AICC / Publications / p421

P421036: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 3(u) 2(disz) (gesz)eme-sig hi-a

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 7(asz) gu2 gag (gesz)ma-nu gu2-ba ur2 1(gesz2) 2(u)-ta _ni_ x
  • mar-sa-asz

    AI Translation

    92 emesig tree,

  • 77 talents of ... manu-wood, the neck, ..., at 80 each,
  • for Marsash;



    ki ur-sila-luh-ta ((x)) kiszib3 lu2-sa6-i3-zu mu us2-sa ur-bi2-i3-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-silaluh, under seal of Lu-sa-izu; year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-sa6-i3-[zu] dub-[sar] dumu [a-kal-la]

    AI Translation

    Lu-sa-izu, scribe, son of Akalla.

    P421046: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) a-kal-la dumu du10-ga
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)gilgamesx(|_bil3-ga-mes_|)
  • en-nun-ga2 ti iti nesag-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 Akalla, son of Duga,
  • 1 Ur-Gilgamesh,
  • watch, from month "First-fruits,"



    iti (d)dumu-zi ugula ab-ba-gi-na kiszib3 dingir-ra mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    month: "Dumuzi," foreman: Abbagina, under seal of Dingira; year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."

    Seal 1


    [dingir?-ra?] dub-[sar] [dumu lu2?-ga?]

    AI Translation

    scribe, son of Luga.

    P421062: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(asz) 1(barig) sze gur lugal
  • sa2-du11 (d)szara2 gu2 i7-da-ta ki _arad2_-ta lugal-gu2#-en-e szu ba-ti#

    AI Translation
  • 7 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure,
  • regular offerings of Shara, from the bank of the river, from ARAD Lugal-gu'ene received;



    iti# dal mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu-um(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Flight," year after: "Simurrum Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    [lugal]-gu2-en-e dumu [lugal-...] lu2 [lunga (d)szara2]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-gu'ene, son of Lugal-..., brewer of Shara.

    P421069: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) 3(ban2) sze lugal
  • e2-kikken-ta

  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) zi3-gur
  • e2 szu-tum-ta sa2-du11 (d)szara2

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • from the mill;

  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 flour,
  • from the storehouse, regular offerings of Shara;



    ki _arad2_-ta ur-(d)suen szu ba-ti iti-(d)li9-si4 mu ur-bi2-lum(ki) si-mu-ru-um lu-lu-bu(ki) u3 kara2-har#(ki#) [ba]-hul

    AI Translation

    from ARAD Ur-Suen received; month: "Lisi," year: "Urbilum, Simurrum, Lulubu and Karahar were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)suen dumu lu2-(d)szara2 nu-banda3 e2-nin

    AI Translation

    Ur-Suen, son of Lu-Shara, overseer of the Enin temple.

    P421085: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 9(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki da-da-ga-ta la-ni-mu szu ba-ti mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation
  • 9 shekels of silver,
  • from Dadaga did Lanimmu receive; year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    P421108: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (uruda)szen-dili2-e
  • ki-la2-bi 5(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na ki da-da-ga-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 copper sundili-vessel,
  • its weight: 5 1/3 mana, from Dadaga;



    szesz-kal-la szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu dumu lugal

    AI Translation

    Sheshkalla received; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The crown prince."

    P421165: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) kusz gu4
  • gesz-sze3 kiszib3 i7-pa-e3

    AI Translation
  • 1 hide of ox yoke,
  • to the threshing floor under seal of Ipa'e;



    iti szu-numun-na mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Sowing," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    i7-[pa-e3] dumu lugal-[uszur3] nu-banda3-[gu4] [(d)szara2]

    AI Translation

    Ipa'e, son of Lugal-ushur, manager of oxen of Shara.

    P421170: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) gesz-ur3
  • kar-ta e2#-masz

    AI Translation
  • 115 beams,
  • from the port of the Emash temple;

    Englund, Robert K.
  • 105 beams
  • from the docks to the Emash



    kux(_kwu147_)-ra iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    delivery; month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Englund, Robert K.

    delivered; month: "House-month-6," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P421181: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) 1(disz) (sila3) sze ur5-ra
  • masz2-bi igi 3(disz)-gal2 si-ge4-dam ki ur-nigar(gar)-ka-ta lu2-dingir-ra#

    AI Translation
  • 3 barig 1 sila3 of urra barley,
  • its interest is 3/3 of a shekel, yearly, from Ur-nigar, Lu-dingira



    szu ba-ti igi-tur-tur mu _di_-_tum_ iti diri sze-sag-ku5 mu en (d)nanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    received; "Fox-insect" year: "Ditum," extra month: "Harvest," year: "The en-priestess of Nanna was installed;"

    Seal 1


    lu2-[...] [...] dumu _ne_-[...]

    AI Translation

    Lu-..., son of Ne-...,

    P421186: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze [...]
  • a-sza3 la2-tur# [...] ki _arad2_-ta lugal-nesag-e nu-(gesz)kiri6

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley ...,
  • field Latur ..., from ARAD Lugal-nesage, gardener;



    szu ba-ti kiszib3 nu-ra-a iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu sza-asz-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; under seal of Nura; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    P421194: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 4(disz) sila3 ga-gazi
  • 1(barig) ga-sze-a
  • diri#-sze3 a-gu3 da-da-ga ba-a-gar a#-tu-ra ba-na-zi

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 sila3 butter oil,
  • 4 sila3 kashk cheese,
  • 1 barig kashk cheese,
  • ... he deposited it for the additional payment. Atu he imposed it for him.



    en8-bi tar-re-(dam) mu ha-ar-szi(ki) ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    its en-bi were repaid; year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."

    P421232: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    lugal-nir na-ab#-be2-a mu lugal sag u4 2(u) iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3

  • 3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • mu lugal-szu-nir-re szu-ku6-sze3

    AI Translation

    Lugal-nir will not raise a claim. Year: "The king, first day," 20th day, to the month "Dumuzi."

  • 3 shekels of silver,
  • from Lugalshunire for fisheries;



    tum3-da bi2-in-du11 mu en (d)inanna# masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    he swore by the name of the en-priestess of Inanna by goat he made.

    Seal 1


    lugal-nir# dub-[sar] dumu ur-(d)[szara2] sza13-dub-ba-[ka]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-nir, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.

    P421272: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) zi3 sig15 gur
  • ki a-du-ta kiszib3 gur4-sa3-an u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur fine flour,
  • from Adu, under seal of Gursan; 17th day;



    iti e2-iti-6(disz)

    AI Translation

    month: "House-month-6;"

    Seal 1


    gur8-sa3-an muhaldim dumu du-la-bi

    AI Translation

    Gursan, cook, son of Dulibi.

    P421296: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) _un_ ku3-ga-ni
  • dumu e2-a:lu-bi iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la-ta iti pa4-u2-e-sze3 sipa ur-mah-sze3

  • 3(ban2) _un_ ba-usz2 a-hi-ma
  • iti sze-gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-ku5-ta

  • 3(ban2) _un_ tu-ra
  • (d)szara2-mu-tum2

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2: his silver slave;
  • son of Ea-lubi, from month "Barley at the quay" to month "Pa'u'e," shepherd of the lions;

  • 3 ban2 ... slaughtered, Ahima;
  • from month "Barley delivered,"

  • 3 ban2 ...,
  • Shara-mutum;



    iti szu-numun-na-ta iti (d)dumu-zi-sze3 ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 ur-(gesz)gigir mu na-ru2-a mah ba-du3

    AI Translation

    from month "Sowing" to month "Dumuzi," foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Ur-gigir; year: "The great stele was erected."

    Seal 1


    ur-(gesz)gigir dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah

    AI Translation

    Ur-gigir, scribe, son of Lugal-emah.

    P421306: administrative bulla

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    tug2 ki-la2 tag-ga ki szesz-saga-ta mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    garments, weighted, from Sheshsaga, year: "Shashru was destroyed."

    P421307: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna.



    e2#-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu#-du3#

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P421308: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [(d)]suen#-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna.



    e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P421309: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal# am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P421310: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-tar2 re-i-um# pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar# i3-si-in(ki) szar# ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3# a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba# esz18-dar# a-na#-[ku] ka3#-[ni-in]

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn by the name of Ishtar, I am the one who makes the rites firm.

    Column 2


    bi2#-bi2#-il# i-di3# [(d)en-lil2] u3 (d#)[nin-lil2]-ti-im# i-na# i3#-[si-in(ki)] a-al szar#-[ru]-ti#-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-tar2 ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma#-at szu-me#-ri#-im u3# [a-ka3]-di3-im# asz#-ku-[nu-ni] [e]-pu-[usz]

    AI Translation

    Bibil, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the gatekeeper of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the true kings in Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P421311: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P421312: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P421313: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P421314: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P421315: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na e2#-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, the provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P421316: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, the provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P421317: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] kur#-[...] (d)utu x [...] x [...] x-ab-[x] kur-ra# [x]-ma#-bi# (d)utu-kam kur-(gisz)eren-[...] szul# (d)utu-kam (d)utu he2-me-da-an-zu (d)bil3-ga-mes-e masz2 babbar2-[x] szu im-ma-an-ti masz2# si4 masz2#-da-ri-a gaba#-ni#? ba-an-dab5 szu-ni# gidri ku3 kiri3-[x] ba-an-da-gal2 (d)utu-an-na-ra [x x]-un#-na-de2-e (d)utu kur-sze3 in-ku4-[...] a2#-dah-gu10# he2-me-en kur-(gisz)eren-ku5-sze3 in-ku4-ku4#-de3# a2#-dah#-gu10 he2-me-en (d)utu an-na#-ta inim mu-ni#-ib2-gi4-gi4

    [x x] inim ga-[...] x-zu [x x]-ra#-ab-du11 gizzal# x he2#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... Utu ... ... ... ... ... ... Utu ... ... cedar ... ... ... Utu ... ... Bilgames ... a white goat he took, a white goat he took from his breast ... ... a golden scepter ... ... Utu entered the netherworld ... I am my hero I am the hero I am the hero I am the hero I am the hero I am the hero I have spoken to Utu from An

    ... I want to speak ... Your ..., may he ... a reed bed?



    iri(ki)-ga2 lu2 ba-usz2 sza3 ba-an-sag3# lu2 u2-gu ba-an-de2 sza3-hul ba-an-gig# bad3-da gu2-ga2 im-ma-al-la2 ad6# a i7 ib2-diri-ge igi im-ma-an-sze3 u3 ge26-e ur5-gim nam-ba-ak-e ur5 he2-me-a lu2 sukux(_sukud_)-ra2 an#-[x x]-mu-un-da-la2 lu2 dagal-la [x]-re la-ba-an-szu2-szu2 murgu gurusz-e ti-la sag ti-li-bi-sze3 la-ba-ra-an-e3 kur-ra ga-an-ku4 mu-gu10 ga-an-gar ki mu gub-bu-ba-am3 mu-gu10 ga-bi2-ib-gub ki mu nu-gub-bu-ba mu digir-(re)-e-ne ga-bi2-ib-gub (d)utu er2-na kadra-gin7 szu ba-an-szi-in-ti

    lu2# arhusz#-a-gin7 arhusz ba-ni-in-tuku [...] ama [...] imin-na-me#-esz

    AI Translation

    The city was destroyed, the heart was stricken The man was seized by a curse The city was seized by a storm The city was seized by a flood The water of the river was seized The city was seized like a flood, it was seized like a flood The man who ... the sukkal priestess was not able to ... the broad man The ... of the young man was not able to ... the ... of the young man The mountain was seized I shall enter my name I shall enter my name I shall enter the place where he was standing I shall enter the place where he was not standing I shall enter the gods I shall enter Utu, like a scream of the scream

    Like a man, they have sworn by the scepter ... Mother .

    P421349: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) gin2# ku3-babbar
  • la2#-ia3-ta su-ga dingir-ra-ka ki i3-kal-la-ta a#-kal#-la

    AI Translation
  • 10 shekels of silver,
  • from the deficit repaid by the god, from Ikalla Akalla



    szu ba-ti kiszib3 da-da-ga mu e2 puzur4#-(d)da#-gan# ba#-du3#

    AI Translation

    received; under seal of Dadaga; year: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."

    P421350: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze
  • sa10-am3

  • 1(disz) udu
  • ki szesz-kal-la-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 of barley,
  • the price

  • 1 sheep,
  • from Sheshkalla;



    x x x szu ba-ti iti nesag su-su-dam lugal-bi in-pa3 mu ba mar-tu ba-du3!

    AI Translation

    ... received; month: "First fruits," eponym year of the king, in place of the year: "The Amorite temple was erected."



    x? _di_? ba-an-sa6-ke4?

    AI Translation

    P421559: uncertain tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    _u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ sza2 (iti)ab (disz)(d)ag-numun-du _a_-szu sza2 (disz)man-na-da-am-mu-u a-na unu(ki) il-lak-ma it-ti (disz)(d)utu-szesz-mu _a_-szu sza2 (disz)(d)u-gur-da-nu szu-un!(_usz_)-qu-tu2 sza2 _1/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ina _sze-bar nig2-gur11_ (d)gaszan sza2 unu(ki) u (d)na-na-a sza2 ina muh-hi (disz)(d)kur-gal-du-uri3 _a_-szu sza2 (disz)(d)kur-gal-numun-du3# sza (disz)(d)ag-numun-du pu-ut e-te-ru na-szu-u a-ki-i _ki-lam_ sza2 ina unu(ki)

    _ku3-babbar_ a4 _1/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz)# gin2_ ina _sze-bar_-szu

    AI Translation

    On the 26th of Tebetu, Nabû-zeru-ibni/Mannadammu will go to Uruk and will take a loan from Shamash-ahhe/Nergal-danu for the silver of 1/3 mina 6 shekels of silver, property of the Lady of Uruk and Nanaya, which is due from Kurgalduri/Kurgalduri/Nabû-zeru-ibni.

    that silver, 1/3 mina 6 shekels, for his barley



    u2-sza2-an-qa-at ki#-i# la# it-tal-ka a-ki-i _ki-lam_ sza2 _sze-bar_ sza2 ina (iti)ab _ku3-babbar_ a4 _1/3(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)?_ _ur5#?-(ra)_ u2-il3-ti3-szu2 (disz)(d)utu-szesz-mu ina _szu-min_ (disz)(d)ag-numun-du i-mah-har? _(lu2)mu-kin7#_ [(disz)]na-din _a_-szu sza2 (disz)(d)en-da# _a_ (disz)(d)3(u)-ti-er (disz)(d)na-na-a#-mu# _a_-szu sza2 (disz)(d)en-szesz-mesz-szu (disz)la-ba#-[a-szi _a_-szu sza2 (disz)]eri#-ba#-a (disz)(d)ag-e#-ki#-im

    _a_-szu [sza (disz)ha-nu-nu _(lu2)]umbisag#_ (disz#)ba#-la#-t,u# _a_-[szu sza2 (disz)du3-(d)inanna (iri)til-li-a-gur-ru-_mesz_] [szi-i]-hu# sza2# [(d)gaszan sza2 unu(ki)] (iti#)ab# _u4 2(u)# 2(disz)#-kam# mu# 1(u)#-kam#_ (d#)ag#-ni2-tuku# _lugal_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki)

    AI Translation

    When the silver of barley in month X, the 1/3 mina 6 shekels, the 6th?, he will pay. Shamash-ah-iddin received it from Nabû-zeru-ibni.

    Scribe: Balatu/Ba'latu-Ishtar of Tilli-agurru, adolescent daughter of the Lady of Uruk. 22nd day of Tebetu, 10th year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon.

    P421590: school tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    e2 kasz sur-re e2 x gal-la# e2 ur2-bi du10#

    AI Translation

    A house laden with beer, a house with ..., a house whose roof is good,


    House of beer brewing; house of the big ...; house, whose foundation is good.

    P421689: royal-monumental tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)nin]-gir2-su [ur-sag] kal-ga [(d)en-lil2]-la2#-ra [gu3-de2]-a [ensi2] [lagasz(ki)-ke4]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash,

    Column 2


    nig2-du7#-[e pa mu-na-e3] e2#-ninnu anzu2#[(muszen)]-babbar2#-ra-ni mu-na#-[du3] ki#-[bi mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    He made the nigdu-offerings come forth and built Eninnu, his white temple, for him, and restored it to its place.

    P421691: royal-monumental other-object

    ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)inanna-ra (d)lugal-e2-musz3-ra en-mete-na ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 e2-musz3 e2 ki-ag2-ne-ne mu-ne-du3 _kib_ mu-ne-du11 en-mete-na lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a

    AI Translation

    For Inanna and for Lugalemush, Enmetena, ruler of Lagash, the Emush, their beloved temple, he built and reconstructed. Enmetena, the man who built the Emush,

    Column 2


    dingir-ra-ni (d)szul-|_musz_xPA|-am6 u4-ba en-mete-na ensi2 lagasz(ki) lugal-ki-ne2-du7-du7 ensi2 unu(ki)-bi nam-szesz e-ak

    AI Translation

    His personal god is Shul-MUShxPA. At that time, Enmetena, ruler of Lagash, and Lugalkinedudu, ruler of Uruk, a brotherhood he established.

    P421692: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sipa sun5-na nibru(ki) engar zi uri2(ki)-ma musz3 nu-tum2-mu eridu(ki)-ga en me-te unu(ki)-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki) lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the humble shepherd of Nippur, the faithful farmer of Ur, the unrivalled one of Eridu, the lord who is perfect in Uruk, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad,

    Column 2


    sza3-ge de6-a ([d])inanna#-me-en u4 nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri-a

    AI Translation

    I am Inanna, when justice in Sumer and Akkad

    P421710: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sipa sun5-na nibru(ki) engar zi uri2(ki)-ma musz3 nu-tum2-mu eridu(ki)-ga en me-te unu(ki)-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki) lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the humble shepherd of Nippur, the faithful farmer of Ur, the unrivalled one of Eridu, the lord who is perfect in Uruk, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad,

    Column 2


    sza3-ge de6-a (d)inanna-me-en u4 nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri i-ni-in-gar-ra-a nam-ga-ru-um ki rib-ba dingir-re-e-ne-ka e2 nig2-si-sa2 mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Inanna, when justice in Sumer and Akkad was established, the Namgarum, the place where the gods are seated, the temple of justice he built.

    P421711: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d#)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki#-nu-um sza# uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar# i3-si-in(ki) szar# ma-at szu#-me-ri-im u3# a-ka3-di3-im bi2#-bi2-il li#-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3#-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd who Ur does not abandon, to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the one who sates the gods.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_ (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the god Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the true kings in Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P421712: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3# a-ka3-di3-im# bi2#-bi2#-il li#-i-ba esz18-dar a#-na#-ku ka3#-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn by the name of Ishtar. I am the one who makes the rites perfect.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na# i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2#-gal#_ (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi# ki#-i#-ta#-am# i#-na# ma#-at szu#-me#-ri#-im u3# a#-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when I was a child in the land of Sumer and Akkad, I built.

    P421714: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a#-na eridu(ki) _en#_-um si2#-ma-at unu#(ki) [szar i3]-si#-in(ki) [szar] ma#-at [szu-me]-ri#-im [u3 a]-ka3#-di3-im bi2#-bi2-il li#-i-ba esz18-dar a#-na-ku ka3#-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the savior of Uruk, the king of Isin, the king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the one who swore. I am Eshtar.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na# i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_ (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku# i-nu-mi# ki-i-ta-am# i-na ma-at szu#-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the old age in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P421720: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI


    ur-utu ar3-du2 szesz-ama-na (d)sud3-ur-sag

    AI Translation

    Ur-utu, the threshing floor of Shesh-amana, the priest of Sudursag.

    P421721: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI



    1(esze2@c) _mi 2_(iku@c) szubur 3(iku@c) _sila3_-_du_

    AI Translation

    1 female eshe, 2 iku, shubur, 3 iku, ...,



    sze ag2

    AI Translation

    ... barley

    P421722: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI



    2(iku@c) _gan2_ sze ag2 ur-szim-ku3 2(ban2@c) sila3 kasz de2(_lak155_)

    AI Translation

    2 iku field area, barley rations of Ur-shimku; 2 ban2 sila3 beer for the libation;




    AI Translation

    for Ur-shimku;

    P421723: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI



    1/2(iku@c) _gan2 asz2_-mud 1/2(iku@c) e2-hur-sag 1/2(iku@c) _ur_-_ur_ i3-du8

    AI Translation

    1/2 iku field area: Ashmud; 1/2 iku Ehursag; 1/2 iku Ur-Ur, doorkeeper;



    1/4(iku@c) pa4-a2!(_da_)-nu-kusz2 dub-sar 1/4(iku@c) e2-pirig-gal

    AI Translation

    1/4 iku: Pa'a-nukush, scribe, 1/4 iku: Epiriggal.



    n? _zu tar_

    AI Translation

    P421724: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI


    4(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) _gan2_ pa4-bil4-la sze ag2 1(esze3@c) 3(iku@c) szesz-gesztin

    AI Translation

    4 1/2 iku field area: Pabilla, barley rations: 1 eshe3 3 iku, Shesh-geshtin;

    P421725: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI


    1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) sze ag2 _sar_-_sar 2_(iku@c) _ni_-_ni_

    AI Translation

    1 1/2 iku of barley, the ..., 2 iku of nini,

    P421726: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI


    3(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) ziz2 ag2 lum-ma _ur_-_ur_

    AI Translation

    3 1/2 iku of roasted emmer, Ur-ur;

    P421727: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    _gan2 2_(esze3@c) sze ag2 lam-ma!? _ka_-nun-zi

    AI Translation

    a field of 2 eshec barley, the interest of Lamma?, KA-nunzi,

    Column 2


    2(barig@c) ziz2 lam-ma kasz de2(_lak155_) sila3

    AI Translation

    2 barig emmer, beer for a libation at a sila3

    P421728: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1(disz)? nunuz lid2-ga 7(asz@c) 1/2(disz@c)
  • amar-e2-nun ag2

    AI Translation
  • 1 ? pig, suckling, 7 1/2,
  • Amar-Enun, the beloved

    Column 2


    gu7! iszkur?-ra

    AI Translation

    a kind of meat

    P421729: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI


    1(esze3@c) sze ag2 inim-ni-zi 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) sag-_tar tur_-_tur_

    AI Translation

    1 eshe barley, ration of Inimnizi, 1 1/2 iku, ...,

    P421730: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    2(ban2@c) sze ag2 a!(_za_)-ni 1(ban2@c) a!(_za_)-pa-e3

    AI Translation

    2 ban2 of barley, the rent of Azani, 1 ban2 of Apani,

    Column 2


    2(ban2@c) _ur_-_ur 1_(ban2@c) ur-esz3 2(ban2@c) e2-szud3-du10 1(ban2@c) e2:hur-sag

    AI Translation

    2 ban2 Ur-ur, 1 ban2 Ur-esh, 2 ban2 Eshuddu, 1 ban2 Ehursag,

    P421731: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(gesz2@c@d) 1(gesz2@c@90) 1(u@c) sze# gesz _gur4_ e2-sag du 2(gesz2@c@d) 4(u@c) gesz |_szu2_+_e2_|-ku6! du 1(gesz2@c@90) 2(u@c) _pisan_? gesz du x?

    AI Translation

    900 gur barley, ... of the Esag; 240 ... of the Fish House; 900 ... ... ...;

    Column 2


    6(asz@c) ziz2 e2#?-gal 4(asz@c) amar-sag-ku5 2(asz@c) (d)sud3-(muszen)anzu2 5(gesz2@c@d) ugula? x x?

    AI Translation

    6 ... wheat, 4 ..., Amar-sagku, 2 Sud-anzu, 420 foreman? ...,

    P421732: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    2(esze3@c) sag gesz 3(iku@c) la2!(_bar_) 1/2(iku@c) _arad 2_(esze3@c) 1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) 1/4(iku@c) sze sar lugal-mes-lam 2(esze3@c)? la2!(_bar_) 5(iku@c)

    AI Translation

    2 eshe head of a tree, 3 iku less 1/2 iku, ARAD, 2 eshe 1 1/2 iku 1/4 iku barley, Lugal-meslam, 2 eshe less 5 iku,

    Column 2


    1(bur3@c) 1/4(iku@c) sze sar 4(iku@c) gu en e2!?-nun-utu szandana _du_ ki-ba

    AI Translation

    1 bur3 1/4 iku of barley, 4 iku of carobs, the en-priestess of the Enunutu, the shangana, ..., at the place of the granary.

    P421733: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    2(barig@c) 1(ban2@c) kasz sila3! de2@n? lum-ma 3(ban2@c) amar-abzu 2(ban2@c) sza3-ta-e3

    AI Translation

    2 barig 1 ban2 beer, sila3 of ..., Lumma, 3 ban2 Amar-abzu, 2 ban2 Shata'e,

    Column 2


    2(ban2@c) szubur engar

    AI Translation

    2 ban2: Shubur, the ploughman;

    Column 2



    AI Translation

    farmer of the land

    P421734: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI


    2(u@c) 2(asz@c) sze lid2-ga szesz-ki-na ganun dub-sar

    AI Translation

    22 lidga-barley, Sheshkina, granary scribe,

    P421773: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila4
  • u4 2(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta in-ta-e3-a

    AI Translation
  • 1 lamb,
  • 2nd day, from Abbasaga Intaea



    i3-dab5 iti ezem-mah# mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Grand Festival," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"

    P421775: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu
  • ki kur-bi-la-ak#-ta du11-ga i3-dab5 kiszib3 ur-mes

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep,
  • from Kurbilak did Duga accept; under seal of Urmes;



    u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    18th day; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    ur-mes dumu la-na kuruszda

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, son of Lana, fattener.

    P421776: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu niga
  • u4 6(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) gu4 niga
  • 1(disz) gu4
  • u4 7(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 6th day.

  • 1 grain-fed ox,
  • 1 ox,
  • 7th day.



    mu-kux(_du_)# ki na-lu5#?-[ta] lu2-dingir-ra# (i3-dab5) iti ses-da-gu7 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    delivery, from Nalu Lu-dingira accepted; month: "Piglet feast," year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    P421777: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu
  • 3(disz) sila4
  • 1(disz) masz2
  • 1(disz) sila4 ga
  • ba-usz2 u4 2(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep,
  • 3 lambs,
  • 1 billy goat,
  • 1 male suckling lamb,
  • slaughtered, the 19th day;



    ki na-lu5-(ta) ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu7 mu ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Nalu Ur-nigar received; month: "Piglet feast," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P421779: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, when Eanna



    mu-du3-a# e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P421787: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)en#-zu#-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal_-u2 _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ la sza2-na-an _re#-e2-um_ mut-nen-nu-u2 pa-lih# _dingir#-mesz gal#-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-sza2-ri e-pisz u2-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru [x]-qa#-a-ti et,#-lu git2-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-sza2-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri#-qu# za-ma-ni

    (d)asz-szur _kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 _lugal_-ut la sza2-na-an u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar#-ba#-a# _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-dun-ia-asz2 a-di _erin2 hi-a#_ elam-ma#(ki#) re-s,i-szu2 i-na ta-mir#-ti kisz(ki) asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu

    i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i2-ir _(gesz)gigir-mesz# ansze#-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz#)s,u#-um-bi _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ sza ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u2-masz-sze-ru ik-szu-du _szu-min_-a-a a-na _e2-gal_-szu sza# qe2-reb babila(ki) ha-disz i-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ u2-nu-ut# _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar# na4#_ a#-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig2-szu nig2-gur11_ ni-s,ir-ti ka-bit-tu

    _dam_-su (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)tirum-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 mut-tab-bi-lu-tu2 _e2-gal_-usz u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz#-szur# _en_-ia 1(gesz2) 2(u) 9(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_ sza (kur)kal-di u3 6(disz) _me_ 2(u) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un

    (lu2)ur2-bi (lu2)a-ra-mu (lu2)kal-du sza# qe2-reb unu(ki) nibru(ki) kisz(ki) (iri)hur-sag-kalam-ma#(ki#) gu2-du8-a(ki#) zimbir(ki) _en dumu-mesz iri en_ hi-t,i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)en-du3 _dumu (lu2)gal-du3_ i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze#-szib _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) u2-szad-gil pa-nu#-usz#-szu2 _ugu#_ gi-mir na-ge-e (kur)kal-di# (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia a-na _(lu2)nam_-ti asz2-kun-ma ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (lu2)tu-'u-mu-na (lu2)ri-hi-hu (lu2)ia-daq-qu (lu2)u2#-bu#-du (lu2)gib-re-e (lu2)ma-li-hu (lu2)gu-ru-mu (lu2)u2-bu-lum (lu2)da-mu-na (lu2)gam-bu-lum (lu2)hi-in-da-ru (lu2)ru-'u-u-a (lu2)pu-qu-du (lu2)ha#-am#-ra-nu (lu2)ha-ga-ra-nu (lu2)na-ba-tu (lu2)li-i'-ta-a-u2 (lu2)a-ra-mu la kan-szu mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me_ 8(disz) _lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus_ 7(disz)# _lim_ 2(disz) _me ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz_ 1(u) 1(disz)# _lim#_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) _ansze-mesz_ 5(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me_ 3(u) _ansze#-gam#-mal-mesz_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) _lim_ 1(disz) _me gu4-mesz_ 8(disz)# _me lim_ 8(disz) _me u8-udu hi-a_ szal-la-tu2 ka-bit-tu asz2-lu-la a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki)
  • a-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz#)(d#)ag-en-mu-mesz (lu2)qi2-pi (iri)ha-ra-ra-te _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu am-hur ba-hu-la-a-ti (iri)hi-rim-me _(lu2)kur2_ ak#-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu2-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-(hi)hir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-me

    na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu#-ti as,-bat 1(disz)-en _gu4_ 1(u) _udu-nita2-mesz_ 1(u) _ansze (gesz)gesztin_ 2(u) _ansze zu2#-lum#-ma_ re-sze-te-szu2 a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _en-mesz_-ia u2-kin da3-ri-szam i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_ kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal#-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul#-la# a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 lu al-lik

    qe2-reb hur-sza2-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _(gesz)gigir giri3-min_-ia ina ti-ik-ka-ti u2-sza2-asz2-szi asz2#-ru szup-szu#-qu# i-na _giri3-min_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah (iri)har(ar)-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz# (ansze-mesz) gu4#-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    u3 _iri-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 ap-pul aq-qur u2-sze-me kar-mesz _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu-ma di-tal#-lisz u2-sze-mi u2-ter-ma (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni _bad3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-ma _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia ina lib3-bi u2-sze-szib

    _ug3-mesz kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-i u2-sze-ri-dam#-ma ina (iri)har-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti# u2-szar-me i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu2-nu-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a_ u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu2 ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ sza _ugu_-szu2-un asz2-tak-ka-nu s,e-ru-usz-szu2 u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma i-na qe2-reb _iri_ ul-ziz

    pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu2-un# _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir#-ma a-na ru-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti _gin7 muru9_ as#-hu-up (iri)mar-u2-bisz-ti (iri)ak-ku-ud-du _iri-mesz e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di 3(u) 4(disz)# _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz# (ansze#)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8#-udu hi-a_ la ma-nam asz2-lu-la-am-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u2-sza2-lik-szu2-ma u2-s,a-hir ma-a-su (iri)s,i-s,i-ir-tu2 (iri)ku-um-ma#-ah-lum _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu (kur)e2-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab#-tuq-ma _ugu#_ mi-is,-ri _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-rad-di

    (iri)el-en-za-asz2 a-na _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u3 dan-na-at (na)-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu2 mah-ra-a u2-nak-kir-ma (iri)kar-(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba it-ta-bi ni-bit-su _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia ina lib3-bi u2-sze-szib i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)har-har am-nu-ma u2-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u2# zi-kir _kur_-ti-szu2-un man-da-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu am#-hur a-na ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-ni#-su-nu-ti i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ha-at#-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na ru#-uq#-qi2 _muru2_ tam-tim in-na-bit-ma

    (iri)s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u2 (iri)s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru (iri)e2-zi-it-ta (iri)s,a-ri-ip-tu (iri)ma-hal-li-ba (iri)u2-szu-u2 (iri)ak-zi-ba# (iri)ak-ku-u2 _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti u3 masz-qi2-ti _e2_ tuk-la-ti-szu2 ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu2 sze-pu-[x]-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 _ugu_-szu2#-un u2-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-ti be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u2-kin s,e-ru-usz#-szu2

    sza (disz#)mi#-nu-hi-im-mu (iri)sam-si-mu-ru-na-a#-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu (iri)s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti (iri)a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u2-ru-mil-ki (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti (iri)as-(du)-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir (iri)e2_-am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi (iri)ma-'a#-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu (iri)u2-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_ mar-tu#(ki#) ka#-li-szu2-nu _igi-sa2_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4(disz)-szu2 a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    u3 (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal_ (iri)is-qa-lu-na# sza2 la# ik#-nu#-szu2# a-[x] ni#-ri#-ia _dingir-mesz e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 as-su-ha-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-rasz#-szu2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu2-nu mah-ru#-[x] _ugu# un#-mesz# [x]-is#_-qa#-lu#-na# asz2#-kun#-ma# na#-dan# _gun#_ kad3-re-e be-lu#-ti#-ia e-mid-su-nu-ma i-sza2-t,a ab-[x x]-ni#

    i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)e2-da-gan-na (iri)ia-pu#-u (iri)ba-na-a-a#-bar#-qa# (iri#)a#-zu#-ru# _iri#-mesz#_ [x x] s,i#-id-qa-a sza a-na _gir3#-[x_]-ia# ar2-hisz la ik-nu-szu2 al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la#-[x]-un# _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ u _ug3-mesz_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu _en_ a-di-i u3 ma-mit sza2# _kur_ asz#-szur#(ki#) bi#-re-tu2 _an#-bar#_ [x]-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-ia ia-u2-da-a-a# id#-di-nu-szu2 nak#-risz#

    a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah3-ma lib3-ba-szu2-un _lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ri _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal_ ((kur))me#-luh#-ha# e-mu-qi2 la ni-bi ik#-te#-ru#-nim#-ma# il#-li#-ku# re#-s,u#-szu2-un i-na ta-mir-ti (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul_-szu2-un i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en#_-ia it-ti-szu2-un am-da-(hi)-is,-ma asz2-ta-kan _bad5#-bad5_-szu2-un

    _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz dumu-mesz lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-du _szu-min_-a-a (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 (iri)ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na (iri)am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u2-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma ina di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _iri_ a-lul pag-ri-szu2-un

    _dumu-mesz iri_ e-pisz an-ni u3 gil2-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu2-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti u3 gul-lul-ti sza a-ra#-an-szu2-nu la ib-szu-u2 usz-szur-szu-nu aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma man-da#-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)ha-za-qi-ia-u2 (iri)ia-u2-da#-a#-a 5(u) 6(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 u3 _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza2 li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza2 ni-ba la i-szu-u2 i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me u3 qur-ru#-ub su-pe-e mit-hu-us, zu-uk _giri3-min_ pil-szi nik-si u3 kal-ba-na-te al-me ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me lim_ 1(disz) _me_ 5(u) _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u# _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ sza2 la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu
  • sza2-a-szu2 _gin7 muszen_ qu-pi qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-sir2-szu (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis-ma a-s,e#-e _ka2-gal iri_-szu2 u2-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab#-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (iri)as-du-di u3 (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_ (iri)am#-qar-ru-na (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (kur)ha-zi-te ad-din u2-s,a-hi-ir _kur_-su

    e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-dan# szat#-(ti)-szu2-un man-da-at-ti kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u2-rad-di-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 szu-u2 (disz)ha-za-qi-ia-u2 pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma (lu2)ur2-bi _(lu2)erin2-mesz saga-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu-u2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-ri-bu ir-szu-u2 til-la-a-te

  • 3(u) _gun ku3-sig17_ 8(disz) _me gun ku3-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tak2-kas3-si _an-za-gul-me gal-mesz (gesz)na2-mesz zu2 (gesz)gu-za-mesz_ ne2-me-di _zu2 kusz am-si zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _(tug2)gada_ (siki)ta-kil-tu2 (siki)ar-ga-man-nu
  • u2-nu-ut _zabar an-bar uruda an-na an-bar (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ga-ba-bi as-sa-ma-re-e si-ri-ia-am _gir2-mesz an-bar_ szib-bi til-pa-ni us,-s,i til-li u2-nu-ut ta-ha-zi sza2 ni-ba la i-szu-u2 it-ti _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz_ (munus)_nar-mesz_ i#-na qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia _egir_-ia u2-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na-dan man-da-at-ti u3 e-pesz _ARAD2_-u2-ti isz-pu-ra rak-bu-szu2

    i-na szal-la-at _kur-mesz_ sza2-ti-na sza asz2-lu-la 1(u) _lim (gesz)pan_ 1(u) _lim_ (gesz)a-ri-tu2 ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-ti na-ki#-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia u3 _(lu2)en-nam_-ia _ug3-mesz_ ma-ha-ze-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u2-za-'i-iz i-na u4-me-szu-ma nina(ki) ma-ha-zi s,i-i-ru _(iri)_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz_ u _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u2 qe2-reb-szu

    tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u2 du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza# ul#-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-u2-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u2 s,i-in-du-szu2 asz2-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-[x] ni#-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal3-gar szu-ta-bu#-lu qe2-reb-szu2# sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-(mesz)_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pu-szu-ma u2-ma-'e-er-ru ba-'u-lat (d)en-lil2

    u3 szat-tu2-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ha-ru qe2-reb-szu a-a-um-ma ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu a-na _e2-gal_ qer-bi-szu kum2-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza s,u-uh-hu-ru szu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila iri_ u3 szum-dul6 re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _i7_ za-qa-ap# s,ip-pa-a-ti uz-zu-un-szu2 ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

    ia-a-ti (disz)(d)en-zu-pap-mesz-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pesz szip-ri szu-a#-tu# ki-i t,e3-em _dingir#-mesz#_ a#-na# uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet (kur)kal-di (lu2)a-ra-me (kur)man-na-a-a (kur)qu-e (kur)hi-lak-ku (kur)pi#-lisz#-tu u3 s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ir-ia la ik-nu-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti il-bi-nu _sig4_

    a-pe ku-pe-e sza qe2-reb (kur)kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu2-un szam#-hu#-ti# i#-na# ba#-hu#-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia u2-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-sza2 _e2-gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 us2_ tar-s,i za-me-e _e2_ ziq-qur-rat 1(gesz2) 2(u) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i#-na# (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_ (d)isz-tar 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na tar-s,i (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_-kid9-mu-ri 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_

    sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 (i7)te-bil-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu-ru sza i-na na-szi-sza2 ge-gu-ne2-e qa-bal-ti _iri_ u2-ab-bi-tu-ma ki-mah-hi-szu2-un# pa#-az#-ru#-ti# u2#-kal-li-mu# (d)utu-szu2 u3 ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ t,e-eh _e2-gal_ i-ba-'u-u2-ma i-na _illu_-sza2 gap-szi i-na usz-szi-sza2 ab-bu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-ri-bu tem-me-en-sza2

    _e2-gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 a-qur-ma# sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-u-sza2 qe2-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ku-sza2 szap-la-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza3_ ul-tu ma-a-me u2-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u2-ter

  • 7(disz) _me_ ina 1(disz) _kusz3 as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag#-ki an-ta (im)si-sa2_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 8(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki muru2_-ti me2-eh-ret za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ qab-li-tum sza2-ni-tu2 mu-uh#-hur-ti sza2-a-ri a-mur-ri ku-tal _e2_ ziq-rat _e2_ (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta (im)u18-lu us2-sa#-du#_ (i7#)idigna# tam-la-a u2-mal-li-ma am-szu-uh me-szi-ih-ta
  • la-ba-risz u4-me i-na _illu_ kisz-sza2-ti tem-me-en-szu2 la# e#-ne2-sze# as#-kup#-pat# (na4#)pi#-i#-li# rab#-ba#-a#-ti# ki-su-u2-szu u2-sza2-as-hi-ra u2-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-sza2 _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qe2-reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma# [...] e-zib ah-ra-tasz ar-ka#-a#-nu# szu#-usz#-qu#-u2 tam-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma 2(u) ti-ib-ki s,e#-[x] mah#-ri#-[...] ti#-ib-ki u2-szaq-qi2 e-la-nisz

    tar-pa-szu-u2 _ugu_ sza# u4#-me# pa#-ni# u2-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti _e2#-gal#_ mah#-ri-te u2-rad-di-ma u2#-sza2#-an#-di#-la# szi-kit-tasz _e2-gal (na4)gesz#-nu11#-gal# zu2# am#-si# (gesz#)esi# (gesz#)tug2#_ (gesz#)mu#-suk#-kan#-ni# _(gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3_ (gesz)dap2#-ra#-nu# (szim#)_li_ u3 (gesz)bu-ut,-ni e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku#-a# a#-na# [...]-ia# u2-sze-pi-sza2 qe2-reb-sza2

    _(gesz)kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil (kur)ha-ma-nim sza gi-[x] _szim hi-a gurun#_ s,ip#-pa#-a#-ti _gesz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i u3 (kur)kal-di qe2#-reb-szu hur#-[...]-sza2 az-qu-up asz2-szu2 za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza3_ ta-mir-ti# e#-le#-en# _iri# 2(barig)#-ta-am3_ a-na _dumu-mesz_ (iri)nina(ki) pil-ku u2-pal-lik-ma [...]-la# pa-nu-usz-szu2-un a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa#-a-t,i ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _(iri)nina(ki) kur_-a u3 bi-ru-tu2 ina ak-kul-la-a-ti u2-szat-tir#-[x x]-sze#-szir (i7#)har-ru

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qe2-reb (i7)hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u2-ti a-szar-sza2 u2-szar-da-a qe2-reb s,ip-pa-a-ti sza2-ti-na u2-szah-bi-[x] pat#-ti-isz
  • sza nina#(ki#) _iri#_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz#-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu2 u2-sza2-na-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti u3 su-qa-ni usz-par-di-ma# [x x]-mir# _gim#_ u4-me i-na me2-eh-ret _ka2#-gal muru2 iri_ i-na a-gur2-ri (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e a-na me-ti-iq be-lu-ti-ia# u2-[x x]-is ti-tur-ru _mu-sar_-a u2-sze-pisz-ma# li-i-tu2 u3 da-na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en gal_-e _en_-ia _ugu#_ kul#-[x] na#-ki-ri asz2-tak-ka-nu#

    u3 mim-ma ep-szet e-tep-pu-szu qe2-reb-szu2 u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma i-na tem-me-en-nu _e2-gal_ be-lu#-ti#-ia e-zib ah-ra-tasz# a-na ar-kat3 u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi#-[x x] e#-nu-ma _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud#-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li#-ter# (d#)asz#-szur# ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

  • _1(disz) usz 3(u) 4(disz)-ta-am3 mu-didli mu-sar_-e (iti)gu4-si-sa2 li-mu (disz)mi-tu-nu _(lu2#)gar-kur_ (iri)i-sa-na#
  • AI Translation

    Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

    The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. In the first campaign of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish I brought about his defeat.

    In the middle of that battle he escaped, his camp he abandoned, and his life he saved. The chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle, my hands he quickly took to his palace which is in Babylon. He opened his treasury and he opened his treasure house. Gold, silver, gold, silver, precious stones, everything, possessions, property, and valuables, he had brought.

    his wife, the people of his palace, the stewards, the stewards, all the artisans, as many as there were, I brought into his palace and I counted them as booty. With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 189 of his fortified cities, the walled cities of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs.

    The urbi, the Arameans, and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, the lords, the citizens of the city, the lords, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Endu, the son of the chief cook, sat on his royal throne and entrusted the people of Akkad to him. I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over all the districts of Chaldea and imposed upon them the yoke of my lordship.

    On my return march, I defeated the Tu'una, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damuna, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, and Arameans without number.

  • 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, 72,000 horses and mules, 11,113 donkeys, 5,223 camels, 210,100 oxen, 8,800 sheep and goats, substantial booty I carried off to Assyria.
  • In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats. The people of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, attacked with the sword and fled. I did not spare one of their corpses. I roamed around the city and surrounded the city.

    I reorganized that district. I imposed one ox, 10 sheep, 10 homers of wine, and 20 homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords. On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the land of Kashû and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, I marched.

    In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was able to carry out the task very quickly. I rode very quickly on my own. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities E-Kilamzah, Harar-Dishpu, and E-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I captured and brought out from them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats.

    and their smaller settlements, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruin hills. I seized the house of the steppe, their cult centers, by fire, and then I turned them into ruin hills. I returned that city E-Kilamzah to its former place and strengthened its walls more than before, and I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

    The people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who had fled from my weapons, I brought out of the mountains and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Ekubatu. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of Arrapha. I had a stele made and I had the life of the stele that I had established over them written on it and I erected it in the city.

    I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with 34 smaller settlements in their environs.

    I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought him to an end and imposed upon him a tax. I detached from his land the cities Shishirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and added it to the territory of Assyria.

    Elenzash to his royal city and fortress of that district I took and changed its former name and Kar-Sennacherib took it. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of my eunuchs, the governor of Harhar, and enlarged my land.

    On my return march, the distant Medes, whose praise none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — I received their substantial tribute and made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship. On the third day of my campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of Sidon, and he fled to the shore of the sea.

    The great Sidon, the distant Sidon, the Ezitta, the Sharippa, the Mahalliba, the Ushu, the Akziba, and the Akku, his fortified cities, the walls of the land, the place of habitation and the mashqitu, the house of his trust, the great weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and he sealed them. Tu-Ba'lu sat on his royal throne over them and he imposed upon them a tribute and payment of my lordship, without interruption, and imposed upon him a payment.

    of Minuhimmu of the cities Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the cities Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the cities Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Gubla, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the city Eammana, Kammusu-nadbi of the city Moab, Aya-ramu of the city Edom, all kings of the land Amurru, their substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, they brought before me and kissed my feet.

    and Shidqâ, king of the city Ashkelon, who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, his brother, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and the seed of his father's house I took away and brought to Assyria. Lugal-lu-dari, son of Rukibti, their former king, I established over the people of ...-ishkaluna and imposed upon them the payment of tribute and gifts of my lordship and .

    In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Edagan, Iapu, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, cities ..., which had not submitted to my ... and I plundered them. The governors, nobles, and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, their lord, together with the oaths of Assyria, had ... iron fetters, and to Hazaqia, the Iaudean, they gave him.

    They became frightened of the work they had done for Anzil, and their hearts were frightened. The kings of Egypt, the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of Meluhha, without number, entered and went and their forces in the plain of the city Eltekeh, their holy city, they smashed their ziggurat. With the support of Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them.

    The charioteers, the sons of the kings of Egypt, together with the charioteers of the king of Meluhha, were victorious in the middle of the sea. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Allaqu and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the entire city.

    I gave the citizens of the city who had perpetrated this sin and evil to be plundering; their rest were not guilty of any sin or wrongdoing, and I imposed their punishment upon them. Padî, their king, brought them out of Ursallimu and sat on the lordly throne over them, and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

    of Hazaqiya of the city Judah, 56 of his cities, his fortified walled cities, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, in a snare of rams and a snare of supplications, a snare of arrows, a snare of spears, a scepter, and a scepter I marched.

  • 2,100,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number, I brought out of them and I counted them as booty.
  • As for him, he slew like a bird in the city Ursallim, his royal city, and he razed, destroyed, and burned the fortified cities upon him and he razed, destroyed, and burned his cities, which I had plundered, from his land and gave to Mitinti, king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, king of the city Ekron, and to Shilli-Bel, king of the land Hazaite I gave and conquered his land.

    Upon the tribute of the previous year, their payment of the sattukku offerings, I added and established it for him. That man, Hazaqiau, was enraged by the brilliance of my lordship and he sent good men, who had come to the aid of the city Ursallimû, his royal city, and who had finished their work.

  • 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, ..., large zagulu-vessels, thrones, thrones, scepters, ivory, ivory, ebony, linen garments, multi-colored, linen garments, tunics, arugannu-garments,
  • I sent after me men of bronze, iron, copper, iron, ... chariots, ..., ..., iron ..., iron ..., ..., and men of battle, who had no equal, with his daughters, the people of his palace, male singers, female singers, in Nineveh, my capital city, and he sent me to give a payment and to do obeisance, his servant.

    In the booty of those lands which I had plundered, I gathered 10,000 bows and 10,000 shields therein and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governor, and the people of my great cult centers. At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city beloved of the goddess Ishtar, which all the rites of the gods and goddesses are inside it,

    The eternal foundations, the eternal foundations, whose foundations since time immemorial had been fashioned with the writings of the foundations and whose features had been perfected, the perfect dwelling, the secret place, the dwelling of secrets, whose ..., all of the rituals, the secrets of the lalgar, the secrets that had been fashioned inside it, which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me, had exercised dominion over Assyria, and they entrusted to me the people of the god Enlil,

    And a second time, without interruption, the sanctuaries of the princes of the four quarters were constantly praised inside it. No one among them had ever entrusted himself to the palace inside it, the abode of lordship, whose site had been too small. No one among them had ever entrusted himself with the securing of the city's streets and the securing of the streets, the reeds of the canals, the irrigated fields, and the reeds of the swamps, and no one had brought his reeds there.

    For me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, this work according to the will of the gods came to my attention and my mood grew. The people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, Pilishitu, and Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, I took away and their tablets I sent to them.

    I cut down the cultic rites which are in Chaldea and I imposed upon them a punishment for the slander of my enemies. I made them carry baskets of slanderous things from my hands. To do this work, the former palace, which is 3 hundred and 125 cubits long, adjacent to the zamû-tree, the Ziqqurrat, 190 cubits wide in the Enamaru, the temple of Ishtar, 184 cubits wide in the Enamaru, the Kidmuru, 185 cubits wide in the Enamaru,

    which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for their lordly dwelling, but whose work they had not completed, the Tebilti River, the fresh water which in its course the gunû-trees of the city had seized and their cult centers had become dilapidated, Shamash and from distant days, when the edge of the palace had become dilapidated, in its collapsed floods, they had seized, they had weakened its foundations.

    That small palace in its entirety I dug, and the Tebilti canal its path I made flow again, and its foundations I made firm. Inside the city quarter of its a-surrakku-street its outer wall I surrounded with reeds, a strong mountain stone, with bitumen, and a field from the sea I filled and I restored.

  • 7 hundred and sixty cubits is the large aslum-measure. 116, the large aslum-measure, the upper front on the north, 2 hundred and eighty-eight, the large aslum-measure, the lower front on the west, opposite the zamû-measure, behind Ishtar;
  • 383 in the great aslum-measure, the upper front, the second, the second, the second, the courtyard behind the house, the ziggurat of the temple of Ishtar,
  • 326 large aslum-plants, the lower front on the south, next to the Tigris, I filled with water and I grew tall.
  • In the distant past, during the flood, I did not alter its foundations. I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. I wrote a foundation inscription written in my name 100 courses of brick inside it and ... I deposited it. Later, I filled in the terrace with a large terrace and 20 courses of brick before ... I raised the terrace up.

    I made it more splendid than before. I added the rites of the former palace and I made them more splendid. The palace with alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, a linen garment, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth, the palace of the zaddinutuku-priests, for my ... I had built therein.

    A vegetable garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, whose fruit is ..., aromatics, fruit trees, trees that support the mountains and Chaldea, I planted inside it. Because of the zaqap of fruit trees, the field of the terrace above the city, 2 barig for the citizens of Nineveh I opened and ... their faces to the cultic rites I made them submit. From the border of the Kisiri to the terrace of Nineveh, the mountain and the settlements, through harvesting I ... .

  • 1 1/2 hectares of land from the Husur canal, the eternal sea, I made its area greater; in those reed-beds I made them ... grow tall.
  • I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I enlarged its squares, I ... the alleys and streets, and ... like daylight, in front of the Citadel Gate, with baked bricks of white limestone, for the entrance of my lordship ... I ...ed. A titurru-wall I had built, and the life and might that I achieved over all my enemies with the support of Ashur, the great lord, my lord,

    and whatever I have done inside it I wrote down and placed it on the foundations of my lordly palace. Afterwards, among the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, ... when that palace becomes old and dilapidated, may I renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

  • 1 34 each, the inscriptions of the scribal art of Ayyaru, eponymy of Mitunu, governor of Isana 696.
  • P421788: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal_-u2 _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ la sza2-na-an _re-e2-um_ mut-nen-nu-u2 pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-sza2-ri e-pisz u2-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lu git2-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-sza2-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la (ma)-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

    (d)asz-szur _kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 _lugal_-ut la sza2-na-an u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar-ba-a _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-dun-ia-asz2 a-di _erin2 hi-a_ elam-ma(ki) re-s,i-szu2 i-na (ta)-mir-ti kisz(ki) asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu

    i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i2-ir _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ sza ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u2-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a a-na _e2-gal_-szu sza qe2-reb babila2(ki) ha-disz i-ru-um-ma ap-te-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4 ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu _nig2-szu nig2-gur11_ ni-s,ir-ti ka-bit-tu

    _dam_-su (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)tirum-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 mut-tab-bi-lu-tu2 _e2-gal_-usz u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 1(gesz2) 2(u) 9(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_ sza (kur)kal-di u3 6(disz) _me_ 2(u) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un

    (lu2)ur2-bi (lu2)a-ra-mu (lu2)kal-du sza qe2-reb unu(ki) nibru(ki) kisz(ki) hur-sag-kalam-(ma)(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) _en dumu iri en_ hi-t,i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)en-du3 _dumu (lu2)gal-du3_ i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) u2-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu2 _ugu_ gi-mir na-ge-e (kur)kal-di (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia a-na _(lu2)nam_-ti asz2-kun-ma ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (lu2)tu-'u-mu-na (lu2)ri-hi-hu (lu2)ia-daq-qu (lu2)u2-bu-du (lu2)gib-re-e (lu2)ma-li-hu (lu2)gu-ru-mu (lu2)u2-bu-lum (lu2)da-mu-nu (lu2)gam-bu-lum (lu2)hi-in-da-ru (lu2)ru-'u-u-a (lu2)pu-qu-du (lu2)ha-am-ra-nu (lu2)ha-ga-ra-a-nu (lu2)na-ba-tu (lu2)li-i'-ta-a-u2 (lu2)a-ra-mu la kan-szu2 mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me_ 8(disz) _lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus_ 7(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz_ 1(u) 1(disz) _lim_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) _ansze-mesz_ 5(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me_ 3(u) 3(disz) _(ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ 2(disz) _me lim_ 1(disz) _me gu4-mesz_ 8(disz) _me lim_ 6(disz) _me u8-udu hi-a_ szal-la-tu2 ka-bit-tu2 asz2-lu-la a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki)
  • i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz (lu2)qi2-pi (iri)ha-ra-ra-te _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (lu2)mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 am-hur ba-hu-la-te (iri)hi-rim-me _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu2-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-me

    na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1(disz) _gu4_ 1(u) _udu-nita2-mesz_ 1(u) _ansze gesztin-mesz_ 2(u) _ansze zu2-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu2 a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _en-mesz_-ia u2-kin da3-ri-szam i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 lu al-lik

    qe2-reb hur-sza2-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ar-kab-ma _(gesz)gigir giri3-min_-(ia) i-na ti-ik-ka-te u2-sza2-asz2-szi asz2-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _giri3-min_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah (iri)ha-ar-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    u3 _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 ap-pul aq-qur u2-sze-me kar-mesz _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz u2-sze-mi u2-ter-ma (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni _bad3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-ma _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia ina _sza3_ u2-sze-szib

    _ug3-mesz kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-ni _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szid-du ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-i u2-sze-ri-dam(am)-ma i-na (iri)har-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti u2-szar-me i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu2-nu-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a_ u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ sza _ugu_-szu2-un asz2-tak-ka-nu s,e-ru-usz-szu2 u2-sza2-t,ir-ma i-na qe2-reb _iri_ ul-ziz

    pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma a-na (ru)-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti _gin7 muru9_ as-hu-up (iri)mar-u2-bisz-ti (iri)ak-ku-ud-du _iri-mesz e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di 3(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2 al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ la mi-nam asz2-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u2-sza2-lik-szu2-ma u2-s,a-hi-ir ma-a-su (iri)s,i-s,i-ir-tu2 (iri)ku-ma-ah-lum _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _iri-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu (kur)e2-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur u2-rad-di

    (iri)el-en-za-asz2 a-na _iri lugal_-ti u3 dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu2 mah-ri-a-a u2-nak-kir-ma kar-(disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)har-har am-nu-ma u2-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _kur_-szu2-un man-da-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-ni-su-nu-ti i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)hat-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu2-ma a-na ru-uq-qi2 _muru2_ tam-tim in-na-bit

    (iri)s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u2 (iri)s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru (iri)e2-zi-it-te (iri)s,a-ri-ip-tu2 (iri)ma-hal-li-ba (iri)u2-szu-u2 ak-zi-ba (iri)ak-ku-u2 _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti ((u3 ri-i-ti)) u3 masz-qi2-ti _e2_ tuk-la-ti-szu2 ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu2-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu2 sze-pu-u-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)mi-nu-hi-im-mu (iri)sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu (iri)s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti (iri)a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u2-ru-mil-ki (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti (iri)as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-dingir (kur)e2-(disz)am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi (kur)ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-me (iri)u2-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ka-li-szu2-nu _igi-sa2_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu2 a-di 4(disz)-szu2 a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    u3 (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal_ (iri)is-qa-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu2 _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 as-su-ha-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-rasz-szu2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu2-nu mah-ru-u2 _ugu un-mesz_ (iri)is-qa-al-lu-na asz2-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mi3-su-ma i-sza2-t,a ab-sza2-a-ni

    i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)e2-da-gan-na (iri)ia-pu-u (iri)ba-na-a-a-bar-qa (iri)a-zu-ru _iri-mesz_ sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _giri3-min_-(ia) ar2-hisz la ik-nu-szu2 al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu _en_ a-de-e u3 ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (iri)ia-u2-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu2 nak-risz

    a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah _sza3_-szu2-un _lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ri _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha e-mu-qi2 la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-szu2-un i-na ta-mir-ti (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2-un i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu2-un am-da-hi-is,-ma asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un

    _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ u3 _dumu-mesz lugal_ (kur)mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 (iri)ta-am-ma-na-a al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na (iri)am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u2-szab-szu-u2 a-duk-ma ina di-im-ma-ti si-hir-ti _iri_ a-lul pag-ri-szu2-un

    _dumu-mesz iri_ e-pisz an-ni u3 gil2-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu2-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti u3 gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-szu2-nu la ib-szu-u2 usz-szur-szu2-nu aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma u2-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    u3 (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da-a-a 4(u) 6(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti u3 _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me u3 qur-ru-ub szu-pi-i mit-hu-us, zu-uk _giri3-min_ pil-szi nik-si u3 kal-ban-na-ti al-me ak-szu-du

  • 2(disz) _me lim_ 1(disz) _me_ 5(u) _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam:mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ sza la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu
  • sza2-a-szu2 _gin7 muszen_ qu-up-pi qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-sir2-szu (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka2-gal iri_-szu2 u2-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (iri)as-du-di (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na u (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (iri)ha-zi-it-ti ad-din-ma u2-s,a-hi-ir _kur_-su

    e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-da-an szat-ti-szu2-un man-da-at-tu2 kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u2-rad-di-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 szu-u2 (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-up-pu-szu-ma (lu2)ur2-bi _(lu2)erin2-mesz_-szu2 _saga-mesz_ sza (a-na) dun-nu-un (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u2 til-la-a-ti

  • 3(u) _gun ku3-sig17_ 8(disz) _me gun ku3-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tak2-kas3-si _(na4)an-za-gul-me gal-mesz (gesz)na2-mesz zu2 (gesz)gu-za-mesz_ ne2-me-di _zu2 kusz am-si zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _(tug2)gada_ (siki)ta-kil-tu2 (siki)ar-ga-man-nu
  • u2-nu-ut _zabar an-bar uruda an-na an-bar (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ga-ba-bi az-ma-re-e si-ri-ia-am _gir2-mesz an-bar_ szib-bi til-pa-ni u us,-s,i til-li u2-nu-ut ta-ha-zi sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 it-ti _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz_ (munus)_nar-mesz_ a-na qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia _egir_-ia u2-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na-dan man-da-at-ti u3 e-pesz _ARAD2_-u2-ti isz-pu-ra rak-bu-szu

    i-na szal-la-at _kur-mesz_ sza2-ti-na sza asz2-lu-la 1(u) _lim (gesz)pan_ 1(u) _lim_ (gesz)a-ri-tu ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _((na)) lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-ti na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia u3 _(lu2)en-nam-mesz_-ia _ug3-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u2-za-'i-iz i-na u4-me-szu-ma nina(ki) ma-ha-zi s,i-i-ru _iri_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-di-i _dingir-mesz_ u3 _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u2 qe2-reb-szu

    tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u2 du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-ti szi-t,ir bu-ru-u2-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u2 s,i-in-du-szu asz2-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal3-gar szu-ta-bu-la qe2-reb-szu sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pu-szu-ma u2-ma-'e-er ba-'u-lat (d)en-lil2

    u3 szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb (na)nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ah-ha-ru qe2-reb-szu a-a-um-ma ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu a-na _e2-gal_ qer-bi-szu2 kum2-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti-((ia)) sza s,u2-uh-hu-ru szu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-((di))-da-a lib-bu-usz _li_ ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila iri_ u3 szum-dul6 re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _i7_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u2-zu-un-szu2 ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

    a-a-ti (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e3-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet (kur)kal-di (lu2)a-ra-me (kur)man-na-a-a (kur)qu-e (kur)hi-lak-ki (kur)pi-lisz-tu u3 (kur)s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ri-ia la ik-nu-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-(szi)-szu2-nu-ti il-bi-nu _sig4_

    a-pe ku-pi-i sza qe2-reb (kur)kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-(pa)-ri-szu2-(un) szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia u2-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-sza2 _e2-gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 us2_ tar-s,i za-me-e _e2_ ziq-qur-rat 1(gesz2) 2(u) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na tar-s,i (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_ (d)isz-tar 1(disz) _me_ 3(u) 4(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na tar-s,i (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_-kid9-mu-ri 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_

    sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 (i7)te-bil-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu-ru sza (i-na) na-szi-sza2 ge-gu-ne2-e qa-bal-((bal))-ti _iri_ u2-ab-bi-tu-ma ki-mah-hi-szu2-un pa-az-ru-ti u2-kal-li-mu (d)utu-szu2 u3 ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ t,e-eh _e2-gal_ i-ba-'u-ma i-na _illu_-sza2 gap-szi i-na usz-szi-sza2 ab-bu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-ri-bu tem-me-en-sza2

    _e2-gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 a-qur-ma sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u2-_te_-szir mu-s,u-u-sza2 qe2-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ku szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza3_ ul-tu ma-a-me u2-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u2-ter

  • 7(disz) _me_ ina 1(disz) _kusz3 as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta (im)si-sa2_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 8(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki muru2_-ti me2-eh-ret za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ qab-li-tum sza2-ni-tu2 mu-uh-hur-ti sza2-a-ri a-mur-ri ku-tal _e2_ ziq-qur-rat _e2_ (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta (im)u18-lu us2-sa-du_ (i7)idigna tam-la-a u2-mal-li-ma am-szu-uh me-szi-ih-tum
  • la-ba-risz u4-me ina _illu_ kisz-sza2-ti tem-me-en-szu2 la e-ne2-sze as-kup-pat (na4)pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti ki-su-u2-sza2 u2-sza2-as-hi-ra u2-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-sza2 _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qe2-reb-szu2 al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la-a-nu ina usz-szi-sza2 e-zib ah-ra-tasz ar-ka-a-nu szu-usz-qu-u2 tam-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma 2(u) ti-ib-ki s,e-er mah-re-e us,-s,ip-ma 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) ti-ib-ki u2-szaq-qi2 e-la-nisz

    tar-pa-szu-u2 _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u2-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti _e2-gal_ mah-ri-tum u2-rad-di-ma u2-sza2-an-di-la szi-kit-tasz _e2-gal (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-nu _(gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3_-nu (gesz)dap2-ra-a-nu (szim)_li_ u3 (gesz)bu-ut,-ni e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u2-sze-pi-sza2 qe2-reb-sza2

    _(gesz)kiri6-mah_ tam-szil (kur)ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gesz-mesz ((kur))_ tuk-lat _kur_-i u3 qe2-reb (kur)kal-di hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-sza2 az-qu-up asz2-szu2 za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza3_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _iri 2(barig)-ta-am3_ a-na _dumu_ nina(ki) pil-ku u2-pal-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu2-un a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i (iri)ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina(ki) kur_-a u3 bi-ru-ti ina ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_ u2-szat-tir-ma u2-sze-szir (i7)har-ru

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qe2-reb (i7)hu-su-ri ma-a-me da-ru-ti a-szar-sza2 u2-szar-da-a qe2-reb s,ip-pa-ti sza2-ti-na u2-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz
  • sza nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-a-ti-szu u2-sza2-an-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti u3 su-qa-a-ni usz-par-di-ma u2-nam-mir _gin7_ u4-me i-na me2-eh-ret _ka2-gal muru2 iri_ i-na a-gur2-ri (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,i-i a-na me-ti-iq be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-bi-is ti-tur-ru _mu-sar_-e u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu2 u3 da-na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en gal_-e _en_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri asz2-tak-ka-nu

    u3 mim-ma ep-szet i-tep-pu-szu qe2-reb-szu u2-szat,-t,ir-ma i-na tem-me-en-nu _e2-gal_ be-lu-ti-ia e-zib ah-ra-tasz a-na ar-kat3 u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru en-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu2 i-szem-me

  • _1(disz) usz 3(u) 4(disz)-ta-am3 mu-didli mu-sar_-e (iti)gu4-si-sa2 li-mu (disz)mi-tu-nu (_(lu2)gar-kur)_ (iri)i-sa-na
  • AI Translation

    Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

    The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. In the first campaign of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish I brought about his defeat.

    In the middle of that battle he sat down, his camp he abandoned, and his life he saved. The chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle he captured, my hands to his palace which is in Babylon he joyfully entered, and I opened his treasure house. Gold, silver, gold, silver, and precious stones, all of it, property, possessions, and property, a substantial treasure,

    his wife, the people of his palace, the stewards, the stewards, all the artisans, as many as there were, I brought into his palace and I counted them as booty. With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 129 of his fortified cities, the walled cities of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs.

    The urbi, the Arameans, and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, the lords, the citizens, the lords, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Endu, the son of the chief cook, sat on his royal throne and entrusted the people of Akkad to him. I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over all the districts of Chaldea and imposed upon them the yoke of my lordship.

    On my return march, I defeated the Tu'una, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, and Aramu, the insubmissive Arameans.

  • 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, 72,000 horses and mules, 1113 donkeys, 523 camels, 21,000 oxen, 86,000 sheep and goats, substantial booty I carried off to Assyria.
  • In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, chief vizier, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats. The people of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, iii 5' killed with the sword and fled. I did not spare a single one of their troops. I roamed around the city and covered the whole city.

    I reorganized that district. I established one ox, 10 sheep, 10 homers of wine, 20 homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords. On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, I marched.

    In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horses and my personal chariot in a raft. I was able to carry out the task very quickly. I rode very quickly on my own. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I captured people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats from them and I counted them as booty.

    and their smaller cities, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruin hills. I erected the houses of the steppe and the kultari, their cult centers, in the Geshbar, and then I enlarged them and I reorganized the city E-Kilamzah. I took that city as a fortress and strengthened its walls more than before, and I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

    The people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who had fled from my weapons, I brought out of the mountains and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Ekubatu. With the hands of my eunuch, the governor of Arrapha, I made a stele and I imposed upon them the payment of the debts imposed upon them. I wrote his name and I erected it in the city.

    I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with 34 smaller settlements in its environs.

    I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought him to an end and he took away his land. I detached from his land the cities Shishirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, and I added it to the territory of Assyria.

    I took Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district and changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of Harhar, and enlarged my land.

    On my return march, the distant Medes, whose praise none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard, I received their substantial tribute and made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship. On the third day of my campaign I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of the shield, and he fled to the shore of the sea.

    The great Sidon, the distant Sidon, the Ezittu, the Sharippu, the Mahalliba, the Ushû, the Akziba, the Akku, their fortified cities, the walls of the land, the land, and the mashqitu, the house of his trust, the great weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they bowed down. Tu-Ba'lu sat on his royal throne over them and imposed upon him a tribute and payment of my lordship, without interruption, and imposed upon him a payment.

    of Minuhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Gubla, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-rame of the city Edom, all kings of the land Amurru, their substantial audience gifts, four times their substantial audience gifts, they brought before me, and kissed my feet.

    Moreover, Shidqâ, king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, his brother, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and the seed of his father's house I took away and to Assyria I returned. Lugal-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, I set over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts of my lordship and he wrote to me.

    In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Edagan, Yapu, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly. I carried off their booty. The governors, nobles, and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, lord of treaties and oaths of Assyria, had cast iron fetters and gave them to Hazazaqû of the city Judah.

    They became frightened of the radiance of the radiance of the god Ashur, my lord, and they feared them. The kings of Egypt, the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, without number, entered and went and their forces gathered in the plain of the city Eltekeh, their holy city. They slew their weapons with the support of the god Ashur, my lord, and I brought about their defeat.

    The chariot owners and the sons of the king of Egypt, together with the chariot owners of the king of Meluhha, were alive in the middle of the sea. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Allaqu and Tammanu. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and I killed them in a single battle in the entire city. I carried off their booty.

    I gave the citizens of the city who had perpetrated this sin and evil to be plundering; their rest were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, and their reputations were not good. I ordered Padî, their king, to come out of Ursallim and to sit on the lordly throne over them, and I imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

    Moreover, Hazaqiau of the land Judah 46 cities, fortified walled cities, and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, in a snare of rams and a snare of supplications, in battle, strife, a snare, a snare, and a snare I marched and conquered.

  • 2,100,100 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number, I brought out of them and counted them as booty.
  • As for him, he slew like a bird in the city Ursallim, his royal city, and he razed, destroyed, and burned the fortified cities upon him. He razed, destroyed, and burned the city gate of his city. He razed, destroyed, and gave his cities, which I had plundered, out of his land and gave them to Mitinti, king of the cities Ashdod, Padî, king of the cities Ekron, and Shilli, king of the cities Haziittu, and he razed, destroyed, and burned his land.

    Upon the tribute of the previous years, the payment of their debts, I added and established. That man, Hazaqiau, was overwhelmed by the radiance of my lordly brilliance and he brought in his good troops, who for the preservation of the city Ursallimu, his royal city, and they completed their work.

  • 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, ..., large anzagulu-stones, thrones, thrones, scepters, elephant hides, elephant hides, ebony, multicolored garments, linen garments, tunics, ragamannu-garments,
  • The bronze, iron, copper, iron, chariots, ..., the ... of my city, iron, iron, iron ..., iron ..., iron ..., iron ..., the ..., which had no equal, with his daughters, the people of his palace, the singers, the female singers, to Nineveh, my capital city, after me sent, and to give a payment and to do obeisance to me sent, his messenger.

    In the booty of those lands which I had plundered, I gathered 10,000 bows and 10,000 shields therein and added them to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest of the substantial enemy booty like sheep and goats among my entire camp and my governors, and the people of my great cult centers. At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city beloved of the goddess Ishtar, which all the cult centers of the gods and goddesses are inside it,

    The eternal foundations, the eternal foundations, whose foundations since time immemorial had been fashioned with the writings of the foundations and whose features had been perfected, a perfect place, a secret place, whose secrets, everything, the craft of the deities, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cultic rites, had been firmly established inside it, whose foundations since time immemorial the kings, who came before me, my ancestors, had exercised, and who had entrusted to the lordship of Assyria,

    And a second time, without interruption, the narbatu-festivals, the tribute of the rulers of the four quarters, were constantly bringing in in their midst. No one among them in the palace inside it, the abode of my lordship, whose dwelling he had built, had ever possessed. His heart pounded, his mind pounded, to the repopulation of the streets of the city and the repopulation of the streets, the quays of the river Zaqappa-folk, his reeds had not bowed down, and he had not brought his reeds there.

    That father, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, by the will of the gods, had this work done, and my mood became happy. The people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakki, Pilishitu, and Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, I took away and their tablets I sent to them.

    I cut down the kupû-trees that were in Chaldea and I surrounded their horizons with a smashhutu-tree, from the people of the enemy land, my own hands, and I counted them as booty. For the construction of her work, the former palace, which is 395 cubits long, adjacent to the zamû-tree, the Ziqqurrat, 190 cubits wide adjacent to the Tamari temple, the temple of Ishtar, 184 cubits wide adjacent to the Tamari temple, the Kidmuru temple, 185 cubits wide

    which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for their lordly dwelling, but whose work they had not completed, the Tebilti River, the fresh water source, which in its midst the gunû-festival of the city had seized and their cult centers had dissolved, Shamash and from distant days, when the edge of the palace had become dark and in its wide flood had risen, they had seized its foundations.

    That small palace in its entirety I dug, and the Tebilti canal its path I crossed, and its passageway I opened, and its passageway in the midst of the plain I crossed. The reeds above, the strong mountain stone above, I bound with bitumen and the field from the sea I cleared away and I returned to its place.

  • 7 hundred and sixty cubits is the large aslum-measure. 116, the large aslum-measure, the upper front, next to the north, 2 hundred and eighty-eight, the large aslum-measure, the lower front, next to the zamû-measure, behind the zamû-measure, behind Ishtar.
  • 383 in the great aslum-measure, the upper front, the second, the second, the second, the courtyard behind the house of the ziggurrat, the temple of Ishtar,
  • 326 large aslum-plants, the lower front on the south, next to the Tigris, I filled with water and I grew tall.
  • In the distant past, in the flood of the world, its foundations were not firm. I ripped out large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. I wrote a foundation tablet of my name 100 courses of brick inside it and deposited it on its foundations. Later, I enlarged the terrace, and then I enlarged the terrace to 20 courses of brick above the previous one and thus I raised it to 100 courses of brick above.

    I made it bigger than before. I added the courtyard of the former palace and I made it bigger. I had the palace of alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, a linen garment, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth made for my royal residence.

    A vegetable garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatics, fruit trees, trees of the mountain and Chaldea, its mountain range, I planted. Because of the zaqappu-plants, fruit trees, a field of the plain above the city, 2 barig for the son of Nineveh I planted and brought in. Their faces I made to be a spectacle. From the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, and the fortified cities, with iron fetters I fashioned and made a canal Harru- canal.

  • 1 1/2 hectares of land from the Husur River, a long-lasting land, I cultivated therein. In those reed-beds I re-established.
  • I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, I surrounded the alleys and squares with them and made them shine like daylight. In the courtyard of the city, with baked bricks and baked bricks, I made them stand in their entirety for my lordly residence. I had a titurru-crucible made and I established the life and might that I had achieved over all my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord.

    And whatever they have done, they have written down in it, and in the foundations of my lordly palace, they have deposited. In future days, among the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, when that palace becomes old, may he renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

  • 1 34 each, the inscriptions of the scribal art of Ayyaru, eponymy of Mitunu, governor of Isana 696.
  • P421789: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal#_-u2 _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ la sza2-na-an _re-e2-um_ mut-nen-nu-u2 pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-sza2-ri e-pisz u2-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa#-a#-ti et,-lu git2-ma-lum zi#-ka#-ru# qar#-du# a#-sza2#-red# kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za#-ma-ni

    (d)asz-szur _kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 _lugal_-ut la sza2-na-an u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar-ba-a _(gesz#)[x]-mesz#_-ia i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-dun-ia-asz2 a-di _erin2 hi-(a)_ elam-ma(ki) re-s,i-szu2 i-na ta-mir-ti kisz(ki) asz2-ta-kan _bad5#-bad5_-szu

    i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i2-ir _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ sza ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u2-masz-szi-ru [x]-szu#-da# _szu#-min_-a-a a-na _e2-gal_-szu sza qe2-reb babila2(ki) ha-disz i-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ u2-nu-ut _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu2 _nig2-szu nig2-gur11_ ni-s,ir-tu# ka#-bit-tu

    _dam_-su (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 _(lu2)tirum-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 mut-tab-bi-lu-tu2 _e2-gal_-usz u2-sze-s,a-am-ma [x]-la#-tisz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 1(gesz2) 2(u) 9(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_ sza _kur#-kal_-di u3 6(disz) _me_ 2(u) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-(me)-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la [x]-la#-su-un

    (lu2)ur2-bi (lu2)a-ra-mu (lu2)kal-du sza qe2-reb unu(ki) nibru(ki) kisz(ki) hur-sag-kalam-ma(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) _en dumu-mesz iri en_ hi-t,i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal#-la-tisz am-nu (disz)en-du3 _dumu (lu2)gal-du3_ i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) u2-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu2 _ugu_ gi-mir na-ge-e (kur)kal-di (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-na _(lu2)nam_-ti asz2-kun#-ma ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (lu2)tu-'u-mu-na (lu2)ri-hi-hu (lu2)ia-daq-qu (lu2)u2-bu-du (lu2)gib-re-e (lu2)ma-li-hu (lu2)gu-ru-mu (lu2)u2-bu-lum (lu2)da-mu-na (lu2)gam-bu-lum (lu2)hi-in-da-ru (lu2)ru-'u-u-a (lu2)pu-qu-du (lu2)ha-am-ra-nu (lu2)ha-ga-ra-nu (lu2)na-ba-tu (lu2)li-i'-ta-a-u2 (lu2)a-ra-mu la kan-szu# mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me_ 8(disz) _lim un-mesz# tur gal nita_ u _munus_ 7(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz_ 1(u) 1(disz) _lim_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) _ansze-mesz_ 5(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me_ 3(u) _(ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) _lim_ 1(disz) _me gu4-mesz_ 6(disz) _me lim_ 6(disz) _me u8-udu hi-a_ szal#-la#-tu2 ka#-bit#-tu2 ((a)) asz2#-lu#-la# a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki)
  • i-na me-ti-iq# ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz (lu2)qi2-pi (iri)ha-ra-re-te _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ta-mar-ta#-szu2# ka-bit-tu2 am-hur ba-hu-la-ti (iri)hi-rim-me _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu2-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-me

    na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1(disz)-en _gu4_ 1(u) _udu-nita2-mesz_ 1(u) _ansze (gesz)gesztin-mesz_ 2(u) _ansze zu2-lum-ma_ re-sze-te#-szu2 a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _en-mesz_-ia u2-kin da3-ri-szam i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_ kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2# lu al-lik

    qe2-reb hur-sza2-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ar-kab-ma _(gesz)gigir giri3-min_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-ti u2-sza2-asz2-szi asz2-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _giri3-min_-ia ri-ma-nisz at#-tag-gisz (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah (iri)ha-ar-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz (ansze-mesz) gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    u3 _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 ap-pul aq-qur u2-sze-me kar-mesz _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz u2-sze-mi u2-ter-ma (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni _bad3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-ma _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia ina lib3-bi u2-sze-szib

    _ug3-mesz kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-i u2-sze-ri-dam-ma ina (iri)har-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti u2-szar-me i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz (lu2)en-nam_ (iri)ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu2-nu-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a_ u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu2 ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ sza _ugu_-szu2-un asz2-tak-ka-nu s,e-ru-usz-szu2 u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma i-na qe2-reb _iri_ ul-ziz

    pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti _gin7 muru9_ as-hu-up (iri)mar-u2-bisz-ti (iri)ak-ku-ud-du _iri-mesz e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di 3(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina gesz-bar aq-mu

    _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ la mi-nam asz2-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u2-sza2-lik-szu2-ma u2-s,a-hi-ir ma-a-su (iri)s,i-s,i-ir-tu2 (iri)ku-um-ah-lum _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu (kur)e2-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb# _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2#-rad-di

    (iri)el-en-za-asz2 a-na _iri lugal_-ti u3 dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu2 mah-ra-a u2-nak-kir-ma (iri)kar-(disz)(d)en#-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba at-ta-bi# ni#-bit-su _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)har-har am-nu-ma u2-rap#-pisz# ma-a-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _kur_-ti-szu2-un man-da-at-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-ni-su-nu-ti i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-_((hu))_-szu-nu-ti-ma a-na ru-uq#-qi2 _muru2_ tam-tim in-na-bit

    (iri)s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u2 (iri)s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru (iri)e2-zi-it-tu2 (iri)s,a-ri-ip-tu (iri)ma-hal-li-ba (iri)u2-szu-u2 (iri)ak-zi-ba (iri)ak-ku-u2 _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti u3 masz-qi2-ti _e2_ tuk-la-ti-szu2 ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu2-nu-ti-ma ik#-nu-szu2 sze-pu-u-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)mi-nu-uh-im-mu (iri)sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu (iri)s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti (iri)u2-ru-da-a-a (disz)u2-ru-mil-ki (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti (iri)as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-_dingir (iri)e2_-am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi (kur)ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu (iri)u2-du-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ka-li-szu2-nu _igi-sa2_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4(disz)-szu2 a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    u3 (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal_ (iri)is-qa-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu2 _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ra-asz2-szu2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu2-nu mah-ru-u2 _ugu un-mesz_ (iri)is-qa-lu-na asz2-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mi3-su-ma i-sza2-t,a ab-sza2-a-ni

    i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)e2-da-gan-na (iri)ia-pu-u (iri)ba-na-a-a-bar-qa (iri)a-zu-ru _iri-mesz_ sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _giri3-min_-ia ar2-hisz la ik-nu-szu2 al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su#-un _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu _en_ a-di-i u3 ma-mit sza2 _kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-ia-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu2 nak#-risz

    a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah3 lib3-ba-szu2-un _lugal_ (kur)mu-s,u-ri _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha e-mu-qi2 la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-szu2-un i-na ta-mir-ti (iri)al-ta-qu-u el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2-un i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu2-un am-da-hi-is,-ma asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un

    _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz dumu-mesz lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal_ me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 (iri)ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na (iri)am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u2-szab-szu-u2 a-duk-ma ina di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _iri_ a-lul# pag#-ri-szu2-un

    _dumu-mesz iri_ e-pisz an-ni u3 gil2-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-te-szu2-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti u3 gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu2-nu la ib-szu-u2 usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-(li)-im-mu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (iri)ia-u2-da-a-a 3(u) 6(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti u3 _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza2# ni#-ba la i-szu-u2 i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me u3 qur-ru-ub szu-pe-e mit-hu-us, zu-uk _giri3-min_ pil-szi nik-si u3 kal-ba-na-ti al-me ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me lim_ 1(disz) _me_ 5(u) _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu hi-a_ sza2 la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu
  • sza2-a-szu2 _gin7 muszen_ qu-pi qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-sir2-szu (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka2-gal_-szu2 u2-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb# _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (iri)as-du-di u3 (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (kur)ha-zi-ti ad-din u2-s,a-hi-ir _kur_-su

    e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-da-an szat-(ti)-szu2-un man-da-at-ti kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-((szu))-ia u2-rad-di-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 szu-u2 (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 pu-ul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu2-ma (lu2)ur2-bi _(lu2)erin2-mesz_-szu2 _saga-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-ri-bu ir-szu-u til-la-a-te

  • 3(u) _gun ku3-sig17_ 8(disz) _me gun ku3-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tak2-kas3-si _(na4)an-za-gul-me gal-mesz (gesz)na2-mesz zu2 (gesz)gu-za-mesz_ ne2-me-di _zu2 kusz am-si zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _(tug2)gada_ (siki)ta-kil-tu2 (siki)ar-ga-man-nu
  • u2-nu-ut _zabar an-bar uruda an-na an-bar (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ga-ba-bi az-ma-re-e si-ri-ia-am _gir2-mesz an-bar_ szib-bi til-pa-ni u us,-s,i til-li u2-nu-ut ta-ha-zi sza2 ni-ba la i-szu-u2 it-ti _munus-dumu_-szu2 (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz_ (munus)_nar-mesz_ a-na qe2-reb (iri#)_nina iri_ be-lu-ti-ia _egir_-ia u2-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na-dan man-da-at-ti u3 e-pesz _ARAD2_-u2-ti isz-pu-ra rak-bu-szu2

    i-na szal-la-at _kur-mesz_ sza2-ti-na sza asz2-lu-la 1(u) _lim (gesz)pan_ 1(u) _lim_ (gesz)a-ri-tu2 ina _sza3_-szu2-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-ti na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia u3 _(lu2)en-nam_-ia _ug3-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u2-za-'i-iz i-na u4-me-szu-ma nina(ki) ma-ha-zi s,i-i-ru _iri_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz_ u _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qe2-reb-szu

    tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u2 du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-(ti) szi-t,ir bu-ru-u2-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u2 s,i-in-du-szu asz2-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-te lal3-gar szu-ta-bu-la qe2-reb-szu sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-(mesz)_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pu-szu-ma u2-ma-'e-er ba-'u-lat (d)en-lil2

    u3 szat-tu2-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ha-ru qe2-reb-szu a-a-um-ma ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu a-na _e2-gal_ qer-bi-szu kum2-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza s,u-uh-hu-ru szu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila iri_ u3 szum-dul6 re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _i7_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u2-zu-un-szu2 ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

    ia-a-ti (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e3-em _dingir-mesz_ a-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet (kur)kal-di (lu2)a-ra-me (kur)man-na-a-a (kur)qu-e (kur)hi-lak-ku (kur)pi-lisz-tu u3 (kur)s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ir-ia la ik-nu-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_

    a-pe ku-pe-e sza qe2-reb (iri)kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu2-un szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-ti na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia u2-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-sza2 _e2-gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 us2_ tar-s,i za-me-e _e2_ ziq-qur-rat 1(gesz2) 2(u) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na tar-s,i (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_ (d)isz-tar 1(disz) _me_ 3(u) 4(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na (tar-s,i) (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_-kid9-mu-ri 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_

    sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 (i7)te-bil-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu-ru sza i-na na-szi-sza2 ge-gu-ne2-e qa-bal-ti _iri_ u2-ab-bi-tu-ma ki-mah-hi-szu2-un pa-az-ru-ti u2-kal-li-mu (d)utu-szu2 u3 ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ t,e-eh _e2-gal_ i-ba-'u-u2-ma i-na _illu_-sza2 gap-szi i-na usz-szi-sza2 ab-bu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-ri-bu tem-me-en-sza2

    _e2-gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 a-qur-ma sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-u-sza2 qe2-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ku szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza3_ ul-tu ma-a-me u2-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u2-ter

  • 7(disz) _me_ ina 1(disz) _kusz3 as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti# _sag#-ki# an-ta (im)si-sa2_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 8(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki muru2_-ti me2-eh-ret za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ qab-li-tum sza2-ni-tu2 mu-uh-hur-ti sza2-a-ri a-mur-ri ku-tal _e2_ ziq-rat _e2_ (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta (im)u18-lu us2-sa-du_ (i7)idigna tam-la-a u2-mal-li-ma am-szu-uh me-szi-ih-ta
  • la-ba-risz u4-me ina _illu_ kisz-sza2-ti tem-me-en-szu2 la e-ne2-sze as-kup-pat (na4)pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti ki-is-su-u2-szu u2-sza2-as-hi-ra u2-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-sza2 _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qe2-reb-szu al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la-nu ina usz-szi-szu e-zib# ah-ra-tasz# ar-ka-nu szu-usz-qu-u2 tam-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma 2(u) ti-ib-ki s,e-er mah-re-e us,-s,ip-ma 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) ti-ib-ki u2-szaq-qi2 e#-la-nisz

    tar-pa-szu-u2 _ugu_ sza u4-mu pa-ni u2-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti _e2-gal_ mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma u2-sza2-an-di-la szi#-kit-tasz _e2-gal (na4#)gesz#-nu11#-gal# zu2# am#-si# (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-ni _(gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3_ (gesz)dap2#-ra#-nu# (szim#)_li#_ u3 (gesz)bu-ut,-ni e2-gal-za3-nu-di-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u2-sze-pi-sza2 qe2-reb-sza2#

    _(gesz)kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil ((x)) (kur)ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gesz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i u3 (kur)kal-di qe2-reb-szu hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-sza2 az-qu-[x] asz2-szu2 za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza3_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _iri 2(barig)-ta-am3_ a-na _dumu-mesz_ (iri#)nina(ki) pil-ku u2-pal-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu2-[x]

    a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a#-t,i# ((a-di)) (iri)ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti (iri)nina(ki) _kur_-a u3 bi-ru-tu2 ina ak-kul-la-a-ti u2-szat-tir-ma u2-sze-szir (i7)har-[x]

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qe2-reb (i7)hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u2-ti a-szar-sza2 u2-szar-((szi))-da-a qe2-reb s,ip-pa-ti sza2-ti-na u2-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz#
  • sza (iri)nina _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu2 u2-sza2-na-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti u3 su-qa-a-ni usz-par-di-ma u2-nam-mir _gin7_ u4-me i-na me2-eh-ret _ka2-gal muru2 iri_ i-na a-gur2-ri (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e a-na me-ti-iq be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-bi-is ti-tur-ru _mu-sar_-a u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu2 u3 da-na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en gal en_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri asz2-tak-ka-nu#

    u3 mim-ma ep-szet e-tep-pu-szu qe2-reb-szu u2-szat,-t,ir-ma i-na tem-me-en-ni _e2-gal_ be-lu-ti-ia e-zib ah#-ra-tasz a-na ar-kat3 u4-me a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en#-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-a szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i#-szem-me

  • _1(disz) usz 3(u) 4(disz)-ta-am3 mu-didli mu-sar_-e (iti)gu4-si-sa2 li-mu (disz)mi-tu-nu _(lu2)gar-kur_ (iri)i-sa-na
  • AI Translation

    Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

    The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my ... greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. In the first campaign of my campaign, which Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish I brought about his defeat.

    In the middle of that battle he sat down, his camp he abandoned, and his life he saved. The chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle, my hands ..., to his palace which is in Babylon joyfully entered, and I opened his treasure house. Gold, silver, gold, silver, precious stones, everything that he had, possessions, property, and a substantial treasure,

    his wife, the people of his palace, the stewards, the stewards, all the artisans, as many as there were, the devoted ones of his palace, and I counted them as booty. With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered ... their cities.

    The urbi, the Arameans, the Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, the lords, the citizens of the city, the lords, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Endu, the son of the chief cook, sat on his royal throne and entrusted the people of Akkad to him. I set up my eunuchs over all the districts of Chaldea and I installed eunuchs of mine as governors and imposed upon them the yoke of my lordship.

    On my return march, I defeated the Tu'una, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malihu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damuna, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, and Arameans who were not submissive.

  • 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, 72,000 horses and mules, 1113 donkeys, 522 mules, 210 camels, 111,100 oxen, 6,600 sheep and goats, large booty, I carried off to Assyria.
  • In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararete Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats. I seized the population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, with the sword and I did not spare a single one. Their corpses I carried off and I surrounded the city.

    I reorganized that district. I imposed one ox, 10 sheep, 10 homers of wine, and 20 homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords. On my second campaign, Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the land of Kashû and the land of Yasubigalla, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, I marched.

    In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horses and my personal chariot in the thick of battle. I was able to carry out the task very quickly. I rode very quickly on my own. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I captured people, horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats from inside them and counted them as booty.

    and their smaller cities, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruin hills. I burned with fire the houses of the steppe, their cult centers, and their cult centers, and then I turned them into ruin hills. I returned that city E-Kilamzah to its former place and strengthened its walls more than before, and I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

    The people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who had fled from my weapons, I brought out of the mountains and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Ekubatu. I placed them under the authority of the eunuchs of the governor of the city Arrapha. I had a stele made and I had the life of the slaves of the hands that I had established over them written on it and I erected it in the city.

    I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with 34 smaller settlements in their environs.

    I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought him to an end and he took away his land. The cities Shishirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, I removed from his land and added it to the territory of Assyria.

    I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district and changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of my eunuchs, the governor of Harhar, and thus enlarged my land.

    On my return march, the distant Medes, whose praise none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard — I received their substantial tribute and made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship. On the third day of my campaign to the land Hatti I marched. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of Sidon, and he fled to the middle of the sea.

    The great Sidon, the distant Sidon, the Ezittu, the Sharippu, the Mahalliba, the Ushu, the Akziba, and the Akku, his fortified cities, the walls of the land, the place of habitation and the mashqitu, the house of his trust, the great weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they seized him. Tu-Ba'lu sat on his royal throne over them and imposed upon him a tribute and payment of my lordship, without interruption, and imposed upon him a payment.

    of Minuhimu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Urudu, Uru-Milki of the city Gubla, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the city Eammana, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the city Edom, all kings of the land Amurru, their substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, came before me and kissed my feet.

    Moreover, Shidqâ, king of Isqalluna, who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, his brother, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and the seed of his father's house I took away and to Assyria I brought him. Lugal-lu-dari, son of Rukibti, their former king, I set over the people of Isqalluna and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts of my lordship and he wrote to me.

    In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Edagan, Yapu, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly. I carried off their booty. The governors, nobles, and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, together with the oaths of Assyria, had sworn by iron fetters, and gave them to Hazazaqiyû of the land Judah.

    The king of Egypt, the men of bows, chariots, and horses of the king of Meluhha, without number, entered and went, their forces were gathered in the plain of the city Eltekeh. They slew the ziggurat, their weapons, with the support of Ashur, my lord, with them and I brought about their defeat.

    The charioteers, the sons of the kings of Egypt, together with the charioteers of the king Meluhha, were victorious in the middle of the sea. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Allaqu and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and I killed them in a raging battle in the whole city. I carried off their booty.

    I gave the citizens of the city who had perpetrated this sin and evil to be plundering; their rest were not guilty of crimes or wrongdoing, whose punishments were not severed, I said to them. Padî, their king, brought them out of Ursallimu and sat on the lordly throne over them, and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

    of Hazaqiau of the city Judah, 36 of his cities, fortresses and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, in a snare of rams and a snare of sapping, fighting, sapping, slapping, slapping, and slapping I marched.

  • 2,100,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number, I brought out of it and counted them as booty.
  • As for him, he slew like a bird in the city Ursallim, his royal city, and he razed, destroyed, and burned the cities Halshu and the city Gate. He razed, destroyed, and burned the cities of his that I had plundered from his land. I gave to Mitinti, the king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, the king of the city Ekron, and to Shilli-Bel, the king of the land Hazaite I gave and conquered his land.

    Upon the tribute of the previous year, the payment of their debts, my lordship, I added and established. That man, Hazaqiau, fear of the brilliance of my lordship overwhelmed him and he sent his good men, who to the preservation of the city Ursallimu, his royal city, to him brought, and they completed their work.

  • 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, ..., large anzagulu-stones, thrones, thrones, scepters, elephant hides, elephant hides, ebony, multicolored garments, linen garments, tunics, ragamannu-garments,
  • The bronze, iron, copper, iron, chariots, ..., the ... of my city, iron, iron fetters, iron fetters, iron fetters, iron fetters, iron fetters, iron fetters, iron fetters, ..., the bronze fetters, which were without number, with his daughter, the people of his palace, the singers, the singers, to Nineveh, my capital city, after me sent, and to give the payment and to do obeisance he sent me, his messenger.

    In the booty of those lands which I had plundered, I gathered 10,000 bows and 10,000 shields therein and added them to my royal contingent. The rest of the substantial booty of enemy troops I divided among my entire camp and my governor, and the people of my great cult centers as if they were sheep. At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city beloved of the goddess Ishtar, which all the rites of the gods and goddesses are inside it,

    The foundations of eternal life, whose foundations since time immemorial had been firmly established with the writings of the foundation documents and whose features had been perfected, a perfect place, a secret place, whose secrets, everything, the craft of the deities, all of the rituals, and the secrets of the lalgar cultic rites, had been firmly established inside it, which since time immemorial earlier kings, my ancestors, before me had exercised lordship over Assyria, and I prayed to the people of the god Enlil:

    And a second time, without interruption, the sanctuaries of the princes of the four quarters were constantly praised inside it. No one among them had ever entrusted himself to the palace inside it, the abode of lordship, whose site had been too small. No one had ever questioned his heart. No one had ever entrusted him with the re-establishing of the city square and the re-establishing of the streets, the re-building of the canals, or the irrigated canals, nor had he entrusted his re-establishing of the canals.

    For me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, this work according to the will of the gods came to my attention and my mood grew. The people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, Pilishitu, and Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, I took away and their tablets I sent to them and they fashioned bricks.

    I cut down the cult-priests in Kaldi and I surrounded their cult centers with a smear of shabu-sheep from the people of the enemy land, my subjects, and I counted them as booty. For the construction of her work, the former palace, which is 3 hundred and 125 cubits long, adjacent to the zamû-tree, the Ziqqurrat, 190 and 144 cubits wide adjacent to the Emari temple, the temple of Ishtar, 184 and 144 cubits wide adjacent to the Emari temple, 185 and 145 cubits wide.

    which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for their lordly dwelling, but whose work they had not completed, the Tebilti River, the fresh water which in its course the gunû-trees of the city had seized and their cult centers had dissolved, Shamash and from distant days, when the edge of the palace had become weak and during its extensive flood, in its foundations they had sunk, they had weakened its foundations.

    That small palace in its entirety I dug, and the Tebilti canal, its path, I cleared away, and its foundations I made secure. Inside the city quarters of the city quarters I surrounded it with a wall of reeds, a mountain stone above, with bitumen, and a field from the sea I filled and a new one I returned.

  • 7 hundred and sixty cubits is the large aslum-measure. 116, the large aslum-measure, the upper front, next to the north, 2 hundred and eighty-eight, the large aslum-measure, the lower front, next to the zamû-measure, behind the zamû-measure, behind Ishtar.
  • 383 in the great aslum-measure, the upper front, the second, the second, the second, the courtyard behind the house, the ziggurat of the temple of Ishtar,
  • 326 large aslum-plants, the lower front on the south, next to the Tigris, I filled with water and I grew tall.
  • In the distant past, in the flood of the world, its foundations were not firm. I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. I wrote a foundation inscription written in my name on a terrace 100 courses of brick inside it and deposited it on its foundations. After the terrace had been built, the terrace was a hazard, and I surrounded it with 20 courses of brick above the previous one and I raised it 100 courses of brick higher.

    As for the one who in the future will make the foundations of the palace secure, he added the foundations of the former palace and made them secure. The palace of cedar, elephant ivory, ebony, a linen garment, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth, the palace of Egalzanuditukua, for my royal residence, he had built therein.

    A vegetable garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, whose fruit is all kinds of aromatics, fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, inside it, I ..., because of the zaqappu-plants, fruit trees, a field of marshland above the city of two panu, to the citizens of Nineveh I provided and I provided for them.

    To make the cultic rites acceptable, I made the cultic rites acceptable from the plain to the city Kisiri, to the plain of Nineveh, the mountain, and the fortresses, and I made them acceptable. The canal Har.

  • 1 1/2 hectares of land from the Husur canal, the eternal sea, I made its area greater, and I made it more abundant than those fields.
  • I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I enlarged its squares, I surrounded the alleys and streets with them and made them shine like daylight. In the courtyard of the city, with baked bricks and baked bricks, I made them stand in their entirety for my lordly majesty. I had a titurru-crucible made and I established for all of the enemies with the support of Ashur, the great lord, my lord,

    and whatever I have done there, I wrote down and placed it on the foundations of my lordly palace. In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that palace becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

  • 1 34 each, the inscriptions of the scribal art, month "Ayyaru," eponymy of Mitunu, governor of Isana.
  • P421790: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ la sza2-na-an _re-e2-um_ mut-nen-nu-u2 pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-sza2-ri e-pisz u2-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lu git2-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-sza2-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni

    (d)asz-szur _kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 _lugal_-ut la sza2-na-an u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar-ba-a _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-dun-ia-asz2 a-di _erin2 hi-a_ elam-ma(ki) re-s,i-szu2 i-na ta-mir-ti kisz(ki) asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2

    i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i2-ir _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ sza ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u2-masz-szi-ru ik-szu#-da _szu-min_-a-a a-na _e2-gal_-szu2 sza qe2-reb babila2(ki) ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ u2-nu-ut _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu2 _nig2-szu nig2-gur11_ ni#-s,ir#-tu# ka-bit-tu

    _dam_-su (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)tirum-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba#-szu#-u2 mut-tab-bi-lu-tu2 _e2-gal_-usz u2-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia 1(gesz2) 2(u) 9(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni sza (kur)kal-di u3 6(disz) _me_ 2(u) _iri-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un

    (lu2)ur2-bi (lu2)a-ra-mu (lu2)kal-du sza qe2-reb unu(ki) nibru(ki) kisz(ki) (iri)hur-sag-kalam-ma gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) a-di _dumu-mesz iri en_ hi-it,-t,i u2-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)en-du3 _dumu (lu2)gal-du3_ i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) u2-szad-gil pa-ni-szu2 _ugu_ gi-mir na-ge-e (kur)kal-di (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-na _(lu2)nam_-ti asz2-kun-ma ni#-ir# be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (lu2)tu-'u-mu-na (lu2)ri-hi-hu (lu2)ia-daq-qu (lu2)u2-bu-du (lu2)gib-re-e (lu2)ma-la-hu (lu2)gu-ru-mu (lu2)u2-bu-lum (lu2)da-mu-nu (lu2)gam-bu-lum (lu2)hi-in-da-ru (lu2)ru-'u-u-a (lu2)pu-qu-du (lu2)ha-am-ra-a-nu (lu2)ha-ga-ra-nu (lu2)na-ba-tu (lu2)li-i'-ta-a-u2 (lu2)a-ra-mu la kan-szu-ti mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me_ 8(disz) _lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus_ 7(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz_ 1(u) 1(disz) _lim_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) _ansze-mesz_ 5(disz) _lim_ 2(disz) _me_ 3(u) _(ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) _lim_ 1(disz) _me gu4-mesz_ 8(disz) _me lim_ 6(disz) _me u8-udu hi-a_ szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu asz2-lu-la a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki)
  • i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz (lu2)qi2-pi (iri)ha-ra-ra-te _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ta-mar-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu am-hur ba-hu-la-te (iri)hi-rim-me _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib pag-ri-szu2-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hi-ir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-me

    na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1(disz)-en _gu4_ 1(u) _udu-nita2-mesz_ 1(u) _ansze gesztin_ 2(u) _ansze zu2-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu2 a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _en-mesz_-ia u2-kin da3-ri-szam i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 lu al-lik

    qe2-reb hur-sza2-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _(gesz)gigir giri3-min_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-a-te u2-sza2-asz2-szi asz2-ru szup-szu-qu ina _giri3-min_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah (iri)ha-ar-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    u3 _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 ap-pul aq-qur u2-sze-me kar-mesz _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz u2-sze-mi u2-ter-ma (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na (iri)bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni _bad3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-ma _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia ina lib3-bi u2-sze-szib

    _ug3-mesz kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-i u2-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na (iri)har-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti u2-szar-me i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu2-nu-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a_ u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tu ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ sza _ugu_-szu2-un asz2-tak-ka-nu s,e-ru-usz-szu2 u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma i-na qe2-reb _iri_ ul-ziz

    pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu _dagal_-ti _gin7 muru9_ as-hu-up (iri)mar-u2-bisz-ti (iri)ak-ku-ud-du _iri-mesz e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di 3(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ la mi-nam asz2-lu-lam-ma a-di la ba-szi-i u2-sza2-lik-szu-ma u2-s,a-ah-hi-ir ma-a-su (iri)s,i-s,i-ir-tu (iri)ku-um-ma-ah-lum _iri-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti a-di _iri-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu (kur)e2-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u na-gu-u a-na gi-mir-ti-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-rad-di

    (iri)el-en-za-asz2 a-na _iri lugal_-ti u3 dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu2 mah-ra-a u2-nak-kir-ma (iri)kar-(disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _ug3-mesz kur-mesz_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)har-har am-nu-ma u2-rap-pisz ma-a-ti

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u zi-kir _kur_-szu2-un man-da-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-ni-su-nu-ti i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)hat-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na ru-uq-qi2 _muru2_ tam-tim in-na-bit

    (iri)s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u2 (iri)s,i-du-un-nu s,e-eh-ru (iri)e2-zi-it-te (iri)s,a-ri-ip-tu (iri)ma-hal-li-ba (iri)u2-szu-u2 (iri)ak-zi-bi (iri)ak-ku-u2 _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti u3 masz-qi2-ti _e2_ tuk-la-te-szu2 ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu2 sze-pu-u-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)mi-ni-hi-im-mu (iri)sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lum (iri)s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti (iri)a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u2-ru-mil-ki (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti (iri)as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-dingir (kur)e2-am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi (kur)ma-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu (kur)u2-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ka-li-szu2-un _igi-sa2_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4(disz)-szu2 a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    u3 (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal_ (iri)is-qa-al-lu-na sza2 la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur u2-rasz-szu2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu2-nu mah-ru-u2 _ugu un-mesz_ (iri)is-qa-al-lu-na asz2-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mi3-su-ma i-sza2-at, ab-sza2-a-ni

    i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)e2-da-gan-na (iri)ia-ap-pu-u (iri)ba-na-a-a-bar-qa (iri)a-zu-ru _iri-mesz_ sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _giri3-min_-ia ar2-hisz la ik-nu-szu2 al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu _en_ a-de-e u3 ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu2 nak-risz

    a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu ip-lah3 _sza3_-szu2-un _lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ri _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha e-mu-qi2 la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-su-un i-na ta-mir-ti (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 el-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2-un i-na tukul-ti asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu2-un am-da-hi-is,-ma asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un

    _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ u3 _dumu-mesz lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha bal-t,u-su-un i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 (iri)ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un a-na (iri)am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u2-szab-szu-u a-duk-ma ina di-ma-a-ti si-hir-ti _iri_ a-lul pag-ri-szu2-un

    _dumu-mesz iri_ e-pisz an-ni u3 gil2-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu2-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti u3 gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu2-nu la ib-szu-u2 usz-szur-szu2-un aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma u2-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da-a-a 4(u) 6(disz) _iri-mesz_-ni-szu2 _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti u3 _iri-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me u3 qit-ru-ub szu-pi-i mit-hu-us, zu-uk _giri3-min_ pil-szi nik-si u3 kal-ban-na-te al-me ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me lim_ 1(disz) _me_ 5(u) _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 _u8-udu hi-a_ sza la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu
  • sza2-a-szu2 _gin7 muszen_ qu-up-pi qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-sir2-szu (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka2-gal iri_-szu2 u2-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (iri)as-du-di u3 (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (kur)ha-zi-te ad-din-ma u2-s,a-ah-hi-ir _kur_-su

    e#-li# _gun#_ mah#-ri#-ti# na#-dan# szat#-ti#-szu2#-un# man-da-at-tu2 kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u2-rad-di-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un szu-u2 (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 pul#-hi# me#-lam#-me# be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma (lu2)ur2-bi u3 _(lu2)erin2-mesz_-szu2 _saga-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nun# _iri#-ur_-sa-li-im-mu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u til-la-a-te

  • 3(u) _gun ku3-sig17_ 8(disz) _me gun ku3-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tak2-kas3-si _(na4)an-za-gul-me gal-mesz (gesz)na2-mesz zu2 (gesz)gu-za-mesz_ ne2-me-di _zu2 kusz am-si zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _(tug2)gada_ (siki)ta-kil-tu2 (siki)ar-ga-man-nu
  • u2-nu-ut _zabar an-bar uruda an-na an-bar (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ga-ba-bi az-ma-re-e si-ri-ia-am _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi til-pa-ni u us,-s,i til-li u2-nu-ut ta-ha-zi sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 it-ti _dumu#-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz_ (munus)_nar-mesz_ a-na qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia _egir_-ia u2-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na-dan man-da-at-ti u3 e-pesz _ARAD2_-u2-ti isz-pu-ra rak-bu-szu

    i-na szal-la-at _kur-mesz_ sza2-ti-na sza asz2-lu-la 1(u) _lim (gesz)pan_ 1(u) _lim_ (gesz)a-ri-tu2 ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu ak-s,ur-ma _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di si-it-ti szal-la-at na-ki-ri ka-bit-tu a-na gi-mir _karasz_-ia u3 _(lu2)en-nam_-ia _ug3-mesz_ ma-ha-za-ni-ia _gal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni lu u2-za-'i-iz i-na u4-me-szu-ma nina(ki) ma-ha-zu s,i-i-ru _iri_ na-ram (d)isz-tar sza nap-har ki-du-de-e _dingir-mesz_ u3 _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ ba-szu-u qe2-reb-szu

    tem-me-en-nu da-ru-u2 du-ru-usz s,a-a-ti sza ul-tu ul-la it-te szi-t,ir bu-ru-u2-me es,-rat-su es,-ret-ma szu-pu-u2 s,i-in-du-szu asz2-ru nak-lu szu-bat pi-risz-ti sza mim-ma szum-szu2 szi-pir ni-kil-ti gi-mir pel-lu-de-e ni-s,ir-ti lal3-gar szu-ta-bu-lu qe2-reb-szu sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia ul-la-nu-u-a be-lu-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pu-szu-ma u2-ma-'e-ru ba-'u-lat (d)en-lil2

    u3 szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a e-reb la nar-ba-a-ti _gun_ mal-ki kib-rat ar-ba-'i im-da-na-ah-ha-ru qe2-reb-szu a-a-um-ma i-na lib3-bi-szu2-nu a-na _e2-gal_ qer-bi-szu kum2-mu ri-mit be-lu-ti sza s,u-uh-hu-ru szu-bat-su le-e-su ul id-da-a lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us a-na szu-te-szur _sila iri_ u3 szum-dul re-ba-a-ti ha-re-e _i7_ za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti u2-zu-un-szu ul ib-szi-ma ul usz-ta-bil ka-ras-su

    ia-a-ti (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ki-i t,e3-em _dingir-mesz_ i-na uz-ni-ia ib-szi-ma ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma te-ne-szet (kur)kal-di (lu2)a-ra-me (kur)man-na-a-a (kur)qu-e (kur)hi-lak-ku (kur)pi-lisz-te u3 (kur)s,ur-ri sza a-na ni-ir-ia la ik-nu-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4_

    a-pe ku-pe-e sza qe2-reb (kur)kal-di ak-szit,-ma ap-pa-ri-szu2-un szam-hu-ti i-na ba-hu-la-te na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia u2-szal-di-da a-na e-pesz szip-ri-sza2 _e2-gal_ mah-ri-tu sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 us2_ i-na tar-s,i za-me-e _e2_ ziq-qur-rat 1(gesz2) 2(u) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na tar-s,i (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_ (d)isz-tar 1(disz) _me_ 3(u) 4(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_ i-na tar-s,i (e2)na-ma-ri _e2_-kid9-mu-ri 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 dagal_

    sza _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 (i7)te-bil-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu-ru sza i-na na-szi-sza2 ge-gu-ne2-e qa-bal-ti _iri_ u2-ab-bi-tu-ma ki-mah-hi-szu2-un pa-az-ru-ti u2-kal-li-mu (d)utu-szu2 u3 ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ t,e-eh _e2-gal_ i-ba-'u-u2-ma i-na _illu_-sza2 gap-szi i-na usz-szi-sza2 ab-bu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-sza2

    _e2-gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 aq-qur-ma sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 usz-te-esz-na-a ab-bu usz-t,ib-ma u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-u-sza2 qe2-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ku-sza2 szap-la-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _na4 kur_-i dan-ni it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si-ma _a-sza3_ ul-tu ma-a-me u2-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u2-ter

  • 7(disz) _me_ ina 1(disz) _kusz3 as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki an-ta (im)si-sa2_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 8(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki muru2_-tim me2-eh-ret za-me-e at-man-ni ku-tal (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ qab-li-tum sza2-ni-tum mu-uh-hur-ti sza2-a-ri a-mur-ri ku-tal _e2_ ziq-qur-rat _e2_ (d)isz-tar
  • 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki ki-ta (im)u18-lu us2-sa-du_ (i7)idigna tam-la-a u2-mal-li-ma am-szu-uh me-szi-ih-ta
  • la-ba-risz u4-me i-na _illu_ kisz-sza2-ti tem-me-en-szu2 la e-ne2-sze as-kup-pat (na4)pi-i-li rab-ba-a-ti ki-su-u2-szu u2-sza2-as-hi-ra u2-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-szu _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi-ia 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ti-ib-ki tam-li-i qe2-reb-szu2 al-t,u-ur-ma szap-la-nu ina usz-szi-szu e-zib ah-ra-tasz ar-ka-a-nu szu-usz-qu-u2 tam-li-i ka-bat-ti ub-lam-ma 2(u) ti-ib-ki s,e-er mah-ri-i us,-s,ip-ma 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u) ti-ib-ki u2-szaq-qi2 e-la-nisz

    tar-pa-szu-u2 _ugu_ sza u4-mu pa-ni u2-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti _e2-gal_ mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma u2-sza2-an-di-la szi-kit-tasz _e2-gal (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-ni _(gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3_ (gesz)dap2-ra-ni (szim)_li_ u3 (gesz)bu-ut,-ni e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia u2-sze-pi-sza2 qe2-reb-szu2

    _(gesz)kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil (kur)ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gesz-mesz_ tuk-lat _kur_-i u3 (kur)kal-di qe2-reb-szu2 hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-sza2 az-qu-up asz2-szu2 za-qa-ap s,ip-pa-a-ti _a-sza3_ ta-mir-ti e-le-en _iri 2(barig)-ta-am3_ a-na _dumu-mesz_ nina(ki) pil-ku u2-pal-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu2-un a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i (iri)ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti _nina(ki) kur_-a u3 bi-ru-tu2 ina ak-kul-la-a-ti u2-szat-tir-ma u2-sze-szir (i7)har-ru

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qe2-reb (i7)hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u2-ti a-szar-sza2 u2-szar-da-a qe2-reb s,ip-pa-ti sza2-ti-na u2-szah-bi-ba pat-ti-isz
  • sza nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia szu-bat-su usz-rab-bi re-ba-ti-szu2 u2-sza2-an-dil-ma bi-re-e-ti u3 su-qa-a-ni usz-par-di-ma u2-nam-mir _gin7_ u4-me i-na me2-eh-ret _ka2-gal muru2 iri_ i-na a-gur2-ri (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e a-na me-ti-iq be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-bi-is ti-tur-ru _mu-sar_-a u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tum u3 da-na-nu sza i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en gal en_-ia _ugu_ kul-lat na-ki-ri asz2-tak-ka-nu

    u3 mim-ma ep-szet e-tep-pu-szu qe2-reb-szu2 u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma i-na tem-me-en-ni _e2-gal_ be-lu-ti-ia i-zib ah-ra-tasz a-na ar-kat3 u4-me i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu e-nu-ma _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li-ter (d)asz-szur ik-ri-bi-szu i-szem-me

  • _1(disz) usz 3(u) 4(disz)-ta-am3 mu-didli mu-sar_-e (iti)gu4-si-sa2 li-mu (disz)mi-tu-nu _(lu2)gar-kur_ (iri)i-sa-na
  • AI Translation

    Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, unrivalled king, pious shepherd who reveres the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning:

    The god Ashur, the great mountain, granted to me unrivalled sovereignty and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. In the first campaign of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish I established his defeat.

    In the middle of that battle he sat down, his camp he abandoned, and his life he saved. The chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that he had abandoned in the thick of battle he captured, my hands to his palace which is in Babylon joyfully entered, and I opened his treasure house. Gold, silver, gold, silver, precious stones, everything, possessions, and property, a substantial treasure,

    his wife, the people of his palace, the stewards, the stewards, all the craftsmen, as many as there were, the fugitives of his palace, I brought out and I counted them as booty. With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered 129 of his fortified cities, the temples of Chaldea, and 620 smaller settlements in their environs.

    The urbi, the Arameans, the Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Endu, the son of the chief cook, sat on his royal throne. I made the people of Akkad bow down at his feet. I set my eunuchs over all the districts of Chaldea and I installed them as governors and imposed upon them the yoke of my lordship.

    On my return march, I defeated the Tu'una, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, and the insubmissive Arameans.

  • 28,000 people, young and old, male and female, 72,000 horses and mules, 11,113 donkeys, 5,223 camels, 210,100 oxen, 8,600 sheep and goats, substantial booty I carried off to Assyria.
  • In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: gold, silver, large musukkannu-trees, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats. The population of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, was struck down with weapons and fled. I did not spare any of their fighting men. I roamed around the city and surrounded the city.

    I reorganized that district. I imposed one ox, 10 sheep, 10 homers of wine, and 20 homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria, my lords. On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, I marched.

    In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my personal chariot carried on men's necks. I was able to carry out the task very quickly on my own. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I captured and brought out from them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats.

    and their smaller settlements, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruin hills. I burned with fire the houses of the steppe, their cult centers, and their cult centers, and then I turned them into ruin hills. I returned that city E-Kilamzah to the fortified city and strengthened its walls more than before, and I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

    The people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who had fled from my weapons, I brought out of the mountains and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Ekubatu. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of Arrapha. I had a stele made and I had the privileged status of a stele written upon it, and I erected it in the city.

    I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road to the land Ellipi. Before my arrival, Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with 34 smaller settlements in their environs.

    I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number, and I brought him to an end and he took away his land. The cities Shishirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, I ripped out from his land and added it to the territory of Assyria.

    I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district and changed its former name and called it Kar-Sennacherib. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed it under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of Harhar, and enlarged my land.

    On my return march, I received a substantial payment from the distant Medes, of whose land none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard mention. I made them bow down to the yoke of my lordship. On the third day of my campaign I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of Sidon, and he fled to the middle of the sea.

    The great Sidon, the distant Sidon, the Ezittu, the Sharippu, the Mahalliba, the Ushu, the Akzibi, and the Akku, his fortified cities, the walls of the places of refuge and abode, the house of his trust, the great weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they bowed down to me. Tu-Ba'lu sat on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him a tribute and payment of my lordship, without interruption, and imposed upon him a payment.

    As for Minihimmu of the cities Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lum of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Gubla, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Eammana, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, before me and kissed my feet.

    Moreover, Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, his brother, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and the seed of his father's house I took away and returned to Assyria. Lugal-lu-dari, son of Rukibti, their former king, I set over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts of my lordship and he was seated in the throne.

    In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Edagan, Yapu, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly. I carried off their booty. The governors, nobles, and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, lord of treaties and oaths of Assyria, had cast iron fetters and gave them to Hazazaqû of the land Judah.

    They seized the kings of Egypt, the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, without number, and they went and their forces gathered in the plain of the city Eltekeh, their holy city. They slew their weapons with the support of Ashur, my lord, and I brought about their defeat.

    The chariot owners and the sons of the kings of Egypt, together with the chariot owners of the king of Meluhha, were victorious in the middle of the sea. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Allaqu and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and I killed them in a raging battle in the whole city. I carried off their corpses.

    I gave the citizens of the city who had perpetrated this sin and evil to be plundering; their rest were not guilty of any crime or crime, whose punishments were not severed, I said to them. Padî, their king, brought them out of Ursallim and sat them on the lordly throne over them, and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship.

    of Hazaqiau of the land Judah, 46 cities, fortresses and smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, in a snare of rams and a snare of arrows, fighting, a snare, a snare, and a snare I marched.

  • 2,100,150 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number, I brought out of them and counted them as booty.
  • As for him, he smashed the ... bird into the city Ursallim, his royal city, and he razed, destroyed, and burned the fortified cities upon him and he razed, destroyed, and burned his cities, which I had plundered, from his land. I gave to Mitinti, king of the city Ashdod, and Padî, king of the city Ekron, and to Shilli-Bel, king of the land Hazaite, I imposed upon him.

    Upon the tribute of the previous year, they added to their regular offerings the payment of tribute and gifts of my lordship and imposed it upon them. That man, Hazaqiau, fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and he sent with him his corpse and his good troops, who had come to the protection of the city Ur-Salimmu, his royal city, and had finished their work.

  • 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, ..., large anzagulu-stones, thrones, thrones, scepters, elephant hides, elephant hides, ebony, multicolored garments, linen garments, tunics, ragamannu-garments,
  • The bronze, iron, copper, iron, ... chariots, the ..., the ..., the ..., the iron sword, the iron ..., the iron ..., the iron ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., which were without number, with his daughters, the people of his palace, the singers, the female singers, to Nineveh, my capital city, after me sent, and to give a payment and to do obeisance to me sent, his messenger.

    In the booty of those lands which I had plundered, I gathered 10,000 bows and 10,000 shields therein and added them to my royal contingent. The rest of the booty of the numerous enemies I divided among my entire camp and my governor, and the people of my great cult centers as if they were sheep. At that time, Nineveh, the exalted cult center, the city beloved of the goddess Ishtar, which all the rites of the gods and goddesses are inside it,

    The foundations of eternal life, whose foundations had been fashioned from the foundations of the foundations and whose features had been firmly established, a perfect place, a secret place, whose secrets, everything that is valuable, all of the rituals, and treasures that have been deposited inside it, whose foundations the kings, who came before me, my ancestors, had built, and whose lordship the land of Assyria had made great, the people of the god Enlil

    And a second time, without interruption, the unrelenting entrance of the princes of the four quarters was constantly praised inside it. No one among them had ever entrusted himself to the palace inside it, the abode of lordship, whose site had been too small. No one among them had ever entrusted himself with the securing of the city's streets and the securing of the streets, the ziggurrat, or the reed-beds of the canals, nor had they entrusted its reed beds.

    As for me, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the performing of this work by the will of the gods, he set out and my mood grew. The people of Chaldea, Aramean tribes, the land of the Manneans, the lands Que, Hilakku, Pilishite, and Tyre, who had not submitted to my yoke, I took away and their tablets I sent to them and they fashioned bricks.

    I cut down the cultic rites which are in Chaldea and I imposed upon them a punishment for the people who were hostile to me. I made them carry baskets of rations. For the construction of her work, the former palace which is 3 hundred and 125 cubits in length opposite the zamû-wall, the ziqqurrat, 190 and 144 cubits in width opposite the namaru-house, the temple of Ishtar, 144 and 144 cubits in width opposite the namaru-house, the temple of Kidmuru, 115 and 155 cubits in width

    which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had built for their lordly dwelling, but whose work they had not completed, the Tebilti River, the fresh water which in its course the gunû-trees of the city had seized and their cult centers had dissolved, Shamash and from distant days, when the edge of the palace had become weak and during its extensive flood, when its water had risen, they sank its foundations.

    I tore down that small palace in its entirety, then I made the canal Tebilti, its path, flow again and again, and its access-way I made enter. Inside its gateway, its access-way I made a grove of cedar, a strong mountain stone, with bitumen, and I brought the field out of the water and I turned it into a mound of ruins.

  • 7 hundred and sixty cubits is the large aslum-measure. 116, the large aslum-measure, the upper front on the north, 298, the smaller aslum-measure, the lower front on the muru-wall, opposite the zamû-measure, behind Ishtar;
  • 383 in the great aslum-measure, the upper front, the second, the second, the second, the courtyard behind the house of the ziggurrat, the temple of Ishtar,
  • 326 large aslum-plants, the lower front on the south, next to the Tigris, I filled with water and I grew tall.
  • In the distant past, during the flood, I did not alter its foundations. I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. I wrote a foundation inscription written in my name on a terrace 100 courses of brick inside it and deposited it on its foundations. Later, I enlarged the terrace, and then I enlarged the terrace to 20 courses of brick above and then I raised it to 100 courses of brick above.

    I made a new terrace over the former one, beside the former one, and I added it to the former palace and I completed it. I had the palace of alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, a linen garment, musukkannu-wood, cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and terebinth, the palace of Egalzanutukua, built for my royal residence therein.

    A vegetable garden, a replica of Mount Amanus, which has all kinds of aromatics, fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, inside it, I planted. Because of the zaqap of fruit trees, the field of the terrace above the city, 2 barig for the citizens of Nineveh I opened and brought to their attention. For the cultivation of the shumuhu-plant, from the border of the city Kisiri to the terrace of Nineveh, and the birutu I made from a canal irrigated and I planted the canal Harru.

  • 1 1/2 hectares of land from the Husur canal, the eternal sea, I made its area greater, and in those reed-beds I made them grow tall.
  • I enlarged the site of Nineveh, my capital city. I broadened its squares, I surrounded the alleys and streets with them and made them shine like daylight. In the courtyard of the city, with baked bricks and baked bricks, I made them stand in their entirety for my lordly majesty. I had a titurru-crucible made and I established for all my enemies with the support of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord.

    and whatever work I have done inside it I wrote down and placed on the foundations of my lordly palace. Afterwards, among the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur names for shepherding the land and people, his name, when that palace becomes old and dilapidated, may I renovate its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. The god Ashur will then hear his prayers.

  • 1 34 each, the inscriptions of the scribal art, month "Ayyaru," eponymy of Mitunu, governor of Isana.
  • P421791: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] a-na# [...] [...]-ia ina qi2-bit# [...] [...] s,e-er!(_sa_) (disz)um-man#-[...] [...] usz#-te-esz-sze-ra har-[x x] [...] sza2# ina ger-ri-ia mah-re#-[x] [...]-nen#-na (kur)ra#-a#-szi# (kur)ha-ma-nu# [...]-ge-szu2 ak-szu-ud [...]-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...]-szi# (kur)ha-ma-nu isz-me-e-ma [x x]-ti# an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) [...]-ia# is-hu-pu-szu2-ma [...] _lugal#_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma [...]-na (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si [...]-e# e-bir-ma [...] dan#-nu#-ti#-szu2 isz-kun [...]-ia#

    AI Translation

    ... to ... ... by the command of ... ... Umman-... ... he brought to a standstill ... ... which on my first campaign ...

    Column 2'


    [...]-gur2#-ri [...] [x x] u2#-kap-pi-ra [...] [x] _musz3#-szesz2 dingir#_ [...] sza asz2-bu ina pu-uz-ra#-[...] la im-ma-ru ep#-[...] (d)szu-mu-du (d#)[...] (d)pa-ar-ti-ki-ra (d)am#-[...] (d)u2-du-ra-an (d)[...] (d)ra#-gi-ba (d)su#-[...] (d)ka-ar-sa (d)ki#-ir#?-sa#?-[x x] (d)szu-da-a-nu (d)a-a-pa#?-ag#?-[x x] (d)bi-la-la (d)pa-ni-in#-[x x] (d)si-la-ga-ra-a (d)na-ab-sa#-[x] (d)na-bir-tu (d)ki-in#-da#-[x x] _[x]-mesz# (d#)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ sza-a-tu#-[x] [...]-nu# _nig2#-ga#_-szu#-[x]

    AI Translation

    P421793: other-genre tablet

    nan CDLI



    [...] x [...] [...] _mesz_ ina [...] [...] _suhusz-mesz_-sza2 [...] [...] _gar#_ ga-me-[...] [...] _gar_ [...] [... 1(u)] 5(disz) gar im dingir_ [...] [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u) gar sig5_ [...] [...] _gar dingir_-sza2 [...] [...] _du14#_ [...] [...]-sa? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... her foundations ... ... ... ... 15 ... ... god ... 210 ... favorable ... ... ... her god ...



    [...] _szu#-si-mesz gir3-min_ [1(u) 5(disz) ...] [...] _szu-si-mesz gir3-min_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) [...] [...] _ki#-ta murgu gir3-min 1(u) 5(disz) gar suhusz-mesz_-sza2# [...] [...] lu# 2(gesz2) 3(u)-sza2 _gar_ me-si-ra [...] [...] _mesz# sa5-mesz du3 su-mesz_-sza2 _diri-mesz munus-bi_ [...] [...] _mesz# ge6#-mesz du3 su-mesz_-sza2 _diri?-mesz u4-mesz#_ [...] [...] _babbar#-mesz du3 su-mesz_-sza2 _diri!-mesz u4_ [...] [... sag-ki dingir hul2-la_ a x [...] [...] _mu szid-bi-im_ alam-dim#-[x ...]

    [...] x ku _gim sumun_-szu2 _sar_-ma [...] [...] x-har sza2 _gisz_ u i-x [...] [...] u2 _hal_ ru-u2 x [...] [...] x x da x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... fingers, feet 15 ... fingers, feet 115 ... ... fingers, feet 15 ... lower side of the vertebrae, feet 15 ... its foundations ... a man 115 ... its horns ... reddish ... her thighs, dissolved, its women ... ... ... nights, dissolved, her thighs, dissolved, days ... white ... her thighs, dissolved, days ... forehead of the joyful god ... ... name of the inscription of the alumdim-.

    ... ... written according to its original and ... ... of ... and ...

    P421794: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-li# _man#_ (kur#)s,ur-ri [x x] _muru2#_ tam-tim al-lik [...]-ti#-ia la is,-s,u-ru [...] zi#-kir szap-te-ia [...]-szu2# u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim [...]-e#-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit [...]-iq# u2-kar-ri [...] u2#-szak-ni-su-nu-ti [...]-it# lib3-bi-szu2 [...] _szesz#-mesz#_-szu2# [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... king of the land Tyre ... the middle of the sea I marched ... my ... did not keep watch ... the words of my lips ... he smashed ... in the sea ... he captured ... he smashed ... he smashed ... he made them ... he made them ... his heart ... his brothers .

    Column 2'


    ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) [...] sza2-qu-um#-ma-tu2 [...] (disz)ah#-sze#-e#-ra la pa#-[...] an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) im-nu-szu2 [...] _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu e-li#-[...] ina _sila iri#_-szu2# id#-du#-[...] _egir#-[...]_ u2#-[...] da#-[...]

    AI Translation

    a journey of 15 days ... shakummatu ... Ahshera did not ... the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... the people of his land ... ... in the street of his city ...

    P421798: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [_...]-mesz#_-eri-ba [...] _lugal#_ kisz-sza2-ti [...] kib#-rat _limmu2_-ti [...]-gir# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [...] mi-sza2-ri [...]-ut a-ki-i [...] git2-ma-lum [...] mal-ki [...] ma#-gi-ri [...]-a#-ni

    AI Translation

    ...mes-eriba ... king of the world ... of the four quarters of the world ... the great gods ... the ... ... as ... perfect ... rulers ... ... .

    Column 2


    qe2-reb hur-sza2-a-ni [...] i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar#-[...] i-na ti-ik-ka#-[...] asz2-ru szup-szu-[...] (iri#)_e2_-[...] _iri-mesz_-[...] _ug3-mesz_ [...] _gu4_ [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    In the high mountains ... in a horse ... in a ..., in a ..., in a ..., in a ..., in a ..., in a ..., in a ..., in a ..., in a temple ..., in cities ..., people ... oxen ... .

    P421807: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a# [...] an#-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dumu lugal gal_-u2# [x] _e2#_ ri-du-u-ti sza an-szar2 u (d)sin _en#_ [x x]-tu# _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ ni#-bit# _mu_-szu2 iz-ku#-[x x]-na _lugal_-u-ti u3# ina _sza3 ama_-szu2 ib-nu-szu2# [x x] _sipa#_-ut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (d)utu (d)iszkur# u# (d#)1(u)-5(disz)# ina _esz#-[x]_-szu2#-nu ke-e-ni iq#-bu-u2 e-pesz _lugal#_-ti-ia (disz#)an-szar2-pap-szum2-na _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a

    sza iq-bu-u-szu2 e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia# ina _(iti#)gu4# iti_ (d)e2-a _en_ te-ne2-sze-e-ti _u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam ud sze-ga sum-nig2_ sza (d)gu-la ina e#-pesz# pi-i mut-tal-li sza an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d#)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d#)szar#-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u#-gur# (d)nusku iq-bu-u2 u2-pah-hir _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) _tur_ u _gal_ sza tam-tim e-li-ti u3 szap-liti a#-na# na-s,ir _dumu# lugal_-ti-ia u3 _egir_-nu

    _lugal#_-tu# _kur#_ an-szar2(ki) e-pe-sze a-de-e _mu dingir-mesz_ u2#-sza2#-az#-kir2-szu2-nu-ti u2-dan-ni-na rik-sa-a-te ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te e-ru-ub ina _e2 usz_-u-ti asz2#-ru nak#-lu mar-kas _lugal_-u-ti sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad_ a-li-di-ia _dumu# lugal_-tu2 u3 _lugal_-tu2 e-pu-szu2 ina lib3-bi-szu2 a-szar (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad du3_-u-a qe2-reb-szu2 i'-al-du ir-bu-u e-pu-szu2 be-lut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) gi-mir# ma-al-ki ir-du-u kim-tu2 u2-rap-pi-szu2 ik-s,u-ru ni-szu-tu2 u sa-la-tu2

    u3 a-na-ku# (disz)an-szar2-du3-a qe2-reb-szu2 a#-hu-uz ne2-me-qi2 (d)ag kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-u-ti sza2 gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 ih-ze-szu2-nu a-hi-it, al-ma-ad sza2-le-e _(gesz)pan_ ru-kub _ansze-kur-ra (gesz)gigir_ s,a-bat (kusz)a-sza2-a-te ina qi2#-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 az-ku-ra ni-bit-sun2 a-da-bu-ba ta-nit-ta-szu2-un iq-bu-u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia za-nin esz-re-e-ti-szu2-un u2-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a ke-mu-u-a e-tap-pa-lu _en_ s,al-ti-ia i-na-ru ga-re-ia

    zi-ka-ru qar-du na-ram an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) li-ip-li-pi _lugal_-u-ti a-na-ku ul-tu an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku t,a-bisz u2-sze-szi-bu-in-ni ina _(gesz)gu-za ad du3_-ia (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _1(disz) kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-szu2
  • e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu 5/6(disz) _1(disz) kusz3_ _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze#_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum ina mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ma2-kan u (kur)me-luh-ha lu al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u2 _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad du3_-u-a

    da-na-an an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu2 e-li# _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad du3_-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-te u3 e-kem (kur)mu-s,ur il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-ru-um-ma u2-szib qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi _iri_ sza2 _ad du3_-u-a ik-szu-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-ter-ru al-la-ku ha-an-t,u qe2-reb nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti _ugu_ ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti

    lib3-bi e-gug-ma is,-s,a-ru-uh ka-bit-ti asz2-szi _szu-min_-ia u2-s,al-li an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) asz-szur-i-tu2 ad-ke-e-ma e-mu-qi2-ia s,i-ra-a-te sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-mal-lu-u _szu-min_-u-a a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia

  • _2(u)-am3_ 2(disz)# _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-hi tam-tim _muru2_ tam-tim u na-ba-li
  • _ARAD-mesz_ da#-gil2 pa-ni-ia ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu2 ina mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _lugal-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu a-di e-mu-qi2-szu2-nu _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-szu2-nu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li it-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-hu pa-da-nu u2-sza2-as,-bit-su-nu-ti a-na na-ra-ru-u-ti sza2 _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur _ARAD-mesz_-ni da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)kar-(d)du3-ti

    a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2 (gesz)tukul-mesz_ u3 _me3_ ina mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 _(d)en (d)ag dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut _a2-min_-ia ina _me3 edin_ rap-szi asz2-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2 (disz)tar-qu-u ina qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) is-hu-pu-szu2-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz2 me-lam-me _lugal_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu2-ma

    (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _iri_ szu2-a-tu2 as,-bat _erin2-hi-a_-ia u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina lib3-bi (disz)ni-ku-u2 _lugal_ (iri)me-em-pi u (iri)sa-a-a (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _lugal_ (iri)s,i-i'-nu (disz)pi-sza2-an-hu-ru _lugal_ (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal_ (iri)pi-szap-tu2 (disz)bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i'-pi _lugal_ (iri)ha-at-hi-ri-bi (disz)na-ah-ke-e _lugal_ (iri)hi-ni-in-szi (disz)pu-t,u-bisz-ti _lugal_ (iri)s,a-a'-nu

    (disz)u2-na-mu-nu _lugal_ (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)hur-si-ia-e-szu2 _lugal_ (iri)s,ab-nu-ti (disz)pu-u2-a-a-ma _lugal_ (iri)pi-in-t,i-t,i (disz)su-si-in-qu _lugal_ (iri)pu-szi-ru (disz)tap-na-ah-ti _lugal_ (iri)pu-nu-bu (disz)bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i'-pi _lugal_ (iri)ah-ni (disz)ep-ti-mur-t,e-e-szu2 _lugal_ (iri)pi-ha-at-ti-hu-ru-un-pi-ki (disz)na-ah-ti-hu-ru-an-si-ni _lugal_ (iri)pi-szap-di-'a-a (disz)bu-kur-ni-ni-ip _lugal_ (iri)pa-ah-nu-ti (disz)s,i-ha-a _lugal_ (iri)szi-ia-a-u-tu2

    (disz)la-mi3-in-tu2 _lugal_ (iri)hi-mu-ni (disz)isz-pi-ma-t,u _lugal_ (iri)ta-a-a-ni (disz)ma-an-ti-me-an-he-e _lugal_ (iri)ni-i' _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti _(lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a sza2 la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu2-un u2-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u2 _edin_ u2-ter-ma a-szar# pi-qit-ti-szu2-un ina masz-kan2-i-szu2-un ap-qid-su-nu-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-su sza2 _ad du3_-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat

    _en-nun-mesz ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-nin-ma u2-rak-ki-sa rik-sa-a-te it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _egir_-nu _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti ma-la ap-qi2-du ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz mun_ e-pu-us-su-(nu)-ti im-szu2-ma lib3-ba-szu2-nu ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu2 da-bab sur-ra-a-te id-bu-bu-ma mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu2-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u-ma at-tu-ni a-sza2-ba-ni mi3-i-nu

    e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me u2-ma-'e-e-ru (lu2)rak-be2-e-szu2-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni sza2-nu-um-ma be-lum a-na _erin2-hi-a kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-muq _en_-ti-ia sza2 a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu usz-zi-zu isz-te-ne2-'u-u a-mat _hul_-tim (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-te an-na-a-te isz-mu-u (lu2)rak-be2-e-szu2-un a-di szip-ra-a-te-szu2-nu is,-bat-u-nim-ma

    e-mu-ru ep-szet sur-ra-a-te-szu2-un _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-te is,-bat-u-nim-ma ina bi-re-ti _an-bar_ isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-hu _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ ma#-mit an#-szar2 _man dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-su-nu-ti-ma sza2 ih-t,u-u ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz mun szu-min_-szu2-un u2-ba-'i-i-ma sza2 e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du#-un-qu _ug3-mesz_ (iri)sa-a-a (iri)pi-in-t,i-t,i (iri)s,i-i'-nu#

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, ... of the gods Ashur and Ninlil, the great son of the king, ... the royal house of the god Ashur and the goddess Sîn, the lord of ... long days, the oath of his name, ... kingship and in the heart of his mother he created ... shepherd of Assyria, Shamash, Adad and Ishtar in their steadfast ... they commanded me to exercise my kingship. Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me,

    which he said concerning my exercising the kingship, in the month Ayyaru II, the month of Ea, the lord of the people, the 12th day, the day of the sattukku-offering of Gula, in the exercise of the extispicy of Ashur, Ninlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, they had commanded, they had assembled the people of Assyria, young and old, of the Upper and Lower Seas, to guard my royal majesty and afterwards

    As for the kingship of Assyria, the exercise of the treaty, the name of the gods, they made them swear a treaty and strengthened the rites. With joy and rejoicing, they entered the house of the dead. The mighty, the kingship-servant, whose kingship Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, the son of the king, and kingship he had done, in his heart, where Esarhaddon, the father who had engendered me, had sat, he had exercised, and he had exercised, the lordship of Assyria, all rulers, he established, he broadened his family, he made a scepter, and a scepter,

    And I, Ashurbanipal, in it I sought out the wisdom of Nabû, all of the scribal arts, which all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, had seized. I went down to the quay. By the command of the great gods, who had commanded me, I spoke their praises. They commanded my exercise of kingship, the provisioning of their shrines, and they listened to my prayers. The lord of my assault swore to me,

    I, from Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the good ones, they placed me on the throne of the father who had engendered me. Adad his rains he slew, Ea his springs he slew.

  • 5 1 cubits of barley, ... in its furrow,
  • he slew. The harvest, the harvest of the napû-priests, the harvest of the Nisaba-priests, he constantly slew. The reed-beds, the reed-beds, the reed-beds, the reed-beds, the cattle-pen, the shorn sheep, in my reign, abundance, in my years, abundance, in the midst of my campaign, to Makan and Meluhha I marched. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me,

    The might of Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, he saw, and trusted in his own strength. Above the kings and officials who were in Egypt appointed, the father who had engendered me, to kill and plunder Egypt, came to their aid. He entered and settled in Memphis, the city which the father who had engendered me had conquered, to the border of Assyria returned. He went quickly to Nineveh and he made me bow down to these deeds.

    My heart was frightened and my substantial booty was seized. I slew my hands and slew the Assyrian gods. I mustered my great forces that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had filled with. I took the road to Egypt and Kush. In the course of my campaign

  • 20 kings of the Upper Sea, Lower Sea and Upper Sea,
  • The servants who belonged to me brought their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet. Those kings together with their forces and their boats in the sea and the mountains with my troops iii 5' a raging battle he made them take. For the sacrificial offerings of the kings and officials in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, I marched quickly and marched as far as Kar-Dute.

    On my third campaign he heard of this and before me to wage war and battle he came. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, who march at my side, in a widespread pitched battle I brought about the defeat of his troops. Taharqa heard from inside Memphis. The roaring of his troops overwhelmed him and he came before him. The brilliance of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he sat down at his feet.

    He abandoned the city Memphis and fled to save his life. I took to the city Nineveh, that city. I brought my troops and settled them therein. I brought out Nikû, the king of Memphis and Sa'a, Lugal-lu-dari, the king of Shi'inu, Pishanhuru, the king of Nathû, Paqruru, the king of Pishaptu, Buuk-kanan-ni'pi, the king of Hathiru, Nahkê, the king of Hininshi, Putu-bishti, the king of Sha'anu,

    Nunamunu, king of Nathû; Hursiya'eshu, king of Sabnutu; Pu'aya, king of Piintitu; Susinqu, king of Pushhiru; Tapnahti, king of Punubu; Buuk-kananni'pi, king of Ahnu; Epti-murtishu, king of Pihatti-huruppu; Nahti-hurunsini, king of Pishapdi'a; Bukur-ninip, king of Pahnutu; Shiha, king of Shiyatu;

    Laminate, king of the city Hipunu; Ishpimatu, king of the city Tanu; and Manti-manhe, king of the city Ni'; these kings, governors and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts before the death of Taharqa, and had fled into the open country, and where their posts I appointed in their maskanu I appointed them. Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, I took as a new assignment.

    The guards which he had established in the past had strengthened and they had reinforced the rites. With a substantial booty and substantial booty I returned and to Nineveh. Afterwards, these kings, as many as I appointed in my treaty, did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods, and their hearts trembled. They spoke evil words, blasphemies, and treachery. Their hearts trembled, saying: "Taharqu has fled from Egypt and what is it that he is doing there?"

    As for Taharqa, the king of Kush, to conclude treaties and peace he sent their rabû-officials, saying: "Let peace be established between us and we shall divide the land among ourselves, and neither one of us has ever bowed down to the other in our rabû-officials." The lord to the troops of Assyria, my lordly strength, who had been entrusted to their support, constantly sought out evil words, and my eunuchs heard these words, and their rabû-officials together with their letters, took away and

    They saw their deeds. These kings took hold of me and in the midst of iron fetters they smashed iron. Hands and feet, the oath of Ashur, king of the gods, he sealed them. The ones who had sinned against the treaty of the great gods, their hands he swore, and the ones who had done evil to them, the people of the cities Saia, Pintitu, and Shi'inu

    Column 2


    u3 si-it#-ti _iri#-mesz#_ ma#-[...] ik#-pu-du _hul_-tu2 _tur_ u _gal_ ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-szam-qi2#-[...] e#-zi-bu ina lib3-bi _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu e-lu#-[...] ga-szi-szi _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-hu-t,u u2#-[x x]-pu# _bad3 iri_

  • _2(u)-am3# lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti sza2 _hul#_-tu isz-te-ne2-'u-u
  • a-na# _erin2#-hi#-a kur_ an-szar2(ki) bal-t,u-us-su-nu a-na nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia u2-bil-u-ni a-na (disz)ni-ku-u _ta_ bi-ri-szu2-nu re-e-mu ar-szi-ma u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su a-de-e _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri u2-sza2-tir-ma it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun lu-bul-tu bir-me u2-lab-bi-su al-lu _ku3-sig17_ si-mat _lugal_-ti-szu2 asz2-kun-szu2 _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-ki-sa rit-te-e-szu2 _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi sza2 ih-zu-szu2 _ku3-sig17_ ni-bit _mu_-ia ina muh-hi asz2-t,ur-ma ad-din-szu2

    _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ a-na ru-kub _en_-ti-szu2 a-qis-su (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)nam-mesz_ a-na kit-ri-szu2 it-ti-szu2 asz2-pur a-szar _ad du3_-u-a ina (iri)sa-a-a a-na _lugal_-ti ip-qid-du-usz a-na masz-kan2-i-szu2 u2-ter-szu2 u3 (disz)(d)muati-sze-zib-an-ni _dumu_-szu2 a-na (iri)ha-at-ha-ri-ba ap-qid _mun saga_-tu e-li sza2 _ad du3_-ia u2-sza2-tir-ma e-pu-us-su (disz)tar-qu-u2 a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia

    is-hu-up-szu2-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e _dumu_ (disz)sza2-ba-ku-u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 (iri)ni-i' (iri)u2-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun u2-pah-hi-ra el-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un _(lu2)a kin_ ha-an-t,u a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti

    ina 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir (kur)mu-s,ur (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _lugal-mesz (lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur asz2-ku-nu ina _gaba_-ia il-li-ku-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _egir (disz)ur_-da-ma-ne2-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di (iri)ni-i' _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2

    ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni e-mur-ma (iri)ni-i' u2-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na (iri)ki-ip-ki-pi _iri_ szu-a-tu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig2-szu e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu2-u lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik-ru u sin-nisz

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-za-al-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) szal-la-tu2 ka-bit-tu2 ina la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la ul-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' e-li (kur)mu-s,ur u3 (kur)ku-u2-si _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia u2-szam-ri-ir-ma asz2-ta-kan li-i-tu it-ti qa-ti ma-li-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _man_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik

    sza a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la-isz-mu-u zi-kir szap-te-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ e-li-szu2 u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim u3 na-ba-li ger-re-e-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-su-nu-ti _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-ti u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (disz)ia-hi-mil-ki _dumu_-szu2 sza2 ma-te-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-te-nisz u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia

    _dumu-munus_-su u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it _sza3_-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _dumu-munus_-su it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bil-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia

    id-bu-bu da-s,a-a-ti bi-in-tu2 s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bil-am-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia _ugu_ (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 (disz)sa-an-da-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu2 la i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-an-szu2-un _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti a-na nina(ki)

    u2-bil-am-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia ul-tu2 (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da e-mi3-du _kur_-szu2 (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al (disz)sa-pa-t,i-ba-al (disz)bu-di-ba-al (disz)ba-a'-al-ia-szu-pu (disz)ba-a'-al-ha-nu-nu (disz)ba-al-ma-lu-ku (disz)a-bi-mil-ki (disz)pap-mil-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu2 _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti il-li-ku-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun-szu2 (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al (disz)sa-pa-t,i-ba-al (disz)bu-di-ba-al (disz)ba-a'-al-ia-szu-pu (disz)ba-al-ha-nu-nu (disz)ba-al-ma-lu-ku (disz)a-bi-mil-ki (disz)a-hi-mil-ki lu-bul-ti bir-me u2-lab-bisz _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-ki-sa rit-te-e-szu2-un ina mah-ri-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _man_ (kur)lu-ud-di na-gu-u sza2 ne2-ber-ti _a-ab-ba_

    ni-bit _mu_-ia ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2-ma an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-nu-u-a um-ma _giri3-min (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man kur_ an-szar2(ki) s,a-bat-ma ina zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ku-szu-ud _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ka u4-mu _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu2 e-mu-ru (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 isz-pu-ra a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu2 sza2 e-mu-ru ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 isz-pur-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti ul-tu2 _sza3_ u4-me sza2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (lu2)gi-mir-a-a mu-dal-li-pu _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2

    sza2 la ip#-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal#_-ti-ia ik-szu-ud ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia _ta sza3 (lu2)en-iri-mesz_ sza (lu2)gi-mir-a-a sza2 ik-szu-du 2(disz) _(lu2)en-iri-mesz_ ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti u2-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti ka-bit-te u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 sza2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul#-mi3-ia ka-a-a-an isz-ta-nap-pa-ra

    u2-szar-sza2-a ba-t,i-il-tu2 asz2#-szu2 sza2 a-mat an-szar2 _dingir du3_-ia la is,-s,u-ru a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu2 it-ta-kil-ma ig-pu-usz lib3-bu e-mu-qe2-e-szu2 a-na kit-ri (disz)tu-sza2-mi3-il-ki _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia isz-pur-ma a-na-ku asz2-me-e-ma u2-s,al-li an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) um-ma pa-an _(lu2)kur2_-szu2 pa-gar-szu2 li-na-di-ma lisz-szu-u-ni _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2 ki-i sza2 a-na an-szar2 am-hu-ru isz-lim-ma

    pa-an _(lu2)kur2_-szu2 pa-gar-szu2 in-na-di-ma isz-szu-u-ni _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2 (lu2)gi-mir-a-a sza2 ina ni-bit _mu_-ia sza2-pal-szu2 ik-bu-su it-bu-nim-ma is-pu-nu gi-mir _kur_-szu2 _egir_-szu2 _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 ep-szet _hul_-tim sza2 ina ni-isz _szu-min_-ia _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ina pa-an _ad du3_-szu2 u2-szap-ri-ku ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 isz-pur-am-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia um-ma _lugal_ sza2 _dingir_ i-du-u-szu2 at-ta

    _ad_-u-a ta-ru-ur-ma _munus-hul_ isz-sza2-kin ina pa-ni-szu2 ia-a-ti _ARAD_ pa-lih-ka kur-ban-ni-ma la-szu-t,a ab-sza2-an-ka ina 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)gaszan-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru-ub it-ta#-lak# szal#-t,isz

    _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti a-di _tur-mesz_ sza2 ni-i-ba la i#-szu#-u a-di qe2-reb (iri)i-zir-ti _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar# aq-mu _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni _ta_ qe2-reb _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-masz-szir (iri)i-zir-tu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2

    AI Translation

    and the rest of the cities ... they ..., they plotted evil, small and great, with weapons ... they seized, inside them they ... their corpses ... their skins they cut off, ... the wall of the city

  • 20 of these kings who have been convicted of evil,
  • To the troops of Assyria I brought them, to Nineveh, before me. I had mercy on Nikû, from among them, and I made his life abundant. I made a treaty more stringent than before and I established it with him. I adorned his corpses with multi-colored trim. I adorned him with a gold necklace, the emblem of his kingship. I tied his gold bracelets around his wrists. I wrote on it a bronze sword with a handle, a bronze bracelet, the sign of my name, and I gave it to him.

    I gave him chariots, horses, and mules for the exercise of his lordship. I sent with him eunuchs of mine and governors to help him. Where the father who had engendered me had appointed him to kingship in Saia, I returned him to his position. Further, Nabû-shezibanni, his son, to the city Hatharuba I appointed. Good health I established over the father who had engendered me and I did good for him. Taharqa, where he had fled, the terrifying weapon of the god Ashur, my lord,

    Afterwards, Urdamanê, son of Shabaku, sat on his royal throne. The cities Ni' and Nunu, for his stronghold, he set up and assembled. His forces to fight with the troops of Assyrians who were inside Memphis, he brought about his defeat. Those people he confined and captured. A messenger came to Nineveh and said to me:

    On my second campaign, I marched to Egypt and Kush. Urdamane heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the territory of Egypt and Memphis. He fled to save his life and entered the city Ni'. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to me and kissed my feet. After Urdamane I took the road, I marched as far as the city Ni', his fortified city.

    He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and abandoned the city Ni' and fled. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered Kipkipi, that city, in its entirety. My hands, silver, gold, precious stones, property of his palace, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people, male and female,

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • of whose weight was 25,000 talents and who had occupied the position of gatekeeper of the Ekur, from their positions I removed and took to Assyria. I carried off a substantial booty without number from the city Nî, up to Egypt and Kush, my weapons I made bow down and established. A life with the hand of many captives I returned and to Nineveh, my capital city, on the third day of my campaign against Ba'alu, king of Tyre, who resides in the middle of the sea, I marched.

    who did not honor my royal command and did not listen to the words of my lips, I razed, destroyed, and burned the fortified cities above him. In the sea and the plain of his campaigns I captured them, plundered them, and made them bow down to my yoke. I brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and his brothers to serve as housekeepers. Iahi-Milki, his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with him, sent him to do obeisance to me.

    I received his daughter and the daughters of his brothers with a substantial marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his own offspring, and gave him. Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. His daughter with a substantial marriage gift to do obeisance to Nineveh he brought and kissed my feet.

    They spoke a slanderous word, a slanderous act of his heart, with a large extispicy, to do obeisance to Nineveh, he brought and kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugalli the large horses a tribute in full. I placed him in his lap. Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and had not bowed down to them, a daughter, his slanderous act, with a large extispicy, to do obeisance to Nineveh

    After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had conquered his land, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapati-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-Yashupu, Ba'alhanunu, Ba'al-maluku, Abi-Milki and Papmilki, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea and with their heavy audience gifts they came up and kissed my feet.

    I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and installed him as king of the land Arwad. Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapati-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-Yashupu, Balhanunu, Bal-maluku, Abi-Milki, and Ahi-Milki, I adorned their arms with multi-colored bracelets and fastened bands of gold on their wrists. Before me I seated them. Uruk, king of the land Lund, the district in the east,

    The one who uttered my name in a dream, and Ashur, the god who created me, said to him: "The feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, were grasped, and by his own name you captured your enemies." When this dream came to light, his messenger wrote to me, to inquire about my well-being, this dream which came to light in the hands of his messenger sent, and he made me rise. From the days when he took my royal feet, the Cimmerians who roamed the people of his land

    With the support of Ashur and Ishtar, the gods, my lords, I conquered the one who had not fear my ancestors and who had not grasped my feet, from the city rulers of the Cimmerians who had conquered two city rulers with iron fetters, he smashed the iron fetters and sent them before me with a substantial audience gift. The rakbushu priest who constantly sends messages of well-being to me,

    As for him who did not honor the word of Ashur, the god who created me, he trusted in his own strength and made his strength strong. The heart of Tusha-milki, king of Egypt, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, wrote to me, saying: "I myself have heard and praised the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, saying: "Let him be seated before his enemy and his gate be erected." His feet, as I had praised to Ashur, he said:

    before his enemy, his gate was opened, and they took his feet. The Cimmerians who at the beginning of my name had seized him, they seized him, and they smashed all of his land. After him, his son sat on his throne. The evil deeds which by my hands the gods who support me in the presence of the father who had engendered him had written to me, he sent to me through his messenger, and he grasped my royal feet. Thus says the king who the god knows:

    My father was frightened and evil was set upon him. I, the servant who reveres you, went to you and did not leave you. In my fourth campaign I mustered my troops and took the road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Beltu-kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, he entered inside the land Mannea and marched safely.

    I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I brought out of those cities people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city.

    Column 3


    a-na (iri)isz-ta-at-ti _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit-ma e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu2 na-gu-u szu-a-tu2 ak-szu-ud ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me u2-szah-rib-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 at-bu-uk (disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia ina a-mat (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir sza2 _ta_ re-e-szi taq-bu-u2 um-ma ana-ku mi-tu-tu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a ki-i sza2 aq-bu-u ep-pu-usz ina _szu-min _arad_-mesz_-szu2 tam-nu-szu-u-ma

    _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u ina _sila iri_-szu2 (lu2)sza2-lam-ta-szu2 id-du-u in-da-asz2-sza2-ru pa-gar-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 u2-szam-qi2-tu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma

    ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-u-ma _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti ma-da-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza2 ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ e-li# ma-da-ti-szu2 mah-ri-ti
  • u2-rad-di-i-ma e-mi3-is-su ina 5(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz iti lugal dingir-mesz_ an-szar2 _ad dingir-mesz_ (d)nun-nam-nir ki-ma ti-ib me-he-e ez-zi ak-tu-um (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 ak-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_-szu2-nu

    mul-tar-hu sza2 ik-pu-da _hul_-tu ina la mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu2 ina _szu-min ti-la-mesz_ u2-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 szal-ma-a-ti-szu2-nu ki-ma _(gesz)dih3_ u _(gesz)kiszi16_ u2-mal-la-a ta-mir-ti (iri)szu-sza2-an _usz2-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a u2-szar-di _a-mesz_-sza2 as,-ru-up ki-ma na-ba-as-si (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la-pa-an (disz)te-um-man a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) in-nab-ta is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia it-ti-ia u2-bil-szu2 a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    u2-sze-szib-szu2 ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a sza2 it-ti-szu2 in-nab-ta ina (iri)hi-da-lu asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-u-ti ul-tu2 _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szam-ri-ru asz2-tak-ka-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu asz2-ku-na pa-ni-ia (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti (kur)gam-bu-li ak-szu-ud qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu2 e-ru-ub

    _ug3-mesz_-szu2 as-lisz u2-t,ab-bi-ih (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu mu-nar3-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-ha _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ si-it-ti _dumu-mesz (disz)en-ba_-sza2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu2-u (disz)(d)muati-i (disz)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam_-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ u3 _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz ad_ ba-ni-szu2-nu it-ti (lu2)ur-bi (lu2)te-be2-e _ug3-mesz_ (kur)gam-bu-li

    _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, ina u4-me-szu2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza2 _mun_ e-pu-szu-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ut babila2(ki) mim-ma par-su si-ma-a-te sza2 _lugal_-ti e-pu-usz-ma a-din-szu2 _(lu2)erin2-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ak-s,ur-ma u2-mal-la-a qa-tusz-szu2

    _iri-mesz a-sza3-mesz (gesz)kiri6-mesz un-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un u2-sza2-tir-ma _ugu_ sza2 _ad du3_-ia iq-bu-u a-din-szu2 u3 szu-u _munus saga_ an-ni-tu2 e-pu-szu-usz im-szi-ma isz-te-ne2-'a-a le-mut-tu2 e-lisz ina szap-te-e-szu2 i-tam-ma-a t,u-ub-ba-a-ti szap-la-nu lib3-ba-szu2 ka-s,ir ne2-er-tu _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) sza2 ina _ugu kur_ an-szar2(ki) am-ru _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ip-ru-us,-ma da-bab la kit-te id-bu-ba it-ti-szu2-un ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia

    a-na nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia isz-pu-ra-asz2-szu2-nu-ti a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szi-mu-usz ib-nu-u-szu2 ina kit-te u mi-sza2-ri _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) szu-nu-ti ina _(gesz)banszur_ tak-ne2-e ul-zis-su-nu-ti lu-bul-ti bir-me u2-lab-bi-su-nu-ti _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-kis rit-te-e-szu2-un a-di _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) szu-nu-ti qe2-reb _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-szu-uz-zu i-dag-ga-lu pa-an sza2-kan t,e3-me-ia

    u3 szu-u (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza la is,-s,u-ru a-de-ia _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) (kur)kal-du (kur)a-ra-mu _kur_ tam-tim ul-tu2 (iri)a-qa-ba a-di _((iri))ka2_-sa-li-me-ti _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia usz-bal-kit ina _szu-min_-ia u3 (disz)um-man-i-gasz mun-nab-tu sza2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia sza qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti u3 _lugal-mesz_ (kur)gu-te9-e(ki) _kur_ mar-tu-e(ki) (kur)me-luh-he-e

    sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 isz-tak-ka-na _szu-min_-a-a nap-har-szu2-nu it-ti-ia u2-szam-kir2-ma it-ti-szu2 isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu2-nu _abul-mesz_ zimbir(ki) babila2(ki) bar2-sipa(ki) u2-dil-ma ip-ru-sa _szesz_-u-tu e-li _bad3 iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 u2-sze-li-i-ma it-ti-ia e-te-ne2-ep-pu-szu2 _me3_ e-pesz _(udu)siskur-mesz_-ia la-pa-an (d)en _dumu (d)en_ nu-ur2 _dingir-mesz (d)utu_ u qu-ra-di (d)er3-ra ik-la-ma u2-szab-t,i-la na-dan zi-bi-ia

    sza esz-re-e-ti-szu2-nu ud-di-szu2 u2-za-'i-i-nu _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ qe2-reb-szu2-nu asz2-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-te ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu2 ina u4-me-szu2 1(disz)-en _(lu2)gurusz_ ina szat mu-szi u2-tul-ma i-na-at,-t,a-al _masz2-ge6_ um-ma ina _ugu_ ki-gal-li sza2 (d)sin sza2-t,ir-ma ma-a sza2 it-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ik-pu-du _munus-hul_ ip-pu-szu2 s,e-lu-u2-tu2 mu-u-tu lem-nu a-szar-rak-szu-nu-ti ina _gir2 an-bar_ ha-an-t,i mi-qit (d)gesz-bar _su-gu7_

    _tag_-it (d)er3-ra u2-qat2-ta-a nap-szat-su-un an-na-a-te asz2-me-e-ma at-kil a-na a-mat (d)sin _en_-ia ina 6(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu qe2-reb zimbir(ki) babila2(ki) bar2-sipa(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) sza2-a-szu2 ga-du mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 e-si-ir-ma u2-s,ab-bi-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un qe2-reb _iri_ u _edin_ ina la mi3-ni asz2-tak-ka-na _bad5-bad5_-szu2 si-it-tu-u-ti ina _tag_-it (d)er3-ra su-un-qu bu-bu-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) szi-kin _szu-min_-ia sza t,a-'a-a-tu im-hu-ru-szu2-ma it-ba-a a-na kit-ri-szu2

    AI Translation

    to the city Ishtattu, the city upon which he relied, fled and took refuge there. I conquered that district and marched for fifteen days. I sat down and spoke to them. Ahsheri, who does not revere my lordly majesty, by the command of the goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, who from the beginning said: "I am the dead." Ahsheri, the king of the Manneans, do as I said, by the hands of his servants.

    The people of his land seized him, in the street of his city a shalamtu-priest slew him, and he was killed. His brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house he cut off. Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and

    As for the preservation of his life, he opened his eyes and prayed to my lordly majesty. Erisinni, his son, his heir, to Nineveh sent and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and a messenger of mine who was attentive to me sent him. His daughter, his own offspring, sent to me to do obeisance. His earlier tribute which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they had seized, he brought before me.

  • 30 horses above his previous tribute,
  • On my fifth campaign, I marched to Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in Ululu the work of the goddesses, month of the king of the gods, Ashur, father of the gods, Nunamnir, like a storm, I swept the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their king.

    The evil demon who had plotted evil against me I killed. His warriors with the sword I captured alive. His battle troops and their corpses I carried off like a snare and a arrow. The plain of the city Susa I massacred. The Ulaya River I dug out and its waters I drained. Like a snare Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Teumman to Assyria, took to the hands of me and he carried off with me. To the land Elam

    On the throne of Teumman Tammaritu, his third brother, who had fled to me, I installed him as king in the city Hidalu. After the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had been set against the land Elam, I established mighty victories. On my return march, I imposed upon Dunanu, the Gambulean, who had trusted in the land Elam, and I established before me the city Sha-pi-Bel, the city of the support of the land Gambulu. I entered that city.

    Dunanu and Samgunu, who had sinned against my exercising the kingship, with iron axes and iron arrows he smashed. Hands and feet, together with the sons of Belshu, his family, the seed of his father's house, as much as there was, Nabû-iqbi and Bel-karir, sons of Nabû-shumu-eresh, the shandabakku-priest, and the shandabakku-priests, the father who had engendered them, together with the urbi, the tebe, the people of Gambulu

    I carried off from the land Gambulu oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules. I razed, destroyed, and burned the city Sha-pi-Bel, his city with his support. At that time, Geshnun-mudadin, my unfaithful brother, who did good, I installed him as king of Babylon. I did everything that is required for kingship and gave it to him. I gathered troops, horses, and chariots and filled his hands.

    Cities, fields, orchards, and people living in them he made great, and more than the father who had engendered me had said, he gave him, and he himself a good woman whom I had made, and he constantly sought out evil deeds. Further, in his midst he saw the good things, the lower one his heart, the slander of the citizens of Babylon who were against Assyria, servants who belonged to me, he sent, and he spoke with them in a treacherous act to inquire about my well-being.

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, for whom the great gods determined a good fate and whose name they established, in truth and justice, I made those citizens of Babylon sit on a scepter. I adorned their bodies with multi-colored trim and tied gold bracelets around their wrists. I made those citizens of Babylon sit in Assyria in peace and they obeyed my commands.

    Moreover, he, Geshnu-mugina, a pious brother who did not honor my treaty, annihilated the people of the lands Akkad, Kaldu, Aramu, and the Sealand from the city Aqaba to the city Kasallimetu, servants who belonged to me. With my hands and Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the criminals who took away my royal yoke, whom I had installed in the land Elam as kings and kings of the lands Gutê, Amurru, Meluhhe,

    which by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil established, my hands all together I made bow down and with him they established. The walls of Sippar, Babylon, and Borsippa I filled and they seized. My brother upstream from those walls his warriors he brought down and with me they did not do anything. The battles to do my sacrifices he fought against Bel, son of Bel, the sage of the gods Shamash and warrior Erra and he made him take away my life.

    who renovated their shrines, hung gold and silver in their midst, and smashed the rites. At that time, one man a man in the night smashed and he sinned. A dream was made, saying: "On the platform of Sin wrote," and that which with Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, he had made, he had smashed the evil. He smashed the holy one, the evil one, their place with iron swords, a hammer, the smite of the gods,

    I heard these words and trusted in the word of Sîn, my lord. On my sixth campaign, I mustered my troops. I took the road against Geshnu-mugina. In Sippar, Babylon, Borsippa, and Cutha, his city, together with his troops, I smashed them and took away their lives. In cities and open country without number I established their defeat. The rest of them by the command of Erra, a famine of cattle, they established life.

    Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the king of the land Elam, a decision of mine that was pleasing to him he took and to his aid he turned.

    Column 4


    (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ras-sib ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 sza2 _egir_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na re-s,u-ut (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 ina su-up-pe-e sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u2 un-nin-ni-ia il-qu-u isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum-min_-ia

    (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma ina _me3 edin_ isz-ku-na _bad5-bad5_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man me2-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u2 sza ik-ki-su a-hu-ur-ru-u _erin2-hi-a_-ia um-ma i-nak-ki-su-u _sag-du man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 sza2-ni-ia-a-nu iq-bi u3 (disz)um-man-i-gasz ke-e u2-na-asz2-sziq qaq-qa-ru ina pa-an _(lu2)a kin_ sza2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    _ugu_ a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-te sza2 il-zi-nu an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-ri-hu-szu2-ma (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ a-li-kut i-di-szu2 la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi in-nab-tu2-nim-ma mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2-un ina _ugu sza3-mesz_-szu2-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma il-lik-u-ni a-di nina(ki) (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia u2-na-asz2-sziq-ma qaq-qa-ru u2-sze-szir ina ziq-ni-szu2 man-za-az (gesz)ma-gar-ri-ia is,-bat-ma

    a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ra-man-szu2 im-nu-ma asz2-szu2 e-pesz di-ni-szu2 a-lak re-s,u-ti-szu2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti ina mah-ri-ia i-zi-zu-u-ma i-dal-la-lu qur-di _dingir-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti sza il-li-ku re-s,u-u2-ti a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a lib3-bu rap-szu2 la ka-s,ir ik-ki mu-pa-si-su hi-t,a-a-te a-na (disz)tam-ma#-ri-tu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du _numun e2 ad_-szu2 ina qe2-reb _e2-gal_-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti ina u4-me-szu2 _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki)

    sza it-ti (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na isz-szak-nu ik-pu-du _hul_-tu2 ne2-eb-re-e-tu2 is,-bat-su-nu-ti a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu _uzu dumu-mesz_-szu2-nu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2-nu e-ku-lu ik-su-su ku-ru-us-su an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku sza ina mah-ri-ia il-li-ku i-na-ru ga-re-ia (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu#-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri sza2 i-gi-ra-an-ni

    u2-hal-li-qu# nap-szat-su u3 _ug3-mesz_ sza2 a-na (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri u2-szak-pi-du ep-sze-e-tu2 an-ni-tu2 _hul_-tu2 e-pu-szu2 sza mi-tu-tu ip-la-hu nap-szat-su-nu pa-nu-usz-szu2-un te-qir-u-ma it-ti (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _en_-szu2-nu la im-qu-tu2 ina (d)gesz-bar sza la-pa-an ni-kis _gir2 an-bar_ su-un-qi2 bu-bu-ti (d)gesz-bar a-ri-ri i-sze-tu-u-ni e-hu-zu mar-qi2-i-tu2 sa-par _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 la na-par-szu-di is-hu-up-szu2-nu-ti e-du ul ip-par-szid

    mul-tah-t,u ul u2-s,i ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u _szu-min_-u-a _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di (gesz)sza2 s,il-li (munus)sek-re-e-ti-szu2 nig2-gur11 _e2-gal_-szu2 u2-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu szil-la-tu2 pi-i-szu2-nu sza2 ina _ugu an-szar2 dingir_-ia szil-la-tu2 iq-bu-u u3 ia-a-ti _nun_ pa-lih-szu2 ik-pu-du-u-ni _hul_-tu2 pi-i-szu2-nu asz2-lu-uq _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu asz2-kun si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ bal-t,u-sun2 ina _(d)alad-(d)lamma_

    sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad du3_-ia ina lib3-bi is-pu-nu e-nen-na a-na-ku ina ki-is-pi-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ina lib3-bi as-pu-un _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu nu-uk-ku-su-u-ti _din_ u2-sza2-kil _ur-gi7-mesz szah-mesz_ zi-i-bi _ti8(muszen)-mesz muszen-mesz an_-e _ku6-mesz_ ap-se-e ul-tu2 ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti e-te-ep-pu-szu2 u2-ni-ih-hu lib3-bi _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _adda-mesz un-mesz_ sza2 (d)er3-ra u2-szam-qi2-tu2 u3 sza2 ina su-un-qi2 bu-bu-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2

    ri-he-et u2-kul-ti _ur-gi7-mesz szah-mesz_ sza _sila-mesz_ pur-ru-ku ma-lu-u re-ba-a-te _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2-nu ul-tu2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) u2-sze-s,i-ma at-ta-ad-di a-na ka-ma-a-ti ina szi-pir i-szip-pu-ti _bara2-mesz_-szu2-nu ub-bi-ib ul-li-la su-le-e-szu2-nu lu-'u-u-ti _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu ze-nu-u-ti _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2-nu szab-sa-a-te u2-ni-ih ina taq-rib-ti u _er2-sza3-hun-ga2_ sat-tuk-ki-szu2-un sza2 i-me-s,u ki-ma sza2 u4-me ul-lu-ti ina szal-me u2-ter-ma u2-kin

    si-it-ti _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) sza ina szib-t,i szag-gasz-ti u3 ne2-eb-re-e-ti i-sze-tu-u-ni re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-nu-ti ba-lat, na-pisz-ti-szu2-nu aq-bi qe2-reb babila2(ki) u2-sze-szib-szu2-nu-ti _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) ga-du (kur)kal-du (kur)a-ra-mu _kur_ tam-tim sza (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na ik-ter-u-ma a-na 1(disz)-en pi-i u2-ter-ru a-na pa-ra-as ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu ik-ki-ru it-ti-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia a-na pat, gim-ri-szu2-nu ak-bu-us

    _(gesz#)szudun#_ an-szar2 sza2 is,-lu-u e-mid-su-nu-ti _(lu2)gar-kur-mesz (lu2)til-gid2-mesz_ szi-kin _szu-min_-ia asz2-tak-ka-na e-li-szu2-un _sa2-du11-mesz_ gi-ne2-e _sag-mesz_ an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 u3 _dingir-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2-un bil-tu man-da-at-tu2 _en_-ti-ia szat-ti-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a e-mid-su-nu-ti ina 7(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ina _(iti)sig4 iti_ (d)sin _en esz-bar_ _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-sza2-re-du sza2 (d)en-lil2 ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si

    _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu u2-bil it-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la-pa-an (disz)in-da#-bi-bi _ARAD_-szu2 in-nab-tam-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia _ug3-mesz_ (iri)hi-il-mu (iri)pil-la-ti (iri)du-mu-qu (iri)su-la-a-a (iri)la-hi-ra-di-bi-ri-i-na ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni isz-mu-u sza2 al-la-ku a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu-up-szu2-nu-ti szu-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu s,e-e-ni-szu2-nu

    a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) im-qut-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i mah-ru-u _iri lugal_-u-ti _e2_ tuk-la-a-te sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ki-ma _bad3 gal_-e pa-an (kur)elam-ma(ki) par-ku sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad ad du3_-ia il-la-mu-u-a ik-szu-du u3 szu-u e-la-mu-u2 _iri_ me2-eh-ret (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i mah-re-e sza2-nam-ma e-pu-szu2-ma _bad3_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-u-ma u2-zaq-qi2-ru szal-hu-u-szu

    ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2 sza2 la u2-s,u-u2-nim-ma la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-nir _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ak-kis _nundum-mesz_-szu2-nu ap-ru-u' a-na ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-ia al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    AI Translation

    Tammaritu rebelled against him and he, together with his family, sinned. With the weapons, after Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, to the aid of Geshnu-mudadin, my hostile brother, went and to fight with my troops he fought. His weapons, in a message which Ashur and Ishtar had written, they accepted my prayers and heard the utterances of my lips.

    Indabibi, his servant, rebelled against him and in battle he brought about his defeat. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who was speaking to the nikki-measure of the head of Teumman, a few troops, who had sinned, said to my troops: "They will shave the head of the king of the land Elam inside his land in the assembly of his troops, another one, and Ummanigash swore by the command of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.

    Concerning these words which they said, Ashur and Ishtar listened to him and Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with 105 nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi and their chariotry they slew against their hearts and came. As far as Nineveh Tammaritu grasped my royal feet and a mountain ascended, in his midst he took the position of captain of my boat.

    As for him, to do my servant's service, he swore by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, to do his work, and by the command of my lordly majesty, he swore by my lordly majesty, and he swore by the mighty warriors of my gods, who had gone to do my work, I, Ashurbanipal, a widespread man, who does not fear, he swore to Tammaritu, he had mercy on him, and I confined him, together with the seed of his father's house, in my palace. At that time, the people of Akkad

    who had conspired with Geshnu-mukin and plotted evil deeds, seized them, to their children, their sons, their daughters, they ate, they sinned against him. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who before me had gone, they sinned against me. Geshnu-mudina, the hostile brother who had sinned against me,

    They destroyed his life and the people who had sinned against Geshnu-mudagina, my hostile brother, and had perpetrated this evil deed, who had become angry with their own life and their own lives, and had not bowed down to Geshnu-mudagina, their lord, with the sword, who had bowed down to the feet of iron fetters, the fetters of the sword, the fetters of the sword, the airu-stone, seized, and the fetters of the great gods, my lords, who had not been spared, overwhelmed them, and they did not return to their places.

    They did not let fear come out from my hands. They took away from me chariots, a chariot, a shaddû-pole, a shadû-pole, a sash, a sash, a sash, and the property of his palace. They brought before me those men, the remainder of the people, whose words were pleasing to Ashur, my god, and which my own prince, who reveres him, had spoken, evil, their words I destroyed, and their defeat I brought about. The rest of the people I rejoiced, with a protective spirit

    which Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, had incited there, now I, in his kispû, had those people incited there, and their flesh, a nukkusû-offering, he gave. Dogs, pigeons, pigeons, birds of the sky, fish of the Apsu, from these deeds he had done, he sinned against the heart of the great gods, my lords, and the corpses of the people whom Erra had seized and who had placed in a sacrificial offering,

    The rihûtu of the ukultu, the lions and pigs of the streets, the rihûtu of the streets, the rihûtu of the streets, their feet, from Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar I brought out and I counted them as booty. By means of the craft of the messenger, their dais I erected and brought to me their supplications. Their angry gods and their angry goddesses I slew. In the taqribtu and ershahuga prayers, their sattukku offerings which they had slew, I returned and established.

    The rest of the citizens of Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar, who in the midst of famine and famine had sinned, I had mercy on them. I commanded them to live in Babylon. I settled them in Babylon. The people of Ur, together with the lands Kaldu, Aramu, and the Sealand, whom Geshnu-mudina had seized and to one mouth he had seized, to their own fate they sinned. By the command of Ashur and Mullissu, the gods who support me, to their full extent I conquered.

    The scepter of Ashur which he took, I imposed upon them. The governors and the haruspex I established as my oaths. I imposed upon them regular offerings, the regular offerings of Ashur, Mullissu, and the gods of Assyria. I imposed upon them the payment of tribute and payment of my lordship, yearly and without interruption, and I imposed upon them. On my seventh campaign in the month Simanu, the month of Sîn, the month of Suen, the month of Suen, the first-born son of Enlil, I mustered my troops. I crossed the steppe of Ummanaldashu.

    Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Indabibi, his servant, and had grasped my feet, the people of the cities Hilmu, Pillatu, Dumuqu, Sulaya, and Lahira-dibirina heard about the assault of my mighty battle array, who had gone to the land Elam, fear of the radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them. They, their people, their oxen, their sheep and goats,

    To do my servant work to Assyria he fell and took the feet of my royal majesty. The former E-Imbî, the royal city, the temple of the trust of the land Elam, which like the great wall before the land Elam, the cult center of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had conquered, and that Elam, the city opposite the former E-Imbî, he built, strengthened its wall, and thereby enlarged its square.

    In the course of my campaign I conquered the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. I cut off their heads, cut off their lips, and took them to Assyria for the observation of the people of my land.

    Column 5


    (disz)im-ba-ap-pi (lu2)qe-e-pu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i# (lu2)ha-tan (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) bal-t,u-us-su# ul-tu2 qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma _szu#-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ ad-di-szu2-u-ma u2-ra-a-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _munus-e2-gal_ u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)te#-um#-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina na-asz2-par-ti an#-szar2 ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su _sag-du_-su it-ti si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri#)e2-(disz)im-bi-i

    u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-reb _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-bu isz-me-ma (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu2 e-li (disz)um-ba_-lagab_-u-a sza2 ul-tu2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) ta-se-hu-u a-na (iri)bu-bi-lu in-nab-tu-u-ma me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz#)gu#-za#_ (kur#)elam#-ma(ki#) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma isz-me-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma

    ki-ma _ku6-mesz_ is,-bat szu-pul _a-mesz_ ru-qu-u-ti (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 sza2 in-nab-ta is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia qe2-reb (iri)szu#-sza2#-an u2-sze#-rib asz2#-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-ti _saga_-tu e-pu#-szu-usz sza2 asz2-pu#-ru# _a2#-tah_-su im-szi-ma# isz-te-ne2-'a#-a _hul#_-[x x]-na# ka-szad _erin2-hi-a_-ia# ki-a-am iq#-bi [x]-ti# lib3-bi#-szu2# um-ma _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) a#-[...]-e# i#-tu#-ru ina _igi kur_ an-szar2(ki#) szu-nu szu#-[...]-ru#-bu-nim-ma# ih-ta-nab-ba#-tu2# hu-bu#-ut# (kur#)elam-ma(ki)

    an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2# _a2#-min_-[x x] il#-li-ku u2-sza2-zi-zu-in#-ni# _edin#_ ga#-re#-ia lib3-bi (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2# ek#-[x] ba-ra-nu-u ib#-ru#-u-ma# u2-ba-'u-u2 qa-tusz#-[x] ul-tu _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti#-szu2 id-ku-nisz#-szum#-ma# u2-ter-ru-nisz-szu2 sza2-ni-ia#-a-nu# u2-szak-ni-szu-usz a#-na# _giri3#-min_-ia szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an#-[x]-a-ti ina s,i-ri-ih-ti [x]-bi#?-ia# sza (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 la ke-e-nu# [x]-t,a#-a ina li-i-ti u da-na-ni sza2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz# [x]-mesz#_-ia#

    qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir#-ti#-sza2 at-ta-lak# szal-t,isz ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza2 szul-me-e _szu-min_ ma-li-ti pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ra a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (iri)ga-tu-du (iri)ga-tu-du-ma (iri)da-e-ba (iri)na-di#-i'# (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na-ni (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na#-ni-ma (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)ta-ra-qu (iri)ha-a-a-u2-si (iri)e2-(na4)kiszib-e2-su (iri)e2-(disz)ar-ra-bi (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)sze-(disz)(d)szu2-man-a-ni

    (iri)ur-da-li-ka (iri)al-ga-ri-ga (iri)tu-u2#-bu (iri)du6-tu-u2-bu (iri)du-un_-lugal (iri)bad3_-(disz)un-da-si (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu (iri)sa-am-u2-nu (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ku (iri)qa-ab-ri-na (iri)qa-ab-ri-na-ma (iri)ha-ra-a' _iri-mesz_ szu-nu-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu s,e-e-ni-szu2-nu _nig2-szu_-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_

    (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut# _me3_ asz2-lu-la# a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) i-na 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ad#-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i sza2 ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-szu-du e-nen-na (kur)ra-a-szi (iri)ha-ma-nu a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu-ud u3 szu-u (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man#_ (kur#)elam#-ma(ki) ka-szad (kur)ra-a-szi (iri)ha-ma#-[x] isz#-me-ma

    is-hu-up-szu2-ma (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit a-na (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si (i7)id-id-e e-bir-ma _i7_ szu-a-tu2 a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun uk-ta-ta-s,ar a-na s,al-ti-ia (iri)na-di-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ku _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)har-tap-a-nu _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)tu-u2-bu a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud bi-rit _i7_ ka-la-mu (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud

    (iri)hal-te-ma-asz2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)szu-sza2-an _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)di-in_-lugal_ (iri)su-mu-un-tu#-na-asz2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)pi-di-il-ma _iri lugal#_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)ka-bi-in-ak _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ar-de-e-ma al-lik _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia

    (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 _kur_-ud _erin2-hi-a_-ia (i7)id-id-e a-gu-u szam-ru e-mu#-ru ip-la-hu a-na ne2-ba-ar-te (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir ina szat mu-szi a-na _erin2-hi-a_-ia _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-ma ki-a-am iq-bi-szu-nu-ti um-ma a-na-ku al-lak ina ma-har (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal_ sza2 ib-na-a _szu-min_-a-a e-li _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia ir-hu-s,u (i7)id-id-e e-bi-ru szal-mesz

  • 1(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz_ mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2
  • a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza2 ni-i-ba la i-szu-u u3 1(u) 2(disz) na-ge-e sza2 qe2#-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-li-sza2 ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu a-na _du6!(_dul_)_ u kar-me u2-ter ina la mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-ras-sib mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 _mah-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2 in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u2 (iri)ba-nu-nu a-di na-ge-e sza2 (iri)ta-sa-ar-ra ka-la-mu ak-szu-ud

  • _2(u)-am3 iri-mesz_ ina na-ge-e sza2 (iri)hu-un-nir
  • ina _ugu_ mi3-is,-ri sza2 (iri)hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud (iri)ba-szi-mu u3 _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-me-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur sza _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un ka-mar-szu2-nu asz2-kun u2-szab-bir _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un u2-szap-szi-ih ka-bat-ti _en en-en_ _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 _nig2-szu_-szu2 _nig2-gur11_-szu2 _ug3-mesz tur_ u _gal_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 1(gesz2) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz)
  • sza u2-ma-'e-e-ru-in-ni qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-ub at-ta-lak szal-t,isz ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sza2-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia (iri)szu-sza2-an ma-ha-zu _gal_-u2 mu-szab _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un a-szar pi-risz-ti-szu2-un ak-szu-ud ina a-mat an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) qe2-reb _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 e-ru-ub u2-szib ina _hul2-mesz_ ap-te-e-ma _e2_ nak-kam-a-ti-szu2-nu sza _ku3-babbar-mesz ku3-sig17-mesz nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga-mesz_ nu-uk-ku-mu qe2-reb-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    Imbappi, the legate of the city Bit-Imbî, the haruspex of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he brought out of that city and I gave him hands and feet of iron fetters and he brought him to Assyria. The palace woman and the sons of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose heads I had cut off in the ecstatic of Assyria on a previous campaign of mine, together with the rest of the people living in the city E-Imbi,

    Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, king of the land Elam, entered my troops who were in the land Elam. He heard about the settlement Madaktu, his royal city, and fled, and took away his land. He went up to Umbalakkabua, who had fled from the land Elam to the city Bubilu, and sat opposite Ummanaldashu on the throne of the land Elam like him. He heard about the city Bubilu, the city that is the seat of his lordly majesty, and

    As fish he ate, the snare of the distant waters Tammaritu, who had fled, took my feet and entered the city Susa. I installed him as king. The good things I had written to him I did, and his troops he constantly sought out evil ..., and the defeat of my troops he ordered me. ... his heart, saying: "The people of Elam ... I have returned, and they have entered before Assyria. They ... and they have been seized. The people of Elam

    Ashur and Ishtar, who went to ... and sat on my throne, the heart of Tammaritu, ..., was enraged, he became afraid, and ... ..., from his royal throne he gave him, and he returned him to me. Those who had sinned against me, ... with the exalted ... of my ..., which Tammaritu was not true, with the strength and might of the great gods, my .

    On my return march, with the assistance of my mighty hands, I returned to Assyria the cities Gatudu, Gatudu, Daeba, Nadi', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani, Hamanu, Taraqu, Ha'usi, E-kiszib-esu, E-arrabi, E-imbî, Madaktu, Shushan, Bube, She-Shumani,

    I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Tupu, Dutubu, Dunsharri, Dur-Undasi, Dur-Undasi, Bubilu, Samunu, Ebunakku, Qabrina, Qabrina, and Hara', those cities. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire their gods, their people, their oxen, their sheep, their property, their property, wagons, horses, mules,

    On my eighth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops. I took the road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. The city E-Imbî, which I had conquered on my previous campaign, I conquered. Now I conquered the land Rashu and the city Hamanu, together with its district. And he, Ummanaldashu, the king of the land Elam, conquered the land Rashu and the city Hama... and

    he overwhelmed and the city Madaktu, his royal city, abandoned and he fled. He crossed the Tigris and the River Tigris as his fortresses and he surrounded and captured that canal. For my assault the city Naditu, my royal city, together with his district I conquered. The city Ebunaku, my royal city, together with his district I conquered. The city Hartapanu, my royal city, together with his district I conquered. The city Tubu, together with its district I conquered. The entire canal of Madaktu, my royal city, together with his district I conquered.

    I conquered the cities Haltemash, his royal city, I conquered, Susa, his royal city, I conquered, Dinsharri, Sumuntunash, his royal city, I conquered, Pidilma, his royal city, I conquered, Bubilu, his royal city, I conquered, and with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar I marched and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, whose foundations had not been secure, for my campaign in the course of my campaign

    Dur-Undasi, his royal city, I conquered. My troops saw the Tigris, a rugged river, and they became afraid. For the sacrificial offerings of Ishtar who resides in Arbela, during the night, to my troops a dream was sent and they said as follows: "I shall go before Ashurbanipal, the king who engendered me, my hands ... before this dream my troops were stricken, the Tigris was drenched, and the whole land

  • 14 cities, his royal residences,
  • I conquered as far as the smaller settlements, which were without number, and 12 districts which were in the land Elam, all of it. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. To ruins and ruin hills I returned. Without number I killed his warriors with weapons. His mighty battle troops fell upon Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, and took to the mountains. I conquered Banunu as far as the district of Tasarra, all of it.

  • 20 cities in the district of Hunnir;
  • I conquered the districts of the city Hidalu. I destroyed, devastated, and burned the cities Bashimu and the cities in its environs. I annihilated the people living inside them, I scattered them, and overwhelmed their gods. I made the mood of the lord of lords, his gods, his goddesses, his possessions, his property, and the people, young and old, resplendent. To Assyria

  • 60 hectares of land by the command of Ashur and Ishtar,
  • which I had sent to me, entered the land Elam and went there. On my return, which Ashur and Ishtar had encouraged me to go, I conquered the plain of my land, the city Susa, the great cult center, the residence of their gods, the place of their secret lore. By the command of Ashur and Ishtar, I entered his palaces and sat down there with joy. With their rejoicing I opened up their treasury, which silver, gold, possessions, and property, I deposited therein.

    Column 6


    sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mah-ru-u-ti a-di _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-di _sza3_ u4-me an-ne2-e u2-pah-hi-ru isz-ku-nu sza# _(lu2)kur2_ sza2-nam-ma e-li ia-a-szi _szu-min_-su la u2-bi-lu ina lib3-bi u2#-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga-mesz_ sza2 _kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 ka-la-mu sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur#)elam-ma(ki) mah-ru-u-ti a-di 7(disz)-szu2 isz-lu#-lu# u2#-bi#-lu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,a-ri-ru husz#-[x x] esz-ma-ru-u eb-bu

    ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz#_ szu-kut-tu2 a-qar-tu2 si#-mat _lugal_-ti sza _lugal-mesz kur_ uri(ki) mah#-ru#-u-ti u3 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi#-na a#-[x] kit#-ri-szu2#-nu ip-szu-ru a-na (kur#)elam#-ma(ki) lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu2 si-mat _lugal#_-u-ti (gesz)til-li qa-ra-bi si-ma-nu-u2 mim-ma e-pesz _me3_ si-mat _szu#-min_-szu2 u2-nu-ut mut-tab-bil-ti _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 ka-la-mu sza2 ina muh-hi u2-szi-bu it-ti-lu ina lib3-bi e-ku-lu isz-tu-u ir-mu-ku ip-pa-asz2#-szu2

    sza# ih#-zu-szi-na s,a-ri-ru za-ha#-lu#-u# _ansze#-kur-ra#-mesz ansze#-kunga-mesz gal-mesz_ sza tal#-lul-ta#-szu2-nu _ku3-sig17 ku3#-babbar#_ asz2#-lu#-la a#-na# _kur_ an#-[x](ki) ziq-qur-rat# (iri#)[x x]-an sza# ina a-gur2-ri _(na4)za-gin3_ szu#-pu#-szat# ub-bit u2#-kap-pi-ra _si-mesz_-sza2 sza pi-tiq _uruda_ nam-ri (d)musz3-szesz2 _dingir_ pi-risz-ti-szu2-un sza# asz2-bu ina pu-uz-ra-a-ti sza# mam-ma-an la im#-ma#-ru# ep#-szet _dingir_-ti-szu2 (d)szu-mu-du (d)la#-ga-ma-ru

    (d)u2-du-ra-an (d#)sa#-pa-ag sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ip-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us#-su-un (d)ra-gi-ba (d)su-un#_-gam_-sa-ra-a (d)ka-ar-sa (d)ki-ir-sa-ma-as (d)szu-da-nu (d)a-a-pa-ag-si-na (d)bi-la-la (d)pa-ni-in-tim-ri (d)si-la-ga-ra-a (d)na-ab-sa-a (d)na-bir-tu (d)ki-in-da-kar-bu _dingir-mesz (d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu it-ti szu-kut-ti-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu u2-nu-ti-szu2-nu a-di (lu2)sza2-an-ge-e (lu2)bu-uh-la-le-e asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 3(u) 2(disz) _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_
  • pi-tiq _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 uruda (na4)gesz-nu-gal_ ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hu-ra-di a-di _alam_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _alam_ (disz)isz-tar-na-an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si _alam_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _egir_-u2 sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-pu-szu2 _ARAD_-u-ti al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ad-ka-a _(d)alad-mesz (d)lamma-mesz_ _en-nun-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur ma-la ba-szu2-u2 u2-na-as-si-ha _am-mesz_ na-ad-ru-u-ti si-mat _ka2-mesz_-ni

    esz-re-e-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-di la ba-sze-e u2-szal-pit _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 am-na-a a-na za-qi2-qi2 _(gesz)tir-mesz_-szu2-nu pa-az-ra-a-ti sza mam2-ma a-hu-u la u2-szar-ru ina lib3-bi la i-kab-ba-su i-ta-szi-in _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-ia qe2-reb-szin e-ru-bu e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq-mu-u ina (d)gesz-bar ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz_-szu2-nu mah-ru-u-ti _egir-mesz_ la pa-li-hu-u-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia mu-nar-ri-t,u _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

    _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-t,em2-me-szu2-nu la s,a-la-lu# e-mi3-id ki-is-pi na-aq _a-mesz_ u2-za-am-me-szu2-nu-ti ma-lak _iti_ 2(u) 5(disz) _u4-mesz_ na-ge-e (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szah-rib _mun (u2)zag-hi-li(sar)_ u2-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu2-un _dumu-munus-mesz lugal-mesz nin9-mesz lugal-mesz_ a-di qi-in-ni mah-ri-ti u _egir_-ti sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni (lu2)ha-za-na-a-ti sza _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ma-la ak-szu-du

    (lu2)mu-kil _(kusz)pa-mesz_ (lu2)_3(disz)-u5-mesz_ (lu2)sza2 pet2-hal_-li-mesz (lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ _(lu2)sag-mesz_ (lu2#)kit-kit-tu-u2 gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus tur_ u _gal_ _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ _ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ sza e-li _buru5-hi#-a_ ma-a'-du asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _sahar-hi-a_ (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu2 (iri)hal-te-ma-asz2 u3 si-it-ti ma-ha-zi-szu2-nu e-si-pa al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    a-na pat, gim-re-e-sza2 as-pu-un ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ki-bi-is _gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni szi-si-it a-la-la _du10-ga_ u2-za-am-ma-a _a-gar3-mesz_-szu2 _ansze-edin-na-mesz masz-da3-mesz_ u2-ma-am _edin_ ma-la ba-szu-u par-ga-nisz u2-szar-bi-s,a qe2-reb-szu2 (d)na-na-a sza 1(disz) _lim_ 6(disz) _me 3(u)-am3_ 5(disz) _mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-as-bu-szu2 tal-li-ku tu-szi-bu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-szar la si-ma-te-e-sza2 u3 ina u4-me-szu2-ma szi-i u3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 tab-bu-u szu-mi3 a-na be-lut _kur-kur_

    ta-a-a-rat _dingir_-ti-sza2 tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) lem-ne2-ti u2-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u2-sze-rab-an-ni qe2-reb e2-an-na a-mat qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-szu2-un sza ul-tu2 _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-li-mu _ug3-mesz egir-mesz_ _szu-min dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu2 sza2 ul-lu-us, lib3-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na e2-an-na ina _(iti)gan u4 1(disz)-kam2_ qe2-reb unu(ki) u2-sze-rib-szi-ma ina e2-hi-li-an-na sza2 ta-ram-mu

    u2-szar-me-szi _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti _ug3-mesz_ u3 szal-lat (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)gaszan-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ah-bu-ta

    AI Translation

    of the former kings of the land Elam, together with the kings who in the future, until now, had assembled, they established. That enemy, who before me had not carried off his hands, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, possessions and property of Sumer and Akkad, Kar-Duniash, all of the kings of the land Elam, together with seven others, they carried off. Inside the land Elam, a mighty ..., a pure eshmaru-god,

    The precious stones, the precious stones, the royal emblem, which the former kings of Babylonia and Geshnu-mukina ... their kit they sealed and to Elam a gift, the royal emblem, the weapon, the weapon, the weapon, everything to do, the emblem of his hands, the muttabbiltu-gifts of his palaces, all of them, who had sat on it, they sat in it, they sat down, they seized.

    who were adorned with a crown, who were covered with a crown, who carried large horses and mules, whose thighs I decorated with gold and silver, to the land of ..., the ziqqurrat of the city ..., which was clad with baked bricks of lapis lazuli and whose horns I pierced, whose rings were of shining copper, whose divine lord is Mushush, their secret lord, whose dwelling is in the midst of a scepter which no one sees, the deeds of his divinity, Shumudu and Lagamaru

    Uduran and Sapag, whose divinity the kings of the land Elam had revered, the gods Ragiba, Sungamsara, Karsa, Kirsamas, Shudanu, Aya-pagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, Silagaraya, Nabsa, Nabirtu, and Kindakarbu, those gods and goddesses, together with their property, their property, their possessions, together with the shangê and buhlalû priests I carried off to Assyria.

  • 32 statues of kings,
  • From the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, as far as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash I, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi, the statue of Hallusi, and the statue of Tammaritu, the later ones that I had made by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my servant, I took. To Assyria I gave. Bulls and lamassu-priests, guards, as many as there were, I adorned. The mighty wild bulls, the boundaries of the gates,

    The shrines of Elam, as far as the insubmissive, I destroyed. I slew his gods and goddesses. To cut down their rocky forests, whose no one had ever cultivated, and whose hearts no one had cultivated, I placed. My battle troops entered inside them, saw their faces, and they said: "With the arrows of the tombs, their former kings, after they had not revered the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, who slew the kings, my ancestors,

    I took their feet to Assyria. I did not see them, I cut off their hair. I slew a canal, a canal that was too small for water. I made them go on a campaign. For 25 days a year, I surrounded the district of Elam with salt and juniper. I surrounded them. The daughters of kings and the sisters of kings, as far as the previous and later qepanu of the kings of Elam, the qepanu and the mayors of those cities, as many as I conquered,

    the chariot driver, the third man, the cavalrymen, the troops, bowmen, eunuchs, engineers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were far apart from the many locusts, I carried off to Assyria. I took the soil from the cities Susa, Madaktu, Haltemash, and the rest of their cult centers. To Assyria

    I smashed its walls. The raging of humans, the snare of oxen and sheep and goats, the snare of the good alalû-festival, I smashed. His fields, donkeys, gazelles, all kinds of animals, as many as there were, I made flourish therein. Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago came and went, stayed in Elam, a place not befitting her, and at that time she and the gods, her fathers, spoke my name to rule the lands.

    "The awe-inspiring radiance of her divinity I made manifest before me, saying: "Ashurbanipal brought me out of the land Elam and brought me out of the Eanna," a word of their divinity that they had spoken in distant days, they now revealed to me in the Eanna. The people behind her, I grasped the hands of her great divinity. The harranu-trading road, which irrigated the heart, I took. To Eanna, in Kislimu, the 1st day, I brought her into Uruk and in Ehiliana, which you love,

    The eternal dais of the people and the booty of the land Elam, which by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Beltu-kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku I had plundered,

    Column 7


    re-sze-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz#_-ia# asz2-ruk _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)a-ri-ti (lu2)um-ma-ni (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-li ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di si-it-tu-ti a-na ma-ha-zi szu-bat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _(lu2)nam-mesz_-ia _gal-mesz_-ia gi-mir _karasz_-ia ki#-ma# s,e-e-ni u2-za-'i-iz (disz#)um#-man-al-dasz _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza szu-usz-mur _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) dan-nu-u2-ti e-mu-ru

    qe2-reb (iri)ma-dak#-tu2# _iri#_ sza2# ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz)# ap-pu-lu# aq#?-qu#-ru# asz2-lu-lu szal-lat-su# e-ru#-ub# u2#-szib ina si-pit-ti a-szar ki-hul-le-e# szu-ut# (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz# _dumu dumu# (disz)(d)marduk#-a-sum#-na_ sza ina a-de-ia [x]-t,u#-u2 is,-lu-u2 _(gesz)szudun# en#_-ti-ia sza# _lugal#-mesz_ [x x]-ma(ki) a#-na# dan#-nu#-ti#-szu2# isz-ku-nu it-tak-lu [...]-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)in-da#-bi#-bi (disz)um-man-al-dasz

    _lugal-mesz_ sza2 e#-pu-szu2 be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)a kin_-ia# szu-ut sze-bul (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz ina ma-le-e# lib-ba-a-ti u2-ma-'e-er# _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-dasz (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz# dumu _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz a-lak _(lu2)a kin_-ia# sza2# qe2#-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-bu isz#-me#-e-ma ik-ku-ud lib3-ba-szu2 ir-sza2-a [x]-kut#-tu na-pisz-ta-szu2 pa-nu-usz#-szu2 ul e-qir#-ma ih-szu-ha mi-tu#-tu a-na (lu2)ki-ze-e ra#-[...] iq#-bi#-ma um-ma ra-si-ban#-ni# [x] _(gesz#)tukul_

    szu-u (lu2)ki-zu-szu2 ina _gir2 an-bar#_ szib#-bi#-szu2-nu up-ta-at-te-hu a-ha-mesz (disz)um-man-al-dasz ip-lah3-ma _adda (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz_ szu-a-tu2 ina _mun_ usz-ni-il-ma a-di _sag-du (lu2)ki-zu_-szu2 sza u2-ra-si-bu-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul#_ a-na _(lu2)a kin_-ia id-din-ma u2-sze-bi-la#-asz2-szu2 a-di mah-ri-ia _adda_-szu2 a-a-din a-na qe2-be2-ri _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri mi-tu-us-su ut-tir-ma _sag-du_-su ak-kis ina _gu2 (disz)(d)muati-szu-min_-s,a-bat (lu2)(d)sin-ma-gir (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na

    _szesz_ nak-ri sza2 it-ti-szu2 a-na szum-ku-ri (kur)elam-ma(ki) il-li-ku a-lul (disz)pa-'e-e sza2 me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al#-dasz e-pu-szu be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) na-mur-rat _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ez-zu-ti sza 1(disz)-szu2 2(disz)-szu2 3(disz)-szu2 it-bu-ku _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ih-su-us-ma ir-sza2-a hi-ip lib3-bi ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) in-nab-tam-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia _ug3-mesz_ mul-tah#-t,e sza (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i (iri)ku-zur-te#-e-in (iri)bad3-lugal

    (iri)ma-su-tu (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)e2-(disz)un-za-a-a (iri)e2-(disz)ar-ra-bi (iri)ib-rat (iri)an-za-gar3-sza-(disz)ta-pa-pa (iri)ak-bar-i-na (iri)gur-u2-ki-ir-ra (iri)du-un-nu-(d)sza2-masz (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)ka-ni-s,u (iri)ar-an-zi-a-sze (iri)na-qi2-da-a-te (iri)dim-tu2-sza2-(disz)si-ma-me (iri)e2-(disz)qa-ta-at-ti (iri)sza-(disz)ki-sa-a-a (iri)su-ba-he-e (iri)dul-hu-um-ba sza ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) dan-nu-u2-ti in-nab-tu

    is,-ba-tu (iri)sa-al-ad-ri _kur_-u2 mar-s,u _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu sza2 (iri)sa-al-ad-ri _kur_-u2 isz-ku-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2-un nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia is-hu-up-szu-nu-ti ul-tu _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2-un in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia a-na _(gesz)pan_ ak-s,ur-szu2-nu-ti _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia sza u2-mal-lu-u _szu-min_-u-a u2-rad-di ina 9(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu

    sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u2 _mun_ e-pu-szu-usz la is,-s,ur-u2-ma is,-la-a _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia sza an-szar2 e-mi3-du-usz i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-a-ni a-na sza2-al szul-mi3-ia _giri3-min_-szu2 ip-ru-us-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti man-da-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 ki-i (kur)elam-ma(ki)-ma da-bab sur-ra-a-te _kur_ uri(ki) isz-me-e-ma la is,-s,u-ra a-de-ia ia-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _sanga ku3_ re-e-szu2 mut-nen-nu-u2 bi-nu-ut _szu-min_ an-szar2 u2-masz-szir-an-ni-ma a-na (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e-ri

    e-mu-qi2 id-din-szu-nu-ti a-na re-s,u-tu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri isz-pur-am-ma isz-ta-kan pi-i-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-ti-szu2 u2-szam-kir2-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-ta hu-bu-ut _ug3-mesz_ sza an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ id-din-u-ni _sipa_-si-na e-pe-szi u3 u2-mal-lu-u2 _szu-min_-u-a ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _erin2-hi-a_-ia ina gi-ra-a (iri)a-za-ar_-dingir_ (iri)hi-ra-ta-a-qa-s,a-a-a ina (iri)u2-du-me

    ina na-ge-e sza2 (iri)ha-u2-ri-i-na ina (iri)mu-'a-a-ba ina (iri)sa-'a-ar-ri ina (iri)ha-ar-ge-e ina na-ge-e sza (iri)s,u-bi-ti di-ik-ta-szu2 ma-'a-at-tu a-duk ina la mi3-ni asz2-kun _bad5-bad5_-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi ma-la it-ti-szu2 it-bu-u-ni u2-ra-as-sib ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u3 szu-u2 la-pa-an _(gesz#)tukul_ an-szar2 dan-nu-ti ip-par-szid-ma in-na-bit a-na ru-qe2-e-ti _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ra-a-te mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu _izi_ u2-sza2-hi-zu iq-mu-u ina (d)gesz-bar

    e-disz-szi-szu2 in-na-bit a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-te

    AI Translation

    I gave the first-fruits to my gods. I added the men of bow and aribû-bowls, the craftsmen, and the engineers who I had carried off from the land Elam to my royal contingent. I added the rest to the cult centers, the residences of the great gods, my governors, my great lords, and my entire camp like sheep. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, who saw the might of the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar,

    In the city Madaktu, the city which I had destroyed, destroyed, demolished, and plundered by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I entered and settled therein his booty. In the midst of the place of the evil, which Nabû-enmu-iddina, son of Marduk-apla-iddina, who in my treaty ... had taken away, my lordly throne, which the kings of ... had established for his mighty lordship, ...-manigash, Tammaritu, Indabibi, Ummanaldashu,

    The kings who exercised dominion over the land Elam sent my messenger, who was dispatched to the yoke of Nabû-bel-shumati, with a long heart. Ummanaldashu and Nabû-bel-shumati, sons of Marduk-apla-iddina, heard about the advance of my messenger who had entered inside the land Elam and he became frightened. His heart became frightened. ... his life he did not take away and he seized. The ... to the kizê-official ... said: "Rasibannu ... weapons

    Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III became frightened by the iron sword and cut off the head of that Nabû-bel-shumati with salt, and gave it to my messenger as a gift to his satrap who had sinned against him. He sent his own head to me, but before me I did not give it. I removed his head from the place of his previous one and cut off his head. On the neck of Nabû-shumin-shabat, the Sîn-magir, and Geshnun-mudina,

    A hostile brother who with him went to Sumuru Elam, to march against Pa'ê, who in opposition to Ummanaldashu had exercised dominion over the land Elam, the flash of the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, which one or two or three times had seized, against the land Elam he feared and a heart frightened him. He fled from the land Elam and grasped the feet of my royal majesty. The people of the cities E-Imbi, Kuzurtin, Dur-sharru,

    the cities Masutu, Bube, Eunzaya, Earrabi, Ibrat, Anzagarsha-Tapapa, Akbarina, Gurukirra, Dunnu-Shamash, Hamanu, Kanishu, Aranziash, Naqidate, Dimtu-sha-Simame, Eqatatti, Shakisaya, Subahe, and Dulhumba, which on my previous campaign, which had been destroyed by the weapons of Ashur and the goddess Ishtar,

    The people of the city Saladri, a rugged mountain, whose city Saladri had established for their stronghold, the awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them. They fled from the mountain where their settlements were located and took to the mountain. I captured them by my bow. I added them to my royal contingent which I had filled with my hands. In my ninth campaign I mustered my troops. I took the road of Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs.

    who in my treaty he had violated, the kindness which I had done, did not keep safe, and took away my lordly throne which Ashur had fashioned, he had smashed, and his feet to the side of my well-being he smashed, and his substantial payment as Elam heard about the slander of Akkad, and did not keep safe my treaty. Ashurbanipal, the holy priest, his steadfast shepherd, the creation of the hands of Ashur, abandoned me and to Abi-Yate', Ayamu, son of Teri

    They gave them troops. For the support of Geshnu-mudina, my hostile brother, sent and he put his mouth to it. The people of the land of the Arabs with him he made disappear and they became scattered. The people whom Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods gave to me, their shepherds they did work and filled their hands with them. By the command of Ashur and Ishtar, my troops in the district of the cities Azar-ili and Hira-taqasha in the districts of Udume.

    in the district of the city Haurina, in the cities Mu'aba, Sa'arri, Harge, in the district of the city Shubitu, a great defeat he committed. Without number I imposed upon him tribute. The people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had sided with him, I captured. With weapons and he, after the mighty weapons of the god Ashur, fled and he was captured. To the outskirts of the settlements of the plain, their cult centers I ignited fire and burned them. I poured out a libation bowl before the god Ashur.

    he took away from him and fled to the Nabayateans.

    Column 8


    (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za_-dingir_ _dumu szesz ad_ sza2 (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)bir-(d)iszkur sza ra-man-szu2 isz-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)a-ri-bi an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 t,e3-en-szu2 u2-sza2-an-ni-ma il-li-ka a-di mah-ri-ia a-na kul-lum ta-nit-ti an-szar2 u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-ma (gesz)szi-ga-ru asz2-kun-szu-ma it-ti a-si _ur-gi7_ ar-ku-us-szu2-ma u2-sza2-an-s,ir-szu2 _abul muru2_ (iri)nina(ki) ne2-reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-ti

    u3 szu-u (disz)am#-mu-la-di _man_ (kur)qe2-ed-ri it#-ba-am-ma# a#-na mit-hu-s,i _lugal-mesz kur_ mar-tu(ki) sza# an-szar2# (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2#-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz)# sza2 nina(ki) (d)gaszan-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun sza2-a-szu2 bal-t,u-us-su it-ti (munus)a-di-ia-a _dam_ (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi

    is,-ba-tu-nim#-ma# u2#-bil-u-ni a-di# mah#-ri-ia ina qi2-bit _dingir#-mesz# gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-li _ur-gi7_ asz2-kun-szu2-ma u2-sza2-an-s,ir-szu2 (gesz)szi-ga-ru ina qi2#-bit# an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz# en-mesz_-ia sza# [x] a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri sza# a#-na re-s,u-tu# (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na a-na# e-reb babila2#(ki) il-li-ku re#-s,e-e-szu2 a-duk _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun si-it-tu-ti sza2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) e#-ru#-bu# ina su-un-qi2 hu-szah-hi#

    e-ku-lu# _uzu_ a-ha-mesz a-na szu-zu#-ub _zi_-ti3#-szu2-nu ul-tu2 qe2-reb babila2#(ki) u2-s,u-nim-ma e-mu-qi2-ia sza2 ina _ugu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ szak-nu sza2-ni-ia-a-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2 isz-ku-nu-ma szu-u2 e#-disz ip-par-szid-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi#_-ti3-szu2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-u-ma a-de-e ni-isz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma ku-um (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za_-dingir_ a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)a-ri-bi asz2-kun-szu2

    pi-i-szu2 isz-kun-ma ni-isz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ la ip-lah3-ma ih-tab-ba-ta hu-bu-ut mi-s,ir _kur_-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki#) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku (disz)na-at-nu _man_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu sza (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' ina mah-ri-szu2 in-nab-tu isz-me-ma da-na-an an-szar2 sza2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni sza ma-te-e-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

    la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-szu2-un ina pu-luh-ti _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 ka-szi-du-u-ti is-sa-an-qa-am-ma isz-a-la szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia u3 (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri la ha-sis t,a-ab-ti la na-s,ir ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ da-bab sur-ra-a-te it-ti-ia id-bu-ub-ma pi-i-szu2 it-ti (disz)na-at-ni _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti isz-kun-ma e-mu-qi2-szu2-nu id-ku-u-ni a-na ti-ib _hul_-tim a-na mi-s,ir-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki)

    (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _erin2-hi-a_-ia ad-ke _edin_ (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu (i7)idigna u (i7)buranun(ki) ina _illu_-szi-na gap-szi szal-mesz lu-u e-bi-ru ir-du-u2 ur-hi ru-qu-u-ti e-tel-lu-u2 hur-sza2-a-ni sza2-qu-u-ti ih-tal-lu-pu _(gesz)tir-mesz_ sza2 s,u-lul-szi-na rap-szu2 bi-rit _gesz-mesz gal-mesz_ gi-is,-s,i _(gesz)gesztin-gir2-mesz_ har-ra-an (gesz)ed-de-ti e-te-et-ti-qu szal-mi3-isz

    sza _muszen an_-e la i-sza2-'u-u qe2-reb-szu2 _ansze-edin-na-mesz masz-da3-mesz_ la ir-te-'u-u2 ina lib3-bi

  • 1(disz) _me danna_ qaq-qa-ru _ta_ nina(ki)
  • _iri_ na-ram (d)isz-tar hi-rat (d)en-lil2 _egir_ (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi u3 (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' sza2 it-ti e-mu-qi2 (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti-a-a il-li#-ka ir-du-u il-li-ku ina _(iti)sig4 iti_ (d)sin _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-sza2-re-du sza2 (d)en-lil2 _u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ sza2-da-hu sza2 (d)be-let-babila2(ki) ka-bit-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ul-tu2 (iri)ha-da-at-ta-a at-tu-musz ina la-ri-ib-da _e2 bad3_ sza2 _na4-mesz_ ina _ugu_ gu-ub-ba-a-ni sza2 _a-mesz_ at-ta-ad-di usz-man-ni

    _erin2-hi-a_-ia _a-mesz_ a-na masz-ti-ti-szu2-nu ih-bu-ma ir-du-u2 il-li-ku qaq-qar s,u-um-me a-szar lap-lap-ti a-di (iri)hu-ra-ri-na bi-rit (iri)ia-ar-ki u3 (iri)a-za-al-la ina mad-bar asz2-ru ru-u-qu a-szar u2-ma-am _edin_ la ib-ba-szu-u u3 _muszen an_-e la i-szak-ka-nu qin-nu _bad5-bad5_ (lu2)i-sa-am-me-e' _(lu2)gesz-da_ sza2 (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in u3 (kur)na-ba-a-a-ta-a-a asz2-kun _ug3-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ hu-bu-us-su-nu ina la mi3-ni ah-bu-ta

  • 8(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru
  • _erin2-hi-a_-ia lu it-tal-la-ku szal-t,isz szal-mi3-isz lu i-tu-ru-nim-ma ina (iri)a-za-al-li lu isz-tu-u _a-mesz_ nesz-be2-e _ta_ lib3-bi (iri)a-za-al-la a-di (iri)qu-ra-s,i-ti

  • 6(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru a-szar s,u-um-me
  • lap-lap-ti ir-du-u il-li-ku (lu2)a'-lu sza2 (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in

    AI Translation

    Uaite', son of Hazael, son of the brother of the father of Uaite', son of Bir-Adad, whose name they had established for kingship, the land of the Arabs, Ashur, the king of the great gods, his report he gave to me and he came before me. For the praise of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, this heavy oath he imposed on him, and a scepter I set up for him, and with the dog I slew him and confined him. The city gate of Nineveh, the gateway of the abode of the Adnatu,

    And he, Ammi-ladin, king of the land Qedar, fled and to fight with the kings of the land Amurru, whom Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods had entrusted to me, with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Beltu-kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku I brought about his defeat. I brought about his defeat with Adiya, wife of Uaite', king of the Arabs.

    After my arrival, by the command of the great gods, my lords, a dog I threw at him and made him carry it off. By the command of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, I ... the Abi-Yate', Ayamu, son of Te'ri, who to the aid of Geshnu-mudina had gone to Babylon, I killed his aid and defeated him. I confined the rest of the rest of the Babylonian in a snare of a hushhu-bushu-

    They ate each other's flesh, to save their lives, from Babylon brought out and my forces, which were placed over Geshnu-mudammiq, another man, they defeated, and that man fled, he fled, and to save his own life he took my feet. I had mercy on him, and a treaty by the great gods I made binding for him, and instead of Uaite', son of Hazael, to the kingship of the land of the Arabs I installed.

    With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku, Natnu, king of the land of the Nabayateans whose remote location Uaite' had taken away, heard of the might of the god Ashur, who had encouraged me, and who all the time to the kings, my ancestors,

    Against the fear of the weapons of the god Ashur, they seized their kingship and they inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. Moreover, Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, who is not a pious man, who does not respect the oath sworn by the great gods, spoke treachery with me, and his word with Natni, the king of the land of the Nabayateans, he set up their forces and to the death of my enemies they swore by the command of the gods Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, and Ishtar of Nineveh,

    Sharrat-Kidmuri and Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku, my troops, I mustered. The plain of Abi-Yate' I crossed. The rivers Tigris and Euphrates, in their wide floods, were full of famine. The distant mountains, the high mountains, they swarmed. The large trees, their canopy, wide between large trees, reed beds, and vines, I crossed. The eddetu-paths were full of famine.

    The wild bulls did not go up to the sky, they did not go down to the pastures.

  • 100 hectares of field from Nineveh,
  • The city beloved of Ishtar, the wife of Enlil, after Uaite', king of the land of the Arabs, and Abi-Yate', who came with the troops of the land of the Nabayateans, they conquered, they went. In the month Simanu, the month of the god Sîn, the first-born son of the foremost of Enlil, the 25th day, the sacrificial lamb of the Lady of Babylon, the substantial tribute of the great gods, from the city Hadatta I approached. In the outskirts of the wall of stones on the banks of the water I poured out.

    my troops, the water for their mashtitu he poured out and went. The field, the field of the slum, where the slums were, as far as Hurarina, between Yarki and Azalla, in the desert I surrounded. The remote place where there was no rain and the birds of heaven did not set, I brought about the defeat of the Isamme', the scout of Atarsamain and the Nabayateans. The people, donkeys, camels and sheep and goats I imposed without number.

  • 8 ...s, the ground;
  • my troops went, and safely, safely returned, and in Azallu they went. From Azalla to Qurashiti water was poured out.

  • 6 hectares of land, where the threshing floor is,
  • They have been slighted, they have gone, the 'guard of Atarsamayin.'

    Column 9


    u3 (lu2)qid-ra-a-a sza2 (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)bir-(d)iszkur _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi al-me _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _ama_-szu2 _nin9-mesz_-szu2 _dam_-su qin-nu-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)qe2-ed-ri ka-la-mu _ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni ma-la ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a har-ra-an (kur)di-masz-qa u2-sza2-asz2-ki-na sze-pu-usz-szu2-un ina _(iti)ne iti mul-pan_ ma-rat (d)sin qa-rit-tu _u4 3(disz)-kam_ nu-bat-tu2 sza2 _lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)marduk

    ul-tu2 (iri)di-masz-qa at-tu-musz

  • 6(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru mu-szi-tu ka-la-sza2
  • ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)hul-hu-li-ti ina (kur)hu-uk-ri-na _kur_-u2 mar-s,u (lu2)a'-lu sza2 (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu#_ (disz#)te#-e'#-ri (kur)qid-ra-a-a ak#-szu#-ud# _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun asz2-lu-la szal#-lat#-su (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-am-mu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal#-t,u-us-su-un u2-s,ab-bit (ina) _szu#-min_ _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ ad-di-szu2-nu-ti# it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu2-un

    mun-nab-ti# sza2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul#-mesz_-ia# in-nab-tu ip-la-hu is,-ba-tu2 (kur)hu-uk-ku-ru-na _kur_-u2 mar-s,u ina (iri)ma-an-ha-ab#-bi (iri)ap-pa-ru (iri#)te-nu-qu-ri# (iri)s,a-a-a-u2-ra-an [x] mar-qa#-na-a (iri)sa-ra-te-in# (iri#)en-zi-kar-me# (iri#)ta-a'-na-a (iri)sa-ra-a-qa# a-szar kup-pi nam-ba-'i sza2 _a#-mesz_ ma-la# ba-szu2-u _en-nun-mesz_ ina muh-hi u2#-sza2-an-s,ir#-ma _a-mesz ti-la zi_-ti3-szu2-nu ak-la masz-ti-tu u2-sza2-qir a-na pi-i-szu2-un ina s,u-um-me lap-lap-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2

    si-it-tu-u-ti _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ru-ku#-pi#-szu2-nu u2-szal#-li#-qu# a-na s,u-um-me-szu2-nu isz-ta-at-tu-u _usz2-mesz#_ u _a-mesz_ par-szu2 sza qe2-reb _kur_-e e-lu-u2 e-ru-bu e-hu-zu mar-qi2-tu e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u# ul u2-s,i# ina _szu-min_-ia# a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2-nu _szu-min_ ik-szu-us-su#-nu-ti _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e#-e-ni ina la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2#(ki#) nap-har _kur_-ia sza2 an-szar2 id-di-na ka#-la#-[x]

    a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 um-dal-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri#-[x] _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-par#-ri#-[x] u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2 [x] ina qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ina 1(disz) _gin2_ 1/2(disz)# [x (x x)] i-szam-mu ina _ka2_ ma-hi-ri# (munus)asz2-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _(lu2)lunga2#_ ina ha-pe-e# _(lu2)nu-(gesz)kiri6_ ina ki-szi-szu2 sza2 _u2-sar#_ im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u a#-me-lu#-tu# (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' a-di _erin2-hi-a_-[x] sza a-de-ia la is,-s,u#-ru#

    sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul#-mesz_ an-szar2# _en#_-[x] ip-par-szi-du in-nab-tu ma-har# [...] u2-szam-qit-su#-nu#-ti (d)er3#-ra# qar#-du# su-un-qu ina bi-ri#-szu2#-nu# isz-sza2-kin-ma# a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu e-ku#-lu _uzu dumu-mesz#_-szu2#-nu ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-e-szu2-nu# szat,#-ra# ina pit-ti i-szi-mu-szu2-nu-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina#(ki#) (d#)szar#-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki#) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d#)nusku#

    ba-ak-ru su-hi-ru (gu4#)[x] _udu-nim#_ ina _ugu 7(disz)-ta#-am3#_ mu-sze-ni-qa-a-te# e#-ni#-qu#-u-ma# szi-iz-bu la u2-szab-bu-u ka#-ra-sun2# _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi 1(disz)-en a-na 1(disz)-en isz-ta-'a-a-lu4 a-ha-mesz ina _ugu_ mi-ne2-e ki-i ep-sze-e#-tu2# an-ni-tu2# _hul_-tu2# im-hu-ru (kur)a#-ru-bu um-ma asz2-szu2 a-de-e _gal-mesz_ sza2 an-szar2 la ni-is,-s,u-ru# ni-ih-t,u-u2 ina _mun#_ (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal_ na-ram# lib3-bi (d)en#-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 ri-im#-tu2 _(d)en-lil2-la2_-i#-tu

    sza it-ti (d)a-num (d)en-lil2 szit-lu-t,a-at man-za-zu u2-na-kip _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia ina _si-mesz_-sza2 gasz-ra-a-te (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)gesz-bar lit-bu-szat me-lam-me na#-sza2-a-ta _ugu_ (kur)a-ri-bi i-za-an-nun nab#-li# (d)er3-ra qar-du a-nun-tu# [...]-ma u2-ra-as-si-pa ga#-[x]-ia# (d)masz szil-ta-hu qar-ra-du _gal_-u _dumu#_ (d#)[...]-ru# ina us,-s,i-szu2 zaq-ti u2-par-ri-i' _zi_-tim# (lu2#)[...] (d)nusku _sukkal_ na#-a'-du mu-sza2-pu-u _en_-[x x]

    sza ina qi2-bit an#-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 qa-rit-tu2 (d)be#-[...] _a2-min_-a-a il-lik-ma is,#-s,u-ra _lugal_-u#-[x] me2-eh-ret _erin2-hi-a_-ia iz-ziz-ma u2-szam-qi2-ta ga-re-ia# ti-bu-ut _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz)# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia# sza ina e-pesz _me3_ il-li-ku re-s,u#-ti _erin2-hi-a-mesz_ sza (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' isz-mu-u-ma _ugu_-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu szu-u2 ip-lah3-ma ul-tu _e2_ in-nab-tu u2-s,a-am-ma ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur

    (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _szu-min_ ik-szu-us-su-ma u2-ra-asz2-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina ni-isz _szu-min_-ia sza2 a-na ka-szad _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia am-da-ha-ru an-szar2 u (d#)nin#-lil2 ina (gesz)hu-ut-ne2-e ma-sze-ri s,i-bit _szu#-min_-ia _(uzu)me-ze2_-szu2 ap-lu-usz ina la-ah-szi-szu2 at-ta-di s,er-re-tu2 ul-li _ur-gi7_ ad-di-szu2-ma ina _abul_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi sza2 _muru2_ (iri)nina(ki#)

    u2-sza2-an-s,ir-szu2 (gesz)szi-ga-ru a-na da-lal2 ta-nit-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (iri)u2-szu-u sza ina a-hi tam-tim na-da-ta szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ (iri)u2-szu-u sza2 a-na _(lu2)nam-mesz_-szu2-nu la sa-an#-qu la i-nam-di-nu man-da-at#-tu2 na-dan szat-ti-szu2-un a-duk ina _sza3 un-mesz_ la kan-szu-u-ti szip-t,u asz2-kun

    _ug3-mesz_ (iri)ak-ku-u la kan-szu-ti a-nir _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu ina (gesz)ga-szi-szi a-lul si-hir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-mi si-it-tu-ti-szu2-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) a-na ki-s,ir ak-s,ur-ma _ugu erin2-hi-a_-ia ma-a'-da-a-ti sza an-szar2 i-qi2-sza2 u2-rad-di

    AI Translation

    and the Qidru of Uaite', son of Bir-Adad, king of the land of the Arabs, I heard. His gods, his mother, his sisters, his wife, his family, the people of the entire land of the Kedar, donkeys, camels, and sheep and goats, as many as with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I conquered. I made my hands take the road to Damascus. In month Abu, month of the Bow, the queen of the god Sîn, 3rd day, the evening meal of the king of the gods, Marduk

    From Damascus I went down.

  • 6 dannas of the 'outside,' the 'inside,' all of it,
  • I marched as far as the city Hulhulitu in the land Hukrina, a rugged mountain. I defeated the 'a'lu-demon' Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, the Qidru. I brought about his defeat and carried off his booty. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I captured Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu alive in the middle of the battle. I gave them iron fetters with the booty of their land.

    The captives who had fled from my weapons became frightened and took to Mount Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain. In Manhabi, Apparu, Tenuquru, Shauran, ... marqanu, Sartin, Enzikarme, Ta'naya, and Saraqa, the place of the dike, which all the water there is, I kept in check and the water for their life I poured out. I made their lives abundant and their spirits I made great. In the womb I erected a stele.

    The rest of the camels and their mules they carried off. They sat down to their yoke. The dead and the water from the mountain which they entered entered, the qidu-offerings were not received. The qidu-offerings did not come out. The qidu-offerings did not come out. In my hands, where qidu-offerings were made, I carried them off. The people, male and female, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number. To Assyria, all of my land which Ashur gave, all of .

    In all of it they ... the horses like sheep and goats. They ... and smote the people of Assyria. In the midst of my land the horses for one shekel and half ... were given. At the gate before me, the brewer was seated at the ninnu-vessel, the gardener at the threshing floor, and the horses and the people Uaite' together with the troops ... did not keep the horses and the people of my treaty.

    who fled from the weapons of Ashur and ... and fled before ..., he seized them. Erra, the mighty, a snare in their midst set up and to their midst he ate their flesh. Their sons, as many as in their treaty he named in a favorable way, the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku,

    The ..., the ..., the oxen, and the sheep, on seven occasions, they were snatched and they did not let them sit down. The people of the land of the Arabs, one to one, they sat down. They sat down together on what is it that this evil deed? The land of the Arabs said: "As for the great treaties which we did not honor, we did not forget." With the help of Assurbanipal, the king beloved of the heart of Enlil and Ninlil, the beloved of Enlil,

    who with Anu and Enlil, the smiting one, destroyed your position, my enemies with her fierce horns; Ishtar who dwells in Arbela, the smiting one, who is adorned with splendor, he who is crowned over the Arabs; the one who the wild bull Erra, the hero of battle, ... and he who ... my ...; Ninurta, the great hero, son of ..., in his midst he smashed the life; ...; Nusku, the vizier who is mighty, the one who ...s,

    who by the command of the gods Ashur and Ninlil, the scepter of Be..., went and took my ..., the king ... stood in the presence of my troops and made sacrifices to me. The assault of the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, who went to do battle, the troops of Uaite' heard and revolted against him. He became frightened and fled from the house he fled, and with the support of the gods Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad,

    Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku grasped his hands and he slew him. To Assyria, with my hand that I had slew to conquer my enemies, Ashur and Ninlil with a scepter that was a scepter, my hand I grasped his flesh. I slew his flesh in a heap. I threw down a dog. I gave him a dog and in the courtyard of the rising sun, which is in the middle of Nineveh,

    I made him carry a stag for the praise of the praise of Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords. I prayed to him and he made his life abundant. On my return I conquered the city Ushû, whose dwelling is situated on the shore of the sea. The people of Ushû, whose governors are not pious and do not give a payment, I killed them, and in the people who were not pious I established justice.

    I carried off the people of the city Akku, which was not a safe place. I carried off their corpses on poles, and I filled the entire city with them. I took the rest of them to Assyria, to the border, and added them to my extensive troops which Ashur had ordered.

    Column 10


    (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e-ri it-ti (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _szesz_-szu2 i-zi-zu-ma it-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia e-pu-szu2 _me3_ ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su ina _szu-min_ as,-bat ina nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia _kusz_-szu2 asz2-hu-ut, (disz)um-man-al-dasz _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki#) sza ul-tu2 ul#-la an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en#-mesz#_-ia iq-bu-u2 a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ina qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu s,ir-tu sza2 la# in#-nen#-nu-u _egir_-nu _kur_-su _ugu_-szu2 ib-bal-kit#-ma#

    la-pa-an sah-masz-ti _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 sza2 u2-szab-szu2-u _ugu_-szu2 e-disz-szi-szu2 ip-par-szid-ma is,#-ba-ta _kur_-u2 ul-tu _kur_-e _e2_ mar-qi2-ti#-szu2# a-szar it-ta-nap-rasz-szi#-du# ki-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ a-bar-szu-ma bal-t,u-us-su al-qa-asz2-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man#-al#-dasz sza _egir_ a-ha-mesz e-pu-szu be-lut (kur)elam#-ma(ki#) sza ina e-mu-qi2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia u2-szak-ni-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia

    (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri#-bi# sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d#)1(u)-5(disz)# _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2#-ku#-nu ul-tu a-na na-sah _(udu)siskur#-[x_ x]-lu#-u# ina e2-masz-masz szu-bat _en_-[x x]-un# ma-har (d)nin-lil2 _ama# dingir-mesz_ [x x] hi-ir#-tu na-ram-ti an#-[x] e#-pu-szu _garza#-mesz e2_ a2#-[x x] _(gesz#)szudun#_ (gesz#)sza2 sza2-da#-di u2-sza2-as,-bit-su#-nu#-ti# a-di _ka2_ e2-kur isz-du-du ina _ki-ta_-ia# al-bi-in ap-pi at#-ta-'i-id# _dingir_-us-su#-un#

    u2#-[x x]-a# dan-nu-us-su-un ina _ukken# erin2#-hi-a_-ia sza an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu# (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) [x] nina#(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid#-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [x] limmu2#-dingir(ki) (d#)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku sza2 la kan#-[x]-ti-ia# u2#-szak-ni-szu2 a-na# _(gesz#)szudun_-ia# [x] li#-i#-ti# u3 da-na-a#-ni [x]-sza2-zi#-zu#-in#-ni _edin (lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia (disz#)1(u) 5(disz)#-[x] _lugal#_ (kur)ur-ar#-t,i# sza# _lugal#-mesz# ad#-mesz#_-szu2 a-na _ad-mesz_-ia#

    e#-nen#-na# (disz#)1(u)-5(disz)#-bad3# da-na-nu ep-sze-e-tu2 sza# _dingir#-[x] gal#-mesz#_ i#-szi#-mu#-in#-ni isz-me-e-ma [x x] sza2# _dumu#_ [x]-na# _ad#_-szu2# isz#-ta-nap-pa-ra _en_-u-tu2 [x] szu#-[x] ki#-i# pi-i an-nim-ma [...]-pa#?-ra# x um-ma lu-u szul-mu [x x] _lugal# en_-ia [...] ta#-mar-ta#-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 [...] a-di mah-ri-ia [...]-szu2# _e2# usz#_-u#-ti te-ne2-e _e2-gal_ sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) [x] s,i-i-ru# na-ram (d)nin-lil2 [...] 3(u)-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ an#-szar2#(ki) _ad ad du3_-ia

    [x x]-szu# a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2 [x] _usz#_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-ti [x]-ba#-risz il-lik e-na-ha _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 [x x]-ku# (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu [x] kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim [x x] qe2-reb _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 ar-ba-a _[x]-szar2#_ (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag [x] 1(u) 5(disz)# sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri [x x] sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)gaszan-garza-mesz (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku

    [x] _lugal#_-u2-ti is,-s,u-ru [...]-nu# _du10-ga an-dul3_-la-szu2-nu sza sza2-la-me it#-ru#-s,u# _ugu_-ia ul#-tu ina _(gesz#)gu#-za# ad du3_-ia u2-szi-bu e#-te-ne2-ep-pu-szu2 be-lut _kur-kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz dagal-mesz_ [x]-a#-a-an pu-us-su-rat ha-de-e sza# ka-szad _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia u2-pa-sa-ru-in-ni qe2-reb-szu2 ina ma-a-a-al mu-szi du#-um#-mu-qa _masz2-ge6-mesz_-u-a ina sza sze-e-ri ba-nu-u2 e-ger-ru-u-a masz-ta-ku szu-a-tu2 mu-szal-li-mu _en-mesz_-szu2 szu-u2-ma

    _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz#_ szi-mat-su i-szi-mu a-na _munus saga_ an-hu-us#-su ad-ke asz2-szu2 ru-up-pu-usz tal#-lak-ti-szu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 aq-qur

  • _5(u)-am3_ ti-ib-ki masz-kan2 szi-kit-ti-szu2
  • pi-tiq-tu ap-tiq tam-la-a usz-mal-li la-pa-an esz-re-e-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia ap-lah3-ma tam-la-a szu-a-tu2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 ul u2-szaq-qi2 ma-a'-disz ina _iti du10-ga ud sze-ga edin_ tam-le-e szu-a-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 ad-di u2-kin _sig4_-su ina _kasz-sag_ u _gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu2 ab-(lu)lul am#-ha-s,a szal-la-ar-szu2 ina# (gesz#)s,u-um_-bi-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia asz2-lu-la a-na e-pesz _e2_ ri-du-u-ti szu-a-tu2

    _ug3-mesz kur_-ia ina lib3-bi i-zab-bi-lu _sig4-hi-a_ _lugal-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u sza ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su-nu u2-s,ab-bi-tu2 ina _szu-min_ a-na e-pesz _e2_ ri-du-u-ti szu-a-tu2 (gesz)al-lu tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti u2-sza2-az-bi-la ku-dur2-ri la-bi-in _sig4-hi-a_-szu2 za-bi-lu tup-szik-ki-szu2 ina e-le-li nin-gu-u-ti ub-ba-lu u4-um-szu2-un ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te ul-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip

    _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz u2-szar-ri-ha ep-sze-te-e-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ tar-bit (kur)si-ra-ra (kur)lab-na-na u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ li-ia-a-ri sza2 e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ me-ser _zabar_ u2-rak-kis u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2 (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz uruda_ nam-ru u2-hal-lip-ma hi-it-ti _ka2 e2_ hi-la-ni-szu2 e-mid _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 u2-szak-lil lu-le-e u2-mal-li _(gesz)kiri6-mah_ sza2 gi-mir _gesz-mesz_

    _gurun nig2-sa-sa-hi-a_ ka-la-mu az-qu-pa i-ta-te-e-szu2 szi-pir ep-sze-e-te-szu2 ag-mur-ma _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qa-a a-na _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te u2-szar-ri-szu2 e-ru-ub qe2-reb-szu2 ina za-mar tak-ne2-e a-na _egir ud-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz_ _dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-u-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia

    _ad ad_-ia _numun_ da-ru-u sza2 _lugal_-u-ti li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-usz da-na-nu u li-i-tu2 sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia ib-ba-tu2 it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki)

    (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku de-e-ni it-ti ni-bit _mu_-ia li-di-nu-usz _(iti)gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam2_ lim-mu (disz)(d)utu-kal-in-an-ni _(lu2)gar-kur kur_ uri(ki)

    AI Translation

    Ayamu, son of Teri, sided with Abi-yate', his brother, and they did battle with my troops. In the middle of the battle I captured him alive. I slew him with the sword. In Nineveh, my capital city, I ripped out his skin. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, who since time immemorial had said to me by the command of their exalted divinity, which cannot be changed, after they had seized his land,

    After the sahmashtu-festival, the servants of his that had seized him had seized him, he fled and took to the mountains. From the mountain, his marqitu-house, where he had been seized, like a eagle I struck him and took him alive. To Assyria Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam, which with the strength of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, had established, to my yoke

    Uaite', king of the land of the Arabs, whose defeat I had brought about by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, from the day he was to perform a sheep offering ... in the Emashmash, the seat of the lords of ..., before the goddess Ninlil, mother of the gods, ..., the beloved spouse of Anu, I made. I made the rites of the temple of ..., the shudunu-wood, and the shaddû-wood, and I made them sit down at the gate of the Ekur. I erected it in my lower part. I surrounded their divinity.

    ... ... their mighty ... in the assembly of my troops. As for Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar ... Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar ... Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who did not ... me, they made him bow down to my yoke. ... ... and mighty battles ... ... ... of my enemies. ... king of Urartu, who the kings, his fathers, to my fathers

    Now, Adad-duri, the mighty, the deeds which the great gods had heard, heard, and ... of the son of ..., his father, constantly wrote to me, his lordly majesty, ... according to this, ... ..., saying: "May the well-being of the king, my lord, ... his substantial audience gift ... before me ... his ..., the house of life, the palace quarters, which is inside Nineveh, exalted, beloved of Ninlil, ... 30 ..., king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me,

    ... for the residence of his kingship ... that ... in joyous celebrations ... went and ... his walls ... Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, ... of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, ... inside that ... temple ... ..., Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, ... 15 of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, ... of Arbela, Beltu-garzas, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku,

    ... kingship he kept safe; ... good ... their ..., whose radiance was a burden upon me, from the throne of the father who had engendered me he sat on, they continually did the work; the lordship of the lands and the wide people, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ferocious ..., who smashed my enemies, inside it, in the midst of the night, my dreams in the morning, when I departed, that dream, the rejoicing of his lords, is that dream.

    The great gods determined his fate. I mustered his afflicted wife. Because of the wrath of his labor I smashed his entire camp.

  • 50 lines, the tibku-mark, the foundation of his mind.
  • I surrounded the terrace, surrounded the terrace, and from the shrines of the great gods, my lords, I became frightened, and that terrace its construction I did not complete. In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I surrounded that terrace with a wall, laid its foundations, and poured out its bricks with beer and wine. I sank its bricks, and carried off its booty. I sat on the Elamite cedars, which by the command of the great gods, my lords, I erected. To rebuild that house,

    The people of my land sat in it. The bricks of the kings of the Arabs who had sinned against my treaty and who in the middle of the battle had captured, they slew. With the hands, to rebuild that house, I made them carry baskets and baskets. I made bricks from its old brickwork, baskets and baskets, and I filled their days with joy. With joy from its foundations to its crenellations I built.

    I made its construction more extensive than before and I made its construction more splendid. I roofed it with beams of cedar grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of li'ari-wood, whose scent is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I made mighty columns of shining copper and thereby I surrounded the gap between the gates of his house of his lordly residence. I completed that house, the seat of my royal majesty, in its entirety. I filled it with splendor. I planted a garden of all the trees.

    I gathered all the produce and possessions that I had gathered. I finished the work on it, and I offered sumptuous offerings to the gods, my lords. With joy and rejoicing I made him enter it. In the midst of prayer, in the future, in the days of the kings, my sons, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, his name, when that house becomes dilapidated and dilapidated, may I renew its dilapidated. A inscription written in my name, my father,

    May the father of my father, the eternal seed of kingship, see and smell the oil, may he perform a sacrifice and a balaqi offering with this inscribed object. May the great gods, as many as are written in this inscribed object, grant me as my own strength and strength. May the power and the life of the inscribed object, which is written in my name, my father and my grandfather, be established with his inscribed object. May Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, and Ishtar of Nineveh

    Sharrat-Kidmuri and Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku will decide my case with the inscription of my name. Ayyaru II, 15th day, eponymy of Shamash-kalinanni, governor of the land Akkad.

    P421808: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] [...] [_...]-gi7_ u uri(ki) [...] _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) [...] _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) [...] (d#)asz-szur (d)3(u) (d)utu (d)ag (d)marduk _(d)1(u)-5(disz)_ sza nina(ki) _(d)1(u)-5(disz)_ sza _limmu2-dingir(ki) dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu2 s,i-it (d)utu-szi a-di e-reb (d)utu-szi it-tal-lak-u2-ma ma-hi-ra la i-szu-u ka-szid (iri)s,i-du-un-ni sza2 ina _muru2_ tam-tim sa-pi-nu gi-mir da-ad2-me-szu2 _bad3_-szu2 u3 szu-bat-su as-suh-ma qe2-reb tam-tim ad-di-i-ma a-szar masz-kan2-i-szu2 u2-hal-liq

    (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _lugal_-szu sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ina _muru2_ tam-tim in-nab-tu ki-ma nu-u2-ni ul-tu2 qe2-reb tam-tim a-bar-szu-ma ak-ki-sa qaq-qa-su nak-mu _nig2-gur11_-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4-mesz_ a-qar-tu2 _kusz am-si zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ (tug2)lu-bul-ti _gun3_ u _gada_ mim-ma szum-szu ni-s,ir-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 a-na mu-'u-de-e asz2-lu-la _ug3-mesz_-szu2 _dagal-mesz_ sza2 ni-ba la i-sza2-a _gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz_ a-bu-ka a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    u2-pa-hir-ma _lugal-mesz_ (kur)hat-ti u3 a-hi tam-tim ka-li-szu2-nu ina asz2#-[x] sza2-nim-ma _iri_ u2-sze-pisz-ma (iri)[...]-szesz-szum2-na at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _ug3-mesz_ hu-bu-ut _(gesz)pan_-ia sza2 _kur_-i u3 tam-tim s,i-it (d)utu-szi ina lib3-bi u2-sze-szi-ib (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)nam ugu_-szu2-nu asz2-kun u3 (disz)sa-an-du-ar-ri _lugal_ (iri)kun-di (iri)si-su-u2 _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,u la pa-lih3 be-lu-ti-ia sza _dingir-mesz_ u2-masz-szir3-u2-ma a-na _kur_-i mar-s,u-ti it-ta-kil

    u (disz)ab-di-mil-ku-ut-ti _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-ni a-na re-s,u-ti-szu2 isz-kun-ma _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-na a-ha-mesz iz-kur-u-ma a-na e-mu-qi-szu-un it-tak-lu a-na-ku a-na (d)asz-szur _en_-ia at-ta-kil-ma ki-ma is,-s,u-ri ul-tu2 qe2-reb _kur_-i a-bar-szu2-ma ak-ki-sa qaq-qa-su asz2-szu2 da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia _ug3-mesz_ kul-lum-mi-im-ma _sag-du-mesz_ (disz)sa-an-du-ar-ri u3 (disz)ab-di-mi-il-ku-ut-ti [x x] ki-sza2-di _(lu2)gal-mesz_-szu2-un a-lul-ma it#-ti _(lu2)nar-mesz_ u _(gesz)za3-mi2_

    ina re-bet nina(ki) e-te-[x x]-iq# sza2-lil (iri)ar-za-a [...] na-hal (kur)mu-[x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... and Ur, ... king of Assyria, ... king of Assyria, ..., Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Nabû, Marduk, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, his lords, from sunrise to sunset went and had no opponent, conqueror of the city Sidon, which is in the middle of the sea, the sapinu, all of its settlements, its wall and its dwellings I abandoned, and in the middle of the sea I dragged it, and where its foundations had collapsed

    Abdi-Milkuti, his king, who had fled from my weapons in the middle of the sea, fled like a bird from the sea and cut off his hands. His property, gold, silver, precious stones, ivory, elephant hides, elephant ivory, ebony, linen garments, a talent and linen garment, everything that is his treasure, I carried off to Assyria. His extensive people, who had no rival, oxen, sheep and goats, the donkeys of your father, into Assyria.

    I made and the kings of Hatti and the rest of the Sealand in ... another city I made and the city ...-ahushuna I called. I settled therein the people, captives of my bow, of the mountains and the sea lit. "the west" of the sky. I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them and Sanduri, the king of the cities Kundu and Sisû, a hostile enemy, who did not fear my lordship, which the gods had abandoned and trusted in the rugged mountain

    and Abdi-Milkuti, king of Sidon, for his help set up and the names of the great gods to each other they decreed and they trusted in their strength. I trusted in the god Ashur, my lord, and after I had secured his position, I removed him from the mountains and cut down his field. Because of the might of the god Ashur, my lord, the people were gathered and the heads of Sanda-duri and Abdi-Milkuti, ... the territory of their magnates, I marched and with the singers and musicians

    In the midst of Nineveh he passed ..., the sailor of Arzâ, ..., the canal of Mu...,

    Column 2


    [...] [...] a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) [...] ina t,e-hi _ka2-gal muru2 iri_ sza2 _nina_ [x] it-ti a-si _ur-gi7_ u _szah2_ u2-sze-szib-szu2-nu-ti ka-mi3-isz u3 (disz)te-usz-pa-a (kur)gi-mir-ra-a-a _erim_-man-da sza2 a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu ina _ki_-tim (kur)hu-bu-usz-na a-di gi-mir _erin2 hi-a_ u2-ra-si-ba ina _(gesz)tukul_ ka-bi-is ki-sza2-di _ug3-mesz_ (kur)hi-lak-ki szad-du-u8-a a-szi-bu-ut hur-sza2-ni sza2 t,e-hi (kur)ta-bal sza2 _ugu kur-mesz_-szu2-nu it-tak-lu-ma

  • 2(u) 1(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu dan-nu-ti
  • a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza2 li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me ak-szud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2 ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu si-it-te-szu2-nu sza hi-it,-t,u u3 gul-lul-tu2 la i-szu-u2 kab-tu ni-ir be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-nu-ti da-isz (kur)bar-na-ki nak-ru ak-s,u a-szi-bu-te (kur)du6-a-szur-ri sza i-na pi-i _ug3-mesz_ (iri)me-eh-ra-nu (iri)pi-ta-nu i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2-un mu-sap-pi-ih _ug3-mesz_ (kur)man-na-a-a qu-tu-u2 la sa-an-qu sza2 um-ma-na-a-ti (disz)isz-pa-ka-a-a

    i-na-ru ina _(gesz)tukul_ t,a-rid (disz)(d)muati-numun-zi-si-sa2 _a_ (disz)(d)szu2-a-asz sza2 a-na _man_ (kur)e-lam-ti it-tak-lu-ma la u2-sze-zi-bu nap-szat-su (disz)na-'i-id-(d)mar-duk _szesz_-szu2 asz2-szu2 e-pesz _ARAD2_-u2-ti-ia ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti in-nab-tam-ma a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia il-lik-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-iq _giri3-min_-ia _kur_ tam-tim a-na si-hi-ir-ti-sza2 ri-du-ut _szesz_-szu2 u2-szad-gil2 pa-nu-usz-szu2 na-bi-i' (kur)e2-(disz)dak-kur-ri

    ka-mu-u2 (disz)(d)utu-ib-ni _lugal_-szu is-hap-pu hab-bi-lu la pa-li-hu zik-ri _en en-en_ sza2 _a-sza3-mesz dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) u bar2-sipa(ki) ina pa-ri-ik-te it-ba-lu-ma asz2-szu2 a-na-ku pu-luh-ti _en_ u _(d)muati_ i-du-u _a-sza3-mesz_ szi-na-a-ti u2-ter-ma pa-an _dumu-mesz_ babila(ki) u bar2-sipa(ki) u2-szad-gil2 (disz)(d)muati-szal-lim _a_ (disz)ba-la-su ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib-ma i-sza-t,a ab-sza2-a-ni (iri)a-du-mu-[x] _iri_ dan-nu-tu (kur)a-ri-bi

    sza2 (disz)(d)3(u)-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) [x] ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du-ma [_...]-ga_-szu2 _dingir-mesz_-szu2

    AI Translation

    ... ... to Assyria ... at the gate of the city gate of Nineveh ... with a dog and a pig he settled them. Further, Teushpâ, the Cimmerian, the military contingent whose location is remote, in the territory of Hubushna together with all the troops he smote. With the weapon of the enemy, he smashed the flanks of the people of Hilakku, the shaddu'u-da people living in the mountains on the border of Tabal, which is against their lands, and

  • 21 of their fortified cities,
  • I surrounded, conquered, plundered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. Their rest, who had no guilt or crime, the slander of my lordship, I imposed upon them. The destruction of the land Barnakku, the mighty, the settlements of the land Til-Assurru, who by the command of the people of the cities Mehranu and Pittanu swear their names, the destruction of the Mannean people, the unsubmissive, the unsubmissive, of the army of Ishpaku,

    Nabonidus-zisisa, son of Shuas, who trusted in the kingship of the land Elam and did not spare a single person, Na'id-Marduk, his brother, fled from the land Elam to do obeisance to me, came to Nineveh, my capital city, and kissed my feet. The Sealand to its opposite, the rebellion of his brother, he made binding on him. The enemy of the land Bit-Dakkurri

    Moreover, Shamash-ibni, his king, was a slanderer who did not respect the words of the lord of lords, who sinned against the fields of the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa in rebellion and because I, the fear of the lord and Nabû, knew, those fields he returned and he made them a burden on the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa. Nabû-shallim, son of Balasu, sat on his throne and he made a claim. Adumu..., the fortified city of the land of the Arabs,

    which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had conquered and ... his gods

    Column 3


    [...]-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) [x]-qa-a [x x]-za-_dingir lugal_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia il-lik-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-iq _giri3-min_-ia asz2-szu2 na-dan _dingir-mesz_-szu2 u2-s,al-la-a-ni-ma re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dingir-mesz_ sza2-tu-nu an-hu-su-nu ud-disz-ma da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ugu_-szu2-nu u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma u2-ter-ma ad-din-szu2 (munus)ta-bu-u-a tar-bit _e2-gal_-ia a-na _lugal_-u2-ti _ugu_-szu2-nu asz2-kun-ma

    it-ti _dingir-mesz_-sza2 a-na _kur_-sza2 u2-ter-szi

  • 1(gesz2) 5(disz) _(ansze)gam-mal-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-te
  • _ad_-ia mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu ar-ka (disz)ha-za-dingir szim-tu2 u2-bil-szu2-ma (disz)ia-a'-lu-u2 _dumu_-szu ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib-ma

  • 1(u) _ma-na ku3-sig17_ 1(disz) _lim na4-mesz_ be2-ru-ti
  • 5(u) _(ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ 1(disz) _lim_ kun-zi _szim hi-a_
  • _ugu_ ma-da-te _ad_-szu2 u2-rad-di-ma e-mid-su (kur)ba-a-zu na-gu-u sza2 a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu mi-szit na-ba-li qaq-qar _mun_ a-szar s,u-ma-me

  • 1(disz) _me_ 4(u) _danna_ qaq-qar ba-a-s,i
  • pu-qut-tu2 u _(na4)zu2_ s,a-bi-ti

  • 2(u) _danna_ qaq-qar _musz_ u _gir2-tab_
  • sza2 ki-ma kul-ba-bi ma-lu-u u2-ga-ru

  • 2(u) _danna_ (kur)ha-zu-u2 szad-di _(na4)sag-gil-mud_
  • a-na _egir_-ia u2-masz-szir-ma e-ti-iq sza2 ul-tu u4-me ul-lu-ti la il-li-ku _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ina qi2-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia ina qer-bi-szu2 szal-t,a-nisz at-tal-[x]

  • 8(disz) _lugal-mesz_ sza2 qe2-reb na-ge-e szu2-a-tu2
  • a-duk _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu _nig2-szu_-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu u _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-la a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)la-a-a-le-e _lugal_ (iri)ia-di-i' sza2 ul-tu2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du szal-la-at _dingir-mesz_-szu2 isz-me-e-ma a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia a-di mah-ri-ia il-lik-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-iq _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma aq-ta-bi-szu2 a-hu-lap _dingir-mesz_-szu2 sza2 asz2-lu-la da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia

    na-ge-e (kur)ba-a-zi szu-a-tu2 u2-szad-gil2 pa-nu-usz-szu _gun_ man-da-at-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu (disz)en-ba-sza2 _a_ (disz)bu-na-ni (lu2)gam-bu-la-a-a sza ina 1(u) 2(disz) _danna_ qaq-qar ina _a-mesz_ u _gi-ambar-mesz_ ki-ma nu-u2-ni szit-ku-nu szub-tu2 ina qi2-bit asz-szur _en_-ia hat-tu im-qut-su-ma ki-i t,e3-em ra-ma-ni-szu2 bil-tu2 u man-da-at-tu2 _gu4-mah_-hi szuk-lul-u2-tu x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... and to Assyria ... ...-za-il, king of the land of the Arabs, with his substantial audience gift to Nineveh, my capital city, he came and kissed my feet. Because of the payment of his gods, he entrusted me with the sacrificial offerings and I had mercy on him. Those gods I restored and the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and the writing of my name I had written upon them and I returned them and gave them back to him. A woman from the palace, I established as kingship over them and

    he returned it to its land with her gods.

  • 115 camels for the tribute;
  • He brought in a lawsuit against Hazael, and he placed Ia'lû, his son, on his throne.

  • 10 minas of gold, 1,000 reeds,
  • 50 camels, 1,000 containers of aromatics,
  • He added to the tribute of his father and imposed it upon him. Bazu, the district in whose area is remote, the area of a marsh, the place of a slum,

  • 100 hectares of land, cultivated,
  • a shabitu-stone and a shabitu-stone

  • 20 ..., the area of snakes and scorpions;
  • Who like a suckling pig is swollen,

  • 20 ... of the land of Hazae, bordering on saggilmud-stone,
  • After me he abandoned it and went out. Whoever from distant days did not go before me, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, I ... in it.

  • 8 kings who are in that district,
  • I killed their gods, their property, their possessions, and their people. In Assyria, La-alê, king of the city Yadi', who had fled from my weapons, heard about the booty of his gods, went to Nineveh, my capital city, before me, and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and told him to kill. I killed his gods, who had carried off the might of the god Ashur, my lord,

    He entrusted to him the province of Bazi, and he imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship. Before him, Bel-basha, son of Bunanu, a Gambulian whose residence is located 12 hectares of land in water and marshes, like a nest, by the command of Ashur, my lord, a severe defeat fell upon him and according to his own instructions, tribute and payment of oxen, pure ... .

    Column 4


    u2#-bi#-lam#-ma# u2#-na#-asz2#-szi#-iq# _giri3#-min#_-ia# re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma u2-szar-hi-is-su lib3-bu (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 dan-na-as-su u2-dan-nin-ma sza2-a-szu2 a-di _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_-szu2 ina lib3-bi u2-sze-li-szu-ma _gin7 (gesz)ig_ ina _igi_ (kur)e-lam-ti e-di-il-szu2 (kur)pa-tu-usz-ar-ra na-gu-u sza2 i-te-e _e2-mun_ sza2 qe2-reb (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza2 pa-a-t,i (kur)bi-ik-ni szad-di _(na4)za-gin3_ sza2 ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia mam2-ma la ik-bu-su

    (disz)szi-dir-pa-ar-na (disz)e-pa-ar-na _(lu2)en-iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti sza la kit-nu-szu a-na ni-i-ri sza2-a-szu2-nu a-di _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-ku-bi-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz_ (ansze)u2-du-ri szal-lat-sun2 ka-bit-tu2 asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)up-pi-is _(lu2)en-iri_ sza (iri)pa-ar-tak-ka (disz)za-na-sa-na _(lu2)en-iri_ sza (iri)pa-ar-tuk-ka (disz)ra-ma-te-ia _(lu2)en-iri_ sza (iri)u2-ra-ka-za-bar-na (kur)ma-da-a-a sza2 a-szar-szu2-nu ru-u2-qu

    sza ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _ki_-tim _kur_ asz-szur(ki) la ib-bal-ki-tu-nim-ma la ik-bu-su qaq-qar-sza2 pu-luh-tu2 ra-szub-bat asz-szur _en_-ia is-hup-szu-nu-ti-ma (ansze)mur-ni-is-qi _gal-mesz (na4)za-gin3_ hi-ip _kur_-szu2 a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia asz2-szu2 _(lu2)en-iri-mesz_ sza2 qa-a-tu2 id-ku-szu-nu-ti be-lu-u2-ti u2-s,al-lu-ma e-ri-szu-in-ni kit-ru (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)nam-mesz_ sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-szu2-un

    _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _iri-mesz_ sza2-tu-nu ik-bu-su-ma u2-szak-nisz-szu2 _giri3-min_-usz-szu2-un _gun_ man-da-tu2 be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-szu2-un ul-tu2 (d)asz-szur (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag _(d)1(u)-5(disz)_ sza nina(ki) _(d)1(u)-5(disz)_ sza limmu2-dingir(ki) _ugu_ na-ki-ri-ia ina li-i-ti u2-sza2-zi-zu-ni-ma am-s,u-u ma-la lib3-bi-ia ina ki-szit-ti na-ki-ri szad-lu-u2-ti sza2 ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ik-szu-da qa-ta-a-a esz-ret ma-ha-zi sza2 _kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    u _kur_ uri(ki) u2-sze-pisz-ma _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-in-ma u2-nam-me-ra ki-ma _utu_-szi ina _u4-mesz_-szu-ma _e2-gal_ ma-szar-te sza qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a sza2 _lugal-mesz_ a-lik mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia u2-sze-pi-szu2 a-na szu-te-szur _karasz_ [x]-qa-di (ansze)mur-ni-is-qi _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ [x] _gigir-mesz_ til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_ u [x]-la-at na-ki-ri gi-mir mim-ma szum-szu2 [x x] asz-szur _lugal dingir-mesz_ [x x] esz-qi2 _lugal_-ti-ia isz-ru-ka [...]-mur _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [...] _(gesz)gigir-mesz_

    AI Translation

    He brought him and made him fall on my feet. I had mercy on him and made him prosper. The city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, he strengthened, and that man, together with his bowmen, he made him fall on his own. Like a door he hung it in front of the land Elam. Patusharra, the district on the border of the salt-house, which is in the distant Medes, which is on the border of the land Bikni, clad with lapis lazuli, which none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever seen.

    Shidir-parna and E-parna, mighty cities, whose oaths are untrue, to the cities of those people, their people, horses, their steeds, oxen, sheep and goats, and donkeys, their substantial booty I carried off to Assyria. Uppis, city ruler of the city Partakka, Zanasana, city ruler of the city Partukka, Ramateia, city ruler of Urakazabarna, Media, whose place is remote,

    which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, the territory of Assyria had not subjugated and whose territory none of them had conquered, fear of the utterances of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and large mules of lapis lazuli, the sling of his land, to Nineveh, my capital city, brought and they kissed my feet. Because the cities in the vicinity of them had seized them, my lordship, they sinned and they swore an oath to me. I imposed upon them the tribute of my eunuchs and governors in the territory of their land.

    The people living in those cities gathered together and made them bow down at their feet. I imposed upon them tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship and they imposed it upon them. From Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, the goddesses Ninurta and Ishtar of Arbela, over my enemies in a supplication they made me stand and I was able to carry off as much of my own blood as there was of it. With the support of the great gods, my lords, I achieved my heart's desire. The shrines of the cult centers of Assyria

    and the land of Akkad I had made, and silver and gold I plated and I presented it. At that time, the palace of the review which is inside Nineveh, which the kings who preceded me, my ancestors, had had built, to be a camp, ... horses, mules, ... chariots, equipment for war and battle, all of the enemy countries, ... Ashur, king of the gods, ... gave me a royal gift ... horses ... chariots

    Column 5


    [_x]-mesz kur-kur_ hu-bu-ut _(gesz)pan_-ia (gesz)al-lu tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4 hi-a_ _e2-gal-tur-ra_ szu-a-tu2 a-na si-hi-ir-ti-sza2 aq-qur-ma qaq-qa-ru ma-a'-du _gin7_ a-tar-tim-ma ul-tu2 lib3-bi _a-sza3-mesz_ ab-tuq-ma e-li-sza2 u2-rad-di ina (na4)pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i dan-ni tam-la-a usz-ma-al-li ad-ke-e-ma 2(u) 2(disz) _lugal-mesz_ (kur)hat-ti sza2 a-hi tam-tim u _muru2_ tam-tim ka-li-szu2-nu u2-ma-'e-er-szu-nu-ti-ma _gesz-ur3-mesz gal-mesz_ (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz_

    (gesz)a-dap2-pi _(gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3_ ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)si-ra-ra (kur)lab-na-na _(munus)(d)lamma-mesz (munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)kun4-mesz_ a-gur2-ri sza _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ (na4)(d)asznan _(na4)dur2-mi-na (na4)dur2-mi-na-banda3(da)_ _(na4)en-gi-sa6_ (na4)a-lal-lum _(na4)gi-rim-hi-li-ba_ ul-tu2 qe2-reb hur-sza2-ni a-szar nab-ni-ti-szu2-nu a-na hi-szih-ti _e2-gal_-ia mar-s,i-isz pa-asz2-qi-isz a-na nina(ki) u2-szal-di-du-u-ni ina (iti)sze-ga u4-mu mit-ga-ri e-li tam-le-e szu-a-tu2

    a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ta-ni s,e-ru-usz-szu _e2_ dan-ni sza2 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 gal_-tim _gid2-da_

  • 3(u) 1(disz) ina 1(disz) _kusz3 gal_-tim _dagal_
  • sza2 ina _lugal-mesz_ a-lik mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia mam2-ma la e-pu-szu2 a-na-ku e-pu-usz _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren_ s,i-ru-ti u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li-sza2 _(gesz)ig-mesz (gesz)szur-min3_ sza2 e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u _zabar_ u2-rak-kis-ma u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-sza2 _(d)alad-mesz_ u _(d)lamma-mesz_ sza2 _na4-mesz_ sza ki-i pi-i szik-ni-szu2-nu ir-ti lem-ni u2-tar-ru na-s,i-ru kib-si mu-szal-li-mu tal-lak-ti _lugal_ ba-ni-szu2-nu _za3_ u _gub3_ u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in

    _e2-gal_ (na4)pi-i-li u _(gesz)eren_ szu-te-mu-du-te a-na mul-ta-u-ti be-lu-ti-ia nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz _(munus)(d)lamma-mesz uruda_ masz-sza2-a-ti sza2 a-he-en-na-a pa-na u3 [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... of the lands that I had conquered with my bow, a basket and a basket of baskets I provided for them and they brought bricks. I enlarged that small palace in its entirety and then I enlarged its area much more than before and added it to it from the fields and added it to it. I surrounded the sea with limestone, stone from a mighty mountain, and I sank it. I imposed upon them a payment of twenty-two kings of Hatti on the shore of the sea and the middle of the sea, all of them, and I erected great columns and tall columns.

    adapa-trees, cedar, cypress, from the mountains Sirara and Lebanon, lamassus, apsû-plant, kun-stones, baked bricks of alabaster, Ashur-stone, Durmina-stone, Durmina-banda-stone, engisalu-stone, alallu-stone, and girimhilibû-stone, from the mountains, their places of creation, for the preservation of my palace, he had them take. In the month of Addaru, the day of the remission of that terrace,

    To the residence of my lordship I have re-established. The strong house of 115 cubits is a long length.

  • 31 large cubits is the width;
  • which none of the kings who preceded me, my ancestors, had done, I did. I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams. I fastened bands of silver and bronze on doors of cypress, whose scent is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I had bull colossi and lamassus, whose horns are adorned with evil features, whose limbs are secure, who guard the path of the king who created them, placed on the right and left.

    I had a palace of white limestone and cedar with a stele made for my lordly pleasure. I made protective lamassus of copper, the mashatu-plants of each other, and ... .

    Column 6


    x x x [...] (gesz)tim-[...] a-dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szi-in [x x] si-hir-ti _e2-gal_ sza2-[x x] ne2-be2-hu pa-asz2-qu sza2 _(na4)zu2_ [...] u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-szal-ma-a [...] se-el-lu mat-gi-qu _gin7_ (d)[...] u2-sza2-as-hi-ra gi-mir _ka2-[x_] sik-kat3 _ku3-babbar_ eb-bi u _zabar_ nam-[x] u2-rat-ta-a qe2-reb-sza2 da-na-an (d)asz-szur _en_-ia sza2 ina _kur-kur_ nak-ra-a-te i-tep-pu-szu2 [x x x]-pir (lu2)ur5-ra-ku-te e-si-qa qe2-reb-sza2 _(gesz)kiri6-mah_ tam-szil (kur)ha-ma-nim

    hur-ru-szu2 i-ta-a-sza2 e-mid ki-sal-la-sza ma-gal u2-rab-bi-ma tal-lak-ta-sza2 ma-a'-disz u2-rap-pisz a-na masz-qit _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ qe2-reb-sza2 pat-tu u2-sze-sze-ram-ma u2-szah-bi-ba a-tap-pisz _e2-gal_ szu-a-tu2 ul-tu2 _usz8_-sza2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-sza2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil-ma lu-le-e u2-ma-al-li esz3-gal-szid-du3-du3-a _e2-gal_ pa-qi-da-at ka-la-mu az-ku-ra ni-bit-sa (d)asz-szur _(d)1(u)-5(disz)_ sza2 _nina(ki) dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) _du3_-szu2-nu ina qer-bi-sza2 aq-re-ma

    _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te eb-bu-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi2-ma u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a _dingir-mesz_ sza2-tu-nu ina ku-un lib3-bi-szu2-nu ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti _(lu2)gal-mesz_ u _ug3-mesz kur_-ia ka-li-szu2-nu ina ta-kul-te u qe2-re-e-ti ina _(gesz)banszur_ ta-szi-la-a-ti qe2-reb-sza2 u2-sze-szib-ma u2-sza2-li-s,a nu-pa-ar-szu2-un _gesztin-mesz_ ku-ru-un-nu am-ki-ra s,ur-ra-szu2-un _i3-sag_ i3-gu-la-a muh-ha-szu2-nu u2-sza2-asz2-qi2

    ka-li-szu2-nu ina t,u-ub _uzu-mesz_ hu-ud lib3-bi nu-um-mur ka-bat-ti sze-be2-e lit-tu-te qe2-reb-sza2 da-risz lu-ur-mi3-ma lu-usz-ba-a la-la-a-sza2 ina za3-muk-ki (_iti)_ resz-ti-i kul-lat mur-ni-is-qi _(ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ til-li u2-nu-ut ta-ha-zi gi-mir _erin2 hi-a_ szal-lat na-ki-ri szat-ti-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a lu-up-qi-da qe2-reb-sza2 ina qe2-reb _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu (d)alad _saga_ la-mas-si _saga_ na-s,ir kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia [x]-ha-du-u ka-bat-ti-ia x x x [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... the door-jambs, the door bolts, the perimeter of their gates, ... the entire palace of ..., the ... of ..., the ... of ..., and I made it shine like ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the might of the god Ashur, my lord, which he had done in the lands of war ... ... ... the urrakutu-priest ... inside it the ... of the orchard, the replica of Hamanum

    I surrounded it with its awe-inspiring radiance. I broadened its great courtyard and its journeys greatly expanded. I made the horses enter inside it and made them rejoice. I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its parapets and filled it with splendor. I named it Eshgalshiddudua, the palace responsible for all the cult centers. The gods Ashur and Ishtar of Nineveh, the gods of Assyria, all of them, I entered inside it and

    I offered pure offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. Those gods, in their pure hearts, praised my kingship. The magnates and all of the people of my land, in libations and banquets, I settled them there and made them drink their libations. I poured wine and kurunnu-wine, I poured their libations.

    All of them, with good health, happiness, joy, and a happy heart, a long life, in it forever, may I be glad, and may I be sated with its splendor. In the first month of the first year, all of the roiling horses, donkeys, camels, ..., the booty of battle, all of the troops, the booty of the enemy, as many as there are, without ceasing, may I entrust to it. Inside that palace, the good shedu, the good lamassu, the guardian of my royal abode, ... my mood ... .

    P421809: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (disz)(d)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim _re-e2-um_ it-pe-szu2 mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ na-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i-im mi-sza2-ri e-pisz u2-sa-a-ti a-lik tap-pu-ut a-ki-i sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-ti et,-lum git2-ma-lum zi-ka-ru qar-du a-sza2-red kal ma-al-ki rap-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni (d)asz-szur _kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 _lugal_-ut la sza2-na-an u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma

    _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar-ba-a _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e-le-ni-ti sza sza2-lam (d)utu-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza s,i-it (d)utu-szi gim-ri s,al-mat _sag-du_ u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-u2-a u3 mal-ki szep-s,u-ti e-du-ru ta-ha-zi da-ad2-me-szu-un iz-zi-bu-ma ki-ma su-tin-ni(muszen) ni-gi-is,-s,i e-disz ip-par-szu2 a-szar la 'a-a-ri i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 a-di _erin2 hi-a_ elam-ma(ki) re-s,i-szu2

    i-na ta-mir-ti kisz(ki) asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2 i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri szu-a-tu e-zib _karasz_-su e-disz ip-par-szid-ma na-pisz-tusz e-t,i2-ir _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ sza i-na qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi u2-masz-sze-ru ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a a-na _e2-gal_-szu2 sza qe2-reb babila2(ki) ha-disz e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ u2#-[x x] _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar# na4#_ a-qar-tu mim-ma szum-szu2

    _nig2-szu nig2-gur11_ la ni-bi ka-bit#-tu# _gun_ (munus)_sza3-e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 _(lu2)tirum-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni _(lu2)nar-mesz_ (munus)_nar-mesz_ si-hir-ti um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 mut-tab-bi-lu-tu2 _e2-gal_-usz u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-ti-isz am-nu i-na e-muq (d)asz-szur _en_-ia

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni sza (kur)kal-di
  • u3 4(disz) _me_ 2(u) _iri-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un (lu2)ur2-bi (lu2)a-ra-mu (lu2)kal-du sza qe2-reb unu(ki) nibru(ki) kisz(ki) hur-sag-kalam-ma(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) a-di _dumu-mesz iri en_ hi-it,-t,i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (lu2)tu-'u-mu-na (lu2)ri-hi-hu (lu2)ia-daq-qu (lu2)u2-bu-du (lu2)gib-re-e (lu2)ma-la-hu (lu2)gu-ru-mu (lu2)u2-bu-lum (lu2)da-mu-nu (lu2)gam-bu-lum (lu2)hi-in-da-ru (lu2)ru-'u-u2-a

    (lu2)pu-qu-du (lu2)ha-am-ra-nu (lu2)ha-ga-ra-nu (lu2)na-ba-tu (lu2)li-i'-ta-u2 (lu2)a-ra-mu la kan-szu-u2-ti mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)

  • 2(disz) _me_ 8(disz) _lim un-mesz tur gal nita_ u3 _munus_
  • _ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ _gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu asz2-lu-la a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) i#-na# me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz (lu2)qi2-pi (iri)ha-ra-ra-ti _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)mu-suk-kan-ni _gal-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni ta-mar-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu am-hur ba-hu-la-te (iri)hi-rim-me _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-szam-qit-ma e-du ul e-zib

    pag-ri-szu2-un i-na ga-szi-szi a-lul-ma si-hir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-me na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu a#-na# esz-szu-ti as,-bat 1(disz)-en _gu4_

  • 1(u) _udu-nita2-mesz_ 1(u) _ansze# (gesz)gesztin_ 2(u) _ansze zu2-lum-ma_ re-sze-te-szu2
  • a-na _dingir-mesz_-ni _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _en-mesz_-ia u2-kin da3-ri-szam i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na _kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza ul-tu ul-la a-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 lu al-lik qe2-reb hur-sza2-a-ni zaq-ru-ti _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar-kab-ma _(gesz)gigir giri3-min_-ia i-na ti-ik-ka-a-ti u2-sza2-asz2-szi asz2-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _giri3-min_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gisz

    (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah (iri)har-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni dan-nu-te al-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz_ _gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu u3 _iri-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-i ap-pul aq-qur u2-sze-me kar-mesz _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu-ma di-tal-lisz u2-sze-me u2-ter-ma (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah

    szu-a-tu a-na (iri)bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ugu_ sza u4-um pa-ni _bad3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-ma _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib _ug3-mesz kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i u3 _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szid-du

    AI Translation

    Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, capable shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of truth who loves justice, renders assistance, goes to the aid of the weak, and strives after good deeds, perfect man, virile warrior, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, and the one who strikes enemies with lightning: The god Ashur, great mountain, gave me unrivalled sovereignty, and

    my weapons from the Upper Sea of the Rising Sun to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun all of the black-headed people I made bow down at my feet. Further, the mighty rulers slew their settlements and they swarmed like a tinnu-bird, a bird of famine, and they slew him in a place not befitting the king. Before my campaign, which Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of Elam, his support,

    In the plain of Kish I set out. His defeat in the middle of that battle I sank. His camp I abandoned, and his life I saved. The chariots, horses, wagons, and mules that in the thick of battle had abandoned, my hands I quickly took to his palace which is in Babylon. He joyfully entered and opened his treasury. Gold, silver, ..., gold, silver, and precious stones, whatever he had,

    The possessions and property without number, substantial, the tribute of his palace women, the scouts, the attendants, the singers, the female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, the attendants of his palace, I brought out and I counted them as booty. With the strength of the god Ashur, my lord,

  • 115 fortified cities, houses and walled cities of Chaldea,
  • Moreover, I surrounded and conquered 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I carried off captives from them. The auxiliary forces of the Arameans and Chaldeans who were in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, I brought out and I counted them as booty. On my return march, I received captives from the Tu'una, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibre, Malahu, Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a,

    I have fought with each other the Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, Li'tau, and Arameans who were not submissive.

  • 28,000 people, young and old, male and female,
  • In the course of my campaign, I received a substantial audience gift from Nabû-bel-shumati, the official in charge of the city Hararatu Harutu: horses, mules, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, and substantial booty. He seized the people of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, with the sword and did not leave a single dwelling.

    their reeds in the street he hung, and the whole city he filled. That district in a new place I took. One bul

  • 10 rams, 10 homers of wine, 20 homers of dates, his first-fruits,
  • On my second campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians, who since time immemorial had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, I marched. In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and my personal chariot in assault I slew. The rugged mountains with my personal chariot I slew.

    I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I brought out of them people, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Moreover, their smaller settlements, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins. I burned with fire the house of the steppe, their inhabitants, and I brought them back. I returned and settled them in Bit-Kilamzah.

    I took that city as a fortress. I strengthened its walls more than before and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. The people of the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons

    Column 2


    ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-i u2-sze-ri-dam-ma i-na (iri)har-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti u2-szar-me i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)ar-rap-ha am-nu-szu-nu-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a_ u2-sze-pisz-ma li-i-tum ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ sza _ugu_-szu2-un asz2-tak-ka-nu s,e-ru-usz-szu2 u2-sza2-asz2-t,ir-ma ina qer-bi _iri_ ul-ziz pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)el-li-pi as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u2-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti

    _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma a-na ru-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit gim-ri _kur_-szu2 _dagal_-tim ki-ma _muru9_ as-hu-up (iri)mar-u2-bisz-ti (iri)ak-ku-ud-du _iri-mesz_-ni _e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di 3(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu al-me ak-szud(ud) ap-pu-ul aq-qur i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u _munus_ _ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz_ _gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni a-na la mi-nam asz2-lu-lam-ma

    (iri)s,i-s,i-ir-tu (iri)ku-um-ma-ah-lum _iri-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu (kur)e2-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u2 na-gu-u2 a-na gi-mir-ti-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-rad-di (iri)el-en-za-asz2 a-na _iri lugal_-ti u3 dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat-ma _mu_-szu2 mah-ra-a u2-nak-kir-ma (iri)kar-(d)en-(zu)-szesz-mesz-su at-ta-bi ni-bit-su _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib

    i-na _szu-min_ (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)har-har am-nu-ma u2-rap-pisz ma-a-ti i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-ti sza i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ma-am-man la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _kur_-szu2-un man-da-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu am-hur a-na ni-ri be-lu-ti-ia u2-szak-ni-su-nu-ti i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma a-na ru-uq-qi2 _muru2_ tam-tim in#-na#-bit-ma _kur_-szu2 e-mid

    (iri)s,i-du-un-nu _gal_-u2 (iri)s,i-du-un-nu _tur_ (iri)e2-zi-it-te (iri)s,a-ri-ip-tu2 (iri)ma-hal-li-ba (iri)u2-szu-u2 (iri)ak-zi-bi (iri)ak-ku-u2 _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_-ni a-szar ri-i-ti u3 masz-qi2-ti _e2_ tuk-la-ti-szu2 ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-nu-ti-ma ik-nu-szu sze-pu-u2-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma _gun_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia szat-ti-szam la ba-at,-lu u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2

    sza (disz)mi-in-hi-im-mu (iri)sam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu (iri)s,i-du-un-na-a-a (disz)ab-di-li-i'-ti (iri)a-ru-da-a-a (disz)u2-ru-mil-ki (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a (disz)mi-ti-in-ti (iri)as-du-da-a-a (disz)bu-du-dingir (kur)e2-(disz)am-ma-na-a-a (disz)kam-mu-su-na-ad-bi (kur)(ma)-'a-ba-a-a (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu (kur)u2-du-um-ma-a-a _lugal-mesz_-ni _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ka-li-szu2-un _igi-sa2_-e szad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu a-di 4(disz)-szu2 a-na mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma isz-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    u3 (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal_ (iri)is-qa-al-lu-na sza la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu2 _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 as-su-ha-am-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ra-asz2-szu2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu2-nu mah-ru-u2 _ugu un-mesz_ (iri)is-qa-al-lu-na asz2-kun-ma na-dan _gun_ kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia e-mid-su-ma i-sza2-at, ab-sza2-a-ni i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)e2-da-gan-na

    (iri)ia-ap-pu-u2 (iri)ba-na-a-a-bar-qa (iri)a-zu-ru _iri-mesz_-ni sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza a-na _giri3-min_-ia ar2-hisz la ik-nu-szu2 al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2 _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu _en_ a-de-e u3 ma-mit sza _kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na (disz)ha-za-qi-ia-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da-a-a id-di-nu-szu2 nak-risz a-na an-zil-li e-pu-szu2 ip-lah3 lib-ba-szu2-un _lugal-mesz_-ni (kur)mu-s,u-ri

    _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-hi e-mu-qi2 la ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-us-su-un i-na ta-mir-ti (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 el-la-mu-u2-a si-id-ru szit-ku-nu u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2-un i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia it-ti-szu2-un am-da-hi-is,-ma asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ u3 _dumu-mesz lugal_ (kur)mu-s,u-ra-a-a a-di _(lu2)en (gesz)gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-hi bal-t,u-su-un

    i-na _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a (iri)al-ta-qu-u (iri)ta-am-na-a al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2

    AI Translation

    I brought out of the mountains and in the cities Hardishpu and Ekubatti I made them dwell. With the hands of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the city Arrapha, I had a stele made and the inscription of the king's hand that I had written upon them, and I wrote its name on it and in the city I stood before my yoke. I took the road to the land Ellipi and took the road up to Ellipi. Ispabara, their king, his fortified cities

    I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with 34 smaller settlements in their environs. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number.

    the cities Shihirtu and Kummahlum, fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, the district Ebarrû in its entirety, from its own land I took and added to the territory of Assyria. I took Elenzash as a royal city and fortress of that district and then I changed its former name and called it Kar-Bel-ahheshu. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered.

    On my return march, the distant Medes, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard, received their substantial tribute. On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of Sidon, and he fled to the shore of the sea and took to the sea.

    The great cities Sidon, Sidon, the small cities Ezitte, Sharippu, Mahalliba, Ushû, Akzibi, and Akku, his fortified cities, the walls of the land where the awe-inspiring radiance of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed them and they bowed down to me. Tu-Ba'lu sat on the royal throne over them and imposed upon him a tribute and payment of my lordship, without number, and imposed upon him a payment.

    As for Minhimmu of the city Samsimuruna, Tu-Ba'lu of the city Sidon, Abdi-Li'ti of the city Arwad, Uru-Milki of the city Gubla, Mitinti of the city Ashdod, Budi-il of the land Bit-Ammon, Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all of the kings of the land Amurru, they brought substantial audience gifts, four times the normal amount, before me and kissed my feet.

    Moreover, Shidqâ, king of Isqalluna, who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, and the seed of his father's house I took away and to Assyria I brought him. Lugalludari, son of Rukibti, their former king, I set over the people of Isqalluna and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts of my lordship and he remained alive. In the course of my campaign, the city Edadana

    I surrounded, conquered, plundered, plundered, and plundered the cities Yappu, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, cities of Shidqâ that had not submitted to me quickly. The governors, nobles, and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, the lord of treaties and oaths of Assyria, had cast with iron a stele and gave to Hazazaqiau of the land Judah, and he feared them. They retreated to the aforementioned Anzilu and he became frightened. The kings of Egypt

    The archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, without number, entered and went, and their forces in the plain of the city Eltekeh, above me, they slew the ziggurat. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and defeated them. The chariot owners and the sons of the king of the land Muskuhha, together with the chariot owners of the king of the land Meluhha, I captured alive.

    In the middle of the sea I captured the hands of the people of the cities Allaqu and Tamnâ. I conquered, plundered, and plundered them.

    Column 3


    a-na (iri)am-qar-ru-na aq-rib-ma _(lu2)szagina-mesz (lu2)nun-mesz_ sza hi-it,-t,u u2-szab-szu-u2 a-duk-ma i-na di#-ma#-a#-te# si#-hir#-ti# _iri_ a-lul pag-ri-szu2-un _dumu#-mesz# iri_ e-pisz an-ni u3 gil2-la-ti a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-te-szu2-nu la ba-bil hi-t,i-ti u3 gul-lul-ti sza a-ra-an-szu2-nu la ib-szu-u2 usz-szur-szu2-un aq-bi (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti _ugu_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia

    u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 u3 (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da-a-a sza la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia

  • 4(u) 6(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_ u3 _iri-mesz tur-mesz_
  • sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 i-na szuk-bu-us a-ram-me u3 qit-ru-ub szu-pi-i mit-hu-s,u zu-uk _giri3-min_ pil-szi nik-si u kal-ban-na-te al-me _kur_-ud 2(disz) _me lim_ 1(disz) _me_ 5(u) _ug3-mesz tur gal nita_ u3 _munus_ _ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz ansze-mesz (ansze)gam-mal-mesz gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni sza la ni-bi ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu sza2-a-szu2 _gin7 muszen_ qu-up-pi qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu

    _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-sir2-szu2 (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis-ma a-s,e-e _ka2-gal iri_-szu2 u2-ter-ra ik-ki-bu-usz _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma a-na (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (iri)as-du-di (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na u3 (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (iri)ha-zi-ti ad-din-ma u2-s,a-ah-hir _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-dan szat-ti-szu2-un man-da-at-tu kad3-re-e be-lu-ti-ia u2-rad-di-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un szu-u2 (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2

    pul-hi me-lam-me be-lu-ti-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma (lu2)ur2-bi u3 _(lu2)erin2-mesz_-szu2 _saga-mesz_ sza a-na dun-nu-un (iri)ur-sa-li-im-mu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-ri-bu-ma ir-szu-u2 til-la-a-ti it-ti 3(u) _gun ku3-sig17_ 8(disz) _me gun ku3-babbar_ ni-siq-ti gu-uh-li tak2-kas3-si _(na4)an-za-gul-me gal-mesz_ _(gesz)na2-mesz zu2 (gesz)gu-za-mesz_ ne2-me-di _zu2 kusz am-si_ _zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_ mim-ma szum-szu2 ni-s,ir-tu2 ka-bit-tu2

    (munus)_nar-mesz_ a-na qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia _egir_-ia u2-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na-dan man-da-at-ti u3 e-pesz _ARAD2_-u2-ti isz-pu-ra rak-bu-szu2 i-na 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma um-ma-na-te-ia gap-sza2-a-te ad-ke-ma a-na (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 a-la-ku aq-bi i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (disz)szu-zu-bi (lu2)kal-da3-a-a a-szib qe2-reb (i7)a-gam-me i-na (iri)bi-it-tu-u2-tu asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2 szu-u2 hur-ba-szu2 ta-ha-zi-ia _ugu_-szu2 im-qut-ma

    it-ru-ku lib-bu-szu2 ki-ma az-za-ri e-disz ip-par-szid-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu2 pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu szu-u2 (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na sza ina a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-re-e _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-ku-nu-ma u2-par-ri-ru el-lat-su ri-gim _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti u3 ti-ib _me3_-ia ez-zi e-dur-ma _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu2 i-na _ki-tusz_-szu2-nu id-ke-ma qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ u2-szar-kib-ma a-na (iri)na-gi-te-ra-aq-qi2

    sza qa-bal tam-tim is,-s,u-risz ip-pa-risz _szesz-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 sza u2-masz-sze-ru a-hi tam-tim a-di si-it-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 ul-tu (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 qe2-reb (i7)a-gam-me u ap-pa-ra-te u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu u2-ter-ma _iri-mesz_-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur u2-sze-me kar-mesz _ugu en_ sa-li-me-szu2 _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) na-mur-ra-tum at-bu-uk i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)(d)asz-szur-na-din-mu _dumu_ resz-tu-u2 tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib-ma

    _dagal_-tum _kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) u2-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu2 i-na 5(disz) ger-ri-ia ba-hu-la-te (iri)tu-mur-ri (iri)sza2-ru-um (iri)e-za-ma (iri)kib-szu2 (iri)hal-bu-da (iri)qu-u2-a (iri)qa-na sza _gin7_ qin-ni _ti8_(muszen) a-sza2-red _muszen hi-a_ s,e-er zuq-ti (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-sun2 szit-ku-na-at-ma la kit-nu-szu2 a-na ni-i-ri i-na _giri3-min_ (kur)ni-pur ka-ra-szi u2-sza2-asz2-kin-ma it-ti (lu2)qur-bu-ti _giri3-min_-ia na-as-qu-ti u3 _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia la ga-me-lu-ti

    a-na-ku _gin7 am_ ek-di pa-nu-usz-szu2-un as,-bat hur-ri na-hal-li na-at-bak _kur_-i me-le-e mar-s,u-ti i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ asz2-tam-di-ih a-szar a-na _(gesz)gu-za_ szup-szu-qu i-na _giri3-min_-ia asz2-tah-hi-it, _gin7_ ar-me a-na zuq-ti sza2-qu-te s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un e-li a-szar bir-ka-a-a ma-na-ah-tu i-sza2-a s,e-er _na4 kur_-i u2-szib-ma _a-mesz_ (kusz)na-a-di ka-s,u-ti a-na s,u-um-me-ia lu asz2-ti i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-sza2-a-ni ar-de-szu2-nu-ti-ma asz2-ta-kan tah-ta-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _kur_-ma

    AI Translation

    I approached the city Ekron and I killed the governors and nobles who had committed crimes and hung their corpses on towers in the entire city. I counted the citizens who had committed this crime and treason as booty. I said to them: "The rest of them, who were not guilty of any crime or crime, who had not committed a crime against them, I brought out Padî, their king, from the city Ursallimu and seated him on the lordly throne over them and imposed upon them payment of my lordship."

    Moreover, Hazaqiau of the land Judah, who had not bowed down to my yoke,

  • 46 fortified cities, houses, walls, and smaller cities,
  • of their environs, who had no rival, in a snare of rams and a snare of a snare, fighting, a snare, a snare, a snare, a snare, I marched. I captured 2,100 people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were without number, from them I brought out and I counted them as booty. Like a bird, a snare in the city Ursallimu

    the city of his royal majesty I surrounded, the fortresses over him I erected, and the access-way to his city I opened. The cities of his that I had plundered I removed from his land and I gave to Mitinti, the king of the cities Ashdod, Padî, the king of the cities Ekron, and Shilli-Bel, the king of the city Hazitu, and I made his land smaller. I added to the previous tribute, their annual giving, the payment of tribute, my lordly majesty, and I established their exemption from taxes. That man, Hazaqiau,

    The radiance of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed him and he sent with him the auxiliary forces and his noble troops, who had come to the aid of the city Ursallimu, his royal city, and who had gathered together, together with 30 talents of gold, 800 talents of silver, precious stones, a guhlu-shrine, large anzagulu-stones, thrones, scepters, elephant hides, elephant hides, ebony, ebony, every kind of valuable treasure,

    After me I sent female singers to Nineveh, my capital city, and for payment and the work of my servant he sent me. His campaign in four of my campaigns the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me, and my numerous troops I mustered and to the land E-Yakin I ordered the march. In the course of my campaign, which Shuzubu, a Chaldean who lives in the swamps, in Bittutu brought about, his defeat he caused to be carried off and his battles overwhelmed him.

    He sinned, his heart sinned, his heart trembled, his body shivered like a hazard, and his location was not pleasant. I turned around and took the road to the land E-Yakin. This is the road that Marduk-apla-iddina, who on the first campaign of my previous campaign had brought about his defeat and had scattered his forces. The rage of my mighty weapons and the sting of my battle raged, he fled, and the gods of the full extent of his land in their dwelling he seized, and in the waters of the boats he sank, and to the city Nagite-raqqi

    his brothers, the seed of his father's house, who had abandoned the shore of the sea, together with the rest of the people of his land, from the land Bit-Yakin in the swamps and marshes he brought out and I counted them as booty. I returned and destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins his cities. I poured out awe-inspiring radiance upon his lord, the king of the land Elam. On my return from the womb of Ashur-nadin-mu, the first-born son who had engendered me, on his lordly throne he sat on his lordly throne and

    On my fifth campaign, the population of the cities Tumurrum, Sharum, Ezama, Kibshu, Halbuda, Qua, Qana, whose dwellings are like the nests of eagles, the spawn of birds, the swarm of birds, the swarm of mountain peaks of Nipur, a rugged mountain, iii 5' whose dwellings are not secure, to the people of Nipur I set foot and with my privileged bodyguard, my fierce foot, and my unrelenting troops

    I, like a fierce wild bull, surrounded them. I sat on thrones, nahalû-stones, the nabû-stones of the mountain, the rugged mountain. Where I sat on thrones, I sat on my feet like a mountain. Where I sat on thrones, I sat on a shady mountain. Where there was a shady mountain, I sat on the mountain. I sat on the mountain stone, and I sat on the shady mountain water. I sat on the shady mountain peaks. I sat on the shady mountain peaks. I sat on their thighs. I surrounded their cities.

    Column 4


    asz2-lu#-la# szal#-la-sun2 ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal_ (iri)uk-ki szad-da-a-a-e la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi la pe-tu-ti t,u-di pa-asz2-qu-ti sza la-pa-an _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti ul-la-nu-u2-a qe2-reb-szu2-un ma-am-man la il-li-ku _lugal-mesz_-ni pa-ni mah-ru-ti i-na _giri3-min_ (kur)a-na-ra u3 (kur)up-pa _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti ka-ra-szi u2-sza2-asz2-kin-ma ana-ku i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ ne2-me-di

    i-na ne-re-bi-szu2-un pi-qu-ti szu-nu-hi-isz e-ru-um-ma mar-s,i-isz e-te-el-la-a _szu-si-mesz kur-mesz_ pa-asz2-qa-a-ti szu-u2 (disz)ma-ni-ia-e tur-bu-u' _giri3-min erin2 hi-a_-ia e-mur-ma (iri)uk-ku _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-zib-ma a-na ru-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit (iri)uk-ku al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su mim-ma szum-szu _nig2-szu nig2-gur11_ ni-s,ir-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 ul-tu qer-be2-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu u3 3(u) 3(disz) _iri-mesz_ sza pa-a-t,i na-gi-szu2 _kur_-ud-ma _ug3-mesz ansze-mesz_

    _gu4-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni ul-tu qer-bi-szu2-un asz2-lu-la ap-pu-ul aq-qur i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu i-na 6(disz) ger-ri-ia si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti _gin7_ ser2-re-me ig-ru-ru _dingir-mesz_ ma-rak _kur_-szu2-un i-na _ki-tusz_-szu2-nu id-ku-ma tam-tum _gal_-tum sza s,i-it (d)utu-szi e-bi-ru-ma i-na (iri)na-gi-te sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) id-du-u2 szu-bat-sun2 i-na _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ (kur)hat-ti tam-tum lu e-bir

    (iri)na-gi-tu (iri)na-gi-tu-di-i'-bi-na a-di (kur)hi-il-mu (iri)pil-la-tu u3 (kur)hu-pa-pa-nu na-ge-e sza (kur)_elam-ma((ki)) kur_-ud _ug3-mesz_ (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 a-di _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu u3 _ug3-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-lu-lam-ma la e-zi-ba mul-tah-t,u qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ u2-szar-kib-ma a-na a-ha-an-na-a u2-sze-bi-ra-ma u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta har-ra-an _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _iri-mesz_ sza qe2-reb na-ge-e sza2-tu-nu ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu a-na _du6_ u3 kar-me u2-ter

    i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)szu-zu-bu _dumu_ babila2(ki) sza i-na e-szi-ti _kur_ be-lut _kur eme-gi7_ u3 uri(ki) ra-ma-nu-usz u2-ter-ru i-na ta-ha-az _edin_ _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun bal-t,u-su i-na _szu-min_ as,-bat-su szum-man-nu u3 bi-re-tu _an-bar_ ad-di-szu-ma a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ra-asz2-szu2 _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza _a2-min_-szu2 is-hu-ru-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-us-su _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun _illat-mesz_-szu2 u2-sap-pi-ih-ma u2-par-ri-ir pu-hur-szu2

    i-na 7(disz)#-e ger-ri-ia (d)asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu al-lik (iri)e2-(disz)ha-'i-i-ri (iri)ra-s,a-a _iri-mesz_-ni sza mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza i-na tar-s,i _ad_-ia (lu2)e-la-mu-u2 e-ki-mu da-na-nisz i-na me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _kur_-ma asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2 _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ szu-lu-ti-ia u2-sze-rib qe2-reb-szu2-un a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ter-ram-ma _szu-min (lu2)gal_ (iri)hal-s,u bad3-an(ki) am-nu (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)dun-ni-(d)utu (iri)e2-(disz)ri-si-ia

    (iri)e2-ah-la-me-e (iri)du-ru (iri)dan-nat-(disz)su-la-a-a (iri)szi-li-ib-tu (iri)e2-(disz)a-s,u-si (iri)kar-(disz)mu-ba-sza2 (iri)e2-gi-is,-s,i (iri)e2-(disz)kat3-pa-la-ni (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-ia (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)e2-(disz)ar-ra-bi (iri)bu-ru-tu (iri)di-in-tu-sza-(disz)su-la-a-a (iri)di-in-tu-sza-(disz)(d)dumu-e2-kar-ir (iri)har-ri-asz2-la-ke-e (iri)ra-ba-a-a (iri)ra-a-su (iri)ak-ka-ba-ri-na (iri)du6-(disz)u2-hu-ri (iri)ha-am-ra-nu (iri)na-di-tu a-di _iri-mesz_ sza ne2-re-bi

    sza (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ki (iri)du6-(d)hu-um-bi (iri)di-in-tu-sza-(disz)du-me-_dingir (iri)e2_-(disz)u2-bi-ia (iri)ba-al-ti-li-szir (iri)ta-qab-li-szir (iri)sza-na-qi-da-a-ti (iri)ma-su-tu2-szap-li-tu (iri)sa-ar-hu-de-e-ri (iri)a-lum-sza-_gaszan-e2_ (iri)e2-(disz)pap-mesz-szum2-na (iri)il-te-u2-ba 3(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti a-di _iri-mesz_-ni _tur-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2 ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    qu-tur na-aq-mu-ti-szu2-nu _gin7 muru9_ kab-ti pa-an _an_-e rap-szu-ti u2-szak-tim isz-me-ma ki-szit-ti _iri-mesz_-szu2 (disz)nig2-du-(d)na-hu-un-du (lu2)e-la-mu-u2 im-qut-su ha-at-tum si-it-ti _iri-mesz_-szu2 a-na dan-na-ti u2-sze-rib szu-u2 (iri)ma-dak-te _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 e-zib-ma a-na (iri)ha-i-da-la sza qe2-reb szad-di-i _su3-mesz_ is,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu a-na (iri)ma-dak-te _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 a-la-ku aq-bi (iti)tam-hi-ri _en-te-na_ dan-nu e-ru-ba-am-ma sza2-mu-tum ma-at-tum u2-sza2-az-ni-na

    _szeg3-mesz_-sza2 _szeg3-mesz_ u3 szal-gu na-ah-li na-at-bak szad-di-i a-du-ra pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na nina(ki) as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu i-na u4-me-szu-ma i-na qi2-bit (d)asz-szur _en_-ia (disz)nig2-du-(d)na-hu-un-di

    AI Translation

    I carried off their booty, I destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous enemy. The difficult, treacherous road that is beyond the rugged mountains, no one has come inside them. The kings of the past, on foot, the mighty mountains of Anara and Uppa, I established and I, on a mighty throne,

    In their midst, they were frightened, they were afraid, they were afraid, they were rushing, they were dragging the arrows of the mountains. Maniye, a young man, saw the feet of my troops, he abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled to the desert. I surrounded and captured the city Ukku. I brought out from it everything he had, possessions, property, and the treasure of his palace, and I counted it as booty. Moreover, 33 cities in the district of his district I conquered, and people, donkeys,

    I carried off oxen and sheep and goats from them, I destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire. On my sixth campaign, the remainder of the people of the land Bit-Yakin, who had fled from my mighty weapons like a flood, they smashed their gods' entire land. They slew the great sea of the east and slew their dwellings in the district of Elam. On boats of the land Hatti the sea I crossed.

    The cities Naritu, Naritu-di'bina, together with the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts of Elam, I conquered. I carried off the people of the land Bit-Yakin, together with their gods, and the people of the king of Elam, and they did not leave. I slew them alive in boats, and brought them to me. I made them take the road to Assyria. The cities in those districts I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. I turned them into mounds and ruins.

    On my return march, Shuzubu, a citizen of Babylon, who in the midst of the land of the lordship of the land of Sumer and Akkad, a great number of people, had turned away, in the plain I brought about his defeat. I captured him alive. I gave him iron fetters and iron reed baskets and brought him to Assyria. The king of the land Elam, whose troops had turned back and went, I brought about his defeat. I brought about his defeat and scattered his people.

    On my seventh campaign, the god Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I marched to the land Elam. The cities E-Ha'iri and Rashaya, cities on the border of Assyria, which the Elamite had conquered in the time of my father, I conquered and plundered. In the course of my campaign I brought out my booty and brought inside them my elite troops. I returned them to the border of Assyria and I received the booty of the chief of the city Duran. I settled them in Bube, Dunni-Shamash, and E-risiya.

    the cities Eahlamê, Duru, Dannat-Sulaya, Shilibtu, Ea-shusi, Kar-Mubasha, Egishshi, Ekatpalani, E-imbiya, Hamanu, Earrabi, Burutu, Dintusha-Sulaya, Dintusha-Mar-Ekarir, Harrish-akkê, Rabaya, Rasu, Akkabarina, Til-Uhuri, Hamranu, Naditu, together with the cities in the passes.

    of the cities Bit-Bunakku, Til-Humbi, Dintu-sha-Dumu-il, Bit-Ubiya, Balti-lishir, Taqab-lishir, Shanaqidati, Masutu-shaplitu, Sarhu-deeri, Alum-sha-beli-e, Epapmeshna, and Ilte'u, 34 fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements in their environs, which were without number, I conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, burned with fire,

    The swarm of their i.e., the swarms, heard of the raging storm that was set upon the broad heavens, and the recalcitrant part of his cities, Nidintu-Nahundu, the Elamite, fell upon him. The remainder of his cities to be fortresses he brought. He abandoned Madaktu, his royal city, and to the city Haydala, which is in the midst of the mountains, he took prisoners. I said: "The road to Madaktu, his royal city, I shall go." In the month Tamhiru, a mighty storm, entered and the sammû-crime he made prevail.

    Afterwards, by the command of the god Ashur, my lord, Nidintu-Nahundi, the king, returned the rains, the rains, and the mud from the nahlu-trees, the naddu-trees, the shaddû-trees, and returned to Nineveh.

    Column 5


    _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) 3(disz) _iti_ ul u2-mal-li-ma i-na u4-um la szi-im-ti-szu2 ur-ru-hisz im-tu-ut _egir_-szu2 (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu la ra-asz2 t,e3-e-me u3 mil-ki _szesz_-szu2 dup-pu-us-su-u2 i-na _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-szib-ma i-na 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _egir_ (disz)szu-zu-bi is-se-hu-ma _dumu-mesz babila2(ki) gal5-la2-mesz_ lem-nu-ti _ka2-gal-mesz iri_ u2-di-lu ik-pu-ud lib-ba-szu2-nu a-na e-pesz _(gesz)la2_ (disz)szu-zu-bu (lu2)kal-da3-a-a et,-lum dun-na-mu-u2

    sza2 la i-szu-u2 bir-ki _ARAD2_ da-gil2 pa-an _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)la-hi-ri (lu2)a-ra-[x x]-qu mun-nab-tu a-mir da-me hab-bi-lu s,e#-ru#-usz-szu2 ip-hu-ru-ma qe2-reb (i7)a-gam-me u2-ri-du#-ma# u2-szab-szu-u si-hu a-na-ku ni-tum al-me-szu-ma nap#-sza2-tusz u2-si-qa la-pa-an hat-ti u3 ne2-eb-re-ti a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) in-na-bit ki-i ri-kil-ti u3 gil2-la-ti s,e-ru-usz-szu2 ba-szi-i ul-tu (kur)elam-ma(ki) i-hi-szam-ma qe2-reb szu-an-na(ki) e-ru-ub _(lu2)babila2(ki)-mesz_ a-na la si-ma-te-szu2 i-na _(gesz)gu-za_

    u2-sze-szi-bu-szu2 be-lu-ut _kur eme-gi7_ u uri#(ki#) u2-szad-gi-lu pa-ni-szu2 _e2 nig2-gur11_ sza e2-sag-il2 ip-[x]-ma _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ sza (d)en (d)numun-du3-tum _nig2-[x] e2 dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-sze-s,u-ni a-na (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la i-szu-u2 t,e3-e-mu u3 mil-ki u2-sze-bi-lu-usz t,a-a'-tu2 pu-uh-hir um-man-ka di-ka-a _karasz_-ka a-na babila2(ki) hi-szam-ma i-da-a-ni i-zi-iz-ma tu-kul-ta-ni lu at-ta szu-u2 (lu2)e-la-mu-u2

    sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah-ri-ti sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) _iri-mesz_-szu2 ak-szud-du-ma u2-ter-ru a-na kar-me lib-bu-usz ul ih-su-us t,a-a'-tu im-hur-szu2-nu-ti-ma _erin2 hi-a_-szu2 _karasz_-su u2-pa-hir-ma _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi e-szu-ra _ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz_ is-ni-qa s,i-in-di-szu2 (kur)par-su-asz2 (kur)an-za-an (kur)pa-szi-ru (kur)el-li-pi (lu2)ia-as-il3 (lu2)la-kab-eri (lu2)ha-ar-zu-nu (iri)du-um-mu-qu (iri)su-la-a-a (iri)sa-am-u2-na

    _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na (kur)e2-(disz)a-di-ni (kur)e2-(disz)a-muk-ka-na (kur)e2-(disz)szil-la-na (kur)e2-(disz)sa-a-la ud-ud-ag(ki) (iri)la-hi-ru (lu2)pu-qu-du (lu2)gam-bu-lum (lu2)ha-la-tu (lu2)ru-'u-u-a (lu2)u2-bu-lum (lu2)ma-la-hu (lu2)ra-pi-qu (lu2)hi-in-da-ru (lu2)da-mu-nu kit-ru _gal_-u2 ik-te-ra it-ti-szu2 gi-ip-szu-su-un u2-ru-uh _kur_ uri(ki) is,-ba-tu-nim-ma a-na babila2(ki) te-bu-ni a-di (disz)szu-zu-bi (lu2)kal-da3-a-a _lugal_ babila2(ki)

    a-na a-ha-mesz iq-ru-bu-ma pu-hur-szu2-nu in-nen-du ki-ma ti-bu-ut a-ri-bi ma-a'-di sza pa-an szat-ti mit-ha-risz a-na e-pesz tuq-ma-ti te-bu-u2-ni s,e-ru-u2-a _sahar-hi-a giri3-min_-szu2-nu _gin7 muru9_ kab-te sza dun-ni e-ri-ia-a-ti pa-an _an_-e rap-szu-ti ka-ti-im el-la-mu-u2-a i-na (iri)ha-lu-le-e sza ki-szad (i7)idigna szit-ku-nu si-dir-ta pa-an masz-qi2-ia s,ab-tu-ma u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2-un a-na-ku a-na (d)asz-szur (d)3(u) (d)utu (d)en (d)muati (d)u-gur

    (d)inanna sza nina(ki) (d)inanna sza (iri)limmu2-dingir _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-ia a-na ka-sza2-di _(lu2)kur2_ dan-ni am-hur-szu2-nu-ti-ma su-pe-e-a ur-ru-hisz isz-mu-u2 il-li-ku re-s,u-ti la-ab-bisz an-na-dir-ma at-tal-bi-sza2 si-ri-ia-am hu-li-ia-am si-mat s,i-il-te a-pi-ra ra-szu-u2-a i-na _(gesz)gigir me3_-ia s,ir-ti sa-pi-na-at za-'i-i-ri i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ia ar-ta-kab ha-an-t,isz _(gesz)pan_ dan-na-tum sza (d)asz-szur u2-szat-li-ma i-na _szu-min_-ia as,-bat

    (gesz)szil-ta-hu pa-ri-i' nap-sza2-te at-muh rit-tu-u-a s,e-er gi-mir um-ma-na-a-ti na-ki-ri lem-nu-ti s,ar-pisz u4-mi3-isz al-sa-a _gin7_ (d)iszkur asz2-gu-um i-na qi2-bit (d)asz-szur _en gal en_-ia a-na szid-di u3 pu-te _gin7_ ti-ib me-he-e szam-ri a-na _(lu2)kur2_ a-zi-iq i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia u3 ti-ib _me3_-ia ez-zi i-rat-su-un a-ne2-e'-ma suh-hur-ta-szu2-nu asz2-kun _erin2 hi-a_ na-ki-ri i-na us,-s,i mul-mul-li u2-sza2-qir-ma gim-ri _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-pal-li-sza2

    _ud_-zi-zi-isz (disz)(d)hu-um-ba-an-un-da-sza2 (lu2)na-gi-ru sza _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) et,-lum pit-qu-du mu-ma-'e-er _erin2 hi-a_-szu2 tu-kul-ta-szu2 _gal_-u2 a-di _(lu2)gal-mesz_-szu2 sza _gir2_ szib-bi _ku3-sig17_ szit-ku-nu u3 i-na _har-mesz_ as-pi _ku3-sig17_ ru-usz-szi-i ruk-ku-sa rit-ti-szu2-un ki-ma szu-u2-ri ma-ru-ti sza na-du-u2 szum-man-nu ur-ru-hisz u2-pal-(liq)-szu2-nu-ti-ma asz2-ku-na tah-ta-szu2-un ki-sza-da-te-szu2-nu u2-nak-kis as-li-isz

    _gin7 illu_ gap-szi sza sza2-mu-tum si-ma-ni u3-mun-ni-szu2-nu u2-szar-da-a s,e-er er-s,e-ti sza2-di-il-te la-as-mu-ti mur-ni-is-qi2 s,i-mit-ti ru-ku-bi-ia i-na da-me-szu-nu gap-szu-ti i-szal-lu-u2 (d)i7-isz sza _(gesz)gigir me3_-ia sa-pi-na-at rag-gi u3 s,e-ni da-mu u3 par-szu2 ri-it-mu-ku ma-gar-ru-usz pag-ri qu-ra-di-szu2-nu ki-ma ur-qi2-ti u2-mal-la-a _edin_ sa-ap-sa-pa-te u2-na-kis-ma

    AI Translation

    Afterwards Umman-menanu, who did not have wisdom and wisdom, his brother, his ally, sat on his throne and on my eighth campaign, after Shuzubu had fled, and the evil citizens of Babylon, the gates of the city, he razed, destroyed, and their hearts pounded to do battle. Shuzubu, the Chaldean, the pious and pious,

    who had no rival, Birki, the servant who was a fugitive, before the governor of Lahiru, the Arameans, the ..., the satrap, the satrap, the satrap, the satrap, the satrap, his enemies, they saw, and in the Agamu River they smashed, and smashed them. I, the one who was angry, I surrounded him, and his life I made splendid. After fear and terror he had fled to Elam, and like a slander and murder he had committed against him, from Elam he fled and entered Shuanna Babylon. The Babylonians, to his insubmissive, seated on a throne

    They made him reside in his presence. The house of property of Esagil he ... and silver and gold of Bel and Zeratum, the property of the temple of their gods he brought. To Umman-menanu, the king of the land Elam, who did not have a report and a counsel, he sent him. Good news. The assembly of your judges, your caravan to Babylon, he was able to give, and he was able to provide for him. You, the Elamite,

    On my first campaign, I conquered the cities of his former enemy Elam and returned them to their places. They did not accept their kindness. He sent his troops and camp with him, and he took chariots and wagons, horses and mules. His troops, Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, Ellipi, Yasil, Laberu, Harzunu, Dummuqu, Sulaya, Samuna,

    son of Marduk-apla-iddina, the lands Bit-Adini, Bit-Amukkani, Bit-Shillana, Bit-Sala, Uduga, Lahiru, Puqudu, Gambulu, Halatu, Ru'u'a, Ubulu, Malahu, Rapiqu, Hindaru, Damunu, the great kitru, he sealed with him. Their reed bundles he took away from him, and to Babylon he went, together with Shuzubu, Chaldean, king of Babylon.

    they entered into a conflagration and their families grew together. Like a great battle array which had been set up in the opposite direction to do battle, my troops smashed my earth and their feet like a mighty flood of mud, which had been poured into the broad heavens, my entire land, in Halulê, which is on the bank of the Tigris River, they captured the distant one from my camp and he slew their weapons. I for the gods Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, and Nergal

    I received from the goddesses Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbela, the gods who support me, to conquer a strong enemy, and they quickly heard my prayers. They came to my aid, I sat down, and I approached her. My city, my city, my scepter, my scepter, my great shield, with my exalted chariot, my shield, my shield of the enemy, I sat quickly on my stomach. The mighty bow of the god Ashur I made, and I took hold of my hands.

    I slew a shillah tree, a sacrificial tree, and a sacrificial tree. I slew all the troops of the evil enemies. I slew them daily like Adad. By the command of Ashur, the great lord, my lord, to the right and left, like the sting of a fierce storm, against the enemy I slew them. With the weapons of Ashur, my lord, and the sting of my battle, their fierce battle overwhelmed them. I fought with them and defeated them. I cut down the troops of the enemies with the arrows and piled up their corpses.

    On the very day that Humban-undasha, the herald of the king of the land Elam, the pious and pious one, the one who dispatched his troops, his great support, together with his magnates, who were clad in gold with a belt and with gold bands adorned with their sling straps, he quickly slew them like a sling of old age, which had been slashed, and he quickly slashed them, and I imposed upon them their tribute and their cult centers.

    Like a raging flood, the gaping flood which the shamû-demon had smitten, I made them rejoice. The path of the shamû-demon, the gaping flood, the shamû-demon, the shamû-demon, the shamû-demon, my warrior, in their gaping sighs they sinned. The river of my chariot, the one of the wicked and the wicked, the one of the wicked and the wicked, my slander, the one who smote, the one who smote their warriors like a dog, he smote, and

    Column 6


    bal-ta-szu2-un a-bu-ut ki-ma bi-ni qisz-sze-e si-ma-ni u2-na-ak-kis qa-ti-szu2-un _har-mesz_ as-pi _ku3-sig17 ki-sag_ eb-bi sza2 rit-ti-szu2-nu am-hur i-na nam-s,a-ri zaq-tu-ti hu-s,a-an-ni-szu2-nu u2-par-ri-i' _gir2-mesz_ szib-bi _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ sza _muru2-mesz_-szu2-nu e-kim si-it-ti _(lu2)gal-mesz_-szu2 a-di (disz)(d)muati-mu-isz-kun _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na sza la-pa-an ta-ha-zi-ia ip-la-hu id-ku-u2 i-da-szu2-un bal-t,u-su-un

    a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-szi-na sza ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi dan-ni ra-ki-bu-szi-in de-ku-ma u3 szi-na musz-szu-ra-ma ra-ma-nu-usz-szin it-ta-na-al-la-ka mit-ha-risz u2-ter-ra a-di 2(disz) _danna ge6_ il-li-ku da-ak-szu-nu ap-ru-us szu-u2 (disz)um-ma-an-me-na-nu _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-di _lugal_ babila2(ki) (lu2)na-sik-ka-ni sza (kur)kal-di a-li-kut _a2-min_-szu2 hur-ba-szu2 _me3_-ia _gin7_-le-e zu-mur-szu-un is-hu-up (gesz)za-ra-te-szu2-un u2-masz-sze-ru-ma

    a-na szu-zu-ub _zi-mesz_-szu2-nu pag-ri um-ma-na-te-szu2-nu u2-da-i-szu2 i-ti-qu ki-i sza at-mi _tu_(muszen) kusz-szu-di i-tar-ra-ku lib-bu-szu2-un szi-na-te-szu2-un u2-s,a-ra-pu qe2-reb _(gesz)gigir-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-masz-sze-ru-ni zu-szu2-un a-na ra-da-di-szu2-nu _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-ia u2-ma-'e-er ar-ki-szu2-un mun-na-rib-szu2-nu sza2 a-na nap-sza2-a-ti u2-s,u-u2 a-szar i-kasz-sza2-du u2-ra-sa-bu i-na _(gesz)tukul_ i-na u4-me-szu-ma ul-tu# _e2-gal muru2 iri_ sza nina(ki)

    a-na ri-mit _lugal_-ti-ia u2-szak-li-lu a-na tab-ra-ti kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ lu-le-e u2-mal-lu-szi _e2-gal_ ku-tal-li sza a-na szu-te-szur ka-ra-szi pa-qa-a-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ sa-na-qi2 mim-ma szum-szu2 u2-sze-pi-szu2 _lugal-mesz_-ni a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia tam-lu-sza2 ul ib-szi szu-bat-sa s,u-uh-hu-rat-ma la nu-ku-lat e-pisz-tasz la-ba-risz u4-me tem-me-en-sza2 e-nisz-ma isz-da-sza2 ir-ma-a i-qu-pa re-sza2-a-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 aq-qur

    u3 ta-mir-ti _iri_ ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta ina muh-hi lu usz-rad-di masz-kan2 _e2-gal_ mah-ri-ti e-zib-ma i-na qaq-qar u2-szal-li sza ul-tu mal-di _i7_ as,-ba-ta tam-la-a usz-mal-li 2(disz) _me_ ti-ib-ki a-na e-la-ni u2-szaq-qi2 re-e-su i-na _iti_ sze-me-e u4-mu mit-ga-ri s,e-er tam-le-e sza2-a-tu ina nik-lat lib-bi-ia _e2-gal_ (na4)pi-i-li u3 (gesz)ere-ni ne2-pesz-ti (kur)ha-at-ti u3 _e2-gal_ s,i-ir-tu ep-szet _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza _ugu_ mah-ri-ti ma-a'-disz szu-tu-rat ra-ba-ta

    u3 nak-lat i-na szi-pir _(lu2)szitim-gal_-le-e en-qu-ti a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia u2-sze-pisz _gesz-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni s,i-ru-ti tar-bit (kur)ha-ma-nim _kur_-i el-li u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-ri me-ser _uruda_ nam-ri u2-rak-kis-ma u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szi-in i-na (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,i-i sza i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ s,i-ru-te u2-sze-pisz-ma im-na u szu-me-la u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szin a-na szu-te-szur s,al-mat _sag-du_ pa-qa-di

    mur-ni-is-qi2 _(ansze)kunga-mesz_ a-ga-li-i til-li _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)at-ta-ra-te e-req-qi2 isz-pa-a-te til-pa-na-te u3 us,-s,i mim-ma szum-szu2 u2-nu-tu ta-ha-zi na-as,-ma-di _ansze-kur-ra-mesz (ansze)kunga-mesz_ sza e-mu-qi2 ra-ba-a-te i-szu-u2 szuk-nu-sze a-na ni-ri ki-sal-la-sza2 _ka2_-nu-u2 ma-gal usz-rab-bi _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu ul-tu usz-sze-sza2 a-di na-bur-ri-sza2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia i-na qer-bi-sza2 asz2-kun a-na ar2-kat3 _u4-mesz_

    i-na _lugal-mesz_-ni _dumu-mesz_-ia sza (d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu _nun_ ar-ku-u2 an-hu-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-me-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 lu-ter (d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar ik-ri-bi-szu2 i-szem-mu-u2 mu-nak-kir szit,-ri-ia u3 szu-me-ia (d)asz-szur _en gal ad dingir-mesz_ nak-risz li-zi-is-su

    _(gesz)gidru_ u3 _(gesz)gu-za_ li-kim-szu-ma lis-ki-pa _bala_-szu2 (iti)sze-sag11-ku5 _u4 2(u)-kam_ li-mu (disz)en-igi-a-ni _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)gar-ga-misz#

    AI Translation

    Their words were like a sling of a sling. They smashed their hands. I received gold and pure silver, whose hands I smashed. In a sling of a sling, I cut off their fingers. I seized the feet of gold and silver of their heads. The rest of his magnates, including Nabû-mushetiq-ukin, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who had fled from my battle and had fled, I smote them.

    together with their horses, who in the midst of a mighty battle had been killed, and they were seized, and their own people they were seized, they went back and forth. They went back and forth until the 2nd ... of the night they were killed. They were slain. Umman-menanu Humban-menanu, the king of the land Elam, together with the king of Babylon, the sheikh of Chaldea, who marched against his weapons, he smashed his weapons, he smashed his weapons, he smashed their skulls like a lion, he slashed their arrows,

    To save their lives, the scepter of their troops they smashed, and he smashed. As the scepter of the scepter he smashed, their hearts he smashed, their scepters he smashed, inside their chariots he smashed, their bodies to their yoke he smashed, my chariots and horses he smashed. After them, their scepters, who to the scepter he smashed, where he smashed, he smashed with the sword. At that time, from the palace muru of the city of Nineveh

    To the awe of my royal majesty I entrusted it. To the awe of all people I filled it. A palace behind it, which for the proper administration of the people, the securing of horses, and the securing of everything I had built, the kings who before my ancestors had no terrace, its site was too small and its construction was not finished. Older than its foundations, when it became weak and its foundations had become weak, I raised its top. That palace in its entirety I razed,

    and the plain of the city like a mountain I took and on top I erected. The former palace I erected and in the area I filled. From the river I took the river and the terrace I filled. Two hundred steps up to the east I raised. First, in the month of Addaru, the day of the remission of that terrace, by my own will, I built a palace of limestone and cedar, the craftsmen of the land Hatti, and a lofty palace, the work of Assyria, which greatly surpasses the former palace,

    and the rest, by the craft of a skilled craftsman, for the residence of my lordly majesty I had made. I roofed them the palatial halls with magnificent cedar beams from Mount Amanus, the holy mountain. I fastened bands of shining copper on doors of liaru-wood and I installed them in their gates. With white limestone, which in the territory of the city Balataya shined, I had magnificent bull colossi made and I had them seated them in their gates. To save the black-headed people

    The securing of mules, agalu-cars, the tillu-work, chariots, steeds, apsû-work, and securing of anything that is valuable, the securing of the horses and scouts, which have great strength, are secured, for the reed-beam of its courtyard, the great gate, I built and completed that palace from its foundations to its naburrû-wall. I deposited in it a tablet, a copy of my name, in the days of my reign.

    among the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for shepherding the land and people, when that palace becomes old and dilapidated, may a later prince restore its weakened portions. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. Then Ashur and Ishtar will listen to his prayers. May the one who alters my inscribed object and my name, the god Ashur, great lord, father of the gods, reverently revere him.

    May he appoint him as vizier and throne bearer of his reign. Month Addaru, 20th day, eponymy of Bel-igiani, governor of Carchemish 697.

    P421810: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x

    AI Translation

    Column 2'


    [...] x [...] [...] _giri3#-min#_-[x] _[x]-mesz#_ (iri#)hi-il-me (iri#)[...] ti#-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni isz#-[x x] sza2 al-la-ku a-na (kur#)[...] nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) [...] pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu#-[...] szu-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu _u8#-[...]_ a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia a-na# [...] im#-qu#-tu2-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min_ [...] [...]-iq# ger#-ri-ia (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi#-[...] [...]-te# sza2# [...] [...]-an# (kur)elam-ma(ki) par-ku# [...] [...] sza2 la u2#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... feet ... the cities Hilme and ... ... whose mighty battle ... which I had carried off to the land ... the awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them ... their people, their oxen, their ... ... to do obeisance to me ... they fell and took to the ground. ... ... my campaign ... the city E-Imbi... ... ... of ... the land Elam, ... ... which did not .

    P421848: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x] (d#)en-zu-szesz-mesz-eri#-[...] [x]-s,ir kit-ti ra-'i#-[...] [x]-lu# git2-ma-lum zi#-[...] [x x]-szur# _kur_-u2 _gal_-u2 _lugal#_-[...] [x]-na# mah-re-e ger-ri#-[...] [x]-na# _muru2_ tam-ha-ri szu-[...] [x]-na# _e2-gal_-szu2 sza qe2-reb# [...] _dam#_-su (munus)_ug3-mesz e2-gal#_-[...] [x x] x x x [...] [...] (disz)[...]

    AI Translation

    ... of Sennacherib ... true ..., ..., ..., perfect one, ... ..., great mountain, king ... ... before the river bank ... ... the middle of the sea ... ... his palace which is inside ... his wife, the people of the palace ...

    P421849: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-mesz# _e2#_ [...] [...] sza# u4-me pa-ni# [...] [_...]-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du ul#-tu# [...] [...] _(na4)na-ru2-a_ u2-sze-pisz-ma li-[...] [...]-mu#-u-a (disz)is-pa-ba-a-ra _lugal_-szu2-un (iri)[...] [...] _iri#-mesz e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di 3(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz#_ [...] [...] u3# _u8-udu hi-a_ a-na la mi#-nam# asz2#-lu#-[...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the house ... which in the days of ... my ... they seized. From ... I had a stele made and ... ... Ispabara, their king, the city ..., the cities of his royal house, together with 34 cities ... and sheep ... without number I carried off. ... .

    P421850: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [...]-s,ir#-ti [...] [...] e#-pu-szu-[...] [...] im-da-na-ah#-[...] [...]-hur# szu-bat-su [...] [...]-szu# ul ib-szi-ma [...] [...] i-na uz-ni-[...] [...]-ri#-ia la kit-nu-szu2 as#-[...] [...]-ri# ki-szit-[...] [...] _me#_ 3(u) 4(disz) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his dwelling ...

    P421853: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-mu#-ri [...] (d#)nusku# [...] ru#-u-qu [...]-nab#-ta [...]-ni# [...]-ia#

    AI Translation

    ... ... Nusku ... the ruqu-demon ...

    Column 2'


    im#-hu#-[...] um-ma# [...] sza _an-[...]_ ni#-ih-[...] _lugal#?_ [...]

    AI Translation

    "... of ... we ... the king .

    P421895: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x] u4#-me-szu2-ma# [...] sza (disz)(d)sin-pap#-[...] _ad ad du3_-ia# [...] t,ah#-du-ti ra#-[...] sza# szat-ti-szam-ma ina _bala#-[...]_ [x x]-ia# tem-me-en-szu2 ir#-[...] [...]-a#-szu2 _bad3_ szu#-[...] [...] x x x? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... At that time, ... of Sin-pap-..., the father of the father who had engendered me, ... good things ... that were written on the foundations of ... in my reign ... his foundation ... ... the wall ... .

    P421951: other-genre tablet

    nan CDLI



    _DISZ na sa (uzu)ur2!_-szu2 _disz_-nisz _gu7#_ [...] _DISZ na sa-gal gig_ x [...] _en2 a-zu kalam-ma#_ [...] _agrig_ [...] _(d#)urasz#_ [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    If a man eats his thigh: ... .



    asz im [...]

    AI Translation