-na _e2_ i-ku-un-pi4-sin u3 e-ma in-nam-ma-ra sza geme2-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir _u4-kur2-sze3_ sza pi2-i t,up-pi2 an-ni-im (disz)i-ku-un-pi4-sin _dumu-mesz_-szu u3 ni-szu-ut be-le-su2-nu

    nita u munus_ ma-li i-ba-asz-szu-u2 a-na geme2-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir u2-ul i-ra-gu-um _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk u2 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ it-mu-u2 _igi_ sin-isz-me-a-an-ni ra-bi-a-an zimbir(ki) _igi_ nu-ra-tum _dumu_ sin-an-nu-ni-tum _igi_ sig-i3-li2-su _ugula dam-gar3-mesz_ _igi_ akszak(ki)-i-din-nam _dumu_ ki-(d)en-lil2-qi2-in-ni _igi_ sin-na-s,ir u3 _arad_-sin _dumu-me_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ dingir-lu-lim _dumu_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)utu-illat-su2

    _igi_ i-ku-un-pi4-sin _dumu_ sin-ta-ia-ar _igi_ ri-isz-(d)utu _dumu_ im-gur-akszak(ki) _igi_ nu-ra-tum _dumu_ i-bi-(d)nin-szubur _igi_ (d)utu-ba-ni _dumu_ sig-(d)iszkur _igi_ ri-isz-(d)utu _dumu_ sig-(d)iszkur _igi_ pa-le-e-(d)utu _dumu_ (d)utu-na-ap-sze-ra-am _igi_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _igi_ i-bi-(d)nin-szubur _dumu_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu _igi_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _dumu_ _arad_-i3-366li2-szu _i3-du8 ka2 ga-gi-a_ _igi_ geme2-(d)utu _dumu-munus sin-i3-qi2-sza _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus_ dingir-pi2-sza

    _igi _sig-(d)a-a _dub-sar_ iti gan-gan-e3 u3 2(u)-kam_ _mu lugal im-gi4 gu2 bar-ra-na_

    AI Translation

    of her aplushu gave to her, and all the heart of the guard and the tablet of the daughters of her father who had seized her, Zimirah, the great city of Sippar, and the port of Sippar at the Gate of Shamash saw, and to the mouth of her tablet all of this he brought, and to their lady he gave. Because Geme-shamash and her children had not given, seized them, the grain he gave them, and the unrefined tablet he sent to them, and their lady to her fate he went.

    Tablet of the Aplû, tablet of the laborers of the field and the house of their lady to Geme-Mamu daughter of Sin-ili gave, and tablet of the unreliable of the daughters of Ahi her father, a copy of Sin-ili for the guard in the house of Ikun-pî-sîn her father stood, and the tablet of those in the house of Ikun-pî-sîn he took away, and Sin-ili before Sin-ishmani and the port of Sippar he set, and Ikun-pî-sîn like the tablet of those who were taken away,

    To Sin-ishmani and the port of Sippar he said: At the command of Sin-ishmani and the port of Sippar this tablet was destroyed and the tablet of the Aplû, the tablet of the scribal arts, and the tablet of the unreliable of Geme-Mamu, daughter of Sin-ili, with their lady they took. In the house of Ikun-pisan and whenever they say, of Geme-Mamu, daughter of Sin-ili, in the future, according to the wording of this tablet, Ikun-pisan, his sons and the family of their lady,

    he shall not raise a man or a woman, but shall give to Geme-Mamu, daughter of Sin-ilum. The name of Shamash, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king has decreed. Before Sin-ishmani, the great one of Sippar; before Nuratum, son of Sin-annunitum; before Sippar-ilissu, overseer of merchants; before Akshak-iddinam, son of Kiden-lilqinni; before Sin-nashir and Warasin, sons of Sin-iddinam; before Ilulim, son of Lipit-ishtar; before Sin-iddinam, son of Shamash-tillassu.

    before Ikun-pî-sîn, son of Sin-tayar; before Rish-shamash, son of Imgurakshak; before Nuratum, son of Ibbi-nin-szubur; before Shamash-bani, son of Simanu; before Rish-shamash, son of Simanu; before Pale-shamash, son of Shamash-napsheram; before Simanitum; before Ibbi-nin-szubur, son of Nur-ilishu; before Adad-manshum, son of Warad-ilishu, gatekeeper of the gagia; before Geme-shamash, daughter of Sin-iqisha; before Nishi-inishu, daughter of Ili-pisha.

    Before Sippar-Aya, the scribe. The month of Kislimu, the day 20 of the year in which the king received the silver from Barrana.



    [ap-lu-ut be-le-su2-nu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ma-ni-um] [(disz)a-ma]-at#-(d)ma-mu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-[munus_] (d)suen-[dingir] [re-di]-it# wa-ar-ka-ti-sza#

  • [_5(iku)] _gan2#_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ puzur4-il3-a-ba4 i-ta (d)suen#-[na-s,ir _dumu_ sin-ma-gir]
  • u3 _a-sza3_ du-um-mu-qa2 _dumu-munus_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-[szu] u3# i-ta _a-sza3_ szu-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ u2-s,i2-ia-tum _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma_ a-tap _a-gar3 sag-bi 2(disz)-kam sag-du3_ _1(bur3)# 2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ puzur4-il3-a-ba4 i-ta nu-ur2-[i3-li2-szu sza _siki-hi-a_] u3# i-ta geme2-(d)utu u3 ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus-mesz_ ah-hi a-[bi-sza] [_sag-bi] 1(disz)#-kam-ma_ a-tap _a-gar3 sag-bi-2(disz)-kam a-sza3_ [ur-(d)lugal-banda3(da)]

    [_1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_] a#-sza3 a-gar3_ ak-ba-ri i-ta mu-na-wi-[rum _dumu_ lu2-dingir] [u3 i-ta (d)]suen#-i-qi2-sza-am _dumu_ (d)utu-kam u3 a-[sza3 lukur_ (d)utu] [sza i-ta (d)suen]-eri#-ba-am _dumu_ dumu-zimbir(ki) [_sag-bi 1(disz)-kam-ma_ (i7)nu]-ra#-tum _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam e_ sa-mu#-[um] [_usz 1(disz)]-kam-ma ib? im usz 2(disz)-kam-ma [...] [_2(esze3)] _gan2#_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ _iri_-hu#-[s,um(ki)]

  • [_1(disz) 1/3(disz) sar e2 du3-a] u3 ki-gal2_ i-na ga2-gi-im
  • [_da e2_ geme2]-ka-al-la-tim u3 _da e2 dumu-munus#_ [da-qum]

  • _6(disz) sar# [e2 ki]-gal2_ i-na zimbir(ki)-gal i-na _sila [(d)imin-bi_]
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ (d)suen-ma-asz-ma-asz u3 _1(disz) sag-nita2 dumu-mesz_ [...]
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ a-na-pa-ni-(d)utu-na-di _aszgab#_ x [...]
  • _2(disz) (uruda)szen-hi-a_ mi-im-ma-an#-[nu-um bu]-szu#-sza# [wa-ar-ka-sa3]
  • s,u2-lu-sza sza i-na i-ga-ri#-[im za-aq-pa-at] isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_ sza be-[le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ ma-ni-um] sza a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu-ma _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-a-pil#-[ti-sza] a-di-be-le-su2-nu ba-al-t,a3-at mi-im-mu-sza qa2-ti (disz)a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu-ma u2-ka-al-ma i-na _mu 1(disz)-kam 6(asz) sze gur 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-hi-a (2(ban2)) 4(disz) [sila3 i3-ba_]

  • 6(disz) ezem-hi-a 2(ban2) zi3-da-ta-a u3 2(disz) uzu-ta-a#_
  • (disz)a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu a-na be-le-su2-nu i-na-ad-di#-[isz-szi-im]

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ hu-bu-li be-le-su2-nu
  • (disz)a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-dingir i-pu-ul (disz)be-le-su2-nu u2-ul ih-ta-ba-al mi-im-mu-sza an-nu-um a-na hu-bu-li-sza u2-ul iz-za-az sza sze-a-am u3 _ku3-babbar_ i-qi2-ip-pu-szi i-na mi-im-mu-sza# i-te-el-li isz-tu be-le-su2-nu ap-lu-sa3 an-ni-tam a-na a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu id-di-nu-ma _mu 2(disz)-kam_ i-pe2-ru-szi (disz)geme2-(d)utu _dumu-munus_ i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am u3 ni-szi-i-ni-szu _dumu-munus_ dingir-pi4-(d)utu _dumu-munus-mesz_ ah-hi a-bi-sza a-na _a-sza3_ sza pi2-i t,up-pi2 an-ni-im

    a#-na# be-le-su2-nu ir-gu-ma-ma (disz)zi-im-ri-e-ra-ah ra-bi-a-an zimbir#([ki]) u3# _kar_ zimbir(ki) i-na _ka2_ (d)utu i#-mu#-ru#-[ma] t,up-pa-at nu-du-ne2-e be-le-su2-nu _lukur_ (d)utu sza a-bu-sza ma-la _sza3_-sza u2-sza-am-s,u2-u2-szi t,up#-pa#-at ap-lu-ut na-ra-am-tum a-ha-at a-bi-sza [sza ap]-lu-sa3 id-di-ni-szi-im-ma [e-ma] e#-li-sza t,a3-bu ap-lu-sa3 na-da-nam isz-t,u2-ru-szi

    AI Translation

    I, Belshunu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Manium; Amat-Mamu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sîn-ili, the one who provides for her,

  • 5 iku of field, field of the field of Puzur-Ilaba, from Sîn-nashir, son of Sin-magir;
  • and the field Dummuqa, daughter of Nur-ilishu, and from the field Shu-ilishu, son of Ushiyatum; the top of the field is 1; the second, the head of 1 bur3 2 iku, the field of Puzur-ilaba; the top of the field Nur-ilishu of the wool, and from Geme-shamash and Nishi-inishu, daughters of Ahhu, her father; the top of the field is 1; the second, the field of Ur-lugalbanda;

    1 eshe3 3 iku field, field of Akbari, from Munawirum, son of Lu-ili, and from Sîn-iqisham, son of Shamash, and field of the naditu of Shamash, which is from Sîn-eribam, son of Sippar, its head is 1; the Nuratum canal, its head is 2; the street of Samum; its length is 1 and the width is 2; and ...; 2 eshe3 field, field of the city Hussum,

  • 1 1/3 sar of built house and the alley in the ...;
  • next to the house of the female cook and next to the house of the daughter of Daqum;

  • 6 sar of the kigal-house in Sippar, in the street of the Sebetti,
  • 1 male slave of Sîn-mashmash and 1 male slave, sons of ...;
  • 1 male slave: Ana-pani-Shamash-nadi, ... .
  • 2 zenhu-vessels, all of its equipment, her rations,
  • her clothing which in the igarum-vessel is hung from the window to the gold of their lady, daughter of Amat-Mamum and daughter of Sîn-apli-sha, I gave to her; her property, the hand of Amat-Mamum, I gathered and in one year, 6 gur of barley, 12 minas of wool, 2 seahs 4 qû of oil,

  • 6 festivals, 2 seahs of flour and 2 cuts of meat,
  • Amat-Mamu will give to their lady.

  • 2/3 mina 6 shekels of silver, the debts of their lady,
  • Amat-Mamu, daughter of Sîn-ili, did not succeed; Belessunu did not seek out anything; this for her dowry did not stand; that barley and silver they gave to her, in everything she went, from Belessunu their heir gave this to Amat-Mamu and two years they have ruled; Geme-shamash, daughter of Ili-iqisham and Nishi-inishu, daughter of Ili-pî-shamash, daughters of Ahhu, her father, to the field according to the wording of this tablet

    To their lady he sinned, and Zimri-Erah, the great city of Sippar, and the port of Sippar, at the Gate of Shamash saw, and a tablet of nudunu, their lady, the naditu of Shamash, whose father as much as her heart had made, a tablet of apl. naramtu, the inheritance of her father, which she had given to her, and wherever she went, the praise of her father she had given to her, she wrote to her.



    u3 t,up-pa-at _dumu-munus-mesz_ ah-hi a-bi-sza sza ir-gu-ma-szi-im i-mu-ru-u2-ma a-na pi4 t,up-pa-ti-sza mi-im-ma-sza an-ni-a-am a-na [be]-le-su2-nu-ma u2-bi-ir-ru asz-szum (disz)geme2-(d)utu u3 ni-szi-i-ni-szu i-na la i-di-im ir-gu-ma-szi sze-ri-it (d)utu i-mi-du-szi-na-ti u3 t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im u2-sze-zi-bu-szi-na-ti isz-tu t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im u2-sze-zi-bu-szi-na-ti u3 be-le-su2-nu a-na szi-ma-ti-sza il-li-ku t,up-pi2 ap-lu-tim t,up-pa-at um-ma-tim sza _a-sza3 u3 e2_

    sza be-le-su2-na a-na a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ sin-dingir id-di-nu u3 t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im sza _dumu-munus-mesz ah-hi a-bi-sza szu-zu-ba (disz)(d)suen-dingir a-na _e2_ i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen# a-hi-sza a-na ma-s,a-ar-tim i-zi-ba t,up-[pa-tum szi-na] i-na _e2_ i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen ih-li#-[qa2-ma] (disz)sin-dingir ma-har (d)suen-isz-me-[a-ni] u3 _kar zimbir(ki)_ isz-ku-ma# [ki-ma t,up-pa-tum szi-na hal-qa2-a] i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen a-na (d)suen#-[isz-me-a-ni u3 _kar_ zimbir(ki) iq-bi]

    [i]-na# qa2-be2-e (disz)(d)suen-isz-me-a-[ni u3 _kar_ zimbir(ki)] [t,up]-pa-szu an-ni-a-am a-na pi2-i szi-[bu-tim u2-ba-al-li-t,u2-ma] [t,up]-pi2 ap-lu-tim t,up-pa-at um-[ma-tim u3 t,up-pi2 la ra-ga-mi-im] [sza] a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ (d)suen#-[dingir it-ti be-le-su2-nu la-qi2-a-at] [i]-na# _e2_ i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen [u3 e-ma in-nam-ma-ra] [sza] a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu-ma# [_dumu-munus_ (d)suen-dingir ...]

    AI Translation

    and the tablet of daughters of her father who had sided with her saw, and to the mouth of her tablet all this to their lady they returned. Because of the fact that Geme-shamash and his family had sided with her without knowing, the morning of Shamash they brought them, and the unreliable tablet they brought them. From the unreliable tablet they brought them, and their lady to her fate they went. The tablet of the distant past, the tablet of the field and the house

    which their lady to Amat-Mamu daughter of Sin-ili gave, and a tablet without equal which the daughters of Ahi her father had seized, Sîn-ili to the house of Ikun-pî-Sîn her husband to guard he sat, and the tablets which they in the house of Ikun-pî-Sîn had taken, Sîn-ili before Sîn-ishmani and the port of Sippar he set up, and like the tablets which they had taken, Ikun-pî-Sîn to Sîn-ishmani and the port of Sippar said,

    At the command of Sîn-ishmeani and the port of Sippar, this tablet was destroyed according to the original and a new tablet, a tablet of the school, and a tablet of the unreliable, which Amat-Mamu, daughter of Sîn-ili, with their lady, had received, in the house of Ikun-pî-Sîn and wherever he is to see, which Amat-Mamu, daughter of Sîn-ili .

    Seal 1


    [...] _dumu_ er3-ra-ba-ni

    AI Translation

    ... son of Erra-bani

    Seal 2


    [...] _dumu_ [...] _ARAD_ sza (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    ... son of ... servant of .

    Seal 3


    dingir-szu-ba-ni _dumu lugal_

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-bani, the son of the king.

    Seal 4


    (d)nin-szubur _dumu an-na_

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur, daughter of Anu

    Seal 5


    i-bi-[(d)nin-szubur] _dumu_ nu-[ur2-i3-li2-szu]

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Ninshubur, son of Nur-ilishu;

    Seal 6


    ri-isz-(d)utu _dumu_ im#-gur#-[akszak(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Rish-Shamash, son of Imgurakshak.

    Seal 7


    (d)utu-ba-ni _dumu_ i-pi2-iq-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Shamash-bani, son of Ipiq-Adad.

    Seal 8


    i-din-er3-ra [_dumu_ ta]-pi2-gi-ri-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Erra, son of Tapigiri-Shamash.

    Seal 9


    _kiszib_ _arad_-sin

    AI Translation

    Seal of Warad-Sin.

    P366187: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila_ geme2-(d)utu _lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ da-qum (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ lu-la-tum re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza

  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 i7_ szar-ri-im
  • ma-la ma-s,i-a-at

  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na eb-le-e
  • i-ta _a-sza3_ a-si!-ia u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ da-qum a-bi-sza mi-im-ma an-nu-um sza geme2-(d)utu _lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ da-qum a-na ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur (d)utu_ _dumu-munus_ lu-la-tum a-pil-ti-sza id-di-nu a-di geme2-(d)utu ba-al-t,a-at _a-sza3_ qa2-ti ni-szi-i-ni-szu u2-ka-al i-na _mu 1(disz)-kam 3(asz) sze gur-ta-am3_

  • _6(disz) ma-na siki-ba-ta-am3_
  • _1(ban2) 2 sila3! i3-ba-ta-am3_
  • _6(disz) ezem hi-a 1(ban2) zi3-da-ta-am3_
  • u3 _1(disz) uzu-ta-am3_

    AI Translation

    heir of Geme-Shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Daqum. Nishi-inishu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Lulati, the attendant of her marriage.

  • 3 iku field, field of the royal canal;
  • as many as there are.

  • 3 iku of field in the ebê-field,
  • from the field of my own land and from the field of the cultivated land of her father, everything that Geme-Shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of the cultivated land to his people, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Lulati her inheritance gave, until Geme-Shamash the grazing land of his people he shall provide. In one year 3 kor of barley

  • 6 minas of wool,
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of oil he will measure out.
  • 6 festivals, 1 seah of flour each,
  • and 1 rib



    (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu i-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ it-mu-u2 _igi_ pir-hu-um ra-bi-a-nu-um _iri(ki)_ _igi_ sig-(d)a-a _dumu_ bi-na-tum _igi_ (d)iszkur-szar-rum _dumu_ ri-isz-(d)utu _igi_ (d)utu-na-s,ir _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ u-bar-rum _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _igi_ e-li-e-ri-sa3 _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-dingir _igi_ sza-at-(d)a-a _dumu_ pu-zu-rum _igi_ ma-an-na-szi _dumu-munus_ sin-sza-du-ni _igi_ a#-ma-at#-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ szu-i3-li2-szu

    _igi_ erisz-ti-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ dumu-(i7)idigna _igi_ u2-s,ur-[we]-dam# _dub-sar_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(disz)#-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su#-i-lu-na _lugal-e bad3 an-da-sa2_

    AI Translation

    Nishi-inishu will give him. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king has sworn. Before Pirhum, the great one, the city; before Sig-Aya, son of Bunatum; before Adad-sharrum, son of Rish-shamash; before Shamash-nashir, son of Sin-iddinam; before Ubarrum, son of Ibni-amurtu; before Eleria, daughter of Shamash-ilum; before Shat-Aya, son of Puzurum; before Mannashi, daughter of Sin-shaduni; before Amat-mamu, daughter of Shu-ilishu;

    before Erishti-Aya, daughter of Tigris; before Ushur-wedam, the scribe. The month of Addaru, the day 1, the year in which Samsu-iluna the king built the wall of Antasa.



    [(disz)] ni-szi#-i#-[ni-szu] _lukur# (d#)utu# dumu-munus_ lu-la-tum re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza

  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 i7_ szar-ri-im
  • ma-la ma-s,i-a-at

  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na eb-le-e
  • i-ta _a-sza3_ a-si#-ia u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ da-aq-qum a-bi-sza mi-im-ma an-nu-[um] sza geme2-(d)utu _lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ [da-qum] a-na ni-szi-i-ni-szu# [_lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ lu-la]-tum a-pil-ti-sza# [id-di-nu]

    AI Translation

    nishinishu, naditu of the god Shamash, daughter of Lulati, the shepherd of her land.

  • 3 iku field, field of the royal canal;
  • as many as there are.

  • 3 iku of field in the ebê-field,
  • from the field of my own land and from the field of the grazing land of her father everything that Geme-Shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of the grazing land, to his people, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Lulati her inheritance gave.



    [_mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a] (d)marduk# [u3 sa-am-su-i]-lu#-na _lugal_ [it-mu-u2] [_igi_ pir-hu-um ra-bi]-a#-an hal-hal-la[(ki)] [_igi_ sig-(d)a-a] _dumu_ bi-na-tum [_igi_ u-bar-rum] _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu [_igi_] (d#)[iszkur]-szar#-rum _dumu_ ri-isz-(d)utu _igi_ (d)utu-na-s,ir _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ e-li-e-ri-sa3 _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-dingir _igi_ sza-at-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ pu-zu-rum _igi_ ma-an-na-szi _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-sza-du-ni _igi_ a-ma-at-(d)ma-mu _dumu-munus_ szu-i3-li2-szu

    [_igi_] e-ri-isz-ti-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ dumu-(i7)idigna [_igi_] a-bu-um-wa-qar _dumu_ e-tel-pi4-e2-a _igi_ u2-s,ur-we-dam _dub-sar_ _[iti] sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _[mu]_ sa#-am#-su#-i#-lu#-na# _[lugal]-e# [...]_

    AI Translation

    Year: "Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king departed." Before Pirhum, the king of Halhalla; before Sippar-aya, son of Bunatum; before Ubarrum, son of Ibni-Amurrum; before Adad-sharrum, son of Rish-shamash; before Shamash-nashir, son of Sin-iddinam; before Eli-erisa, daughter of Shamash-ilum; before Shat-aya, daughter of Puzurum; before Mannashi, daughter of Sîn-shaduni; before Amat-mamu, daughter of Shu-ilishu.

    Before Erishti-Aya, daughter of the Tigris; before Abum-waqar, son of Etel-pî-ea; before Ushur-wedam, the scribe. The month of Addaru, the day 1 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king .

    Seal 4


    (d)nin-pirig3 lagarx(|_munus-hub2_|) (d)utu dingir szu tag-ga-mu sig5!(|_igi-pi_|)-ga

    AI Translation

    Ninpirig, the suckling female kid of Shamash, the god who holds my hand, is good.

    P366188: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila_ inim-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ sin-e-ri-ba-am (disz)be-le-su2-nu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ pa-le-e-(d)iszkur re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza _1(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ tu-ha-mu-um i-na ti-in-ni-ha-ra i-ta _a-sza3#_ dingir-pi4-sza u3 i-ta# [_a-sza3_] (d)nin-kar-ra-ak _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2#_ [a]-sza3#_ i-na hal-hal-la i-ta _a-sza3 dingir-szu-a-bu-szu u3 i-ta _a-sza3#_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _1(bur3) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6_ [...] i7-mah# i-ta _(gesz)kiri6_ [sig-er-s,e-tim _dumu_ ni]-id#-nu-sza

  • _3(disz) 2/3(disz) sar e2 [ga-gi4]-a(ki)_
  • _1(disz) geme2_ (d)iszkur-du#-[um-qi2 _1(disz) geme2_ pi]-ha-tum
  • _1(disz) geme2 a-li2-a-[hi 3(disz) (na4)kinkin] dabin_
  • _2(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu#_ [mi-im-ma an-ni]-im#
  • bu-szu-sza wa-ar-[ka-sa3 s,u2-lu-sza?] sza i-na i-ga-ri-[im za-aq-pa-at?] isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17#_ [sza inim-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_] sin-eri-ba-am a-na be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ pa-le-e-(d)iszkur a-hi-sza id-di-nu a-di inim-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ sin-eri-ba-am a-ha-at a-bi-sza ba-al-t,a-a-at

    AI Translation

    A heir of Inim-Aya, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sin-eribam; Belessunu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Pel-e-Adad, the one who provides for her, 1 bur3 field in the field of Tuhamum in the town of Tinihara, from the field of Ili-pisha and from the field of Ninkarrak; 1 eshe3 3 iku field in the field of Halhalla, from the field of Ilshu-abushu and from the field of Sîn-eribam; 1 bur3 field in the orchard ..., from the orchard of Sippar-shertim, son of Nidnusha;

  • 3 2/3 sar, the house of Gagia;
  • 1 female Adad-dumqi-priestess, 1 female Pihatum-priestess,
  • 1 female laborer, Ali-ahi, 3 kiln-stones, flour;
  • 2 kinkin-stones for fine flour, whatever
  • her dowry, her clothing, which in the igarum-house is piled up, from the peg to the gold of Inim-Aya, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sin-eribam, to their lady, daughter of Pel-e-Adad her husband gave, until Inim-Aya, daughter of Sin-eribam, the brother of her father was killed.



    mi-im-mu-sza qa2-as-sa3 u3-ka-al isz-tu [inim-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu a]-ha-at a-bi-sza a-na szi-[ma-ti-sza it]-ta-al-ku mi-im-[ma-sza pi2-i t,up-pi2-im an]-ni-im sza [be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ pa]-le#-e-(d)iszkur a-szar# [e-li-sza t,a3-bu ap-lu]-sa3 i-na-ad-di-in (disz)be-[le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ pa-le]-(d)iszkur a-na inim#-[(d)a-a i-ra]-ga-mu u2-ul! um-[mi-ia at-ti i]-qa2-ab-bi-ma t,up-pi2 ap-[lu-ti-sza ...] i-he-ep-pe2 [x?] a-di! in-bi#-[ki ba-al]-t,a#-at

    (disz)be-le-su2#-[nu _dumu]-munus_ pa-la-(d)iszkur i-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im# _mu_ (d)utu (d)[a]-a# (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-[na] _lugal_ it-mu-u2 _igi_ _arad_-(d)suen _igi#_ sin-e-ri-ba-am _sanga (d)[utu-mesz_] _igi_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _igi_ a-wi-il-isz8-tar2 _di-ku5-mesz_ _igi_ (d)marduk-ni-szu _igi_ ra-pa-asz-s,il2-li2-e2-a _ugula lukur (d)utu-mesz_ _igi_ a-wi-il-(d)iszkur _igi_ lu-sza-lim-be-li2 _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 3(u)-kam_ (_mu_) sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ alan (gesz)tukul sig3-ge_

    AI Translation

    From Inim-Aya, naditu of Shamash, the father of her father, to her fate went, everything of it according to this tablet of their lady, daughter of Pel-Adad, where she is pleasant, her heir gave. Belessunu, daughter of Pel-Adad, to Inim-Aya he will be angry. You, my lady, speak, and her tablet of her heir ... he shall tear out. ... until she has sworn, she is dead.

    Belshunu, daughter of Pala-Adad, gave to her. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king had spoken. Before Warad-Sîn; before Sîn-eribam, sanga priest of the Shamash; before Sîn-annitum; before Awil-ishtar, judges; before Marduk-nishu; before Rapash-shilli-ea, naditu of the Shamash; before Awil-Adad; before Lush-shalim-beli. The month of Addaru, the day 30 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king a statue with a good weapon



    [_ibila_ inim-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ sin-e-ri-ba-am] [(disz)be-le-su2-nu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_] pa-la-(d)iszkur re-di-it [wa]-ar#-ka-ti-sza _1(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3 kankal_ i-na tu-ha-mu-um i-na ti-in-ni-a-ra i-ta _a-sza3_ dingir-pi4-sza u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ (d)nin-i3-si-in-na _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 kankal_ i-na hal-hal-la(ki) i-ta _a-sza3 dingir-szu-a-bu-szu u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _1(bur3) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6_ i-na i7-mah i-ta _(gesz#)[kiri6_] sig-er-s,e-tim _dumu_ ni-id-nu-sza

  • _3(disz) 2/3(disz) sar e2 ga2-gi-a(ki)_
  • _1(disz) geme2_ (d)iszkur-du-um-qi2 _1(disz) geme2_ pi2-a-tum
  • _1(disz) geme2 a-li2-a-hi 3(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu_
  • _2(disz) (na4)kinkin dabin_ mi-im-ma an-ni-im
  • bu-szu-sza wa-ar-ka-sa3 s,u2-lu-sza i-ga-ri-im isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_ sza inim-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am a-ha-at a-bi-sza sza be-le-su2-nu _lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ pa-la-(d)iszkur a-hi-sza a-di inim-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am a-ha-at a-bi-sza ba-al-t,a-a-at mi-im-mu-sza qa2-as-sa3 u3-ka-a-al isz-tu inim-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ a-ha-at a-bi-sza a-na szi-ma-ti-sza it-ta-al-ku mi-im-ma-sza pi2-i t,up-pi2-im an-ni-im

    sza be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ pa-la-(d)iszkur a-hi-sza a-szar e-li-sza t,a3-bu

    AI Translation

    A heir of Inim-Aya, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sin-eribam; Belessunu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Palla-Adad, the overseer of her marriage; 1 bur3 field, field in the town of Tuhamum in the town of Tinniara; from the field of Ili-pisha and from the field of Nin-isina; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, field, field, field of Halhalla; from the field of Ilshu-abushu and from the field of Sîn-eribam; 1 bur3 field, garden in the river Amah; from the garden of Sippar-shadum, son of Nidnusha;

  • 3 2/3 sar, the house of Gagia;
  • 1 female worker of Adad-dumqi; 1 female worker of the 'housekeeper';
  • 1 female laborer, Ali-ahi; 3 millstones of fine flour;
  • 2 ...-stones, all this;
  • her dowry, her clothing she shall carry. From the peg to the gold of Inim-aya, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sîn-eribam, the father of her father, of their lady, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Palla-Adad, her father, until Inim-aya, daughter of Sîn-eribam, the father of her father, the slander of her own property, her own property she shall hold. From Inim-aya, naditu of Shamash, daughter of her father, to her fate she shall go. All of this according to this tablet

    of Belshunu, daughter of Palal-Addu, her husband, where she is good.



    ap-lu-sa3 i-na-ad-di-in (disz)be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ pa-la-(d)iszkur [a-na] inim#-([d])a-a a-ha-at a-bi-sza um-mi-sza [u2-ul um-mi at-ti i]-qa2-ab-bi-i-ma [i-na ... i]-te-el-li u3 inim-(d)a-a [a-na be-le-su2-nu u2-ul mar-ti] at#!-ti i-qa2-ab-bi-ma [...] x a-di in-bi-ki _lukur#_ (d#)utu [ba-al-t,a-at _mu 1(disz)-kam n] gin2# ku3-babbar 6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ [(disz)be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_] pa-la-(d)iszkur [i-na-ad]-di-isz-szi-im [_mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a] (d)marduk

    [_igi_ _arad_-(d)suen] _sanga_ (d)utu [_igi_ sin-e-ri-ba-am] _sanga_ (d)utu [_igi_ a-wi-il]-isz8-tar2 _dumu_ (d)nanna-tum [_igi_ sig-an-nu-ni]-tum! _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni [_igi_ (d)marduk-ni]-szu _ugula lukur (d)utu-mesz_ [_igi_ ra-pa-asz]-s,il2-li2-e2-a _ugula lukur (d)utu-mesz_ [_igi_ a-wi]-il#-(d)iszkur _dub-sar lukur (d)utu-mesz_ [_igi_ lu-sza]-lim-be-li2 tap-pu-szu [_igi_ ...]-ba-ni _igi_ i-bi-(d)nin-szubur [... _i3]-du8# ka2 ga2-gi4-a(ki)_ [_iti sze-sag11]-ku5 u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_

    [_mu_ sa]-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal alan (gesz)tukul sig3-ge#_

    AI Translation

    Belessunu, daughter of Pala-Adad, to Inim-aya, the father of her mother, and not her mother, shall say, and in ... he will go, and Inim-aya to their mother, not a friend shall say, and ... until you have brought in the n shekels of silver and 6 silas of oil Belessunu, daughter of Pala-Adad, shall give. Year: "Shamash, Aya, Marduk,

    Before Warad-Sîn, priest of Shamash; before Sin-eribam, priest of Shamash; before Awil-ishtar, son of Nannatum; before Simanitum, son of Ilshu-bani; before Marduk-nishu, sage of the Shamash; before Rapash-shilli-ea, sage of the Shamash; before Awil-adad, scribe of the Shamash; before Lushlim-beli, the tappushu-offerer; before ...bani; before Ibbi-ninshubur, ..., gate of Gagia; month of Addarum, 25th day.

    Year: "Samsu-iluna, king, statue of a good weapon."

    Seal 1


    [(d)suen-e-ri-ba-am] [_sanga_] (d)[utu] _dumu_ (d)utu-tab-ba-[szu] [_ARAD_] sa-am-su2-i-lu-[na]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-eribam, sanga priest of Shamash, son of Shamash-tabbash, servant of Samsu-iluna.

    Seal 2


    _arad_-(d)suen _sanga#_ (d)utu _dumu_ i-ku-un-pi4-(d)utu _ARAD_ sa-am-su-i-lu-[na]

    AI Translation

    Warad-Sîn, sanga priest of Shamash, son of Ikun-pî-Shamash, servant of Samsu-iluna.

    Seal 3


    a-wi-il-isz8-[tar2] _dumu_ (d)nanna-tum# _ARAD_ (d)suen u3 _an_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Awil-ishtar, son of Nannatum, servant of Sin and Anu-Martu.

    Seal 4


    (d)suen-ha-zi-ir _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _ARAD_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Sîn-hazir, son of Ilshu-bani, servant of Ninshubur.

    Seal 5


    (d)marduk-ni-[szu] _ugula lukur (d)utu-ke4_ _dumu_ (d)marduk-[...] _ARAD_ sa-am-su-i-[lu-na]

    AI Translation

    Marduk-nishu, overseer of the naditu of Shamash, son of Marduk-..., servant of Samsu-iluna.

    Seal 6


    (d)nin-pirig _munus hub2_ (d)utu dingir szu tag-ga-mu igi gesztu-ga

    AI Translation

    Ninpirig, the wife of Shamash, the god who is entrusted to me, is attentive to my prayers.

    P366189: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila#_ il-ta-ni [_lukur_ (d)utu] _dumu-munus_ ra-bu-ut-(d)[suen] (disz)be-le-su2-bu _lukur_ (d)[utu] _dumu-munus_ na-ka-rum re-di-it wa-ar-ka-[ti]-sza

  • _4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ eb2-le#-e#
  • i-ta _a-sza3 e2 a-ba_

  • _5(iku)?_ _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-ra-tim
  • [i-ta] _a-sza3 e2 a-ba_ sza# il-ta-ni _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ra-bu-ut-(d)suen a-na be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ na-ka-rum id-di-nu [a]-di il-ta-ni _dumu-munus_ ra-bu-ut-(d)suen ba#-al-t,a3-at [_a-sza3_]-sza qa2-as-sa3-ma u2-ka-[al] [i-na] _mu 1(disz)-kam 1(u) ma-na siki-ba#_ [...] [x x x] n _1(disz) sila3 i3-ba-ta_ [...]

    AI Translation

    The heir who gave birth to him is the naditu of Shamash, daughter of Rabut-Sîn. Belessubi, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Nakalum, the one who supervises her marriage.

  • 4 iku of field in the irrigated area of the ebê-field;
  • from the field of the father's house;

  • 5 iku? of field in the district of the city of Til-sharru;
  • from the field of the father's house which he has taken, the naditu of Shamash, daughter of Rabut-Sîn, to their lady, daughter of Nakalum, gave; until he has taken, daughter of Rabut-Sîn, the owner of the field, shall hold and shall pay. In one year, 10 minas of wool ... n 1 sila3 of oil .



    [...] _4(barig) 1(ban2)# zi3-da-ta#_ [_n uzu]-ta-am3_ (disz)be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ na-ka-[rum] i-na-ad-di-isz-szi-im _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 a-am-su-i-lu-na _in#-[pa3]-de3#-mesz_ _igi_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _sanga (d)utu_ _igi_ isz-me-(d)suen _sanga (d)utu_ _igi_ (d)marduk-la-ma-sa3-szu _igi_ ra-pa-asz-s,il2-li2-e2-a _ugula lukur (d)utu-mesz_ _igi_ (d)utu-ha-zi2-ir _igi_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _i3-du8 ka2_ ga-gi-[im] _igi_ i3-li2-u3-(d)utu _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ ia-am-s,i-at#-nu-[ni]

    _igi_ e-li-e-ri-sa3 _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-dingir [_igi_] u2#-s,ur-we-dam _dub-sar_ [_iti] _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 4(disz)-kam_ [_mu_ ...] x x [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... 4 barig 1 ban2 flour, n cuts of meat: Belessunu, daughter of Nakalum, will give her. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Amsu-iluna they have sworn. Before Shamash-tabbash, priest of Shamash; before Ishme-sîn, priest of Shamash; before Marduk-lamassashu; before Rapash-shilli-ea, overseer of the naditu of Shamash; before Shamash-hazir; before Adad-manshum, gatekeeper of the Gagim-gate; before Ili-u-shamash; before Belessunu, daughter of Yamshitnuni.

    Before Eli-erisa, daughter of Shamash-ilu; before Ushur-wedam, the scribe. The month of Abu, the day 4 of the year ... ... .

    P366194: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na ga-ma-a-na-nim
  • i-ta (d)suen-re-me-ni u3 i-ta na-bi-(d)utu _sag 1(disz)-kam_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ _ka_-_da_-_da_ _sag 2(disz)-kam_ nam-ka-rum _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ qa2-ab-li-im i-ta wa-tar-i-ku-nu-um u3 i-ta na-bi-(d)utu _sag 1(disz)-kam e_ eb-le-e _sag 2(disz)-kam i7_ akszak(ki)-ga-mi-il _szu-nigin2 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_

  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ (d)a-a-ti-la-ti
  • _1(disz)_ sag-geme2_ a-bi-li-bu-ra-am
  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu_
  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin dabin_
  • AI Translation
  • 3 iku of field in the field of Gananim;
  • from Sîn-remeni and from Nabi-shamash, the first and second, Sîn-iddinam, son of Ka-da-da, the second and third, Namkalum, 1 eshe3 field in the field of Qablim, from Watar-ikunum and Nabi-shamash, the first and second, the bank of the Ebla, the second, the Akshak-gamil canal; total: 1 eshe3 3 iku field

  • 1 slave woman named Ayatilati;
  • 1 slave woman named Abi-liburam;
  • 1 kinkin-stone for fine flour;
  • 1 ...-stone
  • Reverse

  • _1(disz) (uruda)szen_ sza _3(ban2)_
  • _1(disz) ab2_ (d)a-a-du-ri _mu-ni-im_
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-im (disz)na-bi-(d)utu a-na ru-ba-tum _lukur (d)utu_ _dumu-munus-a-ni_ id-di-in _ibila_ ru-ba-tum# (d)utu-sze-me _igi_ _arad_-sin _igi_ sza-mu-uh2-sin _igi_ (d)iszkur-re-me-ni _igi_ im-gur-sin _lu2_ hal-hal-la(ki) _igi_ a-wi-il-dingir _dumu_ i3-li2-e-ri-ba-am _igi_ i-lam-sza-ta-ri _dumu_ sin-sze-me _igi_ e-tel-pi4-sin _dumu_ da-am-da!-nim _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ _ka_-_da_-_da#_ _igi_ a-wa-ti-a _dumu_ pi2-ir-hu-um _igi_ sin-ga-mil _dumu_ tar-bu-um

    AI Translation
  • 1 copper kettle of 3 seahs;
  • 1 cow, Aya-duri, his name,
  • All this Nabû-shamash to the vizier of Shamash his daughter gave. The heir of the vizier of Shamash-sheme before Warad-sîn, before Shamuh-sîn, before Adad-remeni, before Imgur-sîn, the man of Halhalla, before Awil-ili, son of Ili-eribam, before Ilam-shatari, son of Sin-sheme, before Etel-pisin, son of Damdanim, before Sin-iddinam, son of Ka-da-da, before Awatia, son of Pirhum, before Sin-gamil, son of Tarbuum.



    _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ (d)en-lil2?-sze-me _igi_ la-ma-si2 _dumu-munus_ na-ka-rum _igi_ na-ru-ub-tum _dumu-munus_ szesz-unu(ki)-nam-[...] il-ta-ni _dumu-munus_ sin-sze-me _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ mu-tum-e-el

    AI Translation

    before Belshunu, daughter of Enlil-sheme; before Lamassi, daughter of Nakalum; before Narubtum, daughter of Sheshunu-nam-...; he has passed, daughter of Sin-sheme; before Belshunu, daughter of Mutum-el;



    _dub# 3(iku)# _gan2#_ [a-sza3_ i-na ga-ma-a-na-nim] i-ta (d)suen-re#-[me-ni] u3 i-ta _a-sza3#_ [na-bi-(d)utu] _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam_ (d)suen#-[i-din-nam _dumu_ _ka_-_da_-_da_] _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam_ nam#-[ka-rum] _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-[na _a-gar3_ qa2-ab-li-im] i-ta wa-tar-i#-[ku-nu-um] u3 i-ta [na-bi-(d)utu] _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam# [e_ eb-le-e] _sag-bi 2(disz)-[kam i7_ akszak(ki)-ga-mi-il] _|_nigin-szu_| 1(esze3) [3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_]

  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ [(d)a-a-ti-la-ti]
  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ [a-bi-li-bu-ra-am]
  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin# [zi3-gu 1(disz) (na4)kinkin dabin_]
  • _1(disz) (uruda)[szen_ sza _3(ban2)_]
  • _1(disz) ab2#_ [(d)a-a-du-ri _mu-ni-im_]
  • AI Translation

    Tablet 3 iku of field in Gamananum, from Sîn-remeni and from the field of Nabi-shamash; its head is 1; Sîn-iddinam, son of Ka-da-da; its head is 2; Namkalum; 1 eshe3 of field in the field of Qablim, from Watar-ikunum and from Nabi-shamash; its head is 1; the bank of the Ebele; its head is 2; the Akshak-gamil canal; its total: 1 eshe3 3 iku field;

  • 1 slave woman named Ayatilati;
  • 1 slave woman named Abi-liburam;
  • 1 millstone for flour, 1 millstone for flour for bran,
  • 1 copper kettle of 3 seahs;
  • 1 cow, Aya-duri, his name,
  • Reverse


    mi#-im#-ma# an#-[ni-im] [(disz)na-bi-(d)utu] [a-na ru-ba-tum] [_lukur (d)utu_] _dumu#-munus#-ni_ [i-di-in] _ibila_ [ru-ba-tum (d)utu-sze-me] _igi#_ [...] _igi#_ x [...] _igi#_ (d)suen#-[...] _igi_ [x x?] dingir x [...] _igi_ (d)iszkur#-[re-me-ni] _igi_ im-gur-sin [_lu2_ hal-hal-la(ki)] _igi_ a-wi-il-dingir _dumu_ i3-[li2-e]-ri#-[ba-am] _igi_ e-tel-[pi4-sin _dumu_ da-am-da-nim] _igi_ i-[lam-sza-ta-ri _dumu_ sin-sze-me]

    AI Translation

    All this Nabû-shamash to the vizier of Shamash, his daughter, gave. The heir of the vizier of Shamash-sheme before ..., before ..., before Sîn-..., before ..., the god ..., before Adad-remeni, before Imgur-sîn, the man of Halhalla, before Awil-ili, son of Ili-eribam, before Etel-pisin, son of Damdanum, before Ilam-shatari, son of Sin-sheme.



    [_igi_] be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-sze#-me _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ mu-tum-e-el

    AI Translation

    Before Belshunu, daughter of Sîn-sheme; before Belshunu, daughter of Mutum-el.

    Seal 2


    _kiszib_ il-ta-ni

    AI Translation

    Seal of Illut-Nergal,

    Seal 3


    im#-gur-(d)suen _dumu#_ u2-qa-i-lu _ARAD#_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Imgur-Sîn, son of Uqailu, servant of Amurru.

    Seal 4


    [...] [_dumu_] (d)suen-i-mi-ti# _ARAD# e2-babbar_

    AI Translation

    ..., son of Sîn-imitti, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 5


    _kiszib_ e#-tel#-pi4#-sin#

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ellil-pissin.

    Seal 6


    _kiszib_ be-le-su2#-nu#

    AI Translation

    Seal of their lady.

    Seal 7


    [...] ru#? [...] _dumu_ da# [...] [_ARAD_] (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    ... ... son of ... servant of Amurru.

    P366198: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ sa3-ni-iq-qa2-bu-sza _mu-ne_-sza
  • sza a-ha-ia-am-szi a-bu-sza u3 la-ma-si2 um-ma-sza a-na dumu-munus-er-s,e-tim _dumu-munus-a-ni_-szu _nu-gig#_ i-nu-ma i-na-szu-u2 ki-ma _a-sza3_-im u3 _e2#_ id-di-nu-szi-im _mu 1(u)-kam_ il-li-ik-ma i-nu-ma _sag-geme2 dumu-munus-a-ni_ wa-al-da-at (disz)ta-ri-ba-tum u3 ba-na-nu-um _dumu#-me_ si-li-lum _szesz_ a-bi-sza (disz)ri-isz-(d)utu u3 iq-qu2-du-du-um _szesz-a-ni_-sza# (disz)sa3-ni-iq-qa2-bu-sza u3 _dumu-munus-a-ni_ ib-qu2-ru-ma szu-ri-nu-um sza (d)suen szi-bu-ut _lu2_ akszak(ki) u3 za-ar-da-i(ki)

    usz-bu-ma tup-pa-sza la-bi-ra-am sza ni-szi-ti-sza isz-mu-u2 u3 a-wa-ti-sza i-mu-ru-u2-ma# (disz)sa3-ni-iq-qa2-bu-sza u3# [...] a-na dumu-munus-er-s,e-tim u2-bi#-ir#-[ru-ma] id-di-[nu-szi-im]

    AI Translation
  • 1 slave woman, her name is Saniqqabu;
  • of Ahayammishi, her father, and Lamashi, her mother, to his daughter-in-law, his daughter, a nanny, when they, like the field and the house, gave to her, for a period of 10 years, they went, and when the slave woman, his daughter, the share of Taribatum and Bananum, sons of Sililum, her father, Rish-shamash and Iqqudulum, her brother, Saniqqabushu and his daughter, they piled up, and the slave woman of Sîn, the one who is the witness of Akshak and Zardai,

    he sat down, and her old tablet which her children heard and her words they saw, and Saniqqabushu and ... to the daughter-in-law he brought and gave to her.



    (disz)ta-ri-ba-tum u3 ba-na-nu#-um# _dumu-mesz_ si-li-lum _szesz_ a-bi-sza# (disz)ri-isz-(d)utu u3 iq-(qu2)-du-du-um _szesz-a-ni_-sza u-ul i-tu-ru-ma u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu _mu_ (d)suen (d)utu (d)marduk u3 ha-am-mu-ra-bi it-mu-u2 _igi_ in-bu-sza _szagina lu2_ akszak(ki) _igi_ (d)suen-a-sza-re-ed u3 u-bar-[x] _dumu-mesz_ sin-e-mu-qi2 _igi_ ma-ni-um _sipa_ _igi_ (d)utu-na-s,ir _szu-i_ _igi_ szu-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ sin-isz-me-a-an-ni _igi_ t,a3-ab-s,il2-lum _dumu_ i-din-ia-tum

    _dumu-mesz_ sin-tab-ba-e-em _igi_ _arad_-sa3 (disz)hu-za-lum _dumu-mesz_ is,-ru-pa-an-ni _igi_ sin-i-qi2-sza-am u3 akszak(ki)-ga#-mil#

    AI Translation

    Taribatum and Bananum, sons of Sililum, brother of her father; Rish-shamash and Iqqudurum, her brother, did not return and did not honor the name of Sîn, Shamash, Marduk and Hammurabi; before Inbusha, general of Akshak; before Sîn-ashara-ed and Ubar-x, sons of Sin-emuqi; before Manium, shepherd; before Shamash-nashir, hand; before Shu-Martu, son of Sîn-ishmani; before Tab-shillum, son of Iddin-yatum;

    before Aradsa, Huzalu, sons of Ishurupani, before Sin-iqisham and Akshak-gamil.

    Column 1


    _igi_ sin-szesz-i-din-nam _dumu_ sin-ga-mil _igi_ ku-du-u2-um _dumu_ puzur4-sin _igi_ sa-mi-ki _dumu_ sza-lu-rum

    AI Translation

    before Sin-ahhe-iddinam, son of Sin-gamil; before Kudurum, son of Puzur-sîn; before Samiki, son of Shalurum;

    Column 2


    _igi_ er3-ra-ia _dumu_ (d)utu-na-di _igi_ sin-ip-pa-al-sa _mu erin2_ elam-ma(ki#)

    AI Translation

    before Erraya, son of Shamash-nadi; before Sin-ippalsa, year: "The troops of Elam."



    [_igi_ (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am] [u3] akszak(ki)-ga-[mil] _igi_ (d)suen-a-ha-am#-[i-din-nam] _dumu#_ (d)suen-ga-mil _igi_ _arad_-sa3 hu-za-lum _dumu#-[mesz_ ...] _igi_ ku-du-u2-um _dumu_ puzur4#-[(d)suen] _igi_ t,a3-ab-s,il2-lum _dumu_ i-din-ia#-[tum] _igi_ sa-mi-ki _dumu_ sza-lu-rum _igi_ (d)suen-ip-pa-al-sa3 _dumu_ na-bi-(d)suen _igi ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _dub-sar_ _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-tab-li _mu erin2 ugnim_ elam-ma(ki)

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-iqisham and Akshak-gamil; before Sîn-aham-iddinam, son of Sîn-gamil; before Warad-sa, Huzalum, sons of ...; before Kudum, son of Puzur-Sîn; before Tab-shillum, son of Iddin-yatum; before Samiki, son of Shalum; before Sîn-ippalsam, son of Nabi-Sîn; before Ibni-amurtu, scribe, son of Sîn-mutabli, the year in which the troops of Elam

    Seal 1


    in-bu-sza _dumu_ be-el-szu-[nu] _arad_ (d)nin-[...]

    AI Translation

    Inbusha, son of their lady, servant of Nin.

    Seal 2


    sza-(d)mar?-[tu?] _dumu_ (d)suen-isz#-[...]

    AI Translation

    Sha-Martu?, son of Sîn-ish.

    Seal 3


    ma#-ni-um _dumu_ ip-qu2-sza _arad_ (d)suen

    AI Translation

    Manium, son of Ipqusha, servant of Sin.

    Seal 4


    _kiszib3_ er3-ra-ia

    AI Translation

    Seal of Erraya.

    Seal 5


    _kiszib3_ t,a3-ab-s,il2-lum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Tabshillum

    P366204: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ sza _a-gar3 gal_ sza la-ma-si2 _lukur! (d)utu dumu-munus_ _arad_-(d)suen sza sza-at-(d)utu um-ma-sza id-di-nu-szi-im-ma (disz)la-ma-si2 a-na ru-ba-tum id-di-nu u3 a-na _2(iku) _gan2 1_(disz) szu-szi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) sar a-sza3_ _ha-la_ i-na-szu-dingir a-bi-sza sza _arad_-(d)suen a-bu-sza i-zu-zu-szum (disz)um-ma-ti-ia _dumu-munus_ i3-li2-an-dul3-li2 a-na ru-ba-tum _dumu-munus_ i-na-szu-dingir ir-gu-um-ma _di-ku5-mesz_ i-na _e2 (d)utu_ i-na e2-babbar(+ri) a-na _ka_ t,up-pa-ti-szi-na

    di-nam u2-sza-hi-zu-szi-na-ti-ma _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ sza la-ma-si2 a-bu-sza id-di-nu-szi-im u3 _2(iku) _gan2 1_(disz) szu-szi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) sar a-sza3#_ sza _sza3 4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ a-bu-sza il-qu2-u2

    AI Translation

    for 1 eshe3 field of the large field of Lamasi, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Warad-Sîn, of Shat-Shamash her mother gave, and Lamasi to the king gave, and to 2 iku field 1 shar 6 2/3 sar field, the share, Ina-shu-ili her father, of Warad-Sîn her father, he gave. Ummattia, daughter of Ili-andulli, to the king, daughter of Ina-shu-ili he fought, and the judges in the house of Shamash in Ebabbar to the gate of their tablets

    he gave them a judgment and gave to them 1 eshe3 field, field of Lamasi, her father, and 2 iku field, 1 hectare, 6 2/3 sar field, field of 4 iku, field of her father,



    a-na ru-ba-tum i-na-szu-dingir# u2-bi-ru-szi-im-ma i-di-nu-szi-im

  • _1(iku) _gan2 3_(u) 3(disz) 1/3(disz) sar a-sza3_
  • i-ta hu-nu-ub-tum sza-lu-usz-tam sza le-qe2 (disz)i3-li2-an-dul3-li2 a-bi-sza a-na um-ma-ti-ia id-di-nu u2-ul i-tu-ru-ma (disz)um-ma-tum (disz)sig-(i7)idigna u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu a-na ru-ba-tum _dumu-munus_ i-na-szu-dingir u2-ul i-ra-ga-am _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk (disz)ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 it-mu-u2 di-in _e2 (d)utu_ i-na e2-babbar(+ri) _di-ku5-mesz_ (disz)nu-ur2-(d)szakkan2 _igi_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _igi_ qi2-isz-nu-nu _dumu_ (d)suen-sze-me _igi_ (d)suen-ba-ni _ugula lukur (d)utu_ _igi_ bur-(d)suen _dumu_ si2-li-lum

    mu bara2 mah (d)suen babila2(ki)

    AI Translation

    to the king he gave to her, and he gave her.

  • 1 ikû field, 33 1/3 sar of field,
  • From the hutu-house, the shalushtam-house, which Ili-andulli, her father, to my army gave, they did not return, and Ummatum, Sisig-idigna and his sons to the wife of the daughter of Ina-shu-ili did not return, the name of Shamash, Marduk, Hammurapi, he has sworn. The judgment of the house of Shamash in the Ebabbar, the judges: Nur-shakkan before Sîn-eribam, before Qishnunu, son of Sîn-szeme, before Sîn-bani, the vizier of Shamash; before Bur-Sîn, son of Sililum.

    year: "The great throne of Sin of Babylon."

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ba-ni _dumu_ (d)utu-dingir _ugula lukur (d)utu-mesz_ _ARAD_ e2-babbar#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-bani, son of Shamash-ilu, overseer of the naditu of the god Shamash, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 2


    i3-li2-_an_-[...] _gir3 ni_? _mah_? _dumu_ (d)suen-[...] _ARAD_ (d)x-[...] u3? (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Ili-..., the foot-stool of ..., son of Sîn-..., servant of ... and .

    Seal 3


    dingir-szu-na-s,i-ir _dam-gar3_ _dumu_ a-bu-um-wa-qar

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-nashir, merchant, son of Abum-waqar.

    Seal 4


    (kiszib) sin-e-ri-ba-am

    AI Translation

    Seal of Sîn-eribam

    Seal 5


    (kiszib) qi2-isz-nu-nu?

    AI Translation

    Seal of Qishnunu?

    Seal 6


    (kiszib) bur-sin

    AI Translation

    Seal of the roaster

    P366207: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    isz-tu _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)_arad_-sin a-na (d)utu-ra-bi isz-qu2-lu u3 _dub_ la ra-ga-mu-um u2-sze-zi-bu-szu i-tu-ur ir-gu-um-ma

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ _arad_-sin a-na (d)utu-ra-bi isz-qu2-ul
  • _u4-kur2-sze3_ a-na _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar e2-gal_-lim _ku3-babbar_ gi-ir-ri-im u3 _sza3 iri(ki)_ _ku3-babbar e2_ ri-isz-(d)utu t,up-pa-tim? u3 mi-im-mi-e _e2 a-ba_ isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_ (disz)(d)utu-ra-bi u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu a-na _arad_-sin u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu an-ni-a-am am-szi u2-ul i-qa2-bi

    AI Translation

    After Arad-Sin had paid 1 mina of silver to Shamash-rabi, and the unreliable tablet he had seized, returned, and

  • 10 shekels of silver, his servant, to Shamash-rabi he has given.
  • In the future, for 1 mina of silver, the palace, the silver of the ziggurat and the city, the silver of the house of Rish-Shamash, the tablet? and everything of the house of the father from the treasury until the gold of Shamash-rabi and his sons to Warad-sîn and his sons he shall not raise a claim. This is my claim.



    _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 u3 _iri_ zimbir(ki) it-mu-u2 _igi_ nu-ra-tum _dumu_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _igi_ (d)utu!?-ba-ni _ugula dam#-gar3!-mesz_ _igi_ puzur4-sin _dumu_ x-ma? _igi_ te?-di#?-(din)-nam (d#)utu#?-illat-su2 _igi_ ri-isz-(d)utu _dumu_ im?-ri2?-im _igi_ sin-i-(din)-nam _dumu_ (d)utu-illat-su2 _igi_ i-din-dingir _dumu_ sin-i-(din)-nam! [_igi_] i-din-e2-a _dub-sar!_ _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu [x x?] x (d)utu_

    AI Translation

    The year in which Shamash, Marduk, Hammurapi and Sippar heard. Before Nuratum, son of Simannunitum; before Shamash-bani, overseer of merchants; before Puzur-sîn, son of ...; before Tedi-dinnam, Shamash-illatsu; before Rish-shamash, son of Imrim; before Sin-iddinam, son of Shamash-illatsu; before Iddin-il, son of Sin-iddinam; before Iddin-ea, the scribe. The month of Nisannu, 24th day, the year ... Shamash

    P366219: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)ur-(d)szu-bu-la _nar-gal_ (disz)sa3-la-lum _szesz ad-da-ni_ sza-hi-a-am isz-ri-iq-ma ik-su2-ni-isz-szu-u2-ma qa2-du-um bu-ki-ni-im u3 szu-ga-ri-im szum-ma-an la (disz)nu-ur2-(d)iszkur i-sza-al-ma-an (disz)(d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _dumu_ ba-za-ak?-nu-um im-ra-as,-ma bu-uh2-ra-am i-ri-isz-ma a-na me-e em-mu-tim t,a2-ab-ta-am (disz)nu-t,u2-ub-tum _dumu-munus_ sa3-la-lum i-di-i-ma u2-ul isz-qi2-i-szu szi-we-ra-am u2-ul i-mu-ur-ma# i-na ma-ak szi-we-ri-i-im pi-ti-il-ta-am i-na ki-sza-di-szu# u2-ul ih-lu-ul

    _dumu szesz ad-da-ni#_ [(...)]

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shubla, the chief musician, and Salalum, the brother of his father, a shadu-demon, he struck down and he seized him. The shatammu-offering and the shatammu-offering, if not Nur-Adad, he shall take. Sîn-iribam, son of Bazaknum, he seized, and the shatammu-offering he took, and to the water of the gods good, Nutubtum, daughter of Salalum, he fought, but he did not take it. A shatammu-offering he did not see, and in the field of shatammu-offering he did not take it, and in his camp he did not take it.

    son of the brother of Addanu .



    szi#?-[...] u2-[...] ia# [...] _da_ x x x qa2-ti [...] qu2-ru-ba-szi-na i-na x [x (x)] x u2-ul i-ig-ga#?-[...]

  • _1(disz) hal uzu_ x [...]
  • pu-ut-ku-nu il-x [...] zi-ir-qa2-am u2-ul i-szu# sza-hi-a-am it,-bu-uh2-ma u2-ul ta-ku-la u3 an-ni-a-tim a-na-ku u2-ul i-de (disz)i3-li2-en-nam u3 _arad_-(d)amar-utu asz-szum _a-sza3 e2-gal_ _te_ da _ku_ szu-nu-ti szu-nu u2-sza-asz-t,e4-ru-ni-in-ni

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... their ...

  • 1 hal of meat ... .
  • ... ... he did not have a claim; the claim he did not raise, and I did not know. And this I did not know. Ili-ennam and Warad-Marduk concerning the field of the palace ... ... they wrote to me.

    P366220: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na _a-sza3_ sza x lu? x _ki_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-[am ...] (disz)dingir-sa-ri-kum _arad_? [...] (disz)(d)utu-ma? [x?] u3 x [...] a-ha-ti-szu-nu _dumu#-[mesz?_] ni-id-[...] sza i-na x (d)suen#?-[x?] ru# ki x it-ti-szu-nu (disz)dingir-x x[...] i-sza-mu#! [...] (d)utu-di-ku5 a-hu-szu [...] [...] x um-ma di? [...] [...] nam# u2-sza-ah-szi-x [...] [...]-ma!-an-szum2 (d)utu#-[...] [...] x u2-ta-ar#? [...]

    AI Translation

    To the field which ... with Sîn-eribam ... Ilsarikum, a servant? ... Shamash ... and ... their relations, sons? of ... who in ... Sîn-... with them, Il-... ... he asked ... Shamash-diku his brother ... ... saying: "... ... the fate he ... ... ... ... ... Shamash-... ... he returned? .



    [... _in]-pa3#_ [...] [...] tab-ba-szu _dumu_ zi-x-[...] [...]-ri-szu-nu _dumu_ a-wi-il#-[...] [_igi_] i-din-(d)utu _dumu_ su2-ka#?-[li?] _igi_ zimbir(ki)-t,a3-ab _dumu_ [...] _igi_ ba-li-kum _dumu_ x [...] _igi_ za-ar-za-rum _dumu_ ar#-[...] _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni [...] _dumu_ x x x x _igi_ im-gur-(d)suen# _dumu_ dingir# [...] _igi_ _arad_!?-i3-li2-szu _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Tabbashu, son of Zi... ... ...-rishunu, son of Awil-...; before Iddin-shamash, son of Sukali?; before Sippar-tab, son of ...; before Bali-kum, son of ...; before Zarzarum, son of Ar...; before Sîn-ishmeanni, ... son of ...; before Imgur-sîn, son of Ili-...; before Arad-ilishu, the scribe

    P366221: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x [...] [_sag-bi_] su2#-qu2-um [...]-tum# _sag-bi_ ha-lu-ra-tum sza _ki_ bur-(d)suen _dumu_ bur-(d)en-lil2 (disz)_arad2#_-(d)suen _dumu_ ba-x#-[...] i-sza-mu-u2 (disz)er3#-ra#-ba#-ni# _dumu#_ x-[(x)]-x-x qa-qa-ra-am#

    AI Translation



    ib-qu2-ur-ma (disz)szu-(d)nin-sun2 ki#-ma# _arad2_-(d)suen _dumu_ ba-x-[...] u3 ma-ri-szu (disz)szu-(d)nin-sun2 ba-aq-ri er3-ra-ba-ni# i-su2-[uh] _mu#_ (d)utu (d)amar-utu [(x)] an-nu-ni-tum (disz)sa3-bi-[um] [u3 _iri_] zimbir(ki) [(...)] it-ma [...]-wa#*-qar-ti# [...] [...]-ig#-mil# [...] x [...] [...] _ki_? x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Shu-Ninsun, like Warad-Sîn, son of Ba... and his mother, Shu-Ninsun, the satrap of Erra-bani, he removed. The name of Shamash, Marduk, Annunitum, Sabium, and the city of Sippar ... he ...




    AI Translation


    P366223: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_
  • i-na sze-ma-a sza i-din-er3-ra _da_ (d)suen-a-bu-szu u3 _da_ ur-(d)szu-bu-la sa3-li-lu-um (d)suen-re-me-ni (disz)ia-ar-hi-dingir u3 ma-ru-za-tu-u2 i-na _e2_ a-ra-ri da-ia-nu i-du-szu-nu-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 ikû of field,
  • In the extispicy of Iddin-Erra, next to Sîn-abushu and next to Ur-shubla, the sa-lilum-priest of Sîn-remeni, Iahi-ilu and Maruzatu, in the house of the arayu-priest, the lord, they have sworn.



    _a-sza3_ a-na ia-hi-la-tum i-di-nu _igi_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _igi_ (d)iszkur-re-me!-ni _igi_ bu-la-lum _igi_ _arad_-(d)utu _igi_ na-ap-li-as2-dingir _igi_ wa-ar-du-um

    AI Translation

    The field for Yahilatum gave. Before Lipit-Ishtar, before Adad-remeni, before Balalu, before Warad-shamash, before Napli-Asil, before Wardum.



    ...-er3-ra? ...-szu-nu-ti-ma

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... them and



    ...-la-tim _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)amar-utu u3 sa3-bi-um _in-pa3-de3-esz_ ... _sanga nig2_ (d)utu _igi_ ma-zi-gu-um ... _dumu_ zi-da-nim

    AI Translation

    ...-latim, the name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Sabium, have sworn.

    Seal 1


    bu-la-lum i3-du8 dumu a-[ki-im?] _arad_ [e2-babbar2?]

    AI Translation

    Bulalum, gatekeeper, son of Akim?, servant of Ebabbar.

    P366225: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-ir-tum sza ia-ap-su2-du-um i-ta _i7_ szar-ri-im _sag-bi i7_ il-la-nu-um

  • _2(disz) sag-bi a-sza3_ ba-gi-nu-um
  • zi-ti ha-li-ia-tum sza lu2-(d)mar-tu a-bu-sza i-di-nu-szi-im (disz)i3-li2-im-na-an-ni a-hu-sza a-pi2-il-sza re-di wa-ar-ka-ti-sza

  • _2(iku) 2(barig) 2(ban2) sze! sze!-ba 6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz i3-ba_
  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar siki-ba_ i-si-ni i-ba-asz-szu
  • pi2-qi2-ta-sza i-na _1(disz) mu-kam_ i3-li2-im-na-an-ni a-na ha-li-ia-tum a-ha-ti-szu a-di ba-al-t,a3-at i-ta-na-di-szi-im u4-mi sza _inim dub_ an-ni-im

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field in the tawertu of Yapsudu, from the king's canal, the head of the illanum canal;

  • 2 head-counts of the field of Baginum;
  • The property of the haliyatum-priests which Lu-Amurrum, her father, gave to her, Ili-imnanni, her father, her brother, the steward of her fathers,

  • 2 iku 2 barig 2 ban2 barley, its barley: 6 sila3 oil, its oil:
  • 1 shekel of silver, wool, there is.
  • whose claim in 1 year Ili-imnanni to his brother-in-law until death he will pay. The day of this letter



    la i-di-nu-szi-im a-sza-ar e-li-sza t,a3-bu ap-lu-sa3 i-na-di-in _igi_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _sanga_ _igi_ szu-mu-uh2-sin _sanga_ _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _ugula lukur utu_ _igi_ (d)iszkur-re-me-ni _igi_ na-ka-ru-um _dumu_ sin-e!-ri-ba-am _igi_ wa-ar-di-ia _dumu_ isz-mi-ia _igi_ an-pi4-szu _dumu_ da-wi-da-nu-um _igi_ (d)iszkur-ta-ab-ni _dumu_ a-hu-um-wa-qar _igi_ _arad_-(d)nin-szubur _dumu_ a-bi-sa-nu-um _igi_ sa-mu-um _dumu_ su-ka-li-ia _igi_ t,a3-ab-s,i2-la-szu _dumu_ na-bi-sin

    _igi_ e-tel-pi4-sin _igi_ be-la-ki _dumu-mesz_ da-wi-da-nu-um _igi_ ia-at-ri-dingir _dumu_ i-pi2-iq-nu-nu _igi_ i3-li2-da-ta-an _dumu_ su-pa-pu _igi_ wa-tar-sin _dumu_ i-la-la-s,ur _igi_ sin-we-di _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam

    AI Translation

    The field above her was a good one, her aplushu-vessel he gave. Before Lipit-Ishtar, priest; before Shumuhsin, priest; before Ninshubur-bani, overseer of the naditu-priests; before Adad-remeni; before Nakarum, son of Sîn-eribam; before Wardiya, son of Ishmiya; before Anishu, son of Dawidanum; before Adad-tabni, son of Ahum-waqar; before Warad-ninshubur, son of Abi-sanum; before Samum, son of Sukaliya; before Tab-shillashu, son of Nabishin.

    before Etel-pîsin; before Belaki, sons of Dawidanum; before Yatri-il, son of Ipiqnunu; before Ili-datan, son of Suppapu; before Watar-sîn, son of Ilal-shur; before Sin-wedi, son of Sin-iddinam;

    Column 1


    _igi_ su-i-la _dumu_ ku-du-um _igi_ pu-tu-is _dumu_ dingir-szu-mu-ba-li2-it, _igi_ mi-na-am-e-pu-usz-dingir _dumu_ er3-ra-ha-bi-isz _igi_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu e-ri-ib-sin

    AI Translation

    before Suila, son of Kudum; before Putis, son of Ilshu-muballit; before Mina-epush-ili, son of Erra-habish; before Nur-ilishu, erib-sin;

    Column 2


    ni-isz (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk a-pil-sin _lugal-e sza _inim# dub_ u2-na-ka-ru

    AI Translation

    The one who trusts in Shamash, Aya, and Marduk, Apil-sîn, the king, who utters the word of the tablet,

    Seal 1


    (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni# _dumu_ bur-nu-[nu] _ugula lukur (d)utu_ _ARAD e2-babbar

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur-bani, son of Bur-nunu, overseer of the lukur-priests of Shamash, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 2


    szu-mu-uh2-([d])suen# _dumu_ nu#-ur2#-(d)suen# _ARAD_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Shumuh-Sîn, son of Nur-Sîn, servant of .

    Seal 3


    na-ka-ru-um _dumu_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _ARAD_ su-mu-la-dingir

    AI Translation

    Nakarum, son of Sîn-eribam, servant of Sumû-la-ili.

    Seal 4


    li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _dumu_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu [_sanga (d)utu_]

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, son of Shamash-tabbash, priest of Shamash.

    Seal 5


    (kiszib) geme2-(d)utu _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    Seal of Geme-Shamash, scribe.

    P366226: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-[na _1(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3 1(disz) sar e2_] _sag#-[geme2 hi-a_ u3 _sag-_arad2_ hi-a_ sza nu-ur2-(d)]utu#?* sza# i*-na* [ku-nu-uk-ki]-sza#* sza#*-at,#*-ru#* [(x)]

  • 1(disz) sag#-[...]-_ad#_?
  • 1(disz) sag#-[_arad2_ a]-bu#-um-ba-ni
  • wi-li#-id# am-ti-sza (1(disz)) (na4)(ur5) zi3#-gu (gesz)gi!-na-asz-ka-ra-ki u3 sza-pi2-il-tim sza be-le-tim# (disz)e-tel#-pi4-(d)utu (disz)i-tur2#-(d)suen (disz)(d)utu-he2-gal2 u3 be#-lum# _dumu-mesz_ nu-ur2-(d)utu [a-na] be#-le-tim ir-gu-mu-ma da#-ia#-nu i-na _e2_ (d)(utu) [a]-na# ni-isz _dingir_ [be]-le#-tum i-di-nu-ma [ni-isz] (d#)a-a be-el-ti-sza [be-le]-tum# [iz-ku]-ur#-ma

    AI Translation

    for 1 bur3 of field, 1 sar of the house of the female slave and the slave slave of Nur-shamash, which is written in her kunukku-house;

  • 1 ...-abu,
  • 1 slave: Abum-bani;
  • a reed grove, a shapiltu-stone, a shapiltu-stone, a ginashkarakku-stone, and a shapiltu-stone of the lady, Etel-pî-shamash, Itur-Sîn, Shamash-hegal, and Bel, sons of Nur-shamash, to the lady, he swore, and the life in the temple of Shamash for the life of the goddess, the lady, he gave, and the life of Aya, her lady, the lady, he swore,



    [ru]-gu#-me-szu-nu i-su2-[hu] u3-la i-tu-ru-ma a-na be-le-tum u3-la e-ra-ga-mu _mu_ (d#)utu (d)a-a (d)amar-utu# u3 su-mu-la-el3 _in-pa3-de3-esz_ di#-in _e2_ (d)utu (disz)a-wi-lum-ma# (disz)dingir-na-s,i-ir# (disz)sin-i-de (disz)i-bi-(d)nin-szubur (disz)sin-a-bu-szu ra-bi2-s,um (disz)(d)inanna-ama-mu _dumu-munus_ a-ab-ba-t,a3-bu-um _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    their throne he abandoned, or he returned, and to the lady he did not enter. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Sumû-la-El he decreed. The verdict of the temple of Shamash, Awilumma, Ilnashir, Sinide, Ibbi-Ninshubur, Sin-abushu, the great, Ishtar-ammamu, daughter of Aya-tabum the scribe

    Column 1


    [...-a]-da-lal3 [...]-szu#?-um#?

    AI Translation

    ...-adalal ...

    Column 2


    _a-sza3_-szu a-ma-ti-szu [(x)] wa-ar-di!-szu

    AI Translation

    his field, his land,

    Column 3


    u3 mi-im-ma i-szu-u2 u3 e-ra-szu-u2

    AI Translation

    and whatever there is and what there is,

    P366229: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x [...] x-x-ba-ni

  • _1(disz) geme2_ x x-ha-di-lum-ma-ru-us,4
  • _1(disz) geme2_ be-el-ti-a?-bi-qi2-szi-im
  • _1(disz) geme2_ gu-ru-ur-tum
  • _1(disz) geme2_ qi2-bi-a-szi-im-ma-ti-ik-la
  • _2(disz) gu4-hi-a sza3-gu4_
  • _4(disz) ab2 amar-hi-a_
  • _3(u) u8 udu-hi-a_
  • _1(disz) (gesz)mar-gid2-da_
  • AI Translation

  • 1 female worker ...-hadilum-maru'us,
  • 1 female slave named Belti-abiqishim;
  • 1 female worker, guruttu-priestess,
  • 1 female slave named Qibi-ashimmatikla,
  • 2 oxen, oxen-skins,
  • 4 heifers, suckling,
  • 30 ewes,
  • 1 wagon,
  • Reverse

  • _1(disz) (na4)kinkin zi3-gu 1(disz) (na4)kinkin dabin_
  • _2(disz) gesz-nu2 5(disz) (gesz)gu-za-hi-a_
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-im _ha-la_ na-ra-am-tum _lukur (d)utu dumu-munus_ ri-isz-(d)utu sza ri-isz-(d)utu a-bu-sza id-di-nu-szi-im _geme2 _arad__ u2-ul u2-la-al a-na _ku3-babbar_ u2-ul i-na-ad-di-in [_a-sza3_ a]-na ir#-ri-isz li-ib-bi-sza [u2-ul i-na-ad-di]-in# [...] x

    AI Translation
  • 1 millstone for fine flour, 1 millstone for fine flour,
  • 2 beds, 5 chairs,
  • All this is the share of Naramtum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Rish-Shamash, whom Rish-Shamash her father gave to her. The slave woman shall not be sated with the slave, she shall not give it for silver. The field to the rage of her heart shall not give ... .



    _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ (d)inanna u3 (d)na-na-a-a

    AI Translation

    month "Oxen," 14th day, year: "Ishtar and Nanaya."

    P366230: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    i-ra-asz-szu-u2# (disz)a-pil2-ma-ra#-[as,?] u3-ul e-ra-ga#-[am] a-sza-ar i-ra-[(am)-mu] ap-lu-sa3 i-na-di-in _mu_ (d)utu u3 (d)a-a _mu#_ bu-un-tah-un-i-la [u3] zimbir#[(ki) ...] [sza?] a-na ap-[lu-ut]

    AI Translation

    Apil-marassu did not enter, he did not enter, the field he did not enter, the aplû-priest gave to him. The name of Shamash and Aya, the name of Buntahunila and Sippar ... which to the aplû-priest



    ta-ku-ma-tim u3 wa-ar-ka-ti-sza e-ra-ga-mu di-in _e2_ (d)utu (disz)nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu (disz)(d)suen-a-bu-szu [(disz)]a#-wi#-lum#-ma

    AI Translation

    the takumatu and her reeds shall divide. Judgement of the temple of Shamash. Nur-ilishu, Sîn-abushu, Awiluma.

    P366233: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) _ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3 ku3-babbar_ sze-e _lu2 kurun2-na-mesz_ _szu-bar udu szu-gi-na szuku e2 (d)utu zimbir(ki)_ sza a-na _di-ku5-mesz_ u3 _lu2-mesz zimbir(ki)_-am-na-nu es3-hu _mu-kux(_du_)_ (disz)(d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _lu2 kurun2-na_ _dumu_ e-tel-pi4-sza nam-har-ti (disz)(d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _dumu_ nu-ur2-a-li2-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mina of silver
  • the silver, barley, barley of the kurunnu, sheep and shubinu offerings, the house of Shamash of Sippar, which was abandoned for the judges and the people of Sippar, delivery of Marduk-mushallim, kurunnu, son of Etel-pisha; namhartu-offerings of Nabû-nashir, son of Nur-alishu;



    u3 (d)marduk-mu-ba-li-it,# _dumu_ (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 de-ki-i _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu#_ sa#-[am]-su#-di-ta-na _lugal-e# inim mah-a (d)marduk-ke4 lugal# bala-a-ni_ _(kiszib)_ (d)na-bi-um-na-s,ir _(kiszib)_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it,

    AI Translation

    and Marduk-muballit, son of Nanna-manshum, the judge. The month of Tebetum, the day 10 of the year in which Samsu-ditana the king ascribed to Marduk, the king of his reign, seal of Nabû-nashir, seal of Marduk-muballit,

    P366238: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(u) sar a-sza3_
  • wa-at-ra-am sza pa-ni qi2-is-ti-[im] sza puzur4-(d)utu _dumu_ isz-me-(d)(suen) a-na i-pi2-iq-isz8-tar2 puzur4-(d)[utu] a-na szi-bu-ul-tim# i-di-nu! i-na ba-ha#-nim szi-bu-ul-[tam] _szu ba-an-ti-esz_ puzur4-(d)utu _dumu_ isz-me-(d)suen wa-ar-ki i-pi2-iq-isz8-tar2 a-na nu-ur2-(d)utu ir-gu4-um-ma szi-im _2(u) sar a-sza3_ wa#-at-ri-im _ku3-babbar_ li-ba-szu t,u2#-[ub]

    AI Translation
  • 20 sar of field,
  • The threshing floor before the qishtum-tree of Puzur-Shamash son of Ishme-Sîn to Ipiq-ishtar Puzur-Shamash to the threshing floor gave; in the threshing floor he received; Puzur-Shamash son of Ishme-Sîn before Ipiq-ishtar to Nur-Shamash he rented; the price of 20 sar of the field of the threshing floor, silver he shall give.



    isz-tu szi-im _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ _ku3-babbar_ li-ba-szu t,u2-ub-(bu) u3 _3(iku) _gan2 2_(u) sar a-sza3_ li-(ba)-szu t,u2-ub-(bu) sza szi-bu-ul-ti-szu _mu_ (d)utu u3 bu-nu-tah-tu-un#-[dingir it]-ma a-na# _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ [(...)] sza a-na# i-pi2-iq-isz8-tar2 ((sza)) a-na ga-me-er-tim a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-di-nu! u3 _3(iku)# _gan2# 2_(u) sar a-sza3_ sza pa-ni qi2-is-tim sza a-na szi-bu-ul-tim# a-na i-pi2-iq-isz8-tar2 i-di#-[nu] a-na _a-sza3_ a-ta-pi2 i-ki u3 _i7_ u2-la i-ra-ga-mu#

    _igi_ (d)suen-en-nam _igi_ (d)suen-re-me-ni _igi_ na#!-bi-(d)en-lil2

    AI Translation

    From that year 1 eshe3 field area, the silver shall be his share; and 3 iku field area 20 sar, the field area his share; the happiness of his life, the name of Shamash and Bunutahtun-ili, he shall give to 1 eshe3 field area ..., which to Ipiq-ishtar to the people, for silver; and 3 iku field area 20 sar, the field area before the harvest, which to Ipiq-ishtar gave; to the field Atapi, he shall eat; and the river shall not drink;

    before Sîn-ennam; before Sîn-remeni; before Nabi-Enlil.

    Column 1


    _igi_ (d)suen-e-mu-qi2 _igi_ i-din-(d)utu _igi_ i-ku-pi2-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-emuqi; before Iddin-shamash; before Ikupi-sîn.

    Column 2


    _igi_ (d)suen-ub-lam! _igi_ sig#-(d)da!-mu

    AI Translation

    Before Sîn-ublam, before Simanu.

    Column 3


    _mu_ li-li-sa-am a-na _e2_ (d)nin-kar-ra-ak u3-sze!-ri-bu

    AI Translation

    he will bring the name of Lisam to the temple of Ninkarrak.



    [_dub 2(u)] sar a-sza3_ wa-at#-ra#-[am] [sza] pa-ni qi2-is-tim sza a-na# [szi-bu-ul-tim] (disz)puzur4-(d)utu a-na i-pi2-iq-[isz8-tar2 i-di-nu] sza i-na _3(iku) _gan2_! a-sza3_ wa-at-ru#-u2# wa-ar-ki i-pi2-iq-isz8-tar2 puzur4-(d)[utu] a-na nu-ur2-(d)utu ir-gu4-um-ma _ku3-babbar_ szi-im _2(u) sar a-sza3_-szu _ku3-babbar_ li#-[ba-szu t,u2-ub] _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala inim-bi al-til_ isz-tu szi-im _1(esze3) _gan2_ a-sza3_-szu sza pa-ni [qi2-is-tim] sza i-pi2-iq#-isz8#-tar2# i-ti-szu i-sza-mu

    _ku3-babbar_ li-ba-szu# t,u2-ub-bu u3! _3(iku) _gan2 2_(u) sar# [a-sza3]_ sza ba-ha-nim szi-bu-ul-(ti-szu) ((isz-tu)) li-ba#-szu# t,u2-bu _mu_ (d)utu u3 bu-nu-tah-[tu-un-dingir it-ma] puzur4-(d)utu a-na nu-ur2-(d)utu _dumu_ i-pi2-iq-isz8-tar2 la i-ra-ga-mu a-na _a-sza3_ sza# ga#-me-er-tim a-na _a-sza3#_ a-ta-pi2-im i-ki _i7_ u2-la i-[ra-ga-am] _igi_ (d)suen-en-nam _dumu_ i-din-(d)iszkur _ni_? _igi_ i-din-(d)utu _dumu_ (d)szara2?-ba-ni _igi_ (d)suen-re-me-ni _dumu_ i-bi-(d)[nu-musz-da?]

    _igi_ na-bi-(d)suen _dumu_ im-lik-e2-a _igi_ (d)suen-e-mu-qi2 _dumu_ [...] _igi_ i-[ku-pi2-(d)suen ...]

    AI Translation

    Tablet 20 sar of field cultivated, before the harvest, which Puzur-Shamash to Ipiq-ishtar gave; which in 3 iku of field cultivated, before Ipiq-ishtar Puzur-Shamash to Nur-Shamash rented, and the silver was the price; 20 sar of field cultivated, the silver his own price he took. The contract was concluded. From the price of 1 eshe3 of field cultivated, before the harvest, which Ipiq-ishtar with his own property, he shall measure.

    The silver shall be his good fortune, and 3 iku field area, 20 sar, the field of Banum, his property, from the good fortune of Shamash and Bunutahtun-ilum he shall not bear; Puzur-shamash to Nur-shamash son of Ipiq-ishtar shall not bear; to the field of the upper field to the field of Atapim he shall not draw; before Sîn-ennam son of Iddin-adad, he shall not draw; before Iddin-shamash son of Sharabani; before Sîn-remeni son of Ibi-numushda;

    before Nabi-Sîn, son of Imlik-Ea; before Sîn-emuqi, son of ...; before Ikupi-Sîn, ...;

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-en-nam# dumu i-din-(d)iszkur dam-gar3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-ennam, son of Iddin-Adad, merchant.

    P366240: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)hu-ma-at-(d)suen _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-ki-ma-i3-li2-ia asz-szum ug-ba-bu-ti-sza (disz)be-el-a-hi-szu sza _lugal_ szi-bu-ut a-li-sza a-na _ka2_ (d)[x] is3-ni-[qu2]-ma e2# (d)inanna (disz)[i3]-li2-pu-ut,-ra ra-bi-a-nu (disz)nu-ra-tum (disz)kur-sza-nu (disz)ra-bu-ut-(d)suen u3 du-ma-qum

    AI Translation

    As for her ugbabu-offerings, Bel-ahishu, who the king of her land had taken to the gate of ..., and the temple of Ishtar, Ili-putra, the great one, Nuratum, Kurshanu, Rabut-Sîn and Dumaqum,



    ki-ma ug-ba-ba-at iq-bu-u2 u3 a-na hi-t,i3 na-di-tim sza i-na a-li-szu-nu ib-ba-asz-szu-u2 _e2-gal_-lam i-pa-lu _mu_ (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na it-mu-u2 _igi_ im-gu-rum ra-bi-a-nu-um _igi_ sa-ri-ia ra-bi-a-nu-um _iti gan-gan-na u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal-e_ _sze-ga dingir gal-gal-la-ne-ke4_

    AI Translation

    When the king spoke to the fugitives, and to the crimes that they committed in their presence, the palace was destroyed, the name of Marduk and Samsu-iluna he said. Before Imgurrum, the great one, before Sariya, the great one. The month of Kislimu, the day 20, the year in which Samsu-iluna the king was chosen by the benevolent gods.

    Seal 1


    im-gur-rum _dumu_ ig?-mil-(d)suen _arad_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Imgurrum, son of Igmil-Sîn, servant of Ninshubur.

    Seal 2


    sa-ar#-ri-ia _dumu_ i-zi-ga-bu? _arad_ sza (d)suen

    AI Translation

    Sarria, son of Izigabu, servant of the god Sîn.

    P366241: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _[n]+1(u) 4(disz) gin2# [ku3-babbar]_ sza pa-ar-s,i sza# an#-[nu-ni]-tum# ha-ri-mu-tum re-du-tum _za-ha-da zabar (na4)kiszib3_ sza (munus)il-ta-ni _dam_ _arad2_-(d#)amar#-utu# _dumu#_ ib#-ni#-(d#)amar#-utu# u3 mu-ba-ab-bi-lu-tim sza _arad2_-(d)amar-utu _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)amar-utu qa2-du ne-in-da-ab-bi-szu-nu sza hu-za-lum _dumu_ (d)inanna-ma-an-szum2 u2-sze-pi2-szu-szu-nu-ti a-na da-ba-ab ib-ba-asz-szu

    AI Translation

    n+14 shekels of silver for the scribal arts of Annunitum, Harimutum, the redutum, zahadû-metal, bronze, seal of Illanu, wife of Warad-Marduk, son of Ibni-Marduk, and mu-ba-bilutum of Warad-Marduk, son of Ibni-Marduk, together with their nindab-bi of Huzalum, son of Ishtar-manshum, he has made them. To speak he shall speak.



    (disz)hu-za-lum _dumu_ (d)inanna-ma-an-szum2 a-na (d)amar-utu-mu-ba-li2-it, _gala-mah_ an-nu-ni-tum qa2-tam i-na-as-sa3-ah [_igi_] _arad2#_-(d)ul-masz-szi-tum _dumu_ sig-an-[nu]-ni-[tum] [_igi_ (d)]na#-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _dumu_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu [_igi_ _arad2_?]-(d#)ul-masz-szi#-tum [_dumu?_ ...] _ib#_ sza# [...] [_igi_ ...] x [...] [...] [_iti gu4]-si#?-[sa2 u4 n-kam]_ _mu# [sa]-am#-su#-[di-ta-na] _lugal#-[e] (d)utu (d)iszkur-bi# sag#-[ba an-sze3] ib2-ta-an-[il2-esz-a]_

    AI Translation

    Huzallu, son of Ishtar-manshum, to Marduk-muballit, the chief sage, Annunitum, he will measure out. Before Warad-Ullamashitum, son of Sagiannitum; before Nabium-nashir, son of Nur-ilishu; before Warad-Ullamashitum, son of ...; before ... ... ... ... month "Gudsisa," day ..., year "Samsu-ditana the king, Shamash and Adad he will raise up a mountain."

    Seal 1


    [_arad_-(d)]ul-masz-szi-[tum] [dumu] ip#-qu2-an-nu-ni-tum# _arad_ (d)x-[...]

    AI Translation

    Warad-Ulmashtum, son of Ipqu-annunitum, servant of .

    Seal 2


    (d)na-bi-um-na-[s,i-ir] dumu nu-ur2-a-li#-[szu] _arad_ (d)_en_-[x]

    AI Translation

    Nabi-nashir, son of Nur-alishu, servant of Bel-.

    Seal 3


    _kiszib3_ _arad2_-(d)ul-masz-szi-tum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Warad-Ulmashitu

    P366247: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)sa-bi-tum _ki_ erisz-ti-(d)utu _lukur (d)utu_ (disz)(d)iszkur-na-s,ir (disz)ar-ra-bu _dumu-mesz_ (d)suen-be-el-ap-lim u3 i3-li2-dum-qi2 um-mi-szu-nu (disz)dumu-zimbir(ki) _dumu_ ni-in-sa-nu a-na asz-szu-tim# u3 mu-tu-tim a-na la-ab-szu-sa3 u3 ap-ru-sa3 i-hu-si2

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ter-ha-sa3 ma-ah-ru
  • _u4-kur2-sze3_ dumu-zimbir(ki) a-na sa-bi-tum asz-sza-ti-szu u2-ul asz-sza-ti at-ti i#-qa2-[bi]-ma [n] _ma-[na ku3-babbar i3-la2]-e_ [u3 sa]-bi#-tum# [a-na dumu-zimbir(ki)] [mu]-ti-[sza]

    AI Translation

    Sabitu, from Erishti-Shamash, naditu of Shamash; Adad-nashir; Arrabu, sons of Sîn-bel-aplim and Ili-dumqi, their mother; Dumuzimbir, son of Ninsanu, for the kingship and the reign for Laabsusa and Aprusa he imposed.

  • 10 shekels of silver, the terhasa-offering, are received.
  • In the future, the citizens of Sippar will not raise a claim concerning his share, but you shall say and pay n minas of silver. Further, the citizens to the citizens of Sippar her share



    u2-ul mu-ti# [at]-ta# i-qa2-bi-ma# i-ha-asz-szu-szi-ma# a#-[na me]-e i-na-du#-szi _igi_ la-ma-sa3-ni# _igi_ be-la-nu-um _dumu-mesz_ ku-bu-rum _igi_ (d)utu-dam-gar3 _dumu_ a-ia-ba-asz _igi_ i-ku-un-pi4-sza _dumu_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _igi_ (d#)na-bi-um-ma-lik _iti# sze-sag11-ku5 u4# [n] 6(disz)-kam_ [_mu] lugal# im-gi

    AI Translation

    "You are not dead, you say, and he will kill her and to the water will bring her." Before Lamasani; before Belanum, sons of Kubrum; before Shamash-damgar, son of Aya-ash; before Ikun-pisha, son of Adad-manshum; before Nabopolassar. The month of Addaru, the day n, 6th year of the king of Imgi.

    P366248: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)da-qa2-tum _ki_ la-ma-si2 _dumu-munus_ ha-ni-im um-mi-sza (disz)ka-al-ka-tum a-na a-szu-tim u3 mu-tu-tim i-hu-us-si2 te-er-ha-sa3 _1(u)gin2 ku3-babbar_ id-di-in (disz)ka-al-ka-tum a-na da-qa2-tum a-sza-ti-szu u2-ul a-sza-ti i-qa2-bi-ma

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • u3 da-qa2-tum a-na ka-al-ka-tum mu-ti-sza u2-ul mu-ti at-ta i-qa2-bi-ma isz-tu _an-za-gar3_ i-na-pa-s,u2-ni-isz-szi _igi_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _dumu_ (d)utu-ra-bi _igi_ (d)suen-na-s,ir _dumu_ (d)i-szum-na-s,ir# _igi_ sza-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ x-[(d)utu]

    AI Translation

    Daqatum, from Lamasi, daughter of Hanim, her mother, Kalkatum to the household and the people he took; a silver tetherhasa of 10 shekels he gave. Kalkatum to Daqatum his field, he shall not have to take.

  • 1/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out.
  • and the qatum-offerings to the kalkatum-offerings of her husband, you shall say, and from the Anzagar-offerings they shall release her. Before Shamash-tabbash, son of Shamash-rabi; before Sîn-nashir, son of Ishum-nashir; before Sha-ilishu, son of ...-shamash;



    _igi_ lu-usz-ta-mar _dumu_ sin-isz-me-an-ni _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ is-su2-ka-bi-it _igi_ (d)utu-ha-zi-ir _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _dumu_ a-bi-sa-ma-as2 _igi_ geme2-(d)utu _igi_ szu-ha-tum _igi_ szu-ha-tum _igi_ be-la-tum _igi_ e-ri-isz-tum _igi_ ku-na-a _munus-dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    before Lushtammar, son of Sîn-ishmeanni; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Issu-kabit; before Shamash-hazir; before Belshunu, son of Abi-sammas; before Geme-shamash; before Shuhatum; before Shuhatum; before Belatum; before Erishtum; before Kunaya, scribe.



    _kiszib3_ be-le-su2-nu _kiszib3_ szu-ha-tum _kiszib3_ sin-i-din-nam _kiszib3_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _kiszib3_ e-ri-isz-tum _kiszib3_ be-la-tum _kiszib3_ sin-na-s,ir _kiszib3_ szu-ha-tum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Belshunu, seal of Shuhatum, seal of Sin-iddinam, seal of Shamash-tabbash, seal of Erishtum, seal of Belatum, seal of Sin-nashir, seal of Shuhatum,

    Seal 1


    be-le-su2-[nu] _dumu-munus_ a-bi-sa-ma-as2 [_geme2_] (d)utu (d)a-a

    AI Translation

    their lady, daughter of Abi-sama'as, slave of Shamash and Aya.

    P366255: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila_ be-le-tum _dumu-munus_ nu-ur2-(d)utu (disz)sza-at-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ e-(tel)-pi2-(d)utu re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza _1(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na e-bi-ir-tim _2(bur3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ (i-na di)-ma-at-(d)suen _e2 du3-a_ sza ga-gi-im ma-la ma-s,u2-u2

  • _1(disz) sag-munus_ be-el-ti-e-ri-me _mu-a-ni_
  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ a-bu-um-ba-ni _mu-a-ni_
  • wa-ar-ka-sa-a u2 bu-szu-sza isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17 1(disz) sag-geme2*_ be-el-ti-e-re-me

  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ a-bu-um-ba-ni
  • mi-im-ma an-ni-im (disz)be-le-tum _dumu-munus_ nu-ur2-(d)utu a-na sza-(at)-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ e-tel-pi2-(d)utu i-di-in a-di be-le-tum ba-al-t,a3-at (disz)sza-at-(d)a-a i-ta-na-szi-szi

    AI Translation

    A heir of Beletum, daughter of Nur-shamash; Shat-Aya, daughter of Etel-pî-shamash, the provider of her dowry; 1 bur3 field in Ebirtum; 2 bur3 3 iku field in Damat-Sîn, the built house of the gagim as much as there is of it;

  • 1 female slave named Bel-terimu,
  • 1 slave: Abu-umbani, his name;
  • her limbs and her bushushu-sheep from the peg to the gold, one slave woman: Bel-tereme.

  • 1 slave: Abu-umbani;
  • All this Beletu, daughter of Nur-shamash, gave to Shat-Aya, daughter of Etel-pî-shamash. As long as Beletum, the slave of Shat-Aya, lives,



    wa-ar-ki be-le-tum i-na [_dumu-mesz?_ nu]-ur2-(d)utu ma-ma-an e-li# [... sza]-at#-(d)a-a _dumu-munus_ e-tel-pi2#-[(d)utu ...] u2-la# [... i-ra-ga-mu _mu_] (d)utu (d)a-a sza sza-at-(d)a-a _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a _mu_ (d)marduk u3 a-pil-sin _in-pa3-de3-esz_ _igi_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _igi_ (d)nin-szubur-ba-ni _igi_ (d)a-a-szi-ti! _igi_ ku-na-a _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-na!-s,i2!-(ir) _igi_ za-ka-a _dumu_ e-tel-pi2-sin _igi_ da-mi-iq-tum _dumu-munus_ hu-na-bi _igi_ (d)a-a-tal-lik _dumu-munus_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu

    _igi_ be-le-tum _dumu-munus_ i-zi-ib-dingir _igi_ be-le-ti-ia _igi_ la-ma-si2 _dumu-munus_ isz-me-(d)iszkur _igi_ um-ma-tum _igi_ (d)a-a-tal-lik _igi_ ku-nu-tum _igi_ mu-na-wi-ir:tum [_igi_] na-ra-am-tum _dumu-munus_ [x ...]-bi#?

    AI Translation

    Before Beletum among the sons of Nur-shamash, no one ... Shat-Aya, daughter of Etel-pisan ... or ... he will be able to ... the name of Shamash and Aya of Shat-Aya, the name of Shamash and Aya, the name of Marduk and Apil-sîn, they have sworn. Before Lipit-ishtar, before Ninshubur-bani, before Ayashiti, before Kunaya, daughter of Sîn-nashir; before Zakaya, daughter of Etel-pisan; before Damiqtum, daughter of Hunabi; before Aya-tallik, daughter of Nur-ilishu.

    Before Beletum, daughter of Izib-ili; before Beletiya; before Lamassi, daughter of Ishme-Adad; before Ummatum; before Aya-tallik; before Kunuteum; before Munawirtum; before Naramtum, daughter of .



    _igi_ la-ma-si2 _igi_ ru-ba-tum _igi_ hu-szu-tum _igi_ a-ha-su2-nu _igi_ (d)iszkur-re-me-ni _igi_ ma-at-tum _igi_ _arad_-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    before Lamasi; before Rubatum; before Hushutum; before Ahashunu; before Adad-remeni; before Mattum; before Warad-shamash;

    Seal 1


    na-ap-sze-x-x [...] _dumu_ (d)marduk-[...] _ARAD_ (d)na-bi-um

    AI Translation

    Napshe-..., son of Marduk-..., servant of Nabû.

    Seal 2


    _arad_-(d)utu _kisal-luh_ _ARAD_ e2-babbar2-ra

    AI Translation

    Warad-Shamash, the courtyard, servant of Ebabbar.

    Seal 3


    i-da-du-um _dumu_ pa-la-(d)suen _i3-du8 nig2 (d)utu_

    AI Translation

    Iddûm, son of Palal-Sîn, gatekeeper of the property of Shamash.

    Seal 4


    s,a-[li?]-lum _dam-gar3_ _dumu_ i-pi2?-iq-isz8-tar2 [_ARAD_ (d)nin]-szubur#

    AI Translation

    Shalilum, merchant, son of Ipiq-ishtar, servant of Ninshubur.

    Seal 5


    [...] _dumu-munus_ (d)[...] _geme2_ (d)utu a-a

    AI Translation

    ... daughter of ..., wife of Shamash, not yet

    Seal 6


    li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _dumu_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _sanga (d)utu_

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, son of Shamash-tabbash, priest of Shamash.

    P366259: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sag-nita2_ a-hu-ni _mu-ni-im_
  • _szesz_ ri-isz-be-li2 _ki_ na-bi-(d)suen _dam-gar3_ _dumu_ lu2-(d)da-mu _lu2_ ka-ni-ku(ki) a-na mi-ti-ki?-im u2-sze-ti-qu2-szu-ma (disz)a-ha-at-ba-nu-_arad_ _dumu-munus_ a-ga-ia u3 (d)utu-i-in-ma-tim _in-szi-in-sa10 sa10 til-la-ni-sze3_

  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _in-na-la2_ _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _u4-kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2_

    AI Translation
  • 1 slave: Ahunu is his name;
  • brother of Rish-beli, with Nabi-Sîn, merchant, son of Lu-Damu, man of Kaniku, to the border he brought him, and Ahat-banu-arad, daughter of Ayakia, and Shamash-in-matim he bought for her as a whole price.

  • 1/2 mana 2 1/2 shekels of silver
  • He carries out the scepter. In the future, one man or one woman



    _nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-dam_ _mu_ (d)marduk u3 su-mu-la-el3 _mu_ (d)ha-as2-ra-i-tum u3 al-ti-nu-u2! _in-pa3-da_ _igi_ (d)suen-na-da _dumu_ ba-zi _igi_ an-zu?-ia _dumu_ i3-li2-i-din-nam _igi_ a-hu-ni-i _dumu_ ur-(d)suen _igi_ lukur?-_di_-_arad_-um _dumu_ ra-bi-dingir _igi_ sze-ri-da# _dumu_ nu-ni-i-din-nam _igi_ _arad2_-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ i3-li2-ti-de _igi_ a-li?-ia _dumu_ sze-ka-na-li? _igi_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _dumu_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu _igi_ su2-ba-bu-um _dumu_ i-tur2-dingir _igi_ mu-na-wi-ru-um _dumu_ a-_za_-a-ia

    _dumu_ di-tu-kisz?

    AI Translation

    Numun-gidam, the name of Marduk and Sumû-El, the name of Hasraitum and Allinû, he has sworn. Before Sîn-nada, son of Bazi; before Anzu-ia, son of Ili-iddinam; before Ahunî, son of Ur-Sîn; before Lukur-di-aradum, son of Ra-bi-ili; before Sherida, son of Nur-iddinam; before Warad-ilishu, son of Ili-tida; before Aliya, son of Shekanalu; before Ilshu-bani, son of Nur-ilishu; before Subabum, son of Itur-ili; before Munawirum, son of Azaya.

    son of Ditukish



    _igi_ sal-li-szum _dumu_ _arad2_-i3-li2-szu _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam# szagina# _igi_ ib-ni-(d)suen# _dub?-(sar?) _mu# us2-sa_ al#!-ti-nu-u2 (gesz)gu-za in-dab5

    AI Translation

    before Sallushum, son of Warad-ilishu; before Sîn-iddinam, general; before Ibni-Sîn, the scribe. Year following: "Altinû took the throne."



    _in-szi#-[sa10_ ...]

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 [ku3-babbar in-na-la2_]
  • _gesz-gan-na ib2-[ta-bala_] _u4-kur2-sze3 lu2-lu2 [nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-dam_] _mu_ (d)marduk [u3 su-mu-la-el3] _mu_ (d)ha-as2-[ra-i-tum] u3 al-ti#-[nu-u2 _in-pa3-da_] u2-ul [...]

    AI Translation

    he weighed out .

  • 1/3 mina 2 shekels of silver he weighed out.
  • He has sworn by the name of the man. In the future, a person who does not return to court, the name of Marduk and Sumû-lil, the name of Hasratum and Allanû, will not .

    P366262: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _[n ma-na] 4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar na4 lugal_ [a-na _sa10] 2(disz) sag-_arad__ su-bir4(ki) nam-ru-tim [bi-ri-it] _i7_ _ki_ [u2-tul]-isz8-tar2 _dub-sar_ (disz)i#-ku#-un-pi4-(d)suen _dumu_ ip-qu2-sza _szu ba-an-ti_ a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_

  • _2(disz) sag-_arad__ nam-ru-[tim]
  • bi-ri-it _i7_ a-na u2-tul-isz8-tar2 _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    ... minas 4 shekels of royal silver as a gift; 2 slaves of Subartu, the mighty, at the bank of the river, with Utul-ishtar, the scribe, Ikun-pî-Sîn, son of Ipqusha received.

  • 2 bright servants,
  • between the river bank to Utul-Ishtar, the scribe.



    u2-ub-ba-lam-ma ka-ni-ik-szu i-he-ep-pe2 _igi_ a-wi-la-tum _dumu_ x-a-_tu_-e2-mah _igi_ (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 _dub-sar_ _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en sza3-asz-gub A x x x [...] i7_ am-mi-di-ta-na mi-[...]_

    AI Translation

    he shall bring and his ... shall make. Before Awilatum, son of ...-atu-emah; before Nanna-manshum, the scribe. The month of Duku, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, ... ... the river Ammi-ditana .

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ i-ku-un-pi2-[(d)suen]

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ikun-pî-Sîn.

    Seal 2


    x-sukkal?-_an_-_ka_-[...] x x-tu-e2-mah _arad_ (d)nin-szubur?

    AI Translation

    ...-sukkal-AN-KA-... ...-tu-emah, servant of Ninshubur.

    P366266: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)na-ra-am-sza-ru-ur szi-li-ip re-mi-im _dumu_ a-hu-um-wa-qar u3 na-ru-ub-tum a-na e-ri-ba-am u3 _zi_-ir-pa-a a-na te-ni-qi2-im id-di-nu-szu _sze-ba i3-ba siki-ba_ sza _mu 3(disz)-kam-am3_ ma-ah-ru li-ib-ba-szu-nu t,a3-ab _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)utu ra-bi-a-nu-um _igi_ ia-ah-zu-ub-dingir _dumu_ ma-s,i2-lim

    AI Translation

    Naram-sharur, the requital-priest, son of Ahum-waqar, and Narubutum to the king and the king's servants to give, gave him. The barley, oil, and wool of the 3rd year are theirs. Their praise is good. Before Nur-shamash, the great one; before Yahzub-ili, son of Mashlim.



    _igi_ tu-tu-ni-szu _dumu_ ig-mil-dingir _igi_ er-s,e-ti-ia _dumu_ ku-ru-szu _igi_ (d)utu-dingir _dumu_ sin-ga-mil _igi_ ki-gu-la _dumu_ _arad_-mar-tu _igi_ a-bu-um-wa-qar _dumu_ sin-re-me-ni _igi_ (d)mar-tu-na-s,ir _dumu_ _arad_-sa3 _igi_ ia-ar-szi-dingir _dumu_ (d)suen-re-me-ni _igi_ (d)i-szum-ba-ni _dumu_ ku3-(d)nanna _igi_ s,a-li-dingir _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ sin-ma-gir _dumu_ pu-tu-ia _igi_ mi-nam-e-pu-usz-dingir _dumu_ nu-ur2-(d)kab-ta _mu i7_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-he2-gal2

    AI Translation

    Before Tutunishu, son of Igmil-ili; before Ershetia, son of Kurushu; before Shamash-ili, son of Sîn-gamil; before Kigula, son of Warad-martu; before Abum-waqar, son of Sîn-remeni; before Martu-nashir, son of Warasa; before Iarshi-ili, son of Sîn-remeni; before Ishum-bani, son of Ku-Nanna; before Shali-ili, son of Sîn-iddinam; before Sin-magir, son of Putuya; before Nam-epush-ili, son of Nur-kabta, the year in the canal Hammurapi-hegal.



    _kiszib_ (d)i-szum-ba-ni _kiszib_ tu-tu-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ishumbani, seal of Tutunishu.

    Seal 1


    (d)mar-tu-[na-s,i-ir] _dumu_ _arad_-[sa3] _ARAD_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Martu-nashir, son of Warasa, servant of Martu.

    Seal 2


    nu-ur2-(d)utu _dumu_ _zi_-ia-tum _ARAD_ dingir (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Nur-Shamash, son of Ziyatum, servant of the god Amurru.

    Seal 3


    er-s,e-ti-ia _dumu_ ku-ru-szu-um

    AI Translation

    I, the son of Kurushum, a citizen of the land of Eretia,

    Seal 4


    [ki]-gu-la [_dumu_] _arad_-(d)mar-tu [_ARAD_] dingir (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Kigula, son of Warad-Amurru, servant of the god Amurru.

    P366268: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 6(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ [...]
  • sza i-na _1(disz) ma-na-e 4(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2_ mah-ru sza a-na _(gi)pisan e2-gal_ ik-kam-su2-ma a-di-ni ka-ni-ik _e2-gal_ la ik-ka-an-na-ku _sza3 ku3-babbar sa10 siki amar mu 3(asz) u3 sze-gesz-i3_ szi-ta-at sza _mu szita2 (gesz)tukul-la bi2-ib2-diri-ge-esz-a_ u3 _sza3_ sza _mu us2-sa szita2 (gesz)tukul-la [...]_ sza i-na _e2-gal_ im-hu-ru# sza qa2-ti-[szu] _mu-[kux(_du_)_]

    AI Translation
  • 16 minas of silver .
  • which for 1 mina 4 1/4 shekels, before, which for the reed basket of the palace he had fashioned, and until the ka'nik of the palace he had not fashioned, the inner of silver, the price of wool of three-year-old calf, and sesame, the shitat of the year in which the shitat of weapons was fashioned, and the inner of the year after the shitat of weapons ... which in the palace he received, which is in his hands, delivery.



    (disz)(d)utu-szu-mu-un-dib _di-ku5#_ u3 e-t,i-rum _dumu_ sa3-ni-iq-pi4#-[(d)utu] _sza3 kar_ zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)(d)suen-im-gur-an-ni _dumu e2-dub#-ba-a_ _iti ab-e3 u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam#_ _mu#_ am-mi-di#-ta-na _lugal-e alan-na-ni nam-nun-na-ni-gin7 e2-ni2-te-en-du10-sze3 in-ne-en-ku4-ra_

    AI Translation

    Shamash-shumundib, judge, and Etirum, son of Saniq-pî-shamash, in the port of Sippar-iahrum, the habitation of Sîn-imguranni, the scribe. The month of Tebetum, the day 25 the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue as his princely statue in Enitendu.



    ka#-ni-ik (...)

    AI Translation

    Be present .



    _mu#_ am-mi-di#-ta-na _lugal-e alan-na-ni nam-nun-na-ni-gin7 (d)nanna a-a ugu-na-asz e2-ni2-te-en-du10-sze3 in-ne-en-ku4-ra#_

    AI Translation

    The name of Ammi-ditana, the king, his statue is like her princely crown. Nanna, who is above us, has entered into Enitendu.

    Seal 1


    (d)nin-urta-[...] dumu (d)suen-[...] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Ninurta-..., son of Sîn-..., servant of .

    P366275: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-le-su-nu qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ta-ab-bi-ia-((ma)) a-ha-at-ki-ma (d)utu be-el-ki da-ri-isz _u4_-mi li-ba-al-li-it,-ki a-na i-din-(d)suen ma-ri a-na _e2_ e-mi-im as2-si-ma u2-ud-da-ab-bi-bu-ni-in-ne um-ma szu-nu-ma ma-ra-at-ki isz-tu _mu 1(disz)-kam_ sza zi-ka-ri am-mi-(nim) la ta-ta-ri-a-szi a-na [ma-an]-ni#-im

    AI Translation

    To their lady speak! Thus say you: "Shamash, your lady, forever may my days be long!" Thus say Iddin-Sîn, my father, to the house of my father I took and they answered me: "They are your descendants from the first year of my reign, why did you not return to us?"



    qa-[ti lu-ut-ru]-us,2 szum-ma# [x x] x li-ib-bi-im a-ha-ti at-ti

  • _1(u) gin2 [ku3-babbar_ it]-ti# ra-im-ti-ki
  • am-ri#-[im-ma] qa#-qa-ad bi#-[ti x ku-ub-bi]-ti [...] [...] x

    AI Translation

    Let me return the hand. If ... ..., you are a .

  • 10 shekels of silver with your yoke,
  • I surrounded and conquered the ... of the cult centers ... ... .

    P366276: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-el-ti-ni qi2-bi2-ma um-ma _ia_-lu-ni u3 gi-mil-(d)marduk-ma isz-tu it-ti a-wi-lim _abul_ babila2(ki) nu-s,i-a-am [(disz)]u-bar-rum u3 szum-ma-dingir [x] x ri-_zu_-ni-a-szi-im u3 _zi3-da_ a-na _szuku_ i-ip-pu-szu# [i]-na#-ad-di-nu-ni-a-szi-im i-nu-ma pi2-ni ni-te-ep-szu

    AI Translation

    To our lady speak! Thus Yaluni and Gimil-Marduk: "From the man of the city gate of Babylon we will not go out." Ubarrum and Shumma-ilu ... Rizu-niashim and flour for the rations they shall make, and they shall give to us. When we have made it,



    a-na a-wi-lim# i-qa2-ab-bu-ma is,-s,e-el-la-an-ni-a-szi-im im-ta-ar-s,a-ni-a-szi-im a-na be-el-ti-ni ni-isz#-ta#-ap#-ra-am be-le-et-ni ki-ma# [ra]-bu-ti-sza li-mu-ur-ma

  • _5(disz) sila3 zi3-da_ li-ik-nu-uk-ma
  • li-sza-bi-la-an-ni-a-szi-im-ma i-na t,e4-mi-ni-ma i ni-ip-te u3 i ni-ik-nu-uk [x] x sa-an-ni-iq-[ni-a]-szi#-im# a-na la-ma-ad be-el#-[ti-ni] ni-isz-pu-ra-am#

    AI Translation

    He speaks to a man and he has sinned against us. We have written to our lady, our lady, as her own.

  • 5 sila3 flour, let him eat, and
  • Let him send me to you, and on our report we shall open and seal it. We shall send ... to the king, our lady.

    P366278: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    asz-szum i-na _dub_ um-[ma?-ti?-sza?]

  • 1(u) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) _sar_ me-[er-szu-um]
  • sza-at,-ru-[ma a-na pi2-i] t,up-pi2 um-ma-tim sza# (disz)a-ha-tum _dumu-munus_ i-tu?-x-x-im i-na qa2-ti _arad_-sin u3 lu2-(d)nanna _dumu-me_ ma-an-nu-ba-lum-(d)utu i-le-qu2-u2

  • 1(u) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) _sar_ me-er-szu#-um
  • (disz)a-ha-tum sza-ma-at# wa-tar-tum sza i-ba-asz-[szi-u2] (disz)_arad_-sin-ma

    AI Translation

    Because of the tablet of her labor-duty,

  • 18 2/3 sar of meershum,
  • he will pay. At the wording of the tablet of the schoolmaster of Ahatum, daughter of Itu-..., by the hand of Warad-sîn and Lu-Nanna, sons of Mannu-balum-shamash, he shall pay.

  • 13 2/3 sar of meershum,
  • Ahatu, the eldest son, who is called Arad-Sinma,



    u3 lu2-(d)nanna a-ah-[hu-sza?] _dumu_ ma-nu-ba#?-[lum-(d)utu] a-na 1(u) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) _sar_ u2-ma-al-lu-u2 _igi_ i3-li2-sukkal _dumu_ _arad_-sin _igi_ i-din-e2-a _dumu_ bur-sin _igi_ akszak(ki)-i-din-nam _dumu_ ha-ra-rum _igi_ sig-(d)iszkur _dumu_ u-bar-(d)utu _igi_ ba-s,um _dumu_ a-pil#-[x x] _igi_ sig-e2-a _dub-sar#_ _mu ugnim#_ tu-ru-ku-um(ki#)

    AI Translation

    and Lu-Nanna, Ahhusha, son of Mannu-balum-shamash, for 13 2/3 sar of Umallû; before Ili-sukkal, son of Warad-sîn; before Iddin-ea, son of Bur-sîn; before Akshak-iddinam, son of Hararum; before Sippar-adad, son of Ubar-shamash; before Bassum, son of Apil-...; before Sippar, the scribe of the year "The agnim-shrine of Turukum."

    P366279: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)e-ri-ib-(d)suen _dumu_ puzur4-akszak(ki) u3 _e2_ er3-ra-ga-mil i-na de-ku-tam _lu2_ sza-ad-la-asz2(ki) a-na _buru14!(_en_)_ na-asz2-[...]

    AI Translation

    Erib-Sîn, son of Puzurakshak, and the house of Erragamil, in the dekutu of the man of Shadlash, to the harvest .



    _igi#_ x#-[...] _dumu_ ib#-bi-x#-[...] _[iti bara2]-za3#-gar u4 3(u)-kam_ _[mu ...] bar?-ra [x] x# x#-ta_

    AI Translation

    Before ..., son of Ibbi-.

    Seal 1


    su-mu-(d)utu _dumu_ a-pil-(d)suen ra-bi-a-an am-na-an sza-ad-la-asz2

    AI Translation

    Sumû-Shamash, son of Apil-Sîn, great heir, is his wife.

    P366282: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) _gan2#_ [a-sza3]_ x x _za3 a-[sza3 ...] sze3_ _ki_ [bu]-zi#-ia e-ri-isz-ti-i3-li2 _in-szi-sa10_ _sa10 ti-ni-la-sze3_

  • _1/2(disz) ma-na ((na)) ku3-babbar_
  • _in-na-la2_ _(gesz)gan-na ib2-ta-bala_

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 field area ..., bordering the field ..., a field ..., with my ..., Erishti-ili bought, for its full price

  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • He lifts the arrow and slings it.



    bi-la-su2 u3 ba-az-ha-am bu-zi-ia i-la-ak _igi_ ba-ah-li-ia _igi_ la-hu-um _igi_ me-en-gu-um _igi_ a-na-ba-lu _igi_ i-din-(d)iszkur _igi_ asz-qu2-da-nu-um _mu bad3_ ki-sur-ra#[(ki)] i-tur2-(d)utu _mu-na-dim2_

    AI Translation

    he will bring his rations and the rations of my cattle. Before Bahliya; before Lahum; before Menguum; before Anabalu; before Iddin-Adad; before Ashqudanum. Year: "The wall of Kisurra Itur-Shamash was erected."

    Seal 1


    bu#-s,i2#-ia# _dumu#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Bushisia, son of .

    P366283: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) geme2_ sza-at-(d)ma?-ma
  • _dumu-munus_ na-na-a-tum _sa10-am3 til-la-ni-sze3_

  • _1(u) 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar in-na-la2_
  • _ki_ du-da-nu-um u3 na-a-na-tum _ama-ni-ta_ (d)suen-re-me-ni _in-szi-sa10_ _(gesz)gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _u4-kur2-lu2 lu2_ _nu#-mu-un-gi4-gi4_

    AI Translation
  • 1 female slave named Shat-Mama;
  • The daughter of Nanatum is his full price.

  • 12 shekels of silver he has weighed out.
  • Sîn-remeni, with Dudanum and Nanatum, the mother, he smashed the axe. The storm a man, the unreliable one,



    _mu_ (d)nin-urta u3 i-tur2-(d)utu _in-pa3-de3-esz_ _igi_ i-din-(d)nin-szubur _dumu_ a-ha-nir-szi _igi_ er3-ra-i-mi-ti _igi lu2-(d)nin-szubur agrig!_ _igi_ a-na-gum _dumu_ be-la-nu _igi_ ar-wi-um _dumu_ i-din-(d)mar-tu _igi_ nu-su#-x-nu _dumu_ bu-na-kum

    AI Translation

    the name of Ninurta and Itur-shamash have sworn. Before Iddin-Ninshubur, son of Ahanirshi; before Erra-imitti; before Lu-Ninshubur, agrig; before Anagum, son of Belanu; before Arwium, son of Iddin-Amurrum; before, son of Bunakum.



    _igi_ szu-(d)na-na-a

    AI Translation

    Before Shu-Nanaya.

    P366284: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2-bi 1(disz) gin2 nig2 ma-da szu-ti-a u4-buru14-sze3 ki (d)nin-urta-qa2-ra-ad! er3-(d)en-lil2-la2 dumu i3-li2-i-di2-nam szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation
  • 5 shekels of silver,
  • its interest: 1 shekel of silver, property of the land, from the shutia-offering, for the harvest, from Ninurta-qarad, Er-Enlila, son of Ili-iddinam, received;



    igi (d)suen-ra-bi dumu ab?-ra-nu-um igi hu-pu-du-um dumu sa3-ap-ha-nu-um igi ra-ma-nu-um dub-sar mu szu-nir ku3-sig17 e2 (d)nin-urta ma-na-ba-al-te-el

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-rabi, son of Abranum; before Hubudum, son of Saphanum; before Ramanum, the scribe; year: "The gold shurnir of the temple of Ninurta was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    er3-(d)[en]-lil2 dumu i3-li2-i-[di2-nam]

    AI Translation

    Er-Enlil, son of Ili-iddinam.

    P366286: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 2(iku) 1(gesz2) 1(u) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-ir-tim u3 i-ti-iq-tim

  • _2(iku) _gan2 1_(gesz2) 2(u) (sar) bu-bi-im
  • _2(iku) _gan2__ sza ba-gu-u2
  • _2(iku) _gan2_ bu-bi-im
  • qa2-ab-li-im _PAP 2(esze3) 3(iku) 5(u) _gan2__ zi-ti bur-(d)suen le-mu-un (d)utu

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 2 iku, 210 hectares of field in the tawertu and the iqtu districts;

  • 2 iku field area: 120 sar, cultivated land;
  • 2 iku of the field of Bagû;
  • 2 iku field area, ...;
  • qablimum-field, field: 2 eshe3 3 iku 50; zitu-field of Bur-Sîn, the evil of Shamash;



    u3 am-mi-su2-ra a-hu-um a-na a-hi-im _a-sza3_ i-ra-ga-mu a-bu-um-ha-lum a-bu-szu-nu i-zu-su2-nu-szi-im _igi_ sa-ma-ra-ah _igi_ la-ma-dingir _dumu-mesz_ a-ma-zi-im _igi_ ha-li-lun _dumu_ er3-ra-ur-sag _igi_ mu-da-du-um _igi_ sa-mu-kum

    AI Translation

    and Ammi-sura, the Ahu to the Ahu the field will divide; Abum-halum their father will divide; before Samarah; before Lama-il, the sons of Amazi; before Halilun, son of Erra-ursag; before Mudadu; before Samukum.



    _igi_ mu-ha-du-um _dumu_ szi-iq-li-im

    AI Translation

    Before Muhadum, son of Shiqlim.

    P366295: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2# ku3-babbar_
  • _szu-ti-[a_ ib-ni]-e2-a i-na li#-[ib-bi] ki#-si-im sza (d)utu# [u3 ib]-ni-e2-a tap-pu-u2 [_ku3]-babbar#?_ szi-li-ip-ti ib-ni-e2-a ki-ma ib-ni-e2-a il-qu2-u2

    AI Translation
  • 18 1/2 shekels of silver
  • I fashioned. In the midst of the earth, which Shamash and I fashioned, silver?, the reeds I fashioned, like I fashioned.



    (d)utu i-le-eq-qe2 _igi_ (d)iszkur _igi_ (d)suen _igi_ (d)utu-be-el-i3-li2 _igi_ i3-li2-sukkal _igi_ ku-bu-lum _iti apin-du8-a u4 4(disz)-kam_ _mu i7_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal-e_

    AI Translation

    Shamash shall take. Before Adad, before Sîn, before Shamash-bel-ili, before Ili-sukkal, before Kubulum. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 4 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king

    P366301: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5/6(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _ku3-babbar_ (d)utu-mi-tam-u2-ba-li-it, (disz)(d)suen-re-ma-an-ni u3 mi-nam-x-x-be-el-ti szi-li-ip-ti (disz)an-na-tum

    AI Translation
  • 5/6 mina 2 shekels of silver
  • Silver: Shamash-metamu-balit, Sîn-remanni and ...-belti, the requisition of Annatu.



    isz-tu t,e4-em-szu a-na (d)utu u2-ga-me-ru

    AI Translation

    After he has given his report to Shamash,

    P366305: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 3(disz) ma-na uruda_
  • hu-szu-u2 a-na _szen(uruda)_ e-pe2-szi sza (d)utu u3 i-din-(d)suen _ki_ ib-ni-e2-a _dumu_ ki-li-ia

    AI Translation
  • 13 minas of copper,
  • for the copper work of Shamash and Iddin-Sîn, with Ibni-Ea, son of Kiliya;



    a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ _szen(uruda)_ ga-me-er-tam i-na-ad-di-in _igi_ inim-(d)inanna _igi_ dumu-ki _dumu_ sza-(d)suen#? _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal-e_

    AI Translation

    In the first month he will give a copper ghertam-vessel. Before Inim-Ishtar, before Dumuki, son of Sha-Sîn. The month of NNE-NE-GAR, the year in which Samsu-iluna the king .