AICC / Publications / p411

P411002: administrative tablet

ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI

Column 1


2(barig@c)# x-_il 2_(barig@c) engar-zi [2(barig@c)] ur-sag-zi 2(barig@c) si-gar

AI Translation

2 barig ...-il, 2 barig Engarzi, 2 barig Ursagzi, 2 barig Sigar,

Column 2


2(barig@c) _ni_-_ha_-_ha_ [2(barig@c)] nam-mah-ni ad-kup4 2(barig@c) ur-tul2-sag engar 2(barig@c) inim-ma-ni-zi 2(barig@c) lugal-inim-ma-se3-ga 2(barig@c) nin-tur#

AI Translation

2 barig Ni-haha, 2 barig Nammahni, the adkup; 2 barig Ur-tulsag, the plowman; 2 barig Inim-anizi; 2 barig Lugal-inim-masega; 2 barig Nintur;

Column 3


2(barig@c) szusz3 2(barig@c) me-sig7 2(barig@c) sila3-tar-da 2(barig@c) gal5#-la2-gal

AI Translation

2 barig, Susa; 2 barig, Mesig; 2 barig, Sila-tarda; 2 barig, Galla-gal;

Column 2


2(disz@t)# gu4 gigir

AI Translation

2 oxen, suckling,

P411003: administrative tablet

ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI

Column 1

  • 2(gesz2)# 1(u) 6(disz) udu lu2 esz2-gid2
  • _ni_-_ha_-_ha_

  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) udu _du_
  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) dupsik
  • szusz3 x

    AI Translation
  • 126 sheep, the eshgid,
  • a kind of profession

  • 240 sheep, ...,
  • 240, shepherd;
  • for Shush;



    udu esz3-bar szid#-da# (d)inanna#

    AI Translation

    sheep for the eshbar offering of the shitda offering of Inanna

    P411014: administrative tablet

    ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 2(gesz2) la2 6(disz@t) usz
  • 1(gesz2) la2 [n] usz
  • AI Translation
  • 169 ninda,
  • 89 lines
  • Column 2

  • 2(gesz2) la2 [n] 4(disz@t) sag
  • [...]

    AI Translation
  • 240 less 4 head-counts,
  • P411086: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) (gi)gur-ra 1(barig)-ta
  • ki a-gu-ta kiszib3 igi-gun3

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur containers, 1 barig each,
  • from Agu, under seal of Igigun;



    iti nesag mu [...]

    AI Translation

    month "First fruits," year ...;

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)ma-mi dumu a2-zi-da

    AI Translation

    Ur-Mami, son of Azida.

    P411136: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    _e-lum gu4 sun2 mu-zu kur-kur-sze3_ _am-e amasz-a-na sze gig-bi bi2-in-sza4_ _munus zi munus nin9 er2-re am3-ma-tusz_ _u4-dam ki am3-us2 sza3-bi nu-pa3-de3_ _ama-gan ab2 er2-ra du5-mu-zu ma-a-a e-re7-esz_ _mes bulug3 ma-ra-ta_ _ur-sag kur-ra ni2-zu szi-in-ri_ an-nu-tim _balag-mesz_ i-szu ($ erasure $) sza la-a i-szu-u2 _balag-mesz_ szu-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    The lord, your name is a bull, your name is a lion, to all the lands, the wild bull sat in his sheepfold. The true woman, the lady, sat down in the erru-festival. The day was peaceful, it was not to be altered. The mother, the cow, the erru-festival, your son, 'Why are they sat down?' The suckling cows, the suckling cows, the suckling cow, the hero of the lands, your suckling sheep, this is the balagû-festival. The balagû-festival is the shubilam-festival.

    P411176: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (d#)li#-pi2#-it-esz18-dar lu2# erim2-ra gur5-ru-usz mu-un-ta-ab-e3#-de3-en#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the man who is a criminal, will be seized.



    (d#)li-pi2-it-esz18#-dar lu2 erim2-ra# gur5-ru-usz mu#-un#-ta-ab-e3#-de3#-en#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the man who is a criminal, will be seized.

    P411217: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a#-na# _sa2-du11 (erin2_ ka)-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ a-hu-ia-tum#

    AI Translation
  • 3 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the scouts, delivery of Ahu-yatum;



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 12 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411218: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ be-el#-szu-nu

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • To the regular offerings of the troops, the kashiu-offerings, the mashtû-offerings, delivery of their lord,



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 18, the year of Abi-eshuh, king of the universe, the god Sîn, the sagduganim god.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu.

    P411219: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) _sze gur_
  • _sza3_ sin-e-ne-e!(A) sza _e2_ a-wi-lim _szu ti-a_ (disz)e-tel-pi2-isz8-tar2

    AI Translation
  • 3 kor barley,
  • Etel-pishtar received from PN the debt of the man's house.



    _ki_ a-wi-il-(d)utu u3 (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _sza3-tam-mesz_ _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e bad3-da_ a-bi-e-szu-uh(ki)-ke4 _ni2# gal#-gal-bi kur-kur-ra ri-a ugu gesz gi4-gi4 gu2 (i7)idigna-[ta]_

    AI Translation

    from Awil-shamash and Sîn-usalli, the judges. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 10 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king built the wall of Abi-eshuh. Its great fearsomeness covers all the lands.

    Seal 1


    [a-wi-il-(d)utu?] [_dumu_ i-bi]-(d)suen [_ARAD_ a-bi]-e-szu-uh#

    AI Translation

    Awil-shamash?, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    P411220: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ la-lu-tum

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • to the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, delivery of the lalutu.



    _iti# szu-numun#-a u4# 2(u) 2(disz)-kam#_ _mu#_ a#-bi-[e]-szu#-uh# _lugal#-[e_ ...]

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 22 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king .

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411221: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • _mu-kux(_du_)_ a-hu#?-[...] a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i sza _u4 3(disz)-kam_ a-na _sza3-tam-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 4 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • delivery of Ahu-... for the regular offering of the troops of Kashî of the 3rd day for the shatammes;

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu.

    P411222: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ la-lu-tum

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, the kashi-offerings, the libation bowls, the delivery of the lalutu-offerings;



    _iti# _ne#_-_ne#_-gar u4 3(disz)#?-kam#_ _mu#_ a-bi-e-szu-uh# _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir# sag-du-ga-[ni-im]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 3 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganu,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu.

    P411223: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i qa2-du (disz)a#-na-(d)utu-lu#-s,i _mu-kux(_du_)_ a-hu-ia-tum

    AI Translation
  • 3 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the stallions, in the presence of Ana-Shamash-lushi, delivery of Ahu'atum.



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4# 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu#-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga#-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 13, the year of Abi-eshuh, king of the universe, the god Sîn, the sagduganim god.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411224: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ sin-ra-bi

    AI Translation
  • 3 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, Kashî, the scout, the delivery of the scribal arts;



    _iti _ne#_-_ne#_-gar [u4 n]-kam_ _mu_ a-bi#-e#-szu#-uh# _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga#-[ni]-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day ..., the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu.

    P411225: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2)# 5(disz)# _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2#-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2#-it,

    AI Translation
  • 3 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • To the sa2 of the troops, the kashi-priests, the satrap, delivery of Marduk-muballit,



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-[uh] _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga#-ni#-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 17 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganu,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu.

    P411226: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ i-din-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the scouts; delivery of Iddin-Adad.



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 9 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411227: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)#_ (d)suen#-mu#-ba#-li-it,

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • To the regular offerings of the troops, Kashî, the scout, delivery of Sîn-muballit,



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 9(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 9?, the year of Abi-eshuh, king of the universe, the god Sîn, the sagduganim-priest, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe, the king of the universe

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411228: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi#-i# bi-ma#-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ i-din-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the scouts, delivery of Iddin-Adad.



    _iti szu-numun-a [u4 n-kam]_ _mu#_ a-bi#-[e-szu-uh _lugal-e_ ...]

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day ..., the year in which Abi-eshuh the king .

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411229: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu# 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11# erin2_ ka#-asz#-[szi]-i# bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ dingir-lam-ni#-szu#

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, Kashî, the scout, delivery of Ilamnishu.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 3(u)-kam#_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 30 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the crown,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411230: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2)# 5(disz)# _sila3#_
  • [a]-na# _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi#-i# bi-ma#-ti-i _mu#-kux(_du_)#_ la#-lu-tum#

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, the kashiu and the mattiu offerings, the delivery of the lalutu offerings;



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal#-e# (d)suen# dingir# sag#-du#-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 26 the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the crown,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411231: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) pi2-hu# 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu#-kux(_du_)#_ gi-mil-lum i#-na# qa2#-ti#-szu a#-na# _u4 3(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 6 baskets, 1 seah 5 sila3 each,
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, the kashi-offerings, the gimillu-offerings, in his hand, for 3 days,



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du#-ga#-ni#-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 30 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the head,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411232: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [1(disz) pi2-hu] 1(ban2)# 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • [a-na _sa2]-du11# erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma#-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ el-le-tum

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • To the command of the troops, the kashi-priests, the scouts, the holy delivery,



    _iti# _ne_-_ne_-gar# u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ a-[bi-e-szu]-uh# _lugal#-[e] (d)suen# dingir sag-du-ga#-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 12 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411233: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [1(disz)] pi2#-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • [a-na] _sa2#-du11# erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i [bi-ma]-ti#-i [_mu-kux(_du_)_] hu#-za-lum

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • To the command of the troops, the king, the king, the king's sons, the king's sons, the delivery of the huzalum-offerings,



    _iti# _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 6(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 6 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411234: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] x x x x x x x x x _dumu_ ma-na-asz-szi (disz)ba-ak-ka#-lum#? u3 sin-na!-s,ir sza isz-tu _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(disz)-kam_ a#-di# _u4 2(u)#? 3(disz)-kam_ sza _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ isz-tu _u4 1(disz)-kam_ _u4-da-gid2!-da_ na-as2-hu i-na _u4 1(disz)-kam 2(barig)-ta_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... son of Manashî, Bakkulum and the slanderer from month V of the 1st day until the 23rd day of the 22nd day from the 1st day, the slanderer's levy from the 1st day 2 barig each



    _mu-kux(_du_)#_ ib-ni-(d)marduk x x _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    delivery of Ibni-Marduk ...; month: "NENEgar," 23rd day; year: "Abi-eshuh, king, by Sin, god of the head."

    P411235: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i# bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ a-hu-ia-tum

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the scouts; delivery of Ahu-yatum.



    _iti _ne#_-_ne#_-gar3 u4 3(disz)#-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh# _lugal#-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of NENEgar, the day 3 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king, Sîn, the god of the head,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411236: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na# _sa2-du11# a-li2-ta-li-mi _erin2#_ ka#-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i i-nu-ma isz-tu babila2(ki) il-li-kam-ma i-tu-ru _mu-kux(_du_)_ ib#-na-tum

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • To the ration of Ali-talimi, the troops of Kashî, the scouts, when they came from Babylon and returned, the delivery they made.



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ a-bi-e-szu-uh# _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du#-[ga]-ni#-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 13, the year of Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganu.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411237: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • _mu-kux(_du_)_ be-el-szu#-nu _dumu_ nu#-ur2#-(d)iszkur# [a-na] _sa2#-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i sza#? _u4 3(disz)-kam_ [a-na] _sza3-tam-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • delivery of Belshunu, son of Nur-Adad, for the regular offering of the troops of Kashî, of the 3rd day, for the shatammu-offerings;



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 5(disz)#?-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 15?, the year of Abi-eshuh, king of the gods Sîn and Sîn, the god of the head.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411238: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz)# _[sila3]_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ (ka)-asz-szi-i qa2-du? 2(disz) sza qa2-ti-szu# _mu-kux(_du_)#_ ib#-na#-tum#

    AI Translation
  • 3 ..., 1 seah 5 qû,
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, two of his own, delivery he established.



    [_iti ... u4 n-kam_] _mu_ a-bi#-e#-szu#-uh _[lugal]-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    Month ..., day, eponymy of Abi-eshuh, king of the universe, god Sîn, the great god.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu.

    P411239: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz)# pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ i-din-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the scouts; delivery of Iddin-Adad.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 25 the year Abi-eshuh, king of the god Sîn, the god of the head.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411240: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [1(disz)] pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi#-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ a-ha-am-ar-szi

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, the kashiu-offerings, the mashtû-offerings, the delivery of her;



    _iti# szu#-numun#-a u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam#_ _[mu_ a-bi]-e#-szu-uh _lugal#-e [(d)suen dingir] sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 27 the year in which Abi-eshuh the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411241: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ sin-ra-bi

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, Kashî, the scout, the delivery of the scribal arts;



    _iti _ne_-_ne#_-gar# u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen# dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 5 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411242: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i# bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ (d)suen-ra#-bi

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the scouts; delivery of Sîn-rabi.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh# _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag#-du-ga-ni-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 29 the year of Abi-eshuh, king of the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411243: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz#-szi#-i# _mu-kux(_du_)_ qi2-isz-tum _sanga#? a-na _sza3-tam-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî; delivery of the qishtu-priests to the shrines;



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 5(disz)#?-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 15?, the year of Abi-eshuh, king of the universe, the god Sîn, the great god,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411244: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2#-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma#-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ qi2-isz-tum _sanga_

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, Kashî, the scout, delivery of the qishtu-priest,



    _iti# _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 2(disz)#?-kam#_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu#-uh _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga#-ni#-im#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 12?, the year of Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganu.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411245: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz)# pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • sza isz-tu _u4 1(u) 7(disz)_ sza _u4 4(disz)!-kam_ a-na sza qa2-ti-szu _[mu]-kux(_du_)#_ i-din-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 4 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • which from the 17th day of the 4th day to his hand delivery, Iddin-Adad



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u)-kam _mu_ a-bi-e-zu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 20 of the year in which Abi-ezuh, king of the universe, the god Sîn, the god of the head,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411246: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i# ma?-ti#? bi-ma#-ti-i#! _mu-kux(_du_)_ (d)suen-ra-bi

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî, the king of the land of the sanctuaries, delivery of Sîn-rabi.



    _iti# szu-numun-a u4# 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 20 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the crown,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411248: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)# pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ qi2-isz-tum _dumu_ id#?-da#?-tum#

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî; delivery of Qishtum, son of Iddatum;



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal#-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 19 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411249: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu# 1(ban2)# [5(disz) sila3]_
  • a-na _sa2#-du11 erin2_ ka#-asz-szi-i# _mu-kux(_du_)_ gi-mil#-[lum]

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • for the payment of the troops of Kashî; delivery of the gimillu-offering.



    _iti szu-numun#-a u4# 1(u) 3(disz)-kam# _mu_ [a-bi-e-szu]-uh# _lugal-[e] (d)suen# [dingir sag]-du#-ga#-ni#-im#

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 13, the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the crown,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411250: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) pi2#-hu 1(ban2) [5(disz)] _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ la-lu-tum

    AI Translation
  • 3 ..., 1 seah 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops, the kashi-offerings, the libation bowls, the delivery of the lalutu-offerings;



    _iti# _ne#_-_ne_-gar u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _[lugal]-e# (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-[im]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 5 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, the god Sîn, the god of the crown, erected this statue.

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411251: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) pi2-hu 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it,

    AI Translation
  • 2 ..., 1 ban2 5 sila3
  • To the regular offerings of the troops, Kashî, the scout, delivery of Marduk-muballit,



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 1, the year "Abi-eshuh, king of the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim."

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411252: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu# 5(disz)# _sila3#_
  • a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i _mu-kux(_du_)_ qi2#-isz#-tum# _sanga_

    AI Translation
  • 1 ..., 5 qû
  • for the regular offerings of the troops of Kashî; delivery of the qishtu-priests;



    _iti szu-numun-a# u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e#-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)suen dingir sag-du-ga#-ni-im_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 22 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king, the god Sîn, the god of the sagduganim,

    Seal 1


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ i-bi-(d)suen _ARAD_ a-bi-e-szu-uh

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Ibbi-Sîn, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _dub-sar_ _dumu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _ARAD (d)iszkur-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, scribe, son of Ilshu-ibnishu, servant of Adad.

    P411264: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(disz) (gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11_
  • sza (d)nanna-tum _gudu4_ (d)nin-urta id-di-nu-ma a#-na lu-mur-sza-dingir _ugula mar#-tu_ pa-aq-du

    AI Translation
  • 24 apsû-wood ...;
  • The gudu-priest of Ninurta gave it and he appointed him to Lumur-sha-il, the Amorite overseer.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of Ibgulla,

    P411266: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x x e? gi a at? _ugula gidri#_ x [...]-ba#-tum in-na-ad-nu _sza3-ba 1(disz) gin2#_ li-pi2-it-isz8-tar2 _ugula gidri_

  • 1(disz) _gin2_ nu-ur2-(d)kab-ta
  • 1(disz) _gin2_ nu-ra-tum
  • 1(disz) _gin2_ lugal-a2-zi-da
  • asz-szum# ku-un-na-tum _szesz_ a-pil-i3-li2-szu 4(disz) _gin2# ku3#-babbar#_ (disz)(d)be-x x x x u3 4(disz) _gin2 [ku3]-babbar#_

    AI Translation

    ... ... the overseer of the chariotry ... ... he has given. Within it, 1 shekel: Lipit-Ishtar, overseer of the chariotry.

  • 1 shekel of silver to Nur-Kabta;
  • 1 shekel of nuratum-seeds,
  • 1 shekel: Lugal-azida;
  • Concerning Kunnatum, brother of Apil-ilishu, 4 shekels of silver, Be... and 4 shekels of silver,



    sza na-ka-rum a-na [...] (disz)dumu-(i7)idigna u3 x [...] id-di-[nu] ka-ni-kam sza 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ me? [...] asz-szum# ku-un-na-[tum] (disz)lugal-a2-zi#-da# i#-zi-ib _iti udru(duru5) u4 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (d)urasz ur-sag gal-la_

    AI Translation

    of the nakrum-offering to ... Dumuzi-idigna and ... he gave. The guarantee of 1 shekel of silver ... because of the ku-un-natum Lugal-azida he will bind. The month of Shabatum, the day 3 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, Urash, the great hero

    P411267: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _gin2# sza? ah szi x x x
  • 1/2(disz) _gin2_ asz-szum _erin2_ u2-ha-x-ab-bi-tu
  • 1/2(disz)# _gin2_ x x x x x sza ma-an-ni-ia
  • [x x x x]-tum _di-ku5_

  • 1/3(disz) _gin2 ku3?-babbar?_ [x x] x x (d)suen#-mu-ba-li2-it, _ugula# gidri#_
  • 1/2(disz) [...] x x x _erin2_ ha-la#-ba#(ki)
  • 1/2(disz) sza _arad_-(d)marduk
  • 5(disz) 2/3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ disz? e2 x _nig2-gur11_ _sza3-ba 1/2(disz) _gin2_ a-na sa3-am-ma-nu _ib2-tak4 4(disz) 5/6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of ... ...,
  • 1/2 shekel as the troops .
  • 1/2 shekel ... of mine
  • ...... judge

  • 1/3 shekel of silver? ... Sîn-muballit, overseer of the sceptre
  • 1/2 ... ... troops of Halaba
  • 1/2 workman: Warad-Marduk.
  • 5 2/3 shekels of silver, the house ..., the property therein, 1/2 shekel for the sammanu-offering, 4 5/6 shekels of silver,


  • 1/2(disz) _gin2# ku3-sig17_ a-wi-lum ma-hi-ir
  • 1/2(disz) _gin2_ _arad_-(d)marduk
  • 1/2(disz) _gin2_ u2-tul2-isz8-tar2
  • 1(disz) _gin2_ ku-uk-babila2(ki) _szu-ku6_
  • _sza3_ sza _iti udru(duru5)_ _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e_ x gesz? x x x x x

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 shekel of gold is the price of the man.
  • 1/2 shekel of silver to Warad-Marduk,
  • 1/2 shekel of silver to Utul-ishtar,
  • 1 shekel: Kubaba, fisherman;
  • The heart of the month of Addaru, the month of Addaru, the first day, the year Ammi-ditana the king .

    P411274: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _udu szu#_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 1(disz) _udu szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk
  • 3(disz) _udu#-hi#-a_ asz-szum _siskur2_ a#-na nibru(ki) a-la-ki-im a#-di _u4 2(u)-kam_ i-pu-szu _iti gan-gan-e3# u4# 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_

  • 2(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 2(disz) _udu szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk
  • 4(disz) _udu-hi-a_ ($ erasure $) asz-szum a-na nibru(ki) a-la#-ki-im

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, hand-lifting,
  • 1 sheep, under the command of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • 3 sheep, because of the sacrifice to Nippur-alakkim until the 20th day they performed; month: "GANgane," 12th day;

  • 2 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 2 sheep, under the command of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • 4 sheep, as a loan to Nippur, the Alakku.



    a-na qa2-ti-szu-nu i-tu-ru _u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_

  • 7(disz)# _udu-hi-a_
  • sza# a#-na# ge#-er#-ri# nibru(ki) in#-ne-ep-szu _iti_ gan-gan-e3 u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e kar-(d)utu(ki)-a

    AI Translation

    they have returned to their hands. The 13th day.

  • 7 sheep,
  • which are performed for the erru-offering of Nippur. The month of Kislimum, the day 13 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king of Kar-Shamash

    P411275: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) _udu-nita2-hi-a_
  • qa2-du 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ sza (d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _ugula mar-tu_ u3 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ sza szu-nu-ma-dingir _dumu_ e-la#?-li#?-mu-usz-ta-al u3 be-li-ia _dumu_ (d)en-lil2-lu2-ti i-na# _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 3(u)-kam_ a-na _siskur2_ (d)iszkur il#-qu2-u2

  • 2(disz) _kir11 gub_
  • e-zu-ub 1(disz) _sila4 gub_ sza i-bi-(d)en-lil2 u3 na-ka-rum il-qu2-u2 4(u) 2(disz) _u8-udu-hi-a_ sza a-wi-lim

    AI Translation
  • 40 rams,
  • in addition to 1 sheep of Nabopolassar, overseer of the Amorite tribe, and 1 sheep of Shunuma-ili, son of Elali-mushtal, and my lord, son of Enlil-luti, in the month of Nisannu, on the 30th day, for the sacrifice of Adad he took.

  • 2 female lambs stand there.
  • he sat down 1 qû. Of Ibbi-Enlil and Nakalum he took. 42 sheep he sat down.



    sza# a-na i-na-pa-le-szu _sza3-tam bad3 lugal_ a-na re2-u2-tim pa-aq-du! _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en# ib2-gu-ul-la ki-ag2 (d)marduk-ke4 ur5-ra ma-da-na ab-ak-ak-ke ba-an-da-ab-du8-a-an_

    AI Translation

    which for his remission the king's wall for the reinforcements he appointed. The month of Ayyaru, the day 13 the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, the beloved of Marduk, the king's land he conquered.

    P411276: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) _udu-nita2-hi-a_
  • qa2-du 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ sza (d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _ugula mar-tu_ u3 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ sza szu-nu-ma-dingir _dumu_ e-_ez_-_di_-mu-usz-ta!-al! u3 be-li-ia _dumu_ (d)en-lil2-lu2-ti i-na _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 3(u)-kam_ a-na _siskur2 (d)iszkur_ il-qu2-u2

  • 2(disz) _kir11 gub_
  • e-zu-ub 1(disz) _sila4# gub#_ sza i-bi-(d)en-lil2 u3 na-ka-rum il-qu2-u2 4(u) 2(disz) _u8-udu-hi-a_ sza# a-wi#-lim#

    AI Translation
  • 40 rams,
  • in addition to 1 sheep of Nabopolassar, overseer of the Amorite tribe, and 1 sheep of Shunuma-ili, son of Eez-dimushtal, and my lord, son of Enlil-luti, in month of Nisannu, 30th day, for the sacrifice of Adad he took.

  • 2 female lambs stand there.
  • he sat down 1 qû. Of Ibbi-Enlil and Nakalum he took. 42 sheep he sat down.



    sza a#-na i-na-pa-le#-szu# _sza3#-tam# bad3# lugal#([ki]) _ a-na re2#-u2-tim pa#-aq#-[du] _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la ki-ag2# (d)marduk-ke4

    AI Translation

    which for his remission the inner wall of the city for the first time he erected. The month of Ayyaru, the day 13 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, the great lord Marduk,

    P411277: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) _sze gur_ qur-da-tum
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) asz-ti ti-in-gu
  • sza _igi-4(disz)-gal2_ su2-ut ib-ni-(d)marduk

  • 1(barig) _sze_ si-it-ti-(d)marduk
  • 1(barig) _sze_ be-li2-ia-tum _dumu? lu2 _ub__
  • 2(barig) _sze_ be-el#-szu-nu _lu2 engar_
  • 4(ban2)# _a2-bi (gesz)ma2_
  • 1(asz) 3(barig) _szuku e2_
  • 1(ban2) a-na _sisi_
  • 1(ban2) ka-ni-ik x x
  • it-ti a-lim#

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor and 1 panu of barley, the Qurdatu-offering;
  • 1 gur 1 barig, the throne of Tiingu;
  • of 1/4 shekel, the debt of Ibni-Marduk;

  • 1 barig of barley: Simitti-Marduk;
  • 1 barig of barley for Beliyatum, son? of a man,
  • 2 barig of barley for their lady, the farmer;
  • 4 seahs, its labor: boat;
  • 1 gur 3 barig of ...,
  • 1 seah for the sesame;
  • 1 seah of kanik-bread ...;
  • With the apprehension of the king, my lord,



    a?-na? [x x] x x lim x [...] x x x x ki? [...] 2(barig) 1(ban2) 3(disz) _sila3_ x [...] x _u4# 1(disz)-kam#_

    AI Translation

    to? ... ... ... ... 2 barig 1 ban2 3 sila3 ... ... 1st day

    P411280: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(ban2) _i3-gesz_
  • a-na _sa10 6(disz) udu-nita2-hi-a_ sza# i-din-(d)nin-urta nu-esz3_ _dumu_ (d)na-bi-um-ma-lik x x x x? il-qu2-u2

  • 5(ban2) _i3-gesz_
  • a-na _sa10 6(disz) udu-nita2_

    AI Translation
  • 5 seahs of oil,
  • for the price of 6 sheep, which Iddin-Ninurta, the eunuch, son of Nabium-malik, ... took.

  • 5 seahs of oil,
  • for sale 6 sheep,



    (disz)(d)en-lil2-mu-dam-mi-iq# _dumu_ lu2-dumu-zi#

  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) _i3-gesz_
  • _sa10 1(u) 2(disz) udu-nita2_ _nig2#-gur11_ al-lu-a-rum ma-har# i-din-(d)gu-la# _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e ki-tusz! sza3-du10-ga-ke4_

    AI Translation

    Enlil-mudammiq, son of Lu-dumuzi;

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of oil,
  • the price of 12 sheep, the property of Allu-arum, before Iddin-Gula. The month of Addaru, the day 27 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected the abode of happiness.

    P411281: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk
  • 8(disz) _udu-hi-a_ u2-s,u2-ur2-tum

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4 sheep, under the command of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • 8 sheep, shurtu-plant;



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 6(disz)#-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-da#-ta#-na# _lugal#-e# alan-a-ni masz2-ge6#-ga#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 16 of the year in which Ammi-datana the king erected his statue.

    P411284: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(disz) _gesz_ i-bi-ri
  • 4(u) 8(disz) _gesz_ szu-bu-ur-ri
  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 7(disz) _gesz-hi-a ma2_
  • 2(u) 5(disz) _gesz_ a pa ri di
  • 8(disz) _gesz u5 ma2_
  • 1(u) 2(disz) _gesz_ na-ti-i
  • 1(disz)? _gesz_ [...]
  • 2(disz)? _gesz_ si-ik-ka-tu
  • AI Translation
  • 62 ibiru-woods,
  • 48 beams of ...;
  • 77 wooden beams of a boat,
  • 25 ... ...
  • 8 ... of a boat,
  • 12 ...,
  • 1 ... ...
  • 2 ... of ...,
  • Reverse

  • 4(u) 8(disz) _gesz-hi-a ma2_
  • 2(disz)
  • sza# [x?] x x x x x x _iti# ab-e3# u4 4(disz)#?-kam#_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal#-e# ki-tusz sza3#-du10-ga#_

    AI Translation
  • 48 beams of barge,
  • 2
  • of ... ... The month of Tebetu, the day 4 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king sat in a pleasant abode.

    P411285: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) _sze gur_ nu-ra-tum
  • 5(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) (d)nin-urta-mu-ba-li2-it, _di-ku5_
  • 2(asz) _gur_ a-na _nig2-ar3-ra_
  • [2(asz) 2(barig)] 3(ban2) _sze gur_
  • [...] in-na-ad-nu _[ib2]-tak4! 3(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) sze gur_

    AI Translation
  • 5 kor of barley, nuratum-measure,
  • 5 gur 2 barig 3 ban2: Ninurta-muballit, the judge;
  • 2 kurru for the nigaru-confection;
  • 2 kor, 2 panu 3 sutu of barley,
  • ... he will add, and he will pay 3 kor 2 pan 5 sutu of barley.



    _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la_ (d)marduk

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day 19 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of the throne of Marduk,

    P411287: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _szu-szi (gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11-hi-a ki 1(disz)_
  • 3(gesz2) 3(u) _ki# 2(disz)_
  • 5(gesz2)! 3(u) _(gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11-hi#-a_
  • u3 1(disz) _szu-szi (gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11-hi#-a_ a#-na a-na-i3-li2-ia#-tak2-la-ku _ib2-tak4_ 3(gesz2) 3(u) (gesz)eme apin#-[tug2-sag11-hi-a]_ sza i-na du10-gar(ki) sza-ak-nu-ma# a-na ib-ni-(d)marduk pa-aq#-[du]

    AI Translation
  • 1 hand of apsû-wood, with 1 .
  • 290 with 2
  • 420 tongues of apsû-plant,
  • and 1 hand-tool of plowwood for Ana-ili-yataklak he has seized. 190 hand-tools of plowwood for Dugar are set and for Ibni-Marduk they are seized.


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) (gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11-hi-a_
  • sza lu-mur-sza#-dingir im-hu-ru

  • 1(u) 3(disz) _ib2-tak4#_ sza# ib-ni-sze-rum
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) (gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11#-[hi-a]_
  • sza i-na _bala-ri_ sza-ak-nu-ma a-na lu-mur-sza-dingir-pa-aq-du# _iti sig4-a u4 2(u) 2(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la_

    AI Translation
  • 108 reeds, pistachios,
  • Whom I have shown to the gods,

  • 13 he has seized. Of Ibnisherum.
  • 93 apsû-wood,
  • which were set up in the reign, to Lumur-sha-ili-paqdu. The month of Tammuz IV, the day 22?, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, swore.

    P411288: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) _udu-nita2-hi-a_
  • _mu-kux(_du_)#_ (d)suen-mu-da-am-mi-iq

  • 3(disz) _udu-nita2-hi-a_
  • _mu-kux(_du_)#_ i#-din-(d)nin-urta 8(disz) _udu-nita2-hi-a_ _sza3 ib2-tak4_

    AI Translation
  • 3 sheep,
  • delivery of Sîn-mudammiq;

  • 3 sheep,
  • delivery of Iddin-Ninurta; 8 sheep, he has seized.



    sza in-na-ad-nu-szu-nu-szi-im qa2-du 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ sza a-na i-din-(d)nin-urta _dumu_ e-t,i-ir-tum i-na _e2_ a-na i-zu-uz-zi-im pa-aq-du-szum _iti# bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ [am]-mi#-di-ta-na _lugal-e en# ib2-gu-ul-la#_

    AI Translation

    which he gave to them, together with one sheep which to Iddin-Ninurta, son of Etirtum, in the house for Izuzuzu he gave. The month of Nisannu, the day 25 the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, erected it.

    P411289: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) _udu_ sza ib-ni-sze-rum
  • 1(disz) _udu_ ba-ak-ka-lum
  • 1(disz) x _udu_ a#-pil-i3-li2-szu#
  • 1(disz) x _udu_ x x x?-en-lil2
  • 4(disz) _udu#_ ma#-ah-ru#!
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sheep of Ibnisherum,
  • 1 sheep, ...;
  • 1 ... sheep of Apil-ilishu,
  • 1 sheep ...-Enlil,
  • 4 sheep, first quality,
  • P411290: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [2(asz)] sze#? gur#? [...]
  • sza? x x x x x x x

  • 1(barig) _sze_ ra-im-numun
  • 2(asz) 1(barig) _sze gur_

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur of barley .
  • of ......

  • 1 barig of seed-grain,
  • 2 gur 1 barig of barley,



    _iti sig4-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e (uruda)du8-mah gal-gal-la_

    AI Translation

    The month of Simanu, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king fashioned a large throne-stone.

    P411291: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    isz-tu _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 1(u) [n-kam]_ (disz)i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am [...] _sza3 erin2 nig2-szu_ x x mesz#? a-na# _iti 1(disz)-e 2(disz) gin2# [ku3-babbar]_ isz-tu _iti gu4#-si#-sa# u4 [n-kam]_ (disz)be-el-szu#-nu _sza3 erin2 nig2-szu_ li#-wi-ir#-babila2(ki) a-na# _iti# 1(disz)-e 1(disz) gin2 ku3#-babbar#_ [x x] _iti_ [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    From month "Barazgar," day n, Ili-iqisham ... of the troops, property ... ... for 1 month 2 shekels of silver; from month "Oxen," day n, Belshunu of the troops, property of Liwir-Babila for 1 month 1 shekel of silver ... month .



    _sza3-ba 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza _iti gu4-si-sa2_ a-wi-lum ma-hi-ir _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e# en ib2-gu-ul-la ki-ag2# [...]_

    AI Translation

    therefrom 1 shekel of silver of the month "Oxen-driver" was received by the man. The month "Oxen-driver," the first day, the year: "Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of the throne, beloved .

    P411293: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) _kaskal_ ri-isz#-(d)na-bi-um [_ugula mar-tu_]
  • u3# ib-ni#-(d)sze-rum

  • 4(u) _ansze-kunga_ sig#-isz8-tar2 _szu-ku6_
  • a-na du10#-gar#(ki)

  • 1(gesz2)? 2(u) a-na su-qa2-an-ni a-lim
  • ri-isz-(d)na-bi-um _ugula mar-tu_ x x 4(gesz2)? 3(u) _sze gur_ _kaskal_ ri-isz-(d)na-bi-um _ugula mar#-tu#_ a#-na# du10-gar(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 210+kn journey of Rish-Nabû, Amorite overseer.
  • and Ibni-Sherum,

  • 40 mules, ..., fisherman,
  • to Dugar

  • 210 for my prayer, my lord.
  • Rish-Nabû, overseer of the Amorite cult centers; 420? gur of barley, the journey of Rish-Nabû, overseer of the Amorite cult centers, to Dugar.



    1(gesz'u) 2(u) _(gesz)gigir-mesz#_-szu# sza ri-isz-(d)na-bi-um _ugula mar-tu_ ub-lu u3 3(gesz2) 4(u) _ansze-nun!-mesz_ sza im-hu-ru-ma a-di-ni la ub-lu x? ma-har ri-isz-(d)na-bi-um

    AI Translation

    210 of his chariots which Rish-Nabû, the Amorite overseer, brought, and 240 donkeys which had come and which had not brought before Rish-Nabû,

    P411294: school tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2 gu-ul-le ki-ag2 (d)marduk-ke4 sag-ge6-ga-ni-sze3 igi zi-ga in-ne-zi-in-bar-ra-am3 uri3-ra ma-da-na ab-ak-ak-da? ba-an-da-ab-du8-a dadag-ga ki-en-gi ki-uri#-a-ni ib2-ta-an-e3-a_

    AI Translation

    The year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, the beloved of Marduk, to his extispicy he looked, and he sat down in his land. He sat down in his land, and the slander of Sumer and Akkad he caused to spread.



    [...] la? _pa al_? [...] x [...] x i-pu-szu# u4-ma x [x x?] x x a-na ma#-at# szu#-me-ri-im u3 ak-ka-di-im u2-sze-lu#-u2

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... he did. When ... ... to Sumer and Akkad he brought.

    P411297: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu_ [sza] ib-ni-(d)[...]
  • _szu_ e-tel-pi4-(d)marduk _masz2#-[szu-gid2-gid2]_ asz-szum# _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im u3 2(u) _ma2-hi-a_ a-na _siskur2_ sza _(uruda)mar_ a-la-ki-im in-ne-ep-szu-ma _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im u3 _ma2-hi-a_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep of Ibni-...,
  • Hand of Etel-pî-Marduk, the diviner, because the troops of the quay and 20 minas for the sacrifice of a bronze axe had been made, and the troops of the quay and the minas



    il-li-ka _na-gada_ a-bu-wa-qar _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e# alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga#_

    AI Translation

    The nagû-offering of Abwaqar is the month of Abu. The 18th day is the year of Ammi-ditana, the king. His statue is an awe-inspiring dream.

    P411298: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) _sze gur_ nu-ra-tum
  • 5(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) (d)nin-urta-mu-ba-li2-it,
  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) _nig2-ar3-ra_
  • _giri3_ i-din-(d)marduk

  • 2(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) _lu2 ar3-ar3_
  • 1(u) 6(asz)# _sze gur _zi-ga_

    AI Translation
  • 5 kor of barley, nuratum-measure,
  • 5 gur 2 barig 3 ban2: Ninurta-muballit;
  • 2 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 of emmer,
  • via Iddin-Marduk.

  • 2 gur 4 barig 1 ban2: the man of araru-wood;
  • 16 gur of barley, rations;



    _iti# sig4#-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam _mu_ am-mi-di-ta#-na# _lugal-e# en ib2#-gu#-ul#-[la]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Tammuz IV, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, swore,

    P411299: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) _(gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11_
  • sza# (d)nanna#-tum# _gudu4_ (d)nin-urta

  • 1(u) mi-t,i _sag 5(u)#_
  • sza i-din-(d)urasz _dumu_ e-t,i-ir-tum a-na _sza3_ ma-tim il-qu2-u2 3(u) _(gesz)eme apin-tug2-sag11_ sza# usz-ta-ad-di-nu

    AI Translation
  • 20 ... of apsûg-sag-plant,
  • of Nannatu, gudu-priest of Ninurta.

  • 10 ..., the top 50.
  • of Iddin-Urash, son of Erittu, into the land he took. 30 ... of apsûm-sag-plant which he had given.



    a-na e-ri-ib-(d)suen _du8#_ _ensi2_ sza _e2-duru5_ szul-_di_(ki) u2-sza-bi-lu _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na# _[lugal]-e# en ib2-gu-ul#-la#_

    AI Translation

    to Erib-Sîn, the gatekeeper, governor of the city quarter of Shulli he brought. The month of Du'uzu, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of Ibgulla,

    P411300: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) _sze gur _lu2-dumu-nun-na
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) s,a-ab-rum
  • 3(asz) _sze gur_
  • sza i-na ki-di-im ma-har a-ia-asz-(d)marduk im-hu-ru

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor, 2 panu 3 sutu barley, the 'adolescent';
  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of shabrum-seeds;
  • 3 kor barley,
  • who in the safe harbor before Ayash-Marduk received.



    _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 2(u) 4(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na-_lugal-e# (uruda)alan-alan-a-ni szud3#-[da?] ab#-sza4#-sza4-ne#-[a]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day 24?, the year in which Ammi-ditana-sharri fashioned his statue.

    P411301: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)i3-li2-ia-tum _sipa_ it-ti _erin2_ ha-la#-ba(ki) (disz)(d)nergal-ni-szu it-ti _erin2_ gu-ti-i (disz)na-_da_-am-_hi_ it-ti _erin2_ masz-kan2-szabra(ki)

    AI Translation

    Ili-yatum, shepherd, with the troops of Halaba; Nergal-nishu with the troops of Guti; Nada-ammi with the troops of Mashkan-shabru;



    a-na _en-nu iri(ki)_ _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal#-e# en ib2#-gu#-ul#-la#

    AI Translation

    to the guard of the city, month: "Gusi"; 26th day, year: "Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, sinned."

    P411302: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)qi2-isz-(d)mar-tu [x] ma#-har ta-ri-bu-um _i3#-sur#_ _sza3 erin2_ masz-kan2-szabra(ki) _nig2-szu e2-sag-il2#-numun#_ (disz)dingir-is,-bi dingir-sze-mi ma-har ma-an-ni-ia _i3-sur_ (disz)dingir-sze-mi ma#-har be-la#-nu-um# _i3-sur_ (disz)(d)nin#-_ab#_-e#-ri#-ba-am# ma-har sa2-ar#-ri#-qum# _i3#-sur#_

    AI Translation

    Qish-Marduk ... before Taribu, oil-presser; in the midst of the troops of Mashkan-shabra, the property of the Esagil-numun; Ilish-bi, Ilshu-emmi before me, oil-presser; Ilshu-emmi before Belanum, oil-presser; Nina-ab-eribam before Sarrikum, oil-presser;


  • 4(disz) _sag-nita2_
  • sza (d)iszkur-re-s,u2-szu _sza13-dub-ba sza3 e2-gal_ a-na ma-as,-s,a-ar-tim pa-aq-du _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la ki#-ag2# (d)marduk#_

    AI Translation
  • 4 male slaves,
  • of Adad-reshushu, the treasurer of the palace, for the guard duty assigned. The month of Ayyaru, the day 6 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of the throne, beloved of Marduk,

    P411304: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu_ sza _ugula gidri_
  • 1(disz) _udu_ sza (d)szu#-bu#-[la]-a-bi
  • _u4 2(u)-kam_

  • 2(disz) _udu-hi-a#_
  • asz-szum _sila3 szu#-du8#-a#_ _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam x?_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep of the overseer of the sceptre;
  • 1 sheep of Shublabi;
  • 20th day.

  • 2 sheep,
  • Concerning the street of the shudu'a, the 21st day .



    szu-bu-ul#-tum# _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u) 1(disz)#-kam_

    AI Translation

    Shubultu month: "Barazgar," 21st day;

    P411305: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 9(disz) _gesz#_ [...] x
  • 1(u) _gesz_ in#-bi-i3-li2-szu#
  • 1(u) _gesz_ a-pil#-i3-li2-szu#
  • 2(u) 9(disz) qa2-al-pi2-[tu?]
  • sza i-na _gesz?-hi-a lu2 nagar-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 9 woods ... ...
  • 10 ... of inbilishu-wood;
  • 10 ... of Apil-ilishu,
  • 29 ...
  • which in the wood of the carpenters




  • 1(u) _gesz_ x [x x?]
  • _iti sig4#-a#_

    AI Translation

    they will give.

  • 10 ...
  • Month of the bricks.

    P411306: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) sza a-wi-li-ia
  • 1(barig) _szuku_ ia-a-rum
  • sza _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar_

  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) sza be-li2-ia-tum _nagar?_
  • 4(barig) 2(ban2) _sze_
  • nam-har-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of Awiliya;
  • 1 barig of ...-seeds,
  • Month of Abu V, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of Beli-yatum, the carpenter?;
  • 4 barig 2 ban2 of barley,
  • a kind of profession



    (disz)i3-li2-ia-s,i#-tam#-li#-pu-usz _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la_

    AI Translation

    Ili-yashi-tamli-push, month "NENEgar," 22nd day, year: "Ammi-ditana, the king, lord of Ibgulla."

    P411308: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ sza a-pil-i3-li2-szu
  • 1(disz) _gin2_ sza ib-ni-(d)sze-rum _dumu zi-ik-rum_
  • 1(disz) _gin2_ sza ba-ak-ka-lum
  • 1(disz) 1/3(disz) _gin2 [sza (d)nin]-urta-mu-sza-lim
  • [_dumu_] x x di gesz x

  • 4(disz) 5/6(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 shekels of Apil-ilishu,
  • 1 shekel of Ibni-Sherrum, son of Zikrum,
  • 1 shekel of bakkulum-wood;
  • 1 1/3 shekels of Ninurta-mushallim,
  • son of ... ...

  • 4 5/6 shekels of silver
  • Reverse


    [_iti x x] x u4# 6(disz)#-kam_ _mu#_ am#-mi#-di#-ta-na _lugal#-e# en sza3 asz-gub_ (i7)am-mi-di#-ta#-[na]

    AI Translation

    The month ..., the day 6, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, erected the dam.

    P411309: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    qa2-ti hu-la-[la]-tim#

  • 2(disz) pir-hu-um
  • 3(disz) (d)suen-ib-ni _dumu#_ e#?-[...]
  • 2(disz) (d)nin-si4-an-na [...]
  • sza _erin2 igi-_kak#_?_ 7(disz) hu-la#-[la-tum]

    AI Translation

    Hand of the hulalatum-demon,

  • 2 pirhum-plants,
  • 3: Sîn-ibni, son of ...;
  • 2: Ninsiana ...
  • of the troops of the igi-kak?, 7 hulalatu-demons,



    sza a-wi-lum ensi2# _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (uruda)ki-lugal-gub gal-gal-la [alan-na]_

    AI Translation

    of Awilum, governor. Month Elunum, 23rd day, year: "Ammi-ditana was king." Large bronze pedestal.

    P411310: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) _sila3 i3-gesz#_
  • _ki_ lugal#-a2-zi-[da] (disz)(d)nin-urta-ga-mil _szu ba-an-ti_

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 sila3 of oil,
  • Ninurta-gamil received from Lugal-azida;



    _iti gu4-si#-sa2# u4 [n-kam]_ _mu_ am-mi-di#-ta#-[na _lugal-e] alan#-a-ni masz2# [ge6-ga]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day ..., the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue, the night-time omen.

    P411311: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [i]-na# _iti sze-sag11-ku4_ _u4# 3(u)-kam!(_esz_)_

  • 3(disz) _sila3_ sza a-[...]
  • _szuku_ ha _bi ku_ x u3# (d)er3-ra-da?-x

    AI Translation

    In the month of Addaru, the 30th day,

  • 3 qû of ...
  • . . . . . . and Errada? .



    _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4#_ [...] _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na# _lugal#-e# alan#-a-ni masz2-ge6#-ga#!_

    AI Translation

    The month of Addaru, the day ... the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue.

    P411313: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz)#? _sila3 aga-us2-mesz_
  • 3(disz) _sila3_ dam kin#
  • 6(disz) _sila3 szitim#-mesz_
  • 2(disz) _sila3_ su#-ti#-i#
  • 1(ban2) 9(disz) _sila3 zi#-ga#_

    AI Translation
  • 8? sila3 of satraps,
  • 3 qû of ...,
  • 6 qû of shitumu-seeds,
  • 2 qû of sutî;
  • 1 seah 9 sila3 of refined flour;



    _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am#-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan#?-a?-ni? masz2!-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kislimum, the day 17 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected this statue of himself.

    P411314: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu sud!-a_
  • _szu_ e-tel-pi4#-(d)marduk _na-gada_ a-bu-wa-qar asz-szum _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im it-ti _ma2 i3-dub_ sza it-ti (d)ak-ma-lik il-la-ku#

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep of the 'strength';
  • Hand of Etel-pî-Marduk, the scout of Abu-waqar. Because the troops of Pihirim with the boat of the tablet which with Akmalik went,



    szu#? x [x] x i in-ne#-ep-szu _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu alan-a-ni# masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    ... ... will be performed. The month of Dumuzi, the day 26 of the year in which the statue of the dream interpreter was made.

    P411315: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 9(disz) _sila3 zi3-da szuku e2_
  • _u4 1(u)-kam_

  • 1(ban2) 2(disz) _sila3 szuku e2 u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_
  • 2(ban2) 1(disz) _sila3 zi3-da_
  • _szuku e2_ sza 2(disz) u4-mi

  • 5(ban2) a-na (d)en-lil2 ki-se3-ga#
  • AI Translation
  • 9 sila3 flour, the ration of the house;
  • 10th day.

  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of barley for the house on the 11th day;
  • 2 seahs 1 qû of flour,
  • the house for 2 days

  • 5 seahs for Enlil, the sage;
  • Reverse

  • 5(ban2) 1(disz) _sila3 zi3-da#_
  • _szuku e2_ sza 2(disz) u4-mi u3 _ki-se3-ga_ _iti ab-e3# u4# 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e bad3_ isz-ku-un-(d)marduk(ki)-ke4

    AI Translation
  • 5 seahs 1 sila3 flour,
  • the house of 2 days and the threshing floor; month "Abe," 11th day, year: "Ammi-ditana, the king, the wall of Ishkun-Marduk."

    P411316: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _kur-gi(muszen)_
  • _szu ti-a_ (disz)te#-em#-ma-gi-ir _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam_

  • 1(disz) _kur-gi(muszen)_
  • _szu ti-a_ (disz)te-em-ma-gi-ir

    AI Translation
  • 1 goose,
  • Hand of Temagir. Month of Nisannu, 27th day.

  • 1 goose,
  • Hand of Temmagir,



    _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 3(disz)-kam_ _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan nam-ur-sag-ga2_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _pa4-[bil]-ga-an-ni_

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day 3, the month of Ayyaru, the day 3, the year "Ammi-ditana the king a statue of heroism" — Samsu-iluna is my scout.

    P411317: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _udu-nita2 giri3_ x
  • sza a-ap-lu-tum x [...]

  • 2(disz) _udu-nita2 giri3_ 8(disz) x [...]
  • 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ sza ku-ru-um#_
  • sza s,il2-li2-ia

  • 7(disz) _udu-nita2_
  • e-zu-ub ka-ni-ki-szu

    AI Translation
  • 4 male sheep via ...;
  • of the aphutu-demon ... .

  • 2 rams, via 8 ... ...,
  • 1 sheep of the kurumu-vessel;
  • of my sling.

  • 7 rams,
  • He is a fugitive, his sling is a sling.



    x x x x x x x x [x?] x x szu-u2 i#?-pu#?-szu#? _iti x x u4# 5(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ am-mi-di-(ta)-na# _lugal-e# en ib2#-gu-ul-la#_

    AI Translation

    ... he ... ... he did. The month ..., the 5th day, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, was crowned.

    P411318: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) _sze [gur_] x 3(u)
  • sza _ur2-ra#?-re#?_ x x x

  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) lugal-a2-zi-da
  • 3(ban2) nu-ra-tum
  • 1(asz) _dumu_ e-t,i-ir-tum
  • 5(ban2) dumu-u4-2(u)-kam
  • AI Translation
  • 1 kor 3 panu 2 sutu of barley, ... 30,
  • of the ... ...

  • 1 barig 4 ban2: Lugal-azida;
  • 3 seahs of nuratum-seeds,
  • son of Etirtu;
  • 5 seahs, the second grade,
  • Reverse


    3(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_ sza im-gur-rum _sipa_ _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-[di]-ta#-na _lugal-e en sza3-asz-[gub gesz?]-gar# gu2# ba#-[zal]

    AI Translation

    3 kor 1 panu 2 sutu barley, of Imgurrum, shepherd; month: "Oxen," 18th day, year: "Ammi-ditana the king, lord, erected a throne on his neck."

    P411320: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar sza3 8(disz)? (gin2) ku3#?-babbar#?
  • sza hu-za-lum# x x _dumu_ nu-ur2#-(d)[...] ka-ni-kum? i-zi-bu

  • 1(disz) _gin2 ib2-tak4 sa10 i3-gesz_
  • sza nu-ra-tum il-qu2-u2

  • 1(disz) _gin2_ sza _duh duru5_ sza _lu2 din-na?_ x x
  • sza i-din-(d)nin-urta _dumu_ e-t,i-ir-tum# x? la id-di-nu

    AI Translation
  • 6 shekels of silver, of 8 shekels of silver?;
  • of Huzalu ..., son of Nur-..., the kaniku-official, he killed.

  • 1 shekel of silver I bought, for oil;
  • who sat down in the womb,

  • 1 shekel of ... of a man .
  • of Iddin-Ninurta, son of Etirtu, ... did not give.


  • 8(disz) _gin2# ku3-babbar#_
  • a-wi-lum ma-hi-ir _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 6(disz)?-kam#_ _mu_ am-mi#-di-ta#-[na _lugal-e_ ...]

    AI Translation
  • 8 shekels of silver,
  • The man who accepts the payment of the month of Arahsamna, the 16th day, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king .

    P411321: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _udu _sud#_-a#_
  • _szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum _na-gada_ a-bu-um-wa-qar asz-szum# ib-ni-(d)suen _gal-ukken#-na#_ qa2#-du# _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im it-ti (d)marduk-ma-an-szum2 u3 _arad_-(d)marduk?

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, ...;
  • Hand of Taribatum, the nagdû-priest of Abum-waqar, because Ibni-Sîn, the chief vizier, the commander of the troops of the satrap, with Marduk-manshum and Warad-Marduk?



    in#-ne#-ep#-[szu] _[iti ...] u4# n-kam#_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na# _[lugal-e] alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    ... the month ..., the day ..., the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his own statue of himself as a dream.

    P411322: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _udu _sud_-a_
  • _szu_ e#-[tel]-pi2#-(d)marduk asz-szum# (d)suen#-na#-di-in-szu-mi _gal-ukken#_-[na]_ qa2-du _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im a-na pa-ni _ma2-hi-a sze_-im a-na _(uruda)mar_ a-la-ki-im

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, ...;
  • Hand of Etel-pî-Marduk, because of Sîn-nadin-shumi, the chief vizier, together with the troops of the scouts, to the front of the boats, barley to the iron axe,



    in-ne-ep-szu _na#-gada#_ [a]-bu#-wa-qar _iti [...] x u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-[mi-di]-ta-na _lugal-e alan#-[a-ni] masz2#-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    The nagdû-offering of Abu-waqar. The month ..., the day 22 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected this statue of himself.

    P411323: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 4(disz) _ugu szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk
  • 8(disz) _udu-hi#-a#_ u2-s,u2-ur2#-tum

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4, upon the hand of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • 8 sheep, shorn,



    _na-gada_ sin-im-gur-an-ni# _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am-mi-di#-ta#-na# _lugal#-e# alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    The linen garment of Sinimguranni. The month of Dumuzi, the day 2 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king fashioned his statue of himself in black wool.

    P411325: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [1(disz)] _udu szu_ ta#-ri#-ba-tum
  • [asz]-szum# sza-al-lu#-[ur2]-u2-t,e4-tim u3 lu2-(d)isz8-tar2 sza isz-tu nibru(ki#) i-tu#?-ru-nim# a-na _sza3_ ma-tim e-be2-ri-im# _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_

  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ lu2-(d)isz8-tar2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, hand of taribatum;
  • Concerning Shallur-utetim and the Lu-Ishtar who from Nippur returned? to the country, the month of Kislimum, the day 21

  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4 sheep, under the command of Lu-Ishtar;
  • Reverse

  • 8(disz) _udu#_ u2-s,u2-ur2-tum
  • _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_

  • 9(disz) _udu-hi-a_
  • _na-gada_ a-bu#-wa-qar _iti# udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-[e] kar-(d#)utu#(ki#)-a

    AI Translation
  • 8 sheep of the shurtu-vessel;
  • Month of Dur-Sharrukku, 16th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

  • 9 sheep,
  • The sceptre of Abwaqar. The month of Adar XII, the day 16 of the year in which Ammi-ditana, king of Kar-Shamash,

    P411326: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • 2(disz) _udu#-hi-a_
  • _na-gada_ sin-im-gur#-an-ni _szu_ e#-tel-pi4-(d)marduk# a-na szu-lum iri(ki) _iti kin#-(d#)inanna#! u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am#-mi#-di-ta#-na#! _lugal#-e#_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep,
  • The garment of Sin-imguranni, under the authority of Etel-pî-Marduk, for the well-being of the city. The month Elunum, the day 16 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king .

    P411328: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu u2_
  • _na-gada_ a-bu#-wa!-qar _kaskal_ id-da-tum _szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk# asz-szum# _arad#_-(d#)marduk# qa2-du _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri#-im [a]-na# _siskur2#_ a#-na# nibru(ki) a-la#-ki-im a-di _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, grass-fed,
  • the nagda-priest of Abu-waqar, the road Iddatum, under the authority of Etel-pî-Marduk, because Warad-Marduk, together with the troops of Pihrim, for the sacrifice to Nippur and Alakum, until the 15th day,



    i-pu-szu-ma na-di-a _iti szu#?-numun#?-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am#-[mi]-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    he did and the nadia-offering. The month of Du'uzu, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue of a dream.

    P411329: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu _sud_-a_
  • sza sin-na-di-in-szu-mi _szu_ lu2-(d)iszkur _masz2-szu#-gid2#-gid2#_ asz-szum _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im it#-ti a-mu-un-nu-um a-na! _(uruda)mar_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, ...;
  • of Sin-nadin-shumi, hand of Lu-Adad, the mashhatu-priest, because of the troops of Pihrum with the amannum-sign for a copper .



    a-la-ki-im i-pu-szu# _na-gada_ a-bu-wa-qar _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di#-ta#-na _lugal-e asz-me gal-gal (na4)du8-szi-a-ke4#_

    AI Translation

    The naqqar-flour of Abwaqar. The month of Addaru, the day 4 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected. The great reed-plants

    P411330: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba#-tum#
  • 4(disz) _szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk
  • 8(disz) _udu-hi-a_ u2-s,u2-ur2-tum _na-gada_ a-bu-wa#-qar#

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4 hand of Etel-pî-Marduk,
  • 8 sheep, a shurtu-plant, a linen, Abu-waqar;



    _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di#-ta#-na# _lugal-e kar-(d)utu(ki)-a#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Shabatum, the day 2 of the year in which Ammi-ditana, king of Kar-Shamash,

    P411331: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    e-de#-nu-um _asz-me ku3-babbar_ sza a-na _sa10 2(barig) 3(ban2) zi3-da_ sza i-bi-(d)en-lil2 id-di-nu _ku3-babbar_ a-hu-u2 ma-har an-nu-i3-li2

    AI Translation

    The silver for the price of 2 barig 3 ban2 flour which Ibbi-Enlil gave, the silver for the ahû-vessel before Annu-ili.



    u2-ul i-ba-asz-szi _igi gu4-si-sa2 u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e# en ib2-gu-ul-la

    AI Translation

    There is no ox in the eyes of the bull. The 9th day, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, was crowned.

    P411332: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) _udu# szu_ ta#-ri#-ba-tum
  • a-na babila2(ki) _zi-ga_ _nig2-szu_ t,e4-ek-ki-rum

    AI Translation
  • 8 sheep, hand-washed, taribatu-skin;
  • to Babylon he swore. Property of Tekkirum.



    _iti apin-du8-a_ _u4# 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (d)lamma (d)lamma-a_

    AI Translation

    The month of Arahsamna, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the protective deity, the protective deity of the gods,

    P411333: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) _kur-gi4(muszen)-hi-a#_
  • 1(gesz2) _uz#-tur(muszen)_
  • 2(u) _tu-kur(muszen)_
  • x? _ri#-ri-ga_

    AI Translation
  • 60 goose-doves,
  • 60 eagles,
  • 20 turtledoves;
  • ... a ririga-demon



    _iti sig4-a u4 8(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e e2-babbar-ra?-sze3? _mi_? in#?-ne#?-en#?-[ku4-ra]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Simanu, the day 8?, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king entered the Ebabbar,

    P411334: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) 4(disz) 1/2(disz) _sila3 szuku lu2# [x]_
  • 2(disz) _sila3 lu2_ [x x?] ki?
  • 4(disz) _sila3_ _arad_-sin _szu-ku6#_
  • 1(disz)# _sila3_ na#-na#-a# [...]
  • 2(ban2) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _sila3 zi-ga_ _nig2-szu_ t,e4-ek-ki-ru

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 4 1/2 sila3 of ...-bread;
  • 2 qû for a man .
  • 4 qû of ...-sin, fisherman;
  • 1 qû of Nanaya .
  • 2 seahs 1 1/2 sila3 of refined silver, property of the tekkiru-festival;



    _iti bara2-za3-gar# u4# 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-i-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-da-ri-a_

    AI Translation

    Month of Nisannu, 13th day, year: "Ami-ditana, the king, a statue of himself in a grove."

    P411335: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu szu#_ [...]
  • asz-szum _erin2#_ pi2-ih-ri-im it-ti ([d])suen-ib-ni# _dumu szitim?_ a#-na# (uruda)mar a-la-ki-im [i-na] _iti ab-e3 u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam#_

  • 2(disz) _udu szu_ e-tel-pi4-(d)marduk
  • asz-szum# 5(disz) _erin2 (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ha-la#-[ba(ki)] it-ti _erin2#_ pi2-ih-ri#-im# a#-na# [...] il#-li#-kam a-na ka-ra-asz _erin2_ elam-ma(ki#)

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep ...
  • Because the troops of the scouts with Sîn-ibni, son of the shitum?, for the bronze axe, in the month of Tebetum, the 23rd day,

  • 2 sheep, under the command of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • Because 5 chariot troops of Halaba with the troops of the scouts to ... went, to the ... of the Elamite troops



    [a]-ma-ri-im in-ne-ep-szu il-li#-ku!

  • 3(disz) _udu _sud_-a u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam#_
  • _na-gada_ a-bu-um-wa-qar _iti ab-e3 u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta#-na# _lugal#-e alan#-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    They have been working on it, and they are going.

  • 3 sheep, my own, on the 26th day;
  • The nagdû-offering of Abum-waqar. The month of Tebetum, the day 26 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue of a dream.

    P411336: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [1(disz)] _udu#_ ib-ni-(d)marduk
  • [1(disz)] _udu_ (d)suen#-i-din-nam
  • 1(disz)# _udu_ szu-i3-li2-zu
  • 1(disz) _udu ugula# gidri#-mesz_ sza _erin2_ nu-kar2(ki)
  • 1(disz) _udu_ i-din-(d)na-na-a
  • 2(disz) _udu_ _arad_-(d)marduk
  • 1(disz)# _udu#_ x-di-iq
  • 1(disz) _udu_ i3-li2#-e-ra-ah
  • 1(disz) _udu_ _szu-ku6_
  • 1(u) _udu-hi#-a#_ sza _iti sze-sag11-ku5_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep: Ibni-Marduk;
  • 1 sheep of Sîn-iddinam;
  • 1 sheep of Shu-ilizu,
  • 1 sheep, foreman of sceptres of the troops of Nukar;
  • 1 sheep: Iddin-Nanaya;
  • 2 sheep, Warad-Marduk;
  • 1 sheep ...diq;
  • 1 sheep: Ili-erah;
  • 1 sheep, fish;
  • 10 sheep of the month of Addaru,



    ma-ak-ku-ur! u2-tul2-(d)isz8-tar2 _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 3(disz)-kam_ [_mu_] am#-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e [(uruda)ki-lugal] gub#-ba gal#-gal-la_

    AI Translation

    Makkur, Utul-Ishtar. Month of Nisannu, 3rd day. Year: "Ammi-ditana the king set up a great king's chariot."

    P411337: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) _gur duh _had2_-du-a_
  • _giri3_ (d)suen-ga-mil

  • 3(ban2) _duh _had2_-du-a_
  • _giri3_ ib-ni-sin

  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) _duh _had2_-du-a_ a-na _sza3-gal gu4-hi-a_
  • _giri3_ ib-ni-(d)marduk# 6(asz) 3(ban2) _duh _had2_-du-a_ _zi-ga_

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 of emmer,
  • via Sîn-gamil.

  • 3 seahs of ...-beer;
  • via Ibnisin.

  • 1 barig 3 sutu of bran for the belly of oxen,
  • via Ibni-Marduk; 6 gur 3 sutu of bran, ...;



    _e2_ li-di-isz _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2? du10-bi i3-musz3#-[a]_

    AI Translation

    The house shall be rented. The month of Nisannu, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king erected his statue with a good interest.

    P411338: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] _ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar_ sza# i3-li2-ia-s,i-tam-li-pu-usz# _nimgir#?_ usz#-ta#-bi-lam am-ta-ha-ar

    AI Translation

    ... minas 15 grains of silver of Ili-yashi-tamli-push, the herald, he brought to me, I received.

    P411342: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) _dumu_ x x
  • 2(ban2) lu2-(d)asal-lu2-hi
  • 2(ban2) _dumu_ i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun
  • 2(ban2) _dumu_ e-ku-tum
  • 1(ban2) lu2-dumu-nun-na
  • 1(ban2) (d)nin-urta-mu-ba-(li2)-it,
  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) _sze-gesz-i3_ _bad3_ na-asz-la-am-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 seahs, son of ...;
  • 2 seahs, Lu-Asalluhi;
  • 2 seahs, son of Ina-esagil-zeri;
  • 2 seahs, son of Ekutu;
  • 1 seah: Lu-dumunna;
  • 1 seah Ninurta-muballit,
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 sesame, the wall of Nashlamti;



    _al-e-na-til_ [_iti bara2]-za3-gar u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ [_mu_ am-mi-di]-ta#-na# _lugal-e_ [...] x x

    AI Translation

    Allenatu, month: "Barazgar," 21st day, year: "Ammi-ditana, the king, ..."

    P411343: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) _zi3-da_
  • a-na _sa10 1(disz) udu-nita2 1(disz) u8_

  • 4(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_ a-na# _sa10 1(disz) masz2-gal_
  • 2(barig)# 2(ban2)# 5(disz) _sila3 gur#?_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of flour,
  • for sale 1 ram, 1 ewe,

  • 4 ban2 5 sila3 for sale, 1 billy goat,
  • 2 barig 2 ban2 5 sila3
  • Reverse

  • 1(barig) 3(ban2)# _zi3-da_
  • a-na# _sa10# 1(disz) udu-nita2 1(disz) u8_

  • 4(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) _zi3-da#_
  • e-zu-ub 2(disz) _udu-nita2_ _na4?_ ku-ur-tim#?

  • 1(u) 2(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 of flour,
  • for sale 1 ram, 1 ewe,

  • 4 barig 1 ban2 5 flour,
  • he will eat 2 sheep, a stone of kurtu-stone,

  • 12 ...
  • P411344: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 1(disz) _(gesz)asal2_
  • sza up-li-a-tum u3 id-da-tum# il-qu2-u2-nim

    AI Translation
  • 51 ...-trees,
  • who upliatum and iddatum have taken.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e en ib2-gu-ul-la_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 17 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of Ibgulla,

    P411345: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu-nita2 sa10 i3-gesz_
  • _giri3_ e#?-ku#-tum _szu#-_gir#_ [...]

  • 1(disz) _u8 sa_ x [...]
  • _giri3#_ [...]

  • 1(disz)# x [...]
  • [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, sold for oil,
  • The foot is twisted. The 'hand' .

  • 1 ewe ... ...
  • foot ...

  • 1 ... ...,
  • Reverse


    pa-aq-du _iti# szu#-numun#-a u4# 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am#-mi#-di-ta-na _lugal-e en# ib2#-gu-ul-la ki#-ag2# (d)marduk_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 6 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, swore the beloved of Marduk.

    P411346: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _an#_ [...]
  • 1(disz) dingir-szu-ib#-[ni-szu]
  • 1(disz) _arad_-(d)[...]
  • 1(disz) i-na _e2#_ [...]
  • 1(disz) ta-ri-[ba-tum ...]
  • 1(disz) (d)na-bi-um#-na#-[s,ir?]
  • 1(disz) sza#-al-lu-rum
  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)mi-sza-rum
  • 1(disz) i-din-(d)marduk
  • 1(disz) dingir-ma-i-li-i
  • 1(disz) eri-ba-am-(d)marduk#?
  • 1(disz) e2-mes-lam-li#-wi#-ir
  • 1(disz)# a-wi-li-ia
  • AI Translation
  • 1 rain ...
  • Ilshu-ibnishu,
  • 1: Warad-...;
  • 1 in the house .
  • 1 taribatu-plant ...;
  • Nabû-nashir,
  • 1: Shallurrum;
  • 1: Lu-Misharum;
  • Iddin-Marduk,
  • 1 Dingir-ma'ilî,
  • 1: Eribam-Marduk?;
  • Emeslam-liwir,
  • Awiliya,
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) 3(disz) ma-hi-ir
  • 1(disz) (d)_ak_-za-kir-szu-mi
  • 1(disz) in!-bi-i3-li2-szu
  • 1(disz) ib-ni-sin
  • 3(disz) la ma-hi-ir
  • _sza3 szuku iti gu4-si-sa2_ _iti# sze#-sag11#-ku5 u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam_ [_mu_ am-mi-di]-ta-na _lugal-e en# ib2#-gu-ul-la ki-ag2#_

    AI Translation
  • 13 are accepted.
  • Akzakir-shumi,
  • Inbi-ilishu,
  • Ibnisin,
  • 3 not accepted;
  • in the month of the oxen, month of the sagku, 27th day, year: "Ammi-ditana, the king, the lord, was crowned with splendor."

    P411347: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) i-lu-ni
  • 1(ban2) a-wi-il-(d)suen
  • 1(ban2) ku-ru-u2
  • 1(ban2) i-din-(d)nin-urta
  • 1(ban2) e-tel-pu
  • 1(ban2) ba-ak-ka-lum
  • 1(ban2) x-hur-ra-an-ni
  • 1(ban2) [x] x x-ia-a
  • 1(ban2) a#-at-ta-a
  • [1(ban2) ...]-be#-lum#
  • AI Translation
  • 1 seah Iluni,
  • 1 seah: Awil-Sîn;
  • 1 seah of kurû-bread;
  • 1 seah Iddin-Ninurta,
  • 1 seah, Etelpu;
  • 1 seah of roasted meat;
  • 1 seah ...huranni,
  • 1 seah ...ya,
  • 1 seah of Attâ,
  • 1 seah ...-belum,
  • Reverse

  • 1(ban2)# _ugula#-e2_
  • 1(ban2) [x]-hu-szu
  • 1(ban2) ku#-[x]-ia-tum#
  • 3(barig) 1(ban2) a#-ap#-pa-a
  • 1(ban2) _dumu# lu2 numun#_
  • 1(ban2) nu-ur2-(d)[...]
  • 1(ban2) i-din-x
  • 1/3(disz) _sila3_ x-(d)_en_-[...]
  • 1(ban2) x [...] x
  • [...] 2(barig) x x x x

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah, foreman of the house;
  • 1 seah ...hushu,
  • 1 seah of ...-yatum-seeds;
  • 3 barig 1 ban2: Apâ;
  • 1 seah, son of a man, seed,
  • 1 seah, Nur-...,
  • 1 seah Iddin-...,
  • 1/3 qû ...-Bel-.
  • 1 seah ... ...,
  • ... 2 barig ...

    P411350: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) _sze gur szuku e2_ (d)en-lil2
  • 5(gesz2) 4(asz) _gur_ i-na _e2 i3-dub ka2_ (d)pa4-nigar(gar#)
  • 7(asz) _ib2-tak4 szuku erin2_-im
  • 3(asz) 1(barig) a-na _erin2_ e-ri-ib-tum
  • 1(u) 8(asz) _ki_ [1(disz)?]
  • n(asz) szu-x [...] n(asz) masz2-kan2#-[szabra(ki)] n(asz) _dub-sar#_ n(asz) x x [...] n(asz) _lu2# ar3#-ra#?_ n s,a-ab#-rum x [...] n a#-na# za-ri#-ia#

    AI Translation
  • 105 gur of barley, the ration of the temple of Enlil;
  • 184 gur in the house of the tablet-house of the gate of Panigar;
  • 7 ..., the troops,
  • 3 gur 1 barig for the troops of the eribtu-priests;
  • 18 with 1?
  • ... ... ... Mashkan-shabra ... scribe ... ... ... ... ... ... to my sceptre



    [n] n _gur e2 i3-dub ka2_ x [...] a-na# [...] [...] x x x x? x [...] x [...]

  • 2(gesz2) 5(u) [...]
  • _iti# gu4-si#-sa2# u4 1(u) n-[kam] _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-[e] en ib2#?-gu-ul-[la]_

    AI Translation

    ... kurru, the house, the storehouse, the gate ... to ...

  • 210 ...
  • The month of Ayyaru, the day ..., the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord, .

    P411351: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • 4(barig) 2(ban2) 8(disz) _sila3#_ [...]
  • mu# [...]

  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) _sze_ [...]
  • 1(asz) 2(disz) _sila3#_ [...]
  • 2(disz)# [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 4 barig 2 ban2 8 qû .
  • year ...

  • 2 barig 4 ban2 of barley .
  • 1 qû 2 qû ...
  • 2 ...
  • P411352: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) ni-ih-du-szi _dumu-munus_ (d)marduk-x x x
  • 1(barig) sza-mu-uh3#-tum _dam_ ib-na-[tum]
  • 2(barig) nu-ra-tum! _munus_ dingir x ib [...]
  • 2(barig) 3(ban2) sa3-bi-tum _dam_ x x dingir x x
  • 2(barig) mu-ha-ad-di-tum# x x x x
  • 2(barig) (munus)na-ra-(am)-tum _dumu-munus_ x x x x
  • 2(barig) (munus)sa3-bi-tum _dumu-munus_ nu-[...]
  • 2(barig) be-et#-te-tum _dumu-munus_ [...]
  • 1(barig) x-ha#-su2# [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig Nihdushi, daughter of Marduk-...,
  • 1 barig, Shamuhtum, wife of Ibnatum;
  • 2 barig, nuratu-flour, goddess ... .
  • 2 barig 3 ban2: Sabitum, wife of ..., god ...;
  • 2 barig, the mudditu-offering ...;
  • 2 barig, Naramtum, daughter of ...;
  • 2 barig, Sabitum, daughter of Nu-...;
  • 2 barig, Betetum, daughter of ...;
  • 1 barig ...-hasu .
  • Reverse

  • 2(barig) [...]
  • 1(barig) [...]
  • 1(barig) (munus)[x] x x _dumu-munus_ x x [...]
  • 1(barig) e-t,i-ir-tum _dumu-munus#_ lu2-dumu-nun-na
  • 1(barig) la-su2#-usz-su2#?
  • 1(barig) sa3-bi-tum _dam_ x x x [x?]
  • 1(barig) hu-za-la#-tum# _dam?_ x x x
  • 1(ban2) el-me-szum# _dumu-munus_ lu2 x x x
  • 1(ban2) geme2-ku-bi _dumu-munus_ x x [...]
  • li-ib-lu?-x

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig ...
  • 1 barig ...,
  • 1 barig ... daughter ... .
  • 1 barig Etirtu, daughter of Lu-dumunna;
  • 1 barig, Lasushsu?,
  • 1 barig, Sabitum, wife of ...,
  • 1 barig, Huzalatum, wife? of ...;
  • 1 seah Elmeshum, daughter of a man ...;
  • 1 seah, Geme-kubi, daughter of ... ...;
  • P411353: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _udu-nita2 e2_ a-pil-i3-li2-szu
  • 2(disz) _udu-nita2 e2_ [x? x] x x
  • 3(disz) _udu-nita2 mu-kux(_du_)_

  • 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ a-na i3-li2-isz-me#-a#-ni#
  • 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ a-na _arad_-_bi_-_ku_?
  • 1(disz) _udu-nita2_ i-na _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_
  • _siskur2_ a-na _an#_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, house of Apil-ilishu;
  • 2 sheep, house ...;
  • 3 sheep, delivery;

  • 1 sheep for Ilish-mani;
  • 1 sheep for ARAD-BI-KU?.
  • 1 ram on the 15th day;
  • a sacrifice to ... .


  • [3(disz)] _udu#-nita2#_
  • a#-na# [x] x [...] 4(disz) _[udu]-nita2#_ a#-na# kisz(ki) 7(disz) _zi-ga_

  • 1(u) 6(disz) x [...]
  • 4(disz) _u8_
  • [x] 2(u) 7(disz)# [...]

    AI Translation
  • 3 male sheep,
  • to ... ... 4 sheep to Kish 7 .

  • 16 ... ...
  • 4 ewes,
  • ... 27 ...

    P411354: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • asz-szum _na-asz-bar_ sza t,up-pi2 _lugal_-ri sza!-lu-tam# a-na babila2(ki) t,a-ra-di ub-lam in-ne-ep-szu _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_

  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ lu2-isz8-tar2
  • 8(disz) _udu-hi-a_ u2-s,u-ur2-tum _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_

  • 1(disz) _udu szu#_ lu2-isz8-tar2
  • [...] _aga-us2 sag_ [...] x asz-szum 1(disz) _nagar_ [...] x x

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • Because the scribal art of the royal tablet, the shalutam-offering to Babylon, the shalu-offering, the ublam-offering, has been performed, the month of Abu, the day 12

  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4 sheep, under the command of Lu-ishtar;
  • 8 sheep, shurtu-offerings, month "NENEgar," 16th day;

  • 1 sheep, hand of Lu-ishtar,
  • ... a satrap ... ... because one carpenter ... .



    [...] x x x [n] _udu# szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum [i]-nu#-ma ah-hu-u2# ma-du-tum x? x a-na _bad3_ sin-mu#-ba#-li2-it,(ki) is-ni-qu2#-nim#-ma asz!-szum# _arad_-(d)marduk? qa2#-du# _erin2#_ pi2-ih-ri-im a-na _(uruda)mar_ t,a-ra-di isz-pu-ra-am-ma _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im a-na pa-ni ah-hu-u2 x x a-na# _(uruda)mar_ il-li-ku _na-gada_ a-hu-wa-qar _[iti] _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _[mu]_ am#-mi#-[di-ta-na _lugal-e] kar# (d)utu_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... n sheep of the hand of Taribatum When the ahhû-workers ... to the wall of Sin-muballit he took, and because Warad-Marduk, the commander, the troops of the chariotry to the ... a harru sent, and the troops of the chariotry to the front of the ... a harru he went, the linen of Ahu-waqar. The month of NNE-GAR, the day 26 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the port of Shamash .

    P411355: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz)#? _sze gur_
  • _masz2# nu-tuku_ _ki_ ip-qu2-(d)gibil6 (disz)ni-di-in-isz8-tar2 _dumu#_ li-pi2-it-(d)na-na#-a _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_

    AI Translation
  • 2 kurru of barley,
  • Nidin-Ishtar, son of Lipit-Nanaya, received from Ipqu-Gibil; he is paid. At the delivery of the harvest



    [n] _sze# gur#_ _sze i3-ag2#-e#_ _igi#_ x x x x _igi_ sze#-ep#-(d)suen _dumu_ ib#-ni-(d)suen _iti szu#-numun#-[a u4 n-kam]_ _mu#_ a-bi-e#-[szu-uh _lugal-e] nim-gir2# nim#-[gir2-a] ku3#-sig17-ga#-[ke4]_

    AI Translation

    n gur of barley, the barley rations; before ...; before Shep-Sîn, son of Ibni-Sîn. The month of Du'uzu, the day ..., the year of Abi-eshuh, the king, the arrow, the arrow, the gold.

    P411357: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _(gesz)eme# apin-hi#-a# ku3#-babbar & mu-bi-im_

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 7(disz) & & mi-ik-su sza i-na _abul_ s,i-tim sza-du-tim
  • 2(u) 2(disz) & & ma-har lugal-a2-zi-da
  • 1(u) 7(disz) & & ma-har ba-ak-ka-lum
  • & 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_ & ma-har a-pil-i3-li2-szu & 1(disz) _gin2_ & ma-har ib-ni-(d)sze-rum & 1(disz) _gin2_ & sza ba-ak-ka-lum

    AI Translation

    a pine tree, silver and its name;

  • 97 ..., the measurement of the ... in the ...-house,
  • 22 ... before Lugal-azida;
  • 17 ... before the .
  • 1 1/2 shekels before Apil-ilishu, 1 shekel before Ibni-sherum, 1 shekel of Akkalum,



    _szunigin2#_ 3(disz) 1/2(disz) _gin2_

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u)? (u) _(gesz)eme# apin-hi-a tug2-sag11_
  • sza#? a-na _arad_-(d)marduk _dumu-e2-dub-ba-a_ in#-na-ad-ma _iti sig4-a u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e_ gesz? x bi dara3? x kum [...] 6(disz)?-ta x kam?-ma du3

    AI Translation

    Total: 3 1/2 shekels.

  • 240? ... of apsû-wood, garments,
  • which he gave to Warad-Marduk, the scribe, and the month of Simanu, the day 18 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king ... ... ... 6? ... and he made

    P411359: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) _erin2_ masz-kan2-szabra(ki)
  • 1(u) _erin2 ka2 e2-gal_
  • 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2#_ ma-ha-nu du10-gar(ki) _nig2-szu_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu#
  • pa-ni _bara2_ (d)na-bi-um

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) pa-ni _bara2 (d)iszkur_
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(disz) pa-ni (d)inanna a-ga-de3(ki)
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) pa-ni _i7_
  • 5(gesz2) 3(u) 7(disz) _bad3_

  • 1(u) 6(disz) me-t,i-ir-tum _an#_ [...]
  • 1(u) 3(disz) me-t,i#-ir#-tum [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 107 troops of Mashkan-shabru;
  • 10 troops at the palace gate;
  • 12 man of Manu, Dugar, possessions of Ilshu-ibnishu,
  • before the dais of Nabû,

  • 94, before the dais of Adad;
  • 88 before Inanna of Agade,
  • 113 front of the canal,
  • 147, the wall;

  • 16 ... ...
  • 13 ... ...
  • Reverse

  • 2(u) _lu2#?_ [...]
  • 4(u) 7(disz) gesz-[hi-a_ ...] 6(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) _gesz-hi#-a#_ [...] qa2-du (gesz)si2-ik-ka-tim#? [...] sza a-lum ku-ul-lu-ma me? _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal#-e# alan nam-nun#-na#-[ni]_

    AI Translation
  • 20 men ...
  • 47 beams ..., 184 beams ..., beside the ... of the ..., which the alum-plant ..., and the me? month of Ayyaru, the 9th day, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected a statue of the prince.

    P411362: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) _(gesz)eme apin-min_
  • 5(disz) _(gez)asal2_
  • 2(disz) (gesz)bu-ka-nu
  • _giri3_ sin-na-di-in-szu-mi [x?] x [x?] kin#? x [...]

    AI Translation
  • 3 ...-plants,
  • 5 ...;
  • 2 wooden ...;
  • via Sinadinshumi ... ... .


  • 5(disz) _(gesz#)eme apin#_
  • 1(disz) _(gesz)eme# apin#_
  • _giri3#_ (d)utu#?-mu-sza#-lim _uzu#_ te-re-e!-tim _iti sig4-a u4 4(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 5 ...-woods,
  • 1 cypress, plow,
  • via Shamash-mushallim, ..., the month of Simanu, the day 4

    P411365: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    sza be-el-ni isz-pu-ra-an-ni i-na _iti sig4-a u4 5(disz)#-kam#_ (disz)(d)marduk-mu#-ba#-li2#-it,# _dub-sar_ isz#-pu#-[ra-am] i#-[na] _iti# sig4-a u4 4(disz)-kam_ (disz)(d)suen-i#-din-nam _gal-ukken-na#_ pa-ni _erin2_ pi2#-ih#-ri#-im# a-na bi-tim (sza) sza-_ih_-il#-tim# il#-li#-ik#-ma u3 a-hu-ia qa2-du [... pa-ni] _lu2_ szu x qa2-du 1(u) _erin2#_ pi2-ih-ri#-[im] [...] _nam-2(disz) siskur2#_ u3# _lu2-mesz_ szu-ut# te#-re#-tim# u3 _erin2?_ su2-ti-i# (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam# _gal#-[ukken]-na#_ is,-ba-tam#

    a-na# _kun8#_ i7#-da#([ki]) [il]-li#-ik#-ma# i-na _iti sig4-a u4 4(disz)?-kam masz2#-szu-gid2-gid2_ isz#-di#-ih# a-na (d)suen-i#-din#-nam# _gal-ukken#-na_ pa-ni _erin2 pi2-ih-ri-[im] _erin2_ su2-ti-i u3 _lu2-mesz_ szu-ut te#-re#-tim a-na nibru(ki) a-la-ki-im-ma# _siskur2#_ e#-pe2#-szi#-im# a-di _siskur2_ in-na-aq#-qu2#-u2# a-na bi-ih-ru-tim u2#-zu-uz-zi-im# ki-ma _siskur2_ it-ta#-an-qu2-u2# a-na# _kun8_ i7-da(ki) ta#-ri-im

    AI Translation

    As to what our lord wrote to me: in the month of bricks, on the 5th day, Marduk-muballit, the scribe wrote to me. In the month of bricks, on the 4th day, Sîn-iddinam, the chief vizier, went to the quay of Sha-ih-iltum and my brother ... before the man ..., together with 10 viziers ... the nam-siskur-offering and the men of the teretum and the troops of Sutu, Sîn-iddinam, the chief vizier, took.

    to the gate of the Idda he went, and on the 4th day of the month "Bricks" the mash-shugid-disease he smote. To Sîn-iddinam, the chief vizier, before the troops of the scouts, the troops of the Sutians, and the men of the scouts, to Nippur went, and the sacrifice he performed, until the sacrifice he smashed, to the scouts he smashed, like the sacrifice he smashed, to the scout of the Nippur he smashed,



    _uzu_ te-re-e-tim i-pu-szu-ma i-na _uzu_ te-re-e-tim sza-al-ma-tim i-na _iti sig4-a u4 7(disz)-kam_ (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam _gal-ukken-na_ pa-ni _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im _erin2_ su2-ti-i# _nam-2(disz) siskur2 u3 lu2-mesz_ szu-ut te#-[re-e-tim] a-na nibru(ki) it-ta-al-[la-ak]

  • 4(disz) _gu4-hi-a murub4#-ba#_ u3 a? [...]
  • 1(u) _udu-nita2_ x x x x x
  • _sza3 x hi ab2-gu4#-hi#-[a]_ x x x?

  • 1(u) 6(disz) _gu4-hi-a giri3 _arad#_? 1(u) 1(disz)?_
  • _na-gada_ ib-ni-(d)marduk# x x x

  • 3(u) _ud5-hi-a na#-gada#_ [...]
  • 1(u) 5(disz)? _ud5_ [...]
  • 3(u) 5(disz) _ud5_ [...]
  • 2(u) 2(disz) up-li#-[a-tum ...]
  • 4(u) 2(disz) _na-gada#_ [...]
  • 1(u) 9(disz)! _gu4_ [...]
  • 4(u) x x x x
  • 2(u) 5(disz) x x x x
  • AI Translation

    Sîn-iddinam, the chief vizier, before the troops of the auxiliary forces, the troops of the Sutians, the service of the sacrifices, and the men of the sacrifices to Nippur marched.

  • 4 bulls, the middle, and ... .
  • 10 sheep ......
  • inside ... cows .

  • 16 oxen, via ARAD? 11?
  • the garment of Ibni-Marduk .

  • 30 ..., linen ...;
  • 15? ... ...
  • 35 ... ...
  • 22 ...
  • 42 linen ...;
  • 19 bulls ...
  • 40 ......;
  • 25 ......
  • P411368: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n _sze gur_] i-ba-al-[lu-ut] _en-nu-un_ ma#-an-na#-szu# x x? [n] _gur#_ im-me-eri3-li2 _en-nu-un_ dingir-lam-engar _ra2-gaba_ [n?] 3(u) _gur_ sa-mu-um ugula mar-tu_ _en-nu-un_ a-wi-il-(d)suen

  • 2(gesz2) _gur_ gi-mil-dingir
  • _en-nu-un_ gi-mil-la-tum 1(gesz'u)? 1(gesz2) 2(u) _gur_ giri3-ni-i3-sa6 _en-nu-un_ i-din-(d)mar-tu

  • 4(gesz2) 2(u) _gur_ _an_-_ka_-isz8-tar2
  • _en-nu-un_ puzur4-(d)gu-la [n] _gur_ (d)iszkur-ri-im-i3-li2 sza-pi2-ir _i7 a-lal2(sar)_ _en-nu-um_ im-gur-(d)utu [n] _gur_ i-ba-al-lu-ut, _en-nu-un#_ gi-mil-(d)gu-la

  • 3(gesz2) _gur_ (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim
  • _en-nu-un_ (d)marduk-ba-s,ir

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) _gur_ e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi#-[um]
  • _en-nu-un_ isz8-tar2-x [...]

  • 1(gesz2) _gur_ x [...]
  • _en#-nu-un#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    n gur of barley he shall carry. The watch for him ... n gur of Imme-erili, the watch of Ilam-engar, the chariot driver ... 30 gur of Samum, the overseer of the Amorite watch of Awil-Sîn.

  • 200 gur, Gimillil;
  • Watch of the gimillatu-demon: 210? gur, Girini-isa watch of Iddin-Amurtu.

  • 420 gur, Anu-ka-Ishtar;
  • Watch of Puzur-Gula, n gur. Adad-rim-ili, the shapir of the Alala canal. Watch of Imgur-Shamash, n gur. They will be sated. Watch of Gimillu-Gula.

  • 240 gur, Marduk-mushallim;
  • Watch of Marduk-bashir.

  • 210 gur, Etel-pî-Nabium;
  • Watch of Ishtar-... .

  • 60 kurru ... .
  • Watch . . .



    [...] x x x x x [...] x x nu? x x [...] x x [...] [...]

  • 5(gesz2) _gur_ [...]
  • _en#-nu-un#_ [...]

  • 5(gesz2) _gur_ nu#?-[...]
  • _en#-nu-un# [...] [...] ma#-ka#-su2# x x [_en-nu-un_ ...]-(d)da-gan _szu-i_ [n] _gur_ gi#-mil#-(d)gu-la _en-nu-un_ li-ib-lu-ut,-i3-si-in(ki) u3 dingir-lam-ni-szu

  • 5(gesz2) _gur_ mu-na-wi-rum
  • _en-nu-un_ i3-li2-u3-(d)utu [n]+2(disz) _gur_ ma-an-nu-um-ba-lum-(d)utu _en#-nu-un_ ku-ub-bu-tum [n] 2(u) 7(disz) 2(u) szu#? _sze gur_ [... a]-na me-eh-ri pe2-hu-u2

    AI Translation

  • 450 kurru ...
  • Watch . . .

  • 450 kurru ...
  • Watch ... ... ... watch ... Dagan, hand-ring n gur, Gimil-Gula watch Liblut-Isin and Ilamnishu

  • 450 kurru of Munawirum,
  • Watch of Ili-u-shamash. n+2 kurru of Mannum-balum-shamash watch of Kubbutum. n 27 20? kurru of barley ... to the front.

    P411371: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na be-li-ni qi2-bi2-ma um-ma _ARAD-mesz_-ka-ma _iri(ki) u3 erin2_-um sza be-li-ni sza-lim i-na _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _lu2-mesz nibru(ki)_ sza isz-tu nibru(ki) a-na _kun8_ i7-da(ki) is-ni-qu2-nim ki-a-am iq-bu#-ni-a-szi-im um-ma szu-nu-ma i-na _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_

  • 5(disz) me-e _lu2-kur2_ qa2-du _dusu2-hi-a u3 erin2#_ pi2-[ih-ri-im]
  • a-na nibru(ki) il-li-[ku] a-na e2-kur i-ru-bu-ma _(gesz)gigir-hi-a!_ [...] _ _iz#-zi#-hi-a_ sza _e2_ pa-al!-sza [...] [...] u2-ha-ab-bi#-[tu] a [...] a i# sza x x _erin2_ [...] ad#-di-ru-ma _ra2-gaba# dusu2#-hi-a_ i-mi-du-ma it-ta-al-ku i-na _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_

  • 3(disz) me#-e# _lu2-kur2_ qa2-du _dusu2-hi-a_
  • a-na# e2#-kur i-ru-bu#-[ma]

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus say your servants: the city and the troops of our lord are well. In the month of Tammuz IV, the 28th day, the citizens of Nippur who from Nippur to the bank of the Tigris sailed, as follows they said to us: "They are in the month of Tammuz IV, the 19th day."

  • 5 seahs, enemy, together with the troops and the troops,
  • to Nippur went, to Ekur entered, and chariots ... ... the front of the house ... he seized ... ... ... troops ... I brought, and the chariot driver ... he sailed, and he went. In the month of Shabatum, the 25th day,

  • 3 seahs, the enemy, together with the grain-heap;
  • entered Ekur and



    x x x u3# e2-kur# _lu2-kur2_ usz-ta-al-pi2-it _lu2-kur2_ u4-mi#-sza#-am a-na nibru(ki) sa#-di-ir ki-a-am iq-bu-ni-a-szi-im a-wa#-te e-tel-pu ni-isz-pu-ra-am me-eh-rum _giri#_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _lu2# kas4-e_ u3# szu-mu#-um#-[li-ib]-szi# _ugula lu2 kas4-e_ _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e_ kar-(d#)utu(ki)-a

    AI Translation

    ... and Ekur, the enemy, he smashed. The enemy, on the day of the sadir, as he said, to Nippur he smote. The words were written, we wrote. The sacrificial man, the sacrificial man, and Shumum-libshi, the foreman of the sacrificial man. The month of Shabatum, the day 29 the year in which Ammi-ditana the king of Kar-Shamash


    a copy

    P411382: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n sze] gur a-sza3 sahar!-zu#-ki

  • 4(u) 6(asz) sze gur
  • a-sza3 du6-nig2-kal-la

  • 2(u) 1(asz) sze gur
  • garim _usz_!-ba-al-_gi4#_? [x] x [...]

    AI Translation

    n gur of barley from the field Sahar-zuki;

  • 46 gur of barley,
  • field of Dunigkalla;

  • 21 gur of barley,
  • Reverse


    x u4# 2(u) 6(disz) zal-la-a gu4 ba-ab-la2 giri3 ur-szu-mah szitim mu en unu(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... 26th day, slaughtered, oxen rations, via Ur-shumah, the shittim; year: "The en-priestess of Uruk ..."



    [...] 1(gesz2) 3(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) gur

    AI Translation

    ... 77 gur 1 barig

    P411385: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(barig) sze_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _aga#-us2-sag_
  • _1(barig) sze_ e-tel-pi2-na-bi-um _aga-us2-sag_
  • _1(barig) sze_ (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _lu2-kasz4-e#_
  • _3(barig) sze_ [i]-na _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza _zi-ga_ szi-iq me-sze-qi2-im ra-aq-qi2-im a-na _szuku lu2# aga-us2-sag# lu2-kasz4#-e# ra2#-gaba# sza _iti gu4-si-sa2_ sza re-esz _dumu#-mesz_ szi-ip-ri sza _a-ab-ba#_ u2-ka-al-lu nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)dingir-szu#-ba-ni _aga-us2-sag_ (disz)e-tel-pi2-(d)na-bi-um _aga-us2-sag_ u3 (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _lu2-kasz4-e#_

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig of barley for Ilshu-bani, the aggrave;
  • 1 barig of barley: Etel-pinabium, the sag-priest;
  • 1 barig of barley for Marduk-mushallim, the messenger;
  • 3 barig of barley by the barley of Marduk, which is the price of the rations, the rations, the rations, the rations, for the szuku of the satrap, the messenger, the messenger, the messenger of the month of Ayyaru, the first-fruits of the sons of the scribal staff of the sea, the rations of Ilshu-bani, the messenger, Etel-pî-nabû, the messenger, and Marduk-mushallim, messengers,



    _zi-ga_ _nig2-szu_ a-wi-il-(d)utu (disz)in-bi-i3-li2-szu u3 _sza3-tam-mesz_ tap-pe2-e-szu-nu _gir3_ a-bu-um-wa-qar _dumu_ a-hu-um-wa-qar u3 (d)na-bi-um-mu-sza-lim _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ _dumu#_ im#-gur#-(d)suen _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e (d)nanna en# geszkim#-ti-la-ni-sze3 szu-nir gal-gal#-[la ku3]-sig17# ku3-babbar-ra a# mu-na-ru_

    AI Translation

    the rations, property of Awil-shamash, Inbi-ilishu and the shatammu-offerings of their ..., the feet of Abum-waqar, son of Ahum-waqar, and Nabium-mushallim, the mashhatu-offerings of the son of Imgur-Sîn, the month of Ayyaru, the day 11 of the year in which Abi-eshuh, the king, Nanna, the lord of the scepter, the great scepter of gold and silver, he dedicated it to him.

    Seal 1


    [a]-bu-um-wa-qar _dumu_ a-hu-um-wa#-qar# _ARAD_ a-bi-e-[szu-uh]

    AI Translation

    Abum-waqar, son of Ahum-waqar, servant of Abi-eshuh.

    Seal 2


    (d)na-bi-um-mu-sza-lim [_dumu_ e]-ri-ib-(d)suen# [_masz2-szu]-gid2-gid2_ _ARAD_ (d)na-bi-[um]

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, son of Erib-Sîn, mashhatidgid, servant of Nabû.

    P411387: administrative tag

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) sila4 1(disz) udu mu 1(disz)
  • mu-kux(_du_) e2 en-ki-ag2-(d)[x] na-gada ha-li-lum

    AI Translation
  • 4 lambs, 1 ram, 1 year old,
  • delivery of the house of Enkiaga-..., the nagaba of Halilum;



    kiszib3 a-a-la-tum iti szu-numun mu alan e2 (d)utu-sze3 ku4-[x]

    AI Translation

    under seal of A'alatum; month: "Sowing," year: "The statue of the house of Shamash was opened."

    P411393: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2)? _sze gur_
  • sza ma-ah-ri-ia _sza3_ 1(asz) ib-bi-(d)marduk

  • 1(asz) 1(barig) lu-lu-u2
  • 2(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) nu-ur2-(d)suen
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) ia-u2
  • 6(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_
  • AI Translation
  • 6 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley,
  • of my presence, inside Ibbi-Marduk,

  • 1 gur 1 barig lulû-flour,
  • 2 gur 2 barig 5 ban2: Nur-Sîn;
  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2: Iau;
  • 6 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 of barley,
  • Reverse


    _zi#-ga#_ szum-ma# te-el-te-qe2-ma? i-na pa-ni-ia ta-at-ta-ad#-di ma-la asz-pu-ra-ak-ku sze-am i-di-in

    AI Translation

    ... If you have sworn and in my presence you have sworn, as much as I have written, the barley he shall give.

    P411403: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu e2-a-re-ma-an-ni _ugula gidri_
  • masz2-kan2-szabra(ki) i-nu-ma a-na _kun8# i7#_ wa-ri qa2-du a-na me-e ha#-qi2-im il-li-ku-ma _iti gu4-si-sa2 (u4) 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_

  • 1(disz) pi2-hu an-za-ak-tum-ma-sza#-lim#? _szu-i_
  • _iti gu4#-si-sa2 u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 ... of Ea-remanni, overseer of the sceptre;
  • Mashkan-shabru when to the bank of the wadi next to the waterway of the qimm-water went, and the month of Ayyaru, the day 18,

  • 1 ... of Anzaktum-mashallim, hand of
  • month "Oxen," 21st day;



    _iti# gu4-si-sa2 [u4] 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e bad3-da_ a-bi-e-szu-uh(ki)-ke4 _ni2 gal-gal-bi kur-kur-ri-a ugu gesz gi4-gi4-a (d)idigna-ka-ta bi2-in-du3-a_

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day 21 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king built the wall of Abi-eshuh, its great fearsomeness over all the lands, he imposed upon the scepter of the Tigris.

    P411409: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 4(disz) _udu szu#_ e-tel-pi4-(d)marduk
  • 8(disz) _udu-hi-a_ u2-s,u2-ur2-tum _iti du6-ku3 u4 2(disz)-kam_

  • 1(disz) _udu szu_ e-tel-pi4-(d)marduk
  • asz-szum _lu2_ sza t,up-pa-at szar-ri-im sza t,e4-em _erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i sza _erin2_ su-tu-u2 iq-bu-u2-szu-ma#! a-la-kam

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4 sheep, under the command of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • 8 sheep, shorn, month: "Duku," 2nd day;

  • 1 sheep, hand of Etel-pî-Marduk,
  • Because the man of the royal tablet of the report of the troops of the king, the troops of the king, said to him, and I went,



    i-pu-szu-ma t,up-pa-a-tum la il-li-ka 9(disz) _udu-hi-a_ sza in-ne-ep-szu# _sza3-ba 6(disz) udu na-gada_ pir-hi-i3-li2-szu 3(disz) _udu na-gada_ s,il2-li2-(d)inanna-unu(ki) _iti du6-ku3 u4 5(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    did it and the tablet did not come. 9 sheep which were slaughtered therein, 6 sheep, linen garments for Pirhi-ilishu, 3 sheep, linen garments for Shilli-Ishtar-unug, month "Duku," 5th day,

    P411411: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) 5(ban2) 2(disz) _sila3 1(disz) sila3 sze gur#_
  • 5(u) 6(disz) 5(disz) _sila3 sze gur_
  • sza 4(disz) _gal szi-na_

  • 1(ban2) _kasz_
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) sa-hi-ir-tum _gibil_

  • 2(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3_
  • sa-hi-ir-tum la-bi-ir-tum

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 5 ban2 2 sila3 barley,
  • 56 5 sila3 of barley,
  • of 4 large ...

  • 1 seah of beer,
  • 1 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 of new sharitu-wood,

  • 2 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3
  • a kind of a kind of a kind of profession


  • 2(asz) 3(ban2) 7(disz) _sila3_
  • sza sin-mu-sza-lim _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ sza i-na i-bi-ri iz-zi-zu _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e usu gal-gal-la (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-[ke4?]_

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 ban2 7 sila3
  • of Sinmushallim, the diviner who in the Ibiru sat. The month of Abu, the day 28 of the year in which Samsu-ditana the king ... great strength of Shamash and Marduk.

    P411412: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz)# _udu na-gada_ sin-im-gur-an-ni
  • 2(u) 6(disz) _udu na-gada_ pir-hi-i3-li2-szu
  • 1(u) 2(disz) _udu na-gada_ s,il2-li2-(d)inanna-unu(ki)
  • 4(u) 6(disz) _udu-hi-a_ sza e2-mes-lam-li-wi-ir _dumu_ i3-li2-i-din-nam i-na su-ud-du-ri-im a-di id-da-tum _ugula [gidri?]_

    AI Translation
  • 8 sheep, linen garments, sin-imguranni;
  • 26 sheep, linen garments, Pirhi-ilishu;
  • 12 sheep, the nagdû-offering of Shilli-Inanna-Unu;
  • 46 sheep of Emeslam-liwir, son of Ili-iddinam, in the town of Suddurum until Iddatum, overseer of the sceptre?



    _(gesz)ma2-gur8!_ ub#-lam _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ -mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    boat of the ubalam-boat of the month of Duku, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue of a dream.

    P411413: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _udu u2 na-gada_ a-li-lum
  • _szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum

  • 2(disz) _udu u2 na-gada_ be-el-szu-nu _dumu_ e-t,e-rum
  • _szu_ e-tel-pi2-(d)marduk 4(disz) _udu u2_ asz-szum ib-ni-(d)suen _gal-ukken-na#_ qa2-du _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im u3 _(gesz)gigir#-hi#-a#_ it-ti _siskur2_ a-na# nibru(ki) a-la-(ki)-im

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, grass-fed, linen, Alilum;
  • Hand of the taribatu-demon.

  • 2 sheep, grass-fed, their lady, son of Eterum;
  • Hand of Etel-pî-Marduk. 4 sheep, grass-fed, because Ibni-Sîn, the chief vizier, together with the troops of the scouts and the chariotry with the sacrifice to Nippur and Alam.



    i-pu-szu a-hi-tam i-sza-a-a#-ma _siskur2_ la il-te-qu2 _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 8(disz)#-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga#

    AI Translation

    He did not perform the offering, but did not return the sacrifice. The month of Arahsamna VIII, the day 18, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue of himself in a dream.

    P411414: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3 bappir!_
  • 5(ban2) _munu4_
  • sza 5(disz) pi2-hu i-nu#-ma _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip#-ri i-ru-bu-nim _dub-sar za3-ga_

    AI Translation
  • 2 seahs 5 sila3 of ...-loaves;
  • 5 seahs of flour;
  • of 5 ... when the sons of the messenger entered, the scribe of the front



    u3 _dumu-mesz nimgir_ ip-pa-aq-du _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na# _lugal-e egir!(_bad3_) bad3_ am-mi-di-ta-na#(ki) gu2 (i7)me-(d)en-lil2-la2_

    AI Translation

    and the sons of the herald he appointed. The month of Ayyaru, the day 21 the year in which Ammi-ditana the king built the wall behind the wall of Ammi-ditana on the bank of the Enlil canal.

    P411415: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) _erin2_ masz-kan2-szabra(ki)
  • 1(u) _erin2 ka2 e2-gal_
  • 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2#_ ma#-ha#-nu du10-gar(ki)
  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) 2(disz) pa-ni _bara2#_ (d)na-bi-um
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) pa-ni _bara2 (d)iszkur_
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(disz) pa-ni (d)inanna a-ga-de3(ki)
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) pa-ni _i7_
  • 2(u) [x x] un#-nu
  • 1(u) 4(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 107 troops of Mashkan-shabru;
  • 10 troops at the palace gate;
  • 12 man of Manu, Dugar,
  • 92, before the dais of Nabû;
  • 94, before the dais of Adad;
  • 88 before Inanna of Agade,
  • 113 front of the canal,
  • 20 ... unnu
  • 14 ...
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) 3(disz) me-t,i#-ir-tum# x x
  • 6(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz)# _gesz_ mar-ha-szu
  • qa2-du _(gesz)kak_-szu-nu _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan nam-szul?-la#-na_

    AI Translation
  • 13 ...
  • 184 beams of marhasu-wood,
  • the length of their gates. The month of Ayyaru, the day 9 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected a statue of himself.

    P411416: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n _udu-hi]-a# na#-gada_ e-t,e-rum _kaskal_ (d)szu-bu-la#-a-bi u3 (d)utu-sze-mi _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _sza3-ba 4(disz) udu szu_ ta-ri-ba#-tum

  • 4(disz) _udu# szu_ lu2-(d)isz8-tar2
  • _dumu_ sa#-ma#-ia#-tum _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 2(disz)-kam_ kar-(d)utu(ki)-a

    AI Translation

    n sheep, the nagdû-offerings of Eterum, the road of Shubulabi and Shamash-shemi, month "NENEgar," 29th day; therein 4 sheep, hand of taribatum;

  • 4 sheep, under the command of Lu-Ishtar;
  • son of Samayatum. Month Elunum, 2nd day, Kar-Shamash.


  • 1(disz) _udu siskur2_ es3-hu
  • a-na (d)iszkur sza sza-me-e _na-gada_ a-bu-wa-qar _iti udru(duru5) u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e kar#-(d)utu(ki)-a

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, sacrifice of the Eshu-priest;
  • To the god Adad, who carries the shamû-offerings of the linen garment of Abwaqar: month "Udru," 5th day, year: "Ammi-ditana, king of Kar-Shamash."

    P411417: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • 4(disz) _udu szu_ e-tel-pi4-(d)marduk
  • 8(disz) _udu-hi-a_ u2-s,u2-ur2-tum _na-gada_ a-bu-um-wa-qar _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_

  • 2(disz) _udu szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum
  • _na-gada_ a-bu-um-wa-qar asz-szum _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im it-ti# _lu2_ sza-pi2-ir#? _i7#?_

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • 4 sheep, under the command of Etel-pî-Marduk;
  • 8 sheep, a shurtu-plant, a linen, Abum-waqar, month: "Festival of the Month of the Rising Sun," 16th day;

  • 2 sheep, hand of the taribatu-priest;
  • the nagdû-priest of Abum-waqar, because of the troops of Pihrim with the man of the shapir? canal,



    u3 _lu2_ be#-el# te-re-e-tim# a-na _siskur2_ sza _(uruda)mar_ a-la-ki-im# in-ne-ep-szu-ma na-di-a ka-ni-ik 2(disz) _udu_ an-ni-im hu-bu-ut-ta-tim (disz)an-nu-i3-li2 _dumu# e2-dub-ba-a_ ma-hi-ir _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-ge6-ga_

    AI Translation

    and the man, the lord of the scribal arts, for the sacrifice of a bronze torch he performed, and the offering he presented. Two sheep of this hubuttu-sheep, Annu-ili, son of the scribe, received. The month of Shabatum, the day 18, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue of himself in a dream.

    P411418: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) _udu _sud_-a_
  • _szu_ ta-ri-ba-tum _na-gada_ a-bu-um-wa-qar asz-szum# ib-ni-(d)suen _gal-ukken-na_ qa2#-du _erin2_ pi2-ih-ri-im it-ti (d)marduk-ma-an-szum2 u3 _arad_-(d)marduk

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, ...;
  • Hand of Taribatum, the nagdû-priest of Abum-waqar, because Ibni-Sîn, the chief vizier, the commander of the troops of the satrap, with Marduk-manshum and Warad-Marduk



    sza sze-am ub-lu-nim a#-na# _(uruda)mar_ a-la-ki-im i-pu-szu-ma _ma2 i3-dub_ isz-qu2#-u2 _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4# 2(u) 5(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e asz-me gal-gal-la (na4)du8-szi-[a-ke4]_

    AI Translation

    who brought the barley to the alum-plant for the alum-plant did, and the boat of the stela he weighed out. The month of Ayyaru, the day 25?, the year "Ammi-ditana the king" .

    P411422: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur_
  • i#-na# _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza nam-har-ti szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im be2-ru#-ii#-im a-na _sa2-du11 erin2_ ka-asz-szi-i bi#-[ma-ti-i] _szu ti-a_ ha-am-mu-[ra]-pi2#-[lu-da-ri] u3# a-bi-e-[szu]-uh-[(d)utu]-ni#-szi# i-nu-ma um#-ma#-na-tum it-ti (disz)ba-la-su2-li-ri-ik (disz)(d)marduk-la-ma-sa3-szu _sukkal_ (disz)su-mu-ha-am-mu _gal-ukken-na_ (disz)ib-ni-(d)suen# [_gal-ukken-na_] i-na _bad3_ a-bi-e#-[szu-uh(ki)] sza _kun8_ (i7)ha-am-mu#-ra#-[pi2-nu-hu-usz-ni-szi]

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor, 3 panu 2 sutu of barley,
  • With the harû-wood of Marduk, which is a shite of a shite, a shite of a shite, for the rent of the troops of Kashî, the threshing floor, Habi-rapi-lu-dari and Abi-eshuh-shamash, when the army with Balasu-lirik, Marduk-la-masshu, the minister, Sumu-hammu, the chief minister, and Ibni-Sîn, the chief minister, in the wall of Abi-eshuh, which is at the bank of the Hammurapi-nuhushnishi canal,



    wa-asz-bu# in-na-ad#-nu#-szu#-nu#-szi# nam-har-ti ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-lu-da-ri u3 a-bi-e-szu-uh-(d)utu-ni-szi a-na _sag nig2-gur11_-szu-nu is,-s,a-ab-ba-at _zi-ga_ _sza3# sze#-e#_ sza isz-tu babila2(ki) a#-na# re-esz _szuku_ um-ma-na-tum a-na _bad3_ a-bi-e-szu-uh(ki#) sza _kun8_ (i7)ha-am-mu#-ra#-bi-nu-hu#-[usz-ni-szi] ib-ba-ab-lam _nig2-szu_ a-wi-il-(d)utu (disz)(d)suen-u2-se-li# u3 ib-ni-(d)suen _sza3-tam-mesz_ _iti sig4-a u4 5(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    the one who resides in the city of Hammurapi-lu-dari and Abi-eshuh-shamash-nishi, at the beginning of their property, took away. The barley of the barley from Babylon to the top of the labor-troops to the wall of Abi-eshuh, which is at the mouth of the Hammurapi-nuhushnishi canal, the property of Awil-shamash, Sîn-usalli and Ibni-sîn, the tablets. The month of Sila, the day 5

    Seal 1


    nu#-ra-tum _dumu_ [...] _ARAD_ (d)nin-si4-an-na

    AI Translation

    Nuratum, son of ..., servant of Ninsiana.

    P411425: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) ka-ni-ku
  • sza _zi3-da sa2 du11_ ka-asz-szi-i

    AI Translation
  • 108, Kaniku;
  • of flour, he will be able to carry it off.



    _iti sig4-a u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e# alan-a-ni szud3! ab-be2-a_

    AI Translation

    The month of Tammuz, the day 15 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king erected his statue.

    P411426: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] _ku3-babbar_ [_ki_ ...]-i-din-nam _dumu#_ ki?-nu?-[...] x [sza]-al#-li-lu-mur _dumu_ ra-ma-tum _szu ba-an-ti_ i-na e-re-eb s,a-ba-tim

    AI Translation

    ... silver, from ...-iddinam, son of Kinu... Shallilumur, son of Ramatum, received. In the entry of the shabatu-temple



    x [x?] _i3-ag2-e _igi_ e#-ri#-ba#-am-isz8-tar2 _a!-zu_ _igi_ (d)en#-lil2#-u3-ba-al-li-is-su2 _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e ([gesz])asz-te bara2 za3# us2#-sa#-[ke4-ne] i3-mah-esz-am3_

    AI Translation

    ... he will measure out. Before Eri-bam-ishtar, physician; before Enlil-uballissu. The month of Abu, the day 15 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king made the throne-throne of the dais of the saggils.

    P411427: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(asz) sze gur_ i-na _e2_ a-pil-a-hi
  • _4(asz) gur_ i-na _e2_ s,il2-li2-isz8-tar2#
  • _8(asz)# sze gur_
  • i#-na# _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza nam#-har#-ti szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im be2-ru-ii-im a-na _nig2-ar3-ra sa2-du11 erin2_ ka#-asz-szi-i bi-ma-ti-[i] i-nu-ma um-ma-na-tum it-ti (disz)(d)marduk-la-ma-sa3-szu# _sukkal#_ (disz)(d)suen-mu-sza-lim _gal-ukken-na_ u3 lu-usz-ta-mar _gal-ukken-na_ i-na _bad3_ a-bi-e-szu-[uh](ki#) sza _kun8_ (i7)ha-am-mu-ra-[pi2]-nu-hu-[usz-ni-szi]

    AI Translation
  • 4 kor of barley in the house of Apil-ahi;
  • 4 gur in the house of Shilli-ishtar,
  • 8 kor barley,
  • With the arrow of Marduk, which is a harû-demon, a shimeqû-demon, a shimeqû-demon, a harû-demon, for the grain-beer offering of the troops, the regular offerings, when the troops with Marduk-lamassashu, the vizier, Sîn-mushallim, the chief vizier, and Lushtamar, the chief vizier, in the wall of Abi-eshuh, which is in the bank of the Hammurapi-nuhushnishi canal,



    wa-asz-bu# [...] nam-har#-[ti ...] ka-ni-x-[...] ka-ni-ka#-[...] _zi-ga# [sza3 sze_ sza isz-tu babila2(ki)] a-na re-esz [_szuku_ um-ma-na-tim] u3# _erin2_ a-hi-tim# [ku-ul-lim] a-na _bad3_ a-bi-e#-[szu-uh](ki) sza _kun8_ (i7)ha-am-mu-[ra-pi2-nu-hu-usz-ni-szi] ib-ba-ab-lam# _nig2-szu_ a-wi-il-(d)utu# u3 (d)suen-u2-se-el#-li# _sza3-tam-mesz_ _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh _lugal-e alan (d)en-te-na nam-szul#-[la-ka] nam-dingir-ra-ni-sze3 ba-ab-du7-[a]

    AI Translation

    who ... the namhartu-offerings ... ... ... ... ... the rations of barley which from Babylon to the head of the troops and the troops of the enemies a cultic wall to the wall of Abi-eshuh which is at the mouth of the Hammurapinuhushnishi canal he shall bring; the property of Awil-shamash and Sîn-usalli the shatammu-offerings; the month of Nisanu, the day 2 of the year in which Abi-eshuh the king a statue of Entena for his life and for his godhead he made.

    Seal 1


    (d)_gir3_ [...] _dumu_ sa-ni-iq-[pi2-...] _ARAD_ (d)na#-[bi-um] u3 (d)mar-[tu]

    AI Translation

    Shep-..., son of Saniq-pi-..., servant of Nabû and Martu.

    P411428: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] 1(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_ _(gesz)ban2_ (d)marduk sza _zi-ga_ a-na pu-uh-hi-im _ki_ (d)suen#?-ib-ni _sanga# (d)utu_ (disz)a-wi#-il#-(d)utu (disz)(d)suen#-u2-se-el-li# u3 ib-ni-(d)marduk _sza3#-tam#-mesz#_ _szu# ba-an-ti_ [a]-na _u4 5(disz)-kam_ i#-na bad3-(d)suen-mu-ba-[li2-it,]

    AI Translation

    n 1 barig 2 ban2 barley, the seah of Marduk, which is the price of the rations, from Sîn-ibni, the priest of Shamash, Awil-shamash, Sîn-uselli and Ibni-marduk, the shatammu-offerings, received. On the 5th day, at the house of Sîn-muballit,



    [n] 1(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur (gesz)ban2_ (d)marduk u2#-ta-ar-ru _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu gibil#_ sza _egir# mu_ a-bi#-e-szu-uh _lugal-e# (i7)idigna# gesz# bi2#-in#-kesz2#-da#

    AI Translation

    n gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley, the seah of Marduk he shall remove; month: "Ishtar," 11th day, new year, after the year "Abi-eshuh the king poured out the Tigris."

    Seal 1


    ib-ni-(d)[marduk] _dumu_ in-bi-[...] _ARAD_ (d)na-bi-um u3 nergal

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Marduk, son of Inbi-..., servant of Nabû and the chief smith.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-u2-se-el-li _sza3-tam_ dingir-szu-ib-ni _ARAD_ (d)[iszkur]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-usalli, shatammu of Ilshu-ibni, servant of Adad.

    P411429: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) ib!-na-tum _na-gada#_
  • sza e-ne-e#?

  • 1(barig) (d)suen-x x x x
  • _dumu_ sin-[i]-din#-nam# tap-pu-um _giri3_ dumu-(i7)a-ra-ah#-tum _sza13#-dub#-[ba]_

  • 2(barig)# a-na 6(disz) _lu2_ t,e4-i-nu te#-li#?
  • 4(barig)# _sze#_ a-na _munu4 kasz-mesz#_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig Ibnatum, linen;
  • of the enemies.

  • 1 barig, Sîn-...,
  • son of Sin-iddinam, tappuum, via Aramean son of the scribe.

  • 2 barig for 6 men, the te'inu-offerings?, the te'inu-offerings?;
  • 4 barig of barley for flour and beer;
  • Reverse


    a-na _zi3-da_ t,e4-e-nim sza _erin2 gi-il2 e2_ (d)marduk

  • 1(asz) _gur#_ ta#-ri-ba-tum _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_
  • _szuku iti bara2-za3-gar# u3# iti gu4-si-sa2#_

  • 1(asz) _gur# iti szu#-numun#-[a_ ...] x x x
  • _szuku_ sza# _iti! 3(disz)-[kam]-ma#_ _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 1(u) 2(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ a-bi-e-szu-uh# _lugal-e (gesz)asz-te bara2 za3# us2-[sa-ke4]_

    AI Translation

    for flour, the news of the troops, the requisition of the temple of Marduk.

  • 1 kurru of taribatu-seeds, the mashhatu-shape;
  • Month "Barazar and month "Gusisa."

  • 1 gur of seed-measure ... .
  • The rations of the 3rd month, the month of the zagaru-festival, the 12th day, the year of Abi-eshuh, the king, the throne of the throne of the right side,

    P411435: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] 2(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ _ib2#-tak4# 1(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ szu-bu-ul-tum isz-tu _bad3_ a-bi-e-szu-uh(ki) sza _kun8_ (i7)ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 nu-hu-usz-ni-szi (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir _dumu um-mi-a_-ni u3# i3-li2-e-ri-ba-am _ugula gidri_ _dumu_ s,il2-li2-(d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    n 2 shekels of silver he weighed out; 1 mina 6 shekels of silver, the debt, from the wall of Abi-eshuh, which is at the bank of the Hammurapi canal, Nuhushnishi, Sîn-magir, son of Ummani, and Ili-eribam, overseer of the chariot, son of Shilli-Marduk,



    a-na (d)en-lil2-al-sa6# _um-mi-a_ a-na babila2(ki) u2-sza-bi-il a-na _u4 1(u)-kam_ i-na _kar_ babila2(ki)

  • 5(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • _igi_ nu-ra-tum _ugula mar-tu_ _igi_ u-bar-e2-su-gal _igi_ i-na-sag-il2-ze-ru# _iti# ab-e3 u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e [alan] nam#-lugal-a-ni zubi ku3-sig17-ga-ke4_

    AI Translation

    to Enlil-alsa, my mother, to Babylon he brought. On the 10th day at the port of Babylon

  • 5 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Before Nuratum, overseer of the Amorite temple; before Ubar-esugal; before Ina-sagilzeru. The month of Tebetum, the day 7 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected a statue of his kingship with gold inlays.

    Seal 1


    i3-li2-e-ri-ba#-[am] _dumu_ s,il2-li2-(d)mar#-[tu] _ARAD_ (d)suen#

    AI Translation

    Ili-eribam, son of Shilli-Marduk, servant of Sin.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-ma-gir [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-magir ... .

    P411436: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) _sze gur_ sza lugal-gub-ba-ni
  • _ugu_ ib-ni-(d)marduk _ugula mar-tu erin2_ ha-la-ba(ki#) i-szu-u2 (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir ma-hi-ir

    AI Translation
  • 4 kurru of barley belonging to Lugal-gubani,
  • Concerning Ibni-Marduk, overseer of the Amorite troops, the troops of Halaba received; Sîn-magir was installed.



    _giri3_ _arad_-ku-bi _ugula gidri_ _iti bara2#?-za3#?-gar u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal gu-za ki-bad-ra2 ku3-sig17-ga-ke4_

    AI Translation

    via Warad-Kubi, overseer of the sceptre. Month of Nisannu, 10th day, year: "Ammi-ditana, king of the throne of the city-wall of gold."

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ma-gir _gudu4 (d)nin-lil2-la2 _dumu_ (d)nin-urta-ni-[szu] _ARAD_ (d)nin-szubur#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-magir, gudu-priest of Ninlil, son of Ninurta-nishu, servant of Ninshubur.

    P411437: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) _sze# gur#_
  • _(gesz)ban2_ (d)marduk# sza lugal-gub-ba-ni _ugu#_ ha#-am#-ri#-im-bi-esz _ugula mar-tu_ ir#-szu#-u2 i#-na# qa2#-ti ha-am-ri#-im-bi-esz _ugula mar-tu_ (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir# ma-hi-ir _giri3_ ar-gi4-x _aga#-us2#_

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor of barley,
  • The bow of Marduk which Lugal-gubani had set over Hamrim-ibi'esh, the Amorite overseer, in the hands of Hamrim-ibi'esh, the Amorite overseer, Sîn-magir received. via Argi..., the satrap.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4# 5(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta#-[na _lugal-e] (gesz)gu-za ki-bad-ra2 ku3-sig17-ga-ke4_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 5 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected the throne of the holy kibadru.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ma-gir _gudu4_ (d)nin-lil2-la2 _dumu_ (d)nin-urta-ni-[szu] _ARAD_ (d)nin-szubur#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-magir, gudu-priest of Ninlil, son of Ninurta-nishu, servant of Ninshubur.

    P411438: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) _sze gur_
  • _(gesz)ban2_ (d)marduk sza lugal-gub-ba-ni _ugu_ a-szu-kur-ku-ma _ugula mar-tu_ ir#-szu-u2 i-na qa2-ti (disz)a-szu-kur-ku-ma _ugula mar-tu_ (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir_ ma-hi-ir

    AI Translation
  • 3 kor barley,
  • The bow of Marduk which Lugal-gubani had brought against Ashur-kumma, the Amorite overseer, from the hands of Ashur-kumma, the Amorite overseer, Sîn-magir received.



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (gesz)gu-za ki-bad-ra2 ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 u3# alan-a-ni hub2!? ab-sa2-sa2-a_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 20, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king fashioned the gold throne of the fortress and his statue.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-ma-gir _gudu4_ (d)nin-lil2-la2 _dumu_ (d)nin-urta-ni-[szu] _ARAD_ (d)nin-szubur#

    AI Translation

    Sîn-magir, gudu-priest of Ninlil, son of Ninurta-nishu, servant of Ninshubur.

    P411439: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_
  • 1(disz) 2/3(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • e-zu-ub 1(barig) _zi3-da_ sza id-da-tum _dumu_ i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen id-di-nu a-na qa2-be2-e (d)utu-ma-an-szum2 (d)suen-ma-gir a-na _szuku_ isz8!-tar2-la-ma-si2 a#-na# _zi-ik-rum_ id-di-in

    AI Translation
  • 3 kor 4 panu 2 sutu of barley,
  • 1 2/3 shekels of silver,
  • I have deposited. 1 barig flour of Idatum, son of Ikun-pî-Sîn, he gave. At the command of Shamash-manshum, Sîn-magir to the hand of Ishtar-lamasi to the ziggurat he gave.



    _giri3_ sze-ep-(er3)-ra _i3-du8 e2_ ma-ru-ti-szu _igi_ na-bi-(d)suen ra-bi si2-ka3-tum _igi_ ip-qu2-(d)na-bi-um _dumu_ a-wi-il-(d)utu _igi_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim _dumu_ (d)suen-engar_ _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 5(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e_ esz?-bar mah-a? x x x x x

    AI Translation

    via Shep-Erra, gatekeeper of his father's house; before Nabi-Sîn, great heir of Sikatum; before Ipqu-Nabium, son of Awil-shamash; before Sîn-mushallim, son of Sîn-engar; the month of Abu, the day 25?, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king ... a great decision .

    Seal 1


    im-gur-(d)suen# _dumu_ tap-pu-um# _ARAD_ (d)na-bi-um

    AI Translation

    Imgur-Sîn, son of Tappuum, servant of Nabû.

    P411440: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) 1(ban2) 8(disz) _sila3 gur_
  • sza u2-s,u2-ur2-tum _e2_ qi2-isz-ti-(d)e2#-a# _sze_ sza qa2-ti-szu ha#-ri-is,-ma

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 1 ban2 8 sila3
  • of Ushuurtum, the house of Qishti-Ea, barley of his hand he shall weigh out and



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e bad3 gal_ am-mi-di-ta#-na#(ki)

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 12, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king built the great wall Ammi-ditana.

    P411441: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] _sze gur_ a-na _zi3-da_ t,e#-e-nim x a-na mu-tum-dingir i-di-in

    AI Translation

    n kurru of barley for flour for a report ... for Mutum-ili he gave.

    Seal 1


    dingir-szu#-ib-ni-szu _dub-sar gal_

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-ibnishu, great scribe.

    P411442: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) 1(disz) _sila3 szuku e2_
  • 2(disz) _sila3_ dingir-szu-a-bu-szu
  • 2(disz) _sila3_ szu-um-szu-nu
  • 5(ban2)# _sze_ a-na _zi3-da_ t,e4-nim#
  • AI Translation
  • 2 seahs 1 qû of the household rations,
  • 2 qû of Ilshu-abushu,
  • 2 qû of their own,
  • 5 seahs of grain for flour,
  • Reverse


    _szunigin2_ 1(barig) 1(ban2) 7(disz) _sila3 sze_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) 8(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu gibil_ sza _egir bad3_ isz-[ku-un]-(d)marduk-ke4

    AI Translation

    Total: 1 barig 1 ban2 7 sila3 barley, month: "Harvest," 28th day, year: "Ammi-ditana was king," new year, after the wall of Ishkun-Marduk.

    P411443: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) 1(disz) _sila3 szuku e2_
  • 3(disz) _sila3 szuku erin2#_ ka-asz-szi-i#
  • 1(ban2) 3(disz) _sila3 sze nig2-ar3-ra_ a-na _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_
  • 2(ban2) 7(disz) _sila3 zi-ga_
  • _nig2-szu_ t,e4-ek-ki-num

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah 1 qû of the household rations,
  • 3 qû of rations for the troops of Kashî,
  • 1 ban2 3 sila3 of barley, grain-fed, for the mashhatu-gidgid ritual
  • 2 seahs 7 sila3 of filtered beer;
  • property of the tekkinum-priests.



    _iti# szu#-numun#-a u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am#-mi#-di#-ta#-na _lugal-e (d)urasz# ur#-sag# gal-la_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 2 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the god Urash, the great hero

    P411444: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x x x _sila3 kasz_ x [...] sza e2#-ul-masz#-ra-bi i-na qa2-ti t,e4-ek-ki-rum iz-zi-zu a-na _kasz_ ma-asz-ti-it# _e2?_ u2-ka-al

    AI Translation

    ... a qû of beer ... of Eulmashrabi in the hand of Tekkurum stood, to the beer of the ashtitu-offering of the house he poured.



    _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi#-di#-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-da#-ri#-a#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day 13 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue.

    P411445: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) _gur sze-gesz-i3 dug#? 3(ban2)_
  • sza 1(disz) _sila3_ sza s,e-eh-ru i-na _bad3_ uh2(ki)-i-din-nam(ki)

  • 4(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3 sze-gesz#-i3 (gesz)ban2_ (d)szu#-bu-la#
  • i-na _bad3_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it,(ki)

  • 5(asz) 4(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) _sila3 gur sze-gesz-i3_
  • _mu-kux(_du_)_

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur of sesame, a jar of 3 seahs;
  • of 1 qû of the ... in the wall of Uh-iddinam,

  • 4 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 sesame, sutu-measure of Shubla;
  • in the wall of Sîn-muballit.

  • 5 gur 4 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 sesame oil,
  • delivery.



    (disz)i3-li2-ia-s,i-tam-li-pu-usz nam-har-ti lugal-a2-zi-da _giri3_ (d)en-lil2-ni-szu _iti udru(duru5) u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni igi-du erin2 _ka_-kesz2-da-ke4#_

    AI Translation

    Ili-yashi-tamli-push, the harû-offering of Lugal-azida, via Enlil-nishu. The month of Adar XII, the day 5 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue before the troops of the ka-keshda.

    P411462: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) _(gesz)eme! apin-tug2!-sag11#_
  • a-na 2(disz) _gu4_ u3 1(disz) _(gesz)eme [apin-tug2-sag11]_ a-na _ki 2(disz)#

    AI Translation
  • 6 ...-woods,
  • for 2 bulls and 1 swine, apsûg-sag-plant for 2 .



    _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4# 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e# szita2 (gesz)tukul-la-bi-da#-ke4# e2-sag-il2-la-sze3 in-ni-[in-ku4-ra]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Abu, the day 2 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king imposed the payment of the weaponry on him, into the Esagila he entered.

    P411463: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) _sze gur sag nig2-gur11_
  • _sza3-ba ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2)# ib-ni-(d)suen# ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) sin-i-din#-nam# ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) szu-(d?)x-x-x? x x [...]

  • 1(barig) (d)isz8-tar2#?-[...]
  • ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) _erin2_ ha-la-ba#([ki]) ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) i-din-(d)na-na-a ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) u2-tul2-isz8-tar2 ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2)# _arad_-(d)marduk ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) _szu#-ku6#_

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor and 1 panu of barley, capital of the property,
  • therefrom: 1 seah Ibni-Sîn; 1 seah Sin-iddinam; 1 seah Shu-... .

  • 1 barig, Ishtar-...,
  • 1 seah, the troops of Halaba; 1 seah, Iddin-Nanaya; 1 seah, Utul-ishtar; 1 seah, Warad-Marduk; 1 seah, the fish;



    ($ nail impression $) 1(barig) 3(disz) _masz2-szu-gid2#-[gid2]_ ($ nail impression $) 2(ban2) _sza3-tam_ ($ nail impression $) 5(ban2) i-bi-(d)en-lil2 ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) a-pil#-i3-li2-szu ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) _dumu szitim_ ($ nail impression $) 2(ban2) sin-eri-ba-am ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) ma-as-qu2-um# ($ nail impression $) 1(ban2) a-at-ta-a _muhaldim_

  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) _sze gur#_
  • _sza3-tam e2_ (d)en-lil2 sza a-na _erin2 (gesz)gigir_ ih-ha-ab-tu _iti bara2-za3-gar_

    AI Translation

    1 barig 3 mash-shu-gid2 nails, 2 ban2 of shatam-salt, 5 ban2 of Ibbi-Enlil, 1 ban2 of Apil-ilishu, 1 ban2 of the son of the shitum-priest, 2 ban2 of Sin-eribam, 1 ban2 of Masquum, 1 ban2 of Attâ, the cook,

  • 1 kor, 1 panu 4 sutu of barley,
  • the prebend of the temple of Enlil which they had taken for the troops of the chariot. Month of Nisannu.

    P411464: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) _sze gur_
  • a-na _szuku erin2#_ i-na _e2 i3-dub#_

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor and 2 seahs of barley,
  • for the slaughter of the troops in the house of the storehouse;



    _iti gu4#-si#-sa2# u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am-mi-di-ta-na# _lugal#-[e] alan nam-nun-na e2-sag-il2#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Ayyaru, the day 7, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected a statue of the prince in Esagil.

    P411465: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) 2(disz) _sila3 szuku# e2_
  • 2(disz) _sila3 lu2 elam(ki)-[ma]_
  • 1(ban2) 4(disz) _sila3 sze zi-ga_
  • _nig2-szu#_ (munus)la-ma-sa3-ni_

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah 2 qû of the storehouse;
  • 2 qû of Elam's man,
  • 1 seah 4 sila3 of roasted barley,
  • the property of the woman Lammasani;



    _iti# [ab]-e3# u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam#_ _mu#_ am-mi-di-ta#-[na] _lugal-e#_ (d#)nin-urta am# sag#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Tebetum, the day 16 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, Ninurta, the great dragon,

    P411466: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) _szuku e2_
  • 1(barig) _sze_ a-na _dumu lu2 elam(ki)-ma#_
  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) _sze gur# zi#-[ga]_
  • _nig2-szu_ (munus)la#-[ma-as-sa3]-ni#

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah of refined silver, a house;
  • 1 barig of barley for the son of Elam's Elamites
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 of barley, booked out;
  • the property of the woman Lammassani,



    _iti bara2#-[za3]-gar_ _u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal#-e# (d)nin-urta am sag_

    AI Translation

    The month of Nisannu, the day 18, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, Ninurta, the first-born son,

    P411469: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) 1(disz) _sila3 szuku e2_
  • 2(disz) _sila3_ _an_-_ka_-isz8-tar2
  • 2(disz) _sila3 dingir-szu-a-bu-szu
  • 2(disz) _sila3_ szu-um-szu-nu
  • 2(ban2) 7(disz) _sila3 zi-ga_
  • AI Translation
  • 2 seahs 1 qû of the household rations,
  • 2 qû of ...-ishtar,
  • 2 qû of Ilshu-abushu,
  • 2 qû of their own,
  • 2 seahs 7 sila3 of filtered beer;
  • Reverse


    _[iti] diri# sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am#-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu gibil_ sza _bad3_ isz-ku-un-(d)marduk-ke4

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Harvest," 2nd day, year: "Ammi-ditana the king," new year of the wall of Ishkun-Marduk.

    P411470: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) 6(disz) _sila3 szuku e2_
  • _zi-ga_ _nig2-szu_ (munus)la-ma-as-sa3-ni

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah 6 qû of ... of the house;
  • a gift, property of the woman Lamashanni,



    _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta#-na# _lugal#-[e] alan-a-ni nam-nun-na#-ni#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Addaru, the day 19 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue and the crown.

    P411471: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) 8(disz) _sila3 sze_
  • a-na _titab_ _zi-ga_ _nig2-szu_ t,e4-ek-ki-rum

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 8 sila3 of barley,
  • for the titab libation, the rations, the property of tekkirum;



    _iti sig4-a u4 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni nam-nun-na-ni#_

    AI Translation

    The month of Tammuz IV, the day 5 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected my statue and my crown.

    P411558: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sag#-us2#-bi za-e-me-en

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, you are its head.



    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sag-us2-bi za-e-(me)-en

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, you are its head.

    P411563: school tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc


    (iti)ab-e3-sze3# sze i3-ag2-e

    tukum-bi la-ba-an-szum2 masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4 (ban2)-ta tah-he-dam#

    mu lugal-bi in-pad3

    AI Translation

    he will measure the barley in the third month.

    If he does not give, the interest is 1 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 per 1 gur.

    he has sworn by the name of the king.

    Spada, Gabriella

    ... in the tenth month he will measure the barley.

    If he does not return it, he will add an interest of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur;

    he has sworn by the name of the king.

    P411716: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) sar# 6(disz)# gin2# e2 du3-a gesz# kesz2#-ra2#
  • e2 hu-zu-tum-kam puzur4-ma-ma-ke4 e2 e2-sze3 in-na-szi-gar

  • 1(disz) ur-e2-dam dumu ur-e2-mah
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)asz7-gi4
  • 1(disz) lu2-sza-lim
  • dumu da-a-a-me

  • 1(disz) bi2-du11 dumu i-di3-a
  • 1(disz) i-di3-(d)iszkur dumu szi-da-ba-ti
  • [1(disz)] mu#-nu-a dumu ba-a-da
  • [1(disz) ur]-(d#)szuba3(bi) [dumu] ki-sa2-a
  • AI Translation
  • A built house plot of 1/3 sar 6 shekels,
  • he has deposited it in the house of Huzutum, in the house of Puzrish-Mama.

  • 1 Ur-edam, son of Ur-Emah,
  • 1 Ur-Ashgi,
  • 1: Lu-shalim,
  • son of Da'a-me

  • 1: Bidu, son of Idia,
  • 1 Iddi-Adad, son of Shidabati,
  • 1 Munua, son of Bada,
  • 1 Ur-Shubi, son of Kisaya,
  • Reverse

  • [1(disz)] _ne#_?-_ni_-la-a dumu ur-(d)bil3-ga-mes
  • 1(disz) a-hu-du10# [dub]-sar
  • 1(disz) _ka_-[... dub]-sar#-tur?
  • 1(disz) i#-[... dub]-sar#
  • [...] [...]-_gar#_? [...] [...] [...] [...] mu bad3 mar-[tu ba-du3]

    AI Translation
  • 1: Nenilâ, son of Ur-Bilgames;
  • 1 Ahu-du, the scribe,
  • 1: KA-..., the scribe;
  • 1: I-..., the scribe;
  • ... ... ... year: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    Seal 1


    hu!-zu-tum dumu kur-a-gal2

    AI Translation

    Huzutum, son of Kur-agal.

    P411796: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) x [...]
  • 1(asz) gur a2-du-du
  • [n] gur dingir-sa6-ga [...] 4(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) gur _arad2_-mu [n] gur dam _arad2_-mu [...] 1(gesz2)# 4(u)# gurusz x

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur ...
  • 1 gur, Adudu,
  • n gur, Dingir-saga; ... 4 gur 2 barig 4 ban2, ARADmu; n gur, wife of ARADmu; ... 240 workmen .



    [n a]-hu!-du10 [n] 3(ban2) szu-(d)iszkur

  • 3(ban2) ma-ti-i3-li2
  • 3(ban2) i3-li2-asz2-ra-ni
  • AI Translation

    n for Ahudu; n 3 ban2 for Shu-Adad;

  • 3 ban2: Mati-ili;
  • 3 ban2 Ili-ashrani,
  • P411883: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [pisan-dub]-ba# kiszib3# [dab]-ba# a2 bahar3 mu 2(disz)-kam i3-gal2 mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: sealed documents of conveyance, labor of threshing, 2 years, are here; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."



    [mu si]-ma#-num2#(ki#) ba#-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P411907: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    sipa gu2-tuku szul dumu (d)en-lil2#-la2# (d#)li#-pi2#-it-esz18-dar za3#-[mi2]

    AI Translation

    shepherd of Gutuku, sul, son of Enlil, Lipit-Ishtar, praise!



    [sipa gu2]-tuku szul dumu (d#)en#-lil2-la2# (d)li-pi2-it#-esz18#-dar# za3#-mi2#

    AI Translation

    shepherd of Gutuku, sul, son of Enlil, Lipit-Ishtar, praise!

    P411917: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (d#)en-lil2#-[la2] (d#)li#-pi2#-it-esz18-dar za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, Lipit-Ishtar, was the praise.



    (d#)en#-lil2#-la2 (d#)li#-pi2#-it-esz18-dar za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    For Enlil and Lipit-Ishtar, praise!

    P411934: administrative tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(asz) gu2 siki igi sag-ga2 gibil#
  • kar-gul-la2-bi 1(asz) gu2-sze3 1(u) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta ku3-bi 1(u) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2

  • 5(u) gu2 siki igi sag-ga2 libir
  • 1(asz) gu2-sze3 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 7(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2

  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) gu2 siki gu2 udu gibil
  • 1(asz) gu2-sze3 9(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 2(u) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na

  • 4(u) 8(asz) gu2 siki gu2 udu libir
  • 1(asz) gu2-sze3 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na# 8(disz) gin2 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 1(u) 1(asz) gu2 siki du

  • 1(asz) gu2-sze3 8(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2-ta
  • ku3-bi 1(asz) gu2 4(u) 3(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(u) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 5(u) 7(asz) gu2 siki hi-a

    AI Translation
  • 88 talents of new wool,
  • its kargullu-measure: 1 talent, 10 1/2 shekels each, its silver: 15 1/3 minas 4 shekels;

  • 50 talents of old wool, old,
  • for 1 talent at 8 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 7 minas 5 shekels;

  • 240 talents of new wool wool,
  • for 1 talent at 9 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 25 1/3 mana;

  • 48 talents of old wool-sheep,
  • for 1 talent at 8 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 6 2/3 mana 8 shekels; 121 talents of regular wool,

  • for 1 talent at 8 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 43 1/2 mana 30 1/2 shekels; 147 talents of wool,

    Owen, David I.
  • 88 talents of new choice wool,
  • its market value for 1 talent: 10 1/2 shekels of silver each, its silver: 15 1/3 minas 4 shekels;

  • 50 talents of old choice wool,
  • for 1 talent: 8 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 7 minas 5 shekels;

  • 160 talents of new flanks-of-sheep wool,
  • for 1 talent: 9 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 25 1/3 minas;

  • 48 talents of old flanks-of-sheep wool,
  • for 1 talent: 8 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 6 2/3 minas 8 shekels; 731 talents of ordinary wool.

  • for 1 talent: 8 1/2 shekels each,
  • its silver: 43 1/2 minas 3 1/2 shekels; 1077 talents of various kinds of wool;



    ku3-bi 2(asz) gu2 3(u) 8(disz) ma-na 1(u) 1/2(disz) gin2 e2-kiszib3-ba-ta dingir-ku-ru-ub u3 (d)utu-illat-ta gaba-ri dub-ba 1(disz) szu ba-an-ti

  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) gu2 siki du
  • 1(asz) gu2-sze3 1(u) 7(disz) sze gur-ta
  • sze-bi 3(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 1(u) gur 2(gesz'u) sze gur ki-ba gar-ra pa2-szi-me2(ki) dah# 1(gesz2) gur-am3 1(u) gur-ta sze-bi 3(gesz2) 2(u) gur 1(szar2) 1(u) gur guru7-sze3# gaba-ri dub-ba 1(disz) dingir-ku-ru-ub u3 (d)utu-illat szu ba-an-ti iti _ne_-_ne_-gar mu e2 (d)inanna ba-du3

    AI Translation

    its silver: 2 talents 38 minas 10 1/2 shekels; from the sealed house of Dingir-kurub and Shamash-tillati, copies of one tablet received;

  • 210 talents of regular wool,
  • for 1 talent 17 gur of barley each,
  • its barley: 420 gur, 420 gur, the place of delivery, Pashime abandoned; 420 gur each, 10 gur each, its barley: 420 gur, 10 gur, to the grain-processing plant, one tablet of Dingir-kurub and Shamash-tillati received; month: "NENEgar," year: "The temple of Inanna was erected."

    Owen, David I.

    its silver: 2 talents 38 minas 10 1/2 shekels, from the storehouse; Ilam-kurub and Shamash-tillati 1 copy of the tablet received;

  • 130 talents of ordinary wool,
  • for 1 talent: 17 gur of barley each,
  • its barley: 2210 gur. 1200 gur of barley, the "replacement" of Pashime, the addition per 60 gur is 10 gur each, its barley: 200 gur; 3610 gur for the silo; 1 copy of the tablet Ilam-kurub and Shamash-tillati received; month: "NENEgar," year: "The temple of Inanna was built."

    P411935: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu sze6-ga2 5(disz) sila3 tu7 5(disz) sila3 tu7
  • nu-ur2-(d)utu ra2-gaba lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6 szu-esz18-dar sagi
  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6 (d)da-gan-kal gu4-gaz#
  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6 ad-da-ka-la? gu4-gaz
  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6 s,a-li-a lu2 uzu
  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6 ab-ba-mu lu2 uzu
  • u4 siskur2 lugal-sze3 im-e-re-[sza]-a

  • 1/2(disz) udu sze6-ga2 5(disz) sila3 tu7
  • ur-(d)szu-(d)suen egir sukkal-mah

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • sza-lim-a-hu-um lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 sze (d)nanna-sze3 im-e-re-sza-a

  • 2(disz) ma-la-ku udu 4(disz) sila3 tu7
  • puzur4-(d)suen dumu sukkal-mah u4 erin2 sze gesz ra-ra zi-zi-de3 im-gen-na-a

  • 1/2(disz) udu sze6-ga2 5(disz) sila3 tu7
  • szar-ru-um-ba-ni nu-banda3 u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • (d)suen-al-su2 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, pastured, 5 sila3 soup,
  • Nur-Utu, the messenger, royal messenger.

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish, Shu-Ishtar, cupbearer,
  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish, Dagankal, slaughtered,
  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish, Adda-kala?, oxen-snake,
  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish, shalia, man of meat,
  • 2 sila3 soup, 1 fish, Abbamu, man of meat,
  • When the king's sacrifices are completed,

  • 1/2 sheep, pastured, 5 sila3 soup,
  • Ur-Shu-Suen, behind the vizier;

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Shalim-ahum, the messenger of the king, when the barley of Nanna arrived,

  • 2 malakku sheep, 4 sila3 soup,
  • Puzur-Suen, son of the sukkalmah, when the troops barley to be piled up for harvesting went,

  • 1/2 sheep, pastured, 5 sila3 soup,
  • Sharrum-bani, the overseer, when he came to Der,

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Sîn-alsu, royal messenger, from daybreak of Der



    ki lugal-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu
  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6
  • i-mi-a lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 ki-masz(ki)-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6
  • nu-ur2-i3-li2 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 sze-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6
  • hu-la-al lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 kaskal (ansze)kunga2 zi-gu5-um-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6 pu-lu-lu szusz3
  • u4 (ansze)kunga2 zi-gu5-um-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) ma-la-ku udu
  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6
  • szesz-kal-la aga3-us2 lugal tu-ra u4 en-nu-ga2 sze buru14-ka-sze3 im-gen-na-a lu2 sa-gaz-ke4 in-sag3-ga

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • a-hu-du10 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 sze sila gal2-la e3-de2 im-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • a-wi-lum-ma lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal# u4 i3-gesz-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 2(disz) ku6 ur-esz3-ku3-ga dub-sar lugal
  • u4 sze _gan2_-gu4-gesz e3-e3-de3 im-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6 lugal-amar-ku3 lu2 ur3-ra
  • u4 mun-gazi-sze3 im-[gen]-na-a zi-ga iti (gesz)apin#

    AI Translation

    to the king he went;

  • 1 sheep: Malaku,
  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish,
  • to Imia, the royal messenger, when he came to Kimash,

  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish,
  • Nur-ili, the royal messenger, came to me on the barley-festival.

  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish,
  • for Hulaal, the king's messenger, when the road to the mules was completed,

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish, Pululu, cattle manager,
  • When the kunga came to the rescue,

  • 2 sheep from Malaku,
  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish,
  • Sheshkala, the king's envoy, when the watch came, the barley of the harvest he brought, the sag-priest he swore.

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Ahudu, the messenger of the king, when the barley from the street was brought in, came.

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Awiluma, the royal messenger, when he entered the oil field

  • 2 sila3 soup, 2 fish, Ur-eshkuga, scribe, king.
  • When the barley of the oxen-fields went up,

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish, Lugal-amarku, the man of the threshing floor;
  • when the mash-flour came, booked out; month: "Plow;"



    mu en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga masz2-e in-pa3 u4 3(u)-kam

    AI Translation

    year: "The en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen," 30th day.

    P411936: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • i3-li2-szip-ti lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • lu2-(d)isztaran lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 ki-masz(ki)-ta ki lugal-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • puzur4-esz18-dar lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 ki-masz(ki)-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 nig2-gur11 en-um-i3-li2-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • szu-ku-bu-um lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 erin2 udu ur4 zi-zi-de3 im-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • gu3-de2-a lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 nig2-gu2-na ma2 sag-ga2-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 an-dul3 dub-sar
  • u4 nig2-gu3-de2 bala-a-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7
  • a-hu-du10 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 sahar zi-zi-de3 im-gen-na-a

    AI Translation
  • 1 malakku sheep, 2 sila3 soup,
  • Ili-szipti, royal messenger;

  • 1 malakku sheep, 2 sila3 soup,
  • Lu-Ishtaran, the royal messenger, when Kimash from the king's place he returned,

  • 1 malakku sheep, 2 sila3 soup,
  • Puzur-Ishtar, the royal messenger, when he came to Kimash,

  • 2 sila3 soup,
  • Ur-Baba, the royal messenger, when the property of Enum-ili came,

  • 2 sila3 soup,
  • Shukubuum, messenger of the king, when the troops and sheep piled up for him,

  • 1 malakku sheep, 2 sila3 soup,
  • Gudea, the messenger of the king, when the goods of the barge went to the head,

  • 2 sila3 soup, Andul, the scribe,
  • When the bala ritual has arrived,

  • 1 sila3 soup,
  • Ahudu, the messenger of the king, when the dust was cleared, went to him.


  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7
  • (d)utu-kal sagi

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7
  • a-za-ba-ni sagi u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-sze3 ba-e-re-sza

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 3(disz) sila3 tu7
  • (d)szu-(d)suen-la-ma-ha-ar sagi

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 4(disz) sila3 tu7
  • a-mur-e2-a masz2-szu-gid2-gid2 u3 lu2 masz2-szu-gid2-gid2-me

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 en-um-(d)suen gu4-gaz
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 ur-tum-ma-al gu4-gaz
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 ba-ba-a sagi
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 zu-u2-a sagi
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 szu-(d)en-lil2 sagi
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 szu-(d)nisaba sagi
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 a-da-lal3 szusz3
  • 5(disz) sila3 tu7 aga3-us2 lugal-me
  • u4 siskur2 lugal-sze3 im-e-re-sza-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 lu2-giri17-zal szusz3
  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 i3-li2-an-dul3 giri17-dab5
  • u4 (ansze)kunga2 zi-gu5-um-sze3 im-e-re-sza-a zi-ga iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 soup,
  • for Utukal, cupbearer;

  • 1 sila3 soup,
  • Azabani, cupbearer, at Duran-Festival she brought;

  • 1 malakku sheep, 3 sila3 soup,
  • Shu-Suen-la-mahar, cupbearer;

  • 1 malakku sheep, 4 sila3 soup,
  • Amur-ea, the mashshu-gigid, and the mashshu-gigid,

  • 1 sila3 soup, Enum-Suen, the oxen,
  • 1 sila3 soup, Ur-tummal, the oxen,
  • 1 sila3 soup, Baba'a, cupbearer;
  • 1 sila3 soup, Zu'ua, cupbearer;
  • 1 sila3 soup, Shu-Enlil, cupbearer;
  • 1 sila3 soup, Shu-Nisaba, cupbearer;
  • 1 sila3 soup, Adalal, cattle manager,
  • 5 sila3 soup, royal steward,
  • When the king's offering has been made,

  • 1 sila3 soup, Lu-girizal, cattle manager,
  • 1 sila3 soup, Ili-andul, guarantor;
  • when the kunga came to the slaughter, booked out; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."



    u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    11th day.

    P411937: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1/3(disz) ma-na 1/2(disz) gin2 nig2-sza-ar
  • 7(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 1/3(disz) gin2 lal3-_har_
  • 7(disz) _gisz_-_pi_-_gan_ sig4 mu-sar
  • si-i3-tum mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

  • 2(disz) gurusz
  • 1(disz) gurusz a2 1/2(disz)
  • _arad2_-e2-gal-me _gan2_ dab5-ba-me iti szu-gar-ra-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti-bi 1(u) 2(disz)-am3 a2-bi 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) u4 1(disz)-sze3

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2 uruda
  • im simug-a

  • 1(barig) 2(disz) sila3 naga
  • im aszgab-ta szunigin 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2 uruda szunigin 1/3(disz) ma-na 1/2(disz) gin2 nig2-sza-ar szunigin 7(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 1/3(disz) gin2 lal3-_har_

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mana 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • 7 1/2 minas, 1/3 shekel of ...-sulphur,
  • 7 ..., bricks of the inscription.
  • remaining deficit of year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

  • 2 male laborers,
  • 1 male laborer, labor: 1/2,
  • for ARAD-egal, the seized field, from month "shugara" to month "Harvest," its months: 12; its labor: 420 workdays;

  • 1 1/2 mana 3 shekels copper,
  • mug clay

  • 1 barig 2 sila3 alkali-plant,
  • from the kiln-fired bricks; total: 1 1/2 mana 3 shekels copper; total: 1/3 mana 1/2 shekel of nigshar; total: 7 1/2 mana 1/3 shekel of alkali-plant;

    Column 2


    szunigin 1(barig) 2(disz) sila3 naga szunigin 7(disz) _gisz_-_pi_-_gan_ sig4 mu-sar szunigin 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 sag-nig2-gur11-ra sza3-bi-ta

  • 2(gesz2) 4(u) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) 4(disz) gin2 gurusz# u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • diri nig2-ka9-ak mu (d)i-[bi2]-(d)suen lugal

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2# [uruda]
  • 1/3(disz) ma-na nig2-sza-ar#
  • 2(gesz2) 5(u) 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • zi-ga-am3# kiszib3 ur-mes zi-ga-am3

  • 9(disz) gin2 gurusz
  • iti szu-gar-ra-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti-bi 1(u) 2(disz)-am3

    AI Translation

    total: 1 barig 2 sila3 alkali-plant total: 7 ...-wood, the musharu-stone; total: 420 workdays, male laborers, debits therefrom:

  • 126 5/6 mana 4 shekels workdays, male laborers,
  • extra, account of the year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

  • 1 1/2 mana 3 shekels copper,
  • 1/3 mina of silver,
  • 184 workdays, male laborers,
  • booked out, under seal of Ur-mes booked out,

  • 9 shekels, male laborers,
  • from month "shugara" to month "Harvest," that month, 12 months.

    Column 1


    a2-bi 5(u) 4(disz) u4 1(disz)-sze3 szesz-gal erin2-na-me

  • 1(disz) gurusz mu-sar
  • iti szu-gar-ra-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti-bi 1(u) 2(disz)-am3 a2-bi 6(gesz2) u4 1(disz)-sze3 zi-ga-am3 szunigin 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2 uruda uruda-bi 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz)# [gin2] naga-bi 1(barig) 2(disz) sila3 a2-bi 1(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) u4 1(disz)-sze3 szunigin 1/3(disz) ma-na nig2-sza-ar szunigin 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 5(disz) 5/6(disz) 4(disz) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 szunigin 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2 uruda szunigin 1/3(disz) ma-na nig2-sza-ar

    szunigin 1(barig) 2(disz) sila3 naga szunigin 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 3(u) 8(disz) 5/6(disz) 4(disz) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 zi-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    its labor: 54 workdays; the brothers, the troops;

  • 1 male laborer, the scribe,
  • from month "shugara," to month "Harvest," its labor: 12 workdays; its labor: 420 workdays booked out; total: 1 1/2 mana 3 shekels copper; its copper: 1 1/2 mana 3 shekels alkali-plant; its alkali-plant: 1 barig 2 sila3; its labor: 93 workdays; total: 1/3 mana of the grain; total: 115 5/6 4 shekels male laborers; for 1 workday; total: 1 1/2 mana 3 shekels copper; total: 1/3 mana of the grain;

    total: 1 barig 2 sila3 alkali-plant; total: 188 5/6 shekels 4 male laborer workdays booked out;

    Column 2

  • 1/2(disz) gin2 nig2-sza-ar
  • 9(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 1/3(disz) gin2 lal3-_har_
  • 7(disz) _gisz_-_pi_-_gan_ sig4 mu-sar
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz) 6(disz) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • si-i3-tum nig2-ka9-ak a2 nam-tibira-e-ne ku-e-la-ak ugula gesz-kin-ti iti szu-gar-ra-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti-bi 1(u) 2(disz)-am3 mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • 9 1/2 minas, 1/3 shekel of ...-stone,
  • 7 ..., bricks of the inscription.
  • 61 6 shekels workdays, male laborers,
  • the remainder of the accounts, labor of the Tibira tribes, Ku'elaak, foreman of the harvest, from month "shugara" to month "Harvest," its months: 12; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P411938: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    4(szar2) 2(bur'u) 8(bur3) 5(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2 2_(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 4(asz) 5(ban2) sze ziz2 gig ga-ba-tab gur

  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 gu2 hi-a gur
  • 3(barig) numun szum2-sikil
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) sag szum2-sikil
  • 4(ban2) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 numun za3-hi-li2
  • apin-la2 szu-ri-a 6(szar2) 1(bur'u)? 2(bur3)? 5(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2 1_(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 2(u) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 gur

  • 2(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 gu2 hi-a
  • 2(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) numun za3-hi-li2
  • apin-la2 igi 4(disz)-gal2

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 4(asz) gur
  • sze 2(barig) igi 1(u)-gal2 ga-szu-ru-um ki sza-at-mu-a igi 4(disz)-gal2 a-sza3 ga ba-an-de2-a-sze

    AI Translation

    188 bur3 5 1/2 iku surface area, 420 gur 5 ban2 barley, emmer, emmer, ...,

  • 2 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 3 sila3 of ...-seeds,
  • 3 barig, seed of shumsikil,
  • 1 gur 1 barig, head of a shumsikil,
  • 4 ban2 6 1/2 sila3 seed of zahili,
  • for the plowmen, ...; 61? bur3 5 1/2 iku surface area; 420 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 4 sila3,

  • 2 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 of ...-seeds,
  • 2 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 seed of zahili,
  • its plow: 4;

  • 94 gur
  • barley: 2 barig, 10 grains for Gashurum; from Shatmua, 4 grains for the field "Ga-bandea,"

    Column 2


    7(szar2) 3(bur'u)? 8(bur3) 1(esze3) 5(iku) 1/4(iku) _gan2 4_(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 2(u) 3(asz) 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 gur

  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 5(disz) sila3 gur
  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 1/2(disz) sila3 gu2 hi-a gur
  • 3(barig) numun szum2-sikil
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) sag szum2-sikil gur
  • 1(barig) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 numun za3-hi-li2
  • sag-nig2-gur11-ra sza3-bi-ta 1(szar2) _gan2_

  • 9(gesz2) 2(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) la2 1/2(disz) sila3 gur
  • szuku tu-ra-am-i3-li2 szabra 1(szar2) _gan2_

  • 9(gesz2) 2(u) 4(ban2) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 gur
  • szuku lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su-ka szabra 1(bur'u) 1(bur3) 2(iku) _gan2_

    AI Translation

    7 szar 3? 8 bur3 1 eshe3 5 1/4 iku surface area, 420 gur 2 ban2 3 sila3

  • 3 gur 1 barig 5 sila3
  • 3 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 1/2 sila3 of ...-seeds,
  • 3 barig, seed of shumsikil,
  • 1 gur 1 barig head of roasted garlic,
  • 60 litres of barley 6 1/2 sila3 seed of zahili
  • capital, therefrom: 60 hectares of land;

  • 147 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 less 1/2 sila3
  • the ration of Turam-ili, the chief household manager; 60 'hectares' of field,

  • 420 gur 4 ban2 6 1/2 sila3
  • the storage facility of Lu-Ningirsu, the chief household manager; 11 bur3 2 iku field area;

    Column 1

  • 3(gesz2) 2(u) 8(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 gur
  • szuku be-li2-ka3-szi2-id dub-sar gu4 4(bur3) 1(esze3) _gan2_

  • 4(u) 4(barig) 2(ban2) gur
  • szuku giri3-se3-ga (d)nin-hur-sag u3 (d)nansze didli sza3 di3-ni-ik-tum(ki) 3(bur'u) 1(bur3) 1(esze3) 2(disz) 1/4(iku) _gan2_

  • 5(gesz2) 4(asz) 3(barig) 4(disz) sila3 gur
  • szuku giri3-se3-ga gu4-apin 9(bur3) _gan2_

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 1(asz) 3(ban2) gur
  • szuku giri3-se3-ga sza3 e2

  • 3(u) ma2-lah5 1(asz) gur-ta
  • 2(u) 5(disz) engar gesz-i3 1(asz) gur-ta
  • sze-bi 4(u) 5(asz) gur 4(szar2) 5(bur'u) 7(bur3) 2(iku) _gan2 2_(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(asz) 5(ban2) 1(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 gur

  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 1/2(disz) sila3 gu2 hi-a gur
  • 3(barig) numun szum2-sikil
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) sag szum2-sikil gur
  • 1(barig) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 numun za3-hi-li2
  • AI Translation
  • 188 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 8 2/3 sila3,
  • scribe, Beli-kashid.

  • 40 gur 4 barig 2 ban2
  • the debits, via Ninhursaga and Nanshe, the debts of Diniktum: 31 bur3 1 eshe3 2 1/4 iku field area;

  • 184 gur 3 barig 4 sila3
  • ..., via Girisega, plow-oxen: 9 bur3, ...;

  • 91 gur 3 ban2
  • ... of the house;

  • 30 chariot-drivers at 1 gur each,
  • 25 plowmen, oil-fed, at 1 gur each,
  • its barley: 45 gur; 147 bur3 2 iku; field: 126 gur 5 ban2 1 1/3 sila3;

  • 3 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 1/2 sila3 of ...-seeds,
  • 3 barig, seed of shumsikil,
  • 1 gur 1 barig head of roasted garlic,
  • 60 litres of barley 6 1/2 sila3 seed of zahili
  • Column 2


    [sila-a] gal2-la [szunigin] 5(szar2) 2(bur'u) 8(bur3) 1(esze3) 5(disz) 1/4(iku) _gan2_ [szunigin] 4(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 5(u) 3(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 gur szunigin 3(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 1/2(disz) sila3 gu2 hi-a gur szunigin 3(barig) numun szum2-sikil szunigin 1(asz) 1(barig) sag szum2-sikil gur

  • 1(barig) 6(disz) 1/2(disz) numun za3-hi-li2
  • a-sza3 gid2-da sze gesz-e3-a sza3 di3-ni-ik-tum(ki) giri3 lugal-pa-e3 dub-sar e2-gal u3 giri3 a-da-lal3 dub-sar mu en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga? masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    ..., the field area: 58 bur3 1 eshe3 5 1/4 iku; total: 153 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 3 sila3; total: 3 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 1/2 sila3 ...; total: 3 barig seed of emmer; total: 1 gur 1 barig head of emmer;

  • 60 litres of barley 6 1/2disz units for the seed of Zahili
  • field long, barley threshed, in Diniktum, via Lugal-pa'e, scribe of the palace, and via Adalal, scribe, year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen."

    P411939: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 4(u) 4(disz) udu hi-a e2 szu-szum2-ma# iti gi-sig-ga

  • 1(u) 1(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki puzur4-ha-ia3 na-gada-ta

  • 3(u) 6(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki ur-nigar(gar) na-gada-ta

  • 1(u) 4(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki szu-i3-li2 na-gada-ta

  • 3(u) udu-nita2
  • ki ur-gu-la-mu na-gada-ta

  • 2(u) udu-nita2
  • [n] sila4 ga [...] [ugula ba]-ba-lum szusz3

  • 1(u) udu-nita2
  • [ki] a-mur-dingir na-gada-ta

  • 4(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki [szu]-esz18-dar na-gada-ta

  • 2(u) udu-nita2
  • ki dingir-ba-ni na-gada dumu en-u2-u2-ta

  • 2(u) udu-nita2
  • ki im-ta2-lik na-gada-ta

  • 5(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki# inim-(d)szara2 na-gada-ta [n] udu-nita2 [ki] mu-mu-e na-gada-ta

    AI Translation

    94 sheep, ..., house of Shushumma, month: "Gisigga;"

  • 11 rams,
  • from Puzurhaya, Nagada;

  • 36 rams,
  • from Ur-nigar of Nagada;

  • 14 rams,
  • from Shu-ili of Nagada;

  • 30 rams,
  • from Ur-gulamu, Nagada;

  • 20 rams,
  • n lambs, ..., foreman: Babalum, cattle manager;

  • 10 rams,
  • from Amur-ili to Nagada;

  • 4 rams,
  • from Shu-Ishtar of Nagada;

  • 20 rams,
  • from Ili-bani, Nagada, son of Enu'u;

  • 20 rams,
  • from Imtalik, Nagada;

  • 5 rams,
  • from Inim-Shara, to Nagaba; n sheep from Mu'e, to Nagaba;

    Column 2

  • 7(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki dingir-ur-sag na-gada-ta ugula (d)nanna-i3-gi szusz3

  • 3(u)# 5(disz) u8
  • 4(u) udu#-nita2
  • ki puzur4-an#-da na-gada-ta

  • 3(u) 9(disz) u8
  • 2(u) 4(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki be-la-at na-gada-ta#

  • 2(u) 9(disz) u8
  • 2(u) udu-nita2
  • ki uz-na-nam na-gada-ta

  • 1(u) 9(disz) u8
  • 1(u) 7(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki da-gi na-gada-ta

  • 2(gesz2) 2(disz) u8
  • 3(gesz2) udu-nita2
  • ki za-ri2-qum na-gada-ta

  • 1(gesz2) u8
  • 2(gesz2) 1(disz) udu-nita2
  • ki szu-ma-ma na-gada-ta ugula za-ri2-qum szusz3

  • 6(disz) udu 4(disz) masz2
  • masz-da-re-a ensi2 mu 1(disz)-kam# ki a-li2-ni-su ugula usz-bar-ta szunigin 3(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) 3(disz) udu masz2 sag-nig2-gur11-ra sza3-bi-ta

  • 1(gesz2) udu hi-a
  • AI Translation
  • 7 rams,
  • from Dingir-ursag of Nagada, foreman: Nanna-nigi, cattle manager;

  • 35 ewes,
  • 40 rams,
  • from Puzuranda to Nagada;

  • 39 ewes,
  • 24 rams,
  • from Belat-Naga;

  • 29 ewes,
  • 20 rams,
  • from Uznam, Nagada;

  • 19 ewes,
  • 17 rams,
  • from Dagi to Nagada;

  • 142 ewes,
  • 240 rams,
  • from Zariqum of Nagada;

  • 60 ewes,
  • 121 rams,
  • from Shu-Mama to Nagada, foreman: Zariqum, cattle manager;

  • 6 rams, 4 billy goats,
  • Mashdara, governor, 1st year; from Ali-nisu, foreman of weavers; total: 153 sheep, goats, capital, therefrom:

  • 60 sheep, ...,
  • Column 1

  • [3(u)?] udu hi-[a sa2]-du11
  • 3(u) udu hi-a (d)szul-gi
  • 3(u) udu hi-a (d)amar-(d)suen
  • 3(u) udu hi-a (d)szu-(d)suen#
  • sa2-du11 szu-a-gi-na u4 [3(u)-kam]

  • 1(u) 6(disz) udu 6(disz) sila4
  • (d)nin-hur-sag

  • 6(disz) udu 4(disz) sila4
  • (d)szul-pa-e3

  • 3(disz) udu (d)(asz)aszgi(gi4)
  • 3(disz) udu (d)nin-hur-sag-iri-sa12-rig7(ki)
  • nig2-dab5 u4 sakar e2-u4-7(disz) u3 e2-u4-1(u)-5(disz)-kam

  • 1(gesz2) 5(disz) udu hi-a
  • nig2-gur11 (d)nin-hur-sag u3 dingir-gal-gal esz3-esz3 (d)szul-gi-ra-ka#

  • 1(disz) udu siskur2 (d)iszkur#
  • nig2-ezem e2 (d)nin-hur-sag

  • 6(disz) udu 1(disz) masz2
  • (d)szul-gi#

  • 6(disz) udu 1(disz) sila4#
  • (d)amar-(d)suen sa2-du11 dingir-re-ne#

  • 2(disz) sila4 siskur2 (d)nin-[hur]-sag
  • nig2-dab5 lukur 4(disz)-[ba]

  • 2(u) 4(disz) udu 1(disz) sila4
  • masz-da-re-a lugal ezem-a2-ki-ti szu-numun# sza3 uri5(ki)-ma

    AI Translation
  • 30 sheep, regular offerings,
  • 30 sheep, ... Shulgi;
  • 30 sheep, Amar-Suen,
  • 30 sheep, ... of Shu-Suen;
  • regular offerings of Shu-agina, 30th day;

  • 16 rams, 6 lambs,
  • for Ninhursag;

  • 6 rams, 4 lambs,
  • Shulpa'e;

  • 3 sheep for Ashgi,
  • 3 sheep for Ninhursag-irisagrig,
  • nigdab-offering of the day of the sakar festival of the house of 7 and the house of 15 days;

  • 115 sheep,
  • property of Ninhursag and the great gods, for the eshesh-esh of Shulgi,

  • 1 sheep, siskur offering of Ishkur,
  • festival of the house of Ninhursag;

  • 6 rams, 1 billy goat,
  • Shulgi

  • 6 rams, 1 lamb,
  • for Amar-Suen, regular offerings of the gods;

  • 2 lambs, siskur-offerings of Ninhursag,
  • nigdab-offering of the lukur at 4 each;

  • 24 rams, 1 lamb,
  • for Mashdarea, king of the festival Akitu, seed of Ur;

    Column 2


    u3 masz-da-re-a lugal [sza3] nibru(ki) [x] ensi2 e2 geme2 kar-zi-da(ki) dam a-hu-ni dumu-lugal [u4] |_bad3-an_|(ki)-ta ki lugal-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 8(disz) udu-nita2
  • ur5-ra szid-da iti ezem-(d)szul-gi ba-a-gar sze gu7-de3

  • 4(u) 6(disz) ad3 u8
  • 4(u)# 7(disz) ad3 udu
  • 4(disz) ad3 sila4
  • 4(disz) ad3 masz2
  • giri3 szu-esz18-dar# agrig# szunigin 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(u) 7(disz) udu masz2 hi-a zi-ga-am3 2(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) udu hi-a e2 szu-szum2-ma nig2-ka9-ak ba-a-ga kuruszda iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3

    AI Translation

    and Mashdara, king of Nippur, ..., governor of the house of the female workers of Karzida, wife of Ahuni, the royal daughter, when from Der to the king he went,

  • 8 rams,
  • the interest is to be added, the month "Festival of Shulgi," the barley is to be weighed out.

  • 46 ewes,
  • 47 sheep-hides,
  • 4 lambs, x
  • 4 bundles of goats,
  • via Shu-Ishtar, the steward; total: 147 sheep, mated, booked out; total: 169 sheep, mated, house of Shushuma; account booked out; fattener; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."

    P411941: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 1(disz) sila3 ga gazi
  • 1/3(disz) sila3 lal3
  • 1(disz) sila3 (gesz)haszhur had2
  • 1(ban2) zu2-lum
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 butter oil,
  • 1 sila3 kashk cheese,
  • 1/3 sila3 of honey,
  • 1 sila3 of dates,
  • 1 ban2 dates,
  • Reverse


    siskur2 sza3 (gesz)kiri6 giri3 puzur4-(d)li9-si4 dub-sar zi-ga iti (gesz)apin mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal [uri5](ki)-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    offering in the orchard, via Puzur-Lisi, the scribe, booked out; month: "Piglet harvest," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."

    Seal 1


    puzur4#-[(d)li9-si4] [dub]-sar# [dumu ...]

    AI Translation

    Puzur-Lisi, scribe, son of .

    P411943: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(disz) sila3 tu7
  • u4 1(disz)-kam u4 3(u)-sze3 tu7-bi 8(gesz2) sila3 _sig7_-a (gesz)kiri6 kesz3(ki)

  • 5(disz) sila3 tu7
  • u4 1(disz)-kam u4 3(u)-sze3 tu7-bi 2(gesz2) 3(u) sila3 _sig7_-a (gesz)kiri6 (d)szul-gi?-pa-e3

    AI Translation
  • 16 sila3 soup,
  • 1st day, for 30 days, its soup: 420 sila3 of yellow-green, garden of Kesh;

  • 5 sila3 soup,
  • 1st day, for 30 days, its soup: 210 sila3 of yellow-green, orchard of Shulgi-pa'e;


  • 5(disz) sila3 tu7
  • u4 1(disz)-kam u4 3(u)-sze3 tu7-bi 2(gesz2) 3(u) sila3 _sig7_-a (gesz)kiri6 bara2 ka i7 t,a-bi2-ma-ma ki dingir-ra-bi2 szandana zi-ga iti szu-gar-gal mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 soup,
  • 1st day, for 30 days, its soup: 420 sila3 of yellowed fruit; orchard, gate of the Tibbi-me canal, from Dingirabi, the shanga-official; booked out; month: "shugargal," year: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed;"

    P411948: letter tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    a-na ur-sa6-ga qi2-bi2-ma

  • _1(gesz2) 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur_
  • _sze-ba lu2 (kusz)e-sir2_ _ugula_ a-mur-dingir

  • _1(gesz2) 6(asz) 4(barig) gur_
  • AI Translation

    To Ursaga speak!

  • 61 gur 3 barig of barley,
  • barley of a man with a sandal, foreman: Amur-ili.

  • 66 gur 4 barig
  • Reverse


    _sze#-[ba lu2 x]-_ni__ [...]-x _ugula_ (d)szu-(d)suen#-[ha?-ma?-ti?] li-sza-ap#-[ri-ku] u3 li-ir-gu-mu a-na _i7_ lu-e2-ru-ub

    AI Translation

    The barley of the man ... ... the overseer Shu-Sin-hamati? shall send, and they shall be sated. To the canal may they enter.

    P411949: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki a-kal-la-ta szesz-kal-la su-su-dam mu szesz-kal-la-sze3 kiszib3# du#-u2-saga

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • from Akalla, Sheshkalla will be repaid; for Sheshkalla, under seal of Du'usaga;



    iti dumu-zi mu gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim

    AI Translation

    month: "Dumuzi," year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    gesz#-sa6-ga dumu ma-na-mu

    AI Translation

    Geshsaga, son of Manamu.

    P411950: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • e2-a-ki-bi lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 lu2 sa-gaz dab5-ba-de3 im-gen-na-a

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • ur-(d)nansze lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 erin2 zah3 _arad2_-e2-gal dab5-ba-de3 im-gen-na-a

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • puzur4-(d)suen lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • The king's messenger came to the Ea-ki. When the criminal was captured,

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Ur-Nanshe, the royal messenger, when the troops were killed, ARAD-egal, the fugitive, came,

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Puzur-Sîn, royal messenger, when he came to Der,


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • a-hu-dingir szusz3!? lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • szu-esz18-dar lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 ki-masz(ki)-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • mu-da-a-num2 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal zi-ga iti szu-gar-ra mu us2-sa hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Ahu-ili, cattle manager, royal messenger.

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Shu-Ishtar, royal messenger, when to Kimash he returned,

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • Mudanum, messenger of the king, booked out; month: "shugara," year after: "Huhnuri was destroyed."



    u4 2(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    2nd day;

    P411952: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) sar e2
  • dingir-ba-ni-sze3 gaba-ri e2-a-na-sze3 na-ra-am-i3-li2 in-na-an-szum2 igi ka5-a nu-banda3

  • 1(disz) a-ba-ti ha-za-num2
  • 1(disz) er3-ra-ur-sag
  • 1(disz) a-mur-(d)utu
  • 1(disz) i-sa3-ri-iq
  • AI Translation
  • an estate of 7 sar,
  • to Ili-bani, the second one, to his house Naram-ili gave; before Ka'a, the overseer;

  • 1 Abati, the mayor;
  • 1 Erra-ursag,
  • 1 Amur-Utu,
  • 1: Isariq,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) a-li2-ah
  • 1(disz) szu-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) a-gu-a
  • 1(disz) a-bu-du10
  • 1(disz) i-ri-ib-e2-a
  • ugula-gesz2-da-me

  • 1(disz) ku-ba-ba a-zu
  • igi-ne-ne-esz2 mu lugal i3-pa3 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 Ali-ah,
  • 1 Shu-Ishtar,
  • 1: Agu'a,
  • 1: Abudu,
  • 1: Iribea,
  • foreman:

  • 1 Kubaba, your physician,
  • before them; year: "The king was chosen;" month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shashru was destroyed."

    P411956: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) gu4 hi-a
  • a2-bi 2(u) 9(disz) 2/3(disz) 5(disz) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 2(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 4(u) 8(disz) udu hi-a a2-bi 1(gesz2) 3(u) 9(disz) 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) szah2 niga
  • a2-bi 6(disz) 1/3(disz) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 u4 1(disz)-kam iti 2(disz)-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 59 1/2 oxen,
  • its labor: 29 2/3 shekels 5 workdays; 420 sheep, ...; its labor: 89 12 workdays; male laborers,

  • 77 1/2 pigs, grain-fed,
  • its labor: 6 1/3 7 1/2 shekels, male laborers, for 1 day, 1 day, 2 months;



    a2-bi 2(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 4(u) 4(disz) 1/2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 [x] x _ka#_?-[x] szid-da mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun

    AI Translation

    its labor: 420,414 1/2 workdays, male laborers, labor of ..., ..., year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was hired."

    P411961: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 i3-gesz
  • 4(ban2) 6(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 1(barig) 1/3(disz) sila3 i3-udu
  • 1(u) 3(barig) 1(ban2) 1(disz) zu2-lum gur
  • szu-szum2-ma

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 1 1/2 sila3 7 1/2 shekels oil,
  • 4 ban2 6 5/6 sila3 butter oil,
  • 60 litres of barley 1 1/3 sila3 of sheep
  • 10 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 1 dates,
  • to be given back.



    i3-li2-asz-ra-ni szabra szu ba-ti giri3 a-hu-ma dub-sar sza3 puzur4-isz-(d)da-gan(ki) iti ezem-(d)me-ki-gal2 ba-zal mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    Ili-ashrani, the household manager, received; via Ahuma, scribe, in Puzrish-Dagan; month: "Festival of Mekigal," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P411962: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) la2 1(disz) (gesz)a-ra hi-a
  • e2-kiszib3-ba-ta ki lu2-sa6-i3-zu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 9 ...
  • from the sealed house, from Lu-sa-izu;



    kiszib3# (d)szara2-i3-zu-ka ba-a-gar mu [...] ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Shara-izu, placed; year: "... was destroyed."

    P411964: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) [n] (gesz)[x]
  • e2-du6-la i-mi-er3-ra szabra nu-ur2-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 420 ... logs,
  • for the school, Immi-Erra, the chief administrator, Nur-Adda,



    szu ba-[ab]-ti iti a2-ki-ti mu us2-sa [si]-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Akitu," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P411967: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(asz) sze gur
  • sze zi3-da mu bala-a-sze3 ki dingir-a-su2-ta puzur4-ha-ia3 nu-banda3 dumu nu-ur2-(d)suen

    AI Translation
  • 66 gur of barley,
  • barley flour, for the bala period, from Ilasu Puzur-haia, the overseer, son of Nur-Sîn,



    szu ba-ti mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    received; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P411968: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur
  • sze ensi2 ki en-u2-a-ta tu-ra-am-i3-li2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 barley,
  • barley of the governor, from Enua Turam-ili received;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 si-mu-ru-um(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year: "Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, Simurrum destroyed."

    Seal 1


    tu-ra-am-i3-li2 dumu szu-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar

    AI Translation

    Turam-ili, son of Shu-Ninshubur, scribe.

    P411970: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 7(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur
  • szi-iq-di3-a i7 na-ra-am-(d)suen-ni-tum ba-ni-ib-e3 a-sza3 lu2-(d)nanna lu2 zi-mu-dar(ki) giri3 bi-i-a lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

    AI Translation
  • 47 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 barley,
  • for Shiqdia, the Naram-Suen canal he dug. Field of Lu-Nanna, man of Zimudar, via Bi'ia, messengers of the king.



    zi-ga-am3 lal3-li2-a szabra sza3 masz-kan2 kul2-li2-zum(ki) iti a2-ki-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    booked out; LALI'a, the household manager, in the mashkan-vessel of Kullizum; month: "Akitu," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P411971: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 1(disz) sila3 nig2-i3-de2-a
  • u4 1(disz)-kam u4 3(u)-sze3 kasz-bi 2(barig) 3(ban2) ninda-bi 2(barig) 3(ban2) nig2-i3-de2-a-bi 3(ban2) a-hu-ba-qar dub-sar#

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 1(disz) sila3 nig2-i3-de2-a
  • u4 1(disz)-kam u4 3(u)-sze3 kasz-bi 1(barig) 3(ban2) ninda-bi 1(barig)

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • 1 sila3 of nig-idea-flour,
  • 1st day, for 30 days, its beer: 2 barig 3 ban2, its bread: 2 barig 3 ban2, its libation: 3 ban2, Ahu-baqar, the scribe;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 1 sila3 of nig-idea-flour,
  • for 1 day, for 30 days, its beer: 1 barig 3 ban2, its bread: 1 barig;



    nig2-i3-de2-a-bi 3(ban2) a-la-a engar

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • u4 1(disz)-kam u4 3(u)-sze3 kasz-bi 1(barig) 3(ban2) ninda-bi 1(barig) ba-ba-li engar lu2 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-me u4 uru4-a sze-gesz-i3 su2-su2-de3 im-e-re-sza-a szunigin 1(asz) 3(ban2) kasz gur szunigin 4(barig) 3(ban2) ninda szunigin 1(barig) nig2-i3-de2-a zi-ga iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    its rations: 3 ban2, Ala'a, the plowman;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 1st day, for 30 days, its beer: 1 barig 3 ban2; its bread: 1 barig; Babali, the plowman, the men of Der; at the beginning of the day, the sesame was roasted; they brought it out; total: 1 gur 3 ban2 of beer; total: 4 barig 3 ban2 of bread; total: 1 barig of nigidea; booked out; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The en-priest of Eridu was installed."

    P411973: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) gu2-gal#? ar3-ra
  • 1(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 gu2-tur us2-sa
  • 3(ban2) 1/2(disz) sila3 sze-lu2 naga4
  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 gazi naga4
  • 1(barig) 1(disz) sila3 mun
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig 5 ban2 4 2/3 gugal-arra-flour,
  • 1 barig 5 ban2 4 5/6 sila3 kashk cheese, second quality,
  • 3 ban2 1/2 sila3 of roasted spelt,
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 of ghee,
  • 1 barig 1 sila3 of malt,
  • Reverse


    [giri3] (d)szu-(d)suen-ha-ma-ti ki szu-(d)nin-szubur-ta er3-ra-an-dul3 szu ba-ti mu en (d)inanna# unu(ki)-ga masz2-e [i3]-pa3

    AI Translation

    via Shu-Suen-hamati; from Shu-Ninshubur Erra-andul received; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen."

    Seal 1


    er3-ra-an-dul3 dumu a-bu3-lugal dub-sar

    AI Translation

    Erra-andul, son of Abu-lugal, scribe.

    P411974: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz) sze ur5-ra gur
  • ur-(d)ha-ia3

  • 2(asz) gur
  • lu2-zabala3(ki) dumu nig2-du10-ga-mu

  • 1(asz) gur ab-ba-gi-na
  • 2(barig) ur-(d)szara2
  • 1(u) gur
  • ur-(d)gu4-na2-a

  • 1(asz) sze-gesz-i3 gur
  • (d)utu-zi-sza3-gal2

    AI Translation
  • 5 gur of barley, extispicy,
  • for Ur-Haya;

  • 2 gur,
  • Lu-Zabala, son of Nigdugamu.

  • 1 gur, Abbagina,
  • 2 barig Ur-Shara,
  • 10 gur
  • for Ur-Gunaya;

  • 1 gur sesame,
  • for Utu-zishagal;



    [n gur ...]

  • 1(asz) [n gur ...]
  • szunigin 1(u) [n sze gur] szunigin n 4(barig)? [n sze-gesz-i3] mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    n gur ...

  • 1 gur ...,
  • total: n gur barley; total: n 4 barig? n sesame; year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P411975: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 1(disz) gurusz szuku dab5-ba 1(barig) sze-ta
  • 1(u) 9(disz) gurusz sze-ba dab5-ba 3(ban2)-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 2(asz) 3(ban2) gur erin2 sahar i7 bi2-zi-bad3 ki-ni-tum

    AI Translation
  • 51 male laborers, szuku-offerings, seized, 1 barig barley each,
  • 19 male laborers, barley rations, seized, at 3 ban2 each,
  • its barley: 12 gur 3 ban2, labor-troops, dirt from the canal Bizibad, Kinitum;



    zi-zi-de3 szu ba-ab-ti ugula ur-(d)isztaran szusz3 iti kir11-si-ak mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    Zizide received; foreman: Ur-Ishtaran, cattle manager; month: "kirsiak," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    P411977: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-[ba] bi2-tum#? mu-kux(_du_) me-(d)isztaran iti ses-da-gu7

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx xxx



    mu e2 (d)szara2 mu-du3 i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    year: "The house of Shara was erected," are here.


    xxx xxx

    P411978: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • ku-ga-num2 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-ta ki lugal-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • a-bil-a-ti lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Kuganum, the king's messenger, when from Der to the king went,

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • for Abilati, royal messenger;


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • dingir-ba-ni lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a zi-ga sza3 ne-be6-er-na-di3-[a]-tim iti gi-sig-ga mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Ili-bani, the messenger of the king, when Duran was brought in, booked out, in Neber-nadi'atim; month: "Gisig," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen."



    u4 2(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    2nd day;

    P411979: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(ban2) dabin gur
  • sze-ba _arad2_-e2-a na-ma-ri szu ba-ti giri3 pu-szu-ki-in ki da-a-ni szabra masz-kan2 kul2-li2-zu3-um(ki)-ta ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 2 ban2 of dabin flour,
  • barley rations of ARAD-ea, Namari received; via Pushukin; from Da'ani, the household manager, the mashkan-offering of Kullizum, booked out;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed."

    P411980: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    3(bur3) _gan2_ sze

  • 4(iku) _gan2_ gu2-tur
  • 6(asz) sze gur 2(barig) gu2-tur
  • sze-numun mur-gu4-kam

  • 3(asz) gur a2 al ak u3 u2 ze2-a
  • szu-(d)isz-ha-ra engar

  • 4(ban2) sze-ba a-hu-du10 sza3-gu4
  • 3(ban2) 5(disz)? (sila3) u2-tul2-ma-ma
  • 5(ban2)! a-li-a
  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) (sila3) szu-(d)isz-ha-ra engar
  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) sze-ba
  • iti 1(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    3 bur3 field area, barley,

  • 4 iku field area: Gutur;
  • 6 gur of barley, 2 barig of small onions,
  • seed barley for a ox

  • 3 gur, labor of the threshing floor and grass-fed,
  • Shu-Ishhara, the ploughman;

  • 4 ban2 of barley, Ahum-du, the oxen manager,
  • 3 ban2 5? sila3 Utulmama,
  • 5 ban2: Aliya,
  • 60 litres of barley 1 ban2 5 sila3: Shu-Ishhara, the plowman;
  • 3 barig 2 ban2 barley rations,
  • 1 month,



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti-bi 6(disz)-am3 sze-bi 4(asz) gur-am3 szunigin 1(u) 3(asz) sze gur 2(barig) gu2-tur ki lal3-li2-a-ta ba-zi sza3 masz-kan2 kul2-li2-zum(ki) mu ma2-dara3-abzu (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    from month "Festival of Shulgi" to month "Harvest," its months: 6 months; its barley: 4 gur; total: 13 gur barley, 2 barig, small barley-measures, from Lulli'a's account booked out; in the mashkan-vessel of Kullizum, year: "The boat of Dara-abzu of Enki was caulked."

    P411981: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) (gi)gur-dub esir2 su-ba kusz si-ga 3(ban2)-ta
  • sze-gesz-i3 dub2-dub2 ba-an-si nig2-szu us2-sa lugal

    AI Translation
  • 5 gurdub baskets of bitumen, ..., with leather straps, 3 ban2 = 30 sila3 each
  • sesame seeds he heaped up, possessions of the king,



    uri5(ki)-sze3 giri3 im-ti-da aga3-us2 zi-ga iti gi-sig-ga mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    to Ur via Imtida, the scout, booked out; month: "Gisiga," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed;"

    P411982: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) 5(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 ninda gesz-asz
  • giri3-ni-i3-sa6

  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 ninda gesz-asz
  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) ninda nar
  • nam-ti-esz3-ta ki muhaldim-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig 5 ban2 8 sila3 of gesh-aloaves,
  • for Girini-isa;

  • 3 barig 2 ban2 8 sila3 of gesh-asz bread,
  • 2 barig 4 ban2 bread for the nar;
  • from the household of the cook;


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 ninda gesz-asz gur
  • 2(barig) 5(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 ninda nar
  • gaba-ri a2 u4-da u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam sza3 bala-a iti szu-numun-na mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar#-tu# mu-du3

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3 gesh-asz bread,
  • 2 barig 5 ban2 6 sila3 bread for the singer
  • copy, labor of day, 14th day, in the bala; month: "Sowing," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected."

    P411983: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba dub nu-ur2-(d)iszkur szabra sza3 nibru(ki)

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx



    mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma2-dara3-abzu (d)en-ki-ka bi2-in-du8 i3-gal2

    AI Translation

    year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the boat of the sailor of Enki erected," are here.


    xxx xxx

    P411984: administrative tag

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gu2 gar-ra lu2-szuku-ra-ke4-ne giri3 szu-kab-ta2

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x



    iti ses-da-gu7 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Piglet feast," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."

    P411986: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    pisan-dub-ba gaba-ri nig2-gur11 sze-le-bu-tum nu-banda3 u3 szu-(d)ma-lik dumu-ni im szu szum2-ma szu-ti-a id-li2-id i-kun-si-ir szabra da-da-ba-ni engar szu-na-na na-gada la2-ia3 su-ga

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: copies of the property of Shelebutum, the overseer, and Shu-Malik, his son, tablets given, xxx xxx x


    Basket-of-tablets: copies of goods of Shelebutum, the supervisor, and Shu-Malik, his son, tablets of receipt, receipts of Idlid, Ikun-sir, the chief household administrator, Dada-bani, the plowman, Shunana, the herdsman; deficits, repayments,



    sza-at-(d)suen dumu-munus ul-luh-uri5(ki) u3 zi-ga ibila 3(disz)-a-ba sza3-ba i3-gal2 nu-ur2-i3-li2 u3 szu-ku-bu-um dumu szu-(d)ma-lik szu ba-an-ti-esz2 giri3 i3-li2-mi-ti di-ku5 u3 lu2-du10-ga di-ku5 sza3 nibru(ki) iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu mu us2-sa ma2 dara4-abzu (d)en-ki-ka ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    Shat-Sîn, daughter of Ulluhuri, and the debits of 3 heirs, therein are; Nur-ili and Shukubum, son of Shu-Malik, received; via Ili-miti, judge, and Lu-duga, judge, in Nippur; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year after: "The barge Dara-abzu of Enki was caulked."


    of Shat-Suen, daughter of Ulluh-uri, and credits of the 3 elder sons, herein are; Nur-ili and Shukubum, son of Shu-Malik, received; via Ili-miti, the judge, and Luduga, the judge, in Nippur, month "Wool center of Ninazu," year following: "The barge Dara-abzu of Enki was caulked."

    P411987: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 1(disz) geme2 kikken2
  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz-ta
  • kasz-bi 1(barig) 3(disz) sila3 nig2-dab5 iti-da ugula a-bux(|_ka_xSZE|)-szu-ni

    AI Translation
  • 21 female laborers, millers,
  • 3 sila3 beer,
  • its beer: 1 barig 3 sila3, nigdab-offering; month: "Foreman: Abuxhini;"



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."

    Seal 1


    banda3?(da) dub-[sar] dumu a-bux(|_ka_xSZE|)-szu-[ni]

    AI Translation

    Bandada, scribe, son of Abuxhini.

    P411988: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3# kasz# 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • (d)utu-bar-ra lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • u3-ru-a-ni lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 erin2 zah3 lu2 iri-sa12-rig7(ki) mu-la-he-sza-a

  • [5(disz)] sila3# kasz
  • [5(disz)] sila3 ninda sza3# iri(ki)
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • for Utubara, the royal messenger;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • for Uruani, the messenger of the king, when the troops were killed, the man of Irisagrig, Mulahesha

  • 5 sila3 beer,
  • 5 sila3 bread for the city;
  • Reverse

  • [1(disz)] dug dida
  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz
  • 5(disz) sila3 ninda kaskal-sze3
  • lu2?-ama-na sukkal lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 nagar ad-kup4 ma2 lugal-sze3 im-gen-na-a szunigin 1(disz) dug dida szunigin 2(ban2) kasz szunigin 2(ban2) ninda zi-ga iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation
  • 1 jug of dida-beer,
  • 5 sila3 beer,
  • 5 sila3 of bread for the journey,
  • Lu-ammana, the messenger, the king, when the carpenter, the steward, the royal boat, came, total: 1 jug of dida, total: 2 ban2 of beer, total: 2 ban2 of bread booked out; month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed."



    u4 1(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    1st day.

    P411990: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) i-ni-a-tum
  • _ki_ (d)asz3-gi5-illat-su2-ta a-ku-a _szu ba-ti_ a-na _sag_ _iti_ gi-sig-ga i-ri-isz ni-isz _lugal_ it-ma#

    AI Translation
  • 4 nitu-plants,
  • I have taken it as a loan from Ashgi-illatsu. At the beginning of the month he will enjoy the gisiggû-offering. The king will enjoy it and

    Owen, David I.
  • 4 ox-team services
  • from Ashgi-illlassu, Aku'a received at the beginning of the month "Gisiga" for plowing; Aku'a swore the royal oath;



    _igi_ dingir-ra-bi2 _igi_ be-be _igi_ nu-ur2-(d)iszkur _iti_ ezem-(d)li9-si4 _mu_ (d)i-bi2-(d)suen _lugal_ uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 si-mu-ru-um(ki) _mu-hul_

    AI Translation

    before Ili-rabi; before Bebe; before Nur-Adda; month: "Festival of Lisi," year: "Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, Simurrum destroyed."

    Owen, David I.

    before Ilum-rabi, before Bebe, before Nur-Adda; in the month "Festival of Lisi," year: "Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, Simurum destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-ku-[a] _dumu_ gu?-zu?-[x]

    AI Translation

    Aku'a, son of Guzu...;

    Owen, David I.

    Aku'a, son of Guzu...?.

    P411991: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 szar3
  • 1(disz) tug2 ba-tab duh-hu?-um szar3
  • 2(disz) tug2 gu2-e3 nig2-lam2
  • 1(disz) tug2 gu2-e3 a2-gu4-hu-um
  • AI Translation
  • 2 nig2-lam textiles, fine quality,
  • 1 garment: batab, Duhhum, the shar;
  • 2 gu2-e3 garments, nig-lam quality,
  • 1 garment, gu-e3 of Aguhum,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) tug2 nig2-sag-ga2-nin9
  • 1(disz) tug2 bar-si-tur
  • 1(disz) gada bar-si-tur sza3-gu
  • nig2-ba lugal sza3 uri5(ki)-ma iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation
  • 1 garment for Nigsaganin,
  • 1 garment, barsitur,
  • 1 linen garment, bar-situr, szagu,
  • the royal gift in Ur; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P411992: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) kasz 1(barig) ninda
  • 2(disz) sila3 nig2-i3-de2-a
  • 2(disz) ninda-i3
  • ur-(d)nin-gal-du-du szagina u4 siki uri5(ki) im-gen-na-a

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • na-ra-am-e2-a nu-banda3 dumu ar-za-an-(d)amar-(d)suen u4 al-tar e2-usz-bar gub-ba

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • puzur4-(d)suen lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 maszkim lu2 di-da-ka-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • szu-esz18-dar lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 erin2 zah3 lu2 iri-sa12-rig7(ki) dab5-ba-de3 im-gen-na-a

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig beer, 1 barig bread,
  • 2 sila3 of nig-idea-flour,
  • 2 nindai-cakes,
  • Ur-Ningaldudu, general, when wool from Ur arrived,

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • Naram-ea, the overseer, son of Arzan-Amar-Sîn. When Alltar the smith's house is stationed.

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • Puzur-Suen, the royal messenger, when the enforcer of the judge came,

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Shu-Ishtar, the messenger of the king, when the troops were killed, the people of Irisagrig captured, came to him.


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • ur-tum-ma-al dub-sar lugal u4 siki-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • ur-(d)nin-mug lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 ki-masz(ki)-ta ki lugal-sze3 ba-gen-na-a szunigin 1(barig) 1(ban2) 9(disz) sila3 kasz szunigin 1(barig) 1(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 ninda szunigin 2(disz) sila3 nig2-i3-de2-a szunigin 2(disz) ninda-i3 zi-ga iti gi-sig-ga mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Ur-Tummal, the scribe of the king, when he came to the woolen mill,

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Ur-Ningimug, the royal messenger, when Kimash from the king's place went, total: 1 barig 1 ban2 9 sila3 beer; total: 1 barig 1 ban2 6 sila3 bread; total: 2 sila3 nigidea-flour; total: 2 ninda-i3 booked out; month: "Gisig," year: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed;" 29th day.

    P411993: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) gurusz aga3-us2 lugal
  • 1(disz) sila3 kasz 1(disz) sila3 ninda-ta
  • kasz-bi 3(ban2) ninda-bi 3(ban2) u4 ki-masz(ki)-ta [ki] lugal#-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a

    AI Translation
  • 30 male laborers, royal stewards,
  • 1 sila3 beer, 1 sila3 bread each,
  • its beer: 3 ban2, its bread: 3 ban2, when Kimash from the king's place was brought,



    giri3# i-pi2-iq lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal zi-ga iti (gesz)apin mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e in-pa3

    AI Translation

    via Ipiq, messenger of the king, booked out; month: "Piglet," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was found."

    P411994: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sze gur lugal
  • ka i7-da-ta ki ur-zu-ta ha-la lu2 eb2?-ke4

    AI Translation
  • 10 gur of barley, royal measure,
  • from the mouth of the river, from Urzu the share of the eb-man?;



    szu ba-ti iti min-esz3 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "minesh," year: "Harshi was destroyed."



    ka i7-da-ta ki ur-zu-ta ha-la szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    from the mouth of the river, from Urzu received the share;



    iti min-esz3 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "minesh," year: "Harshi was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ha-la dumu lugal?-[e2-mah?] [...]

    AI Translation

    Hala, son of Lugal-emah?, .

    P411995: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    4(barig@c) a-e2-nun 2(barig@c) 3(ban2@c) en-kas4 2(barig@c) szu-ku6

    AI Translation

    4 barig, A'e-nun; 2 barig 3 ban2: Enkas; 2 barig, Shu-ku;

    Column 2



    AI Translation

    a kind of profession

    Column 1


    2(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) du11-ni

    AI Translation

    2 barig 4 ban2: Duni;

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) 6(barig@c) 4(ban2@c) ti-la-mah

    AI Translation

    1 gur 6 barig 4 ban2: Tila-mah,

    P411996: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) gurusz!(_kal_)-sahar [1(asz@c)] lu2!-si sanga 1(asz@c) ur-e2-nun-gal 1(asz@c) za3-(d)sud3-ta

    AI Translation

    1: Gurushar, 1: Lu-si, the temple administrator, 1: Ur-Enungal, 1: Za-Sudta,

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) nam-mah-(d)sud3-ta 1(asz@c) ur-dumu-zi 1(asz@c) a-nu-nu 1(asz@c) en-gurusz!(_gur_)-zi 1(asz@c) a2!(_da_)-nu-kusz2 1(asz@c) nig2-lul#

    AI Translation

    1 Nammah-Sudta, 1 Ur-dumuzi, 1 Anunu, 1 Engurushzi, 1 Anadoush, 1 Niglul,

    Column 1


    _an_-nu-me 1(asz@c) ur-(d)sud3 1(asz@c) lugal-_an_? 1(asz@c) _an_-nu-me

    AI Translation

    Annum, Ur-Sud, Lugal-AN?, Annum,

    P411997: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    3(u@c) 4(asz@c) dub-sar 7(asz@c) munu4-mu2

    AI Translation

    34, scribe, 7 mutton,



    an-sze3-gu2 4(u@c) 1(asz@c) sa12-du5

    AI Translation

    41, chief surveyor;

    P411998: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    5(u@c) 2(asz@c) ninda 5(u@c) 5(u@c) la2 2(asz@c)

    AI Translation

    52 ninda, 50 less 2

    Column 2


    5(u@c) la2 3(asz@c) 5(u@c) 1(asz@c) 4(u@c) 2(asz@c)

    AI Translation

    51 42

    P411999: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    3(ban2@c) sze sila3 kasz de2 a-lu-lu sipa

    AI Translation

    3 ban2 barley, sila3 beer, from Alulu, the shepherd;

    Column 2


    2(ban2@c) ad-da

    AI Translation

    2 ban2 Adda,