AICC / Publications / p470

P470000: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[x x x] x# [...]

a-x# [x (x)] x#-ma a#-[...]

ki-ma : tak-ni-tum [...]

ta-ka-lu4 : le-qu-u [...]

ar-da : am-tum [...]

ar-da-tu [...]


[x (x)] x-du# [...]

AI Translation

"like" means "to be swollen" .

"to be swollen" means "to be swollen" .

"Arada" means "amtu" .

The adolescent .




means "like." "Beloved" means ...

derives from "to trust." "To take" ...

"Male servant" means "Female servant" ...

"Girl" means ....



P470005: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x#-usz-tum x# [...]

[...] szi-si-tum x# [...]

[...] x# ana re-hu-u : sze-[...]

[... ((uzu))_sza_]-_gi6_ : t,u-li-mu : [...]

[...] x-nin : _gam_ : ka-[ma-s,u ...]

[...] :# man-za-az-tum : su-u-x# [...]

[...] gisz-gi-nu-u : gisz-gi#-[...]

[...]-u : (ba)-(e)_ku_ : te-s,u-u# [...]

[... pa]-ar-da : gal-ta : _mud_ [: pa-la-hu : _mud_ : ga-la-tu ...]

[...]-x#-gal-zi la-ni x x [...]

[...] x-mu [...]

AI Translation

... a shitu-plant ... .

... ... to the rear means .

... sha-gi6 means "to be full" .

... ... GAM means "to be swollen" .

... means "to be frightened"; ... .

... gishginû means ... .

... ... means "to eat," ... .

... "to be frightened" = Marduk II l. 59 stems from "to be frightened," which means "to be afraid," since mud means "to be frightened" .


… "cry …" …

… derives from "to pour our." …

… ShA.GI6 means "spleen" …,

… … GAM means "to prostrate" …

… means "position" … …

… a clamp … …

… … and KU, read /be/, means "to defecate." …

… "afraid" means "fearful," since mud means "to fear" and mud means "to be fearful" …

… … figure … …



[... (u)_szim_]-_eren#_ : li-pisz-tum : x x x [...]

[... _gissu_ : s,i]-il(?)#-li : sim-mu szA _igi_-_mesz_-szu s,ab-ru : [...]

[... ka-lit zik]-ra#-tu-szu : szA-nisz isz-ka-a-szu : _sa-gig_ :# [...]

[...] x-tum(?)# : dan-nu : _gal_ : szep-s,i : ri-bit-[su ...]

[...] x x x x x [...]

AI Translation

... shim-eren-plant : li-pishtu-plant : ... .

... gissu means "to cover," "the scent of his eyes is black" means .

... "to be his ally" means "to be his friend." "Sagig" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means .

... ... means "mighty," GAL means "to be mighty," i.e., "to be mighty."


… u.shimEREN means lipishtu-plant, … …

… GISSU means "shadow," i.e. a wound of one who blinks his eyes. …

… means the "kidneys of his masculinity," alternatively, it means "his testicles." SA.GIG means …

… … means "strong," GAL means "obstinate." "His abdomen" …

P470014: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x# [...]

[...] x# ku :(?) mi#-s,i-ti :(?)# [...]

[...]-tum(?)# : a-na szA-ra-tum# [...]

[...] : mim-ma hi-it, qa-ta#-[ti ...]

[...]-szu(?)# : szit-tum : zu-u# [...]

[_ku-ku_ si lu-lim-bi me-te] hur#-sag-gA-ke4 : su-ban-du# [qar-nu lu-li-mi si-mat _kur_(i)]

[...] x :(?)# a-na x x x# [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... means "to be sated" .

... ... : to the king .

... means "anything that is a slander ..."

... ... means "to be shittu-disease" .

"May the kuku-demon be sated with a lullimbi-symbol, the rite of the mountain range." "Subandu" means "to strew a qarnu-symbol, the symbol of the mountain."

... ... to ... .


… … …

… … few … …

… … refers to the hairs …

… … any sin of the hands …

… … "Excrement" means "faeces." …

"ku.ku si lulimbi mete hursag̃ake," in Akkadian "subandu of the stag's horn, ornament of the mountain" = quotation from Udughul XIII-XV 214′.

… … to … …

… … …

P470018: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x [x]

[...] x-ru-[x]

[...] _uru_(?)# [x]

[...] bal(?)#-_tar_-tum

[...] szA a-ma-tum

[... ib]-bal#-ka-at-tum


AI Translation

... city ...

... a remission of debt

. . . of the word.

... they will rebel.



... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... of the word

... they crossed over,

... ...

P470025: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _sag#-ki gu4_ : _sag_ : pu-u#-[tu : _gu4_ : al-pu ...]

[...] szu-usz-kal-li : _min_((szu-usz-kal-li)) : sze-e#-[tu ...]

[...] : _sag-du_ : qaq-qad : _sag_ : qaq(!)(_ni_-)[qa-du ...]

[...] x x# [...]

AI Translation

... SAG.KI means "ox," SAG means "to be oxen," GU4 means "ox" .

... "to shave" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "to shave" .

... SAG.DU means "to go out," SAG means "to go out" .


... In "trapezoid" SAG.KI GU4, lit. 'ox's forehead', SAG.KI means "forehead" and GU4 means "ox" ....

... means "battle-net", the same also means "hunting net" ....

... SAG.DU means "head," because SAG means "head" and ....


P470031: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


_gu-d_É : na-bu-u# [...]

(d)na-bi-um : _min_ : ku(?)#-[...]

_da-da-ra_ [: nen-bu-t,um ...]

i-lu [...]

[x] x#-[...]

AI Translation

GU.D.É means "to speak" .

"Nabû" means "the god ... .

"Dadara" means "to be swollen" .

The god . . .


GU.DE means "to name" nabû, ...,

i.e., the god Nabû; the same can mean ...;

DA.DA.RA means "to be swollen," ...,

god ...


P470033: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x# [...]

[...] _ru_ : pur-ru-si x# [...]

[...] mar(?)#-s,u-tu a-su-u# [...]

[...] _kimin_(?) la i-di x [...]

[...]-' szA-ni-isz a-bi [...]

[...]-szi(?)#-tum reme-nu-u x# [...]

[... _an_](e)# u _ki_(ti) [...]

[...]-ra-ah : _an_(e) :# [...]

[...] x man(?)#-nu an-nu-[...]

AI Translation

... ... means "to shave" ... .

... a shattered ..., a .

... ditto he did not know ... .

... alternatively, the father .

. . . merciful .

. . . of the heavens and earth .

... ... who ... this .



... ...RU means "to cut" ...

... sick pl., physician ...

... ... did not know ... ...

... ... alternatively, it means "father" ...

... ... merciful ... ...

... heaven and earth ...

...ah means "heaven" ...


P470039: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x# [...]

[...]-_mesz_ ni-[...]

[...] szA-mu-u [...]

[... e]-bé-lu : ra-ka-su# [...]

[...]-x#-u : qa-tum : _la_ [...]

[...] ze#-'-e-ru : szA-nisz za-x#-[...]

[...] sa-an-tak#-ku szal-lu-x# [...]

[...] mesz#-re-e szA _ku-gi#_ [...]

[...] x-ga(?)# [x x] ra-szal(?)#-[...]

[...] x# szu-ru#-[...]

[... _ki_]-_szu-pesz5#_ [...]

AI Translation

... is the shamû-demon .

... "to be encircled" means "to be encircled" .

... ... means "hand" .

... "to be angry" means "to be angry." Alternatively, ... .

... the ziggurat of gold .

... a shupesh-prayer .




... means "heaven" ...

... "to snare" means "to tie" ...

... ... means "hand"; LA means ...

... means "to hate"; alternatively, ... ...

... "cuneiform wedge" ... ...

... wealth, said of gold ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ...

... sanctuaries ...



[...] kap-pi(?)# [...]

[...] gu#-ur-x# [...]

[...] x [...]

AI Translation

... a scepter .


... wing ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

P470043: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...]-ni-ku# [...]

[...]-x#-t,u : _nu_ i-bar : ul [i-ba-ar ...]

[... x]-ab#-tu-usz : szA-nisz szA la# [...]

[... e]-ri#-isz : i-ri-szu [...]

[...] u-ru szA sin-nisz-tum : na(?)#-[...]

[... a]-ma#-ru : a-tu-u : a-mar [...]

[...] x#-ru _dagal#_(pi)-(isz) : a-ga-[...]

[s,a-a-tu U szu-ut _ka_ szA * É szi-kin]-szu a-na# ki-da-nu szu-pu(?)#-[u(?) ...]

[... _gar_-_mesz_ : it]-ta#-na-asz-kan : Asz-szu [...]

[...] hi#-da-a-ti u [qu-la-a-ti _gar_-_mesz_ ...]

[...] x x# i-sa-an-x# [...]

[...] qu-ul-ti(?)# [...]

AI Translation

... ... ... : he will not succeed : he will not succeed .

... ... alternatively, it means "not ..."

... "to be erect" = Marduk II l. 59 means "to be erect" .

... "to be a slanderer" means .

... "to see" means "to see" .

... ... wide means ... .

The inscription and the gate of "If the house whose foundation is firmly established for the future" = Shumma alu 49 unknown .

... "they will be set" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "they will be set." Because .

... there are ..., joy and joy .



... nu i-bar means "he will not revolt" ...

... means ... Alternatively, it means ...

... erish = Shumma alu VI 98-121 means "fragance" ...

... kuzublatû = Shumma alu VI 115 ? means "female pudenda." ...

... "to see" = Shumma alu VI unknown means "to find," "to see" ....

... "will expand" = Shumma alu VI unknown ... ...

Lemmata and oral explanations relating to the tablet "If a house's appearance is resplendent ..." = Shumma alu VI 1.

... gar-mesh = Shumma alu VII 1 means "there is constantly," because ...

... "there is joy and silence" = Shumma alu VII 2.


... "silence" = Shumma alu VII 5 means ...



[...]-id# [...]

[...]-szu(?)# szA É-su [...]

[...] É# _bi_ be-el szA-nu-um-[ma ...]

[...] : t,e-ma : t,e-e-mu : mu-szap#-[...]

[...]-am#-ma a-na a-ka-lu i-na-pi(ku)-[...]

[...] : ha-ru-bu : (gisz)_gir_ : a-szA-[gu ...]

[... ni-bi]-'i# _ki_(ti) ku-mu-u : id-ra x# [...]

[... *] É# u-na-ti-szu u-[na-kar ...]

[... *] É# _nig-ga na#_ [_sza_-szu ...]

[...] x x# [...]

AI Translation

... of his house .

... that house, the lord of the second one, .

... "to hear" = Marduk II l. 115 stems from "to hear," which means .

... and ... to the akalu-plant .

... means "to be swollen," gish.GIR means "to be swollen" .

... "The nibbi'u of the underworld is a kumû-demon" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "to smite" ... .

... "If he removes his utensils" = Shumma alu 49 unknown .

... "If a house ... property" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "his heart ..."



... it refers to the man who ... his house ...,

... "that house will have another owner" = Shumma alu unknown ...

... tema = Shumma alu unknown means "forethought." ... ....

... ... and to eat ... ....

... = Shumma alu unknown means "carob tree." gish.gir = Shumma alu unknown means "camelthorn" ...

... "a wild growth" = Shumma alu VII 52' means kumû. "A saltpeter" = Shumma alu VII 53' means ....

... "If a house's furnishing is changed" = Shumma alu VII 60' ....

... "If a house, the property of a man, inside of it ..." = Shumma alu VII 62' ... .


P470044: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x#-e : x# [...]

[...] x x x#-i _kur_(Ad) x# [...]

[...] x tu szA _gal_(e) : x# [...]

[...] x#(t,u) :# sze-lu-u : szA x# [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... will conquer ... .

... ... of the great ... .

... ... means "to be slighted," which means ... .


… … …

… … will reach … …

… … great … …

… … means "to be neglectful", it refers to … …

… … …



[...] : a-li du(?)-pa-nu : da-pa-nu szA (gisz)_gigir_(?)#

[... da]-pi#-nu : dan-nu : ra-ha-mu : szA-su-u

[...] _an_(?)#(e) usz-tah-ha-x#

[...] x x x x x# _ne_ x#

[...] x x x# [x]

AI Translation

... means "to go out." "Own" means "of the chariot."

... "to be strong" means "to be strong." "To be swollen" = Marduk II l. 59 means "to be swollen."

... the heavens .


… … means "to be violent, said of a chariot."

… "violent" means "strong"; rahamu means "to shout."

… sky …

… …

… …

P470046: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x x : x x x x x [...]

[_an-ta_]-_szub#-ba_ : qa-at (d)30 : (d)a-num : (d)30 : _ta_(a) :# [...]

[x] (u)#im-ra-nu : _igi-du8-la_ : im-ri :# _igi-du8-la_ [...]

x _illu_(?)# _gi-ambar e_ : na-ba-'-a : a-s,u#-u : ra-a'#-[...]

_numun_-szu _gim_ (gisz)U(ed)-(de)-(et)-_gir_ x x [x x x] di :# (u)ed-de#-[tu ...]

_lil-la-en-na_ : li-lu-[u ...] x il(?) [...]

(d)_en-lil_ : _en_ za-qi-qi [...] x (mul)_ka5-a_ [...]

x x# tu szi E : [...] ti(?)# : tu-u : [...]

x x# : bal-tum : na x# [...] :(?) s,al-tu : ta-[ha-zu(?) ...]

(d)sig#-ga : szu-lak : _sig_ : sa#-lu-u szA x (x) x# : (u)mur-ra-nu : (u)[...]

[...] x x x x x [...]

AI Translation

... ... : ... .

"Attashubba" = Theodicy 115 stems from "the hand of Sin," since Anu means "Sîn," since TA means .

... imranu-plant : IGI.DU8.LA means "plant" : IGI.DU8.LA means .

... flood ... giambar-wood, ... means "to be swollen," ... .

His seed like a eddetu-plant ... ... : eddetu-plant .

lil-la-en-na means "to strew" ... ... .

Enlil : Lord of the zaqiqu-disease ... ... the Arrow .

... means "to be sated" ... ... "to be sated" = Marduk II l. 59 means "to be angry" .

"sigga" = Theodicy 115 stems from "to sulak" s,ig, which means "to slack," which means ... ..., murranu-plant, ... .


... ... ...

antashubba means "hand of Sîn," since Anu i.e., an means "Sîn," ta means ...

... means imranu-plant, since igi.du8.lA means "charity" imru and igi.du8.lA means ....

x illu gi.ambar e means "to rise," i.e., "to sprout," ... ...

Its seed is like the eddettu-bush ... ... ... the eddettu-bush ... means lillû-demon ....

Enlil means "lord of the breezes" ... ... the Fox star ....

... ... ... "incantation" ... ...

... means "thistle" ... ... "strife" means "battle" ....

The means "Shulak," since "sig" means "to infect," said of ... The murranu-plant is the ...-plant, ...

... ... ...



im id(?) x x# [...] x x# [...]

szA _amar_(?)/nisz(!?) _ka_(ri)-(gim) _asz_(tum)(et)#-(tu)-(tu)# [x] x x [...]

(u)s,u-ta-nu : (u)s,a-da-nu : _du_(a)-(lak) us-si : ana _munus_ a-la-ku# [...]

(u)ni-ih-li(ni)-('i)-(lu) : a-na _ugu_ na-a-lu ra-hu-u : (d)kU-bu/su3 : (d)_gir_/_amar_(x)#-[_utu_ ...]

_masz-masz_(?)-_tab_ : a-szu-u : _sa-gig_(?)# : ki-sa-tum :# (uzu)ka-sis-tum [...]

(u)_szim-szesz_ szA _szim-sar_ : szA ra-[qi-i] :# _u min_(us2) (u)s,a-s,u-ut-ti(u) (s,a)-(s,u)#-[(x)-(x)]-(x)# _szim_(szim(?))# [...]

(u)#_pil_ :# ki-si-it-tum : [x x] ti(?) x x# (u)su-pa-[lu ...]

[x x] x x# E : (u)su-pa-lu _mu_ pil-lu-u : (u)x# [...]

[...] x x x : ki-si-it-tum : (u)x# lu lu(?)# [...]

[...] (u)_ukusz-hab_ : (u)_nam-ti-la_ [...]

[...] (u)im-ra-nu _mu_(?) [...]

AI Translation

"Shutanu" = Theodicy 115 stems from "shutanu-plant," which means "plant." "To go" means "to go." "To go" .

nihli'lu means: to be over the nalu-plant. : Kubu/Su : Gir/Marduk .

"To be sated" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "to be sated." "Sagig" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "to be sated." "Kishatu" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "thigh."

"Anu-plant of a plant" = Shumma alu LIX 24 means "plant of a reed." "Anu-plant" = Shumma alu LIX 24 means "plant of a reed," ... ... .

"UPIL" = Shumma alu LIX 24 means "kisittu-plant," ... ..., "supalu-plant" .

... ... means "plant of the year of the plough"; ... .

... ... kisittu means "plant" ... .

... a thorny plant, variant: a thorny plant .

... imranu-plant ... .


... ... ... ...

... the "noise of the spider" ... ...

The shutanu-plant is the shadanu-plant. "Duck walk" means "to walk towards a woman" ...

The ni'lu-plant stems from "to lie down" nâlu, i.e., "to mate." Kubu/Kusu means ... ... means ashû-disease, sa.gig ? means "kissatu-disease." "Devouring body part" ...

"Plants of the oil-perfumer," means "of the oil perfumer." Ditto-plant. Shashuttu-plant, ... ...

pil-plant means "wood shavings," ... ... ... "Juniper" ...

... ... "Juniper" supalu, on account of the equation "'Mandragora' pillû equals '...-plant'" ...

... ... "wood shavings" ... ...

... errû-plant means "plant of life" ...

... imranu-plant ... ...



[...] x _sar_(?) szA E(u) x [...]

[...] _disz_ ka ki nam(?)-masz#-tum da x [...]

AI Translation

... ... of ... .


... ... which it says, ... ...

... ... ...

P470048: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc



[...] x# : x# [...]

[...] x#-tum : i-[...]

[...] x#-le-e : hi-[...]

[...]-ma(?)# [...]

[...] kim#-tum : [(x x)] x# [...]

[...] ri#-ib-qu : (x#) he-pi [...]

[... x]-gin7# na-an-gul-la(?) :# ama ér#-[bi-e na-an-gul-e (...)]

[...] ina# : ri-ib-qu s,ab-ta [ina masz]-tak bi#-[ki-tum ...]

[...] :# Asz#-szu-tu ze-nu-tum [...]

[...] ul i-[...]

[...] u x# [...]

AI Translation

. . . and . . .

... kimtum means ... .

... "to be swollen" means "to be swollen" .

... "to be destroyed" means "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.e., "to be destroyed" i.

... in "to fall" means "to fall"; in "in the mashtakku-demon" means "to fall" .

... because of anger .

... he does not .

... and ... ...


... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... means family ... ...

... "ripqu" lit., "hoed" means ... "broken" ...

... as in like a ... is destroyed, so the abode is destroyed by its weeping,"

... in Akkadian "in the stall is seized, in the abode the weeping ...

... angry marriage ...

... not ... ...

... ... ...



[...] x x x# [...]

[...] x# in-na-bi-tum x# [...]

[...] _ku6_ : nu-u-ni : na-bu-tum : (x)#[...]

[...] x# : ma-sza-lu : t,ub-bu-u : ra#-ha-[s,u ...]

[...] x#-ma : t,e-bu-u : na(?)-pu#-u : x# [...]

[...] sa#-na-pu : ra-ha-s,u szA _ur#_-[...]

[...] _ur#-ki_ : kal-bi ur-s,u : he-su#-[u(?) ...]

[...] :# Asz-szu-tu qé-re-tum szA [...]

[...] x# : gu-uz(?)-x# [...]

[...] x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... he seized ... .

... KU6 means "fish," nabutum means ... .

... ... "to be full" means "to be happy." "To be frightened" .

... ... "to be favourable" = Marduk II l. 59 stems from "to be favourable," which means "to be favourable" .

... "to be sanapu" means "to be frightened." .

... UR.KI means "to be strong." "He is a lion" = Marduk II l. 59 means "to be a lion" .

... "The cloister of .

... ... means "to ... ..." .


... ... ...

... ... fled ... ...

... KU6 i.e., HA means "fish," "to flee" ZAH, i.e., HA.A means ... ...

... ... means "to equal." "To sink" means "to flood ....

... ... "to sink" means ... ...

... "to tie" means "to trample," said of ... ...

... UR.KI means "badger," ... ...

... invited marriage ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

P470051: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...]-mu-u(?) x-mu(?) la-x# [...]

[...] _zu_(?)#-hu : _zu_-um-ka(?)# [...]

[...] ba-ta-an-ku4-ra : x# [...]

[...] x _mu_(?) ÉN _dug4-dug4_ ul# [...]

[...] x# a x _ne_ x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... means : your ... .

... "to be released" means ... .

... ... ... a lawsuit or litigation .


… … …

… … …

… batankura … …

… … recite the incantation … …

… … …

P470052: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x x x# [...]

[...]-tum x x#-[...]

[...] x# : _sag_ : re-esz [...]

[... u4-mu szu]-ta#-nu-hu mu-szi ger(?)#-[ra-ni ...]

[... ta]-az#-zi-im-tum : szi-iz(?)-x# [...]

[...]-tum : ki-ma un-ni-ni : hu#-[...]

[...] x# ub-da-an-sig7(?)# x x# [...]

[...] ub#-bu-lu ta x#-[...]

[...] x x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... SAG means "first" .

... the day is swollen, the night the journey .

... "to be sated" means "to be ... .

... ... like a sign. .

... he made ... ... .

... they slew from .




... SAG means "head," ...

... as in "The day was sighing, the night lamentation" quotation from Ludlul I 105 ...

... means "complaint," ... ...

... like a unninu ...


... dried ...


P470053: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] _ki# an-ge6 igi_ x# [...]

[...] x# _ki mul-mul_ u (mul)_szu-gi_(?)# [...]

[...] _te#_-szu-ma : _zi_ me-he-e (im)1 x# [...]

[...] _te#_-szu-ma : _ur5-usz_-_mesz haszhur_-_mesz_ (gisz)_gi_(?)#-[_mesz_ ...]

[... (d)30] ina# _igi-la_-szu _si_-_mesz_-szu E-ma _zalag_-_me_ : _u4_ x# [...]

[...] x# _an-ge6 gar_-ma _hul_ szA _kur kur_ :# * x# [...]

[...] x# (d)_iszkur_ : _min_ : li-le-e-[...]

[...] _nu_(?)# _te_-szu-ma _uru_-_me gul_-_me_ : x# [...]

[...] x# : ni-pak(pa)-(ak) :# ka-x# [...]

[...] x x x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... an eclipse will appear ... .

... ... with the Bristle and the Old Man .

... approaches it and : a storm, flood, ... .

... approaches him and : ur5ushmes, ..., reeds .

... the moon, when it appears, its horns rise and are bright : day ... .

... ... an eclipse takes place and the evil of the land ... : If ... .

... ... Adad ditto means ... .

... does not approach him and the cities are destroyed : ... .

... ... means "to bind" ... .


… … is seen with an eclipse … …

… … with the Plejades and the Old Man …

… approaches … "Rise of the storm, south wind … …"

… approaches …

… "the moon, when it appears, brings forth its horns and they are bright" … …

… … there is an eclipse, it is bad for the enemy land. … …

… … means "Adad", ditto means … …

… approaches … "Cities will be destroyed" … …

… … ni-pak, with the sign hu pronounced /pa-ak/, means … …

… … …

P470055: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


[...] x#-_sar_ : szA-nisz sar mar x (x#) [...]

[...]-ib/nik/szap#-tu : _pad_ : ku#-sa-pi :# [...]

[...] :# na-ta-ri : szA(?)-nisz(?) x (x#) [...]

[...] (el)#-(lu)_illu_ i-na# [...]

[...] ni(?)#-qu-u : bu-un-na(?)#-[nu-u ...]

[...] x# kar zu x x# [...]

[...] x-szu(?)-u(?)# : x# [...]

AI Translation

... ... alternatively, ... .

... ...pad means "to tie" .

... "to be bright" means "to be bright." Alternatively, ... .

... the Elulu flood in .

... "to be gathered" means "to gather" .


... ... alternatively, ... ...

... ... PAD means "breadcrumb," ...

... means "to break up," alternatively, ... ...

... "A.KAL, read ellu, means 'eye'" Diri III 130, ...

... means "offering," "features" means ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

P470057: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


x x# [...]

x x x# [...]

x x# [...]

x x# [...]

szi-x# [(x)] x# [...]

szA-a-qu : la [...]

isz-ha-bi : x#-[...]

_gu_(gu)-(za)-_lum_(?)# : ta(?)#-[...]

_ur_ : sze-e-pi : _lagab_(?)# [...]

_u4 31-kam szu_ (d)[30 ...]

_iti_ : (d)30 [...]

szA-pa#-ra _gir#_ [...]

AI Translation

"To be low" means "to not ..."

ishhabu means ... .

GU.ZA.LU means .

UR means "to be thick," ... .

On the 31st day: hand of the moon .

Month means : moon .

The foot . . .


... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

"To level off" ... ...

... ...

means ... ...

ur means "foot." ... ...

"31st day, hand of Sîn" ...

"Month" means "moon" ...

"To send," ... ...

P470058: school tablet

Neo-Assyrian Oracc


ÉN tUm-me É qaq-qa-ru szu-ta-as-suk/suq# _gisz-hur_ : e-se-qu : e-se-qu : is,-s,ur-tu

[ina] ap#-ti s,e-li la te-rab-szu ap-tu szA É ra-ma-ki

ina ap-ti s,e#-li a-he-e _kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu ap-tu szA tar#-ba-s,i

ina ap-ti kar-ra#-ti _kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu ap-tu t,u-bu-su

ina ap-ti mu-szir9-ti _kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu ap-ti muh-hi

ina _gissu_ pu-uz-ri _lu# kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu ina pi-i-szi-ri

ina _nu-kusz-u an-ta kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu [ina(?) (x)] tar ba zi(?) ni(?)#

[ina _nu-kusz_]-_u# ki-ta# kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu x# [x x] x# ni ki

ina s,er#-[ri _an_]-_ta kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu szA [x x] (gisz)#_sag-kul_ szak-nu

ina s,er#-[ri _ki_]-_ta kimin_((la)) te-rab-szu x [x x] bi#-rit (gisz)_ig_-_mesz_

ina [_sza_] ÉN# tUm-mi É [bar-ru pa-ar-szu] pi-i-szu

[bar-ru pa-ar-szu] pi-i-szu [pa(?)-ar(?)-szu(?)] da-bi-bu par-ri-s,u [ba-ar]-ri : ba-ru-((ru(?)))-nu-u szu-u

[ina a-hi u]-re-e szA-'i-il [szA(?) ina(?) u-re]-e(?) i-za-zu-u-ni ina _sza_ u-ma-me [x x x x] x# ki-i an-ni-i x x# (x) ra x#

[im-i-ru u-ri-ih]-hu i-ku-lu [x x x x] : im-ru gi-nu-u _siszkur#_

[isz-ru-ru]-ma# ni-isz _szu_-_min_ ir-szu-u [szA]-ra#-ru : a-la-ku [szA] _szu#_-_min_-su ana ma-has, mim-ma i-dak-ku-u [(x)] x# _sza-gid-gid_ szA-ra-ru szA-da-ad lib-bi

[dAb]-da-szu uk-ta-bi-is dAb-du-u da-me(?)# [szA(?)] di-i-ki

ih-te-si-ma it-ta-mi he-su-u : pa-za-ru szA mim-ma u-pa-za-ru

a-na an-na ul-la iq-bu-u a-na ul-la an-na iq-bu-u ma-a a#-na qa-bi-ti la qa-bi-tu iq-ta-bi [(ma-a) a-na] la# qa-bi#-[ti(?)] qa-bi-tu iq-ta-bi

la na-t,a#-tu da-a#-a-[nu] u#-szA-hi-zu _ka-nu#-gar-ra_ : la na(?)-t,a(?)#-[tu(?)] nu(?)-la-tu

szA-'i-il szA-'i-il# : szA iq(?)#-bu-[u] an gisz x# [x x x] ma ad(?)/s,i(?)# [(x)]

ina _igi_ szi-pa-ri# [iz-za-az-zu-ma] la# szal-ma-te i(?)-tam(?)#-[mu(?)]-u(?) szi-pa-ru# [(x) :] pu#-uh-ru

(d)_lamma dingir_ u _lugal_ it-ta#-[mi(?) :] (d)_utu_ u (d)_iszkur_ i(?)-tam(?)-mu-u

(d)a-nu-ni-tum lip-t,ur ina a-ga-de(ki) _uru_ ta-szil-ti-szA (d)a-nu-ni-tum (d)15 szA _ku7_(ki) : É-_ul-masz_ : pa-pah a-ga-de(ki)

(d)ia-ab-ru (d)hum-ba nap-ru-szi lip-t,ur _dingir_-_mesz_ szu(?)-pu(?)-te(?)# (d)ia-ab-ru (d)a-nu (d)hum-ba (d)en-lil nap-ru-szA (d)é-a

ina _sza_ ÉN lu pat,-t,ir _dingir_-_mesz gal_-_mesz_ ina pu-ut _sumun_-szu _sar_-ma ba-ri

ina pu-ut _sumun_-szu _sar_-ma ba-ri a-na _igi-du8-a_-szu (disz)ki-s,ir-(d)_muati_ (lu2)_masz-masz tur amar_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_du_ (lu2)_masz-masz_ É _an-szar_ sza _ir_ (d)_ag zah_(!)-szu _dug4-ga_

AI Translation

"It is a tumme-demon, a house, a tumme-demon, a tusukku-demon, a tusukku-demon, a gishhur-demon, gishhur means "to smite," esequ means "to smite."

You do not enter through the opening of the door of the house of the satrap.

"In the opening of the 'finger' ditto" means "the opening of the 'finger'."

"In the opening of the karratu-vessel ditto enters it, the opening of the tubushu-vessel."

"In the opening of the shirtu-vessel ditto enters it." "Opening of the shirtu-vessel" = Shumma alu 49 63′.

You place it under the cloak of a man, ditto it is with the cloak.

You enter it with a 'foot'-mark above ditto.

You enter it with the lower 'finger' ditto.

You enter it from the upper part of the ditto. The ... of the saggulu is set.

You enter it from the underside of ditto. ... between the doors.

From the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment' of the 'increment

The 'path' is his mouth, his mouth, his nose, the 'path' is his tongue. The 'snake' is his tongue.

On the other side of the quay, which is in the quay, is in the quay .

"It is a cloud, it is a cloud" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "it is cloudy." "It is a ginû-demon, a sacrifice."

"I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a shararu, I am a sharû-s

He smote him, he smote the evildoer of your speech.

"He sinned and he sinned" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smite" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e., "to smit" i.e

He said to me "Not to anything!" He said to me "Not to anything!" He said: "Not to anything!"

"It is not a good thing, it is a bad thing." Kanugarra means "not a good thing, it is not a good thing."

"To be sated" = Shumma alu 49 unknown means "to be sated." "That which he said ... ... .

They stand before the messenger and speak insolently. The messenger .

"The protective deity of god and king has sinned" means "Shamash and Adad have sinned."

May Anunitu release in Agade, the city that her love. Anunitu, Ishtar of Ku7 : Eulmash : cella of Agade.

May Yabru and Humba release her naphusha, the mighty gods, Yabru, Anu, Humba, Enlil, her naphusha, Ea.

May the great gods be appeased by the mention of this incantation.

Written and checked according to its original.

Meier, Gerhard

"The house is bewitched, the floor has been cleaned / prepared / drawn upon." – GISh.HUR means "to draw," "to draw" refers to a sketch.

"You the demon shall not enter to him through the window of the side wing" – this refers to the window of the bathroom.

"Through the window of the other side wing ditto i.e., you shall not enter to him" – this refers to the courtyard window.

"Through the karratu-window ditto" – this refers to the second? window.

"Through the mushirtu-window ditto" – this refers to the upper window.

"Hidden under the shadow of a man ditto" – this means: secretly.

"Through the upper door fitting ditto" – this means: through ....

"Through the lower door fitting ditto" – this means: … ... ....

"Through the upper socket for the doorpost ditto" – this refers to what ... is placed … the door bolt.

"Through the lower socket for the doorpost ditto" – this refers to ... ... between the doors.

From: "Incantation: The house is bewitched Tummu bitu."

"His mouth i.e., the mouth of the patient who needs to be ritually cleansed is ... barru and lying" Shurpu II 63 – "lying"? refers to a mendacious speaker. ... barru: this is a rebel bara/unû.

"He the patient is being questioned? at the side of the stable" Shurpu II 114 – refers to someone who stands in the stable? in the midst of the cattle. ... … accordingly ....

Since he went? im'iru and saved something for the gods, but then ate it himself" Shurpu II 77 – ...; imru means "regular offering ginû and niqu-offering, respectively.

"Since he went ahead ? and performed lit., obtained a hand-lifting prayer?" Shurpu II 78 – "to go ahead?" shararu means "to go," referring to someone who raises his hands in order to hit something. ... ... ShA.GID.GID corresponds to shararu and is to be interpreted literally as "to consider earnestly in one's heart."

"He trampled in bloodshed he had caused?" Shurpu II 93 – "bloodshed" refers to the blood of someone killed.

"He had covered something up and swore that he was innocent?" Shurpu II 84 – "to cover up" means "to hide," referring to someone who hides something.

"Who said no instead of yes and said yes instead of no" Shurpu II 6 – this means, he said nothing about things better be spoken of, and he said something about things better not be spoken of ?.

"Who incited the judge to inappropriate actions" Shurpu II 15 – KA.NU.GAR.RA corresponds to "inappropriate actions" and "maliciousness."

"He is being questioned, he is being questioned ?" Shurpu II 104 – what is said is the following: ... ... ... ....

"Since he stood in front of the congregation and spoke insincere words" Shurpu II 81 – "congregation" means "assembly."

"Since he swore by the protective deity of god and king" Shurpu II 91 – this means he swore by Shamash and Adad.

"May the goddess Anunitu release the patient in Akkad, the city that celebrates her" Shurpu II 170 – Anunitu is the Ishtar of Bubê. The term Eulmash refers to a sanctuary in Akkad.

"May Yabru, Humba, and Naprushi, the most famous deities, release the patient" cf. Shurpu II 163-64 – Yabru is Anu, Humba is Enlil, and Naprusha is Ea.

From: "Incantation: May it be released, o great gods!" Shurpu II 1.

Written and checked according to its original. For the reading of Kishir-Nabû, junior-exorcist, son of Shamash-ibni, exorcist of the Ashur temple. Whoever removes the tablet, may Nabû order that he perish.

P470063: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(disz) ab2
  • 4(disz) gu4
  • 2(gesz'u) 3(u) 2(disz) u8

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) 5(disz) udu#
  • 4(disz) sila4 ga
  • [x] e2#-udu#-niga#

    AI Translation
  • 23 cows,
  • 4 oxen,
  • 142 ewes,

  • 105 sheep,
  • 4 male suckling lambs,
  • x sheep, grain-fed,

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 23 cows,
  • 4 oxen,
  • 1232 ewes

  • 105 rams,
  • 4 suckling lambs
  • ... house of grain-fed sheep;



    sa2#?-du11#? [...] iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a#-zu# mu ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5#-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    regular offerings ... month: "kisiki of Ninazu," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    regular rations ...; month: "kisiki of Ninazu," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."


  • 2(u) 7(disz) gu4# 2(gesz'u) [2(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz) udu]
  • AI Translation
  • 27 oxen, 121 sheep,
  • Miglio, Adam E.
  • total: 27 oxen, 1341 sheep.
  • P470064: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(asz) sze gur
  • sa2-du11 (d)szara2 szu-palil2 gu2-edin#-na#-ta ki e2-gal-e-si-(ta) ha-la szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 9 gur of barley,
  • regular offerings of Shara, the overseer of the Gu'edena; from Egalesi, the share received;

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 9 gur barley
  • regular offering for Shara ..., from Gu-edina from Egalesi did Hala receive;



    iti sze-sag11-ku5-ta iti nesag-sze3 mu us2-sa sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from month "Harvest" to month "First-fruits," year after: "Shashru was destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    from the month "Harvest" to the month "First-fruit offering," year after: "Shashru was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ha-la dumu lugal-e2-mah lu2 lunga (d)szara2

    AI Translation

    half, son of Lugal-emah, lung-bearer of Shara.

    Miglio, Adam E.

    Hala, son of Lugal-emah, brewer of Shara.

    P470065: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) eme6
  • 1(disz) masz2-gal a-dara4
  • 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3 a-dara4
  • ba-usz2 u4 8(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 eme6,
  • 1 billy goat, Adara,
  • 1 female kid, suckling,
  • slaughtered, 8th day;

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 1 jenny,
  • 1 full-grown mountain goat,
  • 1 young female mountain goat,
  • slaughtered, 8th day;



    ki lu2-dingir-ra#-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu# ba-ti iti ezem-(d)nin-a-zu mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Lu-dingira did Ur-nigar receive; month: "Festival of Ninazu," year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    from Lu-dingira did Ur-nigar receive; month: "Festival of Ninazu," year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P470066: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) tug2 nig2-lam2 saga
  • dug kur-ku-du3 (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu

    AI Translation
  • 1 nig2-lam textile, good quality,
  • a kurkudu-vessel of Shulgi-ayamu;

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 1 niglam garment, fine quality,
  • for the k-vessel of Shulgi-ayamu;



    iti (d)li9-si4 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    month: "Lisi," year after: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    month: "Lisi," year after: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P470067: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu
  • 1(disz) u8
  • ba-usz2 u4 3(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep,
  • 1 ewe,
  • slaughtered, 3rd day;

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 1 ram,
  • 1 ewe,
  • slaughtered, 3rd day;



    ki na-lu5 iti masz-da3-gu7 mu us2-sa# si-mu-ru-um(ki) lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz@t)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Nalu; month: "Gazelle feast," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    from Nalu; month: "Gazelle feast," year after: "Simurrum and Lullubi for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P470068: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) udu niga 1(disz) masz2-gal
  • 1(disz) sila4
  • u4 4(disz)-kam ki ab#?-ba#?-sa6#?-ga#?-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, barley-fed, 1 billy goat,
  • 1 lamb,
  • 4th day, from Abbasaga

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 4 sheep, barley-fed; 1 mature goat,
  • 1 lamb,
  • 4th day; from Abba-saga?



    en-dingir-mu i3-dab5 iti ezem-mah mu (d)gu-za sza3 hul2-la (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    En-dingirmu accepted; month: "Great festival," year: "The throne, which rejoices the heart of Enlil, was fashioned;"

    Miglio, Adam E.

    did En-dingirmu accept; month: "Great festival," year: "Throne, joy of Enlil, was fashioned."


  • 6(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 6.
  • Miglio, Adam E.
  • total: 6.
  • P470069: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 2(asz) gu2 4(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na siki-gi
  • 3(asz) gu2 2(u) 8(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na siki gukkal
  • 3(disz) ma-na siki udu ba-usz2
  • nam-en-na

    AI Translation
  • 22 talents 4 5/6 mana wool,
  • 3 talents 28 1/3 mana fat-tailed wool,
  • 3 mana wool, slaughtered sheep,
  • lordship

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 22 talents 4 5/6 mina tan wool,
  • 3 talents 28 1/3 mina wool of fat-tailed sheep,
  • 3 mina wool, slaughtered sheep:
  • lordship;



    ki kas4-ta gu-du-du szu ba-ti mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    from Kas Gududu received; year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    from Kas did Gududu receive; year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."

    P470070: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu
  • 1(disz) sila4
  • ba-usz2 u4 1(u)-kam ki be-li2-i3-li2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 sheep,
  • 1 lamb,
  • slaughtered, 10th day, from Beli-ili

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 2 sheep,
  • 1 lamb:
  • slaughtered, 10th day; from Beli-ili



    (d)szul-gi-iri-mu szu ba-ti iti u5-bi2-gu7 mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-irimu received; month: "ubi feast," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    did Shulgi-irimu receive; month: "Ubi feast," year after: "Simanum was destroyed."


  • 3(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 3.
  • Miglio, Adam E.
  • total: 3.
  • P470071: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • sze# iri#-sa12#-rig7#?(ki)-ta zi-ga ugula a-la-a

    AI Translation
  • 240 workdays, male laborers,
  • barley from Irisagrig booked out; foreman: Ala'a;

    Miglio, Adam E.
  • 150 male laborer workdays,
  • grain from Irisagrig? booked out; foreman: Alaya,



    kiszib3 ur-mes iti szu-esz-sza mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-mes; month: "shu'esha," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Miglio, Adam E.

    under seal of Ur-mes; month: "Shu'esha," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur#-mes dub-sar dumu ur-(d)suen#

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, scribe, son of Ur-Suen.

    Miglio, Adam E.

    Ur-mes, scribe, son of Ur-Suen.

    P470078: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    asz-szum _ku3-babbar_ sza zi-ik-rum u3 sa3-bi-tum a-na s,i-li2-isz8-tar2 a-na ma-as,-s,a-ar-tim id-di-nu

    AI Translation

    Because the silver of Zikrum and Sabitum to Shilli-ishtar for the guard he gave.



    le-e-qu2-u2 li-ib-ba-szu-nu t,a-a-ab _ib2-ra_ i-li-am-ma i-he-ep-pi2 _igi_ i-din-(d)suen _dumu_ pi-ir-hu _kiszib lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz_

    AI Translation

    May their heart be glad. May the ibrû-demon be glad. Before Iddin-Sîn, son of Pirhu, seal of the witnesses.



    _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ (d)tasz-me-tum

    AI Translation

    The month of Tebetum, the day 10 of the year "Tashmetu."



    asz-szum _ku3-babbar_ sza zi-ik-rum u3 sa3-bi-tum a-na s,i-li2-isz8-tar2 a-na ma-as,-s,a-ar-tim id-di-i-nu le-e-qu2-u2 li-ib-ba-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    Because the silver of the scribal arts and the sabitu-priests to Shilishtar for the guard they gave, they shall take it, and their interest shall be satisfied.



    t,a-a-ab _kiszib ib2-ra_ i-li-am-ma i-he-ep-pi2 _igi_ ap-lum _dumu_ (d)suen-isz-me-ni _igi_ i-din-(d)suen _dumu_ pi-ir-hu _kiszib lu2-inim-ma-bi-mesz_ _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ (d)tasz-me-tum

    AI Translation

    The seal of Ibra is good. Ilum and Iheppî before Aplu, son of Sîn-ishmeni; before Iddin-Sîn, son of Pirhu; seal of the witnesses. The month of Tebetum, the day 10 of the year in which Tashmetum

    Seal 1


    i-din-(d)suen _dumu_ pi-ir-hu-um _ARAD_ _an_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Sîn, son of Pirhum, servant of the god Amurru.

    Seal 2


    ap-lum _dumu_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _ARAD (d)iszkur# (d)en-ki

    AI Translation

    Aplu, son of Sîn-ishmeani, servant of the god Adad and the goddess Enki.

    Seal 3


    (d)[x-x] sag _pap_ x _usz an kak#_? _gesz-hur nam-tar-ra_ _mu#-da-ni#-x-dab#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... a plan of fate ... .

    P470079: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _nig2-ka9 siki gen_ _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 tug2 u3 tug2 bar-si_ sza sze20-ep-(d)suen a-na an-pi4-(d)utu i-di-nu u3 an-pi4-(d)utu a-na sze20-ep-(d)suen i-di-nu _za3 mu_ e2-me-te-ur-sag _en-na mu_ esz3-nun-na(ki) _a gal-gal-la mu-un-gul-la_ _nig2-ka9_-szu-nu ga-me-er

    AI Translation

    the account of the wool, silver, gold, and the garments with hem, which Shep-Sîn to Anu-pî-shamash gave, and Anu-pî-shamash to Shep-Shamash gave. The right side of the year: "Emeteursag," the year: "Eshnunna was destroyed by a great flood." Their accounts were destroyed.



    a-hu-um e-li a-hi-im mi-im-ma u2-ul i-szu ka-ni-kum u3 s,i2-ih-tum sza sze20-ep-(d)suen i-na qa2-ti an-pi4-(d)utu i-li-a-am i-he-ep-pi u3 sza an-pi4-(d)utu i-na qa2-ti sze20-ep-(d)suen i-li-a-am i-he-ep-pi e!-zi-ib _zu2-lum e2-gal_-lim _iti bara2 u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ esz3-nun-na(ki) _a gal-gal-la mu-un-gul-la_

    AI Translation

    The one above the other, nothing has, the kaniku and the shintu of Shep-Sîn by the hand of Anu-shamash, the god, he shall remove; and the one of Shep-Sîn by the hand of Shep-Sîn, the god, he shall remove; dates of the palace, month: "The dais," day 20, year: "Eshnunna was destroyed by a great flood."

    Seal 1


    [an]-pi4-[(d)utu] [dumu] (d)suen-[...] _arad_ ha-am-mu-[ra-pi2]

    AI Translation

    Anpi-shamash son of Sîn-... servant of Hammurapi.

    P470080: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(gesz2) 1(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) gur zu2-lum_ [x] x
  • _(gesz)banesz_ (d)marduk _sa10 ku3-babbar kar_ larsa(ki) _nam-5(disz) i3-li2-i-ma-dingir _nig2-szu_ sze20-ep-(d)suen _ugula dam-gar3_ sza a-pil-(d)mar-tu _szandana_ id-di-nu-szum

    AI Translation
  • 147 gur 2 barig dates, .
  • The table of Marduk, the price of silver, the quay of Larsa, the fifth nam-priestess of Ili-imma-ili, the property of Shep-Sîn, the overseer of the merchants, of Apil-Martu the ... gave to him.



    _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 9(disz)-[kam]_ _mu bad3 gal kar-(d)utu mu-un-du3-a_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kislimu, the day 9 of the year in which the great wall of Kar-Shamash was built.

    Seal 1


    wa-sa-su2-um dumu _arad_-(d)[nanna] _arad_ (d)nin-szubur#

    AI Translation

    Wasasum, son of Warad-Nanna, servant of Ninshubur.

    P470087: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz bara2 ak
  • ensi2 e2-erin?-ne ki (d)szara2-kam-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of ghee, for the kiln-room;
  • governor of the E-erinne, from Sharakam;



    [kiszib3 ensi2] iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3 mu us2-sa-a-bi

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor; month: "Harvest," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after that.

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.