AICC / Publications / p452

P452002: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



[...] (u2)tar-musz8 ina _nindu usz2_-[er] [...] _udu#-nita#_ ana _sza3 szub#_-[di] [...] x-ma _[ti]_ [...] x qa la [x x] [...] sig [x x] [...] x [x x] [...] hi ma [...] _gig_ [...] x bad [...] _ka#_-szu2 [...] bad [...] x [...] x _gig#_ [...] [...] bur# [x x] [...] x [x x]

AI Translation

... a plant ... in a tureen. You throw a ram into it. ...



[...] x x ra#? [...] x-ma _ti_-ut, [...] _nigin_-du [...] _gu7-mesz_-szu [...] _na bi gig_ di-'u _gig#!_ [...] _(gesz)erin (gesz)szur-min3_ [...] _(szim)szesz gi du10-ga_ [... _(szim)]im-du (gesz)sze-na2-a_ [... (u2)a]-szi#-i# [(gesz)]si-hu [...] x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... and he will recover. ... he will eat ... his intestines ... that man will experience a severe illness ... cedar, cypress, ... sweet reed, ... imdu-juniper, shenû-juniper, ... asî-plant, sihû-plant, ... .

P452010: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[x x x x] x [...] [x x] _hi-hi nu_ [pa-tan ...] _sze# bil_ ina x [...] _a2-mesz_-szu2 a x [...] ina _sag (lu2)gig_ x [...] (gesz)szu2-ri-na? x [...] x x li [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... barley ... its water ... at the head of the sick man ...

P452022: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] x x x (disz)a-du#-[...] [...]-ti#? bir#-me# u2-lab-bisz _har#-[...]_ [...]-ri-ia ul-zi#-[...] [...]-gu# _lugal#_ [...]

AI Translation

... Adu-... ... ... he sat on a throne of rejoicing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the king .

P452024: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[...] (iri#)ia#-ar#-ki# u#? [...] asz2#-ru ru-u-qu [...] la# ib-ba-szu2-u [...]-szak#-ka-nu qin-nu [...]-sa-am-me-e' [...]-tar#-sa-ma-a-a-in [...]-a asz2-kun _[...]-mesz#_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ [...]-ni# ah-bu-ta _[...]-hi#-a#-((disz?))_-ia [...] szal#-t,isz#

AI Translation

... the city Yarak and? ... a rugged mountain ... did not exist ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and sheep ...

P452027: literary tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



x x (x) [...] = %a a#-szar gur2-x-[...] gu4-ud-gu4-ud x [...] = %a qar-ra-di x x [...] gir2 _ban_-_gur2_-ra-ka-zu [...] = %a ina pat-ri pa-tar-ri-[ki? ...] lu2 za3 _gir2_? i3-la2-a-asz-am3 (d)inanna x [...] = %a _lab_-ta-an kak-ka (d)isz-tar# [...] ur szu-zi-ga imin-na-ne-ne# [...] = %a la-bu na-ad-ru-tu4 si-bit-[tu4 ...] sahar hub2 hal-bi i3-suh3-suh3 gaba x [...] = %a ina tu-ur-bu-u' li-is-me-szu2-nu x [...] (u-uh)_gir2_ gal nam-munus a2-kar2 tukul bad-bad#? [...] = %a te?-li-tum u2-nu-ut sin-ni-szu-ti# [...]

(d)inanna (tug2)mug-zu-gin7 a2-sag3 lu2 nu-[...] = %a (d)isz-tar _gin7_ e-ne-ki e-ki#-[...] u3 (gesz)bala-gin7 a2 dam x [...] = %a ki-i pi-lak-ki s,a-i-da-at x [...] te#-e sig-ga-gin7 (d)in-nin hul-du# [...] = %a ki-ma na-di-i kan-ni _(d)min_ ana _za#_-[...] lu2#-erim2 nig2-a2-zi-ga (gesz)sag-x [...] = %a ana# rag-gi u3 s,e-e-ni _gim#_ [...] [x (x)] x gu-gin7 si-sa2-bi (gesz)gid2-da sag10 x [...]

AI Translation

... ... Your ... ... in the midst of the ... ... The man ... the ... Inanna ... The lions, their ..., ... The dust, the dust, the ..., the breasts .

Inanna, like a mugzu garment, a man does not ... As for the one who ... in the city, in the city, and in the bala drum, like a harp string, ... like a sling, the evil Innin ... Like a sling, a ... ..., a person who is to be a criminal ... ... like ...



[...] x x (x) [...] = %a [(x)] pi#-i# ka-ra-szi x-x-ad? [...] [dumu] (d)suen-na a2-tab-zu gesz x [...] = %a ma#-rat (d)sin i-da-ki ki-ma [...] ([d])in#-nin bulug-gin7 gir2 mir#-ra = %a _(d)min_-gin7 pal-lu-uk-ki zaq-ta#? [...] (gesz#)szerimx(|_tag-tug2_|)-zu (gesz)tir-ra x-gin7 [(x)] sa#? [...] = %a s,i-s,i-it-ki qa2-asz2-tum _bu_-a-na x-[...] (gesz)kak mur sza3-ga an-da-ab-la2-am3 [...] = %a u2-s,u mu-szaq-qir lib3-bi u ha#-sze#-[e ...]

(d)inanna ti-suh3 gesz-gesz-la2 eszemen2#-[gin7 ...] = %a (d)isz-tar a-na-an-ta u tu-qu#-[um-ta ...] (gesz)ellag gesz-du3-a-gin7 nin me3 tesz2-a# [...] = %a _gin7_ pu-uk-ki u me-ek-ke#-[e ...] amalu a-da-min3-na bi-za# [...] = %a i-lat te-s,e-ti [...] (d)in-nin ki (gesz)tukul sag3#-[ga ...] = %a _([d])min#_ a#-szar# tam#-hu#-[us, ...]

AI Translation

... ... Your mouth is a ..., your ... is a ..., your ... is a ..., your ... is a ..., your ... is a ..., your ... is a ..., a ...

Inanna, like a tishuh tree, like a eshemen tree, ... Ishtar, from the horizon and the tuquum tree, like a tiara tree, the lady of battle ... Like a sag-plow, like a sag-plow, the female slave, your dwelling ... Lady, who has learned, ... Inanna, where the weapon is strong .

P452028: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1'


[...] x [...] x

AI Translation

Column 2'


[x]-t,ir# [...] [x] mim-ma szi#-[...] u2-hal-la#-[x] it-ti _mu-[x_ x] szi-t,ir [x x] la i-szak-ka#-[x] _dingir-mesz_ [x x] sza# _an_-e u3# [x x] _lugal#_-us#-su [...] [x x] _numun_-szu2 [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... he shall remove anything ... with ... written ... he shall not ... the gods ... of heaven and ... his kingship ... his seed .

P452047: royal-monumental tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


_[...]-gi#_ szu-a#-[...] [...]-ti# (d)marduk# [...] [(d)]marduk# en# gal_-u _geszkim-mesz#_ [...] [x] zar#-pa-ni-tum _gaszan_ sza2-qu#-tu2# hi-ir#-[...] sza ina _ugu ma-sa2-ab_ [...] 5(u) 5(disz) _mu-didli_ ta-nit#-[...]

AI Translation

... ... Marduk ... Marduk, the great lord, the demons ... ..., the exalted lady, the exalted lady, ... who on the sabû-board ... 55 lines ... praise .

P452054: other-genre tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


_DISZ na_ szim#-[mat? ...] ina _i3-gesz_ [...] _DISZ na_ szim-[mat? ...] (na4)mu-s,u2# [...] _DISZ na_ szim-mat# [...] _i3 (gesz)szur-[min3_ ...] _szesz2-mesz_ [...] _DISZ# na#_ szim#?-[mat? ...]

AI Translation

You pound a plant ... with oil. You pound a plant ... mushu-stone. You pound a plant ... cypress oil ... brothers .

P452068: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1'


[...]-bu#-u _[...]-mesz#_ [...]-uh# [...]-tu# [...]-us,#

AI Translation

Column 2'


a#-na# _egir# ud#-mesz# dumu#-[...]_ _dumu-mesz_ u3 [x x] ina _lugal-mesz dumu-[x_ x] sza2 an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 ut-[...] a-na be-lut _kur_ u [x x] i-nam-bu-u zi#-[x x] e-nu-ma _e2_ a2-ki-tu [...] i-lab-bi-ru-ma in#-[x x] an-hu-us-sa lu#-[x x] _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li#-[x x] _i3-mesz_ lip-szu-usz# [...] a-na asz2-ri-szu2 [x x] [...] ma#-la# ina _mu-sar-[...]_ [...]-bu# li#-[...]

AI Translation

In the future, may ... sons, grandsons, and ... among the kings, grandsons of Ashur and Ninlil ..., to rule over the land and ..., ... when the Akitu temple ... becomes old and dilapidated, ... a written document bearing my name ... may he ... oil, ... to its place ... as much as in the written document ... .

P452071: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1'


[...] e#-mi3-du _kur_-szu2# [...]-du#-ni-ba-al [...]-ba#-al [...]-al#-ha-nu-nu [...] (disz#)pap-mil-ki [...] _muru2#_ tam-tim [...]-nim#-ma [...]-bit-tu [...] _giri3#-min_-ia [...]-ma#

AI Translation

... he conquered his land ... Dunibal ... Dunibal ... ... ... Papmilki ... the middle of the sea ... ... ... my feet ... and

Column 2'


(disz)du-na#-[...] ina (gesz)s,i-is,#-s,i# [...] si-it-ti _dumu-mesz_ [...] (disz)(d)muati-i [...] _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)ag#-[...]_ u3# _giri3#-pad-[...]_ it-ti (lu2)ur-[...] _gu4-mesz u8#-udu#-[...]_ ul#-tu# qe2#-reb# [...]

AI Translation

Duna-... with a wooden ... the remainder of the sons ... Nabû-iqbi ... sons of Nabû-... and the foot-stool ... with the ... oxen, sheep, and goats from inside .

P452077: royal-monumental other-object

Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


(d)gesztin-ama-ma a-na-[_ak_? ...]

AI Translation

I am Geshtinama .

P452078: royal-monumental brick

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


ad#-da# kur# mar#-tu# dumu si-im-ti-szi-il-ha-ak u4 (d)nanna a-ra-zu-ni mu-szi-gen-na-a ga2#-nun#-mah (d)nanna#-kam nam#-[ti]-la#-ni-sze3 [...]-ti [...] dumu#-ni#

AI Translation

When Nanna his Arazuni had returned, the throne of Nanna for his life ... ... his son

P452134: tablet

None Oracc



* _dungu#_ [x x x x x] _igi_(?)# [x x x x] ka#-[x x x x x x x x x x]

* _dungu#_ [x x x x x x x x x x] _szeg_-_mesz#_ [x x x x]-ti# [x x x] ina (iti)_sze_(?)# [x x x] x# [x x x]

* _dungu kimin_(?)# [x x x] ana (tu15)_u18-lu_ ana (tu15)_si#_-[_sa_ x x (x)] _dungu_ u#-[(x)]-x-bal-ma _du_(az)-ma#

* _dungu sig7_ u _ge6_ szu-ta-ha-a _tu15 zi_(a) szu-ta-hu-u : mAl-ma-lisz

mu-kal-lim-ti * _u4 an_ (d)_en-lil_ szu-ut _ka_ szA _ka um-me-a_ sza lib-bi * _u4 szu_-ma _dungu_ i-lam-ma

* ina (iti)_bara_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu _szub_(di) _sze gu_(u) _tur_(ir) ki-i ul-tu _sza_ (iti)_apin gu_-szu la it-ta-du-u U ul-tu _sza_ (iti)_bara_ ul-ter-ru-u lum-nu sza gab-bi _iti_-_mesz szu-bi-asz-am_

* ina (iti)_gu4_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu _szub_-ma _ki_(tim(!))(-_mun_) lu _i-gisz#_ lu A-ÉSIR lu A-ÉSIR-_ud-du_-(A) i-hi-la 3 _iti_-_mesz u4 10_-_kam kur_ ina(?)# [nisz-hi] _til_(ti) nisz-hu : su-a-lu : s,a-na-hu : _sza-sur#_ [: nisz]-hu _sza_ : lib-bu : _sur_ : szi-[te-en]-nu#

* ina (iti)_gu4_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu _gim u-gu_ x [x x x] _szur an_(e) _ra_(as,)-[ma x x] U : ri-ig-mu [:] (ki(*))-(ri)_ka_ :# [x x x] ki-ma ri-ig#-mi : [x x x] : (u)-(gu)_ugu_ : u-ma-mu ki-ma iq#-[bu-u]

AI Translation

If a cloud .

If a cloud ...... rains ...... in Addaru .

If a cloud ditto ... towards the south and towards the north: ... the cloud will ... and go and

If a black cloud and black black cloud are in opposition: the wind will rise; alternatively, it is very bright.

a recitation of "If the day of Anu and Ellil" is the wording of the mouth of the mouth of the scholar.

If in Nisannu Adad thunders, the barley will decrease; if he does not keep thundering from month VIII, and if he does not return from month IX, there will be evil things that all the months will bring about.

"If in Ayyaru II Adad thunders and the earth quakes" = EAE XVI unknown means "it will rain on the 10th day of the month." "The land will be deprived of food" = EAE XVI unknown means "to be deprived of water." "ShA-sur" = EAE XVI unknown means "to be deprived of water." "ShA-sur" = EAE XVI unknown means "to be deprived of water." "ShA" = EAE XVI unknown means "to be deprived of water."

"If in the month of Ayyaru II Adad thunders like a storm ..." = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "the sky will be swollen" ... ... ... "like a storm" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means ... "like a storm" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "like a storm."

Craig, James A.

"If a cloud ...." = EAE 41 ? ...

"If a cloud ..., rains ..." = EAE 41 ? ... In the month of Addaru XII ? ...

"If a cloud ditto and ... to the south and to the north ..." = EAE 41 ? means that the cloud ... and stands.

"If a yellow and a black cloud are paired, the wind will come" = EAE 41 ?, "paired" means "at the same time."

Mukallimtu-commentary on Enuma Anu Enlil, with oral explanations, following the sayings of a scholar, referring to entries from "If the day gets dark and a cloud surrounds it" = EAE 41.

"If in the month of Nisannu I Adad roars, the crops of barley and flax will diminish" = EAE 42 1 means if from the month of Arahsamna VIII Adad he has not roared, and has only started shurrû to do so from the month of Nisannu I on, the evil prognosis will be the same for the rest of the months.

"If in the month of Ayyaru II Adad roars and the land exudes either oil, or bitumen or asphalt, the land will be consumed by diarrhea for three months and ten days" = EAE 42 110. "Diarrhoea" means sualu-disease, i.e., "to excrete." The signs ShA.SUR mean "diarrhoea," where ShA means "belly" and SUR means "to urinate."

"If in the month of Ayyaru II Adad roars like a beast U.GU, rain from the sky, flooding of ..." = EAE 42 122. U means "noise," and KA, when pronounced /kiri/, means .... "Like the noise," .... Hence UGU means "beasts," is like it said.



[*] ina (iti)_kin_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu _gim ansze-kur-ra_ isz-tam-mar# _zi_(ut) (gisz)_tukul_ pa-har _un_(!)(_kal_-)_mesz bir_-_mesz# id_-_mesz_ a-ha-mesz i-sze-'i-i-[ra] _szeg_-_me_ u _illu_-_me_ har-pu _sze_ (ina) _asz-iku zal_(isz) _nu#_[(is,)] (i)-(ku)_asz-iku_ : szi-ir-'u ina szi-ir-'i szA iq-bu#-[u]

* ina (iti)_apin_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu _gim_ szi-ga-ti is#-[si] _buru14 kur a_-_mesz_ ub-ba-lu a-ra-Ar _dingir_ u _lugal_(?)# ki-ma szu-qa-ti sza (lu2)_sipa_

mu-kal-lim-ti * _u4 an_ (d)_en-lil_ szu-ut _ka_ szA _ka um-me-a_ sza lib-bi * ina (iti)_bara_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu _szub_(di)

* ina (iti)_gu4_ (d)_iszkur gu_-szu ina _igi_-_par_ (d)_utu szub nim-gir_ la ib-riq (d)_tir-an-na nu gib mu 3_-_kam un_-_mesz_ isz-sze-ha-a-ma _lu lu_ ub-bar _igi_-(pa)_ru_ :(*) na-an-mu-ru ina _kur_(ih) (d)_utu gu_-szu _szub_-ma

* ina (iti)#[x (d)]_iszkur# gu_-szu _szub_-ma (d)_tir-an-na_ szA _musz_-szA ma#-[disz x x _ta_ (tu15)]_u18#-lu_ ana (tu15)_si-sa gib_ x#-[x x x x (tu15)]_si#-sa illu_-_me du_-_me_(ni) x# [x x x x x]-_me gar_(an) x# [x x x x x]-ma-nu

* [x x x x x x x x] _kaskal_(*) _szesz-unug_(*)((ki)) ina-qar [x x x x x x x x x] _gal#_(u) [x x x x x x x x x x] x#

AI Translation

"If in Ululu VI Adad thunders like a horse, the attack of a weapon will be heard among the people, scattered, and rivers will be divided." "Slow rains and floods will be a flood," "Iku-Ashiku" means "slow." "Slow" means "slow." "That which is said"

If in Arahsamnu VIII Adad thunders like a horn: the harvest of the land will prosper; the god and the king will rejoice like the shepherd's wailing.

m. m.

"If in Ayyaru II Adad thunders in the "Eye of Shamash" omen, lightning does not pass, the rainbow does not pass, the 3rd year people are gathered and the man will die" = Shumma alu 49 81′ means "the man will be seized." "It thunders in the east" = Shumma alu 49 81′ means "it thunders in the east."

"If in the month of ... Adad thunders, and a rainbow whose snake is very large ... from the south to the north ... ... the north floods will come" = Enuma Anu Enlil unknown.

If ......, he will take the road to Ur.

Craig, James A.

"If in the month of Elulu VI Adad roars like a horse, violent attack, gathering of scattered people; the rivers will cross over each other; rains and floods will come early; the barley will lie in the furrows IKU continuously." = EAE 42 126 ? = SpTU 2 41 r 20. IKU means "furrow," so "in the furrow" is what is said.

"If during the month of Arahsamna VIII Adad roars like a shigatu, flooding waters will carry off the land's harvest, cursing of god and king." = EAE 42 128 ?. "Like a shigatu" means "like a shepherd's shuqatu."

Mukallimtu-commentary on Enuma Anu Enlil, with oral explanations, following the sayings of a scholar, referring to entries from "If in the month of Nisannu Adad roars" = EAE 42.

"If in the month of Ayyaru II Adad roars in the IGI-PAR of the sun but there is no lightning or rainbow, for three years the people will be agitated, one man will accuse the other," = K.3551+ o 8'-9' = EAE 43 unplaced PA written IGI-PA-RU means "to appear," and hence the protasis means "if Adad roars at sunrise."

"If in the month of ... Adad roars and a rainbow whose appearance is predominantly x color stretches from north to south, ... in the north, floods will come, ... will be" EAE 43 unplaced. ... means ...manu.

"If ... will destroy the cities of the road to Ur" EAE 43 unplaced ... great ....

P452137: royal-ritual tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



e-pu-usz-ma (m)tukul-ti—[(d)_masz man kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ par-s,i a]-na# (d)_pa_(!)-_tug_ u-kin(!)#-[ma _sum_-in]

e-nu-ma _udu-siskur_ sza [(d)_pa-tug_ a-na e-pe-sze-i-ka a-na É—(d)30(?) tal]-lak# szA-ru-ri (d)_utu_ ina _sza_-bi _ka_(!)#-[szu tu-sze-ra-ba]

_gisz-gu-za_ i-na _da_(!)# É a-na _ki-ta dingir#_ [_szub_-di _sig_]-HÉ(!)#-_med_ eb-bu ina _ugu_-hi [_szub_-di] kap-pu I-_mesz dug-ga szem_-_hi-a szem_-[_li_ ni-ip-sze] _sig#_-tab-ri-bu ina _ugu_-hi [_szub_-di]

_gisz-banszur_ ina ma-har (d)_utu szub_-di sze-eh-[tu tu-szar-ra] _egir# gisz-banszur_ [_szub_-di] 02 É—s,u-ra-ri 02 pa-gi-li ina _kab_ sze-eh-ti# [_szub_-di] _dug#-du8_ szA ab-ri _egir_ sze-eh-[ti _szub_-di]

[_dug_]-ma-si-tu _kasz_-_mesz ki-min gesztin dug_-a-ga-nu _kasz_-_mesz ki-min gesztin egir_ sze-eh-ti [_szub_-di]

07# qa _ninda_-_mesz_ sza _sze_-hasz-lat 02 qa _ninda_-ri-pi-tu 07 _ninda_-tu-pi-ni 07 _ninda_-se-e-pi 14 _ninda_-hu-hu-[rat _ninda_-x x] _ninda#_-ka-man zi-zi _ninda-sza_-bu _ninda_-rit-tu si-il-ti du-li-qa-a-[te x x x x x] 14 _gisz-gag_-_mesz_ sza _gisz-erin sig_-bar-ru-un(!)-du(!)# _na4-pa na4-gug_ [x x ta-rak-kas]

_dug_-ha-as,-bu _dug-a-da-gur5 sig_-bar-ru-un(!)-du(!)# ta(!)-rak(!)-kas _gi_—_dug-ga_ ina _sza_-[bi _gar_-an]

_sze-sa-a_-_mesz gisz-nu-ur-ma_-_mesz dug-la_(!) _kasz-sag_(!)#-_mesz ki-min gesztin dug_-kal-lu sza [x x x x ta-rak-kas]

_dug_-kal-lu sza _mun dug_-qa-bu-tu sza(!)# I(!)-_mesz ki-min_ sza _lal_-_mesz_ ina(!) U(!)-_hi#_-[A x x x ta-rak-kas]

_szem-li kug-ud# kug-gi_ ina _sza_-bi ina(!) _sig_(!) 07(!) _dug_(!)-par(!)-sa(!)#-ti(!) _i lal kasz gesztin#_ [ina x x x x x]

08 _dug_-par-sa-a-ti szA# _lal_-_mesz_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

ina ma-har (d)_utu gar_-an 30 a(!)#-ka(!)-li(?) _dug_(!)#-kal(!)-lu(!) sza(!)# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_dug_-kal-lu sza qi-ir-szi _szu-2_ ina [x] ta-pa-ri-ik x [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_gisz-hur_ te-s,ir _zid-da#_ ina _sza_-bi _szub_(!)#-di(!) 07(!) _ninda_(?)-x# [x x x x x x x x x x x] 07 _ninda_-hu-hu-rat(!) 07 ka-_ni#_-[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_gisz-hur_ te-s,ir _zid-da#_ ina [_sza_-bi _szub_-di x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_dug_-si-ha-ru sza _lal#_ [ina _ugu_-hi _gar_-an x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

pa-as-ru ina _ugu#_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_gisz-gu-za_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

ha-as,-[ba-a-ti x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

02 x [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_dug_-[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _an_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _ku_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] ina(!) _sza_(!)# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] kib(!)#-ra(!)-a(!)-ti(!)# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x x ina ma-har (d)be-let]—i(!)-li tu-qa(!)-rab(!)# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x] x u ina(!)# x [x x] x x har(!)# ha(!) s,a(!) [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x] sza(!)# I-_mesz_ x [x x x x x x]-tu(!) 02(!) ina(!) _an_(!) [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x sza] _i#_-_mesz_ i#-x [x x x x] x x# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x ina] ma#-har (d)_utu_ tu-qar#-[rab x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[(d)É]-A u-nam-masz _nig-na szem_(!)-_li_(!) ina(!) pa#-[ni ta-na-Asz-szi x x x x x x x x x x x ta-za-mur]

[(d)]be#-let—i-li ina pa-na-tu-szu tu-nam-masz [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_dug_-ku-u-tu sza A-_mesz#_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] tu-nam-masz ina É _tu_-[ab(?) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

_dug_-ku-u-tu sza A-_mesz_ ina _ka gar_-an kal-lu sza A-_mesz_ rim-ki ina x [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(d)be-let—i-li ina ma-har (d)_utu_ ina _ki#_-[_na_(?) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

Tukulti-Ninurta, king of Assyria, performed the ritual for Nusku and gave it to him.

When you perform the sheep offering of Nusku, you go to the temple of Sin. You bring the sun into its gate.

You set up a chair beside the house, opposite the god, and place red wool upon it. You set up a bowl of good oil, aromatics, juniper, and pomegranates upon it.

You set up a table before Shamash and you throw a censer. You set up a censer behind the table. You place two bouillon-jars and two jugs of fig-beer on the side of the censer. You place a bowl of pomegranates behind the censer.

You set up a flagon of beer, ditto, and wine; a bowl of beer, ditto, and wine behind the censer.

7 litres of bread made of roasted grain, 2 litres of ripitu-bread, 7 litres of tunics, 7 litres of sepu-bread, 14 litres of huhhurtu-bread, ...-bread, kamanu-bread, zizu-bread, a rib-bread, a rib-bread, a ...-bread, 14 arrows of cedar, a bridle of carnelian, and carnelian ... you place on them.

You set up a bowl of hammurru-wine and an adagurru-vessel of wool and place a small reed in it.

You prepare sesame, pomegranates, a tureen of first-class beer, ditto a wine vessel of ..., and a libation bowl of .

You prepare a flask of salt, a cup of oil, ditto of honey, and a ... of ...-plant.

You ... a censer of silver and gold inside a small bowl. You pour 7 jugs of oil, honey, beer and wine into .

8 jars of honey .

You place 30 ...s before Shamash. You ... a bowl of ...-wine.

You ... a bowl of fig-beer, a hand-washing bowl in .

You draw a drawing. You place flour in it. You ... seven loaves of .

You draw a drawing, place flour in it .

You place a bowl of honey over it .

a scepter against .

The throne .

the satraps .

2 ......

a ......, a ......,

...... within .

...... the four quarters

You offer ...... before Belet-ili .

...... and in .

... of oil ...... 2 in .

... of oil .

You offer ... before Shamash .

You place a censer full of juniper in front of Ea .

You put Belet-ili in her presence .

You place a bowl of water ......, and place it in a house.

You place a bowl of water in the doorway, a bowl of water and a libation bowl in .

May Belet-ili in the presence of Shamash in the bed .


Tukulti-Ninurta I, king of Assyria, performed and instituted the following rites for Nusku:

When you are to perform a sheep offering to Nusku, you go to the house of Sîn and let sunshine enter it through its doorway.

You set up a chair beside the house under the god, lay clean red wool upon it, and place a bowl of sweet oil, aromatics, juniper, and tufts of red wool upon it.

You set up a table before Shamash, light a censer, and place it behind the table. You place two libation vessels and two libation bowls to the left of the censer, and place a container of brushwood behind the censer.

You place a flagon of beer, a ditto of wine, an amphora of beer and ditto of wine behind the censer.

You prepare seven litres of bread made of groats, two litres of ripitu-bread, seven loaves of tuppinnu-bread, seven loaves of sepu-bread, 14 loaves of huhhurtu-bread, a kamanu-cake made with zizu-onion, a 'heart'-bread, a 'wrist'-bread, siltu and duliqati groats, ..., 14 pegs of cedar, multicoloured wool, cowrie shell, carnelian, ....

You prepare a pot and an adakurru-vessel with multicoloured wool and place sweet reed there.

You prepare parched grain, pomegranates, a jar of first-class beer, a ditto of wine, and a bowl of ....

You prepare a bowl of salt, a cup of oil, and a ditto of honey with grass ... and place juniper, silver, and gold there.

You prepare seven flasks of oil, honey, beer and wine with ....

You prepare eight flasks of honey ...... with ..., and place them before Shamash.

You prepare 30 ...s and a bowl of ... with .......

You put a bowl of hand-trimmed meat athwart in .......

You draw a design, throw flour into it, and place seven loaves of ... bread, seven ......, seven loaves of huhhurtu-bread, seven ... .......

You draw a design, throw flour into it .......

You place a platter of honey .......

You prepare a tray on .......

You ... the chair .......

You ... pots ......

You ... two ......

You ... a pot ......

...... therein ......

...... the four quarters ......

You offer ...... before Belet-ili ......

... and in ... ... ......

... of oil ... ... ......

... of oil ......

You offer ... before Shamash ......

Ea sets off in procession. You carry a portable censer loaded with juniper fragrance before him ... and sing, "......."

Belet-ili sets off before him. ......

You place a can of water ........ She sets off and enters the house .......

You place a can of water in the doorway, ... a pail of bath water in ......

... Belet-ili before Shamash in ......



pa-gul [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

AI Translation

the reed fence .


a libation bowl ......



sze-eh-tu tu-szar-ra I-_mesz_ ina É tu#-tab-ba-ak [x x x]-_mesz_(!) ina _igi_ ma-a-a-li ina _igi_ (d)[x x x _gar_-an]

ma-ka-su _gar_-an szi-ir-qu ta-szar2-raq-ma _dirig#_ [x x x x x] ina(!)# 15 150 sza ma-[a-a-li x x x x] [x] _dirig kalag_ e-le-e ta-za-mur rim-ki ana (d)a-nun#-[na-ki x x x (d)_en_]-_me-szar-ra su#_ ina _ki_(?)-_tim#_ [ta-za-mur]

[ma]-ka#-su a-na (d)a-nun-na-ki _gar_-an I-_mesz lal kasz_-_mesz bal#_-[qi 02-szu _zid-mad_]-_ga# szub_-di _dug_-pa-ga#-[al] _gesztin# bal_-qi szi-ir-qu ta-szar-raq I-_mesz lal kasz#_-[_mesz bal_-qi 02-szu] _zid#-mad-ga szub_-di _ki_ [x x x] [x] x ina(!) a(!)-pi(!) _bal_-qi szi-ir-qu ta-szar-raq I-_mesz_ [_lal kasz_-_mesz bal_-qi x x] x ta-za-mur [x x x x]

[_uzu-me-gan uzu-ka_]-_izi#_ ina ma-har (d)_utu_ tu-qa-rab szi-ir-qu# [ta-szar-raq I-_mesz lal kasz_-_mesz bal_-qi x x x x x] [x x x x at-ta(?)]-ma# _en_ ki(!)-na-a-ti _dingir_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

[x x x x x x] x x# tu-qa-rab [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x x] x _gi_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] [x x x x x x x x x x] x# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

szA-a-ri# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

szi-ir-qu# [ta-szar-raq I-_mesz lal_-_mesz kasz_-_mesz bal_-qi x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uzu-kab_ ina _igi_ [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] I-_mesz lal_-_mesz_ [_kasz_-_mesz bal_-qi x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] ul-ta-mar _gi_ x [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

kis-pi [ana] (d)a-nun-na#-[ki ta-kas-sap x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

pa-gu-lu(?) t,i-i(!)#-t,i(!) a-na 07# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] ki-im-tu(!)# ta-ka(!)-nak(!) x# [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] _uzu-ti_-_mesz_ ina 07 zi-na-a-ti# [x x x x x x x] isz# [x x x x x x x x] I-_mesz lal_-_mesz kasz_-_mesz_ [_bal_-qi x x x x x x x x] _en_ x [x x x x x] 07 _lu_-_mesz kug_-_mesz_ sza _gir_(?)# [x x x x] x e-pu(!)#-szu(!) _ha-la_ an-ni-tu x [x x x ta-za-mur(?)]

pa-gul _kasz_-_mesz_ pa-gul _gesztin_-[_mesz bal_]-qi _dingir_ tu-szat-ba kap(!)-pu sza(!) I-_mesz_ [x x x x x x] _nig-na szem-li_ ina pa-ni# [ta-na]-Asz(!)#-szi(!) ina u-ri _dul#-du_ szar-ru-hu _dumu-usz#_ [x x x ta-za-mur]

I-_mesz_ ina u-ri ina ma-har# [(d)_utu_ tu]-qa-rab _edin barag_ li-ri-szu-ka ta-za-mur _ud 02_-[_kam_ x x x x] _lu-a_—szip-ri ina _ka_ la E(!)# _dumu_—x# ina _sza_-bi la ek-kal _ninda ku uzu ku a_-_mesz nag#_ [x x x x x]

ki-im-tu tu-kan-ma [0] _gisz-hur_ te-s,ir ta-ka-nak _nig-na szem-li gar_-an ri-ik-su ana [x x x x x x] I(!)#—[_dug-ga_] ta-za-ri-iq szi-ir-qu ta-szar2-raq I-_mesz lal_-_mesz gesztin bal_-qi ma-lik (d)5-1-1 [ta-za-mur]

A-_mesz i_-_mesz_ tu-qa-rab _szu-2_ i-bat-taq qisz-tu x# i-qa-bi _hul_-szu ip(!)#-[pa-t,ar] 02(!)#-szu(!) dul6(!)-lu an-na-a ina ma-har (d)_utu_ u-szal-lam-ma e-pa-Asz _numun_-szu# [i-szir]

[x x x x x x x x x x x _an_-e] _ki-tim_(!)# na-Asz-szi par-s,i szA _dingir_-_mesz du_-szu-nu

[_gim sumun_-szu sza]-t,ar(!)# ba-a-ri

AI Translation

You make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil into the house, place ...s before the ..., and before DN.

You set up a libation bowl, perform a libation bowl, and sing, "..., on the right and left of the throne ..." You perform a libation bowl, and sing, "Great libation, above." You sing, "Anunnaki, ... Belmesharra, in the netherworld."

You set up a censer for the Anunnaki, pour oil, honey and beer, and pour twice a mashhatu-vessel. You pour a libation bowl of wine, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey and beer, and pour twice a mashhatu-vessel. You pour ... into a libation bowl, pour oil, honey and beer, and sing, "...."

You offer cooked meat before Shamash, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey, beer and wine, and sing, "......, O lord of truth and justice, god ..."

You offer .

a shariru-plant .

You make a flour/incense-offering before ....... You pour oil, honey, and beer. You ...... and watch .

You send a message to the Anunnaki:

You ...... good ...... for 7 ...... you set up a firm ...... of meat for 7 ...... you libate oil, honey, and beer ....... You perform this ...... for 7 men of silver by the ... foot. You sing, "This share ...."

You pour a libation bowl of beer and a libation bowl of wine. You praise the god. You set up a censer of oil ...... and place a censer of juniper before him. You sing, "Awesome princess, son of ..."

You offer oil in the morning before Shamash and sing, "Let the steppe rejoice over you." On the 2nd day ...... the messenger should not enter the gate, the son ... should not be seated there, he should eat bread, eat meat, drink water .

You set up a firm 'yes' and you recite the incantation. You set up a censer of juniper. You set up a fire-brick for .... You pour sweet oil, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey, and wine, and sing, "O Igigi, O Igigi, O Gimil."

You offer water and oil, and he strews hands. He says 'It is a ...' and his evil is revealed. He performs this ritual twice before Shamash and then he makes his seed grow.

...... the heavens and earth, who oversees the rituals of all the gods,

Written according to the original and collated.


You light a censer, pour oil into the container, place ...s before the bed and before DN.

You place an eating-bowl, make a flour/incense-offering, and sing: "Surpassingly great ..." You ... to the right and left of the bed, and sing, "..., Surpassing, great, exalted." You perform the ablutions of the Anunnaki gods and sing, "Enmesharra, substitute in the netherworld."

You place a plate for the Anunnaki, and libate oil, honey, and beer. You throw finest flour twice, pour a libation bowl of wine, make a flour/incense-offering, and pour oil, honey and beer. You throw finest flour twice, pour ...... into a pit, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey and beer, and sing, "......."

You offer fatty tissue and roast meat before Shamash, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey and beer, and sing, "..., Lord of righteousness, ... god ...."

You offer ... before ......

winds ......

You make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey and beer, ....... You offer a left shoulder cut before ......, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey and beer, and sing, "......., I shall extol ......."

You perform funerary offerings to the Anunnaki, ... and sing, "......."

You pour a libation bowl of fig beer to the seven pure men, ... and sing, "......." You seal the kin ... You wrap the ribs in seven mibrids of date palm ....... You pour oil, honey, beer and wine, and sing: "..., Lord ......." You sing: "Seven pure men who made ... this portion ...."

You pour a libation bowl of beer and a libation bowl of wine and make the god rise. You ... a bowl of oil ... and carry a portable censer of juniper before him. You go up to the roof and sing: "Glorious heir ...."

You offer oil before Shamash on the roof and sing: "May the steppe and sanctuary desire you." On the second day .... The messenger should not go out of the gate, ... should not eat there. He may eat bread, eat flesh, drink water ....

You put the kin in place, draw a design, seal it, set up a portable censer of juniper, set up a ritual arrangement for ..., sprinkle sweet oil, make a flour/incense-offering, pour oil, honey and wine, and sing: "Counsellor of the Igigi gods, ...."

You present water and oil. He cuts the hand off, saying: "His gift," and his evil will be released. He performs this ritual twice in its entirety before Shamash, and his seed will be all right.

...... of heaven and earth, holder of the offices of all the gods.

Written according to the original and collated.

P452190: royal-monumental prism

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1'


[...]-ti# [...]-du#-ti-szu2# [...]-qa# _giri3#-min#_-ia [...] x-ma [...]-ma#-'e#-er _edin_-usz#-szu2# [...] u2#-sze#-bi#-[x] [...] _agrig#_-u-[x] [...] x [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... his feet ...

Column 2'


la-pa#-[...] mi-ra-[...] ip-szi-lu-nim#-[...] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu# [...] qaq-qa#-ru u2#-[...] man-za-az# (gesz)ma-gar-ri-ia# is,#-[...] asz2-szu2 e-pesz di-ni#-[...] ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-[...] [x] mah#-ri-ia i-zi-zu-ma [...] [x x]-ti sza2 il-[...] [...] (disz#)an#-szar2-du3-a lib3#-bu rap-szu2 [...] [...]-su [...] [...]-ma-ri-tu re#-[...] [...]-du _numun e2 ad#-[...]_ _[...]-mesz# kur_ uri(ki#) [...] [x]-pu#-du# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... ... ... Tammaritu ... the ground ... ... the position of my chariot ... by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... before me ... ... who ... ... Ashurbanipal, a widespread man ... ... ... ... ... ... ... seed of the house of the father ... ... the people of the land Akkad ... .

P452192: royal-monumental tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


an-szar2 _ad dingir-mesz_ mu#?-[...] rap-pu la-'i-it,# [...] (d)a-nu gesz-ru x [...] la u2-nak-ka#-[ru ...] (d)e2-a er-szu2 _en?_ [...] sza ina _a-gar3_ na-du-[u2 ...] (d)en-lil2 _en_ szur-bu-u a-sza2#-red# [...] (d)sin _dingir ku3 en aga_ mu-x-[...] mu-szam-dil x [...] (d)utu _di-ku5_ s,i#?-i#?-ru#? x x x x [...] (d)iszkur _gu2-gal an_-e u3 _ki_-tim na#?-[din? ...] a#-na _ug3-mesz_ x x [...] [x] x [...] x x ina s,i-x [...] [...] x x x? [...]

AI Translation

Anshar, father of the gods, ... ... ... ... Anu, the mighty ... ... not to change ... Ea, the wise one, lord ... who in the marshes is cultivated ... Enlil, the supreme lord, foremost ... Sin, holy god, lord of the crown ..., who ... ..., who makes ... resplendent ... Shamash, exalted judge ... ... Adad, canal inspector of heaven and earth, gave ... to the people ...

P452210: royal-monumental tablet

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

Column 1


_(na4)kiszib_ (d)a-szur4 _lugal dingir-mesz_

AI Translation

Seal of Ashur, king of the gods.

Column 2


_en kur-kur_ sza la szu-un-ne2-e#

AI Translation

Lord of the lands, who cannot be changed,

Column 3


_(na4)kiszib nun_-e _gal_-e _ad dingir-mesz_

AI Translation

Seal of the great prince, father of the gods,

Column 4


sza# la pa-qa-a-ri

AI Translation

Without a rival

Seal 1


_(na4#?)kiszib3# nam#-mesz_ [x] an#-szar2# _man# dingir-mesz# nam#-mesz_ [...] [x] x x [...] [x] lib3#-bi# i#?-[...] mim#?-mu#-u# i#-kan#-na#-ku#?-[x] la# in#-ni# sza2#? in#-nu#?-[x] an#-szar2#? [...] a#-di# _dumu#-mesz#_-szu2#-nu#? [...] dan#-nu#-tu#? li#-[...] a#-[...] (d#?)sin#?-pap#?-mesz#?-[x] _man#? kur#_ [x x](ki#?) _nun#_ pa#-lih#-ka# sza2# _mu#_ [x x] i#?-pa#-asz2#-szi#-t,u# _(na4#)kiszib3# [x]-mesz#_-ka# an#-nu#-[x] u2#-nak#-ka#?-[x] _mu#_-[x] _numun#_-szu2# ina# [x] pi#?-szit,#

AI Translation

Seal of fates ... Ashur, king of the gods, fates ... ... ... ... his heart ... everything he shall ..., nothing he shall ..., which ... Ashur ... together with their sons ... mighty ... ... Sîn-papmesh-x, king of the land ..., the prince who reveres you, who erases my name ... seal of your ..., this ... he shall ... his seed in .

Seal 2


sza (d)a-szur3 sza _e2_ a-lim(ki)

AI Translation

of Ashur of the temple of Apla.

P452212: administrative seal

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


ab-ba-kal-la dumu ur-mes

AI Translation

Abbakalla, son of Ur-mes.


Abbakalla, son of Ur-mes.

P452216: royal-monumental brick

Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


[(d)nin-gir2-su] [ur-sag kal-ga] [(d)]en#-lil2#-[la2-ra] ur#-(d)ba-ba6 ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 e2-a-ni# mu#-[na-du3]

AI Translation

For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, his temple he built for him.

P452218: royal-monumental other-object

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


u4 (d)en-lil2-le lugal dingir-re-e-ne en gal kur-kur-ra-ke4 (d)utu-ra igi sa6-ga-na mu-un-szi-in-bar-ra-am3 zimbir(ki) iri ul ki-szu-pesz-a-ni bad3-bi du3-u3-de3 e2-babbar-ra ki-be2 gi4-gi4-de3 u6-nir gi-gun4-na mah-a-ni sag-bi an-gin7 il2-i-de3 (d)utu (d)(sze3)szer7-da-bi ki-tusz ku3-ne-ne-a asila nig2 hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3 ku4-ku4-de3 inim nig2 nu-kur2-ru-da-na bi2-in-du11-ga-a u4-bi-a ur-sag szul (d)utu nam gal (d)en-lil2-le zimbir(ki) e2-babbar-ra mu-ni-in-tar-ra-sze3 hul2-la-gin7 im-ma-na-ni-ib2-gar

lugal szu du11-ga-ni-me-en gu3 hul2 ma-an-de2 a2-bi mu-da-an-ag2 u4-bi-a kilib3 ki-en-gi ki-uri lu2 gu2 mu-da-ab-du3-usz-a sza2 mu asz-a-ka a-ra2 8(disz)-am3 (gesz)tukul-ta he2-em-mi-sag3 iri didli gu2-bar-ra-mu-ne du6 _ka-ar2-me_-sze3 he2-ni-ku4 lu2 erim2 lu2 hul-gal2 suhusz-bi kalam-ta he2-em-mi-bu kur gu2-si-a du11-ga-ga2 hu-mu-ni-tusz nig2 u4 ul-li2-a-ta szeg12 e2-babbar-ra ba-dim2-ma-ta lugal igi-du-ne-ne-er lugal na-me (d)utu ba-ra-mu-un-szi-in-sze-ga-am3 bad3 zimbir(ki) nu-mu-na-ta-an-du3-am3

(d)(sze3)szer7-da-bi lugal kal-ga lugal ka2-dingir-ra(ki) lugal an-ub-da limmu2 lugal du11-ga-ni ki (d)utu (d)(sze3)szer7-da-ta sze-ga-me-en du11-ga du11-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-ka ugnim zi-ga ma-da-mu-ta sza3 mu-ba-ka szeg12-bi mu-ni-du8 bad3 zimbir(ki) hur-sag gal-gin7 mu-ni-il2 e2-babbar-ra ki szu gibil im-mi-ak u6-nir gi-gun4-na mah-ne-ne sag-bi an-gin7 mi-ni-il2 (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)(sze3)szer7-da-bi ki-tusz ku3-ne-ne-a asila nig2 hul2-hul2-la-bi-sze3 mi-ni-ku4 e2-babbar-ra

(d)(sze3)szer7-da-bi du10-ga-ra im-mi-ak nig2 du11-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-ke4 ki-bi-sze3 im-mi-gar bad3-ba (d)utu sa-am-su-i-lu-na-ra nam-nir nam-kal-ga u3 nam-ti-la-ke4 sag-e-esz2 mu-ni-in-rig7 mu-bi-im ur5-sze3-am3 (d)utu sag nam-bara2-ga-ni sza-mu-un-il2-la nam-ti sza3 du10-ga gi16-sa ak-a nam-lugal za3-sza4 nu-tuku-a (gesz)gidri nig2-si-sa2 kalam ge-en-ge-en (gesz)tukul kal-ga gesz-gaz lu2-kur2-e-ne nam-en ub-da limmu2-ba du-ri2-sze3 ak-da nig2-ba-ni-sze3 mu-na-an-szum2

AI Translation

When Enlil, king of the gods, great lord of the lands, to Utu his favorable face he made come forth, and Sippar, his ancient city, his cult center, he rebuilt, and the Ebabbar he restored. His exalted u'nir and giguna he made rise like heaven. Utu and Sherda, in their sacred dwellings, he entered into a place of happiness, and he spoke to him a word that cannot be changed. At that time, the hero, the young Utu, the great nam of Enlil, had established in Sippar, and he made it shine like the sun.

king who by his command speaks a happy word, he has sworn by his name. At that time, the lands Sumer and Akkad, the people who had seized him, in the eight years since I was king, with weapons I fought. In my city, I surrounded the streets with a wall. The enemy and the evildoer I made the foundation of the land firm. I sat down in the lands of the Gusi. From the days of distant days when the brickwork of the Ebabbar was made, the king who had seen them, the king who had known them, Utu did not make them dwell. The wall of Sippar I did not build.

Sherda, the mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the four world quarters, the king who speaks with Utu and Sherda, I am the one who speaks with Utu and Marduk, the faithful army of my land, in its midst I have erected its bricks. Like the wall of Sippar, he made the great mountains grow. He re-built the Ebabbar. The great u-nir and giguna he raised its head like heaven. Utu, Ishkur and Sherda, in their sacred residence, he made the sila offering of joy enter into the Ebabbar.

Sherda made good, and the good things of Utu and Marduk he placed there. The wall of Utu, Samsu-iluna, the mighty, the mighty, and the life he presented to him. That name, it is indeed Utu, his first-born son, his supplication, his life, a happy heart, a long life, a king without rival, a scepter, the truth of the land, a mighty weapon, the enemy, the lordship of the four quarters, for all time he gave to him.

Foxvog, Daniel A.

When Enlil, the king of the gods, the great lord of all the lands, towards Utu his gracious eyes did direct, and of Sippar, his ancient city and cult site, its wall to build, the Ebabbar temple to restore, of his ziggurrat and lofty high terrace its top to raise as high as the sky, and Utu and his consort Sherda into their sacred residence to introduce amidst very happy rejoicing, with his word which cannot be altered he spoke to him - At that time, for the hero, youthful Utu, a great destiny that by Enlil regarding Sippar and the Ebabbar temple had been decreed happily was set in place for him. To me, Samsu-iluna,

the king created by him, he spoke happily, and he issued to me the order for it. At that time, all of Sumer and Akkad whose people had become hostile to me, within one year eight times I struck them with weapons. The various cities of my enemies I turned into mounds and ruins. The enemies and evil-doers I tore out from the country their foundations, and the whole land I made dwell under my command. From the time long ago when the brickwork of the Ebabbar temple had been constructed, among the kings who had gone before no king had been favored by Utu and so the wall of Sippar he had not built. But I, Samsu-iluna, one loved by Utu

and Sherda, the mighty king, king of Babylon, king of the four world quarters, the king whose utterances with Utu and Sherda have found favor, at the commands of Utu and Marduk, through an army levy of my land in the middle of that year its bricks for it I had formed, and the wall of Sippar I raised up like a great mountain. I renovated the Ebabbar, their exalted high terrace of the ziggurrat I raised up its top like the sky, and Utu, Ishkur and Sherda into their sacred residence amidst very happy rejoicing I introduced. To the Ebabbar I returned its favorable guardian genius. That which to the welfare of Utu, Ishkur,

and Sherda was pleasing I did, and that commanded by Utu and Marduk I put in place. Of that wall: Utu to Samsu-iluna Authority, Might, and Life Has Presented as a Gift is its name. Because of this, Utu, who his throne has therefore supported, life, an enduring happy heart, kingship which has no rival, a scepter of justice that keeps the country secure, a mighty weapon which pounds the foreigners, and rule over the four world quarters to exercise forever, as his gifts he gave to him.

P452219: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) gu2 siki kur-ra
  • ki ensi2-ta da-da-ga szu ba-ti iti pa4-u2-e

    AI Translation
  • 3 talents of mountain wool,
  • from the governor Dadaga received; month: "Pa'u'e."

  • 3 talents of mountain-sheep wool
  • from the governor Dadaga received; month: "Pa'u'e,"



    mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed."


    year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P452221: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) sa gi-zi
  • gu-nigin2-ba 4(disz) sa-ta ki ur-e2-mah-ta kiszib3 a-lu5-lu5

    AI Translation
  • 20 bundles of reed,
  • its trough: 4 bundles; from Ur-Emah, under seal of Alulu;



    iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    a-lu5-lu5 dumu inim-(d)szara2 kuruszda (d)szara2-ka

    AI Translation

    Alulu, son of Inim-Shara, fattener of Shara.

    P452222: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu
  • u4 8(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta tah-sza-tal

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep,
  • 8th day, from Abbasaga Tahshal

  • 2 sheep,
  • 8th day, from Abbasaga Tahshatal



    i3-dab5 iti a2#-ki#-ti mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Akitu," year: "Shashru was destroyed;"


    took; month: "Akiti," year: "Shashru was destroyed."

    P452223: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) amar gir a-am ga
  • 1(disz) udu niga
  • 1(disz) u8 lu2-u18-um
  • 1(disz) masz2-gal bu3-bu3#
  • 1(disz) x
  • 1(disz)# x x [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 calf gir, A-am, suckling,
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 1 ewe, Lu-um,
  • 1 billy goat, bubu,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • Reverse


    n sila4# ga# x [...] ba-usz2 u4 2(u)# 6(disz)-[kam] ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta# ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu7 mu us2-sa# ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    n lambs, ... slaughtered; 26th day, from Lu-dingira Ur-nigar received; month: "Piglet feast," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P452224: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) amar masz-da3
  • e2-uz-ga mu-kux(_du_) e2-a-i3-li2 ur-(d)szul-gi-ra maszkim

  • 1(u) 5(disz) u8 3(disz) sila4?
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gazelle gazelle,
  • delivery of the uzga-house; Ea-ili; Ur-Shulgi was enforcer;

  • 15 ewes, 3 lambs,
  • Reverse

  • 4(disz) ud5?
  • 5(disz)#? (munus)asz2-gar3 3(disz) masz2
  • szu-gid2 e2-muhaldim ur-nigar(gar) maszkim zi-ga u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam iti masz-da3-gu7 min3 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) u3 lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 4 nanny goats,
  • 5 female kids, 3 billy goats,
  • shugid of the kitchen of Ur-nigar, the enforcer, booked out; 16th day, month: "Gazelle feast," year: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P452225: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu
  • u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep,
  • 26th day, from Abbasaga Shulgi-ayamu



    i3-dab5 iti u5-bi2-gu7 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Ubi feast," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"

    P452238: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) gu4
  • 2(u) 4(disz) ab2
  • 6(gesz2) 2(disz) udu
  • 1(gesz'u) 1(u) 6(disz) u8

  • 5(gesz2) 5(u) 3(disz) masz2-gal
  • 1(gesz2) masz2
  • 5(gesz2) 5(u) la2 1(disz@t) ud5
  • AI Translation
  • 6 oxen,
  • 24 cows,
  • 142 sheep,
  • 66 ewes,

  • 133 billy goats,
  • 60 billy goats,
  • 420 less 1 nanny goats,
  • Reverse


    u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta in-ta-e3-a i3-dab5 iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    11th day, from Abbasaga Intaea accepted; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P452239: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu niga
  • 1(disz) sila4 niga
  • u4 6(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) gu4 niga 2(disz) gu4
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) udu 1(disz) masz2-gal
  • u4 7(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 1 lamb, grain-fed,
  • 6th day.

  • 1 grain-fed ox, 2 oxen,
  • 9 sheep, 1 billy goat,
  • 7th day.



    mu-kux(_du_) ki na-sa6-ta a-hu-ni i3-dab5 iti ses-da-gu7 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    delivery, from Nasa Ahuni accepted; month: "Piglet feast," year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    P452242: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 niga sza3 nibru(ki)
  • 2(disz) kir11
  • 1(disz) sila4 ga
  • ba-usz2 u4 3(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam ki (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 grain-fed ox, in Nippur,
  • 2 female lambs,
  • 1 male suckling lamb,
  • slaughtered, the 29th day, from Shulgi-ayamu



    ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti u5-bi2-gu7 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    Ur-nigar received; month: "Ubi feast," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."

    P452248: literary prism

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    [...] x ta-ab-e3 [...] x [...] x x ta-ab-e3 [...]-lugal#-la e2-ta x ta-ab-e3 [...] kur#-kur-ra igi mi-ni-ib-il2-il2-i3# [...] kur# ni2#-ba mu#-na-il2-il2-x [...] (d#)en#-lil# lugal (gesz)kiri6-gin7 mu-na-sa7# [...] x mu-na-ni-ib-gal2 [...] kur# [...]-ra# sag# x il2#-bi# [...] x x x-ab-be2 [...]-bi#-ta sa#-gin7# im-da-an-sur [...] x _ga2 ga2 ab_ (gesz)al ga2-ga2 [...] x kalam-ma gu4-_gir3_-kur-aratta(ki) kesz3#(ki) musz3-kalam-ma gu4-_gir3_-kur-aratta(ki) [...]-sag#-da-mu2-a an-da gu2-la2-a

    [...]-kur#-da-mu2-a kur-ra sag-il2-bi [...] x ri-a hur-sag-gin7 sig7-ga [...] x rib-ba lu2 szi-in-ga-an-tum2-mu [...]-bi (d)(asz)aszgi(gi18) rib-ba-ra ama szi-in-ga-an-u3-tu [...] (d)nin-tu-gin7 rib-ba-a-ra a-ba-a igi mu-ni-in-du8 [...] gu2 1(disz)-a-kam [...]-du10 ki-du10-ga du3-a [...] kesz3 ki-du10-ga du3-a [...]-gur8#-nun-gin7 an-ne2 diri-ga [...]-gur8#-ku3-gin7 ka2-_si_ ri-a [...]-na-gin7 musz3-kur-kur-ra [...]-da#-gin7 peszx-ta sur-sur-ra [...]-gin7 ur5-sza4 ninda2-gin7 gu3-nun-di

    [...]-bi-ta zi ki-en-gi-ra [...] x eb-gal an-e _ri_ us2-sa [...]-x-da-gal an-e _ri_ us2-sa [...]-gal an-e us2-sa [...]-na [...] us2-[...]

    AI Translation

    The one who has risen up from the mountains, its head is ... Like a ..., like a beautiful mountain range, its ... is a man who has risen up from the mountains, its ... is Ashgi, like a mother who has risen from the mountains, its ... is Nintu, who has risen from the mountains? ... 1st ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., like a ..., ..., like a ..., ..., like a ..., ..., like a ..., ..., like a ..., like a ..., ..., like a ..., like a ..., like a ..., ..., like a ...,

    ... the life of Sumer ... the great heavens ... the great heavens ... the great heavens ... the great heavens ... the great heavens ... ... .

    Surface b


    e2# musz2-[x] an-sza3#-[...] x-x-bi abzu-[...] e2#-an-ne2 _szu_ [...] (d)en-lil2-le x-sze3 x [...] ama (d)nin-tu esz-bar#-[...] e2 kesz3(ki) gurun#-na [...] kesz3(ki)-gin7 rib-ba lu2 szi-[...] ur-sag-bi (d)(asz)aszgi x [...] ama szi-in-ga-an-[...] nin-bi (d)nin-tu-gin7 rib-ba-ra a-ba-a igi# [...] gu2 2(disz)-kam e2 an-sze3 1(szar'u) _gan2#_ ki-sze3 5(szar2) [...] e2 an-sze3 1(bur'u) _gan2#_ ki-sze3 5(bur3) [...] e2 an-sze3 alim# ki-sze3 lu-[...] e2 an-sze3 szeg9#-bar ki-sze3 dara3# [...]

    e2 an-sze3 szeg9#-bar _dim2_ x ki-sze3 dara3-masz#-sa7#-ga# e2 an-sze3 musz-gin7 sig7-ga ki-sze3 _u4_-gin7-_za_-e su2#-a# e2 an-sze3 utu-gin7 e3-a ki-sze3 (d)nanna-gin7 bara3#-ga# e2 an-sze3 kur-ra ki-sze3 idim-ma e2 an-sze3 3(disz) _mi dam_-bi na-nam kesz3#(ki)-gin7 rib-ba lu2 szi-in-ga-an-tum2-mu [ur]-sag-bi (d)(asz)aszgi rib-ba [...] szi-in-ga-an-u3-tu [...] (d)nin-tu rib-ba-ra a-ba-a igi mu-ni-in-du8 [x] 3(disz)-kam-ma [...]-x ga-am3 iri-x ga-am3 sza3-bi a-ba-a mu-un-x-[...]

    e2 kesz3(ki) iri-x ga-am3 sza3-bi a-ba-a mu-un#-[...] sza3-bi-a ur-sag-ur-sag-e-ne si mu-un[...] esz-bar-kin _ka_-bi szu-gal mu-un-du7#-[...] e2-e gu4 _lu mi lu_ gu4 am3-ma-gur-x [...] x e2 x-ma am3-luh-luh [...] e2-e gu4-szar2-ra-am3 al-ku2-[...] e2-e udu-szar2-ra-am3 al-ku2#-[...] x-x-e-ne gu2 _ga2 ma_ am3-[...]-le-[...] [...] x men# an#-x x x u4#

    AI Translation

    The house of the ... of heaven and earth ... its ... The Eanna temple ... Enlil ... to ... The mother Nintu ... The house of Kesh, the stele ... Like Kesh, the man ... The hero Ashgi ... The mother ... The lady Nintu, like ..., ... The 2nd neck: the house of heaven, 10 bur of field, 5 bur of field, 5 bur of field, ... The house of heaven, the alim, the ki, ... The house of heaven, the hailstones, the sandstones, the .

    The house of heaven like a ..., the place of the ..., like a lion The house of heaven like a snake, the place of the sun like a day The house of heaven like a sun rises, the place of Nanna like a lion The house of heaven like a mountain, the place of the idim, the house of heaven like a 3rd woman, its wife is a woman, it is like Kesh, it is a man who has been a hero Ashgi, it is a man who has been a ..., it is a man who has been a woman, it is the 3rd ..., it is the city ..., it is the city ..., it is the man who has been .

    The house of Kesh, the city ..., I ... there, I ... there, the heros I ... there,

    Surface c


    [...] _mi_ [...] [...]-ga _an_ [...] [...] x _dim2_ x [...] [...]-ga#-an-u3-[...] [...] a [...] igi [...] [...] [...] [...] x pirig# u3#-[...]-bi# ur-[...] [x]-bi#-a ur-sag-ur-sag-e-ne si mu-[...] [(d)]nin#-hur-sag-ga2 gal-uszum-am3 x sza3 im-mi#-[...] [(d)]nin-tu ama-gal-la tu-tu mu-un-ga2#-ga2# (d#)nun#-e3-a ensi2-ke4 nam-en mu#-[...] [...]-aszgi# ur-sag-ga2 esz3 mu-[...] [...] x-gal-am3 eden-na _an_ [...] e2# x x lu-lim gu2 am3-ma#-[...] kesz3#-gin7 rib-ba lu2 sin-in-ga-an-[...]

    ur-sag-bi (d)(asz)asz-gi(gi18) rib#-[...] ama szi-in-ga-[...] nin#-bi (d)nin-tu-gin7 tib-ba-ra [...] e2# 5(disz)-kam [...] e2# utu-gin7 ki-gal-la [...] [am]-babbar2-gin7 eden-na [...] [...]-e-gar-ra e2-bi x [...] [...]-bi-ta lipisz#-bi# [...] [...]-ta x x x [...] [...]-ta# pirig# [...] [...]-ta# [...] inim#-[...] [...]-ta# kur# gaba nu-x-[...] [...] x x x [...] [...] [...]-na#-[...] [...] esz3#-[...]-kesz3#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninhursag ... ... Nintu, the great mother, ... ... Nunea, the ruler, ... ... ... Ashgi, the hero, ... the shrine ... ... Great ..., the steppe ... ... ... like a scepter, ... .

    Its hero Ashgi, ... The mother of the shinga gods, ... Its lady Nintu, ... The 5th temple ... The temple like the sun, the kigala gods ... Like the white elephant of the desert ...

    Surface d


    [...] [...] aszgi# [...] [nin]-bi# (d)nin-tu-gin7 rib-ba-ra a-ba-a [...] [...] 6(disz)-kam [...] [...] x lu-bi e2-[...] [...]-kesz3#(ki) lu-bi e2#-[...] [...] en#-bi (d)a-nun-na-mesz# [...] giri2# _ga2_ an-na-[...] [...] _ra_ am-mu-[...] [...] esze2-la2 nam-mi-[...] a-tu-e szibir szu bi2-[...] tu#-e a-ur4-a mu-x-[...] [...] x a sza3-bi ki-ku3-ga am3-ni-x-[...] enkum#-e-ne _ka_ ki am3#-[...] [...] iri-szub mu-ni-[...] [...]-ma#-ke4 gum2-x mi-[...] [...]-surx#-ra x x mi-ni-[...] [...] x girix-zal-bi al-[...]

    [...] x x du10 girix-zal-bi al-[...] [...]-bi# _din_-bi-a mu-un-[...] [(d)]nin#-hur#-sag-ga2 nin-bi _din_-bi-am3 [kesz3](ki)-gin7 rib-ba lu2 szi-in-ga-[...] [...] (d)(asz)aszgi-gin7 rib-ba ama szi-in#-[...] [... (d)]nin-tu-gin7 rib-ba-ra a-ba-a igi [...] [...] 7(disz)-kam [...] [...] iri#(ki)-sze3 lu2 te-am3#-[...] [...]-iri#-sze3 lu2 te-am3#-[...] [...] (asz)aszgi-sze3 lu2 [...] [... (d)]nin#-tu-sze3 lu2 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... like Nintu, ... ... 6th ...

    ... ... its girix ... ... its ... ... Ninhursaga, its ... ... Like Kesh, its meat is ..., the man ... Ashgi, its meat is ..., the mother ... Ashgi, its meat is ..., the father ... Seventh ... ... ... to the city, the man ... to the city, the man ... to Ashgi, the man ... to Nintu, the man .

    P452254: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gesz-zi-da# dingir-ra-ni gu3-de2-a# ensi2# lagasz(ki#) ur (d)ga2-tum3-du10-ke4# e2 gir2-su(ki)-ka-ni# mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningeshzida, his personal god, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, the lion of Gatumdug, his Girsu temple he built for him.

    P452255: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P452256: royal-monumental brick

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ur-(d)nin-gesz-zi-da na#-ra-am (d)tiszpak# _ensi2_ asz2-nun-na#(ki#)

    AI Translation

    Ur-Ningeshzida, beloved of Tishpak, governor of Eshnunna.

    P452257: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [(disz)](d#)szul3-ma-nu-masz _man gal_-[u2 _man_ dan-nu] _man szu2 man kur asz a#_ (disz)asz-pap-[a _man gal_-u2] _man_ dan-nu _man# szu2# man kur [asz a_ (disz)tukul-masz] _man szu2 man kur asz_-ma ri-[s,ip-tu2] _u6#-nir#_ [sza2 (iri)kal-hi]

    AI Translation

    Shalmaneser, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Assurnasirpal II, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, who was also king of the universe and king of Assyria: eunuch of Kalhu.

    P452258: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)na3-ku#-du-ur2-ri-uri3 _lugal_ babila2#(ki#) za-ni-in e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da _ibila_ a#-sza-re-du sza (d)na3-ibila-uri3 _lugal_ babila2[(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who provides for the E-sagil and the E-zida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    Siddall, Luis R.

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who provides for the E-sagil and the E-zida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    P452262: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na _(d)suen-uru4_ qi2-bi2-ma# um-ma u-bar-rum-ma# _(d)utu mu-szar2-kam#_ li-ba-al-li#-[it,-ka] asz-szum a-di-ma-ti#-_dingir_ a-we-[lim] i-na tu-up-pi-ia sza-t,e4-[er] a-we-lam a-na tu-up-pi _dumu#-[mesz_] sza ia-mu-ut-ba-li-im [o] la tu-ma-_za_?-[x] a-wa-tum it-ti be-li2-ia du-un-nu-na asz-szum mu-ru-is, li-bi-ka sza ta-aq-bi-a-am lu-zi-iz-ma da-a-a-nu-tam li-sza-hi-zu-ma a-we-lam ta-sza-t,a-ar-ma a-di _(d)utu_ u2 ma/ba du ka la#-qi2-a-szu ma-am-ma-an

    AI Translation

    To Sin-uru speak! Thus says Ubarrum: "Shamash, the king, may he make you prosper." Because Adimati-ilum the awe-inspiring one on my tablet is written, the awe-inspiring one on my tablet is not ...; a word with my lord is good. Because of the awe-inspiring, may I stand with you, which you said, and the mighty may I be praised. You write the awe-inspiring one and until Shamash and everything that you give him, nobody will take it away.



    u2-la i-le-e u3 at-hu-ka sza pa-ra-as

    AI Translation

    or a slanderer, and your slander of the slanderers

    P452291: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)da-gan en gal kur-kur-ra dingir sag-du-ga-ni-ir (d)ur-du6-ku3-ga sipa nig2-nam tum3 nibru(ki) engar mah an (d)en-lil2-la2 u2-a e2-kur-ra he2-gal2 du8-du8 e2-szu-me-sza4 e2-gal-mah-a sa2-du11 esz3-ta ba-ba-a dingir-re-e-ne-er in-ne-eb2-gur-ra lugal kal-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri dam igi zi bar-ra (d)inanna-ke4 e2-tusz-ki-gar-ra i3-si-in(ki)-na ki-tusz ku3 ki-ag2-ga2-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Dagan, the great lord of all the lands, his god, his sagdu-priest, Urdukuga, the shepherd who provides everything for Nippur, the exalted farmer of An and Enlil, provider of the Ekur, who makes abundance plentiful, the Eshumesha and Egalmah, regular offerings from the shrines, which the gods had returned, the mighty king, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad, the faithful wife of Inanna, the Etushkigara of Isin, his beloved residence, he built for him.

    P452308: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re#-i-um pa#-li-ih nibru(ki) i#-ka-ru-um ki#-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-(pa)-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en#_-um si2#-ma-at unu#(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd who Ur does not abandon, to Eridu, the lord who is the lord of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the lord of Ishtar. I am the one who makes the rites perfect.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il# i-di3 (d)en-lil2# u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im# i-na i3-si-in(ki#) a-al szar-ru-ti#-ia# i-na ba#-ab# _e2#-gal#_-im# (d)li-pi2-it-esz18#-dar# ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku! ki-i-ta-am# i-na ma-at# szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz#

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the gatekeeper of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, the true one, in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built.

    P452309: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki#-nu-um sza# uri5(ki)-im la# mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2#-ma-at unu#(ki) szar# i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3#-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd who Ur does not abandon, to Eridu, the lord who is the lord of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, Eshtar, as I am, sworn by you. The command of Enlil and Ninlil.

    Column 2


    i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    In Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the old age in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P452310: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3# a-ka3-di3-im bi2#-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn by the name of Ishtar. I am the one who firmly established

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the gatekeeper of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the old age in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P452311: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d#)li#-pi2#-it#-esz18#-dar# re#-i#-um# pa#-li#-ih# nibru(ki#) i#-ka#-ru#-um# ki#-nu#-um# sza# uri5#(ki#)-im# la mu-pa#-ar#-ki#-um# a-na eridu#(ki#) _en_-um# si2#-ma#-at# unu(ki#) szar# i3-si-in(ki) szar# ma-at szu#-me-ri-im u3# a#-ka3#-di3#-im# bi2#-bi2#-il# li-i-ba esz18-dar# a-na-ku# ka3#-ni#-in#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd who Ur does not abandon, to Eridu the lord who is the savior of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn by the name of Ishtar, I am the one who makes the kings bow down.

    Column 2


    bi2#-bi2#-il# i#-di3# (d#)en#-lil2# u3# (d#)nin#-lil2#-ti#-im# i#-na# i3#-si#-in#(ki#) a#-al# szar#-ru#-ti#-ia# i#-na# ba#-ab# _e2#-gal#_-im# (d#)li#-pi2#-it#-esz18#-dar# ma#-ru# (d#)en#-lil2# a#-na#-ku# i-nu-mi# ki#-i-ta#-am# i-na ma#-at# szu#-me#-ri#-im# u3# a#-ka3#-di3#-im# asz#-ku#-nu#-ni# e#-pu#-usz#

    AI Translation

    Bibil, the one who knows the command of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the one who carries out my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the true king in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P452312: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza# uri5(ki)-im la# mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2#-bi2-il li#-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn by the name of Ishtar, I am the one who makes the rites perfect.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the gatekeeper of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the old age in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P452313: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li#-pi2#-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa#-li-ih nibru#(ki) i#-ka-ru-um ki#-nu#-um sza uri5(ki)-im la# mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2#-bi2-il li#-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back to Eridu, the lord who is the savior of Uruk, the king of Isin, the king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn by the name of Ishtar, I am the one who makes the king prosper.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the gatekeeper of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the old age in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P452314: royal-monumental barrel

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    _dumu_ (disz)(d)na#-[...] ru-bu-u2 [...] i-nu-um (d)marduk# [...]_ a-na be-lu-ut ma#-[...] i-na na-ap-ha-ar# s,a-al#-[...] u2#-szar#-bu#-u2# zi#-ik#-ri# [...] ni#-szi ki-ib-ra#-a-ti er#-[...] [x]-na re-e2#-u2-ti [...] [...] ba-u2-la-a-ti-szu# [...] i-x [x x] [...] _al# te# ki# szu2#_ [...] [x x] x x _mu#_ x x [...] [x]-ib#-ra-at er-bet#-[...]

    AI Translation

    son of Nabu-..., the great one ... when Marduk ... for the lordship of ... in the midst of the battle ... he made great the word ... the people of the four quarters ... the shepherdship ... his people ...

    P452315: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d#)isz-me-(d)da-gan nita# kal-ga lugal# i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal# an-ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4 u4# nibru(ki) iri ki-ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 gu2-bi mu-un-du8

    AI Translation

    Ishme-Dagan, the mighty man, king of Isin and king of the four world quarters, when Nippur, the beloved city of Enlil, he built,

    Column 2


    erin2#-bi# kaskal#-ta ba-ra-an-zi-ga-a bad3-gal i3-si-in(ki)-na mu-un-du3 bad3-ba (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan (d)en-lil2-da a2-an-gal mu-bi-im

    AI Translation

    Its troops from the campaign were seized, the great wall of Isin he built, and that wall Ishme-Dagan and Enlil named it A'angal.

    P452316: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar sipa sun5-na nibru(ki) engar zi uri5(ki)-ma musz3 nu-tum2-mu eridu(ki)-ga en me-te unu(ki)-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal ki-en-gi ki uri#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the humble shepherd of Nippur, the faithful farmer of Ur, the unrivalled one of Eridu, the lord who is perfect in Uruk, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad,

    Column 2


    sza3-ge de6-a (d)inanna-me-en u4 nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki uri-a i-ni-in-gar-ra nam-ga-ru-um ki-rib#-ba dingir-re-e-ne-ka e2 nig2-si-sa2-a mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Inanna, when justice in Sumer and Akkad was established, the Namgarum, the cult center of the gods, the temple of justice he built.

    P452335: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... _murub4]-ba#? sar#?_-[ma ...] [... _igi_]-ma# ana _lugal ki#-[szar2-ra_ ...] [...] lu# [...] [...] _an-mi gar szeg3#-mesz#_ [...] [... _u4 1(u) 6(disz)]-kam2 an-mi gar lugal_ [...] [...] _u4 2(u)#-kam2 an-mi gar szub lugal#_ [...] [...] _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam2 an-mi gar_ a-szib [...] [...] (iti)gan _u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam2 an-mi_ [...] [...] ina# _en-nun murub4-ba sar#_-[ma ...] [...] x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... in the middle ... and ... before and to the king of the world ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the eclipse was visible; rains ... ... the 16th day, ... ... the eclipse was visible; the king ... ... the 20th day, ... ... the king ... the 21st day, ... ... the eclipse was visible; the one who ... ... Kislimu, the 14th day, ... ... in the middle watch ...

    P452340: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x x x x x _(u2)nu]-luh#-[ha_ ...] [x x x x] x _(szim)szesz#_ [...] [x x] _(u2#)nu-luh-ha_ x [...] [x x x] _ara3_-ti _zu2_-szu2 _dub_ [...] _[_disz_] kimin# dida sig5#_ [...] _DISZ# na zu2-mesz_-szu2 _gu7_-szu2# [...] _bil-za-za sig7_ s,i# [...] _bil-za-za sig7_ s,i# [...] _DISZ na zu2-mesz_-szu2 _gu7#-[mesz_-szu2 ...] x ka# _sun2_ [...] [x] ka#? _sun2#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... nuhhu-plant ... ... ... nuhhu-plant ... ... his flesh ... a tablet ... ditto a good sacrificial plant ... If a person's flesh eats it ... a red bilzazû-plant ... a red bilzazû-plant ... If a person's flesh eats it ...

    P452358: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    x x x [...] ana _zi_ x [...] _u4 3(disz)-kam#_ [...] (u2)tar-musz# [...] _DISZ na_ ri-szu#-[tu ...] _DISZ kimin u2_ [...] _DISZ kimin u2_ [...] _DISZ kimin u2_ [...] _DISZ_ ri-szu-tu# [...] x x szu# hi#? x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... for ... ... 3rd day ... tarmush-plant ... ... a person's supplication ... ... kimin-plant ... kimin-plant ... kimin-plant ...



    _du3-du3-bi szurun ansze babbar_ [...] _[zi3] ziz2#-an-na sig2# [...] [x] x pa x [...]

    AI Translation

    Its ritual: You set up a white donkey ..., flour, emmer, wool, ...

    P452366: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [... (d)bi2]-in#-du6-ku3

    [... _su_]-_lim# ni2-gal_

    [... (d)bi2-in]-du6#-ku3

    [... _ni2_]-_gal_

    [... qar]-du


    [...]-ki# du6-ku3

    [...] (d)#a-nun-na-ki

    [...] ki#-ur3-ra

    [...] sze#-mu-u2 zi-kir-szu2

    [... a-mat]-su# ma-ag-rat#

    [...] _sum#_(nu) tak-li-mu

    [... e2-sag]-il2#

    [... e2-zi]-da#

    AI Translation

    . . . of Induku,

    . . . of Binduku,

    . . . the great .

    . . . hero

    . . . your . . .,

    . . . of the Anunnaki,

    . . . of the quay

    . . . hears his command.

    . . . his word is accepted.

    . . . give me a firm positive answer.

    . . . Esagil

    . . . of Ezida


    . . . Binduku.

    . . . radiance and brilliance.

    . . . Binduku.

    . . . brilliance.

    . . . heroic.

    . . . . . .

    . . . . . . the Dukug lit. holy mound.

    . . . the Anunnaki

    . . . foundation

    . . . who hears his command.

    . . . his word is agreeable.

    . . . taklimu-offering is not given.

    . . . Esagil

    . . . Ezida

    P452373: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... x]-mesz#_-szu2 [...] [...] x _(szim)gig gi du10-ga#_ [...] [...] x _(gesz)kiszi16_ [...] [...] _szeg6#_-szal ina _kusz sur_-ri _la2_-su#? [...] [...] _(u2)dili numun_ (gesz)x [...] [...] _pesz10#-(d)id2 uh2-(d#)[id2_ ...] [...] _ukusz2#-hab_ (u2)x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... ... ... a good-smelling aromatic reed ... ... a reed ... you wrap it in a leather bag. ...

    P452377: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x x?] x [...] (disz#)a#-bi-ia-ta#-a'# [...] a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-[...] a-de-e a-na e-pesz _ARAD#-[...]_ ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta#-a'# asz2-[...] _ku3-sig17 (na4)igi-min#-mesz# babbar-dili-mesz#_ [...] _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ansze-mesz_ [...] man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2#-[...] (disz)[...]-di#-in _lugal#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... Abi-Yata' ... to Nineveh went ... a treaty to do service as a servant ... instead of Iauta' ... gold, sacrificial stones, ... camels, donkeys, ... the payment was given as a gift ... ...-din the king .

    P452394: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] isz-ku-na# _bad5#-bad5#_-szu2# [...]-it#-ti _ug3-mesz_-szu2 [...]-tu#-u-ni u2-s,a-bit ina _szu-min_ [...]-re#-tu2 _an-bar_ id-di-ma [...]-ri#-ia u2-sze-bi-la [...] _man#_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti [...] ru-u2-qu _[...]-szar2#_ u (d)marduk sza u2-tak-ki-lu-in-ni _[...]-mesz# ad-mesz_-ia _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 la isz#-pu#-[x] [...]-lum# _lugal#_-ti#-[x x]

    AI Translation

    ... he set up. His defeat ... ... his people ... he captured. With the hands of ... he gave ... iron and sent ... to me. ... the king of the land of the Nabayateans ... mighty ... ... and Marduk, who had encouraged me, ... my fathers, his messenger did not ... ... kingship .

    P452407: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-qid# [...]-ia# [...]-us#-su [...] in#-nab-tu2 [...]-hup#-szu2-ma [...]-mu-szi-szu2 [...] (disz#)sza2-ba-ku-u [...] _lugal#_-ti-szu2 [...]-ti#-szu2 isz-kun [...] el#-lat-su [...] an-szar2(ki) [...]-a# qa-bal-szu2 [...]-si#-ir-ma [...]-szu2#-un#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Shabakû ... his kingship ... he established ... his pure ... of Anshar ... his battle ... ... and ... their .

    Column 2'


    ina _szu-min_ [...] um-[...] _ad-[...]_ ia#-[...] kur-ban#-[...] ina 4(disz)#-[...] _ugu#_ [...] usz#-[...] ina qi2#-[...] (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...] (d#)masz#? [...] [x]-reb# (kur)man-na#-[...] _iri#-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti# [...] a#-di qe2-reb (iri#)[...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    By means of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by the command of ... Ishtar ... Ninurta ... ... the land Mannea ... his fortified cities ... as far as the city ... .

    P452414: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-tu#? _iri# lugal#_-ti#-szu2 [...]-bit#? a#-na# (iri#)bad3#-(disz)un-da-si [...] e-bir#-ma [...] dan#-nu#-ti#-szu2# isz#-kun [x x]-ta#-s,ar# a#-na# s,al-ti-ia [...] _iri lugal_-ti#-szu2 a-di na-ge#-szu2 _kur_-ud [...]-ku _iri lugal_-ti a-di# na#-ge#-szu2# _kur#_-ud [...]-nu _iri lugal#_-ti [...]-szu2# ak#-szu-ud [...] na#-ge#-szu2# ak#-szu#-ud# [...] ma#-dak#-tu

    AI Translation

    ... his royal city ... he crossed over to the city Dur-Undasi ... and ... his fortified city he established ... ... to my assault ... his royal city, as far as his district he conquered ... his royal city, as far as his district he conquered ... ... his royal city, as far as his district he conquered ... his district he conquered ... camp

    P452452: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x] x-mesz# [...] (iri#)sza2-an-ha-ra# [...] (iri#)a-du-ma-nu# [...] (iri)sze-li-ih-i-ra-[...] (iri#)gu-ub_-bad_ [...] [x x]-zi#-i'# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... Sha-anhara ... Adunu ... Shelihira ... Gubbad ... ... .

    P452469: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _[_disz_ na] sag# sza3_-szu2 na-szi _murub4-mesz_-szu2 mi-na-tu#-szu2# _gu7-mesz_-szu2 _na bi_ [ka-szip? ...] _[(u2)igi]_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz sud2_ ina _gesztin szur nu_ pa-tan _nag_ ina _a (gesz)sze-nu_ u2#? [...] _[_disz_ na] sag# sza3_-szu2 _dab-dab_-su _sag sza3_-szu2 _mu2-mu2_ x [ru]-pul2#-ti#? _[tuku-mesz?_ ...] [x x] x _gazi!(sar) mun sud2_ ina _a sig3_-as, ana _dur2_-szu2# _[dub]_-pak? ana x [...] [x x x] x (u2)ur2-nu _(u2#)har-har_ (u2#)ti-ia2-tu2 (u2)nu-hur#-[tu? ...]

    [x x x x] _(szim)gur2-gur2 (gesz)li# gi du10 (gesz)tug2_ [x x] x mal-ma-lisz i-sza2-qal x [...] [x x x x] _disz 2_(disz)-szu2 hal ina me-eh-ri _agarin5_ ana _dur2_-szu2 _dub_-ak-ma# [...] [x x x x]-ma ina _gesztin szur-ra dub_-ak _kimin_ ina _u4_ szu-ma ina _ga ku7#-[ku7_ ...] [x x x x x] u2-tab-ba-kam2 ina _u4_-me szu-ma _i3-gesz bara2-ga_ x [...] [x x x x x] _u2_ ina _u4-na2-am3_ [...] [x x x x x] x szu zi i _(u2)kur-ra gazi!(sar)_ [...] [x x x x x] x _(u2)lal gi du10-ga suhusz_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    If a man, his belly is swollen, his abdomen is swollen, his flesh afflicts him: that man ... ... ... igilim-plant, iginishu-plant. You mix it with wine. You do not allow it to dry. You strew it in water. He will eat ... ... if a man, his belly is swollen, his belly is swollen. He will have ... ... ... ... mustard, salt, and abrasive oil. You bind it on his neck. You ... ... urnu-plant, harhar-plant, tiyatu-plant, nuhurtu-plant .

    ... a gurgur-plant, a good reed, a linen ... he will fill ... ... ... a second time you bury it in the middle of a censer and ... you bury it in a jar of wine. Ditto on the day that you eat it in a bowl ... he will eat it. On the day that you ... the oil of the dais ... ... on the day of the festival ... ... ... kurru-plant, juniper ... ... ... a good reed-plant ... ... ... a good reed-plant ... ... ... ... ... a good reed-plant ...

    P452488: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [...]-kun# _un-mesz#_ (kur)a-ri#-[...] [...]-bu# ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz# e2# edin#_ [...] [...]-zu# ip#-qi2#-du a#-na (d)gesz-bar _gu4#-[...]_ _[...]-mal#-mesz_ a-me-lu#-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni# [...] [...] ka#-la#-mu a-na si-hir#-[x x] [...]-u2# a#-na pat, gim-ri#?-[x] [...] s,e#-e-ni u2-par-ri-[x] _[...]-mesz# kur_ asz-szur(ki#) _[...]-gam#-mal#-mesz_ ina 1(disz) [x] [...] _ka2#_ ma-hi-ri# [...] ha#-be2#-e# [...]-ha#?-ru#?

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the people of the land Ari... with the weapons of the open country ... he appointed ... to the god Geshbar, oxen ... ... the people he carried off ... all ... to the whole ... ... ... ... ... the Assyrians ... ... in one ... gate ...

    P452504: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [...] x# _ti bi_(?)# [...]

    [... lu-ub]-lut,# lu-[...]

    [...] x# _um_ taq-bu-u (d)_utu_ x# [...]

    [_ka_]-_inim#_-_ma szu_-_il2_-_la2_ (d)[...-_kam_(*)]

    [...] x x x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . may I live, may I .

    ... ... you say: Shamash ... .

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to .

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . .. . .

    . . . may I live, may I . . .

    . . . . . you spoke, O Shamash . . . .

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to . . .

    . . . . . . . . .



    [...] x x# _ra ka_ [...]

    [...] szul#-ma-a-na# [...]

    [...] i#-na sze-et, _igi_ x# [...]

    [...]-ba-la tu-x#-[...]

    [...] ta(?)-bil# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . well-being .

    ... in the morning ... .

    . . . you carried off .

    King, Leonard W.

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . well-being . . .

    . . . in the crime of . . . . .

    . . . . . . you . . .

    . . . carry off . . .

    P452534: omen tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] i-[szar2-ru3] [...] i-szar2-ru3 [...] _uku2#_-in [... ina _(gisz)]tukul gaz_ [... x]-tam _gen_-ak [...] _ninda gu7_ [...] _tuku_-szi [...] x ud-ma [...] _sumun#_-bar [... x]-ma [...] _zah2#_ [...] _nig2#?-tuku_ [...] _zah2#_ [...] _gaz_ [...] x-u2 [...] _tuku#_-szi [...] _mesz_-szi-na [...] _dara4_ [... ina _(gisz)]tukul gaz_ [...] x x x

    AI Translation

    ... will become great ... will become great ... will become great ... ... he will kill ... with the sword ... he will go ... bread ... will have ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... with the sword ... ... .

    Column 2


    _be#_ [...] _be kir4#_ [...] sza2 x [...] _be kir4_ la-bi [...] sza2 _sag-du_-szu2 [...] _be kir4_ ha-risz s,a-[x ...] _be kir4_ sza2-ru-uh# [...] szar-hu [...] _be kir4_-szu2 _gid2-da_ x [...] _be kir4_-szu2 _lugud2-da nig2-tuku_ [...] _be kir4_-szu2 _gim (gisz)erin2 gar_ pu-[x ...] _murub4 kir4_-szu2 i-[x ...] _be kir4_ ka3-pi-ip# [...] _be_ ap-par-ri# [...] _igi_ szit-x [...] _be_ ap-par#-[ri ...]

    AI Translation

    If ... ... The 'finger' ... ... The 'finger' ... ... ... The 'finger' is thick ... ... The 'finger' is thick ... ... The 'finger' is long ... The 'finger' is short ... The 'finger' is a gift .... If the 'finger' is like a cedar tree ... the middle of the 'finger' .... If the 'finger' is ... ... The 'finger' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

    P452538: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [...] ta-szim-[ti]

    [... u2-su]-um# e2-[_zu-ab_]

    [... it]-pe#-szu2 ka-ru#-[bu]

    [...] _abgal_ (d)[i2-gi3-gi3]

    [...] s,u-lul e2-u6#-[nir]

    [...] mu-risz _id2_-[_didli_]

    [... s,u]-s,e-e tu-da-asz2-sza2 _he2_-[_nun_]

    [... tu-szab]-sza2-a nap-szat _un_-_mesz_ (d)asz-na#-[an]

    [...] ha-disz ri-szu-ka#

    [... ma]-ha#-zi-szu2-nu i-kar-ra-bu-ka#

    [...] sza2 _dingir-mesz du3-a_-ma

    [...] sza2 tab-nu-u2 _lu2_-_mesz_

    [...] sza2# tab-na-a _sza3-tur3#_

    [...] _szim# igi_ x# [x]

    [...] _szim_(?)# _me_ x# [...]

    [...] x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . of supplication.

    . . . the supplication of Ezu'ab.

    . . . who is assiduous towards the gods,

    . . . sage of the Igigi,

    . . . protection of Eunir,

    . . . who loves the rivers,

    . . . you raise up a shushetu-vessel.

    . . . you make the life of the peoples abundant, O Ashnan,

    . . . joyfully accept your prayer.

    . . . their cult centers will greet you.

    . . . of the gods, and

    ... that were set up for the people

    ... which you set up, the lungs

    ... a perfume ingredient ... .


    . . . of discernment.

    . . . worthy one of E'abzu.

    Expert . . ., greeted with reverence,

    . . . sage of the Igigi.

    . . . protection of E'unir.

    . . ., who makes the rivers rejoice.

    ... reed-thickets you bountifully bestow abundance.

    . . . you create the sustenance of the people, Grain.

    . . . are rejoicing joyfully on account of you.

    . . . greet you in their shrines.

    . . . of all of the gods

    . . . humans whom you created.

    . . . the womb that you created.

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    P452541: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _DISZ na szu-gidim-ma szu nam-[erim2-ma dab_-su] _du3-du3-bi nu_ pu-hi _lu2 gig#_ [...] _(tug2)ib2-la2 u4 1(disz)-kam tah_-s,ib-szu2# [...] _kasz-sag gesztin bal_-qi2#? [...]

  • 3(disz)-szu2 ki-a-[am ...]
  • _enuru(+e2-nu-ru)_ (d#)[x ...] musz-te-szer [...] _[an]_-e# _ki_-tim# [...] [ana] _na#? nu#? te#?-[e? ...]

    AI Translation

    If a man a szugidimu hand and a hand of war seized him, and he does not do it, a man will be sick .

  • 'three times .
  • Enuru, ..., who guides ... heaven and earth, ... does not approach a man .

    P452549: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _(szim)li#_ [...] [...] _pa#_ (gesz)szu-szi _pa_ (gesz)x [...] [...] _gaz# sim_ ina _kasz sag szeg6#_-[szal ...] [...] x ta-szab-ba-ah-szu x [...] [...] _zi3#? sze (u2)szakira_ ta-sak3# x [...] [...] x lu ina _i3 (gesz)erin#?_ [...] [...] x za x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... juniper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you mix it with beer. You pour it over the top of the corn-flour ... ... you grind the barley flour and the shakkirû-plant ... ... in cedar oil ...

    P452557: omen tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    [...] x _tuku sig5_ ina _(gisz)tukul# [ug7_ ...] [...] x an _a2-tuku#?_ x [...] [...] x ul x x [...] [...] ina [...] [...] _x-mesz usz2#_ [ar2]-ni _ug7_ : x [...] [... _x]-mesz usz2_ [ar2]-ni _ug7_ : ik-x [...] [...] _ka#?-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2-da-mesz_ ina _la#?_ [...] [...] x _dingir_ u [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... its gates are short ...



    [...] x i-[x ...] [...] alam-dim2-mu-u2 [...] _man kur an-szar2(ki)_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... a stele ... king of Assyria

    P452563: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [x x x] [...] _x-mesz_ (szim)t,a-a-ti# [...] ta-sza2-mat, [...] _sur#? la2_-su-ma _ti_ [...] _gu7#_-szu2 _a-mesz nu tuku_ [...] x ina _u2 babbar_ ta-sak3 _mar_ [...] si-ta-te _a gur-gur_-szu2 [...] ta-sak3 ta-za-ru3 [...] ta-sak3 ta-za-ru3 [...] _udu#-nita2# hi-hi la2_ [...] x e#?

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... you recite ... ... you recite ... and ... ... his stomach does not have water ... you strew ... in white plant ... you recite the incantation ... you strew ... you strew ... you strew ... a sheep ...

    Column 2


    _DISZ kimin_ x [...] _DISZ kimin sag#_ [...] _DISZ kimin nim du8_ x [...] _DISZ kimin_ e2 zur x [...] _DISZ gig_ ina _su na e3#_ [...] u3 _diri_ a-szu-u2# [...] _pa (gesz)mes-gam3_ ina _a#_ [...] _DISZ gig_ ina _su na e3_ pa-[nu-szu2 ...] _su_-szu bir2-di _diri sza3_-szu2 _dab#_-[su ...] _(u2)lag a-sza3 had2-ra2 gaz_ ina _kasz (lu2)[kurun2-na_ ...] _DISZ gig_ ina# _su na e3#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    P452577: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] (iri#)ni#-i'# [...] [...] mah#-ra#-a-ti sza2 qe2-reb#? [...] [...] qe2#-reb# (kur)mu-s,ur ip-hu-ru a-na x [...] _[egir?_ (disz)ni]-ik#-ku-u (disz)man-lu-da3-ri (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal#-[mesz_ ...] [...] a#-szar _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-hu s,a-ab-tu-ma il-la-ku# [...] [(disz)pi-sza-an-hu]-ru# sza2 ina (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad du3#_-[u-a ...] [...] _munus#-hul_ sza2 (disz)ni-ik-ku-u (disz)man-lu-da3-ri (disz)pa-aq#-[ru-ru ...]

    [a-na?] (lu2#)szu-ut _sag_ a-lik _igi erin2-hi-a_-ia iq-bi-ma u2-[...] [...] x-ki-i-ka-a iq-bu-u um-ma# ina sza2-at mu-szi ni#?-[...] [um]-ma# (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si _ta_ qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i#-[na-sah-u2-ma ...] [e-li] (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e# u? [...] [um-ma] su#-lum-mu-u i-na bi-ri-i-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma [...] _[kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni]-zu#-uz-ma a-a ib-ba#-[szi ...] [a-na? _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur gap]-sza2#-a#-ti# e#-[muq ...]

    AI Translation

    ... the city Ni'u ... the former ... which were inside Egypt ... they ... ... after Nikku, Mannlu-dari, and Paqruru, the kings ... where my troops were captured and went ... Pishanhuru, who in Nathû, Ashurbanipal, the father who had engendered me, ... evil of Nikku, Mannlu-dari, and Paqruru .

    To the eunuch who went before my troops he said, and ... ... he said, saying: "During the night we ...; Tarqu, king of Kush, will be seized from Egypt and ...; above Tarqu, king of Kush, to conclude a treaty and ...; and thus may peace be established between us; and ... the land of the two of us shall be divided, and neither shall be able to ...; to the troops of Assyria, the great forces .

    P452579: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] ih#-bu#-[x] [...]-li#-ku# [...] lap#-lap-ti [...]-rit# (iri)ia#-ar-ki [...]-al#-la [...] ru-u2-qu [...] la ib#-ba-asz2-szu-u [...] i#-szak-ka-nu# qin-nu [...] i#-x x?-me-e'# [...] (d#)a-tar-sa-ma#-a-a-in [...]-ta#-a-a asz2-kun# _[...]-ba-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a-mesz_ [...] mi3#-ni# ah#-bu-ta [...]-ru# _erin2#-hi-a_-ia [...] szal#-t,isz [...]-ma# ina (iri#)a-za-al-la [...] nesz#-be2-e [...]-al#-la# [...]-ti#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the city Yarki ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the Atarsamaeans ... I set up ... ... and sheep ... what was the ahbutu-offering ... my troops ... ... ... and in the city Azal ... ... .

    Column 2'


    ina# [...] ul#-[...] ina _ka2#-[...]_ sza2 ne2#-[...] na-bu#-[...] u2-sza2-[...] a-na da#-[...] u3# _dingir#-[...]_ re#-e-mu# [...] u2#-bal#-[...] ina ta#-[...] sza2# ina a#-[...] _un#-[...]_

    AI Translation

    In ... ... in the gate ... of ... ... ... ... ... to ... and the god ... ... mercy ... ... ... in ...

    P452581: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-ia ad#-[...] [...]-ri# _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a usz-te#-[...] _[...]-szar2#_ (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur# (d#)[...] [x x] sza2# nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid#-[x x] [x x] sza2# (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur# [x x] [x]-reb# (kur)man-na-a#-a e#-ru-ub-ma at#-[...] _[x]-mesz#_-szu2 x dan-nu-ti a-di _tur#-mesz#_ sza2# ni-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... my ... ... ... the king of the land Mannea ... ... ..., the gods Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ... ... of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kid... ... of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, ... ... entered the ... of the land Mannea and ... his mighty ... together with the smaller ones that .

    P452584: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ina _(iti)gu4# iti#_ [...] _en_ te-ne2#-[...] _u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam2 ud sze-ga sum-nig2_ sza (d)gu#-[x] ina e-pesz pi-i mut-tal#-[x] sza an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en# [x x] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina#(ki) (d)szar-rat-[...] (d#)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku iq#-[x x] u2#-pa-hir _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) _tur_ [x x] [x] tam#-tim e-li#-ti u3 szap-li#-[x] [x x] na#?-s,ir# _dumu lugal#_-[x x] [...] _lugal#_-ut# _kur_ an-szar2(ki) e#-[x x]

    _[...]-mesz#_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2#-[x x] [...] rik#-sa#-[x x] [...]-ru#-ub ina _e2#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    In the month Ayyaru II, the month ... the lord of ..., the 12th day, the day ... the offering of Gu..., in the exercise of the command of the gods Ashur, Ninlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, ..., Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-..., Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, ... he presented it. The people of Assyria, small and large, ... the Upper and Lower Seas ... ... the protection of the son of King-... ... the kingship of Assyria .

    ... he made him prostrate himself ... ... ... ... in the house .

    P452585: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x x] _lugal_ ul#-[li ki-i]

    sza _ta_(v) re-e-sze as-sa-par-[ak-ka] muk at-tu-nu u _lu-nam_-_mesz#_ [i-ti-is-sa] dul-lu ep-szA _ninda_-_mesz_ is,-s,a-a-ni ak—an(!)-[ni-i] la tasz-me-a u-ma-a ana mi-i-ni taq-bi ma-a mi-i-nu hi-t,a-a-a la-a hi-t,a-a-ka szu-u hi-it,-t,u sza _lu_-ki-na-at-ta-te-e-ka _lu-nam_-_mesz_(*)# [szu]-u(*) szA _kin_-Asz-szA-nu-u-ni la-a il-lak(*)#-[u(*)]-nin-ni is-si-ku-nu la iz-za-zu-u-ni dul-lu

    la ep-pa-szu-u-ni u ina _ugu_ sza taq-bu-u-ni ma-a _lugal_ la u-ram-ma _szesz-unug-ki_ [u _lu_]-gur(*)-a(*)-sim-mu _ta_(v) _szu-2 lugal_ [la-a] el#-li-u a-ke-e ah—hur [ep-pu-szu] ana-ku le-pu-usz [la Asz-pu-ra _lu-en-nam kur_-za-mu-a] [_lu-gar_-_mesz_ is-si-ku-nu la is,-s,u-ru]

    AI Translation

    ... the king should now come back .

    As to what I wrote to you from the beginning: "You and the governors have been working on it, and they have taken bread away." Do not listen to this, but now tell me: "What is my fault?" It is not your fault. It is the fault of your cohort commanders, the governors who did not come with us and who were not present. Do not do the work!

    And concerning what you said: "The king should not go and take Ur and the Gurasimu out of the king's hands." How can I do it? I have not written to you, but the governor of Zamua has not kept the governors in touch with you.


    ...... the king ...

    I wrote to you ... from the beginning: "You and the governors, stay and work together, and produce food for me." Thus I said, and you certainly heard it. Now why did you say, "What is my fault?" It is not your fault! It is the fault of your colleagues, the governors whom I keep sending but who do not come, stay and work with you!

    As to what you said, "May the king not abandon Ur, and may the Gurasimmu not get lost to the king! What else can be done? Let me do it!" — did I not send send the governor of Mazamua and the prefects, did they not keep watch with you, did they not get weak and did they not die for your defence? When I saw that they were weakening and dying, I sent orders to release them, but did I not appoint with you the governors of Lahiru and Arrapha?



    is-si-ku-nu la ap-qid u u-ma-a ki-i ud-di-i-na la ta-szap-par-an-ni (m)_an-szar_—_szu_—_gur_(*)-ra _lu-igi-dub_ u e-muq-qi is-si-szu as-sap-ra mi-i-nu szA ana e-pa-a-sze _dug-ga_-u-ni ep-szA _be_-ma _id_-har-ru sik-ra szum-ma _un_-_mesz_ am-mu-u-te ku-ub-sa

    U id—da-at e-gir-te sza tasz-pur-an-ni (m)(d)+_en_—_szur_ u (m)ar-ba-a _lu-gal_—ki-s,ir _ansze-kur-ra_-_mesz_(*) ina _szu-2_-szu-nu na-as,-s,u-u-ni is-si-ku-nu li-iz-zi-zu

    AI Translation

    And now, when you have not sent me a copy, I have sent Ashur-gimilli-tera, treasurer, and army with him. What is it that I am doing that is good? If the river is clear, then the people will be confined.

    And after the letter which you sent, Bel-etir and Arbayu, cohort commander, are bringing the horses under their control and staying with you.


    And now, even before you wrote me, I have sent the treasurer Ashur-gimilli-terra with the army. Do whatever is opportune to do, be it to block the canal or to subjugate those people.

    After the letter which you sent I am sending to you Bel-etir and Arbayu, the cohort commander, with the horses, to stay and work with you.

    P452586: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _[...]-mesz#_-ia# [...]-ti [...]-ti#-szu2-un# [...] _giri3#-min_-ia# [...]-szu#-nu-ti [...]-ti#-ia# [...] u2#-rad#-di _[...]-a#_-ia# [...] a#-ri-bi [...]-ra#-nu [...]-t,u#-u2 [...]-ma#

    AI Translation

    ... my ... ... their ... ... my feet ... their ... ... he added ... my ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and

    P452589: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] [...] _nam#-mesz_ (lu2)qe#-pa#-[...] [...] te#-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu#-[...] [...] a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu2#-un# [...] [...] sza2# ia-a-ti u2-masz-sze-ru-[...] [...]-ku# qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur-ri# [...] [...] (disz#)ur#-ta#-ku# _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki#) [...] [...] nab#-la-t,i# [...] [...]-qar# ba#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the governors, the ... officials ... the ... of Taharqa ... where their ... their ... who abandoned me ... ... inside Egypt ... Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, ... life ... ... .

    P452591: omen tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    _DISZ_ x [...] _DISZ gin7 ku3-sig17_ [...] _DISZ sa5 ge6 sig7 babbar?_ [...] _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) _igi_-szu2 _sa5_-ma2 e-di-ih tal2-lak-ti ina _gen_ nam!-risz e-pi2 : _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) _igi_-szu2 _ge6_-ma2 e-di-ih lu-up2-nu _us2-us2_-szu2 : _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) _igi_-szu2 _babbar_-s,a e-di-ih lu-up2-nu u _nu_ ma-ga-ru _gar_-szu2 : _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) _igi_-szu2 _sig7_-qa2 e-di-ih he-pi _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) _igi_-szu2 _gid2_ i-szar2-ru3 :

    _DISZ_ sze17-ir-a-an _igi_-szu2 zaq-pu : tar-s,u _szu dingir kur_-su : la ma2-ga-ru _gar_-szu2 _DISZ_ sze17-ir-a-an _igi_-szu2 _du8_-at-ru3 ina _nu-uru_-szu2 _ug7_ _DISZ_ pa-nu-szu ha-an-t,u _nig2-tuku_ : _szesz_-szu2 _gal ug7_ _DISZ min_-ma _igi_-szu2 sza2 _gub3_ sa-ri-qat _egir ad_-u2 _sig5_ : _DISZ min_-ma _igi_-szu2 sza2 _gub3 min_ ina _nu-uru_-szu2 : ina _uru_-szu2 _sig5_ tak-la _igi_ : _DISZ min_-ma _igi_-szu2 sza2 _gub3 min_ ina _e2 gin-na_ ku-ni _hul_

    _DISZ min_-ma _kir4_-szu2 pi-iq _dam-mesz_-szu2 _ug7-mesz_ ka-bat _sag-du_ _DISZ min_-ma _gesztu_-szu2 : _igi_-szu sza2 _zag_ kap-s,a-at2 ina-mir : _sig5_-iq _DISZ min_-ma _gesztu_-szu2 : _igi_-szu sza2 _gub3 min_ e-kil : ek-lisz _gen-gen_ _DISZ min_-ma _gesztu-min_-szu2 : _igi-min_-szu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) kap-s,a _e2 ad_-szu2 ana _ku3-sig17 bur2_ _DISZ min_-ma _sig2_-su _sa5_ : tar2-rip-at _kam2 szu dingir-kam2 szu lugal kur_-su

    _DISZ min_-ma _sig2_-su _sal-la nig2-tuku_ sa-dir-szu2 : _nig2-tuku tag4_-szu2-ma ina _sza3 hul gen-gen_ _DISZ min_-ma _sig2_-su ap-par-rat lu-up2-nu sa-dir-szu2 _DISZ min_-ma _sig2#_-[su] _gin7 az_ lum-mu-mat _sig5_-iq _DISZ min_-ma _szu-min_ u _gir3-min_-szu2 _gid2#_ i-szar2-ru3 : _DISZ_ pa-ni ba-ni _u4-mesz lugud2-da-mesz sze_ u _ku3-babbar tuku_-szi : _DISZ sa5 dingir_-ni i11-szar3 _nig2-tuku_ u2-szam-ad2 : _DISZ ge6_ usz-ta-mat,-t,a _nu_ ma-ga-ru _gar_-szu _kimin u4-mesz_-szu2 i-s,u _dumu-mesz_ x [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... : ...

    If a pig's face is dark: hand of the god of his land; : he will not be satisfied. If a pig's face is dark: in his town he will die. If his face is very dark: he will acquire wealth. : If a brother is very poor: he will die. If ditto and his left eye is dark: the future of his father will be good. : If ditto and his left eye is dark: in his town he will be good. : If ditto and his left eye is dark: in the house of a man's house he will experience evil.

    If ditto and his lips are swollen and his wife's husband's blood is swollen: he will experience a loss of hearing. : If his right eye is covered with a slit, he will experience a loss of hearing. : If his left eye is covered with a slit, he will become a widow. : If ditto and his ears are covered with a slit, he will experience a loss of hearing. : If his eyes are covered with 15 and 210 slit, the house of his father is covered with gold. If ditto and his ears are red: : a tarripat of the hand of the god, the hand of the king his land.

    If ditto and his hair is covered with a shalla of wealth, his wealth will diminish. : If ditto and his hair is covered with a shalla of evil and goes in the midst of the evil. If ditto and his hair is covered with a sacrificial frog, his wealth will diminish. If ditto and his hair is covered with a black moth, he will become rich. If ditto and his hands and feet are long, he will become rich. If he is a man, the days are long, barley and silver will acquire him. If he is red, his god will acquire wealth. If he is black, his property will be scattered. If ditto the days are long, sons ... .



    _DISZ_ pa-ni _babbar_ lu-up2-nu sa-dir-szu2 _lu3-lu3_ _DISZ sig7 e2-bi bir_-ah ma-ga-ru _gar_-szu2 _u4-mesz_-szu2 i-s,u _til u4_-me _usz2 nam-erim : usz2_ ar2-ni _ug7_ : _DISZ_ du-um u da-ba-ba sza2-lit, ina bi-ir _a ug7_ : _DISZ_ tur-ru-up _dingir_-ni : _usz2_ bu-bu-ti _ug7_ : _DISZ_ na-mi-ir _dingir_-ni : _DISZ_ szu-ur ta-a-a-ar2-tum qi-bi-i u3 _ra_ he-pi2 esz-szu2 _DISZ_ bi-ib-ri-e pa!(_gad_)-ni ba-ni _u4-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2-da-mesz_ _DISZ_ pa-ni-szu2 u2-kap-pir2 ina di-bi-ri _gen-mesz_ :

    _DISZ ge6_-ma mi-na-at pa-ni-szu2 sza2-qu-u2 ana _szesz-me_-szu2 ih-ta-at,-t,i _DISZ_ ina _igi lu2_ szi-tu-u2 _szub-szub lu2-bi sig5 : uku2_ _DISZ_ ina _igi lu2 gu-mesz sig7-mesz szub-mesz_ mim-mi-szu2 : _nig2-szu_-szu2 _e2-gal ti_-qe2 _DISZ_ ina _ugu_ pa-ni-szu2 _zag_ um-s,a-tum _dingir_-ni _lu2-bi uku2_ _DISZ gub3 min na-bi sig5 igi : u4-mesz_-szu2 qer-bu _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) tir-ku lum-na-ni : _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) _tag_-tum _u4-mesz_-szu2 i-s,u :

    _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) e-ri-mu _na-bi sig5_ i-kal-la : _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) i-ba-ru lam-na-ni ba-a-a-szi _DISZ_ ha-lu-u2 _u4-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2-da-mesz_ : _DISZ_ 1(u) 5(disz) s,ir-szu la-la-ni ba-a-a-szi : _DISZ igi alam gar nig2-tuku u4-mesz_-szu2 _gid2-da-mesz : _disz__ ku-sa-rik-ki _gar_ i11-szar3 _usz2 (gisz)tukul ug7 : u4-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2-mesz_ _DISZ_ la-bi _gar_ ga-mi-ru-tam _du3_-usz _DISZ_ gam-lim _gar_ ul-ta-ma-s,a-ma _e2 du3_-usz : _DISZ_ ar2-i-i _gar egir-min_-szu2 _nu gar-mesz_

    _DISZ ur-gi7 gar u4-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2_ [...] mu#-s,al#-li# par#-[x ...] _uku2_

    AI Translation

    If the front of the lupnu is white: he will be a lu-lu-demon; if the front of the house is a white moth: he will be a lu-demon; his days will be long; until the days will be long; death of the enemy : death of the lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; in the middle of the water a lupin : : a lupin is a lupin; death of the god : : death of the bubutu-demon; : a lupin is a lupin; a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; a lupin is a lupin; a lupin is a lupin; a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a lupin is a lupin; : a

    If he is awake all night and his face is swollen, he has sinned against his brother. If he is ill with a man's shitu-disease: the man's mood will be good. : If he is ill with a man's ribs, they will be yellow-green. : his possessions will take the palace. If he is ill with his face: the right side of the 'hand' of the god is the man's mood. If he is ill with diadem diadem diadem, his mood will be good. : his days will be dark. 15 'darkness' is the sign of : his days will be dark.

    If 15 erimu-demons are good, he will be sated. : If 15 ibaru-demons are dark: he will die. If halû-demons are long: : If 15 shirshu-demons are long: he will die. If a star is present: his days will be long. : If a kusarikku-demon is present: Ishar will die, the death of a weapon will be carried off. If his days will be long: he will die. If a gamlim-demon is present, he will be able to enter and build a house. : If a a harû-demon is present, his behind-demons are not present.

    If a dog is located on its days: ... ... ... ... ... ... .

    P452592: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] [x x] ta-mar-ti [...] [x x] mul#-ta-'u-u2#-[...] [x]-s,i# ina _edin#_ [...] [x x]-mu#-u2-a szur-bu-te# [...] [x]-zu#-u2-te tar-[...] [...] u2-re-ia s,i-mit-ti ru-kub _en#_-[x x] [x] _usz#_ u4-mu ina a-la-[x] sza# ur#-mah-hi na-ad-ru-[x] ina _1(disz)-ta#-am3_ (gesz)szil-ta-hi nap-sza2-te-szu2-nu ap-ru#-u'# ik-szu-dam-ma _(iti)sze iti_ i-sin-ni _e2_ a2-ki-it# sza szar-ra-ti _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ sza _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-[x] a-na sza2-kan szi-tul5-ti pa-ra-as _esz#-[x]_

    u2-bi-la-an-ni lib3-bi a-na (iri)[x x] _iri_ re-me-ni-ti sza su-up-pu-sza2 [x x] bu-un-ni (d)isz-tar _gaszan_-ia hi-it-bu#-[x x] it-ta-nab-sza2-a ina kar-[...] a-na a-mar _dingir_-ti-sza2 s,ir-[x] sza la i-szab-bu-u2 la-lu-u2 _ha_ x [...] as#-su-uq _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ sza x [...] [x x]-bu#?-ru#? mesz-re-e-ti sza# _ki#_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... in the steppe ... ... ... ... ... ... my ...

    ... the city ..., the merciful city whose ... the ... of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, ... ... ... to see her exalted divinity, who does not fear ... ... I rationed large horses ... ... the sanctuaries ... .

    P452593: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] u2#-rak#-kis# [...]-ti#-szu2 u2#-s,ab#-bit# [...] u2#-kar-ri [...]-su#-nu-ti _[...]-mesz szesz-mesz#_-szu2 [...] a#-di mah-ri-ia# [...] e#-bi-ra [...] _ARAD#_-ti-ia# [...] _szesz#-mesz_-szu2# [...]-szu2#

    AI Translation

    ... he smashed ... his ... he captured ... he smashed ... their ... ... his brothers ... before me ... he seized ... my servant ... his brothers .

    Column 2'


    [x x]-an# an-szar2 (d)sin (d#)[...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki#) [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2#-dingir# [...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [...] ik#-nu-sza2 [...] asz2-szu2 ba#-lat,# _zi#_-ti3#-[...] (disz)e#-ri#-si#-[...] a-na# _nina#_ [...] re-e-mu# [...] u2-[...] _dumu-munus_ [...] ma#-da#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... Anshar, Sin, ..., Ishtar of Nineveh, ..., Ishtar of Arbela, ... the great gods ... he established ... for the preservation of life Erisi... to Nineveh ... mercy ... daughter ... tribute .

    P452594: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _[...]-na-mesz_-ia sza sza2-qi2-isz [...] _(gesz#)gu-za ad_ ba-ni-ia [...]-kur#-kur-ra _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia u2-szak-lil [...] hu-usz-szu-u2 u2-szal-bisz [x x]-mir# ki-ma u4-mi [...]-u2# a-na lib3-bi u2-sze-rib [...]-gu#-la at-man _dingir_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib [...]-ri#-ih-ti ma-har-szu2 aq-qi2#-ma# [...]-ra# kad3#-ra-a#-[x] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... my ..., who was exalted ... the throne of the father who had engendered me ... ... he completed ... the temple of Ashur, my lord, ... he made gloomy ... he made ... shine like daylight ... he made enter into it ... he made ... the sage of his divinity dwell ... he offered before him ...

    P452595: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [...]-su# [...] an#-szar2# (d#)1(u)-5(disz)# u _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz#_ [x x]-ia2 im-szi-ma [...]-muq# ra-ma-ni-szu [...] (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni [...] u2-pa-qi2-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a [...]-a#-ti u3 e-kem (kur)mu-s,ur [...]-szu2#-un e-ru-um-ma u2-szib ina qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi [...]-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-ter-ra [...] qe2-reb nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia#-a-ti [...]-a#-ti lib3-bi i-gug-ma i-s,a-ru-uh ka-bat-ti [...]-li# an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) asz-szur-i-tu2

    [...]-mal#-lu-u qa-tu-u-a [...] usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu _[...]-am3_ 2(disz) _lugal-mesz_ [...] na-ba#-[x] [...]-mar#-ta-szu2-nu# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods ... my ... he sat down and ... his own ... the officials ... he appointed, the father who had engendered me, ... and he took the road to Egypt ... their ... entered and sat in the city Memphis ... to the border of Assyria he returned. ... he came to Nineveh and made me bow down. My heart he sinned and he was smitten. My heart ... the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, Assyrian

    ... my hand ... I made the journey ... two kings ... ... their .

    Column 2


    ti#?-[...] in#?-[...] x [...] x [...] x [...]

  • 2(disz) [...]
  • sza#? [...] ul#?-[...] szal-la#-[...] _ugu#_ [...] asz2-ta#-[...] szal-me-[...] ina szal-szi# [...]

    AI Translation

  • 2 ...
  • 'I have ... ... I have ... ... I have ... ... ... ... in .

    P452611: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [_en2_] _en#_ da-pi-nu bu-kur2 (d)bi2#-[in-du6-ku3]

    [ma]-am#-lu szu-pu-u2 na-a-asz _su-lim_ u [me-lam-mu]

    [(d)]_ag#_ da-pi-nu bu-kur# (d)bi2#-[in-du6-ku3]

    [ma-am]-lu szu-pu-u2 na#-[a-asz _su_]-_lim#_ u me#-[lam-mu]

    [e-tel]-lu szu#-[tu-qu ...]

    [er-szu] pal-[ku-u2 ...]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: O mighty lord, son of Binduku,

    The mighty, the mighty, the one who provides for the slum and the liar,

    Nabu, the merciful one, son of Binduku,

    The mighty, the mighty, the one who provides for the weak and the mighty,

    The lord, the supreme, the lord of .


    Incantation: O mighty lord, son of Binduku,

    Resplendent fierce one, who bears radiance and brilliance.

    O mighty Nabu, son of Binduku,

    Resplendent fierce one, who bears radiance and brilliance.

    Outstanding lord, . . .

    Wise, learned . . .

    P452620: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] qa#?-[...] [...]-tu2#? sza# _lugal#_ [...] [...]-masz#-qa# [...] [...]-qa#-ru# mu#-szi-tu# [...] [...]-e#-ma [...] [...] hul#-hu#-li#-[...] [...]-ru-na _kur_-u2# [...] [...] (disz#)a-bi#-ia-te-e'# [...] [...]-a#-a# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... of the king ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Abi-Yate' ... .

    P452621: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz#)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su# [...] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu#-szu2# [...] la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-szu2 in#-[...] szu-ut a-lak (d)na-na-a ul-tu# [...] a-na (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal (kur)elam#-[...]_ szal-szi-a-nu ina qi2-bit (d)ag _dumu lugal dingir-mesz_ kab-ti# [...]

  • 1(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti mu#-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2#-[...]
  • u3 1(u) 2(disz) na-ge-e sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka#-[...] _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2-un _nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga#-[...]_ _ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ sza2 e-li _buru5-hi#-a#_ ma#-[...] _szu-min_ (d)na-na-a e-tel-let e2-an-na hi-rat (d)ag x [...] ina u4-me-szu2 ma-ak-ka-su _ku3-sig17# husz#-a#_ sza# 5(disz) _ma-na ki#-[...]_ ta-na-at-ti qar-ra-[...]-la# ad-bu#-bu# li#-[...] _ti-la zi_-ti3-ia kun#-[...] _gu-za lugal#_-ti-ia# [...]

    si-it-ti _kur (lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia x [x] (kur#)elam#-ma(ki#) ma-la#? [...] sza# _mu_ szat,-ru _mu ad_-ia# _ad# ad_-ia i-pa#-[...] [x] _ag# ibila#_ szit-lu-t,u ag#?-[x] li#-ru#-ur#?-[...]

    AI Translation

    Indabibi, his servant, ... Tammaritu, his brothers, his family ... after Indabibi, his servant, ..., who from ... to Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, king of the land Elam, ... half by the command of the god Nabû, the strong son of the king of the gods .

  • 14 fortified cities, the residences of his kingship .
  • and 12 districts in Elam ... their gods and goddesses, possessions and property ... donkeys, oxen, and sheep that are above locusts ... hand of Nanaya, the pre-eminent one of Eanna, the abode of Nabû ... At that time, his ..., a reddish gold ... I spoke to him. May the praise of my heroism ... life, ... my royal throne .

    The rest of the land of my enemies, ... the land Elam, as much as ..., whose name is written, the name of my father and my grandfather ..., may ... a redeemed heir ... .

    P452635: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _(u2#)igi_-lim _(u2)[igi-nisz_ ...] [...] _nu_ pa-tan [...] [...] x _na4_ ga#-[bi?-i? ...] [...] _gesztin nu_ pa-tan [...] [... i-ar2]-ru3 _ninda-mesz_ u _kasz-mesz_ [...] [...] _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ [...] [...] ina _kasz-mesz nag-mesz_ [...] [...] ma-gal u2-ga-asz-szi# [...] [... _gi du10]-ga#!? (gesz)ma-nu (gesz)[szinig?_ ...] [... _(u2)har]-har# sud2_ ina _kasz nag-mesz#_ [...] [... _dab_-su]-ma# ina _du3_-ti [...] [... il-ta-za]-az#-ma _nu du8_ (u2#)[tar-musz? ...]

    [... _(u2)har]-har# numun (gesz)szinig#_ [...] [...] x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... igilim-plant, iginishu-plant ... ... not open ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... bread and beer ... igilim-plant, iginishu-plant ... in ... beer ... ... ... ... a good reed, a manu-wood, ... ... harhar-plant, sud-dried, in ... beer ... ... seized him and in the process ... he stood and did not eat ... tarmush-plant .

    ... harhar-plant, seed of tamarisk ...

    P452638: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [x x?] x x? [...] _[x]-nita2#?_ [...] _lugal# kur# eme-gi7_ u3# [x x] _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)(d)sin#-pap#-mesz#-[x] _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-[x x] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukken#_-[x x] szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szi-mu szim-ti# e-li _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak#-[x] zi#-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-ri-[x] u2-szar-bu-u2 be-lu-u2-[x] e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-[x] _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia u2#-szak-[x] _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17_ [x x] (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak#-[x]

    ina _ka2_ hi-s,ib _kur#-kur_ az-qu#-[x] an-szar2 ina e2-hur-sag-gu-la u2-sze-rib#-[x] u2-szar-ma-a pa#-rak da-ra-a-[x] e2-sag-il2 _e2#-gal dingir-mesz_ e-pu-usz# u2-szak-li-la _gesz-hur#-mesz_-szu2# (d)en (d)gaszan-mu (d)be-let_-ka2-dingir#-ra#_ [x] (d)e2-a (d)di-ku5 ul-tu2 qe2#-[x] e2-szar2-ra u2-bil u2-sze#-[x] qe2-reb szu-an-[x x] _bara2-mah_-hu szu-[...]

  • 5(u) _gun_ za#-ha#-[...]
  • a#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... king of Sumer and Akkad, the reign of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of the land of ..., the great gods, in the assembly ... he determined a good fate and a favorable fate. Above the kings who sit on royal daises he made great, he made great, he made lord ... the Ehursaggalkurkur..., the temple of Ashur, my lord, he made ..., he decorated his walls with gold, ..., magnificent columns of silver, he .

    I ... at the gate of the ... of the lands. I made Ashur enter into the Ehursaggula temple and made him reside on his eternal dais. I built the Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its designs. The deities Bel, Beltiya Zarpanitu, Belet-Babili, ..., Ea, and Diku, from ... the Esharra, I brought out and brought out. Inside ... the dais, .

  • 50 talents of zaha-...,
  • Column 2'


    [...]-szu2#-nu# [...]-su [...]-ri#-ku [...]-'a#-a-ru [...]-ki-in-nu _[...]-mesz_-ia [...]-ne2#-e-ru [...]-tu# ga-re-ia [...]-nu# ra-bi-ti [...]-qab#-bu-u la-be-el [...] u2#-s,ar-ra-mu [...]-da# _szu-min_-a-a [...] _ud#-mesz dumu-mesz dumu dumu-mesz_ [x x] u3 _dumu-mesz_ [x] _lugal#-mesz# dumu#-mesz_-ia [...] ut#-tu-szu-ma [...] _ug3#-mesz_ [...]-kir#-szu2 [...]-tu2# [...]-hu#

    AI Translation

    ... their ...

    P452640: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _pan#_ sza2 (disz)te-um#-[...] [...]-li# ma-s,ar-tum [...] [...]-i-(d)en bal-t,u-us-su# [...] [...]-ti pa-ni (disz)du-na-nu kit-ri la# [...] [...]-a#-tu2 ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz#-[...] [...]-e u2-sza2-lik-szu2 na-gu-u szu-a-tu2 u2-szah#-[...] [...]-lu#-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-[x] _[...]-szar2 (d#)en# (d#)ag# dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz# en#-mesz#_-ia# [...]-ni#-ir szal-mesz# a#-tu#-ra# a#-na# nina#(ki#) [...] te#-um-man _man_ (kur#)elam#-ma#(ki#) ina# _gu2#_ (disz#)du#-na#-[x]

    [...] ki#-szit-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki#) szal#-la#-at# (kur#)gam#-bu#-li# [...]-bit# an-szar2 ik-szu-da _szu-min#_-a#-a# it#-ti# _(lu2#)nar#-mesz#_ [x x] nin#-gu-ti a-na nina#(ki#) e#-ru#-ub# ina# _hul2#-[x]_ [...]-ba#-da#-ra-a (disz)(d)muati-saga-iq _(lu2)mah-mesz#_ sza2# (disz#)te#-um#-[x] [...](ki#) sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-min_-szu2-nu isz-pu-ra# [...] x x x [x?]

    AI Translation

    ... the bow of Teum-... ... the guard ... ...-i-Bel, his savior ... ... before Dunanu, the unsubmissive ... I destroyed, devastated, and burned with water ... I made him return to his district ... ... ..., Bel, Nabû, the great gods, my lords, ... ... I returned safely to Nineveh ... Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu.

    ... the booty of the land Elam, the booty of Gambulu ...bit, the god Ashur, conquered. My hands with the singers ... the ningutu-festival entered Nineveh. With joy ... ...badarâ, Nabû-sagiq, the eunuchs of Teum..., ..., whom Teumman with their hands wrote .

    P452642: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [(x x)] ib#-bal-kit-[...] e#-disz-szi-szu2 [...] _ta# kur_-e# [x] mar#?-qi2#-ti-szu2# [x]-szar# it-ta-nap-rasz-szi?-du [x x] _sur2#-du3#(muszen)_ a-bar-szu2-ma [x]-t,u#-us-su al#-[x]-a-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...]-ri#-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man#-al-dasz [x x] a#-ha-mesz e-pu-szu2 be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki#) [...]-mu#-qi2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia [x x]-ni-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia# [...]-te#-e' _lugal_ (kur)a-ri#?-bi# _[...]-szar2#_ u (d)1(u)-5(disz)# _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-ku-[x]

    [...]-szu2 al-qa-a-szu2 a-na _kur_ an#-[x x] [...] x x x x x [...] [...] x x x x [...] [...] x x x x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... rebelled against him ... from the mountain ... his ... he ... he ... a sacrificial bird and ... his ... to Assyria ... ... Pa'ê and Ummanaldashu ... together they did, the lordship of the land Elam ... ... the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, ... her to my yoke ... ... the king of the land of the Arabs ... and the goddess Ishtar I brought about his defeat.

    ... his ... I took him to the land of ...

    P452644: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [szA] ina _ugu_-hi(*)-szu x#+[x x x x] id-du-ku-usz a-na# [x x x]

    tak-ku-lu u-ma-a [ki-i _kur_] na-bal-kut-a-tu-u-ni be-li lu la i-nu-ah lu# la u-szar-ba-ab

    [be]-li lil-li-ka ina _uru_-de-ri lu#-szib ki-i szA (m)um-man-i-gasz [e]-pu-usz-u-ni be-li [ina] pit#-te(*) le-e-pu-usz [lig]-mu-ra _lu-nim-ma-ki_-a-a lil(*)-bi(*)#-u U

    AI Translation

    who ... against him ..., he killed him, and ... to .

    Now, when the land is seized, my lord should not be afraid and should not be frightened.

    My lord should come and sit in Der. Just as Ummanigash did, my lord should do it in a peaceful manner. Let them come and let the Elamites come and do the work.


    who had ... upon him ..., killed him, trusting in ....

    Now that the country is in revolt, my lord must not rest and must not be weak!

    Let my lord come and stay in Der, and just as Ummanigash has done, let him do and finish doing accordingly. Let them besiege the Elamites and ......



    [x x x x x]-szu-nu

    [x x x x] a# u-bal-u-ni

    [x x x u]-szap-rad-szu-nu

    [x x x]-mu-u-ni U ina _sza_

    [x x x x] e-rab-u-ni

    [x x x x ib]-bal-ak-kat(*)#

    [x x lu]-sze(?)#-li-u(*) [x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... them

    ...... they bring

    ... I will send them .

    ... and there

    ...... enter

    ...... will rebel

    ... let them bring .


    ...... them

    ... bring

    ... will scare them.

    Those who hear and

    ... enter there

    ... will rebel

    Let them move up ...

    P452645: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [ina] _ugu_(*)# szA taq-bu-u-[ni ma _man_ la u-ram-ma] _szesz#-unug_ u gur-sim-mu la [_szu-2 man_] la _il_-_mesz_ a-ke-e ah—hur ep-pu-szu ana-ku _du_ la Asz-pu-ru _nam kur_-za-mu-u _lu-gar_-_me ki_-ku-nu la is,-s,u-ru la e-ni-szu la _usz_-_mesz_ ina _ugu en-nun_-ku-nu ki _igi-lal_(*)-ni e-ni-szu-ni _usz_-_mesz_-ni _kin du8_-szu-nu _en-nam_ la-hi-ri u _en_-[_nam_] Ar-rap-ha _ki_-ku-nu

    AI Translation

    Concerning what you said: "The king should not go out and bring the elders and the satraps into the hands of the king, nor do I have any ilku-priests" — I have not written about it, nor sent the governors of Mazamua to you, nor have they kept watch over your guard, nor have they died, nor have they been confined to your presence, nor have they been confined to your presence. The governors of Lahiru and Arrapha are with you.


    As to what you said, "May the king not abandon Ur, and may the Gurasimmu not get lost to the king! What else can be done? Let me do it!" — did I not send send the governor of Mazamua and the prefects, did they not keep watch with you, did they not weaken and did they not die for your defence? When I saw that they were weakening and dying, I sent orders to release them, but did I not appoint with you the governors of Lahiru and Arrapha?



    u u-ma-a ki ud(!)-din(*)# [la _kin_] (m)_an-szar_—_szu_—_gur_ mas-en-nu(*)# e-muq-qi _ki_-szu _kin_-ra mi-nu szA ana _du dug_-u-ni ep-szA _be_-ma har-ru sik-ra _be_-ma _un_-_mesz_ am-mu-te kub-sa

    u ina da-at szA e-gir-tu _kin_-ni (m(*))#_en_—_szur_ (m)ar-ba-a-a [_gal_]—ki-s,ir _kur_-_mesz_ ina _szu-2_-szu-nu [na]-s,u#-ni iz-za-zu _ki_-ku#-nu [dul-lu ep-pu-szu]

    AI Translation

    And now, when I have not yet sent word, Ashur-gimilli-tere is sending a contingent of troops with him. What can be done to make it good? If the road is narrow, if the people are confined.

    And in the time of the letter, Bel-etir and Arbayu, cohort commander, have taken the mountains from them and are standing with you. They will do the work.


    And now, even before you wrote me, I sent the treasurer Ashur-gimilli-terra with an army. Do whatever is opportune to do, be it to block the canal or to subjugate those people.

    After the letter which you sent I am sending to you Bel-etir and Arbayu, the cohort commander. They are bringing with them 200 horses, and will stay and work with you.

    P452647: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x] x# ina _ugu_-hi-i-ni

    [bir]-ti _igi_(*)-2-_mesz_-szu-nu [0] un#-ta-ad-di-du

    [ur]-su#-tu szA gab-ri e-gir-te [ur]-ki(*)-i-ti

    [_iti_-x _ud_ x]-_kam_ lim-me (m)(d)_pa_—_man_—_pab_-_mesz_-szu

    AI Translation

    ... upon us

    I have given them back to them their eyes.

    The original of the later letter.

    Month ..., day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu.


    ... concerning it

    they impressed ... upon them.

    Archival copy of the reply to the later letter.

    Month .... xth day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu 646.

    P452648: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    bé-et x#+[x x x x x x x x x x x x] _u 10 arad_-_mesz_ sza _lugal en_-ia [x x x x x x] il-lik-u-nin-ni i-qab-bu-u-ni ma#-[a] a-ta-a

    _lugal en_-ka la ta-mah-har a-na-ku a-qab-bi mu-uk am-ma-ka us-sa-me-ku U ana-ku an-nu-ri at-tal-ka _gir-2_ szA _lugal en_-ia as,-s,a-bat U e-mu-qi sza _lugal_ la-a ra-qu mu-uk

    ana-ku aq-t,i-ba-Asz-szu _sza_-ba-te-ia la i-mal-la-a ina _uru_(*)#-ia-u-bu-u-si-i tah-ti-liq mu-uk am-ma-ka us-sa-am-me-ek u an-na-ka tu-ra : ina bi-it-tim-ma lu-sa-am-me-ek

    AI Translation

    When ...... and 10 servants of the king, my lord, came ......, they said to me: "Why did you not send ... to me?"

    I said: "Why have you been slandered? And I have come here." I grasped the feet of the king, my lord, and the king's forces are not very strong.

    I said to him: "My heart does not wait for me. I have sat down in the city of Yaubusi, saying: "Why do you keep silent? And why do you turn back?" He said: "Let me keep silent between us."


    When ..., NN and 10 servants of the king, my lord, came to me ......, saying, "Why don't you appeal to the king, your lord?"

    I thought, "They did act harshly there." So I came now and seized the feet of the king, my lord, but no forces of the king were available.

    I reasoned, "I've spoken to him, he is not angry with me; she fled to Yaubusî, and he acted harshly there; so he may accordingly act harshly here too. I'll request no forces from him, but say this and go to Der ......."



    [x x x x x x x x] an-nu-ri

    AI Translation

    ...... now


    Now then I've come to ....



    iq-t,i-bu#-[x x x x x x x]-Asz-szu

    ha-ra-a-du# [x x x x x] _ugu sza_-bi-ia

    it-tu-qu-ut u(*)-ma(*)#-[a] (m)(d)_amar-utu_—_man_—_pab_ (m)ki-li-gu-gu _arad_-_mesz_ szA _lugal en_-ia szA _lugal_ isz-pur-u-szu-nu-ni : _kur-nim-ma-ki_ mi-i-nu sza a-he-isz e-pa-szu-u-ni _lugal_ be-li

    is-se-me u-ma-a e-mu-qi sza _lugal en_-ia is-si-ia li-li(*)#-ka(*) _lugal_ be-li lu-sze-s,a-an-ni [x x x x x x x x x x x] x x#

    AI Translation

    he said ...... him

    I am afraid .

    Now Marduk-sharru-ushur and Kiligugu, servants of the king, my lord, about whom the king wrote to me, are Elamites. What are they doing together? The king, my lord, should know this.

    Now let the army of the king, my lord, come with me, and let the king, my lord, bring me .


    They told me that ...... him.

    Being alert ...... has fallen upon my heart.

    Now Marduk-sharru-ushur and Kiligigu, the king's servants whom the king sent — the king, my lord, has heard what they have done together.

    Now may the forces of the king, my lord, go with me, and may the king, bring me out ......

    P452649: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [a]-na _lugal en_-ia _arad#_-ka (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_mu_-_mesz_-te lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia (d)asz-szur (d)_pa u_ (d)_amar-utu_ a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia lik-ru-bu t,u-ub _sza_-bi t,u-ub _uzu_-[_mesz_] U a-ra-ku _ud_-mi a-na _lugal#_ [be-li-ia]

    li-qi-szu ki-i Asz-mu-u _lugal kur-nim-ma-ki_ mi-szi-id _u uru_-_mesz_ ma-a'-du-u-te la—pa-ni-szu it-ti-ik-ru um-ma ina _szu-2_-ka ul ni-il-lak ki-i szA Asz-mu-u a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia

    al-tap-ra _kur_—tam-tim szA ul-tu É (m)na-'i-id—(d)_amar-utu_ la Asz-bu _lu_-hab-tu-te u _lu_-mun-na-bi-tu szA a-na _lu_-gu-ra-sim-mu il-li-ku _un_-_mesz 05_-me szu-nu (m)(d)30—_tin_-su—iq-bi ki-i is,-ba-tu isz-qa-a-ti it-ta-di-szu-nu-ti a-na (m)na-ta-[nu]

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-bel-shumate. Good health to the king, my lord! May Ashur, Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! May they give happiness, physical well-being and a long life to the king, my lord!

    When I heard that the king of Elam had a bridle, and that many cities had not submitted to him, saying: "We will not go out of your hands." When I heard that I had written to the king, my lord,

    The Sealand, which I did not dwell in the house of Na'id-Marduk, is a bunch of people who went to Gurasimmu. They are 500 people. When Sin-balassu-iqbi took them and gave them to Natanu, he sent them to me.


    To the king, my lord: your servant Nabû-bel-shumati. Good health to the king, my lord! May Ashur, Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord. May they grant the king, my lord, happiness, physical well-being and the length of days.

    Having heard that the king of Elam had suffered a stroke and that several towns had revolted against him saying, "We will not remain your subjects," I wrote to the king, my lord, what I had heard.

    As to the Sealand, which has not been settled since the time of Na'id-Marduk – Sîn-balassu-iqbi has arrested the plundered refugees who had gone over to the Gurasimmu, 500 of them, has put them in handcuffs and given them to Natan, the king of the Thamudites, an enemy of the king, and has said to Natan: "... my daughter." Now through a pretext ... he is turning my house into Thamudite, ... ing the Sealand, servants of the king, my lord, and giving them to Natan. I have now written and informed the king, my lord. Laylê, the king of Bazu, is now in the presence of the king; let the king, my lord, ask him.



    (d)_pa_ [(d)]_amar#-utu dingir_-_mesz_-ka uk(*)#-ta-as-si-u _lu#_-[_kur_]-_mesz_(*)-ka(*)# ina [_ki_]-_ta_(*)# _gir-2_-_mesz_-ka is-sak-nu ma(*)-a(*)# [_kur-kur_]-_mesz_ gab-bu li-be-el _dumu_—_lugal#_ [01-en] _ta_(v) _sza arad_-_mesz_-szu a-na _lu-nam_-u-te(*)# szA _kur_(*)-_nim_(*)#-_ma_(*)-_ki_ lisz-kun _u 01_-en-ma [ina] _kur_(*)—tam(*)-tim(*)# lisz-ku-nu [(d)_en_(*)] u (d)_ag_(*)# [x x x] _kur#-nim-ma-ki_ [0] [ina] _ugu_(*)#-ka uh-tal-li-qu ma-a bi-si

    AI Translation

    Nabû and Marduk, your gods, have seized your enemies and placed them under your feet, saying: "Let all the lands rule over the crown prince." Let one of his servants be appointed governor of Elam, and let one of them be placed in the Sealand. Bel and Nabû have seized Elam on your behalf, saying:


    Nabû and Marduk, your gods, have tied your enemies and placed them under your feet saying: "May he rule all the lands!" Let him place a prince from amongst his servants to the governorship of Elam and let him place another in the Sealand! Bel and Nabû have destroyed Elam on your behalf saying: "Soon ......."



    [ki]-i ha#-an-nim-ma# [x x x x] [x x]-tu-szu ta-hal-liq# [x x] [a]-a(*)#-lu sza _arad_-_mesz_ szA _dumu_—_man#_

    AI Translation

    If it is agreeable to him, you shall destroy his ..., and ... the ... of the servants of the crown prince.


    In the same way ...... you will destroy his ..., and any time ... help of the crown prince's servants.



    im—mat(*)-e-ma# [x x x] _dingir_-_mesz_ x#+[x x]

    AI Translation

    ... the gods .


    ... the gods ......

    P452671: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    _im lu-gal_-_mesz_ szA (m)asz-szur—_du_—[A a-na x x x] sza a-na _sag_ ga-lal-_mesz_(*)# [x x x x x]

    mi-nu-u szu-u dib-bi-ku-nu an-nu-te [x x x x]

    [x] x# re-he-e-te _ta_(v)(*) _igi_(*)# [x x x]

    [x x x x x x]-liq-tim szA at [x x x x]

    [x x x x x x] x x x# [x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    A tablet of the magnates of Assurbanipal to ..., who ... to the head of the scouts.

    What is your words ...?

    ... remaining ... from .

    ...... the ...s of .



    A tablet of the magnates of Assurbanipal to the ..., who take care of the pebbles ......:

    What are these words of yours ...

    ... the leftovers from ...

    ... the loss that you ...

    ...... ... ......

    P452711: tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    _en2_ (mul)_sipa-zi#_-[_an-na_ ...]

    mu-na-pisz x# [...]

    ina _an_(e) [...]

    kam(*)#-su mah-ra-ka# [...]

    _dingir_-_mesz gal_-_mesz_ i-szal-lu#-[ka ...]

    ina# ba-li-ka (d)a-num _ad#_ [...]

    (d)+_en#-lil2_ ma-li#-[ku ...]

    (d)_iszkur_ gu2-gal _an#_[(e) ...]

    ina _du11-ga_-ka [...]

    szi#-si-ma it#-[ti-ka ...]

    li#-iz-zi-zu# [...]

    [a-na]-ku(?) _ir_(?)#-[ka ...]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: Orion .

    Who makes .

    In the heavens .

    . . . your face .

    The great gods are entrusted to you .

    Without you, Anu, father .

    Enlil, the judge .

    O Adad, canal inspector of the heavens, .

    By your command .

    'You are a ..., with you .

    May they stand .

    I am your servant .


    Incantation: O Orion . . .

    Who makes wide . . . . . .

    In the heavens . . .

    They are bowed down before you . . .

    The great gods inquire of you . . .

    Without you, Anu, the father . . .

    Enlil, the counsellor, . . .

    Adad, the canal inspector of the heavens, . . .

    According to your order . . .

    Call out, and with you . . .

    May they stand . . .

    I am your servant . . .

    P452718: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x x x x la]—_szesz_-u-a szu-u da#-[x x x x] [x x x x x] i-pu-szA-an-ni u ana-ku x# [x x]

    [ina _sza an-szar_ (d)]_amar#-utu dingir_-_mesz_-ia at-te-me [ki-i]

    [x x x x x] qaq#-qad-us-su (d)_utu_ ana _igi_(*)# [x x x]

    [x x x a(?)]-na# mu-sze a-na _szu-2_-ia [x x x x]

    [x x x x ina] _ugu#_-hi-szu it-tap-ha u ki-[i x x]

    [x x x x x] ina Asz-ri il-la-ku [x x x x]

    [x x x x]-ku(?)#-ti-isz-szu a-he-ep-[pi en-na a-du-u]

    [al-tap-rak-ku]-nu-szu ha-an-t,isz gab-ri szi#-[pir-ti-ia] [lu-mur ina _szu-2_(?)]-ia# ib-ba-szi za-[ku-ut-ku-nu(?)]

    AI Translation

    ... he is not my brother ... ... did for me, and I .

    I have heard that by Ashur and Marduk, my gods,

    ...... his area, Shamash in front of .

    ... to the future, to my hands .

    ...... has seized him and .

    ... goes to Assyria .

    ... ... we have ...ed him. Now then

    I am herewith sending to you a detailed report of my letter. May I see it in my hands. Your exemption is exempt.


    ...... this no-brother of mine has done ...... to me, and I ....

    I swear by Ashur and Marduk, my gods, that

    ... ... Shamash ... ...

    ... into my hands, before ...

    has lighted up on him. And if ...,

    ... in the place where he goes ...

    ... I shall break his ...... Now then

    I have written to you. Let me quickly see an answer to my letter! Your freedom is in my hands.

    P452730: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    u(*)# _mun_(*) ku-dim(*)-me(*)# [x x x x x x x x x x x]

    ma-a lu ih-ru-up lu il-lik-an-ni lu-u e-mur(*) szum-ma _di_-ma-a-nu ana-ku :(*) _lu_-u (erasure) sza _kur_-su _dingir_-_mesz_-szu _lugal_-u-tu-szu id-din-u-ni U kal-bu 01+en ni-ia#-ku sza(!) isz-szuk(!)-an-ni _di_-ma-a-nu szu-(u) : u(*) szA taq-bu-u-ni (sup- ras-)

    ma-a mi-i-nu e-pu-usz a-na _man kur_—_an-szar-ki_ u ki-i an(*)-ni-i e-pu-usz-an-ni

    _lu-lul-mu_ : szA ina _igi_-ka sze-bi-la x(?)# a mat : sak-ku-uk-ku-tu (m)(d)_pa_—_en_—_mu_-_mesz_ [x x] x# szu-u am—mar an-ni-i gab-bu

    AI Translation

    and salt and baked bricks .

    "He has been seized, he has come back." I have seen that I am a scion of his land, his gods, his kingship. And I am one of the few who has been sworn by the name of scion, and he is the scion whom you said.

    "What have they done for the king of Assyria? And what have they done for me?

    "Let me send the lulmu-demon who is in your presence ... a mat" = Shumma alu 49 unknown is the sakkukutu-demon of Nabû-bel-shumati. He is ..., all of it.


    and ... salt and cress ......

    "Should he have come to me first, he would have seen whether I am a peacemaker, the man being who gave him his land, his gods, and his kingship!" And is a fornicating dog, who bit me a peacemaker?

    As to what you said: "What have I done to the king of Assyria, that he should have treated me in this way?" —

    send me this traitor who is in your presence, the ... of idiocy, Nabû-bel-shumati ...! All this misfortune of yours is due to him; he is the cause of everything, and he brings it to you ....



    ina _ugu_ szA da(*)# [x x x x x x x x]

    u-sah-hi-ir [x x x x x x x x] x#

    gab-bu ta-at-x#+[x x x x x x x x x]

    ma-a isz—szi-a-ri [x x x x x x x x]

    ina pu-ut an-ni-i [x x x x x x x] na-szi#

    man-nu szu-u _numun_ [_lu_-u-ti an]-ni-u szA at-tu-nu ina _ugu_ x#+[x x x] x#-a-ni

    u-la-a (m)(d)_pa_—_szu-2_—s,a-bat sza _en_-szu [i-na] i-szA-a-ti ik-ru-ur-u-ni [x x x x x x ina] _igi_-ka iz-zi-zu-ni

    [x x x x x x x] di# ina É—_dingir_(*)#-_mesz_-szu

    [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    Concerning what .

    he has smashed .

    you ...... all .

    "he asked .

    in place of this .

    Who is this man who you are against ...?

    Or does Nabû-qati-shabat, whose lord has sinned against me, stand before you?

    ...... in his temple



    Concerning what ......

    has returned ......

    you have ...ed all ......

    "tomorrow ......

    in view of this ......

    Who is this human being whom you ... against ...?

    Alternatively, send me Nabû-qata-shabat who threw his lord into the fire and who ... has been staying in your presence

    ...... in the house of his lords


    P452731: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...]-lih# an-szar2# [...] (d)muati (d)papnun# [...] sza2 e2-kid-mu-ri [... (d)]masz# (d)u-gur (d)nusku [...] _egir#_-szu2-nu it-tal-la-ku-ma [...] _dingir#_-us-sun2 [...] u3# te-me-qi2 [...]-sa# sza2-pal-szun3 [...] ina# _sza3# ama_-ia [...]-in#-ni [...] it#-ru-s,u [...]-u2 [...]-ti#?

    AI Translation

    ... the god Ashur ... the gods Nabû, Papnunu, ... of the Ekishmuri temple ... the gods Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku ... behind them they went and ... their gods ... and wisdom ... their hearts ... within my mother ... ... they ... ... .

    Column 2


    sa#-pi#-in# [...] _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes#-[...]_ ni-siq#-ti# [...] a-na ma-a-a-al# [...] sza2-kan ha-sza2-di# [...] ina ka2-hi#-li#-[...]-tum# sza ku-uz-bu [...] ad#-di# _(gesz)na2 (gesz)esi_ is,-s,i#? [...] _husz#-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)marduk# _ra_-[...]-mesz_-ia aq-qisz# u2-na-at _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17#_ [...]-siq#-ti _uruda an-bar_ mim-ma szi-pir _e2#-[x]_ u2#-sze-pisz-ma qe2#-reb e2-sag-il2# [x x] _dingir#-mesz_ u2-kin e2#-sa-bad _e2_ (d)gu#-[...]-reb# babila2(ki) [x x] _usz8#?_-szu2 a-di# [...]-szak#-lil

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in Kahili...tum, which is called ... ... I gave ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to Marduk, my ... I ... ... ... silver, gold, ... ... ... ... I had made and in the Esagil ... the gods ... I established. Esabad, the temple of Gu... in Babylon, ... his life until .

    Column 3


    [x?] x [...] nap-szat-[...] a-na _(gesz#?)[szudun?]_-ia#? u2#?-[...] _dumu#?-munus#?_-su u3# [...] it-ti# man-da-at#-[...] a#-na# e#-pesz _(munus)agrig#_-u2#-[...] (disz)ia-a#-hi-mil-ki _dumu_-szu2 sza ma#-[...] isz-te#-nisz u2-sze-bi-la a#-[...] (disz)ia-ki#-in#-lu#-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad#-[...] sza a-na# _lugal#-mesz ad-mesz_-ia# [...] ik#-nu-sza2 [...] x x [...] [x x]-su# it#-ti# nu#-dun#-ne2#-e# [...] [...]-ti# a#-na# nina#(ki#) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... for my throne ... his daughter? and ... with the tribute ... to do a ... agrigu-priestess Iahi-Milki, his son who ... together with him sent ... Iakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad ... who to the kings, my ancestors, ... he established ... ... with the nudunnû-festival ... to Nineveh .

    P452732: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-su# [...]-bi#-i [...]-an? [... (d)]marduk-man-a-ni [...]-ga#-ri-ga [...]-tu-u2-bu# [...]-(disz#)un#-da#-si# [...] bu#-bi#-lu#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... Marduk-manani ...

    Column 2'


    [x]-ru#-[...] [x]-te-e-ma? [...] _nig2#-szu#-mesz nig2-[...]_ sza _lugal-mesz#_ [...] a-di _lugal-mesz#_ [...] u2-pah#-hi#-ru# [...] sza _(lu2)kur2_ [...] _szu-min_-su [...] u2-sze-s,a#-[...] _ku3-babbar-[...]_ sza2 _kur_ [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... possessions and property ... of the kings ... together with the kings ... they gathered ... of the enemy ... his hands ... he ... silver ... of the land ... .

    P452733: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] e#-mi3-is-[x] [...] (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] har#-ra-nu [...] sza# (iri)nina(ki) [...] (d#)nusku# [...]-pir#?

    AI Translation

    ... Emis... ... Elam ... the road ... of Nineveh ... Nusku .

    Column 2'


    im#-[...] ina me-tiq#? [...] _e2_ tuk#-[...] sza ki-ma# _bad3#_ [...] _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3#-[...] la# isz-'a-a-lu szu-lum# [...] _[x]-du#-mesz_-szu2-nu ak-kis _nundum#-[...]_ [x x?] x x x x x? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... in the ... of the house ... which like a wall ... the people living in ... did not inquire about the well-being ... their ... I cut off ... ... .

    P452738: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    x x# [x x x x x x x x x]

    _un_-_mesz_ szA a-na _arad_-_mesz_ [szA _lugal en_-ia] i-tu-ru-u-ni _dug_(*)-_mesz_-szu(*)-[nu x x] ih-tab-tu-u-ni _si_(*)-_mesz_(*)# szA [x x x]

    _udu_-_mesz_-szu-nu hab-tu# u(*) ir(*)-tag#-[mu]

    _lu-gal_—_sag_ it-tah-ru [szu-tu] e-gir-tu ina _ugu_ (m)_en_(*)—lu#—[_ti-la_] is-sap-ra ma-a(*)# sa-hi-ir [x x x] _udu_-_mesz_ a-na _arad_-_mesz_-ni di(*)-[ni] la im-ma-gu-ur la id(*)#-[di-na]

    id—da-at an-ni-i me-me-e-[ni] a-na _lugal_ be-li-ia la [iq-bi] ana-ku ki-i an-ni-i aq-t,i-[ba-szu-nu] mu-uk a-ta-a la te-bi-ra [_gir-2_-_mesz_ szA _lugal_]

    la ta-s,ab-ba-ta iq-ti#-[bu-u-ni] ma-a e-mu-qé-e-ni x#+[x x x]

    ana-ku _lu-a_—_kin_ x# a(*) x#+[x x x]

    (m)tam-ma-ri-ti ub(?)-x# [x x x x x]

    AI Translation


    The people who returned to the servants of the king, my lord, ...ed their ... vessels, and ...ed the horns of .

    their sheep have been slaughtered and snatched.

    The chief eunuch has received this letter from Bel-lu-balat. He wrote: "I have refunded ... and given the sheep to our servants." He did not agree, and did not give it.

    I said to them as follows: "Why did you not obey the king's feet?"

    "You should not be afraid!" They said: "Our forces .

    I ...... the messenger .

    Tammaritu .



    The people who became subjects of the king, my lord, stole the slaughtered sheep from me ......

    their stolen sheep ......

    they appealed to the chief eunuch. And he sent a letter to Belu-lu-balat, saying: "Give back ... and the sheep to our servants!" But he refused to give them back.

    After this, nobody said anything to the king, my lord, about the matter. I said to them as follows: "Why don't you cross the river?/mountain? and grasp the feet of the king?"

    They said to me: "Our troops ...."

    I, a messenger and ...

    Tammariti ......



    e-mu-qi it-[x x x x x x x]

    a-na _lu_-ra(*)-[x x x x x x x]

    e-mu-qi it-[x x x x x x x]

    it-tal-ku ma [x x x x x x x]

    e-tab-ru# (m)x#+[x x x x x x x x]

    la(*) [x x] ub# [x x x x x x x x] e(?) [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    troops ......

    to the ......

    troops ......

    came ......

    has made ......

    not ......


    troops ......

    to the ......

    troops ......

    they went ......

    and crossed. NN ...

    Rest too broken for translation

    P452742: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    a-na _lugal en_-ia _arad_-ka (m)tam-mar-_id_ lu-u _di_-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia dib-bi t,a-bu-tu szA _lugal en_-ia as-se-me ina _sza dingir_ u (d)_alad_ sza# _lugal_ ab-ta-lat, u-ma-a am—mar _lu-kur_-un-ni _lugal en_-ia ki-i an-ni-i

    lu#-ga-mir (d)_amar-utu_ [(d)_gaszan_(?)] (d)_ag_ (d)_nin-lil_ [(d)]_en#-lil_ pa-as-su-ur-tu [de-iq-tu lu]-pa-as-si-ir-u-ka

    [x x x x x x x x a-dan]-nisz

    AI Translation

    To the king, my lord: your servant Tammaritu. Good health to the king, my lord! I have heard good things about the king, my lord, and have been able to recover from the god and the bull of the king. Now, as much as the enemy of the king, my lord, knows, I am herewith sending him to the king, my lord.

    May Marduk, Beltiya, Nabû, Mullissu, and Enlil make your good deeds shine forth.

    ...... very


    To the king, my lord: your servant Tammaritu. Good health to the king, my lord! 4 I have heard the kind words of the king, my lord, and have recovered with the help of God and the king's genie. Now let me by the same token finish all the enemies of the king, my lord!

    May Marduk, Beltiya, Nabû, Mullissu and Enlil announce you good tidings,

    ...... very

    P452756: ritual tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) ? CDLI


    [tara-kas2 _na4 zu2]-ge6_ ina _dur siki ge6 e3_-[ak _siki ge6_] [tala-pap 4(disz) _(na4)igi#-mesz na4_ pa-re-e ina _szu#[-min gub3_-szu2] [tara-kas2 _na4_ ka]-pa#-s,a ina _dur siki sa5 e3_-[ak] [siki sa5_ tala]-pap _4(disz) (na4)igi-mesz 4(disz) (na4)pa#-[re-e] [ina _giri3-min 1(u)-5(disz)_-szu2 tara]-kas2 _na4 an-bar_ ina _dur# [siki za-gin3-na_]

    AI Translation

    You thread a black agate in a woolen sash, and you strew black wool. You thread 4 igimes of agate on his left hand. You thread 4 kapushu-stones in a woolen sash, and you strew black wool. You thread 4 igimes 4 agare-stones on his right foot. You thread an iron agate in a woolen sash,

    Stadhouders, Henry

    ... you tie. A bead of obsidian on a thread of black wool you string, in black wool you wind it. 4 eye-beads and 4 beads of parû to his left hand you tie. A bead of kapashu on a thread of red wool you string, in red wool you wind it. 4 eye-beads and 4 beads of parû to his right foot you tie. A bead of iron ore on a thread of blue wool ...

    P452777: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [_im_ (m)_an-szar_—_du_—_a lugal_] _kur#_—_an-szar-ki_ [a-na (m)(d)15—du-ri _lugal kur_]-_uri dumu_-szu

    [_di_-mu a-na É]-_gal_-ia# _u kur_—asz-szur-_ki_ gab-bu [lu-u _di_-mu a-na] É-_gal_-ka u _kur_-ka

    [x x x x] _ta#_ bé-et _dingir_

    [x x x x] szA id-din-ak-kan-ni

    [x x x] x# _mun_ tu-ba-'u-u-ni

    [x x x u]-szA#-mu-ka-a-ni

    [x x x] x# ah-du-u(*)#

    [x x x x] _u en_—_mun_ [x x x] [x x x x] ni-il-[x x x x] [x x x x]-an-ni as#-[x x x x] [x x x x] a-si-x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    A tablet of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, to Issar-duri, king of Akkad, his son.

    All the best to my palace and Assyria! Good health to your palace and your land!

    ...... from the god

    ...... which he gave to you

    ...... you have smeared

    ... they will make you

    ...... I have ...ed

    ... and good ... we .


    A tablet of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, to Sarduri, king of Urartu, his son.

    My palace and the whole of Assyria are well; may your palace and your country be well.

    ... ever since God

    ...... which he gave to you

    ...... you have sought my goodness

    ...... listen to you

    ...... rejoiced ...

    ...... friend ...

    P452780: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-na _uru_-ki-sik-a-a

    ina _ugu_ (m)(d)30—_lugal_—_pab_ sza tasz-pur-a-nin-ni _ta_(v) ma-as,-s,i-in(!) _a-kal_-_mesz_-szu ma-a'-du-u-ni u _ta_(v) _igi_-ku-nu ha(*)-rid(*)#-du-u-ni a-ta-a in-qu-ta ina _igi_-ia an-nu-ri ina _igi_-ia szu-u [x x] x#

    U ina _ugu_ x#+[x x x x]

    szA _id_-har-ri# [x x x]

    ina _igi_-ia a-[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    to Kisik.

    Concerning Sin-sharru-ushur about whom you wrote, he has many troops and has been a rogue in your presence. Why has he been rogue in my presence? Now he is rogue in my presence.

    and concerning .

    of the Harru canal .

    in my presence .


    To the Kissikeans:

    Concerning Sîn-sharra-ushur about whom you wrote to me, if his troops had indeed been so numerous and if he had indeed been alerted because of you, why would he have fled into my presence? Now then, he is in my presence. ...

    And as to ...

    of the canal ...

    in my presence ...



    [x x x] x _ta_(v)# [x x x]

    [x x] u szu-u x#+[x x x]

    [ina _kur_—tam]-tim(?)# es-ru szu(*)#-[u-tu]

    at#-tu-nu(*) ina(*) _ugu_(*) mi(*)#-i-ni pal-ha-ku-nu dul-la#-ku-nu

    AI Translation

    ... from ...

    ... and he ...

    he has entered the Sealand.

    Why do you fear you and do your work?


    ...... from/with ...

    ... and he ...

    DN-ahu-leshir ...

    Why are you afraid? Do your ... as you wish.

    P452784: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-mat _lugal_ a-na (m)za-kir (m)kab-ti-ia _di_-mu a-a-szi _sza_-ba-ku-nu lu-u _dug-ga_-ku-nu

    ina _ugu_ [_lu_]-_gu-du8-a-ki_-_mesz lu_(*)-sze(*)#-[lap-a-a] szA ina _uru_-szur-mir-ra-te s,u-du(*)-u(*)# [sza tasz]-pur(*)-an-ni re-es-su ma-[la(?) il-lik(?)]-u#-ni _arad_-_mesz_ szA ina É(?)—_dingir_(?)#-_mesz_ sza ina _gu-du8-a-ki_ (m(?))x x# u-sze-[ri]-ib(*)# um-ma _dumu_-szu szA (m)za-kir x# [x x]

    _lu_-sze-lap(*)-a(*)#-[a x x x x x] [x] x# [x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    The king's word to Zakir and Kabtiya: I am well; you can be glad.

    As to the Kuthaeans and the shangû-priests who are in Shurmirrate, about whom you wrote, as many as have gone, NN sent the servants who were in the temples in Kutha, saying: "The son of Zakir .

    the Shelapeans .


    The king's word to Zakir and Kabtiya: I am well, you can be glad.

    Concerning the Cuthaeans and the architect who receive provisions in Samarra, whom you wrote me about, originally all who went there were servants whom NN introduced in the temple of Cutha, saying: "The son of Zakir ...

    the architect ......"



    04 _arad_-_mesz#_ [x x x x x x]

    lu-zi-zi(*)# [x x x x x x]

    la ta-pal-la-ha [x x x x] la ta-szil-la-ma(*)# 0(*)

    _iti-dul ud 05_-_kam_ lim-mu (m)asz-szur—_bad_—_pab_

    AI Translation

    4 servants .

    let me stand .

    Do not be afraid ..., do not be afraid!

    Month Tishri VII, 5th day, eponym year of Ashur-duru-ushur.


    4 servants .......

    I will divide .......

    Fear not, and don't be negligent ...!

    Month of Tishri VII, 5th day, eponym year of Ashur-duru-ushur.

    P452805: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-bat _lugal_ a-na# (m)(d)_pa_—_gal_-szi

    ina [_ugu_] _lu_-É—(m)a-muk-a-na-a-a szA [_kin_-an]-ni _sig5_ É te-pu-szu-ni ra(*)#-['i(*)]-i-mu szA _en_-_mesz_-szu ki-[i] ha#-an-ni-i _du_-Asz É ina pa-ni har-du-u-te il-lak-Asz-szu-un-ni ina _igi_ har-du-u-te _du_-Asz É ina pi-i _dug-ga_ il-lak-[Asz-szu-un-ni]

    ina pi-i# _dug-ga du_-Asz ina _ugu#_ [x] [x x x x]-ni(*)# szA _kin_-an-ni [x x] [_sig5_ sza tah]-su-sa-an-ni# [x x x]-an(*)#-ni ki-i szA [x x x]

    [x x x] pa _ku_-_mesz_ ni [x x x]

    [x x x] ma(*)#-a _ta_(v) É(*)# [x x x x] [x x x x x x]+x#+[x x]

    AI Translation

    The king's word to Nabû-ushabshi:

    Concerning the Bit-Amukani about whom you wrote, the house which you built is a good house. The lords of his are happy. They go before the hardutu and go before the hardutu. They go before the hardutu and go by the good mouth.

    Concerning ... about which I wrote to you, ... is good, which you have sinned against me. ... as .

    ... "from the house .


    The king's word to Nabû-ushabshi:

    Concerning the Bit-Amukaneans about whom you wrote, what you did is excellent. A person who loves his lords acts in this way! Where his objective can be reached with a studied face, he achieves it with a studied face; where it can be reached with friendly words, he achieves it with friendly words.

    As to the ...... about which you wrote, it its good that you reminded me .... Just as ...

    ... they eat ...

    ... from/with ...



    x#+[x x x] ki ub-bal-x#+[x x] ki(?)#

    szu-mu szA (d)+_en_ ina _ugu#_-[hi] zuk-ra id—da-a-ti# ina _igi dingir_-_mesz_-ni qar-ri-ba

    AI Translation

    ... he will ...

    The name of Bel is written upon it. It is said before the gods.


    ... bring ...,

    pronounce the name of Bel upon them, and then present them to the gods.

    P452830: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x [...] x

    AI Translation

    Column 2'


    ina tu#-[...] _en-mesz#-[...]_ szal-mesz# [...] _sag-du_ (disz#)[...] ina _gu2_ (disz)[...] it-ti ki-szit-[...] sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2# ik#-[...] it-ti _(lu2)nar#-[...]_ a-na nina(ki) e#-[...] (disz)um-ba-da-ra#-[...] _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza# [...] [x] (kur#?)elam#?-ma#?[(ki?) ...]

    AI Translation

    By ... the lords ... half ... the head of ... on the neck of ... with the ... who by the command of Ashur ... with the singer ... to Nineveh he went. Umbadara... the emissaries of ... the land Elam .

    P452833: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x x [...] [x x]-ub# _iri_ szu-[x x] [x]-ter# ra-ma-[x x] [x x] _ug3#-mesz kur_ asz-szur sza2 qe2-reb# [...] _[x]-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-[x x] [...]-szur#-pap-asz _man kur_ asz#-szur# [...] [x]-na# _lugal_-ti# [...] [x x] da#-a#-ki# [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the city ... ... the people of Assyria who are inside ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kingship ...

    Column 2'


    [...] x [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    P452852: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-rat#-kid#-mu-ri [...] x masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku [...]-us#-su-ma [...] _kur#_ an#-szar2(ki) [...]-szad# _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia [...] _nin#-lil2_ [...]-ia#?

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the gods Nergal and Nusku ... ... and ... Assyria ... my enemies ... Ninlil ... my .

    P452858: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x x x] ma#-s,ar-tu sza# [x x x x]

    [x x x] x# _lugal_ be-li [x x x x]

    [x x x] x# a-na _sza_-bi [x x x]

    [x x x] is#-si-szu-nu it-ti-ti#-[iz]

    [x x x] x# _en_—da-ba-bi-ia [0]

    [x x x]-qu u-ma-a :- a-ta-[a]

    [x x _ta_(v)] (m)in-da-bi-bi iz-zi(*)#-[iz]

    [x x dib]-bi-ia am-mu-[te x x]

    [x x x]-ru _ta_(v) an-[na-ka] [x x x] x#-ti x#+[x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... the watch of .

    ... the king, my lord .

    ... there ...

    ... stood with them

    ... my adversary

    ... Now why

    ... stood with Indabi

    ... those words of mine .

    ... from here .


    ... the watch of ...

    ... the king, my lord, ...

    ... into ...

    ... sided with them

    ... my legal adversary

    ... Now why did

    ... side with Indabibi?

    ... those words of mine ...

    ... from here

    P452860: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] [...] ina _i3-gesz hi-hi szesz2#_ [...] [...] x s,u sab s,u _mu-ni_ sah-le2#-[e ...] [... ina _(uruda)]szen#-tur_ tara-bak ina _kusz-edin sur_-ri# [...] [...] sag# sza3_-szu2 _gu7_-szu2 na-asz2-mu-szu _dugud_ [...] [...] esz#? x [x x] x an#? [x x] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... in oil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in a small vessel you pound a twig in a leather bag ... ... his heart sighs, his mood is heavy ...

    P452887: royal-ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    il-lu-ku# x [x x x x x _mi-asz-qar_]

    i-qa-al#-[lu x x x x x]

    _ud# 16_-_kam_ szA ba-a-di i-szA-[tu x x] ina É—asz-szur u-szA-[hu-zu x x x x]

    ka-nu-nu ina pa-an (d)asz-szur i#-[x x]

    01 _udu-nita_ ina _ugu_ ka-nu-ni [x x x x]

    (d)_ga-ga_ u-s,a-a ina x [x x x x x]

    ina _igi_ ka-nu-ni [x x x x x x x x]

    ka-nu-nu ina _igi_ (d)asz-szur# [x x x x]

    zi-iq-tu ina [x x x x x x x x]

    _un_-_mesz kur_ x [x x x x x x x x]

    _gisz-na# gar_-an [x x x x x x x x] [x x]-bu u#-[x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    they go ...... the female kid

    they will take .

    The 16th day, when the ... is gathered, they will gather in the House of Ashur .

    They ... the kanunu-offerings before Ashur.

    1 male sheep on the kununu-vessel ...;

    Kakka comes out and .

    before the door .

    a kanutu-vessel before Ashur .

    a ziggurat in .

    the people of the land .

    You place a bed .


    They go ......

    They burn a female kid .......

    On the 16th day, at night, they light ... a fire in the the House of Ashur ....

    They start the brazier before Ashur.

    ...... one ram on the brazier.

    Kakka comes out ......

    ...... before the brazier

    ... the brazier before Ashur

    ... the torch in ...

    The people of the country ......

    He prepares the bed ......

    P452888: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] ina _u4 szu2_-ma [...] [...] x sza2 _sza3_-szu2 u2 hu#? [...] [...] ana 3(disz) _u4_-me _gig_ ˹x˺ [...] [... u2?]-nak-kar-szi-ma [...] [...] me hu-lu-uq-qu-u [...] [...] x ra-ma-ni [...] [...] _nu# te_-e ina _a_ u _kasz_ tu# [...] [...] x du _ta sza3 gu-du#_ [...] [...] szum4#-ma _usz bad-bad_ x [...] [...] x sza _szesz2_ [...] [...] x _tuku_-szi# [...] [...] x _e3_ [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... on the day of his disappearance and ... ... ... his heart and ... ... for 3 days ... illness ... he afflicted her and ... ... a huluqu-disease ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... from the gudu-vessel ... if he is a wolf ...

    P452899: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    ana# di-[...]

    da3#-li2-[li2-ka ...]

    _ka_-_inim#_-[_ma_ ...]

    _du3-du3_-[_bi_ ...]

    _en2_ szur#-[bu-u ...]

    u3# ma-[...]

    x(?)# [...]

    AI Translation

    to . . .

    Your praises .

    It is the wording of .

    Its ritual: .

    Incantation: O most exalted .

    and . . . . .

    King, Leonard W.

    for . . .

    Your praises . . .

    . . . the wording of . . .

    Its ritual . . .

    Incantation: O most high . . .

    And . . .

    . . .

    P452901: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x x x x]-gi i-qab-bu#-[nisz-szu]

    [x x] x# szA _un_-_mesz_ e-ta-[x x]

    [x x] us-sa-an-ni# 0(*)

    [x x] e-te-li ina _ugu_ ta-[qa-ni]

    [szA] _kur-nim-ma-ki_ la szA (m)ia-[x]

    [x x] :- (erasure) e-gir-tu as-sap-ra#

    [a]-na(*)# _lugal_ us-se-bil

    [tak(?)]-lak ina _igi lugal_ kab-du :- at-ta 0(*)

    [szu-u is]-si-ka im-mal-lik

    [x x] x#-ka i-szam-me [x x x x x] e#-ta-ka [x x x x x x] lil#-lik [x x x x x x] x#-bu [x x x x x x x x]

    AI Translation

    ... they say to him

    ... of the people .

    ... he has sworn by the name of the king.

    ... has gone up to the quay

    Not of Elam, not of Ya.

    ... ditto I sent a letter

    I have sent it to the king.

    You are a strong one in the presence of the king.

    He has come with you.

    ... will listen to your .


    A ... called

    has ...ed the ... of the people,

    has ...ed ......

    has gone up .... About ...

    ... Elam is not of Ya...

    ... I sent a letter

    ... of the king brought

    ... are planned in the king's presence; you

    ... is taking counsel with you

    ...... hears



    [x x x x x x x] _ugu_-ni

    [x x x x x] x _arad#_-ia

    [x x x x] (d)_amar-utu_ e-tap-Asz at-tu-rid ina _kur-nim-ma-ki_

    [a-na] _kur-nim-ma-ki_ ta-qa-an-nu [(m)am]-man#-ap-pi Ar-hisz sze-bi-la [_u di_]-mu-ka Ar-hisz la-Asz-me

    [_iti_]-_sze# ud 27_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    ...... upon us

    ...... my servant

    I did the ... of the god Marduk. I went down to Elam.

    Ammanappi, quickly send me word so I can hear your good fortune!

    Month Adar XII, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.


    ...... against us

    ...... my servant

    ... through the act of Marduk I have descended into Elam.

    To keep Elam in order quickly send me Ammanappi and let me quickly hear of your health.

    Month of Adar XII, 27th day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahheshu 646.

    P452907: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-qis-su# [...] a#-na kit-ri-szu2 it-ti-szu2 asz2-pur [...] _lugal_-u-ti ip-qi2-du-usz# [...]-ter-szu [...]-ha#-ri-ba _ad_-qid [...]-tir#-ma e-pu-us-su [...] in#-nab-tu2 [...]-ma#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... I sent with him ... kingship he appointed ... ... ... ... ... ... and did ... ... ... and

    Column 2'


    (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza _nina#_ [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza# (iri#)limmu2-dingir (d)[...] qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru#-ub-ma# [...] _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan#-nu-ti [...] sza ni-i-ba [...] a-di qe2-reb (iri#)i-zir-[...] ap#-pul aq-qur [...] _ug3-mesz ansze#-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz_ [...] ul-tu qe2#-reb _iri-mesz_ [...] u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal#-[...] (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak [...] [x]-masz-szir (iri)i-zir#-[...] [x x] (iri)isz-ta#-at#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ishtar of Mannea, entered and ... his fortified cities ... which we called ... as far as Izir... I destroyed, devastated, and burned ... people, horses, donkeys ... from the cities ... I brought out and ... Ahsheri went ... ... Izir... Ishtat.

    P452908: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-bu-[...] [...]-ru#-ub# _ug3#-mesz_-szu2 as-[...] [...]-gu-nu mu-nar-[x x] [...]-ia# ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i isz#-[...] [...] _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-ha [...] [x x] _gu4#-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a ansze-[...]_ _[x]-kunga#-mesz_ ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li asz2#-[...] (iri#)[x]-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 ap-[...] [x] _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, (disz)um-man-i-gasz# [...] e#-pu-szu2-usz qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki#) [...] [x] a#-de-ia la is,-s,u-ru# [...] [x] nak#-ri isz-ku-nu pi#-[...]

    [...]-tu [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... his people I ... ... ... ... ... with a ... he ... with iron ... ... oxen and sheep and goats, donkeys, ... ... from the land Gambulu I ... ... the city ...pi-Bel, the city with his support ... ... water he poured out. Ummanigash ... did ... in the land Elam ... my treaty he did not keep safe ... ... they established ... .

    P452910: omen tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [_disz lugal ki-|_kal_xBAD|_-su u2-pah-hi-ir-ma ana _kur kur2_-szu2 har-ra-na _dab_-ma _du_-ak] [_sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma _ta 1(u)-5(disz) lugal_ ana _2(disz) 3(u) lugal dib_-iq] [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma _ta 2(disz) 3(u) lugal_ ana _1(u)-5(disz) lugal dib_-iq] [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma bu-ur-szu2 _il2_-ma ana _igi lugal du_]-ak#

    [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma ana _gaba lugal du_-ak-ma] is#-suk [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma ana _egir lugal_] is#-suk [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma _ki lugal] nigin_-a [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma bu-'ur-szu2 ina _ka_-szu2 ur]-ru#-ur#-ma ana _igi lugal_ i-szu-u'

    [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ bu-u'-u2-ra _du3_-usz-ma bu-'ur-szu2 ina _ka_-szu2]-_il2_ma ana _igi# [lugal_] i-szu-u' [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ u _uga(muszen)_ ana _igi lugal_ s,al-ta _du3-mesz_-ma] _sur2#-du3(muszen) uga(muszen)_ i-duk [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ u _uga(muszen)_ ana _igi lugal_ s,al-ta _du3-mesz_-ma] _uga(muszen) sur2#-du3(muszen)_ i-duk [_disz ki-min_-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ u _uga(muszen)_ ...] is,-s,a-nun-du is,-s,a-na-bu-ru u _gu3-de2-mesz_

    [_disz ki-min_-ma ...]-mesz_ [_disz ki-min_-ma ...]-ma i-szu-u' [_disz ki-min_-ma ...] ana _igi lugal_ i-szu-u' [...] [_disz ki-min_-ma ...] ana# _igi# lugal_ i-szu-u'-ma [...]-ma is-si [_disz ki-min_-ma ...]-ma# is-si [_disz ki-min_-ma ...-ma] is-si [_disz ki-min_-ma ...-ma] is-si [_disz ki-min_-ma ...] _szub_-di [_disz ki-min_-ma ...] isz-tin [_disz ki-min_-ma ... ina szi]-si-ti _gu3-de2-mesz_ [_disz ki-min_-ma ...] _gu3-de2-mesz_ [...]-ni-ma

    AI Translation

    If a king's foes are scattered and he takes the road to another country and goes. A fox makes a nest and from 15 kings to 2 30 kings passes. If ditto, a fox makes a nest and from 20 kings to 15 kings passes. If ditto, a fox makes a nest and his horns are rolled and goes to the king.

    Ditto, and a falcon made a nest and went to the front of the king and received the payment. Ditto, and a falcon made a nest and received the payment behind the king. Ditto, and a falcon made a nest and received the payment with the king. Ditto, and a falcon made a nest and received his meal at his gate and he sat before the king.

    If ditto, and a falcon is bred and his pigeon is bred and he slays in the gate of the king. If ditto, and a falcon is bred in the king's presence and a falcon is killed. If ditto, and a falcon is bred in the king's presence and a falcon is killed. If ditto, and a falcon is bred in the king's presence and a falcon is killed. If ditto, and a falcon is ... they are snared and they are snared.

    Ditto, so that ... ... Ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die before the king; ditto, so that ... he will die before the king; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto, so that ... he will die; ditto ...

    P452929: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...]-tu#? [...]-uz# [...]-ru#-u-ti [...]-it,#

    AI Translation

    Column 2


    u4-mu# [...] (lu2)rak-bu#-[...] (lu2)gi-mir#-[...] u3 at-tu#-[...] ina tukul-ti [...] ina (gesz)s,i-is,-[...] it#-ti ta-mar#-[...] i-na szal-szi ger#-[...] _lugal#_ (kur)man-na-[...] [x] qi2#-bit# an-szar2 (d)[...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    On the day ... the rakbu-priest, the ...-priest, and you ... with support ... with a ...-shrine, with you ... on the other side of the river ... the king of Mannea ... by the command of Ashur and the god ... .

    P452937: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-a#-nu u2-szak-[...] [x] li-i-ti da-na-[...] qe2#-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e#-[...] ina# ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza# [...] pa#-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2#-[...] (iri#)ga#-tu-du (iri)[...] [...]-i'# (iri#)bad3#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... he made ... mighty ... inside the land Elam ... on my return from ... before my bow ... the cities Gatudu, ..., ...i', and Dur.

    P452938: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...]-ia# asz2-[x] [...] (lu2)kit-kit-tu#-[x] [...] (kur)elam-ma(ki#) [...] u2#-rad-di [...] _dingir#-mesz_-ia _[...]-mesz#_-ia [...]-iz#?

    AI Translation

    ... my ... ... the kitkittu-demon ... the land Elam ... I added ... my gods ... my .

    Column 2'


    ni#-[...] ih#-[...] ina tukul#-[...] (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) [...] (disz#)na-at-[...] [x] (disz#)u2#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... he ... with the support of ... Ishtar ... Ishtar ... Nat-... U-.

    P452943: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] a-na szim#-[x] [...]-ni#-ba-a'-al [...]-lu#-nim-ma [...]-qu# _giri3#-min_-ia [...]-ma [...]-szu2 [...]-bisz#

    AI Translation

    ... to ... ... ... ... ... and ... my feet ... and ... his .

    Column 2'


    _un#?-mesz#?_ [...] ul-tu qe2#-[...] (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en# [...] (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza#? [...] qe2-reb (kur)elam#-[...] sza a-de-ia#? [...] it#-ti (disz)(d#)gesz#-[...] (disz)tam#-ma#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... people ... from the city Sha-pi-Bel ... Ummanigash Humban-nikash II who ... in the land Elam ... who ... my treaty ... with Gesh-... Tamma-.

    P452945: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x x]-ti# _lugal#-[...]_ szu#-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2#-[...] a#-na e-pesz _ARAD_-u2#-ti#-ia# [...] im#-qu-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-[...] [x] me#-ti-iq ger-ri-ia# [...] [...]-u2#-ti# _e2#_ tuk#-la-a-ti# [...] [...] (kur#)elam-[...] [...] sza# la# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... they, his people ... to do obeisance to me ... fell and seized ... the course of my campaign ... ... the house of trust ... Elam ... which did not .

    P452953: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _du10-ga_ ih-ti#-x x [x] x [...] _ban#? ni# ki#?_ [...] [...]-u2#-tu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ pit-lu-ha-ku asz2#-ra#-te#-szu2-nu asz2-te-'u-u2 u2-sal-lu-u2 _en_-us#-[...] [...]-da#?-a-a i-zi-zu-ma u2-sa-at dum-qi2 e-pu-szu-u2#-ni# ke#-mu#-u2#-a i-tap-pa-lu i-na-ru a-a-bi-ia# [...] [...] _kur2#-mesz_-ia ik-mu-u2 a-a-ab# _kur_ asz-szur#(ki#) la# ma#-gi#-ru-ti _lugal#_-ti-ia is,-bu-tu4# [...] [...] x x _im-mesz_ ti-bu-ti-ia u2-szab-bi-ru kab-[...]

    [x] _sag#? lugal#_-u2-ti-ia ina mah-re-e# _bala_-ia sza ina _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-u2-ti [...] [...]-an# ma-ha-zi szuk-lul esz-re#-e-ti _bad3-mesz_ da#-ad2#-me _kur_ asz-szur#(ki#) [...] [...] x-e-ri ka-a#-a-an usz#-ta#-da-na# [...] [x x] _gal#-mesz_ sza2 ap-tal-la-hu-szu2-nu-ti _dingir_-us-su-nu [...] [x x] en#-ne2-ti-ia de-e-ni i-pu-szu-ma# _ugu edin#_ [...] [...] x-in#-ni [...] [...]-reb# _(im#)mar-tu#_ sza# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... good ... ... ... ... ... ... the great gods, I prayed to their ..., I prayed to their ..., I prayed to their lord, ... ... ... he stood and he sat the good things they had done, they prayed to me, they smote my enemies, ... my enemies he captured, the people of Assyria, who were not submissive to my royal majesty, ...

    ... my kingship in my first regnal year, who in my royal throne ... ... cult centers, the completeness of the shrines, the walls, the settlements of Assyria ... ... constantly he imposed ... great ... whose divinity I constantly revered ... my lordly ... he imposed a judgment upon the steppe ... ... ... the west wind which .

    P452956: scientific tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] _ma_ [...] _ga#_ [...] _nam#_ [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Column 2


    [...] x x [...] _i3_ ina [...] x s,u [...] _szur#-min3_ [... x]-su [...] gesz-szu [...] ma [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] ia#-szi# _a2# hul#_ [x x x] [...] ia#-szi lu-u# [x x x] [...] 7(disz)-szu2 _du11-ga#_-[ma x x] [...] _bur2-ru-da_ [... _1(u)] 5(disz)# sze# (u2)igi_-lim 1(u) 5(disz) _sze_ (u2)[x x] [...] x x [...] isz ina 1/3(disz) _sila3_ [x x] [x x x] _4(disz)#? gin2 i3-gesz zag-du8#_ [x x x x x x] _igi# (d#)utu# du11#-[ga]_

    ia it,-hu-ni ia# is#-[ni-qu-ni] ia# ik-szu-du#-[ni]

  • 7(disz)-szu2 _du11-ga_-ma _zi#-[ku5]-ru#-da bur2-ru-[da_ x]
  • _DISZ ki-min 1(u) 5(disz) _sze (u2)sikil# [igi] 5(disz)#-gal2-la (u2)in-nu#-[usz]_

  • 1(u) 5(disz) _sze (u2)a-[zal-la2] 2(u) sze_ (u2)a-ta-i#-[szu]
  • 2(disz) _gin2 lal3-kur-ra_ ina _szurun# [(d)sze]-risz# u3 5(disz) _gin2 gesztin_ [x x]
  • _hi-hi_ ina _igi (d)utu nag_-szu (d#)[utu_ nu]-ur2#? kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-ti3 at-ta e-pisz _usz11_ ra-[si?-bu?]-ti a-ra-an-szu2 lisz-szi ar-da-na-an-szu2# li-iz-bil

  • 7(disz)-szu2 _du11-ga_-ma _[zi-ku5]-ru#-da bur2-ru-da-kam_
  • bu#-ul-t,i an-nu-ti# isz-tu _(iti)bara2-zag-gar_ [ud]-da#-ki-szu a-di _(iti)sze-kin-ku5 ud-da-ki-szu2 [in-ne2]-pesz# ina _u4_ ri-qi2 ul in-ne2-pesz _[(iti)sze-kin-ku5 2(disz)]-kam#-ma _(iti)kin-(d)inanna 2(disz)-kam-ma_ [...] _(iti)bara2 (iti)kin (iti)sze-kin-ku5#_ [... i?-nu?]-ma#? te#-ep#-pu#-[szu]

    AI Translation

    ... ... oil in ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 times you say and ... ... a libation bowl ... 15 grains of emulsu-plant, 15 grains of ...-plant ... ... in 1/3 qû ... 4? shekels of oil of a zagdu-vessel ... before Shamash

    They have seized me, they have seized me, they have seized me.

  • You speak seven times and the ziggurat, the gurat, .
  • Ditto; 15 grains of sikillu-plant, 5 panu of ninû-plant;

  • 15 grains of azallû-plant, 20 grains of ata'ishu-plant,
  • 2 shekels of lard, in the lap of Sherish and 5 shekels of wine ...;
  • You drink a libation before Shamash. Shamash, you are the light of the totality of heaven and earth. May the great evil of his apprehension be carried off. May his apprehension be carried off.

  • You speak seven times and the ziggurat is the gurat.
  • These are the expenses from month I: "Barazgar," until month XII: "It is time to do it," they are to be performed on the day of the festival.

    Column 1


    [... _(d)nam]-tar# lem-nu sza2 ana _ku5#_ [...] [x x x] isz#-szu-tu2 it,-ru-da# la#-bi-ru#-ti# [bul]-li#-t,a-ni-ma da3-li2-li2-ka lud-lul _[ka]-inim#-ma_ szum4-ma _lu2_ ina _igi (mul)gag-si-sa2 zi-ku5-ru-da du3_-su _du3-du3-bi_ ina _igi (mul)gag-si-sa2 ur3 sar a ku3 su3_ _nig2-na (szim)li_ ina _ne (gesz)kiszi16_ ta-szar2-raq _kasz-sag bal_-qi2 tusz-ken szid-di _gid2_-ad _zi3-dub-dub szub-szub_-di _na bi nig2-na gi-izi-la2_ _a-gub2-ba_ tul2-lal-ma ina bi-rit szid-di

    ina _ugu u2 (gesz)kiri6 gub_-su-ma _szu-min_-su _il2_-szi _szid_-tu2 an-ni-tu2 3(disz)-szu2 _szid_-nu e-ma _szid_-nu-u2 usz-ke-en u mim-ma ma-la _sza3_-szu2 _dab_-tu4 i-dab-bu-ub#-ma ki-mil#-ti# _dingir_ u _(d)1(u) 5(disz) du8_-su kisz-pu ep-szu2-szu2# _bur2#-mesz_ _DISZ lu2 sza3_-szu2 _dab#-[dab]_su# _mud2_ ina _giri17_-szu2 _du_-ku _uzu-min_-szu2 i-kas,3-s,a-s,u2#-szu2 _zi-ku5-ru-da (gesz)sag-kul du3_-su ana _kar_-szu2 (u2)tar-musz (u2)im-hur-lim (u2)im-hur-asz-ra _(u2)kur-kur (u2)har-har_

    _suhusz (gesz)nam-tal nita (u2)eme ur-gi7_ _tesz2-bi_ ta-sak3 ina _kasz-sag hi-hi_ ina _mul4_ tusz-bat [ina] sze-er-ti ana _igi man nag_-szu-ma _szurun_ sze-ri-isz [x x x] x ina _i3 (gesz)szur-min3 szesz2_-su [(d)e2-a] _du3#_-usz (d)e2-a ip-szur# [(d)e2-a ir]-ku#-us (d)e2-a _du8 du11#-du11#_ _[ku3-babbar ku3-sig17] uruda an-na_ ina _gu2_-szu2 _gar_-an-ma _[ti]_-ut,# _zi-ku5-ru-da_ ana _lu2 nu te_-e _sag-du kur-gi#(muszen#)_ u3 _(u2)igi_-lim tu-bal _tesz2-bi_ ta-pa-a-as,

    ina _i3-sag hi-hi_ ka-a-a-ma-na _szesz2-szesz2_-su-ma _zi-ku5-ru-da nu te_ u _na bi nam-ab-ba_ i-sze-eb-bi ana _ki-min sag_ u2-ru-bal-li(muszen) u2-bur-ta(muszen) tu-bal _tesz2-bi_ ta-pa-a-as, ina _i3-gesz (gesz)szur-min3 hi-hi_ ka-a-a-ma-an _szesz2-szesz2_-su-ma _zi-ku5-ru-da nu te_-szu2 u _na bi u4_-me u2 he-pi2

    AI Translation

    ... Namtar, the evil one who to cut ... ..., he has smashed the old ones. May he restore me and may I sing your praises.

    You stand him on the plant of the orchard and his hands lift up his hands. This three times you recite this recitation. When you recite this recitation, and whatever his heart desires he speaks, and the guilt of god and goddess he has overcome, his supplications are recited, his rites are performed, he is stricken with a swollen heart. Disregard that a man has stricken his heart, he is stricken with blood on his feet, he is stricken with a scepter, he is stricken with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with a scepter, he is smashed with

    You put the base of the sceptre of a male ewe, a dog's tongue, and you libate it. You drink it in the morning before the king and you recite the incantation 'He is a lion'. You libate it in the morning. You ... in oil of cypress. Ea goes and prays to Ea. Ea smite him. You put silver, gold, and copper on his neck and he dies. You do not approach a man. You take the head of a kurgi and igilim-plant. You perform the incantation 'He is a lion'.

    In the oil of the 'increment', you mix it constantly, his brother does not approach the rites, and that man a stag will eat it. On the other hand, you smear the head of the uburtu-bird and the uburtu-bird. You recite the incantation. You mix it with oil of the cypress, and that brother does not approach the rites, and that man a day of rain and a stag.

    Column 2


    [...] tak#?-lum [... isz-ru]-ku#-usz# [... t,up-szar-ru]-ti# [... li-hal-li]-qu#

    AI Translation

    ... ... he established ... scribal art ... may he make perfect .

    P452965: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P452968: legal tablet

    ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) e2 ka2? sag-bi 8(disz@t) kusz3 us2-bi 1(asz@c) 1/2(disz@c) 2(asz@c) ig gesz sal-la e2 ur-(d)en-ki ku3-dim2-kam ti-nig2-u@c nu-banda3 ba-de6 e2-igi-kesz3-sze3 _ib_! ki lugal-am3 ti-nig2-u@c

    AI Translation

    1 house, the gate?, its head 8 cubits, its length 1 1/2 and 2 doors, a long door, the house of Ur-Enki, the goldsmith, he took. The overseer went, to the house of the ..., he took. Where the king took it,

    Column 2


    nu-banda3 ur-(d)en-ki-ra i3-na-szi-gar u4 ensix(|_gar-pa-te-si_|) gu2-tuku ki lugal-la am6-ma-du3-da-a ur-(d)en-ki-ke4 e2 abba2-na szu-na a-ba-gi4-gi4 inim-ma an-gal2 ensi2-ke4#? ki#-be2#

    AI Translation

    the overseer of Ur-Enki he shall serve. When the governor the gutuku-offerings of the royal place he shall deliver, Ur-Enki, the house of his father's house, in his hand he shall return. According to the word of Angal, the ruler,

    Column 3


    ba#?-[...] _har_? x [...] (d)asz8#?-[gi4?] ensi2# adab(ki)-ke4 di-be2 si bi2-sa2 ur-(d)en-ki-ra e2 abba2-na szu-na mu-ni-gi4 lugal iri-na sag-gir2-gal2 maszkim-bi 2(asz@c) gir2 szu-i@t-ne 1(asz@c) e2? ti _zum_? ku3 du11-ge

    AI Translation

    ... ... Ashgi, governor of Adab, he pronounced a verdict, Ur-Enki returned the house of his father to his hand. The king of his city, the overseer, its officials: 2 ..., 1 temple? ..., he fashioned a gold necklace.

    Column 4


    [...] [...] iri [ba]-de6# lugal-pirig-ra giszgal-si-bi 1(asz@c) ku3-szu ba-de6 e2-mah-si gal-nimgir 1(asz@c) zabar-uruda ba-de6 e2-musz nimgir-sila sze 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3 ba-de6

    AI Translation

    ... ... he razed the city Lugal-pirig, its ... 1 shekel of silver he razed, Emahsi, the chief herald, 1 shekel of bronze he razed, Emush, the herald, barley 1/2 shekel of silver he razed,

    Column 5


    _ka_-bi-_ig#_?-[x?] szud3-ra2 szesz lugal-iri-na sag-gir2-gal2 kar-du3 nu-banda3 ur-ur szu-ku6 lugal-_ku_ iszib (d)x-ra2-_disz_? su?-su?-a tug2-du8 ur-(d)en-ki na-ri sag-_tar_ szusz3 u4-u4

    AI Translation

    ..., the shudra-priest of the brother of Lugal-irina, the chief saggirgal of Kardu, the overseer, Ur-ur, fisherman, Lugal-ku, ..., the ..., the garment of Ur-Enki, the sag-tar, the cattle manager, the days

    Column 6


    szesz# e2#?-[...] ur#-(d)nin#?-pirig#? sanga (d)inanna lu2-ki-inim-ma-bi-me u4-ba 1(asz@c) u4#?-um-lam#? 7(asz@c) tu-dub? ku3-sig17 esz3 sag 1(asz@c) gur8-gur8 gibil ku3-sig17 ki-la2-bi 1(asz@c) 1(u@c) ma-na gin2 1(asz@c) sila3 sal? sze da x ku3#-sig17#

    AI Translation

    brother of the house ... Ur-Ninpirig, temple administrator of Inanna, are its witnesses. At that time, 1 u.m. ?, 7 ?

    Column 1


    ki-la2-bi 1/2(disz@c) ma-na ar3-du2 (d)asz8-gi4-ra ur-(d)en-ki ku3-dim2 mu-na-_du_ bar-ba ensi2-ke4 nam ku3-dim2 a2-mi2 i3-na-szum2

    AI Translation

    Their weight: 1/2 mana. The brickwork of Ashgi, Ur-Enki the goldsmith, built. At the other side of the ruler the goldsmithship of Ami he gave.

    P452970: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    2(u@c)# ninda ne-sag |_umbin_xLU| lu2-mah 1(u@c) tu 1(u@c) a-tu 1(u@c) nin-dingir (d)nirah 1(u@c) sanga e2-mah 1(u@c) nam-mah-ni 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag sila3 abba2 5(asz@c) lugal-nam2-mah 5(asz@c) al-la 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag |_umbin_xLU| nin-dingir (d)bara2-(d)en-lil2-gar 1(u@c) da-du e2#? dingir-mah

    AI Translation

    20 ninda, nesag-offering, Lu-mah; 10 tu; 10 atu; 10 Nin-dingir, Nirah; 10 sanga of Emah; 10 Nammahni; 10 ninda, nesag-offering, sila3 of the apsû; 5 Lugal-nammah; 5 alla; 10 ninda, nesag-offering, Lu-mah; 10 Dadu, temple of Dingir-mah;

    Column 2


    1(u@c) nin-dingir (d)nin?-x-x? 1(u@c) lal3-la#? 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag sila3 iszib (d)(asz)asz7-gi4 1(u@c) lu2-gid2 1(u@c) e2 _ka_-in 1(u@c) lu2 (d)(asz)asz7-(gi4)-a 5(asz@c) a-ba-(d)isztaran e2 (d)(asz)asz7-gi4 1(u@c) an-ne2 2(asz@c) ninda ne-sag |_umbin_xLU| lugal-e2 2(asz@c) amar-bad3 2(asz@c) giri3-tab!? e2 (d)disz-x

    AI Translation

    10 nindingir-priests of Nin-... 10 lalla-priests 10 ninda nesag offerings, sila3 of the shabu-priest of Ashgi 10 lu-gid 10 houses, 10 houses, 10 men of Ashgia 5 Aba-Ishtaran, house of Ashgi 10 Ane 2 ninda nesag offerings, royal house 2 Amar-duri 2 Giri3-tab?, house of .



    1(u@c) ninda ne-sag |_umbin_xLU|# nin#-dingir (d)szul 5(asz@c) ur-([d])nin-urta? 5(asz@c) ur-x?-apin!? e2 (d)nin-szubur 1(u@c) nin-dingir (d)iszkur 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag sila3 nin-dingir (d)nin-szubur e2 (d)iszkur 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag |_umbin_xLU|# iszib (d)en-ki 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 (d)en-lil2 1(u@c) e2-_gan2_-_isz_

    AI Translation

    10 ninda, nesag offering of the goddess Shul; 5 Ur-Ninurta?; 5 Ur-...; house of Ninshubur; 10 Nindingir of Adad; 10 ninda, nesag offering of the goddess Ninshubur; house of Adad; 10 ninda, nesag offering of the goddess Ishkur; 10 ninda, nesag offering of the goddess Ishbit of Enki; 10 ninda, nesag offering, 1 sila3 of Enlil; 10 Egan-ish;

    Column 2


    szunigin 1(gesz2@c) 3(u@c) 2(asz@c)#? ninda ne-sag |_umbin_xLU| szunigin# 1(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) 5(asz@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz) sila3 sze#?-bi su#?-ga x? _gan2#_? nu#?-kiri6-kam mu-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation

    total: 92? loaves of bread ...; total: 105 loaves of bread ...; 1 sila3 of barley ..., delivery of the ... field of the orchard;

    P452972: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 4(asz) sze gur
  • sze-ba giri3-se3-ga szu-la-num2-e-ne ugula (d)szul-gi-da-nir-gal2 giri3 ni-a-um

    AI Translation
  • 24 gur of barley,
  • barley rations of the girisega of Shulanum, foreman: Shulgi-danirgal, via Na'um;



    ki ensi2 umma(ki)-ta ba-zi mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    from the governor of Umma booked out; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    P452973: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) ga-ar3 gur ($erasure?$) ur-_pa 1_(asz@c) 1(barig@c) ur-(d)(asz)aszgi(gi4) 1(asz@c) sza3-ga-ni-su13 1(asz@c)# an-na szu-nigin2 4(asz@c) 1(barig@c) gur ab2 dun-a giri3-ni-gu-la-kam 1(asz@c) la2 4(ban2@c) ga-ar3 ud5 gur

    AI Translation

    1 gur of emmer, Ur-PA; 1 gur 1 barig, Ur-Ashgi; 1 gur, Shaganisu; 1 gur, Ana; total: 4 gur 1 barig, cows of Duna, via Girinigula; 1 gur less 4 ban2 of emmer,



    na-ba-lu5 ud5 i-mi-an-kam ga-ar3 szu-a gi4-a-am6 e2-gal-gibil-a an-gu2-ra an-na-szum2 iti a2-ki-ti#

    AI Translation

    Nabalu, the ewe, he brought. The ..., the reed-bed, he brought. In the new palace, Angua gave it to him. Month: "Akitu."

    P452978: royal-monumental tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    (d)mar-tu lugal-a-ni (d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma

    AI Translation

    For Martu, his master, Shulgi, the mighty man, king of Ur,



    lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 e2-a-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    king of Sumer and Akkad, his temple he built for him.

    P452980: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    4(asz@c) ansze surx(_erim_) 4(ban2@c) sze-ta u4 2(disz@t)-kam sze-bi 1(asz@c) 1(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) sze gur lugal-en-nun sipa ansze-ra

    AI Translation

    4 donkeys, ..., 4 ban2 barley per day, 2nd day; its barley: 1 gur 1 barig 2 ban2; Lugal-ennun, shepherd of the donkeys;



    an-na-szum2 ansze en-na ur-(d)utu-kam itix(|_ud_xBAD|) sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation

    Anshum, the ... donkey of Ur-Utu. Month "Harvest."

    P452981: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    3(asz@c) zi3-gu gur sila3 zabar-ta 2(asz@c) zi3 za-tum gur sila3 zabar-ta e2-gesz! sagi i-sar-ru-um-sze3 a-ga-de3(ki)-ta

    AI Translation

    3 gur emmer flour, from the bronze sila3; 2 gur zatum flour, from the bronze sila3; for the gesh-house of the cupbearer, to Isarrum, from Agade;



    mu-szi-gen-a-am6 an-na!-szum2 iti szuba2-nun

    AI Translation

    he will bring it. Ansum, month: "Shubanun."

    P452982: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)]nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P452983: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    3(ban2@c) zi3-gu 3(ban2@c)# zi3 za-tum szar-ru-i3-li2 _musz3_? sze-sze3 im-szi-gen-na-am3 a-ga-de3(ki)-sze3

    AI Translation

    3 ban2 of emmer flour, 3 ban2 of zatum flour, Sharru-ili, the ... of barley, he brought, to Agade



    an-na-szum2 ur-da dub-sar maszkim-bi itix(|_ud_@sxBAD|) szuba2-nun

    AI Translation

    An-shum, Urda, scribe, its enforcer; month: "Shubanun."

    P452984: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    2(u@c)# la2 2(asz@c) udu takax(_lak492_) e2-zi-sza3-gal2 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) ur-sag 1(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) ur-(d)en-lil2 dumu e2-szu12

    AI Translation

    20 less 2 sheep, taka, of Ezishagal; 12 of Ur-sag; 10 less 1 of Ur-Enlil, son of Eszu;

    Column 2


    1(u@c)# a-gesztin szu-nigin2-bi 5(u@c) udu takax(_lak492_) giri3-ni szusz3 in-ne-szum2

    AI Translation

    10 ghee, its total: 50 sheep, taka, via Shush, he gave;

    P452985: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [n] 2(barig@c) gamurx(_lak490_) sila3 zabar(uruda) ur-gu sagi e2 (d)_ne_-_dag_?

    AI Translation

    n 2 barig of gamur-glass, bronze, Urgu, cupbearer, house of Nedag;

    Column 2


    banszur#? sag-x? _ga_?-duh-hum ab-zi 2(ban2@c) gamurx(_lak490_) ur-gu muhaldim e2 muhaldim?

    AI Translation

    banshur ... gaduhhum abzi 2 ban2 gamur-vessel Ur-gu, cook, house, cook

    Column 1


    (d)isztaran giri3-ni szusz3

    AI Translation

    Ishtaran, via Susa;

    P452986: legal tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    2(u@c) 4(asz@c) [sze ...] al-mu#? 2(u@c) 4(asz@c) urix(_lak526_) 1(u@c) giri3-ni lu2 bad3#?-me sze e2 sza3-lu2-kam

    AI Translation

    24 gur barley ..., 24 gur uri, 10 gur, the men of the wall?, barley of the house of the shalu,

    Column 2


    ma2 lugal-iti-da an-si iti du6-ku3-kam iti nig2-kiri6-kam an-na-szum2

    AI Translation

    for the boat of Lugal-itida, Ansi; month: "Bricks," month: "Festival of An,"



    iti# u4 9(disz@t) zal-la adab!(ki)-be2 lu2 ki-inim-ma-bi-me

    AI Translation

    month: "Flight," 9th day, eponym year of Adab, the man whose name is written.

    P452987: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    4(ban2@c) ninda zi3 u4 4(disz@t)-kam gu2-en aszgab 3(ban2@c) ninda zi3 u4 3(disz@t)-kam dumu nagar-gal 2(ban2@c) ninda zi3 u4 4(disz@t)-kam ad-kup4 5(disz@t)? sila3 ad-kup4 [...]

    AI Translation

    4 ban2 bread, 4th day; Gu-En, the weaver; 3 ban2 bread, 3rd day; son of Nagargal; 2 ban2 bread, 4th day; threshing-floor; 5? sila3 threshing-floor; ...;

    Column 2


    _ka_?-e2?-[x?] ur-e2-mah#? nagar 2(ban2@c) ninda zi3 u4 4(disz@t)-kam si-du3 nagar 2(ban2@c) sze inim-(d)utu-zi 2(ban2@c) ninda zi3 a-ba?-x

    AI Translation

    KA-e2-x?, Ur-Emah?, the carpenter; 2 ban2 bread, the 4th day, sidu, the carpenter; 2 ban2 barley, Inim-Utu-zi; 2 ban2 bread, Aba-...;

    Column 1


    ka5-a 2(barig@c) sze ur-x-x? nu-kiri6 szu gi4-a nin-nig2#-su13#?-ta?-[x?]

    AI Translation

    at the threshing floor: 2 barig barley for Ur-..., the orchard manager; returned; Nin-nigsu-...;

    Column 2


    iti sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation

    month "Harvest;"

    P452988: administrative tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(u@c) 5(asz@c) i3#?-x |_umbin_xUDU| ib-bu-bu 1(u@c) 5(asz@c) szesz-pa3-da 1(u@c) 6(asz@c) lugal-ra 8(asz@c) _szim_-_du_

    AI Translation

    15 ..., Ibbubu; 15 Sheshpada; 16 Lugala; 8 ...;

    Column 2


    giri3-ni szusz3! mu-de6 sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation

    via Shush, he smote, the herdsman.

    P452989: letter tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) ha-bu#?-da uruda szu?-in-szuba3 kiri6!?-sze3 he2-de2-e

    AI Translation

    1 copper hambuda, for the shu-in-shuba-offerings, for the orchards, may he give.

    Column 2


    3(u@c) _gan2_ sza3#? al!-gal2

    AI Translation

    30 ... ? ...,

    P452991: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    [1(asz@c)] lu2-tur nu-siki ama-bara2-si ugula-e2 lugal-_ka_!-da e-da-ti

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c-worker, female, Ama-barasi, foreman of the house of Lugal-KA-da, Edati;



    5(disz@t) mu 3(disz@t) iti

    AI Translation

    5 years 3 months

    P452992: administrative tag

    ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI


    pisan-dub _gan2_ sa10-a _nina_?(ki)-kam zabala3(ki)-kam isin2(ki)-[kam]

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x

    P452993: administrative bulla

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2(szar2) 3(u) 2(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 2(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 geme2 lu2 azlag2 zu2-si-ka ku4-ra kaskal-a gen-na u3 a2 im szeg3 duh-ha mu (d)szu-(d)suen ((zu)) lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 na-ru2-a mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-du3

    AI Translation

    192 female laborer days, 216 male laborer days, female laborers, the 'high-quality' workers, the zusi-workers, entered; on the road he went; and the labor of the brickwork he duhha; year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the great stele of Enlil and Ninlil erected."

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    ur-_an_-[...] dumu lu2-[...] [x?] _gan_ [...] _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    Ur-AN-..., son of Lu-..., ..., is your servant.

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong man, king of Ur.

    Column 2


    lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba szu-(d)[x] lu2 x [x] _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    king of the four corners: Shu-..., man of ..., is your servant.

    Column 1


    [(d)szu]-(d)suen x [kal]-ga lugal# uri5#(ki)-[ma]

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong ..., king of Ur.

    Column 2


    lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba _ka_? x x x x? x x x _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    king of the four corners: ..., is your servant.

    P452996: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) ninda gug2 1(ban2)#? sila3 3(asz@c)# ninda gug2 5(disz@t)# sila3 e2-mah 2(asz@c) ninda gug2 1(ban2) 1(asz@c) ninda gug2 5(disz@t) sila3 e2-_gan2_-_isz 1_(asz@c) ninda gug2 1(ban2)

    AI Translation

    1 gug bread, 1 ban2? sila3 3 gug bread, 5 sila3 Emah; 2 gug bread, 1 ban2 1 gug bread, 5 sila3 E-ganisz; 1 gug bread, 1 ban2



    1(asz@c) ninda gug2 5(disz@t) sila3 5(asz@c) sila3 ninda sag-szum2

  • 1(asz) ninda gug2 1(disz@t) sila3
  • e2-(d)|_asz_xBAD|-za szunigin 4(asz@c) ninda gug2 1(ban2) szunigin 5(asz@c) ninda gug2 5(disz@t) sila3 szunigin 5(asz@c) sila3 ninda sag szum2 szunigin 1(u@c) ninda gug2#? 1(disz@t) sila3

    AI Translation

    1 gug bread, 5 sila3 5 sila3 bread for the head;

  • 1 ninda of ..., 1 sila3 of barley,
  • for E-AshxBADza; total: 4 gug breads, 1 ban2 each; total: 5 gug breads, 5 sila3 each; total: 5 sila3 breads, first fruits; total: 10 gug breads, 1 sila3 each;

    P452997: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) udu niga 1(asz@c) sila4 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2 (d)nin-szubur 1(asz@c) udu 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2 (d)en-ki 1(asz@c) udu 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2 (d)bara2-(d)en-lil2-gar-ra# 1(disz@t)# sila3#! 1(asz@c) udu 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2# (d)nin-mug 1(asz@c) udu 1(gesz2@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2# (d)dam-gal#-nun 1(asz@c) udu (d)mes-lam-ta-e2-a 1(disz@t) sila3!

    AI Translation

    1 sheep, grain-fed, 1 lamb, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Ninshubur; 1 sheep, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Enki; 1 sheep, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Bara-enlil-gara; 1 lamb, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Ninmug; 1 sheep, 60 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Damgal-nun; 1 sheep of Meslam-taea, 1 sila3



    1(asz@c) udu niga 2(asz@c) u8? 1(asz@c) sila4 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2-mah 1(asz@c) udu 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2-_gan2_-_isz 2_(asz@c) udu 2(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz) sila3 e2 (d)(asz)asz7-gi4 1(asz@c) udu 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2 (d)inanna 1(asz@c) udu 1(u@c) ninda ne-sag 1(disz@t) sila3 e2 (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    1 sheep, grain-fed, 2 ewes, 1 lamb, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 Emah, 1 sheep, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 E-gan-isz, 2 sheep, 20 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Ashgi, 1 sheep, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Inanna, 1 sheep, 10 ninda, nesag, 1 sila3 house of Adad,

    P452998: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    3(asz@c) sze gur kasz 3(asz@c) sze gur kasz e2-_igi_-sze3 iti mu asalx(_lak212_@v) (d)szuba3-nun za3-bi al-mu-kam?

    AI Translation

    3 gur of barley for beer, 3 gur of barley for E-igi, month: "Asal of Shubanun," its right side he shall measure out.

    Column 2


    1(u@c) 4(asz@c)#? sze kasz! x ur-gu (lu2)lunga-me 1(u@c) 6(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze ninda e2-gal gala 1(asz@c) 1(barig@c) sze gur gisal-tu-ra

    AI Translation

    14? gur of barley for ... Urgu, the brewer; 16 gur 2 barig of barley for the ninda bread for the palace; 1 gur 1 barig of barley for the gisaltura offering;

    Column 1


    iti (d)szuba3-nun dag? iti _ab_-us2

    AI Translation

    month: "Shuba-nun," ... month: "ABus."

    P452999: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    3(gesz2@c) szum2 gal-gal libir! 1(gesz2@c) 5(u@c) szum2 tur-tur libir!

    AI Translation

    210 large onions, old; 210 small onions, old;

    Column 2


    szum2 _gan2_ bar e2-kam u4 1(disz@t)-kam

    AI Translation

    onions, ..., in the house, 1st day;