AICC / Publications / p469

P469027: royal-monumental other-object

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


_gaba-ri sig4-al-ur3-ra_ nap-pal-ti uri2(ki) ep-szet amar-(d)suen _lugal_ u2-ri ina szi-te-e'-u2 u2-s,u-ra-a-ti e2-gesz-nu11-gal (disz)(d)suen-din-su-iq-bi _szagina_ uri5(ki) isz-te-e'-u2 (disz)(d)ag-mu-szum2-na _dumu_ (disz)mu-(d)pap-sukkal _lu2-gala (d)en-zu_ a-na ta-mar-ti i-mur-ma isz-t,ur x? (d)bara2 (d)en-lil2 x [...] _an me_ [...]-u2? [...] x

AI Translation

The replica of the brickwork of the throne of Ur, the work of Amar-Suena, the king, in the midst of the reed-cutting of the Egeshnugal, Sîn-din-su-iqbi, the general of Ur, he re-established. Nabû-mushumna, son of Mu-Papsukkal, the chief of the god Sîn, saw it for the audience gift and wrote it down. ... the dais of Enlil ...

P469044: royal-monumental other-object

Early Neo-Babylonian (ca. 1150-730 BC) CDLI


na4 1(u) ma-na (disz)nap-sa-me-ni ugula azu nu-esz3 (d)5(u)-la2 _arad2_ (d)marduk-sza-pi2-ik-numun lugal babila2(ki)-ke4

AI Translation

stone weight 10 mina: Napsameni, foreman of the azu, nuesh-priest of Ea, servant of Marduk-shapik-zeri, king of Babylon.

Frame, Grant

Stone, 10 mana; Napsamenni, foreman of the diviners, neshakku-official of Enlil, servant of Marduk-shapik-zeri, king of Babylon.

P469058: royal-monumental other-object

Early Neo-Babylonian (ca. 1150-730 BC) CDLI

  • 3(u) ma-na gi-na
  • sza2 (d)ak-mu-li-bur lugal szar2

    AI Translation
  • 30 minas, reliable,
  • of Akmu-libur, the king, the prince.

    Frame, Grant
  • 30 mana, established,
  • that of Nabu-shumu-libur.

    P469080: royal-monumental other-object

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

  • _1/3(disz) gin2 gi-na_
  • _e2-gal_ (disz)(d)pa-mu-si-sa2 _a_ (disz)da-kur _lu2 ensi2!(_pa_-_te_-_pa_-_si_)_ (d)marduk

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 shekel is the regular yield.
  • Palace of Pamusisa, son of Dakur, the governor of Marduk.

    Frame, Grant & Bartelmus, Alexa
  • 1/3 mina in shekels, just;
  • palace of Nabû-shumu-lishir, son of the Dakkurians, governor of Marduk.

    P469081: royal-monumental other-object

    Early Neo-Babylonian (ca. 1150-730 BC) CDLI

  • 3(u) ma-na gi-na
  • e2-gal eri-ba-(d)marduk lugal babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 30 minas, reliable,
  • palace of Eriba-Marduk, king of Babylon.

    Frame, Grant
  • 30 mana, established:
  • palace of Eriba-Marduk, king of Babylon.

    P469082: royal-monumental other-object

    Early Neo-Babylonian (ca. 1150-730 BC) CDLI


    n ma-na gi-na e2-gal eri-ba-(d)marduk lugal babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki)

    AI Translation

    n mana, stable, palace of Eriba-Marduk, king of Babylon.


    n mana, established: palace of Eriba-Marduk, king of Babylon.

    P469097: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _man_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-me nun_ la sza2-na-an sza2 ina a-mat an-szar2 (d)utu u (d)marduk ul-tu2 tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu2 za-nin e2-sag-il2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ sza2 ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u2-nam-mir _si-gar_-szu2 u sza2 esz-re-e-te ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u2-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u2-kin an-dul-lu

    s,al-mat _sag-du_ du-usz-szu-pat _sipa_-us-su _dumu (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _szagina ka2-disz_ _man kur_ szu-me-ri u uri(ki) mu-sze-szib babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) e-pisz e2-sag-il2 mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-te kul-lat ma-ha-zu sza2 ina qe2-reb-szi-na isz-tak-kan si-ma-a-ti u sat-tuk-ki-szi-na bat,-lu-tu2 u2-ki-nu par-s,i ki-du-de-e ki-ma la-bi-rim-ma u2-ter-ru a-na asz2-ri?-szu-un _a a_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz?-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu

    a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)marduk sza2 ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu2 u2-szi-bu ina qe2-reb bal-til(ki) ina u4-me _bala_-ia2 ina ri-sza2-ti a-na babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz ka2-dingir_ u2-kin ki-din-nu-ut babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-lu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u2-tu2 babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ap-qid u szi-pir e2-sag-il2 sza2 za-ru-u-a la u2-qa-at-tu-u

    (gesz)ere-nu u _(gesz)szur-min3_ s,i-ru-tu2 tar-bi-ti (kur)ha-ma-nu u (kur)lab-na-nu e-li-szu2 u2-szat-ri-s,i _(gesz)ig-mesz (gesz)taszkarin (gesz)mes-ma2-kan_ _(gesz)li_ (gesz)ere-nu u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-rat-ta-a ina _ka2-mesz_-szu2 u2-na-a-te _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar zabar_ _an-bar gesz-mesz_ u _na4-mesz du3_-ma u2-kin ina qe2-reb-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2-ma e2-kar-za-gin3-na _e2_ (d)e2-a sza2 qe2-reb e2-sag-il2 esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz (d)e2-a _lugal abzu_ szi-pir

    _man kur_ asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu2 a-mat _munus saga_-ia2 lisz-sza2-kin szap-tusz-szu2 _din_ u4-me _su3-mesz_ sze-be2-e lit-tu-tu2 t,u-ub _uzu_ u hu-ud lib3-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti _suhusz (gesz)gu-za lugal_-u-ti-ia2 ki-ma _kur_-i li-szar-szid it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim lu-kin _bala_-u-a u sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _lugal_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu2 li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'-a-ri ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u sza2 ina u4-me _bala_-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su

    lu-ud-disz s,a-lam _lugal_-u-ti-ia2 li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti s,a-lam-i-szu2 lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu2 (d)e2-a i-szem-me sza2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru i-pa-asz2-szi-t,u s,a-lam _lugal_-u-ti-ia2 i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu2 u2-na-kar-(u)-ma it-ti s,a-lam-szu2 la i-szak-kan (d)e2-a _en_ s,i-i-ru ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 li-sza2-bal-kit-ma li-t,i-ir be-lut-su _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu2 re-e-mu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, king of kings, unrivalled ruler, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted to him all rulership, who provides for the E-sagil, the palace of the gods, whose door bolts he made shine like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament, and whose shrines all their debts he filled with joy, above all cult centers he established cult centers.

    the black-headed people, his shepherd, son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all cult centers, who in their midst established the rites and rites, reorganized the rites of the cult centers, and returned them to their places like the old ones, son of Sennacherib, great king, mighty king,

    I, the great lord, the god Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king in the presence of the father who had engendered him resides in Baltil Ashur, on the day of my reign, in joy to Babylon entered and the regular offerings of the Esangila and the gods of Babylon established. I re-established the privileged status of Babylon and appointed Geshnu-mudina, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon in order that strong might not harm the weak. And the work of the Esangila which my predecessor had not finished,

    Cedar and cypress, the exalted trees of Mount Amanus and Mount Lebanon, I had built above it. I had doors of boxwood, meskanu-wood, cedar, and juniper made and installed therein. I decorated them with gold, silver, bronze, iron, ..., and stones. At that time, the Ekarzagina, the temple of Ea that is inside the Esagil, I had built anew. Ea, king of the Apsu, the work

    May a good word for me be set upon him, may he live long days, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness, and may he determine as my fate the foundation of my royal throne like a mountain. May he make my reign as firm as heaven and netherworld. And that Geshnun-mudammiq, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long, may he be well. May he be well. May every day, on the day of the old, the ruler, who in the days of his reign, this work falls into disuse.

    May he renew my royal statue, may he see my oil, may he drink wine, may he perform a sacrifice and a balaqi offering with his statue, may his prayers be heard. May Ea hear that my inscribed name is erased, may he not place my royal statue there, or may he not place it with his statue. May Ea, the exalted lord, look upon him with favor, may he make his royal throne disappear, may he not make his name and his seed disappear in the lands, may he not have mercy on him.

    P469098: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)an-szar2-ba-a-ni-ibila _lugal_ x [...] _lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-ra-a-ti [...] _nun_ la sza2-na-an sza2 ul-tu [...] szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir [...] _dumu_ (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal_ x? [...] _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri(ki) dumu_ [...] _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma [...] sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u2-a la u2-qa-at-tu-u [...] sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 [...] ki-din-nu-ut babila2(ki) [...] a-na _sig_ [...] _mu-sar_-u-a [...] (d)e2-a _lugal_ ap-si-i [...] _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 i-na [...]

    AI Translation

    Ashur-bani-apli, ... king of Assyria, king of the world quarters the four, unrivalled ruler who from ... he who ruled and all ... son of Esarhaddon, ... king of Sumer and Akkad, son of ... king of the world, king of Assyria, I, ... whom my father who had engendered me had not deprived of ... the regular offerings of Esagil ... the privileged status of Babylon ... to the ... my inscribed name ... the god Ea, king of the Apsu ... his name and his seed in .

    P469099: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-mesz nun_ la sza2-na-an sza ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ki u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu2 _dumu_ (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u3 uri(ki) _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma

    szi-pir e2-sag-il2 sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u2-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u2-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) u2-ki-in ki-din-nu-tu babila2(ki) ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-ti babila2(ki) ap-qid ina u4-me-szu2-ma e2-tur3-kalam-ma _e2 (d)inanna_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz (d)inanna babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) (d)gaszan s,ir-tu ep-sze-te-ia _munus saga-mesz_ ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma

    u4-me-szam-ma ma-har (d)en (d)gaszan-ia2 lit-tas-qar da-mi3-iq-ti _ti_ u4-me _su3-mesz_ li-szim szi-ma-ti it-ti _an_-e u3 _ki_-tim lu-ki-in _bala_-u2-a u3 sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _lugal_ babila2(ki) _szesz_ ta-li-mi-a u4-me-szu li-ri-ku lisz-bi lit-tu-tu sza szu-mi szat,-ru u _mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-asz2-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru (d)inanna babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ina ma-har (d)en (d)gaszan-ia2 _munus-hul_-szu2

    lit-tas-qar _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

    AI Translation

    Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, kings, princes without rival, who from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea ruled and made all rulers bow down at his feet; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad; grandson of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I,

    The work on the Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished, I completed. The regular offerings for the Esagil and the gods of Babylon I established. I reorganized the privileged status of Babylon. Because strong strength was not to be overturned, I appointed Geshnu-mudammiqana, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon. At that time, the Eturkalama, the temple of the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, had been built. May the goddess Ishtar of Babylon, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds and

    May my days be long and may my years be long. May my destiny be established with heaven and earth. May my reign be long and that of Geshnun-mudammiq, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he live. May he be well. May he erase my inscribed name and my inscription by crafty deeds. May my inscribed name be erased, or his place may he change. May Ishtar of Babylon in the presence of Bel and Beltiya, his evil deeds,

    May his name and his seed disappear from the lands.

    P469100: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-mesz nun_ la sza2-na-an sza ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-li-ki u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu2 _dumu_ (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u3 uri(ki) _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma

    szi-pir e2-sag-il2 sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la u2-qa-at-tu-u a-na-ku u2-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) u2-kin ki-di-nu-tu babila2(ki) ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u-tu babila2(ki) ap-qid ina u4-me-szu2-ma e2-mah _e2_ (d)nin-mah sza2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz a-na szat-ti (d)nin-mah _gaszan_ s,ir-tu ep-sze-te-ia _munus saga-mesz_ ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma

    u4-me-szam-ma ma-har (d)en (d)gaszan-ia2 lit-tas-qar da-mi3-iq-ti _ti_ u4-me _su3-mesz_ li-szim szi-ma-ti it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim lu-ki-in _bala_-u2-a u3 sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _lugal_ babila2(ki) _szesz_ ta-lim-ia2 u4-me-szu2 li-ri-ku lisz-bi lit-tu-tu sza szu-mi3 szat,-ru u3 _mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-asz2-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru (d)nin-mah ina ma-har (d)en (d)gaszan-ia2 _munus-hul_-szu2 lit-tas-qar

    AI Translation

    Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, kings, princes without rival, who from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea ruled and made all rulers bow down at his feet, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I,

    I completed the work on the Esagil which my father who had engendered me had not finished. I completed the regular offerings for the Esagil and the gods of Babylon. I reorganized the privileged status of Babylon. Because strong strength was not to be overturned, I appointed Geshnu-mudadina, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon. At that time, the Emah, the temple of the goddess Ninmah that is inside Babylon, had been built anew. On account of this, may the goddess Ninmah, the exalted lady, look upon my good deeds and

    May my days be long and may my years be long. May my fate be established with heaven and netherworld. May my reign be long and that of Geshnun-mudammiq, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, may his days be long and may he live. May the one who my inscribed name and my name in a secret erase, my inscribed name be erased, or his place destroyed. May Ninmah in the presence of Bel and Beltiya his evil be erased.

    P469101: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2_ _lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-mesz_ _nun_ la sza2-na-an _dumu (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na_ _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-su _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)marduk sza2 ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu2

    u2-szi-bu ina qe2-reb bal-til(ki) ina u4-me _bala_-ia ina ri-sza2-a-ti a-na babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) u2-kin ki-din-nu-u2-tu babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u2-tu babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ap-qi2-di u3 szi-pir e2-sag-il2 sza2 za-ru-u2-a la u2-qa-at-tu-u2 a-na-ku u2-szak-lil ina u4-me-szu2-ma di-'-a-ni u _bara2-mesz_ sza2 si-hir-ti

    e2-sag-il2 ki-i si-ma-a-ti-szu2-nu la-bi-ra-a-ti ina asz2-ri-szu2-nu lu-u ad-di a-na szat-ti (d)marduk _en gal_ ep-sze-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti ha-di-isz _igi-bar_-ma _ti_ u4-me _su3-mesz_ sze-be2-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ u3 hu-ud lib3-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti u3 sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _lugal_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu2 li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'-a-ri ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u sza2 ina u4-me _bala_-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz

    szu-mi3 it-ti _mu_-szu2 lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur2 bala_-qi2 ina asz2-ri-szu2 lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-i-szu2 (d)marduk i-szem-me sza2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru i-pa-asz2-szi-t,u _mu-sar_-u2-a i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru _en gal_ (d)marduk ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 i-na _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

    AI Translation

    Assurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, kings, princes without rival, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, am I; the great lord, Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king, before the father who had engendered him,

    In Baltil Ashur, during my reign, in joy entered Babylon and the sattukku-offerings of Esagil and the gods of Babylon I established. I reorganized the privileged status of Babylon. Because strong strength was not to be surpassed, I appointed Geshnu-mudammiq, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon. Further, the work on Esagil that I had not finished, I completed. At that time, the 'di'-offerings and the 'di'-offerings of the whole

    As for the Esagil, according to their original specifications, I have given them. On account of this, may Marduk, the great lord, look upon my good deeds with pleasure and determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. Moreover, concerning Geshnun-mudadin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, his days may be long and may he be well. May he be a lord of all times in the days of the old age, that in the days of his reign that work had become dilapidated, renovate its dilapidated.

    May my name with his name write, may my inscribed name be seen, may my oil be poured out, may a sacrifice be made, may a sacrifice be placed on his lap, may Marduk hear his prayers. Whoever erases my inscribed name, may my inscribed name erase, may his place be destroyed. May the great lord, Marduk, look upon him with favor and his name and his seed disappear from the lands.

    P469102: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ana (d)marduk _umun_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur ana _din zi-me_-szu2 a-gur-ri e2-sag-gil2 u e2-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u2-szal-bi-in

    AI Translation

    For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, for his life he had baked bricks made anew for the Esangila and the Etemenanki.

    P469103: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ana (d)marduk _umun_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ asz _man_ ka2-disz(ki) a-gur-ri e2-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz

    AI Translation

    For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, king of the universe, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, had baked bricks made anew for the Etemenanki.

    P469104: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)asar-ri umun gal lugal-a-ni-ir (disz)an-szar2-du3-a lugal imin lugal ma-da asz-szur(ki) dumu (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz lugal imin lugal ma-da asz-szur(ki) lugal babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) nam-ti-la-bi-sze3 e2-temen-an-ki esz-szisz mu-na-dim2

    AI Translation

    For the god Asari, great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, for his life the Etemenanki he built for him.

    P469105: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ana (d)marduk _umun_-szu (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ asz a-gur-ri e2-temen-an-ki esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz

    AI Translation

    For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, had baked bricks made anew for the Etemenanki.

    P469106: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ana (d)marduk _umun_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur a-gur-ri e2-temen-an-ki a-na _din_-szu2 esz-szisz u2-szal-bi-in

    AI Translation

    For the god Marduk, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, had baked bricks made anew for Etemenanki for his own use.

    P469107: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-mesz nun_ la sza2-na-an sza2 ina a-mat _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-li-szu2 ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu2 _dumu_ (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) mu-sze-szib babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) e-pisz e2-sag-il2

    mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi sza2 ina qe2-reb-szi-na isz-tak-kan si-ma-ti u3 sat-tuk-ki-szi-na bat,-lu-tu u2-ki-nu _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-su _lugal gal_ _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szar2 lugal kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)marduk ina ri-sza2-a-ti a-na babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) i-ru-um-ma ina e2-sag-il2 sza2 da-ra-ti szu-bat-su ir-me sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) u2-kin ki-din-nu-tu babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki)

    ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ ta-li-me a-na _lugal_-u2-tu2 babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ap-qid u3 szi-pir e2-sag-il2 la qa-ta-a u2-szak-lil ina _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ e2-sag-il2 az-nun-ma ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u2-nam-mir e2-umusz-a u3 sza2 esz-re-e-ti ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u2-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u2-szat-ri-s,i an-dul-lu4 ina u4-me-szu2-ma e2-babbar-ra sza2 qe2-reb _zimbir(ki) e2 (d)utu en gal en_-ia2 sza2 la-ba-risz

    il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu in-nab-tu asz2-ra-ti-szu2 asz2-te-'e ina szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma ki-ma _kur_-i re-e-szi-i-szu2 ul-li a-na szat-ti (d)utu _di-kud-gal dingir-mesz en gal en_-ia2 ep-sze-ti-ia dam-qa-a-ti ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma a-na ia-a-szi (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal kur_ asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu2 _din_ u4-me _su3-mesz_ sze-be2-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ u hu-ud lib3-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti u sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na

    _lugal_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _szesz_ ta-lim-ia u4-me-szu2 li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'-a-ri ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun_ ar-ku-u2 sza2 ina u4-me _bala_-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szu-mi3 it-ti _mu_-szu2 lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu2 lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu2 (d)utu i-szem-me sza2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru u3 _mu_ ta-lim-ia ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-asz2-szi-t,u szu-mi3 it-ti _mu_-szu2 la i-szat,-t,a-ru _mu-sar_-u2-a

    i-ab-ba-tu-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu (d)utu _en_ e-la-ti u szap-la-ti ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

    AI Translation

    Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, kings, princes without rival, who by the command of the gods his helpers from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea ruled and made all rulers bow down at his feet; son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, who settled in Babylon, builder of Esagil,

    who renovates the shrines of all the cult centers that are in them, who establishes the rites and rituals in their sanctuaries, who establishes the rites, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, I, during my reign, the great lord, Marduk, in joy entered Babylon in a joyful mood and he sat on his eternal dais in Esagil. He established the rites of Esagil and the gods of Babylon. He established the cult-center of Babylon.

    As for strong men to the unrivalled wool, I appointed Geshnu-mudadina, my favorite brother, to the kingship of Babylon. Further, I completed the work on the Esagil without number. With silver, gold, precious stones, and stones of the Esagil I weighed out and, like a written document, I made the Eumusha and all of the shrines shine like daylight. I filled all of the cult centers with their debts. At that time, the Ebabbar, which is inside Sippar, the temple of Shamash, great lord, my lord, which had been abandoned

    I had a new stele made, and with the craft of the god Kulla I made it. Like a mountain its top I raised up. On account of Shamash, the great judge of the gods, the great lord, my lord, may he look upon my good deeds with pleasure and may he bless me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him, give me long days, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. May he determine the fates of Shamash-mudina,

    May the king of Babylon, my favorite brother, live his days. May he be sated with joy. May he be sated with joy. May a future ruler, who in the days of his reign this work falls into disrepair, renovate its dilapidated sections. May he write my name with his name, see my inscribed object, anoint it with oil, make an offering, place it with his inscribed object, and listen to his prayers. The god Shamash will hear what my inscribed object and my inscribed object disappear in a secret writing, and my inscribed object with his name will not write my inscribed object.

    May Shamash, lord of the upper and lower world, glare at him angrily and make his name and his descendants disappear from the lands.

    P469108: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x? _gar_-ni _dingir-mesz_ ti-iz-qar sza2-qu-u musz-tar-hu [...] na-szu-u t,up-pi _nam-mesz dingir-mesz_ sza2 gu-um-mur te-re-e-ti [...] x x x _ki_ sza2-kin szi-tul-tu2 a-na _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ [...] sza2 la isz-sza2-an-na-nu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 [...] sza2 szur-ba-a-ti e-nu-us-su [...] ra-asz2-bu _en gal en_-ia [...] asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat 4(disz)-ti [...] babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) [...] esz-re-e-ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi [...] bat,-lu-tu2 u2-ki-nu

    [...] asz-szur a-na-ku-ma [...] babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) i-ru-um-ma [...] sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2? [...] babilax(|_din-tir_|)?(ki) ak-s,ur [...] _szesz_ ta-li-me [...] _ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ [...] u2-nam-mir e2-umusz-a [...] sza la-ba-risz il-lik-u2-ma [...] _en-nun_ e2-zi-da u3 esz-re-e-te bar2-sipa(ki) dun-nu-nu [...] um-ma-na-ti-ia sur-risz? _du10-ga_-su-pur-szu2 _bad3_-szu2 ina szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma

    _abul-mesz_-szu2 u2-rak-ki-si _(gesz)ig-mesz_ x? [...] x-ni-ma u2-rat-ta-a ina _ka2-mesz_-szu2 _nun_ ar-ku-u2 sza ina _bala_-e-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu (lu2)um-ma-a-ni en-qu-tu szi-ta-'-al _du10-ga_-su-pur-szu2 _bad3_ bar2-sipa(ki) ki-ma si-ma-ti-szu2 la-bi-ra-a-te e-pu-usz _mu-sar_-u-a a-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ pu-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e-ka szu-kun ik-ri-bi-ka (d)na-bi-um i-szem-me sza szu-mi3 szat,-ru u3 _mu_ ta-lim-ia

    ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti i-ab-bat _mu-sar_-u-a it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu [...] ag-gesz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq

    AI Translation

    ... ..., the one who makes the gods rejoice, the exalted one, the one who ..., the one who the tablet of the fates of the gods, who carries out the scribal arts, ..., who establishes the rites for the gods of heaven and earth, ... whose weapons cannot be changed, ... whose mighty ..., the beloved of the great lord, my lord, ... Ashur, king of the four quarters, ... Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, ... shrines, all the cult centers, ... who established their cult centers,

    ... Ashur I am, and ... Babylon he entered and ... the sattukku-offerings of the Esagil ... Babylon I completed ... my favorite brother ... gold, precious stones ... I decorated the Eumusha temple ... which had been abandoned and ... the guard of the Ezida and the shrines of Borsippa I made great. ... my troops I made great, and its wall with the craft of the god Kulla I had built.

    he surrounded his walls with ... ... and he hung them at his gates. A later prince, who during his reign this work fell into disrepair, a scout questioned him, and he inspected Tab-supurshu, the wall of Borsippa, as it was in its original condition, he built. I saw my inscribed object and he poured out oil, a sacrifice of balaqi-offering with your inscribed object, and he prayed to you. The god Nabû heard of the one who my inscribed object and the name of my reputation

    By means of extispicy, he seized my inscribed object, but did not place my inscribed object with his inscribed object. ... may he curse him, and may his name and his seed disappear from the lands.

    P469109: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku an-szar2-du3-a _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _man_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-mesz_ _nun_ la sza2-na-an sza2 ina a-mat an-szar2 (d)utu u3 (d)marduk ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di x? tam-tim szap-lit i-be-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu2 za-nin e2-sag-il2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ sza2 ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u2-nam-mir _si-gar_-szu2 u3 sza2 esz-re-e-ti ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u2-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u2-kin an-dul-lu4 sza2 ep-sze-e-tu2-szu2

    _ugu_ kal _dingir-mesz du10-ga ugu_ s,al-mat _sag-du_ du-szu-pat _sipa_-us-su _dumu (disz)an-szar2-szesz-mu_ _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babila2(ki) _man kur eme-gi7_ u3 uri(ki) mu-sze-szib babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) e-pisz e2-sag-il2 mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi sza2 ina qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-kan si-ma-te sat-tuk-ki-szi-na bat,-lu-tu2 u2-ki-nu par-s,i ki-du-de-e ki-ma la-bi-rim-ma u2-ter-ru a-na asz2-ri-szu-un _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-su

    _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur a-na-ku-ma _en gal_ (d)marduk sza2 ina _bala_-e _lugal_ mah-ri ina ma-har _ad_ ba-ni-i-szu2 u2-szi-bu ina qe2-reb bal-til(ki) ina u4-me _bala_-e-a ina ri-sza2-a-ti? a-na babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ki e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) u2-kin ki-din-nu-ti babila2(ki) ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-li (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ ta-lim a-na _lugal_-u2-ti babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ap-qid ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2-gar8_ e2-zi-da

    sza2 la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-ni-szu2 tem-me-en-szu2 ina _bala_-e-a an-hu-us-su lu-disz-ma u2-za-aq-qi2-ir hur-sa-nisz a-na szat-ti (d)na-bi-um _en_ s,i-ru ep-sze-te-ia _munus saga-mesz_ ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma ia-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _nun_ pa-lih-szu2 a-mat da-mi-iq-ti-ia2 lisz-sza2-kin szap-tusz-szu2 _din_ u4-me _su3-mesz_ sze-be2-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud lib3-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti _suhusz (gesz)gu-za lugal_-u-ti-ia ki-ma _kur_-i li-szar-szid it-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim lu-kin _bala_-u-a

    u3 sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _lugal_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _szesz_ ta-lim-ia2 u4-me-szu2 li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'-a-ri ma-ti-ma ina ah-rat u4-me _nun egir_-u sza2 ina u4-me _bala_-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ _bala_-qi2 it-ti s,a-lam-i-szu2 li-isz-kun ik-ri-bi-i-szu2 (d)ag i-szem-me sza2 szu-mi3 szat,-ru i-pa-asz2-szi-t,u s,a-lam _lugal_-ti-ia i-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti s,a-lam-szu2

    _en_ szur-bu-u2 ag-gi-isz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 li-sza2-bal-kit-ma li-t,ir be-lut-su _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu2 re-e-mu

    AI Translation

    I, Assurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, kings, princes, unrivalled ruler, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Shamash, and Marduk ruled from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and entrusted to him all rulership, who provides for the E-sagil, the palace of the gods, whose door bolts he made shine like the stars lit. "writing" of the firmament, whose door bolts he made whole, he made whole, above all cult centers he established the protection of his deeds.

    As for all the good gods, as for the black-headed people, his shepherdship was pleasing. The son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, who resettled Babylon, rebuilt Esagil, renovated the sanctuaries of all the cult centers, who in their midst established the regular offerings, reestablished the rites of the kidudu-districts, and returned them to their places. The son of Sennacherib,

    king of the world, king of Assyria, I, the great lord, Marduk, who during the reign of a previous king in the presence of the father who had engendered him, resides in Baltil Ashur, on the day of my reign, in joy? to Babylon entered and the sattukku-offerings of Esagil and the gods of Babylon he established. I reorganized the cult centers of Babylon and appointed Geshnun-mudina, my favorite brother, to kingship of Babylon. At that time, the wall of Ezida

    As for the one who a long time ago went and whose foundations had become weak during my reign, may I repair its dilapidated sections and raise them up as high as mountains. On account of the god Nabû, the exalted lord, look with pleasure upon my good deeds and may a word of goodwill be set upon me, Ashurbanipal, the prince who reveres him, his scepter be placed over him. May he determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. May he make the foundation of my royal throne as secure as a mountain. May he make my reign as secure as heaven and netherworld.

    And of Geshnu-mudina, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, his days may he enjoy, may he be glad. At any time in the future, in the days of the future, a later prince, in the days of his reign, this work falls into disrepair, may he repair its dilapidated state. May he see my royal statue, anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with his statue. May Nabû hear his prayers. May he who erase my inscribed name, may he destroy my royal statue, or his place may he destroy it, or with his statue

    May a mighty lord bless him with a bitter curse, may he make his royal throne last long, may he restore his lordly majesty, may his name and his seed disappear from the lands, and may he not have mercy on him.

    P469110: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)en-lil2 _lugal dingir-dingir en an_-e u3 _ki_-tim _nun_ x [...] pa-ri-is pu-ru-us-su-u2 sza2 la in-nin-nu-u2 [...] a-sza2-red (d)i2-gi3-gi3 ma-am-lu4 (d)a-nun-na-ki mu-ma-'-er [...] ta-mi-ih s,er-ret gi-im-ri sa-ni-iq [...] _en kur-kur igi-gal2 dingir-mesz_ a-szib e2-kur sza2 qe2-reb [...] an-szar2-du3-ibila _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat [...] [...] _kur-kur_ ma-hi-ru [...] [...] dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_ [...]

    [...] (d)sin-szesz-mesz-su _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki)-ma _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri(ki) szagina_ an-szar2 (d)en-lil2 u (d)nin-urta za-nin ma-ha-zi _e ma tar du du3_ si3-ma-ak-ku a-na ba-lat, _zi_-szu ur-ruk u4-me-szu2 szu-un-mur _su_-szu2 szu-ul-lum _numun_-szu2 e-li a-a-bi-szu u2-zu-uz-zu _bala-mesz_-szu2 la-ba-ri _(gesz)gidri_-szu2 szu-te-szu-ri _en_-us-su _ugu kur_-szu2 szu-t,ub2-bi _ug3-mesz_-szu2 ina t,uh-di u nu-uh-szu2 i-tar-ri-i

    e2-gi-gu-nu-u2 ziq-qur-rat nibru(ki) sza2 ina i-rat _zu-ab_ szur-szu-du tem-me-en-szu2 sza2 i-ga-ri-szu2 la-ba-risz il-li-ku-ma ib-ba-szu-u2 se-ri-ih-szu2 ina _sig4-al-ur3-ra udun ku3_-tim ma-qit-ta-szu2 ak-szir3-ma u2-szak-lil bu-na-a-szu2 ina szi-pir (d)kulla esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma u2-nam-mir-szu2 ki-ma u4-mu re-szi-szu ki-ma sza2-di-i ul-li-ma u2-sza2-an-bi-it, zi-mi-szu2 a-na szat-ti (d)en-lil2 _lugal dingir-mesz (d)en-lil2 dingir-mesz en_ [...]

    sza2 an-szar2-du3-ibila _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _sipa_ ki-i-nu pa-lih _dingir_-u-ti-szu2 [...] _lugal_-us-su lik-tar-rab _bala-mesz_-szu2 li-is,-s,ur ana _u4-mesz_ [...] _(gesz)gidri sipa_-tu2 sa-ni-qat mit-hur-ti li-szat-mi-ih-szu2? _ugu kur_-szu2 lisz-t,ib re-e2-ut-su _ugu_ na-ki-ri-szu2 [...]

    AI Translation

    To the god Enlil, king of the gods, lord of heaven and earth, prince ..., the one who ... the cultic rites, the one who does not cease ..., foremost of the Igigu gods, the one who makes the Anunnaku gods rejoice, ..., who carries off the scepter of the whole, the one who ..., lord of the lands, foremost of the gods, who dwells in the Ekur, who dwells inside ..., Ashur-dubigala, great king, strong king, king of the world, ... the lands who received ... strong king, king of the world, king of the land .

    ... Sin-ahhesh, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, viceroy of the gods Ashur, Enlil, and Ninurta, who provides for the cult centers, who makes everything perfect, who makes the rites perfect for his life, who constantly seeks out his days, who sees his well-being, who knows his seed, who makes his enemies, who makes his reign long, whose chariots are constantly firmly fixed, whose lordship is pleasing to his land, who makes his people happy,

    The Egigunû, the ziggurrat of Nippur, whose foundations in the midst of the Zub river were firmly planted, whose foundations had become old and whose foundations had become weak, I clad its foundation with bitumen and a gold utensil and completed its construction. I had its brickwork made and completed. By the craft of the god Kulla, a new one, I had it made and its appearance brightened. Like the day its top was raised like a mountain, I raised it up and made its appearance bright. For the life of the god Enlil, king of the gods, the god Enlil, the gods, lord .

    As for Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, true shepherd who reveres his divinity, ... may his kingship be glorified. May his reign be secure. ... may he make his shepherdship resplendent. May he make his enemies prosper over his land. May his shepherdship surpass his enemies.

    P469111: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal kur-kur-ra lugal-a-ni-ir an-szar2-ba-an-ap-lu sipa sze-ga-bi lugal kal-ga lugal ub-da limmu2-ba e2-kur e2 ki-ag2-ga2-a-ni sig4 al-ur3-ra-ta mu-un-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, king of all the lands, his master, Ashur-banapla, the pious shepherd, the mighty king, king of the four quarters, the Ekur, his beloved temple, he built for him with baked bricks.

    P469112: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nir-gal2 an ki-a nun nam tar-tar-ra lugal-a-ni-ir an-szar2-ba-an-ibila sipa sze-ga-bi lugal kal-ga lugal ki-szar2?-ra? x e2-gi-gun3-na sig4 al-ur3-ra mu-un-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, king of the gods, the one who rules heaven and earth, prince who decides the fates, his master, Ashur-banibila, the pious shepherd, the mighty king, king of the world quarters the four, the Egiguna he built for him.

    P469113: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nir-gal2 an ki-a nun nam tar-tar-ra lugal-a-ni-ir an-szar2-du3-ibila sipa sze-ga-bi lugal kal-ga lugal ki-szar2-ra a-x sza3 e2-hur-sag-galam-ma-ke4 pa-pa-hi nam-lugal-a-ni libir-ra-bi-ta galam-bi sig4 al-ur3-ra mu-un-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, king of the gods, the one who rules heaven and earth, prince who decides the fates, his master, Assurbanipal, his pious shepherd, the mighty king, king of the world, ... of the Ehursaggalama, his cella of kingship, from its original foundations he built for him.

    P469114: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)inanna unu(ki) e-tel-lat _an_-e u _ki_-tim ga-szir-ti _dingir-mesz_ s,i-ir-ti sza2 ina s,i-tan u szi-la-an ur-tu ta-nam-di-nu ta-szak-kan szi-ki-in-sza2 i-lat tam-ha-ri ez-ze-ti sza2 ina qe2-reb te-sze-e a-szam-sza2-nisz i-su-ur-ru a-li-kat2 i-di _lugal_ mi-gir-i-sza2 mu-ra-si-bat ga-re-e-szu2 be-let _kur-kur_ ha-mi-mat par-s,i musz-te-szi-rat gi-mir szu-luh-hu a-szi-bat e2-nir-gal2-(d)a-nim sza2 qe2-reb e2-an-na be-el-ti _gal_-ti _gaszan_-szu2

    (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-ti _lugal-lugal-mesz nun_ la sza2-na-an sza2 ul-tu tam-tim e-lit a-di tam-tim szap-lit i-be2-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u2-szak-nisz sze-pu-usz-szu2 sza2 e-li (iri)s,ur-ru sza2 qa-bal tam-tim e-lit u ni-tuk(ki) sza2 qa-bal tam-tim szap-lit ni-ri be-lu-ti-szu2 u2-kin-nu-u2-ma i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-an-szu2 sza2 ep-sze-tu-u2-szu2 e-li kal _dingir-mesz_ t,a-a-ba

    e-li s,al-mat _sag-du_ du-usz-szu-pa-tu _sipa_-u2-su sza2 ina _bala_-szu2 (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 (d)e2-a nag-bi-szu2 a-na ma-ti-szu2 usz-tab-ru-u2 ina t,uh-du u mesz-re-e isz-te-ne2-'-u2 _ug3-mesz_-szu2 gi-mir um-ma-ni-szu2 t,uh-hu-du i-ru-usz-szu2 da-ad2-me-szu2 _dumu_ (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur _szagina_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) mu-sze-szib babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) e-pisz e2-sag-il2

    mu-ud-disz esz-re-e-te kul-lat ma-ha-zi sza2 ina qer-bi-szi-na isz-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-ti _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-su _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur-ma ina _bala_-e-a _en gal_ (d)marduk ina ri-sza2-a-ti a-na babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) i-ru-um-ma sat-tuk-ku e2-sag-il2 u _dingir-mesz_ babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) u2-kin ki-din-nu-tu babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) ak-s,ur asz2-szu2 dan-nu a-na _sig_ la ha-ba-lu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na

    _szesz_ ta-li-mi3 a-na _lugal_-u2-tu babila2(ki) ap-qid u szi-pir e2-sag-il2 la qa-ta-a u2-szak-lil ina _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ e2-sag-il2 az-nun-ma ki-ma szi-t,ir bu-ru-mu u2-nam-mir e2-umusz-a u3 sza2 esz-re-e-te ka-li-szi-na hi-bil-ta-szi-na u2-szal-lim e-li kul-lat ma-ha-zi u2-szat-ri-s,i an-dul-lu4 ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2-gar8_ e2-an?-na? si-hir-ti [...] sza2 la-ba-risz il-lik-u-ma i-qu-pu ik-kam2-ru asz2-ra-ti-szu2-nu asz2-te-'e-ma esz-szisz u2-sze-pisz-ma

    u2-szak-lil-ma ki-ma sza2-di-i ul-la-a re-szi-szu-un a-na szat-ti (d)inanna unu(ki) _gaszan gal_-ti szi-pir sza2-a-szu2 ha-disz lip-pa-lis-ma ia-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal kur_ asz-szur _nun_ pa-lih-szu2 a-mat da-mi-iq-ti-ia lisz-sza2-kin szap-tu-usz-sza2 _ti ud-mesz su3-mesz_ sze-be2-e lit-tu-tu t,u-ub _uzu_ hu-ud lib3-bi li-szim szi-ma-ti u3 sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _lugal_ babila2(ki) _szesz_ ta-lim-ia _u4-mesz_-szu2 li-ri-ku lisz-bi bu-'a-ri

    a-a-um-ma _nun egir_-u2 sza2 ina u4-me _bala_-e-szu2 szi-pir szu-a-ti in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-disz szu-mi3 it-ti _mu_-szu2 lisz-t,ur _mu-sar_-u-a li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu2 lisz-kun ik-ri-bi-szu2 (d)inanna unu(ki) i-szem-me sza2 szu-mi3 it-ti _mu_-szu2 la i-szat,-t,a-ru _mu-sar_-u-a i-a-ab-ba-tu lu-u a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu

    (d)inanna unu(ki) _gaszan gal_-ti ag-gesz lik-kil-me-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur-kur_ li-hal-liq-ma a-a ir-szi-szu2 re-e-mu

    AI Translation

    For the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the supreme one of heaven and earth, the most exalted of the gods, the exalted one, who in the midst of the night and day you give her, you establish her destiny, the goddess of fierce battle, who in the midst of battle you are the most powerful, who goes at the side of the king, her favorite, who carries off his foes, the lady of the lands, the one who lays low the rites, the one who keeps all of the cultic centers, the one who dwells in the Enirgal-Anu, which is inside the Eanna, the great lady, his lady:

    Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, kings, princes without rival, who from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea ruled and established all rulers, who established his rule above the city Tyre which is in the middle of the Upper Sea and the city Nippur which is in the middle of the Lower Sea, and who established his lordly majesty and thereby achieved his wish, whose deeds are pleasing to all the gods,

    As for the black-headed people, his shepherd, who during his reign Adad's rains and Ea's floods to his land brought, in abundance and prosperity they constantly sought him out, his people, his entire army, and abundance they brought to him, his settlements, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, who settled Babylon, builder of Esagil,

    As for the one who renovates the shrines of all the cult centers that are in them, the ones who are identical, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, during my reign, the great lord, Marduk, in joy entered Babylon and the regular offerings of Esagil and the gods of Babylon he established. I reconstructed the privileged status of Babylon and, because strong was not to be deprived, Geshnun-mudina

    My brother, the one who loves, to the kingship of Babylon I appointed, and the work on the Esagil without number I completed. With silver, gold, and precious stones of the Esagil I sat down, and like a writing board I made the inscription shine forth. The Eumusha and all the shrines, their debts, I filled with them. Above all the cult centers I adorned. At that time, the courtyard of the Eanna?, the whole ... which had become old and had become dilapidated, I erected. Their shrines I sought out, and a new one I had built.

    On account of this, may the goddess Ishtar of Uruk, the great lady, look upon this work with pleasure and may a good word for me, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who reveres him, be set upon her lips. May she determine as my fate a long life, fullness of old age, good health, and happiness. Further, with regard to Geshnu-mukin, king of Babylon, my favorite brother, his days be long and may he be full of joy.

    May any future ruler, in the days of his reign, repair the damage caused by this work. May he write my name with his name, see my inscribed object, drink oil, make an offering, place my inscribed object with his inscribed object, and listen to his prayers. The goddess Ishtar of Uruk will hear what my name with his name does not write, my inscribed object will be scattered, or his place will be changed and with his inscribed object will not be placed.

    May Ishtar of Uruk, great lady, glare at him angrily and make his name and his seed disappear from the lands and have no pity on him!

    P469115: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    szi-pir? szu-a-ti in-na-hu [...] en-qu-u2-tu szi-ta-al [...] _e2_ (d)1(u)-5(disz) ki-i si-ma-ti-szu? [...] i-szem-me _mu-sar_-u2?-a [...] it-ti _mu-sar_-e-ka szu-kun [...] it-ti _mu_-szu2 la i-szat,-t,a-ru [...] la i-szak-ka-nu qi2?-bit? x [...] (d)inanna a-ga-de3(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... that work has been destroyed ... he has sinned ... he has sinned, ... the temple of Ishtar according to its original ... he will hear ... my inscription ... with your inscription you shall set ... with his name ... he will not write ... he will not place ... ... Ishtar of Agade .

    P469116: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen an-na pirig dingir-re-e-ne lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni-ir (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma dumu (disz)(d)nin-gal-szum2-ma szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a e2-kisz2-nu6-gal e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru nig2 ud ul-li2-a-ta e2-gar8 diri-ga-bi te-me-en-bi a-ri-a usz8-bi bi2-in-szu2-szu2 ka2-bi ha-lam-me-e-ne ki-bi bi2-in-kin-kin sza3 dub te-me-en-bi u-me-ni-du3 sag-bi ba-ni-in-il2 (gesz)ig (gesz)taszkarin gesz sag kur-bi-ta su3-ud-da gag uruda bi2-in-du3-a kesze2-da-bi kal-ga usz ku3-sig17-a-ke4

    si-gar ku3-babbar zalag2-zalag2 aszkud nu-kusz2-u3 uruda kal-ga ku3-babbar u-me-ni-dab-dab ka2 e2 sag-dili e2 hal-la-ta du3-a da-ri2-sze3 gub-bu-de3 lu2 mu-sar-ra-gu10 szu bi2-ib2-ur3-e-a ha-ba ki-bi kur2-ru-da (d)suen (d)nin-gal dingir bad3-gal-gu10 mu-bi he2-en-ha-lam-e-ne

    AI Translation

    For Sin, An, the lion of the gods, king of Enlil, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, son of Ningal-shuma, general of Ur, provider of the Ekishnugal and Etemennigura temples, whose foundations from ancient times had been firmly established, whose foundations had been weakened, whose gates had been reconstructed, whose reed-base had been weakened, whose top had been fashioned, whose door bolts, doors, tashkarin, and beams from the mountains had been made, whose bolts were made of copper, whose bolts were strong, whose bolts were of gold,

    The scribal art of silver, shining, clad in shining silver, he swore by the mighty copper that from the gate of the house of the head to the house of the rear he sat for ever. A man who my inscription shall erase, that place may he restore. May Sîn and Ningal, my great gods, remember that place.

    P469117: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen an-na pirig dingir-re-e-ne lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni-ir (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma dumu (disz)(d)nin-gal-sum2-ma szagina uri2(ki)-ma e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru e2 ki ag2-ga2-na gibil-bi in-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Sin An, the lion of the gods, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, son of Ningal-suma, general of Ur, the Etemenniguru, his beloved temple, he built for him.

    P469118: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal an ki-a zi nam-ti-la-sze3 an-szar2-du3-ibila-ke4 lugal-lugal-e-ne lugal-a-ni (d)sin-din-su-iq-bi szagina uri2(ki)-ma eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 u2-a e2-gesz-nu11-gal esz3 abzu zalag2-ga-ke4 e2-lugal-galga-si-sa2 e2 ki ag2-ga2-a-ni gibil-bi mu-un-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of heaven and earth, true king, for his life, Assurbanipal, their kings, his lord: Sindinsu-iqbi, general of Ur and Eridu, provider of the Egeshnugal, the shrine of the bright Abzu, and the Elugalgalgasisa, his beloved temple, he built for him.

    P469119: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal-a-ni x? an-szar2-du3-ibila lugal ki-szar2-ra-ke4 (disz)(d)sin-din-su-iq-bi szagina uri2(ki)-ma eridu(ki)-ga zi-ni-sze3 e2-lugal-galga-si-sa2 gibil-bi mu-na-an-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, his master, ..., Anshardu-ibila, king of the world quarters the four, Sin-din-su-iqbi, general of Ur and Eridu, his wife, the new temple Lugalgalgasisa he built for him.

    P469120: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-uszumgal-an-na ki-gub (d)nin-ka-si-ke4 mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the House of the Great Oval, the seat of Ninkasi, he built for him.

    P469121: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-an-ki-ku3-ga ki-gub (d)ku3-su3-ke4 mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the E-ankikuga, the abode of Kusu, he built for him.

    P469122: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-kiszib-gal-e2-kur-ra ki-tusz (d)nin-imma3-ke4 mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the E-kiszibgalekura, the residence of Ninimma, he built for him.

    P469123: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-x-x-ga?-ku3-ga ki-tusz? (d)en-nu-gi-ke4 mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the ..., the residence of Ennugi, he built for him.


    For Nanna, king of the Enlils, his king: did Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, E-...kuga, the abode of Ennugi, build.

    P469124: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-an-szar2 ki-tusz nam-lugal-la-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the E-anshar, his royal residence, he built for him.


    For Nanna, king of the Enlils, his king, did Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, E-anshar, his abode of kingship, build.

    P469125: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-sza3-du10-ga ki-tusz nam-(d)en-lil2-la2-a-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the E-shaduga, his residence of the god Enlil, he built for him.


    For Nanna, king of the Enlils, his king, did Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, E-shaduga, his abode of Enlilship, build.

    P469126: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna lugal (d)en-lil2-e-ne lugal-a-ni (disz)(d)suen-ti-la-bi-du11-ga szagina uri2(ki)-ma u2-a eridu(ki)-ga e2-asz-an-amar ki-tusz (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, king of the Enlil circle of gods, his master, Sîn-balassu-iqbi, general of Ur, provider of Eridu, the Eashanamar, the residence of Enlil, he built for him.

    P469127: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gal _un_-gal e2-gesz-nu11-gal (d)nin-men-na ki ag2-ga2 uri2(ki)-ma nin-a-ni-ir (disz)(d)suen-din-su-iq-bi szagina uri2(ki)-ma ge6-par3 e2 (d)nin-lil2-le nita3-dam ki ag2-ga2 (d)suen gibil-bi mu-na-du3 alam nig2-dim2-dim2-ma (d)nin-gal-ke4 u-me-ni-dim2 sza3 e2 dingir _hu_-du3-sze3 u-mu-un-ku4-ku4 e2-nun-ta ki-tusz nam-en-na-ni du3 bi2-in-ri-a

    AI Translation

    For Ningal, the great prince, the Egeshnugal of Ninmena, beloved of Ur, his mistress, Sîn-din-suqbi, general of Ur, the Gepar temple, the temple of Ninlil, his beloved man, Sîn rebuilt it. The image of the creation of Ningal he made great. Inside the temple of the god he made it beautiful. From the Enun, his residence of lordship, he built it.

    P469128: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)nin-gal _gaszan_ s,ir-ti szar-rat i-la-a-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ana _din zi-mesz_ sza2 an-szar2-du3-ibila _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-szat be-li2-szu2 (disz)(d)sin-din-su-iq-bi _dumu_ (disz)(d)nin-gal_-mu_ _(lu2)szagina_ uri2(ki) eridu(ki) u (lu2)gu-ra-sim-mu asz2-ri ip-te-e-ma pu2-hi-li-tum3-ma ib-ni-ma u2-kin ah-ra-tasz _a-mesz_ nag-bi da-ru-ti u2-szab-ra-a qe2-reb-szu2 sza2 _nun_ pe-tu-u2 _pu2_ szu-a-ti li-ri-ku u4-mu-szu2 lisz-ta-an-dil _nunuz_-szu2

    AI Translation

    For the goddess Ningal, august lady, queen of goddesses, the scepter of the great gods, for the life of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, strong king, king of the world, his lord, Sin-din-su-iqbi, son of Ningal-iddin, general of Ur, Eridu, and the Gurasimmu, the former, opened, and established it, and established it. The water, the water of eternal life, he made enter inside it. May the prince who opens that well may he be satisfied with his life and his offspring.

    P469129: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a?-na? (d)en?-lil2? [...] _en_-szu? (disz)an-szar2?-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ [...] _man_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim? [...] a-na _ti_-szu2 u2-sze-pisz? [...]

    AI Translation

    To? the god Enlil? ... his lord, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of the land ..., king of the four quarters of the world, ... he had made for his life .

    P469130: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)u-gur dan-dan-nu _dingir-mesz_ kasz-kasz _dingir-mesz_ szur-bu-u2 git2-ma-la mut-tal-la e-tel-lu _szesz_-szu2 a-szib e2-sza3-hul2-la _en_ si-ra-ra(ki) _en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dumu (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _man babilax(|_din-tir_|)(ki) man kur_ szu-me-ri u3 uri(ki) _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-su _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2_ _man kur_ asz-szur(ki)-ma ana _din zi-mesz_-szu2

    i-na a-gur-ru _udun ku3_-tim ki-sal-li e2-sza3-hul2-la u2-ra-bi-i-ma tal-lak-ta-szu2 ki-ma u4-me u2-nam-mir

    AI Translation

    To Nergal, the mighty one of the gods, the mighty one of the gods, the perfect one, the perfect one, the pious, his brother, who dwells in Eshahula, lord of Sirara, his lord: Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, for his life

    With baked bricks, a pure utensil of gold, I decorated the courtyard of the Eshahula and its route I made shine like daylight.

    P469131: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    x x? x x x x [...] x? x qe2-reb e2-sag-il2 [...] e-nu-ma nu-u2-ru szu-a-ti [...] _munus saga_-tim an-szar2-du3-a _lugal kur-kur?_ [...] u4-mi-szam lit-tas-x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... inside Esagil ... When that light ... a good woman, Assurbanipal, king of the lands ... daily ... .

    P469139: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)marduk? kab-tu szit-ra-hu (d)en-lil2 _dingir-mesz_ sza2-qu-u2 e-li _dingir-mesz_ a-szir _dingir-mesz_ ka-la-me mu-kil mar-kas (d)i2-gi3-gi3 u3 (d)a-nun-na-ki mu-ma-'e-er _dingir_ ku-na _lugal szu2 an_-e u3 _ki_-tim sza2? a?-na? zik-ri-szu2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ pal-hisz u2-taq-qu-u2 qi2-bit-su szah-tu2 la-a-nu szi-i-hu sza2 ina _zu-ab_ ir-bu-u2 bal-ti szur-ru-hu mi3-na-a-ta szu-tu-ru s,u-ub-bu-u2 nab-ni-ti le-e'-um le-e'-u2-tu mu-du-u2 ka-la-me la-mid t,e3-em _zu-ab_

    a-hi-iz pi-risz-ti lal3-gar _en_ babila2(ki) a-szib e2-sag-il2 _en gal_-u2 _en szu2 (disz)an-szar2-e-tel-li-dingir-mesz_ _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _(gesz)banszur (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-ru-u2 sza2 s,a-ri-ri _husz-a_ uh-hu-zu _sza2 nu kat2 masz_ x i-na szi-pir _dumu-me_ um-ma-nu nak-lisz szu-pu-szu2 a-na si-ma-a-ta ma-ka-le-e _ku3-me_ szu-lu-ku a-na _din zi-mesz_-szu2 sze-me-e su-pe-e-szu2 sa-kap _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-szu2 _ba_-isz3 (d)marduk _en gal_-u2 _(gesz)banszur_ szu-a-ti

    ha-disz ina nap-lu-si-ka (d)szul-pa-e3-a _en (gesz)banszur_ ina ra-kas _(gesz)banszur_ sza2-rak sur-qin-nu ka-a-a-an la na-par-ka-a a-mat _(munus)saga_ (disz)an-szar2-e-tel-li-dingir-me _lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _nun_ mi-gir lib3-bi-ka lit-tas-qar ma-har-ka

  • 2(disz) _sila3_ 3(disz) szal-szu2 _ninda siskur_ 1(disz) _(pi)_ 1(disz) _(ban2) (gesz)pesz3 had2-a_ ina masz-szar-ti sza2 _(iti)du6_
  • (disz)na-din _a_ (disz)(d)en-pap-me-ba-sza2 _(iti)kin u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam mu 3(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    To Marduk, the mighty, the exalted, Enlil of the gods, the exalted one above the gods, the one who oversees all the gods, the one who makes the bond of the Igigu and Anunnaku gods, the one who accepts the god, the true king of heaven and earth, whose command the great gods ... with a wrath, whose command is unrivalled, the unrivalled, the unrivalled, who in the apsû he swore, the slanderer,

    The one who carries out the secret of Lalgar, lord of Babylon, who dwells in Esagil, great lord, lord of Ashur-etel-ilani, king of the world, king of Assyria, a table and a meskannu-wood, a durable wood, whose radiance is a hushy shariru, whose ... is not a sacrificial ..., by the craft of the skilled craftsmen, he fashioned it, to the righteous kakalû-wood, to smite his life, to smite his enemies, and to smite his enemies he swore. Marduk, the great lord, this table

    Shulpa'e'a, lord of the table, at the setting of the table, the shakinnu-offering, constantly without interruption, the word of good fortune, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the prince who loves your heart, may he praise before you.

  • 2 qû 3 half-shekels of siskur-bread, 1 panu 1 sutu of figs, ..., in the mashartu of month VII,
  • Nadin, son of Bel-papmebasha; 11th day of Ululu, 3rd year of Bel-eter, king of Assyria.

    P469140: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)mes _en_ szur-be2-e _ur-sag mah_ _en en-en_ sza2-qu-u sza2 gat-tu szur-ru-hu _ugu_ kal _dingir-mesz_ ma-a'-disz szur-bu-u2 na-szi me-lam-me ez-zu-ti la-bisz na-mur-ra-te t,a-rid (d)kin-gu ka-szid tam-tim gal-la-ti ka-mu lem-nu-ti a-szib e2-esz3-er2-ke4 sza2 qe2-reb zimbir(ki)-(d)a-ru-ru _en gal_-e _en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-e-tel-li_-dingir-mesz man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dumu (disz)an-szar2-du3-a-a man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-sze-pisz-ma _(gesz)nig2-gidri ku3-sig17 husz-a_

    sza2 a-na s,i-bit2 _szu-min_-szu2 _ku3_-tum szar-ku a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-szu2 _gid2-da ud-mesz_-szu2 _gin bala-mesz_-szu2 sza2-lam _numun_-szu2 szur-szu2-du _(gesz)gu-za man_-ti-szu2 sze-me-e su-up-pi-szu2 ma-ha-ri tas,-lit-i-szu2 ina qe2-reb e2-esz3-er2-ke4 u2-kin da-risz u3 sza2 _(lu2)ku4-e2_ (lu2)ki-na-al-ti _ug3-mesz_ szu2-a-te mal ba-szu2-u mu-szal-li-mu al-ka-ka-ti-szu2 szu-bar-ra-szu2-nu a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti isz-kun sza2 ina _ugu (gesz)nig2-gidri ku3-sig17_ sza2 (d)mes

    AI Translation

    For the god Mes, the supreme lord, exalted hero, lord of lords, exalted, who is supremely magnificent, who is exceedingly great over all the gods, who is encircled by fierce brilliance, who is encircled by the fierce brilliance of Kingu, the conqueror of the great seas, the one who is enraged with evil intent, who dwells in the Esher temple in Sippar-Aruru, the great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal, king of the world and king of Assyria, had a golden scepter made,

    who for the preservation of his holy hands, sharku-offerings, for the preservation of his life, the lengthening of his days, the lengthening of his reign, the well-being of his seed, the supreme throne, his royal throne, his supplications, the rites of the assembly, his supplications, in the E'esher temple, forever established, and who the temple enterer, the kinatu-priest of those people, all of them, who re-established their rites, in perpetuity established, who on the gold niggidri of the gods

    P469141: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)urasz _en mah sag-kal dingir-me gal-me_ e2-i-bi2-(d)a-num _bara2_ ra-asz-bu _en gal_-u _en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar4-nir-gal2-dingir-me _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) mu-ud-disz _bara2 dingir-me gal-mesz dumu (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _sipa_ s,al-mat _sag-du_ e2-i-bi2-(d)a-num asz2-ri el-lu sza2 qe2-reb dil-bat(ki) szu-bat (d)urasz u (d)nin-e2-gal usz-szisz a-gur-ru pi-ti-iq (d)bahar2 esz-szisz ib-ni-ma _suhusz pu2 ki_-szu2

    ki-i pi-i la-bi-ri-im-ma u2-kin a-na du-ur u4-me zu-mur _pu2 mu-mesz gin7_ (i7)idigna u (i7)buranun ub-bi-ib-ma ana nap-ta-nu _dingir-me gal-mesz_ u2-kin _a-mesz_ szu-ni-te9-e-ma a-na nap-ta-nu usz-tah-ma-t,u u4-mi-szam ana (d)ag (d)marduk (d)urasz u (d)nin-e2-gal a-szi-bu qe2-reb _e2 mu-me saga_-tim (disz)an-szar2-nir-gal2-dingir-me _man_ mi-gir-szu2-un li-iq-bu-u li-ri-ik _bala_-szu2

    AI Translation

    For Urash, the exalted lord, foremost of the great gods, E-ibbi-Anum, the great dais, the great lord, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who renovated the dais of the great gods, son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, shepherd of black-headed people, the pure temple of E-ibbi-Anum, which is in Dilbat, the dwelling of Urash and Nineveh, he built anew with baked bricks, the creation of the god Bahar, and the foundation of the well with him.

    In accordance with the old sworn word, he established. For future days, the water of that well, as the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates, flowed, and for the meal of the great gods he established. These waters he poured out and for the meal he made them drink. At that time, for the gods Nabû, Marduk, Urash, and Ninegal, who dwell in that temple, may Ashurbanipal, the king, their favorite, speak and decree his reign.

    P469142: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra lugal-a-ni-ir an-szar2-e-tel-lu4-dingir-mesz sipa sze-ga-bi u2-a nibru(ki) sag-us2 e2-kur-ra lugal kal-ga lugal ub-da limmu2-ba e2-kur-ra e2 ki ag2-ga2-a-ni sig4 al-ur3-ra-ta mu-un-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, king of all the lands, his master, Ashurbanipal, the merciful shepherd, provider of Nippur, the constant supporter of the Ekur, the mighty king, king of the four world quarters, the Ekur, his beloved temple, he built for him with bricks of baked bricks.

    P469143: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _ki-mah_ sza2 (disz)(d)utu-ib-ni _dumu_ (disz)da-ku-ru sza2 (disz)an-szar2-nir-gal2-dingir-mesz _lugal kur_ asz-szur re-e-mu ir-asz2-asz2-szum-ma ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur a-na e2-(disz)da-kur _kur_-szu2 u2-bil-asz2-asz2-szum-ma ina _ki-mah_ ina qe2-reb _e2_-szu2 sza2 _bad3_-sza2-la-di-ni u2-sza2-as,-li-lu-szu2 man-nu at-ta lu-u2 (lu2)szak-nu (lu2)sza2-pi-ru lu-u2 da-a-a-nu lu-u2 _nun_ sza2 ina _kur_ isz-szak-ka-nu a-na _ki-mah_ u e-s,e-et-ti szu-a-ti la ta-ha-at,-t,u a-szar-szu2 u2-s,ur

    s,i-il-li t,a-a-bi e-li-szu2 tu-ru-us, a-na szu-a-ti (d)marduk _en gal_-u2 pa-le-e-ka lu-ur-rik s,u-lul-szu2 t,a-a-bu e-li-ka li-isz-kun _mu_-ka _numun_-ka u3 ba-la-t,u u4-me-ka _gid2-da-mesz_ a-na u4-me s,a-a-ta lik-ru?-bu szum-ma _nun_ szu-u2 lu-u2 (lu2)szak-nu lu-u2 (lu2)sza2-pi-ru lu-u2 da-a-a-nu lu-u2 _szagina_ sza2 ina _kur_ ib-ba-asz2-szu-u2 a-na _ki-mah_ u e-s,e-et-ti szu-a-ti i-ha-at,-t,u-u2 a-szar-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ri a-na a-szar sza2-nam-ma i-leq-qu-u2

    u3 man-ma a-na le-mut-tum u2-szad-ba-bu-szu2-ma i-szem-mu-u2 (d)marduk _en gal_-u2 _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 _nunuz_-szu2 u3 na-an-nab-szu2 i-na pi-i _ug3-mesz_ li-hal-liq (d)ag sa-ni-iq mit-hur-ti mi-na-a-ta u4-me-szu2 _gid2-da-mesz_ li-kar-ri (d)u-gur ina di-i' szib-t,u u szag-ga-asz2-ti la i-gam-mi-il nap-szat-su

    AI Translation

    The tomb of Shamash-ibni, son of Dakur, which Ashur-etel-ilani, king of Assyria, had given to him and from Assyria to Bit-Dakur, his land, he brought to him and in the tomb inside his house of Dur-shaldini he made him dwell. Whoever you are, whether a scribe, a scribe, a judge, or a prince who in the land places, to that tomb and the habitations, you shall not be negligent.

    The good shillu-offerings are above him. To this, may Marduk, the great lord, your reign prolong, and his good protection extend above you. May he grant your name, your seed, and your life, your days long, to a future time. If that prince, whether a scribe, a scribe, a judge, or a general, who in the land is born, to that tomb and that abode they shall destroy, where he shall make it difficult, where he shall take it,

    And who ever causes him to be a fugitive and hears it, may Marduk, the great lord, his name, his seed, his offspring, and his progeny disappear from the mouth of the people; may Nabû, the one who strikes enemies, make his days long; may Nergal not allow him to escape in distress and distress.

    P469300: royal-monumental barrel

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    a-na ma-ti-ma a-na la-ba-ar _u4_-mi a-na _u4_-mi s,a-a-ti a-na# _u4_-mi# sza uh-hu-ru _ki-mah_ a-ni-a-am li-mu-ur-ma la u2-sza-sa-ak a-na asz2#-ri-szu li-te-er-szu a-wi-lum szu-u2 sza a-ni-i-ta i-ma-ru-ma la# i-me-e-szu ki-a-am i-qa2-ab-bu-u2 _[ki]-mah_-mi a-ni-a-am a-na asz2-ri-szu-mi lu-te-er-szu gi-mil i-pu-szu li-ir-ti-ib-szu i-na e-la-ti szum-szu li-id-mi-iq i-na sza-ap-la-ti e-t,e-em-mu-szu me-e za-ku-ti li-il-tu-u2

    AI Translation

    In any future, in any future day, in any future day, in any future day that he may restore, that tomb may he see, but not make it disappear, and to his place may he return it. That man who sees this and does not know him, as he says, that tomb may I return to its place. May the restitution that he has imposed upon him be restored to its place. May he be sated with his own name. In the distant future may his utterances be heard. May he drink pure water.

    P469464: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) CDLI


    _ezem#_ [...] zur#-zur# x

    AI Translation

    Festival ... Zurzur .

    P469475: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-bi-ia qi2-bi2-ma# um-ma (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk da-ri-isz u4-mi-im a-bi li-ba-al#-li-t,u2 (disz)_arad_-ku-bi _lu2 x-_ka_?-_ki_ ensi2 sza qa2-ti-ni# i#-na ha-bu-uz(ki) wa-szi-ib-ma (disz)(d)i-szum-a-bi ra-bi-a-nu-um ((ki)) ma-di-isz ud-da-ab-bi-ib-szu u3 szi-ni-szu asz-pu-ra-kum-ma wa-ar-ka-su2 u2-ul tap-ru-us2 a-na (d)i-szum-a-bi ra-bi-a-nu-um ((ki))

    AI Translation

    To my father speak! Thus Sîn-ishmeani: May Shamash and Marduk forever prolong the days of my father. Arad-kubi, the ...-man, the governor of our hands, residing in Habush, and Ishum-abi, the great one, a long time ago, have seized him and his descendants, and I have sent him back, but he has not yet returned. To Ishum-abi, the great one,



    e-zi-iz-ma a-wi-lam sza u2-ka-asz-szu-ma i-li-ik-szu it-ta-na-asz-szu la u2-da-ab-ba-ab

    AI Translation

    He stood, and the man who he entrusted to him and whose lordship he has entrusted to him, he did not fear him.

    P469481: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    a-na ma-ti-ma a-na la-ba-ar _u4_-mi a-na _u4_-um s,i-a-tim a-na _u4_-mi sza uh2-hu#-rum _ki-mah_ a-ni-a-am li-mur-ma la u2-sza-sa-ak a-na asz2-ri-szu li-te-er a-wi-lum szu-u2 sza a-ni-i-tam i-ma-ru-ma la i-me-e-szu ki-a-am i-qa2-ab-bu-u2 _[ki]-mah_-mi a-ni-a-am a-na asz2-ri-szu-mi lu-te-er-szu gi-mil i-pu-szu li-ir-ti-ib-szu i-na e-la-ti szum-szu li-id-mi-iq i-na sza-ap-la-ti e-t,e!(_ki_)-em-mu-szu me-e za-ku!-ti li-il-tu-u2

    AI Translation

    To anyone in the future, in the future, in the days of the future, in the days of the future, may he see the tomb, but do not make it secure. May he return it to its place. That man who sees it and does not know it, as he says, may he return my tomb to its place. May the gidilû-offerings that he has done bless him. May he be sated with his own name. On the surface may he be sated with water of awe.

    P469504: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ibila_ e-ri-isz-tum# _dumu-munus_ ia-ar-bi-dingir (disz)a-ha-ta#-ni _dumu-munus_ ku-ru-um re-di-it wa-ar-ka-ti-sza

  • 1(u) _gin2 e2 du3_ sza ga-gi-im ((sza# (d)_en_))
  • _da e2_ geme2-(d)utu _dumu-munus_ szu-dingir-s,i#?-ad#?

  • 4(asz) _iku a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-ir-(tum)
  • i-ta _a-sza3_ hu-szu-tum u3 i-ta _i7_

  • 1(asz) _iku_ 3(u) _sar a-sza3_ i#-na asz-la-tim#
  • i-ta (d)utu-sze-me [...] _iku a-sza3_ i-na ta-wi-[ir]-tum# [i-ta _a]-sza3_ (d)suen-e-ri-[ba-am] [u3] i#?-ta e-ri-isz-tum#

    AI Translation

    Aya-tannu, daughter of Kurum, the first-born daughter of Erishtu, daughter of Iaarbi-ilu;

  • 10 shekels, the built house of the gi'im of Bel;
  • next to the house of Geme-shamash, daughter of Shu-dingir-shadu?,

  • 4 iku of field in the district of the city of Til-sharru;
  • from the field of Hushutum and from the river

  • 1 iku 30 sar of field in the ashlatum-field,
  • ... the field in the tawertu, the field of Sîn-eribam and the erishtu



    bu-szu#-[sza ...] x x i-szu-[...] x isz-tu [pi2]-e# a-di _[ku3-sig17]_ (disz)e-ri-isz-tum a-na a-ha-ta-ni i-di-in _mu (d)utu_ (d)a-a (d)amar-utu u3 ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _in-pa3-de3-mesz_ _igi_ dingir-pi4-(d)a-a _sanga (d)utu_ _igi_ e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi-um _sanga (d)utu_ _igi_ s,il2-li2-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak ugula-e2? _igi_ (d)suen-ba-ni _ugula lukur (d)utu_ _igi_ li-bu-ra-am _igi_ a-bu-um-x [...] _igi_ [...] _dumu_ ni#-isz#-i3-li2-x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... from the ... to the gold, Erishtu to Ahatani gave. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Hammurapi they swore. Before Ili-pî-aya, priest of Shamash; before Etel-pî-nabium, priest of Shamash; before Shilli-ninkarrak, foreman of the house; before Sîn-bani, foreman of the naditu of Shamash; before Liburam; before Abum-...; before ... son of Nishi-ili-... .

    Column 1


    _igi_ _sig_?-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ ha#-x-nu-um

    AI Translation

    Witness: Simanu-eribam, son of Ha...num.

    Column 2


    _igi_ i3-li2-x [...] _igi_ pa-al-hi-ia [...] _igi_ x x _igi_ geme2-(d)[...] _igi_ hu-szu-tum _igi_ be-te-tum _dumu_ (d)utu-we-di#-[...]

    AI Translation

    before Ili-...; before Pabilhiya; ...; before Geme-...; before Hushutum; before Betetum, son of Shamash-wedi-...;

    P469514: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    iri(ki) ku3-ku3-ga-am3 e-ne ba-am3-me-en-ze2-en kur dilmun(ki) ku3-ga-am3 ki-en-gi ku3-ga e-ne ba-am3-me-en-ze2-en kur dilmun(ki) ku3-ga-am3 kur dilmun(ki) ku3-ga-am3 kur dilmun sikil-am3 kur dilmun(ki) sikil-am3 kur dilmun(ki) dadag-ga-am3 dili-ni-ne dilmun(ki)-a u3-bi2-in-nu2 ki (d)en-ki dam-a-ni-da ba-an-da-nu2-a-ba ki-bi sikil-am3 ki-bi dadag-ga-am3 dili-ni-ne dilmun(ki)-a u3-bi2-in-nu2 ki (d)en-ki (d)nin-sikil-la ba-an-da-nu2-a-ba ki-bi sikil-am3 ki-bi dadag-ga-am3

    dar(muszen)-e gu3 dar(muszen)-re nu-mu-ni-ib-be2 ur-gu-la sag gesz nu-ub-ra-ra ur-bar-ra-ke4 sila4 nu-ub-kar-re ur-gi7 masz2 gam-gam nu-ub-zu szah2 sze gu7-gu7-e nu-ub-zu nu-mu-un-su2 munu4 ur3-ra bara2-ga-ba muszen-e an-na munu4-bi na-an-gu7-e tu(muszen)-e sag nu-mu-un-da-_ru_-e igi-gig-e igi-gig-me-en nu-mu-ni-be2 sag-gig-e sag-gig-me-en nu-mu-ni-be2 um-ma-bi um-ma-me-en nu-mu-ni-be2 ab-ba-bi ab-ba-me-en nu-mu-ni-be2 ki-sikil a nu-tu5-a-ni iri-a nu-mu-ni-ib-se3-ge lu2 i7-da bala-e ge6-de3 nu-mu-ni-be2

    nimgir-e za3-ga-na nu-um-nigin2-nigin2 nar-e e-lu-lam nu-mu-ni-be2 za3 iri-ka i-lu nu-mu-ni-be2 (d)nin-sikil-la a-a-ni (d)en-ki-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e iri mu-e-szum2 iri mu-e-szum2 nam-gu10 szum2-ma-zu dilmun iri mu-e-szum2 iri mu-e-szum2 nam-gu10 szum2-ma-zu x x mu-e-szum2 iri mu-e-szum2 nam-gu10 szum2-ma-zu iri kar i7-da nu-un-tuku-a x x mu-e-szum2 iri mu-e-szum2 nam-gu10 szum2-ma-zu [...] x [...] x iri a-sza3 a-gar3 ab-sin2 nu-un-tuku-a [...] [...] [...] (d)utu an-na gub-be2-e gir16 _du_-a gaba _ezen_(ki)-na-ta

    e2-suhur si (d)nanna-a-ta ka a ki-a |_du-du_|-ta a du10 ki-ta [...] _du_ giri3-ma-an gal-la-za a he2-em-ta-e11-de3 iri-zu a he2-gal2-la hu-mu-ra-na8-na8 dilmun(ki) a he2-gal2-la hu-mu-ra-na8-na8 pu2 a sis-a-zu pu2 a du10-ga he2-em iri-zu e2-gun2 kar-ra kalam-ma-ka he2-a dilmun(ki) e2-gun2 kar-ra kalam-ma-ka he2-a kur tu-uk-ri-isz(ki) ku3-sig17 ha-ra-li (na4)za-gin3 x x x-ga hu-mu-ra-bala-bala-e kur me-luh-ha(ki) (na4)gug nig2 al di kal-la (gesz)mesz3 sza3-gan gesz-ab-ba saga-ga ma2 gal-gal hu-mu-ra-ab-sa2

    kur mar-ha-szi(ki) na4 kal-la (na4)du8-szi-a gaba hu-mu-ra-ab-x kur ma2-gan(ki) uruda nig2 kal-ga usu-x (na4)esi (na4)u (na4)szu-min3 hu-mu-x kur ab-ba(ki)-ke4 (gesz)esi me-te-bi x lugal-la hu-mu-ra-ab-x x kur za-lam-gar(ki) siki gun3 sa6-ga x hu-mu-ra-ab-x kur elam(ki)-ma siki igi sag5 gu2-un-gu2-un hu-mu-ra-ab-bala-bala-e esz3 uri2(ki) bara2 nam-lugal-la iri(ki) [...] sze-i3-gesz tug2 mah tug2 saga ma2 gal-gal hu-mu-ra-ab-sa2 a-ab-ba dagal-la he2-gal2-bi hu-mu-[...] iri(ki) ki-tusz-bi ki-tusz du10-ga-am3

    dilmun(ki) ki-tusz-bi ki-tusz du10-ga-am3 sze-bi sze di4-di4-la2-am3 zu2-lum-bi zu2-lum gu-ul-gu-la buru14-bi 3(disz)-am3 [...] gesz-bi gesz x x [...] i3-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne-a (d)utu an-na gub-be2-e gir16 _du_-a gaba _ezen_(ki)-na-ta e2-suhur si (d)nanna-a-ta ka a ki-a |_du-du_|-ta a du10 ki-ta mu-na-ra-_du_ giri3-ma-an gal-la-na a im-ta-e11-de3 iri-ni a he2-gal2-la im-ta-na8-na8 dilmun(ki) a he2-gal2-la im-ta-na8-na8 pu2 a sis-a-ni pu2 a du10-ga na-nam a-sza3 a-gar3 ab-sin2-a-ni sze mu-na-ab-x-szum2?

    iri-ni e2-gun2 kar-ra kalam-ma-ka na-nam dilmun(ki) e2-gun2 kar-ra kalam-ma-ka na-nam i3-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne-a ur5 he2-na-nam-ma dili-ni gesztu2-ge tuku-a (d)nin-tu ama kalam-ma-sze3 (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2-ge tuku-a (d)nin-tu ama kalam-ma-sze3 gesz3-a-ni e-a ba-an-szi-in-dun-e gesz3-a-ni gi-a gir5-gir5-e ba-an-szi-gir5-gir5-e gesz3-a-ni bar-sze3 mah-he sza-ba-ra-an-zi-zi gu3 bi2-in-de2 ambar-ra lu2 nu-mu-un-dab-be2 (d)en-ki-ke4 gu3 bi2-in-de2 zi an-na i3-pa3 nu2-a ambar-ra nu2-a ambar-ra giri17-zal

    (d)en-ki-ke4 a (d)dam-gal-nun-na-ka-ni mi-ni-in-du11 (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 a sza3-ga ba-ni-in-ri a sza3-ga szu ba-ni-in-ti a (d)en-ki-ka3-ka u4 1(disz)-am3 iti 1(disz)-a-ni u4 2(disz)-am3 iti 2(disz)-a-ni u4 3(disz)-am3 iti 3(disz)-a-ni u4 4(disz)-am3 iti 4(disz)-a-ni u4 5(disz)-am3 iti 5(disz)-a-ni u4 6(disz)-am3 iti 6(disz)-a-ni u4 7(disz)-am3 iti 7(disz)-a-ni u4 8(disz)-am3 iti 8(disz)-a-ni u4 9(disz)-am3 iti 9(disz)-a-ni iti nam-munus-a-ka i3 li-gin7 i3 li?-gin7 i3-he-nun-na-gin7 (d)nin-tu ama kalam-ma-ka

    i3 li-gin7 (d)nin-nisi in-tu-u4 (d)nin-nisi gu2 i7-da-ke4 sze3-mi-ni-ib-e3? (d)en-ki-ke4 ambar-ra im-da-la2 e-ne im-da-la2 e-ne sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud4-de3 gu3 mu-na-de2-e lu2-tur sa6-ga-e ne nu-mu-un-su-ub-be2 (d)nin-nisi sa6-ga-e ne nu-mu-un-su-ub-be2 sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud4-de3 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lu2-tur sa6-ga-e ne nu-mu-un-su-ub-be2 (d)nin-nisi sa6-ga-e ne nu-mu-un-su-ub-be2 lugal-gu10 im-dirig ga-ri im-dirig ga-ri giri3-ni 1(disz)-a (gesz)ma2-a bi2-in-gub

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma bar-rim4-ma nam-mi-in-gub
  • gaba im-ma-an-tab ne im-ma-an-su-ub (d)en-ki-ke4 a sza3-ga ba-ni-in-ri a sza3-ga szu ba-ni-in-ti a (d)en-ki-ka3-ka u4 1(disz)-am3 iti 1(disz)-am3 u4 2(disz)-am3 iti 2(disz)-am3 u4 9(disz)-am3 iti 9(disz)-am3 iti nam-munus-a-ka i3 li?-gin7 i3 li?-gin7 i3-he-nun-na-gin7 (d)nin-nisi i3 li?-gin7 i3 li-gin7 i3-he-nun-na-gin7 (d)nin-kur-ra in-tu-u4 (d)nin-kur-ra gu2 i7-da-ke4 sze3-mi-ni-ib-e3 (d)en-ki-ke4 ambar-ra im-da-la2 e-ne im-da-la2 e-ne sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud4-de3 gu3 mu-na-de2-e

    (d)nin-kur-ra sa6-ga-e ne nu-mu-un-su-ub-be2 sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud4-de3 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lu2-tur sa6-ga-e ne su-ub-bu-ma-ni (d)nin-kur-ra sa6-ga-e ne su-ub-bu-ma-ni lugal-gu10 im-dirig ga-ri im-dirig ga-ri giri3-ni 1(disz)-a (gesz)ma2-a bi2-in-gub

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma bar-rim4-ma nam-mi-in-gub
  • gaba im-ma-an-tab ne im-ma-an-su-ub (d)en-ki-ke4 a sza3 ba-ni-in-ri a sza3-ga szu ba-ni-in-ti a (d)en-ki-ka3-ka u4 1(disz)-am3 iti 1(disz)-a-ni u4 9(disz)-am3 iti 9(disz)-a-ni iti nam-munus-a-ka i3 li?-gin7 i3 li?-gin7 i3-he-nun-na-gin7 (d)nin-kur-ra i3 li?-gin7 i3 li-gin7 i3-he-nun-na (d)uttu munus _ni_-bulug3 in-tu-u4 (d)nin-kur-ra (d)nin-imma3 szi-im-ma-an-tu-u4 lu2-tur i3-bulug3-e ul im-ma-an-ti (d)nin-imma3 gu2 i7-da-kam sze3-em-mi-[...] (d)en-ki-ke4 ma2-ta im-ta-gid2-de3 im-da-la2 x [...]

    (d)nin-imma3 gu2 i7-da-kam igi im-ma-ni-in-x-[...] sukkal-a-ni (d)isimudx(_enkum_)-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e lu2-tur sa6-ga-gin7 ge26-e ne nam-in-su-ub (d)nin-imma3 sa6-ga-gin7 ge26-e gesz3 nam-in-du3 sukkal-a-ni (d)isimudx(_enkum_)-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 i-im-dirig ga-ri i-im-dirig ga-ri giri3-ni 1(disz)-am3 ma2-a bi2-gub

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 bar-rim4-ma u3-bi2-gub
  • gaba szu im-mi-in-dab5 ur2-ra-na nu2-a lu2-tur gesz3 im-mi-in-du11 ne im-ma-ni-in-su-ub (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-imma3 a sza3 mu-ni-in-ri a sza3-ga szu ba-ni-in-ti a (d)en-ki-ka 3(disz)-kam munus-e u4 1(disz)-bi iti 1(disz)-bi na-nam u4 2(disz)-bi iti 2(disz)-bi na-nam u4 3(disz)-bi iti 3(disz)-bi na-nam u4 4(disz)-bi iti 4(disz)-bi na-nam u4 5(disz)-bi iti 5(disz)-bi na-nam u4 6(disz)-bi iti 6(disz)-bi na-nam u4 7(disz)-bi iti 7(disz)-bi na-nam u4 8(disz)-bi iti 8(disz)-bi na-nam

    i3 li-gin7 i3 li-gin7 i3-he-nun-na-gin7 (d)nin-imma3 i3 li-gin7 i3-he-nun-na-gin7 (d)uttu munus ni-bulug3 in-tu-u4 (d)nin-tu-re (d)uttu-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e na ga-e-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-e-dab5 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu lu2 1(disz)-am3 ambar-ra im-da-la2 e-ne im-da-la2 e-ne (d)en-ki-ke4 ambar-ra im-da-la2 e-ne im-da-la2 e-ne igi im-x x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] (d)uttu munus _ni_-bulug3 x x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x x x A na x [...]

    [...] x x x sza3?-za [...] ukusz2 sur-ra-x de6-um (gesz)haszhur gu ul-ul-ba de6-um (gesz)gesztin ga-ra-an-ba de6-um e2?-a saman2-gu10 he2-dab5 (d)en-ki-ke4 saman2-gu10 he2-bi2-in-dab5

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma a si-si-da-ni
  • e a bi2-in-si pa5 a bi2-in-si kislah a bi2-in-si nu-(gesz)kiri6 sahar?-ra hul2-a-na bi2-[...] gu2-ni gu2-da im-szi-in-la2-e-de3 a-ba-me-en (gesz)kiri6 [...] (d)en-ki-ke4 nu-(gesz)kiri6-[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] ukusz2 sur-ra-na im-ma-na-an-de6 (gesz)haszhur gu ul-ul-ba im-ma-na-an-de6 (gesz)gesztin ga-ra-an-ba im-ma-na-an-de6 ur2-ra-ni bi2-in-si-si (d)en-ki-ke4 igi-ni im-ma-an-sig7-sig7 gidru szu bi2-in-du8 (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)uttu-ra giri3 im-ma-an-gub e2-na al-dub2-dub2-e gal2-u3 gal2-u3

    ge26-e nu-(gesz)kiri6 ukusz2 (gesz)haszhur (gesz)gesztin he2-am3-sze3 ga-mu-ra-ab-szum2 (d)uttu sza3 hul2-la-ni-ta e2-e gal2 ba-an-tak4 (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)uttu-ra munus _ni_-bulug3 ukusz2 sur-ra-na ba-na-ab-szum2-mu (gesz)haszhur gu ul-ul-ba ba-na-ab-szum2-mu (gesz)gesztin ga-ra-an-ba ba-na-ab-szum2-mu kasz (gi)ba-an gu-la im-ma-ab-[...] (d)uttu munus _ni_-bulug3 gabu2 mu-na-ab-se3-ge szu mu-na-sag3-ge (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)uttu-ra ul im-ma-ni-in-ti gaba szu im-mi-in-dab ur2-ra-na nu2-a

    hasz2 mu-un-tag-tag-ge szu mu-un-tag-tag-ge gaba? szu im-mi-in-dab5? ur2-ra-na nu2-a lu2-tur gesz3 im-in-du3 ne im-ma-ni-in-su-ub (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)uttu a sza3 mu-ni-in-ri a sza3-ga szu ba-szi-in-ti a (d)en-ki-ka 3(disz)-kam (d)uttu munus sa6-ga a2? hasz2-gu10 im-me a2? bar-gu10 a2? sza3?-ba-gu10 im-me (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2 a hasz2-ta ba-an-tag-tag [...] [...] u2-gesz im-ma-an-mu2 u2-lal3 im-ma-an-mu2 u2-sar-ra im-ma-an-mu2 (u2)|_a-zi&zi_| im-ma-an-mu2 (u2)a-tu-tu im-ma-an-mu2 (u2)asz-tal2-tal2 im-ma-an-mu2

    (u2)x [...] im-ma-an-mu2 (u2)am-ha-ru im-ma-an-mu2 (d)en-ki-ke4 ambar-ra im-da-la2 e-ne im-da-la2 e-ne sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud4-de3 gu3 mu-na-de2-e u2 ge26-e nam-bi li-bi2-tar-re a-na-am3 ne-e a-na-am3 ne-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud4-de3 mu-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 u2-gesz mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-ku5-de3 ba-gu7-e lugal-gu10 u2-lal3 mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-bur12-re ba-gu7-e lugal-gu10 u2-sar-ra mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-ku5-de3 ba-gu7-e lugal-gu10 (u2)|_a-zi&zi_| mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-bur12-re ba-gu7-e

    mu-na-ku5-de3 ba-gu7-e lugal-gu10 (u2)asz-tal2-tal2 mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-bur12-re ba-gu7-e lugal-gu10 (u2)x [...] mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-ku5-de3 ba-gu7-e lugal-gu10 (u2)am-ha-ru mu-na-ab-be2 mu-na-bu-re ba-gu7-e (d)en-ki-ke4 u2 nam-bi bi2-in-tar sza3-ba ba-ni-in-zu (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu (d)en-ki nam-erim2 ba-an-ku5 i-bi2 na-ag2-ti-la en-na ba-ug5-ge-a i-bi2 ba-ra-an-bar-re-en (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne sahar-ta im-mi-in-durunx(|_ku-ku_|)-ne-esz ka5-a (d)en-lil2-ra mu-na-da-ab-be2

    ge26-e (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2 mu-e-szi-tum2-mu-un a-na-am3 nig2-ba-gu10 (d)en-lil2-le ka5-a mu-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4 za-e (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2 mu-e-tum2-mu-un-nam iri-ga2 2(disz) gesz-_gan2_ ga-ri-du3 mu-zu he2-pa3-de3 ka5-a su-ni 1(disz)-am3 im-ma-an-pesz5-pesz5 siki?-ni 1(disz)-am3 im-ma-an-bur2-bur2 igi-ni 1(disz)-am3 szembizid bi2-in-gar [...] [...] [...] [...] nibru(ki)-sze3 mu-gen-ne-en (d)en-lil2 [...] uri2(ki)-sze3 mu-gen-ne-en (d)nanna [...] larsa(ki)-sze3 mu-gen-ne-en (d)utu? [...]

    unu(ki)-sze3 mu-gen-ne-en (d)inanna x [...] [...] x i3-me-a zi?-gu10 mu-x-tum2-mu [...] x x x [...] (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2 x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] _ne_ [...] [...] ba _ne_? _du_ (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 e2? kas4 im-ma-an-du11 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne tug2-ga-ni ba-an-dab5-be2-esz _li_? im-ma-an-ak-esz nam im-ma-an-tar-esz szu _li_? im-ma-an-bur2-ru-usz (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 (d)en-ki gal4-la-na ba-ni-in-tusz szu _musz3_-ba [...] bar-ba _ne_ x [...] szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig ugu-dilim2-gu10 ma-gig dab-u2 im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4

    szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig pa siki-gu10 ma-gig (d)nin-siki-la2 im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig giri17-gu10 ma-gig (d)nin-giri17-u3-tu im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig ka-gu10 ma-gig (d)nin-ka-si im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig zi-gu10 ma-gig (d)na-zi im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig a2-gu10 ma-gig da2-zi-mu2-a im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig ti-gu10 ma-gig (d)nin-ti im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 szesz-gu10 a-na-zu a-ra-gig za3-gu10 ma-gig

    (d)en-sa6-ag im-ma-ra-an-tu-u4 di4-di4-la2-la2 ba-tu-de3-en-na-asz nig2-ba nam-la2 dab-u2 lugal u2 he2-a (d)nin-siki-la2 en ma2-gan-na he2-a (d)nin-giri17-u3-tu (d)nin-a-zu ha-ba-an-tuku-tuku (d)nin-ka-si nig2 sza3 si he2-a (d)na-zi u3-mu-un-dar-a ha-ba-an-tuku-tuku da2-zi-mu2-a (d)nin-gesz-zi-da ha-ba-an-tuku-tuku (d)nin-ti nin iti-e he2-a (d)en-sa6-ag en dilmun-na he2-a (d)en-ki za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    "The city is pure, where are you?" "The land of Dilmun is pure, where is Sumer?" "Where are you?" "The land of Dilmun is pure, where is the land of Dilmun?" "The land of Dilmun is pure, where is the land of Dilmun pure, where is the land of Dilmun pure, where is the land of Dilmun reconstructed?" "Where is the land of Dilmun abandoned?" "Where is the land of Dilmun abandoned?" "Where is the land of Enki, his wife abandoned?" "Where is the land of Ninsikila abandoned?" "Where is the land of Enki abandoned?" "Where is the land of Ninsikil abandoned?" "Where is the land of Dilmun abandoned?"

    The lion does not roar, the lion does not roar. The lion does not scream, the lion does not scream. The lion does not scream, the lamb does not scream. The lion does not eat the pigeon, does not eat the pigeon. The pigeon does not eat the barley. The pigeon does not eat the grass on its terrace. The bird does not eat the grass on its terrace. The pigeon does not eat the grass. The pigeon does not eat the grass. The pigeon does not eat the grass. The mother does not eat the grass. The suckling suck

    The heralds did not smite his neck, the singer did not sing "Alas, the city is not the city" Ninsikil, his father, Enki, spoke to him: "The city was given, the city was given, my fate was given." Dilmun was given, the city was given, my fate was given, ... was given, the city was given, my fate was given, the city was given, the city was given, the city was given, my fate was given, the city was given, the city was given, the field of the absin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... from the border of Esen

    From the Esuhur temple, the voice of Nanna, from the mouth of the earth, from the earth, from the good water, from ..., from your great feet may water flow. May your city, may there be abundance for him. May Dilmun, may there be abundance for him. May your well, your well, may there be abundance for him. May your city, the Egun temple, the gateway of the nation, may it be. May Dilmun, the Egun temple, the gateway of the nation, may it be. May the land Tukurish, with gold, with a ..., with lapis lazuli, ..., may it be thrown into confusion. May Meluhha, with a mighty bull, with a mighty ..., with a mighty ..., and with a large boat, be thrown into confusion.

    The land of Marhashi, strong stone, a tushia-stone ... The land of Magan, strong copper, ..., ebony, uruda, and shumin stones ... The land of Abba, its ebony, ... the king ... The land of Zalamgar, fine wool, ... ... The land of Elam, wool with a good appearance, ... ... The shrine Ur, the seat of kingship, the city ..., fine sesame, fine textiles, great boats ... The wide sea, its abundance ... The city, its dwelling, is a pleasant dwelling

    Its dwelling place is a pleasant dwelling. Its barley is a good barley, its dates are a good quality date. Its harvest is three ... its trees are ... ... Now, Utu, when he is standing in heaven, when Utu rises from the ... of the ezen gate, from the Esuhur of Nanna, from the mouth of the water of the earth, from the water of the earth, he brings water to the earth. His great feet he raises water. His city he brings water to him. His Dilmun he brings water to him. His well he brings water to him. His well he gives water to him. His field, the field of the sin-tree, he gives barley.

    His city, the Egun temple, the harbor of the land, was not. Dilmun, the Egun temple, the harbor of the land, was not. Now, Utu, when he was born, he was a son. His sister, who has heard wisdom, Nintu, mother of the land, Enki, who has heard wisdom, Nintu, mother of the land, was a son. His son, who has seen reeds, he has seen them. His son, who has seen a great reed, he has uttered a sigh of praise. He has uttered a sigh of praise in the marshes, no one has uttered a sigh of Enki. True An, he has spoken a sigh of praise in the marshes, he has uttered a sigh of praise in the marshes.

    Enki, son of Damgalnuna, said to him: "Ninhursaga, the water of the heart, gave to him, the water of the heart gave to him." "O Enki, the 1st day of the month, the 2nd day, the 3rd day, the 3rd day, the 4th day, the 4th day, the 5th day, the 5th day, the 6th day, the 7th day, the 7th day, the 8th day, the 8th day, the 9th day, the 9th day, the month of the womanhood, like oil, like oil, like henuna, Nintu, mother of the nation,

    Ninnisi poured oil like a libation bowl. Ninnisi sat down on the bank of the river. Enki sat down in the marsh. He sat down, and his minister Isimud spoke to him. "A young man should not be born, a young woman should not be born." Ninnisi should not be born, and his minister Isimud should not be born. "A young man should not be born, a young woman should not be born." Ninnisi should not be born, my king should not be born. He sat on his feet. He sat on his feet.

  • 2nd, when I was a barrim priest, I stood there.
  • He sat down on the breast, he sat down on the breast. Enki, he poured out the water of his heart, he poured out the water of his heart. Enki, for 1 day, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, Ninnisi, a month, a month, a month, a month, a month, Ninkur, he brought him to Ninkur. Enki sailed on the bank of the river. Enki sailed on the shore of the sea. He sailed on his minister Isimud. He sailed on his minister Isimud.

    "Ninkur, good one, do not let him be sated with it!" His minister Isimud has returned to him. "An attractive young man, do not let him be sated with it!" "Ninkur, good one, do not let him be sated with it!" "My king has been sated, he has been sated with it!" "On his one foot he has been sated with it!"

  • 2nd, when I was a barrim priest, I stood there.
  • He sat down on the breast, he sat down on the breast. Enki, he poured out water, he poured out water. Enki, for 1 day, for 1 month, for 9 months, for 9 months, for the month "Munus-ship" he poured out like oil, he poured out like oil, he poured out like honey. Ninkur, he poured out like oil, he poured out like honey. Uttu, the woman, he poured out. Ninkur, Ninimma, he poured out the shimma-shape, the young man poured out, he did not poured out. Ninimma, the bank of the river, he poured out ... Enki, he sank the boat, .

    Ninimma looked at the bank of the river ... His minister Isimud spoke to him: "An attractive young man should not be sated with it like a nanny." Ninimma should not be sated with it like a nanny, his minister Isimud should not be sated with it. My king, I am a sailor, I am a sailor, my feet are one. One boat stands at the dock.

  • 2nd tablet of Barrimma, he will stand there.
  • He took the breast-bone, he sat down on his bed, and he spoke to the young man. Enki, Ninimma, he poured out water from her heart, he poured out water from her heart. Enki, 3 times, a woman, for 1 day, a month, 1 day, a year, 2 days, a year, 2 days, a year, 3 days, a year, 4 days, a year, 4 days, a year, 5 days, a year, 6 days, a year, 7 days, a year, 8 days, a year,

    Like oil, like oil, like a sacrificial goat, like Ninimma, like a sacrificial goat, like Uttu, the woman who is a sacrificial goat, says to Nintur: "Uttu, I will speak to you, I will take my case to you, I will speak to you." My words, my ears, one man has been slain in the marshes, one man has been slain in the marshes, one man Enki has been slain in the marshes, one man ... ... ... ... Uttu, the woman who is a sacrificial goat ...

  • 2nd tablet of Sisidani.
  • He poured water, he poured water, he poured water into the mud-bricks, he poured water into the reed bed, he poured out a garden, and a reed bed, and he ... his neck, saying: "Why do you ... the garden?" Enki poured out a garden, but he ...

    The gardener should give the ukushu-offerings of the hashhur-plant and the wine to him. Uttu, in his happy heart, has abandoned the temple. Enki gave Uttu, the woman who ... the ukushu-offerings of her face, the female who ... the hashhur-offerings of her neck, the female who ... the wine to her face, the female who ... the beer of a large jar, Uttu, the woman who ... the ..., he has seized, he has seized Enki did not give Uttu, he has seized the breast, he has seized his body, he has seized his body,

    He smashed the flesh, he smashed the flesh, he smashed the breast, he smashed the breast, he smashed the breast, he smashed the breast, he smashed the breast, Enki, Uttu, he smashed the heart, he smashed the heart, Enki, 3rd time, Uttu, my beautiful woman, he smashed my neck, he smashed my breast, Ninhursag, he smashed my chest, he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my ..., he smashed my

    ... ... he brought. Amharu he brought. Enki brought the marsh. He brought him. He spoke to his minister Isimud. "May the ... of the plant be determined." "Why did he bring it to his minister Isimud?" "Why did he bring it to his minister Isimud?" "My king ...

    "I shall eat it, I shall eat it." "My king shall eat ashtaltal, I shall bur it, I shall eat it." "My king shall eat ..., I shall eat it." "My king shall eat a ... plant, I shall eat it." "Enki, the plant whose fate has been determined, has been determined there. Ninhursaga, the name of Enki, has been determined for me. "Its fate has been determined, and the en-na has been destroyed, I have been struck down." "The Anunas have been smashed with dirt." "It is the gate of Enlil."

    "I am Ninhursaga, I have been sated with her." Why did Enlil return my property to me? You are Ninhursaga, I have been sated with her. In my city, I have made 2 groves of ... a giddu-tree. May your name be spelled out in the grove. My hair is one, my hair is one, my hair is one." He has shaved his face one, he has set up a perfumer. ... ... ... ... ... to Nippur, Enlil ... to Ur, Nanna ... to Larsa, Utu .

    he went to Uruk. Inanna ... ... ... ... Ninhursaga ... ... ... Ninhursaga ... ... ... ... ... Ninhursaga ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he took away his garments from the Anuna gods, he swore a fate, he swore a fate, he swore a curse against Ninhursaga, Enki ... ... ... My brother, what is your fate? My oath has been seized, my oath has been seized.

    My brother, where is it? My hair is a sag, my hair is a sag Ninsikila. My brother, where is it? My limbs are a sag Ningiritu. My brother, where is it? My mouth is a sag, Ninkasi. My brother, where is it? My zi-gu is a sag, Nazi. My brother, where is it? My limbs are a sag, Dazimua. My brother, where is it? My limbs are a sag, Ninti. My brother, where is it? My ti is a sag, Ninti.

    Ensag he swore, and he was sworn by the dilmun-demon. The thing that is to be sworn, the king should eat grass. Ninsikila, the lord of Magan, should eat. Ningiridu, Ninazu should have sworn. Ninkasi, the thing that is to be sated, should swore. Nazi, the umundar, should swore. Dazimu should have sworn. Ningeshzida should have sworn. Ninti, the lady, should swore. Ensag, the lord of Dilmun, should swore. Enki should be glorified.

    P469515: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    u4 re-a-ta u4 an ki-bi-ta ba-an-dim2-ma-ba ge6 re-a-ta ge6 an ki-bi-ta ba-an-dim2-ma-ba mu re-a-ta mu nam ba-tar-ra-ba da-nun-na-ke4-ne ba-tu-u4-da-a-ba (d)ama-(d)inanna nam-|_nir-pa_|-sze3 ba-tuku-a-ba (d)ama-(d)inanna an ki-a ba-hal-hal-la-a-ba (d)ama-(d)inanna [...] ba-a-pesz u3-tu-da-a-ba dingir kurum6-ma-bi A x x unu2?-bi-sze3 ba-ab-kesz2-a-ba dingir szar2-szar2 kin-ga2 al-sug2-ge-esz dingir tur-tur du2-lum im-il2-il2-e-ne dingir i7 im dun-dun-u3-ne sahar-bi ha-ra-li im-dub-dub-be2-ne

    dingir im ar3-ar3-re-ne zi-bi inim am3-ma-gar-re-ne u4-ba gesztu2 dagal mud dingir szar2-szar2 gal2-gal2 (d)en-ki-ke4 engur buru3 a-sur-ra ki dingir na-me sza3-bi u6 nu-um-me ki-nu2-ni i3-nu2 u3 ku nu-um-zi-zi dingir er2-ra im-pad-pad-ne a-nir gal2 i3-ak im-me-ne lu2 ku-ra i3-nu2-a-ra ki-nu2-bi nu-um-zi-zi-ra (d)namma-ke4 ama igi-du u3-tu dingir szar2-szar2-ra-ke4-ne er2-ra dingir-re-e-ne dumu-ni-ir ba-szi-in-de6 x mu-un-szi-nu2-u3-nam u3 mu-un-szi-ku-ku-na-nam x _te_ ba [...] nu-mu-un-zi-zi

    dim3-me2-er szu dim2-dim2-ma-zu x gu2?-bi im-tu10-tu10-ne du5-mu-gu10 ki-nu2-zu zi-ga i-bi2 ma-al-la-zu-ta na-ag2-ku3-zu u3-mu-e-kin-ga2 kin-se3 dim3-me2-er-e-ne-ke4 u3-mu-e-dim2 du2-lum-bi ha-ba-tu-lu-ne (d)en-ki-ke4 inim ama-na (d)namma-ke4 ki-nu2-na ba-ta-zi hal-an-ku3 nigin2 sza3 kusz2-u3-da-na hasz im-mi-ni-ra gesztu2 gizzal en3 tar [...] nam-ku3-zu mud me-dim2 nig2-nam-ma _sig7_-_en sig7_-_hi_ im-ta-an-e3 (d)en-ki-ke4 a2-ni ba-szi-in-de6 gesztu2 i3-ni10-ni10-e

    (d)en-ki-ke4 mud me-dim2 ni2-te-a-na sza3-bi gesztu2-ta u3-mu-ni-de5-ge ama-ni (d)namma-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e ama-gu10 mud mu-gar-ra-zu i3-gal2-la-am3 zub-sag3 dingir-re-e-ne kesz2-i3 sza3 im ugu abzu-ka u3-mu-e-ni-in-szar2 _sig7_-_en sig7_-_hi_ im mu-e-kir3-kir3-re-ne za-e me-dim2 u3-mu-e-ni-gal2 (d)nin-mah-e an-ta-zu he2-ak-e (d)nin-imma3 (d)szu-zi-an-na (d)nin-ma-da (d)nin-bara2 (d)nin-mug (d)_sar_-_sar_-_gab_ (d)nin-gun3-na tu-tu-a-zu ha-ra-gub-bu-ne ama-gu10 za-e nam-bi u3-mu-e-tar (d)nin-mah zub-sag3-bi he2-kesz2

    [...] i3-du3 nam-lu2-ulu3 [...] [...]-ke4? nam-lu2-ulu3 am3-ma-[...] [...] _ha_? sag-e sag am3-ma-[...] [...] dim2-zu unu6 _ri_-zu ga-a-am3 [...] _sar_-e gesz-nu11 mi-ni-in-il2 nam-lu2?-ulu3 [...] [...] sag2 numun2-e mi-ni-in-ri u3-tu na-bi mu-de5 (d)en-ki-ke4 kin ni10-ni10-da x mi-ni-in-la2 sza3-bi ba-hul2 ama-ni (d)namma (d)nin-mah-sze3 geszbun na-am3-ma-ni-in-gar gu2 _sig7_-_en sig7_-_hi_ nun-ne-ke4 nam-tar gi sag ninda i-im-gu7-e an-e (d)en-lil2-bi en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e masz ku3 i-im-sze6-sze6

    dingir szar2-szar2-ra-ke4-e-ne ka tar i-im-si-il-le-ne en gesztu2 dagal-la a-ba-a gesztu2 i3-de5-ge en gal (d)en-ki-ke4 nig2 ak-ak-zu-sze3 a-ba-a i3-se3-ge a-a tu-da-gin7 me nam tar-tar-ra me za-e al-me-en-na (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-mah-e kasz im-na8-na8-ne sza3-bi ul mu-un-te (d)nin-mah-e (d)en-ki-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e me-dim2 na-ag2-lu2-ulu3-ta sa6-ge hul ma-al-la-a-kam ki sza3 gi4-a-gu10 na-ag2-tar bi2-ib-se3-ge bi2-ib-hul-e (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-mah-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    nam-tar sza3-ge de6-a-zu sa6-ge hul ma-al ga-am3-szi-ib2-la2 (d)nin-mah-e im ugu abzu-a szu-ni mu-ni-in-ti lu2 gi szu szu2-szu2 sa2-sa2-de3 nu-gam lu2-u3 am3-ma-ni-in-dim2 (d)en-ki-ke4 lu2 gi szu szu2-szu2 sa2-sa2-de3 nu-gam igi du8-a-ni-ta nam-bi i-ni-in-tar sag lugal-la-ke4 am3-ma-ni-in-gub gi4-bi gesz-nu11 gi4-gi4 lu2 u6-e am3-ma-ni-in-dim2 (d)en-ki-ke4 gesz-nu11 gi4-gi4 lu2 u6-e igi du8-a-ni-ta nam-bi i-ni-in-tar nam-nar mi-ni-in-ba x gal uszumgal-la igi lugal-la-ke4 am3-ma-ni-in-gub

    pesz-bi giri3 2(disz) hum giri3 dab5-ba-a am3-ma-ni-in-dim2 (d)en-ki-ke4 giri3 2(disz) hum giri3 dab5-ba igi du8-a-ni-ta kin [...] ku3-babbar-dim2 me-lam2-ma-ni am3-ma-ni-in-x pesz-gi lu2 a sur-sur-ra am3-ma-ni-dim2 (d)en-ki-ke4 lu2 a sur-sur-ra igi du8-a-ni-ta a mu7-mu7 mi-ni-in-tu5 nam-tar su-bi am3-ma-ni-in-zi pesz-pesz-gi munus nu-u3-tu am3-ma-ni-in-dim2 (d)en-ki-ke4 munus nu-u3-tu igi du8-a-ni-ta nam-bi mi-ni-in-tar e2-mi2-a-ke4 am3-ma-ni-in-du3 pesz-bala-gi lu2 su-ba gesz3 nu-gar gal4-la nu-gar am3-ma-ni-dim2

    (d)en-ki-ke4 lu2 su-ba gesz3 nu-gar gal4-la nu-gar igi du8-a-ni-ta (d)nibru(ki) tiru?-e mu-e mu-ni-in-sa4-a igi lugal-la-ke4 gub-bu-de3 nam-bi a-ma-ni-in-tar (d)nin-mah-e im nigin2 szu-na ki-a mu-un-szub lul-asz lib mu-un-gar en gal (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-mah-a-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e lu2 szu dim2-ma-zu-sze3 nam-bi i-ni-in-tar ninda i-ni-in-szum2 ge26-e ga-na ga-mu-ra-ab-dim2 za-e u3-tu-bi nam-bi tar-ra-ab (d)en-ki-ke4 me-dim2 sag-ga2 x-ga? ka sza3-ba a-ma-ni-dim2 (d)nin-mah-a-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e

    a gesz3 ak sza3 munus-a-ka ri-a (d)nin-mah [...] u3-tu-bi-sze3 am3-mi-ni-gub munus-bi u4-bi [...] ga asz x _ka_ sza3-ba i-in-szub (d)nin-mah [...] i3-si-ig gi4-bi u4-mu-ul a-za-ad-bi gig-ga ki nam-x-bi gig-ga igi-bi gig-ga gu2-bi gig-ga zi til-til ti sur-sur mur gig-ga sza3 gig-ga lipisz gig-ga szu-bi a-za-ad la2-la2 ka-bi-sze3 ninda nu-gar murgu2 sag-du ze2-re za3-sze sur giri3 sur-sur a-gar3 nu-_du_ am3-ma-ni-in-dim2 (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-mah-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e lu2 szu dim2-ma-zu nam i-ni-in-tar ninda mi-ni-szum2

    za-e lu2 szu dim2-gu10-usz nam-bi tar-ra-ab ninda he2-[...]-szum2 (d)nin-mah-e u4-mu-ul igi du8-a-ni-ta e-ne-sze3 ba-e-gi4 u4-mu-ul mu-na-te en3 mu-na-tar-tar-re du11-ga nu-zu-e ninda gu7-a-ni-sze3 mu-na-ab-de6 szu nu-mu-na-da-gid2-de3 (gesz)gur8-u6 sza3? nu-mu-na-nu2 nu-mu-da-an-gal2-gal2 gub nu-mu-da-tusz nu-mu-da-nu2 e2 nu-mu-da-x ninda nu-mu-da-gu7 (d)nin-mah-e (d)en-ki-ra inim-ma mu-[...]-gi4-gi4 lu2 szu dim2-ma-zu lu2 ti-la in-nu lu2 ug5-ga in-nu il2-bi nu-mu-da (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-mah-e mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    lu2 gi szu sig-ra nam mi-ni-tar ninda mi-ni-in-szum2 lu2 gesz-nu11 gi4-gi4-ra nam mi-ni-tar ninda mi-ni-in-szum2 lu2 giri3 hum dab5-ra nam mi-ni-tar ninda mi-ni-in-szum2 lu2 a sur-sur-ra nam mi-ni-tar ninda mi-ni-in-szum2 munus nu-u3-tu-ra nam mi-ni-tar ninda mi-ni-in-szum2 lu2 su-ba gesz3 nu-gar gal4-la nu-gar-ra nam mi-ni-tar ninda mi-ni-in-szum2 nin9-gu10 [...] [...] A [...] (d)nin-mah-e (d)en-ki-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ag2-ga2 [...] ag2-ga2 [...] ma A [...] ag2-ga2 [...] ag2-ga2 [...] ag2-ga2 x [...] [...] [...]

    [...] x x _du_ [...] [...] _ni du_ ag2 _tag_-sze3 mu-ni-in-ku4-re a2-sze3 an nu-mu-e-tusz ki nu-mu-e-tusz i-bi2 il2-la-zu ka-na-ag2-ga2 nu-e3-en ki za-e nu-tusz-en e2-gu10 du3-a inim-zu mu nu-tuku ki za-e nu-ti-en iri-gu10 du3-a nig2-gu10 lib ba-si-ge-en iri-gu10 gel-le-eg3-ga2 e2-gu10 gul-la du5-mu-gu10 lu2-kar-ra-gen e2-kur-ta e3-gen u4 me-e nig2-gu10 szu-zu-ta szu la-ba-ra-e3 (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)nin-mah-ra mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 inim ka-zu e3-a a-ba-a i3-kur2-re u4-mu-ul x _tu_ dab5-ba ur2-zu-ta szu gal2-ab-ta

    (d)nin-mah? kin-ga2-zu he2-bi2-la2-la2 szu nu-du7 ma-dab5 a-ba-am3 sag mu-un-ga2-ga2 lu2 me?-dim2?-gu10 egir-zu-sze3 tuku-a ka-bi szu he2-bi2-gal2 u4-da gesz3-gu10 me-tesz2 ha-ba-i-i gesztu2 de5-ge-zu he2-gal2 enkum ninkum u4 x giri3 szub-szub gu2 nam-bi-[...] ka tar-zu he2-si-il-le-ne nin9-gu10 a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 [...] _du_ szir3 [...] nam-dub? [...] dingir gesz tuku-a-bi u4-mu-ul du3? [...] e2-gu10 he2-ak-e (d)nin-mah-e en gal (d)en-ki-ke4 za3 nu-mu-ni-in-sza4 a-a (d)en-ki za3-mi2-zu du10-ga

    AI Translation

    After the storm had come, after the storm had brought heaven and earth, after the storm had brought heaven and earth, after the storm had brought a name, after the storm had brought the name, after the daises had brought them, after Ama-Inanna had seized the scepter, after Ama-Inanna had destroyed the heaven and earth, after Ama-Inanna had ..., after the storm had brought the gods of the cult centers to ..., after the gods of the sacrificial work had been performed, the gods of the small gods had been gathered together, the gods of the canals had been gathered together, their soil had been heaped up,

    The gods who uttered prayers and uttered prayers, at that time, broad wisdom, blood of the great gods, Enki, the harvester of the watercourse, the place of the gods, whose heart was not swollen, whose bed was not swollen, and whose robe was not swollen, the gods who had sinned against him, whose robe was not swollen, and who had sinned against him, who had sinned against him, who had sinned against him, and whose bed was not swollen, Namma, the mother who had seen the swollen gods, swore against them, and ... he swore against them, and ... he swore against them.

    Your ..., your ..., ..., ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., you ..., they ..., they ..., their ..., they ..., Enki, the words of his mother and Namma, in his ..., they ...

    Enki, the mud, his snare, he smote. His mother, Namma, he spoke to him. My mother, the mud, your snare, is there. The snares of the gods are there. They are the ones who bind the mud on the abzu. They are the ones who bind the mud on the abzu. They are the ones who bind the mud. Ninmah, may she be your snare. May Ninimma, Shuziana, Ninmada, Ninbara, Ninmug, Sarsar-gab, and Ninguna, may they stand at your side. My mother, may she determine its fate. Ninmah, may she be its snare.

    ... the one who knows the fate of the people ... ... the one who knows the fate of the people ... ... ... your ..., your ..., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his mother Namma and Ninmah ... ... ... ... the princely ...

    The great gods uttered a sigh of awe. The great lord Enki listened to the wisdom of the father. The lord of the king, Enki, he spoke to you about everything. Like a father, you know the divine powers and divine powers. Enki and Ninmah poured beer on them. They spoke to Ninmah, Enki, and they said to him: "From the divine powers of the lands, the good ones, the evil ones, my ruler, they destroyed the places of my heart. Enki and Ninmah returned to their own.

    "Your fate, your heart's desire, I shall make your evil deeds shine forth." Ninmah poured out a shura-offering on the Abzu. "A man who a reed hand has seized, does not ..., does not ..., does not ..., does Enki, a man who a reed hand has seized, does not ..., before him he set it. His head of king he set it. His head of king he set it. His head of king he set it. His head of king he set it. His head of king he set it. The man who a reed hand has seized, does not ..., and the singer he set it. The great ... before the king he set it.

    Its pegs, with 2 hum drums, seized, he made. Enki, with 2 hum drums, seized, before him he made a work. ... silver, his aura he made. The pegs, the man who drank water, he made. Enki, the man who drank water, before him he made a watering hole. He poured out a fate of its sashes. The pegs, the woman who had not drank water, he made a fate of hers. Enki, the woman who had not drank water, before him he made a fate of hers. The Emia he built. The pegs, the man who drank water, did not place a tree, he made a tree.

    Enki, the man who does not place a scepter on the neck, does not place a scepter on the neck. From his womb Nibru he made a reed fence?. Before the king he stood, and he spoke to him about it. Ninmah he smashed a smeared smeared clay on the ground. He shook his heart, saying: "Great lord Enki, to Ninmah, he spoke to him. The man who swore to you, he spoke to you, and he gave you food. I shall make you eat! You are the one who has given birth to it, and he will speak to you about it. Enki, a me-dim ... in the midst, he spoke to him.

    Ninmah ... ... he set up there. Its woman, its days ... ... he smashed there. Ninmah ... ... he smashed. Its reeds are long. Its azaid-ba is bitter, its ... is bitter, its eyes are bitter, its neck is bitter, its ... is bitter, its lungs are bitter, its lungs are bitter, its hands are bitter, its azaid-ba is bitter, its ... is not placed in bread, its head is swollen, its ... is a ..., a

    You, the one who has a hand, decides my fate, and gives me food, may Ninmah, when he sees him, say to him: "When he sees him, he speaks, and he does not speak, but he eats his food. He does not have hands, he does not have a gurgur-tool, he does not have a ..., he does not eat his food. Ninmah, Enki, has ... his words. A person who has a mind, a person who has a life, a person who has a sin, Enki has not ... Ninmah

    The man who a reed basket with a sling a fate, and gave bread to him. The man who a reed basket with a reed basket a fate, and gave bread to him. The man who a sling with a sling a fate, and gave bread to him. The man who a sling with a sling a fate, and gave bread to him. The woman who has not shaved a fate, and gave bread to him, and gave bread to him. My sister ... ... ... Ninmah, Enki, uttered a curse ...

    ... ... ... ... he entered. At the place where An did not dwell, where he did not dwell, he did not dwell. He did not dwell, he did not dwell. My house was built, your word was not good, you were not living. My city was built, my property was destroyed. My city was ruined, my son was a lu-kara-demon. He came out from the Ekur. The storm, when my possessions were not seized, Enki sent Ninmah. He changed your word. The storm, when ..., when you were seized,

    May Ninmah? be your work. May she not be squandered by the ... of the satrap? My ..., after you, may it be your mouth. May my ... be your mouth. May my ... be your ears. May ... be your ears. May ... be your ears. May my sister, the one who ... the ... of heroism, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... May the god who has a mind, ..., ... my house. Ninmah, the great lord Enki, did not give you praise. Father Enki, your praise is sweet.

    P469516: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en mah-di an ki nir-gal2 ni2-te-na a-a (d)en-ki gu4-dam a ri-a am gal-e tu-da mi2 du11-ga kur gal (d)en-lil2-le ki ag2 an ku3-ga lugal (gesz)mesz3 abzu-a du3-a kur-kur-ta il2-la uszumgal mah eridu(ki)-ga gub-ba gissu-bi an ki-a dul-la (gesz)tir (gesz)gesztin-na kalam-ma la2-a (d)en-ki en he2-gal2-la (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne (d)nu-dim2-mud pesz10-gal2 e2-kur-ra gaba-gal2 an ki-a e2-zu mah abzu-ta si-ga dim gal an ki-a (d)en-ki igi 1(disz) il2-la-ni kur-sza3-ge di-di alim u3-tu lu-lim u3-tu-da

    x sza3-tum2-ma si-du11-ga sza3 hur-sag-ga2-ka x x sig7-ga-ba lu2 nu-ku4-ku4-da sza3 kalam-ma gi hal-hal-la-gin7 igi-zu im-szi-gal2 u4 szid-e iti e2-ba ku4-ku4 mu szu du7-du7-da mu szu du7 ukken-e esz-bar szum2-mu-da esz-bar kin u4-da si sa2-sa2-e-da a-a (d)en-ki ug3 sag si-a-ba lugal-bi za-e-me-en ka ba-a-zu nig2 im-lu-lu he2-gal2 ki bi2-ib-us2 pa-zu gu gurun-ba sig7-ga gada ha-ad-e du7-a x dingir-re-e-ne-ka me-te-asz im-mi-ib2-gal2 x x gesz (gesz)tir-ba du3-a (tug2)zulumhi-e na-nam

    u8 zi sila4 zi na-su8-e me-te-asz im-mi-ib2-gal2 x x _gan2_ zi-da x [...] um-mi-in-ra [...] guru7-du6 guru7-masz-e gu2 im-da-gur-re x x x i3 na-nam ga na-nam tur3 amasz-e nam-de6 sipa-de3 i-lu-lam-ma-na du10-ge-esz im-mi-ib-be2 unu3-de3 dun5-dun5 (dug)szakir-ra-ka-na u4 im-di-ni-ib-zal-e kin-sig unu2 gal dingir-re-e-ne-ka me-te-asz im-mi-ib-gal2 inim-zu gurusz-e usu-ni-gin7 sza3-ga mu-ni-gal2 gu4 a2 gur-ra-gin7 kisal-a mu-un-du7-du7 inim-zu ki-sikil-e hi-li-a-ni-gin7 sag-ga2 mu-ni-in-gal2

    iri(ki) gar-gar-ra-bi ug3-e u6 mu-e x x x se3-ga-am3 kaskal-e am3-ra x x x |_dag_-(_kisim5_xAB2)| du3-a a2-bi na-su3-e en-en-e-ne bara2-bara2-ge2-e-ne sza3-bi hul2-hul2-la-da silim di-e-de3 za-a-da kur gal (d)en-lil2-le a2 mu-un-da-an-ag2 (d)en-ki en he2-gal2-la en gesztu2-ga en an-ne2 ki ag2 he2-du7 eridu(ki)-ga du11-ga esz-bar ki-bi-sze3 gar nam tar-re gal-zu x x u4-de3 sag ba-ab-gi4 iti e2-ba ba-an-ku4 [...] ba-e-a-e11-de3 szid-bi sa2 ba-ab-du11 [...] ug3 ki-tusz-ba bi2-in-tusz

    [...] x szu du7-a [...] su na ba-an-gi4 [...] e _tar_ (gesz)tukul e2-ba bi2-in-gi4 [...] x x en ug3 ki-tusz-ba bi2-in-ge-en a-a (d)en-ki ug3 numun-a e3-ni numun zi he2-i-i (d)nu-dim2-mud u8 zi _ga2_ e3-ni sila4 zi he2-u3-tu ab2 numun e3-ni amar zi he2-u3-tu ud5 zi _ga2_ e3-ni masz2 zi he2-u3-tu gan2-ne2 _gan2_ zi _ga2_ u3-un-e3-en guru7-du6 guru7-masz-e an-edin-na gu2 hu-mu-un-gur-gur-re kalam-ma ki tab-ba-a u3-ba-e3?-en [...] [...]-a-ni [...] (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 ni2 gal na-kur-ku silim zi-de3-esz na-e

    a-a-gu10 lugal an ki-ke4 an ki-a pa e3 ma-ni-in-ak pap-gu10 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 me mu-un-ur4-ur4 me szu-gu10-sze3 mu-un-gar e2-kur-re e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ta abzu eridu(ki)-gu10-sze3 nam-galam mu-de6 a zi am gal-e ri-a-me-en dumu-sag an-na-me-en u4 gal ki gal-la e3-a-me-en en gal kalam-me-en gu2-gal bara2-bara2-ge2-ne-me-en a-a kur-kur-ra-me-en szesz-gal dingir-re-e-ne-me-en he2-gal2 szu du7-me-en kiszib3-gal2 an ki-bi-da-me-en gesztu2 gizzal kur-kur-ra-me-en an lugal-da bara2 an-na-ka di si sa2-e-me-en

    (d)en-lil2-da kur-ra igi gal2-la-ka nam du10 tar-ra-me-en nam tar-ra ki u4 e3-a-ke4 szu-ga2 mu-un-gal2 (d)nin-tu-re mi2 zi du11-ga-me-en (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu du10 sa4-a-me-en igi-du (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne-me-en u3-tu-da dumu-sag an ku3-ga-me-en en-e nam-mah mu-un-du-a-ta nun gal-e ni2-te-ni za3-mi2 mi-ni-in-du11-ga-ta (d)a-nun-na szudu3 a-ra-zu-a szi-im-ma-an-sug2-sug2-ge-esz en nam-galam-ma giri3 gub-ba esz-bar kin-ga2 za3-mi2 du11-ga (d)en-ki za3-mi2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 nam gal hul2-la-da
  • (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 ni2 gal na-kur-ku silim zi-de3-esz na-e en-me-en du11-ga zi-da-me-en sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-me-en du11-ga-gu10 tur3 im-szi-du3-du3 amasz im-szi-nigin2-nigin2 an-e um-ma-te im he2-gal2-la an-ta szeg3-ga2 ki-e um-ma-te a-esztub u3-ba gal2-la-am3 a-gar3 sig7-sig7-ga-bi um-ma-te inim-gu10-ta guru7-du6 guru7-masz-e gu2 im-da-gur-re e2-gu10 esz3 ki sikil-la bi2-du3 mu du10-ga bi2-sa4 abzu-gu10 esz3 _ka_-a bi2-du3 nam du10-ga bi2-tar e2-gu10 gissu-bi ambar musz-a i-ni-in-la2

    e2-gu10 suhur(ku6)-e u2-lal3-e sun4 im-szi-su3-e esztub(ku6) gi-zi di4-di4-la2 kun mu-na-su3-e buru5(muszen) gud3-ba szeg11 mu-da-an-gi4-gi4 en _ab_ [...] gesz ma-an-la2-esz (d)en-ki-me-en za3-mi2-ga2 szi-im-ma-sug2-sug2-ge-esz abgal abrig lu2 igi x [...] |_a-zi&zi_|(sar) u4? su3-ra2-ga2 szi-im-ma-an-sug2-sug2-ge-esz enkum ninkum-e-ne szu si sza-ma-an-sa2-e-esz i7 sza-ma-ab-ku3 esz3 sza3-ga sza-ma-ab-la2 abzu-ga2 szir3 ku3 nam-szub ma-an-la2 ma2-gur8-gu10 men dara3 abzu sza3-ba hul2-hul2-la sza-ma-ni-ib-de6

    ambar mah ki sza3-ge pa3-da-ga2 a2-bi sza-ma-an-su3-e gu2 sza-ma-an-mar-mar-e gu3 ra-e-ne (gesz)gisal szu sza-ma-an-du7-usz szir3 sza-ma-ab-du10-ge-ne i7 sza-ma-ab-hul2-le-ne (d)nimgir-sig7 ensi2 (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 gidru ku3-sig17 szu sza-ma-ab-du8 (d)en-ki-me-en ma2 dara3 abzu-ga2 a2 sza-ma-ni-ib-ag2-e en-me-en ge26-e ga-gen (d)en-ki-me-en kalam-ga2-asz ga-an-e3 en nam tar-tar-re-gu10 ge26-e ga-am3-[...] [...] ra ga-an-[...] [...] x-e u6-e ga-am3-[...] [...] x x ma-ab-szum2 he2-gu7-e

    (gesz)erin sig7-sig7-ga-bi u6 ga-am3-du11 kur me-luh-ha(ki) ma2-gan(ki) dilmun(ki)-bi (d)en-ki-me-en igi he2-em-da-a-du8 (gesz)ma2 dilmun(ki)-na gesz he2-en-du3 (gesz)ma2 ma2-gan(ki)-na an-za3 he2-en-la2 (gesz)ma2-gi4-lum me-luh-ha(ki)-a-ke4 ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar bala-sze3 he2-ak-e (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ra nibru(ki)-sze3 he2-na-ab-tum2 iri nu-tuku-ra e2 nu-tuku-ra mar-tu masz2-ansze sa12-e-esz mu-ni-rig7 nun gal kalam-ma-na e3-a-ra (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne mi2 zi mu-un-ne-ne en me gal me sikil-la u5-a

    me gal me szar2-ra giri3 gub-ba an ki nig2-dagal-ba za3 sza4-a eridu(ki) ki ku3 ki kal-kal-la-asz me mah szu ti-a (d)en-ki en an ki za3-mi2 nun gal kalam-ma-na e3-a-ra en-en-e-ne bara2-bara2-ge2-ne ka-mu7-gal2 eridu(ki)-ga-ke4-ne sza3-gada-la2 ki-en-gi-ra-ke4-ne nam-iszib abzu mu-na-ab-be2-ne a-a (d)en-ki ki ku3 ki kal-la giri3 im-mi-ib-gub-bu-ne dag agrun-na in-[...]-ge-ne ki-gub-ba mu [...]-sa4-e-ne esz3 mah abzu [...]-sikil-e-ne sza3-ba li an-na u2 sikil-la im-mi-ib2-e3-ne

    x x ku3 ki-en-_du_ mah [...] (d)en-ki-ka-ke4 si im-sa2-e-ne kun-sag eridu(ki)-ga kar du10-ga im-mi-ib2-galam-e-ne dara3 abzu kar du10 kar mah im-mi-ib-dub-e-ne uz-ga ku3 mu-na-ga2-ga2-ne a-ra-zu-a-ra-zu mu-na-ab-be2-ne [...]-ne [...]-ne [...]-ne [...] x [...] (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra [...] x a-ge6 uru16 [...]-ga2? (d)en-ki-ra A x [...] _du_ a-da-min3-na mu-na-ab-sag3-ge suhur-masz(ku6)-e u2-lal3-e sun4 mu-na-su3-e nun gal-ra 2(disz)-kam-ma a-da-min3 mu-na-e esztub(ku6)-e gi-zi di4-di4-la2-bi kun mu-na-su3-e

    urin gal abzu-ta si-ga an-dul3-e-esz ak-e gissu-bi ki-szar2-ra la2-a ug3-e ni2 te-en-ten us2-sag dimgul ambar musz-a du3-a kur-kur-ta il2-la en ensi2 gal abzu-ke4 dara3 abzu-ka a2 sza-mu-un-ag2-e mesz3 abzu-ta sze-er-ka-an du11-ga eridu(ki) ki ku3 ki kal-kal-la-asz me mah szu ti-a nu-banda3 mah kur-ra dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 gi-musz ku3-ga szu im-mi-in-du8 ur-sag abzu-sze3 sag im-mi-ib-il2-il2-e [...] x x [...] [...] [...] an [...] lu2 [...] _en_ [...] (d)sirsir [...] ma2-lah5 (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra-ke4

    (d)nimgir-sig7 ensi2 ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 en-ra gidru ku3 szu sza-ma-ab-du8 la-ha-ma engur-ra 5(u)-bi mi2 zi mu-un-ne-ne gu3 ra-e-ne gam4-gam(muszen) an-na-gin7 [...] lugal u3-na gub a-a (d)en-ki kalam-ma [...] nun gal kalam-ma e3-a-ra he2-gal2 an ki-a pa e3 mu-na-ab-ak (d)en-ki-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re ki-en-gi kur gal ma-da an ki sze-er-zi gur3-ru u4 e3-ta u4 szu-usz ug3-e me szum2-mu me-zu me mah szu nu-tu-tu sza3-zu galam kad5 lu2 nu-pa3-de3 umun2 zi ki dingir u3-tu-za an-gin7 szu nu-te-ge26

    en u3-tu sag-men ga2-ga2 en-zu en idim an lugal-da bara2 an-na i-im-tusz lugal-zu kur gal a-a (d)en-lil2 (gesz)erin-gin7 szar2 du11-ge sza-mu-ra-an-gi16-ib a-a kur-kur-ra-ke4 (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne sza3-za ki-ur3-ra szu ba-ni-in-ti-esz gi-gun4-na gesz dili gesz dili-za u2 mi-ni-ib-sug4-sug4-ne e2 ki-en-gi tur3-zu he2-du3-du3 ab2-zu he2-lu-lu amasz-zu he2-gar-gar udu-zu he2-szar2-szar2 gi-gun4-na-zu an-ne2 he2-em-us2 e2 zi-zu szu an-sze3 he2-em-il2

    esz3 uri2(ki)-e nam-mi-ib-dib (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re iri me-te-gal2-la a tu5-tu5 gu4 silim-ma gub-ba bara2 nam-he2 kur-ra du10 ba9-re6 hur-sag-gin7 il2-la (gesz)tir ha-szu-ur2-ra gissu dagal-la ne3-ni-ta nir-gal2 me szu du7-a-zu si he2-em-sa2 kur gal (d)en-lil2-le an ki-a mu mah-zu mi-ni-in-pa3 iri nam tar-ra (d)en-ki-ka3-me-en esz3 uri2(ki) gu2 an-sze3 he2-zi kur me-luh-ha(ki) nam-mi-ib2-dib (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nam nam-mi-ib2-tar-re

    kur ge6 gesz-zu gesz gal he2-em (gesz)tir-zu mesz3 kur-ra he2-em (gesz)gu-za-bi e2-gal lugal-la-ke4 me-te he2-em-mi-ib-gal2 gi-zu gi gal he2-em gi [...] he2-em ur-sag-e ki me3-ka (gesz)tukul [...] gu4-zu gu4 gal he2-em gu4 kur-ra he2-em gu3-bi gu3 am kur-ra-ka he2-em me gal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 szu he2-em-mi-du7 dar(muszen)-dar(muszen) kur-ra sun4 (na4)gug he2-em-la2 muszen-zu (d)ha-ia3(muszen) he2-em mu7-mu7-bi e2-gal lugal-la-ka me-te he2-em-mi-ib-gal2 ku3-zu ku3-sig17 he2-em uruda-zu nagga zabar-ra he2-em

    kur nig2-nam-zu he2-gal2 he2-em nam-lu2-ulu3-zu he2-x [...] nita2-zu nita2 tab-ba-ni-ir gu4-gin7 he2-en-e3-de3 x x ki A iri(ki) _an_ x-na-ke4 x x _tu_-gin7 _har_ ba-an-ak kur dilmun(ki)-na mu-un-sikil mu-un-dadag (d)nin-sikil-la za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub x x x esz3 agargara-sze3 ba-an-szum2 ku6 x _bi_ i3-gu7-e (gesz)nimbar _gan2_ zi-sze3 ba-an-szum2 zu2-lum-bi i3-gu7-e x x elam(ki) mar-ha-szi(ki) [...] |_ha-ib_|-gin7 tesz2-bi gu7-u3-dam lugal (d)en-lil2-le a2 szum2-ma e2-bi mu-un-hul bad3-bi mu-un-gul

    ku3 (na4)za-gin3-bi e2 nig2-gur11-bi (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ra nibru(ki)-sze3 he2-na-ab-tum2 iri nu-tuku e2 nu-tuku-ra (d)en-ki-ke4 mar-tu masz2-ansze sa12-e-esz mu-ni-rig7 ki-bi-ta igi-ni gar-ra-ta a-a (d)en-ki (i7)buranun-na nam-mi-in-il2-a-ta gu4 du7-du7-gin7 u3-na mu-un-na-gub gesz3 im-zi-zi du10 im-nir-re (i7)idigna a zal-le im-ma-an-si szilam u2-numun-na amasz giri2-tab-ba amar-bi gu3 di-dam (i7)idigna gu4 du7-gin7 a2-na mu-na-ab-[...] gesz3 im-zi nig2-mussa nam-de6

    (i7)idigna am gal-gin7 sza3 im-hul2 u3-tu-ba mu-ni-[...] a nam-de6 a zal-le na-nam kurun2-bi na-du10-ge sze nam-de6 sze gu-nu na-nam ug3-e na-gu7-e e2-kur-re e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nig2 gal2-la nam-si (d)en-ki-da (d)en-lil2 mu-un-da-hul2 nibru(ki) giri17-zal-am3 en-e nam-en-sze3 suh mu-un-kesz2 nam-lugal-sze3 aga zi mu-un-ak a2 gab2-bu-na ki nam-mi-in-us2 he2-gal2 ki-ta mu-na-ra-gen zi-da-na gidru gal2-la-bi (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na tesz2 gu7-u3-da ka giri17-zal-ta kab2 di-da-bi

    en nam tar-ra (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 (d)en-bi2-lu-lu ku3-gal2 i7-da-ke4 (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub ambar-re gu3 ba-an-de2 |_suhur-hi_|(ku6) suhur(ku6) ba-an-szum2 gesz-gi gu3 ba-an-de2 gi sumun gi henbur ba-an-szum2 [...] [...] [...] a-da-min3 mu-ni-[...] sa-par4-ra-ni ku6 nu-e3 nig2-kesz2-da-ni u3-tu nu-e3 gu la2-a-na muszen nu-e3 |_ezen_xKU3|? lu2? a2 mah dumu ezem sur12?-a (d)har-sza lu2? ku6-e ki ag2-ga2 (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub en-e esz3 mu-un-gar esz3 ku3-ga-am3 sza3-bi galam kad5-am3

    a-ab-ba esz3 mu-un-gar esz3 ku3-ga-am3 sza3-bi galam kad5-am3 esz3 sza3-bi gu suh3-a nig2 lu2 nu-zu-a esz3 ki-gub-bi (mul)_gan2 du_-a esz3 ku3-ga igi-nim-ma gub-bi mul (gesz)gigir-sze3 i3-_du_ x ab hu-luh-ha i-zi zi-ga-am3 me-lam2-bi husz-a (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne sag nu-mu-un-ga2-ga2-ne sza3-be2-ne te-en-ten im-szi-ga2-ga2 e2-gal hul2-le-dam (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne szudu3 a-ra-zu-a szi-im-ma-sug2-sug2-ge-esz (d)en-ki-ra e2-engur-ra-ka bara2 mah? mu-na-ri-e-ne en-ra zal-le [...] x [...]

    u5(muszen) a-ab-ba bulug |_ka_xX| [...] esz3 nig2 du10 esz3 nig2 u3-tu [...] e2-kur-re e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nig2 gal2-la nam-si (d)en-ki-da (d)en-lil2 mu-hul2-hul2 nibru(ki) giri17-zal-am3 [...] x esz3 ku3-ga u5-a [...] e-ne su3-u4 di [...] gar-ra a-ge6 uru16 gal-la engur-ra-ke4 i-zi hu-luh-ha kur-ku ab-ba [...] x [...] zi-pa-ag2-ta e3 [...] x in-nin9 sirara2(ki)-a x x ku6 x (d)nansze a-ab-ba ki nig2-dagal-la-ba (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub szeg14 an-na-ka gu3 ba-an-de2 dungu dirig-ga-gin7 bi2-in-us2

    an-ur2-sze3 zi-ga [...] im-sar-re du6-du6 _gan2_-sze3 [...] i3-ga2-ga2 u4 gal-la u5-a nig2-gir2-da du7-du7 (gesz)si-gar ku3 an-sza3-ge gib-ba dumu an-na ku3-gal2 an ki-a (d)iszkur lu2 he-gal2 dumu an-na-ke4 (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub (gesz)apin (gesz)szudul2 erin2-bi si ba-an-sa2 nun gal (d)en-ki-ke4 gu4 si-par4 us2-a ba-an-szum2 ab-sin2 ku3-ge ka ba-an-du8 gan2-ne2 zi-de3 sze ba-an-mu2 en suh-gir11 he2-du7 an-edin-na a2-szita4 engar (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)en-ki-im-du lu2 e pa5-ra-ke4

    en-e _gan2_ zi-de3 gu3 ba-an-de2 sze gu-nu ba-an-szum2 (d)en-ki-ke4 gig-zid2 gu2-gal-la sa-zid2 ba-an-e3 sze-esztub sze gu-nu sze in-nu-ha-bi guru7-sze3 mu-un-dub-dub (d)en-ki-ke4 guru7-du6 guru7-masz-e im-ma-da-an-tab-tab (d)en-lil2-da ug3-e he2-gal2-la szu mu-un-di-ni-ib-pesz-e sag bar gun3-gun3 igi lal3 szu2-szu2 in-nin9 e-ne su3-u4 gal2 usu kalam-ma zi sag ge6-ga (d)ezina2 ninda du10 nig2 ki-szar2-ra-ke4 (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub nun gal-e (gesz)al-e sa bi2-in-se3 (gesz)u3-szub-ba si bi2-in-sa2

    agarin4-e i3-he-nun-na-gin7 gesz3 im-ma-an-du11 (gesz)al zu2 si-ga-ni musz ad6 gu7 nig2 szu gal2 (gesz)u3-szub gar-ra-ni zar gu2-nida u8-e si sa2-am3 (d)kulla lu2 szeg12-e kalam-ma _kam_ (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub gu mu-un-gar us2-e si bi2-in-sa2 a2 ukken-na-ka e2 bi2-in-gar szu-luh-e si bi2-in-sa2 nun gal-e usz ki nam-mi-in-tag szeg12 ki nam-mi-in-us2 usz ki tag-ga-ni nu-silig-ge e2 zi du3-a-ni nu-kar2-kar2-re nir-gam-ma-ni (d)tir-an-na-gin7 an-sza3-ge us2-sa

    (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub edin uru16-na men ku3 nam-mi-in-guru3 an-edin-na sun4 (na4)za-gin3 am3-la2 suh10 (na4)za-gin3 am3-kesz2 ki du10-ga u2-szim giri17-zal-am3 szu gal mu-un-du7-du7 masz2-ansze an-edin-na mi-ni-in-lu me-te-asz bi2-ib-gal2 szeg9 szeg9-bar u2-numun-na mu-un-lu e-ne su3-u4-bi mu-un-e ur-sag an-edin-na men-bi-im edin-na lugal-bi-im pirig gal an-edin-na a2-tuku gal? a2 mah (d)en-lil2-la2-kam (d)szakkan2 lugal hur-sag-ga2-ke4 (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub

    tur3 mu-un-du3 szu-luh-e si bi2-in-sa2 amasz mu-un-gar i3 gara2 sag bi2-in-szum2 ki ninda gu7 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 giri17-zal-la mi-ni-in-gi4 edin u2-szim-gin7 du3-a he2-gal2 sa2 bi2-in-du11 lugal u2-a zi e2-an-na gu5-li an-na mussax(|_munus-usz-dam_|) ki ag2 szul (d)suen-na dam ku3 (d)inanna in-nin9 nin me gal-gal-la-ke4 sila dagal-la kul-ab(ki)-ka e-ne su3-u4-bi du11-du11 (d)dumu-zi-(d)uszumgal-an-na gu5-li an-na-kam (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub e2-kur-re e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nig2 gal2-la nam-si

    (d)en-ki-da (d)en-lil2 mu-un-da-hul2 nibru(ki) giri17-zal-am3 in mu-un-dub bulug-ga mu-un-si-si (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne-er iri(ki)-a ki-ur3-ra sza-mu-un-di-ni-in-gar a-sza3-ga gan2-ne2 sza-mu-un-de3-ni-in-gar ur-sag gu4 ha-szu-ur2-ta e3-a gu3 husz de2-de2-e szul (d)utu gu4 silim-ma gub-ba u3-na silig gar-ra ad-da iri-gal ki u4 e3-a nimgir gal an ku3-ga di-ku5 ka-asz bar kin dingir-re-e-ne sun4 (na4)za-gin3 la2 an ku3-ga an-ur2-ta e3-a (d)utu dumu (d)nin-gal-e tu-da

    (d)en-ki-ke4 an ki nigin2-na-ba za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub mug mu-un-dun temen si bi2-in-sa2 (d)en-ki-ke4 nig2 nam-munus-a szu gal ba-ni-in-du7 (d)en-ki-ra ug3-e (tug2)|_sig2-zi&zi_|-a mu-un-da-an-[...]-e tesz2 e2-gal me-te lugal-la (d)uttu munus zi nig2-me-gar-ra (d)en-ki-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub u4-ba dili-ni garza2 tak4-am3 munus gal an-na-ke4 (d)inanna garza2 tak4-am3 (d)inanna a-a-ni (d)en-ki-ra e2-a ba-szi-in-ku4 er2 mu-na-sze8-sze8 di-bi nam-mu-na-ab-be2 (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne nam tar-tar-ra-bi

    (d)en-lil2-le szu-za ma-ra-ni-in-ge-en munus-me-en dili-gu10-ne a-na bi2-du11 ku3 (d)inanna-me-en mar-za-gu10 me-a da-ru-ru nin9 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 (d)nin-tu nin tu-tu-da szeg12 tu-tu ku3 nam-en-na-ni szu he2-em-ma-an-ti gi-dur ku5 im-ma-an ga-rasz(sar)-a-ni he2-em-ma-da-an-ri sila3-gar-ra (na4)za-gin3 duru5-ni szu he2-em-ma-an-ti a-la2 ku3 na de5-ga-ni szu he2-em-ma-da-an-ri sza3-zu kalam-ma he2-em lugal u3-tu en u3-tu-bi szu-ni-a he2-en-gal2 nin9 e-gu10 ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na-ke4

    unu2 szuba-a szu he2-em-ma-an-ti nu-gig an-na he2-em an-e he2-em-ma-gub kurku2-a he2-em-ma-ab-be2 nin9 e-gu10 ku3 (d)nin-mug-ke4 bulug ku3-sig17 ma-an-ga-ra ku3-babbar szu he2-em-ma-an-ti (na4)giri2-zu2-gal an-ta-sur-ra-ni he2-em-ma-da-an-ri tibira kalam-ma he2-em lugal u3-tu suh zi kesz2-de3 en u3-tu sag-men ga2-ga2 szu-na he2-en-gal2 nin9 e-gu10 ku3 (d)nisaba-ke4 gi-1(disz)-ninda szu he2-em-ma-an-ti esz2 za-gin3 a2-na ha-ba-an-la2 me gal-gal-e gu3 ha-ba-an-de2-e

    nag gu7 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 szu-ni-a he2-en-gal2 (d)nansze nin uru16-e u5(muszen) ku3-ga giri3-ni-sze3 ba-an-gub enku a-ab-ba-ka he2-em ku6 nig2 du10-du10 muszen nig2 ku7-ku7 a-a-ni (d)en-lil2-ra nibru(ki)-sze3 szu hu-mu-na-ra-gid2-i munus-me-en dili-gu10-ne a-na bi2-ak ku3 (d)inanna-me-en mar-za-gu10 me-a (d)en-ki-ke4 dumu-ni ku3 (d)inanna-ra mu-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4 a-na a-ra-an-la2 in-nin9 a-na a-ra-an-la2 a-na a-ra-ab-tah-e-de3-en ki-sikil (d)inanna a-na a-ra-an-la2 a-na a-ra-ab-tah-e-de3-en

    munus gu3? sa6-ge gu3 ha-ba-e-de2 a2-bi-sze3? ha-ba-e-re-a-e11 a2 ur-sag-ba tug2 he2-em-mi-dul za3 zi-da-bi za3 gab2-bu-bi szu bala he2-ba-e-ni-in-ak tug2 a2 munus-a he2-em-mi-mur10 eme munus-a ka-ba ha-ba-e-ni-gar (gesz)bala (gesz)kirid szu-sze3 he2-em-mi-szum2 munus sze-er-ka-an-bi? x-sze3? ha-ba-e-ri-a-du11 eszgiri2 szibir (gesz)ma-nu nam-sipa-da za3-ba he2-em-de3-gub ki-sikil (d)inanna a-na-ra-la2 a-na-ra-ab-tah-e-en-de3-en me3 szen-szen-na inim-gar-ra-ba inim ti-a he2-ne-de3-en

    murub4-ba a12-ra2-bu(muszen) nu-me-en-na inim hul hu-mu-ne-de3-en gu si sa2-a hu-mu-e-suh3-suh3 ki-sikil (d)inanna gu suh3-a si hu-mu-e-ni-sa2 tug2 hu-mu-e-ni-gar gada hu-mu-e-ni-mur10 mug hu-mu-e-ni-dun (gesz)bala hu-mu-e-ni-_nu_ tug2 guz-za gu-du gun3-a hu-mu-e-ni-gun3 (d)inanna sag sahar-re-esz he2-mu-e-dub sag numun-e-esz he2-mu-e-gar (d)inanna nig2 nu-gul-u3 he2-mu-e-gul nig2 nu-se3-ge5 he2-mu-e-se3 szem3 a-nir-ra-da tug2 he2-em-mi-si-ig ki-sikil (d)inanna tigi a-da-ab e2-ba he2-em-mi-gi4

    lu2 u6 di igi nu-kusz2-u3-me-en ki-sikil (d)inanna pu2 su3-ra2 esz2 la2 nu-zu-me-en i3-ne-esz2 sza3 gu2-bi nam-gi4 kalam ki-bi he2-em-gi4 sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2 gu2-bi nam-gi4 kalam ki-bi he2-em-gi4 sza3 gu2-bi gi4-a nam-lu2-u18-lu-ka [...] x e x x nig2 nam-ba-e-ga2-ga2 [...] tab-ba-zu he2-a [...] mu-e-da-an-ti [...]-ne-ke4 [...] suh10 za-gin3 [...] nam-en-na-zu-um [...] x A [...] nam-en-na-zu-um [...] gu3 de2-de2-bi [...] nam-en-na-zu-um [...] x _gi en_ [...] nam-en-na-zu-um [...] x da [...]-da-an-_du_

    [...]-un-da-sa2-sa2-e-ne [...] mu-ra-ni-ib-x [...]-ra-te-ge26-ne [...] gar-ra-a [...]-ab-_sar_-_sar_-ne [...]-ge-ne [...] tuku [...] x-a [...] x-ba a-a (d)en-ki za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    Lord of supreme power, who loves heaven and earth, who loves father Enki, who gives birth to oxen, who gives birth to great wild bulls, who loves great mountains, beloved of Enlil, who loves holy An, king who makes the mes tree of the Abzu stand out from all the lands, who stands in the tower of Eridu, whose canopy is in heaven and earth, who makes the forest and wine of the land disappear, who is Enki, lord of abundance, the Anuna gods, Nudimmud, the sage of the Ekur, who stands in heaven and earth, who stands in the Ezu, the supreme one from the Abzu, who is a great light of heaven and earth, who is a light of heaven and earth, who is a lord who has given birth to a lulim,

    ... in the midst of the mountains, ..., ..., ..., a person who does not enter, in the midst of the country, like a reed of halhal, your eyes were fixed. The day was long, the month was long, the month was long, the year was long. The day was long, the year was long. The decision was given, the decision was made, the day was long. Father Enki, the people, the day was long. Your king, you were the one who is a king, you were. Everything was piled up, and abundance was placed in the place. Your face, the ... of the ... of the ... of the gods, was made perfect, and the ... of the forest was made perfect, and the garment of luxuriant wool was made.

    The true ewe, the true lamb, was present. The ... of the true field ...

    The city that is set up for the gargara-priests, the people, ..., ..., ..., the road, ..., its forces are ..., the en priestesses, the sacrificial priestesses, whose heart rejoices, whose heart rejoices, the great mountain Enlil has commanded, Enki, en of abundance, en of wisdom, en of An, beloved of An, whose decision is decided in Eridu, whose decision is decided in its place, ..., the day was set, the month was set, the month of the house was entered, the ... was set, the ... was set, the people residing in its dwellings

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... father Enki, the one who has a seed, may he have a seed. Nudimmud, the one who has a healthy ewe, may he have a healthy cow. May he have a calf, may he have a calf. May he have a calf, may he have a calf. May he have a calf, may he have a calf. May he have a calf, he has a calf. May he have a calf, he has a calf. May he have a calf in the plain. May he have a calf in the plain. May he have a calf in the plain. May he have a calf in the plain. May Enki, king of the abzu, have a great intellect, a righteous mind,

    My father, king of heaven and earth, made heaven and earth shine. My pap, king of the lands, he smote me. He smote me. In the Ekur, from the temple of Enlil to the Abzu of Eridu, he made a great destiny. I am the true fire of the great am, I am the first-born child of heaven, I am the great storm of the earth, I am the great lord of the land, I am the great gugal priests of the shrines, I am the father of the lands, I am the great brother of the gods, I am the one who makes abundance abundant, I am the one who makes the seal of heaven and earth, I am the one who makes the scepter of the lands, I am the one who makes the king of the universe stand at the dais of heaven and earth, I am the one who makes the scepter of the lands stand at the dais of heaven and earth,

    Enlil, when you are to be seen in the netherworld, you are to be judged by the fate. You are to be judged by the fate, when you are to be seen in the place of the future. Nintur, you are the righteous one, you are Ninhursaga, you are the good one, you are the one who is pleasing to the Anuna. You are the first-born son of An, you are the one who has risen up to the lordship. You are the great prince, who has risen up to the kingship, you are the one who has risen up to the Anuna. You are the one who has risen up to the apsû-priest. The lord of the greatness, standing at the right side, deciding decisions, Enki is the one who has risen up to the kingship.

  • for the 2nd time, for the great fate of happiness,
  • Enki, king of the abzu, the great wild bull, the true nakurku-demon, is the en-priest, I am the en-priest, I am the one who speaks the truth, I am the one who goes up to its head, I am the one who goes up to its head, I am the one who makes the sheepfold grow, I am the one who makes the goats grow, I am the one who makes the water flow from heaven to earth, I am the one who makes the eshtub-vessel, I am the one who makes the eshtub-vessel grow, I am the one who makes the green pastures grow, I am the one who makes my words come forth from my mouth, I have built the shrine, the pure place, I have made it beautiful, I have made my abzu-vessel grow, I have decreed a good fate, I have made my house, its canopy, with a marsh, I have made it grow,

    My house, the suhur, the ullal, the ulal, the ulal, the gizi, the gizi, the gizi, the gizi, the gizi, the gud, the gud bird, the gud bird, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the azizi, the ..., the ..., the enkum, the ninkum, the ..., the enkum, the ninkum, the ..., the shamab canal, the shamab canal, the shamab canal, the shamab canal, the shamab canal, my gur, my gur, the sacrificial

    The great marsh, the place chosen by the heart, its forces are to be sounded. They are to be sounded, they are to be sounded. The wooden scepter is to be sounded, they are to be sounded. The canals are to be sounded. Nimgirsig, the governor of the boat, the golden scepter is to be sounded. Enki, I am the captain of the boat of the Abzu, I am the captain. Enki, I am the en priestess of the land. I am the en priestess of the fates. I am the en priestess of the land. I am the en priestess of the fates. I am the en priestess of the land. I am the en priestess of the ugu. I am the ugu. I am the ... of the ugu.

    I shall speak good things about the cedars. The land of Meluhha, Magan and Dilmun, I shall be able to see. The boat of Dilmun I shall build. The boat of Magan I shall be able to enter the heavens. The boat of Meluhha I shall build. The gold and silver boats of the dynasty of Enlil to Nippur I shall take. The city without rival, the house without rival, the Amorites, I shall present to them. The great princes of his land, the Anunas, they shall make good. The great lords of the great powers, the pure powers,

    Great powers, great powers, standing at the feet of heaven and earth, in the midst of heaven and earth, in Eridu, the holy place, the mighty place, the great powers, given to him by Enki, lord of heaven and earth, the great prince of his country, when he came out, the lords, at the quays of Eridu, at the quays of Sumer, the rites of the Abzu he established for him Father Enki, standing at the feet of the holy place, standing at the feet of the Abzu, they ... the ... of the ..., they ... the ... shrine, the supreme Abzu, ... the sag gods, in the midst of heaven and pure plants,

    ... the holy ... of Enki, ... ... Enki ..., they sat down. The ... of Eridu was a good place. The ... of Abzu was a good place. The uzga-vessel was a good place. The ...-vessel was a good place. The azu-arapu-vessel was a good place. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he ... to the adamina he ... Suhurmash ... he ... for him. The great prince he ... for him. The eshtub ... he ... for him.

    The great urin tree, which from the Abzu flows, is a trembling shade, it is a shade of the underworld, the people are a swarm of fearsomeness. The lion-headed snake, a creature of the marsh, which is made to grow from the lands, is the lord, the great ruler of the Abzu, who is to be praised in the Abzu, who is to be praised in the Abzu, who is to be praised in the Abzu, Eridu, holy place, the mighty place, the supreme me, he has taken hold of the hand, the chief superintendent of the Abzu, the son of Enlil, he has fashioned a pure reed basket, and the hero of the Abzu has raised his head. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Sirsir ... the boatman of the boat

    Nimgirsig, the governor of the boatyard, the en priest, the holy scepter that is to be smashed in Lahama, they have sworn by their righteous scepter, they have sounded the roar of heaven like a hawk ..., the king standing at his side, father Enki of the land, ..., the great prince of the land, ..., the abundance of heaven and earth he has made manifest. Enki has decreed fate for Sumer, the great mountain of the land, the midst of heaven and earth. When he has come out, when he has sworn, the people will be able to give me a divine power, a divine power that cannot be altered, your heart will not be able to make a man bow down, the true prince, the place of the god, like an awe-inspiring divine power,

    Lord, who gives birth to life, who makes the head grow, your lord, lord, lord, lord of An, king, who sits on the dais of An, your king, the great mountain, father Enlil, like cedar, who makes great, father of all the lands, Anuna, the great gods, whose heart is a ki'ur, they have gathered together. Your giguna, the single tree, the single tree, they have gathered together. Your temple of Sumer, your small town, they have built. Your cows, they have gathered together, your sheepfold, they have gathered together. Your giguna, the one who is true, he has made perfect.

    The shrine of Ur was set up for me. Enki, king of the Abzu, decreed my fate. The city Metegal, a pure watering place, a ox seated on a stable dais, a place of abundance for all the mountains. Like a mountain range, a wide forest, whose canopy is a treasury, whose great divine powers are perfected, may it be praised. The great mountain Enlil made great your name. The city, a fate of Enki, may it be decreed for you. The shrine Ur, may it be praised to heaven. The land Meluhha may it be praised. Enki, the king of the abzu, may it be praised.

    Your mountain ..., your great tree, your great tree, your mountain range, your mountain range, your mountain range, your mountain range, your throne, the palace of the king, will be present. Your reed, your great reed, will be present. Your ... reed, will be present. Hero, in the place of battle, weapons ..., your ox, will be present. Your ox, will be present. Your ox, will be present. The ox, will be present in the mountain, will be present in the mountain, will be present in the mountain, will be present in the great divine powers of the gods. The ox, will be present in the mountain, will be present in carnelian. Your bird, Haia, will be present in the mountain, will be present in the palace of the king. Your gold, gold, will be present. Your copper, alum, and bronze, will be present.

    May the land of your possessions be abundant, may your people ..., may your man, the man who is his favorite, ... like a bull, ... like a ... ..., he destroyed the land of Dilmun, he destroyed it, and Ninsikil stood at its right side. He gave ... to the shrine of the agargara. He gave ... fish to eat, he gave ... dates to eat. Like ... Elam and Marhashi, ... he sank, and its people he ate. The king, Enlil, did not give heed to his command, destroyed its temple.

    The silver and lapis lazuli of the temple, its property, Enlil, king of all the lands, to Nippur gave. The city which has no city, the temple which has no name, Enki, the Amorite, the wild animals, presented to him. From its foundations, when Enki had made it come forth, like a bull he had slew, he stood there. He sat down on it, and he poured out sweet water. The Tigris he poured out sweet water. The shalam of the seed-bearing sheep he sat on its girtab sheep. The Tigris he slew like a bull he slew. He sat down on it, and he poured out sweet fruit.

    The Tigris, like a great wild bull, roared in its midst, and its ... he ..., and the water of a fate, the water of a saline water, he ..., and its kurun water he sounded, and the barley of a fate, the barley of a gunu-seed, he ate, and the people he ate. The Ekur, the temple of Enlil, with all the things that he had done, and the lord Enki had made rejoice, and Nippur, like a saline water he had made, and for kingship he had made a true crown, and his entire army he had made a place where he had sat, and abundance from the earth he had brought forth, and his righteous scepter he had made. The Tigris and the Euphrates, which are a snare, whose mouth is a snare whose mouth is a snare whose mouth is a snare whose mouth is a snare whose mouth is a snare whose mouth is a snare he had snare he had snare he had snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare he had made snare

    Lord of the fate decreed by Enki, king of the Abzu, Enbilulu, the pure one of the canal, Enki, stood at its right side. The marsh was roaring, the shurhu was roaring, the reed was roaring, the reed was reeds were roaring, the reeds were reeds of henbur were ...

    The sea he set up the shrine. The shrine is pure, its heart is a roaring roar. The shrine's heart is a roaring roar, nothing is to be said about anyone. The shrine's position is a ... star. The shrine is pure, it stands before the chariot. The ... of the cow is a roaring ..., its radiance is a fierce roar. The Anuna, the great gods, do not raise their heads. They are rejoicing in their hearts. The palace is joyful. The Anuna, the shudu-priests, the azu-priests, are rejoicing. Enki, in the E-engura, the great dais, they are rejoicing. The en-priest ... .

    The eagle of the sea ... The shrine, the good thing, the shrine, the good thing ... The Ekur, the temple of Enlil, the great thing, the rejoicing of Enki and Enlil, he rejoiced. Nippur was a joyous celebration. ... the holy shrine, the eagle ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The great city of the Engur ... ... ... ... ... ... the lady of Sirara ... The fish of Nanshe of the sea, the place of abundance, Enki stood at its side. He sounded the rain of heaven like a cloud.

    ... he ..., he ... the ..., he ... the ..., he ... the great storm, he ... the ..., he ... the golden scepter of heaven and earth, he ... the son of An, the holy one of heaven and earth, he ... the Ishkur, the man of abundance, the son of An, he ... Enki, he seated him at his right side. The plow, the shudul tool, and its troops he set up. The great prince Enki gave the bulls of the scepter, he gave them to the silver horns, he fashioned the ... of the field, he weighed out grain. The en-shrine of the plain, the ashita, the farmer of Enlil, Enki-imdu, the man of the edge,

    The lord spoke a good 'field', he gave the barley to the barley. Enki sat down on the sazid-dagger and the gugal-dagger, he sat down on the sazid-dagger and the barley was piled up. Enki sat down on the sazid-dagger and the sazid-dagger. Enlil made the people of abundance bow down. He sat down on the head, he looked at the face of lal. He was a woman, he was a woman, he was a woman, the strength of the Land, the life of the night, Ezina, the good food of the world, Enki stood at its side. He was a great prince, he was a scepter, he was a scepter, he was a scepter,

    Like a sacrificial sacrificial plant, he sat down on his throne. He sat down on his al-wood, his scepter, his scepter, his scepter, his scepter, his scepter, his horns, his horns, his horns, his horns, he sat down on the throne. Kulla, the man who the bricks of the land, he stood at the side of Enki, he stood at the side of the throne. He sat down on the ground, he sat down on the ground. He sat down on the ground, he sat down on the ground. The great prince, he sat on the ground, he sat on the ground. He sat on the ground, he sat on the ground. He sat on the ground, he sat on the ground. He sat on the ground, he sat on the ground. He sat on the ground, he sat on the ground. He sat on the ground, he sat on the ground. He sat on his true temple, he sat on his true temple. Like Tirana, he sat on the ground.

    Enki stands at its right side. He makes the plain shine like a shining lion. He makes the plain shine like lapis lazuli. He makes the plain shine like lapis lazuli. He makes the earth happy. He makes the land shine like a radiance. He makes the wild animals of the plain shine like a lion. He makes the rain and rain of the seed grow. He makes the grass grow like a lion. Hero of the plain, he is the king. He is the great lion of the plain, the great ax of Enlil. Shakkan, the king of the mountains, and Enki are on his left.

    He built a tur, he made a shuluh offering, he set up a sheepfold, he gave a ghee, he gave the oil as a gift, he made the place of food offerings for the gods joyfully return, he made the plain as if it were a reed bed, he made it abundant. The king, true provider of the Eanna, the one who loves An, the beloved wife of Suen, the holy wife of Inanna, the lady, the lady of the great me, in the broad street of Kulab, he spoke to her, Dumuzi-ushumgalana, the one who loves An, he stood at its right side. He stood at the Ekur, the temple of Enlil, with all the things that are good,

    Enki rejoiced over Enlil. Nippur was a joyous celebration, it was a joyous celebration. Enki and the Anuna rejoiced in the city. They were bringing the Ki'ur into the city. They were bringing the field into the field. The hero, the oxen, the hushur, the roaring, the sul Utu, the oxen, the stout, standing in the field, the shuba, the father of the city, the place where the storm came, the great hero, the holy heaven, the judge, the messenger of the gods, the lapis lazuli, the holy heaven, the anur. Utu, the son of Ningal, has learned,

    Enki, standing in heaven and earth, standing at its right side, he made a scepter, he made a scepter, he made a foundation, Enki made something of womanhood great, he made the people wear a scepter, he made the palace a fitting thing for the king, Uttu, the true woman, the thing that is pleasing to Enki, standing at its right side. At that time, she was the one who made the rites, the great woman of An, Inanna, making rites, Inanna, her father, Enki, entered the temple, and she was crying, and she was crying, and she was saying, "I will make the rites of the Anuna, the great gods, whose fates are determined,

    Enlil has given you my hand. I am a woman, my twin sister, I say to you: holy Inanna, my marza, foreverlasting me. My sister Enlil, Nintu, the lady who has grown old, the bricks that have grown old, holy lordship shall be given to her. A reed basket that has been fashioned, shall be fashioned for her. A scepter that has been fashioned for her, shall be fashioned for her. A scepter of lapis lazuli shall be fashioned for her. A holy ala that has been fashioned for her, shall be fashioned for her. The heart of the land shall be fashioned for her. King, lord, who has fashioned it for her. My sister, holy Ninisina,

    He gave the utensils of shuba-flour to me, and he gave them the nugig of heaven. He gave them the kurku-flour to me. My sister, holy Ninmug, gave me a scepter of gold, and he gave me silver. He gave me the girizugal-stone, his tasurru-flour. He gave me the Tibira of the Land. The king, the utu-flour, the en-priest, gave me the utu-flour. My sister, holy Nisaba, gave me a 1-silver basket. He gave me a shrine of lapis lazuli. He gave me the great mes.

    He shall have the food of the gods in his hand. Nanshe, the lady of the city, shall stand at her feet the holy eagle. The enku of the sea shall stand at her feet. The fish, the good fish, the bird, the good fish, to his father Enlil to Nippur shall return. I am a woman, my siblings, I shall be a woman. I am the holy Inanna, my wife, the divine powers of Enki, her son, I shall return to Inanna. To me, to me,

    He shall speak good things about the woman, and shall speak good things about her. He shall ... to her. The hero shall wear a garment. The right and left sides of the garment shall be shaved. The garment shall be shaved for the woman. The tongue of the woman shall be shaved. The bala-board and the kirid-board shall be shaved for her. The woman shall be shaved for her ... The eshgiri, the szibir of the manu-boat shall stand at her side. The lady of Inanna shall be shaved for her. The battle-matter shall be shaved for her.

    The arabu-bird, you are not the one who utters evil words, you smear the neck of the lion. The young woman Inanna smears the neck of the lion. She wears a garment, she wears a linen garment. She wears a mug, she wears a bala axe. She wears a guzza-garment, a gudu-garment. Inanna shall bury her head in the dirt. She shall place her seed in the seed. Inanna shall destroy anything that cannot be destroyed, she shall place it in the dirt. She shall tie a garment in the airra-da-flood. The young woman Inanna shall return the tigi-dab

    You are a man who does not see a ewe, you are the lady of Inanna, who does not have a shrine At that time, the heart of Enlil was restored, the heart of the Land was restored, the people ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Father Enki, praise!

    P469517: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    u4 re-a nam ba-tar-ra-ba mu he2-gal2 an u3-tu-da ug3-e u2-szim-gin7 ki in-dar-ra-ba en abzu lugal (d)en-ki-ke4 (d)en-ki en nam tar-tar-re-de3 e2-a-ni ku3 (na4)za-gin3-na tesz2-bi ba-ni-in-du3 ku3 (na4)za-gin3-bi u4 kar2-kar2-a-ka esz3-e abzu-a ul im-ma-ni-in-de6 suh10 ku3 galam du11-ga abzu-ta e3-a en (d)nu-dim2-mud-ra mu-un-na-sug2-sug2-ge-esz e2 ku3-ga i-ni-in-du3 (na4)za-gin3-na i-ni-in-gun3 gal-le-esz ku3-sig17-ga szu tag ba-ni-in-du11 eridu(ki)-ga e2 gu2-a bi2-in-du3 szeg12-bi inim du11-du11 ad gi4-gi4

    gi-sal-la-bi gu4-gin7 mur im-sza4 e2 (d)en-ki-ke4 gu3 nun di-dam e2-e lugal-bi-ir ge6-a ar2 im-ma-ab-de6 du10-bi mu-un-ga2-ga2 lugal (d)en-ki-ra sukkal (d)isimud-de3 mi2 du10-ge-esz im-me e2-e im-ma-gen gu3 im-ma-de2-e szeg12-e im-ma-gen gu3 im-ma-ab-szum2-mu e2 ku3 (na4)za-gin3-na ki gar-ra temen-bi abzu-a si-ga nun-e abzu-ta mi2 du11-ga (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na mah ni2 szu ti-a abzu (d)en-ki-ke4 ul-la bi2-in-tum2-mu (gesz)sag-kul-zu gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku (gesz)si-gar-zu ur-mah ni2 gur3-ru

    gesz-ur3-zu gu4 an-na suh10 ku3 galam du11-ga (gi)kid-zu za-gin3-na gesz-ur3-sze3 gun3-a nir-gam-ma-zu gu4 si gur3-ru ka2-zu ur-mah lu2 szu ti-a kun4-zu ug lu2-ra e11-de3 abzu ki sikil me-te-gal2 e2-engur-ra lugal-zu giri3 im-ma-ri-in-gub (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 temen-zu (na4)gug im-ma-da-an-sa2 |_ka_xLI|-|_ka_xLI| za-gin3-na mi2 im-ma-ri-in-du11 e2 (d)en-ki-ke4 lal3-har-ra ku3 kurum7 ak gu4 lugal-bi-ir us2-a se3-ga ni2-bi-sze3 mur sza4 tesz2-bi-sze3 ad gi4-gi4 e2-engur-ra (d)en-ki-ke4 gi dub-ba-an ku3 la2-am3

    sza3-zu-ta bara2 mah ki gar-ra za3-du8-zu aszkud2 ku3 an-na abzu ki sikil ki nam tar-ra en gesztu2-ga lugal (d)en-ki (d)en-ki en nam tar-tar-re-de3 (d)nu-dim2-mud en eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 sza3 szeg9-bar-ra lu2 igi nu-bar-re-dam abgal-zu siki bar-ra bi2-in-du8 eridu(ki) (d)en-ki-ke4 ki ag2-ga2-ni e2-engur-ra sza3-bi he2-gal2 sug4-ga abzu zi kalam-ma ki ag2 (d)en-ki-ke4 e2 za3-ga du3-a me galam-ma tum2-ma eridu(ki) gissu-zu ab-sza3-ga la2-a a-ab-ba zi-ga gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku i7 mah ni2-gal2-la su kalam-ma zi-zi

    e2-engur-ra uru2 mah ki us2-sa e2 da engur-ra pirig abzu sza3-ga e2 mah (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2 kalam-e szum2-mu akkil-zu i7 mah zi-ga-gin7 lugal (d)en-ki-ra mu-un-na-tuku-am3 e2 ku3-ga-ni-sze3 du10-bi mu-un-ga2-ga2 (gesz)za3-mi2 (gesz)al-gar (gesz)balag al-gar-sur9-da (gesz)har-har (gesz)sa-bi2-tum (gesz)mi-ri2-tum e2 si-ga ad du10-ga nundum bur2-re balag-ga2 sza3 ni2-ba-ka ad ha-ba-ni-ib-sza4 (gesz)al-gar ku3 (d)en-ki-ke4 ni2-ba mu-un-na-du12 nar 7(disz)-e ad he2-em-mi-ib-sza4

    _ka_ x x ki-bi-sze3 gal2-la-am3 sukkal (d)isimud-de3 szeg12-e gu3 ba-an-szum2 e2-engur-ra-ke4 szir3 du10-ge-esz im-me mu-un-du3-a-ba mu-un-du3-a-ba eridu(ki) (d)en-ki-ke4 im-ma-an-il2-la-ba hur-sag galam kad5-dam a-e ba-dirig za3-ga-a-ni gesz-gi-a ba-an-_ku_ (gesz)kiri6 sig7-ga gurun il2-la-a-ba muszen-e hasz4-bi mu-un-ga2-ga2 suhur(ku6)-e u2-lal3-e e-ne mu-un-e esztub(ku6)-e gi-zi di4-di4-la2 kun mu-un-na-su3-e (d)en-ki zi-ga-na ku6 i-zi-esz2 na-zi abzu-e u6 am3-ma-gub engur-ra hul2-la mu-ni-ib-de6

    a-ab-ba-gin7 ni2 mu-un-da-gal2 i7 mah-gin7 su zi mu-un-da-ri (i7)buranun-na u18-lu sumur mu-un-da-an-zi (gesz)gi-musz-a-ni (d)nirah-a-ni (gesz)gisal-a-ni gi tur-tur-a-ni (d)en-ki u5-a-ni mu he2-gal2 sug4-ga (gesz)ma2 ni2-bi nam-du8 esz2 ni2-bi nam-dab5 e2 eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 im-ma-kar-ra i7-de3 lugal-bi-ir ad im-mi-ib-gi4-gi4 gu3-bi gu3 amar-ra gu3 ab2 du10-ga-ke4 (d)en-ki-ke4 gu4 im-ma-ab-gaz-e udu im-ma-ab-szar2-re (kusz)a2-la2 nu-gal2-la ki-bi-sze3 sa2 im-du11 ub3 zabar nu-gal2-la ki-bi-sze3 im-mi-in-e3

    nibru(ki)-sze3 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub gi-gun4-na esz3-e nibru(ki)-a im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4 (d)en-ki-ke4 kasz-kasz-e ba-te kurun2-kurun2-e ba-te kurun2 gal zabar-ra ba-ni-in-de2 uluszin dili-am3 ba-ni-in-sur (dug)ku-kur-ru2 kasz du10-du10-ga duh-bi bi2-in-sa2-sa2 ka-bi lal3 zu2-lum-ma nig2 er9 ba-ni-in-ak duh-bi nig2 lal3-lal3 dili-a sed-sze3 bi2-in-du8 (d)en-ki-ke4 esz3-e nibru(ki)-am3 a-a-ni (d)en-lil2-ra ninda mu-un-gu7-e an ki mah-a im-ma-an-tusz an-ra (d)en-lil2 im-ma-ni-in-us2

    (d)a-nun-na ki-us2-ki-us2-bi im-mi-in-dur2-ru-ne-esz lu2-e-ne kasz i3-na8-na8-ne kurun im-du10-ge-ne (zabar)aga im-gur4-gur4-re-e-ne zabar-e (d)urasz-e a-da-min3 mu-un-di-ne ti-lim-da ma2-gur8 ku3 im-ba-ba-re-e-ne kasz ba-du11 kurun2 ba-du10-ga-ta e2-ta giri3-bi-a ba-ra-gar-ra-ta (d)en-lil2 nibru(ki)-a hul2-la mu-ni-ib-de6 (d)en-lil2-le (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne gu3 mu-na-de2-e dingir gal-gal-la i3-sug2-ge-en-za-na (d)a-nun-na ub-szu-ukken-na-ka si mu-un-sa2-sa2-e-en-za-na dumu-gu10 e2 mu-un-du3 lugal (d)en-ki-ke4

    eridu(ki) hur-sag-gin7 ki-ta ba-ra-ri ki du10-ga-am3 e2 im-ma-an-du3 eridu(ki) ki sikil lu2 nu-ku4-ku4-da e2 ku3-ga du3-a za-gin3-na gun3-a e2 tigi 7(disz)-e si sa2-e nam-szub szum2-ma szir3 ku3 tesz2 e2 ki al-du10-ga esz3 abzu nam du10 (d)en-ki-ke4 me galam-ma tum2-ma eridu(ki) e2 ku3-ga du3-a-ba a-a (d)en-ki za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    When fate was determined, when abundance of heaven and earth were established, when people like juniper were gathered in the earth, the lord of the Abzu, king of Enki, Enki, the lord of fate, his temple with gold and lapis lazuli he built. His gold and lapis lazuli he made to stand in the midst of the storm, and the shrine Abzu he made unrivalled. The supplications, prayers, and rejoicing, which the lord Nudimmud had made, he made the temple shine. He made the temple shine with gold and lapis lazuli. He made the large scepter shine with gold. He built Eridu, the temple that he had built. Its brickwork, the words he had spoken, he restored.

    The reed-beds of the reed-beds are like a bull's. The house of Enki is roaring like a prince. The house is roaring like a king. Its lord is a king who is a messenger of Isimud. He is a king who is a king who is a king. He is a king who is a king. He is a king who is a king, he is a king, he is a brick, he is a king. He is a king who is a pure temple, he is a king who is a ruler from the Abzu. The Tigris and Euphrates, the great rivers, the one who has a hand in the Abzu, he has a king who has no rival. Your scepter is a lion, he is a lion.

    Your throne, the ox of heaven, adorned with a shining silver crown, your reed mat, with lapis lazuli, your throne, adorned with a shining crown, your horns, the roaring ox, your gate, the lion, the man who has a hand, your horns, the people who go up to the Abzu, the pure place, your king stood at the E-engura. Enki, the king of the Abzu, your foundations with carnelian he made. ... he made a lapis lazuli ... The temple of Enki, with silver, a pure scepter, a king's ox, whose king has a scepter, whose roar is a roar, whose roar is a roar, whose utterance is a scream, whose utterance is a scepter, whose utterance is a scepter,

    From your inside, the supreme dais, the place of creation, your throne, the holy throne of heaven, the Abzu, the pure place, the place of fate, the lord who has wisdom, king Enki, Enki, the lord who decrees fate, Nudimmud, lord of Eridu, in the midst of rain, no one should look at him, your abgal, he made it shine like a light. In Eridu, his beloved, the E-engur, in its midst, abundance, the Abzu, the life of the Land, beloved of Enki, the temple built on the right side, the divine powers, the horizon, Eridu, your scepter in the Abzu, the horizon, the water of the sea, the life of the land, the life of the great river, the life of the Land,

    E-engur, the great city, built on a site of abundance, the house next to the E-engur, a lion whose ears are the Abzu, the great house of Enki, the wisdom of the nation, your akkil-zu, like a great river, the king Enki, has sworn by him. In his holy house, he has sworn by its good name. The zamu, the algar, the balag, the harhar, the sabitum, the miritum, the house of the saga, the good name, the sundum, the burrowed, the balag-house, in its midst, may he make him swear by the algar, the holy Enki-house. May he make him swear by the 7 nar.

    ... ... ... The minister of Isimud spoke to him, and the E-engura he built. He built it. He built it. Eridu he made it shine. The mountain range of the quay was dredged. His right side was smashed with a reed. The greenery he planted. The green orchards, which were ripe with fruit, were ripe with birds. The suhur he smote, the ulal tree he smote. The eshtub he smote, the gizi tree, he smote. Enki, his righteousness, the fish smote, the nazi of the Abzu he smote. The Engur he smote,

    Like the sea he smote it. Like the great river he smote it. The Euphrates he smote it. His chariot, his sledge, his reed, his small reeds, Enki he smote it. He smote it with a sledge, he smote it with a boat, he smote it with a shrine, he smote it with a boat, he smote it with a boat, he smote it with a house of Eridu. He smote it with the river. He smote it with a horn, he smote it with a calf, he smote it with a sheep. He smote it with a leather bag, he smote it with bronze straps, he smote it with bronze straps,

    He stood at the side of Nippur, his feet stretched out, and the giguna of the shrine entered Nippur. Enki poured beer, he poured ghee, he poured big ghee, he poured bronze. He poured single emmer-beer, he poured a kukuru-vessel, he poured sweet beer, he poured out its mouth with sweet dates, he poured out its mouth with sweet honey, he poured out its mouth with sweet honey, he poured out its mouth with sweet honey. Enki poured out the shrine in Nippur, his father, Enlil, he ate bread. He sat in heaven and earth, he sat in heaven and earth.

    The Anuna sat down on their seats. The men poured beer and sang a song. They poured bronze aga and sang a song. They poured bronze for Urash. They sat down on the silver tilim boats. They poured beer and sang a song. After they had poured beer and sang a song, they left the house. Enlil made Nippur rejoice. Enlil spoke to the Anuna. The great gods were speaking to you. The Anuna, in the Ubshu-ukkena, were speaking to you. My son built a house. The king Enki

    Like Eridu, like a mountain range, it has been smashed from the ground. It has been built a temple. Eridu, the pure place, the one who does not enter, a temple built with pure gold. A temple with seven tigi, clad with lapis lazuli, a tigi-shrine, a sa-si-s


    In those remote days, when the fates were determined; in a year when An brought about abundance, and people broke through the earth like green plants -- then the lord of the abzu, King Enki, Enki, the lord who determines the fates, built up his temple entirely from silver and lapis lazuli. Its silver and lapis lazuli were the shining daylight. Into the shrine of the abzu he brought joy. An artfully made bright crenellation rising out from the abzu was erected for Lord Nudimmud. He built the temple from precious metal, decorated it with lapis lazuli, and covered it abundantly with gold. In Eridu, he built the house on the bank. Its brickwork makes utterances and gives advice.

    Its eaves roar like a bull; the temple of Enki bellows. During the night the temple praises its lord and offers its best for him. Before Lord Enki, Isimud the minister praises the temple; he goes to the temple and speaks to it. He goes to the brick building and addresses it: "Temple, built from precious metal and lapis lazuli; whose foundation pegs are driven into the abzu; which has been cared for by the prince in the abzu! Like the Tigris and the Euphrates, it is mighty and awe-inspiring ?. Joy has been brought into Enki's abzu. Your lock has no rival. Your bolt is a fearsome lion.

    Your roof beams are the bull of heaven, an artfully made bright headgear. Your reed-mats are like lapis lazuli, decorating the roof-beams. Your vault is a wild bull raising its horns. Your door is a lion who seizes a man. Your stairway is a lion coming down on a man. Abzu, pure place which fulfils its purpose! E-engura! Your lord has directed his steps towards you. Enki, lord of the abzu, has embellished your foundation pegs with cornelian. He has adorned you with ... and ? lapis lazuli. The temple of Enki is provisioned with silver wax ?; it is a bull obedient to its master, roaring by itself and giving advice at the same time. E-engura, which Enki has surrounded with a silver reed fence!

    In your midst a lofty throne is erected, your door-jamb is the silver locking bar of heaven. Abzu, pure place, place where the fates are determined —the lord of wisdom, Lord Enki, Enki, the lord deciding fates— Nudimmud, the lord of Eridu, lets nobody look into its midst. Your abgal priests let their hair down their backs. Enki's beloved Eridu, E-engura whose inside is full of abundance! Abzu, life of the Land, beloved of Enki! Temple built on the edge, befitting the artful divine powers! Eridu, your shadow extends over the midst of the sea! Eridu, your shadow extends over the midst of the sea! Rising sea without a rival; mighty awe-inspiring river which terrifies the Land!

    E-engura, high citadel ? standing firm on the earth! Temple at the edge of the engur, a lion in the midst of the abzu; lofty temple of Enki, which bestows wisdom on the Land; your cry, like that of a mighty rising river, reaches ? King Enki. To his silver house its goodness he sets, the lyre, the algar instrument, the balag drum the harhar, the sabitum, and the …… miritum instruments offer their best for his silver temple. The ... with a sweet sound resounded by themselves. The silver algar instrument of Enki played for him on his own and seven tigi drums resounded. What Enki says is irrefutable;

    ... is well established ?." This is what Isimud spoke to the brick building; he praised the E-engura with sweet songs As it has been built, as it has been built; as Enki has raised Eridu up, it is an artfully built mountain which floats on the water. His shrine ? spreads ? out into the reedbeds; In its green orchards laden with fruit birds brood. The suhur carp play among the honey-herbs, and the esztub carp dart among the small gizi reeds. When Enki rises, the fish rise before him like waves. He has the abzu stand as a marvel, as he brings joy into the engur.

    Like the sea, he is awe-inspiring; like a mighty river, he instils fear. The Euphrates rises before him as it does before the fierce south wind. His punting pole is Nirah his oars are the small reeds. When Enki embarks, the year will be full of abundance. The ship departs of its own accord, with tow rope held ? by itself. As he leaves the temple of Eridu, the river gurgles ? to its lord: its sound is a calf's mooing, the mooing of a good cow. Enki had oxen slaughtered, and had sheep offered there lavishly. Where there were no ala drums, he installed some in their places; where there were no bronze ub drums, he despatched some to their places.

    He directed his steps on his own to Nibru and entered the temple terrace, the shrine of Nibru. Enki reached for ? the beer, he reached for ? the liquor. He had liquor poured into big bronze containers, and had emmer-wheat beer pressed out ?. In kukuru containers which make the beer good he mixed beer-mash. By adding date-syrup to its taste ?, he made it strong. He ... its bran-mash. In the shrine of Nibru, Enki provided a meal for Enlil, his father. He seated An at the head of the table and seated Enlil next to An. He seated Nintur in the place of honour

    and seated the Anuna gods at the adjacent places ?. All of them were drinking and enjoying beer and liquor. They filled the bronze aga vessels to the brim and started a competition, drinking from the bronze vessels of Urasz. They made the tilimda vessels shine like silver barges. After beer and liquor had been libated and enjoyed, and after ... from the house, Enlil was made happy in Nibru. Enlil addressed the Anuna gods: "Great gods who are standing here! Anuna, who have lined up in the Ubszu-unkena! My son, King Enki has built up the temple!

    He has made Eridu rise up ? from the ground like a mountain! He has built it in a pleasant place, in Eridu, the pure place, where no one is to enter —a temple built with silver and decorated with lapis lazuli, a house which tunes the seven tigi drums properly, and provides incantations; where silver songs make all of the house a lovely place —the shrine of the abzu, the good destiny of Enki, befitting the elaborate divine powers; the temple of Eridu, built with silver: for all this, Father Enki be praised!"

    P469518: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    iri(ki) na-nam iri(ki) na-nam na-an-dur2-ru-ne-en-de3-en nibru(ki) iri(ki) na-nam na-an-dur2-ru-ne-en-de3-en (d)ur-(gesz)geszimmar(ki) iri(ki) na-nam na-an-dur2-ru-ne-en-de3-en i7-sal-la i7 ku3-bi na-nam kar-gesztin-na kar-bi na-nam kar-a-sar kar (gesz)ma2 us2-bi na-nam pu2-lal3 pu2 a du10-ga-bi na-nam i7-nun-bi-ir-tum2 pa5 mul-bi na-nam ib2-ta-gid2-i-de3 5(u) sar-am3 _gan2_ gar-bi na-nam (d)en-lil2 gurusz tur-bi na-nam (d)nin-lil2 ki-sikil tur-bi na-nam (d)nun-bar-sze-gu-nu um-ma-bi na-nam

    u4-ba ki-sikil ama ugu-na sza na-mu-un-de5-de5 (d)nin-lil2-le (d)nun-bar-sze-gu-nu sza na-mu-un-de5-de5 i7 ku3-ga-am3 nu-nus-e i7 ku3-ga-am3 a nam-mi-tu5-tu5 (d)nin-lil2-le gu2 i7-nun-bi-ir-tum2-ka nam-mi-in-du-de3 i-bi2 ku3-ga-am3 u3-mu-un-e i-bi2 ku3-ga-am3 i-bi2 ba-e-szi-bar-re kur gal a-a (d)mu-ul-lil2 i-bi2 ku3-ga-am3 i-bi2 ba-e-szi-bar-re sipa na-ag2 tar-tar-re i-bi2 ku3-ga-am3 i-bi2 ba-e-szi-bar-re a-da-lam mu-bi am3-i-i sze am3-mi-ib2-su-ub-be2

    na sza3 x mu-ni-in-de5 mu-usz-(tug2)gesztu mu-na-ze2-eg3 i7 ku3-ga-am3 munus-e i7 ku3-ga-am3 a im-ma-ni-tu5-tu5 (d)nin-lil2-le gu2 i7-nun-bi-ir-tum2-ka i-im-du-de3 igi ku3-ga-am3 lugal-e igi ku3-ga-am3 igi im-ma-szi-in-bar kur gal a-a (d)en-lil2-le igi ku3-ga-am3 igi im-ma-szi-in-bar sipa na-ag2 tar-tar-re igi ku3-ga-am3 igi im-ma-szi-in-bar lugal-e gesz3 ga-e-du11 mu-na-ab-be2 nu-un-da-ra-szi-ib-sze-ge (d)en-lil2-le ne ga-e-su-ub mu-na-ab-be2 nu-un-da-ra-szi-ib-sze-ge

    szu-um-du-um-gu10 tur-ra-am3 sze su-ub nu-un-zu ama-gu10 ba-zu-zu szu-gu10 mu-un-sag3-ge ad-da-gu10 ba-zu-zu szu sa2-bi mu-un-e a-da-lam ma-la-ra du11-ga-gu10-usz nu-me-e ba-na-silig-ge-en (d)en-lil2-le sukkal-a-ni (d)nusku-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e sukkal (d)nusku-gu10 u4-ul a-ra-zu szidim gal e2-kur-ra u4-ul-la lugal-gu10 (lu2)ki-sikil ne-en sa6-ga-ra ne-en mul-la-ra (d)nin-lil2 ne-en sa6-ga-ra ne-en mul-la-ra lu2 gesz3 na-an-du11 lu2 ne na-an-ni-su-ub sukkal lugal-a-ni (gesz)ma2-gin7 mu-un-szi-de6

    esz2 (gesz)ma2 tur-ra-am3 mu-un-szi-ib2-tum2-x (gesz)ma2 gu-la-am3 mu-un-szi-ib2-tum2-e lugal-gu10 |_mu-mes_|-ga-e dirig-ga-am3 gesz3-bi na-mu-un-du11 ne-bi na-mu-un-su-ub a-a (d)en-lil2 |_mu-mes_|-ga-e dirig-ga-am3 gesz3-bi na-mu-un-du11 ne-bi na-mu-un-su-ub kin-kin-a-na szu-ni ba-an-dab5 gesz3-bi na-mu-un-du11 ne-bi na-mu-un-su-ub _ku_ pesz10 tur-ra-sze3 im-ma-da-ab-nu2-e gesz3-bi im-ma-ni-in-du11 ne-bi im-ma-ni-in-su-ub gesz3 1(disz) du11-ga-ni ne 1(disz) su-ub-ba-ni

    (d)en-lil2 ki-ur3-ra im-ma-ni-in-dib-be2 (d)en-lil2 ki-ur3-ra dib-dib-be2-da-ni dingir gal-gal 5(u)-ne-ne dingir nam tar-ra 7(disz)-na-ne-ne (d)en-lil2 ki-ur3-ra im-ma-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne (d)en-lil2 u2-zug4-ge iri-ta ba-ra-e3 (d)nu-nam-nir u2-zug4-ge iri-ta ba-ra-e3 (d)en-lil2 nig2-nam-sze3 nam mu-un-tar-ra-ke4 (d)nu-nam-nir nig2-nam-sze3 nam mu-un-tar-ra-ke4 (d)en-lil2 i3-gen (d)nin-lil2 in-us2 (d)nu-nam-nir i3-gen ki-sikil mu-un-sar-re (d)en-lil2-le lu2 abula-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e

    lu2 (gesz)suhub4 lu2 (gesz)si-gar ku3-ga nin-zu (d)nin-lil2-le i-im-gen u4-da en3-gu10 mu-ra-tar-re za-e ki-gu10 nam-mu-ni-in-pa3-de3 (d)nin-lil2-le lu2 abul-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e mu-lu abula mu-lu (gesz)si-gar-ra mu-lu (gesz)suhub4 mu-lu (gesz)si-gar ku3-ga (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un-zu me-ta ba-gen e-ne-ra mu-na-ab-be2 (d)en-lil2-le lu2 abul-la-ra mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 sa6-sa6-ga ba-ra-mu-da-ab-du11 (d)en-lil2-le sa6-sa6-ga ba-ra-mu-da-ab-du11 umusz-ga2 i-ni-in-tar inim-ga2 i-ni-in-se3-ge-am3

    sza3 sug4-ge-da-gu10 ba-e-de3-si-in (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un kur-kur-ra-ke4 ga2-a-ra gesz3 ha-ma-an-du11 (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un-zu i3-me-a-gin7 u3 me-e ga-sza-an-zu-gen u4-da nin-gu10-me-en |_ne-sze3_|-zu szu-gu10 he2-tag-ge a u3-mu-un-zu a dadag-ga sza3-ga2 i3-gal2 a (d)suen-na a dadag-ga sza3-ga2 i3-gal2 a lugal-gu10 an-sze3 he2-du a-gu10 ki-sze3 he2-du a-gu10 a lugal-ga2-gin7 ki-sze3 he2-em-ma-du (d)en-lil2-le nam lu2 abul-la-ra da-ga-na ba-nu2 gesz3 im-ma-ni-in-du11 ne im-ma-ni-in-su-ub

    gesz3 1(disz) du11-ga-ni ne 1(disz) su-ub-ba-ni a (d)nergalx(|_ne3-urugal_|)-(d)mesz3-lam-ta-e3-a sza3 mu-na-ni-ri (d)en-lil2 i3-gen (d)nin-lil2 in-us2 (d)nu-nam-nir i3-gen ki-sikil mu-un-sar-re lu2 i7-kur-ra i7 lu2 gu7-gu7-e (d)en-lil2 im-ma-te lu2 i7-kur-ra i7 lu2 gu7-gu7-gu10 nin-zu (d)nin-lil2-le i-im-gen u4-da en3-gu10 mu-ra-tar-re za-e ki-gu10 nam-mu-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2 i7-kur-ra i7 lu2 gu7-gu7 (d)nin-lil2 im-ma-te lu2 i7-kur-ra i7 lu2 gu7-gu7-gu10

    (d)en-lil2-le nam? lu2 i7-kur-ra-sze3 mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 sa6-sa6-ga ba-ra-mu-da-ab-du11 (d)en-lil2-le sa6-sa6-ga ba-ra-mu-da-ab-du11 umusz-ga2 i-ni-in-tar-ra inim-ga2 i-ni-in-se3-ge-am3 sza3 sug4-ge-da-gu10 ba-e-da-si-in (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un kur-kur-ra-ke4 ga2-a-ra gesz3 ha-ma-an-du11 (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un-zu i3-me-a-gin7 u3 ge26-e ga-sza-an-zu-me-en u4-da nin-gu10-me-en |_ne-sze3_|-zu szu-gu10 he2-tag-ge a u3-mu-un-zu a dadag-ga sza3-ga2 i3-gal2 a (d)suen-na a dadag-ga sza3-ga2 i3-gal2

    a lugal-gu10 an-sze3 he2-du a-gu10 ki-sze3 he2-du a-gu10 a lugal-ga2-gin7 ki-sze3 he2-em-ma-du (d)en-lil2-le lu2 i7-kur-ra-gin7 da-ga-na ba-nu2 gesz3 im-ma-ni-in-du11 ne im-ma-ni-in-su-ub gesz3 1(disz) du11-ga-ni ne 1(disz) su-ub-ba-ni a (d)nin-a-zu lugal esz2-_gan2_ gid2-da sza3 mu-na-ni-ri (d)en-lil2 i3-gen (d)nin-lil2 in-us2 (d)nu-nam-nir i3-gen ki-sikil mu-un-sar-re |_si-lu-igi_| lu2 (gesz)ma2-addir-ra (d)en-lil2 im-ma-te |_si-lu-igi_| lu2 (gesz)ma2-addir-ra-gu10 nin-zu (d)nin-lil2-le i-im-gen

    u4-da en3-gu10 mu-ra-tar-re za-e ki-gu10 nam-mu-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2 (gesz)ma2-addir-ra (d)nin-lil2 im-ma-te lu2 (gesz)ma2-addir-ra-ke4 (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un-zu me-ta ba-gen e-ne-ra mu-na-ab-be2 (d)en-lil2-le mu-lu |_si-lu-igi_|-e inim mu-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 sa6-sa6-ga ba-ra-mu-da-ab-du11 (d)en-lil2-le sa6-sa6-ga ba-ra-mu-da-ab-du11 umusz-ga2 i-ni-in-tar-ra inim-ga2 i-ni-in-se3-ge-am3 sza3 sug4-ge-da-gu10 ba-e-de3-si-in (d)mu-ul-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 ga2-a-ra gesz3 ha-ma-an-du11

    (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un-zu i3-me-a-gin7 u3 ge26-e ga-sza-an-zu-me-en u4-da nin-gu10-me-en |_ne-sze3_|-zu szu-gu10 he2-tag-ge a u3-mu-un-zu a dadag-ga sza3-ga2 i3-gal2 a (d)suen-na a dadag-ga sza3-ga2 i3-gal2 a lugal-gu10 an-sze3 he2-du a-gu10 ki-sze3 he2-du a-gu10 a lugal-ga2-gin7 ki-sze3 he2-em-ma-du (d)en-lil2-le nam |_si-lu-igi_|-e da-ga-na ba-nu2 gesz3 im-ma-ni-in-du11 ne im-ma-ni-in-su-ub gesz3 1(disz) du11-ga-ni ne 1(disz) su-ub-ba-ni a (d)en-bi2-lu-lu ku3-gal2 i7-da sza3 mu-na-ni-ri

    (d)en-lil2 en za-e-me-en lugal za-e-me-en (d)nu-nam-nir en za-e-me-en lugal za-e-me-en en giri3-ma en uru18-na za-e-me-en en gu mu2-mu2 en sze mu2-mu2 za-e-me-en en an-na en he2-gal2 en ki-a za-e-me-en en ki-a en he2-gal2 en an-na za-e-me-en (d)en-lil2 an-na (d)en-lil2 lugal-la-am3 en du11-ga-ni nig2 nu-kur2-ru-dam du11-ga-ni sag du3-du3-a szu nu-bala-e-de3 za3-mi2 du11-ga ama (d)nin-lil2-la2-sze3 a-a (d)en-lil2 za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    The city is the city, the city is the city. We shall not let them dwell there. Nippur is the city, we shall not let them dwell there. Ur-geshimmar is the city. The salla canal is the canal. The kar-geshtin canal is the canal. The kar-asar canal is the canal. The kar-asar canal is the canal. The kar-asar canal is the canal. The kar-asar canal is the canal of the good water. The canal Nunbirtum canal is the canal. Its canal is 50 sar. Its field is the canal. Enlil, the young man, is the canal. Ninlil, the young woman is the canal. Nunbarshegunu, its canal is the canal.

    At that time, the lady who was raised by her mother was raised by Ninlil, and Nunbarshegunu was raised by Ninlil. The holy canal is not a woman, the holy canal is not a water source. Ninlil did not build the bank of the Nunbirtum canal. The holy canal is not a man, the holy canal is not a man. The great mountain, father of Mullil, is not a man. The holy canal is not a man. The shepherd who was chosen by his name is not a man. The adalam, its name is not a man.

    He ... the ... of the man, he ... the wisdom. The holy canal is the woman. The holy canal is the water. Ninlil drew up the bank of the Nunbirtum canal. The king was seen in the holy womb. The great mountain father Enlil was seen in the holy womb. The shepherd who is a lord was seen in the holy womb. The king was speaking to me, but I did not let him sit down. Enlil did not let him sit down.

    My small shu-umdum, you are not a barley-bearer, you are not a barley-bearer, you are not a mother, you are not a hand-bearer, you are not a father, you are not a hand-bearer, you are not a father, you are not a father, you are not a father, you are not a father, you are not a father, you are Enlil, his minister Nusku, you are the storm, your minister Nusku, your storm is the great shitrim of the Ekur, your storm is the storm, my king, the lady, you are the good one, you are the good one, Ninlil, you are the good one, you are the good one, you are the good one, you are the one who does not listen to the man, his minister, like a boat, he sailed on the boat.

    The esh boat of the small boat he sailed, the big boat he sailed. My king, I am a ..., I am a ..., I am a ..., my father Enlil is a ..., I am a ..., I am a ..., I am a ..., his messenger has been taken away. I am a ...,

    Enlil sat down on the quay. Enlil spoke to him on the quay. The great gods, fifty, the gods of fate, seven times, Enlil sat down on the quay. Enlil went out from the city and Nunamnir went out from the city. Enlil decreed a fate for him, Nunamnir decreed a fate for him. Enlil came out, Ninlil came out, Nunamnir wrote a scribal song. Enlil sounded the man who is in the city.

    The man who the scepter and the man who the golden door bolt brought, your lady Ninlil, he swore, "On the day I will speak to you, I will make my place be heard." Ninlil spoke to the man who enters the city, the man who the door bolt brings, the man who the door bolt brings, the man who the door bolt brings, the man who the door bolt brings, the man who the gold door bolt brings, Enlil, your lord, has gone out from the heavens, he swore to him, Enlil has said to him: "My king, I shall make you happy." Enlil, I shall make you happy, he has spoken to me about my words,

    My heart was swollen, my heart was swollen. Enlil, the lord of the lands, I spoke to him. Enlil, like you, your lord, I am your lord, and I am your lord. Now, my lady, may I be your hands. May your lord be a pure water, in my heart. May Suen be a pure water, in my heart. May my king be a prince to heaven, may my king be a prince to earth. May my king be a prince to earth. May Enlil say to him the fate of the man who built his city, and he has uttered a supplication.

    He has sat down for one time, and one time he has sat down for him. Nergal-meshlamtaea is in his heart. Enlil came, Ninlil came, Nunamnir came, the young lady wrote. A man who the Igigi canal ... Enlil, the man who the Igigi canal ... Ninzu, Ninlil, came. At that time, my enunciation was uttered, and I shall not let him enter my place. A man who the Igigi canal ... Ninlil, the man who the Igigi canal .

    Enlil has sworn by the name of the man of the Igigi canal. My king has not said good things about me. Enlil has not said good things about me. My mind has not spoken good things about me. My heart has been swollen. Enlil, my lord of the lands, may I speak good things about him. Enlil, your lord, is like you, and I am your lord. I am the day, my lady. May your hand be swollen. May your lord be swollen. May Suen be swollen.

    May my king's water go to heaven, may my water go to earth, may my water go to earth like my king's water. Enlil, like a man on the bank of the Euphrates, his throne he swore, and he swore, and he swore, and he swore, and one sworn by him, may his throne be one sworn by Ninazu, the king, the long esh-field he swore, and Enlil he swore, Ninlil he swore, Nunamnir he swore, and the lady wrote inscribed. The man who sailed, Enlil sailed, the man who sailed, Ninlil sailed,

    "On the day that my enmity is revealed, you will be my place." "The man who the boatman brought to Ninlil, the man who the boatman brought to Enlil, your lord, went out from the sea." "He has come out, Enlil has sworn by the name of the shillu priest. My king has not spoken so good words to him. Enlil has not spoken so good words to him. My intellect has not spoken so good words to him. My heart has not been sated, I have not spoken so good words to him. Enlil, the king of the lands, has spoken thusly to me.

    Enlil, your lord, is like you, and I am your ..., I am the day, my lady, I am your ..., I am my hand, I am your lord, I am the pure water of my heart, I am Suen, I am the pure water of my heart, my king, I shall go to heaven, I shall go to earth, I shall go to earth like my king, I shall go to earth. Enlil, who the scepter of his scepter has fashioned, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, he has fashioned it, Enbilulu, the holy water of the river, he has fashioned it,

    Enlil, you are the lord, you are king, you are Nunamnir, you are the lord, you are the king. You are the lord on the feet, you are the lord on the ground. You are the lord who speaks, you are the lord who speaks, you are the lord who gives grain. You are the lord of heaven, you are the lord who has abundance, you are the lord who has earth, you are the lord who has earth, you are the lord who has abundance, you are Enlil, An, Enlil, the king, the lord whose words cannot change, whose words cannot be altered, whose beginning cannot be altered, whose praise is praise is praise of mother Ninlil, father Enlil,

    P469519: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    [...] zi-de3-esz gar-ra u6 di hi-li gur3-ru x x x dumu nun a-ba e-ne-gin7 an (d)en-lil2-da za3 sza4 x x (d)ha-ia3 a ku3-ga sza3-ga mu-ni-in-ri x x x (d)nun-bar-sze-gu-nu zi-de3-esz mu-ni-in-tu-u4 x x x-na mu-ni-in-bulug3 ubur ga du10 mi-ni-in-gu7 x x ki-sikil-la ba-gur4-gur4 hi-li ma-az ba-an-du8-du8 x x x (d)nisaba-ka-ke4 ka2 e2-za-gin3-na x x x ab2 mah sig7-ga-gin7 u6-e am3-ma-gub u4-ba (d)en-lil2-le e2-kur-ra dam nu-mu-na-ba-am3 (d)nin-lil2-le mu-ni ki-ur3-ra pa nu-um-mi-in-e3-am3

    za3 an ki ki-en-gi nigin2-na-ba igi x x na-me sag mi-ni-ib-il2 kur gal (d)en-lil2-le kalam kin-kin-da-ni erisz2(ki)-a bi2?-in-gub igi i-ni-in-bar munus sza3-ga-na-ke4 im-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 mu-un-na-te sza3 hul2-la dirig-na inim mu-un-da-bala-e (tug2)pala3 nam-nin-a ga-ba-ab-du7-un e-sir2-ra un-gub-bu ba-x nam-zil-zil a2-sze3 nir im-te-gal2 lu2 tesz2 nu-tuku-tuku-un (d)sud3-e (d)en-lil2-ra a2 nam-tur-ra-ta inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 me-e ka2-me-a sze-er-ma-al-bi da-gub a-ba szu mu-un-kar2-kar2

    za-e ta-zu i-bi2 mu-ma-al ta-asz gu2-usz im-di-di-in [...] bi2-ib-la2 i-bi2-gu10-ta [...] a-sza-an-gar3 mu-un-ak-ne urgu2 mu-un-na-ne [...] (d)en-lil2-le (d)sud3 mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 [...] _bi_ mu-na-da-gub-am3 gen? ga-ra-ab-du11 inim mu-un-da-bala-en nitalam-gu10 he2-me-en ne su-ub-ma-ab nin9 igi sa6-sa6-gu10 ur5 szu-zu-sze3 na-nam inim ka-ka-na nu-um-ma-ra-e3 igi-ni-sze3 e2-a ba-ku4 en gal-an-zu sza3 ni2-te-na-ka dum-dam mu-un-da-ab-za gu3 ba-an-de2 u4-ul a-ra-zu (d)nusku a2-ba mu-un-da-ag2-e

    ga-e-gi4 erisz2(ki) iri (d)nisaba-sze3 iri ki-ur3 mah-bi nam-ba-ra-gi4-de3-en nig2 a-ra-ab-be2-en-na-gu10 e-ne-er u3-ne-de3-tah gurusz-me-en igi il2-la-gu10-ne mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in dumu-munus-zu nam-dam-sze3 ga-tuku gi-na-zu szum2-ma-ab mu pa3-da-gu10 ga-mu-ra-ab-il2 nig2-de2-a-gu10 [...] (d)en-lil2-me-en pa-bil2-ga u3-tu-da an-szar2 mah-di en an ki-a-me-en x dumu-zu mu-ni (d)nin-lil2 he2-em kur-kur he2-em-me-_kasz4_? ga2-gesz-szu2-a nam-erim3-na-sze3 sa12-e-esz ga-na-rig7

    ki-ur3-ra ama5 ki ag2-ga2-ni-sze3 nig2-ba-asz ga-na-an-ba e2-kur bara2 nam he2-em-mi-ib2-tar-re (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne-er me he2-en-ne-eb-hal-ha u3 za-ra zi sag ge6-ga szu-zu-sze3 ga-mu-u8-gar du-a-zu-ne munus hi-li-a pa3-da-gu10 ama-a-ni ha-ra-ab-la2-e sug4-ga nam-szi-du-un szu ki-ta-za gi16-sa de6-an-na u4 na-am3-zal-zal-e-en ul4-la-bi inim-ma-ni gur-ma-ab kingal (d)nusku a2 ag2-ga2 (d)en-lil2-la2 szu ba-an-ti-a-ta u4 x x nam-zal erisz2(ki)-sze3 giri3-ni na-am3-mi-gub

    e2-za-gin3 ki-tusz (d)nanibgal-sze3 mu-na-da-an-ku4-ku4 x x x zi (d)nanibgal bara2-ga-na ki mu-na-ni-ib-za x x (d)en-lil2-la2-ka x x x gub en3 mu-ni-ib-tar-tar-re [...] a-na A [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] _ka_ x [...] [...] ga _ka_ [...] (d)sud3 la2-a ma-ra-ab-x nig2 ma-ab-be2-en-na-zu de6-ma-ab x [...] x-ab-gi4 in-ga-na-tah (d)nanibgal sukkal-ra inim mu-na-ab-sa6-sa6 ad gi4-gi4 lugal-bi-ir tum2-ma? igi nigin2 musz3 nu-tum2-mu a-ba za-gin7 kur gal-da u4-da sza3 kusz2-u3

    kin lugal szubur bi2-in-dab5-ba me-e a-na a-da-min3 i3-ak nig2 mu-e-du11-ga-za gi-na he2-em nig2-lul nam-me-a mah dirig lu2 szu gi4-gi4 a-ba hul ba-an-gig [...] ur5 sza3 mu-ni-in-hul2 ga-nam i3-_ud_ bi2-du11 nig2-de2-a mu pa3-da de6-de6-da szu kar2 im-ma-ab-gi4-gi4 u3-na-du11 uszbar3-gu10 he2-me-en nig2 sza3-za ak-e-sze kur gal (d)en-lil2-ra u3-na-a-du11 nig2 sza3-za ak-e-sze gu2-re-ta nin9-a-ni he2-en-du gu2-e-ta he2-en-da-du da-ru-ru e-ri-ib-a-ni na-nam e2 he2-na-ra-ab-la2-la2

    lugal-zu-ur2 ki-ur3 mah-a-ni ur5-gin7 du11-mu-na-ab (d)en-lil2-ra itima ku3 si-ga-na u3-ga-na-de3-tah [...]-ra a2 mu-da-an-ag2-ta [...] _du_ (d)nusku dur2 bi2-in-gar [...] (d)nanibgal [...] gu3 mu-na-an-de2 na mu-ni-ib-de5-ge lu2-tur-gu10 sza3 nu2 [...] ku3-ga-zu ama5 du10 e2-|_gisz-tug2-pi-an-nisaba_|-ka-kam [...] e3-a-me-en [...] x kin ti-la ku3-zu gal-an-zu-am3 x igi-ni-sze3 na-an-|_du-du_| kasz de2-mu-na-ni-ib du11-ga ama-na-sze3 szu bi2-in-luh zabar szu-na bi2-in-gar

    szu ki-ta-ni sukkal mu-un-szi-in-bar gi16-sa mu-na-an-szum2 [...] x-ka-ni nig2-nam gar-gar igi-ni-sze3 mu-na-an-gub [...] umbin nig2-ba szu bi2-in-ti [...] nibru(ki)-sze3 giri3 ba-an-dab5 [...] x (d)en-lil2-ra mu-un-su-ub x x x-e? nin gal [...] x-ni-in-du11 a2 mu-da-ag2-e [...] x gi4 ad gi4-gi4 lugal-bi-ir tum2-ma igi nigin2 musz3 nu-tum2-mu a-ba za-gin7 kur gal-da u4-da sza3 kusz2-u3 kin lugal szubur bi2-in-dab5-ba me-e a-na a-da-min3 i3-ak nig2 mu-e-du11-ga-za gi-na he2-em nig2-lul nam-me-a

    mah dirig lu2 szu gi4-gi4 a-ba hul ba-an-gig x x [...] ur5 sza3 mu-ni-in-hul2 ga-nam i3-_ud_ bi2-du11 nig2-de2 mu pa3-da de6-de6-da szu kar2 im-ma-ab-gi4-gi4 u3-na-du11 uszbar3-gu10 he2-me-en nig2 sza3-za ak-e-sze kur gal (d)en-lil2-ra u3-na-a-du11 nig2 sza3-za ak-e-sze gu2-re-ta nin9-a-ni he2-en-du gu2-e-ta he2-em-ta-du da-ru-ru e-ri-ib-a-ni na-nam e2 he2-na-ra-la2-la2-e lugal-zu-ur2 ki-ur3 mah-a-ni-a ur5-gin7 du11-mu-na-ab (d)en-lil2-ra itima ku3 si-ga-ni u3-ga-na-de3-tah

    [...] ba-du10 (d)en-lil2 sza3-ga-na hul2-hul2-e im-de6 [...] sag mu-ni-il2 kuszum4 mu-un-tag-tag-ge x x masz2-ansze nig2-ur2-4(disz)-e edin ni2-ba lu-a [...]-zu hur-sag gal2-la-ba szu im-ma-ni-tag am lu-lim am-si dara3 masz-da3 az szeg9 szeg9-bar-ra su-a ka5-a su-a-ri ur-szub5 udu kur-ra ab2-za-za (ugu)ugu4-bi gu4 niga a2 gur-gur-ra gu3-bi bi2-in-se3-se3 immal amar-bi am si hal-ha saman3 [...] u8 sila4 ud5 masz2 zur-zur-re [...] masz2 gal sun4 la2 umbin sud2-sud2 sila4? x [...]

    udu nam-en-na-ba si ba-ni-in-sa2 (d)en-lil2 erisz2(ki)-sze3 ga-ar3 gal-gal ga-ar3 gazi ga-ar3 tur-tur [...] ga nunuz-te sze6-ga2 ga i-ti-ir-da [...] lal3 had2 lal3 hab2 ku7-ku7-da _hi_ x x x x [...] x x x gur-gur gal-bi si ba-ni-sa2 (d)en-lil2 erisz2(ki)-sze3 x x zu2-lum (gesz)pesz3 (gesz)nu-ur2-ma gal (gesz)x x gesz-ge6-par4 (gesz)szennur (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 (gesz)eszx(_lam_) (gesz)al-la-nu-um zu2-lum dilmun-na gur-da dab5-ba an zu2-lum za-gin3-na

    gesz kur gi-rin-na gesz sza3 (ki)kiri6 gesz _hi ud_ x [...] en-te-en-e gu2 pesz-a gurun (gesz)kiri6-a si ba-ni-in-sa2 (d)en-lil2 erisz2(ki)-sze3 ha-szum ha-ra-li kur ki su3-ra2 erim3-ma nig2 sza3 [...] (na4)du8-szi-a ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar [...] gu2-un igi-nim-ma [...] gu2-un dugud-da-bi si ba-ni-in-sa2 (d)en-lil2 erisz2(ki)-sze3 mu pa3-da egir-bi nig2 lah4 [...] (d)nin-mah sukkal a-ab-x sahar giri3-bi muru9 szeg3-ga2-gin7 an-sza3-ga i-ib-us2

    sza3 bar iri-ba im-mi-in-si-si? [...] szu nam-pesz-pesz-dam da13-da13-bi giri3 bar?-ra x [...] kur-bi [...] an sig7?-ga x [...] [...] _u2_ x [...] _bi_ [...] _u2 a_ x [...] (tug2)aktum [...] uszbar3(bar?) (d)en-lil2-le munus szu ba-kar2-kar2 (d)nanibgal mi2 mu-un-e nin zur-zur-ra-ke4 mu-un-da13-da13 gu3 mu-un-na-an-de2 (d)en-lil2 dam tam-ma-ni he2-me-en du10-ga he2-ne-da-ab-be2 sa6-sa6-ge gu2-da hu-mu-ri-in-la2 ki ag2 bad-bad-e ha-ra-_ne_ hi-li-a e-ne-bi szu nam-bar-re-en-ze2-en u4 su3-u4 ba-re-en-ze2-en

  • 2(disz)-na-ne-ne du6-ta _ne_-_ne_-en-ze2-en u4-da-ta tu-u4-en-ze2-en
  • e2-a ku4-ra tusz-u3-de3 igi-zu-sze3 he2-gal2 he2-em a-ga-zu-sze3 giri17-zal he2-em giri3 us2-sa-zu-ne ug3 si ha-ra-ab-sa2 ug3 ni2-ba ha-ra-_ne_ nam i-ri-tar-ra-gu10 he2-em-szi-gal2 sag il2-la e2-mah-sze3 gen-na szu-ni im-ma-an-dab5 da-ru-ru esz3-mah-sze3 mi-ni-in-kar e2-kur e2 (d)en-lil2-ke4 mu-un-szi-ib2-ku4 x [...] e2 ki-nu2-a gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na (gesz)tir szim (gesz)erin-gin7 [...] (d)en-lil2 nitalam-a-ni gesz3 bi2?-[...] mu-ni-in-hi-li-[...] [...]-ka _mu_ [...] en du11-ga-a-x x-ru nin [...]

    (d)nin-tu munus u3-tu [...] (d)en-ba-tibira musz3-me [...] x x x nig2-nam [...] _ne_ x x nu-bar-re-dam ki-ni gar me ki ti-le sa6-ge sa12-e-esz [...]-rig7 u4-da-ta munus |_edin-bar_| he2-em munus bar lu2 e2 he2-em lu2 dam se3-ga-gu10 mu-un-u3-tu ku3 (d)nisaba-ke4 (d)ezina2 (d)ezina2 mu2 zi ki-en-gi-ra he2-em ab-sin2-na ki-sikil sa6-ga-gin7 ni2 pa e3 ak-za (d)iszkur ku3-gal2 u2-a-zu he2-em a ki-ta mi-ri-in-de2 za3-mu-a gu sag gibil-gibil-za sze sag gibil-gibil-za

    lu2 li-bi2-in-du11-ga-gu10 lu2-erim2-bi he2-em usu ug3-bi tu-lu-ab buru14 ezem gal (d)en-lil2-la2-x sag an-sze3 mi-ni-il2 nam-dub-sar-ra dub mul-la gun3-a gi-dub-ba gesz-dub-dim2 nig2-szid szudum zi-zi-i ga2-ga2 esz2 za-gin3 x [...] sag (gesz)gag gi-1(disz)-ninda bulug se3-ge5 [...] szu mi-ri-in-du7 ensi2 [...] munus sag il2 nun-gal-e-ne [...] u4-da-ta (d)sud3 [...] (d)nin-lil2 [...] szir3 ku3 mi2 du11-ga [...] (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi-da x x

    AI Translation

    ... he set up a true ..., a solitary, solitary ewe, ... like a princely son, whose father An and Enlil had ..., ... Haya, he poured pure water into his heart. ... he sat ..., he ate good ubur-flour, he ate ..., he sat ..., he sat ... like a young woman. ... Nisaba stood at the gate of the Eza. Like a magnificent cow, he stood ... like a wild bull. At that time, Enlil did not marry in the Ekur, and Ninlil did not marry in the Kiur.

    He looked at the border of heaven and earth, Sumer and Akkad, and he raised his head. The great mountain, Enlil, he set up his work in Erisz. He looked at him, and he made the woman enter her heart. He made her rejoice, and he made her speak a word to her. The pala garment, the lady garment, I made to wear. The ... of the esir was there. The ... of the ... was there. The man who does not have a rival, Sud, Enlil, he made a word to him from the ..., and he stood at the gate. He sat down, and he spoke to the mouth.

    You are the one who has a righteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a lefteous heart, who has a righteous heart, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a mother, who has a daughter, who has a mother, who has a daughter, who has a sister, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a father, who has a daughter, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has a father, who has

    I shall return to Erish, the city of Nisaba, the city of the exalted Ki'ur. What shall I return to you? I shall return to you, my young man, I shall be my friend, I shall be my wife. I shall give you your steadfast wife, I shall give you my steadfast name. I shall be my ... of Enlil, I am the one who has been chosen by An, I am the lord of heaven and earth. May Ninlil ... his son, may he ... the lands! I shall bring to you a good thing for me.

    In the Ki'ur, his beloved mother, I shall give her everything. In the Ekur, the shrine, I shall decree a fate. The Anuna, the great gods, may they make the divine powers shine forth. And the true woman, the beginning of the night, I shall set your hands on you. May my beautiful woman, my mother, be sated with you. May she be a supplication to you. May she be a supplication to you. From your place, may she be a rejoicing day. May she be able to speak to you. From the kingal of Nusku, the one who loves Enlil, may she be able to stand at her feet.

    ... the Ezagin temple, the residence of Nibgal, he brought to him. ... true Ningal, his dais, he set up for him. ... Enlil ... stood ..., he spoke to him. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he ... ... ... he ... to him. Ningal, the minister, he made good words. He ... his king, he did not see a ... face, he did not see a ... face. Like the lapis lazuli of the great mountains, the day-to-day, the midst of the furrow

    The king's work was seized in the shubur gate. He acted as a sage, and he did not know what he was doing. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was a sage, and he was a sage. He was my sage. He was my sage. He was my sage. He was my sage. He was the great mountain of Enlil. He was my sage. He was his sage. He was his sister. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage. He was his sage.

    ... Lugalzuur, his exalted ki'ur, he has made him a great ... like a lion. Enlil, when he has sat down in the holy ..., he has made him a ... ... Nusku has made him a ... ... Ningal has made him a ... ... ... Your pure heart is the good mother of the E-gishtugpi'an-saba temple. ... I am ..., ..., ..., ..., your pure ... is ... before him, he pours out beer before him, he pours out a ... before his mother, he has poured bronze.

    ... his hand he sat down for the messenger, and he gave him a rejoicing sigh. ... his ... he set up for him. He ... the ... of his ..., and ... to Nippur he took him. ... ... ... ... the great lady ... he ... and ... ... ... he ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a ... ... ... ... ... like a ...

    The great ..., the man who re-established the hand, the evildoer ..., he rejoiced, he ..., he spoke to me, he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., my shins, he ...,

    ... he made the ... rejoice in his heart. He raised his head and smote him. He ... the wild animals, the pigs, the wild animals, the wild animals, the wild animals, the mountain ranges, ... ... the wild bull, the wild bull, the wild bull, the wild bull, the wild bull, the wild bull, the wild bull, the ..., the ..., the herdsmen, the sheep of the mountains, the cows, the cattle, the grain-fed cattle, the cattle, the cattle, the cattle, the cattle, the cattle, the cattle, the ..., the wild bull, the halha-ed cow, the saman ..., the ewe, the lamb, the lamb, the lamb, the lamb, the lamb .

    ... sheep of enship he brought in. For Enlil to Erisz ... large ..., small ..., small ..., small ..., small ..., small ..., small ..., small ..., small ..., ... ..., ... ..., ... ..., ..., large ..., for Enlil to Erisz ... dates, figs, large pomegranates, ...,

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninmah, the vizier of the sea, ... ... ... ... ... like a storm ... .

  • You are two men, you are a ..., you are a day, you are a day.
  • In the house where you sit, may abundance be established for you. May your agazu be sated with joy. May your feet be sated with a sighing cry. May the people be sated with joy. May my fate be decreed for you. When he came to the Emah, he took hold of his hand. He sat down forever in the Eshmah. The Ekur, the temple of Enlil, ... The house of the living room, a bed of a reed bed, a forest of juniper, ... Enlil ... his nitalam ... ... ... ... lord ...

    Nintu, the woman who gives birth, ... Enbatibira, the one who ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... From day to day, may woman, the plain, may woman, the man who is to build a house, may man, my beloved spouse, be crowned with the holy Nisaba, may Ezina, the Ezina of true name of Sumer, may she be the one who makes the absinnu and the beautiful lady shine forth like a sacrificial woman, may Ishkur, the holy one, your uazu, may she be the one who restores the water from the earth, may she be the one who restores the throne, may she be the one who restores the barley,

    My man, may they not speak evil of me. May their strength be praised. May their people be gathered together. The harvest of the great festival of Enlil reaches the highest level. The scribal art, the tablet of the stars, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal art, the scribal arts, the lapis lazuli ..., the head of the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the scribal arts, the

    Surface b


    [...] du6-da zal-zal-le-ze2-en _mu_ x [...] [...] ku4-ra-ba-ni igi-zu-sze3 he2-gal2 he2-em [...] [...]-zu-sze3 ug3-e si ha-ra-ab-si ug3 ni2-bi ha-ra-_ne_ [...] i-ri-tar-ra-zu he2-em-szi-gal2 sag il2-la esz3-mah [...] x-ni mi-ni-in-dab5 da-ru-ru esz3-mah-a-sze3 mi-ni-in-[...] e2-kur za-gin3-na mu-ni-in-ku4 i3 sag igi-ni mi-ni-in-de2 e2 ki-nu2 gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na tir erin-na-gin7 du10 (d)en-lil2 nitalam4-a-ni gesz3-a-ni x im-mi-in-nir mu-ni-ib-hi-li-hi-li

    en du11-ga-ni urux(|_uru_xURUDA|) nin munus tam-tam-ma-ni nam he2-ni-ib-tar-re (d)nin-tu-re nin u3-tu nin du10 bad mu-sze21 mu-ni-in-sa4 (d)en-ba-tibira musz3-me mi-ni-in-sig7 igi x dim2-dim2 [...] nu-gig-ga nig2-nam munus-e-ne lu2 igi nu-bar-re ki-ni i3-gal2 gi ti-le x sa12-e he2-na-rig7 u4-da-ta munus |_edin-bar_| he2-em munus lu2 nin e2-e-ke4 lu2 dam tam-ma-gu10 u3-tu-da? ku3 (d)nisaba-ke4 (d)ezina2 (d)ezina2 zi kalam-ma he2-em [...] ki-sikil sig7-ga-gin7 ni2 pa e3 ak-ne

    [...] sze sag mu2-mu2-ne gu sag mu2-mu2-ne [...]-in-du11-ga-zu lu2-|_ne-du_|-bi sza3-nam usu ug3-bi dul-la-ab buru14 ezem gal (d)en-lil2-la2 ug3 _har_ se3-ge he2-me-en [...] gi-ninda-na bulug si-ga e pa5 dab5-dab5-be2 szu mi-ri-in-du7 ensi2-ke4 ulul2-la szu-zu im-mi-in-gi munus sag il2 kur-ra za3 dib igi il2-la-zu-ne pa3-de3 u4-ta (d)su-u4 (d)en-lil2 lugal-bi (d)nin-lil2 nin-bi he2-em dingir mu nu-tuku mu gal tuku u2-gu7 rig7-ga x x x-na bara2 za3 an-ne2 gar nidba szum2-szum2-mu

    sag? en3 tar-bi [...]-ga za-e nam he2-tar esz3 nibru(ki) sa12-e-esz rig7-ga-ba szir3 ku3 mi2 du11-ga du11-ge-e (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-ra-ke4 x x

    AI Translation

    lord who commanded me, a lion, his lady, his wife, may she decide her fate. Nintur, the lady of the utu, the lady who makes the wall shine, he made it shine. Enbatibira, the scepter, he made it shine. ..., ..., ..., ..., everything, women, men who do not see, his ... he made available. At that time, women ..., women ..., women ..., men ..., men ... my wife. Holy Nisaba, holy Ezina, holy Ezina, the life of the Land, ... like a beautiful lady, he made a ... bow down.

    ... who has sown the barley, who has sown the ..., who has sown the ..., whose man is a ..., whose strength is the people, whose harvest is the great festival of Enlil, the people ..., may you be ..., whose ginninda is a ..., whose ... is a ..., whose hand is a ..., whose ruler is a ..., whose head is a ... in the mountains, whose eyes are a ..., from day to day Suu, Enlil, its king and Ninlil, its mistress, may you be its lord, who has no name, who has a great name, who eats ..., who places ... on the dais of An, giving food offerings,

    'You are the one who decides the fates, you are the one who decides the fates.' In the shrine Nippur, the good things are presented. The pure scribal art is performed. Enlil, the king of the netherworld, .

    P469520: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    [...] x-dam edin-na na-mu-x-[...] tug2-szu-gur-ra men edin-na sag-ga2 mu-ni-in-gal2 [...] x sipa-ra ga2 udu-sze3 an-na-ra-e3 [...] gam-e-dam gal4-la-ni u6 di-dam [...] zi-de3-esz gam-e-dam gal4-la-ni u6 di-dam [...] gal4-la-ni-sze3 hul2-la-e ni2-te-ni mi2 zi iri in-ga-am3-me [...] gal4-la-ni-sze3 hul2-la-e ni2-te-ni mi2 zi iri in-ga-am3-me [...] igi nam-szi-in-bar [...] igi nam-da-ra-szi-in-bar [...] x igi nam-szi-in-bar [...] me-e en sa6-ga-gu10-ne [...] x me-e mul-la-gu10-ne [...] x sig7-ga-gu10-ne

    [...] x sa6-ga-gu10-ne [...] x _tur_-_tur_ la2-gu10-ne [...] szu du7-a-gu10-ne [...] x lum-ma-gu10-ne [...] x lam-ma-gu10-ne [...]-ma za-ha-am-ma-gu10-ne [...] gur-gur-ra-gu10-ne [...] en-_tum_ mul-la-gu10-ne [...] en-_tum_ mul-mul-la-gu10-ne abzu uru2-ze2-eb(ki)-sze3 giri3 u3-da-an-szi-gub dam-an-ki-ra abzu uru2-ze2-eb(ki)-sze3 giri3 u3-da-an-szi-gub abzu uru2-ze2-eb(ki)-sze3 me-e mi2 du5-mu-na-ab-du11 dam-an-ki-ra abzu uru2-ze2-eb(ki)-sze3 me-e mi2 du5-mu-na-ab-du11 [...]-a ba-an-e3

    AI Translation

    ... my good ... ... my small children ... my good ... ... my evil ... ... my lamma ... my zahama ... my gurgur ... my en-tum, my star ... my en-tum, my star ... my abzu, the city of Uruk, where I sit on foot, to Damanki, the abzu, the city of Uruk, where I sit on foot, to Damanki, the abzu, the city of Uruk, where I am to say "I am to say to him." "To Damanki, the abzu, the city of Uruk, where I am to say to him," .

    Surface b


    ga-sza-an-an-na [...] me-e [...]-gen ga-sza-an-an-na-gen me-e ga-gen? abzu-sze3 u3-mu-un dam-an-ki-ra a-ra-zu du5-mu-na-ab-be2 (gesz)erin i3 ze2-ba-gin7 ir _ru_ ku3-gu10 a-ba ma _bi_ [...] lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni ki? tak4-a-gu10 musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu u4-bi-a ki-sikil (d)inanna abzu eridu(ki)-ga (d)en-ki-ka3-sze3 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub u4-ba gesztu2 dirig me zu an ki-a ki-tusz-a-ni-ta sza3 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 szi-in-ga-zu-a ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 abzu eridu(ki)-ga-sze3 danna nu-ub-te-a-asz

    (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 nig2-nam-e zu-a (d)en-ki lu2 gu3 mu-un-de2 a2 im-ma-an-ag2 ga2-nu lu2 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu [...] x ir? [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Enki, king of the Abzu, what is it that Enki commands? He speaks to the man, and he speaks to him: "Go, my word ...

    Surface c


    [...] nag-e [...]-gu7-e ga2-nu [...] x _ku_ lu2 ga-ra-ab-x [...]-ib-szi-ak (lu2)ki-sikil abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 [...] _ni_ x (d)inanna abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 x-[...]-ni-x (lu2)ki-sikil abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 um-ma-ku4-ra-ta (d)inanna abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 um-ma-ku4-ra-ta gug2 i3-nun-ta he2-em-da-gu7-e a sed nig2 sza3 te-en de2-mu-na-ni igi pirig-ga2-ka kasz hu-mu-na-na8-na8 ga2 ma-la-sze3 hu-mu-na-si-ge nam-gi4-me-esz3 hu-mu-na-ak-e (gesz)banszur ku3 (gesz)banszur an-na-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ra nig2-silim hu-mu-na-e

    ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka sukkal (d)isimud-de3 inim lugal-la-na-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak (lu2)ki-sikil abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4 (d)inanna abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4 (lu2)ki-sikil abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 um-ma-ku4-ra-ta (d)inanna abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 um-ma-ku4-ra-ta gug2 i3-nun-ta im-da-gu7-e a sed nig2 sza3 ten mu-na-de2-e-ne igi pirig-ga2-ka kasz mu-na-na8-na8 ga2 ma-la-sze3 mu-na-si-ge nam-gi4-me-esz3 mu-na-ak-e (gesz)banszur ku3 (gesz)banszur an-na-ka

    ku3 (d)inanna-ra nig2-silim mu-na-e (d)en-ki (d)inanna e-en-bi-ta abzu-a kasz im-na8-na8-ne kurun2 im-du10-ge-ne (zabar)aga im-gur4-gur4-e-ne zabar (d)urasz-a a-da-min3 mu-un-ak-ne

    AI Translation

    ... drink ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the ... of the abzu priest of Eridu ... Inanna of the abzu priest of Eridu ... ... the ... of the abzu priest of Eridu ... Inanna of the abzu priest of Eridu ... from the ... of the gugg of the butter oil may he eat. The water, the substance of his heart, the suckling water of the pirig priest, the beer of his ..., to his ..., to his ..., to his ..., to his ..., to his ..., to his ..., to his holy table, the holy table of An, holy Inanna, to his good health may he eat.

    As if it were a lion, he smote the messenger of Isimud. He shook his king's word. The 'kidney of the Abzu of Eridu' entered. Inanna of the Abzu of Eridu entered. The 'kidney of the Abzu of Eridu' entered. Inanna of the Abzu of Eridu entered. From the 'kidney of the Abzu of Eridu' entered. From the 'gug of the nun' he ate. He poured water and savoured everything. He poured beer before the pirig' and poured beer for him. He poured out a libation. He sat down for him. He sat down for him. He sat down for him. He sat down for him. The pure table of heaven

    The pure silver of Inanna he presented to him. Enki and Inanna, from the Abzu, they poured beer, they poured sweet beer, they poured bronze, they poured bronze for Urash, they were scribal artists.

    Surface d


    ku3 (d)inanna-ra dumu-gu10-ur2 ga-na-ab-szum2 ba-ra-[...] nam-ur-sag nam-kal-ga nam-nig2-erim2 nam-nig2-si-sa2 iri lah5 i-si-isz ga2-ga2 sza3 hul2-la ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2 ku3 (d)inanna-ra dumu-gu10-ur2 ga-na-ab-szum2 ba-ra-[...] lul-da kur ki-bala nam-du10-ge kas4 di-di ki-tusz gi-na ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2 ku3 (d)inanna-ra dumu-gu10-ur2 ga-na-ab-szum2 ba-ra-[...] nam-nagar nam-tibira nam-dub-sar nam-simug nam-aszgab nam-azlag2 nam-szidim nam-ad-kup4

    ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2 ku3 (d)inanna-ra dumu-gu10-ur2 ga-na-ab-szum2 ba-ra-[...] gesztu2 gizzal szu-luh ku3-ga e2-|_dag-kisim5_xX|-ra ne-mur dub ga2 udu ni2 te-ge26 nig2-me-gar kur-ku ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2 ku3 (d)inanna-ra dumu-gu10-ur2 ga-na-ab-szum2 ba-ra-[...] _lul_ zu2 sis izi mu2-mu2 izi ten-ten a2 kusz2-u3 |_ka-gan2_|-ge im-ri-a gu2 gar-ra lu-lu-bu-na ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2

    du14 mu2-mu2 u3-ma ad gi4-gi4 sza3 kusz2-u3 di ku5 ka-asz bar ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu ba-ti mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2 ku3 (d)inanna-ra dumu-gu10-ur2 ga-na-ab-szum2 ba-ra-[...] _ama_ x x-ni nin _ka_ x [...] x x x dab5-be2 x [...]

    AI Translation

    The silver of Inanna, my son, I shall give to her. Hero, strong one, evil one, evil one, I shall bring to my city, the slanderer, I shall give to her. In the womb of joy, the silver of Inanna has died. The year after the year in which I had the Abzu, the silver of Inanna has died. The lulda of the lands, the good news, the sattukku-offering, the steadfast residence of Inanna has died. The year after the year after the year after the Abzu, the silver of Inanna has died. The nagar, the tibira, the scribe, the smith, the

    holy Inanna received; year: "The throne of the abzu," holy Inanna to my son ... I gave. The pure ears of the shuluh ritual in the E-dag-kisim ... I saw. The tablet of sheep with a shivering nir-ox, the property of the mountain-ku. Holy Inanna received; year: "The throne of the abzu" holy Inanna to my son ... I gave. The lul of the scepter of fire ... ten-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-stuffels, ...

    Surface e


    nam-nig2-si-sa2 ma-an-szum2 iri lah5 ma-an-szum2 i-si-isz ga2-ga2 ma-an-szum2 sza3 hul2-la ma-an-szum2 lul-da ma-an-szum2 kur ki-bala ma-an-szum2 nam-du10-ge ma-an-szum2 kas4 di-di ma-an-szum2 ki-tusz gi-na ma-an-szum2 nam-nagar ma-an-szum2 nam-tibira ma-an-szum2 nam-dub-sar ma-an-szum2 nam-simug ma-an-szum2 nam-aszgab ma-an-szum2 nam-azlag2 ma-an-szum2 nam-szidim ma-an-szum2 nam-ad-kup4 ma-an-szum2 gesztu2 ma-an-szum2 gizzal ma-an-szum2 szu-luh ku3-ge ma-an-szum2 e2-|_dag-kisim5_xX|-ra ma-an-szum2

    ga2 udu ma-an-szum2 ni2 te-ge26 ma-an-szum2 nig2-me-gar ma-an-szum2 kur-ku ma-an-szum2 _lul_ zu2 sis ma-an-szum2 izi mu2-mu2 ma-an-szum2 izi ten-ten ma-an-szum2 a2 kusz2-u3 ma-an-szum2 |_ka-gan2_|-ge ma-an-szum2 im-ri-a gu2 gar-ra ma-an-szum2 lu-lu-bu-na ma-an-szum2 du14 mu2-mu2 ma-an-szum2 u3-ma ma-an-szum2 ad gi4-gi4 ma-an-szum2

    AI Translation

    he gave to him the gift of justice; he gave to the city that is ruined; he gave to the sag-gag-priest; he gave to the sag-gag-priest; he gave to the lulda-priest; he gave to the land of the dynasty; he gave to the good-will; he gave to the messenger; he gave to the faithful messenger; he gave to the nagar-priest; he gave to the tibira-priest; he gave to the scribe; he gave to the scribal arts; he gave to the scribal arts; he gave to the scribal arts; he gave to the scribal arts; he gave to the scribal arts;

    grain-fed sheep given birth, he was able to speak, he was able to see, he was able to hear, he was able to see, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to hear, he was able to speak, he was able to speak, he was able to speak,

    Surface f


    (d)en-ki-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be-en u4-ul a-ra-zu a-da-al unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 na-ma-ra-an-e3-a ki (d)utu [...] _ne_-sze3 na-ma-ra-an-e3-a im-mi-in-du11-ga-ka sa2 ba-ni-ib2-be2-en ku3 (d)inanna me mu-un-ur4-ur4 ma2 an-na bi2-in-u5 ma2 an-na kar-ra za3 bi2-in-tag kasz nag-ga2-ra kasz nag-ga2-ra kasz mu-un-ta-e11-da a-a (d)en-ki kasz nag-ga2-ra kasz mu-un-ta-e11-da

    en-e abzu-sze3 igi mi-ni-ib2-il2-il2-e lugal (d)en-ki-ke4 eridu(ki)-sze3 gesz mu-un-szi-kar2-kar2 (d)en-ki-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu nam-en nam-lagar nam-dingir aga zi mah (gesz)gu-za nam-lugal me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 gidru mah eszgiri2 szibir tug2 mah nam-sipa nam-lugal me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 nam-egir3-zi nam-nin-dingir nam-iszib nam-lu2-mah nam-gudug me-a

    lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 nig2-gi-na _si_ tur _si_ e3? kur e11-de3 kur e11-da kur-gar-ra me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 giri2 ba-da-ra sag-ur-sag tug2 ge6 tug2 gun3-a gu2-bar gu2-x me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 gesz [...] me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 (gesz)szu-nir mar-uru5 gesz3 du11-du11 gesz3 ki su-ub nam-kar-ke4 nam-hub2-dar me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2 nam-eme-di nam-eme-sig nam-sze-er-ka-an x-a amalu esz2-dam ku3 me-a

    nigin3-gar ku3 x _an_ nu-gig an-na gesz-gu3-di nam-nar nam-ab-ba me-a lugal-gu10 dumu-ni-ir ba-an-na-szum2

    AI Translation

    Enki, the minister of Isimud, spoke to him. My minister Isimud, the good name of An, my king, Enki, stood by. In the distant future, when you will see the adal of Uruk and Kulaba, when you will see the place of Utu, ..., when you will see the adal of ..., you will be able to put your trust in him. Holy Inanna smashed the me. The boat of An smashed the boat of An. The boat of An smashed the adolescent, the beer of the adolescent, the beer of the adolescent, father Enki, the beer of the adolescent, the beer of the adolescent,

    lord of the Abzu he looked at him. King Enki to Eridu he smote. Enki to the vizier Isimud spoke. The vizier Isimud spoke to me, saying: "My An, my king, Enki, in the future, may your prayer be answered. Namen, Namlagar, Namdin, the supreme crown, the throne, the kingship, I gave to him. The supreme scepter, the supreme scepter, the shepherdship, I gave to him. The scepter, the shepherdship, I gave to him. The girzi, the nindingir, the shib, the sage, the gudug, I gave to him.

    My king, his son, gave to him. The small horns that ... the mountain, the mountain that ... the mountain, my king, his son, gave to him. The feet that were twisted, the sag-ursag garment, the black garment, the ... garment, my king, his son, gave to him. The ... ..., my king, his son, gave to him. The ... of the maruru, the ... of the ... of the namkar-dagger, the namhubdar-dagger, my king, his son, gave to him. The ... of the eshdam, the silver ...,

    ... holy ..., ... of heaven, my scepter, the scribal art, the scribal art, my king, his son, gave to him.

    Surface g


    x x lugal x [...] e2 (d)en-ki-ke4 inim nu-ha-lam-e-dam x x na de5-ga gu3 di gal-zu-a (gesz)sag-kul (gesz)ig e2-e-ka bi2-za-za bi2-in-du11 bi2-in-esz ki e-ne-er mu-na-an-pa3 (d)en-ki-ke4 bi2-za-za-x kiszib3-la2 zi-da-ni im-ma-an-dab5 [...] ku3-ga-na im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4 [...] (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 (gesz)taskarin-na-ni szu im-ma-an-ti [...] x muszen an-na-sze3 ba-an-szum2 [...] x ku6 engur-ra-sze3 ba-an-szum2 [...] mun mu-ni-in-ra [...] im-ma-ni-in-ra [...]-ib-su3 [...] nam-ba-da-ha-lam-e [...] suhusz he2-a

    [...] kar-ra [...] sa6-sa6-sze3 [...] tag [...] x-a [...]-e

    AI Translation

    ... king ... Enki did not make a claim concerning the house ..., he spoke a great word, he sat down on the door of the house, he spoke on the ground, he sat down on the place where he had been seated, Enki ... he took his sealed tablet, he entered his holy place, he took his halub and tablan ... he gave to the bird of heaven, he gave it to the fish of the engur fish, he gave it to the fish of the engur fish, he gave it to the mun, he gave it to the fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish of the engur fish

    ... in the harbor ... for sale ... ... .

    Surface h


    nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 i-da-al kar x [...] sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na ma2 an-na enkum-e-ne he2-em-da-ab-kar-re-ne sukkal (d)isimud-de3 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam (d)inanna a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam a-a-zu du11-ga-ni mah-am3

    inim gal-gal-a-ni sag2 nu-di ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 a-a-gu10 ta-am3 e-ra-an-du11 ta-am3 e-ra-an-tah e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ta-am3 sag2 nu-di lugal-gu10 ga2-a-ra ma-an-du11 (d)en-ki-ke4 ga2-a-ra ma-an-tah (d)inanna unu(ki)-sze3 he2-du za-e ma2 an-na eridu(ki)-sze3 dib-ma-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-a-gu10 ga2-a-ra ta-am3 gu3 ba-an-kur2 du11-ga zi-da-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 szu i-ni-ib-bala e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 mu-un-pe-el

    a-a-gu10 lul-da ma-an-du11 lul-da ma-an-tah lul-da mu a2-na mu abzu-na in-pa3 lul-da ga2-a-ra za-a lu2 mu-un-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na nam-ma-da-gal2-la enkum-e-ne ma2 an-na im-ma-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne ku3 (d)inanna sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10 sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10 ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-gi-na-gu10 a szu-zu nu-tag a me-ri-zu nu-tag (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na um-ma-da-an-kar

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
  • (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 _hu_ [...] ku3-ga sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na u18-ru eridu(ki)-ga 5(u)-bi ma2 an-na he2-em-da-ab-kar-re-ne sukkal (d)isimud-de3 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam (d)inanna a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam a-a-zu du11-ga-ni mah-am3 (d)en-ki-ke4 tah-a-ni mah-am3 inim gal-gal-a-ni sag2 nu-di

    ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 a-a-gu10 ta-am3 e-ra-an-du11 ta-am3 e-ra-an-tah e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ta-am3 sag2 nu-di lugal-gu10 ga2-a-ra ma-an-du11 (d)en-ki-ke4 ga2-a-ra ma-an-tah (d)inanna unu(ki)-sze3 he2-du za-e ma2 an-na eridu(ki)-sze3 dib-ma-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-a-gu10 ga2-ra ta-am3 gu3 ba-an-kur2 du11-ga zi-da-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 szu i-ni-ib-bala e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 mu-un-pe-el a-a-gu10 lul-da ma-an-du11 lul-da ma-an-tah

    lul-da mu a2-na mu abzu-na in-pa3 lul-da ga2-a-ra za-a lu2 mu-un-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na nam-ma-da-gal2-la u18-ru eridu(ki)-ga 5(u)-bi ma2 an-na im-ma-ni-in-dab5-e-ne ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10 sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10 ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-gi-na-gu10 a szu-zu nu-tag a me-ri-zu nu-tag (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na um-ma-da-an-kar

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
  • (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 du6 |_ul-ma_| sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na la-ha-ma engur-ra 5(u)-bi ma2 an-na he2-em-da-ab-kar-re-ne sukkal (d)isimud-de3 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam (d)inanna a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam a-a-zu du11-ga-ni mah-am3 (d)en-ki-ke4 tah-a-ni mah-am3 inim gal-gal-a-ni sag2 nu-di

    ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 a-a-gu10 ta-am3 e-ra-an-du11 ta-am3 e-ra-an-tah e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ta-am3 sag2 nu-di lugal-gu10 ga2-a-ra ma-an-du11 (d)en-ki-ke4 ga2-a-ra ma-an-tah (d)inanna unu(ki)-sze3 he2-du za-e ma2 an-na eridu(ki)-sze3 dib-ma-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-a-gu10 ga2-a-ra ta-am3 gu3 ba-an-kur2 du11-ga zi-da-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 szu i-ni-ib-bala e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 mu-un-pe-el a-a-gu10 lul-da ma-an-du11 lul-da ma-an-tah

    lul-da mu a2-na mu abzu-na in-pa3 lul-da ga2-a-ra za-a lu2 mu-un-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na nam-ma-da-gal2-la la-ha-ma engur-ra 5(u)-bi ma2 an-na im-ma-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10 sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10 ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-gi-na-gu10 a szu-zu nu-tag a me-ri-zu nu-tag (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na um-ma-da-an-kar

  • 4(disz)-kam-ma-asz nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
  • (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 du6 a-sza3-ga sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na ku6 gal-gal tesz2-bi _ni ka_ da ma2 an-na he2-em-da-ab-kar-re-ne sukkal (d)isimud-de3 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam (d)inanna a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam a-a-zu du11-ga-ni mah-am3 (d)en-ki-ke4 tah-a-ni mah-am3 inim gal-gal-a-ni sag2 nu-di

    ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 a-a-gu10 ta-am3 e-ra-an-du11 ta-am3 e-ra-an-tah e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ta-am3 sag2 nu-di lugal-gu10 ga2-a-ra ma-an-du11 (d)en-ki-ke4 ga2-a-ra ma-an-tah (d)inanna unu(ki)-sze3 he2-du za-e ma2 an-na eridu(ki)-sze3 dib-ma-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-a-gu10 ga2-a-ra ta-am3 gu3 ba-an-kur2 du11-ga zi-da-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 szu i-ni-ib-bala e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 mu-un-pe-el a-a-gu10 lul-da ma-an-du11 lul-da ma-an-tah

    lul-da mu a2-na mu abzu-na in-pa3 lul-da ga2-a-ra za-a lu2 mu-un-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na nam-ma-da-gal2-la ku6 gal-gal tesz2-bi _ni ka_ da ma2 an-na im-ma-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10 sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10 ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-gi-na-gu10 a szu-zu nu-tag a me-ri-zu nu-tag (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na um-ma-da-an-kar

  • 5(disz)-kam-ma-asz nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
  • (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 [...] sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na [...] en-nu-ug3 unu(ki)-ga ma2 an-na he2-em-da-ab-kar-re-ne sukkal (d)isimud-de3 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam (d)inanna a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam a-a-zu du11-ga-ni mah-am3 (d)en-ki-ke4 tah-a-ni mah-am3 inim gal-gal-a-ni sag2 nu-di

    ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 a-a-gu10 ta-am3 e-ra-an-du11 ta-am3 e-ra-an-tah e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ta-am3 sag2 nu-di lugal-gu10 ga2-a-ra ma-an-du11 (d)en-ki-ke4 ga2-a-ra ma-an-tah (d)inanna unu(ki)-sze3 he2-du za-e ma2 an-na eridu(ki)-sze3 dib-ma-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-a-gu10 ga2-a-ra ta-am3 gu3 ba-an-kur2 du11-ga zi-da-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 szu i-ni-ib-bala e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 mu-un-pe-el a-a-gu10 lul-da ma-an-du11 lul-da ma-an-tah

    lul-da mu a2-na mu abzu-na in-pa3 lul-da ga2-a-ra za-a lu2 mu-un-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na nam-ma-da-gal2-la [...] en-nu-ug3 unu(ki)-ga ma2 an-na im-ma-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10 sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10 ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-gi-na-gu10 a szu-zu nu-tag a me-ri-zu nu-tag (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na um-ma-da-an-kar

  • 6(disz)-kam-ma-asz nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e
  • (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 (i7)surungal x x sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na (i7)surungal [...] ma2 an-na he2-em-da-ab-kar-re-ne ku3 (d)inanna-ra [...] sukkal (d)isimud-de3 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam (d)inanna a-a-zu za-a-sze3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam a-a-zu du11-ga-ni mah-am3 (d)en-ki-ke4 tah-a-ni mah-am3

    inim gal-gal-a-ni sag2 nu-di ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 a-a-gu10 ta-am3 e-ra-an-du11 ta-am3 e-ra-an-tah e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ta-am3 sag2 nu-di lugal-gu10 ga2-a-ra ma-an-du11 (d)en-ki-ke4 ga2-a-ra ma-an-tah (d)inanna unu(ki)-sze3 he2-du za-e ma2 an-na eridu(ki)-sze3 dib-ma-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-a-gu10 ga2-a-ra ta-am3 gu3 ba-an-kur2 du11-ga zi-da-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 szu i-ni-ib-bala e-ne-eg3 gal-gal-a-ni ga2-a-ra ta-am3 mu-un-pe-el

    a-a-gu10 lul-da ma-an-du11 lul-da ma-an-tah lul-da mu a2-na mu abzu-na in-pa3 lul-da ga2-a-ra za-a lu2 mu-un-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na nam-ma-da-gal2-la (i7)surungal [...] ma2 an-na im-ma-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne ku3 (d)inanna-ra [...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu sukkal zi e2-an-na-gu10 sukkal e-ne-eg3 sa6-sa6-ga-gu10 ra-gaba e-ne-eg3 ge-en-gi-na-gu10 a szu-zu nu-tag a me-ri-zu nu-tag (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na um-ma-da-an-kar x [...] unu(ki) [...] nig2 [...]

    (d)nin-szubur [...] ma2 an-na giri3 x [...]

  • 7(disz)-kam-ma-asz giri3-da ak [...]
  • sza3-zu _nim_-_nim_-ma _a du_ [...] dumu nun gal ku3 (d)nin-[...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ma2 an-na im-[...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 u4-ba mu-du7-du7 x [...] sukkal-a-ni (d)nin-szubur-ra-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nin-gu10 u4-da ma2 an-na abula nig2-ul-la unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 iri-me-a he2-gal2 [...] [...]-me-a he2-gal2 [...] i7 [...]-me-a ma2-gur8 [...] _bi_ x [...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 ge26-e u4-da ma2 an-na abula nig2-ul-la unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 x [...] sila-a mah hu-mu-un-dib x

    x sila-a mah he2-em-da-sug2-sug2-ge-esz [...] du5-na he2-em-ta-[...] [...] hul2-la szu-ta [...] ab-ba-iri sza3 kusz2-u3 [...] bur-szu-ma ad gi4-gi4 [...] gurusz-e a2 (gesz)tukul-la [...] di4-di4-la2 sza3 hul2-la [...] unu(ki) [...] x [...] [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x _gi_ dumu _pa_ [...] [...] us2-sa-bi _a hi_ [...] x-ta ma2 an-na ezem x [...] siskur2 gal-gal hu-mu-un-[...]-e lugal-e gu4 he2-em-ma-ab-gaz-e udu he2-em-ma-ab-szar2-re kasz bur-ra he2-em-de2-e szem3 (kusz)a2-la2-e szeg11 ha-ba-gi4-gi4

    tigi nig2 du10-ge si he2-em-mi-ib-sa2-sa2 kur-kur-re nam-mah-gu10 he2-em-pa3-de3 ug3-gu10 ka tar-gu10 he2-si-il-le u4-da ma2 an-na abula nig2-ul-la unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 [...] sila-a mah mu-un-dib [...] e2 ki-sikil-sze3 sa2 ba-an-du11 tusz-bi [...] tul2 luh tul2 sag-ga2-na mu-ni-x-[...] (d)inanna me sa12 rig7-ga-ni ma2 an-na ka2 ge6-par3-ra-sze3 i-ni-ib-[...] dag agrun-na-ka mu-ni-in-[...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ki ma2 an-na gir2-gir2 [...] nun-e sukkal-a-ni (d)isimud-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e

    (d)en-ki-ke4 mu du10 an-na-ra inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 sukkal (d)isimud-gu10 mu du10 an-na-gu10 lugal-gu10 (d)en-ki i3-gub-be2-en u4-ul a-ra-zu ma2 an-na me-a sa2 ba-an-du11 kar babbar-ra sa2 ba-an-du11 gen-na u3 di ba-ni-ib-x-[...] u3 di ma2 an-na-ka [...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 [...] u3 di [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    The prince, his minister, Isimud, spoke to him. Enki, saying "I am good for An," said to him. The minister, Isimud, saying "I am good for An," my king, Enki, stood by him. "In the future, how long will you be a captain of the boat of An?" he said. "I will go to the quay of ..., and the boats of An will be seized by the enkum. The minister, Isimud, speaking to holy Inanna, "My lady, you are the father, you are the father." Inanna, you are the father, you are the father, his word is great.

    His great words, without equal, the holy Inanna returned to him. My father, what did he say? What did he say? What did he say? His great decisions, what did he say? My king, what did he say? Enki, what did he say? Inanna, in Uruk, may you be well! The boat of An to Eridu he sailed. The holy Inanna, the minister of Isimud, spoke to him. My father, what did he say? His life he changed. His great decisions, what did he say?

    My father is evil, I say to him "I am evil." Mantah is evil, he has chosen the name of his father, the name of his abzu. I am evil, I am a man who has sworn by his word. The enkum priests have seized the boat of An. Holy Inanna, his minister Ninshubur, says to me: "I am the faithful minister of Eanna." My minister, who speaks good things about me, my messenger, who speaks good things about me, my messenger, who does not touch the water, who does not touch the water of my lord Inanna, whose divine powers are pleasing to him, he has sailed the boat of An.

  • The prince, his minister, Isimud, cried out to him.
  • Enki has said to you: "I am Isimud, I am Isimud, I am Isimud!" My king, Enki, stands by me. "On the day when you are to be a boat of An, a mighty storm is set against you. ... ... is set against you. Come, let the 50 boats of Eridu be smashed against you. The vizier Isimud speaks to you: "My lady, you are the one who has sworn to you." Inanna, you are the one who has sworn to you. Your father, you are the one who has sworn to you. Enki, you are the one who has sworn to you. His great words are not uttered.

    He returned the holy Inanna to my father. What has he said? What has he said? What has he done? His great cultic rites, what has he done? My king, I have said: "Enki, I have said: "May Inanna go to Uruk!" You are the one who has sailed to the boat of An and Eridu. The holy Inanna, the minister of Isimud, has said: "My father, what has he done?" His father has said: "What has he done? What has he done?" His great cultic rites have he done? My father, I have said: "What has he done?"

    a lulda slanderer, a name of his own, a name of his own Abzu he has chosen, a lulda slanderer has sworn. His words are in his mouth, and he will be able to prove them. The uru of Eridu, fifty of them, the boat of An, seized. Holy Inanna, his minister Ninshubur, he spoke to him. My true minister of Eanna, my minister, who speaks good things about me, who speaks good things about me, my messenger, who speaks good things about me, who does not touch water, who does not touch water, Inanna, the one who loves me, has sailed the boat of An

  • The 3rd, the prince, his minister, Isimud, he praised.
  • Enki has said to you: "I am Isimud, I am Isimud, I am Isimud!" My king, Enki, stands by. "In the future, when you are to be commanded, the boat of An is to be commanded. When you are to be commanded, the boat of Ulma is to be commanded." "Let me go to Lahama!" "The engur of the boat of An is to be seized." "The vizier of Isimud, holy Inanna, speaks to me. My lady, you are to be praised. Inanna, you are to be praised." "Your father, you are to be praised." "Enki, you are to be praised!" "His great words are not to be forgotten."

    He returned the holy Inanna to my father. What has he said? What has he said? What has he done? His great cultic rites, what has he done? My king, I have said: "Enki, I have said: "May Inanna go to Uruk!" You are the one who has sailed to the boat of An and Eridu. The holy Inanna, the minister of Isimud, has said: "My father, what has he done?" My father has said: "What has he changed?" His great cultic rites have changed. What has he done? My father has said: "What has he done?"

    The one who has changed the name of his father, the name of his abzu, the one who has changed the name, the one who has changed the name, the one who has changed his word, the one who has changed his word, the one who has changed his word, the one who has changed his word, the fifty boats of An, they have taken away. Holy Inanna, his minister Ninshubur, he spoke to him. My true minister of Eanna, my minister who speaks good things, my beautiful messenger who speaks good things about me, my messenger who speaks good things about me, he does not touch water, he does not touch water, Inanna, the one who loves me, has sailed the boat of An.

  • The 4th, Prince Isimud cried to his minister.
  • Enki has said to you: "I am Isimud, I am Isimud, I am Isimud!" My king, Enki, stands by me. At the storm, you are to be commanded by the boat of An. You are to be commanded by the boat of the field. Come, let the great fish ... the mouth of the boat of An. The vizier Isimud speaks to the holy Inanna: "My lady, you are the one who gives birth to you." Inanna, you are the one who gives birth to you. Your father, his words are great. Enki, his face is great, his great words are not uttered.

    He returned the holy Inanna to my father. What has he said? What has he said? What has he done? His great cultic rites, what has he done? My king, I have said: "Enki, I have said: "May Inanna go to Uruk!" You are the one who has sailed to the boat of An and Eridu. The holy Inanna, the minister of Isimud, has said: "My father, what has he done?" My father has said: "What has he changed?" His great cultic rites have changed. What has he done? My father has said: "What has he done?"

    The one who has changed the name of his father, the name of his abzu, the one who has changed the name, the one who has changed the name, the one who has changed his word, may there be no more ... in his mouth. The great fish, whose mouth is a ... of the boat of An, they have taken. Holy Inanna, his minister Ninshubur, he spoke to him. My true minister of Eanna, my minister who speaks good things about me, my mighty messenger who speaks good things about me, my messenger who speaks good things about me, may your hands not be touched, may your hands not be touched Inanna, whose divine powers are pleasing to him, the boat of An he has brought to him.

  • The 5th, the prince, his minister, Isimud, he praised.
  • Enki spoke a good word about An to him: "My minister, Isimud, my good word about An, my king, Enki, stand by me. In the future, when you are to sail the boat of An, ..., when you are to sail the boat of An, ..., may the guards of Uruk and the boat of An be smashed by them. My lady, you are the holy one of Inanna, you are the one who brings your father to the throne. Inanna, you are the one who brings your father to the throne. Your father, you are the one who speaks to Enki, you are the one who speaks to him. His great words are not uttered.

    He returned the holy Inanna to my father. What has he said? What has he said? What has he done? His great cultic rites, what has he done? My king, I have said: "Enki, I have said: "May Inanna go to Uruk!" You are the one who has sailed to the boat of An and Eridu. The holy Inanna, the minister of Isimud, has said: "My father, what has he done?" My father has said: "What has he changed?" His great cultic rites have changed. What has he done? My father has said: "What has he done?"

    'Lulda', the name of his father, the name of his abzu, he has chosen. 'Lulda, I am the one who has sworn by his name, and his words are in his mouth, he will be able to ..., the watch of Uruk, the boat of An, they have taken away. Holy Inanna, his minister Ninshubur, he spoke to him. My true minister of Eanna, my minister who speaks good things, my mighty messenger who speaks good things, my messenger who speaks good things, my Engina, your water is not affected, your water is affected. Inanna, your good me, has sailed the boat of An.

  • The 6th, Prince, his messenger, Isimud, he uttered to him.
  • Enki spoke a good word about An: "My minister, Isimud, my good word about An, my king, Enki, stand by me. At the storm, a boat of An was sailed, a boat of ... was sailed, and the Surungal canal ... was sailed, and the boats of An were sailed. The holy Inanna ... The minister, Isimud, spoke a holy Inanna: "My lady, you are the one who has sworn to you." Inanna, you are the one who has sworn to you. Your father, his words are great, Enki, his shoulder is great.

    His great words, without equal, the holy Inanna returned to him. My father, what did he say? What did he say? What did he say? His great decisions, what did he say? My king, what did he say? Enki, what did he say? Inanna, in Uruk, may you be well! The boat of An to Eridu he sailed. The holy Inanna, the minister of Isimud, spoke to him. My father, what did he say? His life he changed. His great decisions, what did he say?

    My father was evil, I spoke to him, I was evil, I was a man, I was evil, I was the name of the name of the Abzu, I was evil, I was a man, I was a man, and his words were in his mouth, I was able to bring them into the Surungal canal, ... the boat of An, they took. Holy Inanna ... holy Inanna, his minister Ninshubur, he spoke to me. My true minister of Eanna, my minister, who speaks good things about me, who speaks good things about me, who is my messenger, who speaks good things about me, who does not touch water, who does not touch water, Inanna, whose good me has been praised, ... Uruk, ... ... .

    For Ninshubur ..., barge of An, via ... .

  • 7th, via ...;
  • Your heart ... ... Great son of Nin..., holy Inanna, the boat of heaven ... holy Inanna, at that time he made it ... His minister Ninshubur spoke holy Inanna: "My lady, when the boat of heaven to the city gate of abundance for Uruk and Kulaba ... in the city of abundance ... in the river ... in the barge ... holy Inanna he returned to him. When the boat of heaven to the city gate of abundance for Uruk and Kulaba ...

    ... in the great street may he make ... ... ... ... ... ... from the hand ... the abbayri ... the ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... from the boat of heaven, the festival ... ... great offerings may he ... May the king kill an ox, may he slaughter a sheep, may he eat beer from the brewer's brewer's ... may he eat a ... ... may he eat a ... .

    tigi ... good things. May all the lands proclaim my greatness. May my people ... my pronouncements. At that time, the boat of heaven, the gate of abundance, to Uruk and Kulaba ... he sat in a supreme street. ... The house of the young woman he sat down. ... The sluice of the sluice of her head he ... Inanna, the divine power that he has given to her, the boat of heaven to the gate of the Gepar he ... The ... of the agrun he ... The holy Inanna, the place of the boat of heaven, ... The prince, his minister, Isimud spoke to him.

    Enki has said: "It is good for An," the messenger of Isimud has said: "It is good for An." My king, Enki, stands by. "In the future, when you are to be called to the boat of An, you will be called to the white quay. You will be called to the boat of An." And ... and ... ... The holy Inanna ... and ... .

    Surface i


    (d)inanna nam-en ba-e-de6 nam-lagar ba-e-de6 nam-dingir ba-e-de6 aga zi mah ba-e-de6 (gesz)gu-za nam-lugal ba-e-de6 gidru mah ba-e-de6 eszgiri2 szibir ba-e-de6 tug2 mah ba-e-de6 nam-sipa ba-e-de6 nam-lugal ba-e-de6 nam-egir3-zi ba-e-de6 nam-nin-dingir ba-e-de6 nam-iszib ba-e-de6 nam-lu2-mah ba-e-de6 nam-gudug ba-e-de6 nig2-gi-na ba-e-de6 |_ga2-gan_| ba-e-de6 _si_ x ba-e-de6 kur e11-de3 ba-e-de6 kur e11-da ba-e-de6 kur-gar-ra ba-e-de6 giri2 ba-da-ra ba-e-de6 sag-ur-sag ba-e-de6 tug2 ge6 ba-e-de6

    gu2-x ba-e-de6 gesz [...] ba-e-de6 [...] ba-e-de6 [...] ba-e-de6 [...] ba-e-de6 [...] x ba-e-de6 [...] x ba-e-de6 [...] ba-e-de6 (gesz)szu-nir ba-e-de6 mar-uru5 ba-e-de6 gesz3 du11-du11 ba-e-de6 gesz3 ki su-ub ba-e-de6 nam-kar-ke4 ba-e-de6 nam-hub2-dar ba-e-de6 nam-eme-di ba-e-de6 nam-eme-sig ba-e-de6 nam-sze-er-ka-an ba-e-de6 x-a ba-e-de6 amalu ba-e-de6 esz2-dam ku3 ba-e-de6 nigin3-gar ku3 ba-e-de6 x _an_ ba-e-de6 nu-gig an-na ba-e-de6 gesz-gu3-di ba-e-de6 nam-nar ba-e-de6 nam-ab-ba ba-e-de6

    nam-nig2-erim2 ba-e-de6 nam-nig2-si-sa2 ba-e-de6 iri lah5 ba-e-de6 i-si-isz ga2-ga2 ba-e-de6 sza3 hul2-la ba-e-de6 lul-da ba-e-de6 kur ki-bala ba-e-de6 nam-du10-ge ba-e-de6 kas4 di-di ba-e-de6 ki-tusz gi-na ba-e-de6 nam-nagar ba-e-de6 nam-tibira ba-e-de6 nam-dub-sar ba-e-de6 nam-simug ba-e-de6 nam-aszgab ba-e-de6 nam-azlag2 ba-e-de6 nam-szidim ba-e-de6 nam-ad-kup4 ba-e-de6 gesztu2 ba-e-de6 gizzal ba-e-de6 szu-luh ku3-ga ba-e-de6 e2-|_dag-kisim5_xX|-ra ba-e-de6 ne-mur dub ba-e-de6 ga2 udu ba-e-de6

    nig2-me-gar ba-e-de6 ku-kur ba-e-de6 _lul_ zu2 sis ba-e-de6 izi mu2-mu2 ba-e-de6 izi ten-ten ba-e-de6 a2 kusz2-u3 ba-e-de6 |_ka-gan2_|-ge ba-e-de6 im-ri-a gu2 gar-ra ba-e-de6 lu-lu-bu-na ba-e-de6 du14 mu2-mu2 ba-e-de6 u3-ma ba-e-de6 ad gi4-gi4 ba-e-de6 sza3 kusz2-u3 ba-e-de6 di ku5 ba-e-de6 ka-asz bar ba-e-de6 umusz ki ga2-ga2 hi-li nam-munus-e-ne ba-e-de6 [...] me szu du7 ba-e-de6 [...] e tur-tur ba-e-de6 [...] _ku_ mah ba-e-de6 tigi ku3 li-li-is3 ku3 ub3 me-ze2 (kusz)a2-la2 ba-e-de6 [...] ku3 an-na ba-e-de6

    [...] ku3 an-na ba-e-de6 [...] ku3 an-na ba-e-de6 [...] ku3 an-na ba-e-de6 [...] ku3 an-na ba-e-de6 [...] ku3 an-na ba-e-de6 [...] mah x-ga a-na me-a-bi kasz ba-ni-sur-re ba-e-de6 [...] _tag_ [...] x _ne_ [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] munus-e giri17-zal ne-am3 _ka_ x [...] e2 ga-an-ze2-er ba-du3 mu-sze3 ba-an-sa4 szagan-la2-am3 5(u) gin2 im-mi-in-du11-ga-ba mu-un-|_du-du_| mu-un-szi-ib-la2-a-gin7 ki-ba szika uruda gul-la mu-sze3 ba-an-sa4 ki ma2 x-a ba-an-nigin2-na-ra sza3 _ab_ x du8-du8 mu-sze3 ba-an-sa4

    ki ma2 kar-ra bi2-in-us2-a-ba ki-ba kar babbar mu-sze3 ba-an-sa4 ki nig2 [...] im-ta-an-gar-ra-ba ki-ba kar za-gin3 mu-sze3 ba-an-sa4 (d)en-ki-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e mu a2-ga2 mu abzu-ga2 munus-e nig2 [...] abzu-ga2 ga-ba-na-gar a-da-al ne-e ta-am3 mu-da-an-ku4 _mu_ [...] x szu ga2-ra me dab5 [...] x he2-a [...] x he2-a [...] x he2-a [...] _ne_ x _ne_ e mu-zu-sze3 _munus_-la-ne-ne hu-mu-ra-ab-gaz-e-ne [...] x he2-a [...] x he2-a [...] x he2-a [...] x-a [...] ezem-ma x [...]-ra he2-a

    ka2 ge6-par3-ra-zu A x [...]-ib-zal-zal-e dumu iri-zu dumu unu(ki)-ga x [...]-ti-le-ne u3 za-e iri-zu eridu(ki) [...] x he2-en-tah ki-bi na-an-ni-ib-gi4

    AI Translation

    Inanna was destroying the lordship, she was destroying the lagarship, she was destroying the godship, she was destroying the true crown, she was destroying the throne, she was destroying the scepter, she was destroying the scepter, she was destroying the garment, she was destroying the shepherd, she was destroying the kingship, she was destroying the egirzi, she was destroying the lady, she was destroying the gudug, she was destroying the kingship, she was destroying the ..., she was destroying the mountain, she was destroying the mountain, she was destroying the kurgara, she was destroying the kurgara, she was destroying the sagursag, she was destroying the black-headed, she was wearing black-headed,

    he sinned against evil, he sinned against justice, he sinned against the city, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the lands, he sinned against the good, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the cult centers, he sinned against the scribal arts, he sinned against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore against the scribal arts, he swore

    he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the

    ... the pure ... of heaven was destroyed ... the pure ... of heaven was destroyed ... the pure ... of heaven was destroyed ... the pure ... of heaven was destroyed ...

    He sat on the shore of the sea. He sat on the shore of the white sea. He sat on the shore of the place where ... was set up. He sat on the shore of the lapis lazuli. Enki, holy Inanna, spoke to him: "My name is the name of the Abzu. My woman is the name of the Abzu. I shall put ... on the Abzu. I shall enter the water. My name ... I shall enter ...

    at the gate of the gipar, ... ... ..., son of your city, son of Uruk ... ... ... and you, your city, Eridu ... may he ... ... return to its place.

    P469521: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    in-nin me husz-a ni2 gur3-ru me gal-la u5-a (d)inanna a2-an-kar2 ku3 szu du7 mud-bi gu2 e3 me3 gal-gal-la hub2 dar ak (kusz)gur21(ur3)-bi ki us2-sa u4 mar-uru5-a szu tag du11-ga nin gal (d)inanna szen-szen-na sa2 se3-se3-ge5 gal-zu kur gul-gul ti a2-ta i-ni-in-ug7 kur-re a2 ba-e-szum2 pirig-gin7 an ki-a szeg11 i-ni-in-gi4 ug3-e su i3-ni-in-sag3 am gal-gin7 kur gu2-erim2-gal2-la u3-na ba-gub-be2-en pirig husz-gin7 uru16-na nu-sze-ga ze2-za bi2-ib2-te-en-te-en nin-gu10 an-gin7 bulug3-ga2-za

    ki-sikil (d)inanna ki-gin7 mah-a-za (d)utu lugal-gin7 e3-a-za a2 dagal su3-su3-za an-na du-a-za ni2 husz gur3-ru-za ki-a u4 sze-er-zi gur3-ru-za hur-sag-ga2 gen-na sa za-gin3 e3-a-za kur gi-rin-na a tu5-a-za kur szuba2 kur ki sikil u3-tu-u4-da-za za-gin3 ur5-gin7 ni2-ba dur2-dur2-ra-za en ul en szar2-gin7 szita2 gur4-gur4-ra-za me3-ba (gesz)tukul ur3-ra-gin7 sag gur4-gur4-re-za sag gig2-ga szir3-re-esz bi2-ib-ra kur-kur-re i-lu-lam-ma-bi du10-ge-esz im-mi-ib2-be2 nin me3 dumu gal (d)suen-na

    ki-sikil (d)inanna me-tesz2-e ga-i-i in-nin-me-en an nigin2-na-gu10-ne ki nigin2-na-gu10-ne (d)inanna-me-en an nigin2-na-gu10-ne ki nigin2-na-gu10-ne elam(ki) su-bir4(ki)-a nigin2-na-gu10-ne kur lu5-lu5-bi-a nigin2-na-gu10-ne kur-sza3-ga du7-du7-da-gu10-ne in-nin9-me-en kur-re te-a-me-en ni2-bi na-ma-ra-ab-ak (d)inanna-me-en kur-re te-a-me-en ni2-bi na-ma-ra-ab-ak hur-sag ebih(ki)-ke4 te-a-me-en ni2-bi na-ma-ra-ab-ak ni2-bi-ta na-ma-ra-ab-ak-gin7 giri17-bi ki-sze3 na-ma-ra-ab-te-a-gin7

    nundum sahar-ra na-ma-ni-ib-ur3-ra-gin7 hur-sag zi szu-gu10 ga-am3-mi-ib-si ni2-gu10 ga-mi-ib-zu a2 mah-bi-sze3 gu4 mah ga-ba-szi-gub a2 tur-bi-sze3 gu4 tur ga-ba-szi-gub hub2 ga-mu-un-szu2 eszemen (d)inanna ku3 ga-mu-ni-in-sar hur-sag-ga2 me3 ga-ba-ab-de6 szen-szen si ga-ba-ab-sa2 ti mar-uru5-a si ga-ba-ab-sa2 a2-sag3 ebih2-gin7 ga-ba-ab-sur-sur gesz-gid2-da nig2-su-ub ga-ba-ab-ak (gesz)ilar (kusz)gur21(ur3) si ga-na-ab-sa2-sa2 (gesz)tir us2-sa-bi-sze3 izi ga-am3-sag3

    a-nigin2-ba (d)gibil6 lu2 sikil-la kin? ga-ba-an-du3-du3 hur-sag aratta(ki) szu nu-teg3-ge26 ni2-bi ga-ba-ni-ib2-su3 iri an-ne2 nam ba-an-ku5-da-gin7 ki-bi na-an-gi4-gi4 (d)en-lil2-le sag-ki gid2-da-gin7 gu2-bi na-an-zi-zi kur-re in-di3-gu10 he2-kur-ku ebih(ki)-e ka tar-gu10 he2-si-il-le me-tesz2 hu-mu-i-i (d)inanna dumu (d)suen-na-ke4 (tug2)pala3-a ba-an-mur10 ul gu2 ba-an-e3 ni2 me-lam2 husz-a sag-ki-na sze-er-ka-an ba-ni-in-du11 zi-pa-ag2 ku3-ga-na (na4)gug gi-rin-na si ba-ni-in-sa2-sa2

    szita sag 7(disz)-e zi-da-na nam-szul ba-ni-in-ak dur (na4)za-gin3-na giri3-ni bi2-in-de6 an-usan-na nir mi-ni-ib-e3 kan4 u6 di sila-ba bi2-in-gub an-ra ne-sag mu-un-na-an-gub sizkur mu-na-ab-be2 an (d)inanna-da hul2-la-e mu-un-gid2 ki-na ba-e-tusz za3 gal an-na-ka ba-e-si an a-a-gu10 silim ma-ra-ab-be2-en inim-gu10-usz gesztu2-zu an-ne2 an-ba ni2-gu10 mi-ni-in-ri za-e-me-en inim-gu10 an ki-a gaba-ri la-ba-e-ni-tuku an-bar-ra (gesz)silig-ga-am3 an-ti-bala ma-an-si-um ki-gal se3-ge5 (gesz)gu-za suhusz gi-na

    a2 nam-szita4 szu ga2-ga2 mu-bu-um-gin7 gam

  • 6(disz) la2-e ki ha-ha-ze2
  • 4(disz) la2-e hasz2 gid2-gid2-i
  • kaskal gaz-e har-ra-an-na za3-sze3 du lugal-bi-ir isz-isz an-na-ka iti6-gin7 e3-a ti a2-ta e3-a a-gar3-e (gesz)kiri6 tir zu2 bir5-gin7 zi-zi (gesz)_gan2_-ur3 ki-bala se3-se3-ge5 abul-a-ba (gesz)si-gar gid2-de3 (gesz)zi-bi bi2-ib-gub-be2 an lugal szu-gu10 he2-em-mu-e-szum2 a2 [...] lugal-la zi-da-na he2-ni-in-ku4 ki-bala gul-gul-lu-de3 kur-ur2-ra sur2-du3(muszen)-gin7 sag hu-mu-da-dub2-be2 an lugal mu-zu za3 kalam-ma gu-gin7 ga-an-szi-_bad_ kur-kur-ra musz ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 szu hu-mu-da-dub2-be2-esz

    musz-sag-kal kur-bi-ta e11-da-gin7 da-ga hu-mu-da-an-du kur-ra a2 he2-bi2-in-gar igi he2-ni-in-bar gid2-da-bi ha-ba-zu har-ra-an ku3 an-na-ka-sze3 he2-ni-e3 buru3-da-bi ha-ba-zu dingir-re-e-ne ga-an-ne-diri-x-x (d)inanna-me-en da-nun-na-ke4-ne u3-ba-_du_ a-gin7 ge26-e kur-re an ki-a ni2-gu10 la-ba-ni-ib-ta-a-ta (d)inanna-me-en kur-re an ki-a ni2-gu10 la-ba-ni-ib-ta-a-ta hur-sag ebih(ki)-a-ke4 kur-re an ki-a ni2-gu10 la-ba-ni-ib-ta-a-ta ni2-bi-ta na-ma-ra-ab-ak-gin7 giri17-bi ki-sze3 na-ma-ab-te-a-gin7

    nundum sahar-ra na-ma-ni-ib-ur3-ra-gin7 hur-sag zi szu-gu10 ga-am3-mi-ib-si ni2-gu10 ga-mi-ib-zu a2 mah-bi-sze3 gu4 mah ga-ba-szi-gub a2 tur-bi-sze3 gu4 tur ga-ba-szi-gub _usz_ ga-mu-un-szub e?-szen (d)inanna ku3 ga-mu-ni-in-sar hur-sag-ga2 me3 ga-ba-lah5 szen-szen ga-ba-ab-sar-sar ti mar-uru5-am3 si ga-ba-ab-sa2 a2-sag3 ebih2-bi ga-ba-ab-sur-sur gesz-gid2-da nig2-su-ub ga-ba-ab-ak (gesz)ilar (kusz)gur21(ur3) si ga-am3-ma-ab-sa2-sa2 tir us2-sa-bi-sze3 izi ga-am3-sag3

    a-nigin2-ba (d)gibil6 lu2 sikil-la kin ga-ba-an-tuku-tuku hur-sag aratta(ki) szu nu-te-ge26 ni2-bi ga-ba-ni-ib2-su3 iri an-ne2 nam ba-ku5-da-gin7 ki-bi na-an-gi4-gi4 (d)en-lil2-le sag-ki gid2-da-gin7 gu2-bi na-an-zi-zi kur-re in-di3-gu10 he2-kur-ku ebih(ki) ka tar-gu10 he2-si-il-le me-tesz2 hu-mu-i-i an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lu2-tur-gu10 kur-re al bi2-du11 sza3-bi a-na ab-ak (d)inanna-me-en kur-re al bi2-du11 sza3-bi a-na ab-ak hur-sag ebih(ki) al bi2-du11 sza3-bi a-na ab-ak

    ki-gub dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 ni2 husz im-da-ri-ri ki-tusz ku3 da-nun-na-ke4-ne su zi im-du8-du8 ni2-bi husz-a kalam-ma mu-un-ri hur-sag-ga2 me-lam2-bi husz-a kur-kur mu-un-ri sukud-da-bi an-na sza3-bi nir mi-ni-ib-e3 (gesz)kiri6 nisig-bi gurun im-la2 giri17-zal im-du8-du8 gesz mah-bi aga3 an-na _im di_ u6 di-de3 ba-gub ebih(ki)-a gesz-an-dul3 pa mul-mul-la-ba ug tab-ba mu-un-lu szeg9 lu-lim-bi ni2-ba mu-un-lu am-bi u2 lu-a mu-un-gub dara4-bi ha-szu-ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ka e-ne su3-u4-bi im-me

    hur-sag-ga2 me-lam2-bi husz-am3 ki-sikil (d)inanna sag nu-mu-e-de3-ga2-ga2 ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-ak nu-gig ib2-ba-ni lipisz bala-a-ni e2 me3-ka gal2 ba-an-taka4 (gesz)zi za-gin3-na szu ba-an-us2 me3 mah ba-ra-an-e3 u4 gal ki bi2-in-us2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mar-uru5 sa2 bi2-in-du11 mar-uru5 zi-ga sahar hul bi2-ib-zi im-hul zi-ga szika im-bar-re nin-gu10 hur-sag-ga2 ba-du7-du7 giri3-ni 2(disz)-a-bi mu-un-sub2 giri2 a2 2(disz)-a-bi u3-sar ba-an-ak ebih(ki)-a gu2-bi (u2)numun2-bur-gin7 szu ba-an-szi-in-ti

    sza3-bi zu2 giri2-a ba-ni-in-ra ka gal gu3-an-ne2-si-gin7 mu-un-si-il-le ebih(ki)-e na4 su ni2-ba-ke4 bar-bi-a dub-dab5 he2-em-mi-ib-za a2-ta ri-a-ta musz-sza3-tur3 gal-gal-la usz11 mu-un-gu2-guru5-gu2 (gesz)tir-bi asz2 bi2-in-du11 gesz-bi nam ba-an-ku5 (gesz)al-la-nu-um-bi enmen-ba mi-ni-in-ug7 bar-bi-a izi mi-ni-in-ri i-bi2-bi bi2-in-mu2 in-nin-e kur-re me bi2-in-tal2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 a-la-ni-gin7 bi2-in-dim2 hur-sag ebih(ki)-ke4 im-ma-gen gu3 im-ma-de2-e hur-sag il2-la-zu-sze3 sukud-da-zu-sze3

    sa6-ga-zu-sze3 sig7-ga-zu-sze3 tug2-ba13 ku3-ga mur10-ra-zu-sze3 an-ne2 szu si sa2-a-zu-sze3 giri17 ki-sze3 nu-te-a-zu-sze3 nundum sahar-ra nu-ur3-ra-zu-sze3 mu-ug5-ge-en sza3 si-ga mu-un-se3-ge-en am-si-gin7 si-za mi-ni-ib2-dab5-be2-en am gal-gin7 a2 gur4-gur4-ra-za ki mu-e-szi-ib-us2 gu4-gin7 a2 mah-zu ki ba-e-te-en hul-bi mu-ri-ib2-us2 igi-za er2-ra si ba-ni-in-sa2 sza3-za a-nir-ra ba-ni-in-gar bar-bi-a muszen sza3 sag3-ga-ke4 gud3 im-ma-ni-us2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 ni2 husz na-kur-ku silim zi-de3-esz na-e
  • a-a-gu10 (d)mu-ul-lil2-le sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka ni2 gal-gu10 mi-ni-in-ri a2 zi-da-gu10 (gesz)tukul mi-ni-in-ri a2 gab2-bu-gu10 _ku7_-e ri-ri-me-en mir-gu10 (gesz)_gan2_-ur3 zu2 gal-gal-la in-si-il-si-il-e e2-gal mu-du3 nig2 diri bi2-ak (gesz)gu-za mi-ni-gub suhusz-bi mi-ni-ge-en kur-gar-ra giri2 ba-da-ra mu-na-szum2 gala-ra (kusz)ub li-li-is3 mu-na-szum2 pi-li-pi-li sag szu bala mu-ni-ak kur-re u3-ma-ga2 sag ba-szum2 hur-sag ebih(ki) u3-ma-gu10 sag ba-ra-szum2 a mah e3-a-gin7 u3-ba-gen

    kur-ra u3-ma-gu10 im-ma-gub ebih(ki)-e u3-ma-gu10 im-ma-gub ebih(ki) hul-a dumu gal (d)suen-na ki-sikil (d)inanna za3-mi2 (d)nisaba za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    Lady, roaring with fury, roaring with fury, roaring with fury, roaring with fury, Inanna, holy akara, whose blood is flowing, whose furious rage is a roaring storm, whose furious horns are a roaring storm, whose hand is a roaring storm, great lady, Inanna, you are the one who makes the land tremble, you are the one who destroys the enemy, you have given the enemy's forces away from the troops, you have given the people's blood like a pirig-headed lion, you have put the enemy's scream on the ground. You have put the great amorite, the enemy's lands in the ground, you have not put the pirig-headed lion in the ground like a lion, you have not sat on your stomach, my lady, like heaven, you have sat on your stomach

    She who is the queen of Inanna, like a supreme place, like Utu, like a king, you are a broad warrior, you are a mighty warrior, you are a mighty one, you are a mighty one, you are a mighty one, you are a mountain range, you are a mountain range that is a mountain of abundance, you are a mountain of abundance, you are a mountain of abundance, you are a mountain of abundance, you are a mountain of abundance, you are a mountain of abundance, you are a mountain of abundance, you are a lord of abundance, like a lord of abundance, you are a lord of abundance, you are a weapon of abundance, you are a lion of abundance, you are a lion of abundance, you are a lion of abundance, you are a lion of abundance, you are a lion of abundance, you are a lion of abundance, you are a queen of abundance, the great daughter of Suen,

    I am the lady of Inanna, I am the lady of heaven, I am the lady of heaven, I am the lady of heaven, I am the lady of heaven, I am the lady of heaven, I am the lady of Elam, I am the lady of Subartu, I am the lady of Elam, I am the lady of Subir, I am the lady of Elam, I am the lady of the mountains, I am the lady of the mountains, I am the one who makes the mountains shine like daylight. I am the lady of the mountains, I am the one who makes the mountains shine like daylight. I am the lady of the mountains, I am the one who makes the mountains shine like daylight. I am the mountain range of Ebih, I am the one who makes the mountains shine like daylight. I am the one who makes the paths of the earth shine like daylight.

    Like a sahar-disease he has smashed the dust, I shall make the mountain pass my hand, I shall make my heart pass. I shall make the great oxen pass, I shall make the small oxen pass, I shall make the holy eshemen of Inanna shine. I shall make the mountain pass the battle. I shall make the battles pass, I shall make the river bank pass, I shall make the asag and ebih rivers pass, I shall make the gidda-wood pass, I shall make the ilar and gur-wood pass, I shall make the river pass, I shall make the fire pass,

    I am Gibil, the pure man, I have made a work. I have made the mountains of Aratta a place not to be forgotten. Like the city An, I have made it disappear. Like Enlil, I have made it disappear like a long head. May my lands be re-established. May my words be changed. May Ebih, my mouth be opened. May my utterances be re-established. Inanna, the son of Suen, wore a pala garment. He sat down in the midst of the night. He sat down in the midst of the night, he sat down in the midst of the night. He sat down in his holy rites, he sat down in the midst of the girig stone.

    He sat down on the seventh shita, he sat down on his right knee, he sat down on lapis lazuli. He sat down on the couch in the evening, he stood in the midst of the street, he stood in the midst of the street. He sat down in the midst of the street, he sat down in the sashkun offering. He sat in the lapis lazuli chair of An and Inanna, he rejoiced. He sat in the bedchamber of heaven. He sat in the great dais of heaven. I sat in the great dais of heaven. I sat in the great dais of heaven. I sat in my words, my words, I sat in heaven. I sat in heaven and earth. I did not have any words, my words are not written in heaven and earth. I sat in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the midst of the horizon, in the

    The labor of the shita-priest is to be performed. Like a mutum-priest he should be treated.

  • 6 less, from Hahaze;
  • 4 ..., ...,
  • The king, who has travelled on the road, has travelled on the road. Like a storm coming out from heaven, he has come out from the marsh, like a ...-tree, like a ...-tree, like a ...-tree, he has sat on its throne. An, my king, may he give my hand to him. May he enter his ... king's right hand. May he destroy the lands like a swarm of birds. May An, your king, scream like a roaring lion in the land, may he scream like a lion in the lands like a lion in the lands like a lion in the lands.

    The lion of the mountain ranges, like a lion, has been snatched from its mountain. He has been snatched from its mountain. He has been snatched from its eye. He has been snatched from its long-haired limbs. He has been snatched from its ... ?. He has been snatched from its ... ?. The gods ... Inanna, I am the hero of the mighty ..., like water, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain, when I have been snatched from the mountain,

    Like a sahar-shrine sahar-shrine, I shall make my hand hold the mountain. I shall make my heart hold the mountain. I shall make the great oxen stand there. I shall make the small oxen stand there. I shall make the holy eshert of Inanna stand there. I shall make the mountain go wild, I shall make the battles go wild. I shall make the sand dunes flow there. I shall make the asag-boats flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand dunes flow there, I shall make the sand

    I am Gibil, the pure man, who has a work to do, I shall not let the mountain range of Aratta be altered. Like the city which had been destroyed by An, I shall not let it be changed. Like Enlil, like a long head, I shall not let it be smashed. May my lands be reconstructed. May Ebih, my mouth that had been opened, be reconstructed. May An, the king of the gods, return to me. My son, I shall not let it be. May I not let it be. May I not let it be. May I not let it be. May I not let the mountain range of Ebih be rebuilt. May I not let it be.

    The places where the gods stood roared with fury. The holy places of the lordly abode sat peacefully. Its radiance was hushed, the Land was roaring. The mountains, its radiance was hushed, the lands were roaring. Its scepter was smashed in heaven. Its orchards were ripe with fruit. Its magnificent trembling was smashed with a scepter in heaven. Its mighty trembling was smashed. In Ebih, its gishandula, the strewn reeds were smashed with a smashed weeds. Its wild bulls were smashed with a smashed weeds. Its wild bulls were smashed with a smashed weeds. Its wild bulls were smashed with a smashed weeds. Its wild bulls were smashed with a smashed weeds. Its wild bulls were smashed with a smashed weeds. Its wild bulls were smashed with a smashed weeds.

    The mountain range is a hushful aura, the lady Inanna does not raise her head, she is a sag-

    The heart was swollen, it was swollen, it was swollen like a great mouth. In Ebih, the stone of its radiance was swollen, and its stela was seized. From the horizon to the great mushshatur, he was swollen. He smote its forest. He smote its tree, and its trees were cut down. Its allanum trees were cut down, and its barley fire was burned. The lady smote the mountain, and the holy Inanna made it shine like her ala. He smote the mountain range of Ebih, and he smote the mountain range to the illa-sharri

    Your good, your good, your gold garment, your sag garment, your good hand, your good foot, your sag foot, your sag foot, your sag foot, your sag foot, your sag foot, you sag foot, you sag foot, you sag foot, you sag foot, you sag foot, you sag foot, you sag foot like an elephant, you sag foot, you sag foot like an ox, you sag foot, you

  • For the 2nd time, the fierce terror of the enemy is a righteous thing.
  • My father, Mullil, in the midst of the lands, my great fear was set upon him, my righteous strength was set upon him, my lefteous strength was set upon him, my ... was seized, my ... was seized, my palace was built, I sank a great ..., I sank a heavy throne, I sat on it,

    I will stand in the mountain, I will stand in Ebih, I will stand in Ebih, the evildoer, the great son of Sîn, the young woman of Inanna, I will praise Nisaba, I will praise

    P469522: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    in-nin me gal-gal-la bara2-ge4 he2-du7 (d)inanna me gal-gal-la bara2 ku3-ge si-a (d)inanna-ke4 e2-an-na-ka u6 di-de3 gub-ba u4-ba (lu2)ki-sikil kur-ra ba-e-a-e11 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 kur-ra ba-e-a-e11 nig2-erim2 nig2-si-sa2 zu-zu-de3 sza3 kalam-ma-ka igi kar2-kar2-de3 lul zi pa3-de3-de3 kur-ra ba-e-a-il2 i3-ne-esz2 lu2 lu2-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2 lu2-ra dili a-na na-an-tah nin-gu10 am-da kur-ur2-ra an-da?-gub me szu am3-du7-du7 (d)inanna dara3-masz kur-bad3-da? an-da?-gub me szu am3-du7-du7

    i3-ne-esz2 lu2 lu2-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2-ulu3 lu2-ulu3-ra dili a-na na-an-tah u4-ba x x-e an mu-un-szub ki mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-il2 (d)inanna-ke4 an mu-un-szub ki mu-un-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-il2 unu(ki)-ga e2-an-na mu-ni-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-il2 zabala(ki)-a gi-gun4 mu-ni-szub kur-ra ba-e-a-il2 e2-an-na e3-da-ni x [...] ge6-par4-ra [...] la2 (d)inanna? [...] tug2-ba13 la2 _an_-ra [...] kur-ra ba-e-a-il2 i3-ne-esz2 lu2 lu2-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2-ulu3 lu2-ulu3-ra dili a-na na-an-tah [...] [...] x [...]-dim2

    [...] x ba-dim2 [...] ba-dim2 [...] x-la2 [...]-am3 [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x x en3 tar ki kin-ga2 [...] im-mi-in-kusz2-a-ta dag agrun-na-gu10-usz ni2-te-na hu-mu-un-du i3-ne-esz2 lu2 lu2-ra a-na an-na-du11 lu2 lu2-ra dili a-na na-an-tah [...] [...] [...] x _ka_ x [...] x [...] x ba-ra-an-[...] _kab_? [...] ga? im-dim2-e _ka_? [...] giri3-bi x x-e inim im-ma-ab-be2 gesztu2-gesztu2-ga inim mu-ni-ib-tah-e ugax(|_u2-naga_|)(muszen) inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu

    ugax(|_u2-naga_|)(muszen) esz3-a inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu szembi-zi nam-iszib eridu(ki)-ga i3 a bur za-gin3-na-ka gal2-la-bi dag agrun-na-ka gub-ba-bi tun3 um-me-_du_ zu2 um-me-gub umah ga-rasz(sar)-ke4 sar nisi-ga-ka ki um-me-ni-tag [...] x-ta he2?-[...]-bur12-[...] i3-ne-esz2 lu2-u3 lu2-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2-u3 lu2-ra dili a-na na-an-tah uga(muszen) inim lugal-a-na-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak szem-bi-zi nam-iszib eridu(ki)-ga i3 a bur za-gin3-na-ka gal2-la-bi dag agrun-na-ka gub-ba-bi

    tun3 im-ma-_du_ zu2 im-ma-gub umah ga-rasz(sar)-ke4 sar nisi-ga-ka ki im-ma-ni-in-tag [...]-ta im-mi-in-bur12-bur12 nisi ga-rasz(sar)-gin7 sar-e mu2-a ga-rasz(sar)-gin7 nu-erim2 ba-gub-ba a-ba igi im-mi-in-du8-a igi x i3-ur4-ur4 x im-ma-ni-mu2-mu2 mu-gen-na im-gen muszen uga(muszen)-gin7 a2 lu2 kin-kin-e lag an-sze3 sag3-ge-da ki-sze3 tusz-u3-da lag ki-sze3 sag3-ge-da an-sze3 e3-de3-da a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-du8-a uga(muszen) nu-erim2-ta ba-ra-an-zi (gesz)geszimmar tubax(_tug2_)-la2-a-sze3 an-na ba-e-a-e11

    szembi?-zi [...] ka-bi ba-du8-du8-a pa szu gur-gur-ra ka bi2-in-su-ub-su-ub (gesz)geszimmar-gin7 tur _usz_ ki-in-du? gesz da-ri2 mu2-a a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-du8-a (gesz)eme-|_sze3-usz_|-(gesz)eme-|_sze3-usz_|-bi (gesz)sza3-geszimmar-bi na-nam (gesz)eme-szu-ru-ug-(gesz)eme-szu-ru-ug-bi (gesz)nig2-geszimmar-bi na-nam (gesz)pesz-tur-_zi_-bi esz2-_gan2_-a-kam gan2-ne2 lugal-la-ka me-te-asz im-mi-ib-gal2 (gesz)pa-ni e2-gal lugal-la-ka na de5 ba-ab-szum2-mu zu2-lum-bi sze nir-ra za3-ga si-ga-am3

    e2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka me-te-asz im-mi-ib-gal2 muszen uga(muszen)-gin7 a2 lu2 kin-kin-e lag an-sze3 sag3-ge-da ki-sze3 tusz-u3-da lag ki-sze3 sag3-ge-da an-sze3 e3-de3-da a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-du8-a inim du11-ga lugal-a-na-ka uga(muszen) abzu-sze3 al-ku4 i3-ne-esz2 lu2-u3 lu2-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2-u3 lu2-ra dili a-na na-an-tah x x x szu-kal-le-tu-da mu-ni na-nam [...] dumu (d)igi?-sig7-sig7 lu2 x x-ke4 mu2-sar-e a se3-se3-ge5-da-ni nisi-ga da pu2 ak-da-ni nisi dili-e nu-me-a a-na nu-me-a-bi

    ur2-ba im-ta-an-bala zu2 im-ta-an-gaz tum9-dal a-na-am3 de6-a-bi igi-ni sahar kur-ra im-mi-ib-ra ub igi-ni szu sa2-sa2-da-ni nig2 im-ma-ra-an-si-ig za3-bi-a nu-un-zu sig-sze3 igi mu-un-il2 dingir un3-na kur u4 e3-ke4-ne igi bi2-in-du8-ru nim-sze3 igi mu-un-il2 dingir un3-na kur u4 szu2-ke4-ne igi bi2-in-du8-ru (d)gidim dili du-ra igi mu-ni-in-du8 dingir dili du-ra geszkim mu-ni-in-zu me szu du7-du7-da igi bi2-in-du8 nam tar-ra dingir-re-e-ne-sze3 igi mu-ni-in-gal2 sar-e ki 5(disz) 1(u) nu-te-a-ba

    ki-ba gesz-an-dul3 1(disz)-am3 i3-gub gesz-an-dul3-bi (gesz)asal2 gissu dagal-la-kam gissu-bi sig-ga u4 zal-e an-bar7 an-usan-na nu-gi4-gi4 u4-ba nin-gu10 an mu-un-nigin2-na-ta ki mu-un-nigin2-na-ta (d)inanna an mu-un-nigin2-na-ta ki mu-un-nigin2-na-ta elam(ki) su-bir4(ki)-a mu-un-nigin2-na-ta dubur an gil-gi16-il-la mu-un-nigin2-na-ta nu-gig kusz2-a-ni-ta im-ma-te dur2-bi-sze3 ba-nu2 szu-kal-le-tu-da za3 sar-ra-ka-ni igi im-ma-ni-se3 (d)inanna-ke4 (tug2)dara4? me 7(disz) gal4-la-na x _du_ x x

    (tug2)dara4? me 7(disz) gal4-la-na [...] su8-ba (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na-da [...] gal4-la ku3-ga-na lu2 _su_ x [...] szu-kal-le-tu-da mu-un-du8-du8 da-ga-na ba-nu2 gesz3 im-ma-ni-in-du11 ne im-ma-ni-in-su-ub gesz3 ba-ni-in-du11-ga ne ba-ni-in-su-ub-ba za3 sar-ra-ka-ni im-ma-szi-in-gi4 u4 im-zal (d)utu im-ta-e3-a-ra munus-e ni2-te-a-ni igi im-kar2-kar2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ni2-te-a-ni igi im-kar2-kar2 u4-ba munus-e nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na im-gu-lu-u8-a-bi ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na im-ak-a-bi

    pu2 kalam-ma-ka usz2 bi2-ib-si-si pu2-(gesz)kiri6 kalam-ma-ka usz2-am3 i3-tum3-tum3 _arad2_ lu2-u3 u2 il2-i-de3 gen-na usz2-am3 i3-na8-na8 geme2 lu2-u3 a si-si-de3 gen-na usz2-am3 im-mi-ib2-si-si sag ge6 usz2-am3 i3-na8-na8 za3-bi nu-un-zu lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-gu10 kur-kur-ra ga-mu-ni-pa3 im-me lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni kur-kur-ra nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 i3-ne-esz2 lu2-u3 lu2-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2-u3 lu2-ra dili a-na na-an-tah lu2-tur ad-da-ni-ir e2-a ba-szi-in-ku4 gu3 mu-na-de2-e

    szu-kal-le-tu-da ad-da-ni-ir e2-a ba-an-szi-in-ku4 gu3 mu-na-de2-e ad-da-gu10 mu2-sar-e a se3-se3-ge5-da-gu10 nisi-ga da pu2 ak-da-gu10 nisi dili-e nu-me-a a-na nu-me-a-bi ur2-ba im-ta-bala zu2 im-ta-gaz tum9-dal a-na-am3 de6-a-bi igi-gu10 sahar kur-ra im-mi-ib-ra ub igi-gu10 szu tuku-tuku-da-gu10 nig2 im-ma-ra-si-ig za3-bi nu-zu sig-sze3 igi mu-il2 dingir un3-na kur u4 e3-ke4-ne igi bi2-du8 nim-sze3 igi mu-il2 dingir un3-na kur u4 szu2-ke4-ne igi bi2-du8 (d)gidim dili du-ra igi mu-ni-du8

    dingir dili du-ra geszkim mu-ni-zu me szu du7-du7-da igi bi2-du8 nam tar-ra dingir-re-e-ne-sze3 igi mu-ni-gal2 sar-re ki 5(disz) 1(u) nu-te-a-ba ki-ba gesz-an-dul3 1(disz)-am3 i3-gub gesz-an-dul3-bi (gesz)asal2 gissu dagal-la-ka gissu-bi sig-ga u4 zal-e an-bar7 an-usan-e nu-gi4-gi4 u4-ba nin-gu10 an mu-un-nigin2-na-ta ki mu-un-nigin2-na-ta (d)inanna an mu-un-nigin2-na-ta ki mu-un-nigin2-na-ta elam(ki) su-bir4(ki)-a mu-un-nigin2-na-ta dubur an gil-gi16-il-la mu-un-nigin2-na-ta

    nu-gig kusz2-a-ni-ta im-ma-te dur2-bi-sze3 i3-nu2 za3 sar-ra-ga2-ka igi im-ma-ni-du8 gesz3 im-ma-ni-du11 ne im-ma-ni-su-ub za3 sar-ra-gu10-sze3 im-ma-szi-gi4 u4-ba munus-e nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na im-gul-lu-u8-a-bi (d)inanna-ke4 nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na im-ak-a-bi pu2 kalam-ma-ke4 usz2 bi2-ib-si-si pu2-(gesz)kiri6 kalam-ma-ka usz2-am3 i3-tum3-tum3 _arad2_ lu2-u3 u2 il2-i-de3 gen-na usz2-am3 i3-na8-na8 geme2 lu2-u3 a si-si-de3 gen-na usz2-am3 im-mi-ib2-si-si sag ge6 usz2-am3 i3-na8-na8 za3-bi nu-un-zu

    lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-gu10 kur-kur-ra ga-mu-ni-pa3 im-me lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni kur-kur-ra nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2-tur ad-da-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 szu-kal-le-tu-da ad-da-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 dumu-gu10 iri szesz-zu-ne he2-eb-us2-en sag ge6 szesz-zu-ne giri3 gub-ba gen-na munus-e sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3-en iri szesz-a-ni ni2-bi-a im-us2 sag ge6 szesz-a-ni giri3 gub-ba im-gen munus-e sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 munus-e nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na-am3 im-gu-ul-u8-a-bi
  • (d)inanna-ke4 nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na-am3 im-ak-a-bi dungu mu-un-u5 dur2 im-gub-be2 gaba im-sal-e (tum9)u18-lu mar-uru5 husz igi-sze3 mu-un-szi-gen pi-li-pi-li dal-ha-mun egir-ra-ni-sze3 im-us2 ab-ba-szu2-szu2 inim-kur2-du11-du11 ad gi4-gi4 [...]

  • 7(disz) a-ra2 7(disz) an-edin-na mu-un-da-sug2-sug2-ge-esz
  • lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-gu10 kur-kur-ra ga-mu-ni-pa3 im-me lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni kur-kur-ra nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2-tur ad-da-ni-ir e2-a ba-szi-in-ku4 szu-kal-le-tu-da ad-da-ni-ir gu3 mu-na-de2-e ad-da-gu10 munus a-ra-du11-ga-gu10

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 munus-e nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na-am3 im-gul-lu-u8-a-bi
  • (d)inanna-ke4 nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-bi dungu mu-un-u5 dur2 im-gub-be2 gaba im-sal-e (tu15)u18-lu mar-uru5 husz igi-sze3 mu-un-szi-gen pi-li-pi-li dal-ha-mun egir-ra-ni-sze3 im-us2 ab-ba-szu2-szu2 inim-kur2-du11-du11 ad gi4-gi4 [...]

  • 7(disz) a-ra2 7(disz) an-edin-na mu-un-da-sug2-sug2-ge-esz
  • lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-gu10 kur-kur-ra ga-mu-ni-pa3 im-me lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni kur-kur-ra nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2-tur ad-da-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 szu-kal-le-tu-da ad-da-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 dumu-gu10 iri szesz-zu-ne he2-eb-us2-en sag ge6 szesz-zu-ne giri3 gub-ba gen-na munus-e sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3-en iri szesz-a-ni ni2-bi-a im-us2 sag ge6 szesz-a-ni giri3 gub-ba im-gen munus-e sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz munus-e nam gal4-la-ni-sze3 a-na im-gu-lu-u8-a-bi
  • (d)inanna-ke4 nam gal4-la-ni-sze3 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-bi umbin _ka_ su-ug-ga 1(disz)-am3 szu im-ma-an-ti he-en-du kalam-ma-ka ba-an-gi16-ib ug3 sag ge6 umbin _ka_ su-ug-ga mu-na-ta-e3-e lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-gu10 kur-kur-ra ga-mu-ni-pa3 im-me lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni kur-kur-ra nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2-tur ad-da-ni-ir e2-a ba-szi-in-ku4 szu-kal-le-tu-da ad-da-ni-ir gu3 mu-na-de2-e ad-da-gu10 munus a-ra-du11-ga-gu10

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz munus-e nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na-am3 im-gul-lu-u8-a-bi
  • (d)inanna-ke4 nam gal4-la-na-sze3 a-na-am3 im-ak-a-bi umbin _ka_ su-ug-ga 1(disz)-am3 szu im-ma-an-ti he-en-du kalam-ma-ka ba-an-gi16-ib ug3 sag ge6 umbin _ka_ su-ug-ga mu-na-ta-e3-e lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-gu10 kur-kur-ra ga-mu-ni-pa3 im-me lu2 gesz3 du11-ga-ni kur-kur-ra nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 lu2-tur ad-da-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 szu-kal-le-tu-da ad-da-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 dumu-gu10 iri szesz-zu he2-eb-us2-en sag ge6 szesz-zu-ne giri3 gub-ba gen-na munus-e sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3-en

    iri szesz-a-ni ni2-bi-a im-us2 sag ge6 szesz-a-ni giri3 gub-ba im-gen munus-e sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka nu-um-ma-ni-in-pa3 u4 im-zal (d)utu im-ta-e3-a-ra munus-e ni2-te-a-ni igi im-kar2-kar2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ni2-te-a-ni igi im-kar2-kar2 e ga2-a a-ba-a ma-ab-se3-ge e ga2-a a-ba-a ma-ab-ag2-e e-ne-eg3 a-a ugu-gu10 dam-an-ki-ka3 nam-me-a abzu eridu(ki)-ga (d)en-ki-ka3-sze3 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4? giri3 im-ma-an-gub nam?-bi-sze3? ur2? im-ma-an-dun-dun szu ba-an-na-la2-la2 a-a (d)en-ki he2-en-ga-mu-e-se3 he2-en-ga-mu-e-ag2

    lu2-bi abzu-ta szu-ga2 u3-mu-e-ri-ze2-eg3 esz3 e2-an-na-gu10-sze3 ze2-ba-bi da-an-ku4 (d)en-ki-ke4 i3-sa6 mu-na-ab-be2 he2-am3 mu-na-ab-be2 ku3 (d)inanna abzu eridu(ki)-ta im-ma-da-ra-ta-e3 ni2-te-a-ni (d)tir-an-na-gin7 an-na ba-an-gi16-ib ki ba-da-an-us2 ulu3? i3-dib-be2 me-er i3-dib-be2 szu-kal-le-tu-da ni2-ta ba-ab-tur-tur-re munus-e sza3? kur-kur-ra-ka im-ma-na-ni-in-pa3 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu-kal-le-tu-da-ar gu3 mu-na-de2-e a-gin7-nam x [...] x _ni_ gal2? _ur pi_ ba [...] ansze _pi_ ba-x [...]

    szu-kal-le-tu-da ku3 (d)inanna-ra mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 nin-gu10 mu2-sar-e a se3-se3-ge5-da-gu10 nisi-ga da pu2 ak-da-gu10 nisi dili-e nu-me-a a-na nu-me-a-bi ur2-ba im-ta-bala zu2 im-ta-gaz tum9-dal a-na-am3 de6-a-bi igi-gu10 sahar kur-ra im-mi-ib-ra ub igi-gu10 szu tuku-tuku-da-gu10 nig2 im-ma-ra-si-ig za3-bi nu-zu sig-sze3 igi mu-il2 dingir un3-na kur u4 e3-ke4-ne igi bi2-du8 nim-sze3 igi mu-il2 dingir un3-na kur u4 szu2-ke4-ne igi bi2-du8 (d)gidim dili du-ra igi mu-ni-in-du8

    me szu du7-du7-da igi bi2-in-du8 nam tar-ra dingir-re-e-ne-sze3 igi-ni mu-ni-gal2 sar-e ki 5(gesz2) 1(gesz'u) nu-te-a-ba ki-ba gesz-an-dul3 1(disz)-am3 i3-gub gesz-an-dul3-bi (gesz)asal2 du10 gissu dagal-la-kam gissu-bi sig-ga u4 zal-la an-bar7 an-usan-na nu-gi4-gi4 u4-ba nin-gu10 an mu-nigin2-na-ta ki mu-nigin2-na-ta (d)inanna an mu-nigin2-na-ta ki mu-nigin2-na-ta elam(ki) su-bir4(ki)-a mu-nigin2-na-ta dubur an gil-gi16-il-la mu-un-nigin2-na-ta nu-gig kusz2-a-ni-ta im-ma-te dur2-bi-sze3 i3-nu2

    za3 sar-ra-ga2 igi im-ma-ni-se3 gesz3 im-ma-ni-du11 ne im-ma-ni-su-ub za3 sar-ra-gu10-sze3 im-ma-szi-in-gi4 ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka [...] bi2-in-ra [...] ba-an-tah [...] ba-an-gi4 [...] x [...] nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu-kal-e-tu-da-ar gu3 mu-na-de2-e gen-na ba-ug5-ge-en nam-gu10 mu-zu nam-ba-da-ha-lam-e mu-zu en3-du-a he2-gal2 en3-du he2-du10-ge nar tur-e e2-gal lugal-la-ka hu-mu-ni-in-ku7-ku7-de3 sipa-de3 dun5-dun5 (dug)szakir3-ra-ka-na du10-ge-esz he2-em-mi-ib-be2

    sipa-tur-re ki udu lu-a-na mu-zu he2-em-tum2-tum2-mu e2-gal? edin-na e2-zu he2-a x x _du_-a-ni gu3 re-a x ha?-an-szi-ga2-ga2 _mir_ x x x _ne_ ga-e-szi-dub2 tug2 [...] x _ne_ ga-e-szi-si-ig a x [...] x u5-a-gu10-ne A x [...] _ka_ [...]-szi?-ga2-ga2 szu-kal-e-tu-da [...] x [...] [...] nam tar?-ra? [...] (d)inanna za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    Lady, may the great mes, the throne be sated with joy Inanna, the great mes, the holy dais Inanna, standing in the Eanna temple, may she be a slanderer in the netherworld. At that time, the pure woman entered the netherworld. The evil and the evil of the land were seen in the midst of the country. The true evil was smashed in the netherworld. Now, a man, a man, should not speak, a man should not speak, a man should not speak, my lady, standing in the mountain, the divine powers were uttered, Inanna, the mighty lion, standing in the mountain, the divine powers were uttered,

    Now, a man, a man, to speak. A man, a man, a half of a man, to speak. At that time, ..., heaven was destroyed, earth was destroyed, and the netherworld was destroyed. Inanna was destroyed, heaven was destroyed, and the netherworld was destroyed. In Uruk, the Eanna temple was destroyed, and the netherworld was destroyed. In Zabalam, the reed-bed was destroyed, and the netherworld was destroyed. The Eanna, his ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., and the netherworld was destroyed. Now, the man, the man, ..., ..., ..., ... .

    The eagle is to be uttered in the shrine. My word, your intelligence, the smembi-plant, the oil of Eridu, the oil of the lapis lazuli, is standing at the side of the granary. Its tufts of ... are to be strewn, the tufts of ... are to be strewn. The smeg plant, the sar of the nishiga, is to be strewn. ...

    He sat down on the grass, he sat down on the grass. He sat down on the grass like a pigeon. He sat down on the grass like a pigeon. He sat down on the grass like a pigeon, he sat down on the grass like a pigeon, he sat down on the grass like a pigeon, he sat down on the grass. He saw him, saw him, and he sat down. He sat down like a bird, like a man, the workman, the worker,

    The ... ... was ..., its mouth was ..., its mouth was ..., its date palm was ..., its date palm was ..., its date palm was ..., its date palm was ..., its date palm was ..., its ewe was ..., its ewe was ..., its ewe was ..., its ewe was ..., its ewe was ..., it was a ... of the king's field, it was a ... of the king's palace. Its ... was given to the king's field. Its dates were ..., its barley was a ... barley,

    The house of the great gods was present. Like a flying fox, the work of the worker was interrupted. The wind was interrupted. The wind was interrupted. The wind was interrupted. The wind was interrupted. The wind was interrupted. The sky was interrupted. Why did he look at the words of his master? The flying fox went to the Abzu. Now, who is it that he commands? Who is it that he commands? Who is it that he commands? Who is it that he commands? ... Shukalletu? ... ... The son of Igisigsig, the man of ..., he wrote his name. He poured water. He did not eat one-third of the water. He did not eat one-third of the water.

    He smashed the roof, he smashed the roof. What was its ...? He smashed the dirt of the mountain. His face was covered with dirt, his hand was smashed. He did not know anything about it. He looked at the horizon, he looked at the gods of the mountain. The gods of the mountain, the day that came, he looked at the east. The gods of the mountain, the day that came, he looked at the west. The ghost of the single god looked at the single god. The god who was standing at the single god, he looked at the scepter. He looked at the divine powers, the divine powers, and the divine powers. He looked at the fate of the gods. He looked at the sar, which 5-10 did not exist.

    It stood there for the first time. Its trellis is a broad trellis. Its trellis is a yellowish-green shade. At that time, my mistress, An, was not returning to her bed. At that time, she was not returning to her bed. Inanna, was not returning to her bed. Inanna, was not returning to her bed. Elam, Subartu, was not returning to her bed. Dubur, Gilgig, was not returning to her bed. Nugig, her skin was not covered in a skin. She sat down on her bed. She looked at her shakaltu-robe on her sar. Inanna, her seven ... garments .

    The seven ... garments of her ..., ..., ..., her holy garments, ... ..., ... ..., ... ..., he ...

    The water of the watercourse of the country was swollen, the water of the orchard of the country was swollen, the water of the servant came down, the water of the man came down, the water of the woman came down, the water of the man came down, the water of the man came down, the water of the night came down, the water of the man came down, its right side was not there, my speech was spoken in the lands, my speech was spoken in the lands, he was not speaking in the lands. Now, my speech was spoken in the lands, he was speaking in the lands, he was speaking in the lands, he was speaking in the lands, he was speaking in the lands, he was speaking in the lands, he was speaking in the midst of the lands, he was speaking in the midst of the lands, he was speaking in the midst of the lands, he was speaking in the midst of the lands, he was speaking in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the lands, he was saying in the midst of the midst

    My father entered the house, he spoke to me. My father, the one who scribal art, whose water is poured out, my ninda, the one who is poured out, the one who is not poured out, the one who is not poured out, whose ninda is not poured out, whose limbs are not loosened, whose limbs are loosened, whose eyes are covered with dirt from the mountain, whose face is covered with dirt from the mountain, whose hands are not grasped, whose border is not a swollen, he looked at him. The god who is the one who

    The one who has a single god has been sworn by the command of the gods. He has seen the divine powers and divine powers that are being performed. He has seen the fates of the gods. In the five, 10th place, he has stood at the shrine. Its shrine is a stela of broad wood. Its shrine is a stela of a broad wood. Its shrine is a stela of reddish wood. At that time, my lady, An has been sworn by An, has been sworn by the earth. Inanna has been sworn by An, has been sworn by the earth. Elam and Subartu have been sworn by the Dubur of An, Gilgiga.

    he sat down on his skin. At that time, he looked at the sarru-place, he spoke to him, he spoke to him, he sat down at the sarru-place. At that time, the woman who was to decide her fate, was to be destroyed. Inanna, who was to decide her fate, was to be killed. The water in the water

    My friend, I will bring my words to the lands. My friend, my words to the lands, I will not listen to him. The young man, his father, will not listen to him. His shukalletu-priest, his father, will not listen to him. My son, let him enter the city of your brother. At the beginning of the night, your brother, standing at the feet, let the woman enter the lands. The city of his brother will be a slanderer. At the beginning of the night, his brother standing at the feet, let the woman enter the lands.

  • Secondly, why does a woman, in order to be sated, ...?
  • Inanna, what is it that he has done? He sat in the dust, he stood in the shadow, he sat in the midst of the sand, he sat in the midst of the sand, he sat in the midst of the sand, he sat in the midst of the sand, he sat in the midst of the sand, he sat in the midst of the sandstone, he sat in the shadow of the sandstone, he sat in the shadow of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the sandstone, he sat in his midst of the

  • 7 times 7 they will squander the plain
  • My father, I will speak to the lands about my speech. My father, I will speak to the lands about his speech, but he will not speak to the lands. The young man, his father, entered the house. The shakalletu-demon, his father, spoke to him. My father, my wife, my prayer

  • Secondly, why does a woman, in order to be sated, destroy it?
  • Inanna, for the fate of her life, to whom did he turn? He sat in the dust, he stood in the open country, he sat on the dais, he sat on the sand dunes, he sat on the sand dunes, he sat on the sand dunes, he sat on the sand dunes, he sat on the sand dunes, he sat on the sand dunes, and after him he sat down, he sat down with his brothers, he swore an oath .

  • 7 times 7 they will squander the plain
  • My friend, I will bring my words to the lands. My friend, my words to the lands, I will not listen to him. The young man, his father, will not listen to him. His shukalletu-priest, his father, will not listen to him. My son, let him enter the city of your brother. At the beginning of the night, your brother, standing at the feet, let the woman enter the lands. The city of his brother will be a slanderer. At the beginning of the night, his brother standing at the feet, let the woman enter the lands.

  • 3rd woman, for the fate of her husband, to Imgulu'abi
  • Inanna, for the fate of his life, he has decreed for him. He has sworn by the single 'mouth' of the 'strength'. He has sworn by the 'strength' of the land. The people have sworn by the single 'mouth' of the 'strength'. I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has spoken to me, I am the one who has come to my house, I am the one who has come to my house, I am the one who has spoken to my father, my wife, I am the one who speaks to me,

  • he will pay the woman a 3-fold penalty. Why did they destroy it?
  • Inanna, what is it that he has done? He has sworn by the one hand a supplication. He has sworn by the one hand. He has sworn by the country. The people have come out of the supplication of the supplication. I am the one who has spoken to the lands, I am the one who has spoken to the lands. The one who has spoken to the lands does not agree with him. The young man his father has sworn. With the shukallatu his father has sworn. My son may be the city of your brother. The night of your brother's foot is standing. The woman does not agree with him in the lands.

    The city of his brother was a dream. At the beginning of the night, his brother stood at the feet. The woman did not go out into the midst of the lands. The day was overcast, Utu came out. The woman looked at her. The holy Inanna looked at her. Who can say "I will come to an end"? Who can say "I will come to an end"? My father, my father, is the one who decrees the fates of Damanki. In the Abzu of Eridu, Enki, the holy Inanna stood at the feet. He sat down and kissed her. Father Enki, may he come to an end.

    The man from the Abzu he brought out. To the shrine Eanna he went, and Enki was happy. He was happy. He was happy. The holy Inanna of the Abzu of Eridu came out. Like Tirana he was smitten by heaven. He was smitten by the south. He was smitten by the east. He was smitten by the shukallu. He was smitten by the women of the lands. The holy Inanna spoke to him. Like water ...

    shukal-letu, holy Inanna, returned to her. My lady, the one who writes, my inscription is a smeared water. My smeared water is a smeared water. I am not a single smeared water. I am not a single smeared water. Its roof has been smashed. Its roof has been smashed. My face has been covered with dirt from the mountain. My face has been covered with a smeared smeared. Its border is not a smeared. The gods of the mountain have been seen. The gods of the mountain have been seen. The smeared gods of the mountain have been seen. The smeared gods of the mountain have been seen. The smeared gods of the mountain have been seen. The smeared gods of the mountain have been seen. The smeared gods of the mountain have been seen.

    he made the divine powers of the shududu-da-

    He looked at my sarru-shrine, he spoke to me, he spoke to me, he spoke to me, he brought me to my sarru-shrine. Like a dog he brought me to him, he ... ... he ... he ... he decreed a fate. Holy Inanna, when you speak to me, you will come, and my fate will not change. Your name will not be forgotten, your name will be forgotten. May I be able to make abundant abundance come forth. May I be able to make the small singer enter into the palace of the king. May the shepherd enter into his szakira.

    The shepherds, where the sheep are his own, may they praise your name. May the palace of the steppe, your temple, ... his ... may they praise ... May ... ... may they praise ... ... my ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the fate ... Inanna is praiseworthy.

    P469523: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    gu4-dam iri(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    oxen-drivers, city ...;

    Surface b


    gu4-dam [...] gu4-dam [...] (d)inanna [...] gu4-dam sza3 unu(ki) [...] e2 szutum [...] im-ma-ni-[...] gu4-dam kasz i-[...] kurun i-[...] (zabar)aga [...] (zabar)aga [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... Inanna ...

    Surface c


    (zabar)aga x im-gur4-gur4-re ti-lim-da ma2-gur8 ku3 im-bi-bi-re zid2-gu saga suhur-sun4-la2(ku6) x x x x _tum_ x x e ku6 szum2-e e ku6 zu2-lum-ma-gin7 im-_bul_-x gu4-dam-ra e-sir2 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 szar2-am3 mu-na-an-us2 [...] szar2-ra (gesz)tukul-a mu-na-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz nar-a-ni lugal-gaba-gal2 _di_ gub-bu-de3 ba-ra-e3 ugnim-e igi im-ma-an-se3 nar-e en3-du-a szu i-ni-in-gi4 sa szu-na bi2-in-_ru_ i3-gu7-a-zu i3-gu7-a-zu ninda nu-e-gu7 uzu-zu-um x i3-gu7 i3-nag-a-zu i3-nag-a-zu kasz nu-e-nag usz2-zu-um x i3-nag

    gu4-dam-e e-sir2 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 szar2-am3 ma-ra-mi-u3-us2 szar2-ra-am3 (gesz)tukul-a ma-ra-dur2-ru-ne-esz _du_ a-na-ak-en munus-e ga2-a ma-an-du11-ga un-ne-_du_-de3-en gu4-dam-e hasz2 tibir-ra bi2-in-ra ni2 su-e bi2-ib2-us2 szar2-ur3 a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-gu10 szu nu-um-ma-ti e2 zabala(ki) ga2-a _gil_ ki-bi dal-la mi-ni-gi4 (gesz)dal e2-an-na pa-ba mi-ni-in-ku5 gu4-dam sila-sze3 im-ma-na-ra-e3 gu4-dam-e e-sir2 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 szar2-ra mu-ni-in-gaz szar2-ra (gesz)tukul-a-na mu-ni-in-ug7

    a gaba-na-ka im-ma-da-an-e3 szu-pesz tur szu-pesz (d)inanna-ke4 (uruda)dur10-tab-ba mu-na-an-bar-re-ia-ka gu4-dam-ra im-ma-an-ra-ah gu4-dam-e er2 im-ma-an-pa3 i3-ga2-ga2 (d)inanna zi-gu10 szum2-ma-ab gu4 kur-ra ga-mu-ra-ab-szum2 tur3-zu ga-mu-ra-ab-lu udu kur-ra ga-mu-ra-ab-szum2 amasz-zu ga-mu-ra-ab-lu ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 gu4 kur-ra ga2-a-ra [...] udu kur-ra ga2-a-ra [...] (gesz?)tukul-sze3 ma-ra-[...] a-sza3 zabala(ki)-a dur2 gar bi2-e-gar-ra e-duru2-bi? ki-nu2-ba

    dagal-ba ansze ha-ra-ab-hun-e x al hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 (d)inanna nam-ur-sag ga-am3-du11 za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    ... bronze ...

    The oxen of the streets of Uruk were mighty, they were mighty. The oxen of the streets of Uruk were mighty, they were mighty with weapons. I am a woman who is to be commanded, I am to be commanded. The oxen of the tibira grove were tearing out, my warriors, without the hand of my heroism, the house of Zabalam were seized, its place was ruined, the dal of the Eanna were seized. The oxen of the streets of Uruk were thrown into a roaring

    He brought water from his mother's breast to me, and the small ones, the small ones, to Inanna, with a scepter he brought to me, and the oxen he brought to me, and the oxen he smote. Inanna, my faithful one, let me give you a bull of the nether world, let me give your goats to you, let me give your sheep to you, let me give your sheep to you, and let the holy Inanna return to you. Let me give your bull of the nether world, let me give your sheep to you, let me ... with weapons. In the field of Zabala, a thorny t

    May the wide land bring the donkeys, may ... bring them. Inanna, I say: "I am the hero, your praise is good."

    P469524: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    _an_ [...] ku3 (d)inanna [...] ur-sag szul (d)utu [...] ge6 u3-na x [...] e2-an-na _an_ [...] (d)inanna-ke4 x [...] an gal? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... holy Inanna ... Hero, youth Utu ... Night and day ... Eanna ... Inanna ... Great An .

    Surface b


    [...] x mu-da-an-x-x-e [...] e2-an-na? an-da ba-ta-e3-de3 [...] nin? an-na-ke4 an gal kar-re-de3 gesztu2-ga-ni ba-an-gub x x (d)inanna-ke4 an gal kar-re-de3 gesztu2-ga-ni ba-an-gub [...] an-na-ta an gal kar-re-de3 gesztu2-ga-ni ba-an-gub [...] szul (d)utu an gal kar-re-de3 gesztu2-ga-ni ba-an-gub szesz-a-ni ur-sag szul (d)utu ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e x x inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu x x x x-la masz-gu10 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu

    szesz-a-ni ur-sag szul (d)utu ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi nin9-gu10 zi? an-na? nam-erim2? mu-un-pa3? zi _im_-_szesz_? an du-ru-un A x x-gu10 mu-un-pa3 x x zi (gesz)gu-za-ga2 nam-mah-ga2 mu-un-pa3 inim nin9-gu10 ma-ab-be2-a ge26-e ha-ba-da-ab-sze-ge inim ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ma-ab-be2-a ge26-e ha-ba-da-ab-sze-ge ki-sikil (d)inanna-ke4 szesz-a-ni ur-sag szul (d)utu mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi x nitalam?-gu10 ma-a-ra gesz ma-an-du11 ne mu-un-su-ub [...] al mu-na-an-du11 x-a-ra nu-mu-na-ze2-eg3

    [...] in?-da-ze2-eg3 x x an mah-e e2-an-na nu-mu-na-ze2-eg3 an me-en-de3-na ki me-en-de3-na an-da e2-an-na ha-ba-da-kar-x u4? [...] x x mu-un-dab5-ba-ta gu3 i-ra-de2-e gesz tuku-ma-ab [...] x bar tam-ma-ab a2 ag2 za-e igi du8-ma-ab [...]-du11 u4 im-hul (tu15)u18-lu mu-da-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... to the Eanna temple ... ... the lady of An, the great heavens were set upon her ears. ... Inanna, the great heavens were set upon her ears. ... from An, the great heavens were set on her ears. ... the youth Utu, the great heavens were set on her ears. His brother, the hero, the youth Utu, holy Inanna, spoke to him. ... I will say to my word, my word I will say to my word, my son, my word I will say to my word.

    His brother, the hero, the youth Utu, the holy Inanna, has ruled. My sister, true An, he has decreed evil. True An, he has decreed ..., he has decreed ..., my throne, he has decreed supremacy. My sister, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, speak to me, the lady of Inanna, speak to me, my sister, speak to me, "I want to ..., I want to ...,

    Surface c


    x x [...] (sa)szu2-usz-gal [...] ku-kur [...] szu-ku6 [...] ku3 (d)inanna [...] ku4? (gesz)ma2-gur8 [...] esz2 mu-un-[...] (tu15)u18-lu (tu15)u18-lu-bi im-ma-ta-an-zi im-hul im-hul-bi im-ma-ta-an-zi an su3-ra2 [...] (d)_hi_-en-_hi_-sa6 [...] szu-ku6-de3 _an_ [...] gi? szu2?-szu2? gi?-zi gal [...] (d)inanna [...] szul (d)utu [...] (gesz)ma2-gur8 [...] _an_ [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... holy Inanna ... entering? the boat ... ... ... the north wind ... its south wind ... its evil wind ... ... the south wind ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... great ... Inanna ... the well-being of Utu ... the boat ... .

    Surface d


    ge26-e [...] giri3 [...] _an_ [...] _ku_ lu2 [...] da-dag-bi-ir-e ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi nin-gu10 nu-da-[...] nam-dingir-zu ba-ab-[...] szu-ku6-de3 (tu15)u18-lu [...] nin-gu10 (gesz)ma2-gur8-x ha-ba-u5-u5 (tu15)u18-lu (tu15)u18-lu-bi ha-ma-ta-an-zi im-hul im-hul-bi ha-ma-ta-an-zi (gesz)ma2-gur8 (gesz)ma2 tur x x gi ambar-a ba-an-su (sa)szu2-usz-gal-la-ta? x x x he2-en-da-an-te ku-kur-ta a-ab zi-x e3?-ta a nam-mi?-ib2?-ra? x hul? ba-ak-e ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu-ku6-de3 inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    u4-da e2-an-na x [...] za-e mu-ni-in-pa3 ki-bi ge26-e [...] u6 ba-ni-in-e-a a-ra2 sig-ge [...] _ru_ mu-e-ni-du11 da-dag-bi-ir-e ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 inim mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 gi szu2-szu2? gi-zi gal [...] he2-en-da-an-_ru_ e2-an-na an-ta e3-da [...]-ra-pa3-de3 da-dag-bi-ir [...] x [...] x (d)en-lil2-la2 gi szu2-szu2? gi-zi gal x x x mu-un-da-an-_ru_ e2-an-na an-ta e3-da-bi u6 mu-ni-in-du11 (d)szul?-a2-zi-da unu3 an-na-ke4 samanx(|_sze3-su3-ud-nun-sze3-tu_|) szu ba-ni-in-dab5

    x x x utah?-he-ta a-ba-da-an-e3 u2-du11-ba sa2? nam-me _sa_? [...] x _an_ nam-me ki-szar2-ra ba-an-su3-e (i7)u2?-la-a a nir a-ba-nag-a-ta (d)inanna-ke4 giri2 im-ma-da-an-gu4-u4 kun-bi im-ma-da-ku5 ur-mah-gin7 gu3 mir-a ba-ni-in-ra za-pa-ag2 mu-da-an-sed4-e [...] _ka_? ba im-da-an-szub [...] x im-mi-in-ge-en [...] za-pa?-ag2 x x-a-ni gesz bi2-in-tuku-a-ta [...] x x-ta ba-ni?-de2 im agarin3 [...] szub?-be2 ba-da-an-nu2 [...] [...] [...] nin gal an-na-ke4 inim-bi an-ra szu-a ba-an-gi

    x x-a hasz2-ni bi2-in-ra u3-u8 du11-ge bi2-in-si dumu-gu10 a-na-am3 bi2-in-ak ge26-e bi2-in-dirig-ga (d)inanna a-na-am3 bi2-in-ak ge26-e bi2-in-dirig-ga i3-ne-esz2-ta u4-da szid-bi ba-da-tur u4 ge6-bi-a ba-da-bur2 u4-da-ta en-nu-ug3-bi 3(disz)-am3 u4 ge6-bi-a ba-an-da-sa2 i3-ne-esz2 (d)utu e3-a ne3 he2-en-na-nam dingir nam-lu2-ulu3 mu-un-dim2-ma an-ne2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 igi bi2-in-du8-am3 ni2 bur2 ne-en-nam ni2 bur2 ne-en-nam _ka_-bi nu-du3-a-ba an-ne2 ni2 bur2 ne-en-nam ni2 bur2 ne-en-nam _ka_-bi nu-du3-a-ba

    lu2 dumu-gu10 ba-su nu-mu-e-du11-ga e2-an-na-kam im-da-an-kar-re-en (d)inanna-ke4 ba-su nu-mu-e-du11-ga e2-an-na-kam im-da-an-kar-re-en e2-an-na an-gin7 he2-ge-en za3 sag11 nam-ba-an-tuku gu2-kin kalam-ma mu-bi he2-pa3-de3 nam-lu2-ulu3 ug3 szar2-ra-ba giri3-ni-sze3 he2-en-na-ab-se3-ge e-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne-en-a ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 e2-an-na an-da im-da-an-kar x-ta im-mi-in-ge-en u4-da (d)inanna-ke4 e2-an-na e2 ki nin-am3 im-me in-nin-e ki u3-ma gub-bu-ba szu sa2 du11-ga-am3

    (d)inanna-ke4 ki u3-ma gub-bu-ba szu sa2 du11-ga-am3 e2-an-na an-da im-da-kar-re-en ki du10-ga im-me (d)nun-gal-e-ne dirig-ba ki-sikil (d)inanna za3-mi2-zu mah-am3

    AI Translation

    ... foot ... ... ... ... ... ... he swore by the holy Inanna. My lady, she did not know ... your divinity ... The shukude-offerings ... the north wind ... my lady, the ... boat ... he sank. The north wind ... he sank. The ... boat ... he sank. The ... boat ... he sank. From the ... of the ... sea ... he sank. The evil ... he swore by the holy Inanna. The shukude-offerings .

    When Eanna ... he ..., and its place ... he ..., and a ... he ..., and a ... he ..., and a ... he ..., and the holy Inanna he ..., and a ... reed, a great reed ... he shall ..., and a ... he shall ..., and a ... he shall ..., and a ... ... Enlil ... a ... reed, a great reed ... he shall ..., and a ... he shall ..., and a reed he shall ..., and a reed he shall ..., and Shulazida, the utu of heaven, he shall entrust to him.

    ... he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., my son, what did he do? He ..., what did he do? He ..., what did he do? Now, after the day has passed, its ... has disappeared, the night has passed, the night has passed, it has passed. Now, when Utu comes out, he shall be the god of the people. An, holy Inanna, looked at him, he shall be the one who ..., he shall be the one who ..., he shall be the one who ..., he shall be the one who ..., he shall be the one who ...,

    "A man did not speak to his son, he has turned away from Eanna. Inanna did not speak to him, he has turned away from Eanna. Eanna, may it be as if it were heaven. May it be as if it were earth, may it be as if it were the throne of the land. May it be the people's fate, and the many people's fates. May it be as if it were Utu, the one who has turned away from him. Eanna, may it be as if it were a ...! On the day when Inanna called Eanna, the house of the lady, she spoke to Inanna, "House, where the lady stands, the place where she stands,

    Inanna, when she stands at the place of the sun, she speaks kindly. She carries out the Eanna ritual with her. She carries out the good place. The Nungal priestess, who is the exalted lady of Inanna, is your praise.

    P469525: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    gal5-la2 tur ka ba-a-szi-ba9-re6 gal5-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en ur2 ku3 (d)inanna-ka-sze3 ga-da-re7-en-de3-en gal5-la2 unu(ki)-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4-re-esz ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne ga2-nu (d)inanna kaskal-zu-sze3 ni-ba gen-na kur-sze3 e11-de3 ki sza3-ge de6-a-zu-sze3 gen-na kur-sze3 e11-de3 ki (d)erisz-ki-gal-la-sze3 gen-na kur-sze3 e11-de3 tug2-ba13 ku3 (tug2)pala3-a tug2 nam-nin-zu nam-ba-mu4-mu4-un kur-sze3 e11-de3

    men ku3 me-te ka silim-ma sag-zu-a um-ta-ga2-ar kur-sze3 e11-de3 hi-li-a igi-zu la-ba-ni-in-du7 kur-sze3 e11-de3 _ur nu_ tur giri3-zu [...]-du8-du8 kur-sze3 e11-de3 u4 za-e e11-de3-da [...] nu-_bu_-_bu_ ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-un-bur2-bur2-re-esz [...]-ga-de3-esz (d)inanna ni2-te-na (d)dumu-zi szu-sze3 ba-an-szum2 gurusz-e (gesz)rab3 mah giri3-ni im-ma-an-gar-re-en-de3-en gurusz-e (gesz)es2-ad szu-ni szub-bu-de3-en-de3-en gesz-gu2 gu2-ni gar-re-en-de3-en

    uruda-henzer (uruda)kibir2 (uruda)szukur mah-e igi-ni-sze3 ba-an-szi-ib2-il2-il2 (uruda)ha-zi-in gal-gal-la u3-sar i3-ak-e-ne gurusz-e mu-ni-in-gub-bu-de3-esz mu-ni-in-dur2-de3-esz tug2-gun5-na-ni szub-bu-de3-en-de3-en _usz kum_ gub-bu-de3-en-de3-en gurusz-e a2-na mu-un-la2-e-de3-esz tug2-esz (hu)hul mu-un-szi-ak-esz tug2 ni2-te-na igi-na mu-ni-in-dul-u3-de3-esz gurusz-e (d)utu-ra an-sze3 szu-ni ba-an-szi-zi (d)utu gu5-li-zu ge26-e-me-en szul-me-en za-e mu-zu nin9-zu nam-dam-sze3 ba-an-tuku-a

    mu e-ne kur-sze3 e11-de3 ge26-e ki-gar-ra-bi-sze3 kur-sze3 ba-ab-szum2-mu-de3 (d)utu di-ku5 nig2-si-sa2 za-e-me-en nam-ba-lul-de3 szu-ga2 u3-mu-e-kur2 ulutim2-gu10 u3-mu-e-bala szu gal5-la2-gu10-ne ga-ba-e-da-an-ze-er nam-mu-ha-a-za-asz musz-sag-kal-gin7 sza3-tum2 hur-sag-ga2 mu-ni-in-bala-bala ki nin9 (d)gesztin-an-na-sze3 zi-gu10 ga-ba-an-szi-in-de6 (d)utu er2-na szu ba-an-szi-in-ti szu-ni mu-ni-in-kur2-kur2 ulutim2-ma-ni mu-ni-in-bala-bala musz-sag-kal-gin7 sza3-tum2 hur-sag-ga2 mu-ni-in-bala-bala

    (d)dumu-zi-de3 muszen-sze3 sur2-du3(muszen) dal-a-gin7 zi-ni ur5-da i3-szub-ba ki (d)gesztin-an-na-sze3 zi-ni ba-szi-in-de6 (d)gesztin-an-na szesz-a-ni igi ba-ni-in-du8-am3 te-na mu-ni-in-hur-hur giri17-na mu-ni-in-hur-hur igi-ni za3-ga-na mi-ni-in-du8 tug2-ni mi-ni-in-da-da-ra gurusz ag2-gig-ra i-lu ag2-gig-ga hu-mu-ni-ib2-be2 a szesz-gu10 a szesz-gu10 gurusz u4-bi nu-um-si a szesz-gu10 su8-ba (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na gurusz u4-bi mu-bi nu-um-si a szesz-gu10 gurusz dam nu-tuku dumu nu-tuku

    a szesz-gu10 gurusz gu5-li nu-tuku du10-us2-sa nu-tuku a szesz-gu10 gurusz ama-ni sa6-ga-ni nu-du8 gal5-la2 (d)dumu-zi-de3 mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne mu-ni-in-nigin2-nigin2-na-esz gal5-la2 tur gal5-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e-ne gal5-la2 ama nu-tuku ad-da ama nin9 szesz dam dumu nu-tuku-me-esz u4 me-da gal? ug3 _usz_ gar-ra an ki-ta ri-a-bi za-e-ne-ne gal5-la2-ze2-en lu2 za3-ga-ni gi-szukur-gin7 szu gar sa6-ga nu-tuku-me-esz sa6-ga hul nu-zu-me-esz lu2-u3 e2 nu ni2-te-na zi-ni silim-ma a-ba-a igi mi-ni-in-du8

    ki gu5-li-bi nu-um-szi-du-de3-en ki mussa-bi nu-um-szi-du-de3-en su8-ba-ra ki (d)gesztin-an-na-ka-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en gal5-la2-e-e-ne szu-ta ba-ab-sag3-sag3-ge-me-esz mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne-esz i-lu-bi ka-ka-na nu-mu-un-til-la-am3 gal5-la2 ki (d)gesztin-an-na-sze3 ba-e-szi-re7(re)-esz ki szesz-zu la2-ma-ra-ab e-ne mu-ni-ib2-be2-e-ne inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2 hab ni2-te ki ur2-ra ba-ni-in-ze2-eg3 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2 x ni2-te ki igi-na ba-ni-in-hur-hur inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2

    kusz ni2-te ki dur2-na ba-ni-in-kar2-kar2 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2 esir2 ur2-ra-na ba-ni-in-de2-de2 inim-bi nu-mu-na-ab-be2 (d)dumu-zi-de3 e2 (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 nu-um-me-ni-in-pa3-de3 gal5-la2 tur gal5-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e-ne ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en amasz ku3-ga-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-de3-en (d)dumu-zi-de3 amasz ku3-ga-ta mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-de3-esz mu-ni-in-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-de3-esz mu-ni-in-kin-ne-esz igi ba-ni-in-du8-am3 gurusz-ra e2 nu-nam-ma (uruda)ha-zi-in szu gal2 ba-szi-in-ti

    giri2-ur3-ra mu-ni-in-sar-sar-re-esz ki-si-ga mu-ni-in-dub2-esz nin9-e na-ag2 szesz-na-sze3 iri-a muszen-gin7 im-ma-an-nigin2-nigin2 szesz-gu10 ag2-gig-ga gal szu ga-de6 ga2-na me ga-an-te

    AI Translation

    The small ones were snatched from the mouths of the small ones. The small ones were snatched from the mouths of the mighty ones. Let me come and bring the holy ur of Inanna to you. Let me come to the holy ur of Uruk. They took the holy Inanna away from you. Let Inanna go on your journey to the netherworld. Let your heart be at rest, let your heart be at rest, let your heart be at rest, let the netherworld go to the netherworld. Let the holy pala garments, the garments of your ladyship, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be at rest, let them be

    The pure, pure, pure mouth, your head has been smashed. The mountain will go down, your radiance has not been sung. The mountain will go down, the small dog, your foot is ..., the mountain will go down. The day that you go down, the ... of Inanna will be smashed. The ... of Inanna will be given to Dumuzi. The young man will put his foot on a great throne. The young man will put his hands on a espad. The throne will be set up.

    The henzer, the kibir, and the supreme shukur instruments were brought before him. The large hazin axes were brought before him. The young men were seated on their necks, they were seated on their arms. The young men were seated on their necks, they were seated on their feet. The young men were seated on their necks, they were seated on their arms. The young men were seated on their faces. The young men were seated on their hands before him. Utu was seated on his hands. You are a young man, you are a young woman. You are your name. You are your name. You are your sister. You have taken a marriage gift.

    "Why, when you come out from the mountains, why did you give it to the lands?" "Utu, you are the judge of everything, you are to destroy it!" "You are to change my hand, I am to change my ancestors. I am to change my hand, I am to change my hand, I am to change my mind. Like a wild bull, I am to change my heart in the mountains. I am to change my heart in the place of my mistress Geshtinanna. Utu, I have changed his hand, I have changed his mind. His ancestors have changed their minds, I have changed my mind. Like a wild bull, I am to change my heart in the mountains.

    Dumuzi, like a flying bird, sat down on its nest and sat down on its nest. At the place of Geshtinana, she looked at Geshtinana, her brother. She looked at her, she looked at her face, she looked at her feet, she looked at her garment, and she was a man who was sick with a sick person. My brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, my brother, the one who is sick with a sick person, Ama-ushumgalana, my brother, my brother, my brother, who is sick with a wife, who is sick with a child,

    "Alas, my brother, the young man who has no strength, the young man who has no strength, Alas, my brother, the young man whose mother is beautiful, he did not ..., they ... Dumuzi, they ..., they

    They did not go to the place of the gulli, they did not go to the place of the musha. They went to the place of the shuba, they went to the place of Geshtinana. They were gathered together in a cult center, they did not leave their divine majesty behind them. They went to the place of Geshtinana. They were gathered together in a cult center with your brother. They did not say anything to them. They were gathered together in a sacrificial ..., they were gathered together in a sacrificial ..., they were gathered together in a sacrificial ..., they were not saying anything to them.

    They sat down on the sling-stick of his sling-stick, they sat down on the sling-stick of his sling-stick, they sat down on the sling-stick of his sling-stick, they sat down on the sling-stick of his sling-stick. Dumuzi did not go to the house of Geshtinana, they spoke to the pigs, the pigs, the pigs, and the pigs. Let them go to the pure sheepfold. Let them go to the pure sheepfold. Dumuzi did not go to the pure sheepfold. They were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten, they were beaten.

    He wrote the inscriptions and sat down in the living quarters. The lady, the one who loves her brother, he made the city like a bird. My brother, my big brother, let me give hand to hand to hand. Let me give me strength.

    P469526: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _nig2_-gu10 [...] igi hur-ra-bi-gu10 [...] giri17? hur-ra-bi-gu10 [...] sag3-a-gu10 [...] x [...] sag szum2-ma?-gu10 [...] ma-al-la-zu [...]-gu10 [...] x ma?-al-la-x [...] [...] szu szim-gu10 sag3? [...] [...] x (gesz)mar gu2-un-na-gu10 x [...] x ka?-gu10 _mu_? [...] x-gu10 x [...] x mu-lu giri17-zal x [...] x mu-lu sze sza4 mu-[...] (gesz)ig abul-la mi?-[...] szesz-gu10 (gesz)ig abul-la x [...] x u2 tu _gum_? _ki_? [...] x nam?-nin9-a _ki_? [...] i7 mah-a a2 x [...] a-sza3-bi (kusz)ummu a x [...]

    a-sze-er-ta ba-zu _musz3_ x [...] x hul gig-ga gada? x [...]-gu10 szesz-gu10 me-ri gig-ga me-ri-zu e-sir2 x x-mu szesz-gu10 me-a di-di me-e mu-da-ul4-le-en (d)du5-mu-zi me-a di-di me-e mu-da-ul4-le-en mu-un-da-ul4?-le-en mu-un-da-ul4?-le-en x gi-in-zu di u3-mu-un-na me-e mu-[...] x u3-mu-un-na-ke4 ma-al [...] x gi-in-zu di u3-mu-un-na me-e [...] szesz-gu10 ba-ra-ba-an-da-hul2-la szesz-gu10 [...] (d)du5-mu-zi szesz-gu10 ba-ra-ba-an-da-hul2-la szesz-gu10 [...] x-lu? x x _du mu_ ma-al i-bi2-ni-sze3 x x [...]

    [...] lu2 a2-la2-a-ni i-bi2-sze3 mu-un-da-an-gen [...] lu2 szu du3-a-ni egir-ra-ni im-gen [...] lu2 nig2 ra-a-ni ni2 mu-ni-ib2-dib2-be2-ne [...]-a nin9 gal-la gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e [...] x gig-ra inim mu-un-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi [...] x lu-u3-ne im-mi-ib2-dab5-be-ne [...] x x _me_ x x-am3 da-ma-ma-ne [...] x mu-un-bur12-bur12-re [...] _ni ra_ x [...] _ra_ x [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x za-e in-ga-[...] [...]-am3 za-e in-ga-x [...]

    [...]-na sila dagal-ta ba-gen [...]-la ba-gen-na sila dagal-ta ba-gen [...] gar-ra gal5-la2 gaba ba-an-ri [...] gar-ra gal5-la2 gaba ba-an-ri [...]-ri gal5-la2 gaba ba-an-ri [...] x-ni an-ta ba-an-di-ni-ib2-gi gal5-la2 gaba ba-an-ri [...] x x [...] x-na ki-sze-er ba-an-na-ni-in-du11 [...]-ra-na siki ze2-na ki-sze-er ba-an-na-ni-in-du11 [...] igi hur-ra-na giri17 hur-ra-na ki-sze-er ba-an-na-ni-in-du11 [...] x _ne_ dirig-dirig-ga-na ki-sze-er ba-an-na-ni-in-du11

    [...] szu-um-du-um x hi-li-a du11-ga-na ki-sze-er ba-an-na-ni-in-du11 [...] za-e? ki-sikil mu-lu en-ra se3-ga za-e nin-ni-gen [...] mu-lu2 (d)du5-mu-zi-ra se3-ga za-e nin-ni-gen [...] za-e? nin9 ban3-da gurusz-a-gen za-e nin-ni-gen [...] nin9 ban3-da (d)du5-mu-zi-da-gen za-e nin9-ni-gen x x _mu_ na _suhusz_?-gu10-da ku5-ru-de3-en-ze2-en me-e nin9-ni-gen (d)du5-mu-zi-da ku5-ru-de3-en-ze2-en me-e nin9-ni-gen me-e nin9 ban3-da gurusz-a-gen me-e nin9-ni-gen me-e nin9 ban3-da (d)du5-mu-zi-da-gen me-e nin9-ni-gen

    i-ne-esz2? ku3-ga na-an-ga-mu-na-ab-se3-ge-en me-e nin9-ni-gen |_ka-bar_|-sze3 ku3-ga na-an-ga-mu-na-ab-se3-ge-en me-e nin9-ni-gen gu _sze3_?-na szu-ga2 de3-em-ma-al szu-gu10 ba-ra-gig-ga-am3 dug gesztin-na gu2-ga2 de3-em-ma-al gu2-gu10 ba-ra-gig-ga-am3 a2 x-a-na mu-un-na-ni-in-gi4 a mu-da-lu-lu a ki-in-dar-re mu-na-an-de2 mu-tin-an-na-ke4 mu-tin-e _nam_ mug? gar-ra a al-ur4-ur4-re a _ka_-_ka_-a a szesz-ra x-a a al-ur4-ur4-re a al-ur4-ur4-re i7-da bi2-i-gi-gi i7-za gi4-bi i7-za gi4-bi i7-za gi4-bi

    a szesz?-gu10 nu-mu-un-nag-a re i7-za gi4-bi a (d)du5-mu-zi nu-mu-un-nag-a re a i7-za gi4-bi x i7?-da-ke4? bi2-in-tu10?-tu10? (i7)buranun-na bi2-in-lu3?-lu3? x x uru2? szesz-gu10 nu-un-ti la ma-ta bi2-in-da-ku5-de3 [...] (d)du5-mu-zi nu-un-ti la ma-ta bi2-in-da-ku5-de3 [...] nu-un-ti nu-un-ti ba-ra-gi4-gi4-de3 [...] e _bi_-gu10 nu-un-ti [...] mu-u4-na-gu10 nu-un-ti [...] x mu-u4-na-gu10 nu-un-ti [...]-na nu-un-ti [...] x-na nu-un-ti [...] x-na nu-un-ti [...] (d)du5-mu-zi nu-un-ti ba-ra-gi4-gi4-de3

    [...] in-tu-u4-da-zu ba-ra-ba-an-da-hul2-le-en [...] in-tu-u4-da-zu ba-ra-ba-an-da-hul2-le-en [...] in-tu-u4-da-zu ba-ra-ba-an-da-hul2-le-en [...] x in-tu-u4 [...] x ba-an-tu-u4 [...]-am3 (d)mu-tin-gen x _mu me_ ir tuku? x [...] (d)du5-mu-zi-da-sze3 [...] (d)mu-tin-gen x x-a [...] _da_? x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... my property ... my face of the mountain range ... my foot of the mountain range ... my head of the shumma ... ... ... ... ... my hand of aromatics ... ... my ... ... my ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my brother ...

    ... he brought a man to his side ... he brought a man who had been his own hand behind him ... he brought a man who was his own fault ... he spoke to the great lady ... he spoke bitter words to her ... he seized ...

    "Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water? Why did you not bring me the pure water?

    My brother did not drink water, the mouth of the river was empty, Dumuzi did not drink water, the mouth of the river was empty, ... the river was filled with ..., the city of my brother did not belong to me, ... Dumuzi did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me, ... did not belong to me,

    ... you will rejoice ... you will rejoice ... you will rejoice ... you will rejoice ... ... you will rejoice ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Dumuzida ...

    P469527: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    an-gin7 dim2-ma dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-urta (d)en-lil2-gin7 dim2-ma (d)nin-tu-e tu-da a2-gal2 dingir (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne hur-sag-ta e3-a ni2 husz ri-a dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 ne3-ni-ta nir-gal2 lugal-gu10 szi-mah-e-en nam-mah-zu me-tesz2 he2-i-i (d)nin-urta szi-mah-e-en nam-mah-zu me-tesz2 he2-i-i lugal kur-kur-ra nam a2 gur-ra-zu-sze3 ur-sag (d)en-lil2-la2 nam a2 kal-ga-zu-sze3 ur-sag husz-a me an-gin7 mu-e-il2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 me ki-gin7 mu-e-il2 me kur-ra an-gin7 dugud-da-am3 mu-e-il2

    me eridu(ki)-ga ki-gin7 mah-am3 mu-e-il2 dingir-re-e-ne ki-a mu-e-su-ub-be2-esz (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne szu gar-gar-ra-am3 mu-e-[...] (d)nin-urta a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 szu du7-a-me-en lugal-la du11-ga-ni u4-dam [...] en (d)nin-urta-ke4 inim-ma-ni u4-dam x [...] kur gu2-erim2-gal2-sze3 x-am3 al-[...] bad3 ki-bala-a-sze3 x x-am3 al-x-[...] u3 _bu hu_ men?-na _gisz_ hur?-sag? al-[...] en su-lim-e husz?-am3 he2?-x [...] an ki-bi-da husz-am3 [...] ti du11 x x _hi_ x [...] ib2 du11-ga-ni kur ad6 x [...] igi husz-a-ni x [...]

    am si mu2?-e _dub a_? x [...] szeg9 lu-lim x x x [...] am gal kur-ra [...] x-bi-ta x [...] _lu bu_-ni x a2 me3 esz2 da-da-ra ba-an-du8 lugal-e a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-ni-sze3 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam a2 kal-ga-sze3 szeg9-sag-6(disz) e2? za-gin3 uru16-na-ta nam-ta-an-e3 uszum ur-sag bad3 gal kur-ra-ta nam-ta-an-e3 ma2-gi4-lum x abzu-ka-ni nam-ta-an-e3 gu4-alim sahar me3-ka-ni nam-ta-an-e3 ku-li-an-na an-szar2 ki-szar2-ta nam-ta-an-e3 nig2-babbar2-ra sahar hur-sag-ga2-ta nam-ta-an-e3

    uruda nig2 kal-ga hur-sag dar-ra-ta nam-ta-an-e3 muszen anzu(muszen) (gesz)ha-lu-ub2-har-ra-an-ta nam-ta-e3 musz-sag-7(disz) x x kur-ra-ta nam-ta-an-e3 [...] mu-un-na-an-zi-zi [...]-an-du11 [...] x sza3? mu-un-hul [...]-da? [...] x-an-du11 [...] x x tun3? mu-un-dab5 [...]-na? szu ba-ni-ti ur-sag [...] kur ad6-e-esz mu-un-ak en (d)nin-urta x gul? kur ad6-esz mu-un-ak [...] zar-re-esz mu-un-du8-du8 lugal-e a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-ni-sze3 szu na-mi-ni-in-gi4?

    (gesz)gigir za-gin3-na ni2 husz gur3-ru-na am dab5-dab5-ba-ni (gesz)gag-a bi2-in-la2 ab2 dab5-ba-ni a2 (gesz)szudul bi2-in-la2 szeg9-sag-6(disz) sahar-gi4-a bi2-in-la2 uszum ur-sag sag dur2-ra-ka bi2-in-la2 ma2-gi4-lum sze-er-du8-na-ka bi2-in-la2 gu4-alim ad-us2-a bi2-in-la2 ku-li-an-na (gesz)ki-giri3-a bi2-in-la2 nig2-babbar2-ra erin2-sag-ga2 bi2-in-la2 uruda nig2 kal-ga kisz-gag sza3-ga-ka bi2-in-la2 muszen anzu(muszen) gaba-gal2-la bi2-in-la2 musz-sag-7(disz) tum za-gin3-na-ka bi2-in-la2

    (gesz)gigir me3-a tum2-ma-na en (d)nin-urta-ke4 giri3-ni nam-mi-in-gub u4-an-ne2 dingir igi tab-tab lugal-an-ba9-ra2 en sun4 igi-sze3 mu-na-gen ni2 kur-kur-ra (d)lugal-kur-dub2 en (d)nin-urta-ke4? x x x egir?-ra-ni nam-mi-in-us2 pirig abzu-ta [...] ni2 me-lam2 an-na [...] (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne [...] lugal a-ma-ru ba?-ur3-ta (d)nin-urta u4 ki-bala-a a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ta u4-dam an-ur2-ra dum-dam mu-ni-ib2-za du-ni inim (d)en-lil2-la2 e2-kur-sze3 ga2-ga2-da ur-sag dingir-re-e-ne kusz7 kalam-ma su-su-da

    nibru(ki)-sze3 an ba9-ra2 la-ba-da-te-a-da (d)nusku sukkal-mah (d)en-lil2-la2 e2-kur-ta gaba [...] en (d)nin-urta-ra silim-ma mu-un-na-ab-be2 lugal-gu10 ur-sag szu du7-a ni2-zu-sze3 gesztu2-zu (d)nin-urta ur-sag szu du7-a ni2-zu-sze3 gesztu2-zu me-lam2-zu e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka tug2-gin7 im-dul (gesz)gigir-za gu3 du10 mur sza4-bi giri3 gub-ba-zu an ki tuk4-e-bi a2 il2-a-zu [...] gissu [...] (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne nig2 [...] a-a-zu ki-tusz-a-ni nam-mi-ib-hu-luh-[...]

    (d)en-lil2-la2 ki-tusz-a-ni nam-mi-ib-hu-luh-[...] a-a-zu a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-zu nig2 ha-ra-ba-ba-e (d)en-lil2 a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-zu nig2 ha-ra-ba-ba-e lugal (gesz)rab3 an-na gu2-gal dingir-re-e-ne kiszib3-la2 (d)en-lil2-la2 zi-sza3-gal2 e2-kur-ra ur-sag kur sag um-ma-ab-gi4-a-asz za3-zu a-a-zu dingir 1(disz) nu-um-ma-szi-in-gi4-gi4 (d)nin-urta kur sag um-ma-ab-gi4-a-asz za3-zu (d)en-lil2-le dingir 1(disz) nu-um-ma-szi-in-gi4-gi4 inim-bi ka-ka-na um-ma-da-gal2-la (kusz)usan3 bar-us2 e2-su-lum-ma-ka bi2-in-su3

    mi-tum a2 me3 za3 (kusz)e2-a-ka bi2-in-us2 e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 am3-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4 am dab5-dab5-ba-ni e2-e si bi2-in-sa2 immal2 dab5-ba-ni am-gin7 x x [...] iri lah6-lah6-a-ni al-ga2-ga2 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne me gar di [...] kur gal (d)en-lil2-le giri17 szu am3-gal2 (d)asz-im2-babbar-re u3-gul mu-un-na-ga2-ga2 ama gal (d)nin-lil2-le sza3 ki-ur3-a-ni-ta en (d)nin-urta-ra mi2 zi na-mu-un-ne am a2 husz il2-il2 dumu (d)mu-ul-lil2 kur-ba mu-e-tu11-tu11 ur-sag u3-mu-un (d)nin-urta? x-bi-a ba-e-x

    en (d)nin-urta-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4 ama-gu10 dili-gu10 nu-mu-e-da-x x x i3-x-x-en (d)nin-lil2 dili-gu10 nu-mu-e-da-x-en? dili-gu10-sze3? ma?-an-x-x me3 an-gin7 kesz2?-am3? [...]-ab-sa2-e a-ma-ru-gin7 [...] kur gi-sig-gin7 dub2-bu [...] me3-gu10 a mah e3-a-gin7 kur-re ba-ra-ab-e3 su pirig sa pirig-ga2 ki-bala-a zi-zi-i dingir am3-gig hur-sag-ga2 [...] buru5(muszen)-gin7 a2-ba mu-un-da-dub2-dub2 am ba9-ra2 u2-a mu-un-sug2-ge-esz me-lam2 an-gin7 dugud-da-a sag nu-mu-un-ga2-ga2

    hur-sag galam-ma en-me-en ki-szar2-ra sag [...] hur-sag-bi (na4)gesz-nu11-gal (na4)za-gin3 szu-gu10-sze3 [...] (d)a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne pesz2-gin7 a2-ur2-bi im-dab5-be2-ne kur-re a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-gu10 ki-bi u3-mu-[...]-gi4 a2 zi-da-gu10 szar2-ur3-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 a2 gab2-bu-gu10 szar2-gaz-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 u4 zu2 5(u)-gu10 mi-tum an-na-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 mesz3 kur gal e11-de3 u4-ba-nu-il2-la-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 (gesz)tukul uszumgal-gin7 ad6 gu7-a aga-silig-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3

    nig2 [...]-na-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 [...]-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 (sa)al-kad4 ki-bala-a (sa)al-kad4-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 kur szu-bi nu-szub-bu (sa)szu2-usz-gal-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 musz-mah ka 7(disz) sag gesz ra-ra |_dub-gag_|-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 kur gu2-guru5 du11-du11 giri2 gal giri2 an-na-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 a-ma-ru me3-a szita2 sag 5(u)-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 mir lu2-ra te-a (gesz)pan mar-uru5-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3

    e2 ki-bala tum4-tum4 (gesz)ilar (kusz)gur21(ur3)-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 a2-tah gurusz-a gesz-gid2-da-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 u4-gin7 zalag mu-un-e3 kur-ra-szu-ur3-ur3-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 an ki ug3 gi-ne2 erim2-a2-bi-nu-szub-bu-gu10 mu-da-an-gal2-la-am3 ni2 me-lam2-ma-ni kalam-ma dul-la a2 zi-da-gu10 gal-bi tum2-ma ku3-sig17 za-gin3-na szu du7-a u6 di-de3 gub geszkim-ti-gu10 mu-da-gal2-la-am3 (gesz)tukul galam-ma mah gal dirig-ga me3 nir-gal2 gaba-ri nu-tuku

    ki szen-szen me-te kiszib3-la2-gu10 (gesz)szita2 sag 5(u)-gu10 mu-da-gal2-la-am3 (gesz)tukul (d)gira2-gin7 ki-bala-a ma5-ma5 (gesz)mi-tum sag 5(u)-gu10 mu-da-gal2-la-am3 a-a-gu10 me3-gu10 ha-ma-ni-ib2-ku4-ku4-de3 (d)en-lil2 a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-gu10 a he2-em-tu5-tu5-de3 a2 husz (gesz)tukul-ga2 a gub2-ba ha-ma-ni-ib2-be2-de3 (gesz)gal gi-rin-na gu2-en-na si ha-ma-ab-sa2-e-de3 (gesz)gigir an-na-gu10 ki-gal-la he2-em-mi-in-gub-bu-de3 ur-sag dab5-ba-gu10 am du7-du7-gin7 saman he2-me-szub

    lugal dab5-ba-gu10 u4 an-na-gin7 giri17 szu ha-ma-an-gal2 kal-ga kur gaba nu-gi4-me-en (d)nin-urta-me-en mu-gu10-sze3 giri17 ki su-ub ha-ma-ak-ne szu mah sag pirig-ga2 (d)en-lil2-la2 ne3-ni-sze3 tu-da-me-en u4 an-na (gesz)rab3 dingir-re-e-ne an-ne2 a2 gal-la-ni-sze3 pa3-da-me-en [...] zi-sza3-gal2 (d)inanna-me-en ur-sag nam tar-ra (d)en-ki-da me husz tum2-a-me-en nam-lugal-gu10 za3 an ki-sze3 pa he2-em-ma-ni-ib2-e3 a2-gal2 dingir-re-e-ne-me-en ni2 gal he2-[...]-ab-ri

    iri ki ag2-gu10 esz3 nibru(ki) an-gin7 gu2 he2-eb2-us2 iri-gu10 iri szesz-gu10-ne-ka gu2-gal-bi he2-a e2-gu10 e2 szesz-gu10-ne-ka a-_mir_ zi-bi he2-a ki-sur-ra uru2-ga2 pu2 a du10-ga ki-en-gi-ra he2-a da-nun-na dingir szesz-gu10-ne he2-em-szi-gam-e-de3-esz muszen dal-a-bi uru2-ga2 gud3 he2-em-ma-an-us2 lu2-kar-ra-bi gissu-gu10-sze3 ni2 he2-em-szi-ib-te-en-te-en e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ta e3-a-ni sag-ki zalag-ga ur-sag-e-ne inim sa6-ga (d)nin-urta-ka-ke4 (d)nin-kar-nun-na-ke4 gesz ba-an-tuku-ta

    en (d)nin-urta-ra mu-na-gub siskur2 mu-na-ab-be2 lugal-gu10 iri ki ag2-ga2-zu sza3-zu he2-em-ma-hun en (d)nin-urta iri ki ag2-ga2-zu sza3-zu he2-em-ma-hun esz3 nibru(ki) iri ki ag2-ga2-zu sza3-zu he2-em-ma-hun e2-szu-me-sza4 e2 ki ag2-zu dili ku4-ku4-da-zu-ne nitalam-zu-ur2 ki-sikil (d)nin-nibru(ki) sza3-ga du11-mu-un-na-ab bar-ra du11-mu-un-na-ab inim du10 lugal-la su3-ra2-sze3 du11-mu-un-na-ab a nun-e ri-a (d)nin-kar-nun-na-ke4 u4-ba _ka_ siskur2 ba-ni sza3 kadra a sed su3-a-ni nig2 nam-he2-a bi2-in-du11-ga-ni

    me nig2 u4 ul-e pa e3 ak-e e2-szu-me-sza4 pa e3 dib-dib-be2-da-ni sza3 (d)nin-urta-ke4 ba-sa6 en (d)nin-urta-ke4 igi zi mu-un-[...]-bar e2-szu-me-sza4 e2 ki ag2-ga2-ni dili-ni ku4-ku4-da-ni nitalam-ni-ir ki-sikil (d)nin-nibru(ki) sza3-ga mu-un-na-ab-be2 bar-ra mu-un-na-ab-be2 inim du10 lugal-la su3-ra2-sze3 mu-un-na-ab-be2 ur-sag nam-ur-sag-ga2-ni pa e3 bi2-in-ak-a (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam-mah-a-ni e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 ki ba-ni-ib-us2 en kur gul-gul gaba-ri nu-tuku-a me3 mah-bi sumur-bi du7-du7

    ur-sag gal a2 x [...] e3-a kal-ga a-ma-ru (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-urta dumu mah e2-kur-ra nir-gal2 a-a ugu-na za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3 szir3-gid2-da (d)nin-urta-ka

    AI Translation

    Like heaven, son of Enlil, like Ninurta, like Enlil, like Nintu. When the chief gods of the Anunna gods came out from the mountains, he roared like a wild bull. Son of Enlil, his own lord, my king, may your greatness be praised! May Ninurta, may your greatness be praised! King of all the lands, may your destiny be determined! Hero of Enlil, may your mighty power be determined! Hero of the wild beast, like the divine powers of heaven and earth, may the divine powers of the mountains be praised! Hero of Enlil, like the divine powers of heaven and earth, may the divine powers of the mountains be praised!

    The divine powers of Eridu were exalted like the earth, and the gods re-established their places in the earth. The Anuna ... Ninurta, the one who has exercised her heroism, is my king. When ..., when ..., the lord Ninurta's words ... When ... to the enemy land, ... When ... the wall of the rebel land, ... When ..., ... the mountain range, ... When ..., the lord of the sulim-demon, ... When ..., the heavens and earth ... When ..., his ..., his ... face .

    ... ... ... Great mountain ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta, son of Enlil, ...

    ... the mighty copper from the mountains, you shall not go out. The Anzu bird, the Halubur bird, you shall not go out. The seven snakes, ... from the mountains, you shall not go out. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he took away. ... he took away. Hero ... the mountain ... he conquered. Lord Ninurta ... the mountain ... he conquered. ... he conquered. The king gave him the power of his warriorship.

    The lapis lazuli chariot, whose furious rages like a wild bull, whose herds are seized, whose yoke is bound, whose herds are bound with a scepter, whose horns are smashed with a sahargi sword, whose horns are smashed with a lion, whose horns are smashed with a lion, whose horns are a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion, whose horns are bound with a lion,

    The chariot of battle, his lord Ninurta, stood at his feet. Uane, the god who looks at the face of Lugalanba, the lord who ... before him, the fear of all the lands, Lugalkurdub, the lord Ninurta, ... behind him, the fear of the pirig of the Abzu, ..., the fear of the Anuna, the great gods, ..., the king who the flood destroyed, Ninurta who the flood destroyed in the rebel land, the flood destroyed in the horizon, he sat down. By the command of Enlil to the Ekur, the hero of the gods, the scepter of the nation, su

    To Nippur, which An had not brought, Nusku, the vizier of Enlil, from the Ekur, the ... of the lord Ninurta, he commanded me to speak a good word. My king, the hero, you are the one who has mastered the hand, you are the one who has mastered the hand, you are the one who has mastered the hand, you are the one who has mastered the mind, Ninurta, the hero, you are the one who has mastered the hand, you are the one who has mastered the melancholy of the temple of Enlil, like a garment, I adorned it. Your chariot, the sweet voice, its trembling, its feet are standing in heaven and earth, your strength is ..., ..., the canopy ..., the Anuna, the great gods, ..., may your father, the things that ..., may ... ... your dwellings

    Enlil, may your dwelling be shattered. Your father, your heroism, may it not be lost. Enlil, your heroism, may it not be lost. King, the throne of heaven, the scepter of the gods, seal of Enlil, the life-giving one of the Ekur, the hero of the first land, may it not be lost. Your father, the first land, may it not be lost. Ninurta, the first land, may it not be lost. Enlil, the first god, may it not be lost. His words are uttered in his mouth. He made the leather strap of the Esuluma,

    The 'breast', the weapon of the right side of the Ea, he sat down. He entered the house of Enlil. He sat down in the house. Like a savage bull, he ... like a ... ... The Anuna gods ... the great mountain of Enlil, he ... the ... of Ashimbabbar. The great mother Ninlil, from her ki'ur, the lord Ninurta, the true one, he ... the fierce bull, the son of Enlil, he ... the mountain. The hero, the lord Ninurta, .

    lord Ninurta has returned to him. My mother, my sister, ... I am Ninlil, my sister, ... I am Ninlil, my sister, ... Like the divine powers of heaven, I am ... Like the flood, I am ... Like the sand dunes of the mountains, I am ... Like the sand dunes of the mountains, I am ... Like the divine powers of the great water, I am ... in the mountains. Like the sand dunes of the sand dunes of the mountains, I am the sand dunes of the gods, I am sick in the mountains, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am like a snare, I am a snare,

    I am the lord of the great mountains, the highest one in the world, ... The mountains are ... with geshnugal stone and lapis lazuli. Like a pig, they have seized the Anuna gods. In the mountains, my warriorship is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., my strength is ..., the great mountain, the great mountain, the day of the coming of the storm, my strength is ..., like a uszumgal weapon, my strength is ...,

    My ... has been there, my ... has been there, my ... has been there, my ... has been there, my ... has been there, my ... has been there, my lands that have not been destroyed have been there, my ... has been there, my lion's 7th mouth, a snare, my ... has been there, my mountain lion's snare, my great foot, my foot, has been there, my flood, my shita-storm, my 50th head, has been there, my arrow, my ... has been there,

    My house of the rebel land has been smashed with a sledge and a leather strap. My adah-d

    My shita weapon, like a shita weapon, has risen at its head 50. Like a weapon of Gira, it has risen at its head 50. Like a mitum weapon, my father has risen at its head 50. My father has risen at my battle. Enlil has risen at my warriorship with water. My fierce weapon has risen at my side with water. My great chariot has risen at my side with a horn. My chariot of heaven has risen at its base. My hero who has seized my battle, like a roaring bull, has thrown down a saman.

    My king, who has been seized by the hand like An, may my hand be present. I am the mighty, the mountain that has not been seized by me, I am Ninurta, I am my name, I am the one who has seized the place of the supplication. I am the supreme hand, the head of the pirig, of Enlil. When An, the rab of the gods, is praised by An, I am the one who is praised by the great strength of Inanna. I am the hero who decides the fate of Enki, who is praised by the fierceness of the divine powers. My kingship is set on the right and left, I am the one who is praised by the gods, I am the great strength of the gods.

    My beloved city, the shrine Nippur, like heaven, may it be swollen. My city, my city of brothers, may it be its wide square. My house, my house of brothers, may it be its ... water. The boundary of my city, the well of good water, in Sumer, may it be the daises of the gods of brothers. The snares of my city may they be snatched away. The snares of its snares may they be snatched away from my bed. The snares of its snares may they be snatched away from the temple of Enlil. The shining head of the heroes, the words of Ninurta and Ninkarnuna, have been given over.

    'The lord of Ninurta stands in the shrine and sings a supplication. May my king, your beloved city, be at peace with your heart. May lord Ninurta, your beloved city be at peace with your heart. May shrine Nippur, your beloved city be at peace with your heart. Eshumesha, your beloved temple, you enter together. Your nitalamzur, the lady of Ninnibru, be at peace with her. May she be at peace with her. May she be at peace with the word of the king. May she be at peace with Ninkarnuna. At that time, he performed a siskur offering. He was seated in the kadra, he was seated in the sedent water. He spoke to him about things of life.

    The divine powers of distant days were revealed, they were revealed. In the Eshumesha temple they were revealed, they were revealed. In the heart of Ninurta, the lord Ninurta looked with pleasure. In the Eshumesha, his beloved temple, he entered together. His radiance was praised, the lady of Ninnibru he was praised. In the midst of it he was praised. In the midst of it he was praised. The good word of king he was praised. The hero, his hero, he was praised. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, he was his greatness. In the temple of Enlil he was praised. The lord of the ruined mountains, who has no rival, whose great powers are praised.

    Great hero, ... ..., strong one, the one who sees the light of Enlil, Ninurta, the exalted son of the Ekur, the one who is the favorite of his father, your praise is good, the long-fleeced one of Ninurta.

    P469528: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    sza3-ga-ni er2 im-si edin-sze3 ba-ra-e3 gurusz sza3-ga-ni er2 im-si edin-sze3 ba-ra-e3 (d)dumu-zi sza3-ga-ni er2 im-si edin-sze3 ba-ra-e3 gidru gu2-na mu-un-di-la2 i-lu mu-un-du-du i-lu gar-u3 i-lu gar-u3 edin i-lu gar-u3 edin i-lu gar-u3 ambar inim gar-u3 al-lub i7-da girid2 i-lu gar-u3 bi2-za-za i7-da inim gar-u3 ama-gu10 inim he2-em-me ama-gu10 (d)dur7-tur-gu10 inim he2-em-me ama-gu10 nig2 5(disz)-am3 inim he2-em-me ama-gu10 nig2 1(u)-am3 inim he2-em-me u4-da u4 ug5-ge-gu10 nu-un-zu

    edin ama ugu-gu10 inim mu-e-de3-zu-un nin9 ban3-da-gu10-gin7 er2-gu10 he2-sze8-sze8 u4 ul-e ba-nu2 u4 ul-e ba-nu2 sipa u4 ul-e ba-nu2 sipa u4 ul-e ba-nu2-gin7 ma-mu2-de3 ba-nu2 i-im-zi ma-mu2-da i-im-bu-lu-uh2 u3-sa2-ga-am3 igi-ni szu bi2-in-kin nig2-me-gar sug4-ga-am3 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en tum2-mu-un-ze2-en nin9-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en (d)gesztin-an-na-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en nin9-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en dub-sar im zu-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en nin9-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en

    nar en3-du zu-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en nin9-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en lu2-ban3-da sza3 inim-ma zu-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en nin9-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en um-ma sza3 ma-mu2-da zu-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en nin9-gu10 tum2-mu-un-ze2-en ma-mu2 ga-mu-un-na-bur2 ma-mu2-da nin9-gu10 ma-mu2-da sza3 ma-mu2-da-ga2 (u2)numun2 ma-ra-zi-zi (u2)numun2 ma-ra-mu2-mu2 gi dili du3-e sag ma-ra-an-sag3-ge gi dili-dili du3-e dili ma-ra-an-ba9-re6 (gesz)tir-ra gesz an-gin7 ni2-bi ma-ra-an-zi-ga ne-mur ku3-ga2 a mu-da-an-de2

    (dug)szakir3 ku3-ga2 du5-bi ba-ra-an-ba9-re6 (gesz)an-za-am ku3-gu10 (gesz)gag-ta la2-a (gesz)gag-ta ba-ra-an-si-ig (gesz)ma-nu-gu10 u2-gu mu-da-an-de2 (d)nin-ninna2(muszen)-ta-e ga2 udu-ka sila4 szu ba-ni-ib-ti sur2-du3(muszen)-e gi dub-ba-na-ka buru5(muszen) szu ba-ni-ib-ti masz2-ud5-da-gu10 sun4 za-gin3-bi sahar-ra ma-ra-an-gid2-e udu-utua2-gu10 a2 gur-gur-ra-bi ki ma-ra-ab-hur-hur-re (dug)szakir3 i3-dur2-dur2 ga nu-un-de2 an-za-am i3-dur2-dur2 (d)dumu-zi nu-ti amasz lil2-la2-am3 al-du3

    (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 (d)dumu-zi mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 szesz-gu10 ma-mu2-zu nu-sa6-sa6 nam-ma-an-bur2-e (d)dumu-zi ma-mu2-zu nu-sa6-sa6 nam-ma-an-bur2-e (u2)numun2 ma-ra-an-zi-zi (u2)numun2 ma-ra-an-mu2-mu2 sa-gaz szubtum6-ta ma-ra-an-zi-ga gi dili du3-e sag ma-ra-an-sag3-ge ama ugu-zu sag ma-ra-an-sag3-ge gi dili-dili du3-e dili ma-ra-an-ba9-re6 ge26-e u3 za-e dili ma-ra-an-bad-ba9-re6 (gesz)tir-ra gesz an ni2-bi ma-ra-an-zi-zi lu2 hul-gal2-e i-zi-a im-mu-e-ni-dab5-be2 ne-mur ku3-zu a mu-da-an-de2

    amasz e2 si-ga ba-e-de3-ga2-ga2 (dug)szakir3 ku3-zu du5-bi ma-ra-an-ba9-re6 lu2 hul-gal2-e szu-na ba-e-ni-in-ku4-ku4 an-za-am ku3 (gesz)gag-ta la2-a (gesz)gag-ta ba-ra-an-si-ig du10-ub ama ugu-za-ta ba-ra-szub-bu-de3 (gesz)ma-nu-zu u2-gu mu-un-da-an-de2 gal5-la2-e izi bi2-ra-ra-am3 (d)nin-ninna2(muszen)-ta-e ga2 udu-ka sila4 szu ba-ni-ib-ti lu2 hul-gal2-e te-zu ma-ra-an-sag3-ge sur2-du3(muszen)-e gi dub-ba-an-ka buru5 szu ba-ni-ib-ti gal5-la2 gal-e ga2 udu-ta am3-mu-e-re-e11-e11

    (dug)szakir3 i3-dur2-dur2 ga nu-un-de2 an-za-am i3-dur2-dur2 (d)dumu-zi nu-un-ti amasz lil2-la2 am3-du3 szu-zu szu-du3-a ba-e-dab5 a2-zu a2-la2-e ba-e-la2 masz2-ud5-da-zu sun4 za-gin3-bi sahar-ra ma-ra-an-gid2-e siki-gu10 mar-uru5-gin7 an-na ma-ra-ni10-ni10-e udu-utua2-zu a2 gur-gur-ra-bi ki ma-ra-ab-hur-hur-re szu-si-gu10 (gesz)bulug taskarin-gin7 te ma-ra-ab-hur-hur-re inim-bi ka-ka-na um-ma-da-ga2-ga2 nin9 du6-da e11-bi2 nin9 du6-da e11-bi2 nin9 du6-da e11-da-zu-ne du6-da lu2-ulu3-gin7 nam-e11-da-nam

    sza3-za bar-za u3-mu-ni-hur tug2-za hasz4-za u3-mu-ni-hur nin9 du6-da e11-bi2 nin9 du6-da e11-da-zu-ne du6-da igi il2-la-ab am3-ma?-an-gig lipisz bala nam-lu2-ulu3-ke4-ne (gesz)ma2-gur8 i7-da am3 x [...] gesz szu-ka szu am3-mi-in-du8 gesz gu2-ka ba-an-pa3 bur2-bur2-bi lu2 nu-zu ama-(d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 du6-da ba?-an-e11 igi ba-an-il2 x [...] (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 gu2 um-ma-da-gid2 ma-la-ga-ni (d)gesztin-du3-du3-e ad? [...] gu2? kesz2-da gal-gal mu-un-szi-re7-esz [...] mu-un-szi-re7-esz

    ad gar-ra ma-la-gu10 mu-szi-re7(re?)-esz gu2 kesz2-da ge26-e mu-ni-in-pa3-de3 szesz-gu10 gal5-la2-zu im-szi-re7-esz sag u2-a szub-u3 (d)dumu-zi gal5-la2-zu im-szi-re7-esz sag u2-a szub-u3 nin9-gu10 sag u2-a ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 sag u2 di4-di4-la2 ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 sag u2 gal-gal-la ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 e a-ra-li-ka ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 u4 ki-zu ab-pa3-de3-en-na-a ur-zu hu-mu-gu7-e ur ge6 ur nam-sipa-da-zu ur gi7 ur nam-en-na-zu ur-zu hu-mu-gu7-e

    gesztu2? mu-un-de5-ge x x na-ba gu5-li-zu de5-ga a szesz-gu10 gu5-li du10-sa x x-gin7 na-an-tuku-nam x x x x mi-ni-in-kin-kin-a-ta x-bi-a inim x x u3-mu-ra-ab-du11 gu5-li-gu10 sag u2-a ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 sag u2 di4-di4-la2 ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 sag u2 gal-gal-la ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 e a-ra-li ga-an-szub ki-gu10 na-ab-pa3-de3 u4 ki-zu ab-pa3-de3-en-na-a ur-zu hu-mu-gu7-e-en ur ge6 ur nam-sipa-da-zu ur gi7 ur nam-en-na-zu ur-zu hu-mu-gu7-en

    lugal-ra lu2 mu-szi-re7-esz-am3 lu2 hi-hi-a-me-esz u2 nu-zu-me-esz a nu-zu-me-esz zid2 dub-dub-ba nu-gu7-me-esz a bala-bala-a nu-na8-na8-me-esz kadra nig2 du10-ga szu nu-gid2-i-me-esz ur2 dam nig2 du10-ge-esz2 nu-si-ge-me-esz dumu nig2 ku7-ku7-da ne nu-su-ub-ba-me-esz szum2(sar) nig2 sis-am3 zu2 nu-gub-bu-me-esz lu2 ku6 nu-gu7-me-esz lu2 ga-rasz(sar) nu-gu7-me-esz lugal-ra dumu adab(ki)-a 2(disz)-am3 mu-un-szi-re7(re)-esz (gesz)kiszi16 a szu-ru-ug-ga (gesz)dala2 a hab2-ba

    lugal-ra dumu akszak(ki) 2(disz)-am3 mu-un-szi-re7(re)-esz x nim-|_ah-me_|-da gu2-ba la2-a lugal-ra dumu unu(ki)-ga 2(disz)-am3 mu-un-szi-re7(re)-esz (gesz)tukul sag ku5-a ur2-ra la2-a lugal-ra dumu uri2(ki)-ma 2(disz)-am3 mu-un-szi-re7(re)-esz tug2 szen-na kar-ra gal2-la lugal-ra dumu nibru(ki) 2(disz)-am3 mu-un-szi-re7(re)-esz lu2 lu2-ra im2-ma-ni-ib amasz e2 tur3-sze3 mu-un-szi-re7(re)-esz (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 amasz tur3-sze3 mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne i7 a-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3

    a-sza3 sze-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3 gal5-la2 tur-re gal5-la2 gu-la-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e gal5-la2 ku3-zu gal5-la2 ti-la gal5-la2 gal-bi murub4-bi ti-la ku3-zu x ba-an-da-ha-lam-ma-gin7 x x x-sze3 ba-an-gib-ba-gin7 nin9 ki szesz am3-mu-un-pa3-de3-a u4 ul?-la2-ta a-ba-a igi mi-ni-in-du8-a ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en gu5-li-ni-ir ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en u4 ne gu5-li-ni-ir i7 a-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne szu am3-ma-gid2-de3 a-sza3 sze-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne szu am3-ma-gid2-de3

    gu5-li-gu10 sag u2-a he2-en-szub ki-ni ba-ra-zu (d)dumu-zi-de3 sag u2-a he2-en-szub ki-ni ba-ra-zu (d)dumu-zi-de3 sag u2-a mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne nu-mu-un-pa3-de3 sag u2 di4-di4-la2 he2-en-szub ki-ni ba-ra-zu (d)dumu-zi-de3 sag u2 di4-di4-la2 mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne nu-mu-un-pa3-de3 sag u2 gal-gal-la he2-en-szub ki-ni ba-ra-zu (d)dumu-zi-de3 sag u2 gal-gal-la mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne nu-mu-un-pa3-de3 e a-ra-li-ka he2-en-szub ki-ni ba-ra-zu (d)dumu-zi-de3 e a-ra-li-ka mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne

    (d)dumu-zi-de3 er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 iri-a nin9-gu10 mu-un-ti-le-en gu5-li-gu10 mu-un-ug5-ge-en dumu nin9-e sila-a he2-en-gub lu2 ne he2-su-ub-be2 dumu gu5-li sila-a he2-en-gub lu2 ne na-an-su-ub-be2 lu2 ba-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz a-nigin2 ba-ni-in-du8-usz gu mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne sa mu-un-na-kesz2-da-ne gu zi-ip-pa-tum mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne (gesz)ma-nu mu-un-na-hur-ru-ne lu2 igi-na-ke4 nig2 mu-un-ra-ra lu2 murgu-na-ke4 1(disz) kusz3-gin7 mu-un-bur2-re szu-ni szu-du3-a ba-e-dab5-be2

    a2-ni a2-la2-a ba-e-la2-e gurusz-e (d)utu-ra an-sze3 szu-ni ba-ni-in-zi (d)utu murum5-gu10-me-en ge26-e mussa-zu-me-en e2-an-na-sze3 u2 gur3-ru-me-en unu(ki)-sze3 nig2-mussa ak-a-me-en nundum ku3-ge ne su-ub-ba-me-en du10 ku3-ga du10 (d)inanna-ka e-ne di du11-ga-me-en szu-gu10 szu masz-da3 u3-mu-e-ni-se3 giri3-gu10 giri3 masz-da3 u3-mu-e-ni-se3 gal5-la2-gal5-la2-gu10 ga-ba-da-an-ze2-er _ku_-(gesz)bir5-re-esz-dil-da-re-esz zi-gu10 ga-ba-szi-de6 (d)utu er2-na szu ba-szi-in-ti lu2 arhusz-a-gin7 arhusz ba-ni-in-ak

    szu-ni szu masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 giri3-ni giri3 masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 gal5-la2-gal5-la2-e-ne ba-da-an-ze2-er _ku_-(gesz)bir5-re-esz-dil-da-re-esz zi-ni ba-szi-in-de6 gal5-la2-ne-ne mu-ni-in-kin-kin-ne nu-mu-un-pa3-de3 ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en _ku_-(gesz)bir5-re-esz ga-an-szi-re7(re)-de3-en [...] x x sa-par3-gin7 [...] (d)dumu-zi _ku_-(gesz)bir5-re-esz mu-ni-in-dab5-be2-ne lu2 ba-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz a-nigin2 ba-ni-in-du8-usz gu mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne sa mu-un-na-kesz2-da-ne gu zi-ip-pa-tum mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne

    (gesz)ma-nu mu-un-na-hur-ru-ne lu2 igi-na-ke4 nig2 mu-un-ra-ra lu2 murgu-na-ke4 1(disz) kusz3-gin7 mu-un-bur2-re szu-ni szu-du3-a ba-e-dab5-be2 a2-ni a2-la2-a ba-e-la2-e gurusz-e (d)utu-ra an-sze3 szu-ni ba-ni-in-zi (d)utu murum5-gu10-me-en ge26-e mussa-zu-me-en e2-an-na-sze3 u2 gur3-ru-me-en unu(ki)-sze3 nig2-mussa ak-a-me-en nundum ku3-ge ne su-ub-ba-me-en du10 ku3-ge du10 (d)inanna-ke4 e-ne di du11-ga-me-en szu-gu10 szu masz-da3 u3-mu-e-ni-se3 giri3-gu10 giri3 masz-da3 u3-mu-e-ni-se3

    e2 um-ma (d)be-li-li zi-gu10 ga-ba-szi-in-de6 (d)utu er2-na szu ba-szi-in-ti szu-ni szu masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 giri3-ni giri3 masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 gal5-la2-gal5-la2-e-ne im-ma-da-an-ze2-er e2 um-ma (d)be-li-li zi-ni ba-szi-in-de6 e2 um-ma (d)be-li-li-sze3 ba-an-na-te um-ma lu2 nu-me-en dam dingir-ra-me-en a ub-ta-an-bala-bala a tukum-bi ga-nag zid2 ub-ta-an-dub-dub zid2 tukum-bi ga-gu7 a ub-ta-an-bala zid2 ub-ta-an-dub sza3-bi-a ba-an-tusz um-ma e2-ta ba-ra-e3 um-ma e2-ta e3-da-ni

    gal5-la2-e-ne igi ba-ni-in-du8-usz-am3 tukum-bi u4-da um-ma ki (d)dumu-zi ti-la nu-ub-zu igi ni2 te-a na-bar-bar-re gu3 ni2 te-a na-de2-de2-e ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en e2 um-ma (d)be-li-li-sze3 ga-an-szi-re7-de3-en (d)dumu-zi-de3 e2 um-ma (d)be-li-li-sze3 mu-un-dab5-be2-ne lu2 ba-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz a-nigin2 ba-ni-in-du8-usz gu mu-na-ab-sur-ru-ne sa mu-un-na-kesz2-da-ne gu zi-ip-pa-tum mu-un-na-sur-ru-ne (gesz)ma-nu mu-na-an-hur-ru-ne lu2 igi-na-ke4 nig2 mu-un-ra-ra

    szu-ni szu-du3-a ba-e-dab5-be2 a2-ni a2-la2-a ba-e-la2-e gurusz-e (d)utu-ra an-sze3 szu-ni ba-ni-in-zi (d)utu murum5-gu10-me-en ge26-e mussa-zu-me-en e2-an-na-sze3 u2 gur3-ru-me-en unu(ki)-sze3 nig2-mussa ak-me-en nundum ku3-ge ne su-ub-ba-me-en du10 ku3-ge du10 (d)inanna-ke4 e-ne di du11-ga-me-en szu-ni szu masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 giri3-ni giri3 masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 amasz ku3 amasz nin9-ga2-sze3 zi-gu10 ga-ba-szi-in-de6 (d)utu er2-na szu ba-szi-ni-in-ti szu-ni szu masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3

    giri3-ni giri3 masz-da3 u3-mu-ni-in-se3 amasz ku3 amasz nin9-na-sze3 zi-ni ba-szi-in-tum3 amasz ku3 amasz nin9-na-sze3 ba-an-na-te (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 gu3 an-sze3 ba-te gu3 ki-sze3 ba-te gu3 szu nigin2-bi an-ur2-ra tug2-gin7 i-im-dul gada-gin7 i-im-bur2 igi mu-un-na-hur giri17 mu-un-na-hur gesztu2 ki u6 di mu-un-na-hur ki lu2-da nu-di hasz4-gal mu-un-na-hur szesz-gu10 sila-a ga-[...]-nigin2-nigin2 ge26-e [...] tukum-bi (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 ki (d)dumu-zi ti-la nu-ub-zu igi ni2 te-a na-bar-bar-re

    gu3 ni2 te-a na-de2-de2-e ga2-nam-ma-an-ze2-en amasz tur3-sze3 ga-ba-szi-gen gal5-la2 1(disz) amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni (gesz)gag-ga-ra izi ba-ni-in-ra _gisz ni_ x gu3 ba-ni-ra

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni
  • (gesz)ma-nu izi ba-ni-ra

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni
  • (dug)szakir3 ku3-ga-a du5-bi ba-ra-ba9-re6

  • 4(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni
  • an-za-am (gesz)gag-ta la2-a (gesz)gag-ta ba-ra-ab-si-ig

  • 5(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3 ku4-ra-ni
  • (dug)szakir3 i3-dur2-dur2 ga nu-un-de2 ki-izi ku3-ga2 a mu-da-an-de2

  • 5(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni
  • an-za-am ku3 (gesz)gag-ta la2-gu10 (gesz)gag-ta ba-ra-ab-si-ig

  • 6(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni
  • (dug)szakir3 i3-dur2-dur2 ga nu-un-de2

  • 7(disz)-kam-ma amasz tur3-sze3 ku4-ra-ni
  • an-za-am i3-dur2-dur2 (d)dumu-zi nu-un-ti amasz lil2-la2 al-du3 (d)dumu-zi ug5-ga szir3-kal-kal-am3

    AI Translation

    His heart was trembling, he went to the steppe. His youth was trembling, he went to the steppe. Dumuzi, his heart was trembling, he went to the steppe. He sat on his dais and prayed to the god. He sat down on the god's throne. He sat down on the god, he sat down on the god. He sat down on the god. He sat down on the god. He sat down on the desert, he sat down on the god. He sat on the riverbank. He sat down on the god. He sat down on the god. He sat down on the river. My mother spoke to me. My mother spoke to Durtur, she spoke to me. My mother spoke to me 5 times, she spoke to me. My mother spoke to me 10 times, she spoke to me. The day, the day of my people, did not know.

    The plain, my mother, spoke to me. Like my sister, I cry out to her. The storm was not long ago. The storm was not long ago. The shepherd was not long ago. The shepherd was not long ago. The storm was not yet over. The storm was not yet over. The storm was not yet over. The storm was not yet over. The storm was not yet over. The storm was not yet over. My sister was not yet over. My sister was not yet over. My Geshtinanna was not yet over. My sister was not yet over. The scribe of the zukum was not yet over. My sister was not yet over.

    The singer, the one who speaks, my zu-gu10 is a roar My sister is a roar My ..., the one who speaks, my zu-gu10 is a roar My sister is a roar My heart is a roar My sister is a roar My sister is a roar My sister is a roar My sister is a roar My sister is a roar My seed is a roar My seed is a roar My reed is a reed

    The pure jar was not opened. My ..., my gold, was not opened. My ... was not opened. My manu was not opened. Ninnina was feeding the sheep. The lamb was feeding the ram. The reed of her reed was feeding the pigeon. My eagle was feeding the pigeon. Its lapis lazuli was thrown into the dirt. My sheep were smeared with blood. The reed of the jar was not opened. The reed of the jar was not opened. The Anza was feeding the sheep, Dumuzi was not feeding the sheep. The sheep were smeared with blood.

    Geshtinana sent Dumuzi to him. My brother, your son, is not good, you are not good, Dumuzi, your son, is not good, you are not good, you are not good. You are not a seed, you are not a seed. You are not a sag-tum-demon, you are not a seed. You are a sag-tum-demon, you are a reed. You are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a reed, you are a

    The sheepfold was seized in the house, the shakinu-vessel was seized. The evildoer entered his hand. Anza was seized from the silver reed basket, the reed basket was seized from the silver reed basket. The suckling of the mother was seized from the reed basket. Your boat was seized from the fire. Ninnina was slaughtering sheep, the lamb was slaughtered. The evildoer approached you. The reed basket was slaughtered, the lamb was slaughtered. The great slaughtered sheep were slaughtered.

    The shakkiru jar was not poured out, the shakkiru jar was not poured out, the shakkiru jar was not poured out, Dumuzi was not poured out, the sheepfold was snatched away, your hands were taken away, your arms were taken away, your suckling sheep were taken away, its lapis lazuli was thrown into the dust, its wool like a sacrificial sheep was brought into heaven, its sheep were brought into the ground like a sacrificial sheep was brought into the ground, my hands were brought into the scepter like a scepter, its words were spoken in his mouth, "A woman, woman, woman, woman, woman, woman, you are." "A woman, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you are the one who has gone, you have gone,

    You are the one who has sat in your midst, you are the one who has sat in your sling. You are the one who has sat in your sling. You are the one who has sat in your sling. You are the one who has sat in your sling. You are the one who has sat in your sling. You are the one who has sat in the boat of the river. You have ... the ... of the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling. You have ... the sling.

    My father, who had been appointed by the king, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my brother's neck, he sat down on Dumuzi's neck, he sat down on his neck, he sat down on my sister's neck, he sat down on the neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on my neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat down on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he sat on your neck, he

    ... ... Your wolf is a ..., my brother is a wolf, a good wolf, ... like a ..., ... ... ... I have spoken to him. My wolf is the head of the ..., let him leave the place where I am to be ..., let him leave the head of the large ..., let him leave the place where I am to be ..., let him leave the ... of the arax, let him leave the place where I am to be ..., let him leave the place where I am to be ..., let him leave the lion in the dark, let him sleep, let him eat the lion, the shepherd, the lion, the en priestess, let him sleep

    king, they were people who were arguing. They were people who did not know plants, they were people who did not know water. They were people who did not eat bread, they were people who did not drink libation water. They were people who did not drink libation water. They were people who did not eat kadra-flour, they were people who did not eat a spouse. They were people who did not eat a child, they were people who did not eat garlic, they were people who did not eat fish, they were people who did not eat garrasz. King, son of Adab, two. They were people who were drinking a szurug-flour-f

    king, son of Akshak, 2 he brought. ... he brought. ... he brought. king, son of Uruk, 2 he brought. A 'weapon'-mark of the ground was not brought. king, son of Ur, 2 he brought. A 'weapon'-mark of the quay was brought. king, son of Nippur, 2 he brought. A man brought. The sheepfold to the house of the small children he brought. Geshtinana brought the sheepfold to the small children. The canal which he had drew up, they did not return.

    They have not sworn by the land of barley, they have not sworn by the hand. They have sworn by the small ones, they have sworn by the big ones. They have sworn by the silver, they have sworn by the life of the silver, they have sworn by the ..., they have sworn by the ..., they have sworn by the sister of brother. From distant days, when did you see him? I shall come, I shall come, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come, I shall come, when he comes, I shall come,

    My lord, he should not abandon the head of the utensils, he should not abandon his dwelling place. Dumuzi, he should not abandon the head of the utensils, he should not abandon his dwelling place. Dumuzi, he should not abandon the head of the utensils, he should not abandon his dwelling place. Dumuzi, he should not abandon the head of the utensils, he should not abandon his dwelling place. Dumuzi, he should not abandon the head of the utensils, he should not abandon his dwelling place. Dumuzi, he should not abandon the head of the utensils, he should not abandon his dwelling place. Dumuzi, he should abandon the head of the utensils, he should abandon his dwelling place.

    Dumuzi cried out, he was shivering. In the city, my sister, I was shivering. My guli-disease I was shivering. The son of my sister stood in the street, the man stood in the street. The son of guli stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man stood in the street, the man before him was shivering, the man behind him was shivering like a shivering. His hand was seized.

    He sat down on his seat. The young man Utu sat down on his seat. Utu, I am your supplication, I am your supplication. In Eanna I am the one who eats grass. I am the one who eats a supplication. I am the holy supplication, I am the one who lays down the holy supplication. I am the one who speaks the truth, I am Inanna. My hand, my hand, my hand, my hand, I am the one who speaks the truth, I am the one who slaps my feet. I am the one who slaps my teeth, I am the one who slaps my teeth. Utu, I have slapped my hand. Like a man, I have slapped my teeth.

    He seized his hand and his hands and his feet, he seized his feet and his hands and feet. He seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized Dumuzi, he seized the ..., he seized the man, he seized the water, he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ..., he seized the ...,

    They smashed the ... of the man before him, they smashed the ... like a 1 cubit thicket. He took his hand and took away his ..., he took away his ..., he took away his ..., he took away his hand and took away his ..., Utu, I am your servant, I am your servant, I am the one who brings the grass to Eanna, I am the one who brings the ..., I am the one who lays down the holy scepter, I am the one who makes the holy scepter of Inanna, I am the one who speaks the verdicts to me. My hand, my hand, my hand, my foot, I am the hand of the scepter.

    "I want to go to the house of my god Belili, I want to drink water, I want to drink water, I want to eat water, I want to sit in it, Utu has sat down. His hands and feet have been shaved. His feet have been shaved. The people have been shaved. The house of my god Belili has been shaved. The house of my god Belili has been shaved. "You are not a spouse of a god." "You are a wife of a god." "You are a shaved. You are a shaved. You are a shaved. You are a shaved. You are a shaved. You are a shaved. You are a shaved." "You are a shaved." "You are a shaved." "You are a shaved." "You are a shaved."

    They saw the ..., and they were uttering a sigh. If, on the day when they say: "You are not alive with Dumuzi, look at me!" they shouted, "You are not alive with me!" They say: "I want to go to the house of Umma of Belili!" Dumuzi entered the house of Umma of Belili, and they were uttering a sigh. They were uttering a sigh. They were uttering a sigh. They were uttering a sigh. They were uttering a sigh. They were uttering a sigh. They were uttering a scream. They were uttering a scream. They were uttering a scream.

    He took his hand and took the hand of a shandabakku. He took his work and took the road. The young men of Utu took his hand and took him to heaven. Utu, I am your scion, I am your servant. In Eanna I am the one who brings the fresh grass. I am the one who carries the pure scepter to Uruk. I am the one who makes the pure scepter to the midst of the heavens. I am the one who makes the holy inanna bow down. I am the one who takes his hands and takes his feet. I am the one who takes his hands and takes his feet. I am the pure sheepfold of my sister. I am the one who takes his hands and takes his hands and takes his hands and takes his hands and takes his hands and takes his hands.

    The sheepfold, the sheepfold of the sister, he sat on her feet. The sheepfold, the sheepfold of the sister, he sat on her feet. The sheepfold, the sheepfold of the sister, he sat on her feet. Geshtinana roared to heaven, he roared to earth. Its hand was like a sacrificial

    I will give you a ... horn, I will give you a sheepfold, I will bring you a ..., and one sheepfold, he will enter. He will fire a ..., he will ... a ... horn.

  • 2nd time, when he entered the sheepfold,
  • he ignited a firewood beam

  • 3rd tablet: "He entered the sheepfold,
  • The silver jars are to be poured out.

  • 4th day, when he entered the sheepfold,
  • Anzam will tie the bolts together with the gap of the bolt.

  • 5th day, when he entered the sheepfold,
  • He does not pour oil into a jar, he does not pour it into a holy place.

  • 5th day, when he entered the sheepfold,
  • Anzam, silver, from the ..., my deficit from the ..., he will seal it.

  • 6th day, when he entered the sheepfold,
  • The libation vessel does not swell.

  • 7th day, when he entered the sheepfold,
  • Anzam is a sagishtu-demon, Dumuzi is not a sagishtu-demon, he has sat in the sheepfold. Dumuzi is the one who blesses the people.

    P469529: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    edin-na (d)dumu-zi-gu10 i-lu za-ra i-lu za-ra i-lu balag? mu-un-da-sa2-sa2 e2 a-ra-li mu-un-da-sa2-sa2 bad3-tibira(ki) mu-un-da-sa2-sa2 du6-szuba-a mu-un-da-sa2-sa2 ki nam-sipa-da mu-un-da-sa2-sa2 amasz (d)dumu-zi-da-ka [...] sipa lu2 [...] [...] [...] (d)dumu-zi [...] [...] [...] [...]-mu-un [...] [...] giri17-zal-gu10 [...] gar-ra [...] _ug_ [...] _ka_? [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]-la mu-da-[...]-ba-e i-si-isz [...] _mu_ [...] [...] [...] giri17-zal-la-ke4 [...] [...] _ne_ [...] ad-e-esz [...] gi4

    (d)dumu-zi ka ku3 igi sa6-sa6 i-si-isz-bi mu-un-kusz2-u3 ka ku3 igi sa6-sa6 i-si-isz-bi mu-un-kusz2-u3 gurusz? nitalam u3-mu-un zu2?-lum [...] (d)dumu-zi-de3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 i-si-isz-bi mu-un-kusz2-u3 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 [...] _szid nig2_ nam _munus_ [...] _ne_ [...] _nig2_ nam-[...] in-nin lu2 gar-ra [...] gar-ra [...] ki-sikil (d)inanna lu2 gar-ra [...] ama5 ama ugu-na-ka mu-un-|_du-du_| e a-ra-zu sun5-sun5 mu-un-na-su8-ug a [...] ama-gu10 da-[...]-dib amasz-sze3 ga-ma-e-da-gen

    ama-gu10 ga-sza-an-gal-e da-[...]-dib amasz-sze3 ga-ma-e-da-gen a-a-gu10 ma-ra-bu7 sun5-na ga-da-[...]-dib (d)suen ma-ra-bu7 sun5-na ga-da-[...]-dib dumu ama ugu-ni kin-gi4-a-gin7 ama5-ta im-ma-ta-e3 ama ga-sza-an-gal-e kin-gi4-a-gin7 ama5-ta im-ma-ta-e3 nin-gu10 gal mu-un-zu gal in-ga-an-tum2-mu ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 gal mu-un-zu gal in-ga-an-tum2-mu kasz u4 re u4 su3-ra2 dur2-ru-na-bi-a [...] amasz-ta [...] [...] e2 um-ma (d)bi-lu-lu-sze3 [...] ki-bi-a sipa sag-a ra [...] (d)dumu-zi sag-a ra

    (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na sag-a ra udu lugal-ga2 (d)dumu-zi-da-ke4 edin-na [...] (d)inanna (lu2)sipa nu-me-a udu lugal-ga2 za3-ba mu-un-gi4-gi4 nin-e nitalam-ni-ir szir3 mu-un-szi-ib2-u3-tu szir3 mu-un-szi-ib-dim2-e ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 (d)dumu-zi-ra szir3 mu-un-szi-ib2-u3-tu szir3 mu-un-szi-ib-dim2-e mu-lu nu2 su8-ba mu-lu nu2 en-nu-ug3-ba me-gub (d)dumu-zi mu-lu nu2 en-nu-ug3-ba me-gub (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na mu-lu nu2 en-nu-ug3-ba me-gub (d)utu-da gub-ba _di_-ga2 en-nu-ug3-ba me-gub

    u4-bi-a um-ma (d)bi-lu-lu bur-szu-ma nin ni2-te-na-ka dumu-ni gir2-gir2-e lu2 dili-am3 ul4-ul4-e am3-tum2 lu2 i3-zu-am3 gu4 dab5-ba-ni tur3 amasz-e am3-si guru7-du6-ra-ni gu2 am3-gur-gur ul4-ul4-la szita2 tag-ga-na sag2 mu-un-ne-du11 dumu na gu5-li na szir3-ru edin-lil2-la2 igi-ni-sze3 i3-tusz inim mu-un-da-ab-be2 u4-bi-a nin-e sza3-ga-ni a-na am3-de6 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sza3-ga-ni a-na am3-de6 um-ma (d)bi-lu-lu ug5-ge-de3 sza3-ga-ni am3-de6 nitalam ki ag2-ga2-ni (d)dumu-zi-(d)ama-uszumgal-an-na-ra

    ki-nu2 du10-du10-ge-de3 sza3-ga-ni nam-de6 nin-gu10 (d)bi-lu-lu edin-lil2-la2 ba-an-[...] dumu-ni gir2-gir2-e lil2-la2-a-bi bi2-in-[...] dumu na gu5-li na szir3-ru edin-lil2-la2 [...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 esz2-dam-ma ba-ni-in-ku4 [...] ki-tusz-a ba-e-gub nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re gen-na ba-ug5-ge-en na-nam-ma-am3 mu-zu ga-ba-da-ha-lam-e (kusz)ummu a sed nig2 edin-na he2-me-en dumu-ni gir2-gir2-re e-ne-bi-da (d)udug edin-na (d)lamma edin-na he2-em-ma-da-me-esz-am3 dumu na gu5-li na szir3-ru edin-lil2-la2

    edin-na ha-mu-ni-ib2-du zid2 hu-mu-ni-ib2-_szid_-e gurusz edin-na du a ub-ta-an-bala-bala zid2 ub-ta-an-dub-dub (d)udug edin-na (d)lamma edin-na [...] sed-a hu-mu-ni-ib-be2 dub-a hu-mu-ni-ib-be2 ki sa-ha-a-na edin-na hu-mu-un-gal2 um-ma (d)bi-lu-lu sza3-ga-ni hu-mu-hul2-le i3-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne ur5 he2-en-na-nam (kusz)ummu a sed nig2 edin-na i3-me dumu-ni gir2-gir2-re e-ne-bi-da (d)udug edin-na (d)lamma edin-na im-ma-an-da-an-me-esz-am3 dumu na gu5-li na szir3-ru edin-lil2-la2

    edin-na mu-ni-ib2-gen zid2 mu-ni-ib-_szid_-e gurusz edin-na du a ub-ta-an-bala-bala zid2 ub-ta-an-dub-dub (d)udug edin-na (d)lamma edin-na [...] sed-a mu-ni-ib-be2 dub-a mu-ni-ib-be2 ki sa-ha-a-na edin-na mu-un-gal2 [...] um-ma (d)bi-lu-lu sza3-ga-ni mu-hul2-e (d)inanna-ke4 gurusz ki-e szu mu-[...] (d)dumu-zi ki-e szu mu-[...] szu du3-a-ni [...] [...] _sze3_ [...] mu-na-il2 [...]-ba-sze3 buru5-habrud(muszen)-e nam il2 ki-ulutim2 (d)dumu-zi-da-sze3 buru5-habrud(muszen)-e [...]

    tu(muszen)-gin7 ab-lal3-ba ni2-bi-a ad-e-esz ba-ni-ib2-gi4 buru5-habrud(muszen)-e a2-bur2-ba ad-e-esz ba-ni-ib-gi4 lugal-gu10 ama-ni (d)dur7-tur-ra-am3 i3-hul2-le (d)dumu-zi-de3 ama-ni (d)dur7-tur-ra-am3 i3-hul2-le in-nin-gu10 u3-tu-da kuara(ki) ki-sikil amar sig7-ga men-bi u6 di nig2-me-gar sag ge6-ga e-ne du11-du11 i-lu akkil du11-du11 nam-szita du11-du11 lugal-la [...] (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 nin [...] _a an sud kid_ [...] ki-sikil u6 di [...] (d)gesztin-an-na-ke4 [...] mi-ni-[...]

    nu-gig-e szu [...]-ne-ne szu-a mi-ni-_tur_? [...] _ni_ [...]-ba tesz2-bi ba-ra-ga2-ga2 [...] ka _ni_ [...] ba-an-ta-gi4-gi4 i-lu za-ra i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 [...] szesz-e ge26 i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 [...] i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 e2 a-ra-li-a i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 du6-szuba-a i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 bad3-tibira(ki)-a i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 ki nam-sipa-da i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 in-nin mu-u4-na-ni ne-nam ib2-da-sa2

    ku3 ga-sza-an-an-na su8-ba (d)dumu-zi ne-nam ib-da-sa2 ki-nu2 ze2-ze2-ba in-nin-ra szu gar gi4-a ga-sza-an-an-na-ra? szu-a ba-na-an-si i-lu za-ra i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 i-lu za-ra i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 ki-ulutim2 i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 edin-na (d)dumu-zi i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 e2 a-ra-li-a i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 du6-szuba-a i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11 bad3-tibira(ki)-a i-lu za-ra i-lu du5-mu-ri-ib-du11

    (d)dumu-zi ne-nam ib2-da-sa2-e szu gar gi4-a (d)bi-lu-lu ug5-ga (d)inanna ib2-da-sa2 u3-lil2-la2 (d)inanna-kam

    AI Translation

    In the plain, Dumuzi was a god who is holy, a god who is a god who is a balag god, he was a god who ... the house of Arali, he was a god who ... Dur-tibira, he was a god who ... Dushuba, he was a god who ... the place of shepherdship, he was a sheepfold of Dumuzi, ... the shepherd ... Dumuzi ...

    Dumuzi, the holy mouth, the beautiful face, he smashed. Dumuzi, the holy mouth, the beautiful face, he smashed. Young man, the nitam, the lord, the dates ... Dumuzi, he smashed. The holy Inanna ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my mother ... ... ... ... my mother ...

    My mother, I will bring you to the king. I will bring you to the king. My father, I will bring you to the king. I will bring you to the king. I will bring you to the king. I will bring you to the king. I will bring you to the king, Suen, I will bring you to the king. The son, his mother, like a messenger, has come from the king. I will bring you to the king, I will bring you to the king. My lady, you have been great, you have been great, holy Inanna, you have been great, you have been great, you have been great. The beer of the day, the day of the future, which has been long, has been long. From the sheepfold of Bilulu, ... from its place, the shepherd, the first, ... Dumuzi, the first,

    Ama'ushumgalana, the head of my king, Dumuzida, in the steppe ... Inanna, the shepherd who does not exist, my king's sheep, has returned to its place. The lady, her nitalamnir, has sung the song, has sung the song. The holy Inanna of Dumuzi has sung the song, has sung the song, has sung the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the man, the Utu, the man, the

    At that time, "Bilulu, the burshuma priestess, the lady of benevolence, her daughter, was a girgir, a single man was a gir. A man was a gir. A gir is a pig. His seized bulls were snatched from the sheepfold. His shita priestess was a gurgur. His gir is a gir. He spoke to the child, "An gulli priestess, An szirru priestess of the plain, before him, he was speaking." Those days, the lady, her heart was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged. She was enraged.

    The place where good things are to be done, his heart is to be good. My lady Bilulu, the edenlila, ... Her son, the girgir, the edenlila, ... Her son, the gulli, the shirru of the edenlila, ... The holy Inanna entered into a shrine, ... She sat in the residence, and decreed a fate. I shall go and kill him. I shall say to him: "May I not smite him, may I not smite him." May I not smite him, but may I not smite him. May the udug of the eden, and the lamma of the edenlila, may they all say to him. May the son of the gulli of the shitru of the edenlil

    He poured water into the steppe. He poured water into the steppe. The young men of the steppe poured water. He poured water into the steppe. The udug of the steppe, the lamma of the steppe, ... he poured. He poured water into the tablet. He poured it from the place of his saha. He poured out the steppe. Thus Bilulu, his heart rejoices. Now, Utu, when he is sated, he poured out the udug of the steppe. He poured out the udug of the steppe, and he poured out the udug of the steppe. He poured out the udug of the steppe and the udug of the steppe. He poured out the naditu, the naditu, the shirru of the steppe.

    He sat down in the open country, he poured water, he poured water, he poured water, he poured out water, he poured out a udug-festival in the open country, the lamma-festival in the open country, he sat down, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl in the open country, ... "Bilulu, his heart rejoices" Inanna, he poured out a udug-festival in the open country, Dumuzi poured out a udug-festival in the open country, he poured out a udug-festival in the open country, Dumuzi poured out a udug-festival in the open country,

    Like a eagle, it has snatched its wings. The eagle has snatched its wings. The eagle has snatched its wings. My king, his mother Durtur rejoices. Dumuzi, his mother Durtur rejoices. My lady, now that I have left Kuara, the young calf with a beautiful face, a supplication of life in the morning, a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a supplication of a king, ... Geshtinana, the lady, ... ... ... ... ... ... Geshtinana .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he returned. The divine power was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. ... brother, the divine power was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. ... brother, the divine power was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. The house of Arali was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. Dushuba was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. Badtibira was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. In the place of the shepherds was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. In his time, he sat down.

    The silver of Gashanana was deposited. Dumuzi was seated in the midst of the throne. The scepter was placed in the lap of the queen. Gashanana was seated. The divine power was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. The cult center was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. The steppe was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. The house of Arali was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. The house of Shuba was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power. The wall of Tibira was a divine power, the divine power was a divine power.

    Dumuzi will give her back. She will be returned. Bilulu, the people of Inanna, will give her back. Ulila of Inanna.

    P469530: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nir-gal2 lugal u4 me-lam2-bi nir-gal2 (d)nin-urta sag-kal usu mah tuku kur a-ga-na lah4 a-ma-ru mir-_du_ nu-kusz2-u3 ki-bala ga2-ga2 ur-sag me3-sze3 ti-na gub-bu en szu silig-ga (gesz)mi-tum-sze3 gal2 gu2 nu-sze-ga sze-gin7 gur10 su-ub-bu (d)nin-urta lugal dumu a-a-ni kal-ga-ni-sze3 hul2-la ur-sag ni2 ulu3-gin7 kur-ra dul-lu (d)nin-urta aga zi (d)asznan-an-na igi nim gir2 du7-du7 sun4 nun-e a za-gin3 ru-a uszum ni2-ba gur-gur

    (d)nin-urta lugal (d)en-lil2-le ni2-te-na dirig-ga ur-sag (sa)szu2-usz-gal lu2-erim2-ra szu2-a (d)nin-urta ni2 gissu-zu kalam-ma la2-a sumur ki-bala-sze3 tum3 ukken-bi dul-dul (d)nin-urta lugal dumu a-a-ni-ir su3-u4-bi-sze3 giri17 szu gal2 (gesz)gu-za bara2 mah-e si-a-ni ni2 gal gur3-ru-ni ezem gar-ra-ni hul2-la-na dagal-bi tusz-a-ni an (d)en-lil2-da za3 sza4-a-ni kurun du10-ge-da-ni (d)ba-ba6 a-ra-zu lugal-la-ka u3-gul ga2-ga2-da-ni (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam tar-re-da-ni

    u4-bi-a en-na (gesz)tukul-a-ni kur-ra igi mi-ni-gal2 szar2-ur3-e an-ta lugal-bi-ir gu3 mu-na-de2-e en (gesz)gal an-na gu2-en bara2-ge si (d)nin-urta du11-ga-zu nu-kur2-ru nam tar-ra-zu szu zi-de3-esz gar lugal-gu10 an-e ki sig7-ga gesz3 im-ma-du11 (d)nin-urta ur-sag ni2 nu-zu a2-sag3 mu-un-szi-ib-tu-u4 dumu um-me ga nu-tusz-a ne3 ga gu7-a lugal-gu10 bulug3 a-a nu-zu gab2-gaz kur-ra-ka szul ir-ta e3-a igi tesz2 nu-gal2-la (d)nin-urta nita ni2 il2-il2-i alan-da hul2-la

    lugal-gu10 lu2 iri-ni-sze3 gur-ra ama-ni-sze3 ak-a kur-ra sza3 i-ni-bala numun-bi ba-tal2-tal2 tesz2-ba mu bi2-ib2-sa4 u2 lugal-bi-sze3 murub4-ba am gal-gin7 a2 ba-ni-ib-il2-il2-i (na4)szu-u (na4)sag-kal (na4)esi (na4)u2-si-um (na4)ka-gi-na ur-sag (na4)nu11 gar3-ra-du-um-bi iri(ki) im-ma-ab-lah4 kur-ra zu2 (kusz)u2-a mu-ne-mu2 gesz mi-ni-ib-ur3-ur3 a2-ba iri(ki)-ba dingir-be2-ne ki-bi-sze3 ba-an-gam-e-esz lugal-gu10 ur5-re bara2 ba-ri a2 tu-lu nu-gi4-e (d)nin-urta en za-gin7 kalam-ma di-bi szi-in-ga-ku5-de3

    a2-sag3-a me-lam2-ba a-ba szu mi-ni-ib-tu-tu sag-ki-ba gal-gal a-ba ib2-ta-ga2-ga2 su2 im-sag3 ni2 su-e bi2-ib-us2 igi-bi ki-bi-sze3 ba-ni-ib-gar lugal-gu10 kur-re nidba-bi ki-bi-sze3 ba-ab-su ur-sag a-a-zu-sze3 en3 mu-e-szi-tar dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 en a2 mah-zu-usz ki mu-e-szi-ib2-kin lugal-gu10 kal-ga-zu-sze3 ad mu-e-szi-ib-gi4 (d)nin-urta za3-zu ur-sag 1(disz) nu-tusz-a ba-ab-du11 |_ur-ga_|-ru-sze3 a2 mu-e-szi-ib-ag2 ur-sag nam-lugal-zu tum3-de3 tar-tar-ra mu-un-gal2

    (d)nin-urta me abzu-zu szu si sa2-bi geszkim i-im-ti igi im-sag3-sag3 ki-tusz im-kur2-re a2-sag3-e u4 szu2-usz ki-sur-ra a2-ba mi-ni-ib-ku4-ku4 (gesz)rab3 dingir-re-e-ne na-dab5-en dara3 an-na kur umbin ba-e-zukum (d)nin-urta en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 a-na zi-bi mu-un-gi4 a2-sag3 zi-ga-bi szu la-ba-gal2 dugud-da-bi im-gu-ul ugnim-bi-ta _ka_ ib2-ta-de6 erin2-bi igi la-ba-te-ge26 ur5-ra kal-ga-bi sag im-gi4 (gesz)tukul-e gesz la-ba-ab-kin (d)nin-urta |_szen-szita2_| szukur mah-e su-bi nu-dar-e

    en me mah-e a2-kusz3 su3-su3 sze-er-zi me-te dingir-re-e-ne gu4 musz3-ba am gal murgu tuku lal3 gal-zu ur5-ra (d)nin-urta alan-za (d)en-ki-ke4 igi bar-bar-ra-gu10 (d)u4-ta-u18-lu en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 a-na ak?-gu10 en-e u3-u8 bi2-in-du11 an ba-sag3 ki giri3-ni-sze3 ba-tusz a2-ba i-ni-in-gi4 (d)en-lil2 ba-suh3 e2-kur-ra ba-ta-e3? kur ba-gul ki u4-ba ba-ku10-ku10 (d)a-nun-na ba-tar-ra-asz ur-sag-e hasz2 tibir-ra bi2-in-ra dingir ba-bir-bir-re-esz (d)a-nun-na udu-gin7 ki-szar2-ra ba-e-e11-ne-re7(re)-esz

    en zi-ga-ni an-ne2 im-us2 (d)nin-urta me3-sze3 du-ni gaba danna bi2-in-sa2 u4-dam i3-du7-du7 ki-bala-sze3 tum9 8(disz) mu-un-u5 gesz-gid2-da a2 i3-ur4-ur4-re (gesz)mi-tum-e kur-sze3 ka ba-ab-du8 (gesz)tukul-e gu2-erim2-sze3 tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e im-hul u18-lu gesz-a mu-un-du3 mar-uru5 sze-ba mu-un-ne-en-gub ur-sag-ra uru2 mah sag gi4-a igi-sze3 mu-un-na-gen sahar i3-zi-zi sahar i3-ga2-ga2 du6-du6 dul2-la2 mu-un-si-ge4 a-ga-zi i3-tu11-be2 u3-dub2 i3-szeg3 izi i3-su3-su3-su3 izi lu2 ba-an-zal-e

    gesz mah ur2-bi-a mu-un-bala-e (gesz)tir-ra guru5 i-i ki sza3-bi szu ba-szi-ri-ri a gig-ga i-i (i7)idigna i3-suh3 i3-ur4-ur4 i3-lu3 szu im-tu-bu-ur (gesz)ma2-kar-nun-ta-e3-a me3-sze3 giri3 im-mi-ib2-ul4-e ug3-bi ki du-bi nu-un-zu e2-gar8 du3 i3-ak-ne muszen dal-le-bi sag ib2-ta-de6 a2-bi ki mu-un-te-ge26-e ku6-bi engur-ra u4 mi-ni-ib-ra ka mu-un-ba-ba-e edin-na masz2-ansze-bi u2-ku-uk mi-ni-ib-du11 bir5-re-esz szu mi-ni-hu-uz3 a-ge6 zi-bi gul-bi kur gul-gul ur-sag (d)nin-urta ki-bala-a im-ma-_du_ i3-tuku

    lu2 im2-ma-bi kur-ra im-ra iri-ba bu-du-ug im-za gu4 a-ra-bi girisz-gin7 gir2-gir2-e ugu-ugu-bi mu-un-szu2 szu-bi (u2)|_ki-kal_|-gin7 tesz2 gesz mu-un-ri sag-bi e2-gar8-e kas4 bi2-ib-kar-re kur-ra gesz-nu11-bi dili ba9-ra2 nu-ga2-ga2 zi-bi gaba-bi i-im-il2-il2 ug3-bi tu-ra szu gu2 za3 bi2-ib2-la2 ki-a asz2 im-mi-ib-sar-re-ne u4 tu-da a2-sag3 u4 ha-lam-ma-bi-a ba-ni-ib-ga2-ga2-ne en-e ki-bala-a-sze3 usz11 ze2-a i-ni-in-de2 du-ni ze2 mu-un-us2 lipisz sumur mu-un-tag

    (gesz)tukul sag pirig3-ga2-ni-a sza3 mu-un-na-ab-zalag-ge muszen-gin7 i3-dal-e kur mu-na-ab-zukum-e nu-sze-ga tum3-de3 a2 dub2 i3-ak-e a-na ak-e zu-zu-de3 an-ur2 im-nigin2-nigin2 ul du gaba mu-un-ru-gu2 inim-bi mu-un-na-ab-tum3 nu-kusz2-u3 la-ba-tusz-u3 a2-bi mar-uru5 de6 szar2-ur3-re en (d)nin-urta-ra a gu3 a-na bi2-ib-dab5 ad gi4-a kur-ra szu im-mi-ib-gi4-gi4 en (d)nin-urta-ra se3-ge5 ak mu-na-bur2-bur2-re inim du11-ga a2-sag3-a gu-gin7 i3-si-il-le ur-sag ni2-zu-sze3 du10-ge-esz mu-na-ab-be2

    (gesz)tukul-e ki ag2-ra gu2-da mu-ni-in-la2 szar2-ur3-e en (d)nin-urta-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e ur-sag a-_ru_-ub (sa)szu2-usz me3 (d)nin-urta lugal (gesz)szita2 an-na erim2-sze3 _szid_ nu-ru-gu2 kal-ga u4 ki-bala-a du3 a-ge6-a buru14 su-su lugal me3 igi im-gar _ka_-bi-a mu-un-ri-esz (d)nin-urta sa-par3-gin7 u3-mu-e-dub (gesz)utug mah-gin7 u3-mu-e-szub en mir-_du_ an-na (gesz)gag-a (gesz)tukul-e a tu5-bi2-ib2 (d)nin-urta ur-sag ug5-ga-za mu-bi he2-pa3-de3 ku-li-an-na uszum nig2-babbar2-ra

    ma2-gi4-lum en (d)saman-an-na gu4-alim lugal (gesz)geszimmar muszen anzu(muszen) musz-sag-7(disz) (d)nin-urta kur-ra he2-mu-e-ni-ug5 en me3 ne-en rib-ba-sze3 ba-ra-ab-szi-gen-ne2-en (gesz)tukul sag3-ge ezem nam-gurusz-a eszemen (d)inanna-ke4 a2-zu ba-ra-ni-zi en me3 mah-e la-ba-e-du-un na-ab-ul4-en giri3 ki-a si-bi2-ib (d)nin-urta a2-sag3-e kur-ra giri3 mu-e-szi-ni-gub-gub ur-sag aga-na gal sig7-ga dumu-sag (d)nin-lil2-le hi-li-a nu-til-e en zi en-ra nun-e tu-u4-da ur-sag (d)suen-gin7 si mu2-mu2

    lugal kalam-ma-ra ti u4 su3-ra2 usu mah an-na-ra an ba9-ra2 a ur4-ra _ka_ pesz10 sa ur4-ra (d)nin-urta en ni2 husz ri-a kur-ra sag szum2-mu ur-sag gal tab-ba nu-tuku-tuku a2-sze a2-sag3-ge nu-se3-ge (d)nin-urta gurusz-zu kur-ra nam-ba-ni-ib-ku4-ku4 ur-sag dumu ka silim-ma a-a-na gal-zu sa2 galam-ma-ta e11-de3 (d)nin-urta en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 gesztu2 dagal dingir sze _ib_ en-e hasz2 mu-un-gid2 dur3(ur3) mu-dur2-ru [...] zu2? kesz2-da za3 mu-ni-in-kesz2 x mah? su3-ra2-ni kur-ra bi2-in-la2

    bad3? x x tusz-a-ke4 sa2 ba-an-du11 me3 sag-gin7 ki-bala-a ba-an-gen gesz-gid2-da-ni a2 im-ma-an-ag2 _im_ gu-bi-sze3 im-la2 en-e (gesz)tukul-a-ni gu3 ba-an-de2 zu2 kesz2-bi-sze3 ba-gen ur-sag-e me3-sze3 sag ba-an-szum2 an ki-e ba-la2 (gesz)ilar (kusz)gur21(ur3)-e si bi2-in-sa2 kur ba-gul ba-sal za3 zu2 kesz2 me3 (d)nin-urta-ka-sze3 ur-sag-e (gesz)tukul-a-ni-sze3 da-da-ra di-da-ni (d)utu la-ba-gub (d)suen ba-an-ku4 kur-ra sag di-da ba-da-ha-lam u4 esir-re-esz ba-an-du3 a2-sag3 me3 sag-ba mu-un-zi

    an nam (gesz)tukul-sze3 ur2-ba mi-ni-in-bur12 szu im-ma-an-ti musz-gin7 sag ki-a im-mi-ib2-be2 ur-idim lu2-erim2-sze3 kun su3 dim3-ma ug5-ge a da-bi-a mu-un-sur-sur-re a2-sag3 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 e2-gar8-gin7 mu-un-szi-gul-lu u4 nam-tag-ga-gin7 gu3 husz bi2-ib2-ra musz-sag-kal-gin7 kalam-ma szeg11 bi2-in-gi4 kur-ra a mi-ni-ib2-had2 (gesz)szinig mi-ni-ib2-ur3 ki-a su bi2-ib2-dar simx(_gig_)-ma bi2-ib2-gar gesz-gi izi ba-ab-szum2 an-e usz2 bi2-ib2-tu5

    i3-ne-esz2 u4-da a-sza3-ga uh3 ge6 me-da ur2 an-na he-me-da-gin7 su2-a-sze3 ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 an ib2-dub2 ba-tusz sza3 szu ba-szi-ib-ri (d)en-lil2 ib2-ur4-ur4 da-sze3 im-szi-ib-ri (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne e2-gar8-e ba-ab-ha-ha-za tu(muszen)-gin7 e2 ni2 te-ta gu3 im-ma-ni-ib2-be2 kur gal (d)en-lil2-le (d)nin-lil2-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e nitalam-gu10 dumu-gu10 nu-ba-tusz ge26-e a-na mu-zi-zi en tesz2 e2-kur-ra lugal rab3? mah? a-a-na (gesz)erin abzu-a mu2-a aga gissu dagal-la

    dumu ki ni2 dub2-bu-gu10 nu-ba-tusz szu-gu10 a-ba ba-gid2-i-de3 (gesz)tukul en-ra ki ag2 lugal-bi-ir gesz tuku szar2-ur3-re en (d)nin-urta-ra [...] nibru(ki)-sze3 a-a-ni-ir [...] [...] ni2 me-lam2 tug2-gin7 bi2-[...] [...] ba-an-la2 en ur5-re-esz [...] (gesz)tukul-e [...] (d)en-lil2-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e [...] dumu-zu-ur2 a2-sag3 [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x kur-kur? [...] [...] in-da-sa2? ki-bala giri3? [...]

    [...] x x u4? nu-dib-ba igi-gu10 ba-ab-gal2? [...] [...] x _ne_ a2? he2-en-gal2 en-zu gaba-zu mu-un-zi [...] (d)nin-urta ni2-te-a-na geszkim i-im-ti [...]-un-til-la i-im-gub a u4-gin7 ba-an-ta-had2 [...]-ba-gu10? zi du10-ge-esz mi-ni-pa-ag2 hul2-hul2-le i-im-gub x ur-sag? (d)nin-urta-ka-sze3 tum9-tum9 hul sukud-de3 [...] x-ba e-ne-am3 kur na-mu-un-tum3 a2-ni u6 im-me i3-ne-esz a2 im-ma-ag2 inim im-ma-ab-dab5-be2 [...]-ib-szar2 geszkim ti-la dirig nam-ba-gir2-gir2-re

    x x-a-ni a-sza3 he2-em-mi-in-dab5 ug3 nam-ta-ab-la2-e x x gan2?-e numun na-an-ga-ma-ab-kal-le (d)en-lil2-me-en nam a-na-tar-ra-ga2 mu-bi na-ab-ha-lam-e (gesz)tukul-e sza3? x x-bi im-hun hasz2 ba-ni-in-ra szar2-ur3-re du10 i-ni-in-bad ki-bala-a i-in-bur2 en (d)nin-urta-ra hul2-la-a inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2 lugal-gu10 [...]-zu a-na bi2-in-du11-ga-ta a-ma-ru usz7 [...]-da-gar-a lu2-ra su3-su3-de3 a2-sag3 ne3-ba szu a-ba-ni-ti ze2 ba-ni-in-su3 dumu-gu10 e2-kur-ra hu-mu-da-ku4-ku4

    (d)nin-urta ug3-gu10 su3-u4-sze3 me-tesz2 hu-mu-i-i en du11-ga a-a-na-sze3 gal2-la usu mah (d)en-lil2-la2 na-an-gub-be2-en u4 ki-bala kur zid2-gin7 pesz-e-de3 (d)nin-urta kiszib3-la2 (d)en-lil2-la2 gen-a na-gal2-en lugal-gu10 a2-sag3 im-du3-a e2-gar8 gag ak-a bad3? dirig-ga szu nu-ru-gu2-da [...] x ur5 gu7-u3-bi nu-be4-e [...] x _bi_? nu-zi-zi-i nam-ug5?-ge x [...] nu-zu-e sag-ba mu-ri-ib-us2 im-hul sag-ga2 [...] x mu-un-dab5-be2 lugal-gu10 me3 gesz-bar-re [...] x-ba ba-ni-ib2-sa2-sa2

    (d)nin-urta (gesz)tukul szuku [...]-ra ka ba-ab-du8? gesz-gid2-da kur-re i-in-si? [...] mu-un-[...] en?-e dungu-sze3 a2 [...] su3 u4 ku10-ku10-ga-sze3 ba-an-ku4 [...] u4-gin7 gu3 ba-an-de2 [...] x i gesz-gid2-da [...] (d)nin-urta x [...] en-e tum9 x [...] me3-ni kur-ra bar-us2 ba-ni-ib-ra szar2-ur3-e tum9 an-sze3 ba-te ug3-bi sag2 ba-ab-du11 |_ka-gag-ka_|-gin7 i3-bu-bu-de3 ah6-bi iri ni2-ba mu-un-gul-e (gesz)tukul za3 sag11 di-da kur-re izi ba-szum2 mi-tum-e zu2 sis-a sag im-tu10-tu10

    szita lipisz dirig-ga-e giri17 i3-dub-dub-be2 gesz-gid2-da ki-a ba-ab-du3 sur3 mud-e bi2-ib-tum3 ki-bala-a ga-gin7 ur-e ba-an-de2 lu2-erim2-e i-zi dam dumu-bi gu3 ba-an-de2 en (d)nin-urta-ra a2 nu-mu-e-zi (gesz)tukul-e kur sahar-da im-da-ab-szar2 pesz a2-sag3-a nu-ub-tuk4 szar2-ur3-e en-ra szu gu2-bi-sze3 ba-an-na-ni-ib-ri-ri e ur-sag a-na in-ga-ra-gal2-la mir kur-ra-ke4 ba-ra-bi2-tag-tag-ge4? (d)nin-urta en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 u4-gin7 szi-in-ga-du3 u3-bu-bu-ul e3-a-bi nu-du10-ga

    en inim gib sza3-sze3 nu-ra-gid2 lugal-gu10 dingir-gin7 mu-ra-an-du3 a-ba sag ma-ra-ab-us2-e ur-sag muru9-a ki ba-ab-us2 naga-am3 ki? [...] x _ri_? (d)nin-urta dur3(ur3) kur-ra mu-ni-in-sar-sar-re ni2 me-lam2-e sahar i3-ur4-ru szika im-e-esz i3-szeg3 ki-bala-a pirig zu2 sis mu-un-ra lu2 nu-mu-ni-in-dab5-be2 mir mir-ra lil2 tesz2 im-gaz-za-ta ur5 tu11 mu-e-ak-e amasz lil2-la2-en-da igi tab-ba a ki-a mi-ni-ib-had2 u4 tesz2-e ri-a ug3 im-til a2-szu-du7 nu-tuku lu2-erim2 zi sza3-ge nu-gal2-la

    ur-sag gal en gaba-zu zi-ga-ab si-ga-bi im-me en-e kur-ra dum-dam mu-ni-ib-za szeg11 gi4 nu-mu-un-gul-e ur-sag-e gu3 ki-bala nu-de2 |_igi-u_| nam-mi-gar nig2 im-hul-hul im-_zi_ ba-ab-gi4 gu2-erim2-e sag gesz mi-ni-ib-ra-ra kur-ra i-si-isz ba-ab-gar en-e erin2 nig2 ga-ab-kar di?-gin7 szu i3-ni10-ni10-e gesz-nu11-gin7 kur-ra a2-sag3-ge igi husz ba-szi-in-il2 ki-bala te-esz ba-ni-in-du11-ga _di_-bi mu-un-gul (d)nin-urta erim2-e mu-ni-in-dib |_ab-nig2_|-gin7 mu-un-si a2-sag3 ni2 me-lam2-bi gub-ba sig-sze3 ba-szi-gub

    sig-sze3 ba-szi-gub nim-sze3 u6 bi2-in-du11 a-gin7 mu-un-lu3-lu3 kur-ra sag2 bi2-in-du11 (u2)numun2-gin7 mu-un-bur12 (u2)numun2-gin7 mu-un-ze2 ni2 me-lam2-ma-ni kalam-ma dul-lu a2-sag3 sze sze6-ga2-gin7 mu-un-dub2 numun-bi im-da-_di_ szeg12 si-il-la2-gin7 tesz2-ba bi2-in-gar szu-gal-an-zu-bi ne-mur-ra-gin7-nam zid2-de3-esz mu-un-dub-dub im-du3-a im-bi suh-a-gin7 tesz2-bi im-mi-in-gar ur-sag-e nig2 sza3-ga-na mu-un-sa2? (d)nin-urta en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 i3-x x ba-sed-de3 kur-ra u4-ta im-ma-ra-zal

    (d)utu silim-ma mu-na-an-du11 en-e ib2-la2 (gesz)tukul a mu-x x tug2? usz2-a mu-un-tu5? ur-sag-e sag-ki szu bi2-ib-ur3 ad6-a za-pa-ag2 bi2-in-gar |_ab-nig2_|-gin7 a2-sag3 ug5-ga-na ma2 gaz ak-da-ni dingir? kalam-ma mu-un-na-sug2-ge-esz dur3(ur3) kusz2-a-gin7 mu-un-na-gurud-de3-esz en-e a-ra2 mah-a-ni-sze3 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 szu-ta silim ba-ab-sag3-sag3-ge-ne szar2-ur3-e an-ta lugal-bi-ir mi2 zi-de3-esz mu-un-ne en mesz3 mah gan2-e a du11-ga ur-sag a-ba za-gin7

    lugal-gu10 za3-zu ba-ra-ga-an-til ba-ra-ga-an-gub ba-ra-ga-u3-tu (d)nin-urta u4-da-ta kur-ra lu2 ba-ra-ra-an-zi-zi lugal-gu10 szeg11 dili gi4-a-za gesz-gan2-nu? a-gin7 mi2 bi2-ib-tag? mir? ki-bala [...] x mu-ni-in-e? en (d)nin-urta [...] a2-sag3 [...] _im_? [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] gesz-_gan2_ x [...] a2-sag3 ki-bala-a (u2)numun2-gin7 bur12-ra (u2)numun2-gin7 ze2-a en (d)nin-urta-ke4 (gesz)tukul-a-ni im-[...] za3? ki?-gin7 x-gin7 gub-bu ul-la-ga2 sza3?-ge [...] u4-da-ta a2-sag3 nam-ba-_di_ na4 mu-bi he2-em

    na4 (na4)zalag mu-bi he2-em na4 mu-bi he2-em ur5-ra-am3 bar-bi irigal he2-em nam-ur-sag-bi en-ra he2-em (gesz)tukul ub-ub-da gub-bu nam tar-re-da me3 mah-e kalam-ma-ta be4-e [...] u4-bi-a a silim ki-ta du a-gar3-ra nu-um-de2 a sed du8-du8-du8-u3 u4 zal-le-da-gin7 kur-ra e2-ri-a ba-ni-ib2-il2-a dingir kalam-ma ba-sug2-ge-esz-a (gesz)al (gesz)dusu-bi mu-un-la2-esz-a ur5-ra-am3 esz2-gar3-bi i3-me-a ug3 tar-bi-sze3 e2 lu2 gu3 ba-an-de2 (i7)idigna nam-gu-la-ba an-sze3 u5-bi nu-il2-e

    kun-bi a-ab-ba-e li-bi2-la2-a a du10 nu-um-[...] nesag? kar-re lu2 nu-gid2?-e sza3-gar hul-a nig2 nu-tu-u4 i7 tur-tur-re szu luh lu2 li-bi2-in-ak sahar nu-mu-da-an-zi-zi-i _gan2_ zi-da a nu-szub-szub-be2 e ak nu-gal2-la kur-kur-re ab-sin2-na nu-gub-bu sze bir-a i-im-ak en-e gesztu2 mah im-gub-be2 (d)nin-urta en-lil2-la2-ke4 gal-bi i3-ga2-ga2 gu-ru-um na4 kur-ra mi-ni-in-ak dungu dirig-ga-gin7 a2 bi2-in-su3-su3-u4 bad3 mah-gin7 kalam-ma igi-ba bi2-in-tab-ba (gesz)bala ki-szar2-ra mu-ni-in-gar

    ur-sag-e mu-un-galam iri tesz2-bi mu-un-usz2 a kal-ga na4 im-da-an-sa2 i3-ne-esz2 a kur da-ri2-sze3 ki-a nu-um-e11-de3 i3-bir-bir-am3 gu2 ba-ni-in-gar kur-ra sug-e ba-ni-ib2-gu7-a mu-un-ur4-ur4 (i7)idigna im-ma-an-szum2 a-esztub(ku6) a-gar3-ra mi-ni-in-de2-de2 i3-ne-esz2 u4-da nig2 ki-szar2-ra-ke4 lugal kalam-ma en (d)nin-urta-ra su3-u4-bi-sze3 mu-un-hul2-e-esz gan2-ne2 sze gu-nu a mi-ni-in-szum2 buru14 pu2-kiri6-ke4 szu im-mi-in-il2 guru7-du6-de3 gu2 im-mi-in-gur-gur en-e kalam-ta kar im-ta-an-e11

    dingir-re-e-ne ur5-bi mu-un-sa6 (d)nin-urta a-a-ni me-tesz2 me-i-i-ne u4-bi-a munus-ra arhusz-a sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib2-du11 (d)nin-mah-e ki gesz3 du11-ga-ni-sze3 u3 nu-um-szi-ib2-ku-ku siki u8 dugud-gin7 bar-ra bi2-in-dul i-lu kur giri3 nu-gal2-la-bi gal-gal-bi mi-ni-ib2-be2 u3-mu-un a2 mah-a-ni kur-re nu-il2-i ur-sag gal an-gin7 ib2-ba-na a2-bi lu2 nu-te-ge26 u4 sumur ki-a du usz11 gaba-ba gar-a en szi (d)mu-ul-lil2-la2 men sag-e du7 _ur_ [...] nu-zu sze-er-ma-al sag ma-an-ze2-eg3 dam mu-un-gub-bu-na-gu10

    mu-u4-da-na in-szi-tu-u4 ba-an-us2 hur nu-mu-da-ab-gar-ra du5-mu (d)mu-ul-lil2-la2 szu mu-un-dag i-bi2-ni na-ma-an-il2-la szul zi munus zi-de3 ba-an-du11 e2-szu-me-sza4 ki i-bi2 il2-la-ni in-ne-a-gen-na gu da-an-szi-in-ku5 u3-mu-un er9-ra-sze3 ga-sza-an-gen dili-gu10-ne ga-an-szi-gen en da gi16-sa-sze3 a2-sze ge26-e u6 mu-na-ni-in-du11 si sa2 du5-mu di-ku5 (d)mu-ul-lil2-la2 ur-sag gal ag2 sa6-ga a-a-na he2-em-da-ri-am3 munus-e szir3 ku3-ge-esz i3-ag2-ge26 (d)nin-mah-e en (d)nin-urta-ra mu-ni-ib-be2

    igi nam-ti-la-ka-ni mu-un-szi-in-bar gu3 mu-na-de2-e munus kur-sze3 i-im-gen-ne-en-na-gin7 (d)nin-mah nam-gu10-sze3 ki-bala-a mu-un-ku4-re-en-na-gin7 me3 ni2 husz-ba ri-a-ga2 la-ba-an-su3-de3-en-na-gin7 ur-sag-me-en gu-ru-um gar-ra-ga2 hur-sag mu-bi he2-em za-e nin-bi he2-em i3-ne-esz2 nam tar-ra (d)nin-urta-ka u4-da (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2 di-sze3 ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 sza3-tum2-bi szim ha-ra-an-mu2 [...]-tum2-bi szim la2 la? [...] gu2-gu2-bi lal3 gesztin ha-ra-an-mu2

    (gesz)erin (gesz)szu-ur2-men2 (gesz)za-ba-lum (gesz)taskarin du8-du8-bi ha-ra-an-mu2 kiri6-gin7 nig2-sa-ha szu hu-mu-ra-ni-ib-tag hur-sag-e ir nam-dingir-ra hu-mu-ra-an-gu-ul-gu2?-e ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar hu-mu-ra-ab-bala-e |_hi-ib-lal3_| hu-mu-ra-ab-ak uruda nagga hu-mu-ra-ab-zal-le gun2-bi hu-mu-ra-an-ak kur-re masz2-ansze ha-ra-ab-lu-e hur-sag-e nig2-ur2-4(disz)-e numun ha-ra-ni-ib-i-i za-e nin-me-en i3-da-sa2-sa2-a an-gin7 ni2 husz gur3-ru dingir mah inim dirig-ge hul gig munus zi nin-hur-sag ki-sikil

    (d)nin-tu a2 sed-bi dab5-be2-sze3 te-e-mu-da nin me mah ma-ra-an-szum2 za-e he2-em-il2-e en-e kur-ra nam mu-ni-in-tar-re du-ni esz3 nibru(ki)-a munus zi me-ni me dirig-ga nin nagar sza3-ga da-ru-ru nin9 gal (d)en-lil2-la2 gaba-na ba-e-gub ur-sag gal ur-sag ug5-ga-za u3-mu-un a-a-ni-gin7 du11-ga-ni nu-kur2-ru na-ag2 nu-um-mi-tar en-e (na4)u2-e gu3 ba-de2-e in-di3 bi2-ib-kur-ku en ib2-ba kalam-ma inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 asz2 im-mi-ib2-sar-re (na4)u2 kur-ra ma-an-zi-ge-en-na-gin7

    szu se3-ge5-gu10-sze3 mu-e-gib-ba-gin7 nam ug5-ge-gu10 ba-e-ku5-da-gin7 en (d)nin-urta-me-en ki-tusz mah-ga2 ba-e-hu-luh-en-na-gin7 kal-ga szul e2-gar8 tuku dirig-ga-me-en alan-zu he2-em-ta-be4 pirig gal usu-bi-ta nir-gal2-la-am3 he2-me-ze-er-ze-re-de3 usu-tuku a-gar5-re szu he2-gid2-de3 gurusz (na4)u2 szesz-zu zid2-gin7 he2-me-dub-bu-ne li-li-a-zu szu ha-ba-ab-zi-ge-en ad6-ba zu2 e3-ni-ib gurusz-me-en gu3 de2-zu he2-gal2 |_gan-sum_|-gin7 he2-til-e am gal lu2 szar2-re gaz-za-gin7 nig2-ba-bi gar-ra

    (na4)u2 (gesz)tukul-ta ur-gi7 me3-ta nig2 sipa-tur-re al-sar-re-gin7 en-me-en (na4)gug me-re-kul-la-za mu-bi he2-sa4 i3-ne-esz2 nam tar-ra (d)nin-urta-ka u4-da (na4)u2 ub-tag (na4)gug buru3-da ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma ur-sag-e (na4)szu-u (na4)ga-sur-ra-ke4 gu3 im-ma-de2-e en-e a ri-a bi2-ib2-szid-de3 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ib2-tar-re (na4)szu-u (gesz)tukul-ga2 sag bi2-dim2-za-na-gin7 (na4)ga-sur-ra gu4-gin7 u3-na ma-an-sug2-ge-en-za-na-gin7 am-gin7 a2 sahar-ra me-er-re-dim2-za-na-gin7

    girisz-gin7 szu ha-ba-e-en-ze2-en ni2 me-lam2-gu10 ba-e-de3-en-dul a2 mah-ga2 la-ba-an-zi-ge-en-za-na-gin7 ku3-dim2-e zi-ni-sze3 he2-pa-an-pa umun2 ki nam-dumu-ni-sze3 ha-ba-x-na-ag2 u2-sag dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 u4? iti?-da za3-ge he2-em-de3-si-si-ne lugal-gu10 (na4)sag-kal-e ba-gub (na4)gul-gul (na4)sag-gar-ra gu3 ba-an-de2 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ni-ib-tar-re (na4)sag-kal [...] x ma-dal-le-na-gin7 (na4)gul-gul zu2 kesz2-da ma-an-gir2-gir2-re-na-gin7 (na4)sag-gar sag mu-e-bul-bul-a-gin7

    en-me-en zu2 ga2-ra mu-e-sud2-sud2-da-gin7 (na4)sag-gar (na4)sag-kal-e he2-se3-ge szul zi (na4)gul-gul-e he2-gul-e sag nu-kal-la si-ig ha-ma-ra-an-ze2-eg3 sza3-gar kalam-ma-sze3 gar-ba-ni-ib szu iri(ki)-za he2-eb-si sag he2-sal ur-sag geme2-e-ne he2-me-en ul4-ab sar-ra-ab hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 mu-bi he2-sa4 i3-ne-esz2 nam tar-ra (d)nin-urta-ka u4-da kalam-e kin gig di-sze3 ur5 he2-en-na-nam lugal-gu10 (na4)esi-a im-ma-gub sza3 dab5-ba _ka_? gi-ne2-esz zu?-ba szir3-re-esz im-mi-ib-be2

    (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ib2-tar-re (na4)esi me3-zu a-ga-ba kur2-ra i-bi2 dugud-gin7 ma-an-du3-u3-nam a2 nu-mu-e-zi ga2-a-ra sag nu-mu-e-szum2 lul-am3 en dili-ni ur-sag-ga2 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ra a-ba mu-da-ab-sa2-e im-mi-du11-ga-gin7 kur igi-nim-ta he2-mu-e-zi-zi-ne kur ma2-gan(ki)-ta he2-mu-e-ga2-ga2-ne za-e uruda nig2 kal-ga kusz-gin7 u3-mu-e-_hi_ en-me-en a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-gu10 szu gal-bi he2-ni-du7 lugal u4 su3-ra2 mu-ni i3-ga2-ga2-a alan-bi u4 ul-le2-a-asz u3-mu-un-dim2-ma

    e2-ninnu e2 giri17-zal sug4-ga2 ki-a-nag-ba um-mi-gub-be2 me-te-asz he2-em-szi-gal2 lugal-gu10 na4-e im-ma-gub (na4)na-ta su im-ta-du3-du3-e (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 asz2 im-mi-ib-sar-re na4 a2-sze ge26 bi2-du11-ga-gin7 (na4)na me-ga2 gesz ba-e-szub-bu-za-na-gin7 za-e dim2-me-de3 szah2-gin7 nu2-ba gurud-da kin-sze3 na-an-ak-e-en tur-tur-bi til-la zu-a-zu a-da he2-mu-e-da-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 (na4)e-le-el-e im-ma-gub (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ni-ib2-tar-re

    (na4)e-le-el gesztu2 tuku kur du14 mu2-a-ba ni2-gu10 he2-me-ni-ri ki-bala-a ug3 tesz2-ba ri-a-ga2 mu-gu10 he2-em-mi-ib-sa4 silim-ma-zu-ta nam-ba-e-re-be6 gur4-ra-zu tur-re-bi he2-gig me-gu10 bar-zu-a si ha-ra-ni-ib2-sa2-e (gesz)tukul sag3-ge ur-sag ug5-ga-ga2? szu gal-bi he2-ni-du7 kisal mah-ga2-a ki-gal ha-ra-ab-ri kalam-e u6 du10-ge-esz he2-a-e kur-kur he2-mi-i-i ur-sag (na4)ka-gi-na-e ba-gub nam-kal-ga-bi-sze3 gu3 ba-an-de2 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ib-tar-re

    szul ni2-tuku gesz-nu11 bar-sze3 gal2 (na4)ka-gi-na ki-bala-a-ta gu3 mu-e-re-gal2-la [...] szu-gu10 sa2 nu-mu-ri-ib-du11 da3-da3 da-ta la-ba-an-da-la2-e kalam-ma giri3-zu ba-ab-si-ge-en mar-za (d)utu me-zu he2-a di-ku5-gin7 kur-kur-ra si sa2-e szu-gal-an-zu pag-du3 nig2-nam-ma-ka nam-ku3-sig17-sze3 he2-en-na-kal-le-en szul ba-dab5-be2-na u3 ba-ra-e-szi-ku-un en-na ti-la-zu-sze3 i3-ne-esz2 nam tar-ra (d)nin-urta-kam u4-da (na4)ka-gi-na ti-la ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma ur-sag-e (na4)gesz-nu11-gal-e ba-gub

    (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ib-tar-re (na4)gesz-nu11 su u4-gin7 kar2-kar2-ka ku3 luh-ha szul e2-gal-e du7 szu dili-zu-a mu-e-ni-zi-zi-i sag? kur-zu-a ki mu-e-ni-su-ub (gesz)tukul nu-mu-ra-sag3 a2 la-ba-ri-gur ur-sag szeg11 gi4-gu10-u8 ba-ab-gub-en nig2 sa6-ga mu-zu he2-pa3-de3 erim3 kalam-ma szu-za he2-em-si kiszib3-gal2-bi he2-me-en da-nun-na [...] lugal-gu10 (na4)algamesz-e ba-gub igi dul2 ba-an-ak en ib2-ba kalam-ma inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2

    a-gin7 du-gu10-sze3 en3 mu-e-szi-tar gesz-kin-ti-gu10-sze3 igi gen-na (na4)algamesz sa2-du11 u4-da gur3-ru za-dim2-e-ne he2-me-en _x(ki) u4-mi sza x_ lugal-gu10 (na4)du8-szi-a ba-gub (na4)nir (na4)gug (na4)za-gin3-na gu3 ba-an-de2-e (na4)amasz-pa-e3 (na4)sza-ba (na4)hu-ri2-zum (na4)gug-gazi (na4)mar-ha-li (na4)e-gi-za3-ga (na4)gi-rin-hi-li-ba (na4)an-zu2-gul-me (na4)nir2-musz-gir2(ki) en-e zi (kusz)ummu-e (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ib-tar-re

    _a-na ba-du-un_ nita munus dim2-ma _u3_ za-e-gin7 ki-gu10-sze3 nita _u3_ munus _sza t,e4-mi u3 x_ nam-tag nu-e-tuku szu-zu e2-gar8-e ba-da-ab-us2-e ki inim-ma-ka ni2 mu-e-ni-bulug3-en ad gi4-gi4-da ge26-e mu-e-ni-bulug3-en pu-uh2-ru-um-ma szagina mu-e-ni-gar-ra-gin7 nir lal3 kurun-na ha-ba-pa3-de3-en ku3-ga zi-de3-esz mi2 he2-en-ne-en-ze2-en u2-sag dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 kur-kur-re giri17 ki szu2-szu2-zu giri17 szu ha-ra-ab-tag-ge lugal-gu10 (na4)giri2-zu2-gal-la-ke4 ba-gub igi dul2 ba-an-ak

    en ib2-ba kalam-ma inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 asz2 im-mi-ib-sar-re e (na4)giri2-zu2-gal-la lu2 2(disz) a-na-bi am kur-zu-a si? he2-me-ni-bur2 |_u3-gan_|-sze3 nu2-a nu-mu-e-se3-ge sag mi-ri-ib-us2 bara2-gin7 mu-un-si-il-le lu2 he2-ta-sig-ge tibira za-ra ha-ra-gal2? umbin he2-tag-ge szul usu nig2 kur2 de6-a-zu nagar lu2 kin ga-ab-sa10-a di-di-da? a du11-ga-gin7 a he2-ri-ib-gi4-gi4 munu4-e-esz he2-gaz-gaz lugal-gu10 (na4)im-an-e ba-gub (na4)al-li2-ga gu3 ba-an-de2-e

    (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re (na4)im-ma-an kur-ra szeg11 mu-[...]-gi4-gi4 gu3 husz me3 gu3 husz bi2-ib-ra-[...] izi-gin7 mu-la2-en-ze2-en u4-gin7 mu-dub-bu-un-ze2-en (u2)numun2-gin7 mu-sag3-ge-en-ze2-en (u2)numun2-gin7 mu-e-bur12-re-en-ze2-en a-ba szu in-ne-szi-in-de6 (na4)im-ma-an gu3 de2-zu na-an-kal-am3 en3-zu na-an-tar-re (na4)im-ma-an (na4)al-li2-ga e2-gal-la du-u3-zu na-an-sa2 lugal-gu10 (na4)masz-da im-ma-gub (na4)dub-ba-an (na4)u2-ru-tum-e gu3 ba-an-de2

    (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 in-di3 bi2-ib-kur-ku (na4)masz-da (na4)dub-ba-an ga-an-ze-er bar7-a (na4)u2-ru-tum na-me nu-gub-bu (na4)ga-sur-ra zi murgu2-sze3 szub-bu he2-em-ta-ab-|_ka_xNE|-a ki-bala-a sur3-gin7 ma-mu2-un-ze2-en kur sa-ba mu-e-szi-gub-bu-un-za-na-gin7 (na4)masz-da udu-gin7 he2-sur-sur-ne (na4)dub-ba-an nig2 ze2-re-de3 he2-bi2-sag3-ge-ne (na4)u2-ru-tum mi-tum-gin7 u3-sar he2-ak-ne zabar hu-ut-pa dingir-re-e-ne-ka giri2 husz sa-sa-da gin2-e he2-bi2-sag3-ge-ne

    _pat-ru3 ez-zu-tum i-na za-qa2-tim li-qa-x [...]_ lugal-gu10 (na4)sza-ga-ra im-ma-gub (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re (na4)sza-ga-ra sag edin-na dili-bi du sag-du tibir ra kur-ra a2 dab5-ba-e-ga2 mu-e-ni-zukum? me3-ba la-la mu-e-ni-gar-ra-gin7 ad-kup4-e gi he2-em-ta-gu4-u4-e ki-nu2-za he2-bi2-szub-be2 _sig7_-a ama ugu-za he2-bi2-tur-tur zi-ga-ab-zu nam-me a2-asz2-zu-a lu2 na-an-ni-ti-le u2-gu ba-an-de2-zu ug3-e nam-me me da-ri2-sze3 du3-a ki ni2 dub2-bu (d)nin-hur-sag-ka-sze3

    ka tar-re-de3 bara2-ba u3-bi2-in-gurud-de3 kasz dida nam udu-sze3 lu2 ha-ra-ab-zil-e zid2 dub-dub-ba-bi he2-hul2-le-en ki-bur2-ru-zu he2-a lugal-gu10 (na4)mar-hu-sza ba-gub (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re (na4)mar-hu-sza ki-gu10-usz gu mu-un-[...]-ma-te-en ba-dab5-be2-en szer7-da iri-za-ka im-szub-be2-en x giri3-ni bi2-[...]-na-ak-[...] (na4)bur szagan he2-me-en a he2-em-da-an-sim?-e (na4)mar-hu-sza u-gun3 he2-ni-tag-ge en sa6-ba he2-[...] _di_ kirid-da ku3-ga szu gal he2-em-mi-du7

    (na4)mar-hu-sza e2 dingir-re-e-ne-ka me-te-asz he2-em-mi-gal2 ur-sag hasz2-tum-e ba-gub en ib2-ba kalam-ma inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ni-ib-tar-re (na4)hasz2-tum kur-ra szeg11 [...]-gi4-gi4 gu3 husz me3-a-sze3 gu3 husz bi2-ib-ra szeg11 gi4-zu lil2-la2-am3 kur-ra mi-ni-ib2-ge-en gurusz-me-en (na4)hasz2-tum ki tag-ga-za mu-bi he2-sa4 i3-ne-esz nam tar-ra (d)nin-urta-ka u4-da (na4)hasz2-tum di-sze3 ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 lugal-gu10 (na4)(d)ur-ul3-e im-ma-gub

    (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re (na4)(d)ur-ul3 mu-dur7 ku3 szul igi ha-az-za lu2 im-ma-an-gul-lu-ne kur-ra giri17 szu mu-e-ni-gal2-la a2-sze ge26-e (gesz)si-gar he2-ku5 lugal-gu10 en (d)nin-urta-ra igi-ni-sze3 ha-ba-gub-bu-nam im-mi-du11-ga-gin7 mu-zu pa3-de3-ba ni2 ha-ba-ab-bulug5 gal-zu-a ku3 ga-ab-sa10 di-de3 kur-kur-re nar-gin7 gi-di-da he2-em-mu-e-sar-re-ne lugal-gu10 (na4)szegx(|_uru_xGU|)-szegx(|_uru_xGU|)-e ba-gub (na4)en-ge-en na4 (d)ezim2-ma gu3 im-ma-de2-e (na4)ug-gun3 (na4)he2-em

    (na4)ma-da-nu-um (na4)sag-gir11-mud (na4)x (na4)mur?-suh3?-e (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam im-mi-ib-tar-re [...] tag-tag-ga x x szu? nam-[...]-tum3? [...] giri17 tag-tag-ga za3 us2 sa us2 sza3 usz gu7 az-gin7 giri3 hum-mu he2-en-na-ga-za mu-e-szi-du-de3-en i3-ne-esz tab-ba di-za gu2-ne-ne-ta ki ha-ba-ab-te-en-ze2-en a-ba szu in-ne-szi-in-de6 (gesz)tukul he2-me-en (gesz)ig he2-en-gub kal-ga gu2-ni ha-ba-ra-si-ge lirum-ta du10 |_du-du_|-|_du-du_|-am3-da-ab u4 zal-le ki he2-te-ge26

    u4 szu2-usz ki-la2 tuku-e he2-zi-zi-i szul da-ri2 kalam-ma igi he2-en-de3-sag5-sag5 ur-sag (na4)kur-ga-ra-nu-um-e ba-gub (na4)bala-e gu3 ba-de2-e en-e szem-bi sig7-sig7-ga-bi (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam am3-mi-ib-tar-re lu2 ga-ba-ra-ab-e3 im-mi-du11-ga us2 zi-ba mu-e-szi-in-dub-bu-na gurusz lu2 ar2-e mi-ri-gu7-am3 sag-gin7 mu-un-ti-en gaszam tur-ra mi2 hu-mu-ne-e ezem gidim?-ma-ke4 he2-em-ma-sa6-ge iti-da u4 9(disz) gurusz u4-sakar-ra-ke4 [...] x hu-mu-ra-an-ak

    biluda?(da) (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ka-sze3 [...]-an-gub ur-sag-e kur mu-un-si edin-na di-di-na _ud_ [...] ug3-gin7 |_pa-a-pa_|-ba mi-ni-e3 a2 mah mu-un-[...]-x (d)nin-urta hul2-hul2-e im-_du_ (gesz)ma2-gur8 ki ag2-ga2-ni en-e (gesz)ma2-kar-nun-ta-e3-a giri3-ni nam-mi-in-gub a-igi-lu-e-ne szir3 du10-ge-esz im-mi-ib-be2-ne en-ra mi2 zi-de3-esz2 mu-un-ne-ne (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ra szudu3 su3-ra2-sze3 mu-na-ab-mu2?-ne dingir za3 dib-ba ur-sag-e-ne en (d)nin-urta lugal dingir (d)a-nun-ke4-ne

    bar-us2 zi-da-na [...] sun4 ba?-la2-a a e3-a gu2-erim2-e mu-ni-szub-bu nam-mah gal-gal-za a-ba mu-e-da-ab-sa2-e ur-sag a-ma-ru gaba szu nu-ga2-ga2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-ki-e-ne sag nu-un-da-ga2-ga2-ga2 ur-sag iri lah4 kur-re gu2 gar-gar dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 a-ba mu-e-da-an-e3 (d)nin-urta en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 ur-sag a-ba za-a-gin7 lugal-gu10 ur-sag za-a sa2-du11-zu-sze3 gal2-la mu-ni-gin7 si sa2 giri3-zu mu-un-dab5-be2 e2-za nig2-du7-e pa ma-ra-ni-in-e3-a esz3-za sahar-ta ma-ra-ra-an-il2-la

    ezem-zu nig2 ha-ba-ab-gu-ul-gu-ul-e garza ku3-zu szu hu-mu-ra-ab-du7-du7 mu nam-ti-la-na du11-ge ba-ab-du7 kalam-ma ha-ra-an-i-i en-ra sza3 an-na he2-en-na-hun ne (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-urta-ra? ki-sikil ama (d)ba-ba6 u4-de3-esz he2-en-na-e3 en-ra ma2 nesag-a mu-na-ni-ib2-be2-ne ma2 ni2-bi dirig-ga-e gu2 im-mar-mar-[...] ma2-kar-nun-ta-e3-a a2 ku3 mu-un-su3-u4 ur-sag (gesz)tukul sag3-ge silim-ma-ni-sze3 [...] (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne x-bi gaba mu-[...] giri17 ki-sze3 ba-ab-te-esz szu gaba ba-ni-[...]-esz

    en-e a-ra-zu-a szudu3 mu-un-na-sza4-asz x x-ge mir-ra hu-mu-ni-ib2-hun-[...] (d)nin-urta lugal (d)utu-u18-lu gu2 an-sze3 he2-ni-zi a-a-ni (d)en-lil2-le nam mu-ni-ib2-tar-re [...] mu mah-zu-sze3 dirig-ga [...]-ka tusz ki ha-ba-ni-in-gar gaba [...] he2-du7 lugal me3 ki-bala-a u4 an?-na? sa12-e-esz he2-rig7 (gesz)tukul mar-uru5 kur-re izi szum2-mu ur-sag an ki-ke4 sa12-e-esz he2-rig7 lugal u4-zu-sze3 kaskal ha-ba-sig (d)nin-urta kur-ra du-zu nir hu-mu-ni-gal2 ur-bar dab5-be2-da szu bar-ra-gin7

    u4-zu-sze3 ki-bala-a-sze3 du10 nim-ta he2-gub hur-sag ba-e-szum2-ma ki-bi na-an-gi4-gi4 iri-bi du6-du6-da ha-ba-ab-szid bara2-bara2 gal-gal-bi zi nu-mu-un-szi-pa-an szita2 an-na bala sa6-ga nu-kur2-ru ti u4 su3-ra2 geszkim (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal usu an-na nig2-ba-zu he2-a ur-sag-e a2-sag3 mu-un-ug5-ga-asz en-e gu-ru-um-bi mu-un-ak-asz na4 ha-ba-sa2 im-mi-in-du11-ga-asz uszum? szeg11 gi4 mu-ni-_ud_-a-asz ur-sag-e a-e sag an-ta giri3 im-ma-gar-ra-asz gan2-ne2 zi-de3 szu in-gi4-a-asz (gesz)apin he2-gal2 pa bi2-in-e3-a-asz

    en-e ab-sin2 gub-bu mu-un-gar-ra-asz (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 guru7-du6 guru7-masz-a gu2 bi2-in-gur-gur-ra-asz in-nin me a2-bi-ta e3-a du11-ge mah dib-ba (d)nisaba munus zi gal-an-zu kur-kur-ra dirig-ga igi zu2 kesz2-da nam-en nam-lugal-la im sag di gal2-la-bi-im gesztu2 mah (d)en-ki du6 ku3-ga-ta sa12-e-esz rig7-ga (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 za3-ba nam-mi-in-gub munus mul-an nun-e abzu-ta gal-le-esz-e sig7-ga in-nin |_gisz-tug2-pi-an-nisaba_| sza3-ge usz gu7 sa2-gar dili dim2-ma galga su3

    [...] a2-gal2 sag ge6-ga dub gal2 mu a-na-tuku gu la2-a-na muszen dib-be2-da nu-du8-u3-da kin ak-bi-sze3 dirig mu-un-ga2-ga2 [...]-da u3-en3 nu-sza4 (d)suen-da u4 szid-e bad3 zabar _dib_ lu2 nu-e11-de3 [...] _di_ gaszam igi nigin2-na [...] sag ge6-ga en3 tar-re ug3-e inim si sa2 [...]-i gaba-ri (d)en-lil2-la2 munus zi mul an-da sza3 kusz2-u3 (d)nisaba za3-mi2 en gal (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-urta dumu mah e2-kur-ra nir-gal2 a-a ugu-na za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3 szir3-su3? (d)nin-urta-ka

    AI Translation

    An, king of the gods, the one who has a great aura, the one who has a great aura, Ninurta, the foremost, the strong one, the mountain of his father's land, the one who is smitten by floods, the one who does not fear floods, the one who is able to traverse the rebellious land, the hero who stands in battle, the lord who has a firm hand, the one who does not smite the mitum tree, like barley, he is smitten like barley, Ninurta, the king, the son of his father, his mighty, rejoices. The hero who is like the southern wind, in the mountain, the work of Ninurta, the true crown of Ashnanana, the mighty eye, the mighty eye, the prince who is covered with lapis lazuli, the prince who is covered with awe-inspiring radiance,

    For Ninurta, the king whom Enlil had chosen by his benevolent heart, the hero who carries the sashu-ushgal weapon of the enemy, Ninurta, the one who has a scepter of the country, who has not a scepter of the land, who has a throne, whose assembly is completed, Ninurta, the king, his father, in future days, with a hand held, a chair, a supreme chair, whose scepter is a great one, whose scepter is a great one, whose festival is joyful, whose seat is a seat of An and Enlil, whose utterance is sweet, Baba, the king's prayer, whose utterance is pleasing, Ninurta, the son of Enlil, whose fate is determined,

    At that time, his weapon was seen in the nether world, he shouted to the king: "The lord, the great weapon of heaven, the lord, the throne of Ninurta, your name is not changed, your fate is set in order, your destiny is set in order." My king, the heavens and the earth are happy. Ninurta, the hero, does not know your strength, he has sat on the asag throne. The son of the umma-priest, who does not sit, he eats food, my king, the bulug, who does not know his father, who does not know the sacrificial one of the mountains, he does not see the sacrificial one, Ninurta, the man who loves his father, has a beautiful statue

    My king, the man who returned to his city, to his mother, he smashed the foreign lands. Its seed spread out, its seed spread out, and its name was smashed. In the midst of its king's reign, like a great wild bull, he smashed its weapons. The shu-u, saggal, ebony, ushu-stone, kagina, and heroism, the nu-stone, he smashed the city. In the foreign lands he smashed the ug-stone, he smashed the scepter, he smashed the scepter. The lords of the city smashed the ground. My king, the scepter of the dais, he smashed the throne. Ninurta, the lord of the land, smashed the decisions.

    The Asag's aura he swore, the one who swore it, the great head he swore, the one who swore it, he swore it, he swore it, he swore it, he swore it, and his face he swore it. My king, the mountain, he swore it, and the food offerings he swore there. The hero to your father he entrusted to you, son of Enlil, the lord, who has sworn your supreme strength, he swore it. My king, your mighty, he entrusted to you. Ninurta, your scepter, he swore to you, and the hero to you he swore. The hero to your kingship, he swore a tartar,

    Ninurta, the divine powers of the Abzu, whose horns are twisted, were seen, and the dwellings changed. The Asag priestess, when he had departed, the boundary territory was taken away. The rab priestess of the gods, the one who the mighty of heaven and earth seized, Ninurta, the lord, son of Enlil, he restored to its place. The Asag priestess, its position was not available. Its heavy load was piled up. Its troops were not seen. Its mighty warriors were not returned. Its weapons were not set up. Ninurta, the great shukur, its limbs were not trimmed.

    The lord of the great me, the shurzi-demon, the sherzi-demon, the gods, the ox, the suckling bull, the great bull, the suckling bull, the great shurga-demon, the shurga-demon, Ninurta, my statue of Enki, my face is darkened, Utaulu, the lord, the son of Enlil, to my work, the lord, he spoke to me, he sat down, he sat down, he sat down, Enlil he sat down, he sat down, he sat down, he sat down, he sat down in the Ekur, he sat down in the mountain, he sat down in the Anuna, he sat down in the Anuna, he sat down in the sandstone, he sat down in the god, he sat down in the Anuna like sheep,

    lord, his scepter, he sat down before An. Ninurta, his warrior, he made his face straight. He made the eight rites of the day a ritual. He made the scepter a ritual rite. He made the scepter a ritual rite for the mountain. He made the weapon a ritual rite for the enemy. He made the udu-disease a ritual rite for the barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed barley-fed shaved

    The great tree grew on its side. The forest grew on its side. Its heart sank. The bitter water poured on the Tigris. The gods sank on the boat. The boats sailed on the water. Its people did not know the place. They sank the foundations of the wall. The birds sat down on the ground. They sank its boats. Its fish sank on the ground. Its fish sank on the ground. Its wild animals sank on the ground. They sank on the horizon. They sank on the horizon. Its wild animals sank on the ground. Its storm was ruined. Its storm was destroyed. Its heroes Ninurta sank on the ground.

    The man who smote it, he smote it in the netherworld. In its city, he smote it like a bull, he smote it like a pig. He smote it like a ...-plant, he smote it like a ...-plant. He smote it like a ...-plant. In the netherworld, he did not let it be smote. He smote its omens, he smote its people, he smote its people, he smote it like a ...-plant. He smote it like a storm, he smote it like a storm. He smote the lord in the rebellious land. He smote his omens, he smote his omens, he smote his omens.

    The weapon of his pirig's head he smote. Like a bird he smote, he smote the mountain. He did not return to the mountain. He smote the scribal arts. He smote the scribal arts. He smote the adolescent, he smote the adolescent. He smote the adolescent, he smote the adolescent, he did not sleep. He smote the adolescent, he smote the ad of the lord Ninurta. He smote the ad of the land. He smote the lord Ninurta. He smote the ad of the asag. He smote the hero, the one who loves you.

    The weapon that loved him he smote, he smote. The sharur-demon, the lord of Ninurta, he sounded. The hero, the arutu-demon, the weapon of Ninurta, the king of the shita-tool of An, to the enemy, the shita-tool that is not a weapon, the mighty, when the lands are made to be a flood, the harvest is ripe, the king of the battles has seen, its mouth he sounded. Ninurta, like a sapar-demon, he smashed the sapar-demon, like a great utu-demon, he smashed the lord of the ... of heaven, the arrow, the weapon, the water, Ninurta, the hero of the people, may it be made. Kulumana, the pure,

    The lord of Samanana, the ox-herd, the king of date palms, the Anzu-bird, the seven-headed snake, may Ninurta bring into the netherworld. The lord of the great powers, we shall not let them go out. The weapon of the sag festival of the young men's rites, the eshemen of Inanna, we shall not let them go out. The lord of the great powers, we shall not let him go out. The foot of the earth shall not be snatched up. Ninurta, the Asag, stands in the netherworld. The hero, the great saga, the young man of Ninlil, who does not let go out, the true lord, the prince, who does not let go out, the hero Suen,

    king of the nation, long days, great strength of heaven, ..., ..., ... Ninurta, lord of the soaring radiance of the nether world, who gives birth to a great hero, who does not have rival, who does not heed the asag rites Ninurta, your young man, may he enter into the nether world! Your hero, son of a just mouth, your father, may he enter into the nether world! Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil, broad wisdom, the god, the barley, the lord, he smited, he smote, he smote, ... he smote, ... he smote, ... his great ... into the nether world!

    The wall ... that he sat on, he sat down. Like a fierce battle he smashed the rebel land. His arrows he smashed, he smashed the ..., he smashed the lord's weapon. He smashed the arrows, he smashed the spear, he gave the hero the battle. He smashed the heavens and earth, he smashed the arrows and the arrows, he destroyed the mountain, he destroyed the flank of the battle of Ninurta. The hero, with his weapon, he smashed the battle of Ninurta. He did not stand by the battle. Suen entered the mountain, he smashed the head of the battle. He smashed the head of the Asag, he smashed the head of the battle.

    He smashed the heavens with weapons, he smashed the earth like a snake, he smashed the earth like a snake. The lion, like a criminal, smashed the people with a sling. The Asag-priest of Ninurta, the son of Enlil, destroyed the wall like a storm. Like a storm that had roared, he smashed the wild bulls of the land. He smashed the mountain, he smashed the sandstone, he smashed the earth, he smashed the earth, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reeds, he smashed the reed

    Now, when the day has arrived, the field is a ..., the ... of heaven is like a ..., it is the ... of heaven. An sat down, he sat down, he sat down. Enlil sat down, he sat down. The Anuna sat down in the gate. Like a bird, he sat down in the house. The great mountain Enlil sounded to Ninlil. My nitam, my son, did not sit down. The lord, the one who sat down in the Ekur, the king who sat down in the Abzu, he sat on cedar, a broad crown,

    ... my son, who did not live in my place of birth, my hand was bound. The weapon of the lord, beloved of its king, the weapon of the sage Ninurta, ... to Nippur, his father, ... ... he ... like a radiance ... ... he ... the lord. The weapon ... Enlil ... ... your son, the Asag ...

    ... ... whose face was not seen ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta, his favorite, a curse ... ... he swore ... he swore ... like a storm ... he swore ... he swore ...

    ... his ... he shall take away the field, and the people shall not be deprived of it. ... the fields, seed shall not be cultivated. Enlil, I am the one who decides the fates, whose name shall be cherished. Weapons ... he seized, he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the rebel land. The lord Ninurta he smashed, and my king, he uttered a joyful word to me. The flood, the flood, ... he smashed, and the people he smashed. The Asag, his own hand, he smashed, and my son he smashed.

    Ninurta, my people, have gathered together for eternity. The lord who speaks to his father, is the supreme strength of Enlil. When the lands are smitten like a mountain, Ninurta, the seal of Enlil, goes, is there?. My king, the asag-demon, the scepter of the gate, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., ..., ..., ... seized. My king, the me, the ..., ... .

    Ninurta, with the weapon of the ..., he smashed the mouth. He smashed the weapon of the mountain ... The lord ... the mountain ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta ... ... The lord ... ... his weapon ... the mountain ... he smashed the ... ... The mighty ... ... he smashed the people like a ... ... he destroyed its people like a ... he destroyed its people. The weapon whose ... was smashed, the mountain ... he blew fire. He ... the ... of the ... .

    The shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the shita-demon, the wife, the son of the shita-demon, the en-ninurta, the weapon, the dust-sand-

    Lord, he has not sworn by a word that is not to be sung in the heart, he has sworn by my king like a god. When he has been sworn by the god, the hero has been sworn by the earth. The earth ... Ninurta has written a saga of the mountain. The fearsome aura has been smashed into the earth. The dust has been smashed. In the lands, the pig has been smashed. No one has been seized. The mir mir has been smashed, the lil's slander has been smashed, the lil's slander has been smashed. The sheepfold has been smashed, the water has been poured into the earth. The storm has been smashed, the people have been smashed. The slander has not been slandered. The true enemy has not been present.

    The great hero, your lord, is standing at your side. Its scepter is a scepter. The lord sat in the netherworld, but the bricks were not thrown away. The hero did not speak the words of the lands. He did not look at the land, but he sounded evil. He sat in the netherworld. The enemy sat down on the head of the throne, and the netherworld was smashed. The lord sat down like a scepter, like a scepter, in the netherworld, he sat down like a scepter. He sat down like a scepter, and the land was smashed. Ninurta sat down like a scepter, and the Asag, whose radiance was smashed, stood in a scepter.

    He stood at the side of the river, he sat down at the side of the river. He sat down at the side of the river like a flood. He sat down at the side of the river like a sown seed. His aura, like his own aura, surrounded the country. He sat down at the work of the asag-priest like barley. He sat down at its seed. Like a sandstone, he sat down at its sandstone. He sat down at its shugalanzu. He sat down at its sandstone like a sandstone. He sat down at its sandstone. He sat down at its heroism. Ninurta, the lord, the son of Enlil, ... ... he sat down at his heart. He sat down at the sandstone.

    Utu spoke a good word to him. The lord ..., he ... the weapon, he ... the ... garment. The hero smashed the head, he smashed the ... like a lion. Like a lion, his people smashed the boat. The god of the land smashed the boat like a lion's horn. The lord, on his great path, Ninurta, the son of Enlil, smashed the boat with the hand. They smashed the king with the mighty lord. The lord, the great mesh, the field, poured out water. The hero, like a lion,

    My king, you have not finished your ..., you have not stood there, you have not stood there. Ninurta, you have not stood in the land. My king, you have not smashed the bricks in your ..., you have smashed the field like a flood. The land ... he ...

    He shall name that stone and lapis lazuli, he shall name that stone, he shall name that stone, he shall name its boundary area, he shall name its outer wall, he shall name its hero, he shall name it lord, he shall place the weapons in the midst of the assembly, he shall not make the fates of the land binding on it, he shall not make the water flowing from the earth to the well, he shall not make the water flowing in the midst of the water, he shall not make the water flowing in the midst of the netherworld, he shall not make the god of the land bow down, he shall not make the al and dusu woods bow down, he shall not make the eshgars bow down, he shall not let the people speak, he shall not let the people speak, he shall not let the Tigris, the great river, to heaven

    Its tails are like the seas, it does not ... water, it does not ... the nesag offerings, it does not ... the reed beds, it does not ... the midst of evil, it does not ... the small canals, it does not ... the mud, it does not ... the soil, it does not ... the fertile fields, it does not stand in the water, it does not stand in the lands, it does not stand in the sandstone, it does not stand in the barley, it does not stand in the great lord Ninurta, Enlil, has ... it, he has ... the gurum stone of the mountain, he has ... the dung like a great wall, he has ... the country, he has ... the bala rites of the world,

    Hero, he sat down in the city, he poured out the mighty water, he poured stone. Now, water from the mountain for ever did not come out, he sank it into the ground. He sank it into the mountain, he sank it into the ground. He gave the Tigris to him, he sank the eshtub fish in the marshes. Now, day and night, the things of the world, he made the king of the nation, lord Ninurta rejoiced. He gave the fields with barley, he gave the fields with water. He gave the harvesters of the orchards with grain, he gave them grain. He gave them grain from the grain-fed groats. He gave them grain from the grain-fed groats. He gave them grain from the lord of the nation.

    The gods sat on their necks. Ninurta, his father, was a lord, he was a lord. At that time, he was a woman, a woman who was a sacrificial lamb. Ninmah, she did not smite her supplications. She sat on the ground like a heavy ewe. She adorned the gods of the mountains, but its great gods did not smite. The lord, his great strength, did not go up to the mountains. The great hero, like heaven, did not smite his men. The storm of the earth, the storm of the earth, the storm of the earth, the lord who is the sage of Mullil, did not smite his head. He did not ..., he did not ... his head. He did not ... his wife.

    He sat down for him, he did not put down his hand, he sat down for the son of Enlil, he sat down for him. He spoke to him, saying: "Since he was born, he was a true woman, he was born in the Eshumesha, where he was born." "I am the lord of the erra, I am the one of my children, I am the lord of the gidland, I am the one who is a lord of the gidland, I am the one who is a sage, I am the one who is the judge of Enlil, the great hero, the good thing of his father, may he be the one who loves his father, the woman will be the one who loves the pure scribal arts. Ninmah, the lord Ninurta, will be the one who swore to him.

    He sat before his fate, saying: "You are a woman who goes to the mountains, Ninmah, you go to my fate in the rebellious land, like a fierce battle that cannot be stopped, you are a hero, you set up a grove, you shall name the mountain range, you shall name the lady. Now, the fate of Ninurta, when Ninhursaga is to decide the case, let him be a judge. Let him be a shatum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant, let him be a shitum plant,

    I shall cut down cedar, juniper, zabalu-juniper, and tin. I shall cut down the cedar and juniper. Like a garden, I shall cut down the things. The mountains shall smite the rites of divination. I shall cast gold and silver on the altar. I shall cast bronze and tin on the altar. I shall cast bronze and tin on the mountain. I shall cast ewes on the mountains. I shall cast seed on the altar. I am a lady, a fierce terror, a great god, a wicked word, a true lady, a lady of the mountains,

    Nintu, who is a sedentary duty, has spoken to Nintu, the great lady, who gave me the supreme me, and you are to be praised. The lord of the nether world has decreed a fate for him. In the shrine Nippur, the true woman, whose divine powers are supreme, the lady, the carpenter, eternally, the great lady of Enlil, stood before her. The great hero, the hero of the people, like his father, does not change his words, does not change his words. The lord has uttered a curse, and he has uttered a curse against the lord. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, has uttered a curse against him.

    Like a sag-sag-gidland, where my hand was seized, where my fate was decreed, where my lord Ninurta was seized, where my supreme residence was seized, where my mighty strength and strength were seized, where your statue may be placed, where your great bull, whose strength is supreme, may he be seized, may he be seized in the marshes, where your strength may he be seized, where your young man, like a sour-sour sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour-sour, may your young man, like a sour-sour-sour-sour-sour, may your young man, like a sour-sour-sour-sour, may your young man, may your young man, may your great bull, like a mighty man, be smitten with a savage man, its possessions be placed in his hands,

    The u2 weapon of a dog, the things of a shepherd, are written out like a lion's. I am the lord, the oxen, may your name be named. Now, the fate of Ninurta is determined. When the u2 weapon of a cow is smashed, the oxen of the farmer is smashed. The hero shouts "Shuu, the gisura": the lord will be sated with water. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, will decide the fate. Shuu, with weapons, is smashed with weapons. "Shuura, like a bull, is smashed with a gisura": "like a bull, is smashed with dirt, is smashed with a gisura":

    Like a snake, I shall not let my aura be shattered. Like a mighty dragon, I shall not let my strength be shattered. Like a holy scepter, I shall ... the king's place of his son. The chief of the gods shall ... the days of the month?. My king shall stand in saggal stone, he shall smite the saggal stone Ninurta, the son of Enlil, shall decide the fate. saggal stone ... like a saggal stone ... like a saggal stone ... like a saggal stone ... like a saggal stone ... like a saggal stone

    I am the lord, who lays down the saggar stone, I shall strew it. I shall destroy the good sagkal stone, I shall destroy the gulgul stone, I shall destroy the sag stone, I shall not smite it. I shall set it in the midst of the nation. May your hand be firmly placed in your city. May you be the hero, may you be their female servant. May you write down its name. Now, the fate of Ninurta, may the day of the nation be a rejoicing. May you not be a rejoicing. My king, he sat down with ebony. He sat down with a rejoicing heart.

    Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed a fate for him. As for ebony, whose powers are like those of the foreign lands, I have fashioned them. I have not given them any power, I have not given any head. It is not good. As for the lord, his brother, my hero Ninurta, son of Enlil, who has commanded me to do so, may they not give them any power. May they not be like me from the lands of the east, may they not be like me from the lands of Magan. May you, my lord, make great copper and leather. May I, my heroism, exercise great power. May my king, in the future, forever, forever, may it be fashioned.

    In the Eninnu, the house that is a treasury, where the throne is seated, may it be a place of peace for me. My king, I have sat down for the stone. I have laid down the stone from the ground for Ninurta, the son of Enlil. Like a stone that has been smashed in the night, like a stone that has been smashed in the night, I have been sat down for you. Like a wild bull, I have been sat down for you. May it be a small pig, its limbs are long. May it be returned to you. My king, I have sat down for the stone. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, has decreed a fate.

    The elil stone, the one who has wisdom, who has mastered the lands, may my aura be resounding in the lands. May my name be resounding in the lands. May your supplications be recited from your mouth. May your small intestines be swollen with a swollen swollen ?. May my weapon, the mighty weapon, be sounded in your hand. May the great courtyard be re-established. May the Land be rejoicing in good spirits. May the lands be rejoicing. May the hero, the kagina stone, stand in his mighty name. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, decreed a fate.

    The supplication of the supplication, the supplication of the supplication, the kagina stone, from the rebel land, he spoke to me. ... My hand did not speak to me, I did not speak to you. The land was not able to grasp your feet. May your land be a supplication to you. May your Marduk, Utu, be your strength. May your divine powers be a supplication to you. May your handiwork be a supplication to you. May your supplication be a restraining wailing. May your supplication be a supplication to you. May your lord, your life, be a supplication to Ninurta. Now, the fate of Ninurta, may your life be a supplication to you. May your hero stand in the supplication.

    Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed a fate for him. Like a sacrificial sulphur, he sat in the holy karkar-vessel. He sat in the palace, he sat down in your single hand. He sat in your mountain, he did not fear the weapon. He stood in the midst of battle, he was a hero, he was a sacrificial dog. He sat in good things. He sat in the hand of the land. He sat in the midst of battle. He sat in the midst of battle. My king, he stood in algamesh. He saw the work. He spoke to the lord who is in the land.

    Like water, I prayed to him. My geshkinti ritual I went. Algamesh, the regular offering, the daytime, the zadim stones I am. ..., the day that my king ... the tin, the nir, the carnelian, the lapis lazuli, I screamed. Amashpa'e, shaba, hurizum, carnelian, marhali, egiziza, girinhiliba, anzugulme, nirmushgir, the true lord, the leather-clad scepter of Ninurta, the son of Enlil, I imposed upon him.

    He has been a man, a woman who knows how to speak and to speak, to my place, a man who knows how to speak and ..., who does not have a claim, who has seized your hand in the gate, who has seized your heart in the place of the word, who has seized your father in the midst of the assembly, who has seized your shakin priest, who has seized your shakin priest like a sacrificial scepter, who has smashed the kurunna-symbolized rites, who has seized your holy rites, who has seized your feet in the lands, my king has stood in a scepter, has smashed the eyes of the scepter

    The lord who is the lord of the land, spoke to him. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, uttered a prayer. The two men, whose names are ..., he sounded the horns of your land. He did not ... the ..., he sat on the dais. He sat on the dais like a barag. He sat on the man's neck. He sat on the tibira. He sat on the neck. He sat on the neck. He sat on the neck. He sat on the neck of your own strength, the one who is a carpenter, the one who is a builder, he sat on the neck. He sat on the neck like a watering hole. He sat on the neck of the suckling pig. My king stood on the iman stone. He sat on the allig stone.

    Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed a fate for him. He brought the imman stone into the mountain. He sounded the roar of the battle. He sounded the roar of the fire. He sounded like fire. He sounded like a storm. He sounded like a seed. He sounded like a seed. He sounded like a seed. He sounded like a seed. He sounded like a seed. He sounded your scream. He sounded your scream. He sounded your scream. He sounded your scream. He sounded your scream. He sounded my king. He sat down in the palace. He sounded the dubbish stone. He sounded the dubbish stone.

    Ninurta, son of Enlil, has sinned against him. I am a mashda stone, I am a stele. I am a urutum stone. I am not a stele. I am a gissu stone. I am a stele, I am a stele. I am a stele, I am a stele. I am a stele, I am a mountain, I am a mountain. I am a mashda stone, I am a sheep. I am a stele, I am a stele. I am a stele, I am a stele. I am a stele, I am a stele, I am a bronze shackle, I am a shackle of the gods. I am a shackle of

    ... ... my king stood in a shagura stone. Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed a fate for me. A shagura stone, its four corners are a single stone. Its four corners are a single stone. Its four corners are a single stone. Its four weapons are like a sagdu-stone. May the sagura-stone be seized in the netherworld. May the reed be thrown away. May your ki-nu-station be abandoned. May your ... be a good mother. May your ... be a sag-stone. May your sag-stone be a man who has no rival. May the people be a sag-stone forever. May Ninhursag

    ... he shall ... the mouth, he shall ... the dais, he shall ... the beer, he shall ... the sheep. May your stela rejoice! May your kiburru rejoice! My king ... the marhu stone Ninurta, the son of Enlil, decreed a fate for me. The marhu stone ... my heart, he ... my ..., he ... his feet. ... the ... of your city, ... ... ... the bur stone, he ... water, he ... the marhu stone ... ... the lord of the good lord ... ... the holy kirida, he .

    The Marhusha in the temples of the gods is present. The hero of the hashtum stone stands, the lord who spoke, speaks to the Land. Ninurta, the son of Enlil, has decreed a fate for him. The hashtum stone in the mountains he ... ..., he ... a fierce roar. The ... he ..., he ... a fierce roar in the mountains. I am a young man. The hashtum stone in your place is good. Now, the fate of Ninurta, he shall decide. My king, he shall stand the urul stone.

    Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed a fate for him. Urul, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the stele, the king, the lord, Ninurta, before him, he spoke to him, he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, and he said to him, "I am the king, I am the lord of

    ... Madanum, saggirmud, ..., mursuh stone Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed a fate for him ...

    May he be able to stand in the midst of the storm, may he be able to see the life of the land forever. The hero stood in the kurganum stone, and the bala stone spoke. The lord, whose scent is sweet, whose fate Ninurta, son of Enlil, decreed, may he not be able to speak to him. He sat down in the midst of the firmament, and the young man sat down like a sag-bird. The young man sat down like a young man. The festival of a ghost? he made beautiful. The month, the nine days, the young man sat down .

    To the biluda of Ninhursaga ... he ... The hero ... the mountain, ... the plain, ... ... like the people ... ... Ninurta rejoiced, he ... his beloved boat. The lord ... the karnun boat, he ... his feet. The ailu-priests ... sweet music. The lords he made perfect, Ninurta, the son of Enlil, to the shudu-priest he fashioned. The gods who ... the words of the hero, lord Ninurta, the king, the god Anun,

    The one who sat on his right knee ..., ..., he sat down on the water. He sat down on your great throne. The hero who does not give orders by the sea, Enki and Ninki, he did not give orders by the head. The hero who sat on the throne of the city, the shackle of the mountain, the son of Enlil, he sat down. Ninurta, the lord, son of Enlil, he sat down. My king, the hero sat down for you. He sat down for you. He sat down for you. He sat down for you in your temple. He sat down for you in your shrine.

    Your festival shall not be ruined, your holy garza shall not be ruined, his name shall be established for him, and his life shall be established for him. May the land be reborn for him. May the lord be rejoicing in An. May the lord, Enlil, and Ninurta, the young lady of the mother Baba, be rejoicing daily. May the lord be a boat of nesag offerings. May the boat of its nibbi be swollen. From the boat of the karnuna, the holy boat, beset him. The hero, with his mighty weapon, ... The Anuna ... its ..., and its ...,

    lord of your araya prayer, he sat down in prayer. ... he made ... rise up in the sky. Ninurta, the king of Utu, he sat on the neck of heaven. His father Enlil he ordained for him. ... he made a supreme name. ... he sat on the place. The ... he made a seat. The king of the battles of the rebellious lands, when the days of heaven he made good, the weapon of the maruru weapon of the mountains, fire he made good, the hero of heaven and earth, he made good. The king, when you set out on campaign, Ninurta, the mountain, your utterances he made good. Like a dog, he seized the hand of the ...,

    In your days, in the lands of the east, good things will be established. The mountains will be given back to you, and its places will be restored. The cities will be reconstructed, the great cult centers will not be rebuilt. The rites of heaven will not change. The days of the future, the command of Enlil, the king, the strength of heaven, may it be. The hero will be a sag-priest, the lord will be a gurum-priest, he will be a stone. He will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a plow, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a plow, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a plow, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be a sag-priest, he will be

    The lord set the furrow in place. Ninurta, the daughter of Enlil, sat on the throne-dais. She sat on the throne-dais. Lady, who has come out from the divine powers, who has spoken supreme words, Nisaba, the true lady, who has seen all the lands, who has seen the face of the lord, who has sworn kingship, whose supreme wisdom Enki has fashioned from pure gold, who has been presented to Ninurta, the son of Enlil, seated on her right side. Lady, who has sworn the god Mulan, the prince, from the Abzu, who has been praised by the ..., who has been praised by the ..., who has been praised by the ..., who has been praised by the ..., who has been praised by the ...,

    ..., the one who has a good name, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival, who has no rival in the beginning of the night, who has no rival in the words of Enlil, true woman, who has a 'mul' of heaven and earth, who has a 'hone' Nisaba, who has a praiseworthy lord, great lord Enlil, Ninurta, the exalted son of the Ekur, who has a 'hone' of the praiseworthy father, who has a 'hone' of father Ninurta,

    P469531: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    x [...] amar anzu(muszen) [...] (gesz)ilar _ka_ [...] amar anzu(muszen) [...] ur-sag (d)nin-urta [...] (gesz)gag _ka_ [...] amar anzu(muszen) [...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... calf of the Anzu bird ...

    Surface b


    du11-ga-ni-ta (gesz)tukul-zu hul-a mu-ni-in-tag me szu-ga2 szu ba-ba-gu10-ne me-bi abzu-sze3 ba-an-gi4 gesz-hur szu-ga2 szu ba-ba-gu10-ne gesz-hur-bi abzu-sze3 ba-an-gi4 dub nam-tar-ra-bi abzu-sze3 ba-an-gi4 me ab-la2-e-en inim amar anzu(muszen)-sze3 (d)nin-urta lul-asz ba-an-si (d)nin-men-na-ke4 a-nir im-ga2-ga2 ge26-e me-bi szu-gu10-usz li-bi2-ku4 nam-en-bi nu-ak-e ge26-e e-ne-gin7 esz3-e? abzu-a nu-mu-un-til a-a (d)en-ki inim mu-un-du11-du11-ga-a abzu-a ba-da-an-zu

    ur-sag (d)nin-urta amar anzu(muszen)-de3 szu-ni bi2-in-ti ki (d)en-ki-ka3-sze3 abzu-sze3 im-ma-da-te (d)u4-ta-u18-lu amar anzu(muszen)-de3 abzu-sze3 ba-an-gi4 en-e ur-sag-ra ba-szi-hul2 a-a (d)en-ki ur-sag (d)nin-urta-ra ba-szi-hul2 en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e mi2 zi mu-un-i-i-de3? ur-sag-e dingir szesz-zu-ne-a dingir na-me ur5-gin7 nu-mu-un-ak-e muszen (gesz)tukul kal-ga-zu bi2-dab5-ba-sze3 u4 me-da u4 ul-le2-sze3 gu2-bi giri3-zu ba-gub-be2-en dingir gal-gal-e-ne a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-zu me-tesz2 he2-i-i-ne

    a-a-zu (d)en-lil2-le nig2-du11-zu he2-ak (d)nin-men-na-ke4 kin-se3-ga-zu na-an-dim2-e za-e-gin7 ni2 na-ab-tuku dingir na-me igi-zu-sze3 szu si sa2 na-an-sa2-e iti-da esz3-e abzu-a igi-du8-a e2?-zu sag he2-us2 an za3 gal-la mu-zu he2-pa3-de3 ur-sag nam-tar-ra-bi sza3-bi nu-hul2 ki-gub-ba-ni a-ge6? i-im-ku10-ku10-ge i-sig7-sig7-ge sza3-bi nig2 gal-gal i-im-bala-bala sza3-bi i3-kur2-kur2 inim da-bi nu-ub-tuku-a bar-bi i-im-du11-du11 ur-sag (d)nin-urta igi-bi ki-szar2-ra ba-ni-in-gar

    lu2 na-me nu-ub-du11 sza3-bi zi nu-x-x en gal (d)en-ki ki ni2-te-na-ke4 inim sza3-bi ba-x-zu esz3-e abzu-a a-ge6 mud i-im-tuk4-tuk4-e sukkal (d)isimudx(|_pab-nun-me-ezen_|)-de3 e2-e giri3 mu-un-ru-gu2 ur-sag (d)nin-urta e3-de3 nu-mu-un-sze-sze sukkal (d)isimudx(|_pab-nun-me-ezen_|)-de3-esz2 szu-ni ba-an-zi (d)en-ki-ke4 im abzu-a ba-al-gu7 ba-da-an-dim2 ki sun5-na ka2 abzu-a ba-al-gu7 ba-da-an-gub (d)en-ki-ke4 ki-lul-la-ke4 mu-un-na-ab-du11-du11 ki-gub-ba ba-al-gi4-sze3 ba-da-an-tum3

    ba-al-gu7 egir-ra-ni sa-bi ba-da-an-dab5 ur-sag (d)nin-urta giri3-bi ba-da-an-gi4 (d)en-ki nu-zu-gin7 a-na-am3 ne-e im-me umbin-giri3-bi ki bi2-in-hur habrud hul ba-da-an-dun ur-sag (d)nin-urta sza3-bi ba-da-an-szub ur-sag-e ga-x x e11-de3 nu-mu-un-zu-am3 ba-al-gu7 giri3? umbin-giri3-bi ba-an-sur-sur en gal (d)en-ki-ke4 gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e me x kur?-ta mu-ni-in-nigin2-nigin2 mu-pa3-de3 ge26-ra sag gesz? ra-gu10-usz igi-zu mu-e-gar-ra-am3 x-bil2-ga gal-gal di ge26-e bi2-ib2-ga2-ga2 ge26-e bi2-ib2-zi-de3

    za-e ge26-ra a-gin7 igi-zu mu-gar-ra ki-gub-ba-zu a-na-am3 mu-ra-an-dab5 a-ra2?-bi a-na-gin7-nam nam-kal-ga-zu me-sze3 ba-an-gen nam-ur-sag-zu me-a hur-sag gal-gal-e mu-ni-in-gul-gul e-ne-esz2 a-na-am3 mu-e11-de3 (d)nin-men-na-ke4 inim-bi ba-da-an-pa3 tug2 bar-ra-na al-bir7?-re _kasz4_ im-sar-sar-re (u2)ug gu7-gu7-gu10-usz za-e a-ba-a mu-ra-ab-tum2 lu2 sag-bi mu-un-bul-bul ba-x-x-un-_gil_-x za-e a-ba-a mu-ra-ab-tum2 dam-an-ki mu-bi nu-me-a u4-gu7-gu7-nu-de2-de2 mu-bi-im

    nam-usz2 szu gar nu-tuku-a za-e a-ba-a mu-ra-ab-tum2

    AI Translation

    After he had spoken to him, your weapon was a bad weapon. The me of the hand was not released. The me of the abzu was released. The plans of the hand were not released. The plans of the abzu were released. The tablet of fate was released. The divine powers of the abla were released. Ninurta was snatched from the Anzu bird. Ninmenna was snatched from the aegis. "Give me my powers, I will not enter it." "Give me my en priesthood, I will not finish it." Father Enki was speaking to the abzu.

    The hero Ninurta, the Anzu-bird, took his hand. He went to the place of Enki and to the Abzu. Uta'ulu, the Anzu-bird, returned to the Abzu. The lord rejoiced over the hero, father Enki rejoiced over the hero Ninurta. The lord, Nudimmud, spoke a true word to him. The hero, the god of your brother, the god who is like you, did not take away your authority. The bird, your mighty weapon, took your hands in hand. The days of distant days, the distant days, you stood at your feet. The great gods rejoiced over your heroism.

    Your father Enlil, may your command be done. Ninmena, may your work be made perfect. Like you, you are one who has no fear. God who is to be seen in your eyes, may your eye be sated with a sling. Every month, in the shrine Abzu, may your temple be adorned with a crown. May your name be re-established in the great heavens. May the hero's destinies not rejoice in his place of rest. May the night be bright, its heart be bright, its heart be smitten with great things. May its heart be changed, its heart be changed, its words are changed, its mouth is changed, its mouth is changed. May the hero Ninurta's face be set in the netherworld.

    The man who did not speak, did not ..., and his heart did not ... The great lord, Enki, his beloved place, spoke to him in the shrine Abzu. He was smitten by the dark night, and the vizier Isimud took the path to the temple. The hero Ninurta did not go out, and the vizier Isimud took his hand. Enki poured out the water from the Abzu, he poured out the water from the Abzu, he sat on the place of the sun, he poured out the gate of the Abzu. Enki poured out the cultic rites, he poured out the water from the Abzu, he poured out the water from the place of the cult center.

    He was seized, he was seized behind him. The hero Ninurta was seized. Like Enki, he was not yours. Why did he ...? His feet were seized, he was thrown into a place of evil habrud. The hero Ninurta was thrown into a rage. The hero ..., he was not yours. He was seized, his feet were twisted. The great lord Enki spoke to him, he ... the me from the ... of the land. He made the ... of my head tremble, he made your eyes tremble. He ... the great ..., he ... the ..., he ... the ..., he ... the ...,

    "You are like a lion, you have seized your face, you have taken your seat, you have taken away your strength, you have taken away your heroism, you have destroyed the great mountains." "Why did Ninmena speak so? My ug-plant, my ug-plant, I have taken away my ug-plant, I have taken away my head, I have taken away my ug-plant, I have taken away my dam-anki's name, I have not taken away its name.

    Whoever does not have a death-suspect, you are the one who slanders.


    "At his command your weapon struck me evilly. As I let the divine powers go out of my hand, these divine powers returned to the abzu. As I let the divine plan go out of my hand, this divine plan returned to the abzu. This tablet of destinies returned to the abzu. I was stripped of the divine powers." Ninurta was stunned at these words of the Anzu-chick. Ninmena gave out a wail: "And what about me? These divine powers have not fallen into my hand. I shall not exercise their authority. I shall not live ? like him in the shrine, in the abzu." Father Enki in the abzu knew what had been said.

    The Anzu-chick took the hero Ninurta by his hand and drew near with him to Enki's place, the abzu. The Anzu-chick returned Uta-ulu to the abzu. The lord was delighted with the hero, Father Enki was delighted with the hero Ninurta. Lord Nudimmud honored him duly: "Hero, no god among your brother gods could have acted so. As for the bird which your mighty weapon captured, from now to eternity you will keep your foot placed on its neck. May the great gods give your heroic strength its due.

    May your father Enlil do whatever you command. May Ninmena not fashion your equal ?. May no one be as revered as you and no god extend an upraised hand before you. Monthly may your house ? regularly receive tributes in the shrine, in the abzu. May An ? proclaim your name in the seat of honor." The hero secretly was not happy with these promises. Where he stood, he darkened and yellowed like ? a flood-storm ?. He contemplated great deeds and inwardly he was rebellious. He uttered a word which has no ... The hero Ninurta set his sights on the whole world.

    He told no one and inwardly did not ... The great lord Enki intuitively grasped the substance of the plan. In the shrine, in the abzu he stirred up a dark flood-storm. By the house the minister Isimud opposed Ninurta. The hero Ninurta refused to come out and raised his hand against the minister Isimud. Against Ninurta, Enki fashioned a turtle from the clay of the abzu. Against him he stationed the turtle at an opening, at the gate of the abzu. Enki talked to him near the place of the ambush and brought him to the place where the turtle was.

    The turtle was able to grab Ninurta's tendon from behind. The hero Ninurta managed to turn back its feet. Enki, as if perplexed, said, "What is this?!" He had the turtle scrape the ground with its claws, had it dig an evil pit. The hero Ninurta fell into it with the turtle. The hero did not know how to get out from ... The turtle kept on gnawing his feet with its claws ?. The great lord Enki said to him: "From ..., you who set your mind to kill me, ... who makes big claims— I cut down, I raise up.

    You who set your sights on me like this— what has your position seized for you, how ...? Where has your strength fled? Where is your heroism? In the great mountains you caused destruction, but how will you get out now?" Ninmena learned of this situation. She was ripping the clothes from her body, she ... . "My ug-plant-eater Enki, whom shall I send to you? Men will shake their heads in fear ..., whom shall I send to you? That name is not Enki. That name is Ugugu-that-does-not-pour ?.

    You who are death without mercy, whom shall I send to you?"

    P469532: royal-monumental brick

    Middle Assyrian (ca. 1400-1000 BC) CDLI


    _e2#-gal#_ [(dis)](d)silim-ma-nu-masz _man# kisz a 1(u)-erin2-tah2# _man# kisz_-ma#

    AI Translation

    Palace of Shalmaneser, king of the universe, son of Adad-narari I who was also king of the universe.

    P469533: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [(disz)](d#)szul3-ma-nu-_masz_ _man gal_-u2 _[man]_ dan#-nu _man szu2 man kur asz_ _[a]_ (disz#)asz-pap-a _man gal_-u2 _[man]_ dan#-nu _man szu2 man kur asz_ _[a]_ (disz)tukul-masz _man szu2 man kur asz_-ma ri#-s,ip-tu2 _u6-nir_ sza2# _iri_ kal-hi

    AI Translation

    Shalmaneser, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, king of the universe, king of Assyria: reed nest of the city Kalhu.

    P469534: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) la2 1(disz@t) geme2 3(ban2) u4 3(u) 4(disz)-sze3
  • a2 ar3-a ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 9 female laborers, 3 ban2 per day for 34 days,
  • labor of the barley, from Ur-Nintu;



    a-du dumu lu2-ga i3-dab5 mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) (u3) lu-lu-bum2 a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Adu, son of Lu-ga, accepted; year: "Simurrum and Lulubum for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-du-mu dub-sar dumu lu2-ga

    AI Translation

    Adumu, scribe, son of Luga.

    P469535: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) kilib (gesz)al
  • 3(u) (gesz)|_hub2_+_ud_|#?
  • 3(u) (gesz)_ka_-gal-lum
  • 1(u) 6(disz) (gesz)asalx(|_a-tu-nir_|) 1(disz) kusz3-ta
  • 2(u) (gesz)sza3-si ig
  • 3(u) gesz-ab 1(disz) kusz3-ta
  • 4(u) 8(disz) gesz tu-ru-na
  • 1(u) 5(disz) (gesz)sag-gul nu-kusz2
  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 4(disz) (gesz)_bi 1_(disz) kusz3-ta
  • AI Translation
  • 5 kilib ...,
  • 30 ...,
  • 30 ...,
  • 16 asalu-trees, 1 cubit each,
  • 20 door bolts,
  • 30 trays, 1 cubit each,
  • 48 ...,
  • 15 ...,
  • 94 pieces of wood, 1 cubit each,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) (gesz)asalx(|_a-tu-nir_|) 3(disz) kusz3
  • kiszib3 asz-a ki ur-e2-masz-ta kiszib3 a-gu bala u4 6(disz)-kam sza3 bala-a iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul#

    AI Translation
  • 1 asalx, 3 cubits;
  • under seal of Asha, from Ur-Emash; under seal of Agu, bala, 6th day, in bala; month: "House month 6," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e

    AI Translation

    Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.

    P469537: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu (d)en-lil2
  • 1(disz) udu (d)nin-lil2
  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)utu
  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)inanna
  • mu-kux(_du_) en (d)inanna

  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)en-lil2
  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nin-lil2
  • mu-kux(_du_) szesz-kal-la dumu szesz-da-da sanga

  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nusku
  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nin-urta
  • mu-kux(_du_) ensi2 nibru(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep for Enlil,
  • 1 sheep for Ninlil,
  • 1 lamb for Utu,
  • 1 lamb for Inanna,
  • delivery of the en-priestess of Inanna;

  • 1 lamb for Enlil,
  • 1 lamb for Ninlil,
  • delivery of Sheshkalla, son of Sheshdada, the temple administrator;

  • 1 lamb for Nusku,
  • 1 lamb for Ninurta,
  • delivery of the governor of Nippur;


  • 1(disz) udu niga 1(disz) sila4 (d)en-lil2
  • 1(disz) udu niga (d)nin-lil2
  • mu-kux(_du_) a-mur-e2-a

  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nin-lil2
  • mu-kux(_du_) szar-ru-um-ba-ni

  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nanna
  • mu-kux(_du_) da-da

  • 1(disz) sila4 hur-sag-ga-lam-ma
  • mu-kux(_du_) ur-mu zabar-dab5 maszkim

  • 2(disz) gu4 1(disz) sila4 szu-gid2
  • e2-muhaldim-sze3 u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam ki na-sa6-ta ba-zi iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ha-ar-szi(ki) u3 ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed, 1 lamb for Enlil,
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed, for Ninlil,
  • delivery of Amur-ea;

  • 1 lamb for Ninlil,
  • delivery of Sharrum-bani;

  • 1 lamb for Nanna,
  • delivery of Dada;

  • 1 lamb from Hursag-galama,
  • delivery of Urmu, zabardab was enforcer;

  • 2 oxen, 1 lamb, shugid,
  • to the kitchen, the 19th day, from Nasa booked out; month: "Harvest," year: "Harshi and Kimash were destroyed."

    P469538: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 9(asz) dabin# gur#
  • ki (d)szara2-za-[me-ta] ur-e11-e ninda#-[_il2_?]

  • 1(u) 5(asz) dabin# [gur]
  • ki (d)szara2-za-me#-[ta] ur-ur ninda-_il2_

  • 1(u) 5(asz) gur ki (d)szara2-za-me-ta
  • ur-(gesz)gigir kasz-de2-de2

  • 1(u) 5(asz) gur ki (d)szara2-za-me-ta
  • ur-(gesz)gigir sukkal-za3-ga

  • 2(u) gur ki ur-(d)suen-ta
  • ma-an-ba sagi

  • 2(u) gur ki ur-(d)suen-ta
  • a-kal-la sagi

  • 1(u) 6(asz) gur ki lu2-bala-saga-ta
  • 4(asz) gur ki lugal-e2-mah-e-(ta)
  • lu2-dingir-ra muhaldim

    AI Translation
  • 19 gur of dabin flour,
  • from Shara-zame, Ur-e'e, the ninda-il offering;

  • 15 gur of dabin flour,
  • from Shara-zame, Ur-ur, the ninda-il offering;

  • 15 gur, from Shara-zame;
  • for Ur-gigir, the beer master;

  • 15 gur, from Shara-zame;
  • Ur-gigir, the messenger;

  • 20 gur, from Ur-Suen;
  • Manba, cupbearer;

  • 20 gur, from Ur-Suen;
  • Akalla, cupbearer;

  • 16 gur, from Lu-bala-saga;
  • 4 gur, from Lugal-emahe;
  • Lu-dingira, cook.


  • 2(u) gur ki lu2-bala-saga-ta
  • inim-(d)szara2 muhaldim

  • 2(u) gur ki lugal-e2-mah-e-ta
  • ur-(d)suen i3-du8

  • 1(u) 8(asz) gur ki lugal-e2-mah-e-ta
  • ur-am3-ma i3-du8

  • 2(u) 2(asz) ninda szu 1(disz) sila3 duh gur
  • 3(asz) ninda 2(disz) sila3 duh gur
  • ur-lugal sag gu4

  • 1(u) 5(asz) ninda 2(disz) sila3 duh gur
  • sza3-gu2-bi a-_il2_

  • 1(u) 2(asz) ninda szu 1(disz) sila3 duh gur
  • 1(u) 8(asz) ninda 2(disz) sila3 duh gur
  • bar-ra-an sukkal#?-za3#?-ga szunigin 3(gesz2) 3(asz) dabin gur szunigin 1(gesz2) 1(u) ninda# gur# [...] [...] giri3#? [...] iti# [...]

    AI Translation
  • 20 gur, from Lu-bala-saga;
  • Inim-Shara, cook.

  • 20 gur, from Lugal-emahe;
  • for Ur-Suen, gatekeeper;

  • 18 gur, from Lugal-emahe;
  • Ur-ama, doorkeeper;

  • 22 ninda, hand-washed, 1 sila3 bran,
  • 3 gur bread, 2 sila3 bran,
  • Ur-lugal, head of oxen;

  • 15 ninda 2 sila3 bran,
  • its stomachs are swollen.

  • 12 ninda, hand-fed, 1 sila3 bran,
  • 18 ninda 2 sila3 bran,
  • Baran, the messenger?; total: 63 gur dabin-flour; total: 107 ninda-flour ... via ... month: "...,"



    mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    year following: "The boat of Enki was caulked."

    P469539: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 8(disz) kusz udu
  • ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 a-a-kal-la aszgab-gal

    AI Translation
  • 28 sheep-hides,
  • from Lu-Shara, under seal of Ayakalla, the chief weaver;



    iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    month: "House-month-6," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."

    Seal 1


    a-kal-[la] dumu lu2-bulug3-ga2 aszgab-gal

    AI Translation

    Akalla, son of Lu-buluga, chief weaver.

    P469540: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) kusz masz2
  • ki gu-du-du kiszib3 a-a-kal-la aszgab

    AI Translation
  • 1 hide of goat skin,
  • from Gududu, under seal of Ayakalla, the leatherworker;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa en (d)inanna masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year after: "The en-priestess of Inanna by goat was chosen."

    Seal 1


    a-kal-la dumu lu2-bulug3-ga2 aszgab-[gal]

    AI Translation

    Akalla, son of Lu-buluga, chief weaver.

    P469541: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 8(disz) kusz udu
  • 3(u) 1(disz) kusz masz2
  • ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 a-a-kal-[la]

    AI Translation
  • 18 sheep-hides,
  • 31 buck goat hides,
  • from Lu-Shara, under seal of Ayakalla;



    iti e2-[iti]-6(disz) mu en ([d])inanna masz2-e i3-[pa3]

    AI Translation

    month: "House-month-6," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna by goat was chosen."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu a-a-kal-la

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Ayakalla.

    P469542: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) (kusz)ummu3
  • 2(disz) kusz udu
  • (gi)pisan le-um-ma ba-a-si

  • 1(disz) kusz sila4
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sling-sticks,
  • 2 sheep-hides,
  • reed basket for bringing water

  • 1 lamb hide,
  • Reverse


    pisan#?-ta? ba-an-gar ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e in-pa3

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469543: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 1(disz) kusz gu4
  • 4(disz) kusz amar gu4
  • 3(gesz2) 4(u) 9(disz) kusz udu
  • 2(u) 2(disz) ma-na sze-gin2
  • 5(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 6(disz) gin2 sa
  • AI Translation
  • 21 hides of oxen,
  • 4 hides of oxen yokes,
  • 169 sheep-hides,
  • 22 mana of gin-silver,
  • 5 1/2 mana 6 shekels of wool,
  • Reverse


    zi-ga (gesz)hu-um ensi2-ka ki a-a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu ([d])i-bi2-(d)suen lugal#

    AI Translation

    booked out of the reed basket of the governor, from Ayakalla, under seal of the governor, year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469544: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(disz) kusz udu
  • 2(disz) kusz gu4
  • ad-tab u3 szu7-dul9

  • 1(u) 2(disz) kusz udu
  • (kusz)usan3-sze3 ba-sur

  • 1(u) 2(disz) kusz udu
  • pisan szu-dul9 si-ge4-de3

    AI Translation
  • 16 sheep-hides,
  • 2 hides of oxen,
  • for Adtab and Shudul;

  • 12 sheep-hides,
  • to be thrown into a leather bag;

  • 12 sheep-hides,
  • Basket-of-tablets: xxx x



    ur-(d)ur3-bar-tab szu ba-ti

  • 2(disz) kusz udu u2-hab2
  • dug saman4 (kusz)du10-gan ba-a-si ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti szu-numun-na mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    Ur-Urbartab received;

  • 2 sheep-hides,
  • jug of samanu-flour with leather trim was dug; from Lu-Shara, under seal of the governor; month: "Sowing," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was found."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469545: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 1(disz) kusz gu4
  • 3(disz) kusz amar gu4
  • 4(u) 6(disz) ma-na sze-gin2
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) [sa]
  • AI Translation
  • 11 hides of oxen,
  • 3 hides of oxen yokes,
  • 46 mana of fine barley,
  • and 1 1/2 bundles of wool,
  • Reverse


    ki a-a-[kal-la-ta] kiszib3 lu2-[(d)szara2] mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    from Ayakalla, under seal of Lu-Shara; year: "The priest of Inanna in Uruk by goat was found."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu da-da-ga

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Dadaga.

    P469546: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (gi)pisan tab-ba kusz si-ga
  • kusz masz2 ge6-bi 2(disz) kusz masz2 u2-hab2-bi 1(disz)

  • 1(disz) (gi)pisan nu-us-hu kusz si-ga
  • kusz masz2 ge6-bi 2/3(disz) kusz masz2 u2-hab2-bi 2/3(disz)

  • 2(disz) pisan sza3-du10 kusz si-ga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 basket of mixed fruit, leather,
  • its night-time cubits, its night-time cubits, its uhab-tie, 1;

  • 1 basket of mushu-flour, with leather on its side,
  • its night-time cubits are 2/3; its night-time cubits are 2/3;

  • 2 baskets, ..., leather,
  • Reverse


    kusz masz2 ge6-bi 2(disz)

  • 2(disz) kusz udu babbar2
  • szu-nir ba-ab-dab6

  • 2(disz) kusz udu siki mu2
  • sza3 [...] ba-a-si ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka mu en unu(ki) masz-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    its night-time cubits: 2;

  • 2 white sheep-hides,
  • he has taken the shu-nir-vessel;

  • 2 sheep-hides, wool, of the year,
  • in ... Ba'si, from Lu-Shara, under seal of the governor; year: "The en-priestess of Uruk by goat was chosen."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469547: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) kusz udu niga
  • 1(disz) kusz udu
  • 1(disz) kusz sila4
  • 2(u) la2 2(disz@t)? kusz masz2
  • ugu2 lugal-ma2-gur8-re ba-a-gar mu ma2-gur8 mah ba-dim2

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep-hides, grain-fed,
  • 1 sheep-hides,
  • 1 lamb hide,
  • 20 less 2? hides of goatskins,
  • he deposited it on the shoulders of Lugal-magure; year: "The great boat was fashioned."


  • 5(u) 5(disz) kusz udu
  • 2(u) kusz masz2
  • 3(disz) kusz sila4
  • kiszib3 lugal-ma2-gur8-re ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta ensi2-ke4 ba-an-dab5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) mu-du3

    AI Translation
  • 55 sheep-hides,
  • 20 buck goat hides,
  • 3 lamb-hides,
  • under seal of Lugal-magure, from Lu-Shara the governor took; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469548: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) (kusz)ummu3#
  • 3(disz) (kusz)a-ga2-la2
  • ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 10 suckling sheep skins,
  • 3 agala-skins,
  • from Lu-Shara;



    kiszib3 ensi2 mu en (d)inanna masz2-e i3 pa3#

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna by goat was smeared."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469549: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) kusz udu a-gar gu7-a
  • nibru(ki)-sze3 de6 ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta# kiszib3 ensi2

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep-hides, tanned,
  • to Nippur, from Lu-Shara, under seal of the governor;



    mu en (d)inanna masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    year: "The en-priestess of Inanna by goat was chosen."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469550: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) kusz masz2 ge6
  • 2(disz) kusz udu siki _sar_
  • 1(u) kusz [...] kusz [...]
  • 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • (gesz#)gigir-ra sag-ri-a u3 szu du11-du11-ga

    AI Translation
  • 4 hides of black goats,
  • 2 sheep-hides, wool, ...,
  • 10 hides ... hides .
  • 5 workdays, male laborers,
  • The chariot, the head and the hand of the king


  • 6(disz) kusz udu masz2 hi-a
  • pisan? (szu)-dul9 saga# si-ge4-de3 ur-e2-mah szu ba-ti

  • 2(disz) _ka_-_gar 2_(disz) sila3
  • ki lu2-(d)szara2-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti (d)li9-si4 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation
  • 6 sheep-hides,
  • Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx x

  • 2 ..., 2 sila3
  • from Lu-Shara, under seal of the governor; month: "Lisi," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469551: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal-e si-mu-ru-um(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Ibbi-Suen, the king, Simurrum destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)szara2 dumu a-kal-la aszgab-gal

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, son of Akalla, chief weaver.

    P469552: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) kusz udu
  • (gi)pisan sag-ga2 ba-a-si ki lu2-(d)szara2

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep-hides,
  • Basket with a head reed, from Lu-Shara;

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469553: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    ki a-a-[kal-la-ta] kiszib3 lu2-(d)szara2

    AI Translation

    from Ayakalla, under seal of Lu-Shara;



    iti sze-kar-gal2-la mu en (d)inanna# masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna by goat was chosen."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)szara2 dub-sar dumu da-da-ga

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, scribe, son of Dadaga.

    P469554: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gin2 la2 2(u) sze ku3-sig17
  • 1/2(disz) gin2 la2 1(disz@t)? sze ku3-babbar
  • (uruda)gag gal-ta gar lu2-du10-ga szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels less 20 grains of gold,
  • 1/2 shekel less 1 grain silver,
  • from a large copper scepter, received by Lu-duga;



    iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu si-mu#-[ru-um](ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "House-month-6," year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P469555: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    [...]-um lu2#-(d)szara2 [...]-ke4 in-la2 iti# (d)li9-si4 mu# en (d)inanna masz2#-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    ... Lu-Shara ... has weighed out. Month: "Lisi," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna by means of goat was chosen."

    P469556: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    kiszib3 ensi2-[ka] [...]

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor ...;

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, mighty king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    da-da-ga ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P469557: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) kusz [...]
  • 1(disz) kusz [...]
  • ki gu-[du-du-ta] kiszib3 [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 hide of ...,
  • 1 hide of ...,
  • from Gududu, under seal of ...;

    P469558: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    lu2-(d)szara2 dumu a-kal-la aszgab-gal

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, son of Akalla, chief weaver.

    P469559: administrative tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) masz2-gal_
  • _1(disz) me 5(u) 2(disz) udu-nita2 hi-a_
  • _1(disz) me 1(gesz2) 2(u) 9(disz) u8 hi-a_
  • _1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) sila4-gub_
  • _5(u) 2(disz) kir11-gub_
  • _szunigin 4(disz) me 1(gesz2) 1(u) 1(disz) udu hi-a_ _gab2-us2_ a-li-pu-u2 (disz)(d)szu-bu-la-a-bu-um _ir3 e2_ u3 gur-ru-du-um _aga-usz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 billy goats,
  • 142 sheep,
  • 119 ewes,
  • 96 lambs,
  • 52 sucklings,
  • total: 411 sheep, ..., slave of Alipu: Shublabuum, the owner of the house and Gurrudum, the steward;



    sza _[geme2]-(d#)utu#_ _dumu-[munus_ ia]-ku-un-ha-ra-ri [_si-la2_] i-na szu-na-na(ki) [_giri3_ x] zi ha x du [u3] i3-li2-ra-bi _iti_ tam2#-hi#-ri _u4 6(disz)-kam_ _mu alan# ku3#-sig17_ sza da#-du#-sza

    AI Translation

    of the woman Shamash, daughter of Yakun-harari, the rent in Shunana, via ... and Ili-rabi. The month Tamhiru, the day 6 of the year in which the statue of gold was erected.

    P469560: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(asz) sze gur_
  • sza x x? gi za tum _sza3-bi 2(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) sze (gur)_ im-ta-ha-ar

  • _4(ban2) sze_
  • (disz)si2-ia-tum

    AI Translation
  • 3 kor of barley,
  • of ... reeds, ..., its inside: 2 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 barley, he received.

  • 4 seahs of barley,
  • Siatum 797 BC.



    ra-bi-a-num a-na (a-na)-pa-ni-(d)suen-na-di esz3-nun-na(ki) id-di-in _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu ama-ar-gi ki-en-gi uri3_

    AI Translation

    for the great one to Ana-pani-Sin-nadi of Eshnunna gave. The month of Abu, the day 1, the year "Amargu of Sumer and Akkad."



    i-na sza ta-asz-pu-ra sin-i-qi2-sza-am

    AI Translation

    As you wrote, her debts are paid.

    P469561: administrative tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [pu-ha]-at _1(barig) ((gur)) sze_ [u3] _1(asz) gu2 siki_ [sza] mu-tu-am-na-nu-um [isz]-pu-ru-ma [i]-na# ud-kib-nun-na(ki) _[(disz)]geme2-(d)utu_ _[dumu]-munus#_ ia-ku-un-ha-ra-ri

    AI Translation

    he has received from Mutu-amnanum 1 barig of barley and 1 talent of wool, and in Udkununna, from Geme-shamash, daughter of Yakun-harari.



    [im]-hu-ru [szi]-im# _1(barig) sze 1(asz) gu2 siki_ [(disz)]mu-tu-am-na-nu-um [ma]-hi-ir

    AI Translation

    ... he will pay 1 barig of barley and 1 talent of wool to Mutu-amnanum.

    Seal 1


    mu#-ti-am7-na-nu-um _dumu#_ su-mu-akszak(ki) [_ARAD_] da#-an-nu-um-ta-ha-az

    AI Translation

    Mutiamnanum, son of Sumukshak, servant of Dannum-tahaz.

    P469562: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • _masz2 (d)utu_ u2-s,a-ab# _ki_ (d)suen-ri-im-u2-ri-im _dumu_ e2-babbar-lu-mur (disz)akszak(ki)-sze-[mi] _dumu_ ir3-ra-ha-[bi-it] (disz)((u3)) be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ bu-si-[ia dam]-a#-ni# u3 el-lu-ra-tum ma-ra-su2#-[nu] _szu-ba-an-ti-mesz_ a-na it-ti-szu-nu _ku3-babbar u3 masz2-bi_ _i3-la2-e-mesz#_

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 mina of silver
  • the interest of Shamash he shall pay. With Sîn-rim-uri, son of Ebabbar-lumur, Akshak-shemi, son of Irra-habit, Belshunu, daughter of Busiya, his wife, and Ellumuratum, their attendants, silver and interest he shall pay.



    _igi_ su-pa-pu-um _dumu_ li-x-[x]-ia# _igi_ t,a3-ab-s,i2-la-szu _dumu_ (d)utu-tab#-ba#-[we-di] _igi_ ia-ha-tu _dumu_ si2-ni-ia# _igi_ e-la-li _dumu_ sin-sze-mi _igi_ i-in-a-bi-szu _dumu_ sin-ga-mil _igi_ ir3-ku-bi _dumu_ szu-pi2-sza-a _igi_ ri-isz-ir3-ra _dumu_ bu-bu-um _igi_ dingir-szu-illat-su2 _dumu_ sin-i-di2-nam _igi_ (d)utu-tab-ba-szu _in-sar_ _mu_ ra-pi2-qum(ki) (disz)i-pi2-iq-(d)iszkur _ba-dab_

    AI Translation

    before Suppum, son of Li...ia; before Tab-shillashu, son of Shamash-tabbawedi; before Iahatu, son of Siniya; before Elali, son of Sin-shemi; before Inabishu, son of Sin-gamil; before Irkubi, son of Shu-pisha; before Rishira, son of Bubuum; before Ilshu-illatsu, son of Sin-iddinam; before Shamash-tabbash, inscribed name of Rapiqum: Ipiq-Adad, the satrap.



    _iti_ e-lu-nim

    AI Translation

    Elunum month



    _dub 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ _masz2 (d)utu_ u2-s,a-ab _ki_ (d)suen-ri-im-u2-ri-im _dumu_ e2-babbar-lu-mu-ur (disz)akszak(ki)-[sze-mi _dumu_] ir3#-ra-ha-bi-it (disz)be-le-su2-nu# [_dumu-munus_ bu-si]-ia _dam!-a-ni_ u3 el-lu-[ra-tum] ma#-ra-su2-nu _szu-ba-an-ti-mesz_ a-na it-ti-szu-nu i-na _kar_ ia#-[...] _ku3-babbar u3 masz2-bi i3-la2-e-mesz#_

    AI Translation

    a tablet of 2/3 mina of silver, the interest of Shamash, he will pay. With Sîn-rim-urim, son of Ebabbar-lumur, Akshak-shemi, son of Irra-habit, Belessunu, daughter of Busiya, his wife, and Ellumuratum, their dowry, in the port of Ya-..., the silver and its interest he shall pay.



    [_igi_] su#-pa#-pu#-um _dumu_ li#-[x]-x-ia _igi#_ t,a3-ab-s,i2-la-szu# [_dumu_ (d)]utu-tab-ba-we-di# [_igi_ ia]-ha#-tu# _dumu_ si2-ni#-ia [_igi_ ir3-ku]-bi _dumu_ szu-pi2-sza [_igi_ e]-la#-li _dumu_ (d)suen-sze-mi [_igi_ i]-in#-a-bi-szu [_dumu_] (d)suen-ga-mil [_igi_] dingir-szu-illat-su2 _dumu_ (d)suen-i-di2-nam _igi#_ ri-isz-ir3-ra _dumu_ bu-bu-um _mu_ ra-pi2-qum(ki) (disz)i-pi2-iq-(d#)iszkur _ba-dab_ _(disz)(d)utu-tab-ba-szu in-sar_

    AI Translation

    Before Suppum, son of Li...ia; before Tab-shillashu, son of Shamash-tabbawedi; before Iahatu, son of Siniya; before Irkubi, son of Shu-pisha; before Elali, son of Sîn-shemi; before Ina-abishu, son of Sîn-gamil; before Ilshu-illatsu, son of Sîn-iddinam; before Rishira, son of Bubuum; inscribed in the name of Rapiqum. Ipiq-Adad, the scribal school of Shamash-tabashu.

    P469657: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 2(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • 1(disz) sa szum2
  • szu-ma-ma ka-us2-sa2

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • 2(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • 1(disz) sa szum2
  • ha-ba-ad gaba-ta

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 bundle onions,
  • Shu-Mama, the ka'usa;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 bundle onions,
  • Habad, from the frontier;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Human
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 bundel onions:
  • Shu-Mama, the ka'usa;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 bundel onions:
  • Habad, the gaba-ta;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Reverse

  • 2(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • 1(disz) sa szum2
  • kur-bi-la-ak ka-us2-sa2 szunigin 1(ban2) la2 1(disz) sila3 kasz szunigin 6(disz) sila3 ninda szunigin 6(disz) gin2 i3 szunigin 6(disz) gin2 naga szunigin 3(disz) sa szum2 u4 2(u)-kam iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 bundle onions,
  • Kurbilak, the ka'usa; total: 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer; total: 6 sila3 bread; total: 6 shekels oil; total: 6 shekels alkali-plant; total: 3 bundles onions; 20th day, month: "Harvest," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 bundel onions:
  • Kurbilak, the ka'usa; total: 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer, total: 6 sila3 bread, total: 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 beer, total: 6 shekels alkali-plant, total: 3 bundles onions; 20th day, month: "Harvest," year after: "Martu-Wall was erected."

    P469659: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gurusz u4 5(disz)-sze3
  • nibru(ki)-sze3 i3 ga e2 uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)#? x

  • 3(disz) gurusz u4 2(disz)-sze3
  • nibru(ki)-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 1 male laborer for 5 days,
  • to Nippur, oil, cheese, house of the ushur ...;

  • 3 male laborers for 2 days,
  • to Nippur

  • 1 male laborer for 5 days,
  • to Nippur butter oil and cheese ...;

  • 3 male laborers for 2 days,
  • to Nippur



    in-bul5-bul5 il-la ugula x-ga-la kiszib3 lu2-kal-la mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    inbulbul, illa, foreman: ...gala, under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."


    ...-straw carried; foreman: ...-gala; under seal of Lukalla; year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e

    AI Translation

    Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e.


    Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E'e.

    P469660: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3 niga saga us2
  • 2(disz) udu
  • 1(disz) ud5
  • 4(disz) sila4
  • AI Translation
  • 1 female kid, barley-fed, second quality,
  • 2 sheep,
  • 1 nanny goat,
  • 4 lambs,
  • Human
  • 1 female kid, grain-fed, fine, second quality,
  • 2 sheep,
  • 1 nanny,
  • 4 lambs,
  • Reverse


    ki szu-ma-ma-ta (d)szul-gi-iri-mu szu ba-ti iti ses-da-gu7 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-irimu received; month: "Piglet feast," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."


    from Shu-Mama did Shulgi-irimu receive; month: "Piglet-feast," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."


  • 8(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 8.
  • Human
  • total: 8.
  • P469661: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P469662: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i3-na-ab(ki) i3-me-a kiri8-tab nu-me-a men ku3 i3-me-a aga ku3 nu-me-a szim ku3 i3-me-a (gesz)erin ku3 nu-me-a mun ku3 i3-me-a naga ku3 nu-me-a gesz du11-du11-ga ne su-ub-ba i3-me-a sza3-tum2-sza3-tum2-ma tu-da i3-me-a ad-da-ab-ba (gesz)erin ku3-ga-me-en bil2-ga (gesz)mesz3-me-en ama ad (gesz)erin babbar-ra-me-en su ha-szu-ur2-ra-me-en u4-ba iri-iri-a kur nam-nun-na-kam i3-na-ab(ki) iri-iri-a kur nam-nun-na-kam ensi2 i3-na-ab(ki)-a tigi-szem5-(kusz)a2-la2-a dam-a-ni sza3-ge-guru7 mu-ni he2-en-na-nam

    dumu-ni [...]-da-gur-ra-am3 _an_ [...]-na-ka mu-ni he2-en-na-nam iri-da-e-ne gu na-la2-e-ne i3-na-ab(ki) iri-da-e-ne gu na-la2-e-ne gu na-la2-e-ne masz mu-un-sar-sar-ne masz-e lu2-ulu3-gin7 gesz mu-un-ra-ra-ne u4 ne u4 ten-na um-ma-te-a-ra ki nig2-ba-ka um-ma-te-a-ra igi (d)|_sze3-lil-du_| nig2-ba na-ni-ga2-ga2 nig2-ba lu2 dam tuku 2(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 nig2-ba lu2 dumu tuku 3(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 nig2-ba gurusz sag-dili 1(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 (d)mar-tu dili-ni 2(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 (d)mar-tu ama ugu-ni-ir

    e2-a ba-an-szi-ku4 gu3 mu-na-de2-e iri-ga2 gu5-li-gu10-ne-me-en dam ba-an-tuku-tuku-me-esz du10-sa-gu10-ne-me-en dam ba-an-tuku-tuku-me-esz iri-ga2 gu5-li-gu10-ne-gin7 dam nu-tuku-me-en dam nu-tuku-me-en dumu nu-tuku-me-en gesz-szub us2-sa dirig gu5-li-ga2-sze3 masz du10-sa bi2-dab5 dirig du10-sa-ga2-sze3 u4 ne u4 te-en-na um-ma-te-a-ra ki nig2-ba-ka um-ma-te-a-ra igi (d)|_sze3-lil-du_| nig2-ba na-ni-ga2-ga2 nig2-ba lu2 dam tuku 2(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 nig2-ba lu2 dumu tuku 3(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2

    nig2-ba gurusz sag-dili 1(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 (d)mar-tu dili-ni 2(disz)-am3 i3-ga2-ga2 (d)mar-tu ama ugu-ni-ir e2-a ba-an-szi-ku4 gu3 mu-na-de2-e ama-gu10 dam tuku-ba-ab nig2-ba-gu10 ga-mu-ra-de6 (d)mar-tu ama ugu-ni mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 (d)su-he-nun-na-gu10 na ga-e-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-dab5 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu igi il2-la-zu dam tuku-ba-ni-ib sza3-ge guru7-zu dam tuku-ba-ni-ib szu-tab ze2-ga2 gi4-in [...] iri-da-za e2-bi du3-du3-a (gesz)kiri6 [...] du10-sa-za pu2 ba-e-ni-ba-al

    (d)mar-tu lu2 du10-sa-[...] u4-ba iri-a iri-a ezem gu3 bi2-ib-ra i3-na-ab(ki) iri-a ezem gu3 bi2-ib-ra ga2-nam-ma gu5-li ga-re7-en-de3-en ga-ba-e-re7-en-de3-en e2 kasz i3-na-ab(ki)-a ga-re7-en-de3-en ga-ba-e-re7-en-de3-en (d)nu-musz-da-x ezem-ma mu-[...] dumu ki ag2-ga2-ni dad-gar-ki-du10 ezem-ma mu-un-[...] dam-a-ni (d)nam-ra-at munus sa6-ga ezem-ma mu-un-[...] iri-a szem5 zabar zi-ig-za-ag [...]-za (kusz)a2-la2 7(disz)-e szeg11 mu-da-an-gi4 nita x-ne en ib2-la2-ne e2-geszpu2-sze3 mu-na-da-an-ku4-ku4

    e2 i3-na-ab(ki)-a-ka hu-mu-na-ab-sa2-e i3-na-ab(ki) iri ezem gal2-la-sze3 u6 di-de3 ba-gub i3-na-ab(ki) iri ezem gal2-la-sze3 u6 di-de3 ba-gub e-ne-ra bar ku3-ga i3-me-a-ke4-esz ka2 i3-na-ab(ki)-ka geszpu2 lirum-e (d)mar-tu kisal mah-a du10 i-ni-in-bad ur-sag kal-ga mu-na-ab-kin-kin-e ur-sag kal-ga mu-na-ab-zi-zi-i (d)mar-tu kisal mah du10 i-ni-bad x gul-gul-e 1(asz)-ta bi2-ra kisal mah me3-e nig2-la2-e bi2-in-la2 kisal i3-na-ab(ki) ad6 im-il2-il2-e (d)nu-musz-da (d)mar-tu hul2-la-e

    ku3 mu-un-na-ba-e szu nu-um-ma-gid2-i-de3 za mu-un-na-ba-e szu nu-um-ma-gid2-i-de3

  • 2(disz)-kam ur5-am3 um-ak-e
  • 3(disz)-kam ur5-am3 um-ak-e
  • ku3-zu me-da tum3 za-zu me-da tum3 (d)mar-tu-me-en dumu-zu ga-ba-ab-tuku [...] dumu-zu ga-ba-ab-tuku [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] amar nig2-mussa dam mu-ni-[...] ab2-ga amar he2-em-mi-ib-gu7 tur3-ba gu4-ab2-ba-bi hu-mu-un-szi-nu2-e ab2 x x-ba-ka he2-em-mi-tusz amar-bi a2 zi-da-bi he2-em-mi-tusz ur5-re ur5-ur5-re inim ha-ba-ni-gar-re-en dad-gar-ki-du10 _ka_ dumu-gu10 ga-mu-ra-ab-szum2 sila4 nig2-mussa dam mu-ni-[...] u8-ga sila4 he2-em-mi-ib-gu7 amasz-ba [...] hu-mu-un-szi-nu2-e

    sila4-bi gab2-bu-bi he2-em-mi-tusz ur5-re ur5-ur5-re inim ha-ba-ni-gar-re-en dad-gar-ki-du10 _ka_ dumu-gu10 ga-mu-ra-ab-szum2 masz2 nig2-mussa dam mu-ni-[...] ud5-ga masz2 he2-em-mi-ib-gu7 unu-ba masz2-ud5-da-bi hu-mu-un-szi-nu2-e ud5-de3 masz2-bi [...] he2-em-mi-tusz masz2-bi [...] he2-em-mi-tusz ur5-re ur5-ur5-re inim ha-ba-ni-gar-re-en dad-gar-ki-du10 dumu-gu10 ga-mu-ra-ab-szum2 [...] gal-gal-e ba-ni-in-x x x x-e-gin7 gu3 bi2-in-ra kar i3-na-ab(ki)-ka mu-ni-in-x ab-ba-ab-ba-ar i3-na-ab(ki)-a

    (gesz)rab3 ku3-sig17-ka mi2 im-ma-ni-in-du11 um-ma-um-ma-ar i3-na-ab(ki)-a [...] (tug2)bar-si ku3-sig17-ga mi2 im-ma-ni-in-du11 gurusz munus x i3-na-ab(ki)-ke4-ne [...] x x x ku3-sig17-ka mi2 im-ma-ni-in-du11 _arad2_-_arad2_ x i3-na-ab(ki)-ke4-ne x x A mi2 im-ma-ni-in-du11 (tug2)x gun3-a mi2 im-ma-ni-in-du11 geme2-geme2 i3-na-ab(ki)-ke4-ne (dug)|_kin-gisz_| ku3-babbar mi2 im-ma-ni-in-du11 u4 ba-hi-a di nu-til-le-dam a2-sze szu-bi ha-lam ulutim2 (ugu)ugu4-bi an-zil gu7 (d)nanna-kam ni2 nu-tuku

    nig2-gig e2 dingir-re-e-ne-kam galga-bi mu-un-lu3-lu3 szu suh3-a du11-ga lu2 (kusz)lu-ub2 mur10-a [...] za-lam-gar ti tum9 szeg14 [...] siskur nu-mu-un-du11-ga hur-sag-ga2 tusz-e ki dingir-re-ne nu-zu-a lu2 uzu-dirig kur-da mu-un-ba-al-la du10 gam nu-zu-am3 uzu nu-sze6-ga2 al-gu7-e u4 ti-la-na e2 nu-tuku-a u4 ba-ug7-a-na ki nu-tum2-mu-dam ma-la-gu10 (d)mar-tu ta-am3 an-tuku-tuku-un ma-la-ga-ni dad-gar-ki-du10 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 (d)mar-tu ga-ba-an-tuku-tuku i3-na-ab(ki) u2-lum a-lam-ma

    AI Translation

    Innab I did not know, the kiritab I did not know, the holy scepter I did not know, the holy aga I did not know, the holy cedar I did not know, the holy juniper I did not know, the holy mash I did not know, the holy nagara I did not know, the shatum-shatum tree I did not know, the shatum-shatum tree I did not know, the shatum tree I did not know, the father I did not know, the white cedar tree I did not know, the mother of the father I did not know, the white cedar tree I did not know, at that time, the city, the land of princely majesty I did not know, the governor of Inab, the tigi-shem-ala tree his wife, the shuba tree his name, may it be.

    ... his son ... ... ... his name may he proclaim. The cities, the ...s, the ...s, Inab, the cities, the ...s, the ...s, the ...s, the ...s, the ...s, the ...s, the ...s, the days, the days, the nights, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the days, the men, the women, the two-fold, the ..., the ..., the three-fold, the ..., the male laborers, the head-stock, the one-fold, the days, the two-fold, the days, the days, the Marduk, the mother, upon him,

    "He went to the house, he spoke to me, saying: "In my city I have no wife, I have no husband, I have no children." In my city I have no wife, I have no husband, I have no children. In the reed bed of the reed bed of the reed bed, I have taken a good buck. In the reed bed of the reed bed, I have gone to the place of the reed bed. Before Sheildu, I have gone to the place of the reed bed. I have gone to the place of the reed bed. I have gone to the man who has a wife, I have gone to the man who has a son, I have gone to the man who has a son, I have gone to the man who has a third child.

    The property of the young man is one thing, he is one thing, and Martu is two things, he is one thing. Martu, the mother, to his left, entered the house. He spoke to him: "My mother, if she has a wife, I will give that property to him." Martu, the mother, to his left, he has returned to him. My Suhenuna, if she has a husband, let me take a wife, let me speak to him. My words, if your intelligence is seen, if she has a wife, if your heart is heart is heart, if your hand is swollen, ... in your city, the house built, the orchard ... is well.

    Mardu, the good man, ... At that time, the city, the city festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the city Inab, the city festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, Numushda... festival, his beloved son Dadgar-kidu festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the woman Namrat, the beautiful woman, the festival, the festival, the festival, the bronze ..., the seven leather bags he returned to the city, the man who ..., the lord who resides in the house, he entered.

    In the house of Inab I shall bring them. Inab, the city of the festival, the lion stands there. Inab, the city of the festival, the lion stands there. Now, in the holy gate of Inab, the geshpu-offerings are poured out. Martu, the great courtyard, he built for him. The mighty warrior he smote. The mighty warrior he smote. Martu, the great courtyard, he built for him. He destroyed ... and destroyed it. The great courtyard, he smote with fire. In the courtyard, he smote the dead. Numush, Martu, rejoices.

    He has sworn by the silver, he has not sworn by the hand. He has sworn by the name of the woman, he has not sworn by the hand.

  • The second, he will measure the copper.
  • 3rd tablet of Ur-am, he has weighed out.
  • You are precious, you are precious, you are Martu. I want to give your son to you. I want to give your son to you. ...

    They sat down on their lambs, and they sat down on their whole lambs. They sat down on their ..., and they said "I want to give you my son." Dadgarkidu ... my son, ... the goats of the nigmussa-offerings of the wife ... The goats ate the goats. In the utensils, the goats ate the goats. The goats ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... In Inab

    He commanded the silver rab-throne. He commanded the silver ...-garments of Inab. He commanded the gold ...-garments of the young men of Inab. He commanded the gold ...-garments of the young men of Inab. He commanded the silver ...-garments of the slaves of ... Inab. He commanded the silver ...-garments of the female slaves of Inab. He commanded the silver ...-jars of the days of the dead, the judgments of the dead, the limbs of the limbs, the limbs of the limbs, the limbs of the limbs of the limbs of Nanna, who have no fear.

    The ill-wishes of the temples were smeared with a smeared hand. The man with a smeared hand ... The zalaggar ... the smeared ... did not say a siskur prayer. In the mountains, where the gods do not know, the man with a smeared thigh ... did not know, the thigh did not eat, the thigh did not eat, and the thigh did not eat. When he had a day of life, he did not know the house, and the day of death did not know, my lady, Martu, has given me a name, and his lady, Dadgarkidu, has returned to him. Martu, I will give him a name. Inab, the ulum of the land,

    P469663: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    zi-ga u5-bi2 zi-ga u5-e-de3-en zi-ga u5-bi2 i-lu er2-ra sze?-er? dadag-ga ma2-gur8 ri-de3 gurusz-me-en (gesz)u3 tug2-gin7 tug2-gin7 ni2-gu10 ba-ra-dul?-me-en ma2-gur8-re gurusz ma2-gur8 ri-da-ni szu gid2-da gurusz (d)da-mu-gu10 ma2-gur8 ri-da-ni szu gid2-da (d)isztaran igi szuba-ke4 ma2-gur8 ri-da-ni szu gid2-de3 dal-la u3-mu-un sa-par3-ra ma2-gur8 ri-da-ni szu gid2-de3 (d)lugal-szudx(_ka_)-de3 ma2-gur8 ri-da-ni szu gid2-de3 u3-mu-un-mu-zi-da-ke4 ma2-gur8 ri-da-ni szu gid2-de3

    nin9 ban3-da-a-ni (gesz)u5 ma2-ka szir3-re-esz mu-un-na-ab-be2 nin9 gal-a-ni u3 ma2-ka du5 mu-un-na-bad ga-ba-de3-u5 ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ma2-gur8-zu ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ga-ba-de3-u5 ma2-gur8 giri17-zal-la-zu ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ga-ba-de3-u5 ma2-sag-ta i-lu gu3 mu-un-na-be2 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 ma2-egir-za ga-mu-ra-gaz?-gaz? szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 (gesz)u5 ma2-egir-ra-zu gudug ba-an-tusz i-lu mu-un-dab5-be2 ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ga-ba-de3-u5

    gurusz (d)da-mu-gu10 ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 (d)isztaran igi szuba-ke4 ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 dal-la u3-mu-un sa-par3-ra ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 (d)lugal-szudx(_ka_)-de3 ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 (d)lugal-ki-bur2-ra ga-be2-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 da2-de3-u5 u3-mu-un-mu-zi-da-ke4 ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz ga-ba-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ma2-gur8-zu ga-ba-e-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ga-ba-e-de3-u5 ma2-gur8 giri17-zal-la-zu ga-ba-e-de3-u5 szesz-gu10 ga-ba-e-de3-u5 gal5-la2 hul murub4-ba ti-la

    (d)lugal-ki-sun5-na gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e (d)lugal-ki-sun5-na nin9-zu-sze3 igi bar [...] (d)lugal-ki-sun5-na nin9-sze3 igi bar-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e mu-de3-u5 mu-de3-u5 za-e ta u5-de3 nin gal5-la2 mu-de3-u5 za-e ta u5-de3 lu2 nig2 ra-ah-ha mu-de3-u5 za-e ta u5-de3 lu2 szu du3-gu10 mu-de3-u5 za-e ta u5-de3 lu2 a2 la2-gu10 mu-de3-u5 za-e ta u5-de3 i7-kur-ra-ke4 a nu-de2 a-bi nu-mu-un-na-na8-na8 a-sza3 kur-ra-ke4 sze nu-de2 zid2 nu-mu-un-na-ab-gu7-x udu kur-ra-ke4 siki nu-de2 tug2 nu-mu-un-na-ab-_tuku5_-_tuku5_

    ge26-e ama-gu10 i7-gin7 mu-un-ba-al-la2-asz a-gu10 ba-ra-mu-un-nag (gesz)szinig-gin7 a szu-nim ba-ra-mu-un-de2 gissu-gu10 ba-ra-an-_ku_-_ku_ (gesz)geszimmar-gin7 zu2-lum il2-la-gu10 hi-li-bi nu-ma-ra-_ka gan2_-am3 gal5-la2-gu10 mu-de3?-ra-he za-e gu3 bi-ra-ra gesz-szu szu-gu10 im-mi-gar za-e gu3 bi-ra-ra gesz-gu2 gu2-gu10 im-mi-gar za-e gu3 bi-ra-ra (d)ama-szilam-ma (d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e gal5-la2 sza3 gig-ga ag2 he2-gid2-i ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e

    [...] szu-gu10 ga-mu-na-ab-x ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e [...] szu-gu10 ga-mu-na-ab-x ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e (na4)za-gin3 di4-di4-la2 ur2-gu10 ga-mu-na-ab-x ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e x (na4)za-gin3-gu10-gin7 ur2-gu10 ga-mu-na-ab-x ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e [...] ki ag2-ga2-me-en ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e i3-ak-ke2-esz i3-ak-ke2-esz ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e szesz-gu10 i3-ak-ke2-esz mah-bi i3-ak-ke2-esz ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e szagar ba-an-tuku ninda ma-ra-an-ze2-er ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e

    enmen2 ba-an-tuku a ma-ra-an-ze2-er ki-sze-er-ra ab-tuku-e gal5-la2 hul murub4-ba ti-la gal5-la2 ku3-zu gal5-la2 gal-bi murub4-ba ti-la lu2 (gesz)ma2-sag-ga2-ke4 lu2 (gesz)ma2-egir-ra-ke4 gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e gesz na-an-zi gesz na-an-zi szesz-ra u5-de3 nin-e (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra u5-de3 (d)ama-szilamx(_tur3_) (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra u5-da-a-ni gu3 an-na ba-te gu3 ki-ta ba-te gu3 szu nigin2-na gal5-la2 gal-bi i7-da mu-da-gar uri2(ki)-am3 gu3 de2 an-ta-gu10 e2-za gi-bi e2-za gi-bi iri e2-za gi-bi

    esz3 uri2(ki)-ma e2-za gi-bi iri e2-za gi-bi en-zu ge6-par3-ta ba-ra-e3-a iri e2-za gi-bi [...] x x x x x x [...] x [...] x [...] gidru ku3 [...] tug2-ba13 ku3 [...] aga ku3 sag-ga2 [...] gidru za-gin3-na [...] i7 sug4 i7 hul2?-la? [...] e2-ba la-ba-te-te [...] ki (d)erisz-ki-gal-la-ka [...] ge26-e ama-gu10 ki ag2-ga2-ni-ta [...] za-e gal5-la2 gal-bi he2-me-en [...] nam-gu-za-la2 kur-ra-sze3 szu-zu [...] lugal-gu10? igi er2-ra nu-sze8-sze8-x balag sza3 hul2-la-ka-ni er2 [...]

    gen-na muszen-du3 e2 nig2 gar-ra-na i-lu-zu he-me en i-lu-zu he2-me te ba-ab-pel-e szu-ku6 tur-e e2 nig2 gar-ra-na i-lu-zu he2-me en i-lu-zu he2-me ta ba-ab-pel-e ama gudug ug5-ga ge6-par3-ra sug4-ga-na i-lu-zu he2-me en i-lu-zu he2-me ta ba-ab-pel-e ama nin-dingir ge6-par3-ra ba-ra-e3-x x i-lu-zu he2-me en i-lu-zu he2-me ta ba-ab-pel-e lugal-gu10 sag-zu sahar-ra nigin2-na-zu a tu5-a giri3-zu ki pel-la pel-la-zu e-sir2 [...] lugal-e sag-du sahar-ra nigin2-na-ni a mu-un-tu5

    giri3-bi ki pel-la pel-la-ni e-sir2 [...] e2-bi la-ba-te-ge26 [...] (gesz)gu-za-zu tusz-a [...] gesz-nu2 nu2-a hu-mu-[...] nig2-gu7 ka-a mi-ni-in-gu7 kurun2 suh-bi i3-nag ku3 gal (d)erisz-ki-gal-la za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    "I am the one who carries the ug-disease, I am the one who carries the ug-disease, I am the one who carries the ug-disease, I am the one who carries the ug-disease like a ug-disease, I am the one who carries the ug-disease, I am the one who carries the ug-disease, I am the one who carries the ug-disease, Ishtaran, the face of Shuba, the one who carries the ug-disease, the one who carries the sapar-disease, the one who carries the ug-disease, Lugal-shud, the one who carries the ug-disease, Unmuzida, the one who carries the ug-disease,

    The lady of the boat screamed, "The great lady, the boat ...!" "I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, my brother, I want to go, my brother, I want to go, my brother, I want to go, I want to go, my brother, I want to go, from the boat I want to go, my brother, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, I want to go, my brother, I want to go,

    I want to bring the young man Damu to you, I want to bring the brother to you Ishtaran, the face of Shuba, I want to bring the brother to you, I want to bring the sapar priest to you, I want to bring the brother to you Lugalshud, I want to bring the brother to you Lugalkibur, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring your boat to you, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my brother to you, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring my sacrificial rites, I want to bring

    Lugalkisuna spoke to him. Lugalkisuna, your sister, ... Lugalkisuna, your sister, ..., spoke to him. He spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he spoke to you, he did not know your father, he did not know your father, he did not know your field, he did not eat grain, he did not eat flour, he did not wear garments, he did not wear garments,

    My mother, like a river, was rushing, my water was not flowing, my shimnig-plant was not flowing, my bed was not flowing, my date palm was not ..., my field was ..., my field was ..., my ... was not ..., my ... was not ..., my ... was not ..., my ... was not ..., my ... was not ..., my ... was not ..., my ... was not ..., Amasilama and Ningeshzida were not ..., my ... was ..., my bitter heart was ..., my ... was ...,

    ... I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., I want to ..., my brother, I want to ...,

    The enmen had no power, he was able to pour water. He was able to pour water into the netherworld. The evildoer, in its middle, was able to live. The holyzu, in its middle, was able to live. The man who the boatman or the boatman spoke, the nanzi-doer, was able to live. The brother, in the boatman's boat, was able to live. The lady, in the boatman's boat, in his boat, the gulli of heaven was able to live. The one who from the earth was able to live, the one who from the earth was able to escape. The great gulli of the river was able to be rescued. Ur, my gulli of heaven, the reed of the house, the reed of the city, the reed of the house,

    In the shrine Ur, the temple, its reeds, the city, its reeds, from the lord's ..., the city, its reeds, ... ... ... a gold gidru ... a gold turban ... a gold crown ... a lapis lazuli gidru ... a reed ... a reed ... a reed ... ... a lapis lazuli ...

    The bird of the house, who has set it up, may your divinity be gone. May your lord, who has set it up, not come out. The small fish, who has set it up, may your divinity be gone. May your lord, who has set it up, not come out. The mother of the gudug, the poor, of the Gepar, may your divinity be gone. May your lord, who has set it up, not come out. The mother of the lady of the Gepar, ... may your divinity be gone. May your lord, who has set it up. My king, your head is covered in dirt, your feet are covered in dirt, his feet are covered in dirt. The king, his head is covered in dirt, his water is covered in dirt.

    Its feet are a place of rejoicing, its feet are a place of rejoicing. Its house is not to be rebuilt. ... Your throne is a place of rejoicing. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Great gold, Eriskimal, your praise is good.

    P469664: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    [...] im-ga2-ga2 [...] nam-lu2-ulu3-gu10 ha-lam-ma-bi-a ga-ba-ni-ib-[...] (d)nin-tu-ra nig2-dim2-dim2-ma-gu10 se3-se3-bi-a ga-ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 ug3 ki-ur3-bi-ta ga-ba-ni-ib-gur-ru-ne iri(ki) me-a-bi he2-em-mi-in-du3 gissu-bi ni2 ga-ba-ab-dub2-bu iri me-a szeg12-bi ki ku3-ga he2-em-mi-in-szub ki-esz-bar me-a ki ku3-ga he2-em-mi-ni-ib-ri ku3? A nig2 izi ten-na si mi-ni-in-si-sa2 garza me mah szu mi-ni-ib-szu-du7 ki a im-ma-ab-du11 silim ga-mu-ni-in-gar an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4

    sag ge6-ga mu-un-dim2-esz-a-ba nig2-gilim ki-ta ki-ta mu-lu-lu masz2-ansze nig2-ur2-4(disz) edin-na me-te-a-asz bi2-ib2-gal2

    AI Translation

    ... I ..., my people I shall make ... return to their place Nintur, I shall return my creations to their place I shall return the people from their ki'ur I shall build the city, I shall build its roof, I shall make its roof tremble, I shall destroy the city, I shall throw its bricks into the pure place, I shall throw the ... into the pure place, I shall make the pure water flow with a tenth fire, I shall make the holy dais shine with a magnificent divine power, I shall make the pure place shine with water, I shall make it shine with the pure place An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag

    he had made it for him at the beginning of the night, and the restitution from the earth to the earth, the slaughter of the livestock, and the restitution of the steppe, he had imposed.

    Surface b


    [...] mu-un-[...] [...] am3 [...] [...] x de5-ga ga-ba-ni-in-[...] du-lum-bi igi ga-ba-ni-ib-du8-du8-x x szidim kalam-ma-ke4 usz gi ha-ba-ab-ba-al u4 x x nam-lugal-la an-ta e11-de3-a-ba men mah (gesz)gu-za nam-lugal-la an-ta e11-a-ba garza me mah szu mi-ni-ib-szu-du7 iri-bi-e-ne szeg12-bi ki ku3-ga im-ma-an-da-szub mu-bi ba-an-sa4 kab du11-ga ba-hal-hal-la nesag iri-be2-e-ne eridu(ki) masz2-sag (d)nu-dim2-mud mi-ni-in-szum2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 nu-gig-ra bad3-tibira(ki) mi-ni-in-szum2
  • 3(disz)-kam-ma la-ra-ag (d)pa-bil2-sag mi-ni-in-szum2
  • 4(disz)-kam-ma zimbir(ki) szul (d)utu mi-ni-in-szum2
  • 5(disz)-kam-ma szuruppak (d)sud3(ki)-ra mi-ni-in-szum2
  • iri-be2-e-ne mu-bi ba-an-sa4-a kab du11-ga ba-hal-hal-la i7 _im gun2_? ma-an-szu4-am3 im-ma-al-la a im-ma-an-de6 i7 tur-tur-re szu luh-bi _nig2 har_-_har_ mi-ni-ib2-gar-gar

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kingship from above, supreme ... throne of kingship from above, supreme rites he performed. In their cities, the bricks of their holy places he smashed. Their name he destroyed, and the ... of their cities he destroyed. The nesag priests of Eridu, the mash priest of Nudimmud, gave.

  • for the 2nd time he gave Badtibira a nugig loan.
  • 3rd tablet: "Larag gave Pabilsag."
  • The 4th, Sippar, the well-being of Utu he gave to him.
  • 5th tablet of the szuruppak of Sud he gave.
  • The cities were smashed, the mouths were smashed, the river was flooded with ..., water was poured out, the small canal was flooded with ..., it was poured out.

    Surface c


    ki-tusz an-na x [...] e-[...] a-ma-ru [...] nam-lu2-ulu3 [...] ur5-gin7 bi2-in-ak [...] u4-bi-a (d)nin-tu [...] _dim2 a_ [...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ug3-bi-sze3 a-nir mu-un-ga2-ga2 (d)en-ki sza3 ni2-te-na-ke4 ad i-ni-in-gi4-gi4 an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 dingir an ki-ke4 mu an (d)en-lil2 mu-x-pa3 u4-ba zi-u4-su3-ra2 lugal-am3 gudug x [...] an sag nigin mu-un-dim2-dim2 en [...] nam-sun5-na inim se3-se3-ge ni2 te-ge26 [...] u4 szu2-usz-e sag us2 gub-ba [...] ma-mu2 nu-me-a e3-de3 inim bala [...]

    mu an ki-bi-ta pa3-pa3-de3 [...] ki?-ur3-sze3 dingir-re-e-ne e2-gar8 [...] zi-u4-su3-ra2 da-bi gub-ba gesz mu-un-tuku iz-zi-da a2 gab2-bu-gu10 gub-ba [...] iz-zi-da inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10 he2-dab5 na de5-ga-gu10 gizzal he2-em-szi-ak _dag_-me-a a-ma-ru ugu kab du11-ga [...] ba-ur3 [...] numun nam-lu2-ulu3 ha-lam-e-de3 nam-bi ba-tar di-til-la inim pu-uh2-ru-um-ma-ka szu gi4-gi4 nu-gal2 inim du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-la2-ka szu bala-e nu-zu nam-lugal-bi bala-bi ba-bur12 e-ne sza3 kusz2-u3-de3 e-ne-esz2 [...]

    a-na _mu_-_mu_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the dwelling of heaven ... ... the storm ... the people ... like a lion ... At that time, Nintu ... ... the holy Inanna, to its people he swore. Enki, in his womb, he swore. An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursaga, the gods of heaven and earth, the name of An and Enlil he ... At that time, the king, the gudug ... he fashioned. The lord ..., whose utterances are pleasing, he swore by a sigh of joy ... The storm, the storm,

    ... from the time of heaven and earth he made known ... to the ki'ur temple, the gods, the gate ... he sat down and listened to his prayer. Izzida, my ..., Izzida, I will speak to you. I will smite my words. May my words be accepted. May my words be accepted. May my ... be smashed. May the flood, which is a flood, be smashed. May the seed of the people be destroyed. May its fate be determined. In the midst of the rites, the rites of the puhrumma, the utterances of An and Enlil, the utterances of kingship, are not valid. Its kingship, the utterances of kingship, are dissolved.

    To ...

    Surface d


    im-hul-im-hul (tu15)si-si-ig du3-a-bi tesz2-bi i3-sug2-ge-esz a-ma-ru ugu kab du11-ga ba-an-da-ab-ur3-e u4 7(disz)-am3 ge6 7(disz)-am3 a-ma-ru kalam-ma ba-ur3-ra-ta (gesz)ma2 gur4-gur4 a gal-la im-hul tuk4-tuk4-a-ta (d)utu i-im-ma-ra-e3 an ki-a u4 ga2-ga2 zi-u4-su3-ra2 (gesz)ma2 gur4-gur4 ab-_bur2_ mu-un-da-buru3 szul (d)utu gesz-nu11-ni-da (gesz)ma2 gur4-gur4-sze3 ba-an-ku4-re-en zi-u4-su3-ra2 lugal-am3 igi (d)utu-sze3 giri17 ki su-ub ba-gub lugal-e gu4 im-ma-ab-gaz-e udu im-ma-ab-szar2-re

    [...] x si gal [...] sikil-la-da [...] x mu-un-na-x-x-ba [...] [...] bi2-in-si [...] x tab-ba [...] A x

    AI Translation

    The storm blew on its horns, it blew on its horns. The storm blew on the horizon. The 7th day, the 7th day, the storm blew on the Land. The boat, the large boat, the water blew on the horizon. Utu came out from the horizon. The storm was coming, the boat, the ... boat, blew on the horizon. The good Utu was seated on his bed, and the boat, the ... boat, was brought in. The storm was a king, before Utu stood, and the king sailed on the ground. The king smashed the ox, he killed the sheep.

    ... great ... ... pure ...

    Surface e


    zi an-na zi ki-a i3-pa3-de3-en-ze2-en za-zu-da he2-em-da-la2 an (d)en-lil2 zi an-na zi ki-a i3-pa3-de3-ze2-en za-da-ne-ne im-da-la2 nig2-gilim-ma ki-ta e11-de3 im-ma-ra-e11-de3 zi-u4-su3-ra2 lugal-am3 igi an (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 giri17 ki su-ub ba-gub an (d)en-lil2 zi-u4-su3-ra2 mi2-e-esz2? [...]-du11-[...] ti dingir-gin7 mu-un-na-szum2-mu zi da-ri2 dingir-gin7 mu-un-na-ab-e11-de3 u4-ba zi-u4-su3-ra2 lugal-am3 mu nig2-gilim-ma numun nam-lu2-ulu3 uru3 ak kur-bala kur dilmun-na ki (d)utu e3-sze3 mu-un-ti-esz

    za-e? x [...] ba x-bi ti-esz x

    AI Translation

    "I am the righteous one of heaven and earth, I shall be chosen by you." "May An and Enlil, I am the righteous one of heaven and earth, I shall be chosen by you." "The truths from the earth shall be revealed," "Today, the king, before An and Enlil, stood at the place where he was to be seated." "An and Enlil, today, he spoke." "... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a god, today, today, the king, today, the truths, the seed of the people, the city, the city, the lands of Dilmun, and the place of Utu he brought forth.

    P469665: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ug3-e udu-gin7 u2 ka-ba mu-ni-ib-gu7 u4 re-a (d)ezina2 sze gu nu-zu an-ne2 an-sza3-ta im-da-an-e11-de3 (d)en-lil2-le a2 dara3-gin7 hur-sag galam x-da e11-de3 igi mi-ni-ib-il2-il2-i igi-ni sig-sze3 mu-un-il2 a-ab-ba sug4-ga-am3 igi-nim-sze3 mu-un-il2 kur szim (gesz)erin-na-kam (d)en-lil2-le sze in-dub kur-re ba-an-szum2 he2-gal2 kalam-ma-ke4 in-x kur in-nu-ha x im-ma-an-szum2 hur-sag gal2 da13-da13 igi ba-ni-in-tab-tab (gesz)sag-kul-bi an ki x [...] (gesz)suhubx(|_szu-esz-di_|)-bi [...] x [...]

    _an_ [...] ma x _nig2_ [...] im?-mi-in-[...] u4-ba (d)nin-a-zu x _ka_ [...] szesz-a-ni (d)nin-ma-da-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e kur-sze3 ga-e-re7-en-de3-en [...] kur sze gu mu2-mu2 x [...] i7 hal-hal a ki-ta |_du-du_| x _am_? ma? x x x sze kur-ba ga-am3-ta-ab-e11-en-de3-en in-nu-ha ki-en-gi x x x [...] ki-en-gi sze nu-zu sze gi-bi2-[...] (d)nin-ma-da szudu3 an-na-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 nig2 a-a-me nu-mu-un-du11-ga [...] nig2 (d)en-lil2-le nu-mu-un-du11-ga [...] a-na-gin7-nam kur-sze3 i3-sub2-be2-en-de3-en

    sze kur-ba a-na-gin7-nam im-ta-ab-e11-de3-en-de3-en in-nu-ha ki-en-gi a-na-gin7-nam im-ma-ni-ib-ku4-en-de3-en ki-en-gi sze nu-zu a-na-gin7-nam im-bi2-ib-zu-zu-un-de3-en gen-na (d)utu an-na ga-ba-ni-re7-en-de3-en lu2 ba-nu2-a lu2 ba-nu2-a u3-sa2 ku-ku-nam ur-sag dumu (d)nin-gal lu2 ba-nu2-a u3-sa2 ku-ku-nam (d)utu (gesz)ig 1(gesz2) 1(u)-am3 szu mu-na-an-zi (d)utu (gesz)banszur? asz ki

    AI Translation

    The people ate like sheep, the grass was piled up. When the time arrived, the goddess Ezina, who does not know barley, came up from heaven. Enlil, like a fierce warrior, came up from the mountains to ..., and before him he stood up. He stood before the sea, and before him he stood up. The mountain of juniper and cedar, Enlil, gave barley. He gave the land grain, and the abundance of the land ... he gave it to the mountain. The mountain was ..., and its sagkul tree ..., its shub tree .

    ... ... ... At that time, Ninazu ... ... His brother Ninmada spoke to him: "I want to go to the netherworld" ... The netherworld, he grew up, ... The canal of the halhal canal, ... from the bottom of the watercourse ... I want to go to the netherworld, ... Sumer ... Sumer, he did not know, he ... the grain. Ninmada, the szudu priest of heaven, he sent to him. What I did not know, what Enlil did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know, what I did not know,

    "How did I bring the barley of that land to you?" "How did I bring the barley of that land to you?" "How did I bring the barley of Sumer to you?" "How did I bring the barley of Sumer to you?" "Come, Utu, let me come to you! A man who was born, a man who was born, a man who was born, a man who was born, a man who was born, Utu, the ten door bolts he hung. Utu, the table, the table of the heavens,

    P469666: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ab-ba na mu-un-de ab-ba na mu-un-de im ba-szeg3-ga2-ba e2-gar8 ba-gul-la-ba szika bar7-bar7-ra ba-szeg3-ga2-ba lu2-ra lu2 gi4-ba gaba ba-ri-a-ba mu ba-du11-ga-ba in-ga-an-du11 sze ba-su-ub-ba in-ga-an-su-ub u4 im-e ge26-e ga-szeg3 im-mi-in-du11-ga-ba u4 e2-gar8-e ge26-e ga-gul im-mi-in-du11-ga-ba u4 a-ma-ru ge26-e ga-ur3-ur3 im-mi-in-du11-ga-ba an in-du11 ki in-tu-u4 (u2)szumunda in-ga-an-tu-u4 ki in-tu-u4 an in-du11 (u2)szumunda in-ga-an-tu-u4 gi lum-lum-ma-ni izi ba-an-la2 ri-a-ri-a-bi gaba ba-ri-a-bi

    um-ma u4-da ba-ra-ab-tak4-a ab-ba u4-da ba-ra-ab-tak4-a gala-mah mu-da ba-ra-ab-tak4-a mu-lu a-ma-ru-ta ba-ra-ab-tak4-a (u2)szumunda kin-gi4-a ba-an-gaz kin-gi4-a ba-an-gaz sahar-tu11-be2 ba-tusz (u2)szumunda izi la2-la2 am3-me u2-du3-a-ni nu-ub-be2 u2 nu-mu-dub2-dub2-be2 u2 nu-mu-bur2-bur2-re u2 nu-mu-bur2-bur2-re ma-a? um-ma-an-du3 tukum mu-un-gub-be3 tukum mu-un-nu2-e izi um-ma-an-szum2 dagal-ba gen-na-ni (u2)szumunda ki-gub-ba-ni a-a sis-na izi ga-ba-gar ga-ba-gar im-ma-ni-in-du7-e

    szu im-ma-ni-in-du3 szu im-ma-ni-in-la2 inim ka-na um-ma-da-gal2-la ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4 uga(muszen) ba-e-dab5 ugu-ni-sze3 ba-gub sipa-de3 e-ze2-ni ma-a-a-ba mu-da-ab-szub ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4 uga(muszen) ba-e-dab5-ba im ba-szeg3-ga2-ba e2-gar8 ba-gul-la-ba szika bar7-bar7-ra ba-szeg3-ga2-ba (d)dumu-zi-de3 gaba ba-ri-a-bi im ba-da-szeg3 e2-gar8 ba-da-gul tur3 ba-da-gul amasz ba-da-bur12 i7-da a-ge6 hul ba-an-da-szub ambar-ra im-hul ba-an-da-szub x na-ag2 gada? (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-ke4

    (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-ke4 u2 gid2-da ba-an-mu2 u2 gid2-da _an_ x ag2 zu-a [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] u2-du3-a-ni mu-ub-be2 u2 mu-dub2-dub2-be2 (u2)szumunda izi la2 e-x [...] x (u2)szumunda izi la2 am3-ma-an-du3 izi la2 am3-ma-an-du3 en3 mu-un-na-tar-re ga-sza-an-an-na-ra (lu2)azlag tug2-ga-ni dan3-dan3-na ga-sza-an-an-na nagar (gesz)bala-e szu bi2-in-dab5-ba ga-sza-an-an-na bahar2-e (dug)sila3 am3-kir3-kir3 bahar2 (dug)utul2 ku3 mu-un-na-an-szum2 sipa-de3 e-ze2-ni mu-na-ab-ga

    sipa-de3 e-ze2-ni mu-na-ab-ga en3 mu-un-na-tar-re u2 giri17-zal u2 giri17-zal buru14-gin7 mu-na-ab-ga gu3 an-e ba-te gu3 ki-sze3 ba-te gu3 szu nigin2-na-ni an-ur2-ra tug2-gin7 im-mi-in-dul gada-gin7 im-mi-in-bur2 sag-du (u2)szumunda-ke4 (tum9)u18-lu-(tu15)u18-lu bi2-in-szub (u2)szumunda mu-zu [...] x-e u2 he2-me-en [...] u2 hul gig-ga he2-me-en [...] mu-zu [...]

    AI Translation

    "Where did the child grow up?" "Where did the child grow up?" "Where did the brickwork become destroyed?" "Where did the reed-bed become damaged?" "Where did the reed-bed become damaged?" "Where did the man go?" "Where did the man go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "Where did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?" "What did he go?"

    "Why did you not leave the day behind? Why did you leave the day behind? Why did you leave the galamah? Why did you not leave the day behind? Why did you leave the man from the sea behind? Why did you leave the shumunda? In the midst of the rumor, why did you leave the rumor behind? Why did you not leave the shumunda? Fire was not poured out, why did you not leave it? Why did you not leave it? Why did you not leave it? Why did you not leave it? Why did you not leave it? Why did you leave it wide? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it? Why did you leave it?

    He swore by his mouth that he was a slanderer. He stood over him, and the shepherd swore by his own name that he was a slanderer. He swore by his own mother that he was a slanderer. He swore by his own mother that he was a slanderer. He swore by the house that he had destroyed, and the treasury that he had destroyed, and the pigeons that he had destroyed, and Dumuzi had sworn by the mouth that he had destroyed, and the house that he had destroyed, and the sheepfold that he had destroyed, and the river that he had destroyed, and the marshes that he had destroyed, and the ... of the Tigris and the Euphrates

    The Tigris and Euphrates grew long grass. Long grass ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his sheep he grew. He grew the grass. He grew the shumunda-plant, the fire. ... ... ... shumunda-plant, the fire. He grew the fire. He grew it. He prayed to his mother, "Gashanana, his azlag-priest, "Gashanana, the carpenter, took the bala-boat." He grew the sila-vessel, grew the sila-vessel, grew the utul-vessel, he gave to him. The shepherd seized him.

    The shepherd sat down at his side, and he spoke to him. He sat down at his side like a wild bull, he sat down like a wild bull, like a pig, he sat down at his side like a lion. He sat down like a lion in the middle of heaven, he sat down like a lion in the middle of the earth. He sat down like a pig in the middle of the earth. He sat down like a pig's head, he sat down like a pig. He sat down like a pig. He sat down like a pig ... He sat down like a pig ... He sat down like a pig .

    P469667: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    am ur2-ra-am3 gun3-a e2-a-ni giri17-zal lugal-gu10 am ur2-ra-am3 gun3-a e2-a-ni giri17-zal (d)pa-bil2-sag am ur2-ra-am3 gun3-a e2-a-ni giri17-zal e2-a-ni e2 la-ra-ag giri17-zal-am3 e2-a-ni giri17-zal iri-ni iri a2 mah he2-gal2-la e2-a-ni giri17-zal ur-sag-e e2-a-ni e2 la-ra-ag(ki?) x en (d)pa-bil2-sag-ge26 iri-ni iri a2 mah x x ki u3-tu-da-ni esz3 nibru(ki) [...] ki ga zi gu7-a-ni e2 [...] ki ki sikil-ta ma x x x i3-si-in(ki)-na e2 sag-dili x x ki gu4-e gu2-da la2-a-ni gu4 szu ur2 gesz x

    mir-gin7 kiszi17-kiszi17-ta zi-ga-ni mir ni2-gal2-la-am3 ur-bar-ra-gin7 szubtum6-ta zi-ga-ni dum-dam-e ak-da pirig-gin7 eme sig-ta zi-ga-ni a-a dub2?-be2-dam u4-ba sza3-tum2-ma nam-dun mu-un-ak-e en-e sza3-tum2-ma nam-dun mu-un-ak-e en (d)pa-bil2-sag-ge26 sza3-tum2-ma nam-dun mu-un-ak-e sza3-tum2-sza3-tum2 i3-si-in(ki)-na-ke4 lugal-gu10 nam-dun mu-un-ak-e u4-ba lugal-gu10 nibru(ki)-sze3 na-gen ur-sag (d)pa-bil2-sag ki (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 du-a-ni du-a-ni e2-bi i3-si-in(ki)-na an-ta nam-mi-ib2-gi4

    u4-ba nin-gu10 i3-si-in(ki)-na sag a ba-ni-in-e3 e2 dagal-la e2 i3-si-in(ki)-na-ka siki-ni mi-ni-ib2-x siki lum-ma-bi nam-ma-an-[...] suh-bi am3-bu-re-bu-re [...] (d)pa-bil2-sag-ra sza3 hul2-le gu3 mu-na-de2-e sa6-ge x [...] e2 i3-si-in(ki)-na ur-sag (d)pa-bil2-sag x _gi_ x x (d)nin-tu-re tu-da la-ra-ag(ki)-da e2-bi i3-si-in(ki)-na mu-un-szi-du-de3-en-na a-a-zu-ur2 du11-ga-na-ab mu-u4-na-gu10 de3-a (d)mu-ul-lil2-ra tah-a-na-ab ma-a-da x x x igi du3-du3 igi du3-du3 za-e u3-mu-un-bi de3-a

    e2 i3-si-in(ki)-na igi 1(asz) x x (d)pa-bil2-sag za-e u3-mu-un-bi de3-a me-e ga-sza-an-bi de3-a

    AI Translation

    The wild bull, he is a wild bull, his house is a wild bull. My king, he is a wild bull, his house is a wild bull. Pabilsag, he is a wild bull, his house is a wild bull. His house is a larag house. His house is a larag house. His house is a wild bull, his city is a great city of abundance. His house is a wild bull, his hero is a larag house. The lord Pabilsag, his city is a great city ..., his ..., his shrine Nippur ..., his ..., his ..., his temple ..., his pure place, his Isin temple, his temple of ..., his ... place, his oxen ..., his oxen ..., his ...,

    Like a mir, from the kishi-kishi-shrine her position is elevated. Like a dog, from the shubbtum-shrine her position is elevated. Like a pirig, from the scepter her position is elevated. Fathers should be sworn. At that time, I was a lord, I was a lord. I was a lord, I was a lord. I was a lord. I was a lord. I was a lord. At that time, my king was going to Nippur. I was going to the army of Pabilsag, who was going to the place of Enlil, I was going to the house of Isin.

    At that time, my lady in Isin raised her head and poured water. The wide house, the house of Isin, she ... her hair. She ... the soiled wool. She ... its ..., and ... it. Pabilsag, he spoke joyfully to her. ... ... The house of Isin, the hero Pabilsag, ... ... Nintur, after Larag, the house of Isin he built. The ayzur priest he spoke to her. "My father, he has ..., he has ..., he has ... the land, he has ..., he has ... its lord.

    in the house of Isin he will see one ... Pabilsag. You are its lord. You are its ...,

    Surface b


    [...]-bi gu-bi gu he2-em [...]-bi sze-bi sze he2-em [...] x-bi nig2 du10 gu7 he2-em i3-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne-e-a ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 i7-de3 (i7)kir11-sig-e kun-bi i3-su3-e [...] an-sze3 i3-su3-e [...] zi-da e2 im-szi-ga2-ga2 [...] x lu2 zi-zi-da x [...] amar zi-da-ke4 ensi2 x [...] [...] x sag e2 im-szi-ga2-ga2 [...] x-bi gu-bi gu [...] [...] x-bi sze-bi sze [...] [...]-bi nig2 du10 gu7-bi [...]

    AI Translation

    ... its ..., its neck, its neck, its ..., its barley, its barley, its ..., its good ..., its ..., its good ... Now, may Utu, when he is awake, be awake. The canal, the kirsig canal, its tail, its banks ..., it reaches heaven. ..., the righteous one, to the house ..., the righteous one, ..., the righteous one, the ruler ..., to the head of the house ..., its ..., its ..., its barley, its barley, its ..., its good ..., its ...,

    Surface c


    (d)nin-isin2(si)-na [...] i7-de3 (i7)kir11-sig-e [...] kun-bi i3-si-in(ki) [...] dumu-ni hul2-la-da dam in-tuku [...] en (d)pa-bil2-sag-ge26 hul2-la-da (d)nin-isin2(si)-na in-tuku [...] i7-de3 (i7)kir11-sig-e (gesz)al mu-na-x [...] kun-bi i3-si-in(ki)-na e-ne-er mu-na-x [...] (d)en-lil2-le i7-de3 im-ma-gub gu3 mu-na-de2-e i7-de3 (i7)kir11-sig-e im-ma-gub nam-mi-x [...] i7 [...] kun-zu _bir_ an-sze3 a he2-na-[...] x [...] e2 he2-em-szi-ga2-ga2 [...] [...] lu2 zi-zi-da [...] [...] am? gal _un_ [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Nininsina ... the canal Kirsig ... its bank in Isin ... his son, happy, he married his wife ... the lord Pabilsag, happy, he married Nininsina ... the canal Kirsig ... a wooden spoon ... its bank in Isin he turned ... Enlil stood at the canal, he sounded the cries, he stood at the canal Kirsig, ... ... the canal ... your bank, ... to heaven, may water ... ... may ... the house ... ... the man who is a ... great ... .

    Surface d


    x x lul-la ka-na szu mu-un-na-tum3-tum3 x x lul-la ka-na a mu-un-na-lu?-lu x lul-la ka-na a im-mi-ib-ri (d)pa-bil2-sag gu4 ka-a-ni ba-ra-mu-da-gu7 [...] (d)pa-bil2-sag e-ze2 ka-a-ni ba-ra-mu-da-gu7 [...]-ra (dug)utul2 mud-a-ke4 szu nu-mu-da-sub? x x-na-sze3 ba-ra-da-du-de3-en x u3-li-li mu-un-il2-e-ne mu-ni-in-ga2-ga2-ne u3-mu-un (d)pa-bil2-sag mu-un-il2-e-ne mu-ni-in-ga2-ga2-ne uru2 nin9-a-na-ka am3-mi-in-gub-bu-ne e-ne-ra nin9-a-ni e2-ta mu-na-ra-e3 [...] x _hub2_ lul-la mu-un-si-ig

    [...] lul-la ka-na szu mu-un-na-tum3-tum3 [...] _ne_ lul-la ka-na a im-mi-ib-ri [...] x lul-la ka-na a im-mi-ib-ri (d)pa-bil2-sag gu4 ka-a-ni ba-ra-mu-da-gu7 [...] (d)pa-bil2-sag e-ze2 ka-a-ni ba-ra-mu-da-gu7 [...]-ra (dug)utul2 mud-a-ke4 szu ba-ra-mu-da-sub [...] ba-ra-da-du-de3-en

    AI Translation

    ... the evil one ... ... the evil one ... ... the evil one ... ... Pabilsag, the bull ... ... Pabilsag, the ... ... ... a utul of blood ...

    ... the evil one ... ... the evil one ... ... the evil one ... ... the evil one ... ... Pabilsag, the bull, his mouth is empty. ... Pabilsag, the ..., his mouth is empty. ... the utul of blood ...

    P469668: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    szul me3-ka szul me3-ka en-du-ni ga-an-du11 en (d)gilgames2 szul me3-ka en-du-ni ga-an-du11 a2-ur2 sa6-sa6 szul me3-ka en-du-ni ga-an-du11 en tur kal-kal-ga szul me3-ka en-du-ni ga-an-du11 en (na4)su11 ku10-ku10 szul me3-ka en-du-ni ga-an-du11 geszpu2 lirum x x [...] szul me3-ka en-du-ni ga-an-du11 lugal szul ama? x [...] lugal-gu10 x x x [...] en-gu10 (gesz)kiri6 (gesz)za?-ba?-lum [...] kisal x x x _uru_? x [...] ge6?-par4? [...] x x x en-e ama ugu-ni gu3 mu-na-de2 lugal-gu10 i7-da e11 _ni_ sahar szu x [...]

    en-gu10 (gesz)kiri6-zu e11 _ni_ x [...] [...] sag?-tun3? buru14-ni [...] [...] x _im_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    I am the sul of the divine powers, I am the sul of the divine powers. I am the lord of Gilgamesh, I am the sul of the divine powers. I am the a-ur, the good one, I am the sul of the divine powers. I am the lord of the strong one, I am the sul of the divine powers. I am the lord of the sulphur, the pure one, I am the sul of the divine powers. I am the lord of the lirum ..., I am the sul of the divine powers. I am the king, the sul of the mother ..., my king, ... My lord, the orchard, the zabalum tree, ..., the courtyard ..., the city ..., the ... of the ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., my lord, his mother, he spoke to him. My king, the river, ..., ..., .

    My lord, your garden ...

    Surface b


    [...] x x [...] x x _ne_ kisal x [...] kisal mah-a me3 nu-me-a lu2 [...] x x e2-la2-e e2-la2-e igi mu-un-[...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 e2-la2-e igi mu-un-[...] e2-gal abzu-ta e2-la2-e? [...] igi mu-un-ba-[...] am-gu10 lu2-gu10 |_me-en-ne-en_| szu nu-ri-bar-re en (d)gilgames2 am-gu10 lu2-gu10 _ne_ szu nu-ri-bar-re e2-an-na-ka di ku5-de3 szu nu-ri-bar-re ge6-par4 ku3-ga2 ka-asz bar-re szu nu-ri-bar-re e2-an-na an-ne2 ki ag2 di ku5-de3 szu nu-ri-bar-re (d)gilgames2 za-e u3-_ne_ he2-me-en za-e gu4? he2-e?

    nig2-ba (d)inanna ge6-par4-zu-sze3 nam-ba-ni-ku4-ku4 (d)nin-e2-gal a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-ke4-esz2 nam-bi-szi?-x (d)inanna nin? e-sir2-gu10 za-e nam-ba-ni-in-_tar_ gu4 kur-ra ga-an-du11 tur3-ba ga-am3-mi-ib-si udu kur-ra ga-an-du11 amasz-ba ga-am3-mi-ib-si ku3 (na4)gug i3?-gar i-sur-sur-me-esz ga? u5? in-nin9-e gu3 ba-an-de2 _ka_-ni ba-an-pa-an (d)inanna-ke4 gu3 ba-de2 _ka_-ni ba-an-pa-an [...] x _ne_ ta? za-e ma? i-ra-an-du11 [...] x _ne_ ta? za-ra ma-ra-an-du11 [...] x-gin7 nu-du3? (d)gilgames2 [...] x x x x

    [...] x x _ha_? _ra_? x x x x _ne_ [...] _ra_? x tug2-da-a [...] _bi_? ib-ta-ni-in-gar x [...] x [...] sza3-bi? [...] kusz-bi [...] usz2-bi x x [...] [...] bi2-in?-[...] (d)inanna-ke4 a szi-im-lu-lu szurum i3-x x x an-ne2 ki ag2-gu10 _su_ na-ba-[...] gi-dur im-ma-ni-in-dab5 an [...] lu2-tur-gu10 a-ba-kam a szi-lu3-lu3-e i7? x szurum [...] gu4 gal szu bar-ra unu(ki)-ga x [...] gu4 gal (d)gilgames2 szu bar-ra unu(ki) ba9-re6? mu ni2-ga2 nu-mu-na-ab-ze2-ge26 a szi-im-lu3-lu3-e szurum gur4-gur4-re

    en ga-mu-un-ug5-ga en ga-mu-un-ug5-ga en (d)gilgames2 en ga-mu-un-ug5-ga an gal-e ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi4? lu2-tur-gu10 gu4 an-na u2-gu7-bi in-nu an-ur2-ra u2-gu7-bi-im ki-sikil (d)inanna gu4 an-na ki (d)utu e3-a-sze3 u2 im-da-gu7-e za-e gu4 an-na nu-mu-e-da-ab-ze2-eg3-en ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 gu2? mu-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi ge26-e gu3 ba-de2-e-en an ki-sze3 a-ba-da-te ni2 ba-da-an-te ni2 ba-da-an-te x inanna ni2 ba-da-an-te an gal ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi gu4 an-na hu-mu-na-ab-ze2-ge26

    [...] gu3 an-e ba-te gu3 ki-sze3 ba-te [...] x x gu3 an-e ba-te gu3 ki-sze3 ba-te [...] tug2-gin7 im-mi-in-dul gada-gin7 im-mi-in-bur2 [...] x a-ba-a in-na-an-du11? [...] a-ba-a in-na-an-du11 [...] szum2 ki-sikil (d)inanna nam-nita-gin7 saman za-gin3-na szu ba-ni-in-du8 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4? gu4 an-na an-ta-e3 gu4 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 u2 mu-gu7-e i7 a-ge6 lu-a a i3-na8-na8 i7 a-ge6 lu-a gaba 1(disz)? danna(na)-ta ib2-sa2 sza3-bi nu-si-si u2 mu-un-gu7-e ki im-si-ge

    gu4 gub-ba unu(ki)-e im-si gu4 an-na ni2-a-ni im-si nar-a-ni [...] igi il2-a-ni [...] gam-gam-ma-ni [...] _ni ka_? _lu_? e? [...] u4-ba en? (d)gilgames2 [...] nar-a-ni [...] (d)gilgames2 nar-a-ni lugal-gaba-gal2 mu?-na?-[...] nar-gu10 sa-zu si-bi2-ib [...] nag-i3 [...] zabar szu-za [...] x ni x [...] nar-a-ni [...] x [...] [...] lugal-gaba-gal2 [...] x x mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 [...] lugal-gaba-gal2 sa-zu si-ni-ib a ga-an-na8-na8-an [...] x nag-a inim-bi-sze3 nig2-nam-me-zu nu-gal2

    [...] x-sze3 im ga? [...] [...] igi? im-ma-ni-in-se3 [...] x-sze3 ba-ni-in-[...] [...]-na8-na8-en en [...] [...] x i3-na8-na8-en [...] [...] an-ta-an-e3 [...] [...] u2 x [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] e _di_ [...] [...] al [...] [...] unu(ki) [...] en (d)gilgames2 [...] inanna gu4 an-na [...] gu4 unu(ki) [...] i7 a-ge6 lu a na8-na8 i7 a-ge6 lu danna(na)-ta-am3 ib2-si sza3-bi nu-si-si u2 mu-gu7-e ki im-si-ge-e nin-ni [...] (d)gilgames2 [...] ama-gu10 en _me_ [...] nin9-gu10 e2?-a [...]

    udu dur2-bi-sze3 i-im-ma-[...] kasz dur2?-bi-sze3? he2-em-[...] (d)gilgames2 x [...] gu4 an-na u3 za-e [...] u3 za-e nu-ub-se3-ge [...] (d)gilgames2 [...] [...] x x x szagan? x x x [...] x x mu-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi [...] lu2 x x x x [...]-ne-ne [...] x mu-na-ni-ib2-gi-gi szagan? a x-ru? ga-[...] ad6-zu sila si-ga he2-en-szub sza3-mah-zu sila dagal-la he2-en-szub kusz-zu su-si-ig-ga-asz he2-en-szub uzu-zu dumu nu-mu-un-su-a-ke4? dumu iri-ke4? [...] (gesz)dusu-ta ga-am3-ta-ha-la [...]

    si-zu 2(disz)-a-bi szagan i3 du10-ga-sze3 (d)inanna-ra e2-an-na-sze3 ga-mu-na-an-gar inanna bad3? igi mu-ni-la2 gu4-de3 sahar-ra gu3 bi2-in-du11 en (d)gilgames2 sag-du-ta i3-du? en-ki-du10 dur lib-ba-na [...] ba?-an-e11 dumu iri-na mu-un-da-ni-re7-esz-am3 amar gesz nu-zu sahar ba-e-ne-szi-dul5? en-ki-du10 egir gu4-da-sze3 im-mi-gub [...] ka? mu-un-nigin2 lugal-a-ni-ir (d)gilgames2-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e i3-a lum-lum u3-luh-ha su3-su3 dumu-gi7 giri17-zal dingir-re-ne gu4 lipisz-tuku me3-a gub-ba

    en gal (d)gilgames2 unu(ki?) bi2-in-du11-ga ama-zu dumu u3-tu-da mah-bi he2-em-zu emeda-ga-la2-zu dumu-ra ga-ba mah-bi he2-em-zu en dumu-gi7 _an_ x [...] ni2 na-te-ge26 ur-sag-ga2 usu nu-tuku ni2-te-a-ni ki a-ra2 gi-na x x x x x [...] (uruda)ha-zi-in [...] gu4-de3 [...] gu4 an-na [...] a-gin7 [...] _har_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... holy Inanna ...

    Inanna, you shall enter the gipar ritual. Ninegal, you shall not ... the strength of heroism. Inanna, you shall not ... my esir. I shall speak to the bull of the nether world, I shall speak to the sheep of the nether world, I shall speak to the sheep of the nether world, I shall speak to the sheep of the nether world, I shall place the silver and carnelian in the ..., I shall speak to the lady, I shall speak to the lady, I shall speak to the lady, I shall speak to the lady, I shall speak to the lady, I shall speak to the lady, I shall speak to ..., I shall speak to ..., I shall speak to ... like ... Gilgamesh, .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Inanna, the water of the shumlu-water, the shumlu-water ... An, my beloved, ... he took a sledge? ... ... My son, who is ..., the water of the shumlu-water ... The great bull, who has left Uruk, ... The great bull, Gilgamesh, who has left Uruk, ... ... ... ... The water of the shumlu-water ... .

    'Let me be the lord, let me be the lord, let me be the lord, let me be the lord, let me be the lord, let me be the lord of Gilgamesh, let me be the lord.' The great holy An of Inanna has returned. My little one, the ox of heaven, whose horns are a horn of the horizon, has returned. The lady Inanna, the ox of heaven and earth, whose horns are a horn of heaven, whose horns are not a horn of heaven, has not returned to the holy Inanna. He has not returned to the holy Inanna. He has not returned to the holy An, he has not returned to the holy Inanna. He has not returned to the holy Inanna. He has not returned to the holy Inanna. He has not returned to the ox of heaven.

    The oxen that stand in Uruk ... The oxen that he loves, his singer ... His face is ... His ... ... At that time, the lord Gilgamesh ... His singer ... Gilgamesh, his singer, Lugalgabagal ... My singer, your voice is ..., ..., ..., ..., his singer ... Lugalgabagal ... ... he returned to him ... Lugalgabagal, your voice is ..., ... water ..., your words are not present

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Uruk ... lord Gilgamesh ... Inanna, the ox of heaven ... The ox of Uruk ... The river of the storm, whether it is water or water, whether it is water or water, from the river of the storm it is a ..., it is a ..., it is not a ..., it is not a ..., it is a ..., ... Gilgamesh ... My mother, lord ... My sister, the house .

    ... sheep ... ... beer ... Gilgamesh ... oxen of heaven and earth ... and you are not to be ... Gilgamesh ...

    The two of them, the shakan-priest, the good oil-bearer, to Inanna to Eanna I brought. Inanna looked at the wall. He spoke to the oxen, he sounded the dust. The lord Gilgamesh, from the head, he spoke to Enkidu, his heart ... He greeted the citizens of his city. The calf, whose limbs cannot be cut, he sounded the dust. Enkidu, after the oxen, stood ... He sounded the mouth. His king Gilgamesh spoke to Gilgamesh. The oil, the lumlum, the uluh, the supplication, the supplication, the supplication, the supplication, the gods, the ox, the supplication, the supplication,

    The great lord Gilgamesh spoke to Uruk: "May your mother, the son born with a great birth, rejoice! May your emedagala priest, the son born with a great birth, rejoice! Lord, the child-bearing child ...

    Column 1


    szul me3-kam szul me3-kam in-du-ni ga-an-du11 en (d)gilgames2 szul me3-kam in-du-ni ga-an-du11 en su ku10-ku10 szul me3-kam in-du-ni ga-an-du11 a2-ur2 sa6-sa6 szul me3-kam in-du-ni ga-an-du11 _ul_-nir-ma szul me3-kam in-du-ni ga-an-du11 nig2-erim2 du7-du7 szul me3-kam in-du-ni ga-an-du11 lugal-e en-e ama ugu-ne-ra a2-kal _isz_ ta-a-ni-x i7-da _naga_-de3 en-gu10 (gesz)kiri6 (gesz)za-ba-al-sze3? ku4?-_ne_ kin-a-zu-ne en ge6-par4-ta udu nir-ra-am3 siki am3-ze2 _sar_-_sar kal_ sag-ga2-ke4 dur2 bi-gar _zi_-gin7 _szen_? _ne_?-na

    lugal-e _zi_-gin7 _szen ne_-na gi-sal-la gu2 gur2 nun gi-sal-la gi lum-lum-ma-gin7 x x x mu-szi-ib-szu2 nig2-erim2-bi za-e _szen_-gin7 x [...] x-szu2 ama ugu-ne-ra _di_? na mu-un-[...]-na-szum2 kisal dagal-la [...] (d)gilgames2 gesz bulug3? x [...] _ka_ gul?-gul?-e _ne_? [...] kisal mah-e kin A? [...] u4-bi-a e2?-la2-e? [...] ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 e2-la2-e igi mu-un-bar e2 abzux(_de2_)-ta? e2-la2-e igi mu-un-bar am-gu10 lu-gu10 _im_ ma _ni_ ta [...] szu nu-ri-bar-re (d)gilgames2 _im_ ma _ni_ ta [...] szu nu-ri-bar-re

    e2-an-na-gu10 di ku5-de3 szu nu-ri-bar-re ge6-par4 gu2-gu10 kasz bar-re szu nu-ri-bar-re e2-an-na an-na ki ag2 di ku5-de3 szu nu-ri-bar-re (d)gilgames2 za-e [...] _im_ ma _ni_ ta ge26-e [...] _im_ ma _ni_ ta lugal-e ka?-ka-ne [...] lugal-e ama ugu-ne-ra [...] (d)gilgames2 (d)nin-sumunx(_sze3_) x [...] ama ugu-gu10 en?-gin7 uzu x [...] (gesz)ig abula-ke4 x [...] suh10 bad3-ke4 [...] gar-gar [...] am-gu10 lu-gu10 _im_ ma _ni_ ta [...] szu nu-mu-ni-bar-re (d)gilgames2 _im_ ma _ni_ ta [...] szu nu-mu-ni-bar-re

    e2-an-na-gu10 di mu-un-ku5-de3 szu nu-mu-ni-bar-re ge6-par4 gu2-gu10 kasz mu-un-bar-re szu nu-mu-ni-bar-re e2-an-na an-na [...] ki ag2-a-ni (d)gilgames2 za-e me3? x _im_ ma _ni_ ta ge26-e _ka_ ga? _im_ ma _ni_ ta ama ugu-ne-ra ur5-gin7 mu-un-na-ab-be2-ak?-ka ama ugu-ne (d)gilgames2-ra mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    AI Translation

    I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the evil ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., I want to speak about the ..., my lord, the garden, and the zabal tree, I want to speak about the lord, from the gipar, the sheep, the sacrificial sheep, the sheep, the ...,

    The king, like a ..., ... the reed bed, like a prince, ... the reed bed, like a reed bed, ... ... its evil ..., like a ... ... the mother ... ... the broad courtyard ... Gilgamesh, ... ... ... ... the great courtyard ... At that time, the temple? ... holy Inanna, he looked at it. From the temple Abzu, he looked at it. My ..., my ...,

    My Eanna, the judgment is not decreed, it is not decreed. The ... of the gipar, my voice is not decreed, it is not decreed. Eanna, the beloved of heaven, the judgment is not decreed. Gilgamesh is ..., ...

    My Eanna uttered a verdict, but he did not listen. The ... of my mouth was poured, but he did not listen. Eanna, An ..., his beloved Gilgamesh, ...

    Column 2


    ku3 (d)inanna [...] an-e [...] dur an-na x [...] an-e ku3 (d)inanna-ra [...]-e lu2-tur-gu10 [...]-e (d)inanna [...]-gi4-gi4 _an_ [...]-a [...]-a [...]-be2 [...]-e [...] _ne_? [...] x _mu_ [...] gi [...] _ib_? la [...] [...]-gu7-e [...] x x gi? [...] x-ab-be2 [...] x sag3 [...] gu4 mu-ra-ra [...] [...] x szum2-mu [...] szum2-mu [...] x [...] x [...]-gu7-e [...]-gu7-e

    AI Translation

    O holy Inanna ...

    Column 3


    [...] _bi_? x [...] [...] x nag? [...] [...] x gu2 mu-un-[...] [...] mu-un-na-te x [...] [...]-ga igi im-ma-an-se3

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he saw .

    Column 4


    [...] x [...] [...] x x _tug2_ ba-ni-[...] [...] a nag [...] [...] x x x x x x [...] nar-gu10 lugal-gaba-gar en3-du-zu da-ga-ab sa-a-zu si-bi2-ib kasz mu-un-nag zabar sila3 gi4-bi-ib [...] lugal-gaba-gar (d)gilgames2 lugal-a-ni-ra? gu3 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4 lugal-gu10 za-e u2 da-an-gu7-e za-e a da-an-na8-na8 ge26-e inim-bi a-na-am3 mu-[...] gu4-e ra-ra-de3 [...] (d)gilgames2 gu4-e ra-ra-de3 [...] ib2-ba-ru 5(u) ma-na-am3 [...] giri2 7(disz) gu2-un 3(u) ma-na-am3 [...] ha-zi-in x x [...] ama ugu-gu10 [...]

    ama ugu-ni [...] (d)pesz3-tur nin9 ban3-da [...] (d)gilgames2 _an_ x [...] ama ugu-gu10 e2? (d)en-ki? x [...] (d)pesz3-tur nin9 ban3-da e2-a?-ni [...] gu4 (d)ur-be2-esz i-in-gi? [...] udu (d)ur-be2-esz i-in-gi? [...] gu4 an-na za-e za-e [...] u3 za-e ba-an-ze2-ge-esz [...] u3 ge26-e ba-an-ze2-ge-esz [...] tukum-bi ba-an-ze2-ge [...] kusz-zu sila-sze3 he2-em-ma-ab-szum2-mu sza3-mah-zu sila dagal-la he2-em-ma-ab-szum2-mu uzu-zu dumu mu-un-su iri-ga2-ke4-ne (gesz)dusu-ta he2-em-ta-ba-e-ne

    kusz-zu su-sig-sze3 he2-em-ma-ab-szum2-mu si-zu 2(disz)-ab2-bi szagan i3 du10-ga-sze3 (d)inanna-ra e2-an-na-ka he2-em-ta-bala-e gu4-e sahar-ra [...] (d)gilgames2 [...] (d)en-ki-du3 [...] dumu iri(ki)-na [...] amar gesztu2-zu-gin7 sahar-ra x x [...] (d)en-ki-du3 sag gu 4(disz)-kam bi-ib-gub en (d)gilgames2 gu2 mu-un-na-de2-a [...] ia4 lum-lum u2-luh-ha su3-su3 dumu-gi7 giri17-zal dingir-re-e-ne gu4 lipisz sza3 tuku me3 an-gub-ba ur-sag x x x-gu10-ne-sze3 szu-zu szu mu-ni-[...] lu2-ulu3 x [...]

    (d)en-ki-du (d)gilgames2-ra ur5-gin7 hu-mu-un-na-ab-e2-ak-ke4 (d)gilgames2 ha-zi-in? 7(disz) gu2?-un?-am3 ugu-bi e-ne ba-an-sag3 gu4-e sag il2-la il2-la im-ma-ab-dirig im-gin7 mu-lu3-lu3 buru14-gin7 im-szu2-szu2 lugal-e muhaldim gal nu-me-a giri2 szu-ni ba-an-dab5 (d)inanna-ke4 za3 dib-ba ba-an-sag3 tu-gur4(muszen)-gin7 ba-an-dal-dal bad3-bi i3-gul-e lugal-e sag gu 4(disz)-kam bi2-in-gub er2 gig i3-szex(|_igi_xA|)-szex(|_igi_xA|) ur5-ra-ta ge26-e mu-un-da-gul-e ur5-ra-am3 i3-kin-de3 bi2-in-du11-ga-gi-na

    kusz-bi sila-sze3 im-ma-ab-szum2-mu sza3-mah-bi sila dagal-la im-ma-ab-szum2-mu uzu-bi dumu nu-mu-un-su iri(ki)-na-ke4-ne (gesz)dusu-ta he2-em-ta-ba-e-ne kusz-bi su-si-ig-sze3 im-ma-ab-szum2-mu si-bi 2(disz)-a-bi (gesz)szagan i3 du10-ga-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 e2-an-na-ke4 he2-em-ta-da-bala-e gu4 an-na ug5-ga ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 za3-mi2-zu du10-ga

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... My singer, the king of the gabagar rites, he is a sa'azu-demon, he is a sa'azu-demon, he is a sa'azu-demon, he is a sa'azu-demon, he is a bronze sa'azu-demon, he is a bronze sa'azu-demon, he is the king of the gabagar Gilgamesh, his master, he is saying "My king, you are a sa-ah-da

    Mother who is above him ..., Peshtur, the lady of the netherworld ... Gilgamesh ... Mother who is above me, the temple of Enki ..., Peshtur, the lady of the netherworld, her temple ... Bull of Urbesh ..., sheep of Urbesh ..., ox of heaven ..., ... and ... ... and ... ... If it is ..., may it be given to you in the street. May it be given to you in the broad street. May it be given to you in the young man's limbs. May they be given to you from the threshing floor.

    he gave to you your leather straps, and your two ribs, the two shakan-tools, for good oil, to Inanna in the Eanna temple he smashed. The oxen ... Gilgamesh ... Enkidu ... the son of his city ... like a calf with intelligence ... Enkidu ... the 4th head, he sat down. The lord Gilgamesh ... the ... of the lumlum-plant, the uluh-plant, the saggil-plant, the saggil-plant, the saggil-plant, the gods, the oxen, the saggil-plant, the saggil-plant, the saggil-plant, the saggil-plant, the ... of the gods, the oxen, the saggil-plant, the hero, my ..., your hand .

    Enkidu and Gilgamesh ... like a lion. Gilgamesh ... seven ..., he ... its ..., he ... the ox, he ... the head, he ... the head, he ... the head, he ... the harvest. The king, the great cook, took a hand, he took Inanna's hand, he ... the ..., he ... the tugur bird, he destroyed its wall. The king stood at the head, he ... the 4th ..., he ... the sick, he ... the ..., he ... the ..., he ... the ..., he .

    They gave its skin to the street, they gave its shamah-vessel to the wide street, they gave its meat to the children, who were not born, to the people of his city with a basket, they gave it to the skin to the door, they gave its two parts to the shakan-vessel, the good oil, the holy Inanna, to Eanna, they gave it to him. The oxen of heaven, the people, the holy Inanna, your praise is good.

    Column 1


    a ge6-par3 [...] si-ki [...] (gesz)u3 dub-sag-ga2-kam dur2? bi-in-gar sug-ga gal2-la-a-bi lugal-gu10 sug-ga gal2-la-a-bi (gesz)gisal-a gu2 gur-de3 mu-un (gesz)gisal gi lum-lum-ma-a-gin7 a-a hu-mu-ri-ib2-szum2 nig2 dirig-bi gazi am3 _gan_ u6-gin7 ma a-a hu-mu-ri-ib2-szum2 kisal dagal x e2 (d)inanna-ka (d)gilgames2 gesz bulug3 x _nam_? x szu x hu-mu-ni-in-x lugal-gu10 (gesz)kiri6 zabala x ku4-ku4 kin-ga2-zu-ne? a ge6-par3-ra-kam u6-du nin? x si-ki _a su_ ni3-si23

    lugal-gu10 sug-ga mu-ni-in-la2 (gesz)gisal-a gu2 ni3-gur mu-un (gesz)gisal-a gi lum-lum-ma-a-gin7 a-a hu-mu-na-ab?-szum2 nig2 dirig-bi gazi am3 _gan_ u6-gin7 ma a-a hu-mu-na-ab-szum2

    AI Translation

    The water of the gepar ... ... ... The ... of the scribe's chair ... The ... of the scribe's chair ... The ... of the scribe's chair ... The ... of the scribe's chair ... The ... of the reed reed like a lumlum tree ... The ... of its branches like a ... tree ... ... The wide courtyard ... of the temple of Inanna Gilgamesh Gilgamesh ... ... ... My king, the garden of Zabala ... enters your work. The ... of the ...

    My king sat down on the couch. He sat down on a reed bed. He sat down on a reed bed like a lumlum tree. He gave me everything that was there. He gave me everything that was there like a ... .

    Column 2


    nig2-ba (d)inanna ge6-par3-ra nam-ba-ni-in-ku4-ku4 x x a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2-gu10 tug2? nam-i3-dul-e

    AI Translation

    The property of Inanna shall enter the gipar. ... my warriorship shall wear a garment?.

    P469669: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    x x x ur?-sag ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi [...] x [...] ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi a2?-ur2? sa6-sa6 [...] ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi x [...] ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi nig2-erim2 [...] ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi nita [...] ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi geszpu2 lirum szu du7-a ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi lu2? um? x da gal2?-e ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi en kul-aba4(ki)-ke4 ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi igi ku3-zu du11-du11-ga ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi

    lib4-lib4 ma-da?-e ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi hur-sag e11-de3-de3 ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi gesz-nu2 nam-tar-ra-ka ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi ki-nu2 u3-u8-a-u8 ba-nu2 hur nu-mu-e-da-an-zi-zi gub-ba nu-ub-se3-ge tusz-a nu-ub-se3-ge a-nir im-ga2-ga2 u2-gu7 nu-ub-se3-ge a nag nu-ub-se3-ge a-nir im-ga2-ga2 nam-tar-ra (gesz)ig-szu-ur? ba-an-da-ha-za-a? zi-ga nu-ub-se3-ge ku6 nun x x ku6 kesz2 ak-a-gin7 tu-ra ba-an-la2-la2 masz-da3 gesz-bur2-ra dab5-ba-a-gin7 ki-nu2 x ba x x

    nam-tar szu nu-tuku giri3 nu-tuku-a _mi_? [...] nam-tar? x x x _ul_-_ul_ zi [...] [...] x asz? _du ru_ x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x ga?-gin7 x x ki [...] x hur?-sag gal? x [...] x _im_ x x la2? x x x x x x [...] x x x x x [...] x x da-ab-be2 [...] x x x ma? _da_? x [...] x x x x iri? ba ak? [...] x [...] [...] _gi_? [...]-am3? x x [...] nun? _me_-e szu [...] an-na nesag ku3 [...] u4 6(disz)-kam-ma tu-ra [...] ir-gin7 kusz-na [...] en (d)gilgames2 tu-ra [...] unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki) zi [...]

    u4-bi-a en (d)gilgames2 [...] gesz-nu2 nam-tar-ra ba?-nu2? [...] lugal?-e u3-sa2 musz3? ba-[...] ma-mu2-bi _an_-bi? [...] pu-uh2-ru-um [...] [...] x x [...] [...]-du-un [...]-szi-du-un [...]-szi-du-un [...] _ne_ x A mu-da-zi [...] [...] mu-da-bar-ra [...] x-ke4 mu-e-da-gar [...] he2-na-nam dingir-da an-da-szid [...] ka-asz i3-bar-re [...] (d)dumu-zi-gin7 he2-_ne_-_ni_-dugud [...] (d)gilgames2-e [...] x ba-ab-ra-ah [...] nun-na-bi [...] sug4-ga-am3 [...] en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 [...] x ur-sag kur szuba2-a-ke4

    [...] gesz-kin-ti dingir-re-e-ne x [...] x x i3-hul2?-le?-en?-de3-en [...] (d)nin-sumunx(|_ab2-tug2_|)-ka [...] (d)lugal-ban3-da [...] en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e [...] har-ra-an dib-dib-ba a-na me-a-bi [...]-bi-ta mu-un-e11-da [...]-bi-ta sag gesz ra-ra-da [...]-gub-bu-nam u4-da u4 ul-le2-a-asz [...] ki gar-gar-ra-ba [...] sa2 mi-ni-in-du11-ga [...] ha-lam-ma libir-ra u4 ul-le2-a [...]-ma?-sze3 im-ta-an-e11-da [...]-bi? si im-sa2-sa2-a [...] a-ma-ru gu2-kin kalam-ma mu-un-_zu_-a [...] x x ulu3?-da [...] ib-_su_ [...] _ne_

    [...] ib?-sa4-za-na si-si-ig dumu (d)utu-ke4 kur-ra ki ku10-ku10-ka u4 hu-mu-na-an-ga2-ga2 nam-lu2-ulu3 nig2 a-na sa4-a-ba alan-bi u4 ul-le2-a-sze3 a-ba-da-an-dim2 _kid2_ szul gurusz igi du8 u4-sakar-gin7 za3-du8 hu-mu-ta-an-ak-esz igi-bi-a geszpu2 lirum-ma si a-ba-da-ab-sa2 iti _ne_-_ne_-gar ezem gidim-ma-ke4-ne e-ne-da nu-me-a igi-bi-a u4 nam-ba-an-ga2-ga2 kur gal (d)en-lil2-le a-a dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 en (d)gilgames2 ma-mu2-da [...] x _du_ bala-da-bi (d)gilgames2 nam-zu nam-lugal-sze3 mu-de6 x ti da-ri2-sze3 nu-mu-un-de6

    nam x x-ke4? _nig2_? _hi_? nam-ti-la-ke4 sza3 hul nam-ba-dim2-e ur5 nam-ba-e-ug7-e sza3 nam-ba-e-sag3-ge nig2-gig ak nam-lu2-u18-lu-ke4 ne-en de6-a ma-ra-du11 nig2 gi-dur ku5-da-zu ne-en de6-a ma-ra-du11 u4 ku10-ku10 nam-lu2-u18-lu-kam sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 ki dili nam-lu2-u18-lu-kam sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 a-ge6 gaba nu-ru-gu2 sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 me3 ka-re nu-me-a sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 szen-szen nu-sa2-a sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 gesz-gesz-la2 szu kar-kar-re nu-me-a sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 iri11?-gal sza3 zu2 kesz2-zu nam-ba-du-un

    igi (d)utu-sze3 he2-mu-un?-x [...] tug2 szu-sar ba? [...] igi gen [...] [...] _zu_ x x x x [...] en-ki-du10 gurusz an-ta-zu [...] _im_? ur3?-a al-dur2-ru-ne-esz [...] x-ga2-ni 1(asz) am3-nu2 [...] ki-ni 1(asz) am3-nu2 [...] lugal _du_ ku3?-bi mu?-e?-[...] [...] x-ba? nu-ni10-ni10-dam [...] mu-e-szi-du [...] x lu2-ga mu-e-szi-du [...] mu-e-szi-du [...] x mu-e-szi-du [...] x mu-e-szi-du [...] mu-e-szi-du [...] mu-e-szi-du [...] bi2-dugud [...] (d)gilgames2-e [...]-bi bi2-in-bur2-ra-ta [...] bi2-in-ne-en-bur2-ra

    [...] mu-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-ne [...] er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8 [...] x a-na-asz ba-dim2 [...] x ha-za (d)nin-tu nu-ub-tu-u4 [...] x x x im-ta-an-e3 [...] nu-gal2-am3 lu2 mu-un-x x lirum-ma sa-hir ba-da-ab?-e? muszen an-na za3 x x sa gur-u3 szu-ta nu-e3 ku6 engur-ra ur2? |_zi&zi_|-e igi nu-un-du8 szu-ku6 tur sa ba-ur3?-ra-ta im-me-ni-dab5-be2 lu2 na-me x kur-ra x sza3 _an_ x x x e11-da u4 ul-le2-a-ta a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-du8-a za-a-gin7-nam lugal na-me-a nam szi-im-mi-in-tar nam-lu2-ulu3 nig2 a-na mu sa4-a-ba

    a-ba-am3 e-ne lu2? [...] x za-a-gin7-nam nam [...] nam-szagina kur-ra [...] za-e gidim-zu [...] _an_ [...] di-da i3-ku5 [...] kul-aba4(ki) zi [...] unu(ki) zi-ga-bi [...] kul-aba4(ki) zi-ga-bi x [...] murub4 iti 1(disz)-a-kam [...] u4 nu-5(disz)-am3 u4 nu-1(u)-am3 (i7)buranun gesz bi2-in?-[...] (na4)iszkila-bi [...] u4-bi-a murub4 (i7)buranun-na-ka ki bi2-in-dar [...] na4 ba-da-an-du3 [...] na4-a? ba-da-an-du3 [...] (na4)esi kal-ga-kam [...] suhub4-bi na4 kal-ga-kam [...] x ku3-sig17 nig2 de2-a-kam

    [...] (na4)szu-u dugud im-ta-an-ur3? [...] (na4)szu-u dugud im-ta-an-ur3? [...]-ni-in-ku4 [...] x ul-le2-a-sze3 [...] bi2-ib2-pa3-de3-a [...] na-an-pa3-de3 [...] (d)gilgames2-e [...] _ka_? ba-ni-in-gar [...] ki ag2-ga2-ni [...] x [...]-e [...] gal2 bi2-in-tak4 [...]-da-an-ur3 [...] x-a?-ni A mu-un-bar-bar-e [...] en (d)gilgames2-a [...] giri17 mu-un-na-hur-e [...] siki mu-un-na-ze2-e [...] x-da?

    AI Translation

    ... Hero, no one can escape the mountain ... ..., no one can escape the mountain ..., good ..., no one can escape the mountain ..., no one can escape the mountain, evil ..., no one can escape the mountain, man ..., no one can escape the mountain, a scepter of a scepter, no one can escape the mountain, man ..., no one can escape the mountain, lord of Kulaba, no one can escape the mountain. Your holy eye, no one can escape the mountain, no one can escape the mountain.

    The ... of the land was not ..., the mountain was not ..., the mountain was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the water was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the bed was not ..., the prince ..., the fish was not ..., the fish was not ..., the fish was not ..., the fish was not ..., the fish was not ..., the fish was not ..., the fish was not ..., the ... of the geshbur was not ..., the bed was not .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6th day, ... like a raging fire ... ... lord Gilgamesh ... Uruk and Kulaba .

    At that time, the lord Gilgamesh ... the scepter of destinies ... the king ... the ... ... its ... its ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he erected ... ... ... he erected ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like Dumuzi ... Gilgamesh ... ... ... its prince ... ... ... the lord of Kulaba ... the hero of the lands of shuba

    ... the scepter of the gods ... ... they rejoiced ... Ninsumun ... Lugalban ... lord Nudimmud ... the road of words, to whom? ...

    ... ..., the doorkeeper, the son of Utu, in the land of the holy place, when he had made it, that man, whatever he had made, that statue for future days he had made. The young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, the young man, he made it. When he had made it, when he had made it, he had it ... The festival of the ghosts, he did not know. When he had made it, the great mountain of Enlil, the father of the gods, lord Gilgamesh, ... ... ... ... ... he had made. Gilgamesh did not give you life and kingship.

    ..., ...,

    Before Utu may ... ... ... ... Enkidu, your superior, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Gilgamesh ...

    ... they returned ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The bird of heaven ...

    What is it that ...? Who is your ally? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Kulaba, true ... Uruk, true ... Kulaba, true ... ... ... in the first month ... 5 days, 10 days, the Euphrates ... ... its izkala stone ... That day, in the middle of the Euphrates, ...

    ... he poured a heavy shu-stone ... he poured a heavy shu-stone ... he entered ... ... from the past ... he poured out ... Gilgamesh ... he set ... his beloved ... ... he set ...

    P469670: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    u4 re-a u4 su3-ra2 re-a ge6 re-a ge6 ba9-ra2 re-a mu re-a mu su3-ra2 re-a u4 ul nig2-du7-e pa e3-a-ba u4 ul nig2-du7-e mi2 zi du11-ga-a-ba esz3 kalam-ma-ka ninda szu2-a-ba (im)szu-rin-na kalam-ma-ka nig2-tab ak-a-ba an ki-ta ba-da-ba9-ra2-a-ba ki an-ta ba-da-sur-ra-a-ba mu nam-lu2-u18-lu ba-an-gar-ra-a-ba u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-de6-a-ba (d)en-lil2-le ki ba-an-de6-a-ba (d)eresz-ki-gal-la-ra kur-ra sag rig7-bi-sze3 im-ma-ab-rig7-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba a-a kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba (d)en-ki kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba

    lugal-ra tur-tur ba-an-da-ri (d)en-ki-ra gal-gal ba-an-da-ri tur-tur-bi na4 szu-kam gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam ur2 (gesz)ma2 tur-re (d)en-ki-ka3-ke4 nig2-bun2-na du7-am3 mi-szu2-szu2 lugal-ra a (gesz)ma2-sag-ga2-ke4 ur-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-na-gu7-e (d)en-ki-ra a (gesz)ma2-egir-ra-ke4 ur-mah-gin7 sag gesz im-ra-ra u4-bi-a gesz 1(disz)-am3 (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 1(disz)-am3 gesz 1(disz)-am3 gu2 i7 buranun-na ku3-ga-ka du3-a-bi i7 buranun-na a na8-na8-da-bi a2 u18-lu ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-ni-in-suh

    i7 buranun-na a im-ma-ni-ib-ra munus-e inim an-na-ta ni2 te-a du inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ta ni2 te-a du gesz szu-na mu-un-dab5 unu(ki)-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4-re (gesz)kiri6 gi-rin (d)inanna-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4-re munus-e gesz szu-na li-bi2-in-du giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du munus-e gesz szu-na a li-bi2-in-du11 giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du11 me-na-am3 (gesz)gu-za gi-rin ba-ni-tusz-de3-en bi2-in-du11 me-na-am3 gesz-nu2 gi-rin ba-ni-nu2-de3-en bi2-in-du11 mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-e-zal-la re

    ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e gu4 im-ma-ni-ib-us2 pa-bi-a muszen anzu4(muszen)-de3 amar im-ma-ni-ib-gar szab-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni-ib-du3 ki-sikil zu2 li9-li9 sza3 hul2-hul2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8 u4 zal-le-da an-ur2 zalag-ge-da buru5 u4 zal-le szeg10 gi4-gi4-da (d)utu agrun-ta e3-a-ni nin9-a-ni ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ur-sag szul (d)utu-ra szesz-gu10 u4 re-a na-ag2 ba-tar-ra-a-ba u4 he2-ma-al-la ka-na-ag2-ga2 ba-e-zal-la re u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba

    (d)ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la-ra kur-ra sag rig7-ga-sze3 im-ma-ab-rig7-ga-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba a-a kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba (d)am-an-ki kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba u3-mu-un-ra tur-tur ba-an-da-ri (d)am-an-ki-ra gal-gal ba-an-da-ri tur-tur-bi na4 szu-a-kam gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam ur2 (gesz)ma2 tur-re (d)am-an-ki-ka3-ke4 sze-en-bun2-na du7-am3 i3-szu2-szu2 u3-mu-un-ra a (gesz)ma2-sag-ga2-ke4 ur-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-un-na-gu7-e (d)am-an-ki-ra a (gesz)ma2-egir-ra-ke4 ur-mah-gin7 sag gesz im-ra-ra

    u4-bi-a mu di-ta-am3 (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 di-ta gesz _tug2_ di-ta-am3 gu2 i7 buranun-na ku3-ga-ka du3-a-ba i7 buranun-na a na8-na8-da-bi a2 (tum9)u18-lu ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-ni-in-suh i7 buranun-na a im-ma-ni-ib-ra nu-nus e-ne-eg3 an-na-ta ni2 te-a du e-ne-eg3 (d)mu-ul-lil2-la2-ta ni2 te-a du mu szu-ga2 mu-un-dab5 unu(ki)-sze3 ba-ni-in-ku4 (gesz)kiri6 gi-rin ku3 ga-sza-an-na-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4 nu-nus-gen mu szu-ga2 li-bi2-in-du me-ri-gu10-ta bi2-in-du

    (d)ga-sza-an-na-gen mu szu-ga2 a li-bi2-in-de2 me-ri-gu10-ta a bi2-du me-na-am3 (gesz)gu-za gi-rin ba-ni-tusz-u3-de3-en bi2-in-du11 me-na-am3 gesz-nu2 gi-rin ba-ni-nu2-de3-en bi2-in-du11 mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-e-zal-la re mu ba-gur4 kusz-bi nu-mu-un-da-dar ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e gu4 im-ma-ni-ib-us2 pa-bi-a muszen anzu4(muszen) amar im-ma-ni-ib-gar szab-ba-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni-in-us2 ki-sikil zu2 li9-li9 sza3 hul2-hul2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8

    szesz-a-ni ur-sag szul (d)utu inim-bi nu-mu-de3-gub u4 zal-le-da an-ur2 zalag-ge-de3 muszen buru5(muszen) u4 zal-le szeg10 gi4-gi4-da (d)utu agrun-ta e3-a-ni nin9-a-ni ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ur-sag (d)gilgamesz2 gu3 mu-na-de2-e szesz-gu10 u4 re-a na-ag2 ba-tar-ra-a-ba u4 he2-ma-al-la ka-na-ag2 ba-e-zal-la re u4 an-ne2 an ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba (d)mu-ul-lil2-le ki ba-an-ir-ra-a-ba (d)ga-sza-an-ki-gal-la-ra kur-ra sag rig7-ga-sze3 im-ma-ab-rig7-ga-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba ba-u5-a-ba a-a kur-sze3 ba-u5-a-ba

    u3-mu-un-ra tur-tur ba-an-da-ri (d)am-an-ki-ra gal-gal ba-an-da-ri tur-tur-bi na4 szu-kam gal-gal-bi na4 gi gu4-u4-da-kam ur2 (gesz)ma2 tur-re (d)am-an-ki-ka3-ke4 sze-en-bun2-na du7-am3 i3-szu2-szu2 u3-mu-un-ra a (gesz)ma2-sag-ga2-ke4 ur-bar-ra-gin7 tesz2 mu-un-na-gu7-e (d)am-an-ki-ra a (gesz)ma2-egir-ra-ke4 ur-mah-gin7 sag gesz im-ra-ra u4-bi-a mu di-ta-am3 (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 di-ta-am3 gesz _tug2_ di-ta-am3 gu2 i7 buranun-na ku3-ga-ka du3-a-ba i7 buranun-na a na8-na8-da-bi

    a2 (tum9)u18-lu ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-un-ni-in-suh i7 buranun-na a im-ma-ni-ib-ra nu-nus-e e-ne-eg3 an-na-ta ni2 te-a du e-ne-eg3 (d)mu-ul-lil2-la2-ta ni2 te-a du mu szu-ga2 mu-un-dab5 unu(ki)-sze3 ba-an-ni-ku4 (gesz)kiri6 gi-rin ga-sza-an-an-na-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ku4-re nu-nus-e mu szu-na li-bi2-du11 giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du (d)ga-sza-an-na-ke4 mu szu-na a li-bi2-de2 giri3-ni-ta bi2-in-du me-na-am3 (gesz)gu-za gi-rin ba-ni-tusz-u3-de3-en bi2-in-du11

    mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-e-zal-la re mu ba-gur4 kusz-bi nu-mu-un-da-dar ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e gu4 im-ma-ni-ib-us2 pa-bi-a muszen anzu4(muszen)-de3 amar-bi im-ma-ni-ib-gar szab-ba-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-ni-in-du3 ki-sikil zu2 li9-li9 sza3 hul2-hul2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8 nin9-a-ni inim in-na-an-du11-ga szesz-a-ni ur-sag (d)gilgamesz2 inim-bi ba-de3-gub (tug2)ib2-ba-ru sza3-ba 5(u) ma-na-am3 ib2-ba-na ba-an-du3

  • 5(u)-am3 3(u) gin2 ba-szi-in-ak
  • (uru4)ha-zi-in-na-ni har-ra-an-na-ka-ni

  • 7(asz) gun2 7(disz) ma-na-ka-ni szu-ni-a ba-an-dab5
  • ur2-bi-a musz tu6 nu-zu-e sag gesz ba-an-ra pa-bi-a muszen anzu4(muszen)-de3 amar-bi szu ba-an-ti hur-sag-sze3 ba-an-ku4 szab-ba-bi-a ki-sikil lil2-la2-ke4 e2 im-ma-an-ni-in-zal e2-ri-e2-ri-sze3 ba-an-kar-kar-re gesz ur2-ba mu-ni-in-bur12 pa-ba mu-ni-in-suh dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3 pa-bi i3-ku5-ru-ne zu2 ba-kesz2-re-ne nin9-a-ni ku3 (d)inanna-ra (gesz)gu-za-ni-sze3 mu-na-ab-szum2-mu gesz-nu2-da-ni-sze3 mu-na-ab-szum2-mu e-ne ur2-bi (gesz)ellag-a-ni-sze3 ba-da-ab-dim2-e

    pa-bi (gesz)e-ke4-ma-ni-sze3 ba-ab-dim2-e (gesz)ellag al du11-du11-ge sila ur3-ra (gesz)ellag na-mu-un-e ni2 silim du11-du11-ge sila ur3-ra ni2 silim na-mu-un-e gurusz iri-na-ka (gesz)ellag al du11-du11-ga-ne e-ne erin2 dumu nu-mu-un-su-a-ke4-ne _tum_-ba u5-a a gu2-gu10 a ib2-ba-gu10 a-nir im-ga2-ga2-ne ama tuku dumu-ni-ir ninda mu-na-ab-de6 nin9 tuku szesz-a-ni-ir a mu-na-de2-e u2-sa11-an-e um-ma-te-a-ra ki (gesz)ellag gar-ra-ka-ni gesz-hur in-hur-re

    a2-gu2-zi-ga-ta ki gesz-hur in-hur-ra _tum_-ba u5-a szu du3-du3-a nu-mu-un-su-a-ta i-(d)utu ki-sikil tur-ra-ta (gesz)ellag-a-ni u3 (gesz)e-ke4-ma-ni dur2 kur-ra-sze3 ba-da-an-szub [...]-da-ta sa2 nu-mu-da-ab-du11 szu-ni mu-ni-in-du11 sa2 nu-mu-un-da-du11 giri3-ni mu-ni-in-du11 sa2 nu-mu-un-da-du11 abul ganzer igi kur-ra-ka dur2 im-ma-ni-in-gar (d)gilgamesz2 er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 a (gesz)ellag-gu10 a (gesz)e-ke4-ma-gu10 (gesz)ellag la-la-bi nu-mu-un-gi4-a-gu10

    u4-ba (gesz)ellag-gu10 e2 nagar-ra-ka nu-usz-ma-da-gal2-am3 dam nagar-ra ama ugu-gu10-gin7 nu-usz-ma-da-gal2-la-am3 dumu nagar-ra nin9 banda3(da)-gu10-gin7 nu-usz-ma-da-gal2-la-am3 (gesz)ellag-gu10 kur-sze3 mu-da-szub a-ba-a ma-ra-ab-e11-de3 (gesz)e-ke4-ma-gu10 ganzer-sze3 mu-da-szub a-ba-a ma-ra-ab-e11-de3 _arad_-da-ni en-ki-du10-e inim mu-un-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 er2 e-ne ba-sze8-sze8 sza3 hul a-na-asz mu-e-dim2 u4-da (gesz)ellag-zu kur-ta ge26-e ga-mu-ra-ab-e11-de3

    (gesz)e-ke4-ma-zu ganzer-ta ge26-e ga-mu-ra-ab-e11-de3 (d)gilgamesz2-e en-ki-du10-ra inim mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4 tukum-bi u4-da kur-sze3 mu-ni-in-e11-de3 na ga-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-dab5 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-sze3 gesztu2-zu tug2 dan2-dan2-na-zu na-an-mu4-mu4-un gir5-gin7 (gesz)kim na-an-ni-ib-e3-esz i3 du10-ga bur-ra na-an-sze22-sze22-en ir-si-im-bi-sze3 nam-mu-e-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz (gesz)ilar kur-ra nam-mu-e-sag3-ge lu2 (gesz)ilar ra-a nam-mu-e-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz (gesz)ma-nu szu-za nam-ba-e-ga2-ga2-an

    gidim ba-e-de3-ur4-re-esz (kusz)e-sir2 giri3-za nam-mu-e-si-ge kur-ra gu3 nam-mu-un-ga2-ga2-an dam ki ag2-ga2-zu ne na-an-su-ub-be2-en dam hul gig-ga-zu nig2 nam-mu-ra-ra-an dumu ki-ag2-zu ne na-an-su-ub-be2-en dumu hul gig-ga-zu nig2 nam-mu-ra-ra-an i-(d)utu kur-ra ba-e-dab5-be2 i3-nu2-a-ra i3-nu2-a-ra ama (d)nin-a-zu i3-nu2-a-ra mur ku3-ga-na tug2 nu-um-dul gaba ku3-ga-na gada nu-um-bur2 szu-si-ni uru4 lub-gin7 an-da-gal2 siki-ni ga-rasz(sar)-gin7 i3-guru5-guru5

    tug2 dan2-dan2-na-ni im-ma-an-mur10 gir5-gin7 (gesz)kim im-ma-an-ne-esz i3 du10-ga (na4)bur-ra im-ma-an-szesz4 ir-si-im-bi-sze3 im-ma-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz (gesz)ilar kur-ra im-ma-an-sag3-ge lu2 (gesz)ilar ra-a im-ma-an-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz (gesz)ma-nu szu-na im-ma-ni-in-gar gidim ba-an-da-ur4-re-esz (kusz)e-sir2 giri3-na im-ma-ni-in-si kur-ra tuku4-tuku4 im-ma-ni-in-gar dam ki ag2-ga2-ni ne im-ma-an-su-ub dam hul gig-ga-ni nig2 im-ma-ni-in-ra dumu ki-ag2-ga2-ni ne im-ma-an-su-ub

    dumu hul gig-ga-ni nig2 im-ma-ni-in-ra i-(d)utu kur-ra im-ma-an-dab5 ur-sag (d)gilgamesz2 dumu (d)nin-sumun2-na-ke4 e2-kur-re e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub igi (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8 a-a (d)en-lil2 (gesz)ellag-gu10 kur-sze3 mu-da-an-szub (gesz)e-ke4-ma-gu10 ganzer-sze3 mu-da-an-szub en-ki-du10 e11-de3 i3-gi4 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5 nam-tar nu-un-dab5 a2-sag3 nu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5 (d)udug (d)nergal sag szu nu-du7 nu-mu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5

    ki nam-nita-a-ke4 me3-a nu-un-szub kur-re im-ma-an-dab5 a-a (d)en-lil2 inim-bi nu-mu-de3-gub eridu(ki)-sze3 ba-gen eridu(ki) e2 (d)en-ki-ka3-sze3 giri3-ni dili mu-un-gub igi (d)en-ki-ka3-sze3 er2 im-ma-sze8-sze8 a-a (d)en-ki (gesz)ellag-gu10 kur-sze3 mu-da-an-szub (gesz)e-ke4-ma-gu10 ganzer-sze3 mu-da-an-szub en-ki-du10 e11-de3 i3-gi4-en kur-re im-ma-an-dab5 nam-tar nu-un-dab5 a2-sag3 nu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5 (d)udug (d)nergal sag szu nu-du7 nu-mu-un-dab5 kur-re im-ma-an-dab5

    ki nam-nita-a-ke4 me3-a nu-un-szub kur-re im-ma-an-dab5 a-a (d)en-ki inim-bi ba-e-de3-gub ur-sag szul (d)utu-ra dumu (d)nin-gal-e tu4-da gu3 mu-na-de2-e i3-ne-esz2 ab-lal3 kur-ra gal2 u3-bi2-in-tak4 szubur-a-ni kur-ta e11-de3-mu-na-ab ab-lal3 kur-ra gal2 im-ma-an-tak4 si-si-ig-ni-ta szubur-a-ni kur-ta mu-da-ra-ab-e11-de3 gu2-ni gu2-da mu-ni-in-la2 ne mu-un-su-ub-be2 en3 tar-re im-mi-in-kusz2-u3-ne a2-ag2-ga2 kur-ra igi bi2-du8 nu-usz-ma-ab-be2-en gu5-li-gu10 nu-usz-ma-be2-en

    za-e tusz-a er2 ge26-e ga-tusz ga-er2 x szu bi2-in-tag-ga sza3-zu ba-e-hul2 [...]-szi?-du-un bi2-in-du11 [...] tug2 sumun-a-gin7 uh bi2-in-tag [...] ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 sahar-ra a-ab-si en-e u8 bi2-in-du11 sahar-ra ba-da-an-tusz lu2 dumu-ni 1(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak (gesz)gag e2-gar8-a-na ab-du3-a gig-ga i-i lu2 dumu-ni 2(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak szeg12 2(disz)-a al-tusz ninda al-gu7-e

    lu2 dumu-ni 3(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak (kusz)ummu4 dag-si-ke4 a al-na8-na8 lu2 dumu-ni 4(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak lu2 ansze 4(disz) la2-gin7 sza3-ga-ni al-hul2 lu2 dumu-ni 5(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak dub-sar sa6-ga-gin7 a2-ni gal2 bi2-in-tak4 e2-gal si sa2-bi ba-an-ku4-ku4 lu2 dumu-ni 6(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak lu2 (gesz)apin-la2-gin7 sza3-ga-ni al-hul2

    lu2 dumu-ni 7(disz)-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak dub-us2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 (gesz)gu-za ib2-tusz di-da gesz ba-tuku tiru-e igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak pa a-la-la hur-ra-gin7 ub-du11-ga-a ab-us2 munus nu-u3-tu4 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak (dug)zal-lil2-da-gin7 ti-na i3-guru4 lu2 nu-mu-un-hul2-e gurusz tur ur2 dam-na-ka tug2 nu-ub-si-ge igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak

    ki-sikil ur2 dam-na-ka tug2 nu-ub-si-ge igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak gi-szu-ak szu im-mi-du7-un gi-szu-ak er2 mi-in-sze8-sze8 lu2 ibila nu-tuku igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak szeg12 (gesz)_kid_-ra-gin7 ninda al-gu7-e x [...] igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak [...] um x x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] lu2 [...] ba? [...] igi bi2-du8-am3 u2-ni al-bar a-ni al-bar u2 gi7 al-gu7-e a gi7 al-na8-na8 lu2 ur-mah-e gu7-a igi bi2-du8-am3 a szu-gu10 a giri3-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me

    lu2 ur3 szub-ba igi bi2-du8-am3 giri3-pad-ra2-ni szu _ne_ nu-ub-be2-esz lu2 sahar-szub-ba igi bi2-du8-am3 gu4-gin7 al-dub2 uh im-da-gu7-e lu2 me3-a szub-ba igi bi2-in-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak ad ama-ni sag-du nu-mu-un-dab5 dam-a-ni er2 i3-sze8-sze8 gidim lu2 ninda sig10-ge5 nu-tuku igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak szu su-ub-be2 ninda pad-pad-ra2 _pa_-a sila szub-ba i3-gu7-e [...] x er2 bi2-du8-am3 [...] x [...] x [...] lu2 (gesz)ma2-du3 ra igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak

    a2-sze ama-gu10 lu2 he2-en-na-ab-be2 (gesz)ma2-du3 bur12-ra-ni a he2-em-mi-dab-be2?-esz (gesz)sag-du ninda pad-pad-ra2-ni nig2 mu-ni-gu-ul-e nigar(gar) tur-tur-gu10 ni2-ba nu-zu igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak (gesz)banszur ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar lal3 i3-nun-ta e-ne im-di-e-ne lu2 ug7-am3? x x-na i3-usz2 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi bi2-du8-am3 a-na-gin7 an-ak ki gesz-nu2 dingir-re-e-na al-nu2 lu2 izi la2 igi bi2-du8-am3 igi nu-mu-ni-du8-am3 gidim-a-ni nu-gal2 i-bi2-ni an-na ba-e-e11

    AI Translation

    "Forever, everlasting, everlasting, forgetting, forgetting, forever, forever." "Forever, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, everlasting, in the shrine of the nation, bread poured out, bread poured out, shurina of the nation, rations poured out, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from Enlil to earth to heaven to earth, from Ereshkigala to the mountain, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to heaven, from earth to earth, from earth to

    The king sank the small ones, and Enki sank the large ones. The small ones were smashed with a hand, and the large ones were smashed with reeds. The small boats of Enki were smashed with a sledge. The king sank the water from the boat like a lion. Enki sank the water from the boat like a lion. At that time, one tree, one tree, one tree, one tree, the bank of the holy Euphrates, its bank of the Euphrates, its water smashed with a sledge, its roof was smashed with a sledge.

    The Euphrates he poured water. The woman, by the command of An, he poured water. By the command of Enlil, he poured water. He took the tree from his hand. He entered Uruk. He entered the garden of the reeds of Inanna. The woman poured water into the tree of her hand. She poured water into her foot. The woman poured water into her tree. She poured water into her foot. She poured water into the reeds of her throne. She poured water into the tree. She poured water into the tree. She poured water into the tree. She poured a reed tree. She poured five years and 10 years and a reed tree was poured.

    The snake that has no skin sat on its neck, he sat on a bull. Its face was the Anzu bird, he sat on a calf. Its belly was the lili-disease-d

    When Gashankigala came to the netherworld, he was brought to the netherworld, he was brought to the netherworld, he was brought to the netherworld, he was brought to the father of the netherworld, he was brought to the netherworld, he was brought to the lord, he was small, he was brought to the lord, he was big, he was brought to the lord, he was small, he was big, he was big, he was reeds, he was reeds of oxen, he was a small boat of the lord, he was smashed, he was smashed, he was brought to the lord, water from the boat, like a dog, he was smashed, and water from the boat, like a lion he was smashed,

    At that time, no one had a claim. The Halub tree, no one had a claim. The bank of the pure Euphrates, when it was built, the Euphrates with its radiance grew a thorny thorny water. Its thorny water he poured out. The Euphrates he dug. The woman who says "O An, what has he done?" She has sworn by An, what has he sworn by Mullil, what has he sworn by his name? She entered Uruk, she entered the reed garden of pure gigir tree. She has sworn by her name. She has sworn by me, she has sworn by me.

    Gishana came to me, saying: "It is my hand that makes water flow, what is it that I made a throne with a reed?" She said: "What is it that I made a throne with a reed?" She said: "What is it that I made a throne with a reed?" She said: "5 years, 10 years have passed, the year has passed, its furrow has not been trimmed. Its furrow is not trimmed. Its tail is not trimmed. Its tail is a pigeon, it is a pigeon. Its tail is a ewe, it is a ewe, it is a lila-disease. Its tail is a lila-disease, it is the holy Inanna, whose heart is a joyous heart.

    His brother, the hero, the youth Utu did not speak to him. When the day was overcast, the bright sky was bright. When the bird, the snare, the storm was overcast, the storm was overcast. When Utu came out from the agrun, his sister holy Inanna spoke to the hero Gilgamesh. My brother, when the day was overcast, when the day was overcast, when the day was overcast, when An was overcast, when Enlil was overcast, when Gashankigal was overcast, when he was overcast, when he was overcast, when father was overcast, when

    The king brought the small ones in. The king brought the large ones in. The small ones were smashed with a hand, the large ones were smashed with reed. The small ones were smashed with reed, the reed of a ox. The boat of the small boat of the king brought a sledge. The king ate water from the boat like a lion. The king ate water from the boat. Like a lion, the head of a tree fell. At that time, the year was overcast. The Halub tree was overcast. The ... tree was overcast. The bank of the holy Euphrates was overcast. The Euphrates were overcast.

    He smashed the ... of the utu-tree, he smashed the ... of the river Buranuna. The woman, who says "An, how did you come?" She says "An, how did you come?" She says "An, how did you come?" She says "An, how did you come?" She entered Uruk, and the garden, the reed, to Shaanana she went. The woman, who his hand has sworn, he has sworn, and his feet have sworn. She has sworn, and her feet have sworn. She has sworn, and the throne, the reed, he has sworn.

    5 years and 10 years he has sat down. He has not returned to the service. Its skin has not been trimmed. Its furrow has not been trimmed. Its tail has not been trimmed. Its front is a bird of the Anzu bird. Its calf has been snatched. Its belly is a young lady who built a house. The young lady who sings joyfully, holy Inanna, has been crying out to her. His sister has spoken to him. His brother, the hero Gilgamesh, has stood there. The ibaru garment, whose inside is 50 minas, has been built.

  • 50 shekels were weighed out,
  • He is his hazinnu-vessel, he is his journey.

  • he captured 7 talents 7 mana from him.
  • The ... sat on its roof. The Anzu bird sat on its head. Its calf was taken to the mountains. Its horns were smashed. The lila-diseased lady sat on its roof. She sat down in the house. She sat down on its roof. She sat down on its roof. The children of her city were sat down on its roof. They sat down on its roof. They sat down on its roof. His sister, holy Inanna, gave her throne. She gave her throne. She made her neck a chair.

    The ebony was fashioned for him. The ellag was blazing, the street was blazing, the ellag was a lord. The ellag was a lord. The ellag was a lord. The blazing was a lord. The street was a lord. The young men of his city were blazing, the ellag was a lord. The men, the men, the children, were not a lord. They were ..., they were

    From the Aguziga gate, the place where plans were made, the ... did not bring forth. I-Utu, the young woman, his ellag and his ewes, he abandoned them in the netherworld. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Gilgamesh cried, he cried, he cried, my ellag water, my ewes, my ewes, whose ewes are not returned to me.

    At that time, my ellag drum was not present in the carpenter's house, nor was there any wife of a carpenter like my mother, nor was there any daughter of a carpenter like my sister, nor was there any lady of my ... My ellag drum was abandoned in the netherworld, why would it be abandoned? My eke drum was abandoned in Ganzer, why would it be abandoned? His servant Enkidu gave a reply to it: "My king, I will be angry, my heart will be angry." At that time, I will bring your ellag drum out of the netherworld,

    I shall bring your ekema-plant to Ganzer. Gilgamesh will reply to Enkidu. If he comes back tomorrow to the netherworld, I shall bring my naditu to the netherworld. I shall say "I shall bring my naditu to the netherworld." My words, my ears, I shall speak your mighty garments. Like a snare, I shall speak your sweet oil into the kiln. I shall sing their praises. I shall sing the lullaby of the netherworld. I shall sing the lullaby of the netherworld. I shall sing the man who is singing the lullaby of the netherworld. I shall sing the man who is singing the lullaby of the netherworld.

    The ghost was snatched from your feet. The sandal was snatched from your feet. In the netherworld, he spoke to you: "Your beloved spouse should not be snatched. Your angry spouse should not be snatched. Your beloved son should not be snatched. Your angry son should not be snatched. Ishtara was seized in the netherworld. In that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that time, in that sacred murmur, the garment was not trimmed, the sacred breast was not trimmed. His hands were like a sacrificial sa

    He wore his sling-dagger like a lion he wore. He poured sweet oil and burra-stone into their midst. He smashed the ilar drum in the netherworld. He smashed the ilar drum in the netherworld. He smashed the man's hand with his hand. He smashed the ghost with his sling-stick. He smashed the sandal in the netherworld. He smashed the beloved wife, he smashed the beloved wife, he smashed the evildoer, he smashed the beloved son,

    He seized his son, his angry son, and I-Utu took to the netherworld. The hero Gilgamesh, son of Ninsumun, stood at the E-kur, the temple of Enlil. He stood at his right side before Enlil. Father Enlil abandoned my arrow in the netherworld, my e-ma-tool in Ganzer. Enkidu returned to the netherworld. He did not capture the namtar-priest, he did not capture the asag-priest, he did not capture the netherworld. Udug, Nergal, did not kill the head, he did not capture the netherworld.

    He did not abandon the place of manhood, he seized the mountain. Father Enlil did not abandon his words, he went to Eridu. He went to Eridu, the temple of Enki, and his single feet he put on. Before Enki he cried: "A father Enki, my arrow fell to the mountain. My chariot fell to Ganzer. Enkidu came up and seized the mountain. Namtar did not capture, Asag did not capture, he seized. Udug, Nergal, did not capture, he seized the mountain.

    The place of manhood did not abandon battle, and the land was taken away. Father Enki spoke to him, and the hero, the youth of Utu, the son of Ningal, spoke to him. Now, he was able to cross over the mountain, and he was able to cross over the mountain. His szubur was able to cross over the mountain, and he was able to cross over the mountain. His door was able to cross over the mountain, and he was able to cross over the mountain. He was able to cross over the mountain, and he was able to cross over it. He was able to cross over it, and he was able to cross over it. He was able to cross over the mountain, and he was able to cross over it. My guli was able to cross over the mountain.

    You sit down, you scream, you

    A man his 3 children saw, he saw, he saw, he saw, like a man, the sling-stick of the sling-stick was poured out. A man his 4 children saw, he saw, he saw, he saw, he saw, like a man who like a donkey 4 donkeys his heart rejoiced. A man his 5 children saw, he saw, he saw, he saw, like a man who like a good scribe his arms were seized. The palace was seized, and a man his 6 children saw, he saw, he saw, he saw, he saw, like a man who like a plowman his heart rejoiced.

    He looked at his 7 sons, looked at him, looked at him, looked like a man. Like a man, the chair of the gods he sat on. The verdict was given, he looked at the throne. Like a man, he looked at the horizon like a mountain goat. Like a woman who has no female companion, looked at him, looked at him, looked at him, looked at him, looked at him, like a man who has no mother. Like a small male kid, the dog that has no wife, looked at him, looked at him, looked at him, looked at him, and looked at him, like a man.

    The lady who does not wear a garment for her husband, looks at me. I look at him. Like a reed he smeared. Like a reed he smeared. The man who has no heir looks at me. I look at him. Like a reed he smeared like a ... ... I look at him. Like a reed he eats bread. ...

    He saw a man who had fallen into the dirt, but his feet did not grasp him, and he saw a man who had fallen into the dirt. Like a ox, he sat down and screamed. He saw a man who had fallen into the dirt, but his eyes were not closed. He saw a man who had fallen into the dirt, but his wife was crying out. He saw a ghost who had no wife, but his wife was crying out. He saw a man who had no good bread, but he was crying out "I am not a good bread." He saw a man who had sat down in the street, and he was eating ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a man who had sailed on a boat, but he was crying out "I am not a good bread."

    "May my mother not let a man come to me, may his boat not let him drink water!" "May his sagdu-boat not let him eat bread!" "My little nigar-priest does not know me!" "I saw him." "I saw him." "How did they serve me?" "They ... a gold table, silver, ghee, and butter from a ...-vessel. "I saw him." "I saw him." "How did they serve me?" "How did they serve me?" "I saw him." "Where is the bed of the gods?" "He did not see him. His ghost is not present. He has no one to greet him."


    In those days, in those distant days, in those nights, in those remote nights, in those years, in those distant years, in days of yore, when the necessary things had been brought into manifest, existence in days of yore, when the necessary things had been for the first time properly cared for, when bread had been tasted for the first time in the shrines of the Land, when the ovens of the Land had been made to work, when the heavens had been separated from the earth, when the earth had been delimited from the heavens, when the fame of mankind had been established, when An had taken the heavens for himself, when Enlil had taken the earth for himself, when the nether world had been given to Ereshkigal as a gift, when he set sail, when he set sail, when the father set sail for the nether world, when Enki set sail for the nether world—

    against the king a storm of small hailstones arose, against Enki a storm of large hailstones arose, The small ones were light hammers, the large ones were like stones from catapults ?. The keel of Enki's little boat as if it were being butted by turtles was trembling, against the king the waves at the bow of the boat like wolves were eating together, against Enki the waves at the stern of the boat like a lion were attacking. At that time, there was a single tree, a single halub tree, a single tree, growing on the bank of the pure Euphrates, being watered by the Euphrates. The force of the south wind uprooted it and stripped its branches,

    and the Euphrates picked it up and carried it away. A woman, respectful of An's words, was walking along; respectful of Enlil's words, was walking along, and took the tree and into Unug, into Inanna's luxuriant garden brought it. The woman planted the tree not with her hands, but with her feet. The woman planted the tree not with her hands, but with her feet planted it. "When will this be a luxuriant chair on which I can take a seat?" she said; "When this will be a luxuriant bed on which I can lie down?" she said; 5 years, 10 years went by, the tree grew massive; its bark, however, did not split.

    At its roots, a snake immune to incantations made itself a nest. In its branches, the Anzud bird settled its young. In its trunk, the phantom maid built herself a dwelling, the maid who laughs with a joyful heart. But silver Inanna cried! When dawn was breaking, when the horizon became bright, when the little birds, at the break of dawn, began to clamor, when Utu had left his bedchamber, his sister silver Inanna to the young warrior Utu: said "My brother, in those days when destiny was determined, when abundance overflowed in the Land, when An had taken the heavens for himself, when Enlil had taken the earth for himself,

    when the nether world had been given to Ereshkigala as a gift; when he set sail, when he set sail, when the father set sail for the nether world, when Enki set sail for the nether world— against the lord a storm of small hailstones arose, against Enki a storm of large hailstones arose. The small ones were light hammers, the large ones were like stones from catapults ?. The keel of Enki's little boat was trembling as if it were being butted by turtles, against the lord the waves at the bow of the boat like wolves together were eating, against Enki the waves at the stern of the boat were attacking Enki like a lion." like a lion were attacking."

    "At that time, there was a single tree, a single halub tree, a single tree ?, growing on the bank of the pure Euphrates, being watered by the Euphrates. The force of the south wind uprooted it and stripped its branches, and the Euphrates picked it up and carried it away. I, a woman, respectful of An's words, was walking along; respectful of Enlil's words, was walking along, and took the tree and brought it into Unug, into silver Inanna's luxuriant garden." "I, the woman, planted the tree not with my hands, but with my feet.

    I, Inanna, planted the tree not with my hands, but with my feet. "When will this be a luxuriant chair on which I can take a seat?" "When will this be a luxuriant bed on which I can lie down?" she said; 5 years, 10 years had gone by, the tree had grown massive; its bark, however, did not split. At its roots, a snake immune to incantations made itself a nest. In its branches, the Anzu bird settled its young. In its trunk, the phantom maid built herself a dwelling, the maid who laughs with a joyful heart. But silver Inanna cried!"

    Her brother, the young warrior Utu, however, did not stand by her in the matter. When dawn was breaking, when the horizon became bright, when the little birds, at the break of dawn, began to clamor, when Utu had left his bedchamber, his sister silver Inanna to the warrior Gilgamesh speaks: "My brother, in those days when destiny was determined, when abundance overflowed in the Land, when An had taken the heavens for himself, when Enlil had taken the earth for himself, when the nether world had been given to Ereshkigala as a gift; when he set sail, when he set sail, when the father set sail for the nether world, when Enki set sail for the nether world—

    against the lord a storm of small hailstones arose, against Enki a storm of large hailstones arose. The small ones were light hammers, the large ones were like stones from catapults ?. The keel of Enki's little boat as if it were being butted by turtles was trembling, against the lord the waves at the bow of the boat like wolves rose to devour against Enki the waves at the stern of the boat like a lion were attacking." "At that time, there was a single tree, a single halub tree, a single tree ?, growing on the bank of the pure Euphrates, being watered by the Euphrates.

    The force of the south wind uprooted it and stripped its branches, and the Euphrates picked it up and carried it away. I, a woman, respectful of An's words, was walking along; respectful of Enlil's words, was walking along, and took the tree and brought it into Unug, into Inanna's luxuriant garden." "The woman planted the tree not with her hands, but with her feet. Inanna watered it using not her hands, but her feet. "When will this be a luxuriant chair on which I can take a seat?" she said; "When will this be a luxuriant bed on which I can lie down?" she said;

    5 years, 10 years had gone by, the tree had grown massive; its bark, however, did not split. At its roots, a snake immune to incantations made itself a nest. In its branches, the Anzu bird settled its young. In its trunk, the phantom maid built herself a dwelling, the maid who laughs with a joyful heart. I, silver Inanna, cried!" In the matter which his sister had told him about, her brother, the warrior Gilgamesh, stood by her. to his waist his ... belt of 50 minas weight he strapped—

  • 50 minas were to him as 30 shekels.
  • His bronze axe used for expeditions,

  • which weighs 7 talents and 7 minas, in his hand he took;
  • He killed the snake immune to incantations living at its roots. The Anzu bird living in its branches took up its young and went into the mountains. The phantom maid living in its trunk left ? her dwelling and sought refuge in the wilderness. As for the tree, he uprooted it and stripped its branches, and the sons of his city, who went with him, cut up its branches and bundled them He gave it to his sister silver Inanna for her chair. He gave it to her for her bed. As for himself, from its roots, he manufactured his ball ?

    and, from its branches, he manufactured his mallet ?. He played with the ball ? in the broad square, never wanting to stop playing it, and he praised himself in the broad square, never wanting to stop praising himself. The young men of his city were playing with the ball ?. For ? him who made the team of the widows' children ..., they lamented: "O my neck! O my hips!" For those that had a mother, bread for her son she brought; for those that had a sister, she poured water for her brother. As the evening came, he marked the spot where the ball ? had been placed, and he picked up his ball ? from in front of him and took it home.

    But early in the morning as he ... the place marked, the widows' accusation and the young girls' complaint caused his ball ? and his mallet ? to fall down to the bottom of the nether world. He could not reach them by ... He tried with his hand but could not reach them, tried with his foot but could not reach them. At the gate of Ganzer, in front of the nether world, he sat down. Gilgamesh wept, crying bitterly: "O my ball ?! O my mallet ?! My ball ?, I am still not satiated with its charms, the game with it has not yet palled for me!

    If only my ball ? waited still in the carpenter's house for me! I would treat the carpenter's wife like my own mother— I would treat the carpenter's child like my little sister! My ball ? has fallen down to the nether world—who will retrieve it for me? My mallet ? has fallen down to Ganzer—who will retrieve it for me? His servant Enkidu answered: "My king, you weep; why does your heart worry? Today I shall retrieve your ball ? from the nether world,

    I shall retrieve your mallet ? from Ganzer." Gilgamesh answered Enkidu: "If today you are going to go down to the nether world, let me advise you! My instructions should be followed. Let me talk to you! Pay attention to my words!" "You should not put on your clean garments: they would recognise immediately that you are alien. You should not anoint yourself with fine oil from a bowl: they would surround you at its scent. You should not hurl throw-sticks in the nether world: those struck down by the throw-sticks would surround you. You should not not hold a cornel-wood stick in your hand:

    the spirits would feel insulted by you. You should not put sandals on your feet. You should not shout in the nether world. You should not kiss your beloved wife. You should not hit your wife even if you are annoyed with her. You should not kiss your beloved child. You should not hit your son even if you are annoyed with him. The outcry aroused would detain you in the nether world." "She who lies there, she who lies there, Ninazu's mother who lies there— her pure shoulders are not covered with a garment, and no linen is spread over her pure breast. She has fingers like a pickaxe, she plucks her hair out like leeks." Enkidu, however, did not heed not his master's words.

    He put on his clean garments and they recognised that he was alien. He anointed himself with fine oil from a bowl and they surrounded him at its scent. He hurled throw-sticks in the nether world and those struck down by the throw-sticks surrounded him. He held a cornel-wood stick in his hand and the spirits felt insulted by him. He put sandals on his feet. He caused irritation in the nether world. He kissed his beloved wife and hit his wife when he was annoyed with her. He kissed his beloved child

    and hit his son when he was annoyed with him. He aroused an outcry and was detained in the nether world. The warrior Gilgamesh, son of Ninsumun, directed his steps on his own to E-kur, the temple of Enlil. He cried before Enlil: "Father Enlil, my ball ? fell down into the nether world, my mallet ? fell down into Ganzer. Enkidu went down to retrieve them but the nether world has seized him. Namtar did not seize him, the Asag did not seize him; but the nether world has seized him. The udug demon of Nergal, who spares nobody, did not seize him, but the nether world has seized him.

    He did not fall in battle on the field of manhood, but the nether world has seized him." Father Enlil did not stand by him in the matter, so he went to Eridu. In Eridu he directed his steps on his own to the temple of Enki. He cried before Enki: "Father Enki, my ball ? fell down into the nether world, my mallet ? fell down into Ganzer. Enkidu went down to retrieve them but the nether world has seized him. Namtar did not seize him, the Asag did not seize him; but the nether world has seized him. The udug demon of Nergal, who spares nobody, did not seize him, but the nether world has seized him.

    He did not fall in battle on the field of manhood, but the nether world has seized him." Father Enki stood by him in this matter. He said to the young warrior Utu, the son born by Ningal: "Open a window in the nether world immediately, and then bring up his servant from the nether world!" He opened a window in the nether world and brought up his servant with his breeze ? from the nether world. They hugged and kissed. They wearied each other with questions: "Did you see the order of the nether world? If only you would tell me, my friend, if only you would tell me!" "If I tell you the order of the nether world,

    si yourself down and weep! I shall sit down and weep! ..., which your heart rejoiced to touch, is ..., worms infest it like an old garment ?; like ... of ? a crevice, it is full of dust." "Alas!" he said and sat down in the dust. "Did you see him who had 1 son?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "He weeps bitterly at the wooden peg which was driven into his wall." "Did you see him who had 2 sons?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "He sits on 2 bricks, eating bread."

    "Did you see him who had 3 sons?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "He drinks water from a saddle waterskin." "Did you see him who had 4 sons?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "His heart rejoices like a man who has four asses to yoke." "Did you see him who had 5 sons?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "Like a good scribe he is indefatigable, he enters the palace easily." "Did you see him who had 6 sons?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "He is a cheerful as a ploughman."

    "Did you see him who had 7 sons?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "As a companion of the gods, he sits on a throne and listens to judgments." "Did you see the palace eunuch?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "Like a useless alala stick he is propped in a corner." "Did you see the woman who never gave birth?" "I saw her." "How does she fare?" "Like a ... pot, she is thrown away violently, she gives no man joy." "Did you see the young man who never undressed his wife?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "You finish a rope, and he weeps over the rope."

    "Did you see the young woman who never undressed her husband?" "I saw her." "How does she fare?" "You finish a reed mat, and she weeps over the reed mat." "Did you see him who had no heir?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "Like him who ... bricks ?, he eats bread." "...?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "Did you see ...?" "His food is set apart, his water is set apart, he eats the food offered ? to him, he drinks the water offered ? to him." "Did you see him who was eaten by a lion?" "He cries bitterly "O my hands! O my legs!"

    "Did you see him who fell down from the roof?" "They cannot ... his bones." "Did you see the leprous man?" "He twitches like an ox as the worms eat at him." "Did you see him who fell in battle?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "His father and mother are not there to hold his head, and his wife weeps." "Did you see the spirit of him who has no funerary offerings?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "He eats the scraps and the crumbs ... tossed out in the street." ... ... "Did you see him hit by a ship's board? How does he fare?"

    "Alas, my mother!" the man cries to her, as he pulls out the ship's board ..., he ... cross beam ... crumbs." "Did you see my little stillborn children who never knew existence?" "I saw them." "How do they fare?" "They play at a table of gold and silver, laden with honey and ghee." "Did you see him who died ...?" "I saw him." "How does he fare?" "He lies on a bed of the gods." "Did you see him who was set on fire?" "I did not see him. His spirit is not about. His smoke went up to the sky."

    P469671: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i3-a lum-lum u3-luh-ha su3-su3 dumu-gi7 giri17-zal dingir-re-e-ne gu4 lipisz-tuku me3-a gub-ba en tur (d)gilgames2 unu(ki)-ta mi2 du11-ga unu(ki)-ga lu2 ba-usz2 ur5 ba-sag3 lu2 u2-gu ba-an-de2 sza3 hul i3-ga2-ga2? bad3-da su?-gu10 im-ma-an-la2 lu2 a-a ib2-dirig-ge4 igi im-mi-in-se3-ga-am3 ur5 im-ma-usz2 sza3 im-ma-sag3 za3 nam-til-la sag im-gi4-a irigal kur nam-gu2-ka?-ke4 lu2 la-ba-an-da13-da13-a su3-da kur-ra la-ba-an-gib-be2-a dagal-la kur-ra la-ba-an-szu2-szu2-a

    za3 gurusz til-la sag til-la-bi-sze3 la-ba-ra-ab-e11-de3-a zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da dingir-gu10 (d)en-ki en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e [...] x x me x [...] x-ta [...] x x [...] [...] x [...] szub? [...] du3?-du3 _pa_-bi-sze3 ga-am3-til [...] szub-ba ga-am3-mi-ib-ku4 arad-da-ni en-ki-du10-e gu3 mu-na-de2-e [...] tukum-bi kur-sze3 i-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en (d)utu he2-da-an-zu kur-(gesz)erin-ku5-sze3 i-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en (d)utu he2-da-an-zu kur-ra dim2-ma-bi (d)utu-kam

    kur-(gesz)erin-ku5 dim2-ma-bi szul (d)utu-kam (d)utu an-na-ke4 suh10 za-gin3 mu-un-kesz2 sag il2-la mu-un-gen (d)gilgames2 en kul-ab(ki)-ke4 szu-ni gidru ku3 giri17-na ba-ab-tab (d)utu kur-sze3 i-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en he2-me-en a2-tah-gu10 kur-erin-ku5 i-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en he2-me-en a2-tah-gu10 [...] [...] [...] [...]

  • 1(disz)-am3 [...]
  • 2(disz)-kam-ma [...]
  • 3(disz)-kam-ma [...]
  • 4(disz)-kam-ma [...]
  • 5(disz)-kam-ma x x [...] mu-un-tab-tab-e
  • 6(disz)-kam-ma a-ge6 du7-du7-gin7 kur-ra gaba ra-ra
  • 7(disz)-kam-ma nim-gin7 i3-gir2-gir2-re a2-bi-sze3 lu2 nu-ub-gur-e
  • e-ne-ne an-na mul-la-me-esz ki-a har-ra-an zu-me-esz an-na mul x x x il2-la-me-esz ki-a kaskal aratta(ki) zu-me-esz dam-gar3-ra-gin7 giri3-bala zu-me-esz tu(muszen)-gin7 ab-lal3? kur-ra zu-me-esz ma2-ur3-ma2-ur3 hur-sag-ga2-ka he2-mu-e-ni-tum2-tum2-mu-ne (d)gilgames2 iri-ni-a zi-ga ba-ni-ib-gar x x kul-ab(ki)-a si gu3 ba-ni-in-ra iri dam tuku dam zu-sze3 dumu tuku dumu-zu-sze3 ur-sag zu ur-sag nu-zu dam nu-tuku dumu nu-tuku lu2 ur5?-a lu2 (d)gilgames2-da a2-gu10-sze3 hu-mu-un-ak-esz lugal iri-ta ba-ra-e3

    (d)gilgames2 kul-ab(ki)-ta ba-ra-e3 kur-(gesz)erin-ku5-da giri3 im-ma-ab-dab5-be2 hur-sag 1(disz)-e in-di3-in-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 2(disz)-kam-ma in-di3-in-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 3(disz)-kam-ma in-di3-in-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 4(disz)-kam-ma in-di3-in-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 5(disz)-kam-ma in-di3-in-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3

    hur-sag 6(disz)-kam-ma in-di3-in-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 7(disz)-kam-ma bala-e-da-ni (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni im-ma-ni-in-pa3 (d)gilgames2 (gesz)erin-na al-sag3-ge arad-da-ni en-ki-du10-e pa mu-un-szi-ak-e dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-a gu-ru-ma mu-ni-ib-gub-bu-ne u4-bi-a ur-sag ur-sag-ra u3-mu-un-na-te me-lam2 [...] szu-gur-gin7 i-im-te? nu2? [...]-sze3 silim-ma i3-nu2? u3 [...]-ku-ku [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] gu3 [...] i3-nu2-x i3-nu2-x [...]

    kur ba-suh3-suh3 gissu ba-an-la2 _an_? [...] (d)gilgames2 i-im-zi ma-mu2-da i-im-bu-luh u3-sa2-ga-am3 igi-ni szu bi2-in-gur10 nig2-me-gar sug4-ga-am3 zi ama ugu-ga2 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a ugu-ga2 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da dingir-gu10 (d)en-ki en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e [...] [...] [...] ge26-e [...] sza3 mu-ni-[...]-dab5-be2 ur-sag-e igi-ni igi pirig-ga2-kam |_gisz-gab_|-a-ni a-ge6 du7-du7-dam sag-ki-ni gesz-gi bi2-gu7-e lu2 nu-te-ge26-dam eme-a-ni ur-mah lu2 gu7-gin7 usz2 nu-szar2-ra-ge-dam

    ur-sag-e usu nu-mu-e-da-gal2 ne-am3 mu-un-da-gal2 arad-da-ni en-ki-du10-e gu3 mu-na-de2-e [...] x [...] x [...] zi ama ugu-ga2 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-ga2 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da dingir-gu10 (d)en-ki en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e _ka_-za [...]-e3 ur-sag kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 giri3 tur-tur-zu-usz (kusz)e-sir2 tur-tur he2-ma-dim2-dim2-ma-am3 giri3 gal-gal-zu-usz (kusz)e-sir2 gal-gal he2-ma-dim2-dim2-ma-am3 [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] u3-mu-ni-in-ku4

    dingir-gu10 (d)en-ki en (d)nu-dim2-mud-e _ka_-za mu-ni-in-e3 ur-sag kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 giri3 tur-tur-zu-usz (kusz)e-sir2 tur-tur he2-ma-dim2-dim2-ma-am3 giri3 gal-gal-zu-usz (kusz)e-sir2 gal-gal he2-ma-dim2-dim2-ma-am3 x x x x x kur [...]-ku4-ra [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] gu-ru-um-gu-ru-um hur-sag-ga2 mu?-[...]-ne? me-lam2 7(disz)-kam-ma mu-na-til-la-ta da-ga-na ba-te gesztu-a-ni tibir bi2-in-ra

    am dab5-ba-gin7 samanx(|_sze3-sud4-sze3-nun-sze3-tu_|) mu-ni-in-szub ur-sag dab5-ba-gin7 aszkud2 mu-ni-in-la2 ur-sag-e er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 hu-wa-wa er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 ur-sag-e lul mu-e-se3 szu si mu-e-sa2 nam-erim2 mu-e-ku5 zi ama ugu-zu (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-zu ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da dingir-zu (d)en-ki en (d)nu-dim2-mud _ka_-za mu-e-ni-e3 am dab5-ba-gin7 saman2 mu-ni-szub ur-sag dab5-ba-gin7 aszkud2 ba-ni-la2-la2

    x x (d)gilgames2 dumu-gi7-ra sza3-ga-ni arhusz ba-[...] arad-da-na en-ki-du10-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e ga2-nam-ma ur-sag-ra szu ga-am3-bar-re-en-de3-en lu2 zu-me he2-a dur2 kaskal-la igi me-eb-du8-de3-a lu2 zu-me he2-a [...]-x-ba-gu10 he2-a kilib3-gu10 he2-em-mi-il2-le [...] x [...] x x arad-da-a-ni en-ki-du10-e mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 x x dim2-ma nu-tuku [...] x nu-tuku [...] nu-tuku ur-sag dab5-ba szu bar-ra-am3 en dab5-ba ge6-par4-sze3 gur-ra-am3 gudug dab5-ba hi-li-sze3 gur-ra-am3

    kaskal kur-ra mu-e-de3-eb-x la x e giri3 kur-ra mu-e-de3-eb-suh3-suh3-e iri ama u3-tu-da nu-ub-szi-x-x-de3-en-de3-en [...] [...] [...] [...] hu-wa-wa [...]-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 ama tu-da-gu10 hur-ru-um kur-ra a-a tu-da-gu10 hur-ru-um hur-sag-ga2 (d)utu dili-gu10-ne kur-ra mu-un-de3-en-tusz-en (d)gilgames2 hu-wa-wa-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e ga2-nam-ma x x _ga2_ [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    he poured out oil, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, the young man, the girzal of the gods, he sat on a mighty bull, the lord, the young man, Gilgamesh, from Uruk, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out my evil heart, he poured out my wall, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl, he poured out a libation bowl

    The young man should not come out from the midst of the laborer's labor, until the end of his labor he shall not come out. The life of my mother Ninsumun, my holy father Lugalbanda, my god Enki, lord Nudimmud, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I shall finish ... ... I shall finish ... I shall bring out ... ... his servant Enkidu spoke to him. If he enters the netherworld, Utu may he not enter the netherworld, Utu may he not enter the netherworld, Utu may he not enter the netherworld, its name is Utu.

    The kur-erinku-priests, the young and old of Utu, he smote Utu An with lapis lazuli. He raised his head and smote Gilgamesh, the lord of Kulab, with his holy hand he smashed. Utu, go to the netherworld! I am my hero, I am the kur-erinku-priest! I am my hero, ... ... .

  • 1 ...,
  • 2nd ...
  • 3rd tablet of .
  • 4th ...
  • 5th ... he smote .
  • The 6th, like a storm sweeping through the mountain,
  • 7th time, like lightning he will go back and forth, but he will not return to his work.
  • They are stars of heaven, they are stars of heaven, they are stars of ..., they are stars of heaven, they are stars of Aratta, they are stars of the merchants, they are feet of the ..., they are ... of the mountains, they are ... of the barge, they are ... of the mountains. Gilgamesh has sworn by his city. ... of Kulab he has sounded. The city, a wife, a wife, a son, a son, a hero, a hero, a woman, a man who has no wife, a son, a man who has no son, a man who has no brother, a man who has no brother, a man who Gilgamesh has sworn by his army, he has sworn by the king from the city.

    Gilgamesh went out from Kulab. He took the road to Kur-geserkuda. He conquered the first mountain range. He did not find his heart's cedar. He conquered the 2nd mountain range. He did not find his heart's cedar. He conquered the 3rd mountain range. He conquered the cedar. He conquered the 4th mountain range. He conquered the cedar. He conquered the 5th mountain range. He conquered the cedar.

    He has ruled the 6th mountain range, but he has not cultivated the cedars in his heart. He has cultivated the cedars in his heart. Gilgamesh has cultivated the cedars, and his servant Enkidu has made him bow down. The citizens of his city have been gathered and gathered together. At that time, the hero and the hero, like a lion, ... the aura ... like a ...

    The land was squandered, the roof was smashed, ... Gilgamesh ..., he smote his own people, he smote his own people, he smote his own people, he smote his own people, he smote his own mother Ninsumun, his father, he smote his own mother, holy Lugalban, my god Enki, lord Nudimmud, ...

    The hero has no strength, he has no strength. He is his servant Enkidu. He speaks to him ... ... ... the true mother of Ninsumun, the holy father Lugalban, my god Enki, lord Nudimmud, ... ... ... may the hero in the netherworld stand, may the small foots and the small sandals be made, may the large foots and the small sandals be made, ...

    My god, Enki, lord Nudimmud, opened your mouth to me. May your heroism be present in the netherworld. May your small feet and small sandals be made suitable for him. May your large feet and small sandals be made suitable for him. May ... ... enter the land of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... gurumgurum, the mountain range, ... seven times he ... the radiance of the radiance of his mind he poured out.

    Like a saman animal, he smashed it like a lion. Like a lion, he was smashed. Like a lion, he was smashed. The hero cried, "It is good." Like a lion, he smashed it. Like Huwawa, he smashed it, "It is good." The hero cried, "It is bad." He smashed it, and he smashed it. The enemy seized it. Your mother, Ninsumun, your holy father, Lugalbana, your god, Enki, and lord Nudimmud, he smashed it. Like a lion, he smashed it, and he smashed it.

    ... Gilgamesh, the young man, ... his heart ... His servant Enkidu, I say to him: "Let me give him to you!" Let me give him to you, my hero, let him be a man who is a stranger, let him be a man who is a stranger, let him be a man who is a stranger, let him be my ..., let him be my ..., let him be my ..., let him be his servant Enkidu, let him be his ..., let him be his ..., let him be his ..., let him be his ..., let him be his ..., let him be his ..., let him be his ..., let him be his lord, let him be his ..., let him be his gudug, let him be his ..., let him be his ...,

    The journey to the netherworld ..., the paths to the netherworld ..., the city, the mother who had not ..., ... ... ... ... ... he returned to ... My mother, the mountain range of the netherworld, my father, the mountain range of the mountains, Utu, my brother, the mountain range, he stayed in the netherworld. Gilgamesh, when he returned to ..., ...

    P469672: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    u4 ul an ki-ta ba9-ra2-a-ba [...] ul-e suh10 kesz2-da [...] [...] ul? buru14 ul-e sze |_ka_xX|-x-a-ba [...] in ba-dub-ba ki ba-sur-ra-a-ba x na ba-du3-a-ba mu ba-sar-ra-a-ba x e pa5-re szu-luh ak-a-ba x ad-gin7 x pu2 si sa2-sa2-a-ba (i7)buranun i7 he2-gal2-la unu(ki)-ga-ke4 ki in-dar-ra-a-ba x x _nun bi_? tab du3-a-ba x x ha-la _ul_ tab gar-ra-ba x x an ku3-ga-ke4 in-ze-ze-ra-a-ba x nam-en nam-lugal-la-ke4 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 x pa e3 bi2-in-ak szibir? eszgiri2? kul-aba4(ki)-ke4 me3 sag il2-ba me3 eszemen (d)inanna-ke4

    sag ge6 zi su3-u4-ba mi-ni-ib-du10-ge-esz-ba in-di3-in-di3-ba za3-esz-za3-esz-ba masz2 kur-ra umbin kin-kin-ba dara3 kur-ra aszkud sa6-sa6-ba en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ra mu-na-szum2-mu-usz-ba u4-ba lugal-e iri(ki)-sze3 (gesz)mi-tum na-ga2-ga2 en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ra aratta(ki) kur me sikil-la-sze3 har-ra-an zu na-an-ga2-ga2 ki-bala gul-gul-de3 na-an-gen en-e iri-a-ni zi-ga14 ba-ni-gar nimgir kur-kur-ra si gu3 ba-ni-ra unu(ki) zi-ga lugal zu ba-ra-e3-e kul-aba4(ki) zi-ga en-me-kar2-ra he2-us2-e

    unu(ki) zi-ga-bi a-ma-ru-kam kul-aba4(ki) zi-ga-bi an dungu gar-ra muru9-gin7 ki he2-us2-sa-ba sahar? pesz-pesz-bi an-e mu-un-szi-ib-us2 buru4-dugud(muszen) numun sag-sze3 zi-zi-i-gin7 lu2-ulu3 zu-ne na-an-ni-pa3-de3 szesz szesz-a-ne geszkim na-an-ga2-ga2 lugal-bi sag-ba du-a-ni x x x erin2-na-ka di-dam en-me-er-kar2 sag-ba du-a-ni lu2 [...]-ka di-dam _bir_? x x x [...] ki?-se3-ga-ke4 hur-sag _sug_ nunuz gu2 nu?-gun3-e gu2-nida-e gu2 me-er-me-er-re-da zi-du sza3 kusz2-u3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4

    kul-aba4(ki) nigin2-na-bi im-ma-an-kar-esz-ba x kur-ra-ke4 u8?-gin7 ba-an-gur-ru-usz x x zi-ga? gaba hur-sag-ga2-ke4 am-gin7 du10 bi2-in-gal2-le x x za3-sze3 i3-kin-e har-ra-an i3-zu-ne x x x x i3-kin-e u4 5(disz)-am3 ba-zal u4 6(disz)-kam-ma-ka a mu-un-tu5-tu5-usz x x x u4 7(disz)-kam-ma kur-ra ba-an-sun5-ne-esz in-di3-in-di3-a bala-bala-e-da-bi a-ge6 uru16 ambar _bulug_ gaba gabu2 ru-ru-gu2 en-bi ulu3-a u5-a-ni dumu (d)utu ku3-me-a zi an-ta ki gal-la gub-ba-am3 nig2 babbar2-ra sag mu-na-mu2-mu2

    ti zu2 nim-gin7 mu-na-gir2-gir2-re a2-na dur10-gag zabar-ra urin-na mu-na-mul-lu dur10-gag-ta ur ad6 gu7-a-gin7 galam mu-na-ta-e3 u4-bi-a 7(disz) he2-na-me-esz 7(disz) he2-na-me-esz di4-di4-la2 pesz-tur-_zi_ kul-aba4(ki) 7(disz) he2-na-me-esz

  • 7(disz)-be2-ne (d)urasz-e tu-da immal2 ga gu7-me-esz
  • ur-sag-me-esz ki-en-gi-ra se12-me-esz a-la-ba nun-na-me-esz (gesz)banszur an-na-ke4 a2 e3-a-me-esz

  • 7(disz)-be2-ne ugula-a-ke4-esz ugula-a-me-esz
  • nu-banda3-a-ke4-esz nu-banda3-a-me-esz szagina-a-ke4-esz szagina-a-me-esz ugula lu2 5(gesz2) 5(gesz2)-ta-a-me-esz nu-banda3 lu2 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz'u)-ta-a-me-esz szagina erin2 7(szar2) 7(disz)-ta-me-esz en-ra zu2 kesz2 igi bar-ra-ka-na mu-na-sug2-sug2-ge-esz lugal-ban3-da 8(disz)-kam-ma-ne-ne |_erin2_+_kisim5_| |_ka_xLI|? a luh-luh-ha-bi si du11-du11-ga-bi ba-ra-ab-e3 gesz tag-ga lugal-la-ke4 ba-da-ab-du8 ug3-da ba-da-gen kaskal mu-un-sa9 kaskal mu-un-sa9 ki-bi-a tu-ra mu-na-te sag gig mu-na-te

    musz sag-bi gi du5? ra-gin7 e-ne dag i3-si-il-e masz-da3 gesz-bur2-ra dab5-ba-gin7 ka sahar-ra bi2-us2 szu-ni dab5-ba nu-mu-da-an-gi4-gi4 giri3-ni gu2-ba nu-mu-da-an-ga2-ga2 lugal zi-ga szu nu-mu-na-an-gal2 kur gal-e muru9-e ki he2-us2-sa-a-ba unu(ki) he2-en-tum2-mu-de3 tum2-mu nu-ub-zu kul-aba4(ki) he2-en-tum2-mu-de3 tum2-mu la-ba-ni-zu-zu kur-ra ki sed4-bi zu2 gal2 x x ki kum2-ma-bi i3-tum4-tum4 x x a-ra-ah ma [...] ga? uh? la? x x nig2-bara2 gud3-gin7 mu-na-se3-ge-ne zu2-lum (gesz)pesz3 ga-ar3-ga-ar3-ra [...]

    ninda ku7-ku7 nig2 lu2 tu-ra i3-gu7-u3-ne kid-da zu2-lum-ma-ka e2 ba-ni-in-du3-du3-usz i3 hi-a tur3-ra ga-ar3 luh-ha amasz-a i3 nunuz-te nunuz-te-a sze6-ga2 (gesz)banszur ki ku3 ki kal-kal-la-asz se3-ge5-gin7 mu-na-ab-gub-bu-ne kasz dida nag lal3 zu2-lum-ma-ta szar2-ra ku-bu-ul-lum i3-nun-ta e-_ku_ igi (gesz)banszur-ra-ka si ba-ni-in-sa2-sa2-e-esz (kusz)masz-li-um-e nig2-si-sa2-e (kusz)a-ga2-la2-e nig2 sa2 du11-du11-ga szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne nig2-gur11 (gesz)ma2 ki-buru14 ba-al-la-gin7

    sag-ga2-ni-sze3 hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-ni-in-gar-re-ne (kusz)ummu-da-ne-ne a _nam_ nu-um-ta-x x kasz ge6 kurun ziz2 babbar gesztin na8-na8 gu2-me-ze2 du10-ga-am3 sag-ga2-ni-sze3 hur-ru-um kur-ra [...] gesz (kusz)ummu-da-gin7 ur2-ba hu-mu-tal2-tal2 i3 szim-gig-ga i3 zi?-da i3 szim ga i3 ligidba i3 sag-bi gan-da si-du11 sur-ra-ke4 mu-na-ak-esz sag-ga2-ni-sze3 hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-ni-ib-la2-e-ne (uruda)ha-zi-in-na-ni ku3-bi nagga hur-sag zubi-ta szu-a bala-a sag-ga2-ni-sze3 im-szi-ib-ru-gu2-ne

    giri2 ur2-ra-ka-ni an-bar-sug4-ga-am3 hur-sag ge6-ta szu-a bala-a ti-ni-ta im-da-ab-sur-ru-ne igi-ni pa5 mu a-ta dirig-dirig-ga-e ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da ba-an-di-ni-ib-bad-bad-de3 nundum-a-na (gesz)ig bar ku3 (d)utu gu2-bi ba-an-gi4 szesz-a-ne-ne nu-mu-un-ne-ba-e gu2-ni un-zi-ge-esz zi nu-um-me szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne ni2-bi-a ad mi-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-ne u4 szesz-me (d)utu gesz-nu2-a-gin7 mu-zi-zi-ia dingir nig2 mu-ni-ra-a-ni bar-ta im-da-gub ne un-gu7 ne un-|_ka_xX| giri3-ni giri3 ki us2-sa ba-an-tah

    gar3-gar3 kur-ra-ke4 he2-en-tum2-mu-de3 szeg12 kul-ab(ki)-sze3 u3 tukum-bi (d)utu szesz-me ki ku3 ki kal-kal-la-asz gu3 im-ma-an-de2 gesz-gi-ge-en-na-ka-na ki-bi he2-en-da-x u4 me-en-de3 aratta(ki)-ta i3-re7-a-me-en-de3-en ad6 szesz-me szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 ga-ba-ni-ib-ku4-re-en-de3-en ab2 ku3 (d)nanna sag2 du11-ga-gin7 gu4-ab2-ba nam-sumun-ba szurum-ma tak4-a-gin7 szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-ni-ib-tak4-a-asz er2 1(disz)-e a-nir 1(disz)-e er2-e nig2 sza3-ne-sza4-ka

    sza3 sag3-ge i-si-isz ga2-ga2-de3 szesz-gal-szesz-gal (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra ba-an-sun5-ne-esz u4-ba lugal-ban3-da tu-ra-am3 u4 2(disz)-am3 i-ni-in-zal u4 2(disz)-am3 u4 _masz_-am3 ba-an-tah (d)utu e2-a-ni-sze3 igi-ni ga2-ga2-gin7 masz2-ansze szurum-sze3 sag il2-i-gin7 u4 szu nigin2 a2 u4 te-en-na-ra i3-gin7 su-na mu-na-hal-ha tu-ra-na nu-um-ta-ab-e11-de3 (d)utu-ra an-sze3 igi he2-em-szi-ib-il2-ia-ke4? a-a tu-da-na-gin7 er2 ba-szi-in-pa3 szu sa6-sa6-ga-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-kam mu-na-ab-zi-zi-zi-i

    (d)utu silim ga-ra-ab-du11 nam-ba-tu-tu-de3-en ur-sag dumu (d)nin-gal silim ga-ra-ab-du11 nam-ba-tu-tu-de3 (d)utu szesz-gu10-ne-ka kur-ra mu-un-e11-de3 hur-ru-um kur-ra ki sumur ki-ka nam-ba-an-tu-tu-de3 ki ama nu-gub-ba a-a nu-gub-ba zu-a nu-gub-ba kal-la nu-gub-ba ama-gu10 a dumu-gu10 nu-um-me szesz-gu10 a szesz-gu10 nu-um-me uszur ama-gu10 e2-a ku4-ra-na er2-gu10 nu-sze8-sze8 dingir ama dingir a-a ul-sug2-ge-esz-a-ta dingir nam-uszur-ke4 lu2 ba-ra-an-e11-de3 im-me-a ur nu-zu hul-a lu2 nu-zu husz-am3

    kaskal nu-zu gaba kur-ra-ka (d)utu lu2 nu-zu lu2 hul rib-ba-am3 a-gin7 ki-lul-la nam-ma-e sze-gin7 sahar sis-a nam-ba-da-gu7-e (gesz)ilar-gin7 edin ki nu-zu-ga2 nam-ba-e-de3-szub-bu-de3-en mu in-na szesz-gu10-ne-ka nam-ba-an-tu-tu-de3-en su-lum mar du10-sa-gu10-ne-ka nam-ba-an-tu-tu-de3-en dim3-ma-gin7 kur-ra musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu (d)utu er2-na szu ba-an-szi-in-ti zi-sza3-gal2-la-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-na-ni-ib-e11-de3 ukur3-e _ne_-_ne_ ga2-ga2-da eszemen du10-ga-am3

    kar-ke4 esz2-dam-sze3 e3-da ki-nu2 du10-du10-ge-da ukur3-e nig2 gu7-da-ni (d)inanna dumu (d)suen-na-ke4 gu4-gin7 kalam-ma sag mu-na-il2 me-lam2-ma-ni ku3 (d)szara2-gin7 musz3-a-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-kam u4 mu-un-na-ga2-ga2 (d)inanna-ra an-sze3 igi he2-en-szi-ib-il2-ia-ka a-a tu-da-na-gin7 er2 ba-an-szi-in-pa3 szu sa6-sa6-ga-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-na-zi-zi-i-zi (d)inanna e2-gu10 he2-me-a iri(ki)-gu10 he2-me-a iri ama-gu10 tu-da kul-ab(ki) [...] musz-gin7 |_ki-kal_|-gu10 he2-me-a giri2-gin7 ki-in-dar-gu10 he2-me-a

    ug3 gal-gal-la?-gu10-ne ma-ra-an-[...] nin gal-gal-la?-gu10-ne ma-ra-an?-[...] a-a? [...] e2-an-na-sze3 ma-[...] [...] |_ka-ni_|-|_ka-ni_| _ka_ si im-me na4 tur-tur-bi na4 gi-rin hi-li-bi an-ta (na4)sag-kal-e ki-ta |_uru_xX|-|_uru_xX|-e akkil-bi-ta iszi za-bu-e gu3-bi-ta sur gal2 tak4-e a2-ur2 kur ha-szu-ur2-ra-ke4 musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu (d)inanna er2-na szu ba-an-szi-in-ti zi-sza3-gal2-la (d)utu u3-sa2-gin7 ba-an-ku sza3 hul2-la (d)inanna-ke4 tug2-gin7 mu-un-dul-dul i-gi4-in-zu sila gibil? szeg12? kul-ab(ki)-sze3 na-gen

    gu4-de3 tu7 ge6-ga gu7-da mul amar ku3 en-nu-ug3-sze3 am3-szi-ri mul u4 zal-le-da-ke4 an-ne im-sar-re u4 babbar-re ge6-a bi2-ib-bur2-re (d)suen u4-sakar-e silim du11-ga a-a (d)nanna (d)utu e3-a-ra si sa2 mu-na-an-szum2 en giri17-zal men-na tum2-ma (d)suen dumu ki ag2-ga2 (d)en-lil2-la2 dingir si-un3-na me-te-asz bi2-ib-gal2 me-lam2-ma-ni ku3 (d)szara2-gin7 musz3-a-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka u4 mu-na-ga2-ga2 (d)suen-ra an-sze3 igi he2-en-szi-ib-il2-ia-ka a-a tu-da-na-gin7 er2 ba-an-szi-in-pa3

    szu sa6-sa6-ga-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-na-zi-zi-zi-i lugal an su3-ra2 nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-da (d)suen an su3-ra2 nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-da lugal-e nig2-si-sa2-e ki ag2 nig2-erim2-e hul gig (d)suen-e nig2-si-sa2-e ki ag2 nig2-erim2-e hul gig nig2-si-sa2-e sza3 hul2-la si sa2-bi sza-ra-da-a-de6 (gesz)asal de-hi gal-am3 u3-luh-bi sza-ra-mu2-mu2 nig2-si-sa2-e zu2 kesz2-bi e-du8-u3 nig2-erim2 zu2 kesz2-bi nu-e-du8 nig2-erim2-e sag-bi um-|_du-du_| egir-bi-sze3 _im_ bi2-ib-tum3 u4 sza3-zu i-im-il2-i-am3

    nig2-erim2-e musz ze2 guru5-a-gin7 usz11-zu szi-im-ri-e (d)suen-e er2-na szu ba-an-szi-in-ti nam-ti mu-na-szum2 giri3-ni giri3 ki us2-sa ba-an-tah

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 gu4 babbar an-ur2-ta e3-a
  • gu4 ha-szu-ur2-ra nam-e-a-ak-e (kusz)gur21(ur3)-ra ki us2-sa igi tab ukken-na (kusz)gur21(ur3)-ra e2 nig2-gur11-ta e3 igi tab gurusz-a szul (d)utu si-musz3 ku3-ga-na an-ta mu-ta-la2 [...] x ku3 x ga [...] me-lam2-a-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka u4 mu-na-ga2-ga2 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-na-szum2 (d)udug sa6-ga-ni an-ta im-ta-la2 (d)lamma sa6-ga-ni egir-a-na ba-e-gen dingir nig2 mu-ra-ni bar-ta ba-gub (d)utu-ra an-sze3 igi he2-en-szi-ib-il2-ia-ka a-a tu-da-ni-gin7 er2 ba-an-szi-in-pa3

    szu sa6-sa6-ga-ni hur-ru-um kur-ra-ka mu-na-zi-zi-i-zi (d)utu sipa kalam-ma a-a sag ge6-ga nu2-a-zu-ne ug3 szi-mu-e-da-nu2 szul (d)utu zi-zi-da-zu-ne ug3 szi-mu-e-da-zi-zi-i (d)utu za-e-da nu-me-a muszen-e gu nu-_du_ sag sze29-esz2 nu-di lu2 dili du-ur2 szesz-tab-ba-ni-me-en (d)utu lu2 2(disz) du 3(disz)-kam-ma-bi za-e-me-en hul3 la2 (gesz)igi-tab-ba-ni-me-en ukur3-re lu2-lul-e lu2 tug2 nu-tuku-e gaba u4-da-zu (tug2)zulumhi ku3-gin7 sza-mu4-mu4 e2 ur5-ra tug2 siki babbar bar-ba im-dul ab-ba-ab-ba gu2-tuku-gin7

    bur-szu-ma-e-ne gaba u4-da-zu a-ar3 u4 ul-le2-a-asz szi-im-du10-du10-ge-ne gaba u4-da-zu i3-gin7 rib-ba-am3 am gal-gal-e du10 am3-mi-gal2 nig2 _ku_-ba kasz3 nig2 _di_ i3-ib-sur-ra ur-sag dumu (d)nin-gal-la bur2-bur2-babbar szi-mu-e-szi-ib-za ki?-ba lu2-lu2 gu4 sub2-ba-ke4 x du8-a-ni x x x [...] szesz szesz-a-ni-a ba-szi-in-la2 apin-a-ni ki a2-ba-ka am3-mi-ni-in-gub-gub-bu i-lu-zu du10-ga du10-ga-am3 an-e mu-un-szi-ib-us2 ur-sag dumu (d)nin-gal-la me-tesz2 am3-i-i-ne ku3 lugal-ban3-da hur-ru-um kur-ra-ta im-ma-da-ra-ta-e3

    u4-bi-a zi-du sza3 kusz2-u3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka u2? nam-ti-la i-im-tu i7 hal-hal-la ama hur-sag-ga2-ke4 a nam-ti-la im-tum3 u2 nam-ti-la-ka zu2 nam-mi-in-gub a nam-ti-la-ka _um_ nam-mi-in-rig7 u2 nam-ti-la-ka zu2 he2-em-gub-bu-a-ka a nam-ti-la _um_ he2-em-rig7-a-ka gu2-e-ta umbin 1(disz)-a-ni ki mu-un-dab5-dab5 ki-bi-ta ansze kur-kur-ra-gin7 am3-_gul_?-e dur3(ur3) dili du-e (d)szakkan2-na-ke4 hur-sag i3-si-il-le dur3(ur3) uru16 gal-gin7 (kusz)um i3-tag-tag-ge dur3(ur3) sal-la kas4-e kin-ga2-am3 kas4 im-mi-dar-dar

    ge6-bi-ta u4 te-en-sze3 na-gen hur-sag sza3-sig (d)suen-ne-ka kas4 mi-ni-ib-kar-kar-re

  • 1(disz)-a-ni-im lu2 igi nigin lu2 nu-mu-un-da-bar-re
  • (kusz)masz-li-um-e nig2 si sa2-e (kusz)a-ga2-la2-e nig2 sa2 du11-du11-ga szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne a sed4-gin7 ninda ki-a mu-un-da-an-du8-usz-am3 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da hur-rum(um) kur-ra-ta im-ma-ra-an-il2-il2 gu2 ne-mur-ra-ka ba-an-sze21 (gesz)bugin2 x _ne a_ bi2-in-ra igi-ni-sze3 mu-un-ta-gar-ra mu-un-si?-il? na4 sur? szu im-ma-an-ti x tesz2-bi he2-em-ra-ra-a-ta? u3-dub2 dar-dar-ra gu2 edin-e ba-ni-in-nu2? (na4)zu2 sal-la izi bi2-in-[...] izi-bi sza3-sig-ga u4-gin7 mu-na-an-e3 (ninda)gug2 du8 nu-zu (im)szu-rin-na nu-zu

    ne-mur 7(disz)-ta ninda gi-izi-esz-ta-a ba-ra-an-du8 ninda ni2-bi-a en-na am3-sze6-sze6 gi-szul-hi kur-ra ur2-ba mi-ni-in-bur12-bur12 pa-ba mi-ni-in-suh-suh gu2-en gug2-ga-ka szukur2-u4-sze3 zu2 ba-ni-in-kesz2-kesz2 (ninda)gug2 du8 nu-zu (im)szu-rin-na nu-zu ne-mur 7(disz)-ta ninda gi-izi-esz-ta ba-ra-an-du8 lal3 zu2-lum-ma nig2 ku7-ku7-da hi-li ba-ni-in-du8-du8 am su4 am sig7 am si guru3-guru3 am sza3-sig-ga nam-a-a ak am su4-su4 hur-sag ki sikil-la akkil-bi kin-ga2 u3 ur5-re szim-gig sze-am3 i3-tukur2-re

    gesz ha-szu-ur2-ra (u2)numun2-bur i3-ma5-ma5 pa (gesz)sze-nu (u2)|_ki-kal_|-gin7 u2 giri17-ba mu-un-si-im-me a i7 hal-hal-la-ka i-im-na8-na8-de3 (u2)i-li-in-nu-usz u2 sikil kur-ra-ka bu-lu-uh3 mu-un-si-il-si-il-le am su4 am kur-ra u2-a sub2-ba-bi

  • 1(disz)-am3 du10?-ba-na im-ma-ra-an-dab5
  • (gesz)sze-du10 kur-ra ur2-ba mi-ni-in-bur12-bur12 pa-ba mi-ni-in-suh-suh (gesz)i-ri9-na-bi (u2)|_a-zi&zi_| gid2-da a-sza3-ga-ke4 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da giri2-ta ba-ra-an-szab am su4 am kur-ra saman-e bi2-in-la2 masz2 su4 masz2-ud5 masz2-sa?-la2 masz2-sa-kesz2-kesz2-sa masz2-gu2-e3-gu2-e3 u3 ur5-re szim-gig sze-am3 i3-tukur2-re gesz ha-szu-ur2-ra (u2)numun2-bur-gin7 i3-ma5-ma5 pa (gesz)sze-nu (u2)|_ki-kal_|-gin7 u2 giri17-ba mu-un-sim-me a i7 hal-hal-la-ka i-im-na8-na8-ne

    (u2)i-li-in-nu-usz u2 sikil kur-ra-ka bu-lu-uh3 mu-un-si-il-si-il-le masz2 su4 masz2-ud5 u2-a sub2-ba-bi

  • 2(disz)-am3 du10-ba-na im-ma-ra-an-dab5
  • (gesz)sze-du10 kur-ra ur2-ba mi-ni-in-bur12-bur12 pa-ba mi-ni-in-suh-suh (gesz)i-ri9-na-bi (u2)|_a-zi&zi_| gid2-da a-sza3-ga-ke4 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da giri2-ta ba-ra-an-szab masz2 su4 masz2-ud5 masz2 2(disz)-a-bi _har_-_gam_-sze3 bi2-in-la2 [...] _bi_ sag? x [...] [...]-usz im-ta-an-dub

  • 1(disz)-a-ni lu2 igi nigin nu-mu-un-da-ab-bar-re
  • lugal-ra u3-sa2-ge sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11 u3-sa2-ge kur nam-gu2-ka3-ke4 ku-kur galam-ma-gin7 szu e2-gar8-gin7 gul-la szu-bi galam-am3 giri3-bi galam-am3 nig2 igi-bi-ta lal3 szu2-szu2-e igi-bi-ta lal3 dirig-dirig-ga-e ugula nu-zu-e nu-banda3 nu-zu-e nig2 ur-sag-ra a2-gal2-la2-e (gesz)da-ha-sza (d)nin-ka-si-ka-ke4 (d)lugal-ban3-da u3-sa2-ge sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11 (u2)i-li-in-nu-usz u2 sikil kur-ra-ka ki-nu2 gar-sze3 mu-un-gar (tug2)zulumhi-e mu-un-bara2 gada babbar bi2-in-bur2

    e2 ur5-ra a tu5-tu5 nu-gal2-la ki-bi-sze3 sa2 im-du11 lugal u3-sa2-ge la-ba-an-nu2-a ma-mu2-de3 ba-nu2 ma-mu2-da (gesz)ig-e nu-gi4-e za-ra nu-gi4-e lul-da lul di-da zi-da zi di-dam lu2 hul2-hul2-le-de3 lu2 szir3-szir3-re-de3 (gi)pisan kad5 dingir-re-e-ne-kam unu2 igi sa6 (d)nin-lil2-la2-kam ad gi4-gi4 (d)inanna-kam ga-bi2-ib2-lu-lu nam-lu2-ulu3-ka gu3 lu2 nu-ti-la (d)za-an-gar3-ra dingir ma-mu2-da-ke4 (d)lugal-ban3-da ni2-te-ni gu4-gin7 [...]-sza4 amar ab2-szilam-ma-gin7 gu3 nun im-me

    am su4-e ga2-a-ra a-ba-a ma-ra-ab-szum-[...] i3-udu-bi ga2-a-ra a-ba-a ma-ra-ab-zal-x-e (uruda)ha-zi-in-ga2 ku3-bi nagga szu im-ma-x-ti giri2 ur2-ra-ga2 an-bar-sug4-am3 im-ma-da-x x am su4 am kur-ra-ke4 lu2-geszpu2-gin7 ga-am3-ma-|_du-du_| lu2-lirum-gin7 ga-am3-szi-gam-gam lipisz-bi he2-em-ta-ab-zi (d)utu e3-a-ra u3-mu-na-gar masz2 su4 masz2-ud5 masz2 2(disz)-a-bi sag-du-bi sze-gin7 um-ta-a-dub usz2-bi si-du11-ga um-ma-ni-in-de2-de2 ir edin-na |_du-du_|-a-bi musz ul4 kur-ra-ke4 si-im he2-em-szi-ak-de3

    (d)lugal-ban3-da i-im-zi ma-mu2-da im-bu-lu-uh3 u3-sa2-ga-am3 igi-ni szu bi2-in-kin nig2-me-gar sug4-ga-am3 (uruda)ha-zi-in-na-ni ku3-bi nagga szu im-ma-an-ti giri2 ur2-ra-ka-ni an-bar-sug4-am3 im-ma-da-_musz2_? am su4 am kur-ra-ke4 lu2-geszpu2-gin7 im-ma-|_du-du_| lu2-lirum-ma-gin7 im-ma-szi-gam lipisz-bi im-ta-an-zi (d)utu e3-a-ra mu-na-an-gar masz2 su4 masz2-ud5 masz2 2(disz)-a-bi sag-du-bi sze-gin7 im-ta-an-dub usz2-bi si-du11-ga im-ma-ni-in-de2-de2 ir-bi edin-na |_du-du_|-a-bi musz ul4 kur-ra-ke4 si-im im-szi-ak-de3

    (d)utu nam-ta-e3-asz x [...] lugal-ban3-da mu (d)en-lil2-le zi [...] an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 si-du11-ta geszbun-na im-ma-ni-in-dur2-ru kur-ra ki gar-ra mu-un-ak-a geszbun ba-ni-in-gar ne-sag ba-ni-in-de2 kasz ge6 kurun ziz2 babbar gesztin na8-na8 gu2-me-ze2 du10-ga edin-na a sed4 ki-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-de2-de2 uzu masz2 su4-ke4 giri2 bi2-in-ak ur5 nig2 ge6 izi im-mi-ni-in-si na-izi si-ga-gin7 i-bi2-bi bi2-in-mu2 i-gi4-in-zu (d)dumu-zi ir du10-ga amasz-a ku4-ra-a nig2 szu du11-ga lugal-ban3-da

    an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 du10-ga-bi mu-un-gu7-usz a2 sikil-la ki dadag-ga-bi bara2 (d)suen-na ku3-gin7 mi-ni-in-ri bara2 (d)utu bara2 (d)suen-na-ka igi-nim-sze3 ba-du3 bara2 2(disz)-a-bi _ka_ szu? za-gin3 (d)inanna-ka sze-er-ka-an ba-ni-in-du11 (d)suen-e _gisz_ da szu _ka ni_ a2-an-kar2 a ba?-an-tu5-tu5 iri an-na a tu5-a-ni gu2-en gug2-ga-ka me-te-asz bi2-ib-gar x x zi (d)en?-ki? a-a dingir-re-e-ne an-da-ak-ak-esz an gal2 tak4-a x mu-un-dab5-ba _nam su_ bar dur _sar_ in-gal2-le-esz

    x x _bu_ masz dur _sar_-gin7 sag szu? mu-ni-in-gal2?-le?-esz? (gesz)pesz3 sze-er-gu hi-li bur-ra-gin7 a2-ne-ne-a mu-un-de3-la2-la2 masz-da3 kas4 kar-re (d)suen-na-me-esz nig2 ur5 sa6-sa6 (d)nin-lil2-la2-me-esz (d)iszkur-ra a2-tah-a-ni-me-esz gu dub2-bu-me-esz sze dub2-bu-me-esz masz2-ansze gesz-hasz ak-a-me-esz ki-bala hul gig (d)suen-na-sze3 u4-de3 |_du-du_|-e-me-esz lu2 u4-de3 |_du-du_|-e e-ne-ne he2-en-na-me-esz u4 gid2-da u4 szu4-sze3 im-mi-ib-nu2-u3-ne ge6 lugud2-da e2? du3?-ba mu-ni-ib-ku4?-ku4? [...]

    u4 gid2-da ge6 lugud2-da dam gesz-nu2-a mi-ni-ib-nu2-u3-ne u4 ga lam? nig2 giri17-zal im-ma-ab-szum2-mu-ne ge6 u3-na suh10 za-gin3 im-szi-ib-kesz2-re-de3-ne si-si-ig sim(muszen)-sim(muszen) (d)utu-ka ur2-ba szu mi-ni-in-te? e2-e2-a i-im-ku4-ku4-ne e-sir2-e-sir2-ra gu2 mu-un-gid2-gid2-i-ne ga-ab-du11 inim du11-ga-ab szu-a ga-bi2-ib2-gi4-me-esz ama-ra kin du11-ga nin gal-ra inim gi4-a da gesz-nu2-da-ka ki-nu2 ak-a x si-ga-a? sag gesz ra-ra x ku10-ku10-ga zuh-ha-a-ba x (gesz)ig (gesz)banszur nam-lu2-ulu3-ta ba-ta-an-e3

    [...] x szu-a mi-ni-ib-bala-e-ne tesz2?-bi za-ra-za-ra zu2 mu-ne-kesz2 ur?-sag _usz_ gid2-da lu2-sze3 nu2-nu2 x (d)utu _usz_ gid2-da lu2-sze3 nu2-nu2-u3-a? ur-sag szul (d)utu inim zi-da-kam szir3? zu _ka_ x-a? sza3 inim-ma-zu-a an ki x _gi_ ka-inim-ma-bi si um-mi-in-sa2 ka?-inim-ma x _di_ szul (d)utu-kam (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne nu-mu-un-zu-usz-a? u4 re-ta x (d)utu unu (d)en-lil2-la2 nam-nimgir gal an-na x x mu-na-an-szum2 _di_? kur-kur-ra x x mu-na-an-tah _pa si te_ x [...] dingir-re-e-ne-ke4

    ab-ba-iri gal-zu x x e3? _ab_ gal an ku3-ga an ki x _gi_ ka-inim?-ma?-bi si im-mi-in-sa2-ta ka-inim-ma-ke4? si sa2 szul (d)utu-kam (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne nu-mu-un-zu-usz-a x ku3 _bad_-_bad_-e-ne-kam me3? ku3? x [...] x x [...] x x x sag szu ak? nu-mu-su-bu-x x-ne _bad am_ x da _bad si_? x [...] _bad_-_bad_ x x _lagab_ gu2 ba? _ab_ [...] egir x x szu ni2-ba gi4-gi4 [...] (d)utu-ra (d)en-lil2-la2 dingir ki mah-a [...] sun4 mu2 dumu (d)nin-gal-la mu-na-da-an-ku4-ku4 (d)suen x x mu-na-an-szum2-mu-usz szen? mu-na-ab-tah-e-me?-esz

    nam kur-kur-ra-ke4 szu?-ne-a mu-un-na-ni-in-gi-ne2-me?-esz ge6 u3-na-ka szah2-ge6 mu-un-zu-usz an-bar7-_gan2_-ka (d)utu-ur2 ka-inim-ma-ka-ni igi-sze3 x-bi mu-un-da-gal2 an-na szir3 zu igi-ni x mu-un-gal2 (d)udug? nin _mu_ x x dingir nu-mu-un-da-sa2 nig2 x-ne-ne igi-ne-ne-kam an (d)en-lil2 x x (d)inanna dingir mu-un-ne-en-ku4 x x _ra mu_ [...] _sa_ szar2-ra mu-un-zu-usz da x |_du-du_| uh da x nu-kesz2 gir5-gir5-re-de3 igi bi2-in-du8-ru-usz _ka szesz_ nig2 _szesz_ mul-la-ba ab-lal3-ta mu-un-ne-_gag_

    (gesz)ig kur szuba gesz-gan kur szuba mi-tum x x (d)|_kal-kal_| an-na har-ra-an x x x _nun_? (d)inanna U ga lil2-ta e3-a (gesz)taskarin x x kur szuba-ta e3-a _an_ x x _an_ ku3-sig17 ban3-da ma x x x _lu an_ x x x me3 ba-sug2-ge-esz me3 x [...] x ra-gin7 sza3 [...] x (d)inanna esz2 za-gin3 mi-ni-ib-sar-sar-e-ne lu2 sza3 (d)inanna sa6-ge-me-esz me3 ba-sug2-ge-esz me3 izi-gar-bi 1(u) 4(disz)-me-esz nu-ga-mu-rib-ba-me-esz ge6 masz-a e2 sag gar-ra szu? [...] ge6 u3-na-ka izi-gin7 mu-un-sar-sar-re-de3-esz

    zu2 kesz2-da nim-gin7 mu-un-na-gir2-gir2-re-de3-esz mir sza3 se3-ga me3-ka a mah e3-a-gin7 gu3 nun mi-ni-ib-be2 lu2 sza3 (d)inanna sa6-ge-me-esz me3 ba-sug2-ge-esz izi-gar me3 7(disz)-me-esz nu-ga-mu-rib-ba-me-esz an sig7-ga men sag il2-la-gin7 ul-la ba-an-sug2-ge-esz sag-ki-ne-ne igi-ne-ne an-usan sig7-ga-me-esz gesztu2-ne-ne (gesz)ma2 x [...]-la2-me-esz ka-ne-ne szah2-gesz-gi nam-a-a ak-me-esz ka me3-ka gub-ba-ne-ne zi-sza3-gal2-bi du3 sag3-ge-ne zi ir-bi u4 _ru_ u4 te-ge26 _kid_ ki mu-un-ne-hul?-usz

    lu2 sza3 (d)inanna sa6-ge-me-esz me3 ba-sug2-ge-esz (d)nin-tu an-na szar2-szar2-me-esz zi an-na szu bi2-in-du8-usz szita3 ku3 mul-mul za3 an ki-sze3 mu-un-ne-de3-gal2 (d)nin-|_tab-ku-libir_| mu-un-ne-de3-gal2 mul u4 zal-le-da-ke4 an-na mul mu-un-ne-ur4-re (d)utu agrun-ta e3-a-ni szita3 ku3 an-na-ke4 si mu-un-na-ab-sa2-e dingir si sa2 nita2-da nu2-a dingir erim2-du sza3 nig2-erim2 gal2 dingir x x _hi_-_hi_-me-esz e-ne-ne-ne (d)nanna-gin7 (d)utu-gin7 (d)inanna me 5(u)-gin7 an ki za3-ba gesz mu-un-ni-_kam_

    nig2-erim2 du11-ga ensi-bi-me-esz nig2-a2-zi-ga igi du8-bi-me-esz x mu-un-zu-ub3 szu mah mu-un-zu-ub3 _ha_? _nu_? mu-un-zu-ub3 bur szum2-ma ba-zu-ub3 an sig7-ga-am3 mul szar2-ra bi2-in-zu-ub3-bu? masz-te gesz-bur2-gin7 bala-e-de3 mul (gesz)gigir bi2-in-zu?-ub3 (gesz)erin duru5 kur ha-szu-ur2-ra-ke4 ki [...]-un-ak an-ur2 an-pa sa-par3 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... from heaven to earth ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... en ... ... Uruk ...

    The one who has sat in bed for a long time, who has sat in bed for a long time, who has sat in bed for a long time, who has sat in bed for a long time, who has sat in bed for a long time, who has sat in bed for a long time, who has given good advice to Enmekar, son of Utu, when the king has given to the city, Enmekar, son of Utu, has given to Aratta, the pure mountain, who has given to the mighty divine powers, who has taken the road to the lands, has gone to destroy the lands, the lord has put his city back on the right path, the warriors of the lands have screamed, Uruk has given the right path to the king, and Kulaba has given the right path to Enmekar.

    Uruk, its position is the amaru. Kulaba, its position is the amaru. Like a cloud, it is surrounded by a cloud. Its sand dunes are piled up on the earth. Like a roe, it is surrounded by a sand dunes. Like a roe, it is surrounded by a swarm of pigeons. Like a swarm of eagles, it is a swarm of brothers. It is the king, its head is ..., ..., the troops, ..., ..., ..., the ... of the lands. The mountain range, the head is not ..., the neck is not ..., the neck is not ..., the neck is not ..., the neck is ..., the neck is ..., the heart of Enlil.

    he smashed Kulaba's ..., and ... like a ewe he smashed. ... like a mountain lion he smashed, and ... to the right he smashed. They smashed the road ... They smashed it 5 times, 6 times, and ... The 7th, they smashed it in the netherworld. Their balabala is a black cloud, a swarm of a wild bull, a swarm of a wild bull, its en priestess is a swarm of a

    He smote like a lightning flash, and he smote like a bronze lion, and he smote like a bronze lion, and he smote like a lion, and he smote like a galam. At that time, seven people were killed; seven people were killed; ..., Kulaba, seven people were killed;

  • The seven of them, Urash, are fed cows,
  • They are heros in Sumer, they are princes in their midst, they are the ones who make the table of heaven shine.

  • 7 of them are foreman, they are foreman.
  • The overseers are the overseers, the generals are the overseers The overseers are 900 people The overseers are 900 people The overseers are 77 people The commanders are the ones who ... the ... of the troops The en priests ... the ... of the troops The ... who ... the water, the utterances of the king are uttered The king's arrows are uttered to the people The road is a road, the road is a road, the sick man is a man

    The snake, its head like a reed, squints like a pig, squints like a pig, he snatches like a snatch, he does not return to the mouth of the dirt, he does not return to his hand, he does not return to his feet. The king does not give a firm command. The great mountain, the place where it is to be snatched, may Uruk be abandoned. May the one who does not exist, May Kulaba be abandoned. The mountain, its place where it is to be snatched, ... ... ... like a pig, ... dates, figs, .

    They eat food, they eat things that a man has eaten. They build a house for the mashlu-bread. They make a flour/incense-offering for the cows, they pour oil and honey into the cows, they pour oil and honey into the sheepfold. They set up a table in a holy place, a holy place, like a mighty place. They drink beer, drink milk from the mashlu-bread, they eat kubullum, they drink butter before the table. They put in a mashlu-bread, they make a gift, they make a gift, they make a gift, they make a gift, they make a gift, they make a gift, they make a boat, they make a boat,

    he deposited it on his head. The mountain range he established for him. His ummu-skins ... water ..., beer of the night, white flour, and wine, whose ... are good, on his head the mountain range ... like a ... of a ...-skins he poured out. He poured out szimgig oil, zidba oil, juniper oil, ligidba oil, and its head oil, the ganda oil, and a sledgestone he poured out. On his head the mountain range he poured out. His hazinna-silver, whose precious stones are a ...-stone, and a ...-stone, from the bala-silver he hung them on his head.

    He has sworn by the feet of his father in the mountains. He has sworn by the hand by the mountain range. He has sworn by the name of the gods from the water to the drigga. He has sworn by the holy lugalban. His brother has sworn by the holy door of Utu. They have not sworn by him, they have not sworn by him. They have not sworn by his brother. They have sworn by their own name. When my brother, Utu, like a scepter, has sworn by me, the god has sworn by me. He has sworn by his feet, he has sworn by his feet.

    The securing of the netherworld shall be brought to me. The brickwork of Kulab and if Utu, my brother, the holy place, the mighty place, spoke to me, and his geshgigana ... that place. When I come, from Aratta I shall come, and the young man of my brother I shall bring to me to the brickwork of Kulaba. Like a pure cow, Nanna, like a suckling bull, like a shurum-shrine, their brothers, like a szurum-shrine, their brothers, holy Lugalbana, the mountain range of the mountain range, they shall put in place. One erra, one erra, the things of their hearts,

    I want to make the heart of the great brother of Lugalban go to the netherworld. At that time, Lugalban went out, two days he sat down, two days he sat down. Utu, in his house, like a goat, he sat down on the shurum-tree. The day he sat down like a goat, the day he sat down like a cow. The day he sat down like a cow, he sat down like a cow, and he did not return to his own. To Utu, to heaven he should not look. Like his father he sat down like him, his good hand he sat down in the mountain.

    Utu, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a good word to you, let me speak a bad word to you, let me speak a bad word to you, let me speak a furious word to you,

    "You are the one who has not traveled to the other side of the netherworld, Utu, you are the one who has not traveled to the other side of the netherworld. You are the one who has not been a person who has been a person who has been a bad person, you are the one who has not been a water-guzzler, you are the one who has not been a barley-bearer, you are the one who has not been a sahar-bearer, you are the one who has not been a country-bearer, you are the one who has not been a brother, you are the one who has not been a brother, you are the one who has not been a sahar-bearer, you are the one who has not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer, you have not been a sahar-bearer,

    In the quay, to the shrine, to the sanctum, to the ukkur, to the ukur, to the things that he eats, Inanna, son of Suen, like a bull, he raised his head in the Land. His aura, like the pure Shara, he raised his head in the mountain range. Inanna, when he looked at heaven, he was like his father who had engendered him. His good hand he had engendered in the mountain range. Inanna, may my house be good, may my city be good, may my city be good, may my city, which has grown old, Kulab, ... like snakes, may my foot be good, may my kidar-shaped foot be good.

    My great people ... My great lady ... Father ... to Eanna ...

    The ox, fed in the night, the golden calf, the watcher, he smote. The stars of the dark days, he smote. The white days he smote. Suen, the day of the sakar festival, the utterance of father Nanna and Utu, he gave to him. The lord, who is a slanderer, he smote. Suen, beloved son of Enlil, the god who is a slanderer, he smote. His aura, like the holy Shara, his face, in the mountain range of the mountains, he smote. Suen, when he looked at heaven, like father who had sinned, he smote him.

    His beautiful hand he smote in the mountain range. The king, the heavens, cannot be changed. Suen, the heavens, cannot be changed. The king, the justice, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the joy, the justice, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, the evil, its head, the evil, the evil, its head, the evil, the ..., after that, he ..., and the day that your heart ...,

    The evil one, like a snake, snatched your flesh like a pig. Sîn, he sat down in his bed, and gave him life. His feet he sat down on the ground.

  • 2nd time white bull from Anur emerges.
  • he shall not drive an ox, he shall not drive an ox. He shall not stand on a leather strap, he shall not stand on a leather strap, he shall not stand on a leather strap, he shall not stand on a leather strap, he shall not stand on a strap, he shall not stand on a strap, he shall not stand on a strap, he shall not stand on a man's house, he shall not stand on a man's head, he shall not let the ... of the pure ... ... ... ... his aura shall be in the mountain range forever, he shall give the silver Lugalbana in the mountain range forever. His sweet udug he shall be in the mountain range forever. His sweet lamma he shall be in the future. His good deity shall stand behind him, and his good deity shall stand behind him. Utu, when he sees him, he shall cry, like his father.

    His good hand is in the mountains. Utu, shepherd of the country, your father who was born in the night, your people are the ones who are sated with happiness. Utu, you are not the one who sated with happiness. The bird does not ..., its head is not sated with joy. You are the one who is a single man, you are the one who is a double-handed man. You are the one who is a two-thirds man. You are the one who is a third-hand ..., you are the one who is a soiled garment. You are the one who is not a garment, you are the one who is wearing a gold garment. You are the one who is wearing a white garment, you are the one who is wearing a white garment.

    The burshum priests, your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., like a ..., are great, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are ..., ..., his brother, he is ..., he is a ..., he is good, and your divinity is good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are good, they are heroes, they are Ningal, they are good, they are silver, they are gold, they are a mountain range,

    At that time, the righteous one in the midst of the leather pouch of Enlil, he swore a life-giving plant. The river Halhal, the mother of the mountains, swore a life-giving plant. He swore a life-giving plant. He swore a life-giving plant. He swore a life-giving plant. He swore a life-giving plant. He swore one slingpole on his neck. He swore from that place, like a donkey of the lands. He swore a single slingpole of Shakkan, a mountain range, a large mountain range, a leather strap, a large slingpole, a long slingpole, a long slingpole, a long slingpole, a long slingpole,

    From that night, when you go, the mountain range of the heart of Suen will be smashed.

  • One man, the eye of a man, he did not distinguish the man.
  • The mashli-skin is a good thing, the agala-skin is a good thing. Their brothers, like a hot water vessel, eat bread on the ground. The holy lugalbanda ... the mountain range. He brought the ... of the mountain range into the mountain. He ... the ... ..., he brought it into his presence. He ... the ... stone, he ... the ..., he ... the ... of the plain. He ... the sala stone, he poured out fire, he poured out the ... stone, he poured out the ... of the earth. He did not eat the ... bread, he did not eat the ... bread.

    He has seen seven times the gizi-esh offering. He has seen the gishulhu-offerings of the mountain range. He has seen the gishulhu-offerings of the mountain range. He has seen the gishulhu-offerings of the mountain range. He has seen the gu-en of the guga-offerings. He has seen the gug-offerings of the gug-offerings. He has seen the gug-offerings, which are not a shurina. He has seen the gug-offerings, which are not a shurina. He has seen the gug-offerings of the gizi-offerings. He has seen the sweet liar of dates, which is rich with lustrations. He has seen the sweet liar of the gizi-offerings. He has seen the sweet liar of the sweet dates, the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the sweet liar of the

    He smote the hushur tree, the zebu-plant, the shernu-plant, the kikal-plant, the plants, the plants, the plants, the plants, the plants, the plants, the plants, the water of the Halhal canal, the plants, the plants of Ilinnush, the plants of the pure mountain, the plants of the buluguh plant, the wild bulls, the wild bulls of the mountain, its plants,

  • he has taken one copy of Dubana.
  • The ... of the mountain grew on its roof, it grew on its roof. Its irina tree, the azizi tree, the long tree of the field, the pure lugalban tree, he took from it. The wild bull of the mountain grew on the ground. The wild bull, the udded bull, the udded bull, the udded bull, the udded bull, the udded bull, the udde bull, the mashgu tree, the mashgu tree, the mashgu tree, the barley tree, he grew. The hushur tree, the numbur tree, he grew. The szeenu tree, the kikal tree, he grew on its branches. The water of the Halhal river he drank.

    Ilinnush, the pure plant of the mountain, he smote. The suckling goat and the suckling goat are its auxiliary plants.

  • he has given to him two ...:
  • He smashed the ... of the mountain, he smashed the ... of the mountain, he smashed the ... of the mountain. Its irina tree, the azizi plant, the long grass of the field, he smashed with silver from the feet of Lugalbanda. He smashed the ..., the ..., and the 2 ..., and ... ... he smashed.

  • He has no claim against one man,
  • a king who is a sag-priest, who has commanded me? A sag-priest of the land of the throne-disease like a pure mountain, like a sag-priest of the gate, whose hand is a sag-priest, whose foot is a sag-priest, whose face is a sag-priest, whose face is a sag-priest, whose ugula does not know, whose superintendent does not know, whose weapon is a hero, whose arrow is a sag-priest of Ninkasi, Lugalbanda does not know, whose ilinnush, the pure plant of the mountain, he placed in a secluded place, he fashioned a shawl, he adorned it with white linen,

    The house which has no water, has been sprayed with a slander. The king who has not been slandered has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has not received the door. He has not received the zag. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered. He has been slandered.

    "Why do I give the bull a ...? Why do I give its sheep a ...?" "I give the copper a ...?" "I ... the axe, I ... the ... of the ..., I ... the ... bull a ..., like a pig of the mountain, I shall ... like a pig of the mountain, I shall ... its lustration. Utu, when he came out, the bull a pig, the two pigs, its head like barley, I shall ... its suckling head like barley. I shall ... its suckling pig of the mountain, I shall ... the swarm of the mountain

    Lugalbanda sat down, he sat down, he was sat down, he was sat down, he was sat down, he was sat down, he was sat down, he was seated on the throne, his silver and gold axes he sat down on, he was standing on his back, he was seated on the throne. Like a wild bull of the mountain, he was seated like a lirum, he was seated like a lirum, he was seated on his face. Utu was seated in the temple. The wild bull, the wild bull, the two wild bulls, their heads were like barley, he was seated on their heads. The wild bull was seated in the steppe, its horns were piled up in the steppe, its horns were piled up in the mountain horns.

    Utu, who has come forth ..., ... Lugalbana, the name of Enlil, ... An, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursaga, he sat down in prayer. He sat down in the mountain, he sat down in prayer. He sat down in prayer. He sat down in the desert, he poured black beer, white kurun-beer, white wine, and precious stones. He sat down in the plain, he sat down in the desert, he sat down in the desert. He sat down in the flesh of the dead. He sat down in the dark, he poured out fire. He poured out a symphony like a symphony. Dumuzi, who is sweet in the sheepfold, poured out a symphony of Lugalban.

    An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaga eat good food. Their pure arms and their pure hearts he made bow down at the statue of Suen. The statue of Utu, the statue of Suen, he built before him. The statue of two of its two ..., the lapis lazuli ... of Inanna he made shine. Suen, the ..., the ..., he poured out water. The city of An, his ..., he deposited water. The ... of Enki, father of the gods, he imposed upon him. He imposed upon him ...

    ... like a ... ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the ..., they ... the

    The long days, the long nights, the marriages of the bed, they made ..., they gave to me the long days, the days of the supplications, the days of the supplications, they made a lapis lazuli sash? for me. The night, the supplications of the supplications of the supplications of Utu, they sat on the door-jambs. They entered the house, they sat down. They spoke to me, saying "I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will ..., I will ..., I will ... the door, the table of the people.

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the great gods

    The great scribe ... ... Great ... of the holy heavens, heaven and earth ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for Utu, Enlil, the great god ... ... the son of Ningal he brought to him, Suen ... he gave to him, and he ... a battle .

    ... the fate of the lands he has decreed for them. Night and day he has decreed for him. At the ... of the field Utuur has decreed his word. In the ... of heaven he has decreed .... Udug, the lady ..., ... no god has decreed for him. ... before An, Enlil, ... Inanna the god has decreed for him. ... ... ... ... ... he has decreed for him. ... he has ... he has not ... he has not seen. He has ... the ... of the star of the ... he has decreed for him.

    The door of the mountain of shuba, the door of the mountain of shuba, the ... of Kalkal, An, the road ... The prince? of Inanna, ..., came out from the mountain of shuba, the ... of the ..., the gold ..., ..., the battle was fought, the battle ... like ..., the heart of ..., Inanna wrote in a lapis lazuli shrine. The people of Inanna were happy, the battle was fought, the battle was fought, 14 battles were not fought. Night of the newborns, the house ..., the fire was fought.

    like a lion he smote like a lightning flashing like a lightning flashing like a great flood. The man who loves Inanna was smitten by the fire, but the seven battles were not fought. The bright heavens were smitten like a lion's head. The sagki men were smitten like a lion's head. The sagki men were smitten like a lion's head. The sagki men were ..., the saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, the saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, the saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, their saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, their saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, their saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, their saggig men were smitten by the saggig men, their saggig men, their saggig men, their saggig men, their saggig men, their sag men, their

    The one who loves Inanna, the divine powers were shattered, Nintu, the divine powers were shattered by An, the true divine powers of An were shattered by him. The holy shita of the Pleiades, which are on the right and left, were present in the heavens. Nintabkulibir, who is the star of the day, was present in the heavens. Utu, when he emerges from the agrun, the holy shita of An was set up. The god who is a man, the one who is not a man, the god who is a criminal, the one who is a criminal, the god ..., they are all ... like Nanna, like Utu, like Inanna, the divine powers of fifty, were set up in heaven and earth.

    The evil that is said by the rulers, the evil that is seen by the eyes, ... he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned like a smite, he sinned like a smite, he swore,

    Surface b


    x [...] _ab bur2_ [...] unu2 (d)... igi an-na [...] (d)nanna [...] _ka za_ [...] x da [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... before An ... Nanna ... ... .

    P469673: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lugal-ban3-da kur ki su3-ra2 ga2-la ba-ni-in-dag iszi za-bu(ki)-a nir ba-ni-in-gal2 ama nu-mu-un-da-an-ti na nu-mu-un-de5-de5 a-a nu-mu-un-da-an-ti inim nu-mu-un-di-ni-ib-be2 zu-a kal-la-ni nu-mu-un-da-an-ti lu2 inim sza3-ga-na-ke4 inim nu-um-mi-ib2-se3-se3-ge sza3 ni2-te-na-ka inim am3-mi-ib2-se3-ge muszen nam-me-te-a ba-ni-in-ak anzu(muszen) nam-me-te-a ba-ni-in-ak dam-a-ni-da gu2-da ba-ni-in-la2 dam anzu(muszen)-de3 dumu anzu(muszen)-de3 geszbun-na um-ma-ni-in-dur2-ru-un an-ne2 nin-gu2-en-na-ka

    hur-sag-ga2-ni-ta um-ma-da-an-ri munus tuku-tuku ama-ra me-te-gal2 (d)nin-ka-si tuku-tuku ama-ra me-te-gal2 (na4)gakkul-a-ni (na4)za-gin3 dur5-ru gilam-sa2-a-ni ku3-me ku3-sig17 kasz-a gub-ba-a-ni nig2 giri17-zal kasz-ta tusz-a-ni mud5-me-gar-ra sagi-a kasz sa2-sa2-da-ni |_du-du_| nu-kusz2-u3 (d)nin-ka-si (gesz)bugin za3-ga-ta ib2?-ba-ta gesztin ne-sag-ga2-gu10 me-te-a-asz he2-em-mi-ib-gal2 muszen kasz nag-ga2 ul ti-a anzu(muszen) kasz nag-ga2 ul ti-a ki unu(ki) ba-gen-na ha-ma-an-pa3-de3

    anzu(muszen)-de3 har-ra-an szesz-gu10-ne-ka he2-em-mi-ib-se3-se3-ge u4-ba giri17-zal gesz-hu-ri2-in (d)en-ki-ke4 hur-sag (na4)gug igi gun3 (d)inanna-ka ugu-ba u18-ru-gin7 ki he2-us2-sa-ba a-ru-gin7 siki la2-la2-a-ba kur-ra gissu-bi ki mah-ba tug2-gin7 i-im-dul gada-gin7 i-im-bur2 (gesz)i-ri9-na-bi musz-sag-kal-gin7 i7 ka 7(disz) (d)utu-ka sza3-ba mu-un-sze21-sze21 da-da-ba ha-szu-ur2 nu-zu kur-ra-ka musz nu-un-sul-sul giri2 nu-sa-sa sza3-ba buru5-az(muszen)-e gud3 im-ma-ni-ib-us2 nunuz-bi ba-ab-gar

    da-da-ba muszen anzu(muszen)-de3 gud3 im-ma-ni-ib-gar amar-bi ba-e-sze21 gesz-bi (gesz)li gesz (gesz)taskarin-na-kam muszen-e pa mul-mul-la-bi an-dul3-esz2 ba-ab-ak muszen-e a2 u4 zal-le-da-ka ni2 un-gid2 anzu(muszen)-de3 (d)utu e3-a-ra szeg11 un-gi4 szeg11 gi4-bi-sze3 kur-ra lu5-lu5-bi-a ki mu-un-ra-ra-ra umbin kusz(u2) ku6-e hu-ri2-in(muszen)-na-kam ni2-bi-ta am-e kur-ur2-sze3 ni2-bi im-sar-re dara3-e kur-bi-sze3 zi-bi im-sar-re lugal-ban3-da gal in-zu gal in-ga-an-tum2-mu

    sag se3-ga-ba sag se3 ba-an-tah ninda gi-ze-esz-ta-ba lal3 ba-an-du8-du8 lal3 ba-an-tah-tah amar-gud3 amar anzu(muszen)-da-ka igi-bi-sze3 mu-un-gar amar-e uzu susz2 bi2-in-gu7 uzu i3-udu bi2-in-pesz5 ninda-i3-de2-a ka-bi-sze3 sa2 bi2-in-du11 amar anzu(muszen)-da-ka gud3-ba mi-ni-sze21 igi-bi szem-bi-zi-da mi-ni-gun3 sag-ba (gesz)erin babbar2 bi2-in-du3-du3 mu-du-li-a szu gur-gur-ra-bi sag-bi-sze3 mu-un-gar gud3 anzu(muszen)-da-ka ba-ra-zi ha-szu-ur2-ra nu-zu kur-ra-ka ki-gub mu-un-na-ak-en

    u4-ba muszen-e am kur-ra-ka gu2 mi-ni-ib-gur-gur anzu(muszen)-de3 am kur-ra-ka gu2 mi-ni-ib-gur-gur am ti-la szu-bi-sze3 i-im-la2 am ug5-ga gu2-ba i-im-la2 a 1(u) gur-am3 ze2-bi mu-un-de2 muszen za3 1(disz) am3-ma-da-lug-ga anzu(muszen) za3 1(disz) am3-ma-da-lug-ga muszen-e gud3-bi-sze3 szeg11 un-gi4 amar-bi gud3-bi-ta inim nu-um-ma-ni-ib-gi4

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 muszen-e gud3-bi-sze3 szeg11 un-gi4
  • amar-bi gud3-bi-ta inim nu-um-ma-ni-ib-gi4 u4 na-an-ga-ma muszen-e gud3-bi-sze3 szeg11 un-gi4 amar-bi gud3-bi-ta inim ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 i3-ne-esz2 muszen-e gud3-bi-sze3 szeg11 un-gi4 amar-bi gud3-bi-ta inim nu-um-ma-ni-ib-gi4 muszen-e a-nir i-im-gar an-e ba-te dam-bi u8 bi2-in-du11 engur-ra ba-te muszen-e u8 du11-ga-bi-sze3 dam-bi a-nir gar-ra-bi-sze3 (d)a-nun-na dingir hur-sag-ga2 kiszi8-gin7 ki-in-dar-ra ba-an-di-ni-ib-ku4-re-esz-am3 muszen-e dam-bi-ir gu3 am3-ma-de2-e

    gud3-gu10-ta tur3 gal (d)nanna-gin7 ni2 husz he2-em-da-ri pirig kur-ra tesz2-bi du7-du7-gin7 su zi he2-em-du8-du8 amar-gu10 gud3-ba a-ba-a ba-ra-ab-tum3 anzu(muszen) gud3-ba a-ba-a ba-ra-ab-tum3 muszen-e gud3-bi-sze3 he2-em-ma-te-ge26-da-ka anzu(muszen)-de3 gud3-bi-sze3 he2-em-ma-te-ge26-da-ka ki dingir ti-la-gin7 im-ak giri17-zal im-du8-du8 amar-bi gud3-bi-a i-im-sze21 igi-bi szembi2-zi-da mu-un-gun3 sag-ba (gesz)erin babbar2 mu-un-du3-du3 mu-du-li-a szu gur-gur-ra-bi sag-bi-sze3 mu-un-gar

    muszen-e ni2-bi silim-e-esz2 iri in-ga-am3-me anzu(muszen)-de3 ni2-bi silim-e-esz2 iri in-ga-am3-me i7 hal-hal-la nun nam tar-re-bi-me-en zi-du sza3 kusz2-u3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka (gesz)igi-tab-bi-me-en a-a-gu10 (d)en-lil2-le mu-un-de6-en kur-ra (gesz)ig gal-gin7 igi-ba bi2-in-tab-en nam u3-mu-tar a-ba-a szu mi-ni-ib-bala-e inim u3-bi2-du11 a-ba-a ib2-ta-bala-e lu2 gud3-ga2 ne-en ba-e-a-ak-a dingir he2-me-en inim ga-mu-ra-ab-du11 gu5-li-ga2 nam-ba-e-ni-ku4-re-en lu2-ulu3 he2-me-en nam ga-mu-ri-ib-tar

    kur-re gaba-szu-gar nam-mu-ri-in-tuku-un mesz3 anzu(muszen)-de3 a2 szum2-ma he2-me-en lugal-ban3-da ni2 1(disz)-ta hul2-la 1(disz)-ta ni2 1(disz) sza3 hul2-la 1(disz)-ta muszen-e mi2 iri im-me anzu(muszen)-de3 mi2 iri im-me muszen szu-ur2 sig7 nigin5-a tu-da anzu(muszen) szu-ur2 sig7 nigin5-a tu-da sug-a a tu5-tu5-zu-a a-ne du11-du11 pa-bil2-ga-zu nun hal-hal-la-ke4 an szu-zu-sze3 mu-un-gar ki giri3-zu-sze3 mu-un-gar pa-zu an-na sa am3-szi-im-la2-la2-en nu-mu-[...]

    ki-sze3 umbin-zu am kur-ra immal2 kur-ra (gesz)es2-ad-am3 ba-nu2 murgu-zu dub sar-sar-re-me-en ti-ti-zu (d)nirah dar-a-me-en sza3-su3-zu kiri6 sig7-ga u6-e gub-ba-me-en sza-du11-ga-ta zi-gu10 mu-ri-de6 za3-gu10 mu-ri-us2 dam-zu ama-gu10 he2-am3 bi2-in-du11 za-e ad-da-gu10 he2-me-en bi2-in-du11 di4-di4-la2-zu-ne szesz-gu10-ne-ka nam-ba-e-ni-in-ku4-ku4 sza-du11-ga-ta ha-szu-ur2-ra nu-zu kur-ra-ka ki-gub mu-ra-ak-e dam-zu silim-ga2 he2-mu-e-da-gub silim-gu10 ga-mu-ra-du11 nam tar-ra-gu10 ga-mu-ra-ab-bur2-ra-a

    muszen-e ni2-bi mu-un-na-ra-ba-e ul mu-un-szi-ak-e anzu(muszen)-de3 ni2-bi mu-un-na-ra-ba-e ul mu-un-szi-ak-e anzu(muszen)-de3 ku3 lugal-ban3-da-ar gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu lugal-ban3-da-gu10 (gesz)ma2 ku3-gin7 (gesz)ma2 sze-gin7 (gesz)ma2 (gesz)haszhur bala-bala-e-gin7 (gesz)ma2 ukusz2-a an-dul3 ak-a-gin7 (gesz)ma2 ki-buru14 hi-li du8-du8-a-gin7 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 sag il2-la gen-na lugal-ban3-da lu2 numun-e ki ag2-am3 szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3 (d)szara2 dumu ki ag2 (d)inanna-gin7 ti zu2-zu-a u4-gin7 e3-i3

    _gil_-ak iti6-gin7 e3-i3 ti zu2 lu2 ra-ra-bi musz-sza3-tur3 he2-e ku6 (uruda)dur10 ra-gin7 tu6 ku5 he2-e ad (uruda)dur10 ra-gin7 nig2-kesz2 he2-ak-e lugal-ban3-da lu2 numun-e ki ag2-am3 szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3 (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 (tug2)sagszu pirig me3-a ugu-za he2-eb-dul _lum_? _bu tuk_ kur gal-la gaba nu-gi4 gaba-za he2-eb-tab kur-ra sa u3 _ni ka_ sa _usz_ [...] iri im-szi-du-u5 ki x [...] lugal-ban3-da lu2 numun-e ki ag2-am3 szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3 he2-gal2 (dug)szakir ku3 (d)dumu-zi-da-ka-ka

    i3-bi ki-szar2-ra-ke4 sza-ra-x [...] gara2-bi ki-szar2-ra-ke4 sza-ra-x [...] lugal-ban3-da lu2 numun-e ki ag2-am3 szu nu-um-ma-gid2-de3 ki-ib(muszen) ki-ib(muszen) engur-ra sug gid2-i-gin7 inim-ma mu-na-ni-ib-gi4 muszen-e gesztu2 mu-un-szi-ga2-ar anzu(muszen)-de3 ku3 lugal-ban3-da-ar gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu lugal-ban3-da-gu10 inim sza3-ga se3-ge ur5-gim-ma-am3 gu4 erim2 du-us2-a se3-ge5-dam ansze du10 guz-za har-ra-an si sa2 dab5-be2-dam inim-inim ma-gub ga-ri-gub

    ku3 lugal-ban3-da mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 za3-sze-ga2 kas4 he2-gal2 nam-ba-kusz2-u3-de3-en a2-ga2-a lirum he2-gal2 a2-gu10 ga-su3-su3 a2-gu10 na-an-gig-ge u4-gin7 du (d)inanna-gin7 u4 7(disz)-e u4 (d)iszkur-ra-gin7 izi-gin7 ga-il2 nim-gin7 ga-gir2 igi du8-a bar-ra-ga2 ga-gen igi il2-la-ga2 giri3-gu10 ga-ab-gub sza3-ge guru7-ga2 an-ta ga-ab-gi4 ki sza3-gu10 na-an-ga-ma-ab-be2-a (kusz)e-sir2-gu10 ga-du8 (d)utu iri-gu10 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 am3-ku4-ku4-de3-ne-a lu2 asz2 du11-ga-gu10 nam-ba-e-szi-hul2-e-en

    lu2 du14 mu2-a-gu10 he2-du-gu10 nam-me alan-zu gesz-dim2-ba um-mi-dim2 u6-e gub-ba-me-en mu-zu ki-en-gi-ra pa e3 ha-bi2-ak e2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka me-te-asz bi2-ib-gal2 anzu(muszen)-de3 ku3 lugal-ban3-da-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e za3-sze-za kas4 he2-gal2 nam-ba-kusz2-u3-de3-en a2-zu-a lirum he2-gal2 a2-zu su3-su3-a a2-zu na-an-gig-ge u4-gin7 du (d)inanna-gin7 u4 7(disz) (d)iszkur-ra-gin7 izi-gin7 il2-la nim-gin7 gir2-a igi du8-a bar-ra-za gen-na igi il2-la-za giri3-zu gub-bi2-ib sza3-ge guru7-a-zu an-ta gi4-bi2

    ki sza3-zu na-an-ga-ra-ab-be2-e-a (kusz)e-sir2-zu du8-a (d)utu iri-zu kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 am3-ku4-ku4-de3-en-na-a lu2 asz2 du11-ga-zu nam-ba-e-szi-hul2-le-en lu2 du14 mu2-a-zu he2-du-zu nam-me alan-gu10 gesz-dim2-ba um-mi-dim2 u6-e um-mi-gub mu-gu10 ki-en-gi-ra pa e3 ba-ni-ak e2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka me-te-asz im-mi-ib-gal2 x x (kusz)e-sir2-gin7 ni2-ba hu-mu-ra-an-dub2-dub2-be-esz x (i7)buranun-na pa5 ubur-gin7 giri3-zu pa4-pa4 mi2 am3-me ninda kaskal-la-ka-ni nu-um-ga14-asz

    (gesz)tukul-a-ni 1(disz)-bi szu im-ma-an-ti anzu(muszen) an-ta i3-gen lugal-ban3-da ki-ta i3-gen muszen-e an-ta igi mi-ni-in-il2 erin2-e igi bi2-in-du8-ru lugal-ban3-da ki-ta igi mi-ni-in-il2 sahar erin2-e du8-a igi bi2-in-du8-ru muszen-e ku3 lugal-ban3-da-ar gu3 mu-na-de2-e ga2-nu lugal-ban3-da-gu10 na ga-e-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-e-dab5 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 gizzal he2-em-szi-ak gu3 i-ri-de2-a nam i-ri-tar-ra gu5-li-zu-ne-er nam-mu-ni-ib-be2-en szesz-zu-ne-er pa nam-bi2-ib-e3-en

    ge26-e gud3-gu10-sze3 he2-me-en za-e erin2-zu he2-me-en muszen-e gud3-bi-sze3 szu am3-ma-nigin2-nigin2 lugal-ban3-da ki szesz-a-ne-ne-sze3 giri3 im-ma-gub-be2 u5(muszen) gesz-gi ku3-ta e3-a-gin7 la-ha-ma abzu-ta re7-e-gin7 lu2 an-ta ki-a gub-ba-gin7 lugal-ban3-da zu2 kesz2 gar-ra szesz-a-ne-ne-ka murub4-ba ba-an-gub? szesz-a-ne-ne gu3 ba-ab-ra-ra-ra-asz x erin2-e gu3 ab-ra-ra-asz szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne en3 tar-re im-mi-in-kusz2-u3-ne ga2-nu lugal-ban3-da-gu10 za-e gal2-la-zu-ne

    lu2 me3-a gesz ra-gin7 erin2-e he2-en-tak4-nam i3 du10-a tur3-ra ba-ra-mu-un-gu7 ga luh-ha amasz-a ba-ra-mu-un-gu7 hur-sag gal lu2 dili nu-du-u3-da lu2-bi lu2-ra nu-gi4-gi4-da a-gin7 im-da-du-de3-en

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne
  • en3 tar-re im-mi-in-kusz2-u3-ne i7 kur-ra ama he2-nun-na-ra pesz10-pesz10-bi pesz10-ta sur-ra-am3 a-bi a-gin7 mu-e-nag-a-gin7 mu-e-bala-e ku3 lugal-ban3-da mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 i7 kur-ra ama he2-nun-na-ra pesz10-pesz10-bi pesz10-ta sur-ra-am3 za3-sze-ga2 ki um-ma-ni-us2 a (kusz)ummu-gin7 u3-mu-nag ur-bar-ra-gin7 gum2-ga-am3 mi-ni-za u2-sal i3-gu7-en tu-gur4(muszen)-gin7 ki im-de5-de5-ge-en i-li-a-nu-um kur-ra i3-gu7-en lugal-ban3-da szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne

    i-gi4-in-zu buru5(muszen)-e u4 gid2-da tesz2-bi kesz2-da-gin7 gu2-ni gu2-da im-da-la2-e-ne ne mu-un-su-su-ub amar gam3-gam3(muszen) gud3-ba tusz-a-gin7 mu-ni-ib-gu7-u3-ne mu-ni-ib-na8-na8-ne ku3 lugal-ban3-da tu-ra-ni mu-un-ta-ab-e11-ne u4-ba unu(ki)-ga lu2 dili-gin7 egir-bi-ir bi2-ib-us2 musz zar-ra-gin7 hur-sag-ta im-me-re-bala-bala iri danna 1(disz)-am3 am3-da-gal2-la-ba dim-dim-e aratta(ki)-ka unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-bi ur2 ba-an-dun-dun iri-ta gi-bar-bar-re im-gin7 im-szeg3 im-dug-ge im mu-a gen-na-gin7

    bad3 aratta(ki)-ka gu3 nun-bi im-me u4 ba-zal-zal iti ba-su3-su3 mu ama-bi-ir ba-gi4 buru14 sig7-ga an-na ba-e-a-e11-de3 a-sza3-ga igi ba-ab-hul ni2 su-e bi2-ib-us2 im-dug-ge im mu-a gen-na-gin7 kaskal-la ki ba-ni-ib2-u2-us2 (gesz)kiszi16 kur-ra-ke4 zu2 ba-ni-ib2-kesz2 uszumgal tesz2-bi mu-un-tag-tag-ge lu2 iri-sze3 du-u3 nu-um-zu kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 du-u3 sag nu-mu-da-ab-szum2-mu sza3-ba en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 ni2 ba-ni-in-te zi ba-ni-in-ir za-pa-ag2-bi ba-ni-in-_bad_

    kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 mu-un-gi4-gi4-a ki mu-szi-kin-kin lu2 iri-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-un-na-ab-be2 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-un-na-ab-be2 ugnim kur-kur-ra-ka mu-un-e3 lu2 iri-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-na-ab-be2 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-na-ab-be2 zu2 kesz2 igi bar-ra-ka mu-un-e3 lu2 iri-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-na-ab-be2 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-na-ab-be2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 ugnim kur-kur-ra-ka mu-un-e3
  • lu2 iri-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-na-ab-be2 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 ge26-e ga-gen nu-mu-na-ab-be2 zu2 kesz2 igi bar-ra-ka mu-un-e3 lugal-ban3-da dili-ni ug3-ga2 mu-na-an-zi gu3 mu-na-de2-e lugal-gu10 ge26-e iri-sze3 ga-gen lu2 nam-mu-da-an-du kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 dili-gu10-ne ga-gen lu2 nam-mu-da-an-du u4-da iri-sze3 i3-du-un lu2 nu-mu-e-da-du-u3 zi an-na zi ki-a i3-pa3 me gal-gal kul-aba4(ki)-a szu-zu ba-ra-ba-ra-e3 ukken gar-ra si sa2-a-na sza3 e2-gal-la kur gal-gin7 ki he2-us2-a-ba en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4

    eme sig (d)inanna ba-ni-in-gu7 ki u4-ba nin9 e5-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 kur szuba?-ta sza3 ku3-ga-ni-a he2-em-ma-ni-pa3-de3-en szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 he2-em-ma-ni-in-ku4-re-en unu(ki)-e sug he2-me-am3 a he2-em-de2-a bar-rim4 he2-me-am3 (gesz)asal he2-mu2-a gesz-gi he2-me-am3 gi sumun gi henbur he2-mu2-a (d)en-ki lugal eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 gi sumun-bi ha-ma-an-ze2 a-bi ha-ma-an-usz2 mu 5(u)-usz hu-mu-du3 mu 5(u)-usz hu-mu-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri nigin2-na-a-ba mar-tu lu2 sze nu-zu hu-mu-zi

    bad3 unu(ki)-ga gu muszen-na-gin7 edin-na he2-ni-la2-la2 i-da-al-la-ba ki-gal2-la-ba hi-li-gu10 ba-til ab2-szilam amar-bi la2-a-gin7 erin2-gu10 mu-da-la2 dumu ama-ni-ir hul gig-ga iri-ta e3-a-gin7 nin9 e5-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 szu ma-ra-an-dag u4-da iri-ni ki ha-ba-an-ag2 ga2-a-ra hul ha-ba-an-gig iri ga2-da a-na-asz am3-da-la2-e u4-da iri-ni hul ha-ba-an-gig ga2-a-ra ki ha-ba-an-ag2 ge26-e iri-da a-na-asz am3-da-la2-e-en nu-gig-ge anzu(muszen) amar-ra-gin7

    bar ku3-ga-ni-a um-ma-an-szub-be2-en szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 he2-em-ma-ni-in-ku4-re-en gesz-gid2-da-gu10 u4 ne ba-an-de6 (kusz)gur21(ur3)-gu10 u4 ne e-ne ba-an-zur-zur-re nin9 e5-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ra ur5-gin7 du11-mu-na-ab ku3 lugal-ban3-da e2-gal-ta im-ma-da-ra-ta-e3 szesz-a-ne-ne gu5-li-ne-ne ur gir5 ur-ra ku4-ra-gin7 hu-un-ha mu-un-szi-ib-za-na-asz dur3 gir5 dur3-a ku4-ra-gin7 galam mu-un-na-ta-e3 en-ra unu(ki)-sze3 gi4-mu-un-szi-ib en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ra

    kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 dili-gu10-ne ga-gen lu2 nam-mu-da-du a-gin7 mu-un-ne-du11 me-na-am3 dili-zu-ne kaskal-e sag ba-ra-mu-ri-ib-us2 (d)udug sa6-ga-me nam-ba-e-de3-gub-ba (d)lamma sa6-ga-me nam-ba-e-de3-gen-na ki gub-ba-me-a nam-ba-e-de3-gub-bu-nam ki tusz-a-me-a nam-ba-e-de3-tusz-u3-nam sahar giri3-me-a giri3 nam-ba-e-de3-us2-e hur-sag gal lu2 dili nu-du-u3-dam lu2-bi lu2-ra nu-gi4-gi4-da ba-ra-gi4-gi4-nam u4 zal-le in-zu-ta ki gal-la ba-ra-da-ni-in-sug2-ge-en-za-na lugal-ban3-da sza3 gu3 di szesz-a-ne-ne-ta

    sza3 sag3 gu5-li-ne-ne-ta ninda kaskal-la-ka-ni nu-um-ga14-asz (gesz)tukul-a-ni 1(disz)-bi 1(disz)-bi szu im-ma-an-ti kur-ur2-ra kur-bad3-da ma-du-um-e za3 an-sza4-na-ta sag an-sza4-an(ki)-na-sze3 hur-sag 5(disz) hur-sag 6(disz) hur-sag 7(disz) im-me-re-bala-bala ge6 _masz_-a (gesz)banszur ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 nu-um-ma-te-a-asz szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 giri3 hul2-la mi-ni-in-gub nin-a-ni ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 sza3-da-ga-na mu-na-an-tusz i3-gam ki-a mu-na-ab-za su8-ba (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na mu-na-szi-bar-gin7

    ku3 lugal-ban3-da igi mu-na-szi-bar-re dumu-na en (d)szara2 mu-na-de2-a-gin7 ku3 lugal-ban3-da gu3 mu-un-na-da-de2-e igi sza3 hul2-la (d)inanna-ke4 su8-ba ama-uszumgal-an-na-ra mu-un-szi-bar-ra-gin7 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da mu-un-szi-bar gu3 sza3 hul2-la (d)inanna-ke4 dumu-ni en (d)szara2 mu-un-na-de2-a-gin7 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da mu-un-na-da-de2-a ga2-nu lugal-ban3-da-gu10 iri-ta a2 ag2-ga2 a-na-asz mu-e-de6 aratta(ki) dili-zu-ne a-gin7 im-da-gen-ne-en ku3 lugal-ban3-da mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    szesz-zu a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah ki u4-ba nin9 e5-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 kur szuba?-ta sza3 ku3-ga-ni-a he2-em-ma-ni-pa3-de3 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 he2-em-ma-ni-in-ku4-re-en unu(ki)-e sug he2-me-am3 a he2-em-de2-a bar-rim4 he2-me-am3 (gesz)asal he2-mu2-a gesz-gi he2-me-am3 gi sumun gi henbur he2-mu2-a (d)en-ki lugal eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 gi sumun-bi ha-ma-an-ze2 a-bi ha-ma-an-usz2 mu 5(u)-usz hu-mu-du3 mu 5(u)-usz hu-mu-sa2

    ki-en-gi ki-uri nigin2-na-a-ba mar-tu lu2 sze nu-zu hu-mu-zi bad3 unu(ki)-ga gu muszen-na-gin7 edin-na he2-ni-la2-la2 i-da-la-ba ki-gal2-la-ba hi-li-gu10 ba-til ab2-szilam amar-bi la2-a-gin7 erin2-gu10 mu-da-la2 dumu ama-ni-ir hul gig-ga iri-ta e3-a-gin7 nin9 e5-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 szu ma-ra-an-dag u4-da iri-ni ki ha-ba-an-ag2 ga2-a-ra hul ha-ba-an-gig iri ga2-da a-na-asz am3-da-la2-e u4-da iri-ni hul ha-ba-an-gig ga2-a-ra ki ha-ba-an-ag2 ga2-a iri-da a-na-asz am3-da-la2-e-en

    nu-gig-ge anzu(muszen) amar-ra-gin7 ni2-te-a-ni sag2 um-ma-an-di bar ku3-ga-ni-a um-ma-an-szub-be2-en szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 he2-em-ma-ni-in-ku4-re-en gesz-gid2-da-gu10 u4 ne ba-an-de6 (kusz)gur21(ur3)-gu10 u4 ne e-ne ba-an-zur-zur-re nin9 e5-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ra ur5-gin7 du11-mu-na-ab ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 i3-ne-esz2 i7 szen-na i7 a szen-na-ka i7 (kusz)ummu za-gin3 (d)inanna-ke4 kun-ba pesz10-pesz10-ba u2-sal-u2-sal-ba suhur-masz(ku6)-e u2-lal3 i3-gu7-e

    kin-tur(ku6)-e (u2)i-li-a-nu-um kur-ra i3-gu7-e |_gisz-szesz_|(ku6) dingir suhur-masz2(ku6)-a-ke4 sza3-ba a-ne hul2-la mu-un-e kun-bi mu-un-su3-e kun szika ri-ba gi sumun ki ku3-ga im-mi-ib2-us2-e (gesz)szinig ma-da a-na me-a-bi ambar-bi-a a ib2-na8-na8 dili-bi i3-du3 dili-bi i3-du3 (gesz)szinig-e bar-ta dili-bi i3-du3 en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 (gesz)szinig-bi un-sag3 (gesz)bugin-sze3 un-dim2 gi sumun ki ku3-ga ur2-ba mi-ni-bur12 szu im-ma-an-ti

    ku6-bi un-dab5 un-sze6 un-su3 a2-an-kar2 a2 me3 (d)inanna-ka u3-bi2-in-gu7 erin2-na-ni szu-bi he2-en-di-ni-ib-su3-su3 zi aratta-ka engur-ra he2-ni-in-til iri ku3 dim2-bi ku3-dim2 u3-bi2-in-dab5 za dim2-ma-bi za-dim2 u3-bi2-in-dab5 iri-da u3-gibil-la2 um-ma-an-di-ni-ib-gar-gar aratta(ki) agarin4-agarin4-ba szu hu-mu-na-nigin2-nigin2 aratta(ki) za3-e3-bi (na4)za-gin3 dur5-ru-am3 bad3-bi szeg12 sag zi-bi husz-am3 im-bi im nagga kur ha-szu-ur2-ra-ta im-kid2-a ku3 lugal-ban3-da za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    The king of the land, the distant place, was enraged, he was enraged, he was enraged in Zabu, he was enraged, he was not angry with his mother, he was not angry with his father, he was not angry with his mother, he was not angry with his own body, he was not angry with his own heart, he was angry with his own heart, he was angry with his own mother, he was angry with Anzu, he was angry with his own mother, he was angry with his own mother, he was angry with her own mother, he was angry with her own mother, he was angry with her own children, he was angry with her own children, An, the lady,

    From her mountain range she has been able to bring her wife, she has been able to bring her mother, she has been able to bring her mother, her gakkul stone, lapis lazuli, her sashes, her gold and silver gilamsa stone, her silver and gold gishta beer, her silver and gold gishta beer, her sagi beer, her sasad beer, her ..., her ..., her ..., Ninkasi, from the ... of the ..., my wine, may it be a gishta wine. The bird, the beer, the beer, the beer, the beer, the bird, the beer, the bird, the beer, the bird, the beer, the bird, the beer, the bird, the unug, he shall bring to him.

    The Anzu bird, on the road of my brother, shall be sated with it. At that time, the scepter of Enki, on the mountain of carnelian, the eye of Inanna, on its roof, like a lion, on its place, like a scepter, on its wool, on its roof, on its high ground, like a garment, on its hem, like a turban, on its turban, on its limbs, like a lion, on its horns, on the 7th bank of the sun, on its inside, the scepter was not a scepter, on its outside, the snake was not a scepter, on its inside, the scepter was not a scepter, on its inside, the scepter was not a scepter, on its inside, the scepter was not a scepter, it was a scepter,

    The dada bird of Anzu sat on a snare. Its calf was snatched. Its tree was a li'i-tree, a thornbush tree. Its bird was a mulmullu-bird, it was a snatched-up bird. Its bird was a bird of the daytime. It was a bird of the day. It was a bird of the day. It was a storm wind, it was a storm wind, it was a storm wind. Its people were snatched up in the mountain. It was a harp, a fish, a harp, it was a bird of the day. Its horns were snatched up in the mountain. Its horns were snatched up in the mountain. Its great king, your great king, has snatched up in the mountain.

    The head was smashed, the head was smashed. The bread was thrown into a reed basket, the milk was poured out. The oxen of the Anzu bird stood before it. The oxen ate meat, the meat of sheep was poured out. The bread was poured out at its mouth. The oxen of the Anzu bird stood before it. Its eyes were adorned with juniper. Its heads were adorned with white cedar. Its hands were trimmed, its heads were trimmed. The oxen of the Anzu bird stood before it. The hushurra was not yours, it stood in the mountain.

    At that time, the birds roared like a wild bull in the netherworld. The birds roared like a wild bull in the netherworld. The wild bull roared like a lion in its hand. The wild bull roared like a lion in its hand. The water was 10 gur, its thirst was swollen. The bird was snatched from its right side. The Anzu bird was snatched from its left side. The bird was snatched from its left side. Its calf was not returned.

  • for the 2nd time, for the bird's oxen, the bricks were ripped off.
  • The calf has not returned its calf from its calf. At that time, the bird has returned its calf to its nest. The calf has returned its calf to its nest. Now the bird has returned its calf to its nest. The calf has not returned its calf to its nest. The bird has sinned against An. It has sinned against its wife. It has sinned against the engur. It has sinned against its wife. It has sinned against its wife. Anuna, god of the mountains, has sinned against the ki-indar. The bird has screamed against its wife.

    From my ox's horns like the great lion of Nanna, may it be swollen like a lion of the mountain. May it be swollen like a lion's horns. My bull, when it was a bull, why did it not exist? When it was an Anzu bird, why did it not exist? When it was an Anzu bird, when it was a bird, why did it not exist? Like a god, it sat down like a lion. Its bull, when it was a bull, was swollen. Its eyes were covered with a smembi-sme. Its head was covered with white cedar, and its head was covered with a smegur.

    The birds, whose roar is peaceful, have departed from the city. The Anzu bird, whose roar is peaceful, have departed from the city. The canal of the Halhal, the prince, whose fate is decided, I am the righteous one, the one who carries the scepter of Enlil. My father Enlil has sworn by it. In the mountain, like a great door, I have looked at it. The fate is decided, who has sworn by it? Who has sworn by it? The man who has sworn by it, I am the one who has sworn by God, I shall say to him. The man who has sworn by me shall swear by it, I shall say to him. The man who has sworn by me shall swear by it, I shall say to him.

    The lands have been smashed, they have been smashed. The Anzu bird, give me strength! Lugalbanda, you are one who makes the heart rejoice, you are one who makes the heart rejoice, you are one who makes the city rejoice! Anzu bird, you are one who makes the city rejoice! The shur-bird, the black-headed, the black-headed, the black-headed, the black-headed, the black-headed, the black-headed, the black-headed, the water-headed, your water-headed, your shur-bird, the prince of the halhal, placed your hand on your feet! The earth, your foot on your feet, did not .

    You are the one who carries the esad tree to the place of your scepter in the netherworld, the animal of the netherworld, you are the one who carries the scribal art of your neck, you are the one who holds the titi-spirit of Nirah, you are the one who stands in the green garden, you are the one who stands in the garden. When I say "I am happy," I say "I am happy." When I say "I am happy" my wife, I say "I am happy" my father. When I say "I am happy" my brother, I say "I am not angry." When I say "I am happy," I say "I am happy." When I say "I will be happy, I will be happy."

    The bird, whose rage is uttered, whose rage is uttered, whose rage is uttered, whose rage is uttered, whose rage is uttered, whose rage is uttered, the holy Lugalbanar, saying to me: "Give me my king's boat, like a boat of gold, like a boat of barley, like a boat of hashhur, like a boat of a ukusz, like a boat of a sag-dull, like a boat of a sag-dull, like a boat of a sag-dull, like a brickwork of Kulaba, and go to Lugalban, the man who loves his seed, and does not give it back to him, Shara, the beloved son of Inanna, like a tizu of a day,

    Like a ..., he ... the ... of the ..., the ... of the ..., may he eat fish like a ... a ... fish like a fish, may he eat fish like a ... fish like a fish, may he eat things like a ... fish. Lugalban, the man who loves his seed, does not give him a hand. Ninurta, son of Enlil, may he drape the head of a pirig-skin on your neck. May he ... the great mountain, who does not return, does not ... your breast. The mountain ... ... The city Imshiduu, the place ... Lugalban, the man who loves his seed, does not give him a hand. May abundance in the holy shakkir-priest Dumuzida's

    Its oil is a treasure of the netherworld, ... its ... is a treasure of the netherworld, ... Its gara is a treasure of the netherworld, ... Lugalbanda, the man who loves his seed, does not give a hand to him. The kib bird, the kib bird, is a long-haired bird. He speaks to him like a bird. The Anzu bird, the silver of Lugalbanda, speaks to him. My Lugalbanda, speak to me like a heart-warming word. The ox is a hostile one, the strong donkey is a snare, the snare is a snare, I am a snare,

    I have returned the silver of Lugalban to him. I shall be able to eat the food of the road. I shall be able to eat the food of the road. I shall be able to eat the food of my army. I shall be able to eat my army. Like a storm, like Inanna, I shall be able to eat the 7th day, like a storm, like Ishkur, I shall be able to slay the fire. Like a wild bull, I shall go to the front, I shall stand before my feet, I shall stand before my feet, I shall be able to reach the ground, I shall be able to reach my heart's desire. I shall cut off my esir garment, I shall be able to enter my city Kulaba. I shall rejoice over the man who spoke to me.

    My man, may my supplications be heard. My name is your statue, your sculptor's work. I am a sage standing in the midst of the utensils. May your name be set in Sumer. May the temples of the great gods be present. May the Anzu bird, the silver of Lugalbanda, speak to you. May your right side be a runner of abundance. May your work be a supplication of abundance. May your work be a supplication of abundance. Like a storm, like Inanna, like seven days like Ishkur, like a fire, like a lightning flashed, like a lightning flashed, your left side is a supplication of your work. Your feet stand at your side, your feet stand at your side. Your heart is a rejoicing.

    You are to be sated with your heart. You are to be sated with your sandals. Utu, you are to enter your city Kulaba. You are to be joyful with your speech. You are to be joyful with your speech. You are to be happy. You are to be happy. My statue, the sculptor, the sculptor, the ug-maker, the sculptor, the sculptor, the sculptor, the sculptor, the sculptor, the one who has gone to Sumer, has been present. The temple of the great gods has been present. ... like a scepter, you have been smitten by your feet. ... like a scepter, you have been smitten by your feet. He has not been able to eat bread on his journey.

    His weapon he struck with one hand. The Anzu bird came out from above. Lugalbana came out from below. The bird looked at the sky, it looked at the troops. Lugalbana came out from below. The dust of the troops was seen. The bird, the silver of Lugalbana, he spoke to me. My Lugalbana, let me speak to him. Let me speak to him, let me speak to him. Let me speak to him, let me speak to him. The utterances of the iri, the iri, you shall not say to him. Let your brothers stand up and speak to him.

    You are my gud, you are your troops. You are birds. They are their gud. Lugalbana stands at the place of their brothers. Like a eagle, a golden bird, a snare, a snare, a man standing from the Abzu. Like a man standing from the sky, Lugalbana stands in the middle of the throne. Their brothers speak, their brothers speak, their brothers speak, their brothers speak, their brothers speak, their brothers speak, their brothers speak, their ears are uttering, my Lugalbana is your voice.

    The man who has fought with battle like a mighty tree, may the troops be put to shame. He has not eaten good oil, he has not eaten luhha-flour in the sheepfold. He has not walked in the great mountain range with one man, he has not been able to return that man to him. He has sworn like water.

  • their brothers are their gu-lin-men.
  • They sat down to sing, "The river of the netherworld is a mother who loves her. Its ... is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is a ..., it is Ili'anum, it is a ..., it is Lugalbana, their brothers, they are ...,

    They sat down with you like a lion, and like a long day they sat down on his neck. Like a calf snatching a gamgam bird, they sat down on their seats. They sat down with him like a silver king. At that time, in Uruk, like a single man, they sat down together. Like a wild snake, they sat down on the mountain. Each city, one in its entirety, was smashed. The reeds of Aratta, Uruk, and Kulaba were smashed. Like a reeds of the city, they smashed them. Like a reeds of the city, they smashed them.

    The wall of Aratta roared like a princely roar, it was raining, it was raining, it was raining. Its mother was snatched away. The good harvest of heaven was brought out. The fields were destroyed, they were snatched away. They were snatched away like a lion. Like a lion, they were snatched away from the ground. The scepter of the mountains was snatched away. The scepter of the mountains was snatched away. The man who was not a city, he was not a city. Kulaba was not a prince, he was not a prince. Inside it, Enmekar, the son of Utu, was a scepter of the heart. He was a scepter of the zapag.

    "He returned to Kulaba and set up a place for him." "The man who came to the city did not come to him, but came to Kulaba did not come to him." "The army of the lands came to me, but came to me, but came to me, but came to me, but came to me, but came to me, and came to me, and came to me, and came to me, and came to me, and came to me, too."

  • he brought the troops of the lands to the second time.
  • "I shall not be the one who goes to the city, I shall not be the one who goes to the Kulaba." "I shall not be the one who goes to the Kulaba." "He sat down with his eyes on the throne, and he spoke to the people. My king, I shall go to the city, I shall not be the one who goes to the city, I shall not be the one who goes to the city." "On the day that I go to the city, I shall not be the one who goes to the city." "The trueness of heaven and earth, the great powers of Kulaba have been determined. He has been appointed to the assembly, he has been appointed to the assembly. "The sanctuaries are set up in the palace, like the great mountains." Enmekar, son of Utu,

    Inanna ate the tongue of the sag-sag-god. At that time, my lady, holy Inanna, from the lands of Shuba? to her holy heart he made come. The bricks of Kulaba he made come. Uruk, the sag-god, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, Enki, the king of Eridu, that reeds, he made flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, he made it flow, Sumer and Akkad, the lands of the West, the people who do not know barley, he made it flow.

    The wall of Uruk, like a bird, he swam in the open country. He sat on its throne, he sat on its terrace. Like a calf whose calf was not shaved, he shaved my troops. Like a child born in the city, he shaved my wife, holy Inanna, with the bricks of Kulaba. On the day when his city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city was destroyed, on the day when he was struck, on the city

    I have been smashed in his holy abode, I have been smashed in the bricks of Kulaba. My scepter has been broken, my scepter has been broken, my scepter has been broken, my sister, like a scepter of Inanna, has been smashed. Like a scepter of Lugalbana, from the palace they have been brought out. Their brothers, like a dog, have been smashed like a dog, they have been smashed like a dog. They have been smashed like a dog, they have been smashed like a galam. The lord of Uruk has been smashed, Enmekar, son of Utu

    I am going to Kulaba with my brothers. I shall say to the man, "How can I be a man?" They have been snatched up like water. They have been snatched up like a man on the road. They are snatched up like a udug-demon, they are snatched up like a lamma-demon. They are snatched up like a lamma-demon, they are snatched up like a man, they are snatched up like a man, they are snatched up like a dirt pile, they are snatched up like a big mountain range, they are not snatched up like a man. They are snatched up like a man. When the day has passed, the great place has been snatched up like a man. Lugalbana, speaking to his brothers,

    From the midst of the throne of Gulini, his bread for the journey was not brought, his weapons one by one he took away. The kurur and the kurbadda of Madum, from the border of Anshan to the top of Anshan, the five mountains, the six mountains, the seven mountains he smashed. At night, the holy table of Inanna, which had not been brought, to the brickwork of Kulaba he set up a joyful foot. His mistress, the holy Inanna, in her heart he sat and sat down. She sat on her bedchamber and sat down on her bedchamber. Like a throne of Ama'ushumgalana he made her rise.

    He looked at the silver of Lugalban, and his son, the lord Shara, he swore. He spoke to the silver of Lugalban, and his heart was happy. Inanna, in the midst of the house, like a supplication to Ama'ushumgalana, he swore. The silver of Lugalban, he swore. His heart was happy, Inanna, his son, the lord Shara, he swore. The silver of Lugalban he swore. I, my king, from the city, I swore. Aratta, together like a supplication, they swore. The silver of Lugalban he returned.

    Your brother, why did he say, why did he say, why did he say? En-mekar, son of Utu, why did he say, why did he say? At that time, my lady, the holy one of Inanna, from the land of Shuba? into her pure heart he made it enter. The bricks of Kulaba he made it enter. Uruk, the sluice he made, the water he made, the sand dunes he made, the reed dunes he made, the reed dunes he made, the reed dunes he made, the reed dunes he made, Enki, the king of Eridu, the reed dunes he made, its father he made, and fifty years he made, fifty years he made.

    Sumer and Akkad, like a swarm of pigs, a man who does not know barley, he smote. The wall of Uruk like a bird he smote. In its midst, in its midst, my happiness has been finished. Like a calf whose calves have not been shaved, my troops have been shaved. Like a child born in a city, my mistress, holy Inanna, has been shaved to Kulaba. On the day, his city has been destroyed, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down, he has been struck down,

    The Anzu, like a calf, screamed at her, "I shall be snatched from her holy womb" He entered Kulaba. My scepter was snatched from the day, my gurgur was snatched from the day, my sister, my temple, was snatched from the day, like a pig of Inanna, he screamed at her, and the holy Inanna returned to her. Now, the river of the snatcher's canal, the river of the snatcher's canal, the lapis lazuli of Inanna, its tail was a piglet, its tail was a piglet, its tail was a snatcher's canal, its tail was a snatcher's canal,

    The messenger eats the Ilanum-plant in the mountain. The herdsman, the god of the Suhurmash, rejoices in its midst. He strews its tail. The tail of the shikka-vessel, the reeds of the pure place, he strews. The reeds of the land, for its water, he pours water. The reeds of the mountains, for its water, he strews. The reeds from the reeds he strews. Enmerkar, the son of Utu, reeds, he strews. He re-eds the reeds from the reeds from the reeds. The reeds of the reeds of the reeds he strews. He strews.

    The fish were captured, they were thrown into the netherworld. The a-ankar, the weapon of Inanna, was seized. His troops were seized. The life of the Aratta he had let go. The city, its gold, was taken away. The za-ma-

    P469674: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    iri gu4 husz (d)tesz2 ni2 gal gur3-ru kul-aba4(ki) kesz2 [...] gaba u4-da ki nam tar-re-da unu(ki) kur gal sza3 [...] kin-sig unu2 gal an-na [...] u4 re-a nam ba-tar-ra-ba unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki) e2-an-na [...] sag il2-la nun-gal-e-ne mi-ni-[...] he2-gal2 a-esztub gal2 szegx(|_im-a_|) sze gu-nu gal2 unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-a ib-da-an-tab [...]-in-zal kur dilmun(ki) [...] x in-nu e2-an-na unu(ki)-e kul-aba4(ki)-a-ka ki us2-sa-a ge6-par4 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-ke4 ku3 ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 pa e3 ak-am3

    [...] x x x nu-il2 bala nu-ak-e [...] nu-il2 nam-ga-rasz nu-ak-e ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar uruda nagga (na4)lagab za-gin3-na na4 hur-sag-ga2 kur-bi-ta tesz2-bi nu-mu-un-e11-de3 [...] ezem-ma a nu-un-tu5 [...] nu-mu-un-dur2-ru [...] u4 bi2-in-zal [...] [...] [...] gun3-gun3 [...] ki ku3 x [...] (na4)za-gin3 duru5-am3 sza3-bi (gesz)mesz3 babbar-gin7 gurun il2-la sig7-ga-am3 (d)inanna-ra en aratta(ki)-ke4 sag-men ku3-sig17-ga mu-na-ni-in-gal2 en kul-aba4(ki)-a-gin7 nu-mu-na-sa6

    ku3 (d)inanna-ra szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-gin7 nu-mu-un-na-du3 u4-ba en sza3-ge pa3-da (d)inanna-ke4 kur szuba-ta sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da (d)inanna-ke4 en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 nin9-a-ni nin kurku2 du10-ga ku3 (d)inanna-ra u3-gul mu-un-na-ga2-ga2 nin9-gu10 aratta(ki) unu(ki)-sze3 ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar ha-ma-an-galam-e (na4)za-gin3 duru5 lagab-ta [...] su3-ra2-ag2 (na4)za-gin3 duru5 [...] x unu(ki)-ga kur ku3 [...] x x du3 e2 an-ta e11-da ki-gub-ba-za aratta(ki) esz3 e2-an-na he2-en-du3

    sza3-bi aratta(ki) ha-ma-an-galam-e ge26-e sza3-ba amar za-gin3-na gu2? ga-mu-ni-[...]-la2 aratta(ki) unu(ki)-sze3 gu2 gesz ha-ma-ga2-ga2 nam-lu2-u18-lu aratta(ki)-ke4 na4 hur-sag-ga2 kur-bi ha-ma-ab-e11 esz3 gal ha-ma-du3-e unu2 gal ha-ma-ga2-ga2 unu2 gal unu2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 pa e3 ha-ma-ab-ak-e me-gu10 kul-aba4(ki)-a si ha-ma-ni-ib-sa2-e abzu kur ku3-gin7 ha-ma-ab-mu2-mu2 eridu(ki) hur-sag-gin7 ha-ma-ab-sikil-e esz3 abzu ku3 ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 pa e3 ha-ma-ab-ak-e ge26-e abzu-ta za3-mi2 du11-ga-gu10-ne

    eridu(ki)-ta me de6-a-gu10-ne nam-en-na men esz3 bar-gin7 sig7-ga-gu10-ne unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki)-a sag-men ku3 gal2-la-gu10-ne |_pa-a_| esz3 gal-la-ke4 ge6-par4-ra hu-mu-un-tum2-mu |_pa-a_| ge6-par4-ra-ke4 esz3 gal-la hu-mu-un-tum2-mu nam-lu2-ulu3 u6 du10-ge-esz hu-mu-un-e (d)utu igi hul2-la he2-em-szi-bar-bar-re u4-bi-a giri17-zal an ku3-ga nin kur-ra igi-gal2 in-nin9 (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na szembi2-zi-da-ni (d)inanna nin kur-kur-ra-ke4 en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ra gu3 mu-na-de2-e

    en-me-er-kar2 ga2-nu na ga-e-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-e-dab5 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 gizzal he2-szi-ak kin-gi4-a inim zu za3-sze tuku erin2-ta u3-ba-e-re-pa3 inim gal (d)inanna gal-zu inim-ma-ke4 me-a hu-mu-na-ab-tum3 hur-sag zubi-sze3 he2-bi2-in-e11-de3 hur-sag zubi-ta he2-em-ma-da-ra-e11-de3 szuszin(ki)-e kur an-sza4-an(ki)-a-sze3 pesz2 tur-gin7 giri17 szu hu-mu-na-ab-gal2 hur-sag gal-gal ni2-ba lu-a sahar-ra hu-mu-na-da-gur4-gur4-e aratta(ki) unu(ki)-sze3 gu2 gesz ha-ma-ga2-ga2 nam-lu2-ulu3 aratta(ki)-ke4

    na4 hur-sag-ga2 kur-bi um-ta-ab-e11 esz3 gal ha-ra-du3-e unu2 gal ha-ra-ga2-ga2 unu2 gal unu2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 pa e3 ha-ra-ab-ak-e me-zu kul-aba4(ki)-a si ha-ra-ni-ib2-sa2-e abzu kur ku3-gin7 ha-ra-ab-mu2-mu2 eridu(ki) hur-sag-gin7 ha-ra-ab-sikil-e esz3 abzu ku3 ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 pa e3 ha-ra-ab-ak-e za-e abzu-ta za3-mi2 du11-ga-zu-ne eridu(ki)-ta me de6-a-zu-ne nam-en men-na esz3 bar-gin7 sig7-ga-zu-ne unu(ki)-e kul-aba4(ki)-a sag-men ku3 gal2-la-zu-ne |_pa-a_| esz3 gal-la-ke4 ge6-par4-ra hu-mu-e-tum2-mu

    |_pa-a_| ge6-par4-ra-ke4 esz3 gal-la hu-mu-e-tum2-mu nam-lu2-ulu3 u6 du10-ge-esz he2-mu-e-e (d)utu igi hul2-la he2-mu-e-szi-bar-bar-re nam-lu2-ulu3 aratta(ki)-ke4 x _ne_ u4 szu2-usz-ta um-ta-ab-il2-ke4-esz x _ne_ u4 te-en-e um-ma-te-e-ta ki (d)dumu-zi-da u8 masz2 sila4?-ni lu-a a kal-ga a-sza3 (d)dumu-zi-da-ka udu kur-ra-gin7 du10 ha-ra-ni-ib-gar gaba ku3-ga2-a u4-gin7 e3-i3 zi-pa-ag2-ga2 nig2-suh10-bi he2-me-en za-ra en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu za3-mi2 en-e inim ku3 (d)inanna-ka-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak

    kin-gi4-a inim zu za3-sze tuku erin2-ta ba-ra-an-pa3 [...]-e kin-gi4-a-ni-ir [...] inim gal (d)inanna gal-zu inim-ma-ke4 me-a mu-na-ab-tum3 hur-sag zubi-ka he2-bi2-in-e11-de3-en hur-sag zubi-ta he2-em-ma-da-ra-an-e11-de3-en szuszin(ki)-e kur an-sza4-an(ki)-a-ke4 pesz2 tur-gin7 giri17 szu hu-mu-na-ab-gal2 hur-sag gal-gal ni2-ba lu-a sahar-ra hu-mu-na-da-gur4-gur4-e kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ra u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah iri-bi ir7-sag(muszen)-gin7 gesz-bi-ta na-an-na-ra-ab-dal-en

    muszen-gin7 gud3 us2-sa-bi-a nam-bi2-ib-dal-en ganba gal2-la-gin7 na-an-si-ig-en iri gul-gul-lu-gin7 sahar nam-bi2-ib-ha-za-en aratta(ki) a2-dam (d)en-ki-ke4 nam ba-an-ku5 ki bi2-in-gul-la-gin7 ki nam-ga-bi2-ib-gul-en egir-bi (d)inanna ba-szi-in-zi gu3 im-mi-in-ra szeg11 im-mi-in-gi4 kusz7 bi2-in-su-a-gin7 kusz7 nam-ga-bi2-ib-su-su ku3-sig17 u3-tu-da-ba (kusz)lu-ub2-szir a-ba-ni-in-ak ku3-me-a sahar-ba za3 u3-ba-ni-in-us2 ku3 sag-_pa_-sze3 u3-mu-un-dim2-dim2 ansze kur-kur-ra-ke4 bara2 um-mi-in-la2-la2

    ge26-e-sze3-am3 (d)en-lil2 ban3-da ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 en (d)nu-dim2-mud sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da kur me sikil-la-ke4 ha-ma-du3-e (gesz)taskarin-gin7 hi-li ha-ma-ab-ak-e (d)utu agrun-ta e3-a-gin7 si-musz2 ha-ma-ab-gun3-gun3 za3-du8-za3-du8-bi urin ha-ma-mul-e e2-nun-e2-nun-ba szir3 ku3 nam-szub du12-a-ba nam-szub (d)nu-dim2-mud-da-ke4 e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab u4-ba musz nu-gal2-am3 giri2 nu-gal2-am3 giri17 nu-gal2-am3 ur-mah nu-gal2-am3 ur-gi7 ur-bar-ra nu-gal2-am3 ni2 te-ge26 su zi-zi-i nu-gal2-am3

    u4-ba kur szubur(ki) ha-ma-zi(ki) eme ha-mun ki-en-gi kur gal me nam-nun-na-ka ki-uri kur me-te-gal2-la kur mar-tu u2-sal-la nu2-a an ki nigin2-na ug3 sag se3-ga (d)en-lil2-ra eme 1(disz)-am3 he2-en-na-da-ab-du11 u4-ba a-da en a-da nun a-da lugal-la (d)en-ki a-da en a-da nun a-da lugal-la a-da en-e a-da nun-e a-da lugal-la (d)en-ki en he2-gal2-la en du11-ga zi-da en gesztu2-ga igi-gal2 kalam-ma-ke4 mas-su dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 gesztu2-ge pa3-da en eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 ka-ba eme i3-kur2 en-na mi-ni-in-gar-ra

    eme nam-lu2-ulu3 1(disz) i3-me-a

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 en-e kin-gi4-a kur-sze3 du-ur2
  • aratta(ki)-asz inim mu-na-ab-tah-e kin-gi4-a ge6 u3-na-ka im 1(disz)-gin7 szeg3-ga2 an-bar7-_gan2_-ka im-du8-gin7 zi-ga kin-gi4-a inim lugal-la-na-ke4 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak ge6 u3-na-ka mul-am3 im-gen an-bar7-_gan2_-ka (d)utu an-na-ta mu-un-de3-gen inim gal (d)inanna gi-zu2-lum-ma _du_ me-a mu-na-ab-tum3 hur-sag zubi-sze3 bi2-in-e11-de3 hur-sag zubi-ta im-ma-da-ra-ab-e11-de3 szuszin(ki)-e kur an-sza4-an(ki)-a-sze3 pesz2 tur-gin7 giri17 szu mu-na-ab-gal2 hur-sag gal-gal ni2-ba lu-a sahar-ra mu-na-da-gur4-gur4

    hur-sag 5(disz) hur-sag 6(disz) hur-sag 7(disz)-e im-me-re-bala-bala igi mu-un-il2 aratta(ki)-asz ba-te kisal aratta(ki)-ka giri3 hul2-la mi-ni-in-gub nam-nir-gal2 lugal-a-na mu-un-zu bur2-ra-bi inim sza3-ga-na bi2-ib2-be2 kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ra mu-na-ab-bala-e a-a-zu lugal-gu10 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-nam lugal-za du11-ga-ni nam-gu10 tah-a-ni nam-gu10 lugal-gu10 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah-am3 lugal-gu10 u3-tu-da-ni-ta nam-en-na tum2-ma

    en unu(ki)-ga musz-sag-kal ki-en-gi-ra ti-la kur zid2-gin7 ma5-ma5 dara3-masz kur-bad3-da a2-nun-gal2 szilam-za masz naga ku3-ga umbin sud2-sud2-e ab2 zi-da kur-sza3-ga tu-da en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-nam lugal-zu du11-ga-ni nam-gu10 tah-a-ni nam-gu10 lugal-gu10 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah-am3 lugal-gu10 na-ab-be2-a iri-ni ir7-sag(muszen)-gin7 gesz-bi-ta na-na?-ra-ab-dag-e muszen-gin7 gud3 us2-sa-bi-a nam-bi2-ib2-hu-luh-e ganba gal2-la-gin7 na-an-si-ge-en

    iri gul-gul-la-gin7 sahar na-an-bi2-ib-ha-za-en aratta(ki) a2-dam (d)en-ki-ke4 nam ba-an-ku5 ki bi2-in-gul-la-gin7 ki nam-ga-bi2-ib-gul-en egir-bi (d)inanna ba-szi-in-zi gu3 im-mi-in-ra szeg11 im-mi-in-gi4 kusz7 bi2-in-su-a-gin7 kusz7 na-an-ga-bi2-ib-su-su-un ku3-sig17 u3-tu-da-ba (kusz)lu-ub2-szir a-ba-ni-in-ak ku3-me-a sahar-ba za3 u3-ba-ni-in-us2 ku3 sag-_pa_-sze3 u3-mu-un-dim2-dim2 ansze kur-kur-ra-ke4 bara2 um-mi-in-la2-la2 ge26-e-sze3-am3 (d)en-lil2 ban3-da ki-en-gi-ra-ke4

    kur me sikil-la-ke4 ha-ma-du3-e (gesz)taskarin-gin7 hi-li ha-ma-ab-ak (d)utu agrun-ta e3-a-gin7 si-musz2 ha-ma-ab-gun3-gun3 za3-du8-za3-du8-ba urin ha-ma-mul-e e2-nun-e2-nun-ba szir3 ku3 nam-szub du12-a-ba nam-szub (d)nu-dim2-mud-ke4 ga2-ra du11-mu-na-ab a-na ma-ab-be2-en-na-bi u3-mu-e-du11 a ru-a sun4 (na4)za-gin3 kesz2-da-ar ab2 kal-la-ga-ni kur me sikil-la-ka tu-da-ar sahar aratta(ki)-ka a2 e3-a-ar ubur ab2 zi-da ga gu7-a-ar kul-aba4(ki) kur me gal-gal-la-ka nam-nun-na tum2-ma en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ra

    inim-bi esz3 e2-an-na-ka inim du10 ga-na-ab-du11 ge6-par4 (gesz)mesz3 gibil-gin7 gurun il2-la-na lugal-gu10 en kul-aba4(ki)-ra szu-a ga-mu-na-ab-gi4 ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka kin-gi4-a lugal-zu en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah ge26-e-me-en en szu sikil-la tum2-ma (gesz)rab3 mah an-na nin an ki-ke4 in-nin9 me szar2-ra ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 aratta(ki) kur me sikil-la-sze3 hu-mu-un-de6-en kur-ra (gesz)ig gal-gin7 igi-ba bi2-in-tab-en aratta(ki) unu(ki)-sze3 gu2 a-gin7 i3-ga2-ga2

    aratta(ki) unu(ki)-sze3 gu2 ga2-ga2 nu-gal2 e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ra mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 nin gal an-na me husz-a u5-a hur-sag kur szuba-ka dur2 gar-ra bara2 kur szuba-ka sze-er-ka-an du11-ga en lugal-gu10 szubur-a-ni-im dingir nin e2-an-na-ka mu-un-di-ni-ib-ku4-re-esz en aratta(ki) gu2 ki-sze3 ba-ni-in-gal2 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-a-ka ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2 u4-bi-a en-e sza3 mu-un-sag3 zi mu-un-ir-ir gaba-ri nu-mu-da-gal2 gaba-ri i3-kin-kin

    giri3 ni2-te-a-na-ka igi lib-ba bi2-in-du8-ru gaba-ri i3-pa3-de3 gaba-ri in-pa3 gu3 im-ta-an-e3 kin-gi4-a inim-ma gaba ri-bi gu4-gin7 gu3 nun mu-un-di-ni-ib-be2 kin-gi4-a lugal-zu en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah hur-sag gal (gesz)mesz3 an-da mu2-a ur2-bi-sze3 sa-par4-am3 pa-bi gesz-bur2-am3 buru5 umbin-bi anzu(muszen) hu-ri2-in(muszen)-na kesz2-da (d)inanna-ka szar2 du11-ge gib-ba umbin hu-ri2-in(muszen)-bi u3-mun kur-ra kur szuba-da e11-da aratta(ki) er2 sze8-sze8 [...]

    a bala-bala-am3 zid2 dub-dub-ba-am3 kur-ra siskur a-ra-zu-a giri17 szu gal2-la-am3 lu2 5(disz) nu-me-a lu2 1(u) nu-me-a unu(ki) zi-ga hur-sag zubi-sze3 sag a-gin7 i3-ga2-ga2 lugal-zu (gesz)tukul-ga2 sag ha-ba-an-szum2 ge26-e a-da-min3-na sag ga-ba-an-szum2 a-da-min3 nu-um-zu tesz2 nu-um-gu7 gu4-de3 gu4 a2-gal2-bi nu-um-zu a-da-min3 um-zu tesz2 um-gu7 gu4-de3 gu4 a2-gal2-bi um-zu e-ne a-da-min3 mi-ni-in-tak4-tak4-an [...]-gin7 nig2 lu2 nu-se3-ge e-ne in-ga-mu-ni-in-tak4-tak4-an

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 kin-gi4-a inim mu-ra-be2-en
  • [...] de2-a sza-ra-ab-galam-e-en _du_-a he2-mu-e-szi-dib e2-an-na pirig szu-ba nu2-a sza3-bi-ta gu4 gu3 nun di-dam ge6-par4 (gesz)mesz3 gibil-gin7 gurun il2-la-na lugal-zu en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra szu-a gi4-mu-na-ab hur-sag ur-sag sukud si-ga-am3 an-usan-na (d)utu e2-bi-sze3 du-gin7 igi-bi-ta usz2 la2-la2-e-gin7 (d)nanna si-un3-na mah-a-gin7 sag-ki-bi me-lam2 gal2-la-gin7 gesz-gin7 kur-kur-ra gib-ba-gin7 sag musz3 aratta(ki)-ke4 (d)lamma sa6-ga kur me sikil-la-sze3

    ge26-e u4-ba nam-mah-gu10 ga-an-zu sze bara2-ga nam-mu-un-si-si-ig-ge mar-e nam-me-e sze-bi kur-kur-ra nam-il2-e erin2-na mu-un-ku5 nam-mu-un-ga2-ga2 sze (sa)al-kad5-e u3-mu-ni-in-si-si ansze bara2 la2-e um-mi-in-la2 ansze-bala-e da-bi-a a-ba-an-se3 tukum-bi kisal aratta(ki)-ka guru7-sze3 mu-dub-be2 i3-ge-en am3-dub-be2 guru7-a hi-li-bi kur-kur-ra izi gar-ra-bi a2-dam me-te-bi bad3 7(disz)-e sze-er-ka-an du11-ga nin ur-sag me3-a tum2-ma (d)inanna ur-sag me3 sahar-ra-ke4 sag eszemen (d)inanna di-dam

    i3-ge-en aratta(ki) ur ad6 sar-gin7 szu-ta im-ta-ri ge26-e u4-ba sza-ba-na-gam-e-de3-en e-ne nam-mah-a-ni szi-im-ma-an-zu-zu-un iri-gin7 nam-tur-ga2 gu2 szi-im-ma-ga2-ga2-an e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ke4 ka-ni-gin7 inim ka-na ba-an-se3 sumun2-gin7 hasz2-a-na mu-un-gur nim-sahar-ra-gin7 tir u4 zal-le-na mu-un-gen szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-a-ka giri3 hul2-la mu-ni-in-gub kisal mah-e kisal gu2-en-na-ka kin-gi4-a i-ib2-bur2 lugal-a-ni-ir en kul-aba4(ki)-ra

    ka-ni-gin7 szu mu-na-an-gi4 gu4-gin7 gu3 mu-na-an-se3 gu4 ri-ri-gin7 gesztu2 mu-na-an-ga2-ga2 lugal-e za3 zi-da-ni _ne_ im-mi-in-tusz za3 gab2-bu-ni im-ma-ni-in-gi4 i3-ge-en aratta(ki) galga szum2-ma im-ma-zu im-me u4 im-zal (d)utu im-ta-e3-a-ra (d)utu kalam-ma-ka sag bi2-ib-il2 lugal-e (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-bi-da im-ma-da-an-tab (i7)buranun-na (i7)idigna-da im-ma-da-an-tab bur gal-gal an-ne2 ba-sug2-su8-ug bur tur-tur sila4 u2-szim dur2-gin7 za3-bi-a im-ma-an-us2 bur i-gi8 an-na da-bi-a ba-su8-ug

    lugal-e esz-da ku3-sig17-ga-ke4 en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 du10 mu-un-bad-ba9-re6 u4-bi-a dub i-gi8 im me-a gi-gag ukken-na alan ku3-sig17-ga u4 du10-ga tu-da (d)nanibgal sig7-ga |_ka_xLI| sikil mu2?-da (d)nisaba nin gesztu2 dagal-la-ke4 e2-|_gisz-tug2-pi-an-nisaba_| ku3-ga-ni gal2 mu-na-an-tak4 e2-gal an-na-ka ku4-ra-ni gesztu2 mu-un-ga2-ga2 en-e e2-nun mah-a-ni gal2 ba-an-tak4 (gesz)li2-id-ga mah-a-ni ki ba-an-us2 lugal-e sze-ta sze libir-ra-ni szu ba-ra-an-bala munu4 ki-szar2-ra a ba-ni-in-si

    nundum-bi (u2)hirin(hu-ri2-in) _an_ x-sug4-ge (sa)al-kad5-e igi im-mi-in-tur-tur sze guru7 ka i-ni-in-si zu2 buru5(muszen)-e bi2-in-tah ansze bara2 la2-e um-mi-in-la2 ansze-bala-e da-bi-a ba-an-se3 lugal en gesztu2 dagal-la-ke4 en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-ke4 har-ra-an aratta(ki)-ke4 si bi2-in-sa2 nam-lu2-ulu3 kiszi6 ki-in-dar-ra-gin7 aratta(ki)-asz ni2-ba mu-un-sub2-be2-esz en-e kin-gi4-a kur-sze3 du-ur2 aratta(ki)-asz inim mu-na-ab-tah-e kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ra u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah

    gidru-ga2 ur2-bi me nam-nun-na-ka pa-bi kul-aba4(ki)-a an-dul3-esz i3-ak pa mul-mul-la-bi esz3 e2-an-na-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ni2 im-szi-ib-te-en-ten gidru um-ta-an-kid7 hu-mu-un-da-gal2 na4-gug-gesz-dili na4-za-gin3-gesz-dili-gin7 szu-ni-a hu-mu-un-gal2 en aratta(ki)-ke4 igi-gu10-sze3 hu-mu-un-tum2 e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka kin-gi4-a aratta(ki)-asz du-ni sahar kaskal-la giri3-ni mu-un-si na4 tur-tur hur-sag-ga2-ke4 suh3-sah4 mu-un-da-ab-za

    uszumgal edin-na-ba kin-ge26-gin7 gaba-ri nu-mu-ni-in-tuku kin-gi4-a aratta(ki)-asz um-ma-te-a-ra nam-lu2-ulu3 aratta(ki)-ke4 ansze bara2 la2-e u6 di-de3 im-ma-sug2-sug2-ge-esz kin-gi4-a kisal aratta(ki)-ka sze guru7 ka bi2-in-si zu2 buru5(muszen)-e bi2-in-tah szegx(|_im-a_|) an-na u4 gal2-la-gin7 aratta(ki) he2-gal2-la i3-du3 dingir dur2-bi-a ba-da-ab-gi4-a-gin7 aratta(ki) sza3-gar-ra-ni am3-la2-la2 nam-lu2-ulu3 aratta(ki)-ke4 munu4 a si-ga-na a-sza3 mu-ni-ib-x egir-ba ra2-gaba sza3-tam [...]

    x x x [...] x x _ni_ [...] dumu-dumu aratta(ki) gesztu2 [...] aratta(ki)-asz inim mu-un-bur2 ur5-da aratta(ki)-a szu-ta [...] en unu(ki)-ga-ra szu-ni i-im-[...] me-en-de3 sug4-ga lul-la-be2-esz2 en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra (na4)gug lul-la-me-a ga-mu-na-dur2-ru-ne-en-de3-en ab-ba-ab-ba inim zu-ne szu tesz2-a bi2-ib-ri-esz za3 e2-gar8-e bi2-ib-us2-esz en-ra e2 sikil-bi hu-mu-un-ga2-ga2-e-ne x x kin gidru-ni |_du-du_| sza3 e2-gal-la [...] bur2-ra-bi inim sza3-ga-na bi2-ib-be2 a-a-zu lugal-gu10 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam

    en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam lugal-zu du11-ga-ni nam-gu10 tah-a-ni nam-gu10 lugal-gu10 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah-am3 gidru-ga2 ur2-bi me nam-nun-na-ka pa-bi kul-aba4(ki)-a an-dul3-esz i3-ak pa mul-mul-la-bi esz3 e2-an-na-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ni2 im-szi-ib-te-en-ten gidru um-ta-an-kid7 hu-mu-un-da-gal2 na4-gug-gesz-dili na4-za-gin3-gesz-dili-gin7 szu-ni-a hu-mu-un-gal2 en aratta(ki)-ke4 igi-gu10-sze3 hu-mu-un-tum2 ga2-a-ra ha-ma-an-du11 ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka

    nam-bi-sze3 itima-a _ka_ ba-an-ku4 sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2 u4 im-zal inim im-szar2-szar2 inim ka-sze3 nu-gar-ra im-me inim-ma sze ansze gu7-a-gin7 giri3 mi-ni-ib-ni10-ni10-e i3-ne-esz2 lu2 lu2-u3-ra a-na na-an-du11 lu2 lu2-ra dili a-na na-an-tah lu2 lu2-ra in-na-ab-be2-a ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 kin-gi4-a lugal-zu en kul-aba4(ki)-ra u3-na-a-du11 u3-na-de3-tah gidru gesz nam-me mu gesz na-an-sa4-sa4 x x szu-na um-ma-ni-in-gar igi um-szi-bar-bar (gesz)ildag2 nam-me (gesz)szim-gig nam-me

    (gesz)ildag2 nam-me (gesz)szim-gig nam-me (gesz)erin nam-me (gesz)szu-ur2-men2 nam-me (gesz)ha-szu-ur2 nam-me (gesz)geszimmar nam-me (gesz)ha-szu-ur2 nam-me (gesz)geszimmar nam-me (gesz)erin nam-me (gesz)za-ba-lum nam-me (gesz)esi nam-me (gesz)za-ba-lum nam-me (gesz)szu-ur2-men2 nam-me (gesz)esi nam-me (gesz)asal lam (gesz)gigir-ra nam-me (gesz)kid-da gesz-(kusz)usan3-na nam-me ku3-sig17 nam-me uruda nam-me ku3-me-a zi ku3-babbar nam-me (na4)gug nam-me (na4)za-gin3 nam-me gidru um-ta-an-kid7 hu-mu-un-da-gal2

    na4-gug-gesz-dili na4-za-gin3-gesz-dili-gin7 szu-ni-a hu-mu-un-gal2 en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 igi-gu10-sze3 hu-mu-un-tum2 e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka kin-gi4-a dur3(ur3) si-gigir ku5-ra2-gin7 ka si-il-la mu-un-gen ansze-edin-na bar-rim4-ma kas4 di-gin7 (kusz)um4 i3-tag-tag-ge ka-ni tum9-a bi2-ib-zi-zi-zi udu zulumhi udu sumur-ba du7-du7-gin7 du10-us2 dili mu-un-dab5 szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-a-ka giri3 hul2 mi-ni-in-gub lugal-a-ni en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra inim-inim-ma mu-na-ra-si-si

    en-me-er-kar2-ra (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2 mu-na-an-szum2 en-e agrig mah-a-ni a2 ba-da-an-ag2 e2-ni? [...] lugal-e sumur3? [...] szu ba-ra-an-ti mu-un-dul-gin7 szu bi2-in-gur-gur igi bi2-in-ga2-ga2 (na4)na _ka_-_ka_ szim-gin7 zu2 ba-ni-in-ra gi su-lim-ma-ka i3-gin7 mu-ni-in-de2 u4-ta gissu-sze3 am3-e3-e gissu-ta u4-sze3 am3-e3-e mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ri gi su-lim-ma gin2-gin7 bi2-in-gaz en-e igi hul2-la im-szi-in-bar i3 li i3 li2 kur szuba-a-ka sag3-ga i-ni-in-de2 en-e kin-gi4-a kur-sze3 du-ur2

    gidru szu-na mu-un-na-ga2-ga2 kin-gi4-a aratta(ki)-asz du-a-ni u5(muszen)-gin7 hur-sag-ga2 nim-gin7 sahar nigin-a |_hi-suhur_|(ku6)-gin7 kur ur3-ur3-ru-da-ni aratta(ki)-asz ba-te kisal aratta(ki)-ka giri3 hul2-la mi-ni-in-gub gidru _te si_ na mu-un-gub szu kin si bi2-in-sa2 a kin bi2-ib-ak-e en aratta(ki)-ke4 gidru-ta igi tab-ba itima-ka ki-tusz ku3-ga-ni-a ni2 im-kar2-kar2-ka en-e sza3-tam-a-ni-ir gu3 mu-na-de2-e aratta(ki) u8 sag2-gin7 he2-em kaskal-bi kur ki-bala he2-em mah aratta(ki) ku3 (d)inanna-ke4

    en kul-aba4(ki)-ra mu-na-an-szum2-ma-ta lu2-kin-gi4-a mu-un-gi4-a-ni (d)utu e3-de3 inim dugud pa e3-de3 a-da-al ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 igi me-szi-kar2-kar2 aratta(ki)-a lul-e me-a he2-en-de3-dib-e al me-da-asz szu al-zil2-zil2-i-a me-en-de3 sug4-ga lul-la-be2-esz2 en kul-aba4(ki)-ra (na4)gug lul-la-me-a mu-na-dur2-ru-ne-en-de3-en en aratta(ki)-ke4 kin-gi4-a-ar inim-ma dub mah-gin7 szu mu-na-an-se3 kin-gi4-a lugal-zu en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah ur na-an-ge6-ge ur na-an-babbar-re

    ur na-an-su4-e ur na-an-dara4-e ur na-an-sig7-sig7-ge ur na-an-gun3-gun3(gu2) ur hu-mu-ra-ab-szum2-mu ur-gu10 ur-ra-ni a-da-min3 he2-em-da-e a2-gal2 he2-zu e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka kin-gi4-a u2-lum a-lam mu-un-gen szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-ke4 egir se3-ga-gin7 inim mu-un-gi4 ud5-gin7 ka gaba kur-ra-ka igi mi-ni-ib-il2-il2-i mir mah kiszi17-kiszi17-ta zi-ga-gin7 e2 me min3 mu-un-ta-la2-la2 x x x x-ka sag mi-ni-in-il2 [...] aratta(ki)-a-ke4 [...]

    kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ra u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah tug2 na-an-ge6-ge tug2 na-an-babbar-re tug2 na-an-su4-e tug2 na-an-dara4-e tug2 na-an-sig7-sig7-ge tug2 na-an-gun3-gun3(gu2) tug2 ga-mu-na-ab-szum2 ur-gu10 gu2-da gal2 (d)en-lil2-la2 ur szu ga-mu-na-tak4 ur-gu10 ur-ra-ni a-da-min3 he2-em-di-e a2-gal2 he2-zu-zu e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah
  • en3-tukum-sze3 lul-da _li_-a he2-ni-ib-dib-e iri-na udu-gin7 igi-ni hu-mu-un-su8-ub e-ne sipa-bi-gin7 egir-bi he2-em-us2-e du-a-ni kur ku3 (na4)za-gin3-na gi nig2 dub-ba-gin7 gu2 hu-mu-na-ab-gar ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar su3-ra2-ag2-bi (d)inanna nin e2-an-na-ra kisal aratta(ki)-ka guru7-sze3 hu-mu-un-dub-dub-bu

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 u3-na-du11 u3-na-de3-tah
  • iri-ni ir7-sag(muszen)-gin7 gesz-bi-ta na-an-tar-ta-ta-an [...]-gin7 na-an-dub2-be2-en ganba gal2-la-gin7 na-an-si-ig-en [...] lil2-e nam-mi-ni-in-dib-be2-en du-a-ni na4 hur-sag-ga2 szu u3-mu-ni-in-ti esz3 gal eridu(ki) abzu e2-nun ha-ma-du3-e a-sal-bar-bi im-szu2-ra-ke4 szu ha-ma-ni-ib-tag-ge gissu-bi kalam-ma ha-ma-ni-ib-la2-la2-e inim du11-ga-ni [...]-szar2?-a-ka geszkim-a-ni e-ne-ra du11-mu-na-ab u4-ba en? [...]-ka-am3 [...] bara2-ga dur2 gar-ra numun nun-na-ke4-ne x x 1(disz)-a mu2-a

    du11-ga-ni mah-am3 sza3-bi su-su-a-am3 kin-gi4-a ka-ni dugud szu nu-mu-un-da-an-gi4-gi4 bar kin-gi4-a ka-ni dugud szu nu-mu-un-da-an-gi4-gi4-da-ka en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 im-e szu bi2-in-ra inim dub-gin7 bi2-in-gub u4-bi-ta inim im-ma gub-bu nu-ub-ta-gal2-la i3-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne-a ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 inim dub-gin7 bi2-in-gub ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma kin-gi4-a muszen-gin7 a2 dub2 i3-ak-e ur-bar-ra masz2-e us2-sa-gin7 guru5-usz i3-bur2-bur2-re

    hur-sag 5(disz) hur-sag 6(disz) hur-sag 7(disz)-e im-me-re-bala-bala igi mu-un-il2 aratta(ki)-asz ba-te kisal aratta(ki)-ka giri3 hul2-la mi-ni-in-gub nam-nir-gal2 lugal-a-na mu-un-zu bur2-ra-bi inim sza3-ga-na bi2-ib2-be2 kin-gi4-a en aratta(ki)-ra mu-na-ab-bala-e a-a-zu lugal-gu10 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-in-nam lugal-zu du11-ga-ni nam-gu10 tah-a-ni nam-gu10 lugal-gu10 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah-am3 lugal-gu10 (gesz)mesz3 gal dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4

    gesz-bi an ki-da mu2-a pa-bi an-ne2 us2-sa-am3 ur2-bi ki-a gub-ba-bi nam-en nam-lugal-la pa e3 ak-a en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ke4 im ma-an-szum2 en aratta(ki)-ke4 im igi u3-ni-bar sza3 inim-ma u3-bi2-zu a-na ma-ab-be2-en-na-bi u3-mu-e-du11 a ru-a sun4 (na4)za-gin3 kesz2-da-ar ab2 kal-la-ga-ni kur me sikil-la-ka tu-da-ar sahar aratta(ki)-ka a2 e3-a-ar ubur ab2 zi-da-ka ga gu7-a-ar kul-aba4(ki) kur me gal-gal-la-ka nam-en-na tum2-ma-ar en-me-er-kar2 dumu (d)utu-ra

    ge6-par4 (gesz)mesz3 gibil-gin7 gurun il2-la-na lugal-gu10 en kul-aba4(ki)-ra szu-a ga-mu-na-ab-gi4 ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka en aratta(ki)-ke4 kin-gi4-a-ar im szu-rin-na-ni szu ba-szi-in-ti en aratta(ki)-ke4 im-ma igi i-ni-in-bar inim du11-ga gag-am3 sag-ki mi-re2-da-am3 en aratta(ki)-ke4 im szu-rin-na-ni igi im-bar-bar-re u4-ba en men nam-en-na tum2-ma dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 (d)iszkur an ki-a gu3 nun-bi di-dam u4 du7-du7 ug gal-la ki x x-ka nam-mi-ni-in-gub kur-kur [...] mu-un-tuk4-tuk4-e

    hur-sag [...] mu-un-da-pesz11-pesz11-e ni2 me-lam2? x x gaba-na gal2-la-bi hur-sag giri17-zal-la gu3 mi-ni-in-il2 aratta(ki) bar u4-bi sza3 hur-sag-ga2-ka gig ni2-bi mu2-a gu2 ni2-bi an-ga-mu2-a gig ni2-bi mu2-a guru7 x x-ka en aratta(ki)-ra mu-na-ni-in-ku4-ku4 kisal aratta(ki)-a-ka igi-ni-sze3 i-im-dub? en aratta(ki)-ke4 gig-e igi bi2-in-du8 kin-gi4-a igi sag3-sag3-a-ni mu-un-szi-ib-|_ur2_xKID2|-|_ur2_xKID2|-e en aratta(ki)-ke4 kin-gi4-a-ar gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e mah-bi (d)inanna nin kur-kur-ra-ke4

    iri-ni aratta(ki) szu li-bi2-in-dag unu(ki)-e la-ba-an-_ka_ e2-za-gin3-na-ka-ni szu li-bi2-in-dag esz3 e2-an-na-ka la-ba-an-_ka_ kur me sikil-la-ka szu li-bi2-in-dag szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-a-ke4 la-ba-an-_ka_ gesz-nu2 sze-er-kan2 du11 szu li-bi2-in-dag gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na la-ba-an-_ka_ en-ra szu sikil-la-ka-ni szu li-bi2-in-dag en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-a-ra la-ba-an-_ka_ aratta(ki) zi-da gab2-bu-ba (d)inanna nin kur-kur-ra-ke4 a mah e3-a-gin7 mu-un-na-nigin2-nigin2 lu2-be2-ne lu2-lu2-ta dar-a

    lu2 (d)dumu-zi-de3 lu2-ta e3-a-me-esz inim ku3 (d)inanna ki-bi-sze3 gar-gar-me-esz ur igi-gal2-la _da_-A-_sar_ (d)dumu-zi-da he2-szi-im-nigin2-nigin2 ul4 ga2-nam-ma dumu ur4-[...] igi a-ma-ru-ka gub-ba-me-esz egir a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta (d)inanna nin kur-kur-ra-ke4 nam gal ki ag2 (d)dumu-zi-da-ke4 a nam-ti-la-ka mu-un-ne-su3-su3 gu2 kalam-ma-ka gesz mu-un-ne-en-gal2 ur igi-gal2-la du-a-ni (tug2)sagszu gun3-a ugu-na i-im-szu2 (tug2)pirig-pirig-ga2 za3 mu-ni-in-kesz2 x il2-la x szu? mi-ni-in-du8-x-am3

    [...] nin [...] ba-an-_pa_ di [...]-a-ni [...] (d)inanna en3-du-ni (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na nitalam-a-na ba-du10 u4-bi-ta gesztu2 ku3 gesztu2 ku3 (d)dumu-zi-da-ke4 szu mu-ni-in-du7 szir3 mu-ni-in-du11 inim mu-ni-in-zu um-ma kur me sikil-sze3 du-a-ni ki-sikil u4-da-na til-la-gin7 im-ma-na-ta-e3 szembi2-zi-da igi-na mu-un-gun3 tug2 babbar-ra za3 mu-ni-in-kesz2 aga zi-da iti6-gin7 mu-un-e3 x x x sag si ba-ni-in-sa2 nitalam-a-ni en-me-er-kar2 bara2-ge4 mu-un-da-ab-si [...] um-mi-in-zi-zi

    ga-nam im-da-lu-lu aratta(ki)-asz u8-da sila4-bi ga-nam im-da-lu-lu aratta(ki)-asz ud5-da masz2-bi ga-nam im-da-lu-lu aratta(ki)-asz ab2-da amar-bi ga-nam im-da-lu-lu aratta(ki)-asz eme5 dur3(ur3) kas4 ge6-ga-bi aratta(ki)-a na-an-da-be2-a guru7-sze3 he2-em-dub-dub gu2 he2-em-gar-gar he2-gal2 za-a he2-gal2-zu [...] en aratta(ki)-ra u3-mu-ni-in-ak [...] x x x _ra_ he2-en-x x [...] mu-un-di-ni-ib-x-e [...] mu-un-ta-e3 [...] si mu-un-na-ab-sa2 [...] [...] [...] [...] me-te-asz [...] gal2

    [...]-ni-a he2-gal2-zu _an_ [...] [...] (d)en-lil2-le sa12-esz mu-ri-in-rig7 x-la-la-ga2 he2-zu-zu [...] kar2 a-a-ni nu-lam-lam a nu-un-de2 (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 hu-mu-un-kar2?-re ni2-ba esz2-gar3 im-ma-an-du3-a-gin7 nam-lu2-u18-lu aratta(ki)-a-ke4 ku3-sig17 ku3 (na4)za-gin3 bala ak-de3 esz2-gar3 x x x lu2 gurun ku3-sig17 gurun gesz gub-bu-de3 (gesz)pesz3 gesztin-ba nig2-ta ub4-ba-gin7 guru7 gal-sze3 u3-mu-un-dub (na4)za-gin3 duru5 ur2-ba mu-un-bur2-re-ne (gi)uszub pa-ba mu-un-ta-bala-e-ne

    (d)inanna nin e2-an-na-ra kisal e2-an-na(ki)-ka guru7-sze3 mu-un-dub-bu-ne lugal-gu10 ga2-nu na ga-e-de5 na de5-gu10 he2-e-dab5 inim ga-ra-ab-du11 gizzal he2-e-ak lu2 x _bi_? e kur-kur-ra ug3-e u3-un-pa3 nam-lu2-ulu3 aratta(ki)-ke4 x-me-esz2 i-im-da he2-em-me-ne ge26-e gu2-e-ta du-a-gu10-ne nam-lugal-gu10 nin mul-mul-e ma-an-szum2 (d)gesztin-an-na [...] iri-ba lil2 [...] ezem nu-mu-[...] u4 szu2-usz nam-[...]

    AI Translation

    The city, roaring oxen, Tesh, the great fearsome one, Kulaba, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Uruk, Kulaba, Eanna ... ... ... ... ... abundance, a sacrificial scepter, ... barley, ... ... ... ... ... ... Eanna, Uruk, Kulaba, ... ... ... ... in Uruk, in Kulaba, the place of the ... of Inanna, the brickwork of Kulaba, like the brickwork of Kindara, he made .

    ... did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., did not ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., and lapis lazuli, ..., like a white mesh, like a white edging, did not ..., and Inanna, the lord of Aratta, had the gold headstock of gold, and like lord Kulaba, did not make it good.

    The silver of Inanna was not fashioned like the brickwork of Kulaba. At that time, the en priest chosen by Inanna, from the mountains of Shuba to the holy places chosen by Inanna, Enmekar, son of Utu, his mistress, the lady of the good mountain, the silver of Inanna, he destroyed. My mistress, Aratta and Uruk, with gold and silver may she make shine. The lapis lazuli ... from the lagab ..., the lapis lazuli ... in Uruk, the holy mountain ... ... from the upper house, to the lower place, Aratta the shrine Eanna he built.

    I shall make Aratta great. In its midst I shall ... a lapis lazuli calf. I shall make Aratta and Uruk grow tall. The people of Aratta shall make the stone of the mountains grow. I shall build a great shrine. I shall build a great shrine. I shall make a great shrine. I shall make a great shrine, a shrine of the gods. I shall make my divine powers shine like the stars of Kulaba. I shall make the abzu, the holy mountain, shine like Eridu, the holy abzu, the holy ki-indar. I shall make a great shrine, the holy abzu, the holy ki-indar, shine like the stars of the abzu.

    From Eridu, my divine powers are revealed, my lordship is revealed, my holy shrine is bright like a rainbow. In Uruk and Kulaba, my holy head is revealed. I want to make the great shrine rejoice. I want to make the great shrine rejoice. I want to make the great shrine rejoice. The people will be happy. May Utu look joyfully upon him. At that time, the shining face of An, the lady of the netherworld, was seen. Ama'ushumgalana, his shemzida, Inanna, lady of the netherworld, called Enmekar, son of Utu.

    Enmekar, I want to give to you. I want to take my ..., I want to speak to you. I want to make a gizigal-offering. I want to send a message, I want to speak to you. I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from the field, I want to send you from Susa, to the land of Anshan, I want to send you like a small pig. I want to send you from the field, I want to bring you from the great mountain, I want to bring you from the soil. I want to send you from Aratta to Uruk, I want to send you people from Aratta

    The stone of the mountains has been brought up from the mountains. The great shrine has been built. The great shrine has been built. The great shrine has been made into a shrine of the gods. The divine powers of Kulaba have been made to shine like the holy Abzu. Like Eridu, like the holy Abzu, have been made to shine like the holy Kindar. The divine powers that you have been able to pronounce from the Abzu. Like Eridu, your divine powers are made to shine like the holy Abzu. Like the divine powers that you have been able to pronounce from the shrines, like the holy shrines, your divine powers are good. Uruk and Kulaba, your holy headmen are able to utterly

    The ... of the Great Oval, I have fashioned for you. May the people be happy with the good news. May Utu be happy with the happy eyes. May the people of Aratta ..., from the day that he has been sated with ..., from the day that he has been sated with ..., may he be a strong water-bearing waterman in the field of Dumuzi. May he make the sheep of the mountains happy. Like a day, when he has been sated with the holy face, may he be able to make its rites good. In the zarag, Enmekar, the son of Utu, the lord, by the word of Inanna, he has been able to grasp the head.

    In the messenger, the words of the free will were uttered by the troops. ... his messenger ... the great words of Inanna, the great words of me, he spoke to him. In the mountain ranges, he should go out, in the mountain ranges, he should go out. In Susa, the land of Anshan, like a small snake, he should be greeted. In the mountain ranges, the great ones, like a man, he should be greeted. In the mountain ranges, he should be greeted. In the messenger, the lord of Aratta, he should be greeted. Its cities, like a rooster, should be greeted.

    Like a bird, I shall not let it go out of its nest, I shall not let it go out of its field, I shall not let it go out of its field, I shall not let it go out of its field. Like a destroyed city, I shall not let it go out of its soil. Like Aratta, the father of Enki, I shall not let it go out, I shall not let it go out of its soil. After it Inanna spoke, she sounded,

    Enlil, the king of Sumer, the lord Nudimmud, chosen by the pure heart of the land, the pure me, he built for him. Like a thornbush he made it grow, like Utu, from the agrun he made it grow. Like a tuft of sandstone he made it grow. Like a tuft of sandstone he made it grow. In the Enunenuna temple, the pure scribal art, he did not let it fall. He did not let it fall. He did not let it fall. He did not let it fall. The lion did not let it fall. The lion did not let it fall. The lion did not let it fall. The lion did not let it fall. The lion did not let it fall. The slanderous rage did not let it fall.

    At that time, the land of Shubur and Hamazi, the tongue of Humun, Sumer, the great mountain of the divine powers of rulership, Akkad, the mountain of abundance, the land of the Amorite, the usal, the one that is a scepter of heaven and earth, the one that is a scepter of Enlil, one that is one that is one that is one that is one that is one that is one that is one that is one that is the ruler, the ruler, the king, Enki, the ruler, the ruler, the ruler, Enki, the lord of abundance, the lord who speaks truth, the lord who speaks truth, the one who is the eye of the Land, the one who speaks truth to the gods, the lord of Eridu, the one who changes his tongue,

    one tongue, a kind of person,

  • for the 2nd time, the lord, the messenger, to the foreign lands he made a new settlement.
  • Aratta spoke to him. In the messenger, in the night of the moon he was surrounded by a single cloud, like a rainstorm, in the middle of the field. In the messenger, in the night of the moon he was surrounded by a star. In the middle of the field Utu came out from heaven. In the great word of Inanna, the reed-plants, he was able to bring them out. In the mountain range he went out to the mountain range. In the mountain range he went out to the mountain range. In Susa, like a small pig, he was able to bring them out. The great mountain range, whose limbs are smashed, he returned to the dust.

    The five mountains, the six mountains, the seven mountains he brought out. He sat down in Aratta. He sat in the courtyard of Aratta. He made his king's majesty rejoice. His scepter was smashed in his heart. In a letter to the en priest of Aratta, he sent my father to my king. The en priest of Uruk and the en priest of Kulaba sent me your king's words. My fate he chose, my fate he chose, my fate he chose. My king, after he had left his own father, the en priesthood

    Lord of Uruk, the mighty snake of Sumer, like a mighty mountain, like a boat of the mighty, like a raging lion, a swarm of pigs, a swarm of ewes, a shillamza goat, a pure goat, a shillamza goat, a suckling cow, a suckling cow, a suckling cow, a suckling cow, a swarm of the mountains, Enmekar, son of Utu, has sworn by your king, my fate has he imposed upon him, my fate has he imposed upon him, my king has he imposed upon him. His city, like a sag bird, he shall not be snatched up from its nest, like a bird he shall not be snatched up from its nest, and he shall not be snatched up on its field.

    Like a destroyed city, the earth did not swell. Aratta, the property of Enki, was destroyed, the earth did not swell. Like a destroyed place, it did not swell. After it, Inanna roared, and the rain fell. Like a swollen sheep, it did not swell. Like a swollen sheep, it did not swell. Like a shiny utula-sheep, it sank. Like a shiny swollen sheep, it sank. Like a silver sag-pa-sheep, it sank the horses of all the lands. It was the Enlil of Sumer.

    The pure land of the me I built. Like a boxwood tree I planted. Utu, like a reed tree, I planted it. Like a reed tree I planted it. The ziggurat I planted. The holy shura tree I planted. The holy shura tree I planted. The shura tree of Nudimmud I planted. I said to him: "As for the water, the lapis lazuli, the shura tree of his mighty cow, the pure mountain of Aratta, I poured out. The sand of Aratta I poured out. The ubur cows, the sour cows, I poured out. Kulaba, the great mountain of the great me, I fashioned the princely crown. Enmekar, son of Utu,

    I shall speak good words to you in the shrine Eanna. In the new gipar, like a new mes tree, I shall give you a new ... My king, the lord of Kulaba, I shall give you a hand. As if I were to be sent to you, I shall tell you what I am. Your king, the lord of Kulaba, I shall tell you. I am the supreme lord, the one who holds the pure hand, the supreme throne of An, the lady of An and the earth, the one who makes the divine powers surpassing, holy Inanna, Aratta, to the land of the pure me. I shall make the great doors open in the mountains. Aratta and Uruk, like water, I shall say to you.

    He did not have the throne of Aratta in Uruk, but instead he did not have it. When he spoke to me, like a lion he smote him, the messenger of the lord of Aratta he sent to him. The great lady of heaven, the fierce me, who is adorned with the mountains and mountains, who is adorned with the throne of the mountains and mountains, who is adorned with the horns, my lord, his king, with his shubur-doer, the god, the lady of the Eanna, he brought him to him. The lord of Aratta smote him to the ground. Like the brickwork of Kulaba he smote him. At that time, the lord shook the heart, he was able to find no rival, he made no rival.

    The one who has seen his own face, has opened his eyes to the other side, and has spoken to the other side, and has spoken to the other side, in a message, a message, a message, like a bull, he has made the prince speak, in a message, your king, lord of Kulaba, has spoken to him, and he has gone out. The great mountain range with the mes tree, which he has named, is its base. Its branches are a sapar tree, its branches are a geshbur tree, its branches are the Anzu-bird, the hurin bird, the keshda of Inanna, the mighty storm, its branches are the salt of the mountain, the mountain of Shuba, the eagle, Aratta, .

    The water of the balabala libation bowl, the flour of the tablet, the mountain of the siskur offerings, the azu-offerings, the hand of the 5 people, the 10 people, Uruk, the rites of the mountain range of Zubi, the water of the water, the water of the water, the water of

  • He has sworn by the name of the 2nd messenger.
  • ... he shall make ... come forth. In Eanna, the lion, whose hand is not open, from which a bull roars, a prince is roaring, like a new gipar tree, whose horns are smashed like a horn, your king, lord of Kulaba, shall give him. The mountain range, the heroic hero, is a stable mountain range. Like the sun, like Utu, in its temple, like the dead, like the dead, like Nanna, like a great scepter, like the radiance of the sun, like the radiance of the mountains, like the ... of the lands, like the head of the head of Aratta, like the protective spirit of the pure mountain range,

    At that time, I am my lord. I shall be able to eat barley on the dais. I shall be able to eat barley on the street. I shall be able to eat barley on the lands. I shall be able to eat barley on the field. I shall be able to eat barley on the quay. I shall be able to eat barley on the dais. I shall be able to eat barley on the dais. If in the courtyard of Aratta, I shall be able to eat it. If it is a quay, I shall be able to eat it. Its savoury

    I am Aratta, like a lion whose horns are smashed from the hand, I am Aratta. At that time, I am a lord whose greatness is revealed. Like a city, like a small city, I am a lord whose utterances are revealed. When I speak to him, like a dog, I am a messenger of the lord of Aratta. Like a pig, I am a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a slanderer, he is a lord of Kulaba, he is a lord of Kulaba.

    Like a lion he spoke to him, like a bull he spoke to him, like a wild bull he spoke to him. The king sat on his right side, he sat on his left side. He sat on his left side, he sat on his left side. He sat on the great dais of Aratta. He sat on the day, Utu sat on the head. Utu sat on the land. The king sat on the Tigris and Euphrates. He sat on the Tigris and Euphrates. He sat on the large burs of heaven. He sat on the small burs of lambs like a reed-fed lamb. He sat on the burs of the reed-fed reeds of heaven.

    The king, with a holy eshda, Enmekar, the son of Utu, made it shine. At that time, the tablet of the igi8-demon, the reed-beam of the assembly, a gold statue, a shining day, a shining day, a nibgal statue, a pure ..., Nisaba, the lady of wide wisdom, her sacred E-pi-an-nisaba, he set it up. In the palace of An, he set it up. The lord set up his magnificent Enun, he set up his magnificent reed bed. The king set his old barley back into order. The munus he poured out water.

    Its tufts of hirinhurin, ..., and ... were seen. They smote the barley and the ..., they smote the eagle. They smote the donkeys, they smote the donkeys, they smote the donkeys, they smote the donkeys. The king, the lord of wide wisdom, the lord of Uruk and the lord of Kulaba, he smote the road to Aratta. Like the people, the shite of the kiddar, he smote Aratta. The lord, in a message of reconciliation, he smote Aratta. In a message of reconciliation, the lord of Aratta, he spoke to him, and he smote him.

    The scepter, whose front is the divine powers of princeliness, whose front is Kulaba, the scepter, whose horns are the holy shrine Eanna, the holy Inanna, he made tremble. He made the scepter shine like a horned lion. He made it shine like a lion. The lord of Aratta, before me, made it shine like a lion. When he came, he made it shine like a lion. He made the dirt of the road, he made the small stones of the mountains rise up.

    The herdsmen of the steppe did not have the same power as before. In the messengers of Aratta, the people of Aratta, the donkeys, the throne-bearers, were snatched up like a pigeon. In the messengers of Aratta, the barley was piled up, the pigeons were piled up like a pigeon. In the courtyard of Aratta, the barley was piled up like a pigeon. Like the rains of heaven, Aratta was a great storm. Like the gods who had gathered together, Aratta was snatched up like a pigeon. The people of Aratta, the mutton, whose water is a snare, ... the field. After that, the shatam priest .

    ... ... ... the son of Aratta, wisdom ... Aratta he swore. From the hand of Aratta ... the lord of Uruk ... ... I ...

    En-merkar, son of Utu, has sworn by his king. My fate has been decided for him, my fate has been decided for him. My king has sworn by him. My scepter, whose 'face' is the divine powers of the princely powers, whose 'face' is Kulaba, has been adorned with a 'face'. Its 'strength' is the shrine Eanna, which holy Inanna has fashioned for him. I have sworn by the scepter. I have sworn by the scepter. I have sworn by the 'strength'. I have sworn by the 'strength' like a carnelian and lapis lazuli. I have sworn by the lord Aratta before me. I have sworn by the 'strength'. I have sworn by the 'strength' like a 'strength'.

    he spoke to him, he entered the ..., he sat down in the midst of the ..., he sounded the storm, he sounded the storm, he sounded the storm, he sounded the storm, he sounded the storm like a barley-snake. Now, a man, a man, should not speak to him, a man should not be a single man, a man should not be a single man, should not speak to him, he should not be a single man. In the messenger, your king, lord of Kulaba, he said to him: "I shall speak to him, a gidru tree, I shall speak to him, I shall speak to him, I shall speak to him, I shall speak to him, I shall speak to him about the ildag tree, I shall speak to the juniper tree,

    a tree whose fate is a lilies' fate, a date palm whose fate is a date palm whose fate is a cedar tree whose fate is a hushur tree whose fate is a date palm tree whose fate is a date palm tree whose fate is a date palm tree whose fate is a zabalum tree whose fate is a ebony tree whose fate is a zabalum tree whose fate is a ebony tree whose fate is a sasal tree whose fate is a chariot wheel whose fate is a gidda tree, a scepter

    like a sacrificial stela and lapis lazuli, in his hands he sat. The lord of Kulaba, before me, he sat. When he sat, like a dog, he sat. The messenger, like a chariot, opened the mouth. Like a donkey, he sat on the back of the pack. Like a fox, he sat on his neck. Like a pig, he sat on the back of a pig, like a pig, he sat on his neck. He sat on the brickwork of Kulaba. He sat on the brickwork of Kulaba. His king, the lord of Kulaba, spoke to him in a favorable word.

    En-merkara gave Enki wisdom. The lord ... his great agrig. His temple ... The king ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a juniper he poured out. The reeds of the reeds he poured out. From the day to day, he poured out the reeds. From day to day, he poured out five years. The reeds he poured out like a reeds. The en priestess he looked joyfully. He poured out oil, oil, oil of the lands of Shuba. The en priestess he poured out a reeds of the lands.

    he sat on his hand-held tablet. In his messenger, Aratta, his city, like a eagle, like a mountain range, like a sahar cloud, like a lion, he sat on his lap. Aratta, he sat in the courtyard of Aratta. He stood in the gidru-chair, he sat in the ..., he sat in the ..., he sat in the water, and he poured water. The lord of Aratta, from the gidru, in the month of Tamma, his sacred residence, he sat in his holy residence. The lord, his shattered his heart, he spoke to him. Aratta, like a mighty ewe, may he be his lord's womb. May the road to the land of the rebellious land be his lordly majesty. Aratta, holy Inanna,

    lord of Kulaba gave to him, and his messenger he sent to him. Utu came out, he made a mighty word come out. The holy daal of Inanna looked at me. I sat down at Aratta. I sat down at the ..., I sat down at the ..., I sat down at the ..., I sat down at the ..., I sat down at the lord of Kulaba. The lord of Aratta he sent me. He sent me the words of the great tablet. He sent me to the lord of Aratta. He spoke to him, he made him speak to him, and he made him speak to him. The lion was a lion, he was a lion.

    The dog was snatched, the dog was snatched, the dog was snatched, the dog was snatched, the dog was given to him. My dog, his dog, should be given advice, and should there be a comrade? When he spoke to me, he was snatched, like a dog. In the messenger, he brought out the radiance of the sun. Like the brickwork of Kulaba, he spoke to me like a ud. Like a ud, he surrounded the mouth of the mountain. Like a great mir, he surrounded the ... of the mountain like a lion. He surrounded the temple of the me. ... he ... Aratta .

    The messenger of the lord of Aratta spoke to him, saying: "Should the garment be soiled, should the garment be soiled, should the garment be soiled, should the garment be soiled, should the garment be soiled, should the garment be soiled, should the garment be soiled, should the garment be given to him? My dog, the one who is a snare of Enlil, should be a snare of him My dog, his snare, should be a snare of him? Let him be snare of him! He should be snare of him!

  • he will tell to him for the 2nd time; he will tell to him.
  • To the envoys, the evil ones, may they smite him. In his city, like sheep, may they eat him. Like a shepherd, they shall follow him. His ..., like a mountain of gold and lapis lazuli, and reeds like a tablet, may they strew. Its gold and silver, its precious stones, may Inanna, the lady of the Eanna temple, in the courtyard of Aratta, eat him.

  • he will tell to him 3 times; he will tell to him.
  • His city, like a eagle, has been snatched from its nest. Like ..., you have been snatched from its nest. Like a ..., you have been snatched from its field. ..., you have been snatched from its ..., you have been snatched from its ..., he has been snatched from its ... stone from the mountains. The great shrine Eridu, the Abzu, the Enun, he built. Its marsh he smashed, he smashed, he smashed, he smashed its ..., he smashed its roof of the Land. His words he spoke to ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ..., he swore by his ...,

    His words are exalted, his heart is a sighing sigh. In the messenger, he has not returned his hand to his messenger. In the messenger, he has not returned his hand to his messenger. The lord of Kulaba spoke, he spoke, he spoke, he did not stand there. At that time, Utu, when the day arrived, he was not there. The lord of Kulaba, he was not there, he was not there. In the messenger, he is not there. Like a bird, he screams. Like a bird, he screams. Like a dog, he screams like a lion, he screams.

    The five mountains, the six mountains, the seven mountains he brought out. He sat down in Aratta. He sat in the courtyard of Aratta. His lordly majesty sat down. His supplication was heard, and his heart he sat down. In a message, the lord of Aratta sat down. My father, my king, he has listened to him. The lord of Uruk and the lord of Kulaba, he has listened to him. His king, when he said, my fate he has sinned, my fate he has sinned. My king, the great mes tree, son of Enlil,

    Its foundations are heaven and earth, its foundations are heaven. Its foundations are earth. The lordship of kingship is done. Enmekar, son of Utu, gave the following words to me. The lord of Aratta, he looked at the following words. He spoke to me as follows: "As for the water, the lapis lazuli, the sand of his mighty cows, the pure mountain of Aratta, you have poured out. The dust of Aratta, you have poured out. The ubur cows, the faithful cows, you have poured out. Kulaba, the great mountain of great me, you have poured out the enship. Enmekar, son of Utu,

    Like a new grove, he sat down on the throne. My king, the lord of Kulaba, let him return to his hand. Like a dog, let him return to his hand. The lord of Aratta, he looked at his hand. The lord of Aratta looked at him. He spoke a word, he looked at his head. The lord of Aratta looked at his hand. At that time, the lord who is a lordship, the son of Enlil, and Ishkur, who speaks to heaven and earth, he spoke to the princely utterances of the storm, the great storm, the place ..., he stood in the lands .

    The mountain range ... he made tremble. The aura of the mountain range ... he sounded. Aratta, the distant mountain range, whose wailings are a bitter storm, whose wailings are a bitter storm, whose wailings are a bitter storm, whose wailings are a bitter storm, whose ... is a ..., he entered. In the courtyard of Aratta, he sat before him. The lord of Aratta he sinned. He sinned. He screamed before him. He screamed before him. The lord of Aratta screamed. He screamed before him. Inanna, the lady of the lands,

    His city Aratta did not let him enter Uruk. His Ezagina did not let him enter Uruk. His shrine Eanna did not let him enter Uruk. His pure mountain of the divine powers did not let him enter Kulaba. His reeds of reeds of reeds of reeds did not let him enter Uruk. His lord did not let him enter Uruk. His lord did not let him enter Uruk. His lord did not let him enter Kulaba. Aratta, the true and true lord Inanna, the lady of all the lands, like a great water, he poured out. The people, the people, he poured out.

    The man who Dumuzi came out, they were uttering the holy word of Inanna at that place. The dog was ..., Dumuzi was ..., he was ..., he was standing before the flood. After the flood had passed, Inanna, the queen of all the lands, the great fate, beloved of Dumuzi, he made come forth for her, and the neck of the land he made come forth for her. The dog was ..., and he wore a sash upon him. He wore a pirig-pirig garment, he ... ... .

    ... the lady ... ... ... Inanna, he ..., and Ama'ushumgalana, his nitalama, was happy. At that time, pure wisdom, pure wisdom, Dumuzida, gave to him, and he uttered a sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sziru-sir

    I will not let go of the ewes and lambs. I will not let go of the ewes and lambs. I will not let go of the ewes and lambs. I will not let go of the ewes and lambs. I will not let go of the ewes and calfs. I will not let go of the ewes and calfs. I will not let them go of the ewes and calfs. I will not let them lay down the ewes and slings. I will not let them lay down the abundance of yours. I will not let your abundance be established. I will not let the lord of Aratta, he will not let them ... ... ... he shall ... ... ... he shall ...

    ... ... your abundance ... Enlil presented to you ..., ... your ..., ... ... ... his father did not make the ... shine, he did not pour water. Enlil, the king of all the lands, made it shine like a rainbow. The people of Aratta were adorned with gold and lapis lazuli. The ... of the people, the gold and lapis lazuli, were adorned with ..., the people were adorned with ..., the peshtu and wine, like a great reed-plant, they piled up the reeds and piled up the reeds.

    For Inanna, the lady of Eanna, in the courtyard of Eanna, they sat down for a meal. My king, I will give you a gift, I will give you a gift, I will speak a word to you. Let me ... the ... of the lands, let the people ... the people of Aratta. Let them ... my ..., let them ... my kingship. My lady, the mulmul, gave me a gift. Geshtinana, ..., in the city, ..., the festival does not ..., the day of the kingship,

    P469675: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    szeg12 kur szuba-ta e3-a kul-aba4(ki) iri(ki) an ki-da mu2-a unu(ki)-ga mu-bi (d)tir-an-na-gin7 an-ne2 us2-sa-bi si-musz3 gun3-a an-na gub-ba-bi u4-sakar gibil na-nam me gal-gal nam-nun-na du3-a kur sikil-la u4 du10-ga ki gar-ra iti6-gin7 kalam-ma e3-a u4 zalag-gin7 kalam-ma si sa2 ab2-ur3 ab2-saharx(_ne_)-gin7 he-nun-ta e3-a unu(ki)-ga ka tar-ra-bi kur-ra ba-te me-lam2-bi ku3-me-a zi-da-am3 aratta(ki)-a tug2-gin7 ba-e-dul gada-gin7 ba-e-bur2 u4-ba u4 en-na-am3 ge6 bara2-ga-am3 (d)utu lugal-am3

    sukkal en aratta(ki)-ka sukkal an-sig7-ga-ri-a mu-ni he2-en-na-nam sukkal en-me-er-kar2 en kul-aba4(ki)-ke4 nam-en-na-tum2-ma mu-ni en uru e-ne nun uru e-ne en _mi_ uru e-ne nun _mi_ uru e-ne en _mi_-_mi_ uru e-ne nun _mi_-_mi_ uru e-ne lu2 dingir-sze3 tu-u4 e-ne lu2 dingir-sze3 pa e3 e-ne en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-ra ur5-bi a-da-min3 na-e-de3 en aratta(ki) en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 igi-bi igi unu(ki)-sze3 kin-gi4-a-ar inim mu-na-ni-ib2-be2 e-ne ga2-a-ra gu2 ha-ma-an-ga2-ga2 (gesz)szudul4 ha-ma-ab-il2-e

    u4-da gu2 ma-an-gar gu2 na-ma-an-gar u3 e-ne u3 ge26-e e-ne (d)inanna-da e2-gar8-a-ka hu-mu-da-an-ti ge26-e (d)inanna-da e2-za-gin3 aratta(ki)-ka hu-mu-da-an-ti-e-en gesz-nu2 girin-a-ka hu-mu-un-de3-nu2 sze-er-kan2 du11 u3 du10 ku-ku-de3 hu-mu-de3-nu2-en e-ne (d)inanna-da ge6-a ma-mu2-da igi hu-mu-ni-in-du8 ge26-e (d)inanna-da giri3 babbar-ra-na inim mu-da-bala-e e-ne kur-gi4(muszen) sze he2-bi2-ib2-gu7-e ge26-e kur-gi4(muszen) sze ba-ra-bi2-ib2-gu7-e

    tur-tur-bi utul2-gu10-sze3 gal-gal szen mah-gu10-sze3 kur-gi4(muszen) ki-a ba-ra-ab-tak4-a-bi ensi2 kur-ra-ke4 gu2 mu-un-gar-re-esz-a mu-da-an-gu7-u3-ne en-me-er-kar2-ra ur5-gin7 inim mu-na-ab-be2 kin-gi4-a du-ni szeg9-bar-ra-am3 im2-mi-da-ni sur2-du3(muszen)-am3 u4-dam i3-e3 an-u2-sa11-an-na-am3 i3-gi4-gi4 buru5(muszen) u4 zal-le-da-gin7 gaba ki za3 im-gub buru5(muszen) ge6 masz-gin7 kur-sza3-ge im-si (gesz)ilar-gin7 za3 im-gub-gub-be2 dur3(ur3) dili du-e (d)szakkan2-gin7 hur-sag-ga2 i3-dag-ge4

    dur3(ur3) uru16 gal-gin7 kuszum4 i3-tag-tag-ge dur3(ur3) sal-la kas4-e kin-ga2 du-ru-usz bur2 ur-mah a-sza3-ga u4 zal-la mur-ma-ra mu-un-sza4 ur-bar-ra sila4 szu ti-a-gin7 ul4-ul4-e im-gen ki tur-tur-bi mu-un-gen-na-a _dul3_-a mu-na-ab-si ki gal-gal-bi mu-un-gen-na-a bulug-ga mu-na-ab-be2 en-ra ge6-par4 ku3-ga-ni-sze3 im-ma-szi-in-ku4-ku4 en-me-er-kar2 ki ku3-ku3-ga-ni-sze3 im-ma-szi-in-ku4-ku4 za-e-sze3 lugal-gu10 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-gi4 en aratta(ki) en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-gi4

    lugal-zu du11-ga-ni nam-gu10 tah-a-ni nam-gu10 en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 du11-ga-ni nam-gu10 tah-a-ni nam-gu10 lugal-gu10 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi-in-tah-am3 en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 a-na bi2-in-du11 a-na bi2-in-tah-am3 lugal-gu10 na-ab-be2-a e-ne ga2-a-ra gu2 ha-ma-an-ga2-ga2 (gesz)szudul4 ha-ma-ab-il2-e u4-da gu2 ma-an-gar gu2 na-ma-an-gar u3 e-ne u3 ge26-e e-ne (d)inanna-da e2-gar8-a-ka hu-mu-da-an-ti ge26-e (d)inanna-da e2-za-gin3 aratta(ki)-ka hu-mu-da-an-ti-en gesz-nu2 girin-a-ka hu-mu-un-de3-nu2

    sze-er-kan2 du11 u3 du10 ku-ku-da hu-mu-de3-nu2-en e-ne (d)inanna-da ge6-a ma-mu2-da igi hu-mu-ni-in-du8 ge26-e (d)inanna-da giri3 babbar-ra-na inim mu-da-bala-e e-ne kur-gi4(muszen) sze he2-bi2-ib2-gu7-e ge26-e kur-gi4(muszen) sze ba-ra-bi2-ib2-gu7-e ge26-e kur-gi4(muszen) nunuz-bi giri3-lam-ma amar-bi _nig2_ la2-e tur-tur-bi utul2-gu10-sze3 gal-gal szen mah-gu10-sze3 kur-gi4(muszen) ki-a ba-ra-ab-tak4-bi ensi2 kur-ra gu2 mu-un-gar-re-esz-am3 mu-da-gu7-u3-ne

    [...] (gesz)rab3 szu ri-bi [...] ki us2-sa-a-ba sur2-du3(muszen) an-na dal-e-da-bi gu muszen-na-bi-im szeg12 e2 gal aratta(ki)-ka sur-sur mah he2-[...]-im? [...] gal-gal aratta(ki)-a nam [...] mah-bi-im [...] ba?-_du_-a-asz [...] gal2 im-gin7 szu bi2-in-ra im-gin7 igi i-ni-in-bar e-ne (d)inanna-da e2-za-gin3 aratta-ka hu-mu-da-an-ti ge26-e x an-ta ki-a gub-ba-ni hu-mu-da-an-ti-en sze-er-kan2-na du11 u3 du10 ku-ku-da hu-mu-un-de3-nu2-en ge26-e gesz-nu2 gi-rin (d)inanna-ka u2 za-gin3 bara2-ga-a-ba

    egir-bi-sze3 ug-am3 sag-bi-sze3 pirig-am3 ug-e pirig im-sar-re pirig-e ug im-sar-re ug-e pirig im-sar-re-da-bi pirig-e ug im-sar-re-da-bi u4 nu-um-zal ge6 u3-na nu-ru-gu2 ge26-e (d)inanna-da kaskal danna 1(u) 5(disz)-am3 szu hu-mu-un-da-nigin2-nigin2 (d)utu suh ku3-ga2 igi nu-mu-un-bar ge6-par4 ku3-ga2 ba-e-szi-in-ku4-ku4 (d)en-lil2-le aga zi gidru [...] (d)nin-urta dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 gesz (kusz)ummu-da-gin7 ur2 mu-un-tal2-tal2 da-ru-ru nin9 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4

    esz3 gal-sze3 e11-de3-da-gu10-ne nu-gig-e anzu(muszen) amar-ra-gin7 mur mu-sza4

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 e11-de3-da-gu10-ne
  • uz amar-ra nu-me-en-na szeg11 mu-un-gi4 iri(ki) tu-da-ni-ta _ne_ im-ta-[...] iri(ki) du3-gin7 iri(ki) na-me ba-ra-dim2 (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga he2-en-ti aratta(ki)-asz a-na me-a-bi szeg12 kul-aba4(ki)-ka he2-en-ti kur me sikil-sze3 a-na-am3 ab-ak-e mu 5(disz)-am3 mu 1(u)-am3 aratta(ki)-asz ba-ra-gen u4 aratta(ki)-asz in-ga-an-du-a-ba ku3 gal nin e2-an-na-ke4 ad-bi mu-un-da-gi4-a-asz inim-bi mu-un-zu-a-asz-asz ba-ra-gen e-ne nu-tuku-da-am3 kur-gi4(muszen) sze ba-ra-bi2-ib2-gu7-e

    ge26-e kur-gi4(muszen) sze he2-bi2-ib2-gu7-e ge26-e kur-gi4(muszen) nunuz-bi giri3-lam-ma amar-bi _nig2_ la2-e tur-tur-bi utul2-gu10-sze3 gal-gal szen mah-gu10-sze3 kur-gi4(muszen) ki-a ba-ra-ab-tak4-a-bi ensi2 kur-ra gu2 mu-un-gar-re-esz-a mu-da-gu7-e-ne kin-gi4-a en-me-er-kar2 en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 ge6-par4 ku3 ki ku3-ku3-ga-ni-sze3 ki ku3-ku3-ga ba-da-an-_ku_-a _ama_-bi ba-na-te en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 a2 ag2-ga2 gu3 ba-an-de2 inim im-kin-kin-e iszib lu2-mah gudug giri3-se3-ga ge6-par4-ra ti-la

    gu2 x mu-ni-in-gar sza3 mu-da-ab-kusz2-u3 a-na ga-an-na-ab-be2 a-na ga-an-na-ab-be2 en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-ra a-na ga-an-na-ab-be2 gu4-da-ni gu4-gu10-da lirum? im-da-ab-zi gu4 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 a2 bi2-ib-gar lu2-ni lu2-gu10-da usu im-da-ab-ra2 lu2 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 a2 bi2-ib-gar ur-ra-ni ur-gu10-da usu im-da-ab-ra ur unu(ki)-ga-ke4 |_ka-ni_| ba-ab-gar ukken gar-ra si sa2-na mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 za-e-me-en unu(ki)-ga-sze3 dub-sag-ta nig2 gal-gal en-me-er-kar2-ra kin-gi4-a-asz mu-un-gi4

    en-me-er-kar2 la-ba-du3-e-en za-e-me-en ba-e-du3-e-en zi gi4-ba sza3-zu nig2 na-me na-an-tum3 en-na ba-e-zu-zu iri-gu10 dul he2-a ge26-e szika-bi he2-me-en en unu(ki)-ga en kul-aba4(ki)-ra gu2 ba-ra-na-an-ga2-ga2 masz-masz dim2-ma-ni dumu ha-ma-zu-ke4 ur-giri3-nun-na dim2-ma-ni dumu ha-ma-zu-ke4 ha-ma-zu hul-a-ta aratta(ki)-asz bala-a e2-ge6-par4 nam-masz-masz-e da?-ga?-na na-mu-un-_ku_ sukkal an-sig7-ga-ri-a gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e lugal-gu10 ad-da gal-gal iri(ki)-ke4-ne libir-ra usz ki gar-ra-ke4-ne

    [...] x-ka a-na-asz-am3 nu-um-ga2-ga2-ne ad nu-um-gi4-gi4-ne ge26-e i7 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 ga-am3-ba-al itima aratta(ki)-ka gu2 ga-mu-ni-ib2-gar inim unu(ki)-ga-ke4 |_ka_xX| um-mi-in-tag erin2 gal-gu10 sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 ab-ta kur (gesz)erin-sze3 igi-nim-ta kur szim (gesz)erin-na-sze3 gu2 ga-mu-ni-ib-gar unu(ki)-ge nig2-gur11 ni2-ba-ke4 (gesz)ma2 he2-em-da-gid2-de3 (gesz)ma2 he2-em-da-la2-e e2-za-gin3 aratta(ki)-sze3 sukkal an-sig7-ga-ri-a iri?-na mu-ni-zi _kiszi4_-na mu-ni-szub

    x lu2 [...] an-sig7-ga-ri-a na-mu-ni-x-du11-x [...] x-e? nu-usz-ma-ab-x-x lugal-gu10 ad-da gal-gal iri(ki)-ke4-ne libir-ra usz ki gar-ra-ke4-ne ki sukkal e2-gal-la a-na-asz-am3 nu-um-ga2-ga2-ne ad nu-um-gi4-gi4-ne ge26-e i7 unu(ki)-ga-ke4 ga-am3-ba-al itima aratta(ki)-ka gu2 ga-mu-ni-ib-gar inim unu(ki)-ga-ke4 |_ka_xX| um-mi-in-tag erin2 gal-gu10 sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 ab-ta kur (gesz)erin-sze3 igi-nim-sze3 kur szim (gesz)erin-na-sze3 gu2 ga-mu-ni-ib-gar

    (gesz)ma2 he2-em-da-la2-e e2-za-gin3 aratta(ki)-sze3 en-ra hul2-la-gin7 im-ma-na-ni-ib-gar

  • 5(disz) ma-na ku3-sig17 mu-na-ab-szum2-mu
  • 5(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar mu-na-ab-szum2-mu
  • u2 nir-gal2 gu7 ba-bi mu-na-ab-be2 a nir-gal2 nag ba-bi mu-na-ab-be2 u4 nam-ra-asz lu2-bi ak-am3 zi-zu nig2-ga2 a-la szu-zu he2-gal2 mu-na-ab-be2 masz-masz engar numun sag-ga2-ke4 erisz2(ki) iri(ki) (d)nisaba-sze3 giri3 im-ma-ab-gub-be2-en e2 tur3-ra e2 ab2 dur2-ru-na-asz ba-te ab2-e tur3-ra sag mu-da-ab-sag3 ab2-e inim bi2-in-du11 lu2-ulu3-gin7 inim mu-da-ab-bala-e ab2 i3-zu a-ba-a i3-gu7-e ga-zu a-ba-a i3-na8-na8 i3-gu10 i3-gu7-e (d)nisaba-ke4 ga-gu10 i3-na8-na8 (d)nisaba-ke4

    unu6 gal unu6 (d)nisaba-ke4 me-te-a-asz im-mi-ib-gal2 i3-gu10 tur3 ku3-ta en-na ga-mu-de6-a-asz ga-gu10 amasz ku3-ta en-na ga-mu-de6-a-asz u3-sumun2 zi (d)nisaba dumu-sag (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 lu2 nu-um-mi-in-zi-zi ab2 i3-zu si-musz3-zu-sze3 ga-zu murgu-zu-sze3 ab2 i3-bi si-musz3-bi-sze3 ba-ab-_bu_ ga-bi murgu-bi-sze3 ba-ab-_bu_ giri3 [...] amasz ku3 amasz (d)nisaba-sze3 ba-te ud5-de3 amasz-a sag mu-da-ab-sag3 ud5-de3 inim bi2-in-du11 lu2-ulu3-gin7 inim mu-un-da-ab-bala-e

    i3-gu10 i3-gu7-e (d)nisaba-ke4 ga-gu10 i3-na8-na8 (d)nisaba-ke4 ga-ar3-gu10 suh10 ku3 galam du11-ga unu6 gal unu6 (d)nisaba-ke4 me-te-a-asz im-mi-ib-gal2 i3-gu10 tur3 ku3-ta en-na ga-mu-un-de6-a-asz ga-gu10 amasz ku3-ta en-na ga-mu-un-de6-a-asz u3-sumun2 zi (d)nisaba dumu-sag (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 lu2 nu-um-mi-in-zi-zi ud5 i3-zu si-musz3-zu-sze3 ga-zu murgu-zu-sze3 ud5 i3-bi si-musz3-bi-sze3 ba-ab-_bu_ ga-bi murgu-bi-sze3 ba-ab-e3 u4-bi-a tur3 amasz-a e2 si-ga ba-ab-du7 nig2 ha-lam-ma ba-ab-ak

    ubur ab2-ka ga nu-un-gal2 amar-e u4 bi2-in-szu2 amar tur-bi sza3-sug4-ga mu-un-gal2 er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 ubur ud5-ka ga nu-un-gal2 masz2-e u4 bi2-in-szu2 masz2-ud5-da-bi sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2 zi-bi mi-ni-[...] ab2-e amar-bi-sze3 inim gig bi-ib2-be2 ud5-de3 masz2-bi mu-na-ab-[...] (dug)szakir3 ku3-ga si-si-ig x [...] sza3-sug4-ga mu-un-gal2 sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2 u4-bi-a tur3 amasz-a e2 si-ga ba-ab-du11 nig2 ha-lam-ma ba-ab-ak unu3-de3 eszgiri2 szu-na bi2-in-tak4 igi-ni i3-sag3-ge

    sipa-de3 szibir za3-ga-na bi2-in-la2 er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 kab-bar tur amasz tur3-sze3 la-ba-x giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 ga-il2-bi ad gal-esz2 nu-mu-e11 sila kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 unu3 sipa (d)nisaba-ke4-ne dumu tu-da ama dili-me-esz tur3 amasz-a a2 e3-a-me-esz

  • 1(disz)-kam-ma masz2-gu-la mu-ni he2-en-na-nam
  • 2(disz)-kam-ma ur-edin-na mu-ni he2-en-na-nam
  • 2(disz)-na-ne-ne ka2 mah igi (d)utu e3-a ki u6 di kalam-ma
  • sahar-tu11-sahar-tu11-ba ba-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz (d)utu an-ta i-im-gi4-gi4-ne masz-masz-e lu2 aratta(ki)-ka e2 tur3-ra mu-un-ku4 e2 tur3-ra gara2 ba-an-kal amar tur la-ba-an-ri-ri tur3 amasz nig2-gig-bi bi2-ak i3 ga ba-e-ni-kal bi2-in-la2 [...] x-bi i3-szub-szub nig2 ha-lam-ma ba-ab-ak [...] _ka_-bi ba-an-na-te [...] gal2-la-am3 igi mu-un-na-nigin2 [...] erisz2(ki) [...]-x-an-gur gu2 (i7)buranun-na i7 na? mah? _ka_ gal2-la i7 dingir-re-e-ne iri(ki) nam tar-ra an (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] giri3 bi2-in-gub

    um-ma sag-bur-ru szu mu-un-na-an-[...]

  • 2(disz)-na-ne-ne agargara i7-da i-ni-in-szub-bu-usz
  • masz-masz-e suhur(ku6) gal a-ta im-ta-an-e3 um-ma sag-bur-ru hu-ri2-in(muszen) a-ta im-ta-an-e3 hu-ri2-in(muszen)-e suhur(ku6) gal in-kar hur-sag-sze3 ba-an-ku4

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-asz agargara i7-da i-ni-in-szub-bu-usz
  • masz-masz-e u8 sila4-bi a-ta im-ta-an-e3 um-ma sag-bur-ru ur-bar-ra a-ta im-ta-an-e3 ur-bar-ra u8 sila4-bi in-kar edin dagal-sze3 ba-an-ur3

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz agargara i7-da i-ni-in-szub-bu-usz
  • masz-masz-e ab2 amar-bi-ta a-ta im-ta-an-e3 um-ma sag-bur-ru ur-mah-e a-ta im-ta-an-e3 ur-mah-e ab2 amar-bi in-kar gesz-gi-sze3 ba-an-ku4

  • 4(disz)-kam-ma-asz agargara i7-da i-ni-in-szub-bu-usz
  • masz-masz-e szeg9 szeg9-bar-e a-ta im-ta-an-e3 um-ma sag-bur-ru nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|) hur-sag-ga2 a-ta im-ta-an-e3 nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|)-e szeg9 szeg9-bar-e in-kar hur-sag-sze3 ba-an-ku4

  • 5(disz)-kam-ma-asz agargara i7-da i-ni-in-szub-bu-usz
  • masz-masz-e amar masz-da3 a-ta im-ta-an-e3 um-ma sag-bur-ru ur-szub5 ur-nim-e a-ta im-ta-an-e3 ur-szub5 ur-nim-ma amar masz-da3 in-kar (gesz)tir-tir-sze3 ba-an-ku4 masz-masz-e igi-ni ba-ku10-ku10 dim2-ma-ni ba-suh3 um-ma sag-bur-ru gu3 mu-na-de2-e masz-masz nam-masz-masz-zu he2-gal2 dim2-ma-zu me-a a-na-gin7-nam erisz2(ki) iri (d)nisaba-sze3 iri(ki) nam tar-ra an (d)en-lil2-la2 iri(ki) ul iri ki ag2 (d)nin-lil2-la2 nam-masz-masz ak-de3 a-gin7 im-da-gen-ne-en masz-masz-e mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    nu-zu-a-gu10-ne i-im-gen-ne-en nam-gur4-ra-zu i3-zu nam-ba-an-sis-e-de3-en szu giri17-na i-ni-in-gal2 szudu3 mu-un-na-an-sza4-asz szu ba-mu-u8 nin-gu10 szu ba-mu-u8 silim-ma-bi iri(ki)-gu10-sze3 ga-gen aratta(ki) kur me sikil-la-sze3 zi-gu10 ga-ba-szi-de6 nam-mah-zu kur-kur-ra ga-bi2-ib-zu aratta(ki) kur me sikil-la-ka ka tar-zu ga-si-il um-ma sag-bur-ru mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 tur3 amasz-a nig2-gig-ga bi2-ak i3 ga ba-e-ni-kal (gesz)banszur an-bar7 (gesz)banszur kin-nim kin-sig mu-e-su3

    kin-sig unu6 gal-la i3 ga ba-e-ku5 nig2-gig-bi x _du_ nam-tag-zu i3 ga [...] nu-mu-e-tum3 (d)nanna lugal x amasz-a? _mu_ x ga ba-e-szum2-mu szer7-da i3-ga2-ga2 zi nu-mu-ra-ab-szum2-mu um-ma sag-bur-ru masz-masz-e ukken?-ni inim-ma-ni mu-ni-in-sag3 szaga-a-ni gu2 (i7)buranun-na-ka i-ni-in-szub zi nam-ti-la ba-da-an-kar iri(ki)-ni erisz2(ki)-sze3 ba-e-gur en-suh-gir11-an-na-ke4 inim-bi gesz ba-an-tuku-a-ta en-me-er-kar2-ra lu2 mu-un-szi-in-gi4-gi4 za-e-me-en en ki ag2 (d)inanna-me-en dili-zu-ne mah-me-en

    (d)inanna-ke4 ur2 ku3-ga-ni-sze3 zi-de3-esz mu-un-pa3-de3-en ki ag2-ga2-ni-me-en sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 en gal-bi za-e-me-en ge26-e us2-sa-zu-me-en a ru-a-ta gaba-ri-zu nu-me-en szesz-gal za-e-me-en ge26-e nu-mu-da-sa2-e-en u4 da-ri2-sze3 en-me-er-kar2 en-suh-gir11-an-na a-da-min3 du11-ga en-me-er-kar2 en-suh-gir11-an-na dirig-ga-a-ba (d)nisaba za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    From the bricks of the mountains of shuba he brought out. Kulaba, the city of An and the earth, its name is Uruk. Like the Tirana gods, its horns are a horned lion, standing in the sky, the new moon, the light of great me, the great princely power, the pure mountain, the sweet day, the place where the earth is set. Like the moon coming out of the Land, like the bright moon coming out of the Land, like the horned adolescent cow, like the sahar cow, from the midst of the lands, it came out from Uruk, its mouths were set up in the netherworld. Its divine radiance was set up in the land. Like the garments of Aratta, it was covered in garments, it was covered in garments. At that time, the day of the enna, the night of the bara, Utu was king.

    the minister of Aratta, the minister of Ansiggaria, his name may he name. The minister En-mekar, the lord of Kulaba, the en-natuma-priestess, his name, the lord of the city, the ruler of the city, the prince of the city, the prince of the city, the prince of the woman of the city, the prince of the woman of the city, the prince of the woman of the city, the prince of the woman of the city, the prince of the woman of the city, the prince of the woman of the city, the prince of the woman of the god, the man of Uruk, the lord of Kulaba, its foundations are adamina. The lord of Aratta, Ensuhgirana, before the eyes of Uruk, he sent a message. He shall give it to me, and may he make a scepter be fashioned for me.

    "On the day when he has sat down, he has sat down." And if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down, and if he sat down,

    Its little ones, like a snare, to my great zenith, to my great snare, they seized the kurgi bird from the place. The rulers of the lands sat down, they sat down. Enmekar spoke as if it were a snare. In the messenger, he was smashed by hail. He was snatched by a pigeon. He was snatched by a pigeon, he was snatched by An-usan. He was snatched by buru. Like a zalled storm, he stood on the ground. Like a pigeon, like a black-headed lion, he stood on the ground. Like a lard, he stood on the ground. Like Shakkan, he was snatched by the mountain range.

    The big lions scream like a lion, the big lions scream like a lion, the sala lions scream like a lion, the lions of the field, the lions of the field, the lions of the field, the lions, like a lamb, roaring like a lion, they roared. They roared in the small places, they roared in the small places, they roared in the big places, they roared in the bulug. The en priestess of the gipar, he entered into his pure place, Enmekar entered into his pure place. He roared in the za'e, my king, he roared in Aratta, Ensuhgirana,

    Your king, what has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? My king, what has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? And what has he said to you? And what has he said to you? And what has he said to you? And what has he said to you? What has he said to Inanna in the E-gar-a-a? What has he said to you? What has he said to Inanna in the E-za-gin? Aratta? What has he said to you? What has he said to you? What has he said to you?

    They shall make the sherkan offerings and the kuku offerings come forth. They shall make the sherkan offerings come forth before Inanna. They shall make the sherkan offerings come forth before Inanna. They shall make the white footing of Inanna bow down. They shall make the kurgi bird eat barley. They shall make the kurgi bird eat barley. They shall make the kurgi bird eat a calf. They shall make the calf's horns and its young horns be weighed down. They shall make the small utul bowls great and my great zeniths. They shall make the kurgi bird eat the governor of the land.

    ... its ...,

    After that, the ug, its head is like a pirig. The ug, the pig, the inscription, the pig, the inscription, the pig, the inscription, the pig, the inscription, the pig, the pig, the inscription, the day does not pass, the night does not pass, the night is not a dream. Inanna, the journey, 15 times, he has sworn. Utu, the pure garment, he has not seen. The pure gipar he has entered. Enlil, the true crown, the gidru ... Ninurta, the son of Enlil, like a leather bag he has stretched out. The droop of the sister of Enlil

    My great shrine, where the ... are not swollen, like a calf, is swollen.

  • My 2nd one, they are coming up
  • The calf-calf-female did not eat the sand, he smashed the brick. The city that he had conquered ... like a city built, he did not build a city. Inanna of Uruk may she be a city of Aratta. May she be a city of Kulaba. May she be a mountain of pure me. How long will I live? How many years will I live? When Aratta was built, the great goldsmith of the lady of Eanna, her father, will be able to return it to her words. How long will I live? The kurgi bird will eat barley.

    The kurgi bird eats grain. The kurgi bird spits on its horns. Its young are squandering. Its small ones are squandering. Its small ones are squandering on my utul. Its small ones are squandering on the ground. The governors of the foreign lands have squandered it. They are eating it. In the messenger Enmekar and Ensuhgirana, in the sacred Gepar, in the sacred place, in the sacred place, he has squandering on the sacred place. Its mother has squandering on the sacred place. Ensuhgirana has sworn a curse. He has sworn a word. The szib of the gudug, in the Gepar, life

    he smashed the neck of ..., and he screamed: "To whom should I go?" "To whom should I go?" "The lord of Uruk, the lord of Kulaba, to whom should I go?" "His bull, my bull, he smashed. The bull of Uruk he put on the pole. His man, my man, he put on the pole. The man of Uruk he put on the pole. His dog, my dog, he put on the pole. The dog of Uruk he put on the pole. He returned to the assembly, and he returned to his seat. I am the one who came to Uruk, from the scribe, the great things of Enmekar he returned to his report.

    En-merkar did not build, you are the one who built. You are the one who built. Your heart is a reed-bed, you are the one who carries everything. You are the one who carries everything. My city, may it be a work of rejoicing. May it be its shakkab. Lord Uruk, lord Kulaba, did not raise a complaint about me. His masz-daz, his son, is your son. His urgirinuna, is his son, is your son. After the evil of Aratta, the Egepar, the masz-daz, is utterly utterly ..., the messenger of An, spoke to me. My king, the great fathers of the city, the old ush, the place of creation,

    ... ... Why did they not listen to me? Why did they not listen to me? I shall cross the river of Uruk, and I shall put my neck on the throne of Aratta. In the words of Uruk, I shall ... my great troops from the sand dunes to the horizon, from the sand dunes to the sand dunes to the sand dunes. In Uruk, the property of its people, may they be sated with a boat, may they be sailed on a boat. The lapis lazuli temple of Aratta, the messenger of Ansig, his city he sank, and his chariot he sank.

    ... ... ... ... ... My king, the great fathers of the city, the old one, the reed-bed of the place of the rites, the place of the vizier of the palace, why did they not agree to it? Why did they not agree to it? I shall cross the river of Uruk, I shall make the rites of Aratta pass by. In the words of Uruk, I shall make the great troops rise from the horizon to the front, I shall make the rites of the cedars to the front, I shall make the rites of the cedars rise.

    He shall bring the boat. Like the Ezagin temple of Aratta, he shall make the en priest rejoice.

  • 5 minas of gold he gave to him.
  • 5 minas of silver he gave to him.
  • The plant that eats the nirgal-plant that eats it, the plant that eats the nirgal-plant that eats it, the day of the nirgal-plant that eats it, the day of the nirgal-plant that eats it, the life of that man, the property, the a'ala-plant that eats it, the abundance of that man, Mashmash, the farmer, the seed of the head, stood at Erish, the city of Nisaba, and he took the path. The house, the house, the house of the cows, the cows, the cows, the cows, he sat down, and the cows he sat down. He sounded the words, and like a man he sat down, the cows he sat down. The cows he sat down, and the cows he sat down. My cow he sat down, and my cow he sat down. Nisaba he sat down, and Nisaba he sat down.

    Great utensils, utensils of Nisaba, were present. My heart, I want to go out from the stall of the pure sheepfold, I want to go out from the stall of the pure sheepfold, I want to go out from the stall of the pure sheepfold, Nisaba, the first-born son of Enlil, no one should be negligent. Your cows, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who carries milk, you are the one who

    My blood is thirsty Nisaba, I am my blood. Nisaba, I am my blood. My suckling, pure suckling, a great suckling, a great suckling Nisaba, is there. My blood from the holy cow is here. My blood from the holy sheep is here. My blood from the holy sheep is here. True usumun of Nisaba, the first-born son of Enlil, is not there. Your pigs, your suckling, your pigs, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestines, your intestin

    The cow-pens were not present, the calf was present. The young calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. Its suckling calf was present. Its life was a rejoicing calf. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present. The suckling calf was present.

    shepherd he smashed the door of his chest, he was sick with a sick person, he was sick with a sick person, he was not able to ... the small sheepfold, he was not able to ... the goatfold, he was not able to ... the large children, he was not able to ... the small sheepfold, he was unable to ... the shepherd Nisaba, the child born of the mother, they were mothers, they were mothers, they were shepherds of the sheepfold.

  • The first, he will give the mashgula-offerings.
  • 2nd, Ur-edina, his name may he name.
  • 2 of them, the great gate before Utu, went out, where the water of the land was poured,
  • ... ... ... Utu ... from above, the mashmash, the man of Aratta, entered the house of the small cows. The house of the small cows was emptied. The small cows were not emptied. The small cows of the sheepfold were emptied. They poured out oil and honey. ... ... they dissolved, and everything that was destroyed was poured out. ... ... they poured out. ... ... ... ... ... ... the bank of the Euphrates, the great canal ... The gods, the city whose fate is determined by An and Enlil, ... ... he set foot on it.

    "He has sworn by the name of the saburru-priest .

  • 2 of them, the water-irrigators of the river, he smashed.
  • The mashmash has taken the great boat from the mountain. The saburru-festival of the harin bird has taken the great boat from the mountain.

  • 2nd, the threshing floor of the river he dug.
  • The mashmash ewe gave birth to its lambs. The saburru-demon, the urbara-demon gave birth to its lambs. He smashed the urbara-demon and smashed the wide plain.

  • 3rd, the threshing floor of the river he dug.
  • "The mashmash cow has suckled its calf from the ground, saying: "The saburru lion has suckled its calf from the ground." The lion has suckled its calf from the ground and entered the geshgi-tree.

  • The 4th, the canal inspector he smashed.
  • The mashmash ..., and when he has shaved it, saying: "The saburru-bird of the mountain range has shaved it, and when he has shaved it, the sagburu-bird has shaved it." He entered the mountain range.

  • 5th day, the water-skin of the river he smashed.
  • The mashmashu sat down for the calf, but he did not speak thus: "The saburru dog, the wolf, the wolf, the calf, was brought into the forest." The mashmashu dog looked at him, but his face was swollen. The mashmashu dog sat down for the saburru. The mashmashu dog, your fate is abundance, your fate is me. How can you determine your fate? Erisz, the city of Nisaba, the city chosen by An and Enlil, the city loved by Ninlil, the fate of the mashmashu was determined. Like a dream he came, and the mashmashu returned to him.

    My nuzu ..., you shall not be able to eat your food, you shall not be able to drink your milk, you shall not be able to eat your hand, you shall not be able to eat your hand, you shall not be able to eat your hand, my lady, you shall not eat your hand, I shall go to my city Aratta, the pure land, I shall be able to eat my life. I shall be able to praise your greatness in all the lands, I shall be able to speak your mouth, I shall be able to speak your saburru, he shall be able to eat the sheepfold, he shall be able to eat the oil, he shall be able to eat the table at noon, he shall be able to eat the table at night

    The work of the great granary was cut off, the food was thrown away, its ... was not ... Your sin was not ..., Nanna, the king of ..., did not give ... to me, he did not give me a reply, saying: "The sagburu, the mashmash, his assembly? uttered a word to him, and his head was thrown into the bank of the Euphrates, and he sank it, and he sank it for life. He returned to his city Erish. Ensuh-girana, having heard its words, he returned to Enmerkara, saying: "You are the one who loves Inanna, you are the one who has sat with you."

    I am Inanna, who is true to her pure heart, I am his beloved, I am the one who is seated from the front, I am the great lord, I am your servant, I am not your servant, I am your elder brother, I am not your servant, I am the one who lives forever Enmekar, Ensuhgirana, the one who speaks words to Enmekar, Ensuhgirana, the one who is seated in front of Nisaba,

    Surface b


    [...] _bi si_ [...]-ta [...]-an-du11 masz-masz-e ki en-na-sze3 lu2 mu-un-ni-in-ku4-ku4 ur-giri3-nun-na ki en-na-sze3 lu2 mu-ni-in-ku4-ku4 masz-masz-e sukkal _ga2_ an-sig7-ga-ri-a na-mu-un-ne-du11-ga x-bi-sze3 nu-usz-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... the maszmash priestess to the place of Enlil entered, the dog giri-nuna priestess to the place of Enlil entered, the maszmash priestess to the messenger of Ansiggari he spoke, .

    P469676: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    egir a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta u3 ge16-le-eg3 kur-ra-ke4 ba-an-gar-ra-ta nam-lu2-ulu3 da-re-esz i-ak-a-ba numun nam-lu2-ulu3 im-mi-in-tak4-a-ba ug3 sag-ge6-ga ni2-bi-a im-mi-in-il2-la-a-ba u4 an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-le nam-lu2-ulu3 mu-bi sa4-a-ta u3 nam-ensi2 in-gar-ra-ta nam-lugal aga iri-am3 an-ta nu-ub-ta-an-e3-a-ba (d)nin-gir2-su (gesz)al (gesz)mar (gi)dusu (gesz)apin-e zi-sza3-gal2 kalam-ma ug3 se3-ga szar2-a nu-gar-re-esz-a-ba u4-ba lu2-tur dan3-dan3-na-ka mu 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak

    kin-gi4-a li-bi2-ib2-gi4-gi4 i3-tur i3-tur-tur i3-gal2 ama-a-ni udu?-a-ni tur3-re im-ma-an-ri-ri u4-ba a lagasz(ki) du3 [...] gir2-su(ki) sza3-gar i3-gal2-am3 i7 nu-un-dun-na-am3 e pa5-re szu-luh nu-ak-am3 a-gar3 gal-gal-e x x-na nu-un-x _gan2_-ne2 _gan2_ zi-de3 a he2-gal2-la nu-un-de2 nam-lu2-ulu3 igi-bi im szeg3-szeg3-ga2 in-bar (d)asznan sze gu-nu nu-ub-ta-an-mu2 ab-sin2-na ka-bi nu-un-du8 gu2 nu-mu-un-il2 an-edin-na nu-un-uru4(ru)-ru gu2 nu-mu-un-il2 kur-kur ug3 lu-a dingir-re-ne-er kasz imgaga kurun [...]

    kurun du10 x x [...] nu-mu-un-ne-eb2-bala-bala a-sza3 gal (gesz)apin-ta nu-mu-un-ne-eb?-uru4(ru)-ru [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] i7 [...] a-sza3-bi [...] i7 dun-ne-de3 e pa5-re szu-luh ak-de3 a-gar3 gal-gal-e x [...] _gan2_-ne2 _gan2_ zi-de3 [...] im-[...] (gesz)al (gesz)mar (gi)dusu (gesz)apin-e zi-sza3-gal2 kalam-ma ug3-sze3 im-ta-an-gar-re-esz u4-bi-a sze e11-de3-da gesztu2-ga-a-ni na-an-gub ki-sikil-sze3 igi-ni-sze3 ba-szi-in-gub-ba-asz u4 ge6-bi-ta ki-|_ki-kal_|-bi-sze3

    (d)asznan sze-numun-bi mu-mu2-a ki-a bi2-in-za-za-asz im-mi-ni-in-e11-de3-esz (d)asznan sze gu-nu mu-mu2-a [...] _ku_? [...]-esz [...]-in-il2 [...] _du_ [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] mu x i3-ak igi husz x x [...] (i7)_pu3_ mu-un-dun mu 4(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) i3-ak en-a2-ki-gal-la-gub-ba dingir-ra-ni (d)x-[...] (i7)nina(ki)-gesz-tuku-am3 mu-un-dun mu 2(gesz'u) i3-ak

    i7 nu-un-dun (gi)dusu nu-un-il2 u4-bi-a a2 ur3 lugal [...] ug3 gesz tag-ga ku3-sig17 si sa2-a e11-de3-ra husz-na husz-a ba-ni-in-gar x tag-ga gabar zi-de3 kalam-sze3 im-ta-an-e3 a suhur ab-ba |_nun-me-du_| ur3-ra sa12-esz2 mu-ni-rig7 en-(d)nin-gir2-su-ki-ag2 dumu en-a2-ki-gal-la-gub-ba mu 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) i3-ak en-(d)en-lil2-le-ki-ag2 dumu en-(d)nin-gir2-su-ki-ag2 mu 3(gesz'u) i3-ak ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu en-(d)en-lil2-le-ki-ag2 mu 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak a2-gal dingir-ra-ni (d)ig-alim mu 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) i3-ak

    _ku_-e dumu a2-gal-la-ke4 mu 2(gesz'u) i3-ak ama-alim dumu _ku_-e [...] mu 1(gesz'u) i3-ak da-an-x [...] mu n i3-ak x [...] mu x i3-ak A x [...] mu x i3-ak _gan2_? [...] _un_ [...] [...] [...] i7 ... mu-un-dun mu x i3-ak [...] [...] (i7)mah (i7)... (i7)pirig3-gin7-gen (i7)... (i7)pirig3 ka (i7)lugal?-ka (i7)_gan2_-hi-li-an-na (i7)_te_-x (i7)(d)nansze-pa3-da mu-un-dun a-gar3 gal-gal dili-e en3-bi tar-re-de3 pa5 a du11-ga |_amar-ti-an_| mu-un-dun mu 3(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) i3-ak ur-(d)nansze dumu x x-ma-ke4

    nina(ki) iri ki ag2-ga2-ni mu-du3-a mu 1(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) i3-ak an-ne2-tum2 dumu ur-(d)nansze-ke4 ki alim-ma-na dingir-re-e-ne mu-un-gub-ba sa12-du5? (d)en-lil2 gal _de2_ dingir-ra-ni (d)szul-udul10? mu 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) i3-ak [...] _ne_ dumu an-ne2-tum2 mu n 6(gesz2) i3-ak en-en3-tar-zi dingir-ra-ni (d)mes-an-tum2 numun u4 re-a iri-da mu2-a mu 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 3(u) i3-ak x-en-da-in-si dumu en-en3-tar-zi (i7)ur-mah-banda3(da) (i7)tab-ta?-ku3-gal2 mu-un-dun dingir-a-ni (d)mes-an-_du_ lugal-a-ni (d)nin-gir2-su

    e2-a-ni du3-da mu-un-na-du11 mu 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) i3-ak en-(d)en-lil2-le-su mu 1(gesz'u) i3-ak en-x-x dumu en-(d)en-lil2-le-su dingir-ra-ni (d)nin-a-zu mu 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) i3-ak [...]-du8 mu 1(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) i3-ak puzur4-(d)nin-lil2 mu x szu-szi n 1(disz) i3-ak en-(d)mes-an-tum2 dumu puzur4-(d)nin-lil2-la2 dingir-ra-ni _an_ ... mu 2(disz) szu-szi i3-ak da-du dumu en-(d)mes-an-_du_ mu 2(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak tug2-gur dumu da-du mu 2(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak _la_-x mu 2(gesz2) i3-ak puzur4-(d)ma-ma dub-sar (d)nin-ki

    dingir-ra-ni (d)za-za-ru mu n i3-ak |_lam-ku_|-nig2-ge-na sza3-tam puzur4-(d)ma-ma lu2 bad3 gir2-su(ki) _asz2_?-a-ni e2-gal ti-ra-asz2 ki lagasz(ki) mu-du3-a mu 4(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak he2-en-gal2 dumu |_lam-ku_|-nig2-ge-na dingir-ra-ni (d)pa4?-bil-sag mu 2(gesz2) 2(u) i3-ak [...] dumu he2-en-gal2 mu 2(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) i3-ak ur-(d)nin-mar-ki-ka dub-sar um-mi-a x x kal sag dur2-ra dingir-ra-ni (d)ha-ia3 (d)nisaba mu n 2(u) i3-ak ur-(d)nin-gir2-su dumu ur-(d)nin-mar-ki-ka mu n szu-szi i3-ak

    ur-(d)ba-ba6 dub-sar ur-(d)nin-gir2-su-ka x [...] x ukken-na ... mu x 3(u) i3-ak gu3-de2-a szesz-banda3(da) ur-(d)ba-ba6-ka [...] dumu ama-na dumu ad-da nu-me-a mu x i3-ak e2-dub-ba sar-ra (d)nisaba za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    After the flood had passed and the night had passed, the people were firmly established, the seed of the people was established, and the black-headed people were established. When An and Enlil had established the name of the people, and the governorship had been established, and the kingship, the crown of the city, from above, had not been established, and Ningirsu, the al-wood, the mar-wood, the reed-tree, the plow, the life-giving scepter of the land, the people were not established, and at that time, the young man, the great one, a year and a half, he had established.

    he shall not return to his messenger, he shall not be a stranger, he shall not be a stranger. His mother, his sheep, shall be a stranger. At that time, the water of Lagash ..., Girsu was not in good condition, the canal was not dug, the canal was not irrigated, the canal was not irrigated, the large fields were not ..., the fields were not irrigated, the fields were not irrigated with water, the people were not irrigated with a smeared smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared with a smeared smeared smeared smeared smeared smeared smeared smeared lands lands lands lands lands lands lands lands lands lords ... beer, ghee, .

    ... good ... did not bring forth. The great field that the plow did not bring forth from? the ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his ear ... he ..., he sat down before him, he sat before him. During the night, he ... the ... of the night

    Ashur, when its seed was planted, he sat on the ground. Ashur, when the barley of the gu'nu-plant was planted, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he ruled; the furious face ... ... the waterway he dug; a total of 760 ruled; Enakigalaguba, his personal god ..., a total of 900 ruled;

    The canal was not dug, the reed fence was not trimmed. At that time, the king's arm was not trimmed. The people, the gold ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the true ..., he set up for the Land. The water of the ... of the abba priest was poured out. En-Ningirsu-kiag, son of En-akigalaguba, a total of 420 he ruled. En-Enlil-le-kiag, son of En-Ningirsu-kiag, a total of 420 he ruled. Ur-Baba, son of En-Enlil-le-kiag, a total of 420 he ruled. The agal of his personal god is Igalim, a total of 420 he ruled.

    Ku-e, son of Agala, a total of 900 years he ruled; Ama-alim, son of Ku-e, a total of 900 years he ruled; Dan-..., a total of n years he ruled; ..., a total of n years he ruled; ..., a total of n years he ruled; ..., ..., the canal ... he dug; a total of ... he dug; ..., the canal ... he dug; the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal ..., the canal of the king, the canal ..., the canal ..., and the canal Nanshe-pada he dug; the large irrigation canal, its canals, he dug; the canal ..., he dug; the canal ..., he dug; Ur-Nanshe, son of .

    Nina, his beloved city, he built, a distance of 720 steps. Annetum, son of Ur-Nanshe, at the place of Alim, the gods, he set up. The chief ... of Enlil, his god, Shul-udul?, a distance of 720 steps. ..., son of Annetum, a distance of n 660 steps. Enentarzi, his god, Mesantum, seed of the distant days, in the city, a distance of 720 steps. ...-endainsi, son of Enentarzi, the Urmahbanda canal, and the Tabta-kugal canal he dug. His god, Mesan-dug, his master, Ningirsu,

    he built for him. he swore: "He is his house." He swore: "En-Enlil-lesu" he swore: "En-..., son of En-Enlil-lesu, his personal god is Ninazu." He swore: "...-du8" he swore: "He is his personal god is Ninazu." he swore: "... he swore: "Puzur-Ninlil" he swore: "He is his personal god is ...." He swore: "En-mesantum, son of Puzur-Ninlil, his personal god is ...." He swore: "Dadu, son of En-mesan-DU," he swore: "He is his personal god." TUGUR, son of Dada, he swore: "He is his personal god." La-x he swore: "He is his personal god." Puzur-Mama, scribe of Ninki.

    his god is Zazaru, n years he ruled; Lamku-niggena, the official of Puzur-Mama, the man who the wall of Girsu built, his palace Tirash in the place of Lagash he built, n years he ruled; Hengal, son of Lamku-niggena, his god is Pabilsag, n years he ruled; ..., son of Hengal, n years he ruled; Ur-Ninmarki, the scribe of the ..., the ..., his god is Haya and Nisaba, n years he ruled; Ur-Ningirsu, son of Ur-Ninmarki, n years he ruled;

    Ur-Baba, scribe of Ur-Ningirsu, ... in the assembly ... he ruled for 30 years. Gudea, the sheshbanda of Ur-Baba, ..., son of his mother, son of a father who did not know, he ruled for ... years. The scribe of the scribal school Nisaba, praise.


    After the flood had swept over and brought about the destruction of the countries; when mankind was made to endure, and the seed of mankind was preserved and the black-headed people all rose; when An and Enlil called the name of mankind and established rulership, but kingship and the crown of the city had not yet come out from heaven, and Ningirsu, the hoe and the spade the earth basket and the plough, which mean life for the Land, had not yet established for the multitude of well-guarded ? people -- in those days, the carefree youth of man lasted for 100 years and, following his upbringing, he lasted for another 100 years.

    However, he did not do any work. He became smaller and smaller, ...; his sheep died ? in the sheepfold. In those days, because the water of Lagash was held back, there was famine in Girsu. Canals were not dug, the levees and ditches were not cleaned. The large arable tracts were not ..., there was no water to irrigate abundantly all the cultivated fields: the people relied on rain; Ashnan did not make dappled barley grow, furrows were not yet opened, they bore no yield; the high plain was not tilled, it bore no yield. None of the countries with numerous people for the gods emmer beer, liquor, ...,

    sweet liquor or ... did they libate. Large fields with the plough they did not till for them ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The river ... Its field... In order to dig canals, to clean the levees and ditches, to ... the large arable tracts, to ... all the cultivated fields, The pickaxe, the spade, the earth basket and the plough, which mean life for the Land, he established for the people. Then, to making barley sprout, he did turn his attention. He made the people stand before the maiden, Day and night, at the appointed times, they raised their heads.

    Before Ashnan who makes the seeds grow, they prostrated themselves and she made them grow ? Before ? Ashnan who makes the dappled barley grow, they ... ... he raised ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... acted for ... years. ... ... dug the canal ..., he acted for 2760 years. En-akigalaguba his personal god was ... he dug the canal Nigin-gish-tukuam He acted for 1200 years. In those days there was no writing

    canals were not dug, earth baskets was not carried, In those days, the king ..., the people ... offerings of refined gold, ... ... ... a good shepherd rose over the Land; ... ... he gave them ? as a gift. En-Ningirsu-kiag son of En-akigalaguba he acted for 1320 years. En-Enlile-ki-ag son of En-Ningirsu-kiag he acted for 1800 years. Ur-Baba, the son of En-Enlile-kiag: he acted for 900 years. A-gal: his personal god was Ig-alim, he acted for 660 years.

    Kue ?, the son of A-gal: he acted for 1200 years. Ama-alim, son of KUe ? ...: he acted for 600 years. ... he acted for n years. ... he acted for n years. ... he acted for n years. ... ... ... ... he dug the canal ..., he acted for n years. ... ... ... the canal Mah, the canal ..., the canal Piriggin-gen, the canal ..., the canal Pirig at the mouth of the canal Lugal, the canal GAN-hili-ana, the canal ..., and the canal Nanshe-pada he dug. To care, single-handedly, for the great arable lands, he dug irrigation ditches and ..., he acted for 2220 years. Ur-Nanshe, the son of ..., who built E-Sirara, her temple of happiness,

    and Nigin, her beloved city, he acted for 1080 years. Annetum, the son of Ur-Nanshe, in whose ... place the gods stood, who ... the land register of great Enlil: his personal god was Shul-utul, he acted for 161 years ..., the son of Annetum: he acted for n + 360 years. Enentarzi: his god was Mesantum2, of the seed of ancient days, who had grown together with the city, he acted for 990 years. ..., the son of Enentarzi: the canal Urmah-banda, and the canal Tabta-ku-gal, he dug, his personal god was Mesantum2; his king Ningirsu

    commanded him to build his temple; he acted for 960 years. En-Enlile-su: he acted for 600 years. En-..., the son of En-Enlile-su: his personal god was Ninazu; he acted for 660 years. ...: he acted for 1110 years. Puzur-Ninlil: he acted for n + 61 years. En-Mesantum, the son of Puzur-Ninlil: his personal god was ..., he acted for 120 years. Dadu, the son of En-Mesantum: he acted for 160 years. Tuggur, the son of Dadu: he acted for 160 years. LA-..., he acted for 120 years Puzur-Mama, the scribe of Ninki:

    his personal god was Zazaru; he acted for n years. LAMKU-niggena, the administrator of Puzur-Mama, who built the wall of Girsu, his ..., and the Tirash palace in Lagash: he acted for 280 years. Hengal, the son of LAMKU-niggena: his god was Pabilsag ?, he acted for 140 years. ..., the son of Hengal: he acted for 144 years. Ur-Ninmarki, the scribe and scholar: ..., his personal gods were Haya and Nisaba, he acted for n + 20 years. Ur-Ningirsu, the son of Ur-Ninmarki: he acted for n x 60 years.

    Ur-Baba, the scribe of Ur-Ningirsu, who ... in the assembly: he acted for n + 30 years. Gudea, the little brother of Ur-Baba ..., who was not the son of his mother nor the son of his father: he acted for ... years. Written in the school. Nisaba be praised!

    P469677: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en-me-bara2-ge4-e-si lugal-e iri-na-nam e2 (d)en-lil2-la2 in-du3 ag-ga dumu en-me-bara2-ge4-e-si-ke4 tum-ma-al(ki)-e pa bi2-i-e3 (d)nin-lil2 tum-ma-al(ki)-sze3 in-tum3 a-ra2 1(disz)-a-kam tum-ma-al(ki) ba-szub (1(disz))mes-an-ne2-pa3-da bur-szu2-szu2-a e2 (d)en-lil2-la2 in-du3 (1(disz))mes-ki-ag2-nun-na dumu mes-an-ne2-pa3-da-ke4 tum-ma-al(ki)-e pa bi2-i-e3 (d)nin-lil2 tum-ma-al(ki)-sze3 in-tum3 a-ra2 2(disz)-a-kam tum-ma-al(ki) ba-szub

    mur-lugal dumu (d)|_gesz-bil2-ga-mes_|-ke4 tum-ma-al(ki)-e pa bi2-i-e3 (d)nin-lil2 tum-ma-al(ki)-sze3 in-tum3 a-ra2 3(disz)-a-kam tum-ma-al(ki) ba-szub na-an-ni (gesz)kiri6 mah e2 (d)en-lil2-la2 in-du3

  • 1(disz) mes-ki-ag2-(d)nanna dumu na-an-ni-ke4
  • tum-ma-al(ki)-e pa bi2-i-e3 (d)nin-lil2 tum-ma-al(ki)-sze3 in-tum3 a-ra2 4(disz)-a-kam tum-ma-al(ki) ba-szub (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-kur in-du3 szul-gi dumu (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 tum-ma-al(ki)-e pa bi2-i-e3 (d)nin-lil2 tum-ma-al(ki)-sze3 in-tum3 a-ra2 5(disz)-a-kam tum-ma-al(ki) ba-szub mu (d)amar-(d)suen-ka-ta (d)szu-(d)suen-ta en-na mu di-bi2-(d)suen lugal-e en-am-gal-an-na en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga masz2-e in-pa3-de3 (d)nin-lil2 tum-ma-al(ki)-sze3 i-gen-gen

    (d)isz-bi-er3-ra e2-kur igi gal2-la2 e2-|_gi-na-ab-du7_| (d)en-lil2-la2 in-du3

    AI Translation

    Enmebaragesi, the king, to his city the temple of Enlil built. Aga, son of Enmebaragesi, to Tummal he presented it. Ninlil to Tummal he returned it. For 1st time Tummal was destroyed. Mesanepada, the brewer of the temple of Enlil, he returned it. Meskiagnuna, son of Mesanepada, to Tummal he returned it. For Ninlil to Tummal he returned it. For 2nd time Tummal was destroyed.

    mur-lugal, son of Gishbilga, to Tummal he went. Ninlil to Tummal he brought. For the 3rd time Tummal was destroyed. His benevolent garden of the temple of Enlil he built.

  • 1 Meskiag-Nanna, son of Nanni,
  • To Tummal he turned, and Ninlil to Tummal he brought. For 4 years Tummal was abandoned, Ur-Namma built the Ekur. Shulgi, son of Ur-Namma, to Tummal he turned, and Ninlil to Tummal he brought. For 5 years Tummal was abandoned, from the year "Amar-Suena Shu-Suena became en-priestess" to the year "Dibi-Suena the king, Enamgal-ana, the en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk, he made a dowry." Ninlil to Tummal went.

    Ishbi-Erra, the Ekur, who is seen in the front, built the E-ginabdu, the temple of Enlil.


    En-me-barage-si, the king, built the Iri-nanam in Enlil's temple. Aga, son of En-me-barage-si, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal. Then the Tummal fell into ruins for the first time. Mesh-Ane-pada built the Bur-shushua in Enlil's temple. Mesh-ki-ag-nuna, son of Mesh-Ane-pada, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal. Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a second time. Gilgamesh built the Numunbura in Enlil's shrine.

    Ur-lugal, son of Gilgamesh, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal. Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a third time. Nanni built the Lofty Garden in Enlil's temple.

  • Mesh-ki-ag-Nanna, son of Nanni,
  • made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal. Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a fourth time. Ur-Namma, built the E-kur. Shulgi, son of Ur-Namma, made the Tummal flourish and brought Ninlil into the Tummal. Then the Tummal fell into ruins for a fourth time. From the years of Amar-Suena of Amar-Suena until King Ibbi-Suen chose En-am-gal-ana by extispicy as the high priest of inanna of Uruk, Ninlil came regularly to the Tummal. Written according to the words of Lu-inanna the chief leatherworker of Enlil.

    Ishbi-Erra, who looks after the E-kur, built the storehouse of Enlil.

    P469678: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Segment A


    esz3 ma2-gur8-gin7 [...] gir4 mah-bi x [...] i7-bi a hul2-la da-ri2 ... a-gar3-bi (gesz)al-e ri-e-de3 _gan2_ [...] e2 kisz(ki)-a iri lil2-la-gin7 masz-kan2 gi4-gi4-de3 lugal-bi sipa ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 e2 kisz(ki)-a-ka (d)utu-gin7 am3-e3 nam-lugal-la-na bala-bi szu kur2-ru-de3 e2-gal-la _lam_-bi su3-ra2-x-x an (d)en-lil2 inim ku3-ga-ne-ne-a zi-de3-esz x x x ki u4-bi szar-ru-um-ki-in iri-ni iri [...] ad-da-ni la-i-bu-um ama-ni [...] szar-ru-um-ki-in sza3 du10-ga mu-[...] mu im-ta-tu-ud-da-asz x [...]

    AI Translation

    Like a chariot, its great ..., its canals ... with joy forever, its fields with ..., its fields with ..., its ... to be restored, its king, like a city of Kish, to be a mashkan priest, its shepherd Ur-Zababa, in the temple of Kish, like Utu came, and his kingship to change, to alter its reign, to ... the palace, its splendor ..., An and Enlil, their holy words, faithfully ... At that time, Sargon, his city, his father, Laibum, his mother ... Sargon, whose heart is sweet, ..., he has ...,


    To ...... the sanctuary like a cargo ship; to ...... its great furnaces; to see that its canals ...... waters of joy for eternity, to see that the hoes till the arable tracts and that ...... the fields; to turn the house of Kish, which was like a haunted town, into a living settlement again, its king, shepherd Ur-Zababa, rose like Utu over the house of Kish. However, to alter his term of reigning and to remove the prosperity of the palace An and Enlil authoritatively ? decided ? by their holy command. Then Sargon - his city was the city of ......, his father was La'ibum, his mother ...... Sargon ...... with happy heart. Since he was born ...

    Segment B


    u4 ne u4 te-en-e um-ma-te-a-ta (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in sa2-du11 e2-gal-sze3 im-de6-a-ba |_ga2_xMI| ku3 ki-tusz ku3-ga-ni-a im-ma-da-an-nu2 sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2 (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in sa2-du11 e2-gal-sze3 szu ba-ab-te-a-ta |_musz3-ka-ul_| mu-un-se3-ga (gesz)gu2-ne-sag-ga2 mu-un-dab5-be2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 da-bi-a musz3 nu-tum2-me u4 5(disz)-am3 u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ta lugal (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 im-da-la2 ki-tusz-bi-ta mi-ni-ib-hu-luh

    pirig-gin7 sza3 pap-hal-la-na |_usz_xA| bi-bi sza3-ba usz2 |_bad-u4_| si-a-ba i3-kusz2 ku6 a mun lu-ga-gin7 zi mu-un-di-ni-ib-ir-ir u4-ba |_musz3-ka-ul_| e2-din (d)|_sze-tir_|-ka (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in u3-sa2-gin7 la-ba-nu2 ma-mu2-de3 ba-nu2 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ma-mu2 i7 mud-sze3 mu-un-gir5-gir5 (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in dum-dam-ma-na zu2 ki-sze3 ba-da-ab-ra-ah dum-dum-bi lugal (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 gesz tuku-tuku-da-ni lugal-ra ki ku3-ga-ni-sze3 im-ma-da-an-sun5-ne-esz

    (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in ki (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4-sze3 im-ma-da-an-sun5-ne |_musz3-ka-ul_| ma-mu2 ge6 u3-na x-na u3-mu-ri-du8 (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in lugal-a-ni im-ma-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 ma-mu2-gu10 u3-mu-ri-du11-ga (lu2)ki-sikil 1(disz)-am3 an-gin7 sukud-da-ni ki-gin7 dagal-la-ni suhusz? bad3-da-gin7 gar-gar-ra i7 mah i7 mud-sze3 ga2-ra mu-un-gir5-re-de3-en x x (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 nundum _ka_ bi2-in-gu7 ni2 sza3-sze3 ba-gid2 [...] x _na an_ x sukkal-a-ni gu3 mu-na-de2-e [...] nin9 e-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4

    [...] x x mud-sze3 u-gu10 mu-un-ku4-re x x 1(disz) szar-ru-um-ki-in |_musz3-ka-ul_| i7 mah mu-un-gir5-gir5 (disz)be-li2-isz-ti-kal2 simug gal lu2 sza3-ga de6-a-gu10 im sar-sar inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10 he2-dab5 na de5-ga-gu10 |_gesz-tug2-pi-szir_@t-_sila3_| he2-em-szi-ak ne-esz2 |_musz3-ka-ul_| zabar-szu-ga2 a-ra-x-ab-de6 e2-sikil-la e2 nam tar-ra-ka alan-gin7 kusz3-kusz3-a se3-bi2-ib (disz)be-li2-isz-ti-kal2 inim lugal-la-na-sze3 sag kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak e2-sikil e2 nam tar-ra-ka kusz3-kusz3-a si mu-un-sa2

    lugal-e 1(disz) szar-ru-um-ki-in gu3 mu-na-de2-e gen-na zabar-szu-ga2 simug-gal-sze3 tum2-mu-na-ni-ib (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in e2-gal (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 im-ma-da-ra-ab-e3 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 za3 zi-da-ni musz3 nu-tum2-mu e2-sikil-la e2 nam tar-ra-ka 5(disz) ninda 1(u) ninda nu-te-a-na ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 igi mu-un-na-nigin2-nigin2 giri3-ni im-da-_ru_ e2-sikil-la e2 ku3-ga na-nam lu2 mud nu-mu-un-ku4-re ka2 e2 nam tar-ra-ka simug-gal lugal-la-ke4 gaba mu-un-da-ri zabar-szu lugal-la-ke4 simug-gal-sze3 mu-un-de6-a-ta

    (disz)be-li2-isz-ti-kal2 simug-gal im-da-la2 alan-gin7 kusz3-kusz3-a ba-da-ab-se3-ga-bi (disz)szar-ru-um-ki-in u4 5(disz)-am3 u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ta ki (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 lugal-la-na-sze3 im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4 sza3 e2-gal kur gal-gin7 ki us2-sa im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4 lugal (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 im-da-la2 ki-tusz-bi-ta mi-ni-ib-hu-luh sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2 |_ga2_xMI|-ka ki-tusz ku3-ga-ni (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 mi-ni-ib-hu-luh

    sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2 u4-bi-ta inim im-ma gub-bu he2-gal2 im si-si-ge ba-ra-gal2-la-am3 lugal (d)ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 1(disz) szar-ru-um-ki-in dingir-re-e-ne szu du11-ga-ar im-ma gub-bu nig2 ni2 ba-ug7-a-ta unu(ki)-ga lugal-za3-ge4-e-si szu ba-ni-ib-tag4-tag4

    AI Translation

    When the day came, when the day was a dream, Sharrum-kin, the sacrificial priest of the palace, sat down, and the holy ... of his sacred residence he gave him, and his heart he sat down. He did not know his tongue, he did not know the man. When Sharrum-kin the sacrificial priest of the palace took, he sat down, and the throne he took. The holy Inanna, who is not sated, he did not sleep. Five days and 10 days passed, the king Ur-Zababa sat down, and his sacred residence he sat down.

    Like a pirig, its paphala ..., its inside, its ..., its ..., its ..., its ..., its ..., its ..., its ..., its fish, like the water of a lug, its ..., its ..., its ..., its Sharrum-kin, like a sailor, its ..., its ..., its ..., its holy Inanna, its ..., its ..., its ..., its ..., its king Ur-Zababa, his king, he made a ... in his holy place.

    Sharrum-ki-in has sworn by Ur-Zababa: "The ... of my ... he has sworn by him." Sharrum-ki-in has sworn by his king. My king, my ... he has sworn by him. Like a sailor, his forehead is like the sky, his broad body is like the foundation of a wall. Like a great river, I shall cross the river. Ur-Zababa, the princely ..., he swore by his heart. ... ... his minister uttered ... My lady, holy Inanna,

    ... ... he brought to my ... One sharrum-demon ... the great river he smashed. Belish-tikal, the great smith, my heart's desire, he poured out a scribal scribal utterance. My word he seized. My word he seized. The ... of the bronze ... he .... In the Esikila, the temple of the kingship, he smote a statue like a statue. Belish-tikal smote his king. In the Esikila, the temple of the kingship, he smote a statue.

    king spoke to him: "Go, Sargon, to the bronzesmith he brought him. Shargon entered the palace of Ur-Zababa. The holy Inanna did not give him a righteous face. In the Esikil, the temple of the fate decree, 5 ninda 10 ninda did not come out, the holy Inanna looked at him, and his feet he twisted. In the Esikil, the temple of the holy, no one entered. The gate of the temple of the fate decreed, the great smith of the king, he poured out a scepter for the king, and from the bronze smith to the great smith he poured out.

    Belish-tikal, the chief smith, sat down. Like a statue, he sat down in a cloak. Sharrum-kin, five days and 10 days passed, he entered the house of Ur-Zababa, his master. Like the palace of the great mountains, he entered the place of his father. The king, Ur-Zababa, sat down. He made his dwellings rejoice. He made his heart rejoice. He did not speak the word of his tongue, he did not speak the word of his holy residence.

    He has spoken to his heart, but his tongue is not spoken, he does not speak to anyone. At that time, he spoke, saying: "Stand by, he is full of abundance." The king Ur-Zababa, one of the kings, said: "Stand by, he is full of joy." From Uruk, Lugal-zagesi has been slandered.


    One day, after the evening had arrived, and Sargon had brought the regular deliveries to the palace, He Ur-Zababa was sleeping and dreaming in the holy bed-chamber, his holy residence. He realised what the dream was about, but did not put into words, did not discuss it with anyone. After Sargon had received the regular deliveries for the palace, Ur-Zababa appointed him cupbearer, putting him in charge of the drinks cupboard. Holy inanna did not cease to stand by him. After five or 10 days had passed, King Ur-Zababa ...... and became frightened in his residence.

    Like a lion he urinated, sprinkling his legs, and the urine contained blood and pus. He was troubled, he was disturbed like a fish living in brackish water. It was then that the cupbearer of Ezina's wine-house, Sargon, lay down not to sleep, but lay down to dream. In the dream, holy inanna drowned Ur-Zababa in a river of blood. The sleeping Sargon groaned and gnawed the ground. When King Ur-Zababa heard about this groaning, he was brought into the king's holy presence,

    Sargon was brought into the presence of Ur-Zababa who said: "Cupbearer, was a dream revealed to you in the night?" Sargon answered his king: My king, this is my dream, which I will tell you about: There was a young woman who was as high as the heavens and as broad as the earth. She was firmly set as the base of a wall. For me, she drowned you in a great river, a river of blood." Ur-Zababa chewed his lips, he became seriously afraid. He spoke to ......, his chancellor: "My royal sister, holy inanna,

    is going to change ? my finger into a ...... of blood; she will drown Sargon, the cupbearer, in the great river. Belish-tikal, chief smith, man of my choosing, who can write tablets, I will give you orders, let my orders be carried out! Let my advice be followed! Now then, when the cupbearer has delivered my bronze hand-mirror ? to you in the E-sikil, the fated house, throw them the mirror and Sargon into the mould like statues." Belish-tikal heeded his king's words and prepared the moulds in the E-sikil, the fated house.

    The king spoke to Sargon: "Go and deliver my bronze hand-mirror ? to the chief smith!" Sargon left the palace of Ur-Zababa. Holy inanna, however, did not cease to stand at his right hand side, and before he had come within five or 10 ninda of the E-sikil, the fated house, holy inanna turned around toward him and blocked his way, saying: "The E-sikil is a holy house! No one polluted with blood should enter it!" Thus he met the chief smith of the king only at the gate of the fated house. After he delivered the king's bronze hand-mirror ? to the chief smith,

    Belish-tikal, the chief smith, ...... and threw it into the mould like statues. After five or 10 days had passed, Sargon came into the presence of Ur-Zababa, his king; he came into the palace, firmly founded like a great mountain. King Ur-Zababa ...... and became frightened in his residence. He realised what was it about, but did not put into words, did not discuss it with anyone. Ur-Zababa became frightened in the bed-chamber, his holy residence.

    He realised what was it about, but did not put into words, did not discuss it with anyone. In those days, although writing words on tablets existed, putting tablets into envelopes did not yet exist. King Ur-Zababa despatched Sargon, the creature of the gods, with a message written on clay, which was about murdering Sargon to Lugal-zage-si in Uruk.

    Segment C


    dam lugal-za3-ge4-si-da im-[...] nam-munus an-dul3-esz2 mu-ni-ba x [...] lugal-za3-ge4-si kin-gi4-a nu-[...] ga2-nam-ma sig4 e2-an-na-sze3 giri3 mu-un-gub lugal-za3-ge4-si sza3-ga-ni nu-un-zu ugu kin-gi4-a nu-mu-un-du11-du11 en-na ugu kin-gi4-a na-mu-un-du11-du11 igi dumu nun ba-an-da-bad en-e u8 bi2-in-du11 sahar-ra ba-an-da-tusz lugal-za3-ge4-si kin-gi4-a-ar im-szi-in-gi4 kin-gi4-a szar-ru-ki-in gu2 nu-mu-un-se3-se3 gam-gam-ma-ni szar-ru-ki-in lugal-za3?-ge4-si ... szar-ru-ki-in lugal-za3-ge4-si [...]

    a-na-asz-am3 szar-ru-ki-in [...]

    AI Translation

    The wife of Lugal-zagesi ..., and the woman who was the en-priestess ... Lugal-zagesi did not ... the messenger, but ... the brickwork of the Eanna temple. She stood at the feet of Lugal-zagesi, but she did not know her heart. She did not speak to the messenger, but she spoke to the messenger. The en priestess did not speak to the messenger, but she spoke to the messenger. The princely child he sat in the dirt, and the en priestess sat in the dirt. Lugal-zagesi wrote to the messenger, but he did not speak to the messenger. His ..., king, king, Lugal-zagesi ..., king, king, Lugal-zagesi .

    Why, king, ...?


    With the wife of Lugal-zage-si ... She gave? her feminity as a shelter ... Lugal-zage-si did not ... the envoy. "Come! He directed his steps to brick-built E-ana!" Lugal-zage-si did not grasp it, he did not talk to the envoy. But as soon as he did talk to the envoy ... "Alas!" and sat in the dust. Lugal-zage-si replied to the envoy: "Envoy, Sargon does not yield." After he has submitted,Sargon ... Lugal-zage-si ... Sargon ... Lugal-zage-si ...

    Why .... Sargon ....?

    P469679: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    sag-ki gid2-da (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 kisz(ki) gu4 an-na-gin7 im-ug5-ga-ta e2 ki unu(ki)-ga gu4 mah-gin7 sahar-ra mi-ni-ib-gaz-a-ta ki u4-ba szar-ru-ge lugal a-ga-de3(ki)-ra sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 (d)en-lil2-le nam-en nam-lugal-la mu-un-na-an-szum2-ma-ta u4-ba esz3 a-ga-de3(ki) ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ama5 mah-a-ni-sze3 im-ma-an-du3-du3 ul-masz(ki)-a (gesz)gu-za ba-ni-in-gub lu2-tur gibil-bi e2 du3-u3-gin7 dumu banda3(da) ama5 ga2-ga2-gin7 e2 nig2-gur11-ra nig2 sa2 di-de3 iri(ki)-bi dur2 ki gar szum2-mu-de3

    ug3-bi u2 nir-gal2 gu7-u3-de3 ug3-bi a nir-gal2 na8-na8-de3 sag a tu5-a kisal hul2-le-de3 ki ezem-ma ug3 sig7-ge-de3 lu2 zu-u3-ne tesz2-bi gu7-u3-de3 lu2 bar-ra muszen nu-zu-gin7 an-na nigin2-nigin2-de3 mar-ha-szi(ki) le-um-ma gur-ru-de3 (ugu)ugu4-bi am-si mah ab2-za-za u2-ma-am ki bad-ra2 sza3 sila dagal-la-ke4 tesz2-bi tag-tag-ge-de3 ur-gi7 ur-nim dara3 kur-ra udu a-lum |_siki-su3_| si ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 u3 nu-um-szi-ku-ku u4-ba a-ga-de3(ki) e2 ziz2-a-ba ku3-sig17 mi-ni-in-si

    |_e2-usz-bu-da_| sze-ba uruda nagga (na4)lagab za-gin3-na sa2 im-mi-in-du11-du11 guru7-bi bar-ta im ba-an-ur3 um-ma-bi ad gi4-gi4 ba-an-szum2 ab-ba-bi ka-inim-ma ba-an-szum2 ki-sikil-bi |_ki-e-ne-di_| ba-an-szum2 gurusz-bi a2 (gesz)tukul-la ba-an-szum2 di4-di4-la2-bi sza3 hul2-la ba-an-szum2 |_um-me_|-ga-la2 szu gid2 dumu szagina-ke4-ne (gesz)al-gar-|_ma2-sig7_|-da e-ne im-di-ne iri(ki) sza3-bi tigi-a bar-bi-ta gi-gid2 za-am-za-am-ma kar (gesz)ma2 us2-bi mud5-me-gar-ra kur-kur u2-sal-la i-im-nu2

    ug3-bi ki sa6-ga igi bi2-ib-du8 lugal-bi sipa (d)na-ra-am-(d)suen-e bara2 ku3 a-ga-de3(ki)-sze3 u4-de3-esz2 im-e3 bad3-bi hur-sag-gin7 an-ne2 im-us2 abul-a-ba (i7)idigna a-ab-ba-sze3 du-u3-gin7 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ka-bi gal2 bi2-in-tak4 ki-en-gi-ra nig2-gur11 ni2-ba-ta (gesz)ma2 im-da-gid2-de3 mar-tu kur-ra lu2 sze nu-zu gu4 du7 masz2 du7-da mu-un-na-da-an-ku4-ku4 me-luh-ha(ki) lu2 kur ge6-ga-ke4 nig2-szu kur2-kur2-ra mu-un-na-ra-ab-e11-de3 elam(ki) su-bir4(ki) ansze bara2 la2-gin7 nig2 mu-na-ab-la2-la2

    ensi2-ensi2 sanga-e-ne sa12-du5 gu2-edin-na-ke4-ne nidba iti-da za3-mu-bi si am3-sa2-e-ne abul a-ga-de3(ki)-ka a-gin7 kusz2 mi-ni-ib-gal2 nidba-bi ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 szu te-ge26 nu-zu dumu-gi7-gin7 e2 ki gar di-da la-la-bi nu-um-gi4 inim e2-kur-ra me-gin7 ba-an-gar a-ga-de3(ki) tuk4-e mu-un-na-la2-la2 ul-masz(ki)-a ni2 im-ma-ni-in-te iri(ki)-ta dur2-ra-ni ba-ra-gen ki-sikil ama5-na szub-bu-gin7 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 esz3 a-ga-de3(ki) mu-un-szub ur-sag (gesz)tukul-a sag ga2-ga2-gin7

    lu2-kur2-ra-ra gaba ba-ni-in-ri u4 nu-5(disz)-am3 u4 nu-1(u)-am3 sa nam-en-na aga nam-lugal-la ma-an-si-um (gesz)gu-za nam-lugal-la szum2-ma (d)nin-urta-ke4 e2-szu-me-sza4-na ba-ni-in-ku4 iri(ki) ka-inim-ma-bi (d)utu ba-an-de6 gesztu2-bi (d)en-ki-ke4 ba-an-de6 me-lam2 an-ne2 im-us2-sa-a-bi an-ne2 an-sza3-ga ba-e-e11 (gesz)|_ma2-mug_| ku3 im-du3-du3-a-bi (d)en-ki-ke4 abzu-a mi-ni-in-bu (gesz)tukul-bi (d)inanna-ke4 ba-an-de6 esz3 a-ga-de3(ki) zi-bi suhur(ku6) tur-ra-gin7 engur-ra ba-an-til

    iri(ki) tesz2-bi igi-bi am3-da-gal2 am-si mah-gin7 gu2 ki-sze3 mi-ni-ib-gar gu4 mah-gin7 si am3-da-il2-il2 uszumgal usz2-a-gin7 sag am3-ma-ze2-re me3-gin7 nam-dugud-ba am3-da-ab-lah4-lah4-e nam-lugal a-ga-de3(ki) ki-tusz ge-na du10 nu-tusz-u3-de3 egir-bi nig2 na-me nu-sa6-ge-de3 e2 tuk4-e |_uru_xGAR| sag2 di-de3 (d)na-ra-am-(d)suen masz2-ge6-ka igi ba-ni-in-du8-a sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-um-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2 e2 tuk4 [...] e2-ni masz2 [...] nam e2-kur-ra-sze3 tug2-mu-dur7-ra ba-an-mu4

    (gesz)gigir-ra-ni (gi)kid-ma2-sza3-ga ba-an-szu2 (gesz)ma2-gur8-ra-ni sumur3 ba-ra-an-si-ig a2-szita4-a nam-lugal-la-ka-ni im-ma-ra-an-ba-ba (d)na-ra-am-(d)suen mu 7(disz)-am3 mu-un-ge-en lugal mu 7(disz)-am3 szu sag-ga2 du11-ga a-ba igi im-mi-in-du8-a sza3-ga-ni-sze3 mu-un-zu eme-na nu-ga2-ga2 lu2-da nu-mu-un-da-ab-be2 e2-sze3 masz2-am3 szi-gid2-de3 e2 du3-a masz2-a nu-mu-un-de3-gal2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 e2-sze3 masz2-am3 szi-gid2-de3
  • e2 du3-a masz2-a nu-mu-un-de3-gal2 i3-se3-ga-na szu-a bala-e-de3 (d)en-lil2 nig2-du11-ga-ni ba-en-de3-kur2 gu2 gar-ra-ni sag2 ba-an-da-ab-du11 erin2-na-ni zi-ga ba-ni-in-gar a2-tuku kisal mah-sze3 ku4-ku4-gin7 e2-kur-sze3 szu kesz2 ba-szi-in-ak du10-tuku |_szu-kal_|-sze3 gam-e-gin7 gi-gun4-na-asz 3(u) gin2 ba-szi-in-ak nita lu2 la-ga iri(ki) lah5-gin7 e2-sze3 (gesz)kun5 gal-gal ba-szi-in-ri-ri e2-kur (gesz)ma2 mah-gin7 gul-gul-lu-de3 kur ku3 ba-al-gin7 sahar du8-u3-de3 hur-sag (na4)za-gin3-na-gin7 ku5-re-de3

    iri(ki) (d)iszkur-re ba-an-de2-a-gin7 gu2 ki-sze3 ga2-ga2-de3 e2-e kur-(gesz)erin-ku5 nu-me-a (uruda)ha-zi-in gal-gal ba-szi-in-de2-de2 (uruda)aga-silig-ga a2 2(disz)-na-bi-da u4-sar ba-an-ak ur2-bi-a (uruda)ge2-dim ba-an-gar suhusz kalam-ma-ka ki ba-e-la2 pa-bi-a (uruda)ha-zi-in ba-an-gar e2-e gurusz ug5-ga-gin7 gu2 ki-sze3 ba-an-da-ab-la2 gu2 kur-kur-ra ki-sze3 ba-an-da-ab-la2 (gesz)alal-bi im-ma-ra-an-zil(_nun_)-zil(_nun_) im szeg3-szeg3 an-na ba-e-e11 gesz-ka2-na-ke4 ba-ra-an-si-ig tesz2 kalam-ma ba-kur2

    ka2 sze nu-ku5-da sze i-ni-in-ku5 szu kalam-ma-ta sze ba-da-an-ku5 ka2 silim-ma-bi (gesz)al-e bi2-in-ra kur-kur-re silim-silim-bi ba-kur2 a-gar3 mah a-esztub(ku6) dagal-la-gin7 e2-kur-ra (uruda)ge2-dim gal-gal-bi kusz3-kusz3-a bi2-in-se3-se3 (uruda)ge2-dim |_ga2_xMI| e2 u4 nu-zu-ba ug3-e igi i-ni-in-bar dub-szen ku3 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 uri(ki) igi i-ni-in-bar la-ha-ma dub-la2 gal e2-e su8-ga-bi lu2 an-zil(_nun_) gu7-a nu-me-esz-a (d)na-ra-am-(d)suen sza3 izi-ka ba-an-sag3

    (gesz)erin (gesz)szu-ur2-2(u) (gesz)za-ba-lum (gesz)taskarin gesz gi-gun4-na-be2-esz _kum_ ba-an-sur-sur ku3-sig17-bi mi-si-_isz_-ra bi2-in-ak ku3-babbar-bi (kusz)lu-ub2 (kusz)lu-ub2-szir-ra bi2-in-ak uruda-bi sze mah de6-a-gin7 kar-ra bi2-in-si-si ku3-bi ku3-dim2-e im-dim2-e za-bi za-dim2-e im-dim2-e uruda-bi simug im-tu11-be2 nig2-gur11 iri(ki) hul-a nu-me-a e2-e (gesz)ma2 gal-gal kar-ra ba-an-us2 e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 (gesz)ma2 gal-gal kar-ra ba-an-us2 nig2-gur11 iri(ki)-ta ba-ra-e3

    a-ga-de3(ki) dim2-ma-bi ba-ra-e3 (gesz)ma2-e kar ib2-kur2 umusz a-ga-de3(ki) ba-kur2 u4 te-esz du11-ga kalam tesz2-a gar-ra a-ma-ru zi-ga gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku (d)en-lil2-le nam e2-kur ki ag2-ga2-ni ba-hul-a-sze3 a-na-am3 im-gu-lu-a-ba kur gu2-bi2-na-sze3 igi na-an-il2 hur-sag dagal tesz2-bi nam-ta-an-si-ig ug3-ga2 nu-se3-ga kalam-ma nu-szid-da gu-ti-um(ki) ug3 kesz2-da nu-zu dim2-ma lu2-u18-lu |_ga2_xGAR| ur-ra |_sig7-alan_| (ugu)ugu4-bi (d)en-lil2-le kur-ta nam-ta-an-e3 _szid_-_szid_ buru5(muszen)-gin7 ki am3-u2-us2

    a2-bi gu masz2-ansze-gin7 edin-na mu-un-na-an-la2 nig2 na-me a2-bi la-ba-ra-e3 lu2 na-me a2-bi la-ba-an-tag4-tag4 lu2-kin-gi4-a har-ra-an-na nu-mu-un-gen (gesz)ma2 ra-gaba i7-da nu-mu-un-dib-be2 ud5 ge (d)en-lil2-la2 amasz-ta ba-ra-ra-asz na-gada-bi bi2-in-us2-u2-us2 szilam tur3-bi-ta ba-ra-ra-asz unu3-bi bi2-in-us2-u2-us2 gesz-gu2-ka en-nu-ug3 ba-e-du3 har-ra-an-na lu2-sa-gaz ba-e-tusz abul kalam-ma-ka (gesz)ig im-ma ba-e-gub kur-kur-ra bad3 iri(ki)-ne-ne-ka gu3 gig mi-ni-ib-be2-ne

    iri(ki) sza3 edin bar dagal nu-me-a mu2-sar mu-un-de3-gal2 u4 iri(ki) ba-dim2-dim2-ma-ba ba-se3-se3-ga-ba a-gar3 gal-gal-e sze nu-um-de6 a-gar3 su3-su3-ge ku6 nu-um-de6 pu2-(gesz)kiri6 lal3 gesztin nu-um-de6 |_im-u4_| sir2-da la-ba-szeg3 (gesz)masz-gur2 la-ba-mu2 u4-ba i3 1(disz) gin2-e 1/2(disz) sila3-am3 sze 1(disz) gin2-e 1/2(disz) sila3-am3 siki 1(disz) gin2-e 1/2(disz) ma-na-am3 ku6 1(disz) gin2-e (gesz)ba-an-e ib2-si ganba iri(ki)-ba-ka ur5?-gin7 ib2-sa10-sa10 ur3-ra nu2-a ur3-ra ba-usz2 e2-a nu2-a ki nu-um-tum2

    ug3 sza3-gar-bi-ta ni2-bi-a szu im-dub2-dub2-ne ki-ur3 ki gal (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 ur sila si-ga zu2 ba-ni-ib-kesz2 sza3-ba lu2 2(disz) du tesz2-e ba-ni-ib-gu7 lu2 3(disz) du tesz2-e ba-ni-ib-gu7 giri17 ba-dub-dub sag ba-dab5-dab5 giri17 ba-dub sag numun-e-esz ba-ab-gar sag zi sag lul-la szu bala ba-ni-ib-ak mes mes-e an-ta i-im-nu2 usz2 lu2-lul-e usz2 lu2 zi-da-ke4 an-ta na-mu-un-_du_ u4-ba (d)en-lil2-le esz3 gal-gal-la-ni-ta esz3 gi tur-tur im-ma-ra-an-du3 u4 e3-ta u4 szu2-usz |_uru_xGAR|-bi ba-tur

    um-ma u4-ta ba-ra-ab-tak4-a ab-ba u4-ta ba-ra-ab-tak4-a gala-mah mu-ta ba-ra-ab-tak4-a u4 7(disz) ge6 7(disz)-sze3 balag 7(disz)-e an-ur2 gub-ba-gin7 ki mu-un-szi-ib-us2 ub3 me-ze2 li-li-is3 (d)iszkur-gin7 sza3-ba mu-na-an-du12 um-ma a uru2-gu10 nu-ga2-ga2 ab-ba a lu2-bi nu-ga2-ga2 gala-e a e2-kur nu-ga2-ga2 ki-sikil-bi siki szab-bi nu-ga2-ga2 gurusz-bi gir2 sag11 nu-ga2-ga2 er2-bi er2 ama a-a (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 du6 ku3 su zi gur3-ru du10 ku3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 i-im-ga2-ga2-ne

    nam-bi-sze3 (d)en-lil2 |_ga2_xMI| ku3 ba-an-ku4 sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2 u4-ba (d)suen (d)en-ki (d)inanna (d)nin-urta (d)iszkur (d)utu (d)|_pa-dug_| (d)nisaba dingir gal-gal-e-ne sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 a sze17 im-sze17-e-ne a-ra-zu-ta ba-ab-be2-ne (d)en-lil2 iri iri-zu im-hul-a iri-zu-gin7 he2-du3 gi-gun4-na-zu szu bi2-in-la2-la2 nibru(ki)-gin7 he2-du3 iri-ba sag tul2-ba he2-ni-ib-si-si lu2 lu2-u3 zu-ne na-an-ni-in-pa3-de3 szesz-e szesz-a-ni geszkim na-an-ni-in-e3 ki-sikil-bi ama5-na gesz hul he2-en-da-ab-ra

    ad-da-bi e2 dam usz2-a-na gu3 gig-bi he2-em-me tu(muszen)-bi ab-lal3-ba sze he2-ni-in-sza4 buru5(muszen)-bi a2-bur2-ba nig2 he2-ni-ib-ra tu(muszen) ni2 te-a-gin7 ur5-da he2-ak-e

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 (d)suen (d)en-ki (d)inanna (d)nin-urta (d)iszkur (d)utu (d)|_pa-dug_| (d)nisaba dingir he2-em-me-esz
  • iri(ki)-sze3 igi-ne-ne i-im-ga2-ga2-ne a-ga-de3(ki) asz2 hul-a im-ma-ab-bala-e-ne iri(ki) e2-kur-sze3 ba-e-a-ul4-en (d)en-lil2 he2-am3 a-ga-de3(ki) e2-kur-sze3 ba-e-a-ul4-en (d)en-lil2 he2-am3 bad3 ku3-zu en-na sukud-ra2-bi a-nir he2-em-da-sa2 gi-gun4-na-zu sahar-gin7 he2-dub dub-la2 la-ha-ma su8-su8-ga-bi gurusz mah gesztin nag-a-gin7 ki-sze3 he2-em-ta-ga2-ga2 im-zu abzu-ba he2-eb-gi4 im (d)en-ki-ke4 nam ku5-ra2 he2-a sze-zu ab-sin2-ba he2-eb-gi4 sze (d)|_sze-tir_|-e nam ku5-ra2 he2-a gesz-zu tir-bi-a he2-eb-gi4

    gesz (d)nin-ildu2-ma-ke4 nam ku5-ra2 he2-a gu4 gaz-gaz-e dam he2-en-gaz-e udu szum-szum-zu dumu he2-en-szum-e uku2-zu dumu ku3-ge-esz pa3-da-na a he2-em-ta-ab-ra-ra kar-ke4-zu ka2 esz2-dam-ma-na-ka ni2 ha-ba-ni-ib-la2-e ama nu-gig-zu ama nu-bar-zu dumu he2-en-gi4-gi4 ku3-sig17-zu ku3-sze3 he2-sa10-sa10 ku3-babbar-zu nig2 za-ha-am-sze3 he2-sa10-sa10 uruda-zu a-gar5-sze3 he2-sa10-sa10 a-ga-de3(ki) a2-tuku-zu a2-ni he2-eb-ta-ku5 (kusz)lu-ub2 dag-si-ni na-an-il2-il2-e

    ansze-ni-is-kum-zu a2-ni na-an-hul2-e u4 szu2-a he2-nu2 iri(ki)-bi sza3-gar-ra he2-ni-ib-usz2-e dumu-gi7 ninda sa6-ga gu7-gu7-zu u2-szim-e ha-ba-nu2 lu2 sag5-e ba-zi-ga-zu _tag_-_tag_ gesz-ur3-ra-na he2-gu7-e (gesz)ig gal (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|) e2 ad-da-na-ka (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|)-bi zu2-ni-ta he2-ur5-re e2-gal sza3 hul2-la du3-a-za sza3 sag3 he2-en-szub du3-a-za lu2 hul edin ki si-ga-ke4 gu3 hu-mu-ra-ra-ra ki uz-ga szu-luh-ha gar-ra-zu ka5 du6 gul-gul-la-ke4 kun he2-ni-ib-ur3-ur3-re abul kalam-ma gar-ra-zu

    u3-ku-ku(muszen) muszen sza3 sag3-ga-ke4 gud3 he2-em-ma-an-us2 iri(ki) tigi-da u3 nu-ku-ku-za sza3 hul2-la-da nu-nu2-za tur3-e si gu4 (d)nanna-ke4 edin ki si-ga-ke4 nigin2-nigin2-na-gin7 szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) hu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-gi4 gu2 (gesz)ma2 gid2-da i7-da-zu u2 gid2-da he2-em-mu2 har-ra-an (gesz)gigir-ra ba-gar-ra-zu u2-a-nir he2-em-mu2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 gu2 ma2 gid2-da ki a-la2 i7-da-zu
  • szeg9-bar mul musz ul4 kur-ra-ke4 lu2 na-an-ni-ib-dib-be2 edin sza3 u2 sa6-ga mu2-a-zu gi er2-ra he2-em-mu2 a-ga-de3(ki) a du10-ga de2-a-zu a mun-na he2-em-de2 a-ga-de3(ki) iri(ki)-bi-a ga-tusz bi2-in-du11-ga ki-tusz na-an-ni-du10-ge a-ga-de3(ki)-a ga-nu2 bi2-in-du11-ga ki-nu2 na-an-ni-du10-ge i-ne-esz2 (d)utu u4 ne-e-a ur5 he2-en-na-nam-ma-am3 gu2 (gesz)ma2 gid2-da i7-da-ba u2 gid2-da ba-an-mu2 har-ra-an (gesz)gigir-ra ba-gar-ra-ba u2-a-nir ba-an-mu2

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 gu2 (gesz)ma2 gid2-da ki a-la2 i7-da-ba
  • szeg9-bar mul musz ul4 kur-ra-ke4 lu2 nu-mu-ni-in-dib-be2 edin sza3 u2 sa6-ga mu2-a-bi gi er2-ra ba-an-mu2 a-ga-de3(ki) a du10-ga de2-a-bi a mun-na ba-an-de2 iri(ki)-bi-a ga-tusz bi2-in-du11-ga ki-tusz nu-um-ma-an-da-du10 a-ga-de3(ki)-a ga-nu2 bi-in-du11-ga ki-nu2 nu-um-ma-an-na-du10 a-ga-de3(ki) hul-a (d)inanna za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    The long head of Enlil, like a bull of heaven, he smashed Kish, and the temple of Uruk like a magnificent bull he smashed in dust. At that time, the king, the king of Agade, from the sand to the sea, Enlil gave to him the lordship of kingship. At that time, the shrine of Agade, holy Inanna, he built for her supreme mother. In Ulmash he set up a throne. Its new-born son, like a built house, like a young child, like a mother, the house of property, he seized. Its city, he set its foundations in order to be firmly planted.

    The people are smitten by the plants, the people are smitten by the water, the smitten by the mud, the courtyard is filled with joy, the place of festivals is filled with happy people, the people are smitten by the slander of the slanderer, the people are smitten by the slanderer, the people are smitten by the birds, the heavens are filled with rejoicing, Marhashi is to be reconstructed, its oxen are magnificent, the cowherds are smitten by the slander of the land, the wide streets are smitten by the lions, the fierce wild bulls of the mountain, the sheep, the black-headed sheep, the holy inanna, and they are not smitten. At that time Agade, the temple of the grazing land, was decorated with gold.

    The house of the shabu, the barley, copper, tin, lapis lazuli, he poured out. Its grain heaps from the outside were piled up. Its mother gave a recitation, its father gave a recitation. Its children gave a recitation, its youth gave a recitation, its young men gave a recitation, its young men rejoiced. Its young men gave a recitation, the sons of the governors, with a recitation-board. The city, its heart was a tigi-dagger, the recitation-wheel was a zeg. The quay, its boat, was a mudmegar-dagger, the lands were a recitation-wheel.

    The people looked at the good place. Its king, the shepherd Naram-Sîn, came to the holy dais of Agade. Its walls, like mountains, he sat down at heaven. Its gates, like the Tigris, he made the water flow into the sea. The holy Inanna opened its mouth. In Sumer, the goods that were not there, he took a boat. The Amorite, the land, the man who does not know grain, the oxen, and the sheepfold, he brought them in. Meluhha, the man of the black-headed people, brought in the goods of the lands. Elam and Subartu, like donkeys, he brought in the goods.

    The governors and the governors, the officials of the Gu'edena, whose offerings are monthly and monthly, are resounding. The water of the city gate of Agade is flowing like water. Its offerings are pure inanna. Its hand is not to be uttered. Like a child, the house is not to be reconstructed. Its rites are not to be recited. The words of the Ekur have been uttered like a battle. Agade has been rejoicing. Urmash has been rejoicing. He has left his city. Like a young woman, he has been thrown into the shrine of Agade. Like a hero with weapons, he has been struck down with a weapon.

    The enemy seized the front of the gate. Five days, seven days, the sling of en priesthood, the crown of kingship, Mansium, the throne of kingship, Ninurta entered into Eshumeshana. The city's word Utu destroyed, its intellect Enki destroyed, its aura of An grew, its radiance of An swept over the heavens. The holy mug boat that Enki had built, its abzu he destroyed, its weapons Inanna he destroyed. The shrine Agade, its life, like a small fish, he hung its engur.

    The city's rites were seen, the great bulls sat on the ground like a lion. Like a great bull, they sat down on the ground. Like a lion, they sat down on the head. Like a lion, they sat down on the head. Like a fierce battle, they sat down on the throne. The kingship of Agade, the dwelling, was not pleasant. After that, nothing was good. The house was seized. Naram-Sîn, the dream-cast, saw it. In his heart he spoke, and he did not speak, and no one could speak. The house was seized. His house, ..., ..., he was hung in a garment.

    His chariot was thrown into a mud pit, his boat was thrown into a mud pit, and his chariot was thrown into a mud pit. He swore by the kingship that Naram-Sîn had seven years, and that he had sworn by the king seven years, and that he had seen the hand of the head, and that he had sworn by his heart, but that he had no tongue, no one could say to him, and that he could not go to the house, that he could not go to the house, that he could not go to the house,

  • for the 2nd time, to the house, the interest is to be added,
  • He did not have a house built, and the interest did not exist. He was sat down in his hand. Enlil changed his command, and he sat down on his neck. He put his troops in order. He put his forces in the great courtyard, he put his hands in the Ekur, he put his trust in the ..., he put his trust in the ..., he put 30 shekels in the giguna. The man who was not a man, he smashed the city, he put the great kun. He destroyed the Ekur, like a great boat, and he destroyed the holy land. He piled up dust, he piled up mountains of lapis lazuli,

    Like a city that Ishkur had destroyed, I was able to bring the neck to the ground. The temple, which was not a cedar forest, was surrounded by a large hazin-vessel. Its two agasilig-vessels were seized by lightning. Its base was a gishim-vessel. Its base was a hazin-vessel. The foundation of the nation was weakened. Its face was a hazin-vessel. The temple, like a young man, was able to bring the neck to the ground. Its alan-vessel was smashed, it was soaked with rain. Its door was smashed, it was soaked with rain. The people of the land were changed.

    The gate of barley that had not been opened had been opened. The hand of the land had been opened. The gate of grain that had been cultivated had been turned into a scepter. The lands had changed its grain. Like a great marsh, a wide eshtub-vessel, in the Ekur, large copper ...s had been cast. The copper ...s of the temple that had not been opened had seen the people. The holy inscriptions of the gods had seen Ur, the great inscriptions of the temple had seen the people who had not eaten the ..., Naram-Sîn had poured out in the fire.

    ... cedar, juniper, cypress, juniper, and giguna trees ... They ripped out its gold and silver alloy. They ripped out its silver and leather bags. They ripped out its copper like a great barley heap. They fashioned its gold and silver alloy, they fashioned its bronze and silver alloy, they fashioned its copper and copper alloy. The property of a destroyed city was not there. The house was a large boat at the dock, the house of Enlil was a large boat at the dock. The property of the city was taken away.

    The people of Agade did not see their own inscriptions. The boats were destroyed, the people of Agade changed their minds. The storm that blew over the land was not a good storm. Enlil did not have a righteous eye, he did not have a righteous eye. Enlil did not change the fate of his beloved Ekur. He did not look at the land of Gubin. The wide mountain range did not make its people bow down, the land did not smite. Gutium, the people did not know. The lion, the lion, the lion, did not let Enlil not let his oxen bow down from the mountain, like a bird he sat on the ground.

    The army, like a donkey, roared in the plain. Nobody came out, nobody came out. No messenger came to the road. No boat came down from the river. The udgada of Enlil was confined in the sheepfold. Its nagda was confined in the pigeon's nest. Its suckling sheep were confined in the hut. The guard was confined in the hut. The guard was confined in the city gate. The door was locked. The lands were screamed bitterly in the walls of their cities.

    The city, which has no wide plain, has been reconstructed. When the city was built, when it was torn down, when large fields were not irrigated, when the fields were not irrigated, when the fish were not irrigated, when the orchards were not irrigated with honey and wine, when the mashgur was not irrigated with a slurry, when oil was 1 shekel 1/2 sila3 and barley was 1 shekel 1/2 sila3 and wool was 1 shekel 1/2 mina. Fishing was 1 shekel of ban-wood. The field in the city was like a sacrificial reed, it was not a sacrificial reed, it was not a house, it was not a house, it was not a house.

    The people of its midst sat down to sing. Ki'ur, the great place of Enlil, a dog sat in the street. In it, two men were slaughtered. Three men were slaughtered. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were slain. They were s

    "Why did you leave the day behind? Why did you leave the day behind? Why did you leave the galamah?" "On the 7th day, 7 nights, 7 days, like a balag drum, he sat down on the throne. Like a lion he sat down on the throne, like Ishkur, he spoke there: "Why does the water of my city not exist?" "Why does the water of the man not exist?" "Why does the water of the temple not exist?" "Why does the young woman not wear their hair?" "Why does the young man not wear their hair?" "Why does the crying of the mother, father Enlil, make the holy holy shrine shining with splendor and the pure holy Enlil's name

    For this, Enlil entered into the holy ..., and the ... was set up. At that time, Suen, Enki, Inanna, Ninurta, Adad, Shamash, Pa-dug, and Nisaba, the great gods, in the heart of Enlil, they poured out water. They poured out your arazu. Enlil, when your city had been destroyed, may your city be rebuilt like your city. May your giguna be rebuilt like Nippur. May the city be surrounded by its canals. May the man who is to be sated with him be sated with him. May brother and brother be sated with him. May the young woman be sated with evil deeds.

    Its father, the house of his wife, cried bitterly: "May it be a bird that has snatched its grain." Its locusts snatched its a-burba-vessel. May it be a bird that has snatched its horn like a pigeon.

  • For the 2nd time, may Sîn, Enki, Inanna, Ninurta, Adad, Utu, Nabû, and Nisaba be their gods.
  • They sat before the city, and Agade was afflicted by evil. The city was thrown into the E-kur. Enlil was thrown into Agade, and the E-kur. Enlil was thrown into the E-kur. Your holy wall, your lord's scepter, was smashed. Your gi-gun-house was smashed like a dirt heap. Its reed-beds were smashed like a great young man, like a libation bowl, into the netherworld. Your im-ma-m

    May the throne of Ninilduma be a curse. May oxen be killed, may a wife be killed. May sheep be slaughtered, may a child be slaughtered. May your uku-priests be sown, may a child be sown. May your kar-priests be sown at the gate of his shrine. May your mother not be sick, may your mother not be absent. May your child be returned to you. May your gold be bought for silver, may your silver be bought for anything of zahal. May your copper be bought for copper for a canal. May Agade, your lord, be his lord. May his leather strap be thrown on his neck.

    Your donkey, he who loves you, may he rejoice in the day. May he make the city dwell in a peaceful place. May he eat good food for you. May he eat good bread for you. May he eat bad people for you. May he eat the ... of his bed. May he eat the great door with a leather strap in his father's house. May its leather straps be removed from him. May he destroy the palace that makes the heart happy. May the evildoer of the plain, the safe place, speak evildoer. May he smash the ground with a szuluhh place. May he smash the foundation of the city. May he destroy the gate that is destroyed. May he destroy the city gate of the land.

    The ukuku bird, the bird of the sag-goat, shall smite the ox. In your city, the tigi bird is not a kuku bird, it is not a kuku bird. In your joyful heart, the ox of Nanna, in the plain, the peaceful place, like a pig, may he return it to you. Your boat's length is long, your canal is long. Your chariot's length is long. Your chariot's length is long.

  • for the 2nd time, the barge length at Ala, the river of yours,
  • The rain, the snake, the snake, the eagle, the mountain, did not let any man pass by. In the plain, where good plants are planted, may he let reeds grow. Agade, your good water, may he let reeds grow. Agade, I want to dwell, I want to dwell, I want to dwell, I want to dwell, I want to dwell, I want to dwell. Now, Utu, when the day arrives, may he not let the boat go long, the canal goes long, the road and the chariot go long, and the uaner go long.

  • for the 2nd time, the length of the boat from Ala, the canal,
  • The rain, the snake, the horn of the mountain did not let any man enter. The plain, whose scent is sweet, was filled with reeds. Agade, its water was sweet, its water was sweet. Its city was a dwelling place, it was not a dwelling place. Agade was a dwelling place, it was not a dwelling place. Agade was a dwelling place, it was not a dwelling place. Agade was destroyed by evil. Inanna was happy.


    After Enlil's frown had slain Kish as if it were the Bull of Heaven, had slaughtered the house of the land of Uruk in the dust as if it were a mighty bull, Then, to Sargon, king of Agade, from the south as far as the highlands did Enlil give the rulership and kingship. at that time, holy inanna established the sanctuary of Agade as her celebrated woman's domain; she set up her throne in Ulmash. Like a young man building a house for the first time, like a girl establishing a woman's domain, So that the warehouses would be provisioned; that dwellings would be founded in the city;

    that its people would eat splendid food; that its people would drink splendid beverages; that those bathed for holidays would rejoice in the courtyards; that the people would throng the places of celebration; that acquaintances would dine together; that foreigners would cruise about like unusual birds in the sky; that even Marhashi would be re-entered on the tribute rolls; that monkeys, mighty elephants, water buffalo, exotic animals would jostle each other in the public squares. as well as thoroughbred dogs, lions, mountain ibexes, and alum sheep with long wool holy inanna did not sleep as she ensured all of this. She then filled Agade's stores for emmer wheat with gold, she filled its stores for white emmer wheat with silver;

    she delivered copper, tin, and blocks of lapis lazuli to its granaries and sealed its silos from outside. She endowed its old women with the gift of giving counsel, she endowed its old men with the gift of eloquence. She endowed its young women with the gift of entertaining, she endowed its young men with martial might, she endowed its little ones with joy The nursemaids who cared for the general's children played the drumsticks. Inside the city tigi drums sounded; outside it, flutes and zamzam instruments. Its harbour where ships moored was full of joy. All foreign lands rested contentedly,

    and their people experienced happiness. Its king, the shepherd Naram-Suen, rose as the daylight on the holy throne of Agade. Its city wall, like a mountain, reached the heavens. Its city-gates were like the Tigris going to the sea when Inanna opened its portals and made Sumer bring its own possessions upstream by boats. The highland Martu, people ignorant of agriculture, brought spirited cattle and kids for her. The Meluhans, the people of the black land, brought exotic wares up to her. Elam and Subir loaded themselves with goods for her as if they were packasses.

    All the governors, the temple administrators, and the accountants of the Gu-edina regularly supplied the monthly and New Year offerings. What a weariness all these caused at Agade's city gates! Holy inanna could hardly receive all these offerings. As if she were a citizen there, she could not restrain ? the desire ? to prepare the ground for a temple. But the statement coming from the E-kur was disquieting. Because of Enlil ? all Agade was reduced ? to trembling, and terror befell inanna in Ulmash. She left the city, returning to her home. Like someone abandoning the young women of her woman's domain, Holy inanna abandoned the sanctuary of Agade Like a warrior hurrying to arms, she removed the gift of battle and fight from the city

    and handed them over to the enemy. Not even five or 10 days had passed and the jewels of rulership, the royal crown, the emblem and the royal throne bestowed on Agade, did Ninurta bring back into his E-shu-me-sha. Utu took away the eloquence of the city. Enki took away its wisdom. Its fearsomeness that reaches heaven, An took up into the midst of heaven. Its well-anchored holy mooring pole Enki tore out from the abzu. inanna took away its weapons. The life of Agade's sanctuary was brought to an end as if it had been only the life of a tiny carp in the deep waters,

    and all the cities were watching it. Like a mighty elephant, it bent its neck to the ground while they all raised their horns like mighty bulls. Like a dying dragon, it dragged its head on the earth and they jointly deprived it of honour as in a battle. Enlil would not let the kingdom of Agade occupy a pleasant, lasting residence, that he would make its future altogether unfavourable, that he would make its temples shake and would scatter its treasures - - Naram-Suen saw that in a nocturnal vision. He realised what the dream was about, but did not put into words, and did not discuss it with anyone. ... temples shake ... ... perform ? extispicy regarding ? his temple ... Because of the E-kur, he put on mourning clothes,

    covered his chariot with a reed mat, tore the reed canopy off his ceremonial barge, and gave away his royal paraphernalia. Naram-Suen persisted for seven years! Who has ever seen a king burying his head in his hands for seven years? He realised what the dream was about, but did not put into words, and did not discuss it with anyone. Then he went to perform extispicy on a kid regarding the temple, but the omen had nothing to say about the building of the temple.

  • For a second time he went to perform extispicy on a kid regarding the temple,
  • but the omen again had nothing to say about the building of the temple. In order to change what had been inflicted ? upon him, he tried to to alter Enlil's pronouncement. Because his subjects were dispersed, he now began a mobilization of his troops. Like a wrestler who is about to enter the great courtyard, he ...... his hands towards ? the E-kur. Like an athlete bent to start a contest, he treated the giguna as if it were worth only thirty shekels. Like a robber plundering the city, he set tall ladders against the temple. To demolish E-kur as if it were a huge ship, to break up its soil like the soil of mountains where precious metals are mined, to splinter it like the lapis lazuli mountain,

    to prostrate it like a city inundated by Ishkur; alhough the temple was not the Mountains of Cedar-felling, he had large axes cast, he had double-edged agasilig axes sharpened to be used against it. He set spades against its roots and it sank as low as the foundation of the Land. He put axes against its top, and the temple, like a dead soldier, bowed its neck before him, and all the foreign lands bowed their necks before him. He ripped out its drain pipes, and all the rain went back to the heavens. He tore off its upper lintel and the Land was deprived of its ornament.

    From its Gate from which Grain is never Diverted, he diverted grain, and the Land was deprived of grain. He struck the Gate of Well-Being with the pickaxe, and well-being was subverted in all the foreign lands. As if they were for great tracts of land with wide carp-filled waters, he cast large spades to be used against the E-kur. The people could see the bedchamber, its room which knows no daylight. They could look into the holy treasure chest of the gods. its lahama deities of the great pilasters standing at the temple, though they had committed no sacrilege, were thrown into the fire by Naram-Suen.

    The cedar, cypress, juniper and boxwood, the woods of its giguna, were ... by him. He put its gold in containers and put its silver in leather bags. He filled the docks with its copper, as if it were a huge transport of grain. The silversmiths were re-shaping its silver, jewellers were re-shaping its precious stones, smiths were beating its copper. Though they were not the goods of a plundered city, large ships were moored at the temple, large ships were moored at Enlil's temple and its possessions were taken away from the city. With the possessions being taken away from the city,

    good sense left Agade. As the ships moved away from the docks, Agade's intelligence was removed. The roaring storm that subjugates the entire land, the rising deluge that cannot be confronted, Enlil was considering what should be destroyed in return for the wrecking of his beloved E-kur. He lifted his gaze towards the Gubin mountains, and made all the inhabitants of the broad mountain ranges descend ?. Those who do not resemble other people, who are not reckoned as part of the Land, the Gutians, an unbridled people, with human intelligence but canine instincts and monkeys' features - Enlil brought them out of the mountains. Like small birds they swooped on the ground in great flocks.

    Because of Enlil, they stretched their arms out across the plain like a net for animals. Nothing escaped their clutches, no one left their grasp. Messengers no longer travelled the highways, the courier's boat no longer passed along the rivers. The Gutians drove the trusty ? goats of Enlil out of their folds and compelled their herdsmen to follow them, they drove the cows out of their pens and compelled their cowherds to follow them. they drove the cows out of their pens and compelled their cowherds to follow them. Prisoners manned the watch. Brigands occupied the highways. The doors of the city gates of the Land lay dislodged in mud, and all the foreign lands uttered bitter cries from the walls of their cities.

    They established gardens for themselves within the cities, and not as usual on the wide plain outside. As if it had been before the time when cities were built and founded, the large arable tracts yielded no grain, the inundated tracts yielded no fish, the irrigated orchards yielded no syrup or wine, the thick clouds ? did not rain, the mashgurum plant did not grow. In those days, oil for one shekel was only half a litre, grain for one shekel was only half a litre, wool for one shekel was only one mina, fish for one shekel filled only one ban measure these sold at such prices in the markets of the cities! Those who lay down on the roof, died on the roof; those who lay down in the house were not buried.

    People were flailing at themselves from hunger. By the Ki-ur, Enlil's great place, dogs were packed together in the silent streets; if two men walked there they would be devoured by them, and if three men walked there they would be devoured by them. Noses were punched ?, heads were smashed ?, noses ? were piled up, heads were sown like seeds. Honest people were confounded with traitors, heroes lay dead on top of heroes, the blood of traitors ran upon the blood of honest men. At that time, Enlil rebuilt his great sanctuaries into small reed ? sanctuaries and from east to west he reduced their storehouses.

    The old women who survived those days, the old men who survived those days, and the chief lamentation singer who survived those years for seven days and seven nights set up seven balag drums, ub, meze, and lilis drums made them resound to Enlil like Ishkur. The old women did not restrain the cry "Alas for my city!" The old men did not restrain the cry "Alas for its people!" The lamentation singer did not restrain the cry "Alas for the E-kur!" Its young women did not restrain from tearing their hair. Its young men did not restrain from sharpening their knives. Their laments were as if Enlil's ancestors were performing a lament in the awe-inspiring Holy Mound by the holy knees of Enlil.

    Because of this, Enlil entered his holy bedchamber and lay down fasting. At that time, Suen, Enki, inanna, Ninurta, Ishkur, Utu, Nuska, and Nisaba, the great gods cooled Enlil's heart with cool water and prayed to him: "Enlil, may the city that destroyed your city be treated as your city has been treated! May the one that defiled your giguna be treated as Nibru! In this city, may heads fill the wells! May no one find his acquaintances there, may brother not recognise brother! May its young woman be cruelly killed in her woman's domain,

    may its old man cry in distress for his slain wife! May its pigeons moan on their window ledges, may its small birds be smitten in their nooks, may it live in constant anxiety like a timid pigeon!"

  • Again, Suen, Enki, inanna, Ninurta, Ishkur, Utu, Nuska and Nisaba, all the gods whosoever,
  • turned their attention to the city, and cursed Agade severely: "City, you pounced on E-kur: it is as if you had pounced on Enlil! Agade, you pounced on E-kur: it is as if you had pounced on Enlil! May your holy walls, to their highest point, resound with mourning! May your giguna be reduced to a pile of dust! May your pilasters with the standing lahama deities fall to the ground like tall young men drunk on wine! May your clay be returned to its abzu, may it be clay cursed by Enki! May your grain be returned to its furrow, may it be grain cursed by Ezina! May your timber be returned to its forest,

    may it be timber cursed by Ninilduma! May the cattle slaughterer slaughter his wife, may your sheep butcher butcher his child! May water wash away your pauper as he is looking for ...! May your prostitute hang herself at the entrance to her brothel! May your pregnant ? priestesses and cult prostitutes abort ? their children! May your gold be bought for the price of silver, may your silver be bought for the price of pyrite ?, and may your copper be bought for the price of lead!" "Agade, may your strong man be deprived of his strength, so that he will be unable to lift his sack of provisions and ...,

    and will not have the joy of controlling your superior asses; may he lie idle all day! May this make the city die of hunger! May your citizens, who used to eat fine food, lie hungry, may your ... man eat the coating on his roof, The leather hinges on the main door of his father's house, may he chew their leather hinges! May depression descend upon your palace, built for joy! May the evils of the desert, the silent place, howl continuously!" "Your uzga precinct, established for purification ceremonies, may foxes that frequent its ruin mounds and brush it with their tails Your gateways, established for the Land,

    May the ukuku, the bird of depression, make its nest in them! In your city that could not sleep because of the tigi drums, that could not rest from its joy, may the bulls of Nanna that fill the pens bellow like those who wander in the desert, the silent place! May the grass grow long on your canal-bank tow-paths, may the grass of mourning grow on your highways laid for waggons!

  • Moreover, on your tow-paths built up with canal sediment,
  • may ... wild rams ? and alert snakes of the mountains allow no one to pass! In your plains where fine grass grows, may the reed of lamentation grow! Agade, may brackish water flow, where fresh water flowed for you! If someone decides, "I will dwell in this city!," may he not enjoy the pleasures of a dwelling place! If someone decides, "I will rest in Agade!," may he not enjoy the pleasures of a resting place!" And before Utu on that very day, so it was! On its canal bank tow-paths, the grass grew long. On its highways laid for waggons, the grass of mourning grew.

  • Moreover, on its tow-paths built up with canal sediment,
  • wild rams ? and alert snakes of the mountains allowed no one to pass. On its plains, where fine grass grew, now the reeds of lamentation grew. Agade's flowing fresh water flowed as brackish water. When someone decided, "I will dwell in that city!," he could not enjoy the pleasures of a dwelling place. When someone decided, "I will rest in Agade!," For the destruction of Agade, Inanna be praised!

    M=segment A


    gesztu2-bi (d)en-ki-ke4 ba-de6 me-lam2 an-ne2 im-us2-bi an-ne2 an-sza3-ga ba-e11 (gesz)dar-kak ku3 im-da-du3-a-bi (d)en-ki-ke4 abzu-a mi-ni-bu

    AI Translation

    Its ears were pierced by Enki. Its aura, the aura of heaven, was pierced by An. Its holy scepter was pierced by Enki.


    Enki took away its wisdom. Its fearsomeness that reaches heaven, An took it up into the midst of heaven. Its well-anchored holy mooring pole, Enki tore it out from the abzu

    M=segment B


    egir-sze3 nig2 na-me nu-sa6-de3 e2 tuk4-e |_uru_xGAR| sag3 di-de3 na-ra-am-(d)suen-e masz2-ge6-ka igi ba-ni-in-du8-a

    AI Translation

    After that, nothing is to be bought, the house will be sold. The city xGAR will raise a claim. Naram-Sîn will see the black-headed people.


    That he would make its future altogether unfavourable; that he would make its temples shake and would scatter its treasures - - Naram-Suen saw that in a nocturnal vision.

    M=segment C


    i3-se3-ga-na szu bala-e-gin7 gu2 gar-ra-ni sag2 mu-na-ab-du11 erin2-na-na zi-ga14 ba-ni-gar a2-tuku kisal mah-a ku4-ku4-gin7 e2-kur-sze3 szu kesz2 ba-szi-ak du10-tuku liru3-sze3 gam-e-gin7 gi-gun4-sze3 3(u) gin2 ba-szi-ak nita lu2-kid2 iri ri-ri e2-sze3 (gesz)kun5 gal-gal ba-szi-lah4 e2-e kur erin-na nu-me-a ha-zi-in(uruda) gal-gal i3-ma-ta-de2 (uruda)aga-silig x a2 min-na-bi-da u3-sa-ar ba-ak ugur2 mah a-esztub dugud-a-gin7 ge2-dim gal-gal-bi kusz3-a bi2-se3-se3 ur2-bi-a ge2-dim ba-gar

    AI Translation

    He sat down with his hands in his hand like a bala-demon, and he spoke to him as follows: "His troops were taken captive." He was seized in the great courtyard like a robber. He was seized in the Ekur. He was seized in the city like a robber. He was seized in the gigun. The man, the lu-kid, was seized in the city like a robber. He was seized in the temple. He was seized in the temple, he was not a mountain of the troops. He was seized in the great agasilig-tool. He was seized in the ...-tool. He was seized in the great ...-tool, like a heavy eshtub-drag, he was seized in the great ...-tool.


    as if he were to change what had been inflicted ? upon him. His subjects were dispersed, so he began a mobilization of his troops. Like a wrestler who is about to enter the great courtyard, he ... his hands towards ? the E-kur. Like an athlete bent to start a contest, he treated the giguna as if it were worth only thirty shekels. Like a robber plundering the city, he set tall ladders against the temple. Though the temple was not a mountain of cedars, he had large axes cast to be used against it. He had double-edged agasilig axes sharpened to be used against it. As if they were for great tracts of land with huge carp-filled waters, he cast large spades. He put spades against its roots.

    M=segment D


    szu kalam-ma-ta sze ba-da-ku5 ka2 silim-ma-bi al-e bi2?-in-szub kur-kur x silim-silim-bi ba-gul

    AI Translation

    From the hand of the land, the barley was cut off, its ... gate fell, its ... gate was destroyed.


    and the Land was deprived of grain. He struck the Gate of Well-Being with the pickaxe and well-being was destroyed in all the foreign lands.

    M=segment E


    [...] u4? im? [...] du [...] ma [...] _du_ [...] im [...] x [...] x

    AI Translation

    M=segment F


    giri17 ba-an-dub-dub sag ba-an-tu-tu giri17 ba-an-dub sag numun-e-esz ba-ab-gar mes mes-a an-ta ba-[...] u3-ri2-in lu2-lul [...] lu2 zi-ra an-ta [...] ma [...] (d)en-lil2-le e2 gal-gal-la-ni esz3 gi tur-tur ba-ra-du3 sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 [...]

    AI Translation

    He smashed the door, he smashed the door, he smashed the door, he smashed the seed, he smashed the seed, he smashed the seed, he smashed the seed, he smashed the seed, he smashed the seed, he smashed the ..., the lu-lul, he smashed the man, he smashed the man, he smashed it, he smashed it, he smashed it, he smashed it, Enlil made his great temple, the shrine of small reeds, he built, from the bottom to the front .


    Noses were punched, heads were smashed ?, noses ? were piled up, heads were sown like seeds. Heroes lay ? dead on top of heroes, the blood of traitors ran ? upon honest men. Enlil rebuilt his great sanctuaries into small reed ? sanctuaries and from the south to the uplands ...

    P469681: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    tur3-ra-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e am-e tur3-ra-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e u3-mu-un kur-kur-ra-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)mu-ul-lil2-le esz3-e nibru(ki)-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e dam-a-ni (d)nin-lil2-le musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)nin-lil2-le e2-bi ki-ur3-ra musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e nin kesz3(ki)-a-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ga-sza-an-mah-e e2-bi kesz3(ki)-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e

    mu-lu i3-si-in(ki)-na-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ga-sza-an-i3-si-in(ki)-na-ke4 esz3 e2-gal-mah-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e nin ki unu(ki)-ga-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ga-sza-an-an-na-ke4 e2-bi ki unu(ki)-ga musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)nanna uri2(ki)-ma musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)suen-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e dam-a-ni ga-sza-an-gal-e musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e

    ga-sza-an-gal-e agrun-ku3-ga-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e am uru2-ze2-ba(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e dam-an-ki-ke4 e2-bi uru2-ze2-ba(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ga-sza-an-x-[...] e2-ba la-ra-ag(ki)-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)szara e2-mah-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)u4-sahar-ra e2-bi umma(ki)-a musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)ba-ba6 uru2-ku3-ga musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e a du11-ga ama5-na musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e

    dumu-a-ni (d)ab-ba-u2 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)ab-ba-u2 ma-gu2-en-na-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)lamma e2 ku3-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)lamma-e e2-tar-sir2-sir2-ra musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e um-ma lagasz(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)ma-ze2-ze2-be2 e2-bi lagasz(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e mu-lu nina(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ga-sza-an gu-la e2-bi sirara3(ki) musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e

    mu-lu ki-nir-sza-ba(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e (d)dumu-zi-abzu e2-bi ki-nir-sza-ba(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e mu-lu gu2-ab-ba(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ga-sza-an-mar-ki-ke4 esz3 gu2-ab-ba(ki)-ke4 musz3 mi-ni-in-ga amasz-a-na lil2-e ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-kam-ma-am3 amasz-a-na lil2-e ba-ni-in-gar i-si-isz-bi mu-un-kusz2-u3 ab2 gu3-zu (e2)tur3-ra nu-mu-un-gal2 tur3 nun nu-ul gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im uru2 a-sze-er gig-ga a-sze-er-zu gar-ra

    a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 uru2 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra uru2 zi gul-la-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3 uri2 zi gul-la-na a-sze-er gig-ga a-sze-er-zu gar-ra a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 uru2 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra uri2(ki) gul-la-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga a-sze-er-zu gig-ga ga-sza-an-zu mu-lu er2-re en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 a-sze-er-zu gig-ga (d)nanna mu-lu er2-re en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 sze-eb uri2(ki)-ma a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra e2-kisz-nu-gal2 a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra

    esz3 agrun-ku3 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra ki-ur3 ki gal a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra esz3 nibru(ki) uru2 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra sze-eb e2-kur-ra a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra ga2-gesz-szu2-a a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra ub-szu-ukken-na a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra sze-eb uru2-ku3-ga a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra e2-tar-sir2-sir2 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra ma-gu2-en-na a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra

    sze-eb i3-si-in(ki)-na a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra esz3 e2-gal-mah a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra sze-eb ki unu(ki)-ga a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra sze-eb uru2-ze2-ba(ki)-ke4 a-sze-er gig-ga-am3 a-sze-er-zu gar-ra a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 ga-sza-an-zu mu-lu er2-re en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 (d)nanna mu-lu er2-re en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 uru2 mu-zu i3-gal2 za-e ba-e-da-gul-e uru2 bad3-zu i3-il2 kalam-zu ba-e-da-til uru2-gu10 u8 zi-gin7 sila4-zu ba-e-da-tar

    uri2(ki) ud5 zi-gin7 masz2-zu ba-e-da-til uru2 garza-zu im-me-de3-kur2-ra me-zu me kur2-ra szu bala ba-ni-ib-ak a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 ga-sza-an-zu mu-lu er2-re en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 a-sze-er-zu gig-ga-am3 (d)nanna mu-lu er2-re en3-sze3 mu-un-kusz2-u3 ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 uru2 zi gul-la-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3 uri2(ki) gul-la-na a-sze-er-bi gig-ga-am3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im nin lu2 e2 hul-a-ta uru2-ni er2-re ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar (d)nanna lu2 kalam ba-an-da-til-la uri2(ki)-e a-nir-ra bar ba-da-an-tab

    munus zi nin uru2(ki)-ni-sze3 kusz2-u3-de3 (d)nin-gal kalam-ma-ni-sze3 u3 nu-ku-ku-de3 e-ne-ra nam uru2-na mu-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nin-ra nam e2-a-na mu-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nam uru2 hul-a-na mu-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nam e2 hul-a-na mu-na-te a-nir gig-ga-bi im-da-ra-da-ga2-ga2 munus-e ad-a-ni balag er2-ra ki al-gar-ra-ba i-lu ma si-ga tur-tur-bi ni2-te-na mi-ni-ib-be2 u4-da ma-al-ma-al-la i-si-isz-bi ma-la2-la2 u4-da na-ag2-bi-sze3 sumur-sumur-a-gu10-ne

    u4-da ma-al-ma-al-la i-si-isz-bi ma-la2-la2 u4-da u4 gig-ga ma-ra-ma-al-ma-al-la me-e u4-bi-sze3 zarah he2-em-szi-ak u4-da a2-bi-sze3 ba-ra-ba-ra-e3-en u4 tur-bi-sze3 bala-gu10 u4 sa6-ga bala-gu10 u4 sa6-ga i-bi2 ba-ra-bi2-in-du8-a ge6-sze3 a-sze-er gig ma-ra-ma-al-ma-al-la me-e ge6-bi-sze3 zarah he2-em-szi-ak ge6 a2-bi ba-ra-ba-ra-e3-en u4 uru2-gin7 gul-lu-ba ni2-bi ha-ma-la2-la2 na-ag2-bi-sze3 ki-nu2 ge6 u3-na-ga2 ki-nu2 ge6 u3-na-ga2 lib ba-ra-an-mar

    u4 tur-bi-sze3 ki-nu2-ga2 mu-usz-la2-a-bi ki-nu2-ga2 gesz-la2-a-bi nu-szi-in-ga-mu-ni-ib-_du_ ka-na-ag2-gu10-ta ni2 szub me-e ba-ra-ba-da-ak ka-na-ag2-gu10 ag2-gig-ga ba-gal2-la-ke4-esz ab2 amar-ra-gin7-nam ki szu he2-em-mi-ib-ak ka-na-ag2-gu10 ni2 szu-a ba-ra-mu-da-ab-gi4 uru2-gu10 du-lum gig ba-gal2-la-ke4-esz muszen an-na-gin7 a2 dub2 he2-em-szi-ak me-e uru2-gu10-sze3 he2-em-szi-dal-dal-en uru2-gu10 ki-gal2-ba he2-en-ga-mu-de3-gul uri2(ki) ki-nu2-bi-a he2-en-ga-mu-de3-til szu u4-da an-ta ba-gal2-la-ke4-esz

    gu3 hu-mu-dub2 edin-na u4 gi4-a me-e he2-em-ma-du11 u4-da gaba-bi ba-ra-mu-da-zi (nu)nunus-gen agrun-ku3 e2 na-ag2-(d)ga-sza-an-na-gu10 bala-ba u4 su3-ra2 na-ma-ni-in-gar-re-esz-am3 er2 a-sze-er-ra ki ha-ma-ab-us2-am3 e2 ki ur5 sa6-ge sag-ge6-ga i3-me-a-ke4-esz ezem-bi-ta ib2-ba su-mu-ug-ga he2-en-ga-mu-da-tab-tab-be2-esz u4 tur-bi-sze3 e2-gu10 ki sa6-ga e2 zi hul-a-gu10 i-bi2 ba-ra-bi2-in-du8-am3 ur5 usz2-a a-sze-er ag2-gig-ga a-sze-er ag2-gig-ga hu-mu-ni-tum2-tum2-mu-usz e2 lu2 zi-de3 ba-ab-gar-ra-gu10

    gi-sig kiri6-gin7 bar-ba he2-bi2-in-dub2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 e2 nam-lugal-la-gu10 e2 zi e2 er2-ra ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar-ra-gu10 lul-e-esz du3-u3-ba zi-de3-esz gul-lu-ba ha-la ba-bi-a ha-ma-ni-in-gar-re-esz-am3 za-lam-gar e2 ki-buru14 bu-ra-gin7 e2 ki-buru14 bu-ra-gin7 tu15 szeg3-ga2 ha-ba-an-gar uri2(ki) ama5 nig2 diri-gu10 e2 uru2 si-ga mu-un-bu-bu-bu amasz (lu2)sipa-da-gin7 ha-ba-bu-bu nig2-gur11 uru2 gal2-gal2-la-gu10 sug-ge hu-mu-da-ab-gu7 ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 uri2(ki) er2-re ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar

    u4-ba u4 ne-en ba-sag3-sag3-ga-ba nin-da uru2-ni ba-an-da-gul-la-ba u4-ba u4 ne-en ba-dim2-dim2-ma-ba uru2-gu10 gul-gul-da im-me-ne-esz-a-ba uri2(ki) gul-gul-da im-me-ne-esz-a-ba ug3-bi ug5-ge-de3 a2 mu-un-ag2-esz-a-ba u4-ba me-e uru2-gu10-sze3 ga2-la ba-ra-ba-ra-dag ka-na-ag2-gu10-ta ni2 szub me ba-ra-ba-da-ak an-ra a i-bi2-ga2 me-e he2-em-ma-na-de2 (d)mu-ul-lil2-ra ni2-gu10 sza3-ne-sza4 he2-em-ma-na-ak uru2-gu10 nam-ba-gul-lu he2-em-me-ne-du11 uri2(ki) nam-ba-gul-lu he2-em-me-ne-du11

    ug3-bi nam-ba-til-le he2-em-me-ne-du11 an-ne2 e-ne-eg3-bi ba-ra-mu-un-gur (d)mu-ul-lil2-le i3-sa6 he2-am3-bi sza3-gu10 ba-ra-bi2-in-sze17

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 pu-uh2-rum ki sag-ki ba-da-ab-gal2-la
  • (d)a-nun-na e-ne-eg3 zu2 kesz2-da-bi ba-da-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz-a ur2 he2-em-ma-su3-su3 a2 he2-em-ma-la2-la2 an-ra a i-bi2-ga2 me-e he2-em-ma-na-du11 (d)mu-ul-lil2-ra ni2-gu10 sza3-ne-sza4 he2-em-ma-ak uru2-gu10 nam-ba-gul-lu he2-em-me-ne-du11 uri2(ki) nam-ba-gul-lu he2-em-me-ne-du11 ug3-bi nam-ba-til-le he2-em-me-ne-du11 an-ne2 e-ne-eg3-bi ba-ra-mu-un-gur (d)mu-ul-lil2-le i3-sa6 he2-am3-bi sza3-gu10 ba-ra-bi2-in-sze17 uru2-gu10 gul-gul-lu-ba a2-bi he2-em-ma-an-ag2-esz

    ug3-bi ug5-ge-de3 na-ag2-bi ha-ba-an-tar-re-esz me-e nig2-du11-gu10 mu-ne-szum2-ma-gin7 me-e uru2-gu10-da he2-en-ga-mu-un-da-la2-esz uri2(ki)-gu10 ma-da he2-en-ga-mu-da-la2-e-esz an-ne2 du11-ga-ni hur nu-kur2-ru-dam (d)mu-ul-lil2-le ka-ta e3-a-ni szu nu-bala-e-de3 ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma-am3 uru2-ni ba-an-da-gul-la me-ni ba-an-da-kur2-ra gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im (d)en-lil2-le u4-de3 gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4 he2-gal2-la kalam-da ba-da-an-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4

    u4 hul-gal2-e a2 ba-da-an-ag2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 kin-gal-u4-da u4-da gub-ba szu-na im-ma-an-szum2 u4 kalam til-til-e gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 im-hul-im-hul-e gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 (d)en-lil2-le (d)gibil a2-tah-a-ni mu-na-ni-in-ku4-re u4 gal an-na-ke4 gu3 ba-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4 gal-e an-ta gu3 im-me ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4 kalam til-til-e ki-a mur im-sza4 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 im-hul-e a mah e3-a-gin7 gu2-bi nu-ga2-ga2 (gesz)tukul uru2-ke4 sag gaz i3-ak-e tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e

    an-na ur2-ba kana6? mu-un-nigin2-nigin2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4-da igi-ba izi mu-un-bar7-bar7-e ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4 mer-mer-da izi-ge6-edin-na bar ba-da-an-tab an-bar7 bar-szeg3 il2-il2-la-gin7 izi im-ma-an-bar7-bar7 an-bar7-gan2 u4 zalag e3-a u4 du10-da ba-da-an-tab kalam-ma u4 zalag-ga la-ba-an-e3 mul an-usanx(_dur_)-gin7 ba-zal ge6 giri17-zal a2 sze4 gar-ra-ba (tu15)u18-lu ba-da-an-tab szika bar7-bar7-re-da sahar im-da-tab-tab ug3-e sze am3-sza4 sag-ge6-ga tu15-tu15 ba-an-dal ug3-e sze am3-sza4

    ki-en-gi gesz-bur2-ra i3-bala-e ug3-e sze am3-sza4 kalam-e sag e2-gar8(_sig4_) du3 i3-ak-e tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e u4 gig er2-re nam nu-tar-re ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4 szu ur4-ur4-re kalam i3-ur3-ur3-re u4 a-ma-ru-gin7 uru2 i3-gul-gul-e u4 kalam til-til-e uru2-a me bi2-ib-gar u4 nig2 u2-gu de2-de2 hul-gal2-esz ba-e-_du_ u4 izi-gin7 bar7-a ug3-e szu bi2-ib-gar u4 hul gig du11-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 u4 kalam-ta be4-be4 uri2(ki)-ma tug2-gin7 ba-e-dul gada-gin7 ba-e-bur2 ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im u4-ba u4 uru2-da ba-da-an-gar uru2-bi du6-du6-da a-a (d)nanna uru2-ni du6-du6-da ba-da-an-gar ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4-ba u4 kalam-ta ba-da-an-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4 u4 du10 ki-en-gi-da ba-da-an-kar ug3-e sze am3-sza4 ug3-bi szika ku5-da nu-me-a bar-ba ba-e-si bad3-bi gu2-giri3 im-ma-an-gar-gar ug3-e sze am3-sza4 abul mah giri3 gal2-la-ba ad6 im-ma-an-gar-gar sila dagal ezem-ma du3-a-ba sag bala-e-esz ba-ab-gar e-sir2-e-sir2 giri3 gal2-la-ba ad6 im-ma-an-gar-gar

    eszemen kalam-ma gal2-la-ba ug3 zar-re-esz ba-an-du8 u3-mun kalam-ma-ke4 uruda nagga-gin7 sur3-sur3 ba-ni-in-de6-esz ad6-bi (uzu)i3-udu u4-de3 gal2-la-gin7 ni2-bi-a mu-un-zal-esz lu2 (uruda)ha-zi-in-e im-til-la-gin7 sag tug2 la-ba-ab-dul-esz masz-da3 gesz-bur2-ra dab5-ba-gin7 ka sahar-ra bi2-in-us2 lu2 gesz-gid2-da mu-un-ra-bi nig2-la2 ba-ra-bi2-in-la2-esz i-gi4-in-zu ki ha-ri-isz-ta ama-ba-ka usz2-bi-a mu-un-nu2-esz lu2 (gesz)mitumx(|_ka-an_|)-e im-til-la-gin7 tug2 gibil ba-ra-bi2-in-la2-esz

    lu2 kurun nag-a nu-me-esz-a gu3 za3-ga bi2-in-gal2-esz (gesz)tukul-e gub-ba (gesz)tukul-e in-gaz ug3-e sze am3-sza4 lu2-kar-ra-bi u4 im-ma-du-bu-ul ug3-e sze am3-sza4 uri2(ki)-ma si-ga kal-ga-bi sza3-gar-ra im-til um-ma ab-ba e2-ta nu-e3 izi mu-ni-in-se3-se3-ge5-esz di4-di4-la2 ur2 ama-ba-ka nu2-a ku6-gin7 a ba-an-de6 |_um-me_|(da) |_szu-kal_| kal-ga-bi |_szu-kal_| ba-an-da-du8 dim2-ma kalam-ma u2-gu im-ta-an-de2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 |_ga2_xGAR| kalam-ma sug-ge4 ba-ab-gu7 ug3-e sze am3-sza4

    ama dumu-ni igi-ni ba-ra-e3 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 ad-da dumu-ni-ta ba-da-an-kur2 ug3-e sze am3-sza4 uru2-a dam ba-szub dumu ba-szub nig2-gur11 ba-bir-bir-re sag-ge6 ki-sag-gal2-la-ba im-me-de3-re7-esz nin-bi muszen ni2 te-a-gin7 uru2-ni ba-ra-e3 nin-gal-e muszen ni2 te-a-gin7 uru2-ni ba-ra-e3 nig2-gur11 kalam-ma gar-gar-ra-ba szu pe-el-la2 ba-ab-du11 ama5 kalam-ma szar2-szar2-ra-ba izi im-ma-an-bar7-bar7 a-nigin2-ba (d)gibil lu2 sikil-la kin mu-un-tuku-tuku

    e2 zi-ba (uruda)ha-zi-in gal-gal-e tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e szimaszki(ki) elam(ki) lu2 ha-lam-ma 3(u) gin2 ba-an-ak-e-esz e2 zi (gesz)al-a mi-ni-ib-bala-e-ne uru2 du6-du6-dam mu-un-ga2-ga2-ne nin-bi a uru2-gu10 im-me a e2-gu10 im-me (d)nin-gal-e a uru2-gu10 im-me a e2-gu10 im-me lu2 nu-nus-e u3 uru2-gu10 mu-da-gul u3 e2-gu10 mu-da-gul (d)nanna esz3 uri2(ki) mu-da-gul mu-lu-bi ba-ug5-ga-esz ki-ru-gu2 6(disz)-kam-ma-am3 tur3-ra-na amasz-a-na nu-nus-e inim gig mu-ni-ib-be2 uru2 u4-de3 am3-gul-e gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

    ama (d)nin-gal uru2-ni lu2-erim2-gin7 bar-ta ba-da-gub lu2 nu-nus-e er2 e2 hul-a-na gig-ga-bi im-me egir3-re esz3 uri2(ki) hul-a-na gig-ga-bi im-me an-ne2 uru2-gu10 na-ag2 ha-ba-da-an-ku5 uru2-gu10 hu-mu-da-gul (d)mu-ul-lil2-le e2-gu10 szu he2-bi2-in-bala (gesz)al-e ha-ba-ra sig-ta di-ga2 izi ha-ba-ni-in-szub a uru2-gu10 hu-mu-da-gul (d)mu-ul-lil2-e i-bi2 nim-ta di-ga2 u3-bu-bu-ul ha-ba-ni-in-szub uru2 bar-ra uru2 bar hu-mu-da-an-gul a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11

    uru2 sza3-ba uru2 sza3-ab hu-mu-da-an-gul a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11 e2 uru2 bar-ra-gu10 ha-ba-gul-gul a e2-gu10 ga-am3-du11 e2 uru2 sza3-ba-gu10 ha-ba-gul-gul a e2-gu10 ga-am3-du11 uru2-gu10 u8 zi-gin7 ba-ra-ma-lu sipa zi-bi ba-ra-gen uri2(ki) u8 zi-gin7 ba-ra-ma-lu kab-bar-bi ba-ra-gen gu4-gu10 tur3-bi-a ba-ra-mu-un-szub mu-lu-bi ba-ra-gen e-ze2-gu10 amasz-bi-a ba-ra-mu-un-szub na-gada-bi ba-ra-gen i7 uru2-ga2-ke4 sahar ha-ba-nigin2 e2 ka5-a ha-ba-an-du3 sza3-ba a zal-le ba-ra-mu-un-de6 mu-un-ku5-bi ba-ra-gen

    gan2 uru2-ga2-ke4 sze ba-ra-ma-al mu-un-gar3-bi ba-ra-gen gan2-gu10 gan2 (gesz)al-e ri-a-gin7 mul-gan2 bil2 ha-ba-mu2 pu2-kiri6 lal3 gurun diri-gu10 (gesz)(u2)kiszi17 kur-ra ha-ba-mu2 edin giri17-zal-bi du3-du3-a-gu10 gir4-gin7 ha-ba-hur-hur mu-un-gur11-gu10 buru4(muszen)-dugud zi-ga-gin7 dal-dal-bi ha-ba-ab-in-zi mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11 mu-un-gur11-gu10 sig-ta di-ga2 sig-sze3 ha-ba-ab-ir mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11

    mu-un-gur11-gu10 i-bi2 nim-ta di-ga2 i-bi2 nim-sze3 ha-ba-ab-ir mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11 ku3 za (na4)za-gin3-gu10 hu-mu-da-an-bir-bir-re mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11 gil-sa-gu10 sug-ge4 hu-mu-da-ab-gu7 mu-un-gur11-gu10 ga-am3-du11 ku3-gu10 lu2 ku3 nu-zu-u3-ne szu-bi ha-ba-da-ab-si za-gu10 lu2 za nu-zu-u3-ne gu2-bi ha-ba-da-ab-si buru5(muszen) muszen-gu10 hu-mu-dal-dal a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11 gi4-in du5-mu-gu10 ma2-e ha-ba-ab-lah4-e-esz a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11

    me-li-e-a gi4-in-gu10 uru2 kur2-ra szu-sze-er kur2 ha-ba-an-dab5 szul-gu10 edin ki nu-zu-na tug2-mu-un-dur7 ha-ba-an-ak me-li-e-a uru2-gu10 nu-me-a me-e ga-sza-an-bi nu-gen (d)nanna uri2(ki) nu-me-a me-e lu2-bi nu-gen ar2-mur-ra e2-gu10 ha-ba-du3-a uru2-gu10 ha-ba-gul-la nu-nus zi-gen uru2-gu10-ta uru2 kur2 ha-ba-ra-du3-du3-a ar2-mur-ra uru2-gu10 ha-ba-du3-a e2-gu10 ha-ba-gul-la ga-sza-an-gal-gen uru2-gu10-ta e2 kur2 ha-ba-ra-du3-du3-a me-li-e-a uru2 mu-da-gul u3 e2-gu10 mu-da-gul

    (d)nanna esz3 uri2(ki) mu-da-gul mu-lu-bi ba-ug5-ga-esz me-li-e-a me-a tusz-u3-de3 me-a gub-bu-de3 me-li-e-a uru2-gu10-ta e2 kur2 ma-ra-an-du3-u3-de3 nu-nus zi-gen e2-gu10-ta uru2 kur2 ma-ra-an-ga2-ga2-de3 ki-bi-ta edin-ta bad-ra2-a-bi a mu-lu-gu10 ga-am3-du11 uru2-gu10 uri2(ki)-ta bad-ra2-a-bi a uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11 lu2 siki-ni |_zi&zi-lagab_|-bur-gin7 szu mu-ni-in-dub2-dub2 gaba-ni ub3 ku3-ga-am3 i3-sag3-ge a uru2-gu10 im-me igi-ni er2-ra mi-ni-ib-zi-zi-i-zi er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8

    me-li-e-a uru2-gu10 nu-me-a me-e ga-sza-an-bi nu-gen (d)nanna esz3 uri2(ki) nu-me-a me-e mu-lu-bi nu-gen me-li-e-a (e2)tur3 bu-ra-gen ab2 sag2 du11-ga-gen (d)ga-sza-an-gal-gen na-gada pe-el-la2-gin7 (gesz)tukul ganam4-ma bi2-in-szub me-li-e-a uru2-ta e3-a-gen ni2 nu-dub2-bu-gen (d)ga-sza-an-gal-gen e2-ta e3-a-gen ki-tusz nu-pa3-de3-gen i-gi4-in-zu gir5 uru2 kur2-ra sag il2 tusz-a-gen e2 ur5-ur5-ra ag2-gig-ga-am3 sag-a tusz ma-ab-us2-e e2 ur5-ra mu-lu tusz-bi tusz-tusz-a gu3 e-ne-eg3 nu-diri-gen

    ki-ba nam uru2-na mu-un-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nin-ra nam e2-a-na mu-un-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nam e2 hul-a-na mu-un-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nam uru2 hul-a-na mu-un-na-te er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 me-li-e-a na-ag2 uru2-gu10 ga-am3-du11 na-ag2 uru2-gu10 gig-ga-am3 nin-gen e2 gul-la-gu10 ga-am3-du11 na-ag2 e2-gu10 gig-ga-am3 sze-eb uri2(ki)-ma a du11-ga-am3 a bi2-gi4-a-gu10 e2 zi-gu10 uru2-gu10 du6-du6-da ba-mar-re-en-na-gu10 bur2-ra e2 zi gul-la-za-ka ba-e3-de3-nu2-u3-nam

    gu4 szub-ba-gin7 in-gar-zu-ta ba-ra-mu-e-da-zi-ga me-li-e-a du3-a-zu lul-la-am3 gul-la-zu gig-ga-am3 (nu)nunus-gen esz3 uri2(ki) nidba-bi i3-ba-kur2-ra-am3 agrun-ku3 e2 gibil-gibil-la-gu10 la-la-bi nu-gi4-a-gu10 uru2-gu10 du3-a la-ba-mar-ra-gu10 ta-a-asz hul-a-gu10 ba-gul in-ga-ba-hul-a-gu10 ta-a-asz hul-a-gu10 a-da-al u4 hul gig du11-ga a2-bi la-ba-ra-e3 uri2(ki)-ma e2 (d)suen-na-gu10 gul-la-bi gig-ga-am3 ki-ru-gu2 7(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a uru2-gu10 a e2-gu10 gesz-gi-gal2-bi-im

    nin sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un za-e a-gin7 i3-ti-le-en (d)nin-gal sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un za-e a-gin7 i3-ti-le-en munus zi lu2 uru2 ba-e-da-gul-la i3-ne-esz2-gin7 i3-e-am3-mu2 (d)nin-gal lu2 kalam ba-e-da-til-la sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un u4 uru2-zu im-ma-gul-la-ba i3-ne-esz2-gin7 i3-e-am3-mu2 u4 e2-zu im-ma-gul-la-ba sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un uru2-zu uru2 kur2-ra ba-ab-gar i3-ne-esz2-gin7 i3-e-am3-mu2 e2-zu er2-re ba-an-di-ni-ib-gar sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un uru2 du6-du6-da ba-gar-ra-zu muszen-bi nu-gen

    e2 zi (gesz)al-e ba-gar-ra-za tusz-bi-sze3 la-ba-tusz-en ug3 ki-lul-la ba-ab-re7-a-za nin-bi-sze3 la-ba-ku4-re-en er2-zu er2 kur2-ra ba-ab-gar ka-na-ag2-zu nu-sze8-sze8 er2-sza3-ne-sza4 nu-tuku-am3 kur-kur im-ma-an-tusz kalam-zu nig2 _ka_ diri-gin7 gu3 szu ba-ni-ib-dab5 uru2-zu du6-du6-da im-ma-an-gar i3-ne-esz2-gin7 i3-e-am3-mu2 e2-zu sza3-su3-ga ba-an-du3 sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un uri2(ki) esz3 lil2-e im-ma-an-gar i3-ne-esz2-gin7 i3-e-am3-mu2 gudu4-bi hi-li-a ba-ra-mu-un-gen sza3-zu a-gin7 du3-mu-un

    en-bi ge6-par3-ra ba-ra-mu-un-til i3-ne-esz2-gin7 i3-e-am3-mu2 ud5-ga lu2 szu-luh-e ki ag2-e szu-luh nu-mu-ra-an-ga2-ga2 a-a (d)nanna iszib-zu szita ku3-ga szu nu-mu-ra-ni-in-du7 lu2-mah-zu gi-gun4-na ku3-zu sza3 gada la-ba-an-la2 en zi sza3 hi-li-a pa3-da-zu e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-am3 esz3?-da ge6-par3-sze3 hul2-la-na nu-mu-ni-in-dib-dib-be2 a-u3-a e2 ezem-ma-za ezem nu-mu-ni-in-du10-ge-esz szem3 (kusz)a2-la2-e nig2 sza3 hul2-le-da tigi-a nu-mu-ra-an-du12-usz ug3 sag-ge6-ga ezem-zu-sze3 a la-ba-an-tu5-tu5-ne

    gu-gin7 mu-dur7-ra nam ha-ba-ni-in-tar |_sig7-alan_|-bi ha-ba-an-kur2 en3-du-zu er2-ra ba-e-da-an-ku4 en3-tukum-sze3 mu2 tigi-zu a-nir-ra ba-e-da-an-ku4 en3-tukum-sze3 mu2 gu4-zu tur3-bi-a ba-ra-mu-un-de6 i3-bi nu-mu-ra-ak-e udu-zu amasz-bi-a ba-ra-mu-un-dur2-ru ga-bi nu-mu-ra-dulu(|_szu-bu_|)-e i3 gur3-ru-zu tur3-ta nu-mu-ra-de6 en3-tukum-sze3 mu2 ga gur3-ru-zu amasz-ta nu-mu-ra-de6 en3-tukum-sze3 mu2 szu-pesz ku6 gur3-ru-zu hul-gal2-e ba-an-dab5 en3-tukum-sze3 mu2 muszen-du3 muszen gur3-ru-zu gir2-gir2-re im-_du_

    i7 ma2-gur8-ra ba-ab-du7-a-zu sza3-ba teme(sar) ba-mu2 har-ra-an (gesz)gigir-ra ba-ab-gar-ra-za (gesz)(u2)kiszi17 kur-ra ba-mu2 nin-gu10 uru2-zu ama-bi-gin7-nam er2 mu-e-szi-sze8-sze8 uri2(ki)-ma dumu sila ha-lam-ma-gin7 ki mu-e-szi-kin-kin e2-zu lu2 nig2 u2-gu de2-a-gin7 szu mu-e-szi-sza-an-sza sig4 e2 zi-da-zu lu2-ulu3-gin7 me-a-zu im-me nin-gu10 e2-ta e3-a he2-me-en uru2-ta ba-ra-e3-me-en en3-sze3-am3 uru2-za lu2-erim2-gin7 bar-ta ba-e-da-gub ama (d)nin-gal uru2-zu lu2-erim2-gin7 gaba-za ba-e-de3-sa2

    nin uru2-ni ki ag2 he2-me-en-na amasz-zu-ta ba-e-ni-tag kalam-ma-ni-sze3 kusz2-u3 he2-me-en-na za-e izi-ba mu-un-tag ama (d)nin-gal gu4-gin7 tur3-zu-sze3 udu-gin7 amasz-zu-sze3 gu4-gin7 tur3 u4-bi-ta-sze3 udu-gin7 amasz-zu-sze3 dumu banda3(da)-gin7 ama5-zu-sze3 nin-gu10 e2-zu-sze3 an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 musz3-am3-zu he2-em-me (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 nam-zu he2-eb-tar-re uru2-zu ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 nam-nin-bi ak-a nibru(ki) ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 nam-nin-bi ak-a

    uri2(ki) ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 nam-nin-bi ak-a i3-si-in(ki) ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 nam-nin-bi ak-a ki-ru-gu2 8(disz)-kam-ma-am3 me-gu10 mu-da-kur2-ra-am3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im e u4-de3 u4-de3 kalam tesz2-a mi-ni-ib-ra u4 gal an-na-ke4 u4 gu3 dub2-dub2-be2 u4 gig-ga kalam-ma ba-e-zal-la re u4 uru2 gul-gul-e u4 e2 gul-gul-e u4 tur3 gul-gul-e u4 amasz tab-tab-be2 garza ku3-ga szu bi2-ib2-la2-a re |_ga2_xGAR| nig2 aratta(ki)-ka szu pe-el-la2 im-mi-ib-du11-ga re u4 kalam-ma nig2 du10 im-mi-ib-ku5-da re

    u4 sag-ge6-ga a2 bi2-ib-la2-a re ki-ru-gu2 9(disz)-kam-ma-am3 u4 re u4 igi-ba tesz2 nu-gal2-la re gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im u4 ama nu-zu re u4 a-a nu-zu re u4 dam nu-zu re u4 dumu nu-zu re u4 nin9 nu-zu re u4 szesz nu-zu re u4 uszur nu-zu re u4 ma-la nu-zu re u4 dam im-szub-ba u4 dumu im-szub-ba re u4-de3 u4 kalam-ma u2-gu bi2-ib-de2-a re u4 hul gig du11-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ta im-mi-in-zal-la re a-a (d)nanna u4-bi uru2-zu-ta ki nam-ba-ga2-ga2 ug3 sag-ge6-zu igi-zu nam-bi2-ib-du8

    u4-bi im an-ta szeg3-ge26-gin7 ki-tusz-bi nam-ba-gur-ru nig2-zi-gal2 an ki sag-ge6 im-ma-an-dub2-ba re u4-ba du3-a-bi he2-em-ma-gul-lu abul ge6 u3-na-gin7 (gesz)ig he2-bi2-in-kesz2-da u4-ba szudum-ma na-an-ni-ga2-ga2 nig2-ka9-bi e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ta (gesz)gag-ta he2-em-ta-si-ig ki-ru-gu2 1(u)-kam-ma-am3 u4 ul u4 kur2-ra u4-da egir-bi-sze3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im u4 ul kalam ki gar-ra-sze3 (d)nanna lu2 sun5-na giri3-zu mu-un-dab5-be2 er2 e2 si-ga-bi mu-ra-an-de6 igi-zu-sze3 du12-a-bi

    sag-ge6 ba-ra-szub-bu-usz-a-bi giri17 szu ha-ra-ab-tag-ge-ne uru2 du6-du6-da ba-an-gar-ra-za i-si-isz hu-mu-ra-an-ga2-ga2 (d)nanna uru2(ki) ki-bi gi4-a-za pa e3 ha-ra-ab-ak-e mul-an ku3-gin7 nam-mu-un-ha-lam-e igi-zu he2-bi2-ib-dab5-be2 dingir lu2-u18-lu-ke4 kadra mu-ra-an-de6 lu2 siskur2-ra-ke4 a-ra-zu mu-ra-ab-be2 (d)nanna |_e2_xSAL| kalam-ma-me-en en (d)dili(im2)-babbar sza3-zu im-mi-ib-du11-ga re (d)nanna lu2-ulu3-bi nam-tag-ga-ni u3-mu-e-du8 lu2 a-ra-zu im-me-a-bi sza3 ha-ba-na-hug-e

    dingir lu2-ba-ke4 kadra mu-ra-an-de6 lu2 siskur2-ra mu-un-gub-ba-bi-ir igi zi mu-un-szi-in-bar (d)nanna igi du8-a bar-ra-zu sza3 szu nigin su3-ga-am3 lu2-ulu3-bi u4 hul du3-a-ba he2-em-ma-an-szi-ku3-ge sza3 kalam-ma gal2-la-zu he2-em-ma-an-szi-ku3-ge (d)nanna uru2 ki-bi gi4-a-za me-tesz2 he2-i-i ki-ru-gu2 1(u) 1(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    AI Translation

    The pigeons of his stall are circling around, and his sheepfold is ruined. The wild bull of his stall is circling around, and his sheepfold is ruined. The lord of the lands is circling around, and his sheepfold is ruined. Enlil is in the shrine Nippur, and his sheepfold is ruined. His wife Ninlil is in the shrine, and his sheepfold is ruined. Ninlil is in the temple, the Kiur, and its sheepfold is ruined. The lady of Kesh is in the shrine, and her sheepfold is ruined. Gashanmah is in the temple, and Kesh is in the shrine, and his sheepfold is ruined.

    The man of Isin, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy. In Shanisin, the shrine Egalmah, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy. The lady of Uruk, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy. In Shanianna, the temple which was built in Uruk, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy. Nanna of Ur, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy. Sin, the Ekishnugal, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy. His wife, Shanigal, the wind which blew, his sheepfold he shall destroy.

    The ... of the Agrunkug temple, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The wild bull of Urukeba, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. Damanki, the temple of Urukeba, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The ... of the temple of Larag, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. Shara, the Emah, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The sahar temple of Umma, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. Baba, the temple of Kug, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The water of his mother, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined.

    his son Abba'u, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. Abba'u, the gu-ena-house, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The lamma-clay of the pure house, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The lamma-clay of the Etarsirsir temple, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The 'master' of Lagash, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The 'master' of Lagash, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The man of Nineveh, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The great lady of the temple of Sirara, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined.

    The man of Kinirshaba, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. Dumuzi-abzu, the house of Kinirshaba, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The man of Gunirshabba, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. Gashanmarki, the shrine of Gunirshabba, the wind blew, and his sheepfold was ruined. The 1st kirugu, the sheepfold was ruined. Its i.e., the cows, the cows, the cows, the cows, the princes, the gishgigal, the city, the bitter bitter sighing sigh

    "Your bitter ear is in the city, your bitter ear is in Ur." "The true city, destroyed, your bitter ear is in Ur." "Your bitter ear is in Ur." "Your bitter ear is in Ur." "Your bitter ear is in Ur." "Your bitter ear is in ..., your bitter ear is in ..., your bitter ear is in Nanna." "The sand dunes of Ur are bitter ear is in ..., your bitter ear is in Ekishnugal." "Your bitter ear is in ..., your bitter ear is in ...,

    The shrine Agrunku, the bitter cold, your cold is here. Ki'ur, the great place, the bitter cold is here. The shrine Nippur, the city, the bitter cold is here. The censer of the Ekur, the bitter cold is here. The gishshua, the bitter cold is here. The Ubshukken, the bitter cold is here. The censer of the Kug, the bitter cold is here. The E-tarsirsir, the bitter cold is here. Magen, the bitter cold is here. Your ze-er

    The barley of Isin is bitter, your bitterness is established. The shrine Egalmah is bitter, your bitterness is established. The barley of Uruk is bitter, your bitterness is established. The barley of Uruk is bitter, your bitterness is established. Your bitterness is bitter, your bitterness is bitter. Your savannah-priest, who cried out, who cried out, who cried out, who cried out, Nanna, who cried out, your bitterness is bitter. Your city is destroyed, your wall is destroyed, your land is destroyed. My city, like a ewe, your lamb is destroyed.

    Ur, like a savage goat, has been deprived of your income. Your city has been changed into a place of cult centers. Your divine powers have been altered in a new way. Your snare is bitter, your snare is bitter, your snare is bitter, Nanna is bitter, you snare is bitter, you snare is bitter. 2nd kirugu. His true city has been destroyed, his snare is bitter. Ur has been destroyed, his snare is bitter. Its geshgigal. Lady, the man who had ruined a house, has been snared to her city. Nanna, the man who had ruled the land, has been swept away from Ur.

    The true woman, the lady of her city, is clad in a robe, and Ningal is not clad in her country. Now, he is deciding the fate of her city, and he is crying bitter tears. The lady is deciding the fate of her house, and he is crying bitter tears. The fate of her destroyed city, and he is crying bitter tears. The fate of her destroyed house, and he is crying bitter tears. The woman, his father, the harp song of a raging storm, the place where he was sung, the gods, the small gods, he has sung. On the day when he is singing, he is singing, and on the day when he is singing, my sumur-sumur-flour-

    The storm is a storm, its horns are a storm. The storm is a storm, it is a storm. May it be a storm, it will be a rahhu-demon. May it be a storm, it will be a rahhu-demon. May it be a storm, it will be a rahhu-demon. May it be a small storm, it will be my bala. May it be my bala. May it be my bala. May it be a good storm. May it be a rahhu-demon. May it be a night, it will be a night, it will be a rahu-demon. May it be a storm, it will be a storm, it will be a storm. May it be a storm that destroys the city. May it be a storm that destroys the city. May it be a sag-gloomy night. May it be a sag-gloomy night.

    In the future, when the king's dwelling will be reconstructed, that dwelling will not be rebuilt. My fate will be decided by fear. My fate will be decided by anger. Like a calf, he will be seized by hand. My fate will be decided by fear. My city will be a bitter storm. Like a bird of heaven, he will be seized by hand. My city will be destroyed by fear. Ur will be destroyed by its dwelling. The hand of the day will be extended to the sky.

    he spoke to me, saying: "Let me speak to the plain, and let me be sated with the sun." "On that day, I shall not be sated with the breasts." "My young woman, the Agrunku, my house of Nag-gashana, in a reign of distant days shall be placed. May she be sated with the tears of the place where she is to be sated." "The house, where the good things are to be sated, may she be sated with the tears of the night." "In the future, my house, the good things, my house, shall be destroyed. May she be sated with the tears of the sick, the tears of the sick, the tears of the sick. My house, the one who has been sated by a true man,

    I made the reeds of the orchards grow like a reed tree. In the Ekishnugal, my kingly house, the true house, the house which a curse has placed, my good house, its ruins have been destroyed, its ruin heaps have been piled up. I have placed zalam-silver in the house like a ripe apple, the house like a ripe apple, and the rain have been poured out. Ur, my heavy mother, has surrounded the house like a ripe apple, and the sheepfold of the shepherd has surrounded it like a ripe apple. My property of the city has been piled up. 3rd kirugu Urim has surrounded it like a ripe apple.

    When the day was destroyed, when the day was destroyed, when the lady destroyed her city When the day was rebuilt, when my city was destroyed When Urim was destroyed When its people were gathered together to mourn, When I was to be thrown into the city When I was to be thrown into the city When I was to be thrown into the water of heaven When I was to be thrown into the water of heaven When I was to be thrown into the water of heaven When I was to be thrown into the water of Enlil When I was to say "My city was destroyed" When I said "Urim was destroyed"

    They say to the people: "Let them be left alone!" An says: "Let them be left alone!" Mullil says: "Let them be good!" My heart is not there.

  • for the 2nd time Puhrum, with the head firmly firmly in place,
  • The Anuna did not listen to the prayers of their supplications. They sat on the ground and prayed to An. They sat on the arms of An. They sat on the feet of An. They sat on the feet of Enlil. My heart was swollen by Enlil. My city was destroyed. They sat on the feet of Ur. They sat on the feet of its people. They sat on the feet of An. They sat on the feet of Enlil. They sat on the feet of Enlil. They sat on the feet of Enlil. They sat on the feet of Enlil.

    The people shall be slighted by their fate. I, like a slanderer, shall be slighted by my words. May my city be slighted by my words. May my Ur be slighted by his words. An will not change his pronouncements, Enlil will not change his mouth. The 4th kirugu: "My city has been destroyed, my name has been changed." Its geshgigal: Enlil has been speaking to the storm, the people will be slighted. The storm will bring abundance to the land, the people will be slighted.

    The evil storm was uttered, the people groan. The chief messenger gave him a hand. The storm that had come to an end, the people groan. The storm that had come to an end, the people groan. Enlil commanded Gibil to enter his presence. The great storm of heaven came to an end, the people groan. The great storm above came to an end, the people groan. The storm that had come to an end, the earth groan. The people groan. Like a great flood, it had not been able to stand up, the weapon of the city smashed its head, it ate its ribs.

    The sky grew like a mountain. It grew like a canal. The people groan. The storm grew like a fire. The people groan. The storm grew like a ... fire. At dawn, like a rainstorm, it grew like a fire. At dawn, the bright day came out. The bright day did not come out. The Land did not come out. Like a star, it grew like a moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon. It grew like a ... moon.

    Sumer was thrown into a gishbur-demon, the people groan. The Land sat down in the brickwork, its rites were ruined. The angry storm, which has no fate, groaned the people. The storm, which has smashed the land, has destroyed the city. The storm like a flood destroyed the Land. The storm that has ravaged the Land, has destroyed the city. The storm that has smashed the land, has destroyed the land. The storm that has smashed the land like fire, has destroyed the people. The storm that has smashed the land, has smashed the land like a garment. Like a turban, it has smashed the city like a turban. The 5th kirugu

    Its geshgigal "Its gishgigal" The storm swept over the city, the storm swept over the city, father Nanna swept over the city, the storm swept over the people. The storm swept over the country, the people swept over the barley. The storm that was good in Sumer swept over the people, the people swept over the barley. The people, who were not suckling in their suckling arms, sat on their dais. The wall was swept over the footstool, the people swept over the barley. The great city wall was swept over its feet. The wide street, the festival of the festival, was swept over its head. The esir was swept over its feet, the people swept over the land.

    The eshemen of the land were smashed, the people were smashed. The salt of the land was poured out like a potter's kiln. Its adolescent sheep were smeared like a storm. The hazin-demons were finished, the head garment was not finished. The suckling goats of the geshbur were smeared like a suckling goat. The suckling goats were smashed with a shard. The suckling pigs were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge. The suckling goats were smashed with a sledge.

    The one who did not drink water, sounded his horns, he sounded the weapon, he sounded the weapon, the people groan. The lukur priestess screamed, the people groan. Ur, its strong lord, sat down in the midst of the midst of the midst of the womb. The elders of the fathers did not leave the house, they poured fire. The slanderers of the mother's nest, like fish, poured water. The mighty ones groaned, and screamed. The people groan. The ... of the land sank, and the people groan.

    The mother of her child did not look at her, the people groan. The father of her child did not change, the people groan. The city was abandoned, the wife was abandoned, the child was abandoned. Property was scattered in the midst of the cult centers. Its mistress was like a bird, she was leaving her city. The great lady was like a bird, she was leaving her city. The property of the country was seized, it was seized. The mother of the country was thrown into fire, it was seized by the midst of Gibil, the pure man, he was seized.

    The true house with large hazin stones weighed out its rations. Shimashki and Elam were the people who had sinned for 30 shekels. They smashed the true house with a wooden axe. They ruined the city. Its lady, "Alas, my city," "Alas, my house." Ningal, "Alas, my city," "Alas, my house." A man who a woman's city had destroyed, and a house had destroyed, and Nanna, the shrine Ur, had destroyed, and its people were killed. The 6th kirugu, her sheepfold, the woman spoke bitter words, and the city was destroyed in the storm. Its geshgigal,

    Mother Ningal stood in her city like a criminal, standing outside. A man who is not a woman cried bitterly in his evil temple. After he had cried bitterly in the shrine Ur, his evil temple, An cursed me. My city was destroyed, my city was destroyed. Enlil took away my house. He smashed the arrows, he smashed the ..., he smashed the water of my city. Enlil smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ... of my city.

    I destroyed that city, that city that was inside. I said "I want to speak about my city." I destroyed that city, that city was destroyed, I wanted to speak about my house. I destroyed that city, that city was destroyed, I wanted to speak about my house. My city, like a wild bull, I did not see its shepherd. Ur, like a wild bull, I did not see its stall. My bull, like a pig, I did not see its stall. My sheep, like a sheepfold, I did not see its herdsman. My ewe, like a sheepfold, I did not see its herdsman. I dug the canal of my city. I dug a canal, I did not see its stall. I dug a canal, I did not see its stall. I dug a canal, I did not see its stall.

    The field of my city was not able to carry barley, it was not able to carry barley. My field, like a ... field, was unable to carry barley. My orchard with a slurry of honey and ghee was unable to carry barley. My orchard with a slurry of juniper was unable to carry barley. My plain with its sand dunes was unable to move like a lion. My raging eagle was unable to move like a raging lion. My raging

    My ..., the one who has sworn by the name of the Elamites, the one who has sworn by the name of the Elamites, I swear I

    My aura has been seized in a hostile city, my shusher has been taken into a hostile place My youth, who has no place in the plain, has been smitten by a garment I have been wearing. My aura has not been seized in my city, I have not been able to speak with anyone I have not been able to speak with Nanna in Ur, I have not been able to speak with anyone I have destroyed my house, I have not been able to save my city, I am a true woman, I have not been able to save my city, I have not been able to save my city, I have been able to save my house, I have been able to save my city, I have been able to save my city, I have been able to save my house, I have been able to save my city, I have been able to save my house,

    Nanna destroyed the shrine Ur, and its people were scattered. I, the one who dwells in the me, I, the one who sits in the me, I, the one who stands in the me, I, the one who dwells in my city, the temple that is to be rebuilt, I am the true lady who dwells in my house, the temple that is to be rebuilt. From its foundations to the plain, I will speak to my city, I will speak to my city, I will speak to my city, I will speak to my city, I will speak to my city, like a man who has shaved his hair like a shaved hair. His face is shaved, he is shaved,

    I am the one who does not belong to my city, I am the one who does not belong to shrine Ur, I am the one who does not belong to its people. I am the one who does not belong to the stall, I am the one who fills the cowpen, I am the one who carries the cow, I am the one who carries the nagda weapon like a pig, I am the one who does not belong to the city, I am the one who does not smite the city, I am the one who does not sit in the house, I am the one who does not sit in the residence, I am the one who walks in the city, I am the one who walks in the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the city, I am the one who walks in the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst of a

    The one who has sinned against the fate of his city, and is crying bitter tears. The lady who has sinned against the fate of his house, and is crying bitter tears. The one who has sinned against the fate of his evil house, and is crying bitter tears. The one who has sinned against the fate of his evil city, and is crying bitter tears. The goddesses, I am the one who has sinned against my city, I am the one who has sinned against my city, I am the one who has sinned against my destroyed temple, I am the one who has sinned against my destroyed temple, I am the one who has sinned against my destroyed temple, I am the one who has sinned against my destroyed temple, I have been smashed into the brick-built brick-built house.

    "If you are to smite a ox, you will not be able to smite it. Your evil deeds are evil, your destruction is terrible. The young woman will change the offerings in the shrine Ur. My Agrunku, my new temple, will not be restored. My city will not be rebuilt, my city will not be rebuilt. My evil deeds will not be destroyed, my evil deeds will not be reconstructed. The adal of the evil storm will not be reconstructed. In Ur, my temple of Suen is destroyed. My 7 kirugu is water of my city, water of my house, its geshgigal.

    Lady, your heart is like a child, you are the one who has sinned against me. Ningal, your heart is like a child, you are the one who has sinned against me. True woman, the man who destroyed the city has been killed. Now Ningal, the man who destroyed the country, has been killed. Your heart is like a child. When your city has been destroyed, now it is like a child. When your house has been destroyed, now it is like a child. Your city has been destroyed, now it is like a child. Your house has been destroyed, now it is like a child. Your city has been destroyed, its bird has not been seen.

    You have not sat in your true house, where the throne is set, you have not sat in your true residence, where the people have been deprived of their cultic rites, you have not entered into the lap of your lady. Your rage has been smashed in the foreign lands, your rage has not been smashed in the foreign lands. Your Land has been seized like a ..., your city has been seized like a ruined mound. Your house has been razed and ruined like a ruined mound. Your heart has been smitten like a ruined mound. Ur has been thrown into a shrine like a ruined mound. Its gudug priest has been smitten like a ruined mound.

    The en priestess of the Gepar did not finish it, but now he is doing it. The slumbers who love the slumbers did not let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him let him be a slumber. Your lord who is pure, whose radiance is pleasing, the Ekishnugal, whose lordly majesty is praised, did not let him enter into the shrine of the Gepar. The awens, the temple of your festival, did not let him enjoy the festival. The shem and ala drums, things that make the heart rejoice, did not let him bring to the tigi drums. The black-headed people did not let them drink water from your festival.

    He has sworn by the name of the king that he has been sworn, and he has changed its inscription. He has sworn by your name, and he has sworn by your name. He has sworn by your name, and your tigi-demon has sworn by your name. He has sworn by your name that he has not killed your bull, and he has not sworn by your oil. He has not sworn by your sheep, and he has not killed your sheep. He has not sworn by your oil, and he has not killed your sheep. He has not sworn by your slapstick, and he has not killed your sheep. He has not sworn by your slapstick, and he has not killed your fish. He has not sworn by your bird, he has not slapstick,

    You have sunk the canals of the boats, you have sunk the foundations in the midst of the sea. You have sunk the chariot in the mountains. My lady, you have sinned against your city like its mother. Ur, the child of the street, has sinned against you. Your temple, like a man who has sinned against you, has sinned against you. Like bricks of your true temple, like a man, you have sinned against me. My lady, you have sinned against your city. You have sinned against your city like a criminal, standing outside your body. Mother Ningal, you have sinned against your city like a criminal, standing outside your body.

    Lady, whose city is beloved, you are, and your sheepfold has been destroyed. You are the one who has smashed the land with fire. Mother Ningal, like a bull in your stall, like a sheep in your sheepfold, like a bull in your stall, like a sheep in your sheepfold, like a suckling child in your mother's house, my lady, in your house, may An, king of the gods, be your voice. May Enlil, king of the lands, decree your fate. May he restore your city, and its queenship. May Nippur, and its queenship be restored.

    Ur shall be restored, its queenship shall be restored, its queenship shall be restored. Isin shall be restored, its queenship shall be restored. 8th kirugu My me has changed, its geshgigal The storm has risen, the storm has risen, the land has risen. The great storm of heaven, the storm that screams, the storm that has destroyed the country, the storm that has destroyed cities, the storm that has destroyed houses, the storm that has destroyed sheepfolds, the storm that has seized the sheepfold, the storm that has seized the holy garza, the storm that has seized Aratta, the storm that has destroyed the country,

    The storm that a storm has brought about, the storm that a flood has brought about, the 9th kirugu The storm that a storm had brought about, the storm that had not been seen, its geshgigal The storm that no mother had brought about, the storm that no father had brought about, the storm that no wife had brought about, the storm that no child had brought about, the storm that no sister had brought about, the storm that no brother had brought about, the storm that no one had ever brought about, the storm that a wife had abandoned, the storm that a child had brought about, the storm that a nation had brought about, the storm that a terrible storm had caused to be smashed by Enlil, the storm that a father Nanna had brought about, the storm that has taken place in your city, the people of your storm will be smashed in your face.

    Its days have been like rain from heaven, its dwellings have been made to be secure. All the things that have been piled up in heaven and earth have been destroyed. Its days have been destroyed. Like a gate that had been built in the night, its doors have been firmly fixed. Its accounts have been piled up from the house of Enlil. Its kirugu is 10 days. Its geshgigal is the days of distant days. Its days have been like distant days. Its days have been like distant days. Nanna, the slanderer, has taken your feet. He has seized the house, its shackles have been thrown before you.

    The one who has sinned has been slandered, and the one who has sinned has been slandered. The one who has slandered the city, and has been slandered has been slandered. Nanna, may the city that you have restored come forth and be restored. May the holy An star be slandered. May your face be slandered. May the god of the people be slandered. May the one who has sinned against the siskur offering speak against you. Nanna, I am the lord of Dilimbabbar. May the lord Nanna not let the people be slandered. May the one who has slandered against you be slandered against you.

    The god of that man he made a sacrifice. He set up a siskur offering for him. He looked with truth. Nanna, your face was a scepter, it was a scepter of a scepter. May that man, on a day of evil, be praised. May the heart of the land be praised. May Nanna, your restored city, be praised. The kirugu is 11th.


    He has abandoned his cow-pen and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. The wild bull has abandoned his cow-pen and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. The lord of all the lands has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Enlil has abandoned the shrine Nibru and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. His wife Ninlil has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninlil has abandoned that house, the Ki-ur, and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The queen of Kesh has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninmah has abandoned that house Kesh and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

    She of Isin has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninisina has abandoned the shrine Egal-mah and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The queen of Uruk has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. inanna has abandoned that house Uruk and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Nanna has abandoned Ur and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Suen has abandoned E-kish-nu-gal and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. His wife Ningal has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

    Ningal has abandoned her Agrun-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The wild bull of Eridug has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Enki has abandoned that house Eridug and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. 1 ms. adds 1 line: ... partially preserved name of a goddess has abandoned that house Larag and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Shara has abandoned E-mah and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Usahara has abandoned that house Umma and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Baba has abandoned Iri-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. She has abandoned her flooded chamber and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

    Her son Abba'u has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. Abba'u has abandoned Ma-gu-ena and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold. The protective goddess of the holy house has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The protective goddess has abandoned E-tar-sirsir and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The mother of Lagash has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Gatumdug has abandoned that house Lagash and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. She of Nigin has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. The great queen has abandoned that house Sirara and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold

    She of Kinirsha has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Dumuzid-abzu has abandoned that house Kinirsha and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. She of Gu-aba has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. Ninmarki has abandoned the shrine Gu-aba and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold. 1st kirugu. She has let the breeze haunt her sheepfold, she groans grievously over it. O cow, your lowing no longer fills the byre, the cow-pen no longer brings joy ? to the prince. Its gishgigal. O city, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you.

    Your lament is bitter, O city, the lament made for you. In his righteous destroyed city its lament is bitter. In his righteous destroyed Ur, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. Your lament is bitter, O city, the lament made for you. In his destroyed Ur its lament is bitter. How long will your bitter lament grieve your lord who weeps? How long will your bitter lament grieve Nanna who weeps? O brick-built Ur, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O E-kish-nu-gal, your lament is bitter, the lament made for you

    O shrine Agrun-kug, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O great place Ki-ur, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O shrine Nibru, city, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O brick-built E-kur, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O Ga-gish-shua, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O Ubshu-ukkena, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O brick-built Iri-kug, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O E-tar-sirsir, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O Ma-gu-ena, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you.

    O brick-built Isin, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O shrine Egal-mah, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O brick-built Uruk, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. O brick-built Eridug, the lament is bitter, the lament made for you. How long will your bitter lament grieve your lord who weeps? How long will your bitter lament grieve Nanna who weeps? O city, your name exists but you have been destroyed. O city, your wall rises high but your Land has perished. O my city, like an innocent ewe your lamb has been torn from you.

    Ur, like an innocent goat your kid has perished. O city, your rites have been alienated from you, your powers have been changed into alien powers. ow long will your bitter lament grieve your lord who weeps? How long will your bitter lament grieve Nanna who weeps? 2nd kirugu. In his righteous destroyed city its lament is bitter. In his destroyed Ur its lament is bitter. Its gishgigal. Together with the lord whose house had been devastated, his city was given over to tears. Together with Nanna whose Land had perished, Ur joined the lament.

    The good woman, to disquiet the lord concerning his city, Ningal, to give him no rest concerning his Land, approached him for the sake of his city - bitterly she weeps. She approached the lord for the sake of his house - bitterly she weeps. She approached him for the sake of his devastated city -- bitterly she weeps. She approached him for the sake of his devastated house -- before him she makes its bitter lament. The woman, after she had composed her song ? for the tearful balag instrument, herself utters softly a lamentation for the silent house: "The storm that came to be -- its lamentation hangs heavy on me. Raging about because of the storm, I am the woman for whom the storm came to be.

    The storm that came to be - - its lamentation hangs heavy on me. I trembled on account of that day but I did not flee before the day's violence. Because of this debilitating storm I could not see a good day for my rule, not one good day for my rule." "The bitter lament having come to be for me during the night, trembled on account of that night but I did not flee before the night's violence. The awesomeness of this storm, destructive as the flood, truly hangs heavy on me. Because of its existence, in my nightly sleeping place, even in my nightly sleeping place truly there was no peace for me.

    Nor, because of this debilitating storm, was the quiet of my sleeping place, not even the quiet of my sleeping place, allowed to me. 2 mss. add 1 line: Truly I did not forsake my Land." "Because there was bitterness in my Land, I trudged the earth like a cow for its calf. My Land was not granted success. Because there was bitter distress in my city, I beat my wings like a bird of heaven and flew to my city; and my city was destroyed in its foundations; and Ur perished where it lay. Because the hand of the storm appeared above,

    I screamed and cried to it "Return, O storm, to the plain." The storm's breast did not rise." "To me, the woman, in the Agrun-kug, my house of queenship, they did not grant a reign of distant days. Indeed they established weeping and lamentation for me. As for the house which used to be where the spirit of the black-headed people was soothed, instead of its festivals wrath and terror indeed multiply. Because of this debilitating storm, into my house, the favourable place, my devastated righteous house upon which no eye had been cast, depression, and lament and bitterness, lament and bitterness have been brought into it. My house founded by the righteous

    was pushed over on its side like a garden fence." "For E-kish-nu-gal, my house of royalty, the good house, my house which has been given over to tears, its building, falsely, and its perishing, truly - they granted this to me as its lot and share. As onto a tent, a shelter on the denuded harvest ground, as onto a shelter on the denuded harvest ground, wind and rain have been made to fall on it. Ur, my all-surpassing chamber, the house and the smitten city, all have been uprooted. Like a shepherd's sheepfold it has been uprooted. The swamp has swallowed my possessions accumulated in the city." 3rd kirugu. Ur has been given over to tears. Its geshgigal.

    "On that day, when such a storm had pounded, when in the presence of the queen her city had been destroyed, on that day, when such a storm had been created, when they had pronounced the utter destruction of my city, when they had pronounced the utter destruction of Ur, when they had directed that its people be killed, on that day I did not abandon my city, I did not forsake my land." "Truly I shed my tears before An. Truly I myself made supplication to Enlil. "Let not my city be destroyed," I implored them. "Let not Ur be destroyed," I implored them.

    "Let not its people perish," I implored them. But An did not change that word. Enlil did not soothe my heart with an "It is good - so be it.""

  • "A second time, when the council had settled itself in the pre-eminent place,
  • and the Anuna had seated themselves to ratify decisions, I prostrated ? myself and stretched out my arms. Truly I shed my tears before An. Truly I myself made supplication to Enlil. "Let not my city be destroyed," I implored them. "Let not Ur be destroyed," I implored them. "Let not its people perish," I implored them. But An did not change that word. Enlil did not soothe my heart with an "It is good -- so be it."" "They gave instructions that my city should be utterly destroyed. They gave instructions that Ur should be utterly destroyed.

    They decreed its destiny that its people should be killed. In return for the speech ? which I had given them, they both bound me together with my city and also bound my Ur together with me. An is not one to change his command, and Enlil does not alter what he has uttered." 4th kirugu. Her city has been destroyed in her presence, her powers have been alienated from her. Its gishgigal. Enlil called the storm -- the people groan. He brought the storm of abundance away from the Land -- the people groan. He brought the good storm away from Sumer -- the people groan.

    He issued directions to the evil storm -- the people groan. He entrusted it to Kin-gal-uda, the keeper of the storm. He called upon the storm that annihilates the Land -- the people groan. He called upon the evil gales - the people groan. Enlil brought Gibil as his aid. He called the great storm of heaven - the people groan. The great storm howls above -- the people groan. The storm that annihilates the Land roars below -- the people groan. The evil wind, like a rushing torrent, cannot be restrained. The weapons in the city smash heads and consume indiscriminately.

    The storm whirled gloom around the base of the horizon -- the people groan. In front of the storm, heat blazes -- the people groan. A fiery glow burns with the raging storm. After the haze had lifted at noon, he made fires blaze. He locked up the day and the rising of the bright sun together with the good storm In the Land he did not let the bright sun rise; it shone like the evening star. n the delightful night, the time when coolness sets in, he redoubled the south wind. The scorching potsherds made the dust glow ? -- the people groan. He swept the winds over the black-headed people -- the people groan.

    Sumer was overturned by a snare -- the people groan It attacked ? the Land and devoured it completely. Tears cannot influence the bitter storm -- the people groan. The reaping storm dragged across the Land. Like a flood storm it completely destroyed the city. The storm that annihilates the Land silenced the city. The storm that will make anything vanish came doing evil. The storm blazing like fire performed its task upon the people. The storm ordered by Enlil in hate, the storm which wears away the Land, covered Ur like a garment, was spread out over it like linen. 5th kirugu. The storm, like a lion, has attacked unceasingly -- the people groan.

    Its gishgigal. Then the storm was removed from the city, that city reduced to ruin mounds. It was removed from Father Nanna's city reduced to ruin mounds -- the people groan. Then, the storm was taken from the Land -- the people groan. 2 mss. add 1 line: The good storm was taken from Sumer -- the people groan. Its people littered its outskirts just as if they might have been broken potsherds. Breaches had been made in its walls -- the people groan. On its lofty city-gates where walks had been taken, corpses were piled. On its boulevards where festivals had been held, heads lay scattered ?. In all its streets where walks had been taken, corpses were piled.

    In its places where the dances of the Land had taken place, people were stacked in heaps. They made the blood of the Land flow down the wadis like copper or tin. Its corpses, like fat left in the sun, melted away of themselves. The heads of its men slain by the axe were not covered with a cloth. Like a gazelle caught in a trap, their mouths bit the dust. Men struck down by the spear were not bound with bandages. As if in the place where their mothers had laboured, they lay in their own blood. Its men who were finished off by the battle-mace were not bandaged with new ? cloth.

    Although they were not drunk with strong drink, their necks drooped on their shoulders. He who stood up to the weapon was crushed by the weapon -- the people groan. He who ran away from it was overwhelmed ? by the storm -- the people groan. The weak and the strong of Ur perished from hunger. Mothers and fathers who did not leave their houses were consumed by fire. The little ones lying in their mothers' arms were carried off like fish by the waters. Among the nursemaids with their strong embrace, the embrace was pried open. The Land's judgment disappeared -- the people groan. The Land's counsel was swallowed by a swamp -- the people groan.

    The mother absconded before her child's eyes -- the people groan. The father turned away from his child -- the people groan. In the city the wife was abandoned, the child was abandoned, possessions were scattered about. The black-headed people were carried off from their strongholds. Its queen like a bird in fright departed from her city. Ningal like a bird in fright departed from her city. All the treasures accumulated in the Land were defiled. In all the storehouses abounding in the Land fires were kindled. In its ponds Gibil, the purifier, relentlessly did his work. The good house of the lofty untouchable mountain, E-kish-nu-gal,

    was entirely devoured by large axes. The people of Shimashki and Elam, the destroyers, counted its worth as only thirty shekels. They broke up the good house with pickaxes. They reduced the city to ruin mounds. Its queen cried, "Alas, my city", cried, "Alas, my house." Ningal cried, "Alas, my city," cried, "Alas, my house. As for me, the woman, both my city has been destroyed and my house has been destroyed. O Nanna, the shrine Ur has been destroyed and its people have been killed." 6th kirugu n her cow-pen, in her sheepfold the woman utters bitter words: "The city has been destroyed by the storm." Its gishgigal.

    Mother Ningal, like an enemy, stands outside her city. The woman laments bitterly over her devastated house. Over her devastated shrine Ur, the princess bitterly declares: "An has indeed cursed my city, my city has been destroyed before me. Enlil has indeed transformed my house, it has been smitten by pickaxes. On my ones coming from the south he hurled fire. Alas, my city has indeed been destroyed before me. n my ones coming from the highlands Enlil hurled flames. Outside the city, the outer city was destroyed before me -- I shall cry "Alas, my city."

    Inside the city, the inner city was destroyed before me -- I shall cry "Alas, my city." My houses of the outer city were destroyed -- I shall cry "Alas, my houses." My houses of the inner city were destroyed -- I shall cry "Alas, my houses."" "My city no longer multiplies for me like good ewes, its good shepherd is gone. Ur no longer multiplies for me like good ewes, its shepherd boy is gone. My bull no longer crouches in its cow-pen, its herdsman is gone. My sheep no longer crouch in their fold, their herdsman is gone. In the river of my city dust has gathered, and the holes of foxes have been dug there. In its midst no flowing water is carried, its tax-collector is gone.

    In the fields of my city there is no grain, their farmer is gone. My fields, like fields from which the hoe has been kept away ?, have grown tangled ? weeds. My orchards and gardens that produced abundant syrup and wine have grown mountain thornbushes. My plain that used to be covered in its luxurious verdure has become cracked ? like a kiln." "My possessions, like a flock of rooks rising up, have risen in flight -- I shall cry "O my possessions." He who came from the south has carried my possessions off to the south -- I shall cry "O my possessions."

    He who came from the highlands has carried my possessions off to the highlands -- I shall cry "O my possessions." My silver, gems and lapis lazuli have been scattered about -- I shall cry "O my possessions." The swamp has swallowed my treasures -- I shall cry "O my possessions." Men ignorant of silver have filled their hands with my silver. Men ignorant of gems have fastened my gems around their necks. My small birds and fowl have flown away -- I shall say "Alas, my city." My slave-girls and children have been carried off by boat -- I shall say "Alas, my city."

    Woe is me, my slave-girls bear strange emblems in a strange city. My young men mourn in a desert they do not know." "Woe is me, my city which no longer exists -- I am not its queen. Nanna, Ur which no longer exists -- I am not its owner. Whose house has been made into ruins, I am the good woman whose city has been destroyed, in place of whose city a strange city has been built. Whose house has been made into ruins, I am Ningal whose city has been destroyed, in place of whose city a strange city has been built. "Woe is me, the city has been destroyed, my house too has been destroyed.

    Nanna, the shrine Ur has been destroyed, its people killed. Woe is me, where can I sit, where can I stand? Woe is me, in place of my city a strange house is being erected. I am the good woman in place of whose house a strange city is being built. Upon its removal from its place, from the plain, I shall say "Alas, my people." Upon my city's removal from Ur, I shall say "Alas, my house."" The woman tears at her hair as if it were rushes. She beats the holy ub drum at her chest, she cries "Alas, my city." Her eyes well with tears, she weeps bitterly:

    "Woe is me, my city which no longer exists -- I am not its queen. Nanna, the shrine Ur which no longer exists -- I am not its owner. Woe is me, I am one whose cow-pen has been torn down, I am one whose cows have been scattered. I am Ningal on whose ewes the weapon has fallen, as in the case of an unworthy herdsman. Woe is me, I have been exiled from the city, I can find no rest. I am Ningal, I have been exiled from the house, I can find no dwelling place. I am sitting as if a stranger with head high in a strange city. Debt-slaves ... bitterness ..." "I am one who, sitting in a debtors prison among its inmates, can make no extravagant claims.

    In that place I approached him for the sake of his city -- I weep bitterly. I approached the lord for the sake of his house -- I weep bitterly. I approached him for the sake of his destroyed house -- I weep bitterly. I approached him for the sake of his destroyed city -- I weep bitterly. Woe is me, I shall say "Fate of my city, bitter is the fate of my city." I the queen shall say "O my destroyed house, bitter is the fate of my house." O my brick-built Ur which has been flooded, which has been washed away, O my good house, my city which has been reduced to ruin mounds, in the debris of your destroyed righteous house, I shall lie down alongside you.

    Like a fallen bull, I will never rise up from your wall ?." "Woe is me, untrustworthy was your building, and bitter your destruction. I am the woman at whose shrine Ur the food offerings have been terminated. O my Agrun-kug, the all-new house whose charms never sated me, O my city no longer regarded as having been built -- devastated for what reason? O my house both destroyed and devastated -- devastated for what reason? Nobody at all escaped the force of the storm ordered in hate. O my house of Suen in Ur, bitter was its destruction." 7th kirugu "Alas, my city, alas, my house." Its gishgigal.

    O queen, how is your heart ...! How you have become! O Ningal, how is your heart ...! How you have become! O good woman whose city has been destroyed, now how do you exist? O Ningal whose Land has perished, how is your heart ...! After your city has been destroyed, now how do you exist? After your house has been destroyed, how is your heart ...! Your city has become a strange city, now how do you exist? Your house has turned to tears, how is your heart ...! You are not a bird of your city which has been reduced to ruin mounds.

    You cannot live there as a resident in your good house given over to the pickaxe. You cannot act as queen of a people led off to slaughter. Your tears have become strange tears, your Land no longer weeps. With no lamentation prayers, it dwells in foreign lands. Your Land like ... Your city has been made into ruins; now how do you exist? Your house has been laid bare, how is your heart ...! Ur, the shrine, is haunted by the breezes, now how do you exist? Its gudu4 priest no longer walks in his wig, how is your heart ...!

    Its en priestess no longer lives in the gipar, now how do you exist? In the uzga shrine the priest who cherishes purification rites makes no purification rites for you. Father Nanna, your ishib priest does not make perfect holy supplications to you. Your lumah priest does not dress in linen in your holy giguna shrine. Your righteous en priestess chosen in your ardent heart, she of the E-kish-nu-gal, does not proceed joyously from the shrine to the gipar. The aua priests do not celebrate the festivals in your house of festivals. They do not play for you the shem and ala instruments which gladden the heart, nor the tigi. The black-headed people do not bathe during your festivals.

    Like ... mourning has been decreed for them; their appearance has indeed changed. Your song has been turned into weeping before you -- how long will this last? Your tigi music has been turned into lamentation before you -- how long will this last? Your bull is not brought into its pen, its fat is not prepared for you. Your sheep does not live in its fold, its milk is not made abundant for you. Your fat carrier does not come to you from the cow-pen -- how long will this last? Your milk carrier does not come to you from the sheepfold -- how long will this last? An evildoer has seized your fisherman who was carrying fish -- how long will this last? Lightning carried off your fowler who was carrying birds -- how long will this last?

    The teme plants grow in the middle of your watercourses which were once suitable for barges, and mountain thornbushes grow on your roads which had been constructed for waggons. My queen, your city weeps before you as its mother. Ur, like a child lost in a street, seeks a place before you. Your house, like a man who has lost everything, stretches out ? its hands to you. Your brick-built righteous house, like a human being, cries "Where are you?." My queen, you have indeed left the house, you have left the city. How long will you stand aside from your city like an enemy? Mother Ningal, you confronted your city like an enemy.

    Although you are a queen who loves her city, you abandoned your sheepfold. Although you are one who cares for her Land, you set it on fire. Mother Ningal, return like a bull to your cattle-pen, like a sheep to your fold, like a bull to your cattle-pen of former days, like a sheep to your fold. My queen, like a young child to your room, return to your house. May An, king of the gods, declare "Enough!" to you. May Enlil, king of all the lands, decree your fate. May he restore your city for you -- exercise its queenship! May he restore Nibru for you -- exercise its queenship!

    May he restore Ur for you -- exercise its queenship! May he restore Isin for you -- exercise its queenship! 8th kirugu. "My powers have been alienated from me." Its gishgigal. Alas, storm after storm swept the Land together: the great storm of heaven, the ever-roaring storm, the malicious storm which swept over the Land, the storm which destroyed cities, the storm which destroyed houses, the storm which destroyed cow-pens, the storm which burned sheepfolds, which laid hands on the holy rites, , which defiled the weighty counsel, the storm which cut off all that is good from the Land,

    the storm which pinioned the arms of the black-headed people. 9th kirugu. The storm which does not respect ... Its gishgigal. The storm which knows no mother, the storm which knows no father, the storm which knows no wife, the storm which knows no child, the storm which knows no sister, the storm which knows no brother, the storm which knows no neighbour, the storm which knows no female companion, the storm which caused the wife to be abandoned, which caused the child to be abandoned, the storm which caused the light in the Land to disappear, the storm which swept through, ordered in hate by Enlil - Father Nanna, may that storm swoop down no more on your city. May your black-headed people see it no more.

    May that storm, like rain pouring down from heaven, never recur. May that storm, which struck down all the black-headed living beings of heaven and earth, be entirely destroyed. May the door be closed on it, like the great city-gate at night-time. May that storm not be given a place in the reckoning, may its record be hung from a nail outside the house of Enlil. 10th kirugu. Until distant days, other days, future days. Its gishgigal. From distant days when the Land was founded, O Nanna, the humble people who lay hold of your feet have brought to you their tears for the silent house, playing music before you.

    May the black-headed people, cast away from you, make obeisance to you. In your city reduced to ruin mounds may a lament be made to you. O Nanna, may your restored city be resplendent before you. Like a bright heavenly star may it not be destroyed, may it pass before you. The personal deity of a man brings you a greeting gift; a supplicant utters prayers to you. Nanna, you who have mercy on the Land, Lord Ashimbabbar -- as concerns him who speaks your heart's desire, Nanna, after you have absolved that man's sin, may your heart relent towards him who utters prayers to you.

    3 mss. add 1 line: The personal deity of this man brings you a present. He looks favourably on the man who stands there with his offering. Nanna, you whose penetrating gaze searches hearts, may its people who suffered that evil storm be pure before you. May the hearts of your people who dwell in the Land be pure before you. Nanna, in your restored city may you be fittingly praised. 11th kirugu.

    P469682: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    u4 szu bala ak-de3 gesz-hur ha-lam-e-de3 u4-de3 mar-uru5-gin7 tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e me ki-en-gi-ra szu bala ak-de3 bala sa6-ga e2-ba gi4-gi4-de3 uru2 gul-gul-lu-de3 e2 gul-gul-lu-de3 tur3 gul-gul-lu-de3 amasz tab-tab-be2-de3 gu4-bi tur3-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de3 udu-bi amasz-bi-a nu-dagal-e-de3 i7-bi a mun4-na tum3-u3-de3 gan2-ne2 zi-de3 (u2)|_ki-kal_| mu2-mu2-de3 edin-e u2-a-nir mu2-mu2-de3 ama dumu-ni-ir ki nu-kin-kin-de3 ad-da a dam-gu10 nu-di-de3 dam tur ur2-ra nu-hul2-le-de3 dumu tur du10-ba nu-bulug3-ge26-e-de3

    |_um-me_|-e u5-a nu-di-de3 nam-lugal-la ki-tusz-bi kur2-ru-de3 esz-bar kin-e szu la2-e-de3 nam-lugal kalam-ma kar-kar-re-de3 igi-bi ki-szar2-ra ga2-ga2-de3 inim du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-la2-ta gesz-hur ha-lam-e-de3 u4 an-ne2 kur-kur-ra sag-ki ba-da-an-gid2-da-ba (d)en-lil2-le igi-ni ki kur2-ra ba-an-gar-ra-a-ba (d)nin-tu-re nig2-dim2-dim2-ma-ni za3 bi2-in-tag-ga-a-ba (d)en-ki-ke4 (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na asz2 bi2-in-bala-a-ba (d)utu har-ra-an kaskal-e nam ba-an-ku5-da-a-ba

    ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de3 gesz-hur-bi kur2-ru-de3 uri5(ki)-ma me nam-lugal-la bala-bi su3-su3-u4-de3 dumu nun-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na szu pe-el-la2 di-de3 (d)nanna ug3 u8-gin7 lu-a-na igi-te-en-bi si-il-le-de3 uri5(ki) esz3 nidba gal-gal-la nidba-bi kur2-ru-de3 ug3-bi ki-tusz-ba nu-tusz-u3-de3 ki-erim2-e szum2-mu-de3 szimaszki(ki) elam(ki) lu2-kur2-ra ki-tusz-bi tusz-u3-de3 sipa-bi e2-gal-la ni2-te-na lu2-erim2-e dab5-be2-de3 di-bi2-(d)suen kur elam(ki)-ma-sze3 gesz-bur2-ra tum2-u3-de3

    isz za-bu(ki) gaba a-ab-ba-ka-ta za3 an-sza4-an(ki)-na-sze3 sim(muszen) e2-bi ba-ra-an-dal-a-gin7 iri-ni-sze3 nu-gur-re-de3 (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na gu2 tab 2(disz)-a-ba u2 hul mu2-mu2-de3 kaskal-la giri3 nu-ga2-ga2-de3 har-ra-an nu-kin-kin-de3 uru2 a2-dam ki gar-gar-ra-ba du6-du6-ra szid-de3 ug3 sag-ge6 lu-lu-a-ba gesz-hasz-e ak-de3 gan2-ne2 zi-de3 (gesz)al nu-ru-gu2-de3 numun ki nu-tag-de3 e-el-lu szer3 gu4 su8-su8-ba edin-na nu-di-de3 (e2)tur3-ra i3 gara2 nu-ak-de3 szurum ki nu-tag-e-de3

    sipa-de3 gi-szukur-ra amasz ku3-ga szu nu-nigin2-nigin2-de3 i-lu-lam-ma dun5-dun5 (dug)szakir3-ra amasz-a nu-di-de3 edin-na masz2-ansze tur-re-de3 nig2-zi-gal2 til-le-de3 nig2-ur2-limmu2 (d)szakkan2-na-ke4 szurum ki nu-tag-ge-de3 ambar-ra szu ki-in-dar di-de3 numun nu-tuku-tuku-de3 gesz-gi gi sag hul mu2-mu2-de3 hab2-ba til-e-de3 pu2-(gesz)kiri6 u2 gibil-la2 nu-me-a ni2-ba szu2-szu2-de3 uri5(ki) am gal u3-na gub-ba ni2-bi-ta nir-gal2 iri numun i-i nam-en nam-lugal-la ki sikil-la du3-a

    gu4-gin7 saman ul4-la-bi szub-bu-de3 gu2 ki-sze3 la2-e-de3 an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-hur-sag-ga2-ke4 nam-bi ha-ba-an-tar-re-esz nam-tar-ra-bi nig2 nu-kur2-ru-dam a-ba szu mi-ni-ib2-bala-e inim du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-la2 1(disz)-kam sag a-ba-a mu-un-ga2-ga2 an-ne2 ki-en-gi ki-tusz-ba bi2-in-hu-luh ug3-e ni2 bi2-in-te (d)en-lil2-le u4 gig-ga mu-un-zal iri-a me bi2-ib-gar (d)nin-tu-re ama5 kalam-ma-ka (gesz)ig-szu-ur2 im-mi-in-de6 (d)en-ki-ke4 (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na a im-ma-da-an-kesz2

    (d)utu nig2-si-sa2 inim ge-na ka-ta ba-da-an-kar (d)inanna-ke4 me3 szen-szen-na ki-bala-e ba-an-szum2 (d)nin-gir2-su-ke4 ki-en-gi ga-gin7 ur-e ba-an-de2 kalam-ma ga-ba-ra-hum im-ma-an-szub nig2 lu2 nu-zu-a nig2 igi nu-gal2-la inim nu-gal2-la nig2 szu nu-te-ge26-dam kur-kur-re ni2 te-a-bi-a szu suh3-a ba-ab-du11 iri(ki) dingir-bi ba-da-gur sipa-bi ba-da-ha-lam nam-lu2-ulu3 ni2 te-bi-a zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an u4-de3 szu-ne-ne ba-du3-du3 u4 nu-mu-un-ne-gur-re u4 gi4-a mu-un-ne-tuku-am3 u4 dur2-bi-sze3 nu-gen

    (d)en-lil2 sipa sag-ge6-ga-ke4 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-bi (d)en-lil2-le e2 zi gul-gul-lu-de3 lu2 zi tur-re-de3 dumu lu2 zi-da-ke4 dumu-sag-e igi hul dim2-me-de3 u4-ba (d)en-lil2-le gu-ti-um(ki) kur-ta im-ta-an-e11 _du_-bi a-ma-ru (d)en-lil2-la2 gaba gi4 nu-tuku-am3 tu15 gal edin-na edin-e im-si igi-sze3 mu-un-ne-gen edin nig2-dagal-la-ba sag3 ba-ab-du11 lu2 nu-mu-ni-in-dib-be2 u4 ge6-ge6-ga szika bar7-bar7-ra sa-sze3 ba-ab-de6 u4 babbar-re izi-ge6-edin-na ba-da-an-tab-tab u4-mud-e giri17 i3-dub-dub sag i3-dab5-dab5

    u4 (gesz)gan2-ur3 an-ta e3-de3 iri (gesz)al-e ba-ab-ra-ah u4-ba an ba-dub2 ki ba-sag3 igi u4-da ba-lib4 an ba-suh3-suh3 gissu ba-an-la2 kur-re mur mi-ni-ib-sza4 (d)utu an-ur2-ra i-in-nu2 sahar kur-ra zal-am3 (d)nanna an-pa-a i-in-nu2 ug3-e ni2 bi2-in-te iri(ki)-ba dingir-x ki-tusz ba-ab-be2-de3 bar-ta ba-da-gub kur-kur-re iri(ki) lu2-bi nu-til-la i-im-sar-sar-re-ne gesz mah ur2-bi-a mu-un-bala-e (gesz)tir-ra guru5 i pu2-(gesz)kiri6 gurun-ba mu-un-_bu_-_bu_ (gesz)ligima i3-bu-re

    buru14 isin-bi-a mu-un-su-su (d)|_sze-tir_| i3-tur-re x x-la sag x x-in-bala-bala-e ... ba-da-kar-ra-bi ... ba-ab-_du_ ... (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_| x ba-da-kar-ra-bi (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_| x ba-ab-_du_ ... zar-re-esz mu-un-du8-du8 [...] zar-re-esz mu-un-sal-sal-e-esz [...] (i7)buranun-na ad6 i3-la2-a (gesz)tukul-e sag gaz i3-ak-e ad-da dam-a-ni-ta ba-da-gur dam-gu10 nu im-me ama dumu-ni-ta ba-da-gur dumu-gu10 nu im-me e2 zi-da-ke4 e2-a-ni mu-un-szub e2-gu10 nu im-me nig2-gur11 tuku nig2-gur11-ra-ni-ta giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5

    u4-ba nam-lugal kalam-ma-ka szu pe-el-la2 ba-ab-du11 aga men sag-ga2 gal2-la-bi tesz2-bi ba-ra-an-kur2 kur-kur-re du10-us2 dili dab5-ba-bi igi-te-en-bi ba-si-il uri5(ki) esz3 nidba gal-gal-la-ka nidba-bi ba-ab-kur2 (d)nanna ug3 u8-gin7 lu-a-na szu bala ba-da-ab-ak lugal-bi e2-gal ni2-te-na zi im-ma-ni-in-gi4 (d)i-bi2-(d)suen e2-gal ni2-te-na i-si-isz ba-ni-in-la2-la2 e2-nam-ti-la sza3 hul2-la-ka-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a-ma-ru ki al ak-e szu im-ur3-ur3-re u4 gal-gin7 ki-a mur mi-ni-ib-sza4 a-ba-a ba-ra-e3

    iri gul-gul-lu-de3 e2 gul-gul-lu-de3 lu2-lul lu2 zi-da an-ta nu2-u3-de3 uri3 lu2-lul-e lu2 zi-ra ugu-a-na _du_-sze3 ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-a-kam u4-de3 mar-uru5-gin7 tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e gesz-gi4-gal2 ki-ru-gu2-da-kam e2 kisz(ki)-a hur-sag-kalam-ma-ka szu hul ba-e-du11 (d)za-ba4-ba4 ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 ama (d)ba-ba6 e2-iri-ku3-ga-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me x [...] [...] [...] a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me

    ka-zal-lu(ki) iri ni2-ba lu-a szu suh3-a ba-ab-du11 (d)nu-musz-da-ke4 iri ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 gidlam(|_munus-usz-dam_|)-a-ni (d)nam-ra-at munus sa6-ga-a er2 in-sze8-sze8-e a uru2 gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me i7-bi sza3-su3-ga i3-gal2 a nu-un-de2 i7 (d)en-ki-ke4 nam ku5-ra2-gin7 ka-bi-a ba-usz2 a-sza3-ga sze gu-nu nu-gal2 ug3-e nu-gu7-e pu2-(gesz)kiri6-bi gir4-gin7 ba-hur-hur edin-bi sag2 ba-ab-di masz2-ansze nig2-ur2-limmu2 nig2-zi-gal2 nu-mu-un-bu-e

    nig2-ur2-4(asz) (d)szakkan2-ke4 ni2 nu-mu-ni-ib-te-en-te-en (d)lugal-mar2-da-ke4 iri-ni-ta bar-ta ba-da-gub (d)nin-zu-an-na ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me i3-si-in(ki) esz3 kar-re nu-me-a a-e ba-e-dar (d)nin-isin2(+si)-in-na ama kalam-ma-ke4 er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me (d)en-lil2-le (d)ur-an-ki-ka (gesz)mitum2-a ba-an-sag3 (d)en-lil2-le iri-ni esz3 nibru(ki)-a a-nir ba-ab-gar

    ama (d)nin-lil2 nin ki-ur3-ra-ke4 er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me kesz3(ki) an-edin-na dili du3-a szu lil2-la2 ba-ab-du11 adab(ki)-bu e2 i7-de3 la2-a re ki-bala-sze3 ba-ab-du11 musz kur-ra-ke4 ki-nu2 ba-ni-ib-gar ki-bala-sze3 ba-ab-du11 gu-ti-um(ki) sza3 ba-ni-ib-bala-bala numun ba-ni-ib-i-i (d)nin-tu-re nig2-dim2-dim2-ma-ni-sze3 er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me ki zabala(ki)-a gi-gun4-na ku3-ga szu lil2-la2 ba-ab-du11

    unu(ki)-ta (d)inanna ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-gen e2-an-na esz3 ge6-par4 ku3-ga erim2-e igi i-ni-in-bar ge6-par4 ku3 nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-la2-la2 en-bi ge6-par4-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me umma(ki) sig4-kur-sza3-ba-ke4 u4 gig-ga ba-e-dal (d)szara2 e2-mah ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)nin-mul-e iri(ki) hul-a-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 iri(ki)-gu10 la-la-bi lu2 nu-un-gi4-a-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me

    gir2-su(ki) iri(ki) ur-sag-ge26-e-ne-ke4 im gir2-e ba-ab-du11 (d)nin-gir2-su-ke4 e2-ninnu-ta giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 ama (d)ba-ba6 e2-iri-ku3-ga-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me u4-ba inim u4-dam al-du7-du7 sza3-bi a-ba-a mu-un-zu inim (d)en-lil2-la2 zi-da-asz ge16-le-eg3-de3 gab2-bu zu-zu-de3 (d)en-lil2 lu2 nam tar-tar-re-de3 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-ba (d)en-lil2-le elam(ki) lu2-kur2-ra kur-ta im-ta-an-e3 (d)nansze dumu-gi7 iri bar-ra mu-un-na-tusz-am3

    (d)nin-mar-ki-ra esz3 gu2-ab-ba-ka izi im-ma-da-an-te ku3 (na4)za-gin3-bi ma2 gal-gal-e bala-sze3 i3-ak-e nin nig2-gur11-ra-ni hul-lu ti-la-am3 ku3 (d)nin-mar-ki-ke4 u4-ba u4 ka izi-gin7 bar7-ra-am3 im-ma-da-ab-tar-re ki lagasz(ki) elam(ki) szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4 u4-bi-a nin-e u4-da-a-ni sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11 (d)ba-ba6 lu2-ulu3-gin7 u4-da-a-ni sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11 me-li-e-a u4-de3 szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4 u4 uru2 gul-gul-e szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4 u4 e2 gul-gul-e szu-ni-a im-ma-szi-in-gi4

    (d)dumu-zi-abzu e2-bi ki-nu-nir-sza3-ba-ke4 ni2 im-ma-da-an-te ki-nu-nir-sza3(ki) iri nam-dumu-gi7-ra-ka-ni kar-kar-re-de3 ba-ab-du11 (d)nansze iri-ni nina(ki)-a kur-re ba-ab-gar sirara3(ki) ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni hul-gal2-e ba-an-szum2 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me ge6-par4 ku3 nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-la2-la2 en-bi ge6-par4-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 gu2 i7-nun-na-(d)nanna-ka a2 dugud ba-szi-in-de6 masz-kan2-masz-kan2 e2-danna (d)nanna-ka tur3 dugud-gin7 ba-gul

    lu2-kar-ra-bi masz kar-ra-gin7 ur im-me-da ga-esz(ki) ga-gin7 ur-re ba-an-de2 i3-gul-gul-lu-ne alan dim2-ma |_sig7-alan_| sa6-ga-bi im-ze2-er-ze2-re-e-ne a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me ge6-par4 ku3 nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-la2-la2 en-bi ge6-par4-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 bara2 an-na-da gid2-da-bi a-nir ba-da-ab-sa2 (gesz)gu-za an-na-bi nu-ub-gub sag me-te-a-asz li-bi2-ib-gal2 (gesz)geszimmar-gin7 gu2-guru5 ba-ab-du11 tesz2-bi ba-ra-an-kad4 asz-szu(ki) e2 i7-de3 la2-a re a-e ba-da-ab-bu

    nig2-erim2 nu-dib (d)nanna-ka lu2-erim2-e ba-an-dib e2 ur5-re-am3 a-na-am3 ab-ak e2-pu-uh2-ru-um-ma sza3-su3-ga ba-ab-gar ki-|_nun-me-du_|(ki)-ga ab2 lu amar lu-a re tur3 dugud-gin7 ba-gul (d)nin-gublaga-ke4 ga2-bur-ta giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)nin-i3-gara2-ke4 ni2-te-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me ge6-par4 ku3 nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-la2-la2 en-bi ge6-par4-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 (d)nin-a-zu e2-gid2-da-ke4 (gesz)tukul ub-ba i-ni-in-gub

    (d)nin-hur-sag e2-nu-tur-ra-ke4 u4 hul ba-an-da-dal tu(muszen)-gin7 ab-lal3-ta ba-da-an-dal edin-na bar bi2-ib-gub a iri(ki) gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me gesz-banda3(da) e2 er2-re gal2-la re gi er2-ra ba-an-gul (d)nin-gesz-zi-da gesz-banda3(da) giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)a2-zi-mu2-a nin iri-a-ke4 er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a uru2 gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me u4-bi-a u18-lu lu2 ge6-a ba-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz kuara(ki) hul-hul-lu-de3 lu2 ge6-a ba-an-dur2-ru-ne-esz

    (d)nin-e2-_ha_-ma ni2-te-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a uru2 gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me (d)asar-lu2-hi ul4-ul4-la tug2 ba-an-mu4 |_lul-ku_| mu-un-_du_ (d)lugal-banda3(da) ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)nin-sun2 [...] a uru2 gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me eridu(ki) a gal-la diri-ga a nag-e ba-am3-u-gun3? bar-ba edin-lil2-e du3-a x x [...] lu2 zi ki-lul-la x x [...] (d)ka-he2-gal2-la (d)igi-he2-gal2-la [...] gurusz-me-en u4 nu-gul-la-me-en mu-x-gul-[...]

    u4 nu-gul-la hi-li nu-til-la-me-en [...] mu-un-[...] (gesz)taskarin-gin7 ba?-sa6-ga-me-esz i3-sag3-ge-de3-en-de3-en x x-gin7 igi gun3-gun3-me-esz i3-sag3-ge-de3-en-de3-en alan-gin7 kusz3-kusz3-a de2-a-me-esz i3-sag3-ge-de3-en-de3-en gu-ti-um(ki) lu2 ha-lam-ma-ke4 me-ze2-er-ze2-re-ne a-a (d)en-ki-ra abzu eridu(ki)-sze3 szu-a ba-en-de3-en-gi4 x x a-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi2-in-tah-e-da-na x x x a-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi2-in-tah-e-da-na x x x x x x eridu(ki)-ga-ta he2-em-da-sar?-da-na

    u4-da ... ha?-ba-gub-bu-da-na gissu ba-x-mu ge6-a x x-ke4 ha-ba-gub-bu-da-na u4-de3 ba-ra-an-tuku u4-da gub sag sag3-ge-me-a a-na szu ba-ni-ti-en-de3-en ge6-da gub u3 nu-ku-me-a a-na u2-gu me-de2-de3-en-de3-en (d)en-ki-ke4 uru2-zu nam ha-ba-da-an-ku5 ki-erim2-e ha-ba-an-szum2 me-en-de3-en eridu(ki)-ta gal2-la-da a-na-asz mu-e-de3-la2-e-ne? (gesz)geszimmar-gin7 szu nu-du11-ga-me-a a-na-asz mu-e-gul-gul-lu-ne (gesz)ma2 gibil-gin7 sa bil2-la2 nu-ak-e a-na-asz mu-e-ze2-er-ze2-re-ne

    (d)en-ki-ke4 igi-ni ki kur2-ra ba-an-gar-ra-ba u4? x x nam-tag dugud-da-ke4 gesz hul mu-un-ne-tag [...] _um_? ba-da-an-zi-ge-esz-a ildu2-ba mu-un-sa4?-esz (d)en-ki-ke4 eridu(ki)-ga-ta giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)dam-gal-nun-na ama e2-mah-a er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a uru2 gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me ge6-par4 ku3 nam-en-na-ba szu ba-e-la2-la2 en-bi ge6-par4-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 uri5(ki)-ma lu2 u2-sze3 nu-gen lu2 a-sze3 nu-gen u2-sze3 gen-bi u2-ta ba-gen hur nu-um-mi-ib-gur-ru

    a-sze3 gen-bi a-ta ba-gen hur nu-um-mi-ib-gur-ru sig-sze3 elam(ki)-ma ba-szi-in-gub-bu gaz-de3 i3-_til_-e nim-sze3 ha-al-ma lu2-kur2-ra-ke4 szu-ni [...]-x-gar ti-id-nu-um(ki)-e u4 szu2-usz (gesz)mitum2-a ur2-ra ba-ni-in-gar sig-sze3 elam(ki)-ma u2-a e3-a-gin7 _ku_-bi im-[...]-x-le nim-sze3 in-dal tu15 dal-la-gin7 edin-na [...] x uri5(ki) am gal u3-na gub-ba-gin7 gu2 ki-sze3 ba-ab-gar (d)en-lil2-le lu2 nam tar-tar-re-de3 a-na bi2-in-ak-a-ba

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 elam(ki) lu2-kur2-ra kur-ta ba-ra-e3
  • e2 sag-kal-la giri3 du3-a um-ma-[...] kisiga(ki) hul-hul-lu-de3 lu2 1(u) lu2 5(disz) ... u4 3(disz)-e ge6 3(disz)-e la-ba-da-te? x x [...] iri (gesz)al-e ba-ab-ra-ah kisiga(ki) (d)dumu-zi sag-gin7 ba-ra-e3 szu-ni ba-da-ab-du3 e2-sze3 ku3 giri3 [...] a _ka_ [...] zi-ga u5-a ... zi-ga u5-a ...-am3? [...]-un-_du_ zi-ga u5-a ...-am3? [...] si gal-gal ba-an-u5-bi x [...]-x-_du_-esz [...] si tur-tur masz2 igi-du-gin7 x [...]-dab5?-be2-esz nig2-gur11-ra-ni-ta ba-da-u5 kur-sze3 ba-gen

    i-lu kur giri3 nu-gal2-la-ba gal-gal-bi mi-ni-ib2-be2 ga-sza-an-gen nig2-gur11-ga2 ga-ba-da-u5 ki-ba gi4-in de3-gen ku3 (na4)za-gin3-gu10-ta ga-ba-e-da-u5 ki-ba gi4-in de3-gen ki-ba na-ag2-gi4-in nam-lu2-ulu3 x x sag a-ba-a ba-ab-us2-e ki-ba na-ag2-gi4-in elam(ki) x x x sag a-ba-a ba-ab-us2-e a iri gul-la e2 gul-la-gu10 gig-ga-bi im-me nin-gu10 lu2-kur nu-me-a kur?-re? ba-ab-gen (d)ama-uszumgal-an-na kisiga(ki) [...]-ga2 x _mu_? uru2-gin7 nu-x [...] x ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma [...] x x [...]

    gesz-gi4-gal2 ki-ru-gu2-da-kam [...] u2-a ba-szi-in-[...] ... u2-a ba-szi-in-x [...] [...] gub-bu-bi szuku mah-gin7 ba-e-x [...] (d)en-lil2-le abul-la mah-ba (gesz)ig tu15-ma bi2-in-gub uri5(ki)-ma lu2 u2-sze3 nu-gen lu2 a-sze3 nu-gen ug3-bi a tul2-la2 de2-a-gin7 szu i3-nigin2-nigin2?-ne usu-bi ni2-bi-a nu-gal2 giri3-bi ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)en-lil2-le sza3-gar lu2 nig2-hul iri-a ba-an-da-dab5 nig2 iri gul-gul-e nig2 e2 gul-gul-e iri-a ba-an-da-dab5 nig2 igi-bi-sze3 (gesz)tukul-e la-ba-gub-bu-a iri-a ba-an-da-dab5

    sza3 nu-si-si igi nigin2-bi iri-a ba-an-da-dab5 uri5(ki)-ma gi dili du3-a-gin7 sag sag3-ge nu-ga2-ga2 ug3-bi ku6 szu dab5-ba-gin7 zi-bi mi-ni-in-tum2-tum2-mu tur mah-bi i3-bara3-bara3-ge-esz lu2 nu-um-zi-zi-zi |_lugal-bi-gub_| dub-la2-a u5-a nig2-gu7 la-ba-na-gal2 lugal nig2 sa6-ga gu7-gu7-a szuku-re im-ma-an-dab5 u4 im-szu2-szu2 igi im-la2-e sza3-ka-tab i3-zu-zu e2-lunga-na kasz nu-un-gal2 munu4-bi nu-um-gal2 e2-gal-la-na nig2-gu7 la-ba-na-gal2 tusz-u3-bi nu-ub-du7

    ga2-nun mah-a-ni sze nu-um-si-si zi-bi la-ba-szi-in-tum2-tum2-mu guru7-du6 guru7-masz-e (d)nanna-ka (d)|_sze-tir_| nu-un-gal2 kin-sig unu2 gal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 szu ba-e-la2-la2 unu2 gal-bi kurun lal3 musz3 im-ma-ab-tum2 gir2-_pa_-a gu4 udu gu7-ra u2-szim-e ba-da-nu2 gir4 mah-ba gu4 udu nu-ak-e ir nu-mu-un-ur5-ur5-e bur-sag-ta a2 sikil (d)nanna-ka za-pa-ag2-bi ba-ra-gul e2 gu4-gin7 gu3 bi2-ib-du11-ga-a re si-ga-bi ba-du3 mu-un-_du_ ku3-ga si nu-un-sa2-e gar-ra-bi ba-su3-u4

    (na4)kin2 (gesz)naga3 gesz-gan-na i3-dur2-dur2 lu2 nu-um-szi-gam-e kar-za-gin3-na (d)nanna-ka a-e ba-da-la2 a (gesz)ma2-sag-ga2-ke4 gu3 nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4 asil3-la2 nu-mu-un-szub unu2-_ri_-banda3(da) (d)nanna-ka sahar ba-da-dub-dub (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_| ba-da-mu2 (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_| ba-da-mu2 gir re-e ba-an-mu2 ma2 ma2-gur8-ra kar-za-gin3-na musz3 im-ma-ab-tum2 i7 ma2-gur8-ra ba-ab-du7-a-za a2 nu-un-su3-su3-e ezem ki garza-ka gesz-hur-bi ba-da-kur2 ma2 nesag-ga2 a-a ugu-na-ka nesag nu-mu-un-na-ab-tum3

    ninda nidba-bi (d)en-lil2 nibru(ki)-sze3 nu-mu-da-an-ku4-ku4 i7-bi sza3-su3-ga i3-gal2 ma2-gur8 nu-mu-un-dib-be2 gu2 tab 2(disz)-a-bi giri3 nu-gal2 u2 gid2-da ba-am3-mu2 (e2)tur3 dagal-la (d)nanna-ka dub-ba-an-bi ba-si-il gi-sig (gesz)kiri6-ka szu ba-e-la2-la2 gu2-giri3 ba-an-gar-gar ab2-szilam-ma amar-bi ba-da-ab-dab5 ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 ab2 (u2)munzer-e edin ki nu-zu-bi giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5-be2-esz (d)ga-a-a-u2 lu2 ab2 ki ag2-ga2 (gesz)tukul szurum-ma ba-szub

    (d)szu-ni-du10 i3 ga-ar3-ra du6-ul-du6-ul-e i3 ga-ar3-ra nu-du6-ul-du6-ul i3-bi lu2 i3 nu-zu-ne i3-du9-du9-ne ga-bi lu2 ga nu-zu-ne i3-im-musz3-musz3-u3-ne (e2)tur3-ra (dug)szakir3-e dun5-dun5-e gu3 nun nu-mu-ni-ib-be2 ne-mur dugud-gin7 i3-ra-a re i-bi2-bi ba-gul [...] x unu2 gal (d)nanna-ka [...] (d)suen-e a-a-ni (d)en-lil2-ra er2 mu-un-na-sze8-sze8 a-a ugu-gu10 iri(ki)-gu10 a-na-ra-du3? a-na-asz ba-e-da-gur-re-en (d)en-lil2 uri5(ki)-gu10 a-na-ra-du3? a-na-asz ba-e-da-gur-re-en

    ma2 nesag-e a-a ugu-na-sze3 nesag nu-mu-un-na-ab-tum3 ninda nidba-zu (d)en-lil2 nibru(ki)-sze3 nu-mu-un-na-da-an-ku4-ku4 en iri bar-ra en iri sza3-ga lil2-e ha-ba-ab-lah5-e-esz uri5(ki) iri(ki) (gesz)al-e ri-a-gin7 du6-du6-da ba-szid du6-ur2 ki ni2 dub2-bu (d)en-lil2-la2 esz3 lil2-la2 ba-ab-gar (d)en-lil2 iri-zu igi bar-ra e2-ri-a su3-ga nibru(ki) iri-zu igi bar-ra e2-ri-a su3-ga uri5(ki)-ma ur-bi ur2 bad3-da si-im-si-im nu-mu-un-ak-e tul2 sag bulug-ga ganba-bi-a ki li-bi2-ib-de5-de5-ge

    a-a ugu-gu10 iri(ki)-gu10 dili-bi-ta a2-zu-sze3 nigin2-am3-szi-ib (d)en-lil2 uri5(ki)-gu10 dili-bi-ta a2-zu-sze3 nigin2-am3-szi-ib e2-kisz-nu-gal2-gu10 dili-bi-ta a2-zu-sze3 nigin2-am3-szi-ib uri5(ki)-ma numun ha-ra-ni-ib-e3 ug3 hu-mu-ra-ab-dagal-la me ki-en-gi-ra ba-da-ha-lam-e ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma a e2 zi e2 zi a lu2-bi lu2-bi gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im (d)en-lil2-le dumu-ni (d)suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 uru2 lil2-la2 sza3-bi a-nir-ra gi er2-ra ba-am3-mu2

    sza3-bi a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-am3-mu2 sza3-bi-a a-nir-ra u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e dumu-gu10 dumu-gi7 ni2-za-bi-me-en er2-ra na-bi-me-en (d)nanna dumu-gi7 ni2-za-bi-me-en er2-ra na-bi-me-en di-til-la inim pu-uh2-ru-um-ma-ka szu gi4-gi4 nu-gal2 inim du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-la2-ka szu bala-e nu-zu uri5(ki)-ma nam-lugal ha-ba-szum2 bala da-ri2 la-ba-an-szum2 u4 ul kalam ki gar-ra-ta za3 ug3 lu-a-sze3 bala nam-lugal-la sag-bi-sze3 e3-a a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-du8-a nam-lugal-bi bala-bi ba-gid2-e-de3 sza3 kusz2-u3-de3

    (d)nanna-gu10 na-an-kusz2-kusz2-u3-de3 iri(ki)-zu e3-bar-ra-ab u4-ba lugal-gu10 dumu-gi7-ra ur5-ra-ni ba-an-usz2 en (d)dili(im2)-babbar dumu-gi7-ra sza3 hul-lu im-ma-an-dim2 (d)nanna lu2 iri(ki)-ni ki ag2-ga2 iri(ki)-ni ba-ra-e3 (d)suen-e uri5(ki) ki ag2-ga2 giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5 (d)nin-gal-e gir5 iri(ki)-ni-ta ki kur2-sze3 du-u3-de3 tug2 ul4-ul4-la-bi ba-ra-an-mu4 iri(ki)-ta ba-ra-e3 uri5(ki)-ma (d)a-nun-na-bi bar-ra ba-su8-ge-esz uri5(ki)-ma _ne_ ni2-bi ki x x x-a ba-a-te

    uri5(ki)-ma gesz-bi tu-ra-am3 gi-bi tu-ra-am3 bad3-bi en-na nigin2-na-bi-da a-nir ba-da-sa2 u4 szu2-usz-e (gesz)tukul-e igi-bi-sze3 sag i3-sag3-sag3-ge uri5(ki)-ma (uruda)ha-zi-in gal-gal-e igi-bi-sze3 u3-sar i3-ak-e gesz-gid2-da a2 me3-ke4 si bi2-ib-sa2-sa2-e-ne (gesz)pan gal-gal (gesz)ilar (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|)(ur3)-ra tesz2 im-da-gu7-e (gesz)ti zu2-ke4 muru9 szeg3-ga2-gin7 bar-ba mi-ni-in-si na4 gal-gal-e ni2-bi-a pu-u4-pa-ad im-mi-ib-za u4 szu2-usz iri(ki)-ta im-hul-e mu-un-da-an-gi4-gi4

    uri5(ki) ne3-bi-ta nir-gal2 gab2-gaz-e ba-gub ug3-bi lu2-erim2-e a2 bi2-ib2-gar (gesz)tukul-e la-ba-su8-ge-esz iri(ki) (gesz)tukul-e sag nu-szum2-mu-a sza3-gar-e im-us2 sza3-gar-e iri(ki) a-gin7 ba-e-si ga2-la nu-um-ta-dag-ge sza3-gar-e igi-bi im-gam-me-e sa-bi im-lu-gu2-ne ug3-bi a-nigin2-na ba-e-si zi _har_ i-ak-e lugal-bi e2-gal ni2-te-na-ka zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an nam-lu2-ulu3-bi (gesz)tukul ba-e-szub (gesz)tukul ki bi2-ib2-tag szu-bi gu2-bi-sze3 ba-szi-ib-ri-ri er2 mu-un-sze8-sze8-ne

    ni2-bi-a ad mi-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 inim im-szar2-szar2-e-ne me-li-e-a du11-ga-me nam-gu10 tah-me nam-gu10 en3-sze3-am3 ka garasz2-a-ka i-im-til-le-de3-en-de3-en uri5(ki)-ma sza3-bi nam-usz2-am3 bar-bi nam-usz2-am3 sza3-bi-a nig2 sza3-gar-ra-ka i-im-til-le-de3-en-de3-en bar-bi-a (gesz)tukul elam(ki)-ma-ka ga-nam ba-e-til-le-en-de3-en uri5(ki)-ma lu2-erim2-e a2 bi2-ib-gar ga-nam ba-til-e-de3-en-de3-en zi-bi murgu-bi-sze3 i3-ak-e gu3 tesz2-a bi2-in-se3-ge5-esz

    e2-gal a ba-szub-ba szu ba-e-la2-la2 (gesz)si-gar-bi bi2-in-bu-bu-usz elam(ki)-e a mah e3-a-gin7 gidim im-ma-ni-ib2-gar uri5(ki)-ma (gesz)tukul-e (dug)sahar2-gin7 sag gaz i3-ak-e lu2-kar-ra-bi du10 nu-um-zil(_nun_)-e bad3 za3-ga bi2-in-dab5-be2-esz ku6 a-nigin2-na lu-ga-gin7 zi-bi in-tum3-tum3-mu-ne e2-kisz-nu-gal2 (d)nanna-ka lu2-erim2-e ba-e-dab5 sig an-gar-bi dugud gal2-la-a re im-ze-er-ze-re-ne (uruda)alan uzugx(|_an-zag_|)-ge si-a-bi gu2-guru5 ba-an-ne-esz (d)nin-i3-gara2 agrig mah-e |_uru_xGAR|-ma szu bi2-in-dag

    (gesz)gu-za-bi igi-bi-ta ba-e-szu2 sahar-ra ba-da-an-tusz ab2 mah-bi si-musz3-bi ba-ra-an-dab5-be2-esz si-bi ba-ra-an-ku5 gu4 du7-du7-bi udu u2 gu7-a-bi (gesz)tukul-e ba-an-sag3-sag3 (gesz)geszimmar-gin7 gu2-gur5-ru ba-ab-du11 tesz2-bi ba-ra-an-kad4 (gesz)geszimmar uruda nig2 kal-ga a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_|-gin7 ba-bu (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_|-gin7 ba-ze2 ur2-ba ti mi-ni-ib-bala sag sahar-ra ki ba-ni-ib-u2-us2 lu2 zi-zi la-ba-tuku (gesz)ze2-na-bi gu2 ba-an-guru5-usz sag szu bi2-in-hu-hu-uz

    (gesz)a2-an zu2-lum-ma-bi pu2 du7-du7 ba-ra-an-_bu_-_bu_-de3-esz gi-zi nab? ku3-ge mu2-a szu ba-e-la2-la2 gu2-un gal-gal-e mi-ni-in-gar-re-esz-a kur-re i3-il2-il2 e2-e gesz-bur2 mah-bi ba-szub bad3-si-bi ba-gul masz2-ansze zi-da gab2-bu-ba gu2-da la2-a-bi ur-sag ur-sag-e gaz-a-gin7 igi-bi-ta ba-szu2 uszumgal ka du8-a pirig-ga2 ni2 guru3-gur3-ru-bi am dab5-ba-gin7 saman-e bi2-in-szub-bu re ki-erim2-e ba-ab-de6 ki-tusz ku3 (d)nanna tir szim (gesz)erin-na-gin7 ir-si-im-bi ba-gul

    a-sal-bar-bi ku3-sig17 (na4)za-gin3 ki x x-da du11-ga-a-bi e2 u6 di-bi i3-du10-ga re u6 di-bi ba-gul u4-gin7 kur-kur-ra im-si-a an-usan an-na-gin7 ba-e-du3 (gesz)ig-bi mul?-an-na x-bi [...] du11-ga-ba (uruda)bulug gal-gal-e _ka_ [...]-gi4-gi4 ba-ra-an-bu-bu-usz (kusz)a2-si-bi a-ba _im_ [...] en3-bi-sze3 _tug2 pi_ [...] ba-ab-du11 (gesz)nu-kusz2-u3-bi-da lu2-kar-ra-gin7 er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 (gesz)sag-kul (gesz)suhub4 ku3-ga (gesz)ig gal gu2 gid2-i nu-mu-na-ab-be2

    (gesz)ig gu2 gid2-da za-pa-ag2-bi ba-szub lu2 gu2 gid2-i la-ba-an-tuku [...] x-ba-sze3 ba-la2-la2 sila dagal-la ni2-bi ba-ab-gar ki x x-da ki lugal gub-bu-na nidba-bi ba-kur2 ki? ku3-ba tigi2 szem5 (kusz)a2-la2-e gu3 nun nu-mu-ni-ib-be2 (gesz)tigi2 mah-ba er2? x [...]-si-a szer3 ku3 nu-mu-na-ab-be2 dub-la2-mah ki nam tar-re-de3 ka-inim-ma nu-gal2 (gesz)gu-za ki di ku5-ru-bi nu-mu-un-gub di si nu-um-sa2-e (d)alamusz-e (gesz)gidri ba-da-an-szub szu-ni gu4?-u4-gu4-u4 a2-nu2-da ku3 (d)nanna-ka balag na-mu-un-tag-ge-ne

    dub-szen ku3 lu2 igi nu-bar-re-dam erim2-e igi i-ni-in-bar gesz-nu2 gi4-rin-na nu-um-gub u2 za-gin3 nu-mu-un-bara3 (uruda)alan uzugx(|_an-zag_|)-ge4 si-a-ba gu2-guru5 ba-an-ne-esz engiz ensi kiszib3-gal2-bi esz-da szu li-bi2-in-du7-usz gu2 ki-sze3 gal2-la-ba ba-e-su8-su8-ge-esz kur2-re ba-ab-lah5-e-esz uz-ga ku3 szu-luh dadag-ga sza3-gada-la2-be2-e-ne gesz-hur me ku3-ga ba-da-ha-lam-e iri kur2-sze3 ba-e-re7-esz (d)suen-e sza3 hul-la-ni a-a-ni-ir ba-szi-in-gen igi a-a ugu-na (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 du10 ki ba-ni-in-us2

    a-a ugu-gu10 en3-tukum-sze3 nig2-ka9-gu10 igi erim2 mu-e-du8 en3-tukum-sze3 _sar_ nam-en nam-lugal szum2-ma-za-am3 x mu-e-szi-de2? a-a (d)en-lil2 lu2 a2 ag2-e du11-ga zi inim ku3-zu kalam-ma [...] di nig2 kur2-zu sza3 [...] sza3 zu-mu-ug-ga i-zi-gin7 hu-luh-ha-za igi zi bar-mu-un-szi-ib a-a (d)en-lil2 nam mu-e-tar-ra |_ga2_xGAR| ba-ra-an-du8-du8 siki-pa nam-en-na suh kesz2-da-ga2 u4 sikil mah luh-luh x x [...] x tug2-mu-dur7-ra mi-ni-in-mu4 (d)en-lil2-le dumu-ni (d)suen-ra inim zi mu-un-na-ab-be2

    dumu-gu10 iri nam-he2 giri17-zal sza-ra-da-du3-a bala-zu ba-szi-ib-tuku iri(ki) gul bad3 gal bad3-si-bi se3-ge5 u3 ur5-re bala an-ga-am3 sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11-ga bala u4 ge6-ge6-ga-bi-ir gal2-lu sza-ra-du11 dur2-u3 re ki-tusz e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru-za zi-de3-esz du3-du3-am3 uri5(ki) giri17-zal-la he2-en-du3 ug3 he2-en-szi-gam-e ur2-bi-a nig2 he2-en-gal2 (d)|_sze-tir_| he2-eb2-da-tusz pa-bi-a giri17-zal he2-en-gal2 (d)utu he2-en-da-hul2 (gesz)banszur-ba he2-gal2 (d)|_sze-tir_|-ka gu2-da he2-em-mi-ib-la2

    uri5(ki) iri an-ne2 nam tar-re ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 (d)en-lil2-le gu3 zi de2-am3 gu2 an-sze3 he2-en-zi (d)nanna-ra ma-da sig igi-nim-ma gu2 hu-mu-na-ab-diri (d)suen-ra kaskal kur-ra-ke4 si he2-en-na-sa2-e muru9-gin7 ki us2-sa-a-gin7 szu mu-un-na-ga2-ga2 inim du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-la2-kam szu zi he2-ga2-ga2 a-a (d)nanna iri(ki)-ni uri5(ki)-ma sag il2-la mu-un-gen szul (d)suen e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-sze3 im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4 (d)nin-gal-e agrun ku3-ga-na ni2 mu-ni-ib-te-en-te-en

    uri5(ki)-ma e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na im-ma-da-an-ku4-ku4 ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma iri(ki) lil2-la2-am3 sza3-bi a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-an-mu2 sza3-bi a-sze-ra gi er2-ra ba-an-mu2 ug3-bi a-sze-er-ra u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im u4 gig-ga u4 gaba-zu zi-ga-ab u4 e2-za gi4-bi u4 uru2 gul-gul u4 gaba-zu zi-ga-ab u4 e2-za gi4-bi u4 e2 gul-gul u4 gaba-zu zi-ga-ab u4 e2-za gi4-bi u4 ki-en-gi-ra ba-e-zal-la kur-re he2-eb-zal u4 ma-da ba-e-zal-la kur-re he2-eb-zal kur ti-id-nu-um(ki)-ma-ka he2-eb-zal kur-re he2-eb-zal

    kur gu-ti-um(ki)-ma-ka he2-eb-zal kur-re he2-eb-zal kur an-sza4-an(ki)-na-ka he2-eb-zal kur-re he2-eb-zal an-sza4-an(ki)-e im-hul dal-la-gin7 szusz3 he2-ni-ib-su-su sza3-gar lu2 nig2-hul he2-en-da-dab5 ug3 he2-em-szi-ib-gam-e me an-na gesz-hur ug3 ge-ne2 an-ne2 nam-kur2-re di ku5 ka-asz bar-re ug3 si sa2-sa2-e an-ne2 nam-kur2-re kaskal kalam-ma-ke4 giri3 ga2-ga2 an-ne2 nam-kur2-re an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-bi nam-kur2-ru-ne an-ne2 nam-kur2-re (d)en-ki (d)nin-mah-bi nam-kur2-ru-ne an-ne2 nam-kur2-re

    (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na a-bi tum3-de3 an-ne2 nam-kur2-re szegx(|_im-a_|) an-na ki-a sze gu-nu an-ne2 nam-kur2-re i7 a-bi-da a-sza3 sze-bi-da an-ne2 nam-kur2-re ambar-ambar-re ku6 muszen tum3 an-ne2 nam-kur2-re gesz-gi gi sumun gi henbur mu2-mu2-de3 an-ne2 nam-kur2-re an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-bi nam-kur2-ru-ne (d)en-ki (d)nin-mah-bi nam-kur2-ru-ne pu2-(gesz)kiri6 lal3 gesztin u3-tu an-edin-na (gesz)masz2-gur2 u3-tu e2-gal-la zi su3-u4-gal2 u3-tu a-ab-ba he2-gal2 nig2 u3-tu an-ne2 nam-kur2-re

    ma-da ug3 lu-a sig igi-nim-ma an-ne2 nam-kur2-re an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-bi nam-kur2-re-ne an-ne2 nam-kur2-re (d)en-ki (d)nin-mah-bi nam-kur2-re-ne an-ne2 nam-kur2-re iri du3-du3-a ug3 szar2-szar2-ra an ki nigin2-na ug3 sag se3-ga (d)nanna nam-lugal-zu du10-ga-am3 ki-za gi4-ni-ib uri5(ki) bala du10 nam-he2 u4 he2-ni-ib-su3-u4-de3 ug3-bi u2-sal-la he2-eb-nu2 e-ne su3-u4 he2-em-ak? a nam-lu2-ulu3 ba-tu11 _ku_-re egir3-re mu-lu er2 a-sze-re (d)nanna a iri-zu a e2-zu a nam-lu2-u18-lu-zu ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    AI Translation

    The storm is to be dissolved, the plans are to be destroyed, the storm is to be thrown into the marshes like a sailor, the storm is to be dissolved, the divine powers of Sumer are to be dissolved, the good reign of the house to be restored, the city to be destroyed, the house to be destroyed, the sheepfold to be destroyed, the oxen to be thrown into the sheepfold to be thrown out, the sheep to be thrown out of the sheepfold to be thrown out, the canal to be drenched with a sulphur, to be cultivated, to be cultivated, to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the plain to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the pastures to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the pastures to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the pastures to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the mother to be my child, to be cultivated in the father to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the small children to be cultivated, to be cultivated in the small children to be cultivated

    In Sumer, the divine powers are to be destroyed, its plans are to be altered, in Ur, the divine powers of kingship are to be restored, the princely son of the Ekishnugal temple to be sated with a scepter, Nanna to the people like ewes to be seen, in Ur, the shrine of great food offerings, to be reconstructed, its people to not live in their dwellings to be deprived of their dwellings to be destroyed to the enemy, Shimashki and Elam to the enemy to live in their dwellings to be destroyed, its shepherd to the palace to be seized by the enemy, Dibi-Sîn to the land of Elam to be smitten by a geshbur-plot,

    From Zabu, from the border of the sea, to the border of Anshan, like a pigeon, its house was destroyed, to his city he did not return. The Tigris and Euphrates, two rivers, whose banks are swollen, were swollen, and on the road they were not able to go. The city, which is a fortress, was a fortress, and its streets were swollen. The people, who were smitten, were swollen with a cypress, he was a fortress, he was not able to carry off grain, he was not able to carry off seed, he was not able to cross over the plain, he was not able to cross over the turra, he was not able to carry off oil, he was not able to cross over the szurum,

    the shepherd shall not make the gishkura-vessels of the pure sheepfold bow down, the Ilulama-vessel shall not make the shakkira-vessel bow down, the plain shall not let the wild animals roam, the lions shall not let the wild animals roam, the lions of Shakkan shall not let the shorn earth fall down, the marshes shall not be smashed, the reeds shall not be sown, the reeds shall not be sown, the reeds shall not be sown, the orchards shall not be sown, the new orchards shall not be sown, the great wild bulls of Ur, standing in the grass, the sage of the city, the seed of en-ship and kingship, the pure place,

    Like a bull, its tails are torn out, its necks to the ground torn out. An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaga will decide its fate. They will decide its fate, and nothing will change. Who will change what he has decreed? By the command of An and Enlil, one word has been spoken to him: An has destroyed Sumer, he has destroyed its dwellings, and the people have sinned. Enlil has made a terrible storm pass by, he has destroyed the city. Nintur has hung the door of the mother of the nation. Enki has poured water on the Tigris and Euphrates.

    Utu, the lord, gave a decision by means of his mouth. Inanna gave the battle and battle to the rebellious land. Ningirsu, like Sumer, smote the dogs. The Land was destroyed, everything that no one knows, nothing that is visible, nothing that is not present, nothing that is not to be redeemed. The lands were seized by fear. The city was destroyed by its god. Its shepherd was seized by fear. The people were seized by fear. They were seized by fear. They were seized by the storm. They did not return to the storm, they did not return to the storm. They did not return to the storm, they did not return to the storm.

    Enlil, the shepherd of the black-headed people, who has acted in this way? Enlil has destroyed the true house, the true man has turned into a ghost, the son of the true man has turned into a child of the true man. At that time, Enlil has departed from Gutium, from the mountain. Its utterances are unalterable. Enlil has sworn by a scepter that has no rival. The great wind of the steppe has risen up before him. The steppe has been smashed, but no one has been smashed. The black storm has been smashed, the black storm has been smashed, the black storm has been smashed, the black storm has been smashed, the black storm has been smashed, the head has been smashed,

    When the ganur tree came out from above, the city was smashed with a harrow. At that time, heaven was destroyed, the earth was destroyed, the storm was swept away. The sky was swept away, the canopy was swept away, the mountains were swollen. Utu sat down in the midst of the horizon. The dust of the mountains was scattered. Nanna sat down in the midst of the sky. The people were frightened. In the city, the god ... sat down. The lands were trembling. The city, which had not been finished, was trembling. The great trees were trembling. The forest was trembling. The orchards were trembling.

    The harvest he brought out. Shetir ... ... ... he ...

    At that time, the kingship of the land was decreed and decreed. Its scepter, the scepter of the head, was changed. The lands, the scepter of the neck, the scepter of the neck, was changed. Ur, the shrine of great food offerings, was changed. Nanna, like the flocks of ewes, he imposed a reign of famine upon him. Its king, he restored the palace to its original state. Ibbi-Sîn, restored the palace to its original state. He cried bitter tears in his E-namtila, his joyful heart. He screamed bitter tears in the place where he was screamed. Like a great storm, he screamed bitter tears in the place. Who is it that he did not return?

    The city is destroyed, the temple is destroyed The evildoer, the righteous one, the righteous one, the righteous one, the righteous one, goes to his side The one who ... the kirugu is the first, the storm is roaring like a raging maruru The geshgigal of the kirugu is the house of Kish, the Hursagkalama. Zababa, his beloved dwelling, has been taken away by a hostile path. Mother Baba, she cried bitterly in her E-iri-kug. "Water is the destroyed city, my destroyed house." ... ... ... ... water is the destroyed city, my destroyed house.

    Kazallu, the city of joy, was seized by a man. Numushda, his beloved city, was taken away by a foreign path. His wife Namrat, the beautiful woman, was crying bitter tears. The water of the destroyed city and the destroyed house was there, but the water did not flow there. The river was not a flood, but was a flood that was not a flood. The field was not a barley crop, the people did not eat it. The orchards were thrown into ruins. The plain was thrown into ruin hills. The livestock did not have any food.

    The nigur offerings of Shakkan did not satisfy him. Lugalmara stood in his city from the other side. Ninzuana, her beloved residence, took a hostile path away from her. "Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple." Isin, the shrine that had not been reconstructed, was turned into water. Ninisina, the mother of the nation, cried bitter tears. "Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple." Enlil seized Ur-anki with a mûm-plant. Enlil seized his city, the shrine Nippur.

    Mother Ninlil, lady of the Ki'ur, cried bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed temple." Kesh, the midst of the plain, cried bitter tears. Adab, the temple on the river bank, was dissolved. The snake of the mountains was dissolved. The midst of Gutium was dissolved. The seed was dissolved. Nintur, her creations, cried bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed temple." The holy giguna was cried bitter tears.

    Inanna departed from Uruk and went to the enemy. In Eanna, the holy shrine, the enemy looked at him. The holy shrine, the en priestess, was seized by the enemy. Its en priestess was seized from the holy shrine and went to the enemy. The water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house, was seized. Umma, its brickwork, was seized with bitter storm. Shara, her beloved Emah, took a different path away from her. Ninmul, her destroyed city, cried bitterly. My city, its radiance was bitter, and the one who does not return to me was seized.

    Girsu, the city of the heroes, he swore. Ningirsu took a different path away from the Eninnu. Mother Baba cried bitter tears in her E-iri-kug. Water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house, he said. At that time, words of a day had been made, and its heart was filled with tears. Enlil's words were true, he was speaking to the whole extent. Enlil, the man who decrees fates, he did not change it. Enlil took away Elam from the enemy. Nanshe, the young, sat in the city.

    For Ninmarki, in the shrine Guabba, fire was poured out. Its gold and lapis lazuli was cast into a great boat for the bala. The lady, whose property is destroyed, is the gold of Ninmarki. At that time, the storm like a roaring fire was poured out. The land of Lagash and Elam were poured out. At that time, the lady was uttering a curse. Baba was uttering a curse like a man. The storm was uttering a curse. The storm of the city was uttering a curse. The storm of the temple was uttering a curse.

    Dumuzi-abzu, who loves the house of Kinunirsha, has sinned against Kinunirsha, the city of the 'dumu-gi'. Nanshe, his city of Nineveh, has turned into a foreign land. Sirara, his beloved residence, has given to evil. The water of the destroyed city, its destroyed house, has poured out bitterly. The holy Gepar, the en priestess, has been thrown out from the Gepar. The enemy has seized the bank of the Nikkan-Nanna. The mashkan-mashkan-priest of the Edanna of Nanna like a heavy pig.

    The lu-karra-demon, like a dog, screamed like a dog. They destroyed Ga'esh, like a dog. They poured out a beautiful statue, their beautiful statues. The water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house, cried bitterly. The holy Gepar, the en priestess, was thrown out of the Gepar. The enemy was thrown out of the place. The en priestess was thrown out of the place. The throne of heaven was not set up. Its head was not set up. Like a date palm, it was smashed with a cypress. In Esh, the house on the river was not diverted.

    The evil that had not been brought to Nanna, the enemy took away. What is the house that is to be seized? The E-puhruma was seized. Ki-Nun-medu, like a calf of a man, was destroyed like a calf whose horns were smashed. Ningublaga took a different path from the Gabur. Ninigara was crying bitter tears. The water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house, was poured out. The holy Gepar, the en priesthood, was thrown out from the Gepar. The enemy was thrown into the territory. Ninazu stood in the Egida, with weapons,

    Ninhursag of the Entur temple was stricken with evil storms. Like a flying eagle, he stood in the plain. The water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house, was destroyed. The geshbanda, the house of trembling, was stricken with tears. Ningeshzida took a different path away from the geshbanda. Azimua, the lady of the city, was stricken with tears. The water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house was destroyed. That day, the storm, the black-headed people, were destroying Kuara, the evil-headed people, were destroying the black-headed people.

    Ninehama, her beloved, cried bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed temple" Asalluhi, he swore, he wore a garment. Lugalbanda, his beloved residence, took a hostile path. Ninsun, ... "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed temple" Eridu, he sank a great flood of water. On its outside, in the plain, he ... ... True man, the destructive one, ... Kahegal, Igihegal, ... I am a young man, the one who does not destroy the day.

    I am the one who does not end the days of the good days, I am the one who does not end the good days of the ... I am the one who ... like a ..., I am the one who ... like a ..., I am the one who ... like a statue, I am the one who ... Gutium, the one who has ruined the land, I am the one who ... the Abzu of Eridu, Father Enki, ... I am the one who ..., I am the one who ..., I am the one who ... from Eridu

    When he stood ..., when he stood ..., when he stood ..., when he stood ..., when he was ..., when he stood ..., when he was not ..., when he was not ..., when he was ..., when he was ..., Enki, your city has been seized, and the enemy has been given to you. When he was ... from Eridu, when he was destroyed, when he was destroyed like date palms, when he was destroyed, when he was not ..., when he was .

    Enki, his face was set upon a foreign place. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enki took a different path from Eridu. Damgalnuna, the mother of the Emah, cried bitter tears. The water of the destroyed city, my destroyed house, cried bitter tears. The holy Gepar, the en priestess, was thrown from the Gepar. Its en priestess was thrown into the enemy land. In Ur, no one could go out, no one could go out, no one could go out. Its people did not go out from the land, they did not return from the land.

    he went on the road, but he did not return. He stood in the plain, and the Elamites were gathered. He ... to the east, and the enemy's hand ... Tidnum, when he was seized by a mutton, ... to the west, like Elam, he ... its pure ... to the east, like a storm blew, in the plain ... Ur, like a great wild bull standing in the wind, he sat on the ground. Enlil, the one who decides fates, he did not know.

  • for the 2nd time Elam, the enemy, from the mountain he took away.
  • The house of the head-sagkala, built by the feet of the umma-priests, ... Kisiga was destroyed, 10 men, 15 men ... 3 days 3 nights 3 days ... ... the city was smashed with a wooden axe Kisiga, like a head-sag he was thrown into the water. To the temple, silver, via ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a small ... ... ... ... ... ... his property he took away, and went to the mountains.

    I am the one who has no god, who has no path, I am the one who has a great cultic center I am the one who has seized my property, I am the one who has seized my gold and lapis lazuli, I am the one who has seized my silver and lapis lazuli, I am the one who has seized my city, I am the one who has seized my city, I am the one who has seized Elam, I am the one who has seized my destroyed city, I am the one who has destroyed my temple, I am the one who has not seized my enemy, Ama-ushumgalana, Kisiga, ... like a city ... 2nd kirugu, .

    The geshgigal-priest of the kiruguda temple ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil set up the door of the great gate. Ur did not go out to the street, did not go out to the street. Its people poured out water into the well like a hose. Its strength was not present. Its feet were not grasped. Enlil seized the heart of a man who had committed crimes against the city. He seized the crime against the city, he seized the house. He seized the crime against the city before, he seized the crime against the city.

    The heart was not sated with tears, it was seized in the city. Ur, like a reed, was not a reed-bed, its head was not a reed-bed. Its people, like fish caught in a trap, were swollen with tears. They were swollen with a lion. They were not a man. They were seated at the king's table. The king, the good thing, was eating food, he was seized. The day was swollen, the eye was swollen. He was seated at the intestines. He was not a beer-beer. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation. He was not a sacrificial libation.

    His supreme storehouse, whose grain does not grow, does not grow, is not a grazing place for the grain-fed sheep. The grazing place of Nanna is not present. The work of the great dining hall of the gods is not done. The great dining hall is filled with ghee. The sulphur of the milk is poured out. The girpa-offerings of the ox and sheep are not sated with sulphur. The girp-offerings of the great dining hall are not smashed. The ox and sheep are not smashed. The pure bursag-offerings of Nanna are destroyed. The temple like a bull is smashed, its door bolt is not smashed, its gatekeeper is not smashed.

    The kiln, the kiln-fired reed, the kiln-fired reed, the man who did not smite him. In the Karzagina of Nanna the water was poured out, the water of the Masag boat was not poured out, the sluice was not poured out. In the Unu-ri-banda of Nanna the earth was poured out, the sahar was poured out, the sahar was poured out, the sahar was poured out, the boat was thrown into the Karzagina, the boat was thrown into the river. The canal was poured out, the boat was not poured out, the plans were changed. The boat was not thrown into the Nesag festival, the father who was with him, the Nesag festival was not poured out.

    The bread and food offerings of Enlil to Nippur did not enter. Its canal was not in the midst of the sea, the barge did not enter. Its two rafts were not there, the two axes were not there. The long grass was piled up. The wide stall of Nanna was smashed. The reed-bed of the orchard was thrown away. The reed-bed of the reed-bed was thrown away. The calf was seized. The enemy took away the calf. The munzer-plants were seized in the plain, the place where there was no escape. Ga'a'u, the man who loved the calf, was struck down with the weapon.

    Shunidu, the jar of butter, is not a jar of butter, is not a jar of butter, is its jar of butter, is it a man who does not know how to make butter, is it a man who does not know how to make butter, is it a man who does not know how to make butter? The stall, the shakkiri-vessel, the shakkiri-vessel, the shakkiri-vessel, the prince, does not speak, is a shakkiri-vessel, is a shakkiri-vessel, is destroyed, is destroyed, is destroyed, is destroyed, is destroyed, is destroyed, is destroyed, is destroyed, is ..., the great throne of Nanna, ... Suen, his father, Enlil, cried "My father, my city, I shall rebuild it!" I shall rebuild it! Enlil, my Ur, I shall rebuild it! I shall rebuild it!

    The boat that brought the nesag offerings to his father did not bring the nesag offerings. Your bread offerings to Enlil to Nippur did not bring. The lord of the other city, the lord of the other city, was seized by the evil spirits. Ur, like a city whose trembling was like a snare, was smashed. The snare, which was a place of joy for Enlil, was set up in the shrine. Enlil, your city, before the other side, the shrine. Nippur, your city, before the other side, the shrine. Ur, its dog, the roof of the wall, was not smashed. The snare, the head, the snare, the netherworld, were not smashed.

    Father, my father, my city, from its entirety to your service, Enlil, my Ur, from its entirety to your service, Ekishnugal, from its entirety to its entirety, may seed be brought into Ur, may the people be sated with abundance, the divine powers of Sumer be redeemed, may its place be restored. 3rd kirugu "Water, the true house, the true house, water, its people, its people, its geshgigal" Enlil, his son, Sîn, has restored. The city, its midst, a reed of mourning, a reed of mourning,

    Its heart was a reed-bed, it was a reed-bed, it was a reed-bed. It was a reed-bed, it was a reed-bed. My son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son, the word of the assembly, I am not able to decide the fate, the word of An and Enlil, I am not able to decide the fate of Ur, I have not given kingship forever, I have not given a reign lasting forever from the distant past, from the land, from the border of the people to the kingship, I have seen the kingship at its head. Its kingship has been imposed upon it, it has been confined to the heart.

    My Nanna, let me be sated with the sacrificial rites of your city. At that time, my king, the child-bearing one, was frightened. Lord Dilimbabbar, the child-bearing one, made a bitter heart bitter for him. Nanna, the man who loves his city, was taken away from his city. Suen, who loves Ur, took a hostile path away from his city. Ningal, who took his city away from his city, washed away his garments. In Ur, the Anuna, ... in Ur, .

    The foundations of Ur were weakened, the reeds were weakened, the walls, like a reed fence, were weakened. The storm was a storm, the weapons were a storm. Ur was a great hazin-stone, before it was a usar-stone. The arrows, the weapons of battle, were smashed. The great bows, the arrows, and the scepter were thrown down. The ... of the arrows, like a storm, were thrown down. The great stones were thrown down. The storm, which had swept away from the city, was returned.

    From Ur, the sage, the sage, stood by, and its people were seized by the enemy. They were seized by weapons. The city, with weapons that were not given, was seized by weapons. The city, like water, was seized by water, it was not able to be re-established. The city's eyes were seized by weapons, its people were seized by water. The king, in his own palace, was seized by a slanderous slander. Its people were struck by weapons, they were struck by weapons, they were struck by weapons, they were seized by a slander.

    They have uttered their utterances, they have uttered their words. They have spoken a slanderous word, saying "My fate is strong, my fate is long." They have been uttering a slanderous word in the midst of Ur. They have been uttering a slanderous word in the midst of Ur. They have been uttering a slanderous word in the midst of Elam. They have been uttering a slander in Ur. They have been uttering a slander in Ur. They have been uttering a slander in Ur. They have been speaking a slanderous word in its midst.

    The palace was destroyed by water, it was seized by the hand. Its gates were seized. Elam, like a great water, was seized by a ghost. Ur was struck with weapons like a sahar-vessel. Its people were not able to escape the walls. Like fish in the water, they were seized by the enemy. The Ekishnugal of Nanna was seized by the enemy. Its ... ... were seized by the enemy. Its ... a bronze statue, its ... was seized. Ninigara, the supreme steward, was seized.

    Its throne was taken away from its front, it was thrown into the dust. Its great cows were slaughtered, its horns were cut off. Its oxen were slaughtered, its sheep and grass were slaughtered with weapons. Its date palms were smashed like a sacrificial tree. Its date palms, the strong copper, which is the weapon of heroism, were smashed like a sacrificial tree. Its top was smashed into the dust. Its top was smashed, it was a man who had no rival, smashed its top.

    The agan-tree of dates was smashed like a smashed pot. The reeds of the holy reeds were thrown into the water. The great ...s were poured out, the mountains were thrown into the water. The temple's great geshbur was destroyed. Its walls were destroyed. The wild animals, the mighty ones, were thrown into the water. Like a hero, a hero was killed. Like a lion, the lion's mouth was smashed like a lion's horns. Its saman was thrown into the enemy's territory. The holy residence of Nanna was destroyed like a juniper grove.

    Its asalbar, with gold and lapis lazuli, ... ... ... Its house, with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., with its ..., like a man, it screams bitterly, it does not have a head, a gold suhub, or a great door, .

    The door with a long neck was thrown out, the man with a long neck was not able to ... ... was thrown out, its wide street was destroyed, its food offerings were changed. In the holy place, the tigi shema and ala chants did not ring the prince. The tigi ... ... did not ring the holy horn. The Dublamah, the place of the fate decree, had no word. The throne, the place of the judging, did not stand. The judging was not ruled. Alamush sat on the scepter. His hands, the oxen-goats, the holy a-nu-dag of Nanna, were not sung the harp.

    The holy tablet was not seen by a man, the enemy saw it. The bed was not set up, the lapis lazuli was not strewn. The statues were smashed in the middle. The ensi and the governor smashed their seals in a new way. They smashed the necks of the earth, they smashed the enemy's foes. The holy uzga, the shuluh, the sagadala, the divine plans were smashed, they smashed the city, they smashed the city. Sîn, his evil heart, his father, smashed the city before his father Enlil.

    Father Enlil, who has a father who is a father who has a father who is a father, has sworn my account before the enemy, and has sworn lordship and kingship, ..., father Enlil, the one who a command speaks truthfully, your holy word is the Land ..., your judgments are a gift of the Land ..., your heart ..., your heart ..., you are a slanderer, you are a slanderer, you have sworn by father Enlil, and you have sworn by the fate. The scepter of lordship, the scepter of lordship, the scepter of the king, the scepter of the scepter, the scepter of the scepter, ..., he has sworn by Enlil, his son, Suen, and he has sworn by him,

    My son, the city of abundance, which is to be reconstructed, has been reconstructed, and your reign has been reconstructed. The city, destroyed, its great walls, its ruins have been ruined and they have been reconstructed. The balancing of heaven and earth has been made perfect, and the days of the night have been made perfect. The reed bed of the Etemenniguru temple has been built aright. Ur has been rebuilt, and the people have been gathered. There is something to be reconstructed, and the people have been gathered there. There is something to be reconstructed, and Utu has rejoiced. The table of abundance has been reconstructed, and the god has been seated there.

    Ur, the city of An, may the fates be determined for it. May Enlil speak the truth, and the voice of heaven be heard. For Nanna, the land of the sand dunes may it be sounded. For Suen, the road of the netherworld may it be sounded. Like a lion, it is a place of rejoicing. May it be uttered in a favorable way by An and Enlil. Father Nanna, his city Ur, he raised up its head. The youth Suen entered the Ekishnugal. Ningal, his sacred agrun, he made him dwell.

    The Ekishnugal temple in Ur was reconstructed. The 4th kirugu The city was a ghost. Its heart was a ghost. Its heart was a ghost. Its people were a ghost. Its people were a ghost. Its geshgigal The angry, angry, and angry day was set upon your chest. The destroyed city was set upon your chest. The destroyed house was set upon your chest. The destroyed house was set upon your chest. The destroyed house was set upon your chest. The destroyed house was set upon your chest. The destroyed land was destroyed. The destroyed land was destroyed. The destroyed land was destroyed. The destroyed land was destroyed. The land was destroyed. Tidnum was destroyed. The destroyed land

    He shall not dwell in Gutium, he shall not dwell in the mountains. He shall not dwell in the mountains. He shall not dwell in Anshan, he shall not dwell in the mountains. He shall not let the angry man be seized by the slander of the people. He shall not change the divine powers of heaven, the divine plans of the people. He shall not change the judgments, the pronouncements, the supplications of the people. He shall not change the path of the land. He shall not change the path of An. He shall not change the path of Enlil. He shall not change the path of Enki and Ninmah. He shall not change the path of An.

    The Tigris and Euphrates, the rivers that are called by An, are cursed. Rain from heaven, the field of the barley, are cursed. The Tigris, the field of the barley, are cursed. The marshes, the fish, the bird, are cursed. The reeds, the reeds, the reeds, the reeds, the reeds, are cursed. An, Enlil, are cursed. Enki and Ninmah, are cursed. The orchards, the reeds, the honey, the wine-making ritual, the reeds of the plain, the reeds of the palace, the true, reeds of the sea, the abundance, everything that is cursed, are cursed.

    The land, the people, the people, the ... of heaven, An will not change, An will not change, Enki will not change, Ninmah will not change, An will not change, Enki will not change, Ninmah will not change, the city built, the people ..., heaven and earth, the people ... Nanna, your kingship is good, your place is restored, Ur, a good reign may it bring forth, its people may it make a shelter, may it be a shelter, may it be a shelter. May it be a ..., a man who is a ..., may it be a man who is a ..., Nanna, may your city, may your house, may your people be a 5th kirugu,


    To overturn the appointed times, to obliterate the divine plans, the storms gather to strike like a flood. To overturn the divine powers of Sumer, to lock up the favourable reign in its home, to destroy the city, to destroy the house, to destroy the cattle-pen, that the cattle should not stand in the pen, that the sheep should not multiply in the fold, that watercourses should carry brackish water, that weeds should grow in the fertile fields, that mourning plants should grow in the open country, that the mother should not seek out her child, that the father should not say "O my dear wife!", that the junior wife should take no joy in his embrace, that the young child should not grow vigorous on his knee,

    that the wet-nurse should not sing lullabies; to change the location of kingship, to defile the seeking of oracles, to take kingship away from the Land, to cast the eye of the storm on all the land, to obliterate the divine plans by the order of An and Enlil; after An had frowned upon all the lands, after Enlil had looked favourably on an enemy land, after Nintur had scattered the creatures that she had created, after Enki had altered the course of the Tigris and Euphrates, after Utu had cast his curse on the roads and highways;

    so as to obliterate the divine powers of Sumer, to change its preordained plans, to alienate the divine powers of the reign of kingship of Ur, to humiliate the princely son in his house E-kish-nu-gal, to break up the unity of the people of Nanna, numerous as ewes; to change the food offerings of Ur, the shrine of magnificent food offerings; that its people should no longer dwell in their quarters, that they should be given over to live in an inimical place; that Shimashki and Elam, the enemy, should dwell in their place; that its shepherd, in his own palace, should be captured by the enemy, that Ibbi-Suen should be taken to the land Elam in fetters,

    that from Mount Zabu on the edge of the sea to the borders of Anshan, like a swallow that has flown from its house, he should never return to his city; that on the two parallel banks of the Tigris and of the Euphrates bad weeds should grow, that no one should set out on the road, that no one should seek out the highway, that the city and its settled surroundings should be razed to ruin-mounds; that its numerous black-headed people should be slaughtered; that the hoe should not attack the fertile fields, that seed should not be planted in the ground, that the melody of the cowherds' songs should not resound in the open country, that butter and cheese should not be made in the cattle-pen, that dung should not be stacked on the ground,

    that the shepherd should not enclose the sacred sheepfold with a fence, that the song of the churning should not resound in the sheepfold; to decimate the animals of the open country, to finish off all living things, that the four-legged creatures of Shakkan should lay no more dung on the ground, that the marshes should be so dry as to be full of cracks and have no new seed, that sickly-headed reeds should grow in the reedbeds and come to an end in a stinking morass, that there should be no new growth in the orchards, that it should all collapse by itself Ur the great charging wild bull, confident in its own strength, the primeval city of lordship and kingship, built on sacred ground -

    - so as quickly to subdue it like a roped ox, to bow its neck to the ground; An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursaga have decided this as its fate. Its fate cannot be changed. Who can overturn it? It is the command of An and Enlil. Who can oppose it? An frightened the very dwellings of Sumer, the people were afraid. Enlil blew an evil storm, silence lay upon the city. Nintur bolted the door of the storehouses of the Land. Enki blocked the water in the Tigris and the Euphrates.

    Utu took away the pronouncement of equity and justice. inanna handed over victory in strife and battle to a rebellious land. Ningirsu poured Sumer away like milk to the dogs. Turmoil descended upon the Land, something that no one had ever known, something unseen, which had no name, something that could not be fathomed. The lands were confused in their fear. The god of the city turned away, its shepherd vanished. The people, in their fear, breathed only with difficulty. The storm immobilised them, the storm did not let them return. There was no return for them, the storm did not retreat

    This is what Enlil, the shepherd of the black-headed people, did: Enlil, to destroy the loyal households, to decimate the loyal men, to put the evil eye on the sons of the loyal men, on the first-born, Enlil then sent down Gutium from the mountains. Their advance was as the flood of Enlil that cannot be withstood. The great wind of the countryside filled the countryside, it advanced before them. The extensive countryside was destroyed, no one moved about there. The dark time was roasted by hailstones and flames. The bright time was wiped out by a shadow. 2 mss. add 2 lines: In the darkness, noses were heaped up, heads were smashed.

    The storm was a harrow coming from above, the city was struck by a hoe. On that day, heaven rumbled, the earth trembled, the storm worked without respite. Heaven was darkened, it was covered by a shadow; the mountains roared. Utu lay down at the horizon, dust passed over the mountains. Nanna lay at the zenith, the people were afraid. The city's god left his dwelling and stood aside. The foreigners in the city even chased away its dead. Large trees were uprooted, the forest growth was ripped out. The orchards were stripped of their fruit, they were cleaned of their offshoots.

    The crop drowned while it was still on the stalk, ... ... ... They piled ... up in heaps, they spread ... out like sheaves. There were corpses floating in the Euphrates, weapons smashed heads. The father turned away from his wife saying "This is not my wife!" The mother turned away from her child saying "This is not my child!" He who had a productive estate neglected his estate saying "This is not my estate!" The rich man took an unfamiliar path away from his possessions.

    In those days the kingship of the Land was defiled. The tiara and crown that had been on the king's head were both spoiled. The lands that had followed the same path were split into disunity. The food offerings of Ur, the shrine of magnificent food offerings, were changed for the worse. Nanna traded away his people, numerous as ewes. Its king sat immobilised in his own palace. Ibbi-Suen was sitting in anguish in his own palace. In E-namtila, his place of delight, he wept bitterly. The flood dashing a hoe on the ground was levelling everything. Like a great storm it roared over the earth -- who could escape it?

    To destroy the city, to destroy the house, so that traitors would lie on top of loyal men and the blood of traitors flow upon loyal men. 1st kirugu. The storms gather to strike like a flood. Gishgigal to the kirugu. The house of Kish, Hursag-kalama, was destroyed. Zababa took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling. Mother Baba was lamenting bitterly in her E-Iri-kug. Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." ... ... ... "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house."

    Kazallu, the city of teeming multitudes, was cast into confusion. Numushda took an unfamiliar path away from the city, his beloved dwelling. His wife Namrat, the beautiful lady, was lamenting bitterly. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Its river bed was empty, no water flowed. Like a river cursed by Enki its opening channel was dammed up. On the fields fine grains grew no more, people had nothing to eat. The orchards were scorched like an oven, its open country was scattered. The four-legged wild animals did not run about.

    The four-legged creatures of Shakkan could find no rest. Lugal-Marda stepped outside his city. Ninzuana took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters. Ninisina, the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Enlil smote Dur-an-ki with a mace. Enlil made lamentation in his city, the shrine Nibru.

    Mother Ninlil, the lady of the Ki-ur shrine, wept bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Kesh, built all alone on the high open country, was haunted. Adab, the settlement which stretches out along the river, was treated as a rebellious land. The snake of the mountains made his lair there, it became a rebellious land. The Gutians bred there, issued their seed. Nintur wept bitter tears over her creatures. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." In zabala the sacred Giguna was haunted.

    inanna abandoned Uruk and went off to enemy territory. In the E-ana the enemy set eyes upon the sacred Gipar shrine. The sacred Gipar of en priesthood was defiled. Its en priest was snatched from the Gipar and carried off to enemy territory. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." A violent storm blew over Umma and the Sheg-kurshaga. Shara took an unfamiliar path away from the E-mah, his beloved dwelling. Ninmul cried bitter tears over her destroyed city. "Oh my city, whose charms can no longer satisfy me,"

    Girsu, the city of heroes, was afflicted with a lightning storm. Ningirsu took an unfamiliar path away from the E-ninnu. Mother Baba wept bitter tears in her E-Iri-kug. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." On that day the word of Enlil was an attacking storm. Who could fathom it? The word of Enlil was destruction on the right, was ... on the left. This is what Enlil, the one who determines destinies, did: Enlil brought down the Elamites, the enemy, from the highlands. Nanshe, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city.

    Fire approached Ninmarki in the shrine Gu-aba. Large boats were carrying off its silver and lapis lazuli. The lady, sacred Ninmarki, was despondent because of her perished goods. On that day he decreed a storm blazing like the mouth of a fire. The province of Lagash was handed over to Elam. And then the queen also reached the end of her time. Baba, as if she were human, also reached the end of her time: "Woe is me! Enlil has handed over the city to the storm. He has handed it over to the storm that destroys cities. He has handed it over to the storm that destroys houses.

    "Dumuzid-abzu was full of fear in the house of Kinirsha. Kinirsha, the city to which she belongs, was ordered to be plundered. The city of Nanshe, Nigin, was delivered to the foreigners. Sirara, her beloved dwelling, was handed over to the evil ones. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Its sacred Gipar of en priesthood was defiled. Its en priest was snatched from the Gipar and carried off to enemy territory. Mighty strength was set against the banks of the Id-nuna-Nanna canal. The settlements of the E-danna of Nanna, like substantial cattle-pens, were destroyed.

    Their refugees, like stampeding goats, were chased ? by dogs. They destroyed Gaesh like milk poured out to dogs, and shattered its finely fashioned statues. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," Its sacred Gipar of en priesthood was defiled. Its en priestess was snatched from the Gipar and carried off to enemy territory. A lament was raised at the dais that stretches out toward heaven. Its heavenly throne was not set up, was not fit to be crowned ?. It was cut down as if it were a date palm and tied together. Ashu, the settlement that stretches out along the river, was deprived of water.

    At the place of Nanna where evil had never walked, the enemy walked. How was the house treated thus? The E-puhruma was emptied. Ki-|NUN.ME.DU|, which used to be filled with numerous cows and numerous calves, was destroyed like a mighty cattle-pen. Ningublaga took an unfamiliar path away from the Ga-bura. Ninigara wept bitter tears all alone. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," Its sacred Gipar of en priesthood was defiled. Its en priestess was snatched from the Gipar and carried off to enemy territory. Ninazu deposited his weapon in a corner in the E-gida.

    An evil storm swept over Ninhursaga at the E-nutura. Like a pigeon she flew from the window, she stood apart in the open country. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." As for Gishbanda, the house filled with lamentation was destroyed among the weeping reeds. Ningishzida took an unfamiliar path away from Gishbanda. Azimua, the queen of the city, wept bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." On that day, the storm forced people to live in darkness. In order to destroy Kuara, it forced people to live in darkness.

    Ninehama in her fear wept bitter tears. "Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Asarluhi put his robes on with haste and ... Lugalbanda took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling. 1 ms. adds: Ninsumun ... "Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Eridug, floating on great waters, was deprived ? of drinking water. In its outer environs, which had turned into haunted plains, ... The loyal man in a place of treachery ... Ka-hegala and Igi-hegala ... "I, a young man whom the storm has not destroyed, ...

    I, not destroyed by the storm, my attractiveness not brought to an end, ... We have been struck down like beautiful boxwood trees. We have been struck down like ... with coloured eyes. We have been struck down like statues being cast in moulds. The Gutians, the vandals, are wiping us out. We turned to Father Enki in the abzu of Eridug. ..., whatever we shall say, whatever we shall add, ... whatever we shall say, whatever we shall add, we came out from the ... of Eridug."

    "While were in charge of ... during the day, the shadows ... While we were in charge of ... during the night, the storm ... What do we receive trembling on duty during the day? What do we lose not sleeping on duty during the night? Enki, your city has been cursed, it has been given to an enemy land. Why do they reckon us among those who have been displaced from Eridug? Why do they destroy us like palm trees which we have not tended? Why do they break us up like new boats we have not caulked?"

    After Enki had cast his eyes on a foreign land, ... ... have risen up, have called on their cohorts. Enki took an unfamiliar path away from Eridug. Damgalnuna, the mother of the E-mah, wept bitter tears. "Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house." Its sacred Gipar of en priesthood was defiled. Its en priestess was snatched from the Gipar and carried off to enemy territory. In Ur no one went to fetch food, no one went to fetch water. Those who went to fetch food, went away from the food and will not return.

    Those who went to fetch water, went away from the water and will not return. To the south, the Elamites stepped in, slaughtering ... In the uplands, the vandals, the enemy, ... The Tidnum daily strapped the mace to their loins. To the south, the Elamites, like an onrushing wave, were ... In the uplands, like chaff blowing in the wind, they ... over the open country. Ur, like a great charging wild bull, bowed its neck to the ground. This is what Enlil, who decides the fates, did:

  • Again he sent down the Elamites, the enemy, from the mountains.
  • The foremost house, firmly founded, ... In order to destroy Kisiga, 10 men, even five men ... Three days and three nights did not pass, ... the city was raked by a hoe. Dumuzid left Kisiga like a prisoner of war, his hands were fettered. To the holy house ... ... ... ... ... She rode away from her possessions, she went to the mountains.

    She loudly sang out a lament over those untravelled mountains: "I am queen, but I shall have to ride away from my possessions, and now I shall be a slave in those parts. I shall have to ride away from my silver and lapis lazuli, and now I shall be a slave in those parts. There, slavery, ... people, who can ... it? There, slavery, Elam ..., who can ... it? Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house." My queen, though not the enemy, went to enemy land. Ama-ushumgal-ana ... Kisiga. Like a city ... 2nd kirugu.

    Gishgigal to the kirugu. ... ... ... Enlil threw open the door of the grand gate to the wind. In Ur no one went to fetch food, no one went to fetch water. Its people rushed around like water being poured from a well. Their strength ebbed away, they could not even go on their way. Enlil afflicted the city with an evil famine. He afflicted the city with that which destroys cities, that which destroys houses. He afflicted the city with that which cannot be withstood with weapons.

    He afflicted the city with dissatisfaction and treachery. In Ur, which was like a solitary reed, there was not even fear. Its people, like fish being grabbed in a pond, sought to escape. Its young and old lay spread about, no one could rise. At the royal station ? there was no food on top of the platform ?. The king who used to eat marvellous food grabbed at a mere ration. As the day grew dark, the eye of the sun was eclipsing, the people experienced hunger. There was no beer in the beer-hall, there was no more malt for it. There was no food for him in his palace, it was unsuitable to live in.

    Grain did not fill his lofty storehouse, he could not save his life. The grain-piles and granaries of Nanna held no grain. The evening meal in the great dining hall of the gods was defiled. Wine and syrup ceased to flow in the great dining hall. The butcher's knife that used to slay oxen and sheep lay hungry. Its mighty oven no longer cooked oxen and sheep, it no longer emitted the aroma of roasting meat. The sounds of the bursag building, the pure ... of Nanna, were stilled. The house which used to bellow like a bull was silenced. Its holy deliveries were no longer fulfilled, its ... were alienated.

    The mortar, pestle and grinding stone lay idle; no one bent down over them. The Shining Quay of Nanna was silted up. The sound of water against the boat's prow ceased, there was no rejoicing. Dust piled up in the unuribanda of Nanna. The rushes grew, the rushes grew, the mourning reeds grew. Boats and barges ceased docking at the Shining Quay. Nothing moved on your watercourse which was fit for barges. The plans of the festivals at the place of the divine rituals were altered. The boat with first-fruit offerings of the father who begot Nanna no longer brought first-fruit offerings.

    Its food offerings could not be taken to Enlil in Nibru. Its watercourse was empty, barges could not travel. There were no paths on either of its banks, long grass grew there. The reed fence of the well-stocked cattle-pen of Nanna was split open. The garden's fence was vioilated and breached. The cows and their young were captured and carried off to enemy territory. The munzer-fed cows took an unfamiliar path in an open country that they did not know. Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the dung.

    Shuni-dug, who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese. Those who are unfamiliar with butter were churning the butter. Those who are unfamiliar with milk were curdling ? the milk. The sound of the churning vat did not resound in the cattle-pen. Like mighty coals that once burnt, its smoke is extinguished. The great dining hall of Nanna ... Suen wept to his father Enlil: "O father who begot me, why have you turned away from my city which was built ? for you? O Enlil, why have you turned away from my Ur which was built ? for you?

    The boat with first-fruit offerings no longer brings first-fruit offerings to the father who begot him. Your food offerings can no longer be brought to Enlil in Nibru. The en priests of the countryside and city have been carried off by phantoms. Ur, like a city raked by a hoe, is to be counted as a ruin-mound. The Du-ur, Enlil's resting-place, has become a haunted shrine. O Enlil, gaze upon your city, an empty wasteland. Gaze upon your city Nibru, an empty wasteland." "The dogs of Ur no longer sniff at the base of the city wall. The man who used to drill large wells scratches the ground in the market place.

    My father who begot me, enclose in your embrace my city which is all alone. Enlil, return to your embrace my Ur which is all alone. Enclose in your embrace my E-kish-nu-gal which is all alone. May you bring forth offspring in Ur, may you multiply its people. May you restore the divine powers of Sumer that have been forgotten." 3rd kirugu. O good house, good house! O its people, its people! Gishgigal. Enlil then answered his son Suen: "There is lamentation in the haunted city, reeds of mourning grow there.

    1 ms. adds 1 line: In its midst there is lamentation, reeds of mourning grow there. In its midst the people pass their days in sighing. 1 ms. adds 1 line: My son, the noble son ..., why do you concern yourself with crying? Oh Nanna, the noble son ..., why do you concern yourself with crying? The judgment uttered by the assembly cannot be reversed. The word of An and Enlil knows no overturning. Ur was indeed given kingship but it was not given an eternal reign. From time immemorial, since the Land was founded, until people multiplied, who has ever seen a reign of kingship that would take precedence for ever? The reign of its kingship had been long indeed but had to exhaust itself.

    O my Nanna, do not exert yourself in vain, abandon your city." Then my king, the noble son, became distraught. Lord Ashimbabbar, the noble son, grieved. Nanna who loves his city left his city. Suen took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved Ur. In order to go as an exile from her city to foreign territory, Ningal quickly clothed herself and left the city. The Anuna stepped outside of Ur. ... approached Ur

    The trees of Ur were sick, its reeds were sick. Laments sounded all along its city wall. Daily there was slaughter before it. Large axes were sharpened in front of Ur. The spears, the arms of battle, were prepared. The large bows, throw-sticks and shields gathered together to strike. The barbed arrows covered its outer side like a raining cloud. Large stones fell toegether with great thuds. 1 ms. adds 1 line: Daily the evil wind returned in the city.

    Ur, confident in its own strength, stood ready for the murderers. Its people, oppressed by the enemy, could not withstand their weapons. In the city, those who had not been felled by weapons succumbed to hunger. Hunger filled the city like water, it would not cease. This hunger contorted people's faces, twisted their muscles. Its people were as if drowning in a pond, they gasped for breath. Its king breathed heavily in his own palace. Its people dropped their weapons, their weapons hit the ground. They struck their necks with their hands and cried.

    They sought counsel with each other, they searched for clarification: "Alas, what can we say about it? What more can we add to it? How long until we are finished off by this catastrophe? Inside Ur there is death, outside it there is death. Inside it we are to be finished off by famine. Outside it we are to be finished off by Elamite weapons. In Ur the enemy oppresses us, oh, we are finished." In Ur the enemy oppresses us, oh, we are finished." The people took refuge ? behind the city walls. They were united in fear.

    The palace that was destroyed by onrushing water was defiled, its doorbolts were torn out. Elam, like a swelling flood wave, left ? only the ghosts. In Ur weapons smashed heads like clay pots. Its refugees were unable to flee, they were trapped inside the walls. 1 ms. adds 3 lines: Like fish living in a pond, they tried to escape. The enemy seized the E-kish-nu-gal of Nanna. They ripped out its heavy ... The statues that were in the shrine were cut down. The great stewardess Ninigara ran away from the storehouse.

    Its throne was cast down before it, she threw herself down into the dust. Its mighty cows with shining horns were captured, their horns were cut off. Its unblemished oxen and grass-fed sheep were slaughtered. 1 ms. adds 1 line: They were cut down as date palms and were tied together. The palm-trees, strong as mighty copper, the heroic strength, were torn out like rushes, were plucked like rushes, their trunks were turned sideways. Their tops lay in the dust, there was no one to raise them. The midribs of their palm fronds were cut off and their tops were burnt off.

    Their date spadices that used to fall ? on the well were torn out. The fertile reeds, which grew in the sacred ..., were defiled. The great tribute that they had collected was hauled off to the mountains. The house's great door ornament fell down, its parapet was destroyed. The wild animals that were intertwined on its left and right lay before it like heroes smitten by heroes. Its gaping-mouthed dragons and its awe-inspiring lions were pulled down with ropes like captured wild bulls and carried off to enemy territory. The fragrance of the sacred seat of Nanna, formerly like a fragrant cedar grove, was destroyed.

    1 ms. adds 1 line: Its architrave ... gold and lapis lazuli. The glory of the house, whose glory was once so lovely, was extinguished. Like a storm that fills all the lands, it was built there like twilight in the heavens; its doors adorned with the heavenly stars, its ... Great bronze latches ... were torn out. Its hinges ... Together with its door fittings it ? wept bitterly like a fugitive. The bolt, the holy lock and the great door were not fastened for it. The noise of the door being fastened had ceased;

    there was no one to fasten it. The ... and was put out in the square. The food offerings ... of his royal dining place were altered. In its sacred place ? the tigi, shem and ala instruments did not sound. Its mighty tigi ... did not perform its sacred song. There was no eloquence in the Dubla-mah, the place where oaths used to be taken. The throne was not set up at its place of judgment, justice was not administered. Alamush threw down his sceptre, his hands trembling. In the sacred bedchamber of Nanna musicians no longer played the balag drum.

    The sacred box that no one had set eyes upon was seen by the enemy. The divine bed was not set up, it was not spread with clean hay. The statues that were in the shrine were cut down. The cook, the dream interpreter, and the seal keeper did not perform the ceremonies properly. They stood by submissively and were carried off by the foreigners. The priests of the holy uzga shrine and the sacred lustrations, the linen-clad priests, forsook the divine plans and sacred divine powers, they went off to a foreign city. In his grief Suen approached his father. He went down on his knee in front of Enlil, the father who begot him:

    "O father who begot me, how long will the enemy eye be cast upon my account, how long ...? he lordship and the kingship that you bestowed ..., Father Enlil, the one who advises with just words, the wise words of the Land ..., your inimical judgment look into your darkened heart, terrifying like waves. O Father Enlil, the fate that you have decreed cannot be explained, as for my hairstyle ? of lordship and the diadem with which I was crowned." ... he put on a garment of mourning. Enlil then provided a favourable response to his son Suen:

    "My son, the city built for you in joy and prosperity was given to you as your reign. Destroying the city, overthrowing its great wall and battlements: all this too is part of that reign. ... the black, black days of the reign that has been your lot. As for dwelling in your home, the E-temen-ni-guru, that was properly built - - indeed Ur shall be rebuilt in splendour, the people shall bow down to you. There is to be bounty at its base, there is to be grain. There is to be splendour at its top, the sun shall rejoice there. Let an abundance of grain embrace its table.

    May Ur, the city whose fate was pronounced by An, be restored for you." Having pronounced his blessing, Enlil raised his head toward the heavens: "May the land, south and highland, be organised for Nanna. May the roads of the mountains be set in order for Suen. Like a cloud hugging the earth, they shall submit to him. By order of An and Enlil it shall be conferred." Father Nanna came into his city of Ur with head raised high. The youth Suen could enter again into the E-kish-nu-gal. Ningal refreshed herself in her sacred living quarters.

    1 ms. adds 1 line: In Ur she could enter again into her E-kish-nu-gal. 4th kirugu. There is lamentation in the haunted city, mourning reeds grew there. In its midst there is lamentation, mourning reeds grew there. Its people spend their days in moaning. Gishgigal. O bitter storm, retreat, O storm, storm return to your home. O storm that destroys cities, retreat, O storm, storm return to your home. O storm that destroys houses, retreat, O storm, storm return to your home. Indeed the storm that blew on Sumer, blew also on the foreign lands. Indeed the storm that blew on the land, blew on the foreign lands. It has blown on Tidnum, it has blown on the foreign lands.

    It has blown on Gutium, it has blown on the foreign lands. It has blown on Anshan, it has blown on the foreign lands. It levelled Anshan like a blowing evil wind. Famine has overwhelmed the evildoer; those people will have to submit. May An not change the divine powers of heaven, the divine plans for treating the people with justice. May An not change the decisions and judgments to lead the people properly. To travel on the roads of the Land: may An not change it. May An and Enlil not change it, may An not change it. May Enki and Ninmah not change it, may An not change it.

    That the Tigris and Euphrates should again carry water: may An not change it. That there should be rain in the skies and on the ground speckled barley: may An not change it. That there should be watercourses with water and fields with grain: may An not change it. That the marshes should support fish and fowl: may An not change it. That old reeds and fresh reeds should grow in the reedbeds: may An not change it. May An and Enlil not change it. May Enki and Ninmah not change it. That the orchards should bear syrup and grapes, that the high plain should bear the mashgurum tree, that there should be long life in the palace, that the sea should bring forth every abundance: may An not change it.

    The land densely populated from south to uplands: may An not change it. May An and Enlil not change it, may An not change it. May Enki and Ninmah not change it, may An not change it. That cities should be rebuilt, that people should be numerous, hat in the whole universe the people should be cared for; O Nanna, your kingship is sweet, return to your place. May a good abundant reign be long-lasting in Ur. Let its people lie down in safe pastures, let them reproduce. O mankind ..., princess overcome by lamentation and crying! O Nanna! O your city! O your house! O your people! 5th kirugu.

    P469683: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    tur3 me nun-e ba-du3-a-bi lil2-e a-gin7 ib2-sag3 ki-bi me-na gi4-gi4 sze-eb na-ag2-tar-ra ba-mar-ra re me-bi a-ba-a in-bir-re a-sze-er ba-da-tab szudum nibru(ki) esz3 (d)ur-an-ki-a lil2-e a-gin7 ib2-sag3 ki-bi me-na gi4-gi4 ki-ur3 ki gal ba-du3-a-bi sze-eb e2-kur-ra ba-du3-a-bi ub-szu-ukken-na ba-du3-a-bi esz3 e2-gal-mah ba-du3-a-bi lil2-e a-gin7 ib2-sag3 ki-bi me-na gi4-gi4 uru2 zi sza3-su3-ga a-gin7 ba-an-du3 gesz-hur kal-la-bi szu pe-el-la ba-ab-du11 uru2-a i3-zi-ig3-bi a-gin7 ba-an-szub

    garza mah-bi szu suh3-a ba-ab-du11 nibru(ki) sza3-ba me hal-hal-a ug3 sag-ge6-ga numun zi ib2-i-i-a uru2 sza3-bi umusz ba-ra-pa3-da (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne na ba-an-de5-ge-esz-am3 ub-szu-ukken-na ki di gal ku5-ru esz-bar-e si sa2 ba-ra-an-zu-usz-am3 dingir-be2-ne ki-tusz ba-ab-gar-ra szuku-u4-bi im-szub-ba bara2-bi im-ri-a |_ki-lugal-gub_| ku3 kin-sig7 unu2 gal-ba din lal3 bala-bala-e nam-sze3 bi2-ib2-tar-ra nibru(ki) uru2 gissu dagal-la-bi-sze3 ug3 sag-ge6-ga ni2 im-szi-ib2-te-en-na

    ab2 sag2 du11-ga-gin7 e-ne sag2 ba-ra-an-du11 uru2 sza3-bi er2 gig diri-ga en-na-me-sze3 dingir ga-sza-an-bi en3-bi nu-tar-re e2 gu-la za-pa-ag2 ib2-zu-a-bi e2-ri-a su3-gin7 lu2 nu-un-ku4-ku4 nibru(ki) iri(ki) bara2-bara2 gal-gal-e-ne szu im-ma-an-pesz11-esz-a-asz a-na-asz u2-gu i3-ni-in-de2-esz ug3 sag-ge6-ga u2 hi-a udu-gin7 bi2-ib2-gu7-a u4 en-sze3 i3-szub er2 a-nir sza3 sag3 ur5 usz2-a en-sze3 bar bi2-ib-tab2 sza3 nu-ub-szi-hug-e (kusz)szem5 (kusz)a2-la2 mu-un-du12-a re

    balag di sig4-ba e-ne ba-dur2-ru-ne-esz kusz2-a gar-ra-bi er2-sze3 ba-ab-be2-ne lu2 dam szub-ba dumu szub-ba-ne a uru2 hul-a-me szer3-re-esz ba-ab-be2-ne uru2-bi e3-a ki-tusz-bi kar-ra sig4 uru2 ze2-ba-sze3 im-szi-szer3-szer3-e-ne-esz er2 du11-ga balag di-ne-ne-esz2 a2-e3 lu2-e11-da umusz-bi nu-zu-gin7 ug3 ba-sag3 dim2-ma-bi ba-suh3 e2 zi-de3 er2 gig-ga-bi im-me ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-a-kam [...] x e2? mu-un-du3 (d)nin-lil2 _na_ gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im e2 zi-de3 er2 a-sze-er ma-ra-ba

    sze-eb e2-kur-ra-ke4 er2 a-sze-er ma-ra-ba szer3 gig-ga im-me szu-luh zi ha-lam-ma-sze3 garza mah gesz-hur kal-kal szu hul du11-ga er2 gig i3-sze22-sze22 szuku szub-szub-ba ku3-ku3-ga-bi ki-se3-ga x-ba musz2-am3-bi im-me me luh-luh-ha sikil szen-na-bi szu pel-la2-ke4-esz e2-e ur5 ib2-usz2 e2 zi-de3 ni2-bi sun5-sun5 gig-ga-a u4 mi-ni-ib2-zal-zal-e er2 im-gibil-gibil e2-a nig2 gar-ra nig2 diri-bi kiszib-bi ib2-du8-a-asz gun2 ki mu-ni-ib2-gal2

    nig2-gur11 |_uru_xGAR| sag se3-ga-ba szu gi4 ba-ab-du11-a-asz a-na ma-la2 im-me lu2-kur2-ra sa6 hul nu-zu-ne nig2 du10 bi2-ib-ku5-ru-usz-a-asz i-lu gig im-me nam-lu2-ulu3-bi masz2-ansze-gin7 sza3-ba mi-ni-ib-til-la-asz a ka-na-ag2-gu10 im-me ki-sikil gurusz di4-di4-la2-be2-ne zar-re-esz mi-ni-ib-sal-la-asz u8-a-bi im-me uri3-bi muru9 szeg3-ga2-gin7 ki-e bi2-ib-su3-a-asz er2-sze3 nu-gul-e e2-e ab2 amar-bi ku5-ra2-gin7 ni2-bi-sze3 mur gig-ga im-sza4 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2

    balag di lu2 ad du10-ga-ke4-ne |_um-me_|(da) u5-a di-gin7 mu-bi er2-ra mi-ni-ib-bala-bala-e-ne uru2 u3-mu-un-bi sag ib2-ta-an-dub2-ba-asz i-bi2-ni ki kur2-ra ib2-ta-an-gar-ra ad-e-esz ba-an-sza4-asz e2 zi kur-kur-ra i-bi2-sze3 ba-gen-na ug3 sag-ge6-ga us2 zi bi2-ib-dab5-ba a-na ib2-ak a-na im-ha-lam-ma-bi-sze3 u3-mu-un-bi ib2-ta-ib2 sag-ki-a mu-un-_du_ ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 me gal sza3-bi ba-ra-an-e3-a-asz gu3 gig-ga im-me gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im uru2 u3-mu-un-bi sza3 ba-da-an-dab-ba

    en-sze3 la-ba-szi-gur-ru musz3-am3-bi nu-um-me sig4-bi a-na-sze3 giri3 ib2-ta-an-gar tu(muszen) za-pa-ag2 ga2-ga2-bi ab-ta ib2-ta-an-dal e2 ad zu sig4 tigi ag2 ze2-ba u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-la ta-asz igi bi2-in-gi4 e2 sun5-na giri17 szu gal2-la re e2 ni2 nu-tuku-gin7 si-ga-bi ba-du3 ag2 iszib-bi nu-ku3-ku3-ga-gin7 szu-luh-bi kur-kur-ra nu-ub-ta-sed6-a-gin7 szu bi2-in-dag gaba-ni ib2-ta-an-zi ag2-gig ur5-ra-a a-sze-er-ra mu-un-du3 ta-sze egir na-ag2-bi i-bi2-ni-a la-ba-an-bara3

    sig4-bi hul2-e a-na-asz ib2-ta-an-e3 ge6 an-bar7-ba sza3-ba er2 bi2-in-si a2-sze kur2 ag2-gig bi2-ib-ak-a u3-mu-un-bi im-hul-am3 szu-bi bi2-in-gi4-am3 uru2-bi e2-bi in-gul-gul-am3 ur2-bi in-bu-ra-am3 al-e bi2-in-ra-am3 dam dumu-bi sza3-ba mi-ni-in-ug5-ga-am3 uru2-bi uru2 szub-ba im-ma-ni-in-ku4-ra-am3 ag2 ul-bi ki-bi bi2-in-gi4-am3 mu-un-gur11-bi tu15-e ba-ab-ir-ra-am3 uru2 gal2-la-bi nu-gal2-la mi-ni-in-ku4-ra-am3 dim2-ma-bi giri3 ib2-ta-an-kur2-ra-am3 umusz-bi in-suh3-am3 lil2-e bi2-in-sag3-ga-am3

    u2-bi a-bi ib2-ta-an-kar-ra-am3 ga zu kasz zu-a u4-bi mi-ni-ib-til-la-am3 e2-e ag2-gig bi2-ib-ak-a a-sze-er gig im-me er2 bi2-ib-lu3-lu3 balag di lu2 i-lu ba-ab-be2-a sza3 nu-ze2-ba-bi mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 u3-mu-un-bi me-bi ba-ra-an-e3-a a2-bi nu-mu-un-tag-ga-am3 en3-bi nu-tar-ra-am3 ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 me gal-gal-la-ni a-gin7 ba-ra-an-dal a2-bi la-ba-an-tag-ga-am3 en3-bi nu-tar-ra-am3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im mu-lu szer3-ra na-ag2-tar gig-ga-gu10-usz me-e ib2-szi-e11-de3-en er2 im-szi-sze22-sze22-en

    a2-sze balag di szer3 zu-ne mur-ma-ra-gu10 ma-a-ar ma-ab-be2-ne-am3 i3-ne-esz2 kusz2-a im-ma-diri-ga-gu10 dili-dili-bi er2-ra ma-an-ga2-ga2-ne-am3 a2-sze sza3 su-mu-ug tab2-tab2-ba-gu10 ki ku4-ra-bi ma-a-ar lu2 mu-da-an-zu-am3 a-ra2 gig-ga sza3 bu-ra-gu10 u5-a tur-ra-gu10 er2-ra ma-an-du12-am3 nin e2 du3-a ki-tusz-a-ne-ne lul-e-esz ba-ab-gar-ra tu15-e ba-ab-tur-ra-am3 lu2-erim2-e ka-na-ag2-gu10 ib2-til-la er2-ra ma-a-ar ma-an-ga2-ga2-ne-am3

    er2-bi u3-mu-un-ga2 mu-un-ga2-ga2-dam |_e2_xSAL| sza3-ne-sza4 ma-ar ma-an-tuku-tuku-am3 (d)mu-ul-lil2 a-a sag-ge6-ga-ke4 ki-gu10 gi4-gi4-gu10 a2-bi i3-ag2-ga2-a-ke4 ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma-am3 sza3-gu10 mud-a ba-ni-ge16-le-eg3-gen ba-bir-bir-en sug-ge4 ba-ab-gu7 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im sze-eb sag-a na-ag2-tar-zu gig-ga-am3 ib-szi-szer3-szer3-am3 a2-sze (d)mu-ul-lil2 a i-bi2-za szu ba-e-szi-in-ti-a za-e ni2-za er2 gig-ga szesz4-a ba-i-ri-ib?-ak?-esz na-ag2-bi-sze3 u3-mu-un-zu-ur2 siskur e-ne du11-mu-na-ab

    u3-mu-un-gu10 en3-sze3 i-bi2 bar-mu-szi-ib u3-mu-un-gu10 e-ne du11-mu-na-ab ta-asz ag2 pe-el-la? x nu-mu-un-zi-zi-i nu-mu-un-da?-x x du11-mu-na-ab sza3-zu ha-ma-sze17-de3 ag2-gig gi-mu-ra-ab u4 x-ra du11-mu-na-ab esz3-esz3-a ge6-ge6-ga-gu10 ki-tusz ku4-ma-ni-ib du11-mu-na-ab u4 babbar-ra su-ub-ba dadag-ga-gin7 x x szum2-mu-ra-ab du11-mu-na-ab u4 nu-x x x x x A x x ak-a-gu10 x x x x x x du11-mu-na-ab ag2 nu-sa6?-ge?-zu? x x-ma _igi_ x x-zal-la bi2?-ib-du3-e du11-mu-na-ab

    i-gi4-in-zu ur5-ra-ke4-esz sza-ne-sza4 |_e2_xSAL| ma-ra-tuku-tuku sza3-zu sza3 sag3 ib2-ta-be4-e sza3 zalag ma-ra-an-gar-ra-me sag-zu zi-zi-i gesz-szub-ba-za ul-sze3 ma-ra-an-ga2-ga2 ag2 kur2-re za-a-ar i-ri-ib-ak-e szu-bi bi2-ib-gi4-gi4-e ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam-ma-am3 iri(ki)-a szu bar-re nu-zu-a ur5-re bi2-ib-se3-ge gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im a2-sze u3-mu-un-zu gu2 szub-ba kur2 me-e-szi-in-ra-am3 |_e2_xSAL| ma-ra-an-tuku-am3 na-ag2-zu in-tar-ra-am3 sig4-zu a-sze-er ib2-ta-an-e3-a ib2-si bi2-in-du11-ga-am3

    ur5 sa6-ge sza3 hul2-la ma-ra-ni-in-ku4-ra-am3 (d)nin-urta maszkim kal-ga sag-ba bi2-in-tuku-am3 szul u2-a-ni-sze3 ib2-szi-in-gub-ba-am3 e2-kur esz3 kal-kal du3-du3-u3-dam a2 mu-un-da-ag2-am3 ag2 ul-bi ki-bi bi2-in-gi4-am3 gi-gun4-na-bi ki-bi gi4-gi4-bi u4-gin7 kar2-kar2-bi musz3-ba bara2 tum2-tum2-mu in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 garza kur2-re ib2-suh3-a szu hul bi2-ib2-du11-ga-am3 me ib2-bir-a-bi ki-bi-sze3 in-gar-ra-am3 szu-luh erim2-e szu bi2-in-la2-a-ba ku3-ge sikil-e-bi

    (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan sipa ki ag2-ga2-ni-ir gu4 du7 masz2 du7 szar2-szar2-re-da in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 |_ki-lugal-gub_| ku3 nam tar-re-da-ni giri17 szu mu-ni-gal2-la-am3 siskur a-ra-zu-a u4 bi2-in-gub-ba-am3 x x-le?-da ag2 ze2-ba x x x x sza3-zu? a-sze-er bi2-in-du11 er2? gig-zu x mah x x x [...] ki-ru-gu2 6(disz)-kam-ma-am3 u4? en3-sze3 i3-kusz2-u3-de3-en gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im sze-eb en3-sze3 er2-ra a-sze-er-ra i-bi2 mi-ni-ib-zi-zi-zi a2-sze u3-mu-un-zu kur gal (d)mu-ul-lil2-le an ki-a diri-ga

    sze-eb-zu a-sze-er ib2-ta-an-e3 ur5-zu in-sa6-ga i3-ne-esz2 uru2 u3-mu-un-zu sza3-ne-sza4 |_e2_xSAL| ma-ra-an-tuku-a a-a (d)mu-ul-lil2 u3-mu-un kur-kur-ra-ke4 gur-ru-za bi2-in-du11-ga ama gal (d)nin-lil2-le a-ra-zu-a u3-gul mu-ni-in-gar-ra nibru(ki) sag sag3-ge-bi gar-ra-ab sze-eb in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 ama5-gu10 du3-ma-ab e2-gu10 si-ma-ab in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 sza3-ba-ni-a ad i-ni-in-gi4-esz-am3 e-ne-eg3-bi bi2-in-du11-ga (d)mu-ul-lil2 e-ne-eg3 zi du11-ga-ni in-de3-a-gen-na

    e2 zi ag2 ha-lam-ma ba-ab-ak sa6-ga-asz i-ni-in-ku4-ra ag2 ur5-ra-ra e-ra-ni-ib-gi4-a e-ne ib2-ta-an-e11-de3 si-ga-bi mu-un-du3-un-na-gin7 hul2 u4 mi-ni-in-ku4-ra za-pa-ag2 din lal3 diri-sze3 bala-bala-e na-ag2-sze3 bi2-ib-tar-re ib2-si u4 en3-sze3 er2 gul-la e-ne e-ra-an-du11-ga ag2 mu nu-tuku-gin7 ba-ti-le-na-asz na-ag2-zu in-tar-ra uru2-gu10 sza3 ku3-gu10 mu-e-szi-hug za-a-ar ma-ra-an-gur-ra-am3 nibru(ki) sza3 ku3-gu10 mu-e-szi-hug za-a-ar ma-ra-an-gur-ra-am3

    uru2 zi na-ag2 gal-zu in-tar-ra-am3 bala-zu in-su3-u4-dam nibru(ki) na-ag2 gal-zu in-tar-ra-am3 bala-zu in-su3-u4-dam e2-kur-ra u4-gin7 kar2-kar2-ka e-ne in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 ki-ur3-ra u4 zi ba-an-e3-am3 u4 ma-ra-ni-in-ku4-ra-am3 (d)nin-lil2-le ga2-gesz-szu2-a-ka na-ag2-zu in-tar-ra-am3 (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi e2-kur-ra bara2 mu-ni-in-ri-esz-am3 sza3-bi-a u2 mi-ni-in-su3-su3-ge-esz-am3 din mi-ni-in-du10-ge-esz-am3 sag-ge6 ki-tusz-ba ge-ne2-de3 ad-bi mu-un-gi4-esz-am3

    ug3 sug-za3-ge ba-ab-gu7-a-asz za-a-ar ma-ra-an-lah4-e-esz-am3 dumu ama-ni ba-da-an-gur-re-esz-am3 gu2 mu-un-gar-re-esz-am3 nam-lu2-ulu3 ki-sag-gal2-la-ba mu-e-de3-re7-esz-am3 esz3 nibru(ki) kur gal (d)mu-ul-lil2-le za-a-ar ma-ra-an-gur-ra-am3 ki-ru-gu2 7(disz)-kam-ma-am3 ur5-zu a-gin7 i3-tab sza3 sag3 a-gin7 i3-kusz2-u3-de3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im a2-sze me-ri-zu-a ki-en-gi ki-uri ki-bi gi4-gi4-da ug3 bir-a-bi gud3-bi-sze3 gur-ru-dam e-ne-esz im-mi-in-esz-am3 eridu(ki) sza3-bi gesztu2 i-i umusz zi hal-ha-la-da

    garza mah-bi nu-ha-lam-me-da inim-bi im-de6-am3 adab(|_u4-nun_|) ki iri nin-bi nig2-zi-gal2 dim2-e u3-tu mu2-mu2-da (d)a-nun-na en nam tar-re-da du3-u3-bi bi2-in-ne-esz-am3 uri2(ki) sza3-tum2-ma ki gar-ra me-bi me-ta suh an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-le ki-bi gi4-gi4-da ad-bi bi2-in-gi4-esz-am3 larsa(ki) iri nun-bi nimgir an ki di-ku5 ug3 szar2-ra-ke4 suhusz-bi ge-ne2-de3 us2 zi dab5-be2-da e-ne bi2-in-esz-am3 unu(ki) kul-aba4(ki) iri ku3 gesz-kin-ti dingir-re-e-ne-ke4

    ki zabala(ki) iri nu-gig an-na-ke4 usu-ni mu-un-til-la lu2-erim2 lu2-kur2-ra-da kar-re-bi inim-bi im-de6-a lagasz(ki) dim gal an-na esz3 gir2-su(ki) ul-ta gar-ra-ba an-ne2 (d)en-lil2-le igi sa6-ga-ne-ne im-szi-in-bar-re-esz-am3 e2-bi umma(ki)-a sig4-kur-sza3-ga hul-bi ba-ab-ak-a ugu-bi-ta ti-id-nu-um nu-gar-ra ib2-ta-an-zi-ge4-esz-am3 kisz(ki) za3 dab5 ki-en-gi ki-uri nam-nun-bi diri-ga suhusz-bi ge-ne2-de3 bi2-in-esz-am3 dingir gal-gal-e-ne mar2-da(ki) iri i7-bi a zal-le a-sza3-ga sze gu-nu

    (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne ib2-ta-an-kar-re-esz-a ib2-szi-in-gur-re-esz-am3 i3-si-in(ki) u2-a (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne ul-ta ni2 il2-la-a an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-mah-a bala-bi in-su3-u4-da-am3 du11-ga-ba szu zi bi2-in-gar-re-esz-am3 he2-am3-bi bi2-in-esz-am3 (d)nin-urta szul ur-sag kal-ga szu-ni ba-an-szum2-mu-usz-am3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na dumu mah an-na szim-mu2 kalam-ma-ka ki-tusz ku3 e2-gal-mah-ni-a ni2 dub2-bu in-na-an-ne-esz-am3 (d)da-mu kindagal2 (d)nu-nam-nir-ra a-zu zi-gal2-la-ka

    giri3 ama-na-sze3 a-a-na-sze3 kur gam-gam-e in-na-an-ne-esz-am3 ki-ru-gu2 8(disz)-kam-ma-am3 an (d)en-lil2 (d)en-ki (d)nin-mah-bi a2-bi ha-ba-an-ag2-esz-am3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im i3-ne-esz2 a2-sze (d)en-lil2-le u4 zi kalam-ma bi2-in-gub-ba-am3 u4 nibru(ki) gu2 an-sze3 zi-zi i3-ne-esz2 im-mi-in-du11-ga u4 zi e2-kur-ra sag mu2-mu2 e-ne im-mi-in-tuku-a u4 ki-ur3-ra dalla mah e3-a e-ne im-mi-in-zi-ga u4 ki-en-gi ki-uri dagal-e e-ne im-mi-in-gi4-a u4 e2 du3-du3 ga2-nun nigin2-e e-ne ib2-ta-an-mar-ra

    u4 numun i-i nig2-zi-gal2 u3-tu e-ne ib2-ta-an-e3-a u4 tur3 du3-du3 amasz ki ga2-ga2 e-ne ib2-ta-an-e3-a u8-e sila4-a im-mi-ib-tu-u4-da tur3-e bi2-ib-si-a u8 amasz-bi im-mi-ib2-u3-tu sila4-bi tur3-e bi2-ib-si-si ud5-de3 masz2-bi im-mi-ib-tu-u4-da amasz-a bi2-ib-si-a u8 sila4-bi im-da-ab-lu-a (e2)tur3 im-pesz11-am3 ud5-e masz2-bi im-da-ab-lu-a amasz dagal bi2-ib-tag-ga u4 nig2 ha-lam-ma sa6-ga ku4-ku4 e-ne ib2-ta-an-gar-ra u4 nig2-erim2 [...] u4 nig2-si-sa2 kalam-ma ga2-ga2 a2-tah-a mi-ni-in-ku4-ra

    ki-ru-gu2 9(disz)-kam-ma-am3 u4 ki-en-gi ki-uri lu2-erim2-e szu hul bi2-in-du11-ga u4-da-ta sza3 ba-szi-hug-ga2-am3 bar ba-szi-im-sze17-da-am3 dingir gal-gal-e-ne sza3-ne-sza4 ur5-re ba-an-tuku-usz-am3 a2 kusz2-a igi bi2-in-du8-usz-am3 ib2-ta-an-e11-de3-esz-am3 iri du6-du6-da ba-gar-ra-za ki-bi-sze3 in-gar-re-esz-am3 nig2 babbar-bi sag2 ba-ab-du11-ga-ba sug-ge4 ba-ab-gu7-a (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 ki-bi-sze3 in-gar-ra-am3 nam-lu2-ulu3 gud3 us2-sa-ta? ni2 im-szi-ib-te-na

    nibru(ki) kur me gal-gal-la-ka giri3 kur2? ba-ra-an-dab5?-be2-esz-a (d)a-nun-na inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ta e2 bi2-in-szub-bu-usz-a gil-sa ul-ta gar-gar-ra-ba tu15-e ba-ab-de6-a ki-bi-sze3 ku4-ku4-da bi2-in-esz-am3 en nam tar-re-ne sza3-bi-a u2 su3-su3 sza3 hul2-la sza3-ba mi-ni-in-gar-ra-am3 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan szita u4-da gub hul2 ni2-tuku-ni-ra u2-bi ku3-ge a-bi sikil-e in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 me szu pel2-la2-bi sikil-e in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 garza suh3-a bir-a-bi si bi2-in-sa2

    ku3-ku3-ga szub-ba szu pel2-la2-a-ke4 ki-bi-sze3 in-gar-ra szuku-u4 szub-ba esza zi3 dub-dub-bu na-ag2-sze3 bi2-ib-tar-re (gesz)banszur ninda lu ninda szar2-re-da sza3-ga-ni im-de6-a ki-ru-gu2 1(u)-kam-ma-am3 u4 lu2-u3 lu2-ra inim kur2 nu-di dumu a-a-ni-ir ni2 te-ge26-e u4 nig2-sun5-na kalam-ma ga2-ga2 tur-re mah dugud-da u4 szesz-banda3(da) szesz-gal-la-ni hu-luh-ha ni2 sun5-e u4 dumu gal-la dumu banda3(da) umun2 ak inim-ma-ni-sze3 tusz-u3 u4 si-ga kal-ga sze29-esz2 nu-di nig2 sa6-ga gal gub-bu

    u4 kaskal suh3-a giri3 ga2-ga2 hul mu2-a bu-re u4 lu2-u3 ki sza3-ga-ni-sze3 du-u3 gaba-ri-ni-sze3 in nu-dub2 u4 lu2-u3 ki sza3-ga-ni-sze3 du-u3 edin-na ni2 sun5-ni nig2-gig-ga nu-ak u4 lu2-u8 lu2-ra inim kur2 nu-di nig2-gig-ga nu-ak u4 iri-ta iri kur2-sze3 du-u3 edin-na ni2 nu-te-ge26-e nig2-gig nu-ak u4 kalam-ma nig2-gig-ga e3-a sza3-ba u4 ga2-ga2 u4 nig2 ge6-ge6 kalam-ma zi-zi nig2-zi-gal2 hul2-le a-a (d)en-lil2 en du11-ga-ni nu-kur2-ru nun kur-kur-ra-ke4

    ki-ru-gu2 1(u) 1(disz)-kam-ma-am3 i3-ne-esz2 a2-sze u4-da-ta (d)en-lil2 nun sza3-la2 su3-ga-am3 szul sig4 _tu_-ra gar-ra-ni-ir in-na-an-sa6-am3 me erim2-e szu hul bi2-in-du11-ga si in-na-an-sa2-am3 garza szu pel2-la2 mu-un-na-an-ku3-ku3-ga-am3 gi-gun4-bi mu-na-an-sikil-am3 dalla mu-un-na-an-e3-am3 sza3-ba he2-gal2 mi-ni-in-szar2-szar2-ra-am3 kurun lal3 bi2-ib-si-am3 u4 ne sza3 du10-ge bar hug-e ur5 sa6-ge mi-ni-in-gar-ra-am3 e-ne a-ra-zu-a mu-na-an-gub-ba-am3 giri17 szu mi-ni-gal2-la-am3

    er2 gar-ra nam-szita du11-ga-ni nun kur-kur-ra-ke4 i3-he-nun-na lal3 ku7-ku7-da-gin7 su-ni bi2-ib2-ak-am3 szu12-da-ni gesz ba-an-tuku-am3 igi in-szi-in-bar-ra-am3 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-na inim-ma-ni su-a-na ba-du10-ga-am3 sag us2-a-ni sza3-ga du11-ga-ni in-de3-gen-na-am3 sun5-na szita-ba ki la2-a-ne2-esz2 giri3-ba se3-ga-ne2-esz2 siskur-ra u3-gul ga2-ga2-da-ne2-esz2 giri17 ki su-bu-da-ne2-esz2 |_ki-lugal-gub_| ti-le-da ni2 te-ge26-da-ne2-esz2 gur-gur-re-da-ne2-esz2

    nig2-nam-ma-ni en-nu-ug3 ak-da-ne2-esz2 ga2-la nu-dag-ge-da-ne2-esz2 nam-nun-na mu su3-su3-ra2-ni e-ne-er in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 lu2 nam-lugal?-la sag-bi-sze3 e3-a e-ne-er in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 lugal bala sa6-ga-ke4 e-ne-er in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 ug3 ki-tusz ne-ha bi2-in-dur2-ru-na e-ne-er in-na-an-du11-ga-am3 ug3 szar2-ra nig2 bi2-in-du11-ga-a in-de3-a-gen-na-am3 ki-en-gi ki-uri a-na me-a u4 nam tar-ra-sze3 ug3 sag-ge6-ga u8-gin7 lu-a ug3 sag se3-ga-ba nam-mah kur gal (d)nu-nam-nir-ra enkar an ki-ke4

    du-ri2-sze3 me-tesz2 am3-i-i-ne a-ra2 ni2-gal2-la-ni-im ki-ru-gu2 12(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    AI Translation

    The cult-center of the princely me was built, and the lila-demon was born. Its place was restored like a flood. The barley piled up in the nagara reeds were piled up. The reeds of that place were scattered. The Shudum of Nippur, the shrine of Ur-anki, was restored like a flood. Its place was restored like a flood. The Kiur, the great place, was restored. The barley piled up in the Ekur, was restored like a flood. The Ubshu-ukken was restored like a flood. Its place was restored like a flood. Its strong city was rebuilt like a flood. Its strong cultic rites were reconstructed like a flood.

    The supreme garza was smashed, and the cultic center was dissolved. Nibru, in its midst, the evil me, the evil me, the black-headed people, the true seed, was sown. The city was smitten by a swarm of people. The Anuna gods were smitten. In the Ubshukkena, the place of great decisions, the cultic place of decisions, the decision was decided. The gods sat down in their dwelling. They sat down on their seats. They sat on their dais. The king stood in silver, the great utensils, the libation of fine oil, he decreed as fate. Nibru, the city that is a broad canopy, the people of the black-headed people sat down in silence.

    Like a suckling cow, they screamed, "Alas, the city, its heart is afflicted with a severe fever, and the en priestess does not listen to its prayers. The great temple, whose rites are praised, is a swollen temple, no one enters it. Nibru, the great city, the great dais, they screamed, "Why do they scream?" The black-headed people eat grass like sheep, and when the en priestess screamed, the en priestess screamed, and the sick heart screamed, and the en priestess screamed, and the heart did not scream, and the shem and ala screamed,

    The judges ... the balag decision on bricks, they sat down in the leather chair. They cried out, "A man who ... a wife and son ... a city that is evil" They poured out the water of that city, they poured out the bricks of that city. They cried out, "Alas, the balag decision, the appointing of a man, its supplications are not heard, the people are slighted, their supplications are sung. The true house, a bitter rejoicing rejoicing ... The 1st kirugu ... built the house. Ninlil, the geshgigal, the true house, a rejoicing rejo

    The mud of the Ekur was swollen with tears, it was a bitter cry. The true shuluh ritual was performed. The supreme throne, the mighty scepter, the evil hand, was swollen with tears. The shuku ritual, the shubshub ritual, its pure ... was ..., its ... was .... The divine shuluh ritual, the pure szennu ritual, was poured out. The house was destroyed. The true house, its wailing was swollen with tears. Its rejoicing was restored. The house, its utterances were uttered. Its sealed tablet was thrown into the ground.

    The possessions of the city xGAR, whose head was smashed, were seized, and they were seized for all time. The enemy, who does not know good things, was seized for it. The evil demon was seized for it. Its people were slaughtered like donkeys, and their hearts were smashed for it. My water was seized for it. The young women and young men were slaughtered for it. Its ewes were slaughtered for it. Its urine was smashed like a rainstorm, and they were not destroyed for it. In the house, like a cow whose calf was slaughtered, it was a sickly hyena. Its shivering hyena was seized for it.

    The judges, the good men, ... their words like a slanderer, they slander their city, their lord. They slander their city, their head has been smashed, their place has been set on a foreign soil. They have been slandering their father. The true house of all the lands has gone. The black-headed people have been seized, their true lord has been seized, and their head has been smashed. The 2nd kirugu, the great me has been seized, and the angry voice has been sung. The geshgigal, the city has been seized.

    He did not return to the lord, he did not smite it, he did not put his foot on it. He smote the sag-bird, the sag-bird, from the ground. He smote the house of the sag-bird, the tigi-bird, the tigi-bird, the tigi-bird, the tigi-bird, the day. He returned it to its owner. The house, a sag-bird, the one who has no fear, the one who has no fear, the one who has no sag-bird, the one who has no sag-bird, the one who has no sag-bird, the one who has no sag-bird, has sat on his breast. The aggig-demon, the one who has sat on his neck, has not returned it to its owner.

    He poured out its bricks with joy. Night and day, he sat in its midst. He shook its horns like a hostile wind. He destroyed its lord, he smashed its hand. He destroyed its city, its temple, he razed its foundations. He razed its city, its wife and children, he razed its city. He razed its abandoned city, he razed its earth. He razed its old awe-inspiring wind. He razed its city, but its awe-inspiring wind he razed, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center, he razed its cultic center,

    The utu-demon has sinned against its lord, the utu-demon has sinned against its lord, the ghee and beer have been slain for a long time. The house has sinned against the evil one, the slanderer has sinned against it, the balag-demon has sinned against the man, the evil one has sinned against it. The utu-demon has not sinned against its me, the utu-demon has not sinned against it, the enu-demon has not sinned against it, the 3rd kirugu, the great me has been smashed like water, the enu-demon has not sinned against it, the enu-demon has not sinned against it, the geshgigal-demon is the man who has sinned against me, the enu-demon has sinned against me, the enu-demon has sinned against me,

    My balag drum, the snare of the horns, was smashed, my snare was smashed, my snare was smashed, my snare was smashed, its snare was smashed, its snare was smashed, my snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, was smashed, my man was snare, my bitter rage, my snare, my small intestine was snare, my lady, the house, the house, was snare, and their dwellings were snare, and their wind was snare, my enemy was snare, and their snare was snare was snare was snare.

    Its supplications are a supplication of my own father. Enlil, my father who was born in the dark, my place is a supplication of my own father. 4th kirugu I have been supplications to my heart, my heart has been swollen, my heart has been swollen, my stomach has been swollen, my stomach has been swollen, its geshgigal is a supplication of your grievous fate. You have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil, you have been supplications to Enlil,

    My lord, when you speak to me, my lord, when you speak to me, ...

    Your supplications are a resounding

    He entered into the beautiful midst of the heart, and Ninurta, the mighty envoy, had a head raised up, and he sat on his dais. He made the Ekur, the mighty shrine, a firm place for him. He restored its old rites and restored its old ones. He made its gigunas and its gigunas like daylight. He made its reeds rise like a mountain. He made the rites of the enemy tremble, he made the rites evil. He placed the rites of the enemy in their places, he made the rites of the pure holy rites

    Ishme-Dagan, his beloved shepherd, has spoken to him a good bull and a splendid goat. He has sworn by the holy kingship of his destiny, and he has given a scepter for your prayer. He has sworn by the ... of your prayer daily. Your anger ... ... ... 6th kirugu. When you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the barley, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the gishgigal, when you are to strew the great mountain of Enlil, when you are to strew the heavens and earth

    Your barley has been piled up, your ... has been piled up, your ... has been piled up. Now, the city, your lord, has been gathered together. Father Enlil, the lord of all the lands, has commanded you to return. The great mother Ninlil has commanded you to destroy your ways. Nibru, its head has been set on fire, it has been commanded to remove barley. My mother has been commanded to make my house shine. In her heart he has commanded me to remove it. Enlil, the wise one, has gone away.

    He sat down in the true house, the one who has sinned, and he returned to good things. He returned to good things, and he made the scepter of his scepter bow down. He sat down in the day, and he sat down in the scepter of a heavy meal. He sat down in the scepter of a scepter. He sat down in the day, and he sat down in the scepter. He said "As for me, my name is not a possession," and he said "Your name is not a possession" He said "My city, my holy heart has been smitten, and he has returned to me." Nibru, my holy heart has been smitten, he has returned to me.

    "A true city, your great love has been revealed, your reign has been brought to an end." "Nippur, your great love has been revealed, your reign has been brought to an end." "As for the Ekur, like the storm, he has spoken to me. The Ki'ur, the true day has been revealed, the day has come to an end." "Ninlil, the gishshua, your love has been revealed." "Enlil and Ninlil have adorned the Ekur, and they have adorned the dais. They have adorned its interior, they have adorned its interior, they have adorned its father, they have honoured its head.

    The people were squandering their seats, they were squandering the zagar-tax. They were squandering the sons of his mother, they were squandering the necks. They were squandering the people on their cult centers. They were squandering the shrine Nippur, the great mountain of Enlil. They were squandering the zagar-tax. They were 7th kirugu. Your intestines were swollen like water, and your heart was swollen like water. They were squandering their geshgigal. They were squandering their geshgigal. Sumer and Akkad, the places where they were re-established, and the scattered people were squandering their intestines. They were squandering Eridu, their hearts were swollen like a swollen ear.

    The supreme garza is not to be shattered, its words are uttered. Adab, the place where the city's mistress is to be praised, has given birth to a life. The Anuna, the lord who decrees fates, has made its foundations firm. Ur, the place where the divine powers are established, the place where the divine powers are to be re-established, has made its father return to its place. Larsa, the princely city, the hero of An and the judge of the world, the numerous people, has made its foundation firm and has made its foundation firm. Uruk and Kulaba, the holy city, the geshkinti of the gods,

    The land of Zabala, the city without rival, whose strength is complete, the enemy and the enemy whose words are uttered, Lagash, the great light of heaven, the shrine Girsu, from the beginning, An and Enlil looked favorably upon them. The temple of Umma, the brickwork of the lands, which had been destroyed, had been destroyed, and its foundations had not been laid, and the Tidnum canal had not been reconstructed. Kish, the seized city of Sumer and Akkad, its princeship was severed, and its foundations were reconstructed. The great gods of Marda, the city whose water is flowing, the fields are planted with barley.

    They have sworn by the Anuna gods and sworn by them. In Isin, the provider of the Anuna gods, since distant days, An, Enlil, Enki and Ninmah have ruled over their reign. They have sworn by their words a definite hand. They have sworn by the name of Ninurta, the hero, the mighty warrior. Nininsina, the exalted daughter of An, the fragrance of the land, the sacred residence of Egalmah, they have sworn by them. Damu, the wisest of Nunamnir, the true physician,

    The feet of his mother and father have been smashed in the hostile foreign lands. 8th kirugu An, Enlil, Enki and Ninmah have been smashed. Its geshgigal has been smashed. Enlil has sworn by the righteous days of the Land. The day that Nippur roars at heaven, the day that the Ekur has been smashed, the day that the Great Oval has been smashed, the day that the Kiur has been smashed, the day that Sumer and Akkad have been smashed, the day that the temple has been built, the ginun has been smashed,

    The day that the seed of the seed has been given to me, the day that the seed of the sheepfold has been given to me, the day that the sheepfold has been built, the sheepfold has been built, the ewe has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the goat has been sown, the goat has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the goat has been sown, the goat has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the sheepfold has been sown, the storm that has been a good thing, the storm that has been a good thing, the storm that has been a good thing in the land has been a good thing, the storm that has been a good thing in the land has been a good thing,

    9th kirugu. When Sumer and Akkad were seized by the enemy, they were seized from the heart. They were seized from the outside. The great gods were seized from their hearts. They saw the ... of the armor, they were seized from the inside. The city Dudu was seized from its place. Its white things were seized from its head, and they were eaten alive. Enlil, the king of the lands, seized from its place. The people seized the ... of the oxen.

    The Anuna gods took away the land of great me from Nippur, the land of the hostile path. The Anuna gods, by the command of Enlil, abandoned the temple. They smashed the reeds from the ground, and poured out the wind. They re-established it therein. The lord of the fates, in its midst, he placed a sweet plant, a joyous heart. Ishme-Dagan, standing in the morning, a joyful heart, he made its utu holy. He made its utu holy, he made it pure, he made it pure, he made the divine powers and the divine powers of the wombs, he made it pure, he made the reeds, he made them tremble,

    The pure, the empty place, the hand of the demon, he placed there. The empty place, the shushum-flour, the shushum-flour, the shura-flour, the shura-flour, he fashioned for him. The table, the bread of the rich man, his heart he shook. The 10th kirugu. The day when a man a foreign word does not know, the son of his father he shook. The day when the good things of the country are piled up, the great storm, the storm which the country is piled up, the storm which the brother of his brother he shook, the storm which the great son, the son of the banda, the ruler who acted according to his word, sat down. The storm, the strong storm, the storm,

    The storm that has been a road blocked by a foot, the evil one has been smashed. The storm that has been a man's place of refuge, the one who has not been able to enter his own place, the storm that has been a man's place of refuge, the one who has not been able to escape the steppe, the one who has not been able to escape the steppe, the one who has not been able to escape the steppe, the one who has not been able to escape the steppe, the one who has not been able to escape the steppe, the one who has been able to escape the steppe, the one who has been able to escape the steppe, the one who has been able to enjoy the nighttime, the one who has not changed the fate of Enlil, the lord who has spoken to him, the prince of all lands,

    a kirugu of 11th grade. Now, from day to day, Enlil, the prince, is a happy, happy, ..., he has set up his ..., he has made the evil gods speak evil words, he has made the rites of the divine powers pure, he has made the gigun ritual pure, he has made the gigun ritual pure, he has made the gigun ritual pure, he has made the gigun ritual pure, he has made the abundance abundant, he has made the kurun ritual pure, he has made the storm a pleasant, he has made the good heart a good place, he has made the arzu ritual place a place of prayer, he has made the arzu ritual place a place of prayer,

    The one who has sworn by his shita prayer, the prince of all the lands, he has sworn by the shita prayer. He has sworn by his hand like a sweet sweet sulphur. He has sworn by his eye. Ishme-Dagan has sworn by his words, his shita prayer has been uttered. His head has been sworn by his heart. His shita prayer has been uttered by his feet. He has been sworn by his feet. He has been sworn by the siskur prayer. He has been sworn by the feet. He has been sworn by the king. He has been sworn by the king. He has been sworn by the sworn by his feet.

    He has no power of keeping watch over the people, he has no power of bringing them in. He has decreed a princehood for him, and he has decreed a kingship for him. He has decreed a kingship for him, and he has decreed a good reign for him. He has decreed a privileged dwelling for the people, and he has decreed a pious fate for the people. Sumer and Akkad, for the time of fate, the black-headed people, like a ewe, the black-headed people, the great mountain of Nunamnir, the enkar of heaven and earth,

    'What are the consequences?' his supplications? The 12th kirugu


    After the cattle pen had been built for the foremost divine powers - - how did it become a haunted place? When will it be restored? Where once the brick of fate had been laid - - who scattered its divine powers? The lamentation is reprised: how did the storeroom of Nibru, the shrine Dur-an-ki, become a haunted place? When will it be restored? After Ki-ur, the great place, had been built, after the brickwork of E-kur had been built after Ubshu-ukkena had been built, after the shrine Egal-mah had been built - - how did they become haunted? When will they be restored? How did the true city become empty? Its precious designs have been defiled! How were the city's festivals neglected?

    Its magnificent rites have been thrown into disorder! In the heart of Nibru, where the divine powers were allotted and the black-headed people prolificly multiplied, the city's heart no longer revealed any sign of intelligence - - there where the Anuna used to give advice! In Ubshu-ukkena, the place for making great judgments, they no longer impart decisions or justice! Where its gods had established their dwellings, where their daily rations were offered, their daises erected, where the sacred royal offering ? and the evening meal in their great banquet hall were destined for the pouring out of choice beer and syrup - - Nibru, the city where, in its spreading shade, the black-headed people used to cool themselves - - in their dwellings Enlil fell upon them as if they were criminals.

    It was he who sent them scattering, like a scattered herd of cattle. The inner city, whose bitter tears were overwhelming, How long until its lady, the goddess Ninlil, would ask after it? That great temple whose bustle of activity was famous, as though it were empty wasteland, no one enters it. As for all the great rulers who increased the wealth of the city of Nibru - why did they disappear? Where the black-headed people ate rich grass like sheep, For how long would Enlil neglect that Land? ears, lamentation, depression and despair! How long would his spirit burn and his heart not be placated? Why were those who once played the shem and ala drums spending their time in bitter lamenting?

    Why were the lamenters sitting in its brick buildings? They were bewailing the hardship which beset them. The men whose wives had fallen, whose children had fallen, were singing "Oh our destroyed city!." Their city gone, their homes abandoned - - as those who were singing for the brick buildings of the good city, as the lamenters of wailing, like the foster-children of an ecstatic no longer knowing their own intelligence, the people were smitten, their minds thrown into disorder. The true temple wails bitterly. 1st kirugu ...built the temple, Ninlil... Its gishgigal The true temple gave you only tears and lamentation - - it sings a bitter song of the proper cleansing-rites that are forgotten!

    The brickwork of E-kur gave you only tears and lamentation - - it sings a bitter song of the proper cleansing-rites that are forgotten! It weeps bitter tears over the splendid rites and most precious plans which are desecrated - - its most sacred food rations neglected and ... into funeral offerings, it cries "Alas!." The temple despairs of its divine powers, utterly cleansed, pure, hallowed, which are now defiled! The true temple, which it is bitter to enter on one's own, passes the time renewing its tears. Because the sealings of the abundant materials stored in the temple have been broken open, they have placed the loads on the ground.

    Because the property in its well-tended storehouses has been sent back, it says "What will they weigh out for me now?"; because the enemies who do not know good from evil have cut off all good things, it sings a bitter dirge; because they have finished off its populace there like animals, it cries "Oh my Land!." Because they have piled up the young women, young men and their little children like heaps of grain, it cries "Woe!" for them. Because they have splashed their blood on the ground like a rain-storm, there is no restraint to its crying. The temple, like a cow whose calf is cut off, groans bitterly to itself;

    it is grief-stricken, and the sweet-voiced lamenters, like nursemaids singing a lullaby, respond tearfully with its name. In anguish they bewail the fact that the city's lord has smashed heads there, that he has looked away from it and toward a foreign land instead. The true temple of all the countries, which had come before him - the black-headed people, who had taken a true path, what have they done regarding what have they forsaken, that their lord has become enraged with them and walks in anger? 2nd kirugu It voices bitter cries because he has removed the great divine powers from within it. Its gishgigal. The city's lord who became angry with it,

    How long will he not turn to it, not say "Alas!" for it? Why did he cut off the road to its brickwork? He made the noisy pigeons fly away from their windows. Why did he transform the appearance of the temple which knew voices, where they used to while away the days in sweet playing of tigi drums in the brick buildings? The temple, once a place to offer salutations in humility, is now as deathly silent as a temple which no one reveres! As though its purification priest's equipment were not utterly sacred, as though its cleansing-rites did not bring calm in all countries, he has abandoned it, turned his breast away from it, among dejection and lamentation he has made it a sacrilege. After its fate, how long till his face would be streaked with teardrops? He rejected it thus as though it were a blasphemy!

    Why has joy left its brickwork? Night and day he has filled its heart with tears! Even now, he has made it foreign and a sacrilege! Its lord, who has despoiled it like an evil wind, has destroyed that city and its temples! He has ripped out their foundations, struck them with the adze, killed wives and their children within it, he has turned that city into a deserted city - - when would he restore its ancient property? Its possessions have been carried off by the wind! Enlil turned the city which used to be there into a city no longer! He made its mind wander! He threw its intelligence into disorder and made it haunted!

    He took away its food and its water! He brought to an end its days of familiarity with milk and with beer! The temple which he has made a sacrilege utters bitter lamentations; he has made its eyes blurred with tears. The lamenters who perform the dirges respond to it sorrowfully. The city's lord who has removed its divine powers - no one touches his arm, no one intercedes! 3rd kirugu How did Enlil make all his greatest divine powers fly away! No one ever touches his arm! No one ever intercedes! Its gishgigal To my dirge singer of bitter fates I am going down and I shall weep tearfully to him.

    Even now the lamenters who are expert in song make ululating wails over me! Now my people who are overcome by hardship voice laments for me one by one! Even now the places of refuge of my people whose hearts are burning in dark distress have been made known to me! My people whose hearts have been broken on the bitter way perform the lullabies of my young ones for me in tears! The well-built houses, ladies' dwellings, were falsely founded, and they have been eroded by the winds! Of how the foe has finished off my Land They are making a lament! They are addressing the cries of my heart, overwhelmed with bitterness, in order to soothe it!

    They are beginning their laments about my lord! He will have mercy and compassion on me - Enlil, father of the black-headed people, he who will give the order to restore me! 4th kirugu My heart is dark, I am destroyed, I am in chaos, I have been devastated! Its gishgigal In the foremost brick buildings they sing that your fate is bitter! Even now, to Enlil who will accept your tears for you, weeping bitter tears of your own accord, speak supplications to your lord himself concerning what he did to you, concerning that fate!

    "My lord, how long? Look upon me with favour, my lord!" Say "Why ...?" Say "May your heart be soothed for me - overturn this sacrilege for your own good! The day is ...!" Say "Re-enter for me your dwelling in my darkened shrines!" Say "Like a bright, cleansed, sacred day, give ... for your own good!" Say "...!" Say "Your misfortunes ... will rebuild it!"

    Perhaps by this means I can make him have compassion and mercy for you. Depression has weakened your heart, but I am the one who has established good cheer for you. He will fix it forever as your lot that you shall lift your head high, he will make good again the hostilities he is directing against you. 5th kirugu In the city which does not know freedom he struck them down thus. Its gishgigal Even now your lord has smitten the enemy fury for you! He has had mercy on you and decreed your fate! He has said "Enough", so that he has removed lamentation from your brick buildings!

    In good mood and with a joyful heart he has entered in there again for you! Ninurta, the mighty commissioner, has looked after things! He stood there before the hero, his provider Ishme-Dagan, and issued the command to him to completely rebuild the E-kur, the most precious shrine! He has restored its ancient property! to restore its ziggurat temple, to make it shine like the day, to make fitting the dais upon its platform! He has put back in their place the rites which the enemy disordered and desecrated, along with the scattered divine powers! The cleansing-rites which the enemy had put a stop to, so that they should sanctify and purify again, he has given him his sacred unchangeable decision.

    He has told Ishme-Dagan, his beloved shepherd, that faultless bulls and faultless bucks should be slaughtered! When decrees the fate of the sacred royal offering place ?, he will offer salutations and stand there daily in supplication and prayer. ... Your bitter tears... 6th kirugu How long before you will rest at ease? Its gishgigal How long will the brickwork strain its eyes upwards in tears and lamentations? Even now your lord, the Great Mountain Enlil, supreme in the universe,

    has removed lamentation from your brick buildings and made favourable your humour! Now, city, your lord who has had compassion and mercy for you, Father Enlil, lord of all countries, who has commanded that you be restored, and the great mother Ninlil, who entreated him in prayer there, and the brickwork itself which said to him "Steady the trembling of Nibru!" and said to him "Rebuild my women's quarters for me! Re-establish my temples for me!" - - he who mulled things over so that he came to a decision about them, Enlil, who found agreeable his command of true words,

    who beneficently entered the true temple which had suffered destruction - - he himself is removing what he turned upon you in distress. Just as he silenced you, when he made joy enter again he decreed as your fate the sound of choice beer and syrup being poured out to overflowing. "Enough! It is time to stifle the lament" he said to you himself. Because you have been living in a state of neglect, Enlil who has decreed your fate has said "My city, you have placated my sacred heart towards you." He has returned to you! "Nibru, you have placated my sacred heart towards you." He has returned to you!

    True city, he has decreed your great fate and made your reign long! Nibru, he has decreed your great fate and made your reign long! Enlil himself has commanded Ishme-Dagan that the E-kur should shine like the day! Steady sunlight shines into the Ki-ur; he has brought daylight in there again for you! Ninlil has decreed your fate in the Gagishua! Enlil and Ninlil together founded daises in the E-kur! They dined there and enjoyed choice beer! They deliberated how to make the black-headed people secure in their dwellings!

    They have brought back to you the people who had been completely devastated! They have gathered back together the children whom they turned away from their mothers! The populace goes with you in their strongholds! Shrine Nibru, the Great Mountain Enlil has returned to you! 7th kirugu How you suffer! How depression exhausts you! Its gishgigal Even now, they command Ishme-Dagan that Sumer and Akkad should be restored at your feet, that their scattered people should be returned to their nests! They have brought the news that the magnificent rites of Eridug would not be forgotten,

    its heart sending forth wisdom, so that good sense should be allotted! Adab, the city whose lady fashions living things, who promotes birthing, The Anuna, the lords who decree fates, order that it should be rebuilt, Ur founded in a pasture, its divine powers distinct from the rest, An and Enlil have advised that it should be restored, The prince of the city Larsam, the herald of the universe, the judge of the numerous people, They command him to secure its foundations, to follow the proper path! Uruk-Kulaba, the sacred city, the handiwork of the gods, They have taken a decision concerning it and restored it.

    from the region of zabala, the city where the mistress of heaven concentrated her forces, they have brought news of the removal of all foes and enemies. On Lagash, the mooring-pole of heaven, and the shrine Girsu, established long ago. An and Enlil have looked with their beneficent gaze From that temple in Umma, Sheg-kurshaga, which had been ill treated, they have removed the treacherous Tidnum. Kish, at the edge of Sumer and Akkad, its dominion superlative, It is the great gods who have commanded that its foundations should be secured, Marda, the city in whose river water flows, in whose fields is fine grain -

    - the Anuna who took those things away from it returned them to it again! Isin, the provisioner of the Anuna, rising high since times of old - - An, Enlil, Enki and Ninmah have made its reign long! By their command they have handed it over and expressed their approval! They have entrusted it to Ninurta, the champion, the strong hero! Ninisina, the exalted child of An, the incantation priest of the Land they have told to rest calmly in her sacred dwelling, Egal-mah! Damu, the chief barber of Nunamnir, healer of the living,

    they have told to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother! 8th kirugu An, Enlil, Enki and Ninmah have given their orders! Its gishgigal Now see! Enlil has fixed a good day in the land! He has even now ordered the day for Nibru to raise its neck to heaven! He himself has provided a good day for the E-kur to shine! He himself has raised up the day for the Ki-ur's magnificent manifestation! He himself has restored the day for Sumer and Akkad to expand! He himself has set aside the day for houses to be built and storerooms to be enclosed!

    He himself has brought out the day for seeds to sprout and living things to be born! He has brought out the day for building cattle pens and founding sheepfolds! he ewes which bore lambs have filled the pens! Ewes have given birth in the folds, their lambs have filled the pens! The goats which bore kids have filled the folds! The ewes which flocked with their lambs have swelled the sheepfold! The goats which flocked with their kids have caused the pens to be widened! He himself has set the day for turning destruction to the good! He has ... the day ... evil! He has brought in Ishme-Dagan as assistance for the day for establishing justice in the land!

    9th kirugu Although Sumer and Akkad had been desecrated by the foe, afterwards hearts were appeased, spirits soothed! All the great gods thus had compassion! They looked upon those sunk in exhaustion and brought them up out of it! They restored your city which had been razed to ruins! Its shining property which had been scattered, which had been devastated, Enlil, king of all countries, restored it! There where the populace rested in the cool after building their nests,

    in Nibru, the mountain of the greatest divine powers, from where they had taken an unfamiliar path - at Enlil's word the Anuna, those very lords who determine the fates, ordered that the temples which they had forsaken and the jewels, put there long ago, which had been carried off by the wind should all be restored! He has established there dining in joy within! To Ishme-Dagan, his joyous, reverent sacral officiant, to sanctify its food, to purify its water Enlil has given the command to him. He has commanded him to purify its defiled divine powers! He has put in order its disordered and scattered rites,

    he has put back in their place the most sacred things, neglected and defiled. He decrees as a fate the offering of daily rations and the grinding up of fine meal and flour. He has decided to make bread plentiful on the table, to make loaves numerous! 10th kirugu A time when no one is to speak hostile words to another, when a son is to respect his father, a time to establish humility in the Land, for the inferior to be as important as the mighty, a time when the younger brother, fearing his big brother, is to show humility, a time when the elder child is to treat the younger child reasonably and to pay heed to his words, a time to take neither weak nor strong away into captivity, but to serve with great acts of good,

    time to travel the disordered roadways, to extirpate evil growths, a time when anyone is to go where they will, to hurl no insults at one's fellow, a time no one is to speak hostile words to another, to perform no sacrilege, a time to remove bitterness from the Land, to establish light therein, a time when darkness is to be lifted in the Land, so that living things should rejoice. Father Enlil, the lord whose command cannot be altered, prince of all countries, has fixed it among the black-headed people, and commanded for their benefit.

    11th kirugu Now, see! After that time, Enlil, the prince who is full of pity, has been beneficent to his hero who had laid the ... brick! He put in order again for him the divine powers which had been desecrated by the enemy! He sanctified again the defiled rites for him! He purified its ziggurat temple and made it resplendent for him! Within he made abundance plentiful, he filled it with choice beer and syrup! He established there at that time the pleasing of hearts, the appeasing of spirits, the ameliorating of moods! Ishme-Dagan himself stood in prayer to Enlil and offered salutations!

    When he had begun the lament and spoken the supplication, the prince of all countries treated his body with oil of abundance as if it were the sweetest syrup! And his prayer was heard - Enlil looked upon him with favour, Ishme-Dagan whose words bring Enlil pleasure! Enlil's constant attendant, with whose thoughts he agrees! Because the humble one prostrated himself in his devotions and served there, because he will entreat him in supplication and will do obeisance, because he will complete and honour the royal offering and will return

    because he will keep watch over everything and will not be negligent, Enlil has promised to Ishme-Dagan his dominion of extended years! He promised him that he will be a man of pre-eminent kingship! He promised him that he will be a king whose reign is good! He promised him that he shall have the people inhabit safe dwellings! Enlil found agreement in what he had said to the numerous people! On the day for decreeing fates, every part of Sumer and Akkad, mong the black-headed people flocking like sheep, among their well-tended people, will praise forever the majesty of the Great Mountain Nunamnir, enkar weapon of the universe!

    It is his awe-inspiring way! 12th kirugu

    P469684: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] x gar-ra re szu gur-bi x x-dam [...] x an? ki-ke4 me-bi x x nu2 [...] x _e ne_ ba-ab-ra [...] lu2 ti dingir-re-e-ne-gin7 a-na me bi2-ib2-tab [...]-bi-ta |_ga2_xGAR| su3-e mi-ni-in-se3-ge5-esz-a [...] dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 sza3 x [...] mu-un-gu7 (d)en-ki (d)nin-ki umusz mi-ni-in-gal2-e-esz 3(u)-a-kam (d)en-ul (d)nin-ul-e nam bi2-in-tar-re-esz ...-du11 an (d)en-lil2-bi ba-an-u3-tu-usz-a ...-gin7 e-ne ba-se3 (d)nin-lil2-le musz3-me mi-ni-in-szum2-ma x x e-ne ba-ab-tum3

    (d)a-ru-ru (d)suen (d)en-ki-bi me-dim2-bi ba-an-ak-esz-a e-ne ba-he2-szi ge6 en-nu-ug3 _masz_-a-gin7 [...] x-asz ba-ab-gar dingir gal-gal-e-ne kusz3-kusz3-ta ba-an-sig7-ge-esz [...] mi-ni-ib-gal2 am gal-gin7 gu3 mah im-mi-ib-du11 szix(|_ka_xBALAG|)-bi e-ne ba-e-si si gal-bi an-ne2 he2-em-us2-sa ni2-bi a-ba-a in-dub2 sa-par4-gin7 kur-re he2-em-dub-ba a-ba-a ba-ni-in-gur sila-ba er2 a-nir a-ba-a i-ni-in-gar x [...] unu(ki)-ge lu2 zi ni2 te-a-gin7 x x [...] zi-ga szu-ba a-na-asz ba-ni-ib-dab5 igi zi? a-na-asz ...

    sza3 sag3 a-nir-ra a-ba-a i-ni-in-gar x x x _im_ [...] x e-ne ba-ab-te sahar-ra e-ne ba-an-tusz? giri3 a-na-asz ba-da-ze2-er dim2-ma-bi szu bala a-ba-a bi2-in-ak umusz-bi a-ba-a bi2-in-kur2 (d)udug sa6-ga-bi a-ba-a ib2-ta-an-dub2 (d)lamma-bi a-ba-a in-ga-an-ra ni2 me-lam2 sag-ga2 gal2-la-bi szu hul a-ba-a bi2-in-du11 unu(ki)-ga tesz2-bi a-ba-a ib2-ta-an-gu7?-x x gig a-ba-a in-ga-x x iri-da kur-kur [...] unu(ki)-ga e2-ba a-ba-a ... e-ne [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a man who the gods ... to me ... ... ... ... the gods ... ... ... Enki and Ninki were able to discern the wisdom ... Enul and Ninul decided the fate ... ... An and Enlil were able to discern it ... Ninlil gave a ... to her and ... she was able to discern it

    Aruru, Suen, and Enki, their sculptors, they fashioned. They ... ... like a night of darkness. They ... like a ... The great gods ... like a ... ... They ... like a great bull, they roared. They ... its great horns. They ... its great horns. They ... it like a sapar-demon. They ... it like a mountain. They ... it like a sapar-demon. They ... it like a sailor. They ... Uruk, the true man, like a ..., ... they seized it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like a ..., they ... it like .


    The ... which had developed -- its wiping clean ? was to be accomplished ? The ... of heaven and earth put their divine powers ... to sleep ?. ... ... mortal man multiplied to become as numerous as the gods. When together ... had achieved a momentous decision, , the ... of the gods ... Enki and Ninki determined the consensus - Enul and Ninul assigned the fate, ... When together An and Enlil had created it, that one resembled ... When Ninlil had given it features, that one was fit for ...

    When together Aruru, Suen and Enki had fashioned its limbs, that one turned pitch black, as at night, halfway through the watch, ... All the great gods paled at its immensity and ... was brought about. Like a great wild bull which bellows mightily, that one filled the world with its roar. As its gigantic horns reached up to heaven, who trembled in his very core? As it was piled up over the mountains like a battle-net, who turned away? Who caused wailing and lamenting in those streets and ...? Uruk, like a loyal citizen in terror, set up an alarm and exclaimed "Rise up!" Why did its hand seize Uruk? Why did the benevolent eye look away?

    Who brought about such worry and lamenting and ...? That one drew nearer. That one settled upon the ground. Why would he withdraw? Who distorted Uruk's good sense and deranged its good counsel? Who smashed its good udug deity? Who struck its good lamma deity too? Who desecrated the fearsome radiance which crowned it? Who brought about mob panic in Uruk? Who ... sickness too? Along with the city, the foreign lands ..., who ... in the temple of Uruk? That one ...

    M=segment B


    [...] x x [...] x _sa ra_ [...] x a-ba-a in-ak [...]-ni sag a-na-asz ba-ab-su3 ug3 sag-ge6-ga a-ba-a in-lu-lu-un ... a-ba-a za3 im-mi-in-tag [...]-bi gesz im-mi-gul [...] a-ba-a dur2-bi-sze3 mu-un-gi4 [...] x a-ba-a sag im-mi-tu-lu [...] x-ba e-ne ba-ze2-er [...] x _ni_ x x _e ne_ [...]

    AI Translation


    ... Who made ...? Why was ... expanded? Who made the black-headed people become so numerous? Who overthrew ...? ... was destroyed - who restored ...? Who confronted ...? That one crushed ... That one ...

    M=segment C


    [...]-gin7? sag x x x x x [...] x _du_ (d)utu lu2 ki di an-na-ta [...]-a szu2 sza-ra-us2 gu2-bi nu-mu-szi-ib2-zi [...] x-in-di-be2-esz nam-tag dugud ba-ab-il2 [...] di kur2-kur2 en (d)nu-nam-nir-ra [...] x-ga-ke4 a-na bi2-in-tu11-be2 [...]-ni-in-szub da mu-un-szi-ib-ak-ne [...] gal2 igi szum2-ma im-mi-in-e3 [...] (d)en-lil2-la-ka [...] x-kusz2-u3 [...] x-bi bi2-ib2-til-e

    AI Translation

    ... ... Utu, the man who from the decision of An ... ... ... he did not stand up to him, he was stricken with a heavy curse. ... he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ..., he smashed the ... of the foreign lands, lord Nunamnir ... ... he smashed, he smashed ..., he smashed ... before ... Enlil ...


    ... like ... ... and Utu, who in human form renders judgment at the law court of heaven, set and did not rise again. ... bore a heavy burden of sin. ... the altered verdicts of Lord Nunamnir. who can smite ...? ... and they approach ? ... he brings ... forth. ... of Enlil ... He ... and puts an end to ...

    M=segment D


    [...] x [...] [...] x-sze3 tesz2-e ni2-ba [...] [...] x-la-ba a-ra2-bi ba-[...] [...]-gul-lu se3-se3-ge4-bi a2-bi [...] ... dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 gesztu2 ba-szi-in-x [...] x-ke4 gu2 ba-an-da-szub-ba [...] x gidim hul bi2-in-te-a iri igi-ba ba-du8 [...] zi hul i3-pa-an-pa er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 [...] _ka_ mu-un-ak-e sag sag3-ge nu-ga2-ga2 er2-re a-nir-ra sza3 mu-ni-ib-kusz2-u3 iri ni2-ba mu-da-dub2 szu pe-el szu ba-ab-ra sag ba-ab-tal2 iri ni2-ba ba-an-ta-ra ni2 me-lam2 i-bi2 du3-a-gin7 ni2-bi-a ba-an-te

    iri sag-ku3-gal2 kur-kur-ra re ha-lam gar-gin7 ba-du3 amasz (lu2)sipa zi-de3 du3-du3-a re ni2-bi-a ba-an-bu-bu tur3 unu3 gal-e du3-a re ni2-bi-a ba-an-tab-tab zar-gin7 ba-du3 zar-gin7 ba-sal ni2-bi-a ba-an-ur4 _har suh3_ a-sza3-ga a ba-ab-gar iri sug-ge4 ba-ab-gu7 i3-ak-ak gi ki sumun-na-gin7 u3-tu-da nu-ga2-ga2 sag2 ba-ab-du11 iri-a nig2-hul-a |_ka_xLUM| mu-un-da-an-x x sza3 ni2 te ug3-ba nig2-me-gar tug2-gin7 i-im-dul (x x) (d)udug sa6-ga-bi im-ta-an-e3-e-esz (d)lamma-bi ba-da-an-kar-re-esz

    (d)lamma-bi edin-na bar-bi2-ib-da giri3 kur2 ba-ra-an-dab5-be2-esz iri dingir-bi ba-da-gur sipa-bi ba-da-an-tak4 maszkim-bi lu2-erim2 nu-me-a ki kur2 im-ma-an-x dingir gal-gal-bi ur5 in-ze2-esz bar-ta ba-su8-ge-esz hur-sag-ga2 bar im-ma-an-dab5-be2-esz edin-lil2-e ba-ab-[...] iri silim du3-a gu7 nag-a (dug)saman-gin7 im-mi-in-szub sza3-tum3?-ma dum-dam mu-ni-in-za ansze udu im-mi-in-e3 ab-ba lu2-banda3(da) sza3 kusz2-u3-bi x igi-sze3 _ka ba_ bi-x x x x-ne igi mu-un-bar-bar x x bi2-ib2-szar2-szar2 x x x

    [...] x-bi ba-_bu_-_bu_ x x ... ba-ni-ib2-du11-ge-[...] [...] x-a me-a [...]

    AI Translation

    The city, the sagkugal of the lands, was a ruin mound. The sheepfold, the faithful shepherd, was a ruin mound. The small cattlepen, the great oxen, was a ruin mound. The zar-demon was a ruin mound. The zar-demon was a ruin mound. The har of the field was poured out. The city was ruined. It was poured out. Like a reed pile of the earth, it was not a reed pile. It was poured out. The city was destroyed. Its heart was a reed-mound. Its people were adorned with a reed-mound. Its protective deity was thrown into a reed-mound.

    The protective deity sat in the steppe, and took a different path. The city was turned away from its god, its shepherd was turned away from its ..., and its envoy, who was not a criminal, was taken away from the place. The great gods sat down, and they were swept away from the mountain range. They were taken away from the steppe, and the steppe was taken away. The city, a safe place, was sated with food and drink like a saman jar. They sat down in the satuma-house. They sat down in the satuma-house. They sat down in the satuma-house. They sat down in the satuma-house. The shepherd ... his furious heart ... before him ... .


    ... ... each and every one ... ... its ways were ... ...its destruction and demolition, ... The ... of the gods ... attention. ..., who neglected ..., ... the city watched as the evil ghost approached. ... breathed painfully, he wept bitterly. ... there was no nodding of the head. He consoled himself with tears and laments - the city trembled. A defiled hand smote him and flattened his skull - the city collapsed. The fearsome radiance overwhelmed like ...

    The proud city of all the lands became like one who spreads havoc. The faithful cowherds themselves overturned every single cattlepen. The chief shepherds themselves burned ? every sheepfold. They built them up like grain heaps, they spread them out like grain piles, they were convulsed. ... they drenched the fields with water, they turned the city into a swamp. They did all that. Like reeds in a wasteland, life could not be revived. They brought ruination. Evil things menaced ? the city. A hush settled over the awed hearts of its people like a cloak. Its good udug deities went away, its lamma deities ran off.

    Its lamma deity said "Hide in the open country" and they took foreign paths. The city's patron god turned against it and its shepherd abandoned it. Its guardian spirit, though not an enemy, was exiled ? to a foreign place. Thus all its most important gods evacuated Uruk, they kept away from it. They hid out in the hills and wandered ? about in the haunted plains. In the city built upon peace, food and drink were overturned like a saman vessel. In the pasture lands a tumultuous noise arose, the asses and sheep were driven away. Elderly people and babies, taking their rest, ... in front ... They saw ... and slaughtered ? ...

    ... ... ...

    M=segment E


    [...] ki szu sag3 mi-ni-in-du8? [...] mu-na-kal?-la? szu mu-na-gid2 [...] ki-en-gi-ra iri lugal ki-bala-a-sze3 [...]-sze3 ba-ra-ab-bala a2 (gesz)tukul-la [...] mu-un-dub2 [...] _ri_ ki sahar-da im-ma-an-gi4 [...] ug3 zar-re-esz mi-ni-in-du8-du8 [...] la-la-a-ni en-na bi2-ib2-gi4-gi4 ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 x x x an _na_ x x x kur za3 an-sze3 ug3-e [...] x x gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im x x x-e im-la2 szu mi-ni-in-gid2-gid2 kur-re ni2 bi2-in-te (d)en-lil2-le husz gal-bi mu-un-tag gu3 ba-an-de2

    a-ma-ru ki al ak-e gu3 im-ma-ab-zi me3 ugu-bi-sze3 (uruda)dur10-gag-am3 egir-bi-sze3 |_pa-har_| 1(disz)-am3 siki lum-ma-bi (gesz)gan2-ur3-ra-am3 (mu)murgu-bi-sze3 izi-am3 sag-ki-bi u4 hul-du3-am3 ki an-na dul-lu-dam gesz-nu11-bi nim gir2-re anzu(muszen)-gin7 igi su3-u4-bi bar-re-dam gu3-bi mer-mer-ra-am3 izi bar7-a kur-re su3-su3-u3-dam eme-bi ga-an-ze2-er-ra-am3 u3-dub2 szeg3-ge26 kalam-ma dar-re-dam a2-bi anzu(muszen) mah du10 bad-re6 nig2-nam nu-e3-am3 ti-ti-bi nig2 za-ra ak-dam u4 zal-gin7 zal-le-dam

    szab-ba-bi-a a2-sag3 uru2 gul-la nig2-kesz2-sze3 mu-un-la2 hasz2 gal-bi gir2 sur usz2 dul4-dul4-lu u3-mun bala-bala-e-dam sa-sa-bi (uruda)szum-me szab-dam giri3-bi hu-ri2-in(muszen)-na-am3 (i7)idigna (i7)buranun ni2 mu-ni-ib-te kur-ra gu3 mi-ni-ib2-ra szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) gi4-bi-sze3 hur-sag i3-bu-re ug3 zar-re-esz i3-sal-e ki-en-gi ki-uri su im-sag3-sag3-ge buru14-gin7 i3-su3-su3-u3 nu-zu-u3-ne im-szi-hul2-hul2-e-esz szeg5? im-szi-ib-tar-re-ne he2-em-du me3-a gesz-gesz-la2-sze3 iri igi he2-bi2-ib-du8-un-de3-en

    |_uru_xKAR2| im-gul-la-a-asz bad3 im-se3-ge5-a-asz iri silim i3-si-il-le-a-asz numun zi sag lul-la sag zi-da szu bala mi-ni-ib-ak-a-a-asz lu2 zu-u3-ne gaba sag3 i3-ak-ne sag i3-sal-sal-e-ne a2 ge6-ba ni2 er2 mu-ni-ib-te-esz igi lib i3-ak-ne ki-nu2 (tug2)nig2-bara3-bi u3 du10 li-bi-ku-ku-ne iri(ki) im-nigin2-nigin2-ne e-ne-ne szu-ne-ne ba-du3-du3 sza3 dar i3-ak-ne a2-tah gub me3 silim-me-esz2 gaba-bi ha-ba-ab-zi-zi-i inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 he2-bi2-ib-gur-re murgu-bi-sze3 ha-ba-gub

    x x (d)nu-nam-nir-ra-ka usz11-bi he2-bi2-ib-til-e lu2 husz e2-kur-ra x mu-un-dab5-be2-esz-a igi-bi he2-em-szi-tum2 nibru(ki)-sze3 igi-bi mu-ra-szi-ni-ib2-gal2-la szusz3 he2-em-mi-ib-su-su ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 sza3-gu10 er2 im-si szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im ki-en-gi a sza3-zu a bar-zu a nam-lu2-u18-lu-zu inim an-na ki-bi-sze3 ga2-ga2-de3 |_uru_xKAR2| i3-gul x x du11-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 di-di-de3 im-ma-ni-szi-ib-[...] a-ma-ru ki al ak-e x [...] x husz gal en (d)nergal [...]

    x x x (d)gibil-gin7 (d)nergal [...] [...] x x tum3-gin7 i3-[...] me3 ki-bala [...] x szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) mu-[...]-gi4-gi4 ti mar-uru5-a-gin7 [...]-til-e [...] ki-en-gi-ra lu2-erim2 [...] gu-ti-um ur-re ba-e-bala [...] ki-en-gi gesz-bur2-ra i3-bala-la x [...] ug3-bi szu suh3-ha im-ma-ab-du11 x [...] ur-sag kal-ga ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 gesz [...] sza3 (tu15)u18-lu-da zu _ne en_ e11? [...] erin2 sag-gin7 mu-un-lah5-lah5-esz-am3 _an_ [...] _kaskal_ x-gin7 mu-un-gaz-usz 1(disz)-a re an-gin7 [...]

    me3 zu-ba szu-ba bi2-ib-szub dim2-ma-bi [...]-ak sag erin2-na lu2-ta e3-a-me-esz gar3 hul-bi [...] x gu-ti-um(ki) ur-ra x _e ne_ [...] (gesz)tukul [...] x igi-bi da-bi-a nu-mu-un-bar-bar-re-esz-a _gir2_-_gir2_ [...] su-bir4(ki)-e a mah e3-a-gin7 a x [...] x-gin7 ki-en-gi-ra ba-an-de2 masz kar-ra-gin7 ur x [...] ug3 ad6-bi mu-un-si-il-le-esz ki-en-gi ki-uri gu2-gur5?-ru-usz (gesz)naga3-sze3 mu-un-ak-esz masz-kan2 a2-dam-bi mu-un-gul-gul-lu-usz du6-du6-ra mi-ni-in-si-ig-esz

    ki-en-gi sag-e sahar-gin7 mu-un-dub-bu-usz x [...] mu-un-tu11-be2-esz nam-lu2-ulu3-bi aga3-kar2 bi2-in-se3-ge5-esz tur mah-bi mu-un-til-le-esz iri(ki) (d)a-nun-ke4-ne mu-un-gul-gul-lu-usz izi mu-ni-in-ri-ri-esz unu(ki)-ga igi tab-bi mu-un-gul-gul-lu-usz (gesz)isimu2(mu2)-bi mu-un-suh-u3-usz ki-a-nag (d)a-nun-ke4-ne-ke4 nigin2-nigin2 im-mi-in-dib-be2-esz kul-ab(ki) iri ul in-ga-me-a ki-lul-la bi2-in-sag3-sag3-ge-esz ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a ki-en-gi a nam-lu2-ulu3-bi gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

    unu(ki) kar-zu za3-zu ba-ab-dab5-be2-esz [...] unu(ki)-ge gu3 im-ra szegx(|_ka_xLI|)? im-gi4 lu2 szu dab5-bi [...] sig-sze3 za-pa-ag2 im-gar sig ba-gul a2 nam-ba?-[...] nim-sze3 szu im-zi nim ba-se3 tab-ba la-ba-x [...] zi-da gab2-bu ug3 nu-di a2-dam nu-du3-du3 [...] ki x x-bi-a nu-un-gal2 zi-ga la-ba-szi-ib-x [...] an-sze3 x x il2 an i3-til a2-bi _di_ li-bi2-[...] ki-a x bi2-ib-_du_ ki i3-bara3 ni2-bi nu-um-x [...] masz-kan2-masz-kan2 ba-bir-bir unu(ki) dili-bi ba-du3 [...]

    gu4-dam usu-tuku-am3 tesz2 im-dagal (gesz)tukul-e im-x [...] ge6 an-bar7-gan2-ba dam-ha-ra im-ak egir-bi-sze3 nu-x [...] (gesz)gu4-si-_asz_ (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|)(ur3) ba-su8-ge-esz bad3-bi mu-un-si-il-si-il-le-esz za3-e3-ba gu2-giri3 mi-ni-in-gar-re-esz iri (gesz)al-e bi2-in-ra-ra-asz ki-gub-ba izi mu-ni-in-szum2-mu-usz iri-tusz-ba mu-un-[...] mu-un-se3-ge-esz mu-un-gul-lu-usz unu(ki) ki du10 sahar-da im-da-[...] am gal-gin7 ti mu-ni-in-gid2-gid2-i x [...] sun2?-gin7 (gesz)szukur mi-ni-in-te-te x [...]

    kal-ga (gesz)tukul-e sag ba-an-szum2 gesz me3 [...] su-bir4(ki)-e a mah a e3-a-gin7 zi-ga ... e-sir2-e-sir2-ra du10 mi-ni-in-_musz2_-_musz2_ [...] u3-mu-un nam-lu2-ulu3 ab2-gin7 mu-un-sur-sur-re-esz nig2 dim2 mu-un-ze-x-re-esz dumu unu(ki)-ga-ke4-ne [...] x-le-esz x x-bi I x [...]-in-tu11-usz x x x x ... mu-un-til-le-esz [...] mu-un-da-an-dab5-be2-esz [...] bi2-ib-se3-ge5-esz [...] mu-un-gul-gul-lu-usz [...]-in-ri-ri-esz ... mu-un-ha-lam-e-esz [...] mu-un-gar-re-esz [...]-bi gesz? ba-an-tu11-usz

    [...] ba-an-til-le-esz ... nu-mu-un-tak4-a-asz [...] x-ha-e su-bir4(ki)-e ba-an-ku4 ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam-ma-am3 [...] im-ma-dim2 gu3 im-me [...] sahar mi-ni-in-su-ub gesz-gi4-gal2-bi [...]-zu sa2 mi-ri-ib-du11 [...] x gaba hul-bi _di_-ga2 [...] sa6-sa6 gub-ba [...] us2-sa [...]-da [...]-ga? [...]-an-_ri_ [...]-ba-sze3 [...] gar [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x-esz [...]-gur [...]-i [...]-asz [...]-dub2-usz [...]-esz [...]-usz [...]-esz

    AI Translation

    ... he ... the place of his hand ... he ..., he ..., he ... the hand. ... Sumer, the city of the king of the lands, ... he smashed, he ... the weapons ... he ..., he ... the ... of the earth, he ... the people, he ... the people, he ..., he ... the lord. The 2nd kirugu ... ... ... the lands at the border of heaven, the people ... ... he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ... the lands, he smote Enlil, he smote the great thunder,

    The flood roared, and the earth roared. The storm was roaring on its side. The mighty flood-tide was a ..., after it it was a ..., its wool was a ..., its horns were a fire, its head was a ..., it was a storm. Its horns were like the horns of an Anzu, they were roaring. Its horns were roaring, it was roaring, it was roaring, it was roaring, it was a roaring fire, it was roaring. Its tongue was a roaring fire, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm, it was a storm,

    In its midst, the Asag, the destroyed city, he smote. Its great famine, the snare, the slaughtering of the dead, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the snare, the Tigris, he screamed in the mountains, he screamed in the mountains, he screamed in the mountains, he screamed in the people, Sumer and Akkad, he screamed in the rain, he screamed like a harvest, he screamed in the rain, he screamed in the rain, he screamed in the rain, he screamed in the city,

    The city ... was destroyed, the wall was ruined, the city was ruined, the righteous seed, the righteous seed, the righteous seed, the hand of bala was smashed, the sag-priests were smashed, the sag-priests were smashed, the sag-priests were smashed, the night they were smashed, they were smashed, they were smashed, they were smashed, they were smashed, they were smashed, they were smashed, they were destroying the city, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it, they were destroying it,

    ... Nunamnir, its blood he shall carry off. The angry man who seized the Ekur ..., his eyes he shall cut off. To Nippur he shall bring him before him, and his hands he shall cut off. 3rd kirugu. My heart trembles, my heart trembles. Its geshgigal. Sumer, your water, your water, your water, your people's water. The word of An to its place shall be brought to an end. The city ... destroyed. The ... of Enlil shall ... to the place of battle. The great ..., the lord Nergal .

    ... like Gibil, Nergal ... ... like a wind ... ... the battles of the rebel land ... ... ... like a river bank ... ... in Sumer, the enemy ... Gutium, the dog, ... in Sumer, the geshbur ... ... ... its people ... ... the mighty warrior of Sumer ... ... ... like a lion ... ... like a ... .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... its people ... Sumer and Akkad ...

    Sumer was smashed like a dust heap, ... ... he smashed. Its people were seized, its great ... he smashed. The city of the Anuna he destroyed, and fire he ignited. Uruk was destroyed, and its figs he smashed. The groves of the Anuna he smashed. Kulab, the city of the distant past, he smashed. The 4th kirugu. The water of Sumer and the water of the people were geshgigal.

    Uruk, your kar, your zag-ga-g

    The oxen grew strong, they grew fierce. Weapons ... Night and day, they smashed the ... of the fields. After that, they did not ... The oxen and the sledges were thrown into the ground. They smashed its walls, they smashed its gates. They smashed the city with a hammer, they smashed its quay walls. They destroyed its habitations. They destroyed Uruk, the good place, with dirt. Like a great wild bull, they smashed the ... like a ... a ... .

    mighty, with weapons he gave. Weapons ... Subartu, like a great flood, ... like a good flood ... he ... ... The lord, like a cow, he ... ... The citizens of Uruk ... ... ... ... ... ... he seized ... ... he destroyed ... ... he destroyed ... he destroyed ... he destroyed ... he deposited ... ... he ...

    ... he did not finish ... ... he entered Subartu. The 5th kirugu ... he made ... he sounded ... he sat down in the dirt. Its geshgigal ... he smote ...


    He ... and opened his clenched fist. He ... and reached out his hand. The ... of Sumer, the city whose king crossed over to an enemy land, to ... - he smote it with the might of his weapon. He ... and turned the place into dust. He ... and piled the people up in heaps. ..., how long until its charms are restored? 2nd kirugu. The ... of heaven ... and the people ... to the limits of heaven. Its gishgigal. He ..., stretched forth his hand and induced terror in the land. Enlil struck out with great ferocity. He announced:

    "A deluge dashing the hoe on the ground shall be invoked. At its front war shall be a ... axe, at its rear it shall be a ... Its overgrown hair shall be a harrow, its back shall be flames. Its countenance shall be a malevolent storm that enshrouds heaven and earth. The glint of its eyes shall be lightning that flashes far like the Anzud bird. Its mouth shall rage -- a blazing fire that extends as far as the nether world. Its tongue shall be an inferno, raining embers, that sunders the Land. Its arms shall be the majestic Anzud bird that nothing can escape when it spreads wide its talons." "Its ribs shall be crowbars that let light pass inside like the sun's rays.

    Knotted at both its hips shall be city-destroying slingstones. Its great haunches shall be dripping knives, covered with gore, that make blood flow. Its muscles shall be saws that slash, its feet those of an eagle. It shall make the Tigris and Euphrates quaver, it shall make the mountains rumble. At its reverberation the hills shall be uprooted, the people shall be pitched about like sheaves, Sumer and Akkad shall shiver, they shall be flooded like a harvest crop. The foolish shall rejoice, they shall exclaim ?: "Let it come -- we shall be seeing war and battle in the city,

    how the sacred precinct ? is destroyed, how the walls are battered down, how the city's peace is disrupted, how among the loyal families honest men are transformed into traitors."" "But the sensible shall beat their breasts and droop ? their heads. At midnight they shall be afraid and tearful, and suffer insomnia. In bed, under the covers, they shall be unable to sleep soundly, they shall wander about the city. They shall be immobilised, their courage shall run out: "May our allies serving in times of war raise their forces for peace. May the word of Enlil be sent back, may it turn tail.

    May the venom of Nunamnir's anger become exhausted. May those vicious men who have seized the E-kur be punished. May those who have set their sight upon Nibru be swept away."" 3rd kirugu. My heart is filled with sorrow, I am tear-stricken. Its gishgigal. Oh, Sumer! Alas -- your spirit! Alas -- your structure! Alas -- your people! The word of An, having been assigned its place, has destroyed the sacred precinct ?. The pronouncement of Enlil, having been set in motion, ... The deluge dashing the hoe to the ground ... The great and fierce ..., Lord Nergal

    ... like Gibil, Nergal ... ... War ... enemy lands ... echoed. Like arrows in a quiver ... Evildoers in Sumer ... Gutium, the enemy, overturned ... Sumer, caught in a trap, ... ts people were thrown into turmoil ... he mighty heroes of Sumer ... ... the heart of a hurricane ... They advanced like the front rank of troops, ... Like ... they were crushed, every one of them ...

    Their war veterans gave up, their brains were muddled. The troop leaders, the most outstanding of the men, were viciously hewn down. Gutium, the enemy, ... weapons ... Gutium, the enemy, ... weapons ... Like a swelling flood, like ..., Subir poured into Sumer. They ... like stampeding goats, they tore apart the corpses of the population. They mutilated Sumer and Akkad, they pulverised it as with a pestle. They destroyed its settlements and habitations, they razed them to ruin mounds.

    The best of Sumer they scattered like dust, they heaped up ... They massacred its populace, they finished off young and old alike. They destroyed the city of the Anuna gods, they set it aflame. hey put out both Uruk's eyes, they uprooted its young shoots. They wandered all through the libation places of the Anuna gods. And even Kulaba, which is the primeval city, they turned into a place of murder. 4th kirugu. Alas - Sumer! Alas - its people! Its gishgigal.

    Uruk! They seized your wharf and your borders and ... At Uruk shouts rang out, screams reverberated, its captured men ... The noise reached to the south. The south was destroyed and ... The impact forced its way to the uplands. The uplands were struck and ... To the right and left no people moved about, no habitations were built. There was no ... and the mobilisation of troops did not ... ... rose up to heaven. Heaven perished and its strength did not ... ... upon the earth. The earth was scattered, and it did not ... All the settlements were dispersed - Uruk stood all alone.

    It was a bull, it was a champion, it was immense with pride, but it ... to the weapons. All night and even until midday battle was waged, and afterwards it did not ... Battering rams and shields were set up, they rent its walls. They breached its buttresses, they hewed the city with axes. They set fire to its stations, they ... the city's dwellings. They destroyed it, they demolished it. Uruk, the good place, was ... with dust. Like a great wild bull wounded with an arrow, ... Like a wild cow pierced with a spear, ...

    The mighty one rushed with his weapons and ... implements of war. Subir, rising up like a swelling floodwave, ... They trampled ? through the streets and ... They let the blood of the people flow like that of a sacrificial cow, they tore out everything that had been built. The citizens of Uruk ... They ... and threw down ... They ... and put an end to ... They seized ... They struck ... They destroyed ... They ... They demolished ... They set up ... They heaped up ...

    They put an end to ... and did not leave behind ... ... Subir entered ... 5th kirugu. ... cried out "... has been created" and he smeared dust ... Its gishgigal. ... reached ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    M=segment F


    ki?-bala? e2? [...] _ur_ [...] ki zabala(ki) [...] _ta_ [...] uri2(ki) e2-kisz-nu-gal2 [...] _ta_ [...] tur3 (e2)amasz e2 x [...] hul [...] ki su-bir4(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    ki-bala? temple ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ur, Ekishnugal temple ...


    The enemy land ... zabala ... In Ur, the E-kish-nu-gal ... Cattlepen and sheepfold, evil ... The land of Subir ...

    M=segment G


    dingir gal-gal [...] (d)a-nun-na [...] _di ne_ x [...] bara2-bara2? [...] _im_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Great god ... Anuna ...


    All the great gods ... The Anuna gods ... ... The daises ... ...

    M=segment H


    nin nam-gal-la-ni kur-ra diri-ga an-gin7 dib (d)en-lil2-gin7 ni2 gur3-ru a-a-ni-gin7 ge6 an-szeg6-ga2-ba he2-du7 (d)utu-gin7 nam-szul-la za3 dib ub-da limmu2-ba dili-ni mah ni2 dub2-ba e2-za hu-mu-hul2-le e2-za mul-ma-al hu-mu-ri-ib-za e2-an-na-za sag hu-mu-ri-in-il2 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan u2-a-zu ha-ra-da-gub gu4 gal-gal-e si ha-ra-ni-ib-sa2 nidba gal-gal-e gesz hu-mu-ra-ab-tag-ge kasz i3-udu i3 hu-mu-ra-ab-szar2-e lal3 gesztin bur-gin7 ha-ra-ab-de2-e (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-e ki lugal gub-ba

    dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 giri17 szu ha-ra-ab-tag-ge ub3 a2-la2-e gu3 nun hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 tigi a-ra-du10 za-am-za-am hu-mu-ra-ab-du12 x x x tigi-a hu-mu-ra-ab-du12 siskur a-ra-zu-zu sag-bi-sze3 ha-ra-e3 x x e3-a gal2-gal2-la-sze3 unu(ki) e2-ge6-par4-ra-za lu2 sun5-na giri3-zu mu-un-dab5-ba ni2-tuku nam-mah-zu mu-un-zu-a er2 siskur-ra-ta ma-ra-an-de6 u3-mu-un-x x nig2 ki-en-gi ki-uri a-na-ab-ak unu(ki)-ga ki gig-ga igi-na bi2-du8-am3 nar gal-zu szer3-ra hu-mu-ni-ib-tum2-tum2

    u4 an ki-in-du-a a-na gal2-la-ba u4-bi nam-me-kur2-ru he2-me-ne-esz an lu2-ba-ra igi zi u3-mu-un-szi-in-bar iri(ki) du3-a ki nam tar-re-da lu2 iri-bi nam-ti nig2 du10-ge gu3 zi-mu-na-ni-ib me-tesz2 he2-i-i zi-da gab2-bu-na he2-bi2-in-diri (d)lamma ga2-la nu-dag-ge sag-ga2-na tuku-bi2-ib nam-tar-ra-ni inim? zi du11-ga-a-ba inim an-na? (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 su3-da-sze3 nu-kur2-ru ki-ru-gu2 12(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    AI Translation

    Lady, his greatness surpassing in the netherworld, like heaven, like Enlil, his fearsomeness surpassing like his father, like night and rain, may it be a good night, like Utu, whose radiance is supreme, whose utterances are supreme, may it rejoice in your house, may it rejoice in your house, may it rejoice in your house, may it rejoice in your Eanna, may it be yours! May Ishme-Dagan stand at your feet, may he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May he be yours! May

    son of Enlil, let him be sated with his hand. Let him be sated with the supplication of the prince. Let him be sated with the tigi drum, let him be supplication. Let him be supplication ..., let him be supplication. Let him be supplication ..., let him be supplication ...! In Uruk, in the E-gepar, a man who has taken your foot, has taken your feet, and your majesty has been supplications. Let him be supplications! Lord ..., ..., what Sumer and Akkad, let him do. In Uruk, the bitter place, he has sat before him. Your great singer has been supplications.

    May the day of heaven and earth not change its fate. May the day of heaven and earth not change its fate. May the city, built by a man, be seen faithfully. May the city, the place of fate, be called a man whose city life is good. May it be praised, may it be praised, may it be praised in all its corners. May the protective deity not be a slanderer, may it be his head. May his fate be determined according to his word, which is good, which is the word of An and Enlil, not change its position. 12th kirugu


    Lady inanna whose greatness is vaster than the mountains, hovering like An, vested with grandeur like Enlil, like her father, perfect by night and in the heat of the day, like Utu, surpassing in vigour, singularly exalted in all the four regions - let Ishme-Dagan take pleasure in relaxing in your temple, let him murmer to you in your temple, let him raise his head to you in your E-ana. Let Ishme-Dagan serve you as your steward. Let him prepare great bulls for you. Let him dedicate great offerings to you. Let him make the beer, fat and oil plentiful for you. Let him make syrup and wine flow for you as from stone jars. Let Ishme-Dagan,

    son of Enlil on the king's pedestal, bow in homage to you. May he make the ub and ala drums resound grandly for you. May the tigi sound sweetly for you, and may the zamzam play for you. May they play ... on the tigi for you, expressing your prayers and supplications before you. In bringing forth ..., all that there are, at your E-gipar in Uruk, as a humble man who has grasped your feet, as a reverent man who has experienced your exaltedness, e has brought a lament as offering to you and will ... As for everything that happened to Sumer and Akkad, which he has witnessed in Uruk, the aggrieved place, may the most knowledgeable cantors perform songs there. If the Anuna gods emerge tearfully,

    let them promise to us that as it was when heaven and earth came about, nothing of that time shall be changed. If An looks kindly upon that man and at the well-built city, the place of determining fate, "Man and city! Life and well-being!" proclaim for him. Let praise ring out. Let him be made surpassing above all, to his right or left Tireless lamma deity, take hold of his head, pronounce his fate in charitable words - - by the command of An and Enlil it will remain unaltered for a long time. 12th kirugu.

    P469685: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] [...] [...] [...] u4 te-esz du11-ga tug2-gin7 ba-e-dul gada-gin7 ba-e-bur2 eridu(ki)-ga tug2-gin7 ba-e-dul gada-gin7 ba-e-bur2 iri-a u4 husz-e szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) mi-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 [...] eridu(ki)-ga u4 husz-e szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) mi-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 [...] za-pa-ag2-bi nig2-me-gar u18-lu-gin7 ba-e-dul ug3-bi [...] eridu(ki) nig2-me-gar u18-lu-gin7 ba-e-dul ug3-bi [...] lugal-bi iri-ni iri kur2-gin7 bar-ta ba-ra-gub er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 a-a (d)en-ki iri-ni iri kur2-gin7 bar-ta ba-ra-gub er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8

    nam iri hul-a-na er2 gig mu-un-sze8-sze8 nin-bi muszen dal-a-gin7 iri-ni ba-ra-e3 ama e2-mah-a ku3 (d)dam-gal-nun-na iri-ni ba-ra-e3 iri me ku3-ku3-ga me-bi szu ba-ab-bala garza(|_pa-an_|) me gal-gal-la-kam me-bi ba-da-kur2 eridu(ki)-ga igi nigin2-nigin2-bi ba-kur2 szu suh3-a ba-ab-du11 u4 hul du3-a iri-ta ba-ra-gen kalam i3-ur4-ur4-re u4 saga hul nu-gal2-la sa6-ga nu-zu hul nu-zu-e su-bir4(ki)-e a-gin7 im-mi-ib2-gar szu im-ma-da-an-szub iri-a u4 zalag-ga e3-a u4 ba-da-ge6-ge6

    eridu(ki)-ga u4 zalag-ga e3-a u4 ba-da-ge6-ge6 (d)utu an-ur2-ra szu2-a-gin7 an-usan-sze3 ba-du3 iri an-ne2 nam ba-an-ku5-ra2-gin7 ni2-bi-a ba-an-gul (d)en-lil2-le sag-ki gid2-da-gin7 eridu(ki) esz3 abzu gu2 ki-sze3 ba-ni-ib-gar ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a uru2 gul-la e2 gul-la-ri gig-ga-bi im-me gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 u4-de3 iri mu-un-gul-gul ad-bi gig-ga-am3
  • [...] x giri16 im-ma-ni-ib2-gar [...] x a-nir ba-da-an-tab abul-la-bi (gesz)si-gar bi2-in-ku5 (gesz)ig-bi u4-de3 im-ma-gub [...] gub-ba ug3 zar-re-esz ba-an-sal [...] mu-un-du8 ni2-bi-a ba-an-gul [...] x er2-ra mu-un-ku4 [...] x x pe-el [...] [...] [...] |_sig7-alan_|-bi mu-un-kur2 [...] |_sig7-alan_|-bi mu-un-kur2 [...] bad3-bi mu-un-nigin2-nigin2 ur2-ba ba-ni-ib2-bala iri? ki sikil-la zal-a-ni sahar-ra ur2 mi-ni-ib2-si u6-nir esz3 an-ne2 us2-sa-bi sahar-tu11-e ba-an-gar

    gesz-bur2-ba me-te e2-a-ke4 ni2 il2-il2-a il2-bi ba-e-suh ka2 u6-nir-gal-an-ki-ni2-husz-ri-a-bi (gesz)ig za-gin3-bi gu2-guru5 bi2-in-du11 (gesz)sag-kul-bi ba-du3 gesz-ka2-na-bi ba-ra-an-bu e2 igi ba-ab-kur2 ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 eridu(ki) gul-la-ri gul-la-bi gig-ga-am3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im ka2 igi pirig-ga2 ki nam tar-re-ba (gesz)tir e2-a he2-du7-bi ba-ra-an-guz [...] (d)ka-he2-gal2 (d)igi-he2-gal2 i3-du8 e2-a [...] u4 nu-du11-ga-ba mu-un-gul-gul-lu-usz x x mu-un-kur2-kur2-ru-usz

    ka2 uz-ga kuruszda nidba gal-gal gul-la [...] ku6 muszen-bi musz3 ba-ni-ib2-tum2 gul-la [...] e2 ku3 (na4)za-gin3-na zal-a-ni er2 x [...] hun-ga2 szagina [...] x [...] ezem-ma gal-e x x [...] szer3 ku3 szer3 ha-mun [...] szem3 (kusz)a2-la2 [...] me gal me szar2-ra [...] ki dingir an ki-a [...] di lugal-e gidri ku3 a2 zi-da [...] en lu2-mah nin-dingir [...] sukkal (d)isimu-de3 a2 [...] e2 lu2 nu-zu-ba da-bi x [...] eridu(ki) esz3 abzu si-ga-bi [...] tug2 mah-he su-ub-ba lu2-erim2?-e he2-[...]

    x lu2 x ug3 x x he2-mi-in?-[...] u3-mun-bi a? bala-bala-e-da usz2-ni im-bala [...] x an sig7-ga-gin7 ul-sze3 tag-ga-am3 [...] gu2-da ba-an-la2 ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 x [...] A [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im x [...] x ur5 usz2-a sza3 sag3-ga [...] [...] x ku3 tu(muszen)-ma-gin7 [...] _an_ x [...] muszen uru2 gul-la-ke4 gud3 [...] u3-ku-ku(muszen) muszen sza3 sag3-ga-ke4 ki? [...] sza3 dab5 x [...] (gesz)(u2)kiszi17 kur-ra-ke4 zu2 ba-ni-ib2-kesz2 (gesz)(u2)kiszi17 kur-ra-ke4 gar3 ba-ni-ib2-[...] x x

    (uruda)szen ku3 lu2 igi nu-bar-re-da szimaszki(ki) elam(ki) lu2 ha-lam-ma igi i-ni-in-bar e2-|_gesz-pi-tug2-an-nisaba_| e2 gesztu2 [...] _ka_? [...] ba-szu2 me abzu sze-er-ka-an du11-ga [...] x ba-ab-_du_ gil-sa ku3 |_uru_xGAR| gar-gar-a ki x [...] gar-ra-ba muru9-gin7 ki us2-sa [...]-a-ba buru5(muszen)-gin7 a2-bur2-bi sar-sar-ra ba-e-re7-esz ku3 (na4)za-gin3 [...] ba-ab-_du_ eridu(ki) nig2 [...] x ba-ab-du11 esz3 bar x [...]-bi-a an-szeg6-ga2 [...]-in-du3 tir hur-sag?-ga2 [...] mu-ni-in-[...] x _ne_ x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... like a storm, it was clad in a garment, it was covered in a linen garment. Like a city, it was clad in a linen garment. Like a city, it was clad in a city. ... Like a city, it was clad in a ..., it was clad in a ..., its zapag-strap was ruined like a storm. Like a city, it was ruined like a city. Its people ... Like a king, it was his city, it was ruined like a hostile city. Father Enki, it was his city, it was ruined like a storm. It was ruined like a storm.

    The fate of his evil city was shattered, he cried bitter tears. Its lady, like a flying bird, departed from his city. The mother of the Emah, holy Damgalnuna, departed from his city. The holy city, its divine powers were altered. The great divine powers were altered. The rites of the garza were altered. The eyes of Eridu were altered. The utterances of the evil storm were altered. The city was dissolved from the sky. The land was shattered. The storm, its good, was not present. The evil storm, its subir was dissolved like water. The city, its shining storm, was dissolved like a storm.

    In Eridu, when bright sunlight came forth, the day was darkened. Utu, like a snare in the midst of heaven, was built for the evening watch. Like the city which An had destroyed, its radiance was destroyed. Like Enlil, like a long head, Eridu, the shrine Abzu, he sank to the ground. In its 1st kirugu, water from the destroyed city, its destroyed house, was bitter. Its geshgigal.

  • The 2nd day he destroyed the city, and its father was angry.
  • ... ... he smote ... ... he smote ... ... he smote ... The gate was seized, the door was shut for the day ... stood there, the people were scattered ... he smote ... he destroyed its ... ... he smote ...

    The reed-bed of the temple, the one who carries out the rites, was smashed. The gate of Unirgalankinihushri, its door of lapis lazuli, was smashed. Its bolts were smashed. Its gates were smashed. The temple was destroyed. The 2nd kirugu. Eridu, destroyed, was devastated. Its geshgigal. The gate before the pirig, in the place of deciding fates, was surrounded by a forest. The ... of Kahegal and Igihegal, the gatekeepers of the temple, ..., when they had not prayed to him, they had destroyed .

    The gate of the uzga rites, the kurusha rites, the great offerings, destroyed ... The fish, its birds, were snatched away, destroyed ... The temple of gold and lapis lazuli, his ..., the treasurer, the governor, ... ... The great festivals ... May the holy shem and shim offerings be ... The shem with a leather bag ... the great me, the mighty me ... The place of the gods of heaven and earth ... The king, the holy scepter, whose strength is ... Lord, the lu-mah, the lady of the gods, the vizier Isimude, whose strength is ... The house of the unzu man, whose ... is ... Eridu, the shrine Abzu, whose ... is ... The great garments, whose ... are ..., may the enemy .

    ... ... the people ... ... its ... ... ... like a yellow sky ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a pigeon ...

    The pure silver ... he saw. Shimashki and Elam, the people of the land, he ... The E-geshpi-tug-an-isaba, the temple of wisdom ... he ... ... The divine powers of the Abzu, the light of heaven, he ... ... The pure gold ... ... ... ... ... ... like a muru bird, he ... ... like a buru bird, he ... ... gold and lapis lazuli ... Eridu ...


    ... ... ... ... The roaring storm covered it like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet. It covered Eridu like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet. In the city, the furious storm resounded ... In Eridu, the furious storm resounded Its voice was smothered with silence as by a gale. Its people ... Eridu was smothered with silence as by a gale. Its people ... Its king stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears. Father Enki stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears.

    For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears. Its lady, like a flying bird, left her city. The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna, left her city. The divine powers of the city of holiest divine powers were overturned. The divine powers of the rites of the greatest divine powers were altered. In Eridu everything was reduced to ruin, was wrought with confusion. The evil-bearing storm went out from the city. It swept across the Land— —a storm which possessses neither kindness nor malice, does not distinguish between good and evil. Subir came down like rain. It struck hard. In the city where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened

    In Eridu where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened. As if the sun had set below the horizon, it turned into twilight. As if An had cursed the city, alone he destroyed it. As if Enlil had frowned upon it, Eridu, the shrine Abzu, bowed low. 1st kirugu. It cried out bitterly: "O the destruction of the city! The destruction of the house!" Its geshgigal.

  • second time the storm destroyed the city—its song was plaintive.
  • ... was trampled ? ... ... intensified the lament. It cut the lock from its main gate. The storm dislodged its door. ... It stacked the people up in heaps. ... on its own destroyed it. It turned ... into tears. ... defiled ... ... ... It distorted its appearance ... It distorted its appearance. It circled its ... wall. It overturned its foundations. Throughout his city, the pure, radiant ? place, the foundations were filled with dust. It cast down its ziggurat, the shrine which reaches up to heaven, into a heap of debris.

    The loftiness of its elevated door-ornament, befitting a house, was stripped down ? It cut down the gate, its Great-Ziggurat-of-Heaven-and-Earth-Covered-with-Terrible-Awesomeness, its shining door, and it broke through its bolt. It ripped out its doorframe. The house was defaced. 2nd kirugu. The destruction of Eridu Its destruction was grievous. Its geshgigal. At its lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined, it mutilated the copse ? forming the ornament of the house ... Ka-hegala and Igi-hegala, the doorkeepers of the house, ... Prematurely they destroyed it utterly. They completely altered ...

    At the gate of the uzga precinct, the animal-fattener ... the great offerings. Its birds and fish were neglected there. Destruction ... Throughout his house, radiant ? in silver and lapis lazuli, tears ... The hired man and the governor ... The festivals ... grandly ... Holy songs, songs of all kinds ... The shem-drum and ala-drum ... The great divine powers, all the divine powers ... The place of the gods of heaven and earth ... The judgment by the king, the holy sceptre at his right side, ... The en priestess, lumah priest and nindigir priestess ... The minister Isimud ... Strangers to the house ... its side. Eridu, the shrine Abzu, ... silently The enemy ... cleansed in a magnificent robe.

    ... a man ... the people ... Along with the fluids spilled from his guts, his blood spilled forth. The ..., which like the azure sky was embellished forever, ... ... grasped ... 3rd kirugu. ... ... Its geshgigal. ... distressed and anxious ... ... like a pigeon ... ... The birds of the destroyed city ... a nest. The ukuku bird, bird of heart's sorrow, ... the place. Pain ... The area became entangled in wild thornbushes. It ... wild thornbushes.

    The holy kettles which no one may look at, The Shimashkians and Elamites, the destroyers, looked at them. In the House of Nisaba's Wisdom, the house of understanding, ... covered over ... The divine powers which embellish the Abzu ... When the holy treasures stored in the treasury were put ... ..., when, like a mist lying heavily on the earth, .., they went like small birds shooed from their hiding places. Holy lapis lazuli ... Eridu ... ... ... ... ... ...

    M=segment B


    a-a (d)en-ki i-lu ni2-te-na [...] ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a-a (d)en-ki i-lu ni2-te-na gu3 gig im-me gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im nam-bi-sze3 (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 iri-ni iri kur2-gin7 bar-ta ba-da-gub gu2 ki-sze3 ba-an-la2 nin-bi ab2 zi |_e2_xSAL|-a ku3 (d)dam-gal-nun-na gaba-ni i3-hur-re igi-ni i3-hur-re gu3 nir-ra im-me szu 2(disz)-a-na gir2 ba-da-ra szu bi2-in-du8 tesz2-bi i3-gu7-e siki-ni (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_|-bur-gin7 i3-ze2-e i-lu gig ga2-ga2 uru2 munus-zu nu-til-la a-la-zu nu-gi4-a-gu10 me-a er2-zu ba-gig

    uru2-ze2-eb(ki) uru2 munus-zu nu-til-la a-la-zu nu-gi4-a-gu10 me-a er2-zu ba-sze8? gu4-gin7 [...] mah-za ba-e-szub-be2-en hul? [...] mu-szub-be2 x [...] x dim2-ma-me-en sza3-gu10 [...] [...] _an_ ga-sza-an-e [...]

    AI Translation

    Father Enki, the one who loves him, ... 4th kirugu Father Enki, the one who loves him, spoke bitterly about it. Its geshgigal, for this, Enki, the king of the Abzu, stood in his city like a hostile city, standing at the side of the ground. Its lady, the pure cow, the damgalnuna, looked at her face, looked at her face, spoke bitterly, and he screamed bitterly. He screamed bitterly, he screamed bitterly, and his hair like a sacrificial plant, he screamed bitterly. Your city, your woman, your ala, your lord, he screamed bitterly.

    My city, the city that your woman has not finished, your ala has not returned to me My me has been smashed like a bull ... your supreme ... has been destroyed ... I am ..., my heart ... .


    Father Enki uttered a lament for himself ... 4th kirugu. Bitterly Father Enki uttered a lament for himself. Its geshgigal. Because of this, Enki, king of the abzu, stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. It bowed its neck down to the ground. Eridu's lady, holy Damgalnuna, the faithful cow, the compassionate one, clawed at her breast, clawed at her eyes. She uttered a frenzied cry. She held a dagger and a sword in her two hands—they clashed together. She tore out her hair like rushes, uttering a bitter lament: "You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her—where is a lament uttered bitterly for you?

    Eridu! You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her—where are tears wept for you? I fall like a bull in your lofty ... falls ... I am ... My heart ... ... queen ..."

    M=segment C


    [...] x x [...] [...] su3-u4-da-asz dingir gal-gal-e-ne u3-mu-un (d)mu-ul-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 ki-en-gi-ra i-bi2 hul he2-en-szi-bar giri3-bala-a he2-em-gul? ki-ur3 ki gal za3 he2-bi2-in-tag e2-kur za-gin3-na du3-a-ba (gesz)al-e he2-em-mi-in-ra za3 he2-bi-in-tag szu li-bi2-in-dag kin-sig unu2 gal-ni mu-ni he2-pa3-de3 (d)a-ru-ru nin9 (d)mu-ul-lil2-la2-ke4 iri-ni iri-sa12-rig7 za3 he2-bi2-in-tag kesz3(ki) ki-|_sig7-alan_| kalam-ma-ke4 |_ga2_xMI| ku3 u4 nu-zu-ba ug3-e igi he2-ni-in-bar

    za3 he2-bi2-in-tag szu li-bi2-in-tag kin-sig unu2 gal-ni mu-ni he2-pa3-de3 u3-mu-un (d)nanna u3-mu-un (d)dili(im2)-babbar iri-ni uri2(ki)-ma za3 he2-bi2-in-tag sza3-mar-ra-ka ka-na-ag2-bi he2-en-til e2-kisz-nu-gal2 ag2-gig-ga he2-bi2-ak sza3-bi? he2-bi2-ra za3 he2-bi2-in-tag szu li-bi2-in-dag kin-sig unu2 gal-ni mu-ni he2-pa3-de3 (d)ga-sza-an-an-na ga-sza-an an ki-ke4 iri-ni unu(ki)-ga za3 he2-bi2-in-tag e2-an-na e2 ub 7(disz) izi 7(disz) kar-kar-re-de3 an x ti? za3 he2-bi2-in-tag szu li-bi2-in-dag

    kin-sig unu2 gal-ni mu-ni he2-pa3-de3 mu-u4-na-gu10 uru2-zu uru2-ze2-eb(ki)-gin7 gul-la a-ba-a igi mu-ni-in-du8 ki-ru-gu2 6(disz)-kam-ma-am3 mu-u4-na-gu10 me-na ba-du3-e me-na ba-gul?-e me-tesz2 abzu? [...] x gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im u3-mu-un dam-an-ki uru2-zu uru2-ze2-eb gul-la a-ba-a mu-ni-in-du8 esz3 abzu e2-zu-gin7 hul-a a-ba-a igi mu-ni-in-du8 ki-szu-tag-ga-ni lu2 nu-e11-de3 kin-sig unu2 gal-ni mu-ni li-bi2-in-pa3-de3 (d)en-ki lugal abzu-ke4 sza3 ba-an-sag3 ur5-ra-ni ba-usz2 inim gidlam-na-sze3

    ni2-te-a-ni i-si-isz mi-ni-ib-la2 sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2 lugal-gu10 ur5 nam-ba-ug7-e sza3 nam-ba-sag3-ge a-a (d)en-ki ur5 nam-ba-ug7-e sza3 nam-ba-sag3-ge dumu an-na sza3-zu ki-ur3-zu-sze3 iri-zu-sze3 (mu-usz-tug2)musztu-zu-sze3 iri kur2-ra tusz-a gig-ga-am3 iri-zu-sze3 (mu-usz-tug2)musztu-zu-sze3 e2 kur2-ra tusz-a gig-ga-am3 e2-zu-sze3 (mu-usz-tug2)musztu-zu-sze3 iri lu2 ta nu-ub-da-sa2-a iri-zu-sze3 (mu-usz-tug2)musztu-zu e2 lu2 ta nu-ub-da-sa2-a e2-zu (mu-usz-tug2)_pi_-zu

    eridu(ki)-ga u4-bi ba-su3-su3 ge6-bi ba-til-til asz-te-zu tusz-a hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 mu-nu2-zu nu2-a hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 e2-zu ni2 te-na-ab hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 bara2 ku3-zu hul2-la-bi diri-bi tusz-a hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 a-a-zu an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 sza3-zu he2-eb-du10-ge lu2-ulu3 lu2 sun5-na er2 e2 zi dam-za mu-ra-an-de6 igi-zu-sze3 du12-a-bi lu2-ulu3-bi sza3-zu ha-ba-na-hun-ge26 siskur2-ra du11-ga-na igi zi bar-mu-sze-eb ki-ru-gu2 7(disz)-kam-ma-am3 x x x x za3-zu he2-bi2-in-tag e2-zu ba-e-de3-szub

    ... ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi4-gi4 [...] x-za [...] x lu2 ha-lam ak-a-gin7 sag nu-mu-un-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... The great gods, the lord of Enlil, king of all the lands, he destroyed Sumer, he destroyed its evildoer, he destroyed its paths. He destroyed the Ki'ur, the great place, he destroyed it. He destroyed the Ekur, a lapis-lazuli temple, he destroyed it. He destroyed it, he destroyed it, he destroyed it, he destroyed it, he destroyed it, and he restored it. Aruru, the mistress of Enlil, his city, he destroyed it. Kesh, the holy shrine of the nation, he destroyed it, and the people saw it.

    He shall have the throne taken, he shall have the hand of the great throne. The lord Nanna, the lord Dilimbabbar, shall have the throne of his city Ur. He shall have the throne of his heart dissolved. The Ekishnugal, the evildoer, shall have the throne taken, he shall have the hand of the great throne taken. Gashanana, the lady of heaven and earth, his city Uruk shall have the throne of Eanna, the house of seven fires and seven karkar

    When he had built your great cloister, when he saw it, when my city, like the city Zab, he destroyed it. Sixth kirugu, when he had built it, when he destroyed it, when he had destroyed the ... of the Abzu, ... Its geshgigal "lord" Danki, when he had built your city, like the city Zab, he destroyed it. When he had built the shrine Abzu, like the temple of your house, when he had seen it, when he had not seen it, when he had built the great unu, when Enki, the king of the Abzu, had destroyed it, he died, he uttered a sigh of mourning to his own words.

    His limbs he smashed, and he smashed them. My king, do not let your heart be swollen, do not let your heart be swollen. Father Enki, do not let your heart be swollen, do not let your heart be swollen. Son of An, your heart is the Ki'ur, do not let your city dwell in a foreign city. Do not let your city dwell in a foreign city. Do not let your city dwell in a foreign city. Do not let your city dwell in a foreign city. Do not let your house dwell in a foreign country. Do not let your house dwell in a foreign country.

    The days of Eridu were long, the nights were long. Your abode was abandoned, your dwelling was abandoned, your abode was abandoned, your abode was abandoned, your house was abandoned, your holy dais was abandoned, your abode was abandoned, your father An, the king of the gods, was abandoned. A man, a man who is angry, a true house, your wife, he erected before you. That man, that man, may his heart rejoice. His omens are true. His omens are true. 7th kirugu ... your ... may your heart be destroyed. Your house

    ... may he restore its place ... ... ... like a man who has sinned, he does not raise his head .


    ... ... far away ... the great gods. Lord Enlil, king of the lands, looked maliciously at Sumer. He demolished it. He destroyed the Ki'ur, the great place. He razed with the pickaxe all of the shining E-kur. He destroyed it but did not abandon it— —at the lunches, in his great dining hall, they call his name. Aruru, the sister of Enlil, destroyed her city Iri-sag-rig. In Kesh, the creation place of the Land, the people saw inside its holy sanctuary where daylight had been unknown.

    She destroyed it but did not abandon it— —at the lunches, in her great dining hall, they call her name. Lord Nanna, Lord Ashimbabbar, destroyed his city Urim. He decimated the Land with famine. He committed a sacrilege against the E-kish-nu-gal. He struck at its heart. He destroyed it but did not abandon it— —at the lunches, in his great dining hall, they call his name. inanna, the queen of heaven and earth, destroyed her city Uruk. Fleeing from the E-ana, the house of seven corners and seven fires ..., she destroyed it but did not abandon it—

    —at the lunches, in her great dining hall, they call her name. "My beloved, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridu!" 6th kirugu. "My beloved, for how long was it built? For how long is it destroyed? ... adornment of the Abzu." Its geshgigal. "Lord Enki, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridu? Who has ever seen such a misfortune as that of the shrine Abzu, your house?" No one goes up to his offering terrace. At the lunches, in his great dining hall, they do not call his name. Enki, king of the abzu, felt distressed, felt anxious. At the words of his spouse,

    he himself began to wail. He lay down and fasted. My king, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious. Father Enki, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious. Son of An, return your heart to your Ki-ur and your attention to your city. Living in an alien city is miserable—return your attention to your city. Living in an alien house is miserable—return your attention to your house. What can anyone compare with this city?—return your attention to your city. What can anyone compare with this house?—return your attention to your house.

    Eridu's day is long. Its night is over. May your throne say to you "Sit down." May your bed say to you "Lie down." May your house say to you "Be rested." May your holy dais also say joyfully to you "Sit down." May your father An, the king of the gods, satisfy your heart. A person, a humble man, brings you a lament over your wife's faithful house. When he sings it before you, may that person soothe your heart. When he recites a prayer, look kindly upon him. 7th kirugu. It destroyed your ... and struck against your house. Its geshgigal.

    ... and may he restore it for you. ... your ... ... Do not hide like a criminal ...

    M=segment A


    iri me nun-na a gal-la diri-ga a-e ba-da-ri sa6? [...] sug dagal-bi giri3 ba-an-ga2-ga2 sza3-ba (gesz)kiszi17 kur-ra ib2?-mu2-mu2 ma2 giri17-zal-la ma2 dara3 abzu a-e ba-da-ri sa6? [...] amasz-bi kar bi2-ib2-kar? [...] (d)sir2-sir2 an-gub-ba u2 lu2 ma2 u5 na-nam ma2-sag-ga2 [...] igi-bi-da ba-e-szu2 _bu_ x [...] e2-a lu2-erim2-e mu-un-hul-usz me-bi szu suh3-a ba-ab-du11 gi-gu3-na-ke4 e2 ku3 lu2-erim2-e abzu [...] e2-u6-nir esz3 an-gin7 sag-bi mu-un-il2 gissu-bi [...]

    ka2 gu-la ka2 igi pirig-ga2 ki nam-tar-ra lu2-erim2-e (gesz)ig-bi izi ba-ab-szum2 (d)ka-he2-gal2 (d)igi-he2-gal2-e i3-du8 e2-a x [...] [...] x (d)en-ki-ke4 ki x x x A gesztu2 ug3-bi [...] [...] du ki ha-lam abzu me (d)a-nun-na [...] [...]-bi bi2-ib2-de2-a kalam-ma [...] [...] x-gin7 gesz _ga ba_ [...] [...] x sza3 iri x [...]

    AI Translation

    The city, the princely me, the great water, the water was flowing, its ... was ..., its wide ... was ..., its interior was a ... of the mountain. The boat, the sailor, the boat, the dara boat, the abzu was flowing, its ... was ..., its sheepfold was ..., Sirsir, standing in the sky, the man, the boat, the boat, the boat, the boat, ..., was seen, ... ... The enemy destroyed the house, its me was shattered. The holy giguna, the enemy destroyed the abzu. The E-u-nir, the shrine of heaven, was illuminated, its canopy .

    The great gate, the gate before the pirig, in the place of destinies, the enemy gave its doors to fire. Kahegal and Igihegal, the gatekeepers of the temple, ... Enki, ..., the wisdom of its people, ..., the place of the holy Abzu, the divine powers of the Anuna gods, ... ... he ... the Land ... like ... ... ... the heart of the city .


    House of princely powers, standing in mighty water—the waters have receded from it ... One can walk on its wide swamp. Within it grow wild thornbushes. The delightful boat Wild goat of the abzu—the waters have receded from it; ... its sheepfold ... the wharf. They were Sirsir, the tutelary deity, and the man who rides the boat. At the prow ... was hurled down in front of them. Evildoers destroyed the house, and its rites were disturbed. At the giguna shrine, the sacred house, evildoers ... The E-unir—the shrine raises its head as high as heaven. Its shadow ...

    At the great gate, the lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined, evildoers ... They set fire to its door. Ka-hegala and Igi-hegala, the doorkeepers of the house, ... Enki, at the ... place, ... its people. the Abzu ... the powers of the Anunna gods. ... ... ...

    M=segment B


    eridu(ki)-ga [...] iri gesz-gi _ne_ [...] eridu(ki)-ga gu4-ab2 [...] szah2 gesz-gi nu-me-a [...] eridu(ki)-ga gu4-gin7 x [...] nin iri-ke4 e2-gu10 _im_ x [...] x x [...] ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a-a (d)en-ki a e2-zu a iri-zu a nam-lu2-ulu3-zu kur-ra [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

    AI Translation

    ... Eridu ... the city of the reeds ... Eridu, the ox ... The pig of the reeds, not ... Eridu, like a ox ... The lady of the city, my house ... ... 3rd kirugu Father Enki, your house, your city, your people, in the netherworld ... its geshgigal


    In Eridu ... City in the reedbeds ... In Eridu, young bulls ... Without being a marsh boar ... Eridu, like a bull ... The lady of the city cried, "My city ...!" 3rd kirugu. Father Enki! O your house, O your city, O your people ... the mountains. Its geshgigal.

    P469686: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    dumu an-na an gal ki gal-ta sza3 ku3-ga-ni im-mi-in-pa3-de3 nam-nin kalam-ma-kam bi2-in-tum2-en (d)ba-ba6 dumu an-na an gal ki gal-ta sza3 ku3-ga-ni im-mi-in-pa3-de3 nam-nin kalam-ma-kam bi2-in-tum2-en (d)en-lil2-le e2-kur za-gin3-ta ki-sikil ama (d)ba-ba6 igi zi mu-un-szi-in-bar en (d)nin-gir2-su gal-bi mu-un-na-an-du7 kur gal (d)en-lil2-le e2-kur za-gin3-ta ki-sikil ama (d)ba-ba6 igi zi mu-un-szi-in-bar en (d)nin-gir2-su-ra gal-bi mu-na-ab-du7 e2-tar-sir2-sir2 an-ne2 gar-ra-za

    nin-gu10 gesz i3-in-bar di-bi-sze3 i3-ku5-de3 (d)ba-ba6 e2-tar-sir2-sir2 an-ne2 gar-ra-za nam kur-kur-ra sza-mu-ni-ib2-tar-re (d)ba-ba6 gesz i3-in-bar di-bi-sze3 i3-ku5-de3 (d)lamma _ri_ kisal iri-ku3-ga-za sag-ge6-ge-zu si sza-ra-ab-sa2-e (d)ba-ba6 (d)lamma _ri_ kisal iri-ku3-ga-za sag-ge6-ge-zu si sza-ra-ab-sa2-e nin-gu10 du11-ga-zu ki-bi-sze3 szi-ib2-gar (d)ba-ba6 du11-ga-zu ki-bi-sze3 szi-ib2-gar ki lagasz(ki)-a ki-tusz ku3 me sikil-la-za lugal-sze3 hul2-la hu-mu-un-szi-ni-ib-gal2

    nin-gu10 lugal-sze3 szu-mu-un-szi-gal2 (d)ba-ba6 ki lagasz(ki) ki-tusz ku3 me sikil-la-za lugal-sze3 hul2-la sza-mu-un-szi-ni-ib2-gal2 (d)ba-ba6 lum-ma szu-mu-un-szi-ib2-gal2 inim ku3-zu giri17 szu sza-ra-ab-gal2 sa-gid2-da-am3 nin si-a-ni e-du7 (d)ba-ba6 nig2-zu lu2 nu-zu dumu an-na an x-la-ta tesz2 mu-gal2-da mah-di gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im nin-gu10 du11-ga-zu zi-da inim mah-zu nig2 nu-silig-ge-de3 (d)ba-ba6 du11-ga-zu zi-da inim mah-zu nig2 nu-silig-ge-de3 inim ku3-zu dingir-ra sza-mu-un-na-gal2

    lugal-ra u4-de3-esz-e mu-un-e3 (d)ba-ba6 inim ku3-zu dingir-ra sza-mu-un-na-gal2 lugal lum-ma-ra u4-de3-esz-e mu-un-e3 sag-ki-za ki hul2-hul2-la-bi lugal-ra u4-de3-esz-e mu-un-e3 (d)ba-ba6 sag-ki-za ki hul2-hul2-la-bi lugal lum-ma-ra u4-de3-esz-e mu-un-e3 inim-zu ki du10-ga sa2-a-bi lugal-ra u4-de3-esz-e mu-un-e3 (d)ba-ba6 inim-zu ki du10-ga sa2-a-bi lugal lum-ma-ra u4-de3-esz-e mu-un-e3 lum-ma lugal an-ne2 sahar?-ra mu mah mu-na-an-szum2 inim zi mu-na-an-du11 (d)ba-ba6 lum-ma lugal an-ne2 sahar?-ra

    mu mah mu-na-an-szum2 inim zi mu-na-an-du11 nin iri-ni ki ag2-e ni2-te-ni pa bi2-in-e3 (d)ba-ba6 nin iri-ni ki ag2-e ni2-te-ni pa bi2-in-e3 lugal-ra ki ku3-ga-sze3? mi2 zi mu-ni-in-du11 a-da-ab (d)ba-ba6-kam

    AI Translation

    son of An, from the great heavens and the great earth, his pure heart he made enter, and the queenship of the land he made enter. Baba, son of An, from the great heavens and the great earth, his pure heart he made enter, and the queenship of the land he made enter. Enlil looked with pleasure upon the white temple, the young woman, mother Baba, and he made her dwell therein. The great mountain of Enlil looked with pleasure upon the white temple, the young woman, mother Baba, and he made her dwell therein. The lord Ningirsu made it dwell therein. The Etarsirsir, the temple of An,

    My lady, you shall cut down the wood for the judging of cases. Baba, you are placed in the Etarsirsir temple, the place of An's sovereignty. You shall decide the fate of all the lands. Baba, you shall cut down the wood for the judging of cases. The lamma demon in the courtyard of Iri-Kuga is your king. Your king, the lamma demon in the courtyard of Iri-Kuga is your king. Your words are placed in the place where you are to be placed. Baba demon in the place where you are to be placed. In Lagash, your holy residence, your pure divine powers, may they rejoice over you.

    My lady, for the king, you are there. Baba, in Lagash, your pure residence, the pure me, for the king, you are there. Baba, you are there. Your holy word is a hand-lifting hand-lifting hand. His lady, his lady, is a sagida. Baba, your thing is not a man. The daughter of An, from ..., is a ... ... It is its geshgigal. My lady, your words are true, your words are supreme, your words are not perfect. Baba, your words are true, your words are supreme, your words are not perfect. Your holy word is the god.

    "Baba, your holy word is divine, he is the one who makes the king of Lumma rejoice." "Your forehead, the place where the heart rejoices, is the one who makes the king rejoice." "Baba, your forehead, the place where the heart rejoices, is the king of Lumma." "Your words, the place where the heart rejoices, is the one who makes the king rejoice." "Baba, your words, the place where the heart rejoices, is the one who makes the king of Lumma rejoice." "Lumma, the king of An, gave a great name." "I made him speak a good word." "Baba, Lumma, the king of An,

    He gave him a great name, and he spoke a good word to him. The lady of her city, who loves her, he made it bow down to her. Baba, the lady of her city, who loves her, he made it bow down to her. The king, to the holy place he spoke a good word. Adab, Baba.


    Child of An, he has chosen you in his holy heart in the great sky and on the great earth and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land. Baba, child of An, in the great sky and on the great earth, he has chosen you in his holy heart and made you worthy of the ladyship of the Land. Enlil, from the shining E-kur, he has looked at you with favour, young woman, Mother Baba, and made you eminently fit for Lord Ningirsu. The Great Mountain Enlil, from the shining E-kur he has looked at you with favour, young woman, Mother Baba, and made you eminently fit for Lord Ningirsu. In the E-tar-sirsir, founded for you by An, you decide the fate of all the countries;

    you, my lady, render verdicts and decree judgments. Baba, in the E-tar-sirsir, founded for you by An, you decide the fate of all the countries; you, Baba, render verdicts and decree judgments. The ... protective genius, before you in your courtyard in Iri-kug, directs your black-headed people. Baba, the ... protective genius, before you in your courtyard in Iri-kug, directs your black-headed people My lady, what you say is firmly grounded; Baba, what you say is firmly grounded. In Lagash, your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers, it makes the king extremely happy;

    my lady, it makes the king extremely happy. Baba, in Lagash, your holy dwelling place of the pure divine powers, it makes the king extremely happy. it makes Luma extremely happy, he salutes your holy words. This is the sa-gida. Lady whose horns are perfect ?, Baba, nobody can learn what you are; child of An, with ... An, grandiloquent one. Gishgigal. My lady, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring. Baba, what you say is trustworthy, your lofty words are enduring. Your holy words are devoted to the god,

    they are as clear as daylight for the king. au, your holy words are devoted to the god, they are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma. Your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king; Baba, your joyous countenance is as clear as daylight for the king, Luma. Your words, which ... the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king; Baba, your words, which ... the pleasant place, are as clear as daylight for the king, Luma. To Luma, the king ... by An, you have given a lofty name, you have spoken to him with friendly words. Baba, the king ... by An,

    you have given a lofty name to Luma, you have spoken to him with friendly words. Lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent; Baba, lady who loves his city, you have made him pre-eminent. In the holy place you have treated the king graciously. An adab of Baba.

    P469687: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    nin-gu10 munus sa6-ga dumu an ku3-ga hi-li du8-du8-a ki ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 ni2 gal gur3-ru an-sza3-ta e3-a nin mi2 du11-ga dingir-re-e-ne (d)ba-ba6 munus sa6-ga dumu an ku3-ga hi-li du8-du8-a ki ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 ni2 gal gur3-ru an-sza3-ta e3-a nin mi2 du11-ga dingir-re-e-ne nin-gu10 an-sza3-ta me mu-e-de6 a-a tu-da-zu an lugal-e me nig2 galam sag-e-esz mu-ri-in-rig7 ni2 guru3 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne-me-en (d)ba-ba6 an-sza3-ta me mu-e-de6 a-a tu-da-zu an lugal-e me nig2 galam sag-e-esz mu-ri-in-rig7

    ni2 guru3 (d)a-nun-ke4-ne-me-en sipa ukken-na hi-li-a mu-e-ni-pa3-a [...] ki mah-a-na mu-ni-zu [...] mu-na-an-szum2 [...] x du10-ge-esz [...] (d)ba-ba6 gu3-de2-a ukken-na hi-li-a mu-e-ni-pa3-a ... ki mah-a-na mu-ni-zu ... mu-na-an-szum2 ... du10-ge-esz ... sa-gid2-da-am3 nin-gu10 ni2 gal guru3 ... en (d)nin-gir2-su-ke4 igi zi mu-e-szi-in-bar hi-li-a ... x zi [...] e2-tar-sir2-sir2-ra (gesz)banszur x-zu dalla bi2-in-e3 (d)ba-ba6 ni2 gal guru3 ... en (d)nin-gir2-su-ke4 igi zi mu-e-szi-in-bar

    e2-tar-sir2-sir2-ra (gesz)banszur x-zu dalla bi2-in-e3 nin di ku5 ka-asz bar mu du11-ge x-me-en si sa2 dingir-re-ne-me-en dam ur-sag-ga2-me-en (d)ba-ba6 mi2 du11-ga an (d)urasz-a-me-en (d)ba-ba6 nin di ku5 ka-asz bar mu du11-ge x-me-en si sa2 dingir-re-ne-me-en dam ur-sag-ga2-me-en (d)ba-ba6 mi2 du11-ga an (d)urasz-a-me-en nin-gu10 ukken-na igi mi-ni-il2 la-la mi-ni-[...] lu2 zi sza3-ga im-mi-ni-pa3 sipa zi gu3-de2-a ama (d)ba-ba6 iri-za lagasz(ki)-a me-tesz2 he2-e-i-i

    (d)ba-ba6 ukken-na igi mi-ni-il2 la-la mi-ni-[...] lu2 zi sza3-ga im-mi-ni-pa3 sipa zi gu3-de2-a ama (d)ba-ba6 iri-za lagasz(ki)-a me-tesz2 he2-e-i-i sa-gar-ra-am3 tigi (d)ba-ba6-kam

    AI Translation

    My lady, beautiful woman, daughter of An, who has adorned with radiance, beloved of Enlil, who brings great powers into the sky, who speaks to the goddesses, Baba, beautiful woman, daughter of An, who has adorned with radiance, beloved of Enlil, who brings great powers into the sky, who brings great powers into the sky, who speaks to the goddesses, my lady, who has adorned with radiance from the sky, father who knows you, An the king, he has given you, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the father who knows you, Baba, who has adorned with radiance from the sky, father who knows you, An the king, he has given you, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the

    I am the one who the gurus of the Anuna gods chose for me, the shepherd who in the assembly has embraced my aura, ... in his supreme place ... he gave to him. ... ... good ... Baba, Gudea, in the assembly has embraced my aura, ... in his supreme place ... he gave to him. ... good ... ... sagida is the sagida-demon My lady, the great guruss of the lord Ningirsu, he looked at me with a womb, he looked at me with a womb, he looked at me with a womb, Baba, the great guruss of the lord Ningirsu, he looked at me with a womb, he looked at me with a womb, he looked at me with a womb, he looked at me with a womb,

    In the Etarsirsir he ... your ... table. Lady, judge of the mouth, who says "I am the right one" I am the right one, the voice of the gods, I am the wife of a hero Baba. Judge of An and Urash, I am Baba. Lady, judge of the mouth, who says "I am the right one" I am the voice of the gods, I am the wife of a hero Baba. Judge of An and Urash, I am my lady, who looks at the assembly, and ..., who speaks truth in his heart, true shepherd Gudea, mother Baba, may she love your city Lagash.

    Baba looked at the assembly, he ..., he ... the true man, he made him a happy man, the true shepherd Gudea, may the mother Baba be happy in your city, Lagash! The sagara is the tigi of Baba.


    My lady, gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness, Enlil's beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness and issues from the interior of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods. Baba, gracious woman, child of holy An, adorned with attractiveness, Enlil's beloved one, who is imbued with great fearsomeness and issues from the midst of heaven, the cherished lady of the gods. My lady, you have brought the divine powers from the interior of heaven. Your own father, An, the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers, so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods. Baba, you have brought the divine powers from the midst of heaven. Your own father, An the king, has presented you with perfect divine powers,

    so you inspire respect among the Anuna gods. After you had chosen the shepherd in the assembly for his attractiveness, ou recognised him in ......, his lofty place, gave him ..., ... and good .... Baba, after you had chosen Gudea for his attractiveness in the divine assembly, you recognised him in ..., his lofty place, gave him ..., ... and good ... The sa-gida. My lady, imbued with great fearsomeness, ... Lord Ningirsu has looked at you approvingly. ... He ... you with allure and has made your ... table in the E-tar-sirsir lavishly famous. Baba, imbued with great fearsomeness, ... Lord Ningirsu has looked at you approvingly. ...

    He ... you with allure and has made your ... table in the E-tar-sirsir lavishly famous. You are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and ... You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior. Baba, you are cherished in the heaven and on the earth. Baba, you are the lady who renders verdicts, who decrees judgments and ... You are the righteous one among the gods, the wife of the warrior. Baba, you are cherished in heaven and on earth. My lady, you have looked up in the divine assembly and ... him ? with charms. You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd Gudea. Mother Baba, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagash!

    Baba, you have looked up in the divine assembly and ... him ? with charms. You have chosen with your heart a worthy man, the true shepherd, Gudea. Mother Baba, he will duly praise you in your city, Lagash! The sa-gara. A tigi of Baba.

    P469688: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    [...]-ta kalam tesz2-a mi-ni-ib-x [...]-in?-sag3 e2-gal im-se3-se3 [...] sag-ge6 tusz-a-ba ni2 ul4-la bi2-ib2-te x x x x x ki-szub-ba-bi ki-en-gi-ra bi2-ib-gar x nig2-dagal-ba iri ba-an-gul ug3-e ni2 bi2-in-te uri5(ki)-ma hul-gal2 im-szi-_du_ sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3 sipa zi ur-(d)namma ba-ra-ab-e3 sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3 an-ne2 inim ku3-ga du3-a mu-un-kur2 sza3 _an_ x su3-ga-am3 (d)en-lil2-le nam tar-ra du3-a szu lul mi-ni-ib-bala (d)nin-mah-e x x x |_la2-a-ba_|-na a-nir mu-un-ga2-ga2

    (d)en-ki-ke4 (gesz)ig gal eridu(ki)-ga gu2-bi ba-an-gi4 (d)nu-dim2-mud itima(ma)-a-ka ba-an-ku4 sza3-ka-tab-ba ba-an-nu2 inim x an-na-ka? (d)nanna si-un3-na sag-ki ba-da-ni-in-gid2 (d)utu an-na? nu-um-e3-e u4-de3 i-si-isz im-la2 ama dumu-ni-sze3 hul ti-la-e ama lugal-la ku3 (d)nin-sumun2-na a sza3-gu10 im-me nam? ur-(d)namma mu-un-tar-ra-sze3 mu sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3-a-sze3 sila dagal ki-a-ne-di gal2-la-ba er2 gig i3-sze8-sze8 nam-lu2-ulu3 x li-bi [...] x x u3 du10 nu-mu-un-ku-ku

    i-lu sipa zi ba-dab5-ba-na u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-e a-esztub i7-da de2-a-bi ku3-gal2-bi ba-si sze gu-nu a-gar3-re mu2-a-bi zi kalam-ma ba-su engar gan2 zi-de3 gub-x-ni mu-na-ab-tur-re (d)en-ki-im-du lugal e pa5-ra-ke4 uri2(ki)-ta? e pa5 ba-da-an-kar _na_? [...] x x x _pi_ x [...] x ki bi2-in-tag umusz [...] kalam-ma u2-gu im-ma-an-de2? u2 nir-gal2 ba-su3 edin-edin-e u2 sa6?-ga nu-mu-un-mu2 u2-a-nir ba-an-mu2 ab2-e? x [...] mu-un-x tur3 x-bi ba-gul amar ab2-szilam-[...] mur gig-ga-bi im-sza4

    sipa ku3-zu [...] x A [...] x a2? nu-mu-da-an-ag2-e me3 szen-szen-na ... _a si a_ ba-da-ab-tab?-e? lugal ka-mud-gal2 ki-en-gi-ra me-te ukken-na ur-(d)namma ka-mud-gal2 ki-en-gi-ra me-te? ukken-na mas-su ki-en-gi-ra-ke4? [...] i3-nu2 tu-ra-am3 szu-ni dab5-ba nu-mu-un-dab5? in-nu2 tu-ra-am3 giri3-ni x x nu-um-un-da-dib? i3-nu2 tu-ra-am3 [...] x x _im_ x _usz_ [...] sag? _me_ ba-_bu_ sipa zi lugal gir2 gal ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 ur-(d)namma lugal kalam-ma-ke4 e2-sumur-ra ba-an-te

    sag-ku3-gal2 e2-gal-a-na i3-nu2 ur-(d)namma lu2 erin2-e ki ag2-ga2 gu2 nu-mu-un-da-zi-ge igi-gal2 x x-ra i3-nu2 gesz-la2-bi im-_du_ tesz2 kalam-ma-ka ba-szub(ub) hur-sag-gin7 ba-gul tir ha-szu-ur2-ra-gin7 im-ma-su3 me-dim2-bi ba-kur2 (gesz)taskarin-gin7 ki-tusz giri17-zal-la-na gin2 mu-ni-in-gar-re-esz (gesz)erin duru5-gin7 e2-gal-la nu2-a mu-ni-in-bala-bala-e-ne ki-nu2 gidlam(|_munus-usz-dam_|)-a-ni ba-x x x x u18-lu-da ba-da-dul szesz-a-ni-da dam-a-ni-gin7 gu2-da? am3-mi-ib-la2

    u4 du11-ga-ni sa2 mu-ni-ib?-du11 a-la-na ba-ra-e3 siskur2 nig2 du10-ga la-ba-an-tag-ge szu gig ba-ni-x-gid2 kadra-ni (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne inim im-ma-an-gi4-x an musz3?-am3 x la-ba-e-gub u4-bi la-ba-ni-ib-si inim (d)en-lil2-la2 du11-ga-sze3 ur5 zi-zi la-ba-gal2 nam?-lu2-ulu3?-ni ki ba-ag2-ga2-bi igi-gal2-bi ba-kur2 x x-la lu2 nu-zu-u3-e-ne i-im-bala-bala-e-ne a-gin7 ki-lul-la ur-(d)namma dug gaz-gin7 a-ba-ni-in-tak4-asz x x-a-ni |_im-u4_| sir2-da-gin7 gal-bi im-szi-_du_

    x x x x nu-ga2-ga2-a nig2 sza3-ge szu nu-gid2-i im-me x x x ur-(d)namma me-li-e-a nam-gu10 a-ra-li ki sag-ki kalam-ma-sze3 ur-(d)namma dumu (d)nin-sumun2-ka hi-li-na ba-da-de6 erin2 lugal-da i3-re7-esz-a er2 mu-da-ab-us2-e dilmun(ki)-gin7 kur ki nu-zu-na (gesz)ma2-bi ba-da-ab-su _szu min gag e_-_e sze3_ ba-da-ab-ku5 (gesz)gisal (gesz)gi-musz (gesz)zi-gan gal2-la-bi gu2-guru5 ba-ab-du11 (gesz)x x x-na _dub_ ba-da-tab (gesz)sag-kul-bi ba-ku5 (gesz)x x x _a igi min_? _su_ ba-da-gar sahar ses-a ba-gub

    lugal x ansze-ni ba-da-dur2-ru ansze ki mu-un-di-ni-ib-tum2 ur-(d)namma x ansze-ni ba-da-dur2-ru ansze ki mu-un-di-ni-ib-tum2 gesz? x kalam-ma-ke4 ba-da-bala tesz2 kalam-ma ba-kur2 kaskal kur-ra in-di3 su3-ga-am3 lugal-da (gesz)gigir ba-da-szu2 har-ra-an im-ma-da-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2 ur-(d)namma-da (gesz)gigir ba-da-szu2 har-ra-an im-ma-da-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2 i3-du8 gal kur-ra 7(disz)-bi nig2-ba ba-ab-szum2-mu lugal mu tuku ba-ug5-ge-esz-a

    lugal gen-na-ni ug3 mu-un-zu-usz kur-ra za-pa-ag2 mu-un-gar ur-(d)namma gen-na-ni ug3 mu-un-zu-usz kur-ra za-pa-ag2 mu-un-gar lugal-e gu4 im-ma-ab-gaz-e udu im-ma-ab-szar2-re ur-(d)namma geszbun gal-gal-la ba-szi-in-dur2-ru-ne-esz u2 kur-ra ses-am3 a kur-ra mun4-na-am3 sipa zi garza kur-ra-ke4 sza3-ga-ni mu-un-zu lugal-e nidba kur-ra-ke4 gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge ur-(d)namma nidba kur-ra-ke4 gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge gu4 du7 masz2 du7 udu niga en-na ab-lah4-a

    (gesz)mitum2 (gesz)pan gal e2-mar-uru5 (gesz)gag-pan gir2 zu2 galam (kusz)lu-ub2 gun3-a ib2-ba gal2-la-ba (d)nergal (d)en-lil2 kur-ra-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge gesz-gid2-da (kusz)lu-ub2 dag-si ak-a i-mi-tum pirig an-na (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|)(ur3) ki us2-sa a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 za-ha-da nig2 ki ag2 (d)eresz-ki-gal-la (d)gilgamesz3 lugal kur-ra-ke4 sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge x kesz2-da i3 ba-ni-in-de2-a bur szagan szu du7-a

    tug2 dugud (tug2)zulumhi (tug2)pala3 nam-nin-a x x x x x _sar_ dalla me kur-ra (d)eresz-ki-gal ama (d)nin-a-zu-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge udu x x x x x x x gal? kur [...] gidri ku3-sig17 nam-en-na szu za-gin3-sze3 x x (d)dumu-zi dam ki ag2 (d)inanna-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge tu-di-tum ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar [...] [...] (na4)za-gin3 ba-da-ra [...] (d)dim3-pi-ku3-ge x [...] gil-sa szu du7-a har ku3-sig17 ma2-gur8 _bi_ x se3?-ga

    (na4)gug ku3? nig2 gaba dingir-re-e-ne (d)nam-tar lu2 nam tar-tar-ra-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge dub-szen szu za-gin3 x nig2-nam irigal-a-ke4 (gesz)kirid ku3 (na4)za-gin3 szu tag-ga (gesz)ga-rig2 nam-munus-a (d)husz-bi-sa6 dam (d)nam-tar-ra-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge (gesz)nig2-szu umbin x-bi ku3-sig17-ta gun3-a ansze _ki_ (ansze)niskum x [...] x x x x ansze ur2 gun3-gun3 [...] x sipa mu6-sub3 A [...] x ab-us2-e szul ur-sag (d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ra

    sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge (na4)kiszib za-gin3 ba-da-ra i3-la2-a tu-di-da ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar sag-bi alim-ma (d)dim3-pi-me-ku3-ge za3-ga-na gub-bu-ne mu-na-ab-szum2-mu (tug2)sagszu gesztu2 mah lu2 zu gesz-nu11-gal gi-dub-ba za3-bar-ra nig2 nam-dub-sar-ra-ke4 esz2-_gan2_ za-gin3 gi 1(disz) ninda x x gidlam(|_munus-usz-dam_|)-a-ni nin-da-zi-mu2-a dub-sar mah dumu a-ra-li-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-na gesz im-ma-ab-tag-ge [...] x x [...] [...] x _a bi_ [...] x

    [...] x x gal kur-ra x mu-na-da-ab-szum2?-mu lugal-e nidba? kur-ra-ke4 si bi2-in-sa2-a-ta ur-(d)namma-ke4 nidba? kur-ra-ke4 si bi2-in-sa2-a-ta [...] irigal-la-ke4-ne x [...] x szu2-ke4-ne ur-(d)namma bara2 gal kur-ra-ke4 mu-ni-ib-tusz-u3-ne kur-ra ki-tusz mu-na-ga2-ga2-ne inim du11-ga (d)eresz-ki-gal-la-ka-ta erin2 (gesz)tukul x en-na ba-ug5-ga lu2 nam-tag-ga en-na ba-zu-x-a lugal-la szu-ni-sze3 im-ma-ab-szum2-mu-ne ur-(d)namma ki-bi-sze3 x x x x-esz _im_ x x x [...] szesz ki ag2-ga2-ni (d)gilgamesz3-da

    e-ne di kur-ra i3-ku5-de3 ka-asz kur-ra i3-bar-re u4 7(disz) u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-la-ba lugal-gu10 i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11 ur-(d)namma i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 sa2 nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-du11 bad3 uri2(ki)-ma nu-mu-un-til-la-ni e2-gal gibil na-mu-un-du3-a-ni nu-mu-un-hul2-hul2-la-ni sipa-de3 e2-a-ni sag li-bi2-in-ak-ni dam-a-ni ur2-ra-na a-la nu-mu-un-gi4-a-ni dumu-ni du10-ba-na li-bi2-in-pesz-a-ni nin9 di4-di4 nu-mu-un-bulug3-bulug3-e-ne hi-li nu-mu-un-til-a-ni

    lugal-gu10 sza3-ga-ni im-si er2 gig [...] sipa zi i-lu nig2-me-gar ni2-te-na mi-[...] ge26-e nig2 ne-e ba-ak-a-gu10 dingir-re-ne-er mu-ne-gub-bu-nam ki-ur3 mu-ne-gal2 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne he2-gal2-la pa mu-ne-e3-a gesz-nu2 u2 za-gin3 bara3-ga-ba gil-sa mu-ne-gar-ra-gu10 dingir ki-ga2 la-ba-e-gub sza3-gu10 la-ba-ni-ib-sed x-me-en nig2 geszkim sa6-ga-gu10 an-gin7 mu-ne-su3-u4 x u4-da gub-ba sa2-a-ga2 a-na szu ba-ni-ti ge6-da gub-ba u3 nu-ku-ga2-a u4 im-ma-ni-til i3-ne-esz2 im an-ta szeg3-ge26-gin7

    me-li-e-a szeg12 uri2(ki)-ma-sze3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2 a2?-sze gidlam(|_munus-usz-dam_|)-gu10 nu-mu-un-su-am3 i-lu a-nir nig2 gig-ga-a u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e usu gal2?-la-gu10 ni2-ba til-la [...] ur-sag-me-en szu nam?-tar?-ra x a gig [...] am-gin7 x [...] x _gi_? szub-ba-gu10 du10 la-ba-x [...] gu4 mah-gin7 [...] x ses-ga2 ba-[...] (gesz)isimu3(sar)-gin7? x [...] x x ku3?-ga ba-szi-x [...] ansze-gin7 _igi_ [...] x sa6?-ga-gu10-sze3 ba-ug5-ge-x gidlam(|_munus-usz-dam_|) x x-gu10 ma-ab?-hul szi-in-_tu_-ra-x

    i-lu a-nir nig2 gig-ga-a u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e udug sa6-ga-ni bar-ta ba-da-gub (d)lamma sa6-ga-ni sag-ga2-na li-bi2-in-ha-za (d)nin-sumun2-na-ke4 a2 mah-a-ni sag-ga2-na li-bi2-in-ge-en (d)nanna en (d)dili(im2)-babbar szu-ta nu-un-ri (d)en-ki lugal eridu(ki)-ga x-ra ba-ra-ta-an-e3 _gir_-_gir_-a-ni im-ma-ni-in-si-ig inim szu nu-mu-un-di-ni-ib-gi4 (gesz)ma2-gin7 tu15 sumur-ra ba-ra-ab-diri (gesz)dimgul nu-mu-na-kal ansze-edin-na-gin7 pu2 hul ba-an-tum2-mu-da? szu dugud lu2 mu-un-gar

    pirig-gin7 a-_ru_-ub-ba ba-szub-ba en-nu lu2 mu-un-du3 ur-gin7 (gesz)az-la2-e mu-un-dab5 me-a lu2 mu-un-gar (d)utu di x x gesz nu-um-mi-in-la2 a lugal-gu10 mu-un-si tigi a-da-ab gi-gid2 za-am-za-am-gu10 a-nir?-ra mu-da-an-ku4 gesz-gu3-di e2 nam-nar-ra-ka za3 e2-gar8-e i-ni-in-us2 (gesz)gu-za hi-li-bi nu-mu-til-la-gu10 sahar pu2-sag-ga2-ka lu2 im-mi-x x x gesz-nu2 ki-nu2 _tur_-bi nu-mu-un-til-la-gu10 edin bar su3-ga-ka lu2 im-mi-in-nu2-u3-da me-li-e-a dam-gu10 er2-ra dumu-gu10 a-nir-ra

    lu2 nig2 du11-ga-ga2 i-lu balag di-gin7 he2-na-du12-usz u4 ur5-gin7 im-ma-ab-ak-a-gu10 sag-kal (d)inanna nin me3-a di-ga2 nu-mu-un-ti (d)en-lil2-le kur-kur-ra inim gal-gal-sze3 kig2-gi4-a bi2-in-gi4 ki-bi-ta igi-ni gar-ra-ni (d)inanna e2-kur za-gin3-sze3 sun5-na-bi mu-un-ku4 sag-ki husz (d)en-lil2-la2-ka igi dub2-dub2-bu x x nin gal e2-an-na gam-ma-ni nam-ma-da-ra-ta-x sipa zi e2-an-na-ta mu-un-e3 igi nu-mu-ni-in-du8 nin-gu10 a x x a ba ug3-ga2 mu-un-[...] x x a ba

    an i3-dub2-be2 ki i3-sag3-ge (d)inanna-ke4 tur3 im-gul-e amasz im-tab-e an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 in-sze3 ga-mu-un-dub2 (d)en-lil2-le sag mu-da-an-zi-ga? inim-bi a-ba mu-un-kur2 an lugal inim mah du11-ga-ni inim-bi a-ba mu-un-kur2 gesz-hur kalam-ma he2-me-a-gub-ba sag ba-ra-ba-an-us2-sa ki u4 e3 dingir-re-e-ne-sze3 nam-he2-gal2?-bi nu-gal2 ge6-par3 ku3 esz3 e2-an-na-gu10 hur-sag-gin7 mu-un-gi4?-esz sipa-gu10 hi-li-a-ni nu-usz-ma-an-ku4-ku4 ge26-e ba-ra-ku4-ku4-de3-en

    kal-ga-gu10 u2-szim-gin7 edin-na nu-usz-ma-da-mu2-am3 ma2 i7-da-gin7 kar si-ga-na nu-usz-ma-da-gi-na si-ga-na (d)inanna-ke4 i-lu-ni he2-kur-ku-ku en (d)nin-gesz-zi?-da?-ke4 [...] x-na? he2-em-mi-in-kal-ge ur-(d)namma x x [...] ba-ug5-ga-gu10 [...] a-na [...]-an-la2 er2 1(disz)-e a-nir 1(disz)-e [...] ur-(d)namma-ra? nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re x ur-(d)namma x [...]-ge?-en mu mah-zu he2-pa3 gidri? ku3? sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 ... mu-un-na-an-tuku-tuku e2-gal-zu-sze3 ki-en-gi [...]-pa3-de3-esz i7 ba-al-la-zu [...] x-zu

    a-gar3 gal-gal mah bi2-gi4-[...]-a-zu gesz-gi a-ta im-ta-ab-e11-a-zu sze dagal sze dagal-e [...]-a?-zu? an-za-gar3 a2-dam ...-a-zu nam-lu2-ulu3 u6 [...] x-e-esz ur-(d)namma mu-zu x [...]-pa3?-pa3?-de3?-esz? en (d)nu-nam-nir [...] x rib-ba (d)udug hul x [...] bi2-in-sar-re sipa ur-(d)namma x [...] ba?-szi-in-bur3-a-ta (d)nanna en (d)dili(im2)-babbar [...] x ri-a-bi (d)en-ki lugal eridu(ki)-ga [...]-ta-an-e11-da x x x (d)x [...]-la? amasz tab-tab-ba sag-kal a-ma-ru mar-uru5 [...]

    gi gam-ma _kal_ gal2 ba-ni-[...] iri-zu-ta mi2 zi du11-ga di si sa2 ku5-ku5 dumu _hi ri_ x [...] en (d)nin-gesz-zi-da za3-mi2 lugal-gu10 x x er2-am3 i-lu-am3 [...] er2-am3 a-nir-am3

    AI Translation

    ... from the land he ... ... he ... the palace ... he sat down in the morning, he ... the abandoned ... of Sumer he erected. ... its wide ... he destroyed the city, he sat down on the people. Ur was destroyed, the true shepherd was destroyed, the true shepherd Ur-Namma was destroyed, the true shepherd was destroyed. An changed the word of holy words, he changed the heart of ..., Enlil changed the fate of the fate, he sat down. Ninmah ... his ... he uttered a sigh.

    Enki seized the great door of Eridu, Nudimmud entered it in the midst of the night, he smashed the ... of An, Nanna smashed its head. Utu, the king, did not come out, he sat down in the storm. The mother, his son, was a bad mother, the holy mother Ninsumun, poured out water into my heart. The fate of Ur-Namma he decreed, and the name of the true shepherd he did not bring forth. The broad street, which is a place of rest, he cried bitter tears. The people ...

    The god, the true shepherd, was seized, and the day was overcast. The eshtub canal, its canal-drain, its holy canal, was destroyed. The barley of the fields, its ..., was destroyed. The farmer, his ... field, was destroyed. Enki-imdu, the king who the canals opened up, from Ur the canals opened up. ...

    The shepherd who has your holy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... true shepherd, king of Sumer, Ur-Namma, king of the Land, built the Esumur temple

    The head of his palace was not ... when Ur-Namma, the beloved man of the troops, did not ..., when he ... its beams, when the ... of the land was destroyed, when the mountains were destroyed, when the ... of the ... was destroyed, when its weapons were altered, when like a date palm he grew in his abode, when like a date palm he grew in the palace, when like a grove of cedar he grew in the palace, when his ... he ..., when his brother ..., like a ...,

    He spoke to him as follows: "He has not ... his ala's ..., he has not ... his good offerings, he has not ... his kadra offerings to the Anuna gods. He has not ... his ..., he has not ... his ..., he has not ... his utterances to Enlil. His people's fate has been changed, its eyes have changed. ..., the people who do not know him, they have ... like water and a sour brew Ur-Namma has poured out like a sour brew. He has ... his ... like a sour brew.

    ... did not ..., and everything that was not firmly fixed was ... Ur-Namma, my divine power, was smashed in the midst of the land. Ur-Namma, the son of Ninsumun, was smashed in the midst of the king's cultic rites. The king's troops were smashed like a mountain that was not yours. Its boats were smashed like a boat. Its ... was smashed. Its ... was smashed. Its ... was smashed. Its ... was smashed. Its ... was smashed. Its ... was smashed.

    The king ... his donkeys, he sat on the ground. Ur-Namma ... his donkeys, he sat on the ground. The ... of the Land was destroyed, the people of the Land were changed. The road to the mountains was changed. The king took the chariot, but the road was blocked. Ur-Namma took the chariot, but the road was blocked. The great gate of the mountain was given 7 times. The king, who had no power,

    The king came, and the people were angry. He placed Ur-Namma in the netherworld. He placed Ur-Namma in the netherworld. The king smashed the bull, and the sheep were slaughtered. Ur-Namma smashed the great banquets. The plants of the netherworld, the sesame, the water of the netherworld, the munus, the true shepherd, the rites of the netherworld, were in his heart. The king smashed the bread of the netherworld. Ur-Namma smashed the bread of the netherworld. The fattened bull, the fattened sheep, the grain-fed sheep, the en-na,

    The mitum, the great bow of the Emar-uru, the bow of the arrow, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he swore. The long bow, the ...,

    The heavy garment, the tulumhu garment, the pala garment, the queen garment, ..., the bright ... of the divine powers of the netherworld, Ereshkigal, mother Ninazu, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he ... sheep ... great? mountain ..., a gold gidri, the en priesthood, with a lapis lazuli hand ... Dumuzi, beloved wife of Inanna, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he ... The tuditum, gold, silver ..., ..., lapis lazuli ..., Dimpi-kug ..., a gold bracelet, a gold bracelet, a boat .

    The gold ..., the property of the gods, Namtar, the man who decrees fate, the shepherd Ur-Namma in his palace ... The scribe, with a lapis-lazuli hand, ... everything of the Irigal, with a gold kirid ..., with a lapis-lazuli hand, and a scepter for womanhood, Hushbisa, wife of Namtar, the shepherd Ur-Namma in his palace ... The ..., with gold, ... donkeys, ... donkeys, ..., ... shepherds, ... ... the young man, the hero Ningeshzida

    The shepherd Ur-Namma brought into his palace. The lapis lazuli seal he had broken, and the gold and silver bracelets, its heads, to the alima priest Dimpimekug, he gave to him. The headgear, the supreme wisdom of a man, the geshnugal reeds, the scribal art, the lapis lazuli reed reeds, one ninda ..., Nindazimua, the great scribe, son of Arali, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he reeds. ... .

    ... great ... of the netherworld he gave to me. The king gave me food from the netherworld, and Ur-Namma gave me food from the netherworld. ... the Irigal ... ... their hands, Ur-Namma, the great dais of the netherworld, he sat on the netherworld. They sat on the netherworld. By the command of Ereshkigal, from the troops who had been killed by the weapons of the netherworld, the man who had been killed by the weapons of the netherworld, the king gave him. Ur-Namma ... ... ... ... his beloved brother Gilgamesh

    The judges of the foreign lands sinned, the mouths of the foreign lands sinned. For seven days and 10 days, they were slandered. My king, Isi-Sharrukin, Isi-Sharrukin, Isi-Sharrukin, Isi-Sharrukin, Isi-Sharrukin, Isi-Sharrukin, Isi-Sharrukin, he did not finish the wall of Ur, he did not finish the new palace, he did not delight, he did not finish the shepherd, he did not finish the house, his wife, he did not finish the roof, his son, his young, he did not finish it, his sister, he did not finish it, his lustrations did not finish it,

    My king, his heart trembles, he is a sick, angry ..., the true shepherd, the holy one, he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a ki'ur, he is a ..., he is the Anuna gods, he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a ..., he is a god, he is not a ..., he is not a ..., he is a ..., he is a good scribal

    The lord did not ... the brickwork of Ur, he did not ... my ... My ... was ruined by the evil demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon, the sagish demon

    The god, the one who carries evil things, he sat down for a long time. His good udug stood outside. His good lamma stood on his head. Ninsumun stood on his high head. Nanna, lord of Dili-babbar, did not release his hand. Enki, king of Eridu, did not ... him. He sat down on his feet. He did not return to his words. Like a boat, he was surrounded by a wind. Like a snare, he was not a boat. Like a wild bull, he was confined in a dirty place. He put a heavy hand on a man.

    Like a lion, he sat down in the midst of the arum, he sat down in the watch, like a dog he sat down in the azla-vessel, he sat down in the meadow. Utu did not ... the ..., he sat down in the water of my king. My tigi, the adab, the gigid, my zamza-za-am, he entered into the air. My giddi, the house of the singer, he sat in the corner of the wall. My throne, its radiance, did not last long. My ..., the bed, its small bed, did not last long. In the steppe, the steppe, did not last long. My wife, the erra, my son, did not last long.

    I shall speak to the man who has uttered something as if it were a god, and like a harp song I shall sing. Like a storm, I shall not be able to speak to the chief judge Inanna, the lady of battle, Enlil has sworn to the great words of the lands. From that place, she has been brought into the lapis lazuli temple. Inanna has entered the lapis lazuli temple. The furious head of Enlil has been sworn. The great lady of the Eanna, ..., she has not been able to ... the true shepherd of the Eanna. My lady, ...

    An sat down, and the earth sank. Inanna destroyed the fields, and the sheepfold sat down. An, the king of the gods, I shall lay down. Enlil sat down, and he spoke to me. An, the king, his great words, he spoke to me. The plans of the land he set up, but he did not set up its head. At the place where the gods come, there was no abundance. The holy gipar, the shrine Eanna, he returned to its mountain ranges like a mountain range. My shepherd did not enter into the gloom of his lord.

    My mighty, like a shim tree, I did not bring it into the plain. Like a boat on the river, I did not bring it into the harbor. Like a shim tree, Inanna, may his divinity be praised. Lord Ningeshzida, ... may he ... it. Ur-Namma, ... my ..., ... one ..., one ... Ur-Namma will decide the fate. Ur-Namma ... may ... your great name be revealed. A silver scepter, from the front, ... may he have ..., and to your palace may Sumer ... may he ... your ... river.

    ... your great irrigated field that he has ... Your reed-bed that he has ..., the wide barley that he has ... Your ... of the irrigated field, the irrigation district of ... Your ..., the people, the ... Ur-Namma, your name ... ... ... ... ... ... evil udug ... ... he wrote. The shepherd Ur-Namma ... ... ... Nanna, lord Dilimbabbar ... ... ... Enki, king of Eridu ... ... ... ... ... ... the mighty sheepfold, the foremost one of the marshes .

    ... ... from your city, ...


    ... entire land ..., ... struck, the palace was devastated. ... panic spread rapidly among the dwellings of the black-headed people. ... abandoned places ... in Sumer. ... the cities were destroyed in their entirety; the people were seized with panic. Evil came upon Ur and made the trustworthy shepherd pass away. It made Ur-Namma, the trustworthy shepherd, pass away; it made the trustworthy shepherd pass away. Because An had altered his holy words completely, ... became empty, and because, deceitfully, Enlil had completely changed the fate he decreed, Ninmah began a lament in her ...

    Enki shut ? the great door of Eridug. Nudimmud withdrew into his bedchamber and lay down fasting. At his zenith, Nanna frowned at the ... words of An. Utu did not come forth in the sky, and the day was full of sorrow. The mother, miserable because of her son, the mother of the king, holy Ninsumun, was crying: "Oh my heart!." Because of the fate decreed for Ur-Namma, because it made the trustworthy shepherd pass away, she was weeping bitterly in the broad square, which is otherwise a place of entertainment. Sweet sleep did not come to the people whose happiness ...;

    they passed their time in lamentation over the trustworthy shepherd who had been snatched away. As the early flood was filling the canals, their canal-inspector was already silenced ?; the mottled barley grown on the arable lands, the life of the land, was inundated. To the farmer, the fertile fields planted ? by him yielded little. Enkimdu, the lord of levees and ditches, took away the levees and ditches from Ur. ... As the intelligence and ... of the Land were lost, fine food became scarce. The plains did not grow lush grass any more, they grew the grass of mourning. he cows ..., their ... cattle-pen has been destroyed. The calves ... their cows bleated bitterly.

    The wise shepherd ... does not give orders any more. ... in battle and combat. The king, the advocate of Sumer, the ornament of the assembly, Ur-Namma, the advocate of Sumer, the ornament of the assembly, the leader of Sumer, ... lies sick. His hands which used to grasp cannot grasp any more, he lies sick. His feet ... cannot step any more, he lies sick. ... The trustworthy shepherd, king, the sword of Sumer, Ur-Namma, the king of the Land, was taken to the ... house. He was taken to Ur; the king of the Land was brought into the ... house.

    The proud one lay in his palace. Ur-Namma, he who was beloved by the troops, could not raise his neck any more. The wise one ... lay down; silence descended. As he, who was the vigour of the Land, had fallen, the Land became demolished like a mountain; like a cypress forest it was stripped, its appearance changed. As if he were a boxwood tree, they put axes against him in his joyous dwelling place. As if he were a sappy cedar tree, he was uprooted in the palace where he used to sleep ?. His spouse ... resting place; ... was covered by a storm; it embraced it like a wife her sweetheart ?.

    His appointed time had arrived, and he passed away in his prime. His ? pleasing sacrifices were no longer accepted; they were treated as dirty ?. The Anuna gods refused his gifts. An did not stand by an "It is enough", and he could not complete his ? days. Because of what Enlil ordered, there was no more rising up; his beloved men lost their wise one. Strangers turned into ? ... How iniquitously Ur-Namma was abandoned, like a broken jar! His ... with grandeur like ? thick clouds ?.

    He does not ... any more, and he does not reach out for ... ... Ur-Namma, alas, what is it to me? To Arali, the pre-eminent place of the Land, Ur-Namma, the son of Ninsumun, was brought in his prime. The soldiers accompanying the king shed tears: their boat i.e. Ur-Namma was sunk in a land as foreign to them as Dilmun. ... was cut. It was stripped of the oars, punting poles and rudder which it had. ...; its bolt was broken off. ... was put aside; it stood ? in saltpetre.

    His donkeys were to be found with the king; they were buried with him. His donkeys were to be found with Ur-Namma; they were buried with him. As he crossed over the ... of the Land, the Land was deprived of its ornament. The journey to the nether world is a desolate route. Because of the king, the chariots were covered over, the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them. ecause of Ur-Namma, the chariots were covered over, the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them. He presented gifts to the seven chief porters of the nether world. As the famous kings who had died and the dead ishib priests, lumah priests, and nindigir priestesses, all chosen by extispicy,

    announced the king's coming to the people, a tumult arose in the nether world. As they announced Ur-Namma's coming to the people, a tumult arose in the nether world. The king slaughtered numerous bulls and sheep, Ur-Namma seated the people at a huge banquet. The food of the nether world is bitter, the water of the nether world is brackish. The trustworthy shepherd knew well the rites of the nether world, so the king presented the offerings of the nether world, Ur-Namma presented the offerings of the nether world: as many faultless bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep as could be brought.

    A mace, a large bow with quiver and arrows, an artfully made barbed dagger, and a multicoloured leather bag for wearing at the hip. to Nergal, the Enlil of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A spear, a leather bag for a saddle-hook, a heavenly lion-headed imitum mace, a shield resting on the ground, a heroic weapon, and a battle-axe, an implement beloved of Ereshkigala, to Gilgamesh, the king of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A ... which he filled with oil, a shagan bowl of perfect make,

    a heavy garment, a long-fleeced garment, a queenly pala robe, ... the divine powers of the nether world, to Ereshkigala, the mother of Ninazu, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her. a ... sheep, ..., mountain ..., a lordly golden sceptre, ... a shining hand, to Dumuzid, the beloved husband of inanna, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. 1 ms. adds: He ... a gold and silver ..., a lapis-lazuli ..., and a ... pin to Dimpikug ... perfectly wrought jewellery, a golden ring cast ? as a ... barge,

    pure cornelian stone fit to be worn on the breasts of the gods. to Namtar, who decrees all the fates, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. a chest ? with a lapis-lazuli handle, containing ? everything that is essential in the underworld, a silver hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and a comb of womanly fashion to Hushbisag, the wife of Namtar, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her. a chariot with ... wheels sparkling with gold, ... donkeys, thoroughbreds, ... donkeys with dappled thighs, ..., followed ... by a shepherd and a herdsman, to the valiant warrior Ningishzida,

    in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin, and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison's head. He gave to Dimpimekug, who stands by his side. a headdress with the august ear-pieces ? of a sage, made of alabaster, a ... stylus, the hallmark of the scribe, a surveyor's gleaming rope, and the 1 ninda rod ... o his spouse, Ninazimua, the august scribe, denizen of Arali, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her ... ...

    the great ... of the nether world, he gave after the king had presented properly the offerings of the nether world, after Ur-Namma had presented properly the offerings of the nether world, the ... of the underworld, the ..., seated Ur-Namma on a great dais of the nether world and set up a dwelling place for him in the nether world. At the command of Ereshkigala all the soldiers who had been killed by weapons and all the men who had been found guilty were given into the king's hands. Ur-Namma was ..., so with Gilgamesh, his beloved brother,

    he will issue the judgments of the nether world and render the decisions of the nether world. After seven days, 10 days had passed, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed my king, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed Ur-Namma. That he could not complete the wall of Ur; that he could no longer enjoy the new palace he had built; that he, the shepherd, could no longer ... his household ?; that he could no longer bring pleasure to his wife with his embrace; that he could not bring up his sons on his knees; that he would never see in their prime the beauty of their little sisters who had not yet grown up -

    - my king's heart was full of tears, he ... bitterly. The trustworthy shepherd ... a heart-rending lament for himself: I, who have been treated like this, served the gods well, set up chapels for them. I have created evident abundance for the Anuna gods. I have laid treasures on their beds strewn with fresh herbs. Yet no god stood by me and soothed my heart. Because of them, anything that could have been a favourable portent for me was as far away from me as the heavens, the ... What is my reward for my eagerness to serve during the days? My days have been finished for serving them sleeplessly during the night! Now, just as the rain pouring down from heaven cannot turn back,

    alas, nor can I turn back to brick-built Ur." "Alas, my wife has become a widow ?! She spends the days in tears and bitter laments. My strength has ebbed away ... The hand of the fate demon ... bitterly me, the hero. Like a cow ... Like a wild bull ... Like an offshoot ... Like an ass ... I died. ... my ... wife ...

    She spends the days in tears and bitter laments. Her kind protective god has left her; her kind protective goddess does not care for her any more. Ninsumun no longer rests her august arm firmly on her head. Nanna, Lord Ashimbabbar, no longer leads ? her by the hand. Enki, the lord of Eridug, does not ... Her ... has been silenced ?, she can no longer answer. She is cast adrift like a boat in a raging storm; the mooring pole has not been strong enough for her. Like a wild ass lured ? into a perilous pit she has been treated heavy-handedly.

    Like a lion fallen into a pitfall, a guard has been set up for her. Like a dog kept in a cage, she is silenced. Utu ... does not pay heed to the cries "Oh my king" overwhelming her." "My tigi, adab, flute and zamzam songs have been turned into laments because of me. The instruments of the house of cantorship have been propped against the wall. Instead of my throne whose beauty was endless, I have been made to ... in a soil-filled pit Instead of my bed, the sleeping place whose ... was endless, I have been made to lie down in the open, desolate steppe My wife and my children are in tears and wailing

    My people whom I used to command ? sing like lamentation and dirge singers because of her ? While I was so treated, foremost inanna, the warlike lady, was not present at my verdict. Enlil had sent her as a messenger to all the foreign lands concerning very important matters." When she had turned her gaze away from there, inanna humbly entered the shining E-kur, she ... at Enlil's fierce brow. Then Enlil said: "Great lady of the E-ana, once someone has bowed down, he cannot ... ? any more; the trustworthy shepherd left E-ana, you cannot see him any more." My lady ... among the people ... hen inanna, the fierce storm, the eldest child of Suen, ...,

    made the heavens tremble, made the earth shake. inanna destroyed cattle-pens, devastated sheepfolds, saying: "I want to hurl insults at An, the king of the gods: Who can change the matter, if Enlil elevates someone? Who can change the import of the august words uttered by An, the king? If there are divine ordinances imposed on the Land, but they are not observed, there will be no abundance at the gods's place of sunrise My holy gipar, the shrine E-ana, has been barred up like ? a mountain If only my shepherd could enter before me in it in his prime - I will not enter it otherwise!

    If only my strong one could grow for me like greenery in the desert. If only he could hold steady for me like a river boat at its calm mooring." This is how inanna gave vent ? to a lament over him Lord Ningishzida ... Ur-Namma, my ... who was killed, ... Among tears and laments, ... ... decreed a fate for Ur-Namma: "Ur-Namma ..., your august name will be called upon. From the south to the uplands, ... the holy sceptre. Sumer ... to your palace. The canals which you have dug, the ... which you have ...,

    the large and grand arable tracts which you have ..., the reedbeds which you have drained, the wide barley fields which you ..., and the fortresses and settlements which you have ..., The people will admire them ... Ur-Namma, they will call upon ... your name. Lord Nunamnir, surpassing ..., will drive away the evil spirits ..." After shepherd Ur-Namma ..., Nanna, Lord Ashimbabbar, ..., Enki, the king of Eridug ... ... devastated sheepfolds ... ... the foremost, the flood ... ... holy ..., lion born on high

    ... basket ? ... ... your city; renders just judgments. ... ... Lord Ningishzida be praised! My king ... ... among tears and laments;

    M=segment A


    [...] x x x (x x) [...] x x x sag-ki-ni mi-ni-gid2 [...] u4-de3 i-si-isz im-la2 x x x x x x itima(ma)-ka ba-an-ku4 sza3-ka-tab ba-nu2 ama x dumu-ni-sze3 hul-gal2-la tusz? x ama lugal-la ku3 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a2 sza3-gu10 im-me nam ur-(d)namma mu-un-bala-e-esz-am3 mu sipa zi ba-ra-ab-e3-a-ta sila dagal ki-e-ne-de3 gal2-la-ba er2 gig mu-a-szi-szi i-lu sipa zi ba-an-dab5-be2-_ne_-esz-a u4 mi-ni?-ib2-zal-zal-e nam-lu2-ulu3 lib ib2-til-la-am3 u3 du10 x x x x x-ku a-esztub i7-da de6-a?-ba ku3-gal2-bi ...

    sze gu-nu a-gar3-re x e3-a zi kalam-ma ... engar gan2 zi-de3 gub-bu x [...] (d)en-ki-im-du lugal e pa5 [...] x _ab_? ug3 dagal-bi ba-[...] x x _bu_ kalam-ma-kam u2 [...] edin-edin-e u2 sa6? [...] x x x ab2 dugud-da? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... his forehead ... he sat down ... in the morning, he sat down in the evening. The mother ... her children, the evildoer, ... the mother of the king, holy Ninsumun, spoke to me: "May Ur-Namma change my heart." After Ur-Namma had sworn by the name of a true shepherd, in the wide streets, where there was no one to be seen, he cried bitter tears. The true shepherd sinned against him, and he sinned for a day. The people grew tired and happy, and ... ... the eshtub canal, the canal, its holy canal .

    The barley of the gunu-fields, the ... of the fields, the life of the land, ... the farmer, the field, the life of ... Enki-imdu, the king, the ... of the ..., the wide people ... ... of the land, the plant ... in the plain, the plant ... the fattened cow .


    ... ... frowned at ... ..., the day was full of sorrow. ... withdrew into his bedchamber and lay down fasting. The mother, wretched ? because of her son, ... ... the mother of the king, holy Ninsumun, was crying: "Oh my heart!." That the fate of Ur-Namma had been overturned and that the trustworthy shepherd had been made to pass away, she was weeping bitterly in the broad square, which is otherwise a place of entertainment. She spent the day in lamentation over the trustworthy shepherd who had been snatched away. Sweet sleep did not ? come to the people whose happiness had come to an end. As the early flood was filling the canals, their canal-inspector ...

    The mottled barley come forth on the arable lands, the life of the land, ... To the farmer, the fertile fields ... Enkimdu, the lord of levees and ditches, ... ... its numerous people ... ... of the Land ... The plains ... fine grass ... ... heavy cows ...

    M=segment B


    ur-(d)namma ki [...] szu-ni dab5-ba _nu_ [...] x [...] giri3-ni dab5-ba [...] ga2-ga2 [...] za-pa-ag2 a x [...] ba gam-e _usz_ [...] sipa zi lugal [...] ki-en-gi-ra ur-(d)namma [...] uri2(ki)-ma? ni2 gen?-na-ni ur-(d)namma e2 [...] sag-gu2-gal2 e2-gal-la i3-nu2-a ur-(d)namma lu2 iri [...] hur nu-un-da-an-zi igi-gal2 kur-kur-ra i3-nu2 gesz-la2?-bi ... tesz2 kalam-ma ba-da-an-szub hur-sag-gin7 ba-gul? [...] (gesz)tir ha-szu-ur2 ba-da-an-sag3 a-ra2 kalam-ma ba-e-suh3

    (gesz)erin? kalam-ma-ke4 ba-da-bala a-ra2 kalam-ma ba-e-kur2 (gesz)taskarin-e ki-tusz giri17-zal-a-ni _aga_ mu-un-na-an-gar-re-esz u4 du11-ga-ni-a sa2 mi-ni-ib-du alan-a-ni ba-ra-e3 siskur2? nig2 du10-ge szu la-ba-an-tag szu gig ba-da-an-gid2 kadra-bi (d)a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne szu nu-um-ma-gid2-e x musz3?-am3 x x x la-ba-ni-in-gub u4-bi nu-su3-e x (d)en?-x x x x x-am3 ur5? zi-zi la-ba-gal2-la x x x x x (x x) ur-(d)namma dug gaz im-mi-ni-tak4-e [...]-ne mu-ni-bala-bala-e [...]-gin7 gal-bi im-szeg3-ge26

    [...] szu nu-dab5-be2 im-me [...] nam-gu10

    AI Translation

    Ur-Namma, ..., seized by his hand, ... ..., seized by his feet, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... true shepherd, king ... Sumer, Ur-Namma ... Ur, he came? with him. Ur-Namma, the house ..., the saggugal of the palace. At that time, Ur-Namma, the man who ..., the city ..., the mountain that cannot be smashed, the eyes of all the lands, at that time, its ... ... the ... of the Land was destroyed like a mountain, ... the forest was destroyed, the roads of the Land were ruined.

    The cedar of the land was destroyed, the way of the land was changed. The thornbushes were planted in his ... abode. At that time, he was smitten with his ..., and his statue was destroyed. The rites of the Anuna gods were not performed correctly, and their kadra rituals were not performed correctly. ... did not stand there, and its days were not long. ... En... did not have ..., and ... did not exist. ... Ur-Namma poured out a jug of ..., and ...

    ... he did not take it away, ... my fate


    Ur-Namma ... His hands which used to grasp, cannot ... His feet which used to tread, ... ... The trustworthy shepherd, the king, the ... of Sumer, Ur-Namma, ... As he himself was going to Ur, Ur-Namma ... house. The proud one lying in the palace, Ur-Namma, who ... by the troops ?, ... He could not rise any more, the wise one of the countries lay down; silence ... As he, who was the vigour of the Land, has fallen, the land became demolished like a mountain. As he, a cypress forest, was felled, the state of the Land became confused.

    As he, the cedar tree of the Land, was uprooted, the state of the Land became altered. Axes ? were set against him, a boxwood tree, in his joyous dwelling place. His appointed time arrived, and he passed away in his prime. His ? pleasing sacrifices were no longer accepted; they were treated as dirty ?. The Anuna gods did not reach out for his gifts any more. ... did not stand by an "It is enough", his ? days were not prolonged..., there was no more rising up. Ur-Namma, a broken jar, was abandoned at ... ... ...

    ... "..., what is it to me?"

    M=segment C


    [...] x _bi im_ x [...] [...] x A? er2 _im_ x [...] [...] _ba_? gu2-guru5 ba-x x x [...] x _an ru_? (gesz)sag-kul x [...] [...] _da tar_ sahar ses-a ba-da-an-_ku_-x [...] _an szub_ har-ra-an im-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2 [...] x _an szub_ har-ra-an im-suh3 szu nu-um-ma-nigin2-nigin2 [...] ki-in-du su3-u4-da [...] x _ru ne_ giri3? x (x x) mu?-un-di-ni-ib-us2 [...] kaskal kur-ra-ke4 [...]-un-di-ni-ib-us2 [...] x _bi_ nig2-ba ab?-[...]-mu [...] i3-du8 gal mu-szi-x-[...] x [...] ba-ug5-ge [...] x

    ... nin-dingir masz2-e dab5-ba ba-ug5-ge x x-ta [...] x x ag2 ... za-pa-ag2 bi2-gar [...] x x x ... za-pa?-ag2 bi2-gar lugal garza kur-ra-ke4 sza3-ga-ni i3-zu ur-(d)namma garza kur-ra-ke4 sza3-ga-ni i3-zu gu4 sig7 masz2 du-du udu niga im-ma-ab-lah4-e (gesz)mitum2 (gesz)pan gal a-ma-ru-bi? (gesz)gag-ti gir2? zu2 gal (kusz)lu-ub2 gun3-a ib2-ba gal2-la-ni (d)nergal (d)en-lil2 kur-ra-ke4 sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge gesz-gid2-da (kusz)lu-ub2 dag-si x (gesz)mitum pirig an-na

    (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|) ki us2-sa x (gesz?)za?-ha-da? nig2 ki ag2 (d)eresz-ki-gal-ke4 (d)gilgamesz3 lugal kur-ra-ke4 sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge gesz-kesz2?-da x x i3 ba-_sar_-a bur szagan szu du7-a [...] lugal-la sig _gar szu pi_ me kur-ra x x eresz-ki-gal ama (d)nin-a-zu [...] sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge (udu)a-lum udu zulumhi masz2 gal kur-ra-ke4 |_gisz-szir_| (gesz)ma-nu nam-en-na-kam szu za-gin3-na tum2-ma

    (d)dumu-zi dam ki ag2 (d)inanna-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge gil-sa szu du7-a har ku3-sig17 ma2-gur8 _bi_ x sig7-ga (na4)gug ku3? x x x dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 (d)nam-tar lu2 nam tar?-[...]-ke4 sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-tag-ge dub-szen szu za-gin3 nig2-nam iri11-gal-la (gesz)kirid za-gin3 szu tag-ga (gesz)ga-rig2 7(disz)? nam-munus-a (d)husz-bi-sa6 dam (d)nam-tar-ra-ke4 sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge [...] x gun3?-a

    [...]-da-ab-us2-sa [...] (d)nin-gesz-zi-da-ra sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge [...] ra nig2 nam-dub-sar?-kam [...] (gesz)gag gi ninda kad?-na [...] nin-da-zi?-mu2?-a nin9 lugal-la-ra [...] dumu? a-ra-li-ta (d)gesztin-an-na nin9 lugal-la-ra? sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-tag du-di-da ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar sag-bi alim-ma (na4)kiszib za-gin3 za3-bi ku3-sig17 u3 ba-da-ra ku3-me-a (d)dim3-pi-me-ku3 a2 zi-da a2 gab2-bu gub-bu-na mu-un-na-an-x-x-x

    sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-la-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge gu4 sig7 masz2 du-du udu niga im-ma-ab-tuku-a [...] _na_ ensi2 gal kur-ra-ke4 mu-un-na-da-ab-ku4 sipa ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-gal-a-ni gesz im-mi-in-tag-ge [...] gal iri11-gal?-la?-ke4-e-ne (d)a-nun-na ninda szu tag-ga-ba ur-(d)namma bara2 gal kur-ra-ke4 x im-mi-in-tusz-na kur-ra? ki-tusz mu-un-na-ga2-ga2 inim du11-ga (d)eresz-ki-gal-la-ke4 lu2 (gesz)tukul-la in-na ba-szub-e lu2 nam-tag-ga in-na ba-mud-e szesz ki ag2-a-ni (d)gilgamesz3-ra

    e-ne-ne di kur-ra ku5-de3 ka-asz-bi _igi_ bar-re u4 5(disz)-am3 u4 1(u)-am3 ba-zal-a-ta lugal-e i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra si gu7-mu-un-na-du11 ur-(d)namma i-si-isz ki-en-gi-ra si gu7-mu-un-na-du11 bad3 uri2(ki)-ma nu-mu-un-til-le-na e2-gal gibil na-mu-un-du3-a sza3-bi nu-hul2-la?-x x sipa-de3? e2-a-ni szu-dul3 li-bi-ra-a-x x dam ur2?-ra-ni la-la-bi nu-gi4-a-(x x) dumu-ni du10-ba-na li-bi2-in-peszx(_sza3_)-peszx(_sza3_)-na nin9 tur x tur im-bulug3-ge26-ne hi-li-bi nu-mu-un-til-le-na

    sipa zi i-lu nig2-me-gar ni2-ta-a-ni mi-ni-ib-be2 ge26-e? im-ma-zu-a ni2 im-ma-an-zu-a dingir-re-e-ne mu-un-na-an-dim2-me-esz ki-ur3 la-ba-ga2-ga2 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne he2-gal2 pa e3 ak-_ne_ (gesz)gu-za za-gin3 nig2 ba-ra-ga-asz gil-sa mu?-x-ni-ib2-gi-na x x-en geszkim sa6-ga-gu10 kur an-gin7? x _du_ [...] x [...] x x [...] x [...]-ib?-ti

    AI Translation

    ... the satrap of the goat, who was seized, ... ... ... he placed ... ... he placed ... ... he placed ... ... king of the netherworld, his heart he swore. Ur-Namma, king of the netherworld, his heart he swore. A good bull, a good ox, a pig, and grain-fed sheep he smote. The great bow, its amaru-demon, the large bow, the large ..., and the large scepter, his arms he swore. Nergal, Enlil of the netherworld, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace, he swore. The long rod, the long strap, the scepter of heaven,

    ... the ... of the throne beloved of Ereshkigal Gilgamesh, king of the nether world, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace offered. The ... of oil, the ... of the shakin, the ... of the king, the ... of the nether world, ... Ereshkigal, mother Ninazu, ..., the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace offered. The alum sheep, the lumhu sheep, the great goats of the nether world, the ... of the en priesthood, with a lapis lazuli hand,

    Dumuzi, beloved wife of Inanna, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he swore. A golden ring, a gold ring, a ... boat, a gold ... of the gods, Namtar, the man who ... the fate, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he swore. A tablet with a lapis-lazuli handle, everything of the city, a lapis-lazuli kirid, a scepter, 7 ? ? of womanhood, Hushbisa, the wife of Namtar, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in her palace he swore. ... .

    ... ... to Ningeshzida, the shepherd Ur-Namma, in his palace he set up a censer ... ... the scribal art ... the reed basket, the reed basket of the bread ... for Nindazimua, the queen ... son? of Arali, Geshtinana, the queen ..., the shepherd Ur-Namma in her palace he set up a censer of gold and silver, its head is a ..., a seal of lapis lazuli, its front is a gold and silver, and its front is a gold and silver ..., and Dimpimeku, the right and left are standing there.

    The shepherd Ur-Namma ... in his palace. He brought oxen, sheep, and fattened goats into his palace. The ..., the great ruler of the nether world, entered into his palace. The shepherd Ur-Namma ... in his palace. The great ... of the great cities. The Anuna, with their bread, Ur-Namma ... in his great dais of the nether world. In the nether world, he ... in his dwelling. According to the words of Ereshkigal, a man with weapons fell down. A man with a curse fell down. His beloved brother Gilgamesh

    The judges of the foreign lands are seized, their eyes are turned back. Five days and 10 days have passed, and the king has sworn by Sumer that he is well. Ur-Namma has sworn by Sumer that he is well. The walls of Ur have not been completed, but the new palace has been built, and its heart has not been happy. The shepherd of his house has not ... his ..., his wife has not returned to her happiness. His daughter, his good son, has not ..., their ..., their ..., their ..., their happiness has not been finished.

    The true shepherd, the holy one, whose utterances are uttered to you, whose utterances are uttered to the gods, who has not established the ki-ur, the Anuna gods, who have made abundance come forth, who have made the lapis lazuli throne a thing that cannot be changed, who has ... ... my good word, like the land of heaven ... ... .


    ... ... ... ... the bolt ... ... sat ? in saltpetre ... ... the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them; ..., the roads were thrown into disorder, no one could go up and down on them. ... is a long route. ... ... the way ... ... the journey to the nether world ... ... gifts ... ... chief porters ... ... who died ...

    ... dead nindigir priestesses, chosen by extispicy, ... ... raised a tumult ...; ... raised a tumult ... The king knew well the rites of the nether world, Ur-Namma knew well the rites of the nether world: so he brought magnificent bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep. A mace, a large bow with quiver and arrows, a large barbed dagger, and a multicoloured leather bag for wearing at the hip, to Nergal, the Enlil of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A spear, a leather bag for ? the saddle-hook ..., a heavenly lion-headed mitum mace,

    a shield resting on the ground, and a battle-axe, an implement beloved of Ereshkigala, to Gilgamesh, the king of the nether world, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. ... with oil, a shagan bowl of perfect make, a royal ..., ... the divine powers of the nether world ... to Ereshkigala, the mother of Ninazu ... in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her. Alum sheep, long-fleeced sheep, big mountain he-goats, a lordly ... of manu wood fit for a shining hand, and shepherd's staff and crook of manu wood, fit for a lord,

    to Dumuzid, the beloved husband of inanna, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A perfectly wrought jewellery, a golden ring cast ? as a ... barge, pure cornelian stone ... of the gods, to Namtar, who decrees all ? the fates, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A chest with a lapis-lazuli handle, containing ? everything that is essential in the underworld, a hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and seven ? combs of womanly fashion, to Hushbisag, the wife of Namtar, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to her. ... sparkling with ..., ... donkeys that bray loudly ?,

    followed by ... to ... Ningishzida, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to him. A ..., the hallmark of the scribe, ..., a peg and the ninda measuring rod ... to ... Ninazimua, ... denizen of Arali, and to Geshtin-ana, the king's sister, in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered to ... a golden and silver toggle-pin with a bison's head, and a lapis-lazuli seal with a golden edge and a pin of refined silver. to Dimpimekug, who stands at the right and the left ?,

    the shepherd Ur-Namma ... and offered her in her ? palace. The magnificent bulls, faultless kids, and fattened sheep that he had, to ..., the great ensi of the nether world in his palace the shepherd Ur-Namma offered them. The great ... of the underworld, the Anuna, after the offerings were presented, they ? seated Ur-Namma on a great dais of the nether world and set up a dwelling place for him in the nether world. At the command of Ereshkigala, concerning ? all the men who fell by weapons, and all the men who ... guilty. with ? Gilgamesh, his beloved brother,

    he will pass the judgments of the nether world and render the decisions. After five days, 10 days had passed, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed my king, lamenting for Sumer overwhelmed Ur-Namma. As he could not complete the wall of Ur; as he could no longer enjoy the new palace he had built; as he, the shepherd, could no longer protect ? his household; as he could no longer bring pleasure to his wife with his embrace; as he could not bring up his sons on his knees; as he would never see in their prime the beauty of their little sisters, who are yet to grow up,

    the trustworthy shepherd uttered a heart-rending lament for himself: "I, who have experienced, who have experienced fear, ... for the great gods, I have set up chapels for them. I have created evident abundance for the Anuna gods. I have ... treasures to their ... shining thrones. ... a favourable portent for me, was ... as the nether world or the heavens ... ...

    M=segment D


    [...] x x _ba_ en-nu-ug3 lu2 [...] [...] mu-un-_di_ me-a lu2-bi nu-x x [...] [...] a-da-ab gi-gid2? za3-za3-mi2 er2 ba-ni-x gesz-gu3-di e2 x x _ne_? za3 e2-gar8 ba?-ni?-us2 [...] x ... hi-li?-bi nu-mu-un-til-le-na [...] im-mi-in-tusz-na [...] x x [...] nu-mu-un-til-le-na [...]-in-szub-bu-na [...] x _ku_ ki-sikil (d)inanna nin me3-a x x-a?-ba si mu-da-ab-[...] (d)en-lil2-le hur-sag gal-gal kig2-gi4-a? bi2-gi ki-bi-ta igi-ni gar-ra-ni sipa zi e2-an-na mi-ni-ib2-e3 igi nu-mu-ni-du-x

    an lugal dingir-re-e-ne in kur2 mu-un-ak-e an lugal du11-ga-a-ni du11-ga-a-ni nu-kur2-x ur-(d)namma _da_? _mu ne_ ib2-la2 u4 [...] u4 e3-a dingir-re-e-ne x x _ga_? nu-gal2-la ge6-par3 ku3 esz3 e2?-an-na [...]-da-an-_bu_ x-li-a e2? [...] la-ba-ni-in-ku4-re

    AI Translation

    ... guards ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil ... the great mountains ... ... ... from its place he set his eyes on him. The true shepherd of Eanna he ..., he did not ... before him.

    An, king of the gods, ... in the enemy land. An, king, his words cannot be changed. Ur-Namma ... ... ... the gods ... ... ... the holy gipar, the shrine Eanna ... ... he did not enter.


    ... guard ... ... silence ... ... adab, flute and zamzam songs ... laments ... have been propped against the wall. ... whose beauty was endless; Because I have been made to sit on ... ... was endless, Because I have been made to fall in ... ... Maiden inanna, the warlike lady, ... Enlil had sent her as a messenger to all the great mountains." When she had turned her gaze away from there, the trustworthy shepherd had left the E-ana, and she ? could not see him any more. She ... at Enlil's fierce brow.

    Antagonistically ? she insulted An, the king of the gods: "When An, the king speaks, his words cannot be changed ...! Ur-Namma ... There will be no ... at the gods' place of sunrise. ... holy gipar, shrine E-ana ... ... not enter ...

    P469689: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2 mah [...] ar2? [...] en nam-nun gal-la-ni ... (d)nu-nam-nir an ki lugal-bi ... ug3-ga2 igi mi-ni-in-il2 sipa zi ur-(d)namma kur gal (d)en-lil2-le ug3 szar2-ra-ni-a im-ma-ni-in-pa3? x sipa he2-a (d)nu-nam-nir-ra-ka ni2 husz mu-un-da-ri szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4 me am3-hur kur gal (d)en-lil2-le e2-kur esz3 mah-a-na u4-gin7 kar2-kar2-da sza3 inim-gal2 ku3 zi-de3 si-a-ni nam-de6 sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-da e2-kur-ra sag an-sze3 il2-i-de3 a2-bi mu-u8-da-ag2

    sipa zi ur-(d)namma [...] (d)nu-nam-nir-da u4 su3-ra2-sze3 nir-gal2-la di zu en gesztu2 dagal-la-kam (gesz)u3-szub-ba si am3-mi-in-sa2 (d)en-lil2-le sipa dur-(d)namma-ra ki-bala erim2-gal2-la-ni ki-en-gi-re u4 nam-he2-a ak asila(|_ezen_xLAL2|) gu2 mu-un-di-ni-ib-mar-re usz8 mu-un-du10-esz temen ku3 mi-ni-in-si-esz usz8 enkum ninkum-e me-tesz2 am3-i-i-ne nam-szub galam-ma-na (d)en-ki-ke4 e2-e ul ba-ni-in-sig7-ga sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 e2-kur mah (d)ur-an-ki-a-ka an-sze3 mi-ni-in-mu2

    u6 di-bi-sze3 ug3 szar2-ra-ba szi-im-ma-gub ka2 mah ka2 gal ka2 silim-ma hur-sag-galam-ma ka2 sze nu-ku5-da su3-ra2-ag2 ku3-me-a sig7-igi-ba sze-er-ka-an mu-ni-in-du11 anzu2(muszen)-de3 du10 am3-ma-ni-in-bad hu-ri2-in umbin-ba lu2-erim2 dili mu-un-dab5 (gesz)ig-bi mah-am3 ul-la mi-ni-in-si e2 mah-am3 su zi am3-da-gal2 dagal am3-tag ni2-bi gal szi-ri hur-sag-galam-ma gi-gun4-na ki-tusz ku3 kur gal-la-ra u18-ru mah-gin7 sza3-bi-a ki am3-ma-ni-in-us2 ga2-gesz-szu2-a e2-gal mah-di gal ku5-ru-da-ni

    ama gal (d)nin-lil2-ra ul mu-na-ni-in-de6 (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi du10 mi-ni-in-gal2-le-esz unu2 gal-ba szul zi mu pa3-da (d)nu-nam-nir-ra-ka zi-kir szu-mi ninda mah am3-mi-ni-du10 e2-kur hul2-la-am3 igi zi mu-un-szi-in-bar-re-esz sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ra kur gal-e sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ra nam gal u4 su3-ra2-sze3 mu-ni-in-tar sag-ge6-ga-na a2 mi-ni-in-mah sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)nu-nam-nir du11-ga esz-bar zi nig2 nu-kur2-ru ge26-me-en e2-kur mah-gu10 dalla mu-e-a-e3 suh10 kar2-kar2-ka-da an-sze3 gu2 he2-ni-in-us2

    szul zi kalam-ma dalla hu-mu-ni-in-e3 (d)ur-(d)namma en uru16 nam-lugal-la gu2 an-ta-bi he2-em mu-zu an-za3-sze3 kur-ur2-sze3 he2-gal2 kur gal a-a (d)en-lil2 du11-ga esz-bar zi nig2 nu-kur2-ru ge26-me-en e2-kur mah-gu10 dalla mu-e-a-e3 suh10 kar2-kar2-ka-da an-sze3 gu2 he2-ni-in-us2 szul zi kalam-ma dalla hu-mu-ni-in-e3 (d)ur-(d)namma en uru16 nam-lugal-la gu2 an-ta-bi he2-em mu-zu an-za3-sze3 kur-ur2-sze3 he2-gal2 lugal-gu10 udug2 mah kur erim2-gal2-la sag sahar-re-esz dub-bu ki-bala-a sza5-sza5

    sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 udug2 mah erim2-gal2-la sag sahar-re-esz dub-bu ki-bala-a sza5-sza5 e-ne-er mu-na-an-szum2 en (d)nu-nam-nir-re kur am3-tu11-be2 giri3 saga11 am3-me sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 mu-na-an-szum2 en (d)nu-nam-nir-re kur am3-tu11-be2 giri3 saga11 am3-me hul-gal2-la uru2 am3-mi-in-gul-gul nam-gu2 mah-am3 lil2 am3-mi-ni-in-su-ub sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 hul-gal2-la uru2 am3-mi-in-gul-gul nam-gu2 mah-am3 lil2 am3-mi-ni-in-su-ub ar2-a-ni husz-am3 e2 ki-bala u18-lu-ni lu2 erim2-gal2 mu-ni-ib2-_du_

    sipa (d)ur-(d)namma ar2-a-ni husz-am3 e2 ki-bala u18-lu-ni lu2 erim2-gal2 mu-ni-ib2-_du_ bara2 nam-lugal-la-ke4 ki-a mu-ni-in-us2 uri2(ki)-ma pa e3 hu-mu-ni-ib2-ak sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 ni2 bi2-in-gur3-ru sag he2-ni-in-il2 lugal kalam-ma-kam ki lugal-a-ni (d)en-lil2-la2-ka sag-e-esz he2-ni-rig7 nam am3-tar-re szu zi am3-mi-in-gar giri17-zal uri2(ki)-ma (d)ur-(d)namma nam-he2-a? ... sa-gar-ra-am3 tigi (d)en-lil2-la2-kam

    AI Translation

    Enlil, the exalted lord, ... ..., his great lord, ... Nunamnir, heaven and earth, his king, ... he looked at the people. The true shepherd Ur-Namma, the great mountain of Enlil, he made his people tremble. The ... shepherd Nunamnir, he ... with a furious radiance. The brickwork of the Ekur he poured out. The great mountain of Enlil, the Ekur, his supreme shrine, like daylight, he sat down in the midst of the divine womb. He sat down in the Ekur, the shepherd Ur-Namma, the Ekur, he raised his head high to heaven.

    The true shepherd Ur-Namma ... Nunamnir for long days, the wise one, the wise lord, the broad wisdom, the scepter he fashioned for him. Enlil, the shepherd Dur-Namma, in the lands of his enemies Sumer he smote him with his arrows. He made the dead dwell on the holy temen. He made the dead dwell on the holy foundation. He made the dead dwell on the enkum priestess, the ninkum priestess. The destruction of his galam, Enki, made the temple shine forth. The shepherd Ur-Namma, in the exalted Ekur, Ur-ankia, he made it shine forth to heaven.

    The people of the lands were gathered together in a swarm of rage. The great gate, the great gate, the safe gate, the mountain range, the gate of barley not cut off, the ... gate, the golden gate, the ... gate, he made shine. The Anzu bird he made roar, and the horn of the horn of the enemy he seized. The door of the great house he made strong, and its door he made wide. Its radiance is great, the mountain range. The giguna, the sacred residence of the great mountain, he made the place tremble like a roaring storm. The gishshua, the great palace, he made its rites great.

    The great mother Ninlil made him no less. Enlil and Ninlil made him happy. The great dining hall, the true residence, the name chosen by Nunamnir, the mention of my name, the supreme bread, he made him eat. The Ekur was joyful, he looked at it with a true eye. The shepherd Ur-Namma, the great mountain, the shepherd Ur-Namma, the great fate for eternity, he made manifest for him. His head was awe-inspiring, he was a saggid. Nunamnir, speaking a good decision, a decision that cannot be changed. My great Ekur, he made it shine like a roaring storm, he made it rise to heaven.

    He made the good omens of the land shine forth. Ur-Namma, the lord who created the kingship, whose neck is stretched out above it, may your name be abundant in the east and in the east. The great mountain Father Enlil, who speaks truthful decisions, I am the one who makes my great Ekur shine forth. He made the sighing of the karkar-trees rise above it. He made the good omens of the land shine forth. Ur-Namma, the lord who created the kingship, whose neck is stretched out above it, may your name be abundant in the east and in the east. My king, the great udug creature of the enemy land, the head of the earth, the scribal tablet of the lands, the heart of the lands,

    The shepherd Ur-Namma, the great udug-demon, the evildoer, smashed the head of the sahar-demon, and the sahar-demon, the king of the rebellious land, gave to him. Lord Nunamnir, the mountain was seized, and the good feet were made. Lord Nunamnir, the mountain was seized, and the good feet were made. Evil had destroyed the city, and the city was destroyed. Evil had destroyed the shepherd Ur-Namma, and the city was destroyed. Evil had destroyed the city, and the mighty, and the evil had destroyed. His furious horns surrounded the temple of the rebel land, and the evildoer erected it.

    The shepherd Ur-Namma smote his furious face, and the temple of the rebel land he razed. A criminal erected a throne over him, and Ur he made a reed bed. The shepherd Ur-Namma smote him, and he raised his head. The king of the nation, in the place of his king Enlil, he presented it to him. He decreed a fate, he made a good hand. The girizal of Ur Ur-Namma ..., the sagar, the tigi of Enlil,


    Exalted Enlil, ... fame ... lord who ... his great princedom, Nunamnir, king of heaven and earth ..., looked around among the people. Ur-Namma the good shepherd, The Great Mountain Enlil chose him from the multitude of people: "Let him be the shepherd of Nunamnir!" He made him emanate ? fierce awesomeness. The divine plans of brick-built E-kur were drawn up. The Great Mountain Enlil, to make them shine like the sun in the E-kur, his august shrine, made up his mind, filled with pure and useful thoughts. He instructed the shepherd Ur-Namma to make the E-kur rise high; the king made him the mightiest in the Land, he made him the first among the people.

    The good shepherd Ur-Namma, ... whose trust in Nunamnir is enduring, the knowledgeable judge, the lord of great wisdom, prepared the brick mould. Enlil brought order in his rebellious and hostile lands for the shepherd Ur-Namma, and made Sumer flourish in joy, in days filled with prosperity. The foundations were laid down firmly and the holy foundation pegs were driven in. The enkum and ninkum priests praised it duly and Enki made the temple rejoice with his artful incantations. The shepherd Ur-Namma made the lofty E-kur grow high in Dur-an-ki.

    He made it to be wondered by the multitude of people. The Lofty Gate, the Great Gate, the Gate of Peace, the Hursag-galama and the Gate of Perpetual Grain Supplies, he made their glittering the eyebrow-shaped arches of by covering them with refined silver. The Anzud bird runs there and an eagle seizes enemies in its claws ?. Its doors are lofty; he filled them with joy. The temple is lofty, it is surrounded with fearsome radiance. It is spread wide, it awakes great awesomeness. The Hursag-galama, the raised temple ?, the holy dwelling for the Great Mountain he made it stand like a great tower ?. In the Gagishua of the great palace, where she renders verdicts with grandeur,

    he made the great mother Ninlil glad. Enlil and Ninlil relished it there. In its great dining hall, the trustworthy hero chosen by Nunamnir made them enjoy a magnificent meal: the E-kur was rejoicing. They looked with approval at the shepherd Ur-Namma, and the Great Mountain decreed a great destiny for Ur-Namma for all time, making him the mightiest among his black-headed people. The sa-gida. "I am Nunamnir, whose firm commands and decisions are immutable! You have made my lofty E-kur shine gloriously, you have raised it high with a brilliant crenellation.

    Trustworthy hero, you have made it shine gloriously in the Land. Ur-Namma, mighty lord, may your ? kingship be unparalleled, may your fame spread to heaven's borders, as far as the foot of the mountains!" "I am the Great Mountain, Father Enlil, whose firm commands and decisions are immutable! You have made my lofty E-kur shine gloriously, you have raised it high with a brilliant crenellation. Trustworthy hero, you have made it shine gloriously in the Land. Ur-Namma, mighty lord, may your ? kingship be unparalleled, may your fame spread to heaven's borders, as far as the foot of the mountains!" To my king the lofty mace which heaps up human heads like piles of dust in the hostile foreign countries and smashes the rebellious lands;

    to the shepherd Ur-Namma the lofty mace which heaps up human heads like piles of dust in the hostile foreign countries and smashes the rebellious lands, lord Nunamnir gave it to my king. so now he beats down the foreign lands and tramples them underfoot. Lord Nunamnir gave it to the shepherd Ur-Namma, so now he beats down the foreign lands and tramples them underfoot. He destroys the cities of the wicked, and with heavy oppression he turns ? them into haunted places. The shepherd Ur-Namma destroys the cities of the wicked, and with heavy oppression he turns ? them into haunted places. He has a terrible fame in the houses of the rebellious lands, his storming ... the wicked.

    The shepherd Ur-Namma has a terrible fame in the houses of the rebellious lands, his storming ... the wicked. He has made the royal dais stand firmly, he has made Ur resplendent. The shepherd Ur-Namma has made it exude awesomeness, and he, as king of the Land, has lifted his head high there. All this was granted to him in the place of his king, Enlil: a fate was decreed and then it was duly fulfilled. There is now joy and abundance in Ur because ? of Ur-Namma. The sa-gara. A tigi of Enlil.

    P469690: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    iri me du10-du10-ga bara2 mah nam-lugal-la esz3 uri5(ki) gu2-gal ki-en-gi-ra ki ku3-ga du3-a iri bad3 gal ki gar-ra-zu abzu-ta mu2-a iri an-gin7 sig7-ga hi-li gur3-ru ki gal-la gun3-gun3 esz3 uri5(ki) ge6-par4 ki gar-ra ki-tusz an (d)en-lil2-la2 e2-gal mah-zu e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sza3-ga nam tar-ra dub-la2-zu me-lem4 du8-du8-a kur-kur-ra diri-ga gi-gun4-na-bi dungu babbar-gin7 an-sza3-ga u6 di (gesz)_ru_-bi nim gir2-gir2-e-gin7 esz3 sza3-ga kumx(_pa_)-kumx(_pa_)-mu

  • 1(disz) gu4 (gesz)szudul4-a-gin7 ur2 gur-ra x ku3 da-ra-ga
  • (gesz)banszur sikil-la ki ag2 (d)suen-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2 (gesz)banszur sikil-la ki ag2 (d)suen-na lugal |_ki-lugal-gub_|-la he2-du7-bi kisal mah-e si-a ur-(d)namma uru16 a2 nun gi4-a (d)en-x x x-ma x uri5(ki) iri? dagal-ba? _sar_? x x x x [...] _nam_ x x _ga_ pa? ba-e-ni-a-e3 [...] x x x x x nir-gal2-e ni2-te-a-ni mi2 zi i-ri in-ga-am3-me ur-(d)namma lugal uri5(ki)-ma nam du10 tar-ra-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 an-e ka ku3-ga-ni mu-un-ba szegx(|_im-a_|) ma-u3-tu ki-sze3 sza3-ga si ba-an-sa2 he2-gal2 ma-ra-de6

    (d)en-lil2-le mi2 zi mu-un-du11 _un_ mu-szi-in-x (d)en-ki-ke4 mi2 zi mu-un-du11 a-esztub(ku6) (d)ezina2 sze gu-nu sag-e-esz mu-un-rig7 (d)nin-tu-re ge26-e mu-un-dim2-dim2-en gaba-ri-gu10 nu-tuku [...] x du10-bi bi2-in-pesz-en lugal kalam-ma-me-en [...] gal2 zi-da-me-en tur3 amasz mu-da-dagal (d)utu ka-ga2 inim ba-ni-in-gal2 di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri gu3 tesz2-a bi2-in-se3 (d)nin-gublaga-ke4 a2 ma-an-szum2 me3-gu10 an ki szu2-a-bi lu2 la-ba-ra-e3 ur-(d)namma lugal uri5(ki)-ma (d)lamma iri-ga2-me-en

    szer7-da mu-dub2 su mu-un-sag3-sag3 ni2 su-e bi2-us2-sa-gu10 x x-a i-na mu x x ri-ia-asz di ku5-ru-gu10 ki-en-gi ki-uri us2 dili-a mi-ni-ib-dab5 ni2-zuh lu2 i-(d)utu-ka gu2-ba giri3 bi2-gub erim2-du musz-gin7 szu gid2-gid2-da szu im-da-an-szu2-szu2 lu2-kar-da gur5-ru-usz im-da-ab-be2 sza3-bi si bi2-ib-sa2 nig2-si-sa2-e pa e3 bi2-ak nig2-erim2 sa2 bi2-du11 (d)gibil6-gin7 sag-ki gid2-da-gu10 gu3 tesz2-a bi2-se3 inim-gu10 me-me _du8_-ba gub-bi _un_ x A [...] x x E

    nidba-bi e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la-na (d)nanna-ar mi-ni-in-hul2-le a-gu10 sza3 ku3-ge ba-ri-a-ta (d)suen-e u6-e ki ag2-ni (d)nanna-ar hi-li-na ba-ni-in-ku4-re (d)en-lil2-le (d)utu-gin7 kalam-ma e3-de3 mu du10 mu-un-sa4 (d)nin-tu tu-tu-a mu-un-gub-bu sza3 ama-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka-ta nam tar-ra sa6-ga ma-ta-e3 ur-(d)namma-me-en ma-da ki-en-gi ki-uri (d)lamma mu-un-da-an-tuku kalam-ma ki ur5 sa6-ge-bi ge26-e-me-en zi-gu10 he2-u3-tu ug uszumgal x _a ka igi_ x _la2_ a-sza3 mu-da-dadag

    edimx(_edin_)-ma ezen-gin7 du3-a-ba giri3 si mu-un-da-ab-sa2 lu2 a-sza3-ga nir-gal2-bi mu-un-_du_ gaba-na ib2-ta-an-zi dumu ukur3-ra u2 il2-i-de3 gen-na ama-ni-ir mu-un-gi4-gi4 a(x)-ma-ru gi4(x)-ba i-ti(x) ma-gi4(x-a-ba) (d)en-lil2-le u4 du10-du10-ga-na masz2-e bi2-in-pa3-de3-en ki-en-gi-ra gu3 zi mu-un-de2 e2-a in-da-an-zi-ge-en gesztu2 dagal igi-gal2-tuku-gu10-sze3 x an lugal-e szu-gu10-sze3 ba-an-szum2 ki-en-gi-ra ud5-sag-bi ge26-e-me-en [...] x x x x sa6-ga-me-en [...]-a?-me-en [...] x [...] x kalam-ma-me-en

    [...] x tum2-mu x x x [...] x _hi_? x [...] en-me-en zi? x x x [...] x x [...] ur-(d)namma an-sze3 tu-da ku3-ge-esz x [...] ukken? igi-gu10-sze3 si im-sa2 erin2 silim-ma kalam szu-a gi4-gi4 (d)en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2 ge6-par4-ra (tug2?)gada nam-mi-la2 gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na ki-nu2 du10-ba mu-nu2 ug3-e u2 nir-gal2 bi2-ib2-gu7?-en (d)en-ki-im-du-bi-me-en sipa zi udu-ni diri gal2-la-me-en tur3 amasz dagal |_ka_xMASZ|-bi gal2 bi2-tak4 gaba-ri-gu10 nu-tuku sipa u2 nag-ga2-bi szuba2(x-x) ma-szar2(mu?-ni-szar2)

    nam-en-na-bi u3-me-ni-tag buru14 mah-gu10 ni2-bi il2-il2-i nig2-ku5 nu-ak-e a2 ag2-ga2-gu10 bad3 gal kur-ra-ka a-ne hul2-la mu-e iri-ga2 ki-sur-ra ki-en-gi-ra giri17-zal-bi ma-du10 ki-en-gi i7-ba a szu bi2-ba gesz gu2-ba mu-zi sag-ur-sag-bi (gesz)szudul4-bi mu-zi [...] kur-ra-ka za3-la2-bi? mu-du8? uri5(ki) szu-ba im-mi-gi4 x-ba itima?-gin7 kur-ra-na bi2-gi4 sze-bi ma2-gur8-ra-ke4 bi2-la2 ga2-nun-bi bi2-gi4 dumu kig2?-bi e2-a-ni im-mi-gi4 dusu-bi mu-gi4 gu-ti-um(ki) lu2-|_sza3_xTAR|?-a-ke4 szu ses-na mu-du8

    i-(d)utu ka-ba um-mi-gi4 bad3? bi2-szub?-ba bi2-gi4 sza3 su3-ra-gu10 x iri? _du_ mu-gul? esz3 uri5(ki) [...] gurusz? gu2-tuku (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en nidba x x x-me-en x ug3 x dagal-bi _an da_ x x x [...] x-bi an-da _ni_? x x [...] x x x x [...] du10? [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] _gisz_? x (gesz)szinig? _gisz_ [...] iri-a (gesz)bun-e mu-da-an-[...] e-ne di hul2-la gar-ra-sze3 ge26?-e? x [...] i7 lugal-la e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 he2-gal2 mu-un-da-ku4 kar-gesztin-na (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in-ri

    kar-za-gin3-na (d)nanna-ka ma2 na-an-ga-mu-ni-in-ri (d)en-lil2-ra kurun2 lal3 ba-an-na-de2 sipa ur-(d)namma-me-en ti nig2-ba-gu10 he2-a (d)nanna lugal-gu10 e2-gal-la-na mu-na-du3 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 hur-sag sig7-ga-gin7 ki gal-la bi2-gub gi-gun4-na-bi ku3-sig17 (na4)za-gin3-na dub-ba-an ba-la2 szu du11-ga-e (d)nanna-a-me-en szesz (d)gilgamesz2 gu-la-me-en dumu tu-da (d)nin-sumun2-ka-me-en numun nam-en-na-me-en an-ta nam-lugal ma-ra-e11(|_si-du_|) sipa ur-(d)namma-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    City, splendid in its me, supreme in its throne of kingship, shrine Ur, the great throne of Sumer, built in a pure place, your great city, built from the Abzu, like the sky, adorned with splendor, your great place, shrine Ur, the great gipar, your residence of An and Enlil, your great palace, your Ekishnugal, in whose midst fates are determined, your cultic daises are made to be adorned in the lands, its giguna is a white cloud, like the sky, its snare is a snare, like the snare is a snare, in whose midst the shrine is a snare

  • Like a ox, he carries it on a gur-pole, ... silver forever.
  • The pure table, beloved of Suen, the Ekishnugal, the pure table, beloved of Suen, the king, stands at the royal throne. Its ... is the great courtyard. Ur-Namma, the warrior, the princely power restored by En..., ... Ur, the broad city ... ... ..., his ..., ..., his ..., ..., ..., ... Ur-Namma, the king of Ur, the good fates he decreed, he swore by the command of heaven and his holy mouth, he swore by the rains, he swore by the heart, and abundance he brought to me.

    Enlil spoke a good word to him, ... Enki spoke a good word to him. The eshtub fish of the Ezina he brought down. Nintur he made a good thing come forth. My ... he made perfect. I am the king of the nation. I am the ... who is steadfast. I am the one who broadens the sheepfold. Utu heard my words. My verdicts are heard in Sumer and Akkad. Ningublaga gave me the power to give my battles. I am the one who cannot be defeated. Ur-Namma, king of Ur, the protective lamma of my city.

    My ... was seized in the ... of ... My judgment was seized in Sumer and Akkad, the two sides were seized. The slander of the man of Ishtar stood at its side. Like a snake, he swore a curse. The slanderer swore a curse. The slanderer swore a curse. He swore it. The man who swore it was a snake. He swore it. He swore it. He swore a curse. He swore a curse. He swore a curse. He swore a curse. Like Gibil, my forehead was sworn. He swore a curse. My words were uttered in a rage. ... .

    The food offerings of the Ekishnugal temple Nanna rejoiced. After my birth in the pure heart Suen, his beloved wife, Nanna, entered. Enlil made the land shine like Utu. Nintu stood in the midst of the mother Ninsumun. The good fates of the land were determined for me. Ur-Namma, the land of Sumer and Akkad, the protective deity, I have made the land shine. May my life be long! The ... of the ushumgal ..., the field has been cleared away.

    The edina ... like a lion, it ... its foot. The man who the field has cultivated, his breast has ..., the son who the ukur ..., he has returned. The child who the ukur ... has brought back, the ... that he brought back, Enlil has ...ed it for him. In Sumer he has uttered a good word, he has ...ed it for him. My broad wisdom, my king, gave to me. In Sumer, I am a sag-bird, ... I am a good ... I am ... of the Land.

    ... ... ... I am the lord, ... Ur-Namma, the one who ... from heaven and silver ... The assembly of my face is ... The supplications of the faithful troops of the land have been returned to their place. Enlil gave me a scepter for the gipar. The bed of the gigirina bed, the bed of good comfort, I have made for the people. I am the true shepherd, his sheep are abundant. I am the shepherd who has no rival, the shepherd who has no rival,

    he has sworn by the name of en priestess. His great harvest he has brought forth, and no one shall take anything away from it. My command, the great wall of the nether world, he has made joyful. In my city, the border of Sumer, he has made its rites pleasing. Sumer, its canal, he has made its water flow, its ... has risen. Its lion's head and sceptres he has made shine. ... has made its ... ... have made its ... return to the nether world. Its barley has been brought to the barge, it has been brought to the granary. Its young man has returned to his house. Its suckling sheep have returned to Gutium, the ... of the sesena has made it rise.

    Ishtar, the gate of the envoy, the wall he destroyed, my heart ... destroyed the shrine Ur ... I am a young man, a creditor of Enlil, I am a ... offering ... ... its wide people ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the king's canal to the temple of Enlil he brought abundance. Kargeshtina to Enlil he brought a boat.

    The boat of Nanna was brought to him. Enlil brought the sweet kurun-offerings. Shepherd Ur-Namma, may my life be long! For Nanna, my master, his palace he built. The Ekishnugal, like a mountain range, stood at the great place. Its giguna was decorated with gold and lapis lazuli. I am Nanna's brother Gilgamesh, I am the son born of Ninsumun, I am the seed of enship. From the heavens, the kingship, I am the shepherd Ur-Namma. My praises are good.


    City of the finest divine powers, lofty royal throne-dais! Shrine Urim, pre-eminent in Sumer, built in a pure place! City, your well-founded great wall has grown out of the abzu! City, beautiful as the sky, endowed with beauty, colourfully decorated in a great place! Shrine Urim, well-founded gipar, dwelling of An and Enlil! Your lofty palace is the E-kish-nu-gal, in which the fates are determined! Your pilasters heavy with radiance tower over all the countries! Its terrace like a white cloud is a spectacle in the midst of heaven. Its ... like flashing lightning shines ? inside a shrine.

  • Like a single bull under the yoke, ....
  • Suen's beloved pure table; E-kish-nu-gal, Suen's beloved pure table. The king, ornament of the royal offering place, occupies the august courtyard; Ur-Namma the exalted, whom no one dare oppose, ... ... Urim, the wide city ... ... ..., the authoritative, praised himself exultantly: Under Ur-Namma, king of Urim, for whom a favorable destiny was determined, the roads have been made passable. An opens his holy mouth, and because of me rain is produced. He directs it downward into the earth, and abundance is brought for me.

    Enlil treats me kindly, ... Enki treats me kindly, bestowing early floods, grain and dappled barley. Nintur formed me; I am peerless. ... brought me up well; I am the king of the Land. I am ...; under my rule the cattle-pens and sheepfolds are extended wide. Utu endowed me with eloquence ?; my judgments create concord in Sumer and Akkad. Ningublaga has given me strength. In the whole extent of heaven and earth, no one can escape from a battle with me. I am Ur-Namma, king of Urim, the protecting genius of my city.

    I strike against those guilty of capital offences, and make them tremble. The fear I cause ... My judgments make Sumer and Akkad follow a single path. I place my foot on the necks of thieves and criminals. I clamp down on evildoers, who will be caught like snakes. I ... fugitives, and their intentions will be set right. I make justice apparent; I defeat wickedness. As if I were fire, even my frowning is enough to create concord. My word ... the lands, the foreign countries ... Urim ...

    Their food offerings make Nanna rejoice in E-kish-nu-gal. After my seed had been poured into the holy womb, Suen, loving its appearance ?, made it partake of Nanna's attractiveness. Coming forth over the Land like Utu, Enlil called me by an auspicious name, and Nintur assisted at my birth. As I came forth from the womb of my mother Ninsumun, a favorable allotted destiny was determined for me. In me, Ur-Namma, the lands of Sumer and Akkad have their protecting genius. I am a source of joy for the Land; my life indeed creates! ..., the fields are resplendent ? under my rule. In the fields growing with ..., ... did not multiply under my rule.

    In the desert, the roads are made up as for a festival, and are passable because of me. The owner of the fields ...; it rises ? up to his chest. I have freed the sons of the poor from their duty of going to fetch firewood. After the storm ..., and the month had been completed ? for me, Enlil chose me by extispicy on a day very auspicious for him. He spoke fairly to Sumer, and caused me to arise ? from my family ? Because of my broad understanding and wisdom, An the king entrusted ... into my hands. I am the cosmic bond of Sumer. I am ... good ... I am ... I am ... of the Land.

    ... ... ... I am the righteous ? lord ... I, Ur-Namma, born on high, ... shining ... The people line up in front of me. Enlil has given me the task of keeping the Land secure, with unscathed ? troops. I am clad in linen in the gipar. I lie down on the splendid bed in its delightful bedchamber. I cause the people to eat splendid food; I am their Enkimdu i.e. the god of irrigation and cultivation. I am the good shepherd whose sheep multiply greatly. I open the ... of the cattle-pens and sheepfolds. I am peerless. ... the pastures and watering-places of shepherds ?.

    Since I have been adorned ? with their rulership, no one imposes taxes on my abundant crops which grow tall. My commands bring about ? joy in the great fortresses of the mountains. The joy of my city and the territory ? of Sumer delights me. I release water into the canals of Sumer, making the trees grow tall on their banks. I have lifted the yoke of its male prostitutes. ... I returned ... to Urim. I made ... return ? to his country ... like ... I loaded its grain on barges, I delivered it to its storehouses. I returned its ... citizens to their ? homes. I ... their earth-baskets. I ... the savage hands of the Gutians, the ..

    After I had made the evil-doers return ? to their ... I restored ? the walls that had been torn down; my outstanding mind .... ... the shrine of Urim ... I am the foremost workman ? of Enlil; I am the one who ...... food offerings. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... at a banquet with me in the city. ... joyful dance ... I have brought abundance to Enlil's temple on the king's canal: I have directed ships both to Kar-geshtina of Enlil

    and to the lapis-lazuli quay of Nanna. Alcohol and syrup have been poured out before Enlil. To me, the shepherd Ur-Namma, let life be given as a reward! For Nanna, my master, I have built his temple; as if it were a verdant hillside, I have set up the E-kish-nu-gal in a great place. I have surrounded ? its terrace with a gold and lapis-lazuli fence. I am the creature of Nanna! I am the older brother of Gilgamesh! I am the son borne by Ninsumun, a princely seed! For me, kingship came down from heaven! Sweet is the praise of me, the shepherd Ur-Namma!

    P469691: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e (i7)asila-ku3 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e (i7)pa5-bi-luh a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e x ur?-(d)namma x tuku mu-un-ba-al-e [...] tuku mu-un-ba-al-e [...]-za (d)en-lil2-le x (d)dili(im2)-babbar ... a-ra2-bi ku6-a dal-bi muszen-a [...] a du10-bi ku6-a dal-bi muszen-a ... u2-lal3-a mu-un-du suhur(ku6) am3-gur-gur ... u2-lal3-a mu-un-du suhur(ku6) am3-gur-gur ... gi-zi-bi lal3-am3 ku6 ha-ma-gu7-e [...] gi-zi-bi lal3-am3 ku6 ha-ma-gu7-e [...]-gu10 ki gar-ra-bi-ta ku6 muszen su3-ga-am3

    [...] x ki gar-ra-bi-ta ku6 muszen su3-ga-am3 x-bi lugal eridu(ki)-ga ux(_pa_)-a-zu su3-ga-am3 (d)nu-dim2-mud lugal eridu(ki)-ga ux(_pa_)-a-zu su3-ga-am3 [...] a du10 hu-mu-un-tum2-mu (gesz)dusu-e ha-ma-la2-e [...] x a du10 hu-mu-un-tum2-mu (gesz)dusu-e ha-ma-la2-e

    AI Translation

    "Why did he ...? Why did he ...? Why did he ...? Why did he ... the Asilaku canal? Why did he ...? Why did he ... the Pabiluh canal? Why did ...? Why did ...? ... Enlil ... Dilimbabbar ... its water, the fish, the bird, the water, the fish, the bird, the ..., the fish,

    ... from its place of ... fish and birds are ... The king of Eridu is ... Nudimmud is ... The king of Eridu is ... May he drink good water and drink the reeds ... May he drink good water and drink the reeds ... May he drink good water and drink the reeds


    Who will dig it? Who will dig it? Who will dig the Asila-kug canal? Who will dig the Pabi-luh canal? ... Ur-Namma will dig it. ... will dig it. ..., ... Ashimbabbar you are on your ... because of Enlil. The watercourse of ... is full of fish, and the air above is full of birds. The fresh water of ... is full of fish, the air above is full of birds. ... honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat. ... honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat. The gizi reed of ... is so sweet that the fish eat them. The gizi reed of ... is so sweet that the fish eat them. Since my ... was founded, it is teeming with fish and birds.

    Since ... was founded, it is teeming with fish and birds. Its ... is the master of Eridug - your provider ? Ur-Namma is exultant. Nudimmud, the master of Eridug - your provider ? is exultant. May the fresh water bring ...; May the fresh water bring ...; may they be carried in baskets to me.

    M=A version of unknown provenance


    a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e (i7)kesz2-ku3 a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e (i7)pa5-bi-luh a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba-a mu-un-ba-al-e (d)ur-(d)namma ku3 tuku mu-un-ba-al-e szul zi nig2-tuku mu-un-ba-al-e lugal-gu10 bara2-za (d)en-lil2-le en (d)dili(im2)-babbar szul (d)suen bara2-za (d)en-lil2-le en (d)dili(im2)-babbar lugal sza3 zi-ta nam tar-ra nam-nir-ra sag il2 (d)ur-(d)namma szul igi il2-la kur gal (d)en-lil2-le

    (d)nu-nam-nir-re ki-en-gi ki-uri-a ge26-e mu-un-suh-en nibru(ki)-a hur-sag nam-ti-la-ka nam-gu10 im-mi-in-tar sag-ki zalag-ga-ni mu-un-szi-in-bar nam-lugal ma-an-szum2 uri2(ki)-ma e2-mud-kur-ra-ka (gesz)gu-za-ga2 suhusz-bi ...-ge-en gidri ku3 ug3 szar2 si sa2-sa2-e? szu-ga2 ... szibir eszgiri2 ug3 dagal lu-a x he2-em?-[...] en (d)dili(im2)-babbar-ke4 zi u4 su3-su3 [...] (d)en-lil2-le ub-da 4(disz)-ba x x [...] mu da-ri2 mu ka-ge ba-ab-du7 [...] (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2 dagal-la-gu10 sag-e-esz mu-rig7

    ge26-e iri(ki)-ga2 i7 he2-gal2-la mu-ba-al (i7)kesz2-ku3 mu-sa4 uri2(ki)-ma i7 he2-gal2-la mu-ba-al (i7)kesz2-ku3 mu-sa4 mu da-ri2 ka-ge ba-ab-du7-am3 (i7)pa5-bi-luh muszen-am3 ge26-e iri-ga2 a-ra2-a-bi ku6-am3 diri-bi muszen-am3 uri2(ki)-ma a-ra2-a-bi ku6-am3 diri-bi muszen-am3 ge26-e i7-ga2 u2-lal3-e mu-un-du3 suhur(ku6)-e am3-gur-gur-e uri2(ki)-ma u2-lal3-e mu-un-du3 suhur(ku6)-e am3-gur-gur-e ge26-e iri-ga2 gi-zi-bi lal3-am3 ab2-e ha-ma-gu7-e uri2(ki)-ma gi-zi-bi lal3-am3 ab2-e ha-ma-gu7-e

    ge26-e [...]-ta ku6 muszen su3-ga-am3 uri2(ki)-ma [...] ge26-e id-ga2 a-ra2-a hu-mu-un-tum3 (gesz)dusu-e hu-mu-un-na-la2-e uri2(ki)-ma id-ga2 a-ra2-a hu-mu-un-tum3 (gesz)dusu-e hu-mu-un-na-la2-e lugal-bi lugal eridu(ki)-ga ux(_pa_)-a-zu su3-am3 (d)nu-dim-mud lugal eridu(ki)-ga ux(_pa_)-a-zu su3-am3 lugal an-ub-da 4(disz)-ba sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2 du10-ge-en (d)ur-(d)namma u2-a nibru(ki) sag us2 uri2(ki)-ma iti?-sze3 kalam uri2(ki)-ma-sze3 asila u4 mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e-ne

    (d)ur-(d)namma lugal uri2(ki)-ma za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    "Why did he not go? Why did he not go? Why did he not go? The Keshku canal, why did he not go? Why did he not go? The Pabiluh canal, why did he not go? Ur-Namma, who has a good reputation, why does he not go? My king, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Enlil, when you are standing at the dais of Ur-Namma, when you are standing at the dais of great mountains of Enlil,

    Nunamnir ... Sumer and Akkad. He made my fate manifest in Nippur. He made my name manifest in the mountain range of life. His shining head he made shine. Kingship he gave to me. In Ur, in the E-mud-kura, my throne ... I ... a pure scepter for the mighty people. ... the scepter of the eshgiri priesthood for the broad people ... The lord Dilimbabbar, the life of the long days, ... Enlil, the four quarters, ... ... a long life, a name he established, ... Enki, my broad wisdom, he presented to me.

    The watercourse of my city was filled with abundance. The Keshku canal was filled with abundance. Ur was filled with abundance. The Keshku canal was filled with life-giving name. The Pabiluh canal was filled with birds. The watercourse of my city was full of fish, the larger one was the bird. The watercourse of my city was full of fish, the larger one was the bird. The watercourse of my city was filled with famine. The canal was filled with famine. The canal of my Urim was filled with famine. The canal of my city was filled with famine. The canal of my Urim was filled with famine. The canal of my city was filled with famine. The canal of my Urim was filled with famine. The canal of my Urim was filled with famine.

    ... from the fish and bird ... Ur ... I shall go to the river. I shall go to the canal. I shall go to Ur. I shall go to the river. I shall go to the canal. I shall go to the canal. Its king, the king of Eridu, is your lord. Nudimmud, the king of Eridu, is your lord. The four kings of the four world quarters, the heart of Enlil, Ur-Namma, the provider of Nippur, the head of Ur, the month?, the land of Ur, they will be able to carry off the sailor's horns.

    Ur-Namma, king of Ur, your praise is good.


    Who will dig it? Who will dig it? Who will dig the canal? Who will dig the Keshe-kug canal? Who will dig the canal? Who will dig the Pabi-luh canal? Who will dig the canal? Wealthy Ur-Namma will dig it. The trustworthy, prosperous youth will dig it. My king, Lord Ashimbabbar, you are on your throne because of Enlil. Youthful Suen, Lord Ashimbabbar, you are on your throne because of Enlil. I, the king, whose fate was already decreed in the true womb, who raises his head in authority, Ur-Namma, the youth who caught the eyes of the Great Mountain Enlil,

    was chosen by Nunamnir in Sumer and Akkad. He decreed my fate in Nibru, in the mountain of life. He beamed at me approvingly and bestowed the kingship on me. In Urim, in the E-mud-kura, he made the foundation of my throne firm. He ... the holy sceptre to guide the numerous people in my hand. He ... the staff and the shepherd's crook to ... the expanding and teeming people. Lord Ashimbabbar ... a long-lasting life. Enlil ... of the four quarters of the world. He ... a lasting name, a name worthy to be praised. Enki presented me with my broad wisdom.

    ln my city I dug a canal of abundance and named it the Keshe-kug canal; in Urim, I dug a canal of abundance and named it the Keshe-kug canal. I named it the Pabi-luh canal, a lasting name worthy to be praised. The watercourse of my city is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds. The watercourse of Urim is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds. In my city honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat. In Urim honey-plants are planted, and the carp grow fat. The gizi reed of my city is so sweet that the cows eat them. The gizi reed of Urim is so sweet that the cows eat them.

    Since my ..., it is teeming with fish and birds. In Urim ... May the watercourse bring them the fish into my canal, may they be carried in baskets to him. May the watercourse bring them into Urim, into my canal, may they be carried in baskets to him. Its king is the master of Eridug - your provider ? Ur-Namma is exultant. Nudimmud, the master of Eridug - your provider ? is exultant. King of the four quarters, you who make Enlil content, Ur-Namma, provider of Nibru, supporter of Urim, with you ?, over the Land of Urim. the people pass the time joyously at ? moonlight

    Ur-Namma, king of Urim, sweet is your praise!

    M=A version from Ur


    [...] x [...] a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e (i7)x-x-luh-ha a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e i7 (gesz)gisal-a-gar-ra a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e ur-(d)namma ku3 tuku mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e (d)szul-gi nig2-tuku mu-un-ba-al-e i7 a-ba mu-un-ba-al-e lugal sza3 zi-da nam tar-ra nam-nir-ra sag il2 ur-(d)namma szul igi il2-la kur gal-e (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 (d)nun-nam-nir ki-en-gi ki-uri-e me-am3 mu-un-suh-e nibru(ki)-e hur-sag nam-ti-la-ka nam-ge6 im-mi-in-tar uri5(ki)-e e2-mud-kur-ra-kam

    (gesz)gu-za-ga2 suhusz-bi im-mi-in-gi aga me-lem4 me-tesz2 nam-lugal-la sag-ga2 im-mi-gal2 (gesz)gidri ku3 ug3 szar2 si-si-e sa2 szu-ga2 im-mi-in-sa2 eszgiri2 szibir esz2?-giri17 zi-gal2 lah6-lah6-e szu-gu10-usz im-ma-an-x [...] sag x x e2 u6 di-da-bi x x im-mi-in-sa2 [...] x [...] x ga? [...] x [...] e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sag kun? gal2-la? e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru ki-tusz sza3 hul2-la [...] x-da ur2-bi im-mi-in-gi [...]-na-kam gu2-da am-bi szu2 [...] x zi ku3-babbar-ra gub-ba-am3 im-mi-ir-mi-ri

    na-ri-gu10 u4 he2-gal2-la bala ub-ba (i7)kesz2-ku3 mu-sze mu da-ri ka-ge5 du-a-ba (i7)pa5-bi-luh-ha mu-sze ge26 iri(ki)-ga2 a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na (i7)kesz2-ku3 iri(ki)-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na (i7)pa5-bi-luh a-ra2-bi ku6-ab te-li-bi mu-sze-na he2-gal2-bi ku6 muszen ma-ra-ab-de6 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3 gu2-gu2-bi (u2)munzer lu2-a u2-lal3-e gu7-e a-gar3 gal-bi sze gu-nu mu2-mu2 (gesz)tir-gin7 su-su-u3-e lugal an-ub-da 4(disz)-bi sze-ga (d)en-lil2-la2

    ur-(d)namma sipa u2-a ki-en-gi ki-uri-e ki ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 x x x _na_ nig2 uri2(ki)-ma-ke4 x sila-am3 u4 mi-ni-in-za-e-en-za-e-le za-e-me-en ur-(d)namma lugal mu da-a-ri za3-mi2-zu du10-ga

    AI Translation

    The foundation of my throne was firmly established. The crown of lordship, the lordly majesty, was present on my head. The gold scepter, the scepter of the sag-shape, was present on my hand. The eshgiri, the szibir, the eshgiri, the true one, the one who ... my hand ... The head ... The house, its ..., was ... ... The Ekishnugal, the head of the head, the ... of the Etemenniguru, the dwelling of joyous ..., was ... its ..., its ...,

    My stele, the days of abundance, the reign of the king, the keshku canal, the years, the years, the canals that are in the canals, the canals of the Pabiluh canal, the years, the days of my city, the fish of the canals, the fish of the canals, the days of my city, the fish of the canals, the fish of the canals, the days of my city, the fish of the canals, the fish of the canals, the fish of the canals, the fish of the birds, the abundance of the fish of the canals, the fish of the Ekishnugal, its gugugu-plants, the munzer plant of the man, the ulal plant, the large irrigated fields, the barley of the great meadows, the barley of the forest, the four kings of the four kings of the four kings, Enlil,

    Ur-Namma, shepherd who provides for Sumer and Akkad, beloved of Enlil, ... of Ur, ... in the street, when you are to stand, you are to stand. Ur-Namma, king of the everlasting years, your praise is good.


    ... Who will dig it? Who will dig the ... canal? Who will dig the canal? Who will dig the Gisala-gara canal? Who will dig the canal? Wealthy Ur-Namma will dig it. Who will dig the canal? Prosperous Shulgi will dig it. Who will dig the canal? I, the king, whose fate was already decreed in the true womb, who raises his head in authority, Ur-Namma, the youth who caught the eyes of the Great Mountain Enlil, was chosen by Nunamnir in Sumer and Akkad. He decreed my fate in Nibru, in the mountain of life. In Urim, in the E-mud-kura,

    he made the foundation of my throne firm. He placed the awesome crown, the adornment of kingship, on my head. He put ? the holy staff to guide the numerous people in my hand. He ... the staff, the shepherd's crook into my hand, and the nose-rope to lead the living. He ... the amazing house ... ... ... ... of E-kish-nu-gal, ..., E-temen-ni-guru, a delightful residence. ... strengthened the roots ... ... standing in silver ...

    ..., and I named it the Keshe-kug canal. I named it the Pabi-luh canal, a lasting name worthy to be praised. The watercourse of my city is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds. The city of the Keshe-kug canal is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds. The watercourse of the Pabi-luh canal is full of fish, and the air above it is full of birds. Its abundance brings fish and birds for me to the E-kish-nu-gal. Its banks are lush with licorice, a honey-sweet plant to eat. Its arable tracts grow fine grain sprouting abundantly like a forest. King of the four quarters, favourite of Enlil,

    shepherd Ur-Namma, the provider of Sumer and Akkad, beloved of Enlil, it is you ? who makes ... of Urim pass the time joyously ... Ur-Namma, king of eternal fame, sweet is your praise!

    P469692: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    abul-zu e3?-a a mah gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku esz3 uri5(ki) sza3-zu kur he2-gal2 bar-zu hur-sag he-nun-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2 hur-sag galam-ma sza3-bi lu2 nu-zu ki ut ti-zu [...] (gesz)erin-na mu-zu-sze3 kalam hul2-a en-zu en sig7-ga mu pa3-da dumu (d)nin-sumun2-ka me-te kur-kur-ra uri5(ki) me gal-zu a-ra2-ab dingir-re-ne kalam-ma gal2-la tesz2 mu-zu he2-i-i ka2-zu an sig7-ga su zi gur3-ru gal2 da13-da13-bi (d)utu an-ur2-ta u4 mi-ne-gar-ra-ta gi-sza3-zu-ta ki nam tar-re dingir-re-ne

    sza3-ga-zu-ta gesz-hur zi-da hul-gal2 nu-dab5-be2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2 sza3-zu uszumgal hul-gal2 nu-un-zu e2 gi-gun4-na-zu nidba-zu _kid dim_? (d)en-lil2? su3-ru? dub-la2-mah ki nam tar-re-za dingir gal-gal-e-ne nam mi-ni-ib-tar-re-ne e2-temen-ni2-gur3-ru tum2-ma u3-tu-da [...] tesz2 mu-zu he2-i-i en sig7-ga [...] sipa zi ur-(d)namma uri5(ki) [...] e2 sig3-ga (d)utu-gin7 _an_? [...] tesz2 mu-zu he2-i-i ur-(d)namma x [...] su6 za-gin3 su3-su3 x [...] lugal hi-li gur3-ru me-lem4 kalam-ma dul-la

    ur-(d)namma (d)dili(im2)-babbar-re sza3 ku3-ge ba-ni-in-pa3 nig2-erim2 igi-ni-sze3 nu-dib-ba nig2-si-sa2 (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 nig2-gur11 sa2 bi2-in-du11 lugal-e pa-mul-pa-mul zu (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 masz-gi-i-i im-me inim zu en-na-ke4 pa-mul-pa-mul zu (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 masz-gi-i-i im-me lugal-e e2 (d)suen-na-ke4 (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 ni2 he2-eb-szi-ib2-te-en-te lugal-e (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-ke4 (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re nin-bi nin nig2-gur11-ra-ke4 nin e2 [...] (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re

    munus a nun-na-ke4 mi2 zi-de3-esz mu-un-e (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 |_ga2_xX| _ne na_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Your city gate, which has no rival, your shrine Ur, your heart is the great mountain, your heart is the mountain of abundance, your heart is the mountain of abundance, your Ekishnugal, the mountain of abundance, your heart is the one of peace, your place of rest is ..., your name is cedar, your name is the joy of the Land, your lord, the beautiful lord, chosen by the son of Ninsumun, the perfect one of all the lands, Ur, your great me, the one who is to be praised by the gods of the Land, may your name be praised, your gate, the beautiful heaven, its utterances are praised by Utu, from the horizon, when it was established, your reed basket, the place of the fates of the gods,

    From your heart, no evil plans are taken. Ekishnugal, your heart does not have evil ... Your giguna temple, your food offerings are the ... of Enlil. The Dublamah, the place of fates, the great gods decide the fates. The Etemenniguru, the ..., may your name be cherished. The lord, the ..., the true shepherd Ur-Namma, Ur, ... The true house, like Utu, ... may your name be cherished. Ur-Namma, ..., ..., ..., the king, the ..., the lapis-lazuli, the splendor of the Land,

    Ur-Namma and Dilimbabbar poured out pure hearts. The evil that had not been revealed before him, Ur-Namma spoke kindly. The king, the scepter of Ur-Namma, was a mashgi. The word of the en priest, the scepter of Ur-Namma, was a mashgi. The king, the temple of Suen, Ur-Namma, may he not let him be disturbed. The king, the Tigris and Euphrates, Ur-Namma decreed a fate. Its lady, the lady of property, the lady of the temple ..., Ur-Namma decreed a fate.

    "The woman of the princely water is a true woman, Ur-Namma .


    Those who leave through your gate are an uncontrollable flood. Shrine Urim, your interior is a mountain of abundance, your exterior a hill of plenty. No one can learn the interior of the E-kish-nu-gal, the artfully fashioned mountain. Your place of marvel is ... of cedar, your name makes the Land rejoice. Your lord is the one called as the beautiful lord, the child of Ninsumun, the ornament of all the lands. Ur, your great divine power is the gods's shackle on the Land. Your name be praised indeed! Your gate is the blue sky imbued with fearsomeness; only when it is open does Utu illuminate from the horizon. Your platform is where the fates are determined by the gods; you make just decisions. Your name be praised indeed!

    In your interior, the evildoer dare not lay hold of the holy statutes. E-kish-nu-gal, the evil-doer cannot even come to know your interior, which is a dragon. House, your terrace ... Enlil ... your offerings. At your Dubla-mah, the place where the fates are determined, the great gods determine the fates. Worthy of the E-temen-ni-guru, born ..., your name be praised indeed! The beautiful lord ... the true shepherd Ur-Namma, ... Ur ... The silent house ... like Utu. Your name be praised indeed! Ur-Namma ... ..., adorned with a lapis lazuli beard ... The king endowed with allure, the radiance covering the nation,

    in his pure heart Ashimbabbar has chosen Ur-Namma. Wickedness cannot pass unnoticed before his eyes. Ur-Namma has accomplished an achievement, justice! The king, who knows ? the spreading branches, Ur-Namma acts ? as constable. The eloquent one of the lord, who knows ? the spreading branches, Ur-Namma acts ? as constable. The king, at the house of Suen, Ur-Namma refreshes himself. for the Tigris and the Euphrates and for Ur-Namma, she has determined a fate for the king, Its lady, the lady of possessions, the lady of ... has determined a fate for Ur-Namma.

    The woman of the princely seed has treated him kindly. Ur-Namma ...

    P469693: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ur3-bad3 ku3-ga-ta hi-li gur3-ru uri2(ki) usz-u2-zu he2-gal2 ki us2-sa asil3-la2-a uru2 u3-mu-un-zu he2-a-u5 (d)ur-(d)namma he2-a-u5 su6 za-gin3 sud4-sud4 he2-a-u5 gu2-en-ta en sukud-da e3-de3-bi-ta nir-gal2 abula-zu e3-a a mah gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku esz3 uri2(ki) sza3-zu kur he2-gal2 bar-zu hur-sag he-nun-na e2-kisz-nu-gal2 hur-sag galam-ma sza3-bi lu2 nu-zu e2-zu kur gi-rin-na mu-zu sza3 gur-ra en-zu en sig7-ga mu pa3-da dumu (d)nin-sumun2 me-te kur-kur-ra e2 me gal-zu rab3 dingir-re-e-ne kalam-ma la2-am3

    ka2-zu dingir-zu dingir sig7-ga mu pa3-da gal2 da13-da13-bi (d)utu an-ur2-ta u4 mi-ni-in-gar-ra gi-sa2-zu ki nam tar-ra dingir-re-e-ne di si sa2 ku5-ru-de3 (d)a-nun-na dingir an ki-ka ad mi-ni-in-gi-gi-ne [...] x-zu-ta munus zi giri17-zal a-a gu2 pesz-a sza3-ga-zu-ta gesz-hur ku3-ga-a hul-gal2 nu-mu-un-dab5-be2 e2 gi-gun4-na ninda-ba-bi ki-bala szusz3 su3-su3 dub-la2-mah ki nam tar-re-za dingir gal-gal-e-ne nam mi-ni-tar-re-ne ki-en-gi ki-uri ug3 sag-ge6-ga (d)ur-(d)namma (d)suen sza3-ge ba-ni-in-pa3

    lugal hi-li gur3-ru me-lem4 kalam-ma dul-la me-e en u3-mu-un-ra mi2 zi-de3-esz (d)ur-(d)namma ga-an-i-i-de3 (d)ur-(d)namma hi-li gur3-ru me-lem4 kalam-ma dul-la (d)ur-(d)namma (d)dili(im2)-babbar sza3-ge ba-ni-in-pa3 (gesz)rab3-ba kur-kur-ra im-mi-in-gar si-gar kal-ga im-mi-in-gib-ba lugal (d)suen-ra tum2-ma-am3 nig2-erim2 igi-ni-sze3 nu-dab5-be2 nig2-si-sa2 (d)ur-(d)namma nig2-gur11 sa2 bi2-in-du11 za-pa-ag2-ga2-ni-sze3 kur erim2-ma bi2-in-gar ki-bala-bi mu-un-se3 (d)ur-(d)namma maszkim im-me

    lugal-e e2 (d)suen-na-ke4 (i7)idigna (i7)buranun (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 nam mu-ni-ib2-tar-re (d)utu an-ur2-ta e3-a-ba nam-lu2-ulu3 hu-mu-szi-ib2-dagal-e-ne x (d)nin-sumun2-ka hu-mu-ni-in-dab5-dab5-be2 u6 di x x nin-bi nin nig2-gur11-e ki ag2 ki ag2-ga2-na-ke4 (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re (d)nin-gal nin-bi nin nig2-gur11-e ki ag2 munus a nun-na-ke4 (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-ke4 il2 e2 (d)suen-na-sze3 su6 za-gin3 sud4-sud4 x (d)nin-x hu-mu-ni-ib-dab5-dab5-be2

    x x du10-ga-am3 hi-li-ba ku7-ku7-dam (d)nin-lil2-le u4-da u3-tu-da-gin7 dumu (d)nin-sumun2-na-ke4 za-e hu-mu-ra-u3-tu sipa-da an ku3-ga hu-mu-[...] sipa (d)ur-(d)namma-da sag [...] szer3-nam-szub (d)nanna-kam

    AI Translation

    From the pure ur-wall, the splendor of Ur, your foundations are abundant, the place where the foundations are laid, the city of your lord may it be. May Ur-Namma be a lapis lazuli shade, may it be a lapis lazuli shade. From Gu-en, the lord who is entrusted with the cultic rites, the one who has no rival, the one who has the sage of your city, the one who has no rival, the shrine of Ur, your heart is abundance, your mind is abundance, your mind is the mountain, your mind is the mountain of abundance, your Ekishnugal, the mountain of abundance, its heart is no man. Your temple, the mountain of the gigirna, your name is the 'good lord', chosen by the name of the son of Ninsumun, the chosen one of the lands, your temple, your great me, the foremost of the gods, the Land,

    Your gate, your god, the good god, the name chosen by the gods, the time set for it. Your reed bed, the place of deciding the fate, the gods, the decision made by the ..., the gods of heaven and earth, they appointed for you. From your ..., the true woman, the one who is adorned with a scepter, your father who is adorned with a scepter, from your heart they did not take away the pure plans. The house of the giguna, its food offerings, the lands, the suhsu-su of the Dublamah, the place of fate, the great gods, they determined for you. Sumer and Akkad, the black-headed people, Ur-Namma and Suen listened to the heart.

    The king, the beautiful face, the magnifying power of the Land, the lord of the lord, the righteous one, I, Ur-Namma, let me speak. Ur-Namma, the beautiful face, the magnifying power of the Land, the magnifying power of Ur-Namma, Ilumbabbar, I made enter. The throne of the lands I set up. The strong one I set up. The king, Suen, I did not take away his evil deeds. Ur-Namma made good things, and his enemies I set up in the enemy land. Its rebellious territory I seized. Ur-Namma was the enforcer.

    The king will decide the fate of the house of Suen on the Tigris and Euphrates. Utu will bring the people out from the horizon. They will ... Ninsumun. ... its lady, the lady who has everything beloved by her heart, Ur-Namma will decide the fate. Ningal, its lady, the lady who has everything beloved by the woman of the princely water, Ur-Namma will decide the fate. The shepherd Ur-Namma will come to the house of Suen covered in lapis lazuli. ... Nin-... will decide the fate.

    ... is good, its radiance is good. Ninlil, like the day of the future, the son of Ninsumun, may you be praised. May the shepherd of An be praised. The shepherd Ur-Namma, the head ..., the shernamshub of Nanna.


    Imbued with allure from the shining rooftops, Ur, your foundation rests on abundance. City, your lord rides high in joy, Ur-Namma rides high indeed; the one adorned with a lapis-lazuli beard rides high indeed! He is the tallest among all the lords, appearing as the noblest among them. Those who leave through your gate are an uncontrollable flood. Shrine Ur, your interior is a mountain of abundance, your exterior a hill of plenty. No one can learn the interior of the E-kish-nu-gal, the artfully fashioned hill. Your temple is a shimmering mountain; your very name is merciful. Your lord is the one called as the beautiful lord, the child of Ninsumun, the ornament of all the lands.

    House, your great divine power is the shackle of the gods put on the Land. Your gate is named by your god, the beautiful god; only when it is is open does Utu illuminate from the horizon. Your platform, the place where the fates are determined by the gods, in order to make just decisions, is where the Anuna, the gods of heaven and earth, take counsel. Your ... makes ? the faithful woman joyous, the father proud. In your interior the evildoer dare not lay hold of the holy statutes. House whose offerings of the temple terrace devastate the rebel lands. At your Dubla-mah, the place where the fates are determined, the great gods determine the fates. Suen chose Sumer and Akkad, the black-headed people, and Ur-Namma in his heart.

    To the king endowed with allure, the radiance covering the nation, let me give praise to him to Ur-namma, Let me give praise to him! Ur-Namma who is endowed with allure, the radiance covering the nation, in his heart Ashimbabbar has chosen Ur-Namma, placing thereby a shackle on all the lands and blocking the way with a strong bolt. The king is worthy of Suen! Wickedness cannot pass unnoticed before his eyes. Ur-Namma has accomplished an achievement, justice! He fills the wicked land with his battle-cry. The rebellious land is overthrown, Ur-Namma acts ? as the constable.

    She has determined a fate for the king and the temple of Suen, for the Tigris and the Euphrates and for Ur-Namma. As the sun rises from the horizon, may the population multiply! May he pass the ... of Ninsumun! ... admiration. Its lady, the lady who loves possessions, who loves him, has determined a fate for Ur-Namma; Ningal, its lady, the lady who loves possessions, the woman of princely seed, has determined a fate for Ur-Namma. The shepherd Ur-Namma is elevated; n the house of Suen, he is the one adorned with a lapis lazuli beard. May he pass ...!

    ... is good, is sweet in its luxuriance. Like Ninlil who gives birth in a storm, child of Ninsumun, she has given birth to you. May holy An sit with the shepherd! ... with the shepherd Ur-Namma. A shir-namshub of Nanna.

    P469694: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] (d)en-lil2-le (d)ur-(d)namma-ra mu-[...] a-esztub (d)ezina2 sze gu-nu sag-e-esz he2-mu-rig7 (d)ur-(d)namma ug3-e nam-he2-a gu2 hu-mu-u8-di-ni-ib-mar-re (gesz)apin sze du10-ga bi2-gar-ra gan2 gar-zu du10-ga-am3 gesz numun sze du10 (gesz)apin gan2 nam bi2-du10-ge (gesz)apin sze du10-ge ki kur x x gan2 nam bi2-x x lugal gu4-de3 gan2 gar-am3-ma gan2 gar-zu du10-ga-am3 (d)ur-(d)namma gan2 gar-am3-ma _gan2_ gar-zu du10-ga-am3 gan2 gar-ra-za gu4-de3 ba-sa6 gan2 gar-za du10-ga-am3

    lugal-gu10 gan2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka a2 szu ha-ba-e-ni-du7 ur-(d)namma gan2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka a2 szu ha-ba-e-ni-du7 ab-sin2 gub-ba-zu im an-na si he2-em-ma-ni-in-sa2 lugal engar zi gan2 dagal-la e pa5-re ki x [...] ur-(d)namma engar zi gan2 dagal-la e pa5-re ki [...] e pa5-re (d)utu e3-gin7 igi-bi mu-[...] lugal-gu10 sa-ra du10-du10-ge sa-ra-zu? [...] ur-(d)namma sa-ra du10-du10-ge sa-ra-zu? x [...] [...] [...] [...] _si in_ [...] x mu-ra-an-gur x [...] bala-bala-e (d)en-lil2-la2-kam

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... Enlil to Ur-Namma ... The eshtub and the Ezina ... barley. May Ur-Namma make the people rejoice. The plow, which is good, has set up a field. The plow, which is good, has set up a field. The reeds, which are good, have set up a field. The plow, which is good, has set up a field in the land of ... The king has set up a field. The ox has set up a field. Ur-Namma has set up a field. The ox has set up a field. The ox has set up a field. The ox has set up a field.

    My king, I have sworn by the field of Enlil. Ur-Namma, I have sworn by the field of Enlil. Your furrow stands in the ... of heaven. The king, the true farmer, the wide field, the ... of the ... The ... of Ur-Namma, the true farmer, the wide field, the ... of the ... The ... of Utu, like a ..., ... My king, the good thing, your good thing, your good thing, your ... Ur-Namma, the good thing, your ...


    ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil ... to Ur-Namma. He bestowed on him ? early floods, grain and speckled barley. Ur-Namma, may the people flourish in prosperity under your rule. You ? ... the plough and good barley, and your cultivated fields will be rich. You ? ... trees, seeds, good barley, the plough, and the fields. You ? ... the plough and good barley ... King, cultivate the fields with oxen, and your cultivated fields will be rich; Ur-Namma, cultivate the fields with them, and your cultivated fields will be rich. The oxen will make ? your cultivated fields fertile; your cultivated fields will be rich.

    My king, when you have finished with all the work on the fields of Enlil; Ur-Namma, when you have finished with all the work on the fields of Enlil, may the rains of heaven make the furrows that you laid out sprout abundantly. King, faithful farmer, you have ... he levees and ditches in the wide fields; Ur-Namma, faithful farmer, you have ... the levees and ditches on the wide fields. Like the rising Utu, the levees and ditches ... My king, ...; Ur-Namma, ... ... ... ... ... will return for you ... . A balbale of Enlil.

    P469695: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    ur-(d)namma lugal kalam-ma [...] su3-ra2 ba9-ra2 x [...] (gesz)esi _sar_ x [...] _ka_?-ge-zu? [...]

    AI Translation

    Ur-Namma, king of the nation, ...


    Ur-Namma, king of the Land ... ... far and distant ? ... ... ebony ... ...

    M=segment B


    [...] _har_ [...] [...] ku3 za-gin3-na nam [...] [...] ku3-gin7 kalam-ma [...] [...] x hu? u4 x edin-na [...] [...] pirig? uszumgal igi il2 ka-ni [...] ur-(d)namma lugal kalam-ma su3-ra2 ba9-ra2

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in the steppe ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ur-Namma, king of the country, ... .


    ... ... with silver and lapis lazuli ... ... like silver ... in the Land. ... in ? the desert. Lion ? and dragon ... Ur-Namma, king of the Land, far and distant ? ...

    P469696: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] dingir-ra-na-kam inim-ma-an-ni kur2-kur2-re bi2-in-diri inim sza3-ga-na-ke4 sa bi2-in-du11 nam-mah-a-ni ki-en-gi-re bi2-in-x (d)utu lugal igi-ni-sze3 ba-gen e2? _in_ nun-na-ke4 ki? _mi_? x x

    AI Translation

    ... his god ... his words to all the lands ... his heart ... his greatness to Sumer ... Utu, the king, came before him. The house of the prince .


    He is the ... of his god; all the foreign countries are full ? of his fame. He carries out his plans, and Sumer is ... by his greatness. Utu marches before the king. ...

    M=segment B


    [...] x [...] abula x x x u6 ba-ni?-x lugal mes babbar2 uri5(ki)-ma ki du10-ge mu2-a gesz-an-dul3 pa gal-gal-la igi an-na gub-ba gissu-zu-usz mu-ri mu he2-gal2-la kur2-kur2-ra dul4-la an-ne2 igi sa6 x bar _ka_ hul2-la _ma_? x x ur-(d)namma dumu (d)nin-sumun2-ke4 lugal (d)en-lil2-le a2 szum2-ma (d)nin-lil2-le mi2 zi-de3-esz du11-ga (d)nin-hur-sag inim-ma sza3-ga-na hug-ga2 (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2 mah szum2-ma (d)nin-x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... the city gate ... ... the king, the white mes of Ur, the pleasant place, for a long time, the great geshandul scepter, standing before An, the scepter, he named it. The year: "The abundance of all the lands, the work of An, the beautiful ..., ... Ur-Namma, son of Ninsumun, the king whom Enlil gave as a gift, and whom Ninlil gave as a gift, Ninhursag, the word of his heart, Enki gave as a gift, Nin.


    ... gate ... spectacle. King, white mesh tree growing in a pleasant spot in Urim, a shady canopy of numerous large branches facing the sky, years of abundance extending over all foreign countries for those who keep close ? to your shade. An looks with favour at ..., ... with joy ... Ur-Namma, son of Ninsumun, king given strength by Enlil, tenderly cared for by Ninlil, enthroned by the will of Ninhursaga, provided with superior intelligence by Enki, ...

    M=segment C


    ama tu-da-zu (d)nin-sumun2 e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la gaba-na he2-em-tab

    AI Translation

    May Ninsumun, your mother, make the Ekishnugal, your second dwelling, shine.


    May Ninsumun, the mother who gave you birth, hold you against her chest in the E-kish-nu-gal.

    P469697: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lugal-me-en sza3-ta ur-sag-me-en (d)szul-gi-me-en ba-tu-u4-de3-en-na-ta nita kal-ga-me-en pirig igi husz uszumgal-e tu-da-me-en lugal an-ub-da 4(disz)-ba-me-en na-gada sipa sag-ge6-ga-me-en nir-gal2 dingir kur-kur-ra-me-en dumu u3-tu-da (d)nin-sun2-kam-me-en sza3-ge pa3-da an ku3-ga-me-en lu2 nam tar-ra (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en (d)szul-gi ki ag2 (d)nin-lil2-la2-me-en mi2 zi du11-ga (d)nin-tu-ra-me-en gesztu2 szum2-ma (d)en-ki-kam-me-en lugal kal-ga (d)nanna-a-me-en pirig ka du8-a (d)utu-u3-me-en

    (d)szul-gi hi-li-a pa3-da (d)inanna-me-en ansze-gir2-nun-na kaskal-e du7-u3-me-en ansze-kur-ra har-ra-an-na kun su3-su3-me-en dur3 (d)szakkan2-na kasz4-e kin-ga2-me-en dub-sar gal-zu (d)nisaba-kam-me-en nam-ur-sag-gu10-gin7 nam-kal-ga-gu10-gin7 gesztu2-ga2 szu hu-mu-ni-du7-am3 inim ge-na-bi ha-ma-da-sa2-am3 nig2-si-sa2-e ki ha-ba-ag2-ga2-am3 nig2-erim2-e ki la-ba-ra-ag2-ga2-am3 inim nig2-erim2 du11-ga hul ha-ba-ra-gig-ga-am3 (d)szul-gi-me-en lugal kal-ga sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-me-en

    a2-nun-gal2 za3-sze-ni-sze3 hul2-la i3-me-en-na-ke4-esz giri3 hu-mu-gur kaskal kalam-ma-ke4 si he2-mi-sa2-sa2 danna hu-mu-ge e2 gal-la he2-bi2-du3 za3-ba (gesz)kiri6 he2-bi2-gub ki ni2 dub2-bu he2-bi2-gar ki-bi lu2 zu-a he2-em-mi-tusz sig-ta du igi-nim-ta du-e a2 sze17-bi-sze3 ni2 he2-eb-szi-te-en-te-en nita har-ra-an-na du kaskal-e ge6 ba-an-da-sa2-a iri du3-a-gin7 zi-ni ha-ba-szi-in-tum3 mu-gu10 u4 ul-le2-a-asz ga2-ga2-de3 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-de3 ar2-gu10 kalam-ma ak-ak-de3

    du10-tuku-me-en usu-gu10 ib2-zi-ge kasz4-e kab2 di-de3 nibru(ki)-ta sig4 uri2(ki)-ma-sze3 danna 1(disz)-gin7 szu nigin2-nigin2-da sza3-gu10 ha-ma-ab-du11 pirig nam-szul-bi-ta nu-kusz2-u3 ne3-ba gub-ba-me-en (tug2)nig2-lam2 banda3(da) ib2-ga2 ba-du3 tu(muszen) nir-_du_ sumur-bi dal-la-gin7 a2-gu10 hu-mu-su3-su3 anzu(muszen) kur-bi-sze3 igi il2-la-gin7 du10-gu10 hu-mu-bad-bad iri ma-da ki gar-gar-ra-gu10 ha-ma-su8-su8-ge-esz-am3 ug3 sag-ge6-ga u8-gin7 lu-a u6 du10 ha-ma-ab-du11

    masz2 hur-sag-ga2 ki-ur3-bi-sze3 hub2 sar-sar-re-gin7 (d)utu a2-dam-ma u4 dagal-la e2-kisz-nu-gal2-sze3 ha-ba-ku4-re-en e2 (d)suen-na tur3 i3 gal-gal-la he2-gal2-la he2-bi2-du8 gu4 ha-ba-ni-gaz udu ha-ba-ni-szar2 szem5 a2-la2-e szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) ha-ba-gi4 tigi nig2 du10-ge si ha-ba-ni-sa2 (d)szul-gi lu2 nig2 lu-lu-me-en ninda gesz ha-ba-ni-tag pirig-gin7 |_ki-lugal-gub_|-ta ni2 il2-la-gu10-ne e2-gal-mah (d)nin-e2-gal-la-ka-kam du10 he2-ni-dub2 a zal-le he2-ni-tu5 du10 he2-ni-gam ninda hu-mu-ni-gu7

    (d)nin-immax(|_lagab_xSIG7|)muszen sur2-du3(muszen)-gin7 ha-ba-zi-ge-en nibru(ki)-sze3 a-la-ga2 ha-ba-gur-re-en u4-bi-a u4-de3 gu3 he2-eb-be2 mar-uru5 he2-nigin2-nigin2 (tu15)mer mer-ra (tu15)u18-lu mur-bi ni2-bi-a hu-mu-un-sza4 nim gir2-gir2 tu15 7(disz)-bi-ta an-na tesz2 he2-ni-gu7 u4 te-esz du11-ga ki he2-em-tuk4-tuk4 (d)iszkur-re an nig2-dagal-la-ba gu3 hu-mu-ni-dub2-dub2 im an-na-ke4 a ki-ta gu2 he2-em-ma-da-ab-la2 na4 tur-tur-bi na4 gal-gal-bi murgu-ga2 dub-dab he2-em-mi-ib-za dub-dab

    lugal-me-en ni2 ba-ra-ba-da-te su ba-ra-ba-da-zi pirig banda3(da)-gin7 gur5-ru-usz hu-mu-bur2-bur2 ansze-edin-na-gin7 hub2-ga2 hu-mu-szu2-szu2 sza3 la-la-gal2-la-gu10 kasz4 hu-mu-ni-gun3-gun3 dur3 dili du-gin7 im2-ma-gu10-ne (d)utu e2-a-ni-sze3 igi i3-ga2-ga2-de3 kaskal 1(u) 5(disz) danna-am3 szu hu-mu-nigin2-nigin2 sag-ur-sag-gu10-ne igi hu-mu-un-du8-usz-am3 u4 1(disz)-a nibru(ki) uri2(ki)-ma esz3-esz3-bi hu-mu-ak szesz gu5-li-gu10 szul (d)utu-am3 e2-gal an-ne2 ki gar-ra-am3 kasz hu-mu-un-di-ni-nag

    nar-gu10 tigi 7(disz)-e szer3-re-esz ha-ma-an-ne-esz gidlam-gu10 ki-sikil (d)inanna nin hi-li an ki-a gu7 nag-bi-a hu-mu-da-an-tusz-am3 ni2-gu10 silim-esz2-am3 ba-ra-ab-du11 igi il2-la-ga2 he2-eb-gen-ne-en sza3-ge guru7-ga2 an-ta he2-eb-gi4 inim-inim-ma im sar-ra-gu10 zi a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-banda3(da) (d)nanna lugal an ki-ke4 [...] [...] [...] [...] me [...] x na?-e-a-e11-de3 [...] u4 ul-le-a-sze3 lugal ki-en-gi-ra? ge26-gin7-nam ug3-e ba-ra-gal2-la an-ne2 aga zi mah sag-ga2 he2-em-mi-in-ge

    e2-kur za-gin3-na (gesz)gidri ha-ba-dab5-ba bara2 babbar-ra (gesz)gu-za suhusz ge-na sag an-sze3 ha-ba-il2 nam-lugal-la a2 hu-mu-ni-mah kur hu-mu-gam-gam kalam hu-mu-ge-en-ge-en an-ub-da 4(disz) ug3 sag se3-ga-a-ba mu-gu10 he2-em-mi-sa4 szer3 ku3-ga2 hu-mu-un-e-ne nam-mah-gu10 hu-mu-ni-pa3-de3-ne a2 mah lugal-la-kam mi2 du11-ga (d)suen-e e2-kisz-nu-gal2-ta nam-ur-sag nam-kal-ga nam-ti nig2 du10 sag-e-esz rig7-ga a2 mah szum2-ma (d)nu-nam-nir-ra (d)szul-gi kur gul-gul kalam ge-en-ge-en

    (d)szul-gi dumu nir-gal2 an-na-ke4 mi2 du11-ga (d)nisaba za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    king I am from the inside, I am a hero, I am Shulgi. I am a mighty man, I am a lion with a furious face, I am a 4th man, I am a king of the four corners, I am a shepherd, I am a hero of the lands, I am the sage of the gods, I am a child born to Ninsun, I am the one chosen by the pure heart of heaven, I am the man who decrees fates for Enlil, Shulgi, beloved of Ninlil, I am the true wife of Nintur, I am the wisest of Enki, I am the mighty king of Nanna, I am the ox of the gate of Utu,

    Shulgi, the one who is chosen by Inanna, I am the one who makes the chariots go on the road, I am the one who makes the horses go on the road, I am the one who makes the horses go on the road, I am the one who makes the messengers of Shakkan come forth, I am the great scribe, Nisaba. Like my heroism, like my mighty strength, I have been able to speak with wisdom. I have been able to make a decision, I have not been able to make a decision, I have not been able to make a decision, I have not been able to make a decision, I have not been able to make a decision, I am Shulgi, the mighty king, who rises up at the top of the mountain,

    The chief of the throne of his midst was joyful, he took the path. He made the journey of the land flow, he made the way straight. He built the great house, he set up the garden. He set up the place where he desired, he set up the place where he desired. He seated a man in his presence, he made the foundations of the foundations firm. He made the foundations firm, he made the foundation firm. He made the man of the road go on the road. He made the city, like a city, stand firm. My name, I shall make it last forever, I shall not let it fall from the mouth, I shall make my mouth firm, I shall make the land strong.

    I am a strong one, my strength is smashed, my battle is fought, from Nippur to the bricks of Ur, one hand is a snare, my heart is smashed, I am a lion, whose limbs are not smashed, standing at its side, I am a bandada-demon, whose neck is smashed like a pigeon, its tail is smashed like a lion, my army is smashed like an antare, my country is smashed like a lion, my city is smashed like a lion, my people are smashed like a lion, I am a good lion,

    As for the goats of the mountains, their ki'ur, like a sar-sar-reed, Utu, the father, the wide day, to the Ekishnugal he shall enter. The house of Suen, the pig with great oil, he shall fill with abundance. He shall kill oxen, he shall kill sheep. He shall bring the shem-offerings of the ala-festival, he shall return. The tigi, the good thing, he shall eat. Shulgi, the man who is evil, I shall eat bread. Like a pirig, when I stand at the king's side, my screams are uttered. In the palace of Ninegal, I shall eat good food. I shall drink good water. I shall eat good bread.

    For Ninimmax, like a hawk, I shall make it stand there. I shall make it stand there in Nippur. At that time, the storm roared. The quay roared. The north wind blew. Its wind blew. Its wind blew. Its wind blew seven times. Its wind blew. The storm blew. Ishkur, the one who speaks a lot in heaven, roared. The water of heaven poured out from the earth. Its small stones and large stones, its murgu-doer roared.

    My king, I did not let my heart be sated with fear. I did not let my body be sated with fear. Like a lion, I screamed like a lion. Like a wild bull, I screamed like a wild bull. My heart was full of radiance, I was smitten with the rush. Like a lion, I was smitten with the roar of my heart. Utu, his house, looked at me. I made my journey 15 straight. I made my head grow wide. My warriors saw me. On the 1st day, in Nippur and Ur, I made the shrines. My brother, the youth of Utu, I made the palace of An set up in the place of the heavens. I made beer drink.

    My singer, the seven tigi drums, I shall sing. My scion, the sage Inanna, the lady who loves heaven and earth, I shall sit in it. My heart shall be satisfied. I shall speak kindly to you before me. I shall return to you from the midst of the heavens. My words, my scribal art, my true father, holy Lugalbanda, Nanna, king of heaven and earth, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... king of Sumer, like a ..., the people shall not be able to stand up. An shall make a supreme crown,

    The Ekur, with lapis lazuli, with a scepter seized, with a white dais, with a throne firmly fixed on the head, he slew the kingship. He made the land rejoice, he made the land rejoice. On the Upper and Lower Seas, four people, he made my name great. They made my holy shur offerings. They made my greatness rejoice. The great kingship, according to the command of Sîn, from the Ekishnugal, the hero, the mighty, the life of good things, given as a gift, gave the great kingship to Nunamnir and Shulgi, the destroyed land, he made the Land rejoice.

    Shulgi, son of the sage of An, give me a firm positive answer to what I am asking you! Nisaba, praise!

    P469698: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lugal-e mu-ni nig2-ul-sze3 u4 su3-ra2-ka pa e3 ak-de3 (d)szul-gi lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 a2-na za3-mi2-bi-im kal-ga-na szer3-bi-im gal-an-zu nig2 sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-na mu da-ri2-bi-im sza3-bala-bala-a egir u4-da-ka szu-a bala-e-de3 kal-ga dumu (d)nin-sun2-ka-ra gesztu2 egir-ra-bi igi-sze3 mu-un-na-de6 a2-ni szer3-ra silim-esz2 mu-un-e dim2-ma nig2 sa6-ga sza3-ta _du_-a-ni ni2-bi i3-bulug5-e lugal a lugal-e ru-a nin-e tu-da-me-en (d)szul-gi-me-en dumu-gi7 sza3 zi-ta nam du10 tar-ra-me-en

    dub ki-en-gi ki-uri-ka nam-dub-sar-ra mi-ni-zu nam-dumu-gi7 ge26-e-gin7-nam im nu-mu-un-sar nam-dub-sar-ra ki nam-ku3-zu-ba lu2 im-mi-re6-re6 zi-zi-i ga2-ga2 szudum nig2-szid-de3 za3 im-mi-til-til (d)nanibgal sig7-ga (d)nisaba2-ke4 gesztu2 gizzal2-la szu dagal ma-ni-in-du11 dub-sar gal2 tak4-a nig2-e nu-dib-be2-me-en sa nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|)-gin7 zi-ga-gu10-ne (ansze)niskum-gin7 kasz4 kal-ga di-ga2 sza3 an-na-ke4 hul2-la ma-ab-de6 a-la-ga2 (d)en-lil2-le gu3 zi ma-ni-in-de2

    gu2 kur-kur-ra-ka giri3 ba-da-gub (gesz)tukul-ga2 mu-bi sig-sze3 mu-un-gal2 aga3-kar2 se3-ga-gu10 igi-nim-sze3 mu-un-gal2 me3 szen-szen-na um-ta-ab-e3-en ki ib2-du11-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 ama erin2-na-gu10-u8 igi-sze3 ba-du-un igi-bar-ra-gu10-u8 a-sza3 ba-ab-zalag-ge-en ge26-e-me-en (gesz)tukul-la a-la mu-un-ga2-ga2-an (uruda)szukur (uruda)ma-sa-tum a-ba-da-ab-gal2-le-en-na (kusz)da-lu-usz2-a a2-sag3-ge-bi mu-zu im-dug im-lag hul sag3-ga-gu10 mer im ne3-gal2-la-gin7 dal-le-da-bi

    sza3 dab-ba-gu10-u8 la-ba-ab-dib-be2-en ni2 zi ir kur-re ba-ab-szum2-mu-un szesz gu5-li-gu10 szul (d)utu-am3 ki zi-sza3-gal2-la-ka igi mu-na-ni-du8 (d)szul-gi-me-en dalla e3-bi-a inim mu-un-da-bala-e-en dingir igi sa6 me3-ga2-a-kam szul (d)utu kur-ra ki ag2 (d)lamma (gesz)tukul-ga2-kam inim-ma-ni-sze3 ga-mu-un-kal-ge _la_ ga-mu-un-ne3-e me3 gesz gesz-e la2-a-ba (d)utu ga2-a-ar ma-an-e3 (gesz)tukul igi-nim-ma du10-ga2 bi2-tar sig-sze3 elam(ki)-ma gu3-ba gesz ma-ab-us2 ki-bala (gesz)tukul-ga2 a-na ba-zi-zi-ga

    nam-lu2-ulu3-bi sze sahar-ra-gin7 ki-en-gi ki-uri ha-ba-ni-du8 nig2 ak-a-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5 kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4 gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3 a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu nam-nun-da du-du-a-gu10-ne (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_| gesz hul (u2)|_zi&zi-lagab_| gesz hul zukum-ma-gu10-ne til-lu-ug til-lu-ug-da nig2-zi-gal2 edin-na dab5-dab5-be2-da-gu10-ne ur-mah ug uszumgal edin-na-ke4 me-da im-ti-ba me-a gen-na-ba gu3 nam-ur-sag-ga2-bi-ir edin-na ga2-la ha-ba-ni-dag-dag

    sze-er-tab-ta en-nu-ug3 ba-ra-bi2-ak a2 gesz-la2-a ba-ab-ak (gesz)tukul ba-ra-bi2-szub(ub) u4 zu2 ses-a-bi (uruda)szukur zi-ba he2-bi2-gar za-pa-ag2-bi-sze3 gaba-gu10 ba-ra-bi2-zi ge26-e tusz-gu10-sze3 ba-ra-ba-ta-gen-ne-en ur-sag ur-sag-e gaz-a-gin7 edin-na nig2 ul4-la-asz hu-mu-ni-ak gu3 szubtum5-ma ki giri3 ku5-da-ba edin-ba hu-mu-si-si-ig tur3 amasz ki sag bi2-in-bur2-bur2-ra sipa ildu2-ma-bi-ir su-bi hu-mu-du10 u4 me-da u4 ul-le2-a-sze3 ga-nam dili-bi ba-an-da-se3-ga lu2 nam-mu-un-szi-ib-be2

    ur-mah (gesz)tukul-la bi2-til-la-gu10 a-ra2-bi za3-bi-sze3 szid-bi ba-ra-zu nig2 ak-a-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5 kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4 gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3 a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu (d)szul-gi dingir nam-gurusz-a sag-kal erin2-na-me-en tir-ra sa i-ni-sa2 ti galam-ma i-ni-gid2 nig2 szu 2(man) a2-ta ri-a-ga2 (gesz)gag-pan he2-ni-ib-ri-en am gal gu4 an-na sun2 alim gu3 ib2-de2-de2-e kur-ur2-ra sag bala-e-da-bi a2 ne3-gal2-la-ga2 ti zu2 mu-ni-in-ri u3 ur5-re nig2 la-ga me-dim2

    zi-bi edin-na szub-szub-bu-da-bi an-za-gar3 libir-ra-gin7 hu-mu-szub(ub) sag-bi (gesz)naga3 hul-gin7 ki he2-bi2-tag ansze-edin-na-sze3 (gesz)es2-ad la-ba-nu2-en pu2 la-ba-ba-al-e (gesz)gag-u2-tag-ga la-ba-szi-gid2-en gaba-ri-gu10-gin7 du10 bi2-bur2 gaz tur-ba dur3 sal-la gaz-gin7-nam la-ba-szi-nigin2-nigin2-de3 szeg9-bar ne3-gal2-la edin-na kasz4 di-da-bi ur5-bi (gesz)gag-ta ba-ta-la2 a2 dili zi-ga-gu10 ki-a ba-ab-ha-za (gesz)gag-pan-ta zu2 kesz2-ga2 na-me im-ri-a 1(disz)-am3 lu2 na-ma-ta-e3-e

    _ab_-ru-um ki-iz-ru-um-ma _du_-a-gu10-ne (gesz)ilar sag3-ge-bi gal-zu-me-en gesz-nu11 an-ta szu bar-ra-gin7 kasz4 du11-bi nig2 bi2-ra-a-gu10 ki-bi nu-zi-zi-i nig2-gu2-un-na-sze3 da ba-ri-e (gesz)ellag nig2 an-na diri-ga-am3 tug2-gin7 im-ra-ra-an nig2-ur2-limmu2 nim-gin7 gir2-re-da a2-sag3 bi2-ib-szub(ub)-be2-en (d)szul-gi-me-en du10 szu bar-ra-gin7 masz am3-mi-ib2-dab5-be2-en a2-gu10 nig2 na-me la-ba-dab5-be2 ma-ga-tum ma-szum2 ki-giri3-gen-gu10 nig2 mu-un-gar-gar edin-ta du-gu10-ne nig2 mu-un-szi-la2-la2

    ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sun2-ka-ra dumu nig2 5(disz) nig2 1(u)-ni ge26-e-me-en nig2 ak-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5 kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4 gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3 a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu lugal-me-en ur-sag szu du7-a kalam-ma kur2-ra-am3 (d)szul-gi nir-gal2 usu gal-gal-la-me-en kal-ga-me-en nig2 sag nu-ge-me-en nig2-hul nu-zu-me-en i7-da (gesz)ma2-gur8-gu10 gu2 nu-mu-da-ga2-ga2 ansze erin2-na-gu10 zi-bi nu-mu-e-da-szub-be2 szesz gu5-li-gu10 szul (d)utu-gin7 za3-sze3 pirig-gin7 su8-su8-ge-ga2

    ansze sahar la2 ug-gin7 szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) gi4-a-ga2 szusz3 sa6-ga-bi-me-en dur3(ur3)-gin7 kasz4-a ne3-gu10 nu-silig-ge kasz4-ta e3-a-me-en du10 nu-kusz2-u3-me-en nam-te nu-gal2-me-en isisz-a gu4-gu4-u4-me-en inim-gu10 nig2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-dam mi2-gu10 di nig2-ge-na-ka ka-ga14 mu-szi-gal2 masz2-szu-gid2-gid2 dadag-ga-me-en giri3-gen-na inim uzu-ga-ka (d)nin-tu-bi ge26-e-me-en szu-luh-ha nam-iszib szu du7-de3 en-ra za3-mi2 di-de3 ge6-par4-sze3 hug-e lu2-mah nin-dingir sza3 ku3-ge pa3-da

    sig-sze3 sag ga2-ga2 nim-sze3 aga3-kar2 se3-ge e2 szu-nir-ra-ke4 gal2 tag4-tag4-x gesz-gid2-da a me3 tu5-tu5-x ki-bala-a-sze3 sa2 galam-ma ga2-ga2-x inim dingir-re-e-ne nig2 kal-kal-la-am3 sila4 babbar udu kin-gi4-a-ka inim-gar u3-bi2-gar-gar ki mu pa3-da-ba a esza ba-ni-de2 inim siskur2-ra-ka udu sa am3-mi-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4-in masz2-szu-gid2-gid2-gu10 na-ga2-ah-gin7 u6 mu-e udu sa-gi4-a szu-ga2 ma-an-dab sa6-ga hul-da la-ba-an-da-ha-ze2-en sza3 zalag ni2-ga2-me-en igi-gu10-ta i3-du-un

    a2 ag2-ga2 nig2 ki-szar2-ra-ka igi mu-na-ni-du8 nig2 ak-ga2 ni2-bi ga-bulug5 kal-ga-ga2 mu-bi a2 bi2-su3-u4 gesztu2-gu10 nig2 galam-ma su3-ga-am3 a-na-gu10 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba nu (d)szul-gi lugal uri5(ki)-ma-me-en u3 nam-nar-ra gu2-gu10 ha-na-szum2 nig2 na-me-bi la-ba-da-an-gib-en tigi a-da-ab nam-nar szu du7-a bur3 dagal-bi mu-zu gesz szu-kar2-ke4 sza3 bi2-ib-dab5 si ak-de3 a2 nu-mu-e-szi-ib-gaz-e-en zi-zi-i szu2-szu2-ba gesz mu-e-hur-hur (gesz)gu2-usz za-mi2-a kam-ma sa6-ga mi-ni-zu

    (gesz)sa-esz5 u3 sza3 nam-nar-ra-ka sza3 du-bu-la mi-ni-zu (gesz)mi-ri2-tum nig2 e2 si-ga-ke4 szu mu-un-gid2-gid2-de3 (gesz)al-gar (gesz)sa-bi2-tum in-dim2 lugal-la aga szu-si mu-ni-zu (gesz)ur-za-ba-bi2-tum (gesz)har-har (gesz)za-na-ru (gesz)ur-gu-la (gesz)dim3-lu2-ma2-gur8-ra ne-gin7 gu3 mi-ni-e3 dumu nar-ra szu tam-tam-ma-gin7 gesz-gu3-di gesz la-ba-ra-ab-tuku-a ki-gu10-usz lu2 mu-ni-ib-_du_-x x u3-ne-en sza3-bi ba-zu-zu nig2 u4-bi-sze3 szu-ga2 gal2-la-gin7 ba-e-de3-ga2-ga2-de3-x

    ad pa3-de3 gid2-i tu-lu ge-na szu-ga2 la-ba-ra-e3 gi-di gi sipa-gin7 nu-um-me szumun-sza4 mur sza4-e i-si-isz ga2-ga2 sza3 ge sag us2-bi-gin7 i3-zu hul2-hul2-le-me-en du10-du10-ge-me-en giri17-zal nam-nun-na u4 zal-zal-le-me-en lu2-u18-lu ni2-te-a-ni-sze3 gesztu2 he2-ga2-ga2 nig2-bi nig2 igi nigin2-na-ka za3 nam-ti-la sag im-gi4-a ze2 kur nam-gu2-ka3-ka lu2 la-ba-an-tag4-tag4-e kal-ga ne3-ni-ta nir-gal2-la-me-en mu mah-a-ni-ta nir-gal2-e nig2 he2-em-gu-ul-gu-ul-e a-na-asz ba-ni-ib-la2-e

    ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sun2-na-ra ama na-an-da-u3-tu hul2-hul2-le-ga2 du10-du10-ge-ga2 a-sila3-gar-ra-gu10 mi2-esz2 ma-ni-in-du11 nig2-lul-la ka-ga14 nu-un-gal2 munus-e tur-ra szu nu-bar-re e2-gal-ga2 nig2-hul2-hul2-la u4 mi-ni-ib2-zal-zal-e (d)szul-gi-me-en ti-la u4 su3-ra2-ka nig2 mi-ni-ib-gu-ul-gu-ul-lu-ga2 lugal-me-en u4 nam-gu10 ba-tar-ra-ta ti-la ur5 sa6-ge nig2 gu-ul-gu-ul-lu-ga2 igi (d)utu dumu (d)nin-gal-la-ka-sze3 ba-ra-ma-ni-la2 lugal-me-en u4 ti-la su3-ra2-sze3

    szer3 zu-gu10-gin7 inim zu-gu10-gin7 nig2 sag gi4-a mul-an-bi-me-en ni2 sag-ki e2-gal ge-ne2-dam sag-gag gi-ninda iri(ki) du3-du3-u3-dam ni2 sag-ki-gu10 a-ba-da-ab-gal2-la-am3 kur-kur (gesz)kab-gin7 a-ba-da-ab-gal2-en-na ni2 me-lam2 (gesz)kar2 se3-se3 szu-ga2 (gesz)rab3-gin7 kalam-ma a-ba-da-gal2-le-na nam-tag-ga sag3-ge du8-u3-bi mu-zu inim-ma gal-gal-la silim-zu gal2-la-me-en a e3-a-gin7 gu3 gal u4 gal u4 a x x hi-il-zum(ki) dab5-be2 elam um-szi-x a2-gal2 inim-ma-bi-ir gaba-ri-ni mu-zu

    dumu ki-en-gi(ki)-ra numun-ba ge26-e-me-en ur-sag ki-en-gi(ki)-ra ur-sag ge26-e-me-en

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-asz lu2 kur ge6-ge6-ga-ke4
  • ge26-e-me-en gu3 mu-na-de2-e

  • 4(disz)-kam-ma-asz mar-tu lu2 kur-ra A x x
  • eme bala-e mu-un-da-an-gub-be2 ge26-e eme-ni-ta inim-inim kilib-ba-ni si mu-un-na-ab-sa2-e

  • 5(disz)-kam-ma-asz su-bir4(ki)-a |_u-nam-kur_| gu3 ra
  • eme-na dumu iri-na nu-me-en-na inim ba-an-di-ni-ib-kar-re di ki-en-gi(ki)-ke4 si sa2-da-gu10-ne

  • 5(disz)-bi eme-bi ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4-in
  • e2-gal-ga2 kasz4 inim bala-e eme-e li-bi2-du3-e di-til-la-ga2 sza3 usz im-gu7 gal-zu nam-lugal an-ta-gal2-bi-me-en ukken gar-ra-gu10 ug3 sag se3-ga-gin7 nimgir gal si gu3 _sa_ gu3-bi-a ni2 sza3-ga szub-bu-de3 ad gi4-gi4-da inim szar2-szar2-dam pu-uh2-ru-um(ki) nam tar-tar-re-de3 szagina-gu10-ne-er ad gi4-gi4 mu-un-zu inim szar2-szar2 mu-zu inim i7-gin7 unu2-ba suh-ra-ba szer7-da sag i3-tum2-tum2-ga2 ma-da gal-gal-ga2 suhusz ma-ab-ge-en-ge-en inim-ta (gesz)tukul-gin7 iri lah5-me-en

    nam-kal-ga sag-izi bar7-a-gin7 ama tuku nu-me-en sza3 inim-ma mu-zu inim-gu10 sag i3 li inim-ma-kam sza3 izi-gin7 bar7-a sze17-bi mu-zu ka gesz-gi-gin7 izi-ba szum2-ma te-en-te-en-bi mu-zu inim-gu10 lu2-inim-ma diri-ga ki mu-un-szi-ib-la2-e nig2 kal-kal-la ge26-e lu2-bi-me-en sun5-na dugud-bi sag-bi ma-kal nig2 na-me-ga2 la-ba-da-kar2-kar2-re-de3 inim an-na inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ta zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra-ka giri17 szu sza-ba-gal2 ga2-la nu-dag-ge musz3 nu-tum2-mu-bi-me-en dingir-re-e-ne gub-bu in-ga-zu

    (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne sza3 sze17-de3 mu-zu (d)szul-gi nam-nun-na gu2 gal pesz11-a-me-en nig2 gal-gal-la a-ba-da-gal2-le-en-na sza3-ga2 hul2-la a-ba-da-gal2-la nig2 ga2-la dag-dag-ge bar-sze3 nu-szub-be2-me-en ur5-gin7 gid2-gid2 sag gal2-a-me-en a2 ki-lul-la nu-mu-szi-ag2-ga2 a-gar3 gal-gal-e gu2 mu-un-szum2 gan2-ne2 gan2 zi-de3 gesz mu-ni-in-du3 du6 sag e pa5-re a2 szum2-mu-me-en i3 gal-gal-me-en siki gal-gal-me-en gu nam-gu10 mah sze nam-gu10 mah enmen2 sza3-gar dingir-re-e-ne-ka sza3-zarah ma-ab-gu-ul-gu-ul

    (d)szul-gi-me-en zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en lugal bad-bad-ra2 gaba-ri nu-tuku-me-en in-ga-ab-be2-en nig2-gu10 nig2 gal-am3 lugal-me-en a-na-gu10 szu ba-ab-te-ge26-e gesztu2 a2 diri nam-si-sa2-gu10-usz inim ge-na nig2 nu-ha-lam-e-gu10-usz (d)isztaran-gin7 di ku5-ru gal-zu-gu10-usz (d)en-lil2-le a2 ug3 lu-a-na mu-da-an-ag2-ga2-ta uri he2-em dumu ki-en-gi-ra he2-em ki gu-ti-um(ki) lu2 i-(d)utu he2-em lugal u4 ul-le-a 1(disz)-ra sza3-gu10 nig2-a2-zi ba-ra-mu-un-na-ta-ab-de6 nam-lu2-ulu3 us2-a an-ta se3-ga-ta

    gesztu2 dab5-ba-ba na-ga2-ah-bi nu-me-en-na en3-du u4-bi-ta libir-ra ul-le2-a tigi za-am-za-am szu szi-tum2-mu-de3 u4 na-me lul-sze3 ba-ra-bi2-pa3 ka-ge ba-ra-bi2-gi4 nig2 libir-ra-bi en he2-bi-tar-tar szub-bu-de3 ba-ra-bi2-szum2 tigi za-am-za-am ki di-bi nig2 na-me gesztu2-ga he2-ni-us2 szer3-gid2-da-bi e2 du10-ga-ga2 pa e3 ha-ba-ni-ak nig2 szu-ta ba-ra-szub-bu-da-bi szu nam-nar-ra-ke4 he2-bi2-la2-la2 sza3 kalam-ma-ke4 izi zal-gin7 he2-bi2-ak a-na ab-tuku ur5-re ib2-hul a-ba nam-ti an-na ba-e-e3

    u4 me-da u4 ul-le2-a-sze3 lu2 (d)en-lil2-la2 mu-un-zi-zi-i tukum-bi ge26-e-gin7-nam lugal si sa2-am3 mi2 szu12 szer3 nam-ku3-zu-gu10 a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 ki-giri3-gen-na-gu10 lugal-bi-ir e2-gal du10-ga-na he2-na-an-us2 nig2 in-na-du10-ga sza3-sze3 he2-na-gid2 mi2-ga2 usu-bi he2-en-zi-zi-i szer3-ga2 a-la-bi he2-en-tum2-tum2-mu gesztu2 gal-gal-gu10 ur5-da hu-mu-na-ak kal-ga nig2 in-da-se3-ge-da-gin7 ki a2-na la-ba-ni-ib-gal2-la-am3 nig2-nam-gu10-u8 szu ha-ba-an-sag3-sag3-ge me-tesz2 hu-mu-i-i

    mu du10-ga-gu10 he2-en-pa3-pa3-de3 tukum-bi sza3-ga-ni nig2-erim2 mu-e-szi-ib2-tum3 nig2 na-me-ga2 sag ba-an-sag3 lu2 a2 zi-ga-bi-ir (d)nanna di he2-en-e (d)utu sag-izi-e szu he2-en-da-ab-ri-e lugal-bi ki-giri3-gen-na he2-du inim-ma-ni al-ze2-er un-ga-ti u4 ti-la-ni-a nig2 usu-na he2-en-ak en3-du me-da tum3 lugal-me-en in-ga-zu-a-ta nig2-me-gar gu3 i3-de2 gesztu2-gesztu2-ga diri-ga-gu10-sze3 um-mi-a-gin7 mu libir-ra-gu10-sze3 nig2-umun2-a en3-du-gu10 he2-en-pa3-de3 mul-an he2-u3-tu

    sig-sze3 uri5(ki)-ma ki sikil-la bi2-mu2 e2-|_gesz-pi-tug2-an-nisaba_| mul en3-du-ga2-ka nim-sze3 nibru(ki)-a ki-gal-la bi2-gub szu12 e2-kur-ra ki he2-us2-sa-gu10-usz dub-sar he2-gub szu-ni he2-eb-dab5-be2 nar he2-gub gu3 hu-mu-un-ne2-re-de2 e2-dub-ba-a da-ri2 hur nu-kur2-ru-dam ki-umun2 da-ri2 hur nu-silig-ge-dam gesztu2 dab5-ba-gu10 i3-ne-esz2 ne-e ur5-ra-am3 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba ki-szar2-ra giri3-gen-na inim en3-du-ga2-kam a-na mu-szi-gal2-la an (d)en-lil2 (d)utu (d)inanna lul ba-ra-na he2-ge-en

    u3 nam-erim2-e lu2 na-an-ga-am3-me u4 ne-e mu-sar-ra-gu10-a iri nu-mu-un-gul-la bad3 nu-mu-un-se3-ga-gu10 kur gi-sig-gin7 nu-mu-un-dub2-ba-gu10 ar2 za3 li-bi2-til-til-la-gu10 a-na-gin7-nam nar-e en3-du-a mu-szi-ga2-ga2-a nig2-umun2-a sag-kal mu da-ri2-kam nig2-lul nig2-ge-na nu-me-a sar-re-bi a-na-gin7-nam lugal-me-en a2-ga2 (d)lamma-bi kal-ga-na szer3-bi-im ki-giri3-gen-na-gu10 nar-e mu-szi-in-gar en3-du-gu10 nig2 nu-ha-lam-e-de3 inim-gu10 nig2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-de3 ge26-e lugal kalam-ma du10-ga-me-en

    numun ba-i-i-ta za3 ug3 lu-a-sze3 lugal nig2-ga2 nig2 bi2-in-se3-ga-am3 aga-ni an-ne2 ba-ra-ba-ta-an-il2 gidri-ni bara2 nam-lugal-la-ta ba-ra-ba-ta-e11-de3 kal-ga nam-ku3-zu gesztu2 szum2-ma-me-en nig2 gal-gal-ga2 za3-bi til-la pirig igi (uruda)szukur-ra ga-rasz(sar)-gin7 szab-szab-e nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|) szu zi-ga igi (gesz)ga-rig2-ak gi-gin7 sza5-sza5-dam zi-bi ur-gi7-gin7 (uruda)dur10-usz _ne_-_ne_-ga sun2 usu gal-gal gu4 a2 nu-gi4-a gu4 kur-bi-sze3 _du_-ba edin-na mi-ni-gaz-za kur-ba szu-a bala-e-da-bi

    hur-sag nig2 sza3-ge nu-gid2-i-gin7 sza3-ge szu nu-te-ge26-e-gin7 ib2-ak inim ib2-ta-|_du-du_| i-gi4-in-zu lul na-nam ki nam-dub-ba inim dugud-dugud-da-bi nam-ku3-zu-gu10 nam-kal-ga-gu10 a2 gal2 tak4-a ki silim-esz2 di-ga2 mu-un-zu-a-na nu-mu-un-[...]-na nig2-ge-na-gu10 nig2-lul-la-gin7 szu tesz2-a mu-un-ru-gu2 ka tar-ra mu-un-si-il-le ur-sag kal-ga-ni kal-ga rib-ba-me-en (d)szul-gi gissu-a-ni kur-ra la2-a-me-en lugal (gesz)tukul a-_ru_-ub ki-bala-na ge26-e-me-en mu da-ri2-gu10 a2 gal bi2-su3-u4

    kur dumu ki-en-gi-ra nu-zu-ba sa-dur2 kaskal-bi-sze3 szu la-ba-gal2-la-ba za3-ba ka-inim-ma lu2 nu-gub-gub-ba szesz di4-di4-la2 lu2-inim-ma-be2-ne dumu-sag inim u3-tu szer3 kad4 inim kad4-bi-im szer3-ga2 mul-an-gin7 gu3 im-de2-e-ne inim-gu10-ta x-gin7 ki im-tag-tag-ge-ne [...] buru5(muszen) _du_-a-gin7 [...]-da la-ba-an-du11 [...] za3 til-la-me-en [...] x-ba nir-gal2-me-en [...]-a mu-da-an-zu [...] _gar_ [...] su3-u4-da x x x x x ge26-e-me-en x x x tag-tag-da-bi e2-bi-a lu2 si sa2-bi kun4 dib-be2-me-en

    lu2 mu pa3-da (d)nanna-me-en sag us2 e2 (d)en-lil2-ka ama-a-tu an-na-me-en (d)szul-gi-me-en e2-gu10 e2-hur-sag e2-gal e2-gal-bi-im ki-tusz nam-lugal-ga2 za3-mi2 gal-gal-la-kam hur-sag za-gin3-na-gin7 sza-ba-an-galam-en (d)inanna nin dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 a2-ga2 (d)lamma-bi-im kal-ga-ga2 szer3-bi-im lugal-lugal-e-ne-er diri-ga-me-en nig2 ki-szar2-ra-ke4 szu mi-ni-in-du7 za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3 (d)nisaba za3-mi2

    AI Translation

    king, his name to the horizon, he made visible. Shulgi, king of Ur, his strength is his strength, his supplication is his greatness. His name is his eternal name. In the midst of the balabala, after the day has passed, he will take the hand. The mighty, son of Ninsun, his ears are attentive to him. His strength is his strength, he is able to make good decisions. His heart is a good thing, he will make it abundant. King, father, king, sister, I am the lady. Shulgi, I am the daughter, who has been born in the right heart, the good fate,

    The scribe of Sumer and Akkad has a scribe, but he has not sworn it. Like a child, he has not sworn it. A scribe has not sworn it in the place of your holy name. He has sworn it. The shudum rites have been completed. Ningal, the good one, Nisaba, has spoken widely. I am the scribe who has not sworn anything. Like a lion, my life has been made joyful like a donkey. Like a strong horse, the heart of An has been made joyful. Like my ala, Enlil has spoken truely.

    I stood on the neck of all the lands. My weapon was there in the thick of battle. My akar-demon was there in the thick of battle. I was there in the battlefield. I spoke to Enlil, saying: "My mother, my troops, was there in the thick of battle. My i.e., the field was brightened. I am the weapon that carries the axe. I am the szukur-snake, the masatum-snake, I am the one who carries the sag weapon. I am the one who carries the sag weapon. My evildoer, like a lion, is smashed like a lion.

    My heart did not cease to tremble, my heart did not give birth to my heart. True fear was given to the lands. My brother, Utu, looked at the place of abundance. Shulgi, you are the one who has seen the light of battle. I am the god who has seen the good face of battle. I am the one who loves Utu in the lands. I am the protective lamma of my weapon. I shall speak to him, I shall speak to him. I shall make the battles and battles of battle. Utu will be able to fight with the weapons of the enemy. In the thick of battle, Elam will be able to fight with my weapons. In the land of battle, my weapons will be able to fight.

    Its people, like a grain heaped up in the dust, have been seized in Sumer and Akkad. My mighty words have been uttered, my ears have been uttered, my ears have been uttered, my ears have been uttered, my ears have been uttered, my ears have been uttered, my lordly utterances have not been uttered, my suckling

    The shertab-demon was not able to keep watch, the axe was not able to cut off the weapon, the storm was not able to bring about its defeat, the storm was not able to bring about its defeat, the storm was not able to bring about its defeat, the storm was not able to bring about its defeat, the woman was not able to sit down on her bed, the hero was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion, he was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar was a lion whose roar

    My lion with weapons has finished its battle, its battles have been fought. My mighty weapon has been seized, its name has been smashed. My intelligence is something that is a great stele. My name is something that is not a stele. Shulgi, god of the youth, chief of the troops, I am a mountain that is a mountain. I have been a mountain that has been a mountain. I have been a mountain that has been a mountain. I have been a stele that has been a two-man army. I have been a stele that has been a stele. I have been a great bull, a sun-god, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion, a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is a lion whose head is

    The 'righteous' of the steppe, the 'righteous' of the steppe, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the steppe, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the 'righteous' of the midst, the midst

    I am the abrassus of the kizrum. I am the sagge-demon, your great axe. Like a scepter from above, I am the messenger who has smashed it. I have smashed it, but its place has not been smashed. I have smashed it. Like a lion's horn, I have smashed it. Like a lion's horn, I have smashed it. Like a lion's horn, I have smashed it like a lion's horn. Shulgi has smashed it like a lion's horn. My horn is not smashed. I have smashed it like a lion's horn. I have smashed it like a lion's horn. I have smashed it like a lion's horn. I have smashed it like a lion's horn. I have smashed it like a lion's horn.

    My mother Ninsun, my 5 children, I am the 5th one, I am the 10th one, I am the one who has done something, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the hero who has smashed the land, I am Shulgi, the great hero, I am the one who has sinned against it, I am the one who has not sinned against it, I am the one who has not sinned against it, I am the one who has not smashed my boat, I have not smashed my donkeys and troops, I have not smashed my brother, my brother, like the youth of Utu, like the smite of the pirig,

    I am a sahar-equid, like a lion, I am a sweet dog, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, I am a lion, my words are not to be altered from the mouth, my words are not to be altered from the mouth, I am a szugidgi

    I want to go to the top, I want to go to the north, I want to go to the east, I want to go to the house of the shunir, I want to go to the geshgida, I want to go to the ... of the enemy land, I want to go to the ... of the gods, I want to make the white lambs and sheep for the kingi ceremony a thing of the mighty, I want to make the white lambs of the sag water of the esha. I want to make the kingid ritual a sheep for the sag

    My command, the thing of the netherworld, I have seen. My mighty name, I have sworn by my strength. My ears, the things of the netherworld, are my ears. My words, the things of the netherworld, I am not Shulgi, king of Ur, and my narrator, I shall give to him. My words cannot be changed. The tigi, the one who gives orders, the narrator, whose broad intestines are smashed, whose name is a shite, I have seized. I have seized the shite, I have not slandered it. I have smashed the ziggurrat, I have smashed the ziggurrat, I have smashed the zamû-throne, I have smashed the zamû-throne,

    The sa'esh and the heart of the narrator are in the midst of the dubu. The mirish, the thing of the house, is in the midst of the shug. The algar and the sabitum are in the midst of the king. The crown is in the midst of the sash. The urzababitum, the harhar, the zanaru, the urgu, and the dimlu-magur are in the midst of the narrator. Like a child of the narrator, the szu of the sea, the scepter is not a scepter. My place is a man. He is ..., he is ...,

    The ad is a scribal art, it is a scribal art, it is not a scribal art. Like a reed, it is not like a shepherd's reed, it is a reed that is not a reed. Like a shumun-sha-disease, it is a sighing mur. I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a man, whose sighing man is a sighing murmur, I am a man, whose sighing man is a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a sighing murmur, I am a screaming murmur, I am a scream of a s

    My mother Ninsuna, my mother who gives birth to me, is joyfully rejoicing, is pleasant, my asila-gara is pleasant, is not a rumor of evil, she does not open her mouth, she does not open her hand to the young woman, in my palace is happiness, she is a day of happiness, she is Shulgi, she is a life of long days, she is a life of long days, she is a life of long days, she is a king, when my fate has been determined, she is a life of good, she is a life of long days, she is before Utu, the son of Ningal, she is a king, she is a life of long days.

    Like my ear, like my ear, like a reed-plant, I am the one who carries the radiance of the sun, I am the one who brings the head to the palace, I am the one who makes the ginda offerings of the city plentiful, I am the one who brings the head to the city, I am the one who brings the head to the lands, I am the one who brings the aura of the scepter, I am the one who brings the scepter to the country, I am the one who brings the scepter to the land, I am the one who brings the stag to the land, I am the one who brings the scepter to the land, I am the one who brings the great words to you, I am the one who brings the great storm, the great storm, the storm that ... Hiilzum, I have taken away, I have taken away the Elamites, I have gathered together his forces,

    I am a citizen of Sumer, I am a seed-bearing citizen of Sumer, I am a citizen of Sumer.

  • 3rd man, the black-headed man,
  • I am a man, I say to him:

  • 4th ram, Amorite man, .
  • He sat down to speak with his tongue, and he spoke with his tongue.

  • 5th eponym year of Subir, Unamkur, .
  • The words of the lord, the son of his city, are not to be changed. The judges of Sumer are my judges.

  • 5 of them have returned to their tongues.
  • I am the one who has a palace, who has a messenger, who has a bala-offering, who has a bala-offering, who has a bala-offering, who has a great heart, who has a kingship, I am the one who has a kingship, like a sag-headed people, like a great hero, whose voice is a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who has a snare, who

    I am the mighty, like a fire blazed on the ground, I do not have a mother, I am the one who has a word, I am the one who has a word, I am the one who has a word, I am the one who has a fire blazed on the ground, I am the one who has a mouth, like a reed-flying reed, I am the one who has a word, I am the one who has a bitter word, I am the one who has a bitter word, I am the one whose head is heavy, I am the one whose head is a mighty thing, I am the one who has no rival, I am the one who has no rival, I am the one who has no rival, I am the one who stands before the gods,

    The Anuna gods, your name is Shulgi, I am the great princely one, I am the great thing that is there, I am the great thing that is there, I am the great thing that is there, I am the one who is there, I am the one who is there, I am the one who is there, I am the one who is there, I am the one who is there, I am the one who does not fall into a rut, I am the one who does not fall into a rut, I am the one who does not give up the rut, I am the one who gives the great fields, I build the fields, I build the fields with a good foundation, I am the one who gives up the rut, I am the one who gives up the great oil, I am the one who gives up the great wool, I am the one who makes the enmen, the enmen of the gods, flourish,

    Shulgi, I am the righteous one of Sumer, I am the king who has no rival, I am the king who has no rival, my property is the great thing, I am the king, I have no rival, my intelligence is the greater than my strength, my speech is the greater than my strength, Ishtaran has made my judgments great like the sage Enlil, who has sworn by the hand of his people, Ur may he make great, the son of Sumer may he make great, the place of Gutium may he make great, the king, since distant days, my heart has been smitten with a single thing, the people, from above,

    Those who are seized by the ears of the satrap are not me. I have been entrusted with the remission of debts. From that day on, the old tigi trembled. The old tigi trembled. The old trembled. The gate was not opened. The old thing was thrown into the reed bed. The old thing was given to the lord. The old thing was given to him. The old thing was given to him. The old tigi trembled. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him. The old thing was to be given to him.

    When the storm came, when Enlil was roaring, he was roaring like a lion. The king was a good one, my king was a good one, my kingship was good. My warriorship was at his feet. He sat in his good palace. He sat in his heart, he sat in his heart. He sat in his strength, he sat in his ear. He sat in his ear, he sat in his midst. My great intelligence was sung, he sung. Like a strong man, he sung in his place, he sung in his ear. My life was sung, he sung in his ear.

    I shall make my good name known. If his heart has been shattered by evil, I shall make my name known. The man who has sinned against me shall be slighted by Nanna. May Utu strike him with a lightning bolt. May his king be slandered at his feet. May his words be uttered. At the time of his life, something of strength shall be established. I shall make the king's name known. From your incantation, something of strength shall be established. My intellect shall be sharpened, my intelligence shall be sharpened, and my scribal arts shall be sharpened. May the star of heaven be sharpened.

    he made the earth pure for me in the midst of Ur. In the E-geshpi-tug-an-isaba, the star of the enunciation, he set it up for me in the east in Nippur. I sat down in the E-kur. I sat down in his hands. I sat down in his hands. I sat down in the singer's voice. The scribes of the E-dub, forever, the unchanging terrain, forever, the unchanging terrain, my intelligence was seized. Now, I am a slanderer of the utterances of the world. I am the one who sat on the throne of the world. To the one who sat down in the E-geshpi-tug-an-isaba, the star of the Endug ritual, may An, Enlil, Utu, and Inanna not be forgotten.

    And I am the one who does not fear the enemy, when my inscription is written, I do not destroy the city, I do not destroy the wall, I do not bury the mountain like a reed-bed, I do not bury my limbs in the ground like a lion, I am the one who entrusted it to the singer, I am the one who carries out the rites, the one who carries out the rites forever, I am the one who does not commit crimes, I am the one who entrusted it to the singer, I am the one who entrusted it to the singer, I am the one who entrusted it to the singer, I am the one who entrusted it to the singer, I am the king of the country, I am the one who makes the rites and words not to be forgotten, I am the one who makes the king of the country happy

    The seed was taken away from the people, and the king seized the property. His lordship was taken away from An. His scepter was taken away from the dais of kingship. I am the mighty, who gives wisdom, who gives great things to you. Its right side was like a lion's face, like a szukur weapon. Its left side was like a lion's face, like a pig's head, like a lion's head, its right side was like a dog's head, it was a large sag weapon. Great strength, great strength, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, oxen, he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., ...

    Like a mountain range that cannot be smitten, like a place that cannot be touched, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has been destroyed, it has not been reconstructed, it has not been reconstructed, it has not been reconstructed, it has not been reconstructed, it has not been reconstructed, it has been my mighty warrior, it has been reconstructed, it has been reconstructed, it has been reconstructed, it has been reconstructed, it is Shulgi, his shield, he has not been reconstructed, it is king, the weapon that has been seized in his land, it is my forever name, it is my great strength that has been reconstructed

    The land, which is not the son of Sumer, is not a sadur-man, it is a road that has no route. Its border is not a word, it is a word that no one stands by. The brother who is speaking to the brother is the one who speaks. The first-born, the word of the birth-mother, the word of the birth-mother, the word of the birth-mother, the word of the birth-mother, like the star of heaven, they speak. Like my word, they are not uttered on the ground. I am a bird, ... I am a nirgal ... I am a ...

    I am the man chosen by Nanna, the head of the wall of the temple of Enlil, the mother of An, I am Shulgi. My house, the Ehursag, the palace, the palace, the residence of my kingship, is a great splendor. Like a lapis lazuli mountain, I am Inanna, the lady of the gods, whose command and mighty lamma are the greatest, my kings are the distant ones. They have made everything perfect for me. My praise is good, Nisaba praises

    P469699: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    lugal-me-en3 am a2 pa3-da-me-en3 pirig ka du8-ha-me-en3 szul-gi-me-en3 am a2 pa3-da-me-en3 pirig ka du8-ha-me-en3 u4 gal an-ta szu ba-ra-gin7 me-lam2 su3-su3-me-en3 a zi gu4 ninda2 a ru-a-gin7 sag bar gun3-gun3-me-en3 lugal ab2-szilam-e tu-da i3 ga-a ne-ha-me-en3 amar ab2 babbar2-ra gu2 pesz-sza tur3-ra bulug3-ga2-me-en3 tug2-ba13 kun2-kun2 mu4 u3-luh-ha su3-su3 _ka_-_ka_-e du7-me-en3 sipa zi nig2-si-sa2-da hul2-la nig2-erim2-ma usan3 bar-us2-bi ge26 in-ga-me-en3

    za3 sa6-sa6 pirig szu zi-ga (gesz)tukul-e he2-du7-me-en3 szita2 za-gin3 (gesz)silig-ga szu du8 szu-si gid2-gid2 nig2-kesz2 bad-bad gir2 nagga u3-sar ak-me-en3 husz-husz me3 gaba-gal2-bi szen-szen-na eme su3-su3-e-me-en3 musz-husz kur-re eme e3-de3-me-en3 uszumgal lu2-sze3 gu2 kur2 di-me-en3 ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ga du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne nam-lu2-a mu-e11-de3-na-ta

    amar gu4 mu he2-gal2-la-ka tu-da u4 nam-he2 du11-ga ga zi gu7-a-me-en3 sag-gu10 men-na dalla im-ma-ni-e3 iri-gu10 (d)utu-gin7 ba-ta-e3-en3 sza3-ba ki bi2-la2 e2-temen-ni2-guru3 me ki us2-sa gug-a nam-nun-ni mu-ni-ib2-si-nam sag mu-tag szu-luh nam-lugal-la2-ka szu gal mu-ni-du7 eridu(ki)-ta a nam-iszib-ba-ka ni2-gu10 mi-ni-dadag gesztug3 7(disz)-bi mu-da-su8-su8-ge-esz2 sza3 tug2-ba13 la2 hi-li guru3-guru3-me-en3 ga2-la nu-mu-un-ta-dag-ge-ne ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne

    sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne e2 gesztug3 igi-gal2 kalam-ma-ka szul-gi lugal ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 umun2 zi ak-me-en3 szu-gu10-u3 gi ku3-ga si mi-ni-ib2-sa2 _im gar_ sig-a-da gu3 di-di kur2-kur2-ra ad sza ga2-ga2-ga2 |_ka_xX|-|_ka_xX| _di_ ak gu-gin7 si-il-si-le2-bi x x nig2-gur11 an-ga-lam-ma-sze3 dal-la-bi x ku3 gan2 ku3-ga esz2 za-gin3 a-sza3-ge ra-ra-da buru14 he2-gal2-la szu il2-il2-da gu sag sze sag-ga2 _gu7 di_-bi

    al (gesz)u3-szub a2-ba gesz ga2-ga2 gesz-hur usz ki tag masz-dara3 ki-gal-lum-ma sag tag-ga szu gal du7-a-me-en3 dub za-gin3-na pa mu-ni-e3 szudum nig2-szid gesz-hur kalam-ma-ka igi-gal2 szum2-mu-bi a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne ka sa6 nundum-ma-na ti-la-me-en3 sza3-gu10 dub gal-gal gesz-hur x x inim-ma musz-bi du3 [...]

    _di_ a2-gal2-la-ta lu2 x x a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu pu-hu-ru-um ki ad mah gi4-gi4-da ug3 sag-ge6 gu2 si-a-ga2 sukkal-e inim kur-kur-ra gesz la-la-da-bi inim zu ukken-ta igi sag-ga2 gu4 sag ki x ka tesz2-sze3 tag-tag-gin7 gaba-ri inim-ma i3-[...] gu4-gin7 gu3 nun [...]-du11 e-re-bu-um x [...] _ka_-ta [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x-gu10-u [...] x he2-em-ga-am3-szi-in-ak-ak-esz2 ge26-e sipa nam ku5-ra2-ne2-e di zi ga2-ga2-ga2 in-ga-me-na-ta

    nig2 ge-ge-na-asz gu4 gal-gal-gin7 a2 im-szi-ni-dab5-ba-am3 nig2-erim2-sze3 musz ki sumur-ra-gin7 eme im-szi-e3 x x lu2 si sa2-ra la-ba-ta-an-ul4-ul4 lu2 a2 zi-ga-ra la-ba-ta-_nigin_ [...] ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne mas-su ki-en-gi-ra ti-la-me-en3 gesz-hur di ak-a kin-ga2-me-en3 iri ma-da ki-bala gu2-erim2-ma mu-da-gub-ba-gu10-sze3

    zi-zi-ga sig-ta nigin2-na-gu10 lu2-u3 um-ta-gi _ka_ x x an-na ma-_ne_-_ne_ e2-gal mah ki nam tar-re-ga2 sila4 dadag-ga szu u3-ma-ni-gi zi-da _da_-bi-e nig2 sa6-ga ma-ab-de6 (gesz)gu-za mah-gu10-u3 a-ba-da-ab-nigin2-ne2 x x (gesz)tukul sag3-ga (gesz)tukul nu-sag3-ga-ba e2 ki-tusz ki ga2-ra-gu10-ta mu-zu sza3-ta (d)nin-tu gal-zu nig2-nam-ma in-ga-me-na-ta uzu-ga ki dadag-ga-ba geszkim mu-ni-zu sag bul-e ki _di_ nu-se3-ge-be2-e en-nu-ug3 im-ma-ak-e-en3 en musz nig2-nam-ma _pu_-_pu_-re-me-en3

    i3-gid2 nig2-na de5-ga kur7-re a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu igi-gu10-ta ensi kalam-ma-me-en3 sza3-gu10 (d)isztaran kur-kur-ra-me-en3 szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 szesz gu5-li-gu10 (d)gilgamesz2-gin7 zi-du mu-zu erim2-du mu-zu zi-du si sa2-am3 igi-gu10-sze3 in-dib-e erim2-du lu2 hul-gal2 _ne_-ma-a bi2-in-tum2-mu sza3-ge du11-ga eme-a ga2-ra-a a-ba-a ge26-gin7 bur2-bur2-bi mu-zu ur-sag-me-en mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne sipa-me-en szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne

    za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne ku3-zu gesztu2 dagal in-ga-me-na-ta [...] x du11-ga he2-ni-gal2 x x x x |_ka_xX| x x x tesz2-bi i3-x x x ki-en-gi-ra x x [...] x x x ki-en-gi-ra nam-tar-ra [...] x x x _ku_ a2 x _ba a_-_a ba du_ [...] eme mar-tu nig2 eme-gi-ra-gin7 he2-en-ga-zu-am3 x x x lu2 kur-ra hur-sag-ta du x silim ha-ma-ne2-esz2 eme mar-tu-a inim hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4? eme elam nig2 eme-gi-ra-gin7 he2-en3-ga-zu-am3 x x elam(ki)-ma nidba x x-bur10-bur10-re-esz2

    silim ha-ma-ne2-esz2 eme elam-ma inim hu-mu-ne-ni-gi4 [...] [...] x x [...] am-si x x x [...] ak geszpu2 liru3-ma [...]-me-en3 sipa-me-en3 szu-si gid2-gid2-da x x x _da_ mi-ni-_dar_ kisal mah-a ki me3-gin7 a-ba ba-ni-gi4 ur-sag gal-gal kalam-ma-ke4-ne kal-ga lu2 a2-tuku kur-kur-ta igi sag-ga2-ne lu2-kar ki-en-gi-ra-ke4-ne szu gaba-ri du10 bad tuku#-ne kiszib-la2-gu10-u3 kab2 mu-da-x-du11 gu4 du3-gin7 dur2-bi-ta mu-gi4-esz liru3-ta u3-su-tuku i3-me-nam geszpu2 x-ta a2-gal2 i3-me-nam

    szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 lu2 nu-mu-da-sa2-me-en3 ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-in-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-me-ne du10 bad-bad ki giri3 gub sa6-me-en

    AI Translation

    king I am the one who directs the army, I am the one who directs the lion's mouth, I am Shulgi I am the one who directs the army, I am the one who directs the lion's mouth, I am the one who directs the great storm from above like a hand that has smashed the radiance of the sun, I am the one who gives birth to the righteous water, like a ox, I am the one who gives birth to the righteous water, I am the king who gives birth to the white cow, I am the one who gives birth to the white cow, I am the one who gives birth to the white cow, I am the one who gives birth to the white cow, I am the one who gives birth to the righteous, I am the one who gives birth to the righteous, I am the one who gives birth to the righteous shepherd, I am the one who rejoices over evil, I am the one who gives birth to the sunset, I am the one who gives birth to the sunset,

    I am the one who makes the good omen shine like a pirig's hand, who makes the weapon shine like a torch I am the one who makes the lapis lazuli shita

    I am a calf, a bull of abundance, I am a good day, I am a good day, I am a true woman, I am a strong woman, I am a city, I am Utu, I have been able to enter it. I have been able to enter it, I have been able to make the divine powers and divine powers of the earth firmly fixed in my head. I have been able to make the shuluh of kingship shine with great strength. I have been able to make my heart happy. From Eridu, water of the sanctuaries, my heart has been soothed with joy. I have been able to make seven ears trembling, I have not been able to speak with my lion's mouth. I am a hero, I am a hero, I am able to speak with my name.

    I am the shepherd, like the sun, I have sat down for him. I have sat down for him, and I have sat down for him. I am the one who makes great my praises manifest. In the House of Wisdom, the eye of the Land, I am Shulgi, the king of Sumer. I am the true shepherd. My hand is a gold reed. I have sat down for him. I have sat down for him. I have sat down for him. I have sat down for him the utterances of the foreign lands. I have sat down for him like a ..., and its ... is full of ..., its ... is gold, the gold field, the lapis lazuli shrine, the field, the great harvest, the harvest of abundance, its ... is silver.

    I am the one who lays down the scepter, the one who lays down the scepter, the one who lays down the scepter, the one who lays down the scepter, the one who makes the scepter shine like a great hand, I am the one who makes the shudum, the scepter of the plan of the land, the one who gives it to me, I am the hero, I am the one who makes my name good, I am the shepherd, I am the one who makes the hand of the heavenly star shine like heaven. I am the one who makes my name great, I am the one who makes my mouth beautiful, I am the one who makes my heart happy, I am the one who makes the great scribal board, the plan ..., and its utterances .

    From the ... of the great ... to the ..., your ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the people, the black-headed people, the vizier, the words of the lands, the ..., the words of the assembly, the head, the head, the ..., the ..., the face, the face, the words, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., ...

    ... ... like a great bull, he took the lead. To do evil, like a snake in the marshes, he swore ... ... a man who has not been able to ... a man who has not been able to ... ... I am a hero, I shall make my name right, I shall make my shepherds bow down like the stars. I shall make my great praises great, I shall make my praises great. I am a sage of Sumer, I am a sage of justice, I am a king of the land of the lands, who stands at my side.

    My ..., from the ..., I am a man, a ... of An. The great palace, where fates are determined, where the ... lamb is born, where the right hand is positioned, where good things are made, where my great throne is positioned, where ..., the weapon of evil, the weapon of evil, where from the house of my dwelling, the place where my life is, your name, from within, Nintu, who has given everything to me, where your ... is born, where the head is not a place of rest, where the watch is not a place of rest, you are the en priestess, you are the snake, everything that I am.

    he has sworn by the sworn word of the gods, and he has sworn by the gods. From my first appearance I am the governor of the Land, Ishtaran is the king of all the lands, Shulgi is the true shepherd of Sumer, my brother, like Gilgamesh, you are righteous, you are righteous, you are righteous, you are righteous, you are righteous, you are a good one, before me. The evildoers have been uttered, and the words have been spoken, and the words have been spoken, and I am the hero, I am the one who has been uttered faithfully. I am the shepherd, I am the one who has been uttered faithfully like the sky.

    ... great praises, my praises are heard. Your holy, broad wisdom, ... are heard. ... Sumer ... ... Sumer, the fate ...

    ... they shall speak the words of Elam. ...

    Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer, I am the man who does not know me, I am the hero who speaks my name rightly, I am the shepherd who like the 'star' swayes the sky, I am the one who makes great my praises shine, I am the one who makes good my city wall stand at the foot of the mountain,

    M=segment B


    ur-mah pirig [...] x x [...] x [...] x [...] x x-ta u2-ta he2-ma-ab-_du_ a e11-a-ta he2-ma-ab-_du_ me-lam2-bi iri-a ha-ba-ab-dul za-pa-ag2-bi kur-kur-ra ha-ba-ab-dul u4 an-na-gin7 sig4 gi4-be2-e ug3 ha-ba-da-ab-hu-hu-luh-esz2 szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en su pirig sa pirig-ga2 he2-ma-ab-tum2 gesz-gid2-da-gu10 szu ha-ba-ab-ti ur ga-lam e3-a szu si-il-la2-a (uruda)gag he2-bi-gar _ur_-bi _u2 gu2 na_ ki he2-em-szi-ni-szub hu-mu-gaz (gesz)_ri_-e he2-mi-ni-x sag-ge6 u6 he2-mi-ib2-e-ne iri-ga2 hu-mu-ni-[...]

    ur-sag-me-en mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne sipa-me-en szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne ki-gub-ba-gu10 kur mu-gul-gul ki-tusz-a-gu10 uru2 mu-lah4-lah4 inim-gu10-ta un-ne2 _si im_ ba-ga2 ki (gesz)tukul sag3-ga-ga2 x he2-du7? abul (d)utu szu4-gin7 iri x im-da-su8-x-esz2 x-gu10-ta _ba ga2_ ki x ha x lu2 nu-mu-ni-dib-e x _im_-ta-gu10 kur-ra mi-ni-gar gu2 i7 x _kib_ la2 gu2 i7-da ba-e3? ensi-gu10 ki ba-ni-us2

    ki-bala _u3_ x-ma-ti-a-ta sig4-bi ur2-ba mu-bu3-bu3 x x uru2 mu-se3-ga-gu10 ki-be2-e nam-gi4-gi4 e2 mu-gul-a-gu10 du6-du6-ra2 hu-mu-un-szid bad3 an ki-sze3 gu2 gur3-ru gal2 nam-ba-da-x-x-tak4 ki gal za3-ba _ne_ x _ba_ mu nu-ha-lam-e-da x zi x a2 mah szum2-ma-me-en x _an_ x _nam_ x x [...] x ki ti mar-uru5-gu10 muszen dal-la-gin7 a2-bi im-su3 i3-gi4-in-zu ki ur2-bi-sze3 A x x am-gin7 sza3-tum2-ma du11 ba-ni-gar-ga2-ar gesz-gid2-da-gu10 si ba-ni-sa2 szu-nir mah-gu10 gaba kur-ra-ka sag im-ma-ni-il2

    hur-sag-e igi he2-mi-du8-du8 u6 ga-am3-du11 du10 bi2-i3-us2 x x-ra-ni-_du_ ba-ra-bi2-us2 si du3-du3-a ti _ur ra_-a x gi4 x-ta ha-ma-ta-hu-hu-luh-esz2 erin2-ni ni2 ha-ba-ab-ti x x x x x gesz? ha-ma-ab-tuku-tuku x lugal kalam us2-sa se3-se3 in-ga-me-na-ta x x x _la_ x im-gin7 x szeg3-ge26 [...] x x x x x x [...] x [...] [...] x [...] sza3 x x [...] ge6 ba-ta-an-zal gesz x x a2 bad x a2 hu-mu-ni-_bu_-_bu_ a2 diri-ga kur-ra ba-_du_ ni2 hu-mu-ni-ur4 ki-bala a diri-bi hu-mu-ku5-ku5 udu sipa nu-tuku-gin7 |_szu-kal_|-e ha-ba-suh

    a2-gu10 gu su3-ra2 szar2 du11-ge x x x u4 2(disz)-sze3 kur-re ha ur-gin7 tesz2-bi _ni_ [...] sag-ur-sag lu2 mu tuku [...] zi-du6-zi-du6 ha-ba-de3-[...] ur2 mah-gu10 gu2-da ha-[...]-la2 ma-da-ma-da he2-szi-[...] pesz10 su-a-gin7 hu-mu-ni-se3-se3 gu3 kalam-ma tesz2-a he2-mi-se3 me3-gu10 am ki-nu2-bi-sze3 du-gin7 ur2-bi he2-mi-szub ki mi-ni-ib2-dib-be2-na-gu10-u3 ma-da he2-mi-du11 ug3 lu-a ki-tusz ki gar-ra-be2-e szu-a he2-em-mi-gi4 ur-sag-me-en3 mu-gu10 zi-de3-esz2 he2-em-pa3-pa3-de3-ne

    sipa-me-en3 szu12-da mul-an-gin7 hu-mu-ni-gu2-un-gun2-ne za3-mi2 gal-gal du11-ge du7-gu10 szer3-re-esz2 he2-em-e-ne la-la tuku i3-lu-lam-ma ki ag2 in-ga-me-na-ta tigi a-da-ab ma-al-ga-tum gal-gal-la ad sza4-bi mu-zu si-_szir3_ (gesz)szu-kar2 gal-gal du7-du7-dam zi-zi-i szu2-szu2-bi in-ga-zu gal-an-zu gesz-gu3-di 7(disz)-na szu gal du7-a-me-en3 bala-bala-e gi su3 x [...] sa-bi bad-bad _si_ [...] sa-esz [...] [...] [...] x _da_ hu-mu-x-ni-u4-u4 ma2-gur8 gesz-gu3-di ur-mah-ha x x x x _ra_ mu-ni-zu x x _di aga_ nar-e ad sza4-sza4

    sza-mu-sza4 gu2-un-gun2-gun2 a2-bi-sze3 in-ga-zu (lu2)ki-sikil ubur? ku3-ga x _munus sila4_ zi dib gu2 u4 x ad du10-ga szu12-szu12 balag ku3-ta a-ne hul2-la du11-du11 esz3 gu2 ma-da-ka me-te-bi i3-lu-lam-ma nig2-_tu_-_tu_-da gu2 x x-re-ne du7 nin9 ne2-gu10 (d)gesztin-an-na-ra ama ugu4-gu10 (d)nin-sun2-na-ke4 x gesztu2 dagal-ta [...] x x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x x [...] _lum_? x _na_ x [...] dagal-la-gu10 x x ba-da-gen-nam x x x diri ma-an-gal2-gal2-am3 x x (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)nin-tu-ra-ka

    [...] (d)nanna (d)nin-urta x x ku3 (d)inanna-ka [...] gal-la ba-da-gen-nam [...] x _ni_ [...] x

    AI Translation

    a lion ...

    I am a hero, I shall make my name good, I am a shepherd, like the ... of heaven, I shall make my praises great, I shall make my praises great, I shall make my dwellings destroyed, I shall make my city tremble, I shall make my words disappear from the place of my weapon's wrath, I shall make my city ... like a ... city, I shall make my ... disappear from the city, I shall not ... a man, I shall put my ... on the mountain, the bank of the river ..., the bank of the river ..., I shall make my ruler dwell there.

    ... from the lands of ..., its bricks ..., ... my city, I restored, my temple I destroyed, I ... the wall of heaven and earth, I ... the ..., the great place on its border, ... ... I am a great ..., I ... like a raging bird, I ... its forces. In that place, ... ..., I sat down like a wild bull. My scepter was smashed, my great shunir, he raised his head on the mountain,

    The mountain ranges should be seen, the ... should be ..., the ... should be ..., the ... should be ..., the ... should be ..., the troops should be ..., the king of the country should be ..., the ... should be ..., the rain ...

    My strength is a mighty one, who makes ... ... for two days in the mountains ... like a dog ... The warrior, the man who has a name ..., may he ... a scepter ... May he ... my great throne, may he ... in the land Like a pig, may he ... in the land Like a pig, may he ... in the land My battle, like a wild bull, may he ... in the land Like a lion, its limbs may he ... in the land May he ... in the land May the people, the dwelling place, be restored to the place where they were residing. May my heroism be praised!

    I am the shepherd, like the ... of heaven, I have sat down for him. I have sat down for him, I have sat down for him. I am the one who loves the gods, I am the one who has sat down for him. The tigi, the adab, the great tigi, the father whose heart is happy, I am the one who carries out the great shukar instrument, the one who carries out the great zigzim, I am the one who has sat down for you. Seven gishgud instrument, whose hand is perfect, ... ... ... ... ... I am the one who ... the boat, the gishgud instrument, the lion ...

    Shamusha, your gugungun, your father, you are. The ..., the pure ubur woman, ..., the pure woman, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ... of Enlil, Ninlil, and Nintur,

    ... for Nanna and Ninurta ... holy Inanna ...

    M=segment C


    an [...] x _gim_ x [...] x x x zabar nig2-ga2 [...] x [...] a2 he2-em-ma-[...] x x ki-in-dar-re he2-mi-[...] an x x dingir mas-su [...] lipisz-tuku-me-en x he2-em-ti-[...] ti-ti-bi (gi)kid? sumun-na [...] he2-em-ma-ta-x x x [...] a2-bi a-na-bi he2-ma-ta-si?-x x bur szagan-sze3 hu-mu-ni-[...] szesz gu5-li-gu10 (d)gilgamesz2-ra e2-masz-a-ni-sze3 szu hu-mu-na-[...] _di_-bi _kusz da la a_ he2-em-mi-[...] x x x _bi a_ x [...] ha-ma-ni-ib2-[...] lu2-bi gesz x gal-ga2 he2-mi-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... bronze, property ... ... may he ... his strength ... may he ... the ... of the god, the ..., my ..., may he ... my strength ... ... its ..., the ... of the ..., may he ... its strength ... ... its ..., its ..., its ..., may he ... .

    P469700: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2 temen an ki-bi-da szibir kalam ge-en-ge-ne2 szu du8 su4-un-su4-un-na-ni kur-ra dib-dib-be2 me ni2-te-na-ke4 giri17 szu gal2 (d)en-lil2 sipa da-ri2 kalam-ma-ke4 (d)szul-gi lugal uri2(ki)-ma-me-en igi du8-a bar-ra-na gu3 zi ma-ni-in-de2 en-e sza3 gu2-bi gi4-a-na gidri ma-ni-in-szum2 sig4 eridu(ki)-ga-ta aga zi ak-me-en unu(ki)-ta suh(su-uh) za-gin3 kesz2-ra2-me-en sipa ki ag2 (d)nanna-me-en bara2-ga tum2-ma-me-en inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nig2 sa6-ga ki-szar2-ra ma-ab-de6

    u2 il2-la-ga2 igi im-ma-ni-in-du8 gu3 hul2-la ma-an-de2 lugal mu szer3-ra he2-du7-me-en (d)szul-gi-me-en szu12 za3-mi2-ga2 silim-esz2 ga-du11 (d)nin-tu nig2-nam-ma i3-me-en-na-ga2 dingir-re-ne-er gub-bu gal-zu-ga2 dingir sza3-ne-sza4-a inim ma-ab-gar-ra mu he2-gal2-la ki-bi-sze3 ma-zal-le-da um-mi-a gur4-gur4 gar-gar-gu10-ne inim nin-gu10 (d)gesztin-an-na-ka-ta a-da-ab tigi ma-al-ga-tum-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz sig-sze3 (gesz)tukul ab-e bala-e-ga2 kur elam(ki) u2 abul-gin7 dab5-be2 ma-gid2-da

    igi-nim-ta ug3 sze-gin7 dul-le-ga2 kur-za3 til-la-asz me3-a _du_-ga2 ansze szu-gi4 kaskal x nu-kusz2 kur? nim-ta kasz4?-ga2 szu tuk4-a ki-giri3-gen-na-ga2 szer3-gid2-da ar2 nam-lugal-la szumun-sza4 kun-gar bala-bala-e-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz nam-dub-sar-ra nig2 galam-galam-ma-ba szu tam-tam-ma-ga2 u4-sakar mu2-mu2 szudum nig2-szid-de3 gal2 ba-ab-tak4-a-ga2 hul2-hul2-le-ga2 du10-du10-ge-ga2 zi-zi szu2-szu2 tigi za-am-za-am-ma-ka ki bi2-zu-zu-a aga szu-si gesz-gu3-di gal-gal-la za3-bi-sze3 ba-ab-til-la

    nig2 a2 nun gi4-a la-ba-gub-bu-de3-en-na-gu10 du10-tuku nu-kusz2-u3 kasz4-ta e3-a-ga2 gi-gid2 za-am-za-am-bi mu-szi-in-gar-gar-re-esz mu an lugal sag-bi-sze3 e3-a (d)en-lil2 du11-ga-ni szu nu-bala-e-de3 mu (d)suen iri nam ku5-ra2-ni sig4-bi nu-il2-i-da lu2 nam ku5-ra2-ni nig2-gig-sahar-ra-ka mu (d)utu maszkim dingir-re-ne-ka nig2-lul en3-du-ga2 lu2 ba-ra-ma-ni-in-gar szu12-gu10 nig2 nu-um-se3-se3-ga mi2-esz2 ba-ra-ni-du11 (d)szul-gi-me-en silim nig2 a2 diri-ga szer3-ra ba-ra-ba-gal2

    gesztu2-ga szer3 zu inim zu-gu10-um sipa-me nig2 na-me za3 til-til-la-gu10-um nam-lugal-ga2 mi2-esz2 he2-ni-du11 mu nig2 en3-du-ga2 en-na in-ga-ba-gal2-la lul ba-ra-na he2-ge-en en3-du-gu10 a-da-ab he2-em tigi ma-al-ga-tum he2-em szer3-gid2-da ar2 nam-lugal-la szumun-sza4 kun-gar bala-bala-e he2-em gi-gid2 za-am-za-am he2-em gesztu2-ge nu-dib-be2 ka-ta nu-szub-bu-de3 ki-szu-ke4 lu2 nam-bi2-ib2-tag4-tag4-a e2-kur za-gin3-na musz nam-ba-an-tum2-mu (d)en-lil2-ra esz3 u4-sakar-ra-ka-na he2-na-du12

    esz3-esz3 kasz gi-rin a-gin7 su3-su3-u3-da-bi (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-da tusz-a-ra he2-en-ne-ga2-ga2-ga2 u4 ul-le2-a-asz lu2 ge26-gin7 (d)en-lil2-le nam-sipa kalam-ma-sze3 gu3 mu-na-de2-e-a x x x en3-du-gu10 x x x x x igi hu-mu-ni-bar-e x x ki ag2-ga2 mu-gu10 hu-mu-pa3-de3 [...] lu2-bi u4 en3-du-gu10 [...] [...] nar?-gu10 [...] gal2 e2 [...] ki ag2 mu-gu10 x x-ga2 lu2 x x (d)en-ki (d)en-lil2-le [...]-le? he2-em e2 lu2 x x si sa2 nam-tar-ra sa6-ga ha-mu-na-ta-e3 tukum-bi en3-du-gu10

    mu-gu10 um-ta-ga2-ar mu-ni _asz_-sze3 ba-ni-ib-x sig4 e2-kur-ra-ka mu-gu10 nu-pa3-de3? lu2-bi [...]-e nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ak-de3 lu2-bi lugal he2-em ensi2 he2-em (d)en-lil2-le x sag-ga2?-na nam x x-ku5-re7 e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ta nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi ha-mu-na-ta-e3 nig2-erim2 maszkim-sze3 he-en6-szum2 a2-sag3 nam-usz2 dugud gal2-la-gin7 su iri-na-ke4 nam-bi2-ib-du10-ge gug-kal bar-sze3 mu sze-gar-ra-ka igi kalam-ma-ka na-ni-sa6 (d)|_sze-tir_|-e garadinx(|_tab-gar-sze_|)-na-ke4 sze na-ni-ib-dim2-e

    (d)nanibgal sig7-ga (d)nisaba-ke4 guru7-ni im-szu na-ba-ab-sig7-ge ugnim-ma [...] dam-gara3 gal-a-ni ku3 ur2-ra [...] sze-gar a-nag dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 iri bala-a-ni-ta sze _ba_ [...] nig2-gur11 (uruda)szen zabar ku3 szu x [...] nig2-dim2-dim2-ma kalam-ma-na-ke4 tak4-ka3 nu-ba-ba szu he2-eb-dag-ge? sze-gar nig2 gu2 _kur_? _sza ta_ [...] nig2 2(disz) gin2 iri-na 1(disz) sila3 sze he2-sam2-e ug3-e (gesz)al-le dusu?-ka szu he2-di3-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu lu2-bi-e nag gu7 e2-gal-la-na-ka szu? x-ni-ib2-tum2-tum2-mu

    gag nam-tag2 gu-la he2-da-se3? (d)nanna lugal uri2(ki)-ma-ke4 si-im-da balag igi bar-ra-bi ninda igi du2-ru-na-bi szu bi2-ri-ri nam-ti-bi nam-usz2-da x x x tu-ra sa6-ge x x nam-gilim-ma a-zu-u3? x x x su? x x [...] [...] [...] [...] ku3-sig17 [...] szer7-da iri ug3-ba di-ku5-bi he2-em sag-bi e3-a-ni he2-em lu2 en3-du-gu10-a szu i3-[...] [...] _gisz_ gibil-gibil-la-am3 [...] [...] x-ga _am3_ he2-na-ta-[...] [...] iri bar-ra ha-ba-ni-[...]-e bad3 iri-na-ka na-am3-bi2?-x-x a sa-ga nam-lugal-la-na na-an?-x x

    ki lugal gub ki dadag-ga nam-bi2-gub-be2 ub-szu-ukken-na-ta bar-sze3 he2-[...] sza3-ge guru7-a mu pa3-da-ni [...] [...] x x szu-szu? _ka_? gi4-de3 an-gar x-ga-na ha-ba-an-x x nidba e2-kur-sze3 il2-la-na (d)en-lil2-le he2-[...] kadra zi nig2 du10-ga-na he2-x x _ka_-bi [...] nam [...] mu-da-an-x _ka_? [...] _gisz a ka_? nig2 nu-[...] szul-gi-me nir-gal2 [...]-ra gaba-ri nu-tuku (gesz)tukul-a ma2-gur8 ki-bala [...] gul-gul-lu-de3 x x _a ul_ x lugal-me x nu-gu-la-na er2-ra ha-mu-x x

    szul?-gi-me nar gal nu-banda3 nam-nar-ra x nar ki-nu2 x [...] tukum-bi _im_ [...] x igi sa6-ga [...] en3-du-gu10 ka-ta szub gesztu2-ge dib ki-szu-ki-szu-ke4 _igi_? [...] tag4-tag4 x-bi lugal-a-ni ba-ni-in-[...] e2 tigi dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 _ne_ [...] mu szid-am3 an zi-ga igi hul-sze3 ba-[...] lugal nam-nar-ra (d)suen [...] (d)lamma nam-nar-ra (d)gesztin-an-na [...] [...]-gin7 [...] ha-ba-te?-ge26 x [...] zi-da [...] x-bi-im he2-[...] [...] gesztu2 [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]

    lugal sza3 gal-la-na [...] hi-li-a (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 [...] zi ki-en-gi ki-uri-sze3 [...] kalam-e nig2-ge-na [...] e nu-mu-na-ak-a [...] iri nu-mu-gul-a [...] kur gal idim-ma ki [...] za3-ba ki gal-gal _ba_? [...] dingir e2-gal-la nu-mu-x [...] (d)en-lil2-ra sag mu-ni-in-x [...] e2-kur-re nig2 la-ba-gu-ul-gu-ul-la za-ra dingir-re-ne nu-mu-e-x x szer3 me sza-mu-da-du11-ga x [...] a-a-ar-ra-na a-na ak-a-bi [...] inim-ma-na a-na ki szu tag-ga-bi [...] nar-re en3-du-ni-sze3 [...] ge26 szul-gi lugal [...]

    u2-a an ku3-ga nidba [...] sag us2 (d)en-lil2 an? [...] (d)nanna A x _da_ nam-en [...] ensi2 (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-urta-ke4 szita2 (gesz)mitum e2-szu-me-sza4-ta ma-an-szum2 numun nam-lu2-ulu3 ba-i-i-ta lugal dili-ni ugnim ge-na-ar (d)en-lil2-le gidri nam-lugal-la2 nu-mu-na-ta-an-szum2 dur3 dili-ni (gesz)tukul-la gaba ri-a u4 na-me lugal kalam-ma-ke4 (gesz)tukul-sze3 nu-gi4 a2 lugal-gu10 (d)en-lil2-la2-ta mu-gu10 an-za3-sze3 ga2-ga2-de3 a-a-ar da-ri2 nam-gu2-ka-gu10 u4 su3-ra2-asz szu-a bala-e-de3

    ki-bala gu2-erim2-gal2 kur a2-ta ri-a nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|) husz-gin7 szubtum3 la-ba-ga2-ar musz-gir2-gin7-nam dun-ta la-gen-ne-en ama erin2-na-gu10 a2-ga2 bi2-tak4 igi bar-ra-gu10 sag ba-dib ma-da gu-ti-um(ki)-ma sa-ga hur-sag-ga2-ka musz mer-gin7 ba-gi4-me-en ni2-gu10 a2 bi2-su13-u4 erin2 zi-sza3-gal2-la-gu10 na-me na-ma-da-an-te sag-dili-gin7 kur ki nu-zu-na du10 szu bar pirig umbin-sze-ba sun2 dab5-dab5-gin7 uzu-bi ab-gul-e uszum dili du-gin7 ni2 mu-da-ri iri du3-du3-a gal2 sag-gu10 ba-us2

    (d)gir3-ra-gin7 gu3 mer-a mu-dub2 za-pa-ag2 sza3 ni2 te-te izi u3-bu-bu-ul-bi hur-sag-ga2 ba-an-szub ki-bala-e inim la-ba-gub-gub-ba szu-nir la-ba-il2-la me3-gu10 an-ur2 dungu gal2-la u2-sa11-an ni2 gu2 e3 kur-re tir (gesz)dehi2?-gin7 la-ba-mu2-a ki-szu mar-za (d)inanna-ka (gesz)ilar (kusz)gurx(|_e-tum_|) u4 gal-gin7 ki la-ba-ni-us2-a (gesz)tukul-e lah4 lipisz me3-a a2 nu-kusz2-a-na gig-bi li-bi2-nu2?-a kurun3 u3-mun sag lul sag zi-da im u4 ka ne-ne dungu diri-ga-gin7 u8 ge6 kur-ra sag nu-mu-ni-in-bala-a

    ad6 gesz-gi-a ki-in-dar-ra [...] _ku_? _bu ul tar_-_tar_-a-gin7 _ka u2 gi_ x [...] musz-gir2 edin-na-ke4 ur5-sze3 la-ba-ab-ak x ki-tukum-sze3 egir u4-da nu-e-zi? x hul-du gu2-erim2-gal2 a2 (gesz)tukul-la-bi izi? ir-pag nu?-[...] giri3 suh3-a har-ra-an amar?-gin7 ku5-ra2 ma-da gu-ti-um(ki)-ma (gesz)mu-bu-um-gin7 mu-gam kur-re ni2-bi sza3 ma-nigin2-nigin2-ne-esz gu2-ba giri3 bi2-gub dili-ni iri a2-na lah6-me-en kal-ga mi2 (gesz)tukul-la du11-ga-me-en mu gil-sa inim szu12-da du11 am-gin7 rib-ba-me-en

    si sa2 lu2 du10-ga kalam-ma-me-en en3-du-gu10 ka-ga14 he2-gal2 szer3-gu10 gesztu2-ge na-an-dib-be2 gu-kur silim-esz2 du11-ga-ga2-kam inim (d)en-ki-ke4 mu-szi-ga2-ga2-a-am3 hul2-hul2-e sza3-ta du11 tal2-tal2 (d)gesztin-an-na-ka-kam u4 ul-le2-a-asz nu-ha-lam-e-de3 e2-|_gesz-pi-tug2-an-nisaba_| nig2-umun2-a gal-gal mu-bi-sze3 mul-an ku3-gin7 bi2-sar u4 me-da na-me gesztu2-ge nig2 la-ba-ab-dib-be2 [...]-bi nu-ha-lam-e mul-an sag2 nu-di mu da-ri2 mu-tuku2? nar-e dub-sar he2-en-szi-tum2 igi he2-en-ni-in-bar-re

    gesztu2 |_gesz-tug2-pi-szir_@t-_sila3_| (d)nisaba-ka-kam dub za-gin3-gin7 gu3 he2-na?-ta?-de2-e en3-du-gu10 ku3 ki-dar-ra-gin7 pa he2-em-ta-e3-e3 ki-szu-ki-szu-ke4 he2-em-ma-an-du12 esz3 u4-sakar-ra na-me na-an-tak4-tak4 ga2 tigi (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-la2-ke4 kin-sig kin-nim (d)nanna-ka szul-gi-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu

    AI Translation

    Enlil, the foundations of heaven and earth, the scribal arts of the land, whose utterances are pleasing to all the lands, the one who speaks the divine powers of his heart, the one who is the handiwork of Enlil, the eternal shepherd of the Land, Shulgi, king of Ur, I, when I looked at him with pleasure, he spoke kindly to me in his own presence. The lord, when he returned to his own heart, he gave me a scepter. From the brickwork of Eridu, I am the true crown, I am the one who has made perfect from Uruk, I am the one who loves the lapis lazuli, I am the shepherd beloved of Nanna, I am the one who sits on the dais, I am the one who speaks kindly to the word of Enlil, and I have made good things for the world.

    I have seen the plants that were planted, I have sounded the roar of joy. I am a king who has been praised in the past. I am Shulgi, I have spoken my praises in a favorable manner. I am Nintu, who everything is praised by the gods. I have sworn by the gods, the gods of their hearts, to the name of abundance, I have sworn by their hearts. My mother, who is praised, my sister, Geshtinana, I have sworn by the tigi-plants. I have sworn by the tigi-plants. The king, who has been seized by the weapon of the bala-demon, the land Elam, like the sacrificial plant, has been seized by the cult-center.

    From the front, like a pigeon, I have done work. I have done battle with the lands. The ... donkeys, the ..., I have done battle with the lands. I have set my foot on the path of kingship. I have set my feet on the throne of kingship. I have set my hands on the scribal art, the things of the great world, on the horizon. I have set my hands on the szudum of the scribal arts. I have made my scribal arts shine forth joyfully. I have made the tigi of the zamzama place shine forth joyfully. I have made the aga of the scepter and the great throne complete there.

    My privileged status, which no prince can acquire, is not a burden for me. After I have come out from the road, I have set up a reed basket for you. The name of An, the king, is not changed. The name of Suen, the city whose fate is a curse, is not a brick. The person whose fate is a curse, is a sahar-disease. The name of Utu, the overseer of the gods, is a curse that has been imposed on him. My hand is not a curse, it is said to him. Shulgi, I am the one who has been a severe curse,

    My ears, my words, my words, my shepherds, everything that I have, my life has been long, I have sworn by the name of my kingship. The name of my enunciation has been smashed by the lord, and it has been smashed by the enemy. My enunciation has been smashed by the enemy. My tigi has been smashed by the king's ear. The tigi has been smashed by the king's ear. The giggid has been smashed by the enemy. The giggid has not been smashed by the mouth. The man shall not be smashed by the mouth. The Ekur, clad with lapis lazuli, shall not be smashed by the man. Enlil shall be smashed by the shrine of the sakar.

    The esh-esh, the gigirin beer, which is like water, may Enlil and Ninlil sit down for you. In distant days, when like Enlil, the shepherdship of the land, he spoke to him, ... my enunciation ... I saw, ... my beloved name I re-established. ... its man, my enunciation ... ... my singer? ... ... the temple ... my beloved name ... May ... the man ... Enki and Enlil ... may he ... the house of the man ..., the ... of the good namtar ... I shall return. If it is my enunciation

    My name has been ..., my name has been ... to the ... of the Ekur, my name has not been ... That man ..., evil and azi I have done, that man may be a king, may a ruler be a ruler, may Enlil ... his head ..., and from the house of Enlil evil and azi I have brought. Evil and azi I have given to him. Asag, the sag-priest, the sag-priest, may he make good for him. In the gugkal-bar, the name of the sagar, before the Land, may he be a sag-priest, and the barley he heaped up for him.

    Ningal, the good one of Nisaba, his grain heaps he heaped up for him. In the army ... his great merchants with silver ... barley rations for the gods. In his reign, in his city barley ..., the silver ..., the silver ..., the silver rations of his country, which had not been ..., may they be ...; the barley rations, the property of the land ..., may they be ...; the barley rations of the land, from ..., 2 shekels of barley per city, 1 sila of barley per month, may they be ...; the people, with the ...-throne, may they be ...; the people, drinking beer in his palace, may they be .

    May the sacrificial ointment and the sacrificial ointment be brought to him. Nanna, king of Ur, may the balag-bowl before him, and its bread before him be strewn. May its life be long and ... well-being ... ... ... ... gold ... May the sacrificial ointment of the city and its people be pronounced. May its head be raised up. May my endug man ... ... ... ... may ... be brought into the city. May the wall of his city be ... may ... be poured out. May his kingship .

    ... the place where the king stands, the place where he is beloved, may ... from the Ubshukkena to the other side ... The ... of the treasury, his name ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... food offerings to the Ekur may Enlil ... ... his true kadra offering, his good things ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Shulgi, the mighty one, ... ..., ..., without ..., ... with weapons destroy the boats of the rebel land ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kings ...

    Shulgi, the great singer, the superintendent, the singer, ..., the singer of the kinu ... If ..., ..., ..., ..., my endu, from the mouth ..., ..., ... ..., ... ..., his king ..., the temple of the tigi of the gods ..., ..., whose name is called by the righteous heaven, ..., the king, the singer Suen, ..., the lamma, the singer Geshtinana, ... ... like ...

    king in his great heart ... the praise of Enlil and Ninlil ... trueness of Sumer and Akkad ... the Land ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... great mountain, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the god of the palace ... ... Enlil ... ... Ekur, something that cannot be altered, ... ... the gods ... ... the supplications of the divine powers ... ... his father ... to do ... his words to the place of utterances ... ... ... ... ... Shulgi, the king .

    The pure provider of An, offering ..., the head of Enlil, ... Nanna, ... lordship ..., governor of Enlil, Ninurta, from the shita-offering of the mestum-vessel of the Eshumesha temple gave; the seed of the people he did not take; the king, his twin brother, the army of Enlil, he did not give to him a scepter of kingship; his twin brother, with weapons, he did not give a weapon; the king of the nation, with weapons, I shall not return my military forces to the heavens; my king, with Enlil, I shall make my name known forever and forever. My name shall be placed in my hands forever

    In the lands of the enemy, like a wild bull, he did not escape from the army. Like a snake, he did not go out from the army. My mother, my troops, was seized by the army. My face was smashed like a snake. The land of Gutium, the sag of the mountains, was smashed like a snake. My heart was stricken with fear. My troops, my life-giving troops, were seized by them. Like a head was cut off from the land, like a pigeon, a snare was thrown down, its flesh was ripped off like a lion. Like a lion, a

    Like Gira, he screamed, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was screaming, he was not screaming, he was not screaming, he was not screaming, my battle was screaming, he was screaming like a mountain, he was not screaming like a scream, he was not screaming like a great storm, he was not screaming like a weapon, he was not screaming like a fierce storm, he was not screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was not screaming like a scream, he was not screaming like a scream, he was not screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a scream, he was screaming like a s

    ... like a ... of a reed tree, ... like a ... ... like a ... snake of the steppe, ... did not go to the ... of the desert, ... did not go back to the desert, ... evildoers, whose weapons were not ..., whose feet were not ..., whose path like a calf was cut off, whose paths were like a calf, the land of Gutium, like a mukum tree, he sat on its throne. He stood at its side, his shoulders were sat on its side. He was the city, the one who is a lah, the one who is a weapon, the one who is a mighty one, the one who is a scepter, the one who is like a wild bull,

    I am the one who makes good the man's voice in the Land, my enunciation is good, my speech is good, my ears are attentive, I am the one who speaks a favorable speech, I am the one who speaks the word of Enki, I rejoice, I am the one who speaks the words of Geshtinanna, and the days are long. The E-geshpi-tug-an-saba, the great nigumuna, is its name. The golden star is written, the days are long, the intelligence is not uttered, its ... does not utter. The star that has no name, the one who has no name, may the scribe be praised, may he be praised, may he be praised,

    I am the one who speaks like a lapis lazuli tablet to Nisaba, I am the one who makes my enunciation as pure as the netherworld come forth? I am the one who makes the kishushu-house tremble? I am the one who makes the shrine of the day-of-sakar tremble? I am the one who makes the tigi of Enlil and Ninlil tremble? in the work-troop of Nanna, I am Shulgi, my praises are sweet, I shall not let my supplication be forgotten.

    P469702: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2 gal-di en me-te-na nig2-du11-ga-ni zi (d)nu-nam-nir sipa da-ri2 kalam-ma kur gal-ta e3-a sa2 gal pa3-de3 gu2-gal an ki me sza-ra u5-a en nam-nun-na-ni-sze3 ni2 gal im-guru3 mul-an szu du7-a me ul me sag5-e gal kin-ga2 dili-ni dingir mah en u4 ti kur-za3 til-la-sze3 ug3 du10-us2 dili-a tum2 sa-par3 mah an ki szu2-a esz2 kur-kur-ra la2-a (d)en-lil2-da a-ba a2 mu-da-an-ag2 a-ba-ga-an-da-sa2 gal bi2-du11 sza3-ga-ni i7 mah a-na-am3 de6-a-bi inim ku3-ga-na _lil2_ lal3-gar-ra-bi e2-ta nam-ta-e3

    nig2-bi nig2 ku3-ga-am3 nig2 szen-nam me e2-kur-ra-kam sig4 zi nam tar-ra abzu sa-dur2-ra nig2 kal-kal-la-am3 e2-kur lu2 zi-de3 i3-du3-e mu da-ri2-kam dumu lu2 zi-da-ke4 gidri mi-ni-ib2-su3-ra2 (gesz)gu-za-bi nu-kur2 nam-bi-sze3 e2-kur-ra sig7 mi-ni-gar dasz-im2-babbar-re a-a-ni (d)en-lil2 inim-ma bi2-se3 ama di-da mi-ni-in-de6 e2-du10-ga (d)nanna dumu nun-ne2 nig2 al ba-ni-du11 en-ne2 a sza3-tur-sze3 gal2-la-na lu2 zi mi-ni-u3-tu (d)en-lil2 sipa a2 kal-ga-ke4 mes-e pa bi2-e3

    dumu nam-lugal bara2-ge4 he2-du7 szul-gi lugal-am3 a pirig-ga2 e2-kur szu dagal-la du11-du11 ki ag2 (d)nin-lil2-la2 e2-kur-ta nam-nir-gal2 szum2-ma lugal uri5(ki)-ma sza3 zalag-zalag sipa (d)lamma kalam-ma mu-ni bi2-in?-du10 szul-gi (d)en-lil2-le sza3 ku3-ge bi2-pa3 kalam szu-ni bi2-si szibir eszgiri2 a2-na mu-ni-la2 sipa kur-kur-ra-kam gidri (d)nanna szu nu-bala-e szu-ni-sze3 mu-gar dur2 nam-lugal sag2 nu-di-da gu2 an-sze3 mi-ni-zi u4 szu12-dam ge6 nam-szita-am3 kalam u2-sal-la-am3

    sipa he2-gal2-la szul-gi mu gil-sa lugal asilx(_ezen_)-le2 kal-ga a lu2 zi-de3 ri-a (d)en-lil2 mu-i-i sa-gid2-da-am3 szul-gi lugal uru16 [...] ku?-kur silim-e-esz2 du11-ga lugal x aga3-kar2 (d)inanna ki-bala-a bi2-se3 gesz-gi5-gal2 sa-gid2-da-kam (d)en-lil2 zi-da-am3 inim-ma-ni mah-am3 nam du10 tar-ra-ni sag-bi-sze3 e3-a-am3 gu nig2 kal mu2-mu2 sze nig2 kal mu2-mu2 szul-gi e2-kur-ra u2-a-bi na-nam gu-bi gu na-nam sze-bi sze na-nam nig2-u2-rum (d)nanna ama-tu e2-kur-ra sza3-ta mu pa3-da (d)nin-lil2-la2 na-nam

    szul-gi sipa kalam-ma sag (d)en-lil2-le zu e2-a lu2-bi na-nam u4 he2-em-ma-ab-su3-re6 uri5(ki) iri(ki) du10 nun-ne2 ki gar-ra sza3-bi dub-szen ku3 abzu igi nu-bar nam-iszib du10-ga-kam szu-luh dadag-ga-kam nidba gal-gal-bi e2-kur hul2-le-de3 (d)en-lil2-le gu3 ba-an-de2 du11-ga zi-zi-dam sipa nam-lugal-la bara2 mah-ha tum2-ma szul-gi nam-en-na tug2-ba13 su3-su3-am3 bur naggax(_an_) he-nun-na su8-su8?-ga?-ni-sze3 unu2 e2-kur-ra-ka kin?-sig? gub?-ba?-ni-sze3 (d)en-lil2 nam-nun-na mu-ni?-in?-tar?-e

    an-gin7 sig7-ga-ni x ...-e (d)nanna lugal-am3 [...]-am3 ki-ur3 ki gal-la? [...] du10 mu-na-szum2 (d)en-lil2-la2 _ka_? [...] mu-szi-dagal?-e kur a nun gi4-a gu2-un-gu2-un mu-na-ab-za ma-da mu-ge-ge-en6 ug3 giri3-ni-sze3 mu-nu2 szul-gi sipa lu2-lal3 nibru(ki) ki ag2-am3 sig4 (d)en-lil2-la2 gissu-bi du10-ga-am3 sipa zi szul-gi-re ni2 he2-em-szi-ib2-te-te sa-gar-ra-am3 szul-gi bala-za (d)en-lil2-le u4 du10 ma-ra-ni-in-e3 gesz-gi5-gal2 sa-gar-ra-kam an-na lugal-be2-e ki-a kur gal-be2-e

    a-a (d)en-lil2 an-na lugal-be2-e ki-a kur gal-be2-e gal bi2-du11 szul-gi bala zi-da sza3-ge-esz i-pa3 u18-ru12-_ni_-bi-im a-da-ab (d)en-lil2-la2-kam

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, the great lord, his true lord, his word is true, Nunamnir, the everlasting shepherd of the Land, from the great mountain, the one who makes the great decisions, the great canal inspector of heaven and earth, the one who makes the cosmic powers shine, the lord who is to be his princely majesty, the one who is a great sage, the one who makes the cosmic powers shine, the one who makes the cosmic powers shine, the one who is a great god, the lord who provides for the days of the lands, the one who provides for the people, the one who is a great sapar, the one who makes heaven and earth a place of the shrines of all the lands, who is a lord who is a lord, who speaks a great word, he says to him: "What is it that the great river? What is it that is a lord who is a lord who is a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord who has a lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? whose lord? 's 's'

    Its property is gold, it is the thing of the battle. It is the thing of the Ekur, the good brick, the fate of the Abzu, the sadur, it is the thing of the mighty. The Ekur, the true man, built it forever. The son of the true man sat on a scepter. Its throne was not changed. Its inscription was etched in the Ekur. Its whiteness was deposited. His father Enlil uttered a decision, and he pronounced a decision for the mother. The good house Nanna, the son of the prince, said something that he had said. The en priestess, who is a child, he made him a true man. Enlil, the mighty shepherd, made a decision for me.

    son of kingship, may he be seated at the dais. Shulgi, the king, the apsû-priest, the Ekur, the wide-minded one, beloved of Ninlil, from the Ekur, the scepter of kingship gave. The king of Ur, the shining heart, the shepherd, the protective spirit of the nation, he made perfect. Shulgi, Enlil, he made pure the pure heart of the nation. The szibir priest of the shrine, his army, he made perfect for him. The shepherd of the lands, the scepter of Nanna, he did not change its hand. The scepter of kingship, which cannot be changed, he sat on the neck of heaven. The day he sat on the throne, the night he did not sleep, the land was a shal

    Shepherd of abundance, Shulgi, given birth, mighty king, who carries water for the righteous man, Enlil named it this statue. Shulgi, the king who ... the holy? kukur, who speaks truth, king who ... the aegis of Inanna in the rebellious countries, whose geshgigal is called by Enlil, his exalted word, whose fate good fate he decreed, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose barley he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose barley he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose barley he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck he fashioned, whose neck ...

    Shulgi, shepherd of the country, the head of Enlil, may that man be named in the temple. Ur, the pleasant city, the princely place, whose heart is a holy scribal art, the holy Abzu, not seen, whose shuluh ritual is sweet, whose large offerings are a joyous thing for the Ekur, Enlil has sounded, who speaks kindly, shepherd of kingship, a supreme dais, Shulgi, the en priesthood, a garment with a sacrificial sacri

    Like heaven, his ... ... Nanna, the king, ... ki-ur, the great place ... he gave to him. Enlil ... ... he ... to him. The land, the prince who has returned, he has gathered together, and the land he has made great. Shulgi, the shepherd who is loved by Nippur, the brick of Enlil, he has made good its roof. The true shepherd Shulgi may he be praised. Shulgi, the reign of Enlil, may he be praised. The geshgigal, the sagar, An, the king, the earth, the great mountain,

    Father Enlil, the king of heaven, the place of the great mountains, he spoke to him. Shulgi, the true reign of the hearts, he chose it. Its urub-ni-demon is the adab-priest of Enlil.

    P469703: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] x _a2_ x x [...] [...] x me3-a szen x [...] [...] x _usz urugal_? _gur5_? a-zu x x x mu-na-a-szum2 ...-ta sipa szul-gi ni2 kur2-ra i3-ru [...] sipa a-zu-u3 me-tesz2 sza-mu-u3-i-i sa-gid2-da-am3 [...] x _ug_ ba-ni-ra aga3-kar2 im-mi-se3 [...] sumun me gar im-mi-ga2-ar [...] ki-bala-a-ke4 gu2-kiri6 im-mi-du11 [...] x kur isz su3-ra2-a-ba za-pa-zu im-mi-x [...] szix(|_ka_xBALAG|) gi4-gi4-a-zu-ta x [...] sug-za3-ge4? bi2-gu7 x

    AI Translation

    ... ... battle ... ... your ... ... ... from the shepherd Shulgi, the fearsome one of the foreign lands ... the shepherd Shulgi, the fearsome one, ... ... he smote the ... ... he smote the ..., he smote the ..., he smote the ... of the me, he smote the ... of the rebel land, he smote the ... of the lands, ... ... the lands, he smote your ..., ... from your ... ... he smote ... .

    M=segment B


    [...] x x x [...] [...] x-sze3 mu-du11? [...] x im-mi-us2-sa? [...] tir izi szum2-ma-gin7 [...] ni2?-ba mu-ni-szu4 [...] ni2-zu-da [...] kur2-re sag im-da-sag3-ge sa-gar-ra-am3

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... he spoke to ... ... like a fire-troop ... he smote him ... ... ... ... ... he smote the enemy ... he smote the sagara .

    P469704: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    (d)amar-(d)suen nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma nam-ha-ni sukkal _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Amar-Suen, strong man, king of Ur, Namhani, messenger, is your servant.

    P469705: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu ab-ba-mu

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Abbamu.

    P469706: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki) ur-(d)szar2-ur3-ra dumu ur-(d)suen ra2-gaba _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Gudea, ruler of Lagash: Ur-Sharara, son of Ur-Suen, the chariot driver, is your servant.

    P469707: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    lu2-(d)szara2 dumu i3-ba-ba-su-da

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, son of Ibba-suda.

    P469708: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    (gesz)guzza-ni dumu ur-(gesz)gigir

    AI Translation

    Guzzani, son of Ur-gigir.

    P469709: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    _pa_ pa2-lu5 dumu ur-ki-ag2

    AI Translation

    PN, Palu, son of Ur-kiag.

    P469710: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    szu-(d)kab2-ta a-zu dumu na-ra-am-i3-li2 dub-sar _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Shu-Kabta, Azu, son of Naram-ili, scribe, is your servant.

    P469716: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gada du
  • i3-kal-la

  • 5(disz) gada du
  • ur-(gesz)gigir [n] 4(disz) gada du

    AI Translation
  • 2 linen garments, regular quality,
  • Ikalla;

  • 5 linen garments, regular quality,
  • Ur-gigir, n 4 linen garments, regular quality.




  • 2(disz) gada du
  • lugal-ur2-ra-ni ki-mu-ra-ka gal2-la e2-gal-la szu szum2-mu-dam mu bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation


  • 2 linen garments, regular quality,
  • Lugal-urani, in Kimura, the palace to be given; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P469717: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) tug2 guz-za du
  • ki-la2-bi 7(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na

  • 4(disz) tug2 u2 muru13 siki kur-ra
  • 1(disz) tug2 u2 ge6 muru13
  • 1(disz) tug2 u2 tur
  • ki-la2-bi 9(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na

    AI Translation
  • 2 guzza garments, doubled,
  • Their weight: 7 1/2 minas.

  • 4 utuls, grass-fed, wool of the mountain,
  • 1 garment, black, muru-plant,
  • 1 small textile,
  • Their weight: 9 1/3 mana.



    ki ur-(d)suen-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga lu2 azlag2 iti nesag mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e bad3 mar-tu mu-du3-a mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    from Ur-Suen, under seal of Lu-duga, the fuller; month: "First fruits," year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the Amorite wall erected," year after that.

    Seal 1


    usz-mu# lu2 azlag2# dumu lu2-dingir-ra

    AI Translation

    Ushmu, the smith, son of Lu-dingira.

    P469718: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gada du
  • ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ur-am3-ma lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation
  • 1 linen garment, double,
  • from Ikalla, under seal of Ur-ama, the smith,



    iti (d)li9-si4 mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3

    AI Translation

    month: "Lisi," year: "The Great-Stele was erected."

    Seal 1


    ur-am3!(_an_-A)-ma dumu ur-(gesz)gigir# lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation

    Ur-ama, son of Ur-gigir, the mighty man.

    P469719: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 3(disz)-kam us2
  • 8(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 4(disz)-kam us2
  • 2(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 du
  • AI Translation
  • 4 nig2-lam textiles, 3rd quality,
  • 8 nig2-lam textiles, 4th quality,
  • 2 nig2-lam textiles, regular quality.
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) 5(disz) tug2 guz-za du
  • 1(disz) gada du
  • ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ur-am3-ma iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu na-ru2-a-mah ba-du3

    AI Translation
  • 15 guzza garments, regular quality.
  • 1 linen garment, double,
  • from Ikalla, under seal of Ur-am; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The Great-Stele was erected."

    Seal 1


    ur-am3!(_an_-A)-ma dumu ur-(gesz)gigir lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation

    Ur-ama, son of Ur-gigir, the mighty man.

    P469720: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) tug2 guz-za du
  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) tug2 usz-bar
  • 9(disz) sila3 i3-szah2
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) naga-si-e3 gur
  • AI Translation
  • 2 guzza garments, doubled,
  • 96 ushbar textiles,
  • 9 sila3 lard,
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 of nagase-plant,
  • Reverse


    [ki] i3#-kal-la-ta ur-am3-ma szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ikalla did Ur-ama receive; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-am3!(_an_-A)-ma dumu ur-(gesz)gigir lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation

    Ur-ama, son of Ur-gigir, the mighty man.

    P469721: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) tug2 guz-za du
  • 2(u) tug2 usz-bar
  • ki i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10-ga

    AI Translation
  • 1 guzza garment, double,
  • 20 uszbar textiles,
  • from Ikalla, under seal of Lu-duga;



    iti pa4-u2-e mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    usz#-mu# lu2 azlag2 dumu lu2-dingir-[ra]

    AI Translation

    Ushmu, the smith, son of Lu-dingira.

    P469722: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 8(disz) tug2# usz-bar#
  • [...]

  • 3(u) 6(disz) ma-na siki#?
  • tug2 gu2#-na gu2-edin-na u3# musz-bi-an-na#

    AI Translation
  • 28 ushbar textiles,
  • 36 minas of wool?,
  • garment for the neck, neck-rope, and Mushbi-ana;



    ki gu-du-du-ta kiszib3 lu2-du10#-ga# iti (d)pa4-u2-e mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul#

    AI Translation

    from Gududu, under seal of Lu-duga; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the land of Zabshali destroyed."

    Seal 1


    usz-[mu] lu2 [azlag2] dumu lu2-dingir-[ra]

    AI Translation

    Ushmu, the smith, son of Lu-dingira.

    P469723: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) tug2 guz-za du
  • ki i3-kal-la-ta ur-am3-ma szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 7 guz-za garments, doubled,
  • from Ikalla did Ur-ama receive;



    iti (d)li9-si4 mu ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    month: "Lisi," year: "The mighty barge was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    ur-am3!(_an_-A)-ma dumu ur-(gesz)gigir lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation

    Ur-ama, son of Ur-gigir, the mighty man.

    P469724: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 3(disz)-kam us2
  • 2(u) 5(disz) tug2 guz-za# du
  • 1(u) tug2 usz-bar
  • 3(disz) gada du
  • AI Translation
  • 1 nig2-lam textile, 3rd quality,
  • 25 guzza garments, regular quality,
  • 10 uszbar-garments,
  • 3 linen garments, regular quality,
  • Reverse


    ki# i3-kal-la-ta kiszib3 ur-am3-ma iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3

    AI Translation

    from Ikalla, under seal of Ur-Amma; month: "Harvest," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the house of Shara in Umma erected."

    Seal 1


    ur-am3!(_an_-A)-ma dumu ur-(gesz)gigir lu2 azlag2#

    AI Translation

    Ur-ama, son of Ur-gigir, the man of the azlag.

    P469725: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gada (u2)|_ki-kal_|
  • 1(u) 1(disz) gada hal
  • ki i3-kal-la-ta lu2-du10-ga szu# ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 linen garment, ...,
  • 11 linen garments, ...,
  • from Ikalla did Lu-duga receive;



    iti min-esz3 mu e2 (d)szara2 ba-du3

    AI Translation

    month: "minesh," year: "The house of Shara was erected."

    Seal 1


    lu2-du10-ga dumu usz-mu lu2 azlag2

    AI Translation

    Lu-duga, son of Ushmu, the mighty man.

    P469730: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    lu2-du10-ga dub-sar lugal dumu _ni_-da-[x]

    AI Translation

    Lu-duga, scribe, king, son of Nida-.

    P469756: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P469757: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P469758: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P469759: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P469760: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna.



    e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P469761: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam#-lugal#-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P469762: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    (d#)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2#-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    [nam-lugal-la-ka-ni] mu#-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P469763: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    [nam-lugal-la]-ka#-ni mu#-du3#

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P469764: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna.



    [e2]-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P469765: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, palace.



    nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built for his kingship.

    P469766: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um [u2]-a# [e2-an-na]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna.



    e2#-gal# nam#-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built his palace for his kingship.

    P469767: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal nam#-lugal-la-ka-ni

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, his palace of kingship,




    AI Translation

    he built.

    P469773: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze lugal
  • sza3-gal (ansze)kunga2 ki-su7 igi e2-(duru5) a-sza3 la2-mah-ta ki ka-guru7-ta mu# u2-li-sze3 kiszib3# a2-ni-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley of the king;
  • in the stallions of the kunga, at the threshing floor, before the Eduru, field Lamah, from the ka-guru7, to the year: "For the uli," under seal of Ani;



    iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-ga2-ra-ta u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam! ba-ra-zal-la-ta ba-ab-dah iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-ga2-ra mu bi2-tum-ra-bi2-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from month "Bricks cast in moulds" to day 15 he filled, he piled up. month "Bricks cast in moulds" year: "Bitum-rabium was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    a2-ni-ta _gi_? _ta_-_ab_

    AI Translation

    ... reed

    P469776: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P469777: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu#(ki)-ga# lugal# am#-na#-nu#-um u2#-a# e2#-an-na e2#-gal# nam#-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P469778: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P469779: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d#)suen-ga-szi-id nita# kal-ga lugal# unu(ki)-ga lugal# am-na-nu-um u2#-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, the provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P469785: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz)? gurusz u4 1(disz)#-[sze3]
  • gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 (d)szul#-pa-e3 a-sza3 na-ga-tum# [u3] a-sza3 e2-gir-gi4-lu

  • 5(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3# a-u2-da-gu-la a-sza3 a-u2-da-tur u3 a-sza3 nun-na

  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 gu4-suhub2 a-sza3 ur-(d)nin-ti u3 a-sza3 e2-(d)ezina2

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • gurx(|_sze-kin_|)#-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 bad3-du3-a a-sza3 iszib-e-ne u3 a-sza3 u2-du#-lu2-[saga]

    AI Translation
  • 126 workdays, male laborers,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the Shulpa'e field, in the Nagatum field and in the Egirgilu field.

  • 165 workdays,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the field of Audagula, in the field of Audatur and in the princely field.

  • 115 workdays, male laborers,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the ox-suhub field, in the Ur-Ninti field and in the E-ezina field.

  • 240 workdays, male laborers,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the walled field, in the 'inspector' field and in the 'inspector' field.

  • 256 workdays,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the Shulpa'e field, in the Nagatum field and in the Egirgilu field.

  • 325 workdays,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the Audagula field, in the Audatur field and in the Prince field.

  • 195 workdays,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the Oxen boot field, in the Ur-Ninti field and the E-Ezina field.

  • 148 workdays,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the field Constructed Wall, in the Incantation priests field and in


  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3#
  • gurx(|_sze-kin_|)-a zar3 tab-ba a-sza3 u2-du-(d)nin-a-ra-li u3 gaba a-sza3 gibil

  • 3(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • a-da gub-ba a-sza3 a-u2#-da-gu-la a-sza3 a-u2-da-tur u3 a-sza3 nun-na ugula lu2-(d)szara2 kiszib3 da-a-ga mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 95 workdays, male laborers,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the field of Udu-Nina-rali and in the field adjoining the new field.

  • 185 workdays, male laborers,
  • irrigation work in the field Audagula, in the field Audatur and in the prince's field; foreman: Lu-Shara, under seal of Da'aga; year: "Simanum was destroyed."

  • 75 workdays,
  • harvested and sheaves piled up in the field Cattle-herder-of-Nin-Arali and in the field across from the new field.

  • 215 workdays,
  • irrigation work in the Audagula field, in the Audatur field and in the Prince field. The foreman is Lu-Shara. Sealed tablet by Da'aga. Year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    da-a-ga dub-sar dumu ur-gesz-sza3-ga

    AI Translation

    Dadaga, scribe, son of Ur-geshaga.


    Da'aga, scribe, son of Urgesh-shaga.

    P469800: legal tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) ur-ge6-par4
  • lugal-ra gaba i3-in-ri ama-gi-na nin9-gu10 geme2-ni# nu ensi2-ke4 in-hul# bi2-in-du11 sze3 ama-gi-na nam-geme2-sze3 ba-gi-in u3# ga-za-mu ama-ni [nam]-geme2#-sze3 ba-gi-in [x x]-ni#-sze3 [...] _isz#_ [...] ak# [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 Ur-gepar,
  • The king opened the mouth to speak to his mother. My sister, his female slave, did not obey the ruler. She said to her mother: "Alas, her mother, she was a slave." And Zamu, her mother, she was a slave. ... .

  • One Ur-gepar
  • the king confronted and "Amagina, my sister, his slave-girl not being, the governor treated her badly" stated; ... Amagina's status as slave-girl was confirmed, and Gazamu, her mother's status as slave-girl was confirmed. to ... ... ... ...

    P469840: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal#-ga (d)en#-lil2#-la2#-ra# gu3-de2-a ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2#-ninnu# anzu2(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P469841: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) sa gi
  • 2(gesz2) (gesz)e2-da-ka ki szesz-a-ni
  • kiszib3 a-kal-la

    AI Translation
  • 30 bundles reed,
  • 240 edakka-woods, with Sheshani;
  • under seal of Akalla;



    sza3 bala-a mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz@t)-kam si-mu-ru-um

    AI Translation

    in bala year following: "For the 3rd time Simurrum."

    Seal 1


    a-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)

    AI Translation

    Akalla, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.

    P469842: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] szukur# (gesz)ma]-nu# [...] ma2-[gur8? x]-x-sze3 [...]-lil2#?-la2-sze3

    AI Translation

    n baskets of manu-wood for ... barge for ...,



    ma2#-gur8-re ugula [ma2] ensi2#-ka-sze3 kiszib3# ab-ba-gi-na mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    for Gurre, foreman of the boat of the governor, under seal of Abbagina; year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ab-ba-gi-na dub-sar dumu lugal-ma2-gur8-re

    AI Translation

    Abbagina, scribe, son of Lugal-magure.

    P469846: royal-monumental other-object

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nansze nin uru16 nin in-dub-ba nin-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 nina(ki) iri ki-ag2-ga2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4 sirara6 kur# e2-ta il2-la-ni mu-na-du3 sza3-ba gi-gun4 ki ag2-ga2-ni szim erin-na mu-na-ni-du3

    AI Translation

    For Nanshe, the powerful lady, the lady of the dubba, his mistress, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for her, and Nina, her beloved city, he restored for her. Sirara, the mountain from which she came, he built for her. Within it, her beloved gigun, with aromatic cedar he built for her.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    For Nanshe the powerful lady, the lady of the boundary mound, his mistress, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made fitting things come forth resplendently: Nina, her beloved city, he restored to its previous condition; Sirara, her mountain lifted up out from other temples, he built for her; and within it her high-terrace chapel which she loves with aromatic cedar he built for her.

    P469847: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal-am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, Lugalamnanum, provider of the Eanna, his palace of kingship, erected.

    P469851: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) [...]
  • 4(disz) masz2# u2#?
  • masz2-da#-ri-a lugal# ki en (d)nanna-sze3# _arad2_-mu maszkim sza3 ga-esz5(ki) 1(u) 4(disz) udu nig2-ba lugal

  • 2(disz) udu u2
  • 3(disz) u8 u2
  • 1(disz) masz2-gal u2
  • AI Translation
  • 10 ...,
  • 4 billy goats, grass-fed,
  • for the mashdaria offerings of the king, with the lord of Nanna; ARADmu, the enforcer, in Ga'esh; 14 sheep, royal gift;

  • 2 sheep, grass-fed,
  • 3 ewes, grass-fed,
  • 1 full-grown billy goat, grass-fed,
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) sila4 gaba
  • 6(disz) masz2 gaba
  • ba-usz2 2(u) 2(disz) udu (d)szul-gi-iri-mu szu ba-ti u4# 1(u) 1(disz)-kam ki ur-ku3-nun-na-ta ba-zi giri3 a-hu-wa-qar szar2-ra-ab#-(du) u3 du11-ga sza3-tam iti ezem-mah mu en (d)inanna# [unu(ki)] masz2-e i3#-[pa3]

    AI Translation
  • 10 male lambs, suckling,
  • 6 billy goats, suckling,
  • slaughtered, 22 sheep of Shulgi-irimu received; 11th day, from Ur-kununa's account booked out; via Ahu-waqar, Shar-abdu, and Duga, the shatam; month: "Big-festival," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."


  • 3(u) 6(disz) udu
  • AI Translation
  • 36 sheep,
  • Seal 1


    a-hu-wa-qar dub-sar dumu _si_?-A?-a?

    AI Translation

    Ahu-waqar, scribe, son of Si'aya.

    P469852: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sze-bi 2(barig) 2(ban2)? ki szesz-kal-la-ta al-la

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 shekel of silver,
  • its barley: 2 barig 2 ban2, from Sheshkalla, alla;

  • 1/3 shekel silver,
  • its barley: 2 barig 2 ban2; from Sheshkalla did Alla



    szu ba-ti iti ri-sze3 su-su-dam iti nesag mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Flight," to be delivered; month: "First fruits," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."


    receive; to month "Flight" to be repaid; month: "First fruits," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    al-la dub-sar dumu lu2-iri-sag

    AI Translation

    Alla, scribe, son of Lu-irisag.


    Alla, scribe, son of Lu-irisag.

    P469854: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu sza3 5(disz)
  • ki in-ta-e3-a-ta ur-ku3-nun-na i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, of 5 spans' height,
  • Ur-kununa accepted from Inta'ea;



    iti ezem-mah mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    month "Big-festival," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    ur-ku3-nun-na dub-sar dumu lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su kuruszda _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ur-kununa, scribe, son of Lu-Ningirsu, fattener, is your servant.

    P469856: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) udu 1(disz) sila4
  • giri3-ni-i3-sa6 szabra

  • 1(disz) sila4 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su
  • 1(disz) sila4 ur-ma-ma
  • 2(disz) sila4 ba-ba-an-sze-en
  • 1(disz) sila4 i3-lal3-lum
  • AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, 1 lamb,
  • Girini-isa, household manager;

  • 1 lamb for Lu-Ningirsu,
  • 1 lamb of Ur-Mama,
  • 2 lambs, Babilanshen,
  • 1 lamb, Ilallum,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) sila4 puzur4-er3-ra
  • u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam mu-kux(_du_) ab-ba-sa6-ga i3-dab5 iti ezem-an-na mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation
  • 1 lamb from Puzur-Erra,
  • 23rd day, delivery, Abbasaga accepted; month: "Festival of An," year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"


  • 1(u) 1(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • 11
  • P469857: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 2(gesz2) zu2-lum gur
  • ku3-bi 1(disz) ma-na 5(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2#! - szu ti-a ur-(d)en-lil2-la2

    AI Translation
  • 240 gur dates,
  • its silver: 1 ma-na 5 2/3 shekels, received from Ur-Enlila;

    P469858: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu niga sa2-du11
  • (d)iszkur

  • 2(disz) sila4
  • nig2-ki-zah3 (d)be-la-at-suh-ner u3 (d)be-la-at-dar-ra-ba-an

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, barley-fed, regular offerings,
  • Ishkur

  • 2 lambs,
  • the reed-tree of Belat-suhner and Belat-darraban;



    iti-ta u4 1(u) 6(disz) ba-ra-zal zi-ga ur-(d)lugal-edin-ka sza3 uri5(ki)-ma iti ezem-mah mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from month "16th day passed," booked out; from Ur-Lugal-edina, in Ur; month: "Great festival," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P469859: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • e2 (d)szakkan2 gub-ba

  • 2(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • e2 (d)szakkan2-sze3 sig4! im-de6 gurum2 ak a2 lu2 hun-ga2

    AI Translation
  • 8 male laborer workdays,
  • house of Shakkan stationed;

  • 20 workdays, male laborers,
  • to the house of Shakkan ... bricks, inspection of the labor of the hirelings,



    ki lugal-a2-zi-da iti du6!-ku3 u4 2(u) 1(disz) zal-la mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    from Lugal-azida; month: "Duku," 21st day passed; year after: "Kimash was destroyed," year after that.

    P469860: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) amar ansze-edin-na
  • 1(disz) u8 a-udu hur-sag
  • 1(disz) masz2 a-dara4
  • 1(disz) masz-da3
  • ba-usz2 u4 3(u)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 6 calf-gazelles,
  • 1 ewe, a-udu, of the mountain range,
  • 1 buck, suckling,
  • 1 gazelle,
  • slaughtered, 30th day;



    ki a-hu-ni-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti szu-esz#-sza# mu ur-bi2-lum#[(ki) ba]-hul#

    AI Translation

    from Ahuni Ur-nigar received; month: "shu'esha," year: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P469867: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2-ba-ni sipa nig2-nam szar2-ra nibru(ki) lugal kal-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri dam sza3-ge pa3-da (d)inanna ki-ag2 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na-ka-ke4 bad3 gal i3-si-in(ki)-na mu-du3 bad3-ba (d)en-lil2-ba-ni suhusz-_ki-in_ mu-bi-im

    AI Translation

    For Enlilbani, the shepherd who makes everything plentiful for Nippur, the mighty king, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad, wife chosen by the heart of Inanna, beloved of Enlil and Nininsina, the great wall of Isin he built. That wall, Enlilbani, its foundations are named.

    P469868: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P469869: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P469870: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P469871: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P469872: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2# lugal-a-[ni] gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4# nig2#-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    P469906: other-genre tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu a-lum niga saga us2
  • 1(disz) udu a-lum niga 3(disz)-kam us2
  • u4 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz)# udu# u4# 2(disz)-kam
  • [n] sila4#?-nita2 ga u4 3(disz)-kam [n ... u4] 6(disz)-kam [n ...] u4 9(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 long-fleeced long-fleeced sheep, grain-fed, fine quality,
  • 1 long-fleeced long-fleeced sheep, barley-fed, 3rd grade,
  • 1st day.

  • 1 sheep, 2nd day;
  • n male suckling lambs, 3rd day; n ..., 6th day; n ..., 9th day;



    [...] 3(disz)# x [x x] [ki In-ta]-e3-a-ta# [lugal-szu]-nir#-re i3-dab5 iti u5#-bi2#-gu7 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal#-e si-ma-num2(ki) mu-hul#

    AI Translation

    ... 3 ..., from Intaea, Lugal-shunire accepted; month: "Ubi feast," year: "Shu-Suen, the king, Simanum destroyed."

    P469954: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) u8
  • 4(disz) ud5
  • ki szu-(d)en-lil2-la2-ta mu-kux(_du_) na-ra-am-i3-li2

    AI Translation
  • 5 ewes,
  • 4 nanny goats,
  • from Shu-Enlila delivery of Naram-ili;



    i3-dab5 ugu na-sa6-ka ba-a-ga2-ar iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu mu us2-sa ur-bi2-lum(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; against Nasa he will be repaid; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year after: "Urbilum was destroyed."

    P469955: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)en-lil2
  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nin-lil2
  • mu-kux(_du_) esz18-dar-il-szu

  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)en-lil2
  • mu-kux(_du_) ensi2 urumx(|_ur2_xU2|)(ki)

  • 1(disz) sila4 (d)nin-lil2
  • mu-kux(_du_) szar-ru-um-i3-li2 zabar-dab5 maszkim

  • 2(disz) amar masz-da3 mu-kux(_du_) lu2-sun2-zi-da
  • AI Translation
  • 1 lamb for Enlil,
  • 1 lamb for Ninlil,
  • delivery of Eshdar-ilshu;

  • 1 lamb for Enlil,
  • delivery of the governor of Urum;

  • 1 lamb for Ninlil,
  • delivery of Sharrum-ili, zabardab-official, responsible official;

  • 2 gazelles, delivery of Lu-sunzida;
  • Reverse

  • 2(disz) amar masz-da3 mu-kux(_du_) i-di3-(d)suen
  • e2-uz-ga da-a-a-ni maszkim zi-ga u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 2 gazelles, delivery of Iddi-Suen;
  • for the uzga-house of Da'ani, the enforcer, booked out; 16th day, month: "Harvest," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P469956: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, his palace of kingship he built.

    P469958: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    nibru(ki)-ta-lu2 dumu lugal-szuba dam-gar3-ra-ke4 (d)nergal-ra ha-zi-in nagga mu-na-ni-in-dim2 gesz-bi (gesz)ar-ga-nu-um hur-sag-ga2 a-lal3-e dirig-ga-am3 na4-bi an-ta-sur-ra-am3 gaba-ri nu-tuku-am3 he2-sag3-ge a2-ni na-an-kusz2-u3 he2-eb2-ta-_tar_-e ga-mu-na-ab-silim u2-gu he2-ni-ib-de2-e ki-bi ga-mu-na-ab-gi4 u4 ti-la-ga2 igi hu-mu-un-du8 u4 ba-ug7-en kur-ra a si-ga hu-mu-un-na8-na8

    AI Translation

    Nibru-talu, son of Lugal-shububa, the merchant, to Nergal he fashioned a reed basket for him. Its beams are the arganum trees of the mountains, they are a thorny mountain. Its stone is an antasura stone, it is a thorny stone. May it be a thorny stone. May it be a thorny stone. May it be a thorny stone. May it be a thorny stone. May it be a thorny stone. May it be restored to its place. May it be a day of life. May it be a day of death. May it be a day of a thorny mountain.

    P469959: royal-monumental other-object

    ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI


    ensi2 lagasz(ki) lu2 e2-musz3 du3-a dingir-ra-ni (d)szul-|_musz_xPA|-am6 u4-ba en-mete-na ensi2 lagasz(ki) lugal-ki-ne2-esz2-du7-du7 ensi2 unu(ki)-bi# nam#-szesz# [e-ak]

    AI Translation

    ruler of Lagash, the man who built the Emush temple, his personal god is Shul-MUShxPA. At that time, Enmetena, ruler of Lagash, and Lugalkineshdudu, ruler of Uruk, did brotherhood.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    the ruler of Lagash, the man who built the Emush temple, his personal god is Shul-MUShxPA. At that time, Enmetena the ruler of Lagash, and Lugalkineshdudu the ruler of Uruk, established brotherhood.

    P469968: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x [...] esz4-tar2-da-na-at [...] 2(asz) ma-szum 3(asz@c) 3(barig) be-li2-du-gul

  • 1(asz) 2(barig) nin-dingir (d)_ka_-(_di_?)
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) szu-ma-ma
  • 3(ban2) dam _ka#_-[x]
  • AI Translation

    ... ... ... Eshtardanat ... 2 gur Mashum 3 gur 3 barig Beli-dugal

  • 1 gur 2 barig, the goddess of .
  • 1 gur 2 barig, Shummama;
  • 3 seahs, wife of ...;
  • Reverse


    3(asz@c) da-num2 x [...] da-da-tum

  • 3(barig) nin-(d)hur-x x
  • 3(asz) da-ba-na
  • 3(asz) 3(barig) i-t,ib-be-li2
  • [x esz4]-tar2#-da-na-at

    AI Translation

    3 ash-c-workers, ..., the date-workers;

  • 3 barig Ninhur-...,
  • 3: Dabana;
  • 3 gur 3 barig, Ibbeli;
  • ... she is the goddess of the heavens.

    P469969: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    1(disz@t) szubur tur _sig_-_sag_ _dumu_ pu-x-[me?]

  • 1(disz) im4-ta2-lik#? tu3-ug2?
  • szu na-num2#

  • 1(disz) szu#-ma-ma#
  • AI Translation

    1 small ..., ..., son of;

  • 1 ..., ...,
  • Hand of the nanum

  • 1 Shummama,
  • P469970: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

  • 1(ban2) za3-[...]
  • 2(ban2) dingir-[...]
  • 1(ban2) nin-zu-[zu?]
  • 1(ban2) la-gu-ru(ki?)
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 ... flour,
  • 2 ban2: Dingir-...,
  • 1 ban2: Nin-zuzu?,
  • 1 ban2 Laguru,
  • P469971: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    _5(u@c) udu#_ _4(asz@c) ud5_ _1(asz@c) masz2_ _1(u@c) 3(asz@c) sila4 niga_ la2-ni-am3 i3-li2-a-hi

    AI Translation

    50 rams, 4 ewes, 1 goat, 13 lambs, grain-fed, deficit: Ili-ahi;



    _2(asz@c) sila4_ te-te 1(asz@c) nin-kal-la# la2-ni-am3# i3-li2-a-hi

    AI Translation

    2 lambs, ..., 1 lamb of Ninkalla, are his deficit: Ili-ahi;

    P469972: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    i-[...] _dumu_-su#? im-hur _7(asz@c) 2(barig@c) sze gur_ szu-i3-li2-su _dumu_ ur-ab-zu _4(asz@c) sze gur_

    AI Translation

    I..., his son, received 7 gur 2 barig of barley from Shu-ilisu, son of Ur-abzu; 4 gur of barley



    in 1(asz@c) _gu4_ _gu4-lah5_ _dumu_ ur-ab-zu _1(u@c) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ur-ab-zu 4(asz@c) 1(barig@c) gi2? x-i3?

    AI Translation

    in 1 bull, ox, son of Ur-abzu; 10 shekels of silver, Ur-abzu; 4 gur 1 barig ... oil?;



    _gu4-lah5-ke4-ne umma!(ki)-ke4_

    AI Translation

    the bulls of Umma

    P469973: administrative other-object

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) gukkal niga
  • ki u2-ta2-mi-szar-ra-am-ta na-lu5 i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 3 fat-tailed sheep, grain-fed,
  • from Uta-misharram Nalu accepted;

  • 3 fat-tailed sheep, grain-fed,
  • from Uta-misharram did Nalu accept;



    iti a2-ki-ti mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna unu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month: "Akitu," year: "Enunugal of Inanna in Uruk was installed;"


    month "Akitu," year: "Enunugalanna as en-priest of Inanna in Uruk was installed;"


  • 3(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 3.
  • Human
  • total: 3.
  • P469976: school tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [ina a-mat (d)]_amar#-utu_ u (d)zar-pa-ni-tum lisz-lim

    [_ge umun_(hi) (d)en-lil _dingir_]-_mesz#_ a-szi-ir kib-rat _ge umun_(hi) _ibila dumu_(?)-_sag_(?)# eri-[du10]

    [(x) (d)_asar_]-_alim#-nun-na_ : nu-ur szA (d)60 (d)50 u (d)40# : _asar_ : nu(?)#-[ur(?) (_dingir_-_mesz_)]

    [(d)_asar_]-_alim#-nun-na_ ka-ru-ba nu-ur a-bi a-li-di-szu

    (d)a-num _sipa_ nap-har _ki_(ti) (d)_amar-utu_ ina É _kal_ (d)en-lil x# [x x]

    ina i-nu-um (d)a-num s,i-i-ri : ina(?) x# [(x)]

    asz-szum(!) (d)_utu_ : (d)_utu_ szA _kur_(ha) _nu_ szA (d)_amar-utu_ ina lib-bi-szu szu(?)-u(?)#-[ma]

    (d)_sag-me-gar_ ina _mu_-szu na-din it-ti ana _kur-kur_ szA-nisz na-[din (x x x)]

    szA-nisz s,a-ad-du nu-ur : _sag_(*) : ma-ta-a-ti : ina (d)x# [x x (x)]

    im-bi _mu_-ka a-bi _dingir_-_mesz_ (d)nu-nam-nir# [x x x (x x)]

    _gar_(?)# :(?)# szA-kan(*) _tur_ szA-la-la ki x# [(x)]-ti : x# [x x x x (x x)]

    [x x x] x# ta-ba-lu nu#-[...]

    [x x x x] x x x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    At the command of Marduk and Zarpanitu, may it go well.

    "I am Asalluhi, Enlil of the gods, who dwells in the four quarters of the world." "I am Asalluhi, heir of the eunuch Eridu."

    "Asar-alamnunna" means "sunny light of Anu, Ea and Anu." "Asar" means "sunny light of the gods."

    Asar-alamnuna, the light of the father who engendered him,

    Anu, shepherd of all the earth, Marduk, in the House of the Great Enlil .

    When Anu was exalted, .

    Because Shamash is the sun of the mountain, it is not the sun of Marduk inside it.

    Jupiter is given in its name, it is given to the lands, alternatively, it is given .

    "Sag" means "the land," ... .

    Your name, father of the gods, Namnir .

    "gar" means "to set up." "tur" means "to slay." "... ..."


    By the command of Marduk and Zarpanitu, may this work suceed!

    "I am Asalluhi, the Enlil of the gods, the guardian of the universe" Marduk's Address l. 73; "I am Asalluhi, the first born of Eridu" Marduk's Address l. 100,

    Asaralimnunna means "light of Anu, Enlil, and Ea" — Asar means light,

    as in "Asaralimnunna, the noble, the light of his father, his begetter" = Enuma elish VII 5

    Anu, the shepherd of all the land, Marduk in the ... of Enlil ... ...

    In "When the splendid Anu" = Code of Hammurapi 1 — ... ...

    on account of Shamash — Shamash of the sunrise, the image of Marduk is inside of it.

    Sagmegar i.e., Jupiter, Marduk's planet, according to lit., "in" its name, means "provider of signs to the lands"; alternatively, it means provider of ...,

    alternatively, it means "signal of light" — since sag means "lands," ... ...

    "Nunammir, the father of the gods, created you" = Prayer to Marduk II l. 37 ...

    gar ? means "to place," tur means "to plunder" ... ...

    ... means "to carry off," ... ...

    ... ... ...



    [x x x] x x x x x x x-na# [x x x x x x]

    _lal_(*) : t,a-a-bi : _ur_ : ut(!)(_erim_-)lu4 : _alim#_ [: (d)_bad_ x x (x)]

    mu-s,u-u szA-nisz _nibru_(ki) : dun-nu(*) :(*) :# [x x x x x (x)]

    (gisz)_mes-ki-in-gi-ra_ : hu-la-me-su# [x x x x x (x)]

    _ki-in-gi_ : _nibru_(ki) : _ir_ : szA-la-la# [: _ra_ : ma-ha-s,u(?)]

    an-zu-u im-has, kap-pa-szu isz-bir : _mes#_ [x x x x (x)]

    szA ana _en_-szu qar-nu s,ap-ru u mu-szA-kil-szu [x x x (x)]

    (d)qin-gu u (iti)_bara_ szA (d)60 u (d)50 _u4 1#_-[_kam_ (mul)(lu2)_hun-ga igi-la_]

    (mul)(lu2)_hun-ga_ : (d)_dumu-zi_ : (d)qin-gu# [: (d)_dumu-zi_ (x)]

    _munus_ (x) x#(ti) _dingir_ al-ma-nu-tu _du_(ak) : x# [x x x (x)]

    ri#-ig-mu szak-na-at : É-_kur_ : É x# [x x x x (x)]

    [(x)] x# _ku-gi dam-gar_ szA a-na (d)nin-lil# [x x x x (x)]

    pa-lih (d)_utu_ ana la _dumu tin-tir_(ki) la i-nam-din _nig-gig_ x x# [x (x)]

    (im)_gi_ (d)_bad_-tab-tan-_uri a_-szu szA (d)_en_-A-_uri dumu_ (disz)(lu2)_ad#_-[_kid_]


    AI Translation

    lal means "good," ur means "man" and alim means "Enlil" .

    "To be a guard" means "to be strong." "... ..."

    "meskingira" means "a tree of reeds" .

    KI.IN.GI means Nippur, IR means "to be shalalala," RA means "to be slighted."

    "The Anzu-demon smashed his horns" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "mes" .

    who is a slanderer, a criminal, and a criminal who is his accomplice .

    Qingu and Nisannu of Anu and Ea, the 1st day: the Hireling will appear.

    The Hireling is Dumuzi, Qingu is Dumuzi .

    "A woman ... a god will go to the ..." = Shumma alu 49 unknown means ... .

    "House, a reed-bed" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "house." "E-kur" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "house" .

    ... gold, the merchant, which to Mullissu .

    Who reveres Shamash, does not give a gift to the citizen of Babylon, ... a curse ...,

    Tablet of Enlil-tabtan-ushur, son of Bel-apla-ushur, descendant of Abu-kid.

    a kind of profession


    ... ... ...

    in Laluralimma's name, lal means "good," ur means "lap," alim means "Enlil." "Nippur" means

    "exit," alternatively, "Nippur" means "foundation, ... ....

    gish.mes-kingira lit., "the Sumerian mes-tree" means "the hulamesu-tree," since ...

    kingi i.e., "Sumer" means "Nippur," ir means "to plunder," and ra means "to beat",

    as in "he beat Anzû and broke its wings" = quotation from a version of the Anzû Myth; mes means ...

    refers to someone who presses down the horns for his lord, and his supplier ...

    Qingu and the month Nisannu belong to Anu and Enlil. On the first day Aries is visible —

    Aries equals Dumuzi, Qingu equals Dumuzi ...

    a woman ... will be widowed ... ...

    means "the noise is loud." ekur means "house ... ....

    The golden ... ... of the merchant, who to Ninlil ...

    He who reveres Shamash should not show it to a non-Babylonian — it is a taboo of ... ...

    One-column tablet of Ea-tabtanni-ushur son of Bel-aplu-ushur, descendant of Atkuppu.


    P469977: school tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [...] x# [...]

    [...] sa-s,a-at# [...]

    [...] x#-ri-ik mas-ka ri#-[...]

    [...]-ti is,-s,ab-bat : _gid-da_ : [...]

    [... ma]-ar#-sa-at : mar-s,a-at : x# [...]

    [...]-ru# : da-ma-ma : s,a-di#-[...]

    [...]-x#-is e-rasz : ina x# [...]

    [...] x# [x x x] x# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... is sagged .

    ... he has captured ... : gidda means .

    ... "to be swollen" = Marduk II l. 115 stems from "to be swollen" .

    ... ... means "to be swollen" .

    ... ... : in ... .





    ... "will be taken." GID.DA means "to be long" ...

    ... ma-ar-sa-at means "she is sick"; ...,

    ... means "to moan," ...



    P469985: school tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x x x x x x x x x x x x] (d)30 : _dib_ : _an_ : ma-[x x x x]

    [x x x x x x x x x x] x x#-tu di-ib-bi ul-te-ra-[x (x x)]

    [x x x x x x x x x] ul(?)#-tu(?) _u4 16-kam_ (d)30 _nigin_-rat ih-te-si-[ma]

    [x x x x (x)] _iti_(hu)-(us)#-(su) é tUr-(gin7) nigin-na-a sza3-bi a-sze-er-[ra]

    [x x (x)] x x (x) abzu pe-el#-lA-am3 szA _u4 1-kam gar_(nu) bu-ub-bu-lu szu-[u(?)]

    [(iti)x _u4_] 3-_kam_ s,al-mu szA it#-[ti(?)-i(?) (d)]30 ul ib-ba-ni ina lib-bi iq-ta-bi(?)#

    [ul(?)]-tu in-(né)-ep-szu : ul(?)#-[tu ib]-ba(?)#-nu-u :(?) bi-kit it-tasz-kan : _ki#_-[x (x)]

    ta-qab-bu-u um-ma mi(?)-nu(?)-u(?)# [x x]-_kal_-lu-man-ni szA _u4 18-kam uru4_ é#-[sag-gil na-di]

    (iti)_sig4_ szA (d)30 _dumu_ resz-tu-u sza# (d)en-lil# : (d)_sig4_ : (d)30 : (d)_sig4 en#_ [_usz8_]

    4(?) : er(?)#-bet-tum : 4(?) : (d)30 : _u4 18-kam_ szA (iti)#_sig4_ szA (d)_ag_ [u] (d)_di#_-[_ku5_]

    ana (gisz)_kiri6_ ma-suk-kan-nu il-la-ku-' szA _e#_(u) usz-szu [(x x) x x]

    ma-suk-kan-nu : _ma_ : ba-nu-u : _suk#_ : bi-tum :# _en_ : be-lu4#

    si-ma-nu : _si#_ : re-tu-u szA# te-me-en-ni# : _ma_ : É : _en#_ [: be]-lu4#

    i/ra#-[x x (x)] (d)30 u (d)_utu_ ki-nu _an ki_(?)# [x (x)] _ur_/_hul# gal_(szi) : x [(x)] x

    [lib-bu-u (d)]_en#-ki_ (d)_utu#_ u (d)_sza-zu_(?) ba(?)-bi(?)#-[lu] x x x x

    [_u4 18-kam udu-nita_ ina muh-hi uh]-tat#-ta-pu : _ur_ : isz-[di]

    [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]-ud 19 _szu-si igi_[(mar)]

    [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x] x _iku_ ma-da-as-[(su(?))]

    [x x x x x x x] 3-20 : 3-20 : É-_sag-gil_ : x x [x]

    [x x x x _ka-dingir-ra_](ki) szu-bat (d)_amar-utu_ : 3-20 : _esz_ : bi-[tum]

    [x x x x x x x] _egir_(?)# _sig4_ ina _kisal_(?) _ban-da_ lu-ut,-t,u ina _ki-ta_-szi-na(?)#

    kin _iti#_ [x x] x x x [_iti_(?)]-_iti#_ : Ar-ha-a-tu : Ar-hi : _iti_ : _sig4_

    li-bit-tu lu-ut,-t,u szA ina _szu_ ma#-[sze]-en(?)#-nu kak-ku sak-ku szu-u : _sig4_ szu-u-ma(?)#

    _kur mar-tu_(ki) : (d)mar-tu mu-lu# hur-sag-gA-ke4# (iti)_sig4_ szA _usz8_ É _szub_[(u)]

    (d)30 ina É ((iti(?)))_ziz_ u (d)_utu_ ina É (iti)_sig4 dur_ szA a-ha-a-mesz [x x x] x x x [(x)]

    be-lu4 (d)_di-ku5_ a-szi-ir (d)a-nun-na-ki : _ma_ : É [x x x x x] _da_(?) A(?) [(x)]

    _en_ : be-lu : _dingir_ : i-lu : ina lib-bi ki-i _sig4_-_hi-a_ szA(?)# [x x x x x] x#

    (d)_di-ku5_ isz(?)-[x x x (x x)]

    dib-bi szA x x (x) pa#-lih (d)_amar-utu_ ma-'#-disz _uri_-ma ana la _dumu tin_(?)-_tir_(?)#[(ki(?)) _nu_ u-kal-lam(?)]

    (im)_gid-da_ (disz)(d)_be_-_man_-_dingir#_-[_mesz a_ (disz)mi]-nu-u(?)#-[ana]-(d)_en#_-da-nu _dumu_ (disz)_a-gal_-(d)[_amar-utu_]

    _gim# sumun_(?)-szu _sar_-ma# [ba-ri] u up#-pu-usz

    [(x x x x) pa]-lih(?)# (d)_amar-utu_(?)# _nu tum_-szu ina me-resz-tum la# lib-bi _nu_ u-[szel-lisz]

    [(iti)x _u4_ x-_kam mu_ x-_kam_ szA szi-i _mu 7_/8(?)]-_kam_ (disz)an-ti-gu-nu-us-su (lu2)_gal_ ÉRIN

    AI Translation

    ...... Sîn : DIB means ... .

    ...... words .

    ...... From the 16th day the moon was surrounded by a halo, it sat down.

    ... in the month of Huushu, the house of the turban, a niginnu-tree, inside it I will recite the incantation.

    ... ... of the Abzu is a reed-bed, which is installed on the first day. It is a reed-bed.

    On the 3rd day of the month ..., a statue which had not been created with the moon was said there.

    "From the moment they are made" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "from the moment they are made." "The cultic ritual has been performed" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means .

    You say: "What ... of the 18th day, the foundation of Esagil was laid" —

    Simanu Month III of Sîn, first-born son of Enlil, i.e., the year in which Simanu : Simanu means Sîn, Simanu means Lord, the dead.

    4 means "to be swollen," 4 means "Sîn." The 18th day of Simanu belongs to Nabû and Madanu.

    He goes to the garden, the musukkannu-tree, the ..., the one who goes out .

    "Sukkannu" = Theodicy 115 stems from ma, which means "to build," since SU means "to build," and ENG means "lord."

    SI means "first-fruits of the foundations," MAM means "house" and en means "lord."

    ... Sin and Shamash are true ...

    The heart of the gods Enki, Shamash, and Shazu, who are ...,

    On the 18th day: a ram will be slaughtered on account of it. UR means: shit.

    ...... The 19th, the left horn is visible.

    ...... he will add a silver ring

    ... 3-20 means "House of Esaggil" .

    ... Babylon, the dwelling of Marduk, ditto 3 20 means "house."

    ...... Let them ... the bricks behind the terrace and lie down on their lower sides.

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... : aharhatu means : aharu, ... : aharu means ... brick.

    He is a fugitive, he is a fugitive, he is a fugitive, he is a fugitive, he is a brick.

    The land of Amurru : the god Amurru, the man of the mountain range. Simanu III, which means "the death of the house."

    The moon in the house of Shabatu XI and the sun in the house of Simanu ... .

    Lord of the Judges, who oversees the Anunnaki, ma means "house" ... .

    Bel means lord, i.e., god means god. In the same way, the bricks of .

    Madanu ...

    The words of ... who revered Marduk were very numerous, and I did not show them to the citizens of Babylon.

    Tablet of Illil-shar-ilani, son of Minu-ana-Bel-dan, descendant of Rabi-Marduk.

    Written and checked according to its original.

    ... who reveres Marduk, does not have heart, does not have a temper.

    ... day of month ..., year ..., which is 7/8 year of Antigonus, chief of the army.


    ... Sîn means DIB, since AN means ...

    ... words ... ...,

    ... from the 16th day the visible area of the moon is covered,

    ... monthly the lamentation "The House Is Encircled Like A Cattle Pen; Inside Of It There Are Laments."

    ... the lamentation "The Apsû is Defiled," which is recited on the 1st day, is the day of the new moon.

    On the 3rd of the month ..., statues of bitumen ... and Sîn should not made, it is said there.

    "After it is done" means "after it is made." A mourning-ritual is performed ...

    You should say thus: who ... of the 18th day, the foundations of the Esagil are laid.

    Simanu iti.SIG4 belongs to Sîn, the first-born son of Enlil. Kulla d.SIG4 means Sîn; Kulla is the lord of the foundations,

    4 means "four" and 4 means Sîn. The 18th day of Simanu belongs to Nabû and Madanu.

    What it said, "they go to the rosewood garden," means "they build the foundations of the house,

    since, in masukkannu, ma means "to build," suk means "house," and en means "lord."

    In the word simanu, si means "to fix," said of the foundations; ma means "house," and en means "lord."

    ... Sîn and Shamash ... ... there is ...,

    As in "Enki, Shamash, and Shazu to Babylon ... ...,

    On the 18th day a sheep is slaughtered on it — ur means "base,"

    ... 19 fingers are visible,

    ... ... n ikû is its measurement.

    ... 3.20 means Esagila, ...,

    ... Babylon, the abode of Marduk; 3.20 means esh, i.e., "temple".

    ... back; a brick in the small courtyard, a vessel that is set up beneath them,

    the month .... ITI. ITI# means "half bricks" arhatu; arhu means "month" and SIG4 means "brick."

    The vessel that is in the hand of the steward - it is "sealed and shut" i.e. "implicit"? - it is a brick.

    The land of Amurru - "Amurru, the man of the mountains." Simanu iti.SIG4 is the month for laying the foundations of a house.

    Sîn in the "house" of Shabatu XI and Shamash in the house of Simanu III; the band that ... with each other ....

    In "Lord Madanu, the inspector of the Annunaki," ma means "house," ... dU means ...,

    en means "lord," dingir means "god"; therefore the bricks of ...

    Madanu ... ....

    Words of the Esagila. The reverer of Marduk should respect them greatly, he should not show them to a non-Babylonian.

    One-colum tablet of Marduk-shar-ili, son of Minû-ana-Bel-dan, descendant of Ile''i-Marduk.

    Written, collated, and checked according to its original.

    ... The reverer of Marduk shall not steal it, nor deliberately remove it from it.

    nth of x month of the nth year ..., i.e., 7th/8th year of Antigonus the General i.e. 312/311 BCE.

    P469989: school tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [x (x)]-u-du :(?)# [...]

    ka(?)#-ma-su : x# [...]

    _nu#_ : t,a-mu-u : _tuku_(?) x#-[...]

    _nu#_ : la(?)-a(?)# : sa(?) x na# [...]

    _gul_ : e-pe-szu szA _ku-babbar#_ [...]

    e-pe-szu szA _ku-babbar u#_ [_ku_(?)-_gi_(?) ...]

    ul in-né-ep#-[pu-usz ...]

    ri-si-it#-[tu ...]

    szi-ip-pu# [...]

    x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... UDU means .

    kamasu means ... .

    "Nu" means "to be good." "Tuku" ... .

    nu means "not"; ... .

    gul means "to do" .

    The work on silver and gold .

    ... they will not do anything .

    . . . a scepter .

    The reed-bed .


    … … …

    "To kneel … …

    "nu" means "to spin," … ….

    "nu" means "not"; … ….

    "gul" means "to do, said of silver" …

    "To do, said of silver and gold" ? ….

    "It was not done …" = quotation from unknown text …

    "Soaked malt …,

    … …

    … …



    ku# [...]

    szA-ki-ru#-[u ...]

    _silig_(_uru_xIGI) : ma-a-a#-[al-tu ...]

    su#-ul-hu : x#-[...]

    x#-ru-ka/ne ir-szi [...]

    ra-a-hu : ra-hu#-[u ...]

    ra-a-hu# : szA su-x :# [...]

    [x x] x kul(?)-li-zu(?)# [...]

    x x (x) nu(?)# : tir-ru# [...]

    x# mA-ru-ru : x# [...]

    [x] x# szA(?)-an : x# [...]

    [x x] x# : a-me-[lu(?) ...]

    [x x x] x (x#) [...]

    AI Translation

    The shakkirû-priest .

    silig means "city" .

    "Suulhu" means ... .

    "To be swollen" means "to be swollen" .

    "To be swollen" means "to ..." .

    ... ... means "to be frightened" .

    ... maruru means ... .

    ... ... means "a man .


    … …

    "Henbane" Aa VI/4 43 ….

    silig means "bed" Aa VI/4 ca. 105-106 ….

    "Palm" means … ….

    … …

    The rahu-sign i.e., RA read as rah2 means "to pour out" rahû = Aa VI/4 135-136 ….

    "To remain" râhu means … ….

    … … "ox-driver" Aa VI/4 134 ? …

    … …

    … …

    … … …

    … … man ….

    … … …

    P469999: school tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [...] x [...]

    [...] x-ka-du(?)# [...]

    [x x x] : pa-la-su : a(?)#-[...]

    [x x (x)]-am : ha-ta-ri : x#-[...]

    [x] x# ana za-ap-pi : be-x#-nu lib-bu-u# [...]

    lib-bu#-u _nu_ ta-pa-x#-kab lum-x# [...]

    szu-ke-nu : la-ban ap-pi : it-ti# [...]

    _bad_/_nu_ ut-tu-u : a-ma-rU : nu-uk-ku(?)-du# [: ...]

    s,a-i(?)#-du : s,a-a-du : a-la-ku : x x# [...]

    a-lik mah-ri : pe#-tu-u szA pisz-ri# [...]

    [x] x x# [x x x] x x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... means "to be frightened" .

    ... means "to be frightened" .

    ... ... to zapi means ... .

    You do not ..., ... .

    "To be firm" means "to be firm." "To be firm" means ... .

    "To see" = Theodicy 115 stems from "to see," which means "to be bright." .

    "To be sa-idu" = Shumma alu LIX 24 means "to be sa-du." "To go" = Shumma alu LIX 24 means ... .

    "God who goes before" means "one who ... the truth."




    ... means "to look;" ...

    ... means "to wag" the tail ...

    ... said of a tuft of hair or, of the Plejades, ... as in ....

    as in "do not ..." ...

    "To prostrate oneself" means "to stroke one's nose;" ... ...

    In "... he will discover," "to discover" means "to see." "To be anxious," ...

    "Roaming" stems from "to roam," which means "to go;" ...

    "Leader" means "he who reveals the interpretation" ...
