AICC / Publications / p479

P479239: royal-monumental other-object

Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


[x] x x [...] _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _a_ 1(u)-erin2-tah2 _man gal_-e _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur-ma et,-lu# [...]

  • 4(asz)#-ta sza2-nin-szu2 la-a _tuku_-u2 _(lu2)sipa_ tab-ra-te la a-di-ru _gesz-la2_ e#-[du-u2 ...]
  • kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ i-pe-lu _nita2_ dan-nu mu-kab-bi-is _gu2_ a-a-bi-szu2 da-a-isz# [...] _gal-mesz en-mesz_-szu2 _du-du_-ku-ma _kur-kur-mesz du3_-szi-na _szu_-su _kur_-ud bar-sza2-[ni ...] li-i-te _ugu du3_-szi-na _kur-kur-mesz_ e-nu-ma asz-szur _en_ na-bu _mu_-ia mu-szar#-[bu-u2 ...] _erin2-hi-a-mesz kur_ lu-ul-lu-me-e _dagal-mesz_ ina qe2-reb tam-ha-ri ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ lu u2#-[szam-qit ...]

    _kur-kur_ na-i-ri _kur_ hab-hi _kur_ szu-ba-re-e u _kur_ ne2-reb _gin7_ (d)iszkur ra-hi-s,i _ugu_-szu2#-[nu ...] _kur_ la-qe-e ana si-hir2-ti-sza2 _kur_ su-hi a-di _iri_ ra-pi-qi ana _giri3-min_-szu2 u2-szek2-ni-sza2 _ta [sag_ ...] _ta kur_ ne2-re-be sza2 _kur_ kir3-ru-ri a-di _kur_ gil2-za-ni _ta_ e-ber-tan _i7_ za-ba# [...] _iri_ du6-sza2-ab-ta-ni a-di _iri_ hi-ri-mu _iri_ ha-ru-tu _kur_ bi-ra-a-te _kur_ kar-[du-ni-asz2 ...]

    a-di _kur_ hasz-mar a-na _ug3-mesz kur_-ia am-nu ina _kur-kur-mesz_ sza2 a-pe-lu-szi-na-[ni ...2] na-a-du pa-lih2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-szum2-gal-lu ek-du ka-szid _iri-iri_ u hur#-[sza2-ni ...] sza2-lum-ma-te la-a-di-ru _gesz-la2_ ur-sza2-nu la pa-du-u2 mu-rib a-nun-te _man_ ta#-[na-da-a-te ...] _kur-mesz_-e u _a-ab-ba-mesz_ sza2 ina qi-it-ru-ub _en_-ti-szu2 _man-mesz_-ni ek-du#-[te ...] u2-sza2-asz2-kin2 _iri_ kal-hu mah-ra-a sza2 (disz)(d)szul3-ma-nu-sag _man kur_ asz-szur _nun_ a-lik [...]

    _ug3-mesz szu2_-ti _szu2_-ia sza2 _kur-kur-mesz_ sza2 a-pe-lu-szi-na-ni sza2 _kur_ su-hi _kur#_ [...] kur_ za-mu-a ana pat, gim-ri-sza2 _kur_ e2-a-di-ni u _kur_ hat-ti u sza2 (disz)li-bur-na _kur_ pa-ti#-[na-a-a ...] lu u2-sza2-pil2 1(disz) me 2(u) tik-pi ina musz-pa-li lu u2-t,a-bi _e2-gal_ (gesz)e-re-ni _e2-[gal_ ...] (gesz)tar-pi-'i a-na szu-bat _man_-ti-a ana mul-ta-a'-it _en_-ti-a [...] u _a-ab-ba-mesz_ sza2 (na4)pi-li _ku3_-e u (na4)pa-ru-te [...]

    kar-ri _zabar-mesz_ al-me-si _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)e-[re-ni ...] ina _ka2-mesz_-sza2 u2-re-ti _ku3-babbar-mesz# [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Adad-narari II, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, and .

  • The four of them have no rival; the shepherd is a satrap who is not afraid, the satrap is a satrap .
  • the totality of the people he ruled; a strong man who smashed the necks of his enemies, ... the great lords, his lords, he conquered, and all lands he conquered. The lands he conquered. The lands upon all lands when Assur, the lord who created me, made great ... troops of the extensive Lullumu in battle with weapons he felled .

    the lands Nairi, Habhu, Shubaru, and Nerbar, like the god Adad, the rahishu, over them ... the entire land Laqû, the land Suhu, as far as the city Rapiqu, they subdued. From the beginning ... from the passes of the land Kirruru to the land Gilzanu, from the opposite bank of the Zab Canal ... the city Dusha-Abtani, as far as the cities Hirimu, Harutu, Birate, Karduniash .

    to the land Hashmar I gave to the people of my land. In the lands over which I gained dominion ..., attentive one, reverent one of the great gods, mighty one, conqueror of cities and highlands ..., mighty, merciless hero, who makes the mighty prevail, king of praises ... mountains and seas, who by his lordly command mighty kings ... I established. The former city Kalhu, which Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria, prince who marched .

    the people of my hands who are from the lands over which I gained dominion, of the land Suhu, the land ..., the entire land of Zamua, the land of Eadinu and the land Hatti, and of Liburna, the Patinu, ... I had ... ... ... I made ... 20 tikpi of mushpalu-wood. The palace of cedar, the palace ..., and the tarpi'u-wood for my royal residence for my lordly dwelling ... and the seas of white limestone and parutu-stone .

    ... bronze casseroles, cedar doors ... in its gates, silver uretu-vessels ... .

    P479244: legal tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


  • 4(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 x [x x]
  • sza3 a-sza3 tur [x x x] us2-sa-du (d)utu-[x x x] u3 nin-dingir nin-urta#! a-sza3 (d)en-ki-he2-gal2 ki (d)en-ki-he2-gal2-ta nam-apin-la2-a igi-3(disz)-gal2-sze3 a2 mu-a-sze3 i-din-(d)i-szum dumu _arad2_-(d)suen ib2-ta-an-e3-a buru14-ta sze igi-3(disz)-gal2

    AI Translation
  • 4 1/2 iku field area, ...;
  • in the small field ... adjoining Utu-... and Nin-dingir, Ninurta, in the field of Enkihegal, from Enkihegal, for the cultivation of the mill for 1/3 shekel, as the labor of that year, Iddin-Ishum, son of Warad-Sîn, has contracted. From the harvest, the barley: 1/3 shekel;


  • 1(disz) [(d)]en-ki-he2-gal2-ra#
  • i-_bu_-al# igi ur-(d)szul-pa-e3#-[a] dumu (d)nanna-sag-kal igi lugal-nesag-e dumu lu2-(d)ba-ba6 igi (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 dumu inim-ma-ni-zi igi lu2-_sig5_?-_ma#_? dumu a-ab-ba-kal-la igi ku3-(d)inanna dumu# szesz-kal-la iti du6?-[ku3?] mu (d)en-lil2-ba-ni lugal-[e] (gesz)szu-lu2 ku3-sig17# [(d)en-lil2-ra] mu-un#-[na-dim2]

    AI Translation
  • 1: Enki-hegala,
  • Ibbal; before Ur-Shulpa'ea, son of Nanna-sagkal; before Lugal-nesage, son of Lu-Baba; before Nanna-manshum, son of Inim-manizi; before Lu-sigma, son of Ayabbakala; before Ku-Inanna, son of Sheshkala. The month of Du'uzu, the year in which Enlil-bani the king made a gold shulu-wood for Enlil.

    Seal 1


    i-din-(d)i-szum dumu _arad_-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Ishum, son of Warad-Sîn.

    P479247: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    asz-szum _1(disz) (gesz)banszur_ sza _sag-du (gesz)mes_ ka-ab-lu _(gesz)taskarin_ sza lu2-(d)asar-lu2-hi _gu-za-la2_ ma-har pir-hi-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _di-ku5_ i-zi-bu-ma i-na la wa-sza-ab pir-hi-(d)mar-tu (disz)lu2-(d)asar-lu2-hi _gu-za-la2_ a-na _e2_-su il-li-ku-ma ki-a-am iq-bu-u2 um-ma szu-ma _(gesz)banszur_ sza e-zi-bu li-id-di-nu-nim i-na _e2_ pir-hi-(d)mar-tu ki-a-am i-pu-lu-szu _(gesz)banszur_ sza te-zi-ba-am a-na (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim a-na _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ it-ta-an-di-in#

    an-ni-tam i-na _e2_ pir-hi-(d)mar-tu i-pu-lu-su (disz)lu2-(d)asar-lu2-hi _gu-za-la2_ _(gesz)ig_ mu-uh-hi-im a-na (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim i-zi-bu-ma _(gesz)banszur_ u2-sze#-s,u2#-u2 qa2-ta-at lu2-(d)asar-lu2-hi _gu-za-la2_ na-as2-ha-ma _(gesz)ig_ mu-uh-hi-im

    AI Translation

    Concerning the table with the head of the ...-wood and the table of Lu-Asalluhi, the chair before Pirhi-Amurru, son of Sîn-iddinam, the judge, he sat, and in the absence of Pirhi-Amurru Lu-Asalluhi sat, the chair to his house went, and as follows he said: "If the table that he sat, let him give it to him, in the house of Pirhi-Amurru, he performed it." The table that he sat, to Marduk-mushallim for 10 shekels of silver he gave.

    This one in the house of Pirhi-Amurru performed. Lu-Asalluhi, the chair and the door were loosened for Marduk-mushallim. He sat down and brought the table. The hand of Lu-Asalluhi was raised and the chair was loosened.



    a-na ib-ni-(d)marduk _dub-sar za3-ga_ na-ad-na-at a-na _iti 5(disz)-kam_

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ib-ni-(d)marduk _dub-sar za3-ga_
  • a-na (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _dumu_ ri-isz-(d)_ag_ _i3-la2-e_ _igi_ isz-me-(d)marduk _dumu_ be-el-szu-nu _igi_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-sze-me _szesz-ni_ _igi_ ni-di-in-e-di-im _simug_ _igi_ ib-ni-(d)utu _um!-mi-a_ _iti [_ne_]-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-la-na _lugal-e (d)urasz en gir3-ra sza3 kur-ku-da-na_

    AI Translation

    to Ibni-Marduk, the scribe of the free will, given; for 5 months.

  • 10 shekels of silver, Ibni-Marduk, the scribe of the lapis lazuli.
  • To Marduk-mushallim, son of Rish-Nabû, he will pay. Before Ishme-Marduk, son of Belshunu; before Hammurapishem, his brother; before Nidin-edim, the smith; before Ibni-shamash, the mother. The month of Abu, the day 24 the year in which Samsu-dilana the king, Urash, the lord of the throne of Kurkundana,

    Seal 1


    (d)_ag_ en gesztu dagal# nun sza3-la2-su3-ga ki# sa6-ga ur4-ur4 ib-ni-(d)marduk _arad_ ni2-tuku-[zu]

    AI Translation

    O Nabu, lord of wide understanding, prince, who makes the earth beautiful, slanderer, Ibni-Marduk, your beloved servant,

    Seal 2


    dingir-su-[...] dumu a-pil-(d)[...] _arad_ (d)iszkur u3 [...]

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-..., son of Apil-..., servant of Adad and .

    P479249: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz)#? pi2-hu
  • a-na _si-la2_ a-wi-le-e sza _iti apin-du8-a_ _szu-ti-a_ (disz)_arad2_-(d)a-ab-ba-a u3 lu2-(d)er3-ra

    AI Translation
  • 3 ...
  • Arad-Aya and Lu-Erra have received from Awil-Adad to be the rent of a man in month VII of this year.



    _iti apin-du8-a_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa sun5-na an (d)en-lil2-bi-da-asz_

    AI Translation

    The month of Arahsamnu, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king was shepherded by Anu and Enlil-bidash.

    P479251: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    isz-tu _iti diri sze-sag11-ku5_ _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_

  • _3(ban2) sze_ sza a-na _nig2-ar3-ra saga_
  • is-sa-am-mu-ud _zi-ga_ i3-li2-illat-ti

    AI Translation

    From month "Extra," "Harvest," 29th day,

  • 3 seahs of barley which is for fine flour,
  • he has sworn by the name of Ili-illatti.



    _nig2-szu_ szu-bu-ul-tum _iti diri sze-sag11-ku5_ _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu gibil_ sza _egir_ ma-asz2-ka-an

    AI Translation

    the property of Shubultu; month: "Extra," year: "Harvest." The 29th day, year: "Ammi-ditana was king." New year, after the 'residences.'

    P479252: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(bur3) 5(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na na-gi-im i-ta _a-sza3_ am-ni-nu-um i-ta _a-sza3_ ki-sa-li-im u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ na-na-ti-ia _ki_ da-szu-ru-um _dumu_ aq-be (disz)nig2-ga-(d)nanna _dumu_ (d)nanna-igi-du _in-szi-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-ni-sze3_ _ku3-babbar in-la2_ _sa10 a-sza3 til-[la]-ni-sze3_ _ku3-babbar sza3-ga-ni i3-[du10]_ _gesz-gan-na ib2-ta-bala_ _inim-bi al#-til_ _u4 kur2 lu2 lu2#-sze3_ _nu-mu-un-gi4-gi4-dam_ _mu_ (d)utu u3 im-me-ru-um _in-pa3-de3-esz_

    AI Translation

    1 bur3 5 iku of field in the district, from the field Amninum, from the field Kisallim and from the field Nanatiya, with Dashurum, son of Iqbe, Nigin-Nanna, son of Nanna-igidu, he bought; for his full price he paid; for his full price the silver he received; his heart he rejoiced; he repaid the silver; he repaid its interest; the word was finished; the day that the enemy, the man, the man, the nu-gun-gidam, the name of Shamash and the name of Immerum, they made.



    _igi_ (d)suen-en-nam _igi_ (d)suen-gal _dumu-me_ al-su-um-la-u3-sa _igi_ na-na-ti-ia _dumu_ aq-be _szesz-a-ni_ _igi_ ba-ra-ru-um _igi_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, _dumu-me_ szu-mi-a-hi-ia _igi_ a-mur-(d)suen _dumu_ isz#-me#-(d)suen _igi_ me-ra-nu-um _dumu_ i3-li2-tu-ra-am _igi_ ar-na-bu-um _dumu_ (d)suen-gal _igi_ dingir-szu-illat-su2 _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _igi_ ur-(d)lugal-ban3-da _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, _igi_ sag-(d)nanna-i3-zu _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen _igi_ isz-me-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it,

    _igi_ (d)iszkur-gal _dumu_ a-ku-ki _igi_ u-bar-(d)nin-urta _dub-sar#_

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-ennam; before Sîn-gal, son of Allsum-lausa; before Nanatiya, son of Aqbe, his brother; before Bararum; before Sîn-muballit, son of Shumi-ahiya; before Amur-sîn, son of Ishme-sîn; before Meshanum, son of Ili-turam; before Arnabuum, son of Sîn-gal; before Ilshu-illatsu, son of Sîn-iddinam; before Ur-lugalbanda, son of Sîn-muballit; before Sag-nanna-izu, son of Iddin-sîn; before Ishme-sîn, son of Sîn-muballit;

    Before Adad-rabi, son of Akkuku; before Ubar-Ninurta, the scribe.

    P479253: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(barig) 4(ban2) sze masz2# nu-tuku_
  • _ki_ na-ra-am-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-illat-su2 (disz)dumu-zimbir(ki) _dumu_ ni-id-nu-sza _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_ _sze_-am i-na _(gesz)ban2_ (d)utu

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of barley, without interest,
  • from Naramtum, daughter of Shamash-tillassu; Dumuzimbir, son of Nidnusha received. At the harvest time, barley with the bow of Shamash



    i-na _e2_ (d)utu _i3-ag2-e_ _igi_ (d)nanna-a-bi _dumu_ ma-ni-nu-um _igi_ (d)utu-a-pi2-li _dumu_ hu-li-ia _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ na-[ra-am]-i3-li2-szu

    AI Translation

    in the temple of Shamash he shall measure out. Before Nanna-abi, son of Maninum; before Shamash-apili, son of Huliya; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Naram-ilishu.



    _mu i7_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2

    AI Translation

    year: "The canal Hammurapi."

    P479255: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _2(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3_-lum _sza3 a-sza3_ (d)gu-la sza (iri)me-du-u2(ki) _ki_ s,il2-li2-(d)utu (disz)t,a3-ab-ga-ma-al-sza _nam-apin-la2-sze3 ib2-ta-e3-a_ i-sza-ak-ka-ak u3 szi-ir-a-am i-sza-ak-ka-an szi-it-ti-in er-re-szum

    AI Translation

    2 bur3 field area, field of Gula of Medu, with Shilli-Shamash Tab-gamal shall take, for the plowing he shall do, and the shirammu he shall do. The shittin-offering of Erreshu



    sza-lu-usz-tam be-el _a-sza3_-lim i-le-eq-qu2-u2 _igi_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)gu-la _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 2(u) 3(disz)?-kam_ _mu gibil_

    AI Translation

    The shalushtam-priest, the lord of the field, will select. Before Shamash, before Gula. The month of Abu, the day 23?, the year after the eponym year of

    P479256: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ _a-sza3 i7_ u2-bi-il-nu-uh2-sza _us2-sa-du_ (d)iszkur-ku-um-a-na-ku _sa-dur2-bi_ (d)na-bi-um-ma-lik _a-sza3_ ra-ba-ba-a-i ru-us2 ba-hi-ir _ki_ (d)iszkur-szar-rum (disz)szu-nu-ma-dingir u3 ma-du-tim (disz)ma-asz2-kum _nam mu 1(disz)-kam nam igi-3(disz)-gal2_ u2-sze-s,i2

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 2 iku field, field of the river Ubilnuhsha, adjoining Adad-kumma-anaku; its irrigated land: Nabi-malik, field of the Great Sea, the ru'i-tax, acquired from Adad-sharrum; Shunum-ilu and the lands Mashkum; for 1 year, the annual yield of 1/3 shekels he shall measure out.



    ki-sa3-ta-am i-pa-al-ma i-na ka-ri-im _sze_-a-am i-le-qi2 _igi_ (d)iszkur-ku-um-a-na-ku _igi_ szu-[mi]-er-s,e-tim _igi_ ip-qa2-tum# _dub-sar_ _iti szu-numun-a_ _mu [(gesz)]gu#-za_ (d)nanna

    AI Translation

    He will remove the stele and in the market he will take the barley. Before Adad-kumma-anaku, before Shumi-erishetti, before Ipqatum, the scribe. Month of Dumuzi, year: "The throne of Nanna."

    Seal 1


    ma-asz2-ku-um dumu (d)suen-x-x _arad_ (d)nin-si-an-na

    AI Translation

    Mashkum, son of Sîn-..., servant of Ninsiana.

    Seal 2


    szu-mi-[x]-er-[s,e-tim] dumu si2-ia-[tum] [...]

    AI Translation

    Shumi-...-erishtim, son of Siyatum, .

    Seal 3


    [(d)]suen-be-el-[...] [x] x (x) _an_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-bel-... ... ... .

    P479257: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sar ki szub-ba_
  • _da e2_ a-lu-u2-um u3 esz18-dar-dingir _da e2_ (d)utu-a-bu-szu u2-bu-t,u3 _sag-bi_ a-pil-i3-li2-szu _a-zu#_ _sag-bi ki 2(disz) e-sir2_ _e2_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _dumu_ a-we-el-dingir u3 _szesz-ne-ne-mesz_ _ki_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am u3 _szesz-ne#-ne#-mesz_ (disz)a-lu-u2-um _dumu_ dingir-na#-szi (disz)esz18-dar-dingir u3 (d)utu-mu-na-wi-ir _in-szi-in-sa10_

  • _3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_
  • _in-na-an-la2_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar, empty field;
  • adjoining the house of Alûm and Ishtar-ili, adjoining the house of Shamash-abushu, the ubutu; the head of Apil-ilishu, the physician; the head of the 2 esir of the house of Sîn-iribam, son of Awe-ili, and the brothers, with Sîn-iribam and the brothers, Alûm, son of Ilnashi, Ishtar-ili and Shamash-munawir, are its rent.

  • 3 1/2 shekels of silver as its full price,
  • he will pay.



    _u4 kur2-sze3 u4-nu-me-a-ka_ _inim gal2-la_ (disz)(d)suen-i-ri-ba u3 _szesz-ni-mesz_ _ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4_ isz-tu _2(disz) sar e2_ a-na _kaskal_ i-zi-bu _igi_ a-hu-um _dumu_ i3-li2-i-mi-ti _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ ip-qu2-(d)li9-si4 _ra2-gaba_ _igi_ s,a-ap-rum _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ lu-u2-nu-u2 _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ szum-ma-dingir _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ i3-li2-ma-a-bi _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ lugal-an-ta-mu _dumu_ tak2-la-ku# _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu alan szud3-de3_

    AI Translation

    In the future, on the day of the numbû-festival, the word of Sîn-iriba and the brothers, Bani-ibgi, from 2 sar of house to the journey he shall stand. Before Ahum, son of Ili-imitti; before Sîn-iddinam, gudapsû of Shamash; before Ipqu-lisi, the chariot driver; before Shaprum, gudapsû of Shamash; before Lunû, gudapsû of Shamash; before Shumma-ili, gudapsû of Shamash; before Ili-mabi, gudapsû of Shamash; before Lugal-antamu, son of Taklaku; the month of Dukku, the day 15 of the year in which a statue was erected.


  • _1(disz) sar ki szub-ba_
  • _da e2_ a-lu-u2-um _da e2_ (d)utu-a-bu-szu u2-bu-t,u3 _sag-bi_ a-pil-i3-li2-szu _a-zu_ _sag-bi ki 2(disz) e-sir2_ _e2_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _dumu_ a-wi-il-i3-li2 u3 _szesz-ne-ne-mesz_ _ki_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _dumu_ a-wi-il-i3-li2 u3 _szesz-ne#-ne#-e_ (disz)a-lu-[u2]-um _dumu_ dingir-na-szi (disz)esz18-dar-dingir u3 (d)utu-mu-na-wi-ir _szesz-ni_ _in-szi-in#-[sa10]_

  • _3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-[babbar sa10 til]-la#-bi-sze3#_
  • _in-na-an#-[la2]_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sar, empty field;
  • adjoining the house of Aluum, adjoining the house of Shamash-abushu, the ubutu; the head of Apil-ilishu, the physician; the head of the 2 esir of the house of Sîn-iribam, son of Awil-ili, and the brothers; with Sîn-iribam, son of Awil-ili, and the brothers; Alu'um, son of Ilnashi; Ishtar-ili and Shamash-munawir, his brother, bought it.

  • 3 1/2 shekels of silver as its full price;
  • he will pay.



    _u4 kur2-sze3 u4-nu#-me#-a#-[ka]_ _inim gal2-la x [...]_ (disz)(d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _dumu_ a#-wi#-il#-i3-li2 u3 _szesz-ne-ne-e_ _ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4_ isz-tu _2(disz) sar e2_ a-na _kaskal_ i-zi-bu _e2-mu nu-ub-be2-a_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ _in-pa3-mesz_ _igi_ a-hu-um _dumu_ i3-li2-i-mi-it-ti _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ s,a-ap-rum _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ szum-ma-dingir _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ i3-li2-ma-a-bi _gudu4_ (d)utu _igi_ ip-qu2-(d)li9-si4 _ra2-gaba_ _igi_ lu-u2-nu-u2 _gudu4_ (d)utu

    _iti du6-ku3 u4 1(u) 5(disz)!-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal-e alan szud3-de3# (d)lamma ku3-sig17 didli-bi-ta e2-babbar (d)utu-sze3 e2-(sag)-il2 igi (d)marduk-ta_

    AI Translation

    In the future, on the day of the numû-festival, the word ... Sîn-iribam, son of Awil-ili, and his brothers will litigate and not succeed. From 2 sar of house to the road he shall not enter. The name of Samsu-iluna, the king, he has sworn. Before Ahum, son of Ili-imitti; before Sîn-iddinam, guddu-priest of Shamash; before Shaprum, guddu-priest of Shamash; before Shumma-ili, guddu-priest of Shamash; before Ili-mabi, guddu-priest of Shamash; before Ipqu-lisi, the horse trainer; before Lunu, guddu-priest of Shamash;

    Month of Duku, 15th day, year: "Samsu-iluna, the king, a statue of a shudde-priest, a gold lamassu, whose features are the Ebabbar of the sun, the Esaggil before Marduk."

    Seal 1


    a-hu-um dumu i3-li2-i-mi-it-ti _arad_ (d)nin-si4-an-na

    AI Translation

    Ahum, son of Ili-imitti, servant of Ninsiana.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ i3-li2-e-ta-di-a-ni _ARAD_ sza (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-iddinam, son of Ili-etadiani, servant of Amurru.

    Seal 3


    s,a-ap-rum dumu la-lu-u2-um _arad_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Shaprum, son of Lalûm, servant of Ninshubur.

    Seal 4


    i3#-li2#-ma#-a#-bi# gudu4 (d)utu dumu lu-mur-sza-dingir _arad_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Ili-mabi, gudu-priest of Shamash, son of Lumur-sha-ili, servant of Amurru.

    Seal 5


    (d)suen-im-gur-ra-an-ni dumu (d)suen-da-a-a-an _arad_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Sîn-imgurrani, son of Sîn-dan, servant of Ninshubur.

    P479258: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _(gesz)kiri6 lu2-mesz_ ra-ba-bi-i(ki) ru-us2 _szu-ku6_ _gu2 i7_ nin-he2-gal2 _ki_ (d)iszkur-szar-rum (disz)szu-nu:ma-dingir ((_an_)) u3 ma-du-tim (disz)(d)utu-na-s,ir _ku3-gal2_ _nam mu 1(disz)-kam_ _nam nig2-gar_ _ib2-ta-e3-a_ a-na pi2-ha-at _(gesz)kiri6_ i-za-az

    AI Translation

    the orchard of the people of Babylon, the steward of the fishery on the bank of the Nihil-hegal canal, with Adad-sharrum Shunu-madin-ili and the people of the land Shamash-nashir, the silver, for 1 year the tax of the property he imposed, and for the reed-plant of the orchard he stands.



    _igi_ (d)marduk-da-ia-an _nu-(gesz)kiri6_ _igi_ be-la-nu-um _dub-sar_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu ama-ar-gi_

    AI Translation

    Before Marduk-dan, gardener; before Belanum, the scribe. The month of Addaru, the day 1, the year "Amargu."

    Seal 1



    AI Translation


    P479259: administrative bulla

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • _1(disz) udu-nita2_
  • _na-gada_ ri-ba-am-i3-li2 sza i-na ku-us,-s,i2-im i-mu-tu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ram,
  • The garment of Ribam-ili, which in the kushum-shrine he had fashioned,

    P479260: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)utu-be-la-ni-szu a-lam u3 szi#-[bu]-tim u2-pa-hi-ra-am-ma a-na bi-it (d)ma-ni-i-ni il-li-[ik] ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma szu-u2-ma a-hi-tam szu-uk-na-ni-in-ni u2-ul ab-bu#-u2-a an-nu-tum hu-bu-lam zu-za-nim be-el hu-bu-li-szu-nu la i-s,a-[ba]-ta#-an-ni u3 be-[el] hu-bu-li-ia la i-s,a-ba-as-su2-nu-ti u3 qa2-tam szu#-uk-na-nim hu-bu-[lam] i-zu-uz

    AI Translation

    Shamash-belanishu opened the city and the city gates and went to the house of Manini. He said as follows: "He is the heir of Shuknani: I did not know him. This is the sacrificial sheep. The owner of the sacrificial sheep shall not take me away, and the owner of the sacrificial sheep shall not take me away. Further, the hand of Shuknani the sacrificial sheep shall not take me away.



    qa2-tam isz-ku-nu-szum u3 mi-im-ma sza i-na bi-tim i-ba-[asz]-szu-u2 _gesz-na2_ u3 _(gesz)gu-za-mesz_ il-qi2 ni-isz ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_ iz-ku-ur um-ma szu-ma (disz)(d)suen-i-na-pi4-t,a3-ab (disz)lu-usz-ta-mar-(d)suen u3 (d)utu-li-t,u2-ul la ab-bu-u2-a-ma a-na mi-im-mu-szu-nu la e-t,e-hu-ma u3 a-na szi-ga-ri-[szu]-nu la e-t,e-hu-u2-ma _igi_ (d)suen-ib-ni-szu _dumu_ i-din-(d)[...] _igi_ ta-ni-pa-tum-ma _szesz?-a-ni?_ _igi_ ma-an-ni-x-(x) _dumu_ hi-ma-lum

    AI Translation

    and whatever in that house there is, the bed and the throne he took. Hammurapi the king said: "Sin-ina-pittab, Lushtamar-Sîn and Shamash-litul did not know me, and to their own property they did not go out, and to their ... they did not go out." Before Sîn-ibnishu, son of Iddin-...; before Tanipatum, his brother; before Manni..., son of Hilum;

    Column 1


    _disz_ ap-lum _ensi2_ _disz_ a-hu-ki-na _sipa_ _disz_ u2-qa2-(d)utu _aga3-us2_

    AI Translation

    Aplu, governor; Ahukina, shepherd; Uqqa-shamash, soldier.

    Column 2


    _mu bad3 kar-(d)utu#_

    AI Translation

    Year: "The wall of Kar-Shamash."

    P479261: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    bala gub-ba nam-lu2-lunga e2 (d)gu-la mu-am3 u4 2(disz)-kam sza3 bala gub-ba a-hu-wa-qar bala gub-ba e2-gal-mah-li-di-isz dumu puzur4-(d)gu-la ki e2-gal-mah-li-di-isz dumu puzur4-(d)gu-la (disz)da-da-a dumu ku-bu-lum in-szi-sa10# sa10 til-la-bi#-[sze3]

  • 1(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze# [ku3-babbar]
  • in-na-an-[la2] u4 kur2-sze3 e2!-gal!-[mah-li-di-isz] dumu puzur4-[(d)gu-la]

    AI Translation

    ..., the brewer's prebend in the temple of Gula, the 2nd day; in the midst of the bala ..., Ahu-waqar ..., the bala ..., Egalmahlidish, son of Puzur-Gula, from Egalmahlidish, son of Puzur-Gula, Dada, son of Kubulum, bought; as its full price,

  • 1 shekel 15 grains of silver,
  • he paid. In the future Egalmahlidish, son of Puzur-Gula,



    u3 ibila-a-ni# [a-na-me-a-bi] bala gub-ba-sze3 inim# [nu-um-ga2-ga2-a] mu sa-am-su-i#-[lu-na lugal] in-[pa3] igi t,a3-ab-bu-lu-sa3 dumu [ip]-qa2#-[tum] igi u-bar-rum dumu ta-ar-sza#-bu?-um igi a-qa2-al-a-na-(d)gu-la dumu (d)da-mu-re-me-ni igi ta-ri-ba-tum dub-sar iti sig4-a u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam mu sa-am-su-i-lu-na lugal-e a2-ag2#-ga2# (d#)en-lil2-la2-ka ia-di-a-bu-um

    AI Translation

    and his heirs, to be his witnesses, to the reign of the king he has sworn by a decree not to change. Before Tabulusa, son of Ipqatum; before Ubarrum, son of Tarshabum; before Aqalana-Gula, son of Damureni; before Taribatum, the scribe. The month of Tammuz, the day 29 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king sworn by the command of Enlil, Yadi-abuum

    Seal 1


    e2-gal-mah-li-di-isz dumu puzur4-(d)gu-la _arad_ (d)asznan

    AI Translation

    Egal-mah-lidish, son of Puzur-Gula, servant of Ashan.

    Seal 2


    u-bar-ru-[um] dumu ta-ar-sza-[...] _arad_ (d)da-[mu] u3 (d)gu-[la]

    AI Translation

    Ubarrum, son of Tarsha-..., servant of Damu and Gula.

    Seal 3


    a-qa2-al-a-na-(d)gu#-[la] dumu (d)da-mu-re-me-ni# [...]

    AI Translation

    Aqalana-Gula, son of Damur-meni, .

    P479262: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    bala nam-lu2-lunga e2 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na mu-a u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam bala gub-ba (d)suen-uru4 dumu (d)suen-i-din-nam# ki (d)suen-uru4 dumu (d)suen-i-din-nam-ta (disz)ku-bu#-lum dumu puzur4#-(d)nin-kar-ra-ak-ke4 in-szi-sa10 sa10-am3 til-la-bi-sze3

  • 1(u) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • in-na#-an#-la2 u4 kur2-sze3# (d)suen-uru4 u3 ibila-a-ni a-na-me-a-bi bala gub-ba-sze3 inim nu-um-ga2-ga2#-a#

    AI Translation

    bala of the brewer's prebend in the house of Nininsina, 15th day, bala stationed; Sîn-uru, son of Sîn-iddinam, from Sîn-uru, son of Sîn-iddinam, Kubulum, son of Puzur-Ninkarrak, bought; its full price,

  • 10 1/2 shekels of silver,
  • he has paid. In the future Sîn-uru and his heirs, as many as there will be, will not raise a claim concerning the bala of office.



    mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi ni-di-in-esz4-tar2 dumu e-la-li2 igi szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi dumu a-ab-ba igi szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi dumu (d)suen-sze-mi igi e-ga-tum dumu (d)da-mu-a-pi4#-li igi (d)suen-i#-din#-nam# dumu# _arad_-(d)nin-kar#-ra-ak [iti] apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam [mu sa-am-su-i]-lu-na lugal-e [lugal im-gi4] gu2#-bar-ra lu2 ki-uri# [(gesz)tukul-bi-ne sag]-gesz# bi2-in-ra-[a]

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the name of the king. Before Nidin-ishtar, son of Elali; before Shumum-libshi, son of the sea; before Shumum-libshi, son of Sîn-shemi; before Egatum, son of Damu-apili; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Warad-ninkarrak. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 12 of the year in which Samsu-iluna the king, the king, returned; the Gubara, the citizen of Akkad, with their weapons he struck down.

    P479263: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    bala nam-lu2-lunga e2 (d)nin-in-si-na mu-a u4 5(disz)-am3 bala-gub-ba szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi dumu ne-me-lum ki szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi-ta (disz)giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dumu szu-(d)nisaba-ke4 in-szi-in-sa10 sa10-til-la-bi-sze3

  • 3(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • in-na-an-la2 tukum-bi bala-gub-ba inim-gal2-la ba-an-tuku inim-gal2-la-bi (disz)szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi ba-ni-ib-gi4-gi4

    AI Translation

    bala of the brewer's prebend in the house of Nininsina, 5th day, bala-gub-a of Shumum-libshi, son of Nemum, from Shumum-libshi Girini-isa, son of Shu-Nisaba, bought; as its full price

  • 3 shekels, 6 grains silver,
  • If he has a balagub, there will be a claim. That claim Shumum-libshi will clear.



    u4-kur2-sze3 (disz)szu-mu-um-li-[ib-szi] u3 ibila-a-ni a-na-me#-[a-bi] bala-gub-ba-sze3 inim nu-um-ga2#-[ga2-a] mu lugal-bi in-[pa3] igi a-ab-ba sza3-tam dumu i-ku-un-[pi4-(d)da]-mu-sze3 igi s,i-nu-szu lu2-lunga dumu (d)suen-uru4-sze3 igi ka3-ka3-illat-su2 gudu4 dumu szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi-sze3 igi a-hu-la-a lu2-lunga dumu lu2#-(d)suen#-sze3 igi bi-tu-u2-a lu2-lunga dumu ki-tum-li-iz-zi-iz-sze3 iti udru(duru5)

    mu us2 mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi (d)da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu lugal-e bad3 gal i3-si-in(ki)-na mi-gir-(d)nin-urta mu-du3-a

    AI Translation

    In the future Shumum-libshi and his heirs, as many as there will be, will not raise a claim concerning the balagub service. The king has sworn by the name of the king. Before Ayaba, the shatam-official, son of Ikun-pî-damu; before Shinushu, the brewer, son of Sîn-uru; before Kaka-illatsu, the gudu-official, son of Shumum-libshi; before Ahula, the brewer, son of Sîn; before Bitu'a, the brewer, son of Kitum-lizziz. The month of Ululu, the month of the brewer.

    year following: "The second year, the third year," "Damiq-ilishu, the king, the great wall of Isin, Migir-Ninurta built."



    bala# nam-lu2-[lunga e2 (d)nin-in-si-na] mu-a u4 5(disz)-am3 bala-gub-ba szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi dumu ne-me-lum ki szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi-ta (disz)giri3-ni-i3-sa6 dumu szu-(d)nisaba-ke4 in-szi-in-sa10 sa10-til-la-bi-sze3

  • 3(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • in-na-an-la2 tukum-bi bala-gub-ba inim-gal2-la ba-[an-tuku] inim-gal2-la-bi (disz)szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi [ba]-ni-ib-gi4-[gi4]

    AI Translation

    bala of the brewer's prebend in the house of Nininsina, 5th day, bala-gub-a of Shumum-libshi, son of Nemum, from Shumum-libshi Girini-isa, son of Shu-Nisaba, bought; as its full price

  • 3 shekels, 6 grains silver,
  • If he has a balagub, there will be a claim. That claim Shumum-libshi will clear it.



    u4-kur2-sze3 (disz)szu-mu-um-li-[ib-szi] u3 ibila-a-ni [a-na-me-a-bi] bala-gub-ba-[sze3 inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-a] mu lugal-[bi in-pa3] igi a-ab-[ba sza3-tam] dumu i-ku-un-[pi4-(d)da]-mu-sze3 igi s,i-nu-szu lu2-lunga dumu (d)suen-uru4-sze3 igi ka3-ka3-illat-su2 gudu4 dumu szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi-sze3 igi a-hu-la-a lu2-lunga dumu lu2-(d)suen-sze3 igi bi-tu-u2-a lu2-lunga dumu ki-tum-li-iz-zi-iz-sze3 iti udru(duru5)

    mu us2 mu us2-sa mu us2-sa-a-bi (d)da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu lugal-e [bad3 gal i3]-si-in(ki) mi-gir-(d)nin-urta mu-du3#-[a]

    AI Translation

    In the future Shumum-libshi and his heirs, as many as there will be, will not raise a claim concerning the balagub-tax; the king has sworn by the name of the king. Before Ayaba, the shatam-priest, son of Ikun-pî-damu; before Shinushu, the brewer, son of Sîn-uru; before Kaka-illatsu, the gudu-priest, son of Shumum-libshi; before Ahula, the brewer, son of Sîn; before Bitu'a, the brewer, son of Kitum-lizziz; month "Udru,"

    year following: "The second year, the third year," that which is identical with "Damiq-ilishu, the king, the great wall of Isin erected by Migir-Ninurta."

    Seal 1


    szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi dumu ne-me-lum

    AI Translation

    Shumum-libshi, son of Nemum.

    P479264: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    x x x [...] _sag-_arad__ u-bar-(d)[...] _ki_ [u]-bar-(d)[...] be-el# _[sag-_arad_]_ (disz)a?-[x-x]-(d)_en_-[...] _in-szi-in#-[sa10]_ _sa10 til-la#-[bi-sze3]_ _n 2/3(disz) gin2 6(disz) [sze ku3-babbar]_ u3 _1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar si#-[bi]_ isz-ku-un# _iti 1(disz)-kam_ bi-in-[nu-um]

  • _3(disz) u4_-mi te-eb-i-tum#
  • AI Translation

    ... ... the slave Ubar-... from Ubar-... the owner of the slave A...-Bel-... bought. As its full price he paid ... 2/3 shekels 6 grains of silver and 1/3 shekel of silver. The monthly rent he imposed.

  • 3 days of the tebitu-offering,
  • Reverse


    a-na ba-aq-ri-szu ki-ma s,i-im-da-at [szar-ri] iz-za-a-az _igi_ _arad_-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ sa-[...] _igi_ a-x-si?-tum _dumu_ _ib_-[...] _igi_ ib-ni-(d)utu _dumu_ _an_-[...] _igi_ hu-za-lum _dumu_ dingir-da-[...]

    AI Translation

    Before Warad-Amurru, son of Sa...; before ...situ, son of Ib...; before Ibni-shamash, son of ...; before Huzalu, son of Il-da...;

    Seal 3


    ib-ni-(d)[utu] dumu x-x-_an_-[...] _arad an_ (d)mar-[tu]

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Shamash, son of ...-AN-..., servant of Anu and Amurru.

    P479266: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sag-_arad__ s,il2-li2-(d)nu-musz#?-[da? _mu]-ni#-im_
  • (iri)bad3-ma-an-ki-sa-ia-[a?]-u2(ki) _sag-_arad__ lu2-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ dur#-an#-ki-he2-ti _ki_ lu2-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ dur-an-ki-he2-ti be-el _sag-_arad__ a-na qa2-be-e u-bar-(d)iszkur _dumu_ a-wi-il-dingir (disz)(d)inanna-ma-an-szum2 _ugula mar-tu dumu_ na-bi-(d)utu _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_

  • _1(u) 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2_
  • u3 _igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar si-bi_ isz-ku-un#

  • 3(disz) _u4_-mi te-eb-i-[tum]
  • _iti 1(disz)-kam_ be2-en-nu-um#

    AI Translation
  • 1 slave: Shilli-Numushda, his name;
  • Dur-mankisayu, the eunuch of Lu-Amurru, son of Dur-an-kiheti, with Lu-Amurru, son of Dur-an-kiheti, the lord of the eunuchs, to the command of Ubar-Adad, son of Awil-ili, Ishtar-manshum, overseer of Martu, son of Nabi-shamash, has bought; as its full price

  • 16 shekels of silver he has given.
  • and he has paid half a shekel of silver as its interest.

  • 3 days of the tebitu-offerings,
  • 1st month, Be'ennum.



    a-na ba-aq-ri-i-szu ki-ma s,i-im-da-at [szar-ri] iz-za-a-az _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dumu_ (d)asznan-[...] _igi_ (d)e2-a-i-din-nam _dumu_ ur-(d)lugal-ban3#-[da] _igi_ sza-al-lu-rum _dumu_ a-hu-szi-na _igi_ (d)suen-na-s,i-ir _dumu_ be-la-nu-um _igi_ i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _um-mi-a_ _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e [du11]-ga mah-a (d)[utu] i7 am-mi-s,a-du-qa2-nu-[hu-usz-ni-szi] mu-a-ni bi2-in-sa4_

    AI Translation

    to his outskirts like the stele of the king stood. Before Sîn-ishmeani, son of Ashnan-...; before Ea-iddinam, son of Ur-Lugalbanda; before Shallurum, son of Ahushina; before Sîn-nashir, son of Belanum; before Ili-iqisham, mother. The month of Kislimum, the day 7, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king spoke, the great god Shamash, the canal Ammi-shaduqanuhushnishi he named it.

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)mar-tu dumu dur-an-ki-he2-ti _arad_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Lu-Amurru, son of Dur-ankiheti, servant of Amurru.

    Seal 2


    (d)e2-a-i-[din-nam] dumu ur-lugal-[ban3-da] _arad_ (d)lugal#?-[...] u3 (d)x-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ea-iddinam, son of Ur-lugal-banda, servant of Lugal-... and .

    Seal 3


    (d)suen-na-[s,i-ir] dumu be-la-nu#-[um] _arad_ (d)_en#_-[...] u3 (d)x

    AI Translation

    Sîn-nashir, son of Belanum, servant of Bel-... and DN.

    Seal 4


    (d)[nin]-szubur# gidri# [(ku3) szum2]-ma a-ia-zu gar-ra# sukkal gesz-tuku an-na kisal _an_ e _u2#_? _arad_-zu ti-la# _(na4)kiszib3_ sza-al-lu-rum

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur, scepter of gold. If your father is appointed, the vizier of wisdom of heaven, the courtyard of heaven ... your servant, life seal of Shallum.

    P479267: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    _e2_ ga-gi-i-im [sza la]-ma#-sa3-tum [_dumu-munus_ be-le]-su-nu

    AI Translation

    The house of the gimmu-priest of Lammasatum, daughter of Belsunu.

    P479268: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    bala nam-lu2-lunga e2 (d)nin-in-si-na-ka mu-a u4 1(u)-kam bala gub-ba dingir-szu-i-bi-szu dumu i3-li2-i-di2-na-szu-ke4 ki dingir-szu-i-bi-szu-ta (disz)(d)suen-i-di2-na-szu dumu sza-lu-ru-um-ke4 in-szi-in-sa10# sa10# til-la-bi-sze3

  • 6(disz)#? gin2 ku3-babbar
  • in#-na-an-la2 u4-kur2-sze3 [(disz)]dingir-szu-i-bi-szu

    AI Translation

    bala of the brewer's prebend in the house of Nininsina, a period of 10 days, bala stationed, to Ilshu-ibbishu, son of Ili-iddinashu, from Ilshu-ibbishu Sîn-iddinashu, son of Shalurrum, bought; as its full price

  • 6? shekels of silver,
  • In the future, Ilshu-ibbishu will pay the silver.



    u3 ibila-ne-ne a-na me-a-bi bala gub-ba-sze3 inim nu-um-ga2-ga2-ne u3 in-gal2-la ba-ni-ib2-gi4-gi4 mu lugal-bi in-pa3 igi a-ab-ba sza3-tam dumu i-ku-un-pi4-(d)da-mu-sze3 igi a-pil-i3-li2-szu gudu4 lu2-lunga dumu e2-a-ra-bi-sze3 igi (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am gudu4 egir-ra dumu i3-li2-i-di2-na-szu-sze3 igi i3-li2-isz-na-di gudu4 lu2-lunga dumu lu2-(d)da-mu igi sza-lu-ru-um dub-sar-sze3 iti udru(duru5) mu (d)da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu lugal-e i7 (d)da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu mu-ba-al-la

    AI Translation

    and their heirs, to the reign of the bala, they have not sworn, and they have not sworn by the name of the king. Before Ayaba, the shatam-priest, son of Ikun-pî-damu; before Apil-ilishu, gudu-priest of the brewer, son of Ea-rabi; before Sîn-iqisham, gudu-priest after, son of Ili-iddinashu; before Ilish-nadi, gudu-priest of the brewer, son of Lu-damu; before Shalurum, the scribe. The month of Uruk, the year in which Dami-iq-ilishu the king had dug the canal of Dami-iq-ilishu

    P479269: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma u-bar-(d)suen-ma (disz)a-bu-wa-qar sza asz-ta-pa-ru-ku-szu sza _dam_ a-hi-ia u3-sza-ri-szu!(_su_)-ma a-na s,e-ri-ka um-ma at-ta-ma we-di-sze-ka-a-ma tu-ur2 a-wa-ta-am s,u2-ha-ru-um la i-ra-sze ta-aq-bi-szum szu i-na pa-ni-szu

  • 3(disz) a-wi-la-ti-im
  • i-re-di-a-ma is,#-ba-tu-szu-ma a-na (disz)su-mu-bi-na-sa ir-du-szu-ma um-ma szu-ma (disz)u-bar-(d)suen _dam_ a-hi-szu u3-sza-ri-a#-ni szum-ma la-ma-sa3-ka u3 ni-ni-ia la i-le-qe2 i-du-ku-ni-ni-ma sza-ni-tam2 um-mi isz-tu u3-za-ar-s,u2-ha-ar u3-sze!(_te_)-ri-a-am a-s,e-er a-ni-ti-im i-bi-szu-ma um-ma szu-ma szum-ma ne2-er-ta-am# ra-bi-ta-am#

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Ubar-Sîn: "Abbu-waqar, whom I have sent to you, whose wife my brother has sent to you, saying: "You have been slandered, and you have turned away." The word of the sharium-demon is not good. You have told him. He is in his presence.

  • 3: Awilatim;
  • he went and captured him, and to Sumu-binasa he sent him, saying: "Ubar-Sîn, wife of his brother, has entrusted me; if Lamasa and my family do not take, they shall give me, and another one, saying: "From the time when I have seized him, I have brought him to me." The other one said to him: "If the slander is great,



    la e-ne2-er-ma e-li-ia la ta-ra-sze la a-ta-la-ak a-wi-lum i-ta-la-ak

    AI Translation

    I will not be negligent, I will not go out to my side, I will not go out to the man.

    P479273: school tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) ? CDLI



    pisan#?-dub#?-ba (d)en-ki-da-kun? geme2-(d)irhan geme2-(d)en-lil2#-[la2] puzur4-ru-um ur-ki

    AI Translation

    Basket-of-tablets: xxx



    kur#-gal be?-li2-x [x?]

    AI Translation

    Great mountain, Beli-.

    P479302: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)szul3-ma-nu-_masz_ _man gal_-u2 _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur asz a_ asz-pap-a man kur asz_ _a_ tukul-masz _man szu2 man kur asz_-ma ri-s,ip-tu2 sza2 _u6-nir_ sza2 _iri_ kal-hi

    AI Translation

    Shalmaneser, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, who was also king of the universe and king of Assyria: reed guard of the u'nir of Calah.

    P479303: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)szul3-ma-nu-_masz_ _man gal_-u2 _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur asz a asz-pap-a man gal_-u2 _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur asz a_ tukul-masz _man szu2 man kur asz_-ma ri-s,ip-tu2 sza2 _u6#-nir#_ sza2# _iri_ kal-hi

    AI Translation

    Shalmaneser, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, who was also king of the universe and king of Assyria: reed guard of the unigru of Calah.

    P479304: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _e2-gal_ (disz)asz-szur-pab-a szid asz-szur [ni]-szit (d)be u (d)masz na-ra-am (d)a-nim u (d)da-gan ka-szu-usz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _a_ tukul-masz _man gal_-e _man_ dan-ni _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _a_ 1(u)-erin2#-tah2#_man gal_-e _man_ dan-ni _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur-ma et,-lu qar-du sza2 ina _(gesz)tukul_-ti asz-szur _en_-szu2 _du-du_-ku-ma ina mal-ki-_mesz_ sza2 kib-rat _limmu2_-ta sza2-nin-szu2 la-a _tuku_-u2

    _(lu2)sipa_ tab-ra-te la# a#-di#-ru _gesz-la2_ e-du-u2 gap-szu2 sza2 ma-hi-ra la-a _tuku_-u2 _man_ mu-szak-nisz la kan-szu-te-szu2 sza2 nap-har kisz-szat _ug3-mesz_ i-pe-lu _nita2_ dan-nu mu-kab-bi-is _gu2_ a-a#-bi#-szu2 da-a-isz kul-lat _kur2-mesz_ mu-pa-ri-ru ki-is,-ri mul-tar-ki _man_ sza2 ina _(gesz)tukul_-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-szu2 _du-du_-ku-ma _kur-kur-mesz du3_-szi-na _szu_-su

    _kur_-ud hur-sza2-ni _du3_-szu2-nu i#-pe-lu-ma bi-lat-su-nu im-hu-ru s,a-bit li-i-t,i2 sza2-kin2 li-i-te _ugu du3_-szi-na _kur-kur-mesz_ e-nu-ma asz-szur _en_ na-bu-u2 _mu_-ia mu-szar-bu-u2 _man_-ti-a _(gesz#)tukul_-szu2 la pa-da-a a-na i-da-at _en_-ti-a lu-u2 it-muh _erin2 hi-a-mesz kur_ lu-ul-lu-me-e _dagal-mesz_ ina qe2-reb tam-ha-ri ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ lu u2-szam-qit ina re-s,u-te

    sza2 (d)sza2-masz u? (d)iszkur _dingir-mesz_ tik-li-a _erin2 hi-a-mesz kur-kur_ na-i-ri _kur_ hab-hi _kur_ szu-ba-re-e u _kur_ ne2-reb _gin7_ (d)iszkur ra-hi-s,i _ugu_-szu2-nu asz2-gu-um _man_ sza2 _ta_ e-ber-tan _(i7)hal-hal_ a-di _kur_ lab-na-na u _a-ab-ba gal_-te _kur_ la-qe-e ana si-hir2-ti-sza2 _kur_ su-hi a-di _iri_ ra-pi-qi ana _giri3-min_-szu2 u2-szek2-ni-sza2 _ta sag_ e-ni _i7_ su-ub-na-at a-di _kur_ u2-ra-ar-t,i2

    _szu_-su _kur_-ud _ta kur_ ne2-re-be sza2 _kur_ kir3-ru-ri a-di _kur_ gil2-za-ni _ta_ e-ber-tan _i7_ za-ba _ki-ta_ a-di _iri_ du6-ba-a-ri sza2 el-la-an _kur_ za-ban _ta iri_ du6-sza2-ab-ta-a-ni a-di _iri_ du6-sza2-za-ab-da-a-ni _iri_ ki-ri-mu _iri_ ha-ru-tu _kur_ bi-ra-te sza2 _kur_ kar-du-ni-asz2 ana mi-is,-ri _kur_-a u2-ter _ta kur_ ne2-reb sza2 _kur_ ba-bi-te a-di _kur_ hasz-mar

    a-na _ug3-mesz kur_-ia am-nu ina _kur-kur-mesz_ sza2 a-pe-lu-szi-na-ni _(lu2)gar_-nu-te-ia al-ta-kan ur-du-ti u2-pu-szu2 (disz)asz-szur-pab-a _nun_-u2 na-a-du pa-lih2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-szum2-gal-lu ek-du ka-szid _iri-iri_ u hur-sza2-ni pat, gim-ri-szu2-nu _man en-mesz_-e mu-la-it, ek-s,u-te a-pi-ir sza2-lum-ma-te la-a-di-ru _gesz-la2_ ur-sza2-nu la pa-du-u2

    mu-rib a-nun-te _man_ ta-na-da-a-te _(lu2)sipa_ s,a-lu-lu _ub-mesz man_ sza2 qi-bit _ka_-szu2 usz-har-ma-t,u _kur-mesz_-e u _a-ab-ba-mesz_ sza2 ina qi-it-ru-ub _en_-ti-szu2 _man-mesz_-ni ek-du-te la pa-du-te _ta_ s,i-it (d)szam-szi a-di e-reb (d)szam-szi pa-a 1(disz)-en u2-sza2-asz2-kin2 _iri_ kal-hu mah-ra-a sza2 (disz)(d)szul3#-ma-nu-sag _man kur_ asz-szur _nun_ a-lik pa-ni-a _du3_-usz _iri_ szu-u2 e-na-ah-ma is,-lal _iri_ szu2-u2 ana esz-szu2-te ab-ni _ug3-mesz szu2_-ti _szu2_-ia

    sza2 _kur-kur#-mesz_ sza2 a-pe-lu-szi-na-ni sza2 _kur_ su-hi _kur_ la-qe-e ana si-hir2-ti-sza2 _iri_ sir-qu sza2 ne2-ber-ti _(i7)a-rad kur_ za-mu-a ana pat, gim-ri-sza2 _kur_ e2-a-di-ni u _kur_ hat-te u sza2 (disz)lu-bar-na _kur_ pa-ti-na-a-a al-qa-a ina lib3-bi u2-sza2-as,-bit _du6_ la-be-ru lu? u2-na-ki-ir a-di _ugu a-mesz_ lu u2-sza2-pil2

  • 1(disz) me 2(u) tik-pi ina musz-pa-li lu u2-t,a-bi _e2-gal_ (gesz)e-re-ni _e2-gal_ (gesz)szur-min2 e2-gal_ (gesz)dap-ra-ni _e2-gal (gesz)taskarin-mesz e2-gal_ (gesz)mes-kan-ni
  • _e2-gal_ (gesz)bu-ut,-ni u (gesz)tar-pi-'i a-na szu-bat _man_-ti-a a-na mul-ta-a'-it _en_-ti-a sza2 da-ra-te ina lib3-bi ad-di u2-ma-am _kur-mesz_-e u _a-ab-ba-mesz_ sza2 (na4)pi-li _ku3_-e u (na4)pa-ru-te _du3_-usz ina _ka2-mesz_-sza2 u2-sze-zi-iz u2-si-im-szi u2-szar-rih-szi si-kat2 kar-ri _zabar-mesz_ al-me-si _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)e-re-ni (gesz)szur-min2 (gesz)dap-ra-ni

    (gesz)mes-kan-ni ina _ka2-mesz_-sza2 u2-re-ti _ku3-babbar-mesz ku3-sig17-mesz_ an-na-mesz zabar-mesz an-bar-mesz szu2_-ti _szu_-ia sza2 _kur-kur-mesz_ sza2 a-pe-lu-szi-na-ni a-na ma-a'-disz al-qa-a ina lib3-bi u2-kin2

    AI Translation

    Palace of Ashurnasirpal, vice-regent of Ashur, chosen of the gods Enlil and Ninurta, beloved of the gods Anu and Dagan, powerful of the great gods, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Adad-narari II who was also great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria; valiant man who acts with the support of Ashur, his lord, and has no rival among the princes of the four quarters,

    the pious shepherd, unrivalled in strength, mighty, fearless in battle, who has no opponent, king who subdues those insubordinate to him, who rules all peoples, strong male, who strikes enemies with lightning, who annihilates all enemies, who destroys the borders of the four quarters, king who acts with the support of the great gods, his lords, and has conquered all lands,

    I conquered all the highlands and received their tribute. I imposed a levy on all of them. When Assur, the lord who called me by name and made my sovereignty supreme, his merciless weapon against my lordly side I smashed. The extensive troops of the Lullumu in battle I felled with the sword. In the army

    of the gods Shamash and Adad, the gods of battle, troops of the lands Nairi, Habhu, Shubaru, and Nerb, like the god Adad, the great one, I imposed upon them. The king who subdued the entire land from the opposite bank of the Tigris to Mount Lebanon and the Great Sea, the entire land Laqû, the land Suhu including the city Rapiqu, from the source of the River Subnat to the land Urartu

    from the passes of Mount Kirruru to the land Gilzanu, from the opposite bank of the Lower Zab to the city Dubari which is upstream from the land Zaban, from the city Dusha-Abtani to the city Dusha-Zabdani, the city Kirimu, the city Harutu, the fortress of Karduniash Babylonia, to the border of the land Amurru I turned. From the passes of Mount Babitu to the land Hashmar

    To the people of my land I have been appointed governor. In the lands over which I gained dominion I have exercised authority. Ashurnasirpal, attentive prince, worshipper of the great gods, ferocious dragon, conqueror of cities and all highlands, king of lords, slayer of the treacherous, slayer of the wicked, mighty, unrivalled warrior,

    the one who provides for the envoys, the king of praises, the shepherd who stretches out the earth, the king whose command is to conquer mountains and seas, who by his lordly command mighty kings from east to west he made one city dwell therein. The former city Kalhu which Shulmaneser, king of Assyria, a prince who preceded me, had built — that city had become dilapidated and he abandoned it. I rebuilt that city. I settled therein the people of that city.

    of the lands over which I gained dominion, of the land Suhu, the entire land of Laqû, the city Sirqu, which is on the opposite bank of the Euphrates, the entire land of Zamua, the land of Eadini and the land Hatti, and of Lubarna, the Patinu, I took in hand, and I deposited therein a ruin hill. I cleared it away and deposited it over the water.

  • 120 brick-courses in mushpalu-wood I fashioned. Palace of cedar, palace of cypress, palace of dapranu-juniper, palace of cypress, palace of meskannu-wood;
  • I built a palace of tin and tarpi'u-wood for my royal residence and for the exercise of my lordship forever. I made in its gates mountain and sea of white limestone and parutu-stone. I made it shine like daylight and made it shine like daylight. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, and ...-wood.

    I took from them the meskannu-trees that I had brought in her gates, silver, gold, tin, bronze, and iron belonging to me from the lands over which I gained dominion, and I deposited them therein.

    P479308: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)na3-ku-dur2-ru-uri3 _lugal_ ba-bi-i-lu(ki) za-nin e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da dumu (d)na3-ibila-uri3 _lugal_ ba-bi-lu(ki) ana-ku

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, am I.


    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who provides for the E-sagil and the E-zida, of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia, am I.

    P479309: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d#)na3#-ku-du-ur2-[ri-uri3] _lugal#_ babila#[(ki)] [za-ni]-in e2#-[sag-il2]

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who provides for Esagil,

    P479310: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)na3-ku-dur2-ru-uri3 _lugal_ ba-bi-lu(ki) za-nin e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da _dumu_ (d)na3-ibila-uri3 _lugal_ ba-bi-lu(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    P479311: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)na3-ku-dur2-ri-uri3 _lugal_ babila(ki) za-nin e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da _ibila_ (d)na3-ibila-uri3 _lugal_ babila(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, heir of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    P479312: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d#)na3#-ku#-du-ur2-ri-uri3# _lugal#_ babila(ki#) za#-ni-in e2-sag-il2 u3# e2-zi-da _ibila_ a-sza-re-du sza2 (d)na3-ibila-uri3 _lugal_ babila(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who provides for the E-sagil and the E-zida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    P479313: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    (d)na3-nig2-du-uri3 _lugal_ babila#(ki#) za#-nin# e2#-sag-il2 e2-zi-da _ibila sag-kal_ sza (d)na3-a-uri3 _lugal_ babila(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.


    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, eldest son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon.

    P479314: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [(d)na3-nig2-du-uri3 _lugal_] babila#(ki#) [za-nin] [e2-sag-il2 e2-zi]-da# _ibila sag#-[kal]_ [sza (d)na3-a-uri3 _lugal_] babila#[(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    P479315: royal-monumental brick

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [(d)na3]-nig2-du-uri3 _lugal#_ [babila(ki) za-nin] [e2-sag]-il2# e2-[zi-da _ibila sag-kal_] [sza (d)na3-a-uri3 _lugal_ babila(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.

    P479321: administrative tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] lu#? szu? x x [...] [...] (d#)na3 mu pa-an x [...] [...] x x a e _lugal_ x [...] [...] s,a-bat? har-ra#-[...] [...] asz2? qu-u2 [...] [...] x mar-s,u# [...] [...] is,?-s,a-ba-[at ...] [...] x ni mah? [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Nabu, before ... ... ... king ... ... the road ...

    P479330: literary tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d#)li#-pi2-it-esz18-dar lugal# umusz gal-gal ad#! gi4-gi4 inim-ma nu-kusz2-u3#

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the great king, the father who recited the word, did not obey.

    P479331: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...]-di ir#-bu#-[...] an#-szar2 u (d)ki-szar2 [...] u2-ur2-ri-ku _u4-mesz#_ [...] (d)a-num a-pil-szu-nu# [...] an-szar2 (d)a-num [...] u3 (d)a-nu-um [...] (d)nu-dim2-mud [...] pal-ku uz-nu [...] gu-usz-szu ma-a-disz# [...] la# i#-szi sza#-ni#-[...] [...]-du#-u# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... he ... ... Ashur and Kishar ... he repaid ... days ... Anu, their heir ... Anshar, Anu, ... and Anu ... Nudimmud ... a ferocious ... a great strength ...

    P479332: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...]-is,#-s,u-ru s,u-s,a-a la [...] [...] la# szu#-pu#-u2 ma#-[...] [...]-ru# szi-ma-tum# [...] [...] _dingir#-dingir#_ qi2#-rib-[...] [...] (d#)la-ha-mu usz#-ta-pu#-[...] [...] x x [...] [...]-ba#-nu-u2-ma e-li-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the gods ... ... Lahamu ... ... ... ... and up .

    P479333: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    ur#-risz# la# szu#-[...] lu-usz-hal-liq-ma# [...] qu-u2-lu lisz-sza2-kin-ma# [...] ti-amat an-ni-ta i#-[...] i-zu-uz-ma il-ta#-[...] le-mut-ti it-ta-di [...]

    AI Translation

    May I not ... forever, may I make ... disappear, and may ... be scattered, and ... this Tiamat ..., he is angry, and ..., he has ...,

    P479334: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    im-tu ki-ma da#-[...] _uszumgal#-mesz_ na-ad#-[...] [...] usz#-[...]

    AI Translation

    He ... like a ..., he ... the great gods, he ...

    P479337: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]-mat# a-mat i-t,ib el#-szu# [...]-tad#-di-nu i ni-pu-usz _u4#_-mu [...] qi2-rib-szu#-un# [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a word that is pleasing to him ... ... we gave them. Day ... their midst ... .

    P479338: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...]-gul# [...] an#-szar2 [...]-e#-szu [...] _at_ [...]-ab-bi [...]-asz#-sa# [...]-duru2#-na

    AI Translation

    ... ... Ashur ... his ...



    [...] x [...]-ta#-'-am [...]-ma#-al-la [...]-sal-bisz-ma [...]-tasz#-szi-il [...]-mi#-im [...]-rat#-su-un [...] x x ur#-idim#-me# [...] [...]-lu# u3# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... their ... ... ... ... ... and .

    P479339: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] zaq-tu-ma szin-[...] im-tu ki-ma da-[...] _uszumgal-mesz_ na-ad-ru#-tu2# me-lam-mi usz-tasz-sza#-[...] zu-mur-szu-nu lisz-tah-t,am#-[...] usz-zi-iz-ma x-[...] _u4_-gal-la [...] _u4_-me da-ab#-r[...] na#-szi# kak#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like ...

    P479340: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] am#-[...] [...] resz#-[...] [...]-mu# [...] [...]-nu# [...] [...]-ra# la# ki-is,-s,u-ru s,u#-[...] [...]-nu#-ma _dingir-dingir_ [...] [...]-ma# la zuk-ku-ru [...] [...]-ba#-nu-u2-ma [...] [(d)]lah#-mu u (d)la-ha-mu usz-ta#-[...] [...]-bu#-u2 i#-[...] [...]-szar2# u (d)ki-szar2 ib-ba-nu-ma# e#-[...] ur#-ri-ku _u4-mesz_ [...] [...] a#-pil#-szu-nu# [...] [...]-num# bu#-uk#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the gods ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... their ...



    [...] ma#-[...] [...] an#-na# [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... here ...

    P479341: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...]-u2#-[...] [...] x x [...] [...]-na#-ma# [...] szi#-i-mu [...]-szu2#-un# [...]-iz-zak#-ru# [...]-szi#-hu# [...] at#-ru# [...] _mu#-an-na#-mesz#_ [...] ab-be2-e#-szu [...]-masz#-szi-il#-ma [...] nu#-dim2#-mud [...]-ma# [...]-ih# [...]-ni# [...]-i#-sza# [...]-me#-sza# [...]-szi [...]-szi-sza3# [...]-usz-hal-laq-ma [...] t,a#-bi-isz [...]-ma#-al-lik [...] x [...]-um#-mi-szu [...] x [...] e#-szi-tum [...] lu#-u# s,al#-la-at [...]-ru pa#-nu-szu

    [...]-asz-saq# sza#-[...] mim-mu-u2 ik-pu-du pu-uh-ru-usz-szun# [...]-nu# [...] [...]-ul-[...] [...] sza#-qu#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... their ... ... ... ... ... ... years ... his ancestors ... ... ... ... and ...

    ... ... ... everything that they had made manifest ... their faces ...



    [...]-qi2#-qu# [...] [...]-tum# i#-t,ib# [...] [...]-ad#-di#-na [...] [pah]-ru-nim#-ma _dingir_ qi2#-rib#-szu#-un# [...]-zu# a-na _dingir-mesz_ ba-ni#-szu-un [...]-du#-usz ti-amat ti-bu-ni [...]-pu mu-sza u im-mu [...]-ra# na-zar-bu-bu la-ab-bi# [...]-ma# i-ban-nu-u2 s,u-la-a#-ti# [...] pa#-ti#-qat# ka#-la#-mu# [...] _musz#-husz#_-szu2# [...]-ta#-'i#-i [...]-ma-al-li# [...] u2#-sal-bisz#-ma# [...]-tasz#-szi-il# [...]-mi#-im# [...]-rat#-su#-un# [...]-mu# [...]-lu# [...]-ka# [...]-qu#-u2# e-nu-tu2

    [...]-ni#-x-ha [...]-sza-ru# lisz#-rab-bi-ib [...]-tum pi#-ti-iq-sza# [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to the gods who created them ... ... Tiamat, the tibunu-priest ... ... ... and the name ... ... ... ... and ...

    ... ... may he ... ... ... may he be praised ... ... her utterance ... ... .

    P479342: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x x [...] [...] _abzu#_ i-ma-al-lik [...]-ra# mi-[...] [...] e#-szi-[...] [...] lu s,al-la-[...] [...]-mi-ru pa-nu-usz#-szu# [...] _dingir#_ ma#-re-e#-szu [...] x x [...]-na#-sza2-qu sza-a-szu [...]-uh#-ri-szu-un [...]-uk#-ri-szu-un [...] x nu usz-tan-nu-ni [...]-ul#-lu [...] x x x qu-um#-[...]-mi-isz usz-bu [...]-le-e (d#)e2#-a# ha-sis mi-im-ma#-ma# i-sze-'-a szib-qi2-szu-un [...]-nak#-ki#-il-szu szu#-tu-ru ta-a-szu el-lum [...]-te-hi s,a-li t,u2-x-[...] [...]-mu# tam#-la#-ku# dal-la-pisz# ku-u2-ru

    [...] x x [...] x-di#-iq#

    AI Translation

    ... the Apsu ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his face ... the gods of his lords ... ... ... ... ... their ... ... their ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ea, the wise one, who knows everything, their scribal arts ... his scribal arts, pure ...



    [...]-bur# [...] x-am#-ra [...] (d)a-num [...] x-mel-li u2#-szab#-szi# a-ga-am-ma i-dal-lah3 (d)ti#-amat# [...] i-du-ul-x [...]-lu# sza#-a-ri-szam# [...] le-mut-tum# [...] szu-un iz-zak-kar# [...] i-na-ru-ma# [...]-li#-ki-ma qa-li-isz usz-bu [...] sza2# pu-luh-tum [...]-ma# ul ni-s,a-al-lal-ni-i-ni [...] x-ma#-ku u3 (d)mu-um-mu sza2 ik-ka-mu-u2 asz su disz# [...] [...]-lu#-hi-isz ta-du-ul-li# [...] i ni-is,-lal ni-i-x-[...] [...]-ra e-na-tu-u2 [...] ni#-is,#-lal ni-[...] [...] tir#-ri#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Anu ... ... he seated. This is what he sinned against Tiamat ... he ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he sinned against them ... he sinned against them ... he sinned against them and sat down in silence. ... whose fearsomeness ... and we did not let him let us let him let us let him let us let him let us ... ... and Mummu who had sinned ...

    P479343: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] (d#)[...] [...] szu#-ma# [...]-qan# pu-un#-gul# [...]-lid# a-bi-szu an#-[...] [...] at#-he-e#-szu# in-nen-du-ma at-hu-u2 _dingir-mesz_-ni [...] isz#-tab#-[...] [...] ka-ra-as#-sa# [...] an-duru2-nu [...]-szu-un# [...] _ugu#_-szu#-un# [...] e#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... the god ... ... ... ... ... ... his father ... ... his enemies he gathered and the angry gods ... he ... ... ... ... ... ... their ... ... over them ... .



    [...]-an#-tum# [...]-u2-tum i [...]-asz-szi i-na kar-ri [...] u2-szar-bi-ka [...] usz-mal3-li [...] at-ta [...]-szu#-nu a-nu-uk#-ka# [...] u2#-szat-mi#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... in the quay ... I made you shine ... I filled ... You ... their ... I made ... .

    P479344: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] [...] [...] u3# ti-amat szu-[...] im-tar-s,a-am-ma# [...] la t,a-bat al#-[...] i-nu-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... and Tiamat ... he became angry and ... he was not good ... .

    P479345: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] [...]-szu ik-mu-u2 i-sa-a-du [...] usz-zi-zu ir-ta-szu# [...] [...]-um#-mi-szu szu-up-szu-hi#-[...] [...] ap#-su-u2 ad-du#-[...] [...]-pa#-ra-szu u2#-[...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... he sat down, he was seated ... he sat down, he was seated ... ... his ... he sat down ... he sat down ... he sat down ... he sat down ...

    P479346: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...]-e-[...] [...] har#-me-e-sza# [...] e-lisz-szi-szu# [...] kar#-szi-sza# [...]-usz-hal-laq#-[...] [...]-du#-ud t,a#-[...] [...]-lik [...]-um#-mi-[...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... its harû-wall ... above it ... its quay ...

    P479347: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...]-du#-[...]-nu# [...] [...]-amat# um-[...]-nu# szu#-nu# [...] [...] har#-ma-ki# x [...] [...]-szu la tal#-li#-ki#-ma qa#-li-isz tu#-usz#-[...] [...]-ni#-ma [...]-ar# er-bet-ti sza2 pu-luh-[...] [...]-uh2# kar-sza-ki-ma# ul ni-s,a-al-lal ni-i#-[...] [...]-szi# lib-bu-uk#-ku# ap-su-u2 har-ma-[...] [...] mu#-um-mu# sza2 ik-ka-mu-u2# la e-disz asz-ba-a [...]-mu# at#-ti# dul#-lu#-hi-isz# ta#-du-ul-[...] [...]-i#-ni sza2 la# ni#-sak-ki#-pi# ul ta-ram-mi-na-[...] [...] sar-ma#-ni hu-um#-mu-ra i-na-tu-u2-[...]

    [...]-bi# ab-sza#-nam la sa#-ki#-pu i ni#-is,-lal ni-i-[...] [...] ta#-ha-zi# gi-mil-la-szu-nu tir-ri [...]-u2#-szu#-nu# ep#-szi-mu a-na za-qi2-qu szu-uk-[...] [...]-me-ma ti-amat# a-ma-tum i-t,ib el#-[...] [...]-mu-u2 at#-tu#-nu tusz#-ta-ad#-di-nu i ni-pu-usz _u4#_-[...] [...]-ru-nim#-ma# _dingir-dingir_ qi2-rib-[...] [...]-ne2#-ti usz#-tah#-ha-zu# an _dingir-dingir_ ba-ni-szu#-[...] [...]-as-ru-nim#-[...] i#-du-usz ti-amat ti-bi-u2# [...]-du# la sa#-ki#-[...] mu#-sza u3 [...]

    [...] tam#-ha#-ri# na#-zar-bu-bu la-[...] [...] x [...] i#-ban-nu-u2 s,u#-[...] [...]-ti#-qa#-at ka-la#-[...] [...]-lad# _musz-mah#_-[...] [...] at-ta-[...] [...] usz-ma#-al#-[...] [...]-ti# u2#-sal#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... they did not ..., they ..., they ..., they ... their ... their ..., they ... to ... ... ... ... Tiamat, the word ... ... ... you, you ..., you ..., we ..., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Tiamat, the ...

    ... the battle, the raging ...

    P479348: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...]-usz#-szu2#-un# [...] x x x-un# usz-tan-nu-u2-x [...] i-dul-li [...]-ba#-at# sza2-qu#-um-isz usz-bu szu-tur uz-na et-pi-isz te-le-'i [...]-isz# mim-ma-szu esz-a-' ana szib-qi2-szu2-un# [...] u2-s,u#-ra#-a-tu2 kal ma a x a# [...] [...] szu#-tu-ra ta-a-szu2 el-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... their ...

    P479349: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] la# szu#-up#-szu#-ha-ku mu-szi-isz# la# [...] [...]-li-iq-ma# a#l-kat3#-su#-nu# [...] [...] li#-isz-sza-kin#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... do not ... ... ... ... and their way ... ... may he establish ... .

    P479350: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    u3# (d)mu#-[...] isz-tu _u4_-mu# [...] u3# ni-i-ni sza# [...] am#-ra# sar-ma#-[...] hu#-us,-bi _bi_ ab#-[...] ep#-szi ta-[...] x [...]-ru#-u2-szu-nu# [...]

    AI Translation

    and Mu... from day ... and ours that ... I ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... their .

    P479351: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    is-si-ma# [...] le-mut-tu [...] mi-na-a-am [...] al-kat2-szu-un lu# szum-[...] i-pu-ul-ma (d#)[...] suk-kal-lum la ma-gi#-[...] hul-li-qa-am-ma# [...] ur-ri-isz lu#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... whatever ... their ... ... he did, and the god ... the vizier who is not ... ... he destroyed and ... later ... ... .



    [...]-usz#-szu# [...] ib#-szim#-ma [...] [...]-szab-szi a-ga#-[...] [...]-ha-at ti#-[...]

  • 1(u) _dingir-mesz_ la# szup#-[...]
  • ik#-tap-du-ma [...] a-na ti-[...] e#-nu-ma [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... he created and ...

  • The gods . . . do not .
  • ... to ... When ... ... .

    P479352: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...]-mi usz#-[...] a-mi-ir-szu2-nu szar-ba-bi-isz li-ih-har-mi#-im [...]-szu-nu [...] [...]-zi#-iz ba-asz2#-[...] [...]-gal#-la ur-idim#-[...] [...]-mi da-ab#-ru-te# [...] [...]-asz2# _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ la pa-di-ia# [...] gap#-sza# te-re#-tu-sza# la-a mah#-[...] [...]-pu#-na#-ma is-ten# esz-ret ki#-ma ki-ma _szu#_ [...] [...] bu#-uk#-[...]-sza# szu#-ut isz-ku-nu-szi [...] [...] i#-na# bi#-ru-szu-nu sza#-[...] [...] pu#-uh2#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... their ... ... ... their ...

    P479353: literary tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...]-ma# [...]-ti [...]-ma [...] usz#-bu [...]-ra#-a-ti [...]-ter#-hi [...] _marduk#_ [...] _marduk#_ [...]-szu [...]-su# [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Marduk ... Marduk ... his ... ... .

    P479369: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2)# 4(u)# ku6 al-dar-ra
  • 8(disz) ku6 suhur 2(disz)-kam us2
  • a2# mu-kux(_du_) ki# [da]-a-a-ta

    AI Translation
  • 100 fish, suckling,
  • 8 fish, 2nd quality,
  • labor of delivery, from Dayya;



    szu-(d)nisaba szu ba-an-ti sza3 nibru#(ki) iti# ki#-siki-(d)nin-a-zu mu# us2#-sa ma2-dara3-abzu ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    Shu-Nisaba received; in Nippur; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year after: "The boat of Dara'abzu was caulked."


  • [1(gesz2)] 4(u)#? ku6 al-dar#-[ra]
  • 8(disz)# ku6 suhur 2(disz)-[kam us2]
  • a2 mu#-kux(_du_)# [ki da-a]-a#-ta [szu-(d)]nisaba#

    AI Translation
  • 100 fish, ...,
  • 8 fish, 2nd grade,
  • labor of delivery, from Da'a Shu-Nisaba



    [szu ba-an?]-ti# [sza3] nibru#(ki) [iti ki-siki]-(d#)[nin-a-zu] [mu ...]

    AI Translation

    received from PN; in Nippur; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year: "... ."

    Seal 1


    szu-[(d)nisaba] [dub]-sar [_arad2_ szu-(d)]kab2-[ta]

    AI Translation

    Shu-Nisaba, scribe, servant of Shu-Kabta.

    P479370: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ad3 udu niga
  • ki ba-a-ga kuruszda-ta (d)iszkur-ra-bi2 agrig szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 carcass of grain-fed sheep,
  • from Ba'aga, the fattener, Ishkur-rabi, the steward, received.

  • 1 cadaver, ram, grain-fed,
  • from Ba'aga, the fattener, did Adda-rabi, the agrig, receive;



    iti ezem-(d)li9-si4 u4 2(u) 5(disz) ba-zal mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Lisi," 25th day passed; year: "The high-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."


    month "Festival of Lisi," day 25 elapsed, year: "The priest of Inanna of Uruk by extispicy-goat was chosen."

    P479374: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) sa gi
  • kiszib3 lugal-ezem

    AI Translation
  • 10 bundles of reed,
  • under seal of Lugal-ezem;

  • 10 bundles of reed,
  • under seal of Lugal-ezem.

    Seal 1


    lugal-ezem# [dub-sar] dumu lugal-e2#-[mah-e] szabra#

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ezem, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe, chief household administrator.

    P479380: royal-monumental cylinder

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    e2-babbar-ra _e2_ (d)utu sza2 zimbir(ki) sza2 (disz)(d)na3-nig2-gub-uru3 _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) _lugal_ mah-ri _e2_ szu-a-tim id-ku-'i-i-ma te-me-en-szu2 la-bi-ri la ik-szu-du e2-babbar-ra szu-a-tim i-pu-usz-ma a-na (d)utu be-li2-szu2 id-di-in i-na 5(u) 2(disz) _mu-mesz_ sza2 _e2_ szu-a-tum i-ga-ra-tu-szu2 i-qu-pa-a-ma il-li-ku la-ba-ri-isz ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-ni2-tuku _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) [x x x?] e2#-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da ina _bala_-e-a ki-nim [... (d)]utu# i-ram-mu e2-babbar-ra szu-a-ti

    [...]-at#-su ah-t,u-ut, te-me-en-szu2 la-bi-ri [...]-szu# a-mu-ur-ma e-li te-me-en-na [...]-e# _szu#-si_ la e-re-bi [...]-na#-at-su [...]-ma#-nu a#-a# ir#-sza2#-a4# hi#-t,i#-ti# isz#-da#-szu2#-nu# li#-kunu#(+nu#) ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-ni2-tuku _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) pa-lih _dingir_-u2-ti-ku-nu ra-bi-ti la-le-e ba-la-t,u lu-usz-bi u3 sza2 (disz)(d)en-lugal-uru3 _dumu_ resz-tu-u2 s,i-it lib3-bi-ia szu-ri-ku _u4-mesz_-szu2 a-a ir-sza2-a' hi-t,i-tum sza2 _ugu_ (na4)a-su-mit-tum sza2 zimbir(ki)

    e2-babbar-ra _e2_ (d)utu sza2 larsa(ki) sza2 u4-mu ru-qu-u2-ti (d)sin _lugal_ sza2 _dingir-mesz en dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar a-szi-bu-tu2 sza2 _an_-e u3 _ki_-tim e-li _iri_ u3 _e2_ sza2-a-szu is-bu-su-ma szi-pik ba-as,-s,i _gal-mesz_ e-li-szu2 isz-szap-ku-ma la in-nam-ru ki-is,-s,i-szu2 i-na _bala_-e (disz)(d)na3-nig2-gub-uru3 _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) _lugal_ mah-ri a-lik mah-ri-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)na3-ibila-uru3 _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) i-na qi2-bi (d)sin u3 (d)utu _en-mesz_-szu2

    it-bu-nim-ma sza2-a-ri er-bet-ti me-he-e _gal-mesz_ ba-as,-s,i sza2 e-li _iri_ u3 _e2_ szu-a-tim kat2-mu in-na-si-ih-ma hi-it,-t,a-tum ih-t,u-ut,-ma te-me-en-na e2-babbar-ra sza2 (disz)bur-na-bur-ia2-asz3 _lugal_ pa-na-a a-lik mah-ri-szu2 i-pu-szu i-mur-ma e-li te-me-en-na (disz)bur-na-bur-ia2-asz3 _szu-si_ la a-s,e-e _szu-si_ la e-re-bi usz-szu2 e2-babbar-ra szu-a-ti id-di a-na mu-szab (d)utu _en gal_-u2 u3 (d)a-a kal-lat na-ram-ti-szu2 _e2_ i-pu-usz-ma u2-szak-lil szi-pir-szu2 (d)utu be-lum ra-bu-u2

    qer-ba-szu2 u2-szar-ma-a szub-tum ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-ni2-tuku _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) za-nin e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da i-na-an-na i-na _mu 1(u)-kam_ ina _bala_-e-a ki-nim sza2 (d)sin u3 (d)utu i-ram-mu (d)utu _en gal_-u2 ih-su-us-((su))-ma szu-bat-su re-esz-ti-ti i-na szu-ut-ti sza2 a-mu-ru u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-tam-ma-ru-ni a-na _ugu_ te-me-en-na e2-babbar-ra la-bi-ri szu-a-tu2 e2-babbar-ra a-na asz2-ri-szu2 tur-ru szu-bat t,u-ub lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ma-'e-er-an-ni ia-a-szi na-ah-lap-tu4 ziq-qur-rat

    e-li-tu2 ap-pa-lis-ma u2-szad-kam-ma _ug3-mesz_ ma-du-tum li-mi-tu4 _e2_ ziq-qur-rat szu-a-tum 1(u)-5(disz) _2(disz)-3(u)_ pa-ni u3 _egir_ ah-t,u-ut,-ma e2-babbar-ra a-di si-hir-ti-szu2 a-mur-ma szi-t,ir szu-um

    AI Translation

    Ebabbar, temple of Shamash of Sippar, which Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, a previous king, had built, but whose original foundations he had not secured, he rebuilt that Ebabbar and gave it to Shamash, his lord. In 52 years of that temple he seized it and went backwards. My brother Nabonidus, king of Babylon, ... Esagil and Ezida in my true reign ... Shamash will bless that Ebabbar.

    ... his ... I saw his old foundations ... I saw and above his foundations ... I did not cross the finger of his ... ... ... may they not be slighted by their sins. May they be slighted by their sins. For me, Nanituku, king of Babylon, who reveres your great divinity, may he live and may he live. Further, with Bel-sharru, my first-born son, my own offspring, may his days not be slighted by the sins that are on the Asummittu stone of Sippar

    Ebabbar, temple of Shamash of Larsa, which in distant days the god Sîn, king of the gods, lord of the gods, and the goddess Ishtar, who dwells in heaven and netherworld, surrounded, above the city and that temple, and the great reed-plants above it they smashed, and their foundations were not visible during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, a king of the past who came before me, son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, by the command of the gods Sîn and Shamash, his lords,

    The other side of the Great Storms, the storms that were swept over the city and that house, and the crimes they committed, and the foundations of the Ebabbar which Burna-Buriash, a king of the past who came before him, had built, he saw, and above the foundations of Burna-Buriash, the fingers of which were not to be grasped and the fingers of which were not to enter, he firmly established. That Ebabbar he built for the dwelling of Shamash, the great lord, and Aya, his beloved wife, and he completed its work. Shamash, the great lord,

    In that place, Nabonidus, king of Babylon, the one who provides for the E-sagil and the E-zida, now, in my 10th year, in my true reign, which Sin and Shamash loved, Shamash, the great lord, seized and his first dwelling in that place which I saw and the people praised, on the foundations of that Ebabbar, the Ebabbar to its former place, his beloved dwelling, he gave to me. For me, the hyena, the ziggurrat,

    I looked up the upper one and sent there. The people, many, I gathered. That bit qati, 15 2/3 in front and behind I removed, and the Ebabbar, together with its entirety, I saw, and the original.

    Column 2


    sza2 (disz)ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_ mah-ri a-lik mah-ri-ia ((qe2-reb-szu2 ap-pa-lis-ma)) (sza) _7(disz) me mu-mesz_ la-am (disz)bur-na-bur-ia2-asz3 e2-babbar-ra u3 ziq-qur-ra-tum e-li te-me-en-na la-bi-ri ((e2-babbar-ra)) a-na (d)utu i-pu-szu2 qer-ba-szu2 ap-pa-lis-ma ih-di lib3-bi im-mi-ru zi-mu-u2-a e2-babbar-ra e-li te-me-en-na (disz)ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_ mah-ri _szu-si_ la a-s,e-e _szu-si_ la e-re-bi usz-szu2-szu2 ad-di-ma u2-kin li-ib-na-at-su

    _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)erin_ s,i-ru-tum tar-bit (kur)ha-ma-nu a-na s,u-lu-li-szu2 u2-szat-ri-is, _(gesz)ig-mesz (gesz)erin-babbar_ sza2 i-ri-is-si-na t,a-a-bi e-ma _ka2-mesz_-szu2 u2-rat-ti _e2_ szu-a-tum e-pu-usz-(ma) ki-ma u4-mu u2-nam-mir-ra a-na (d)utu _en gal_-u2 _en_-ia a-na _din zi-mesz_-ia sa-kap _(lu2)kur2_-ia lu e-pu-usz (d)utu _en_ ra-bu-u2 u4#-mi-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a' i-na ma-har (d)sin [x]-bi# a-li-di-ka i-na ni-ip-hi u3 ri-bi dam#-qa-a-ti e2-sag-il2 e2-zi-da

    e2-gesz-nu11-gal e2-babbar-ra e2-an-na e2-ul-masz szu-bat _dingir_-u2-ti-ku-nu _gal-mesz_ lisz-sza2-kin szap-tuk-ka ki-ma _an_-e isz-da-szu2-nu li-kunu(+nu) ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-i _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) pa-lih _dingir_-u2-ti-ku-nu _gal_-tu2 la-le-e _din_ lu-usz-bi u3 sza2 (disz)(d)en-lugal-uru3 _dumu_ resz-tu-u2 s,i-it lib3-bi-ia szu-ri-ku _u4-mesz_-szu2 a-a ir-sza2-a' hi-t,i-ti sza2 _ugu_ (na4)a-su-mit-tum sza2 larsa(ki) te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz sza2 a-ka3-de3(ki)

    sza2 ul-tu pa-ni (disz)lugal-gen _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) u3 (disz)na-ram-(d)sin _dumu_-szu2 _lugal_ szu-ut mah-ri u3 a-di pa-le-e (disz)(d)na3-i _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) la in-nam-ru (disz)ku-ri-gal-zu _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) _lugal_ szu-ut mah-ri u2-ba-'i-i-ma te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz la ik-szu-ud ki-a-am isz-t,ur-ma isz-kun um-ma te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz u2-ba-'i-i-ma ad-lip-ma la ak-szu-ud (disz)an-szar2-szesz-mu _lugal kur_ asz-szur u (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _dumu_-szu2

    sza2 (d)sin _lugal dingir-mesz_ kisz-szat _kur-kur_ u2-szat-li-mu-szu2-nu-ti-ma te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz u2-ba-'u-u2 la ik-szu-du-u' isz-t,u-ru-ma isz-ku-nu um-ma te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz szu-a-ti u2-ba-'i-i-ma la ak-szu-ud (gesz)s,ar-ba-tum u3 (gesz)masz-tu-u2 ak-szit,-ma te-ne2!(_me_) e e2-ul-masz lu-u2 e-pu-usz-ma a-na (d)inanna a-ka3-de3(ki) _gaszan gal_-tu2 _gaszan_-ia lu-u2 ad-di-in (disz)(d)na3-nig2-gub-uru3 _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) _dumu_ (disz)(d)na3-a-uru3 _lugal_ mah-ri um-ma-ni-szu2

    ma-du-tum id-kam-ma te-me-en e2-ul-masz szu-a-tu2 u2-ba-'i-i-ma id-lip-ma ih-t,u-ut,-ma isz-pil-ma te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz la ik-szu-ud ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-ni2-tuku _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) za-nin e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da i-na _bala_-e-a ki-nim ina pu-luh-tu2 sza2 (d)inanna a-ka3-de3(ki) _gaszan_-ia bi-ri ab-re-e-ma (d)utu u3 (d)iszkur i-pu-lu-'i-in-ni an-na ki-i-ni sza2 ka-sza2-du te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz szu-a-ti _uzu_ dum-qi2 i-na _(uzu)kin_-ia isz-kun _(lu2)ug3-mesz_-ia ma-du-tum u2-ma-'e-er-ma

    a-na# bu-'i-i te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz szu-a-ti

  • _3(disz)-ta mu-mesz_ ina hi-it,-t,a-tum sza2 (disz)(d)na3-nig2-gub-uru3
  • _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) ah-t,u-ut,-(ma) im-nu szu-me-lu!(_ri_) pa-ni u3 ar2-ku u2-ba-'i-i-ma la ak-szu-ud ki-a-am iq-bu-ni um-ma te-me-en-na szu-a-tu2 nu-u2-ba-'i-i-ma la ni-mur ra-a-du sza2 _a-mesz szeg3_ ib-ba-szi-ma hi-pi isz-kun-ma ni-mur-ma ki-a-am aq-bi-szu2-nu-ti um-ma hi-it,-t,a-tum ina hi-pi szu-a-ti hu-ut,-t,a-a-ma a-di te-me-en-na (ina) hi-pi szu-a-ti ta-ta-ma-ra-a hi-pi szu-a-ti ih-t,u-t,u-ma te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz sza2 (disz)na-ram-(d)sin _lugal_ mah-ri mu-szab (d)inanna a-ka3-de3(ki)

    (d)na-na-a (d)a-nu-ni-tum u3 _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut e2-ul-masz ik-szu-du-ma iq-bu-ni ih-di lib3-bi im-mi-ru pa-nu-u2-a _ugu_ te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz szu-a-ti _szu-si_ la a-s,e-e _szu-si_ la e-re-bi te-me-en-na szu-a-ti di-'u-um _bara2_

    AI Translation

    I saw inside it the temple of Hammurapi, a king of the past who came before me, and of those seven hundred years old, Burna-Buriash, the Ebabbar and the Ziqqurratu, above the original foundations of the Ebabbar, to Shamash he built. Inside it I saw and its heart rejoiced. My face of the Ebabbar, above the original foundations of Hammurapi, a king of the past, I laid out a finger not to be seen, and I firmly established its foundations.

    I fashioned magnificent cedar beams, which are grown on Mount Amanus, for its roof. I installed in its gates doors of white cedar, whose scent is sweet, and I built that temple. I made it shine like daylight. For Shamash, the great lord, my lord, to give my life and to kill my enemy I did. May Shamash, the great lord, daily without ceasing, before Sîn, your friend, with awe and joy, the Esagila, the Ezida,

    May Egeshnugal, Ebabbar, Eanna, and Eulmash, the residences of your great divinity, be established for you. May they be established like heaven for you. May Nabonidus, king of Babylon, who reveres your great divinity, live. May he be well. And Bel-sharru, my first-born son, my own offspring, may his days not be short. May the sins which are upon the Asummittu stone of Larsa, the foundations of the Eulmash of Agade,

    which from the time of Lugalgen, king of Babylon, and Naram-Sin, his son, king of the past, and until the reign of Nabonidus, king of Babylon, had not been seen, Kurigalzu, king of Babylon, king of the past, asked me, but the original foundations of the Eulmash he did not reach, and he wrote as follows: "The original foundations of the Eulmash he asked me, but I did not reach, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, and Ashurbanipal, his son,

    which Sin, king of the gods, the totality of the lands, had granted to them, and the foundations of the Eulmash he had firmly established, but did not reach, and wrote down and placed therein: "The foundations of that Eulmash he had firmly established, but did not reach." I cut down the reed and the mashtû-wood, and the foundations of the Eulmash I built, and to Ishtar of Agade, the great lady, my lady, I gave. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, son of Nabu-a'uru, king before his army,

    He ascended the throne and the foundations of that Eulmash he removed, he sinned, he sinned, he was stricken, and the foundations of that Eulmash he did not secure. In my steadfast reign, in the fear of Ishtar of Agade, my lady, I re-established the rites and the gods Shamash and Adad listened to me. The true heaven, which is the foundations of that Eulmash, he set up a good omen in my messenger. My people he sent to me, and

    To the one who examines the foundations of that Eulmash,

  • 3 years of the debt of Nabu-nigguru.
  • king of Babylon, I sinned, and then the shumû-demon and the adolescent did not come out and I did not achieve anything. As soon as he said to me: "That foundation I did not find, and I did not see it." The great flood which rains poured, and a cloak I set up, and I saw it, and as soon as I said to them, "That foundation I smashed in that foundation, and until you see the foundations in that foundations, that foundation I smashed, and the foundations of the Eulmash of Naram-Sin, king of the past, the residence of the goddess Ishtar of Agade,

    Nanaya, Anunitu, and the gods of the Eulmash conquered and said to me, and their hearts rejoiced. They looked upon my face. On that foundation of that Eulmash, the finger is not to be pierced, the finger is not to enter. That foundation of the 'di'u-demon' of the dais.

    Column 3


    a-di _2(disz)-ta_ ziq-qur-re-e-ti-szu2 ad-di-ma u2-kin li-ib-na-at-su ta-am-la-a' u2-mal2-li-szu-ma e-li pa-ni qaq-qar asz2-kun-szu2 asz2-szu2 la ma-sze-e te-me-en-na e2-ul-masz e2-ul-masz e-pu-usz-ma u2-szak-lil szi-pir-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)erin_ s,i-ru-tum tar-bit (kur)ha-ma-nu a-na s,u-lu-li-szu2 u2-szat-ri-is, _(gesz)ig-mesz (gesz)erin-babbar_ sza2 i-ri-is-si-na t,a-a-bi ina _ka2-mesz_-szu2 lu usz-ziz _e2_ szu-a-ti ki-ma u4-mu u2-nam-mir-ma a-na (d)inanna a-ka3-de3(ki)

    _gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-ia a-na _din zi-mesz_-ia sa-kap _(lu2)kur2_-ia lu-u2 e-pu-usz (d)inanna a-ka3-de3(ki) _gaszan gal_-tum _gaszan_-ia i-na ma-har (d)sin a-bi a-li-di-ka dam-qa-a-ti e2-sag-il2 e2-zi-da e2-gesz-nu11-gal e2-babbar-ra e2-an-na e2-ul-masz szu-bat _dingir_-u2-ti-ku-nu _gal-mesz_ lisz-sza2-kin szap-tuk-ka ki-ma _an_-e isz-da-szu-nu li-kunu(+nu) ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-ni2-tuku _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) pa-lih _dingir_-u2-ti-ku-nu _gal_-ti

    la-le-e (_tin_) lu-usz-bi sza2 (disz)(d)en-lugal-uru3 _dumu_ resz-tu-u s,i-it lib3-bi-ia szu-ri-ku _u4-mesz_-szu2 a-a ir-sza2-a' hi-t,i-ti sza2 _ugu_ (na4)a-su-mit-tum sza2 a-ka3-de3(ki) e2-ul-masz sza2 zimbir(ki)-(d)a-nu-ni-tum sza2 (d)sin _lugal dingir-mesz ugu iri_ u3 _e2_ sza2-a-szu is-bu-su u2-szad-kam-ma (disz)(d)sin-szesz-mesz-su _lugal kur_ asz-szur _(lu2)kur2_ za-ma-nu-u2 _iri_ u3 _e2_ sza2-a-szu2 u2-sza2-lik kar-mu-tu2 i-na-an-ni ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-ni2-tuku _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki)

    za-nin e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da ina _bala_-e-a ki-nim sza2 (d)sin u3 (d)utu i-ram-mu-usz (d)a-nu-ni-tum _gaszan gal_-tum _gaszan_-ia a-szi-bat e2-ul-masz i-na qi2-bit (d)sin _lugal dingir-mesz ad_ a-li-di-szu2 a#-na _iri_ u3 _e2_ szu-a-tum tar-szu-u2 sa-li-mu ina _masz2-ge6_ i-na szat mu-szi a-na e-pesz e2-ul-masz tu-szab-ra-an-ni szu-ut-ti ih-di lib3-bi im-mi-ru zi-mu-u2-a u2-szad-kam-ma _(lu2)erin2-hi-a_ ma-du-tum te-me-en e2-ul-masz szu-a-ti

    _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) _lugal_ mah-ri ina hi-it,-t,a-tum szu-a-ti a-mur-ma ki-i an-na-a' ina _ugu_ s,al-mu szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 sza2-t,ir um-ma (disz)sza-ga-rak-ti-szur-ia-asz2 _sipa_ ki-num _nun_ na-a-du mi-gir (d)utu u3 (d)a-nu-ni-tum a-na-ku i-nu (d)utu u3 (d)a-nu-ni-tum a-na be-lu-ut ma-a-ti szu-um im-bu-u2 s,er-ret ka-la _ug3-mesz szu-min_-u2-a usz-ma-al-lu-u2 i-nu-szu2 e2-babbar-ra _e2_ (d)utu sza2 zimbir(ki) _en_-ia u3 e2-ul-masz _e2_ (d)a-nu-ni-tum sza2 zimbir(ki)-(d)a-nu-ni-tum _gaszan_-ia

    sza2 isz-tu (disz)sa3#-bu-um ina la-bar u4-mu i-ga-ru-szu2-nu i-qu-up-ma i-ga-ri-szu2-nu aq-qur usz-szi-szu2-nu e-ep-tu2 e-pe-ri-szu2-nu as-suh _bara2_-szu2-nu as,-s,ur u2-s,u-ra-ti-szu2-nu u2-szal-lim usz-mal2-lu usz-szi-szu2-nu e-pe-ri ki#-di u2-ter i-ga-ri-szu2-nu a-na asz2-ri-szu2-nu u2-nam-mir szi-kit-ta-szu2-nu e-li (sza2) pa-ni u2-sza2-tir a-na sza2-at-ti (d)utu u (d)a-nu-ni-tum a-na ep-sze-ti-ia szu-qu-ra-a-ti lib3-ba-ku-nu li-ih-du-ma li-ri-ku _u4-mesz_-ia2

    li-id-di-szu2 _din_ u4-mu ri-sza2-a-tu2 _iti_ ta-szi-la-a-ti _mu-an-na-mesz he2-gal2_-la a-na szi-rik-ti lisz-ru-ku-nu di-in kit-ti mi-sza2-ri liq-ba-a u3 sa-li-mu li-szab-szu-ma ma-ti-ma an-na-a szi-t,ir _mu_ sza2 (disz)sza-ga-rak-ti-szur#-ia-asz2 _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) _lugal_ mah-ri sza2 e2-ul-masz sza2 zimbir(ki) (d)a-nu-ni-tum i-pu-szu2 te-me-en-szu2 la-bi-ri ap-pa-lis-ma _szu-si_ la a-s,e-e _szu-si_ la e-re-bi _ugu_ te-me-en-na la-bi-ri

    usz-szu2-szu2 ad-di-ma u2-kin _sig4_-at-su e2-ul-masz szi-pir-szu2 u2-szak-lil-ma ki-ma u4-mu u2-nam-mir-ma a-na (d)a-nu-ni-tum _gaszan gal_-ti _gaszan_-ia2 a-na _din zi-mesz_-ia sa-kap _(lu2)kur2_-ia lu-u2 e-pu-usz (d)a-nu-ni-tum _gaszan gal_-tu2 ina ma-har (d)sin _ad_ a-li-di-ka _saga-mesz_ e2-sag-il2 e2-zi-da e2-gesz-nu11-gal e2-babbar-ra e2-an-na e2-ul-masz szu-bat _dingir_-ti-ku-nu _gal-mesz_ lisz-sza2-kin szap-tuk-ka ki-ma _an_-e

    _suhusz-mesz_-szu2-nu li-kunu(+nu) u pu-luh-ti (d)sin _en dingir-mesz_ ina sza2-ma-mu lib3-bi _ug3-mesz_-szu2 szu-usz-ki-na-a-ma a-a ir-sza2-a' hi-t,i-ti _suhusz-mesz_-szu2-nu li-ku-nu ia-a-ti (disz)(d)na3-i _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki) pa-lih _dingir_-u2-ti-ku-nu _gal_-tu2 la-le-e _din_ lu-usz-bi u3 sza2 (disz)(d)en-lugal-uru3 _dumu_ resz-tu-u s,i-it lib3-bi-ia szu-ri-ku _u4-mesz_-szu2 a-a ir-sza2-a' hi-t,i-ti sza2 _ugu_ (na4)a-su-mit-tum sza2 sip-par-(d)a-nu-ni-tum

    e-pisz-tu2 (d)sin _en dingir-mesz_ u3 (d)isz-tar (a-szi-bu-tu2) sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim sza2 ina _ugu_ (na4)a-su-mi-ne2-e-tu2 sza2 ga-la-la asz2-t,u-ru-ma a-na sza2-me-e sza2 _ug3-mesz_ ar2-ku-tum

    AI Translation

    I gave to him two-thirds of his ziggurrats and imposed them. His limbs I sank, and above the ground I erected him. Because he was not able to see, the foundations of the Eulmash I built and completed. His work I had strewn with magnificent cedar beams from the mountains Hamanu for its roof. The doors of white cedar, whose scent is sweet, I hung in its gates. That house like daylight I made shine and to Ishtar of Agade

    May the great lady, my lady, for my life and the defeat of my enemies, do. May the goddess Ishtar of Agade, the great lady, my lady, in the presence of the god Sîn, the father who gave you good things, may the Esagila, the Ezida, the Egeshnugal, the Ebabbar, the Eanna, and the Eulmash, the residences of your great divinity, establish for you. May their scepter be set up like heaven. May my brother, Nabonidus, king of Babylon, who reveres your great divinity,

    The remission of debts that Bel-sharru, my first-born son, my own offspring, has imposed, his days he shall not have to pay. The debts which are due to the asummittu-stone of Agade, the Eulmash of Sippar, and Anunitu, which Sin, king of the gods, had imposed upon the city and that house, he sent, and Sin-ahhesh, king of Assyria, the enemy of the city and that house, he made go to the karmutu-demon. Now, my brother, Nabonidus, king of Babylon,

    In my true reign, which Sin and Shamash loved, Anunitu, the great lady, my lady, who resides in Eulmash, by the command of Sin, king of the gods, the father who had engendered him, to the city and that house, the former, in the night of the night to rebuild Eulmash you sent me, that house he loved, and his heart rejoiced. He sent me a message, and a large army, the foundation of that Eulmash,

    I saw that oath, and I wrote on it the inscribed name as follows: "Shagarakti-shuriash, shepherd, true prince, beloved of the god Shamash and the goddess Anunitu, I, when Shamash and Anunitu named me to rule over the land, all my people I plundered." At that time, the Ebabbar, the temple of Shamash of Sippar, my lord, and the Eulmash, the temple of Anunitu of Sippar-Anunitu, my lady,

    which from Sapum in the distant future their quays he destroyed, and their quays he destroyed, their ruins he destroyed, their cult daises he erected, their shrines he erected, their sanctuaries he filled with splendor, their ruins he filled with ruins he returned, their quays to their sanctuaries he made bright, their design above that of the past he made supreme. For the life of Shamash and Anunitu, for my exalted deeds may your heart rejoice, and may my days be long.

    May he give him a long life, a month of joyous celebrations, years of abundance for a good fortune; may he command a just verdict, and a just fate for him; and may he make him live forever. This is the inscribed name of Shagarakti-Sharru-iash, king of Babylon, a king of the past, who built the Eulmash of Sippar, Anunitu. I looked upon its old foundations and I did not pierce them or cut them off.

    I laid its foundations and thereby secured its brickwork. I completed the Eulmash, its construction, and made it shine like daylight. For Anunitu, the great lady, my lady, for my life, for the destruction of my enemies, may I do. May Anunitu, the great lady, in the presence of Sin, the father who engendered you, the good things about Esagil, Ezida, Egeshnugal, Ebabbar, Eanna, and Eulmash, the dwelling of your great divinity, may your scepter be established as heaven.

    May their foundations be secure, and may fear of Sin, lord of the gods, be established in the heart of his people, and may they not commit any sin. May their foundations be secure. May my brother Nabonidus, king of Babylon, who reveres your great divinity, live. May he be well. And Bel-sharru, my first-born son, my own offspring, may his days not be short. May he not commit any sin against the asummitu-stone of Sippar-Anunitu.

    The work of Sin, lord of the gods, and Ishtar, dwelling in heaven and earth, which I wrote on the asummenitu-stone, which is a halalu-stone, and to the hearts of the people I wrote.

    P479384: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

  • 5(u) la2 2(disz@t) mer 3(u) 4(disz)
  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) kur hi
  • 2(esze3) 4(iku) _gan2_

  • 4(iku) zi
  • a-sza3-bi3 3(bur3) 2(esze3) la2 1(iku) _gan2_ szuku dub-sar-mah _sig7_ edin akszak(ki?)

    AI Translation
  • 54 mer, 34 gur
  • 210 mountain goats,
  • 2 eshe3 4 iku field area,

  • 4 iku, suckling,
  • its field: 3 bur3 2 eshe3 less 1 iku; field of Shuku, scribe, ...; plain of Akshak;

    P479385: astronomical tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [_disz (mul)(gesz)apin_ (d)en-lil2 a]-lik# pa-ni _mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)en-lil2 : [_disz (mul)ur-bar]-ra# (gesz)ninda2_ sza2 _(mul)apin_ [_disz (mul)szu]-gi_ (d)en-me-szar2-ra [_(mul)]gam3_ (d)gam-lum [_disz (mul)]masz-tab-ba gal-gal_ (d)lugal-gir3-ra u3 (d)mes-lam-ta-e3-a : [_disz (mul)masz-tab]-ba# tur-tur_ (d)lal3 u3 (d)nin-|_ezen_xGUD| [_disz (mul)al]-lul#_ szu-bat (d)a-nim [_disz (mul)ur]-gu#-la_ (d)la-ta-ra-ak [_disz mul_ sza2 ina _gaba] (mul#)ur-gu-la gub_-zu _(mul)lugal_ :

    [_disz mul-mesz_ um-mu]-lu#-tum sza2 ina _kun (mul)ur-gu-la_ : [_gub_-zu sis]-sin-nu (d)e4-ru6 (d)zar-pa-ni-tum [_disz (mul)_szu_-_pa__ (d)en]-lil2 sza2 szi-mat _kur_ i-szim-mu [_disz mul_ sza2 ina _igi_-szu2 _gub_]-zu# (mul)he2-gal2-a-a-u2 _sukkal_ (d)nin-lil2 [_disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu] _mul bala-tesz2-a sukkal_ (d)tiszpak [_disz (mul)mar]-gid2#-da#_ (d)nin-lil2 [_disz mul_ sza2 _ki_] za#-ri-i sza2 _(mul)mar-gid2-da gub_-zu [...] _(mul)ka5-a_ (d)er3-ra gasz-ri _dingir-mesz_

    _disz mul_ sza3 ina _sag-ki (mul)mar-gid2-da gub_-zu _(mul)u8_ (d)a-a _disz (mul)mu-bu-kesz2-da_ (d)a-num _gal_-u2 sza2 _an_-e _disz (mul)mar-gid2-da an-na_ (d)dam-ki-an-na _disz mul_ sza2 ina t,ur-ri-szu2 _gub_-zu _(mul)ibila-e2-mah_ _dumu_ resz-tu-u2 sza2 (d)a-nu-um _disz (mul)dingir-gub-ba-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur _(mul)dingir-tusz-a-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur _disz (mul)ud5_ (d)gu-la _disz mul_ sza2 ina _igi (mul)ud5 gub_-zu _(mul)ur-gi7_ _disz mul_ ne2-bu-u2 sza2 _(mul)ud5 (d)lamma sukkal_ (d)ba-ba6

    _disz 2(disz) mul-mesz_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub-mesz_-zu (d)nin-nisi u (d)er3-ra-gal _disz (mul)u4-ka-du8-a_ (d)u-gur _disz mul_ sza2 ina _za3_-szu2 _gub_-zu _(mul)szah_ (d)da-mu _disz mul_ sza2 ina _gub3_-zu _(mul)ansze-kur-ra_ _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu _(mul)lu-lim sukkal mul-mul_ _disz mul-mesz_ um-mu-lu-tu4 sza2 ina _gaba (mul)lu-lim_ _gub-mesz_-zu (d)har-ri-ru _(d)tir-an-na_ _disz mul sa5_ ne2-bu-u2 sza2 _bir (mul)lu-lim_ _gub_-zu _(mul)ka-musz-i3-gu7-e_

    ki-ma _mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)en-lil2 ug-dam-mi-ru-ni

  • _1(disz) mul gal u4-da_-su da-a'-mat _an_-e _bar_-ma _gub_-zu _mul_ (d)marduk ne2-bi-ri
  • _disz (mul)sag-me-gar ki-gur_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir

  • _3(u) 3(disz) mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)en-lil2
  • _disz (mul)asz-iku_ szu-bat (d)e2-a a-lik _igi mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)a-nim _disz mul_ sza2 ina _igi_-it _(mul)asz-iku gub_-zu (mul)szi-nu-nu-tu4 _disz mul_ sza2 _egir (mul)asz-iku gub_-zu (mul)a-nu-ni-tu4 _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu (mul)lu2-hun-ga2_ (d)dumu-zi _disz mul-mul dingir-imin-bi dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

    AI Translation

    The Plow, Enlil, who goes before the stars of Enlil: the Lion, the bread of the Plow; the Shugi, Enmesharra; the Gambulu, the Great Twins, Lugalgira and Meslamtaea; the Small Twins, Lalla and Nin-ZenxGUD; the Allulu, the seat of Anu; the Lion, Latarak; the star which stands on the back of the Lion: the King.

    The stars of the cultic rites which stand in the tail of the Lion: the scepter of Eru and Zarpanitu; the ShU-PA of Enlil, who decides the fate of the land; the star which stands in front of it: the Great One, the vizier of Ninlil; the star which stands behind it: the Pleiades, the vizier of Tishpak; the Amorite, Ninlil; the star which stands with the Zaragu of the Amorite, ...; the Arrow, the fierce one of the gods;

    The star which stands at the head of the Everglades: the Lion of Aya; the Great One of Anu of the sky; the Everglades of Anu and Damkina; the star which stands in its horn: the Apla-emah, the first-born son of Anu; the Standing Gods of Ekur and the Divine Judges of Ekur; the Lion of Gula; the Lion which stands in front of the Lion: the Dog; the bright star of the Lion: the lamma of the vizier Baba.

    The two stars which stand behind it: Ninnisi and Erragal; the Arrow: Nergal; the star which stands at its right side: the Lion; Damu; the star which stands at its left side: the Horse; the star which stands behind it: the Lion, the vizier of the Pleiades; the stars of the swarm which stand on the side of the Pleiades: Harruru and Tirana; the red star which stands on the side of the Pleiades: the Bull of the Mouth;

    Like the stars of Ellil, they have risen up.

  • If one great star, its light is bright, the heavens will be turned and stand there: the star of Marduk will become bright.
  • If Jupiter's position changes and the sky becomes cloudy: the land will be scattered.

  • 33 stars of Enlil,
  • The Field star, the seat of Ea, who goes before the stars of Anu. The star which stands in front of the Field star is the Great One. The star which stands behind the Field star is the Anunitu. The star which stands behind it is the Hireling. The Pleiades, Dumuzi. The Pleiades, the cultic centers of the great gods.

    Hunger & Pingree

    The Plow, Enlil, who goes at the fore of the stars of Enlil, The Wolf, the seeder of the Plow The Old Man, Enmesharra, The Crook, Gamlu, The Great Twins, Lugalgira and Meslamtaea, The Little Twins, Alamush and Nin-EZENxGUD The Crab, the seat of Anu, The Lion, Latarak, The star which stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.

    The dusky stars which stand in the tail of the Lion: the Frond of the date palm of Eru, Zarpanitu. ShU-PA, Enlil who decrees the fate of the land. The star which stands in front of it: the Abundant One, the messenger of Ninlil. The star which stands behind it: the star of Dignity, the messenger of Tishpak. The Wagon, Ninlil. The star which stands in the cart-pole of the Wagon: the Fox, Erra, the strong one among the gods.

    The star which stands in front of the Wagon: the Ewe, Aya. The Hitched Yoke, the great Anu of Heaven. The Wagon of Heaven, Damkianna. The star which stands in its rope: the Heir of the Sublime Temple, the first-ranking son of Anu. The Standing Gods of Ekur, the Sitting Gods of Ekur. The She-Goat, Gula The star which stands in front of the She-Goat: the Dog. The bright star of the She-Goat: Lamma, the messenger of Baba.

    The two stars which stand behind it: Ninnisi and Erragal The Panther: Nergal The star which stands at its right side: the Pig, Damu. The star which stands at its left side: the Horse. The star which stands behind it: the Stag, the messenger of the Stars. The dusky stars which stand in the breast of the Stag: Harriru, the Rainbow. The bright red star which in the kidney of the Stag stands: The Deleter.

    When the stars of Enlil have been finished,

  • one big star – although its light is dim – divides the sky in half and stands there: that is the star of Marduk, the Ford,
  • Jupiter, it keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.

  • The Field, the seat of Ea, which goes at the front of the stars of Anu. The star which stands opposite the Field: the Swallow. The star which stands behind the Field: Anunitu. The star which stands behind it: the Hired Man, Dumuzi. The Stars, the seven gods, the great gods.

    Column 2


    _disz (mul)gu4-an-na_ (d)is le#-[e _aga_ (d)a-nim] _disz (mul)sipa-zi-an-na_ (d)pap-sukkal _sukkal#_ [(d)a-nim u innin] _disz_ (mul)masz-tab-ba_ sza2 ina _igi_-et _(mul)[sipa-zi-an-na_] _gub-mesz_-zu (d)lu2-lal3 u (d)la#-[ta-ra-ak] _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub_-zu! _(mul)[dar-lugal] _disz (mul)kak-si-sa2_ szil-ta-hu _ur-sag gal_-u2 (d#)[nin-urta] _disz (mul)ban_ (d)isz-tar _nim-ma_-tu4 _dumu-munus_ (d#)[en-lil2] _disz (mul)(d)nirah_ (d)nin-gesz-zi-da _en_ er-s,e-tu4

    _disz (mul)uga(muszen)_ a-ri-bu _mul (d)iszkur_ _disz_ (mul)ab-sin2_ (d)sza-la szu-bu-ul-tu4 _disz (mul)zi-ba-an-na si (mul)gir2-tab_ _disz_ mul_ (d)za-ba4-ba4 _(mul)ti8(muszen) u (mul)ad6_ _disz (mul)dili-bat _ki-gub_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir _disz_ (mul)s,al-bat-a-nu _ki-gub_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir _disz (mul)udu-idim-sag-us2 ki-gub_-su _kur2-kur2_-ir _an_-e ib-bir _disz (mul)udu-idin-gu4-ud_ sza2 (d)masz _mu-ni_ lu ina _(d)utu-e3_

  • _2(u) 3(disz) mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)a-nim
  • _disz (mul)ku6_ (d)e2-a a-lik _igi mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)e2-a _disz (mul)gu-la_ (d)e2-a _(mul)eridu(ki)_ (d)e2-a _disz mul_ sza2 ina 1(u)-5(disz)-szu2 _gub_-zu (mul)nin-mah _disz (mul)en-te-na-bar-hum_ (d)nin-gir2-su _disz mul_ sza2 ina _a2_-szu2 _gub_-zu _(mul)(gesz)gan2-ur3 (gesz)tukul_ sza2 (d)a-e2 sza2 ina lib3-bi-szu2 _abzu_ i-bar-ru-u2 _disz 2(disz) mul-mesz_ sza2 _egir_-szu2 _gub-me_-zu (d)szullat2 u (d)hanisz2 (d)utu u (d)iszkur _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2-nu _gub_-zu _gin7_ (d)e2-a _kur_-ha

    _gin7_ (d)e2-a _szu2-mesz_ (mul)nu-musz-da (d)iszkur _disz mul_ sza2 ina _gub3 (mul)gir2-tab gub_-zu _(mul)ur-idim_ (d)ku3-su3 _disz (mul)gir2-tab_ (d)isz-ha-ra be-let da-ad2-me _disz (mul)gaba gir2-tab_ (d)li9-si4 (d)_ak_ _disz 2(disz) mul-mesz_ sza2 ina zi-qit _(mul)gir2-tab gub-mesz_-zu (d)szar2-ur4 u (d)szar2-gaz _disz mul_ sza2 _egir_-szu2-nu _gub_-zu (mul)pa-bil-sag _disz (mul)ma2-gur8 u (mul)suhur-masz2(ku6)_

  • _1(u) 5(disz) mul-mesz_ szu-ut (d)e2-a
  • disz ina _(iti)bara2 u4 1(disz)-kam (mul)lu2-hun-ga2 igi-la2_ disz ina _(iti)bara2 u4 2(u) (mul)gam3 igi-la2_ disz ina _(iti)gu4 u4 1(disz)-kam mul-mul igi-la2_ disz ina _(iti)gu4 u4 2(u)-kam_ (mul)is le-e _igi-la2_ disz ina _(iti)sig4 u4 1(u)-kam (mul)sipa-zi-an-na u (mul)masz-tab-ba-gal-gal igi-me_ disz ina _(iti)szu u4 5(disz)-kam (mul)masz-tab-ba-tur-tur u (mul)al-lub igi-me_ disz ina _(iti)szu u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)kak-si-sa2 (mul)musz u (mul)ur-gu-la_

    _igi-me_-ma _4(disz) ma-na en-nun_ u4-me _2(disz) ma-na en-nun gi6_ disz ina _(iti)_ne_ u4 5(disz)-kam (mul)ban u (mul)lugal igi-me_ disz ina _(iti)kin u4 1(u)-kam (mul)eridu(ki) u (mul)uga(muszen) igi-me_ disz ina _(iti)kin u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)_szu_-_pa_ (d)en-lil2 [igi_] disz ina _(iti#)[kin] u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)ab-sin2 [igi_]

    AI Translation

    The Bull of Heaven, Is the lord of Anu, the Shepherd of Heaven, Papsukkal, the vizier of Anu and Lady, the Twins which stand in front of the Shepherd of Heaven, Lullal and Latarak, the star which stands behind it, the King of the Land, the Arrow, the mighty warrior Ninurta, the Bow, Ishtar of Elam, daughter of Enlil, the Lion, Ningeshzida, lord of the Field,

    The Raven is the aribu-bird of Adad; the Furrow is the Shala-star; the Zibana-star is the Scorpius; the Scorpion is the Zababa-star; the Eagle and the Milky Way; Venus, its position changes and crosses the sky; Mars, its position changes and crosses the sky; Saturn, its position changes and crosses the sky; Mercury, which Ninurta named, either in the east or in the west,

  • 23 stars of Anu,
  • The Fish, Ea, who goes before the stars of Ea; the Great One, Ea; the Star of Eridu, Ea; the star which stands in its right side: Ninmah; the Entenabarhum, Ningirsu; the star which stands in its left side: the Field, the weapon of Ae, which in its belly the Apsu will break; the two stars which stand behind it: Shullat and Hanish, Shamash and Adad; the star which stands behind them like Ea, the mountain.

    The Numushda, Adad; the star which stands on the left of the Scorpion: the Lion of Kusu; the Scorpion: Ishhara, lady of the settlements; the Breast of the Scorpion: Lisi, Nabû; the 2 stars which stand on the tip of the Scorpion: Sharur and Shargaz; the star which stands behind them: Pabilsag; the Magur and the Suhur-mash;

  • 15 stars of Ea,
  • In Nisannu I on the 1st day the Hireling is seen; in Nisannu I on the 20th day the Kidney is seen; in Ayyaru II on the 1st day the Bristle is seen; in Ayyaru II on the 20th day the Bull is seen; in Simanu III on the 10th day the Shepherd and the Great Twins are seen; in Du'uzu IV on the 5th day the Little Twins and the Eagle are seen; in Du'uzu IV on the 15th day the Kakkisa, the Lion and the Lion

    they are seen and 4 minas of daylight, 2 minas of nighttime. On the 5th of Abu the Bow and the King are seen. On the 10th of Ululu the Lion and the Falcon are seen. On the 15th of Ululu the ShU-PA of Enlil is seen. On the 25th of Ululu the Furrow is seen.

    Hunger & Pingree

    The Bull of Heaven, the Jaw of the Bull, the crown of Anu The True Shepherd of Anu, Papsukkal, the messenger of Anu and Ishtar. The twin stars which opposite the True Shepherd of Anu stand: Lulal and Latarak. The star which stands behind it: the Rooster. The Arrow, the arrow of the great warrior Ninurta. The Bow, the Elamite Ishtar, the daughter of Enlil The Snake, Ningishzida, lord of the Netherworld.

    The Raven, the star of Adad. The Furrow, Shala, the ear of corn. The Scales, the horn of the Scorpion. The star of Zababa, the Eagle, and the Dead Man. Venus keeps changing its position and crosses the sky. Mars keeps changing its position and crosses the sky. Saturn keeps changing its position and crosses the sky. Mercury, whose name is Ninurta, rises or sets in the east or in the west within a month.

  • 23 stars of Anu.
  • The Fish, Ea, who goes at the front of the stars of Ea. The Great One, Ea, the star of Eridu, Ea. The star which stands at its right: Ninmah. Entena-barhum, Ningirsu. The star which stands at its side: the Harrow, the weapon of Mar-biti, inside of which one sees the subterranean waters. The two stars which stand behind it: Shullat and Hanish, Shamash and Adad. The star which stands behind them rises like Ea

    and sets like Ea: Numushda, Adad. The star which stands at the left side of the Scorpion: the Mad Dog, Kusu. The Scorpion, Ishhara, goddess of all inhabited regions. The Breast of the Scorpion: Lisi, Nabu. The two stars which stand in the sting of the Scorpion: Sharur and Shargaz. The star which stands behind them: Pabilsag. The Bark and the Goat-Fish.

  • 15 stars of Ea.
  • On the 1st of Nisannu the Hired Man becomes visible. On the 20th of Nisannu the Crook becomes visble. On the 1st of Ajjaru the Stars become visible. On the 20th of Ajjaru the Jaw of the Bull becomes visible. On the 10th of Simanu the True Shepherd of Anuy and the Great Twins become visible On the 5th of Du'uzu the Little Twins and the Crab become visible. On the 15th of Du'uzu the Arrow, the Snake, and the Lion

    become visible; 4 minas is a daytime watch, 2 minas is a nighttime watch. On the 5th of Abu the Bow and the King become visible. On the 10th of Ululu the star of Eridu and the Raven become visible. On the 15th of Ululu ShU-PA, Enlil, becomes visible. On the 25th of Ululu the Furrow becomes visible.

    Column 1


    [disz ina _(iti)du6 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ (mul)zi-ba-ni-tu4 _(mul)ur-idim (mul)en-te-na-bar-hum_] [u (mul)ur-gi7 igi-me-ma 3(disz) ma-na en-nun_ u4-mi _3(disz) ma-na en-nun gi6_] disz ina [_(iti)apin u4 5(disz)-kam] (mul#)gir2#-[tab igi_] disz ina _(iti)apin u4 1(u) 5(disz)#-kam (mul)ud5 u (mul)[gaba-bir2-tab igi-me_] disz ina _(iti)gan u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)u4-ka-du8-a (mul)ti8(muszen) u _(mul)pa-bil-sag igi-me_ disz ina _(iti)ab u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)sim-mah (mul)szi-nu-nu-tu4 (mul)im-szesz_

    ina _gesz-nim igi-la2 u (mul)kak-si-sa2_ ina li-la-a-ti _igi-la2_-ma _2(disz) ma-na en-nun u4_-me _4(disz) ma-na en-nun gi6_ disz ina _(iti)udru u4 5(disz)-kam (mul)gu-la (mul)asz-iku u (mul)lu-lim igi-mesz_ disz ina _(iti)udru u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ (mul)a-nu-ni-tu4 _igi-la2_ disz ina _(iti)sze u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)ku6 u (mul)szu-gi igi-la2-me_ _disz mul-mul kur_-ma _(mul)gir2-tab szu2_-bi _disz (mul)gir2-tab kur_-ma _mul-mul szu2_-bi _disz (mul)gu4-an-na kur_-ma _(mul)_szu_-_pa_ szu2_-bi

    _disz (mul)sipa-zi-an-na kur_-ma (mul)pa-bil-sag _szu2_-bi _disz (mul)kak-si-sa2 (mul)(d)nirah u (mul)ur-gu-la kur-me_-ma _(mul)gu-la u (mul)ti8(muszen) szu2-mesz_ _disz (mul)ban u (mul)lugal kur-me_-ma _(mul)ud5 szu2_-bi _disz (mul)eridu(ki) u (mul)uga(muszen) kur-mesz_-ma _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a szu2_-bi _disz (mul)_szu_-_pa__ (d)en-lil2 _kur_-ma _(mul)asz-iku szu2_-bi _disz (mul)nin-mah kur_-ma (mul)a-nu-ni-tu4 _szu2_-bi disz (mul)zi-ba-ni-tu4 _(mul)ur-idim u (mul)en-te-na-bar-hum_

    _disz (mul)gir2-tab u (mul)ur-gi7 kur-me_-ma _(mul)eridu(ki) u mul-mul szu2_-bi _disz (mul)gaba gir2-tab u (mul)ud5 kur-mesz_-ma _(mul)szu-gi u (mul)sipa-zi-an-na szu2-mesz_ disz (mul)pa-bil-sag (mul)za-ba4-ba4 u _dingir-gub-ba-mesz kur-mesz_-ma _(mul)kak-si-sa2 (mul)ban u (mul)gam3 szu2-mesz_ _disz (mul)u4-ka-du8-a u (mul)ti8(muszen) kur-mesz_-ma _(mul)masz-tab-ba-gal-gal u (mul)masz-tab-ba-tur-tur szu2-mesz_ _disz (mul)asz-iku (mul)gu-la u (mul)lu-lim kur-mesz_-ma

    _(mul)ur-gu-la (mul)(d)nirah u (mul)en-te-na-bar-hum szu2-mesz_ _disz (mul)ku6 u (mul)szu-gi kur-mesz_-ma _(mul)ab-sin2 u (mul)ur-idim szu2-mesz_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)kak-si-sa2 5(u) 5(disz) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 (mul)eridu(ki) _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)kak-si-sa2 1(gesz2)_-szu _u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 (mul)_szu_-_pa__ _disz ta kur_ sza2 (mul)_szu_-_pa_ _1(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)ab-sin2_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)ab-sin2 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 (mul)zi-ba-ni-tu4

    _disz ta kur_ sza2 (mul)zi-ba-ni-tu4 _3(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)ud5_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)ud5 3(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a 3(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)sim-mah_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)sim-mah 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)asz-iku_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)asz-iku 4(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)ku6_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)ku6 3(u) 5(disz) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)gam3

    _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)gam3 1(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _mul-mul_ _disz ta kur_ sza2 _mul-mul 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)[gu4-an-na_] _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)gu4-an-na 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)[sipa-zi-an-na_] _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)sipa-zi-an-na 3(u) 5(disz) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ [sza2 _(mul)kak-si-sa2_] _disz ta kur_ sza2 _(mul)kak-si-sa2 2(u) u4-mesz_ ana _kur_ sza2 _(mul)ban_ u4#-mu _1(disz) usz-ta-am3 mul-mesz_ ina szer3-ti# [ana _gi6 ku4-mesz_-ni]

    u4#-mu _1(disz) usz-ta-am3 mul-mesz_ ina li-la-a-ti ana u4#-[me _e3-mesz_-ni]

    AI Translation

    On the 15th of Tashritu the Lion, the Lion, the Entenabarhum and the Dog are seen and 3 minas of watch, 3 minas of watch, 3 minas of watch, 3 minas of watch, on the 5th of Arahsamnu the Scorpion is seen. On the 15th of Arahsamnu the Scorpion and the Scorpion are seen. On the 15th of Kislimu the Arrow, the Falcon, and the Arrow are seen. On the 15th of Tebetu the Simmah, the Shinnutu, the Lion

    The Arrow is seen in the morning and the Arrow is seen in the evening. 2 minas of watch, 4 minas of watch, black. On the 5th of Ululu the Great One, the Ashiku and the Lullim are seen. On the 25th of Ululu the Anunitu is seen. On the 15th of Addaru the Fish and the Shugi are seen. If the Pleiades rise and the Scorpion sets and the Pleiades set. If the Bull of Heaven rises and the Scorpion sets and the Pleiades set. If the Bull of Heaven rises and the ShU-PA sets.

    The Shepherd of Anu rises and the Arrow sets. The Arrow, the Lion, and the Lion rise and the Great One and the Eagle set. The Bow and the King rise and the Eagle set. Eridu and the Owl rise and the Arrow set. ShU-PA, Enlil, rises and the Ashiku sets. Ninmah rises and Anunitu sets. The Zibanitu, the Dog, and the Entenabarhum set.

    The Scorpion and the Lion rise and Eridu and the Pleiades set. The Breast of Scorpion and the Bull rise and the Shugi and the Shepherd of Anu set. The Palil-sag, Zababa and the Deities rise and the Arrow, the Bow and the Gamble set. The Arrow and the Falcon rise and the Great Twins and the Little Twins set. The Asukku, the Great One and the Lulu rise and

    The Lion, Nirah, and Entenabarhum set. The Fish and the Old Man rise and the Furrow and the Dog set. From the rising of the Arrow 55 days to the rising of the Eridu star. From the rising of the Arrow 105 days to the rising of the Handipu star. From the rising of the Handipu 10 days to the rising of the Furrow. From the rising of the Furrow 20 days to the rising of the Zibanitu star.

    from the rising of the Arrow 30 days to the rising of the Arrow 30 days to the rising of the Arrow 30 days to the rising of the Arrow 30 days to the rising of the Arrow 20 days to the rising of the Arrow 20 days to the rising of the Fish; from the rising of the Fish 40 days to the rising of the Fish; from the rising of the Fish 35 days to the rising of the Fish;

    10 days from the land of the Goatfish to the land of the Pleiades; 20 days from the land of the Pleiades to the land of the Bull of Heaven; 20 days from the land of the Bull of Heaven to the land of the Shepherd of Anu; 35 days from the land of the Shepherd of Anu to the land of the Arrow; 20 days from the land of the Arrow to the land of the Bow; 1 day in the evening the stars entered into the night.

    The stars in the evening come out for a day 1 ushtam each day.

    Hunger & Pingree

    On the 15th of Teshritu the Scales, the Mad Dog, entena-barhum and the Dog become visible; 3 minas is a daytime watch, 3 minas is a nighttime watch. On the 5th of Arahsamnu the Scorpion becomes visible. On the 15th of Arahsamnu the She-Goat and the Breast of the Scorpion become visible. On the 15th of Kislimu the Panther, the Eagle, and Pabilsag become visible. On the 15th of Tebetu SIM-MAH i.e. the Swallow or IM-ShESh,

    becomes visible in the East, and in the evening the Arrow becomes visible; 2 minas is a daytime watch, 4 minas is a nighttime watch. On the 5th of Shabatu the Great One, the Field, and a Stag become visible. On the 25th of Shabatu Anunitu becomes visible. On the 15th of Addaru the Fish ad the Old Man become visible. The Stars rise and the Scorpion sets. The Scorpion rises and the Stars set. The Bull of Heaven rises and ShU-PA sets.

    The True Shepherd of Anu rises and Pabilsag sets. The Arrow, the Snake, and the Lion rise, and the Great One and the Eagle set. The Bow and the King rise, and the She-Goat sets. The Star of Eridu and the Raven rise, and the Panther sets. ShU-PA, Enlil, rises and the Field sets. Ninmah rises and Anunitu sets. The Scales, the Mad Dog, and Entena-barhum rise, and the Hired Man sets.

    Th Scorpion and the Dog rise, and the Star of Eridu and the Stars set. The breast of the Scorpion and the She-Goat rise, and the Old Man and the True Shepherd of Anu set. Pabilsag, Zababa, and the Standing Gods rise, and the Arrow, the Bow and the Crook set, The Panther and the Eagle rise, and the Great Twins and the Little Twins set. The Field, the Great One, and the Stag rise, and

    the Lion, the Snake, and Entena-barhum set. The Fish and the Old Man rise, and the Furrow and the Mad Dog set. 55 days pass from the rising of the Arrow to the rising of the start of Eridu. 60 days pass from the rising of the Arrow to the rising of ShU-PA. 10 days pass from the rising of ShU-PA to the rising of the Furrow. 20 days pass from the rising of the furrow to the rising of the Scales.

    30 days pass from the rising of the Scales to the rising of the She-goat. 30 days pass from the rising of the She-Goat to the rising of the Panther. 30 days pass from the rising of the Panther to the rising of the Swallow. 20 days pass from the rising of the Swallow to the rising of the Field. 40 days pass from the rising of the Field to the rising of the Fish. 35 days pass from the rising of the Fish to the rising of the Crook.

    10 days pass from the rising of the Crook to the rising of the Stars. 20 days pass from the rising of the Stars to the rising of the Bull of Heaven 20 days pass from the rising of the Bull of Heaven to the rising of the True shepherd of Anu. 35 days pass from the rising of the True Shepherd of Anu to the rising of the Arrow. 20 days pass from the rising of the Arrow to the rising of the Bow. The stars enter into the night in the morning 1 USh each day.

    The stars come out into the day in the evening 1 USh each day.

    Column 2


    _disz mul-mesz_ sza2 ziq-pi sza2 ina _kaskal_ szu-ut (d)en-lil2 ina [_murub4 an_-e] ina _igi_-it _gaba_ sza2 _szesz an_-e _gub-mesz_-ma _gi6 kur_ [u _szu2_-bi] sza2 _mul-mesz_ ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu im-ma-ru# _disz (mul)_szu_-_pa_ mul bala-tesz2-a (mul)dingir-gub-ba-mesz (mul)ur-gi7_ _(mul)ud5 (mul)u4-ka-du8-a (mul)lu-lim (mul)szu-gi (mul)gam3 _(mul)masz-tab-ba-gal-gal (mul)al-lub (mul)ur-gu-la (mul)e4-ru6 u (mul)he2-gal2-la-a-a_-

    _pap_ an-nu-tu _mul-mesz_ sza2 ziq-pi sza _kaskal_ szu-ut (d)en-lil2 sza2 ina _murub4 an_-e ina _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub-me_-zu-ma _gi6 mu2-mesz u szu2-mesz_ sza2 _mul-mesz_ ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu tam-ma-ru _be_-ma zi-iq-pa a-na a-ma-ri-ka ina _(iti)bara2 u4 2(u)-kam_ ina szer3-ti la-am (d)utu _kur_-ha _gub_-ma _za3_-ka _(im)mar-tu_ _gub3_-ka _(im)kur-ra_ ni-isz _igi_-ka _(im)u18-lu_ ku-ma-ru sza2 _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e ina _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma _(mul)gam3 kur_-ha

    disz ina _(iti)gu4 u4 1(disz)-kam gaba_ sza _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma _mul-mul kur_-ha disz ina _(iti)gu4-ud u4 2(u)-kam_ ki-in-s,u sza2 _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma (mul)is le-e _kur_-ha disz ina _(iti)sig4 u4 1(u)-kam_ a-si-du sza2 _(mul)u4-ka-du8-a_ ina _murub4 an_-e _igi_-it _gaba_-ka _gub_-ma _(mul)sipa-zi-an-na kur_-ha

    disz ina _(iti)szu u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam mul_ ne2-bu-u2 sza2 _(mul)szu-gi_ ina _murub4 an_-e _min min (mul)kak-si-sa2 kur_-ha disz ina _(iti)_ne_ u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam mul-mesz_ um-mu-lu-tu4 sza2 _(mul)szu-gi _min min (mul)ban kur_-ha disz ina _(iti)kin u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)masz-tab-ba-gal-gal min min (mul)_szu_-_pa_ u (mul)eridu(ki) kur-mesz_-ni disz ina _(iti)du6 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)ur-gu-la min min_ (mul)zi-ba-ni-tu4 _kur_-ha

    disz ina _(iti)apin u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)e4-ru6_ ina _murub4 an_-e min min (mul)ud5 kur_-ha [disz ina _(iti)]gan# u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)_szu_-_pa_ min min (mul)u4-ka-du8-a kur_-ha [disz ina _(iti)]ab u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)dingir-gub-ba-mesz min min (mul)sim-mah kur_-ha [disz ina _(iti)]udru u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)ur-gi7 min min (mul)asz-iku kur_-ha [disz ina _(iti)]sze u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam (mul)ud5 min min (mul)ku6 kur_-ha [_dingir]-mesz_ sza i-na _kaskal_ (d)sin _gub-mesz_-ma (d)sin e-ma _iti_

    [ina pi]-rik-szu2-nu _dib-mesz_-ma _tag-mesz_-szu2-nu-ti [x] _mul-mul (mul)gu4-an-na (mul)sipa-zi-an-na (mul)szu-gi_ [_(mul)]gam3 (mul)masz-tab-ba-gal-gal (mul)al-lub (mul)ur-gu-la [_(mul)ab2-sin_ (mul)]zi#-ba-ni-tu4 _(mul)gir2-tab_ (mul)pa-bil-sag [_(mul)suhur-masz] (mul#)gu-la kun-mesz (mul)sim-mah [(mul)a-nu-ni]-tu4# u _(mul)lu2-hun-ga2_ [_pap_ an-nu-tu4 _dingir-mesz_] sza2# ina _kaskal_ (d)sin _gub-mesz_-ma (d)sin e-ma _iti_ [ina pi-rik-szu2-nu _dib]-mesz_-ma _tag-mesz_-szu2-nu-ti

    [disz _kaskal_ (d)sin _du_-ku (d)utu] _du#_-ak _dub 1(disz)-kam (mul)apin_ [...] x _sumun_-szu2 _sar#_-ma# _igi_ [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    The stars of the ziggurat which are in the path of Enlil in the middle of the sky, in front of the breast of the brother of the sky stand, and the black-headed people and the hands of the stars in their hearts i.e., the Pleiades, the Pleiades, the Standing Gods, the Dog, the Ud, the Bull, the Bull, the Bull, the Swallow, the Twins, the Allies, the Lion, the Lion, the Eru, and the Hegallaeans.

    These are the stars of the ziggurat of the journey of Enlil which stand in the middle of the sky in front of your breast and the nights and days of the stars in their hearts are seen. If the ziggurat for your observation stands in Nisannu on the 20th day in the morning, the sun rises and your right side is the west wind, your left side is the east wind, your right side is the east wind, the kurru-light of the kadudu-star stands in the middle of the sky, in front of your breast, and the Gam-star rises.

    On the 1st of Ayyaru II, the breast of the Arrow stands in the middle of the sky, your breast is elevated and the Pleiades rise. On the 20th of Ayyaru II, the breast of the Arrow stands in the middle of the sky, your breast is elevated and the Arrow rises. On the 10th of Simanu III, the breast of the Arrow stands in the middle of the sky, your breast is elevated and the Shepherd rises.

    On the 15th of Du'uzu the bright star of the Old Man in the middle of heaven ditto, the Arrow rises. On the 15th of Abu the stars of the Old Man ditto, the Bow rises. On the 15th of Ululu the Great Twins ditto, the Yoke and Eridu rise. On the 15th of Tashritu the Lion ditto, the Lion rises.

    In the month Arahsamna VIII, on the 15th day the Eurat in the middle of heaven rises, the fish rises. In the month Kislimu IX, on the 15th day the ShU-PA star rises, the 'Light' rises, on the 15th day the Standing Gods rise, on the 15th day the Lion rises, on the 15th day the Lion rises, on the 15th day the Lion rises, on the 15th day the Fish rise, on the 15th day the Fish rise, on the 15th day the Fish rise, the gods who stand in the path of the Moon and the Moon rise in every month.

    ... the Pleiades, the Bull of Heaven, the Shepherd of Heaven, the Bull of Heaven, the Gamble, the Great Twins, the Lion, the Lion, the Furrow, the Lion of Zibanitu, the Scorpion, the Great One, the Arrow, the Great One, the Great One, the Great One, the Great One, the Great One, the Great One, the Three, Anunitu and the Hirelings: these are the gods who stand in the path of the Moon and the Moon in the month, they stand in their positions and they are afflicted by the Moon.

    The journey of Sin will be made. Shamash will go. 1st tablet. The Plough ... ... its name is written and it is visible .

    Hunger & Pingree

    The ziqpu stars which stand in the path of Enli in the middle of the sky opposite the breast of the obsever of the sky, and by means of whih he observes the rising and setting of the stars at night are the following: ShU-PA, the star of Dignity, the Standing Gods, the Dog, the She-Goat, the Panther, the Stag, the Old Man, the Crook, the Great Twins, the Crab, the Lion, Eru, and the Abundant One.

    All these are the ziqpu stars in the path of the stars of Enlil which stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and by means of which you observe the risings and settings of the stars at night. If you are to observe the ziqpu, you stand in the morning before sunrise, West to your right, East to your left, your face directed towards South; on the 20th of Nisannu the kumaru of the Panther in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Crook rises.

    On the 1st of Ajjaru, the Breast of the Panther stands in the middle of the sky oppostie your breast, and the Stars rise. On the 20th of Ajjaru, the Knee of the Panther stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Jaw of the Bull rises. On the 10th of Simanu the Heel of the Panther stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Shepherd of Anu rises.

    On the 15th of Du'uzu the bright star of the Old Man stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Arrow rises. On the 15th of Abu the dusky stars of the Old Man tand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Bow riseen: On the 15th of Ululu the Great Twins stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and ShU-PA and the Star of Eridu rise. On the 15th of Teshritu the Lion stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Scales rise,

    On the 15th of Arahsamnu Eru stands in the middle of the sky oppoite your breast, and the She-Goat rises. On the 15th of Kislimu ShU-PA stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Panther rises. On the 15th of Tebetu the Standing Gods stand in the middle of the sky opposite your breast and the Swallow rises. On the 15th of Shabatu the Dog stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Field rises. On the 15th of Addaru the She-Goat stands in the middle of the sky opposite your breast, and the Fish rises. The gods who stand in the path of the Moon, through whose regions the Moon in the course of a month

    passes and whom he touches: The Stars, the Bull of Heaven, the True Shepherd of Anu, the Old Man, the Crook, the Great Twins, the Crab, the Lion, the Furrow, the Scales, the Scorpion, Pabilsag, the Goat-Fish, the Great One, the Tails, the Swallow, Anunitu, and the Hired Man, All these are the gods who stand in the path of the Moon, through whose regions the Moon in the course of a month passes and whom he touches.

    ... travels. Tablet 1 of MUL.APIN. ... According to its original written and checked.

    P479386: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-na si-li-lum qi2-bi2-ma um-ma tab-ba-tum-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-li-t,u2-ka asz-szum te4-em _sze_-im sza (ta)-asz-pu-ra-am a-na hu-za-lum aq-bi-ma um-ma szu-ma a-na a-la-ak a-wi-lim t,e4-mi asz-ta-pa!-ar-szu

    AI Translation

    To the satrap speak! Thus Tabatum: "May Shamash and Marduk be glad on account of the news of barley, which you sent to Huzal. Thus says: "To go to the man I have sent my report."

    P479388: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)nanna-in-du8 qi2-bi2-ma um-ma uq-nu-um-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka i-nu-u2-ma a-na zimbir(ki) pa-ni-ka a-na a-la-ki ta-asz-ku-na-am a-na-ku u3 szi-bu-ut _iri(ki)_ tu-ka-bi-ta-an-ni#-a-ti mi-nam ni-iq-bi-kum um-ma ni-nu-u2-ma a-na s,e-ri-ka a-na _a-sza3_-im s,a-ba#-tim# ni-la-ka ki-a-am ta-pu-la-na-a-ti um-ma at-ta-a-ma a-na ah-hi-ia

    AI Translation

    To Nanna-indu speak! Thus Uqnum: "May Shamash and Marduk keep you alive!" When you were to Sippar, before you to go, you were seated. I and the people of the city you slandered me. Why did we say: "Now, to your side, to the field of the shabatu we shall go." Thus you said: "You are to my side."



    sza _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar in-nu-da_ a-ma-ra-ku-nu-szi-im u3 a-na _sze_-im a-na hi-sze-eh-ti-ku-nu a-az-za-ku-nu-szi-im a-[nu]-um#-ma si2-ia-tum _nu-banda3_ ni#-tar#-da-ak-kum

  • [2(disz) _gin2] ku3#-babbar_ u3 e-em x
  • x x i-ri-szu-ka la ta-ka-la ka-ni-ka-am szu-zi-ib u3 a-na a-hi-ia _3(ban2) kasz_ i-di-in

    AI Translation

    who has given you 2 shekels of silver, I will give to you, and to barley, to your rations I will give to you. Now, the 'residences' of the captain we shall kill.

  • 2 shekels of silver and whatever .
  • ... your rage is not a rage, you are a rage. And to my brother he gave me 3 seahs of beer.

    P479389: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na isz-ta-asz-ni-(d)[x (x)] sza (d)marduk u2-ba-al#-[la-t,u2]-szu# qi2-bi2-ma# um-ma _arad2_-(d)lal3-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk asz-szu-mi-ia da-ri-isz _u4_-mi-im li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka asz-szum a-na _e2-duru5_ bi-za(ki) a-la-ka ta-asz-ku-nam t,e4-mi u2-ul u2-te-ra-ak-kum u3 asz-szu-mi-ka i-mi-ra-am u2-ul a-sza-am a-na _sipa_ sza ta-asz-pu-ra-an-ni _igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar_ u2-ka-al-lam u3 asz-szum (disz)(d)utu-na-s,i-ir

    AI Translation

    To Ishtashni-... whom Marduk smote, speak! Thus Warad-Lalma: May Shamash and Marduk forever smite you! Because you have gone to the fort of Bizal you have not returned my report, and because of you they have seen, I do not know. To the shepherd whom you wrote to me, I smote one-fourth of silver. Further, because of Shamash-nashir



    sza a-na sza-ma-lu-tim tu-na-ah-i-da-an-ni aq-bi-szum-ma a-na-am i-ta-ap-la-an-ni al-kam-ma t,e4-em-szu a-mu-ur u3 asz-szum i-mi-ri sza ha-asz-ha-ta al-kam-ma i-mi-ri sza-am i-mi-ru isz-tu li-bu ma-tim i-lu-nim-ma i-na _e2-duru5_ bi-za(ki) iz-za-zu la-ma in-na-ad-nu al-kam-ma sza-am

    AI Translation

    which to the shalutu you have slandered, I said to him, and why did he turn to me? I went and saw his report, and as to the shalu of the hazhatu I went and the shalu of the shalu I saw. From the libu of the land I came and in the fort of Biz was standing, until they were given, I went and the shalu

    P479390: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na e-te-ia-tim qi2-bi2-ma um-ma dingir-u3-(d)utu-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka sza-al-ma-ku a-na i-ma-ar(ki) ge-er-ru-um u2-ul im-qu2-ut-ma u2-ul al-li-ik a-na qa2-ta-na(ki) usz-ta-ar-di a-ta-nu u3 _ansze_ sza e-s,e2-em-s,e2-er-szu ma-ah-s,u2 usz-ta-zi-qu2-ni-ni

  • _1(disz) ansze_ it-ti be-la-nim
  • _dumu_ (d)suen-szar-ri-im a-na _5(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ el-qe2

  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ad-di-in-szum
  • _3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-di-in-szum
  • AI Translation

    To Eteiatim speak! Thus Ilu-shamash: May Shamash and Marduk keep you safe! My heart was not apprehensive towards Imar, I did not go out and I did not go out. To Qatana I have sent. Why and the donkeys that I had brought in to him were very frightened.

  • 1 donkey with Belani;
  • son of Sîn-sharrim, for 5 1/2 shekels of silver Elqe

  • 2 shekels of silver I gave to him.
  • 3 1/2 shekels of silver he gave him.
  • Reverse


    u2-ul ta-na-ad-di-in-szum-ma e-le-tim u3 wa-ri-da-tim _ku3-babbar_ u2-sza-asz-qa2-la-an-ni _sag-geme2_ sza e-zi-ba-kum la ta-qa2-an-ni-szi a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-di-in-szi a-na sza il-ki-ia

  • _1(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • i-di-in u3 ka-ni-ik-szu sza _2(asz) sze gur_ li-qi2

  • _1(asz) gur sze_ ma-ah-ra-ta
  • u3 an-nu-u2 _1(asz) sze gur_ sza _i3-gesz_

    AI Translation

    You shall not give him, and the upper and lower ones silver he shall give to me. The slave woman who is in the house of the king you shall not give to her for silver. To the one who goes to me

  • 1 ban2 1 sila3 of oil,
  • and he shall pay the kanikshu-tax of 2 kor of barley.

  • 1 gur of barley is the price
  • and this 1 kor of oil

    P479391: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-da-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)iszkur-szar-rum (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka asz-szum _tug2 hi-a_ sza szi-im-szu-nu la na-ad-nu sza-la-szi-szu a-na s,e-er sza-pi2-ir _i7_ t,u2-uh-ha-a-ku lem-ni-isz bu-zu-a-ku (disz)(d)marduk-e-pi2-ri _ku3-babbar_ e-ri-su-ma u2-ul id-di-nam a-na babila2(ki) it-ta-la-ak

    AI Translation

    To my father speak! Thus Adad-sharrum, Shamash and Marduk may they be reconciled with you. Because the garments whose materials are not given, its slain parts to the side of the canal of Tuhha, the evil canal, my canal, Marduk-epiri the silver did not give, to Babylon he went.



    ma-di-isz bu-zu-a-ku szum#-ma# a-hi i-na ki-na-tim [x x (x)] la# u2-sza-za-qu2-ni-ni [a-nu-um-ma (d)]suen#-mu-sza-lim at,#-[t,ar]-da#-kum a-na ki-ma t,a-ba-ta _ku3-babbar_ szu-bi-lam-ma a-wi-il-tam lu-pu-ul

    AI Translation

    If a man in the firmament ... did not place me, now Sîn-mushallim I have sent to you, for the payment of silver I shall bring, and the man I shall destroy.

    P479392: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-bi-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma su-mu-(d)da-gan-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk asz-szu-mi-ia da-ri-isz _u4_-mi a-bi li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka sza-ad-da-aq-di-im a-na _pesz2 a-sza3-ga_ a-na a-bi-ia asz-pur-am-ma _pesz2 a-sza3-ga_ a-bi u2-ul u2-sza-bi-lam ki-ma a-bi i-du-u2 _nig2-ka9_ nam-ri-a-tim qe2-ru-ub

  • 1(disz) szu-szi _pesz2 a-sza3-ga_
  • AI Translation

    To my father speak! Thus Sumu-Dagan: May Shamash and Marduk forever remember me, my father may they always keep you alive! I sent to my father a field for the cultivation of my field, but the cultivation of my field my father did not bring forth. Like my father he knew, the treasure house enter.

  • 1 ... of field,
  • Reverse


    a-szar i-ba-asz-szu-u2 a-bi li-sza-ma-am-ma li-sza-bi-lam i-na babila2(ki) szi-im-szu-nu lu-ud-di-in

    AI Translation

    Where there is, let my father be present and let him be present; in Babylon their fate I shall give.

    P479393: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-da-ia-tum qi2-bi2-ma um-ma i3-li2-isz-me-a-an-ni-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka _ku3-babbar_ sza ta-aq-bi-a-am

    AI Translation

    To Adayatum speak! Thus Ilishme'anni: May Shamash and Marduk keep you alive! The silver that you said



    szu-bi-lam ki-ma aq-bu-kum s,i2-bu-tam i-szu-u2 szum-ma la ki-a-am ia-a-ma szu-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    he shall pay. As I said, he is a thief. If not, he shall pay.

    P479394: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na dam-qi2-ia u3 zi-ki-ir-(d)utu qi2-bi2-ma um-ma dumu-esz18-dar-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ku-nu-ti a-nu-um-ma (disz)szum-ma-la-(d)marduk-ma-an-ni tup-pi2 usz-ta-bi-la-ak-ku-nu-szi-im

  • 2(disz) szu-szi _gi sa hi-a_
  • szu-bi-la-ni-im

    AI Translation

    To my good fortune and Zikir-shamash speak! Thus says Dumuzi-ishtar: "May Shamash and Marduk keep you alive!" Now, Shumma-la-Marduk-manni has sent you a tablet.

  • 2 reeds, ...;
  • Reverse


    la ta-ka-al-la-szum

    AI Translation

    You shall not slander him.



    a-na dam-qi2-ia u3 zi-ki-ir-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    To my good fortune and Zikir-shamash,

    Seal 1


    (d)iszkur dumu an-na gu2-gal an ki-a

    AI Translation

    O Adad, son of An, canal inspector of heaven and earth,

    P479395: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _masz2_ (d)utu u2-s,a-ab _ki_ e-ri-isz-ti-(d)a-a _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu (disz)ta-ra-am-i3!-li2 _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)en-zu-pu-ut,-ra-am _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4_-um sze-ba _ku3-babbar_ u3 _masz2-bi_ _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 shekel of silver
  • The debt of Shamash he shall pay. From Erishti-Aya, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Ilshu-ibnishu. Taram-ili, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Enzu-putram received. At the time of the purchase of the silver and its interest he shall pay.



    _igi_ a-hu-um-wa-qar _dumu_ pa-asz-ki-ia _igi_ ib-ni-ki _dumu_ qi2#-isz-ti-la _igi_ (d#)utu-ti-la-ti _dumu_ sig-esz18-dar _iti ab-e3-a u4 3(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ ra-pi2-qum _in-dab5_

    AI Translation

    before Ahum-waqar, son of Pashukia; before Ibniki, son of Qishtila; before Shamash-tilati, son of Simanu-ishtar. The month of Tebetum, the day 31 the year in which Rapiqum was seized.

    P479396: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • a-na szi-i-im sza-am-mi ra-a-at _u8 udu hi-a_ sza (munus)na-ru-ub-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)marduk-la-ma-sa3-(szu a)-bi _erin2_ sza qa2-ti-szu sza _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu gibil_ sza _egir nam-a2-gal2-la (d)marduk-ke4_ nam-ha-ar-ti

    AI Translation
  • 7 1/2 shekels of silver
  • To the king's fate, the sammu-offering of the ewe and sheep of the woman Narubtum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Marduk-lamassashu, his father, the troops of his hand, whose name is Ammi-ditana, the king, new year, after the festival of Marduk, the festival of



    (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur _sipa_ a-hi dingir-szu-a-bu-szu _igi_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _di-ku5 dumu_ (d)utu-ba-ni _igi_ a-wi-il-(d)iszkur _dumu_ (d)iszkur-na-s,i-ir _igi_ tam-la-tum _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)marduk _igi_ be-el-le-tim _dumu_ na-ka-rum _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu gibil_ sza _egir nam-a2-gal2-la (d)marduk-ke4_

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Adad, shepherd of the Ayya-cult, Ilshu-abushu; before Simanitum, judge, son of Shamash-bani; before Awil-Adad, son of Adad-nashir; before Tamlatum, son of Ibni-Marduk; before Belatum, son of Nakalum. The month of Tebetum, the day 16, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the new year after the greatness of Marduk

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ dingir-szu-a-bu-szu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ilshu-abushu

    Seal 2



    AI Translation

    a kind of a garment

    Seal 3


    (d)utu (d)a-a _kiszib3_ a-wi-il-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Shamash, Aya. Seal of Awil-Addu.

    Seal 4


    _kiszib3_ be-el-le-tim

    AI Translation

    Seal of Belatum.

    Seal 5


    _kiszib3_ tam-la-tum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Tamlati.

    P479397: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    i-na li-ib-bi _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza i-din-(d)er3-ra a-na na-am-ra-am-sza-ru-ur id-di-in-nu (disz)na-am-ra-am-sza-ru-ur a-na i-ba-szar-ri-im a-na ma-s,a-ru-tim id-di-in-ma

    AI Translation

    10 shekels of silver which Iddin-Erra gave to Namram-sharur, Namram-sharur to Ibashim for the scribal arts gave, and


  • _2(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _sze_-im
  • _in-na#-an-la2_ _ki_ im-gur-akszak(ki) i-sza-am

  • _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ i-na _ka2_ (d)ma-nun-gal
  • _sze_-am i-sza-am-ma a-na (d)iszkur-i-din-nam id-di-in

  • _1(disz) gin2 1(u) sze ku3-babbar_ (disz)szar-rum-(d)iszkur
  • a-na (d)iszkur-szar-rum _unu3_ id-di-in i-na-an-na _1(disz) gin2 1(u) sze ku3-babbar_ a-na _sze_-am szar-rum-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels 1/6 of silver for barley;
  • he will pay. With Imgurakshak he will pay.

  • 3 shekels of silver at the gate of Manungal;
  • He will measure the barley and give it to Adad-iddinam.

  • 1 shekel 10 grains of silver, Sharrum-Adad;
  • to Adad-sharrum he gave the grain. Now 1 shekel 10 grains of silver for barley of Sharrum-Adad

    Column 1


    isz-qu2-ul-ma a-na na-am-ra-am-sza-ru-ur

    AI Translation

    he sat down and to the sacrificial sheep

    Column 2



    AI Translation

    he gave.

    P479398: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • sa-la-tum _dumu-munus_ ma-ni-ni _lukur_ (d)utu a-na (d)suen-ib-ni a-na qa-qa-ri-im s,a-ba-ti-im i-di-in szum#-ma# _ku3-babbar_ (d)suen-ib-ni a#-[na] sa-la-tum la# i#-di-in

    AI Translation
  • 6 shekels of silver
  • Salati, daughter of Manini, naditu of Shamash, to Sîn-ibni in the qaqaru and shabatu he gave. If silver Sîn-ibni to Salati he did not give.



    e-li qa-qa-ri-im sa-la-tum-ma i-za-az _igi_ ia-ah-ma-du-um _dumu_ i-tar-mu-lu-uk _igi_ re-u2-um _dumu_ zi-za-nu-um _igi_ sin-sze-me _dumu_ ma-ni-ni _igi_ ib-lu-tum _dumu-munus_ ma-s,i2-am-i3-li2

    AI Translation

    before the qaqarum-field Salatum he stands. Before Yah-mudum, son of Itar-muluk; before Reum, son of Zizanum; before Sin-sheme, son of Manini; before Iblutum, daughter of Mashi-am-ili.



    _igi_ be-le-su2-nu _dumu-munus_ sin-en-nam

    AI Translation

    Before: Belshunu, daughter of Sin-ennam;

    P479399: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ zu-ha-a _bala-ri i7_ ir-ni-na _ki_ geme2-(d)utu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ib-ni-(d)er3-ra (disz)pir-hi-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _a-sza3_ a-na er-re-szu-tim a-na _gu2-un_ u2-sze-s,i _u4 buru14#-sze3_ ki-ma i-mi-it-ti-szu u3# [szu]-me-li-szu _sze (gesz)ban2_ (d)utu

    AI Translation

    1 bur3 field, field of zuha, irrigation district of the Irnina canal; from Geme-shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Ibni-Erra; Pirhi-Marduk, son of Ilshu-bani, field for irrigation and for the cattle he shall bring; at the harvest time, as he wishes, and his hands he shall carry; barley of the bow of Shamash;



    i-na ba-ab ga-gi4-im _i3-ag2-e_

  • _3(disz) ezem (d)utu 1(ban2) zi3-da_
  • u3 _1(barig) kasz_ i-pa!-aq-qi2-is-si2 _igi_ ib-ni-(d)marduk ugula _lu2-azlag2_ _igi_ a-wi-li-ia _lu2-azlag2_ _igi_ (d)marduk-na-s,i-ir _dub-sar_ _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal esz-bar mah-a dingir gal-gal_

    AI Translation

    He will measure it out in the libation vessel.

  • 3 festivals of Shamash, 1 seah of flour,
  • and 1 barig of beer he will measure out. Before Ibni-Marduk, overseer of the scouts; before Awiliya, scout; before Marduk-nashir, the scribe. The month of Ayyaru, the day 1, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the supreme decision of the great gods,

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ geme2-(d)utu lukur (d)utu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Geme-shamash, naditu of Shamash.

    Seal 2


    _kiszib3_ pir-hi-(d)[mar-tu]

    AI Translation

    Seal of Pirhi-Marduk.

    Seal 3


    dingir-[...] _kiszib3_ a-wi-li-ia

    AI Translation

    Ilu-..., seal of Awiliya,

    Seal 4


    (d)marduk-na-[s,i-ir] _dumu_ (d)na-bi-um#-[...] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Marduk-nashir, son of Nabopolassar, servant of .

    Seal 5


    [(d)]utu-_ki_-ib-ni [...] _a ni_ [...] _arad_ (d)_pi_-_bi_

    AI Translation

    Shamash-kibni ... son of ... servant of the god Pibbi.

    P479400: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2/3(disz) ma-na 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3 ku3-babbar siki_ sza _e2#-gal#_ _nig2-szu_ u2-tul2-esz18-dar _dub-sar_ sza (d)utu-szu-mu-un-dib _di-ku5_ im-hu-ru-ma i-na qa2-ti (d)utu-szu-mu-un#-dib _di-ku5_ (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam im-hu-ru _mu-kux(_du_)_ (disz)(d)suen-ma-gir _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam#

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 mina 5 shekels of silver
  • The silver and wool of the palace, the property of Utul-ishtar, the scribe of Shamash-shum-undib, the judge received and from Shamash-shum-undib, the judge, Sîn-magir, son of Sîn-iddinam received. The delivery of Sîn-magir, son of Sîn-iddinam,



    nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)(d)utu-szu-mu-un-dib _di-ku5_ _igi_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ ta-ri-ba-tum _igi_ an-pi4-sza _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _igi_ szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi _dumu_ pir-hi-i3-li2-szu _igi_ _arad2_-i3-li2-szu _dub-sar_ _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (d)nin-urta am sag a2-dah-a-ni-sze3_

    AI Translation

    Namharti Shamash-shum-undib, judge; before Sîn-eribam, son of Taribatum; before Anpisha, son of Sîn-iddinam; before Shumum-libshi, son of Pirhi-ilishu; before Warad-ilishu, the scribe. The month of Abu, the day 7, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, Ninurta, the first-born son of his father,

    Seal 1


    dingir-szu-ib-ni _dumu_ (d)er3-ra-[...]

    AI Translation

    Ilshu-ibni, son of Erra-.

    Seal 2


    _kiszib3_ sin-eri-ba

    AI Translation

    Seal of Sîn-eriba.

    Seal 3


    _kiszib3_ an-pi4-sza

    AI Translation

    Seal of Anisha.

    Seal 4


    _arad_-i3-li2-[szu] dub-[sar] _dumu_ ib-[...]

    AI Translation

    Warad-ilishu, scribe, son of Ib.

    Seal 5


    _kiszib3_ szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi

    AI Translation

    Seal of Shumum-libshi.

    P479401: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)pi-ta-mi-ra-szu _ki_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim be-li-szu (disz)qi2-isz-ti-(d)e2-a _lu2-kurun2-na_ _dumu_ ig-mil-(d)e2-a a-na sa-ma-di-im a-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_ i-gur-szu i-di _mu 1(disz)-kam_-szu

  • _9(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • i-na _sza3 9(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_

  • _4(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na (d)suen-mu-sza#-[lim]
  • be-li-szu

    AI Translation

    Pitta-mirashu, with Sîn-mushallim, his lord, Qishti-Ea, the kurunnu, son of Igmil-Ea, to Samadim for one year has leased. He knows his 1st year.

  • he shall pay 9 shekels of silver.
  • from 9 shekels of silver

  • 4 1/2 shekels of silver to Sîn-mushallim;
  • his lord



    _i3-la2-e_ i-na _4(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza pi-ta-mi-ra-szu ma-ri-a-ki-tum u3 a-hi-a-tum ih-ha-ra-as, i-na _4(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza (d)suen-mu-sza-lim u2-ul ih-ha-ar-ra-as, _igi_ (d)utu-ra-bi _ugula gidri igi_ ri-isz#-be-le#-su2# _igi_ (d)marduk-na-s,i-ir _dumu_ si#-il#-mi#-szu _igi_ ku-ub-bu-rum _gudu4-abzu igi_ lu2-(d)nanna? _iti szu#-numun-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi#-di#-ta-na _lugal-e (d)nin-urta am sag a2-dah-sze3_

    AI Translation

    he shall pay. For 4 1/2 shekels of silver of Pita-mirashu, Mari-akitum and Ahatum he shall pay; for 4 1/2 shekels of silver of Sîn-mushallim he shall not pay; before Shamash-rabi, overseer of the sceptre; before Rishi-beleshu; before Marduk-nashir, son of Silmishu; before Kubburum, gudu-abzu; before Lu-Nanna. The month of Dumuzi, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-ditana, the king, Ninurta, the first-born son of Adahshu

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ qi2-isz-ti-(d)e2-a

    AI Translation

    Seal of Qishti-Ea

    P479402: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ la-szal-la _ki_ me-lu-la-tum _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ ip-qu2-sza be-el-ti _a-sza3_-im (disz)be-li2-lu-da-ri _dumu_ li-wi-ra-szum _a-sza3_ a-na er-re-szu-tim a-na _gu2-un_ u2-sze-s,i _u4 buru14-sze3_ _a-sza3_ a-na szu-ul-pi2-szu i-sza-ad-da-du-ma

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field, field, field of La-shala, with Melulatum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Ipqusha, lady of the field, Beli-lu-dari, son of Liwirashum, the field for irrigation and for the cattle he shall bring. At the harvest time the field for his cultivation he shall divide and


  • _1(iku) _gan2 1_(disz)-e 1(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur_
  • _(gesz)ban2_ (d)utu i-na _kar_ zimbir(ki) _i3-ag2-e_ _igi_ i3-li2-a-wi-lim _dumu_ (d)mar-tu-na-s,i-ir _igi_ ib-ni-(d)utu _dumu_ (d)utu-na-s,i-ir _igi_ i-lu-ni _dumu_ bur-(d)iszkur-ra _igi_ ib-na-tum _dumu_ ri-isz-(d)utu _igi_ gi-mil-(d)gu-la _dub-sar_ _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu gibil_ sza _egir mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _nam-a2-gal2-la (d)marduk-ke4_

    AI Translation
  • 1 ikû field area: 1 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 barley;
  • the bow of Shamash at the port of Sippar he shall weigh out. Before Ili-awilim, son of Martu-nashir; before Ibni-shamash, son of Shamash-nashir; before Iluni, son of Bur-Adad; before Ibnatum, son of Rish-shamash; before Gimil-Gula, the scribe. The month of Elunum, the day 25 the new year after the year in which Ammi-ditana the greatness of Marduk

    Seal 1


    _kiszib3_ be-li2-lu-da-ri

    AI Translation

    Seal of Beli-lu-dari

    Seal 2


    [...] [...] _arad_ (d)nin-[...] _kiszib3_ i3-li2-a-wi-lim

    AI Translation

    ... ... servant of Nin-..., sealed tablet of Ili-awilim.

    Seal 3


    _kiszib3_ ib-ni-(d)utu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ibni-Shamash

    Seal 5


    _kiszib3_ i-lu-ni

    AI Translation

    Seal of Iluni.

    P479403: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(munus)na-ru-ub-tum _dumu-munus-a-ni_ (munus)il-ta-ni sza (munus)il-ta-ni _ama-a-ni_ u3 (d)iszkur-szar-rum a-hu-sza a-na _e2_ (d)utu-li-wi-ir _dumu_ ri-isz-(d)utu a-na ka-al-la-at u3 ma-ra-at i-ru-bu-u2 a-na ti-ir-ha-ti-sza

  • _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ (d)utu-li-wi-ir
  • a-na (munus)il-ta-ni _ama-a-ni-sze3_ u3 (d)iszkur-szar-rum a-hi-sza _in-na-an-la2_

    AI Translation

    Narubtu, his daughter, Illanu, whose mother is Illanu, and Adad-sharrum her husband, to the house of Shamash-li-wir, son of Rish-shamash, for the whole and the whole he entered, for her tirhatu.

  • 5 shekels of silver, Shamash-li-wir;
  • to Iltani, her mother, and Adad-sharrum her brother he gave.



    _igi_ ib-ni-(d)iszkur _dumu_ a-wi-il-(d)[...] _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)suen-be-el-ap-lim _igi_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ (d)suen-a-bu-szu _igi_ a-wi-il-(d)mi-szar-(rum) _dub-sar_ _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e [alan] nam-szul-la-a-ni_

    AI Translation

    Before Ibni-Adad, son of Awil-...; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Sîn-bel-aplim; before Ibni-amurtu, son of Sîn-abushu; before Awil-misharram, the scribe. The month of Dumuzi, the day 13, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected a statue bearing the name of the king.

    Seal 1


    szu-mu-um-li-[ib-szi] _dumu_ x-x-x-[...] _arad_ x x x[...]

    AI Translation

    Shumum-libshi, son of ..., servant of .

    Seal 2


    _kiszib3_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ibni-Amurtu.

    Seal 3


    _kiszib3_ ib-ni-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Seal of Ibni-Adad.

    Seal 4


    _kiszib3_ (d)suen-i-din-nam

    AI Translation

    Seal of Sîn-iddinam

    P479404: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2/3(disz) sar 5(disz) gin2 e2 kislah_
  • _da e2_ geme2-(d)utu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ li-pi2-it-(d)esz18-dar u3 _da e2_ geme2-(d)utu-ma _sag-bi e2_ u-bar-lulu _egir-bi e2_ be-el-szu-nu _dumu_ szu-mi-ki _ki_ be-el-szu-nu _dumu_ szu-mi-ki (disz)u-bar-lu-lu _dumu_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_

  • _1(u) 1(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
  • _in-na-an-la2_ [_sza3]-ga-ni al-du10_ _inim-bi al-til_ _u4-kur2-sze3 lu2 lu2-ra_

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 sar 5 shekels, the house of the 'residences';
  • next to the house of Geme-shamash, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Lipit-Ishtar, and next to the house of Geme-shamash, the first floor of the house of Ubarlulu, next to the house of their master, son of Shumki, with their master, son of Shumki, Ubarlulu, son of Nur-ilishu, bought; the full price of her full house

  • 11 2/3 shekels 15 grains of silver,
  • He has given his heart to me. He has finished his word. In future days, a man will kill a man.



    _inim nu-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)marduk u3 sa-am-su-i-lu-na _lugal_ _in-pa3-de3-mesz_ _igi_ sin-ha-s,i2-ir _dumu_ e-ri-ib-sin _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ sig-(d)sza-la _igi_ dingir-szu-ba-ni _dumu_ ni-id-na-at-sin _igi_ i-bi-(d)utu _dumu_ mat-ta-tum _igi_ sin-mu-sza-lim _dub-sar_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu gibil 2(disz)-kam-ma_

    AI Translation

    The name of Shamash, Marduk and Samsu-iluna the king have sworn. Before Sin-hashir, son of Eribsin; before Sin-iddinam, son of Sig-shala; before Ilshu-bani, son of Nidnat-sin; before Ibbi-shamash, son of Mattatum; before Sin-mushallim, the scribe. The month of Addaru, the day 12, the new year,



    [_ki_ be]-el-szu-nu# [_dumu_ szu-mi-ki] [(disz)]u-bar-lu-lu# [_dumu_ nu-ur2-i3-li2-szu] [_in]-szi#-in#-[sa10_] [_sa10] til#-la-bi#-[sze3_]

    AI Translation

    Ubar-lulu, son of Nur-ilishu, bought from their lord, son of Shumki, as the complete price.

    P479405: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _a-sza3# ki-kal_ ma-la qa2-[as]-su2# i-ka-asz!-sza-du _a-gar3_ bu-ra-a(ki) _sza3#_ sza (d)lugal-gu2-du8-a(ki) _a-sza3_ i-lu-ni _dumu_ bur-(d)iszkur a-na qa2-be2-e si2-na-tum _dumu_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni (disz)dingir-szu-ib-ni _ugula gidri dumu_ dingir-da-mi-iq u3 i-bi-(d)nin-szubur _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ (disz)el-me-szum _(lu2)szitim_ a-na te-ep-ti-tim a-na _mu 3(disz)-kam_ u2-sze-s,i2 _gu2-un mu 2(disz)-kam_

  • _1(iku)! _gan2_-e 1(barig) sze_ sza _(gesz)ban2_ (d)utu
  • _i3-ag2-e_-ma

    AI Translation

    the field of the field of the field of the field of Bora, in the district of Lugal-gudua, the field of Iluni, son of Bur-Adad, to the qabe-of-Sinatum, son of Sîn-ishmeani; Ilshu-ibni, overseer of the chariot, son of Ilda-miq, and Ibbi-Ninshubur, son of the scribe; Elmeshum, the scribe, for the work of the 3rd year he has fashioned; the labor of the 2nd year

  • 1 ikû field area, 1 barig barley of the sutu-bowl of Shamash;
  • he will measure out and



    i-na sza-lu-usz-tim sza-at-tim a-na _gu2-un_ i-ir-ru-ub ki-ma pi2-i ka-ni-ki-szu _a-sza3_ szi-ip-ra-am u2-ul i-ip-pu-usz#-ma _gu2-un a-sza3_ [ki-ma] _a-sza3 ab-sin2_ _i3-ag2#-e_ _igi_ szu-nu-ma-dingir _dumu_ e2-a-na-s,i-ir _igi_ ma-an-nu-um-ba-lum-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ _arad2_-(d)nin-szubur _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (d)lamma-(d)lamma bar su3-ga-ke4#_

    AI Translation

    In the second year he will add a talent. According to the wording of his mouth, the field of the scribal art he shall not do, and the talent of the field like the field of the cowherd he shall measure out. Before Shunum-nadin-ili, son of Ea-nashir; before Mannum-balum-ilishu, son of Warad-Ninshubur. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 1, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the protective lamma-lamma-seah he shall make.

    Seal 1


    a-bi-e-szu-uh-ke4 [...] (d)marduk

    AI Translation

    Abi-eshuh ... Marduk.

    Seal 2


    _kiszib3_ sze-le-bu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Shelebu.

    Seal 3


    _kiszib3_ szu-nu-ma-dingir

    AI Translation

    Seal of Shunuma-ili

    P479406: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sar e2 du3-a_
  • _da e2_ (d)iszkur-ra-bi _dumu_ (d)utu-e-ri-ba-am u3 _da e2_ a-ha-am-ar-szi _sag-bi 1(disz)-am3 sila_ _sag-bi 2(disz)!-am3 e2_ a-ha-am-ar-szi _e2_ (d)utu-sza-di-i3-li2 _ki_ (d)utu-sza-di-i3-li2 (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-(munus)_ szu-ma-a-a _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_ i-na _har ku3-babbar_

  • _6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation
  • A built house plot of 1/2 sar,
  • adjacent to the house of Adad-rabi, son of Shamash-eribam, and adjacent to the house of Aharshi: its front is 1 m, its rear is 2 m, the house of Aharshi, the house of Shamash-shadi-ili, with Shamash-shadi-ili, Nishi-inishu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shumaya, bought; for its full price, with a silver ring,

  • 6 shekels of silver
  • Reverse


    _in-na-an-la2_ _egir# u4-da-sze3_ _inim nu-ga2-ga2-a_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _in-(pa3)-de3-esz_ _igi_ a-wi-il-(d)utu _dumu_ sin-pu-ut,-ra-am _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _dumu_ i-din-ia _igi_ ip-qu2-sza _dumu_ a-da-ia-tum _igi_ ha-bi-il-a-hi

    AI Translation

    He shall pay. In the future, he shall not make a claim. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Hammurapi he shall divide. Before Awil-shamash, son of Sîn-putram; before Sin-iddinam, son of Iddinia; before Ipqusha, son of Adayatum; before Habil-ahi.

    Column 1


    _dumu_ _arad2_-(d)inanna _igi_ lu-usz-ta-mar _dumu_ a-bi-ia-tum

    AI Translation

    son of Warad-Ishtar, before Lushtammar, son of Abi-yatum;

    Column 2


    _iti sze-sag11#-ku5#_ _mu (gesz)gu-[za (d)nanna] babila2(ki) x [(...)]_

    AI Translation

    Month of Addaru, year "The throne of Nanna of Babylon ..."

    P479407: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sag#-geme2_ esz18-dar-dam-qa2-at _mu-ni_
  • _geme2_ e-li-e-re-sa _lukur_ (d)utu _ki_ e-li-e-re-sa _dumu-munus_ a-li2-illat-ti (disz)ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur_ (d)utu _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-an-ni i-na _har ku3-babbar in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_

  • _1(u) 7(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar in-na-an-la2_
  • _gesz-gan-na ib2#-ta#-bala_ _inim#-bi al#-til_ _sza3-ga-a-ni al-du10_

    AI Translation
  • 1 slave woman, named Ishtar-damqat,
  • The slave woman Eli-eresa, naditu of Shamash, from Eli-eresa, daughter of Ali-illatti, Nishi-inishu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Sîn-ishmeanni, bought for silver, as its full price.

  • 17 shekels of silver he has given.
  • He has sworn by the yoke. Its word has been completed. His heart is happy.



    _u4-kur2-sze3 inim nu-ga2-ga2_ _mu_ (d)utu (d)a-a (d)marduk u3 ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 it-mu _igi_ a-hu-um-ki-nu-um _igi_ u2-s,ur-me-e-(d)utu _igi_ (d)suen-a-ha-am-i-din-nam _igi_ (d)nanna-tum _i3-du8 ka2_ ga2-gi-im _igi_ a-wi-il-(d)iszkur _ugula di-ku5_ _igi_ (d)utu-sza-tum _dumu_ i3-li2-sukkal# _igi_ na-bi-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ i-din-sin _dumu_ dingir-a-bi _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 3(disz)-(kam) _mu an-na_ (d)inanna (d)na-na-a

    AI Translation

    In the future, he shall not make a claim. The name of Shamash, Aya, Marduk and Hammurapi he has sworn. Before Ahumkinum, before Ushurme-shamash, before Sîn-aham-iddinam, before Nannatum, gatekeeper of the gate of the granary, before Awil-adad, the judge, before Shamash-shatum, son of Ili-sukkal, before Nabi-ilishu, son of Sin-iddinam; before Iddin-sîn, son of Ilaba. The month of Elulum, the day 3 of the year in which Anu, Ishtar, Nanaya,

    P479408: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • _2(gesz2) 2(u) 8(asz) sze gur_ na-asz-pa-kum
  • _4(u) sze gur_ ba-ab-tum
  • ni-ik-ka-as-si2-szu sza ma-ha-ar (d)utu i-pu-szu (disz)(d)suen-isz-me-an-ni i-pu-usz# e-zu-ub _sag-geme2-mesz_ _sag-_arad_-mesz_ u3 mi-im-ma sza i-ba-asz-szu-u2 (d)utu _di-ku5_ ki-na-tim i-s,u2-um a-na ma-di-im

    AI Translation
  • 5 minas of silver
  • 198 gur of barley is the nashpaku-measure.
  • 40 gur of barley, deficit;
  • Sîn-ishmanni performed the rites which he had performed before Shamash. He erected the eunuchs, the eunuchs, and whatever Shamash the judge of truth had imposed upon him.



    li-tu-ur-ma sza qa2-bi (d)utu (disz)(d)suen-isz-me-an-ni li-pu-usz _igi_ (d)suen _igi_ (d)iszkur _igi_ (d)marduk _iti ku3-ga u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ (d)tasz-me-tum

    AI Translation

    Sîn-ishmanni may perform the work according to the command of Shamash. Before Sîn, before Adad, before Marduk. The month of Nisannu, the day 12 of the year in which Tashmetu was installed.

    P479409: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)a-ha-am-ni-ir-szi _ki_ il-ta-ni _dumu-munus_ dingir-szu-i-bi-szu (disz)la-ma-si2 _dumu-munus_ dingir-szu-i-bi-szu a-na ma-ru-tim il-qe2 _ku3-babbar_ ta!-ar-bi-ti-sza (disz)il-ta-ni _dumu-(munus)_ dingir-szu-i-bi-szu ma-ah-ra-at li-ib-ba-szu t,a3-ab

    AI Translation

    Aham-nirshi, from Iltani, daughter of Ilshu-ibbishu; Lamassi, daughter of Ilshu-ibbishu, accepted as a gift; silver of her interest; Illtani, daughter of Ilshu-ibbishu, was present; his mood was good.


  • 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3
  • sza il-ta-ni a-na la-ma-si2 i-di-in a-di ba-al-t,a3-at i-ka-al-ma sza a-ha-am-ni-ir-szi-i-ma (disz)a-ha-am-ni-ir-szi a-na la-ma-si2 (u2-ul um-mi at-ti) i-qa2-bi-i-ma u2-ga-la-ab-szu-ma a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-na-di-(in) _igi_ e-ri-isz-tum _dumu-munus_ sin-i-qi2-sza _igi_ il-ta-(ni) _igi_ be-le-su2!-nu _dumu-munus!_ be-li

    AI Translation
  • 3 iku field,
  • who he brought to Lamasi, until Balat he will go, and of Ahamnirshima, and Ahamnirshima to Lamasi, you are not my name, he will say, and he will bring him, and for silver he will give. Before Erishtum, daughter of Sin-iqisha; before Iltani; before Belshunu, daughter of my lord;

    P479410: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ um-mi-(d)he-pe2-et _mu-ni_
  • _munus_ su-bir4(ki#) iri# ta#-ad#-ni# _ki_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim _dumu#_ lu2-(d)asar#-lu2#-hi (disz)ri#-ba-am-i3-li2 _dumu_ (d)iszkur-gal-zu _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_

  • _1(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _in-na-an-la2_ u3 _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar si-bi#_ isz-ku-un# _u4 3(disz)-kam_ te-eb-i-tum _iti 1(disz)-kam_ be2-en-nu

    AI Translation
  • 1 slave woman named Ummi-hepet,
  • a woman from Subartu, the city of Tadni, with Sîn-mushallim, son of Lu-Asalluhi, Ribam-ili, son of Adad-galzu, bought for a total of ten shekels of silver.

  • 1 mina 4 shekels of silver
  • he will pay. Further, 1 shekel of silver, its interest he shall pay. The 3rd day, the tebitu-offering, the 1st month, the rations



    [a]-na# ba-aq-ri-szu ki-ma s,i2-im-da-at _lugal_ iz-za-az _igi_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)marduk _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu gibil4 egir mu nam-a2-gal2-la (d)marduk-ke4#_

    AI Translation

    To his abode, like a king's scepter, he stands before Shamash and before Marduk. The month of Nisannu, the day 20, the year Ammi-ditana the king, the new year after the year of the greatness of Marduk.

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-mu-sza-[lim] lu2-_ka_-_ne_ lugal# _dumu_ ni-id-nu-sza _arad_ e2-babbar-ra-[ke4?]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-mushallim, king's 'guest', son of Nidnusha, servant of the Ebabbar.

    P479411: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 1(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ ma-ha-na _da_ hu-szu-tum _ki_ in-na-ba-tim (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ _arad2_-(d)suen a-na e-re-szu-tim u2-sze-s,i _u4 buru14-sze3_ _gu2 a-sza3_ _8(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur sze_ i-na _ka2_ ga-gi-im _in-na-szum2_ i-na e-lu-nim

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 1 iku field area in the field of Mahana, next to the Hushutum-field, Sîn-iddinam, son of Warad-Sîn, to cultivate it he brought. At the harvest time the field 8 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley at the gate of the granary he gave. Upstream



    pi2-sza-tam2 u3 _szah2 tur_ i-na _ezem_ u3 na-ab-ri-i i-pa-qi2-si2 _igi_ (d)utu-i7!-ni-szi _igi_ (d)da-mu-gal-zu _igi_ (d)mar-tu-ba-ni _igi_ ia-ar-bi-dingir _dumu_ tu-qa-ru-um

    AI Translation

    they will take a pig and a small pig in the festival and in the stag's festival. Before Shamash-iannishi, before Damu-galzu, before Martu-bani, before Yaar-bili, son of Tuqarum.



    _igi_ ha-ta-lum _igi_ (d)inanna-ama-mu

    AI Translation

    Before Hatalum; before Inanna-amamu.

    P479412: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 ka-gar_
  • _1(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 ki-kal_
  • _szunigin 4(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na _a-gar3_ ma-ha-na _ki_ in-na-ba-tum (disz)ha-at-ta-lum _dumu_ mu-da-du-um a-na e-re-szu-tim u2-sze-s,i _u4 buru14-sze3_ _gu2 a-sza3_

  • _3(asz) gur sze_
  • AI Translation
  • 3 iku of field, cultivated,
  • 1 ikû of field, the 'field of the king';
  • Total: 4 iku of field in the field of Manana, from Innabatum Hattalum, son of Mudadum, to be cultivated. At the harvest time, the field

  • 3 gur of barley,
  • Reverse


    i-na _ka2_ ga-gi-im _in-na-szum2_ _igi_ (d)utu-i7!-ni-szi _igi_ (d)da-mu-gal-zu _igi_ (d)mar-tu-ba-ni _igi_ (d)inanna-ama-mu _dumu-munus_ a-ab-ba-t,a3-bu-um _dub-sar_ _ezem_ e-lu-nam

    AI Translation

    at the gate of the granary he gave. Before Shamash-iannishi, before Damu-galzu, before Martu-bani, before Inanna-amamu, daughter of Ayabbat-abuum, scribe of the festival Elunum.



    u3 na-ab#-[ri-i]

    AI Translation

    and the nabrî-demons

    P479413: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(asz) sze gur ur5-ra_
  • _masz2 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 3(ban2)_ u2-s,a-ab _ki_ ia-mu-szi-dingir (disz)i-zi-da-re-e _dumu_ a-hu-szi-na _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_ i-na sza-an-du#-un-tim _sze_ u3 _masz2-bi_

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur of barley, the interest is to be added.
  • an interest rate of 100 sila of barley per 1 gur is to be added, from Iamush-ilum Izidare, son of Ahushina, will pay. At the harvest time, in the threshing floor, the barley and its interest will increase.



    _i3-ag2-e_ _igi_ (d)nanna-lu2-til _dumu_ puzur4-(d)nin-hur-sag _igi_ ni-id-nu-sza _dumu_ ma-szi-im _igi_ na-ra-am-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ bu-ba-x

    AI Translation

    he will measure out. Before Nanna-lutil, son of Puzur-Ninhursag; before Nidnusha, son of Mashim; before Naram-ilishu, son of Buba-...;

    P479414: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    i-ga-ar (disz)il-ta-ni a-di ga-am-ri-szu _ki_ il-ta-tum x _dumu-munus_ e-mu-qi2-(d)iszkur (disz)dingir-szu-na-s,ir _dumu_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am a-na e-ri-isz-tim i-ri-isz

    AI Translation

    Illanu, together with his family, from Iltatum, daughter of Emuqi-Adad, Ilshu-nashir, son of Sîn-eribam, to the east he went.



    a-na i-ga-ri-im u2-ul a-wa-su _igi_ bur-ri-ia _igi_ t,a3-ab-ta-pu-um _igi_ a-hu-la-ia _igi_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ a-hu-um-wa-qar _igi_ (d)utu-ha-zi-ir _mu i7 tu-tu-he2-gal2_

    AI Translation

    I did not agree to it. Before Burriya, before Tabtapuum, before Ahulaya, before Sin-iddinam, before Ahum-waqar, before Shamash-hazir, year: "The Tutu-hegal canal was dug."

    P479415: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ _ki_ ri-ba-tum (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur _a-sza3_ a-na _gu2-un_ u2-sze-s,i2

  • _6(asz) gur sze gu2-un a-sza3_
  • u3 _1(ban2) i3-gesz_ i-na _ka2_ ga-gi-im _i3-ag2#-e_ _igi_ ri-im-(d)iszkur _dumu_ u2-qa2-pi2 _igi_ e-ri-isz-tum

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field area, with Ribatum, Ibni-Adad a field for a threshing floor he will measure out.

  • 6 gur of barley, the hire of a field,
  • and 1 seah of oil at the gate of the gi'im-house he shall weigh out. Before Rim-Adad, son of Uqapi; before Erishtu.



    _dumu-munus_ ia-ta-rum _igi_ hu-za-la-tum _dumu-munus_ sin-isz-me _igi_ ia-di-ha-tum _dumu-munus_ si2-su2-na-am-ra-at _igi_ sa-bi-ra-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-szar-ru-um _igi_ na-ru-ub-tum _mu (gesz)gu-za za3 mah (d)lugal-gu2-du8-a_

    AI Translation

    daughter of Yatarum; before Huzalatum, daughter of Sin-ishme; before Yadihatum, daughter of Sisu-namarat; before Sabiratum, daughter of Shamash-sharrum; before Narubtum, year: "The supreme throne of Lugal-gudua was fashioned."

    P479416: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(bur3)! 2(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ _ki_ ia-ap-ha-tum (disz)(d)utu-na-s,ir _a-sza3_ a-na e-re-szu-tim u2-sze-s,i2 _gu2 a-sza3_-im

  • _2(u) gur 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze_
  • i-na _ka2_ ga-gi-im

    AI Translation

    Shamash-nashir will bring 1 bur3 2 1/2 iku field area with Yaphatum, and he will bring the field for the harvesting.

  • 20 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 of barley,
  • at the gate of the satrap;



    _i3-ag2-e_ _igi_ li-bu-ra-am _igi_ sa3-bu-um-dingir _igi_ e#-tel-an-na-ma-an#-szum2 _igi_ a-na-(d)utu-ta-ki-il _igi_ hu-szu-tum _dumu-munus_ sin-pu-ut,-ra-am _igi_ na-ru-ub-tum _dumu-munus_ a-lu-bu-um

    AI Translation

    before Liburam; before Sabum-il; before Etel-ana-manshum; before Ana-shamash-takil; before Hushutum, daughter of Sin-putram; before Narubtum, daughter of Alubum;

    P479417: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _ki_ il-ta-ni _dumu lugal_ (disz)u2-za-lum _dumu_ usz-ma-am-mi a-na _erin2-sze-sag11-ku5_ _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_ _erin2-sze-sag11-(ku5)_ i-la-ak _erin2-sze-sag11-ku5_ u2-ul i-la-ak-ma

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver
  • Uzallu, son of Ushmammi, received from Iltani, the crown prince; he is paid. At the delivery of the harvest, the crown prince will go; the crown prince will not go, and



    ki-ma s,i2-im-da-at _lugal_ _igi_ mu-na-wi-rum _igi_ (d)na-bi-um-ma-lik _iti apin-du8-a u4 2(u)#-kam_ _mu#_ a-bi-e-szu#-[uh _lugal-e] [alan-a]-ni# [e2]-kisz-nu-gal2#-sze3# [i-ni]-in#-ku4#-ra#_

    AI Translation

    When the king was seen, before Munawirum, before Nabi-malik. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 20 the year Abi-eshuh the king, he presented to him a statue of himself in the Ekishnugal temple.

    Seal 1


    _(na4)kiszib3_ mu-na-wi-rum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Munawirum

    Seal 2


    _(na4)kiszib3_ u2-za-lum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Uzallu

    P479418: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)a-szu!-mi-ia-li-ib-lu#-ut,# _ki_ a-li-ia-tum _dumu-munus_ u2-mar-(d)ma#-[(x)]-x (disz)bur-(d)sza-la? _dumu_ u2-ta-tum a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam u4 3(disz)-kam_ i-gur-szi i-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_

  • _1(asz) sze gur (gesz)ban2_ (d)utu
  • AI Translation

    Ashumi-yali-libluti, from Aliyatum, daughter of Umar-ma..., Bur-shala?, son of Utatum, for 1 month and 3 days he shall pay; in 1 month

  • 1 kor of barley, the sutu-vessel of Shamash;
  • Reverse


    i-na _ka2_ _ka gu# la#_? _in-na-la2_ _igi (d)utu u3 (d)a-a _iti sig4-a u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu# gibil4 e_

    AI Translation

    at the gate of the mouth he shall not raise a claim; before Shamash and Aya. The month of Simanu, the day 20 the new year, he will raise a claim.

    P479419: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)iszkur-ra-bi _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen i-hi-il-tam ir-szi-i-ma (disz)i-din-(d)suen _dumu_ u-bar-(d)za-ba4!(_za_)-ba4 a-na qi2-bi-it (disz)pi-ir-hi-i3-li2-szu _szesz-a-ni_

  • _7(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • a-na i-bi-(d)iszkur _dumu_ i-ri-ba-am-(d)suen _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    Adad-rabi, son of Iddin-Sîn, became frightened and Iddin-Sîn, son of Ubar-Zababa, voluntarily sold his brother Pirhi-ilishu,

  • 7 shekels of silver
  • to Ibbi-Adad, son of Iribam-Sîn, he shall weigh out.



    _igi_ _arad2_-(d)suen _dumu_ i3-li2-a-ba-ni _igi_ ri-isz-(d)utu _dumu_ lu-usz-(ta)-mar-(d)suen _igi_ (d)suen-i-ri-ba-am _szesz-ni_ _[igi]_ pa#-le-(d)utu _[igi_ szu]-mi-er-s,e-tim _dumu#_ szum-ma-li-ib-i3-li2 _iti kin-(d)inanna 2(disz)-kam u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu (uruda)ki#-lugal#-gub_

    AI Translation

    before Warad-Sîn, son of Ili-abani; before Rish-shamash, son of Lushtammar-sîn; before Sîn-iribam, his brother; before Pele-shamash; before Shumi-ershetim, son of Shumma-lib-ili. The month of Elunum, the day 13 of the year in which Kislimu stood.

    P479420: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) e-zi(muszen)_
  • 1(u) 7(disz) ge-er-szi-ip-pu(muszen)
  • sza i-na _si-la2_ la in-nam-ru (disz)(d)marduk-da-ia-an u3 ma-am-ma-su2 _lu2-kuruszda-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 ezi-birds,
  • 17 goose-eaters,
  • who did not appear in the extispicy: Marduk-dan and his mother, the kings,



    a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ _muszen hi-a e2-gal_ i-ip-pa-a-lu _iti apin-du8-a u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu gibil4_ sza _egir mu nam-a2-gal2-la (d)marduk-ke4_

    AI Translation

    For 1 month a bird of the palace will be snatched. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 30, the new year after the year of the great divinity of Marduk.

    Seal 1


    _(na4)kiszib3_ (d)marduk-da-ia-an _(na4)kiszib3_ ma-am-ma-su2

    AI Translation

    Seal of Marduk-dan, seal of Masu.

    P479421: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na szi-ni e-eb-le-[e]
  • _da!(_a2_)_ ba-nu-ku-um _ki_ (disz)hi-lum (disz)ti-ne-asz2-me-el _in-szi-sa10_ _sa10 til!-la-ni-sze3_ _ku3-babbar i3-na-la2_ _gesz-gan-na_ _ib2-ta-bala_

    AI Translation
  • 2 1/2 iku of field in the middle of the Ebele,
  • next to the property of Banukum, with Hilum and Tineash-mel, he will pay the silver as its full price. He will take the sceptre.



    _igi_ aq-bi-il _dumu_ al-su-um-ra-u2-sa _igi_ pu#-su-ku-um _dumu_ i3-li2-ma-al-ki _igi_ (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, _dumu_ ku-tu-du-um _igi_ a-bi-szu-uh3 _dumu_ da-di-ia _igi_ (d)utu-we-de-ku _[igi]_ za-ri-qum _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    before Aqbi-il, son of Allsum-ra'usa; before Pusukum, son of Ili-malki; before Sîn-muballit, son of Kutudum; before Abi-shuh, son of Dadiya; before Shamash-wedeku; before Zariqum, the scribe.

    P479422: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ i-na pa-hu-s,um _ki_ hu-szu-tum _dumu-munus_ (d)suen-pu-ut,-ra-am (disz)dumu-er-s,e-tim _dumu_ be-el-szu-nu _a-sza3_-am a-na er-re-szu-tim# u2-sze-s,i2 _u4 buru14-sze3_

  • _1(u) 6(asz) sze gur_ i-na _(gesz)ban2_ (d)utu
  • i-na pi2-i a-ap-tim# _i3-ag2-e_

    AI Translation

    1 bur3 field in pahushum, with Hushutum daughter of Sîn-putram, Dumuzim son of Belshunu, the field for irrigation shall do. At the delivery of the harvest

  • 16 kurru of barley by the seah of Shamash,
  • He will measure it by the mouth of a sage.


  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _udu-[nita2] a#-sza3_-im

  • _6(disz) 1/2(disz)# sila3# i3
  • _3(ban2) zi3-da-ta-am3_
  • _1(disz) uzu-ta-am3#_
  • i-pa-qi2-id _igi_ e-la-li _igi_ _arad2_-sa _igi_ (d)nanna-tum _igi_ ni-szi-i-ni-szu _lukur_ (d)utu _igi_ ru-ut-tum [(...)] _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam#_ _[mu] ugnim_ esz3-nun#-[na(ki)]

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver
  • ram of the field

  • 6 1/2 sila3 oil,
  • 3 seahs of flour,
  • 1 rib,
  • before Elali; before ARADsa; before Nannatu; before Nishi-inishu, naditu of Shamash; before Ruttu ...; month: "Gudsisa," 21st day, year: "The akitu-house of Eshnunna was erected."

    P479423: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 6(disz) (gin2) ku3-babbar_
  • _masz2_ (d)utu u2-s,a#-ab _ki_ (d)utu (disz)(d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen _iti_ se2-bu-tum _ku3-babbar szu ba-an-ti_ a-na _iti_ se2-bu-tum _ku3-babbar-bi_ u3 _masz2-bi_

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina 6 shekels of silver
  • Sîn-iqisham, son of Iddin-Sîn, received from Shamash the monthly silver; for the monthly silver, the silver and its interest.



    _i3-la2-e_ _igi_ dingir-ma _dumu_ bur-(d)suen _igi_ mu-tu-um-dingir _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ dingir-szu-ra-bi _dumu_ sin-i-din-nam _igi_ dingir-szu-ib-ni-szu _dub-sar_

    AI Translation

    before Ilumma, son of Bur-Sîn; before Mutum-il, son of Sin-iddinam; before Ilshu-rabi, son of Sin-iddinam; before Ilshu-ibnishu, scribe.

    P479424: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    asz-szum (kusz)gu-sa-nu-um sza i-bi-(d)nin-szubur ma-ha-ar (disz)na-am-ra-sza-ru-ur i-zi-ba-am u3 _sag-geme2_ ip-pi2-a-am (disz)na-am-ra-sza-ru-ur (kusz)gu-sa-na-am ub-la-am-ma

    AI Translation

    Concerning the gusanum-garment which Ibbi-Ninshubur in front of Amra-sharur he weighed out and the female slave he seized, Amra-sharur the gusanum-garment he brought and



    _sag-geme2_ it-ba-al a-wi-lum a-na a-wi-lim u2-ul i-ra-ga-am _igi_ wa-ra-sa _dumu_ (d)iszkur-i-mi-ti _igi_ er3-ra-ba-ni _dumu_ sza-ta-ka-lim _iti ab-e3-a u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu alan (d)lamma_

    AI Translation

    The slave woman has gone. A man to a man shall not be slighted. Before Warasi, son of Adad-imitti; before Erra-bani, son of Shatakalim. The month of Tebetum, the day 22 of the year in which the statue of the protective deity was erected.

    P479541: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-[ia] qi2-bi2-[ma] um-ma (d)utu-ma-[gir] _ARAD2_-ka-a-[ma] asz-szum isz-hi-(d)iszkur _masz2#-[szu-gid2-gid2]_ (disz)li-ter-szar-ru-su2 [isz-pu-ra-am] um-ma-mi ma-ha-ar (d)utu-[ma-gir] li#-isz-ta-ki-nu#?-[szu] it-ti-ia mi-na-am usz-ta#-[ka-an]

  • 4(disz) _a-gar3 sze iti_ ma-aq-ra-nim#
  • _iti_ (d)dumu-zi 2(u) _a-sza3_ bi-ir-tim# sza# x-[...] x-x-x-szum#-ma ad-di-in-szum# [x x _a]-sza3_ bi-ir-tam# [li-ri]-isz#-ma [...] [... ma-da]-at# i-s,a-at, [...]-u2 ma-hi-ir [...]-x-isz

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Shamash-magir, your servant: Because Ishhi-Addu, the guarantor, wrote to Litter-sharrussu: "Let him be sated before Shamash-magir; what else should he establish with me?"

  • 4 hectares of land, barley, month: "Maqranum."
  • Month of Dumuzi, 20 hectares of arable land of ... I gave to him and ... a field of arable land may he enjoy and ... the tax he shall levy, ... he will receive .



    [...] al? [...] x [...]-_munus_ x [_dumu-mesz_] um#-me-ni _(munus)usz-bar-[mesz]_ [...] x x x-zu [...] x [i-na-an]-na# _munus_ sza-a-ti qa-du 1(disz) _dumu-gaba_ a-na qa-at li-ter-szar-ru-su2 ap-qi2-da-asz-szi u3 _dumu-mesz_ um-me-ni sza s,i2#-[in-na-tim] u3 qur-pi2-si i-na la asz-[lim u3 ku-up-ri-im] ri-qu2 u3 be-li2 ki-ma 2(disz)-szu# [5(disz)-szu]

  • 1(u)-szu da-an-na-tim isz-ku#-[un]
  • i-na-an-na be-li2 li-da-ni-[in] asz-la-am ku-up-ra-am _esir#_ u3 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ a-ma-an-ni# i-na _(gesz)ma2 hi-a_ ma-hi-ra#-[tim] li#-sza-ar-ki-bu-[nim] _e2#-gal#_-lum u3 ne2-[pa-ra-tum] ba-lu _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ a#-ma#-[an-ni ...] [u2]-ul# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... sons of the sage, weavers ... ... Now that woman, together with one son of a sage, for the price of his liter-sharru I appointed her, and the sons of the sage, the shinnatu and the qurpisu, without number and with bitumen and baked brick, I and my lord, like two or five times

  • he established for him mighty victories.
  • Now, my lord, let him give me a ..., a kupram, a bitumen, and ..., whatever I want on a boat. The palace and the ..., whatever I want ..., I cannot .

    P479542: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (d)utu-ha-zi-ir
  • 1(disz) _munus_ (d)utu-a-bu-ni
  • 1(disz) _dumu_ ia-an-ti-in-e-ra-ah
  • 1(disz) _munus-tur_ (d)na-ni#-szar-ra-at
  • _e2_ (d)utu-ha-zi-ir

  • 1(disz) a-ki#-ia _lu2 nu-(gesz)kiri6_
  • _dumu_ na-ba-i-im

    AI Translation
  • Shamash-hazir,
  • 1 woman, Shamash-abuni;
  • 1 son of Yantin-Erah;
  • 1 female kid: Nanisharrat;
  • temple of Shamash-hazir.

  • 1 like me, the gardener;
  • son of Nabayum



    _szu-nigin2 2(disz) lu2 1(disz) dumu 1(disz) munus 1(disz) munus-tur_ sza na-am-ka-na-tim#? i-na _(gesz)kiri6_ (munus)be-el-tim i-mu-ru-ma a-na _e2-gal_-lim u2-ul u2-ba-ru-u2 qi2-sza-tum a-na _e2-gal_-lim te-er-di-tum a-na bu-nu-ma-(d)iszkur _iti_ hi-pi2-ir-tim _u4 5(disz)#-kam#_ _mu_ zi-im-ri#-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah#-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    Total: 2 men, 1 son, 1 woman, 1 child, of Namkanatum in the garden of the lady, saw, and to the palace did not return, the qishtum-offering to the palace, the terditu-offering to Bunuma-Addu, the month of Hipirtum, the day 5 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" Iahdu-Lim did.

    P479543: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) a-ma-an-nu ma-szum
  • 1(disz) szu-szi a-bu-ul-la-at
  • 1(disz) szu-szi gu-ru-(d)iszkur(ki)
  • 1(u) ha-la-tum
  • 1(u) _udu#? hi#-a# (gesz#)kiri6#?_ sza# ap#-pa-an(ki)
  • 2(u)+[n ...]
  • [...] [ 2(disz) me 1(u)]+2(u) 2(disz) a-ma-an-nu sza _munx(|_u-mun_|)_

  • [1(gesz2) 4(u)] ha-lu-un-(d)iszkur
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) (d)suen-re-me-ni
  • 2(u) isz-hi-il3-a-ba
  • 1(u) id-di-su2-um(ki)
  • 2(u) na-gu-um(ki)
  • 1(u) a-ra-i-tum
  • AI Translation
  • 210 times, as much
  • 1 ...: Abulat.
  • one ... of Guru-Adad,
  • 10 halatu-vessels,
  • 10 sheep?, the orchard of Appan;
  • 20+n ...
  • ... ... 22 times ... of .

  • 107, Halun-Addu;
  • 100, Sîn-remeni;
  • 20 he hashilaba,
  • Iddisum
  • 20 Nagum,
  • 10 aratitu-vessels;
  • Reverse

  • 4(u) an-nu?-um#?-x x x
  • 2(disz) me 1(gesz2) 1(u) a-ma-an-nu [sza] _munx(|_u-mun_|)_
  • _[si]-la2#_ ia-an-ti-in#-e#-ra-ah _szu#-nigin2#_ 5(disz)! me n a-ma-nu sza _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ sza 1(u) 4(disz) _(gesz)kiri6 hi-a_ sza ha#-la#-as,# ma-ri(ki) _iti_ a-bi-im _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _(gesz)gu-za gal_ a-na (d)utu u2-sze-lu-u2

    AI Translation
  • 40 ...
  • 220 ... of ...
  • a rent of x minas of ..., of 14 orchards of Halas, Mari, the month of the father, the day 15 of the year in which Zimri-Lim the great throne to Shamash he erected.

    P479544: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na be-li2-[ia] qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ha-am-mu-tar _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma isz-tu qa-ar-ni-li-im al-li#-kam a-na (d)kur-ra al-li-ik-ma (gesz)bu-t,u2-um-tam a-mu-ur-ma u3-ul i-sza-ar ma#-ah-s,a-at u3# x x i#-[x] za-al-[lu-ha-an(ki?)] is3!-qa#-a#(ki#) u3 qa-a(ki) i-szi#

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Hammurapi, your servant: From Qarnilum I went and to Kura I went. I saw the sceptre and did not see it. The ... of Zalluhan and Isqa and Qa



    u3 a-na-ku al-li-ik#-ma ma-al ik-szu-da#-an#-ni (gesz)bu-t,u2-um-tam e-pu-usz2 u3 _lu2-mesz_ a-hu-ia _ku3-babbar_ u2-ul i-na-di-nu u3 szu-nu-ma be-el2 [ar]-nim# ka-la-szu [i-ka]-al-lu [...] _dumu# nagar_ [x]-x [...] [...] x sze#? [...]

    AI Translation

    and I went, and whatever he had ordered, a sceptre he made, and the men of my father the silver he did not give, and they, the lord of Arnim, all of them, he shall carry out. ... son of the carpenter ... ... .



    [a-na] _lu2#-mesz nagar_ an-nu-[tim]

  • [1(disz) _lu2]-tur_ be-li2-ia li-li-kam-ma#
  • [ni]-pa-ti-szu-nu li#-il-qi2

    AI Translation

    to these men of the carpenters

  • Let one of my lord's servants come and
  • Let them take their hands off.

    P479545: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li2-ia] qi2#-bi2#-[ma] [um-ma i-tur2-as2]-du# _ARAD2_-ka-a-[ma] [i]-na#-an#-na# ha-na# i-na na-ap-t,a3-ri-im(ki) da#-am7-da-am i-du-ku u2 ge-er-rum it-ta-ap-tu-u2 isz#-tu# na-hu-ur(ki) u2-s,e-em-ma i-na na-ap-t,a3-ri-im(ki) it-ti i-ba-al-dingir an-na-me-er (disz)i-ba-al-dingir u3 _lu2-mesz_ su-ga-gi u2-pa-hi-ir-ma ta-_ad_-zi-im-ti sza isz-tu pa-na a-(na) be-li2-ia asz2-ta-na-pa-ra-am asz-szum sze-em u3 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ [ma]-ah#-ri-szu-nu asz-ku-un um-ma a-na-ku-ma qa-du#-ma

    be-li2 it-ta-asz-ka-nu i-nu-ma ma-tum ha-sza-at sze-em u3 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ szu-ri-ba-nim

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Itur-Asdu, your servant: Now Hana in Naptarum the mighty he killed, and the gerrum he seized. From Nahur I went out and in Naptar with Ibal-ilum I gathered. Ibal-ilum and the Sugagi I gathered, and the tadzimtu which from the beginning I have sent to my lord concerning the omen and the ... of their presence I established, thus I am handing it to you.

    When the land is a famine, ... and ...,



    x [...] [a-na] i#-ba-al#-[dingir] u2-ul ad-ni-in [um-ma a-na-ku]-ma# as-su2-ur-re a-da-ni-in-ma [e-li]-ia te-ki-tam i-ra-asz-szi [u2-la]-a# sze-em u2 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ a-na na-hu-ur(ki) [u2-sze-re]-eb-ma asz-szum ke-em u2-la-pi2-tam [i-na]-an-na a-na i-ba-al-dingir be-li2 da-an-na-tim li-isz-ku-un-ma sze-em u2 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ a-na asz2-la-ka-a(ki) u2 na-hu-ur(ki) li-sze-ri-ba-am sze-um u2 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ u2-ul i-ba-asz-szi sza-ni-tam _lu2-mesz_ babila2(ki) sza i-na ma-ri(ki) wa-asz#-bu#

    AI Translation

    ... ... to Ibal-ilum I did not give. Thus I, assuming I have returned, I gave, and above me the tekitu-vessel he loves, or the barley and the ... to Nahur I shall bring, and because he is true, he shall be sated. Now to Ibal-ilum, my lord, mighty, may he set up, and the barley and the ... to Ashlak and Nahur may they bring, and the barley and the ... shall not exist. Another, the people of Babylon who are living in Mari



    [...]-x a-na s,e#?-[er be-li2]-ia# li-tu-ur [...] _lu2-mesz_ sza [...] li-isz-pu-ra-am [...]-x-ni li-sze-[...] za#-al-lu-[ha-an(ki?)] [ki-ma] mu#-usz-ta-lu-[ti-szu x x x x]-x li#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... to my lord may he return ... the men of ... may he send ... ... ... Zalluhan like his supplications ... .

    P479546: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [i-na pa-ni-tim-ma be-li2] [ki-a]-am# a-na ia#-szi#!-im# isz-pu#-[ra-am] [um-ma]-mi# 1(u) _lu2_ sa-mi-hi i-di-in-[ma] [_a-sza3_ ma]-ia#-ri li-im-ha-s,u2 ak-szu-ud-ma# [ma-ia]-ri# ma-ha-s,a-am u3 sa-mi-hi u2#-[ul ad-di-in] [i]-na#-an#-na be-li2 szum-ma ma-ia-ri i-ma-[ha-s,u2] [u3] _lu2#_ [sa]-mi-hi a-na-di-[in] [be-li2?] sza ki-ma sza-pa-ri-im li-isz-pu-[ra]-am# [u3] bi-ir-tum sza i-na ha-ra-nim(ki) wa-asz-ba-at [a-na] za#-al-pa-ah(ki) it-ta-na-ra-du-nim-ma

    u3 ki-a-[am] asz-pu#-ur# a-li-ma na#-ka-ma-tum sza# _e2-gal#?_-[lim x x] x u3 an-na-[nu-um-ma] [x] x x x [...] x u3# a-na# _bad3#(ki)-(d#)iszkur[(ki)] [asz]-szum _i3-gesz_ szu-usz2-szi-im#

    AI Translation

    In the past my lord to me wrote, saying: "10 men gave me the sammuhu, and the field of the sammu should be cultivated." I conquered, and the sammu, the sammu, I did not give. Now, my lord, if the sammu should be cultivated, and the man of the sammu I gave, my lord who like the sammu should write, and the sammuhu wall which in Haranum, the abode, to Zalpah has been cultivated, and

    And as I wrote, I myself ... the nakanatu of the palace ... and here and there ... ... and to Der for the oil of the king



    a-na za-al-pa-ah(ki) te-re-[tum] u2-ul i-sze-ra-nim-ma a-na-nu-um-ma i-na tu-ut-tu-ul(ki#)

  • 5(disz) _ansze i3-gesz_ u3 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_ usz-ta-ak#-li#-ma#
  • u3 i-nu-ma a-na za-al-pa-ah(ki) al#-li-ku a-na ab-du-ma-(d)da-gan ki-a-am# aq-be2-em i-na (kusz)ki-[si _i3-gesz_ u3 _munx(|_u-mun_|)_] li#-il-le-qu2#-ma# _i3-gesz_ szu-usz2-[sze-em x x] x li-il-[qu2-ma] _[i3]-gesz#_ u3 _munx(|_u-mun_|)#_ [x x x] x mu# [...] [... _e2]-gal#_-lim

    AI Translation

    To Zalpah the treaty he shall not give, and to Annum and Tuttul

  • 5 homers of oil and ... he smashed and
  • and when I went to Zalpah, to Abduma-Dagan I said as follows: "Let them wash with oil and ..., and let them wash with oil and ..., and let them wash with oil and ..., and ... oil and ... ... palace."

    P479547: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-at nu-ra-tim

  • _1(disz) sila3_ a-na _e2_ ma-ia-li
  • _1/2(disz) sila3_ a-na sze-pe2-et
  • _lu2_ ha-ni-i

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • To the stars

  • 1 sila3 for the house of Ma'alu;
  • 1/2 sila3 for the rations;
  • the man of the king, my lord,



    _szu-nigin2 2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ _zi-ga_ ba-lum-mu-nam-he _iti_ (d)nin-[bi-ri] _u4 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Total: 2 2/3 sila3 5 sutu oil, oil of the libation-offering of Balum-manamhe. Month: "Ninbiri." 1st day.

    P479548: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _szu ti-a_ ib-ni-(d)suen i-nu-ma a-na ia-ab-li-ia(ki) it-ti _(gesz)ma2 hi-a_

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of oil,
  • Ibni-Sîn received. When to Yabla, with the boat



    il-li-ku _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 1, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479549: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na ku-usz2-szu-ur _(gesz)ma2 hi-a_ sza a-na ia-ab-li-ia(ki) u3 a-na i-ma-ar(ki) it-ti as3-qu2-di-im il-li-ka

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 of oil,
  • to Kuushur, the boat of the boatmen who to Yalliya and to Imar with Asqudim came.



    _szu ti-a_ da-a-da _lu2 ma2-lah5_ _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    Hand of Dada, the sailor. The month of Ninbiri, the day 1, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479550: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ hi#-il-s,u2
  • a-na pi2-li-i _nig2-gub lugal_

  • _5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz zu-ra-ia-tim i-nu-ma si2-hi-ir-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of hilshu-seeds;
  • To the sage, the king's property

  • 5 sutu of oil,
  • To the securing of the limbs when the scepter



    _e2 dingir-mesz_ _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-nam-he _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The temple of the gods, the libation-offering of Balumim-namhe. The month of Ninbiri, the day 2 of the year "Zimir-ilim of Kahat was taken."

    Seal 1


    szum-szu-li-ter _dumu_ isz8-tar2-ka-bar _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shumma-li-ter, son of Ishtar-kabar, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479551: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _siskur2-re_ i-na de-er(ki) _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-na-am-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 2/3 sila3 of oil,
  • A sacrifice in Der, a rejoicing celebration.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 3 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479552: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3# i3-gesz#_
  • _siskur2-re#_ a-na (d)da-gan sza u2-ra-ah(ki) _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-na#-am#-he#

    AI Translation
  • 3 1/3 sila3 of oil,
  • a sacrifice for Dagan of Urah, a libation bowl for Baluminamhe.



    _iti_ (d#)nin-bi-ri _u4# 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 4, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479553: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz szi-bu-tim sza u2-ra-ah(ki) i-na _e2_ (d)da-gan

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 oil,
  • for the remission of debts of Urah, in the temple of Dagan.



    sza u2-ra-ah _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 4(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    of the urah-offerings. Month: Ninbiru, 4th day.

    Seal 1


    (d)iszkur-du-ri _geme2_ ha-ad-ni-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Adad-duri, slave woman of Hadni-Addu.

    P479554: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz bara2?-ga_
  • a-na _i3-ba lugal_ i-di-in

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil for the dais;
  • he gave to the king.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 5(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Month of Ninbiri, 5th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

    Seal 1


    (d)iszkur-du-ri _geme2_ ha-ad-ni-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Adad-duri, slave woman of Hadni-Addu.

    P479555: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3# i3-gesz_
  • (disz)ba-lu-me-nu-he am-hu-ur a-na ki#-isx(_us2_)-pi2-im [sza] _lugal-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • I received from Balu-menuhe, for the ... of the kings.



    _iti# (d#)nin#-bi-ri _u4# 6(disz)-kam_ [_mu_] zi-im-ri-li-im [ka]-ha-at(ki) is,#-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 6, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    (d)iszkur-du-ri _geme2_ ha-ad-ni-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Adad-duri, slave woman of Hadni-Addu.

    P479556: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2_ ha-ni-i

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the ... via the man's brother.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 7 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479557: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _[n sila3 i3]-gesz#_ a-na 6(disz) za-ha-tim sza _e2_ (d)nin-bi-ri (d#)isz#-ha-ra u3 (d)ha-na-at

    AI Translation

    n sila of oil for 6 zahalû-vessels of the temple of Ninbiri, Ishhara and Hanat;



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu#

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 8, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-ha-at-ti-dingir _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Yahat-ili, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479558: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _siskur2-re lugal_ i-na de-er(ki) _zi-ga_ ba-lum-mi-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • The king's sacrifice in Deer, the rites of Balammi-namhe,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 8, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479559: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2_ ha-ni-i

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the ... via the man's brother.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 8, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479560: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na 4(disz) ma-ka-(la)-tim sza# _e2_ (d)nin-bi-ri (d)isz-ha-ra u3 (d)ha-na-at

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • for 4 kakalatu-sheep of the temple of Ninbiri, Ishhara and Hanat;



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 9 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-ha-at-ti-dingir _dub-[sar]_ _dumu_ bi-iz-zi-na-an _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iahat-ili, scribe, son of Bizzinan, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479561: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-at nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • To the stars

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the soldiers.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 9 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479562: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na (d)dumu-zi i-nu-ma [e-re-eb] [(d)dumu-zi] [i-na _e2_ (d)nin-e2-gal]

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to Dumuzi. When Dumuzi enters the Ninegal temple,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 10 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479563: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • (disz)ba-lu-me-nu-he am-hu-ur _nig2-gub lugal_

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of oil,
  • I received the king's property from Balu-menuhe.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 11 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    (d)iszkur-du-ri _geme2_ ha-ad-ni-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Adad-duri, slave woman of Hadni-Addu.

    P479564: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-at nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga#-us2#-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • To the stars

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satrap,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 11 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479565: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _tur-mesz_ u3 _ummeda2-mesz_ _nig2-szu_ ha-zi-ip-na-wa-ar

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • To the young and old, the possessions of Hazaepnawar,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 13 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479566: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) (sila3) i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2 aga-us2-mesz_ i-nu-ma _lugal_ a-na ha-da-tim il-li-ku

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • When the king went to mourn the king's men,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 15 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat.

    P479567: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz)* sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz (d)ba-li-hi

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na szu-ku-ul _dingir-mesz_
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • (d)isz8-tar2*

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • To the lips of the goddess Balihi:

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the ration of the gods;
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for pasha'ash;
  • Ishtar



    _szu-nigin2 1(disz) 1/2(disz)* sila3 i3-gesz_ _siskur2-re lugal*_ i-na ha-da-tim _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-nam-he _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    Total: 1 1/2 sila3 of oil, the sacrifice of the king in a libation of libation, in the month of Ninbiru, the 15th day, the year "Zimri-Lim was captured."

    Seal 1


    szum-szu-li-ter _dumu_ isz8-tar2-ka-bar _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shumma-li-ter, son of Ishtar-kabar, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479568: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga-us2-mesz#_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satraps.



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 15 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat.

    P479569: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz)# sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz#_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3#-gesz_
  • a#-na# pa#-sza#-asz# _giri3 lu2# aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satraps



    _iti#_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 15 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat.

    P479570: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri qa-t,a2-na-i(ki) _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the sons of the scribes of Qatanai, month "Ninbiri."



    _u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    On the 17th day the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479571: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ su-ga-gi u3 _lu2 ha-na-mesz_ i-na ki-sa-al _(gesz)giszimmar_

    AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 6 sila3 of oil,
  • to the ... of the sugagi and the Hanaeans in the courtyard of the date palm;



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 18, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479572: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satrap,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 20, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479573: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satrap,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 22 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479574: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz

  • _1(u) munus-mesz_
  • sza a-na ia-am-ha-ad(ki) il-li-ka

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • to be recited.

  • 10 women;
  • who came to Yamhad.



    _giri3_ zi-ki-ir-szu-li!-tar2 _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu#

    AI Translation

    via Zikir-shulitar. The month of Ninbiri, the day 22 of the year "Zimir-ilim of Kahat was captured."

    P479575: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satrap,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4# 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ zi#-im-ri-li-im ka#-ha-at(ki) is,#-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 24 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat.

    P479576: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na me-er-si-im i-nu-ma _lu2_ hu-up-pu-u2 ma-ha-ar _lugal#_ im-me-el2-lu

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of oil,
  • When a man a huppu-demon before the king smote,



    _szu [ti-a]_ dingir-ka-[an]

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa#-sza#-asz _lu2_ hu-up-pi2#-[i] _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Give me the hand of your divinity!

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the ..., the man of Huppî, the month of Ninbiri, the 24th day.

    P479577: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su# i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the heavens.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satrap,



    _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu#

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 26 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479578: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na s,u2-ul-lu-um u3 i-mi-im (gesz)ma-ga-ri sza a-na ia-am-ha-ad as3-(qu2)-du-um ub-lu

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the sullum and the immim-boat which to Yamhad the boat carried,



    _iti_ (d#)nin#-bi-ri _u4 2(u)# 6(disz)#-kam#_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 26 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat.

    P479579: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na lugal-ki-na-tim u3 tap-pi2-szu _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • to Lugalkinatum and his heirs. Month: "Ninbiri."



    _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The 29th day, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479580: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na sza#-an#-nu#-ri#
  • _si-la2_ ia-ta-ra-ia

  • _4(disz) 2/3(disz) (sila3) i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _3(disz) kusz amar hi-a_

  • _3(u) 4(disz) kusz udu hi-a_
  • _szu ti-a_ puzur4-ak#-ka#

  • _1/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz

  • _2(disz) kusz udu hi-a_
  • sza a-na na-ap-pa-ha-[tim]

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for shannuri;
  • a tribute of Iataraya;

  • 4 2/3 sila3 of oil,
  • 3 hides of calf .

  • 34 sheep-hides,
  • Release your hand.

  • 1/3 sila3 of oil,
  • to be recited.

  • 2 hides of sheep,
  • which to the swarms



    sza i-nu-ma ha-al-li sza _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_ sza [(d)ne3-eri11-gal] ip-tu-qu2 _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    which when the hallu of the wagon of Nergal had seized, the month of Ninbiri, the 29th day, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479581: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-at nu-ra-tim

  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 lu2 aga-us2-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil,
  • To the stars

  • 1 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the feet of the satrap,



    _iti_ (d)[nin]-bi#-ri _u4 3(u)?-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im x-[...] x-[...]

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 30?, the year "Zimir-Lim ..." ... .

    P479582: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(asz) gur 5(ban2) i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2 ha-na_ _lu2# aga-us2-mesz_ u3 _lu2_ ia-ab-la-ii(ki) i-nu-ma ia-ab-li-ia(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 5 ban2 of oil,
  • to pashuash the man of Hana, the man of the apsû and the man of Yablaia when Yablaia



    is-su2-hu i#-na de-er(ki) _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 [n]-kam#_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im# ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    In Deer, the month of Ninbiri, the day n, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was seized."

    P479583: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _[1(disz) tug2] si#-sa2 us2_ ha#-[...]

  • _1(disz) tug2 si-sa2_ s,a-du-[...]
  • _1(disz) tug2 si-sa2_ bu-nu-[...]
  • _1(disz) tug2 si-sa2_ mu-ut#-[...]
  • _4(disz) lu2_ is-qa-[iu(ki)]
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-[gesz]_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _(gesz)[gigir]-ra# x_ _szu ti-a_ la-i-im i-nu-ma _lugal_ a-na ha-ad-da-tim il-li-ku

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-sag_
  • [a]-na# _siskur2#?_ e#-lu#-nim

    AI Translation

    1 sisa-garment, the length ...;

  • 1 sisa-garment, ...;
  • 1 ... garment, ...;
  • 1 sisa-garment ... .
  • 4 men from Isqayu;
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • When the king went to the ruins, he ... the chariot.

  • 1/2 sila3 of esag-flour,
  • to the Elunum offering?


  • _1(u) su#_ a-na sza#?-[an-nu-ri]
  • sza (d)iszkur-du-ri

  • _5(disz) su i3-sag_ a-na pa-sza-asz nu-ba-lim
  • _5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • (gesz)nu-ba-al _nu2!_ _szu ti-a_ s,il2-li2-(d)iszkur

  • _2(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na ra-ka#-as2
  • su-i-im

  • _1(disz) tug2_ ha-iu _szu ti-[a]_
  • la-i-[im]

  • 1(u) x x [...]
  • _[szu] ti-a_ bu-zu-zu _iti_ (d)nin#-[bi-ri]

    AI Translation
  • 10 lines for the next
  • of Adad-duri.

  • 5 sutu of oil we shall bring to the king.
  • 5 sutu of oil for the shasha-offering.
  • a ... of a reed basket; Shilli-Adad

  • 2 sutu of oil for raqqû-offerings;
  • a kind of insect

  • 1 ... garment, .
  • a kind of profession

  • 10 ... ...
  • Month of Ninbiri, eponym year of Nabû-shumu-ushur.

    P479584: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 7(disz) su i3-gesz siskur2-re hi-a lugal_
  • _1/2(disz) (sila3) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na 4(disz) ba-ku-ut _lugal_
  • u3 pi2-li lu-ur-mi-im(muszen)

  • _2(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na me-er-si-im _szu ti-a_ i-ni-ib-szi-na
  • _5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz 2(disz) la-ap-di
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ hu-up-pi2-i
  • _1(asz) gur 5(ban2) i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2 ha-na lu2 aga-us2-mesz_
  • u3 _lu2_ ia-ab-la-ii(ki) i-nu-ma ia-ab-li-ia(ki) is-su2-hu-nim i-na de-er(ki)

  • _2(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ su-ga-gi u3 _lu2 ha-na_
  • i-na ki-sa-al _(gesz)giszimmar_

  • _1(barig) 1(ban2) i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2 aga-us2-mesz_
  • i-nu-ma _lugal_ i-na ha-ad-da-tim iq-qu2-u2 i-na _e2 dar-a_

  • _5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ka-pa-ar _(gesz)ma2 gibil_
  • _5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ku-usz2-szu-ur _(gesz)ma2 hi-a sumun_
  • sza a-na ia-ab-li-ia(ki) u3 i-ma-ar(ki) it-ti ha-as3-qu2-di-im il-li-ka _szu ti-a_ da-da

  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz szu ti-a_ ib-ni-(d)suen i-nu-ma a-na ia-ab-li-ia
  • it-ti _(gesz)ma2 hi-a_ il-li-ku

  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2-tur-mesz_
  • _nig2-szu_ ha-zi-ip-na-wa-ar

  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri _lu2_ qa-t,a2-na-ii(ki)
  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na lugal-ki-na-ti u3 tap-pi2-szu
  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _1(u) munus-mesz_ sza a-na ia-am-ha-ad(ki) il-li-ka
  • _2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na s,u2-ul-lu-mi-im u3 a-ta-am
  • (gesz)ma-ga-ri sza _(gesz)gigir hi-a_ sza a-na ia-am-ha-ad(ki) (disz)as3-qu2-du-um ub-lu

  • _5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz 2(disz) la-ap-di _giri3_ da-ri-isz-li-bur
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _kusz_ ma-ri-ni sza nu-ba-lim
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz (gesz)ma-ga-ri
  • i-nu-ma _lugal_ a-na ha-al-s,i2-im e-li-im i-lu-u2

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na _e2_ ma-ia-li a-na ia-ta-ra-ia
  • _4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _3(disz) kusz gu4 3(u) 4(disz) kusz udu hi-a_
  • _szu ti-a_ puzur4-ak-ka _lu2 aszgab_ _[n] sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2 szu-gi-mesz_ sza _lu2_ u2-ra-ah(ki) _[1/3(disz)] sila3# i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _2(disz) kusz udu hi-a_ sza na-ap-pa-ha-tim sza i-nu-ma ha-al-li sza# _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_ sza (d)ne3-eri11-gal [ip]-tu-qu2

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 4 sila3 7 sutu of oil, the king's offering,
  • 1/2 qû 5 sutu of oil for 4 royal rations.
  • and the sceptre of the lion

  • 2 ban2 8 sila3 of oil for meersim, the hand of the tia-priest, they will bind them.
  • 5 sila3 oil for pashash 2 .
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the sacrificial man,
  • 1 gur 5 ban2 of oil for the sacrificial ox, the haruspex, the sacrificial oxen,
  • and the man of Yablaya when Yablaya he brought back, in Der

  • 2 ban2 6 sila3 of oil for the shasha-offering of the sugi and the hana-offering;
  • In the courtyard of the date palm,

  • 1 barig 1 ban2 of oil for the sacrificial men.
  • When the king in a famine seized, in a ruined house

  • 5 sila3 of oil for the kapar of the new boat.
  • 5 sila3 of oil for kushshuur, the boat of the .
  • who to Yabla and Imar with Hasqudim came, hand of Dada.

  • 3 sila3 of oil, the debt of Ibni-Sîn. When to Yabla
  • They went with the boat.

  • 2 sila3 of oil for the libation of the youths;
  • property of Hazipnawar.

  • 1 1/2 sila3 oil for the sons of the scribe, man of Qatanaya.
  • 1 sila3 of oil for Lugalkinati and Tappishu;
  • 2 sila3 of oil for pa'shash; 10 women who to Yamhad came;
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu oil for the sullumim-offering and what else?
  • The wagon of the chariot which to Yamhad Asqudu brought.

  • 5 sila3 oil for pashash 2 ... via Dari-ishlibur
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the ... of the ... of Nuballim;
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the securing of the marma-wood;
  • When the king to the harshim-demon went up,

  • 1/2 sila3 oil for the house of Ma'alu and for Iataraya;
  • 4 2/3 sila3 oil for the shashhu-vessel; 3 hides of oxen, 34 hides of sheep,
  • hand of Puzurakka, the n sila3 of oil for the libation; the shubû-priests of the man of Urah; 1/3 sila3 of oil for the libation; 2 sheep-hides of the nappatu-vessels which when the hallu of the wagon of Nergal he took away;


  • [_2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a]-na# sza-at nu-ra-tim
  • [sza ma-ha]-ar# _lugal_

  • [_1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a]-na# pa-sza-asz _giri3 hi-a lu2 aga-us2-mesz_
  • [sza _u4] 6(disz)-kam_ [_n sila3 i3-gesz] szu ti-a_ zi-ri-ia-an [i-nu]-ma ti-sza-na-am a-na ia-am-ha-ad(ki) ub-lu il-li-ku [_n sila3 i3]-ba lugal_ [_n] 3(ban2)# 2(disz)# 5/6(disz)? sila3 7(disz) 1/2(disz) su i3-ba 2(disz) munus 2(disz) sila3-am3_

  • _3(disz) munus 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3-am3 3(disz) munus 1(disz) sila3-am3_
  • 1(disz) me _8(u) 2(disz) munus 1/2(disz) sila3-am3 8(disz) munus 1/3(disz) sila3-am3_
  • 1(disz) me _1(u) 7(disz) munus 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3 3(u) 5(disz) munus 8(disz) 1/2(disz) su-am3_
  • u3 _1(u) 5(disz) lu2 i3-du8 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3_ _e2-gal_-lum

  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-ba 3(disz) munus_ mu-sze-ni-qa-tim
  • _1(barig) 9(disz) sila3 i3-ba 1(disz) lu2 1(disz) sila3-ta-am3 6(disz) lu2 2/3(disz) sila3-am3_
  • _1(u) lu2 1/2(disz) sila3-am3_ 2(disz) me _3(u) 7(disz) lu2 1/3(disz) sila3-am3_
  • _lu2_ ha-nu-u2 _nig2-szu_ ka-a-la-dingir

  • _1(ban2) 3(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) su i3-ba 1(disz) lu2 1(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 1(disz) lu2 1/2(disz) sila3 4(u) 9(disz) lu2 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3_
  • sza t,e4-me-ni

  • _5(disz) sila3 1(u) su i3-ba 1(disz) lu2 2/3(disz) sila3 1(u) 8(disz) lu2 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3_
  • sza nu-ba-lim

  • _4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) su i3-ba 1(disz) lu2 2/3(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) lu2 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3_
  • nu-ur2-ru-ga-iu _szu-nigin2 [... n] sila3 i3-gesz_ _zi-ga iti 1(disz)-kam_ _nig2-szu_ szu-ub-na-lu-u2 _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu oil for the narratu-offerings,
  • which before the king

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the shashhu-offering, via the 'foot' of the satraps.
  • of the 6th day n sila3 oil, he weighed out. Ziri-ian when Tishanam to Yamhad went, n sila3 oil of the king, n 3 ban2 2 5/6 sila3 7 1/2 su, oil of 2 women, 2 sila3

  • 3 female kids, 1 1/2 sila3 each, 3 female kids, 1 sila3 each,
  • 82 1/2 female kids, 8 1/3 female kids,
  • 177 women, 15 sutu, 35 women, 8 1/2 sutu,
  • and 15 men, gatekeepers, 15 ... of the palace,

  • 3 sila3 oil, 3 woman, the suckling,
  • 1 barig 9 sila3 oil per day, 1 man 1 sila3 each, 6 man 2/3 sila3 each,
  • 10 1/2 sila3 each, 200 37 1/3 sila3 each,
  • The man who carries the property of Babylon

  • 1 ban2 3 1/3 sila3 5 su, oil: 1 man 1 5/6 sila3 1 man 1/2 sila3 49 man 15 su,
  • of news

  • 5 sila3 10 su, oil: 1 man 2/3 sila3 18 man 15 su,
  • of Nuballim.

  • 4 2/3 sila3 5 su, oil: 1 man 2/3 sila3 15 man 15 su,
  • Nuur-ruga'u: total: ... n sila3 oil, rations, 1 month, property of Shubnalû; month: "Ninbiri," 30th day, year: "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479585: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _(gesz)ig hi-a_ u3 ka-pa-ar _e2 szu-i_ sza _e2-gal_ de-er(ki) _szu ti-a_ ip-qa-(d)iszkur

  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • To the ..., the door and the door-jamb of the house of the throne of the palace of Deer, hand of Ipqa-Adad,

  • 1 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the ... of the wagon



    s,a-al-mi u3 _(gesz)ig_ sza _e2_ (d)da-gan sza ma-ri(ki) _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The shalmu and the door of the temple of Dagan of Mari, the month of Kiskim, the day 6 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479586: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [_1(ban2) 8(disz)] 2/3(disz)# sila3 i3-gesz bara2!-ga_
  • [i]-na# _1(disz) sila3 gal_ [a-na] me-er-si-im [i]-nu#-ma _siskur2-re_ [a-na (d)de-ri]-tim [i]-na# de-er(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 of barak oil,
  • In 1 large sila3 for meersim, when the sacrifice for Dertim in Der



    [_iti_] ki#-is#-[ki-si2]-im# [_u4 n]-kam_ [_mu_ zi-im-ri-li]-im [ka-ha-at](ki) [is,-ba-tu]

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskitum, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    (munus)i-ni-ib-szi-na _dam_ (d)[iszkur] _dumu-munus_ ia-ah-du-li-im

    AI Translation

    Inibshina, wife of the god Adad, daughter of Yahdulim.

    P479587: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na (d)da-gan sza ter-[qa](ki)

  • _1(disz) sila3 [i3-gesz_]
  • a-na ru-[mu-uk] (d)hi-pir6#-[tim]

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • to Dagan of Terqa.

  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • To the lord of the pirû-demons,



    _szu-nigin2 3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ _zi-ga_ _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    Total: 3 sila3 oil, rations. The month of Kiskim, the day 7 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479588: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _8(disz) sila3 i3-gesz bara2-ga_
  • a-na di-zi-ip-tu-hi (disz)ba-lu-me-e-nam-he am-hu-ur _szu ti-a_ zu-ba-ah-li

    AI Translation
  • 8 sila3 of rubbed oil,
  • I prayed to Balu-meenamhe for the sacrificial slaughter.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskim, the day 8, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    zi-im-ri-li-im _lugal_ da-[num2] szu-ub-na-lu-u2 [_ARAD-zu_]

    AI Translation

    Zimri-Lim, mighty king, Shubnallû, your servant.

    P479589: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2/3(disz) sila3# [i3-gesz_]
  • a-na pa-[sza-asz] _munus-mesz_ mar-s,a-tim sza _e2-gal_-lim

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 sila3 of oil,
  • To the care of the weak women of the palace,



    _iti_ ki#-is#-ki-si2-im _u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ [zi-im]-ri#-li-im [ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at]

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishum, the day 10 of the year "Zimri-Lim" seized Kahat.

    P479590: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2-aga-us2-mesz_ _geme2-mesz_ u3 sza-an-nu-ri-im sza si-ma-ah-la-a-ne2 _lugal_ kur-da(ki) i-nu-ma isz-tu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the scouts, the slaves, the slave women, and the shannuri of Simahlane, king of Kurda, when from



    babila2(ki) ik-szu-ud _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    Babylon conquered. The month Kiskishum, the day 12 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479591: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _(gesz)ig hi-a_ sza tam-li-im

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ hu-up-pi2-i i-nu-ma _lugal_

    AI Translation
  • 10 sutu of oil,
  • To make the door of the terrace shine,

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the king, the man of the sceptre. When the king



    isz-tu ha-al-s,i2-im e-li-im i-tu-ra-am _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    from Halshum the upper he returned. The month Kiskim, the day 15 of the year "Zimir-ilim of Kahat was captured."

    P479592: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la#-[ne2] _zi-ga_ ba-lum-mi-nam-he#

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • The sagû-offering of Simah-ilani, the libation of Balammi-Nammi.



    _iti_ ki-is#-[ki-si2-im] _u4 1(u)+[n-kam]_ _mu_ zi-im-[ri-li-im] ka-ha-at(ki#) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishum, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479593: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la-a-ne2-e _zi-ga_ ba-lum-mi-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • 'First, simahilanie, a scepter of a slander,



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki#) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskish, the day 15 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479594: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz

  • 1(u) 2(disz) (gesz)za-ha-tim
  • _szu ti-a_ ia-ha-at-ti-dingir i-na de-er(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to be recited.

  • 12 ...;
  • Iahat-ilum in Der.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishu, the day 16 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479595: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la-ne2-e _zi-ga_ ba-lum-mi-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • 'First, simahilani, a scepter of a slander,



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-[ri]-li-im ka-ha-at(ki#) is,-[ba]-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskish, the day 16 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479596: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • _(gesz)tukul_ (gesz)ma-ga-ar-ri u3 _(gesz)gu-za ansze la-gu_ i-nu-ma _lugal_ a-na de-er(ki) il-li-ku

  • _1/3(disz) sila3 i3_ a-na sza-at nu-ri
  • i-nu-ma ia-szu-ub-a-szar

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 sila3 oil for pasha'ash;
  • When the king went to Deer, he ... the weapons of the chariot and the throne of the donkey.

  • 1/3 sila3 oil for the libation of oil
  • When I have seized him,



    _am hi-a gal_ is,-ru-pu i-na ma-ri(ki) _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The great ... he smashed. In Mari, the month of Kiskish, the day 16 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat smashed."

    P479597: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-at nu-ri sza _e2_ ma-ia-li

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3_ a-na sza-at nu-ra-ti
  • sza ma-ha-ar _geme2-mesz lugal_

  • _2/3(disz) sila3 i3_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • 2(disz) la-ap-di i-nu-ma
  • AI Translation
  • 15 sutu of oil,
  • For the light of the house of the sage,

  • 1/2 sila3 oil for the narutu-offerings;
  • which before the king's women

  • 2/3 sila3 oil for pasha'ash;
  • 2 ...
  • Reverse


    (d)de-ri-tam i-na ga-ab-bi-sza uz-zi-zu _giri3_ ig-mi-li _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    Deritam in her womb he smote. The foot of Igmili. The month Kiskishu, the day 16 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479598: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) su i3_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz hu-up-pu um!-me-ni _lu2 nar-mesz_ sza si2-hi-ir-ti a-li-im u3 ia-ri-ib-(d)iszkur _lu2_ hu-pi2-i

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 sila3 5 sutu oil,
  • to the ..., the ..., Ummeni, the singers of the ..., and Iarib-Adad, the man of the ...,



    i-na de-er(ki#) _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    In Deer, the month Kiskishu, the 18th day, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479599: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na _siskur2-re_ sza (d)tu-zi-ba

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • for the offering of Tuziba.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskish, the day 18 of the year "Zimri-Lim was captured."

    P479600: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-ka-an zi-mi sza _4(disz) tug2_ ia-am-(ha)-di-i _sumun_

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • To the shakan of the omen of 4 garments Iam-hadî gave.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishu, the day 18, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479601: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la-ne2-e _zi-ga_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • 'First-fruits of Simah-ilani, ripe.



    ba-lum-mi-nam-he _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Bulum-manamhe, month: "kishiku," 18th day.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479602: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • (gesz)ma-ga-ar-ri sza _(gesz)gigir_ _szu ti-a_ la-i-im i-na de-er(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 15 sutu of oil for the shasha-offering,
  • The chariot of the chariot, the one without a seat in Der.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishu, the day 19 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479603: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-at nu-ra-tim sza (munus)(d)iszkur-du-ri sza _u4 3(disz)-kam_ i-na de-er(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 2/3 sila3 5 sila3 of oil,
  • For the festival of the goddess Adad-duri on the 3rd day in Deer.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishu, the day 19 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479604: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la-ne2-e _zi-ga_ ba-lum#-mi-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • 'First, simahilani, a scepter of a slander,



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2 _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month Kiskishu, the day 19 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479605: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz#_
  • a-na ra-sa3-an it!-qu2#-ra#-tim sza (d)suen

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ gi-bu-um
  • i-na tu-zi-ba

  • _1(u) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • To the samanitu-priests of the sage Suen,

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for gibu'um-vessels;
  • In the tuziba-disease

  • 10 sutu of oil,
  • to be recited.



    _dug_ zu-ra-ia-tim sza _u4 3(disz)-kam_ _[szu-nigin2 1(disz) sila3] 1(u) su i3-gesz_ _[zi]-ga#_ [ba-lu-mi-nam]-he# i-na de-er(ki) _iti_ ki-is-ki-is-si2-im _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    a tureen of zura'iatum on the 3rd day; total: 1 sila3 10 sutu oil, libation-beer, balumim-nammû-beer, in Deer, the month of Kiskim, the day 19

    Seal 1


    szum-szu-li-ter _dumu_ isz8-tar2-ka-bar _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shumma-li-ter, son of Ishtar-kabar, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479606: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [_n sila3 i3-gesz_] [i-na _1(disz) sila3] gal_ [a-na sza-at] nu#-ri [...]-x-x

    AI Translation

    n sila3 of oil, with 1 sila3 of honey for the ... of the .



    _[nig2]-szu#_ ba-lu-ma-nu-he _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    the property of Balumanuhe. The month of Kiskish, the day 19

    P479607: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz)# [sila3 i3-gesz]_
  • _siskur2#-re_ i-na u2-ri-im a-na (d)utu _zi-ga_ ba-lum-me-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 qû of oil,
  • A sacrifice in the midst of the night to Shamash, a libation of libation-beer;



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 2(u)-kam_ [_mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu]

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskish, the day 20, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479608: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ su2-uh-hi-la-ne2-e _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a reed basket for a uhhilanê-offering; month: "kiskishu," 21st day;



    _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479609: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba_
  • [_1(disz) tug2 si-sa2_]
  • [a-na ia-an-s,i2-ib-(d)ha-na-at] [_lu2_] su#-qa#-qi2#-[im](ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • 1 sisa-garment,
  • to Yanshib-hanat, the man of Suqaqim.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskim, the day 22 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479610: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) sila3 [i3]-gesz_
  • i-na _1(disz) sila3 gal_ a-na pa-sza-asz _4(disz) kusz gu4 1/2(disz) sila3-am3_

  • _3(u) kusz udu hi-a [2(disz)] su-am3#_
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • in 1 large sila3 for pasha'ash 4 hides of oxen, 1/2 sila3 each,

  • 30 sheep-hides, 2 ...;
  • Reverse


    i-di-in _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    he gave. The month of Kiskim, the day 22.

    Seal 1


    zi-im-ri-li-im _lugal_ da-[num2] szu-ub-na-lu-u2 [_ARAD-zu_]

    AI Translation

    Zimri-Lim, mighty king, Shubnallû, your servant.

    P479611: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [_n] sila3# i3-gesz_ [i-na _1(disz) sila3] gal_ [a-na siskur2]-re#?_ [sza _(d)nin-e2]-gal#_-lim [i-nu-ma] qe2-re-et [isz8-tar2 bi-isz7]-ra-an

    AI Translation

    n sila3 of oil for 1 sila3 of fine oil for the sacrificial offerings of Ninegallim when the offering of Ishtar he will present.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2 _u4 2(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im [ka]-ha-at(ki) [is,-ba]-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskish, the day 23 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479612: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-hi-la-ne2

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of simahilanu-confection;



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskim, the 24th day.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479613: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la-ne2

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of Simahilane.



    _iti!_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Month: "kiskim," 25th day.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479614: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz#_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-ah-i-la-ne2

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of Simahilane.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskim, the day 27.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479615: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-hi-la-ne2

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of simahilanu-confection;



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im# _u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskim, the 28th day.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479616: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-hi-la-ne2-e

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of simahilani.



    _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskim, the day 29.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479617: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(ban2) [sila3] i3-gesz_
  • a-na _si-la2_ 1(disz) me 1(u) _lu2_ ki-na-tim a-lik _a-sza3_

  • 4(disz) me 3(u) 2(disz) _munus#_
  • 2(u) _lu2_ [...]
  • 2(u) _tur#-mesz#_
  • [2(u) 6(disz) _munus-tur-mesz_]
  • AI Translation
  • 5 seahs of oil,
  • to the rent: 10010, the true man, I marched. The field

  • 142 women,
  • 20 men ...
  • 20 small ones,
  • 26 female kids,
  • Reverse


    _munus usz#-[bar-mesz]_ _iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im [_u4 n-kam_] _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    a woman smote. The month of Kiskim, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479618: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz#_
  • _siskur2-re lugal_ i-na de-er(ki) _zi-ga_ [ba-lum-me]-nam#-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 2/3 sila3 of oil,
  • The king's sacrifice in Deer, the rite of Balammenumhe.



    [_iti_ ki-is-ki]-si2#-im [_u4 n-kam_] [mu zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu]

    AI Translation

    The month of Kiskishum, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479619: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(ban2) 1/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz siskur2-re hi-a lugal_
  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na (d)da-gan sza ter-qa(ki)
  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ru-mu-uk (d)hi-pir6-tim
  • _1(ban2) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na me-er-si-im i-nu-ma _siskur2-re_ [(d)de-ri-tim]
  • _8(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na di-zi-ip-tu-hi _szu ti-a_ zu-u2-ba-ah-li#
  • _5(ban2) i3-gesz_ a-na _si-la2_ 1(disz) me 1(u) _lu2_ ki-na-te-e a-lik _a-sza3_
  • 4(disz) me 3(u) 2(disz) munus 2(u) lu2 2(u) tur-mesz 2(u) 6(disz) munus-tur-mesz munus-usz-bar-mesz_

  • _1(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ku-ut-tu-um s,a-al-mi
  • _szu ti-a_ i3-li2-us,-ra-an-ni

  • _7(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz 2(disz) la-ap-di
  • _szu ti-a lu2_ ki-sa-lu-hi

  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ka-pa-ar 1(disz) _(gesz)ma2-tur gibil_ ru-ku-ub _lugal_
  • _1(u) su i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _(gesz)ig hi-a_ sza tam-li-im [...]
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ hu-up-pi2-i
  • i-nu-ma _lugal_ isz-tu ha-al-s,i2-im e-li-im i-[tu-ra-am]

  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na (munus)mu-ne2-ni5-tim _geme2 lugal_ i-[nu-ma ...]
  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na i3#-li2#-ti#-la#-ti#
  • _1(disz) sila3 [i3-gesz_ a-na ...]
  • _1/3(disz) [sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ...]
  • ma#-a#-a-li-im# u3 ha#-ar#-ga#-lim# [_szu ti-a_] ig-mi-lim

  • [_1(ban2) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a]-na pa-sza-asz (gesz)ma-ga-ri sza _(gesz)gigir_
  • [_n sila3 i3-gesz_] a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim sza ma-ha-ar (d)de-ri-tim sza _u4! 3(disz)-kam_ [_n sila3 i3]-gesz#_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ sza s,i2-id-di

  • [_1/2(disz) sila3 i3]-gesz#_ a-na sza-ka-an zi-mi sza _4(disz) tug2_ ia-am-ha-di-i!
  • [i-na] de-er(ki) [_n sila3 i3]-gesz#_ a-na pa-sza-asz bu-s,i-ni sza gi-zi-le-e [sza ma-ha-ar] hu#-up-pi2-i i-nu-ma i-na sa3-ka-nim [ia-ri-ib-(d)]iszkur sze-pi-ir-szu i-pu-szu

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba 1(disz) tug2 si-sa2_ ia#?-[an]-s,i#?-ib-(d)ha-[na-at]
  • _lu2_ su-qa-qi2-im(ki)

  • _3(disz)# 1/3(disz)# sila3#_ a-na pa-sza-asz _4(disz) kusz gu4 1/2(disz) sila3-am3_
  • u3 _4(u) 2(disz) kusz udu-hi-a 2(disz) su-am3_ _szu ti-a lu2 aszgab-mesz_

  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2 aga-us2-mesz_
  • u3 _geme2-mesz_ sza si-im-ah-la-a-ne2-e sza u4-mi-im ma-ah-ri-im

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 1/3 sila3 of oil for the king's rites;
  • 2 sila3 oil for Dagan of Terqa,
  • 1 sila3 of oil for the ration of Hipirtum,
  • 1 ban2 8 2/3 sila3 of oil for meersim, when the offering of Derim
  • 8 sila3 of oil for diziptuhi, hand of Zubahli,
  • 5 seahs of oil for the rent, 10010 men, the kinatee-offerers, to the field.
  • 142 women, 20 young men, 26 young women, suckling women,

  • 1 ban2 4 sila3 of oil for the khuttu-offering of the shalmu-offering;
  • Ili-ushuranni has taken my hand.

  • 7 sila3 15 sutu oil for pashash 2 lapdi
  • Hand of a man of a sling.

  • 3 sila3 oil for kapar; 1 new boat, royal rukuba-priest;
  • 10 sutu of oil for the door of the terrace .
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the sacrificial man,
  • When the king from the harshi-house up to the top returned,

  • 2 2/3 sila3 oil for the queen woman when .
  • 1 sila3 of oil for Ili-tilati,
  • 1 sila3 of oil for .
  • 1/3 qû of oil for .
  • He has sworn by the hand of the sage and the hargallim priest.

  • 1 seah 5 sutu of oil for the sacrificial chariot of the chariot;
  • n sila of oil for the shannuratu offerings before Der, of the 3rd day; n sila of oil for the pashuash of the man of Shiddi;

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the ration of 4 garments of Yamhadî.
  • In Deer, n sila3 of oil for the securing of the reeds in front of Huppî, when in the quay of Yarib-Adad its construction he did.

  • 1/2 sila3 oil, 1 sash-garment, Ia-anshab-hanat;
  • the man of Suqaqim.

  • 3 1/3 sila3 for pa-sha-ash; 4 hides of oxen, 1/2 sila3 each;
  • and 42 sheep-hides 2 ..., the man of the .

  • 1 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 of oil for the sacrificial men.
  • and the women of the shimahlanu-festivals of the days before



    i-nu-ma isz-tu babila2(ki) ik-szu-ud

  • _3(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim sza si-im-hi-la-a-ne2-e
  • sza _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam 2(disz) sila3-am3_ [_n] sila3 i3-gesz sa2-sag_ puzur4-(d)marduk _lu2# gal# [mar-tu]_ u3# i3-li2-ti-la-ti [i-na de-er](ki) [_n sila3 i3]-gesz_ ha-am-mi-ta-lu-u2 _lu2 gal# [mar-tu]_

  • [_2/3(disz) sila3] i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz# _munus-mesz_ mar-s,a-tim sza _e2-gal#_-lim
  • [_1(u) 5(disz) su] i3-gesz_ a-na sza-an-nu-ri sza _e2_ ma-ia-li
  • [_1/2(disz) sila3 i3]-gesz#_ a-na sza-an-nu-ri-im sza ma-ha-ar _geme2-mesz lugal_
  • [i-na] de-er(ki)

  • [_2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_] a-na pa-sza-asz 2(disz) la-ap-di _tur_
  • [i-nu-ma] (d)de-ri-tam i-na gab-bi-sza uz-zi-zu [_n sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na] sza#-an-nu-ri sza _e2_ ma-ia-li [_n sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa]-sza-asz _giri3 hi-a lu2-mesz_ [sza i-na as,-s,a]-al#-hi-im wa-asz-bu sza _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ [_n sila3 n su i3-gesz_] a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim [sza _e2-gal_]-lim [_n sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz] _giri3 hi-a lu2 aga-us2-mesz_ [sza _u4 n]-kam_

    [n 3(ban2) 2(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 7(disz) 1/2(disz) su i3-ba 2(disz) munus 2(disz)] sila3-am3 1(disz) munus 2/3(disz) sila3-am3 3(disz) [munus 1(disz) sila3-am3]_

  • [1(disz) me _1(gesz2) 2(u) 2(disz) munus 1/2(disz) sila3-am3 8(disz) munus 1/3(disz) sila3]-am3_
  • [1(disz) me _1(u) 6(disz) munus 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3] 3(u) 7(disz) munus 7(disz)? 1/2(disz) su-am3_
  • [u3 _1(u) 5(disz) lu2 i3-du8] 1(u) 5(disz) su-[am3]_ [_e2-gal_-lum]

  • _1(ban2) 3(disz) 1/3(disz)# [sila3 5(disz) su i3-ba 1(disz) lu2 1(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 1(disz) lu2 1/2(disz) sila3 4(u) 9(disz) lu2 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3]_
  • (sza) t,e4#-[me-ni]

  • _5(disz) sila3 1(u) su i3-[ba 1(disz) lu2 2/3(disz) sila3 1(u) 8(disz) lu2 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3]_
  • _lu2_ sza nu#-[ba-lim]

  • _4(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) su i3-ba [1(disz) lu2 2/3(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) lu2 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3]_
  • _lu2_ nu-ru-ga-[iu(ki)]

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba_ (d)suen-mu-ba#-[li2-it,]
  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba_ nu-rum-[...]
  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba 3(disz) lu2 mu nu-tuku# [n su-am3_ ...]
  • _2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) su i3-ba 3(disz) lu2-simug 1(u) 5(disz) su-am3#_ [...]
  • _[n]+3(asz) 1(barig) gur 5(disz) sila3 i3-ba e2-gal_-lim [i-na ...]-ma [_zi-ga iti 1(disz)-kam_] [_nig2-szu_ szu-ub-na-lu-u2] [_iti_ ki-is-ki-si2-im _u4 3(u)-kam_] [mu zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at]

    AI Translation

    When he reached Babylon,

  • 3 ban2 8 sila3 of oil for the shannu-offerings of Simhilani;
  • of the 19th day: 2 sila3 of oil; n sila3 of fine oil, the first-class offerings of Puzur-Marduk, the great westland man, and Ili-tilati, in Deer; n sila3 of oil, Hammi-talû, the great westland man;

  • 2/3 sila3 of oil for the securing of the poor women of the palace;
  • 15 sutu of oil for the shannuri of the house of Ma'ali;
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for Sha-an-nurim which is before the king's women;
  • in Der.

  • 2/3 sila3 oil for pashash, 2 small .
  • When Deritam in all her habitations sat, n sila of oil for the shannu-offering of the house of Ma'alu, n sila of oil for the shannu-offering via the foot of the men who in Ashallim were stationed, of the 19th day, n sila of n sutu of oil for the shannu-offering of the palace, n sila of oil for the shanu-offering via the foot of the men of the nth day,

    n 3 ban2 2 5/6 sila3 7 1/2 su, oil, 2 females, 2 sila3 1 female, 2/3 sila3 3 females, 1 sila3

  • 122 female kids, 1/2 sila3 each, 8 female kids, 1/3 sila3 each,
  • 116 women, 15 sutu, 37 women, 7 1/2 sutu,
  • and 15 men, gatekeepers; 15 ... of the palace;

  • 1 ban2 3 1/3 sila3 5 su, oil: 1 man 1 5/6 sila3 1 man 1/2 sila3 49 man 15 su,
  • of the report

  • 5 sila3 10 su oil, 1 man 2/3 sila3 18 man 15 su,
  • man of Nuballim;

  • 4 1/3 sila3 5 su, oil, 1 man 2/3 sila3 15 man 15 su,
  • the man of Nurugayu.

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil Sîn-muballit,
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil of Nurum-...,
  • 1 1/2 sila3 oil: 3 man, without ... .
  • 2/3 sila3 5 su, oil: 3 smiths 15 su, .
  • n+3 gur 1 barig 5 sila3 oil, palace, in ... and booked out; 1 month, the property of Shubnalû; month: "kiskim," 30th day, year: "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was taken."

    P479620: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2-mesz_ sza nu-ba-lim i-nu-ma isz-tu ha-al-s,i2-im e-li-im i-tu-ru-nim

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the midst of the men of Nuballum when from the harshim they returned,



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 1, the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479621: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-[gesz]_
  • a-na _e2_ (d)iszkur [_iti_] e-bu-ri-im _u4# 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the temple of Adad. The month of Eburum, the day 1,



    [_mu_ zi]-im-ri-li-im [ka-ha]-at(ki) is,#-ba-at

    AI Translation

    The year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479622: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-hi-la-ne2-e

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of simahilani.



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 1,

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479623: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-qe2-e [sza] _dilim#-a_ it#-[qu2]-ra-tim [...] x x

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • To the saqû-priest of the sacrificial sheep ... .



    sza (d)suen _iti_ e-bu-ri _u4 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    of Sin, the month of Ebur, the first day.

    Seal 1


    si-im-hi-e-ra-ah _dumu_ ri-ip-i-(d)[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Simhi-Erah, son of Ripi-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479624: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba_
  • nu-ra-am-i3-li2

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-ba_
  • 3(disz) _lu2_ mu-[sza]-aq#-qi2-i
  • _2/3(disz) [sila3 i3-ba]_
  • 3(disz) [_lu2-mesz_ ...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • Naram-ili

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • 3 men, ...;
  • 2/3 qû of oil,
  • 3 men ...
  • Reverse


    nu-ru-ga#-[ii(ki)] _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    Nurugaia, the month of Eburum, the day 1, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479625: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na szu-ku-ul _dingir-mesz_

  • _2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • (d)ba-li-hi _2(disz)-ta-am3_

  • _3(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz
  • zu-ra-a!-tim

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • To the supplication of the gods,

  • 2/3 sila3 of oil for the pishash
  • Balihi 2 times

  • 3 sutu of oil for the shasha-festival;
  • a kind of insect



    _szu-nigin2 1(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 3(disz) su i3-gesz_ _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-nam-he _iti_ [e-bu]-ri-im _u4 2(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    Total: 1 2/3 sila3 3 sutu oil, rations of Balumim-namhe. Month: "Ebrum," 2nd day.

    Seal 1


    szum-szu-li-ter _dumu_ isz8-tar2-ka-bar _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shumma-li-ter, son of Ishtar-kabar, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479626: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ hu-pi2-im#

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza#-[asz] _lu2_ sza hu-ma-szi-im

    AI Translation
  • 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the man of the cultic rites

  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • to the king, the man of Humashim.



    i-nu-ma qu2-usz2-szi-im _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    When the king, my lord, seized the city of Kahat in the month of Eburum, the second day, the year "Zimir-ilum"

    P479627: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(ban2) 5/6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • i-na _1(disz) sila3 gal_ a-na _i3-ba_ 1(disz) szu-szi 5(disz) _lu2-mesz_

  • _1(u) su-am3_
  • sza si-ma-hi-i-la-a-ne2-e

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 5/6 sila3 of oil,
  • for 1 large sila3 for oil, 1 hand for 5 men,

  • 10 ...
  • of Simahilani.



    _zi-ga_ ba-lum-mi-nam-he _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The libation of the libation beer is in the month of Eburum, the 2nd day.

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479628: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _sa2-sag_ si-ma-hi-la-ne2-e

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • a kind of sasag-offering of simahilani.



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 3(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 3

    Seal 1


    s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Shidqi-Epuh, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479629: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3#-gesz_
  • _siskur2-re_ a-na (d)da-gan sza s,u2-ba-tim(ki) _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 2/3 sila3 of oil,
  • offering for Dagan of Shubatum, libation of Bilumim-namhe.



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 4 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479630: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • i-na _1(disz) sila3 gal_ a-na 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2-mesz_ sza a-na _(na4)ur5 hi-a_

    AI Translation
  • 6 sila3 of oil,
  • in 1 large sila3 for 12 men who for a stele



    la-qi2-a-im il-li-ku _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 4(disz)-kam ba-zal_-ma

    AI Translation

    They have been sold. The month of Eburum, the day 4 passed and

    Seal 1


    su-mu-ia-si-im _dumu_ zi-im-ri-(d)iszkur _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Sumû-yasim, son of Zimir-Adad, servant of Zimir-Lim.

    P479631: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • (disz)ba-lu-me-nu-um-he am-hu-ur a-na tu-hi-ma-tim sza _e2_ i-la-tim

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of oil,
  • Balu-menumhe received; for the tuhimatu of the house of Ilatum.



    _iti#_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 7(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu#

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 7?, the year "Zimir-ilim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    (munus)i-ni-ib-szi-na _dam_ (d)[iszkur] _dumu-munus_ ia-ah-du-li-im

    AI Translation

    Inibshina, wife of the god Adad, daughter of Yahdulim.

    P479632: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2-mesz_ sza a-na (gesz)si2-ik-ka-tim il-li-ku it-ti (d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, _giri3_ szu-un-hu-ur-ha-lu _zi-ga_

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of oil,
  • to 12 men who to the kiln went with Sîn-muballit, via Shu-unhur-halu, the oxherd.



    ba-lum-mi-nam-he _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 7 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479633: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz

  • _6(disz) kusz gu4_
  • i-nu-ma 4(disz)-szu

  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3-am3_
  • ip-pa-asz-szu sza a-na a-sza-tim

    AI Translation
  • 6 sila3 of oil,
  • to be recited.

  • 6 hides of oxen,
  • At that time, four times

  • 1 1/2 sila3 of barley,
  • Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-sharru-ushur or his sons or his grandsons,



    sza _(gesz)ig_ sa3-ka-an-nim in-ne2-ep-szu _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    of the door of the sakannu-door they have made. The month of Eburum, the day 9 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479634: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3# i3-gesz_
  • [a-na] mu-ne2-ni5-tim# _geme2 lugal_ i-nu-ma im-ra-[s,u2]

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-[na pa-sza-asz] [_giri3 hi-a lu2-mesz_] [sza i-na as,-s,a-al-hi-im wa-asz-bu]

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • When the king's slave woman becomes old,

  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • To the ... foot of the men who are in the .


  • _2(disz) [sila3 i3-gesz_]
  • a-na# [_kusz_ ma-ri-ni] sza [nu-ba]-al# [_gesz-nu2_]

  • _2(disz) sila3_ 4(disz) ma-ka#-tim#
  • _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 2 qû of oil,
  • to the leather of the 'finger' of the 'finger' of the 'finger'.

  • 2 sila3 4 makû-vessels,
  • The month of Eburum, the day 12.

    P479635: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • li-pi2-it-e2-a

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • be-el-szu-nu i-nu-ma ha-al-li u3 ma-la-li

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • my supplication

  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • Their lord when he is ill and when he is tired



    ip-tu-qu2 _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 1(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 19 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was seized."

    P479636: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na ka-pa-ar

  • _1(disz) (gesz)ma2_
  • u3 _e2_ szu-i

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • to be thrown away.

  • 1 boat
  • and that house



    i-di-in _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u)-kam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 20.

    Seal 1


    zi-im-ri-li-im _lugal_ da-[num2] szu-ub-na-lu-u2 [_ARAD-zu_]

    AI Translation

    Zimri-Lim, mighty king, Shubnallû, your servant.

    P479637: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • _siskur2-re_ a-na _e2 (d)nin-e2-gal_-lim _zi-ga_ ba-lu-mi-nam-he

    AI Translation
  • 2 2/3 sila3 of oil,
  • The offering for the temple of Ninegallim is a gift.



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 21 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479638: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na 6(disz) (gesz)za-ha-tim [sza] _1(u) 2(disz) dug# utul2_ [i]-nu-ma ne2#-i _(gesz)ig gal_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil,
  • for 6 zahalû-vessels of 12 jugs of water; when the ... of the great door



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 22 of the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-ha-at-ti-dingir _dub-[sar]_ _dumu_ bi-iz-zi-na-an _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iahat-ili, scribe, son of Bizzinan, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479639: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na _4(disz) dug utul2_ sza 2(disz) (gesz)za-ha-tim a-na _e2_ (d)nin-bi-ri i-nu-ma ne2-i _[(gesz)]ig_

    AI Translation
  • 15 sutu of oil,
  • for 4 jugs of jars of 2 zahalû-wood to the house of Ninbiri when the door



    [_iti_ e-bu-ri-im] [_u4 n-kam_] [_mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki)] is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ia-ha-at-ti-dingir _dub-[sar]_ _dumu_ bi-iz-zi-na-an _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iahat-ili, scribe, son of Bizzinan, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479640: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(ban2) 2(ban2) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na me-er-si-im i-nu-ma _lu2 ha-na_ u3 _lu2 elam-ma_ i-na ki-sa-al _e2_ bu-ur-mi

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah 2 seahs of oil,
  • When a man a man or a Elamite in the courtyard of the house of the satrap



    ip-tu-nu _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 25 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat.

    P479641: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _[n] 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz [_giri3] 1(u) geme2-mesz_ [sza isz]-tu# _bad3_ ia-ah-du-li-im [i-tu-ra]-nim

    AI Translation

    n 1/2 sila3 oil for pa'shash; via 10 female laborers who from the wall of Yahdu-Lim returned;



    _iti_ e-bu-ri _u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ [_mu_ zi-im]-ri-li-im [ka]-ha#-at(ki) is,#-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    The month of Ebur, the day 26 the year "Zimir-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    su-mu-ia-si-im _dumu_ zi-im-ri-(d)iszkur _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Sumû-yasim, son of Zimir-Adad, servant of Zimir-Lim.

    P479642: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz)? [sila3] i3-gesz_
  • [a-na ub-bu]-ub si2-ip-pi2 [sza _e2_ (d)nin]-bi-ri [_n sila3 i3-gesz_] [a-na] pa#-sza#-asz pa-an za-ha-tim sza a-na _e2_-ta-at _dingir-mesz_

    AI Translation
  • 2? sila3 of oil,
  • for the reed-beds of the house of Ninbiri; n sila3 of oil for the reed-beds before the zahatu-vessel which for the temple of the gods



    i-nu#-ma li-da-tim _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at

    AI Translation

    When the month of Nisannu, the day 27 of the year in which Zimri-Lim captured Kahat,

    P479643: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2-tur-mesz_ sza t,e4-me-en-ni

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ hu-up-pi2-i

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of oil,
  • To the youths who have heard my report:

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the man of the slanderer.



    i-nu-ma pi2-ri-zi-ir-ri-im i-na _(gesz)kiri6_ a-bu-la-at _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-tu

    AI Translation

    When pirigirrim in the orchard of the Abulat, the month of Eburim, the 28th day, the year "Zimirilim of Kahat was captured."

    P479644: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na _siskur2-re_ sza (d)de-ri-tim i-di-in

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • he gave to the priest of Der.



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at#

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 29 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    su-mu-ia-si-im _dumu_ zi-im-ri-(d)iszkur _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Sumû-yasim, son of Zimir-Adad, servant of Zimir-Lim.

    P479645: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • [i]-na _1(disz) sila3 gal_ a-na pa-he-e

  • 1(disz) _(gesz)ma2_ sza _1(u)-am3 a-gar3_
  • _szu ti-a_ da-da

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 of oil,
  • for 1 large sila3 for the .

  • 1 boat of 10 hectares of land,
  • Hand of a mighty man.



    _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-[at]

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day 29 of the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    Seal 1


    ka-pi2-(d)iszkur _dumu_ as3-qu2-di-im _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Kapi-Adad, son of Asqudim, servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479646: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) 1/3(disz) [sila3 i3-gesz]_
  • a-na [_siskur2-re_ ...] [_n sila3 i3-gesz_] a-na [...] i-nu-ma [...] _zi-[ga]_

    AI Translation
  • 3 1/3 sila3 of oil,
  • for the offering ... n sila3 of oil for ... When ... he will recover.



    ba-lu-mi-nam#-[he] _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 [n-kam]_ _mu_ zi-[im-ri-li-im] ka-ha-at[(ki)] is,-ba-[tu]

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum" elapsed in Kahat.

    Seal 1


    ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan _dumu_ pa-ki-i-[...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iashub-Dagan, son of Paki-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479647: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(ban2) 9(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) [su i3_ ...]
  • _9(disz) sila3 i3_ [...]
  • [...]

  • _1(ban2) 3(disz) [sila3 i3_ ...]
  • _2(disz) [sila3 i3_ ...]
  • AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 9 sila3 15 sutu oil .
  • 9 sila3 oil ...
  • 1 ban2 3 sila3 oil .
  • 2 qû of oil ...
  • Reverse


    _iti_ e-[bu-ri-im _u4 n-kam_] _mu_ zi-im-[ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki)] is,-ba-[at]

    AI Translation

    The month of Eburum, the day n, the year "Zimir-ilum of Kahat was captured."

    P479648: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [_1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3] i3-gesz_ a-[na me-er-si-im sza _lu2 ha-na_ u3 _lu2 elam-ma_]
  • [i]-nu-ma i-na ki-[sa-al _e2_ bu-ur-mi ip-tu-nu] [_n] sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na 7(disz) _(gesz)gesztin_ a-na# [...]

  • [_6(disz)] sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2-mesz_ sza# [a-na _(na4)ur5 hi-a_ la-qi2-a-im il-li-ku]
  • [_2(disz)] sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2-mesz_ sza# [a-na (gesz)si2-ik-ka-tim il-li-ku]
  • it-ti (d)suen-mu-ba-[li2-it, _giri3_ szu-un-hu-ur-ha-lu] [_n] 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na ka-pa-ar 2(disz) _(gesz)[ma2_ ...] [_n] su i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 [hi-a lu2_ ...] [_n] sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ [...] i#-nu#-ma# [...]

  • [_3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa]-sza#-asz _lu2-[tur]-mesz_ sza t,e4-me#-[en-ni]
  • [_1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa]-sza#-asz _lu2_ hu#-up-pi2-[i]
  • [i-nu-ma] pi2-ri-zi-ri-im i-[na _(gesz)kiri6_ a-bu-la-at]

  • [_1(disz)] sila3# i3-gesz_ a-na li-pi2-it-[e2-a]
  • [_1(disz)] sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na be-el-szu-nu
  • i-nu-ma ma-la-li u3 ha-al-li sza isz-ka-ri-szu-nu ip-tu-qu2

  • _1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _lu2_ sza nu-ba-lim
  • i-nu-ma isz-tu ha-al-s,i2-im (e)-li-[im] _lugal_ i-tu-ra-am

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na (munus)mu-ne2-ni5-tim _geme2 lugal_
  • i-nu-ma im-ra-s,u2

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 hi-a lu2-mesz_
  • sza i-na as,-s,a-al-hi-im wa-asz-bu

  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _kusz [hi-a]_ sza ma-ri-ni
  • sza nu-ba-al _[gesz]-nu2_

  • _6(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza#-[asz] _6(disz) [kusz gu4_ i-nu-ma _4(disz) kusz 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3-am3_ ip-pa-asz-szu]
  • sza a-na a#-sze#-tim# sza sa3-ka-[an-nim] i-na _4(disz) kusz_ pa-sza-szi-im 1(disz) [...]

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na i3-li2-tu-kul2#-ti#
  • i-nu-ma im-[ra-s,u2]

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na _dug_ zu#-[ra-ia-tim]
  • i-nu-ma sa3-ka-na-[am ...] szu-[...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of oil for the mersim of the man of Hana and the Elamite.
  • When in the courtyard of the house of the shurmu-priest they opened, n sila3 oil for 7 litres of wine for .

  • 6 sila3 of oil for 12 men who for a slagstone were bought, they went;
  • 2 sila3 of oil for 12 men who went to the kiln-workers.
  • with Sîn-muballit, via Shunhur-halu; n 1/2 sila3 oil for the kapar-offering of 2 boats ...; n sutu oil for the plow, via Hia; a man ...; n sila3 oil for the plow, a man ... When .

  • 3 sila3 of oil for the preparation of the young men of the report
  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the supplication of the man of Huppî;
  • When the sceptre in the orchard is ripe,

  • 1 sila3 oil for Lipitea;
  • 1 sila3 of oil for their lady,
  • When the mashkalu and the halû which they had smashed,

  • 1/2 sila3 of oil for the shakash of the man of Nuballim;
  • When from Halshum Elium the king returned,

  • 1 sila3 of oil for Munenitum, the queen woman;
  • When he is ill,

  • 1 sila3 of oil for the shashhu-offering of the men.
  • who is seated in the throne chamber,

  • 2 sila3 of oil for the skin of the suckling ... of Mari;
  • of the ... of the tre

  • 6 sila3 oil for the shashhu-offering, 6 hides of oxen when 4 1 1/2 sila3 is required,
  • which for the harvest of the sakannu-plant, in 4 cubits of .

  • 1 sila3 of oil for Ili-tukulti;
  • When he is ill,

  • 1 sila3 oil for a jar of juniper;
  • When the saganum .


  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ [a-na tu-hi-ma-tim sza _e2_ i-la-tim]
  • _2(disz) sila3 i3#-gesz#_ [a-na ...]
  • _1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ [a-na ...]
  • i-nu-[ma ...]

  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_ a-na _geme2 lugal_ ma-ru-usx(_is_)-[tim]
  • _2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na sza-an-nu-ri-im sza# [...]
  • [_2(disz) sila3 1(u) 5(disz) su] i3-gesz_ a-na sza-an-nu-ra-tim sza _e2-gal#_-lim#
  • [_n sila3 n su] i3-gesz_ a-na pa-sza-asz _giri3 hi-a lu2 aga-us2-mesz_ _u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ [_n sila3 i3-gesz_] a-na _lu2-mesz_ sza _gi hi-a_ sza 6(disz) _u4_ ub-lu-nim

  • [_2(disz) sila3 i3-ba] dumu lugal_
  • [_n sila3 i3-ba] dumu-munus lugal_ [...] x-x-x-ma [... _n sila3]-am3_ [... _n sila3]-am3_ [... _n sila3]-am3_ [... _n sila3]-am3_ [_iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 3(u)-kam_] [mu zi-im-ri-li-im ka-ha-at(ki) is,-ba-at]

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 oil for the tuhimatu of the house of Ilatum;
  • 2 sila3 of oil for .
  • 1 1/2 sila3 oil for .
  • When . . .

  • 15 sutu of oil for the slave woman of the king,
  • 2 sila3 of oil for the shannurim of .
  • 2 sila3 15 sutu of oil for the shannu-ra-tum of the palace;
  • n sila3 ... of oil for the pishash, via the sacrificial man; 13th day; n sila3 of oil for the men of the sacrificial man of 6 days brought.

  • 2 sila3 of oil for the king's son;
  • n sila3 oil: the daughter of the king ... ... and ... n sila3 ... n sila3 ... n sila3 ... n sila3 ... n sila3 a month, on the 30th day, the year "Zimri-Lim of Kahat was captured."

    P479649: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) su i3-gesz_
  • a-na sza-an-nu-ri-im sza _lu2 aszgab_ i-di-in

    AI Translation
  • 15 sutu of oil,
  • to the shannu-rim of the shabu-official he gave.



    i-nu-ma ta-al-li sza nu-ba-lim i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    When he has finished the libation bowl of the libation bowl,

    Seal 1


    zi-im-ri-li-im _lugal_ da-[num2] szu-ub-na-lu-u2 [_ARAD-zu_]

    AI Translation

    Zimri-Lim, mighty king, Shubnallû, your servant.

    P479650: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-sag_
  • a-na pa-sza-asz ra-bu _ku5_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of esag-loaf,
  • He is smitten with the great radiance of the sun.



    u3 na-pa-te-e [...]

    AI Translation

    and napatu-disease .

    P479651: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_
  • a-na _lu2-mesz_ sza# it?-ti? sza-sa3-ki#-e#

    AI Translation
  • 2 1/2 sila3 of oil,
  • to the men who with? the shasakie.



    il#-lu-nim i-di-in

    AI Translation

    he gave them back.

    Seal 1


    ia-ab-bi-(d)[...] _dumu_ ia-an-s,i2-[ib-...] _arad_ zi-im-ri-li-im

    AI Translation

    Iabbi-..., son of Yanshib-..., servant of Zimri-Lim.

    P479696: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(disz) 5/6(disz) su ku3-sig17_
  • _ki-la2-bi_

  • 1(u) in-s,a-ba-tim
  • sza (munus)sza-mu-uh-tim

  • _5/6(disz) su 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-sig17_
  • _ki-la2-bi_

  • 2(disz) in-(s,a)-ba-tim
  • sza (munus)me-en-na-zi

    AI Translation
  • 4 5/6 sutu of gold,
  • Its weight.

  • 10 ...;
  • of a female kid

  • 5/6 sutu 15 grains of gold,
  • Its weight.

  • 2 ...;
  • of the woman Menazi.



    sza a-na (munus)szi-ma-tim _dumu-munus lugal_ in-na-di-nu i-na _e2-gal_-lim pu#-ha-at in-s,a-ba-ti-sza in-na-ad-di-nu _iti_ li-li-ia-tim _u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im til-lu-ut e-la-am-tim il-li-ku

    AI Translation

    which for Shimatti, daughter of the king, gave, in the palace, her captives gave. The month of Iliyatum, the day 16 of the year "Zimri-Lim, the complete length of Elam, went."

    P479707: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (munus)ru-ba-a-ia _ba-usz2_ (munus)a-ba-ra-ka-tum _nig2-szu_ dingir-ka-an

    AI Translation

    The woman Rubaya, the slaughtered woman Abarakatu, the property of your god.



    _iti (d)[hilib] u4 [n-kam]_ [_mu_ zi-im]-ri#-li#-[im til-lu-ut] babila2#(ki) [il]-li-ku

    AI Translation

    The month of Hilib, the day n, the year "Zimri-Lim, the king of Babylon, marched."

    Seal 1


    [a]-hu-wa#-[qar] _dumu_ (d)suen-ga-[mil]

    AI Translation

    Ahu-waqar, son of Sîn-gamil;

    P479708: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n _ma]-na# ku3-babbar 6(disz) tug2 hi-a_ (munus)be-el#-tum [...] _ma#-na ku3-babbar 6(disz) tug2_ sza-mi-isz3 _lu2_ su-ti-i [...] szi-ib-tu [... _ma]-na# ku3-babbar 1(u) 2(disz) tug2_ ba-ah-di-li-im [...] 1(u) 4(disz) _tug2_ sza a-bu-ut _e2_-tim [...] x _ki#_ s,i2-id-qi2-e-pu-uh [...] _arad2_-i3-li2-szu [...] ha#-ab#-du-ma-lik [... i-din]-ia-tum [... da]-ri#-isz#-li-bur [... zi-im-ri]-(d)iszkur [...] [...]-tum [...]-dingir [...-ha]-am-mu [...]

    AI Translation

    n minas of silver, 6 turbans of the queen ... minas of silver, 6 turbans of the shamish-priest, the man of Suti ... shitu-tax, ... minas of silver, 12 turbans of the shamash-priest, ... 14 turbans of the appointing of the temple ... with Shidqi-epuh ... Warad-ilishu ... Habdum-malik ... Iddin-iatum ... Daragibur ... Zimri-Adad ... ... ...-hammu .



    [...] ia-ri-im-li-[im] [...] la-u2-um [... _hi]-a_ 2(disz) li-im 4(disz) me 1(gesz2) 2(u) 2(disz) _udu hi-a_ [...] _ma-na 8(disz) su ku3-babbar_ 2(disz) me 1(disz) szu-szi _tug2 hi-a_ [...] i-gi-se-e-em [sza ha-la]-as, ma-ri(ki) [u3 ha-al]-s,i2-im e-li-i-im [...] i#-na pa-pa-hi-im sza ki-sa-al _(gesz)giszimmar_ [_iti_ li?-li?-a?]-tim# _u4 5(disz)-kam_ [_mu_ zi-im-ri-li]-im [_(gesz)gu-za gal_ a-na (d)]da#-gan sza ter-qa(ki) [u2-sze]-lu-u2

    AI Translation

    ... iarim-lim ... la'um ... 2 ... 422 sheep ... mina 8 su silver 261 shush tug-sheep ... he will pay. Of the city of Mari and of the city of Halshum up to ... in the cella of the courtyard of date palms. The 5th day of the year "Zimri-lim the great throne for Dagan of Terqa was erected."

    P479721: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na ia-ah-du-li-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ia-ah-mi-id-li-im a-hu-ka-a-ma

  • 1(disz) _(gesz)taskarin_ sza 5(disz) am-ma-tim
  • u2-ru-uk-szu

  • [1(disz)] am-ma-at
  • [ku]-bu#-ur-szu [la] ta#-ka-al-la-am [t,u2]-ur#-da-am [szu-bi]-la#-am

    AI Translation

    To Yahdulum speak! Thus Yahdulum, your brother:

  • 1 boxwood of 5 mm,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1 Ammat,
  • His scepter is not swollen, he is swollen.



    [...] [...]-ma [...]-szu [...] [... lu]-sza-re-e-em mi-im-ma sza ha-asz-ha-ta! szu-up-ra-am-ma lu-sza-bi-la-kum

    AI Translation

    ... ... and ... ... ... ... I shall write down everything that is a hazhatu and send it to you.

    P479722: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] zi [...] _la2-u hi-a_ [li-mu (d)]a-szur-tak2-[la-ku]

  • 6(disz) _sag-_arad2_ lu2_ sa3-ni-pa-a-tim#[(ki) ...]
  • _la2-u_ ha-mi-ta-nu _lu2 ad-[kup4_ ...]

  • 1(disz) sa-ma-ra-nu 1(disz) [...]
  • _la2-u_ i3-li2-sa-lim [...]

  • 4(disz) _ansze la2-u_ qi2-isz-[...]
  • 1(disz) _sag-_arad2_ la2-u_ ri-pi2#-[...]
  • _la2-u hi-a_ li-mu ha-ia3-[ma-lik] _la2-u ansze#_ e-si-ta-[dingir ...] [...] ba-li-ia u3 ha-a-aq-[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

  • 6 slaves, men of Sanipatum .
  • The one who is ill, the one who has sinned .

  • 1 samaranu-vessel, 1 ...,
  • The ... of Ili-salim .

  • 4 hectares of arable land, .
  • 1 slave, the slave of Ripi-...;
  • The ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the donkey, the Esita-ili, ... my life and the ...



    [...]-ma _lu2-azlag2_ x x [...] [...]-_an_-lim _dumu?_ za x [...] [... _lu2]-diri#-ga_ a-na [...] [_la2-u hi-a_ li]-mu (d)suen-mu-[ba-li2-it,] [...] [...]-ia [...] _engar_ [...] x [...] sa6? [...] s,il2-li2-(d)utu [...] _la2-u e2_ x ir-bi [...] [...]-ri _la2-u_ ka-an [...] [...]-na? 1(disz) _dumu-gaba_ [...]-ia elam [...]-szi# elam#

    AI Translation

    ... and the ... ... ... ... the satrap to ... ... ... Sîn-muballit ... ... my ... ... farmer ... ... ... ... Shilli-shamash ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 son of ... ... Elam



    [...]-mu# (d)lamma-sa6-ga [_iti_ ... li-mu ri-isz]-(d#)utu#

    AI Translation

    ... ... of the Lamassaga, month ..., eponymy of Rish-Shamash.

    P479723: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) _gan2_ a-[sza3]_
  • sza (disz)i-szar-li-im x [x] _lu2 dumu-mesz_ (disz)szu-(d)da-gan# i-na pa-le-e zi-im-ri-li-[im] ib-qu2#-ru-ma ma-ha-ar (d)i-tur2-me-er ni-isz i-li-im iz-ku-ru-ma i-na# [a]-wa#-a#-[tim] uk#-ti-nu s,a-[ab-tu]-u2 a-na [szi-ni-szu] ma-ha-[ar (d)]i-tur2-me-er uk#-[ti]-nu# [i]-na# _e2 dingir_ [ma-ha]-ar (d)i-tur2-me-er [u3] an-nu-ni-tim _igi_ ia-di-hi-im _lu2_ su-ga-gi-im _igi_ ia-si-im-(d)da-[gan] _dumu#_ sa-ki-ri-im [_igi_] ia-[az]-ra-ah-(d)da#-gan# _dumu#_ ia-si-im-ha-lu [_igi_] sa-ak-bi-(d)da-gan

    AI Translation
  • 10 hectares of arable land,
  • of Ishar-Lim ..., sons of Shu-Dagan, in the reign of Zimri-Lim he seized and before Itur-Mer the love of Ilum he swore and in a word he swore, a slander to him, before Itur-Mer he swore, in the temple of the god, before Itur-Mer and Annunitum; before Yadihum, the Sugagim; before Yasim-Dagan, the Sakirim; before Yazrah-Dagan, the Yasimhalu; before Sakbi-Dagan,



    _igi#_ ia-szu-ub-dingir _igi_ ia-ah-mu-us,x(_is_)-dingir _dumu_ ka-pa-an _igi_ pu-ut,-ra-am-i3-li2 _igi_ i-din-ka-ak-ka# sza-gi-im _igi_ a-mu-ur-du-nu-_ut_-szu? sza-gi-im _igi_ ia-s,i2-(d)da-gan _nu-ban3-da_ _igi_ (d)i-tur2-me-er-sza-ma-a na#-s,a#-ru# _igi_ ma-ah-nu-ub-dingir _dumu_ i-din-ma-am-ma _igi_ ri-ip-e-(d)utu _igi_ ba-li-(d)da-gan _igi_ me-ep-ti-ii-im _dumu_ ia-qi2-im-(d)iszkur _lu2_ ia-wa-il3(ki) _igi_ ab-du-ma-(d)da-gan _igi_ a-tam-rum _igi_ ka-a-la-ta-an _lu2-mesz_ an-nu-tum i#-na# [bi-it]

    sa-bi-tim# [a-na sza-t,a3-ar] tup-pi2-im# [an-ni-im iz-zi-zu]

    AI Translation

    before Yashub-ili; before Yahmu-ush-ili, son of Kapan; before Putram-ili; before Iddin-kakka, shangû-priest; before Amur-dunu-shumu, shangû-priest; before Yashi-Dagan, nbanda-priest; before Itur-meershama, the guard; before Mahnub-ili, son of Iddin-ma; before Rippe-shamash; before Bili-Dagan; before Meppeim, son of Yaqim-Adad, man of Yawil; before Abduma-Dagan; before Atamrum; before Kalatan, these men, in the beginning

    The scribe stands for the writing of this tablet.

    P479724: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li2-ia] [qi2-bi2-ma] [um-ma ...] [_arad_-ka-a-ma] a-na#/di#? [...] i-na [...] (disz)ia#-[...] (disz)a-mu-[...] (disz)ab-ba-[...] u3 ha-am-mi-[e?]-bi?-ih isz#-ta-lu!-ma a-szar [...] u2-sze-ri-bu-szu

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus ... your servant: ... ... ... ... ... Ia..., Amu..., Abba... and Hammi-ebih have gone and brought him to the place of .



    um-ma szu-nu-u2-ma i-na mu-usz-ta-lu#-ti-szu-nu _dumu#-mesz#_ ia-mi-na a-na qa-ti-szu u2-te#-[er] [isz]-nu#-ku-um(ki) ba-bi-la-iu-um(ki) ma-tum sza-pi2-il5-tum nu-um-ha-a(ki) u3 i-da-ma-ra-as,[(ki)] it-ti-szu i-sza-ri-isz i-da-bu-[bu] u2 qa2-su2 na-am-la-ka-at a-bi#-[szu] (disz)ia-ah-du-un-li-im# [is,-ba-at] [i]-nu#-ma x x [...]

    AI Translation

    "They, in their midst, sons of Iamina, returned to his hands. Ishnukum, Babylon, the land of the shapiltu, Nurha, and Idamarash with him they fought, and his hand the savagery of his father Yahdun-Lim took. When .



    [a-na s,e-er] be-li2-ia asz-pu-ra-am [be-li2] li-isz-ta-al

    AI Translation

    I have written to my lord. May my lord be satisfied.

    P479725: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# be-li2-[ia] [qi2]-bi2-[ma] [um]-ma la-u2-[um] [_arad2_]-ka-a-[ma] [asz]-szum _(gesz)ma2 tur hi-a_ sza (d)[da-gan] _lu2_ a-pi2-lum it-bi-ma ki-ma 1(disz)-szu 2(disz)-szu a-wa-tam a-na bi-nim u3# _arad2#_-di-_mesz_ sza i-na ter-qa(ki) wa-asz-bu ki-a-am iq-bi um#-ma#-mi# _(gesz)ma2 tur [hi-a_ sza (d)da-gan]

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus La'um, your servant: concerning the small boat of Dagan, the man of the Apil, he has taken. Like one or two times I have written to him, and the servants who are in Terqa are living there, as follows: "The small boat of Dagan



    _ARAD2 e2-[gal_-lim ...] um-ma-mi [...] u3 _ku3-babbar_ sza isz?-[...] _(gesz)ma2 gal (gesz)ma2 tur#_ x [...] a-di tu-ut-tu-ul(ki) i-la-ka an-ni-tam be-li2 lu-u2 i#-di sza-ni-tam _iti_ a-ia#-ri-im _u4 2(u) 7(disz)-kam_ is-su2-uh-ma tup-pi2 an-ne2-em i-na ter-qa(ki) a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lam _iti sze:sag11-ku5 u4 5(disz)-kam_ i-na-sa2-ah [szi-pi2]-ir _e2#?_ a-na pa-an ru-ug-ba-tim [lu-u2] ig#-ga-me-er a-na tam#-li-im [szi-ip-rum] dan#-nu-um e-pi2-ri mu-ul-lim

    [ma-a-ad] ma#-ri(ki) sza-lim# [ma-a-tum sza-al-ma]-at#

    AI Translation

    servant of the palace ... ... and silver which ... a large boat, a small boat ... to Tuttul he will come. This my lord should know. The following month, the 27th day he sinned, and this tablet in Terqa to my lord sent. The month of Addarum, the 5th day he sinned. The work on the house before the reed-bed he shall not do. To the terrace the strong workman, the workman,

    The land of Mari is well; the land is well.

    P479726: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be]-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma la-na-su-u2-um _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma i-na pa-ni-tim-ma asz-szum _lu2-mesz_ ia-hu-ur-ri(ki) sza gi-ir-ra-am isz-hi-t,u2 be-li2 ki-a-am isz-pu-ra-am um-ma be-li2-ma ta-ta-mu-um li-szi-ib-ma _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-ti ku-sa-szu-nu-ti-ma u3 szu-ri-e-szu-nu-ti i-na-an-na i-na _u4_-me-em sza _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu gi-ir-ra-am isz-hi-t,u2 a-wa-tam esz-me sza-ni-im _u4_-ma-am il-li-ku-ni-im-ma sza-ha-at, gi-ir-ri-im iq-bu-nim um-ma-a-mi _lu2-mesz_ sza-hi-t,u2 qa-du-um e-nu-ti-szu-nu

    s,a-ab-tu a-na-ku i-na 3(disz) _u4_-me-em ta-ta-ma-am u2-sze:szi-ib-ma a-wa-tam sza-a-ti aq-bi _dumu-mesz_ a-lim 3(u) _lu2-mesz_ id-di-nu-nim-[ma] a-na s,e-er _lu2-mesz_ sza-hi-t,e4

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Lanasû, your servant: In the past, concerning the men of Yahurru who a stele was found, my lord wrote to me as follows: "My lord, let them sit down and they will be smitten." Now, on the day that those men a stele was found, a written order was given to me. The second day they came and the shackle was said to me: "The shackle is their own."

    I am a captive. For 3 days you will speak, I will settle it and I will say this word. The sons of the city 30 men gave to me and to the men who are seized



    an-ha-ri-ir-ma i-na qa-ab-le#-et# [gi-ir]-ri-im (disz)sa3-bi-nu-um me-er-hi-wu-um sza ia-ri-ih(ki) u3 _lu2-mesz_ ia-hu-ur-ru-u2 sza-hi-t,u2 it-ti-szu a-na s,e-er s,u2-ri-ha-am-mu-u2 pa-nu-szu-nu sza-ak-nu asz-szum a-wa-tim sze-ti i-na qa-ab-le-e-et gi#-ir-ri-im _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-ti am-hu-ur-ma u2-ul eb-lu-um i-na qa-ab-li-szu-nu na!-di mi-im-ma i-na qa-ti-szu-nu u2-ul as,-ba-a-at u3 mu-di-in-szu-nu u2-ul ib-ba-szi _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-ti u2-ha-an-ni-iq-ma ak-ki-ma ur-ra-am sze-ra-am wa-ar-ku-um

    li-isz-hu-[ut]-ma# a-na mi-im-(ma) qa-as-su2 la ub-ba-al

  • 5/6(disz) _(ma-na)_ 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _lu2-mesz dam-gar3_
  • [sza]-ah#-t,u2-tim ad-di-in u3 i-na _u4_-mi-szu-ma [di]-in#-szu-nu u2-ga-am-me-er [u3] i#-nu-ma _ku3-babbar_-szu _lu2 dam-gar3_-x [i]-na# _e2_ (d)da-gan# szu#-ru-bu-ma _igi_ (d)da-gan _ku3-babbar#_ na-di [sza] e#-pe2!-szi-[im] e#-pu-usz2

    AI Translation

    I have seized and in the midst of the reeds, Sabinum, the meerhiwu of Iaih, and the men of Iahurru, the sahutu, with him, in the face of the sharihammu-disease, their faces are set. Because of this order in the midst of the reeds, those men I received, but they did not escape, in their midst I did not take anything from them, and their dowry I did not take. Those men I seized, and I fought, and the day of the sharam, the day of the harku-disease

    May they be sated with a sacrificial sacrificial sheep, and may they not be sated with anything.

  • 5/6 mina 1 shekel of silver to the men of the merchants;
  • I gave them, and at that time I gave them back. Further, when the merchant ... received his silver from the house of Dagan, and before Dagan the silver I gave, which I did,

    P479727: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia zi-im-ri-li-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma za-ku-ra-a-bu-um-ma _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma e-mu-ka ka-lu-szu _lu2_ ha-na-ma u3 _lu2-mesz_ ha#-na# ka-lu-szu a-na e-le-ka [i]-na-szu# ga-am-ra# u3 da-na-tum ka-lu-szi-na isz#-ta-na-pa-ra-nim um-ma-mi be-el-ni _lugal#_ zi-im-ri-li-im li-il-li-kam-ma i ni-ip-te t,e4-ma-am ga-am-ra-am _lu2_ ha-ad-na-an asz-pu-ra-kum ki-a-am ta-asz-pu-ra-am um-ma at-ta-ma a-na pa-ni-ia# _lu2_ ha-na li-ip-hu-ur2 an-na ka-asz-da-ku be-li2 u2-hi-ra-am-ma

    asz-szum sze-pa-a-tim sza _lu2_ ha-na u2 ri-tim (disz)a-dal-sze-ni i-sza-ri-isz i-pu-la-an-ni um-ma szu-ma a-na _ansze-dusu2_ wa-ka-pi2-im u3 sza-pi2-im sza _lu2_ ha-na-_mesz#_ hi-t,e4-tam a-ta-na#-[pa]-al# (disz)a-dal-sze-ni ke-em i-pu-la-an-[ni] i-na-an-na nu-su2-ug-ga-nu _lugal_ [szi-na-mi(ki)] a-na ha-al#-s,i2-szu szi-ip-t,a3-am# [isz-ku-un] um-ma szu-ma ma-am-ma-an sze-em szi-pa-a-tam a-na _lu2_ ha-na-_mesz_ la i-na-ad-di-in

  • 3(disz) li-mi _ansze hi-a_ sza _lu2_ ha-na ri-qu2-su2-nu i-tu-ru-nim
  • um-ma nu-su2-ug-ga-nu _lugal_ szi-na-mi(ki)-(ma) a-na mi-nim be-el-ka a-na a-dal-sze-ni isz#-ta-na-pa-ar u3 a-ia-szi-im la# isz-pu-ra-am asz-szum an-ne2-tim szi-pa-a-tam a-na _lu2_ ha-na-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    To my lord Zimri-Lim speak! Thus Zakurabuum, your servant: your army is full of men. The man of Hana and the men of Hana are full of men. To your lord they are all good. And the mighty ones are all good. They have constantly written to me: "May our lord, the king of Zimri-Lim come and we will open the letter. The man of Hana I have written to you. Like you I have written to you, thus you: to my face the man of Hana may eat. This is the king, I have sent to you.

    Concerning the supplications of the man of the king and the ritual, Adalsheni was arguing with me, saying: "To the donkeys of the king of the

  • 3 limmu of a hyena-sheep, which a man of Hana had seized, they returned.
  • "Nusuganu, king of Sinam, to what is your lord to us? And he has not written to me. Because this letter to the kings



    u2-ul i-na-di-in sza-ni-tam (disz)ia-a-pa-ah-(d)iszkur u3 s,u-up-re-e-ra-ah a-na s,e-er ia-ri-im-li-im _lu2_ ia-am-ha-ad u3 ap-la-ha-an-da# kar-ki-sa-ii i-li-ku-ma u3# ia-ri-im-li-im u3 ap-la-[ha-an]-da# qa-du s,a-[bi-szu]-nu _(gesz)tukul_ a-na a-ka-al# [za-al-ma]-qi2#-[im(ki)] u3 a-du-na-(d)iszkur i-pu#-[szu] (disz)ia-ri-im-li-im u3 ap-[la-ha-an-da] (disz#)a#-dal#-sze-ni u3 szi-ip-ti#-[lu] ka-la#-ma# a-na ra-ma-ni-szu-nu# [isz-su2-u2] um-ma a-na-ku-ma ba-lu-um be-li2-ia

    [(disz)a-du]-na#-(d)iszkur u3 za-al-ma-qu2-um [da-am7]-da#-am sza ia-[ri]-im#-[li]-im [u3 ap]-la#-ha#-an-da# [i-du-ku] [ki-ma bu]-sze-e ub-ba-ku#-[nim] [t,e4-ma-am?] an-ne2-em isz-mu#-[u2] _lu2_ ha-na [sza an-ni-isz] sa#-ak-nu a-na _kur_ ia-mi-si-im [na-bu-ti-im up]-ta#-hi-ir [t,e4-mu-szu]-nu# sza a-na pa-ni be-li2-ia [asz-pu-ra-am] ku-un-nu i-[...] ni#-im u3? s,a#-ba#-a#-at#? i-[...] x x u3# [...]-sze-em a-na _lu2_ ha-na x-[...] _siskur2#-re_ x-[...] _lu2# ha-na is-qa-iu(ki#) [i-na na-ba-al-ka-at]

    _kur_ sza-di-im na-du#?-[u2 szu-nu] sza-ni-tam asz-szum da-am7-da-am sza ia-ri-im-li-im u3 ap-la-ha-an-da#

    AI Translation

    Secondly, Yapah-Adad and Shuprah to the side of Yarim-Lim, the man of Yamhad and Apla-Handa, Karkisa'i, went, and Yarim-Lim and Apla-Handa, together with their weapons, the weapons to the border of Zalmaqim and Aduna-Adad they performed. Yarim-Lim and Apla-Handa, Adalleni and Shiptilu all of them, to their own hands they raised. Thus I, the life of my lord,

    Aduna-Addu and Zalmaqu, the witnesses of Yarim-Lim and Apalahanda, he killed. Like a stag he smote me, this report he heard. The man, the man, who this is smashed, to the land of Yamisim, the slanderer, he received. Their report, which I sent to my lord, they ..., and the shabat ... ... and ... to the man, the man, ... the sacrifice ... the man, the man, Isqayu, in the nabalkat,

    The land of the shadim and the nadû are the second; concerning the damdam of Iarim-Lim and Apla-handa

    Column 1


    (disz)a-du-na-(d)iszkur u2 [za-al-ma-qi2-im] i-du-uk li-ib-ba#-[ka la i-na-'i-id] be-li2 ar-hi-isz li#-[il-li-ik-ma]

    AI Translation

    Aduna-Adda and Zalmaqim fought, but your heart did not agree. May my lord quickly go and

    Column 2


    [mi]-li#-ik _lu2_ ha-na-_mesz_ [u3] na#?-wi-szu li-im-li-ik [szum-ma be-li2] lu-pu-ut [u3 a-na-ku]-ma

    AI Translation

    May the slander of the men, the slander of his enemies, be slandered. If my lord does not act, and I

    Column 3


    a-na s,e-er _lugal-mesz_ sza za-al-ma-qi2 lu-ul-li-ik mi-li-ik _lu2_ ha-na lu-um-li-ik

    AI Translation

    I shall go to the kings who are slighted. I shall go to the cult center. I shall go to the cult center of the man.

    P479728: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na# [zi]-im-ri-li-im# qi2#-bi2-[ma] [um-ma] ia-aq-bi-(d)iszkur# [a]-hu-ka-a-[ma] pa-nu-tum [qa]-da#-am-ni sza bi-ri-[szu-nu] ti#-is,-bu#-[tu] u3 qa-qa-da-tu-[szu-nu] isz#-ti-ni-isz# ni#-in-mu-da le#-['-u2] [pa]-na#-nu-um-ma ha-am-ma-ka# (disz)ha-ad-ni-li-im ik-di# _e2_ ma-ri(ki) u3 _e2_ asz-na-ak-ki-im(ki) u2-ba-nu-um isz-te9-en# i-da-ma-ra-as,(ki) u3 ha-na-_mesz_ hi-ip#-szu# isz#-tu# pa-na-ma u3 (disz)ha-mu-ra-pi2 i-na [la li-ib-bi-szu?] [qa]-ra#-an _tug2_ (disz)ia-ah-du-un#-[li-im]

    [i]-zi-ib-ma qa-ra#-an _tug2 [lu2_ e-ka-al-la]-ta#?-ii(ki) [is,]-ba-at-ma ba-la#-su2 uh-[ta-li]-iq#? [i]-na#-an-na# [...] x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    To Zimri-Lim speak! Thus Yaqbi-Adad, your brother: The front of the qadamnu-walls of their quays, the tibbutu-walls and their qadatu-walls, together with us, we have gathered together. The front of the qadamnu-wall, Haydni-Lim, he has secured. The house of Mari and the house of Ashnakkim he has gathered. Idamarasi and Hanas his yoke from the front and Hamurapi, without his yoke, the yoke of the garment of Yahdun-Lim,

    He stood and the ... of the garment of a man from Ekallatai he took and his life he made great. Now ... ... .



    i-sza-la-an#-[ni ...] sza-ni-tam tup-pa-ka# [sza tu-sza-bi-lam esz-me] at-ta e-li _lu2_ tu-ru#-[uk-ki-i-im] u2-lu-ma e-li (disz)a-dal-sze-ni# u2-ul da-am-qa-a-at# at-ta-a-ma lu-u2 a-hu-ni u3 ni-nu-ma lu-u2 ah-hu#-ka u3 i-da-ma-ra-as,#[(ki)] ka-lu#-szu a-hu-ka-a-ma [at-ta-ma ki-ma] sza# ta-pa#-ah#-hu-ru [_kaskal-a_ s,a-ba-at u3 me-he]-er# tup-pi2#-ia a#-na s,e-ri-ia szu#-[bi]-lam an-na# ni-nu i-na asz-na-ak-ki-im#(ki) ni-pa#-ah#-hu-ur u3 _sze_-um sza i-na ma#-a#-ti#-im# i-ba-asz-szu-u2

    ni-nu-ma# ni-ka-al#-la# _[dumu]-mesz#_ si-im-a-la ka-lu-szu i-na li-ib-bi-im-ma ub-ta-al-la-at, szum-ma i-na ki-na-tim it-ti-ia ta-da-bu-ub tup#-[pi2] an-ne2-e!(A)-em szi-me-ma ar-hi-isz ku#-usz-dam u3 [_lu2-mesz_] an-nu-tim i nu-sze-[s,i2]

    AI Translation

    ... secondly, your tablet which you sent me, is a recitation. You, above the man of Turukkim or above Adalsheni, are not good. You, either I or you, either I or you, and Idamarash, all of it, I am yours. Like you, I have sent to you the road of capture and the horizon of my tablet to my side. This we have sent to you, and the barley which is in the land there is.

    Now we are bringing all the sons of Simala, all of them, in the heart and they are bringing. If in the true manner with me you speak, this tablet, if it is agreeable, we shall bring it and these men we shall bring.

    P479729: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li2]-ia [qi2]-bi2-ma [um-ma] za#-ku-ra-a-bu-um [_ARAD2_]-ka-a-ma [be-li2] ke-em isz-pu-ra-am um-ma-mi _lugal#-mesz_-ni sza ma-at szu-bar-tim pi2-qi2-id u3 it-ti-szu-nu i-sza-ri-isz3 du-bu-ub an-ni-tam be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am la-ma be-li2-ma i-sza-pa-ra-am

  • 2(disz)#? me-tim _udu-nita2 hi-a_ it-ti ha-na-_mesz_ i-na t,u2-bi-szu-nu-ma
  • [u2]-pa#-hi-ir-ma _lugal-mesz_-ni sza ia-da-ma-ra-as, [za]-al#-ma-qi2-im(ki) u3 _lugal-mesz_-ni sza a-da-mi-i [ap-qi2]-id u3 it-ti-szu-nu i-sza-ri-isz3 ad-bu-ub [u3 a]-na s,e-er a-dal-sze-en6-ni a-na asz-na-ak-ki-im(ki) [al]-li-ik-ma sza-tu ap-qi2-is-su2 [u3] _lugal-mesz_-ni sza it-ti-szu i-na asz-na-ak-ki-im wa-asz-bu [ap]-qi2#-id-ma i-na a-la-ki-ia pa-ni-im ap-qi2-su2 [u3] i#-na-an-na ap-qi2-is-su2-ma a-na asz-na-ki-im(ki) [a-na]-ku et,-hi-ma u2-sa3-hi-im

    [ia]-ah#-mu-us,-dingir _lu2_ sza-pi2-t,um sza asz-na-ak-ki-im#[(ki)] [_ARAD2_ a]-dal-sze-en6-ni ke-em isz-pu-ra-an-ni [um-ma-mi] a-na mi-nim (gesz)di-ma-ti-ka tu#-[ub-ba-al] [a-na mi]-nim# ka-ra-szi-ka tu-usz#-[sza-ab] [...]-ka am-mi-nim x-[...]

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Zakkurabuum, your servant: My lord wrote me as follows: "The kings of the land of the szubartu have been appointed and with them are arguing." This is what my lord wrote to me. But my lord should write to me as follows:

  • 2 hundred? sheep, a ... with the hanas, in their favor
  • I seized and the kings of Yadamarasi, Zalmaqim and the kings of Adami I appointed, and with them they were enraged I spoke, and to the side of Adalshenni to Ashnakkim I went, and that I appointed, and the kings with him in Ashnakkim who reside there I appointed, and in my presence I appointed him, and now I appointed him, and to Ashnakkim I was angry and I praised.

    Yahmushil, the shapitu of Ashnakkim, servant of Adalleni, when he wrote to me, saying: "To what extent do you smite your arrows?" You sit down to what extent do you smite your arrows? ... what .



    [...] _el#_ [...] [...-ku]-nu-ti [...] [be]-li2#-ia x [x x a]-na da-na-[ti ...]-il# [...]-ni szu-up-ra-ma s,a-ba-am x [...]-i [isz-ku]-na-ku-nu-szi-im a-dal-sze-en6#-[ni] [ke]-em# iq-be2-em um-ma-mi _lu2_ e#?-[lu-hu-ut?] [_lu2_ nu]-um-ha u3 _lu2_ ia-mu-ut-ba-al# [a-na] _(gesz)tukul_ e-pe2-szi-im it-ti-ia pa#-[nu]-szu#-nu sza#-ak-nu 1(disz) li-im ha-na-_mesz_ id-na-am-ma it#-ti-ia li-isz-bu a-ha-am-ma a#-dal-sze-ni i-ri-sza-an-ni a-ha-am-ma (disz#)ha-du-na-(d)iszkur sza ha-an-za-at(ki) i-sza-pa#-ra-am

    u3 a-ha-am-ma (disz)ta-ri-im-na-at-ku [sza] szu-ba-at-(d)en-lil2(ki) i-sza-pa-ra-am [i-na]-an#-na _lugal-mesz_-nu ka-lu-szu-nu [u2-da]-ba-bu-ni-in-ni u3 i-na ma-tim [...] isz#-sza-ak-ka-szum-ma be-li2 li-li-kam-ma [...] x-tim li-_bi_-it _ti#_? [...]-im# [ki-ma _lugal_]-ti#-szu# be-li2 li-[pu-usz2 ma]-a#-tum [be-re-et] sze-um i-na [ma-a]-tim# sza-qi2-il5 [...] al# [...]-ka-al [... a]-la#-ak be-li2-ia [... an]-ni#-tam [...] ip#?-hu-ur-ma [...] _kur_-i ha-sa-am-ma [...]-x isz-tu ia-mi-si-im

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... your ... ... my lord ... for the might ... ... ... ... sent to you, and a ... he sent to you, and I am stricken with fear. According to what he said, "A man is a liar, a man is a liar, and a man is a liar, to do battle with me they are seated. One of the Hanaeans gave me and with me they shall stand, and together they shall stand, together they shall fight. Together they shall fight. Together they shall write to me, and Hanzana-Adad of Hanzanat shall send to me.

    And one another, Tarim-natku of Shubat-Enlil is sending. Now all the kings have sinned against me, and in the land ... he has sent to me, and my lord may he go and ... ... ... may he live ... like his kingship, my lord may he do. The land, the lord, the barley in the land shall take. ... ... ... I will go ... this ... he received, and ... the mountain ... from Iamsim

    P479730: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-bi-ia zi-im-ri-li-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma sza-du-um-a-dal _dumu_-ka-a-ma _i3 du10-ga_ a-na pa-sza-szi-ia u2-ul i-ba-asz-szi i-na-an-na szum-ma

    AI Translation

    To my father Zimri-Lim speak! Thus Shadum-Adad, your son: "A good oil for my lips there is no." Now, if



    li-ib-bi a-bi-ia 2(disz) _sila3 i3 du10-ga_ a-na pa-sza-szi-ia li-sza-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    May the heart of my father send 2 qû of good oil to my side.

    P479731: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...]-x i-na [...] [...] t,e4#-em na-we-e-im# [a]-na# s,e-ri-ia u2-ul sa-di-ir an#-ni-tam be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am na-wu-um [i]-na* li-ib-bi ma-a-tim sa3-ap-ha-at i-mi-it-ti na-we-e-im _kur_ e-bi-ih u3 szu-me2-el-sza ta-al-ha-iu-um(ki) isz-tu ra-za-ma-a(ki) ia-sa-an as,-ba-tam-ma (disz)bu-nu-isz8-tar2 zu-zu-u2 sa-am-si-e-ra-ah (disz)i-ni-isz-ul-me u3 sa3-am-bu-ga-ni# ap#-qi2-id a-na pu-hu-ur _lugal-mesz_ szu-ut [(disz)ha-ia3]-su-u2-um sa-am-me-e-tar# [u3 _lugal]-mesz#_ i-da-ma-ra-as, ka-la-szu-nu#

    [a-na ma-la-ha]-tim(ki) sza sa-ri-im [at,-ru]-us#-(su2)-nu-ti-ma ap-qi2-is-su-nu-[ti]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the news of the people to my side I did not send. This my lord wrote to me. The people in the heart of the land were scattered. The people of the land were scattered. And Sumelsha of Talhayum from Razama I took and Bunu-ishtar, the samari-eriba, Inishulme and Sambugani I appointed. To the kings of Hayasum, Sammaritar and the kings they will see all of them.

    I gathered them for Malahat, which is called Sarim, and appointed them.



    u3# a#-wa#-tim ki#-a-am as,-ba-as-su2-nu-szi-im um-ma a-na-ku-ma isz-tu pa-na u3 wa-ar-ka ha-na-_mesz_ re-u2-ka u3 at-ta _lu2-engar_-szu i-na-an-na am-mi-nim sze-em szi-pa-a-at ha-na-_mesz_ ta-ak-la-a an-ne2-e-tim u3 ma-da-tim-ma ad-bu-ub-szu-nu-szi-im [i-na] a-wa-tim li-ib-(bi)-szu-nu u2-ni-ih-ma [i-na-an]-na# da-mi-iq-tam 2(ban2) 1(disz) _sila3 i3_ [n] _ansze-ta-am3_ sze-em szi-pa-a-tam [a-na _lu2_ ha]-na-_mesz_ isz-ku-nu i-sza-ri-isz [a-na be]-li2#?-ia i-da-ab-bu-bu

    [t,e4-em i]-ba#-al-(d)iszkur _lugal_ asz2-la-ak-ka-a(ki) [u3 ...] as,#-ba#-as#-su2-nu-szi-im [um-ma a-na-ku]-ma be-li2

    AI Translation

    And a word I seized them as follows: "I myself, from the front and behind the men, your shepherd, and you, his farmer, now what is the word of the letter of the men, the slander of this and the land, I spoke to them? By a word their hearts trembled, and now a good price of 2 ban2 1 sila3 oil, n donkeys, the word of the letter to the men they set, they are very pleased, to my lord they speak.

    News of Ibal-Addu, king of Eshlakka, and ... I have seized them. Thus I, my lord:



    [... ke]-em# iq#-bi#? um-ma-a-mi [...] u3# i-ba-al-pi2-dingir [... pi2-qi2-it]-ti-ku-nu pa#-aq-da-[at]

    AI Translation

    ... he said? to the mother ... and Ibal-pî-il ... your sworn orders are sworn.

    P479732: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li]-ni [qi2]-bi2#-ma [um-ma dumu-isz8]-tar2# (disz)hi-is-ni-(d)iszkur [(disz)i-ba-asz]-szi#-dingir (disz)i-din-(d)na-na-a [u3] (disz)ha-zi-bi-ia _ARAD2-mesz_-ka-ma asz-szum t,e4-em _sa2-du11_-ti#-ni# sza a-na be-li-ni ni-isz-pu-ra-am# be-el-ni ki-a-am isz-pu-ra-an-ni-a-szi-[im] um-ma be-el-ni-ma a-wi-le-e sza a-na _sa2#-[du11]_-ti-ku-nu e-si-ha-ak-ku-nu-szi-im [a-na]-ku# a-sza-al#-ma [_nig2-ka9_ im]-nu-u2-ma

  • [1(disz) _lu2_] sza# _sa2-du11_-szu
  • AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus says the son-in-law of Hini-Adad, Ibashi-ilu, Iddin-Nanaya and Hazabibia, your servants: "On account of the report of our sattukku offerings which we sent to our lord, our lord wrote to us as follows: "Our lord, the man who to your sattukku offerings has seized you, I shall go and collect the account of you."

  • 1 man whose regular offerings
  • Reverse


    [la im-hu-ru u2]-ul i-ba-asz-szi [an-ni-a-tam be-el-ni isz]-pu-ra-an-ni-a-szi-im [i-na-an-na] _lu2 dumu sza13-dub-ba_-a-ni i-na ma2-ri2(ki) wa-asz-bu u3 (disz)mu-tu-ha-ad-qi2-im wa-szi-ib be-el-ni wa-ar-ka-tam li-ip-ru-us [sza im-ma]-t,u2-u2-ma a#-na# [_erin2-mesz_] [sza] sza#-at-tu-uk-ka-[tim] la# ma-ah-ru li-id-di-nu [u3] be-el-ni pi2-isz-sza-at-ni# [mi]-nam u2-lam-mi-da-an-ni-a-ti [isz-tu _iti] 4(disz)-kam pi2-isz-sza-at-ni [u2-ul] i-na-ad-di-nu-ni-a-szi-im [be-el-ni li]-iq-bi-i-ma

    [ki-ma sza be]-el#-ni u2-lam-[mi-du]-ni-a-ti

    AI Translation

    This is what our lord wrote to us. Now, the man, the son of his scribe, in Mari, is living, and Mutu-hadqim, who is living, our lord, is living. May our lord open the door. Whoever he sees, let them give to the troops of Shattukku, who are not accepted, and may our lord say to us: "Why did you not give us from the 4th month?" Our lord should say:

    As our lord had made us,




    AI Translation

    Let them give us .

    P479733: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be]-li-ni qi2-bi2-ma [um]-ma# dumu-isz8-tar2 (disz)hi-is-ni-(d)iszkur (disz)i-ba-asz-szi-dingir (disz)i-din-(d)na-na-a u3 ha-zi-bi-ia-ma [ki]-ma# [be-el]-ni# i-du-u2 sza#-at-tu-uk-ka-ni i-na ma2-ri2(ki)-ma a-di-ni [u2-ul] am#-ra-nu u3 i-na a-lim sza wa-asz-ba-a-nu# sze-um i-na na-at-ba-ki-im u2-ul ta-bi-ik-ma

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus says the son of Ishtar: "Hini-Adad, Ibashi-il, Iddin-Nanaya and Hazibiya, as our lord knows, your shattukku-service in Mari as soon as we have arrived, and in the city of Washbanu the barley in the natbakku-service you shall not rely on."



    [it]-ti# _dam-gar3_-ri-im u2-ul ni-sza-a-am [sza-at]-tu-uk-ka-ni [it]-ti a-wi-li-ma sza pa-aq-da-[nu] [be-el-ni] li-iq-bi-ma# [sza-at-tu-uk]-ka-a-ni [a]-na# _lu2-mesz sza13-dub-ba_-a-ni li-id-di-nu

    AI Translation

    Let our lord command that we should not have a dispute with the merchant. Let our lord say to the man who is entrusted to us that we should give our sattukku to the scholars.

    P479734: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma nu-ur2-(d)utu _ARAD2_-ka-ma _erin2-mesz_ be-li2-ia sza-li-im _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) i-na qa-t,a2-ra#(ki) wa-szi-ib 2(disz) _lu2_ mu-na-bi-tu in-na-bi-tu-nim-ma ki-a-am t,e4-ma-am id-di-nu-nim _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) i-na qa-t,a2-ra(ki) ku-us,4-s,i2 ip#-pe2-esz# u3 a-na ma-at szu-ba-at-(d)en-lil2(ki) [pa]-nu#-szu sza-ak-nu u3 qar-ni-li-im a-na ma-ti-szu a-na 4(disz) li-mi _tug2 hi-a_ a-na _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) na-da-nim ir-ta-ga-am u3 ad-mu-ra-bi isz-pu-ur-ma

  • 3(disz) _lu2_ a-si-ri i-na li-bi _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki)
  • [il]-qu2#?-nim-ma u3 szu-nu ki-a-am-ma [t,e4-ma]-am# id-di-nu-ne2-szi-im (disz)za-zi-ia _erin2_-szu u3 _erin2_ til-la-ti-szu ka#-lu-szi-na ip-tah-ra-ni-szum

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Nur-Shamash your servant: the troops of my lord are well. The man of Eshnunna in Qatara residing, two men who were convicted, they have convicted, and according to the report they have given to us. The man of Eshnunna in Qatara a slanderer has committed, and to the land of Shubat-Enlil his witnesses are convicted, and Qarnilim to his land for 4 li'im garments for the man of Eshnunna, given, he has been convicted, and I have written to you.

  • 3 men of Asiri, in the midst of the men of Eshnunna,
  • They came and they gave them to us as a report. Zazî, his troops, and all his troops they returned to him.



    i-na# e-be2-ri-im ug-da-me-ra-am t,e4-ma-am sza al-ma-du a-na be-li2-ia asz-tap-ra-am u3 isz-tu i-na-an-na t,e4-mi a-na be-li2-ia sa-di-ir a-nu-um-ma lu2-(d)iszkur u3 giri3-ni-sa6 asz-szum _tug2 hi-a_ sza be-li2 a-na s,a-bi-szu na-da-nam iq-bu-u2 at,-t,ar-da-asz-szu-nu-ti be-li2 la i-ka-al-la-asz-szu-nu-ti ar-hi-isz li-it,-ru-da-asz-szu-nu-ti-ma pa-ni s,a-bi-im la i-s,a-li-mu _erin2-mesz_ be-li2-ia ka-s,i2

    AI Translation

    In the future I will send to my lord a report on the adversity of the adversity, and from now on the report to my lord I will add. Now, Lu-Adad and Girinisa concerning the garments about which my lord to his envoys gave, I have sent them. My lord will not be able to take them, but quickly let them be sent to me, and before the envoys he will not be able to see. The troops of my lord are well.

    P479735: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li-ni qi2-bi2-ma um-ma mu-tu-ha-ad-qi2-im# (disz)ni-id-na-at-(d)suen (disz)na-am-ra-am-(d)sze-rum (disz)nu-ur2-(d)utu u3 puzur4-(d)marduk _ARAD2-mesz#_-[ka-ma] (disz)mu?-[... isz-pu-ra-am] um-ma [szu]-u2-[ma s,a-ba-am] t,u2-ur-da#-nim-[ma] _tug2 hi-a_ a-na lu-bu-[usz-ti-ku-nu] li-il-qu2-nim

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus Mutuhadqim: Nidnat-Sîn, Namram-Sherum, Nur-Shamash and Puzur-Marduk, your servants, wrote to Mu...: "He is a fugitive, and a sling to carry off may they take away from you."



    a-nu-um-ma s,a-ba-am it-ti lu2-(d)[iszkur] u3 giri3-ni-sa6# ni-it,-t,a2-ar-[dam] be-el-ni ar-hi-isz _tug2 hi-a_ a-na lu-bu-[usz-ti-ni] li-sza-bi-[lam] s,a-bu-um e-re-szi-szu-ma iz-za-az zi-im s,a-bi-im it-ta-ak-ru

  • 2(disz) li-im _tug2 hi-a_
  • i-na i-in be-li-ni la-a [iq-qi2]-ir s,a-bu-[um i-na ku-us,]-s,i2# i-ta#-[al-la-ak] ar-hi-isz be-el-ni li-pu-la-szu-[nu-ti]

    AI Translation

    Now, we have sworn by the name of the sabû-official with Lu-Adad and Girinisa. Our lord has quickly sent us the garments for our consumption. The sabû-official has sworn by him and he has stood by the name of the sabû-official.

  • 2 li'im-garments of ...-garments;
  • 'Without the consent of our lord, he did not give us anything, and the shabû-demon went to the kushu-house. Quickly, our lord may do for them.'



    _erin2#_ be-li-ni sza it-ti-szu-nu i-la#-ku-nim _tug2 hi-a_ it-ti-szu-nu li-isz-szu-nim

    AI Translation

    The troops of our lord who came with them, may they bring the garments with them.

    P479736: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li-[ni qi2]-bi2#-[ma] um-ma mu-ti#-ha-ad-qi2-im [(disz)ni-id-na-at-(d)suen] (disz)na-aw-ra-am-sze-rum (disz)nu-ur2-(d)utu u3 puzur4-(d)marduk _arad2_-du-ka-a-ma _erin2_ be-li-ni sza-lim asz-szum t,e4-em _erin2_ be-li-ni u3 szar-ri ti-la-a#-tim ki-ma be-el-ni i-du!-u2 a-na su-ul-lum (disz)a-wi-ki-ri-esz _iti 2(disz)-kam_ i-na li-ra-ha-a(ki) nu-szi-ib isz-ti-isz-szu szi-ni-szu a-na _abul_ hu-ra-as,(ki) ni-[is-ni]-iq a-wa-a-tim dam-qa2-tim sza sa-li-mi-im a-na a-wi-ki-ri-esz ni-id-bu-ub

    u2-ul im-gur _erin2_ be-li-ni u3 szar-ru ti-la-a-tum qa2#-du#-um _erin2#_-szu-nu [isz-tu] li-ra-ha-a(ki) ni-il-li-ik-ma ni-il-wi-szu [i-na pa-ni-a]-tim# sza-pa-ar#-[ta-ni] [...] x isz x [...]

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus Muti-hadqim: Nidnat-Sîn, Nawrayum, Nur-shamash and Puzur-Marduk, your servant: The troops of our lord are well; concerning the news of the troops of our lord and the king of life, as our lord knew, to the well-being of Awi-kirish the 2nd month in Lirash we stayed. With him, his brothers, to the wall of Hurash we spoke; the good words of life to Awi-kirish we spoke.

    The troops of our lord and the king of life, the troops of their troops from Lirah we went and his troops in front of us we sent. ... .



    [...] sza be-el-ni [...] [...]-x isz-ta-na-ap-pa-ra-am [...] [ma]-a#-tum sza be-el-ni s,a-ab-tu ma-di-isz ku-szi-ra-am i-sza-[ab?-bi?] [be]-el#-ni szum-ma a-na qu2-ut,-t,u2-na-an(ki) szum-ma a-na kur-da(ki) li-il-li-kam-ma (disz)qar-ni-li-im it-ti be-li-ni li-in-na-mi-ir-ma be-el-ni it-ti szar-ra-ni ah-he-szu li-sa-al-li-im-szu-ma _erin2_ bi-ir-ti _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) sza i-na an-da-ri-ig(ki) qa-t,a2-ra-a(ki) u3 al-la-ha-da(ki) wa-asz-bu li-sze-s,i2-ma s,u2-pu-ur _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki)

    i-na ma-a-at szu-bar-tim li-is-su2-uh-ma szu-ma-am dam-qa2-am be-el-ni li-isz-ta-ka-an u3 _erin2_-am sza-al-t,a-am sza be-el-ni it,-ru-da-kum-ma isz-tu _mu 2(disz)-kam_ wa-asz-bu be-el-ni li-it,-ru-ud-ma qa2-qa2-ad be-li-ni lu ka-bi-it u3 s,i-bi-a-tim ra-ab-bi-a-tim an-ni-a-tim sza te-pu-szu# be-el-ni li-isz-me-ma [li]-ih#-[di]

    AI Translation

    ... of our lord ... ... constantly sends ... ... the land of our lord is seized, many a kushru-demon will rage. Our lord, if to Quttunan or to Kurda he should come, and Qarni-Lim with our lord may he make agree, and our lord with our king his enemies may he make whole, and the troops of the auxiliary forces of the Eshnunna, which in Andarig, Qatara and Alahada are stationed, may they bring, and the auxiliary forces of the Eshnunna

    In the land of the lands may they remove, and the good name of our lord may they establish. Further, the privileged troops of our lord have been seized, and from the second year our lord may they be seized, and the hands of our lord may they be strong. Further, these great cultic rites which you performed, our lord may hear and rejoice.

    P479737: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be]-li#-ni [qi2]-bi2-[ma] [um-ma] mu#-ti-ha-ad-qi2-im [u3 ni]-id-na-at-(d)suen _ARAD2-mesz#_-[ka-ma] _gu4# hi-a_ sza i-na hu-ra-s,a-a(ki#) u2-sze-s,u2-[ni]-a-szi-im a-szar wa-asz-ba-nu sza-am-mu u2-ul [i]-ba-asz-szu-u2 [a]-na# a-ah _i7#_ zimbir(ki#) [a]-na# s,e-er be-li-ni [nu]-usz-ta-ri-a-am [u3] a-na babila2(ki)

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus Muti-hadqim and Nidnat-Sîn, your servants: the bulls which they brought to Hurasha, where there was no other place, to the bank of the Sippar canal to our lord we have brought, and to Babylon



    [li]-ta-ar-ru-szu-nu-ti [i]-na bi-in-da-ah(ki) [la] iz-zi-zu

    AI Translation

    They should not stand in Bit-Bidah.

    P479738: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li-ni qi2-bi2-ma] [um]-ma# mu-ti-ha-ad-qi2-im (disz)ni-id-na-at-(d)suen (disz)na-aw-ra-am-sze-rum (disz)nu-ur2-(d)utu u3 puzur4-(d)marduk _arad2_-du-ka-ma a-na s,e-er _gu4 hi-a_ pa-nu-tim sza a-na s,e-er be-li-ni nu-sza-ri-a-am u3 3(disz) me _gu4 hi-a_ u3 _ansze hi-a_ a-na s,e-er be-li-ni nu-usz-ta-ri-a-am

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus Muti-hadqim, Nidnat-Sîn, Nawram-sherrum, Nur-shamash and Puzur-Marduk, your servant: To the rear of the oxen, the first one, which to our lord we shall bring, and 300 oxen, the second one, and the donkeys, to our lord we shall bring.



    [_gu4 hi-a_] u3 _ansze hi-a_ szu-nu la# ih-ha-ra-ar-ru be-el-ni li-iq-bi-ma a-szar sza-am-mu ba-szu-u2 sza-am-mi na-ap-szu-tim li-ku-lu u3 3(u) s,u-ha-ru-u2 sza _gu4 hi-a_ i-re-u2 ku-ru-ma-tam u2-ul i-szu-u2 wa-ar-ha-am isz-te-en [a]-di# pa-ni be-li-ni ni-im-ma-ru

    AI Translation

    May our lord command that wherever there is a rumor, that the rumor be shattered, and that 30 rumor of a rumor be shattered, that the kurumatu-demon has no rival, and we shall see it from the front to the front of our lord.

    P479739: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li-ni qi2-bi2-ma] [um-ma] mu-ti#-[ha-ad-qi2-im] (disz)ni-id#-[na-at-(d)suen] (disz)na-aw#-[ra-am-sze-rum] (disz)nu-ur2-[(d)utu] [u3] puzur4#-[(d)marduk _arad2_-du-ka]-ma# [ki-a-am] be-el-[ni isz]-pu#-ra-ni-a-szi-im [um-ma-a-mi] _gu4# hi-a_ sza it-ti szar-re#-e# [ti-la-a-tim a-na] _ha-[la]_ ta-am-hu-ra [la-a ta-ma-ha]-ra-szu-nu-ti-ma [id-na-nim] i#-nu#-ma im-ta-ak-ru-szu-nu-ti [a-na pu]-uh# 1(disz) _sag-_arad2__

  • [1(disz) _gu4_] li-id#-[di-nu]-nim
  • [an-ni-a-tam be-el-ni isz-pu-ra-am] [a-di-ni _gu4 hi-a_ szu-nu-ti] ul# nu#-sza-ri-szu-nu-ti szum#-ma a-wa-tum i-in be-li-ni

    AI Translation

    To our lord speak! Thus Mutihadqim, Nidnat-Sîn, Naweramsherum, Nur-Shamash, and Puzur-Marduk, your servant, that our lord had sent to us, thus: "The bulls that you have rented with the kings of life as a share, you shall not give them to them and they shall give." When they have rented, to one slave

  • 1 bull, let him give to him.
  • This is what our lord wrote to us. We have not yet given them those oxen. If the wording of this query is correct, our lord should know it.



    ma#-ah-ra-at _gu4 hi-a_ szu-nu-ti be#-el-ni li-il-qi2-ma a#-na ma-ti-ma i-nu-ma a-na be-li-ni i#-du-um it-ta!-ab-szu-u2 [a]-na pu-uh 2(disz) _gu4_ 1(disz) _sag-_arad2__ [li-ip-pi2-isz-ma a-na s,e-ri-ni] li-sza#-[bi-lam] szum#-ma _gu4 hi-a_ szu-nu-ti la na#-t,u2#-u2 [a]-na# le-qi2-[im]-ma be-el-ni _gu4 hi-a_ szu-nu-ti li-isz-ta-as,-(bi)-ta-am-ma u3 [a-na me-ep-tu]-um be-[el-ni li-da-an]-ni-nam-[ma] [li-isz-pu-ra-am] [_gu4 hi-a_] szu-nu-ti a-na [babila2(ki)] li#-sza-al-li#-[im-szu-nu-ti]

    AI Translation

    If the owners of those oxen are not satisfied, our lord should take them, and to the future when to our lord he has given, to the rear of two oxen one slave should he make, and to our side he shall send. If these oxen are not satisfied, to our lord take them, and our lord these oxen should take, and to the rear of our lord should give them, and he should send. These oxen to Babylon shall he carry.

    P479740: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a]-na# be-li2#-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma su-mu-la-na-si _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma lu-u2 i-tu-um i-nu-ma i-na qe2-ri-im a-na-ku u3 a-ta be-li2 i-na _lu2_ ka-ar-ka#-mi-si(ki) i-na mu-zu-li [wa-sza-bi]-im# ni-ba-ar#-[ru-ne2-ti-ma] u3 ni-id-bu-bu i#-[na-an]-na# i-lu-um sza a-bi-ka a-na _gesz_-gu-za sza a-bi-ka u2-sze-ri-ib#-ka a-na-ku a-na bi-it a-bi-[ia] ak-szu-da-am-ma i-[na a]-li#-ia (disz)iu-um-ra-as,-[dingir] wa-szi-[ib] ka-ta ap-la-ah-[ma] i-na _(gesz)gu-za_-ia u2#-[ul u2-sze]-s,i2#-szu

    (disz)zi-im-[ri-li-im] da#-an-ma# [a]-na _(gesz)gu-za_ bi-it a-bi-ia# u2-sze-ri-ba-an-ni

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Sumû-lanasi, your servant: either now, when in the quay I am, and when my lord in the man of Karkamish in the quay we are to go, and we speak, now the god of your father to the throne of your father I have brought to you, I to the side of my father I have conquered, and in my presence Ium-rashil, who resides in the city, was afraid, and in my throne I have not brought him.

    Zimri-Lim was strong and he brought me to the throne of my father.



    [ki]-ma# pa-na-nu-um-ma a-bi [wa]-ar-ki a-bi-ka# ia-ah-du-li-[im] il-li-ku a-na-ku wa-ar-ki-ka a-la-ak sza-ni-tam a-nu-um-ma (disz)ta-ak-ka sza til-la-ia(ki) i-na tup-pa-ti7#-ia ka-ia-ni-isz _ki_-ti be-li2-ia (disz)zi-im-ri-li-im u2-sa-li#-[im-ma] a-na s,e-er bu-nu-isz8-tar2 a-t,a3-ra-da#-[am] a-na (disz)hu-zi-ri asz-pu-ur-ma le-mu sa-la-ma-am6(_an_) ma-as-su2 a-na s,e-ri-ia it-ta-ba-al-ka-[at] be-li2 lu ha-di# pa-t,a2-ia (disz)ia-ah-du#-[li-im-ma] sza a-na a-bi-ia up-ta#-[ri-ku]

    ki-ma a-bi-ia-ma a-na-ku bi-it a-bi-ia u2-ul wa-ta-ar ha-al-s,i2 a-na ha-al-s,i2-ka ni-ig-hu-um _lu2_ is3-qa-iu(ki) _lu2#_ qa-a-iu(ki) _lu2_ i-li-si(ki) [u3] ma-ar ia-ri-ha(ki) [wa]-ar-du-ka _sipa-mesz ki_-ti _lu2-sipa-mesz_

    AI Translation

    When the father, your father, Yahdu-Lim came, I, before your father, went. I, before you, I went. The second time, now, Takka of Tillaya, with my regular tablet, I smashed Zimri-Lim, and to the side of Bunu-ishtar I wrote a report. To Huziri I wrote, and the evil of the salumama-demon to my side he smashed. My lord, may my face be happy. Yahdu-Lim, who to my father had smashed,

    Like my father I am the son of my father. I have no rival. To rival you, Nighum, the man of Isqayu, the man of Qayu, the man of Ilisi, and before Iaiha your enemy, the shepherds of the underworld, the shepherds,

    Column 1


    im#-ra-s,u2 at#-ta ti7-de ki-ma a-na bi-ti7-im

    AI Translation

    You are a sailor, you are a sailor. Like a sailor,

    Column 2


    ri-qi2-im ex(I)-ru-bu _ki_-ti _lu2_ sza#-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    Who carries off the slander of the ordinary man,

    Column 3


    sza ma-ah-ri-ka# wa-asz-bu la ta-ma-an-na#-[ni] _ARAD2_-ka a#-na#-ku

    AI Translation

    You are the one who is in your presence. You are not my servant.

    P479741: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a#-na# [ia-as2-ma-ah-(d)iszkur] qi2#-bi2#-[ma] um-ma (d)utu#-szi#-(d)[iszkur] a-bu-ka-a-ma isz-tu _mu 3(disz)-kam_ _muszen hi-a_ mi-im-ma a-na szu-gu-ne2-e sza (d)a#?-[szur] a-na a-lim(ki) u2-ul tu-sza#-[bi-lam] _muszen_ i-na a-lim(ki) u2-ul ib#-ba#-ar u3 at-ta ti-de ki#-ma# szu-gu-nu-u2-um ba#-[lum] _muszen# hi#-a#_ i#-na# a-lim(ki)

    AI Translation

    To Yasmah-Addu speak! Thus Shamshi-Addu, your father: From the 3rd year no bird of the stag of Ashur to the city you did not send. No bird of the city you did not establish, and you did not go. Like a bird of the stag in the city



    la#-ap#-tu# a-nu-um-ma 3(disz) me _muszen# hi-a_ a-na szu-gu-ne2-e sza _e2 dingir-mesz_ sza _e2-gal_-la-tim#[(ki)] a-na-ku usz-ta#-bi#-[lam] u3 at-ta qa-tam-ma 3(disz) me [_muszen hi-a_] a-na szu-gu-ne2-e sza _e2_ (d#)a-szur# isz-tu asz-ra-nu#-[um] szu-usz-szi sza-ni-tam a-na ha#?-[ar?-ba?]-a-ii(ki#) a-na re-esz _iti_ an-[ni-i-im] [...]-_ab#_-tam [...]

    AI Translation

    Now, I have sent 300 birds to the throne of the temple of the gods of the palace of Lalla. And you, hold, and send 3 hundred birds to the throne of the temple of Ashur from Ashurnum. The second one to Harbaye, in the beginning of this month, .



    [i-na _lu2?-lu2?_]-ka 1(disz) _lu2_ [la-a] i#-ma-at,-t,i3

    AI Translation

    Among your people, one man does not know.

    P479742: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-[na be]-li2#-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma i-tur2-as2-du _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma (disz)ru-ma!-an na-qi2-du-um isz-tu _e2-gal_-la-tim it-ta-al-ka-am t,e4-ma-am ga-am-ra-am asz2-ta-al-szu um-ma-a-mi szu-ma (disz)isz-me-(d)da-gan u3 i-szar-li-im a-na babila2(ki) i-ta-al-ku isz#-tu _u4 9(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Itur-ashdu, your servant: Ruman the naqidu has come out from the palace. I have heard a good report from him. Thus says Ishme-Dagan and Isharri to Babylon have come out. From the 9th day



    (disz)(d)suen-ti-ri# u3 ia-nu-[uh]-li#-ib-bi# _e2-gal_-la-tim i-na-s,a-ru

  • 1(disz) _lu2 szu-gi_ a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia
  • u2-ul at,-t,a3-ar-da-asz-szu a-na [an]-ni-tam be-li2 li-[ih]-du# t,e4-ma-am an-ne2-e-em a-na szu-ut (disz)ia-gi-ih-(d)iszkur be-li2 li-isz-pu-ur u3 la _lu2_ szu-u2 mu-ta-ki-il-szu szum#-ma be-li2 lu-pu-ut t,e4-ma-am an-ne2-e-em a-na me-ep-te-em li-(isz)-pu-ur-ma

  • 2(disz) _lu2#_ qa-lu-tim 1(disz) _lu2_ a-na _e2-gal_-lim
  • u3 1(disz) _lu2_ a-na (d)a-szur li-isz-pu-ur a-ki-ma an#-ni#-tam# la# an-ni-tam i-sza-pa-ru-ni-kum

    AI Translation

    Sîn-tiri and Yanuh-libbi will keep the palace safe;

  • 1 reed-cutting man to my lord
  • I did not give him. For this, my lord may rejoice. This report concerning Yagih-Addu, my lord, may write to me. And if that man is not his guarantor, if my lord should write to me this report, to the extispicy may he write to me.

  • 2 ... men, 1 man to the palace
  • and one man to Ashur may he write. As this is not this, they shall send to you.

    P479743: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia# [zi]-im#-ri#-li#-im# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma lu2-(d)nanna# _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma _[e2]-gal_-la-tim(ki) asz-szu-ur(ki) ki-da#(ki) se-eh-re-e(ki) ia-aq-qi2-ha#(ki) u3 szi-tu-lam(ki) i-na _(gesz)tukul hi-a_ dan-nu-tim as-sa2-ba-at ma-a-at _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki) a#-na isz-me-(d)da-gan be-li2-ia it#-tu-ur2 [i-na-an]-na# be-li2# li-wa-e-er-ma# [...] x _za ar_ [x x]-_ri#_-tum# [...] _ig#_ ma [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    To my lord Zimri-Lim speak! Thus Lu-Nanna, your servant: the palace of Assur, Kida, Sehre, Yaqqiha, and Shitulam with mighty weapons I captured. The land of the palace to Ishme-Dagan, my lord, I returned. Now my lord may ask and ...



    [...] [x x] e et [...] li#?-ka#-al#? i-[na-an-na] be#-li2 sza [szi-tu-lim li]-isz-ta-al#-ma sza [hi]-t,i3#-ti# la na-ab-szi-i be-li2# li-pu-usz u3 a#-na-ku an-ni-ki-a-am [i]-na# [asz]-ri#-im sza wa-asz-ba-ku [a-al dan-na]-tim sza i-na ma-a-tim [sza-a-ti i-ba]-asz-szu-u2 [... u2?-ka?]-al

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... Now, my lord, who is ill, may he ask and who is not guilty, my lord may do. And I, in the midst of the wailing, the strong storm which is in that land ... he will .

    P479744: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-[ma] [um-ma] ia-tap-hu-um _ARAD2_-ka#-[a-ma] [isz-tu] _iti# 3(disz)-kam_ asz-szum szu-zu-ub# [_e2-gal_-la-tim](ki#) [a-na] be#-li2-ia asz2-ta-pa-ra-[am] [ne2-eh]-ra-rum u2-ul ib-ba-szi-[ma] [na-ak]-ru# a-na na-ri-im u2-s,u2-nim#-[ma] [a-lam] ki#-da(ki) i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ dan-[nu-tim] [is,-ba-tu i-na] ki# ma#-s,i2 _u4_-mi im-[ta-aq-tu]-u2 [x x x x x i-na]-an#-na# [...] [... a-lam _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki)] [u3 asz]-szu#-ur(ki) i-na-[as-sa3-ah]

    _szu#-gi#-mesz nita-mesz munus#-mesz dumu-gaba-mesz#_ [a]-lam# _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki) u3 asz-szu-ur#[(ki)] i-na-as-sa3-ah u3 i-na la# wa#-ta-ar isz#-tu a-la-ni# [szu-nu]-ti# [i-na-as-sa3-hu a-lam _e2]-gal_-la-tim(ki) [u3 asz-szu-ur(ki)] [ki-ma] ka-la-[am la ni-le-u2] [nu-na]-qa-ar [i-na-an-na]

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Yataphum, your servant: From the 3rd month, concerning the re-opening of the palace I wrote to my lord. The steadfast one did not exist and the enemy to the enemy he brought out. The city of Kida with mighty weapons seized. On the ground of the day he was killed ... Now ... the city of the palace and Assur he will pluck up.

    The reeds, men, women, and children of the city walls of Egallatim and Assur will be gathered, and without ceasing from the city walls of those they will be gathered, the city walls of Egallatim and Assur will be gathered as many as there are. We shall not take away. Now



    [na-sa3]-ha-am i-s,a-ab-ba-at-ma# ki-ma ne2#-eh-ra-rum a-na a-lim _e2-gal_-la-tim u3 asz-szu-ur(ki) la ib-ba-szu-u2 a-na le-[em]-nim# u2-ta-ar-ma x x [...] pa-ni-szu i#?-hu#-[zu? x x a-na] mi#-nim# be-li2 a-na a-lim _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki) u3 asz-szu-ur(ki) a-ah-szu na-di wa-ar-ki a-[la]-ne2#-e szu-nu-[ti] na-sa3-hi-im u2-ul i-si-il-ti ma-a-tim# ka-li-sza ip-ta-t,a3-[ar]-ma a#-na le-em-nim! it-tu-ur2#-szu [be-li2] it-ti _lugal-mesz_ sza ni-isz# _dingir-mesz_ [iz-ku]-ru# li-isz-ta-pa-ar# [t,e4]-em#?-szu-nu#

    [s,a-bi]-it# _lugal-mesz_ szu-nu it-ti [be-li2-ia] [li-ik]-pu#-du-ma [a-lam _e2-gal_-la]-tim#(ki) u3 asz-szu-ur(ki) [be-li2 li]-sze-zi-ib [isz]-tu# pa-ak-ki a-lim asz2-la-ka#(ki) [be]-li2# it-ta-na-as2-ha-[ru]

    AI Translation

    The sahum-demon will be captured, and like a sahum-demon to the city of Egallatim and Assur will not exist, to the evil one he will return, and ... ... his face he will ... ... what is it that my lord to the city of Egallatim and Assur, his brother, gave? Before these sahum-demons, the sahum-demon did not take care of the whole country, he wrote and to the evil one he returned him. The lord should write to the kings who revere the gods, and their reports

    The kings of those kings with my lord may they kill, and the city of Egallatim and Assur may my lord be sated with them. From the border of the city of Ashlak my lord they shall be sated with them.



    [sza szu-zu-ub a-lim _e2-gal_-la-tim(ki)] [u3 asz-szu-ur(ki) be]-li2# li-pu-sza#-am [(x)]

    AI Translation

    of the habitation of the city Egallatum and Assur, my lord, may do.

    P479745: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [asz]-szum# _sila4 hi-a_ sza be#-[li2 isz-pu-ra-am] [a]-ia-nu-um _sila4 hi-a_ ma-ah#-[ri-ia] [i]-na sza-asz-sza-ar _i7_-[ma] i-ka-la _sila4 hi-a_ ma-[la] i-ba-asz-szu-ma a-na-ku a-na be-li2-[ia] a-ka-al-[la] be-el ha-al-s,i2-im sza [...] wa-asz-bu 5(disz) li-mi _udu hi-[a_ i-szu]

  • 1(disz) me-_am3 sila4 hi-a_ a-na be-li2#-[ia]
  • [am]-mi-nim la# [i-na-di-in]

    AI Translation

    Concerning the sheepfold about which my lord wrote to me, I am the sheepfold before me, in the middle of the river and I have it. As much as there is, I am the sheepfold, to my lord. The lord of the harshum ... is there. Five sheepfolds are there.

  • 100 lambs for my lord,
  • They do not give it back.

    P479746: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma me-ep-tu-um _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma hal-s,um sza-lim la-ma tup-pi2-ia an-ni-im _u4 3(disz)-kam_ _lu2-mesz_ sza ba-az-ha-ti-ia mu-ba-ar#-ri-tum u2-ba-ar-re-em um#-[ma-a]-mi 5(disz) me-tim s,a-bu-um babila2(ki) [i-lu2-u2] u3# szi-ip-t,am2-ma it-ti-szu-nu [na-szu-u2 a-na e2]-gal-la-tim-ma sza isz-tu babila2(ki) [a-di me-eh]-re#-et sa-pi2-ra-tim(ki) [im-qu2]-tu#-nim _lu2-mesz_ ba-az-ha-tim [am?-sza]-li-tum i-sza-al-szu-nu-ti-ma [um-ma]-a#-mi a-i-isz [pa-nu]-ku#-nu um-ma-a-mi

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Meputum, your servant: the halshu-house is well. Now, this tablet of mine the 3rd day, the men of my satraps the satraps he brought out. Thus: 5 hundred men, the satrap of Babylon, the god, and the writing, with them they were brought. To the palace which from Babylon to the outskirts of Saparum they fell, the satraps the satraps the satraps he asked them, thus:



    [a]-na# e2-gal-la-tim(ki) ki-ma me-eh#-re#-et sa-pi2-ra-tim(ki) ik-szu-du-nim ge-er-ri e2-gal-la-tim(ki) i-zi-bu-ma ge-er-ra-am e-le-em sza i-nu-ma la-wi-la-(d)iszkur (disz)i-s,ur-(d)suen _dumu_ a-tam-ri-im u2-sze-lu-u2 ge-er-ra-am sza#-tu is,-ba-tu pi2-qa-at s,a-bu#-um# szu#-u2# a-na ka-ra-na-a(ki) u2-lu#-[ma] a-na an-da-ri-ig(ki) i-li# u2-ul i-de i-na ta-szi-ma#-ti#-ia-ma pi2-qa-at aq-ba-ha-am-mu isz-pu-ur-ma s,a-bu-um szu-u2 a-na ta-re-e aq-ba-ha-am-mu e-le-em s,a-ba-am sa-tu

  • 1(disz) li-im i-qa-ab-bu-usz2
  • 5(disz) me-tim-ma s,a-bu-um szu-u2
  • AI Translation

    To Egallatum like the front of Sapiratum he conquered. The errand of Egallatum he stood, and the errand above that which when Lawila-Addu Ishtar-Sîn, son of Atamri, had brought, that errand he captured. That sabu-offering to Karana he did not know, to Andarig the god did not know. On my return a sabu-offering to me wrote, and that sabu-offering to the treasury I gave. That sabu-offering to the treasury I gave. That sabu-offering

  • He says: "I will speak to him."
  • 5 ...: he is a shabum-priest.
  • Left


    a-nu-um-ma t,e4-ma-am sza _lu2-mesz_ ba-za#-[ha-ti-ia] ub-lam a-na be-li2-ia ub-ta-ar-re-em#

    AI Translation

    Now then I am sending to my lord the report of the men who are slandering me.

    P479747: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia [qi2-bi2-ma] um-ma ia-as2-si-[(d)da-gan _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma] isz-tu _u4_-mi-im sza a-na li-ib-bi ma-a-tim# ak#-[szu-du] s,a-bu-um _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) sza# isz#-tu e2-gal-la-[tim(ki)] isz-sze-e-em-ma a-na li-ib#-bi# qa-t,a2-ra-a(ki) i#-[ru-bu] sze-em sza i-na a-la-ne2-e sza i-ta-at a-lim(ki) i-ba?-[asz-szu] ih-szu#-usz2-ma a-na li-ib-bi qa-t,a2-ra-a(ki) usz-te-[ri-ib-szu] _u4_-mu-szu#? i-re-qu2-ma qa-tam isz-ku-un-ma s,u-ba-at(ki#) [(...)]

    u3 ka-ap-ra-tim(ki) sza i-ta-at qa-t,a2-ra-a(ki) it-ta#-sa#?-[ha-am] _iti_ (d)nin-bi-ri _u4 4(disz)-kam_ is-su2-uh-ma s,a-bu-um szu-u2 isz-tu qa-t,a2-ra-a(ki) isz-szi-ma i-na ta-gi-da(ki) it-ta-sza-ab sza-ne2-em _u4_-um-szu isz-tu ta-gi-da(ki) isz-szi-ma a-na hi-s,a-ri-im(ki) i-te-ti-iq isz-tu hi-s,a-ri-im(ki) isz!-szi-ma ba-za-ha-tu-ia sza wa-ar-ki s,a-bi-im sza-a-tu ra-ak-sa i-na nu-sa-ri(ki) i-zi-bu-ni-isz-szu ge-er-ri ra-bu-tim

    sza e2-gal-la-tim(ki) is-sa3-ba-at t,e4-ma-am sza-a-tu u2-ki-in-ma a-na s,e#-er# bu-nu-isz8-tar2 (disz)ha-ad-nu-ra-bi u3 _lugal-mesz_ ti-il-la-tim sza i-na ka-ra-na-a(ki) wa-asz-bu a-na sza#-ap-ti-szu-nu la-ma-di-im _gal-mar-tu_ babila2(ki) it,-ru-da-am-ma _lugal-mesz_ szu-nu [ke]-em isz7-ta-lu um-ma-a-mi isz-tu _lu2_ esz3-nun-na(ki) ur-ta-am-mu ni-nu a-na s,e-er za-zi-ia i ni-il-li-ik it-ti-szu i ni-in-ne-mi-id a-na ma#?-at#? an-da#?-ri#?-[ig?(ki)] i# ni#-is#-ni#-iq#-ma

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Yasi-Dagan, your servant: From the day that I conquered the people of the land, the shabum, the man of Eshnunna, who from Egallatum heard, and to the people of Qataraya entered, the supplication that in the ala'u-temple which is in the city there was, he accepted, and to the people of Qataraya he sent him. His day he recited, and a qatum he set up, and Shubat .

    and Kaprutim, which is opposite Qatara, has seized. The month of Ninbiri, the 4th day, has seized, and that scout from Qatara has seized, and in Taggida has seized. The other day, from Taggida has seized, and to Hisharum has passed. From Hisharum has seized, and my scouts, who before that scout a great scout in Nusari has seized,

    of Egallatum he seized. That report he smashed, and to Bunu-ishtar, Hadnu-rabi, and the kings of Tilti who in Karana were living, to their lips Lamadim the great martu of Babylon he smashed, and those kings he smashed, and the army from the man of Eshnunna we returned, and to my side we went, and with him we went. To the land of Antarig we approached, and



    i#-na# a#-la#-ne#-e# sza# i#-na# x x x [...]

  • 1(disz) 2(disz) a-lam(ki) sza it#-ti-ku-nu na-ak-ru sza ma#?-[am-ma-an]
  • la i-ir-ri-szu i?-nu-ma sza i-na _u4 2(disz)-kam u4 3(disz)-kam_ a-lam(ki) sza-a-tu ta-s,a-ab-ba-ta he-pe2-e-ma sza-al-la-tam s,a-bu-um li-ku-ul s,a-bu-um re-qu2-us-su2 la i-tu-ur2-ra-am an-ni-tam mu-ut-ha-ad-qi2-im u3 _gal-mesz mar-tu lu2_ babila2(ki) i-na t,e4-em ra-ma-ni-szu-nu id-bu-bu-nim a-nu-um-ma t,e4-ma-am ma-la al-ma-du a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia asz2-tap-ra-am szum-ma _lugal-mesz_ til-la-tum a-na ma-a-at an-da-ri-ig(ki) ih-ha-ab-tu-ma (disz)za-zi-ia la il-li-ik t,e4-em-ni lu-u2 ki-i

    u2-lu-ma s,a-bu-um _lu2_ babila2(ki) a-na [a]-la-ne2-e sza a-szar mu-ut-ha-ad-qi2-im pa-ni-szu-nu is-sa3-ab-tu-ma i-re#-[ed]-du?-szu-nu-ti it-ti s,a-bi-im sza-a-tu ni-il#-la#-ak u2-lu! ki-i be-li2 li-isz-ta-al#-ma ar-hi-isz me-he-er t,e4-mi-ia an-ni-im isz-tu ma-ha-ar be-li2-ia li-s,i2-pa-am sza-ni-tam ki-ma sza i-na pa-ni#-tim# a#-na s,e-er be-li2-ia asz-pu-ra-am _lugal?_ ha?-al?-ma-[an](ki) [...] a-na ma-a-at ha-al-ma-an(ki#) [...] [x x x nu li? x ...] ma-tum sza-ni-tum u2-ul i-ba-asz-[szi ...]

    AI Translation

    In the alanu-festival which in ... .

  • 12 Alamites who with you, the enemy of all,
  • When you are to take away that land in the second and third days, may you be able to take away that land, and may the captives be seized, and the captives his servants shall not return. This is the 'sag-

    or the shabûm-official of Babylon to the people of the place of Muthadqim their faces have taken, and they have sinned against them. With that shabû-official we shall go. Or, if my lord wishes, let him listen, and then after this the shabû-official of my report from before my lord may he release. Another thing, as before, to my lord I sent. King Halman ... to the land of Halman ... ... ... another thing there is .

    Column 1


    asz-szum ki-a-am s,a-bu-um _lu2#_ esz3#-[nun-na](ki) a-na ma-ti-szu ur-ta-[am]-mi# [be-li2 an]-ni#-tam lu-u2 i-de

    AI Translation

    Because the shabum-priest of Eshnunna to his land has returned, my lord should know this.

    Column 2


    [a-na be]-li2-ia t,e4-mi an-[ne2-em] [asz2-tap-ra-am]

    AI Translation

    I have written this report to my lord.

    Column 3


    _iti#_ (d#)[nin-bi-ri] [_u4 2(disz)-kam ba-zal_-ma]

    AI Translation

    The month of Ninbiri, the day 2 passed and

    P479748: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) _lu2 la2-u_ i3-li2-i-din-nam
  • 2(disz) _lu2 la2-u_ zu-ni-ba-la
  • 1(disz) _lu2 la2-u_ ia-am-ra-as,-dingir
  • 2(disz) _lu2 la2-u_ i-din-an-nu
  • 6(disz) _lu2 la2-u hi-a lu2-engar-mesz_ sza sa-am-me-e-tar sza _e2_ zu-ru-ba-an(ki) wa-ar-ka-as-su-nu i-na tup-pi2 i-gi-de-em ip-pa-ra-as2-ma tup-pu-um an-nu-um ih-he-ep-pi2

    AI Translation
  • 1 man, less than Ili-iddinam;
  • 2 ...,
  • 1 man, less, Yamash-ili,
  • 2 ..., he gave.
  • 6 unemployed men, farmers of Sammetar of the house of Zuruban, their wages in a tablet he has sworn, and this tablet he has sworn.



    _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 (d)en-lil2-i-pu-usz2 u3 ia-ta-ri-im _iti_ la-hi-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    via Yasim-sumû, Enlil-ipush and Yatarim. The month of Lahu, the day 29 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" he built.

    P479749: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n _gu4 _apin__] i3-li2-i-din-nam [n _gu4 _apin__] zu-ni-ba-la [n _gu4 _apin__] i-din-an-nu [n _gu4 _apin__] ia-am-ra-as,-dingir

  • [2(u)]+7(disz)#? _gu4 hi-a 1(disz) ab2_
  • [sza] _4(disz) (gesz)apin hi-a_ [sza _e2_] zu-ru-ba-an(ki)

    AI Translation

    n oxen, plowman: Ili-iddinam; n oxen, plowman: Zunibala; n oxen, plowman: Iddinanu; n oxen, plowman: Yamar-ash-ili;

  • 27? oxen, 1 cow,
  • of 4 plows of the house of Zuruban,



    [_giri3_ ia-si]-im#-su-mu-u2 [lugal]-an-dul3-li2 [u3 (d)en-lil2]-i-pu-usz2

    AI Translation

    via Yasim-sumû, Lugalandulli and Enlil-ipush.

    P479750: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) _(gesz)mar-gid2-da hi-a_
  • i-din-an-nu

  • 2(disz) _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_
  • i3-li2-i-din-nam

  • 2(disz) _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_
  • ia-am-ra-as,-dingir

  • 2(disz) _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_
  • zu-ni-ba-la

    AI Translation
  • 3 wagons,
  • he gave.

  • 2 wagons,
  • Ili-iddinam

  • 2 wagons,
  • Iam-rash-ili

  • 2 wagons,
  • zunibala



    _szu-nigin2 9(disz) (gesz)mar-gid2-da_ _si-la2 hi-a lu2-mesz (gesz)apin-mesz_ sza sa-am-me-e-tar _iti_ la-ah-hi-im _u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-usz2

    AI Translation

    Total: 9 wagons, one load of ..., the plowmen of Sammetar. The month of Lahhum, the day 28 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" Iahdu-Lim did.

    P479751: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n _GAN2 a-sza3_ ...] _apin#_ [i3-li2-i-din-nam]

  • 5(u) _GAN2 a-sza3_ [...]
  • _apin_ zu-ni#-[ba-la]

  • 4(u) _GAN2 a-sza3_ na-gi-[i(ki)]
  • 2(u) 5(disz) _GAN2 a-sza3_ bi-da-[ah(ki)]
  • 1(disz) szu-szi 5(disz) _GAN2 a-sza3_ _apin_ ia-am-ra-as,-dingir

    AI Translation

    n hectares of arable land ..., plowman: Ili-iddinam;

  • 50 hectares of arable land .
  • a kind of plowman: Zunibala.

  • 40 hectares of land in Nagi;
  • 25 hectares of field in Bidah;
  • 1 hectare 5 hectares of arable land, plowman: Yamash-ilu;


  • 3(u) _GAN2 a-sza3 u2-sal_
  • 5(u) _GAN2_ ha-am-qum
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) _GAN2 a-sza3_ _apin_ i-din-an-nu

    AI Translation
  • 30 hectares of arable land,
  • 50 hectares of land in Hamqum;
  • 210 hectares of arable land, he will give to you.

    P479752: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) _a-gar3 sze sumun#_
  • i-s,u2 u3 ma-du sza a-di-ni wa-ar-ka-su2-nu la pa-ar-sa-at sza i-na ku-nu-uk ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 i-na ru-ug-ba-tim ka-an-ku

    AI Translation
  • 10 groves of seed barley,
  • 'I and everything that until now were not deposited, which in the kunukku-house Iasimsumû in the reed-beds I deposited,



    _si-la2_ li-bur-be-li2 _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 (d)en-lil2-i-pu-usz2 ia-ta-ri-im u3 lugal-an-dul3 _iti_ la-hi-im# [_u4 n-kam_] _mu_ zi-im-ri#-[li-im] _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du#-[li-im] i-pu-szu#

    AI Translation

    sila of Libur-beli, via Yasim-sumû, Enlil-ipush, Yatarim, and Lugalandul, month: "Lahum," day n, year: "Zimri-Lim of Der" he built.

    P479753: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)a#-na#-(d#)utu#-tak2#-la-ku (disz)[...]-x-im (disz)[...]-x-um-mi (disz)[...]-x a-na li-bur-be-li2 ip-qi2-du

  • 2(disz) _gu4 hi-a_
  • AI Translation

    Ana-Shamash-taklaku, ...-im, ...-ummi, and ... have appointed to the office of libur-beli.

  • 2 oxen,
  • Reverse

  • 2(u) 5(asz) _a-gar3 sze_
  • _e2_ (munus)ba-za-tim _iti_ la-hi-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation
  • 25 gur of barley-corn in the irrigated field;
  • the house of the suckling woman; month: "Lahu," 29th day, year: "Zimri-Lim of Der iahdu-Lim built."

    P479754: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) [...]-im
  • 1(disz) [...]-im
  • 1(u) (gesz)[...]
  • 1(disz) (gesz)ma-as2-hi-ru
  • 4(disz)# _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_
  • 8(disz)# (gesz)ma-ga-ar-ru
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ...-im,
  • 1 ...-im,
  • 10 ...-trees,
  • 1 boat,
  • 4 wagons,
  • 8 tamarisks,
  • Reverse


    e-nu-ut _e2_ sa-am-me-e-tar sza ni-ha-di-i(ki) sza i-na _e2_ ku-nu-uk-ki ka-an-ka-a-at _giri3#_ (d)en-lil2-i-pu-usz2 [(x)] x x x x

    AI Translation

    When the house of Sammetar of Nihadî, which is in the house of Kunukku, is firmly secured, via Enlil-ipush .

    P479755: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) _lu2-mesz_ ag-ru
  • _APIN_ (d)a-mi-e-szu-uh

  • 5(disz) _lu2_ sa-mi-hu
  • [_lu2_] dingir-mu-lu-uk(ki)

  • 5(disz) _lu2_ sa-mi-hu
  • _lu2_ sa-ma-nu-um(ki) _si-la2_ ia-ah-wi-a-szar

    AI Translation
  • 4 agru-priests,
  • API of Ami-eshuh.

  • 5 Samihu-men,
  • the man of Il-muluk.

  • 5 Samihu-men,
  • man of Samanum, slave of Yahwi-Ashar.



    _szu-nigin2 1(u) 4(disz) lu2_ ag-ru-_mesz_ sza _lu2-engar-mesz_ i-na ra-ma-ni-szu-nu i-ga-ru sza _e2_ sa-am-mi-e-tar _iti_ la-ah-hi-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    Total: 14 agrû men who the farmers in their own right seized, of the house Sammi-etar. The month of Lahhum, the day 29 of the year "Zimri-Lim the wall of Yahdu-Lim built."

    P479756: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pa-szum _zabar_
  • 1(disz) ha-s,i2-in-nu _zabar_
  • _si-la2_ ia-ah-wi-a-szar

  • 1(disz) ha-s,i2-in-nu _zabar_
  • _si-la2_ ia-an-s,i2-bi-im

  • 1(disz) ha-s,i2-in-nu _zabar_
  • _si-la2_ a-bi-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 1 bronze ...,
  • 1 bronze hassiinnu-vessel;
  • a ... of Yahwi-Ashar.

  • 1 bronze hassiinnu-vessel;
  • he will be able to carry it off.

  • 1 bronze hassiinnu-vessel;
  • the tribute of Abi-Addu.



    _szu-nigin2_ 3(disz) ha-s,i2-in-nu _zabar_

  • 1(disz) pa-szu _zabar_
  • _si-la2 lu2-engar-mesz_ sza _e2_ sa-am-me-e-tar _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 u3 (d)utu-na-s,ir _iti_ la-hi-im _u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    Total: 3 bronze hishinnu-vessels.

  • 1 bronze ...,
  • rent of the farmers of the house of Sam-metar, via Yasim-sumû and Shamash-nashir. The month of Lahu, the day 30 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" he built.

    P479757: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) gu4 2/3(disz) sag_
  • _2(disz) gu4 1(disz) amar mu 1(asz) us2_
  • _1(disz) udu niga_
  • AI Translation
  • 2 oxen, 2/3 head,
  • 2 oxen, 1 calf, 1 year old,
  • 1 sheep, grain-fed,
  • Reverse


    ba-szi-it _e2_ ma-ri-i sza ter-qa(ki) sza sa-am-me-tar _giri3#_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 (d)utu-na-s,ir lugal-an-dul3-li2 [u3] ul-lu-ri _iti#_ la-hi-im _u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ [_mu_] zi#-im-ri-li-im _bad3#_ ia-ah-du-li-im(ki) i#-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    the building of the old house of Terqa, which Sam-metar via Yasim-sumû, Shamash-nashir, Lugalandulli and Uluri. The month of Lahu, the day 29 of the year in which Zimri-Lim the wall of Yahdulim built.

    P479758: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [x x] _sze sumun_ sza ru-ug-ba-tim

  • 2(disz) me _(a-gar3) sze ur5-ra_ sza ter-qa(ki)
  • 5(u) _a-gar3 sze ur5-ra_ sza da-asz-ra#-an#(ki#)
  • AI Translation

    x homers of barley, of the rations;

  • 200 hectares of arable land of Terqa,
  • 50 hectares of arable land of Dashing,
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) _a-[gar3 sze_ ...]
  • sza _e2_ sa-am-[me-e-tar] sza ter-qa(ki) _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-[u2] (d)utu-na-s,ir ul-lu-ri [u3] lugal#-an-dul3-li2

    AI Translation
  • 10 hectares of arable land .
  • of the house Sam-metar of Terqa, via Yasim-sumû, Shamash-nashir, Uluri and Lugal-andulli.

    P479759: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] ha [...] [...] ba [...] [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] [...]-x-ik [...] im#-[...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...]

  • [1(disz)] a-mu-[...]
  • [1(disz)] (d)utu-[...]
  • [1(disz)] (d)da-[gan-...]
  • [1(disz) (d)]iszkur-[...]
  • [...] x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

  • 1 Amu-...;
  • 1 Shamash-...
  • 1 Dagan-...
  • 1 Adad-...
  • Column 2

  • [1(disz)] bu#?-bu#?-ia
  • _lu2-ad-kup4_

  • 1(disz) ha-ab-du-kul2-lim
  • 1(disz)# x-[...]-na#?-tum
  • [... _lu2]-nagar-mesz_ [...]-lum [...] _lu2-azlag2_ [... _lu2]-simug-a_ [...] _lu2-aszgab_ [... _lu2]-gir2?-la2_ [...]-szu-u2 [...]-ma-lik [... _lu2_] kar#-tap-pu#

    AI Translation
  • 1 bubuya,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1: Habdukullim,
  • 1 ...-natum,
  • ... the carpenters ...-lum ... the smith ... the smith ... the smith ... the smith ... the ...

    Column 3

  • 1(disz) sa-ah-la-bu _lu2_ a-ba-ra-kum
  • 1(disz)# (d)utu-na-s,ir _lu2-muhaldim_
  • [1(disz)] ia-az-ra-ah-(d)da-gan _lu2#_ [...]
  • [1(disz)] ha-at-ni-lu-u2-ma [...]
  • [1(disz)] tu-qa-a _dam-gar3#_
  • [1(disz)] ia-szu-rum
  • [1(disz)] ab#-du-isz8-tar2
  • [1(disz)] a-hi-da-mi-iq
  • [1(disz)] ha-ab-du-(d)a#-mi
  • 4(disz) _lu2-mesz_ a-bu-szu [...]

  • [1(disz)] ap-pa-an
  • [1(disz)] (d)utu-ga-mil
  • [1(disz)] (d)utu-tap-pe2-[e]
  • [1(disz) _munus_] sa-li-ma-tum
  • 3(disz) _lu2_ 1(disz) _munus_ ka-si#-[mu]

  • [1(disz)] (d)da-gan-tu-ri# [(x)]
  • [1(disz)] ki-la-ba-su [(x)]
  • 2(disz) _lu2-nu-(gesz#)[kiri6]_

  • 1(disz) a-bi-sa-ma#-[as2]
  • _nig2-szu_ al-ti-ip-[tu-u2]

  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ [...]
  • 2(disz) _ur-gi7-ra_ [...]
  • 4(disz) _lu2_ 1(disz) _munus_ 2(disz) _ur-gi7#-ra# sipa udu#_ [...] _nig2-szu_ ha-ab-du-(d)da-gan

  • 1(disz) na-hi-ra-an
  • 1(disz) zi-ik-i3-li2
  • 2(disz) _lu2-i3-du8_

  • 1(disz) ha-bi-ra-an
  • 1(disz) as3-di-(d)iszkur
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-dingir
  • 1(disz) _arad_-i3-li2-szu
  • 1(disz) (d)suen-mu#-sza#-lim
  • 1(disz) (d)iszkur-[...]-ni
  • 1(disz)# ia-x-[...]-nu
  • [1(disz)] a#-[na-...]-tak2-la-ku#
  • [...]-bi# [...] x [...]-_mesz#_ [...] [...] _lu2-i3-du8_

    AI Translation
  • 1 sahlabu-garment of the man of Abarakum;
  • Shamash-nashir, cook;
  • 1 Yazrah-Dagan, .
  • 1 Hatniluma ...
  • 1 Tuqaya, merchant;
  • 1 Yashurum,
  • 1 Abdu-Ishtar,
  • 1 Ahi-damiq;
  • Habdu-Ami,
  • 4 men, his fathers .

  • 1 appanu-vessel;
  • 1 Shamash-gamil,
  • 1 Shamash-tappe'e,
  • 1 woman, Salimatum;
  • 3 men, 1 woman, kasimu-disease;

  • Dagan-turi ...
  • 1 kilibashu-garment,
  • 2 gardeners;

  • Abi-sama'as,
  • I have opened the property.

  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 woman ...
  • 2 lions ...
  • 4 men, 1 woman, 2 lions, shepherd of sheep, ..., the property of Habdu-Dagan,

  • 1 nahiran-vessel,
  • 1 Zikili,
  • 2 gatekeepers;

  • one habiran,
  • 1 Asdi-Adad,
  • 1 Shamash-ili,
  • 1: Warad-ilishu,
  • Sîn-mushallim,
  • 1 Ya-...-nu;
  • 1: Ana-...-taklaku;
  • ... ... ... ... ... the gatekeeper

    Column 1

  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) [_munus_ ...-szar]-ra-at
  • 1(disz) _munus_ t,e4-i#-tum
  • 1(disz) _munus_ szi-na-dam#-qa#
  • _munus_ sa3-mi-[tum] 7(disz) _lu2_ [2(disz) _munus_] sza 1(disz) _(gesz)[apin]_ _engar_ (d)[a-mi-e-szu-uh]

  • 1(disz) ki-zi-[...]
  • _lu2_ mu-[ki-lu]

  • 1(disz) (d)iszkur-[...]
  • _lu2_ za-[ru-u2]

  • 1(disz) ia-ha-[...]
  • 1(disz) a-ha-am#-[...]
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ [mu-sza-qu2-u2]
  • 1(disz) a-bi-[...]
  • 1(disz) i-di?-[...]
  • 1(disz) ka-[...]
  • 3(disz) _lu2#_ [kul2-li-zu]

  • 1(disz) (d)a-mi#-[...]
  • 1(disz) ia-pa-[...]
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ [ka-si-mu]

  • 1(disz) me-me-en#-[...]
  • _lu2_ sa3-mi-[du]

  • 1(disz) ba-ah-li-s,a-du#-[uq]
  • _lu2_ mu-pa-szi-szu#

  • 1(disz) _munus_ nu-uh-mi-i3-[li2]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ an-nu-ba-ni-tum#
  • 2(disz) _munus_ t,e4-i-na-tum

  • 1(disz) ka-pi2-i3-li2
  • 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2_ 2(disz) _munus_ sza 1(disz) _(gesz)apin_ _engar_ ia-an-s,i2-bu#-[um]

  • 1(disz) zi-in-hi-la [...]
  • _lu2_ mu-ki-lu#

  • 1(disz) isz-ru-hi-el#
  • _lu2_ za-ru-u2

  • 1(disz) er3-ra-ka-bi-[it]
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-a-bi
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ mu-sza-qu2-u2

  • 1(disz) a-hu-ia-ha-ad
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-i-din-nam
  • 1(disz) ha-an-ni-dingir
  • 3(disz) _lu2_ kul2-li-zu

  • 1(disz) pi2-ru-wa-an
  • 1(disz) ba-lu-isz8-tar2
  • 1(disz) sa-am-si-la-na-si
  • 1(disz) ab-di-ta-an
  • 4(disz) _lu2_ ka-si-mu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ...
  • 1 woman, ...-sharrat;
  • 1 female kid,
  • 1 woman, shinadamqa;
  • a woman, named Samitum; 7 men; 2 women of one ploughman, farmer of Ami-eshuh;

  • 1 Kizi-...,
  • man of the cult centers

  • Adad-...
  • man of the zarutu-priests

  • 1 Yah...,
  • 1 Aham-...;
  • 2 ...
  • 1 Abi-...,
  • 1 Idi-...,
  • 1 Ka-...,
  • 3 cultic rites

  • Ami-...,
  • 1 Yapa-...,
  • 2 kasimu-priests,

  • One ...
  • man of the samudu-priests

  • 1: Bahlishaduq;
  • The man who makes him perform

  • 1 woman, Nuhmi-ili;
  • 1 woman named Annu-banitu,
  • 2 female kids,

  • 1: Kapi-ili;
  • 12 men, 2 women of 1 ploughman, farmer, Yanshibu;

  • 1 zinhila-plant ...,
  • man of the cult centers

  • 1: Ishru-hel;
  • man who is ill

  • Erra-kabit,
  • Ili-abi,
  • 2 men, the ones who are shaved;

  • Ahu-iahad,
  • Shamash-iddinam,
  • Hani-il,
  • 3 men, kullizu-priests;

  • 1: Piruwan;
  • one Balu-ishtar,
  • Samsilani,
  • 1 Abditan,
  • 4 kasimu-priests,

    Column 2


    [...] ni [_lu2_ mu-pa-szi-szu]

  • [1(disz) _munus_ ...]
  • [_munus_] sa3-mi-[tum]

  • 1(disz) munus um-mi-[...]
  • _munus_ t,e4-i-[tum] 1(u) 2(disz) _lu2_ 2(disz)# [_munus_] [sza 1(disz)] _(gesz#)apin_ [_engar_ a-bi-(d)iszkur]

  • [1(disz) ...]
  • [1(disz) ...]-i-[...]
  • [ 2(disz)] _lu2_ mu-ki-lu#

  • [1(disz)] ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan
  • 1(disz) sza-(d)utu-ka-lu-ma
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ za-ru-u2

  • 1(disz) ia-ar-i-pu-um
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-ra-bi
  • [1(disz)] a-hu#-ia#-ha-ad
  • 1(disz) du-[...]
  • 1(disz) hi-x-[...]-a-hu
  • 5(disz) _lu2_ kul2-li-zu

  • 1(disz) ia-as2#-ma#-ah#-dingir
  • 1(disz) _munus_ i3-li2-ri-ih-s,i2
  • 1(disz) _lu2_ 1(disz) _munus_ sa3-mi-du

  • 1(disz) _munus_ al-mu-ti-i-la
  • 1(disz) _munus_ ku3#-babbar-(d)utu
  • [ 2(disz)] _munus_ t,e4-i-na-tum 1(u) lu2 3(disz) _munus-mesz_ sza 2(disz) _(gesz)apin_ _engar_ ia-ah-wi-a-szar _szu-nigin2 4(u) 1(disz) lu2-mesz_

  • _9(disz) munus-mesz_
  • sza 5(disz) _(gesz)apin hi-a_ sza _e2_ sa-am-me-e-tar sza _e2_ ter-qa(ki) _si-la2_ a-pil-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    ... ... the man who resides there

  • 1 woman ...
  • a woman, a widow

  • 1 woman, ...;
  • a female kid, 12 men, 2 female kids, of 1 ploughman, farmer of Abi-Adad,

  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...-i...;
  • 2 men, slanderers;

  • 1 Yashub-Dagan,
  • one Sha-Shamash-kaluma,
  • 2 zarau-priests,

  • 1 Yar-ipu'um,
  • Ili-rabi,
  • 1 Ahu-yahad,
  • 1: Du-...;
  • 1 ...-ahu,
  • 5 men, kullizu;

  • 1 Yasmah-ili,
  • 1 woman, Ili-rihshi;
  • 1 man, 1 woman, Samidu;

  • 1 woman, Almutila;
  • 1 woman of silver-shamash;
  • 2 female kids, 10 men, 3 women of 2 ploughmen, farmer: Yahwi-Ashar; total: 41 men.

  • 9 women,
  • of 5 ploughs of the house Sammetar of the house Terqa, the rent of Apil-Sîn

    Column 3


    [_szu]-nigin2# 1(gesz2) 3(u) 5(disz) lu2-[mesz]_

  • [1(disz)] szu#-szi [n _munus-mesz_]
  • [n _dumu-mesz_] [n _munus-tur-mesz_] [...] x [...] [_giri3_ ia]-si-im-su-mu-u2 ia#-ta-ri-im (d)utu#-na-s,ir ul-lu#-[ri] [u3] lugal-[an]-dul3#-[li2] [_iti_ la-hi-im _u4 1(u)]+2(u)-kam_ [_mu_ zi-im-ri-li]-im# [_bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu]

    AI Translation

    Total: 115 people.

  • 1 woman, n women;
  • n sons and n girls ... ... via Yasim-shumû, Yatarum, Shamash-nashir, Ullumri and Lugalandulli. The month of Lahu, the day 12 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" he built.

    P479760: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(u) ma-na siki us2_
  • _1(asz) gu2 siki_ gur-nu
  • _si-la2_ (munus)a-hi-tu-kul2-ti i-na ter-qa(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 30 minas of wool, length;
  • 1 talent of wool, gurnu-garment,
  • the rent of the woman Ahitukultu in Terqa



    _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 (d)utu-na#-s,ir ul-lu-ri# u3 lugal-an-dul3-li2 _iti_ la-hi-im _u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    via Yasim-sumû, Shamash-nashir, Uluri and Lugalandulli. The month of Lahu, the day 30 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" he built.

    P479761: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1(disz) x [...]
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) x [...]
  • 1(disz) _igi-nu_ hi-[...]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ ha-[...]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ (d)da#-[gan-...]
  • 1(disz) _dumu_ gi-x-[...]
  • 1(disz) ir-[...]
  • 3(disz)+[n ...]

  • 1(disz) _munus_ ku#-[...]
  • [1(disz)] _munus-tur_ du-um-qi2-x-[...]
  • 1(disz) za-pa-tum [1(disz) _dumu_]
  • 1(disz) a-hu-ka-a-[bi]
  • 1(disz) na-wa-ar-[...]
  • 1(disz) _lu2_ um-ma-ni-[...]
  • 1(disz) _munus-tur_ ba-ti-[...]
  • 1(disz) um-mi-ha#-[na-at]
  • 1(disz) isz-ru3-hi-el#
  • 1(disz) ga-al-la-ab#-tum#
  • 1(disz) tu-ha-la-x-[...]
  • 1(disz) isz8-tar2-i3-li2
  • 1(u) _munus-mesz_

  • 2(disz) _munus-tur_ 2(disz) _dumu-mesz_
  • sza# (munus)i-ni-ib-szi#-na#

    AI Translation
  • 1 ... ...,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ... ...,
  • 1 ... ...;
  • 1 woman ...;
  • 1 woman, Dagan-...;
  • 1 son of Gi...,
  • 1 IR-...;
  • 3+x ...

  • 1 woman ...
  • 1 female kid .
  • one Zapatu, one son,
  • 1 Ahukabi,
  • 1 Nawar-...,
  • 1 man of ...
  • 1 female kid .
  • 1: Ummi-hanat;
  • 1 Ishru-hi-El,
  • 1: gallabtu-container;
  • 1 Tuhala-...,
  • Ishtar-ili,
  • 10 women;

  • 2 girls, 2 sons,
  • of the woman Inibshina.

    Column 2

  • 1(disz) (d)utu-u2-ba-al-li-it,
  • 1(disz) a-na-(d)utu-tak2-la-ku
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-tap#-pe2
  • 1(disz) lugal-i3-li2
  • 1(disz) i-din-(d)iszkur
  • 1(disz) ka-pi2-la-ri-im
  • 1(disz) isz-hi-(d)da-gan
  • 1(disz) sza-(d)utu-ka-lu-ma
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-ta-ia-ar
  • 9(disz) _lu2-muhaldim_ _si-la2_ a-i-la-an

  • 1(disz) za-ha-at-ni-dingir
  • 1(disz) ia-mu-ut-ha-ma-di
  • 1(disz) ia-ku-un-ba-ah-li
  • 1(disz) a-na-(d)utu-tak2-la-ku
  • 1(disz) mu-ut-ra-me!-e
  • 1(disz) qi2-isz-ti-na!-bu
  • 1(disz) na-ap-lu-su2-ki-ma-i3-li2
  • 1(disz) sza-an-ma-da
  • 1(disz) be-li2-i-din-nam
  • 1(disz) be-li2-a-sza-re-ed
  • 1(u) _lu2-giri3-se3-ga_ u3 _dumu-mesz szu-i_

  • 1(disz) bi-ni-ma-ra-as,
  • 1(disz) mi-il-ku-ma-dingir
  • 2(disz) _lu2-mesz_ _engar_ zu-ni-ba-la

  • 1(disz) ia-ap-hu-ur-li-im mu-ki-lu
  • 1(disz) a-ia-ha-lu za-ru-u2
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-mi-il-ka-ia
  • 1(disz) _munus_ a-da-tum sa3-mi-tum
  • 3(disz) _lu2_ 1(disz) _munus-mesz_ _engar_ ia-ar-ip-(d)da-gan

  • 1(disz) ba-ah-li-e-ra-ah
  • 1(disz) be-li2-lu-da-ri
  • [1(disz)] _munus#_ za-al-li sa3-mi-tum
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ 1(disz) _munus-mesz_ _engar#_ ad-da#-[...]

    AI Translation
  • Shamash-uballit,
  • Ana-Shamash-taklaku,
  • Shamash-tappe,
  • 1 Lugal-ili,
  • Iddin-Adad,
  • 1: Kapilarum,
  • 1 Ishhi-Dagan,
  • one Sha-Shamash-kaluma,
  • Shamash-tayar,
  • 9 cooks, ...

  • 1 Zahat-ni-ili,
  • 1: Iamut-hamadi;
  • 1 Yakun-bahli,
  • Ana-Shamash-taklaku,
  • 1: Mutrame;
  • 1 Qishtinabu;
  • Naplukusu-kima-ili,
  • 1: Shanmada;
  • Beli-iddinam,
  • Beli-asharad,
  • 10: the shandabakku and the handiworkers;

  • Bini-Maras,
  • 1: Ilku-madi;
  • 2 men, farmers of Zunibala;

  • 1: Yaphur-Lim, the steward;
  • 1 Ayahalu, the zarû-priest;
  • Ili-milkaya,
  • 1 woman, Adatu, Samitu;
  • 3 men, 1 woman, farmer: Ia-ip-Dagan;

  • 1: Bahli-erah;
  • Beli-lu-dari,
  • 1 woman, zaallu-garment, samitum-garment;
  • 2 men, 1 woman, farmer, Adda-...,

    Column 3

  • _1(gesz2) 1(u) lu2-mesz_
  • _1(gesz2) 1(u) 9(disz) munus-mesz_
  • _9(disz) dumu-mesz_
  • _6(disz) munus-tur-mesz_
  • _1(disz) dumu gaba_
  • 1(gesz2) 6(u) 5(disz)
  • sza _e2_ sa-am-me-e-tar _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 lugal-an-dul3-li2 u3# ul-lu-ri

    AI Translation
  • 100 men,
  • 119 women,
  • 9 sons,
  • 6 young women,
  • 1 child, male, suckling;
  • 105 lines
  • of the house of Sammetar, via Yasim-sumû, Lugalandulli and Uluri.

    P479762: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • [1(disz) ...] ni [...]
  • [1(disz) ...] x [...]
  • [1(disz) x]-bi?-ir?-x-[...]
  • [1(disz) x]-hi-zi?-im?-[x]-x
  • [1(disz)] a#-ba-a-[ba]-ia#
  • [1(disz)] az-zu
  • [1(disz)] be-li2-i3-li2#
  • [1(disz)] be-li2-ne-ri sza _dumu_ i-du#-u2
  • [1(disz)] ma!-li-ka-a-ia#
  • sa-ha-ar-szu-ub-a

  • 1(disz) be-li2-ba-asz2-ti
  • 1(disz) ra-qa-tum
  • 1(disz) ru-ba-a-ia#-a#
  • 1(disz) t,a2-a-ba#
  • 1(disz) i-na-pi2-i-li-di-ia
  • 1(disz) ar-wi-tum
  • 1(disz) si-ni-na#
  • 1(disz) ku-wa-ri
  • 1(disz) ru-ma-tum sza ha-am-de-e
  • 1(disz) um-mi-eq-ra-at
  • 1(disz) a-hi-qe2-ri
  • 1(disz) un-zi-ia
  • 2(u) 4(disz) _munus_ se2-ek-re-tu _sza3-ba 2(disz) munus_ sza bi-[ir]-mi 1(disz) _munus_ sza ha-am-[de]-e# 2(disz) _geme2_ i-ni-ib-[szi]-na#

  • 1(disz) szu-ru-un-na#
  • 1(disz) ha-im-zu-x
  • 1(disz) (d)nu-nu-um-mi
  • 1(disz) ka-ak-ka-ra-ah-mi
  • 1(disz) ia-ta-ak-ma
  • 1(disz) szu-li-mi-szu-nu-ti
  • 1(disz) (d)nu-nu-ta-asz-ma-ah
  • 1(disz) (d)ma-ma-a-si2-ia
  • 1(disz) an-nu
  • 1(disz) ib-ba-tum
  • [1(disz)] na-bu-tum
  • [1(disz)] ha-li-ma
  • [1(disz)] a#?-li-la-a#-a
  • [1(disz) x] x x [...] x
  • [1(disz) ...]-ia
  • [1(disz) ...]
  • [1(disz) ...]
  • [1(disz) ...] x
  • [1(disz) ...] x
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ... ...
  • 1 ... ... ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...him...;
  • 1 Ababaya;
  • 1: Azzu;
  • Beli-ili,
  • Beli-neri, who knows the son,
  • 1 Malikaya,
  • I will bring out.

  • Beli-bashti,
  • 1: Rahatum;
  • 1: Rubayaya;
  • 1: Taba;
  • Ina-pi-ilidiya,
  • 1: Arwitum;
  • 1 Sinina,
  • 1 kuwaru-vessel,
  • 1 ramatu-vessel of Hamdê;
  • 1: Ummi-eqrat,
  • 1 Ahi-qeri,
  • 1: Unziya,
  • 24 female slaves therein; 2 female slaves of the sucklings; 1 female slave of the hamdeans; 2 female slaves with them;

  • 1 shurunnu-vessel,
  • 1: Habzu-...;
  • Nunummi,
  • 1 Kakka-rahmi;
  • 1 Yatakma,
  • 1 Shulim-shunuti,
  • Nutashmah,
  • 1: Masiya,
  • One Anu,
  • 1 Ibbatum,
  • 1 nabutu-garment,
  • 1: Halima;
  • 1 Alilayu,
  • 1 ... ... ...
  • 1 ...ya,
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ... ...,
  • 1 ... ...,
  • Column 2

  • [1(disz)] x-ku-x
  • 2(u) _munus-usz-bar-mesz_

  • 1(disz) ru-ba-ia
  • 1(disz) a-bi-i3-li2
  • 1(disz) a-ha-ta-ni
  • 1(disz) a-ha-ta-ni _min3_
  • 4(disz) _munus_ sza ha-am-de#-e#
  • 1(disz) da-bi-[x]
  • ka#-s,i2-ir-[tum] 2(u) 5(disz) _munus-usz-bar-mesz_

  • 1(disz) el-mi-szu-um 2(disz) _tur_
  • 1(disz) na-ra-am-tum
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-hi-im-di
  • 3(disz) _munus_ 2(disz) _tur_ sza mar-da-tim

  • 1(disz) e2-a#-ma-lik
  • 1(disz) [a-na]-e2-a-tak2-la-ku
  • 1(disz) [i3]-li2-sukkal
  • 1(disz) ki#-mi-el-ki-dingir
  • 1(disz) za#-i-x
  • 1(disz) gu-mu#-ul#-(d)suen
  • 6(disz) _lu2-tug2-du8_
  • 1(disz) aq-ba-a-hu-um
  • 1(disz) (d)suen-i-din-nam
  • 1(disz) a-bi-ti-la-ti
  • 1(disz) ka-pi2-li-bur
  • 4(disz) _lu2-azlag2_

  • 1(disz) ha-ab-du-(d)u-gur
  • 1(disz) e2-a-da-am-ti
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ sza _gada_

  • 1(disz) la-ma-dingir
  • 1(disz) be-li2-tu-kul2-ti
  • 1(disz) be-li2-li-ter
  • 3(disz) _lu2-nagar-mesz_

  • 1(disz) isz-ta-nu _lu2-aszgab 2(disz) tur_
  • 1(disz) _tur_ gi-mil-(d)utu _ku3-dim2_
  • _nig2-szu_ t,a3-ba-su-mu-u2 1(u) 6(disz) _lu2_ 3(disz) _tur-mesz_ _dumu-mesz_ um-me-ni

  • 1(disz) ku-ta-a-ia 1(disz) _munus-tur_
  • 1(disz) za-ba-tum 1(disz) _tur_
  • 1(disz) isz-ga?-li-hi-na-ia 1(disz) _tur_
  • 1(disz) ga-la-ab-tum
  • 1(disz) a-hu-ka-a-bi
  • 1(disz) isz8-tar2-i3-li2
  • 1(disz) na-ru-um-um-[mi] x x x
  • 1(disz) zi-im-ra-a#-an#
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ...
  • 20 female singers;

  • 1: Rubaya;
  • Abi-ili,
  • Ahatani,
  • 1 ha-tani ditto,
  • 4 female kids of Hamdê;
  • 1: Dabi-...;
  • a kashirtu-shrine, 25 female sphinxes;

  • Elmishum, 2 small,
  • 1: Naramtum;
  • Ili-himdi,
  • 3 female kids, 2 sucklings of mardatu-plant,

  • Ea-malik,
  • Anaea-taklaku,
  • Ili-sukkal,
  • Kimil-ki-il,
  • 1: Za-i...;
  • Gumul-Sîn,
  • 6 tailors,
  • 1: Aqba-ahum,
  • Sîn-iddinam,
  • Abi-tilati,
  • 1: Kapilbur;
  • 4 fullers,

  • Habdu-Nergal,
  • Ea-damti,
  • 2 men of linen;

  • 1 Lama-ili,
  • Beli-tukulti,
  • Beli-li-ter,
  • 3 carpenters;

  • 1 ashtanu, the smith, 2 small children,
  • 1 pig, Gimil-Shamash, goldsmith.
  • possessions of Tabasumu; 16 men, 3 small children, sons of Ummeni;

  • 1 Kutaya, 1 small girl,
  • 1 zabatu-garment, 1 jar;
  • Ishgalihinaya, 1 pig,
  • 1: Galabtu;
  • 1 Ahukabi,
  • Ishtar-ili,
  • 1 narummu-stone ...;
  • 1 zigran-fruit,
  • Column 3


    9(disz) [_munus_ 2(disz) _tur_ 1(disz) _munus-tur_] _munus_ [...]

  • 1(disz) a-hi-[...]
  • 1(disz) isz8-tar2-[...]
  • 1(disz) zi-im-ri#-(d)[...]
  • 3(disz) _munus-mesz_ _geme2-mesz_ ka-ra-na-tum

  • 1(disz) ba-ah-li-i3-li2
  • _geme2_ ma-li-ik-e2-a 1(u) 6(disz) _lu2-mesz_

  • 1(disz) szu-szi 5(disz) _munus_ 5(disz) _tur_ 1(disz) _munus-tur_
  • _si-la2_ mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im#

  • 1(disz) ma-ni-ha
  • 1(disz) (d)de-ri-tum-tar-am
  • 1(disz) ka-ab-ba-tum
  • 1(disz) ba-ah-li-si2-im-ti
  • 4(disz) _munus-tur_ a-na _munus-nar_ _si-la2_ t,a3-ba-at-szar-ru-su2

  • 1(disz) i3-li2-tu-ra-a-ia _lu2-lunga_
  • 1(disz) nu-la-am _nu-(gesz)kiri6_
  • _nig2-szu_ szum-isz8-tar2

  • 1(disz) (d)utu-ha-zi-ir _ad-kup4_
  • 1(disz) ku3-babbar-(d)suen _szu-ku6(_gir_)
  • 1(disz) be-el-szu-nu
  • 1(disz) bi-ni-ma#-ra#-as,
  • 2(disz) _lu2-i3-sur_

  • 1(disz) _tur_ ge-ri-e-szu-uh
  • 1(disz) _munus_ it-ti-sza-ma-al-ku
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-nu-ri
  • 1(disz) a-mu-ri-tum
  • 1(disz) (d)isz-ha-ra-hi-im-di 1(disz) _tur_
  • 1(disz) a-ha-tum [...]
  • 1(disz) ia-di-da# [...]
  • 1(disz) (d)da-gan-ri#?-[...]
  • 1(disz) ha-kul2-la-[...]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ tu-ha-[...]
  • 1(disz) x x [...]
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation

    9 female kids, 2 suckling girls, 1 suckling girl .

  • 1 Ahi-...,
  • 1: Ishtar-...,
  • 1 Zimri-...,
  • 3 female slaves, female slaves;

  • 1: Bahli-ili;
  • a slave woman, 16 men,

  • 1 woman, 5 kids, 1 girl,
  • The 'response' is her name.

  • Maniha,
  • Eritum-taram,
  • 1 kabbatu-vessel,
  • 1: Bahlisimti;
  • 4 female kids for the singer, the shillû-offering of Tabat-sharrussu;

  • Ili-turaya, brewer,
  • 1 nulam-plant of the orchard;
  • possessions of Shumma-Ishtar,

  • Shamash-hazir, the scribal artist,
  • 1 silver-Suen, fisherman;
  • one for their lady,
  • Bini-Maras,
  • 2: the chemist;

  • 1 pig, Geri-eshuh;
  • 1 woman: she has been slighted.
  • Shamash-nuri,
  • Amuritum,
  • Ishharahimdi, 1 pig,
  • 1 hahatu-plant ...;
  • 1 Yadida ...
  • Dagan-ri-...
  • 1: Hakulla-...;
  • 1 woman ...
  • 1 ... ...;
  • 1 ...
  • Column 1



  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) x [...]
  • 1(disz) gu-[...]
  • 1(disz) (d)a-mi#-[...]
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-[...]
  • 1(disz) da-i-[...]
  • _dumu_ i-szar-li-im

  • 1(disz) _igi-nu_ hi-mi-id-er3#-ra
  • 1(disz) _munus_ al-la-an#-za#-ar
  • _munus_ e-pi2-tum

  • 1(disz) be-li2-i3-[li2 _munus_] t,e4-i-tum
  • 7(disz) _lu2_ 2(disz) _munus-mesz_ _si-la2_ e-tel-pi4-lugal

  • 1(disz) ha-la-ta-an
  • 1(disz)# hi#-is,-ri-(d)da-gan
  • [1(disz)] a-bu-wa-qar
  • [1(disz)] sza-(d)utu-ka-lu-ma
  • [1(disz)] x-x-x-nu
  • [n ...-(d)]en#?-lil2

  • [1(disz) ...]-ti-szu
  • 1(disz) bu-[...] sza# ku-ru-usz-te
  • _si-la2_ [a-pil]-ku#-bi

  • [1(disz) _munus_] a-da-[...]-x
  • [1(disz) _munus_] ta-ri-[...]-x-zu
  • [1(disz) _munus_] a#-ha-su2-[nu ...]
  • [1(disz) _munus_] x x [...]
  • [1(disz) _munus_ (d)]ma-am#-[mi-tum-um-mi] (munus#)a-su2-tum
  • [sza] _e2_ i-ni#-ib#-szi#-[na]

  • [1(disz) be-li2]-i-din-nam
  • [1(disz) ia-ku]-un-ba-ah-li
  • [1(disz) mu-ti-hu]-ur-sza-an
  • [1(disz) be-li2]-igi-du
  • [1(disz) zu-ha]-at#-ni-dingir
  • [1(disz) ...]-x-x-(d)en-lil2
  • [1(disz) qi2-isz-ti-na]-bu
  • [1(disz) ...]
  • [1(disz) ...] 1(disz) _tur_
  • [1(disz) ...] x
  • AI Translation

  • 1 ...
  • 1 ... ...,
  • 1 Gu-...;
  • Ami-...,
  • 1 Ili-...,
  • 1 ...
  • son of Ishar-Lim

  • 1 ... of Himid-Erra,
  • 1 woman: Allanzar.
  • a woman of a sexual desire

  • Beli-ili, the woman of Teitum;
  • 7 men, 2 women, the debt of Etel-pî-lugal;

  • 1 halatian,
  • 1 Hishi-Dagan,
  • 1 Abu-waqar,
  • 1 Sha-Shamash-kaluma;
  • 1;
  • ...-Enlil;

  • 1 ...-tishu,
  • 1 ... of kurushtu-wood;
  • a reed bundle of a reed bundle.

  • 1 woman, Ada-...;
  • 1 woman, Tari-...-zu;
  • 1 woman, Ahasunu ...;
  • 1 woman ... ...
  • 1 woman, Ammi-tummi, Asutum;
  • of the house they have rented.

  • Beli-iddinam,
  • 1 Yakun-bahli,
  • 1 Mutihurshan,
  • 1 Beli-igidu,
  • Zuhatni-ilu,
  • 1 ...-Enlil,
  • 1 Qishtinabu;
  • 1 ...
  • 1 ..., 1 ...,
  • 1 ... ...,
  • Column 2

  • 1(disz) ka-pi2-la-ri-im
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-mu-ba-li-it,
  • 1(disz) a-na-(d)utu-tak2-la-ku
  • 1(disz) i-din-(d)iszkur
  • 1(disz) (d)utu-tap-pe2-e
  • 1(disz) lugal-i3-li2
  • 6(disz) _lu2-muhaldim-mesz_

  • 1(disz) (d)utu-ta-ia-ru
  • 1(disz) isz-hi-(d)da-gan
  • 2(disz) _lu2_ e-pu-u2

  • 1(disz) ia-si2-e-ra-ah
  • 1(disz) ha-ab-du-ma-lik
  • 1(disz) ha-am-mi-e-sa-ar
  • 1(disz) sza-(d)utu-ka-lu-ma
  • 1(disz) ia-si-e-ra-ah _min3_
  • 5(disz) _lu2 _su_-ra#_ 1(u) 3(disz) _lu2-mesz_ _nig2-szu_ a-pil-ku-[bi] _si-la2_ bu-un-[x]

  • 1(disz) ka-pi2-la-ri-im
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-sza-ki-im
  • 1(disz) ha-an-na-(d)suen
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-di-ta-na
  • 1(disz) ia-szu-ub-(d)da-gan
  • 5(disz) _lu2_ kar-tap-pu# _nig2-szu_ (d#)da-gan#-kur#-ni 3(u) 1(disz)+[n _lu2-mesz_] sza [wa-ar-ki _lu2_]

  • 1(disz) x-[...]
  • 1(disz) ia-[...]
  • 1(disz) mu-ut-[...]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ (d)utu-ba-[ni]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ be-li2-[...]
  • 3(disz) _lu2_ 2(disz) _munus-[mesz]_ _si-la2_ s,a-du#?-[...]

  • 1(disz) a-bu-um-[...]
  • 1(disz) dumu-[...]
  • 1(disz) a-hu-um-lu-[mu]
  • 1(disz) dumu-er-s,e2#-[tim]
  • 1(disz) ar-ba-an-li-[x]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ i3-li2-ba-asz-[ti]
  • 1(disz) _munus_ (d)utu-du-[um-qi2]
  • _nig2-szu_ ar#-[...]

  • 1(disz) li?-[...]
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1: Kapilarum,
  • Shamash-muballit,
  • Ana-Shamash-taklaku,
  • Iddin-Adad,
  • Shamash-tappe,
  • 1 Lugal-ili,
  • 6 cooks;

  • Shamash-tayaru,
  • 1 Ishhi-Dagan,
  • 2 men who did

  • 1 Yasi-Erah,
  • Habdumalik,
  • Hammi-esar,
  • one Sha-Shamash-kaluma,
  • 1 Yasi-Erah ditto,
  • 5 men, ...; 13 men, possessions of Apilkubu, the rent of ...;

  • 1: Kapilarum,
  • Ilishakim,
  • Hana-Sin,
  • Ili-ditana,
  • Iashub-Dagan,
  • 5 men, the kartappu-priests, the property of Dagan-kurni; 31+n men, the men of the harki-priests;

  • 1 ...,
  • 1 Ya-...,
  • 1: Mut-...;
  • 1 woman, Shamash-bani;
  • 1 woman, Beli-...;
  • 3 men, 2 women, ... ...;

  • 1 Abum-...,
  • 1 ...-sheep,
  • 1 Ahumlumu,
  • 1: Dumu-ershetim,
  • 1: Arban-li-...;
  • 1 woman, Ili-bashti;
  • 1 woman, Shamash-dumqi;
  • Property of .

  • 1 Li-...
  • 1 ...
  • Column 3

  • [1(disz) ...]-li
  • [1(disz) ...]-tum?
  • [1(disz) ...]-li
  • [_nig2-szu_ zu]-ni-ba-la [ n _lu2_ ...]-_mesz_ [sza 1(disz)? _(gesz)]apin_ [...]-x [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz) _lu2_ 6(disz) _munus-mesz_ sza _(gesz)apin-mesz_ _szu#-nigin2# 1(gesz2)# 2(u) 4(disz) lu2-mesz_

  • _1(gesz2)# 2(u) 1(disz) munus-mesz_
  • _6(disz) tur 6(disz) munus-tur_
  • u3? _4(disz) munus-mesz_

  • _1(disz)# tur 1(disz) munus-tur-mesz_
  • _geme2-mesz dam-a-ni_

  • [1(disz) me 1(gesz2) 1(u)]+1(u) 3(disz) _lu2-lu2-mesz_
  • [sza _e2_ sa]-am#-mi-tar [sza ma]-ri(ki) [_giri3_ ia]-si#-im-su-mu-u2 [a]-bi#-e-pu-uh [u3 ul]-lu-ri

    AI Translation
  • 1,
  • 1 ...tum?,
  • 1,
  • the property of Zunibala, n men ... of 1 plow ... ... 15 men, 6 women of plows; total: 104 men.

  • 91 women,
  • 6 small children, 6 girls,
  • and 4 women

  • 1 small girl, 1 young woman,
  • female slaves, his wife

  • 113 people,
  • of the house of Sammitar of Mari, via Yasim-sumû, Abi-epuh and Uluri.

    P479763: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17# sag-_arad2_-geme2 gu4 u8? udu hi-a sze i3 sze-gesz-i3_ _tug2 hi-a_ ba-szi-it _e2_ sa-am-me-e-tar isz-tu pe2-e a-di _ku3-sig17_ it-ti-ia la i-ba-asz-szu-u2 u3 sza# i-ba-asz-szu-u2 [la i]-du#-u2 [...] _gu4 u8? udu hi-a? sze?-gesz?-[i3 ...]-na#

    AI Translation

    silver, gold, slave woman, ox, sheep, grain, oil, sesame, garments, ... of the house Sammetar, from the peg until the gold with me there is no one, and who is not known ... ox, sheep, grain, .



    u3 i-na a-hi-ti-ia la la-am-da-ku

    AI Translation

    And I am not negligent on my account.

    P479764: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) _har_ 1(disz) hu-ul-lu sza _ku3-babbar_
  • sze-wi-ru qi2-isz-tum u3 hu-ul-lu i-na si2-mi-isz-tim-ma i-na _e2_ ma-ia-li sza sa-am-me-e#-tar# im-hu-ur

  • 1(disz) _har_ 1(disz) _tug2_ 1(ban2) _i3 du10-ga_ i-nu-ma pa-ag-re il-qe2
  • 3(disz) _tug2# hi-a_ sza i-na _e2_ sa-am-me-e-tar
  • [...] x x [im]-hu#-ru

    AI Translation
  • 5 rings, 1 ring of silver;
  • The supplication, the prayer, and the evil in a supplication, in the house of the sammetar-priest received.

  • 1 bracelet, 1 tunic, 1 seah of good oil when the sceptre he took.
  • 3 ... garments which in the house of Sam-metar
  • ... ... he returned.



    [... i-s,a-ab]-ba-at [...] [...]-ku#-um sza [...] [(disz)er3-ra]-ga-mil i-sza-ti [u3 _(gesz)]gu-za_ sza i-na a-bu-si2-im [sza _e2_] sa-am-me-e-tar [ma-ha-ar] (d)utu na-di-ma [i-na li]-ib#-bi-szu er3-(ra)-ga-mil wa-szi-ib-ma [i-na pa]-an _lu2_ sza-pi2-t,i-im [u3 _lu2_] ra-be2-nim sza ma-a-tim [...] x-i di-ib-bi [i-na] s,i2-il-li sa-am-me-e-tar

    AI Translation

    ... he will capture ... ... ... ... Erragamil, the one, and the throne which in the midst of the house of Sammu-tar before Shamash he gave, and in his heart Erragamil resides, and before the fugitive and the great ruler of the land ... ... words in the reed-bed of Sammu-tar



    [mi]-im-ma sza i-na tup-pi2#-[im an-ni-im] [sza-at,]-ru sza _e2_ [sa-am-me-e-tar]

    AI Translation

    Whatever is written in this tablet of the house of Sammetar,

    P479765: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ba-usz2 e2_ (munus#)dam#-ku3#-sig17#

  • 1(disz) _munus_ a-hu-ma#-tum#
  • 1(disz) _munus_ tab-ni-isz8-tar2
  • 2(disz) _munus ba-usz2_ _giri3_ a-bi-na-ap-si

    AI Translation

    Dead, in the house of the woman Damkusig.

  • 1 Ahumatu woman,
  • 1 woman, Tabni-Ishtar,
  • 2 female kids, via Abinapsi;



    i-nu-ma _si-la2 e2_ (munus)dam-ku3-sig17 _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li#-im# _alan_ (d)ha-at,-t,a2 u2-sze-lu-u2

    AI Translation

    When the rent of the house of the woman Damkusig, via Yasim-sumû, the month of Eburum, the day 1, the year "Zimri-Lim the statue of Hatta was erected."

    P479766: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ba-ah#-[li]-a-ba-al
  • _la2-u_ ha-an-na-(d)suen

  • 1(disz) ma-szum sza _e2_ u2-ma-an-ni-su-t,a2#
  • i-na ge-er-ri-im sza qa-t,a2-nim(ki) _ba-zah3!(_gir_)_

    AI Translation
  • one Bahli-abal,
  • a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a kind of profession, a profession

  • 1 mina of silver of the house of Umani-suta;
  • In the erru-temple of Qatanum he was slighted.


  • 1(disz) _gu4 la2-u_ al-ti-isz7-qa#-lu
  • i-nu-ma _si-la2 e2_ (munus#)[i-ni-ib-szi-na] _giri3_ ia-[si-im-su-mu-u2] _iti#_ [e-bu-ri-im _u4 8(disz)-kam_] [_mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu]

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox, I have snatched.
  • When the rent of the house of the woman Inibshi, via Yasim-sumû, the month of Eburum, the day 8 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" Yahdu-Lim did,

    P479767: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    tup#-pi2 _lu2_ sa-mi-hi-im

  • 1(disz) ha#-ab-du-ka-ak-ka
  • 1(disz) zi-im-hi-im
  • 1(disz) i-din-i3-li2
  • 1(disz) u2-ma-bu-um
  • 1(disz) i-din-isz8-tar2
  • 1(disz) ma-ah-szu-um
  • 6(disz)? _lu2-azlag2-mesz_

  • 1(disz) a-da-an
  • 1(disz) a-ki-ia
  • 1(disz) ia-s,i2-dingir _nu-(gesz)kiri6_
  • 1(disz) dumu#-(d)utu 1(disz) _dumu#_-szu
  • 1(disz) i-din-(d)suen sza _(gesz)tir-ra#_
  • 1(disz) e2-a-ma-lik _dam#-[gar3]_
  • 1(disz) ia-wi-(d)da-gan
  • 1(disz) ia-na-ab-bi-dingir
  • 2(disz) lu2-sipa

    AI Translation

    Tablet of a man who is ill.

  • 1: Habdu-Kakka;
  • 1: Zimhim;
  • 1: Iddin-ili,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 Iddin-Ishtar,
  • one Mahshum,
  • 6? prisoners,

  • 1 Adan,
  • 1 Akiya,
  • Iash-ilu, gardener;
  • 1 son of Shamash, 1 son of his,
  • Iddin-Sîn of the forest,
  • Ea-malik, merchant;
  • 1 Yawi-Dagan,
  • Ia-nabi-ili,
  • 2: Lu-sipa;



    sza i-na tup-pi2 _sze-ba_ na-as2-hu i-nu-ma _si-la2 e2_-tim sza i-ni-ib-szi-na _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu-u2 _iti_ e-bu-ri-im _u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-im _bad3(ki)_ ia-ah-du-li-im i-pu-szu

    AI Translation

    which on the tablet of the barley was piled up, when the rent of the house which they had taken, via Yasim-sumû, the month of Eburum, the day 8 of the year "Zimri-Lim of Der" Yahdulim did.

    P479768: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (munus)i-ni-ib#-[szi]-na#

  • 1(disz) _munus_ ni-ih-ma-tum#
  • 1(disz) _munus_ a-bi-(d)[utu-szi]
  • 1(disz) a-na-ku-dingir-[ma]
  • 1(disz) (d)suen-mu-ba#-[li2-it,]
  • 2(disz) _gu4 [hi-a]_
  • AI Translation

    to Inibshina.

  • 1 woman, nihmatu-disease;
  • 1 woman, Abi-shamshi;
  • 1 Ana-ku-iluma,
  • Sîn-muballit,
  • 2 oxen,
  • Reverse

  • 2(disz) _gu4_ 2(disz) _lu2-mesz_ 2(disz) _munus-[mesz]_
  • _zi-[ga]_ a-na (munus)i-ni-ib#-szi#-na i-nu-ma _si-la2 e2_ as3-qu2-[di-im] _giri3_ ia-si-im-su-mu#-u2# a-bi-e-pu-uh u3 mu-ka-an-ni-szum _iti_ a-bi-im _u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam#_ _mu_ zi-im-ri-li-[im] til-lu-ut _elam-ma[(ki)_ il-li-ku]

    AI Translation
  • 2 oxen, 2 men, 2 women,
  • When the rent of the house of Asqudim was paid, the foot of Yasim-sumû, Abi-epuh, and his guarantor, the month of Abium, the 22nd day, the year "Zimir-ilim, the completeness of Elam, went."

    P479769: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma aq-ba-a-hu-um-ma i-na pa-ni wa-s,i2-ia ke-em ta-aq-be2-em um-ma at-ta-ma at-ta ta-at-ta-al-la-ak u3 as-su2-re i-na sza-la-at _dumu-mesz_ ia-mi-na a-na ip-t,e4-ri i-ri-szu-ni-in-ni a-na-di-in ki-i um-ma a-na-ku-ma szum-ma i-na _munus-usz-bar-mesz_ u3 _lu2-lu2-mesz_ sza qa-ti-ka 1(disz) i-ri-szu-ka i-di-in _ku3-babbar_ mu-hu-ur u2 ka-ni-ik _lu2-sukkal_ le-qe2 an-ne2-tim u2-wa-er-ka i-nu-ma u2-wa-e-ru-ka (d)nanna-sza3-la2-su3! iz-za-az-ma

    AI Translation

    To the one who resides in her house speak! Thus I said: "In my presence, as you said, you have gone, and I have returned." In the midst of the sons of mine to the extispicy I have given them. Thus I: "If among the women and the men in your hand one of them gave to you, silver he received and the silver he received, the vizier of this shall give you. When they gave you, Nanna-shalasu stands, and



    mi-im-ma a-na be-el te-re-tim u2 ha-al-s,i2-im e-li-im ka-ni-ka-ti-ka i-ta-du-nim u2 _lu2-lu2-mesz_ szu-s,i2-im u2-wa-er-ka i-na-an-na bu-nu-(ma)-(d)iszkur mu-ru-us, li-ib-bi-szu isz-pu-ra-am um-ma szu-ma a-na be-el te-re-tim ka-ni-ka-ti-szu* it-ta-na-di-in u2 u2-wa-sza-ar li-ba-szu ma-di-isz i-zi-iq at-ta a-na te-er-ti-ka-ma szu-pi2-it, u2 szu-u2 a-na te-er-ti-szu-ma li-sza-pi2-it, at-ta wa-sze-er-ma _ku3-babbar_ mu-hu-ur u2 ka-ni-ka-am le-qe2 u3 szu-u2 li-wa-sze-er-ma _ku3-babbar_ li-im-hu-ur

    AI Translation

    Whatever to the lord of the omens and the harshum-demons above your kakkati has sinned, and the harshum-demons have sinned against you. Now, Bunuma-Addu, the sage, his heart wrote to me, saying: "He has sinned against the lord of the omens and his kakkati, and he has sinned against him very much." He said: "You are to the teeming-demon, and he is to the teeming-demon, and he will slander you." You are to the teeming-demon, and he will take silver, and the teeming-demon, let him take, and he will slander you, and silver may he receive.

    P479770: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma be-el-ka-a-ma asz-szum _tug2 hi-a_ sza a-na _lugal-mesz_ sza ma-a-at za-al-ma-qi2-im szu-bu-lim i-ri-szu-ka-a-ma u2#-ul ta-ad-di-in [i]-na#-an-na u4-um tup-pi2 an-ni-a-am [te]-sze-em-mu-u2

    AI Translation

    To her ... speak! Thus your lord: Because the garments which are suitable for the kings of the land of Zalagum are well, you have sinned against you, and you have not given them. Now, when this tablet is sent,


  • 1(u) _tug2 hi-a_ dam-qu2-tim
  • _i3 du10-ga_ u3 _(gesz)illuru hi-a_ a-na te-er-di-it ia-ab-ni-(d)da-gan-ma i-na 3(disz) _(gi)pisan didli hi-a_ dam-qu2-tim ku-un-kam-ma ar-hi-isz a-na s,e2-ri-ia szu-bi-lam

    AI Translation
  • 10 fine garments,
  • good oil and a trough for the trough of Yabni-Dagan, and in 3 reed baskets of good reeds he set up and quickly to my side he brought it.

    P479771: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi#-im qi2-bi2#-ma# um-[ma] (d)en#-[lil2-i-pu]-usz# a-hu-ka-a-ma asz-szum _ansze_ a-ga-lim# ki#-ma 1(disz)-szu wu-di 5(disz)-szu asz2-ta-ap-ra-kum i-na-an-na 1(disz) _ansze_ a-ga-li a-di me-e u2-ra-ma-ku-ni-isz-szu im-tu-ut u3 wa-s,a-am u2-ul a-la-i a-nu-um-ma 1(u) 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ ak-nu-kam-ma usz-ta-bi-la-kum szum-ma _ansze_ a-ga-lu-um sza ta-asz-pu-ra-am u2-ul ik-szu-da-kum it-ti ia-si-im-(d)da-gan u2-lu it-ti dingir-ma-tar _gal ku5_

    AI Translation

    To her he spoke. Thus Enlil-ipush, your brother: concerning the oxen of the agalu, as one-half of five I have sent to you. Now, one oxen of the agalu until the water I have snatched, and the oxen I have not snatched. Now 11 shekels of silver I have gathered and sent to you. If the oxen of the agalu that you sent, I have not snatched. With Yasim-Dagan or with Ili-matar, the great lord,



    _ku3-babbar_ szu-qu2-ul-ma

  • 1(disz) _ansze_ a-ga#-la#-am# sza-ma-am
  • szum-[ma a-ga-lum] ma-ad ak-ki-ma ub-ba-lu _ku3-babbar_ ru-ud-di-ma u3 szu-up-ra-am-ma _ku3-babbar_ lu-sza-bi-la-kum i-nu-ma _ansze_ te-le-qu2-u2 _lu2_ u2-s,u2-ur-du-na-am szi-ma-at# _ansze#_ li-il-tu-uk-szu

    AI Translation

    The silver is high and

  • 1 homer of agalam-seed, the shamam-seed;
  • If a man a land has seized and has taken away silver, a requital of silver, and a letter, and silver I shall send to you, when the donkey has been seized, the man shall bring it, and the owner of the donkey shall take it.

    P479772: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma be-el-ka-a-ma i-na pa-ni-tim asz-szum _(na4)duh-szu2-a_ _na4_ u3 _ku3-sig17_ sza ku-ub-szi-im a-na sa-ga-ra-tim(ki) a-na s,e-ri-ia szu-bu-lim asz-pu-ra-ak-kum-ma _na4_ sza-a-ti a-di i-na-an-na u2-ul tu-sza-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    To her ... speak! Thus your lord: In the presence of the stele concerning the dubishua-stone, the stone and the gold of the stele to Sagaratum to my side I sent, and that stone until now you did not send.



    tup-pi2 an-ne2-e-em i-na sze-me-e-em _na4_ u3 _ku3-sig17_ sza ku-ub-szi-im sza-a-ti ar-hi-isz a-na s,e-ri-ia a-na sa-ga-ra-tim(ki) li-sza-ak-szi-du-nim ak-ki-ma la-ma ka-sza-ad _lugal-mesz_ ku-ub-(sza-am) sza-a-ti ar-hi-isz i-sza-ka-ku

    AI Translation

    This tablet by the word of stone and gold of that cloister to me and to Sagaratum may they assign. I have done, and I have been successful. The kings of that cloister shall be defeated.

    P479773: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma be-el-ka-a-ma asz-szum _(gesz)szukur zabar# hi#-a# ku3#-babbar#_ u3# _ku3#-sig17#_ u3 (gesz)na-zi#-ni# _hi#-a# ar?-hi#-isz#? szu-pu-szi-im i#-na# pa#-ni-tim#-ma u2-wa-e-er-ka! i#-na#-an#-na# s,a-ab sza# _ka2# e2-gal_-lim ka-lu-szu ba-lum _(gesz)szukur zabar_-ma

    AI Translation

    To her ... speak! Thus your lord: concerning the bronze axe, silver and gold, and the nazinu-wood, the first one, I have brought to you. Now, the ... of the gate of the palace is full of bronze axes.



    it-ta-na-la-ak u4-um tup-pi2 an-ne2-e-em te-sze-em-mu-u2 _(gesz)szukur zabar hi-a ku3-babbar_ u3 _ku3-sig17_ u3 (gesz)na-zi-ni _hi-a_ ar-hi-isz szu-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    If you hear this tablet, you shall place in it a bronze ring, silver, gold, and a nazinu-wood ring.

    P479774: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ia-ab-ni-(d)da-gan a-hu-ka-a-ma mi-nu-um an-ni-it-ta-an sza i-na _a-sza3_ ru-qi2-im pa-ag-ri u2-sza-li-ma-am u3 i-na _a-sza3_ qe2-er-bi-im

    AI Translation

    To her ... speak! Thus Yabni-Dagan, your brother: "What is this? That in the field of the irrigated field he has cleared away, and in the field of the open field



    pa-ag-ri u2-ul u2-sza-lam# i-na-an-na szum-ma i-na ki-na#-tim# a#-hi# at-ta u3 ta-ra-[ma]-an-ni _gi# hi-a lu2 elam_ sza i-na qa-[ti]-ka i-ba-asz-szu-u2 u3 _gi hi-a_ dam-qu2-tim a-na qa-at _lugal_ ar-hi-isz szu-bi-lam szum#-ma# _lu2_ mi-im-ma i#-ri-isz-ka an-nu-um lu#-u2 gi-mi-la-ka

    AI Translation

    Now, if in the stead, you and you will be able to see, the Elamite reeds which are in your hands are there, and the good reeds to the king's hand are quickly brought. If this man anything your heart desires, may it be yours.



    [ul]-li#?-isz#? ha#-zi-ir-(d)utu [u3] ki#-zu-uz-zu-um [it-ti]-ia

    AI Translation

    I have sworn by the name of Hazir-Shamash and Kizuzum with me.

    P479775: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] mu#-ka#-an#-ni#-[szi-im] [qi2]-bi2-ma [um]-ma be-el-ka-a-ma# _sza3#-ba#_ (kusz#)zi-ra-[tim] ma#-as2#-si-la-tum [sza a]-na# _munus-mesz_ s,a-hi-ra#-tim# [u2-ul in-na]-ad#-na# [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    To the one who binds her, speak! Thus your lord: The inner thigh of the sashes and the sashes which for the women of the shariru-priestess did not give, ... ... .



    [u3 pa-nu-szi-na?] [lu-u2] na-wi-ir

    AI Translation

    and their faces? may be swollen.

    P479776: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma be-el-ka-a-ma (disz)as3-qur-(d)iszkur (gesz)na-zi-na-am i-ri-sza-an-ni

  • 2(disz) (gesz)na-zi-ni sza _szu_ (munus)szi#-[ib-tu]
  • a-na qa-ti-ia 1(disz) (gesz)na-zi#-[na-am sza _szu_] szu#-ur-szu-(d)ka-ni-isz ar-[hi-isz] [szu-bi-lam]

    AI Translation

    To the one who binds us, speak! Thus your lord: Asqur-Adad has seized my bed.

  • 2 ...-woods, under the care of Shibtu;
  • I have piled up for me one nazinam tree, which is under the control of Shurshu-Kanish.

    P479777: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma mu-ka#-[an]-ni#-szu-um _arad#_-[ka-a-ma]

  • 1(disz) [...]
  • AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Mutanishum, your servant:

  • 1 ...
  • Reverse


    u3# 2(disz) _munus_ pu-ut-ri-ia#-[tim] a-na s,e-er be-li2-[ia] at,-t,a3-ar-[ra]-ad# a-lum ma-ri(ki) u3 _e2-gal_-lum sza-lim

    AI Translation

    and 2 female kids, to my lord I have sent. The city of Mari and the palace are well.

    P479778: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be]-li2-ia [qi2]-bi2#-ma [um-ma] mu#-ka-an-ni-szum [_arad2_-ka-a-ma] asz-szum (gesz)nu-ba-lim _gal_ sza _ku3-sig17_ [a-na pu-ut,]-t,u2-ri-im be-li2 ki-a-am [isz-pu-ra-am] um#-ma-a-mi ih-zi sza (gesz)nu-ba-lim sza-a-ti [li-pa-at,-t,e4-ru] _ku3-sig17_-su2 li-s,i2-du [u2-lu-ma] li#-im-ha-s,u2-szu ki-i a-na-ku [(gesz)nu]-ba#-la-am sza-a-tu u2-pa-t,a2-ar [szi-ip-rum] da#-an-ma ik-ta-asz2-du-ma [u2-ul] ik#-ta-asz2-dam ma-ha-ar be-li2-ia [szi-ip-rum li]-ip-ta-at,-t,e4-er-ma [...] a-na ta-szi-ma-at be-li2-ia

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus says his 'keeper: your servant: concerning the large nindabû-tree of gold for the 'sacrificial', my lord, as follows wrote to me: "May he erase the nindabû-tree's inscription, may his gold be smashed, may he be smashed, may he be smashed." If I, that nindabû-tree, erased, the work is strong, and he has been smashed, but he has not been smashed. Before my lord, the work may he erase, and ... to the awe of my lord



    [a-nu-um-ma ...] [... ki]-ri#-pu _i3-gesz_ a-su2# [... ki]-ri#-pu _i3_ za-ba-lum [... ki]-ri#-pu _i3-gesz bara2-ga_ [...] _(gesz)gi hi-a lu2-elam-ma_ [... sza-at?] nu-ra-tum# _1(asz) gu2 siki-ud5_ [...] 1(disz) (kusz#)s,a-ar-pu-um [...]-x 2(disz) (kusz)szi-ip-ku-u2 [... (kusz)pa-ti]-ha-tum sza u2-hu-li [isz-tu _iti_ ki]-nu-nim! a-di! re-szi-im [sza] _iti#_ (d)da-gan [a-na] be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    Now ... kiripû oil, asu-wood, ... kiripû oil, zabalu-wood, ... kiripû oil, barag-wood, ... reed, ... of the Elamite, ... of the nuratum-fruit, 1 talent of wool, ..., 1 sharpu-garment, ..., 2 shipku-garments, ... patihatu-garments, which I have brought, from the month of Kinunu to the beginning of the month Dagan I have sent to my lord.

    P479779: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li2-ia] [qi2]-bi2-[ma] [um]-ma mu-ka#-[an-ni-szu-um] _arad#_-ka-a-[ma] asz-szum _3(disz) tug2_ mar-da-[tim] ia#-am#-ha#-da#-tim# sza# a#-na# [...] il-la-ka be-li2 u2-[wa-e-ra-ni] a-hi-id-ma _1(disz) tug2_ mar-[da-tum] ia#-am#-ha#-da#-tum# i-ba-asz-[szi] u3# _2(disz) tug2_ mar-da-tum la-bi-[ra-tum] [sza i-na qa]-tim i-nu-ma be-li2 [la]-a u2-s,u2-u2

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus mukannishum, your servant: concerning the 3 mardatu-garments of Yamhadatum, which to ... he will come, my lord has ordered me to bring, I have rented and there is 1 mardatu-garment of Yamhadatum, and 2 mardatu-garments of old which in the hands of my lord have not been taken.



    _tug2_ mar-da-tim ka-la-szi-na sza it-ti-ia i-ba-asz-sze-e a-na ia-ab-ni-(d)da-gan ap!(_ad_)-qi2-id u3 1(disz)-szu be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am

  • _2(disz) tug2_ mar-da-tim
  • u2-sza-bi-lam be-li2 ia-ab-ni-(d)da-gan li-wa-e-er-ma asz#-ra#-nu#-um# _2(disz) tug2_ mar-da-tim _sag#_ [sza u2-sza]-bi-lam [la-a] ik-ka-la

    AI Translation

    All the mardatu-garments that I have brought with me to Yabni-Dagan I have inspected, and my lord has written to me once.

  • 2 mardatu-garments,
  • My lord Yabni-Dagan should come back and bring me 2 mardatu-garments, first quality, which I brought, but he will not be able to carry.

    P479780: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma mu-ka-an-ni-szum _arad2_-ka#-a#-ma

  • _4(disz) ma-na ku3-sig17_ sza be-li2
  • (disz)[...]-kum u2-sza-bi-[lam] [a-na s,e]-er be-li2-ia [...] [...] [...] ma [...] [...] da [...] [...] ma [...]

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Mukanishum, your servant:

  • 4 minas of gold of my lord,
  • ... he sent ... to my lord ...



    [...] [...] [x]-tu-um sza-ak#-na-at u3 a-na szi-ip-[ri] _gibil_ e-[pe2-szi-im] sza be-li2 id-di-na#-am a-hu-um u2-[ul] na-di szi-ip-ra-am sza# e-nu-ti-im s,a-ab-tu u3 ki-ma sza be-li2 u2-wa-e-ra-an-ni i-na pa-ni _lu2_ eb-bi u3 _lu2-simug(|_de2-a_|) _ka2_ u2-ka-an-ne2-em da-an-na-tum sza-ak-na

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... and for the new work on the work which my lord gave me, I did not give. The work on the enutum seized and, as my lord had ordered, in front of the nobleman and the smith of the gate he established a lasting .

    P479781: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma] [um-ma] mu-ka-an#-[ni-szum] _arad2#_-[ka-a-ma] x na [...] u3 2(disz) 1/2(disz) [x] na ka [...] be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am ki-[...] i-na u2-mi-[...] te-[...] u2-sza#?-[...] e-pe2-szi-im qa#-tum# sza#-ak#-na#-at# _[dumu]-mesz#_ um-[me-ni] ka-lu-[szu-nu]-ti# a-na e-bu-ri-im e-s,e2-di-im# ar#!-gu-um [...] e-bu-ru-um i-na szu-ul-lu#-[mi-im ip-pa]-at,-t,a3-ru-nim-ma szi-ip-ra#-am [sza be]-li2 u2-wa-e-ra-an-ni u2-sza-as,-ba-at u3 _lu2-nagar-mesz_ ak-la

    _(gesz)ig_ sza (gesz)e-lam-[ma]-ki#-im# i-na ki-sa#-[lim sza bi-ir-mi] i-ip-pe2-szu a-[nu-um-ma asz-szum szi-pi2-ir]

  • 1(disz) kam-kam-ma-at _ku3#-sig17#_ tam*-li#* _[(na4)]za*-[gin3]_
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 2(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-sig17 ki-la2-bi#_-sza
  • qa-du u2-ra-ki sza szi#-ik#-ka#-at# du#-[...] _kak hi-a har hi-a_ u3 na-al-ba-tim qa-ab#-le#-[tim] e-zi-ib _na4_ a-nu-um-ma u2-ra-ka-am sza# kam-kam-ma-ti szi-ik-ka-ti-im i-na (kusz)ki-szi-im u2-ka#-ni#-ik

  • 2(disz) _asz5-me ku3-[sig17_ ...]
  • 1(disz) _asz5-me_ [...]
  • AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus he ... him, your servant ... and 2 1/2 ... ... ... my lord wrote to me. ... at that time ... he ... ... to do ..., the hands of all the sons of the masters to the eburum-priests to the eshedim-priests ... the eburum-priests in the shumum-priests he sent to me, and the letter which my lord sent to me I made, and the carpenters I .

    The door of the Elamite in the courtyard of the quay he built. Now, because of the writing,

  • 1 kakkammatu of gold, a sea shell of lapis lazuli;
  • 1/2 mina 2 1/2 shekels 15 grains of gold, its weight;
  • 'at the urakku-vessel of the ... of the ..., ..., har, ... and the nalbatum-vessel of the qabû-vessel, you sat down.' Now, the urakku-vessel of the kamkammatu-vessel with a leather bag he smashed.

  • 2 gold ...,
  • 1 ... ...
  • Reverse


    [...] 1/2(disz) [...] [n _tug2_] u2-t,ub-lu _sag#_ [n] _gu2#_ sa-ak-kum [_sag_] [n] _gu2_ ra-qa-tum [_sag_] [n] _gu2_ u2#-t,ub#-lu# _sag_ [n] _gu2_ ki#-ti#-tum _sag_

  • 1(disz) [_gada_ sza na-as,]-ma-du
  • 2(disz) _gada# [x] duh-szu2-a_
  • 4(disz) ka#-[ba-al]-lu
  • 2(disz) x-[...]-ru
  • 2(u) [...] _us2_
  • 2(disz) (kusz)me-[sze-nu _suhub2] sag#?_
  • 2(disz) [(kusz)me-sze-nu] _sag_
  • [n (kusz)]me-sze-nu _su3-a_ [n _(gesz)illuru] hi-a_

  • 1(disz) (kusz#)[pa]-ti#-ha-tum sza u2 u2-hu-li
  • 1(disz) (kusz)tu-uk-ka-nu-um sza [...]
  • u3 1(disz) _dug_ ki-ri-pu sza _i3-gesz_ sza [_i3_ se2-er-di?] [n] _dug_ ki-ri-pu [...] [n] _dug_ ki-ri-pu [sza _i3_ sza (gesz)a]-si [n] _dug_ ki-ri-pu [sza _i3_ sza _(gesz)]im-di_ [n] _dug_ ki-ri-[pu sza _i3_] za-ba-li-im [sza i-na _(gi)pisan_] ka-an-[ku] [a-na be-li2-ia u2-sza-bi-lam]

    AI Translation

    ... 1/2 ... n garments, turbans, head, n talents of sakku-stones, head, n talents of raqatu-stones, head, n talents of turbans, head, n talents of kititu-stones, head,

  • 1 linen garment for Nashmadu;
  • 2 linen ...,
  • 4 kabalu-vessels;
  • 2;
  • 20 ... length
  • 2 meshenu-garments, ...,
  • 2 meshenu-skins, the head;
  • n meshenu-garments, n ... of ...,

  • 1 sash of uhulu-plant,
  • 1 tukkanum-garment of ...;
  • and 1 kiripu-jar of oil of se'erdi-wood, n kiripu-jars of ..., n kiripu-jars of oil of asi-wood, n kiripu-jars of oil of alum, n kiripu-jars of oil of alum, n kiripu-jars of oil of zabalim-wood, which in a basket of ka'anku-wood I sent to my lord.

    P479782: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-[ia] qi2-bi2-[ma] um-ma mu-[ka-an-ni-szu-um] _ARAD2_-ka#-[a-ma]

  • 1(disz) _lu2_ kur-da#[(ki) ...]
  • AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Mutannishum, your servant:

  • 1 man of Kurda .
  • Reverse


    [i-na] (gi)qu2-up-pi2 sza ge#-ri#-[im] a-na _lu2_ babila2(ki) ad-di-in u3 2(u) kur-pi2-su2 a-na bu-qa-qi2-im ad-di-[in]

    AI Translation

    I gave to the man of Babylon in the reed basket of the gi'u-festival, and 20 kurpisû for the bqaqim-festival I gave.

    P479783: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na mu-ka-an-ni-szi-im qi2-bi2-ma um-ma be-el-ka-a-ma u4-um tup-pi2 an-ne2-e-em te-sze-em-mu-u2

  • 2(disz) ta#-pa-al ap-pa-tim
  • sza _ansze-kur-ra hi-a_

    AI Translation

    To the one who binds us, speak! Thus your lord: "The day you hear this tablet,

  • 2 tapalu-vessels, appatu-vessels;
  • of horses



    (kusz)ma-ar-szu lu-u2 dam-qu2 szi-ip-rum lu-u2 tu-uk-ku-ul s,i2-ip-pa-tam lu-u2 pa-at,-ru u3 ar-hi-isz szu-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    'May his sandal be good, may he be good, may he be good, may he be good, may he be good, may he be good, may he be good, and may he be very good.

    P479784: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma mu-ka-an-ni-szum _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma asz-szum _(gesz)gigir_ sza ha-mu-uh-hi sza be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am i#-na# 5(disz)# (gesz#)gigir# sza u2-sze-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Mukanishum your servant: concerning the chariot of Hamuhhu about which my lord wrote, in 5 chariots which I sent


  • 1(u) 2(disz) (gesz)ma-ga-ar-ri#
  • sza i-na qa-ti-ia i-ba-asz-szu-u2 qa-du (gesz)ma-ga-ar-ri sza i-na ia-am-ha-[ad(ki)] ub-lu-nim qa-du-um e-nu-ti-szu-nu usz-ta-(as,)-bi-it-ma a-na (d)da-gan-kur#?-ni ap-qi2-id

    AI Translation
  • 12 tamarisks,
  • which in my hands there is, beside the boat which in Yamhad brought, beside their own lives I smashed, and for Dagan-kurni I appointed.

    P479785: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na mu-ka]-an#-ni-szi-im# [qi2-bi2]-ma [um]-ma# [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    To the one who binds us, speak! Thus .




    AI Translation

    P479786: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia# ia-as2-ma-ah-(d)iszkur# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ta-ri-im-sza-ki-im# _arad2#_-ka#-a#-ma isz-tu ka#-ak-ka-bu-um ni-rum isz-hi-t,u2 mu-u2 i#-na _i7_ pu#-ra#-tim# e#-li sza# sza#-da#-ag#-di-im [im]-t,u2#-ma [ma]-al# 4(disz)# u2-ba-na-tim [im-t,u2]-u2#? u3# i-na _i7-da# (d)hilib_ [mu-u2 e-li] sza# mi-ne2-tim im-t,u2-u2 [ki-ma mu-u2 a]-di#-ni la# i-ba#-lu# a-di# u4-mi#-im an-ni-im u2-ul ah#-t,u2#-ut [...] x sza#? _lu2_ na-sza#-x-x [...]-x [...]-ma#?

    AI Translation

    To my lord Yasmah-Addu speak! Thus Tarim-shakim, your servant: From Kakkabuum the nirum he seized. The name of the river Puratum upstream from Shadagdim he seized. The name of the 4 ubanatum he seized. And the name of the river Hilib upstream from what was known he seized. As long as this name does not exist, until this day I shall not seized. ... of the man ... ... .



    [...] mi#? [...] [i-na-an-na s,a]-ba#-am sza ha-la-as, [ma-ri](ki) 4(u) ki-na-te-e [at,-ru]-ud-ma 1(disz) li-im 5(disz) me e-pi2-isz-tum# i#-na# [_ka2_] na#-ah-lim i-ba-asz#-szu-u2 x x [x] x x x x it/sza?-tim [x]-x [...] ba? x nim#? [x x]-i [...] x-ha-[...] i-na ma#?-[...] _az_-x-[...] isz-[...] _an_-x-[...] u3#? [...] a#-na# [...]

    AI Translation

    Now the shaba of Halas, Mari, 40 kinatees I have gathered, and one hundred and fifty epishtu at the gate of the Nahlim is there. ...

    P479787: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma [um]-ma ha-am-mi-sza-gi-isz _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma tup-pa-am sza be-li2 u2-sza-bi-lam esz-me be-li2 ki-a-am isz-pu-ra-am um-ma-a-mi 2(disz) am-ma-tim pi2-i _i7-da_ szu-up-pi2-il-ma me-e ma-du#-tim# le#-qe2-e-em pi2-i _i7-da_ u2-sza-ap-pa-al a-na szi-ip-ri-im e-pe2-szi-im a#-hu-um u2#-ul# na-di u3 me-e ma-du#-tim sza sze-be2-e _e2-gal_-lim u3 mu-usz-ke-nim

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Hammi-shakish, your servant: the tablet which my lord sent to me, the following order my lord wrote to me: "Send me two mule-traps, the canal ..., and the extensive meadows, and let them take." The canal ..., to the work to be done, the one who is not a mule-trap, and the extensive meadows of the quay of the palace and the cultic center



    a#-le-eq-qe-e-[em] sza-ni-tam be-li2 ki#-a-am isz-pu#-ra#-[am] um-ma-a-mi as-su-ur-re _i7-da gal#_ i-ma-at,-t,i3-ma mu-u2 a-na _i7-da_ ma#-asz-qi2-tim i-ma-at,-t,u2-u2 an-ni-tam be-li2 isz-pu-ra-am isz-tu ka-ak#-ka-bu-um ni-rum isz-hi-t,a3-am a-di _u4 1(u)-kam_-ma mu-u2 2(disz) u2-ba-na-tim

  • 3(disz) u2-ba-na-tim i-ma-at,-t,u2-u2
  • wa-ar-ka-nu-um u4-mu-um 2(disz) u2-ba-na-tim u4-mu-um 3(disz) u2-ba-na-tim _i7-da_ i-ma-al-la

    AI Translation

    The second one, my lord, wrote to me as follows: "I have returned, the great canal has been seized, and the name to the canal of the shakshitu canal has been seized." This my lord wrote to me, from the kakkabu-house the nirum-vessel has been seized, until the 10th day, two ubanatu-vessels

  • 3 ubanatu-sheep, they shall kill.
  • before the day 2 reeds, the day 3 reeds, the river will fill.

    P479788: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    u3 sza-ne2#-[em _u4_-um-szu a-na ia-ri-im-li-im a-tu-ur-ma] ki-a-am aq-bi-szum# [um-ma a-na-ku-ma be-li2 isz-pu-ra-an-ni] [um]-ma-a-mi da#-[mi-i-iq e-pe2-szu-um sza _lu2_ da]-di#-ha-du-un# a-na pa-ni-ia u2-ma#-[ag]-ga#-ru _lu2_ [szu]-u2 mi-i-nu-um pa-ka-szu-ma u3 ki-ma ma-an-nim [i-na] _ARAD2-mesz_-ia ma-s,i2-ma u3 szu-u2 an-ni-a-tim [a]-na# pa-ni-ia u2-ma-ga-ar u3 a-hu-tam a-ia-szi-im [isz]-ta-na-pa-ra-am szum-ma li-bi a-bi-ia _lu2_ sza-tu li-di-na-szu

    u3 ki-ma an-ni-tam aq-bu-szum u3 szu-u2 is3-si um-ma szu-ma ki-i na-da-nu-um e-ri-isz-ti la e-ri-szi-im i-ri-sza-an-ni u3 qa-du a-na na-da-ni-szu ak-ru-ru ak-ru-ru-ma la i#-di-na-szu# u3 is3-si-szu-ma u2#-sa3-ni-iq#-szu# um-ma szu-ma a-na mi-nim [a-na pa-ni] (disz)zi-im-ri#-[li-im tu]-ma-ga-ar u3 a-hu-tam [ta-sza-pa]-ar ki#-ma an-ne2-[tim iq-bu-szum] u3 szu-u2 ik-ki-ir um-ma szu#-[u2]-x-ma u2-ul asz-pu#-ur

    AI Translation

    And the second time, to Yarim-Lim I returned, and as I said to him, saying: "I am, and my lord wrote to me, saying: "The good work of the man of Dadihadun in my presence has been reported." That man, what is his report, and if he is a servant of mine, and this man in my presence has been reported, and a friend of mine has written to me, if my father that man should give him,

    And as follows I spoke to him, and he said to him, saying: "If a gift of a non-earthenerer he gave, and if a gift to his gift he gave, he shall not give him, and with him he shall make him a debtor," thus he: "To what extent shall you send to Zimri-Lim?" Further, you shall send a copy. As follows, he said to him, and he said: "That which he wrote, I shall not send."



    u3 ki-ma ik-ki-ru u2 a-na-ku u2-ki-in-szu# u3 wa-ar-ka-nu-ma is3-si-szu-ma um-ma szu-ma a-bu-tam u3 be-lu-tam ta-sza-pa-ar i-na sza-pa-ri-ka ki-a-am ta-sza-pa-ar um-ma at-ta-a-ma a-na a-bi-ia u3 be-li-ia ki-a-am ta-sza-pa-ar u3 a-li-ik _lu2_ su-ga-gu szu-u2 szu-u2 i-na _e2_ (d)iszkur ni#-isz# _dingir_-lim ki-a-am li-iz-ku-ur um-ma szu-ma na#-[ak]-ru-[um] an#-na-nu-um u3 an-na-nu-um sza zi-im-ri-li-im i#-na#-[ki-ru an]-ha-ra-ar-ma isz-ti-ni-isz na#-[ak-ra-ku] u3# _lu2-mesz_ su-ga-gu it-ti-ka

    [li-iz-ku-ru] be#-el-ka na-pi2-isz-ta-szu [li-il-pu-ut] u3 sa-lim ki-na-tim li-isz-sza-ki-in# [a-an-nam i-pu-ul] u3 szu-u2 i-na ba-ab _e2_ [(d)iszkur] [it-ti ah-he-szu iz-zi]-iz#? um-ma a-na-ku-ma at-[ta] [i-nu-ma ta-sza-ap-pa]-ru u3 a-hu-tam a-[na s,e-er be-li2]-ia# [la-a ta-sza-ap-pa-ar _u4_]-um at-ta ki-ma sza# [...] [...]-ku-ma u3 sza [...] [...]-szum ka-ta [...] [...] ri [...]

    AI Translation

    And like a he sinned and I sinned against him, and later on, he said to him, saying: "You are the king and the lord; you are the king in your midst." Thus you are the king, my father, and my lord. Thus you are the king, and the king's servant is the sagagu-offerer. He is in the temple of Adad, the god. Thus let him be sworn. Thus the sagagu-offerings of Ann and Ann of Zimri-lim are sagagu-offerings. Thus we are the sagagu-offerings with you.

    Your lord may his life be long and his good health be established. Whoever breaks the contract shall be killed and he will stand with his brothers in the house of Adad. Thus you: When you write and the ahutu to my lord you do not write. That day, you, like ... ... and ... ... .

    P479789: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia [qi2-bi2-ma] um-ma ha-lu-ra-bi [_arad2_-ka-a]-ma# _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri _lu2 elam#-[ma_ ik]-szu#-du-nim-ma i-nu-ma t,e4-em-szu-nu id-di-nu i-na t,e4-mi-szu-nu ni-iz-zi-iz re-esz15 t,e4-mi-szu-nu ki-a-am id-di-nu um-ma _sukkal_ e-la-am-tim-ma ki-a-am [ta]-asz-pu-ra-am um-ma at-ta-ma mi#-im#-ma [...] a#?-na# pi4 _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri-ia-ma [...] x-ma _ARAD2-mesz_-ka [...]-_ub_-_bu_-tu [...]-ti#-ik?-szu sza-nu-um [...] x-x-ka

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Halurabi, your servant: The sons of the messenger of the Elamite have reached me and when their report they gave, when their report we have given, we have stood by their report. The first one of their report we gave, thus the Elamite vizier, thus you wrote: "You, what ... to the mouth of the sons of my report ... your servants ...



    [... ma]-ha#-ar# [(d)]iszkur sza ha-la-ab(ki) li-isz-sza-ki-in [mi]-im-ma u2-ul ad-di-in-szum [i-na-an]-na szum-ma ta-sza-ap-pa-ra-am (gesz)qa-asz-tam [lu]-ud#-di-in-szum mi-im-ma _lugal_ sza ka-ar-s,i2-ka a#-na s,e-ri-ia i-sza-ap-pa-ra-am ma-ah-ri-tam-ma a-sza-ap-pa-ra-ak-kum ak-ki-ma ge-er-ra-am la pe2-te-em te-ep-te-ma i-na pa-ni _dumu-mesz_ szi-ip-ri sza _lugal-mesz_ ka-li-szu-nu _[dumu]-mesz_ szi-ip-ri-ka a-na s,e-ri-ia ta#-asz-pu-ra-am

    AI Translation

    ... before Adad of Halab let him establish; I did not give him anything; now, if you write, I shall give him a basket. Now, whatever the king of your kingship to me sends, I will write to you. I have written to you, but the route is not straight. You have done it, and before all the sons of the kings, all your sons, you have written to me.

    P479790: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-[bi2]-ma um-ma su-mu-i-la _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma _(gesz)tukul hi-a_ sza (d)iszkur sza ha-la-ab[(ki)] ik-szu-du-nim-ma# i-na _e2_ (d)da-gan i-na ter-qa(ki)

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Sumû-ila, your servant: The weapons of Adad of Halab he conquered and in the temple of Dagan in Terqa



    ka-le-ek-szu-nu-ti a-na ki-ma be-li2 i-sza-pa-ra-am lu-pu-usz2

    AI Translation

    Let me do their work as my lord commands.

    P479791: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na] be#-li2-ia qi2-bi2-[ma] [um]-ma# da-ri-isz-li-bur [_arad2_]-ka-a-ma ki-ma a-na tu-ut-tu-ul(ki) ak-szu-du t,e4-em _lugal-mesz_ i-na a-hi-ti-ia asz2-ta-a-al-ma um-ma-a-mi su-mu-da-bi-i ha-ar-du#-um u3 sa-am-si-(d)iszkur isz-tu da-ad-mi#-im a-na se2-er-da(ki) il-li-ku-nim [_e2_]-it 1(disz) a-wi-lim _lu2_ ia#-hu-ra(ki) [i]-na# se2-er-da i-ba-asz-szi [_u4 n]-kam_-mi i-na _e2_-it a-wi-lim sza-ti usz#-bu [u3 ki]-a-am di-bu-szu-nu [um-ma]-mi szu-nu-ma isz-tu i-na#-[an]-na# [_iti] u4 3(u)-kam_-mi a-di# ma-ti-ni

    [la-a ni-ir-ru]-bu# [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Darish-libur, your servant: When I went to Tuttul I received the news of the kings. I asked and they answered me, saying: "Sumu-dabi, Hardum, and Samsi-Adad from Dadum to Se'erda came. The house of one man of Yahura in Se'erda there is." The nth day, in that house, a man stood, and afterwards their words were: "They are from now on the 30th day until we are to go."

    We have not sinned .



    [it-ta-la]-ka-asz-szu-nu-szi#-im# [_dumu-mesz_] szi#-ip-ri-szu-nu [a-na ah-hi]-szu-nu ka-ia-ni-isz [it-ta-na]-al#-la-ku [tup-pa]-tim# ma-ah-re-tim-ma [li]-it#-ba-lu-szu-nu-szi-im [an]-ni-tam [i-na] tu-ut-tu-ul(ki) esz-me [sza]-ni-tam i-na a-hu-na-a(ki)

  • _2(disz) munus-usz-bar 1(disz) lu2-azlag2 3(disz) _ansze hi-a_
  • _1(u) tug2 hi-a 1(disz) munus_ asz-sza-as-su2
  • 1(disz) _dumu_-szu sza ha-ar-di-im
  • a-na ha-ar-di-im qe2-er-bi-isz [i-ba-szu]-u2 [sza esz]-mu-u2 [a-na be-li2-ia asz]-pu-ra-am [i-na a-hi-ti]-ia [t,e4]-ma#-am [sza e-le-eq-qe2]-em [a-na be]-li2#-ia [a-sza]-ap#-pa-ra-am

    AI Translation

    They constantly marched against them, and the sons of their workmen constantly marched against them. May the old tablets please them. This is the second in Tuttul. The second in Ahuna.

  • 2 women, 1 fuller, 3 donkeys,
  • 10 garments, 1 woman, Ashassu;
  • one son of Hardim;
  • There is a hardim-demon inside it. Whoever hears it, I have written to my lord. In my absence, I shall send a report which I have heard to my lord.

    P479792: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma da-ri-isz-li-bur _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma i-na _u4 7(disz)-kam_-mi sza a-na ha-la-ab[(ki) e]-ru-bu ki-a-am a-na ia-ri-im-li-im aq-bi be-li2 li-pu-la-an-ni-ma u3 lu-ul-li-ik an-ni-tam aq-bi-szu-um i-na sza-ni-im _u4_-mi-im is3-si-in-ni-ma ki-a-am iq-be2-em _lugal-mesz_-nu szu-nu i-na li-ib-bi ma-ti-ia u2-ul wa-asz-[bu] szum-ma i-na li-ib-bi ma#-[ti-ia wa-asz-bu-ma] u3 a-na zi-im-ri-li-[im a]-ka#-la#-a-szu#-nu#-[ti] (d)iszkur be-el ha-la-ab#[(ki) ia]-ri#-im-li-im

    a-na sza-na#-[at a]-na# szi-it#-[ta sza-na]-ti-im [a]-na# 1(u)# [_mu hi-a_ a]-na# li-ib#-[bi ma]-ti-ia [li-ru-bu]-ni#-im-[ma] [lu-uk]-su2#-szu-nu-ti-ma [a-na s,e]-er# zi-im#-ri-li-im [lu-us]-hu#-ra-[szu]-nu-ti [_lu2-mesz_ szu]-nu [i]-na da-ad-mi-im [u2-ul wa]-asz#-bu [an-ni]-tam# i-pu-la-an-ni [u3 i-na a]-wa-ti-im ki-a-am

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Darish-libur, your servant: On the 7th day when I entered Halab, I said to Yarim-Lim as follows: My lord should come and let me go. This I said to him, and afterwards he said: "Those kings in my country are not living; if they are living in my country and to Zimri-Lim I will bring them." Adad, lord of Halab, Yarim-Lim

    to the next, to the next, to 10 years, to the heart of my land may I enter, and I may bring them to me, and to the side of the ziggurat I may bring them to me. Those men in the settlements I did not dwell, this oath has caused me to die, and according to the wording of the document



    [as,]-ba-as#-su2 um-ma-a da-ad-mu-um [ka]-lu-szu u3 i-ma-ar(ki) [u2-ul] ku-u2-um-ma-a u3 ma-at-ka-ma-a [an-na]-num# _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-(ti) be-li2 ik-la [an-ni]-am aq-bi-szu-um [u3 _lu2]-mesz# szu-gi_ i-ma-ar(ki) i-si-ma a-wa#-[tim] ki#-a-am i-di-in-szu-nu-szi-im _lugal-mesz#_ sza# _dumu#-mesz_ ia-mi-na i-na i-[ma-ar](ki) la-a u2-sza-bu szu-s,e2-szu-[nu-ti] isz#-tu i-na-an-na ma-ti-ma la#-a [u2-sza]-bu szum-ma i-tu-ur-ru#-ma _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu a-na i-ma-[ar(ki)] i-ru-bu a-na-ku#-[ma]

    ni-na-ak-ki-ir an-ni-tam a-wa#-tam# iq-bi-szu-nu-szi-im-ma ki-a-am i-pu-lu _lu2-mesz_ nu-sze-s,i2 isz-tu i-na-an-na ma-ti-ma a-na i-ma-ar(ki) u2-ul i-ru-bu an-ni-tam i-pu-lu-szu asz-szum ia-gi-ih-(d)iszkur u3 sa-am-si-(d)iszkur sza i-na ka-ar-ka-mi-is3(ki) wa-asz-bu ap-la-ha-an-du

    AI Translation

    I questioned him, saying: "The entire settlement and Imar were not settled. And your land, Annum, those men my lord has held back. This I spoke to him, and the shangû-officials of Imar listened, and a word according to them they gave them. The kings of my sons in Imar did not dwell, their habitations from now on did not dwell. If they returned, those men to Imar they entered, I am.

    We will not change this order, he said to them, and as soon as he had done it, the men we will remove. Now, when to Imar he did not enter, this order he had done. Because Iagih-Addu and Samsi-Addu who in Karkamish were living, Ialagandu

    Column 1


    a-na ha-la-ab(ki) i-la-kam u3 a-wa-tum

    AI Translation

    to Halab he will go, and Awatum

    Column 2


    isz-sza-ak-ka-na t,e4-ma-am ma-la i-pa-la-an-ni a-na s,e-er be-li2-ia

    AI Translation

    As much news as he sends to my lord,

    Column 3



    AI Translation

    I will write to you.

    P479793: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [a-na be-li2]-ia qi2-bi2-ma [um-ma da-ri]-isz#-li-bur _ARAD2_-ka-a-ma [tup-pa-am sza a]-na# ia-ri-im-li-im [a]-na# s,e#-ri#-ia be-li2 u2-sza-bi-la-am# [esz]-me#-e-ma t,e4-em be-li2-ia [ki-ma] sza# i-na tup-pi2-im szu-ut,-t,u2-ra-am [ma-ha-ar] ia#-ri-im-li-im u3 ap#-la#-ha#-da [u2-ra-ak]-ki-is u3 a-ta-[ap-pu]-ul#-[szu-nu] [asz-szum] a#-wi#-li be-li2 li#-[isz-me] [ki-ma a-na ia-ri]-im#-[li-im] [a-wa-at be-li2]-ia# ad-da-ab#-[bu-bu] [ki-am i]-pu-la#-[an]-ni# zi-im-ri#-[li-im]

    [_lu2_ na]-ak-ri-[szu u2]-sze-s,i2 i-na#-[an-na] da#-an-nu [e-re]-szu-szu-ma [(disz)su-mu-e-pu-uh] [a]-bi# _dingir_-lam# [ip]-la-ah-ma [ha-da-an-szu] [lu ik]-szu-ud ma#-[am-ma] _lugal_ sza-[nu-um u2-ul im-hu-ur-szu] [sza a]-na# (d)utu-[szi-(d)]iszkur# i-di-nu-szu# [il-te-qi2-ma] [su]-mu-e-pu-uh# a-bi szi-bu-[us-su2] [u2]-ul i-szi-ib [asz]-szum# ma#-at# [...] [sza a]-na (d)utu-szi-(d)iszkur i-di-nu [im-ha-s,u2] [(d)]iszkur# usz-mi-is-su2 u3 a-di i-[na-an-na] li#-ib-bi (d)iszkur e-li-ia u2-[ul sza]-bu#-us2

    an-ni-tam i-pu-la-an-ni i-na sza-ni-tim na-pa-al-ti-szu ki-a-am i-pu-la-an-ni zi-im-ri-li-im t,e4-em (d)iszkur im-ta-szi-i a-di as-su2-ur-re#-ma ki-ma i-na ma-at (d)iszkur mu-un-na-ab-tu i-na qa-a-tim la#-a in-na-ad-di-nu zi-im-ri-li-im u2-ul i-de-e ma-a ki-a-am-ma li-isz3-pu-ra-am _lu2-mesz_ szu-nu-ti i-na _sza3-ba_ ma-ti-ka

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Darius, your servant: the tablet which to Iarim-Lim to my country my lord sent, I heard and the report of my lord as in the tablet Iarim-Lim and Aplahada I destroyed and I have sent to them. Because of the man, my lord, may hear. As to Iarim-Lim, the word of my lord I shall speak, and when he has sent me Zimri-Lim

    He brought out his enemy. Now he has been mighty, and Sumu-epuh, the father of the gods, became frightened and he deserved his tribute. No other king than him listened to him. He who to Shamshi-Adad gave him had appointed, and Sumu-epuh, the father who was his witness, did not stay. Because the land ... which to Shamshi-Adad gave he had seized, Adad smote him, and until now the heart of Adad was above me, he was not sated.

    This he did not give me. In another place, his slander he did not give me. Zimri-Lim, the order of Adad, he has sinned against me. I have now returned and, like in the land of Adad, the one who seized me, in the hands he has not given me, Zimri-Lim does not know. Thus may he write to me: "These men in your land



    ku-usz#-szi#-is-su2-nu-ti la-a usz-sza-bu sza-ni-tum na-pa-al-ti-szu i-na sza#-al-szi-im a-pa-li-szu szum-ma _lu2-mesz_ i-na _sza3-ba_ ma-ti-ia wa#-asz-bu-ma a-na zi-im-ri-li-im ak#-la-szu-nu-ti i-na _u4_-mi-szu zi#-im-ri-li-im ni-zi-ik _sza3-ba_ li-ir-sze-em# isz#-tu i-na-an-na a-na sza-na-at a-na szi-it-ta sza-na-[ti] [a]-na# 1(u) _mu hi-a lu2-mesz_ szu-nu [a]-na ma-ti-ia u3 na-am-la-ka-ti-ia li#-is3-hu-ru-nim li-ru-bu-nim-ma a#-ka-as-su2-szu-nu-ti-ma [a]-na s,e-er zi-im-ri-li-im#

    [szum]-ma an-ni-tam a-na zi-im-[ri-li-im] [la]-a a-ka-as,-s,a-[ar] [(d)]iszkur be-el ha-la-ap ia-ri-[im-li-im] [li]-sza-al an-ni-tam i-pu-la-an-ni [a]-na# a-mu-ud-pi2-i-la isz-pu-ra#-[am um-ma-mi] [sa]-am#-si-(d)iszkur a-ia-bu sza zi#-[im-ri-li-im] [a-na] s,e#-ri-ka it-ta-al-ka-[am] [a-wi]-lam sza#-a-tu i-na ma-ti#-[ka-ma] [szu]-s,i2#-szu# la-a usz-sza#-[ab] [asz]-szum# ia-gi-ih-(d)iszkur [a-na ap]-la#-ha-an-[da] [a-wa]-tim ki-a-am# [is,-ba]-as#-su2-um# [ki-ma a-wa]-tim sza be-li2-ia

    [u2]-sza#-ah-si2-isz-szu sza-ap-ti isz#-me-e [_lu2_ szu-u2] ur-ra-am sze-ra-am [i-ma]-ra#-s,a-ak-ku-um [sza a-na] ia#-ri-im-li-im aq-bi-szum [ia-ri]-im-li-im ke-em-ma iq-bi-szum [ap-la]-ha-an-du i-pu-ul-szu# [u2-ul isz]-bu#-us2 a-na [...]

    AI Translation

    he did not make them sit down. Another one, his smite, in the middle of his eye, if men in my land were living, and to Zimri-Lim I carried them, on his day zimri-Lim weeps, the heart may rejoice. From now on to the next day, to the next year, to 10 years, those men to my land and my smite may they return, may they enter, and I shall take them, and to Zimri-Lim

    If this to Zimri-Lim I shall not keep in mind, Adad, the lord of the cult centers of Zimri-Lim, should ask me, this one should ask me, he has written to me. To Amudpila wrote: "Then Samsi-Adad, the father of Zimri-Lim, went to you. That man in your country his protection cannot be established. Because Iagih-Adad to Aplahanda a word has taken away, like a word of my lord

    He smote him, he heard the news. That man, the morning storm, he was stricken. Whoever said to Yarim-Lim, Yarim-Lim as he said to him, Ipa-lahadu did not act, to .

    Column 2


    [... sza]-ap#-ti-a [...]-su2 [... an-ni-tam] i-pu-ul

    AI Translation

    ... my lips ... his ... this he did.

    P479835: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(u) 6(disz) geme2 tu-ra
  • ugula ur-(d)hendur-sag u4 3(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 56 female workers, suckling,
  • foreman: Ur-Hendursag, 3rd day;



    iti gi-sig-ga mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month: "Gisig," year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."

    P479841: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    u3-na-a-du11 ad gi4-gi4 en3 tar-tar x [...] dingir me ba-a inim du10-du10 u3-luh gi-rin sag-ga2 x x dingir gada la2 abzu sanga gal ba-an-gi4 sa6 du11-ga-ni sag-ba du igi dara3 abzu uru17-bi en gesztu2 dagal til-la-ni lagar3 ad-hal an-na zu-a dingir na-me nu-mu-e-da-sa2 en (d)lamma-(d)lamma igi du10 gal nir gub-bu nidba szum2 (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne na de5 e3 utah-ha-ke4 ku3 (d)inanna-ra tum2-ma e-ne-da nu nam-en nam-lugal-la (gesz)gidru mah la-ba-an-szum2

    (d)nin-szubur dingir sza3-la2 sug4 szudu3 a-ra-zu gesz tuku u3-ne-de3-tah (disz)ku3-(d)nanna szim-mu2 dumu lugal-ka-gi-na arad-zu na-be2-a x x-me-en szu-gi4 nu-silim-me-en gesz-szu dab5-be x x x-me-en [...] x x x _an ne_ x x [...]

    AI Translation

    he spoke to him, saying: "An enunciation is being made, ..., the god who has no divine powers, who has a good word, who ..., who has a scepter on his head, who has a god who does not ... the Abzu, the great priest, who has a good word on his head, who has a good eye on the Abzu, whose city is the lord with wide wisdom, whose scepter is the scepter of heaven, a god who does not know, lord Lamma-Lamma, who has a good eye, who stands at the scepter, giving food offerings to the Anuna, the great gods, who are able to go out to the Utahhu, holy Inanna, he has not given to him, he has not given enship and kingship, he has not given a great scepter to him.

    Ninshubur, the god who is a sag-priest, the szudu-priest, your servant, who has a plan, Ku-Nanna, the aromatics-priest, son of Lugal-kagina, your servant, ... I am a szugi-priest, I am a szugi-priest, I am a sag-priest ... I am a ... .

    Surface b


    [...] x x [...] [...] x gul-gin7 _nig2_ x x x _lagab_ x [...] x-ga2 mu-ni-ib2-gul-gul-e _szesz_ x x _mu_ x nam-usz2 kur2-ra igi tur-gu10 ba-an-du3 _a mi bi_ ak-gu10 in nam-ma-ga2-ga2 gu5-li-gu10 e-sir2-ra ka nu-mu-un-ba gu2 ki-sze3 bi2-in-gar tukum-bi dingir-gu10-ra an-na-kam sza3 ib2-ba-zu ga-ab-hun-e ur5-zu he2-bur2-e maszkim hul ga2-ga2-da he2-eb2-si-il su-ga2 he2-da-ab-dal a2-sag3 gesz-ge-en-gi-na-gu10 he2-eb2-zi-zi u4 ku10-ku10-gu10 he2-_ne_-en-zalag nir dugud-da-zu nu-mu-da-il2 ab-gul du11-ga-ab

    arad sun5-na-me nam-mu-til-e-de3? ab-gul du11-ga-ab ga-gin7 _ga2 li_ za-ra-ta [...] x [...] nam-gur4-zu [...] ki-gu10-sze3 ha-ba-x [...] x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    The servants who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? the sun, who are to be sated with? my earth, .

    P479842: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    lugal inim sa6-sa6-ge dingir-re-e-ne-er gub-ba ninda nidba si bi2-sa2 u3-na-a-du11 alan sukud-da dim2-ma ad gi4-gi4 in-tuku sza3-la2 sug4 sza3 kalam-ma du10-ga u3-ne-de3-tah (disz)inim-(d)en-lil2-la2 dub-sar dumu (d)suen-pa-lil2 arad-zu na-ab-be2-a nam-tag-gu10 nu-zu nam-tag-ga2 gesztu2 la-ba-szi-gal2 nam im-ri-a hi-isz6-szi i-si-isz-bi ib2-gu7-en giri3-pad-ra2-gu10 sza3 iri kur2-ra-sze3 a nam-ma-an-tum3?

    AI Translation

    The king, who speaks good words to the gods, he sat down for a meal and a meal. He spoke to him: "A statue of a sukudda statue, a recitation of a propitious speech, he has sworn by the name of the country. He has sat in the midst of the good country. Inim-Enlila, the scribe, son of Sîn-pa-lil, your servant, does not know my sin, does not know my sin, does not have the intelligence, does not have the intellect, does not have the intellect, does not have the intellect, does not have the intellect, does not have the intellect, does not have the intellect, does not have the intellect, does not eat it, does not drink it, does not drink it, does not drink it in the city of another country.

    Surface b


    [...] x x sza3 [...]

    AI Translation

    P479843: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-i3-si-in-na dumu-sag an ku3-ga sag il2 nin-e-ne x x x-a gal en (d)nu-nam-nir-ra me e2-kur-ra szu du7 x x x x gi4 ama gal (d)nin-lil2-la2 inim sza3-ga-na nig2 di dam x ur-sag gal en (d)pa-bil-sag-ga2 szul gaba-ri nu-tuku simx(_gig_)-simx(_gig_)-ma ki ku10-ku10-ga-ba sza3-bi lu2 nu-zu ku3 (d)nin-i3-si-in-na (tug2)nig2-la2 sed4-de3 ki-bi-sze3 bi2-ib2-gi4-gi4 ama kalam-ma a-zu gal sag ge6-ga szim-mu2 ug3 lu-a nam-tar |_ir-ru-usz_| su lu2-ka gal2-la zi-ga nu-ub-zu

    dingir nin e2-gal-mah |_ka_xX|-|_ka_xX|-ga-ta lu2-bi mu-un-silim-e x x x x lu2 ti-le-de3 _di_ x a x x zu gesz tuku nin-gu10-ra u2-na-a-du11 (disz)(d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 dub-sar dumu il3-szu-mu-ba-al-li-it, _arad2_-zu na-ab-be2-a u4 _an_ x a2 mu-un-ta-e3 |_ka_xX|-ga2 bi2-ib-gar szu-i lu2? x gu-za-la2 dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 mu-un-szum2-en

  • 9(disz)-kam-ma |_ka-tar_| za-ha-da sag-ga2 i3-ni-in-gar
  • x x nibru(ki) (si)isin2-na(ki) gu2 mu-gar-re-esz x-ma-te-ge26-e-esz nam-ti-gu10 _ka_-_ka_-ne-ne la-ba-an-szum2-mu-usz (tug2)nig2-la2 nu-kesz2-da ba-e-szub-bu-usz ba-e-dim2-esz tu(muszen) niga mi-ni-in-_du_ x-gu10-sze3? ba-an-ti-ti

    AI Translation

    Ninisina, the first-born child of holy An, the head raised high by the ladies, great ..., lord Nunamnir, the divine powers of the Ekur, ..., the rejoicing mother of Ninlil, whose heart is a good thing, wife ..., great hero, lord Pabilsaga, who has no rival, whose heart is a slanderer, whose heart is a slanderer, holy Ninisina, he returned to its place. Mother of the Land, great azu priest, who is a light of night, who is a slanderer of the people, who is not a slanderer of the man,

    The god, the lady of the palace, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my lady, he said to Nanna-manshum, the scribe, son of Ilshu-muballit, your servant: "When ... he ..., he ... ..., he gave the ... hands of the ... throne of the gods."

  • 9th tablet of Zahada, the chief of the head, he set up.
  • ... Nippur and Sin were seated there, they were saying "My life was not given to them" They were saying "Nothing was to be done" They were saying "Nothing was to be done" They were saying "A pigeon was born" They were saying "A pigeon was born" They were saying "My ... was born"

    P479844: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna dumu-sag (d)en-lil2-la2 szudu3-de3 ki ag2-ra u3-na-a-du11 en iti6 dagal bur2 men an urasz-a _a-na be-lim sza s,i2-it wa-ar-hi-szu ra-bi-isz szu-pa-ru-ru a-ge-e sza-me-e u3 er-s,e-tim_ en gal lu2 ti-ti ki ag2-me-en a-a sag ge6-ga _be-lum ra-bu-u2 sza a-we-lam bu-lu-t,u2 i-ra-mu a-bi s,a-al-ma-at qa2-qa2-di-im_ lugal sza3-la2 sug4 u3 du8 mu-un-zu-a _a-na szar-ri-im re-me-ni-im sza ru?-ma?-am u3 pa-t,a-ra-am mu-du-u2_ dingir arhusz su3 sza3 gur-ru a-ra-zu-e gesz tuku

    _a-na i-lim re-me-ni-im ta-a-a-ri-im sze-mi te-es3-li-tim_ u3-ne-de3-tah nam-en-na szu du7 aga zi gur3-ru-me-en _be-lu-tam szu-uk-lu-lu a-ga-am ki-nam na-szu-u2_ musz3-me husz ulutim2-ta nir-ra alan ku3 hi-li du8-du8 _zi-mu ru-szu-tum bu-na-nu tu-ru-s,u2-tum la-nu-um el-lum sza? [...]-du-u2_ nam-mah-zu kur-kur-ra dul-la me-lam2-zu an ku3-ga szu2-a _sza-me-e el-lu-tim sa3-ah-pu_ ni2 gal-zu su zi im-du8-du8 _... x x sza-lu-ma-tam ma-lu_ [...] kalam-e za3 dib _... i-na ma-tim szu-tu-uq_

    u4 e3-ta u4 szu2-usz-e za-e mah-me-en _i-na s,i2-it sza-am-szi u3 e-re-eb sza-am-szi at-ta-ma s,i-ra-a-ti_ [...] an-sza3-ta ma-ra-an-szum2 an szu-zu-usz mu-un-gar _... id-di-kum sza-me-e i-na qa2-ti-ka [...]_ an ki-bi-ta lugal-bi za-e-me-en nam-bi i3-tar-re _sza-me-e u3 er-s,e-tam be-el-szu-nu at-ta-ma szi-ma-ti-szu-nu ta-szi-a-am_

    AI Translation

    For Nanna, the first-born son of Enlil, the one who carries out the shudu service, the beloved one, the lord of the wide month, the stele of heaven and earth, for the lord who is the foremost of his ..., the great lord, the man of the netherworld, the beloved father, father of the night, great lord, who loves awe and awe, the father who is the shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a king who is merciful to the king, who is a shatamat king, who is a god who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a shatamat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a sat king, who is a s

    To the god, merciful one, ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ..., who ... in the land,

    "You are supreme, you are the one who has risen from the womb and the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb and the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb and the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb and the womb, you are the one who has risen from the womb and the womb of their womb,

    P479845: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    dingir-ga2 u3-na-du11 (disz)gu3-de2-a arad-zu na-ab-be2-a udu-gin7 sipa gi-na nu-tuku na-gada gi-na nu-mu-un-tum2-tum2-mu dam-gar3 sag du3-du3 nu-zu bala-sze3 mu-x-ak ansze-gin7 (kusz)usan3 hul-gal2-la hul-gal2-la bi2-in-x sag i3-tuku inim nu-um-me igi tuku igi mu-[...]-un-x nig2 ak-a-gu10 igi? a-ra2 7(disz)-e nu-un-_du_ x x za3-ba a-ra2 7(disz)-e nu-mu-un-da-pa3-x-x dingir-gu10 lu2 kur2 di nu-me-en sza3-zu ki-bi ha-ma-ab-gi4-gi4

    AI Translation

    My god spoke to you, Gudea, your servant: "As if a sheep, a faithful shepherd, does not have a husband, does not have a wife, does not have a husband, does not have a husband, and the merchant, who has been built, has not ... to the reign. Like a donkey, he has a leather bag, evil, evil, ..., and does not have a head, he ..., and does not ... my work. I do not ..., and I do not ... on the border. I do not ..., and I do not ... your personal god, the enemy, does not judge you. May your heart be restored to its place.

    P479846: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (disz)lugal-ibila u3-na-du11 (disz)inim-(d)inanna-ke4 na-ab-be2-a eme-gi7-sze3 gu2-zu na-ab-szub-be2-en

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 eme si sa2-bi-sze3 lu2 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-gi4
  • [...] he2-gal2 lu2-tur igi-zu-sze3 al-durun-na e2-dub-ba-a-ta na-ab-ta-e3-en na-an-ga-ma lu2 na-me lul i-ri-ib-se3-ge5 ugu ad-da-na-sze3 ga-am3-gen a-ra-ab-be2 en-na geszkim ge26-e u3 za-e inim i3-bala-en-da-na lu2-u3 mu-e-szi-in-gi4-gi4-a lu2-tur szu nam-bi2-bar-re-en x ma? bi2-tuku a-ma-ru-kam

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ibila said: "If Inim-Inanna does not go to Sumer, you will fall into my arms."

  • for the 2nd time, he will return the man to his place of payment.
  • ... abundance for a young man, from your presence he shall not come out. He shall not come out, and the man who is not to be a slanderer shall go to his father. Let me speak! Now, the en-na, the slanderer, and the one who a word has uttered, the man shall return to him. The young man shall not have a claim. ... he has a claim.

    P479847: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)en-lil2-mas-su u3-na-a-du11 (disz)inim-(d)inanna-ke4 na-ab-be2-a inim na-me ma-an-ne-esz-ma lul-asz ba-hul2-le (d)lamma u4 ti-la-a kal-le lugal-szu2 (disz)na-bi-(d)en-lil2 u3 (d)en-lil2-al-sa6 um-mi-a szu igi du-zu-ne (d)nin-imma3 dingir-zu u3 (d)nisaba nin gesztu2 dagal-la-ke4 gesztu2 ha-ra-ab-szum2-mu-ne nig2 im-ma im-sar-re-a iri szu-bi nu-gi4 al-me-a nu-e-zu-u3

  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar 1(disz) tug2 2(disz) (tug2)bar-si
  • lu2-gi-na szu mu-ra-da13-da13 szu ti-ba-ab ha-la da13-da13 ama-zu szu nam-bi2-te-en-te a-ma-ru-kam

    AI Translation

    Enlil-mashu said to him: "Inim-Inanna, do not speak this word, do not rejoice! The protective deity, the one who prolongs the days, his king, Nabi-Enlil and Enlil-alsa, the wise one, your eyes are open, Ninimma, your god, and Nisaba, the broad lady, give wisdom to you. Whatever he wrote and written, the city whose hand he did not return, he did not know.

  • 2 shekels of silver, 1 textile, 2 hems,
  • Lugina, you are to be praised, you are to be praised, you are to be praised, you are your mother, you are to be praised, you are the one who sees.

    P479848: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    szesz-gu10-ne u3-na-du11 (disz)da-ba4-tah-lugal-ga2-ke4 na-ab-be2-a al-su3-u4 kaskal i-im-re7-de3-en u3 lugal gi-na lugal-me giri3? ba-an-us2 kaskal-kaskal-e kaskal ba-an-tah ama-me en3 li-bi2-in-tar-re-de3-en dag-gi4-me u4 na-an-szu2-usz-a lul-asz

  • 1(disz) sila3 mun 1(disz) sila3 gazi
  • x _usz_ szu-ta e-[...]

  • 1(disz) sza3-ga-du3(tug2)
  • lu2 du hu-mu-e?-x kaskal-me al-su3-u4 a-ma-ru-kam

    AI Translation

    My brother said to him: "Dabbatah-lugalga, when you are to go on a campaign, you are the king who is faithful, you are the king who is to go on a campaign, you are the one who goes on a campaign, you are the one who goes on a campaign, you are the one who slanders your mother, you are the one who slanders the enemy, when you are to go on a campaign, you are the one who slanders the enemy

  • 1 sila3 of malt, 1 sila3 of honey,
  • 1: Shagadutug;
  • Whoever breaks the contract, will pay the silver.

    P479849: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    lugal-me u3-na-du11 ensi2 sanga-ke4 na-ab-be2-a a-sza3 da-ab-ta(ki) 3(szar2) _gan2_-bi esz2-gar3 (d)en-lil2 sza3-bi-ta 3(bur3) _gan2_-am3 szukur2 lu2 nig2-dab5-ba-ke4-ne 1(bur3) _gan2_-am3 sa-dur2 a-sza3-ga-bi (disz)iq-bi-sum2 u3 a-bi-qa2-ti-e inim mu-da-an-gar-re-esz tukum-bi lugal-me an-na-kam ra-gaba hu-mu-szi-in-gi4-gi4-ma kin a-ak bulug a-sza3 inim du11 hu-mu-ni-ib-x _su_-bi-sze3 2(iku) _gan2_ n(bur3) 2(esze3) _gan2_ gaba a-sza3-ga-bi (gesz)al-ta ba-dub2 kin-sze3 ba-ak

    gu4 dili-dili-ta a-sza3 gesz bi2-ur3 al i3-ak-en-de3-en lugal-me he2-en-zu

    AI Translation

    kings commanded: "The governor and the temple administrator should not be concerned about the field of Dabta." From there, 3 bur3 of field, the szukur-measure of the nigdab-men, 1 bur3 of field, the sadur-measure of the field, Iqbi-sum and Abiqati have imposed. If the kings of heaven have sworn by the command of An, they shall return and do work. The granary of the field, according to the word of the king shall ...; its ..., 2 iku field, n bur3 2 eshe3 field, the side of the field, with a wooden arrow he shall cut off.

    If a single bull he brings out from the field, he will make it a field of reeds. May the king know it.

    Surface b


    a-sza3 me-am3(ki) 3(szar2) _gan2_-am3 esz2-gar3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-urta sza3-bi-ta 3(bur'u) _gan2_-am3 szukur2 lu2 nig2-_pad_-e-ne _su_?-bi-sze3 sahar 2(iku) _gan2_-ba me-a al-ta ba-dub2 erin2-ta he2-x-a kin-sze3 sar a-sza3-ga lu2 apin-bi nu-bi iq-bi-sum2 u3 a-bi-qa2-ti inim mu-e-de-gar-re-esz tukum-bi lugal-gu10 an-na-kam ra-gaba hu-mu-un-gi4-gi4 kin ak bulug a-sza3-ga-bi inim du11-du11 mu-ni-ib-x-ne

    AI Translation

    The field of Me'am is 320 hectares. The eshgar of Enlil and Ninurta is therein. 30 bur'u is the field. The szukur of the men of property, its ... is sand. The field of Me'am is 2 iku. From the field of Me'am to the ..., the work-troops ... the field. The man who the plows did not give, and the appointing of the matter he made. If my king, the sky is high, let him return. The work-troops of the field he .

    P479850: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ensi2 sanga-ra u3-na-a-du11 mur-(d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 na-ab-be2-a pa5 a-luh-ha a i-ib2-tum3 (disz)(d)en-lil2-dingir-gu10 u3 ha-an-za-mu ib2-sag3-ge-esz mu-da-an-kar-re-esz (disz)lugal-an-ne2 na-ab-be2-a ge26-e pa5 1(disz)-am3 za-e pa5 1(disz)-am3 ensi2 pa5 1(disz)-am3 a he2-mu-e-de6 bi2-du11 nu-mu-un-sze-ge-esz erin2 i7-zu nu-ma pa5-bi a i-ib2-tum3 ga2-a sah6-bi a ma-ab-tum3 a2 ma-tur 5(disz) gurusz 1(u) hu-mu-e-szi-in-gi4-gi4-ma a-ma-ru-kam

    AI Translation

    The governor of the sanga priestess spoke to me: "Mur-Enlil, the canal of Aluhha, water has flowed, Enlil-ilumu and Hanzamu have been smashed." Lugal-ane said: "The canal of one canal is the one you are, the canal of one canal is the one you are." He said: "Let me water it!" But he did not listen to him. The workers of your canal are not watered, the canal of one canal is the one that flowed. The pigs have flowed water. Five men, 10 men have returned to me, and the dama'u-demon

    P479851: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Surface a


    lugal (d)utu-gin7 sza3 kalam-ma mu-un-zalag-ga u3-na-du11 i-(d)utu ab-sin2-ta ib2-ta-an-zi-ga ti-id-nu-um(ki)-e szu bi2-in-gar szibir-bi mu-un-dab5-be2 lugal idim-bi-sze3 ab-szid-de3-a u3-na-de3-tah (disz)lugal-nesag-ge26 dumu nibru(ki) _arad2_-zu na-ab-be2-a szul-a-lum nu-zu-gu10 sag-ki ba-gid2 til4 ak-gu10 mu-e-pa3 iri kur2-ra tu(muszen)-gin7 sze mi-in-sza4 sza3-ne-sza4 la-ba-an-tuku ur-gin7 ki gam-ma nu-zu szu dag-dag-ge ba-si muszen szu sur2-du3(muszen)-ta dal-a-gin7 ur5-da i3-ak-en

    (gesz)kiri6 a nu-du11-ga-gin7 asil3-la2-gu10 hab2-ba ba-an-ug5 igi la2 e2 lugal-ga2-ke4 ib2-si-ge inim-gar gig ma-la2 zarah-e x x x x [...] u3?-u8 la x [...] x na ha-mu-[...] gu4-gin7 mur-ga2 eme _zu ga2_? [...] szu sza-an-sza-[...] pesz amar-gu10 gud3-bi [...] zi ba-ni-in-gi4 ka u2 gu7 ba?-[...] edin _kal_ tum9 dal-a-gin7 e2 ar3-ar3-ra ba-[...] ug5-ga ki nu-tum2-ma-me-en sze-gin7 ar3-ar3 [...] szesz-gu10 lu2 kur2 nu-me-a igi tur mu-un-[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] _ka_ [...] sa6-ga x [...]

    (d)utu-gin7 x x x ga [...]

    AI Translation

    The king, like Utu, made the heart of the land shine. He spoke to him: "It was Utu who smote the sand dunes, Tidnum he put in order, and its inscription he had seized." The king, who smote the sand dunes, he smote him. Lugalnesage, the son of Nippur, your servant, said: "My hair is not long, my hair is long." My work is finished. In a foreign city, like a fox, grain has been gathered, and the hearts have not been satisfied. Like a dog, the place of the sand dunes, it has not been able to move forward. Like a bird, the hand of a fox has been snatched up, it has been snatched up.

    Like a garden that has not been watered, my sling was smashed, my eyes were smashed like a sling. The king's house was smashed, the grievous word of the zarah ... ... ... ... ... like a bull, ... ... ... ... ... my calf, its horns ... he swore ... ... ... like a ... ... ... The plain, ..., ... like a ... ... ... I was not a ... ... I was a ... ... My brother, a foreigner, ...

    Like Utu ...

    Surface b


    muszen szu sur2-du3(muszen) x x x x x [...] (gesz)kiri6 a du11-ga-gin7 x [...] igi la2 e2 lugal-ga2-ke4 ib2-si-ge x [...] zarah-e x sipa?-ba sza3 a mi-ni-[...] u8-e-a _tul2_ e la _mu_ x _ra har_-re ha-x-x-[...] gu4-gin7 mur-gu10 eme-ba szid nu-tuku-gin7 szu-ni sza-an-sza-[...] pesz amar-gu10 gud3-ba zi ir ba-ni-ib2-[...] edin _kal_ tum9 dal-a-ta _ri_ ba9-ra2-gin7 e2 ar3-ar3-ra ba-[...] ug5-gin7 ki tum2-tum2-mu nu-zu sze-gin7 ar3-ar3 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... a bird ... like a ... bird ... The garden, like a ..., ... like a king's house ... The zarah ... the shepherd ... The ewe ... like a bull whose tongue is not sated with ... His hand ... like a ox whose horns are not shaved, my calf ... like a calf whose horns are shaved with a snare ... Like a ... ... in the plain, a ... ... like a ... house, ... like a ... house, ... like barley, ... like barley

    P479853: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)utu lugal-gu10-ur2 di-ku5 mah an ki sag en3 tar kalam-ma ka-asz mu-un-bar-bar-re dingir zi lu2 ti-le-de3 ki ag2 a-ra-zu gesz tuku arhusz su3 sza3 gur-ru? mu-un-[...]-zu-[...] nig2-si-sa2 ki ag2 nig2-zi bar tam-me _ne_ [...] u3 [...] du11 sun4 mu2 dumu (d)nin-gal sun4 (na4)za-gin3 x x x [...] tak4 la2 (gesz)si-gar an ki ku10-ku10 zalag ga2-ga2 en sag-kal dili-a-ni pa e3-a nam-mah-a-ni za3 nu-sa2 ur-sag dumu (d)nin-gal-e tu-da me sag kesz2 ur4-ur4

    dingir zi nun nam tar-tar-re a-a sag ge6-ga lugal-gu10-ur2 u2-na-de3-tah (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam lugal larsa(ki)-ma arad-zu na-ab-be2-a iri-zu larsa(ki)-ma sza3-ge pa3-da-zu nig2-gig-ga im-ma-an-ak sila dagal eszemen u4 zal-zal-la si-ga im-ma-an-si erin2 sa6-ga-zu gu2 gar-gar-ra gi gi-sig?-ga-gin7 si-il-si-le-de3 ba-an-til?-le-esz gurusz-zu sze u4 a2-ba-gin7 ab-gur10 ba-an-szab-esz gurun? gibil?-gin7 mu-x-dub2-usz ug3-ga2 alan im-gin7 im-ma-an-gul-lu-usz ni2-bi-a ba-an-til-[...]

    di4-di4-la2 ur2? ama-be2-ne-ta u4 hul ba-an-da-kar-x x ug3-ga2 gesztu _har_-re musz3-bi ba-an-kur2 x [...] erin2 ka3 an-sza-sza szu bar-ra-am3 kalam zid2-gin7 |_ka_xSZU| e3? [...] szul (d)utu iri-za larsa(ki)-ma lu2-kur2-gin7 bar-ta ba-da-gub kur elam(ki)-ma x(muszen)-gin7 mah-bi lu2 usz2-a nu-gal2-la su-bir4(ki) muru9 dugud-da dingir-re-e-ne ni2 te-ge26 nu-zu-a ma-da-bi nu-ub-ta-be4 u4-bi nu-gal2-la szimaszgi-e ki dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nu-gig lukur nu-mu-da-il2-e erin2-a-ni u2-gin7 lu-lu-a numun-a-ni dagal-la

    za-lam-gar ti-la ki dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 nu-mu-un-zu-a u2-ma-am-gin7-nam u5-a zid2-esza? siskur2 nu-mu-un-zu-a nam-tar hul-gal2 a2-sag3 nig2-gig-ga nu-mu-un-na-tum3? lu2 mu dingir sal-la-bi nig2-gig-ga i3-gu7-e ugnim-bi silim-ma mu 7(disz)-kam-ma-ta iri-ga2 me3 szen-szen la-ba-an-tuku usz2 da-bi nu-ga2-ga2 edin-na ur-mah-e lu2 gu7-e nu-mu-ni-ib-la2-x dingir inim sa6-sa6-ge-de3 nu-zu-a ge26-e im-ma-an-ak-x dingir gal-gal-e-ne siskur2 u4 szu2-usz-e al-gub-be2-en inim sa6-sa6-ge-gu10 mah-am3

    szul (d)utu nam-bi-sze3 iri-zu larsa(ki)-ma igi zi bar-mu-un-szi-ib a iri-zu du11-ga-ba-ab a esz3 x x du11-ga-ab arhusz su3 larsa(ki)-ma szu te-ba-ab nig2-gig-ga ak-bi en3 tar-bi-ma x x x larsa(ki) e3-ni-ib [...] x nig2-gig-ga sza3-bi zi-ab-ta x husz?-a sza3 larsa(ki)-ma-ka szu? x [...] x tak4-a szu nam-usz2-ta ba-e-szub-bu-de3 x-til-le-esz numun-bi he2-mah a2? tak4-a ka tar-zu he2-si-il-le u3 ge26-e ni2 te-ge26-gu10-usz nam-ti szum2-mu-na-ab zi su3-u4-gal2 nig2-ba-e-esz2 ba-mu-na-ab

    AI Translation

    Utu, my master, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the one who opens the mouth of the land, the true god, the one who loves the man, the one who loves your prayer, the one who ... the scepter, the one who ... the heart, the one who loves everything, the one who ... the ..., the one who ... the name of the son of Ningal, the one who ... lapis lazuli ..., the one who ... the scepter of heaven and earth, the shining one, the lord who is his leader, his mighty name is not a burden, the hero, the son of Ningal, who knows the mighty me,

    Sîn-iddinam, king of Larsa, your servant, was speaking to you. Your city, Larsa, your heart was enraged. He sat in the broad street, sat in the eshemen rites. Your good workmen were seated on the necks. Like a reed tree, they were strewn. Your young men were smeared like grain. Like a new orchard, they were ... like a new tree. They destroyed the people like a statue. They were .

    The sailor ... from the mother's womb the evil storm ... The people ... the ears of the birds ... The troops of the gate of heaven ... The ... of the land like a sweet ... The youth Utu stood in your city Larsa like a hostile enemy. The great land Elam, like a ... bird, had no dead person. Subartu, the mighty ... of the gods, had no fear of the gods. Its land had no sleep. Its days were not there. Shimashkians in the place of the gods did not smite the lukur. His troops, like a wild bull, his seed was wide.

    The zalaggar of life, the place of the gods, did not know you, like a lion, did not know you, like a pig, did not know you, the evil fate, the asag-demon, did not know you, the man whose name the holy god did not eat, the man whose oath the evil god did not eat, and its army was healthy, from the 7th year of the seven-year period, the city had no battle or battle, its blood did not eat, and the wild lion did not eat. The god who spoke to the good news did not know the good news. The great gods performed a good prayer daily, my good news was supreme.

    For the life of Utu, for this, may your city, Larsa, be seen faithfully. May water flow from your city, may water flow from shrines, ... flow from ..., may a storm flow from Larsa. May a terrible thing arise, and ... Larsa ..., ..., a terrible thing, from within it, ..., ..., and the hand of death be cast down. May ... be full of ..., may its seed be abundant, may your mouth be swollen, and may my fear be swollen, and may the things that are given to him be given to him.

    P479854: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (disz)(d)suen-illat ra-bi-si2-ka3-tum-ma u3-na-a-du11 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan lugal-zu na-ab-be2-a kaskal-gu10 ni2-tuku sag gi4-a gu2 i7-da 2(disz)-a-bi mu-da-ab-bala-e ka-ku-la-tum(ki) gaba-ri gid2-da-zu-u3-ne (d)lamma (d)da-gan (d)x x u3 (d)en-lil2 lugal kalam [...] erin2-na gu2? bi-in-ri me-lam2-gu10 kalam-ma ba-e-dul u3 za-e nam-ur-sag nam-kal-ga-zu x x-bi-sze3 ba-e-x x _tar_ [...] ba-an-da-x nam?-lugal [...] |_du-du_|-a ba-x-x ugnim x x(ki) bi2-[...] kin? gal?-la? [...] lu2 x x-ne en-nu-ug3 ga2-ga2-da

    a-ga-asz gi4-bi he2-mi-in-du8 ku4-ku4 e3-de3 kin? bar ha-ra-ak-ne lugal-gu10 _tuk_ ga _ne ga2_ x na ka lul-za u3-mu-e-x x ugnim-zu nam-ba-e-la2 ul4-la-bi ga2-nam-ma a-ma-ru-kam

    AI Translation

    Sîn-illat, the Rabi-si-ka-tum, said to him: "Iddin-Dagan, your king, should not speak about it, my road, a fearsome one, a snare on the other bank of the river, he shall slay you." Kakulatum, your second extispicy, the protective deity Dagan, ... and Enlil, king of the country, ..., the troops ..., my radiance destroyed the country, and you ... your heroism and your mighty ...

    May the ... be repaid. May the ... enter. May the work be done. May my king ...

    P479855: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lugal-gu10-ra u3-na-a-du11 puzur4-(d)szul-gi szagina bad3 igi-hur-sag-ga2 arad-zu na-ab-be2-a lugal-gu10 ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar dingir-re-e-ne in-ne-dim2-dim2-ma zi-ni-sze3-am3 in-nu-u3 lugal-gu10 zi ugnim u3 kalam-ma-ni-sze3 bad3 gal igi-hur-sag-ga2 mu lu2-kur2 hul-gal2-sze3 ug3 kalam-ma-ni-sze3 mu-un-du3 i3-ne-esz ugnim lu2-kur2-ra im-ma-an-zi

  • 1(disz)-am3 lu2 igi-ga2 sah6-bi i-im-tum2-ma dab5-dab5-be2
  • inim ma-an-du11-ma igi-sze3 ib-_du_ geszkim lu2-kur2-ra ge26-e i3-zu lu2-kur2 me3-sze3 usu-ni im-ma-til usu-gu10 i3-tur bad3 nu-mu-un-da-kal-la-ge en-nu nu-mu-da-ak-e nam (disz)szu-(d)nu-musz-da ensi2 _gir2_-lum-tur-ra(ki)

  • 5(disz) ninda he2-ni-dar-dar
  • nam (disz)lugal-me-lem4 szabra (i7)szeg5-szeg5?

  • 4(u) ninda _gam_ ugu-ba nu-ub-gar
  • nam (disz)_ka_-ku3-ga-ni ensi2 ma-da _murub4_(ki)

  • 4(u) 5(disz) ninda gaba dab5-ba-bi ba-gul-gul
  • nam (disz)ta-ki-il-i3-li2-szu gu2-gal (i7)ab2-gal u3 (i7)me-(d)en-lil2-la2

  • 5(u) ninda sag ba-su13 murub4-ba im-da-an-ri
  • u4 lu2-kur2 im-durunx(|_ku-ku_|)-na-a ugu-bi-sze3 nu-ub-gar lu2-kur2 i3-durun-na-a usu-gu10 im-til [...]-kal-la-ge [...]-da-ak-e ugnim-bi sza3 hur-sag-ga2-ka i3-tusz tukum-bi lugal-ga2 an-na-kam 2(szar2) erin2 lu2 kig2 ak-ne (gesz)dusu-a ma-ab-il2-e ul4-la-bi hu-mu-szi-in-gi4-gi4

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) aga-us2 szimaszgi _ri_ ib2-_su_?-a
  • ul4-la-bi hu-mu-szi-in-gi4-gi4 dim2-ma-bi in-dab5 ki-tusz-bi ga-ba-ni-kur2 he2-zu ge6-ta u4 ul-le2-a-asz nam-tag-ni dugud arad (d)szul-gi lugal-ga2 gi-na-me-en [...]-a _ka_-gu10 nig2 gu2 szub-bu-bi in-nu-u3 nam-ba-da-ug5-en lugal-gu10 he2-en-zu

    AI Translation

    My king asked: "Puzur-Shulgi, general of the Great Oval, your servant, when you say, my king, gold and silver, the gods have made for me, and he has given me life." My king, the righteous one for the army and his country, the great Oval of the Great Oval he built for him. The enemy, the evildoer, to the people of his country he built. Now the army of the enemy he has seized.

  • If a man, when he sees him, seized it,
  • The word of Mandu, before the eyes he spoke. The enemy's enemy's ear he spoke. The enemy's strength he sat down. My strength was not shaved, the wall was not shaved, the watch was not shaved. Nam Shu-Numushda, governor of Girlumturra.

  • 5 ninda he will divide;
  • Nam of Lugal-melem, the household manager of the "Sheg-sheg canal";

  • 40 ninda ..., not placed on the account,
  • Nam of Kakkugani, governor of the land of the Mound.

  • 45 ninda, the breasts seized, destroyed;
  • the share of Takil-ilishu, the canal inspector of the Abgal and Me-Enlil canals,

  • 50 ninda, the top of the middle ..., he weighed out.
  • When the enemy ... against him did not put, the enemy ... my strength ... ... ... ... its troops in the mountains sat. If my king, An, 2 hundred troops, the sapping of the axe, he brought, and its branches he returned.

  • 210, chariot fighters of Shimashkia, ...;
  • I shall return it to its place. I shall change its dwelling. From night to day, I am a slanderer, a slanderer, a servant of Shulgi, my king. I am ..., my mouth is a slanderer, I am a slanderer. My king, I am a slanderer.

    P479857: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lugal-gu10-ra u3-na-a-du11 (disz)arad-gu10 arad-zu na-ab-be2-a lugal-gu10 nig2 na-me-sze3 a2-sze mu-e-da-a-ag2 a-ab-ba kur dilmun(ki)-na-ta a mun4 gaba kur mar-tu(ki)-ta da? si-mu-ur-ru-um ma-da x(ki)-sze3 iri(ki) dili-dili-bi ma-da-ma-da-bi i7 a-sza3 a-gar3-bi u3 eg2 pa5-bi igi x _in_ x x _du_ en sza3? x x iri(ki)-iri(ki) gesz tuku lugal-gu10 ki x x x _bi_ x x x ur2 x x x x bad3?-bi en-nu-ug3 kal?-ga bi2-gub ugnim-bi gu2 gesz bi2-gar-gar x sig? x x x x _ne_ x x a-gar3 a gar-ra-bi a-ta im-ta-e3

    x x a-sza3-bi gesz-gi x-ra [...] x-ke4? sag sag3-ge x-bi

    AI Translation

    My king said to me: "Aradu, your servant, do not speak to me." My king, what is it that is to be done? From the sea, from the land of Dilmun to the salt marsh from the land of Amurrum to Simurrum, the land of ..., the cities that are scattered, the land that is scattered, its canals, its fields, and its ditches ... ... ... ... my king ... ... its wall ... ... its armed forces ... ... ... ... the field whose water is poured,

    ... its field ... ... its head .

    P479858: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] en? kur gal-e tu-da mah-a-ni za3 nu-sa2 (d)nin-urta gal-di an ki-a diri (d)a-nun-ke4-ne x x igi-du dingir-re-e-ne geszkim-ti an-na x x gur3-ru u4-gin7 szeg11 gi4-gi4 szen-szen-na gu3 mur ak [...] am gal-gin7 du7-du7 bad3 ki-bala gul-gul x x x (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 _di_-_di_ kur szu-ni nu-e3 [...] (d)nu-nam-nir-ra du11-ga-ni ki-bi-sze3 gar x x x nam-nun-na tum2-ma na de5 e2-kur-ra [...] x sag2 nu-di (gesz)rab3 dingir-re-e-ne [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] sag-tab-a-ni he2-a

    [...] x x x x x u2 du10 he2-bi2-ib2-gu7-e [...] gal2 mu sa4 x x si he2-em-sa2-sa2-e e2-szu-me-sza4 ki-tusz ki ag2-ga2-ni sag us2-bi he2-a nidba gal-gal-la-ni u4 szu2-usz-e x x musz nam-ba-an-tum2-mu (d)bur-(d)suen me-te nam-lugal-la ki ag2 an-na-ke4 mu giri17-zal nam-ti nig2 du10-ga x x ha-ba-ni-ib-su3-re6 sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)nin-urta (d)bur-(d)suen-ra ni2-tuku-ni a2-tah-a-ni he2-a gesz-gi5-gal2-bi-im x x a2 zi-da (d)en-lil2-la2 kur ki-bala gul-gul (d)nin-urta a2 zi-da (d)en-lil2-la2 kur ki-bala gul-gul

    lugal zi-ga-ni a-ma-ru na-me sag nu-szum2-mu (d)nin-urta u4 sumur me3-a erim2-e giri3 saga11 di nam-ur-sag da-da-ra-sze3 du11-ga szul gaba-ri nu-tuku-a a2 mah szum2-ma (d)nu-nam-nir-ra sza3 a-a-na du10-du10 du11-ga-du11-ga u18-ru-zu nam-mah gal-gal-la (d)nin-urta du11-ga-du11-ga u18-ru-zu nam-mah gal-gal-la [...] ki-bala-a se3-se3-ge5 gu2 du3-a gam-gam [...] x ga2-ga2 u4-gin7 szeg11 gi4-gi4 [...] x x x-ke4 [...] x [...] _im_ [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x sig-ta [...] sa-gar-ra-am3

    x x x x x mu pa3-da-zu (d)bur-(d)suen [...] gesz-gi5-gal2-bi-im ur-sag uszum za3 dib [...] (d)nin-urta uszum za3 dib [...] (d)bur-(d)suen zi-de3-esz pa3-da-zu [...] u18-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab (d)nin-urta-ka-kam

    AI Translation

    ..., the great lord, whose greatness is supreme, whose righteousness is not confined, Ninurta, the great lord, whose heaven and earth are far apart, the Anuna gods, ... the eyes of the gods, ... ... like a storm, he screams in battle, he shouts in battle, he shouts like a great amorite, he destroys the wall of the rebel land, ... Enlil does not ... the land, ... his words are placed in its place, ... the princeship, the ... of the Ekur temple, ... the ... of the gods, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his head may he .

    ... ... may he eat good food. ... may he make ... a good name. May his beloved Eshumesha, his beloved residence, be crowned with a great ninda offering. May he ... a long day. May Bur-Sîn, the righteous kingship, beloved of An, a name of long life and good things, ... be repaid. As a sagida-offering, may Ninurta and Bur-Sîn, his anger, be repaid to him. Its gishgigal. ..., the righteous one of Enlil, destroy the enemy land. Ninurta, the righteous one of Enlil, destroy the enemy land.

    The king, his ally, the storm, the storm, the storm, the storm, the enemy, the good foot, the decision of the hero forever, the mighty strength, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to Ninurta, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him, the one given to him,

    ... your name is Bur-Sîn ... Its geshgigal The hero, the ushum lion, ... Ninurta, the ushum lion, ... Bur-Sîn, the righteous one, is your name ... Its urub is the adab of Ninurta

    P479859: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    an u18-ru gal dingir-re-e-ne an nir-gal2 dingir pa e3-a an lugal-la nam gal tar-ra-ni (d)ur-(d)nin-urta)-ra szu zi hu-mu-na-ab-gar bar-su3-am3 za3 kur-kur-ra-sze3 dili-ni dib (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne sag kesze2-bi na-nam me gal-gal-la za3 mu-ni-in-kesze2 me szar2-ra giri3-ni nam-mi-in-gar dingir gal-an-zu nun nam tar-re-de3 gu3 zi mu-na-an-de2 an-ne2 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta)-ra gu3 zi mu-na-an-de2 kalam-ma mu-ni-in-mah an-ne2 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta mu-ni-in-mah (gesz)gu-za nam-lugal-la ul-sze3 suhusz gi-na

    szibir mah me kalam-ma ur4-ur4 gidru nig2-gi-na ug3 szar2 lah5-lah5-e (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra mu-na-an-tah an ku3-ga ki nam tar-ra-ni dingir an-na ba-su8-ge-esz-a (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne gizzal ba-an-ak-esz sza3-ba-tuku-am3 unken gar-ra-ba he2-am3 ba-ni-in-ne-esz iri du3-du3 a2-dam ki gar-ra kur gam-e kalam suhusz gi-na mu he2-gal2 bala u4 su3-da (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra mu-na-an-szum2 sa-gid2-da-am3 an-na igi su3-u4-bi bar-ra-ni sipa zi mu-ni-in-il2 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta dumu ki ag2-ga2-ni mi2 zi-de2-esz sza-mu-un-e

    ni2 me-lem4-za tesz2 he2-gal2 u4 gal-gin7 u5-bi nam-szul-zu gaba gi4 na-an-tuku-tuku-un ma-da he2-de3-gal2 mu-zu kur-kur-ra he2-em-mah-en sa6-zu he2-di ma-da ni2-ba nam-ra-an-gam-e gu2 gesz hu-mu-ra-ab-gar (d)ur-(d)nin-urta a2 gal szum2-ma-gu10 mu-gu10-sze3 nir he2-gal2 inim-zu (gesz)rab3 mah-gin7 hul-gal2-e szu he2-em-ri-ri a2 ag2-ga2-zu ki-bala-a ha-ba-te giri17 szu ha-ma-an-gal2-esz nam-nun-zu sag an-sze3 he2-eb-il2 ug3-e ha-ma-du10-ge nig2-gi-na za-e lu2-bi he2-me-en a2-tah-zu he2-a

    nig2-si-sa2 sza3-ta e3-a-me-en (d)utu ba-gub-ba (d)inanna ki ag2-zu na-nam nam-ti ha-ra-ab-su3-de3 (d)lamma sa6-ga nam-en nam-lugal-la zi-de3-esz ha-ra-su8-ge-esz mu sa4-a ki-en-gi-ra-me-en (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-gu10 esz3 nibru(ki) (d)ur-an-ki-ka sag il2-la gen-i3 kadra!-zu szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4 szu-bi im-gid2 sipa ni2 guru3 nidba gal-gal-la-ni e2-sze3 ha-ma-gub-be2 sa-gar-ra-am3

  • 1(asz) dingir-re-ne me gal-gal-la i3-me-en
  • an lugal 1(asz) dingir-re-ne me gal-gal-la i3-me-en (d)ur-(d)nin-urta ka-ta e3-a-gu10 ul-sze3 na-ra-kur2-ru u18-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab an-na-kam

    AI Translation

    An, the great lord of the gods, An, the mighty one, the divine one, who comes forth, An, the king, whose great destiny Ur-Ninurta decreed for him, may he grant him. In the middle of the lands, his two hands are a scepter of the Anuna gods. He is the one who makes the great powers come forth, and the great powers are placed on his feet. The great gods, the princes, who decreed the fates, speak kindly to him. An, Ur-Ninurta, speak kindly to him. The Land, he made great, An made great, Ur-Ninurta, he made great, and the throne of kingship, to distant days, he established its foundations.

    The exalted szibir priest of the land, the scepter of truth, the scepter of justice, the people, the savages, Ur-Ninurta raised up. In heaven, the holy place, the place of his fate, the god of An, was smashed. The Anuna sat down. They were sated with joy. They were sated with the sighs of the sanctuaries. The city built, the adam, the place of creation, the mountain of the lands, the foundation of the land, the life of abundance, the long reign of Ur-Ninurta he gave. The sagida-offerings of heaven and earth, its appearance, he made the righteous shepherd shine. Ur-Ninurta, his beloved son, he made the righteous shepherd shine.

    Your aura and your aura are full of abundance. Like a great storm, your strength is a gift, you are a gift. May the land be filled with abundance. May your name be praised in all the lands. May your good name be established in the land. May your neck be shaved. May Ur-Ninurta, your great arm, give me my name. May your great word be praised. May your words be praised like a great arrow. May your command be praised in the lands. May your rulership be praised in heaven. May the people rejoice in your good fortune. May your appointing be praised.

    I am the one who has brought justice from the inside. I stand in the presence of Utu. Inanna, your beloved, may she grant me life. May the good protective spirit, the lordship of kingship, be granted to me. May she grant me a good name for Sumer. My Ur-Ninurta, in the shrine Nippur, Ur-anki, raise your head high. Your kadra-offerings, the brickwork of the Ekur, be fixed. May the shepherd, the young man, the great food offerings, stand in the temple.

  • I am one of the gods, I am the great me.
  • An, the king, the one of the gods, I am the great me. Ur-Ninurta, from the mouth of my mouth, to the distant future, the enemy, its urub-demon is Adab of An.

    P479860: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en mah za3 dib me galam u18-ru pa-bil2-ga en-en-e-ne bar-su3-am3 sag il2 diri ninda2 numun i-i mu idim ni2 gal-le-esz ri-a mah du11-ga-ni sag2 di nu-zu kur me sikil-la ni2 mu-ni-in-guru3 bara2 gal-la dur2 im-mi-in-gar an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 sza3-ba-tuku-am3 igi zi su3-ra2-sze3 mu-un-szi-in-bar nun (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2-ra igi zi mu-szi-in-bar nam-ti su3-ra2-sze3 mu-na-an-szum2 nun (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2-ra nam-ti su3-ra2-sze3 mu-na-an-szum2 an-na du11-ga-ni inim ki-bi-sze3 gar-ra

    (d)a-nun-na dingir kilib3-ba-bi ki nam tar-re-da gu2 mu-na-si-si-esz sza3-ba-tuku-am3 me gal-gal-la pa mu-ni-in-e3 dingir an-na mu-na-su8-ge-esz bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma gesz-hur-bi si mu-ni-ib-sa2-sa2 dingir ki-a mu-na-gam-e-esz me mah-a me sag-ki-a-ba nam-lugal nig2 kal-kal-la-am3 (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ra an gal-e sag-e-esz mu-ni-in-rig7 sa-gid2-da-am3 an gal-am3 dingir pa e3 gal-am3 an u18-ru lugal (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2-ra geszkim-ti-la-ni na-nam gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

    an-e sza3 gu2-bi gi4-a-na lugal mu-ni-in-pa3 sza3-bala-bala nam-lugal-la-ra gu3 zi mu-na-an-de2 (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 a2 szum2-ma-gu10-me-en gu2 an-sze3 he2-zi u4 gu3 di sag-bi zi-zi-gin7 su zi he2-me-da-ri gu2-erim2-gal2 kur nu-sze-ga-zu u18-lu-zu he2-em-dul nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri mu-ni-gar su kalam-ma mu-du10 (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 u4-gin7 dalla he2-ni-e3 iri a2-dam masz-gana2 ki gar-ra gu3 tesz2 hu-mu-ra-ab-se3 ug3 sag ge6-ga u8-gin7 lu-a us2 zi hu-mu-ra-ab-si-ge5

    (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 kur ki su3-ra2-sze3 lugal-bi he2-me-en (gesz)gu-za mah nam-nun-na he2-du7 gi16-sa nam-lugal-la (d)en-lil2-le zi-de3-esz ma-ra-an-szum2 suhusz-bi hu-mu-ra-ab-se3 (d)suen aga sag-za mi-ni-in-ga-na musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu (d)en-ki-ke4 me nam-nun-na-ka sze-er-ka-an hu-mu-ra-ni-in-du11 (d)inanna tug2 nam-nun-na-ka za-e-da hu-mu-x-de3-gub (d)udug sa6-ga (d)lamma e2-kur-ra he2-me-da-su8-su8-ge-esz nidba (gesz)gesztin ga? il2-la-zu szu he2-em-da-gal2-gal2

    dumu nig2-dim2-ma (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en nig2 hu-mu-ra-ab-du10-du10 [...] [...] sa-gar-ra-am3 dingir ni2 guru3 sza3-ge pa3-da dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 nig2 ha-ra-ab-gu-ul-gu-ul gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im an-e du11-ga-ni nam du10 tar-ra-am3 an gal-e du11-ga-ni nam du10 tar-ra-am3 (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ra szu [...] u19-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab an-na-kam

    AI Translation

    The exalted lord, who utters the utterances of the great divine powers, the lords, standing in a scepter, the head smashed, the bread of the seed smashed, the great name, whose command is supreme, the head that does not know judgment, the pure mountain of divine powers he made perfect, and he set up a great dais on it. An, the king of the gods, was enraged, he looked with a firm face, and gave him life, and gave him life, and gave him the prince Lipit-Ishtar, and gave him life, and gave him the prince Lipit-Ishtar, who spoke with his words, and placed it in its place,

    The Anuna gods, their hearts trembled at the place of deciding fates. They were smitten by the szabbatuku-demon. They made the great me shine forth, they made the god An shine forth. They made the 2nd barsu-demons shine forth. They made the gods of the earth shine forth. They made the great me shine forth, and the great me, the head, the kingship, all of it, Lipit-Ishtar, son of Enlil, presented it to him. The sagda-demon, the great an, the great god, the great goddess, An, the king, Lipit-Ishtar, his heir, does not know his gishgigal.

    He made the king rise up from the midst of heaven, he made the dynasty roar, he made the king speak kindly, Lipit-Ishtar, I am my servant, I shall be able to speak kindly to him, and the storm, like a storm, may it be able to roar kindly, may it be able to smite him with a slanderous weapon, and may it be able to smite him with a slander, and the things that are not in Sumer and Akkad are placed in his hands, and the sanctuaries of the land be made pleasant. Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, may he be bright like daylight. May he be praised in the city, the mashgana, the place of creation, may he be praised in the people, the beginning of the night, as if a ewe, may he be praised in the midst of the people.

    Lipit-Eshtar, may you be the king of the future land. May you be the supreme throne of princeliness. May you be the rejoicing one of kingship. May Enlil give you the righteous command to make its foundations firm. May Suen, the crown that he had fashioned, be the one who carries the aura of princeliness. May Enki make the divine powers of princeliness shine forth. May Inanna, the garment of princeliness, stand at your feet. May the good udug and the protective spirit of the Ekur be present. May the offerings and wine offerings be plentiful.

    I am the son of the nigdimma-priest of Enlil, I want to make something good for him ...

    P479861: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lugal mi2 du11-ga sza3-ta numun zi-me-en (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en (gesz)isimu2(sar) (gesz)erin-na-gin7 sag mu-il2-la-ta nitah usu-tuku lirum-ma-me-en nam-szul-la gu2 gal pesz-a-me-en pirig za3 dib gaba-ri nu-tuku-me-en uszumgal ka du8-a ni2 gal erin2-na-me-en anzu(muszen) kur-sza3-ga igi gal2-me-en am su-ba sag nu-ga2-ga2-me-en alim igi gun3 szen-na-me-en su6 (na4)za-gin3 e3-a gir2 kesze2-kesze2-du3-me-en igi sa6 ka sa6 sza3 zal-le-me-en ulutim2 husz-husz-a hi-li du8-du8-a-me-en

    nundum inim-inim-ma he2-du7-me-en a2 il2-la szu-si sa6-sa6-me-en szul sa6-ga u6 di du10-ga-me-en (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 lugal kalam-ma-me-en sag ge6-ga sipa zi-bi-me-en sag-kal kur-kur-ra kalam-ma il2-la-me-en dingir nam-lu2-ulu3 nir-gal2 ug3 szar2-ra-me-en ibila kal-ga nam-lugal-la-me-en an-ta sag il2-la ki-gub se3-ga-me-en iszib an-na szu dadag-ga-me-en an-ne2 aga zi mah sag-ga2 mu-ni-in-ge-en (d)en-lil2-le dumu ki ag2-ga2-ni-me-en ki-ur3-ra (gesz)gidru ma-ni-in-szum2

    ga2-gesz-szu2-a-ka nam du10 mu-un-tar (d)nin-tu-re szeg12 kesz3(ki)-a-ta munus ul-la zi-de3-esz gun3-a-me-en igi zi bar-ra (d)nanna-me-en uri2(ki)-ma gu3 zi-de3-esz ma-an-de2 u4-ta-u18-lu lu2 sza3-ga-na-me-en e2-szu-me-sza4-ta ni2 gal mu-un-da-ri gesztu2 ba9-ra2 (d)en-ki-kam-me-en eridu(ki)-ta nam-lugal ma-an-szum2 nitalam ki ag2 (d)inanna-kam-me-en ki unu(ki)-ga sag an-sze3 mi-ni-il2 dub-sar a-ra2 zu (d)nisaba-kam-me-en szul inim gi-na (d)utu-me-en nam-lugal-la he2-du7-bi-me-en

    (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en buru14 mah zi-ga zi kalam-ma-me-en engar guru7-ni dub-dub-ba-me-en sipa (e2)tur3-re i3 ga mah-me-en ambar ku6 muszen gal-gal-la-me-en i7 he2-gal2-la a zal-le tum2-ma-me-en hur-sag gal giri17-zal nun-na-me-en a2 mah szum2-ma (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 szul ni2-tuku-ni-me-en dingir-re-e-ne sag us2-bi-me-en e2-kur-ra musz3 nu-tum2-mu-bi-me-en lugal kadra-sze3 masz2 gaba tab-ba-me-en sun5-sun5-na giri17 szu gal2-la-me-en

    inim sa6-sa6-ge (d)en-lil2 hug-ga2-me-en a-ra-zu-ne (d)nin-lil2 hul2-le-me-en ga2-la nu-dag-ge (d)nusku gub-ba-me-en ki-ur3-sze3 szu gal2-gal2-la-me-en nig2 de6-de6 suhusz-e he2-du7-me-en ul4-ul4-la du10 nu-kusz2-u3-me-en nesag tum3 e2-babbar nu-dib-be2-me-en nibru(ki)-sze3 he2-gal2 sar-re-me-en kesz3(ki) iszib-bi ba-gub-be2-me-en uri2(ki)-sze3 i3 sag ga sag-me-en eridu(ki)-sze3 ga2-la nu-dag-ge-bi-me-en ki unu(ki)-sze3 nidba gal-gal-la-me-en e2-kur-ta nam-ti szum2-ma-me-en

    (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 sipa kur-kur-ra-me-en lugal me3-sze3 ku-kur du7-du7-me-en da-da-ra nam-szul-la zu2 kesze2 nu-du8-me-en giri2-ur3-ra u3-sar ak-me-en me3-a nim-gin7 gir2-gir2-re-me-en suhusz gi-na erin2-na gar3 dar-re-me-en (na4)sag-kal (na4)pesz6-pesz6-a-me-en (kusz)gur21(ur3) igi tab ugnim-ma-me-en ur-sag igi zalag-ga zu2 kesze2 gi-na-me-en (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en (kusz)ummu a sed-de3 zi gurusz-a-me-en igi-gal2 kaskal-la an-dul3 erin2-na-me-en

    sza3 dugud-da inim-sze3 gal2-la-me-en dim2-ma galga su3 a-ra-zu kig2-ga2-me-en nig2-nam-e nu-ul4-en egir-bi kig2-kig2-me-en sza3 su3-ra2 gesztu2 dagal-la-me-en na4 (u2)nig2-buru3-buru3-de3 kalam-ta e3-a-me-en nig2-gi-na ka-ga14 gal2-la-me-en si sa2 da-ri2 nu-ha-lam-e-me-en di-ku5 ka-asz bar-re-da inim si sa2-e-me-en kur-kur-re a2 ag2-ge26-e gal-zu-me-en nig2-si-sa2 ki-en-gi ki-uri-a mu-ni-gar su kalam-ma mu-du10 nig2-gi-na-gu10-usz a-na mu-da-szub nun (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2-me-en ug3-e si bi2-sa2

    si sa2-gu10-usz a-na ga2-la im-mi-dag kal-ga-me-en nig2-nam pa bi2-i-e3 (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en e2-gal nam-lugal-la ki-tusz ku3 du10-ga-ga2 nitalam-gu10 ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 (gesz)gu-za-ga2 suhusz-bi ma-ni-in-ge-en su3-ra2 u4 ul-le2-a-asz gu2-da hu-mu-ni-in-la2 ki-nu2 nig2 du10 ki sza3 hul2-le-da nig2 du10 in-nin9-ra u4 ga-mu-un-di-ni-ib-zal-e (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 ibila kal-ga-me-en lugal nig2-si-sa2 pa e3 ak-a-me-en mu-gu10 kur-kur-ra zi-de3-esz hu-mu-un-pa3-de3

    (d)li-pi2-it-esz4-tar2 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en za3-mi2-gu10 du10-ga-am3

    AI Translation

    king who speaks truth, from the heart you are the true seed. Lipit-Ishtar, son of Enlil, you are the one who like a date palm grows up from the top of the date palm, the strong man who has strength, you are the one who has a strong neck, you are the one who has a strong neck, you are the one who has a great neck, you are the one who has no rival. The great hero who opens the gate, you are the one who has no rival among the troops, you are the one who sees the Anzu bird in the country, you are the one who sees the wild bull, you are the one who sees the alim, the one who sees the sag gun in the zen, you are the one who walks on the sag gun, you are the one who walks on the sag gate, you are the one who walks on the sag gate, you are the one who walks on the sag gate, you are the one who makes the sag gate

    I am the one who makes the word good, who makes the command good, who makes the shusi good, who makes good the good news, I am Lipit-Ishtar, king of the nation, I am the one who makes the night good, the faithful shepherd, I am the one who makes the land shine, the god who makes the people happy, the mighty one, the many people, I am the mighty heir, who entrusted kingship to the highest rank, I am the one who keeps the throne secure in heaven, I am the one who makes the scepter of heaven shine brightly, I am the one who makes An a true crown, I am the one who loves him, Enlil, the beloved son, gave him the gidru-scepter

    for Gageshshua he decreed a good fate for Nintur. From the brickwork of Kesh I am a true woman, a true woman, a true woman, Nanna. In Ur I speak a true word daily. I am the man who loves his heart. From the house Shumesha I am a great dream interpreter. Enki gave me the wisdom to give kingship. The beloved nirvana of Inanna I am. In Uruk I raise my head high to heaven. The scribe, by the will of Nisaba, I am the one who is faithful to the word of Utu, I am the one who makes kingship prosper.

    Lipit-Ishtar, son of Enlil, I am the one who gives the supreme harvest, the true harvest of the Land, I am the farmer who carries out the scribal art, the shepherd who fills the turre, I am the one who provides the supreme oil, I am the one who fills the marshes and the great birds with water, I am the one who fills the river with abundance, I am the one who makes the great mountains grow tall, I am the one who gives the supreme power given to Enlil, I am Lipit-Ishtar, the one who has no rival among the gods, I am the one who does not leave the Ekur, the king who does not leave the Kadra, I am the one who is a suckling goat, I am the one who gives the hand of the king,

    I am the one who makes good words for Enlil, I am the one who loves you. I am the one who loves Ninlil, I am the one who stands by you. I am Nusku, standing by you. In Ki'ur I am the one who is able to make a good thing happen. I am the one who makes the foundations firm, I am the one who does not squander good things. I am the one who does not stand by the nesag offerings of the Ebabbar. I am the one who does not stand by Nibru, I am the one who keeps scribal messages. I am Kesh, its szib is standing by you. In Ur, I am the one who does not stand by you, I am the one who does not stand by you. In Uruk, I am the one who gives large offerings from the Ekur.

    Lipit-Ishtar, shepherd of all the lands, I am the king who makes the holy sanctuaries shine like the stars, I am the king who makes the rites of the battles shine like the rites of the battle line, I am the one who makes the giri'ur a mighty warrior, I am the one who makes the battles like the lightning, I am the one who makes the foundations of the troops strong, I am the one who makes the saggal and phlegm, I am the one who makes the gurgur a bright face of the army, I am the one who makes the hero, the shining face of the battle line, I am Lipit-Eshtar, son of Enlil, I am the one who makes the water sweet and sacrificially sweet water for the young man, I am the one who makes the scouts and troops strong,

    I am the one who is able to speak a supplication to the king, I am the one who is able to speak a supplication to the king, I am the one who is able to speak a supplication to the king, I am the one who is able to listen to his heart, I am the one who is able to hear the supplications of the king, I am the one who is able to speak a supplication to the king, I am the one who is able to hear a supplication to the judge, I am the one who is able to hear a supplication to the lands, I am the one who is able to speak a supplication to Sumer and Akkad, I have put a supplication to the king, I have sat my supplication to him, I have sat my supplication to him, I have sat the people,

    I am the one who makes my good omens come forth for me. I am the mighty one, I am the son of Enlil. In the palace of kingship, my holy residence, my nitalam, holy Inanna, I have fashioned its foundations. I have made it stand on its own. In distant days, I have made it stand on its own. I have made the midst of the house, the place of happiness, and the good things of my sister rejoice. I have made it stand for you. Lipit-Ishtar, the mighty heir, I am the king who makes justice come forth. I have made my name known in all the lands.

    Lipit-Eshtar, son of Enlil, I am your praise!

    P479862: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] mu-ni-in-x [...] x sahar tusz-a sza-mu-un-x [...] x ga-sza-an-na-ka [...] x _ad_? _ra_ sza-mu-un-_tar_? [...] tug2 na-ag2-egir3-ra-ka-na [...] urin?-na sza-mu-un-szar2-ra [...] sza-mu-ni-ib-be2 gam-ma-ni na-_du_ [...] mu-un-dag-dag-ge siki-pa _ib tug2_ na-_du_ [...] in i3-ak e2-gu10 na-ag2 ba-an-ku5 [...] x _dub_? _asz_-ta in-na-sze-bi-da [...] uru2-gu10 na-ag2 ba-an-ku5 [...]-gu10 sug-ge4 bi2-in-gu7 [...] tug2-mu-gu10 mu-un-pe-el [...] x im-ma-da-an-_tar_ [...] x ba-ni-in-x

    AI Translation

    M=segment B


    garza a2? szu [...] ur5-sze3 ur5 sza3-ab-gu10 [...] ge6 en-nu-ug3-ga2-gin7 [...] szurum3-gin7 x [...] musz3-me-gu10 i-bi2-gin7 [...] su-gu10 in bar7-a-gin7 [...] mu-un-ak a-a x [...]-a-ba _tug2_ [...] ki-ru-gu2 x-kam ga-sza-an [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im x x [...] szu du3-a [...] sze29-esz2 du11-ga [...] dumu (d)en-lil2 dumu _an_ [...] bar im-ak ug3-e x [...] ki-en-gi [...] (d)en-lil2-me-en erin2 _lu_-_lu_ x [...] i3-ne-esz2-ta u4 _te_ [...] x x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    My garza, my hand? ... to the horizon, my heart ... like a night of darkness ... like a szurum ... my limbs ... like a snare ... I ... my ..., like a ... ... My father ... ... ... ... ... its geshgigal ... ... ... ... ... the son of Enlil, the son of An ... ... the people ... Sumer ... I am Enlil, the troops ...

    M=segment C


    nam-lu2-ulu3 us2 zi im-mi-in-dab5 ki-en-gi-da lu2-erim2 im-ta-an-da-ra eme nig2 ha-lam-ma di im-da-an-kur2 nig2-si-sa2 urud-gin7 pa bi2-ib-e3 a-a-ra ni2 te-ge26-e ama-ra ni2 su4-ne2 dumu ab-ba-ra inim-ma-ne2-esz dur2-u3 arhusz sza3-tur3 sza3-ne-sza4 gur-ru ad-da a-a-na an-gu7 ama a-a-na an-nag ki-en-gi ki-uri-a mi-ni-in-gar (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 en unu(ki)-ga sag kesze2-ba mi-ni-in-ku4 bi2-in-ak (d)inanna nin an ki-ke4 an gal-e he2-am3-bi bi2-in-du11 (d)en-lil2-le [...] ki-ru-gu2 x-kam

    AI Translation

    The people were seized, the enemy was seized. In Sumer, the enemy was seized. The tongue was seized, and judgment was rendered. The scepter was seized like a copper scepter. Father, the father, the mother, the father, the father, the mother, the heavens were seized. Sumer and Akkad were seized. Ishme-Dagan, the son of Enlil, the lord of Uruk, he entered. Inanna, the lady of An and the earth, he spoke to the great heavens. Enlil ... the kirugu .

    M=segment D


    [...] x x [...] ha-ra-ni-ib-gal2 [...] ha-ra-ab-be2 [...] si ha-ra-sa2 [...] ha-mu-ra-an-_ku_ [...] ha-ra-ab-e3-a [...]-dib [...] x [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... I shall have ... there for him ... I shall have ... there for him ... I shall have ... there for him ... I shall have ... there for him ... ... .

    P479863: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2 du11-ga u18-ru di zu galam dagal-la-am3 ka-asz bar e3 du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-da umusz x szu-ni-sze3 gar (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan gurusz kal sa su pirig szul kal ni2-gal2-la dili-x-ni mah en mu du10 sa4-a-ni kur szar2-ra pa3-da e-ne-da zi-gal2-la im-mi-in-lu?-a a2-bad3 ug3 dur2-ru-na-bi-sze3? sag ge6 szu mu-na-szum2-ma nesag kur-ra-da si sza-mu-na-ni-ib-sa2-asz e2-gal du10-ga-na ki la-ba-na-tag-ge u4-ba (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan szul ur-sag er9 du10-gal2-e-ne-ke4

    nibru(ki) iri numun ug3 szar2-ra i-i ti-le u3-tu gal2-la-sze3 kasz4 di hu-luh-e ge6 an-bar7-ba gub-bu musz3 nu-tum2-mu u4 szu2-usz nig2-nam tum3 di gal-e-esz na-an-gar zi-ga-ni u18-lu a-ma-ru tu15 sumur-ba du-a a2-na ba9-ra2-a-ba ga2-ga2-ga2-da-na su3-u4-bi-sze3 gir2-gir2-re pirig husz edin-na-gin7 usu nam-szul-ba du-a du10 kaskal-la bad-bad-da-ni-a gesz-la2 me3 [...] (ansze)si2-si2 har-ra-an-na kun su3-su3-x masz2-tarah-gin7 kasz4-kasz4-e x x x x du10-ub szu bar-ra nu-kusz2-u3 x

    dumu nig2 tum2-tum2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka nig2 sza3 hul2-hul2 (d)nin-lil2-la2-ka lugal-e esz3 za-gin3-na-sze3 musz3 la-ba-ra-tum2-mu u4-ba (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan (urud)alan mer-re-e kasz4-kasz4-e hu-luh-ha-na e2-ni2-guru3 bara2 kal-kal-la-na mu-ni-in-gub sze-er-zi-de3-esz bi2-in-gun3 nun gal za3 an-na en du11-ga nu-kam3-me-da sag-ki zalag igi zi il2-la-na he2-en-szi-ni-gal2 sipa zi tu-da-ni-sze3 lugal a2 nig2-hul dim2-ma ib2-szi-ag2-e-a mu-sar-ra-ba szu bi2-ib2-ra-a mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar-a

    asz2 bala-a-ba-ke4-esz lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-i-a lu2-ba (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10 (d)nin-lil2 nin-gu10 nam ha-ba-an-da?-ku5-ru-ne (d)en-ki (d)iszkur (d)ezina2 (d)szakkan2 en he2-gal2-la-ke4-ne he2-gal2 an ki-a a-ba-da-an-gi4-esz hul-bi ha-ba-[...]

    AI Translation

    Enlil, who speaks a great word, who has broad understanding, who does not cease speaking, who does not establish a ..., who places the mind of his hand, Ishme-Dagan, the mighty man, the strong bull, the mighty bull, the ..., the great lord, whose good name is the lands, chosen by his own name, who has a great name, who has given the mighty lordship to the troops of his people, who gives the night's beginning of the night, who gives the nesag offerings of the lands, who does not leave his good palace, at that time Ishme-Dagan, the mighty warrior, who rejoices,

    Nippur, the city of the seed of the many people, who has borne the sacrificial s

    The son who the rites of Enlil and the rites of joy of Ninlil have commanded, the king, to the lapis lazuli shrine, he has not ceased to pray. At that time, Ishme-Dagan, the mighty bronze statue of the warrior, he set up for him. He set up the Eniguru, the mighty dais, and he sat down for him. The great prince, who is seated on the right side of heaven, the lord who does not speak kindly, may he be present for him. May he be the shining head, the shining face of his shining face. The true shepherd, his shepherd, may the king who is to punish him, the king who is to punish him, write his inscribed name and write his inscribed name.

    As for the ones who have sinned against the bala, the enemy will be slighted. That man, may Enlil my king and Ninlil my mistress curse him. May Enki, Adad, Ezina and Shakkan, the lords of abundance, the abundance of heaven and earth curse him. May their evil .

    P479864: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] x _ki_ x [...] (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne [...] e2?-gal ku3 ki-tusz _im_ x _bu_ mu-x [...] x nam-sukkal-mah-a-ni mu-ra-an-szum2 en (d)nu-nam-nir-re gidru ku3 szu-za ma-ra-ni-in-ge-en mu-zu dalla bi2-in-e3 gesz-hur e2-kur-ra szu du7-du7 nig2 galam-galam-ma-bi szu-luh garza mah-bi us2 zi dab5-be2 ku3-ge sikil-e-bi me lu-lu-a me diri-ga-bi pa e3 mah ak-bi szu szi-bi2-du7-du7 du11-ga nam-gal-la? u4 ti-la-sze3 za-a-am3 (d)nusku nun na de5 e2-kur-ra za-e szi-bi2-in-ga-me-en-nam

    an ki szu2-a kur nigin2-na-ba dili-zu i3-mah-me-en ub-szu-unken-na ki di gal ku5-ru a2 ag2-ga2 gal-gal-la-sze3 (d)a-nun-na dingir ki a-na me-a gu2 ma-ra-si-si-de3-esz esz-bar du11-ga u18-ru (d)en-lil2-la2 za-e szu mu-ne-ri-ib-x-en inim ku3 an-gin7 szu nu-te-ge26-zu-sze3 igi-bi szu-mu-e-szi-gal2 x mah ni2 guru3 ki us2-a-bi nam-bi igi-bi ib-zu-zu-un sa-gid2-da-am3 x x (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-na ki? x [...] [...] he2-a _asz_? ag2 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the Anuna, the great gods ... The holy palace, his residence ... ... he gave to him as his vizier. Lord Nunamnir, you are the scepter of pure hands. You have fashioned your radiant name. The plans of the Ekur are laid out. All of the great things are arranged. The supreme shulub-priests are fashioned. The pure rites are fashioned. The divine powers, the divine powers, are fashioned in a supreme fashion. You speak a great word to him. You are the one who is the ruler of the Ekur.

    You are the one who ... heaven and earth, the one who ... the whole world, you are the one who ... the great heavens, the great judge, the Anuna god, the god who ... the heavens, the decision that is made, the one who ... the utterances of Enlil, you are the one who ... the words of holy An, you are the one who does not change your hand. ... the great ..., the one who ... the earth, whose fates are determined by their appearances, ... Ishme-Dagan ... ... .

    M=segment B


    [...] x x [...] x x x me he2-na-x [...] [...] [...] en gal x (d)nusku sag en3 tar dingir gal-gal-e-ne (d)nusku nun nir-gal2 e2-kur-ra sag en3 tar x x szul a2 ag2-e gal-zu esz-bar x x dingir? zi x x x ki ag2 x szudu3 gesz tuku u4 e2-kur za-gin3 esz3 me i-i ezen-gin7 du3-a-ba (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi hi-li-a mu-un-dur2-ru-ne-esz-a-ba inim sa6-ga (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-na ka ku3-zu he2-em-tum3 i3-ne-du11 u4 szu2-sze3 e-ne-ne-er su3-ra2-sze3 hu-mu-ne-du10 u4 e2 (d)en-lil2-la2 esz3 me i-i ezen-gin7 du3-a-ba

    (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi hi-li-a mu-un-dur2-ru-ne-esz-a-ba inim sa6-ga (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-na ka ku3-zu he2-em-tum3 i3-ne-du11 u4 szu2-sze3 e-ne-ne-er su3-ra2-sze3 hu-mu-ne-du10 szudu3 a-ra-zu-a szu mu2-mu2-da-ni igi du10 hu-mu-ni-du8-usz ti nig2 du10 bala du10 mu giri17-zal-la za-e e3-mu-na-ra-ab en-en gal-gal sig nim-ma-ke4-ne nun il2-bi he2-a nam-nun zi-gal2-la kur-kur ug3 lu-a ul-sze3 he2-ak-e (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ka igi du10 hu-mu-ni-du8-usz

    ti nig2 du10 bala du10 mu giri17-zal-la za-e e3-mu-na-ra-ab en-en gal-gal sig nim-ma-ke4-ne nun il2-bi he2-a nam-nun zi-gal2-la kur-kur ug3 lu-a ul-sze3 he2-ak-e [...] an (d)nusku [...] x-a-ni he2-me-en _ud_ x [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... May ... ... great lord Nusku, foremost one, the one who speaks the words of the great gods Nusku, the prince who is the sage of the Ekur, foremost one, the one who speaks the words of the ..., your great ..., your wise one, ..., the true god, ..., the one who loves ..., when the Ekur, like lapis lazuli, the shrine where the divine powers are established, Enlil and Ninlil have made come forth, and the good word of Ishme-Dagan, your holy mouth, he has spoken, and he has said, "For the day, for the future, let them be uttered." When the temple of Enlil, the shrine where the divine powers are established,

    Enlil and Ninlil have sung their praises. Good words to Ishme-Dagan, speak your holy mouth. May they say to you "Forever, 'Forever,'" he will say to you. The shudu priest of your prayer will speak to you. May he look at you with pleasure. May he see you with good life and a good reign. May he be praised for you. The great lords, the ones of the east, may they be the princely one. May they exercise the noble princeship in all the lands and the people. May Ishme-Dagan, son of Enlil, look at you with good looks.

    May good things, good reigns be established for you. May great lords, the scepter of Elam, may they be the princes who raise up their heads. May the great rulership of the lands, the people, be established far away. ... An and Nusku ... may ... his ... .

    P479865: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    ur-sag gal a2 gal an ki-a (d)nin-urta e2-kur-ra me 5(u) szu du7 x x x ensi2 a-a-na u18-lu sumur zi-ga x x kur-sze3 ni2 gid2-gid2-i x x x _zu_ x gu3 nun di _gan dim2_ ni2 su-a ru-ru-gu2 gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku (d)nin-urta nam-szul-a diri-ga x x usu gal mah x x zi-i-zi x x _mu un_ nam? (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] (d)en-lil2-ka he2-du7 esz3 mah-a [...] me-lem4 x x x x gal2 [...] x E x x x x x [...] (gesz)rab3 dingir-re-e-ne [...] x x x x [...] (d)a-nun-ke4-ne [...] a2-nun-gal2 mah-bi [...] x en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2

    hur-sag-ta e3-a me szar2-ra u5? x x x ur-sag gal uszum za3 dib nam-en-na szu du7 e-ne-da x nu-sa2 ur-sag gal ne3-ni-da nir-gal2 x x _gi ru_ iri? _ba ri_ x x [...] esz-bar nu-kam3-me [...] du11-ga-ni ki-bi-sze3 gar [...] dumu mah (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] x x kur-sze3 szu sza-an-sza x x kur gal? (d)en-lil2 e2-kur-ra an ki nig2-dagal-ba [...]-ba? mah-a-ni dul-la x x x sumur x [...] [...] _su_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    Great hero, great strength of heaven and earth, Ninurta, the Ekur temple, ... the ruler, his father, the faithful shepherd, ... to the mountain, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta, the supplication, the exalted one, ... ... ... ... ... of Enlil ... Enlil ... a supreme shrine ... ... ... the ... of the gods ... the ... of the Anuna gods ... the ... of the Anuna gods ... its great Anuna gods ... ... lord, son of Enlil

    From the mountain range ... great hero, who ... the ... of en priesthood, who ... the ..., great hero, who is a ..., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the great son of Enlil ... ... to the netherworld ... great mountain? of Enlil, the Ekur temple, heaven and netherworld, ... whose greatness ... work ... ... .

    M=segment B


    inim-ma-ni kal-kal-a-am3 du11-ga-ni zi-da-am3 (d)nin-urta pirig sumur nu-sze-ga nir-gal2 kur gam-gam x x x sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)nin-urta (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] igi nam-ti-la hu-mu-szi-in-bar gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im u4-ta-u18-lu i-lim u5 x x en gal-e-ne diri x x x (d)nin-urta nam-nir-ra szu du7 sag en3 tar an ki x x x en a2 szum2-ma (d)nu-nam-nir-ra ne3-ni-da nir-gal2 x x x (d)nin-urta sag-kal [...] (d)en-lil2-le [...] gu4 du7-du7-gin7 x [...] nu-sze-zu giri3-zu x [...] ur-sag gal x x x [...]

    lugal-ra kur gu2-erim2-gal2-la szu-ni-sze3 [...] (d)nin-urta (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-ra szen-szen a2-tah [...] (gesz)tukul mah-a-ni [...] ki-bala nu-sze-ga [...] udug2 mah-a-ni erim2? [...] me3 x gu2-erim2? x x (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] he2-em-ta?-x [...]

    AI Translation

    His word is mighty, his words are true Ninurta, the lion that does not give birth to a pig, the one who is not a mountain ..., the one who is a sag-gidal-demon, Ninurta, Ishme-Dagan, ..., may he be seen with life, the one who is a sag-gidal-demon, daily, the one who ..., the great lords, extra, Ninurta, the one who is a sag-demon, the one who ...s the earth, the lord who gives birth to the mighty, Nunamnir, his beloved, the one who ... Ninurta, the one who ... Enlil ... like a stag, ... ... ... ... ... ... great hero .

    king of the enemy land, to his hand ... Ninurta Ishme-Dagan, the battle, the battle ... his supreme weapon ... the enemy's land not to be ruled ... his supreme oxen ... battle ... Ishme-Dagan ... may .

    M=segment C


    [...] x [...] _ud_ x [...] x [...] en kur-ra [...] _ka asz_? [...] (d)en-ki an? [...] _en_ [...] x (d?)en?-[...] diri x [...] _masz ni_? [...] nin? [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enki ...

    M=segment D


    [...] E [...] x [...] x [...] x x [...] _bi_? [...] x-gin7? _ki_? ku3? x E [...] x x x x x _na_? [...] _ha_ x [...] _tu_? x [...] _gi_ (d)en-ki? x x [...] x x x x [...] (d)en-x _ri_ [...] x x x _na_ [...] x _ga_? [...]-am3 [...] x x [...]-a? [...] x x [...] x x

    AI Translation

    M=version B


    [...] x [...] u18-lu sumur zi-ga [...] x _ni_? pirig x [...] x-gin7 _ka ga_? [...] (d)nin-urta x [...] x x usu x [...] [...] x [...] x x _ib_? [...] x x x x [...] x _ab_? dur [...] x x x x x (gesz)rab3 dingir-re-e-ne x x gaba nu-gi4 kur-re _ka_ [...] (d)nin-urta x A (d)a-nun-na [...] en e2?-kur-ra x a2-nun-gal2 [...] u4-ta-u18-lu x a2 mah x [...] hur-sag-ta e3-a me szar2-ra [...] (d)nin-urta x [...] _ud_? [...] nam-en-na szu du7 [...] ur-sag gal kur [...] _in_? x [...] na4?-bi sug-za3-ge4 tesz2?-bi x [...]-gu7

    sa2 pa3-de3 esz-bar nu-kam3?-me (d)nin-urta du11-ga-ni ki-bi-sze3 gar ur-sag en? dumu mah (d)en-lil2-la2 x x _ma_ x-a kur-sze3 szu sza-an-sza (d)nin-urta mah-di e2-kur-ra x [...] x [...] x _ba_ u18-lu mah-a-ni [...] x x _ru_ sumur-ra2 ki-bala x x x _zi2_ x _li bu_ nu-sze-ga x x (d)nin-urta x x-ga-bi x x ur-sag gal gu2-erim2-gal2-la ur2 x x ur-sag igi x x (d)en-lil2 x x x _ni in_ x x x x x x _sum_ x x x x x x x x A-A x [...]-ta erim2-e gu2 x x [...]-a-ni kur-ra szu-mu-x x [...] kalam-ma tug2-gin7 szi-im-szu4? [...] _du_

    x _esz_ [...] ur-sag gal x [...] (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne [...] x x x-a-ni [...] [...] kal-kal [...] [...] pirig sumur? [...] [...] gam-gam x [...] sa-gid2-da-am3 [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] [...] nam-ti? [...] gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im u4-ta-u18-lu x nam-nun-na [...] mi-tum? [...]-e erim2 [...] (d)nin-urta nam-nir-ra za3 dib sag en3 tar x x x bala _ri_ x [...] en a2 szum2-ma (d)nu-nam-nir-ra ne3-ni-da nir-gal2 me3-sze3 gub-bu x (d)nin-urta x x gu2-gal x x am gal? [...] (d)en-lil2-le [...] am [...] x _ta_? A?

    [...] (d)en-lil2 kur gal-la [...] hur-sag su13-su13-ra? [...] gu2-erim2-gal2-la x x [...] x szu-ni-sze3 _ru_? [...] [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu [...] [...]-am3 [...] kur-ra szu ur4-ur4 [...] [...]-gin7 _si_? x [...] [...] _ru_ a2 [...] [...] x hul [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta ... Anuna ... lord of the Ekur ... Anungal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... from the mountains ... mighty divine powers ... Ninurta ... ... ... enship ... great hero of the land ... ... ... its stones ... its ... .

    ... he did not decide a decision. Ninurta ... to this place. The hero, the lord?, the exalted son of Enlil, ... to the netherworld, ... Ninurta, the exalted one, the Ekur temple ... ... his exalted ... ... the lands ... ... ... Ninurta ... ... the great hero, the great enemy ... ... the hero before ... Enlil ... ... ... his ... to the netherworld ... ... the nation ... like a garment .

    ... great hero ... the Anuna gods ... his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta, the kingship ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninurta, the kingship ...

    ... Enlil, the great mountain ... the rugged mountain range ... the great enemy ... ... in his hand ... Ishme-Dagan, son of ... ... ... the mountain ... like ... ... ... ... evil .

    P479866: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] _zi_ im-mi-x-x [...] _na_? du11-ga-ni szu zi gar [...] x-na hi-li su3 e2-kur-ra [...] _mi_? dingir gal-gal-e-ne en gal mah an-na [...] [...] ki-tusz? dingir na-me _har_ [...] [...] mah en kur ki-gub-ba a-a (d)nanna [...] [...] iti u4-sakar gu-a gi-ne2 mu ki-bi?-sze3 [...]-gar [...] x ug3 lu-a nam-ti [...] [...] x kur-kur si sa2-sa2 [...] (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-bi a zal-le tum3 [...] kur-re [...] x sze gu-nu [...] [...] ki? dagal-e? u2-szim [...] [...] _mu_? x _nu_? [...] [...] en (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...]

    x x ki szu mu-a-da-gal2 za-da hul2? [...]-en? x x mah an-e (d)en-lil2-le a-a (d)nanna sag-e-esz rig7 x x x x zalag-ga ni2 u3-mu-ni-gid2 u4-de3 sa2 i?-x-du11 [...]-na szu gal du8-a-bi ki-a u3-mu-ni-ge-en u4 nu2-a iti szu du7-a-zu ug3-e u3-x-pa3 en kur-ra di gal mu-ku5-re6-en ka-asz mah mu-bar-re-en (d)en-ki (d)nin-ki en gal nun gal en nam tar-re-bi e3-a ka-za-ke4 sza-ba-an-su8-ge-esz a-a u4-sakar u3?-tu? mu-szi-x-esz nun nig2-si-sa2 ka-ga14 i3-ni-gar nig2-du7 pa bi2-e3

    sza3 u4 mu-a-du10 nam ki-bi-sze3 u4 mu-a-tar me-lem4-zu u4 _mi_ x gesz-he2 dagal-la gir2 u4 mu-ni-bur2 ku10-ku10 x mu-a-dadag e3-zu-sze3 sizkur2 a-ra-zu-a (d)a-nun-na x im-ma-su8-su8-ge-esz u4-sakar dalla e3-a hi-li gur3-ru u6 di du10-ga-zu-sze3 nin gal ki-ur3-ra ama (d)nin-lil2 x-ra hul2-la mu-ni-ib-_du_ e2-ga2-gesz-szu2-a ki-tusz sza3 hul2-la e2-gal ni2 guru3-na nin zi mah ab2 zi mas-su2 A x x x x x a-ra-zu sza-ba-an-de6 sa-gid2-da-am3 en dadag (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan x x x a2 nun hu-mu-te-gal2

    gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-am3 en an-na men gal mah-bi _im_ [...] x (d)nin-lil2 x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... his command ... ... the ... of the Ekur temple ... the great gods, the great lord of An ... ... the residence? of the god ... ... the great lord of the land, the place of ... father Nanna ... ... the month of the sakar festival, the regular offering, the year in which ... ... the people, life ... the lands, the good ones ... the Tigris and Euphrates, the water of the ... of the lands ... the barley of the ... ... the wide earth ... ... ... ... lord Ishme-Dagan .

    ... ... ... ... ... supreme ... An and Enlil, father Nanna, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enki and Ninki, great lords, great princes, great lords, ... ... ... ... ... fathers, ... ... the princes of justice, he set up a ... .

    The one who ... the day, who decrees the fate of its place, the day that your divinity ... the wide ... of the day, who ... the day, who makes the day shine, who makes the day shine, who makes the prayer of your prayer ... the Anuna ... joyfully, who brings the bright day into the morning, who brings the radiance of your good omens, who makes the great lady of the Ki'ur ... rejoice, who makes the Egagashua a dwelling of joy, who makes the palace shine with a scepter, the great lady, the true cow, the true cow, the ... of your prayer, who makes your prayer a long one, the en priestess Ishme-Dagan, ..., who makes the prince's ... abundant,

    The geshgigal, the long-haired one, lord of An, whose great majesties ... Ninlil .

    M=segment B


    sza3 _mu_? [...] mu mah-a-ni _an_ [...] x x lugal _an_ x x a-a-zu me-ta me ma-ra-an-szum2 en (d)nu-nam-nir-e nam tar-re a-ra2 nam-(d)en-lil2-la2 sag-e-esz hu-mu-rig7 sag mi-ri-ni-il2 en gal (d)en?-lil2?-le nun-ba mi-ni-in-ku4-re-en men aga zi bara2 mah ku3-ga dalla mu-ra-ni-in-e3 kur-kur ku6-gin7 za3 du11-ga-ba sag kesz2-bi ma-ra-an-szum2 su8?-ba?-gin7? x x [...] nun kur-kur-ra-ke4 [...] an ki szu2-a-ba za-e na-an-na dingir na-me x _ti_ musz3 ku3 an ku3-ga x-ra masz2-zu u4-gin7 x [...]-e?

    buru14 ezen gal hi-li si-a-ba kalam szi-im-szi-hul2?-x ug3 sag ge6-ga a-a-bi-gin7 igi-bi szu-mu-a-szi-gal2 en gal ga-ti-le gesz tuku-me-en ki ag2 kalam-ma-me-en uri2(ki) uz3-sag gal ki-en-gi-ra iri an-da mu2-a ul-ul-la esz3 masz2-a du3-a (e2)tur3 sza3 hul2-za ha-ra-ni-ib-_asz_ a-ra2-e (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan x ab2 ku3-ga sag _ne_? ninda2 gu4 du10 ha-ra-ni-ib-u5-e numun zi ha-ra-ab-i-i i3 sag ga sag ga unu2 ku3-za _ni_ x hu-mu-pesz-pesz-e x x mah gaba nu-_sza_ x masz2-za-ke4 x x-e x x ki nin ki mah x x x x x x x

    x x x _ma_ gesz-hur [...] si ha-ra-ab-sa2-sa2?-e [...] x _ba_? _im_ szim [...] ha-ra-ab-x x x x x ku3-sig17 si-a-zu nin x x (d)nin-gal x x-ba u4-gin7 dalla he2-ni-in-e3 hu-mu-a-ti-en x x gal-la (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan x x hu-mu-ra-ab-be2 sa-gar-ra-am3 x x (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] nu-kur2-ru-da? he2-a gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gar-ra-bi-im en? gal an ku3-ta nam tar-re gal-an-zu x x en dadag an ku3-ta nam tar-re gal-zu (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 mas-su2 a-ba-ra ki-i gal he2-na-a-ag2

    a-da-ab (d)nanna

    AI Translation

    ... ... his great name ...

    The harvest, the great festival, the rejoicing of the land, the ... of the people, the beginning of the night, like its father, Shumu-ashgal, the great lord, the one who listens, the one who loves the land, I am Ur, the great uzsag priest of Sumer, the city that grew up in heaven, the shrine that was built for the goats, the temple that makes the heart happy, may it be yours! May it be yours! May Ishme-Dagan, the pure cow, the ... of the pure cow, may he eat good food, may he eat the true seed. May oil, the head, the head, the head, the holy utu priestess, ... ... ... the holy ..., the ... of the pure ..., .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... your gold ... may ... Ningal ... like daylight be ... may he be ... Great ... Ishme-Dagan ... may he be ... The sagar is ... Ishme-Dagan, son of Enlil, ... not changed ... May ... be its geshgigal The great en priestess?, from An, the fates of your lord, from An, the fates of your priestess, Ishme-Dagan, son of Enlil, he may be a great heir,

    Adab, Nanna;

    M=segment A


    ki [...] u4 nu2-a [...] ug3 [...] en kur-ra [...] ka-asz [...] (d)en-ki (d)nin-ki [...] en [...] e3-a [...] a-a x [...] nun nig2 [...] [...] sza3? [...] e2 [...] e2-gal ni2 gur3-x-na

    AI Translation

    ... the day that ... the people ... the lord of the netherworld ... the mouth ... Enki and Ninki ... the lord ... when he came out ... father ... prince ... ... inside ... palace .

    M=segment B


    [...]-e [...] x _ezen_? [...] x [...] x x [...] x x _ga_? [...] x-gin7? _ki_? ku3? x E [...] x x x x x x-na [...] _ha_ x (x x) _tu_? x [...] _gi_ (d)en?-x x E [...] x x x x [...] (d)en?-x _ri_ [...] (d)isz-x-x-da?-gan?-na [...]-mu?-x-ab?-be2 sa-gar-ra-am3 [...] (d)en-lil2-la2? [...]-a gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gar?-ra-bi-im [...] x _zu_? u18-ru12-bi-im? a-da-ab (d)nanna-kam

    AI Translation

    P479867: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ki-sikil (d)inanna dumu (d)suen-na-ka me kalam-ma diri nig2-nam-e sa2 di an-na me dab5-dab5-be2 ki-a me ur4-ur4-e il2-la dib? sag an-ne2 us2-e me-lem4-a-ni izi su3-e il2-la-gin7 ge6 u3-na bi2-gi dingir na-me gaba-ri-ni-sze3 nu-gub-bu e-ne-ra im-ma-zal (d)inanna-ra an tuk4-tuk4-e ki sag3-sag3-ge ub-da 4(disz)-ba szu-ni gal2-le nam-nin gal-bi ak me3 szen-szen-e ka du8-e gesz gesz-e la2-e nam-ur-sag-bi am sumun2-gin7 tesz2-bi-da du7-du7 usz2 erim2-ma a-gin7 ki-e na8-na8 ad6-bi gar-gar-e

    erin2 gar3 dar-ra-bi nam-ra-asz szum2-mu igi-a su8-ga-bi ug3 ki-ta an-na-sze3 e11-de3 ug3 kur2 ki szu bala-e kur2 zalag ku10-ku10-sze3 du3 ku10-ku10 zalag-sze3 dib-be2 (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi ku3 (d)inanna-ra mu-na-an-szum2-mu-usz an ki-a gaba-ri nu-mu-ni-in-tuku-usz e2 x x ama5 ki ga2-ga2 sag-e-esz mu-ni-in-rig7-esz dam x [...]-sze3? szum2-mu tesz2-bi du10-ge nam-sze3 mu-ni-in-tar-re-esz ni2-tuku-na ki-tusz ki gar-ra-na sza3 zalag-ga ga2-ga2 ni2 nu-tuku-na e2 du3-a-na ur5 sa6-ge nu-ga2-ga2

    nitah munus-a munus nitah-a-bi ku4-ku4 szu bala ba-a-ak ki-sikil-e-ne nam-gurusz-e tug2 zi-da mu4-mu4 gurusz-e-ne nam-ki-sikil-e-esz2 tug2 gab2-bu mu4-mu4 x zu nitah-e-ne (gesz?)bala szu-ba? ga2?-ga2 munus-e-ne-er (gesz)tukul szum2-mu eme bungu munus-e e-ne di eme munus-e bungu e-ne di nig2 galam-ma gar-gar ga2 kur2-ra _ka_-ge _tum_ x (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi (d)inanna-ra szu-ni-sze3 mu-un-gar-re-esz e2-gal e2 nam-nin-ka-ni nu-gig an-na-ra mu-na-an-du3-usz su zi im-da-ri-esz

    (gesz)rab3 kur-kur-ra-ka mi-ni-in-ku4-re-esz ni2 me-lem4 bi2-in-guru3-usz sag ge6 szu ri-ri-e-de3 _ka_-bi x _ma_ x [...] di ug3 szar2-ra si sa2-e-de3 zi tam-me x [...] lu2 nig2-a2-zi ka-ga14 mi-ni-in-gal2-la-ar gar-x kilib3-ba-bi ku3 (d)inanna-ra szu-ni im-mi-in-si-si-esz (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan sag us2 musz nu-tum2-mu _mu a2_ x x szum2 (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi nu-pa3 dam-sze3 mu-na-an-szum2-mu-usz e2 dingir-re-e-ne du3-du3-de3 szukur2-u4-bi szub-szub-bu-de3 gi-gun4-na-bi szen-szen-e-de3 bara2-bi ku3-ge-de3

    unu2-ba kurun2 lal3 kasz kurun-bi u4 szu2-usz gi-ne2-de3 (d)inanna (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-bi (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-bi sag-e-esz mu-ni-in-rig7-esz nibru(ki) mah en nin-zu-gin7 dingir na-me nu-dib sza3-zu-a ki-sikil (d)inanna-ra me mu-na-ni-in-szum2-mu-usz (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en du-ri2-sze3 ka-ga14 mu-ni-gar

    AI Translation

    The lady Inanna, the daughter of Sin, the divine powers of the land, the more powerful powers, the ... powers of heaven, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the ... powers, the divine powers, the divine powers, the four powers, the great lady, the one who reaches the ... of battle, the one who reaches the ..., the heroism like a wild bull, the one who reaches the ground like water, the one who reaches the ground like water, the one who reaches the ground like a flood, the one who reaches the ground like a flood, the one who reaches the ground like a flood, the one who reaches the ground like a flood,

    Its troops, who are adorned with a scepter, are adorned with a scepter. They are brought up from the earth to heaven. The people of the foreign land, the foreign land, the land of a dynasty, the land of a shining shine, they say. Enlil and Ninlil, holy Inanna, gave them to him. They did not have the upper hand in heaven and earth. They presented the temple ..., the mother of the earth, with a head in hand, and the wife ... They gave him a good heart and a fate. They did not have the lower hand in the dwelling where he was established. They did not have the upper hand in the temple, they did not have the good heart in the temple.

    The male donkey, the female donkey, has entered the bala. The male donkeys are wearing a good garment, the male donkeys are wearing a good garment, the female donkeys are wearing a ... garment, the male donkeys are wearing a ... garment. The male donkeys are ... in the bala. The female donkeys are ..., the female donkeys are ..., the female donkeys are ..., the things that are ..., the things that are ..., the ... of Enlil and Ninlil, Inanna, he placed in his hands. The palace, his temple of queenship, which is unceasing to An, he built and he made it shine with a bright light.

    He entered the rab of all the lands, he made the fearsomeness shine forth, he made the beginning of the night a raging storm, ... ... the judgment of the many people, he made the righteous ... ... he made the righteous ... he made it abundant, and its whole body he made ... holy Inanna bow down. Ishme-Dagan, the ..., the ..., the name of Enlil and Ninlil, he gave to him as a wife. He made the temples of the gods build, he made its cult centers disappear, he made its gigunas disappear, he made its sanctuaries disappear, he made its sanctuaries disappear,

    Inanna, Ishme-Dagan, Enlil and Ninlil presented their offerings. Nippur, the great en priestess, your mistress, is the god who does not leave your heart. Your heart, the lady of Inanna, gave me the divine powers. Ishme-Dagan, in the future, placed it at my disposal.

    P479868: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (gesz)gigir mah (d)en-lil2 en gesztu2-ga a-a dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 e2-kur esz3 mah-a-na dim2-me-za bi2-in-du11 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan sipa gal-zu mu du10 sa4-a sza3 ama sig7 u3-tu mas-su2 kalam-ma-ka me ku3 sikil-zu pa e3 ak-de3 a2-bi mu-un-da-an-ag2 szu mu-ra-de6 ga2-la nu-mu-e-ta-dag-ge [...] (na4)za-gin3-na mi-ni-in-sig7-ge-en [...] x-a-ta ba-an-gub-be2-en [...] x x x x _ma 2_(disz)-bi nig2 u6 di gal2-me-en (gesz)szu-kar2-zu dalla mah im-e3 (gesz)tir szim (gesz)erin-na-gin7

    (gesz)ma-gid2-zu _ni-ir-ki_ a-gar3 ab-sin2 gal2 tak4-a he2-gal2 sze gu-nu su-din-zu dungu sir2-zu x an-na gu2 tesz2 la2-a-me-en (gesz)erin2-zu-ta (gesz)rab3 mah-zu nu-e3 erim2 szu ri-ri-me-en (gesz)gag sa11 la2-zu sa-par4 gal nu2-a an ki-ta? la2-a-me-en [...]-zu gu2 pesz-a [...]-me-en? [...] x _zu a ab du_ [...]-e-me-en (gesz)sag-kul husz-ba _szi-ik-szu ki x_ [...]-ka-a se3-ga-zu kur erim2 gam-gam-e-me-en x (gesz)sag-kul husz-ba-zu [...] x-me-en [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]

    sahar-gi4-zu (d)utu an-ur2 [...] _su_ giri3 e2 nam [...] sag-ki sahar-gi4-zu he2-du7 [...] A x x _te_? dib-ba-me-en a2-szita4-a-zu (d)nanna an-sza3-ga hi-li du8-du8-me-en (gesz)gag-a-zu _za-ra_ kar2 x x x a-ge6 sur-sur-re-me-en e2-su-lum-ma-zu usan3 x x x ansze i-sze3 zi-zi-i-x-me-en-zi?-zi (gesz)_dub_-zu (sa)szu2-usz-gal ba9-ra2 erim2-du nu-e3-me-en gaba-gal2-zu me mah nam-nun-na-kam gal-bi kig2-kig2-ga2-me-en (u2)|_ki-kal_|-zu ur-sag-e-ne tesz2-ba du7-du7-me-en

    sza3-su3-zu gurusz sul-sul-e-ne gu2-da la2-la2-me-en da-da-zu ki [...] tesz2-a x x-me-en giri3-gub-zu [...] x [...]-me-en (gesz)gu-za-zu [...]-me-en u4-ba disz-me-(d)da-gan x x lugal-a-ni (d)en-lil2-ra (gesz)gigir-e ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 (na4)za-gin3-na szu mu-na-ni-tag sa-gid2-da-am3 ezen gal-a-ni szu du7-a (gesz)gigir-ra giri3-ni gub-gub-ba-ni-ta ama (d)nin-lil2 nitalam-ma-ni gu2-da mu-ni-in-la2 (d)nin-urta ur-sag kal-ga-ni (d)a-nun-na ki (d)en?-lil2-la2-ka egir-ra-a-ni im-us2

    (gesz)gigir nim-gin7 gir2-gir2-re x x mur sza4-bi du10-ga-am3 dur3(ur3)-a-ni erin2-na la2-am3? (d)en-lil2 (gesz)gigir ba mah-a-ni-a zalag-ga-ni na-e3 geszkim-ti a-a-na (d)nin-urta-ke4? har-ra-an mu-na-ab-sa6-ge ki ur5 sa6-ge ki a nam tar-ra im-ma-ti-a-ra lugal x x ku3?-ta nam-ta-an-e3 ezen na-mu-un-gar [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] sza3? hul2 x x [...] x (gesz)szu-kar2 gana2 x-sze3 um-ta-a-e3-a-am3 (gesz)al-e (gesz)apin-e gesz nam-erin2 a-da-min3 ha-mu-ra-an-e

    (d)nin-urta-ke4 (gesz)apin ku3-ge si nam-mi-in-sa2 gana2 zi na-ur11-ru guru7-du6 guru7-masz (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 gu2 gur-gur-ru-de3 numun zi na-mu-gar szul ur-sag e2-kur za-gin3-na sag il2-la mu-un-ku4 en (d)nin-urta-ke4 (d)en-lil2-ra sizkur mu-na-ab-be2 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan sipa szu du7-a? unu6? giri3-za si-ga-ra lugal (gesz)gigir-ra ma-ra-an-dim2-ma-ra igi zi bar-mu-un-sze (d)inanna dumu gal ki ag2-zu nitalam-sze3 szum2-mu-an u4 ul-sze3 gu2-da ha-mu-ri-in-la2 hi-li nig2 ku7-ku7-da ur2 ku3

    nam-ti si-a-na u4 ha-ba-ni-ib-su3-re6 sa-gar-ra-am3 tigi (d)en-lil2-la2-kam

    AI Translation

    The great chariot of Enlil, the lord of wisdom, father of the gods, in the Ekur, his supreme shrine, he spoke to him: Ishme-Dagan, your great shepherd, who has a good name, who has a happy mother, a privileged father, who has engendered the Land, your pure divine powers, he has made manifest, he has made it manifest, he has made it manifest, he has not ceased to give food, he has made it shine like a ..., ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a ... forest, juniper,

    Your chariot, your ...,

    Your sahargizu, Utu, ... ..., the foot of the temple of ..., your sahargizu, may ...

    Your heart, young man, the sulsul priests, you are the one who carries the ..., your father, the place of ..., you are the one who carries the ..., you are the one who ..., you are the one who carries the ..., at that time, Dishme-Dagan, his king, to Enlil, a chariot of silver, gold, and lapis lazuli he decorated for him. The sagda, his great ezen, he made perfect, and the chariot, his feet he set up for him, and the mother Ninlil, his beloved daughter, he made stand before him. Ninurta, his mighty warrior, the Anuna, with Enlil, he departed behind him.

    The chariot, like a lightning bolt, ... its ..., its ... is good, its horns are not good, its horns are not good. Enlil, his exalted chariot, his shining face is not to go. The omen of his father Ninurta is to go on the road. The place of the good, the place of the water, the fate of the fate, is to be determined. The king, ... from the silver, shall not go out, he shall not set up a ..., ...

    For Ninurta, the pure plow, he made it stand there. The true field, the treasury, the treasury of Enlil, he made it stand there. He made the true seed a firm foundation for him. The young warrior, the shining E-kur, he made it stand there. For the lord Ninurta, Enlil, he made a sacrifice. Ishme-Dagan, the shepherd who is able to carry off the unu-vessel, the king who made a chariot, he made a good appearance for him. Inanna, your beloved daughter, to give birth to a child, may she be able to carry it for him forever. The pure reeds, the pure ur-stone,

    for his life he shall return it to him. The sagara-offering is the tigi-offering of Enlil.

    P479869: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _im_ u5 nun dingir-re-e-ne [...] me szar2?-ra-ba dur2 gar (d)nu-nam-nir en a2 ag2-ga2 zi-da me gal-gal-la szu du7 a-a (d)en-lil2 ni2-zu an ki-a pa e3 sza-ba-ni-e3 dingir an-na an-na bi2-su8-ug mu du10 im-mi-in-sa4 x x _ka_ x lugal-ba igi mu-ni-si-si [...]-bi _ne_ x _zu_ (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-bi igi-zu-usz si mu-sa2-e-esz (d)en-lil2 inim ku3 du11-ga mah-zu-sze3 gizzal im-szi-ma-an-ak-esz (d)nu-nam-nir? an ki nigin2-na-bi dili-zu-ni mah-me-en [...] x (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne (gesz)rab3 mah kur-kur-ra

    [...]-zu su3-u4 en nig2-nam-ma-ni dib du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me-dam [...] gal-la-a me-zu me?-a diri a-ra2-zu nig2 galam-ma-am3 x nam-kal kur ki su3-ra2-sze3? sipa zi-bi za-e?-me-en a-a (d)en-lil2 ki-ur3 (d)ur-an-ki sza3-ge pa3-da-za _zu_? x e2-kur ki ag2-zu szu-mu-ra-an-du3 bara2 mah-zu szu-mu-un-ri esz3-za me-bi me kal-kal-a-am3 szu-luh zi-bi mah-am3 garza-bi ku3-ku3-ga-am3 nig2 ka-ge dib-ba-am3 e2-kur-ra sza3-bi galam kad4-am3 nig2 lu2 nu-zu-am3 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan gesz-hur me zi-bi si ha-ra-ab-sa2-sa2-e

    sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)en-lil2 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu ki ag2-za nam-lugal-la-a-na bala-bi ha-ra-su3-u4 gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im (d)en-lil2 en gal dingir-re-e-ne ug3 szar2-ra-bi-sze3 il2-la [...] en gal dingir-re-e-ne ug3 szar2-ra-bi-sze3 il2-la [...] inim mah du11-ga-zu x sag-ba du-am3 [...] nig2 nu-kur2-ru du11-ga-zu ki-bi-sze3 gar [...] x tuku sag us2 e2-za-ra [...] _un_-sze3 nam du10 tar-mu-ni-ib (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ka [...] _ri_ [...] an ki za3 til-be2-esz [...] he2-em-mah

    [...] x-bi he2-bad-bad [...] ki kur he2-em-szi-gam-e [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] he2-me-en [...] x he2-me-en [...]-sub2-ba [...] he2-me-en [...] he2-en-gal2 [...] _zi_ he2-szi-mah [...] sag-e-esz he2-rig7 [...] ga2-la nu-dag-ge he2-me-en [...] x ki ku3 ki sikil x [...] im-mi-ib2-gal2 sa-gar-ra-am3 [...] (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne [...] (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne [...] x x x bala du10 mu nam-he2 [...] sag-e-esz rig7-mu-ni-ib2 u18-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab (d)en-lil2-la2-kam

    AI Translation

    ... ... the prince of the gods ... the great divine powers ... Nunamnir, lord who has a command, who has a great divine powers, who makes perfect the will of father Enlil, whose heart is devoted to heaven and earth, the god An has made a good name for him, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil ... the divine words ... he has sworn. Nunamnir, ... ... ... the Anuna ... a supreme throne of the lands

    ... your ..., the lord who has no authority, you are not a ..., your great ..., your greatness, your greatness, your greatness, your strength, your strength, ..., the mighty ... of the land, your true shepherd, you are father Enlil, the Ki'ur, Ur-anki, you are the one who makes the heart rejoice, ... your beloved Ekur, you are the one who makes your great dais shine, your supreme dais shine, your shrine, its me, its me, the mighty me, its shuluh, its garza is pure, its word is a word of a utterance, the Ekur, its heart is a ..., it is something that cannot be said, Ishme-Dagan, may the divine plans and its divine plans be favourable,

    a long-lasting scepter for Enlil and Ishme-Dagan, the beloved son of his beloved, may his reign be prolonged. Its scepter for Enlil, the great lord of the gods, the people of all the lands, may ... the great lord of the gods, the people of all the lands, may ... your exalted word, ... whose head is ..., whose utterance is unalterable, placed on its foundation ... ... ... ... ... the head of the Eza ... to the people, the good fate which Ishme-Dagan, son of Enlil, ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a good reign, a life ...

    P479870: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] [...] sza3 ku3-ga x [...] inim se3-se3-ge inim-ma-ni u18-ru esz-bar-e x [...] x x x igi-du dingir-re-e-ne nig2-nam-ma gal-zu [...] x x (d)en-ki sza3 kusz2 an ku3-ga ad gi4-gi4 kur gal [...] [...] igi-du dingir-re-e-ne nig2-nam-ma gal-zu [...] x x (d)en-ki sza3 kusz2 an ku3-ga ad gi4-gi4 kur gal [...] sa2 pa3-de3 du11-ga-ni nu-kam3-me a-ra2-a-ni ni2 [...] sza3 su3-u4-gal2 me szar2-ra u5-a (d)en?-lil2-gin7 [...] (d)nu-dim2-mud bara2 ku3 si-par3-si-par3 _an_ [...]

    lugal a-ra2 zu (d)en-lil2-la2 sag en3 tar [...] [...] za3 dib dumu-sag an ku3-ga me-ni szu nu-te-ga2 [...] (d)en-lil2 ban3-da du11-ga zi-da gesz-hur-e x [...] (d)nu-dim2-mud en nam tar-tar-re kalam ge-en [...] (d)en-ki gu4 gal eridu(ki)-ga il2 [...] x x x bulug3 diri (d)a-nun-ke4-ne [...] x _nu dub un ka_? [...] [...] u8?-gin7 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the pure heart ... his word is a decision ... ... the wise one of the gods, your greatness ... Enki, the pure heart of heaven, the one who restores the great mountain ... the wise one of the gods, your greatness ... Enki, the pure heart of heaven, the one who restores the great mountain ... whose command cannot be changed, his heart ... ... the mighty, mighty divine powers, as Enlil ... Nudimmud, the holy dais, the sippar-sipar .

    King who is to be praised by Enlil, the one who ..., ... ... ..., the first-born son of holy An, whose divine powers cannot be altered ..., Enlil, who speaks truthfully, ..., Nudimmud, the lord who decrees the fates of the land, ..., Enki, the great bull of Eridu, ..., the extra bundles of the Anuna gods ... ... like a ewe? .

    M=segment B


    [...] x gal2-la [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] [...] x _ud ha_ [...] [...] _ne_ e2? (d)en-lil2 [...] [...] (d)en-lil2-la2-ra _ka_ [...] du11-ga-ni? [...] [...] sza3 kusz2 an ku3-ga [...] [...] x _zi ta du_?

    AI Translation

    ... ... Ishme-Dagan ... ... ... of the temple? of Enlil ... of Enlil ... his command ... inside the pure skin of heaven ... .

    M=segment C


    (d)nu-dim2-mud [...] en eridu(ki) [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] a2?-zu mu-da-[...]-ag2 [...] igi-gal2 pa3 [...] gesz-hur tuku [...] ku3-zu nig2-nam-ma [...] kig2? mah [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Nudimmud ... lord of Eridu ... Ishme-Dagan ... son of Enlil ... Your ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Your holy ...

    M=segment D


    [...] me diri [...] [...] _aga_? _tum li_ [...] x x kurun2 (kasz)uluszin3 x [...] |_ki-lugal-gub_|-a szu si ha-ra-[...]-sa2 [...] giri17 szu ha-ra-[...]-gal2 [...] sizkur2-ra ma-ra-ni-ib2-be2 x [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam-ti-la-na u4 zi-ga u4 ha-ba-ni-ib2-su3-u4 x a-a (d)en-ki (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nam-ti-la-na u4 zi-ga u4 ha-ba-ni-ib2-su3-u4 x gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im bala-bala-e (d)en-ki-ka-kam

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ishme-Dagan, son of Enlil, may his life be long and may he live long. Father Enki, Ishme-Dagan, son of Enlil, may his life be long and may he live long. ... its geshgigal ... ... of Enki.

    P479871: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    en gal mah x dingir-re-e-ne di-zu galam u18-ru a-a (d)en-ki nir-gal2 uszum za3 dib nam ki-bi-sze3 tar-re me lu-lu-a-ba dur2 gar-ra sze-er-zi-de3-esz gun3-a nun gal sag kesze2 dingir-re-e-ne [...] x an ku3-ga

    AI Translation

    Great lord, ... of the gods, your decision is a matter of wonder, father Enki, the mighty, the ushum priest, the one who ... the fates of its place, who determines the fates of the gods, who sets the rites in order, the great prince, the head of the gods, ... holy An,

    M=segment B


    x x _im_ [...] _ka_ ki-zu [...] nam tar-ra-zu ki-bi-sze3 szi-gar (d)en-lil2 ban3-da-me-en (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne me szu mu-ni-ib2-hal-ha-x ki-ur3 ki-tusz ku3 mu-ne-ga2-ga2 nir sag il2-bi-me-en nam-mah-zu nig2 szu nu-te-ge26-dam _a du_ x [...] abzu kur me nun-na du3-a ki sikil-la [...] sug gal sug musz-a la2-a eridu(ki) esz3 [...] sa-gid2-da-am3 a-a (d)en-ki (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] ki? tur gal he2-x [...] gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im (d)en-ki en dumu-sag an-na [...]

    nitalam-zu ku3 (d)dam-gal-nun-na [...] he2-me-da-an-[...] a-a (d)en-ki gu2-da hu-mu-e-x-la2 x sza3 hu-mu-da-ab-kusz2-u3 inim sa6-ga (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-na [...] nam-szita2 lugal-la2 su3-ra2 [...] gu3 zi de2-a (d)en-lil2-la2 x [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan sipa inim-ma [...] dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] me-lem4-a-ni kalam-ma szu mu-ra-an-[...] an ki za3 x [...] nir he2-gal2 kur-kur lu-a-ba gaba gi4 na-[...]-tuku (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan sig-da igi-nim-sze3 [...] mu-na-ab-du7 dingir kalam-ma-ke4 szir3-re [...]

    (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-e si hu-mu-x [...]-sa2 x he2-gal2 hu-mu-na-ab-tum2-mu ubur an-na-ke4 gal2 hu-mu-na-ab-da13-da13 buru14-bi he2-na-[...] gana2 gal-gal-la sze ziz2 gig gu2-nida [...] he2-na-[...] guru7 _tul2_-e gu2 ha-mu-na-ab-gur (d)ezina2 hu-mu-x-[...] sa-gar-ra-am3 a-a (d)en-ki (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan nam-lugal [...] bala he2-gal2-la sag-esz2 [...]-rig7 gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gar-ra-bi-im

    AI Translation

    ... ... your place ... Your fate is determined in that place I am the shuba of Enlil, I am the Anuna, the great gods, who ... the divine powers. I ... the sacred Ki'ur, I am the one who makes the divine powers manifest. Your greatness is something that cannot be changed. ... Abzu, the mountain of divine powers, built by the pure place. ... large ..., ... ... Eridu, the shrine ... It is a sag. It is the father Enki and Ishme-Dagan ... May the small ... ... It is a sag. Enki, the lord, the first-born son of An .

    Your holy nitalam, Damgalnuna, ... may he ..., father Enki, may he ..., may he ... in ..., the good word of Ishme-Dagan, ... the royal shita service, ... the true voice of Enlil, ... Ishme-Dagan, the shepherd who speaks, ... son of Enlil, ... his divine power ... the Land, ... heaven and earth ..., the scepter of abundance in all the lands, the one who ..., Ishme-Dagan, the scepter of the people, ... he made ... for him. The god of the Land, he .

    The Tigris and Euphrates ... I ..., and the abundance I ... I ..., and the ubur of heaven I ..., and its harvest I ..., and the great fields, the barley and the saggil grains and the saggil grains ... I ..., and the ... of the granary I ..., and the ... of the goddess Ishme-Dagan, the kingship ... I ..., and the geshgigal-tree is its sagar.

    P479872: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    (d)en-lil2 diri-sze3 [...] [...] x [...] dingir gal-gal-e-ne sag kesz2-bi (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne temen-bi (d)en-ki-(d)en-ki tug2 zi-gal2-bi me gal-gal-a-ni sag2 di nu-zu [...]-ni sag-bi-sze3 e3-a [...]-ni na-me sa2 nu-di [...]-me-ni ni2-ba gi4-gi4 [...]-ni an ki-bi du10-du10 [...]-ni iri ki du3-du3 [...]-ni kalam ki ga2-ga2 [...] x gesztu2 u4 zal-la szu du7 [...] a2 ag2-e gal-zu [...] A nig2-zi ki-bi-sze3 gar ad gi4-gi4 inim-ma nu-kusz2-u3 A [...] esz-bar-e di-di x [...]-ma di-ku5 an ki x [...]-ni-sze3 gal2-la

    nig2-zi-gal2 x x lah5-lah5-e a-a (d)en-lil2 sipa sag ge6-ga x x x-ni-ta kur gam-e [...]-ni za3 an ki gi-ne2 inim du11-ga-ni ka tesz2-e ga2-ga2 en li-ib-a-ni kur-ra du-du nig2 ak-ni su zi ri-a di galam-ma-ni na-me nu-pa3-de3 nam-zu-ni-sze3 kur-re giri17 szu gal2 a2 sa-par4 gal kur-re dub-ba sa-al-hub2 _igi szu gan_ nu-sze-ga szu2-a an-sze3 _du_ ki?-tusz? ga2-la nu-dag-ge me nig2-nam-ma da-ga-an-ba szu ti-a gesz-hur nig2-ul-e za3 kesz2-ra2 ub-da 4(disz)-ba u18-lu i3-dul4 (d)en-lil2 dib-ba-ni szu tig4-ge26-e nu-zu

    a-ar2-ni nig2 szu sag3-sag3-ge2-dam (d)en-lil2 an-sze3 mah ki-sze3 dib za3 e3 ki-en-gi-ra dagal tag-ga (d)nu-nam-nir en nun-nun-e-ne lugal-a lugal-be2-e (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)da-gan-na-me-en iri ku3-ga nam du10 ha-ma-ni-in-tar a sza3-ga ru-a-ga2 mu du10 ha-ma-ni-in-sa4 (d)nin-tu tu-tu-a ha-ma-ni-in-gub gi-dur ku5-ra2-ga2 [...] nam-en ha-ma-ni-in-gar (d)en-lil2 dingir sag-du-ga2-ke4 nam-sipa ki-en-gi-ra sag-e-esz hu-mu-rig7 (d)lamma ga2-la nu-dag-ge sag he2-mi-in-tuku alan nig2-gi-na he2-en-ga-da?-tah

    [...] _ka_ bala-en? x [...] ha-ma-ni-in-ku4 su? x [...] x hu-mu-_ud_-_mu_ me-lem4-a-ni kur-ra he2-bi2-in-x za-pa-ag2-a-ni an ki-a he2-em-mi-in-diri ug3-ga2 hu-mu-ni-in-suh-en kalam he2-ni-in-pa3-en (d)en-lil2 lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 sig igi-nim-ma nam-en-bi ha-ma-an-szum2 inim du11-ga (d)nu-nam-nir-ra-ta an-ne2 gu3 zi-de3 ga2-a-ar ha-ma-an-de2 szibir eszgiri2 szu-gu10 ha-ma-szum2 (d)urasz-e du10 ku3-ga-ni-a mi2 zi ha-ma-ni-du11 (d)nin-lil2-le sza3 zalag-zalag-ga-ni bara2 mah u4 su3-ra2-ka tusz-ga2

    gesz-szub-ba-ga2 bala-bi sa6-ge-da su (d)en-lil2-la2-ka du10-ge-ga2 e2-kur-re u4 szu2-usz sag us2-ga2 ki-ur3 ki gal-e nam-sze3 ha-ma-ni-tar (d)en-ki en gal eridu(ki)-ga-ke4 aga3 zi mah sag-ga2 ha-ma-ni-in-ge-en nig2 a-na mu sa4-a x x [...] gesztu2 7(disz)-a szu gal ha-ma-ni-du7 (d)suen dumu-sag (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 (gesz)gu-za lugal-la me ur4-ur4 [...] bara2 nam-en-na sag-bi-sze3 e3-a he2-bi2-in-gar u4 su3-ra2-sze3 aga-gu10 dalla he2-bi2-in-e3 (d)nusku sukkal (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4

    e2-kur-ra a2-bi ha-ma-an-pa3-pa3 ki-gub-bu ni2 te-ge26-e-bi ha-ma-an-gar sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2 hul2-la-am3-ta he2-mi-ge-en6 (d)nin-urta ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 (d)nu-nam-nir inim-ma ha-ma-ni-in-_du_ inim sa6-ga (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-la2 ga2-a-ar hu-mu-na-ag2 nam-lugal-la bala-gu10 he2-bi2-in-diri nam-en-na ge26-e he2-em-mi-in-gal-e a2-tah-gu10 he2-e e2-kur-ra szu hu-mu-da-gal2-gal2 maszkim nam-lugal-ga2 he2-e (gesz)tukul kal-ga kur-kur gam-gam-e a2 mah szu zi-da-gu10 _ni_ he2-bi2-in-si

    (d)utu nig2-si-sa2 inim gi-na ka-ga2 ha-ma-ni-in-gar di ku5-ru ka-asz bar ug3-e si sa2-e nig2-gi-na sag-bi-sze3 e3 zi-du du?-us2 dab5-e erim2-du ha-lam-me szesz-e szesz-ra nig2-gi-na di a-a-ra szu-kin dab5-be2 nin9 gal-ra inim gaba-na nu-di ama-ra ni2 tuku2-de3 si-ig-ga kal-ga-ra nu-ga2-ga2 lu2 hu-nu ur2-ra tum2-mu a2-tuku nig2 sza3-ga-na nu-ak lu2 lu2-sze3 nu-di nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi-bi ha-lam-e nig2-si-sa2 mu2-mu2 (d)utu dumu (d)nin-gal-e tu-da-a ha-la ba-ga2 he2-ni-in-gar (d)inanna nin an ki-ke4 A

    nitalam2 ki ag2-a-ni-sze3 he2-en-pa3-de3-en mer-_du_-na-ga2 la-la hu-mu-szi-in-ak igi nam-ti-la-ka-ni hu-mu-szi-in-bar sag-ki zalag-ga-ni ga2-a-sze3 hu-mu-szi-in-zi gesz-nu2 gi-rin-na he2-bi2-in-gub-en ge6-par4-ra u4 su3-su3-re-ga2 nam-en nam-lugal-da tab-e-a-ga2 e2-an-na-ka musz nu-tum2-mu-ga2 ki unu(ki)-ga am-gin7 gu2 pesz-ga2 kul-aba4(ki) me-lem4-gu10 dul4-lu-da inim ku3 nu-kur2-ru-da-ni he2-bi2-in-du11 (d)en-ki (d)nin-ki (d)en-ul (d)nin-ul (d)a-nun-na en nam tar-re-bi

    dingir gal-gal-e-ne-a nam mu-un-tar-re-esz-a he2-am3 nu-kur2-ru-bi he2-em-mi-in-ne-esz (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)da-gan-na-me-en (d)en-lil2 lugal kur-kur-ra-ke4 u4 du10-du10-ga-ni-sze3 masz2-e he2-em-mi-in-pa3-de3-en e2-kur-sze3 igi hul2 he2-em-szi-in-bar ki-en-gi-re gu3 zi-de3-esz ha-ma-an-de2 nibru(ki) bala sa6-ga x [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en [...] [...] ki? uri2(ki) ki-bi? [...] gi4 x x x x ki giri17-zal-la hu-[...] (gesz)gu-za-gu10 du10-ge-esz gur-gur [...]

    szeg12 _ka_-_ka_-a sza3-ga gur-ru-dam e2-kur-re u4 szu2-sze3 sag us2-ga2 u2-a nibru(ki) musz nu-tum2-mu-ga2 ki-ur3 ki gal-la en3-bi tar-re-ga2 (d)en-lil2-le a2-bi hu-mu-da-na-ag2 inim du11-ga a-a (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en gu2-gu10 he2-en6-szi-ri ka-ta e3-a lugal-ga2-sze3 gizzalx(|_gisz-tug2-zal_|) he2-em-szi-ak ki-en-gi-ra nig2-si-sa2 he2-ni-in-gar nibru(ki) an-gin7 gu2 he2-em-mi-ni-la2 e2-kur-ra me-bi hu-mu-un-ur4-ur4 gesz-hur libir-a-ba en3 he2-bi2-in-tar

    (d)en-lil2-la2 me kal-kal-la (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en x [...] (d)nin-lil2-la2 nig2 x [...] e2-kur-ra sza3-ga [...] du10 bar-bi [...] x x _sud_-_sud_ x x x giri17 szu gal2-la-gu10 (d)en-lil2 (d)en-[...] [...] kisal-a (d)udug sa6-ga-bi [...] (d)lamma sa6-ga-bi e2-kur-ra he2?-ni?-ku4 (d)en-lil2 x nidba gal-gal-e gesz hu-mu-na-a-tag dag ninda gar-ra (d)en-lil2-la2-ka sa2-du11 gal-gal-e za3 ha-ra-ni-x-re gu4-i3 udu-i3 sza3 la2-la2 [...] ku6 muszen-bi-da e2 lugal-ga2-ka he2-ni-szar2-szar2

    x x x a-da-min3 hu-mu-ne x x x-da sa2-du11 he2-ni-tab-tab |_dub-ba-an_|-bi kurun2-bi a2 sikil-la szeg14-ta szu bar-ra-gin7 gun2 ne-sag-ga2-ka a-gin7 he2-ni-bala-bala an-ne2 (d)nin-ka-si e-ne-bi-da x-bi-ir gu-la hu-mu-ni-lah4-lah4 kasz? x-ni saga szim (gesz)erin-da hi-a szeg12 e2-kur-ra hu-mu-ni-ta-ta-hab u4 szu2-sze3 e2-kur buru14-gin7 hu-mu-du3 iti e2 u4 7(disz) e2 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-bi ezen-a he2-ni-ku4 e2-a sza3 bar-bi x x x-a-gin7 nig2 mah gu-ul-gu-ul-lu-ta ir hu-mu-un-pesz11-pesz11

    gaba nu-sza-ra-ge (d)en-lil2-la2-ke4 nig2 he2-em-mi-dab5 i3 sahar2 ga sahar2 gar-re [...] nig2-sag (gesz)kiri6 zu2-lum _ta_? [...] (gesz)banszur (d)en-lil2 lugal-ga2-ka [...] u2-ga2 sag-bi a [...] nig2 sa6-ga-ni igi? he2?-[...] (d)en-lil2 [...] dumu x x (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en _ur_ x x (d)nin-lil2-la2-me-en gurusz kal-ga e2-kur-ra-me-en gu2-kal usu ni2-tuku u2 mah il2-il2-me-en nu-kusz2-u3 ga2-la nu-dag-ge ge26-e-me-en u4 szu2-sze3 lugal-gu10 a-na am3-gu7 ga-an-du11 a-na ga-an-nag

    e2-kur-ra a2 ag2-ga2 gal-gal-bi sa2 im-mi-du11-ga nig2-du11-ga (d)en-lil2 lugal-ga2 ki-bi-sze3 hu-mu-un-gar-ra iri an-gin7 sza3 bar-ta sig7-ga nibru(ki) dim gal an ki-a su-bi hu-mu-du10-du10 erin2-bi (gesz)dusu-ta he2-em-ta-an-zi ugnim-bi (gesz)tukul-ta he2-em-ta-ga2-ar ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar gu4 udu-bi gu2-un dumu nibru(ki)-ke4-ne hu-mu-du8? e2 (d)en-lil2 lugal-ga2-sze3 (d)nin-lil2-sze3 (d)nin-urta ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 erin2-bi ha-ba-ra-an-gar nig2-sur sze i3 siki udu za3 1(u)-ba ab-ak

    ki-en-gi ki-uri szu ha-ma-ta-ak-a nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi e2 ki he2-em-mi-gi4 nig2-gi-na ki-en-gi ki-uri he2-ni-gar sipa nig2-si-sa2-e ki ag2-me-en u3-tu-da ki-en-gi-ra dumu nibru(ki)-me-en sza3 _al_ inim-sze3 gal2-gal2-la-me-en igi ku3-zu umusz-ta kal-la-me-en ad gi4-gi4 a-da-da kusz2-u3-me-en a-da-da nig2-nam zu ug3-ta suh-a-me-en di-ku5 u3-en3 nu-sza4-sza4-me-en ka-asz bar si nam-e sa2-sa2-me-en a2-tuku nig2 diri nu-mu-szi-ib2-ak-e kal-ga si-ig-ga _lu2_-esz2 nu-mu-un-e nir-gal2-e lu2 la-ba-an-ga2-ga2

    _di gar_ ku3-a na-ma-an-ku4-ku4-da-ke4-esz lu2 hu-nu nig2 tesz2-a inim gaba-na bi2-ib-be2 lu2 x x x x arad iri-ga2-ke4 [...] x [...] (d)en?-lil2-la2-ka? ki?-en?-gi ki-uri x [...] nig2 x _ra_ szu tig4-ge26 du11 x x [...] u4 ul-la-asz di kadra inim _gil_-_gil_-e [...] _ga_ x x lu2 ha-lam-ma-da szu he2-em-da-an-szub nu-gar-ra lu2 nig2 kur2 di-da ki a-ba he2-mi-ib-gul hi-li-a usu-na gu2-bi hu-mu-gid2 nig2 bala lu2-lul nig2 ha-lam-ma e2-e he2-em-mi-sag3 szu du3-a nu-siki nu-mu-su-a

    ni2-zu gal2-la _ga a_? _bi iz_-bi hu-mu-gul lu2-sa-gaz-e edin im-si-si-ga nig2-gul-bi hu-mu-ak si sa2-e us2 zi he2-em-mi-dab5 dam? dumu tur?-bi hu-mu-us2 a-sza3-ga nir-gal2-bi lu2 hu-mu-un-_du_ edin-na bar ku3-ga he2-ni-gar-gar iri(ki) ni2-bi u4 su3 ki-szar2-ra he2-bi2-du3 kur-kur-re a-a tu-da-bi-gin7 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en igi-bi hu-mu-szi-gal2 (d)utu-gin7 di si sa2 ku5-ru-gu10-usz ug3-e bar ku3-ga szudu3 im-mi-ib2-sza4 inim kal-ga gar-ra du3-dam ug3-e na de5-de5 e2-gal gi-ne2-dam inim kal-ga-gu10 a-ba sa2-da

    kur-kur szu ri ug3-bi ba-da-zu-a ka garasz2-a-ta lu2 ba-ra-zi-zi ki nam-tag-ga inim nam-usz2 a-ba x [...] nam-usz nig2-gig-ga A x x _bi nu_ x x x mu ur5-sze3-am3 (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10 u4-gu10 mu-un-su3-su3-u4 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan an-sze3 tu-da sza3-ge pa3-da a-a-gin7 du10 ama-gin7 dib-ba-me-en bad3 mah zi-sza3-gal2 kalam-ma-me-en (gesz)mesz3 mah ur2 gur-ra pa mul dagal-la-me-en an-dul3 ki-en-gi-ra gissu du10-ga-me-en ki sag sukux(_sukud_)-ra2 szu nu-te-ge26-me-en a2-tah erin2-na-me-en igi tab kalam-ma-me-en

    ur-sag me3-sze3 du-du-me-en du10-tuku kasz4 di-me-en (tu15)mer _du_-me-en gal-an-zu [...] nig2-nam-ta e3-a-me-en am u3-na gub-ba sahar kad4-kad4-e-me-en gu4-si-_asz_ x la2-e-da x x-da-me-en (kusz)gur21(ur3)-ra2 ka-ba gub-me-en ur-sag ur-sag-e-ne-me-en lipisz (gesz)tukul-la-me-en zi-da gab2-bu ki-bala dub2-dub2-bu-me-en ku3-sig17 sahar-ba-me-en (na4)za-gin3 kur-ba-me-en su3-ra2-ag2-gin7 kalam-ma gir2-gir2-me-en a zi nam-lugal-la numun nam-bara2-ga-me-en (gesz)isimu2(sar) (gesz)erin-na tir ha-szu-ur2-ra-me-en

    (gesz)taszkarin hi-li x x du8-a-me-en su dingir-re-e-ne x _uru da man_ x-me-en nam gal tar-ra a-a (d)en-lil2-la2-ta kur-ra kur-sza3-ba za-pa-ag2-gu10 i3-im-dul iri-bala-a lu2 nu-um-me-te (gesz)tukul nu-um-ma-gub-ba ni2-bi-ta inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ta gu2-un-bi ha-am3?-x x kur-sze3 ma2 x [...] x _um_? [...] (na4)nir7-igi (na4)gug (na4)... na4-na4-bi [...] _gar_ [...] kig2 da-ri2 kig2-sig? kig2 lugal mah? x gesz mah sza3 ge6 x kalam-sze3 ha-ma-ab-il2 dilmun(ki)-e gada zu2-lum a2-an-sur-bi szu ha-ma-da-ab-pesz-e

    mar-tu e2 nu-zu iri(ki) nu-zu lu2 lil2-la2 hur-sag-ga2 tusz-a udu a-lum u8-u3 si ha-ma-da-ab-sa2-sa2 kur igi-nim-ma ki _na bad a na ta_ (gesz)erin (gesz)za-ba-lum (gesz)szu-ur2-men2 (gesz)taszkarin ni2-bi-a ha-ma-an-de6 (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10 kur-kur-re gu2 gesz ra-a ug3-e du-us2 dili-ka ha-ma-an-dab5 ka tesz2-e ha-ma-an-gar ge26-e-me-en (d)en-lil2-sze3 gal2-la-me-en ki ag2 e2-kur-ra-me-en u4 ki-en-gi ki-uri sag2 ba-ab-du11-ga-ta e2-kur za-gin3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka e2-ga2-gesz-szu2-a za3 (d)nin-lil2-la2-ka

    lugal na-me alan ba-ra-ni-in-ku4 (d)en-lil2-le sza3 ki ag2-ga2-ni-ta e2-nam-ti-la-ka gal2 ha-ma-ab-tak4 e2-kur-ra gi16-sa gal-gal-e si ha-ba-ni-sa2-sa2 erim3? nig2 da-ri2 he2-ni-gar-gar (gesz)gu-za me-dim2-bi me-dim2-ma diri-ga (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10-ra hu-mu-na-gub e2-ga2-gesz-szu2-a ki-ur3 ki gal-la (gesz)gu-za (d)nin-lil2-la2 he2-gub-ba-am3 (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-ra-an-ta-gub-ba-am3 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu (d)da-gan-na-me-en

    (na4)za-gin3 su3-ra2-ag2-ga2 szu tag-ga kig2 gal-le-esz szu ku3-zu mah (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10-ra hu-mu-na-gub nin-gu10 (d)nin-lil2-da (d)en-lil2 hu-mu-un-da-tusz ur5 sa6-ge sza3 hul2-la he2-ni-gar (gesz)gu-za-bi su (d)en-lil2-la2-ka gal-le-esz bi2-du10 nig2 szu du11-ga-gu10 i3-in-na-ag2 sza3-ga du11-ga-gu10 (d)en-lil2-la2 su-a-ni ba-du10 (urud)alan nig2 kal-ga kusz3-kusz3-ta sig7-ga ge26-gin7 giri17 szu gal2 e2-kur-da ni2-tuku masz2 kadra-ka im-tur-tur-re (urud)alan ak-a sag x x-ke4 (d)en-lil2 lugal an ki-ke4

    ki x-ni um-szi-in-zi-ga-sze3 a-gin7 ki?-a gub su pirig sa pirig-ga2 za3 pirig-ga2 _mes_? [...] szita x x x gissu x x _im isz_? x x bala? nam?-lugal-la x x x til-la x x x x-ba lugal-gu10-ra a ha-mu-na-ru gesz mah ki u6 di-sze3 he2-ni-lah4 (d)nin-lil2 nin dingir-re-e-ne-ra x munus-a ki ku3-ku3-ga-na e2-szen-szen-na nam-ti si-a-na (urud)alan gal-gal-gu10 hu-mu-na-ni-ku4 igi-ni-sze3 hu-mu-ni-sa6? hu-x x nam-ti-la-gu10-sze3 a hu-mu-na-ru ge26-e-me-en lu2 x x _ra_ sa6-ga-gu10 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en sa-ra-gu10 he2-sa6

    (urud)alan ad-da tu-da-gu10 e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka (d)nin-lil2 nin-ga2-ka ge26-e-me-en hu-mu-ni-ku4 (urud)alan a-a gu-la-gu10 x x-ne-bi? x _isz_-am3 x mu-tag? (urud)alan hu-mu-ni-e11 e2 (d)en-lil2-ka hu-mu-ni-ku4 e2-kur esz3 x A hu-mu-ni-x [...] [...] hu-mu-ni-x nig2 babbar-re nu-ub-ta-an-sa6? e2 (d)namma? he2-em-mi-ak [...] _ka_? nam [...] du10? ug3 _si_ [...] x [...] inim du11-ga? x x (d)en-lil2 en sza3 su3-ra2 x lugal ge26-e-me-en gesz gesztu2-ke4 gal2 x [...]-tak4 za3-mi2-gu10 ka-ka-ga he2-ni-gar-gar

    (d)gesztin-an-na nin ka lal3-a-gu10-u8 szir3-szir3-ra he2-em-mi-diri-diri um-mi-a nar gal-gal-e-ne sza3-ba la-la2 he2-ni-in-gar a-da-ab tigi2 szumun-sza4 ma-al-ga-tum szir3-gid2-da za3-mi2 nam-lugal-gu10 sza3-bi nig2 til-la a-ra-hi bala-bala-e za-am-za-am kun-gar-bi nar gal-an-zu-ne ma-an-gar-re-esz-a en3-du ki du12-ba mu-gu10 mi-ni-gal-esz-a nig2-nam zu gesztu2 dagal-la-ga2 tum2-tum2-mu erin2-na mu-zu-a-ga2 ki (gesz)tukul-la-ka igi mi-ni-zalag-ga sipa ku3-zu ug3 lah4-lah4-e-ga2 gal-zu nig2-nam-ma i3-me-en-na-ga2

    an-e igi zi mu-szi-in-bar-ra inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ta kal ni2-bi gal2-la (d)nin-lil2 an-dul3-gu10 i3-me-a (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2 ma-an-szum2-ma (d)nin-urta-ke4 mu-szi-in-gal2-la (d)nanna gal-le-esz ki ma-an-ag2-ga2 mussa (d)nin-gal i3-me-en-na-ga2 (d)inanna-ke4 hi-li ma-an-szum2-a iri? ki [...] [...] in-gu10 dub?-ba ki-gu10 sur-ra eg2-gu10 si-ga pa5-gu10 [...] _ka_? x-a-ta kur-kur mu-gam-ma siki igi-nim-ma? x x he2-em nam-dub-sar ki nam-galam-ma [...] usu bi2-_du_-a

    sza3 dub-ba szudum nig2-szid buru3 dagal-la kurum7-bi mu-bur2-ra igi-gub-bu gana2 gi-ne2 gesz-as4-lum gi e3 ki-gub?-ba ki igi il2-la-gu10-sze3 temen szu4-ga kalam ri-ga2 szu sa6 szu tam-tam-ma-ga2 dub ki-en-gi ki-uri-ka sar-re-bi mu-un-zu-a e2-dub-ba-a szu mi-ni-mul-mul-la gi-dub?-ba dub nam-dub-sar-ra za3 im-mi-til-la nam-nar-ra a2-gu10 ba-e-szum2-ma za3-mi2 ki di-bi mu-zu-a |_szir3-nar_| ad sza4-ba nir mi-ni-ib-gal2-la sa szu-si gesz-gu3-di-da inim suh-suh bala-e-bi mu-zu-a

    (gesz)har-har za-na-ru sa2 bi2-du11-ga nam-nar-a ki bala-bala-a-bi sza3 |_szir3-nar_|-da ki dul-dul-la-bi za3 im-mi-us2-sa um-mi-a |_szir3-nar_| gar-gar-gu10-ne szir3 gal-gal-ga2 mi-ni-gar-re-esz-a za3-mi2-ga2 mi-ni-in-pa3-pa3-de3-esz lugal kal-ga szu x x x ak (d)en-lil2-la2 szu il2-il2-la-ni mu-na-da-gub-ba mu dingir-re-e-ne nam-erim2 x [...]-gin7 he2-ni-ku5-de3 nig2 en3-du-ga2 a-na ab-gal2-la na-du3-a-ga2 a-na ab-sar-ra lul ba-ra-na he2-ge-en mi2 du11-ga-gu10 ka-ga14 hu-mu-gal2

    e2-a szir3-gu10 giri17?-zal-le-esz he2-em-me en3-du-gu10 szu-a hu-mu-un-bala-e la-la-bi sza3 kalam-ma-ka hu-mu-gal2 za3-bi-a inim ka-ge-e he2-em-tum3 ki geszbun?-ka al di-bi he2-[...] x x x x x x la-la-bi sza3-ga hu-mu-ga2-ga2 [...] (d)gesztin-an-na (d)lamma-bi he2-a [...] erim3 nig2 da-ri2 ibila lugal-la gi16-sa nam-en-na nig2 szu nu-[...]-gid2 ka nar-e-ne-ka su3-u4-sze3 ge-en ge26-e-me-en (d)en-lil2-la2 sa2-du11 [...] ki-ke4 bi2-du11 nibru(ki) ki sa6-ga szu [...] x [...]

    ur5-sze3-am3 (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10 u4-gu10 x x x bala-gu10 bala-a im-mi-us2-sa sza3-bala-bala-gu10 he2-em-da-gal-gal e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka nam-sipa hu-mu-un-ak-e (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10-ra szir3-gu10 he2-na-_di_ e2-kur-re ki ki ag2-gu10 mu-gu10 hu-mu-pa3-de3 (d)nin-lil2-ra [...] za3-mi2 gal-gal-gu10 u4 szu2-sze3 hu-mu-na-x (d)nanna en zi-le dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ra [...] x nar-e ki ag2-ra [...]-ra kig2-nim kig2-sig szir3-gu10 he2-na-_di_ e2 dingir gal-gal-e-ne-ka en3-du-gu10 hu-mu-un-_di_

    (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan-me-en gub-gub-bu ni2 te-ge26-gu10-sze3 [...] dingir sag-du-ga2-ke4 kur-za3 til-la-ba gaba-ri he2-me-ni-in-tuku ki-en-gi ki-uri mi-ni-mah-en bara2 nam-lugal-la-ka im-mi-in-si [...] szir3-gu10 dalla [...] lu2 [...]-un-zu-a [...] na-du3-a x [...] mi-[...]-in-de2 (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan lugal-e [...] diri-ga-am3 [...] _sar_ im-me-e-a [...]-sze3 igi i-ni-in-il2 [...] _ka mi in_ [...] x [...] [...] _in_ sar-ra [...]

    AI Translation

    For Enlil, the more great, ... ... The great gods, whose heads are the Anuna gods, whose foundations are Enki-Enki's great garments, whose great divine powers are not known, whose heads are not known, whose ... whose heads are not known, whose ... whose ... is not known, whose ... is not known, whose ... is not known, whose ... is not known, whose ... is a rejoicing ... ... ... An and the earth are good, whose city is built, whose ... the land is a safe place, ... ... wisdom, a long day, a long day ... your command is great ...

    The ... that is ..., the ... that is ..., father Enlil, shepherd who ... from the night, the mountain that ..., his ..., the ... of heaven and earth, his utterances, his utterances, the mountain that he has conquered, the ... that he has done, his true utterances, his utterances, his utterances, whose interpretations are not heard, for his fate, the mountain, the ..., the great sapar, the mountain, the saalhub, the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the four ..., the

    he has sworn by his name. Enlil, the supreme one of heaven and earth, who rises at the right side of Sumer, the broad one, Nunamnir, the lord of princes, the king, the king, Ishme-Dagan, son of Dagan, Ishme-Dagan, I am the city of the holy, I have decreed a good fate for him. I have made a good name for him in the water of the heart. Nintu, the Tutu, has set up a reed basket for him. I have established a good name for him. Enlil, the god of the head, has made a shepherdship of Sumer a rite. He has made a protective spirit who does not fear him, and a statue of his goodness has been fashioned.

    ... ... he entered ... ... ... his divinity ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... ... he made ...

    whose throne is good, whose reign is good, which is pleasing to Enlil, in the Ekur, when he has sat down on the throne, he shall make it a great place for him. Enki, the great lord of Eridu, shall make a great crown for him. Whatever he has named, ..., ..., he shall make it great with seven fingers. Suen, the first-born son of Enlil, the throne of the king, the throne of the lordship, ..., he shall make it a great bara of enship. In future, my lordship shall be made great. Nusku, the minister of Enlil,

    He has made the Ekur a firm place for him, and he has made it a firm place for him. He has made the heart of Enlil rejoice. Ninurta, the mighty warrior of Enlil, has made Nunamnir bow down at his word. He has made good words for Enlil and Ninlil bow down at him. May my kingship be altered, may my lordship be altered. May my adversity be extended to the Ekur. May my adversity be extended to the kingship. May the mighty weapon of the lands be seized. May my mighty weapon be seized at my right hand.

    Utu, the truth, the true word, he established in his mouth. The verdict, the supplication, the utterance of the people, he pronounced. The truth, the head of the people, he smashed. The enemy shall be destroyed. The brother, the brother, the truth, the father shall be smashed. The great lady, the word of her mother, he did not know. The strong door, he did not know. The man who slanders, the man who does not know, the man who does not know, the evil, its azib-song shall be destroyed. Utu, the son of Ningal, he established. Inanna, the lady of heaven and earth,

    I shall make his beloved nitalam glisten like a wild bull. I shall make his merdu-disease shine like a lion. I shall make his face shine like a lion. I shall make his shining head stand high. I shall make his bed a gipar-disease. At the time of my dying, when I entrusted lordship and kingship to the Eanna, I shall not be afraid. In Uruk, like a wild bull, like a wild bull, my melancholy of Kulaba, my divine powers shall not change. Enki, Ninki, Enul, Ninul, and Anuna, the lords of the destinies,

    Ishme-Dagan, son of Dagan, I am Enlil, the king of all the lands, who gives good days, who makes the eyes rejoice, who makes Sumer rejoice, who speaks a good word, Nippur, a good reign, ... Ishme-Dagan, ... Ur, its place ..., ..., ..., ..., my throne, ...,

    The brickwork of the mouth is to be returned. The Ekur, when it is time to be rebuilt, is the one who provides for Nippur, the one who does not fear the snake, the Ki'ur, the great place, whose enunciation Enlil has decreed, may Ishme-Dagan, my name, be praised. By the word of the father Enlil, may Ishme-Dagan, my name, be praised. From the mouth to the king may he make a reedbed for me. May Sumer be praised. May Nippur be praised as if it were heaven. May the Ekur's divine powers be praised. May its original design be praised.

    Enlil, you are the mighty me, Ishme-Dagan, ... Ninlil, ... ... of the Ekur, ... ... ... ... ... my ..., my hand-lifting ... Enlil and En... ... ... in the courtyard, its udug-plant, ..., and its lamma-plant, in the Ekur may they enter. Enlil, ..., may he ... great offerings and ..., and the large offerings of Enlil may he ... for you. The ... of the big offerings may he ..., the oxen and sheep and goats, ... in the midst of the bird's nest, may they make the house of my king shine.

    ... they shall ... the ... of the ..., and the offerings shall be made. Its ..., its ..., its ..., its pure arms, like a ..., like a ..., may they be smashed like water. An and Ninkasi, they shall ..., and they shall be smashed like water. His ..., fine beer, ..., juniper, and cedar, the brickwork of the Ekur, they shall remove. In the future, the Ekur, like a harvest, they shall build. The month of the house, the seven days and fifteen days, they shall enter. The house, its interior, like ..., with great things, they shall make a reed bed.

    He who does not ... the breast of Enlil, may he take away something, he who places oil, oil, and oil, and ..., the things that the garden of dates ..., the table of Enlil, my king, ..., whose head ..., may he ... his good things before? Enlil, ... son of Enlil, ... dog of Ninlil, strong man of the Ekur, strong warrior, who has no rival, who does not eat food, who does not drink water, who does not drink water, who says "I am my king, I am my food, I am my food!"

    The Ekur, its great forces, they swore. The command of Enlil, my master, they placed there. Like heaven, from the midst of the earth, they made Nippur shine. Its troops with the chariots they made bow down. Its troops with the weapons they made bow down. Gold, silver, oxen and sheep, the talents of the citizens of Nippur, they made bow down. For the temple of Enlil, my master, for Ninlil, for Ninurta, the mighty warrior of Enlil, they made its troops bow down. The grain, oil, wool, and sheep, the border of 10 sheep, they smashed.

    Sumer and Akkad have been taken away. Evil and evil have been brought into the house. Good things have been brought into Sumer and Akkad. Shepherd who is a good shepherd, I am the beloved, I am the one who has left Sumer and the son of Nippur. I am the one who is a ..., who is a ..., who is a wise and pious one, I am the one who is a sage, who is a sage, who is a father, I am the one who has not sinned against the people. I am the one who has not sinned against the judge, who has not sinned against the judge, who has not sinned against the sage, who has not sinned against the mighty, who has no sage, who has no rival,

    ... he shall not enter into the holy place. A man who a ..., a thing of a supplication, his own word shall not be uttered. A man ..., a servant of his city ... ... of Enlil Sumer and Akkad ... ... ... ... ... ... ... a day of distant days, a judgment of a supplication, a supplication ... ... a man who a curse shall not remove, a man who a curse shall destroy, a man who a curse upon the place of judgment shall destroy, a supplication of a curse shall be smashed, a bala of a man, a supplication of a curse shall be thrown into the house. A hand that was not shaved,

    The one who ... the ..., who ... the ..., who ... the plain, who ... the ..., who ... the ..., who ... the righteous, who ... the young, who ... the young, who ... the field, who ... the ..., who ... the plain, who ... the holy shrine, who ... the city, whose radiance is long and whose radiance is bright, who ... the lands, like a father who had engendered me, Ishme-Dagan, who ... its eyes, like Utu, who ... my judgment, who ... the holy shrine, who ... the people, who ... the people, who ... the palace, who ... my mighty words, who ... the ... of the palace,

    The lands whose people were seized by the hand, the people were seized from the mouth of the garasz ... The place of death, the word of death ..., the word of illness ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil, my king, my days were long ... Ishme-Dagan, when you rise up from heaven, you are the one who is chosen by the heart like a father and like a mother, you are the one who has sided with the great wall of the land, you are the one who has a great throne, a wide arrow, and a canopy of Sumer, you are the one who has not snatched up in the place of the sukush priest, you are the one who has not snatched up in the army, you are the one who has not snatched up in the land,

    I am the hero who goes to battle, I am the strong one, I am the storm who goes at battle, I am the galanzu of ..., who goes at everything from the horizon, I am the ... who stands in the ... dirt, I am the ... who stands in the ... boots, I am the hero, I am the hero, I am the one who has a weapon, I am the one who has a mighty weapon, I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ..., I am the one who has a ...,

    I am a ... of ..., the ... of the gods, I am a city, the king of ..., the great fate decreed by father Enlil, in the nether world, in the nether world, my ... is smashed. In the city of a man who is not a weapon, its strength is not a weapon. By the command of Enlil, ...

    The Amorite, your house is not your city, your city is not your ghost, the one who dwells in the mountains, the fattened sheep and the ewes are bringing to me. In the mountain of Elam, where a ... is ..., I shall bring them to him from cedar, zabalum, shurmen, and tashkarin. Enlil, my king, in all the lands, I shall take the ... of the people, the one who is a ..., I shall put in the mouth, I shall put in the mouth of the people. I am the beloved of Enlil, I am the beloved of the Ekur. When Sumer and Akkad were seized, I shall make the Ekur, the lapis lazuli of Enlil, and the Egasha, the border of Ninlil,

    king of the world, I did not bring a statue to him. Enlil, in his beloved heart, I made the E-nam-tila a great place for him. In the E-kur, I made a great reed bed for him. May the enemy place forever something in it. May the throne, its design, its extra design, for Enlil my master stand. In the E-ga-geshua, the great ki-ur, may the throne of Ninlil stand. May the throne of Enlil stand. Ishme-Dagan, son of Dagan,

    The lapis lazuli is a lapis lazuli, it is a lapis lazuli. It is a lapis lazuli. It is a lapis lazuli. It is a great hand of Enlil, my master. My lady Ninlil, Enlil, I have sat on it. I have made the heart of Enlil rejoice. Its throne is the seat of Enlil. I have made my hand a good thing. I have made my heart happy. I have made my hand a strong statue, like a snare, a snare, in the Ekur. I have made the snare a snare

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my king may he make a great tree stand in the place of ... ... Ninlil, the lady of the gods, ... in the sacred place of the E-shenshen for his life may my great statue be brought into his presence, may he ... before him, may he ... for my life may he bring into his presence. I am a good man, Ishme-Dagan, may my saram be good.

    I am a bronze statue of my father, my father's house, I am Ninlil, my mistress. I am a bronze statue of my father, my great father, ... ... I am a bronze statue of myself. I am a statue of myself. I am a statue of myself. I am a statue of myself. I am a statue of myself. I am a temple of Enlil. I am a temple of ... ... I am a ... ... I am a white ..., I am a temple of Namma. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my praises ...

    For Geshtinana, the lady who makes my mouth swell with a shirshir shirshir, the mother of the great singers, she made it shine there. The tigi and shumun tigi musicians, the shirgida musicians, the praise of my kingship, in its midst, all the reeds, the balabala, the balag, the zamzamzam musicians, the great singers, she made it shine there. In its place, where my name is, it is abundant, everything that I know, my broad understanding, my troops, in the place of my weapons, it is abundantly bright. Your holy shepherd, the people who are enraged, and your great singer, whatever it is,

    The heavens looked faithfully at me. The word of Enlil was present. Ninlil was present. My scepter was present. Enki gave wisdom to me, Ninurta was present. Nanna was present. The scepter of Ningal was present. Inanna gave happiness to me. The city ... my name, the tablet?, my place, my ..., my ..., the lands, I ..., my hair ..., the scribes, the place of lordship ...,

    In the scribal art, the shudum-work, the extensive harvest, the reed-plants, the reed-plants, the reed-plants, the field, the gin, the reed-plant, the place where I stand, the place where I stand, the foundations of the land, the reed-plants, the hand of the sea, the scribal art of Sumer and Akkad, its inscriptions I made. The scribal art I made complete, the scribal art I made complete, the scribal art I gave to you, my name I gave to you, my scribal art I made complete, the scribal art I made abundant, the scribal art I made abundant, the scribal art I made great, the scribal art I made great,

    The harhar tree, the za-nar tree, he swore. The nar-priests of the lands, the shirnar-priests, and the shirnar-priests of the lands, he smote him. My shirnar-priests, the great shirnar-priests, he smote him. He smote him. The mighty king, ..., the hand of Enlil, he sat down. The name of the gods, ..., he shall cut off. The thing that I had planned, to the abgal, to the absar, he shall not be able to do. My words, my mouth, may he make abundant.

    I shall make my shirru-drums tremble in the house, I shall make my endug rituals complete. I shall make its splendor abundant in the midst of the country. I shall make its utterances complete. I shall ... its splendor in the place of the geshbun offering. ... ... its splendor abundant in the midst of the ... of Geshtinana. May ... its protective deity ... the everlasting enemy, the heir of the king, the one who does not ... the en priesthood of the en priesthood, forever I am the one who ... the mouths of the singers. I am Enlil, the one who ... the command of the earth, ... Nibru, the good place, .

    ... Enlil, my king, my days ..., my reign ..., my reign ..., my cultic rites ..., may my shepherdship be established in the temple of Enlil. May Enlil, my king, make my shirru-scribal art great. May the Ekur, my beloved place, make my name great for Ninlil. May ... my great praises be ... forever. May Nanna, the steadfast lord, son of Enlil, ..., the ..., the beloved singer, may my shirru-scribal art great for you. May the temple of the great gods make my lordship great for you.

    Ishme-Dagan, I stand there, I am my fearsomeness. ... May my head god, who has ruled over the entire mountain, be able to surpass it. Sumer and Akkad have become lords of the throne of kingship. ... my bright scribal art ... ... ... ... ... Ishme-Dagan, the king, ...

    M=segment B


    e2 [...] sza3 (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] (d)udug e2-kur-ra [...] (d)lamma e2-kur-ra [...] lu2-bi lu2? [...] [...] x x [...] gi16-sa gal-gal [...] x-ga2 erim3 dugud dugud [...] x-ga2 (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 [...]-gub-ba-a (gesz)gigir mah _kig2_? [...]-a (gesz)mar-szum (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-dim2-ma-a (d)en-lil2 uru2 mah [...] x _kal_? lugal-ga2 (d)en-lil2 lugal-gu10-ra mu-na-ni-ku4-ra szita2 sag 5(u) (gesz)tukul-e dib-ba (d)nin-urta x [...]-ra mu-ni-in-de2-a (urud)gu-za mah ki galam-ma mu-na-ni-in-gub-ba

    (urud)alan urud kal-ga me-dim2-ma se3-ga alan (na4)esi ulutim2-gu10-sze3 ak-a e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka mi-ni-ku4-ra [...]-ka mi-ni-in-su8-ga [...] da-bi-a ba-an-zu [...] x x he2-em-x [...]-e ba-e-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    The temple ... of Enlil ... the udug of the Ekur temple ... the protective lamma of the Ekur temple ... its people ... ... ... great reeds ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the throne of Enlil ... ... a great chariot ... ... a ... ... a ... ... ... ... Enlil the great city ... ... my king Enlil entered, the shita ... 50 weapons ... Ninurta ... he brought to him, and the throne of the great place of the galam he set up there.

    A strong arrow, a mighty arrow, a arrow, a arrow, a stone of ebony, a stone for my ancestors, he entered into the temple of Enlil, he entered into ..., he ...,

    M=segment C


    sza3? [...] (d)utu si2? sa2 [...] ug3 sag ge6 [...] (d)en-ki (d)iszkur (d)ezina2 [...] dingir he2-gal2-la [...] he2-gal2 an ki-a ba-da-gi4?-esz [...]

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 nar gal he2-a
  • um-mi-a lu2 szir3 he2-a en3-du gar-gar ad sza4 di he2-a nar gu3 du10-ga lugal-a he2-a nar ad gi4-gi4 sza3-ba?-a hul2? he2-a nar ka silim-ma a2-nu2-da-ka he2-a nar gu3 bala-bala ad-da-a he2-a [...] za3?-ba he2-a

    AI Translation

    ... Utu, the one who ... the heart of ..., the one who ... the black-headed people ... Enki, Ishkur, and Ezina ... the gods of abundance ... the abundance of heaven and earth .

  • for the 2nd time, the great singer hea.
  • The one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams, the one who screams

    M=segment D


    [...] x x (d)en-lil2-la2 inim zi x x x gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e-a x x (na4)esi esz3-e nibru(ki)-a x x an ki-ka ki-ba e-ne lu2?-bi x x-ba ki-ba la-ba-an-kur2 x x gesz-dub-ba-ka _la_ x la2 mu la-ba-an-sar nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi la-ba-an?-ak x x-bi e2-kur za-gin3 (d)en-lil2-la2-ka x x he2-ni-in-zi sag an-sze3 he2-ni-in-il2 x x sipa?-da kalam sag-e-esz rig7-na x x x-bi he2-na-su3-u4? x nam-erim2-ma ib2-ku5-ru-a x x x x x x mu-ni bi2-ib2-sar asz2 bala-ke4-esz lu2-kur2 szu ba-an-zi-zi-a (d)en-lil2 lugal dingir-re-e-ke4-ne

    [...] x [...]-ke4?

    AI Translation

    ... Enlil spoke the right words ... to him. ... of ebony in the shrine of Nippur ... heaven and earth, ... there was no enemy there. ... in the ... of the tablet ... there was no name. Evil and sin were not committed. ... in the lapis-lazuli temple of Enlil ... he made ... rise up. ... the shepherds of the land ... he made ... rise up. ... of evil he committed ... he wrote. In order to prevent a reign a foreigner ... he made them rise up. Enlil, the king of the gods,

    P479873: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    nin gal a-zu mah sag ge6-ga ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na dumu an-na me-tesz2 he2-i-i nin (tu15)u18-lu-ni u4 mer-a-gin7 an-sza3-a ki? dub2-bu x (d)gibil6-gin7 igi husz il2-la-ni erim2-ma su dar-dar-re uszumgal-gin7 ki _ka_ x-a-na usz11-bi nu-e11-de3 szu pirig-ga2 giri2 u3-sar ak umbin usz2 biz-biz-biz su x _ha e_ de2-de3 ni2 su-a ru-ru-gu2 giri2-zal bulug-kig2-gur4 giri2 pirig-ga2-gin7 uzu e3-a-zu-usz ug3 sag ge6 su ma-ra-sag3-sag3-ge u4 gal ki us2-sa gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku

    u4 gu3 dub2-dub2 pirig szeg12 gi4-gi4 erim2-e gu2 ku5-da u4 ka sza-an-sza-sza ah6 x x x-ba gug sar ak u4 ad-ba mur sza4 ka-bi mud mu?-biz-biz u4 ka-bi-ta ah6 su3-su3-su3 erim2-e usz11 bala? nig2? x x x x x x x x x _du_ a2? tur? ni2 gal edin-na sag x x x pirig nemurx(|_pirig-tur_|) szubtum6-ta zi-ga lu2 sza?-mu-un-hu-luh-ha es2-ad mah-gin7 hul-sze3 nu2-a nin me-lem4 husz an-ne2 tu-da sag zi kalam-ma-ka en3 tar-re unken-na igi gal2 nin ti-la ug5-ga zi kalam-ma szu du8 nu-gig-ra na-me nu-gub-bu kurku2 ad ga2-ga2

    ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na nigin3-gar ki ku3-ga unu2 szuba su3-su3 nin kur-ra diri-ga me-ni me-a? husz esz3 gal e2 da-ri2? kalam-ma-ka x mah x mu-un-ri nin ti mud kalam-ma mu-zu urin gal-bi-im nin me mah an gal-gin7 za3 sza4 nu-u8-gig dingir gal-gal-e-ne nin ni2-zu an ki-a sza-mu-un-ri igi-zu husz-me-en za-pa-ag2-zu mah?-me-en sag-ki-zu x _im_ x x _gar_ x-me-en ka-zu _ne_ su?-lim? nu?-x x x kur2? a2-zu sa-par3-gin7? hul-du x x x x mu-un-ku5 ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na x x x x x x x-e

    sza3 mer-a-ni lu2 nu-te-en-te-en sza3 an-usan?-gin7 du3 sza3 ib2-ba-ni-a dingir na-me gaba szu nu-ga2-ga2 a-ab-ba-gin7 ku-kur um-de6 lu2-erim2 ba-an-na8?-na8? a-ge6 uru16-gin7 ze2 guru5-a gu2-erim2-e bi2-ib2-ri x x _gu ul_ en-ne2 mah? x A x sza3-ba mu-un-zu ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na iri ka tar-ra-zu ki-bi nu-gi4 x ka ba-a-zu du6-du6-da ma-ra-an-szid ki-bala-a nam ba-e-de3-ku5-ra2-zu lu2 nu-mu-ni-in-dib-be2 x ka tar-ra-zu i7-da nu-bala-e nin-gu10 nam-gur4 diri nam-bulug3-zu sag-bi-sze3 e3-a

    unken gar-ra-zu tuku-a-bi x [...] x-da ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na nin x [...] x nu-bar-re nu-u8-gig nam-mah-a x [...] an-kar2? ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na nin _im_ [...] x bar? pirig uszum za3 e3 x [...] x szu mu-szub-szub-ba hul? [...] ki nam-erim2-ma szu zi il2-la im-si-si [...] lu2-lul-la mu-zu _ka_ sikil x [...] _da_? _sa usz_? gu2-erim2-e x [...] lu2 hul-gal2 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na [...] (d)nin-isin2(si)-na mu-zu lu2-erim2-e nam-ba-an-tum3 a mu-zu (d)nin-isin2(si)-na a mu-zu an mah-di a-a dingir-re-e-ne [...] x

    sza3 su3-ra2 me nun x gal-le-esz [...] e3 gu3 a-ma-ru nu-sze-ga dul [...] zu mer mer-ra lu2 [...] _im_ x x x [...] x lu2-lul (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na x x x gal2-la-a (sa)szu2-usz-gal-gin7 hu-mu-un-szu2 an dingir mah mu-zu lu2-erim2-e nam-ba-an-tum3 a mu-zu an gal a mu-zu (d)en-lil2 me gal-gal sag2 nu-di uszum dingir-re-e-ne (d)nu-nam-nir x du11-du11-ge dib?-ba-zu ni2 su zi bar-re-dam (d)a-nun-na kur-kur-ra-ke4-ne szu-ta _ba_ x im-sag3-ge-ne esz-bar-zu u18-lu sumur-bi x [...]

    kur gu2-erim2-gal2 nu-gal2 iri-sze3 u3-gul x x x x x lu2 giri3 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na nu-mu-un-dab5-ba a?-gin7 hu-mu-su-su kur gal (d)en-lil2 mu-zu lu2-erim2-e nam-ba-an-tum3 a mu-zu (d)en-lil2 a mu-zu (d)nin-lil2 tug2 babbar nin mas-su igi-gal2 _sa tug2_ e3 nin me-lem4 szar2-ra szu gal-le-esz du7-a (d)en-lil2-da ti? lugal mu-zu lul-e-esz pa3-de3-de3 sag im-ma-ab-szum2-mu-a ki szer7-da (d)i7-lu2-ru-gu2 kalam-ma garasz2 ki usz2 bala-bala-e-ba ni2 la-ba-da-ab-te-ge26-e-a nam-tag dugud su x x e11-de3 e-ne-ra il2

    ama gal (d)nin-lil2 mu-zu lu2-erim2-e nam-ba-an-tum3 a mu-zu (d)nin-lil2 a mu-zu (d)a-ru-ru me sag2 nu-di u18-lu husz-a he2-x x (d)en-lil2 su [...] tar-re nig2-nam-bi luh-luh [...] _im sa te_ gal? _da_ [...] [...] nig2-erim2 nig2-a2-zi [...] x _ka_ (d)i-din-(d)da-gan

    AI Translation

    The great lady, the supreme divine powers of the beginning of the night, holy Nininsina, daughter of An, may she be praised! Lady, whose north wind is like a storm, whose ... is like Gibil, whose furious face is like a storm-storm, whose ... is like a lion, whose ... is not a flood, whose hand is like a pirig's, whose foot is like a ..., whose ... is like a ..., whose ... is like a ..., whose ... is like a ... whose ... is like a pirig's, whose ... is like a pirig's, whose flesh is like a ... whose ... is like a ... whose ... is like a ... whose ... is like a ... whose ... is like a ... ... whose ... is like a ...

    The storm, the snare, the snare, the snare, the enemy, the snare, the storm, the

    O holy Nininsina, who ... the holy place, the shuba-vessel, the ...-vessel, the lady of the distant mountain, whose? me is the hush of the great shrine, the eternal temple of the Land, ... ... ... the lady, the blood of the Land, your name is the great urin ?, the lady, the great me of the Land, like the sacrificial ? ... of the great gods, your lady, your heart is the ... of heaven and earth, your eyes are fierce, your forehead is supreme, your ... ... Your mouth is ..., your ... is not ..., your ... is like a sapar ..., ... ... ... ... the holy ... of Ninisina .

    He has not ceased in his heart, he has not ceased in his heart. Like the sun, he has not ceased in his heart. Like the sea, he has not ceased in the midst of battle. Like the storm, he has not ceased in battle. Like the storm, he has not ceased in the midst of battle. He has smashed the enemy's ... like a flood. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... holy Nininsina, your city, your city, your city, its place has not been returned. ... your ... has been smashed. Your ... has not been smashed, your land has not been smashed. Your ... has not been smashed, your river has not been smashed. My lady, your ... is a mighty ..., your ... is a mighty .

    ... ... holy Nininsina, lady ... ... ... ... ... holy Nininsina, lady ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Nininsina ... ... ... ... Nininsina ...

    The ... of the supreme divine powers, the great ..., ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the evildoer Iddin-Dagan, ..., ..., ..., ..., the great god, your name, the enemy, may it not be smashed, your name, the great god, your name, Enlil, the great divine powers, the one who does not change, the ... of the gods, Nunamnir, ..., your words, your true ..., the Anuna of the lands, ..., ..., your decisions, its ...,

    The land of the enemy, which is not present, has destroyed the city, ... The man who did not take the path of Iddin-Dagan, like water has poured out, the great mountain of Enlil, your name, the enemy will not take away, your name, Enlil, your name, Ninlil, the white garment, the lady with the eyes, the garment, the lady with the eyes, the garment, the lady with the great aura, the garment that is made for the queen, the one who is to be ruled by Enlil, the one who is to be ruled by Enlil, the one who is to be ruled by the king, the one who is to be ruled by the lands, the one who is to be ruled by the lands, the one who is to be ruled by the lands, the one who is to be ruled by the lands, the one who is to be ruled by the lands, the one who is to be ruled by the lands, the one who is to be ruled by the ..., the one who is to be ruled by the ...,

    Great mother Ninlil, your name, the enemy will not be able to speak your name, Ninlil, your name, the ARURU, the pure divine powers, the furious ... of Enlil, ..., the utterances of everything, ... ..., the evil, the evil ... Iddin-Dagan,

    P479874: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)i-din-(d)da-gan an-ne2 ki mah-a-ni-a nam gal mu-ri-in-tar aga zi-de3 dalla mu-ra-ni-in-e3 nam-sipa kalam-ma-sze3 mu-un-il2-en kur giri3-zu-sze3 mu-un-gar (d)en-lil2-le igi zi mu-e-szi-in-bar (d)i-din-(d)da-gan gu3 zi mu-ra-an-de2 us2-sag ki-en-gi-re gi-ne2-de3 ug3 us2-a se3-ge-de3 ki-en-gi ki-uri an-dul3 dagal-la-za ni2 dub2-bu-de3 ug3-e u2 nir-gal2 gu7-u3-de3 a du10 na8-na8-de3 (d)en-lil2-le a2-bi mu-e-da-an-ag2 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan sipa sza3-ga-na-me-en gu3 zi de2-a (d)en-lil2-la2-me-en

    (d)en-ki-ke4 gesztu2 dagal nig2-nam-ma zu-zu kig2 igi-gal2 zi? ka pirig-ta ed2-de3 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan za-ra mu-ra-an-de6 kur-kur-re me-tesz2 he2-i-i dumu tu-da (d)da-gan-na en il2 ug3 dagal-le (d)i-din-(d)da-gan iri-zu-sze3 u6 du10-ge-esz he2-i i3 li nig2 sza3-ga nu-da13-da13 (d)en-lil2 he2-da-hul2 (d)utu-gin7 u4 zi e3-a-zu-sze3 igi-bi he2-em-szi-gal2 kur-kur-re an-dul3 dagal-la-zu-sze3 ni2 im-szi-dub2-be2 har-ra-an kaskal-la si bi2-sa2 su kalam-ma mu-e-du10 nig2-si-sa2 ka-ga14 mu-e-ni-gar

    in mu-e-dub-dub ki mu-e-sur-sur ki-en-gi ki-uri gu2 bi2-i-zi szu-luh dingir-re-e-ne si bi2-i-sa2 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan ki-bi-sze3 gi4-gi4-en nig2-du11-ga-zu [...] _gi_ [...]-im-gar inim-zu an ku3-ge us2-sa ka-ta e3-a-zu an-ne2 dul-lu du11-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ta igi bar-ra-zu lu2 mu-un-ti-le ka ba-zu lu2 mu-un-silim-e du11-ga-a-zu (d)en-lil2 mu-szi-hul2 sza3-ge de6-a-zu (d)nin-lil2-le he2-am3-bi im-me sipa (d)en-lil2-ra geszkim ti-me-en (d)i-din-(d)da-gan a-ba za-e-gin7 i3-dim2 igi-bi he2-em-szi-gal2

    e2-kur-sze3 za-e lu2-bi he2-me-en nidba-zu e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-kam musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu szeg12 e2-kur-ra-ke4 sa6-ga-zu (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra hu-mu-un-ne-eb2-be2 inim sa6-ga an (d)en-lil2-la2-ta (d)i-din-(d)da-gan a2 nun he2-mu-e-te-gal2 mu mah-zu kalam-ma i3-gal2 an-za3-sze3 mu-zu pa bi2-in-e3 kal-ga nam-ur-sag a2 me3 szen-szen gub-bu ki-bala-da du7-du7 mu-e-_du_ sza3-ta (d)da-gan-na nam-sze3 mu-ri-in-tar za3-mi2-zu ka-ga14 i-ni-in-gal2 nam-lugal-zu ug3-e ba-sa6 nam-sipa-zu sza3-ge um-ma-du10

    ug3 e-da-lu ug3 e-da-dagal kur-kur u2-sal-la mu-e-ri-nu2 ug3-e he2-gal2-la u4 mu-ri-ib2-zal-e sag ge6-ga a-a-zu-gin7 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan igi-bi mu-e-szi-gal2 (d)en-lil2 en nam tar-tar-re-de3 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan u4-zu he2-eb2-su3-u4-de3 nam-kal-la nig2-nam-e zu-a igi du10 hu-mu-ri-in-du8 gesztu2 diri dub (d)nisaba-ke4 szum2-ma-zu e2-dub-ba-a im-ma musz3 nam-ba-an-tum2-mu e2-dub-ba-a-ba esz3 nig2 u3-tu-gin7 ki nam-ba-silig-ge dub-sar-tur szu-ni ib2-szi-in-tum4 im bi2-ib2-sar-a

    (d)nisaba nin mul-a x gesztu2 hu-mu-un-na-szum2 szu hu-mu-un-bad ki nam-dub-sar-ra-ka u4-gin7 he2-en-na-e3 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan ad-da-zu (d)szu-i3-li2-szu lugal kalam-ma-ke4 ki-en-gi ki-uri suhusz-bi mu-ra-an-ge-en du11-du11-ga an (d)en-lil2-ta ba-e-diri gu2-erim2-gal2 sa2 ba-e-du11 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan lugal kal-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal ki-en-gi4 ki-uri nig2-nam-ma gesztu2 egir-ra-bi igi-sze3 mu-ri-_du_ ibila kal-ga-me-en3 nir mu-e-gal2 (d)i-din-(d)da-gan nam-nun-na gu2 an-sze3 mi-ni-in-zi

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Dagan, the one who entrusted greatness to An, he made a great crown, he made a great crown, he made a great crown for him, and he made the shepherdship of the Land shine forth. He placed the land at your feet. Enlil looked with steadfast eyes, and Iddin-Dagan spoke a good word to him. He made the foundations of Sumer firm, he made the people grow tall, he made Sumer and Akkad a wide terrace, he made the people eat grass, he made the water sweet, he made Enlil bow down at his feet. Iddin-Dagan, the shepherd of his heart, I spoke a good word to Enlil.

    Enki, your broad wisdom, your wisdom, the true ear, the true mouth of the pirig gate, Iddin-Dagan, you have given to me. May the lands be favourable for me. The son born of Dagan, the lord, the broad people, may Iddin-Dagan, to your city, be favourable for me. The oil, the substance of the heart, may not be questioned. May Enlil rejoice over you. Like Utu, may it be favourable for you. May it be favorable for you. May it be favorable for you. May it be favorable for you. May it be favorable for you. The road, the road, the road, the road, the road, the road, may it be favorable for you. May it be favorable for you.

    He sat down in the daises, he sat down in the earth. Sumer and Akkad he sat down. The shuluh of the gods he sat down. Iddin-Dagan, in that place, you are rejoicing. Your words ... ... ... Your words, holy An, from the mouth of heaven, you are standing. Your words, from the work, which Enlil had written, you are the one who has been rejoicing. Your words, which Enlil had rejoicing, may Enlil rejoice over you. May Ninlil be its name. The shepherd Enlil, you are the one who has been convicted, Iddin-Dagan, who is like you, may he be its name.

    You are the one who eats in the Ekur, you are the one who eats in the temple of Enlil. May your good omens be set upon the brickwork of the Ekur. May Enlil and Ninlil make your good word come forth. From the good words of An and Enlil, Iddin-Dagan, the prince, may your great name be present. Your great name is present in the Land. May your name be present in the heavens. Strong one, the hero, the one who stands at battle and battle, who makes the rebellious land tremble, he has made great. From within Dagan he has decreed fate for you. Your praise is present in the mouth. Your kingship is pleasing to the people, your shepherdship is pleasing to the heart.

    The people have been scattered, the people have been scattered. The lands have been scattered, the people have been scattered. The day has been a long time. Like the beginning of the night, your father Iddin-Dagan has been present. Enlil, the lord of the fates, Iddin-Dagan, may your day be long. May everything that is good be seen. May wisdom be a supplication to you. The tablet of Nisaba is a supplication to you. May your tablet not be forgotten. In the tablet, the shrine of life-giving things, may it not be forgotten. The scribe, his hand, he wrote.

    Nisaba, the lady of the stars, gave to him wisdom, and made him live like daylight. In the place of the scribeship, Iddin-Dagan, your father, and Shu-ilishu, the king of the nation, Sumer and Akkad, its foundations he had fashioned. He who spoke to An and Enlil he made disappear, and the enemy he had gathered. Iddin-Dagan, the mighty king, king of Isin and king of Sumer and Akkad, everything that is to be heard, he made manifest before him. Iddin-Dagan, the mighty heir, he made great, and he made the princely throne over him.

    P479875: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en u4 husz du7-ru kur2-kur2 suh3-e kalam-ma ni2 mah x du8? (d)nergal kar gal an ki tud2 _ku_ zi-gal2 szar2-ra en igi husz il2-la-ni ug3 lu-a se3-ge erim2 x (gesz?)tukul? du8? (d)nergal a2-tuku an ki-a ug3 x _gi_ zar-re-esz bar-su3-am3 en u4 gal me mah-zu du7-ru (tu15)u18-lu kalam-ma dul-lu (d)nergal erim2 nam ku5-ra2-ni tu15 u8 tu11 lil2-e sag3-ge en sukux(_lil_)-ra2 kal-ga kiszib-la2 tuku na-me e-ne-ra nu-gub-bu (d)nergal dagal il2 u18-ru er9 gur3-ru gal nig2 ar2-re-esz e

    diri szul gal-e-ne nam-ur-sag-ga2-ni _gir3_-e nam-ur-sag-ga2 (d)nergal an ki za3 til-bi-sze3 nam-mah-a-ni dul-la sza3-ba-tuku-am3 ur-sag sag il2 en nir-gal2-lu dumu gaba zi a-a-na (d)nergal ab hu-luh ni2 husz ri na-me gaba ru-gu2 nu-zu szul zi-ga-ni mer a-ma-ru kur-kur un-tu11-be2 (d)nergal uszumgal u3-mun dul4-lu usz2 zi-gal2-la na8-na8 bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 en a-a ugu-ni (d)nu-nam-nir-gin7 ti mud e-ne-da gal2 (d)nergal e2? da-ri2 iri11-gal (d)en-lil2 ban3-da-me-en

    nam tar-re di ku5 ka-asz bar-re-da za-a-da sza-mu-e-da-gal2 (d)nergal a-ra2 gal me husz-bi szu mah-zu-usz im-si garza mah na-me nu-zu-ba za-a-ra si ma-ra-ab-sa2 (d)nergal gesz-hur szu-luh ug3-ba sag en3 tar-bi-me-en sza3-ba-tuku 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 ki u4 szu2-a (d)utu ma-ra-an-e3 bara2 ni2 gur3-ru ma-ra-an-ri (d)nergal |_du-du_|-e-bi tum2-mu-bi en za-a-da gal2-me-en ki u4 e3 en _dim4_ u5 _il2_-bi ni2 gal husz gur3-ru-me-en (d)nergal za3-mi2 a-re-zu ni2 su zi bar-re-dam bar-su3 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    sipa gi-ne szul zi (d)utu-gin7 di si sa2 ku5-ku5 (d)szu-i3-li2-szu nun me ul pa e3 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne (d)nergal e-ne-ra hul-du-ni zar-re-esz sal-mu-na-ab (d)szu-i3-li2-szu za-a-ar nir hu-mu-u8-de3-gal2 hul2-la hu-mu-di-ni-ib-tum2 sipa ha-ba-du (d)utu-gin7 ug3-ba mu-ni he2-em-mi-i-i (d)szu-i3-li2-szu kur-kur ug3 lu-a zi-ni he2-em-mi-ib2-ag2 bar-su3-da-am3 (d)nergal nun (d)szu-i3-li2-szu geszkim-ti-la-ni u4 su3-ra2-sze3 he2-me-en gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im

    en kur gal-la nig2 ul4-le-esz-e ak u3-ma husz erim2 dub2?-bu (d)nergal dub-bu dili-e-bi nu-sze-ga zi ir ni2 er9-e-ne en nir-gal2 mesz3 (d)nu-nam-nir-ra u3-tu-da ki gar-ra-ni x [...] (d)nergal sza3 mer (d)en-lil2-la2 a sed su3 en gal giri3 kur sag dub2-ba x x [...] (gesz)_gal_-zu x-ru-usz i3-gal2 (d)nergal me3-sze3 gub-be2 nir sag il2-i en gu2-erim2-ma pirig-gin7 ka sza-an-ta |_za-lam_| za-ra gi4 nu-sze-ga (d)nergal (sa)szu2-usz-gal hul-du szu szu2-ur gu2-erim2-gal2-la

    ur-sag kur a-a-zu-sze3 nu-sze-ga u4 husz gal-bi-me-en (d)nergal iri-bad3 a2-dam-bi ni2 um-szi-te am-gin7 giri3-za ba-szi-gub-be2-en si gal-zu bi2-tu11 (d)nergal szeg12-bi in-dal-gin7 an-na um-mi-gu7 igi husz-u3 i3-gur3-u3 igi nu-bar-re kalam-ma um-mi-gar (d)nergal u3-mun-bi szeg14-gin7 sur3-sur3-ra i-ni-in-de2 ug3 gu2-erim2-ma u8 i-ne2-gar zi szar2 kar i3-bi2-du11 (d)nergal szul za-a-da kar-bi ar2-zu szi-im-galam-e en szu gar (d)en-lil2-la2 mu-u8-gi sza3 a-a-na mu-un-sed

    (d)nergal kal-ga dumu kur gam (d)nu-nam-nir-ra-kam sipa an-ne2 ug3 szar2-ra pa3-da szul zi il2 kur gal-la (d)szu-i3-li2-szu szu-luh pa e3 ak-de3 (d)nin-lil2-le tu-da hu-mu-un-tah-e szen-szen me3-a _gir3_ gesz gesz-e la2-a (d)nergal e-ne-ra hul-du-ni sim(muszen)-gin7 za-e ur4-ur4-u4-mu-na-ab kur nu-sze-ga-na u18-lu husz bi2-dul gesz-gaz-bi he2-me-en (d)szu-i3-li2-szu du6-ul-mu-na-ab iri e-ne-sze3 nu-gal2 sa-gar-ra-am3 en er9 a-a ugu-na nam-nir-gal2 szum2-ma (d)nergal en (d)nu-nam-nir-re nam-nir-gal2 szum2-ma

    (d)szu-i3-li2-szu zi su3-u4-gal2 nam-ti-la-ni esz3 e2-mesz3-lam-ma ul-sze3 sza-mu-ra-ab-mu2-mu2 u18-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab (d)nergal-ka-am3

    AI Translation

    The lord, the storm, the storm, the lands, the storm, the ... of the Land, the great radiance of Nergal, the great kar of heaven and earth, the ..., the mighty, the ..., the lord, the storm, the storm, the storm, the ..., the enemy, the weapon?, Nergal, the weapon of heaven and earth, the ... people, the ..., the ..., the lord, the storm, the great storm, the storm, the storm, the storm, Nergal, the enemy, his fate, the storm,

    The great ..., his hero, the foot of his hero Nergal, in heaven and earth, at the end of his life, his greatness is a work of rejoicing. The hero, the foremost, the lord, the en priestess, the true son, his father, Nergal, the suckling cow, the suckling wild cow, whose roar is unrivalled, his mighty hero, the mer, the storm, the lands, he has sworn. Nergal, the ushumgal, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the 2nd scepter, the lord, his father, like Nunamnir, the blood of the blood of the scepter, Nergal, the eternal temple, the city of Enlil, I am

    The fate of the fate of the king is determined by the verdict, the decision of the mouth is determined by you. You are the one who has sinned against me. Nergal, the great battle, whose fierce divine powers are supreme, whose supreme throne is a scepter, whose utterance cannot be overturned, you are the one who has sinned against me. Nergal, the divine plan of the people, you are the one who has sinned against me. You have sinned against me 2nd time. When Utu has sinned against me, he has sinned against me. The throne is a slanderer. Nergal has sinned against me. When he has sinned against me, you are the one who slanders me. Nergal, your slanderer, whose slander is a slanderer, he has slander me 3rd time.

    The faithful shepherd, the true scion of Utu, the righteous judge, Shu-ilishu, the prince who does not change the divine powers of the Anuna gods, Nergal, when he was destroyed, he was smitten with his evil deeds. Shu-ilishu, the zagar, the slanderer, he made great, he made great, he made great, and the shepherd he built for him. Like Utu, he named his people. Shu-ilishu, the lands, his people, he named him. In the outskirts, Nergal, prince, Shu-ilishu, his sworn by his life, may he live long. Its gishgigal, its sag-gidda,

    The great lord, who makes everything perfect, whose utterances are furious, Nergal, whose utterances are not sung together, the true lord, who is enraged, who is enraged, the lord who is the mighty, the throne of Nunamnir, whose place of rest is ... Nergal, the heart of Enlil, he who is sated with water, the great lord, the foot of the mountain, ..., your great ..., is here, Nergal stands at battle, the mighty lord, the lion, from the mouth of the lion, the zalam, the lion,

    I am the hero who does not abandon the land of your father, I am the fierce storm. Nergal, the city of Dur, your father, is a wild bull, standing at your feet. You are the one who has sat on your feet. Nergal, like a lion, has smashed its bricks. Like a lion, it has smashed its eyes in heaven. The king has sat on its mother's lap. Nergal has smashed its bricks like a smashed brick. The people have sat on its necks. The lion has sat on its throne. Nergal, the one who is a shattered shattered shattered shattered its neck. The lord who has sat on his father's heart, has sat on his father's heart.

    For Nergal, the mighty, son of the land, the son of Nunamnir, shepherd of An, who makes the many people rejoice, who makes the great mountain resplendent, who makes Ninlil rise, who makes the battles a battle, who ... the ... of the trees, who Nergal, when he was angry, he was like a sailor, he was destroying the land like a pigeon, he was destroying its ... Shu-ilishu, when he was destroying the city, he was not present, he was a sagar, the lord who is angry, his father, gave him the scepter, Nergal, the lord of Nunamnir, gave the scepter,

    Shu-ilishu, the true and everlasting one, for his life in the shrine Emeshlam, to distant times he shall praise him. Its urub-response is the adab-priest of Nergal.

    P479877: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] x [...] [...]-ku4-ku4-de3 [...] a2 zi-da a2 gab2-bu-bi pirig im-da-nu2 [...] [...]-ib2-du11 inim (d)en-lil2-la2-ta [...] iri(ki) du6-du6-da szid-e-de3 [...]-de3 nam im-ma-ni-in-tar [...] bala (d)en-lil2 a2-tah-bi-im ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-kam [...]-ra (d)en-lil2-le [...] mu-na-an-e3

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by the command of Enlil ... ... ... ... ... he decreed a fate for the city Dudu ... ... the reign of Enlil, its adversity, the 1st kirugu ... Enlil ... .

    M=segment B


    [...]-in-in-bi-da ba-[...] [...] x(ki) mu-na-an-szum2 a2-ni nu-ga2-ga2 [...] _lu_ ul nam-nun-na-e sig-ga ba-szi-in-_du_ musz-gin7 usz7 ze2 guru5-a-ni erim2-ma im-mi-in-te x x-ma ki-en-gi-ra-ka szu mi-ni-ib-ur3-ur3-re x x x(ki) larsa(ki)-ma x x x edin? uri2(ki)-ka x-e mah mi-ni-in-_bad_ a2-ni la-ba-ra-e3 gu2-erim2-gal2-le ka tar-ra-bi x [...] igi-ni bala (d)isz-bi-er3-ra x x _ku_ [...] [...] x _du_ x-am3 za3 bi2-in-gi4 [...] ba-an-szub szu suh3 ha-ba-ab-du11 [...] im-da-an-zi x x sag3-ge nu-ga2-ga2

    [...] x _gi sza ki_ [...] x x x x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... he gave to him, but his name he did not honor ... The man who did not exercise rulership was clad in red wool like a snake, and his blood was poured out on the ground like a snake. He ... Sumer, he ..., and ... ... Larsa, ... the plain? of Ur, he ..., but his name he did not honor, and the troops ... ... before him, the reign of Ishbi-Erra ... ... ... he returned, and he ... ... he ..., and ... he did not .

    M=segment C


    [...] x iri-da x [...] [...] du11-ga mar-ha-szi(ki) [...] [...] ma-da-ma-da [...] ba-szi-mi(ki) gaba a-ab-ba [...]-ta za3 za-ab-sza-li(ki) [...]-sze3 a-ra-wa(ki) sag-kul elam(ki)-ma [...]-ta za3 mar-ha-szi(ki) [...]-sze3 ki-in-da-tu lu2 elam [...] i3-si-in(ki) bulug gal an ki [...] lugal-la me3-bi nu-mu-[...] me3 elam(ki)-ma ki-en-gi [...] gaba a-ab-ba-ka [...] _mu_ [...] ma-da hu-uh2-nu-ri [...] masz2-ansze nig2-ur2-4(disz)-[...] lugal-e me3-a [...] ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    AI Translation

    ... of the city ... ... of Marhashi ... of the land ... of Bashimi, on the seashore ... from the border of Zabshali to ... Arawa, the head of Elam, ... from the border of Marhashi to ... Kindatu, the man of Elam ... Isin, the great steward of heaven and earth, ... king whose battles cannot be defeated ... battles of Elam and Sumer ... on the seashore ... ... the land of Huhnuri ... the cattle of the king ... battles ... the 2nd kirugu

    M=segment D


    (gesz)gigir mah [...] lugal-e i3-si-in(ki) [...] di nig2-gi-na x [...] (d)isz-bi-er3-ra [...] an sag-ta? [...] (d)en-lil2-le [...] ug3 [...]-un-gar arad [...] buru5(muszen)-gin7 sze im-ma-[...] pu2-(gesz)kiri6 pu2-(gesz)kiri6 [...] [...] da _bi_ [...]

    AI Translation

    The exalted chariot ... the king of Isin ... the verdict of justice ... Ishbi-Erra ... from heaven ... Enlil ... the people ... ... a servant ... like a buru bird ... the orchard, the orchard ... ... .

    M=segment E


    [...] x x x _an_ x x [...] gur?-ru-de3 im-mi-in-x ku3-sig17 nig2-gur11 gi16-sa-a-bi bara2-sze3 mu-un-du3 zi-nu-um lu2 szu-ta szub-ba-bi (d)en-ki maszkim-bi-im (i7)buranun-na (i7)idigna (i7)kir11-sig (i7)kisz(ki) za3-bi im-mi-in-gu7 edin bar-rim4 lil2 bu-bu-da enmen-e mi-ni-in-ug7 ki-in-da-tu lu2 elam(ki)-ma-ra inim-bi ba-an-na-de6 an-sza4-an(ki)-e szimaszgi(ki) szeg11 ba-ab-gi4 kur im-ma-an-te ugnim-ma-ni pu-uh2-ru-um-bi inim mu-na-ni-ib-be2 ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3

    x x a2 mah mu-na-an-szum2 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im [...]-bi (d)en-lil2 A an nin x x x [...] (d)nin-lil2-la2 A x x x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... he ... ... ... gold and silver, its treasure, he fashioned for the dais. The zignum, the man who had left his hand, he ate. The Euphrates, the Tigris, the Kirsig, and the Kish rivers he ate. The plain, the mud, the mud, the enmen he ate. The kindatu of the Elamite he swore by the word of Elam he swore. Anshan he swore by Shimashgi, he swore by the mountain. His army he swore by the word of his envoy. 3rd kirugu

    ... gave to him a great strength. Its geshgigal ... Enlil, son of An, queen ... Ninlil, son of .

    M=segment F


    [...]-gi4-am3 [...]-sze3 im-ma-an-gar [...] mu-un-ur4 [...] gar [...] a2 im-mi-in-ag2 [...] _ba_? _asz_ im-szi-in-[...] [...] ki-bala-sze3 x [...] [...] nu-mu-un-gal2-la [...] [...] szimaszgi(ki) [...] mu-un-du11

    AI Translation

    ... he ... ... he erected ... he erected ... he erected ... ... ... ... ... to the rebel land ... ... he did not have ... Shimashki ... he uttered.

    P479878: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    x an ki su3-ra2-ag2 bi2-mu2-mu2 x x x nun? zi ib-ta-e3-a (d)suen kur gal-e en nun-sze3 tu-da x x x _sar_?-a x _an da di_ gaba-gal2 an ki-a lugal-bi na-nam en (d)asz-im2-babbar su3-ra2-ag2 bi2-mu2-mu2 (d)suen su3-ra2-ag2 bi2-mu2-mu2 (d)x su3-ra2-ag2 bi2-mu2-mu2 dingir u4-da su3-ra2-ag2 bi2-mu2-mu2 gaba-gal2 an ki-a lugal-bi na-nam an sikil-la mu-un-x ki-sze3 pa am3-e3 esz-bar an-na-kam sa2 gal mu-un-ga2-ga2 temen si sa2-a me szar2 mi-ni-in-ed2-e szul nun-sze3 il2-la di-bi-(d)suen-gu10

    bala su3-u4 nam-he2-a im-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3 en (d)asz-im2-babbar ki-sze3 pa am3-e3 esz-bar an-na-kam sa2 gal mu-un-ga2-ga2 temen si sa2-a me szar2 mi-ni-in-ed2-e szul nun-sze3 il2-la di-bi-(d)suen-gu10 bala su3-u4 nam-he2-a im-ma-ni-in-pa3-da ki nim-ma kur-za3-sze3 gal-bi mu-ni-ib-e3 me ku3-bi szen-am3 gesz-hur nam-mi-ni-in-du7 nig2-nam sze-er-ka-an-ba igi su3-u4 mi-ni-in-il2 aga du7 me u4 su3-ra2 du11-ga nu-kam3-me-de3 di-bi-(d)suen-gu10-ur2 ti sza-mu-e-da-ab-su3-u4-de3

    me ku3-bi szen-am3 gesz-hur nam-mi-ni-in-du7 nig2-nam sze-er-ka-an-ba igi su3-u4 mi-ni-in-il2 aga du7 me u4 su3-ra2 du11-ga nu-kam3-me-de3 di-bi-(d)suen-gu10-ur2 ti sza-mu-e-da-ab-su3-u4-de3 en gesz-nu11 an ki x x x [...] un3-e gesz-he2-a me-te [...] E? _hi du_ dagal _du_-bi he2-x [...] me szar2-bi mi-ni-ib-si ag2 x [...] (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 _an_ x x [...] en (d)asz-im2-babbar men-bi [...] un3-e gesz-he2-a [...] _e hi du_ dagal _du_-bi [...] me szar2-bi [...] (d)i-bi2-3(u)-gu10 _an_ x x [...] sa-gid2-da-am3

    an-ne2 u4 du10 x _du asz_ ku3 mu-[...] x x aga zi me u4 su3-ra2 gidru nam-lugal-la (d)en-lil2-le ki ag2 nam-en nam mu-un-tar nam-ur-sag ba-tu pa e3 am3-mi-ni-mah (d)en-ki-ke4 nam-he2 u4 giri17-zal mu2-mu2 (i7)idigna (i7)buranun-na a-u3-ba dagal x (d)nin-tu numun i-i sag? zi-gal2 u3-tu iri a2-dam ug3 lu-a ni2-bi-a _asz bar usz_ (d)nanna u4 zu2 kesze2 gesz-hur gi-ne2 iti zal-le mu da-ri2 u4 ki-sze3 |_du-du_| sag-kal nam-nun-na (d)i-bi2-3(u)-gu10 sig nim za3 an ki e-ne-er ni2 ba-x-e

    nam-szul-la za3 dib kur-re giri3 saga11 di esz-bar-e kig2-ga2 ug3-e galga szum2-mu (d)utu nig2-si-sa2 nig2-du7-e bi2-in-_du_ nin zi (d)nin-irigal ama kul-ab(ki)-a-ke4 nam-szita a-ra-zu mah? u4 ki-bi szu? x E? x x x x nin mu mah x x x x x x x x zi su3-u4-gal2 sa-gar-ra?-am3 x x x _ig_ x x szul (d)suen-na x sag-esz2 mu-ni-in-rig7 lugal an-na-ra gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im x A? un3-na su3-ra2-ag2-bi na-nam x x x gesz-he2-a su3-ra2-ag2-bi na-nam (d)i-bi2-3(u)-gu10 bala su3-ra2 mu nam-he2 x x ti sza-mu-e-da-ab-su3-de3

    a-da-ab (d)suen-na

    AI Translation

    ... heaven and earth were reconciled. ... the true prince he brought out. Suen, the great mountain, to the lord of the princely ...

    He made the lord Ashimbabbar rise to the earth, he made the decision for heaven, he made the foundations firm, he made the mighty powers rise to the princely crown, he made the princely crown rise to the princely crown, he made it a great crown, he made it a crown for my Suen, making the bala last long, he made it a great crown for the high earth, he made the holy divine powers shine forth, he made the plans, he made the plans, he made everything shine forth, he made it shine, he made the crown shine, he made the crown shine, he made the divine powers of the distant days, he did not make it a crown, he made the crown of my Suen shine,

    The divine powers of gold are a szen-demon, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. They are a plan, they are a plan. Dibbi-Sîn, my lord, the scepter of heaven and earth ...

    An, ... good days, ... holy ..., ..., true crown, a long life, a scepter of kingship, Enlil loved, en-ship he decreed, the heroism he made manifest, he made the day shine forth, Enki, life he made abundant, the Tigris and Euphrates, the wide watercourses, Nintu, the seed, the ..., the city, the city's ..., its people, ..., Nanna, the day of the ..., the steadfast plans, the month of the year, forever, the day of the kingship, my Ibbi-III, the sage, the sage, the ... of heaven and earth, he .

    Adab, Sîn.

    P479879: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en me sag2 nu-di i-lim u5 men gal-la szul (d)suen u4 gesz-he2 e3-a-sze3? (d)en-lil2-le il2-la su-lim dagal idim-e diri (d)nin-lil2-le tu-da dingir musz3-a-ni _un_-_un_ unken kur-kur-ra _du_ x iti6 x (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 x x x x mu-un-[...] me nam-nun-na-ni an-da gu2 la2-am3 u18-ru-ni giri17-zal ki us2-sa-am3 (d)asz-im2-babbar-re (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 kalam-ma ku6-gal2-bi-sze3 ug3 dagal-la x [...] (d)nanna men zi-da dalla mu-[...]-e3 gidru u4 du6-ul-la (d)asz-im2-babbar [...]

    ub-da an ki-ka kalam du10-ga giri3-na? [...] (d)nanna kur-kur-ra me-ni am3-[...] an ki nig2-dagal-ba pa _mu_ x x [...] an-e nir _gi_-ba (d)asz-im2-babbar [...] (d)nanna nam-szul-la x hu?-[...] ul-sze3 me u4 ti-la x x mu-ni-[...] di-bi2)-(d)suen-gu10 x hu-mu-na-ni-[...] du11-ga-ni u18-ru gal sag2 nu-di-dam (d)i-bi2-(d)suen szu mah-a-ni im-dab? zi-de3-esz-sze3 mu-na-an-ak mu du10 sa4-a-ni sa-gid2-da-am3 uri2(ki) iri me nun szul (d)suen-na-kam an (d)en-lil2 pap gal (d)nu-dim2-mud

    ama (d)nin-tu kalam-ma szir3-ra-ni mah-am3 me-tesz2 he2-i-i esz3 uri2(ki) iri me nun szul (d)suen-na-kam an (d)en-lil2 pap gal (d)nu-dim2-mud ama (d)nin-tu kalam-ma szir3-ra-ni mah-am3 me-tesz2 he2-i-i (d)a-nun-na x x x x [...] (d)en-ki [...] (d)x [...] (d)... (d)... unken ki x [...] _ezen_ x [...] sa-gar-ra-am3 tigi (d)suen-na-kam

    AI Translation

    Lord, the one who does not know the divine powers, the one who is a great lord, the sul of Suen, when he comes forth from the midst of the forest, Enlil rises up, the broad one, the one who surpasses Ninlil, his god, his ..., the ... of the lands, ... month ..., Ibbi-Sîn ... His divine powers, his princeliness, are not equal to his own, his ... are a scepter, he is a scepter, and the place where he is, Ibbi-Sîn, the Land, its fisherman, the broad people ... Nanna, the true lord, ..., he ... the scepter of the long days of Ashimbabbar .

    The ... of heaven and earth, the good land, his feet ... Nanna, the lands, his divine powers ... An and earth, its ..., its ..., Ashimbabbar ... Nanna, life ... ... In the future, the divine powers of life ... ... My dibbi-Sîn ... his words, a great scepter that cannot be changed, Ibbi-Sîn, his supreme hand, he ... a righteous hand ... he made him ... his good name ... Ur, the city of the divine powers, the life of Suen, An, Enlil, the great pap Nudimmud

    Mother Nintu, the land, her song is supreme, may she sing it! Shrine Ur, the city of the divine powers, princely prince, the youth of Suen, An, Enlil, great pap of Nudimmud, mother Nintu, the land, her song is supreme, may she sing it! Anuna ... ... Enki ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... tigi of Suen,

    P479880: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    dingir nam-he u3-tu-da an-na igi bar-ra (d)urasz-a (d)szu-(d)suen lu2 (d)nanna di zu-gin7 x x-ga igi (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 u3-tu-da-zu-ta lu2 ne-me-en mu (d)nanna-e sa4 szu-(d)suen dumu ur-sag an-na ki ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 e2-kur za-gin3-ta sag il2-la (d)urasz-e tu-da sza3 (d)urasz-a-ke4 pa3-da-am3 kur-kur-ra ha-ba-il2 suh-gir11 sag mah (d)en-lil2-la 2(disz)-kam (gesz)gidru-ni he2-su3-u4 dili-ni gesz tuku (d)en-lil2-la 2(disz)-kam a2 mah szum2-ma-am3 szu du11-ga an za-gin3-na-kam (d)nin-lil2-la2 tam-ma-ni-im

    (d)szu-(d)suen ux(_pa_)-a hi-li mul-mul _igi_? x _di_? [...] ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-kam-ma-am3 (d)szu-(d)suen ti-la u4 su3-ra2 [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im x x x (d)en-lil2-la2 mi-ni-[...] x x (d)szu-(d)suen _an_ x [...] sag il2 [...] tum2?-ma [...] su6 za-gin3 su3-su3 (d)utu-gin7 kur-kur-ra [...] (d)szu-(d)suen nir-gal2? esz3 me i-i _an_ [...] mer ni2 girid2 i-lim kalam-ma kesze2? nam-gal-sze3? [...] gesz-nu11 il2 si _an_-_an_ kesze2 an-na a2 mah (d)en-lil2-la2 dili-ni en he2-gal2-la (d)szu-(d)suen pirig gal bara2-ge2-e-ne

    ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a-a (d)en-lil2 en nam tar-re a2-tuku-ni he2-me-en (d)utu-gin7 he2-du7-ni he2-me-en (d)nin-lil2 esz3 mah-a-kam en sig7-ga (d)en-ki nam tar-re a-a gesztu2 dagal-la-kam gal-an-zu (d)en-lil2-le igi gal2-la-ni-sze3 x x _un_ zi-de3-esz [...] lugal-gu10 dingir nam tar-ra ki ur5 sa6-ge [...] (d)szu-(d)suen di ku5-ru ka-asz bar-re-da x x x lugal-gu10 a2 bad hu-mu-ni-in-[...] ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 en gal (d)szu-(d)suen mu he2-gal2-la [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

    sag il2 men lugal du7 dumu (d)nin-sumun2-na pesz10-gal2 gaba-gal2 (d)a-nun-na-ke4-e-ne [...] (d)szu-(d)suen ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 pa e3 mu?-[...] sza3 ki ag2 hi-li nig2 nu-til-le-dam munus zi [...] sag-tab-zu ma-ra-an-szum2 (d)en-lil2-le gu2-da hu-[...] kal-ga a2 mah szum2-ma kur gal-la usu-ni-ta [...] ur-sag en bara2-bara2-ge2-ne za3 dib pirig gal-bi-im (d)szu-(d)suen alan sa6 aga za-gin3 gaba ku3-ga u6 di ur-sag nam-dingir-sze3 tu-da me-te nam-lugal-la [...] x an ki-a za3 kalam-ma-sze3 kal-ga

    ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma-am3 [...] x ga-an-i-i [...] (d)nin-lil2-la2-kam in-nin9 x he2-en-na-nam [...]-le (d)utu-gin7 kalam dagal _tag_? [...] im-mi-in-si [...] (d)szu-(d)suen u2?-a?-zu su3-am3 [...]-ra-ra

    AI Translation

    The god of abundance, who has given birth to An, before Urash, Shu-Sîn, the man who Nanna has ... like a ..., before Enlil, who has given birth to you, you are the one chosen by Nanna, the good name of Shu-Sîn, the son of the hero of An, beloved of Enlil, from the lapis-lazuli temple to the head raised by Urash, who has known the heart of Urash, the lands shall be sated with the scepter of the great head of Enlil, his scepter may he raise up his head, his twin brother, the wisdom of Enlil, 2nd time, the great strength of the lapis-lazuli he gave to Ninlil, his image

    Shu-Sîn, the ..., the ..., the ..., the 1st kirugu Shu-Sîn, the life of distant days ..., its geshgigal ... Enlil ... Shu-Sîn, ... ..., the head ..., ..., the ..., the lapis lazuli, the ..., the ..., the ..., the shrine of the divine powers, ... Shu-Sîn, the sage, the ..., the mer, the ..., the ilum of the Land, to the greatness of the greatness ..., the ..., the ..., the ... of heaven, the great strength of Enlil, his twin, the lord of abundance, Shu-Sîn, the great ox, the barage,

    The second kirugu I, father Enlil, lord of the fates, may I be his father, like Utu, may I be his mother. Ninlil, in the supreme shrine, the lord who is beautiful, Enki, the fates, the broad father, your great lord, Enlil, before him ... ... My king, the god of the fates, the place of good ... Shu-Sîn, the judge of the ..., my king, may ... the forces of the wall. The 3rd kirugu, the great lord Shu-Sîn, the name of abundance ... its geshgigal.

    ... the head, the king, the eldest son of Ninsumun, the scepter of the Anuna gods ... Shu-Sîn, holy Inanna, ... ... ... whose heart is filled with joy, without a thing to be forgotten, true woman ... Your head is given to you by Enlil, ... mighty, given strength by the great mountains, ... from the great mountain ... Hero, the lord of the cult centers, ... The great pirig statue of Shu-Sîn, a beautiful statue, a lapis lazuli crown, a gold crown, ... ... the kingship ... ... the heavens and earth, the border of the land, mighty

    The 4th kirugu ... ... ... Ninlil ... ... like Utu, the wide land ... ... ... Shu-Suen, your? ... is .

    P479881: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    sza3-ta ur-sag [...] sza3-ba-tuku [...] (d)szu-(d)suen gal-zu x x [...] x x _mu_ lu2 x x x [...] [...] x _u3_ bara2 x [...] x x x x mu-na-ab-x [...] hi-li me-te [...] bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 an-e x [...] _ka_ [...] (d)szu-(d)suen [...] _an_ [...] _ki_? [...]

    AI Translation

    From there, the hero ... he seized ... Shu-Sîn, your great ... ... ... and the dais ... he ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2nd barsu ... heaven ... Shu-Sîn ... ... .

    M=segment B


    x [...] (d)szu-(d)suen [...] zi-ga [...] sa-gid2-da _an da_? x mu-un-x x [...] gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im an-e nam mu-un-tar-ra? [...] an ku3-ga nam mu-un-tar esz3 uri2? [...] an-e u4-gin7 (d)szu-(d)suen-ra me x [...] _ka_ mu-un-na-ni-in-[...] u18-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab an-na-kam

    AI Translation

    ... Shu-Sîn ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... holy An ...

    P479882: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ur-sag ul gal-le-esz nir gaba-gal2 za3 pirig ul sig7-ga (d)nin-urta x mar-uru5 ug gal szen-szen-na ru-ru-gu2 a2-gal2 ug3 erim2 x _ra su_ uru2 gul-lu a2-dam sahar-re-esz gi4 (d)nin-urta am gal gu4-si-_asz_ bad3 gal |_szu-kad4_|-|_szu-kad4_|-e bar-su3-am3 a-ma-ru ki-bala-sze3 hu-luh-ha gaba-szu-gar nu-tuku (d)nin-urta i-lim u5 su nig2-gir2 u4 gar _a musz3_? [...] lugal (d)szu-(d)suen ug3 dagal-la mu-ni x-zu e2-szu-me-sza4 ki-tusz ku3 igi-szu-galam ki nam tar-re-za kisal mah-ba gu4 gal udu gal-e si um-ma-ni-sa2

    |_ki-lugal-gub_| ku3-ba szu ha-ra-ni-in-mu2-mu2 [...] (d)szu-(d)suen-na szu ha-ra-ni-in-mu2-mu2 [...] (d)nin-urta ti u4 su3-ra2-ka _na_ x [...] (d)szu-(d)suen-na ti u4 su3-ra2-ka _na_ gu2? [...] sza3-ba-tuku-am3 x x a2-ni su3-su3 x [...] [...] x x x [...] (d)nin-urta dumu-sag (d)en-lil2-la2 su-lim-ma x [...] x x gu2?-e me gar? _te_ x x _di_ x [...] [...] x x x [...] bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 [...] x szu nu-te _ab_?-_ab_? [...] x x x x x x si gal-a-ni? _na_? x [...] x _ra_ x x husz-am3 an-ur2 x [...] x I

    (d)nin-urta kal-ga ux(_pa_)-a mah (d)nin-lil2-le tu-da i-lim u5 x x x (d)szu-(d)suen (d)en-lil2-sze3 gal2-la (d)nin-urta bad3 gal-a-ni he2-me-en igi du10 hu-mu-ni-du8 (d)szu-(d)suen bad3 gal-a-ni he2-me-en igi du10 hu-mu-ni-du8 sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)nin-urta (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10-ur2 a2-tah (gesz)tukul-a-ni he2-me-en gesz-gi5-gal2-bi-im [...] _lu_ tir _ka_ galam-ma kur-sza3-sze3 du10 bar-re (d)nin-urta ulu3 mah ki-bala-a kusz7 lu2-ra su-su sa2-gar me e2-kur-ra szu du7 geszkim-ti a-a-na

    (d)nin-urta tir _ka_ galam-ma kur-sza3-sze3 du10 bar-re (d)nin-urta ulu3 mah ki-bala-a kusz7 lu2-ra su-su sa2-gar me e2-kur-ra szu du7 geszkim-ti a-a-na lugal-gu10 a2 mah (d)en-lil2-la2 kur szu-ni nu-e3 (d)szu-(d)suen x x a2 mah szum2-ma a-a (d)en-lil2-la2-ra (d)nin-urta me3 szen-szen-na szar2 sza-mu-na-an-gul-e (d)nin-urta a2 mah (d)en-lil2-la kur szu-ni nu-e3 (d)szu-(d)suen x x a2 mah szum2-ma a-a (d)en-lil2-la2-ra (d)nin-urta me3 szen-szen-na szar2 sza-mu-na-an-gul-e

    lugal-gu10 me ul dili sza-ba-ak kig2 gal-le-esz rib-ba (d)nin-urta u2-sa11-an sig7-ga kalam-ma ni2 ru-ru-gu2 (d)urasz ku3-gin7 uszum su-lim-ma izi-gar husz il2-il2-i (d)nin-urta me ul dili sza-ba-ak kig2 gal-le-esz rib-ba (d)nin-urta u2-sa11-an sig7-ga kalam-ma ni2 ru-ru-gu2 (d)urasz ku3-gin7 uszum su-lim-ma izi-gar husz il2-il2-i lugal-gu10 mah-di ur-sag gal ne-ni-da nir-gal2 (d)szu-(d)suen geszkim hu-mu-un-ti-en en (d)nin-urta-ra lugal (d)en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2-ma-a maszkim-zu he2-a

    (d)nin-urta mah-di ur-sag gal ne-ni-da nir-gal2 (d)szu-(d)suen geszkim hu-mu-un-ti-en en (d)nin-urta-ra lugal (d)en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2-ma-a maszkim-zu he2-a [...] x (na4)nir7-a ku3 su-lim-ma kig2 gal-le-esz rib-ba [...] x-gin7 a2 mah-za im-mi-in-_du_ mu-zu im-mi-in-sar [...] ul-sze3 nam-ti-la-ni en-nu-ug3 szi-im-[...]-ak (d)szu-(d)suen-na ku3 su-lim-ma kig2 gal-le-esz rib-ba x x-gin7 a2 mah-za im-mi-in-_du_ mu-zu im-mi-in-sar [...] ul-sze3 nam-ti-la-ni en-nu-ug3 szi-im-[...]-ak [...] sa-gar-ra-am3 [...]

    AI Translation

    hero who is great, mighty, mighty, ..., ..., Ninurta, ..., the sailor, great storm, ..., the army of the people, the enemy, ..., destroyed city, ..., ..., restored by Ninurta, great bull, ox, great wall, ..., ..., the flood of the rebel land, ..., without rival Ninurta, the lord, the ..., the ..., the king Shu-Sîn, the broad people, his name ..., the Eshumesha, the holy residence, the place of deciding fate, the great courtyard, great oxen, and sheep, the voice of his army,

    ... he shall give it as a gift. ... Shu-Sîn shall give it as a gift. ... Ninurta, the life of a long time, ... Shu-Sîn, the life of a long time, ... ... ... his heart ... ... Ninurta, the first-born son of Enlil, ... ... ... ... ... 2nd barsu ...

    Ninurta, the mighty, the supreme throne of Ninlil, the one who ..., the one who ..., Shu-Sîn to Enlil, may Ninurta his great wall be crowned with splendor. May Shu-Sîn his great wall be crowned with splendor. The sagida-demon is Ninurta, Shu-Sîn his weapon is the weapon of his weapon. Its geshgigal: ..., the man who ... the ... of the mountain, may Ninurta the supreme storm of the rebel land, the ... of the people, the sagar of the divine powers of the Ekur, the sagar of the divine powers of his father,

    Ninurta, the ... of the galama, to the lands, is good, and Ninurta, the supreme south wind, in the lands, is a snare for the man, a snare for the me of the Ekur, is good. The omen of his father, my king, the supreme power of Enlil cannot be overturned. Shu-Sîn ..., the supreme power given by father Enlil, Ninurta, the divine powers of battle will not be destroyed. Ninurta, the supreme power of Enlil cannot be overturned. Shu-Sîn ..., the supreme power given by father Enlil, Ninurta, the divine powers of battle will not be destroyed.

    My king, the one who has no divine powers, who sets the great fires on the ground, Ninurta, the bright one of the Land, the one who roars like Urash, the pure, shum-shum-plant, the hush fire shines. Ninurta, the one who has no divine powers, who sets the great fire on the ground, Ninurta, the bright one of the Land, the one who roars like Urash, the pure, the pure, shum-shum-plant, the hush fire shines. My great king, the great hero, the one who is the sage of Shu-Sîn, the one who is the sage of Ninurta, the king of Enlil, who has given you your sage,

    Ninurta, supreme hero, the beloved hero of Shu-Sîn, the one who has sworn by the command of the lord Ninurta, the king whom Enlil gave to him, may your sworn by the command be given to him. ..., a pure nir stone, whose large ... is ..., whose name he wrote therein. ... In the future, for his life he shall serve as guardian. Shu-Sîn, whose pure ... is ..., whose name he wrote therein, whose name he wrote therein. ... In the future, for his life he shall serve as guardian. .

    P479883: literary other-object

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI


    x sza3-ta ku3-ga x [...] e3 [...] x kalam-ma [...] ki hul2 [...] [...] x x x x x x [...] x _ki_ x x [...] x du11-ga [...] x _na_ x x lugal-gu10 eridu(ki)-sze3 na-gen nun gal a-a (d)en-ki hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re eridu(ki)-sze3 na-gen nun gal a-a (d)en-ki hul2-la-a lugal-gu10 nibru(ki)-sze3 na-gen kur gal a-a (d)en-lil2 hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re nibru(ki)-sze3 na-gen kur gal a-a (d)en-lil2 hul2-la-a lugal-gu10 e2-szu-me-sza4-sze3 na-gen en (d)nin-urta-ke4 hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re e2-szu-me-sza4-sze3 na-gen

    en (d)nin-urta-ke4 hul2-la-_ni_? lugal-gu10 kesz3(ki)-sze3 na-gen (d)nin-sumun2-zi-gal-an-na hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re kesz3(ki)-sze3 na-gen (d)nin-sumun2-zi-gal-an-na hul2-la-a lugal-gu10 uri2-sze3 na-gen en (d)asz-im2-babbar hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re uri2(ki)-sze3 na-gen en (d)asz-im2-babbar hul2-la-a lugal-gu10 e2-babbar2-sze3 na-gen su6 za-gin3 _ba_? x hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re e2-babbar2-sze3 na-gen su6 za-gin3 _ba_? x hul2-la-a lugal-gu10 kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 na-gen (d)nin-iri12-gal-ke4 hul2-la-a

    (d)szul-gi-re kul-aba4(ki)-sze3 na-gen (d)nin-iri12-gal-ke4 hul2-la-a lugal-gu10 ki zabala2(ki)-sze3 na-gen [...] (d)inanna-ke4 hul2-la-a (d)szul-gi-re ki zabala2(ki)-sze3 na-gen [...] (d)inanna-ke4 hul2-la-a

    AI Translation

    ... from the pure ... ... ... the land ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my king to Eridu he did not enter. The great prince, father of Enki, who rejoices, and Shulgi to Eridu he did not enter. The great prince, father of Enki, who rejoices, my king to Nippur he did not enter. The great mountain, father of Enlil, who rejoices, and Shulgi to Nippur he did not enter. The great mountain, father of Enlil, who rejoices, my king to Eshumesha he did not enter. The lord Ninurta, who rejoices, and Shulgi to Eshumesha he did not enter.

    For the lord Ninurta, rejoice! My king went to Kesh. For Ninsumun-zigalana, rejoice! For Shulgi, go to Kesh. For Ninsumun-zigalana, rejoice! My king went to Ur. For the en priestess of Ashimbabbar, rejoice! For Shulgi, go to Ur. For the en priestess of Ashimbabbar, rejoice! My king went to the Ebabbar, rejoice! For Shulgi, go to the Ebabbar, rejoice! My king went to Kulaba, rejoice! For Ninirigal, rejoice!

    Shulgi came to Kulaba. Ninirigal came to me happy. My king came to Zabala. ... Inanna came to me happy. Shulgi came to Zabala. ... Inanna came to me happy.

    P479884: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    _u3_? nu-mu-e-de3-_ri_-_ri_-x szesz-gu10 _u3_? nu-mu-e-de3-_ri_-_ri_-x gi-ru _u3_? nu-mu-e-de3-_ri_-_ri_-x ki-ga ag2-gu10 _u3_? nu-mu-e-de3-_ri_-_ri_ i-bi2 sa6-sa6-gu10 _u3_? nu-mu-e-de3-_ri_-_ri_ la-x-x-e an-bi szu-ga2 nu-mu-e-de3-ga2-ga2 garadin3-bi ma-a-ar A x x x x x x x-bi ma-a-ar A x nu-ku7-ku7-x sze guru7? x [...] _ma_ x x nin9-gu10 gana2-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9 sa6-ga-gu10 gana2-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen gana2 gal-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen gana2 tur-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen

    sze nim x a szu-nim-bi du11-ga-gu10-sze3 sze sig a sig-bi du11-ga-gu10-sze3 sze-bi a gurun?-na [...] garadin3-bi x x _ni_ [...] nin9-gu10 gana2-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9 sa6-ga-gu10 gana2-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen gana2 gal-gal x _ud_-_ud_ [...] gana2 tur-ga2 szu [...] [...] x _u3_? [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    My brother, I did not ... my brother, I did not ... my ..., I did not ... my beloved, I did not ... my good ..., I did not ... its ..., I did not ... its ..., I did not ... its ..., I did not ... my sister, I did not go to my field, I did not go to my field, I did not go to my field, I did not go to my field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I did not go to my small field, I

    The barley of the ..., its ..., is what I speak to the barley of the ..., its barley of the ..., its barley of the ..., its ..., its garadin ... My sister, let me go to my field, let me go to my field, my beautiful sister, let me go to my field, let me go to the large field ..., the small field ... .

    M=segment B


    [...] x [...] x x-da-ka ba-hul? [...] x garadin3-na-ka _an_ x [...] x x-da-ka ba-hul? x x x x garadin3-na-ka _an_ x x x x mu-un-gar3 a-sza3 ur11-ru mu-x gar-ra u3-mu-un szul-gi-ra _mu_ sze x x x x x x x-ir a-sza3 ur11-ru mu-x gar-ra _an_ x-bi gur ab-ba-sze3(ab-ba-gu10) sa2?-du11 szu ha-ra-an-il2 nin9-gu10 (gesz)kiri6-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9 sa6-ga-gu10 (gesz)kiri6-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9-gu10 (gesz)kiri6-gu10-sze3 ge26-e ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9-gu10 (gesz)kiri6-gu10 x x x-mu-szi-ib

    (gesz)ildag2 _sar_ x [...] szita3(ta?) _ki-en-_du__ (gesz)ildag2-gu10-sze3 ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9-gu10 (gesz)haszhur-gu10-sze3 ga-ba-e-de3-gen _gab_-a (gesz)haszhur x szu-ga2 _i-na_ he2-gal2 nin9-gu10 (gesz)nu-ur2-ma-gu10-sze3 ga-ba-e-de3-gen lal3-e dar-ra x x-ku7 in-ga-ba-ni-ib-_du_ nin9-gu10 (gesz)kiri6-gu10-sze3 ga-ba-e-de3-gen nin9 sa6-ga (gesz)kiri6-gu10-sze3 ga-ba-e-de3-gen nisi ki-en-_du_-na-gin7 [...] _ma la kum na_? _TA? _ka bi_? x_ A x [...] hi-iz gakkul du11-ga x x [...] nig2 x-la2(sar) ga-ba-[...]

    guru7-za? x _a nu_ x ga?-mu?-ra-ab-x _gu7 ga_? _mu u8_? _ka_-_ka_ x x [...] x nin9 sa6-ga sza3 hi-li-e?-a [...] an-na szu-ga2 _la_ x za?-ra ga-mu-x-x-da-zu-x x

    AI Translation

    ... ... was destroyed ... garadina ... was destroyed ... garadina ... he set up. The field ... he named. The king, Shulgi, ... ... The field ... he named. ... he ... ... ... he ... ... ... I shall say to him "I want to go to my orchard" My good lady, I want to go to my orchard My lady, I want to go to my orchard My lady, I want to go to my orchard My lady, I want to go to my orchard

    I want to plant a ... ildag tree ... I want to plant my ildag tree ... I want to plant my sister's apple tree ... I want to plant a ... apple tree ... I want to plant my sister's pomegranate tree ... I want to plant my sister's orchard ... I want to plant my sister's orchard ... I want to plant my sweet sister's orchard ... Like a ...

    ... I want to eat ... ... ... ... sweet lady, ...

    P479885: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    x x x x [...] x x x ba-ni-gar-re-esz nam-lugal-ga2 u4-bi su3-da bala-ga2 he2-gal2 pa ed2-ed2-dam (d)en-ki en du11-ga-ni nu-kur2-ru sag il2 ba-ni-ku4 (d)utu inim-ma-ni sag-ba du maszkim-sze3 ma-an-szum2 (d)nin-lil2 kalam-ma gu3 hul2-la ma-ni-de2-a-ke4-esz2 unken-na gizzal ma-ni-ak-ke4-esz2 szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en ga2-gesz-szu2-a e2 di si im?-sa2?-x x-na e2 mah nam-nin-a tum2-ma-na (e2)pa-pah ki u6 di kur-kur-ra ni2 husz gur3-ru-na e2 x x x _gi_ sza3-bi-a silim mu-na-x-du11

    x x mu-da-ab-du3 _da ni_ x [...] mu-|_du-du_| x [...] x gu2 mu-da-ab-[...] urud nig2 kal-ga-a x [...] lu2 hul-gal2 (gesz)tukul-la mu-szi-x x-a a2 ag2-ga2-ni-ta me3-a mu-ni-gaz-a ur-sag gal-gal mu-til-la-gu10 bar-ba im-mi-x gu2-bi-a giri3-gu10 im-mi-gub ki-gal-ba ni2-gu10 sag im-ma-ni-il2 alan ku3-sig17 alan (na4)za-gin3-na-gu10 kisal mah e2-nig2-ga2-ra-ka-na si ba-ni-sa2-sa2 aratta ku3-gin7 gi16-sa mi-ni-gar-gar e2-muhaldim gal-la-ni gu4 udu ba-ni-gar e2-gir4 mah-a-ni he2-gal2-la bi2-de6

    kasz-kasz-bi-ta _ne_ ki ba-ni-us2-us2 kasz ge6 kurun kasz su4 e2 a2 sikil-ba sur-ra kig2-sig unu2 gal-la-ni ba-ni-gar x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... he established. My kingship, when it was long ago, my reign of abundance was established, Enki, his lord, whose word is unalterable, he made enter. Utu, his word, he gave to him. Ninlil, the praise of the nation, he made him sing. In the cult centers he made him stand. Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer, he ... the ... house. The great house of queenship, he ..., the pah temple, the place of the ... of the lands, he ... the ... house.

    ... he built. ... he built. ... ... he built. The mighty copper ... The evildoer ... his weapon. He ... the weapon from his own weapon. He ... the great hero, his greatness he ..., he ..., he ..., he ..., and his feet he ..., and his ... he ..., and his head he smote. A gold statue, a lapis lazuli statue, in the great courtyard of the Eniggara he smote. Like a golden aratta he smote. In his great kitchen he smote oxen and sheep. In his great shrine he smote abundance.

    he ... beer from the place where he sat, he poured dark beer, kurun-beer, ... beer from a house with a pure labor, he set up a reed bed in his great bedroom .

    P479887: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)en-lil2 u4 e3 _sze3_ x du11-ga-ni nu-kur2-ra u18-ru gal (d)a-nun-ke4-ne [...] (d)szul-gi uszum ni2 guru3? [...] lugal szu du11-ga-ni-ir _igi_? x x [...] bar? ne gal-gal x [...] szum2 za-pa-ga2-ni an ki x-bi-a ga2?-ar-ga2-ra? e2-kur gal:musz idim-ma me x [...] (d)ur-an-ki giri17-zal-a me ul ba-bad nam?-he2-gal2? szeg12 nun ki gar-ra-ba (gesz)isimu2(sar)-bi u4 su3-su3-u5 (d)szul-gi bala nam-he2 ba-tu-da sza3-ta gal mu-tar ug3 gu3 tesz2-a se3-i3 su3-u4-bi lugal szar2-ra-ba-ke4

    kasz4 a2-dam-a2-dam-ta e3-a hu-luh-e kasz4-kasz4-e husz-_za_-am3 ug3-ta igi sag5-ga2 u3-su-bi sag x [...] a2 an-ba9-ra2-a bar-ra-ni-sze3 [...] (d)szul-gi nig2 kasz4 _hu_? an-ur2-ta ga2-ga2-ga2-dam [...] nam a-nun-gal2-la-ne2-esz a2-na x _ni_? |_szu-kad4_|?-|_szu-kad4_|?-e nu-kusz2-u5 kaskal-e _ne_? x _di_-_di_ sag ge6-ga-a lugal na-me sag nu-se3 di gal-sze3 na-an-gar u4 giri17-zal-a-asz e3-a dungu szegx(|_im-a_|)-ka gar-ra nibru(ki) ki-ur3-ta na-kasz4 esz3 uri2(ki) e2-temen-ni2-guru3-sze3

    (d)nanna unu2 kig2-nim bur nun su8-ga-ni sa2 _ul_ nam-mi-in-du11 u4 ne-x-a nam-he nam im-mi-in-tar (tu15)|_gan2-ah-me-u_| (tu15)dal-ha-mu szu ba-ra-am3 (d)utu-e sig?-ge-esz2 nam-szi-x a-ne e2-kur za-gin3-sze3 na-gur u4 ti-la-sze3 ur-sag-e-ne-e (d)szul-gi-ra nam-mah gal-gal-la-ni a-re-esz2 pa3-de3-de3 x alan? u4 su3-ra2 mu da-ri2-ka-na mul-an-ne2-esz2? bi2-in-gun3? a-a (d)en-lil2 mah-di nu-kur2-ra igi du10 nig2 giri17-zal si-a-ni-sze3 nam-nun-na mi-ni-in-gub

    AI Translation

    Enlil, whose utterances are unalterable, great lords of the Anuna gods ... Shulgi, the ushum-priest, the ... king whose command is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ekur, the great mush, the ... of the divine powers ... Uranki, the ... of the divine powers, the abundance of the princely ..., its reeds are long-lasting?, Shulgi, the reign of abundance, has been extended, from the great heart, the one who ... the people, the one who ... the king of all the lands

    The messengers from the border came out, the huluh messengers came out, the messengers were swollen, the people were swollen, their heads ... from the border of heaven to his side ... Shulgi, the things of the messengers from the border came out, ... the fate of the Anungal priests, the ... of the road ... ... The king, the one who is not to be ..., the one who does not ... the great judges, he set out. When he went out, the cloud of the storm set out from Nippur, the messenger, to the shrine Ur, the Etemenniguru temple

    Nanna, the true 'house of the prince', his ..., he made pronounce a fate for him. When ..., he decreed a fate for him. The north wind blew, Utu ..., ..., to the lapis-lazuli Ekur, he gave to him. For a long time, the hero Shulgi, his greatness, he made a scepter for him. ... a statue of long days, for a long time, he fashioned it for him. Father Enlil, the exalted one, who does not change, he set up a good face, and everything that is pleasing to him, he set up a princehood.

    P479888: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)nergal [...] ni2 gal i ganzer x _igi_ x x [...] ni2 me-lem4-ma-bi sa-bar-ra _an_ x [...] _du_ an-ne2 ki-e ni2-bi ba-ni-x x sza3-ba-tuku 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 ur-sag am a2 gur-gur ab2-gin7 in-[...] mu husz-zu ni2 su zi bar-re-dam ulu3-gin7-nam ki-bala szub-szub-bu-me-en kur nig2-dagal-ba si-gar-bi-me-en e2-mesz3-lam za-e tusz-a-zu-ne hul2-hul2-le sza3-ge8 guru6 _sud_-me-en3 ug3-e gu2 szi-im-si giri3-zu-sze3 bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 ki-bala-e nam-nir-gal2-zu (d)mesz3!-lam-ta-e3-a

    (d)nergal nam-nir-gal2-zu ki-bala-e a-a-zu ki gal-bi szi-im-ma-an-ag2 nam-ur-sag-zu ug3-e im-mi-zu a-a-zu (d)en-lil2-le ki gal-bi szi-im-ma-an-ag2 nam-ur-sag-zu ug3-e im-mi-zu ur-sag ug3-e _tar_-_tar_ dingir kur-ra nigin ki-bala-e x-da ba-ni-du11? (d)nergal ug3-e _tar_-_tar_ dingir kur-ra nigin ki dib-ba-zu erin2 tesz2-bi-sze3 hul mi-ni-x x an-sza4-an ki ti-da-nu-um-ma x (d)nergal ki dib-ba erin2 tesz2-bi-sze3 hul mi-ni-x x sa-gid2-da-am3 ur-sag szul-gi-ra zi [...] a2 szi-im-szi-x [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im

    AI Translation

    Nergal ... Great ..., ... ... ... whose greatness is ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2nd ... Hero, like a ... ... ... Your fierce name, your steadfast heart, ... like a ... ... You are the one who destroys the enemy land, you are the one who destroys the wide land, you are the one who makes the Emeshlam rejoice, you are the one who makes the midst of the ... ... ... The people are ... at your feet, you are the one who breaks the enemy land, your mighty majesty is Meshlamtaea

    Nergal, your greatness is in the lands. Your father, the great place, is praised. Your heroism is the people. Your father, Enlil, the great place, is praised. Your heroism is the people. The hero, the people, the ... of the land, the ... of the land, ... Nergal, the people, the ... of the land, the ... of the land, your words are evil. ... Anshan, the place of Tidanum, Nergal, the ... of the people, is evil. The sagda is the hero Shulgi. The strength ..., the strength ..., its geshgigal.

    P479889: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en nam-ur-sag-ga2 szu du7-a ki ag2 [...] (d)nin-urta (gesz)mesz3 pa mul dagal-la [...] tukul me3 ak-sze3? kusz3 tag-ga kur [...] uszum igi husz musz-sza3-tur3 ki-bala-a usz11-bi [...] x x x gaba? zi pirig za3 e3 x x [...] (d)nin-urta nun gal (d)en-ki-da [...] lugal-gu10 iri-za esz3 nibru(ki) tir x [...] e2-szu-me-sza4 ki szu mu-ra-[...] en nam-lugal-e szu mu-ra-ab-du7 [...] ad gi4-gi4 uszumgal kalam-ma _ka_ x [...] (d)nin-urta bad3 gal nibru(ki)-a x [...] lugal-gu10 me sag2 nu-di ur-sag [...]

    pirig gaba-gal2 _ne mu_(gisz?) szu bar-bar [...] lugal gesztu2 dagal an ki-a u2 [...] gidru mah kalam-e za3 dib-ba ki [...] (d)nin-urta lu2-erim2 ri x x [...] sa-gid2-da-am3 ur-sag en ni2 er9 gaba zi-ga [...] (d)nin-urta u4 husz izi er9-ra nam-[...] u4 hu-luh-ha sumur-ra2 ki-bala-a pirig [...] uszum ni2 ri en gaba gi4 nu-tuku igi [...] lugal gesztu2 dagal (gesz)rab3 dingir-re-e-ne x x-e a2 mah szum2-ma [...] [...] x zi szul-gi-ra [...] [...] x x x x _mu ni_ x _ne_ [...] [...] ni2-te-na-ka sza3-ge ba-e-ni-pa3-x

    [...] _te a_ (d)nin-urta za3-mi2 sa-gar-ra-am3 [...] szul-gi-re ti su3-u4 mu nam-he2 sag-e-esz rig7-ga [...] gesz-gi5-gal2-bi-im ti-gi? (d)nin-urta-ka-kam

    AI Translation

    Lord of heroism, who makes perfect the hand of ..., beloved of Ninurta, ... ... ... with weapons, ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., Ninurta, great prince, Enki, ... My king, the shrine Nippur, ..., ..., Eshumesha, ..., ..., the lord of kingship, he made ..., the ..., the ..., the great wall of the Land ... Ninurta, the great wall of Nippur, ... My king, the one who does not know the divine powers, the hero .

    ... a lion, a ..., ... ... king with wide understanding, who ... the heavens and earth, who ... the supreme scepter of the Land, who ... ... Ninurta, the enemy ... ... ... a sag-dab, hero, lord who loves to kill, who ... the righteous, ... Ninurta, the storm of fire, who loves to kill, ... ... the storm of the sumur-shrine, the ... ... ... a lord who loves to kill, who has no opponent, ... ... king who gives wide understanding, the rab of the gods, ...

    ... ... of Ninurta, the praise is sung. ... Shulgi, the long life, the year of abundance, ... its geshgigal ... of Ninurta.

    P479890: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ma2-gur8 (d)en-ki-ke4 kar he-gal2 nam-sze3 ma-ra-ni-in-tar(ar) a-a (d)en-lil2-le igi zi mu-u3-szi-bar(ar) nin-zu-u3 (d)nin-lil2-le u3-tu-zu bi2-in-du11 ux(_pa_)-a zi lugal szul-gi-da a2-zu mu-da-an-ag2 gesztug3 dagal-la-kam sa2 gal mu-u3-szi-in-pa3 sipa-de3 u4 ge6-a u3 nu-mu-u3-szi-in-ku4-ku4 igi-gal2-tuku gesz-hur-re kig2-ga2 ku3-zu nig2-nam-ma-ke4 (gesz)tir gal-gal-la erin gal ma-ra-an-ni-in-ku5 me-zu-u3 szu bi2-du7 u6-e ba-an-gub-be2-en3 tug2? x se3-ga gu-a tag?-ga-a-zu-u3 ki x x x x x-me-en3

    kid-mah-hal-zu-u3 u4 a2-dam ku3-ge dagal-bi si?-a?-me-en3 gesz-szu-dim2-zu-u3 musz-sza3-tur3 sim-dam ak szu-ba nu2-me-en3 gi-musz?-zu-u3 uszumgal ki-nu2-bi-a u3 du10 ku4-me-en3 (gesz)mi-ri2-za-zu-u3 musz sig-sig kur-ku sza3 ki tab-ba-me-en3 (gesz)eme-sig-zu-u3 a-ge6 (i7)buranun ku3-ga tesz2-ba gun3-gun3-me-en3 (gesz)u3 (gesz)har-ra kesz2-kesz2-ra2-zu-u3 ki ga2-ar-ga2-ra-bi kun-sag pu2? kur-ra si sa2-a gesz x x si-si-ig-ga-me-en3 (gesz)_lu_ ku3-zu-u3 he2-gal2 gar-gar-ra-a ki he2-us2-sa-me-en3

    gesz-hum-zu-u3 abzu sza3-bi-a bara2 mah-a ri-a-me-en3 (gesz)|_igi-x_|-zu-u3 arattax(|_lam_xKUR-_ru-da_|)(ki) gi16-sa szu ga2-ar-ga2-ra-me-en3 ka2 u4 e3-sze3 gal2-la-a?-zu?-u3 (d)nin-usz(muszen)-a umbin-ba nig2 x x mi-ni-ib2?-la2? a2 mu-u3-su3-su3-e asz-me ku3-sig17-ga gun3-a-zu-u3 (kusz)usan3? il2-la-a-bi i3-ti nig2 giri17-zal kur-kur-ra zi-de3-esz2 e3-a-me-en3 an-ti-bala me nam-lugal-la-ka sze-er-ha-an du11-ga-zu-u3 tir (gesz)ha-szu-ur2-ra a sig ga2-ra gissu du10-ga-me-en3

    |_kid-szu2_|-zu-u3 u2-si-an mul ed2-de3 ni2 husz ri-a-me-en3 gi-zi di4-di4 pa12-pa12-al il2-la sag se3-ga-zu-a sza3-ba muszen buru5(muszen) ambar ku3-gin7 ad mu-ga2-ga2-ga2 mur sza-a-bi du9-du9-u3 (dug)szakir3-ra-gin7 sza3-ge du10-ga-bi (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra hul2?-la?-gin7 mu-ni-ib2-ga2-ga2-ga2 (gesz)zi-gan(an)-zu-u3 kig2(ku6) mah a tal2-la ka ki-sal4-la-me-en3? [...]-zu-u3 alim ki gal-la ni2 il2-il2-a-me-en3 esz2 ma2 gid2-zu-u3 (d)nirah dar-a kalam-ma la2-a-me-en3

    (gesz)ad-us2-zu-u3 ur-sag ur-sag-ra si sa2 se3-ga-me-en3 ma2-sag-zu-u3 (d)nanna ur5-ra-asz sa6?-ga [...]-me-en3 ma2-egir-zu-u3 (d)utu an-ur2-ra? [...]-me-en3 a2?-sumur2?-zu-u3 _ne ga2_? _ha_? x [...]-me-en3 sa-gid2-da-am3 ezen ku3 bi3-lu5-da gal-gal sipa zi szul-gi-re ki-bi-sze3 mu-ga2-ar-ga2-ar nibru(ki)-a dingir gal-gal-e-ne a ku3 mu-tu17-tu17-u3-esz2 iri(ki)-a nam ki-bi-sze3 mu-tar(ar)-e me zi mu-hal-hal?-e ama kalam-ma (d)nin-lil2 lu2 sa6-ga e2-ta nam-x-[...]-e3

    bara2 ku3-bi dur2 im-mi-in-ga2-re-esz2 nig2 mi-ni-ib2-gu-ul-gu-ul-ne ma2-gur8? mah x x _du_ (i7)idigna-a he2-du7-bi i7 hal-hal-la i3-ku4-ru x a mul-mul-la? x x x x x x szita2 sag? 5(disz)? mitum gesz-gid2-da szu-nir a tu5-a igi-sze3 im-da-x ur-sag (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-urta sag-bi-a mu-gen addirx(|_pa-gisal-dir-pad_|) dagal-zu-u3 gesz-u3-sal4-la-bi-e? si im-sa2-sa2-e? ma2-gur8? gi-diri ku3-ga (gesz)gi-musz ku3?-bi? [...] lu2? addirx(|_pa-gisal-dir_|) la2 szir3 ku3 [...] nin x nam-mah gal-gal-ni mi2 mu?-[...]

    munus zi-da (d)nin-lil2 hul2-la-e szul-gi mu-[...] ki-en-gi uri2(ki)-e nig2-hul2-la sa6-ga x [...] ma2-gur8? kar me-te-a-ge6-a a-ne su3 i3-im-me gesz-gi tum-ma-al(ki) (d)en-lil2-la2-ka a2 mu-su3-su3-e gu4 du3-gin7 sag mu-ni-ib2-il2?-il2? gu2 mi-ni-ib2-mar-mar i3-si3 zi-ga-a gaba im-ra-ra-ra a szu ni10-ni10 i3-_ha_-_ha_-_ha_ a sza3-ga du-bi engur-ra ku6 im-szi-hu-luh-e a bar-ra du-bi he2-gal2-e mul-ma-al im-mi-ib2-za gi-diri ku3-ge nam am3-us2 nin tum-ma-al(ki) a-ra-zu x x x

    ama? a-a (d)en-lil2-la2 an lugal dingir nam tar-re giri17 szu? x mu-ni-gal2 (d)nin-lil2-da ki (gesz)bunx(|_ki-bi_|)-na-ka za3-ge mu-ti-ni-ib2-si-esz2 szul-gi sipa nidba gal-gal-la-ni mu-ne-szi?-ib2-dib-dib-be2 u4 nam-he-a mi-ni-ib2-zal-zal-ne ge6 i3-im-i-i-ne lugal ma2-gur8 ku3 du8-a-ra nam mu-ni-in-tar-re-esz2 nam tar-ra-a-bi ul-le2-a-sze3 nig2 sag-ba du-am3 gaba? kalam-ma-ka u4 mu-u3-ga2-ar (d)utu-u3 dalla bi2-e3 ma2-gur8 gaba? ri-bi-a nam am3-mi-ib-gu2-un-gun2 gu3? mur? mu-sza4

    nin-mu-tum2 i7 mu he2-gal2-la-ka a szu ti-a-am3 esztub(ku6)-bi-e tun3:mu mi-ib2-gun3-gun3(gu2) (d)en-lil2 i3-hul2-le musz-(u2)ku6-e gu3 ga2-ar-ba a-ne mu-e (d)nin-lil2 i3-hul2-le |_gisz-szesz_|(ku6)-ni? ib2 mi-ni-ib2-li-e (d)en-ki i3-hul2-le suhur-masz2(ku6)-e su6-bi mu-u3-su3-e (d)nanna i3-hul2-le x x x a-nun-na im-szi-hul2-hul2-le-esz2 x x x (i7)buranun-na sag mi-ni-ib2-il2-il2 _du_ mi-ni-x sza3? x [...] kur?-ra-am3 a zal tum3!-tum3-da? ma2?-gur8 ku3 kar-re mu?-ni-ib2-us2 nibru(ki) hul2-la-a-am3

    (d)nin?-lil2-le? x x _du_-a-e lugal szul-gi-ra? igi hul2-la2 sag-ki zalag-ga-na mu-szi-im-bar-bar-re sipa x x szul-gi mu gi16-sa lugal ezen-na? aga an ku3-ge sag-za mu-ni-in-gi-na ge6-bi ga-ra-ab-bad-bad gidru ku3? (d)en-lil2-le ma-ra-an-szum2-ma-a u4-bi ga-ra-ab-su3-su3 (gesz)gu-za (d)en-ki-ke4 sag ha-ba-ra-rig7-ga-a suhusz-bi ha-ra-ab-gi-ge-en6 (d)nanna amar ban3-da a (d)en-lil2-la2 zi-de3-esz2 sza?-mu-u3?-tu sipa nig2-du7-e pa e3-a x x x A a-la? sug4-am3


    AI Translation

    The boat of Enki has sailed to the quay of abundance for fate. Father Enlil looked with favor and kindness upon you. Your lady Ninlil spoke to you. Your strength is the king of Shulgi. Your wisdom is broad. The shepherd has not entered the nighttime. Your great eye has inspected the plans of the world. Your holy inscriptions have been placed in the great forest. Your great troops have entered the watercourse. You have sat on the throne. Your ... garments are ..., where .

    You are the one who makes the satraps grow wide, you are the one who makes the satraps grow wide, you are the one who makes the satraps grow wide, you are the one who makes the gishshudimû-plant grow wide, you are the one who makes the gishshudimû-plant grow thick and thick, you are the one who makes the gishshudimû-plant grow thick and thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick, you are the one who makes the satraps grow thick,

    You are the one who ... your ..., who ... the Abzu, who is seated on a supreme dais, you are the one who ... the Aratta's ..., who is seated at the gate of the day, Ninush, who ... everything, who ... the ..., who ... the ..., who ... the gold, who ... the leather strap, who ... everything, who ... the lands, who ... the ... of Antibal, who speaks a mighty kingship, who makes the ... of the harû-tree, who makes the water of the harû-tree, who makes the good shade,

    Your ..., the snare of the mountain, is a roaring fire, you are the one who carries out the gizi ritual, the ritual of the snare, the snare of the snare, you are the one who raises the head, you are the one who raises the head, you are the one who carries out the gizi ritual, the ritual of the holy ambar bird, you are the one who speaks to it, you are the one who makes it a snare, you are the one who makes it joyful, Enlil and Ninlil rejoice, you are the one who carries it on your snare, the great chariot, the one who flows water, you are the one who carries it on your ..., you are the one who carries it on the great place, you are the one who carries it on the snare, the boat that is bound to your boat, Nirah, the one who has no land,

    Your adush-pole is a hero, a hero who is a good fit for the throne You are the hero Nanna, you are the one who makes good the throne You are the one who follows you Utu, you are the one who ... the ... You are the one who ... the ... You are the one who ... the sagida-demon, the holy ezen, the one who makes good the shepherd Shulgi, who makes good the earth in Nippur The great gods, the holy water, have made good the earth in Nippur, who decrees the fate of the earth in Nippur, who makes good the divine powers, who destroys the good things of the mother of the land Ninlil, the good man, who ... from the house

    They sat on the holy dais and ... everything. The great boat ..., the Tigris, its ..., the canal of the Halhal, ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the hero Enlil, Ninurta, he ..., and the broad ... he ..., and the boat?, the holy reed, and the ... reed ... The man who ... the gold reed ..., the lady ..., his greatness .

    Lady, who rejoices at Ninlil, Shulgi ... Sumer and Ur, who rejoices at good things, ..., who ... the barge in the quay, who ... the ..., who ... the geshgi of Tummal, Enlil, who carries the oxen like a mighty bull, who raises its head, who raises its head, who raises its head, who ... the ..., who ... the water of the pond, who ... the water of the midst, who ... the water of the pond, who ... the water of the pond, who ... the abundance of the stars, who ... the ... of Tummal, who ... the ... of

    Mother Enlil, father of Enlil, An, king of the gods, the fates, he decreed for her. Ninlil he made the place of the throne tremble. Shulgi, the shepherd, his great food offerings, he made them tremble. He made the days of the world come to an end. Night he made it. The king made the holy barge tremble. The fates of the past he decreed. The things that were on its head were made manifest. He made the days of the land come to an end. Utu sat down on the barge. He made the fates of the boats tremble. He sat down on the necks of the barge.

    Ninmutum, the watercourse of the year of abundance, ... ... its eshtub canal ... Enlil rejoiced, the snake ... its horns Ninlil rejoiced, his brother? rejoiced, Enki rejoiced, the shurmash canal ... its ... Nanna rejoiced, ... the Anuna canal ... rejoiced, ... ... the mountain ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Nippur rejoiced

    For Ninlil ..., the king who Shulgi ... with joy and a shining head, he made him recite the Shulgi name. The king who the ezen ritual? ... the holy crown of heaven, he made you dwell on your head. Night I shall make it great. The holy scepter of Enlil I shall give to you. At that time I shall make it great. The throne of Enki I shall make great. Its foundation I shall make great. Nanna, the calf, the father of Enlil, the true shepherd, who makes the rites perfect, ... .

    a kind of profession

    P479891: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    [...] x x [...] [...] x x-la? ki bi2-mul [...] [...]-na? mi2 mu-na-ni-du11 x [...] nam tar?-ra-ni szu zi bi2-ga2-ar-x-x (gesz)erin duru5 (gesz)ha-szu-ur2-ra du3-a-am3 a-a-zu an ku3-ge pa mu-ni-mul-mul u4-ba nin-gu10 inim an-na-ke4 ba-gub (d)nin-sumun2-na-ke4! dam?-a-ni ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da nam ba-da-an-tar!-re sizkur-ra-na mu-da-an-kusz2-u3 an ku3-ra ub-szu-kin-na-ka si mu-na-ni-in-sa2 a-a-gu10 an lugal dingir-re-ne-me-en3 kalam nig2-dagal-ba igi mu-ni-il2 sag ge6 u8-gin7 lu-a-ba

    szul-gi gu2-sag?-ba ma-ni-in?-x sipa zi-bi he2-am3 mesz3 pa mul-gu10-um ki ma-an-dar? x ma-dam mu-mu ma-a-de6 x x erina8(|_musz_xMUSZ|)-gu10-um ur2 ma-a-gur [...]-gu10?-u3 szeg12 ki-en-gi-ra-ka pa e3? ba-ni-ak [...] x ti?-la? mu-na-a-de2 [...] x x-ka u4 ha-ba-gub [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... he spoke to him. ... his fate he decreed for him. He ... the cedar, the harû-wood, and the ashhur tree. Your father, holy An, he made appear. At that time, my mistress, the word of An, stood there. Ninsumun, his wife, holy Lugalbana, decreed a fate for her. His siskur offerings he made appear. Holy An, in its ubshukinna, he made it shine. My father, An, king of the gods, looked at the wide land. At the beginning of the night, like a ewe,

    Shulgi ... its ..., may he be the faithful shepherd. May the ... of my star be ..., may he be ..., may he be ..., my troops ..., may he be ..., the brickwork of Sumer he made ..., may he be ...,

    M=segment B


    [...] x uri2(ki)-ma _du_? [...] nam-lugal ba-mu

    AI Translation

    ... Ur ... kingship he created.

    M=segment C


    (gesz)erina8(|_musz_xMUSZ+_na_|)-bi ki im-ma-pa3 ze2 inim ku3-ba mu-da-an-gub-en3 za3-e3 gal mah uri2(ki)-ma-ka inim du10 ka-e ba-ab-du7-a-e szul-gi lugal bala sa6-ga-ke4 dingir-me-en3 bi3-lu5-da nam-lugal-la2 mu-ga2-ra-a szu hu-mu-ra-ab-du7-du7 gesz-hur dingir-re-ne-ke4 si hu-mu-ra-ab-sa2-e ninda u4-sakar-ra ninda za3-mu-ka-ke4 gesz hu-mu-ra-ab-tag-ge ze2 a-ra-zu-ni u4 he2-ma-tum2-en3 he2-gal2 u2-szim-gin7 ki dar-ra gesz-gu10 na?-nam? u4-ba nin-gu10 inim an-na-da hul2-la-ni-a

    (d)nin-sumun2-na-ke4 szul-gi lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ka kiszib-la2 zi-da-ni im-ma-an-dab5 e2-gal-mah-ni-sze3 ul-la mi-ni-in-tum3 bara2 mah an ku3-ge mu-ga2-ra-a mi-ni-in-tusz ubur2 ku3-ga-na mi2 mu-na-ni-in-du11 sipa szul-gi (gesz)giri2 gal-zu ge26-e-me-en sza3 ku3 izi-a zi?-gu10? mu?-szi?-ib2?-hul2-hul2? a-a-gu10 an (x x) lugal-zu-um nam-lugal-la? sag-bi-sze3 e3-me-en3 x x x _mu_ nam-lugal-la2-za za3-mi2 ma-ra-ni-in-du11 szul-gi amar ku3 tu-da-gu10-me-en3 a du10 (d)lugal-ban3-da-me-en3

    ubur2 ku3-gu10-a nam ma-ra-ni-tar nig2 sa6-ga ha-la-ga2 gal2-la-me-en3 an? ku3-ta? x _an_-ma al he2-mi-du11 ge26-e nin-me-en3 ku3 (d)nin-sumun2-na ama nam-lugal?-la? munus zi sag bar sa6 nam-nin-a tum2-ma szul-gi ur us2-zu ge26-e-me-en3 tug2-ba13 kun2-a-gu10 bar-ra he2-mi-dul du10 ku3-gu10-a a-ne x _an_ du11-ga sipa nig2-si-sa2-a tu-da-me-en3 inim ku3-gu10-ta nir he2-em-ta-a-gal2 mu ku3-zu ka-ge im-ma-ab?-du7 su dingir gal-gal-ne-ke4 i3 li he2-ak-ke4 gidru di ku5 an-ne2 ma-ra-an-szum2 gu2 an-sze3 he-ni-zi

    a-a ugu4-zu ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da-a szul an-ne2 zu dingir-re-ne mu-sze3 mu-ri2-in-sa4 sag-ga2 gal2 _tug2 un_-e bi2-in-tuku-tuku aga nam-lugal-la2-ka sze-er-ga-an ma-ra-ni-in-du11 gidru u4 ul-le2-a-ka zi nam-ti-la-zu hu-mu-ni-ib2-sikil-le (d)gesztin-an-na nin9 lugal-la-ke4 ka lal3 dingir-re-ne-ke4 e2-gal ki ur5 sa6 du3-a-za hul2-la-zu-u3 ga2-la nam-ta-dag-ge nam-szita sa6-ga-zu he2-ma-gub ra2-zu-za musz nam-ba-an-tum2-mu nin-me-en3 e2 ki-tusz ku3 [...] ama-gu10 ur5-ra-asz ga-sza-an dingir-re-ne-ke4

    a-a-gu10 an lugal dingir-re-ne-ke4? munus ab2 zi? x x _en_ [...] amasz? mah?-bi? ba-an?-[...] nam-lugal nig2 u4 su3-ra2 [...] ug3 gu2-diri-bi szu-gu10-sze3? [...] a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne ki nam tar-ba mu-da-su8-su8-ge-esz nam-sipa szul-gi-ra nig2 ul-le2-a-ke4 pa e3 ma-ni-in-ak-ke4-esz szul-gi si sa2 dingir-ra-na kalam-ma (d)utu-gin7 ma?-ni-in-e3-x (gesz)gu-za bala gi-na mu-na?-an-gub-bu-usz? sipa-de3 di si sa2 mu-ni-ku5-re6 ga-esz8 si sa2 mu-ni-ba-re szul-gi-ra aga nam-lugal-la [...] [...] gal-gal [...]

    [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Its cedars were planted on the ground. I set up the words of the holy scepter. The great za-e3 of Ur, the words of good speech, I uttered. Shulgi, the king who the good reign of the gods has decreed, I swore by the kingship, I swore by him. The plans of the gods I swore by him, I swore by him. The bread of the sakar festival, the bread of the zamu festival, I swore by him. May his scepter be sworn daily. May abundance be sworn by him. May my gesh tree be sworn daily. At that time, my lady, by the word of An, rejoiced.

    For Ninsumun, Shulgi, king of Ur, he took his righteous seal. He sat down at his palace for eternity. He sat on the supreme dais of holy An, he sat on his holy throne. He spoke to him: "O shepherd Shulgi, you are my great feet. I rejoice in the pure heart of fire. My father, An, you are your kingship. You are ..., ... of kingship. You are my name, you are my kingship. Shulgi, my pure calf, you are the sweet water of Lugalbana.

    I am the ubur priestess of my gold, who decides my fate, who makes good things manifest, who is my equal? I am the holy An? of the holy An, I speak to you, my lady, holy Ninsumun, mother of kingship?, true woman, whose head is good, who has a ladyship, I am Shulgi, your dog, I am the dog, I am the dog, I am the dog, I am the dog, I am the dog, I am the one who has a good thing, I am the shepherd, who has a good thing, I am the one who has a good word from the holy An, I am the one who has a scepter, I have spoken to you, I have given you a scepter, I have given you a scepter, I have given you a scepter, I have given you a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter, I have a scepter,

    Father, your holy ox, Lugalbanda, the protection of An, the gods, he made shine. He wore a crown of kingship, he made it shine like a scepter. May the scepter of distant days be true for you, may your life be long. Geshtinana, the lady of the king, the mouth of the gods, may your palace, the place of good fortune, be joyful for you. May your good fortune be established for you. May your scepter not be squandering for you. May your scepter not be squandering for you. May your house, the holy residence, ... my mother, the scepter of the gods,

    My father, An, the king of the gods, a good woman, ... ... ... its great sheepfold ... kingship for long days ... its numerous people into my hands ... in the Anuna, the great gods, the place of fates he made manifest. The shepherdship of Shulgi, the things of the past he made manifest. Shulgi, the one chosen by his god, ... the Land like Utu, he ... the throne of a dynasty, he set it up. The shepherd, the one chosen by his god, he made the decision? favorable. He made the rites favorable, he made the rites favorable. Shulgi, the crown of kingship, ... great .

    P479892: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    iri mu-bi-gin7 me-a tum2-ma esz3 uri2(ki) u4 husz ki-en-gi-ra me3 ki us2-sa numun i-i suhusz kalam-ma gi-ne2 he2-gal2 ki us2-sa bara2 mah an-na ki ku3 ki sikil nig2-sag gu7 an-ne2 ni2 te-en-ten lal3 gesztin biz-biz-ze2-da ki us2-sa du6-ur2 ki mu tuku (d)en-lil2-la2 sza3-bi me hal-ha ki nam tar-ra a-a (d)en-lil2-la2 bara2 gal ki us2-sa eridu(ki) esz3 ku3-zu nam tar-ra me nun me sikil-la ki us2-sa e2-kisz-nu-gal2-la tur3 (d)suen-na ab2 zi (gu4)ninda2 amar ku3-ge a-ne di i3 du10?-ga ki us2-sa

    abzu ki-tusz ku3 szul (d)suen-na (gesz)eszgiri2 mah an-na sag il2-la u6 di ki us2-sa ge6-par4 esz3 nam-hi-li du3-a me zi nam-en-na ki us2-sa en nun-na mu gal-zu sikil-la-am3 suh bur2-bur2 (d)nanna ki-tusz du10-ge inim du10 nig2-si-sa2-e ki us2-sa i7-nun-ku3 a zal-le gal-gal-la kun-zu-sze3 ku6 muszen ki us2-sa bad3 nigin2-na iri ki ga2-ra-bi szita2 (gesz)tukul ki us2-sa unken gar-ra ug3 sza-ra-ba (kusz)gur21(ur3) ki us2-sa ki-en-gi-ir-a ki-tusz ga2-ra-bi ni2 gal ki us2-sa kur-kur ab2 zi-gin7 lu-lu-a-bi

    ab2 dugud-da u8 sila4-da szar2-ra amasz-a ki us2-sa erin2-bi me3-sze3 zi-ga-bi a e3-a gaba-ri nu-tuku ab hu-luh-ha |_ni-sum_| sumur ki us2-sa nun-bi ur-sag (d)en-lil2-la2 pirig ne-na zi-ga pirig ban3-da kur-ra guru5-usz bur2-bur2 x x am! gal szu im-gid2-gid2-i x x gu7-a _szesz2_-bi su3-su3 sipa szul-gi dumu (d)nin-sumun2-ka [...] _ur3_-ra he2-du7-bi [...] x-ra?-na inim hul-ne-ne-a ur-sag (d)gilgamesz2 _an_ en kul-ab(ki)-a-ke4 x x x _na_? im-ma-ni-in-ku4 x x kur-kur-ra-ta inim mu-na-ta-an-e3 [...] x e2-gal-la-na-kam

    x x du11?-ga? kur-kur-ra-kam _ki_? x _gi_? _uru_ x gi hal-hal-la-gin7 igi-ni mu-na-an-gal2 u4?-bi? nam kalam-ma ba-tar-ra-ta numun nig2-zi-gal2-la ba-i-a-ta lugal-e? lu2 tab?-ba-ni-ir dalla mu-na-an-e3-a u4-ba? (d)gilgamesz2 en kul-ab(ki)-a-ke4 szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 giri3 babbar-ra-na inim mu-ti-ni-ib-e3 u4 ul-le2-asz a-ar-bi ak-de3 u4 su3-ra2-asz szu-a bala-e-de3 mu su3-ra2-asz nu-ha-lam-e-de3 a-ne-ne nam-ur-sag kal-ga-ba tesz2-bi igi zi-de3-esz im-e-ne szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-ke4

    szesz gu5-li-ni en (d)gilgamesz2 nam-kal-ga-na mu-ni-in-i-i nam-ur-sag-ga2-na mu-ni-in-pa3-pa3-de3 kal-ga me3-a uru2 gul-gul szen-szen-na sag gesz ra-ra-bi ze2-na bad3 ku3-bi a2-sag3-ge kig2-ga2 e2 kisz(ki)-sze3 (gesz)tukul-zu ba-ta-a-e3 ur-sag 7(disz)-bi ad6-a mi-ni-dab5 lugal kisz(ki) en-me-bara2-ge4-e-si [...] sag-ga2-na giri3 mu-na-ni-us2 nam-lugal kisz? ki-ta? unu? ki-sze3 am3-mi-de6 kul-aba(ki) x x x u3-tu-da pa im-ma-ni-e3 _mi_ x _gi ul_ inim-ma _musz3_-bi (d)gilgamesz2 en? kul-ab(ki)-a-ke4

    x x x ki ku3 an [...] x x gal?-gal _di_? [...] a2? bad-bad? x [...] geszimmar? x _a2_? x x [...] ki?-bala? _kig2_? x x [...] x x x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x x-gin7 lul?-e?-esz [...] [...] giri3 saga11 ba-ni-du11 x x _dul_? ki gar (gesz)rab3 mah?-gin7 _mu_ [...] x-bi sim zi-ga-gin7 mu-un-ur4-ur4 (d)en-lil2-ra esz3-e nibru(ki)-a mu-na-da-an-ku4-ku4 x x x _te_ ba-ra-szub-bu-usz-a-bi x x a gig-sze3 in-ga-e-ne x (urud?)alan uri2(ki)-ma til-la x x dingir 7(disz)-na za3 gub-gub-bu (gesz)silig-ga su3-su3

    ur-sag zi2 ga2-ra in-gu2-mu-szum2-mu-e lugal ki-en-gi-ra ne3 mu-un-gub-me-en3 szul-gi sipa ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 szesz gu5-li-ni en (d)gilgamesz nam-kal-ga-na mu-ni-in-i-i nam-ur-sag-ga2-na mu-ni-in-pa3-pa3-de3 x x [...] di ku5-ra2-a-za? [...] a-ba za-gin7 kaskal kur-ra-ke4 si im-sa2 har-ra-an x x _du_ kal-ga erin kur-ra [...] tir mah-a [...] (gesz)ma2 x [...] hu-wa-wa [...] ni2 7(disz)-na-ni [...] _ka tur_-_tur_ x x x x [...] ki-tusz ki gar-ra-ni-ta im-[...] (d)en-lil2-ra esz3-e nibru(ki)-a [...] _zi2_ mu-na-ni-[...]

    ur-sag dab5-ba-zu _u3_ x x x x ama lu2 tu-ra dumu ur2-ra mu-na-ni-de6 u2-du11 ka ba-ba-zu kur-kur-ra ma-ra-an-ti (d)gilgamesz2 nir-gal2 unu(ki)-ga u4 nam-tag2-ga nam-gu2-bi-e? x _ru_? ki-bala hul gig-ga sag x _gim_ x x nam-mah gal-gal-zu pa bi2-e3 a2 bad ha-mu-[...] tum2 en (d)gilgamesz3 x [...] szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 [...] x sza3-ga x x _szu_? [...] x ki? nun? [...] x sza3? A? x lu2? _mu_? [...] sag ge6?-ga x _mu u3_ [...] x gal-gal-la _ka nun_? [...] x _ma_? _da_ ki nig2 ga2-ra-bi sza3? [...] zar du8-a sze [...]

    x _ha_? dugud-gin7 bi2-[...] x _ka_ an-gin7 _mi_? [...] x-bi?-e x mah-gin7 szu [...] x x mah-bi e2-sze3 mu-na-x [...] x x [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] x ki?-tusz? nam? x x [...] mu-un-_ka_?-e [...] mu-un-szudu3-szudu3 [...] x nam-ul-la-me [...] x gal-gal-la-kam [...] ba-ta-a-e3 [...]-esz im-e-ne szul? [...] dingir a-nun-ke4-ne u2-a [...]-na giri17 szu gal2-la-ni ur-sag? zi2 ga2?-ra in-ga-mu-szum2-mu-e lugal ki-en-gi-ra ne3 mu-un-gub-me-en3 (d)szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-ke4

    szesz gu5-li-ni en (d)gilgamesz2 nam-kal-ga-na mu-ni-in-i-i nam-ur-sag-ga2-na mu-ni-in-pa3-pa3 (d)isztaran di-ku5 kalam-ma til-la

    AI Translation

    The city that it was named like. The shrine Ur, the furious storm of Sumer, the shrine Ur, the shrine Ur, the shrine Ur, the shrine Ur, the seed of the radiance of the Land, the firm foundation of abundance, the shrine Ur, the great dais of heaven, the holy place, the pure place, the things that are pleasing to An, the rejoicing of An, the rejoicing of Duur, the place of Enlil, whose heart is the divine powers, the divine powers, the place of fates, father Enlil, the great dais, the place of Eridu, the shrine Kuzu, the place of fates, the divine powers, the princely powers, the pure divine powers, the Ekishnugal, the stall of Suen, the pure cow, the oxen-fed oxen-fed calf, the pure calf, the pure calf, the place of good oil,

    Abzu, the pure residence, the sulfur of Suen, the supreme eshgiri of heaven, raised up high, a scepter of justice, a scepter of justice, a shrine of lordship, a scepter of justice, a lord of princeship, whose great name is pure, whose supplication is sweet, whose utterance is sweet, whose utterance is sweet, whose sanctuaries Nanna, a scepter of justice, a scepter of water, a great flood, a fish scepter, a scepter of the wall, a city, a scepter of weapons, a scepter of the city, a scepter of the people, a scepter of the city Sumer, a scepter of great intelligence, a scepter of the lands, like a stag,

    The strong cow, the ewe, the lamb, the mighty, the sheepfold, the place where the sheep are grazing, its troops, the ones who are grazing, the ones who are not able to graze, the cow that is swollen, the ... cow, the place where the prince is, the hero Enlil, the lion, the lion, the one who is grazing, the lion that is ..., the great bull, the one who ..., ..., its ..., the shepherd Shulgi, the son of Ninsumun, ..., ..., its ..., in order to destroy evil words, the hero Gilgamesh, the An, the lord of Kulab, ..., he entered ... from the lands, he said to him, ... in his palace

    ... of all the lands, ... ... ... like a ruined reed, he ... before him. At that time, the fate of the nation had been decided, the seed of abundance had been established, and the king, the one who is his favorite, ... At that time Gilgamesh, lord of Kulab, Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer, with his white feet spoke to him. The days of distant days, the days of distant days, the days of distant days, the days of distant days, the days of distant days, the days of distant days, the days of distant days, the ones that cannot be altered, the days of distant days, the ones that are not altered, the men of that mighty warriors looked upon him with a firm 'yes'. Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer,

    The brother who sinned against him, the lord Gilgamesh, his mighty power, he made manifest, and his heroism he made manifest. The mighty, the city destroyed by battle, the fierce battle-troops, its head with sharp weapons, his mighty wall, the holy asag, to the house of Kish he seized with your weapon. The seven heroes he captured, and the king of Kish, Enmebaragesi, ..., his head, he took to the feet. The kingship of Kish, from the ground to the unu?, he brought to Kush. Kulaba ..., he made a ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., Gilgamesh, the lord of Kulabba,

    ... holy place ... great? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a great rab ... ... ... ... ... like a scepter ... he smashed. For Enlil, the shrine of Nippur he entered, and ... he smashed. ... ... he sank. ... ... ... ... ... statues of Ur complete, ... the seven gods standing at the right side, the scepter .

    The hero gave him flour, and he gave it to him. The king of Sumer stood by him. Shulgi, the shepherd of Sumer, his brother, the lord Gilgamesh, his mighty power, he made him swear, and his hero he made swear. ... ... ... ... the road ... mighty troops of the mountains ... the great mountain ... the boat ... ... his seven ... ... his dwelling place, which had been set up, ... Enlil ... the shrine of Nippur ... ... .

    Your hero, ... your mother, a man who has a child, a child born in the street, your utterances are uttered in all the lands. Gilgamesh, the beloved of Uruk, when a loss of life ... ... the evil lands ... like ... your greatness ... ... ... ... lord Gilgamesh ... Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer ...

    ... like a heavy ... ... like heaven ... ... like a great ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the gods of the Anunna gods ...

    The brother of his brother, the lord Gilgamesh, he made his strength strong, he made his heroism great. Ishtaran, judge of the land, he who lives,

    M=segment B


    x [...] x [...] _di_? _ma ka_ x [...] ibila kal-ga nam?-lugal-la u3-su-tuku uru2 a2? x [...] dur3 (d)suen-na [...] su6 za-gin3 la2 gaba? [...] nam-gu2? [...] za3-mi2-bi du10? [...] szir3-bi? [...] mu-bi x [...] _sze_? [...] dumu? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... mighty heir, kingship, ... city, ... ... of Suen ... lapis lazuli, ... ... ... ... its radiance ... its horns ... its name ... ... son? .

    M=segment C


    [...] x x [...] [...] a2 su3-su3-de3 _i-sza2-di-hu_ [...] _du_-mu-un [...]-_du_?-en3 [...] he2?-eb2-du11(du) [...] he2?-eb2-du7(du) [...]-ga-me-esz2 [...] kalam-ma-me-esz2 _szu-nu_ [...] pesz-a-me-esz2 _kab-ru3_ [...] x x x-me-esz2 [...] _bad_ x-me-esz2 [...] hul?-la-me-esz2 [...] x lil2?-la2?-me-esz2 [...] x x-me?-esz2?

    AI Translation

    M=segment D


    _di_ [...] _pirig_ x [...] ur-sag zi2 ga2-ra in-ga-mu-szum2-mu-e [...] lugal ki-en-gi-ra ne3 mu-un-gub-me-en3 szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-ke4 szesz gu5-li-ni en (d)gilgamesz3 nam-kal-ga-na mu-ni-in-i-i nam-ur-sag-ga2-na mu-ni-in-pa3-pa3-de3 (d)gilgamesz3 (ansze)ni-is-ku [...] dingir di-ku5 x [...] _x x x szu-na_ x x _zu a_ x [...] dub-la2-zu-u3 x [...] am du7-du7-gin7 [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... the hero gave to him ... I am the king of Sumer, I stand by him Shulgi, the true shepherd of Sumer, his brother, Gulini, the lord Gilgamesh, for his mighty power he made manifest, for his heroism he made manifest Gilgamesh, the donkey ..., the judge ... ... your cloister ... like a roaring wild bull .

    M=segment E


    musz-sza3-tur3-gin7 ki-bala-sze3 ku4 [...] a-na ma-at nu-ku-ur-tim a-na [...] szul-gi dumu (d)nin-sumun2-ka (d)en?-ki? an [...] _x [...] _tur_ za an [...]_ [...] x x x-bi _bad_ ki? x [...]

    AI Translation

    like a mushsha-tur snake, to the rebel land entered ... for the land of the nukurtim, for ... Shulgi, son of Ninsumun, Enki? ...

    P479893: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    u5-a a-u3-a u3-ru-ru-ga2 he2-em-ma-gur4-e u3-ru-ru-ga2 he2-em-ma-bulug3-e _li-isz-mu-uh_ (gesz)i-ri9-na-gin7 ur2 he2-gur4-re _lim-x-x_ (u2)szakir3-ra-gin7 pa he2-tal2-tal2-e u3-mu-un ne-ta mu-e-zu me-ta-me (gesz)haszhur zal-le i7-de3 la2-a-ba lu2 di?-de3? szu-ni ha-ma?-an-pesz-e lu2 al-nu2-a szu-ni ha-ma-ab-zi-zi-i du5-mu-gu10 u3-sa2-ge sza-mu-un-ku4-ku4-ku4 u3-sa2-ge sza-mu-un-ga2-ga2-ga2 u3-sa2 ga2-nu u3-sa2 ga2-nu u3-sa2 ga2-nu ki du5-mu-ga2-sze3 u3-sa2 kul?-u3 ki du5-mu-ga2-sze3

    igi gun3-a-ni szu-zu gar-bi u3 eme za ma-li-li-ka-ni _mu-s,a-ba-rum_ za ma-al-li-li u3 na-gul-e imgaga3 ur2-za hu-mu-ra-an-si ga-ar3 tur-tur ge26-e ga-mu-ra-da-ab-du10 ga-ar3-bi a-zu lu2-ulu3-kam a-zu lu2-ulu3 du5-mu u3-mu-un-na-kam du5-mu u3-mu-un-na (d)szul-gi-ra-kam (gesz)kiri6-gu10 hi-iz(sar)-am3 a im-mi-du11 hi-iz(sar) gakkul-am3 ma8 im-mi-du11 hi-iz(sar)-bi u3-mu-un-e he2-gu7-e u3-ru-ru-ga2 dam ga-an-na-an-ze2-eg3 dam ga-an-na-an-ze2-eg3 du5-mu ga-an-na-an-ze2-eg3 emeda(da) sza3 hul2-la hu-mu-un-da-e

    emeda(da) sza3 hul2-la ga he2-ni-gu7-e me-e du5-mu-ga2 dam ga-mu-un-[...] du5-mu ag2 ze2-ba he2-en-szi-[...]-tu dam ur2 kum2-ma-na he2-en-nu2 du5-mu a2 tal2-tal2-la-na he2-en-nu2 dam he2-en-da-ze2-eb du5-mu he2-en-da-ze2-eb dam tur ur2-ra-na ha-ba-hul2-e du5-mu du10-ub ze2-ba-na ha-ba-bulug3-e zi mu-da-i-ir ba-ni-in-kusz2-u3-en im-ma-si-in mul-e igi bi2-du8-ru-un u4-sakar igi-ga2 am3-bar-bar-re giri3-pax(_pad_)-ra2-zu bad3-da he2-eb-la2 lu2 bad3-da-ke4 er2 ha-ra-sze8-sze8

    musz-da-gur4-e te ha-ra-hur-e nim-e nundum-a-ni ha-ra-ze2-e eme-szid-e eme-a-ni ha-ra-suh?-e u3-a-lum-e he2-me-lum-lum-e u3-a-lam-e he2-me-lam-lam-e lum-ma-zu-ne lam-ma-zu-ne dun5 (dug)szakir3-ra x x-ra-zu-ne u3-sa2 ag2 ze2-ba x [...] ki-nu2 ag2 ze2-ba x [...] gu2-un u8-a x [...] _mu ri_ nig2-hul2-la-da? [...] dam szukur2-zu he2-a du5-mu [...] du5-mu ha-la-zu he2-a sze nir-ra mu-u4-na-zu he2-a (d)ezina2-(d)ku3-su3 a2-tah-zu [...] inim sa6-sa6-ge (d)lamma tuku he2-me-en bala u4 sa6-ga a2 e3 he2-me-en

    ezen sag-ki zalag-ga he2-me-en du5-mu-gu10 |_dag-kisim5_xX|-am3 ag2 nu-un-zu libir?-ra-na szid-bi nu-un-zu [...] x ki-tusz-bi nu-un-zu [...] x-ga? ha-ba-an-pa3-de3-en [...] he2-gu7-e [...]-a? [...]-_ri_?-be2-en [...] ha-ba-te? [...] he2-me-en [...] he2-me-en [...] x-la-an [...] x-la-an [...] x-e [...] x [...] mu-un-u5 [...] mu-un-u5 [...] ki mah [...] [...] masz2 udu ansze x mu-un-u5 [...] mu-un-_kal a_ gesz? x x mu-un-u5 (d)nin-ka-si gakkul-a x x mu-un-u5 [...] A? _zi_? _sar_? [...] (d)_ne_? [...] (d)nanna x [...]

    dam mu-un-x [...] mu?-[...] dam sipa-da u5 gu2?-na mu-un-u5 x ki?-luh mu-nim-mar-ra mu-un-u5 pesz-tur-_zi_ nesag-bi-a mu-un-de6 u3 za-e u3-sa2-ga nu2-i3 mu-nim-mar-zu pa la2-la2-de3 (gesz?)pesz3-gin7 asila he2-la2 uri2(ki) za3-bi-sze3 u3?-dub2-ba gub-bi2 unu(ki)-ga za3-bi-sze3 ne-mur-ra gub-bi2 ur-ra ka-na bala-e-gin7 dab5-ba-ni gi-sa-gin7 a2-na la2-ba-ni ur-e igi-zu ni2 u3-ba-ni-ib-te murgu-zu bara2-gin7 he2-si-il-le u3-szub-bi? x x x x x x x kasz _sum_? [...] x x x an-za-gar3 [...] x x egir? [...] [...] [...] [...]

    [...] x x x x [...] amar x nu-dar-dar [...] ti-la? _ti_ x [...] lu2?-gin7? na-[...]

    AI Translation

    I shall bring the u'a-plant of the water to the watering place. I shall bring the u'a-plant to the watering place. I shall bring the u'a-plant to the watering place. I shall ... like a irina-plant, I shall ... like a szakira-plant. I am the lord, you are the one who has ...ed from the beginning. I shall ... the ...-plant of the canal, I shall ... the man who is ..., I shall ... the man who is ..., I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall ... my son, I shall .

    His face, his hands, his hands, his tongue, his tongue, his lips, his lips, his lips, his lips, his lips, his lips, his lips, and the naguls, the scepter, your chin, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall smear, I shall eat, I shall eat, I shall smear my wife, I shall smear my son, I shall smear, I shall smear the scepter, I shall smear, I shall smear the scepter, I shall smear,

    The shepherd, who rejoices in the heart of his child, may he eat! May he eat!

    The mushdagur snake ...

    I am the bright ezen priestess, my son, I am the bright ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am the ..., I am Ninkasi, the ..., I am the

    ... ... ... ... ... life ... like a man .

    P479895: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    nam-lugal an-ta e11-de3-a-ba eridu(ki) nam-lugal-la eridu(ki) a2-lu-lim lugal mu 8(szar2) i3-ak a2-lal3-gar mu 1(szar'u) i3-ak 2(disz) lugal mu-bi 1(szar'u) 8(szar2) ib2-ak eridu(ki) ba-szub nam-lugal-bi bad3-tibira(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 bad3-tibira(ki) en-me-en-lu2-an-na mu 1(szar'u) 2(szar2) i3-ak en-me-en-gal-an-na mu 8(szar2) i3-ak (d)dumu-zi sipa mu 1(szar'u) i3-ak 3(disz) lugal mu-bi 3(szar'u) ib2-ak bad3-tibira(ki) ba-szub-be2-en nam-lugal-bi la-ra-ag(ki)-sze3 ba-de6

    la-ra-ag(ki) en-sipa-zi-an-na mu 8(szar2) i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 8(szar2) ib2-ak la-ra-ag(ki) ba-szub-be2-en nam-lugal-bi zimbir(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 zimbir(ki) en-me-en-dur2-an-na lugal-am3 mu 5(szar2) 5(gesz'u) i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 5(szar2) 5(gesz'u) ib2-ak zimbir(ki) ba-szub-be2-en nam-lugal-bi szuruppak(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 szuruppak(ki) ubur-du-du lugal-am3 mu 5(szar2) 1(gesz'u) i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 5(szar2) 1(gesz'u) ib2-ak

    8(disz) lugal mu-bi 1(szargal)(gal) 7(szar2) ib2-ak a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta egir a-ma-ru ba-ur3-ra-ta nam-lugal an-ta e11-de3-a-ba kisz(ki) nam-lugal-la kisz(ki) gesz-ur3 lugal-am3 mu 2(gesz'u) i3-ak gul-la-si2?-na-be2?-el mu 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) i3-ak na-an-gesz-li-isz-ma 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 1(u)? mu i3-ak en-dara4?-an-na-ke4

  • 7(gesz2)? mu a-ra2 x x-am3 iti 3(disz) u4 3(disz) 1/2(disz) i3-ak
  • ba-bu-um x x

  • 6(gesz2)? mu i3-ak
  • pu-an-nu-um mu 1(gesz'u)? 4(gesz2)? i3-ak ga-li2-bu-um mu 1(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) i3-ak ka-lu-mu-um mu 1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) i3-ak zu2-qa2-qi4-ip mu 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak a2-tab mu 1(gesz'u) i3-ak masz-da3 dumu a2-tab-ba mu 1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) i3-ak ar-wi-um dumu masz-da3-ke4 mu 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) i3-ak e-ta-na sipa lu2 an-sze3 ba-e11-de3 lu2 kur-kur mu-un-ge-na lugal-am3 mu 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak ba-li-ih dumu e-ta-na-ke4 mu 6(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak en-me-nun-na mu 1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) i3-ak

    mu 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak bar-sal-nun-na dumu en-me-nun-na mu 2(gesz'u) i3-ak zamug(za-mug) dumu bar-sal-nun-na mu 2(gesz2) 2(u) i3-ak ti-iz-gar3 dumu zamug(za-mug)-ke4 mu 5(disz) szu-szi 6(disz) i3-ak il-ku-u2 mu 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak il-ta-sa-du-um mu 2(gesz'u) i3-ak en-me-en-bara2-ge-si lu2 ma-da elam(ki)-ma (gesz)tukul-bi ib2-ta-an-gam lugal-am3 mu 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) i3-ak ag-ga dumu en-me-en-bara2-ge-si-ke4 mu 1(gesz'u) 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak 2(u) 3(disz) lugal

    mu-bi 6(szar2) 4(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) iti 3(disz) u4 3(disz) u4 1/2(disz) ib2-ak kisz(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi e2-an-na-sze3 ba-de6 e2-an-na-ka mes-ki-ag2-ga-sze-er dumu (d)utu en-am3 lugal-am3 mu 5(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz)? i3-ak mes-ki-ag2-ga-sze-er ab-ba ba-an-ku4 hur-sag-sze3 ba-e11 en-me-kar2 dumu mes-ki-ag2-ga-sze-er lugal unu(ki)-ga lu2 unu(ki) mu-un-du3-a lugal-am3 mu 7(gesz2) i3-ak (d)lugal-banda3(da) sipa mu 2(gesz'u) i3-ak (d)dumu-zi szu-ku6 iri(ki)-ni kuara(ki) mu 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak

    ab-ba-ni lil2-la2 en kul-ab-ba-ke4 mu 2(gesz2) 6(disz) i3-ak ur-(d)nun-gal dumu (d)gilgamesz mu 3(u) i3-ak u-dul3-kalam-ma dumu ur-(d)nun-gal-ke4 mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak la-ba-sze-er? mu 9(disz) i3-ak en-nun-dara4?-an-na mu 8(disz) i3-ak mes?-he2 simug mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak me-lam2-an-na mu 6(disz) i3-ak lugal-ki-du5? mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak 1(u) 2(disz) lugal mu-bi 3(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) ib2-ak unu(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi uri2(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 uri2(ki)-ma mes-an-ne2-pa3-da

    lugal-am3 mu 1(gesz2) 2(u) i3-ak mes-ki-ag2-(d)nanna dumu mes-an-ne2-pa3-da lugal-am3 mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak e-lu-lu mu 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak ba-lu-lu 3(u) 6(disz) mu i3-ak 4(disz) lugal mu-bi 2(gesz2) 5(u) 1(disz)? ib2-ak uri2(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi a-wa-an(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 a-wa-an(ki)-na [...] lugal-am3 mu n i3-ak [...] mu [...] i3-ak ku-ul-[...] mu 3(u) 6(disz) i3-ak 3(disz) lugal mu-bi 5(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz)? ib2-ak a-wa-an(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3

    kisz(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 kisz(ki) su8-sud3?-da lu2 azlag2 lugal-am3 mu 3(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz) n? i3-ak da-da-sig mu 1(gesz2) 2(u) 1(disz)? i3-ak ma2-ma2-gal lu2 ma2-lah4-e mu 6(disz) szu-szi i3-ak ka-al-bu-um dumu ma2-gal-gal-la?-ke4 mu 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak _tug2_-e mu 6(gesz2) i3-ak men-nun-na mu 3(gesz2) i3-ak i-bi-x-x mu 4(gesz2) 5(u)? i3-ak lugal-mu mu 6(gesz2) i3-ak 8(disz) lugal mu-bi 5(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) ib2-ak kisz(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi

    ha-ma-zi2(ki)-a ha-da-ni-isz lugal-am3 mu 6(disz) szu-szi i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 6(disz) szu-szi ib2-ak ha-ma-zi2(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi unu(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 unu(ki)-ga en-szakkan2-sza4-an-na lugal-am3 mu 1(disz) szu-szi i3-ak nam-lugal-bi mu 2(disz) szu-szi i3-ak mu 8(disz) i3-ak? n ib2-ak unu(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-sag3 nam-lugal-bi uri2-sze3 ba-de6 uri2-ma na-an-ni lugal-am3 mu n i3-ak mes-ki-ag2-(d)nanna dumu na-an-ni-ke4 mu n i3-ak [...]-ak

    mu n i3-ak 3(disz) lugal mu-bi n ib2-ak uri2(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-sag3 nam-lugal-bi adab(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 adab(ki)-ba? lugal-an-ne2-mu-un-du3 lugal-am3 mu n ib2-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 1(gesz2)? 3(u)? ib2-ak adab(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi ma-ri2(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 ma-ri2(ki?)-a? _an_-_bu_ lugal-am3 mu 3(u) i3-ak _an_-_ba_ dumu _an_-_bu_-ke4 mu n i3-ak ba-zi lu2 aszgab mu 3(u) i3-ak zi-zi lu2 azlag2 mu 2(u) i3-ak li?-im-er gudu4 mu 3(u) i3-ak lugal-i-ter mu 9(disz@v) i3-ak

    6(disz) lugal mu-bi 2(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz) i3-ak ma-ri2(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi kisz(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 kisz(ki)-a ku3-(d)ba-ba6 (munus)lu2-kurun-na suhusz kisz(ki) mu-un-ge-na lugal-am3 mu 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 1(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak kisz(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi akszak(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 akszak(ki)-sze3 un-zi lugal-am3 mu 3(u) i3-ak un-da-lu-lu mu 6(disz) i3-ak ur-ur mu 6(disz) i3-ak puzur4-(d)nerah mu n i3-ak i-szu-il mu n i3-ak

    szu-(d)suen dumu i-szu-il-la-ke4 mu n i3-ak n lugal mu-bi n ib2-ak akszak(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-sag3 nam-lugal-bi kisz(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 kisz(ki) puzur4-(d)suen dumu ku3-(d)ba-ba6-ke4 lugal-am3 mu 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 dumu puzur4-(d)suen-ke4 mu 6(gesz2) 4(u) i3-ak zi-mu-dar-ra mu 3(u) i3-ak u2-s,i-wa-tar mu 7(disz) i3-ak esz18-dar-mu-ti mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak isz-me-(d)utu mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak na-an-ni-ia zadim mu 7(disz) i3-ak 7(disz) lugal

    kisz(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi unu(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 unu(ki)-ga lugal-za3-ge-si lugal-am3 mu 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 2(u) 5(disz) i3-ak unu(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi a-ga-de3(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 a-ga-de3 szar-ru-ki-in ab?-ba-ni nu-(gesz)kiri6 sagi ur-(d)za-ba4-ba4 lugal a-ga-de3(ki) lu2 a-ga-de3(ki) mu-un-du3-a lugal-am3 mu 5(u) 6(disz) i3-ak ri2-mu-usz dumu szar-ru-ki-in mu 9(disz@v) i3-ak ma-ni-isz-ti-isz-szu szesz-gal ri2-mu-usz dumu szar-ru-ki-in

    na-ra-am-(d)suen dumu ma-ni-isz-ti-isz-szu mu 5(u) 6(disz)? i3-ak szar-ka3-li2-szar-ri2 dumu na-ra-am-(d)suen mu n i3-ak a-ba-am3 lugal a-ba-am3 nu-lugal ir-gi4-gi4 lugal i-mi lugal na-nu-um lugal i-lu-lu lugal n mu ib2-ak du-du mu 2(u) 1(disz) i3-ak szu-dur-ul3 dumu du-du-ke4 mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak 1(u) 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 3(gesz2) 1(disz) ib2-ak a-ga-de3(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi unu(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 unu(ki)-sze3 ur-nigar lugal-am3 mu 7(disz) i3-ak

    ku5-da mu 6(disz) i3-ak puzur4-i3-li2 mu 5(disz) i3-ak ur-(d)utu mu 6(disz) i3-ak 5(disz) lugal mu-bi 3(u) ib2-ak unu(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi ugnim gu-tu-um ba-de6 ugnim gu-tu-um(ki) lugal mu nu-tuku ni2-ta-a lugal-am3 mu 3(disz) i3-ak in-ki-szusz2 mu 6(disz) i3-ak zar2-lagab-la-gab mu 6(disz) i3-ak szul-me-e mu 6(disz) i3-ak se3?-lu-lu-me-esz mu 6(disz) i3-ak i-ni-ma-ba-ke-esz mu 5(disz) i3-ak i-ge4-esz-a-usz mu 6(disz) i3-ak ia-ar-la-gab mu 1(u) 5(disz) i3-ak

    ia-ar-la mu 3(disz) i3-ak ku-ru-um mu 1(disz) i3-ak a-pil-ki?-in mu 3(disz) i3-ak la-e2-ra-bu-um mu 2(disz) i3-ak i-ra-ru-um mu 2(disz) i3-ak ib-ra-nu-um mu 1(disz) i3-ak ha-ab-lum mu 2(disz) i3-ak puzur4-(d)suen dumu ha-ab-lum mu 7(disz) i3-ak ia-ar-la-ga-an-da mu 7(disz) i3-ak si-u4 mu 7(disz) i3-ak ti-ri-ga u4 4(u) i3-ak 2(u) 1(disz) lugal mu-bi n u4 4(u) ib2-ak ugnim gu-ti-um(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3? nam-lugal-bi unu(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 unu(ki)-ga (d)utu-he2-gal2 lugal-am3

    mu 7(disz) szu-szi 7(disz) u4 [...] i3-ak 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 7(disz) szu-szi 7(disz) u4 [...] i3-ak unu(ki) (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi uri2(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 uri2(ki)-ma ur-(d)namma lugal-am3 mu 1(u) 8(disz) i3-ak (d)szul-gi dumu ur-(d)namma-ke4 mu 4(u) 6(disz) i3-ak (d)amar-(d)suen dumu (d)szul-gi-ke4 mu 9(disz) i3-ak szu-(d)suen dumu (d)amar-(d)suen mu 9(disz) i3-ak i-bi2-(d)suen dumu szu-(d)suen-ke4 mu 2(u) 4(disz) i3-ak 4(disz) lugal

    uri2(ki)-ma (gesz)tukul ba-an-sag3 nam-lugal-bi i3-si-in(ki)-sze3 ba-de6 i3-si-in(ki)-na isz-bi-(d)er3-ra lugal-am3 mu 3(u) 3(disz) i3-ak (d)szu-i3-li2-szu dumu isz-bi-(d)er3-ra-ke4 mu 2(u) i3-ak i-din-(d)da-gan dumu szu-i3-li2-szu-ke4 mu 2(u) 1(disz) i3-ak isz-me-(d)da-gan dumu i-din-(d)da-gan-ke4 mu n i3-ak li-pi2-it-esz18-dar dumu isz-me-(d)da-gan-ke4 mu n i3-ak (d)ur-(d)nin-urta mu n i3-ak (d)bur-(d)suen dumu (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 mu 2(u) 1(disz) i3-ak (d)li-pi2-it-(d)en-lil2

    (d)er3-ra-i-mi-ti mu 8(disz) i3-ak (d)en-lil2-ba-ni mu 2(u) 4(disz) i3-ak (d)za-am-bi-ia mu 3(disz) i3-ak (d)i-te-er-pi4-sza mu 4(disz) i3-ak (d)ur-du6-ku3-ga mu 4(disz) i3-ak (d)suen-ma-gir mu 1(u) 1(disz) i3-ak 1(u) 3(disz) lugal mu-bi 3(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) ib2-ak szunigin 4(u) la2 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 4(szar2) n 9(disz) mu 3(disz) iti 1(u) 2(disz) u4 ib2-ak a-ra2 4(disz)-kam sza3 kisz(ki) szunigin 2(u) 2(disz) lugal mu-bi 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 3(u) n 6(disz) iti 1(u) 5(disz) u4 ib2-ak

    sza3 unu(ki)-ga szunigin 1(u) 2(disz) lugal mu-bi 6(gesz2) 3(u) 6(disz) mu ib2-ak a-ra2 3(disz)-kam sza3 uri2(ki)-ma szunigin 3(disz) lugal mu-bi 5(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz) mu ib2-ak a-ra2 1(disz)-kam sza3 a-wa-an(ki) szunigin 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 7(gesz2) mu i3-ak a-ra2 1(disz)-kam sza3 ha?-ma-zi(ki)-a szunigin 1(u) 2(disz) lugal mu-bi 3(gesz2) 1(u) 7(disz) mu ib2-ak a-ra2 1(disz)-kam sza3 a-ga-de3(ki) szunigin 2(u) 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 2(gesz2) 5(disz) mu 4(u) u4 ib2-ak a-ra2 1(disz)-kam sza3 ugnim gu-ti-um(ki)

    szunigin 1(u) 1(disz) lugal mu-bi 2(gesz2) 3(u) 9(disz) mu ib2-ak sza3 i-si-in(ki)-na

  • 1(u) 1(disz) iri(ki)
  • iri(ki) nam-lugal-la ib2-ak-ka3 szunigin 2(gesz2) 1(u) 4(disz) lugal mu-bi 8(szar2) n 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz)

  • 2(u) 1(disz)
  • AI Translation

    from the kingship of heaven to the kingship of Eridu, Alulim the king. Eridu Alulim the king, 8600 years he ruled; Alalgar, 8600 years he ruled; 2 kings, the years: 8600 years he ruled; Eridu was destroyed, the kingship to Badtibira was carried off. Badtibira Enmen-lu-ana, 8600 years he ruled; Enmen-gal-ana, 8600 years he ruled; Dumuzi, the shepherd, 10600 years he ruled; 3 kings, the years: 3600 years he ruled; Badtibira was destroyed, the kingship to Larsa was carried off.

    Larsa, Ensipazianna, 8th year he ruled; 1 king, the years: 8th, he ruled; Larsa, he abandoned; the kingship to Sippar he carried off; Sippar, Enmendurana, the king, 5600 years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 5600 he ruled; Sippar, he abandoned; the kingship to Shuruppak he carried off; Shuruppak, Urdudu, the king, 5600 years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 5600 he ruled;

    8 kings, their years: 270 they ruled; from the flood to the flood, after the flood to the kingship from heaven they came; Kish, kingship, Kish, the chess-boards of the king, a total of 210 years he ruled; Gulla-si-nabel?, a total of 420 years he ruled; Ningishma, a total of 210 years he ruled; Endara-ana

  • 420? years ..., 3 months 3 1/2 days he ruled;
  • ... babu'um;

  • 420?, he has sworn.
  • Pu'annum, 900? years he ruled; Galibuum, 900 years he ruled; Kalumum, 900 years he ruled; Zuqaqip, 900 years he ruled; Atab, 900 years he ruled; Mashda, son of Ataba, 900 years he ruled; Arwium, son of Mashda, 900 years he ruled; Etana, shepherd, the man to heaven went out; the man of the lands he brought. Kingam, 900 years he ruled; Balih, son of Etana, 900 years he ruled; Enmenuna, 900 years he ruled;

    a total of 720 he ruled; Barsalnuna, son of Enmenuna, a total of 420 he ruled; Zamug, son of Barsalnuna, a total of 210 he ruled; Tizgar, son of Zamug, a total of 5 szushi 6 he ruled; Ilku'u, a total of 420 he ruled; Iltasaduum, a total of 420 he ruled; Enmenbaragesi, the man of the land of Elam, its weapons he struck down; king of the land, a total of 420 he ruled; Agaga, son of Enmenbaragesi, a total of 115 he ruled; 23 king

    its years: 420,336 days 3 3 1/2 days he ruled; Kish with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Eanna was carried off; in Eanna Mes-kiag-sher, son of Utu, was the en-priest, was the king; 195? years he ruled; Mes-kiag-sher, the abbey entered; to the mountains he went down; Enmekar, son of Mes-kiag-sher, king of Uruk, the man of Uruk, was the king; 210 years he ruled; Lugalbanda, shepherd, 210 years he ruled; Dumuzi, fisherman of his city, Kuara, 210 years he ruled;

    his father, Lila, lord of Kulaba, 206 years he ruled; Ur-Nungal, son of Gilgamesh, 30 years he ruled; Udulkalama, son of Ur-Nungal, 15 years he ruled; Labasher?, 9 years he ruled; Ennun-dara-ana, 8 years he ruled; Meshe, the smith, 36 years he ruled; Melam-ana, 6 years he ruled; Lugal-kidu?, 36 years he ruled; 12 kings, the years: 420 they ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Ur was carried off; in Ur Mes-anepada

    king, 91 years he ruled; Mes-kiag-Nanna, son of Mesanepada, king, 36 years he ruled; Elulu, 25 years he ruled; Balulu, 36 years he ruled; 4 kings, the years: 121? years he ruled; Ur with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Awan was carried off. Awana, ... king, n years he ruled; ... years he ruled; Kuul..., 36 years he ruled; 3 kings, the years: 96? years he ruled; Awan with weapons was struck down;

    to Kish he took. Kish, Susuda, the king's ..., 61 years he ruled; Dadasig, 91 years he ruled; Mamagal, the boatman, 6 years he ruled; Kalbuum, the son of Magalgal, 155 years he ruled; ..., 155 years he ruled; Mennuna, 155 years he ruled; Ibi-..., 570? years he ruled; Lugalmu, 169 years he ruled; 8 kings, the years: 115 they ruled; Kish with weapons was struck down; its kingship

    Hamazi, Hadanish, was king, 6 years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 6 he ruled; Hamazi with weapons was struck down, and the kingship to Uruk was carried off. In Uruk, Enshakkan-shana was king, 1 year he ruled; the kingship to Uruk with weapons was struck down, and the kingship to Ur was carried off. In Ur, Nani was king, n years he ruled; Mes-kiag-Nanna, son of Nani, n years he ruled; .

    n years he ruled; 3 kings, the years: n he ruled; Ur with weapons was struck down, and its kingship to Adab was carried off. In Adab, Lugal-ane-mundu was king, n years he ruled; 1 king, the years: n years he ruled; Adab with weapons was struck down, and its kingship to Mari was carried off. In Mari, An-ibbi was king, 30 years he ruled; An-iba, son of An-ibb, n years he ruled; Bazi, the weaver, 30 years he ruled; Zizi, the weaver, 20 years he ruled; Li-imer, the gudu-officiant, 30 years he ruled; Lugal-iter, 9 years he ruled;

    6 kings, the years: 126 they ruled; Mari with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Kish was carried off. In Kish Kubaba, the woman Lu-kuruna, the foundation of Kish, he erected. 1 king, the years: 240 they ruled; Kish with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Akshak was carried off. To Akshak Unzi was king, 30 they ruled; Undalulu, 6 they ruled; Urur, 6 they ruled; Puzur-Nerah, n they ruled; Ishu-il, n they ruled;

    Shu-Suen, son of Ishila, n years he ruled; n kings, their years he ruled; Akshak with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Kish was carried off; Kish Puzur-Suen, son of Ku-Baba, was king; 25 years he ruled; Ur-Zababa, son of Puzur-Suen, 420 years he ruled; Zimudara, 30 years he ruled; Ushi-watar, 7 years he ruled; Ishtar-muti, 11 years he ruled; Ishme-Shamash, 11 years he ruled; Naniya, the carpenter, 7 years he ruled; 7 kings

    Kish was struck down with weapons, and the kingship to Uruk was carried off. In Uruk, Lugal-zagesi was king, 25 years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 25 he ruled; Uruk was struck down with weapons, and the kingship to Agade was carried off. At Agade, Sargon, his father, the orchardist Ur-Zababa, king of Agade, the man of Agade, he built, and he was king, 56 years he ruled; Rimush, the son of Sargon, 9 years he ruled; Manishtishu, the elder brother of Rimush, the son of Sargon,

    Naram-Sîn, son of Manishtishu, 56? years he ruled; Shar-kali-sharri, son of Naram-Sîn, n years he ruled; who is the king? Who is the king? Irgi-gi, king Imi, king Nanum, king Ilulu, king n years he ruled; Dudu, 21 years he ruled; Shudurul, son of Dudu, 15 years he ruled; 11 kings, the years: 91 he ruled; Agade with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Uruk was carried off; Ur-nigar, king, 7 years he ruled;

    Kuda, 6 years he ruled; Puzur-ili, 5 years he ruled; Ur-Utu, 6 years he ruled; 5 kings, the years: 30 they ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down; its kingship the Furrow of Gutum was carried off; Furrow of Gutum, king, without number, Nitaya was king, 3 years he ruled; Inkishush, 6 years he ruled; Zarlagagalagab, 6 years he ruled; Shulme, 6 years he ruled; Selulumesh, 6 years he ruled; Ini-mabakesh, 5 years he ruled; Igesh-a'ush, 6 years he ruled; Yarlagagab, 15 years he ruled;

    Yarla, 3 years he ruled; Kurum, 1 year he ruled; Apil-kin, 3 years he ruled; La-e-rabum, 2 years he ruled; Irarum, 2 years he ruled; Ibranum, 1 year he ruled; Hablum, 2 years he ruled; Puzur-Suen, son of Hablum, 7 years he ruled; Yarlaganda, 7 years he ruled; Si'u, 7 years he ruled; Tiriga, 40 days he ruled; 21 kings, the years: n days 40 he ruled; the army of Gutium with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Uruk was carried off. In Uruk Shamash-hegal was king

    7 years, 7 days ... he ruled; 1 king, the years: 7 years, 7 days ... he ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Ur was carried off. In Ur Ur-Namma was king, 18 years he ruled; Shulgi, son of Ur-Namma, 46 years he ruled; Amar-Suen, son of Shulgi, 9 years he ruled; Shu-Suen, son of Amar-Suen, 9 years he ruled; Ibbi-Suen, son of Shu-Suen, 24 years he ruled; 4 kings,

    in Ur weapons were struck down, and the kingship to Isin was carried off. In Isin, Ishbi-Erra was king, 33 years he ruled; Shu-ilishu, son of Ishbi-Erra, 21 years he ruled; Iddin-Dagan, son of Shu-ilishu, 21 years he ruled; Ishme-Dagan, son of Iddin-Dagan, n years he ruled; Lipit-Ishtar, son of Ishme-Dagan, n years he ruled; Ur-Ninurta, n years he ruled; Bur-Sîn, son of Ur-Ninurta, 21 years he ruled; Lipit-Enlil,

    Erra-imiti 8 years he ruled; Enlil-bani 24 years he ruled; Zambiya 3 years he ruled; Iter-pisha 4 years he ruled; Ur-dukuga 4 years he ruled; Sîn-magir 11 years he ruled; 13 kings, their years: 333 years he ruled; total: 41 kings, their years: 94,93 years 3 months 12 days he ruled; 4th year, in Kish; total: 22 kings, their years: 420,96 months 15 months 15 days he ruled;

    in Uruk; total: 12 kings, the years: 216, he ruled; 3rd time in Ur; total: 3 kings, the years: 216, he ruled; 1st time in Awan; total: 1 king, the years: 620, he ruled; 1st time in Hamazia; total: 12 kings, the years: 177, he ruled; 1st time in Agade; total: 21 kings, the years: 185, 40 days he ruled; 1st time in the army of Gutium;

    total: 11 kings, the years: 169, year: "Ibak," in Isin;

  • 11 cities,
  • the city of kingship shall take; total: 124 kings, the years: 66, 96.

  • 21
  • Human

    After kingship from heaven descended, in Eridu was kingship. In Eridu, Alulim was king, 28,800 years he ruled; Alalgar, 36,000 years he ruled; 2 kings, the years: 64,800 they ruled; Eridu fell, and the kingship to Bad-tibira was carried off. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana, 43,200 years he ruled; En-men-gal-ana, 28,800 he ruled; Dumuzi, the shepherd, 36,000 years he ruled; 3 kings, the years: 10,8000 they ruled; Bad-tibira, you fell, and the kingship to Larag was carried off.

    In Larag, En-sipa-zi-ana, 28,800 years he ruled. 1 king, the years: 28,800 he ruled. Larag, you fell, and the kingship to Sippar was carried off. In Sippar, En-men-dur-ana was king, 21,000 years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 21,000 he ruled; Sippar, you fell, and the kingship to Shuruppak was carried off. In Shuruppak, Ubara-Tutu was king, 18,600 years he ruled, 1 king, the years: 18,600 he ruled. 5 cities,

    8 kings, the years: 241,200 they ruled. Then the flood swept over. After the flood had swept over, and kingship from heaven had descended, in Kish was kingship. In Kish, Geshur was king, 1200 years he ruled; Gullasinabel?, 960 years he ruled; Nangeshlisma, 670? years he ruled; Endara'ana?,

  • 420 years ... 3 months 3 1/2 days he ruled;
  • Babum ...,

  • 360? years he ruled;
  • Pu'annum, 840? years he ruled; Galibum, 960 years he ruled; Kalumum, 840 years he ruled; Zuqaqip, 900 years he ruled; Atab, 600 years he ruled; Mashda, son of Atab, 840 years he ruled; Arwi'um, son of Mashda, 720 years he ruled; Etana, shepherd, who to heaven went up, who the foreign lands firmed, was king, 1500 years he ruled; Balih, son of Etana, 400 years he ruled; Enmenuna, 660 years he ruled; Melam-kish, son of Enmenuna,

    900 years he ruled; Barsalnuna, son of Enmenuna, 1200 years he ruled; Zamug, son of Barsalnuna, 140 years he ruled; Tizgar, son of Zamug, 5 sixties and 6 years he ruled; Ilkû, 900 years he ruled; Iltasadum, 1200 years he ruled; Enmebaragesi, who the land of Elam with weapons made submit, was king, 900 years he ruled; Aga, son of Enmebaragesi, 625 years he ruled; 23 kings,

    the years: 24510, 3 months, 3 1/3 days they ruled; Kish with weapons was struck down, the kingship to Eanna =Uruk was carried off. In Eanna Mes-kiag-gasher, son of Utu, was lord, was king, 325? years he ruled; Mes-kiag-gasher the sea entered, went off to the mountains; Enmerkar, son of Mes-kiag-gasher, king of Uruk, who Uruk built, was king, 420 years he ruled; Lugalbanda, the shepherd, 1200 years he ruled; Dumuzi, the fisherman, his city: Kuara, 100 years he ruled; Gilgamesh,

    his father: that of the wind, lord of Kulaba, 126 years he ruled; Ur-Nungal, son of Gilgamesh, 30 years he ruled; Udul-kalama, son of Ur-Nungal, 15 years he ruled; Labasher?, 9 year he ruled; Ennundara'ana?, 8 years he ruled; Meshe, the smith, 36 years he ruled; Melam-ana, 6 years he ruled; Lugal-kidu?, 36 years he ruled; 12 kings, the years: 2310 years they ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down, the kingship to Ur was carried off. In Ur Mesanepada

    was king, 80 years he ruled; Meskiag-Nanna, son of Mesanepada, was king, 36 years he ruled; Elulu, 25 years he ruled; Balulu, 36 years he ruled; 4 kings, the years: 171? they ruled. Ur with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Awan was carried off. In Awan ... was king, ... years he ruled; ..., ... years he ruled; Kul-... 36 years he ruled; 3 kings, the years: 356? they ruled; Awan with weapons was struck down, the kingship

    to Kish was carried off. In Kish Susuda, the weaver, was king, 201? years he ruled; Dadasig, 81? years he ruled; Mamagal, the boatman, 6 sixties years he ruled; Kalbum, son of Magalgal, 195 years he ruled; TUGe, 360 years he ruled; Mennuna, 180 years he ruled; Ibi-..., 290? years he ruled; Lugulmu, 360 years he ruled; 8 kings, the years: 3195 they ruled; Kish with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Hamazi was carried off.

    In Hamazi, Hadanish was king, 6 sixties years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 6 sixties he ruled; Hamazi with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Uruk was carried off. In Uruk En-shakkan-sha'ana was king, 1 sixty years he ruled; Namlugalbi, 2 sixties years he ruled; 8 years he ruled ?; n he ruled ?; Uruk with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Ur was carried off. In Ur Nanni was king, n years he ruled; Mes-kiag-Nanna, son of Nanni, n years he ruled; ...-ak, ...

    n years he ruled; 3 kings, the years: n they ruled; Ur with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Adab was carried off. In Adab Lugal-ane-mundu was king, n years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 90? he ruled; Adab with weapons was stuck down; the kingship to Mari was carried off. In Mari, ANBU was king, 30 years he ruled; ANBA, son of ANBU, n years he ruled; Bazi, the weaver, 30 years he ruled; Zizi, the weaver, 20 years he ruled; Lim'er, the gudu-officiant, 30 years he ruled; Sharrum-iter, 9 years he ruled;

    6 kings, the years: 136t they ruled; Mari with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Kish was carried off. In Kish, Ku-Baba, the alewife who the foundation of Kish firmed up, was king, 100 years she ruled; 1 king, her years: 100 she ruled; Kish with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Akshak was carried away. For Akshak, Unzi was king, 30 years he ruled; Undalulu, 6 years he ruled; Urur, 6 years he ruled; Puzur-Nerah, n years he ruled; Ishu'il, n years he ruled;

    Shu-Suen, son of Ishu'il, n years he ruled; n kings, the years: n they ruled; Akshak with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Kish was carried off. In Kish Puzur-Suen, son of Ku-Baba, was king, 25 years he ruled; Ur-Zababa, son of Puzur-Suen, 400 years he ruled; Zimudara, 30 years he ruled; Ushi-watar, 7 years he ruled; Ishtar-muti, 11 years he ruled; Ishme-Shamash, 11 years he ruled; Nanniya, the stone cutter, 7 years he ruled; 7 kings, the years: 491 they ruled;

    Kish with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Uruk was carried away. In Uruk, Lugalzagesi was king, 25 years he ruled; 1 king, the years: 25 he ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Agade was carried away. In Agade, Sargon, his father an orchardist, cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, king of Agade, man who Agade built, was king, 56 years he ruled; Rimush, son of Sargon, 9 years he ruled; Manishtusu, big brother of Rimush, son of Sargon, 15 years he ruled;

    Naram-Sin, son of Manishtusu, 56? years he ruled; Shar-kali-sharri, son of Naram-Sin, n years he ruled; who was king, who was pretender? Irgigi was king, Imi was king, Nanum was king, Ilulu was king, n years they ruled; Dudu, 21 years he ruled; Shu-durul, son of Dudu, 15 years he ruled; 11 kings, the years: 181 they ruled; Agade with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Uruk was carried away. To Uruk, Ur-nigar was king, 7 years he ruled; Ur-gigir, son of Ur-nigar, 6 years he ruled;

    Kuda, 6 years he ruled; Puzur-ili, 5 years he ruled; Ur-Utu, 6 years he ruled; 5 kings, the years: 30 they ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Camp-Gutium was carried off. Camp-Gutium king and years had not. Nitaya was king, 3 years he ruled; Inkishush, 6 years he ruled; Zar-lagag-lagab, 6 years he ruled; Shulmeye, 6 years he ruled; Selulumesh?, 6 years he ruled; Inimabakesh, 5 years he ruled; Igesh'a'ush, 6 years he ruled; Yar-lagab, 15 years he ruled; Ibate, 3 years he ruled;

    Yar-la, 3 years he ruled; Kurum, 1 year he ruled; Apil-kin, 3 years he ruled; La-e-rabum, 2 years he ruled; Irarum, 2 years he ruled; Ibranum, 1 year he ruled; Hablum, 2 years he ruled; Puzur-Suen, son of Hablum, 7 years he ruled; Yar-laganda, 7 years he ruled; Si'u, 7 years he ruled; Tiriga, 40 days he ruled; 21 kings, the years: 40 days they ruled. Camp-Gutium, with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Uruk was carried off. In Uruk Utu-hegal was king,

    7 sixties 7 ... days he ruled; 1 king, the years: 7 sixties 7 ... days he ruled; Uruk with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Ur was carried off. In Ur Ur-Namma was king, 18 years he ruled; Shulgi, son of Ur-Namma, 46 years he ruled; Amar-Suen, son of Shulgi, 9 years he ruled; Shu-Suen, son of Amar-Suen, 9 years he ruled; Ibbi-Suen, son of Shu-Suen, 24 years he ruled; 4 kings, the years: 108 they ruled;

    Ur with weapons was struck down; the kingship to Isin was carried off. In Isin, Ishbi-Erra was king, 33 years he ruled; Shu-ilishu, son of Isbi-Erra, 20 years he ruled; Iddin-Dagan, son of Shu-ilishu, 21 years he ruled; Ishme-Dagan, son of Iddin-Dagan, n years he ruled; Lipit-Ishtar, son of Ishme-Dagan, n years he ruled; Ur-Ninurta, n years he ruled; Bur-Sîn, son of Ur-Ninurta, 21 years he ruled; Lipit-Enlil, son of Bur-Sîn, 5 years he ruled;

    Erra-imitti, 8 years he ruled; Enlil-bani, 24 years he ruled; Zambiya, 3 years he ruled; Iter-pisha, 4 years he ruled; Ur-dukuga, 4 years he ruled; Sîn-magir, 11 years he ruled; 13 kings, the years: 213 they ruled, Total: 40 less 1 kings, the years: 14409+, 3 months, 12 days they ruled, 4 times in Kish; total: 22 kings, the years: 2616+, 6 months, 15 days they ruled, 5 times

    in Uruk; total: 12 kings, the years: 396 they ruled, 3 times in Ur; total: 3 kings, the years: 356 they ruled, 1 time in Awan; total: 1 king, the years: 420 he ruled, 1 time in Hamazi?; total: 12 kings, the years: 197 they ruled, 1 time in Agade; total: 21 kings, the years: 125, 40 days, they ruled, 1 time in Camp- Gutium;

    total: 11 kings, the years: 159 they ruled, in Isin;

  • 11 cities,
  • cities that practiced kingship, total: 134 kings, the years: 28,876+ they ruled,

  • 21.
  • P479900: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u)# 9(disz) gurusz
  • 6(disz) gin2 i3-szah2-ta?
  • i3-szah2-bi 4(disz) 5/6(disz) sila3 4(disz) gin2 i3-ba ug3-_il2_-e-ne

    AI Translation
  • 49 male laborers,
  • 6 shekels of lard,
  • its emmer: 4 5/6 sila3 4 shekels; its oil: the porters;



    szu ba-ti ugula x-szu?-da iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu# hu#-uh2#-[nu]-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; foreman: ...; month: "Harvest," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P479901: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) sze gur
  • a2 sahar-ra#-sze3 ki dingir-a-su2-ta? e-la-nu-id szabra

    AI Translation
  • 40 gur of barley,
  • for the labor of the dirt, from Dingir-asu Elanid, the household manager;



    szu# [ba-ti] mu en [(d)inanna] unu(ki) masz2-[e] i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    received; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P479902: letter tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-na li-pi2-it-esz18-dar u3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-hu-um-ma mu-ta-a-nu a-nu-um-ma i-na a-li-im i-ba-asz-szu-u2 mu-ta-a-nu u2-la sza _(d)ne3-eri11-gal_ mu#-ta-a-nu

    AI Translation

    To Lipit-Ishtar and Lu-Baba speak! Thus Ahum: "He is dead." Now, in the city there is dead. Alternatively, he is dead.



    [sza (d)]asar# x [x] [na]-gi#-ru-[um] li#-isz-si-ma ta-ap-hu-ri i-na isz-ri-im a-na (d)asar# szu-uk-na-a-ma i-la-am su#-ul-li-ma# i-lu-um li#-nu-uh2 a-di ta-ap-hu-ri-szu#

    AI Translation

    Asar, ..., may the enemy listen and listen. In the shrine, to Asar, supplication, may the god be sated with joy and the god be joyful until his return.

    P479903: letter tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-na li-pi2#-[it-esz18-dar] u3 lu2-(d)ba-ba6 qi2-bi2-ma um#-ma a-hu-um-ma a-nu-um-ma i-me-ra-am

    AI Translation

    To Lipit-Ishtar and Lu-Baba speak! Thus says Ahumum: "Now he will be cured."



    sza# (disz)za-zi-ia! i-iq-bu-ku-nu-szi-im szu-ri-a-ni-im

    AI Translation

    As for the one who swore by Zazaria: "Send me my messenger!" —

    P479904: letter tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-na li-pi2-it-esz18-dar# u3 _lu2#-(d)ba-ba6_ qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-hu-um-ma (disz)za#-za#-nu-um ma-an#-nu-um it#-te9-ki#-ir-szu ma#-ma-an sza# u2-ne2-e-ti-szu

    AI Translation

    To Lipit-Ishtar and to Lu-Baba speak! Thus Ahum: "Zazanum has sworn against him, whatever his punishments are."



    el-qu2-u2-ma a-na s,i-bi-tim szu-ri-ba-szu-nu-ti

    AI Translation

    they are high and to the top of their heads

    P479905: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na# [lu2-(d)ba]-ba6# qi2-bi2#-ma# um-[ma a-hu-um]-ma a-nu#-um#-ma al-pu-u2 sza (disz)ur-(d)nin-si-an-na a-na a-li-im i-ru-bu-ni-im szum-ma ta-ra-ma-an-ni u3 szum-ma a-na _ku3-babbar_-im i-sza-a-mu

    AI Translation

    To Lu-Baba speak! Thus says Ahum: "Now then I have written to you that Ur-Ninsianna entered to me. If you want to sell me, and if you want to sell me,



    u3 na-di-[na-ni] li-ma-ad# s,a-ba-at-ma# zu-ki-i-ma# a-pu-tum# la ta-ka-ri-ma-an-ni ku-nu-kam szu-bi-lam# a-pu-tum# u3 na-di-na-ni ku-szu-ud i-na an-ni-tim

    AI Translation

    and his payment, may he be well. The sabatu-demon is a sacrificial fish, you do not smite me. The kunukku-demon is a sacrificial fish. And his payment is a sacrificial fish. In this way



    ka-sza-ad#-ka# a-ma-ar#

    AI Translation

    I am a lord, I see you.

    P479906: letter tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-na lu2-(d)ba-ba6 qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-hu-um-ma

  • _1(u) 5(asz) (sze) gur_
  • (disz)(d)suen-i-di2-nam _muhaldim_ li-di-kum-ma

    AI Translation

    To Lu-Baba speak! Thus Ahum:

  • 15 gur of barley,
  • May Sîn-iddinam, the cook, be sated.



    a-di# a-sza#-pa#-ra-ku-nu#-szi-im sza u2-ra#-szi#-im szu-ku-usz-szu#

    AI Translation

    until I send you, who is smitten,

    P479907: letter tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-na lu2-(d)ba-ba6 qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-hu-um-ma im#-gur-(d)suen a-bu-ka# u3 ma-ra-ti-szu

    AI Translation

    To Lu-Baba speak! Thus Ahum: "Imgur-Sîn, your father, and his mother




    AI Translation

    he will make good.

    P479908: letter tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    a-na lu2-(d)ba-ba6 qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-hu-um-ma a-nu-um-ma a-na (disz)za-za-tim asz-ta-ap-ra-am a-wa-a-tim [...]

    AI Translation

    To Lu-Baba speak! Thus says Ahumum: "Now I have written to Zazatim. The words .



    [...] a-na (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni na-da-na-am asz-pu-ra-kum u3 sze-am sza a-hi-szu ha-al-qu2-ut-zu iq-bu-ni-im-ma a-na hi-a-t,i3-szu asz-pu-ra-kum a-na mi-ni-im

    AI Translation

    ... to Sîn-ishmeani I gave. Further, the barley of his brothers I gave to you, and to his brother I wrote to you. What is it that he gave to you?



    sa3-ar-ta-am ta-sza-pa-ra-am

    AI Translation

    You write a letter.

    P479909: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)suen#-[x x x (x)] qi2-bi2-[ma] um-ma (disz)dingir-ma-i3-li2#-ma# asz-szum _sze_-im# bi-la-at _a-sza3_-ia sza ki-sur-ra#[(ki)] (disz)ge6-(d)iszkur# ku-nu-kam ta-asz2#-[t,u2]-ra#-am-ma tu-sza-bi#-[lam] a-nu-um-ma# [x x x] ku-nu-kam x [x x]-ma a-na (disz)[ma-na-ba]-al#-te-el usz-ta-[bi-lam] a-pu-[tum] id-ka i-di#-in#-ma _sze_-am bi-la-at _a-sza3_-ia

    AI Translation

    To Sin-... speak! Thus Il-ma'ilum: "In order to bring the barley, the rent of my field in Kisurra, you shall send Genacherib to you and you shall send it." Now ..., you shall send ... and to Mana-balte-El you shall send. The aphutum-priest gave, and the barley, the rent of my field,



    ka-la-sza-ma szu-di-in i-na sa3-ar-tim la te-ne2-me-da a-pu-tum bi-la-at _a-sza3_-ia szu-s,i2

    AI Translation

    All of them, I have given. In the sacrificial earth, without number, I have sworn by the name of my field.

    P479910: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na a-wi-il-x-[x (x)] qi2-bi2-[ma] um-ma ni-id-na-at-(d)[suen-ma] (d)utu a-na da-ri-a-tim li-ba-al-li-it,-ka asz-szum _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza aq-bu-kum _ku3-babbar_ szu-u2 ri-isz-ka li-ki-il u3 sza _5(disz) gin2_ si-it-ti _ku3-babbar_-ka _ab-tak4-mesz_ ri-isz-ka

    AI Translation

    To Awil-... speak! Thus Nidnat-Sîn: May Shamash keep you alive forever! Because of the 10 shekels of silver that I said, that silver may be your interest, and of the 5 shekels of silver, your interest may be your interest.



    li-ki-il-la u3 ki-ma u2-ra-szi-ka szi-in _ku3-babbar-ka_ te-le-qi3 t,e-e-em-ka ga-am-ra-am me-he-er tup-pi2-ia szu-bi-lam

    AI Translation

    May it be sated with joy, and like your supplication, the interest on your silver, your report, your report, be abundant, the width of my tablet, be sated with joy.

    P479911: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)utu-an-dul3# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma i3-li3-i-din-nam-ma (d)utu li-ba-al-li-it,-ka asz-szum bi-ti-im ni-id-bu-um-ma

  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ta-di-na
  • _usz_ a-nu-mi-szu u2-ul re-qa2-ku-ma

    AI Translation

    To Shamash-andul speak! Thus Ili-iddinam: May Shamash be reconciled with you. Because of the property we spoke,

  • 1 shekel of silver is the price
  • He shall have no claim against it.



    u2-ul al-li-ka-ku!(_lu_) a-nu-um-ma (d)a-bu-wa-qar it-ta-al-ka-ku

  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ szu-bi-lam
  • s,i2-bu-ti la tu-sze20-ti#-qa2-an-ni

    AI Translation

    I did not go, but Abu-waqar went.

  • 2 shekels of silver, .
  • You shall not make my supplications come to an end.

    P479912: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am u3 (d)iszkur-na-s,i-ir qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)suen-isz-me-an-ni-ma (d)utu u3 (d)iszkur il-ku-nu asz-szu-mi-ia da-ri-isz _u4_-mi-im li-ba-al-li-it,-ku-nu-ti asz-szum _gu4_ sza aq-bi-a-kum _a-sza3_-am u2-sze-s,i2-ma _a-sza3_ e-li a-hi-ia ka-bi-it

    AI Translation

    To Sîn-eribam and Adad-nashir speak! Thus Sîn-ishmani and Shamash and Adad came to me. As for me forever, may my days be long! Because of the ox about which I spoke, I brought out the field and the field above my side was a thorny field.



    ka-ab-li-it sza-ni-im lu-ma-al-li asz-ta-ap-ra-ku-nu-szi s,i2-bu-tam an-ni-tam ep-sza-nim

    AI Translation

    I have sent you the slander of this one,

    P479913: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-na sza-pi2-ri#-ia# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma i3-li2-a-wi-li (d)utu u3 (d)marduk asz-szu-mi-ia sza-pi2-ri li-ba-al-li-t,u2 sza-pi2-ri isz-pur-ra-am-ma be-li2 szu-mi iz-za-ka-ar

    AI Translation

    To my letter speak! Thus Ili-awili, Shamash and Marduk, concerning my letter may they be sated. My letter has sent, and my lord my name will be honored.

    P479914: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)na-bi-um-at-pa-lam qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim-ma a-na _e2_ (d)suen-ma-gir _szu-ku6_ a-na du-ub-bu-ub-tim ma-am-ma-an la i-sza-as2-si u3 la u2-da-ab-ba-bu-szu

    AI Translation

    To Nabi-matpalam speak! Thus Marduk-mushallim: "To the house of Sîn-magir the fisherman for arguing no one can argue with him and he cannot argue with him."

    P479915: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ta-tu-ur-ma-tum _geme2_-ka-a-ma (d)utu u3 (d)a-a ka-la-tum asz-szu-mi-ia da-ri-isz _u4_-mi li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka _e2_ sza-lim u3 s,u2-ha-ru-u2 sza-al-mu asz-szum en-ke-tim u3 er-bi-i sza u2-na-ah-hi-du-ka la ta-ma-asz-szi

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus Tattamutum, your slave-girl: O Shamash and Aya, all of my descendants, forever may my days be long! May the house be well, and the shubû-house be well! Because of the enketim and the erbû-demons who have enraged you, you cannot be negligent!



    li#-qi2-a-am a-na asz-szu-ur-a-su (disz)ba-la-nu-um u3 a-wi-le-e du-bu-ub sza-ap-ta-ka lu-u2 t,a3-ba ki-ma i-na mu-uh-hi-szu ta-az-za-zu

    AI Translation

    Let them give to Ashur-asu, Balanum and the man, speak your word. When you are to stand with him,

    P479916: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)suen-u2-ba-al-li#-is#-su2 qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)nanna-tum-ma asz-szum t,e4-mi#-im sza ta-asz-pur-am ki-ma (disz)im-gur-(d)suen iq-bu-kum e-pu-usz u3 me-e s,u2-um-mi-id-ma mi-ri-isz (disz)ta-ri-bu-um me-e lu-pu-ut u3 i-na isz-ri-ka-ma _i7_ si-ba-ta-ni-tum s,u2-um-mi-id-ma

    AI Translation

    To Sîn-uballissu speak! Thus Nannatum: As to the report which you sent, when Imgur-Sîn said, he did it, and the water was drained, and the river was drained, and Taribum water drained, and in your extispicy the river Sibatanitum was drained,



    _a-sza3 szuku_ i-ta (iri)gu-ub-rum _ki-ta#_ me-e li-isz-qu2-u2

    AI Translation

    May the water from the field of the irrigated field from Gubrum and from the water from the water be gathered.

    P479917: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na be-li2-ia-a qi2-bi2-ma um-ma ni-szi-i-ni-szu-ma be-li u3 be-el-ti li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka a-na s,u2-uh-ri-ia at-tu-ur-ma [ku]-ru#-um#-ma-ti is,-s,e-hi#-ir

    AI Translation

    To my lord speak! Thus our family: May my lord and my lady keep you alive! I returned to my camp and they have seized the kurummatu-demons.



    (disz)be-el-ti-e-szi-isz-ti ba-lum sza-li-ia il-li-kam-ma

  • _1(barig) sze_ ta-ad-di-na-szi-im-ma
  • it-ba-al um-ma szi-ma ka-al-la-at-ki i-zi-ir-ki-ma mi-im-ma u2-ul id-di-nam ki-a-am iq-bi-a-am isz-tu sza-ad-da-aq-di-im u2-ul a-sza-ap-pa-ra-ak-ki-im u2-ku-ul-tam szu-bi-lim

    AI Translation

    Belti-eshishi, who belonged to me, came and

  • You give us 1 barig of barley and
  • "Why do you stand in your entirety? Nothing shall give you?" "How did you say?" "From the shaddaqdim I shall not send you to the shaddim, I shall not send you to the shaddim."

    P479918: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)nanna#-[in-du8?] qi2-bi2-ma# um-ma i3-li2-isz-me-a-ni-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-li-t,u2-ka a-na na-ra-am-ta-ni be-el-ti ag-ri-ia

    AI Translation

    To Nanna-indu speak! Thus Ilishmani: May Shamash and Marduk keep you alive! To his beloved, my lady, my ally:


  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • i-di-in a-na-ku a-li-a-am-ma li-ib-ba-ka u2-t,a3-ab a-na (d)utu-di-ku5

  • _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • i-di-[in]

  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3#-[babbar]_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver
  • I gave. I go, may your heart be glad. To Shamash-diku

  • 3 shekels of silver
  • he gave.

  • 2 shekels of silver
  • Left


    a-di a-la-ka-ak-kum zu-ub-bi-il-szu

    AI Translation

    until I go, his sling-sticks

    P479919: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na (d)nanna#-in-tu-uh qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-da-ia-tum-ma

  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • a-na s,u2-ha-ri-im

    AI Translation

    To Nanna-intuh speak! Thus Adatum:

  • 1 shekel of silver
  • to Shuharim.



    sza (d)suen-a-sza-re-ed i-di-in

    AI Translation

    of Sîn-ashared he gave.

    P479920: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-na i3-li2-ma-a-bi# qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (disz)ra-bu-ut-(d)suen-ma ku-nu-uk-ki an-ni-a-am i-na a-ma-ri-ka _sze_-a-am a-na (d)suen-u2-s,e2-el-li ma-la i-ri-szu-ka ((i-ri-szu-ka)) lu _1(asz) gur sze 2(asz) gur sze_-a-am i-di-isz-szum

    AI Translation

    To Ili-mabi speak! Thus Rabut-Sîn: Your kunukku is this: at your appearance barley for Sîn-ushelli as much as is yours, as much as is yours, 1 gur of barley or 2 gur of barley for him he shall give.

    P479921: letter tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    a-na _arad2_-(d)suen qi2-bi2-ma um-ma a-ha-am-nir-szi-ma (d)utu u3 (d)marduk li-ba-al-(li)-t,u2-ka asz-szum ka-ni-ki-im sza tu-ka-al-li-ma-an-ni ki-ma a-mu-ru ma-har sza-pir zimbir(ki) u2-sza-an-ni-ma

    AI Translation

    To Warad-Sîn speak! Thus Aham-nirshi: "May Shamash and Marduk bless you! Because of the scepter which you have brought to me, when I saw before the work on Sippar he made me enter and



    um-ma szu-u2-ma isz-tu s,i-ib-tu i-sza-as2-su-u2 tup-pa-szu he-pi2 tup-pa-am szu-a-ti li-qi2-a-am al-kam-ma sza-pir zimbir(ki) ku-ul-li-im

    AI Translation

    "That man, after he has been sated with a sacrificial sheep, may his tablet be taken." That tablet may he take. "Come, the scribal work of Sippar is finished."