P466002: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
Surface a
Column 1
[... isz-lu]-la-am?#-ma a-na (kur)hat-ti [a-di mah-ri-ia ub-la _6(disz) me_ szal-la-at (iri)am-la-te sza (lu2)da-mu-ni _5(disz) lim 4(disz) me_ szal-la-at] (iri)e2#-de-ra-a-a ina (iri)ku-na-li-a [... (iri)hu-za-ar-ra (iri)ta-e (iri)ta-ar-ma-na-zi (iri)ku-ul-ma-da-ra (iri)ha-ta-tir-ra (iri)ir-gi-il-lu _iri-mesz-_ni] sza2# (kur)un-qi u2-sze-szib [... szal-la-at (kur)qu-te-e (kur)e2-sa-an-gi-bu-te _1(disz) lim 2(disz) me_ (lu2)il-li-il-a-a _6(disz) lim 2(disz) me 8(disz)_] (lu2)nak-kab-a-a (kur)bu-da-a-a
[ina ... (iri)s,i-mir-ra (iri)ar-qa-a (iri)us-nu-u2 (iri)si-an-nu sza szid-di tam-tim u2-sze-szib] _5(disz) me 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(disz)_ (lu2)bu-da-a-a ([iri)du-na-a-a ... _2(disz) me 5(u) 2(disz)_ (lu2)bi-la-a-a _5(disz) me 5(u) 4(disz)_ (lu2)ba-ni-ta-a-a] _3(disz) me 1(gesz2) 2(u)_ (lu2)(d)igi-du-an-dil-kur
... he carried off and brought to Hatti before me. 600 captives of the city Amlat of Damunu, 5,400 captives of the city Edara in Kunalia, ..., Huzarra, Ta'e, Tarmanazi, Kullamadara, Hatatrira, and Irgilu, cities of the land Unqi, I settled. ... captives of the lands Qutê, Esangibute, 1,200 Illila, 6,282 Nakkaba, and Buda.
I settled in ... Shimirra, Arqâ, Usnû, and Si'annu, which are on the shore of the sea. 588 people, the Budeans, Duneans, ..., 252 people, the Bilaeans, 554 people, the Baniteans, 390 people, the Palil-andilaeans,
Column 2
i-na _nam_ (iri)tu-'i-[im-me u2-sze-szib _5(disz) me 5(u) 5(disz)_ szal-la-at (kur)qu-te-e (iri)e2-sa-an-gi-bu]-ti# i#-na# (iri)du6-kar-me u2-sze-szib it-ti _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur am-nu-[szu2-nu-ti il-ku tup-szik-ku ki-i sza2 asz2-szu2-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti ma-da-at-tu] sza ku-usz-ta-asz2-pi (iri)ku-um-mu-ha-a-a (disz)ra-hi-a-nu (kur)sza2-ansze-nita2-szu-[a-a (disz)me-ni-hi-im-me (iri)sa-me-ri-na-a-a (disz)hi-ru-um-mu (iri)s,ur-a-a (disz)si-bi-it]-ti#-bi-'i-li (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a
(disz)u2-ri-ia-ik-ki (kur)qu-u2-[a-a (disz)pi-si-ri-is (iri)gar-ga-misz-a-a (disz)e-ni-il3 (iri)ha-am-ma-ta-a-a (disz)pa]-na-am-mu-u (iri)sa-am-'a-la-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la-ra (kur)gur2-gu-[ma-a-a (disz)su-lu-ma-al (kur)me-lid-da-a-a (disz)da-di-i-lu (iri)kas-ka-a-a (disz)u2-as]-sur#-me (kur)ta-bal-a-a (disz)usz-hi-it-te (kur)tu-na-a-a (disz)ur-bal-la-a [(kur)tu-ha-na-a-a (disz)tu-ha-am-me (iri)isz-tu-un-da-a-a (disz)u2-ri-im-mi3-i (iri)hu-bi-isz-na-a]-a (munus)za-bi-be2-e
szar-rat (kur)a-ri-bi _ku3-sig17 [ku3-babbar an-na an-bar kusz am-si zu2 am-si_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _(tug2)gada_ (siki)ta-kil-tu] ar2-ga-man-nu _(gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_
iii 555 captives from the Qutu, Esangibuti, and Til-karme I settled. With the people of Assyria I accompanied them. The tablet of Assyria I imposed upon them. The tribute of Kushtashpi, the Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land of the Shenitashu, Menihimme of the city Samaria, Hirummu of the city Tyre, Sibitti-bi'ili of the city Gubla,
Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Tuna, Urbala of the land Tuhana, Tuhamme of the city Ishtunda, Urimmi of the city Hubishna, Zabibê,
queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, iron, elephant hides, elephant ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, a takkiltu-garment, ebony, linen garments,
Column 3
mim-ma aq-ru ni-s,ir-(ti) _lugal-_u2-ti _udu-nita2-mesz_ bal-t,u#-ti sza _siki-mesz-_szu2-nu ar-ga-man-nu s,ar-pat is,-s,ur _an-_e mut-tap-ri-szu2-ti sza2 a-gap-pi-szu2-nu a-na ta-kil-te s,ar-pu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-gir3-nun-na-mesz gu4-nita2-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ (eme3)a-na-qa-a-te a-di (ansze)ba-ak-ka-ri-szi-na# am#-[hur]
i-na _9(disz) bala-mesz-_ia asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na (kur)e2-kap-si (kur)e2-sa-an-gi (kur)e2-ur-zak-ki (kur)ma-da-a-a (kur)e2-zu-al-za-asz2 (kur)e2-ma-at#-ti# (kur)tup-li-ia-asz2 al-lik (iri)e2-(d)1(u)-5(disz) (iri)ki-in-ka#-an-gi (iri)ki-in-di-gi-a-su (iri)ki-in-gi-al-ka-si-isz (iri)ku-bu#-usz-ha-ti#-[di-isz] (iri)u2-pu-szu2 (iri)ah-si-pu-na (iri)gi-ir-gi-ra-a (iri#)ki-im-ba-az-ha-ti a-di _iri-mesz-_ni sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu ak-szud# szal#-la#-su#-nu# asz2#-[lu-la]
ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi_ asz2-ru-up ina u4-me-szu2-ma mul-mul#-lu _an-bar_ zaq-tu2 _du3-_usz li-ta-at asz-szur _en-_ia ina muh-hi# asz2#-[t,ur] ina _ugu#_ [nam-ba-'i] sza (iri)e2-(d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-kin (disz)u2-pa-asz2 _dumu_ (disz)kap-si _ug3-mesz-_szu2 u2-pah-hir-ma a-na (kur)a-bi-ru-us _kur-_e e-li ar-ke-e-szu2 ar-de-e#-ma# di#-ik#-ta#-szu2# [a-duk szal-la-su]
All the treasures of kingship, the fattened sheep whose skins are thick, the sacrificial sheep of the heavens, the sacrificial sheep whose sacrificial sheep to eat, the sacrificial sheep, horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, camels, and sacrificial sheep, together with their camels, I received.
In my ninth regnal year Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and marched to the lands Ekapsi, Esangi, Eurzakki, Madaya, Ezualzash, Emati, Tupliyash. I conquered the cities E-Ishtar, Kinkanigi, Indi-giasu, Kingalkasish, Kubush-hatidish, Upushu, Ahsipuna, Girgirâ, and Kimbakhati, together with cities in their environs. I carried off their booty.
At that time, I made a pointed iron arrow, the omen of Ashur, my lord, and wrote on it. I set it up on the quay of the city E-Ishtar. Upash, son of Kapsi, assembled his people and went up Mount Abirus. I pursued him, killed him, and carried off his booty.
Column 4
asz2#-[lu-la ...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]
I slew ...
P466177: administrative tablet
Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI
ba-usz2 u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam ki u2-ta2-mi-szar-ra-am-ta
slaughtered, 25th day, from Uta-misharam
slaughtered, the 25th day, from Uta-mishara,
(d)szul-gi-iri-mu szu ba-ti iti ezem-me-ki-gal2? mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul
Shulgi-irimu received; month: "Festival of Mekigal?"; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
did Shulgi-irimu accept; month: "Festival-of-Mekigal?," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."
P466427: royal-monumental tablet
Middle Assyrian (ca. 1400-1000 BC) CDLI
Column 1
(disz)(gesz)tukul-ti-(d)nin-urta _man kisz man_ dan-nu _man kur_ (d)asz-szur _man man-mesz en en-mesz_ ma-li-ik ma-li-ki _nun en_ gim-ri ka-szid mul-tar-hi la ma-gi-ri za-e-ru-ut asz-szur ne2-er ma-al-ki sza2 qu-ti-i a-di _kur_ me-eh-ri mu-se-pi-ih el-le-et _kur_ szu-ba-ri-i u3 _kur-kur_ na-i-ri ne2-su-ut pa-da-ni a-di _za3_ ma2-kan _man_ dan-nu le-u2 _murub4_ sza2 kib-rat 4(disz) ar-ki (d)sza2-masz ir-te-u2 a-na-ku _a_ (d)szul3-ma-nu-sag _man kisz man kur_ asz(asz)-szur __a (d)iszkur-erin2-tah2 _man kisz_
_man kur_ asz(asz)-szur-ma i-na u4-me-szu-ma _e2_ (d)esz18-dar asz-szu-ri-te _nin_-ia sza2 (disz)dingir-szum2-ma a-bi ru-ba-u2 i-na pa-na e-pu-szu-ma _e2_ szu-u2 e-na-ah#-ma an-hu-su u2-ne2-kir6 qa-qar-szu
Tukulti-Ninurta, king of the universe, strong king, king of Assyria, king of kings, lord of lords, ruler of rulers, prince, lord of all, conqueror of the rebellious, who is hostile to Ashur, who defeats rulers of the Qutu as far as the land Mehru, who overwhelms the forces of the land of the Shubaru and the lands Nairi, who is hostile to the border of Kanun, strong king, the one who treads upon the four quarters after Shamash, I, son of Shalmaneser I, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Adad-narari I who was also king of the universe
At that time the temple of the Assyrian Ishtar, my mistress, which Ilu-shumma, my forefather, the prince, had previously built, that temple had become dilapidated and I cleared away its debris.
Column 2
u2-sze-esz-ni i-na asz-ri sza2-ni-ma ad-di ma-di-isz el mah-ri-i u2-sza2-te-er _e2_ sza2-hu-ri u3 na-ma-ri s,i-ru-ti ki-ma a-tar-ti-ma e-pu-usz _e2_ sza2-a-tu isz-tu usz-sze-szu a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu u2-sze-ek-lil i-na lib3-bi-szu _bara2_ s,i-ra at-ma-na ra-szub-ba ana ri-mi3-it (d)esz18-dar _nin_-ia e-pu-usz u3 na-re-ia asz-ku-un _nun_ ar-ku-u2 an-hu-su lu-disz _mu_ szat,-ra ana asz-ri-szu lu-ter (d)esz18-dar ik-ri-be-szu i-sze-me mu-ne2-kir6 szi-it,-ri-ia u3 _mu_-ia (d)esz18-dar _nin_-ti
I made it great. In another place I added it and made it great again. I made the house of the shrine and the great stele as it had been previously built. That house I completed from top to bottom. Inside it a lofty dais for the awe-inspiring radiance of the goddess Ishtar, my mistress, I built. And my monumental inscriptions I deposited. A later prince may restore its dilapidated sections and return my inscribed name to its place. The goddess Ishtar will listen to his prayers. The one who erases my inscribed name and my name, the goddess Ishtar, my mistress,
Column 1
_lugal_-su lisz-gisz _(gesz)tukul-szu lisz-bir mu-tu-su ana ri-hu-ti lisz-ku-un a-na _szu kur2-mesz_-szu lu-mel-li-szu
May he avenge his king, overthrow his weapons, and turn his head into a fog. May he bring him into the hands of his enemies.
P466536: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
nig2-szu a-tu5#-[a] (d)nin-gesz-zi-[da] e2 sza x [...] [...]
property of the Atua temple of Ningeshzida, house of .
iti apin-du8-a# mu (d)isz#-me#-(d)da-gan# lugal#-e# en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga masz2-e# i3-pa3#
month: "Piglet-feast," year: "Ishme-Dagan, the king, the en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by goat was chosen;"
P466539: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
x [...] x x [...] in# tu#-ra
(gesz)szu-nir su-mu-la-el ba-ab-szesz4
... ... in the desert
he will bring the shunir tree to Sumula'el;
siskur2# su#-mu#-la#-el# ki lugal-ezem-ta ba-zi iti szu-numun-a mu us2-sa en (d)utu masz2-e i3-pa3
siskur-offerings of Sumula-El, from Lugal-ezem booked out; month: "Sowing," year after: "The en-priestess of Utu by means of extispicy was chosen."
P466540: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
iti udru(duru5)
iti# sze-sag11-ku5
[n] ga-ar3
month "Udru,"
month "Harvest;"
n emmer,
nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu# szu# ba-an-ti# mu (d)li#-pi2-it#-esz18#-dar# lugal-e en-nin-sun2#-[zi] en (d)nin-[gubalag] uri5#(ki)-[ma] masz2-e i3-[pa3]
Nur-ilishu received; year: "Lipit-Ishtar, the king, Ennin-sunzi, the en-priestess of Ningubalag of Ur, by means of goats, was chosen."
P466550: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
geme2 _arad_-da-me ba-ab-szesz4 ga2-nun-mah-ta ba-zi
The slave-girls were seized and from the granary she was released.
u4 ezem ma2-nu-ru# iti du6-ku3 mu us2-sa en (d)utu masz2-e i3-pa3
The day of the festival of Manuru, month: "Duku," year after: "The en-priestess of Utu by means of extispicy was chosen."
P466551: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
i3-ba sza-at-i3-li2-a nin-dingir (d)iszkur ga2-nun-mah-ta (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-wa-qar
from the barley of Shat-ilia, the nin-dingir of Ishkur, from the granary of Iddin-Dagan-waqar,
szu ba-an-ti iti szu-numun#-a# mu gu-un#-gu-nu-um lugal#-e (uruda)alan gu-la e2 (d)nanna-ka i-ni-in#-ku4-ra
received; month: "Sowing," year: "Gugunum the king brought a great copper statue to the temple of Nanna."
P466553: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
ar3-ar3 bur#-sag tu#-[ra] ba-ab-szesz4 e2 kiszib3-ba-[ta] ba-zi
he will bring the straw from the harvest to the threshing floor; from the sealed house he will be released;
kiszib3# inim#-(d)nanna# i3-[du8] iti# _ne_-_ne_-gar# mu gu-un-gu#-nu-um lugal-e (uruda)alan gu-la e2 (d)nanna#-sze3 i-ni-in#-ku4#-ra#
under seal of Inim-Nanna, gatekeeper; month: "NENEgar," year: "Gugunum the king a great copper statue for the temple of Nanna he brought."
P466557: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
[i3]-ba [ha-la-(d)]nin-gal en# (d)inanna [ki ...]-zi-ta
from Hala-Ningal, en-priestess of Inanna, from ...zi;
[...] x-en-na x x [...] iti# ab-e3 mu (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar# lugal#-e en-nin-sun2-zi en (d)nin#-gubalag# uri5#[(ki)]-ma# masz2-e [i3-pa3]
... ... month "Abe," year: "Lipit-Ishtar, the king, Ennin-sunzi, the lord of Ningubalag of Ur, the goatherd, was chosen."
Seal 1
puzur4-i3-li2-szu dub-sar dumu [(d)suen]-na#-da
Puzur-ilishu, scribe, son of Sîn-nada.
P466600: administrative tablet
Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI
Column 1
_ki#-la2-bi_ [...] be-la-nu-um [...]
_ki-la2-bi_ [...] ri-im-du3-ur3?-[...] _igi 6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar#_ ka-am#-[...] _gub-ba-ni-du10_
ir3-ra-szar-[ri] _igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar_ ka-am#-[...] _(d)nin-gal-za-me-[en?]_
_ki-la2-bi_ [...] _igi-4(disz)-gal2 [ku3-babbar_ ka-am-...] la-[...]
Its weight: ... Belanum .
Its weight: ... Rimdu-Ur-... 1/6 shekel of silver ... he will stand.
Irra-sharri, 1/4 of silver ... Ningalzamen?
Its weight: ... 1/4 shekel of silver .
Column 2
[...] [...]-a [...] e2? [...] (gesz#)ma-nu-um [...] a-na-(d)suen-tak4#-(la)-ku [...] _1(u) 2(disz)? un-il2_ x
_(uruda)alan_ szar-ru-um-ki-in _a-ru-a#_ (d#)nanna#-dugud-kalam-ma _pisan-dub-ba_ _iti ab-e3_ _mu e2_ x? (d)nin#-[...]
... ... ... house ... a boat ... Ana-Suen-taklaku ... 12? .
statue of Sharrum-kin, the messenger of Nanna-dugudkalama, a tablet of the month of Tebetum, year: "The temple ... of Nin-.
P466620: administrative tablet
Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI
[x] uruda# 9(disz) ma-na [ga2]-nun#-mah-ta [...]-(d#?)nanna-sze3 [...]-(d#?)nanna dumu en [...] x
... copper, 9 mana, from Ganunmah to ...-Nanna ...-Nanna, son of .
[...] x [...] x-it-ti#-szu# [... (d)]suen#-na-[...] [kiszib3?] gal2 [iti] ab-e3 mu# (d)szu-i3-li2-szu lugal# (gesz)gu-za-mah an (d)[inanna] mu-ne-dim2
... ... ... Sîn-na-... under seal of ..., month: "Flight," year: "Shu-ilishu, the king, the throne of An and Inanna fashioned."
P466641: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal gal# lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2# lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib#-rat _limmu2_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (d)asz-szur _ad# dingir-mesz_ ina kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma _ugu_ gi#-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar#-ba-a _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia# i#-na [u4-me]-szu-ma _e2-gal murub4 iri#_ sza (iri)ni-na-a sza _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia u2-sze-pi-szu-ma s,u#-uh#-hu-rat szu-bat-sa (i7)te-bil-ti i-ta-a-sza2 i-ba-'u-u2-ma ina _illu_-sza2
gap-szi u2-ri-ib#-bu tem-me-en-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 aq#-qur sza# (i7#)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 [usz-t,ib-ma u2]-sze-szir mu-s,u-sza2 qe2#-reb a-sur-rak-[ki-sza2] szap-la-a-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _esir-[ud]-a_ it#-ti# (na4)pi-i-li _gal#-mesz_ [dun-nu-nisz] ak-si 3(disz) _me_ 4(u)? ina _1(disz) kusz3 gid2-[da_]
qaq-qa-ru ul-tu qe2-reb ma-a-(me) u2-sze-lam-ma a-na tar-pa-szi-i u2-ter s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti tam-li-i mah-ri-i lu u2-rad-di-ma a-na# 7(disz) _me_ ina _as4-lum_ _gal#_-ti _usz_ u3 4(disz) _me_ 4(u)? ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ si-hir-ti tam-le-e u2-ter-ma i-na 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu2# _e2-gal_ _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3 (szim)li_ (gesz)e-lam-ma-ku# a-na# mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia
ab#-ta-ni qe2-reb-szu2 _e2_ ap-pa-a-ti tam-szil _e2-gal#_ (kur)ha-at-ti me2-eh#-ret ba-ba-a-ti u2-sze-pisz _gesz-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3_ u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li#-szin _[(gesz)]ig#-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-ri _(gesz#)szur-min3_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u3 _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-ma u2-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak-ka-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u2-pat-ta-a _(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si_ ina ba-bi-szin ul#-ziz sik-kat3 kar-ri kas-pi
u3 _uruda_ qe2-reb-szin u2#-szal-me i-na a-gur-ri _(na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ us-si-ma [se]-el-lum ne2-be2-hi u3 gi-mir pa#-as#-qi2-szin asz2-szu2 szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia szu-te-szu2-ri# i#-na# u4-me-szu2-ma (d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _(lu2#)sanga_-ti-ia gesz-mah-hi (gesz#)ere-ni sza ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ ik#-bi-ru qe2-reb (kur)si-ra-(ra) _kur_-i [na]-an-zu-(zu) u2-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-(i)-su#-un sza _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza ina tar-s,i#
[_lugal]-mesz ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru ina sa-pan (kur)am-ma-na-na# u2#-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu u3 _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ ma-la (dug)bur-zi-gal-li ra-ma-nu-usz ina er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a (na4)pi-i-lu pe#-s,u-u2 a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _kun4-mesz (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da#_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki-lal-la-an ina szad-di-szu2-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri#
_e2-gal_-ia u2-szal-di-da qe2-reb nina(ki) (na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-[u2] sza# ina er-s,e-et# (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru a-na _(d)alad#-(d)lamma-[mesz_] u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-te u2-sze-pisz ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma sza gesz-mah-[hi] u3 a-la-mit-ta 1(u)? 2(disz) _ur-mah-mesz_ ne2-'i-ru-ti a-di
[t,i]-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qe2-reb-szu2 asz2-tap-pa-[ka] u2-szak-li-la nab-nit-sun2 _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3# _uruda_ sza 2(disz) ina lib3-bi za-ha#-lu-u lit-bu-szu2 _(d#)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3# _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-te (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza _e2-gal-mesz_-ia u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si#-gar_-szin _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _[(na4)]gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 pi-ti#-iq u2-ru-de-e ih-ze-et kas-pi eb-bi# _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-te pi-ti-iq
tim-me _uruda_ s,i-ru-ti# (gesz)tim-me _(gesz#)eren gal-mesz_ a-di tim-me _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur-min3_ (gesz)dup#-ra#-ni (gesz)ta-ti-di ih-ze-et# pa-szal-li kas-pi u3 _uruda_ s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un ul-ziz-ma dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szin# e-mid _kun4-mesz (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3#-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal#_ u3# _kun4-mesz#_ (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-as-hi-ra a-sur-ru-szi-in asz2-szu2 u4-me-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-ti da-lum eb-li gu#-has,-s,a-te _zabar#_ u3# har-ha#-ri _zabar#_ u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u2 ma-ka-a-ti
gesz-mah-hi a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu2-mesz_ ul-ziz _e2-gal-mesz_ sza-ti-na u2-sza2-lik as-mi3-isz si-hir-ti# _e2-gal_ a-[x] tab-rat# kisz#-szat _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza sza2-[x x] la i-szu-u2 ni-bit-sa az-kur i-na qi2-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir#-[x_] u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)lamma_ dum-[qi2] qe2#-reb-sza2 lisz#-tab#-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i#-da#-[a-sza2]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, the god Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all rulers and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. At that time, the palace in the citadel of Nineveh which the kings, my ancestors, had had built, and its site had become too small; the Tebilti River became too small and its flood was in its flood.
I surrounded its foundations. That palace in its entirety I razed. The Tebilti canal I dug and its canal I made flow. Its access-way I made enter inside its a-sur-rak-ki. I surrounded it with large cedar beams. I bonded together with large limestone slabs. 3 hundred and forty cubits is the length.
I brought the qaqqaru from the land and turned it into a terrace. I added the terrace to the former terrace and for 700 large aslu-cubits the length and 440 large aslu-cubits the width, and for the whole terrace, I raised it to a height of 100? cubits. The palace of breccia, agate, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, meskannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elamaku-wood, as my royal residence,
In it a window-house, a replica of a Hittite palace, opposite its gates, I had built. I roofed them with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of liari and cypress and I installed them in their gates. At the gates, I opened the openings of the biarri. I hung lamassus-plants of alabaster and elephant ivory on them. I set up a door-jamb and a silver kettle.
and copper in them he clad. With baked bricks of alum and lapis lazuli he surrounded them and a terrace of all their gardens. Because of the construction of my palace, I had it completed. At that time, Ashur and Ishtar, who love my priestly service, a cedar canopy, which since distant days grew tall in the Sirara mountain range, he made their limbs secure. Of alabaster, which in the distant past
The kings, my ancestors, to the karru of steles, the exalted ones, in the wide plain of the land Ammanana, they sent to him. Further, the breccia, as much as is needed for making burzigallu-bowls, in the territory of the city Balataya, a white limestone slab for making a soup, they saw, and bull colossi, sphinxes, alabaster, and the sphinxes of alabaster, together with the sphinxes of alabaster, I cut down, and in their midst I slew.
In Nineveh, a limestone slab which was discovered in the territory of Balataya, I had made for bull colossi and sphinxes. By divine will, I have made 12 lions, lion-headed, as many as there are.
I fashioned and deposited it therein. I completed their work. Bull colossi of alabaster and copper, two of which were zahalû-shaped, bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, which were in my palaces, I fashioned for them. sphinxes of alabaster and pitrudel, urudû-plant, the ... of the high-quality silver, sphinxes of alabaster and pitrudel,
I set up magnificent copper columns, large cedar columns, as well as columns of ebony, cypress, dapranu-juniper, tattidu-juniper, and tatidu-wood, with a stele, a sash, and copper ..., and I surrounded their gates with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs. At that time, I had water from the wells, a durable water vessel, bronze casserole, and bronze casseroles, and I made them as secure as a mountain.
I erected a scepter of alamu-wood upon the foundations and I erected it in those palaces. I enlarged the entire palace. The ... of the totality of the people I raised up. The palace which ... did not have, I erected. By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods ... and Ishtar, my queen, may a good shedu and a good lamassu dwell inside it. May they not leave it.
P466642: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] ta#-[...] pa-szal-li kas-[...] s,e-ru-usz-szu2#-un# [...] dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szin e#-[x] _kun4-mesz (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3#-[x_] _(na4#)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz_ (na4)[x x]-li# [_x]-mesz_ u2-sza2-as-hi-ra a-sur-ru-szin# asz2#-[x] u4-me-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-u2-[x] da#-lum# eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-te _zabar#_ u3# har-ha-ri# _zabar_ u2-sze-pisz#-[x] ki#-mu-u ma-ka-a-te gesz-mah-hi a-la-mit-ta# s,e#-er _pu2-mesz_ ul-ziz _e2-gal-mesz_ sza-ti-na# [...] si#-hir-ti _e2-gal_
[...]-u2 ni-bit-sa# [x x]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the ... of their gates ... ... slabs of breccia and slabs of ... stone I ... their borders. ... daily water ... ... ... ... bronze guhashatu-vessels and bronze harharu-vessels I ... ... like a ..., a grove of pomegranates on the outside of the wells I erected. Those palaces ... the totality of the palace
. . . her .
P466643: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[ul]-la-a re-szi-szu [a-na 7(disz) _me_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ u3 4(disz) _me_ 4(u)? i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_] szi-kit-ti _e2-gal_ u2#-[ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi _e2-gal (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_] _zu2 am-si (gesz#)esi# (gesz)tug2 (gesz)[mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3 (szim)li_ (gesz)e-lam-ma-ku a-na mu-szab be]-lu-ti-[ia] ab-ta-ni qe2-reb-[szu2] _e2_ ap-[pa-a-ti tam-szil _e2-gal_ (kur)ha-at-ti me2-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti] u2-sze-pisz#
_gesz#-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-[igi?] _(gesz)szur-min3_ u2-[szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-ri] _(gesz)szur-min3_ [me]-ser _ku3-babbar_ u3 _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-[ma u2-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak]-ka-ni-szin ap-ti bi-ir-ri u2-pat-ta-a [_(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si_] sza kit-mu-sa rit-ta-szin bal-tu [ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le]-e ma-la-a i-na _ka2-mesz_-szi-in ul-ziz-ma [a-na tab-ra-a]-ti# u2-sza2-lik sik-kat3 kar-ri kas-pi u3 _uruda_ qe2-reb-szin# u2#-[szal-me ...]
[asz2-szu2 szip-ri _e2]-gal_-ia [szu-te-szu2]-ri# u3 li-pit [_szu-min_-ia] szul#-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu2-ma (d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _(lu2)sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u2 _mu_-ia gesz-mah-hi (gesz)ere_-igi_ sza ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ru-qu-u2-ti i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal (i-na) qe2-reb (kur)si-ra-ra szad-di-i i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu u2-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-i#-su-un sza _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru
u3 _(na4)[dur2-mi]-na-ban3-da_ ma-la (dug)bur-zi#-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na (iri)kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a u2-kal-li-im ra-ma-nu-usz i-te-e (iri)ni-na-a i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma (na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u2 a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _kun4-mesz_ _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki-lal-la-an i-na szad-di-szu-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia
u2-szal-di-da qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a (na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u2 sza i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a in-nam-ru a-na _(d)alad-(d)[lamma-mesz_] u3 _(munus)[ab2-za-za_-a-te] u2-sze-pisz-ma nab-ni-ta-szu-un u2-szar-ri-ih ki-i t,e3-[em] _dingir#_-ma sza gesz#-[mah-hi] u3 a-la-mit-ta 1(u)? 2(disz) _ur-mah-mesz_ ne2-'i-ru-ti a-di 1(u)? 2(disz) _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz [mah-mesz_]
zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qe2-reb-szu asz2-tap-pa#-ka u2-szak#-[li-la] nab-ni-su-un _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 _uruda_ sza 2(disz) i-na lib3-bi [za]-ha-lu-u2 [lit-bu-szu2] _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza _e2-gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia# u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 pi-ti-iq u2-ru-de-e ih-ze-et kas-pi eb-bi _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ a-di 1(u)? 2(disz) _ur-mah-mesz zabar_
ne2-'i-ru-ti sza ra-mu-u2 nam-ri-ir-ri tim-me _uruda mah-mesz_ tim-me (gesz)ere_-igi gal-mesz_ a-di tim-me _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur-min3_ (gesz)dup-ra-ni (gesz)ta-ti-du ih-ze-et pa-szal-li kas-pi u3 _uruda_ s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un ul-ziz-ma dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szin e-mid _kun4-mesz (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz_ (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-as-hi-ra a-sur-ru-szin asz2-szu u4-mi-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-u2-ti da-lum
eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar_ u3 har-ha-ri _zabar_ u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u2 ma-ka-a-ti gesz-mah-hi u3 a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu2-mesz_ usz-ziz u3 a-na (munus)(d)tasz-me-tum-szar-rat# _munus-e2-gal_ hi-ir-tu na-ram-ti-ia sza (d)be-let_-dingir-mesz ugu_ gi-mir _munus-mesz_ u2-szak-li-la nab-ni-sa _e2-gal_ ru-'a-a-me hi-da-a-ti u3 ri-sza2-a-ti u2-sze-pisz-ma _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,i-i ina _ka2-mesz_-sza2 ul-ziz
i-na qi2-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti i-na t,u-ub _uzu_ u3 hu-ud lib3-bi qe2-reb _e2-gal-mesz_ szi-na-a-ti ki-lal-la-an _u4-mesz_ nu-sza2-ri-ka ni-isz-ba-a bu-'a-a-ri _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)lamma_ dum-qi2 i-da-at _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na da-a-risz lit-tas-ha-ru a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i-da-a-szi-in
I raised its superstructure. For 700 large aslu-cubits I built, and for 400 large aslu-cubits I raised the top of the design of the palace and I erected therein a palace of breccia, alabaster, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, meskannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, for my lordly residence, I built therein a house of open country, replica of the palace of Hatti, before the cult centers.
I roofed them the palatial halls with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cypress and cypress and I installed them in their gates. At their gates, I opened the biarriru-vessels. I set up lamassus, elephant ivory, whose features are pure, with a tiara of lustration, as many as there were, at their gates and I made them an object of wonder. I decorated them with knobbed nails of silver and copper. .
As for the work on my palace that I had completed and the repair of my hands I completed. At that time, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priestly service and who called my name, the cedar beams that from distant days had grown tall and great in the Si'ara mountains, in the midst of the mountains, they made their features shine forth like the gishnugal-stone, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was too expensive for the sacrificial net.
and a breccia, as much as is needed for a burzigallu-vessel, which had never been seen before, in Kapridargila he fashioned. In the territory of Nineveh in the territory of Balataya, by divine will, a white limestone slab was discovered in the marshes and bull colossi, sphinxes, geshnugal-stone, and a sphinx of geshnugal-stone, together with sphinxes, I fashioned. I hung them in their midst and for the construction of my palace
In Nineveh, a limestone slab that had become visible in the territory of Balataya, for bull colossi and sphinxes I had made and their assemblages I had made splendid. By divine will, the lions and the alamtu, 12 lions, the sphinxes, together with 12 colossi,
I fashioned a stele of good fortune and I erected it inside it. I made their steles, bull colossi of alabaster and copper, whose two parts are zahalû-shaped, bull colossi of white limestone, whose faces are the windows of my lordly palatial halls, secure their bands. Bull colossi of alabaster and pithoi of urudê-stone, whose top is a high-quality silver, bull colossi of a guanna-stone, together with 12 lions of bronze,
I set up in front of them magnificent columns of copper, large columns of cedar, as well as columns of ebony, cypress, dapranu-juniper, and tatidu-wood, with a glaze of bronze and copper, and I surrounded their gates with slabs of breccia and alabaster, and large limestone slabs. Because of this, every day, water for drinking is plentiful.
I had a bronze throne and a bronze harharu-vessel made, and like a sceptre, a sceptre and a sceptre hung over the wells. Further, for the queen Tashmetu-sharrat, the palace woman, my beloved, whom the Lady of Gods had made greater than all women, I had a palace of privileged status, joy, and pity built, and a sphinx of white limestone in its gates I stationed.
By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, my queen, in happiness and joy in those palaces, for long days we will be your guests; the good shedu and the good lamassu will be at our disposal forever; may they never leave them.
P466644: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[a-na tab]-ra-a-ti [u2-sza2-lik sik-kat3] kar-ri kas-pi [u3 _uruda_ qe2]-reb-szin u2-szal-me i-na _sig4-al-ur3-ra_ _(na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ us-si-ma se-el-lum ne2-be2-hi u3 gi-mir pa-as-qi2-szin asz2-szu2 szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri u3 li-pit _szu-min_-ia szul-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _(lu2)sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u2 _mu_-ia gesz-mah-hi (gesz)ere-ni sza ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal i-na qe2-reb (kur)si-ra-ra szad-di-i i-na pu-uz-ri
s,i-i-su-un sza _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _(lugal)-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan (kur)am-ma-na-na u2-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu u3 _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ ma-la (dug)bur-zi-gal-li _alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3 _(munus)ab2#-[za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza _e2-gal-mesz_-ia u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in] tim-me _uruda mah-mesz_ a-di (gesz)tim#-[me (gesz)ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat (kur)ha-ma-nim me-ser _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e]
ul-ziz-ma dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-[szin e-mid _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq] u2-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u2# [lit-bu-sza2 u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru] gat-ta-szin (gesz)tim-me _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur#-[min3 (gesz)eren_ (gesz)dup-ra-ni _(szim)li_ u3 (gesz)ta-ti-du ih-ze-et pa-szal-li] u3 kas-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-[ziz]-ma# [sza kum2-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _(gesz)gan-du7-mesz_-szu2-un _kun4-mesz_]
_(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3# [_kun4-mesz_] (na4#)pi-[i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u2-sza2-as-hi-ra] a-na tab-ra-a-ti u2-sza2-lik asz2-szu2 u4-me-szam-ma _a-mesz_ [di-lu-u2-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar_] u3 har-ha-ri _zabar_ u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u2#? [ma-ka-a-ti gesz-mah-hi u3 a-la-mit-ta s,e-er] _pu2-mesz_ usz-ziz _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na u2#-sza2#-lik# as-mi3-isz# [si]-hir#-[ti _e2-gal_ a-na tab-rat]
kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza sza2-ni-na la# i#-szu-u2 ni-bit-sa az-kur i-na qi2-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-((ra))-ti _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)lamma_ dum-qi2 qe2-reb _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu da-a-risz lisz-tab-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i-da-a-sza2
I decorated them with silver and copper knobbed nails. I adorned the door bolts, bolts, and bolts with baked bricks and lapis lazuli and all their doors. Because the work of my palace I completed and the fitting of my hands I completed. At that time, Ashur and Ishtar, the ones who love my priesthood, the cedar trees, whose roots from distant days had grew tall and large in the Sierra mountains, in the plain,
As for the alabaster, whose appearance in the time of the kings, my ancestors, was exalted in the battlements, in the plain of the land Ammanana, and as much burzigallu-stone, bull colossi, and sphinxes of white limestone, which I had fashioned for my palaces, I clad their gates with magnificent copper columns, together with large cedar columns, which are the product of Mount Amanus, with copper bands and I hung them on poles.
I sat down and sat down on their gates. I erected abzazatu-stone, alabaster, as well as abzazatu-stone, pitruq-stone, urudû-stone, zahalû-stone, and abzazatu-stone, pitruq-stone, guana-stone, whose light was bright, ebony, ebony, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tattidu-wood, with a scepter, and silver on their doors, and I placed the kunû-wood, their doors,
I surrounded their the palace rooms with breccia, alabaster, and large limestone slabs. I made them glisten like the sea. At that time, I had water for drinking, a durable substance, bronze guhashiru-vessels, and bronze harharu-vessels made and, like a ..., I surrounded them with ... reeds, cypress, and alamtu-wood. I made those palaces shine like the sun. I enlarged the entire palace for glistening.
The totality of the people, her first-born son, the palace which no other had, I created. By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, my queen, may the good shedu and the good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they not leave it.
P466645: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal (d)suen-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal [kur_ asz-szur(ki)] [_lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (d)asz]-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ i-na kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma [_ugu_ gi-mir] [a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar-ba-a _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia i]-na ta-ha-az _edin_ i-na ta-mir-ti kisz(ki) as-kip (disz)(d)marduk#-[ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-dun-ia2-asz3]
[e-ki-ma be-lut-su] gim-ri _kur_ (lu2)kal-di a-di gi-pisz um-ma-na-a-ti (lu2)elam-ma(ki) [re-s,i-szu u2-ra-sib i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_] (disz)(d)asz-szur-szum2-mu _dumu_ resz-tu-u2 tar-bit bir-ki-ia i-na _(gesz)[gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u2-sze-szib-ma _kur uri(ki) dagal_-tum u2-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu2] as-suh na-gab (lu2)ah-la-mi3-i (lu2)su-ti-i ba-hu-la-ti (iri)[hi-rim-me i-na _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit-ma la ez-zi-ba pe-re-'i-szu2-un]
ak-szud(ud) _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i (kur)el#-[li-pi u2-szal-pit-ma u2-ab-bit da-ad2-me-sza2 u3 (disz)lu-li-i] _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni# e#-du-ra ta-ha-zi a-na (kur)ia-ad-na-[na sza qe2-reb tam-tim in-na-bit-ma i-hu-uz] mar-qi2-tu i-na _kur_-tim#-ma sza2-a-tu i-na ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur [_en_-ia e-mid szad-da-szu2 (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2]
u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 [u2-szal-pit rap-szu na-gu-u2 (kur)ia-u2-di szep-s,u mit-ru] (disz)ha-za-qi-a-a-u2 _lugal_-szu sze-pu-u-a u2-szak-nisz-ma i-sza2-t,a ab-sza2-a-[ni _lu2-mesz_ (iri)tu-mur-ra-a-a a-szi-bu-ut (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i] mar-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit (iri)uk-ku a-di nap-har da-ad2-[me-szu2 ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u2-ab-bit i-na u4-me-szu-ma te-ne-szet]
na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti-ma il-[bi-nu _sig4 e2-gal murub4 iri_ sza (iri)ni-na-a sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2)] i-na _1(disz) kusz3 usz_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? 5(disz) ina _1(disz) kusz3 sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma [s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri] _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-[ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 _udu-mesz_ szad-di _(d)lamma_ sza (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e]
i-na (iri)ta-as-ti-a-te ib-tu-qu a-na mu-kil _ka2-mesz_-szi-in [a-na szu-pu-usz _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ qe2-reb _(gesz)tir-mesz gesz-mesz gal-mesz_] u2-qe2-ru i-na nap-har _kur-mesz_-szu2-un i-na _(iti)gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni e-[de-e pa-an szat-ti i-na _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ s,i-ra-a-ti] a-na a-ha-an-na-a u2-szeb-bi-ru-ni mar-s,i-isz i-na ne2-[ber ka-a-ri _(gesz)ma2-gu-la-mesz_ u2-t,e-eb-bu-u2] ba-hu-la-ti-szu2-un u2-sza2-ni-hu u2-lam-me-nu ka-ras-sin i-[na da-na-ni u3 szup-szu-qi mar-s,i-isz u2-bi-lu-nim-ma]
u2-sza2-as,-bi-tu _ka2-mesz_-szi-in (i7)[te]-bil#-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu#-[ru sza ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ t,e-eh _e2-gal_] i-ba-'u-u2-(ma) i#-na _illu_-sza2 gap#-[szi u2-ri]-ib#-bu tem-me-en-sza2 _e2-[gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a]-na# si-hir#-[ti-sza2 aq-qur sza] (i7#)te#-bil#-ti ma-lak-sza2 usz-te-[esz-na-a u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-sza2 qe2]-reb a-sur-rak-ki-sza2 [szap-la-nu] _gi#-mesz_ e#-[la-nisz] _esir#?-ud?-a_
it-ti [(na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ dun-nu-nisz ak]-si#? 3(disz) _me_ 4(u)? ina _1(disz) kusz3# [gid2-da_ 2(disz) _me_] 1(gesz2) 2(u)? 9(disz) ina _1(disz) kusz3 dagal a-sza3_ ul-tu ma-a-me u2-sze-lam#-[ma na-ba-lisz u2-ter tar-pa-szu-u2] _ugu#_ sza u4-me pa-ni u2-szar#-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti _e2-gal_ mah-ri#-[ti u2-rad-di-ma i-na 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? ti-ib-ki] ul-la-a re-szi-szu2 la-ba-risz _u4-mesz_ i-na _illu_ kisz-sza2-ti
tem-me-[en-szu la e-ne2-sze (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_] ki-su-szu u2-sza2-as-hi-ra u2-dan-ni-na szu-pu#-uk-szu2 a-na 7(disz)? [_me_ i-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ u3 4(disz) _me_ 4(u)?] i#-na _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti _e2-gal_ u2-ter-ma szu-bat-sa# [usz-rab-bi] _e2#-[gal] (na4#)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ _(gesz)eren (gesz)[szur-min3 (szim)]li#_ (gesz#)e-lam-ma-ku a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma _e2_ ap-pa-a-ti
tam-szil _e2-gal_ [(kur)ha-at]-ti# me2-eh#-ret ba-ba-a-ti u2-sze-pisz _gesz-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3_ sza i-ri-su-un# [t,a-a-bu] bi#-nu-[ut] (kur)ha-ma-nim (kur)si-ra-ra _kur-mesz ku3-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin [...]-e# nina(ki) ina er#-s,e#-[x x] ba-la-t,a-a-(a) ki-i t,e3#-em# _dingir_-ma (na4)pi#-[...] [x]-na# mu-[x]-de-e in-na-mir#-ma _(d)alad#-(d)lamma-mesz_ [...]-te# _(na4#)gesz-nu11-gal_ [...]-ti szuk-lu-lu i-[x] ki-[...] [...] sza2 zi-i-me [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]
[...]-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a#-a#-a# [...]-szak#?-li-la [...] tam-szil gat-[x x]-un a-na szu-zu-zi# [...]-ma i-na e-pisz#-ti-szu2-nu u2-sza2-ni-[...] i-na la bi-szit uz-ni# la ha-[...] _i3-gesz_ isz-ku-ru na-al-ba#-asz2# [...] ia-a-ti (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-[...] szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-[...] pe-tan bir-[...] _lugal_ pa-[...] sza u2-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u2 (d)nin-szi-ku3 i-na szi-tul-ti ram-ni-ia a-na e#-pesz [x]-ri# szu-a-tu ra-bisz am-tal-lik-ma i-na mi3-lik t,e3-me-ia u3 me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia
pi-ti-iq _uruda_ u2-ba-asz2-szim-ma u2-nak-ki-la nik-la2-su sza gesz-mah-hi u3 a-la-mit-ta _gesz_ mesz-re#-e#
u3 ul-s,u hi-it-lu#-pa# bal-tu la-la-a kum2-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qe2#-reb#-szu2 asz2-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2(disz) _gin2-ta-am3_ u2-szak-li-la nab#-ni#-su-un _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ nab-ni-(it) _uruda_ sza 2(disz) ina lib3-bi za#-ha-lu-u lit-bu-szu2 _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (na4#)gesz#-nu11#-gal_ a-di _(d)alad-(d)lamma#-mesz#_ u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti
(na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e# sza# _e2-gal-mesz_-ia u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _uruda mah-mesz_ a-di (gesz)tim-me (gesz)ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat _kur-ha_-ma-nim me-ser# _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-ma s,e#-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szi-in e-mi3-id _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11#-gal_ a-di (munus)[_x]-za-za_-a-ti# pi-ti-iq u2-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u2 lit-bu-sza2
u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu#-an#-na_ sza# nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szin (gesz)tim-me _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur-min3_ (gesz)ere-ni (gesz)dup-ra-ni _(szim#)li#_ u3 (gesz#)ta#?-ti#?-du# ih#-ze#-et pa-szal-li u3# [x]-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum2#-me# mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e#-mid# _(gesz)gan-du7#-mesz#_-szu2-un _kun4-mesz# (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11#-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz_ (na4)pi#-i-li
_gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u2-sza2-as-hi-ra# a-na tab-ra-a-te u2-sza2-lik asz2#-szu2# u4#-mi#-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di#-lu#-u2-ti da-lum# eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar_ u3# har-ha-ri _zabar_ u2-sze-pisz#-ma ki-mu-u2 ma-ka-a-ti gesz-mah-hi# u3# a-la-mit#-ta s,e-er _pu2-mesz_ ul#-ziz# _e2-gal-mesz#_ sza2#-ti-na u2-sza2-lik [x]-mi3#-[x x]-hir-ti _e2-gal_ a-na [...] ul-la-a re#-szi#-[x] _e2-gal_ sza# sza2-[x]-na la [x]-szu-u2 ni-bit-sa# [...]
_szim#-hi-a gurun#_ s,ip#-pa#-a-ti _gesz-mesz_ [x x] szad-di_-[...]-kal_-di [x]-reb-szu2# hur-ru#-szu2# i#-ta-a-sza2 [x]-qup# a-na mit,#?-[x]-a-[x] szum-mu#-hi ul-tu# pa#-a#-t,i (iri)ki-si#?-ri a-di [...] nina#(ki#) [x]-a i-na# ak#-ku#-la-ti [x x] u2-szat-tir#-ma# u2-[x]-szir# (i7)har#-[x] 1(disz)# 1/2(disz)# _danna#_ qaq#-qa#-ru# ul#-tu# qe2#-reb# (i7#)hu#-su#-ur# ma#-a#-me# da#-ru#-u2#-ti# a#-szar#-sza2# u2-szar#-da#-a# qe2#-reb# mit,#-ra-a-ti sza2-ti-na# [u2-szah]-bi#-ba# pat#-ti#-[...]
(i7)a-gam#-mu u2-szab-szi#-ma# s,u-[x]-u2#? qe2#_-[...]-mesz (gesz#)gi_ a-lap [...] i-na# lib3#-bi u2-masz#-[x x]-na# [...] ma-gal# isz#-mu-hu# _(gesz)szur-min3 (gesz)mes-ma2#-[..._] i-szi-ra _muszen# an#_-e _igira2(muszen#)_ [...] _gi_ a-lap qi2-[x x] u2-[...] tar-bit# [x x]-a-ti _gi ambar-mesz_ sza# qe2-reb# [...]-me# ak#-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri# hi#-szih#-[...] ul-tu# [x]-ri _e2-gal_-ia u2-qat#-[x x] asz-szur _en gal# dingir-mesz_ u3# _(d)isz#-tar#-mesz_ [...]
aq-re#_-[...]-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih#-[...] u2#-szat-lim kad3-ra-a-a [_x]-gesz#_ (gesz)ser2-di u3# [...] a-na ru#-usz#-te# i-na tasz#-ri#-[...] ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u2-sza2-asz2-qa#-a muh-ha-[x x] _gesztin-mesz_ du-usz#-szu#-pu [...] qi2#-bit [x]-szur a-bu _dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)lamma_ dum#-qi2 (qe2)-reb _e2#-[...]_-tu# da#-a-risz lisz#-tab-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i-da-a-sza2
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, Ashur, father of the gods, looked steadfastly upon me among all rulers and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. In the plain of Kish I captured Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia.
As for him, he took away all of the Chaldeans, together with the entire army of the Elamites, his allies, and sat on his royal throne. Ashur-iddina II Ashur-iddina II, my first-born son who had engendered me, sat on his royal throne and entrusted to him the wide land Akkad. He confined the entire population of the Ahlamû and Sutians, the people of the city Hirimu, with weapons and he did not spare their shepherds.
I conquered the land of the Yasubigallians, a dangerous enemy who had taken the land Ellipi, and I destroyed its settlements. Further, Lulî, the king of Sidon, fought with one another against the land Yadnana, which is in the sea, and he fled alone. In that land, with the terrifying weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, I put to the sword Tu-Ba'lu, in his royal throne,
He settled him there and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship. He destroyed his extensive district, the district of the land Judah, the smashed land of Hazaqiau, his king, and he made it disappear. The people of Tumurrum, who live in the rugged mountain, he felled with the sword. The city Ukku, together with all of its settlements, like a swarm of ants he captured. At that time, people
The enemies of my hands I made a tablet and they brought it. The bricks of the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, which 3 hundred and 125 cubits long and 155 cubits wide, I fashioned and its site I had built for their lordly dwelling. I had the kings who came before me, my ancestors, build for their lordly dwelling, but they did not finish their work. The sheep, the shards of a lamassu-stone, the shards of a pilû-stone,
in the city Tastiate they seized, to the service of their gates they seized. To moor boats in the forest of large trees they sank. In all their lands in the month Ayyaru II, the day of the year, on high boats they brought them to this side of the river. At the crossing of the river they brought boats, they sank them, they made their people dwell there, they made their boats shine, they brought their boats with great strength and great skill, and
The Tebilti canal, a well, which from distant days had been in the palace, and which at its flood had swollen its foundations, I enlarged that small palace in its entirety. I re-established the course of the Tebilti canal and made its water flow into its meadowland. I raised its bank above its a-surrakku-wall. I hung reeds above it as a canopy.
I surrounded it with large limestone slabs. I deposited 3 hundred and forty? cubits long and 2 hundred and ninety-ninda cubits wide field from the sea and I enlarged it. I made it larger than before. I added it to the former dimensions of the palace and raised it to a height of 1 hundred and thirty-three? cubits high. The earlier days, during the flood of the world
He made its foundations unalterable, large limestone blocks, he surrounded its base, he strengthened its base, for 700? years he died, and 440? years he died in large limestone blocks, the foundation of the palace, he returned, and its site he built. The palace of breccia, alum, elephant ivory, ebony, a bed, a meskannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood, for my lordly residence, I built, and the house of the Appatu
The terrace of the palace of the land Hatti, opposite the settlements, I had built. Cedar beams and cypress, whose scent is sweet, the creation of the land Hamanum and the land Sirara, holy mountains, I clad over them. ... Nineveh, in the ... of my life, by divine will, ... ... ... he saw and bull colossi ... ... geshnugal-stone ...
... the city Balataya ... ... ... ... ... ... and in their work ... ... without ... ... oil he poured out, he poured out ... ... me, Sin-ahhe-... all the work ... ... ... ... king ... who had entrusted me, the prince Ninshiku, with my own counsel, to do this ... he mightyly marched and with my own advice and my own mind
He poured out a copper sluice and thereby reduced its weight. He poured out a scepter of cypress and alammittu-wood and a meshre-wood.
And a sling of pure sling-stone, a sling-stone,
I surrounded their the palace walls with large copper columns, as well as large cedar columns, the product of Mount Amanus, and I fastened bands of copper on large columns and I surrounded them with a stele, and I surrounded their gates with a scepter. I surrounded their ... with a scepter of alabaster, as well as ..., a scepter of zahalû-stone.
and a sphinx, a ..., whose features are bright: beams of ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and tattidu-wood, whose ... ... I set up and whose ... I placed on the seat of my lordship; their beams, slabs of breccia, alabaster, and slabs of pillû-stone;
I made their awe-inspiring radiance shine forth like the sun. In order that the days of the future water for drinking, the mighty, the bronze guhashatu-bowls, and the bronze harharu-bowls, I had made and like the cult centers of cypress and alamû-wood, I set up in the wells. I made those palaces shine. ... ... the palace to ... ... the palace which none of them had .
juniper, juniper, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., to ..., ..., from the border of the city Kisiri to ... Nineveh, in the ..., I made ... and ..., the canal Har..., one and a half a canal, the ground, from the Husur canal, the eternal watercourse, I made greater than before, in those canals I made ... rise.
The Agammu River he surrounded and ... ... a reed wall ... inside it he ... ... ... he ... ... ... he ... ... cypress, mesma-wood ... he ... a bird of heaven, a heron ... a reed wall ... ... ... ... reeds from the marshes which are in ... I cut down and for the work ... from ... my palace he ... Ashur, the great lord of the gods and goddesses .
I ... ..., I made ... shine forth, my ..., ..., ..., ..., and ... for the living, in ... I made the people of my land rejoice, ... wine, sweet ..., by the command of ..., father of the gods, and Ishtar, my queen, may a good shedu and a good lamassu endure forever in the E... temple, may they not be slighted, may they not be slighted.
P466646: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
i-te-e# nina#(ki#) ina [...]-a ki#-i [...] sza u2#-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u2! (d)nin-szi#-ku3 i-na# szi-tul#-ti ram#-ni-ia a-na e-pesz# szip-ri# szu-a-tu ra#-bisz am-tal-lik#-ma i-na# [x]-lik t,e3-me-ia u3# me#-resz# ka#-[x x]-ia# pi-[x]-iq# _uruda#_ u2! [...]-ma x x u2-nak-ki#-la nik#-la2#-su# sza# gesz-mah#-[x] u3# a-la-mit-ta _gesz!_ mesz-[x]-e
sza [x]-uz-bu u3 ul#-s,u hi-it-[x]-pa# bal#-tu la-la-[x] kum2#-mu#-ru# s,e#-ru#-usz-[x x]-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma [x]-i'#-[x] t,i-it,#-t,i# ab#-ni#-[x x]-ra-a qe2-reb-szu2 asz2#-[x x]-ka# ki#-i# pi-ti-iq# 1/2(disz) _gin2#-[x]-am3#_ [...] _(d)alad-(d#)lamma-mesz#_ nab-[x]-it# _uruda_ sza# 2(disz) i-[...] za-ha#-[x]-u2# [x]-bu-szu [...] a-di# _(d#)alad#-(d#)[...]_-a-a-ti _na4#-[x]_-i-li# [x x]-e# sza# _e2#-gal#-mesz#-[..._] x x x [...]-id? (munus)[...] a-di# [x _x]-za-za_-a-ti [...] u3# (munus)[...] [...] [...]
_gal-[x_] a-sur-ru#-szin# u2#-sza2-[x x]-ra# [...] gu#-has,#-s,a-a-[x] _zabar_ [x] har-[...] s,e-er _pu2-mesz_ ul#-ziz# _e2#-gal#-mesz#_ sza2#-ti-[...] ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ [x] sza2-[x]-na la [...]-bit-sa [...] _szim-hi-a gurun_ [x x]-a-ti# _gesz#-mesz_ [x]-lat _kur_-i [...] szum-mu-hi ul#-[...] u2-sze-szir# (i7#)[...] u2-szar#-da-a [...] (i7)a-gam-mu [x x]-szi-ma s,u#-s,u-u2# qe2-reb-[x x]-ti-[...] [x]-na [x]-bi u2#-[x]-szir# i-na t,e3-em [...]
[...]-hu# _(gesz)szur-min3# [x]-mes-ma2#-kan-na_ nap-har _gesz#-mesz#_ [x x]-hu-ma u2#-[...] [x x]-ra [x x]-e _igira2#(muszen)_ qin-na iq-nun-ma _szah#_ (gesz#)[...] _(gesz)szur-min3_ tar-bit s,ip-[x]-a-ti _gi# ambar#-mesz_ sza qe2-reb (i7)a-[x]-me [...] lu _du3_-usz ul-tu [x]-ri _e2-gal_-ia u2-qat#-tu-u2 asz-szur _en_ [...] i-na qer-bi-sza2 aq-re-ma (udu)[_x]-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih#-ti aq-(qi2)-ma u2-szat-lim kad3-[...] a-na ru-usz-te [...] _e2-gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u2-sza2-asz2#-qa#-[...]
[...] s,ur-ra-[x] am-kir i-na qi2#-bit [x]-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ u3# (d)[...] ($not copied$)
On the street of Nineveh, in ..., like ..., which I had made, and the prince Ninshiku, in my own time, to do this work, was very pleased. In my ... and the ... of my ..., ... copper and ... I ... and its ... of ... and alamtu ... .
... and ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the command of the god, ... the ..., the ..., I ... inside it. According to the written order, 1/2 shekel ... bull colossi, ... of copper, ... ..., ... his ..., together with bull colossi of ...-ayatu-stone, ...-ili, of the palaces ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and ... .
... their borders ... ... ... bronze ... ... ... ... ... ... ... that palace ... ... ... ... ... aromatics, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he made ... flow. The River ... he made ... flow and ... in ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... a wild bull ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I built. From the ... of my palace I took it away. Ashur, the lord ... inside it I offered ... sheep as a gift and I presented it. ... for the extispicy ... ... the palace which is the residence of my land .
... ... I am ..., by the command of ..., father of the gods, and .
P466647: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-su _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu mal-ku pit-qu-du _re-e2-um_ ba-hu-la-ti mut-ta-ru-u2 _ug3-mesz_ rap-sza2-a-ti a-na-ku (d)be-let_-dingir-mesz_ be-let nab-ni-ti i-na _sza3-tur3_ a-ga-ri-in-ni a-lit-ti-ia ke-nisz _igi-bar_-an-ni-ma u2-s,ab-ba-a
nab-ni-ti u3 (d)nin-szi-ku3 id-di-na kar-szu rit-pa-szu2 szin-na-at _abgal_ a-da-pa3 isz-ru-ka pal-ka-a ha-sis-su (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ gi#-mir# s,al-mat _sag-du_ u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-u2-a a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-ia id-di-na _(gesz)gidri_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat ma-a-ti _(gesz)tukul_ la pa-du-u2 a-na szum-qut za-'i-ri u2-szat-me-eh rit-tu-u2-a ina u4-me-szu-ma te-ne-szet na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia
tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4 e2-gal murub4 iri_ sza (iri)ni-na-a sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina _1(disz) kusz3 usz_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? 5(disz) ina _1(disz) kusz3 sag-ki_ ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 _udu-mesz_ szad-di _(d)lamma_ sza (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na (iri)ta-as-ti-a-te ib-tu-qu a-na mu-kil _ka2-mesz_-szi-in
a-na szu-pu-usz _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ qe2-reb _(gesz)tir-mesz gesz-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-qe2-ru i-na nap-har _kur-mesz_-szu2-nu i-na _(iti)gu4_ u4-mu a-dan-ni e-de-e pa-an szat-ti i-na _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ s,i-ra-a-ti a-na a-ha-an-na-a u2-szeb-bi-ru-ni mar-s,i-isz i-na ne2-ber ka-a-ri _(gesz)ma2-gu-la-mesz_ u2-t,e-eb-bu-u2 ba-hu-la-ti-szu2-un u2-sza2-ni-hu u2-lam-me-nu ka-ras-sin i-na da-na-ni u3 szup-szu-qi mar-s,i-isz u2-bi-lu-nim-ma
u2-sza2-as,-bi-tu _ka2-mesz_-szi-in (i7)te-bil#-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu-ru sza ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ t,e-eh _e2-gal_ i-ba-'u-u2-ma i-na _illu_-sza2 gap-szi u2-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-sza2 _e2-gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 aq-qur sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 usz-te-esz-na-a u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-sza2 qe2-reb a-sur-rak-ki-sza2 szap-la-nu _gi-mesz_ e-la-nisz _esir-ud-a_
it-ti (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ dun-nu-nisz ak-si 5(disz) _me_ 5(u)? 4(disz) ina _1(disz) kusz3 gid2-da_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u)? 9(disz) ina _1(disz) kusz3 dagal a-sza3_ ul-tu ma-a-me u2-sze-lam-ma na-ba-lisz u2-ter tar-pa-szu-u2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-szar-bi s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti _e2-gal_ mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma i-na 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-sze-szu ((ana)) la-ba-risz u4-me i-na _illu#_ kisz-sza2-ti tem-me-en-szu la e-ne2-sze
(na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ ki-su-szu u2-sza2-as-hi-ra u2-dan-ni-na szu-pu-uk-szu2 a-na 9(disz) _me_ 1(u)? 4(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _usz_ u3 4(disz) _me_ 4(u)? ina _as4-lum gal_-ti _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti _e2-gal_ u2-ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi _e2-gal (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)eren (gesz)szur-min3 (szim)li_ (gesz)e-lam-ma-ku a-na mu-sza2-ab
be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma _e2_ ap-pa-a-ti tam-szil _e2-gal_ (kur)ha-at-ti me2-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti u2-sze-pisz _gesz-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3_ sza i-ri-su-un t,a-a-bu bi-nu-ut (kur)ha-ma-nim (kur)si-ra-ra _kur_-e _ku3-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szi-in _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3 (szim)li_ me-ser _ki-sag_ u3 _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-ma u2-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba-rak-ki sza qe2-reb _e2-pa-pah-mesz_-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u2-pat-ta-a _(munus)(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si_
sza il-lu-ru na-sza2-a kit-mu-sa rit-ta-szin bal-tu ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le-e ma-la-a i-na _ka2-mesz_-szi-in ul-ziz-ma a-na tab-ra-a-ti u2-sza2-lik s,u-lul ta-ra-a-ni sza qe2-reb ba-rak-ka-a-ni e-t,u-su-un u2-szah-la-a u4-mi3-isz usz-nam-mir sik-kat3 kar-ri kas-pi u3 _uruda_ qe2-reb-szin u2-szal-me i-na _sig4-al-ur3-ra (na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ us-si-ma si-il-lum ne2-be-hi u3 gi-mir pa-as-qi2-szin asz2-szu szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia szu-te-szu2-ri u3 li-pit _szu-min_-ia szul-lu-me i-na u4-me-szu2-(ma)
(d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _lu2_ _sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u2 _mu_-ia gesz-mah-hi (gesz)ere-ni sza ul-tu _u4-mesz_ _su3-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma ik-bi-ru ma-gal# i-na qe2-reb (kur)si-ra-ra _kur_-i i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu# u2-szak-li-mu-in-ni s,i-i-su-un sza _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan (kur)am-ma-na-na u2-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu2 u3 _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ ma-la (dug)bur-zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma
i-na (iri)kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a sza2 pa-a-t,i (iri)du6-bar-si-ip u2-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz i-te-e nina(ki) i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a sza2 ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma (na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u2 a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma _(d)alad_ _(d)lamma-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3 s,a-lam mesz-re-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-[x_] [x] i-na 1(disz)-en _na4#_ ib#-ba#-nu-u2 mi-na-a-ti [...] i-na ki-gal-li ra-ma-ni-szu2-[x] sza2-qisz na-an-zu-zu _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me nu-us-su#-qa# _gin7#_ u4-me na-par#-de#-e
nu-[x]-mu-ru zu-[x]-szi-in _kun4-mesz_ _(na4)dur2-[...]-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki-lal-la-an [x]-na szad-di-szu-un ab#-tuq-ma a-na# szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia u2-szal-di-da# qe2#-reb# (iri)ni-na-a _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz gal-mesz_ u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na lip-ta-at (d)nin#-kur-ra i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a u2-sza2-a'-lid-ma u2-szak-li-la gat-ta-szu2-un sza ul-tu2 ul-la _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam _uruda_ tam-szil gat-ti-szu2-un a-na szu-zu-zi qe2-reb
_e2-kur-mesz_ ib-nu-ma ina e-pisz-ti-szu2-nu u2-sza2-ni-hu gi-mir _dumu-mesz_ um-ma-a-ni i-na la bi-szit uz-ni la ha-sa-as a-ma-ti a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti-szu2-nu _i3-gesz_ isz-ku-ru na#-al#-ba#-asz2 s,e#-e-ni u2-qe2-ru qe2-reb _kur-mesz_-szu2-un ia#-a-ti (disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-eri-ba a-sza2-red kal mal-ki [x]-de#-e szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-me _uruda gal-mesz_ ur-mah-hi [x]-tan bir-ki sza ma-na-ma la ip-ti-qu _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia [x x] uz-ni ni-kil-ti sza# u2-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u2
[x x]-szi-ku3 i-[x] szi#-tul-ti ram-ni-ia a-na e-pesz szip-[...]-tu ra-bisz am-tal-lik-ma i-na me-lik t,e3-me-ia u3 me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia pi#-ti-iq# _uruda_ u2-ba-asz2-szim-ma u2-nak-ki-la nik-la2#-su sza gesz-mah-hi u3 a-la-[x]-ta _gesz_ mesz-re#-e
sza ku-uz-bu u3 ul#-s,u# hi-it-lu#-pa bal-tu la-la-a kum2-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qe2-reb-szu2 asz2-tap-pa-ka# ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2(disz) _gin2 ta-am3#_ u2-szak-li-la nab-ni-su-un _(d)alad#-(d)lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _uruda_ sza 2(disz) ina lib3-bi za-ha-[x]-u2# lit-bu-szu2 _(d)alad#-(d)lamma-mesz_ _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i#-li# pe#-s,e#-e sza# _e2-gal-mesz_-ia u2#-sza2-as,-bi-ta
_si-gar_-szi-in tim-me# _uruda mah-mesz_ a-di (gesz)tim-me (gesz)ere-ni _gal-mesz_ [...] ha#-ma#-[x] me-ser# _uruda_ u2#-rak#-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le#-e ul-ziz-ma# dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szin e-mid (munus#)[_x]-za#-za_-a-ti# _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di [_...]-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u2-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u lit-bu-sza2 u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti [x x]-iq _gu-an#-na#_ sza# nu#-um#-[...]-ta#-szin
s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza# kum2#-me mu-szab# be#-lu#-ti#-ia e-mid _(gesz)gan-du7-mesz_-szu2-un# _kun4#-mesz (na4)dur2-mi-[...]-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz_ (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szin u2-sza2-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a#-((ti))-te u2#-sza2-lik# asz2#_-[...]-mesz_ di-lu-u2-ti da-lum eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar_ u3 har-ha-ri _zabar_ u2-sze#-pisz#-ma# ki-mu#-[...]-mah-hi
u3 a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu2#-mesz_ usz-ziz _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na u2-sza2-lik as-mi3-isz si-hir-ti _e2-gal_ a-na (tab)-rat kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza sza2-ni-na la i-szu-u ni-bit-sa az-kur _(gesz)kiri6-mah_-hu tam-szil (kur)ha-ma-nim sza gi-mir _szim-[...] gesz-mesz_ tuk-lat szad-di-i u3 (kur)kal-di qe2-reb-szu2 hur-ru-szu2 i-ta-a-sza2 az-qup a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum-mu-hi ul-tu# pa#-a-[...]-ri a-di
ta-mir-ti nina(ki) [...] ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_ u2-szat-tir-ma u2-sze-szir (i7#)har-ru 1(disz)# 1/2(disz)# _danna_ [...] qe2-reb (i7)hu-su-ur ma-a-me# da-ru-u2-ti a-szar-sza2 u2-szar-da-a qe2-reb mit,-ra-a-te sza2-ti-na u2-szah-[...] a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _(gesz)kiri6-mesz_ (i7)a-gam-mu u2-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u2 qe2-reb-sza as-ti-il _igira2(muszen)-mesz szah-mesz (gesz)gi_ a-lap
((a-lap)) qi2-i-szi i-na lib3-bi u2-masz-szir i-na t,e3-em _dingir_-ma qe2-reb _(gesz)kiri6-mesz (gesz)gesztin_ u gi-mir _gurun_ (gesz)se-er-du u3 _szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _(gesz)szur-min3 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ nap-har _gesz-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma u2-s,ar-ri-szu2 pa-pa-al-lum ap-pa-ra-a-ti ma-gal i-szi-ra _muszen an_-e _igira2(muszen)_ qin-na iq-nun-ma _szah (gesz)gi_ a-lap qi2-i-szi u2-rap-pi-szu2 ta-lit-tu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)szur-min3_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti _gi_
_ambar-mesz_ sza qe2-reb (i7)a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti _e2-gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia lu e-pu-usz ul-tu szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia u2-qat-tu-u2 asz-szur _en gal dingir-mesz_ u3 _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur(ki) i-na qer-bi-sza2 aq?-re?-ma _(udu#)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi2-ma u2-szat-lim kad3-ra-a-a _i3-gesz_ (gesz)ser2-di u3 hi-bi-isz-ti u2-raq-qa-(a) a-na ru-usz-te i-na tasz-ri-it _e2-gal_ sza ba-hu-la-te _kur_-ia u2-sza2-asz2-qa-a muh-ha-szi-in [x x] du#-usz#-[x]-pu#
s,ur#-ra#-szi-in am#-kir i-na qi2-bit asz-szur a-bu _dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti _(d)alad_ dum#-qi2 [...]-qi2 qe2-reb _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu da-risz lisz-tab-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i-da-a-sza2
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of people, who is able to shepherd the wide people, I, Belet-ili, lady of creation, faithfully looked at me in the agarinnu-house, my residence, and captured it.
the creation and Ninshiku gave me, his wrath was awe-inspiring, the sage Adapa, your friend, the sage Ashur, father of the gods, all of the black-headed people, he made my heart rejoice. To shepherd the land and the people, he gave me a just scepter, he who widens the land, a merciless weapon to defeat the enemies he made bow down. At that time, the people of the enemies, the ones who hold my hands,
The bricks of the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, which is 3 hundred and 115 cubits long and 115 cubits wide, were fashioned and its site was a strewn-out plot, which the kings who preceded me, my ancestors, had had built for their lordly dwelling, but whose construction they had carried out inexpertly: sheep ... of a protective deity of white limestone in the city Tastiate they plundered, to the service of their gates
to build boats in the forest of large trees they seized. In all their lands in the month Ayyaru II, the day of the year, they brought them to this side of the sea with their exalted boats. At the opening of the port, they sank boats. They sank their boats and made them tremble. They brought boats with great strength and skill to me and
The Tebilti canal, a well, which from distant days had flowed in front of the palace and which at its flood was swollen, I tore out its foundation. That small palace in its entirety I razed. The Tebilti canal, its course, I made new. I re-established its access way. Inside its a-surrakku-vessels, I hung reeds above the bitumen.
I surrounded it with large limestone slabs. I piled up 554? cubits long and 219 cubits wide from the sea and I made it larger than before. I added it to the former dimensions of the palace and raised it to a height of 1300? cubits high. For the distant future, during the flood, its foundations would not be firm.
I surrounded its base with large limestone slabs and strengthened its base. For 914 large aslum stones I erected, and 440 large aslum stones I erected on the top of the design of the palace and thereby I enlarged its site. The palace of breccia, agate, elephant ivory, ebony, boxwood, mesmannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, and elammaku-wood for the residence.
I built a tower, a replica of the palace of the land Hatti, opposite the towers. I roofed it with beams of cedar and cypress, whose scent is sweet, the product of Mount Amanus and Mount Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of silver on doors of cedar, cypress, juniper, a scepter, and copper and installed them in their gates. In the gateways that are inside the towers, I opened the openings. I had lamassu-plant, a date palm-plant, and a thorny tree,
who go to the ilu-house, their steadfastness, their steadfastness, their supplication, their supplication, their supplication, as many as there were, at their gates I sat and made them dwell on their eternal dais. I made the door bolts of the treasuries that are in their gates shine brightly. I filled them with the karru-vessels, silver, and copper. I surrounded their walls with baked bricks of zuzu-stone and lapis lazuli and I surrounded their door bolts with the supplications and all of their work. Because my work is completed, and my hands are clean, at that time
Ashur and Ishtar, the ones who love my priesthood, the one who named me by the date palm tree, which since distant days had grown tall and had become very large, in the Sierra mountain range, in a place of abundance, they made their splendor shine forth. The date palm stone, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, to the karru-of-sight and the stele of the land Ammanana had smashed, and the breccia, as much as there was of burzigallu-vessels, which had never seen before,
In the city Kapridargila which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip I presented it. In the city Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, which by divine will and with white limestone for the 'response' was discovered, and bull colossi and the statue of the stele of geshnugal-stone ..., with one stone he created ..., the dimensions ..., in the terrace of his own ..., the stele of apzazu-disease, geshnugal-stone, whose appearance is bright, like the day of the naparde-temple,
... ... ... I fashioned ...-stones, ...-stones, and ...-stones, and I piled them up in piles and I had them all gathered together for the work on my palace. In Nineveh, I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone fashioned by the command of Ninkura in the territory of the city Balataya and I completed their features. From ancient times, the kings, my ancestors, had a statue of copper, a replica of their features, for the shuzu
As for me, Sîn-ahhe-riba, foremost of all rulers, ... the work, all of the large beams of copper, lion colossi, ... of the mountain range, which no king before me had ever seen, ..., the ... of the cultic rites, which he had made great and the princely majesty,
... ... my ..., to do ..., he ... a great ... and, by my own judgement and my own experience, he poured out a copper sluice and he smashed its ... of ... and ..., a ... of ...,
As a gift from god, I fashioned a scepter of truth and wrote it on it. I made their creations as perfect as a casting of 1/2 shekel of silver. I made bull colossi of copper, whose two zaha-x-souls are lit. "with each other" colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, the entrances of my palaces,
I ... high copper columns, as well as large cedar columns, ... ... I ... a bronze meser and ... the ... of the piriggallû-crucible and ... the door bolts of their gates. I ... ...-zazate, alabaster, as far as ...-zazate, ...-silver, urudû-stones of zahalû-stone litbu-stone, and ...-zazate ... ... ... of ...-tassu-silver
I surrounded their the palace rooms' lower courses with slabs of ...-alabaster and large limestone slabs and made them an object of wonder. I made ...s of ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., bronze guhashiru-vessels, and bronze harharu-vessels, and I named them kimu-...-mahhu-vessels.
and Alammittu, the water from the wells, I poured out. I surrounded those palaces. The totality of the palace for the totality of the people I raised up. The palace which no one had ever built a palace I conquered. The orchard of the Hamanum, which ... all the juniper ..., the trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, inside it, I surrounded. For the cultic rites, I ... from the pa'a... to
The plain of Nineveh ... I fashioned with iron a kiln and made it shine like daylight. The Harru canal, one and a half stretches ... inside the Husur River, the eternal sea, I surrounded. Inside those canals I ... ... The canals of the orchards I irrigated and the shadu-trees I drained. I surrounded it with eagles, pigeons, and reeds.
By divine will, in the garden grapes and all kinds of fruit trees, cedar, and aromatic trees they saw a great abundance of trees. Cypress trees, meskannu-trees, all kinds of trees they planted and they smote him. The flocks of the flocks were very many. The bird of heaven, the heron, the pigeon, the eagle, he smote, and the pigeon of reeds he smote. The abundance of meskannu-trees, cypress trees, the fruit of the reeds,
I cut down the marshes in the swamps and for the work on the restitution of my lordly palaces. After I had finished the work on my palace, I invited therein Ashur, the great lord, and the gods and goddesses living in Assyria, and I offered sumptuous offerings and presented them. My kadrû-offerings, oil, serdû-wood and hibi-wood I poured out. For the living, in the tavern of the palace, the inhabitants of my land I made them dwell. .
By the command of Assur, father of the gods, and Ishtar, queen, may a good shepherd ... endure forever in that palace. May he not be negligent.
P466648: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-sis#-su# [...] [...] _gesz#-gidri_ i-szar-[...] [...]-ki-ri ki-szit#-[...] [...] 1(gesz2) 3(u)? 5(disz)# ina _1(disz) kusz3#_ [x x] [...] x x [...]
... his ... ... the sceptre ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 cubits ... .
P466649: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kun4#-mesz# (na4#)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ki-lal-la-an i-na szad-di-szu-un ab#-tuq#-ma a-na# szip#-ri# _e2-gal_-ia u2#-szal#-di#-da# qe2-reb# (iri#)ni#-na#-a# _(d)alad#-(d#)lamma-mesz# gal#-mesz_ u3 _(munus#)ab2#-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i#-li pe-s,e-e# i-na lip#-ta-at (d)nin#-kur-ra ina er-s,e#-et# (iri#)ba-la-t,a-a-a u2-sza2-a'#-lid-ma u2-szak-li-la gat#-ta-szu2#-un sza ul-tu ul-la _lugal#-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam# _uruda#_ tam-szil gat-ti-szu2-un a-na szu-zu-zi# qe2-reb
_e2-kur-mesz_ ib-nu-ma i-na e-pisz-ti-szu2-nu u2-sza2-ni-hu gi#-mir# _dumu#-mesz_ um-ma-a-ni i-na la bi-szit uz-ni la ha-sa-as a-ma-ti a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti-szu-nu _i3-gesz_ isz-ku-ru na-al#-ba-asz2 s,e-e-ni u2-qe2-ru qe2-reb _kur-mesz_-szu2-un ia-a-ti (disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-eri-ba a-sza2-red kal mal-ki mu-de-e szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-me _uruda gal-mesz_ ur#-mah-hi pe#-tan bir-ki sza ma-na-ma la ip-ti-qu _lugal_ pa-ni# mah-ri-ia# [x x] uz#-ni ni-kil-ti sza u2-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u
(d)nin-szi-ku3 [x x] szi-tul-ti ram-ni-ia a-na e-pesz szip-ri szu-a-tu ra-bisz [...] i-na me-lik t,e3-me-ia u3 me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia# [x x]-iq# _uruda_ u2-ba-asz2-szim-ma u2-nak-ki-la [x]-la2-su [...]-hi# u3# a-la#-[x]-ta _gesz_ mesz-re#-e
u3 ul-[...]-lu-pa bal-tu la-la-a kum2-mu-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma# e-ra-a qe2#-reb-szu asz2-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2(disz) _gin2 ta-am3#_ u2-szak-li-la nab-ni-su-un _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _uruda_ sza 2(disz) i-na lib3-bi za-ha-lu-u2 lit-bu-szu2 _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza _e2-gal-mesz_-ia u2#-sza2-as,-bi-ta
_si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _uruda mah-mesz_ a-di (gesz)tim-me (gesz)ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat (kur)ha-ma-nim me-ser _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szin e-mid _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u2-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u2 lit-bu-sza2 u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um#-mu#-ru# gat#-ta#-szin# (gesz)tim-me _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur-min3 (gesz)eren_ (gesz)dup-ra-ni _(szim)li_ u3 (gesz)ta-ad-du
ih-ze-et pa-szal#-li# u3# kas#-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum2-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _(gesz#)gan#-du7#-mesz#_-szu2#-un# _kun4#-mesz# (na4#)dur2#-mi#-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3# _kun4-mesz_ (na4)pi-i-li _gal#-mesz#_ a#-sur#-ru#-szi#-in# u2#-sza2#-as#-hi#-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti u2-sza2-lik (...) _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na u2#-sza2#-lik# as#-mi3#-isz# si#-hi#-ir#-ti# _e2#-gal_ a-na tab-rat kisz#-szat# _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza
sza2-ni-na la# i#-szu#-u2# ni#-bit#-sa# az#-kur# _(gesz#)kiri6#-mah#_-hu# tam-szil# (kur#)ha#-ma-nim# sza# gi#-mir# _szim#-hi#-a# gurun_ s,ip-pa-a#-ti# _gesz#-mesz#_ tuk#-lat# szad#-di#-i# u3 (kur)kal-di qe2-reb#-szu#? hur-ru#-szu# i#-ta#-a-sza2 az-qup a-na mit,-ra-a-ti szum#-mu#-hi# ul#-tu# pa#-a-t,i (iri)ki-si-ri a-di ta#-mir#-ti nina(ki) _kur_-a i-na ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_
u2-szat-tir-ma# u2#-sze#-szir# (i7#)har#-ru# 1(disz)# 1/2(disz)# _danna#_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu# qe2#-reb (i7)hu-su-ur ma-a-me da-ru-u2-ti a-szar-sza2 u2-szar-da#-a# qe2#-reb# mit,#-ra#-a#-ti# sza2#-ti#-na# u2#-szah#-bi-ba pat-ti-isz a-na szup-szu-uh a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza2 _(gesz)kiri6-mesz_ (i7)a-gam-mu# u2#-szab#-szi#-ma# s,u#-s,u#-u2# qe2#-reb-sza2 as-ti-il _igira2(muszen)-mesz szah#-mesz# (gesz)gi_ a-lap qi2-i-szi i-na lib3-bi
u2-masz-szir# i#-na# t,e3#-em# _dingir#_-ma# qe2#-reb _(gesz)kiri6-mesz (gesz)gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun_ (gesz)se-er-du u3 _szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _(gesz)szur-min3_ _(gesz#)mes#-ma2#-kan#-na#_ nap#-har# _gesz#-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma u2-s,ar-ri-szu pa-pa-al-lum ap-pa-ra-a-ti ma-gal i-szi-ra _muszen an_-e _igira2(muszen)_ qin-na iq-nun-ma _szah (gesz#)gi#_ a-lap qi2-i-szi u2-rap-pi-szu2 ta-lit-tu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)szur-min3_ tar-bit s,ip...-
_ambar-mesz_ sza2 qe2-reb (i7#)a#-gam#-me# ak-szit,-ma a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti _e2-gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia lu e-pu...- _e2#-gal#_-ia# u2#-qat#-tu#-u2 (d)asz-szur _en gal dingir-mesz_ u3 _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur(ki) i...- aq-re#-ma# _(udu#)siskur#-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qi2-ma u2-szat-lim kad3-ra-a-a _i3-gesz_ (gesz)ser2-di ... ...-raq-qa-a# a-na ru-usz-te i-na tasz-ri-it _e2-gal_ sza# ba#-hu-la-a...-
I fashioned magnificent breccia cones and piled them up on their top. I piled them up and for the work on my palace I had them carried off. In Nineveh, I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone fashioned by the command of Ninkura in the territory of the city Balataya and I completed their features. From ancient times, the kings, my ancestors, had statues of copper, replicas of their features, for the throne.
As for me, Sîn-ahhe-riba, foremost of all rulers, the one who knows all the craft, the great beams of copper, the lion-headed lions, the scepter of the netherworld, which no king before me had cast, the entire army, without number, without number, to do their work, they poured oil, honey, and ghee into their lands. ..., the king who preceded me, ..., the scepter of the wicked, who had made great and mighty,
Ninshiku, ... my own counsel, greatly ... to do this work ... with my wisdom and my heart's desire ... he brought out copper and he made it tremble. ... ... and ...
and ... ..., the pure, pure, ..., their ..., according to the command of my god, I had a supplication written on it and I sent it to you. According to the word of half a shekel I had delivered to you, their creations, bull colossi made of copper, two of them in their entirety, zahalû-stone, bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone, the entrance of my palace, I had them brought in.
I surrounded their the palace rooms' gates with magnificent copper columns, as well as large cedar columns, the product of Mount Amanus, and I set copper columns upon them. I erected a lion-headed eagle-headed eagles, as well as eagle-headed eagles, pirigalû-shaped doors, and erected a sceptre on their gates. I erected a sceptre of alabaster, as well as eagle-headed eagles, pirigû-shaped doors, and a guanna-shaped door, which are the entrance to their entrance. I erected ebony, cypress, cedar, dapranu-juniper, juniper, and taddu-wood, and a sceptre on their gates.
I surrounded their the palace rooms with a wall of ashlu-glass and silver, and I erected a throne for the abode of my lordship. I surrounded their gandu-wood, slabs of breccia, alabaster, and large limestone blocks. I made them encircle them and made them a spectacle. ... I made those palaces encircle them. I raised the top of the palace for the enjoyment of all of the people. The palace which
I planted a grove, a replica of Mount Amanus, which is surrounded by all kinds of aromatic trees, fruit trees, and fruit trees, which are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, inside it, and I planted it for the cultivation of the land of Sumer and Akkad. From the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, my land, with iron fetters,
I made it gush. I made the Harru canal, a distance of one and a half stretches, flow from the Husur River, a long-lasting river, into its surroundings. I made those canals flow like a flood. For the clearing of the water of the orchards, I made the Agammu canal flow and I surrounded it with a wall. I carried off eagles, pigeons, and reeds as a sling.
By divine will, in the orchards, grapes, all kinds of fruit, cedar, and aromatics grew large; cypress, meskannu-wood, all kinds of trees grew and they grew; a large flock of birds of the sky, a wild bull, a pigeon, a pigeon, a reed-plant, grew; a pigeon, a reed-plant, grew; a reed-plant, a
I cut down the marsh frogs that are in the marshes and I used them in the work required to build my lordly palaces. I ... my palace. The god Ashur, the great lord, the gods and goddesses living in Assyria ... I offered and I offered sumptuous offerings and presented them. My offerings, oil, ..., ..., for the rejoicing, at the inauguration of the palace which .
P466650: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ ina kul-lat ma-li-ki ke-nisz _igi-bar_-ni-ma _ugu_ gi-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-szar-ba-a _gesz-tukul-mesz_-ia _igi-bar_-ni-ma i-na ta-ha-az _edin_ as-kip (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-dun-ia2-asz3 e-ki-ma be-lut-su gim-ri (lu2)kal-di a-di gi-pisz um-ma-na-a-ti _(lu2)elam-ma-ki_ re-s,i-szu u2-ra-sib
i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)asz-szur-na-din-mu _dumu_-u2-a resz-tu-u2 i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu u2-sze-szib-ma _kur uri-ki dagal_-tum u2-szad-gil pa-nu-usz-szu2 as-suh na-gab (lu2)ah-la-me-e (lu2)su-ti-i ba-hu-la-ti (iri)hi-rim-me i-na _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit-ma la ez-zi-ba pe-re-'i-szu2-un ak-szud(ud) (lu2)ia-su-bi-gal-la-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i (kur)el-li-pi u2-szal-pit-ma u2-ab-bit da-ad2-me-sza2 u3 (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni e-du-ra ta-ha-zi a-na (kur)ia-ad-na-na
sza qe2-reb tam-tim in-na-bit-ma i-hu-uz mar-qi2-tum i-na _kur_-tim-ma sza2-a-tu i-na ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia e-mid szad-da-szu2 (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ _lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu u2-szal-pit rap-szu na-gu-u2 (kur)ia-u2-di szep-s,u mit-ru (disz)ha-za-qi-a-a-u2 _lugal_-szu u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-u2-a _(lu2)mesz_ (iri)tu-mur-ra-a-a a-szi-bu-ut (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i ina _(gesz)tukul_
u2-szam-qit (iri)uk-ku a-di nap-har da-ad2-me-szu2 ki-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u2-ab-bit _ug3-mesz_ (kur)hi-lak-ki a-szi-bu-ut hur-sza2-ni zaq-ru-ti u2-t,eb-bi-ih as-li-isz (iri)du6-ga-rim-me sza pa-a-t,i (kur)ta-ba-li _kur_-ud-ma u2-sze-me kar-mesz ba-hu-la-a-ti (kur)kal-di sza ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia e-du-ru-ma _dingir-mesz_ nap-har _kur_-szu-un i-na szub-ti-szu2-un id-ku-u2 tam-tim i-bi-ru-ma i-na (iri)na-gi-a-ti id-du-u2 szu-bat-sun i-na _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ (kur)ha-at-ti _egir_-szu2-un e-bir (iri)na-gi-a-tu
(iri)na-gi-a-tu-di-i'-bi-na (kur)hi-il-mu (kur)pil-la-tu u3 (kur)hu-pa-pa-nu na-ge-e sza e-bir-tan (i7)mar-ra-ti ak-szud(ud)-ma te-ne-szet (kur)kal-di a-di _dingir-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _ug3-mesz lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-lu-lam-ma la ez-zi-ba mul-tah-t,u i-na u4-me-szu-ma [...] [...]-na#-[x] sza 3(disz) _me [...]-kusz3 usz_ [...] (i7)te-bil-ti i-ta-a-[...]-'u-ma [...] mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-[x x]-szu-un [...]-hir-ti-sza aq-qur sza (i7)te-bil-ti (ma-lak-sza2) ul-[x x]-bal#-ti _iri_
[...] u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-sza qe2-reb ka-tim-ti a-sur-rak-ki-sza2 [x x]-nu _gi-mesz_ [...]-nu-(nisz) ak-si 5(disz) _me_ 5(u)? 4(disz) i-na _1(disz) kusz3 gid2-da_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u)? 9(disz) [x _x]-kusz3 dagal_ [...] tar-pa-sze20-e u2-ter s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti tam-li#?-[x] mah#-re-e [...]-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu2 a-na 9(disz) _me_ 1(u)? 4(disz) ina _as4-lum gal_-ti [x] u3# 4(disz) _me_ 4(u)? [...]-ter#-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi _e2-gal-mesz ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar zabar_ (na4)[x _x]-gul-me_
[...] _(gesz)esi (gesz)tug2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3 szim-li_ (gesz)e-lam-ma#-ku# [x x]-in#-da-a [...] _e2_ mu-ter-(re)-e-ti tam-szil _e2-gal_ (kur)hat-ti me2-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti [x]-sze-pisz [...] e-li-szin _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-ri _(gesz)szur-min3_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u3 _uruda#_ [x x]-kis-ma [...]-a-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u2-pat-ta-a _(munus)(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-[x_ x] _am-si_ [...]-ziz-ma a-na tab-ra-a-ti u2-sza2-lik sik-kat3 kar-ri kas-pi _uruda_ qe2-reb-[...]-me
[...]-ma se-el-lum ne2-be2-hi u3 gi-mir pa-as-qi2-szi-in [...]-ia# [...]-'i-mu _(lu2)sanga_-ti-ia na-bu-u2 _mu_-ia [...] [...] i-na pu-uz-ri na-an-zu-zu u2-[...]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, the god Ashur, father of the gods, steadfastly looked upon me among all rulers and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises. I fell into the steppe and took away Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, and he took away his dominion over all Chaldeans, together with the rest of the army of the land Elam, his helpers.
With the weapons of Ashur-nadin-shumi, my first-born son, he sat on his royal throne and ruled the wide land Akkad. I abandoned him. I felled with the sword the entire population of Ahlamû and Sutians, the people of the city Hirimmu, and I did not hesitate. I conquered them. The Yasubigallians, the enemy who had seized the land Ellipi, I destroyed and demolished their settlements. Further, Lulî, the king of Sidon, I fought with them and brought about the defeat of the land Yadnana.
Those who had fled inside the sea were seized and seized the city. In that land, with the great strength of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, I placed him. Tu-Ba'lu sat on his royal throne and he imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship. He smashed his head, he smashed the wide district of the land Judah, the boundary territory of Hazaqiau, his king, and he imposed upon me tribute. The people of Tumurru who live in the rugged mountain Nipur with the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, he smashed with the sword.
The city Ukku and all of its settlements he seized like a swarm of ants. The people of the land Hilakku, who live in the high mountains, he slew. I conquered the city Til-Garimme, which is on the border of the land Tabal, and I brought them here. The cult centers of Chaldea, which had become hostile to me, he destroyed, and the gods of all of their land in their midst he slew. The sea they slew, and in the cities Nagitu he slew. Then, on boats of the land Hatti, he crossed over the Nagitu.
The cities Nagiatu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts on the opposite bank of the Marratu Canal, I conquered and the people of Chaldea together with their gods and the people of the king of the land Elam I plundered and without number I sinned. At that time ... ... ... ... ... ... the Tebilti Canal ... ... before my ancestors to the yoke of their ... I seized. The waters of the Tebilti Canal ... .
... I made her dwelling in the midst of the city quarters of her asurrakku-buildings ... reeds ... ... I fashioned 554 cubits long at 219 cubits wide ... I extended ... beyond the former terrace ... I raised its superstructure. For 914 large ... and 444? ... I raised its superstructure and I erected therein palaces of gold, silver, bronze, ...-stone,
... ebony, boxwood, meskannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elammaku-wood, ... ... ... the house of the terebinth, the replica of the palace of Hatti, opposite the abodes ... ... ... above them, doors of liari-wood, cypress, silver and copper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and to be a spectacle ...
... and the scepter, the scepter, and all their ... ... ... my priestly office, the mention of my name ... in the reed-bed, the nanzuzu-offering .
P466651: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
la# ez-zi-ba# [...] _(lu2)kur2_ ak-[...] u3 (disz)lu-li#-[...] sza qe2-reb tam-tim [...] i-na ra-szub-bat# [...] _lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-[...] rap-szu na-gu-u2# [...] u2-szak-nisz sze-pu#-[...] mar#-s,i ina _(gesz)tukul_ u2-[...] u2-ab-bit _ug3-mesz_ (kur)hi#-lak#-[...] _iri#-du6_-ga-rim-me sza pa-a-[...] [_x]-kal_-di sza ti-ib ta-ha#_-[...]-mesz_ nap-har [x x]-un# i#-na szub-ti-szu-un id#-[...]-ru#-ma i-na (iri)na#-gi-a-ti id#-du-u2 szu-bat-sun2 i-na# [_...]-ha_-at-ti _egir_-szu2-un e-bir
(iri#)na-gi-a-tu (iri)na#-[x x]-tu#-di-i'-bi-na (kur)hi-il-mu (kur)pil-la-tu u3# (kur)hu-pa-pa-nu na-ge#-e sza e-bir-tan (i7)mar-ra-ti ak-szud(ud)-ma te-ne-szet (kur)kal-di a-di _dingir-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu _ug3-mesz lugal (kur)elam-ma(ki#)_ asz2#-lu-lam-ma la ez-zi-ba mul-tah-t,u i-na u4-me-szu-ma [x]-ne#-szet na-ki-ri ki-szit-ti _szu-min_-ia tup-szik-ku [...] _alad-(d)lamma#-[x_] [...]-mur#-szi-in# [...] x [...] [...]-na#? er#-s,e-et# [...]-la#-mit-ta# [...] sza ku-uz#-[x] [...] e#-ra-a qe2#-reb#?-[x]
[...]-bi# [x x]-lu-u2 lit#-bu#-[x] [_...]-mesz# (na4)gesz#-nu11#-[...] (munus#)ab2#-za-za_-a#-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe#-s,e-e [...]-ia# u2-sza2-as,-[...] _mah#-mesz#_ a-di (gesz)tim-me (gesz)ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat (kur)ha-ma-nim me-ser _uruda_ [...]-ma# s,e-er pirig-gal#_-[...]-mesz#_-szin e-mid _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(munus)(ab2)-za-za_-a-ti [x x]-iq# u2-ru-de-e [...] _ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szi-in
[...] _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur-min3#_ [...] _szim#-li_ u3 (gesz)si-in-da-a ih-ze-et pa-szal-li u3# kas#-pi# s,e-ru-usz#-[...]-lu-ti-ia e-mid _(gesz)gan-du7-mesz_-szu-un _kun4#-[...]-ban3-da_ ((a)) [...] _kun4#-mesz_ (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ a-sur-ru-szi-in [...]-szu# u4#-me#-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-u2-ti [...] _zabar#_ u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u2 ma-ka-a-ti [...]-ziz _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na u2-sza2-a-lik as-mi3-isz si-hir-ti [...]-szat# _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza sza2-ni-na
la i-szu#-u2 ni-bit-sa az-kur i#-na# [x]-bit (d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)lamma_ dum-qi2 qe2-reb _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu# da-a#-risz lisz-tab-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i-da-a-sza2
... the enemy ... and Lu-li-... who in the sea ... in a widespread ... his kingship ... a widespread district ... he made ... he smashed ... a ... with weapons ... he seized the people of Hilak... the city Til-Garimme which ... ... ... all ... in their settlements ... and in the city Nariate they ... their dwellings in ... ... behind them he crossed.
The cities Nagitu, ...-tu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, districts on the bank of the Euphrates, I conquered and the people of Chaldea, together with their gods, the people of the king of the land Elam, I carried off and I did not fear the battle. At that time, the ... of the enemy, the ones who had grasped my hands, a tablet ... bull colossi ... their ... ... the territory of ... ... the ... of ... I entered inside .
... ... ... ... ..., alabaster, ..., abzazatu-stone, pî-ili, ... ... I made ... great ... together with large cedar beams, the product of Mount Amanus, a bronze ... and ... their piriggal-... I placed. ... abzazatu-stone, alabaster, as well as abzazatu-stone, ... urudê-plant ... ... abzazatu-stone, a gu-ana-stone, whose light shines forth,
... ebony, cypress, ..., juniper, and juniper, the ... of the pashullu-flour and the ...-shappu-flour, I erected over them their gandu-trees. ... ..., large ...-trees, their outer walls ... daily water for drinking ... bronze I had made and like a ... of the cult centers ... I made ... that palace. I made them go out. ... the rest of the people I raised up. The palace of the other
I, the ... of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, queen, may a good bull colossus and a good lamassu last forever and ever in that palace. May they not leave it.
P466652: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-me i#-na# [...] [...]-ab-bit da#-[...] [...]-hu-uz mar#-[...] [...]-ti-szu2# u2-sze#-[...] [...] (disz)ha-za-qi-a-a#-[...] [...]-qit# (iri)uk-ku a-[...] [...]-li-isz (iri)du6-[...] [_...]-mesz_ nap-har _kur_-szu#-[...] [_...]-mesz#_ (kur)ha-at-ti _egir#-[..._] [...] sza# [i]-na# tar#-s,i# [...]-na# [...]-ni#-szu u3 _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da#_ [...]-gi#-la-a# [...]-nu#-usz i-te-e nina(ki) i-[...]-na#-mir-ma [x _x]-(d#)lamma#-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11#-gal_ sza i-na 1(disz)-[...]-ma# u4-me
[...]-e nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur-szin _kun4-mesz_ [...]-lal#-la-an [x]-na# szad-di-szu-un ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia# [_...]-mesz_ [_x]-mesz_ u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e#-[...] er#-s,e-et (iri#)ba#-la#-t,a#-a#-a# u2#-sza2-'i-lid-ma u2-szak-li#-[...] _dingir#_-ma# [x] gesz#-mah#-hi a-di a#-la#-mit#-ta# _gesz#?_ [...] 1(u)? 2(disz)# _ur-mah-mesz#_ ne2#-'i#-ru#-ti# [x x] 1(u)? 2(disz)# _(d#)alad-(d#)lamma#-mesz# mah#-mesz#_ [x x]-lu#-lu# nab-ni-tu# 2(u)? 2(disz)# _(munus#)ab2#-za#-[..._]
[x] ku#-uz-bu# [...] [x x]-lu#-pa# bal#-[...] asz2-szu# u4#-me#-szam#-ma _a-mesz#_ di#-[...]-has,#-s,a#-a#-ti# _zabar#_ [...] u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u2 ma-ka#-[...] u3# a-la-mit-ta# _uruda_ s,e-er [_x]-mesz#_ usz#-[x] _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na u2-[x x] as#-mi3-isz si-hi-ir-ti _e2#-gal#_ a-na tab-ra-a-ti kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a# re#-szi-sza2 _e2#-gal#_ sza# sza2-ni-na la i-szu-u2 ni-bit-sa az-kur i-na qi2-bit# (d#)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar szar-ra-ti _(d)alad_ dum-[x]
_(d)lamma_ du-un-qi2 qe2-reb _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu# da-a-risz [x]-tab#-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i#-da#-a-sza2
... in ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Hazaqiya ... ... the city Ukku ... ... the city Til-... ... all of the land of Shu... ... the land Hatti behind ... ... which in the distance ... ... ... and alum-minabanda ...-gala ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lamassu-plants of alabaster that in one day
... ... their bodies, their ... ... I cut off and for the work of my palace ... ... and sphinxes of white limestone ... I made them stand in the territory of Balataya and ... I made them ... ... lions, as far as Alammita ... 12 lions, magnificent bull colossi ... ... their birth parents; 22 sphinxes .
... ... ... ... ... ... Because of the day, water ... ... ... bronze ... I had made and like ... ... and alumitu-stone ... ... ... those palaces ... I ... the entire palace for the enjoyment of all the people. The palace which no other had built, I ... it. By the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, queen, the ... shedu-doer
May a good protective spirit never leave that palace.
P466654: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_(lu2#)kur2_ ak-s,i# [(kur)el-li-pi u2-szal-pit-ma u2-ab-bit da-ad2-me-sza2 u3 (disz)lu-li-i] _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni# [e-du-ra ta-ha-zi a-na (kur)ia-ad-na-na sza qe2-reb tam-tim] ki-ma nu-u2-ni ip-[par-szid-ma i-hu-uz mar-qi2-tum i-na _kur_-tim-ma sza2-a-tu] i-na ra-szub-bat# _(gesz#)[tukul_ (d)asz-szur _en_-ia e-mid szad-da-szu2 (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za_] [_lugal]_-ti#-szu2 u2#-[sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu] [u2-szal]-pit# rap#-[szu na-gu-u2 (kur)ia-u2-di ...]
The enemy who had seized the land Ellipi razed its settlements and took away its settlements. Further, Lulî, the king of Sidon, a battle arrayed against Yadnana Cyprus, which is in the sea, like a lion, fled and took refuge there. In that land, with the great strength of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, I placed him on his royal throne and imposed upon him payment in recognition of my overlordship. I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the district of the land Juda Cyprus .
P466655: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal (disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal#_ kib#-rat _limmu2#_-tim mi-gir _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz_ er-szu it#-pe#-szu2 zi-ka-ru qar-du# [a]-sza2-red kal# mal#-ki# rap#-pu la-'i-it, la ma-gi-ri mu-szab-ri-qu za-ma-a-ni (d)asz-szur _kur# gal# lugal_-ut la sza2-na-an u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni-ma _ugu#_ gi#-mir a-szib pa-rak-ki# u2-szar-ba-a _(gesz#)[tukul]-mesz#_-ia
ul-tu _a-ab-ba_ e#-le-ni-ti sza szul-mu _(d)utu_-szi a-di tam-tim [szap]-li-ti sza s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi gim-ri ma-al-ki sza kib-ra-a-ti u2-szak#-nisz sze-pu-u-a i-na# mah#-ri#-i ger-ri-ia sza (disz)(d)marduk-ibila#-szum2-na _lugal_ (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 a-di _erim#-hi#-a#_ elam-ma(ki) re-s,i-szu i-na ta-mir#-ti kisz(ki) asz2-ta-kan# _bad5-bad5_-szu2 szu-u2 a-na szu-zu-ub na-pisz-ti-szu2# e-disz
ip-par-szid-ma _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza# u2-masz-szi-ru ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a a-na _e2-gal_-szu2 sza# qe2-reb babila2#(ki) e-ru-um-ma ap-te-e-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ u2-nu-ut _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4#_ a-qar#-tu2# _nig2#-szu# nig2#-ga e2-gal_-szu2 asz2-lu-la _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2 bad3-mesz_ sza (kur)kal-di a-di# _iri#-mesz tur-mesz_ sza li-mi-ti-szu2-nu
_kur_-ud-ma asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (lu2#)a-ra#-me# sza szid-di (i7)idigna (i7)buranun(ki) ak-szud(ud)-ma# asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un i-na me2-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza (lu2)qi2-pi (iri)ha-ra-ra-ti man-da-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu am-hur ba#-hu#-la#-a-ti (iri)hi-rim-me _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,i i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2#-szam-qit-ma e-du# ul e-zib _iri_ szu-a-tu a-na esz-szu-ti
as,-bat 1(disz)-en _gu4_ 1(u)? _udu-mesz_ 1(u)? _ansze# gesztin#-mesz_ 2(u)? _ansze# zu2-lum-ma_ re-sze-ti-szu2# a#-na _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-kin i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na _kur_ (lu2)kasz-szi-i# u3# _kur_ (lu2)ia-su-bi#-gal#-la-a-a lu al-lik qe2-reb hur#-sza2#-a-ni _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i i-na _ansze-kur-ra_ ar#-kab# asz2#-ru szup-szu-qu i-na _giri3-min_-ia ri-ma-nisz at-tag-gesz (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah (iri)har#-disz#-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _e2 bad3#-mesz_-ni dan-nu-ti
_kur_-ud-ma asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-(nu) u3 _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _tur#-mesz#_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 ap-pul aq-qur _e2 edin_ kul#-ta#-ri-szu2-nu i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu u2-ter-ma (iri)e2-(disz)ki-lam-za-ah szu-a-tu a-na bir-tu-ti as,-bat _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti# _szu#-min#_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib i-na _szu-min (lu2)en-nam (iri)limmu2_-ha am-nu-szu2-nu-ti pa-an ni#-ri-ia u2-ter-ma a-na (kur)el-li-pi
as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu el-la-mu-a (disz)is-pa-ba#-a#-ra# _lugal_-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti u2-masz#-szir#-ma# a-na ru-qe2-e-ti in-na-bit (iri)mar-u2-bisz-ti (iri)ak-ku-ud-du _iri-mesz e2 lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di _iri-mesz_ sza li-mi-ti-szu2-nu _kur_-ud-ma# asz2-lu-la szal-la-su-un ap-pul aq-qur i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu (iri)s,i-s,i-ir-tu2 (iri)ku-um-ma-ah-lu _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti# a-di _iri-mesz tur#-mesz_
sza li-mi-ti-szu2-nu _kur#_-ud (kur)e2-(disz)ba-ar-ru-u2 na-gu-u2 a-na gi-mir-ti-szu2# ul#-tu# qe2#-reb# _kur#_-szu2# ab#-tuq#-ma _ugu_ mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki#) u2#-rad-di (iri)el-en-za-asz2 a-na dan-na-at na-ge-e szu-a-tu as,-bat _mu_-szu2 u2-nak-kir-ma (iri)kar-(disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-eri-ba at-ta#-bi# ni#-bit#-su# _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki-szit-ti _szu#-min_-ia i-na lib3-bi u2-sze-szib i-na _szu-min (lu2)en-nam_ (iri)har-har
am-nu i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza (kur)ma-da-a-a ru-qu-u2-ti sza _lugal-mesz ad#-mesz#_-ia# la# isz#-mu#-u2# zi#-kir# _kur_-szu2-un man-da-ta-szu2-nu am-hur a-na ni-ri-ia u2-szak-ni-su#-nu-ti i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ha-at-ti lu al-lik (disz)lu-li-i _lugal_ (iri)s,i-du-un-ni pu#-luh#-ti# me#-lam#-me#-ia# is#-hup#-szu-ma ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)s,ur-ri a-na (kur)ia-ad-na-na
sza _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit-ma# _kur_-szu2 e-mid (disz)tu-ba-a'-lu i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib-ma man#-da#-at#-tu# be#-lu#-ti#-ia# u2#-kin# s,e-ru-usz-szu2 _lugal-mesz kur_ mar-tu(ki) bi#-lat#-su#-un# ka#-bit-tu2 i-na ta-mir-ti (iri)u2-szu-u2 a-di mah-ri-ia u2-bi-lu-ni u3 (disz)s,i-id-qa-a _lugal_ (iri#)is#-qa#-al#-lu#-na# sza# la# ik#-nu#-szu2# a#-na# ni#-ri-ia _dingir-mesz e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu a-di ki-im-ti-[szu]
as#-su#-ha#-am-ma a-na# _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-rasz#-szu (disz)lugal-lu-da3-a-ri# _dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti _lugal_-szu2-nu [mah-ru-u2 _ugu ug3]-mesz#_ (iri#)is#-qa#-al#-lu#-na# asz2#-kun-ma man-da#-at#-tu# be#-lu#-ti#-ia# u2-kin s,e-[ru]-usz-szu i#-na# me2#-ti#-iq# ger#-ri-ia _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza a-na _giri3-min_-ia la ik-nu-szu-ma#? asz2#-lu#-la# szal#-la#-su#-un# _szagina#-mesz#_ u3# _ug3-mesz_ (iri#)am#-qar#-ru#-na sza (disz)pa-di-i _lugal#_-szu-nu
_en#_ a#-de#-e# sza# _kur#_ asz-szur(ki) bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma a-na# (disz)ha-za-qi-a-u2 (kur)ia-u2-da#-a#-a# id#-di#-nu#-szu2# a#-na an-zil-[li] e-pu-szu2 ip#-lah3# _(sza3)_-szu2#-nu# _lugal-mesz_ (kur)mu-s,u-ri _erim-mesz (gesz)pan_ _(gesz#)gigir#-mesz# ansze#-kur#-ra#-mesz#_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha e-mu-qi2 la ni-bi ik-te-ru-ni i-na ta#-mir-ti (iri)al-ta-qu-u2 it-ti-szu2-un am-da-hi-is,-ma asz2-ta-kan _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un _(lu2)[en] (gesz)gigir-mesz_
u3# _dumu#-mesz# lugal#_ (kur#)mu#-s,u#-ra-a-a a-di _(lu2#)en# (gesz)gigir-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)me-luh-ha bal#-t,u#-su#-un# i#-na# qa#-ti# as,#-bat# a#-na# (iri#)am#-qar#-ru#-na# [aq-rib-ma] _szagina#-mesz#_ sza# hi#-it,#-t,u# u2-szab-szu-u2 i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ a-duk _dumu-mesz iri_ e-pisz an-ni a-na szal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu#-te#-szu2#-nu# sza# gul#-lul#-ta-szu2#-un# la# ib#-szu#-u2# [usz-szur-szu-un aq-bi] (disz)pa-di-i _lugal_-szu2-nu
ul#-tu qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma u2-sze-s,a-am-ma i-na _(gesz)gu-za ugu#_-szu2-un u2-sze-szib-ma man-da-at-tu2 be#-lu#-ti-ia u2-kin s,e-ru#-usz#-szu2# sza# (disz#)ha#-za#-qi#-a#-u2# [(kur)]ia#-u2-da-a-a (sza) la ik-nu-szu2 a#-na# ni#-ri-ia 4(u)? 6(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2 _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti u3 _iri-mesz_ sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu sza# ni#-ba la i-szu-u2 al-me _kur_-ud# asz2#-lu#-la# szal#-la#-tisz# am#-nu# sza2#-szu# [_gin7 muszen_ qu-up-pi] qe2-reb
(iri#)ur#-sa#-li#-im-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu2 e-sir2-szu (iri)hal-s,u-mesz _ugu_-szu u2-rak-kis _iri-mesz_-szu2 sza asz2#-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ab-tuq-ma# a#-na# _lugal#-[mesz_ (iri)as-du]-di# (iri#)is#-qa#-al#-lu#-na# (iri#)am#-qar#-ru#-na (iri)ha-zi-ti ad-din-ma u2-s,a-ah-(hi)-ir# _kur_-su e-li _gun_ mah-ri-ti na-dan szat-ti-szu2-un man-da-at-tu2 u2-rad-di#-ma u2-kin s,e#-ru#-usz#-szu#-un# szu#-u2# (disz#)ha#-za#-qi#-a#-u2# pul#-hi# me#-lam#-me#
be#-lu#-ti#-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma (lu2)ur2-bi u3 _(lu2)erim-mesz_-szu2 _sig5-mesz_ sza a-na qe2-reb (iri)ur-sa-li-im-ma _uru lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-ri-bu-ma it-[ti 3(u)?] _gun# ku3-sig17_ 8(disz) _me gun# ku3#-babbar#_ mim#-ma# szum#-szu ni-s,ir-ti _e2#-gal_-szu2 u3 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 _(munus#)ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar#-mesz_ a#-na# qe2-reb nina(ki) u2-sze-bi-lam-ma a-na na#-dan# man-da#-at#-ti# isz#-pu#-ra# rak#-bu-szu2
i#-na# 4(disz)#-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 lu al-li-ik i-na me2-ti-iq ger-ri-ia sza# (disz#)szu#-zu#-bi# (lu2#)kal#-da#-a-a a-szib qe2-reb (i7)a-gam#-me# i#-na# (iri)bi-it#-tu#-ti# asz2#-ta-kan _bad5#-bad5#_-szu2# szu-u2 _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia e-dur2-ma e-disz ip-par-szid-ma ul in-na-mir a-szar-szu2 pa#-an# ni#-ri#-ia# u2#-ter a-na (kur)e2#-(disz#)ia#-kin7# as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu# szu#-u2
_(disz#)(d#)marduk-ibila-szum2-na_ sza i-na a-lak ger-ri-ia mah#-re-e asz2-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2 ri-gim _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti e-dur2-ma a-na# (iri#)na#-gi#-i#-ti sza _murub4_ tam-tim in-na-bit _szesz#-mesz_-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 sza u2-masz-szi-ru# a-hi tam-tim si-it-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 ul-tu (kur)e2-ia-kin7 qe2-reb (i7)a#-gam#-me# u# ap#-pa#-ra#-a-ti asz2#-lu#-la# u2-ter-ma _iri-mesz_-szu2
ap-pul i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu i-na ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (disz)asz-szur-na-din-mu _dumu_-u2#-a i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ be-lu-ti-szu2 u2-sze#-szib#-ma u2#-szad-gi-la pa-nu-usz-szu2 i-na 5(disz) ger#-ri-ia _lu2-mesz_ (iri)tu-mur-ra-a-a sza2 _gin7_ qin-ni _ti8#(muszen#)_ s,e-er zuq-ti (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i mar-s,i szu-bat-su-un szit-ku-na-at-ma la kit#-nu#-szu# a-na# ni#-ri-ia i-na _giri3-min_ (kur)ni-pur ka-ra-szi
u2-sza2-asz2-kin-ma it-ti _(lu2)erim-mesz me3_-ia la ga-me-lu-ti a-na-ku _gin7 (gu4)am_ ek-di pa-nu-usz-szu2-un as,-bat hur-ri me#-le-e _kur-mesz_ mar-s,u-ti i-na _(gesz)gu#-za#_ asz2#-ta#-am#-di-ih a-szar a-na _(gesz)gu#-za#_ szup#-szu-qu i-na _giri3-min_-ia asz2-tah-hi-it, _gin7_ ar-me a-szar bir-ka-a-a ir-ma-a i-sza2-a ma-na-ah#-tu2# s,e#-er _na4 kur_-i u2-szib-ma _a-mesz (kusz#)ummu3_
ka-s,u-ti a-na s,u-me-ia lu asz2-ti i-na _szu-si-mesz_ hur-sza2-a-ni ar-de-szu2-nu-ti-ma asz2-ta-kan tah-ta-szu2-un _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu _kur_-ud-ma asz2-lu-la szal-la#-su#-un ap-pul aq-qur# i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu pa-an ni-ri-ia u2-ter-ma s,e-er (disz)ma-ni-ia-e _lugal_ (iri)uk-ki la kan-sze as,-s,a-bat har-ra-nu ur-hi pa-asz2-qu-ti sza la-pa#-an# _kur-mesz_
mar-s,u-ti qe2-reb-szu2-un ma-nam-ma la il-li-ku _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia i-na _giri3-min_ (kur)a-na-ra u3 (kur)up-pa _kur-mesz_ dan-nu-ti ka-ra-szi u2-sza2-asz2-kin-ma a-na-ku i-na _(gesz)gu-za_ ne2-me-di it-ti _(lu2)erim-mesz me3_-ia mar-s,i-isz i-te-el-la-a _szu-si-mesz kur-mesz_ pa-asz2-qa-a-ti szu-u2 (disz)ma-ni-ia-e a-lak ge-er-ri-ia isz#-me-ma (iri)uk-ku _uru lugal_-ti-szu2 e-zib-ma a#-na# ru#-qe2-ti in-na-bit e-ru-um-ma
a-na qe2-reb _e2-gal_-szu2 mim-ma szum-szu2 _nig2-szu nig2-ga_ la ni#-bi asz2-lu-la ni-s,ir-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 _iri-mesz_-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur i-na _(d#)gesz#-bar#_ aq-mu-ma ki#-ma _du6_ a-bu-bi u2-sze-me# i-na 6(disz) ger-ri-ia a#-na# (iri)na-gi-ti (iri)na-gi-ti#-di-i'-bi-na _iri-mesz_ sza# _lugal_ (kur)e#-lam#-ti sza i-na e#-ber#-tan# (i7)mar-ra-ti szit-ku#-na#-at szu#-bat#-[su-un _ug3]-mesz_ (kur)e2-(disz)ia-kin7 la-pa#-an# _(gesz)tukul_ (d)asz#-szur# [dan]-nu-ti isz-hu-[tu]-ma ez-ze-bu
da-ad2-me-szu#-nu# (i7#)mar#-ra#-tu3# i-[bi]-ru-u2-ma ki-sza2-da a-he-en-na-[a x x x]-u2 x x ni-ih-ti (d)asz-szur be#-li2# u2-tak#-kil#-an#-ni-ma# s,e-ru#-usz-szu2-un a-na (kur)na-gi-ti a-la#-[ku] aq#-bi# _(lu2#)erim#-mesz#_ (kur)[ha]-at#-ti hu#-bu#-ut# _[(gesz)pan-mesz_]-ia i-na nina#(ki#) u2#-sze#-szib#-ma _(gesz)ma2#-mesz#_ s,i-ra#-a#-ti e#-pisz#-ti# _kur#_-szu#-un# ib#-nu#-u2# nak#-lisz# _(lu2)ma2-lah5#-mesz#_ (iri)s,ur#-ra#-a#-a#
(iri#)s,i#-du-un#-na#-a#-a# (kur#)ia#-[am?]-na#-a-a ki-szit-ti _szu#-min#_-ia u2-sza2#-hi#-su#-nu#-ti ur#-tum# qe2#-reb# _(i7#)idigna#_ it#-ti# szi#-na-ti a-na qid-da#-ti a-di (iri)u2-pi-a u2-sze-qel-pu-u2# u3# _ta#_ (iri#)u2#-pi#-a# na#-ba#-lisz# u2#-sze#-lu#-szi#-na-ti-ma s,e#-er (gesz)gur2#-gu#-ge#? a#-[na? _zimbir(ki?)]_ il#-du#-du#-szi#-na#-[ti-ma] qe2#-reb (i7)a-rah-ti id-du#-szi#-na#-ti# a#-na# har#-ri# _e2_-dak#-ku#-ri sza# (kur#)kal-di u2-sze-qel-pu-u2
szu-x i-na [x] an# al-lik# x [x] ma qu# x x? _mesz#_-ia szam-ru#-ti# sza2 la i#-[du-u2] a#-da#?-ru# (lu2#)qur-bu-ti _giri3#-min#_-ia# git2#-ma#-lu#-ti# u3# _(lu2)erim-mesz_ ta-ha#-zi#-ia# qar-du-ti sza# la# x x x i#-na# qe2#-reb _(gesz)ma2-mesz#_ u2-szar-kib-szu-nu-ti-ma s,i-di-tu ad-din-[szu-nu]-ti _sze#-im#_ u3# _(sze#)in#-nu#-hi#-a#_ a#-na# mu-ur-ni#-is#-qi2# u2-sze-la-a# it-ti#-szu2#-un# qu#-ra#-du#-u2#-a i-na _(gesz)ma2#-mesz#_ i#-qel#-pu#-u2 (i7#)pu-rat-tu a#-na#-ku#
a#-na# i#-ti#-szu2#-un# na#-ba#-lu# s,ab#-ta-ku-ma a-na (iri)ka2-sa-li#-me#-ti# u2#-szar#-da#-a# ur#-hi# i#-na# ul#-lu#-u2# re#-szi#-[ia] ul#-tu a-hi (i7)pu-rat-ti a-di kib-ri# [tam-tim] ma#-lak# 2(disz)# _danna#_ qaq#-qa#-ru# ka#-li# ka#-lu#-[...] sza2 i-na a-a-ri-du#-u2-a x x x x x x a-mat x x x [a]-na# [lib3-bi-ia ul] asz2#-du-ud i#-na# asz2#-ri# szu#-a#-tu3# at#-ta#-di# ka#-ra-szi e-du-u2 ta-ma-ti gap#-szisz# isz#-sza2#-am#-ma# qe2#-reb#
(gesz)za-ra-ti-ia e-ru-um-ma ni#-ti#-isz il-ma-a gim-ri# ka-ra-szi-ia i#-na# [_a]-mesz#_ dan#-nu#-ti
a-na raq-[qa]-at pi-i _i7#_ ik#-szu#-da# a-szar (i7)pu-rat-tu _a-mesz_-sza2 u2#-szesz#-sze#-ru# qer-bu-[usz tam]-tim ga-lit#-ti# a#-na-ku# a#-na me2-he-er-ti-szu2-un i-na _gu2_ (i7)mar#-ra#-ti az-ziz-ma a-na# (d)e2-a _lugal? zu-ab_ u2-sze-pi-sza2 _(udu)siskur-mesz ku3-mesz_ it#-ti# _(gesz)ma2 ku3-sig17 ku6 ku3-sig17_ al-lut-tu2 _ku3-sig17_ a-na qe2-reb tam-tim [ad-di-ma] _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-ia a#-na# _ugu kur_ (iri)na-gi-i-ti ur-ru-hi-isz u2-sze-bir i-na kib-ri tam-tim gal-la-ti sza# a-na szi-ik-nu a-na e-le-e
_ansze#-kur-ra-mesz_ u3# szit-kun _giri3-min lu2_ la na#-t,u ma-gal szum#-ru#-us,#-ma ba-hu-la-ti (kur)kal-di [a]-szib# (iri)na-gi-ti# (iri)na-gi-ti-di#-i'#-bi#-na _ug3-mesz_ (kur)hi-il-mu (kur)pil-la-tu2 u3 (kur)hu-pa-pa-nu _(gesz#)ma2-mesz_ qu-ra-di-ia# i-mu-ru-ma _erim-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi# _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ e-muq [la] ni-bi u2-kap-pi-tu2 mit#-ha-risz el-la-me-szu2-un i-na (i7)u2-la-a na-a-ru sza kib-ru-sza2 _dug3-ga_ si-id-ru szit-ku-nu me-le-e _erin2-hi-a_-ia s,ab-tu-ma
u2-sza2-'a-lu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2-un qu-ra-du-u2-a a-na ka-a-ri ma-kal-le-e ik-szu-du s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un ul-tu qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ a-na kib-ri a#-ri#-bisz ip-par-szu-ma isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu2-un (iri)na-gi-tu (iri)na-gi-tu-di-i'-bi-na (kur)hi-il-mu (kur)pil-la-tu u3# (kur)hu-pa-pa-nu _iri-mesz_ sza _lugal_ (kur)e-lam-ti ik-szu#-du dan#-nu#-su#-un te-ne-szet (lu2)kal-di _dingir-mesz_ gim-ri (kur)e2#-(disz#)ia#-kin7#
_ansze#-kunga-mesz ansze-nita2-mesz_ isz-lu-lu-ni qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2-[mesz_-szu2-nu] u2#-sze-lu-ma a-ha-an-na-a a-na (iri)ka2-sa-li-me-ti a#-[di mah-ri-ia] u2-sze-bi-ru-ni _iri-mesz_ sza2-tu-nu ip-pu-lu iq-qu-ru i-na (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ugu (kur)elam-ma(ki) dagal_-tim it-bu-ku sza2-ah-ra-ar#-tu2 i-na szal-lat _kur-mesz_
_lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di# si#-it#-ti szal-lat na#-ki#-ri# ka#-bit-ti a-na gi#-[mir] _karasz_-ia _(lu2)en#-nam#-mesz#_-ia u3 _ug3-mesz_ ma#-ha#-za#-ni#-ia# _gin7#?_ s,e-e#-[ni] lu u2-za-'i-iz i-na u4-me-szu2-ma _e2-gal murub4# iri#_ sza# nina#(ki#) sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina _1(disz) kusz3 [usz_]
a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu2-un u2-sze-pi-szu2-ma la u2-nak-[ki-lu] szi-pir-sza2 _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ sza (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i-na (iri)ta-as-ti-a-te ib-[tu-qu] a-na mu-kil _ka2-mesz_-szin a-na szu-pu-usz _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ qe2#-reb# _(gesz)tir-mesz gesz-[mesz] gal-mesz_ u2-qe2#-[ru] i-na nap-har _kur-me_-szu2-un i-na _(iti)gu4_ u4-mu a-dan#-ni# e-de-e [pa-an szat]-ti i-na _(gesz)ma2-[mesz_] s,i-ra-a-ti a-na a-ha-an-na#-a u2-szeb-bi-ru-ni# mar-s,i-isz i#-na# ne2#-ber ka#-a-ri
_(gesz#)ma2-[gu]-la#-mesz_ u2-t,e-eb-bu-u2 ba-hu-la-ti-szu2-un u2-sza2-ni-hu [u2-lam-me]-nu [ka-ras]-sin i-na da-na-ni u3 szup-szu-qi2 mar-s,i-isz# u2#-bi#-lu-nim-ma u2-[sza2-as,-bi-tu] [_ka2-mesz]_-szi-in (i7)te-bil-ti a-gu-u2 szit-mu-ru sza [ul-tu _ud]-mesz su3#-[mesz_ t,e-eh] [_e2-gal_] i-ba-'u-u2-ma i-na _illu_-sza2 gap-szi u2-rib-bu [tem-me]-en-[sza2 _e2-gal-tur-ra_] [sza2-a-tu] a#-na# si-hi-ir-ti-sza2 aq-qur sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak#-sza2# ul#-tu# [qa-bal-ti _uru_]
[ap-ru-us-ma i-na ta-mir-ti ku-tal _uru_] u2-sze-szir mu-s,u-sza2 [i-na 1/2(disz) _iku_ ma-lak _a-mesz_]
[ta-mir-ti _iri_ ki-ma a-tar-tim]-ma [lu as,-ba-ta s,e-er me-szi-ih-ti tam-li-i mah-re-e lu u2-rad-di-ma] a-na si-hi-ir-ti-szu i-na 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu a-na 9(disz)# _me#_ [1(u)? 4(disz) i-na] _as4#-lum# gal_-tim _usz_ u3 4(disz) _me_ 4(u)? ina _as4-lum_ _gal_-tim _sag-ki_ szi-kit-ti _e2-gal_ u2-ter-ma szu-bat-sa usz-rab-bi _e2-gal-mesz ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar zabar (na4)an-za-gul-me (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_
_(na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si (gesz)esi (gesz)tug2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3 (szim)li_ (gesz)e-lam-ma-ku (gesz)si-in-da-a a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia ab-ni-ma _e2_ mu-ter-re-te tam-szil _e2-gal_ (kur)ha-at-ti me2-eh-ret ba-ba-a-ti u2-sze-pisz _gesz-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3_ sza e-ri-su-un [t,a-a-bu] bi-nu-ut (kur)ha-ma-nim (kur)si-ra-ra _kur-mesz ku3-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szin _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3 (szim)li_ [me]-ser _ki-sag_ u3 _uruda_
u2-rak#-kis-ma u2-rat-ta-a ba#-bi#-szin# i#-na ba-rak-ki sza qe2-reb _(e2)pa-pah-mesz_-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u2-pat-ta-a _(munus)(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ _zu2 am-si_ sza il-lu-ru na-sza2-[a] kit#-mu-sa [rit]-ta-szin bal-tu ku-uz-bu hi-it-lu-pa lu-le#-e ma-la-a i-na _ka2-mesz_-szi-in ul-zi-iz-ma a-na tab#-ra-a-ti u2-sza2-lik [s,u-lul ta]-ra#-[a]-ni sza qe2-reb ba-rak-ka-ni e-t,u-su-un u2-szah-la-a u4-mi3-isz usz-nam-mir sik-kat3 kar-ri
kas-pi u3 _uruda_ qe2-reb-szin u2#-szal#-[me i]-na [_sig4]-al-ur3-ra (na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ us-si-ma se-el-lum ne2-be2-hi u3 gi-mir pa-as-qi2-szu asz2-szu2 szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia szu-te-szu-ri u3 li-pit _szu-min_-ia szul-[lu-me] i-[na] u4-me-szu-ma (d)asz-szur u3 (d)isz-tar ra-'i-mu _(lu2)sanga_-ti-ia na-bu _mu_-ia gesz-mah-hi (gesz)ere-ni sza ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ [i-szi]-hu#-[ma] ik-bi-ru ma-gal i-na qe2-reb (kur)si-ra-ra szad-di#-i# i-na pu-uz-ri na-an#-zu#-zu u2-szak-li-mu-in-ni
s,i-i-su-un# sza# _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza# i#-na# [tar]-s,i _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan (kur)am-ma-na#-na# u2-szap#-tu#-ni# pa-ni-szu u3 _(na4)dur2#-[mi]-na-ban3-da_ ma-la (dug)bur-zi#-gal#-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na (iri)kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a sza2 pa#-a#-t,i# (iri)du6-bar-si-ip u2-kal-lim ra#-ma-nu-usz i-te-e nina(ki) i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma (na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u2 a-na mu-'u-de-e
in-na-mir-ma _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3 s,a-lam mesz-re-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na 1(disz)-en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u2 mi#-na-a-ti szuk-lu-lu i-na ki-gal-li ram-ni-szu2-nu# [sza2]-qisz na-an-zu-zu _(munus)ab2-za-[za]_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me nu-us-su-qa _gin7_ u4-me na-par-de-e nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur-szin _kun4#-mesz (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_
s,i-ra-a-ti# ab#-ni ki-lal-la-an i-na szad-di#-szu2#-un# ab-tuq-ma a-na szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia u2-szal-di-da qe2-reb nina(ki) _(d)alad-(d)lamma#-mesz# gal#-mesz_ u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e i#-na# lip-ta-at (d)nin#-kur-ra i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a u2-sza2-a'-lid-ma u2-szak-li-la gat-ta-szu2-un sza# ul#-tu ul-la _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia s,a-lam _uruda_
tam-szil gat-ti-[szu2]-un a-na szu-zu-zi qe2-reb _e2-kur-mesz_ ib-nu-ma i-na e-pisz-ti-szu2-nu u2-sza2-ni-hu gi-mir _dumu-mesz_ um-ma-a-ni i-na la [bi-szit] uz-ni la ha-sa-as a-ma-ti a-na szip-ri hi-szih-ti-[szu2-nu _i3-gesz_] isz-ku-ru na#-al#-ba-asz2 s,e-e-ni u2-qe2-ru qe2-reb _kur-mesz_-szu2-un ia-a-ti (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su a-sza2-red kal mal-ki# [mu]-de-e szip-ri ka-la-ma tim-me _uruda gal-mesz_
ur-mah-hi [pe-tan] bir-ki sza ma-na-ma la# ip-ti-qu _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia i-na uz-ni ni-kil-ti sza u2-szat-li-ma ru-bu-u2 (d#)nin#-szi-ku3 i-na szi-tul-ti ram-ni-ia a-na e-[pesz szip]-ri# szu-a-tu ra-bisz# am#-tal-lik-ma i-na mi3-lik t,e3-me#-ia u3 me-resz ka-bat-ti-ia pi-ti-iq _uruda#_ u2-ba-asz2-szim-ma u2-nak-ki-la nik-la2-su sza gesz-mah-hi
u3# a-la-mit#-[ta] _gesz_ mesz-re-e 1(u)? 2(disz) _ur-mah-mesz_ ne2-'i-ru-ti a-di 1(u)? 2(disz) _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz mah-mesz_ sza szuk-lu-lu nab-ni-tu 2(u)? 2(disz) _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti sza ku-uz-bu u3 ul-s,u hi-it-lu-pa [bal]-tu la-la-a kum2-mu#-ru s,e-ru-usz-szin ki-i t,e3-em _dingir_-ma zi-i'-pi t,i-it,-t,i ab-ni-ma e-ra-a qe2-reb-szu2 asz2-tap-pa-ka ki-i pi-ti-iq 1/2(disz) _gin2-ta-am3_
u2-szak-li-la# nab-ni-su-un _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ nab-nit _uruda_ sza 2(disz) ina lib3-bi za-ha-lu-u2 lit-bu-szu2 _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza _e2-gal-mesz_-ia u2-sza2-as,-bi-ta _si-gar_-szi-in tim-me _uruda mah-mesz_ a-di (gesz)tim-me (gesz)ere-ni _gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat (kur)ha-ma-nim me-ser _uruda_
u2-rak-kis-ma s,e-er pirig-gal-le-e ul-ziz-ma dap2-pi ku-lul _ka2-mesz_-szin e-mid _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ a-di _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq u2-ru-de-e sza za-ha-lu-u2 lit-bu-sza2 u3 _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti pi-ti-iq _gu-an-na_ sza nu-um-mu-ru gat-ta-szin (gesz)tim-me _(gesz)esi (gesz)szur-min3 (gesz)eren_ (gesz)dup-ra-ni _(szim)li_
u3 [(gesz)]si#-in-da-a ih-ze-et pa-szal-li u3 kas-pi s,e-ru-usz-szin ul-ziz-ma sza kum2-me mu-szab be-lu-ti-ia e-mid _(gesz)gan-du7-mesz_-szu2-un as-kup-pa-a-ti _(na4)dur2-[mi]-na-ban3-da (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ u3 _kun4-mesz_ (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz#_ a-sur-ru-szin u2-sza2-as-hi-ra a-na tab-ra-a-ti u2-sza2-lik asz2-szu u4-mi-szam-ma _a-mesz_ di-lu-ti
da#-lum# eb-li gu-has,-s,a-a-ti _zabar_ u3 har-ha-ri _zabar_ u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-mu-u2 ma-ka-a-ti gesz-mah-hi u3 a-la-mit-ta s,e-er _pu2-mesz_ usz-ziz _e2-gal-mesz_ sza2-ti-na [u2]-sza2#-lik# as-mi-isz si-hir-ti _e2-gal_ a-na tab-rat kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-sza2 _e2-gal_ sza sza2-ni-na la i-szu-u2 ni-bit-sa az-kur _(gesz)kiri6-mah_-hu
[tam-szil] (kur#)ha#-ma#-nim sza gi-mir _szim-hi-a gurun_ s,ip-pa-a-ti _gesz-mesz_ tuk-lat szad-di-i u3 (kur)kal-di qe2-reb-szu2 hur-ru-szu i-ta-a-sza2 az-qup a-na mit,-ra-a-ti [szum-mu]-hi ul-tu pa-a-t,i (iri)ki-si-ri a-di ta-mir-ti (iri)ni-na-a _kur_-a i-na ak-kul-la-ti _an-bar_ u2-szat-tir-ma u2-sze-szir (i7)har-ru
[a-na szup-szu]-uh a-lak-ti _a-mesz_ sza _(gesz)kiri6-mesz_ (i7)a-gam-mu u2-szab-szi-ma s,u-s,u-u2 qe2-reb-sza as-ti-il _igira2(muszen)-mesz szah-mesz (gesz)gi_ [a]-lap# qi2-i-szi i-na lib3-bi u2-masz-szir i-na t,e3-em _dingir_-ma qe2-reb _(gesz)kiri6-mesz (gesz)gesztin_ gi-mir _gurun_ (gesz)se-er-du u3 _szim-hi-a_ ma-gal isz-mu-hu _(gesz)szur-min3#_
_[(gesz)]mes-ma2-kan-na_ nap-har _gesz-mesz_ i-szi-hu-ma u2-s,ar-ri-szu pa#-pa-al-lum ap-pa-ra-a-te ma-gal i-szi-ra _muszen an_-e _igira2(muszen)_ qin-na iq-nun-ma _szah# (gesz#)gi#_ a#-lap# qi2#-i-szi u2-rap-pi-szu ta-lit-tu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)szur-min3_ tar-bit s,ip-pa-a-ti _gi ambar-mesz_ sza qe2-reb (i7)a-gam-me ak-szit,-ma [a-na szip-ri] hi#-szih#-ti _e2-gal-mesz_ be-lu-ti-ia lu _du3_-usz ul-tu szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia u2-qat-tu-u2 (d)asz-szur _en gal dingir-mesz_ u3 _(d)isz-tar-mesz_
[a-szi-bu-ut _kur_ asz-szur(ki)] i-na qer-bi-sza2 aq-re-ma _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-te aq-qi2-ma u2-szat-lim kad3-ra-a-a _i3-gesz_ (gesz)ser2-di u3 hi-bi-isz-ti [u2-raq-qa-a a-na ru-usz-te] i#-na tasz-ri-it _e2-gal_ sza ba-hu-la-ti _kur_-ia u2-sza2-asz2-qa-a muh-ha-szin _gesztin-mesz_ du-usz-szu-pu s,ur-ra-szin am-kir i-na qi2-bit
[asz-szur a-bu _dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar] szar#-ra#-ti# _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)[lamma_ dum-qi2] qe2#-reb _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu da-a-risz lisz-tab-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i-da-a-sza2
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, pious warrior, valiant man, foremost of all rulers, the bridle that controls the insubmissive, the one who overwhelms enemies, the god Ashur, the great mountain, the unrivalled kingship, granted to me and made my weapons greater than those of all who sit on royal daises.
From the Upper Sea of the Well-being of Shamash to the Upper Sea of the Rising Sun, all rulers of the four quarters of the world, they made bow down at my feet. In the first stage of my campaign, which Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, king of Karduniash Babylonia, together with the troops of Elam, his allies, in the plain of Kish I established, I brought about his defeat. He abandoned his life and fled to save his life.
He escaped, and the chariots, wagons, horses, and mules that he had abandoned he captured. My hands entered his palace, which is in Babylon, and I opened his treasury. I carried off gold, silver, gold utensils, silver, precious stones, property, and property of his palace. I surrounded his fortified cities, the walled cities of Chaldea, together with the smaller settlements in their environs.
On my return march, I conquered the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates and carried off their booty. In the course of my campaign, the qipu of the city Hararatu received a substantial payment from me. The people of the city Hirimmu, a dangerous enemy, fought with the sword and fled. I did not spare that city.
I took one ox, 10 sheep, 10? homers of wine, 20? homers of dates as his first-fruits offerings to the gods of Assyria. On my second campaign to the land of the Kassites and the land of the Yasubigallians I marched. In the high mountains, a rugged field, I rode on horseback. The rugged terrain I covered with my feet very much. The cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities,
I captured and plundered. Their booty and their smaller settlements, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. I returned the people of that city Bit-Kilamzah to their former places. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. I placed them under the authority of the governor of the city Arbela. I returned them to my country and to the land Ellipi
I took the road to the other side of the Euphrates. Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and fled to the sea. I captured Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house, together with the cities in their environs, and carried off their booty. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Shishirtu and Kummahlu, fortified cities, together with smaller settlements.
which is in their environs I conquered. The district of the land Ebarrû in its entirety I ripped out from his land and added to the territory of Assyria. I took the city Elenz as a fortress for that district and iii 5' changed its name and called it Kar-Sîn-ahhe-eriba. I settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. From the hands of the governor of the city Harhar
On my return march, the distant Medes, whose kings, my ancestors, had never heard the mention of their land, I received their tribute and made them bow down to my yoke. On my third campaign, I marched to the land Hatti. Fear of my brilliance overwhelmed Lulî, the king of Sidon, and he fled from the city Tyre to the land Yadnana.
he who was in the middle of the sea escaped and took to his land. Tu-Ba'lu sat on his royal throne and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship. The kings of the land Amurru brought their substantial tribute in the plain of the city Ushû before me and Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, together with his family,
I returned and brought him to Assyria. I installed Lugal-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship. In the course of my campaign, his cities, which had not submitted to me, I plundered and plundered. The governors and the people of the city Ekron of Padî, their king,
The lord of the treaty of Assyria, a shackle of iron he erected and to Hazaqiau of the land Judah he gave him. He performed anzilu-festival and they became frightened. The kings of Egypt, the archers, chariots, and horses of the king of the land Meluhha, without number, gathered together in the plain of the city Eltekeh and I brought about their defeat. The lord of chariots
and the sons of the king of Egypt, together with the lord of the chariots of the king of Meluhha, their lives I captured. I approached the city Ekron and I killed with the sword the governors who had committed crimes. I counted the citizens of the city who had committed this crime as booty. The rest of them, whose crimes they did not commit, I imposed upon them. I spoke to Padî, their king, as follows:
I brought out of the city Ursallim and seated them on the throne over them, and imposed upon them payment in recognition of my overlordship. He who had not submitted to my yoke, iii 20' 46 of his cities, fortresses, and cities in their environs, which were without number, I surrounded and conquered. I counted them as booty. I surrounded it like a bird nest inside
As for the city Ursalum, his royal city, I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire his cities, which I had plundered, from his land and gave to the kings of the cities Ashdod, Isqalluna, Amqarrana, and Haziti, and he razed, destroyed, and his land he surrounded. I added to the previous tribute and payment of their annual offerings and imposed upon them tribute. That man, Hazaqiû, was enraged with radiance,
he seized him and the urbi and his good men who were in Ursallim, his royal city, he brought in and together with 30 talents of gold and 800 talents of silver, whatever was his own, the treasure of his palace, and his daughters, the people of his palace, the singers, the female singers, to Nineveh sent, and for the payment of tribute he sent his troops.
On my fourth campaign I marched to the land E-Yakin. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Shuzubu Mushezib-Marduk, a Chaldean who lives in the marshes, in the city Bittutu. He fought with me. He abandoned my weapons, fled alone, and did not see his place. I turned around and took the road to the land E-Yakin.
Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who on the first campaign of my previous campaign had brought about his defeat, fear of my mighty weapons he turned back and he fled to the city Nagitu, which is in the middle of the sea. His brothers, the seed of his father's house, who had abandoned the shore of the sea, together with the people of his land, I carried off from the land Eiakin, in the swamps and marshes, and his cities
On my return march, Ashur-nadin-shumi, my son, sat on his lordly throne and he made his face resplendent. On my fifth campaign, the people of Tumurrum, whose dwellings are situated like the nests of eagles on the peak of Mount Nipur, a rugged mountain, and who were not submissive to my yoke, on foot Mount Nipur,
I placed it with my merciless troops and like a raging bull I took their faces in the mountains. I sat on a throne of rugged mountains, where the throne was smashed, on my feet. Like a raging bull, where the wolves grew, I sat on a mountain ledge. I sat on a mountain ledge and drank water from a leather bag.
I slew my foes to my feet. I marched against them on the peaks of the mountains and defeated them. I conquered their cities and carried off their booty. I burned, demolished, and burned with fire their cities. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and took the road against Maniye, the king of the city Ukku, a dangerous road. I took the direct road against the mountains.
No king before me had come inside them. He put the mighty mountains Anara and Uppa on the feet of the enemy and I, on a sledge, fought with my fierce battle troops. He heard about the mighty arrows of the mountains and heard about the advance of Maniye on my expedition. He abandoned the city Ukku, his royal city, and fled to the desert.
In his palace I carried off every kind of possession and property without number, his substantial treasure. I destroyed, devastated, and burned his cities. I slew like a sacrificial lamb. On my sixth campaign to the cities Nagitu and Nagiti'bina, cities of the king of the land Elam, whose dwellings are situated opposite the Marratu River, the people of the land Bit-Yakin fled from the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and were frightened.
their settlements crossed the Marratu canal and the border of each other ... ... the love of Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and I told them to march to the land Nagitu. The men of the land Hatti, who were seized by my bow, I settled in Nineveh and they hired exalted boats for the work of their land. The sailors of the city Tyre
The Sidonians and the Yamaneans, the subjects of my hands, I slew them. The next, they slew them in the Tigris with them to the quays to Uppia and they brought them out from Uppia. Further, they brought them out from the quays to Sippar and they brought them out from the Arahtu canal. They brought them out to the canal of the Dakkuru of Chaldea.
... I marched ... ... my nobles, who did not know me, I ..., my mighty warriors, and my warriors, my battle troops, who did not ..., in boats I made them enter, and I gave them the shinditu-offerings. I brought barley and straw for the turnishû-offerings with them. My warriors in boats they sailed. The Euphrates I
I was seized in their midst, and I made them enter Kasallitu. The lions in my arms, from the source of the Euphrates to the seacoast, a journey of two stretches of land, all of it, ..., which in my land ... the word ... to my heart I did not abandon. In that place I grew up, a mighty flood erupted, and I sat down in it.
I slew my zarutu-wood and poured out my entire karutu-wood into the mighty water.
to the mouth of the river he reached. Where the Euphrates its water he brought in, in the midst of the wide sea I stood. For their awe-inspiring radiance I stood on the bank of the Marratu and for Ea, the king of the apsû, I made her. I gave sacrifices of gold with a boat of gold, fish, and gold, into the sea and I quickly sent my boats to the land Nagitu. In the great sea, which to the east to the west
horses and mules, a man without number, a great man, he sent, and the people of Chaldea who dwell in the cities Nagitu and Nagiti'bina, the people of the lands Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, my warriors, saw, and the archers, chariots, horses, mules, and troops without number, they slew together in battle. In the Ulaya canal, the quay of its territory, good, the slits,
their weapons they slew. My warriors to the border of the Medes they captured. Their envoys from the boats to the sea of the sea they captured and they placed their trust. The cities Nagitu, Nagitu-di'bina, Hilmu, Pillatu, and Hupapanu, cities of the king of the land Elam they captured. Their strongholds, the Chaldeans, the gods of all the land E-Yakin
They carried off mules and donkeys, and in their boats they brought them out. They brought them to Kasallimetu, before me. Those cities they destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire. They poured out a torrent of rain upon the wide land Elam. They slew the captives in the booty of the mountains.
I added the remainder of the substantial booty of my enemies to my entire camp, my governors, and the people of my cult centers. I sat down like sheep. At that time, the palace in the middle of the city of Nineveh, which was 3 hundred and 900 cubits in height,
Before my fathers, for the sake of their lordship, I had it built and did not alter its construction. Bull colossi of white limestone in the city Tastiate he plundered, and to be their gatekeepers, to be their boats, they moored them in the forest of large trees. In all of their lands, in the month Ayyaru II, the day of the equinox, before that time, with magnificent boats they dispatched to me. At the beginning of the year,
The boats they brought in and their people they made joyful. With might and strength they brought in and they made them take up their seats. The Tebilti canal, the fresh water that from distant days had flowed from the palace and which in its flood had sunk, its foundations and the small palace in its entirety I enlarged. The canal of the Tebilti canal, its course, from the center of the city
I opened and in the plain behind the city I made it pass by. Its waterway is 1/2 ikû.
I surrounded the plain of the city like a mountain. I added the terrace to the former terrace and, in its entirety, I raised its superstructure a distance of 100+ nindanu by a large aslu-tree, and 4400? aslu-tree by a large aslu-tree, the top of the design of the palace, and I enlarged its site. I made palaces of gold, silver, bronze, anzagul-stone, breccia,
I had cedar, cypress, ebony, a linen garment, a mesmannu-wood, cedar, cypress, juniper, elamaku-juniper, and sand dunes as my royal residence built and a storehouse, a replica of the palace of the land Hatti, built opposite its gates. I roofed them with beams of cedar and cypress, whose fragrance is sweet, the product of the land Hamath and the land Sirara, the holy mountains. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cedar, cypress, juniper, juniper, a tuft of a finger and copper.
I positioned and thereby reinforced their foundations. At the gates that are inside the palatial halls, I opened the openings and surrounded them with lamassus, elephant ivory whose limbs are firmly fixed, a tiara of kuzbu-plant, a tiara of lupin, as many as there were, and I made them a treasury for the pleasure of all. I made the shurû-garments which are inside the gates shine like a halo. I made the door bolts of the door bolts shine like daylight.
I adorned them with silver and copper. With baked bricks of lapis lazuli and lapis lazuli, I adorned their faces and all their copings. Because the work of my palace I completed and the ... of my hands I slighted, at that time the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who love my priesthood, the one who called me by name, had cedar beams that from distant days had grown tall and great in the Sierra mountains in a grove I made them stand.
As for the gishnugal stone, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, in the midst of the mighty battle array in the wide plain of the land Ammanana had smashed, its face and the breccia, as much as is needed for the burzigallu-vessel, which had never been seen before, in the city Kapridargilâ, which is on the border of the city Til-Barsip, he had it brought to me. In Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, according to the command of the god, he had smashed a pilû-vessel for a mule.
he saw and bull colossi and statues of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, whose proportions are perfect, on their throne-dais, their shattu-disease, shattu-disease, sphinxes of alabaster, whose features are splendid, like a day of brightening, their bodies he adorned with a scepter of breccia.
I fashioned magnificent statues of myself and erected them on their pedestals. I completed them and for the work on my palace I had them carried off. In Nineveh, I had large bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone fashioned by the command of Ninkura in the territory of the city Balataya and I completed their features. From ancient times, the kings, my ancestors, had bronze statues made.
In the Ekur temples a replica of their cultic rites he built and in their construction he made them flourish. All the craftsmen, without number, without number, without number, to do work on their behalf oil, oil, oil, and wool he poured out. In their mountains, I, Sennacherib, foremost of all rulers, the one who performs the work, the large columns of copper,
A lion with a broad head, which no king of the past who came before me had ever seen, with a scepter that had been set up for me and the prince Ninshiku, with my own counsel, to do this work he was very strong. I went and, by my own instructions and my own personal experience, with a copper scepter he made it and he made its features as strong as those of a lion's head.
and alammittu-wood, 12 lions, fierce, together with 12 magnificent bull colossi, whose features are perfect, 22 sphinxes, whose limbs are swollen and whose limbs are swollen, whose limbs are swollen, I fashioned. By divine will, I fashioned a scepter of truth and I sent it inside it. By divine will, 1/2 shekel of silver,
I made bull colossi of copper, whose two parts are zahalû-shaped, bull colossi of alabaster, together with bull colossi of apes, and white limestone, the entrances of my palaces, hold their doors. I fashioned magnificent copper columns, together with large cedar columns, the product of Mount Amanus, and copper columns.
I surrounded them with a ziggurat and surrounded them with a ziggurat, a gate, and a cloak. I erected abzazatu-plant, alabaster, as well as abzazatu-plant, pirigû-stone, urudû-stone, whose scent is sweet, and abzazatu-plant, pirigû-stone, guanna-stone, whose appearance is bright: cedar, ebony, cedar, dapranu-juniper,
and a sundae of juniper and a ... I erected over them, and I placed them in the sanctuaries of my lordly residence. I surrounded their gishnu-vessels with slabs of breccia, alabaster, and large limestone slabs. I surrounded their borders with them and made them an object of wonder. Because of this, every day, water for drinking
I had a durable wall made of bronze and bronze harharû-metal, and I set up like a mountain groves with cypress and alamtu-plants on the outside of the wells. I made those palaces shine like daylight. The entire palace for the totality of the people I raised its superstructure. The palace which no other had built I named it. The orchard
I surrounded and conquered the district of the land Hamanum, which all kinds of aromatic plants, fruit trees, trees that are the mainstay of the mountains and Chaldea, in its environs, and I poured out into the water for irrigation purposes. I made a stele from the border of the city Kisiri to the plain of Nineveh, my land, and I made it flow through iron fetters and made the Harru canal flow.
To make the water of the orchards flow, I surrounded it with a marsh. I threw in it pigeons, eagles, and reeds. By divine will, in the orchards, grapes, all kinds of fruit, cedar, and aromatics, they greatly grew.
The meskannu, all of the trees, grew tall and he made it grow tall. The apparatu-bird, the great one, he smote. The bird of heaven, the heron, he smote, and the pigeon, the reeds, his scepter, he smote. The reeds, the meskannu-wood, and cypress trees, grown in the marshes, which are in the marshes, he cut down and I did it for the work of the cult centers of my lordly palace. After the work of my palace he finished, the god Ashur, the great lord, the gods and goddesses
I invited the people of Assyria into it, offered sumptuous offerings, and presented them. My offerings, oil, semolina, and aromatics I poured out. For a joyful celebration, at the opening of the palace of the people of my land I made them drink their libations of sweet wine. By the command of my great divinity,
May Ashur, father of the gods, and Ishtar, queen, bestow a good protective spirit and a good protective spirit forever in that palace. May they not abandon her!
P466656: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x [...] [sza _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na tar-s,i _lugal]-mesz#_-ni _ad#-[mesz_-ia a-na kar-ri nam-s,a-ri szu-qu-ru i-na sa-pan (kur)am-ma-na-na] [u2-szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu u3 _(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_] ma#-la (dug)bur-[zi-gal-li sza la in-nam-ru ma-ti-ma i-na (iri)kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a] [u2-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz i-te-e nina(ki) i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a ki]-i t,e3-em# [_dingir_-ma (na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u2 a-na mu-'u-de-e in-na-mir-ma]
[_(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza i-na 1(disz)-en _na4_ ib-ba-nu-u2 mi]-na#-a-ti nu-uk#-[ku-lu _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti _(na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ sza zi-i-me] [nu-us-su-qa ki-ma u4-me na-par-de-e nu-um-mu-ru zu-mur]-szin# _kun4#-mesz# [(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ s,i-ra-a-ti ab-ni ...] [...] x x [...]
... ... ... of geshnugal stone, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, in the midst of the mighty battle array in the plain of the land Ammanana had sent, his face and the breccia, as much as the burzigallu-vessel, which had never been seen before, in the city Kapridargila, he had installed there. Afterwards, in Nineveh, in the territory of the city Balataya, according to the command of god, he had a scepter made, and
bull colossi of alabaster, whose features are perfected by one stone, whose features are perfect, whose apsûtu of alabaster, whose features are perfected like the days of the netherworld, whose bodies are adorned with magnificent breccia stones, ...
P466658: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-su _lugal] gal#? [lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti mi-gir] [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu mal]-ku# pit-qu#-[du] _re#-e2-um#_ [ba]-hu#-[la-ti mut-ta-ru-u2 _ug3-mesz_ rap-sza2-a-ti] [a-na-ku (d)be-let_-dingir-mesz_ be-let nab-ni]-ti# i#-na _sza3-tur3_ a-ga#-ri#-in#-[ni a]-lit#-ti#-[ia ke-nisz _igi-bar_-an-ni-ma u2-s,ab-ba-a]
[nab-ni-ti u3 (d)nin-szi-ku3 id-di]-na# kar-szu rit-pa-szu2 szin#-na-at _abgal#_ a#-da#-[pa3 isz-ru-ka pal-ka-a ha-sis-su] [(d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ gi-mir s,al-mat _sag]-du#_ u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-[u2]-a a-na [_re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi-ia] [...] x x x x [x? _(gesz)]tukul#_ la pa#-du#-[u2 a-na szum-qut za-'i-ri u2-szat-me-eh] [rit-tu-u2-a ...] x x [...] [...] [...]-nu [...] [...] x [x] ri [x x] x [...] [...] x a-na x x? sza2 i x x [... sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-e-a]
[a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un] u2-[sze]-pi#-szu-ma la u2-nak-[ki-lu szi-pir-sza2] _e2#-gal#-[tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu aq-qur] [sza (i7)te]-bil#-ti# ma-lak-sza2 ul-tu qa-bal-ti _iri#_ ap-[ru]-us#-ma# s,e-er ta#-[mir-ti ku-tal _iri_ u2-sze-szir] [mu-s,u-sza2 i-na] 1/2(disz) _iku_ [ma-lak] _a#-mesz_ 4(disz) (na4)pi-i-[li] _gal-mesz_ it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak-si#-[ma _gi-mesz_ a-pe]
[u3 ku-pe]-e u2-szat#-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2-un 5(disz) _me_ x [x? ina _1(disz)]-kusz3 gid2-da_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u)? i-na _1(disz) kusz3# [dagal_ qaq-qa-ru] [ul-tu ta-mir]-ti [_iri] gin7#_ a-tar-tim-ma lu# as,-ba-[ta s,e]-er# me-szi-ih-ti _e2-gal_ mah-[ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma] [a-na 9(disz)? _me_ 1(u)? 4(disz)? ina _as4-lum] gal#_-ti# _usz#_ u3 4(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) i-na [_as4]-lum gal_-[ti] _sag-ki_ u2-ter szu-bat-sa usz#-[rab-bi]
[a-na si-hir-ti]-szu2 e-la-nisz i-na 1(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 3(u)? ti-ib-ki ul-la-a re-szi-szu2 la-ba-risz# [u4-me] i-na _illu_ [kisz-sza2-ti] [tem-me-en]-szu# la e-ne2-[sze] (na4#)pi-i-li _gal#-mesz_ ki-su-szu2 u2-sza2-as-hi-ra [u2-dan-ni-na] [szu-pu-uk-szu2 _e2]-gal [ku3-sig17? e2-gal? ku3-babbar? e2-gal?] zabar#? e2-gal (na4)an-za-gul-me e2-gal (na4)dur2-mi-[na-ban3-da_] [... _e2-gal_] (na4)a-lal-lum _e2-gal (na4)gesz-nu11-gal e2-gal# [zu2? am-si?_]
[_e2-gal? (gesz)esi? e2-gal? (gesz)tug2? e2-gal? (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na? e2-gal?_ (gesz)]ere-ni _e2-gal (gesz)szur-min3 e2-gal (szim)li [e2-gal?_] [(gesz)e-lam-ma-ku? _e2-gal?_ (gesz)si-in-da-a? a-na? mu-szab? be-lu-ti-ia? ab-ni-ma? _e2_ mu]-ter-re-e-ti tam-szil _e2-gal_ (kur)hat-ti# [me2-eh-ret] [ba-ba-a-ti u2-sze-pisz _gesz-ur3-mesz_ (gesz)ere-ni _(gesz)szur-min3_ u2-szat]-ri#-s,a e-li-szin _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-[ia-ri _(gesz)szur-min3_]
[me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u3 _uruda_ u2-rak-kis-ma u2-rat-ta-a ba-bi-szin i-na ba]-rak-ka-ni ap-ti bi-ir-ri u2#-[pat-ta-a] _[(munus)(d)lamma-mesz (na4)gesz-nu11-gal zu2 am-si_ sza il-lu-ru na-sza2-a kit-mu-sa rit-ta]-szin i-na _ka2-mesz_-szin ul-ziz#-[ma a-na tab-ra-a-ti] [u2-sza2-lik ... sik-kat3 kar]-ri# kas-pi u3 _uruda_ qe2-reb-szin# [u2-szal-me] [i-na _sig4-al-ur3-ra (na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ us-si-ma se-el-lum ne2-be2-hi u3 gi]-mir# pa-as2-[qi2]-szin# asz2#-szu# [szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia] [...] x [...]
[i-na sa-pan (kur)]am#-ma-na-na [u2-szap-tu]-ni# pa-ni-szu2 _[(na4)(d)sze-tir_ sza] _gin7# numun_ qisz-sze-e# [_gar_-szu2 nu-su-qu ma]-la# _na4 gu2_ aq-ru# [_na4_ qa-be2-e ma]-ga#-ri u3 ri-ih-s,i [szu-tu-qi mur]-s,u# a-na _lu2 nu te_-e [i-na _giri3-min_ (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i ra-ma-nu]-usz ud-dan-ni _[(na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3]-da#_ sza _gin7_ kap#-pi kal-lat (d)sza2-masz [_gar_-szu2? a-na s,i]-bit nak-kap-ti nu-[uh]-hi _na4_ hu-ud lib-bi# [na-mar ka-bat]-ti# ma-la (na4)bur-zi-gal-li# sza la in#-nam#-[ru]
[ma]-te-ma ina (iri)kap-ri-da-ar-gi-la-a sza# pa-at, _[(iri)du6_-bar-si-ip] u2-kal-lim ra-ma-nu-usz (na4)a-lal-lum sza _gin7#_ s,u#-[bat _(gesz)giszimmar gar_-szu2?] u3 _(na4)gi-rim-hi-li-ba_ sza _gin7 gurun (gesz)nu-[ur2-ma gar_-szu2] ba-nu-u2 la-lu-u2 a-na da-ga-li _na4 nam#-[usz2-mesz_] a-na _lu2 nu te_-e ki-lal-la-an ab-ni i-na# [...] _kur_-i in-nam-ru ma-gal i-te-e (iri)ni-[na-a i-na er-s,e-et] [(iri)]ba#-la-t,a#-[a-a ki-i] t,e3#-[em _dingir]_-ma# [(na4)pi-i-lu pe-s,u-u2] [...] x x ab# [...]
[nu-um]-mu#-ru zi-mu-szu2-un _kun4#-[mesz_] _[(na4)gi]-rim#-hi-li-ba_ (na4)a-[lal-lum] [ab-ni ki-lal-la]-an# i-na szad-di-szu-un ab#-[tuq-ma] [...] x-isz u2-szal-di-da qe2-[reb (iri)ni-na-a] _[(d)]alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ u3# _(munus#)ab2-za-za_-a-ti (na4)[pi]-i-[li pe-s,e-e] i#-na lip-ta-at [(d)]nin#-kur-ra ina _ki_-tim (iri#)[ba-la-t,a-a-a] [...] _gal?_ x [...] [... (gesz)]si#-in-da#-[a ...] [...] x [...] _gesztin_ [...]
x x x x x [... i-na? qi2-bit? (d)asz-szur? a-bu? _dingir-mesz?_ u3? (d)isz-tar? szar-ra?]-tim#? qe2#?-reb#? _e2-gal_-ia [... i-na] t,u#-ub _uzu-mesz#_ hu-ud lib-[bi _u4-mesz?_ lu-sza2-ri-ka? li-pu-u2-a? du-ri2? da-ri2? a-na] _u4-mesz_ ba-szu-ti li#-ku-[nu qe2-reb-sza2 _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 _(d)lamma_ dum-qi2 qe2-reb] _e2-gal_ sza2-a-tu da-a-[risz lisz-tab-ru-u2 a-a ip-par-ku-u2 i]-da-a-sza2
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of the many peoples, I, the Lady of the Gods, the lady of creation, faithfully looked upon me in the agarinnu-house, my residence, and captured it.
The creator and Ninshiku gave to me, his scepter, his scepter, the sage Adapa, your friend, the god Ashur, father of the gods, all of the black-headed people, made my head high, to shepherd the land and the people, my shepherdship ... ... he imposed upon me a merciless weapon to cut down the enemies, my scepter ...
To the awe of their lordship I had him work on it but he did not finish it. That small palace I razed. The canal Tebilti, its path, I dug out from the center of the city and upstream of the plain I made it enter. Its watercourse I surrounded with four large limestone slabs with bitumen and I surrounded it with reeds.
and a kupê-vessel I imposed upon them. 5 hundred ... lengths, 2 hundred and twenty? cubits width on the ground from the plain, the city as if it were a desert, I took away. The rear part of the palace I added and to 9 hundred and fourteen? large cubits I sank, and 4 hundred and sixty large cubits I raised the top of it.
In its entirety, in 100+n+ ?
The palace of ebony, the palace of linen, the palace of mesmana, the palace of cedar, the palace of cypress, the palace of juniper, the palace of elamaku, the palace of sunda'u-juniper, I built for my lordly dwelling and a storehouse, a replica of a Hittite palace, built opposite its original site. I roofed them with beams of cedar and cypress. I fastened bands of silver and copper on doors of cedar, cypress,
I hung a sash of silver and copper on their doors and I hung them on their doors. At their gates, I hung a sash of a thigh-stone, a piece of ivory, whose limbs are secure, and whose hands are secure in their gates, and I made them a joyous celebration. I decorated the ... of the door-jambs, the silver, and the copper in them. I surrounded their the door-jambs with baked bricks of zu-stone and lapis lazuli and all their copings. Because of the work of my palace, ... .
In the ravines of Mount Ammanana he had it hung up. He had a stone of Shetir which is like a seed of a sown seed, as much as a stone of a sacrificial cow, as much as a stone of a sacrificial cow, as much as a stone of a sacrificial cow, and a shitu-stone, a stone of a murgu-shrine, a murgu-shrine, to a man did not approach, at the foot of Mount Nipur, a mountain, he had reinforced. As for a breccia, which is like a sacrificial cow, as much as a sacrificial cow, as much as a sacrificial cow, as much as a sacrificial cow, as much as there is,
When in Kapridargila, which is on the border of Til-Barsip, he had a stele made, a limestone slab that is like the base of a date palm and a girimhiliba-stone that is like the base of a date palm, he had it made, a limestone slab for the securing of the stone for the killing of the man did not approach, a limestone slab I built. In ... the mountain, it was very bright. On the border of Nineveh, in the territory of Balataya, according to divine will, a limestone slab ... .
Those who saw their faces, the girimhilibû-stone and alallu-stone, I fashioned, and ... I piled up. Inside Nineveh, bull colossi and sphinxes of white limestone by the command of Ninkura, in the territory of Balataya ... great? ... ... ... ... ... wine .
... ... by the command of the god Ashur, father of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, queen ... in my palace ... with happiness and joy, may my days be long and may my days be long. May a good protective spirit and a good protective spirit dwell forever in that palace. May they not abandon her!
P466659: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)suen-szesz-mesz-su _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti] mi-gir [_dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-li-mu er-szu mal-ku pit-qu-du _re-e2-um_ ba-hu-la-ti mut-ta-ru-u2 _ug3-mesz_ rap-sza2]-a#-ti [a-na-ku (d)be-let_-dingir-mesz_ be-let nab-ni-ti i-na _sza3-tur3_ a-ga-ri-in-ni a-lit-ti-ia ke-nisz _igi-bar_-an-ni-ma u2-s,ab]-ba#-a [nab-ni-ti u3 (d)nin-szi-ku3 id-di-na kar-szu rit-pa-szu2 szin-na-at _abgal_ a-da-pa3 isz-ru-ka pal-ka-a ha]-sis#-su
[(d)asz-szur _ad dingir-mesz_ gi-mir s,al-mat _sag-du_ u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-u2-a a-na _re-e2-um_-ut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ ul-la-a re-szi]-ia [id-di-na _(gesz)gidri_ i-szar-tu mu-rap-pi-szat ma-a-ti _(gesz)tukul_ la pa-du-u2 a-na szum-qut za-'i]-ri#? [u2-szat-me]-eh [rit-tu-u2-a ... gim-ri ma]-al-ki kib#-[ra]-a-ti [ar-ba-tim ... ina u4-me-szu-ma te-ne-szet na-ki-ri ki-szit]-ti# _szu-min_-ia# [tup]-szik#-ku
[u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti-ma il-bi-nu _sig4 e2-gal murub4 iri_ sza (iri)ni-na-a sza 3(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) ina _1(disz) kusz3 usz_] 1(gesz2) 2(u)? i#-na# [_1(disz) kusz3] sag-ki_ [ma-ra-ku szit-ku-na-at-ma s,u-uh-hu-rat szu-bat-sa (i7)te-bil-ti i-ta-a-sza2 i-ba-'u-u2-ma] i-na _illu_-[sza2] gap-szi [i-na usz-szi-sza2 ab-bu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-ri-ib-bu tem-me-en-sza2 sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut] mah#-ri _ad-mesz#_-e-a
[a-na ri-mit be-lu-ti-szu-un u2-sze-pi-szu-ma la u2-nak-ki-lu szi-pir-sza2 _e2-gal-tur-ra_ sza2-a-tu a-na si]-hi-ir-ti-sza2 x [x?] x _szur szu_ [... sza (i7)te-bil-ti ma-lak-sza2 ul-tu qa-bal-ti _iri_ ap-ru-us-ma s,e-er ta-mir-ti ku]-tal# _iri_ u2-sze-szir [mu-s,u-sza2 i-na 1/2(disz) _iku_ ma-lak _a-mesz_ 4(disz) (na4)pi-i-li _gal-mesz_ it-ti _esir-ud-a_ ak?]-si#?-ma _gi-mesz_ a#?-pe
[u3 ku-pe-e u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2-un 5(disz) _me_ x x? ina _1(disz) kusz3 gid2-da_ 2(disz) _me_ 1(gesz2) 2(u)? ina _1(disz) kusz3 dagal_ qaq-qa-ru ul-tu] qe2#-reb (i7)hu-su-ur [u3 ta-mir-ti _iri_ ki-ma a-tar-tim-ma lu as,-ba-ta ...] x na x x u [...] x-ku? [...]-ti# [...]-qa# i-na sa#-[pan (kur)am-ma-na-na] u2#-[szap-tu-ni pa-ni-szu2] _(na4)[(d)sze-tir_ sza _gin7 numun_ qisz-sze-e] _gar_-[szu2 nu-su-qu ma-la _na4 gu2_ aq-ru] _na4#_ [qa-be2-e ma-ga-ri u3 ri-ih-s,i] szu#?-[tu-qi mur-s,u a-na _lu2 nu te_-e]
i#?-[na _giri3-min_ (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i ra-ma-nu-usz ud-dan-ni] [...] [...] x [...] x [...]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, favorite of the great gods, wise prince, circumspect ruler, shepherd of people, who is able to shepherd the wide people, I, Belet-ili, lady of creation, faithfully looked at me in the agarinnu-house, my wife, and made my births secure. Further, Ninshiku gave me his scepter, the foremost scribe of Adapa, your friend,
The god Ashur, father of the gods, made all of the black-headed people bow down at my feet and gave me the scepter to shepherd the land and people. He made the great scepter to conquer the land and to smite the enemies? bow down at my feet. ... all rulers of the four quarters ... At that time, the people of the enemy, the ones who grasped my hands, scepter
The bricks of the palace in the citadel of Nineveh, which 3 hundred and 900 cubits long and 210? cubits wide were piled up and its site was ruined. The Tebilti River grew up beside it and in its wide flood it sank in its foundations. Its foundations which earlier kings, my ancestors, had had had fashioned,
to the yoke of their lordship I had built and did not alter its construction. That small palace in its entirety ... ... ... of the Tebilti canal, its route I cut off from the center of the city and upstream of the city I made it pass by. For its access way I ... 1/2 iku of water, 4 large limestone blocks with bitumen and I hung reeds.
... and kupe'u-sheep I imposed upon them. 5 hundred ... in 1 cubit long, 2 hundred and 210? in 1 cubit wide, the area from the Husur River and the plain of the city like a flood I took. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in the plain of Ammanana I deposited. Shetir-stone, which like a seed of a sown seed, is not smashed, as much as is needed, as much as is needed, as much as is needed, as much as is needed, and ..., ..., murgu-stone, murgu-stone, murgu-stone, ...,
On the foot of Mount Nipur, a mountain that is very high, he raised me up ...
P466660: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _(na4)(d)sze-tir_ sza2 _gin7 sze_-im s,a-ah-ha-ri szi-kin-szu2 nu-us-su-qu sza ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia ma-la _na4 gu2_ szu-qu-ru i-na _giri3-min_ (kur)ni-pur _kur_-i ra-ma-nu-usz ud-dan-ni a-na _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-szal-di-da qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: a stone that like grain is piled up, its construction is very good. At the time of the kings, my ancestors, as much as the precious stone was piled up at the foot of Mount Nipur, a mountain so high that it was too difficult for women, he had it made and he had it brought into Nineveh.
P466662: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur [...] _gin7# sze_-im s,a-ah-ha-ri _gar_-[...] ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz-[...] na4 gu2_ aq-ru i#-na _giri3-min_ (kur)ni-[...]-e ra-ma-nu-usz ud-dan-ni a-na _(munus)ab2-za-za_-a-ti u2-sze-pisz-ma u2#-szal-di-da qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a
...-su, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... like a grain saharu-shrine ... in the time of the kings, the fathers ..., he ... a stone slab, he ... on foot in the mountain of the Ni..., he constantly strengthened. He had a scion for the Abzazaneans built and he made them dwell in Nineveh.
P466663: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_e2?-gal?_ (disz)(d)suen-szesz]-mesz#-eri-ba# [...] [...] mi#-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ [...] [u2-szat-li-ma?-an?]-ni-ma ((ana)) ul-tu s,i-[tasz] a-di [szil-la-an ...] [sze-pu-u2-a u2-szak]-nisz-ma i-szu-t,u ab#-[sza2]-a-ni i-[na u4-me-szu-ma ... _lugal-mesz_] [a-li-kut mah-ri] _ad-mesz_-ia u2-sze-pi-szu-[ma ...] [...] e-pisz-tasz u3 ul-tu [...]
The palace of Sennacherib ... the favorite of the great gods ... he made me, and from the beginning to the end ... he made me, and he fashioned my inscriptions. At that time ... the kings who came before me, my ancestors, had him make, and ... he made, and from .
P466664: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su] _man szu2 man kur_ asz-[szur (disz)ma-ni-ia]-e [_man_ (iri)uk]-ki# ti-ib ta-ha-[zi-ia e-dur2]-ma [(iri)uk-ku?] _iri#?_ tuk-la-te-szu2 e-zib#-[ma a-na ru]-qe2#-te in#-na#-bit ba-hu-la-[te a-szib] _sza3#_-szu2 [sza] a#-na zuq-ti _kur_-i# [mar]-s,i# [is,-s,u]-risz ip#-par-szu2# ar-ki-szu2-un# [ar]-de#-ma i-na zuq-ti _kur_-i [asz2-ta]-kan tah#-ta-szu2-un (iri)uk#-ku# _iri# lugal_-ti-szu2 i-na (d)gesz#-[bar aq-mu]
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; Maniye, king of the city Ukku, became frightened by my battle array, abandoned the city Ukku, his favorite city, and fled to the desert. The people living in it, who had fled to the ziggurat of the rugged mountain, fled. I marched against them, and in the ziggurat of the mountain I established their victory. I conquered the city Ukku, his royal city, with the god Geshbar.
P466665: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su] _man szu2 man (kur)_ asz-szur [...]-ti a-na ka-sza2-di il-lak#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, marched to conquer ...ti.
P466666: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[asz2-lu]-la# szal#-la#-[su] ap#-pul# aq#-qur ina (d)gesz-bar# [aq]-mu#
I carried off his booty, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire.
P466667: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(iri)e2-(disz)ku-bat-ti al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu
I surrounded, conquered, plundered, and plundered the city E-Kubatti. I burned with fire his booty.
P466668: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
dil-bat(ki) al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su
I surrounded and conquered Dilbat, and plundered it.
P466669: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(iri)a-ta-un#?-[...] al-me _kur_-[ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-su]
I surrounded, conquered, plundered, and plundered the city Atun...,
P466670: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(iri)]al-am-mu al-me [ak-szud] [asz2]-lu-la szal-la-[su]
I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Alamu.
P466671: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(iri)a-ra-an?]-zi#-a-szu [al-me _kur]_-ud [asz2-lu-la szal]-la-su
I conquered the city Aranziashu, plundered it, and plundered it.
P466672: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur szal-la-at (i7)a-gam-me sza (iri)sa-ah-ri-na ma-ha-ar-szu e-ti-iq
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty of the canals of the city Sahrina passed before him.
P466673: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)[(d)]sin-[pap-mesz]-su# _man [szu2_] _man kur_ asz-szur#(ki) szal#-la#-at# (iri)ka-su-s,i# ma#-har-szu e#-[ti]-iq#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The booty of Kasushi passed before him.
P466674: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)](d)[sin-pap]-mesz#-[su _man szu2_] _man kur_ [asz-szur(ki) szal]-la#-[at] (iri#)[x x x x?]-bu#-x# [ma-har-szu e]-ti-iq
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the booty of the city ...bû ... passed before him.
P466675: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-[mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur] szal-la#-[at ...] (iri#)[...] ma#?-[ha-ar-szu? e-ti-iq?]
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the booty of ... the city ... passed before him.
P466676: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] [...] szal-la-[at ...] ma-ha-ar#-[szu e-ti-iq]
... ... the booty of ... passed before him.
P466677: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur ina _(gesz)gu-za_ ne2-me-di u2-szib-ma szal-la-at (iri)la-ki-su ma-ha-ar-szu e-ti-iq
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, sat on a sledge and plundered the city Lakishu before him.
P466678: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
za-ra-tum sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal kur_ asz-szur
Zaratum of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.
P466679: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
usz-man-nu sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur
The omen of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.
P466680: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
usz-man-nu sza (disz)(d)sin-[...]
The inscription of Sin-.
P466681: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
usz#-[...] (d#)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur#_ [x x]
... the god Sîn-papmessu, king of the land .
P466686: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _(d)alad-(d)lamma-mesz_ _gal-mesz_ sza i-na er-s,e-et (iri)ba-la-t,a-a-a ib-ba-nu-u2 a-na _e2-gal_ be-lu-ti-szu2 sza# qe2-reb nina(ki) ha-di-isz u2-szal-da-da
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: The great bull colossi that were created in the territory of the city Balataya, joyfully brought to his lordly palace which is inside Nineveh.
P466688: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d#)sin-pap-mesz-su _man# szu2# man kur#_ asz-szur# (na4#)pi#-i#-lu# pe#-s,u#-u2# sza# ki#-i# t,e3-em _dingir#_-ma a-na szip-ri _e2-gal_-ia ina er-s,e-[x] (iri#)ba#-la-t,a-a-a in#-nam#-ru# ba#-hu#-la#-ti# da#-ad2#-me# na#-ki#-ri u3# _erim-mesz#_ hur#-sza2#-a#-ni# la# kan#-szu#-ti# _kur#_-ti# _szu#-min#_-ia# qul#-me-e u3# ak-kul#-la#-ti# _an#-bar#_ u2#-sza2#-asz2#-szi#-szu2#-nu#-ti#-[x] _(d#)alad-(d)lamma#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ a#-na# _ka2#-mesz# e2#-gal#_-ia# ib#-tu#-qu#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: White limestone, a durable substance, which by divine will was discovered in the midst of the ... of Balataya, the inhabitants of the settlements of the enemy and the troops of the mountains, insubmissive to me, I had cast with iron axes and axes. The great bull colossi were erected at the gates of my palace.
P466689: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur (gesz)tim-me ere-ni [_gal]-mesz#_ sza ul#-tu qe2-reb (i7)idigna u2-sze-el-la-a [s,e]-er# (gesz)ia-nu-si u2-szar-kib-ma ul#-tu qe2-reb (i7)har-ri u2-szal-da-da
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I erected large cedar columns that I had brought out of the Tigris, I hung them on poles, and I erected them from the Tigris.
P466690: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur (gesz)tim-me ere-ni [_gal-mesz_ bi-ib-lat (kur)si]-ra-ra (kur)lab-na-na [ul-tu qe2-reb (i7)]idigna# u2-sze-el-la-a
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: I brought large cedar beams, the product of the lands Sirara and Lebanon, out of the Tigris.
P466692: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab be#-lu#-ti-szu2# qe2-reb nina(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, had Egalzadinutukua, as his lordly residence, built anew in Nineveh.
P466693: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-szu2 qe2-reb _murub4 iri_ sza nina(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz
Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: The palace Egalzadinutukua, for his lordly residence in the citadel of Nineveh, had it built anew.
P466694: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ kisz-sza2-ti _man kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu e-tel kal mal-ki
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong king, lord of all rulers,
P466695: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x] (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz#-[x] [...] kisz#-sza2#-[x] [...] [...]
... Sîn-ahhe-... the king of the world .
P466696: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ kisz-sza2-ti _man kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu e-tel kal mal-ki
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong king, lord of all rulers,
P466697: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] (d#)sin-pap-mesz-su [x] _gal man_ kisz#-[x x] _man# kur_ asz-szur dan#?-dan#?-[x] e#?-tel kal [x x]
... the god Sîn-papmessu, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, mighty ...,
P466698: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal_ (disz)(d#)[...] _man gal man#_ [...] _man kur_ asz-[...] e#-tel [...]
Palace of ..., great king, king of ..., king of Assyria, lord of ...,
P466699: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu e-tel kal mal-ki
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong king, lord of all rulers,
P466700: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x] asz#-szur# [...] e#-tel [...]
... Ashur ... the mighty .
P466701: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_x]-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su [x] _gal man_ kisz-sza2-ti [x] _kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu [x]-tel kal mal-ki
... great ... Sennacherib, great king of the world, ... of Assyria, strong one, ... of all rulers,
P466702: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap#-[x x] [x] _gal# man_ kisz-[x x] [x x] asz-szur dan#-[x x] [x]-tel# kal# [x x]
Palace of Sin-pap..., great king, king of the universe, ... Ashur, strong ..., ... ...,
P466705: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d#)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man gal man_ kisz-sza2-ti _man kur#_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu# e#-tel kal mal#-ki
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong king, lord of all rulers,
P466707: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ kisz-sza2-ti _man kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu e-tel kal mal-ki
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong king, lord of all rulers,
P466708: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ kisz-sza2-ti _man kur_ asz-szur dan-dan-nu e! tel kal mal-ki
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong one, ally of all rulers,
P466709: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x] (disz)(d)sin-[...] [x] _gal man_ kisz-[x x] [x x] asz-szur dan-[x x] [x]-tel kal mal#-[x]
... Sin-..., great king, king of the universe, ... Ashur, strong ..., ..., all rulers,
P466710: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap#-[x x] _man gal man_ kisz-[x x] _man kur_ asz-szur dan-[x x] e-tel kal [x x]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of the world, king of Assyria, strong ..., ... ruler, king of all the lands.
P466712: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz _bad3_ u3 szal-hu-u sza2 nina(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-zaq-qir hur-sza2-nisz
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, had the wall and the quarters of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.
P466714: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)](d)sin-pap-mesz-[...] _man kur_ [...]
Sennacherib, king of the land .
P466715: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-(su _man) kur_ asz _bad3_ szal-hu-u sza2 nina(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-zaq-qir# hur-sza2-nisz
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had the wall of the quarters of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.
P466716: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-pap#-mesz-su _man kur#_ asz# [x x] szal#-hu#?-u sza2 nina(ki#) [x]-szisz# u2#-sze#-pisz-ma# [x]-zaq#-qir hur-sza2#-nisz#
...-papmessu, king of Assyria, ... the outer wall of Nineveh ... he had built and ... high mountains
P466717: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur _bad3_ nina(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had the wall of Nineveh built anew.
P466718: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_e2-gal_] (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su [_man] kur#_ asz-szur sza2 i-na [...]-x-szu2 u2-sze-pi-szu2
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, which he had built in his .
P466721: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-me-su _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) ina me-tel szi-bir-ri-ia sza2 isz-ru-ka _ad dingir-dingir an-szar2_ (na4)ka-szur-ru-u a-qa-ru sza2 _kur_-szu2 ru-u-qu u2-ra-am-ma ina _ki-ta_ s,er-ri _(gesz)ig-me ka2-me_ _e2-gal_-ia u2-kin
Palace of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, with the strength of my battle array which the father of the gods, the god Ashur, gave me, a kashurrû-stone, aqaru-stone, which is the treasure of his land, he brought and he installed it below the door bolts of the gates of my palace.
P466722: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466723: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466724: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466725: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466726: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466727: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (d)]sin#-pap-mesz-su [x x] _man kur_ asz
... the gods Sîn-papmessu, ..., king of Assyria.
P466728: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_...]-mesz#-su [...] _kur_ asz
... his ... ... Assyria
P466730: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-pap#-mesz-su [x x] _man kur_ asz-szur
... his ... ... king of Assyria
P466731: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man szu2 man kur#_ asz#-szur#
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466732: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur#_ (disz)(d#)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man# szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466733: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d#)sin-pap#-mesz#-[x] x x x
The land of Sennacherib .
P466734: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-su# [...] _man# kur_ asz#-szur#
...-su ... king of Assyria.
P466736: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man# gal#_-u# _man#_ dan#-nu# _man# szu2# man# kur#_ asz#-szur#
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466737: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466738: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-[x] [x] _gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur#_ [x x]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of the land .
P466739: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] (d#)sin-pap-mesz-[x] [...]-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur#
... the gods Sîn-papmesh-... ...nu, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466740: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)suen-szesz#-mesz-eri-ba# _man# gal# man_ dan#-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki#)
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466741: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466742: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466743: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-eri-ba _man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466744: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d#)sin#-pap-mesz-su _man# gal man_ dan-nu# _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466745: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_e2]-gal_ (disz)(d#)[...] [x] _gal# man_ dan#-[...]
Palace of ..., great king, king of .
P466746: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal#_ (disz#)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man# gal# man_ dan#-nu# _man# szu2# man# kur#_ asz-szur
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466747: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_...]-mesz-su man gal_ [x x]-nu _man szu2 man kur#_ [x x]
... ... great king ... king of the world, king of the land .
P466749: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (d)]sin-szesz-mesz-eri-ba# [...] dan#-nu _man kur_ asz-szur(ki#)
... Sin-ahhe-eriba ... strong king, king of Assyria.
P466750: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_x]-gal#_ [...] _man gal_-u _man_ dan-nu _man#_ [...]
... great ..., great king, strong king, king .
P466751: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal#_ (disz#)(d#)sin#_-szesz#-mesz#_-eri#-ba# _man gal#_-u _man_ dan#-nu x x asz#-szur#(ki#)
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, ... of Assyria.
P466752: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal#_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-eri-ba _man gal#_-u _man_ dan#-nu _man# kur#_ asz#-szur#(ki#)
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of Assyria.
P466753: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (d)]sin#_-szesz#-mesz#_-eri#-ba# [...] _man#_ dan#-nu# _man# kur#_ asz#-szur#(ki#)
... Sennacherib ..., strong king, king of Assyria.
P466754: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal#_ (disz)(d)sin-pap#-mesz-[x x] _man# gal_-u _man_ dan#-[...]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, king of ... .
P466757: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a _gibil_-isz3 lu _du3_-usz
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: Egalzadinutukua, built anew for his lordly residence inside Nineveh.
P466758: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a _gibil_-isz3 lu _du3_-usz
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: Egalzadinutukua, built anew for his lordly residence inside Nineveh.
P466760: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] asz-szur [...]-a [...]-ti-szu2 [...] lu# _du3_-usz
... Ashur ... ... his ... ... he should do.
P466761: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-mesz#-su [...] asz-szur [...]-a#
... his ... Ashur .
P466762: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_man#_ [...] e2-gal-za3#-[...] a-na mu-szab# [...] qe2-reb (iri#)ni-na-a [...]
king ... palace ... to reside ... in Nineveh .
P466763: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)[sin]-pap-mesz-su# _man# gal#_ [...] _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur# [...]-di#?-nu#?-tuku#?-[x] [x x] mu-szab# be-lu#-ti#-[x] [x x] (iri#)ni#-nu-a# [...]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, ..., king of the world, king of Assyria, ... ..., the one who ... the lordship, ... Nineveh .
P466764: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (d)]sin#-pap-mesz-su [...] dan#-nu! _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur [...]-di-nu-tuku#-a [...]-szab# be#-lu-ti-szu2 [...] x x x _du3_-usz
... the gods Sîn-papmessu ... strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria ... ... ... his lordship ... he built.
P466765: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ [...] _man gal man#_ [...] e2-gal-za3#-[...] [x]-na#? mu#?-[...]
Palace ... great king ... palace ... ... .
P466766: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ [...] [x] _gal_ [...] e2-gal-[...] a-na mu-[...] qe2-reb (iri#)[...]
Palace ... Great palace ... Palace ... to ... inside the city .
P466767: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ [...] _man gal#_ [...] e2-gal#-[...] a-na [...]
Palace ... great king ... palace ... to .
P466768: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
e2-[...] a-na mu-[...] qe2-reb (iri)ni-nu-[...]
The temple ... to ... in Nineveh .
P466769: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-su [...] asz-szur [...]-a [...]-szu2
... his ... Ashur ... his .
P466770: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_x]-gal_ (disz#)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal_ [x] dan#-nu _man kisz man kur_ asz-[x] e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-[x] a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-[x] qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a _gibil#-[..._]
... great king, Sennacherib, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, the palace Egalzadinutuku-..., for the residence of lordship in Nineveh .
P466771: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] _man# gal#_ [...] e2-gal-[...] a-na mu#-[...] qe2-reb [...]
... great king ... palace ... to ... inside .
P466772: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku-a a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-szu2 qe2-reb (iri)nina _gibil_-isz3 lu _du3_-usz
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: Egalzadinutukua, built in order to be his lordly residence inside Nineveh.
P466773: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-[x?] e2-gal-za3-di-nu-tuku#-a# a-na mu-szab be-lu-ti-szu2 qe2#-reb (iri)ni-na-a _gibil#_-isz3# lu# _du3#_-[x]
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: Egalzadinutukua, for his lordly residence in Nineveh he rebuilt.
P466774: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e2-gal-za3-di-nu tuku-a a-na mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a _gibil_-isz3 lu _du3_-usz
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: Egalzadinu, if he wishes, to reside in Nineveh he built it.
P466775: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal#_ (disz)(d#)sin-pap#-mesz-su _man gal# man#_ dan#-nu# _man szu2 man kur_ [asz]-szur# e2#-gal#-za3#-di#-nu#-tuku#-a a-na#? mu#-szab# be#-lu#-ti-szu2 qe2#-reb# (iri#)ni#-na#-a# _gibil#_-isz3 lu# _du3#_-usz#
Palace of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria: Egalzadinutukua, built anew for his lordly residence inside Nineveh.
P466776: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ [(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su ... _e2-gal_] a-na mu-[szab _en_-ti-szu2] qe2-reb (iri)ni-[na-a _gibil_-isz3 lu _du3_-usz]
Palace of Sennacherib, ..., a palace for his lordly residence in Nineveh he built.
P466777: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x]-szisz# u2-sze-pisz#-ma# [...]
... he had made and .
P466779: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur _bad3_ szal-hu-u2 sza (iri)nina(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-zaq-qir hur-sza2-(nisz)
Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had the wall of the quarters of Nineveh built anew and raised as high as mountains.
P466780: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] _gal#_-u _man_ x x? _man_ [x] [...] szal#-hu#-u sza nina#(ki#) [...]-ma# u2#-zaq#-qir# hur#-[x x]
... great ... king ... king ... ... the outer wall of Nineveh ... and he ... the mountain .
P466781: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur#_ [x x] _bad3_ sza (iri)ni-nu-a esz-szisz [x x]
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of the land ..., the wall of Nineveh he built anew.
P466782: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man] gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur# [_bad3_ (u3 szal-hu-u) sza2 _(iri)]nina# gibil_-isz3 _du3_-usz
Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, built the wall and the outer wall of Nineveh.
P466783: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-su# _man# kur#_ asz# [x x] _szub#_-e# _usz8#_ sza2# nina#(ki#) _e2# du3#_-ma# a#-na# (disz#)asz#-szur#_-mu#-i3#-gal2# dumu#_-szu2# _szum2#_
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, ... he abandoned the house of Nineveh and gave it to Ashur-mu'igal, his son.
P466784: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man kur#_ asz it#-ti# _szub#_-e# _usz8#_ sza2# _(iri#)nina#(ki#) e2# du3#_-ma# a#-na# (disz#)asz#-szur#_-mu#-i3#?-gal2# dumu#_-szu2# _szum2#_
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house in the city Nineveh with the fall of the city wall and gave it to Ashur-mu'igal, his son.
P466785: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz it-ti _szub_-e _usz8_ sza2 (iri)nina(ki) _e2 du3_-ma a-na (disz)asz-szur-mu-i3-gal2 _dumu_-szu2 _szum2_
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house in the midst of the abandoned field of Nineveh for Ashur-mu-igal, his son.
P466786: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x] (d#)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur#_ [x] [x]-ti# _szub_-e _usz8#_ sza2 nina#(ki#) _e2_ [x] [...]-szur#_-mu-i3#-gal2 dumu_-szu2# [x]
... Sin-papmessu, king of the land ... ..., dead, of Nineveh, house of ... ...-shur-mu-igal, his son .
P466787: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su [...] it-ti _szub#_-e# _usz8#_ [...] a#-na# (disz)asz#-szur#-mu#-i3#-[..._]
Sennacherib ... with a dead man ... to Ashur-mu-i.
P466788: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d#)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur# it#?-ti#? _szub#_-e# _usz8#_ [x] nina(ki#?) _e2_ x x a#-na# (disz#)[x]-szur#_-mu#-i3-gal2 dumu#_-szu2# _szum2#?_
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, with? the fall of the dead ... of Nineveh, the house ... to ...-shumu-igal, his son, gave.
P466789: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_...]-mesz#-su# man# kur_ asz [...] _usz8#_ sza2# nina#(ki#) [...] a#-na# _dumu#_-szu2# _szum2#?_
... his ..., king of Assyria, ... the dead of Nineveh ... to his son .
P466791: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz]-su _man kur#_ [an-szar2(ki) ...]
... Sennacherib, king of Assyria .
P466792: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin-pap]-mesz-su# [...]
... Sîn-papmessu .
P466793: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin]-pap#-mesz#-[su ...] [...] _lugal_-ti-ia [...] [...] x (disz)(d)[...]
... Sennacherib ... my royal majesty ...
P466794: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin-pap]-mesz#-su [...] [...] x [...]
... Sennacherib ... ... .
P466795: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] _ta#_ pa-ni-szu2 [...] [... a-du ma-li]-ke-e-szu2 _mu_-szu2-nu _numun_-szu2-nu [...]
... from his presence ... until his ... their name and their seed .
P466796: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz]-su# _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...]
... Sennacherib, king of Assyria, .
P466797: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz]-su _man kur#_ [an-szar2(ki) ...]
... Sennacherib, king of Assyria .
P466798: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)sin]-pap-mesz-su _man#_ [...]
... Sennacherib, king .
P466800: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... (disz)(d)]sin-pap-mesz-[su ...]
... Sîn-papmessu .
P466801: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... lu]-hal-li#-[qu]
. . . may I be saved.
P466804: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] _(d#)utu_ (d#)[...] [...] x [...]
... Shamash, ...
P466805: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al _lugal_ (kur)sa-am-si-mur-ru-[na] u2-qar-ri-ba-an-ni
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: audience gift which Abi-Ba'al, king of Samsimurrana, presented to me.
P466806: royal-monumental tablet
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x (d)marduk#-[...] [...]-u2# [...] [...] x-szu2 i-na er-s,e-et# [...] [...] x x-szu2 ina qe2-reb# [...] [... tasz]-me#-e u sa-li-[me ...] [...] x ki _masz szum_ ta#? [...] [...]-ha#-pi-ia (d)sin x [...] [...] x _har_ ra x a#-di# _iri#-[..._] [... u2]-paq#-qi2-[du? x] x [...] [...] x x [...]
... Marduk ... ... in the midst of ... ... his ... in the midst of ... ... prayer and prayer ... ... ... ... ... my ... ... Sin ... ... as far as the city ... he appointed ... .
P466807: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap]-mesz#-su _man kur_ asz# [na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)]ka#-ri-bi-dingir [_man_ (kur)sa-ba-a'] u2#-qar-ri-ban-ni [sza2 ana] dul-li sza2 _dingir_ [_lu2_-ti] _du3#_-szu2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru [i-pa-szi]-t,u an-szar2# [x x x?] (d#)sin (d)utu# [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu]-hal-li#-qu
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, ..., Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466808: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap]-mesz#-su _man kur_ asz [na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)]ka-rib-dingir [_man_ (kur)sa-ba-a'] u2#-qar-ri-ba [...] [...] [...] (d)utu [...] (d)muati (d)urasz [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu-hal]-li#-qu#
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me.
P466809: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man] kur#_ asz [na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)ka-ri-bi_-dingir man_ (kur)sa-ba]-a' [...] x a [... u2]-szap#-t,ar [sza2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru i-pa-szi]-t,u# [...] [...] [... (d)]urasz# [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu-hal-li]-qu
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, ... ... he sent. Whoever erases my inscribed name ... ... may the god Urash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466810: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man] kur#_ asz [na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)ka-ri-bi-dingir _man_ (kur)sa]-ba#-a' [...] x u2-szap-t,ar# [sza2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru i-pa-szi]-t,u [ana dul-li sza2 _dingir lu2]_-ti# _du3_-szu2 [x x x? _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu]-hal#-liq
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, ..., wrote. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may ... his name and his seed disappear.
P466811: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_] asz [na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)ka-ri-bi]-dingir# [_man_ (kur)sa-ba-a' u2-qar]-ri-ba [sza2 ana dul]-li# sza2 _dingir_ [_lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2 szu-mi3] szat,#-ru [i-pa-szi-t,u an-szar2 (d)a]-num# (d#)sin
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karibi-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, erases my inscribed name, may Ashur, Anu, and Sîn not listen to it.
P466812: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz]-su# _man [kur_ asz] [na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)]ka-rib_-[dingir_] [_man_ (kur)sa-ba]-a'# u2-qar-[ri-ba] [sza2 ana] dul-li sza2# [_dingir_] [_lu2_-ti] _du3#_-[szu2 x x]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: This is the audience gift that Karib-il, king of the land Saba, presented to me. That which he presented to the service of a god or another person .
P466813: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)](d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur#_ [asz] [na]-mur#-tu2 sza2 (disz)numun-zi#-[si-sa2] [_dumu (disz)](d)marduk-a-asz#?_ [u2]-qar-rib-an-ni# [sza2 _mu_] szat,-ru i-pa-szi-t,u# [ana dul]-li# sza2 _dingir lu2_-ti _du3#_-[szu2] [an-szar2] _mu#_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu-hal-liq#
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the land, the one who ... the audience gift that Zeriya, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II? presented to me, whose name he erases and for the service of a god or another person may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.
P466814: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ [(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su] _man# [kur_ asz na-mur-tu2] sza2 (disz)x-[...] x x [...] u2#-qar#-[ri-ban-ni] man#-nu# sza2# [_mu_ szat,-ru] i#-pa#-szi#-[t,u ana dul-li] sza2 _dingir lu2#_-[ti _du3_-szu2] an#-szar2 _mu#_-[szu2 _numun_-szu2] [lu-hal-liq]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: The audience gift which ... ... presented to me. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may Anshar make his name and his seed disappear.
P466815: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin]-pap#-mesz-su _man kur_ asz [sza2 _mu_ szat,]-ru i-pa-szi-t,u [ana dul]-li#? sza2 _dingir lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2 [x x x? _mu_-szu2] _numun#_-szu2 lu-hal-liq [_kur_-ti] (iri#)du#-me-ti
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466816: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz]-su# _man kur_ asz [sza2 _mu_ szat,-ru i]-pa#-szi#-t,u [ana dul-li sza2 _dingir lu2]_-ti# _du3_-u-ni [... (d)]utu# (d)iszkur [...] _(d#)u-gur_ [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2] lu#-hal-li-qu [_kur_-ti (iri)du]-me-ti
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities ..., Shamash, Adad, ..., and Nergal make his name and his seed disappear. The land of Dumetu
P466817: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin]-pap-mesz-su _man kur#_ [asz] [_kur_-ti] (iri#)du-me-ti# [sza2 _mu_ szat,]-ru# i-pa-szi-[t,u] [ana dul]-li# sza2 _dingir lu2_-ti# [_du3_-szu2] [... (d)]sin# (d)utu (d)iszkur# [...] (d)[x x] [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu-hal-li-qu]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: The one who erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person ... may the deities ..., Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., and ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466818: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap]-mesz#-su [_man kur_] asz [_kur_-ti (iri)]du#-me-ti [sza2] _mu#_ szat,-ru [i-pa-szi]-t,u [ana dul-li] sza2 _dingir_ [_lu2_-ti] _du3_-szu2 [an-szar2 (d)]sin# (d)utu [_mu_-szu2 _numun]_-szu2 [lu-hal]-li#-qu
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: The land of Dumetu, which he erases from the work of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466819: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su] _man kur_ asz-szur [_kur_-ti] (iri#)du-ma [sza2 _mu_ szat,-ru i]-pa#-szi-t,u [ana dul-li sza2 _dingir] lu2#_-ti# _du3_-szu2 [...] (d)1(u)?-5(disz) [... (d)]muati# (d)urasz [_mu_-szu2 _numun]_-szu2 lu#-hal-li#-qu
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: The mountain of Duma, which a person erases my inscribed name for the work of a god or another person ... the goddess Ishtar ... may Nabû and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466820: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap#-[mesz-su _man kur_ asz] _kur_-ti x [...] sza2 _mu_ szat,-ru# [i-pa-szi-t,u] ana dul-li [sza2 _dingir lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2] an-szar2 _mu_-szu2 [_numun_-szu2 lu-hal-liq]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: land of ... ... whose name is erased and placed in the service of a god or another person, may Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.
P466821: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)](d#)sin-pap-mesz-su [_man kur_ asz] _[(na4)]nir2#_ bi-nu-ut (kur)[...] [...] x#-s,i-ia [...] [... ina] mah#-ri-ia u2#-[szap-t,ar?] [sza2] _mu#_ szat,-ru i-pa-[szi-t,u] [ana] dul#-li sza2 _dingir [lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2] an#-szar2 (d)sin (d)[utu ...] (d#)1(u)?-5(disz) _(d)en?_ (d)[...] [_mu]_-szu2# _numun_-szu2 lu-hal-li#-[qu]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: stone inscription of the land ... ... ... ... ... he wrote before me. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, ..., Ishtar, Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466822: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz]-su# _man kur_ [asz] [...] _sza3_ (kur)za-[x x?] [...] _en# ni#_ [x?] [sza2 ana dul]-li# sza2 [_dingir_] [_lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2 szu]-mi3 szat,-[ru] [i-pa-szi]-t,u# an-[szar2] [...] (d)utu [(d)x?] [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu]-hal#-li#-[qu]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, ... inside the land Za... ... lord of ..., who ... for the service of a god or another person, erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, ..., Shamash, and ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466823: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)](d#)sin-pap-[mesz-su _man kur_ asz] _[(na4)babbar]-min5#?_ bi-nu-ut# [...] [...] i-[...] [...] [...] [x x?] x? x [...] [_mu_-szu2] _numun_-szu2 lu#-[hal-x x?]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: a stone ... ... ... ... ... ... may I destroy his name and his seed.
P466824: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)[sin-pap-mesz-su] _man [kur_ asz] sza2 _mu_ [szat,-ru] i-pa-szi#-[t,u] ana dul-li# [sza2 _dingir_] _lu2_-ti [_du3_-szu2] an-szar2 _mu#_-[szu2 _numun_-szu2] lu-[hal-liq]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.
P466825: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)](d#)sin#-pap-mesz-su# [_man kur_] asz# [sza2 _mu_] szat,#-ru [i]-pa-szi-t,u [ana dul]-li sza2 _dingir#_ [_lu2]_-ti# [_du3_-szu2] [an-szar2 (d)sin] _(d#)utu?_ [_mu_-szu2] _numun_-szu2 [lu]-hal#-li-qu#
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466826: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)]sin#-pap#-[mesz-su _man kur_ asz] [sza2 _mu_] szat,-ru# [i-pa-szi-t,u] [ana dul]-li# sza2# [_dingir lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2] [an-szar2 _mu_-szu2] _numun#_-szu2 [lu-hal-liq]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the god Ashur make his name and his seed disappear.
P466827: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap]-mesz#-su _man [kur_ asz] [sza2 _mu_ szat,-ru i]-pa-((ti))-szi-t,u# [ana dul-li sza2] _dingir# lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2# [an-szar2 (d)]sin (d)utu (d)iszkur# [...] (d)urasz [_mu_-szu2 _numun]_-szu2 lu-hal-li-qu#
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name or places it in the service of a god or another person, may the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ..., and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466828: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur#_ (disz)(d)[sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz] [sza2] _mu_ [szat,-ru i-pa-szi-t,u] [...] x [...]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Whoever erases my inscribed name ... .
P466829: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)[sin-pap-mesz-su ...] x x x [...]
The land of Sennacherib ... ... .
P466830: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x a x [...] [sza2 _mu?]_-i szat,-ru i-[pa-szi-t,u] [ana dul]-li# sza2 _dingir lu2#_-[ti _du3_-szu2] [...] (d#)sin (d)utu# [x x x] [... _(d)]en_ (d)[x x x] [_mu_-szu2] _numun#_-szu2 lu#-[hal-li-qu]
... ... ... ... who erases my inscribed name and places it in the service of a god or another person, may ... Sin, Shamash, ..., Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466831: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x [...] [ina mah-ri]-ia#? u2#-[szap-t,ar] [sza2 _mu_ szat,]-ru# i-pa#-szi#-[t,u] [ana dul-li] sza2 [_dingir lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2]
... ... ... he will write in my presence. Whoever erases my inscribed name, will do the work of the god of man.
P466832: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[ana dul-li] sza2# _dingir# [lu2_-ti _du3_-szu2] [an-szar2] (d#)sin (d)[utu (d)iszkur?] [...] (d#)en (d)[...] [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 lu-hal-li-qu]
As for the work of a god who makes man, may Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, ..., Bel, ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466833: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[ana dul-li sza2] _dingir# lu2_-ti# [_du3_-szu2] [an-szar2 (d)sin (d)]utu (d)[iszkur?] [...] _(d#)muati_ (d)[urasz?] [_mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2] lu#-hal-li#-[qu]
For the work of the god of man, may Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, ..., Nabû, and Urash make his name and his seed disappear.
P466834: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x [...] [...] sza2 a-na# [...] [... _lu2]_-ti# _du3_-[szu2 ...] [...] x [...]
... ... ... who to ... the people will do ...
P466835: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[... _du3]_-szu2 [... (d)]iszkur# [...] x
... his work ... Adad ... .
P466836: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur u2-ra-a-ti (na4)pi-i-li pe-s,e-e sza a-na s,a-at u4-me la u2-tab-ba-la ka#-[mu]-nu# u2-sze-pisz _(na4)dag-gaz (na4)babbar-dili (na4)babbar-min5 (na4)nir2_ szi-hi-il ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_-ia u3 (na4)asz-pu-u2 _(na4)dur2-mi-na (na4)dur2-mi-na-ban3-da_ _(na4)(d)sze-tir_ (na4)a-lal-lum _(na4)gi-rim-hi-li-ba (na4)en-gi-sa6 (na4)gesz-nu11-gal_ (na4)sa-a-bu (na4)hal-tum
nu-sa-a-ti (na4)as-kup-pa-a-ti _e2-gal_-ia pa-na-at u2-ra-a-ti sza2-szi-na szap-la-a-ni _giri3-min_ mur-ni-is-qi2-ia usz-mal-li
Palace of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria: a reed wall of white limestone, whose appearance cannot be changed in the future. I had a stele made of daggal-stone, babbardilû-stone, babbarminu-stone, nir-stone, the one that carries my precious stones, and ashpu-stone, dromedary stone, dromedary stone, alallu-stone, girimhiliba-stone, engisa-stone, gesznugal-stone, sabu-stone, haltum-stone,
I filled the ... of my palace with the sacrificial stones of their ..., the feet of my sacrificial sheep.
P466837: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
a-na-ku (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz (na4)na-ah-bu-s,u# an-ni-u a-na (disz)asz-szur-dingir-mu-ti-la-bi# _dumu#_-[ia] at-ti-din man-nu sza2 _ta_ pa-ni-szu2 _ta dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-me dumu-me_-szu2 i-na-asz2-szu2-u-ni an-szar2 _man dingir-mesz_ a#-di# _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _ti-la_ li-ki-mu-szu2-nu a-du ma-li-ke-e-szu2 _mu_-szu2-nu _numun_-szu2-nu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, gave this nahbushû-stone to Ashur-ilmuti-libbi, my son. Whoever from his presence, from his sons, or his grandsons, raises a claim against him, may Ashur, king of the gods, together with his sons, take away from him his life, and may their names and their seed disappear from the land.
P466838: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[a-na-ku (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz (na4)]kap-pu an-nu-u a-na# asz#-szur#-dingir-mu-ti-la-bi _dumu_-ia at-ti-din man#-[nu sza2 _ta_ pa-ni-szu2 _ta dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-me dumu-me_-szu2 i-na-asz2-szu2-u-ni] [an-szar2 _man dingir-mesz_ a-di _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _ti-la_ li]-kim#-szu2-nu a-du ma-li-ke-e-szu2 _mu_-szu2-nu [_numun_-szu2-nu ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu]
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, gave this kappu-stone to Ashur-dingir-mutilabi, my son. Whoever in the future, from his father's sons or grandsons, seeks a lawsuit or litigation against him, may the god Ashur, king of the gods, together with his sons, take away from him his life, and may he destroy their names and their seed from the land.
P466839: royal-monumental tablet
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
x [...] al#?-[lik? ...] ar#?-[ka? (szu?-u2?)] _lugal# (kur)elam-ma#(ki#)_ [(kur)par-su-asz2 (kur)an-za-an (kur)pa-szi-ru] (kur)el-li#-pi# nap#-har (lu2)kal-di u3# [(lu2)a-ra-me ka-li-szu2-un kit-ru _gal_-u2] ik-te-ra it-ti-szu2 a-di _lugal ka2#-[dingir-ra(ki) dumu-mesz babila2(ki)]_ bar2-sipa(ki) a-na a-ha-mesz [iq-ri-bu-ma] a-na e-pesz ta-ha-zi a-di (iri)ha-lu#-[le-e ... a-na-ku] [a]-na# (d)asz-szur (d)sin (d)utu (d)en# [(d)muati (d)u-gur]
... ... ... After him?, the king of the land Elam, Parsuash, Anzan, Pashiru, and Ellipi, all Chaldeans and Arameans, their allies, a great scepter, formed with him, together with the king of Babylon, the citizens of Babylon and Borsippa, and to do battle, together with the city Halulê ... I, to Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal,
P466840: royal-monumental prism
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[ina] u4-me-szu2#-ma kum2-mu# x [x] _e2#?-gal#?_ (iri#)bal#-til(ki#) szu#-bat _lugal#?-mesz#?_ _ad#?-mesz_-ia sza#? ul#?-tu#? u4#-me#? s,a#?-a-te sza2? (disz)tukul#-ti#-a-e2-szar2-ra# _dumu#_ (disz)asz-szur-sag-i-szi _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-na#-ah-[ma?] (disz)asz-szur-pap-ibila _man kur_ asz-szur(ki#) _dumu_ (disz)tukul-ti-(d#)masz _man kur_ asz-szur#(ki#) an-hu-sa# ud#-disz kum2-mu sza2-a-tu# a#-na x x x x x x ul nu-uk-ku-lat e-pisz-tusz ki-is,-s,u# sza2#?-a#?-tu2 aq-qur#-[ma?]
kum2#-mu ra-ba-a a-na szu-bat be-lu-ti-ia esz-szisz u2-sze#-pisz#-[ma?] ina szi-pir _(lu2)szitim-gal_-le-e en-qu-ti ul-tu2 usz#-szi#-szu2 a#-di na-bur-ri-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil2# gu_-szur#-mesz#?_ ere#-ni s,i#-ru-ti tar#-bit# (kur)ha-ma-nim u2-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ li-ia-a-ri szu#-ta#-ha-te u2#-ra#-kis#-[ma] u2-rat-ta-a _ka2_-szu2 asz-szur _en gal_-u2 _dingir-mesz_ u3#? _[(d)]isz#?-[tar?-mesz?_] a-szi-bu-ut bal-til(ki) ina qer-bi-szu2 aq-re ri-i#?-[me?]
bit-ru-te szu-'e-e ma-ru-ti _(udu)siskur#-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih#-[te] ma#-har-szu2-nu aq-qi2 ina qi2-bi-ti s,ir-te sza#? (d#?)[asz?]-szur#? _en# gal_-e a-bu _dingir-mesz_ mu-szim# szi-ma-te qe2-reb _e2-gal#_ x x [x?] [lit?]-tu#?-tu lu-ul-lik#? sza2# la x [x] x lu#-usz-ba-a bu#-'a#-[a?-ri?]
At that time the ... of the palace in Baltil Ashur, the residence of the kings, my ancestors, which from distant days Tiglath-pileser III, son of Ashur-sagishi I, king of Assyria, had become dilapidated and Ashur-papibila II, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, king of Assyria, renovated it. That ... was not a cultic rites. I inspected that cult center and
I had a great throne built for my lordly dwelling and by the craft of the great chief architect from its foundations to its crenellations I built and completed. I adorned the great columns of the mountains of the land Hamanum. I hung doors of ... and hung them at its gate. I seated Assur, the great lord, the gods and goddesses living in Baltil Ashur inside it.
I offered a strewn offering of old age, shushetu-offerings, and tashrihtu-offerings before them. By the exalted command of Ashur, the great lord, father of the gods, the one who determines fates, in the palace ... may I attain a good fortune; may I attain a fortune that cannot be ...;
P466841: royal-monumental prism
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
Column 1
[...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x _(gesz#)gigir#-mesz# ansze#-kur#-ra#-mesz#_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-[kunga-mesz_] sza i-na qit-ru-ub# ta-ha-zi u2-masz-szi-ru ik-szu#-da# _szu#-min_-a-a
a#-na# _e2-gal_-szu2 sza qe2-reb _ka2#-dingir#-ra#(ki#)_ ha-disz e-ru-um-ma# ap-te-e-ma _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 _ku3-sig17 ku3#-babbar_ u2-nu-ut _ku3-sig17 ku3#-babbar na4_ a-qar-tu mim#-ma szum-szu2 _nig2-szu nig2#-ga#_ la ni-bi ka#-bit-tu _gun munus-ug3-mesz e2-gal_-szu2 _(lu2)tirum-mesz_ (lu2#)man-za-az pa-ni _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus#)nar-mesz_ si#-hir#-ti um-ma-a-ni [ma]-la# ba-szu-u2 mut#-tab-bi-lu-tu2 _e2-gal_-usz# u2#-sze-s,a-am-ma szal#-la#-tisz# am-nu
_iri-mesz_-szu2 dan#-nu-ti _e2# bad3-mesz_ sza (kur#)kal#-di u3 4(disz) _me_ 2(u)? _iri#-mesz tur-mesz_ sza# li#-me#-ti#-szu2#-nu# al#-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la# szal#-la#-su-un (lu2)ur2-bi (lu2)a-ra-mu# (lu2#)kal-du sza qe2#-reb _unu(ki) nibru(ki#)_ kisz(ki) (iri)hur-sag-kalam-ma gu2-du8-a(ki#) zimbir(ki) a-di _dumu-mesz iri# en#_ [hi]-it,-t,i# u2#-sze-s,a-am-ma# [szal-la]-tisz am-nu i-na ta-a-a-ar-[ti-ia] (lu2#)tu-'u-mu-na [(lu2)ri-hi-hu] (lu2#)ia#-daq#-qu# [(lu2)u2-bu-du] (lu2#)gib-re-e [(lu2)ma-la-hu]
(lu2#)gu#-ru-mu [(lu2)u2-bu-lu] (lu2#)da-mu-nu [(lu2)gam-bu-lu] (lu2#)hi-in-da-ru [(lu2)ru-'u-u2-a] (lu2#)pu#-qu#-du# [(lu2)ha-am-ra-a-nu] (lu2#)ha#-ga#-ra#-nu# [(lu2)na-ba-tu] (lu2#)li#-i'#-ta#-[a-u2 (lu2)a-ra-mu] la# kan#-szu#-ti# [mit-ha-risz ak-szud(ud)] [x] x x [...]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... chariots, horses, wagons, and mules, which they abandoned in the thick of battle, I captured.
To his palace, which is in Babylon, he joyfully entered, and opened his treasury. He brought out gold, silver, gold utensils, silver, precious stones, every kind of possession and property without number, a substantial tribute, together with the women of his palace, the palace administrators, the stewards, the attendants, the singers, female singers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, and his palace attendants, and he counted them as booty.
I surrounded, conquered, and plundered his fortified cities, the fortresses of Chaldea, and 420 smaller settlements in their environs. I carried off captives from them. The rabi, aramu, and kaldu-priests who are in Uruk, Nippur, Kish, Hursagkalamma, Cutha, and Sippar, together with the guilty citizens, I brought out and I counted them as booty. On my return I received captives from them. The Tu'una, Rihihu, Yadaqqu, Ubudu, Gibrê, Malahu,
I conquered the Gurumu, Ubulu, Damunu, Gambulu, Hindaru, Ru'u'a, Puqudu, Hamranu, Hagaranu, Nabatu, Li'ta'u, and Arameans without number. ... .
Column 2
[_ad-mesz_]-ia# la# kit#-nu#-szu# lu# al#-[lik] [qe2-reb hur]-sza2-a-ni zaq-ru-te _a-sza3_ nam-ra-s,i# [i-na _ansze]-kur-ra_ ar-kab#-ma# _(gesz#)gigir# giri3#-min#_-ia# i#-[na ti]-ik#-ka#-te# u2#-sza2#-asz2#-szi# asz2#-ru# [szup-szu-qu] i-na _giri3-min_-ia ri#-ma-nisz at-tag#-gesz# (iri)e2-(disz)[ki]-lam#-za#-ah# (iri#)ha#-ar#-disz-pi (iri)e2-(disz)ku#-bat-ti _iri-mesz_-szu2#-nu# _e2 bad3-mesz_ dan-nu-ti al#-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz# ansze#-kur-ra-mesz_
ul-tu qer-bi-szu2#-un u2#-sze#-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu u3# _iri#-mesz#_-szu2#-nu _tur-mesz#_ sza# ni#-ba la i-szu#-[u2] ap#-pul# aq-qur u2#-sze#-me kar-mesz# [_e2] edin#_ kul-ta-ri [mu]-sza2-bi-szu2-nu i-na# (d)gesz-bar aq-mu-ma di#-tal#-lisz# u2#-sze#-me u2-ter-ma _(iri#)e2#_-(disz#)ki#-lam-za-ah# szu-a-tu# a#-na# (iri#)bir-tu-ti as,#-bat _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni# _bad3#-mesz_-szu2 u2#-dan#-nin#-ma _ug3-mesz kur-kur_ ki#-szit#-ti _szu-min_-ia [ina] lib3#-bi# u2-sze-szib _un#-mesz# kur#_ (lu2#)kasz-szi-i
u3# _kur#_ (lu2#)ia-su-bi#-gal#-la-a-a sza# la#-pa#-an# _(gesz#)tukul#-[mesz_]-ia# ip-par-szid-du# ul#-tu# qe2#-reb# _kur#_-i# u2#-sze-ri-dam-ma i#-na# (iri#)har#-disz#-pi# _(iri#)e2#_-(disz#)ku#-bat-ti u2-szar#-me# i#-na# _szu#-min#_ (lu2#)szu#-ut# _sag#_-ia# _(lu2#)en#-nam#_ (iri#)ar#-rap#-ha# am#-nu#-szu2#-nu#-ti# _(na4#)na#-ru2#-a#_ u2#-sze#-pisz#-ma# li-i-tum ki#-szit#-ti# _szu#-min#_ sza# _ugu#_-szu#-un# asz2#-tak#-ka#-nu# s,e#-ru#-usz#-szu2# u2#-sza2#-asz2#-t,ir#-ma#
i#-na# qer#-bi# _iri#_ ul#-ziz# pa#-an# ni#-ri#-ia# u2#-ter#-ma# a#-na# (kur#)el#-li#-pi# as,#-s,a#-bat# har#-ra#-nu# el#-la#-mu#-u2#-a# (disz#)is#-pa#-ba#-a#-ra# _lugal#_-szu#-un# _iri#-mesz#_-szu# dan#-nu#-ti# _e2#_ ni#-s,ir#-ti#-szu2# u2#-masz#-szir#-ma# a#-na# ru#-qe2#-e#-ti# in#-na#-bit# gim#-ri# _kur#_-szu2# _dagal#_-tim# _gin7# muru9#_ as#-hu#-up# (iri#)mar#-u2#-bisz#-ti# (iri#)ak#-ku#-ud#-du# _iri#-mesz#_-ni# _e2# lugal#_-ti#-szu2#
a#-di# 3(u)? 4(disz)# _iri#-mesz#_-ni# _tur#-mesz#_ sza# li#-me#-ti#-szu2#-nu# al#-me# _kur#_-ud# ap#-pul# aq#-qur# i#-na# _(d#)gesz#-bar#_ aq#-mu# _un#-mesz# tur# gal# nita#_ u# _munus# ansze#-kur#-ra#-mesz#_ _ansze#-kunga#-mesz# ansze#-mesz# ansze#-gam#-mal#-mesz#_ _gu4#-mesz#_ u3# _u8#-udu#-hi#-a#_ a#-na# la# mi#-nam# asz2-lu-lam-ma a#-di# la# ba#-szi#-i# u2#-sza2-lik-szu-ma u2-s,a-ah#-hi#-ir# _kur#_-su# (iri#)s,i-s,i-ir-tu [(iri)]ku#-um#-ma#-ah#-lum#
sza# li#-me#-ti#-szu2#-nu# _(kur#)e2#_-[(disz)]ba#-ar#-ru#-u2# [na-gu]-u2# a#-na# gi#-mir#-ti#-szu2 [ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_-szu2] [ab-tuq-ma _ugu_ mi]-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2#-rad#-di# [(iri)el]-en#-za#-asz2# a#-na# _iri# [lugal_-u2-ti] [u3] dan#-na#-at# na#-ge#-[e szu-a-tu] [as,-bat-ma _mu]_-szu2# mah#-ra#-a# [u2-nak-kir-ma]
In the high mountains, difficult terrain, I rode on horseback and had my chariot and footstool carried on men's necks. I was able to carry off the heavy booty on my feet. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Bit-Kilamzah, Hardishpu, and Bit-Kubatti, their fortified walled cities. I captured the people, horses, and mules.
I brought out of them and I counted them as booty. Moreover, their smaller settlements, which were without number, I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruins. I took the houses of the steppe and their dwellings in the woods, and then turned them into ruins. I returned that E-Kilamzah to the fortified city. I strengthened its walls more than before and settled therein the people of the lands that I had conquered. The Kassites
and the land of the Yasubigallians who had fled from my weapons I brought out and I made them dwell in the cities Hardishpu and Bit-Kubatti. I placed them under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of Arrapha. I had a stele made and I had the restitution of the debts imposed upon them written upon it.
I stood in front of my enemies and took the road to the land Ellipi. In the plain of Ellipi Ispabara, their king, abandoned his fortified cities and his treasury and fled far away. I overwhelmed all of his wide land like a fog. I surrounded the cities Marubishtu and Akkuddu, cities of his royal house.
I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. I carried off people, young and old, male and female, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number, and I brought him as far as he was not able to go out. I brought out his land, the cities Shishirtu, Kummahlum,
of their environs, the district of the land Bit-Barrû in its entirety, I took out of his land and added to the territory of Assyria. I took the city Elenzash as a royal city and a fortress for that district and changed its former name and
Column 3
x x x [...] (disz#)kam#-mu-su-na#-ad#-bi# (kur#)[ma-'a-ba-a-a] (disz)(d)a-a-ram-mu [(kur)u2-du-um-ma-a-a] _lugal-mesz#_-ni# _kur# mar-tu(ki#)_ [ka-li-szu2-un] _igi-sa2_-e szad#-lu#-[ti ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu] a-di 4(disz)-szu2 a#-na# mah#-ri-ia# [isz-szu-nim-ma] isz-szi-qu _giri3#-min_-ia u3# [(disz)s,i-id-qa-a] _lugal_ (iri)is-qa-al-lu-na [sza la ik-nu-szu2] a-na ni-ri-ia _dingir-mesz [e2 ad_-szu2 sza2-a-szu] _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-[munus-mesz_-szu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2]
_numun# e2 ad_-szu2# [as-su-ha-am-ma] a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) [u2-rasz-szu] (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri [_dumu_ (disz)ru-kib-ti] _lugal#_-szu2#-nu mah#-[ru-u2] _ugu# ug3-mesz_ (iri)is-qa-al#-[lu-na asz2-kun-ma] na#-dan# _gun#_ kad3#-re#-[e be-lu-ti-ia] e#-mid#-su#-ma# i#-sza2#-[a-t,a ab-sza2-a-ni] i#-na# me#-ti#-iq# ger#-[ri-ia (iri)e2-da-gan-na] (iri#)ia#-ap#-pu#-u2# (iri#)[ba-na-a-a-bar-qa] (iri#)a#-zu#-ru# _iri#-mesz#_-ni# [sza (disz)s,i-id-qa-a sza] a#-na# _giri3#-min#_-ia# ar2#-hisz# [la ik-nu-szu]
al#-me# _kur#_-ud# asz2#-lu#-la# [szal-la-su-un] _(lu2#)szagina#-mesz# (lu2#)nun#-mesz#_ u3# [_ug3-mesz_ (iri)am-qar-ru-na] sza# (disz#)pa#-de#-e# _lugal#_-szu2-nu [_en_ a-de-e] u3# ma#-mit# sza# _kur#_ asz#-szur#(ki#) [bi-re-tu _an-bar_ id-du-ma] a#-na# (disz#)ha#-za#-qi#-a#-u2# [(kur)ia-u2-da-a-a] id#-di#-nu#-szu2# nak#-risz# a#-[na an-zil-li i-pu-szu2] ip#-lah3# _sza3#_-szu2#-un# _lugal#-mesz#_-ni# [(kur)mu-us,-ri] _(lu2#)erim#-mesz# (gesz#)pan# [(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_]
sza# _lugal#_ (kur#)me#-luh#-ha# e#-mu#-qi2# la# [ni-bi ik-te-ru-nim-ma] il#-li#-ku# re#-s,u#-[us-su-un] i#-na# ta#-mir#-ti# (iri#)al#-[ta-qu-u2] el#-la#-mu#-u2#-a# si#-id#-[ru szit-ku-nu] u2#-sza2#-'a#-lu# _(gesz#)tukul#-mesz#_-szu2#-[un i-na tukul-ti (d)asz-szur _en_-ia] it#-ti#-szu2#-un# am#-da#-hi#-[is,-ma ...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] ik#-szu#-da# _szu#-min#_-a#-a# (iri#)al#-ta#-[qu-u2 (iri)ta-am-na-a] al#-me# _kur#_-ud# asz2#-lu#-la# [szal-la-su-un] a#-na# (iri#)am#-qar#-ru#-na# [aq-rib-ma]
_(lu2#)szagina#-mesz# (lu2#)nun#-mesz#_ [sza hi-it,-t,u u2-szab-szu-u2] a#-duk#-ma# i#-[na di-ma-a-te ...] x x x [...] x x x [...] [...] x [...]
... Kammusu-nadbi of the land Moab, Aya-ramu of the land Edom, all kings of the land Amurru, their heavy audience gifts, four times, they brought before me and kissed my feet. Moreover, Shidqâ, the king of the city Ashkelon, who had not bowed down to my yoke, the gods of his father's house, he himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers,
I took the seed of his father's house and brought it to Assyria. I set Lugal-lu-dari, son of Rukibtu, their former king, over the people of the city Ashkelon and imposed upon him the payment of tribute and gifts in recognition of my overlordship and he repaid my debts. In the course of my campaign, the cities Edadana, Yappu, Banayabarqa, and Azuru, cities of Shidqâ, who had not submitted to my feet,
I marched and plundered them. The governors, nobles, and the people of the city Ekron, whose king Padî, lord of treaties and oaths to Assyria, had cast with iron, and gave to Hezekiah of the land Judah, a treacherous act they had committed. They became frightened of the anzilu-demons and they became afraid of them. The kings of Egypt, the archers, chariots, and horses
As for the king of the land Meluhha, without number, they entered and went and their forces came. In the plain of the city Eltekeh, Elam, they slew their weapons. With the support of the god Ashur, my lord, I fought with them and ... ... ... ... he conquered. I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Eltekeh and Tamnâ. I approached the city Ekron and
The governors and nobles who had committed a crime committed it, I killed and in battle ...
Column 8
[...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x
P466842: royal-monumental prism
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _man_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim mut-tar#-[x x] _ug3-mesz dagal-mesz_ e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)a-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d)[x] (d)u-gur (d)1(u)?-5(disz) sza2 e2-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as e2-szar2-ra u e2-mes-mes sza2 pa-lah3 _dingir-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _dingir-mesz_ _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ra-bisz mu-du-u e-pisz _kur_ asz-szur(ki) mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi-szu2 na-si-ih#
na-ki-ri mu-ab-bit da-ad2-me-szu2-un mal-ku pit-qu-du sza2 _ugu lugal-mesz_ a-szib _bara2_ nu-'u-u2-da-at be-lut-su tukul-ti _kur_-szu2 na-a'-id _murub4_ u3 _me3_ s,u-lu-lu _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 a-na-ku i-nu-szu2 e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra sza2 qe2-reb ($ erasure $) e2-szar2-ra pa-rak an-szar2 _en gal_-i _en_-ia sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ si-ma-tu-szu2 im-qu-ta-a-ma _ka2_-szu2 pe#-tu-u a-na _im-u18-lu_ ina _igi-min_ ra-pa-asz2-ti sza2 (d)e2-a isz-ru-ka#
ina# igi#-gal2-lu-u2-ti sza2 an-szar2 u2-szat-li-man-ni ia-a-szi ina t,e3-em ram-ni-ia am-tal-lik-ma _ka2_ e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra a-na na-pa-ah _(d)utu_-szi me2-eh-ret _(im)kur-ra_ pe-ta-a-szu2 lib3-bi ub-la-an-ni t,e3-em (d)utu (d)iszkur al-mad-ma an-na ki-i-nu i-pu-lu-in-ni-ma sza2 _ka2_ szu-a-[x] a-na na-pa-ah _(d)utu_-szi me2-eh-ret _(im)kur-ra_ (d)utu u (d)iszkur iq-bu-u pe-ta#-a#-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2-gar8_ an-da-ak-kis-ma
a-na _gaba an-szar2 en_-ia me2-eh-ret _(im)kur-ra ka2_ esz-szisz# ap-te-e-ma _ka2 lugal_-ti# _mu_-szu2 am-bi _e2_ sza2-hu-ru esz-szisz e-pu-usz-ma _ka2_-szu2 u2#-rap-pisz ina _ka2 e2_ sza2-hu-ru# szu-a-tu 4(disz) _gu4 dumu (d)utu zabar husz-a_ e-lisz _szu-min_-szu2-nu _(d)utu_-szi na-szu-u2 u2-kal-lu s,u-lu-lu szap-lisz _giri3_-szu2-nu i-na _ugu_ 2(disz) _bara2 zabar_ sza2 _ku6-lu2-u18-lu zabar_ sza2 _suhur-masz2(ku6) zabar_ szur-szu-du gis-gal-la
_za3_ u _gub3_ sza2 _ka2 ur-idim_ u3 _gir2-tab-lu2-u18-lu_ kul-lu szi-ga-ri _ka2_ szu-nu-tu# _ka2 kaskal_ szu-ut az-za-kar _mu_-szu2 _kisal_-szu2 esz-szisz ab-ni-ma _kisal_ si-dir man-za-az (d)i2-gi3-gi3 _mu_-szu2 am-bi _ka2_-szu2 sza2 a-na s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi a-na _ugu i7 ka2_ bu-ru-mu az-za-kar ni-bit-su _ka2_ ne2-re-bi-szu2 a-na _kisal_ ne2-reb (d)i2-gi3-gi3 _mu_-szu2 az-kur _ka2_ sza2 a-na _(im)u18-lu ka2_ kan-su (d)i2-gi3-gi3 _mu_-szu2 am-bi _ka2_ ne2-re-bi-szu2 a-na _kisal#_
_ka2_ hi-[x] _kur mu_-szu2 az-kur _ka2_-szu2 sza2 a-na _(im)si-sa2 ka2 (mul)mar-gid2-da mu_-szu2 am-bi _ka2_ ne2-re-bi-szu2 a-na _kisal ka2 bara2 nam-mesz mu_-szu2 az-kur _ka2_ pa-pa-hi _e2_ sza2-hu-ru _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 a-di _kisal#_-szu2 _e2-mesz ka2-mesz_ ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ina szi-pir (d)kulla u2-szak#-lil-szu-ma ki#-ma# _kur_-i re-szi-szu2 ul-li ina nik-lat lib3-bi-ia sza2 _ka2-mesz_
u3 _kisal#_-[x]-na _mu_-szu2-nu am-bi-ma ni-bit-si-na az-kur te-em-me-en-na at-ta sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-[x] _man# kur_ asz-szur ra-'i-im ki-na-a-ti e-pisz s,a-lam _dingir_-szu2 ba-an _e2_ da-me-eq-ta-szu2 a-na an-szar2 qi2-bi# it#-ti bal-til(ki) u e2-szar2-ra lisz-te-li-pu _nunuz-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu2 it-ti s,al-mat _sag-du_ li-ku-nu a-na du-ur da-a-ri a-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u2 sza2 an-szar2 a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u
_mu_-szu2 sza2 ina _bala_-szu2 _e2_ szu2-a-tu2 in-na-hu an-hu-su lid-disz _mu-sar_-a-a li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _siskur2_ liq-qi2 ina asz2-ri-szu2 lisz-kun an-szar2 ik-ri-bi-szu2 i-szem-me mu-nak-kir3 _mu-sar_-a-a da-a-a-i-s,i a-ma-ti-ia an-szar2 _man dingir-mesz_ u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u3 _ki_-tim ar-rat ma-ru-usz-tu li-ru-ru-szu-ma _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _ti-la_-szu2 li-ki-mu-szu2 _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 _nunuz_-szu2 u3 na-an-nab-szu2 i-na _ka ug3-mesz_ li-hal-li-qu#
Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, ..., ..., ..., the ..., the ..., the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, ..., Nergal, and Ishtar of the Ekishmuri, the Great One, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra and the temples of reverence of the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, the one who built the temples of Assyria, the one who completes Assyria, the one who completes his cult centers,
the enemy, who robbed their settlements, the pious ruler, who is above the kings who sit on royal daises, the one who has entrusted his sovereignty, the support of his land, the one who is able to fight and battle, and the slayer of his troops, I. At that time, the Ehursaggalkurkurra, which is inside Esharra, the seat of the god Ashur, the great lord, my lord, whose appearances from distant days had been obscured and whose gate was open to the south, with the broad eyes of the god Ea, I imposed upon you.
At the first glance which Ashur had given me, I went by my own advice and the gate of Ehursaggalkurkurra to the left of Shamash, opposite the east wind, its opening was open, my heart prompted me. The word of Shamash and Adad I heard, and the truth he gave me, and the gate of Shu'a... to the left of Shamash, opposite the east wind, Shamash and Adad said to him, its opening was open. At that time I surrounded the gate and
To the face of Ashur, my lord, opposite the east wind I opened a new gate and named it "The King's Gate." I built a new house and expanded its gate. In the gate of that house four bulls, sons of Shamash, with reddish bronze, above their hands, they slew, they hung, they hung, they hung, above their feet, on two bronze dais of fish, bronze of the shurmash, bronze a sling,
the right and left of the gate of the lion and the girtabulu-ullu, all the shigaru-vessels, those gates, the gates of the road that Izakar named them and its courtyard I built anew and its courtyard was a ziggurat. The Igigi name is its gate that is on the east side on the river bank. Izakar his entrance gate to the courtyard of the Igigi name Izakur. The gate which to the south is the gate of the Igigi name is its gate.
I destroyed the gate of ... of the land, its name I named. I destroyed the gate which is to the north, the gate of the Amurru, its name I named. I destroyed the gate of its entrances to the courtyard, the gate of destinies, its name I named. I destroyed the gate of the cella, the house of the shuru, its walls, as far as the courtyard, the houses, and gates from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of Kulla and I raised its top like a mountain with my own strength that the gates
And the courtyard ... their names I named. I hereby confirm the foundations. You, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who loves truth, the one who fashioned the statue of his god, and the one who fashioned his holy temple for Ashur, command that his offspring, his sons, and his grandsons, be brought up with black-headed people forever. No future prince of Ashur shall be more great than you for shepherding the land and people.
In his reign, that house became dilapidated. May he restore its weakened portions. May he see my inscribed object, anoint it with oil, offer a sacrifice, place it on his bed, and then may the god Ashur hear his prayers. May he remove my inscribed object, the slander of my words. May the god Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with a harsh curse, and overthrow his kingship. May his life be long and his name, his seed, his offspring and his offspring disappear from the mouth of the people.
P466843: royal-monumental prism
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_...]-szar2# en[..._] [...]-ta-a-ma# [...] [...]-a isz-ru-[...] [...] t,e3-[...] [x x] na#-pa-ah# [...] lib3#-bi ub-la-an#-[...] i-pu-lu-in-[...] me2-eh-ret (im#)[...] ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2#-[..._] me2-eh-ret (im#)[...] _e2_ sza2-hu-ru esz#-[...] [x] _gu4 dumu (d)utu zabar#_ [...] [...] s,u#-lu#-lu szap-[...] [...] _zabar#?_ [...] x x [...] x x x x [...] x x x x [...] _kisal_-szu2# esz#-szisz# x [...] _ka2_-szu2 sza2# a#-na s,i-it# [...] _ka2_ ne2-re#-bi-szu2 a#-na# _kisal#_ [...] _ka2_ kan-su# (d)i2-[...]
_ka2_-szu2 sza2#? x x? x [...] _ka2_ ne2-re-bi-szu2 [...] _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 a#-[...] ina# szi#-pir# (d#)kulla# [...] x x x x [...] ni#?-bit#? x# x# [...] _lugal kur_ asz-szur [...] ba-an _e2#?_ da#-[...] it-ti bal-til[...] it-ti s,al-mat _sag#-[..._] _nun egir_-u2 sza2#? [...] sza2 ina _bala_-szu2 _e2#_ [...] li-mur-ma _i3#-[..._] an-szar2 ik-ri-[...] a-ma-ti#-ia# [...] x [...]
His gate which ... ... his gate of entry ... his gates ... by the craft of Kulla ... ... king of Assyria ... a house ... with the Baltila Temple ... with the Black Headed People A future prince who in his reign ... may he see and ... Ashur ... my words .
P466844: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-eri]-ba [_man gal man_ dan-nu] _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur [e-pisz s,a-lam] an#-szar2# (d)nin-lil2 [... u _dingir]-mesz# gal-mesz_ mu#-szar-bu-u [szu-luh-hi-szu2-un?] mu-szak-lil pa#-[ra-as, e2-szar2]-ra ma-szu-ti ina bi-ri [ina] qi2#-bit# [(d)utu (d)]iszkur mu-ud-disz bal#-til(ki#) mu#-x [...] szu-luh-hi-szu2 mu#-ter# [_(d)lamma_ e2]-szar2-ra la e-pisz-ti a-na [asz2-ri-szu2 a-na-ku e]-nu-szu2 isz-tu s,a-lam an-szar2 _en gal#_-[i _en_-ia u s,a-lam _dingir]-mesz gal-mesz_ e-pu-szu-ma#
u2#-[szar-me-szu-nu-ti] szu-bat-su-nu ne2-eh-ti _(iti#)[bar-sag-sag] iti_ resz#-tu-u2 sza2 [a-bi (d)en-lil2 _iti_ na]-an-mur-ti (mul)apin _ezen_ [qe2-re]-e-ti sza2 _lugal# dingir-mesz an#-szar2#_ sza2 [ul]-tu# u4#-me _su3-mesz#_ ina [e-sza2-a-ti] u# sah#-ma#-[sza2]-a#-ti _e2_ a2-[ki-it] _edin#_ im#-ma-szu-u ina [qe2-reb _uru_] in#-ne2#-ep-pu-szu2 pa-[ra]-as,# [_lugal dingir]-mesz# an-szar2_ it-[ti szip]-ri#-[im]-ma# szu#-a-ti a#-[na e-pesz _e2_ a2]-ki-it [lib3-bi ub-la]-ni-ma
[an-na ki-i-nu i-pu-lu-in]-ni-ma [iq-bu-u-ni e-pe-e]-szu2 [ina _iti dug3-ga_ u4-me szal-mu ina szi-pir i-szip]-pu#-ti
Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of Ashur, Ninlil, ... and the great gods, the one who makes their cultic rites supreme, the one who completes the cult centers of Esharra, in the midst of the four quarters, by the command of Shamash and Adad, who renovated Baltil Ashur, who ... his cultic rites, who restored the protective spirit of Esharra, the one who had not built, to his place I, at that time, from the image of Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and the image of the great gods, I built and
The month Barsagsag, the first month of the father of Enlil, the month of the nanmurtu-star of the Plow, the rites of the king of the gods, Ashur, which since distant days, in the midst of the desert and the plain, the Akitu temple, had become dilapidated, in the city they were performing the rites of the king of the gods, Ashur, with the work that I had done, to rebuild the Akitu temple, he brought to me, and
They questioned me, saying: "I will do it." In a favorable month, on a propitious day, by means of a crafty device,
P466845: royal-monumental tablet
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _man_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti mu-tar-ru-u _ug3-mesz dagal-mesz_ e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ mu-szak-lil pa-ra-as, e2-szar2-ra ma-szu-u-ti ina bi-ri ina qi2-bit (d)utu u (d)iszkur mu-szar-bu-u szu-luh-hi-szu2-un mu-ter _(d)lamma_ e2-szar2-ra ba-t,il-ti a-na asz2-ri-szu2 sza2 pa-lah3 _dingir-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _dingir-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) ra-bisz mu-du-u mu-ul-li _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina szub-ti-szu2-nu
mu-szar-bu-u si-ma-ti-szu2-nu e-pisz _kur_ asz-szur(ki) mu-szak-lil ma-ha-zi-szu2 mu-ma-gir _kur_ na-ki-ri mu-ab-bit da-ad2-me-szu2-un mu-szah-ru-u _i7-mesz_ pe-tu-u mit,-ra-a-ti mu-szah-bi-ib pat-ta-a-ti sza2-kin nu-uh-szu2 u t,uh-du ina u2-ga-ri _kur_ asz-szur(ki) rap-szu2-ti mu-kin _a-mesz_ szi-qa-a-ti ina qar-ba-a-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 ul-tu2 u4-me pa-ni hi-ri-i-ti u szi-qi ina _kur_ asz-szur(ki) mam-ma-an la i-mu-ru a-a-um-ma la i-du-u szu-ut mah-ri la i-pu-szu2 mu-szar-szid szi-pir (d)kulla
ul-tu2 szi-pir bal-t,u-ti a-di _ki-mah_ si-mat mi3-tu-tu ina (na4)pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i sza2 ma-na-a-ma ina _kur_ asz-szur(ki) la i-pu-szu2 _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia ma-al-ku pit-qu-du sza2 _ugu lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki nu-'u-da-at be-lut-su tukul-ti _kur_-szu2 na-a'-id qab-li u _me3_ s,u-lul _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 a-na-ku e-nu-szu2 isz-tu s,a-lam an-szar2 _en gal_-i _en_-ia u s,a-lam _dingir-mesz gal-mesz du3_-ma u-szar-me-szu-nu-ti szu-bat-su-nu ne2-eh-ti
_(iti)bar-sag-sag iti_ resz-tu-u sza2 a-bi (d)en-lil2 _iti_ na-an-mur-ti _(mul)apin_ i-sin-ni qe2-re-ti sza2 _lugal dingir-mesz an-szar2_ sza2 ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ ina e-sza2-a-ti u sah-ma-sza2-a-ti _e2_ a-ki-it _edin_ im-ma-szu2-u ina qe2-reb _iri_ in-ne2-ep-pu-szu2 pa-ra-as, _lugal dingir-mesz an-szar2_ it-ti szip-ri-im-ma szu-a-ti a-na e-pesz _e2_ a-kit lib3-bi ub-la-ni-ma t,e3-em (d)utu (d)iszkur al-mad-ma an-na ke-(e-nu) i-pu-lu-in-ni-ma
iq-bu-u-ni e-pe-e-szu2 ina _iti dug3-ga_ u4-me szal-mu ina szi-pir i-szip-pu-ti ne2-me-eq ka-ku3-gal-u-ti ina (na4)pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu2 ad-di-ma ul-la-a re-szi-szu2 ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ina _na4 kur_-i u2-szak-lil-szu2-ma u2-saq-qir-szu2 hur-sza2-nisz _2(disz)-ta_ pat-ta-a-ti a-na i-ta-ti-szu2 u2-szah-ri-i-ma _(gesz)kiri6_ nu-uh-szi s,ip-pat _nig2-sa-sa-hi-a_ u2-sza2-as-hir-szu2-ma mu-sa-re-e ku-uz-bi i-ta-ti-szu2 u2-szal-me isz-tu babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ah-pu-u
_dingir-mesz_-sza2 u2-szab-bi-ru _ug3-mesz_-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul_ as-pu-nu asz2-szu qaq-qar _iri_ szu-a-ti la# mus#-si#-i qaq-qar-szu2 as-suh-ma a-na (i7)pu-rat-ti a-na tam-tim u2-sza2-bil e-pe-ri-szu2 a-na ni-tuk(ki) ik-szu-du-ma _ni-tuk(ki)_-a-a i-mu-ru-ma hat-ti pu-luh-ti sza2 an-szar2 im-qut-su-nu-ti-ma na-mur-ta-szu2-nu ub-lu-u-ni it-ti na-mur-ti-szu2-nu _erin2-hi-a_ di-ku-ut _kur_-szu2-nu za-bil tup-szik-ki _(gesz)mar zabar gag-mesz zabar_ u2-nu-ut szi-pir _kur_-szu2-nu
a-na na-qar babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) isz-pu-ru-u-ni a-na nu-uh-hi lib3-bi an-szar2 _en_-ia ta-nit-ti dan-nu-ti-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ a-na da-la-li a-na ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz_ ah-ra-a-ti _sahar-hi-a babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki)_ as-su-ha-am-ma ina _e2_ a-ki-ti szu2-a-ti ka-re-e _du6_ u2-gar-ri-in ina na-de-e _usz8_ sza2 _e2_ a-ki-ti na-mur-tu2 sza2 (disz)ka-ri-bi-dingir _lugal_ (kur)sa-ba-a' _(na4)babbar#-dili#_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz szim-mesz dug3-mesz_ [i]-qa-ri-ba-am-ma isz-tu lib3-bi na-mur-ti szu-a-tu2
_na4-mesz szim-mesz_ a-na _sza3 usz8_-szu2 ad-di a-na _sza3 usz8 e2_ a-ki-ti sza2-a-tu2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 (na4)gug (na4)za-gin3 (na4)nir2 (na4)musz-gir2_ _(na4)babbar-dili (na4)babbar-min5 im-sig7-sig7_ nap-har _szim-mesz_ t,a-bu-tu2 ki-ma#? x x hi _usz8_ szu-a-ti i3-gu-la-a _i3_ ru-usz-ti ki-ma _a-mesz i7_ lu as-lu-uh te-me2-en-na at-ta sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) ra-im ki-na-a-ti e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 ba-an _e2_ da-me-eq-ta-szu2 a-na an-szar2 qi2-bi
it-ti bal-til(ki) u e2-szar2-ra lisz-te-li-pu _nunuz-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu dumu-mesz_-szu2 it-ti s,al-mat _sag-du_ li-ku-nu a-na du-ur da-a-ri a-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u2 sza2 an-szar2 a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u _mu_-szu2 sza2 ina _bala_-szu2 _e2_ szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lid-disz _mu-sar_-a-a li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _siskur2_ liq-qi2 ina asz2-ri-szu2 lisz-kun an-szar2 ik-ri-bi-szu2 i-szem-me mu-ne2-kir _mu-sar#_-a-a da-a-a-i-s,i a-ma-ti-ia
e-pisz [la] _mun_ a-[na] _x-mesz_ x u _nunuz-mesz_-szu2-nu an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz_ u _dingir-mesz# gal#-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim ar-rat [la] nap-szu-ri ma-ru-usz-ti li-ru-ru-szu2-ma _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _ti-la_-su li-ki-mu-szu2 _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 _nunuz_-szu2 u3 na-an-nab-szu2 ina nap-har _kur-kur_ li-hal-li-qu
Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, who reaches the wide people, who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, who completed the cult centers of the Esharra, who in the midst of the heavens by the command of the gods Shamash and Adad made their sanctuaries splendid, who restored the protective spirit of the Esharra, who reveres the gods of heaven and the gods of Assyria, who reorganized the great gods in their midst,
Who makes their cultic rites perfect, who builds Assyria, who completes its cult centers, who conquers the enemy land, who destroys their settlements, who re-opens canals, who makes canals flow, who makes abundance and abundance abundant in the wide district of Assyria, who establishes fresh water in the midst of Assyria, who since distant days has not seen piracy and piracy in Assyria, who no one knows, who no one knows, who did not do anything before, who completes the work of the god Kulla,
From the beginning of the work to the tomb, the rites of death were performed with mountain stone, which no king of the past who came before me had done in Assyria, the wise ruler who is superior to the kings who sit on royal daises, the one who knows his lordship, the support of his land, the one who is attentive to battle and war, the one who overwhelms his troops, I, at that time, from the statue of Ashur, the great lord, my lord, and the statue of the great gods, I made and their dwelling peaceful.
Barsagsag, the first month of the father of Enlil, the month of the nanmurtu-star of the Plow, the festival of the king of the gods, Ashur, which since distant days, in the midst of the earth and the plain, the Akitu temple, he had built, in the city he built. The king of the gods, Ashur, with the work on this, to rebuild the Akitu temple he brought, and the word of Shamash and Adad I heard, and the true gods answered me, and
In a favorable month, on a propitious day, by means of the craft of the craftsmen, the wisdom of the kakkullu-priests, I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains, and raised its top. I completed it from its foundations to its crenellations with stone from the mountains and made it high. I raised two terraces up to its top, and planted a fruit orchard with fruit and a grove of juniper, and deposited it in its top. From Babylon I excavated.
their gods he smashed, and his people with weapons he smashed. Because the area of that city was not a mountain, its area I cleared away and to the Euphrates to the sea I brought. His army to Nippur he conquered, and the Nippurites saw, and fear of Ashur overwhelmed them, and their spectacles they brought. With their spectacles, the troops of their land, the payment of rations, bronze containers, bronze casseroles, and the work of their land
To the quay of Babylon he sent me. To the well-being of the heart of Ashur, my lord, his mighty praises, the people for joy and to see, the older people, I removed the earth from Babylon and in that Akitu temple a ka're-vessel I erected it. At the nade of the dead body of the Akitu temple, the audience gift of Kari-Bi-ili, king of the land Saba', he presented babbardilû-stone, precious stones, and aromatics, and from that audience gift
I poured out stones and aromatics into its foundation. In the foundation of that Akitu temple, silver, gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, serpentine, agate, papparminu-stone, papparminu-stone, red-purple ... all the aromatics, sweet like ..., that foundation I filled with oil like the water of the river. You, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who is firmly established, the one who fashioned images of Ashur, the one who built his temple, to Ashur, speak to him.
May his offspring, his sons and his grandsons be sated with black-headed people forever! May no future prince whom Anshar names to shepherd the land and people, restore his name that in his reign that temple had become dilapidated! May he see my inscribed object, anoint it with oil, make an offering, place it on his lap! May Anshar hear his prayers! May he hear my inscribed object, the awe of my words!
Whoever does not give kindness to ... and their offspring, may Ashur, king of the gods, and the great gods of heaven and netherworld curse him with an unjust slander and a curse him, and overthrow his kingship, and make his life, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny disappear from all lands.
P466846: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man# szu2#_ _man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku sza2 _kisal_ e2-szar2-ra _e2-gal# dingir-mesz_ ina (na4)pi-li# _babbar_-e te#-men5#-szu2# ad#-di#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With white limestone, I laid its foundations of the courtyard of the Esharra, the palace of the gods.
P466847: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz s,a#-lam# an-szar2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku sza2 _kisal_ e2-szar2-ra _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ ina (na4)pi-li _babbar_-e te-men5-szu2 _szub_
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With white limestone you ... the foundations of the courtyard of Esharra, the palace of the gods.
P466849: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d#)sin#-[...] _man kur_ asz-szur e#-pisz# [...] u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ ana#?-ku#? sza2# _kisal#?_ [x?] e2-szar2-ra# _e2#?-gal#?_ [x x] [...] x x x [...]
Sin-..., king of Assyria, the one who ... and the great gods, I? ... the Esharra, the palace ... .
P466850: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ ana-ku sza2# _kisal_ e2#-szar2-ra _kur dingir-mesz_ ina _(na4)bur babbar_-e te-men5-szu2 _szub_
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With white stone you ... the courtyard of Esharra, the land of the gods.
P466853: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-[x_]
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of Ashur and the great gods,
P466854: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz e-pisz s,a-lam an#-szar2# u# _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz#_
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of Ashur and the great gods,
P466855: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods,
P466856: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man szu2 man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods.
P466857: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _e2_ a-ki-ti szu2-a-ti ul-tu2 _usz8_-sza2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-sza2 ina (na4)pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i u2-zaq-qir hur-sza2-nisz
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, built this temple. The statue of the god Ashur and the great gods of that temple from its foundations to its parapets I surrounded with limestone, stone from the mountains.
P466858: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)a-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)u-gur (d)isz-tar sza# e2-kid-mu-ri# _dingir-mah_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku sza# _e2_ a2-ki-it mu-szab an-szar2 _en_-ia [x] (na4#)pi#-li# _babbar#_-e# te-men5-szu2 ad-di#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, and Ishtar of the Ekishmuri, the Great-Stele, and the Great Gods: I, the one who the Akitu temple, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, ... I laid its foundations with white limestone.
P466859: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin#-[...] _man# kur#_ asz _du3_-isz3# s,a#-lam# an#-szar2# (d)a#-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d#)iszkur# (d)u-gur# (d)1(u)?-5(disz) sza e2-kid-mu#-ri# _dingir#-mah#_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku sza a2-ki-it mu-szab an-szar2# _en#_-ia ina pi-li _babbar_-e# te-men5-szu2 ad-di
Sin-..., king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Ekishmuri, Great-Son of the Great Gods, I, the one who the Akitu temple, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, with white limestone I laid its foundations.
P466860: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[_...]-mesz-su# man szu2_ [x x] asz#?-szur#? _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 (d#)a#-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur# (d)u-gur (d)1(u)?-5(disz)# sza e2-kid-mu#-ri# _dingir-mah_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ ana-ku# sza a2-ki-it mu-szab an-szar2 _en_-ia ina (na4)pi-li _babbar#_-e# te-men5-szu2 ad-di#
... his ..., king of the world, ... Ashur he built. Image of Ashur, Anu, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Ekishmuri, the Great One, and the Great Gods I, who ... the Akitu, the residence of Ashur, my lord, with white limestone I laid its foundations.
P466861: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)a-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur _(d#)u#-gur# (d)inanna_ sza2 e2-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku sza2 _e2_ a2-ki-it mu-szab an-szar2 _en_-ia ina (na4)pi-li pe-s,e-e te-me-en-szu2 ad-di
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of the Ekishmuri, the Great-Son, and the Great Gods: I, the one who the Akitu temple, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, with white limestone, I laid its foundations.
P466862: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2#_ _man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)a-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)u-gur# (d)1(u)?-5(disz) sza e2-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ u _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ ana-ku sza2 _e2_ a2-ki-[x] mu#-szab an-szar2# _en_-ia ina (na4#)pi#-li# _babbar#_-e te-men5-szu2 ad-di
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Ekishmuri, Great-Son of the Great Gods, I, who ... the temple of the Akitu, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, with white limestone I laid its foundations.
P466864: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)](d)sin-pap#-mesz#-su# _man# szu2#?_ _man# kur# asz du3_-isz3 s,a-(lam) an-szar2 (d)a-nim (d#)sin (d)utu (d#)iszkur# (d)u-gur (d)1(u)?-5(disz) sza e2-kid#-mu#-ri# _dingir-mah_ u _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz#_ ana-ku sza _(e2)_ a2-ki-it mu#-szab# an-szar2 _en_-ia ina (na4#)pi#-li# _babbar_-e te-men5-szu ad-di#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Nergal, Ishtar of Ekishmuri, Great-Son of the Great Gods, I, the one who the Akitu temple, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, with white limestone I laid its foundations.
P466865: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d#)sin-pap#-mesz#-su# _man# szu2#_ x x x (d)a-nim (d#)sin# _(d#)utu# (d#)iszkur#_ x x x sza2 e2-kid-mu-ri _dingir#-mah#_ u# _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ ana#-ku# sza2 _e2_ a2-ki#-it# mu#-szab# an#-szar2# _en_-ia ina (na4#)pi#-li# _babbar#_-e# te#-me-en-szu2 ad-di
Sennacherib, king of the world, ... of the deities Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, ... of the Ekishmuri, the Great One, and the Great Gods, I, who ... the Akitu temple, the residence of the god Ashur, my lord, with white limestone I laid its foundations.
P466866: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)sze-ru#-u-a (d)a-nim (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)1(u)?-5(disz) sza2 e2-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ (d)ka3-ka3 (d)ha-ia3 (d)ku3-su3 (d)lumha (d)dunga2 (d)e2-gal-ki#-ba u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-na-ku te-me-en _e2_ a-ki-ti sza2 i-sin-nu qe2-re-ti an-szar2 ina pi-i-lu _na4# kur_-i# _usz8#_-szu2 ad-di
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Sherua, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, and Ishtar of the Ekishmuri, the Great-Stele, Kakka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the great gods, I: The foundation of the Akitu temple, which is the place of the festival of Ashur, I laid its foundation with limestone, stone from the mountain.
P466868: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap#-mesz-su# [x x] _man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)sze-ru-u-a (d)a-nim (d)sin _(d#)utu (d)iszkur_ (d)inanna sza2 e2-kid#-[x]-ri _dingir-mah_ (d)ka3-ka3 (d)ha-ia3 (d)ku3-su3 (d)lumha (d)dunga2#? (d#)e2#-gal-ki#-ba u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [x]-na#-ku# te-me-en _e2_ a#-ki#-ti# sza2#? i-sin-ni qe2-re-ti an-szar2 ina pi#-i#-lu# _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu2 ad-di
Sennacherib, ..., king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Sherua, Anu, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Ishtar of the Ekishri, the Great-Son of Kakka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the great gods, ..., the foundation of the Akitu temple, which is the seat of the god Ashur, I laid its foundation with limestone, stone from the mountain.
P466881: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man# szu2#_ [...] s,a-lam an-szar2 x x x [...] [x]-ku#? _e2_ a#-ki#-te#? _edin#_ [...] an-szar2 _ta usz8_-sza2 a-di# [...] (na4#)pi-i-li _na4 kur-[..._] u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-za-qir# [...]
Sennacherib, king of the world, ... statue of Ashur ... ... the temple of the Akitu of the steppe ... Ashur, from its foundations to ... I had limestone, stone from ..., made and I zaqir .
P466885: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [...] i-sin-ni qe2-re-[x ...] a-di gaba-dib-bi#-[x x ...] _na4 kur_-i esz-[x x ...] u2-za-qir [...]
and the great gods ... the festival ... until the ... ... stone from the mountains ... he ... .
P466888: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 [man kur_ asz] e#-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2# [(d)nin-lil2] (d)sze-ru-u-a (d)sin (d)nin#-[gal] (d#)utu# (d#)a-a (d)a-num an-tum#? _[(d)]iszkur_ [(d)]sza-la (d#)1(u)?-5(disz)# sza2 e2-kid#-mu#-ri# [_dingir]-mah#_ (d)ha-ia3 (d)ku3-su3 [(d)lumha] (d)dunga2 (d#)e2#-gal-ki#?-ba#? [u] _dingir#-mesz# gal-mesz_ [ana-ku] _e2#_ a#-ki#-[te] [_edin_ ina (na4)pi-i]-li# _na4 [kur]_-i esz-szisz# [u2-sze-pisz-ma] u2#-za-qir hur#-sza2-nisz#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the deities Ashur, Ninlil, Sherua, Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, Aya, Anu, Antu, Adad, Shala, and Ishtar of the Ekishmuri, the great sage, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba, and the great gods, I, the one who had the temple of the Akitu-temple built anew with limestone, stone from the mountains, and raised it as high as a mountain.
P466889: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x? [...] [...] _dingir-mah_ (d#)[...] [...] (d)ha-ia3# [...]
... ... ... ... the goddess ... ... Haya .
P466890: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
ana-ku (disz)sin-pap-mesz#-[x] _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) [x] [x]-na# (d)za-ba4#-[x] _du3_-usz#
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, ...na of the god Zababa ..., built.
P466891: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x x [...] _man kur_ asz _e2#_ [x x] (d)za-ba4-ba4 _du3#_
... ... ... king of Assyria, built the temple ... of Zababa.
P466892: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
ana#-ku# (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz _e2_ a-na (d)za-ba4-ba4 _du3_
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a temple for Zababa.
P466893: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku musz-la-lum _e2-gal_ sza2 qe2-reb bal-til(ki) ina (na4)pi-i-lu _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu2 ad-di
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: with limestone, stone from the mountains, I laid the foundations of the palace in Baltil Ashur.
P466894: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur _e2_ a-na (disz)an-szar2-dingir-mu-ti-la-bi _du3_-usz
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house for Ashur-ilmutilabi.
P466895: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
ana#-ku (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz#-[su] _man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3? [s,a-lam an-szar2] u _dingir-me gal-me e2#?_ an-nu-u ana asz-szur_-dingir-mu#-[ti-la-bi_] _dumu_-ia tar-den-nu# [_du3_-usz-ma] [_usz8]_-szu2# ad-di
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned? images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this temple for Ashur-ilmutilabi, my second son, and I laid its foundations.
P466896: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
ana-ku (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-me gal-me e2_ an-nu-u a-na (disz)an-szar2-dingir-mu-ti-la-bi _dumu_-ia tar-den-nu sza2 ina _giri3-min an-szar2_ _du3_-usz-ma ina pi-i-li# _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu2# ad-di
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for Ashur-ilmuti-libbi, my second son, who was also on the feet of the god Ashur, and I laid its foundations with limestone, stone from the mountains.
P466897: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x [...] [...] s,a-lam an-szar2# [_...]-me# e2_ an-nu#-u2 [...]_-dingir#-mu-ti#-la-bi#_ [...] sza2 ina _giri3#-min an-szar2_ [...] x x x [...]
... ... statue of Ashur ... this temple ... Ili-mutilabi ... which on the feet of Ashur ... ... .
P466898: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
a-na#-ku# (disz)sin-pap-mesz#-su# _man# kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam# an-szar2 u _dingir-me gal#-me#_ _e2_ an-nu-u a-na# (disz)asz-szur-dingir-mu-ti-la#-bi# _dumu#_-ia# tar-den-nu sza2# ina# _giri3-min an-szar2#_ [...] x x [...] [...] x x [...]
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built this house for Ashur-ilmuti-libbi, my second son, who is on the feet of the god Ashur ... ... .
P466922: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
ana-ku (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam# [x x] u _dingir-me gal-me e2_ an-nu-[...] (disz)an-szar2-dingir-mu-ti-la-bi _dumu_-ia# tar-den-nu sza2 ina _giri3-min an-szar2_ ib#?-ba#?-nu#?-[x] _du3_-ma ina _kur_-i-li# _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu2 ad-di#
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of ... and the great gods, built the house of Anu-..., Ashurbanipal, my second son, who was born on the feet of Ashur, and I laid its foundations in the mountain range of the mountain stone.
P466923: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x] (disz#)(d)sin-pap-mesz#-[x] [x x] asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam# [x x] [...] _gal-mesz e2_ an#-nu-u [x x] (disz)an-szar2-dingir-mu-ti#-la#-bi# [x]-ia tar-den-x sza2 ina _giri3#-min#_ [_x]-szar2_ ib-ba#-nu#-u _du3_-ma [x] pi-i-li _na4 kur_-[x] _usz8#_-szu2 ad-di
... Sennacherib, ... Ashur, fashioned a statue of ... great ... this house ... Ashur-ilu-muti-libbi, my second ..., who was created by the feet of ..., and I ... a stone slab of ... stone, his body I weighed out.
P466928: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
ana-ku (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz e2 du3_-ma a-na (disz)an-szar2-dingir-mu-ti-la-bi _dumu_-ia tar-din-ni ad-din _usz8_-szu ina pi-i-li _na4 kur_-i u2-dan-nin-ma ad-di
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, built a house and gave it to Ashur-ilum-mutilabi, my second son. I strengthened its foundation with limestone, stone from the mountains, and gave it to him.
P466930: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x] _(disz#)an#-szar2#-dingir#-[..._] [...]-din-ni ad-din _usz8#?_-szu#? [...]-li _na4 kur_-i [x x]-nin#-ma ad#-di#
... Ashur-ili-... I gave ... ... ... I gave his body ... stone from the mountain ... and I gave it.
P466931: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[ana]-ku (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz _e2 du3_-ma ana [asz]-szur-mu-ti-la-bi _dumu#_-ia tar-den-ni ad#-din x x
I, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, built a house and gave it to Ashur-mutilabi, my second son.
P466932: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap#-[mesz-su ...] _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam [...] it#-ti _du3_ [...] _en#_-ia x [...] [x] _sag_ [...]
Sennacherib, ... he made a statue ... with the statue ... my lord ... ... .
P466933: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)(d)]sin-pap-mesz#-[su ...] [x x] _an_ x [...] [x x] _na?_ x [...] [...] x x [...]
Sennacherib ...
P466934: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[(disz)](d#)sin-pap#-[mesz-su] _man# szu2 man# [kur_ asz]
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466936: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[a]-na [an-szar2? ...] [... a-szib e2]-szar2-ra _en gal# en#_-[szu2?] [(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man? szu2? man kur_ asz _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam] an-szar2 (d)a-nim (d)sin [... u _dingir-me gal-me] nun#_ mun-dal-ku mu-szak-lil pa-[ra-as, ...] i# man da x u2# x um-mu-lu 1(disz)-et _gesz-[..._] u2-szar#-bu-u u2-szar#-ri#-hu# si-ma#?-ku#? _ka2_ szu-a-tu2 x [...] x# x# _dingir-mesz_-ni ne2-reb-szu2 u2-rap-pisz-ma _(gesz)ig masz-tab-ba (gesz)eren_
_gesz ku3#_ [u2-sze-pisz-ma ina _ka2_ ... _ugu_ (na4)ka-szur-re-e _na4 kur_-i] u2-szar#-szid# man-za-as-si-in ina _ka2_ bit#-a#-nu-u sza2 ina# [...] a#-na a#-[s,e]-e u e-re-bi sza2 an-szar2 _man dingir-mesz_ [...] x x x x x [x x x] x x x bu [x] x 'u u x [...] x x x x x [... a]-na s,a-a-ti
To Ashur ... ... who dwells in Esharra, the great lord, his lord: Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the gods Ashur, Anu, Sîn, ... and the great gods, the ruler who is assiduous towards the cultic rites, ... king of ..., the one who ..., made great, made great, and made the gate of that gate ... ... the gods, his entrance, made wide and the door of cedar,
I had a silver kiln made and I installed it at the gate ... over kashurrû-stone, stone from the mountains. I made the positions at the gate bit-anû which in ... for the guard and entry of Ashur, king of the gods, ... ... ... ... for the cult centers.
P466937: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
a-[...] _gid2 u4-[mesz_ x ...] _silim# numun_-szu2 (gesz#)[...] _(gesz)eren gesz ku3#-[..._] ina _ka2 (mul)mar-[x_ x] _ugu_ (na4)ka-szur-[x x] _na4 kur_-i [...] u2-szar-szid [...] man-za-as-si#-in [...]
... long days ... ... the well-being of his seed ... cedar, ... wood, at the Gate of the Star Star ... I ... on kashur-x stone, stone of the mountain ... I made ... stand .
P466939: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[ana an-szar2 _man dingir]-mesz ad_ ba-nu-u (d)i2-gi3-gi3 u (d)gesz2-u [...] mu#-szim _nam-mesz# en kur-kur_ x x x [a-szib e2-hur-sag-gal-kur]-kur#-ra sza2 qe2-reb e2#-szar2#-ra# _en gal en_-szu2 [(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man] gal# man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur x x x x x x [... _du3_-isz3] s,a-lam an-szar2 (d)sze-ru-u#-a# x x x [...] (d)1(u)?-5(disz) sza e2-kid-mu-ri _dingir-mah_ (d)[ka3-ka3] [(d)]ha#-ia3 (d)ku3-su3 (d)lumha (d)dunga2 (d)e2-gal-[ki-ba]
u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana _ti_-szu2 _gid2# u4-me_-szu2 _gin bala_-szu2 _silim [numun_-szu2] x x x te-ret-ti ana [_ud-me_] s,a-a-ti x x [x x] x x _zabar_ x x [...] x x x [x x?]-ti x _bara2_ (ina szi)-pir (d)nin-a2-gal ip-tiq-ma x [...] x [x x] x x x _e2_ (d)da-gan-ni [...] x x x x x _bara2 nam-mesz_ ma-lak an-szar2 _en_ [...] [x?] x x x rit-ti x x x [...] [...] x x x [...]
To Ashur, king of the gods, father who created him, the Igigu and Geshu gods, ..., who decrees the fates, lord of the lands, ..., who dwells in the Ehursaggalkurkurra, which is inside Esharra, great lord, his lord: Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., who made a statue of Anshar, Sherua, ..., Ishtar of the Ekishmuri temple, great lord, Kakka, Haya, Kusu, Lumha, Dunga, Egalkiba,
and the great gods for his life, the lengthening of his days, the well-being of his reign, ... scribal arts for long days ... bronze ... ... ... a dais by the craft of Ninagal he fashioned and ... ... ... the temple of Dagan ... a dais of fates, the path of Ashur, lord ...
P466940: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] sza2# x [...] [...] _kur_-szu2 [...] [...] _en gal_ [...] [... e2-hur-sag]-gal#-kur-kur-ra sza2 [...] [...] _ka2_-szu2 _bad_-u2 a-na _(im)u18-[lu_ ...] [...] sza2# e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra# [...] [...] _ka2#_ szu-a-ti# x [x?] s,i#? x [...] [...] x x [...]
... of ... ... his land ... great lord ... Ehursaggalkurkurra which ... whose outer gate is open to the south ... of Ehursaggalkurkurra ... that outer gate ...
P466941: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
a-na an-szar2 _ad dingir-mesz en_-szu2 (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ne2-be2-hi sa-mit e2-szar2-ra ina a-gur-ri _na4-mesz_ ma-a'-disz u2-si-im
To Ashur, father of the gods, his lord: Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of Ashur and the great gods, the one who firmly established the sacrificial rites of Esharra, with baked bricks of large stones he made.
P466943: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x [...] (disz#)(d#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-[...] e#-pisz# s,a#-lam# an#-szar2# u# [...] ne2#-be2-hi sa-mit e2#-[x x] [x] a#-gur#-ri# _na4#-mesz#_ ma#-[...]
... ... ... Sennacherib, the one who fashioned images of Ashur and ..., the one who fashioned the samitu-mark of the temple ..., ... baked bricks and stones .
P466944: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
P466945: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
a#-na# an#-szar2# _ad# dingir#-mesz# en#_-szu2# (disz#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-su# _man# kur#_ asz#-szur# e#-pisz# s,a#-lam# an#-szar2# u# _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ ne2#-be2#-hi# sa#-mit# e2#-szar2#-ra# ina# a#-gur#-ri# _na4#-mesz#_ ma#-a'#-disz# u2#-si#-im#
To Ashur, the father of the gods, his lord: Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of Ashur and the great gods, the attentive one, the one who firmly established the foundations of Esharra, he made them with baked bricks and large stones.
P466946: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku _e2_ ti-ka-a-ti sza _kisal_ sa-ad-rum man-za-az (d)i2-gi3-gi3 ina a-gur2-ri _udun ku3_-ti esz-szisz u-sze-pisz-ma u-zaq-qir6 hur-sza2-nisz
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With baked bricks from a pure utunu-stone I had the tikatu-house of the courtyard, the seat of the Igigi, built anew and raised it as high as a mountain.
P466948: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man#_ [x] _man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 s,a-lam an-[x] u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ [x x] _e2_ ti-ka-a-ti sza2#? _kisal#?_ sa#-ad-ru man-za-az (d#)i2#?-[x x] i-na a-gur2-ri _udun# ku3_-[x] esz-szisz u2-sze#-pisz#-[x] u2-zaq-qir6 [...]
Sennacherib, king of ..., king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of Anu and the great gods, ..., the house of tikati of the courtyard, the sadru-tree, the seat of the god I..., with baked bricks and a gold utensil he fashioned anew ... and made it shine like daylight.
P466949: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d#)sin#-x x x [...] u# _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ ana#-ku# _e2#_ ti#-ka#-a#-[...] man-za-az# (d#)i2#-gi3-gi3 ina a-gur2-ri _udun# ku3_-te [x x] u2#-sze#-pisz-ma u2-za-qir hur#-[...]
Sin-... ... and the great gods ... I ... the seat of the Igigi with baked bricks and precious stones and ... I had made and ... the mountain.
P466950: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin#-pap#-mesz#-su# _man# szu2# man kur_ asz-szur# _du3#_-isz3# s,a#-lam# an#-szar2# u# _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ ana-ku# _e2#_ ti#-ka#-a#-ti# sza2# _kisal#_ sa#-ad#-rum# man#-za#-az# (d#)i2-[x x] ina# a#-gur2#-ri# _udun# ku3#_-ti# esz#-szisz# u#-sze#-pisz#-ma# u#-zaq#-qir6# hur#-sza2#-nisz#
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With baked bricks from a ritually pure utensil, I had the tikatu-house of the courtyard of the Sadrum, the seat of the god I..., built anew and raised it as high as a mountain.
P466951: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur _du3_-isz3 ($over erasure?$) s,a-(lam) an-szar2# [u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku] _e2_ ti-ka-a#?-ti# sza2# _kisal_ sa-ad-ru man-za#-[az (d)i2-gi3-gi3 ina a-gur2-ri] _udun ku3_-ti esz-szisz u2-sze#-pisz#-ma# u2#-[zaq-qir6 hur-sza2-nisz]
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: With baked bricks from a ritually pure utulu-stone, I had the tikatu-house of the courtyard, the seat of the Igigi, built anew and raised it as high as a mountain.
P466952: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d#)sin-pap-mesz#-[...] _man kur_ asz-szur e#-pisz# [x x] an#-szar2# u#? _dingir#-mesz gal-[..._] [x] x e2-szar2#?-ra#? [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x x [...]
Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the one who ... the god Ashur and the great gods ... the Esharra temple ...
P466953: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] _man# szu2# man#_ [...] e-pisz# [...] u _dingir-mesz#_ [...] [x?] x [...]
... king of the world, king of ..., builder of ... and the gods ... ... .
P466954: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x x [...]-szur# e-pisz s,a#-lam# an#-szar2# [x] _dingir#-mesz gal#-mesz_ [...] x e2#-x x [...] x x x x [...] x x
... ... ..., the one who fashioned images of Ashur, ... the great gods, ... the temple ... ... .
P466955: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
x x x x x x
P466956: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
x x x x x x x x x
P466957: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x x?] x x [...] [x x] asz-szur e#-pisz# [...] [x] _dingir#-mesz# gal#-[..._] [x x] x x x [...] [...] x x [...]
... ... ... Ashur, the one who ... the great gods ...
P466958: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz#)(d#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-su# [...] u# _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ ana-[...] ina# a#-gur2#-ri# _udun# ku3#_-ti# esz#-szisz# [...]
Sennacherib, ... and the great gods ... with baked bricks and a pure udunu-stone .
P466959: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
s,a-lam# (munus)ra#?-'i#?-ma#?-a#? _ama#?_ (d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Image of a woman ?, mother of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466960: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
sza2 (munus)(d)tasz-me-tum-szar-rat _munus-e2-gal_ sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur
of the woman Tashmetu-sharrat, palace woman of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.
P466961: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
sza2 (munus)(d)tasz-me-tum-szar-rat _munus-e2-gal_ sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur
of the woman Tashmetu-sharrat, palace woman of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.
P466962: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] _man# szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _du3#-[..._] [...] (e2#?)musz#?-la#?-lu [...] [...]-ti# esz#-szisz# u2#-[...] [x x]-qir6#? hur#?-[...]
... king of the world, king of Assyria, ... ... the temple of mushlalu ... ... ... new ... ... .
P466963: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x] (d#)sin#-pap-mesz-su# [...] u# _dingir#-mesz# gal#-mesz#_ [ana-ku ...] ina# a#-gur2#-ri# _udun# ku3#_-ti# esz#-[...] [x]-zaq#-[...]
... the gods Sîn-papmessu ... and the great gods I ... with baked bricks and pure utensils .
P466965: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ tap-szu-uh-ti szu-bat da-rat _e2_ kim-ti szur-szu-du sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of the Suhtu, the eternal residence, the temple of the kimtu, supremely supreme, of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,
P466970: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-[..._] x [...] x x [...] sza2# (disz#)[...] [...]
The house ... ... of .
P466971: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-szu#-uh-ti [x x] da-rat# [x x]-ti# szur-szu-du# [_...]-mesz#-su man gal#_ [...] _man# kur_ asz-szur
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... king of the world ... king of Assyria
P466972: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-szu-uh-ti [...] da#-rat# [x x]-ti# szur#-szu#-du# [_...]-mesz#-su# man gal#_ [...] _man# kur_ asz-szur#(ki#)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... king of the world ... king of Assyria
P466973: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-szu#-uh#-ti# [x]-bat# da-rat [x] kim#-ti szur-szu-du [x x] (d#)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man gal_ [...] _man szu2 man# kur_ asz-szur(ki)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Sîn-papmessu, great king, ... king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466974: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-szu#-uh-ti [x x] da#-rat [x x]-ti# szur#-szu-du [...] [...]
... ... ... mighty ... ... supreme ... .
P466975: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-szu#-uh-ti [...] da-rat [x x]-ti szur-szu-du [...] _gal#_ [...]
... ... ... ... ... supreme ... great .
P466976: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal#_ tap-szu-uh-ti szu-bat da-rat _e2_ kim-ti szur-szu-du# sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz#-su _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki)
Palace of Justice, the eternal residence, temple of justice, supremely supreme, of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,
P466978: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ tap-szu-uh-ti szu-bat da-rat _e2_ kim-ti szur-szu-du sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki)
Palace of the Suhtu, the eternal residence, the temple of the kimtu, supremely supreme, of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,
P466979: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ tap-szu#-[x x] szu-bat da#-[x] _e2_ kim-[...] sza (disz)(d#)[...] _man#_ [...]
The palace Tapshu-..., the ... dwelling, the temple of kim-... of ..., king .
P466980: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ tap-szu-uh-ti# szu-bat da-[x] _e2_ kim-ti szur-szu#-[x] sza# (disz#)(d#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-[...] [...]
The palace of rejoicing, the dwelling of ..., the temple of ..., which Sennacherib .
P466981: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] x x? [...] [x]-bat# da-rat# [x] kim#-ti szur-szu-du# [x x] (d#)sin-pap#-mesz#-su _man gal#_ [x x]-nu# _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki#)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Sîn-papmessu, great king, ... king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466982: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...] [...] _e2_ kim#-ti# [...] sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# [x x] _man#_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki#)
... the house of kimtu ... of Sennacherib ... strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466983: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ tap-szu-[x x] szu-bat da#-[x] [...] [...] [...]
The palace ... ..., the dwelling ...
P466984: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[...]-szu#?-uh#?-ti#? [x x] da#?-rat# [x x]-ti# szur#-szu#-du# [...]-pap#-mesz-su _man gal_ [...] _szu2#? man kur_ asz-szur#(ki#)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... great king ... king of Assyria
P466985: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ tap-szu-uh-ti szu-bat da-rat _e2_ kim-ti szur-szu-du sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of the Suhtu, the eternal residence, the temple of the kimtu, supremely supreme, of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria,
P466986: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2-gal_ s,a-la-li ki-mah tap-szu-uh-ti szu-bat da-ra-a-ti sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
Palace of the shalalû, the treasury of the abode, eternal residence of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466989: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_e2#-gal_ s,a#-la#-li# ki#-mah# tap#-[x]-uh#-ti szu#?-bat#? da#?-ra#?-a#-ti sza2# (disz#)(d#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-su# _man# szu2# man# kur#_ asz#-szur#
Palace of the ..., the ..., the eternal residence of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466990: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
[x x] s,a-la-li ki-mah [x]-szu-uh-ti szu-bat da-rat [x] (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur
..., the shalalû-house, the ...-shuhtu-house, the eternal residence of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria.
P466991: royal-monumental brick
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
(disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz#-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur e-pisz s,a#-lam an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana-ku _e2_ a-na# (disz)asz-szur-mu-mu# _gal dumu_-ia _du3_-ma ina (na4)pi-i-li# _na4 kur_-i _usz8_-szu2 ad-di ina szi-pir (d)kulla u2#-sze-pisz-ma u2-zaq-qi-ir hur-sza2-nisz
Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who fashioned images of the god Ashur and the great gods, I: I built a house for Ashur-mudammi, the great prince, my son, and I surrounded his body with limestone, stone from the mountains. By the craft of the god Kulla, I had it made and I raised it as high as a mountain.
P466995: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-[su _man kur_ asz] _(na4)babbar-min5_ (kur)x [...] man-nu sza2 a-na dul-lu [sza2 _dingir lu2_-ti] [_du3_-szu2] szu-mi3 szat,-ru i-[pa-szi-t,u] an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 [...] _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 [lu]-hal#-[li-qu]
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria: papparminu-stone of the land ... Whoever places it in the service of a god or another person, erases my inscribed name, may the deities Ashur, Ninlil, ... make his name and his seed disappear.
P466996: royal-monumental other-object
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
_kur_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz
Palace of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.
P466999: royal-monumental tablet
Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI
Column 1
_(na4)kiszib_ (d)a-szur4 _lugal dingir-mesz_
Seal of Ashur, king of the gods.
Seal of the god Ashur, king of the gods,
Column 2
_en kur-kur_ sza la szu-un-ne2-e
Lord of the lands, who cannot be changed,
lord of the lands — not to be altered;
Column 3
_(na4)kiszib nun_-e _gal_-e _ad dingir-mesz_
Seal of the great prince, father of the gods,
seal of the great ruler, father of the gods —
Column 4
sza la pa-qa-a-ri
Without a rival.
not to be disputed.
Seal 1
[...] [...] an#?-[..._] (d#)i2#?-gi3#?-gi3#? (d#)a#?-[...] _an#?_-e# _ki#_-[tim ...] ina#? lib3#-bi# i#?-[...] mim#?-mu#?-u# i#?-kan#-na#-ku#?-[x] la# in#?-ni# sza2#? in#?-nu#-u#? an#-[szar2] _man#? dingir#?-mesz#?_ (d#)nin#-lil2# a#?-di# _dumu#?-[x_]-szu2#-nu# ina# _(gesz#)tukul-mesz#_-szu2#-nu# dan#-nu#-tu#? li#-ne2#-ru#-szu2#? a#-na#-ku# [(disz)](d#)sin#-pap#?-mesz#?-su#? [...](ki#) _nun#_ pa#?-lih#?-ka#? sza2# _mu#_ [szat,]-ru# i#-pa#-asz2#-szi#-t,u# _(na4#)kiszib3# nam#?-mesz#_-ka# an#-nu#-u#
u2#-nak#-ka#-ru# _mu#_-szu2#? [...] _kur#?_ pi#?-szit,#?
... ... the Igigi, the A... of heaven and earth ... within it ... everything he ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ashur, king of the gods, Ninlil, together with their sons ... with their mighty weapons may they kill him! I, Sennacherib, ..., the prince who reveres you, whose name is written and whose fates this seal
. . . his name .