AICC / Publications / p408

P408002: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu
  • 1(disz) sila4
  • ba-usz2 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep,
  • 1 lamb,
  • slaughtered, 24th day;



    ki na-lu5-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: "Harvest," year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    P408003: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila4 ga
  • 3(disz) kir11 ga
  • 1(disz) masz2 ga
  • u3-tu-da u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 male suckling lambs,
  • 3 female lambs, suckling,
  • 1 male kid, suckling,
  • ... 23rd day;



    (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)nin-a-zu mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-ayamu accepted; month: "Festival of Ninazu," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"


  • 6(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 6.
  • P408027: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sipa sun5-na nibru(ki) engar zi uri5(ki)-ma musz3 nu-tum2-mu eridu(ki)-ga en me-te unu(ki)-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri sza3-ge de6-a

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the humble shepherd of Nippur, the faithful farmer of Ur, the unrivalled one of Eridu, the lord who is perfect in Uruk, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad, chosen by the heart of the gods,

    Column 2


    (d)inanna-me-en u4 nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri-a i-ni-gar-ra-a nam-ga-ru-um ki-rib-ba dingir-re-e-ne-ka e2 nig2-si-sa2-a mu-du3

    AI Translation

    When justice in Sumer and Akkad was established, the Namgarum, the cult center of the gods, the temple of justice he built.

    P408031: royal-monumental cone

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    (d)nansze# nin uru16# nin in-dub-ba-[ra] (d)utu-he2-gal2 lugal an-ub-da [limmu5-ba-ke4] ki-sur-ra lagasz#[(ki)-ka] lu2 uri5(ki)-[ma-ke4] inim bi2-gar szu-na mu-ni-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Nanshe, the powerful lady, the lady of the inscriptions, Utuhegal, king of the four world quarters, in the boundary territory of Lagash, the man of Ur, a word he set, and returned to his hand.

    P408032: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    nam-mah-ni ensi2 lagasz(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nammahni, ruler of Lagash.

    P408033: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sipa? sun5-na nibru(ki) engar zi uri5(ki)-ma musz3 nu-tum2-mu eridu(ki)-ga en me-te unu(ki)-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the humble shepherd of Nippur, the faithful farmer of Ur, the unrivalled one of Eridu, the lord who is perfect in Uruk, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad,

    Column 2


    sza3-ge de6-a (d)inanna-me-en u4 nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri-a i-ni-gar-ra-a nam-ga-ru-um ki-rib-ba dingir-re-e-ne-ka e2 nig2-si-sa2-a mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Inanna, when justice in Sumer and Akkad was established, the Namgarum, the cult center of the gods, the temple of justice he built.

    P408040: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugal-amnanum, provider of the Eanna, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P408055: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila4
  • e2 uz-ga mu-kux(_du_) szu-kab-ta2 ur-(d)ba-ba6 maszkim

    AI Translation
  • 1 lamb,
  • from the uzga-house delivery, from the shu-kab-house Ur-Baba was enforcer;



    u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta ba-zi iti szu-esz5-sza mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    28th day, from Abbasaga's account booked out; month: "shu'esha," year: "Shashru was destroyed."


  • 1(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 1.
  • P408056: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) udu
  • 2(disz) sila4
  • u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta igi-(d)en-lil2-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 5 sheep,
  • 2 lambs,
  • 12th day, from Abbasaga to Igi-Enlil;



    i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)nin-a-zu mu en-nun-e-(d)amar-(d)suen-ra-ki-ag2 en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Festival of Ninazu," year: "Ennune-amar-Suen-ra-kiag, en-priestess of Eridu, was installed;"


  • 7(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 7.
  • P408057: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1/2(disz) ma-na siki gir2-gul
  • bar udu mu-kux(_du_)-ra u4 6(disz)-kam lu2-kal-la szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 1/2 mana wool for Girgul,
  • delivery of sheep, 6th day, Lukalla received;



    giri3 nu-ur2-[(d)]suen# dub-sar iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    via Nur-Suen, the scribe; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Column 1


    [(d)szu-(d)suen] lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-[da limmu2-ba]

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    nu-[ur2-(d)suen] dub-[sar] dumu i-[di3-er3-ra] _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    Nur-Suen, scribe, son of Idi-Erra, is your servant.

    P408059: royal-monumental brick

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    [...] nibru#(ki#)-a# (d)en-lil2-le mu pa3-da sag-us2 e2 (d)en-lil2-ka nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    ... of Nippur, chosen by Enlil, constant supporter of the temple of Enlil, strong man, king of Ur and king of the four world quarters,

    Surface b


    (d#)amar-(d)suen# nibru#(ki)-a (d#)en-lil2-le mu# pa3-da sag#-us2 e2# (d)en-lil2-ka# nita kal-ga# lugal# uri5#(ki)-ma [...]

    AI Translation

    Amar-Suena, in Nippur, Enlil nominated by him, the constant supporter of the temple of Enlil, the mighty man, king of Ur, .

    P408060: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    za#-ni#-in# e2#-sag#-[il2] u3# e2-zi-da _a# sag#-[kal]_ sza# (d#)na3-ibila#-szesz# _lugal_ ba#-bi-lu(ki#)

    AI Translation

    who provides for Esagil and Ezida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon.

    P408065: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P408107: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) masz2-gal niga
  • 1(disz) gukkal
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 3(disz) kir11
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • ba-[usz2 u4 n]-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat, grain-fed,
  • 1 fat-tailed sheep,
  • 1 ...,
  • 3 female lambs,
  • 1 ...,
  • slaughtered, nth day;



    ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti szu-esz-sza mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lu-dingira did Ur-nigar receive; month: "shu'esha," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."


  • 7(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 7.
  • P408108: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) masz2 ga
  • 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3 ga
  • u3-tu-da u4 1(u)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 male kids, suckling,
  • 1 female kid, suckling,
  • ..., 10th day;



    (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu i3-dab5 iti szu-esz5-sza mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-ayamu accepted; month: "shu'esha," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"


  • 3(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 3.
  • P408110: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) udu
  • 1(disz) sila4
  • ba-usz2 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam ki na-lu5-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep,
  • 1 lamb,
  • slaughtered, 24th day, from Nalu



    (d)szul-gi-[iri-mu] szu ba-[ti] iti u5-bi2#-gu7# mu ma2 dara3-abzu (d)en-ki-ka ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-irimu received; month: "Ubi feast," year: "The barge Dara-abzu of Enki was caulked."


  • 5(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • 5 mana wool for the steles,
  • P408137: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, when Eanna



    mu-du3#-a# e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P408139: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila4
  • sag-ba zi-ga mu en (d)nanna-ka-sze3 u4 5(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 lamb,
  • its head booked out; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna," 5th day;



    sza3 ga-esz(ki) zi-ga ki ur-(d)ig-alim iti masz-da3-gu7 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    in Ga'esh booked out, from Ur-Igalim; month: "Gazelle feast," year after: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P408141: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila4 gaba
  • 1(disz) sila4 ga
  • 1(disz) kir11 ga
  • ba-usz2 u4 8(disz)-kam sza3 tum-ma-al

    AI Translation
  • 1 lamb, suckling,
  • 1 male suckling lamb,
  • 1 suckling female lamb,
  • slaughtered, 8th day, in Tummal;



    ki en-dingir-mu-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti szu-esz-sza [mu (d)]amar#-(d)suen [lugal-e ur]-bi2-[lum(ki)] ba#-hul#

    AI Translation

    from En-dingir-mu Ur-nigar received; month: "shu'esha," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."

    P408157: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P408158: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi#-id# nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki#)-[ga] lugal am-[na-nu-um] u2-a e2-an#-[na] u4# e2-an#-[na]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna. When Eanna



    mu#-du3#-[a] e2-[gal] nam#-lugal-[la]-ka#-ni# mu-du3#

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P408161: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(disz) udu szu-gid2
  • 5(u) 2(disz) masz2 szu-gid2
  • udu sa-bu-um-ma ki en-dingir-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 11 sheep, shugid,
  • 52 buck goats, shugid,
  • sheep of the sabuma offering, from En-dingirmu;



    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su kuruszda i3-dab5 iti ezem-mah mu us2-sa bad3 ma-da ba-du3

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, fattener accepted; month: "Big-festival," year after: "The wall of the land was erected."

    P408283: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 2(u) 4(disz) na-ri-i _siki-mesz_
  • a-na 2(u) zi-a-na-ti (disz)hu-u2-ia sza (iri)nu-zi sza sza-at-ti an-ni-i il-qe2

    AI Translation
  • 24 nari-plants,
  • Huia of Nuzi, who this year has taken,

    P408285: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-at 5(u) _sig4-mesz_
  • sza e2-kal2-li3 (disz)ut-ha-a-a _dumu_ e-he2-el-te-szup a-na _masz2*_-ti!*(_hu_) a-na _ur5-ra_ il-qe3 ina _egir_ e-bu-ri a-na _sag-du_-szu-ma a-na ba2-ab e2-kal2-li3 a-na e2-kal2-li3 i-na-an-din

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina 50 bricks,
  • of the Ekalli, Uthaya, son of Ehelteshup, to a dowry to pay he took. After the eburu he gave it to his head and to the abode of the Ekalli to the Ekalli he gave.



    _na4_ (disz)ut-ha-a-a

    AI Translation

    stone of Uthaya.

    P408287: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    um-ma (disz)[mu-usz-te-szup _dumu_ ...]

  • 1(disz) _tug2 sig5_ [ku-la-a-e]
  • 6(disz) _ma-na_ szu#*-[qu2-ul-tu]
  • sza e2-kal2-li3 [i-na] _UGU_-hi-ia a-[szi-ib] u3 i-na-an-na 1(disz) _tug2 [sig5]_ ku-la-a-e 6(disz) _ma-na_ szu-qu2-ul-tu3 i-na 5(disz) u4-mi a-na (disz)ar-zi-ib-ni _dumu_ a-kip-ta-sze-en-ni a-na-an-din u3 (disz)ar-zi-ib-ni

  • 1(disz) _tug2_ sza2-a-szu a-na
  • AI Translation

    "Mushteshup, son of .

  • 1 good garment, ...;
  • 6 minas of refined silver,
  • of the Ekalli in my ... and now 1 good garment, a kulayu-garment, 6 minas of sququltu in 5 days to Arzibni, son of Akitashenni I gave, and Arzibni

  • 1 sash for
  • Bottom


    (disz)ir-wa-_lugal gar-e2_ sza (iri)nu-zi

    AI Translation

    Irwa-sharru, the gare of Nuzi 745 BC.



    i-na-an-din szum-ma 1(disz) _tug2_ sza2-a-szu (disz)mu-usz-te-szup i-na 5(disz) u4-mi a-na (disz)ar-zi-ib-ni la i-na-an-din u3 (disz)ar-zi-ib-ni

  • 1(disz) _gu4_ isz-tu _gu4*_ x# x#
  • sza (disz)mu-usz-te-szup# [...] i-na na-as,-s,a-[ar-ri ...] u3 i-leq-[qe3] ki-ma _tug2_ [...] um-ma (disz)ar-zi#-[ib-ni-ma] (disz)mu-usz-te-szup# [pu-ta]

    AI Translation

    If Mushte-shup does not give that one garment for 5 days to Arzibni, and Arzibni

  • 1 bull from the bull .
  • of Mushte-shum ... in the nashsharru ... and he shall take, like a garment ..., saying: "Arzibni and Mushte-shum is dead."



    a-szar (disz)[ar-zi-ib-ni im-ta-szar] _na4_ (disz)ni-he*-[er-te-szup] _dumu_ u2-a-an#*-[ta-ri]

    AI Translation

    Where Arzibni had fled, he brought the stone of Niherteshup, son of Uantari.

    Column 1


    _na4_ (disz)ar-zi-ib-ni

    AI Translation

    stone of Arzibni.

    Column 2


    _na4_ (disz)te-hi-it-te-szup _dumu_ tu-ra-ar-te-szup

    AI Translation

    stone of Tehitteshup, son of Turarteshup.

    Column 3


    _na4_ (disz)mu#-[usz]-te-szup _dumu#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    stone of Mushteshup, son of .

    P408289: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (munus)asz-te _dumu-munus_ [...] (munus)asz-ti-i-ra-sze _dumu#-[munus_ ...] (munus)pa-li-im-ni-nu _dumu-[munus_ ...] (munus)bi-i-zu-ia _dumu#-[munus_ ...] (munus)hi-in-zu-ri# _dumu#-[munus_ ...] (munus)tup-pe2-le-[en-na] _dumu#-[munus_ ...] (munus)szi-ni-sza#-al-li _dumu-[munus_ ...] (munus)sze-el-we-en-na _dumu-munus_ (disz)[...] (munus)ni-[ni]-in-ku _dumu-munus_ (disz)[...] x# (munus)ha-[ni-ir]-ri-in-ki _dumu-munus_ (disz)ir-wa#-lugal (munus)ni#-[nu]-ma-ti _dumu-munus_ (disz)ha-na-a-a

    (munus)pa-ni-ti-ia _dumu-munus#_ (disz)dingir-si3-na (munus)wa-qar-a-bi _dumu-munus#_ (disz)a-ba-a-ti-il! (munus)a-za-a-a _dumu-munus_ (m#)a-bu-ia (munus)uk-ku-ri _dumu-munus_ [(disz)ur]-hi-ia (munus)ib-bi-ia _dumu-munus_ [(disz)te]-esz-szu-ia#

    AI Translation

    Ashe, daughter of ...; Ashe, daughter of ...; Paliminnu, daughter of ...; Bizuya, daughter of ...; Hinzuri, daughter of ...; Tin-zelena, daughter of ...; Shenishalli, daughter of ...; Shel-weena, daughter of ...; Nininku, daughter of ...; ...; Hanirrinki, daughter of Irwa-sharru; Ninumati, daughter of Hanaya.

    Panitiya daughter of Ili-sina; Waqar-abi daughter of Aba-ti-il; Azaya daughter of Abuya; Ukkuri daughter of Urhiya; Ibbiya daughter of Teshuya;



    an-nu-tu4 sza i-na _iri?_-li? _na4-kiszib_ (disz)e-zi-ra

    AI Translation

    These are the seals that Ezira ... in the city of .

    Seal 2


    sza#? (d)utu#? _im?_ _na4-kiszib#_ [(disz)]pa#-i-til-la# _[na4]-kiszib_ (disz)ti-sza-am-mu-usz-ni [ha-za]-an#-nu-u2

    AI Translation

    of Shamash? seal of Patila seal of Tishammushni,



    [sza (iri)]tur2#-sza

    AI Translation

    of Tursha

    P408296: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • [2(disz) _udu-mesz_ sza] e2-kal2-li3 (disz)szi-il-wa-[a-a]
  • [_dumu_ ...] il-te-qe3-ma [u3] a-na (disz)eh-li-ia it-ta-din-[mi] u3# (disz)eh-li-ia i-na mi-nu-ti sza e2-kal2-li3 usz-te-ri-ib um-ma (disz)szi-il-wa-[a-a-ma]

  • 2(disz) _udu-mesz_ sza e2-kal2-li3 a-na
  • (disz)eh-li-ia at-ta-din-mi u3 i-na mi-nu-ti sza e2-kal2-li3 usz-te-ri-im-mi um-ma (disz)eh-li-ia-ma 2(disz) _udu-mesz_ sza e2-kal2-li3 a-szar (disz)szi-il-wa-[a-a] el-te-qe3-mi u3 a-na mi-nu-ti# sza e2-kal2-li3 usz-te-ri-im-mi (disz)eh-li-ia u3 (disz)szi-il-wa-[a-a] a-na 5(u) 9(disz) _a-ta-an udu-mesz_ a-na e2-kal2-li3 it-ta-du-[szu-nu-ti]

  • 1(disz) ka-lu-ma sza e2-kal2-li3
  • (disz)szi-il#-wa-a-a a-na (disz)ke3-wa-ta-e a-na szi#-mi# [...] it-ta-din il-[ta-si2 ...] (disz)szi-il-wa-a-a [...] u3 iq-ta-bi# [1(disz) ka-lu-ma sza e2-kal2-li3] a-na (disz)ke3#-wa#-[ta-e a-na szi-mi] la ad-[din-mi 1(disz) ka-lu-ma]

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep of the kallu-house Shilwaya;
  • ... he took and gave to Ehliya. Further, Ehliya entered the midst of the Ekalli, saying: "Shilwa

  • 2 sheep of the Ekalli for
  • And according to the measurements of the Ekalli he returned it to me, saying: "Ehliya, I have taken two sheep of the Ekalli where Shilwaya has taken, and according to the measurements of the Ekalli he returned it to me." Ehliya and Shilwaya have given 49 sheep to the Ekalli.

  • 1 ... of Ekalli,
  • Shilwa to Kewatae to say ... he gave, he has sworn. Shilwaya ... and said: "One ... of the Ekalli to Kewatae to say ... I did not give one .



    sza-ni-[ta a-na (disz)ke3-wa-ta-e] at-ta-din#-[mi asz-szum] a-wa-ti-szu [sza id-bu-bu] u3 a-na 2(u) 4(disz)? [ka-lu-mi-_mesz_ a-na e2-kal2-li3] it-ta-[du-usz]

    AI Translation

    Secondly, I have given to Kewashe, because of his words which he spoke and for 24? people to the Ekalli he has acted.



    _na4_ (disz)sze-eh-li#-[ia]

    AI Translation

    stone of Shehliya.

    P408297: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (munus)um-mi-wa-aq-ra (munus)asz-tu3-a-an-ti (munus)asz-te-na (munus)na-na-wa (munus)ka-an-za-tu3 (munus)sza2-ru-ia (munus)sze-wi-ir-na-a-a (munus)tu-un-ti (munus)asz-ta-mi-ri (munus)ha-szu-te-ni (munus)u2-me-e-a

    AI Translation

    Ummi-waqra, Ashtu-anati, Ashtena, Nanawa, Kanzatu, Sharuya, Shewernaya, Tunuti, Ashta-miri, Hashuteni, Umea,


  • [1(u) 1(disz) _munus-mesz_ an-nu-tu4]
  • AI Translation
  • 11 women, these;
  • Reverse

  • [1(disz) _ma-na ta-am3] zabar_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 mina of bronze,
  • Date


    [i-na] _iti_ [im]-pur#-ta-an-ni sza# il#-qu2#-u2

    AI Translation

    In the month that they sent me, who had departed,

    P408298: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 5(disz) li-mi
  • u3* 6(disz) ma-ti ba-ap-pi2-ri-i a-na qu2-ut-ti-i _si3_-nu u3 a-pi2-il5

    AI Translation
  • 5 limmu-plants;
  • and 6 countries, the ..., to the ..., the ... and Apil;

    P408301: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)szur-ki-til-la (disz)ke2-li-ia (disz)pa-i-_lugal_ (disz)tu3-un-ni-ma-asz-hu (disz)ta-u2-uh-he2 (disz)a-kap-sze-en-ni (disz)ha-ni-el#-li (disz)ka4-nu-za (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-en-ni (disz)ul-mi-til-la (disz)a-ri-ha-ma-an-[na]

    AI Translation

    Shurki-tila, Kiliya, Pa'i-sharri, Tu-ni-mashu, Tuhhe, Akapsheni, Hani-Eli, Kanuza, Akiptasheni, Ulmitila, Arihana,



    (disz)te-szup-a-tal# (disz)ta-i-ku-u2# (disz)ar-ra-ap-ha#-[tal]

    AI Translation

    Teshubal, Taiku, Arraphal,



    (disz)he2-er-ru-ka4 (disz)zi-ke2 _dumu_ szi-ir#-[wi-ia] (disz)ki-in-ni-ia _nagar_

    AI Translation

    Heerru-ka, Zikê, son of Shirwiya, Kinniya, carpenter,



    _szu-nigin2_ 1(u) 7(disz) _lu2-mesz usz-bar_ sza (iri)nu-zi

  • 3(disz) _ansze sze_ a-na
  • 1(disz) _ban2_ 7(disz) _sila3 ta-an sze-ba_
  • usz-tu e2-kal2-li3 (disz)kar3-mi-sza2

    AI Translation

    Total: 17 weavers of Nuzi.

  • 3 homers of barley for
  • 1 sutu 7 qû of barley,
  • the residence of Karmusha,




    AI Translation

    he has given.

    P408302: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 6(disz) _gin2_ szu-ra-at-hu
  • 5(disz) _gin2_ ki-na-ah-hu
  • 1(u) _gin2_ ta-wa-ar-ri-wa
  • 2(u) _gin2_ ta-wa-ar-ri-wa
  • a-na _ib2-la2_ szi-la-an-ni (munus)at-te il-qe3

    AI Translation
  • 6 shekels of shurathu-seeds,
  • 5 shekels of kinahhu-seeds;
  • 10 shekels, Tawarriwa;
  • 20 shekels, Tawarriwa;
  • To the ..., the shilli-offering of Atte, he presented it.

    P408303: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    ki-na-an-na (disz)a-kip-ta#-sze-ni _gar kur dumu_ en-na-ma-ti _lugal_ t,e-ma _gar_-an szum-ma [(disz)ha]-szi-ma-ru isz-tap-ru! [x] (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-ni a-na [it]-ti# 3(disz) _lu2-mesz_ i-na-an-din u3 [a]-na# (kur)nu-lu-a-i-u2 ub-ba-lu [i]-na-as,-s,a-ru-ma u3 u2-ta#-ar-ru-usz szum-ma ul-lu-u2 3(disz)-ma _lu2-mesz_ i-na (iri)a-zu-hi-in-ni sza asz-bu u3 3(disz) _lu2-mesz#_ (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-ni

    AI Translation

    firmly Akiptasheni, governor of the land, son of Ennamati, the king gave orders. If Hashimaru wrote, Akiptasheni with 3 men will give, and to Nuluaiu they shall bring, and they shall return. If they are 3 men, in the city of Azuhinni which is in the district, and 3 men Akiptasheni



    it-ti (disz)ha-szi-ma-ru#

    AI Translation

    with Hashimaru,



    i-sza-par2 u3 szum-ma (disz)ha-szi-ma-ru i-na _sza3_ (kur)ar#-[ra]-ap#-he2 i-na (kur)nu-ul-lu-a-he2?/i?* i-du-ku i-hal-liq u3 (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-ni i-na (id2)hur-sza-an la i-sza-ap-pa2-ar-mi-im-ma u3 i-du4-uk-ku _na4_ (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-ni _dumu_ en-na-ma-ti

    AI Translation

    and if Hashimaru in the land of Arrapha in the land Nulluahe? he has killed, he shall be killed, and Akitasheni in the Hurshan canal shall not be able to save, and he shall be killed. Stone of Akitasheni, son of Ennamati,

    P408304: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 1(u) _ansze_ uh-hu-ul-tu3
  • sza szi-mi-ka4-tal sza (iri)du-ru-ub-la mah-ru3

    AI Translation
  • 10 donkeys, hultu-offerings;
  • of Shimi-katal of Dur-raba,

    P408305: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    a-na _lu2_ ha-an#-[za-ni] sza (iri)du-ur-sze#-ni#-[wa] um-ma (disz)u2-i-ra-at-ti#-ma# (disz)ha-ne2-e sza (iri)du-ur-sze-ni-we i-na (iri)te-ri-be-er-ra e-si2-ir-wa! u3 _tug2-mesz_ a-na szi-i-mi [i]-na (iri)nu-zi _si3_-nu

    AI Translation

    To the man Hanzanu of Dur-sheniwa: "Uiratti and Hanê of Dur-sheniwa in Teribara have taken away; and the garments for the night in Nuzi have been brought."



    [n(x) _ansze_] 3(disz) _ban2 sze_

    AI Translation

    n emaru 3 sutu of barley,



    [i]-il#-liq*-mi [(disz)u2-i]-ra#-ta [i-na] (iri#)nu-zu!(_sza_) [u2]-bi#-lu-ni

    AI Translation

    Uirata has brought to Nuzu.

    P408308: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _ban2 sze_ sza [...] x#
  • a-na _dumu-mesz_ _lugal#_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sutu of barley of ... .
  • to the sons of the king.



    i-na _iti_ hi#-[ia]-ri na-ad-nu#

    AI Translation

    In the month of Hiyari, they will give the .

    P408310: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz)-nu-tu4 _tug2-mesz_
  • szi-na-hi-lu a-di3-i i-na hul*-la-an-nu i-na _iti_ hi-ia-ri a-na (disz)ni-in-ki-ia _lu2_ %xhu e-le-esz-ti-ih-hu-ri na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 1 garment,
  • until in the month of Hiyari he gave to Ninkia, the ... of Eleshtihhuru.

    P408311: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)i-wi-isz#-ti# _dumu_ ia-ma-asz-tu3 (disz)sze-en-na-ta-ti (disz)hu-ti-pa-pu (disz)nu-uz-za (disz)ki-in-ni-it-ta-an-ni (disz)a-ka4-pu-ra

  • 6(disz) s,u-ha-ru _usz-bar_
  • an-nu-tu4 ina# _szu#_-[ti]

    AI Translation

    Iwishti, son of Iamashtu; Shen-natati; Huti-papu; Nuzza; Kinnittani; Akapura;

  • 6 shuru-vessels, ...;
  • These are in the hands of the king, my lord.



    sza (disz)ke2-li#-[pu-kur3] na-ad-nu#

    AI Translation

    of Kilipukur he gave.



    mi-nu-um-me-e# _lu2-mesz usz-bar_ ga5-ab-bu#-[szu-nu-ti] ri-hu-tu4 ina _szu_-ti (disz)ke2-li-pu-kur3 na-ad#-[nu] _na4_ (disz)ke2-li-pu-kur3

    AI Translation

    What are the men who slew their ...? They have received a debt from Kilipukur.

    P408312: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 2(u) 7(disz) _sila3_ hu-ra-tu4
  • a-na _szu_ (disz)kip-ku-szu-uh [na]-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 27 sila3 of huratu-bread;
  • they gave to Kipkushuh.

    P408313: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)te-hu-up#-sze#-en-ni _dumu_ ni-in-ki-ia (disz)szi-mi-ka4-tal _dumu_ ut-tu-li# (disz)tar-mi-til-la (disz)sze-hal-te-szup (disz)tu3-ul-tuk3-ka4 (disz)ni#-ra#-ar-til-la (disz)ha#-nu#-ka4 _dumu_ asz-tu3-un-na

    AI Translation

    Tehupshenni, son of Ninkiya; Shimi-katal, son of Utuli; Tarmi-tila; Shehalte-shum; Tuultukka; Nirartila; Hanu-ka, son of Ashtuna;


  • 7(disz)# _lu2#-mesz#_ an-nu-tu4
  • sza (gisz)_apin-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 7 men of these
  • of plows



    sza pa-na-nu sza _munus lugal_-ti

    AI Translation

    Before the reign of the queen.



    (disz)szuk2-ri-te-szup (disz)he2-er-zu (disz)na-al-tuk3-ka4 (disz)ku-uz-zu (disz)iz-ka4-na-a-bi (disz)a-kip-sze-en-ni

    AI Translation

    Shukritesup, Heerzu, Naltukka, Kuzzu, Izkanabi, Akipshenni,


  • 6(disz) _lu2-mesz_ an-nu-tu4
  • sza (gisz)_apin-mesz_ sza ur-ka4-nu

    AI Translation
  • 6 men of these,
  • of the plows and the .



    sza _munus lugal_-ti

    AI Translation

    of the queen.



    _szu-nigin2_ 1(u) 3(disz) _lu2-mesz ir3_ e2-kal2-li3 a-szar _munus lugal_-ti sza asz-bu

    AI Translation

    Total: 13 men, the 'path' of the Ekalli, where the queen-woman who resides

    P408316: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    n(disz) 3(disz)* ma-ti _sig4-mesz_ sza [e2-kal2-li3 sza (disz)]pu#-hi-sze-en-ni _dumu_ [... a-na] _ur5#-ra_ il#-[te-qe3 i-na _egir_]-ki# [e-bu-ri a-na _sag]-du#_-szu-ma [i-na] a-bu-ul-li (iri#)zi-iz-za-e ku-ub-ta i-ma-ha-s,u2 a-na e2-kal2-li3# i-na-an-din

    AI Translation

    n/3 of the bricks of the Ekalli which Puhishenu, son of ..., had taken as a loan, after he had gone up to the quay, to his head in the city of Zizzê he shall take, and to the Ekalli he shall give.



    _na4_ (disz)na-i-pa-pu _dumu_ ta-e

    AI Translation

    stone of Nippupu, son of Ta'e.



    _na4_ (disz)a-ri-ip-_lugal# [dumu ki]-min*_ _na4_ (disz)szi-ha-asz-sze-en-ni (lu2)_aszgab#?_-pu _na4_ (disz)ki-pu-kur3 _dumu_ hu-pi2-ta

    AI Translation

    stone of Arip-sharri, descendant of Ditto; stone of Shihash-shenni, the smith; stone of Kipkur, descendant of Hupat.

    P408317: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)-en-nu-tu4 _urudu_
  • sze-er-sze-ra-tu4

  • 9(disz)* _ma-na_ 5(u)*# _gin2-mesz_
  • szu-qu2-ul-ta-szu sza _urudu_ sza e2-kal2-li3 a-na _szu_-ti (disz)sza-du-ta-e _dumu_ ip-sza2-ha-lu na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 1 copper ...
  • a kind of reed

  • 9 minas 50 shekels;
  • Shultashu, the copper of the Ekalli, received from Shaddûtae, son of Ipshalu;



    u3 (disz)pe3-ta-asz-szu-ra _dumu# lu2_ sza

    AI Translation

    and Teta-Ashur, son of



    e2-kal2-li3 _na4_ (disz)sza2-du-ta-e

    AI Translation

    Temple of the Stone of Shaddûtê

    P408320: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)ut-hap2-ta-e _dumu_ a-ri-ih-ha-a-a (disz)szur-ki-til-la _dumu_ a-mur-_gal_ (disz)ut-hap-ta-e _dumu_ u2-na-ap-te-szup (disz)pu-hi-sze-en-ni _dumu_ [...]-ni-ru (disz)tu-ra-ar-te-szup _dumu_ ip-sza2-ha-lu (disz)ku-ul-pe3-til-la _lu2_ la-si2-mu (disz)er-wi-hu-ta _lu2_ a-tu3-uh-u2

    AI Translation

    Uthaptae, son of Arihha; Shurki-tila, son of Amur-Amurru; Uthaptae, son of Unapteshup; Puhishenni, son of ...-niru; Turarteshup, son of Ipshalu; Kulleptila, the lasumu; Erwihuta, the Atuhu;



    (disz)ta-e _dumu_ ma-li-ia

    AI Translation

    Te, son of Maliya;


  • 8(disz) _lu2-mesz igi-mesz_-ti
  • sza (disz)en-na-ma-ti _lu2_ ba2-e-ru

    AI Translation
  • 8 witnesses,
  • of Ennamati, the guarantor.

    P408321: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) _gi_ szu-ku-du4
  • (disz)gi5-mi-li-te-szup _dumu_ sze-en-ni isz-tu e2-kal2-li3 il-qe3 u3 u2-ta-ar#

    AI Translation
  • 50 reeds, reed-cutting;
  • Gimil-iteshup, son of Shenni, took from Ekalli and returned.



    _na4_ (disz)gi5-mi-li-te-szup

    AI Translation

    stone of Gimil-iteshup.

    P408322: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 4(disz) _har-gir3_ sza _ku3-babbar_
  • sza _munus-mesz_ u2-zu-li-ki2-ri

  • 1(disz) _ma-na_ 1(u) _gin2_ szu-qu2-ul-ta-szu-nu
  • 1(disz) ma-at u3 1(disz) szu-szi hu-ul-lu
  • sza _ku3-gi_

  • 1(disz)-nu-tu4 %xhu a-ta-an!-nu sza _ku3-gi_
  • AI Translation
  • 4 rings of silver;
  • who entrusted women to me,

  • 1 mina 10 shekels of their szuqultu-silver,
  • 1 ma-at and 1 hand, ruined,
  • of gold

  • 1 ... of gold
  • P408324: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)-nu-tu4 _tug2-mesz_
  • te-er-te-en-nu a-di3-i sza hul-la-an-nu a-na (disz)tup-pi2-ia _dumu_ ta-wa-re-en-til-la szum-ma _lu2-mesz_ sza (kur)ak-ka4-di3 i-na _iti_-hi im-pur-ta-an-nu i-na (kur)na-as2-be i-du-uk-ku-usz-szu-nu-ti

  • 1(disz)-nu-tu4 _tug2-mesz_
  • te-er-te-en-nu a-na _lu2_ %xhu ta-al-mi

    AI Translation
  • 1 garment,
  • Until the one who has committed a crime against Tuppiya, son of Tawer-entilla, if the men of Akkad in the month of Adar XII have been arrested, in Nasbe he has killed them.

  • 1 garment,
  • You have been sated with a ...,



    sza (iri)ta-ri-ba-tu3-e szum-ma _lu2-mesz_ sza (kur)a-szur i-na (iri)ta-ri-ba-tu3-e! i-na _iti_-hi im-pur-ta-an-nu i-du-uk-ku-usz-szu-nu an-nu-tu4 i-na _iti_-hi im-pur-ta-an-nu isz#-tu _e2_ na-kam-ti (disz)ti-ir-wa-na-tal na-asz2-ru

    AI Translation

    of the town Taribatue. If the men of Assyria in Taribatue in the month of Adar XII has reported, they will kill them. This one in the month of Adar XII has reported, from the house of the nakamtu Tir-wanatu is being released.

    P408325: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    um-ma (disz)tar-mi-ia-ma (lu2)_sanga_

  • 1(disz) ((gisz))_mar-gid2-da_ (gisz)am-pa-an-nu
  • sza (disz)hu-pi2-ta _dumu_ ik-ki-a a-na e2-kal2-li3 a-na-an-din*-mi* u3 a-na-ku (tug3)szu-gi-pu-nu sza (disz)hu-pi2-ta

    AI Translation

    thus Tarmiya, the priest:

  • 1 wagon, ampanu-wood;
  • I have given to Ekalli the shubûnu garments of Hupat, son of Ikkia, and I am the shubûnu garment of Hupat.



    a-szar (disz)* sza-ri-ip-til-la

    AI Translation

    where Sharaptila resides.



    el-te-qe3-mi _na4_ (disz)tar-mi-ia _lu2 sanga_

    AI Translation

    Eltekem stone, of Tarmiya, the priest.

    P408326: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (munus)lugal-ku-ti _geme2_ e2-kal2-li3 (disz)ku-ur-ra _dumu_ [ar]-te#-e-a u3 (disz)nu-i-zi-ka4 _dumu_ ha-ni-u2 a-szar (disz)er-wi-_lugal gar-e2_-ti# il-te-qu2-u2 szum-ma (munus)ugal-ku-ti hal-qu2 (disz)ku-ur-ra u3# (disz)nu-i-zi-ka4 _sa5_-la _igi_ a-kip-til-la!(_szu_) _dumu_ ta-[...] _igi lugal#-til#-la#_ _dumu_ a-mur-ra-bi#

    AI Translation

    The female slave, slave-girl of the Ekalli temple, Kuurra, son of Artea, and Nuzika, son of Haniu, where Erwi-sharru has taken the granaries. If the slave-girl is missing, Kuurra and Nuzika are red. Before Akitila, son of ...; before Lugaltila, son of Amur-rabi.



    _igi_ na-ni-ia _dumu_ ki-pu-kur3 _igi_ ar-ti-ir-wi _dumu_ hu-ti-ip-_lugal_ _igi_ a-ki-ia _dumu_ a-kip-sze-en-ni _igi_ ha-szi-ip-til-la _dumu_ ar-szi-mi-ka4 _igi_ a-ri-ip-_lugal dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    Before Naniya, son of Kipkur; before Artirwi, son of Hutip-sharru; before Akiya, son of Akip-shenni; before Hashiptila, son of Arshimika; before Arip-sharru, the scribe.

    Column 1


    _na4 (disz)dub-sar

    AI Translation

    stone of the scribe

    Column 2


    _na4_ (disz)lugal-til-la

    AI Translation

    stone of Lugal-tila.

    Column 1


    _na4_ (disz)ar-ti-ir-wi

    AI Translation

    stone of Artirwi.

    Column 2


    _na4_ (disz)a-ki-ia

    AI Translation

    stone of Akiya.



    _na4_ (disz)nu-i-zi-ka4 _na4_ (disz)a-kip-til-la

    AI Translation

    stone of Nuzika; stone of Akiptila.

    P408329: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (urudu)_pisan3_ sza _gu4_
  • u3 szu-qu2-ul-ta-szu

  • 1(disz) _gu2-un_ 4(u) 1(disz) _ma-na_
  • 3(disz) (urudu#)_pisan3_ sza _udu_
  • u3 szu-qu2-ul-ta-szu

  • 1(disz) _gu2-un_ 1(u) 1(disz) _ma-na_
  • 1(disz) di3-qa-ru sza _udu_
  • u3 szu-qu2-ul-ta-szu

  • 3(disz) _ma-na_ 4(u) _gin2_
  • [an]-nu#-tu4 a-na e-pe3-szi

    AI Translation
  • 1 copper trough for oxen,
  • and his sququltu-sutu.

  • 1 talent 41 minas,
  • 3 copper arrows for sheep;
  • and his sququltu-sutu.

  • 1 talent 11 minas,
  • 1 ration of sheep;
  • and his sququltu-sutu.

  • 3 minas 40 shekels;
  • These are for the work.



    a-na _szu#*_-ti (disz)szi-[mi-ka4]-tal u3# a-na _szu_-ti# [(disz)ku-ut-...] na-ad-[nu] [_na4_ (disz)]ku-ut#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... is given for the hand of Shimi-katal and for the hand of Kut-...;

    P408330: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) li-mi
  • (gisz)szu-ku-du4 a-na (disz)ta-ti-ip-te-szup i-na _iri_ sa-u2-a-wa

    AI Translation
  • 1 Limu,
  • a reed basket for Tatipteshup in the city of Sauwa.




    AI Translation

    he has given.

    P408332: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) 8(disz) _gin2_
  • %xhu su2-us-su2-la-ah-hu sza _zabar-mesz_ sza e2-kal2-li3 [i]-na#* _szu_ (disz)i-[ri]-bi#-_dingir_ _lu2 dam#-[gar3]_

    AI Translation
  • 38 shekels;
  • ... of bronze of the Ekallu, from Iribi-il, the merchant.




    AI Translation

    a kind of object



    _na4_ (disz)i-ri-bi-_dingir_

    AI Translation

    stone of Iribi-ilu.

    P408333: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) li-im _gi-mesz_
  • %xhu szu-u2-li sza _kak-tag2-ga5_ szi-la-an-nu sza esz-szu sza e2-kal2-li3 sza (iri)nu-zi a-na _szu_-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 reed baskets;
  • ... of the ... of the ... of the new ... of the Ekalli of Nuzi, for the hand.



    (disz)sze-kar3-til-la _dumu_ en-na-ma-ti

    AI Translation

    Shekartilla, son of Ennamati;



    na#-[ad-nu] _na4_ (disz)sze-kar3-til-la

    AI Translation

    The stone nadnu of Shekartila.

    P408335: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _ansze-sze!-mesz_
  • a-na _szah-mesz?_ sza szat*-ta-ir-(we)

  • 2(disz) _ban2 sze_ a-na
  • (disz)hu-ti-in-na#

    AI Translation
  • 1 donkey,
  • to the pigs of the letter.

  • 2 sutu of barley for
  • Hutinna 798 BC.



    _szu-nigin2_ 1(disz) _ansze# [sze_ 2(disz) _ban2 sze_] i-na qa-ri-ti

    AI Translation

    Total: 1 homer of barley and 2 seahs of barley in the qaritu-offering.



    (disz)ku-ul-pe3-na-tal u3* (disz)szat*-ti-ir-we na-asz-ru-u2

    AI Translation

    Kullental and Shatirwe are the guarantor.

    P408337: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 5(disz)# _ban2 sze_ isz-tu
  • _sze#-mesz_ sza _zabar_ a#-na _tur-tur-mesz_ sza e2-kal2-li3 na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 5 sutu of barley from
  • The barley of bronze is given to the children of Ekalli.

    P408338: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) _ansze_ 1(disz) (_pi_) 2(disz) _ban2_
  • mu-un-du4 sza (iri)ku-lu-ut-tu-u2 (disz)eh-li-ia u2-bi-la

    AI Translation
  • 3 donkey-loads, 1 panu 2 sutu;
  • He brought Ehliya, the eunuch who had built Kuruttu, to me.



    _na4_ (disz)eh-li-ia

    AI Translation

    stone of Ehliya.

    P408339: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 6(u)* 2(u)* _ansze_ mu-un-du4
  • sza na-ad-nu

  • 6(u)* 2(u)* 4(disz) _munu6-mesz_
  • sza na-ad-nu i-na _szu_ (disz)eh-li-ip-_lugal_

    AI Translation
  • 60 donkeys, rented;
  • of the nadnu-offering.

  • 74 pigs,
  • which was given in the hands of Ehlip-sharri,




    AI Translation

    a kind of profession

    P408340: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)te-hi-pa-pu (disz)ta-e (disz)en-na-ma-ti (disz)szi-mi-ka4-tal (disz)el-hi-ip-til-la (disz)e-tesz-sze-en-ni (disz)e-ri-ih-ri u3 (disz)ut-hap-(ta)-e %xhu e-s,a-duh-lu

    AI Translation

    Tehi-papu, Ta'e, Ennamati, Shimi-katal, Elhiptila, Eteshshenni, Erihri and Uthaptae ... .



    _na4_ (disz)te-hi-pa-pu _na4_ (disz)ut-hap-ta-e _na4_ (disz)en#-na#-ma-ti _na4_ (disz)ta-e _na4_ (disz)e-tesz-sze-en-ni _na4_ (disz)e-ri-ih-ri

    AI Translation

    stone of Tehipu, stone of Uthaptê, stone of Ennamati, stone of Ta'e, stone of Eteshshenni, stone of Erihri.



    _na4_ (disz)szi-mi-ka4-tal

    AI Translation

    stone of Shimi-katal.

    P408342: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) li-im _gi-mesz_
  • szu-ku-de4 isz-tu e2-kal2-li3 u3 (disz)wi-ir-ra-ah-[he2] a#-szar (disz)ir-wi-_lugal#_ [(lu2)]_gar#-e2_

    AI Translation
  • 2 reed baskets;
  • from Ekalli and WIRRAhhe, where Irwi-sharru, the governor,



    [_na4_ (disz)wi]-ir#-ra-ah#-he2#

    AI Translation

    stone of Wirrahhe.

    P408344: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz)# _ansze# munu6#-mesz_
  • sza _szu_ (disz)ta-a-u2-ki mah-ru3

    AI Translation
  • 1 homer of grain-fed donkeys,
  • of the hand of Tauki,

    P408349: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) _kusz_ sza
  • en-zu

  • 2(disz) _kusz_ sza _masz2 tur*_
  • sza e2-kal2-li3 i-na _szu_ a-na (disz)szi-ha-asz-sze-en-ni (lu2)_aszgab_ na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 7 cubits of
  • The king, my lord, can be glad.

  • 2 hides of the small goat,
  • which Ekalli received from Shihashenni, the shakku-official;



    _na4_ (disz)szi-ha-asz-sze-en-ni

    AI Translation

    stone of Shihashenni.

    P408351: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) li-mi
  • n(disz) 4(disz) ma-at _gi-mesz_ szu-u2-le-e a-na szu-ku-du# [a]-na# [e-pe3-szi] sza e2-kal2-li3 (disz)u2-na-ap-te-szup _dumu#_ a-ri-ik-ka4-a-a [a-szar] (disz)he2#-ri-ka4 [_dumu_ (munus)x]-na#-wa-a-a [il]-qe3#

    AI Translation
  • 5 limmu-plants;
  • n+4 hectares of reeds, reeds, for the shukudu-offering of the Ekalli, Unapte-shum, son of Arikka, where Herika, son of ...nawa, has taken.



    [_na4_ (disz)u2-na-ap-te-szup] [_na4_ (disz)]he2-ri-ka4

    AI Translation

    stone of Unapte-shub; stone of Herakatu.

    P408385: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    _[n] sila3_ u3 1(disz) ka4-su2 [_i3]-gesz#-mesz_ sza _e2-gal_-li3 [sza (disz)]a-kip-ta-sze-en-ni il-qe3 u3 u2-ta-ar

    AI Translation

    n sila3 and 1 kasu of oil of the palace, which Akitashenni took and returned.



    _na4#_ (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-en-ni

    AI Translation

    stone of Akitashenni.

    P408390: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na (iri)a-zu-hi-in-ni# u2-bi-il
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti ki-ma _lugal_
  • (disz)szu2#-ra-at-tar-na in-tu3-ut sza-ri-ip

  • 2(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na (munus)s,u2-ha-ar-ti-ia
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na mu-sze-ni-iq-ti
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na (munus)zi-li-ip-ki2-sze
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na _(gesz)_hu_ ku3-sig17_
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na (munus)ku-a-ri
  • 2(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na ar-sza-[x] il-qe3
  • 3(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na a-ba-ni [...]
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na szu-ta-ah#-li?
  • 1(u) 6(disz) zi-a-na-ti esz-sze-tu4
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-ti a-na tar-mi-ia
  • sza (iri)a-ta-kal2

  • 2(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)ut-ta nu-a-ru
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na a-ri-pa2-pu il-qe3
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na s,u2-ha-ar-ti!(_pi_)
  • sza i-na _e2_ (disz)el-hi-ip-lugal# asz-ba-tu4#

  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (disz)zi-il-te-szup _dumu lugal_
  • AI Translation
  • 4 steles to Azuhinni he brought.
  • 1 ... like the king,
  • Shuratrana received a substantial payment from Shuratrana.

  • 2 sucklings for my suckling daughter;
  • 1 ... for the sacrificial sheep.
  • 1 suckling lamb for the woman Zilipkishe;
  • 1 zignatu-vessel for a gold .
  • 1 suckling pig for the female kid;
  • 2 sucklings to Arsa... he took.
  • 3 steles to Abani .
  • 1 ... for ...
  • 16 reed-beds, new ones,
  • 1 ... for my extispicy;
  • of Atakal

  • 2 sucklings for a female kid,
  • 1 ziganatu-vessel for the arappu-vessel he took.
  • 1 ... for shubartu-vessel;
  • which were deposited in the house of Ellipi-sharri.

  • One zianatu-vessel for Zilte-shum, the crown prince;
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a#-na# (munus)at-ta-ki-it#-ta
  • 7(disz) zi-a-na-ti sza# tab-bi-bi-lugal
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)u2-nu-usz-ki-a-sze _dumu-munus lugal_
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)u2-gur-ku-i#
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)za-am-me-en-ni
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 (munus)e-li-mu
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)e-wa-al-ar-ni#
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)a-ri-ip-du-ri#
  • 1(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 a-na (munus)e-en-sza-szu
  • _szu-nigin2 3(u)_ zi-a-na-tu4-_mesz_ sza _e2-gal2_ a-na ba-a-bi na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 1 suckling lamb for Atta-kiitta;
  • 7 ... of Tabbi-sharri;
  • 1 zignatu-sheep for Unushkiashe, daughter of the king;
  • 1 ziganatu-vessel for Ugurku'i;
  • 1 zigatu-vessel for Zammenni;
  • 1 zigatu-girl, Elimu;
  • 1 zigatu-vessel for Ewa-allarni;
  • 1 zignatu-vessel for Aripruru;
  • 1 suckling lamb for his wife
  • Total: 30 reeds of the palace given to the owners.


  • 1(u) 2(disz) zi-a-na-tu4 esz-sze-tu4
  • (disz)el-hi-ip-lugal usz-tu na-ak-ka3-am-tu a-na _szu_ kip-ku-szu-uh na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 12 reed-beds, new ones,
  • Ellipi-sharri received the nakka-amtu-offering from Kipku-shuh.

    P408393: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (munus)sze-re-en-na-a-a _dumu-munus_ zi-ka-a-a _dumu_ hu-zi-ri _geme2_ sza _e2-gal2_-li3 a-na _szu_-ti (disz)zi-ka-a-a-ma _dumu_ hu-zi-ri na-ad-nu u3 pi3-ha-as-su2 sza (munus)sze-re-en-na-a-a u3 (disz)zi-ka-a-a na-szi um-ma (disz)zi-ka-a-a-ma szum-ma (munus)sze-re-en-na-a-a i-hal-li-iq pi3-ha-as-su3 a-na-ku# na#-sza2#-ku-mi tup-pi2 an-ni i-na [...] (iri)nu-zi a-szar a-bu-ul-li _gal_ [sza-t,i3-ir]

    AI Translation

    The woman Sherenna, daughter of Zika, descendant of Huziri, slave woman of the palace, has received from Zika, descendant of Huziri, and her share of the woman Sherenna and Zikaya, saying: "Zikaya, if the woman Sherenna has broken, my share I shall take." This tablet was written in ... Nuzi, where the great abuulu is located.



    _na4_ (disz)zi-ka-a-a

    AI Translation

    stone of Zikaya.

    P408397: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • [1(disz) ru]-uq-qu2 sza _uruda_
  • [sza] _gu4_ 1(disz) ru-uq-qu2 sza _uruda_ sza _2(disz) udu-mesz_ 1(disz) ru-uq-qu2 sza _udu-mesz_

  • 1(disz) du-u2-di3 sza _uruda_
  • _1(disz) muszen_ sza _zabar_
  • 2(disz) sa3-ah-ha-ru sza _zabar_ sza _szu-mesz_
  • 1(disz) %hu ta-ku-la-at-hu %akk sza _zabar_
  • 2(disz) %hu ka-ap-pa2-ar-nu
  • sza _zabar_ sza _a-mesz_

  • 6(disz) ha-ar-gal-lu sza _zabar_
  • sza _(gesz)ig-mesz_ it-ti ki-in-s,i2-szu-nu

  • 1(disz) szu-ku-e sza _uruda_
  • sza _(gesz)ig-mesz_

  • 4(disz) si2-ik-ka4-tu3
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ruqqu of copper;
  • of oxen, 1 ruqqû of copper, of 2 sheep, 1 ruqqqû of sheep,

  • 1 copper ...,
  • 1 bird of bronze;
  • 2 bronze saharu-vessels for the hands;
  • 1 ... of bronze;
  • 2 kapparnu-vessels,
  • of bronze for water.

  • 6 hargallu-vessels of bronze;
  • of the doors with their bolts

  • 1 ... of copper;
  • of doors

  • 4 sikkatu-vessels,
  • Reverse


    sza _zabar_ sza _(gesz)ig-mesz_ _na4_ (disz)ni-iz-zi-ku an-nu-tu4 u2-nu-tu4 sza (iri)pu-ru-ul-li-we i-na (iri)nu-zi sza asz-bu u3 i-na-an-na (disz)ir-wa-lugal _lu2 gar-e2_ a#-na# _szu_-ti (disz)szu-um-pi2-ri-in-ni [a]-na# _szu_-ti (disz)en-na-ma-ti [a-na _szu_-ti (disz)]um?#-pi2-ia u3 [a-na] _szu#_-ti (disz)ni-iz-zi-ku [(disz)wi]-ir-ra-a-a [it-ta]-ad-nu

    AI Translation

    These are the stones of the bronze of the doors. These stones of Purulliwe, in Nuzi which is in the city of Ashbu and now Irwa-sharri, the prefect, has given to Shuumpirinni, to Ennamati, to Umpiya, and to Nizziku, to Wirra.

    Column 1


    _na4_ (disz)en-na-ma-ti

    AI Translation

    stone of Ennamati.

    Column 2


    _na4_ (disz)szu-um-pi2-ri-[in-ni]

    AI Translation

    stone of Shummum-pirinni.

    P408398: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) li-mi _gi-mesz_ szu-ku-de4
  • sza _e2-gal_-li3 (disz)a-kap-ur-he2 _dub-sar_ _dumu kin_ sza (disz)wa-an-ti-ia il-te-qe3# i-na (iri)tar-ba-as-he2

    AI Translation
  • 2 reeds, reeds of szukude-wood;
  • of the palace, Akkur-he, the scribe, son of Handiya, has taken. He is in the city of Tarbashhe.



    i-ir-ru-bu _na4_ (disz)a-kap-ur-he2

    AI Translation

    A stone belonging to Akkur-he,

    P408403: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) (dug)tal_ a-na (munus)sze-[x]-ia#
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)uk-ki-ia
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)asz-tu3#
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)ta-li-lu-sza
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)pu-hu-mi-en-ni
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)asz-te
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)el-hi-im-nu-zu
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)ha-lu-ia
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na (munus)ti-i-esz-na-a-a
  • AI Translation
  • 1 jar of wine for She...ia;
  • 1 ditto for my wife;
  • 1 ditto for the woman Ashtu;
  • 1 ditto for the woman Talilusha;
  • 1 ditto for Puhumenni;
  • 1 ditto for the female kid;
  • 1 ditto for Elhimnuzu;
  • 1 ditto for Haluya;
  • 1 ditto for Tieshnaya;
  • Reverse

  • _9(disz) (dug)tal-mesz_
  • an-nu-ti a-na _szu_-ti a-na (munus)el-hi-im-nu-zu _na4_ (munus)el-hi-im-nu-zu na-ad-nu szum-ma _(dug)tal_ i-na lib3-bi _[(dug)]tal_ ia-nu i-ba2-asz-szi

  • 2(u) hu-tar-ti [i]-ma-ha-s,u2-[u2]
  • AI Translation
  • 9 jars;
  • These are for the hand of Elhimnuzu. The stone of Elhimnuzu is given. If there is a pot in the libation place, there will be a pot.

  • 20 fugitives will be seized.
  • P408404: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (kusz)zi-ia-na-tu4
  • a-na _munus-mesz_-tu3 es-re-tu3 sza (iri)zi-iz-za %hu i-szu-ma-ka4 i-na _iti_-hi hu-tal-szi# a-na (disz)ir-[wa-hu]-ta#

    AI Translation
  • 1 ziganatu-garment,
  • He shall pay in the month of Addaru to Irwahuta the women and the dowry of Zizza.



    sza (iri)[zi-iz-za] na-ad-[nu]

    AI Translation

    of Zizza are given.

    P408405: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) tug2_ %hu szi-la-an-nu nu-he2
  • a-di-i i-na hul-la-an-ni [a-na %hu te-hu]-usz#-szi [a-na (disz)te-esz-ur]-he2 [szu-un-du4 sza]-al-ma [a-na (iri)na-at-ma-ni] [i-li-ka4]

    AI Translation
  • 1 garment, ...,
  • until in my evil to the wrath I have imposed upon Teshurhe, and thereupon to Natmani he will come.



    [na-ad-nu] [i-na _iti_-hi hu]-tal#-szi# [(disz)he2]-el#-ti#-pa-pu isz-tu na-kam-ti it#-ta-szar

    AI Translation

    He has given it back to Helti-pupu from the nakamtu.

    P408406: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) ma-ti _sig4-mesz#_
  • sza _e2-gal_-li3 (disz)e-he2-el-te-szup _lu2_ [...] _dumu_ ke2-el-te-e-a a-na _ur5-ra_ il-qe3 i-na _egir_ e-bu-ri a-na# _sag-du_-szu-ma# u2-ta-ar

  • 6(disz) u2-ba2-nu
  • AI Translation
  • 5 countries of bricks;
  • of the palace, Ehelte-shum, ... son of Kelitea, took as a loan. After the bridge he returned to its head and paid.

  • 6 ubanu-garments,
  • Reverse


    _sig4-mesz_ sza-a-szu

  • 1(disz) ma-at _sig4-mesz_-szu#
  • (disz)na-ni-ia _dumu_ ki-pu-kur3 a-na _ur5-ra_ il-qe3 _na4_ (disz)e-he2#-[el-te-szup]

    AI Translation

    That brick

  • 1 mina of bricks for his house;
  • He took Naniya, son of Kipkur, as a loan. Stone of Ehelte-shum.

    P408407: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 5(disz) _udu-nita_
  • 3(disz) _udu-munus_
  • s,a-ri-pu sza (disz)zi-hi-ia sza ba2-aq-nu

    AI Translation
  • 5 rams,
  • 3 sheep,
  • The sharipu-stele of Zihiya, which was erected,

    P408418: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz)# [...]
  • a-na _szu_-ti# (disz)a-kip-sze-en-ni _dumu_ ia-ma-asz-tu3-i na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 3 ...
  • from Akishenni, son of Yamashtî, given.



    mi-nu-um-me-e kap-pu-um-ma u2-nu-tu3 a-di-i i-na _iti_ ki2-nu-ni i-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    What are the requisitions? They have been requisitioned until the month of Kinunu.

    P408419: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)-nu-tu4 sze#-[er-sze-er-ra]-ti#
  • _5(disz) ma#-na 1(u) 2(disz) [gin2_ szu-qu2-ul]-ta#-szu
  • sza _[e2]-gal_-li3 a-[na (disz)hu]-ti#-pa2-pu _dumu_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 shersherru-vessel,
  • 5 minas 12 shekels of szuqu-ultashu-silver,
  • of the palace to Huti-papu, son of .



    _na4_ (disz)hu-ti-pa2-pu

    AI Translation

    stone of Huti-papu.

    P408420: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


    (disz)e-tesz-sze-en-ni (disz)er-wi-wa-ah-ri (disz)zi-ke2 (disz)a-ki-it-ta (disz)a-ri-im-ma-at-ka (disz)sza2-ri-ip-til-la (disz)ka-asz-ti-ia (disz)tuh-mi-ia (disz)hu-ti-in-na-mar

    AI Translation

    Eteshhenni, Erwi-wahri, Zikku, Akitta, Arimatka, Sharippalla, Kashtiya, Tuhmiya, Hutin-amar,

    P408421: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • 3(disz) nu-bi 2(disz)# [... _gi-mesz_]
  • szu-u2-li a-na szu-ku-du# a-na e-pe3-szi# (disz)u2-na-ap-[te-szup] u3 (disz)he2-ri-ka4# a-szar (disz)er-wi#-lugal# [il-te-qe3]

    AI Translation
  • 3 nubi 2 ... reeds,
  • To make a sacrifice, to do obeisance, Unapte-shum and Herika, where Erwi-sharru took it,

    P408444: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)pal-te-e-a _dumu_ a-li-ib-bi-ia (disz)a-ka4-wa-til _dumu_ pu-i-ta-e (disz)ha-szi-ip-til-la _dumu_ ke2-li-ia (disz)u2-nap-ta-e _dumu_ ha-szi-pa-pu (disz)ta-i-ku _dumu_ er-wi#-lugal#

  • _5(disz) lu2-mesz_ an-nu-ti
  • u3 _e2_-su2 sza (disz)x-[...]-x qa-du u2-nu-ti-szu-nu qa-du ni-isz _e2_-ti-szu-nu a-na _szu_-ti-szu-nu na-ad-nu u3 i-na-as,-s,a-ru-usz

    AI Translation

    Paltea, son of Alibia; Akkawatil, son of Puitae; Hashiptila, son of Kiliya; Unaptae, son of Hashipappu; Taiku, son of Erwi-sharru;

  • 5 men of these;
  • and his house of ..., as long as they live, as long as they live, are given to them as their share and they shall keep it.



    _na4_ (disz)ha-szi-ip-til-la _na4_ (disz)ta-i-ku _na4_ (disz)u2-nap-ta-e _na4_ (disz)a-ka4-wa-til

    AI Translation

    stone of Hashiptila, stone of Taiku, stone of Unaptê, stone of Akawatil.



    _na4_ (disz)pal-te-e-a

    AI Translation

    stone of Paltea.

    P408484: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) tug2_ %hu szi-la-an-nu 1(disz) na-ri#-[i _siki-mesz_]
  • _1(disz) tug2_ %hu nu-uh-pu-ru 1(disz) na-[ri-i] _siki-mesz_
  • _1(disz) tug2_ sza _munus_ 1(disz) na-ri-i [1(disz) ku-duk-ti _siki_]
  • _1(u) tug2-mesz_ 2(disz)-hi-lu 1(u) na-ri-[i _siki_]
  • _5(disz) gu-e3_ 5(disz) ku-duk-ti _siki_-szu#-nu#
  • 2(disz) %xhu isz-ku-usz-hu sza!(_ra_) _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ 1(disz) na-ri-i _siki_
  • 3(disz) %xhu isz-ku-usz-hu sza!(_ra_) _szu_-ti
  • 1(disz) ku-duk-ti sze-eh-tu-un-nu-u2#
  • 1(disz) na-ri-i _siki_ a-na me2-re-esz-ti#
  • 1(u) 8(disz) na-ri-i 2(disz) ku-[duk]-ti# u3 [...]
  • _siki_ a-na isz-ka-[ri-szu ...] x [...] (disz)zi-ke2 il-[qe3]

    AI Translation
  • 1 ... garment, 1 nari of wool,
  • 1 ... garment, nuhpuru-colored, 1 nari-cloth, wool,
  • 1 garment for a woman, 1 sash, 1 kuduktu-garment of wool,
  • 10 textiles, 2 halû-garments, 10 nari-garments of wool,
  • 5 gu'e3 5 kuduktu-sheep, their hair;
  • 2 ..., ..., ..., chariots, 1 nari, wool,
  • 3 ...,
  • 1 kuduktu-vessel, ...;
  • 1 nari-stone for the reeshtu-festival;
  • 18 steles, 2 kuduktes and .
  • ... Zikê took ... for his shakriku-offering.


  • _4(disz) munus-mesz_ es-re#-tu4 6(disz) na-ri-[i _siki_]
  • _4(disz) munus-mesz_ uz-zu-li-ka-[ru]
  • 4(disz) na-ri-i _siki_ il-qu2-u2#
  • _3(disz) dumu-mesz e2-gal_ 4(disz) na-ri-[i _siki_]
  • _szu-nigin2 3(u) 2(disz)!_ na-ri-i 2(disz) ku-duk-ti %xhu sze#-eh#-[tu-un-nu] _siki_ (disz)zi-ke2 sza (iri)pu-ru-ul#-[li-we sza] szar-ra-[ti3]

    AI Translation
  • 4 female kids, 6 nari, wool;
  • 4 women, they are suckling;
  • 4 sacrificial sheep, they weighed out;
  • 3 palace sons, 4 nari-sheep,
  • Total: 32 nari and 2 kuduktu garments, ..., wool of Zikku of Purulwe of the kings.

    P408503: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • _3(u) 2(disz) udu-mesz_ i-na _sza3_-szu-nu
  • _8(disz) udu_ sza ba2-aq-nu
  • u3 1(u) 6(disz) ku-du-uk-ti _siki-mesz_ sza (disz)_dingir-si3_-na _dumu_ na-ik-ke sza mah-ru3 sza 8(disz) _udu-mesz#_ _siki-mesz_-szu-nu i-na t,up-pa-ti sza# mu-ul-li i-sza#-[at,-ru] [...] sza _2(u) 3(disz)#? udu?#_ [...] [_udu-mesz_]

    AI Translation
  • 32 sheep from them
  • 8 sheep of the rations;
  • and 16 kuduktu-sheep of Ilshuna, son of Naikku, of the previous year, of 8 sheep whose wool on the tablet of the mullu he wrote ... of 23 sheep? ... sheep

    P408529: other-genre tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    um-ma (disz)at-ta-a-ma (disz)ki-bi-ia is,-s,a-ab-ta-an-ni-ma um-ma szu-ma _ansze! sze_ sza bi-la-am-mi i-na _mu_ pa-ni-ri

  • _3(disz) ansze a-sza3_ a#-na# szi-mi at-ta-din-ma
  • u3# _1(disz) ansze# [sze]-mesz#_ el-te-qe3 [a]-na (disz)ki#-[bi]-ia# at-ta-bal-ma u3 i-na szu# (disz)e#-[te]-esz#-sze-en#-ni it-ta-ad-na-an-ni-ma u3# _sze-[mesz_ a]-na# _szu_-u2 il-te-qe3 um-ma (disz)[zi?]-ke2-ma# [ki-ma] 1(disz) _ansze# sze#_

  • _1(disz)# udu_ (disz)ki#-bi#-ia il-te-qe3#-[ma 1(disz)] _udu#_-ia
  • im-[ta]-ra#-as,-ma u3 _ansze-sze#-[mesz_ szu?]_-ma is,-[s,a?-bat?]-ma# u3 sza-na-am _udu#_-[ia il-te]-qe3# um#-[ma (disz)]ke2?#-li-ia-(ma) 1(disz) en-zu (disz)ki#-[bi-ia ki?-ma?]

  • _2(disz) [udu-mesz_]-ia# usz-te-el-wu it#-[...]-an#-ni-ma
  • u3# [i-na] _szu#_ (disz)e-te-esz-sze-en-ni [it-ta]-ad#-na-an-ni u3 [i-na]-an#-na# 2(disz) _udu-mesz_ i-ir-ri-isz# um#-ma# (disz#)ni-in-te-ia#-ma# _udu?#-mesz?# a#-na# %hu ka#-az-za-ur-ni# [sza ...] u2#-sze-et-te-eq 1(disz)# en#-[zu-ia] at#-ta-an-ni-ma ir#-ta-ab-s,a-an-ni-ma# [...]-ri u3# _1(disz) masz2_ il-te-qe3# u3# a-na-ku

  • _2(disz) udu-mesz_ ki-i pu-hi sza _masz2_ a-na _en_-su2
  • un#-te-el-li i-na _mu_ sza#-szu-ma [ina] _szu#_ (disz)na#-an-te!-szup it#-[ta]-ad#-na-an-ni u3 _1(disz) udu#_ el#-te-qe3#-[mi] um-ma (disz)tu3-ra-ri#-ma [...]-pu#

    AI Translation

    "Atta and Kibia have seized me, saying: "Who has seized the barley of the libation in my name?"

  • 3 hectares of field for the deciding of the matter I gave, and
  • and 1 homer of barley I took. To Kibia I went, and in the hands of Eteshsheni he gave me, and the barley to him he took. Thus Zikê:

  • 1 sheep Kibbia took, and 1 sheep Kibbia
  • he smashed, and the donkeys he took and the other one took my sheep. He said: "Keliya and one brother of Kibia, like?

  • 2 sheep of mine he made stand up, ... ... me,
  • And in the hands of Eteshshenni he gave me, and now two sheep he ate, saying: "Ninteya, the sheep for the kazzarnu-vessel ... he seized. I am my lord, and he seized me, and ... ... and 1 goat he took. And I

  • 2 sheep, as the interest of the goat to his owner,
  • In that year, he gave me in the hands of Nanteshup, and I have taken 1 sheep. Thus Turari: .



    ia-nu-ma (disz)ki-bi-ia is,-s,a#-[ab]-ta#-an-ni-ma u3 _1(disz) szah2_ ki-ma _udu_ il#-[qe3]

    AI Translation

    When Kibia seized me, and 1 pig he took like sheep.

    P408530: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (disz)ka-nu-ti-ia a-ki-lu-ut-ti _dumu_-szu2 (disz)sze-ka3-ar-til-la (disz)ta-i-til-la _szesz_-szu2 [(disz)x-x-x]-hu-szu (disz)ti-a-an-tu-ku _dumu_-szu2 (disz)a-ri-ip-til-la _dumu_-szu2 (disz)a-kip-ta-[sze-ni _dumu_]-szu2# (disz)be-li-ia (disz)a-ki-it-ti-ir-we _dumu_-szu2 (disz)tu-ul-tu-ka4# u3 (munus)bi-ri-ia _dumu-munus_-su2 _gal_ 1(u) 1(disz) (disz)sze-ka3-ar-til#-[la]-tup#-szar-ru3 (disz)ar-te-szup (disz)a-ka4-wa-til _dumu_-szu2 (disz)wa-ah-ri-sze-en-[ni]

    (munus)ha-za-la _dam_-su2 (disz)hu-i-til-la (disz)u2-ku-ia _szesz_-szu2 (disz)e-en-na-mu-sza _szesz_-szu2 (disz)ka-nu-ka4-a-a _szesz_-szu2 (munus)u2-kur3-e-el-li a-ha-as-su2 _gal_ 1(u) 1(disz) (disz)a-kip-ti-ir-we# u3 (disz)pu-hi-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ta-ta-a-a (munus)wa-hu-ia _dumu-munus_-su2 (disz)sze-en-na-a-[be _szesz_]-szu2 (disz)ha-na-a-a (disz)ar-szu-a-la (disz)ha-szi-ip-til-la _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ti-ir-wi-ia _dumu_-szu2 (disz)zi-ka4-tu4 _dumu_-szu2 (disz)a-ka4-wa _dumu_-[szu2]

    (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ta-i-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ha-[x x] _dumu#_-szu2 _gal_ 1(u) 2(disz) an-nu-ti (disz)ar-szu-a-la (disz)wa-ah-ri-sze-en-ni (disz)ki-i-am-szi _dumu_-szu2 u3 (munus#)[x]-eh-li _dumu-munus_-su2 (disz)ta-am-pu-usz-til (disz)ut-hap-ta-e _dumu_-szu2 (disz)szu-a#-[tu4] (disz)[eh]-li-te-szup# _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ir-wi-hu-ta _dumu_-szu2 (munus)[x-x-x] x (d)3(u)-du-ri

    _gal_ 1(u) 5(disz) (disz)(d)3(u)-_dingir_ (disz)sza-ma-hul (disz)ha-tar-te _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ha-ni-ku _dumu_-[szu2] (disz)szi-mi-ka4-tal _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ar-ru-um-pa _dumu_-szu2 (disz)[x x x] (disz)wi-ir-ri-ku _dumu_-szu2 (munus)szu-sze-en-na _dumu-munus#_-[su2] (munus)hu-me-re-el-li u3 (munus)sza-wa-a-a [x x x] _gal_ 1(u) 4(disz) an-nu-ti (disz)ha-tar-te-e? [x x x] (disz)te-hi-ia (disz)ar-zi-iz-za _dumu_-szu2 (disz)x-[x-x-x] u3 (munus)i-li-im-na-a-a _dumu-munus_-su2

    (disz)ut-hap-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu2 (munus)pu-hu-me-en#-[ni ...] (disz)na-ip-til-la (munus)il-lu-ra-ri _dam_-[su2 ...] _gal_ 1(u) 1(disz) (disz)ni-in-ki-ia (disz)ta-i-it-ta (munus)asz-du-uh-ha-a-a [x x x] (disz)zi-ke2 (munus)sza-ta-re-el-li _dam_-[su2 x x x] (disz)u2-ku-ia (munus)zu-lu-up-ta-a-a _dumu-munus_-[su2] (disz)eh-li-ia _szesz_-szu2 (disz)tu3-ra-ri [...] (disz)ha-szi-a-an (disz)pu-i-ta-e _dumu_-szu2 (munus)sza-a-[...] (disz)el-la-ka4-a-a _dumu_-szu2 (munus)ha-za-la-a-a [x x x]

    (disz)i-zi-ku u3 (disz)ar-ti-ir-wi _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ar-pi2-hi (disz)u2-nap-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu2 (disz)sze#-[...] (disz)ha-szi-ip-til-la _dumu_-szu2 _gal_ 1(u) 2(disz) (disz)ar#-[ti-ir-wi] (disz)ti-ir-wi-ia (disz)a-ri-ih-ha-[ma-an-na x x x] (munus)it-hi-im-ma-na-tu4 _dumu-munus_-su2 [...] (disz)a-kap-ta-e (disz)ar-szi-mi#-[ka4 ...] (disz)na-i-ip-szi-mi-ka4 _dumu_-szu2 (disz)el#-[...] _gal_ 1(u) 1(disz) (disz)a-kap-ta-e (disz)tup-ki-ia (munus)szi-ma-a-a [...] (disz)e-en-na-ma-ti na-[...]

    (munus)ha-szi-il-lu _dam_-su2 [...]

    AI Translation

    Kanuteya, Akittu, his son; Shekartilla, Taitila, his brother; ...-hussu; Tiantuku, his son; Ariptila, his son; Akiptasheni, his son; Beliya; Akit-tirwe, his son; Tuultuka; and Biriya, his daughter; 11 of Shekartil-tupsharru; Arteshup; Akawatil, his son; Wahrisheni;

    Hazala, his wife, Huitilla; Ukuya, his brother; Ennamusha, his brother; Kanukaya, his brother; Ukur-elli, his brother; 11 women; Akiptirwe and Puhi-sheenni, his son; Tataya; Wahuya, his daughter; Sheen-nabe, his brother; Hanaya; Arshu-ala; Hashiptila, his son; Tirwiya, his son; Zikatu, his son; Akawa, his son;

    Akiptashenni, his son; Taishenni, his son; Ha..., his senior son; 12 of these; Arshu-ala, Wahri-shenni; Ki-amshi, his son, and ...-ehli, his daughter; Tampushtil; Uthaptae, his son; Shuatu; Ahlite-sup, his son; Irwihuta, his son; ...;

    15th in number, Sin-ilu, Shamahul, Hatarte, his son, Haniku, his son, Shimi-katal, his son, Arrumpa, his son, ..., Wirriku, his son, Shushena, his daughter, Humerelli and Shawaya, ..., 14th in number, Hatarte, ..., Tehiya, Arzizza, his son, ... and Ilimnaya, his daughter,

    Uthapsheni, his son, Puhuni ...; Niptila, Illurari, his wife ...; 11 women: Ninkia, Taitta, Ashdohhu, ...; Zike, Shatar-eli, his wife ...; Ukuya, Zulupta, his daughter; Ahlia, his brother, Turari, ...; Hashian, Puitae, his son, Sha...; Ella-ka'a, his son, Hazalaya, ...;

    Iziku and Artirwi, his son; Arpihi; Unapsheni, his son; She...; Hashiptila, his son; 12; Artirwi, Tirwia; Arihhamana ...; Ithimmanatu, his daughter; ...; Akaptae, Arshimmi-ka ...; Nipshimmi-ka, his son; El...; 11 Akaptae, Tuppeia, Shima'a ...; Ennamati .

    a female kid, his wife .



    (disz)a-kap-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu2 (munus)[x x x] (munus)a-ki-im-ni-nu _dumu-munus_-su2 (disz)x-[x x x] (munus)szur-ki-wa-ti _dumu-munus_-su2 _gal_ 1(u) (disz)[...] (disz)ki-pa2-u2-ra-asz-sze (disz)pu-un-na-du# [x x x] (munus)hal-pa-a-hi _dam_-su2 (disz)sum-mi-ia (disz)a-ri-[x x x] (disz)pil-masz-sze (disz)u2-nap-ta-e _szesz_-szu2 (disz)ha-ma-an-[na] (disz)i-ni-ip-tu3-ra _dumu_-szu2 (disz)szi-mi-ka4-tal _dumu_-szu2 (disz)wi-ir-ra _dumu_-szu2-ma _gal_ 1(u) 2(disz) (disz)i-ni-ip-tu3-ra

    (disz#)hu-pi2-ta (disz)ha-szi-in-na-mar _szesz_-szu2 (munus)me-ra#-[al-lu] [a]-ha-as-su2 (munus)u2-me-ra-ah-hi a-ha-as-su2-ma (disz)ir-wi-lugal (disz)hi-ir-szi-ia (disz)ta-a-e _szesz_-szu2 (disz)e-en-szuk2-ru (disz)_dingir_-ha-bil (disz)ut-hap-ta-e (disz)sze-el-la-pa-i 3(disz) _dumu-mesz_-szu2 (munus)asz-ta-a-a _dumu-munus_-su2 (disz)a-kap-ta-e _dumu_-szu2 _gal_ 1(u) 4(disz) (disz)e-en-szuk2-ru (disz)_dingir-si3_-na (disz)u2-ur-til-la _dumu_-szu2 _gal_ (disz)a-kip-til-[la]

    (disz)_szesz_-ni _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ma-an-nu-ma-hi-ir-szu _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ar-[x x x] (disz)zu-u2-uh-hi _dumu_-szu2 (disz)(d)utu-ub?-la (munus)asz-ta-a-a _dumu-munus_-su2 (munus)nu-ru-ma-tu4 _dumu-munus_-su2 _gal_ 1(u) (disz)_dingir-[si3_-na] (disz)a-pa-a-a-til (disz)te-hu-up-sze-en-ni (disz)en-szesz-[szu] (disz)ur-hi-til-la _dumu_-szu2 (munus)ku-un-zi-pa-tu4 _dumu-munus_-[su2] (disz)zi-zi-ia (disz)ni-in-ki-ia _dumu_-szu2 (disz)el-hi-ip-til-la _dumu_-szu2 [(disz)]szi-mi-ka4-tal _dumu_-szu2 (disz)[x-x-x]

    [(disz)]el#-la-ku-ia _dumu_-szu2# [(munus)]nu-hu-ia _dumu-munus_-su2 [(munus)]ke2-la-a-a [kal2]-la-as-su2 _gal_ 1(u) 3(disz) (disz)[...] [(disz)x]-pa-ta (munus)um#-mi-tu3-ra _dumu-munus_-su2 (disz)ku-x-[x x x] [(disz)]x-x-sza _dumu#_-szu2# (disz)ur-hi-til-la _dumu_-szu2 (munus)wu-un#-[x x x] _dumu-munus_-su2 (disz#)it#-ha-a-pi2-he (disz)en-na-ma-ti _szesz_-szu (disz)el-hi-ip-til-la _szesz_-szu2 _gal_ 1(u) (disz)ar-pi2-he (disz)ur-hi-ia (disz)ta-an-dingir (disz)ta-i-ka4 _dumu_-szu2

    (disz)ut-hap-ta-e _dumu_-szu2 (disz)a-ri-il-lu (disz)wi-ir-ri-ku _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ar-ti-ir-wa _dumu_-szu2 (munus)asz-ta-a-a _dumu-munus_-su2 (munus)szi-im-te# _dumu-munus_-su2 (munus)hu-ur-pu _dumu#-[munus_-su2] (munus)sza-tu3-ia _dumu-munus_-su2 _gal_ 1(u) 1(disz) (disz)a-ri-il-lu (disz)ke2-en-na-bi (disz)hu-ti-ia (disz)ta#-mar-ta-e _szesz_-szu2 (disz)ku-uz-zi-ra _szesz_-szu2 (disz)a-kip-ta#-sze-en-ni _dumu_-szu (disz)tur2-mar-ti (munus)ku-li-im-ma-tu4 _dam_-su2

    (disz)ta-ha-nu-ti _dumu_-szu2 (munus)sza-am-hu-li _dam_-at (disz)ar-pi2-he (disz)el-la-ka4 _gal_ 1(u) (disz)hu-ti-ia (disz)a-bu-ia (disz)tar-mi-ia _dumu_-szu2 (munus)na-wa-a-a _dumu-munus_-su2 (munus)a-kap-ki-a-sze _dumu-munus_-su2 (munus)szi-ir-wi-ip-ki-a-sze _dumu-munus_-[su2] _dam_ (disz)a-kap-sze-en-ni sza (iri)tar-ba2-asz-he-na (munus)tu3-ra-ri-tu4 a-ha-as-su2 (munus)asz-ta-hu-ta _ki-min_ (disz)te-esz-szu-ia (disz)te-hi-ip-til-la _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ip-sza2-ha-lu _dumu_-[szu2]

    ul-a-ma-asz-szi (disz)eh-li-te-szup _dumu_-szu2 (disz)ki-bi-[x x x] (disz)ta-an-dingir _dumu_-szu2 (munus)di-ta-a#-a _dam_-su2 (munus)a-we-esz-mu-sze _dumu-munus_-su2 _gal_ 1(u) 7(disz) (disz)[...] (disz)a-ki-ia (disz)ke2-wa-ta-e (disz)ur-hi-[...] (disz)a-ri-ip-pa-ap-ni# (disz)hu-ti-ia _dumu#_-[szu2 x x x] (disz)szuk2-ri-te-szup _dumu_-szu2 (disz)u2-nap-te-szup _dumu_-szu2 [...] (disz)ku-na-a-a _gal_ 1(u) (disz)a-ki#-[ia]

    AI Translation

    Kapshenni, his son; ...; Akimninu, his daughter; ...; Shurki-wati, his daughter; 10 ...; Kiparashhe, Punnadu, ...; Halpahi, his wife; Iddinaya; Ari...; Pilassu; Unaptae, his brother; Hamana; Iniptura, his son; Shimi-katal, his son; Warra, his son; 12 Iniptura

    Hupita, Hashin-amar, his brother, a female kid, a female kid, a female kid, and Irwi-sharri, Hirsiya, Taya, his brother, Enshukru, Il-habil, Uthaptae, Shellapai, his 3 sons, Ashtaya, his daughter, Akaptae, his son, the chief; 14 of Enshukru, Ili-sina, Urtilla, his son, the chief, Akkiptila,

    Ahunu, his son; Mannu-mahirshu, his son; Ar...; Zuhhi, his son; Shamash-ubla; Ashtaya, his daughter; Nurumatu, his second daughter; 10 Ilu-bani; Apayatil, Tehup-shenni; Bel-ahushu; Urhitilla, his son; Kunzipatu, his daughter; Ziziya; Ninkiya, his son; Elhiptilla, his son; Shimikatal, his son; ...;

    Elakuya, his son; Nuhuya, his daughter; Kelaya, his daughter; 13 ...; ...-pata, Ummitura, his daughter; Ku...; ...sha, his son; Urhitilla, his son; Kun-..., his daughter; Ithapihe; Ennamati, his brother; Elhiptila, his brother; 10 Arpihe, Urhiya; Tan-il; Taika, his son;

    Uthaptae, his son, Ari-ilu; Warriku, his son; Artirwa, his son; Ashtaya, his daughter; Shimte, his daughter; Hurpu, his daughter; Shatuya, his daughter; 11 of Ari-ilu; Ke'enabi, Hutiya; Tamartae, his brother; Kuzzara, his brother; Akiptashenni, his son; Turmarti, Kulimatu, his wife;

    Tahanuti, her son; Samhuli, wife of Arpihen; Elaka, the chief; 10 Hutia; Abiya; Tarmiya, his son; Nawaya, his daughter; Akapkiashe, his daughter; Shirwipkiashe, his daughter; wife of Akapshenni of Tarbashhena; Turaritu, his wife; Ashtahuta, ditto; Teshuya; Tehiptila, his son; Ipshalu, his son;

    ulamashhi, Elliteshu, his son, Kibbi-..., Tan-il, his son, Mitâ, his wife, Aweshmushe, his daughter, 17 ..., Akiya, Kewatae, Urhi-..., Arippani, Hutiya, his son, ..., Shukritesup, his son, Unaptesup, his son, ..., Kunaya, the great, 10 of Akiya.



    _szu-nigin2_ 2(disz) ma-ti# 2(u) 4(disz) _ir3-mesz e2-gal_-li3 it#-[ti] sze#-er-ri-szu sza (iri)tur2-sza _(na4)kiszib3_ e-zi-ra _(na4)kiszib3_ ti-sza#-mu-usz-ni _(na4)kiszib3_ pa-i-til-la

    AI Translation

    Total: 2 countries 24 cities of the palace with his ... of Tursha. Seal of Ezira. Seal of Tishamushni. Seal of Patila.

    P408531: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _4(ban2) 6(disz) sila3_ ka3-mu-nu
  • _2(ban2) 4(disz) sila3_ ku-us-si2-bar-ra-tu4
  • sza (iri)zi-zi-we (disz)a-ri-ih-ha-a-a u3 (disz)a-ri-ip-wa-kal2-sze u2-bi-la

  • _1(disz) ansze_ sa3-mi-t,u3
  • _3(ban2)?_ zi-bi-bi-an-ni
  • AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 6 sila3 of ka'unu-seeds;
  • 2 ban2 4 sila3 of kussibarratu-bread;
  • of Zizwe, Arihhaya and Arip-wakalshe brought.

  • 1 donkey, samitu,
  • 3 seahs of zigbi-bani-annu-seeds,
  • Reverse

  • _5(ban2)_ ka4-su2-u2
  • sza i-na muh-hi-szu-nu ir-te-hu _na4_ (disz)a-ri-ih-ha-a-a

    AI Translation
  • 5 seahs of kasû-bread;
  • which had flown from them, the stone of Arihhaya,

    P408589: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • _2(disz) ma-na_ a-na-ku
  • 1(disz) na-ah-la-ap-tu4
  • (disz)szu-ri-hi-lu _lu2 dam-gar3_

    AI Translation
  • 2 minas I
  • 1 nahlaptu-vessel,
  • Shuri-hilu, merchant;

    P408597: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-at _3(u) (gesz)gu-za#_ [x x x]
  • _4(u) 6(disz) (gesz)gu-za-mesz_ sza [x x x]
  • _1(disz) 1(u) (gesz)gu-za sza (gesz)sza# [x x x]
  • 3(u) (gesz)pi2-it-nu sza x [x x x]
  • 3(u) (gesz)su2-us-su2-ul-ku# [x x x]
  • 8(disz) (gesz)pi2-it-nu sza [...]
  • 6(disz) (gesz)pi2-it-nu sza [x x x]
  • 2(disz) (gesz)u2-ru-un-za-nu# [sza x x x]
  • 7(disz) (gesz)ta-ku-la-at-hu# [x x x]
  • 8(disz) (gesz)ma-at-qa-nu [...]
  • [il]-te#-en-nu-tu4 ka4-an-[da2-ru x x x]

  • [5(disz) ta]-ah-pu-usz-hu sza [...]
  • [5(u) 6(disz)] pur#-si2-tu4 sza (gesz)[x x x]
  • 4(u) 4(disz) zi#-a-na-tu4 1(disz) _tug2_ [...]
  • 3(disz) ta#-pa#-lu _(gesz)na2-mesz_ [...]
  • 2(disz) ka#-ah#-ru sza# [...]
  • 2(disz) ut-[ta]-al?#-[lu x x x]
  • 1(disz) ku-ub-bu# sza# [...]
  • 3(disz) a-ga5-nu sza# _uruda_ it-ti# [...]
  • 1(disz) a-ga5-nu sza _zabar_ [x x x]
  • 3(disz) ru-uq-qe3-tu4 sza [x x x]
  • 3(disz) (gesz)su2-us-su2-lu [x x x]
  • 3(u) ta-pa-lu _(gesz)na2_ [x x x]
  • _2(disz) gi_ x a-pe2-el2-lu# x [...]
  • [...] [...] [...] [...] x sza wa-x [x x] [...] _zabar#_ [...] x x x [...] _lugal_

    AI Translation
  • 1 thirty throne ...,
  • 46 throne-bearers of ...;
  • 1 throne of ...;
  • 30 reed baskets of ...;
  • 30 ...-wood ...;
  • 8 ...-wood ...
  • 6 ...-woods of ...;
  • 2 sceptres of ...;
  • 7 ...-wood ...;
  • 8 ... ...
  • they have sworn by the name of .

  • 5 tahpu-vessels of ...;
  • 56 reed-beds of ...;
  • 44 sashes, 1 ...-garment,
  • 3 ... of ... .
  • 2 ...s of ...;
  • 2 ...
  • 1 ... of ...;
  • 3 aganu-vessels of copper with .
  • 1 aganu-vessel of bronze ...;
  • 3 ruqqetu-vessels of ...;
  • 3 ...-wood ...;
  • 30 ... of ... wood,
  • 2 reeds ... I will ... .
  • ... ... ... bronze ... ... king



    [x] ta#-pa-lu [x x x]-nu-tu4 sza (gesz)sza-ak-ku-ul-li# uh-hu-zu [il-te]-en-nu-tu4# [x x x] (gesz)sza-asz-szu-gi5 [x] _na2_ sza _(gesz)ku#_ [sza] x-ta-ri-szu-nu u3 pa2-ha-an-ta-[ri]

  • _2(disz) _(gesz)gu-za-mesz_ sza [(gesz)x x] it#-ti (gesz!(_ma_))pi2-it-ni-[szu-nu]
  • _6(disz) (gesz)gu#-za-mesz_ sza e-[be]-ri
  • _2(disz) banszur_ sza _(gesz)ku_ [sza] _kaskal_-ni
  • _1(disz) (gesz)gu-za_ sza szi-in-ni# pi2-ru gi-la-mu#
  • 1(u) 1(disz) [n] (gesz#)pi2-it-nu la-be#-ru# 2(disz) ta-ku-la-at-hu#
  • 1(u) [n] ta-ku-la-at-he2 (gesz)[x] sza# _sag-du_-(szu)-nu [x x x]
  • _1(u) [n] [(gesz)]gu#-za-mesz#_ sza e-be-[ri]
  • 2(disz) ta#-pa-lu si2-is-si2-in#-[ni] sza _ku3-babbar_ [x x x si2-is]-si2-in-[ni sza _ku3-sig17_]
  • 2(disz) du2-u2-du2 sza _uruda_ 1(disz) [...] sza du#-du2#-u2 : sza
  • _1(disz) (gesz)banszur_ sza szi-in-ni [pi2]-ra# uh-hu-zu sza [x]
  • _3(disz) (gesz)banszur_ sza szi-in-ni [pi2]-ra uh-hu-zu sza u2-[x x]
  • _4(disz) (gesz)banszur_ sza _(gesz)ku_
  • 3(disz) ta2-ku-la-at-hu sza# _uruda_ sza i-ga5-ri [x x]
  • _3(u) 1(disz) (gesz)banszur_ [sza] 2(disz)#-hi-lu [x] _(gesz)banszur_ sza _tur-tur_
  • 3(disz) (gesz)it-qu2-[ru x x (gesz)]it#-qu2-ru sza _i3_
  • 2(disz) (gesz)it-qu2-[ru x x x]
  • [x] (gesz)ta#-[ku-la-at-hu sza x sza] i-ga5-ri [...] [...] [...] [...]

  • 9(disz)# nu-sza#-[bu ...]
  • 1(disz) nu-sza-bu [...]
  • 1(disz) nu-sza-bu sza ha#-[asz-ma-ni]
  • an-nu-ut4 u2-na-tu3# [sza x x x] (disz)ti4-sza-am-mu-[usz-ni x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... of the shakkullu-wood, they have brought them. ... of the shakshugi-wood, ... of the ... of their ... and pahantaru-wood,

  • 2 chairs of ... with their ...;
  • 6 chairs for the ebaru-festival;
  • 2 banshur of ... of the road;
  • 1 chair of shinnu-wood, a reed basket of gilamu-seeds;
  • 11 ... of reeds, 2 of takulaghu-wood,
  • ... ... of ... whose head .
  • ... thrones of the ebaru,
  • 2 baskets of ... of silver; ... of ... of gold;
  • 2 copper ...s, 1 ... of copper ... : of
  • 1 table of ..., a ... of ...;
  • 3 tables of ...,
  • 4 tables of ...;
  • 3 ... of copper for a stela ...;
  • 31 tables of 2 halû; x tables of small;
  • 3 ...-wood, ...-wood, oil-wood,
  • 2 ...-wood ...;
  • ... a takulatu-wood, which ... that is piled up ...

  • 9 weavers ...
  • 1 nu-shabu-stone .
  • 1 nushabu-vessel of ha'ashmanu;
  • These are the ... of ... Tishammushni .

    Column 1


    [_(na4)kiszib3_ (disz)e]-zi-ra

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ezira

    Column 2


    _(na4)kiszib3_ (disz)pa-i-til-la

    AI Translation

    Seal of Pittilla

    Column 3


    _na4-kiszib#_ [(disz)ti4-sza-am-mu]-usz#-ni

    AI Translation

    Seal of Tishammushni,

    P408613: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-mesz_ sza _e2-gal_-li3
  • a-na 4(disz) ta-pa-lu _tug2-mesz_ sza _lu2-mesz_ ta-lu-uh-le-e (disz)er-wi-hu-ta sza (iri)a-szu-hi-isz il-qe3 u3 4(disz) ta-pa-lu _tug2-mesz_ i-ip-pu-usz

  • _1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-mesz_ a-na
  • 4(disz) ta-pa-lu _tug2-mesz_ a-na
  • (disz)mu-ut-ta na-ad-nu u3 (disz)u2-lu-li-ia sza (iri)_gesztin_-na il-qe3

  • _6(disz) ma-na siki-mesz_ a-na
  • 2(disz) ta-pa-lu _(tug2-mesz)_ a-na (disz)wa-ah-ri-sze-en-ni
  • sza (iri)_gesztin_-na na-ad-nu _siki-mesz_ (disz)u2-lu-li-ia il#-[qe3]

  • 3(u) _ma-na siki-mesz_
  • a-na 1(u) ta-pa-lu _tug2-[mesz_ a-na] e-pe3-szi a-na (disz)u2-na-ap-sze-en-[ni]

    AI Translation
  • 12 minas of wool of the palace;
  • For 4 baskets of linen garments of the men of the taluhle-offering, Erwihuta of Ashush he took, and 4 baskets of linen he made.

  • 12 minas of wool for
  • 4 ... garments for
  • Mutta, the nadnu, and Ululia of the wine-producing town, have taken.

  • 6 minas of wool for
  • 2 tapalu-garments for Wahrishenni;
  • Ululia took wool from the wine-producing town of the city of Geshtinna.

  • 30 minas of wool;
  • to 10 tapalu-garments for the work, to Unapshenni,



    sza (iri)kum-ri na-ad#-[nu]

  • _2(u) 4(disz) ma-na siki-mesz_
  • a-na 8(disz) ta-pa-lu _tug2-mesz_ e-pe3-szi a-na (disz)ar-ta-hu-pi2 sza (iri)s,il2-li2-ia-we na-ad-nu u3 _siki-mesz_ sza2-a-szu (disz)u2-na-ap-sze-en-ni il-te-qe3

  • _6(disz) ma-na siki-mesz_ a-na
  • 2(disz) ta-pa-lu _tug2-mesz_
  • e-pe3-szi a-na (disz)ir-wi-hu-ta sza (iri)pu-ru-ul-li-we na-ad-nu _na4_ (disz)er-wi-hu-ta

    AI Translation

    of Kummu are given.

  • 24 minas of wool;
  • for 8 baskets of garments he made. To Artahupi of Shilliyawe he gave. Moreover, the garments of him, Unapshenni, he took.

  • 6 minas of wool for
  • 2 tapalu-garments, garments;
  • Irwihuta of Purulliwe has given. Stone of Erwihuta

    Column 1


    _na4_ (disz)u2-lu-li-ia

    AI Translation

    stone of Ululiya.

    Column 2


    _na4_ (disz)u2-na-ap-sze-en-ni

    AI Translation

    stone of Unapshenni.

    P408619: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) (gesz)kur3-su2
  • sza _e2-gal_-li3 u3 (disz)nu-la-za-hi _dumu_ a-ta-a-a il-te-qe3 u3

    AI Translation
  • 6 mountain ewes,
  • which Palace and Nula-zahi, son of Ataya, have taken, and



    _na4_ (disz)nu-la-za-hi

    AI Translation

    stone of Nula-zahi.

    P408624: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    u3 szu-u2 [x x x] x [x x x] um-ma [x x x] x [x x x]

  • 2(disz) _lu2-mesz#_ [x x x] x [x x x] la x [x x x]
  • la e-[x x x] i? [x x x] bi-ti x [x x x] a#-ma x [x x x] ku-ur-ri-wa-ah#?-[x x x] asz-bu um-ma (disz)ke2-li-ia-[ma x x x]

    AI Translation

    and he ...

  • 2 men ...
  • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I was speaking to Kuriwah ..., saying: "Keliya .



    a-na-ku la al-li#-[x x x] (disz)ku-usz-szi-har-be [x x x] na-ki-ru x [x x x] um-ma (disz)ku-[usz-szi-har-be-ma] [x x] la [...]

    AI Translation

    I did not go ... Kuush-shiharbe, the enemy ..., saying: "Kush-shiharbe ... not .

    P408636: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    (munus)na#-ma#!-[az-za-ni] (munus)el-la#-sza-ri (munus)zi-lip2-ni-ir-sze# (munus)a-ha-[tu3]-pa#-na (munus)u2#?-[usz]-sze#-en-na-a-a (munus)ha-[szu]-ub-tu4 (munus)i-we-til-(la) (munus)dam2-qi2-in-na#-[a] (munus)ni-[szi-ir]-pi2 (munus)wa#-[ku]-pi2-sza (munus)a#-zu-a-an-ti (munus)tu3-ru-me-el-li (munus)u2-ra-ma#-tu4

    AI Translation

    Namazani, Ella-shari, Zilipnirshe, Ahatupana, Uush-shenaya, Habtu, Iwetila, Damqinna, Nishirpi, Wakupisha, Azu-anti, Turu-melli, Uramatu,



    _szu#-nigin2#_ 1(u) 3(disz) _munus-mesz#_ e#-si2-ir-ti [x] _tal i3-mesz_ e-el-lu sza# i#-leq#-qu2#-u2

    AI Translation

    Total: 13 female kids, x full-grown oil, which they took.

    P408638: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) gu-un 1(u) ma-na_
  • _uruda-mesz_ a-na szi-im u2-ri-nu u3 ta-am-ka4-ar-[hu] u3 lu a-su2 u3 et-na-ka4-bi-i u3 da2-ap-ra-nu u3 lu-u2 szu-ur-mi-nu (disz)i-li-ti-ia _lu2_ ta-am-ka4-ar il-qe3

    AI Translation
  • 10 talents 10 minas
  • Ilitia, the one who took the copper for the uribu and the tamkarhu offerings, or the asu and the enakabû offerings, or the dappanu offerings or the shurminu offerings, took it.



    i-na _iti_ hi-zu-ri# i-il-la-[ak]

    AI Translation

    He goes in the month of Hizuru.

    P408644: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) ma-na zabar_ sza _e2-gal_-li3
  • a-na _szu_ (disz)tar-mi-te-szup _dub-sar_ na-ad-nu u3 5(disz) _ban2 sze_ u2-ub-ba2-la

  • _5(disz) ma-na zabar_ a-na _szu_-ti (disz)ni-nu-a-tal _ki-min_
  • _5(disz) ma-na zabar_ a-na _szu_ (disz)tu3-ul-tuk3-ka4 _ki-min_
  • _[n] ma#-na zabar_ a-na _szu_ (disz)a-ha-am-szi _ki-min_ _[n] ma#-na zabar_ a-na _szu_ (disz)a-ri-ip-lugal _ki-min_ _[n ma]-na zabar_ a-na _szu_ (disz)ku-ba2-ta _ki-min_ [_n ma]-na# zabar_ a-na _szu_ (disz)e-he2-el-te-szup _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar_ a-na _szu_ (disz)zi-lip2-sze-en-ni _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na [_szu_] (disz)ku-le-en _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_ (disz)ta-u2-um-mi _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_ (disz)ur-hi-te-szup _ki-min_

    [_n ma-na zabar_] a-na _szu_ (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-en-ni _lu2_ ka4-s,i2-ru _ki-min_ [_n ma-na zabar_] a-na _szu_ (disz)ha#-al-sze-en-ni _ki-min_ [_n ma-na zabar_] a-na _szu_ (disz)sza2-[x x x _ki-min_] [_n ma-na zabar_] a-na _szu_ (disz)ul-mi-[til-la _ki-min_] [_n ma-na zabar_] a-na _szu_ (disz)hu-pi2-[ta _ki-min_] [_n ma-na zabar_] a-na _szu_ (disz)a-u2-tu3-ur-[ta _ki-min_] [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_ (disz)tu-ra-ar-te-a#?-a#? _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_ (disz)nam-hi-ia _ki-min_

    [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_ (disz)szi-ha-asz-sze-en-ni _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_ (disz)na-ni-ip-te-szup _ki-min_ [_n ma-na] zabar#_ a-na _szu_-ti [(disz)x-x-x]-x _ki-min_

    AI Translation
  • 5 minas of bronze of the palace;
  • to the hand of Tarmiteshup, the scribe, given, and 5 sutu of barley he shall weigh out.

  • 5 minas of bronze for the hand of Ninuatal, ditto.
  • 5 minas of bronze, in the charge of Tuultukka, ditto.
  • n minas of bronze for the hand of Ahamshi, n minas of bronze for the hand of Ariplugal, n minas of bronze for the hand of Kubata, n minas of bronze for the hand of Ehelteshup, n minas of bronze for the hand of Zilipshenni, n minas of bronze for the hand of Kullen, n minas of bronze for the hand of Tummi, n minas of bronze for the hand of Urhiteshup, ditto.

    n minas of bronze by the hand of Akiptash-shéni, the messenger; n minas of bronze by the hand of Halsheni; n minas of bronze by the hand of Sha...; n minas of bronze by the hand of Ulmitila; n minas of bronze by the hand of Hupita; n minas of bronze by the hand of Auturta; n minas of bronze by the hand of Turartea; n minas of bronze by the hand of Namhiya;

    n minas of bronze in the charge of Shihashenni, ditto; n minas of bronze in the charge of Nanipteshup, ditto; n minas of bronze in the charge of ..., ditto.

    Column 1


    _na4_ (disz)tar-mi-te-szup _na4_ (disz)ul-mi-til-la _na4_ (disz)szi-ha-asz-sze-en-ni _na4_ (disz)na-ni-ip-te-szup

    AI Translation

    stone of Tarmiteshup, stone of Ulmitila, stone of Shihashenni, stone of Nanipteshup.

    Column 2


    _na4_ (disz)a-ha-a-a-am-szi _na4_ (disz)e-he2-el-te-szup _na4_ (disz)tu3-ul-tuk3-ka4 _na4#_ [(disz)x-x-x-x]

    AI Translation

    stone of Ahi-ammashi, stone of Ehelte-shub, stone of Tuultukka, stone of .



    [_na4_] (disz#)ku-ba2-ta#

    AI Translation

    Stone of Kubata.

    P408664: letter tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    a-na _sukkal_ qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (disz)el-hi-ip-ta#-sze#-ni#-ma# un-du _kur2-mesz_ iq-ta#-[bu]-u# u3 a-na-ku (disz)ta#-e# u3# (disz)u2-tasz x [x] x _lu2#_ sza (iri)nu-zi# [x x uz]-zi-is-su2-nu-ti u3 ak-[...] x _kaskal_ sza# [...] mi-[...] u3# [...] x-ti-iq x [...] x [...] x [...] un-du#? [...] u3 a-na?# [...]

    AI Translation

    To the vizier speak! Thus Elhiptasheni: "He has been killed, the enemies have spoken to me." Further, I, Tae and Utash ... the man of Nuzi ... they killed them and ... ... the road which ... ... and ... ... ... ... and to .



    i-na x [...] ti-x [...] u3 sza-[an]-nu# la asz-bu a-na _lugal_ qi2-bi2 u3 t,e4-ma li-isz-ku-un

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... and the other is not present. Say to the king and give me a report.

    P408665: letter tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    a-na (disz)a#-ka4-a-a um#-ma (disz)ta#-ti-ip-te-szup-ma [(disz)]dingir-a-a-ba2-asz [(disz)a]-ha-a-a-am-szi [(disz)x-x]-ta-e (disz#)kip#-ta#-li-li# u3 (disz)ha-szi-pa-[...] x

  • 6(disz) _lu2-mesz_ [...]
  • ul-li#-[ti] _asz_ (iri)x-[...]

    AI Translation

    To Akaya: "Tatipte-shuba, Ila-abash, Ahaya-amshi, ...tae, Kipta-lili and Hashipa-.

  • 6 men ...
  • The former, the city ... .



    szu-bi-la-[szu-nu-ti] u3 li-il-x [...] _asz_ muh-hi _lugal_

    AI Translation

    and ... ... concerning the king

    P408666: letter tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    [um-ma] _lugal_-ma _ansze#-kur-ra_ ak#-[ka-nu] [sza] _e2-gal_-li3 [u3] (disz)sza-at-ta-u2-az-[za] a-na (disz)a-kip-ta-sze-en#-[ni] _si3#_-nu _iti_ [hi]-a-ri i-gam2-ma-ar u3 _iti_ hi-in#-[zu]-ri#-we#

  • 1(u)-szu i-na-sa3-ah
  • AI Translation

    "The king will give the horses of the palace and Shatta-uzaza to Akitashenni." He will multiply the monthly rations and the monthly rations.

  • he will remove his 10 .
  • Reverse


    u3 a-na (disz)sza-at-ta-u2-az#-za# u2-ta-ar

    AI Translation

    and returned to Shatta-uzaza.

    P408667: letter tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    a-[na ...]-ru# qi2#-[bi2-ma ...] [um-ma ...]-ta-sze-en-ni-ma _a-mesz_# [...] szu li-[...] u3 _(gesz)kiri6_ sza _e2-mesz e2-gal_-li2

    AI Translation

    To ... speak! Thus ...: "... you have questioned me, and the water ... ... ... and the orchards of the palaces



    _a-mesz_ li-isz-qu2-u2 u3 ki-me-e _a-mesz_ li-isz-qu2-u2 u3 _a-mesz_ al-li-ka4-am-ma te-er-szu

    AI Translation

    May the water flow, and may the earth flow, and may the water flow. I will come and take it.

    P408670: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


    t,up-pa2-tu4 sza _numun-mesz_ u3 sza ku-ru-usz-te

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning seeds and kurushtu-plants,

    P408671: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


    t,up-pa2-tu3 an-[nu]-tu4# szu ra x pa x

    AI Translation

    These tablets .

    P408689: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) ansze# 1(barig) 1(ban2)_ mu-un-du#
  • _1(disz) ansze# 1(barig) 2(ban2) munu6-mesz_
  • sza (iri)u2-ri _gal_ i-na _egir_ %hu szi-im-tu3-un-ni

    AI Translation
  • 1 donkey, 1 barig 1 sutu, mu'undu;
  • 1 donkey, 1 barig 2 ban2 of mutton,
  • of the great city Urub after the shimtunnu-offering



    u3 (disz)tup-ki-a u2-bi-la _na4_ (disz)tup-ki-a

    AI Translation

    and Tuplia brought.

    P408703: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) (gesz)banszur_ n [is-qu2-qu2 a-na pa-ni] _lugal_
  • _6(disz) ki-min_ 8(disz) is-qu2-[qu2 a-na _tur-tur-mesz_]
  • _6(disz) ki-min_ 6(disz) is-qu2-qu2# [...] x
  • _8(disz) ki-min_ 4(disz) is-qu2-qu2 a#-[na na-ap]-ta#-na
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ 1(disz) is-qu2-qu2 a-na# [mar]-ki#
  • _5(disz) ki-min_ 2(disz) is-qu2-qu2 a-na [...] x
  • _2(disz) ki-min_ a-na a-ka4-ri-[we]
  • _1(disz) ki-min_ a-na nu-a-ra-ti
  • 1(disz)
  • _[n] ki-min_ a-na# (disz#?)sza-szu-te#-[szub] _[n ki]-min#_ a-na# x-il [...] [... is]-qu2#-qu2# a-na pur-ni#-[hu]

    AI Translation
  • 5 tables, n ... for the king;
  • 6 ditto, 8 are piled up for the little ones.
  • 6 ditto, 6 ... .
  • 8 ditto, 4 ... for naptana-offerings,
  • 1 ditto, 1 ... to the West;
  • 5 ditto, 2 ... to ... .
  • 2 ditto for the akarwe-festival;
  • 1 ditto for the extispicy;
  • 1
  • ... ditto for Shashute-shub; ... ditto for ... ... ... ... he smashed, to .



    [n] is#-qu2#-qu2# a-na ka4-zi-ta#-[asz-sze] [n] is#-qu2#-qu2 a-na ke2-el-tuh#-[le] : sza _munus-lugal_

    AI Translation

    ... he weighed out for the kazitashu-festival; ... he weighed out for the ke'eltuhle-festival : of the queen.

    P408707: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] a [...] x [...] sza# x [...] x x _lu2_ [...] _mesz_ nu-a-ra-tu4 i-leq-qu2-u2 sza sza-ni-sze u4-mi ki-na-an-na-ma i-leq-qu2-u2 u3 sza sza-asz-szi u4-mi

  • _2(disz) gu4 4(disz) sila3_ na-x
  • u3 sza _e2-gal#?_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he will take the ...s. He will take the other day, and the other day.

  • 2 oxen, 4 sila3 ...;
  • and of the palace? .


  • _4(disz) lu2-mesz sanga-mesz_ x
  • _2(disz) lu2-mesz_ nu-a-ra-tu4
  • u3 a-na _1(disz) sila3 ta-a-an_ a-na 3(disz) u4-mi i-il!?(_ib_)-qu2-u2 u3 %hu a#-ni-na (disz)x-pi2 sza x na-ad-nu# [...] x sza# a-na _lugal_ [...] [...]-szu

    AI Translation
  • 4 men, priests ...;
  • 2 men, slanderers;
  • and for 1 sila3 you give, for 3 days he will weigh out. Further, ... of ... ... which to the king ... .



    sa-[x]-ir ri-x

    AI Translation

    P408708: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


    [... te-sza]-szu sza [szi]-in#-ni u3 sza [...] [...] x szu [...] za#?-ak#?-[ka4-szu] %hu u2#-ku-ra-szu-sza [...] ta [...] ur x x [...] x szar? ur-u2-da2#-[szu] [...] x szu# [... s,a-bi4]-it x [...] _[1(disz)] si_ sza x-[x]-gal-[x] sza [... szi-in]-ni u3# [...] x u2-ku-ra#-szu [...] _[1(disz) si_ sza] ha#-[i]-gal-la#-[at-he2 ...] [...] x x szu-a x [...] x-ma#? [...] [te]-e-szi sza# _ku3-sig17#_ x [...] x [...] u2#-ku#-ra-szu sza _gesz_ [...] _sag-du#_ [...] _sag#-du#_-su2 u3 x [...] x szu [...]

    sza u2-ku-ri-sza x [...] a-na# [...]-mi u3 ur-u2-da2-szu# [...] sza x [...]

  • _1(disz) si_ sza# [ha]-i-gal-la#-[at]-he2! te-sza-szu sza# [szi-in-ni]
  • u3 sza# [(gesz)i]-szi-[i ... u2]-ku#-ra-szu sza [...] u3 sza _sag-du_-[su2 ...] u3 x x [...] szu2 sza _ku3-sig17_ i-na ur-u2-da2-[szu ...] x [...] sza# _ku3-sig17_

  • 1(disz) ku-us-si2 [...] x a-am-ti sza na-du-u2
  • _1(disz) si_ sza ha-i#-gal#-la-at-[he2 te-sza-szu sza szi]-in#-ni u3 sza# (gesz)i-szi-i
  • %hu za-ak-ku %akk sza te-e-szi# [...] x sza _si_ sza _ku3#?-sig17#?_ u2#-ku#-[ri-sza ...] u3# ur-u2-da2-szu sza# _si_ [...]

  • _1(disz) si_ sza ha-i-gal-la-at-he2 te#-[sza-szu sza szi]-in#-[ni]
  • u3 sza (gesz)i-szi-i u3 %hu za-ak-ka4-szu x te-e-[szi ...] _ku3-sig17_ i-na _murub4-szu ku3-sig17_ s,a-bi4-it u2#-ku-ra-szu sza (gesz)i-szi#-i# u3 _sag-du_-su2 sza %hu te-ri-ku-un-ni %akk pu-us-sa3-szu uz-na-szu _gir3#_(mesz)-szu ku [...] x ib-ba2-szu u3 [...]-ta#-szu# sza %hu [te]-ri-in-ku-un-ni %akk sza _ku3-sig17_ u3 ur#-u2#-da2-szu# x x _ku3-sig17_ _[1(disz)] si#_ sza ha-i-gal-la-at-he2 te#-[sza]-szu sza szi-in#-ni [u3 sza (gesz)]i-szi#-i _murub4_-szu u3 ur-u2-da2-szu [...] x x x x-szu sza (gesz)i-szi-i

    [...] te-sza-szu sza szi-in-[ni] [...] x-szu sza _(gesz)taszkarin_ [...] x szu [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ..., which is ... and ... ... his zakka'u-vessel he ... his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 si of, which is ..., and ... he ... his ... 1 si of hegallathi ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... of gold ... ... his ... ... his head ... his head and ... .

    of her ukurisha ... to ... and his urudushu-vessel ... of .

  • 1 horn of a harem he has fashioned, of a shinnu-stone.
  • and ... he ... him, ... and ... his head ... and ... ... of gold in his lap ... ... of gold

  • 1 ... ... the sea of the nadu-festival;
  • 1 horn of a harulatu-plant you bind, of a twig and of a twig.
  • ... ... ... ... ... and its ...

  • 1 horn of a harem he has fashioned, of a shinnu-stone.
  • and of the reeds and its zakkanu-wood ... ... gold in its middle, gold in its middle, a shabit-wood he deposited. Of the reeds and its head, of the terriku-wood, his sling, his sling, his ..., his ..., of the terriku-wood, of the reeds and its ..., of the reeds and its ..., of the terriku-wood, of the gold and its ..., gold one sis of the haralath, his ..., of the terriku-wood, his ... and his ... of the terriku-wood,

    ... ... of the ... ... ... of the ...

    P408711: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) na-ri-u2
  • _siki-mesz_ a-na _szu_-ti (munus)lugal-ku-ti na-ad-nu i-pu-szu i-na _iri-dingir-mesz_ it-ti

    AI Translation
  • 6 nariu-stones;
  • They gave wool for the hands of the royal woman and they performed it in the cities with the gods.



    (munus)ia-ma-asz-tu3 %hu ni-iz-za-ak-ka4-mu-um-ma _du3-mesz_-usz _na4_ (munus)lugal-ku-ti

    AI Translation

    The woman Yamashtu, weeping, made a stone for the woman Lugalkutu.

    P408713: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) tug2_ lu-bu-usz-tu3 sza a-szi-ia-an-ni
  • _2(disz) gu2-e3_ 2(disz) hul-la-an-nu lu-bu-usz-tu3 1(disz) _ib2-la2_
  • 2(disz) ku8-zi-tu3 _ki-min_
  • _5(disz) tug2-mesz_ 2(disz)-hi-lu 5(disz) _gu2-e3_ 2(disz)-hi-lu
  • 5(disz) hul-la-an-nu _ki-min_
  • an-nu-ti ki-i-ma _lugal_ _asz_ (iri)u2-lam-me asz-bu (disz)ar-sza-li il-qe3

    AI Translation
  • 2 lubushu garments of my own,
  • 2 gu'e3s, 2 hullanu-sheep, 1 ibla-sheep,
  • 2 ... ditto,
  • 5 textiles, 2 hilu 5 gu-e3 2 hilu
  • 5 evil ditto,
  • As king of Assyria, the city Ashkelon, where Arsaces resides,



    _asz iti_ hi-zu-ri-we ki-ma _dumu_ asz-szur-mu-tak2-ki-il il-li-ka4

    AI Translation

    As soon as the month Hizurwe comes, it will be as as Ashur-mutakkil.

    P408720: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) ka-sa3-tu4 sza _ku3-sig17-mesz_
  • sza ka-u2-ri-ia-an-ni i-na _sza3_-szu-nu 1(disz) ka-zu sza _lugal_ i-na _sza3_-szu-(nu) i-sza-ad-du2-u2

  • 6(disz) ka-sa3-tu4 sza _ku3-sig17-mesz_
  • sza bi-ka-ar-zi-ni

  • 9(disz) ka-sa3-tu4 sza _ku3-babbar_ s,a-ar-pi2
  • sza sza-pa-ti-szu-nu _ku3-sig17_ uh-hu#-za

  • 1(u) ka-sa3-tu4
  • AI Translation
  • 5 bags of gold;
  • of kaurianni among them, one kazu of the king among them they shall divide.

  • 6 kasatu-cakes of gold;
  • of the ka'arzinu-festival.

  • 9 silver kassetu-containers of sarpi-gold;
  • The gold on their lips is adorned with a red ring.

  • 10 kasatu-vessels,
  • Reverse


    sza# _ku3-babbar#_ s,a-ar-pi2 te-gi-be-na sza ti-isz-nu-uh-he2-na _szu-nigin2_ 3(u) ka-sa3-tu4 sza isz-tu (iri)nu-zi (disz)al-wa-szu-uh u3 (disz)el#-hi-ip-til-la _gar e2-gal_-li3 usz#-te-[lu]-szu#-nu-ti-ma i-na _iri#-dingir#-mesz_ u2-bi-lu-szu-nu-ti un-du4 _lu2_ u2-ba2-ru sza _uri_(ki) it-ti (disz)hu-ut-te-szup _dumu lugal_

    AI Translation

    of silver, the sarpi of the tegibelu of Tishnuhhena; total: 30 kasatu-offerings which from Nuzi Alwashuh and Elliptil, the governors of the palace, brought out and brought into the cities, the shangû-official of Akkad, with Hutteshup, the king's son,




    AI Translation

    have come.

    P408726: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • _2(disz) ma-na siki_ isz-tu#?
  • _siki-mesz_ sza _munus lugal_ a-na (munus)ia-ma-asz-tu3 na-ad-nu u3 (disz)er-wi-ur-he# _dumu# kin_

    AI Translation
  • 2 minas of wool from?
  • The clothes of the king's wife are given to the woman Iamashtu and Erwurhe, the messenger.

    P408895: administrative tablet

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) tug2-mesz lugud2-mesz 5(disz) tug2 gu2-e3-mesz lugud2-mesz_
  • 1(disz) szu-szi _tug2-mesz 3(u) tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ szi-na-hi-lu
  • _4(disz)# tug2-mesz_ bur-ru-mu-tu4 2(disz) hu-ul-la-nu
  • _[szu]-nigin2#_ 1(disz) szu-szi _9(disz) tug2-mesz_ 3(u) 5(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3_ 2(disz) hu-la-nu# [sza] (iri)nu-zi

  • _4(disz)# [tug]-mesz lugud2-mesz 4(disz) tug2 gu2-e3-mesz 1(disz) tug2 lugud2_ sza _munus_
  • _3(u) tug2-mesz 1(u) 5(disz) tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ szi-na-hi-lu
  • 5(disz) asz-lu-u2 _szu-nigin2 3(u) 5(disz) tug2 1(u) 9(disz) tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ 5(disz) asz-lu-u2
  • sza (iri)a-szu-hi-isz

  • _4(u) tug2-mesz_ ha-ar-wa sza (iri)u2-usz-sze
  • _4(disz) tug2-mesz lugud2-mesz_ 4(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz lugud2-mesz_ 1(disz) _tug2_ sza _munus lugud2_
  • 2(u) 8(disz) _tug2_ 1(u) 4(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ szi-na-hi-lu
  • _szu-nigin2_ 3(u) 3(disz) _tug2-mesz_ 1(u) 8(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ sza (iri)tur2-sza

  • 2(disz) _tug2-mesz lugud2-mesz_ 2(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ 1(disz) _tug2 lugud2_ sza _munus_
  • 1(u) 5(disz) _tug2-mesz_ 7(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ szi-na-hi-lu
  • _szu-nigin2_ 1(u) 9(disz) _tug2-mesz_ 9(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3_ sza (iri)ka!(_ra_)-ra-na-a

  • 2(disz) _tug2-mesz lugud2-mesz_ 2(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ 1(disz) _tug2_ sza _munus lugud2_
  • 1(u) 3(disz) _tug2-mesz_ 8(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ szi-na-hi-lu
  • _szu-nigin2_ 1(u) 6(disz) _tug2-mesz_ 1(u) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ sza (iri)pu-ru-li-we

  • 3(disz) _tug2-mesz lugud2-mesz_ 3(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz lugud2-mesz_ 2(disz) _tug2-mesz_ sza _munus-mesz_
  • 4(u) 2(disz) _tug2-mesz_ 2(u) 1(disz) _tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_ szi-na-hi-lu
  • _[szu]-nigin2# 4(u) 7(disz) tug2-mesz 2(u) 4(disz) tug2 gu2-e3-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 5 turbans, 5 gu2-e3-garments, 5 turbans,
  • 1 garment, 30 garments, gu'e'u-garments, shinahilu-garments;
  • 4 burrumutu-garments, 2 hullanu-garments,
  • Total: 1 hand-worker; 9 textiles 35 gu-e3-garments; 2 hulanu-garments of Nuzi;

  • 4 sashes, 4 gu-e3-garments, 1 sashes of a woman,
  • 35 garments, 15 gu-e-garments, shinahilu-garments,
  • 5 aszlû-garments; total 35 textiles, 19 gu2-e-garments, 5 aszlû-garments;
  • of the city Ashuhish.

  • 40 harwa-garments from Uushme;
  • 4 sashes, 4 gu-e3-garments, 4 sashes, 1 sash of a woman,
  • 28 shirts, 14 shirts, shinahilu-garments,
  • Total: 33 garments, 18 garments for the throne bearers of Tursha.

  • 2 robes, 2 robes, 1 robe of a woman,
  • 15 garments, 7 garments, gu'e-garments, shinahilu-garments;
  • Total: 19 garments, 9 garments of the 'finger' of the city of Karanâ.

  • 2 sashes, 2 sashes, 1 sashes of a woman,
  • 13 garments, 8 garments, gu'e-garments, shinahilu-garments;
  • Total: 16 garments, 10 garments for the 'festivals' of Puruliwe.

  • 3 sashes, 3 sashes, 2 sashes of women,
  • 42 garments, 21 garments, ...;
  • Total: 47 textiles; 24 gu2-e-textiles;



    _szu-nigin2_ 2(disz) ma-ti _3(u) 9(disz)# tug2-mesz_

  • 1(disz) ma-at _2(u) 2(disz) tug2! gu2-e3-mesz_
  • isz-ka-ru sza a-na (iri)nu#-zi u2-sze-[ri-bu]

    AI Translation

    Total: 2 countries 39 textiles.

  • 1 m2 22 gu-e-textiles,
  • He who brought the stele to Nuzi,

    Seal 1


    (disz)it-hi-ia _lugal_ ar-ra!-ap-he [_dumu_] ki-pi2 [te-esz]-szu-up

    AI Translation

    Ithiya, king of Arrapha, son of Kipi, has sworn this.