AICC / Publications / p480

P480064: royal-monumental brick

Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


[(d)na3-nig2-du-uri3 _lugal_] babila2#(ki) za-nin# [e2-sag]-il2# e2#-zi#-da# _ibila# sag#-kal#_ sza# (d#)na3-a-uri3 _lugal_ babila2(ki)

AI Translation

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, foremost son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia.


Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, provider of Esagila and Ezida, eldest son of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon.

P480065: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(disz) geme2 u4 3(disz)-sze3
  • kasz e2-bappir-ta e2-gal gibil-sze3 ga6-ga2

  • 1(u) geme2 u4 8(disz)-sze3
  • 2(gesz2) dug kab2-du11-ga (ga6)-ga2
  • 1(u) 5(disz) geme2 u4 2(disz)-sze3
  • kasz ma2-sze3 ga6-ga2

  • 8(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • (gesz)_hu_ ma2-sze3 ga6-ga2

    AI Translation
  • 15 female laborer days,
  • beer from the brewery to the new palace brought;

  • 10 female laborer days,
  • 240 jugs of filtered beer ?,
  • 15 female laborer days,
  • beer for the boat carried;

  • 8 female laborer days,
  • barge moored on a barge

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 15 female laborers for 3 days
  • beer from the brewery to New Palace carried,

  • 10 female laborers for 8 days
  • 120 verified vessels carried and
  • 15 female laborers for 2 days
  • beer to the boat carried;

  • 8 female laborers for 1 day
  • strings to the boat carried;


  • 5(disz) geme2 u4 2(disz)-sze3
  • gi (gesz)kiri6 en-gal#-du-du il2-la

  • 8(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • ma2 i3 zu2-lum! kusz si-ga zi-ga i3 masz-da-re-a lugal iti mu-szu-du7 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation
  • 5 female laborers for 2 days,
  • reed from the orchard of Engaldudu, carried;

  • 8 female laborer days,
  • barge with oil of dates, leather straps, booked out, oil of the mashdarea-priests, royal month: "Mushudu," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 5 female laborers for 2 days
  • reeds from Engaldudu's garden carried and

  • 8 female laborers for 1 day
  • the boat of oil, dates and leather loaded; booked out, oil for the mashdaria-delivery for king; month "Mushudu," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P480066: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(disz) gu4 gesz
  • ki na-sa6-ta e2-u6-e i3-dab5

    AI Translation
  • 14 oxen, tanned,
  • from Nasa did E'u'e accept;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 14 plough oxen
  • from Nasa E'u'e received;



    iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu

    AI Translation

    month: "ki-siki of Ninazu;"

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    month "Ki-siki of Ninazu."

    P480067: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) am gu4
  • 1(disz) amar pesz am
  • u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta lu2-dingir-ra

    AI Translation
  • 1 bull calf,
  • 1 calf calf, suckling,
  • 21st day, from Abbasaga Lu-dingira

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 1 wild ox,
  • 1 wild heifer calf,
  • 21st day, from Abbasaga did Lu-dingir



    i3-dab5 iti szu-esz5-sza mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "shu'esha," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    receive; month "shu'esha," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed."


  • 2(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 2.
  • Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • total: 2 cattle.
  • P480068: administrative bulla

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Surface a

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) gu4 ab2 hi-a
  • 5(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) udu masz2 hi-a# szu szum2-ma ki (d#)en-lil2-zi-sza3-gal2-ta ba-zi iti# ezem#-(d#)szu#-(d#)suen#

    AI Translation
  • 184 cows, suckling,
  • 73 sheep, ... given, from Enlil-zishagal's account booked out; month: "Festival of Shu-Suen."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 144 various oxen and cows,
  • 3513 various sheep and goats, —the delivered— from the account of Enlil-zishagal booked out; month "Festival of Shu-Suen."

    Surface b


    x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    ... ...

    Seal 1


    [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    ... ... ...

    Column 1


    [(d)...]-(d)suen [lugal? kal]-ga [lugal] uri5#[(ki)]-ma [lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba]

    AI Translation

    ...-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    ...-Suen, strong king?, king of Ur, king of the four regions:

    Column 2


    x [...] x [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    ... ... ... ...

    P480069: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) (gesz)dusu
  • kun-zi-da a-pi4-sal4(ki)-sze3 geme2 usz-bar-e (gesz)dusu x x ib2?-il2? ki ku3-ga-ni-ta

    AI Translation
  • 20 reed baskets,
  • to the storage facility of Apisal, the weavers of the ... reeds ..., from Kugani's account

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 20 corvée baskets:
  • to the weir of Apisal, did the weaving female laborers the corvée baskets ... carry; from Kugani



    szesz#-saga# [szu] ba-ti mu (d)amar-suen lugal

    AI Translation

    Shesh-saga received; year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    did Shesh-saga receive; year: "Amar-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    szesz-[sa6-ga] dub-[sar] dumu lugal-gu3-[de2-a]

    AI Translation

    Shesh-saga, scribe, son of Lugal-gudea.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Shesh-saga, scribe, son of Lugal-Gudea.

    P480070: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu-nita2 bar-gal2 ba-usz2
  • ki lu2-(d)utu-ta kiszib3 lu2-kal-la

    AI Translation
  • 1 ram, with fleece, slaughtered,
  • from Lu-Utu, under seal of Lukalla;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 1 ram, with fleece, slaughtered,
  • from Lu-Utu. under seal of Lukalla;



    iti pa4-u2-e mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    month "Pa'ue," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3

    AI Translation

    Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-E'e, chief livestock administrator.

    P480071: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) kasz saga u4 4(disz)-kam
  • 1(ban2) kasz saga u4 5(disz)-kam
  • 1(ban2) kasz saga 1(barig) kasz du
  • u4 6(disz)-kam

  • 1(ban2) kasz saga 1(barig) 3(ban2) kasz du
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 fine beer, 4th day,
  • 1 ban2 fine beer, 5th day,
  • 1 ban2 fine beer, 1 barig regular quality beer,
  • 6th day.

  • 1 ban2 fine beer, 1 barig 3 ban2 regular quality beer,
  • Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 1 ban2 fine beer on the 4th day,
  • 1 ban2 fine beer on the 5th day,
  • 1 ban2 fine beer, 1 barig regular quality beer
  • on the 6th day,

  • 5 1 ban2 fine beer, 1 barig 3 ban2 regular quality beer
  • Reverse


    u4 7(disz)-kam ki ur-mes-ta iti pa4-u2-e mu en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    7th day, from Ur-mes; month: "Pa'u'e," year: "The high-priestess of Ga'esh was installed."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    on the 7th day; from Ur-mes. month "Pa'ue," year: "The high priest of Ga'esh was installed."

    Column 1


    (d#)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal#-[la] ensi2# umma[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P480072: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 5(ban2) 8(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 ninda _szu_ gur
  • zi-ga szu-nir ki in-sa6-sa6-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 8 1/3 sila3 bread, hand-fed,
  • booked out of the account of Shu-nir, from Insasa, under seal of the governor;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 2 gur 3 barig 5 ban2 8 1/3 sila3 ShU-bread
  • booked out for the emblem, from Insasa. under seal of the governor;



    iti pa4-u2-e mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    month: "Pa'u'e," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    month "Pa'ue," year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    Column 1


    [(d)]szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal#-la# ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P480073: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 dabin
  • u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta kiszib3 ensi2

    AI Translation
  • 5 ban2 6 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • 28th day, from Lu-dingira, under seal of the governor;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 5 ban2 6 sila3 barley flour
  • on the 28th day; from Lu-dingira. under seal of the governor;



    iti dal mu ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    month "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    month "Flight," year: "The boat of Enki was caulked."

    Column 1


    (d#)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal#-[la] ensi2# umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Ayakalla, the governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P480074: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) dabin#
  • 7(disz) sila3 ninda _ab_ u4 [1(disz)-kam]
  • 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 dabin#
  • 7(disz) sila3 ninda _ab_ u4 2(disz)#-kam#
  • 4(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 dabin
  • 7(disz) sila3 ninda _ab_ u4 3(disz)-kam
  • 1(barig) dabin
  • 7(disz) sila3 ninda _ab_ u4 4(disz)-kam#
  • AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 of barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread, 1st day;
  • 5 ban2 4 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 2nd day;
  • 4 ban2 7 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 3rd day;
  • 1 barig flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 4th day;
  • Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 4 ban2 barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 1st day;
  • 5 ban2 4 sila3 barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 2nd day;
  • 4 ban2 7 sila3 barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 3rd day;
  • 1 barig barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 4th day;
  • Bottom

  • 1(asz) 1(gesz2) 1(u) 6(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • total: 1 gur 96.
  • Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • subtotal: 1 gur 76;
  • Reverse

  • 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 dabin
  • 7(disz) sila3 ninda _ab_ u4 5(disz)-kam
  • 5(ban2) dabin
  • 7(disz) sila3 ninda _ab_ u4 6(disz)-kam
  • 5(ban2) dabin u4 7(disz)-kam
  • 3(ban2) dabin lu2-ma2 e3-a#
  • kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti# ezem#-(d)szul-gi mu# [si]-ma#-num2#(ki#) mu#-hul

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 5 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 5th day;
  • 5 ban2 of barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread, 6th day;
  • 5 ban2 of barley flour on the 7th day;
  • 3 ban2 of dabin for the boatman,
  • under seal of the governor; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 5th day;
  • 5 ban2 barley flour,
  • 7 sila3 AB-bread on the 6th day;
  • 5 ban2 barley flour on the 7th day;
  • 3 ban2 barley flour, the boatmen departed;
  • under seal of the governor; month "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 6(disz) sila3
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 6 sila3
  • Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • total: 1 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 6 sila3.
  • Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal#-[la] ensi2# umma#[(ki)] _arad2_-[zu]

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Ayakala, the governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P480075: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 ba-ba munu4
  • 2(u) 6(disz) ma-na bappir2 saga
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze
  • dida# gu7-sze3 ki (d)szara2-kam-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 ban2 4 sila3 barley flour,
  • 26 mana fine beer kiln-fired beer,
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 of barley,
  • for the guarantor of the figs, from Sharakam;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 1 5 ban2 4 sila3 porridge of malt,
  • 2 26 mana fine quality beer bread,
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 sila3 barley,
  • sweet-wort for consumption, from Sharakam,



    kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti (d)dumu-zi mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor; month: "Dumuzi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    under seal of the governor; month "Dumuzi," year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Column 1


    (d#)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four regions:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal#-[la] ensi2# umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Ayakalla, the governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P480076: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • ka-giri3-da bar-la2 dub-la2-(d)utu gub-ba ugula lugal-iti-da

    AI Translation
  • 15 male laborer workdays,
  • at the gate of Barra, Dubla-Utu stationed, foreman: Lugal-itida;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 1 15 male laborer days
  • on duty at the basin of the Dubla-Utu canal stationed; foreman: Lugal-itida,



    kiszib3 szesz-a-ni mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-mah ((gal)) mu-du3

    AI Translation

    under seal of Sheshani; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, Great-stele erected."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    under seal of Sheshani; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, Big Stele erected."

    Seal 1


    szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu da-da

    AI Translation

    Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.

    P480077: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    5(bur3) _gan2_ gesz-ur3-ra a-ra2 1(disz) 4(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2_-ta a2 erin2-na-bi u4 1(gesz2) a-sza3 (d#)nin-ur4-ra ugula ur#-am3-ma

    AI Translation

    5 bur3 of ...-field, per 1 4 1/2 iku of ...-field, its labor of the troops: 60 days; field Ninura; foreman: Ur-ama;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    5 bur3, harrowed 1 time, 4 1/2 iku each day, the labor of its team of 3 men: 60 days; field of Nin-ura, foreman: Ur-ama;



    kiszib3 szesz-a-ni mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-du3

    AI Translation

    under seal of Sheshani; year: "Shu-Suen, the king, the great stele for Enlil and Ninlil erected."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    under seal of Sheshani; year: "Shu-Suen, king, erected Big Stele for Enlil and Ninlil."

    Seal 1


    szesz-a-ni dub-sar dumu da-da

    AI Translation

    Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Sheshani, scribe, son of Dada.

    P480078: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) gu2 pa (gesz)ma:nu
  • e2-kikken2 ba-ba saga ki e2-ur2-bi-du10-ta na-ba-sa2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 10 talents of .
  • from the milling house, good quality, from the milling house Nabasa received;

    Niederreiter, Zoltán
  • 10 talents branches of willow
  • for the mill of fine porridge from E'urbidu did Naba-sa receive;



    kiszib3 ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra sza3 bala-a mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal#

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ku-Ninura, in bala; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    under seal of Ku-Ninura. part of the bala; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    ku3-(d)nin-ur4-ra dub-[sar] dumu na-[silim]

    AI Translation

    Ku-Ninura, scribe, son of Nasilim.

    Niederreiter, Zoltán

    Ku-Ninura, scribe, son of Na-silim.

    P480080: letter tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    lugal#-mu u3-na-du11 me-sag2-e na-be2-a 1(disz@c)sze3-er-ha-num2 lu2-tukul 1(disz@c)szu-an-tum lu2-eme umma(ki)-a# ki-ga2 i3-durunx(|_ku-ku_|)-ne2-esz2# (disz)i3-a-ki-ki dumu#? i-bi2-bi2 a-su adab#(ki) ne-te-ni-ta kar-da-hi(ki)-sze3 ba-gen ge26-e nu-zu a-ba-da-gen(en6#?)

    AI Translation

    king I spoke to him, and he said: "I am the mesag-demon." Sher-Hannum, the weapon-man, and Shu-antum, the scribe of Umma, they are the ones who re-established the privileged status of Umma. Iakiki, son of Ibbi, from the field of Adab, to Kardahi went. I did not know, I went.



    x di a-gin7 i3-ku5#-[x] (gesz)tukul sag3-da _lul#_? iri-ur a#?-x-_ru#_? ugux(|_u-sag_|) ba#?-gaz lugal-mu he2#-zu

    AI Translation

    ... like water he seized? Weapon of the head, the ... of the city, the ... of the ..., he killed? my king

    P480081: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(iku@c) 1/2(iku@c) _gan2_ numun ga2-ra a2 1(disz) u4 ugur2# a-sza3 uru2 ur#-a-nirx(|_mir-za_|) sag#-apin-na

    AI Translation

    1 1/2 iku field area, seed threshing, labor: 1 day, ninda, field of the city of Ur-anir, head-plowman;



    lu2#-(d)szara2-ke4 mu#-kux(_du_)

  • 7(disz) mu 7(disz) iti
  • AI Translation

    Lu-Shara delivery;

  • 7 years 7 months
  • P480082: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) bappir a-ga-de3(ki)
  • 4(ban2) nig2-ar3-ra
  • 4(ban2) munu4
  • 4(ban2) zi3
  • AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 of ...-flour for Agade;
  • 4 ban2 of emmer,
  • 4 ban2 malt,
  • 4 ban2 flour,
  • Reverse


    za?-la-bi szunigin 2(barig@c) 4(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 zi3 a-ga-de3(ki)

  • 2(disz) mu 4(disz) iti
  • AI Translation

    its zala-flour: total: 2 barig 4 ban2 6 sila3 Agade flour;

  • 2 years 4 months
  • P480083: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] lu2-szu-x [...] [...] _gin2#_ dingir-szu-ba-ni [...] [...] _gin2#_ dingir-szu-ba-ni x [...] [...] _gin2#_ (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 [...] [...] _1/3(disz)#? gin2_ a-na _sa10_ mu? [...] [...] _igi 6(disz)-gal2_ a-na _sa10_ dam# [...] [...] _2(disz) gin2 sa10 1(disz) x_ i-na x [...] [...] _giri3#_ la-szim-tum _lu2_ [...] [...] _1/2(disz)# gin2 giri3_ a-wi-il-(d)na-bi-um# [...] [...] _3(disz)# gin2 sa10 1(disz) udu-nita2_ [...] [...] i#-na# ma? (d#)suen#-na-di-in-szu#-[mi ...] [...] _sa10# szah2#_ i-qi2-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... shekels of silver to Ilshu-bani ... shekels of silver to Ilshu-bani ... shekels of silver to Nanna-manshum ... 1/3 shekel? for the price ... ... 6/6 shekels for the price of the wife ... 2 shekels for the price of one ... in ... via Lashimmtum, man ... 1/2 shekel via Awil-Nabium ... 3 shekels for the price of one ram ... in the ... of Sîn-nadin-shumi ... the price of a pig he .



    _igi 6(disz)-gal2 sa10_ mu-ter ki? [...]

  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2#_ x x [...]
  • AI Translation

    1/6 shekel of silver, the price of the ... .

  • 2 2/3 shekels ... .
  • P480084: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(gesz2) 4(u) geme2
  • 1(gesz2)# 2(disz)#? gurusz
  • ugula ur-(d)nin-tu

  • 1(gesz2)# 2(disz)#? geme2
  • [ugula] lu2#?-[...]

  • 1(gesz2) 2(disz) geme2 ugula (d#)szara2#-[...]
  • AI Translation
  • 240 female laborers,
  • 62 male laborers,
  • foreman: Ur-Nintu;

  • 62 female laborers,
  • foreman: Lu-...;

  • 62 female laborers, foreman: Shara-...,
  • P480085: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) gu2 siki#?
  • 7(disz) tug2 usz-bar
  • la2#-ia2 su-ga a2# gul-la

    AI Translation
  • 1 talent wool,
  • 7 ushbar textiles,
  • deficit of the reed-bed, deficit of the reed-bed;



    ki nam-zi-tar-ra-ta lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su szabra-e2-a-ke4 szu ba-ti mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    from Namzitara did Lu-Ningirsu, the chief household administrator, receive; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was installed."

    P480086: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [iti ...]-ta# [iti szu]-numun#-sze3 [a2] um-mi-a dumu um#-mi-a-bi 4(gesz'u) 5(gesz2)# 5(u) 5(disz) u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 geme2 gurusz-bi 4(szar2)# 3(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 3(u) u4 1(disz)-sze3

    AI Translation

    from month "...," to month "Sowing," labor of Ummia, son of Ummi-a, 185 workdays, labor of female laborers, its labor: 420 workdays,

    Column 2


    x x [...]

  • 2(u) 8(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) [...]
  • a2 2(ban2)-ta a2-bi 7(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) u4 1(disz)-sze3

  • 5(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2) nig2#-ar3-ra gur#?
  • a2 3(ban2)-ta a2-bi 5(u) 6(disz) 2/3(disz) u4# 1(disz)#-sze3# a2#? geme2 gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 e2-kikken2-ta

  • 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • a2 x-x-a u4 1(disz)-kam szunigin#? [n] 1(gesz'u) 7(gesz2) 2(u) 1/3(disz) [...]

    AI Translation

  • 28 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 .
  • labor: 2 ban2 = 20 sila3 each, its labor: 133 workdays;

  • 5 gur 3 barig 2 ban2 .
  • labor: 3 ban2 = 30 sila3 each, its labor: 56 2/3 workdays; labor of female laborers: 1 workday, from the mill;

  • 4 male laborer workdays,
  • labor of ..., 1st day; total: n,030 1/3 .

    Column 3


    a2# [n-ta] a2-bi x [...] 3(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 1(u) u4# 1(disz)#-sze3#

  • 4(asz) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 x x
  • a2 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3#-[ta] a2-bi 1(gesz2) 2(u)# [1(disz) u4 1(disz)-sze3] 1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 4(u) [...]

    AI Translation

    labor: n workdays; its labor: ...; 420 workdays;

  • 4 gur 1 ban2 5 sila3 ...,
  • labor: 15 sila3 each, its labor: 91 workdays; 420 .

    P480097: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    _DISZ na_ [...] _DISZ_ [...]

    AI Translation

    If a man ... ... .



    _DISZ#_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _ha-la#_ [...] _DISZ gisz3_-szu2 [...] _DISZ tag4_-tum [...] _DISZ_ ina _gisz3_-szu2# [...] _DISZ sig7_ ina _gisz3#_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _gisz3_ [...] _DISZ szir_ x [...] _DISZ szir-min_-szu2 _gal#_ [...] _DISZ tur-tur#_ [...] _DISZ_ sal-ha [...] _DISZ sza-ah-[...] _DISZ szir gub3 gal#_ [...] _DISZ szir gub3 gal#_ [...] _DISZ zag_-szu2 u _gub3_-[szu2 ...] _DISZ zag_-szu2 u _gub3#_-[szu2 ...] [_DISZ] zag#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    P480098: administrative tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [... x]-szu2# [...] [...] i-lem?-x [...] [...] u2-tar-ra#-[x ...] [...] sur-ru-ur ul isz!-[x ...] [... x]-ba# le-zu _usz2 kaskal-kaskal_ ti [...] [... x]-a dam-qa# _ne_ szul-me _na#_ x [...] [...] e-ri-isz-szi-szu2 _gen#_ x [...] [... x]-tu-szu2 _nu# te-mesz_-szu2# [...] [... x]-dar# _asz2_-su x x _[kur?]_-ad x [...] [...] x _asz2#_-su# usz? x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... good ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his ... ... ... ... his ... ... ... ... his ... ... ... ... ... his ... ... .

    P480099: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] [...] _munus igi-min_-szu2 ban bi x [...] _igi-min_-szu2 s,u-uh-hu x [...] _DISZ# munus_ bi-ri-it _nundum an-[ta_ ...] _DISZ# munus szu-si-mesz szu-min_-szu2 bi-[x ...] _DISZ# munus szu-si-mesz gir3-min_-szu2 x [...] [_DISZ] munus szu-si-mesz gir3-min_-szu2 x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... his eyes ... his eyes are red ...

    P480100: other-genre tablet

    nan CDLI


    [_DISZ_ ... am?-ma?]-tu-szu2# ana _e2_ x [...] [_DISZ_ ... am?-ma?]-tu-szu2 ana _ka2#_-a-ni [...] [_DISZ_ ...] _gir3#-min_-szu2 ana _e2_-a-ni tur-x [...] [_DISZ_ ...] _gir3#-min_-szu2 ana _ka2_-a-ni tur-ra x [...] [_DISZ_ ... _x]-min_-szu2 _gid2-mesz szu-si-mesz_ [...] [_DISZ_ ... _x]-min_-szu2 _gir3-min_-szu2 _gid2-mesz_ [...] [_DISZ_ ...] _sag-du gal_-at ana [...] [...] x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... to the house ... ... his ... to the gate ... ... his feet to the small house ... ... his feet to the small house ... ... his ... long ... his fingers long ... ... his ... his feet long ... ... the head was large to ... ... .

    P480101: other-genre tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] _an#-ta diri-mesz_ u2-kul _ka_-szu _dib?_ x [...] [... x]-ni _ki-ta diri-mesz_ u2-kul _ka_-szu ip-pa-ra-as [...] _eme#_-szu2 _gar_ tu-usz-szu _ugu_-szu _szub_-ut [...] ina _ugu eme 1(u) 5(disz) gar_ ina _szub ka dib_-bat [...] _ugu eme 2(gesz2) 3(u) gar ub ka_ isz-szar-rak-szu2 [...] _ki#-ta eme 1(u) 5(disz) gar_ ina ma-mit _dingir ba-ug7_ [...] _ta# eme 2(gesz2) 3(u) gar_ i-tam#-ma-ma _dingir nu dib_-su [...] _an#-ta gar_ ina szil-lat _ka_-szu _dib_-at [...] _ta# gar_ si-il-la-ti i-ta-mu

    [...] _eme# an-ta gar ka_-szu _dib_-at [...] _eme# ki-ta gar_ ina _mu_ szu-a-tu _nu sig5_-tim _gen_-ak [...] x : ina _gig e3_ [...] u _eme_-szu2 _zi_-ih _kud_-as [... 1(u)] 5(disz) _gar sza3-gar gar_-szu2 [...] _sza3-bi du10-ga_ [... x]-ri#-isz x ad [...] sa?-dir

    AI Translation

    ... above the upper part he filled his mouth with ... ... below the upper part he filled his mouth with ... ... his tongue is present; you put him on top of him; he falls on top of him; ... above the upper part he is seated on the mouth; ... above the lower part he is seated on the mouth; ... above the lower part he is seated on the mouth; ... above the lower part he is seated on the mouth; ... below the lower part he is seated on the god; ... above the lower part he is seated on the god;

    ... the upper tongue is present, its mouth is swollen ... the lower tongue is present, in that year it is not good ... : in a sick person ... and his tongue is swollen: you bury ... 15 ..., its heart is good ... ... ... ... is dark .

    Column 2


    x [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _DISZ_ [...]

    AI Translation

    P480102: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x 2(gesz2) 3(u) [...] [_DISZ_ i]-na? _ha-la gisz3_ [...] [_DISZ] gisz3_-szu2 _diri-mesz_ [...] [_DISZ_] ina# _szir_-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) [...] [_DISZ_] ina# _szir_-szu2 2(gesz2) 3(u) [...] [_DISZ_ i]-na? _ha-la szir_-szu2 _gar_ man ir x [...] [...] x ab ri-szu2 [...] [...] x 1(u) 5(disz) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... 240 ... ... in the half of the ... ... ... his half ... ... ... in its ... 15 ... ... ... in its ... ... ... ... ... 15 .

    P480104: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x [...] x x [...] [...] _be2-da dib_ [...] [...] _nina_ [...] [... _ga_]-szu2 _dagal_ [...] [... _(d)]iszkur_ ana _sig5_-tim _gar_ [...] [...] _bi#-asz-am3#_ [...] ana _(munus)hul us2-mesz_ [...] [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u) _gar gu7 sza3-bi du10_ [...] [...] x _ad_-szu2 _e3_-ma _szu-min_-su _la2_-x [...] _igi_-mar# [...] _tuku_-szi [...] _tuku_-szi [...] x _a2-tuku_-szu2 _nu igi_-[mar] [...] _sza3 hul2-[la]_ [...] x _da_ [...] [...] x _dingir_ pa-sza2-ha _sum_-[su] [...] _zarah2_ i-mah-[har]

    [...] _mesz#_-szu2 _lugud2_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Adad placed for good fortune ... ... ... for evil ... ... 240 ... he ate, his heart was happy ... ... his father went out and his hands ... ... he saw ... he had ... ... he did not see ... his ... ... joy ... ... ... ... a god gave him a sceptre ... he received.

    ... his ... are dark .



    [...] x x x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    P480105: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    _DISZ_ x x [...] _DISZ [sze]_ ina _sag-du#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-du na# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _unu2# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _unu2_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _unu2_-szu2 lu 1(u) [5(disz) ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sa gu2_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-ki_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-ki_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _dilib3 sag#-[du_ ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-ki_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-ki_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 _gu2_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sur_-szu2 1(u) [5(disz) ...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina _sur_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _gesztu#_-[szu2] sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu qer-bi-nu# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar gig_ dan-na _dib#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _te_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _te_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sig7-igi_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sig7-igi_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ub igi_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 lu ina s,u#-[x ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _pa igi_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 lu _an-ta_ lu [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-du_ [...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina _kir4_-szu2 lu [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sza3#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ [...]

    AI Translation

    If barley in its ... is ..., if barley in its ears is 15 ..., ... if barley in ditto ditto ... a strong illness will afflict .... If barley in the ... side ... If barley in the ... side .... If barley in the ... side ... If barley in the ... side ... ... If barley in the ... side ... ... If barley in ditto ... ... If barley in the ... side ... ... If barley in ditto ... ... If barley in ditto ... ... If barley in ditto .

    If barley ... in its mouth: ... ...; if barley ... inside .



    _DISZ sze_ ina ri-bit-a [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sig2 gal4#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu gisz3_-szu2 lu _an-ta#_-[nu ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu gisz3_-szu2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu szir_ 1(u) [5(disz) ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu szir_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szir_-szu2 _gar szu#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar suhusz_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _tugul_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _te tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar ninda_ t,u [...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina _te tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar szu_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ur2_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar mu#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ur2_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar u4_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sza3 dur2_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _du8 dur2_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _gudu5_ lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u)# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _gudu5#_ lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u)# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _gudu5#_ 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) [...] _DISZ sze_ ina ku#-tal2 _mud_ [...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 _mud_-szu2 sza2 1(u) [5(disz) ...] _DISZ sze_ ina kin-s,i [...] _DISZ sze_ ina kin-s,i [...] _DISZ sze-((ina))-mesz ta_ kin-s,i [...] _DISZ sze-((ina))-mesz kimin_ [...] _DISZ sze-((ina))-mesz_ ina kin-s,i# [...] _DISZ sze-((ina))-mesz_ ina kin-[x ...] _DISZ sze_ ina ma-hir#-[x ...] _DISZ sze_ ina ma-hir#-[x ...] _DISZ sze_ ina sza-[x ...] [...] sza2# [...]

    AI Translation

    If barley in a ration ... If barley in a ration ... ... If barley on its ... or above ... If barley on its ... or 15 ... If barley on its ... or 15 ... If barley on its ... or 15 ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... If barley on its base ... ... .

    If barley is located at the side of the 'finger' on its right, hand .... If barley is located at the side of its right, year .... If barley is located at the side of its left, year .... If barley is located at the side of its left, day .... If barley is located inside its belly, .... If barley is located inside the 'finger' on the left, or on the right, or on the left .... If barley is located inside the 'finger' on the left, or on the right, or on the left .... If barley is located inside the 'finger' on the right, or on the left, or on the right, or on the left .... If barley is located inside the 'finger' on the left, or on the right, or on the left, or on the left, or on the right, or on the left, or on the left, or on the left, or on the left,

    You pound the barley in its furrow, which is 15 ... You pound the barley in a ... ... You pound the barley in a ... ... You pound the barley from a ... ... You pound the barley in a ... ... You pound the barley in a ... ... You pound the barley in a ...

    P480106: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    _DISZ sze_ ina _pa igi_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 lu _an-ta_-nu lu _ki-ta! gar an-dul7 dingir ugu na#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _pa# igi#_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _min gar szu#-bi#-asz_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina [...] _du_ _kir4_-szu2 _gar im# dingir du10-ga_ ana _lu2_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina [...] lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar ugu en inim_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina [...] na-hi-ri-szu2 lu [...] _gar_ [...] _dingir du10#-[ga]_ ana _lu2_ [i]-za-[aq]

    _DISZ sze_ ina [... x]-szu2# _an-ta_ lu qer-bi#-nu lu ki-da#-a-nu _gar dingir ninda_ nap-sza2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina# [... x]-szu2# _an-ta#_ [...] _gar ka-dib-be-da#_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] li-iq [... 1(u)] 5(disz) [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar ninda_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] su-[x ...] _nig2-gur11_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] su-[x ...] _gar szu (d)iszkur sig5_ [...] _DISZ_ [...] _szu#-bi#-asz-am3#_ _DISZ_ [... x]-szu2 [...] _DISZ_ [... x]-szu2 [...] _DISZ_ [...] _gu2#_ [...] _DISZ [sze_ ina] _gu2#_ [...]

    _DISZ [sze]_ ina _gu2#_ [...] _DISZ [sze]_ ina x [...] _DISZ [sze]_ ina la ri [x]-szu2 [...] _DISZ [sze]_ ina x ri su-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) _gar_ [...] _DISZ [sze]_ ina u2 ri su-szu2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_ [...] _DISZ [sze]_ ina kir-ri-szu2 lu [...] _gar_ [...] _DISZ sze#_ ina _ugu mud#_ a-hi# 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar ugu en inim_-szu2 _gub_ [...] _DISZ sze#_ ina _ugu mud#_ a-hi# 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar_ [...] _DISZ sze#_ [ina ... x]-szu2 _gar_ [...] [_DISZ# sze#_ ina x [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u) [...]

    [_DISZ] sze#_ ina _mud#_ [a]-hi# 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ [...] [_DISZ] sze#_ ina _mud_ a-[hi ... x]-szu2 _gar_ x x [...] [_DISZ] sze#_ ina _ka-kesz2_ [...] _ka_ x tu x [...] [_DISZ] sze#_ ina _ka-kesz2_ [x x] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 [...] x x x i-tar-[ra-as,] _DISZ sze_ ina s,i-s,i-ti _[szu]_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _an#-ta_-[nu lu] _ki-ta!(_da_)_-nu _gar sze-ga_ u _sze#-[ga gar?_-szu2] _DISZ sze_ ina s,i-s,i-ti _szu#_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) _kimin gar e2_-su _bir_-[ah]

    _DISZ sze_ ina su-hat 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ tal-lak-ti la ku-_uzu_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina su-hat 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar dingir_ ana _(munus)sig5 us2-mesz#_ _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal _kiszib_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) [lu] sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_ i-szar2-ru3 _mu_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz# kiszib_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar munus-bi_ [...] x [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szu 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ [x] _bi_ x-szu2 _gen_ [...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szu_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szu-si szu_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _tur_-ti _gar dingir_-szu2 _[a2]-dah_-szu2 _ninda_ i-szeb-bi# _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szu-si szu gal_-ti lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar na-bi nig2-gur11_-szu2 [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ka-kesz2 szu-si-mesz_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar nig2-gur11_-szu2 _sumun_-bar# [_DISZ sze_ ina] _ka-kesz2 szu-si-mesz_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar nig2-gur11_-szu2 _dagal_-[isz]

    [_DISZ sze_ ina] _szu-si tur_-ti sza2 _szu_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar nig2-[tuku?]_ [_DISZ sze_ ina] _szu#-si tur_-ti sza2 _szu_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2_-[in] [_DISZ sze_ ina] _ubur#_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz tuku_-[szi ...] [_DISZ sze_ ina] _ubur_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2_-in [...] [_DISZ sze_ ina] _an#-ta ubur_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_ pa-sza2-ha [...] [...] _ubur#_-szu2 : ina _sag sza3_-szu2 _gar_

    AI Translation

    If barley is visible in the ..., its right or left side is present, a stele of the god over a man ... If barley is visible in the ..., its right or left side is present, its hands .... If barley is visible in ..., its mouth is present, a sign of a good god to a man .... If barley is visible in ..., its right or left side is present, its owner's word .... If barley is located in ..., its left side is present .... If barley is located in ..., its left side is present .... A good god will curse a man.

    If barley in ... above or below is located on the ground: hand of the god, the food offering .... If barley in ... above or below is located on the ground: ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 ... 230 is located on the ground: ... bread .... If ... ... ... ... ... ... ... hand of the god Adad ...

    If barley is on the neck ... If barley is on the neck ... If barley is on the neck ... If barley is on the neck ... 15 ... If barley is on the neck ... If barley is on the neck ... 230 ... If barley is on his ... ... If barley is on the forehead of his opponent ... ... If barley is on the forehead of his opponent ... ... If barley is on the forehead of his opponent ... ... If barley is on the forehead of his opponent ... ... If barley is on the forehead of his opponent .

    If barley is located on the right side of his right hand ... If barley is located on the left side of his left hand ... ... If barley is located on the ... of the gate ... ... If barley is located on the ... of the gate ... ... he will be stricken. If barley is located on the upper side, he will be stricken 15 times. If barley is located on the lower side, he will be stricken and his stricken. If barley is located on the lower side, he will be stricken.

    If barley is located on his right shoulder, he will not be able to walk ... If barley is located on his left shoulder, he will be able to pray to a god for good health. If barley is located on his left shoulder, either on the right or on the left, he will become rich. His name .... If barley is located on the base of his ribs, either on the right or on the left, its woman .... If barley is located on the base of his right shoulder, ...

    If barley is located on its right 'finger': he will become a widow. If barley is located on its left 'finger': his god will eat his offerings. If barley is located on its left 'finger': he will become a widower. If barley is located on its right 'finger': either 15 or 240. Those who own his property .... If barley is located on the fingernails: 15 are his possessions. If barley is located on the fingernails: 240 are his possessions wide.

    If barley is located on the left of the small finger of its right hand: he will acquire wealth. If barley is located on the left of the small finger of its left hand: he will acquire a son or daughter. If barley is located on the right of the finger: he will acquire a son or daughter. If barley is located on the left of the finger: he will acquire .... If barley is located above its intestines: either 15 or 240. ... ... ... his intestines. : in the top of his intestines:



    [_DISZ sze_ ina] _gaba#_-szu2 _gar gaba-ri nu-[tuku_-szi] [_DISZ sze_ ina] ban#-di-szu2 _gar na bi_ pa-sza2-ha _igi#_ [...] [_DISZ sze_ ina] _ti#_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar na bi sumun_-bar _usz2_ ti# [...] [_DISZ sze_ ina] _ti_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ [_DISZ sze_ ina] _sag li-dur_-szu2 _gar gig_ dan#-nu _igi_-mar-ma x [...] [_DISZ sze_ ina] _sag bir : bir_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar dingir_ ana _lu2 arhusz_

    [_DISZ sze_ ina] _sza3 li-dur_-szu2 _gar dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz tuku_-szi _a2-tuku_ [...] [_DISZ sze_] ina# 1(u) 5(disz) _li-dur_-szu2 _gar sza3-se3-se3-ga_-szu2 _nu kur_-ad2# [_DISZ sze_] ina# 2(gesz2) 3(u) _li-dur_-szu2 _gar dam_-su _bar_-ma sza2-ni-tam i-le#-[qi2] [_DISZ sze_] ina _ki-ta li-dur_-szu2 _gar ninda-kur4-ra gu7_ [_DISZ sze_ ina] _murub4 gu2-murgu_-szu2 _gar uku2_-in u _hul us2-mesz_-szu2# [_DISZ] sze#_ ina _murub4 gu2-murgu_ 1(u) 5(disz) _gar_ mim-mu-szu2 _dagal_-isz _ninda_ nap-sza2 _gu7_

    _DISZ sze_ ina _murub4 gu2-murgu_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar szu#-bi#-asz-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina ri-ba-ti-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar dumu-mesz#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _sig2 gal4-la_-szu2 _gar szu-bi#-[asz]-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu gisz3_-szu2 lu _an-ta_-nu lu _ki#-ta_-nu _gar dumu-mes dumu#-munus-mesz tuku_-[szi]-ma _a2-tuku igi_-[mar] _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu gisz3_-szu2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu szir_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar szu#-bi-asz-am3_

    _DISZ sze_ ina _ugu szir_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szir_-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina _tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar suhusz-mesz_-szu2 _gi-na-mesz_ _DISZ sze_ ina _tugul#_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2_-in _DISZ sze_ ina _te tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar ninda du10-ga sza3 gu7#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _te tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _ur2_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar mu_-szu2 _sig5_ [...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina _ur2_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar na bi u4-mesz lugud2-da-[mesz]_ _DISZ sze_ ina _sza3 dur2_-szu2 _gar na bi pap-hal ki-kalag igi_-[mar?] _DISZ sze_ ina _du8 dur2_-szu2 _gar_ pa-sza2-ha _igi_-[mar] _DISZ sze_ ina _gudu5_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) ki-da-nu _gar ki_-szu2 ni-ih-tum _tusz_-[ab] _DISZ sze_ ina _gudu5_-szu lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) qer-bi-nu _gar_ la pa-sza2-ha _igi_-mar#

    _DISZ sze_ ina _gudu5-mesz_-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) mit-har-ma _gar_-nu _szu-bi-asz-am3_ _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 _mud_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar dingir_ pa-sza2-ha _sum_-su _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 _mud#_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar ki-tusz_-su _nu gi-na_ _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 _mud#_-[szu2] 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_-nu-ma mit-ha-ru _ki-tusz_ ne-ih-tum _tusz_-ab _DISZ sze_ ina kin-s,i [1(u)] 5(disz)-szu2 _gar na bi kur_ i-be-el

    _DISZ sze_ ina kin-s,i [2(gesz2)] 3(u)-szu2 _gar na bi te ad_-szu2 _kur_-ad2-ma _im-ri-a_ u2-rap-pa-asz2 _DISZ sze-mesz ta_ kin-s,i-szu2 _en#_ [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_-nu _na bi hul dib_-su _DISZ sze-mesz ta_ kin-s,i-szu2 _en#_ [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar_-nu _nig2-szu_ u _nig2-gur11 tuku_-szi _DISZ sze-mesz_ ina kin-s,i 1(u) 5(disz) [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u) _gar_-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2 _dagal_-isz _DISZ sze-mesz_ ina kin-s,i-szu2 2(gesz2) [3(u) ...] _gar nig2-gur11_-szu2 _tur_-ir

    _DISZ sze_ ina ma-hir-[x ...] _gar u4-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2-da-mesz_ _DISZ sze_ ina ma-hir-[x ...] _u4-mesz_-szu2 _gid2-da-mesz#_ _DISZ sze_ ina sza-pu-ul# _ugu# dingir_ u _lugal du10_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina sza-pu-ul# [...] _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 sza2-p[u#-[x ...] [_DISZ] sze#_ ina ki-s,al-li# [...] [... ki]-[s,al]-li# [... ki]-s,al#-li# [...]

    AI Translation

    If barley is located on his breast, he will acquire no rival. If barley is located on his chest: that man will experience famine.

    If barley is located inside his lungs: sons and daughters will acquire a wife. ... If barley is located inside his right lungs: his saggiltu-disease will not be conquered. If barley is located inside his lungs: his wife will rebel and take another wife. If barley is located below his lungs: he will eat kurrû-bread. If barley is located in the middle of his hips: he will become ill and will experience a defeat. If barley is located inside the middle of his hips: he will eat his entire body. If barley is located in the middle of his hips: he will eat bread.

    If barley is in the middle of the gall bladder: 240 is the determining factor; if barley is in its rations, either 15 or 240 is the determining factor: sons; if barley is in the wool: 240 is the determining factor; if barley is in the upper or lower part of its rations: sons or daughters will have a claim against him and they will see it; if barley is in the middle of its rations: 15 or 240 is the determining factor; if barley is in the middle of 15, his rations: 240 is the determining factor.

    If barley is on its horn: he will be able to determine its weight. If barley is on its horn: he will determine its weight. If barley is on its base: 15 is the 'base of his foundations.' If barley is on its base: he will be able to determine its weight. If barley is on its base: he will be able to determine its weight. If barley is on its side: 15 is the 'good bread' that is 'bad'. If barley is on its side: 15 is the 'weight'. If barley is on its side: 15 is the 'bad'. If barley is on its side: 15 is the 'bad'.

    If barley is located on its back: that man will live for long days. If barley is located on his left lung: that man will experience a severe paphalu. If barley is located on his left lung: a reed-bed will be seen. If barley is located on his left lung: a reed-bed will be seen. If barley is located on his left lung: either a reed-bed of 15 or a reed-bed of 210 reed-bed is located on his left lung; he will not experience reed-bed.

    If barley is smashed in its gudu5-vessels 15 and 230 are located opposite each other: he will recover. If barley is smashed in the back of the blood: 15 of them are present; the god will give him a sashasha-offering. If barley is smashed in the back of the blood: 230 of them are present; his dwelling will not be reliable; if barley is smashed in the back of the blood: 15 and 230 are present, and the opposite of the dwelling will be quiet. If barley in the back of 15 is present: that man will rule the land.

    If he carries a man's barley in the work, he will have a total of 230 entries. That man will approach his father and he will widen his understanding. If he carries a man's barley from his work until ... 15 entries, that man will have evil intent against him. If he carries a man's barley from his work until ... 230 entries, that property and possessions will have him. If he carries a man's barley in the work 15 ... 230 entries, that property will expand. If he carries 230 entries, that property will diminish.

    If barley is located on the ... side of his ..., his days are long, if barley is located on the ... side of his ..., his days are long, if barley is good for god and king ... if barley is located on the ... side of the ..., if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard ... if barley is in the courtyard .

    P480107: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] x [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ [...] [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar_ [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar dingir_ [...] [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar e2?_ [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ [...] [...] x 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar_ [...] [... x]-ti 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _an-ta_-nu lu _ki-ta_-nu# [...] [... x]-ti 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 lu _an-ta_ lu _ki-ta_-nu [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ [...] _zu_? _gen_ [...]

    [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar_ [...] _sig5 us2-mesz_-[szu2] [...] lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar# mu#_-szu2 _sig5_-[iq] [...] 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar#_ [... im?]-t,u2-u2 ku [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar_ [...] _ka_-szu2 _gen_-ak# [... 1(u)] 5(disz) szu2 _tur_-ti _[gar] dingir#_-szu2 _a2-dah_-szu2 _ninda_ i-szeb-bi [... x]-ti# lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) [3(u) _gar] na# bi nig2-gur11 ad_-szu2 _nu kur_-ad2

    [...] _si-mesz szu_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar nig2-gur11 dagal_-isz [...] _tur#_-ti sza2 _szu_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar nig2-tuku#_ [...] _si# tur_-ti sza2 _szu_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2#_ [...] _ubur#_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar dumu-mesz# [dumu]-munus#-mesz tuku_-szi-ma _sza3 hul2-la_ [...] _ubur#_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2#_ [...] _tuku_-szi [...] _ubur#_-szu2 lu sza2# 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_ pa-sza2-ha# _igi#_-mar

    [... x]-rit# _ubur#_-szu2 [...] _sza3#_-szu2 _gar zarah2#_ [... x]-ti _us2-mesz_-szu2 [... x]-szu2 _gar_ [...] _tuku_-szi [... x]-szu2 _gar_ [...] sza2 [...] x bi [...] _ug7_

    AI Translation

    ... 15 ... ... 220 ... ... 15 ... ... 220 ... ... 15 ... ... 220 ... ... 15 ... ... ... 220 ... ... ... 15 ... ... ... 220 ... ... ... 15 ... ... ... 15 ... upper or lower ... ... ... 220 ... upper or lower ... 15 ... .

    ... 230+x is its length; ... is its width; ... 15+x is its width; ... 15+x is its width; ... ... 15+x is its width; ... ... he opened his mouth; ... 15+x is its width; his god, his sacrificial offering, bread he eats; ... 15+x is its width; ... 15+x is its width; that man's property will not be acquired;

    ... its fingers are 290 fingers, the property is spread wide. ... the small intestines, whose left hand is 15 fingers, the property ... the small intestines, whose left hand is 290 fingers, the suckling intestines ... the suckling intestines, 15 fingers, the sons of the daughters, and they will have joy ... the suckling intestines, 290 fingers, the suckling intestines, ... they will have funerary ... his intestines, either 15 or 210 fingers, the suckling intestines,

    ... ... his intestines ... are present. A zarah-demon ... his ... his ... are present. ... has ...



    [... x]-szu2 _gar sza3-se3-se3#_ [...] [...] _li#-dur_-szu2 _gar dam_-su _bar#_ [... x]-ni-tim [...] [... _ki]-ta li-dur_-szu2 _gar ninda-kur4-ra# gu7_ [...] _murub4 gu2-murgu_-szu2 _gar uku2_-in [... _x]-mesz_-szu2 [...] _murub4 gu2-murgu_ 1(u) 5(disz) _gar_ mim-mu-szu2 _dagal_-isz# _gu7_ [...] ina _murub4 gu2-murgu_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-[asz]-am3#_ [...] ina ri-bit-a-ti-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz# tuku_-szu2 _nu igi_-mar

    [...] ina _sig2 gal4-la_-szu2 _gar szu-bi#-[asz]-am3_ [...] ina _ugu gisz3_-szu2 lu _an-ta_-nu lu _ki-ta_-nu _gar szu-bi-[asz]-am3_ [...] ina _ugu gisz3_-szu2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar szu-bi-[asz]-am3_ [...] ina _ugu szir_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ [...] ina _ugu szir_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ [...] _suhusz# szir_-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz#-am3_ [...] _tugul#_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar szuhusz bi gi-na_ [...] _tugul_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2_-in

    [...] ina# _te tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar ninda du10_-ub _sza3-bi gu7#_ [...] ina _te tugul_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3_ [...] ina _ur2_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar mu_-szu2 _sig5_-iq [...] ina _ur2_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar u4-mesz_-szu3 [...] ina _sza3 dur2_-szu2 _gar na bi pap-hal# ki-kalag# igi#_ [...] [...] ina _du8_ sza2 _dur2_-szu2 _gar_ pa-sza2-ha _igi#_ [...] [...] ina# _gudu5_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) ki#-da#-nu _gar na bi ki#_-ih#-tam _tusz_ [...]

    [...] ina# _gudu5#_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) qer#-bi-nu _gar_ la pa-sza2-ha# _igi#_ [...] [... _x-mesz_]-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) u mit-har-ma _gar_-nu _szu-bi-asz-am3#_ [...] ina# ku#-tal2 _mud_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar dingir_ pa-sza2-ha# _sum_ [...] [...] ku-tal2 _mud_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar ki-tusz_-su _nu gi_ [...] [... x]-tal2 _mud_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) [lu sza2] 2(gesz2)# 3(u) _gar_-nu-ma mit-ha-ri [...] ih-tam _tusz#_-[ab] [...] kin#-s,i# 1(u) 5(disz) [...] _gar na bi kur_ [...]

    [...] 2(gesz2)# 3(u) _gar na bi asz-te ad_ [...] [...] _gar_-nu _na_ [...] [...] _gar nu nig2#_ [...] [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u) _gar_-nu [...] [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u) _gar_-nu [...] [... x]-szu2# _gar_ [...] [... x]-szu2# _gar_ [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... is present. The sacrificial heart ... his sacrificial heart is present. His wife ... ... ... below his sacrificial heart is present. He eats bread ... the middle of his ribs is present. ... his ... ... the middle of his ribs is present. His property is wide. ... in the middle of his ribs is present. ... in his ribs is present. ... 15 or 240 are present. The sons and daughters of his ribs are not visible.

    ... is located on his shins, he will recover. ... is located on his shins, either above or below, he will recover. ... is located on his shins, either 15 or 240, he will recover. ... is located on his shins, 15 or 240, he will recover. ... is located on his shins, 240 or 240, he will recover. ... is located on his shins, ... is located on his shins, he will recover. ... is located on his right side. ... is located on his left side. ... is located on his left side.

    ... is located at the base of his right shoulder-blade, good bread is poured out. ... is located at the base of his right shoulder-blade, a shubishu-mark ... is located at the base of his right shoulder-blade, his name is good. ... is located at the base of his left shoulder-blade, his days are good. ... is located inside his left shoulder-blade, a person's paphalu-mark is visible. ... is located inside the trough of his left shoulder-blade, a person's sashes is visible. ... is located inside his gudu5-mark, either of 15 or of 210, a person's kidanu-mark is located inside it, that person's kihutu-mark is located.

    ... in its gudu5-vessel, either of 15 or of 220 inside, he is not a pashaha-priest ... ... his ... 15 and the corresponding ones are present. ... in the left side of the blood is placed, 15 is the pashaha-priest. ... in the left side of the blood is placed, the god is not a pasha-priest. ... ... in the left side of the blood is placed, his dwelling is not a reed ... ... in the left side of the blood is placed, and corresponding ... he sat. ... ... ... 15 ...

    ... 230 are present. That man, the throne-bearer, ... ... are present. ... ... are not present. ... 230 are present. ... 230 are present. ...

    P480108: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] x 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2# [...] [...] _x-mesz_ [...] [...] x-szu2 [...] [...] x _li-dur_-szu2 [...] [...] x _li-dur 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [...] x _li-dur 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _min_ [...] [...] x 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _min_ [...] [...] x 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _min_ [...] [...] _x-mesz_-szu2 _min_ [...] [...] x _en_ x _min_ [...] [...] _ti min_ x [...] [...] x ti [...] _min_ i-x [...] [...] x-ti [...] _min zarah2#_ [...] x si tam [...] _min_ [...] [...] tam? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... 15 times ... ... ... ... his ... ... his ... ... his 15th ... ... his ... his 210th ... ... his 15th ... ... his ...



    [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u)-szu2 [...] [... 1(u)] 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [... 2(gesz2)] 3(u)-szu2 [...] [... x]-szu2 [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 [...] [... x]-szu2 [...] [... ka]-bar-ti 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [...] ka#-bar-ti 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 [...] [...] ki#-s,il 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [...] ki#-s,il 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 [...] [...] x 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 [...] [...] 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 [...]

    AI Translation

    ... 230+x ... 115+x ... 230+x ... ... ... 15+x ... ... 230+x ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15+x ...

    P480109: omen tablet

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI



    [...] x x [...] _[_disz__ ina] x 1(u) 5(disz) _gar_ ta-[x ...] _DISZ#_ ina _ur2_ 1(u) 5(disz) _gar_ ta#-[x ...] _DISZ_ ina _ur2_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_ ta#-[x ...] _DISZ_ in ba-ma-at _ur2#_ [...] _DISZ_ in ba-ma-at _ur2#_ [...] _DISZ_ ina kin-s,i 1(u) [5(disz) ...] _DISZ_ ina kin-s,i 2(gesz2) [3(u) ...] _DISZ_ ina ku-ta-al#? [...] _DISZ_ ina ku-ta-[x ...] _DISZ_ ina _murub4 egir#_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _kir4_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... in ... 15 ... ... ... in the middle of the ... 15 ... ... ... ... in the middle of the ... ... ... ... in the middle of the ... ... ... ... ... in the middle of the ...



    _DISZ_ x _dur2_ 1(u) [5(disz) ...] _DISZ sa dur2 a_ [...] _DISZ#_ ina ma-hir-ti# [...] _DISZ#_ ina ma-hir-ti x [...] _DISZ#_ ma-hir-ti [...] _[_disz__ ina] _hasz2-gal_ 1(u) 5(disz) [...] _[_disz__ ina] _hasz2#-gal_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) [...] _[_disz__ sza]-pu#-la-szu2 _diri#?_ [...] [...] x x 1(u) [5(disz) ...]

    AI Translation

    P480110: other-genre tablet

    nan CDLI


    [...] x x [...] _DISZ ge6_ ina [...] _zag gar_ mim-mu# [...] _DISZ_ ina [...] _gub3 gar_ _gar_ mim-mu# [...] x [...] _DISZ_ ina _sag-ki#_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _sag kir4#_ [...] x [...] _DISZ_ ina [...] _zag_ [...] _nu_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _te_ x [...] _gub3 gar_ [...] _dib_-su#? [...] _DISZ_ ina [...] _gar_ [...] _[_disz__ ina] x [...] _gar_ [...] [...] _gar_ [...] _sza3_ [...] [...] _gar_ [...] [...] x-szu2 _zag# gar_ [...] [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] [...] _zag3 gar_ [...] [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] [...] _zag# gar_ [...]

    [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] [...] _zag# gar_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... is located on the left ... is located on the right .

    P480111: other-genre tablet

    nan CDLI



    [...] _gar#_ [...] _bi_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _gaba#_ [...] _sa5 gar lu2-bi_ lu# _nig2 nu_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _gaba#_ [...] _gar# lu2-bi_ [...] _nig2#-tuku#_ x [...] _DISZ_ ina _gub3 gar lu2-bi_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _egir# murub4#_-szu2 _zag gar na#-mesz_-szu2 [...] _DISZ_ ina _gub3 gar_ [... _x]-mesz#_-szu2 [...] _DISZ_ i-ri-mu ma-gal _babbar lu2-bi uku2_ [...] [_DISZ] min_ ma-gal _sig7# tesz2-bi_ [...] [_DISZ] min_ ma-gal _sa5#_ i-szar2-[ru3]

    [_DISZ] min_ [...] _sa5#_ s,a-rip i-szar2-ru3 ina _nu du10_-ub# _[sza3]-bi [gen-gen]_ [...] _sig7_ ur-ru-uq _uku2_ bil2-[x ...] x x-szu2 x [...] _ge6 uku2_ u i-szar2#-ru3 [...] _igi#_-szu2 i-ri-mu _babbar_ tur#-ru#-up _uku2#_ [... x]-ni [...] [...] _sig7 min lu2-bi_ [...]-n[i ...] [...] _ge6 min lu2# bi_ [...] [...] _sa5# min_ i-szar2-[ru3] [_DISZ gig?-pesz?]_ ina sag-du lu2 gar lu2-bi_ [...] [...] x x-ma _gar lu2-bi_ [...] [...] x x x s,a bi e x [...] [...] _lu2_ x ri x x szu2 _gar_ [...]

    [...] ri im _ge6_ x x _gar lu2_ [...] [...] isz [...] szu [...] _lu2 bi#_ [...] [...] x [...] x [...] _gaba#-ri_-szu2 [...] [...] x x _gar_ x x _a2-[tuku? ...] [...] x x [...] _gub3_ [...] _a2-[tuku?]_ x-szu2 [...] [...] _dam_-su u2-sza2-zaq#-szu2 x [...] [...] x il _dingir_ u x x x x [...] [...] x [...] x x [...] [...] _gar#_ [...] [...] _gar#_ [...] x [...] [...] _gar#_ i-lik#-[x ...] u2-sza2-an#-[x ...] [...] _zag# gar_ bi-szit _gesztu_ [...] [...] _gar_ bi-szit _gesztu_ [...]

    [...] _gar_ x _dingir_-szu2 ki x [...] [...] x lum ma x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] _da_ [...] _bi_ [...] x [...] _gar_ [...] _gar_-szu2? [...] x [...] _uku2?_

    AI Translation

    ... is located ... ... ... ... is located on the breast ... is red. That man will not receive anything ... ... ... is located on the breast ... is located. That man ... possessions ... ... is located on the left. That man ... is located on the right behind his middle ... is located on the right ... his ... ... ... ... he will rejoice; he will be white; that man will become rich .... ... he will be white; he will be reddish. ... he will be reddish. ... he will become reddish.

    Ditto: ... red, he will be rich; in a pleasant mood he will go out. ...

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his breast ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his wife ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he ...

    ... is present ... his god ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... is present ...



    [...] _en#? inim?_-szu2 _ba-[ug7]_ [... u2-kul?] _ka_-szu2 _la2_-[t,i?] [...] ti x _gar_-[szu2?] [...] _du10#-ga# gar_-[szu2?] [...] x x _szub_ x _gar_-[szu2?] [... _du10?]_-ub# _sza3_-bi [...] x _uku2_-[in] [...] _dam_ [...] x bi [...] ma-gal _dib_ [...] x-szu2 _la2_ [x] _szu_-szu2 [...] [...] x _sig5#?_-iq x [x] [...] ina-ziq#? _DISZ_ [...] _zag# gar_ x [--] _dib_-su _DISZ_ [ina] _gub3# gar_ ni-[s,ir?-tam?] ut-ta _DISZ_ ina _bar_-ma _gar_ ik x su _tuku_-szi

    _DISZ_ ina _an#-ta# masz-sila3 gar lu2-bi_ ina? di?-in _dingir szub_-ut _DISZ_ ina _ki-ta# zag masz-sila3# gar lu2-bi szub#? ka tuku_-ma i-qal-lil _DISZ_ ina _ki-ta zag_ sza2 _masz-sila3# gar_ x-ma _gar lu2-bi_ u2-kul _ka_-szu2 _la2_ _DISZ_ ina _gal4-la an-ta gar_ ni-el-me-na _igi_-mar _DISZ_ ina _ki-ta gar a2-tuku tuku_-szi _DISZ_ ina _zag gar_ [x] _nu tuku_ x _la2_-szu2 ta x _sza3_ x x _DISZ_ ina _gub3 gar_ [...] x x [x] _dingir tuku_-szi#

    [...] x x [...] _kal-ga dib#_-[su] [...] x x ga [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] _ga_ x [...] x _gar_ [...] _bi_ x [...] x _zag# gar gesztu_ [...] x _dib_-su [...] x _gar_ x [...] x _e3_ [...] x _zag# gar_ [...] x _tuku_-szi [...] _gub3 gar_ [...] x la [...] _zag# gar_ mim-mu-szu2 [...] _gub#_-az [...] _gub3 gar_ mim-mu-szu2 ana _igi_-szu2 _gen_-ak [...] x _gar_ mim-mu-szu2 i-x [...] sa as [...] _zag# gar_ [mim]-mu#-szu2 ana _igi_-szu2 _gen_-ak [...] _gub3# gar munus-bi sza3-bi nu du10-ga_

    [...] _gar munus#-bi szu_ [... mim]-mu#-szu2 ana _igi_-szu2 _gen_-[ak] [...] mim#-mu-szu2 isz-[x ...] [...] mim-mu-szu2 ana _igi_-[szu2 _gen_-ak] [...] _munus_ lu x [...] [...] _gar#_ ina _(munus)kalag-ga_ [...] [...] _zag gar ki_ x [...] [...] a mu masz-ra-a [_tuku?_ ...] [...] x x ana _igi_ [...] [...] ina _sag-du lu2 gar lu2-bi_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his lord's word? ... ... his mouth? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he seized him. ... ... he seized him. ... on the right ... he seized him. ... on the left he placed a stele? ... he seized him. ... he seized him. ... in the middle he placed a stele? ...

    If a man is located above the 'finger' of the lung: that man will fall in a 'disease' of the god. If a man is located below the 'finger' of the lung: that man will have a mouth and will be satisfied. If a man is located below the 'finger' of the lung: ... and he will be able to open his mouth. If a man is located above the 'finger' of the lung: he will be able to see. If a man is located below the 'finger': he will have a hand; if a man is located below, ... will not have a hand; ... his hand from ...

    ... ... mighty, seized him ...

    ... is present: his wife ... ... his ... ... his ... ... his ... ... his ... ... ... ... ... is present: in a strong woman ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to the face ... in the head of the man ... .

    P480112: other-genre tablet

    nan CDLI


    [...] x x [...] _DISZ ge6_ ina [...] _zag gar_ mim-mu# [...] _DISZ_ ina [...] _gub3 gar_ mim-mu# [...] x [...] _DISZ_ ina _sag-ki#_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _sag kir4#_ [...] x [...] _DISZ_ ina [...] _zag_ [...] _nu_ [...] _DISZ_ ina _te_ x [...] _gub3 gar_ [...] _dib_-su#? [...] _DISZ_ ina [...] _gar_ [...] [_DISZ_ ina] x [...] _gar_ [...] [...] _gar_ [...] _sza3_ [...] [...] _gar_ [...] [...] x-szu2 _zag# gar_ [...] [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] [...] _zag# gar_ [...] [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] [...] _zag# gar_ [...]

    [...] _gub3# gar_ [...] [...] _zag# gar_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... is located on the left ... is located on the right .

    P480113: omen tablet

    nan CDLI



    [...] [...] _a sag_ [...] _DISZ sze#_ [ina] _sa gu2 na#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag#-ki_-szu2 1(u) [5(disz) _gar] an#-dul7#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag#-ki_-szu2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar# an#-dul7_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _dilib3# sag-du_-szu2 _gar szu (d)utu_ ina _pap#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-ki_-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) _gar_ at-mu-szu2 _ugu dingir_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sag-ki-min_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar szu kasz_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2 _gu2_-szu2 _gar nu_ [...]

    _DISZ sze_ ina _sur_-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) _gar dingir_ ana _na arhusz tuku#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sur_-szu2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar dingir_ ana _na arhusz nu_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _gesztug_-szu2 sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu qer-bi-nu lu ki-da-a-nu sza2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar ka_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_ 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar gig dan-na _dib#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _te_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar sig5_ pa-sza2-ha _igi_-mar# _DISZ sze_ ina _te_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar dingir te lu2 sig3_-as,#

    _DISZ sze_ ina _sig7-igi-min_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 _gar sag-mesz_-szu2 i-szap-pi-[x ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sig7-igi_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _ub igi_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 lu ina s,u2-lip-ti lu ina kib-ri _gar ki-hul_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _ub igi_ 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 lu ina s,u2-lul-ti lu ina kibri _gar szu-bi-asz-am3#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _pa igi_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 lu _an-ta_-nu _ki-ta!(_da_)_-nu _gar an-dul7 dingir ugu na#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_-ma 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3#_

    _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_-ma 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _gar szu-bi-asz-am3#_ _DISZ sze_ ina _kir4_-szu2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar ugu en inim_-szu2 _gub#_ [...] _DISZ sze_ ina _sza3_ na-hi-ri-szu2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar im dingir du10-ga_ ana _na_ i-[x ...] _DISZ sze_ ina _nundum_-szu2 _an-ta_ lu qer-bi-nu lu _ki-ta!_-nu _gar dingir ninda_ nap-sza2 pa x [...] _[_disz_] sze_ ina _nundum#_-szu2 _an-ta_ u _ki-ta gar ka-dib-be2-da dib_ [...]

    [...] li#-iq _ka_-szu2 lu 1(u) 5(disz) lu 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar ninda_ nap#-sza2 [...] [...] ti#-szu2 _an-ta gar#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    If barley is located on its right side: the god will have mercy on a man. ... If barley is located on its right side: the god will not have mercy on a man. ... If barley is located on its left side: either inside or outside, or between the 15th and the 15th, or between the ... of the mouth .... If barley is located on ditto ditto: 240 ... a severe illness will afflict him. ... If barley is located on its right side: a good sacrificial person will see. If barley is located on its left side: the god will approach a man.

    If barley is located on the surface of the eye, 15 of them are present; its heads ... .... If barley is located on the surface of the eye, 220 of them are present. .

    If barley is located on the 'increment' and is 210° below its 'station': a 'request' will be placed. If barley is located on its 'finger': either 15 or 210° above its owner's word .... If barley is located on its 'finger': either 15 or 210° below the 'good god'-mark ... ... If barley is located on its upper 'finger': either inside or below the 'finger': god ... ... If barley is located on its upper 'finger': either above or below the 'finger': ... .

    ... he will pass his mouth; 15 or 210 are present; bread for the meal ... ... is present above .



    [...] x [...] [...] _u4-mesz#_-szu2# _lugud2-da-mesz_ [... x]-szu2 _gar u4-mesz_-szu2 _gid2-da-mesz#_ _DISZ sze_ [ina] sza2#-pu#-[ul 1(u) 5(disz)]-szu2 _gar_ at-mu-szu2 _ugu dingir_ u _lugal du10_-ab _DISZ sze_ ina sza2-pu-[ul] 2(gesz2)# 3(u)-szu2 _gar uku2_-in _DISZ sze_ ina ku-tal2! sza2-pu#-li#-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar uku2_-in _DISZ sze_ ina ki-s,al-li-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) ki-da-nu _gar amasz dagal_-isz

    _DISZ sze_ ina _kimin_ qer-bi-nu _gar (munus)kalag-ga dib_-su _DISZ sze_ ina _an-ta_-nu ki-s,al-li-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) lu _igi_ lu ((ana)) _egir_ lu 2(disz) lu 3(disz) lu 4(disz) _gar_-nu _kimin_ _DISZ sze_ ina a-si-da _gir3-min_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _gar_-nu tal2-lak-ti kusz-ir _gen-gen_-ak _DISZ sze_ ina _murgu gir3-min_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) _an-ta_-nu _gar_ e-ma _gen_-ku ma-gir

    _DISZ sze_ ina _min gir3-min_-szu2 1(u) 5(disz) ina _sag szu-si tur_-ti _gar ninda_ i-szeb-bi _u4-mesz_-szu2 _gid2-da-mesz_ _DISZ sze_ ina _min gir3-min_-szu2 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 ina _sag szu-si_-szu2 _gal_-ti _gar_ ((_gar_)) ina _la_-szu2 _ba-ug7_ _DISZ sze_ ina _suhusz szu-si-mesz gir3-min_-szu2 lu sza2 1(u) 5(disz) lu sza2 2(gesz2) 3(u) lu ina _murub4 gir3-min_-szu2 lu ina a-si-di-szu2# _ugu en inim_-szu2 _gub_-az _dingir_ pa-sza2-ha i-szar-rak#

    _DISZ sze-mesz sag-du na_ lu _igi-mesz_-szu2 lu _gu2_-su _diri-mesz dingir_ ana _lu2_ pa-sza2-ha _sum_-[su] _DISZ sze-mesz a2_ 1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 u 2(gesz2) 3(u)-szu2 _diri-mesz na bi nig2-gur11_-szu2 _bir_-ah# _DISZ sze-mesz_ ina ku-tal2 _szu-min_-szu2 lu _min_ lu _min dib-mesz_ x _gar_-nu lu _nig2-tuku uku2_-in lu [...] _DISZ sze-mesz du3 su_-szu2 _diri-mesz szu-bi-asz-am3#_ _DISZ# sze#-mesz# sa5-mesz du3 su_-szu2 _diri-mesz dugud_-ma _mu_-szu2 _sig5_-iq _u4-mesz_-szu2# [...]

    [... _x]-mesz# babbar-mesz du3 su_-szu2 _diri-mesz zarah2_ u _nu du10-ga uzu gar#_ [...] [... _x]-mesz# du3# su_-szu2 _diri-mesz dumu_ u _dumu-munus nu tuku_-szi _u4-mesz_-szu2 _lugud2-da#-[mesz]_ [...] _sag-du munus gar munus bi en sza3 ti! nu du10_-ub _[sza3_-bi] [...] x _ki ba-gul an ba-gul-gul ki ba-gul-[gul? ...] [...] x _ba e2 e2 ki ba-zah2_ ha-ah da-nim [...] [...] x-ta-kan _hul_-tim (d)e2-a us-[x ...] [...] x _bal_ s,i-i-tum _(d)en-lil2_ ta x [...]

    [...] _szu_ a-na _munus_ _gi_SZ _pad nu_ _egir_-szu2 _(d)imin?_ [...] [...] _sa6_ x-a-am3 gin7 libir_-szu2 _sar_-ma#? [...] [...] _a_-szu2 sza2 (d)en-kad2 x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... his days are long ... his ... his days are long ... he placed the barley in its rations 15 times, he made his word favorable to god and king. he placed the barley in its rations 230 times, he fashioned it. he placed the barley in the back of its rations, either 15 times or 230 times, he fashioned it. he placed the barley in its rations, either 15 times or 230 times. he placed the broad field.

    If barley is in ditto outside the quay: a strong woman will seize him. If barley is above his thighs, either 15 or 115 or 240, either behind or behind, either 2 or 3 or 4 are present. Ditto. If barley is in the side of his feet, either 15 or 240, you will go to the quay. You wrap a leather bag around it. If barley is above his feet, either 15 or 240, you will go to the side of the quay. When he goes, he will be seized.

    If barley, by ditto, his feet are 15 and at the top of the small finger, he places bread, and his days are long: if barley, by ditto, his feet are 210 and at the top of his great finger, he is smashed and thrown into his lap. If barley, by the base of his feet, or by the feet of 15 or by the feet of 210 or by the feet of his shins, or by his shins, he stands over his adversary, he will smash the god of the cultic rites.

    If the barley, whether its head or its neck is twisted, the god will give it to a man. If the barley, its right and its left are twisted, that man will divide his property. If the barley, in the back of his hands, or ditto, or dribbles, ... are placed, or a gift, a dowry, or ..., or a dowry, or ..., or the barley of his neck is twisted, or the twisted parts are twisted, or the barley of his neck is twisted, and the twisted parts are very strong, and his name is good. His days .

    ... ... white ...

    ... ... to a woman ... ... ... ditto ... ... red ... ... ... ... his original ... of Enkad ... .

    P480122: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] _ru_? mah?-a-ni za3 nu-sa2 [...] x x ge6 u3-na kar2-kar2 [...]-a ni2 me-lem4 gur3-ru x x-ga2-ni-sze3 dingir gal-gal-e-ne hu-luh-ha im-du8-du8 x x du11-ga-ni an-gin7 mah (d)en-lil2-gin7 u18-ru (d)inanna sag-kal me nig2-nam-ma za3 dib nin-e-ne gesz-hur nam-lugal-la szu du7-du7 ki-bi gi4-gi4-de3 sag ge6 si sa2-sa2-e-de3 us2 gi-na dab5-be2-de3 gesztu2-ga-ni nam-gub sza3-ga-ni zi-de3-esz-e nam-de6 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta nam-sipa zi-gal2-la-sze3 ug3 szar2-ra mi-ni-in-pa3

    e2-kur ki-tusz ku3 an (d)en-lil2-la2 ni2 su zi gur3-ru-sze3 lugal-ra szu-ni im-ma-an-dab5 sun5-na-bi mi-ni-in-ku4 in-nin e-ne-da nu an ki-a nam nu-tar-re-de3 an (d)en-lil2-da bara2-ge4 si-a-na ad mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 ki-ru-gu2 1(disz)-a-kam an gal du11-ga-zu nig2 mah-am3 a-ba-a szu mi-ni-ib-bala-e a-a (d)en-lil2 nam gal tar-ra-zu sag2 di nu-zu-a (d)ur-(d)nin-urta szul a2 ag2-ga2-zu-ne-ne _di_-_di_ mu-un-zu-a-ar nam-sipa zi-gal2 ug3 szar2-ra du-ri2-sze3 sag-e-esz rig7-ga-na-ab-ze2-en

    e2 iri(ki) du3-du3 kalam gi-ne2 sza3 ku3-ta mu-u8-de6 kur-kur-re a2 ag2-ga2-bi mu-un-zu a2 gal he2-ag2-e szibir-a-ni ki-bala he2-en-gam-e us2 gi he2-bi2-ib-dab5-be2 sig-ta igi-nim-sze3 kalam-ma rab3-gin7 szu he2-em-ri-ri-e ka-ta e3-a-ni [...] udu-gin7 ka u2-gu7 ha-ba-kig2-kig2 _gu2_ a nag ha-ba-ga2-ga2 ki-ru-gu2 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta mu su3-ra2-sze3 ug3-ga2 (d)utu-gin7 dalla he2-ni-in-e3 gesz-gi-gal2-bi-im dingir numun e3 a-a nig2-nam szar2-ra-ke4

    (gesz)erin suh me-te kisal e2-kur-ra (d)ur-(d)nin-urta kalam-ma gissu-zu ni2 he2-eb-szi-te-en-te-en kur-kur-re sipa zi-bi he2-me-en (d)utu-gin7 di si sa2 ku5-ru-zu-usz igi-bi he2-em-szi-gal2-e bara2 nam-lugal-la suhusz gi-na-ba (d)ur-(d)nin-urta dur2 gar-ra-zu-ne sag an-sze3 he2-ni-in-il2 aga zi-de3 me-te he2-em-mi-in-gal2 ni2 su zi ur-mah nam-lugal-la tug2-ba13-sze3 he2-em-mu4 ki-ru-gu2 3(disz)-kam-ma-am3 e2-an-ka me-bi ha-ba-gub-be2 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta bad3 gal-zu ge26-e-me-en u4 ul du-ri2-sze3

    erim2-gal2-za u4-gin7 gu3 bi2-ra me-lem4-zu muru9 dugud-da-gin7 kur nu-sze-ga-zu he2-em-dul bara2-bara2 gal-gal ni2 er9-e-ne [...] x x gi dili du3-a-gin7 kilib3-ba-bi sag he2-em-da-sag3-ge-ne x x x _ra li ne_ [...] (tu15)u18-lu-gin7 zi-zi-da-zu-ne kur ki-bala-zu se3-ge u3-mu-e-ak ug3-bi szaga-a um-mu-lah5 i3-si-in(ki) iri me gal-gal-la-za (d)ur-(d)nin-urta (gesz)szudul gu2-ba gar-ni an gal a-a dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta sipa gesz tuku-ni-ir nam ul-sze3 nu-kur2-ru mu-ni-in-tar

    en esz-bar an ki szu-na gal2 kur gal (d)en-lil2-le lugal-ra mu-ni an-za3-sze3 pa e3 im-ma-an-ak (d)ur-(d)nin-urta nam-nir nam-szul-la am-gin7 gu2 he2-ni-pesz (d)er9-ra ur-sag-gin7 me x x-an-tuku-tuku (d)nin-urta en u4 husz erim2-ma dumu szu gar gi4-gu10 ki me3-ka ka-tab-zu he2-a geszkim he2-mu-e-ti-le kur gu2-erim2 gu2-bi-da x-zu zar-re-esz ha-ma-ab-sal-e szu-luh ku3 e2-kur-ra ba-an-szi-ib-[...]-en u4 szu2-usz-e gub-ba nidba-zu banszur mah unu2 gal-ga2 su3-ra2-sze3 he2-em-mi-in-gal2

    sag he2-e-il2 gu2 an-sze3 he2-e-zi ti nu-kur2-ru za-a-am3 ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam-ma-am3 nam tar-ra an gal (d)nu-nam-nir en nig2-zi-gal2-la-sze3 (d)a-nun-na dingir gal-gal-e-ne he2-am3 ba-ni-in-ne-esz sag ge6 ki-tusz-ba ge-en-gi-ne2 kur-kur us2-a se3-ge5 ug3 x x x x ka tesz2 ga2-ga2 giri3-ni-sze3 gam-e (d)inanna dumu gal (d)suen-na nitalam ki ag2-ga2-ni sag kesze2 me nig2-nam-ma mu-un-ur4-ur4 szu-ni-sze3 mu-u8-gar

  • 2(disz)-na-ne-ne ki (d)en-lil2-la2-ta hul2-la nam-ta-e3
  • e2?-gal? ki-tusz lal3 nig2 du10-ba dur2 ki ba-ni-in-gal2-le-esz x x x-e lugal-la-ni nu-til-e zi-de3-esz na-mu-un-e ki-ru-gu2 6(disz)-kam-ma-am3 szul me-dim2 sa6 sig7 x sze-er-sze-er-ra sag il2-e-de3 hi-li ul gur3-ru me-te na-ag2-u3-mu-un-na bara2 ku3-ge du7-re6 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta me kal-kal-la-zu sza3-ab-gu10 im-mi-ir i-bi2 zi il2-la-za mi-ni-in-pa3-de3 mu pa3-da-gu10-me-en an gal-e kur-za3 til-la-ba su3-u4-sze3 bi2-in-diri-ge ur2 ku3 nam-ti-la _dir_-gu10 u4-zu su3-su3-de3

    szul (d)en-lil2-le e2-kur-ta a2-bi mu-un-da-an-ag2 x x bara2 mi2 zi-de3-esz du11-ga-gu10 musz3 nam-bi2-ga-ga-an (d)nanna an ku3-ga pa e3-a ka-na-ag2-e u6 di-gin7 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-gu10 kur-kur-re hi-li hu-mu-u8-szi-ak-e ki-ru-gu2 7(disz)-kam-ma-am3 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-gu10 (d)mu-ul-lil2-le nam-sipa ka-na-ag2-ga2-kam zi-de3-esz mu-un-pa3-de3-en gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im [...] x _ka_ ku3 esz-bar zi du11-ga nu-kur2-ru-gu10-usz [...] a2 nun he2-em-te-gal2 [...]-an-tuku-tuku [...]-bi-im [...] (d)inanna-kam

    AI Translation

    ... his supreme ..., whose position is not favourable ... ... night, ..., whose fearsomeness is a ..., the great gods ... ..., whose ... is as great as heaven and Enlil, whose ... is as great as heaven, whose divine powers are as great as Enlil, whose divine powers are as great as the stars of the heavens, whose divine plans for kingship are perfect, whose foundations are firmly fixed, whose ears are firmly fixed, whose hearts are firmly set in order to be firmly set in order to be able to stand in order to be able to ... Ur-Ninurta, the true shepherd, to the many people he made manifest.

    The king took the Ekur, the holy residence of An and Enlil, with a pure heart and a true heart, and he took it away from him. The lady, no one in heaven and earth has decreed a fate for her. An and Enlil have sworn by his own name. One kirugu. An, your great command is great. Who has sworn by you? Father Enlil, your great fate is not yours. Ur-Ninurta, the one who has sworn by you, has sworn by you. May the shepherdship, the great shepherd, to the people of the world, be given to him.

    The temple of the city built, the land firmly established, from the pure heart he made it rise. The lands he commanded, and the great command he made manifest. His scribal arts he made great. He seized the reeds in the rebellious regions. From the scepter to the front he made the land tremble like a lion. From the mouth he made it tremble. Like sheep he ate the mouth. Like a pig he ate the mouth. Like a pig he ate the mouth. The 2nd kirugu, Ur-Ninurta, in the future, the people like Utu he swore. Its geshgigal: The god who raises the seed, father who gives everything,

    May the reeds, the pure cedar, in the courtyard of the Ekur, Ur-Ninurta, the Land, your shade be firmly established in all the lands, may you be its faithful shepherd. Like Utu, may your supplications be favourable, may they be favourable in your eyes. May the throne of kingship, the foundation of its foundation, may Ur-Ninurta, your steadfast foundation, be firmly established in heaven. May they be favourable in the scepter of the true crown, may they be favourable in the lion, the kingship of the garment. The 3rd kirugu of the Eanna stand there. Ur-Ninurta, I am your great wall, for a long time.

    Your enemy, like a storm, shouts, your fierce terror, like a mighty storm, may they destroy the land that is not yours. The great dais, the ..., the great reeds, ..., like a reed, may they pluck up their heads. ... like a ... wind, may they destroy your foes, may they destroy the land that is yours. The people are sated with a sigh of mourning. Isin, your great city, Ur-Ninurta, the scepter, he placed on its neck. An, the father of the gods, Ur-Ninurta, the shepherd who has listened to his heart, he decreed a fate that cannot change.

    Lord who decides the decisions of heaven and earth, great mountain Enlil, his king, he made rise to the top of heaven. Ur-Ninurta, the one who gives life and vigour, may he roar like a wild bull. Like Erra, the hero, may he ... the divine powers. Ninurta, the lord, whose storm is furious, may my supplications be heeded. May your ... be heeded in the place of battle. May your ... be smitten with the enemy land. May your ... be smitten with the holy shuluh of the Ekur. May your supplications, the supreme utensils, and the great utensils be present in the future.

    He raised his head, he raised his neck to heaven, he made the unchangeable path unalterable. 5th kirugu. The fates of the great An and Nunamnir, the lords of everything, and the Anuna, the great gods, he made manifest. At the beginning of the night, in the dwelling, he sat down. The lands he ruled, the people ..., he sat on his feet. Inanna, the great daughter of Suen, his beloved nitalam, he sat on the head, he sat down on the foundations of the divine powers, and he made it disappear from her hand.

  • and their 2 brothers, from Enlil rejoiced,
  • The palace, the residence of good food, was a place of joy. Its ..., his king, did not finish it. He was the king. 6th kirugu. The ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the ..., the pure, the pure dais, Ur-Ninurta, your mighty divine powers, he made shine forth in my heart. He made your name known to me, and I made it shine forth in your heart. I am the one who has been chosen by the great heavens and the lands. He made your holy ur of life endure forever.

    The sul of Enlil has commanded me from the Ekur temple. ... my ..., the holy dais, is my utterance. Nanna, the holy An, is my utterance. Like a snare, may Ur-Ninurta make the lands rejoice. 7th kirugu. Ur-Ninurta, Enlil, has commanded me to be a shepherd. Its geshgigal ..., the holy ..., the wise decision, which cannot be changed, may ... have ..., may ... have ..., it is ... of Inanna.

    P480123: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en me galam-ma umusz ki gar-ra sza3 su3-u4 nig2-nam zu (d)en-ki gesztu2 dagal mas-su mah (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne gal-an-zu tu6 gar inim-ma se3-ga esz-bar-ra igi gal2 sa2 pa3-de3 u4 e3-ta u4 szu2-usz-sze3 galga szum2-mu (d)en-ki en du11-ga zi-zi-da me-tesz2-e ga-a-i-i a-a-zu an lugal en numun i-i ug3 ki gar-gar-ra me an ki sag kesze2-bi-sze3 ma-ra-an-se3 nun-bi-sze3 mu-un-il2-en (i7)idigna (i7)buranun ka ku3-bi du8-u3 nig2 giri17-zal si-si dungu sir2-re a he2-gal2-la szum2-mu a-gar3-ra szeg3-szeg3

    (d)ezina2 ab-sin2-na sag il2-il2-i u2-szim edin-na _tar_ [...] x pu2-(gesz)kiri6 lal3 gesztin ki tag-ga tir-gin7 su3-su3-e an lugal dingir-re-e-ne-ke4 a2-bi mu-e-da-a-ag2 (d)en-lil2-le mu mah sag-ku3-gal2 ni2 gal gur3-ru-ni szu? ma-ra-an-ba en nig2-nam u3-tu (d)en-lil2 ban3-da-me-en an ki-a dili-ni dingir-ra-am3 dub-us2-a-ni za-e-me-en e-ne-gin7 nam sig igi-nim-ma tar-tar-re szu-zu-sze3 sza-mu-u8-gar esz-bar zi ka-ta e3-a-zu uru2(ru) dib-ba-am3 (d)sa2-bar-a kur-za3 til-la-asz ug3 dagal dur2-ru-na-ba

    gu7 nag-bi-sze3 im-da-kusz2-u3-de3-en a-a zi-bi za-e en dingir-bi-gin7 nam-mah-zu me-tesz2 im-mi-i-i-ne sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)nu-dim2-mud (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra inim ku3 du11-ga mah-zu nir he2-gal2 gaba gi4 na-an-tuku-tuku gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im en mah an ki-a za3 bi2-dib mu-zu pa bi2-e3 (d)en-ki me a-na gal2-la mu-u8-ur4-ur4 abzu-sze3 mu-u8-gar ki-tusz ku3 sza3-ge bi2-pa3-da-zu abzu esz3 mah-a x x me-bi me-a diri gesz-hur-bi a-re-esz gub-ba-me-en gissu-bi u4 e3-ta u4 szu-usz kur-kur-ra szi-im-dul

    ni2 me-lem4 muru9 dugud-da-gin7 an ku3-ge ib2-us2 e2-kur ki-tusz ku3 an (d)en-lil2-la2 su zi im-du8-du8 sza3-ba gidru szum2-mu me hal-hal-la dingir gal-gal-e-ne-sze3 x numun? szar2-ra im-dim2-e nam-lu2-ulu3 u3-tu ti-le i3-gal2 a-a (d)en-ki bara2 nam-tar-ra-za dur2 gar-ra-zu-ne sa-gar-ra-am3 lugal (d)en-lil2-le nir szum2-ma (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 e2 gesztu2-ga nam-gal-an-zu diri-sze3 nigin gal2-la-za gal2 u3-bi2-in-tak4 sag ge6-ga mas-su gal-bi he2-em su zi me-te nam-dingir-ra ur-mah nam-lugal-la

    nig2 szu du11-ga u4 sag-ga2-na ti-la-sze3 pa e3-ni-ib gu2-un dugud a-ab-ba sig igi-nim-ma sag-e-esz u3-mu-e-ni-rig7 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 he2-ni-ib-ku4-ku4 e2-kur za-gin3-sze3 (d)en-lil2-le igi hul2-hul2-la-ni e-ne-ra u3-mu-un-szi-in-bar bala-a-na u4 du10 mu giri17-zal nam-ti-la ha-ma-ab-tah-e a-a (d)en-ki nam-gal ni2 ri-a ka-ge dib-ba-zu-usz (d)a-nun-na dingir szesz-zu-ne he2-me-da-hul2-hul2-le-esz dumu an-na mah nir-gal2-bi tuku za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3 tigi (d)en-ki-ka3-kam

    AI Translation

    Lord of the great me, who has a firm foundation, who has a firm heart, who knows everything, Enki, the broad wisdom, the exalted massu of the Anuna gods, your galanzu, who has a tu6 ?, who has a firm decision, who has a firm decision, who has a firm decision, who has a firm decision, who has a firm decision from the day of the rising to the distant future, who gives orders to Enki, the lord who has a firm decision, your father, An, the king, the lord, the seed, the people, who has set the foundations of the universe, who has made the divine powers of heaven and earth, who has made the divine powers of heaven and earth come forth, who has made the Tigris and Euphrates, its holy mouth, which is filled with a symphony of sand and mud, who has given water of abundance, who has given water of rain,

    O Ezina, the head of the furrow, he raised his head. The ushum of the steppe ..., the orchards, the ..., the ..., the wine, the ..., he swore by An, the king of the gods, his command he commanded. Enlil, the great name, the sagkugal, his great lustration, he swore by him. Lord, what is it that Enlil has given to him? I am the one who is a god, and his scribe I am the one who is a lord. Like a scepter, the one who is a scepter, you decide the fates according to your hand. You are the one who has sworn by the righteous decision, you have sworn by the city. Sabar, the one who has ruled the mountain, and the wide people,

    You are the one who carries out the food offerings for the lord. You are the one who carries out the lord's rites like a god. You are the one who holds the sag-ida-priesthood of Nudimmud and Ur-Ninurta. You are the one who speaks the holy word, your greatness is the radiance of abundance. You are the one who makes the holy rites manifest in heaven and earth. You are the one who makes the divine powers shine forth in heaven. Enki, who makes the divine powers shine forth in the abzu, you have placed in the sacred residence. You have made the divine powers shine forth in the abzu, the supreme shrine. You have made the divine powers shine forth in the abzu, the divine powers greater than those of the divine powers. Its roof, the storm, the storm, the lands, are adorned with a reed roof.

    The aura of the pure me, like a heavy throne, he sat in holy An. The Ekur, the sacred residence of An and Enlil, he made splendid. Inside it, he made a scepter of rejoicing, the divine powers and the halhals of the great gods, he made ... ... of ..., and the people he made great. Father Enki, your seat of kingship, is your sagar. King Enlil, given the benevolent ear, Ur-Ninurta, your temple of wisdom, your great lordship, he made great. He made the head of the night a great lion, his kingship,

    he has given to you everything that is pleasing. In his first day, for his life he has made him rise. He has made the heavy boatmen of the sea bow down at his head. May Ur-Ninurta enter into the lapis-lazuli Ekur. May Enlil look upon him with joy. May he make his reign a good day, a long life. May father Enki, the great one, your words, and the Anuna, the gods of your brothers, rejoice over you. The great son of An, whose greatness is, may your praise be sweet. The tigi of Enki

    P480124: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ur-sag uszum ni2 ri ni2 husz diri gal-di (d)nin-urta mar-uru5 szu zi-ga _gir3 u4_ [...] kal-ga usu mah tuku kur nu-un-ta-e3 a2 nam-ur-sag-ga2 sza3-ta tum2-a gaba gi4 nu-tuku bar-su3-am3 iri ki a2-dam nu-gal2-la ki-bala hul-gal2 ak (d)nin-urta pirig husz hu-luh-ha-gin7 _du_-zu-ne u4 e3-ta u4 szu2-usz an ki szi-im-tuk4-e di-ku5 nir-gal2 usu mah tuku-gin7 ki-bala du7-du7-zu u4 i3-du7 ge6 u3-na szi-im-ma-zi ki-bala-e szi-im-nu2-e igi il2-i-zu hur-sag gal tesz2-ba szi-im-da-tu-ku sza3-ba-tuku-am3

    en iri? nam (d)nu-nam-nir-ra geszkim-ti a-a-na (d)nin-urta a2 zi-da kur gal-la-asz sza-mu-un-ti-la-ni-me-en esz-bar du11-ga-ni ki-bi-sze3 ga2-ga2 di-di-bi mu-e-zu bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma en bara2-bara2 ni2 er9-be2-ne giri3 saga11 x [...] x x [...] hul-du erim2-gal2 nu-mu-un-e3 x-e bi2-ib2-x [...] kur ma-da dagal igi zi bar-ra-zu nam-he2-a ma-ra-an-du8 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta szul za-sze3 gal2 sipa zi gesz tuku-zu-um ub-da an ki ug3 ki gar-ra-ba sag-e-esz mu-ni-rig7

    sag ge6 udu-gin7 lu-a-bi hu-mu-gal2-e us2-zu he2-bi2-ib2-dab5-be2 sa-gid2-da-am3 ur-sag gal (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra nu-sze-ga-ni zar-re-esz sal-mu-na-ab gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gid2-da-bi-im u4-ta-u18-lu en dumu (d)en-lil2-la2 hur-sag-ta e3-a (d)nin-urta nam-mah dugud-da-zu a-re-esz du11-ge-esz2 nam-nir-gal2 nam-mah kal-ga-zu sza3 kur-kur-ra-ka u18-lu me-lem4-ba u4 e3 u4 szu2-usz ug3 szar2-ra szi-im-dul-e a-a ugu-zu sipa dingir-re-ne en (d)nu-nam-nir-re me gal-gal an ki-a sag kesze2-bi szu-za ma-ra-ni-in-ge-en

    nam-nir nam-za3-dib mu-ra-an-szum2 gaba gi4 nu-mu-ri-in-tuku (d)nin-lil2-la2 hi-li sza3-ga-na-me-en ki-ig gal im-ma-ra-an-ag2 a-ra2 nig2 ak-zu hul2-la-da ni2 am3-il2-il2-i a-ba za-gin7 dingir pa e3-a?-e? mu-ni an-za3-sze3 szul si sa2 ug3 dagal-la pa3-da gesz du11-ga kur gal-la (d)ur-(d)nin-urta [...] la-la gu3 zi de2-a-zu igi x [...]-ke4 _du_ [...] mu-un-ne-szum2 bara2? [...]-en _gir_? za-gin3 sag-e-esz mu-ni-in-rig7 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra bala mu giri17-zal-la mu-un-ne-tah

    iri(ki) masz-gana2 a2-dam ki gal2-la-ni he2-gal2-la sza-mu-un-du3 sag ge6-ge (d)utu e3-gin7 igi-bi he2-me-szi-gal2 (gesz)tukul kur gu2-erim2-gal2 [...] x x ki tuk4-tuk4-da x-ke4 u3-mu-un-szum2 a2-dam nu-sze-ga-ni sug-za3-ge4 bi2-ib-gu7-e u4-ta-u18-lu ur-(d)nin-urta-ra szu he2-me-de3-ni-gal2-gal2 sa-gar-ra-am3 ur-sag gal (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra sag-tab _si ma a_ he2-e-me-en gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gar-ra-bi-im en nam tar-ra-zu sag2 nu-di inim ku3-zu uru2(ru) (d)nin-urta en nam tar-ra-zu sag2 nu-di inim ku3-zu uru2(ru)

    (d)ur-(d)nin-urta nam du10 mu nam-ti-la du-ri2-sze3 nu-kur2-ru nam-e-esz tar-mu-ni-ib uru2(ru)-bi-im a-da-ab (d)nin-urta-ka-kam

    AI Translation

    Hero, whose radiance is a roaring lion, whose radiance is a great terror Ninurta, the mighty warrior, ..., ..., mighty strength, whose strength cannot be overturned, whose strength cannot be overturned, whose army from the inside of his warriorship is a sling, whose city is not a sling, whose dynasty is a sling, whose city is not a sling, whose destructive rites Ninurta, like a lion, whose roar is a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a sling, whose utterances are a great mountain range, whose utterances are a sling,

    lord of the city, the fate of Nunamnir, the command of his father Ninurta, the righteous one of the great mountains, I am his supplication, his decision is made, and his decision is made. I shall make it happen. 2nd supplication: "The lord, the supplication, who is angry, ... ... ... evil, evil, ... ... ... the wide lands, your righteous eyes ... I shall make bright." Ur-Ninurta, the supplication of life, the true shepherd, the one who knows the hearts of the heavens and earth, the people of the world, I presented to him.

    May the head of the night be like a sheep, may its limbs be seized. It is the sag-dab, the great hero Ur-Ninurta, whose kingship cannot be overturned, whose sag-dab is a day of long days, when the lord, son of Enlil, emerges from the mountains, Ninurta, your greatness is praised, your mighty name is praised, your greatness is praised in all the lands, when the storm comes out, when the storm is a storm, the storm is a storm, the multitude of people, your father is your father. The shepherd of the gods, lord Nunamnir, the great divine powers of heaven and earth, whose head is your hand,

    He gave to him the scepter of lordship and scepter of the crown, but he did not give it back to her. I, Ninlil, the one who loves his heart, opened the great door. He smote him with a slanderous word, saying: "Why, like a shining god, did you come up to me? Who is able to make the people rejoice?, who makes the great mountains rejoice? Ur-Ninurta ..., who ... your true voice, ... ... ... ... he gave it to him. He ... the throne? with lapis lazuli ... Ur-Ninurta, a reign of joy, he made .

    The city of Mashgana, his father's land, there is abundance. He is the one who makes the black-headed people shine like Utu. He is the one who makes the weapons of the enemy land ... ... ... he is the one who does not leave his father's land. He is the one who eats the sagar. The day of Ur-Ninurta is the one who carries the sagar. The great hero Ur-Ninurta, ...

    Ur-Ninurta, good name, life that is not changed forever, the fates that are to be determined, its city is the adab-priestess of Ninurta.

    P480125: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    in-nin9 za3 dib (d)a-nun-na-ke4-ne me kilib3-ba ur4-ur4 igi-zu nir-gal2 an ki-bi-da kur-kur-ra igi gal2 (d)inanna pirig an-na mul-mul-lu me-zu galam-galam-ma garza-zu nig2 nu-kur2-ru-dam gesz-hur-zu dugud-da bar-su3-am3 dim2-ma-zu abzu su3-ra2-am3 igi bar-re nu-um-zu a-ra2 ak-a-zu nig2 gal-gal-am3 dingir nu-me-da-sa2 me-zu u4 silim-ma-bi ba-e-de6 nig2-nam la-ba-e-da-szub nam-lugal zu2 kesze2-me nig2-nam-ma szu-zu la-ba-ra-e3 an lugal-da za3 mu-un-de3-sza4 nam mu-un-di-ni-ib-tar-re

    (d)en-lil2-gin7 ka-ta e3-a-zu ki-bi-sze3 al-ga2-ga2 (d)inanna mah-di an ki-a gaba-ri nu-tuku-me-en lugal ki ag2 dingir-re-e-ne a-la mu-un-szi-ak-e (d)ur-(d)nin-urta szul igi il2-la-zu me-te-zu-usz en-e (d)nin-tu-re hi-li mu-un-szi-in-tu-u4 u6 di-zu-sze3 ma-ra-an-gub gesz-szub-ba-ni sa6-ge mu-un-ge-en igi-za im-mi-in-x ur3?-ra _ga_ szu-nir-e he2-du7-a nam-nun-sze3 mu-un-il2 ir-sim du10-ga ku7-ku7-da-ke4 sza3 ku3-zu he2-em-tum3 gesz-nu2 gi4-rin hi-li si-a-za gu2 hu-mu-un-di-x-re

    szul gesz tuku nun za-a-sze3 gal2-la me ul-zu-usz ha-ba-gub (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 ug3 szar2-re us2 zi he2-bi2-ib-dab5-be2 sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)inanna (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 u4 ul da-ri2-sze3 musz3 la-ba-da-tum2-mu gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im (d)inanna nin an ki dagal-la u18-ru _ki ud_-ta x [...] x-ma sag mu2-mu2-mu2 ge6 u3-na kar2-kar2 [...] kur? idim-ta e3-a an urasz-a dagal bur2 [...]-da tesz2-bi-im ama-na hi-li-bi-im [...] he2-mi-ni-in-mah-en ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 [...] sag hu-mu-ni-in-il2 am gal-bi he2-a

    [...] gam-gam-mu-na-ab szu he2-em-ri-ri-e a zi-da-ta ri-a-na szu mah-a-ni si-bi2-ib ug3 u2-sal-la hu-mu-un-de3-nu2 na-gada-bi he2-a (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 ug3 szar2-re us2 zi he2-bi2-ib-dab5-be2 sa-gar-ra-am3 (d)inanna ur2 ku3 nig2 du10-za (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ke4 nam-ti-la u4 ha-ba-ni-ib-su3-u4-de3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im nin me gal-gal-la nam-nir-ra szu du7 (d)inanna nin me gal-gal-la nam-nir-ra szu du7 (d)ur-(d)nin-urta-ra he2-gal2 zi su3-u4-gal2 sag-e-esz mu-ni-rig7 u18-ru12-bi-im a-dab2 (d)inanna-kam

    AI Translation

    The sage of the Anuna gods, who carries out the divine powers of the universe, who is attentive to your face, who knows the heavens and earth, who sees all the lands, who sees Inanna, the lion of heaven, who is adorned with divine powers, who does not change your garza, who does not change your lofty plans, who is adorned with your mighty plans, who does not look at the Abzu, who does not look at your horizon, who does not know your great powers, who does not know your god, who does not abandon your divine powers, who does not abandon your kingship, who does not abandon your hand, who does not abandon your kingship, who does not abandon your kingship,

    Like Enlil, from the mouth you came out, and thus I was able to go back to its place. I am Inanna, supreme in heaven and earth, who has no rival, the king who loves the gods, who goes to the road. Ur-Ninurta, your supplication is pleasing to you, your lord is beautiful. Nintur, your radiance is beautiful. He stands at your side, his limbs are beautiful. He ... your face. He ... the ... of the shunir. He ... the princely ..., he ... your pure irsim, the pure irsim, he ... your heart. He ... your ... with a reed bed, he ... your radiance.

    "May the young man, who has a scepter, the prince who has a crown, stand at the right side of the divine powers. Ur-Ninurta, may the many people be seized by him. The sagida of Inanna and Ur-Ninurta, for a long time, he who does not fear it, its geshgigal. Inanna, the queen of heaven and earth, the broad earth, the ... of the day, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... he made ... ... Ur-Ninurta ... ... he made ...

    ... he shall strew. From the righteous water he shall strew his hand. May the people be sated with a saline water. May its nagda-offerings be made. May Ur-Ninurta, may the many people be sated with a pure sagar-offering. May Inanna, the pure scepter of good things, Ur-Ninurta, live long. Its geshgigal. The great divine powers, he will make great. Inanna, the great divine powers, he will make great. Ur-Ninurta, he will make great abundance abundant. Its urub, the adab of Inanna,

    P480126: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    ur-sag nam-he2-a gu3 ru-ru-gu2 giri17-zal a-a (d)iszkur u4 gal-la-ke4 za-e gi4? [...] bar-su3-am3 a-ma-ru (tu15)u18-lu mah? (tu15)mer mer-ra za-pa-ag2-ga2-ni x x x x gi4-ne-esz2 an ki _gi_? [...] (d)iszkur-ra tu15 ki? _te_ x _gar a_ x [...] nim gir2-gir2 _an_ x x x A x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Hero of abundance, who shouts, who is a ru'ugu-demon, father Ishkur, great storm, you are to be sated with ..., whose ... is a ..., whose ... is a ..., whose ... is a ..., whose ... is a ..., whose ... is a ..., whose ... is a ..., whose ... is a ...,

    M=segment B


    [...] x [...]

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-ra (tu15)u18-lu (tu15)mer mer-ra-da mu-[...]
  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-ra im-hul an-na-ke4 gaba dumu lu2-bi [...]
  • 4(disz)-kam-ma dungu sir2 an-na-ke4 gu3 im-ma-an-de2? x
  • gana2 zi-da sze gu-nu im-gub (d)ezina2 hul2-la [...] (d)iszkur-e nig2-nam mu-un-gar-gar buru14 sze mah im-[...] ur-(d)nin-urta guru7-du6 guru7-masz a-gar3 mu-na-an-dub u4 du10-ga numun-bi mu-ni-in-se3 ge6-ga _ka_ [...] ur-(d)nin-urta dumu an-na-ra numun-bi mu-ni-in-se3 [...] (d)iszkur (d)inanna? (d)x-ke4 ti mu-na-an-[...] sa-gar-ra-am3 ur-(d)nin-urta sza3 x (d)nin-lil2-la2-ke4 (d)iszkur [...] gesz-gi-gal2-bi-im en ku3-gal2 an ki ug3 ku3 zi szum2 a-a (d)iszkur en ku3-gal2 an ki ug3 ku3 zi szum2

    ur-(d)nin-urta he2-gal2 hu-mu-na-gal2 sag [...] u18-ru12-bi-im

    AI Translation

  • The 2nd, the north wind, the south wind, the east wind .
  • The 3rd, the evil of An, the breast of the son of Lu-bi .
  • The 4th, the dungu-shrine, the shepherd of heaven, roared .
  • The true field stood there, the barley ... Ezina, joyfully ... Ishkur placed everything there. The harvest, the great barley ... Ur-Ninurta, the granary, the granary, he deposited. The good days he made its seed ... Ur-Ninurta, son of An, he made its seed ... Ishkur, Inanna, and ... ... ... Ur-Ninurta, the heart of Ninlil, Ishkur ... Its geshgigal. Lord, holy An, holy heaven and earth, holy people, father Ishkur, holy heaven and earth, holy people,

    Ur-Ninurta, may there be abundance for him. The head ... is its urub.

    P480135: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan nita kal-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4 u4 nibru([ki]) [iri ki-ag2 (d])en#-lil2#-la2 gu2#-bi mu-un-du8

    AI Translation

    Ishme-Dagan, the mighty man, king of Isin and king of the four world quarters, when Nippur, the beloved city of Enlil, he built,

    Column 2


    erin2-bi kaskal-ta ba-ra-an-zi-ga-a bad3-gal i3-si-in(ki)-na mu-un-du3 bad3-ba [(d)isz]-me-(d)da-gan (d)en-lil2-da a2-an-gal mu-bi-im

    AI Translation

    Its troops from the campaign were sacked, the great wall of Isin he built, and that wall Ishme-Dagan, with Enlil, the Angal, is its name.

    P480136: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(asz)# gu2# siki
  • ki a-a#-kal#-[la?-ta?] [kiszib3] szesz-kal-[la] x? x _un_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 5 talents of wool,
  • from Ayakalla?, under seal of Sheshkalla .



    mu us2-sa bad3# mar-tu# ba-du3 mu# us2#-[sa-bi]

    AI Translation

    year following: "The Amorite wall was erected," year following that.

    Seal 1


    szesz-kal-[la] dub-[sar] [...]

    AI Translation

    Sheshkalla, scribe .

    P480137: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) [...] x
  • [...] x 2(disz)-ta ki? [...] 4(ban2)-ta kiszib3 lugal-nir#

    AI Translation
  • 3 mana wool for ...,
  • ... 2 ban2 ..., under seal of Lugal-nir;



    iti diri mu na-ru2-a mah ba-du3

    AI Translation

    extra month, year: "The great stele was erected."

    Seal 1


    lugal-[nir] dub-[sar] dumu ur-(d)[szara2] sza13-dub-ba-[ka]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-nir, scribe, son of Ur-Shara, chief accountant.

    P480146: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su# ur-sag kal-ga# (d)en-lil2-la2-ra# gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3# e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen)-babbar2-ra#-[ni] mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4#

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P480148: letter tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    a-a-kal-la-ra u3-na-a-du11

  • 3(disz) ma-na szim#
  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) ga-sze-a?
  • 1(asz) kasz dida
  • 2(u) u2#
  • AI Translation

    he will tell to Ayakalla;

  • 3 minas of aromatics,
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 .
  • 1 gur of dida beer,
  • 20 plants,
  • Reverse


    (u2)|_u-en_| _ka#_? ne-ne-gar? nig2-dab5 ur-(d)x-[...] lu2-ur3-ra he2-na-ab-szum2-mu? na-mi-gur-re

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... may Ur-... give to Lu-ur. May he return to him.

    P480149: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-[a] ensi2# lagasz(ki)-[ke4] nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen#)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P480150: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan nita kal-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4 u4 nibru(ki) iri ki-ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 gu2-bi mu-un-du8

    AI Translation

    Ishme-Dagan, the mighty man, king of Isin and king of the four world quarters, when Nippur, the beloved city of Enlil, he built,

    Column 2


    erin2-bi kaskal-ta ba-ra-an-zi-ga-a bad3-gal i3-si-in(ki)-na mu-un-du3 bad3-ba (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan (d)en-lil2-da a2-an-gal mu-bi-im

    AI Translation

    Its troops from the campaign were sacked, the great wall of Isin he built, and that wall Ishme-Dagan and Enlil named it A'angal.

    P480153: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) [x] x ninda
  • [...] x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 ... bread,
  • Reverse


    in-ku4-ra-[a] giri3 zu?-zu-gal? sanga zi-ga iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu [...]

    AI Translation

    inkubar via Zuzugal?, the temple manager; booked out; month: "Harvest," year: "... ."

    P480155: royal-monumental brick

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni ur-(d)nin-gir2-su ensi2 lagasz(ki) dumu gu3-de2-a

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Ur-Ningirsu, ruler of Lagash, son of Gudea,

    Column 2


    ensi2# lagasz#(ki)-ka lu2# e2-ninnu (d)nin-gir2-su-ka in-du3-a-ke4 gi-gun4 ki-ag2-ga2-ni szim erin-na mu-na-ni-du3

    AI Translation

    ruler of Lagash, the man who the Eninnu of Ningirsu built, his beloved reed-box he built for him.

    P480156: royal-monumental brick

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    lugal-a-ni ur-(d)nin-gir2-su ensi2 lagasz(ki) dumu gu3-de2-a

    AI Translation

    his master, Ur-Ningirsu, ruler of Lagash, son of Gudea.

    Column 2


    (d)nin-[gir2-su-ka] in-du3-a-ke4 gi-gun4 ki-ag2-ga2-ni szim erin-na mu-na-ni-du3

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu he built it anew. His beloved reed-base he built for him with cedar resin.

    P480168: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan nita kal-ga lugal i3-si-in(ki)-na lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba-ke4 u4 nibru([ki]) iri ki-ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 gu2-bi mu-un-du8

    AI Translation

    Ishme-Dagan, the mighty man, king of Isin and king of the four world quarters, when Nippur, the beloved city of Enlil, he built it this wall.

    Column 2


    erin2-bi kaskal-ta ba-ra-an-zi-ga-a bad3-gal i3-si-in(ki)-na mu#-un#-du3 bad3#-ba [(d)isz]-me#-(d)da-gan [(d)]en#-lil2-da a2#-an#-gal# mu#-bi#-im#

    AI Translation

    Its troops from the campaign were seized, the great wall of Isin he built, and that wall Ishme-Dagan, with Enlil, the great a-angal he named it.

    P480172: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    x _nig2_ x u2-gu de2-a ki a-a-kal-la-ta ur-sukkal lugal e-lu2-a? u3 e2-diri-ki-du10

    AI Translation

    ... ... from Ayakalla did Ur-sukkal, the king, go up? and Ediri-kidu



    su-su-dam mu ne-ne-sze3 kiszib3 giri3-(d)szara2-i3-dab5 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    to be delivered; for the next year, under seal of Giri-Shara-idab; month: "Harvest," year after: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    giri3-(d)szara2-i3-dab5 dumu lugal-nir-gal2

    AI Translation

    Giri-Shara-idab, son of Lugal-nirgal.

    P480173: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(ban2) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 kasz [saga]
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • 1(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 kasz _ab_
  • u4? 2(u)-kam [n] kasz saga [n] sila3 kasz du

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 2 1/2 sila3 fine beer,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • 1 ban2 1 sila3 ... beer,
  • 20th day; n fine beer n sila3 regular beer;

    P480176: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    szuku a-da-lal3

  • 1/2(disz) szuku ur-gu-[la]
  • szuku hu-wa-wa szuku ur-(d)dumu-zi-da

    AI Translation

    ration of Adalal;

  • 1/2 workman: Ur-gula,
  • ration of Huwawa; ration of Ur-Dumuzida;



    _gan2_? uru(ki) lu2 x x x lugal-ku3-zu nu-banda3 apin#?-la2-sze3? in#?-x x mu lugal [...]

    AI Translation

    ... of the city ... Lugal-kuzu, the overseer, to the plow ... year: "The king .

    Seal 1


    a-da-lal3 dumu _sza3_?-x

    AI Translation

    Adalal, son of .

    Seal 2


    hu-wa-wa dumu _an_-gu-da

    AI Translation

    Huwawa, son of Ilum-guda.

    Seal 3


    ur-(d)(dumu)-zi-da#? dumu szesz-kal-la

    AI Translation

    Ur-Dumuzida, son of Sheshkalla.

    Seal 4


    ur-gu-la dumu la-la

    AI Translation

    Ur-gula, son of Lala.

    P480180: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) 3(ban2) sze x
  • ha-ba-zi-in ki# nu-banda3 gu4-[ke4]-ne#-[ta] giri3 lugal-ku3#-[zu]

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig 3 ban2 ... barley,
  • Habazin, from the overseer of the oxen, via Lugal-kuzu;



    kiszib3 (d)szara2-za-[me] mu us2-sa# en#-[unu6]-gal ba-[hun]

    AI Translation

    under seal of Shara-zame; year following: "Enunugal was installed."

    Seal 1


    (d)szara2#-[za-me] [...]

    AI Translation

    Sharazame ...

    P480185: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] 4(disz) gurusz u4 8(disz)-sze3 mar-sa-a gub-ba ugula e2-a-lu-bi kiszib3 lugal-he2-gal2

    AI Translation

    n+4 workdays, male laborers stationed on the barge, foreman: Ea-lubi, under seal of Lugal-hegal;



    mu# sza-szu2-ru-um[(ki)] ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu ur-nigar(gar)

    AI Translation

    Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of Ur-nigar.

    P480190: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    en-e kur lu2 ti-la-sze3 gesztu2-ga-ni na-an-gub en (d)gilgames2-e kur lu2 ti-la-sze3 gesztu2-ga-ni na-an-gub arad-da-ni en-ki-du10-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e en-ki-du10 murgu gurusz-e ti-la sag ti-le-bi-sze3 la-ba-ra-an-e3-a kur-ra ga-an-ku4 mu-gu10 ga-am3-gar ki mu gub-bu-ba-am3 mu-gu10 ga-bi2-ib-gub ki mu nu-gub-bu-ba-am3 mu dingir-re-e-ne ga-bi2-ib-gub arad-da-ni en-ki-du10-e inim mu-un-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 tukum-bi u4-da kur-ra i-ni-in-ku4-ku4-de3 (d)utu he2-me-da-an-zu

    kur-(gesz)erin-ku5-sze3 i-ni-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en (d)utu szul (d)utu he2-me-da-an-zu kur-ra dim2-ma-bi (d)utu-kam kur-(gesz)erin-ku5 dim2-ma-bi szul (d)utu-kam (d)utu he2-me-da-an-zu (d)gilgames2-e masz2 babbar2-ra szu im-mi-in-tag masz2 su4 masz2-da-ri-a gaba-na i-im-tab masz2 su4-a masz2 babbar [...] masz2 sza3 tam? ma-an-dab szu-ni gidru ku3 giri17-na ba-da-an-gal2 (d)utu an-na-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e (d)utu kur-sze3 i-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en a2-tah-gu10 he2-me-en

    kur-(gesz)erin-ku5-sze3 i-in-ku4-ku4-de3-en a2-tah-gu10 he2-me-en (d)utu an-na-ta inim mu-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 gurusz dumu-gi7 ni2-zu-a he2-me-en kur-ra a-na-bi-me-en (d)utu inim ga-ra-ab-du11 inim-gu10-usz gesztu2-zu silim ga-ra-ab-du11 gizzal he2-em-szi-ak iri(ki)-ga2 lu2 ba-usz2 sza3 ba-sag3 lu2 u2-gu ba-an-de2 sza3-gu10 ba-an-gig bad3-da gu2-ga2 im-ma-an-la2 ad6 a-a ib2-dirig-ge igi im-ma-an-se3 u3 ge26-e ur5-gin7 nam-ba-ak-e ur5-sze3 he2-me-a lu2 sukux(_sukud_)-ra2 an-sze3 nu-mu-un-da-la2

    lu2 dagal-la kur-ra la-ba-an-szu2-szu2 murgu gurusz-e ti-la sag ti-le-bi-sze3 la-ba-ra-an-e3-a kur-ra ga-an-ku4 mu-gu10 ga-am3-gar ki mu gub-bu-ba-am3 mu-gu10 ga-bi2-ib-gub ki mu nu-gub-bu-ba-am3 mu dingir-re-e-ne ga-bi2-ib-gub (d)utu er2-na kadra-gin7 szu ba-an-szi-in-ti lu2 arhusz-a-gin7 arhusz ba-ni-in-ak ur-sag dumu ama dili-me-esz 7(disz)-me-esz

  • 1(disz)-am3 szesz-gal-bi szu pirig-ga2 umbin hu-ri2-in-na
  • 2(disz)-kam-ma musz-sza3-tur3 ka x x _ku_ szu _usz_
  • 3(disz)-kam-ma musz uszum-gal musz [...] x _ru_
  • 4(disz)-kam-ma izi sze6-sze6 x x ku4-ra
  • 5(disz)-kam-ma musz-sag-kal sza3 gi4-a ub _ka_ x
  • 6(disz)-kam-ma a-ge6 du7-du7-gin7 kur-ra gaba ra-ra
  • 7(disz)-kam-ma [...] nim-gin7 i3-gir2-gir2-re lu2 nu-da-gur-de3
  • x x [...] x x x x [...]

  • 7(disz) dili-dili [...] ki x x mu? [...]
  • x x e ki x x x x x [...] [...] [...] x hu-mu-ni-in-x-x [...] x x x nam-lugal x _ud_ e e11-de3 [...] (d?)nisaba-ke4 im-ma-ra-an-tah [...]-la-me-esz ki-a har-ra-an-na zu-me-esz [...] har-ra-an-na hu-mu-ni-in-pa3-de3 ma2-ur3-ma2-ur3 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 hu-mu-ni-in-tum2-tum2-mu

  • 7(disz)-bi-e-ne ur-sag szul (d)utu (d)gilgames2-ra mu-un-na-ra-an-szum2
  • ur-sag szul (d)utu en (d)gilgames2 7(disz)-be2-e-ne mu-na-ra-an-szum2 (gesz)erin sag3-ge hul2-la-gin7 im-ma-na-ni-ib2-gar en (d)gilgames2-e hul2-la-gin7 im-ma-na-ni-ib2-gar iri(ki)-na lu2 dili-gin7 si gu3 ba-ni-in-ra lu2 2(disz) tab-ba-gin7 ka tesz2 ba-ni-in-ra e2 tuku e2-a-ni-sze3 ama tuku ama-a-ni-sze3 nita (sag-dili)|_usz-me-esz_|(sag-di-lu-u2) ge26-e-gin7 ak a2-gu10-sze3 hu-mu-un-ak e2 tuku e2-a-ni-sze3 ama tuku ama-a-ni-sze3 nita sag-dili e-ne-gin7 ak 5(u)-am3 a2-ni-sze3 ba-an-ak-esz

    e2 simug-sze3 giri3-ni bi2-in-gub _usz-ta-ka-asz-[...]_ (uruda)a2-asz-gar (uruda)aga-silig a2 nam-ur-sag-ni im-ma-ni-de2-de2 (gesz)kiri6 ge6-edin-na giri3-ni bi2-in-gub (gesz)esi (gesz)ha-lu-ub2 (gesz)haszhur (gesz)taskarin-na-ka im-ma-ni-sag3-sag3 dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3 [...] ur-sag dumu ama dili [...]

  • 1(disz)-am3 szesz-gal-bi szu pirig-ga2 umbin hu-ri2-in(muszen)-na
  • ma2-ur3-ma2-ur3 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 hu-mu-ni-in-tum2-tum2-mu hur-sag 1(disz)-kam-ma in-di3-bala-lam (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 2(disz)-kam bi-ri-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-a-ni nu-mu-un-na-szub hur-sag 3(disz)-kam bi-ri-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-a-ni nu-mu-un-na-szub hur-sag 4(disz)-kam bi-ri-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-a-ni nu-mu-un-na-szub hur-sag 5(disz)-kam bi-ri-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-a-ni nu-mu-un-na-szub hur-sag 6(disz)-kam bi-ri-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-a-ni nu-mu-un-na-szub

    hur-sag 3(disz)-kam-ma im-te-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 4(disz)-kam-ma im-te-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 5(disz)-kam-ma im-te-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 6(disz)-kam-ma im-te-bala (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni nu-mu-ni-in-pa3 hur-sag 7(disz)-kam-ma bala-e-da-bi (gesz)erin sza3-ga-ni mu-ni-in-pa3 en3 nu-un-tar ki nu-un-kin (d)gilgames2 (gesz)erin-na al-sag3-ge en-ki-du10 pa-bi i3-ku5-ru _ne_ [...] ki _tum_ x x (d)gilgames2-sze3 [...]

    en-ki-du10 (gesz)pa-bi [...] dumu iri-na mu-[...] [...]-ra en-ki-du10 [...] gu-ru-ma [...] x x-ma im-ma-gub hu-wa-wa [...] ni2 te-[...] mu-na-ra-an-la2 en-ki-du10 gesz mu-na-an-ku5 dumu nu-mu-su-e mu-un-de3-re-esz2 gu2-ru-ma im-ma-ga2-ga2-ne _ka_ [...] x _ka_ [...]-bi-a (d)gilgamesx(|_bil4-mesz3-ga_|) (d)hu-wa-wa ki-nu2-a-ni im-ma-hu-luh-ha ni2 ta-ni x-mu-ra-e3-a (d)gilgames2 [...] x u3-sa2-gin7 ba-an-dab5 [...] kur-ku-gin7 ba-an-gar dumu iri(ki)-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3

    ur-gi7 tur-tur-gin7 giri3-ni-sze3 szu ba-an-dub2-dub2-me-esz en-ki-du10 im-zi ma2-mu2-da in-bu-luh u3-sa2-ga-am3 igi-ni szu bi2-in-gur10 nig2-me-gar sug4-ga-am3 szu mu-un-tag-ge nu-mu-un-na-an-zi-zi-i gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e inim nu-mu-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 i3-nu2-na i3-nu2-na (d)gilgames2 en tur kul-ab(ki)-a en3-sze3 i3-nu2-de3-en kur ba-an-suh3-suh3 gissu ba-an-la2 an-usan sze-er-sze-er-bi im-ma-_du_ (d)utu ur2 ama-ni (d)nin-gal-sze3 sag il2-la mu-un-gen (d)gilgames2 en-sze3 i3-nu2-de3-en

    ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ka nam-ba-e-de3-gub-bu-ne ama ugu-bi tilla2 iri(ki)-za-ka esz2 nam-bi2-ib-sar-re gesztu2 zi-da-na ba-e-se3 inim nam-ur-sag-ga2-ka-ni tug2-gin7 mu-ni-in-dul tug2 3(u) gin2 i3-a szu mu-un-nigin2-nigin2 gaba-na gu4-gin7 ki gal-la ba-e-gub gu2 ki-sze3 bi2-in-gar _ka_ ba-an-da-se3 zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da du10-ub ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka u3-sa2 du11-ga-gin7 ha-ma-dim2-ma

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 in-ga-nam-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da en-na lu2-bi lu2-u18-lu he2-a im-ma-zu-a-a-asz dingir he2-a im-ma-zu-a-asz giri3 kur-sze3 gub-ba-gu10 iri(ki)-sze3 ba-ra-gub-be2-en arad zi ba-an-du10 nam-ti ba-an-ku7-ku7 lugal-a-ni-ir inim mu-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 lugal-gu10 za-e lu2-ba igi nu-mu-ni-in-du8-a sza3 nu-mu-ni-dab5-be2-en ge26-e lu2-ba igi mu-ni-du8-a sza3 mu-ni-dab5-be2-en ur-sag ka-ka-ni ka uszumgal-la-kam igi-ni igi pirig-ga2-kam |_gisz-gab_|-a-ni a-ge6 du7-du7-dam

    sag-ki-ni gesz-gi bi2-gu7-a lu2 nu-mu-da-te-ge26-e-dam usz11-da-a ur-mah lu2 gu7-a usz2 nu-ra-gid2-de3 [...] _masz usz_-am3 [...] ur-mah ad6 gu7 usz2-am3 nu-ra-gid2-de3 [...] gu7 [...] [...] lugal _ka_ na [...] [...] x x _ka_ [...] lugal-gu10 za-e kur-sze3 u5-a ge26-e iri(ki)-sze3 ga-u5 ama-zu-ur2 i3-ti-zu ga-na-ab-du11 zu2-zu2 he2-li9-li9 egir-ra ba-usz2-zu ga-na-ab-du11 er2-zu he2-sze8-sze8 [...] mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 gar-ra en-ki-du10 lu2 2(disz)-e nu-usz2-e (gesz)ma2-da-la2 nu-su-su

    bad3-da a lu2 nu-szu2-szu2 e2 gi-sig-ga izi nu-te-en-te-en za-e ge26-e tah-ma-ab ge26-e za-e ga-ra-ab-tah a-na-me lu2 ba-an-tum3 ba-su-a-ba ba-su-a-ba u4 (gesz)ma2 ma2-gan(ki) ba-su-a-ba (gesz)ma2-gur8 (gesz)ma2-gi4-lum ba-su-a-ba (gesz)ma2-da-la2 (gesz)ma2 zi-sza3-gal2-la-ka sza3 gal2-la i3-in-dab5 ga2-nam-ma ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en igi hu-mu-ni-ib-du8-ru-en-de3-en tukum-bi in-szi-re7-en-de3-en ni2 i3-gal2 ni2 i3-gal2 gi4-a umun2 i3-gal2 umun2 i3-gal2 gi4-a nig2 sza3-zu ga2-nam-ma ga-an-szi-re7-en-de3-en

    nita 6(u) ninda la-ba-te-ge26-e-da-asz hu-wa-wa e2 (gesz)erin-na-ka-ni in-ga-an-dab5 igi mu-szi-in-bar igi usz2-a-kam sag mu-un-na-an-bul-bul sag nam-tag-ga sug4-ga-am3 gu3 mu-un-na-de2-a inim nam-ma-su3-su3-u4 gurusz ba-da-me-en-na iri(ki) ama tu-da-zu nu-ub-szi-in-gur-ru-de3? (d)gilgames2 sa-na giri3-na ni2 ba-an-ri ni2 te-a-ni ba-an-ri giri3-ni ki-a li-bi2-in-de3-gi4 giri3 umbin gal-a-ni giri3 x ba-an-us2 za3-na _nu11_-na ba-ni-ri? i3-a lum-lum u3-luh-ha su3-su3 dumu-gi7 giri17-zal dingir-re-e-ne

    gu4 lipisz-tuku me3-a gub-ba ama-zu dumu tu-da mah-bi in-ga-an-zu emeda-ga-la2-zu dumu ur2-ra ga gu7 mah-bi in-ga-an-zu ni2 na-an-te-ge26-e-en szu ki-a se3-bi2-ib szu ki-a bi2-in-se3 inim mu-na-ab-be2 zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 en-me-bara2-ge4-e-si nin9 gal-gu10 nam-dam-sze3 kur-ra hu-mu-ra-ni-ku4-ra

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 in-ga-na-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 ma-tur nin9 ban3-da-gu10 nam-lukur-sze3 kur-ra hu-mu-ra-ni-ku4-ra-am3 ni2-zu ba-am3-ma-ra su-za ga-an-ku4 ni2 te-a-ni 1(disz)-am3 mu-na-ra-an-ba dumu iri(ki) mu-un-de3-re7-esz-a pa-bi i3-ku5-ru-ne zu2 ba-an-kesz2-re-ne ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ka mu-ni-ib-nu2-u3-ne

  • 2(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 in-ga-nam-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 [...] kur-ra hu-mu-ra-ni-du-en su-zu-a nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-de3-en ni2-zu ba-am3-ma-ra su-zu-am3 ga-an-ku4 ni2 te-a-ni 2(disz)-kam-ma mu-na-ra-an-ba dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3 pa-bi i3-ku5-ru-ne zu2 bi-kesz2-re-ne ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu-ni-ib-nu2-nu2-e

  • 3(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 in-ga-nam-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-e za he2-zu-am3 zid2-esza nig2-gu7 dingir gal-gal-e-ne (kusz)ummu a sed4 kur-ra hu-mu-ra-ni-du-en su-zu-a nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-de3-en ni2-zu ba-am3-ma-ra su-zu-am3 ga-an-ku4 ni2 te-a-ni 3(disz)-kam-ma mu-na-ra-an-ba dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3 pa-bi i3-ku5-ru-ne zu2 bi-kesz2-re-ne ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu-ni-ib-nu2-nu2-e

  • 4(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 in-ga-nam-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 giri3 gal-gal-la (kusz)e-sir2 gal-gal-la hu-mu-ra-ni-in-du-en su-zu-am3 nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-de3-en ni2-zu ba-am3-ma-ra su-zu-am3 ga-an-ku4 ni2 te-a-ni 4(disz)-kam-ma mu-na-ra-an-ba dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-am3 pa-bi i3-ku5-ru-ne zu2 bi-kesz2-re-ne ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu-ni-nu2-nu2-e

  • 5(disz)-kam-ma in-ga-nam-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 giri3 tur-tur-zu-usz (kusz)e-sir2 tur-tur-e kur-ra hu-mu-ra-ni-in-du-en su-zu-am3 nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-de3-en ni2-zu ba-am3-ma-ra su-zu-am3 ga-an-ku4 ni2 te-a-ni 5(disz)-kam-ma mu-na-ra-an-ba dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-a pa-bi i-ku5-ru-ne zu2 bi-kesz2-re-ne ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu-ni-ib-nu2-nu2-e

  • 6(disz)-kam-ma-sze3 in-ga-nam-mu-na-ab-be2
  • zi ama ugu-gu10 (d)nin-sumun2-ka a-a-gu10 ku3 (d)lugal-ban3-da kur-ra tusz-a-zu ba-ra-zu kur-ra tusz-a-zu he2-zu-am3 (na4)du8-szi-a (na4)nir7 (na4)za-gin3-na nam kur-ra-sze3 hu-mu-ra-ni-in-du-en su-zu-am3 nu-mu-ra-te-ge26-de3-en ni2-zu ba-am3-ma-ra su-zu-am3 ga-an-ku4 ni2 te-a-ni 6(disz)-kam-ma mu-na-ra-an-ba dumu iri-na mu-un-de3-re7-esz-a pa-bi i-ku5-ru-ne zu2 bi-kesz2-re-ne ur2 hur-sag-ga2-ke4 mu-ni-ib-nu2-nu2-e ni2 te-a-ni 7(disz)-kam-ma mu-un-na-til-la-ta da-ga-na ba-te

    musz gar3 gesztin-na-gin7 murgu-na im-ta-du-du ne mu-un-su-ub-ba-gin7 te-na tibir-ra ba-ni-in-ra hu-wa-wa zu2 ba-an-da-zalag hu-wa-wa (d)gilgames2-ra gu3 [...]-e ur-sag lul se3-se3-ge [...]

  • 2(disz)-na-ne-ne-bi mah ka [...] ugu-na [...]
  • ur-sag da-gan2-ni-ta [...] tusz-a mu-na-ab-be2 hu-wa-wa da-gan2-ni-ta mu?-[...] tusz-a mu-na-ab-be2 ur-sag-e dur2 im-ma-gar er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 hu-wa-wa dur2 im-ma-gar er2 im-ma-an-pa3 szex(_sig7_)-szex(_sig7_) i3-ga2-ga2 hu-wa-wa (d)gilgames2-ra sza3-ne-sza4 ka [...] am dab5-ba-gin7 saman bi2-in-szub gurusz dab5-ba-gin7 a2-ni mu-un-la2-la2 (d)hu-wa-wa er2 im-ma-pa3 x [...] a gur (d)gilgames2 szu ba-am3-tuk4 (d)utu-ra inim ga-mu-na-ab-du11

    (d)utu ama tu-da-gu10 nu-um-zu a-a bulug3-ga2-gu10 nu-um-zu kur-ra mu-un-tu-de3-en za-e mu-un-bulug3-e (d)gilgames2 zi an-na ma-an-pa3 zi ki-a ma-an-pa3 zi kur-ra ma-an-pa3 szu-sze3 mu-un-dab5 ki za nam-ba-an-tum3 u4-ba (d)gilgames2 dumu-gi7-ra sza3-ga-ni arhusz ba-ni-in-tuku arad-da-ni en-ki-du10-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e en-ki-du10 muszen dab5-ba ki-bi-sze3 ha-ba-du gurusz dab5-ba ur2 ama-na-sze3 he2-gi4-gi4 en-ki-du10-e (d)gilgames2-ra inim mu-un-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 i3-a lum-lum u3-luh-ha su3-su3

    dumu-gi7 giri17-zal dingir-re-e-ne gu4 lipisz-tuku me3-a gub-be2 en tur (d)gilgames2 unu(ki) mi2 du11-ga ama-zu dumu u3-tu mah-bi in-ga-an-zu emeda-ga-la2-zu dumu ga gu7 mah-bi in-ga-an-zu sukux(_sukud_)-ra2 dim2-ma nu-tuku nam-tar i3-gu7-e nam-tar nu-ub-zu-zu muszen dab5-ba ki-bi-sze3 du-a-bi gurusz dab5-ba ur2 ama-na-sze3 gi4-gi4-dam za-e iri ama tu-da-zu nu-ub-szi-gur-ru-de3-en ur-sag dab5-ba szu bar-ra en dab5-ba ge6-par3-ra [...] gudug dab5-ba hi-li-sze3 gur-ra u4 ul-le2-a-ta [...] x gal mu?-un-[...]

    [...] mu-un-[...] [...] du11-ga-ni-sze3 gesztu2-ga-ni [...] hu-wa-wa en-ki-du10-ra gu3 mu-un-na-de2-e ga2-ra en-ki-du10 inim lu2 hun-ga2 sza3-gal im-ma-hun egir gaba-ri us2-sa inim mu-na-ab-hul-hul [...] _ka_ mu-na-[...] [...] ni2-zu ba-szi-[...] ur5-gin7 hu-mu-na-ab-be2-a-ka (d)en-ki-du10 ib2-ba lipisz bala-a-ni gu2-ni im-ma-an-ku5 gu2-ni im-ma-an-ku5-re-esz sza3 (kusz)a-ga2-la2-sze3 mu-un-da-gar igi (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 i-ni-in-ku4-re-esz igi (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 giri17 ki su-ub-ba-ni-ta

    (tug2)a-ga2-la2 bi2-in-szub sag-du-ni bi2-in-e3-de3 igi (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 im-ma-ni-in-gar-re-esz (d)en-lil2-le sag-du (d)hu-wa-wa igi ba-ni-in-du8-a inim (d)gilgames2 sza3 bi2-in-dab5 igi (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-le im-ma-an-tum2-me-esz (d)en-lil2 ba-te-a-ni a-ab-ta ba-ra-e3 u3 (d)nin-lil2 _di ka_ ba? ba-ra-e3 u4 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2 im-ma-an-gur-ru-da-ni a-na-asz-am3 ur5-gin7 i3-ak-en-ze2-en x x x-am3 i3-ak-en-ze2-en x x ba-du11-ga-ke4-esz mu-ni ki-ta ha-lam-ke4-esz igi-zu-ne-ne-a he2-en-tusz

    x x x ha-ba-e3 he2-en-tusz [...] x x _igi_ x [...] ninda gu7-zu-ne-ne-a he2-gu7-e a nag-zu-ne-ne-a he2-na8-na8 x-zu-e-ne-ka me-te-asz he2-im-mi-gal2 (d)hu-wa-wa e-ne me-te [...] (d)en-lil2 ki-tusz-a-ni-ta me-lam2 an-na-ni mu-na-x x-ba me-lam2-a-ni 2(disz)-kam-ma i7-da-sze3 ba-an-szum2 me-lam2-a-ni 3(disz)-kam-ma gesz-gi-sze3 ba-an-szum2 me-lam2-a-ni 4(disz)-kam-ma ur-mah-sze3 ba-an-szum2 me-lam2-a-ni 5(disz)-kam-ma e2-gal-sze3 ba-an-szum2 me-lam2-a-ni 6(disz)-kam-ma tir-tir-sze3 ba-an-szum2

    me-lam2-a-ni 7(disz)-kam-ma (d)nun-gal-sze3 ba-an-szum2 [...]-ma ni2 te-a-ni ba-an-ti ib2-tak4 me-lam2-ma x (d)gilgames2 x x _du ab_ da _du_ x x kal-ga (d)gilgames2 mi2 du11-ga (d)nisaba za3-mi2 (d)hu-wa-wa [...] mi2 du11-ga en-ki-du10 za3-mi2 [...]

    AI Translation

    The lord stood in the land of the man who lives, his ears were heard. The lord Gilgamesh stood in the land of the man who lives, his ears were heard. His servant Enkidu spoke to him: "Enkidu, the slander of the young man, he has not come back to his life." I will enter the land, I will place my name there, I will place my name there, I will place my name there, I will place my name there, I will not place my name there, I will say "the gods." His servant Enkidu has said to him: "My king, if he comes to the land, may Utu listen to you."

    He entered the cedar-trees. Utu, may the happiness of Utu be present in all the lands. Utu, may the happiness of the cedar-trees be present in all the lands. Utu, may the happiness of Utu be present in all the lands. Gilgamesh shook the white goat and shook the white goat on his breast. The white goat and suckling goat ..., the white goat and suckling goat ..., he shook his hands. The holy gidru he sat on his feet. Utu shook An, Utu shook the white goat and suckling goat. I am my hero.

    I am a satrap, I am my hero Utu, he has spoken to An. I am a young man, you are a child. I am a man of the netherworld. I am Utu, I will speak to you. I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will speak to you, I will be a satrap. In my city, a man was killed, a man was seized, my heart was afflicted, my heart was afflicted, I was a satrap, I was a satrap, I was a satrap, and like a satrap, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a sukku priest, I was not a

    The broad man has not been able to enter the netherworld The young man has not been able to enter the netherworld My name I shall set up, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, I shall stand there, Utu, like a kadra, I shall stand there like a rho, warrior, the seven sons of the mother

  • 1 brother, hand of the pirig, the harp,
  • 2nd, Mushshatur .
  • 3rd ..., a snake, a snake .
  • The 4th, fire for the ... entered.
  • 5th tablet of Mushsaggal, in the reed-bed .
  • The 6th, like a storm sweeping through the mountain,
  • 7th ... like lightning he screams, and no one will return.
  • 7 singles ... .
  • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kingship ... to the horizon ... Nisaba he smote ...

  • They gave to him seven heroes, the youth Utu and Gilgamesh,
  • The hero, the youth Utu, gave to the lord Gilgamesh seven times. He placed the cedars in the lap of happiness, and he placed the lord Gilgamesh in the lap of happiness. In his city, like a single man, he roared loudly, like a two-headed man, he roared loudly. The house, his father, his mother, his mother, the man with the head in his hand, like a sagdilu-bird, he sat down like a sagdilu-bird, and he sat down like a sagdilu-bird, and he sat down like a sagdilu-bird, and he sat down like a sagdilu-bird,

    He sat on his feet in the smith's house, ..., he ... a bronze axe and a bronze agasilig axe, he commanded his heroism. He sat on his feet in the orchard of the steppe, he sat on ebony, halub, hashhur, and tin, and he made the citizens of his city bow down. Hero, the child of the single mother, .

  • 1 brother, hand of the pirig, the thigh of the hurin,
  • The boat of the mountain range has brought me to the first mountain range. He did not cut down his heart of cedar, but he did cut down his heart of cedar. The second mountain range he crossed, his cedar did not cut down, the third mountain range he crossed, his cedar did not cut down, the fourth mountain range he crossed, his cedar did not cut down, the fifth mountain range he crossed, his cedar did not cut down, the sixth mountain range he crossed, his cedar did not cut down,

    The 3rd mountain range he crossed, but the cedars were not in his heart. The 4th mountain range he crossed, but the cedars were not in his heart. The 5th mountain range he crossed, but the cedars were not in his heart. The 6th mountain range he crossed, but the cedars were not in his heart. The 7th mountain range he crossed, but the cedars were not in his heart. He did not heed the place of the bala. Gilgamesh he cut down the cedars. Enkidu ... ... ... Gilgamesh .

    Enkidu, its ..., the son of his city ... Enkidu, ... ... ... ... ... ... he ... to him. Enkidu, he ... ..., and the son of the numusu he ... to him. ... ... Gilgamesh, Huwawa, his residence he ... to him. Gilgamesh, like ..., seized him, like ..., he ... to the mountains, and the son of his city he .

    The small dogs sat on their feet like lions. Enkidu sat on the boat, he sat on the boat. He sat before him, he did not speak a word to him, he did not speak a word to him. He spoke to him, he did not reply, he spoke to him. In his house, in his house, Gilgamesh, the small lord of Kulab, to inquire, he went to inquire. The mountain was smashed, he hung the bed. He sat down in the morning, Utu, his mother, to Ningal he went up to the top of the mountain. Gilgamesh, to inquire,

    The lions of the mountains did not stand there, the mother who was on her own did not write on the daises of your city, she did not have the wisdom to speak, she did not make the words of her heroism sound like a garment. She made her garments of 30 shekels of oil shine. Like a bull, she stood on her breast, she sat on the ground. She sat on the ground. The life of my mother Ninsumun, my holy father Lugalban, is good. My mother Ninsumun, as if it were a supplication,

  • he will give him back to him for the 2nd time.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbanda, may he not be a stranger, may he not be a stranger. May he not be a god. My foot is standing in the netherworld, and I am not going to the city. A true servant has been appointed, and life has been lost. His king has sworn by his word. My king, you have not seen anyone, you have not been seized. You have not been seized. You have not been seized. You have been seized. His hero, his mouth is the mouth of the ushumgal gate. His face is the face of the pirig. His arrow is a storm-doer.

    The one who eats the reeds, the one who does not eat the reeds, the dead one, the lion, the dead one, ... The one who eats the lion, the dead one, the dead one, ... The one who eats the lion, the dead one, the dead one, ... The king, ... ... My king, you are to go to the mountain, to the city, I shall go. Your mother, I shall say to you: "Let your teeth be swollen, let your tears be swollen, let your tears be swollen." Enkidu, two men, cannot go to the boat,

    You are the one who does not let water flow into the wall, you are the one who does not let fire enter into the house of reed-beds. You are the one who is to be sated with water. You are the one who is to be sated with water. You are the one who has been sated with water. When the boat of Magan was sunk, when the boat of a rigil was sunk, when the boat of a sailor was sunk, when the boat of a sailor has been seized, I shall be sated with it. I shall be sated with it. I shall be sated with it. If they are sated with it, I shall be sated with it. I shall be sated with it. I shall be sated with it. I shall be sated with it. I shall be sated with it.

    He has not given a man 60 ninda. He has taken Huwawa away from his house of cedar. He has seen him, he has seen him, he has seen him. He has seen him, he has seen him. He has heard the head of sin, he has spoken to him. He has heard the words of a slandering man. He has not returned the city to its mother. Gilgamesh has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized his big axe, he has seized him, he has seized his forehead, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has seized him, he has

    Your ox, who has a great aura, stands at the battle. Your mother, your son, who has a great suckling, has a great suckling, you have a great suckling, you have a great suckling, you have a fearsomeness. You have sworn by the hand that is on the ground, you have sworn by the hand that is on the ground. My mother, my mother Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbana, you have sat in the netherworld, you have sat in the netherworld. Enmebarage, my great sister, may she enter the netherworld for me.

  • he will bring him for the 2nd time.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbanda, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are a small sister, my lady, who is to be a lukur priestess in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are one who has been able to approach you, the son who has been entrusted to the city, they have been able to eat together, they have been able to eat together, they have been able to eat together in the mountain ranges,

  • he will give him back to him for the 2nd time.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbana, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are not in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, I am in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are in the 2nd lands, you are in the foreign lands, you are the son of the city, you are in the foreign lands, they are in the midst of battle, they are in battle, they are in battle, they are in battle, they are in battle, they are in the mountain ranges,

  • he will give him back to him for the 3rd time.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbana, you sit in the nether world. You sit in the nether world. You are the one who eats the bread of the great gods, you are the one who eats the mud of the nether world. You do not let your own mud come out of the nether world. You are the one who does not let your own mud come out of the nether world. You are the one who has three limbs and has a son who has been brought into his city, they are the one who has been smitten by their faces. They have been smitten by the limbs of the mountains.

  • he will give him for the 4th time.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbana, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the great paths, you are in the great boots, you are not to be sated with them, you are to be sated with them, you are to be sated with them, you are to be sated with them, you are to be sated with them, you are the 4th time, you are to be sated with them, you are the son of his city, they are to be sated with them, they are to be sated with them, they are to be sated with the branches of the mountains,

  • 5th day, he will speak to him.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbana, you are in the netherworld. You are in the netherworld. Your little feet, the small sandals, you are in the netherworld. You are not to be sated with your little feet. You are to be sated with your little feet. I am going to enter. 5th time, when he has been sated, the son of his city he has been smitten. They are smitten with their eyes. They are smitten with the ... of the mountains.

  • he will give him back to him for the 6th time.
  • My mother, Ninsumun, my holy father, Lugalbana, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld, you are in the netherworld. I have smashed dushia and nir stones and lapis lazuli for the fate of the netherworld, but you are not able to make them. You are in the netherworld, but you are in the netherworld. I am the one who has walked about 6 times and has walked about it, the son who has walked about in his city, they are smashed their faces, they are smashed their teeth, they are smashed the roof of the mountains, they are smashed them. The one who has walked about 7 times and has walked about his street,

    Like a snake that has sat on her lap, it has sat on her neck, like a snake that has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on Gilgamesh, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on her neck, it has sat on

  • Their 2 mouths are supreme .
  • The hero, Dagan, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The hero screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, he screamed, Huwawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawwawaw

    Utu, my mother, is not your mother, my father is not your father, I have been smitten in the foreign lands. You have been smitten in the foreign lands. Gilgamesh, the righteous one of heaven, is the righteous one of earth, is the righteous one of the foreign lands. You have been seized in the foreign lands. At that time Gilgamesh, the young man, was angry with him. His servant Enkidu spoke to him. Enkidu, the bird that seized him, may he bring him to that place. The young man who seized him may he return to his mother. Enkidu, Gilgamesh, he has sworn by the words. He has poured out the sulphur and uluhha-sulphur.

    The young children, the sagish ones, the gods, the oxen, the sagish ones, the lord, the small, Gilgamesh, in Uruk, the sagish ones, your mother, the son of the great utu, has seized you, your emedagala, the son of the great ghee has seized you, the vizier who does not have a mind, the fate that he eats, the fate that he does not eat, the fate that he does not eat, the sagish ones, the sagish ones, the one who seized the ground, the one who seized the ground of his mother, you shall not return to your city, your mother has not bowed down. The hero who seized the hand, the lord who seized the gepar, ... who seized the gudug who seized the gipar, who seized the gipar offering, who ... from distant days .

    ... ... ... ... his speech ... he spoke to Enkidu. Enkidu heard the words of a pious man, and he sounded the heart. After the second one he sounded the words, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like a dog he smote Enkidu. His anger, his rage, he smashed, he smashed, he smashed, he smashed, he smashed, he smashed, before Enlil, he smashed, before Enlil, he smashed, from the place of his supplication

    He smashed his agala garment and smashed his head before Enlil. Enlil smashed the head of Huwawa, he smashed it. He smashed the words of Gilgamesh before Enlil and Ninlil. Enlil fled, he went out from the sea, and Ninlil went out. When Enlil and Ninlil returned, he asked: "Why did you ...?" He said: "Why did you ...?" He said: "Why did you ... from the netherworld?" He said: "Let me sit before you."

    ... I shall sit ... ... ... ... their food offerings I shall eat, their water offerings I shall eat, their ... offerings I shall have ..., Huwawa, the one who is ..., Enlil, from his dwelling his aura of An ..., his aura of 2nd grade, to the river, his aura of 3rd grade, to the geshgi, his aura of 4th grade, to the lion, his aura of 5th grade, to the palace, his aura of 6th grade, to the mountain,

    His aura was given to Nungal 7 times, and ... his aura was given to him, he became angry. My aura ... Gilgamesh ... ... mighty Gilgamesh, praise! Nisaba, praise! Huwawa, praise! Enkidu, praise! .

    P480357: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(u) 3(asz) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu a-gar3_ a-szu-qu [...]
  • _2(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)[utu?] x [...] x
  • _1(gesz2) 7(asz) 2(barig) sze gur_ x [...]

  • _2(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) sza a-na (d)utu_ x x [...] x
  • 5(ban2) an-nu-ni-tum 1(barig) isz8-[tar ...]
  • _1(barig) szu-i 2(barig) a2_ u2 szi x tum# sza _sze!(_hi_) iri-sag10? [...]
  • _2(barig) 4(ban2) lu2-sze-il2-il2_ sze-am u2-sza x x? ki iri?
  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) ba-an-nu-ba-lum-i3-li2-szu _lu2-kurun2-na_ a-na x-ti _a2 lu2-hun-ga2!
  • _1(barig) lu2-abul dingir lu2-sze-il2-il2_ sza _sze_ u2-sze-s,a-bu-nim
  • _2(asz) 2(barig) lu2-sze-il2-il2_ sza _in-nu e2_ bu-ga-lu-nim
  • _1(barig) 4(ban2) szu-ku6_ sza _sze_ sza _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2 gan2_ e2!_ isz-ku-nim
  • _2(barig) 4(ban2) lu2-sze-il2-il2_ sza sze-am u2-sza-ar-di-bu-nim
  • 2(barig) szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi _lu2-kurun2-na_ sza a-na _kasz lu2 gala-mesz_
  • 1(barig) be-li2-ia-tum# _lu2-kurun2-na_ ki-ir-ri _(gesz)ma2-hi-a_
  • 2(barig) _arad_-isz8-tar2 _nagar 1(u) 2(asz) 2(barig) sze_ a? sza a2? ki-ki-x-x-u2
  • _4(u) 2(barig) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu_ a-wi-il-(d)iszkur ra-bi si-ik-ka-tim
  • i-na _ki#_ 1(disz) 5(asz) sze gur gesz-_hur__ sza _kasz(+rum) e2 lukur (d)utu_

  • _2(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2)# sze# gur duh u3 zi3 3(asz) 1(barig) sze gur kasz_ sza a-na _lu2-sze-sag11-ku5_
  • _[n] 4(barig) sze gur kasz gesztin_ i-na e2-sag-il2-numun _1(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) sze gur gesz-_hur_

  • _8(asz) sze gur (gesz)(ban2) (d)utu sa10 1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza a-na? szum? a uru2? sar-ku-u2
  • [...] x _2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar lu2-sze-sag11-ku5

  • _4(asz) (gesz)ban2 (d)utu sa10 6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na! _lu2#-kurun2#!-na#_ u2-za-ba-lim
  • _4(u) 2(barig) sze gur_ a-na mah (d)iszkur-ra-bi-si

  • _9(asz) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu i-din-isz8-tar2 _lu2-kurun2-na_
  • _1(u) 4(asz) 3(barig) 2(ban2)? gal?-ukken? 2(asz) 1(barig)_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _su-i_
  • _1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu_

    AI Translation
  • 53 gur of barley, the bow of Shamash, the field ...,
  • 24 gur 2 barig barley, the seah of Shamash ... .
  • 77 gur 2 barig barley ... .

  • 2 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 which for Shamash ... .
  • 5 seahs Annunitum, 1 barig Ishtar .
  • 1 panu of ..., 2 panu of ... of barley of the city .
  • 2 barig 4 ban2: the sheilû-officiant; barley, straw .
  • 2 barig 4 ban2: Bannu-balum-ilishu, the kurunnu, to ..., the labor of the hirelings;
  • 1 barig: the steward of the god and the sheilding-person who brought the barley;
  • 2 gur 2 barig, the porter of the ... of the house of Bugalunu;
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of fish of barley of 1 eshe3 3 iku field, field of the house of Ishkunum;
  • 2 barig 4 ban2: the sheila-officiant who brought the barley;
  • 2 barig, Shumum-libshi, the kurunnu-official who for beer for the galas
  • 1 barig: Beliyatum, the kurunnu, the pier of the boats;
  • 2 barig, Arad-Ishtar, carpenter; 12 gur 2 barig barley, ... of the ...;
  • 40 2 barig of barley, the seah of Shamash, Awil-Addu, the great steward of the kilns;
  • in the area of 15 gur of barley, the design of the beer-house of the naditu-priest of Shamash;

  • 2 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 of barley, bran and flour, 3 gur 1 barig of barley, beer which to the haruspex
  • n gur 4 barig of barley, beer and wine in Esagil-numun; 15 gur 1 barig of barley, .

  • 8 gur of barley, the Shamash-ban2 offering; 10 shekels of silver which for the ... of the city? is the price;
  • ... ... 2 minas of silver, the reed-bearer

  • 4 ban2 of Shamash, sold, 6 shekels of silver to the kuruna-priest he gave.
  • 42 gur of barley in addition to the Adad-rabisi,

  • 9 gur of barley, the seah of Shamash, Iddin-Ishtar, the satrap;
  • 14 gur 3 barig 2 ban2?, ..., 2 gur 1 barig, Adad-manshum, the ...,
  • 98 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 barley, the ban2 of Shamash;


  • _4(u) ([gesz])ban2 (d)utu bala-ri_ (i7)ir-ni-na
  • _3(barig) (gesz)ban2# (d#)utu 2(asz) [n?] 3(barig) 2(ban2)_ sza (d)marduk
  • _3(barig) 2(ban2) (d)x x x x (d)en-ki 2(barig) 2(ban2) (d)ul#-[masz-szi]-tum#
  • _2(barig) 4(ban2) szu-ku6_ sza _e2 kar-hi-a 3(barig)_ _gan2_? x? [x]-sza-tim
  • 2(barig) n _lu2 sze x x?_ [...]-sze-tim
  • _1(barig) (gesz)kiri6 ma2_ [...]
  • _5(asz) 2(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur_ [...]

  • _6(asz) 3(barig) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu_ _pa_ [...]-nu
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) ib-ni-(d#)[...]
  • 2(asz) 2(barig) ib-na-tum# [...]
  • _1(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) lu2_ lugal?-x-[...] _erin2 asz x
  • _6(asz) szuku e2_ sza x [...] x
  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) i-na? _ki? 1(disz)_ 2(barig) [...]
  • 2(barig) sin-u3-isz8-tar# [...]-da
  • 2(u) 7(asz)#? [...]-(d)utu il?-mi-x [...] 2(asz) 3(barig) x [...]-in 2(asz) 3(barig) [...] 1/3(disz)# x [...] _nig2-szu_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 40 bows of Shamash, the bala-ri of the Irnina canal;
  • 3 barig of the sceptre of Shamash, 2 gur ... 3 barig 2 ban2 of Marduk,
  • 3 panu 2 sutu for DN and Enki; 2 panu 2 sutu for Ulmashitu;
  • 2 barig 4 ban2 of fish from the karhu-house, 3 barig field ... .
  • 2 barig ... man ... .
  • 1 barig of orchard .
  • 5 gur 2 barig 2 ban2 barley .

  • 6 gur 3 barig of barley, the seah of Shamash ... .
  • 1 gur 1 barig 4 ban2: Ibni-...;
  • 2 gur 2 barig, Ibnatum ...,
  • 1 gur 1 barig 2 ban2: the man of Lugal-...; the troops of ...;
  • 6 ..., the house of ... .
  • 2 barig 4 ban2 in? the ..., 1 barig .
  • 2 barig, Sin-u-ishtar ...da,
  • 27? ...-shamash ilmi-... 2 gur 3 barig ... 2 gur 3 barig ... 1/3 ... property .

    P480358: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar (na4)kiszib_ babila2(ki)
  • _sza3 ku3-babbar_ i-si-ih-ti e-s,e-di-im sza _iti 2(disz)-kam_ _nig2-szu_ pir-hi-(d)marduk _sza13-dub-ba_ _mu-kux(_du_)_ (disz)ut-la-tum _sanga (d)inanna_ kisz(ki) _iri_ szar-ru-ma-dingir(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 5 shekels of silver, seal of Babylon,
  • of silver, the debts of the second month, the property of Pirhi-Marduk, the scribe, delivery of Utla-tum, priest of the goddess Ishtar of Kish, city of Sharru-ma'dingir,



    [x] x x u [...] x u [...] u _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e bad3-am-mi-s,a-du-qa2(ki) ka (i7)buranun(ki)-ta bi2-in-du3_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... and the month of Dumuzi, the 15th day, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king built Dammi-shaduqa from the mouth of the Euphrates.

    P480359: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _(dug)szagan? i3-gesz_

  • _3(disz) sila3_ (munus)il-ta-ni ((dam))
  • _e2-gi4-a_ t,a3-ab-a-sza-ab-szu

  • _2(disz) sila3_ (munus)be-le-tum _dam_ sin-sze-mi
  • _2(disz) sila3_ la-pi2-isz-tum
  • x [...] x

    AI Translation

    a bowl of oil;

  • 3 sila3 of a woman, Iltani, the wife;
  • The egi'a-priest is his friend.

  • 2 sila3 of the woman Beletum, wife of Sin-shemi;
  • 2 sila3 of lupishtu-beer;
  • Reverse


    _iti du6!-ku3! u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e (uruda)ki-lugal-gub e2-nam_

    AI Translation

    The month of Duku, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king set up a bronze ki-lugal-gub for the temple.

    P480360: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] _1(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur_ _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza nam-har-tim szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im bi-ru-ia-_ni_ a-na _szuku szu-gi-na u3 esz3-esz3-hi-a_ sza _e2 (d)utu zimbir(ki)_ _sza3 szuku iti udru(duru5)_ nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam u3 e-ri-ba-am-isz8-tar2 _dumu-mesz_ ib-ni-(d)marduk

    AI Translation

    n 1 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 of barley, the ration of Marduk of the namhartu-festival, the ration of the mashqû-festival, Biru-iani, for the szuku-offering of the shugina and the esheshu-offering of the temple of Shamash of Sippar, for the szuku-offering of the month of Shabatum, the festival of Sîn-iddinam and Eribam-ishtar, sons of Ibni-Marduk,



    [x]-tum e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi-um _sanga_ (d)a-a _zi-ga_ _sza3_ sze-e _e2 i3-dub e2 (d)utu_ _nig2-szu_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _sukkal i3#-du8_ (disz)(d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _szu-i_ (disz)(d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _ugula dam-gar3_ u3 _sza3-tam-mesz e2 (d)utu_ _iti ne-ne-gar u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e du11-ga mah-a (d)utu lugal-a-ni-ta i7_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 nu-hu-usz-ni-szi

    AI Translation

    ... Etel-pî-nabium, priest of Aya, a ration in the barley-fed house, the storehouse of the house of Shamash, the property of Ibni-Amurtu, the minister, the gatekeeper, Nabû-nashir, the hand of Adad-manshum, the overseer of the merchants, and the shatammu-offerings of the house of Shamash, the month of Addaru, the day 11 of the year Ammi-shaduqa, the king, the great utterances of Shamash, his master, Ammi-shaduqa, wept.

    P480361: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(barig) sze_ i-din-isz8-tar2 _dumu#_ [...]
  • _1(barig) sze_ ib-ni-sin _dumu_ lu2 (d#)x x-szu?
  • _1(barig) sze_ lu2-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ i-din-ki#-nu-nim#!
  • _1(barig) sze_ a-li2-illat-ti
  • _lu2 iri e2-ki-sag(ki)_

  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3_ _arad_-(d)marduk
  • _4(barig) 1(ban2)_ ha-bil-a-hi
  • _lu2 iri sza3-gu4(ki)_

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig of barley: Iddin-Ishtar, son of ...;
  • 1 barig of barley: Ibnisin, son of ...;
  • 1 barig of barley: Lu-Amurrum, son of Iddin-kinunim;
  • 1 barig of barley for Ali-illatti;
  • man of the city of Ekisag

  • 1 ban2 2 sila3: Arad-Marduk;
  • 4 panu 1 sutu of hambilahu-seeds;
  • man of the city of Shagu


  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3_ szu-mu-um-li#-ib-szi
  • a-hi i3-li2-eri-ba-am

  • _1(ban2) sze lu2-muszen_
  • _1(barig) sze 2(ban2) zi3-da_ a-na (d)anzu2(muszen)-ra-bi-i3-li2
  • _3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 sze_ i-de 3(disz) _lu2-mesz_
  • sza sza3 mi di? lu? ud ud x ru is ba-na _1(asz) 1(ban2) 4(disz) sila3! sze-bi_

  • _2(ban2) zi3-da_
  • _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta#-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni zubi#?_

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of shum-libshi;
  • the son of Ili-eribam

  • 1 ban2 of barley for a bird
  • 1 barig of barley and 2 seahs of flour for Anzu-rabi-ili;
  • 3 ban2 6 sila3 of barley, 3 men,
  • of ... ... he will measure out 1 gur 1 ban2 4 sila3 of barley.

  • 2 seahs of flour,
  • The month of Tebetum, the day 10 of the year in which Samsu-ditana the king erected his statue.

    P480362: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) (gesz)ban e2-gal_-la#? [x x]-sze3?
  • _1(u) (uruda)wa-al-wa-al-lu?_
  • _sza3_ u2-nu-tim sza _e2-gal_ sza isz-tu babila2(ki) a-na re-e-szi ku-u2-ul-lim a-na zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum ib-ba-ab-lam il3#-szu-ib-ni-szu _ugula dam-gar#-mesz_ _[di]-ku5#?-mesz_ zimbir(ki) [x?] x x [x?] _[nig2?]-szu? erin2-bi?_ [...] [x] x _dumu_ zimbir(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah of ...,
  • 10 ...-stones;
  • The utensils of the palace which from Babylon to the top of the cult center to Sippar-Yahurrum he brought. Ilshu-ibnishu, the foreman of merchants, judges of Sippar ... ... its goods, its troops ... son of Sippar



    [x] ib-ni-(d)mar-tu# [x?] u3 gi-mil-(d)marduk _dub#-[sar erin2]_ i-na zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru#-[rum] a-na il3-szu-a-bu-szu _ugula gidri_ _erin2_ ia-ah-ru-rum pa-aq-du _iti du6-ku3 u4 8(disz)?-kam_ _mu_ am#-mi-[di-ta-na _lugal-e] kar#-[(d)utu-a(ki)] _gu2 i7 buranun(ki)-ta bad3-da!-a-ni bi2#?-[in-du3-a]_

    AI Translation

    ... Ibni-Amurtu ... and Gimil-Marduk, the scribe of the troops in Sippar-Yahurrum to Ilshu-abushu, the overseer of the chariotry of the troops of Yahurrum, the scout. The month of Duku, the day 8?, the year in which Ammi-ditana, king of Kar-Shamash, from the bank of the Euphrates, his wall he built.

    P480363: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] _1(asz) 3(barig)# 4(ban2) 2(disz) sila3! sze# [gur]_ _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga (d)marduk-ta_ szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im ra-aq#-[qi2-im] a-na _szuku erin2_ ra-ba-bi-i# [...] _nig2-szu_ na-ka-rum _lu2 1(disz)-e 4(ban2) 1(disz) sila3! sze-ta_ sza isz-tu _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ a-na# _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 6(disz)-kam_ ka?-ta#? ((x a-di)) a-na bi-ir-ti hi-ri-tum(ki) il-li#-ku i-na! kar-(d)utu(ki) usz-bu-u2# i-la-ak it-ti (disz)(d)marduk-mu-sza-lim a-bi _erin2_ (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam _gal#-ukken-na_

    (disz)(d)suen-re-me-ni _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ u3 ib#-ni-(d)marduk _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ i-na kar-(d)utu#(ki) sza _gu2_ (i7)buranun usz-bu in-na-ad-nu

    AI Translation

    n 1 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 2 sila3 barley, the ration of Marduk, the ration of the shiteqi-offerings, the rations of the great troops, ... the property of the nakalum-offerings of one man, 4 ban2 1 sila3 barley, which from month "Barazar" of the 16th day to month "Oxen," 6th day, ... to the border of Hiritum went, and in Kar-Shamash he sat, and went with Marduk-mushallim, the father of the troops, Sîn-iddinam, the chief vizier,

    Sîn-remeni, the guarantor, and Ibni-Marduk, the guarantor, in Kar-Shamash on the bank of the Euphrates he erected.



    [x] x x [...] ga#? [...] x sze#-e na-at-ba-ak zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum _nig2-szu#_ il3-szu-ib-ni _ugula dam#-gar3_ (disz)_arad_-i3-li2-szu _di-ku5_ (disz)ib-ni#-i3-li2#-szu _di-ku5_ (disz)il3-szu-ba#-ni _di-ku5_ [(disz)]il3#-szu-ib-ni _di-ku5_ u3# kar# zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum _nig2#-ka9#?_-szu-nu isz-sza-ak-ka-an _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 4(disz)#?-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e asz-me gal-gal-la (na4)du8-szi-a-ke4_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... the barley of the natbak of Sippar-iahrum, the property of Ilshu-ibni, the foreman of the merchant, Arad-ilishu, the judge; Ibni-ilishu, the judge; Ibni-ibni, the judge; and the quay of Sippar-iahrum, their accounts he set aside. The month of Ayyaru, the day 4?, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the great reeds and the tin

    Seal 1


    [...] [...] _ARAD_ am-mi-di-ta-[na]

    AI Translation

    ... ... servant of Ammi-ditana.

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-re-[me-ni] _masz2-szu-gid2-[gid2]_ _dumu#_ (d)za-ba4-ba4-na-s,i-[ir]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-remeni, diviner, son of Zababa-nashir.

    P480364: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(gesz2) 5(u) 8(asz) 5(barig)#? [... sze gur_]
  • _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza#! [nam-har-ti] szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im ra?-aq#?-qi2#? _sza3_ sze-e _gu2-un_ (d)marduk-[la-ma]-sa3-szu a-bi _erin2_ sza _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal#-[e] gesz-gal ku3-sig17-ga me-te#? [x] x [x?] sza a-na re-esz _szuku erin2_-im ku-ul-li-im a-na zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum ib-ba-ab-lam-ma [i]-na na-at-ba-ak zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum isz#-sza-ap-ku nam#-ha-ar-ti (disz)il3-szu-ib-ni (disz)_arad_-i3-li2-szu _di-ku5_ (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur _di-ku5_ (disz)il3-szu-ib-ni# _di#-ku5#_

    (disz)szum-ma-dingir# [_di-ku5_]

    AI Translation
  • 198 gur 5 barig ... barley,
  • The sceptre of Marduk, which is a harû-plant, a musheqû-plant, a raqqû-plant, the heart of barley, the ration of Marduk-lamassashu, the father of the troops of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the gold-plated throne, a ..., which for the first time the troops of the Kullu-men to Sippar-Yahrum he brought, and in the natak of Sippar-Yahrum he smashed. The namhartu-offerings of Illu-ibni, Arad-ilishu, the judge; Ibni-Adad, the judge; Illu-ibni, the judge;

    Shumma-ilu, the judge;



    (disz)(d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _dumu_ (d)suen-[...] (disz)(d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _dumu_ ta-ri#-ba-tum# (disz)ta-ri-bu-sza _dumu_ i-bi-(d)utu (disz)i-din-(d#)nin-szubur _dumu_ (d)suen-na-di-in-(su)-mi (disz)(d)suen-ma#-gir _dumu_ (d)suen-na-di-in-(szu-mi) _di-ku5_ u3 _kar_ zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e gesz-gal ku3-sig17-ga me-te ki-bad-a? u3 alan-a-ni asz hub2 sar-sar-re#-[a] e2-nam-ti-la in-[na-an-ku4-ra]_

    AI Translation

    Sîn-nadin-shumi, son of Sîn-...; Sîn-eribam, son of Taribatum; Taribusha, son of Ibbi-shamash; Iddin-Ninshubur, son of Sîn-nadin-shumi; Sîn-magir, son of Sîn-nadin-shumi, judge and the port of Sippar-iahrum; the month of Kislimum, the day 22 of the year in which Ammi-ditana, the king, the gold-clad throne, the outer wall, and his statue, as a scribal art, he entered the E-namtila.

    P480365: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 7(asz) 1(barig) 3(disz) sila3 [sze gur]_
  • _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza nam-har#-[ti] szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im ra-ak-ii-im# _sza3_ sze-e na-at-ba-ak zimbir(ki)-ia-ah-ru-rum a-na pi2-i t,up-pi2 szar-ri-im sza a-na (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _gal-ukken-na erin2 ka2# e2-gal_ il-li-kam (disz)ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _dub-sar za3-ga_ u3 (d)suen-im-gur-an-ni mu-uz-za-az _ka2_ im-hu-ru-u2-ma a-na _szuku erin2_ bi-ir-ti _sza3-gu4(ki)_ sza _iti sze-sag11-ku5#_ id-di-nu _zi-ga_ _sza3_ sze-e na-at-ba-ak zimbir([ki]) ia-ah-ru-rum

    AI Translation
  • 17 gur 1 barig 3 sila3 barley,
  • The scepter of Marduk, which is the scepter of the harû-festival, the shimheqi-offering of the rakum-offering, the heart of the barley of the natbak of Sippar-Yahrum, according to the tablet of the king, which to Marduk-mushallim the general came, Ibni-Amurru, the scribe, and Sîn-imguranni, the smith, the gate, received, and to the szuku of the troops of the threshing floor of Sha-Agrig, which in the month of Addarum gave, the ration of the heart of the barley of the natbak of Sippar, Yahrum,



    _nig2-szu_ il3-szu-ib-ni _ugula dam#-[gar3]_ (disz)_arad_-i3-li2-szu _di-ku5_ (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur _di-ku5_ (disz)(d)il3-szu-ib-ni _di-ku5_ u3 _sza3!-tam-mesz!_ tap-pi2-szu-nu a-na _nig2-ka9_-szu-nu isz-ta-ak-ka-an# _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 [n-kam]_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta#-[na _lugal-e] en ib2 gu?-[la ki-ag2 (d)utu] ur5-ra ma-da#-[na] ab-ke3-ke3-ke# ba-an-da-ab?-du8-[a]_

    AI Translation

    the property of Ilshu-ibni, overseer of the merchants, Arad-ilishu, judge, Ibni-Adad, judge, Ibni-ibni, judge, and their shatams for their accounts he has deposited. The month of Addarum, the day n, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king, the lord of the great? throne, beloved of Shamash, the debts of his land he has deposited.

    P480366: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(gesz2) 1(u) 8(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 sze gur_
  • _(gesz)ba-ri2-ga_ (d)marduk sza nam-har-ti szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2-im ne?-bar?-_ia_-um a-na _szuku# erin2#_ bi#-ir-ti# _sza3#-gu4#(ki#)_ u3 a-hi-a-tum# sza _iti gan-gan-e3_ nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)gi-mil-(d)marduk _dub-sar erin2#_ u3 (disz)ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _dumu_ (d)marduk-[mu-sza-lim] sza 1(disz) ka-ni-ki-szu-nu

    AI Translation
  • 98 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 6 sila3 barley,
  • a sceptre of Marduk for the namhartu offerings, the shiqi-offerings of my ..., for the rations of the troops of the quay of Shagû and the akitu-offerings of the month Kislimu, the namhartu offerings of Gimil-Marduk, the scribe of the troops, and Ibni-Marduk, son of Marduk-mushallim, of one of their kaniku-offerings,



    _iti gan!-gan-e3 u4#-[n-kam]_ _mu_ am-[mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e] (uruda)alan#-a-[ni ...]-x in-na-an-[ku4-ra]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Kislimum, the day after the year in which Ammi-ditana the king ... the statue ... he will return.

    P480367: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sag# geme2_ wi-li2#?-id#? _[e2]_
  • esz-sze-tum _ki_ geme2-(d)ma-mu _lukur (d)utu_ _dumu-munus_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum be-el-ti-szi-na (disz)li-pi2-it-(d)iszkur _dumu_ pir-hi-i3-li2-szu a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ i-gur-szi-na i-na _iti 1(disz)-kam igi (d)utu!_

    AI Translation
  • 2 female slaves, ... of the house,
  • eshetu-offering from Geme-mamu, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Simannunitum, their lady, Lipit-Adad, son of Pirhi-ilishu, for 1 month he shall return them; in 1 month before Shamash


  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _i3-la2-e_ [(disz)](d)suen!-be-el-ap-lim# _[di]-ku5_ _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam (disz)[...-na]-s,i-ir x _[iti gu4]-si-sa2 u4 8(disz)-kam_ _[mu_ am]-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-[e] sipa# ni2-tuku sze-[ga ...]_

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver
  • he will pay. Sîn-bel-apli, judge, son of Sîn-iddinam. ...-nashir. ... month: "Oxen," 8th day, year: "Ammi-ditana, the king, the shepherd who has compassion, .

    P480377: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) udu niga
  • 1(disz) masz2-gal niga# szimaszgi2
  • e2 muhaldim-sze3 mu kas4-ke4-ne-sze3 _arad2_-mu maszkim

    AI Translation
  • 4 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 1 billy goat, barley-fed, Shimashkian,
  • for the kitchen, for the messengers, ARADmu was enforcer;

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.
  • 4 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 1 big-billy, barley-fed, Shimashgian,
  • to the kitchen because of the runners; ARADgu is the enforcer;



    iti u4 5(disz) ba-zal sza3 unu(ki)-ga zi-ga ki lu2-dingir-ra iti u5-bi2-gu7 mu ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur5-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Flight," 5th day; in Uruk booked out; from Lu-dingira; month: "ubi feast," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.

    of the month the 5th day has passed; in Uruk booked out; from Lu-dingira month "ubi feast," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed;"


  • 5(disz) udu
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sheep,
  • Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.
  • total: 5 sheep.
  • P480378: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) udu-nita2 kur-ra bar-gal2
  • 1(disz) sila4-nita2 kur-ra bar-gal2
  • ri-ri-ga

    AI Translation
  • 2 mountain sheep, with fleece,
  • 1 male lamb, mountain, with fleece,
  • a kind of profession

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.
  • 2 male sheep of the mountain, with fleece,
  • 1 male lamb of the mountain, with fleece,
  • fallen;



    ki ur-ru-ta kiszib3 lu2#-kal#-la iti (d#)li9#-si4# mu hu-uh2#-nu-ri(ki) ba#-hul#

    AI Translation

    from Urru, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Lisi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.

    from Urru, under seal of Lukalla; month: "Lisi," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-kal-la dub-sar dumu ur-e11-e szusz3

    AI Translation

    Lukalla, scribe, son of Ur-e'e, cattle manager.

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.

    Lukalla, the scribe, son of Ur-E'e, chief livestock administrator.

    P480381: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3#
  • u2 il2-la? x e sa-dur2-ra a-u2-da ugula _arad2_-mu kiszib3 ur-mes a-igi#-du8#

    AI Translation
  • 2 male laborer workdays,
  • ... ..., for A'uda, foreman: ARADmu, under seal of Ur-mes, the 'sitting-house';

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.
  • 2 male laborers for 1 day
  • grass carried, sadura ditch of auda field, foreman: ARADgu; under seal of Ur-mes, the canal inspector;



    mu sza-asz-szu2-ru-um(ki) ba-hul#

    AI Translation

    year: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.

    year: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur#-[mes] dumu [na]-ba-[lu5]

    AI Translation

    Ur-mes, son of Nabalu.

    Liu Changyu; Nielsen, John P.

    Ur-mes, son of Nabalu.

    P480392: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(ban2) sze_ a-na _e2 kisal?-mah#?_
  • _3(ban2) zi3-da! e2 babila2(ki)
  • _e da? ka2 e2-gal_ x na x _zi3_ a-na _kasz gibil?_ a-na _szuku e2 (d)en!-lil2_

  • _1(u) [x?]-na? zi3-da_ x-a-ti
  • [...] babila2(ki)-a# sza!? wa-szi-ib kisz?(ki?) [...] _i?-ha-lam_ [...] x ki x x? [...] x x x x x

    AI Translation
  • 3 seahs of barley for the house of the kisalmah?.
  • 3 seahs of flour for the house of Babylon;
  • ... the gate of the palace ... ... flour for new beer for the throne of the temple of Enlil

  • 10 ... flour .
  • ... Babylon, who dwells in Kish? ... he will recover ...



    x _lu2-hun_

  • 3(ban2) sza a-na _lu2! szuku e2_
  • sza _iti kin-sag11-(d)inanna_ sza sze x-x? kur _im_ ga#? a-na# _kar2_? iti u4 _im_ ki#?-a#?

  • _4(barig) sze sza3 u5? szuku e2_
  • ka? pa a-na zi-bi-ga-ta _iti du6?-ku3? u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu bad3 am-mi-di!-ta!-na!_

    AI Translation

    x, the hireling;

  • 3 seahs for the man who ... the house.
  • of the month of Elunum, of barley ... ... to the port?, month, day .

  • 4 barig of barley, in the ... of the house,
  • ... for the ziggata offerings. The month of Duku?, the day 21 of the year "Ammi-ditana, the wall of the king, erected."

    P480459: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _a-sza3 szuku_ u3 te-ri-iq-tum _sza3 sipa_ lu2-(d#)suen#? x x? sza a-na bi-i-lam-bi sza _szesz_ tasz-me-tum-x-[...] sza a-na ri-isz-(d)utu u3 be-la-nu-um _sipa_ x [...] uk-ta-an-nu-[ku?] te-ri-iq-ti x _a-sza3# ma2? a2 [x?] u2 [...] isz-tu _pa5_ na-bi-tim? sza# [...] a-na si?-ne-nim(ki?) a-na# [...] [a]-na# _i7_ im-gur-(d)en-lil2 sza mar2!-da-[...] sza a-na _i7_ (disz)ku-har-tum x te [...] _kaskal_ mar2-da(ki) sza du6-ir-re-a! sza [...] a-na ia-ba-ia-tum(ki) isz-tu zu#-ba-ia-tum(ki#) [...] x

    (i7)ia-gu-ni-tum(ki#) hal?-[...] _a-sza3#_ a-gu-nu(ki) isz-tu a-gu-nu x x [...] a-di? _iri#?_ (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am isz?-tu _iri_ (d)suen-e#-[ri2]-ba#-am#(ki) _a-sza3 an-za3-gar3_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu# [x] _iri?_ (d)nanna-ma-an#-[szum2] _e_ ba-li-ih? _gu2 pa5_ na#-[ma]-a-tim# _gu2 pa5_ na-ma-a-tim [...](ki) _i7_ me-(d)en-lil2 [...] _8(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3 a gu2_ ne-nu(ki) _gu2 i7#_ [me]-(d)en-lil2 _(d)utu-szu2-a_ i-ta e2-a-i-din-nam _dub-sar erin2_ u3 i3-li2-i-din-nam _ugula?_ _2(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3_ ma-sze-gu

    _1(esze3) _gan2_ [a-sza3] a-gar3 i7_ me-(d)en-lil2 _(d)utu-szu2-a iri_ na-x?-(d#)en#?-lil#?

  • _3(iku) [a-sza3] a#-gar3 i7_ a-gu-ni-tum _(d)utu-szu2-a_
  • [...] x _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6_-ta#? _1(esze3) _gan2#_?_ [...] x [...] [...] x _lu_ x x gu-ni-x [x] x x 4(bur3)? x [...] 1(disz)? 2/3(disz) x [...] _gan2_? [...]-ni sza x (d)suen-x[...](ki?) [...] masz-tab-ba sza# [...]-bu# [...] x [...] _a-sza3_ [...]-x(ki) [...] x-x _a-sza3#_ [...] [...] _1(bur3) _gan2_! a-sza3#_ [...] _sza3_ er-s,e-et

    AI Translation

    a field of ... and treiqtu-field, in the shepherd Lu-Sîn ..., which to the ... of the brother of Tashmetum ..., which to Rish-Shamash and Belanum the shepherd ... he has provided, treiqtu-field ..., a field of barley, ... from the canal of the ... to Sinenum? to ..., to the canal Imgur-Enlil of Marda..., which to the canal of Kuhartum ..., the road Marda of Du'irrê, which ... to Yabayatum from Zubayatum .

    Yagunitum canal ... field of Agunu from Agunu ... to? the city of Sîn-iqisham, from the city of Sîn-eribam field of Anzagar of Ibni-Amurtu ... city of Nanna-manshum ... canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of Nunu canal canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the canal of the god Shamash, from Ea-iddinam, scribe, and Ili-iddinam, overseer?; 2 bur3 field field field field field field field of the marshegu canal

    1 eshe3 field, field, irrigation district of the Me-Enlil canal, Shamash-sha-iddin, city of Na-...-Enlil,

  • 3 iku of field, the arable land, the Agunitu canal of Shamash;
  • ... 1 eshe3 3 iku field area from the orchard, 1 eshe3 field area ... ... ... ... 4 bur3 ... 1 2/3 ... field area ... of ... of Sîn-... ... ... mashitu-plant of ... ... field ... ... field ... 1 bur3 field area ... field ... field .



    _2(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3 pa5 (d)utu_ i-ta _erin2_ nu-ba-lum _2(bur3) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6 iri_ uz-ba(ki)

  • _2(iku) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6 iri_ (d)suen-i-qi2#-sza#-am
  • _1(iku) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6 iri#_ he#-pi2
  • _1(iku) _gan2_ (gesz)kiri6 iri! he-pi2
  • _sza3_ er-s,e-et _iri#? _isz?-[ku?-un?]-isz8-tar2 _1(bur'u) 8(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3_ [...] _szuku (gesz)kiri6_ sza _2(bur3) _gan2#_?_ [...] a-na _a?-sza3? 9(disz) 1(disz)? (d)en?-lil2? [...] a-na# ip#-qu2-sza na-di-in [...] sza# _a-sza3#_ ri-isz-(d)utu _szesz_ x [...] x [x?] x-s,i-nu-um _dumu_ masz?-nu-[...] [...]-a? _sipa? lu2-banda3(da) kisal? bara2? x ansze?_ be x [...] pi2-ti! sza a-sza3# (d)na-bi-um-ma#-lik _dumu_ ia-ah-[...] [x] x ab-di-e-ra-ah! _dub-sar erin2_ [x] x x? u3 maszkim? ra-si?-bu in-na-ad#-[...]

    _iti#_ [...] _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _[lugal]-e (gesz)gu#?-za#? [ki]-bad#?-ra2#-a [ku3-sig17-a] u3 alan#-[a]-ni hub2!(_du_) [ab-sa2]-sa2 [...] e2-babbar-ra-[sze3 in]-na#-an-ku4-ra-am3_

    AI Translation

    2 bur3 field, field of the irrigated field, bordering the Shamash, with the troops of Nubalum; 2 bur3 field, garden of the city of Uzba;

  • 2 iku of field, orchard of the city of Sîn-iqisham;
  • 1 ikû of field, orchard of the city of Hepî;
  • 1 ikû of field, orchard of the city of Hepi;
  • in the district of the city of Ishkun-Ishtar; 18 bur3 field area, field ...; field ...; orchard ...; field 9 1? bur3 field area ... to Ipqusha ...; field Rish-Shamash, brother ...; ... ...; ...; ...; shepherd?; ...; ...; ...; ...; field Nabimmalik, son of Yah...; ... Abdi-Erah, scribe, troops ... and the criminal? ... ... he .

    ... month ... year: "Ammi-ditana, the king, the throne of the outer wall, gold and his statue he fashioned for him" ... he will bring to the Ebabbar.

    P480460: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2__ dumu-(d)a-am#-ma#-a i-ta _a-sza3 dumu-mesz_ (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim a-bi _erin2_ _1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2__ (d)sze-rum-ba-ni _aga-us2_ i-ta _a-sza3_ dumu-(d)a-am-ma-a u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ (d)utu-ba-ni dumu e-te-ia-tum 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ (d)utu-ba-ni _dumu_ e-te-ia-tum i-ta# _a-sza3_ (d)sze-rum-ba-ni _aga-us2_ u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ ip-qu2-(d)sza-la _dumu_ (d)utu-ba-ni _1(bur3)# 1(iku) _gan2__ (d)ip-qu2-(d)sza#-la

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field, Ammiya, from the field of the sons of Marduk-mushallim, his father, the troops; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, Sherum-bani, the steward; from the field of Ammiya and from the field of Shamash-bani, son of Eteyatum; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, Shamash-bani, son of Eteyatum; from the field of Sherum-bani, the steward; and from the field of Ipqu-shala, son of Shamash-bani; 1 bur3 1 iku field, Ipqu-shala, son of Shamash-bani;

    Column 2


    i-ta _a-sza3#_ [...] u3 i-ta [...] _2(bur3) _gan2_ a-sza3#_ [...] qa2-du bi-ri-it i7 u3 i7 [...] i-ta _a-sza3 dumu-munus_ i-din-(d)nin-szubur u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ i3-szu-ib-ni _sanga (d)utu_ _1(bur3) 2(esze3) _gan2__ il3-szu-ib-ni _sanga (d)utu_ i-ta _a-sza3 dumu-mesz!_ ku-ub!-bu-bu u3 i-ta _(i7)buranun_-tum

  • _2(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 dumu-mesz_ lu2-isz8-tar2 _lu2-kurun2-na_ x x?
  • i-ta# _a-sza3_ il3-szu-ib-ni _sanga (d)utu_ u3 i-ta _a-sza3_ ip-qu3-[...] [X?] x _gan2_? [...]

    AI Translation

    from the field ... and from ... 2 bur3 field area, ... adjacent to the river and the river ... from the field of the daughter of Iddin-Ninshubur and from the field Ishu-ibni, priest of Shamash; 1 bur3 2 eshe3 field area, Ilshu-ibni, priest of Shamash; from the field of the children of Kububu and from the Euphrates

  • 2 iku of field, the sons of the Ishtar, the kurunnu .
  • from the field Ilshu-ibni, the priest of Shamash, and from the field Ipqu-... ... ... .

    Column 1


    [...] x? x _3(iku)#?_ [...] u3# i#?-ta# _a-sza3_ (d)utu-[...] _1(bur'u) 3(bur3) 2(esze3) 5(iku) _gan2_ a-sza3 a-gar3 gu-la_

    AI Translation

    ... ... 3 iku ... and ... from the field Shamash-...; 13 bur3 2 eshe3 5 iku surface area, field of the great field;

    Column 2


    [...] _a-gar3_ sza bu-ra-a (d?)na-szu!(_um_)-re#?-esz2?# [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... the field of the burayu-priest Nashuh-resh ... .

    P480461: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) qa2-tum sza _(gesz)kiri6_
  • sza 6(disz) qa2-ti sza i-na _e2_ a-wi-lim sza-ak-nu _ki_ 1(disz)

  • 2(u) 2(disz) qa2-tum sza 3(disz) qa2-ti
  • _ki_ 2(disz) sza i-na _e2 sila-dagal_ sza-ak-nu

  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 2(disz) qa2-tum sza _(gesz)kiri6#_
  • sza be-la-kum _ma2-lah5_

  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) 1(disz) qa2-tum sza 1(u) qa2!-ti!
  • sza _arad_-(d)marduk _ma2-lah5_ ub-lam

  • 9(disz) szu-szi qa2-tum _ki_ 1(disz)
  • 5(gesz2) 1(u) 2(disz) _ki_ 2(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • 90 'litres' of the orchard,
  • of 6 'litres' which are in the man's house, the rent is with 1

  • 22 litres of 3 litres;
  • with 2 which are in the main street,

  • 92 'litres' of the orchard,
  • of Belakum the boatman.

  • 121 litres of 10 litres;
  • of Warad-Marduk, the sailor, he deposited.

  • 9 ..., the ration with 1;
  • 142 with 2
  • Reverse


    1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 1(u) 2(disz) qa2-tum _(gesz)kiri6_ sza _nu-(gesz)kiri6 sa2-du11_ 1(gesz'u) 8(gesz2) 3(u) qa2-tum _(gesz)kiri6_ qa2-du 1(gesz2) 3(u) sza _e2_ a-wi-lim u3# sza i-na _e2 sila-dagal (d)suen_ sza-ak-nu _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u3 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2 igi du8-a_

    AI Translation

    102 qa of the orchard of the orchardist, regular offerings; 102 qa of the orchard, regular offerings; 103 qa of the house of the man and 103 of the house of the square of Sin, the regular offerings; month: "Harvest," 21st year of Ammi-shaduqa, the king, his statue with a goat's eye he presented.

    P480462: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    _us2 & sag & a-sza3 & mu-bi-im#_

  • _3(u) 6(disz) ninda & 3(u) 5(disz) sag & 1(esze3) 2(iku) 1/2(iku) _gan2__ & i-ta _ka2 lugal_
  • _us2 an-ta an-ta 8(disz) 2/3(disz) a-sza3_

  • _3(u) 2(disz) 2(u) & 2(u) 9(disz) 3(u) sag & i-na ki-1(disz)-kam#?_
  • (& blank space $) ki-ta _us2 ki-ta szu-na_

  • _1(u) 4(disz)#? & [x?] 3(u)? 1(disz) sag & 1(bur3) 3(iku) 1/4(iku)? _gan2_ a-sza3_
  • [...] _9(disz) (& blank space $) sag ki-ta [...] _2(esze3) 1(iku) _gan2_ % 8(disz) 2/3(disz) a-sza3_ [x x?] da? ib-ni-(d)utu _sipa_

    AI Translation

    the length, the width, the field and its name;

  • 36 ninda 35 head, 1 eshe3 2 1/2 iku field, & from the royal gate;
  • the upper side, above, 8 2/3 hectares of field,

  • 32 29 30 ... in the first year
  • the lower side, the lower side, the access-way;

  • 14? ... 31? head and 1 bur3 3 1/4 iku field area,
  • ... 9 & empty space below ... 2 eshe3 1 iku field area: 8 2/3 ... adjoining Ibni-Shamash, shepherd.

    P480463: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz)# me _u8-udu_ sza _an-za3-gar (d)en-lil2-la2(ki)_ u3 _i7_
  • qa2-du 1(bur'u) 2(bur3) _GAN2 a-gar3_ sza ha-ma-tum _ki-ta_ u3 1(bur'u) 5(bur3) _GAN2 a-gar3_ sza ha-ma-tum _an-ta_ sza (d)marduk-ni-szu is,-ba-tu

  • 5(disz) me _a-gar3_ hal-hal-la(ki) szi-du-un-nim-ma-tu lu2-us2_ i3-li2-ba-ni dumu _lu_-x-la?(ki#)
  • 4(disz) me na-kam-ti ib-la-he-e#(ki) tu-ha-mu(ki) sa-we-e eb-re2-e(ki)
  • _a-gar3_ si-hu-um(ki) _a-gar3 1(bur3) _gan2__ babilax(E)(ki) a-di (i7)buranun-na

  • _1(disz) sar bala-ri_ (i7)ir-ni-na szi-it-ti _kar_ (i7)ir-ni-na
  • i-ta _dumu_ dingir-ra-bi _sag?_ i-s,a-ab-ba-at

  • 2(disz) me _iri?_ kisz(ki) sa-ad-du-um(ki) u3 a2-_ur_(ki)
  • isz-tu _e_ bu-tu-qa2-tim _i7# gal# (d)utu_ x-ba-_an_ a-na _iri_ (d)marduk-qar3-ra-ad(ki#) [_a]-gar3_ t,a3-bu(ki) a-di _iri(ki)_ kar-ni-szu-hi-a i7 x x x-ra-bi# sza _lu_-ba-ka-tim 3(disz) li [x?] 1(disz) u3 x [...]

  • 1(disz) li# 6(disz) me 1(disz) szu-szi _a-gar3_ szar?-x-[...]
  • _sza3_ er-s,e-et _sza3-gu4(ki)_ qa2-du sza-sag-ga-tum sza _dumu_ (d)suen-ma-gir! ka-s,a-ar _ansze_

  • 5(disz) me _uru-nita# udu-nita_-ti su-gan-nu-um(ki) _sza3_ sza i3-li2-ba-ni _dumu_
  • it-ti _dumu_ a-bu-um-dingir _sipa (munus!)esz2!-gar3_ i-s,a-ab-ba-at 5(disz) li 1(disz) me 1(disz) szu-szi _u8-udu_ _diri_ 1(disz) me 1(disz) szu-szi _u8#-[udu_ ...] na-pa-as? (d)suen (d)utu x [...]

    AI Translation
  • 800 sheep of the Anzagar of Enlil and the canal,
  • besides 12 bur3 of field of Hamatum below and 15 bur3 of field of Hamatum above, which Marduk-nishu captured.

  • 500 hectares of land of Halhalla, Shidunnimatu, the slave of Ili-bani, son of,
  • 400 nakamtu-priests of Iblahê, Tuhamu, Sawe, Ebre,
  • irrigation district of Sihum, irrigation district of 1 bur3 of land in Babylon, as far as the Euphrates.

  • 1 sar of bala-offerings of the Irnina canal, the remainder of the quay of the Irnina canal;
  • He will capture the first son of Il-rabi.

  • 200 cities? of Kish, Sadduum and A'ur,
  • from the source of the Butuqatum canal, the great river Shamash ... to the city Marduk-qarrad, the canal of Tab, to the city Karnishuhia, the canal ... of the Babylonians: 3 ... 1 ... .

  • 1 sharru of field ... .
  • in the midst of the plain of Gua, next to the shasagatum-house of the son of Sîn-magir, the ... of the donkeys.

  • 500 male rams, Sugannum, in the heart of Ili-bani, son of
  • with the son of Abum-ili, shepherd of the eshgaru-priestess, he shall take. 5 ... 1 hundred 1 hundred sheep, grain-fed, 1 hundred 1 hundred sheep ..., the napâsu-priest of Sîn, Shamash, ... .



    [n?] 3(disz)? [...] x [...]

  • 5(disz) li [...]
  • x [...] _a-sza3_ x [...] u3! [...] 1(bur'u) 2(bur3) 1(esze3) 2(iku) [...] isz-tu [...] 1(bur3) 4(esze3)# [...] isz-tu 2(bur3) _gur_ [...] u3 x _a-gar3_ [...] _9(bur3) 1(esze3) a#-sza3 1(bur'u) 8(bur3)#? gur#? a-[sza3?_ ...] _7(bur3) _gan2#_ a-gar3 a#-sza3#_ ma-tu x [...] 3(bur3) x um nu? [...] na pa [...] in-[...] _3(bur3) gur_ [...] u3 _a-sza3 gil_ _1(bur'u) 4(bur3) 6(iku) igi x [x] x ka-bar_ qa2-du _1(esze3) gur_ _arad_-i3-li2-szu isz-tu _4(bur3) 2(esze3) gur_ sza 1(u) _ka-bar_ sza qa2-du _a-sza3_-szu-nu

    a-na _aga-us2_ i-lu-u2 na-as2-hu _2(bur'u) 2(bur3) 1(esze3) 3(iku) 2(gesz'u)! sar gur a-sza3_ sza3!?-u3-ma _diri 1(esze3) 3(iku) 1(gesz2) 3(u) sar gur_

    AI Translation

    n? 3? ... ... .

  • 5 ...
  • ... field ... and ... 12 bur3 1 eshe3 2 iku ... from ... 1 bur3 4 eshe3 ... from 2 bur3 ... and ... field ... 9 bur3 1 eshe3 field ... 8 bur3 ... field ... 7 bur3 field ... field ... 3 bur3 ... ... ... 3 bur3 ... and field ... 14 bur3 6 iku ... ... bronze, as much as 1 eshe3 — Warad-ilishu from 4 bur3 2 eshe3 of 10 bronze, as much as their fields

    to the scouts, the ilû-demon was smashed.

    P480464: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(iku) _gan2_ a-gar3_ szu-ut-sza-(d)a-a
  • _4(iku)? _gan2__ i-na _gu2_ (i7)ab-ba!-a
  • _1(esze3) _gan2__ i-na ka-as,-ri-i(ki) _1(esze3) 4(iku) _GAN2 a-sza3_

  • _3(disz) 2/3(disz) sar e2_ qa2-du _(gesz)ig?_
  • _us2 e2 dumu_ i3-li2-isz8-tar2 _da e2_ e-t,i-(rum) _dumu_ bi-na#?-[...] _sag e2_ szu-i3-li2-szu

  • _1/2(disz) gur e2_ sin-isz-me-a-ni _szesz-ni_
  • _3(disz) 1/2(disz) e2_ u3? 7(disz) _sar e2 sila_
  • _3(disz) 2/3(disz) e2_ i-na _kiri6_ ub-di
  • _1(disz) sar e2#_ i-na _sila_ szu-ut-sin
  • AI Translation
  • 3 iku of field in the Shutsha-Aya district;
  • 4 iku of field on the bank of the Abba canal,
  • 1 eshe3 field in Kashrî, 1 eshe3 4 iku field,

  • 3 2/3 sar of house, next to the door?;
  • the length of the house of the son of Ili-ishtar, next to the house of Etirum, son of Bina-..., the top of the house of Shu-ilishu,

  • 1/2 gur, house of Sîn-ishmeani, his brother;
  • 3 1/2 houses and 7 sar of a house in the street,
  • 3 2/3 houses in the orchard,
  • 1 sar of house in the street, ...;
  • Reverse

  • _4(disz) 2/3(disz) e2 du3-a_
  • _da e2 ha-ab-si

  • _3(disz) 1/2(disz) e2 ki-gal2 (d)suen#_
  • _3(disz) 2/3(disz) e2 da kiri6_ ub#-di#
  • _1(disz)_ [...] x
  • _3(iku) _gan2#__ x [x?] x kur-ku-usz?
  • _4(iku)#? _gan2__ i-na _gu2_ (i7)usz-ma-da
  • _4(iku)#? _gan2__ i-na ka-as,-ri-i(ki)
  • _1(esze3) 4(iku) _gan2__ _ha!-la_ sin-isz-me-a-ni

    AI Translation
  • 4 2/3 houses built;
  • next to the house of the apsû,

  • 3 1/2 gur of barley for the house of the kigal of Sin;
  • 3 2/3 hectares of land next to the orchard,
  • 1 ... ...
  • 3 iku field area ... ... kurkuush?
  • 4 iku of field on the bank of the Ushmada canal,
  • 4 iku field in Kashrî,
  • 1 eshe3 4 iku field area, share of the sin-ishmani;

    P480465: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _a-sza3_ gi-mil-(d)marduk _a-sza3 dumu-mesz_ ta-ri-ba-tum _a-sza3_ (d)a-a-bu-bu _a-sza3 dumu-mesz_ ra-bi?-ba?-ni _a-sza3_ ma-ku-tum [...]-ku-x-tum

    AI Translation

    field of Gimil-Marduk, field of the sons of Taribatum, field of Aya-bubu, field of the sons of Rababani, field of Makutum ...-ku-x-tum,



    _a-sza3_ sin-mu-sza!-lim _a-sza3 dumu-mesz_ sa-an-qum _a-sza3_ sin-i-qi2-sza-am

    AI Translation

    a field of ..., a field of the sons of Sanqum, a field of ...,

    P480519: royal-monumental barrel

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nergal-lugal-u2-s,ur _lugal_ [ba]-bi#-lam(ki) sza# (d)marduk be-lu ra-bi2-u3 _dingir_ ba#-nu#-szu# i#-na ku-un li-ib-bi-szu ut#-tu#-szu#-ma# ni-szim ra-ap-sza-a-ti isz#-ru#-ku#-szu#-ma# s,a-al-ma-at qa2-qa2-dam a-na re#-['e]-e# u2-ma-al-lu-u2 qa2-tu-usz-szu sza# _nig2-gidri_ i-sza-ar-ti usz-par-ri ki-nim sza# (d)na3 pa-qi2-id ki-isz-[sza]-at sza#-me2-e u3 er-s,e#-ti a#-na szu-um-mu-hu ba-'u#-u2-la-a-ti [u2]-sza-at-mi-ih qa2-tu-usz-szu [sza za]-'i-i-ri na-a-ri a-a-bi ka-sza-dam

    [(d)]er3-ra sza-ga-pu2-ru _dingir-dingir_ [id]-di-nu-szu ka-ak-ku-szu [sza] _dingir# gal-gal_ i-na pu-uh2-ri-szu-nu za#-ni#-nu#-ut#-su#-nu# e-pe2-sza# iq#-[bu]-szu a-na za-na-nam e2-sag-il2 e2#-zi#-da# u3# e2#-mes#-lam# ma#-ha#-zi# s,i#-i#-ru#?-ti#? x x x x sza# _dingir-dingir_ babila#(ki#) [(d)]nergal#-lugal-u2-s,u-ur2 _lugal_ babila2#[(ki)] (a-na-ku) [i3-nu-ma? (d)]marduk# be#-lu# ra-bi2-u3 ki? a? x x x x x x [me2]-e# nu-uh2-szu# gap#-szu-ti ina t,e-em4 (d)ni-in-szi-qa#

    [u3] i#-na# ne2-me-qi2 sza# (d)e2-a isz-ru-ku i#-na# le#-'u-u2-ti sza (d)marduk i-qi2-szu# i#-na# [di]-in# na-as-qu sza (d#)utu#? u2-sza-lam-an-ni [...] _ki#_ ma-ah-ri a-na bar2-sipa(ki) e2#-zi-da _e2#_ gur-szu x x x x x hu x x _igi#-sa2#_ szu-um-mu-hu ni-qu i-qi2-ip-pu# e x x ni x e e2-sag-il2 u3 e2-zi-da a-za-an-na-an e-esz-re-e-ti _dingir-dingir_ usz-te-esz-sze-er szi#-t,ir# _mu#_-ia ab-na-a qe2-er-bu-usz-szu2-nu [asz-ku]-un# i3#-nu#-mi-szu li-bi-il-he2-gal2-la _pa5 (d)utu-e3#_ babila2(ki)

    [sza] _lugal#_ ma-ah-ri u2-sza-ah-ru-ma i#-na ku-up-ri u3 a-gur-ri la ik-s,u2-ru su-uk-ki-szu _[pa5]_ u2-sza-ah-ri-ma su-uk-ki-szu ak-s,u-ur2#-[ma] [nu]-uh#-szu# me2-e i-na la# na#-pa#-[ar-ku-ti] [u2]-na-ak-ki-mu i-na ma-a-ti

    AI Translation

    Nergal-lugal-ushur, king of Babylon, whom Marduk, the great lord, the god who created him, with his own strength, brought to him, and a widespread people he granted to him, and a stele to the shepherd he fashioned, his hand that the treasure chest he had fashioned, the true hand that Nabu, the overseer of the heavens and earth, to the securing of the people he made secure, his hand that the stele of the enemy, the enemy, was purchased.

    Erra, the shakapuru of the gods, gave him, his kakkû-shrine, which the great gods in their presence, their zaninu-priests, to do, he said to him: "To the service of Esagil, Ezida, and Emeslam, the exalted cult centers ... of the gods of Babylon, Nergal-sharru-ushur, king of Babylon, I myself. When Marduk, the great lord, ..., ..., a mighty battle, according to the command of Ninshiqa,

    and with wisdom which Ea gave me, with the wisdom which Marduk gave me, with the supplications that Shamash had made me glorify ... in the past to Borsippa the Ezida, the temple that he had built, ... ... a shummuhu-shrine he had fashioned, ... ... the Esagil and Ezida, the shrines of the gods, he made a document of my name written in them, I established. At that time, Libil-hegala, the gate of the sun, Babylon

    which a former king had installed, but whose foundations with bitumen and baked bricks had not been secured, a sceptre he had installed, and his foundations I had built, and whose sceptre he had not secured, water without interruption he had smashed, in the land

    Column 2


    ia-ti e-em-qa2 mu-ut-ne2-en-nu _lugal_ pa-li#-hu# _dingir-dingir_ mu-du-u' li#-bi#-il#-he2#-gal2#-lu# u2-sza-ah-ri-ma# me2-e he2-gal-la# ina ma-a-ti# e-re-bi-[ma?] ab-na-a su#-[uk]-ki#-sza# me2-e nu-uh#-szi sza# la# na-pa-ar-ku-ti u2-ki-in i#-na# qe2-re-eb-szu i x x x x a-szi-ib babila2(ki) sza# qer-bi-szu2 aq#-qa2#-a me2-e nu-uh#-szu# i-na li#-ib-bi-szi-na da-mi-iq-ti x [x x?] ig ta na x [x?] a ig ta na ra ab bi is si ma#? e? x (d)nergal-lugal-u2-s,u-ur2 _lugal#_ a-ka3#-[de3](ki#)

    (d)a-e2# da?-x-a-szal#? x x x ki#-i-num u4#?-mu#? ul-li-i li-ib-bu#-[usz-szu] x x u2# mi#? is#? du#? x# ka#? ap#? x x x x me2-e nu-uh-szu da#-ri2#-u2#-tim# ina ki in na an na a ti# i-na qi2-bi-ti (d)marduk _lugal dingir-dingir dingir_ ba-nu-[u2-a] u3 (d)er3-ra qar-ra-ad qar#-[ra-de x x?] [x?] na x x na bi _e2_ x [x x] sze-ri-szu u4-um [...] li? na? du an-dul-la bi? na a x [x x?] li-ku-un#-ma# dam-qa2#-[a]-ti mah-ri2#-[ka] _igi_ x x x x x x ra? ta? pa? x x x li x x x x x li ' x re#-'u#-u2#-ti#

    li-na-am-ri ta-mar-ti-szu ki-ma (d)sin a-na ni#-ip#-hi# ki-ma (d)utu a-na nu-[wu]-ri2#-[im] s,a-al-ma-at qa2-qa2-dam li-ih-[du-u3] sag? ki? (d)na3? x x [x] e? x an x [x] a na? x x x [x x] sza2 a ni szi na _lugal-lugal#_ [ki]-ib#-ra-a-ti sza [ka-al] te#-ne2-sze-e-ti a-szi-ib kar# ri# x [x x] ti? x dan-nu-ti a-na x x x mi? x x x x li-isz-sza-kin i-na pi-i-ka# a-na _u4#-mesz#_ da-ra-ti ki x x x sza ib nu li iz ma ru

    AI Translation

    I, wise one, the one who reveres the gods, the one who knows how to praise, I made appear, and I brought forth the great water in the land and I deposited it there. In its midst, ..., who dwells in Babylon, in which I qaqada, the great water, in their midst, joy ... Nergal-lugal-ushur, king of Agade,

    Ea, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... by the command of Marduk, king of the gods, the god who created me, and Erra, warrior, warrior ... ... ... ... his morning meal, ... ... ... ... ... may good things before you ... ... ... ... the shepherds

    May his appearance be bright like Sin to the snare, like Shamash to the snare, may he be enraged with the swarm of the earth. ... ... ... ... ... king of the world quarters the four, who resides in the quay ... mighty ... to ... may he establish. By your command, for everlasting days ... .




    AI Translation

    a kind of object

    P480529: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    dingir-ba-ni _nam za3_ (disz)tukul-masz _sanga_ asz _man szu2 man kur_ asz(ki) a-szar? x x x x sza2 _kur kur_ lu-ub-da a-na mah? x x x?-a?-ma? i-su-ra? x x u2-pisz-ma!? 6(dis)-su

    AI Translation

    Ili-bani, the governor of the land, Tukulti-Ninurta, sanga priest of Ashur, king of the universe, king of Assyria, the place? ... of the land of the land of Lubda, to great ... ... he ... ... he built and 6/6 of it


    Ilu-bani, border governor of Tukulti-Ninurta, sangû of Assur, king of the universe, king of Assyria, ... of the mountain of the land of Lubda or the ... did I assuredly make this! one sixth.

    P480530: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI


    x? 1(disz) gin2# gi-na

    AI Translation

    ... 1 shekel of solid silver,

    P480532: royal-monumental other-object

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) ma-na gi-na
  • lu2-(d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina, established,
  • for Lu-Ninshubur;

  • 1 verified mina
  • of Lu-Ninshubur

    P480540: royal-monumental other-object

    nan CDLI


    [...] nin-mu siskur2-mu he2-na-ab-be2 mu-bi

    AI Translation

    ... may my mistress say to me: "Siskurmu, what is this?"

    P480561: private-votive other-object

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) ? CDLI

    Column 1'


    [x] x x lu2#? |_um_+_me_|-da

    AI Translation

    ... a man?

    Column 2'


    dam ur-en3-sze3# a mu-na-ru#

    AI Translation

    To the wife of Ur-en he dedicated it this vessel.

    P480562: royal-monumental other-object

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1/3(disz) ma-na
  • AI Translation
  • 1/3 mana
  • Human
  • one-third mina
  • P480563: royal-monumental other-object

    nan CDLI


    n ma#-na

    AI Translation

    n mina

    P480569: lexical tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 3


    [1(asz@v) x-x?]-pa3#! [1(asz@v)] amar-[(d?)]_pa_? 1(asz@v) lum-ma 1(asz@v) ama-a-si 1(asz@v) ur-nansze 1(asz@v) ur-_pa_ [1(asz@v)] ur-[(d?)]sud3

    AI Translation

    1 ...-pa, 1 Amar-Nabû, 1 Lumma, 1 Ama-si, 1 Ur-nanshe, 1 Ur-PA, 1 Ur-Sud,

    Column 4


    [1(asz@v) ...] e2# [...] 1(asz@v) lugal-bara2-si 1(asz@v) szita 1(asz@v) lugal-szer7-zi 1(asz@v) e2-nam 1(asz@v) _ak#_-(d)sud3 1(asz@v) _ka_-[x x?] 1(asz@v) lum#-[ma] x [x?] 1(asz@v) x-x-[...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    1 ..., the house ...; 1 Lugalbarasi; 1 Shita; 1 Lugal-sherzi; 1 Enam; 1 Ak-Sud; 1 ...; 1 Lumma; ...;

    Column 1


    [1(asz@v) ...] 1(asz@v) x [...] 1(asz@v) sag#-dingir-[tuku] 1(asz@v) a2!-nu-[kusz2] 1(asz@v) ur-tul2-sag# 1(asz@v) a!-en-da 1(asz@v) masz-[zu?] 1(asz@v) sag#-ku5# 1(asz@v) ku-li 1(asz@v) u8-da-lu2 1(asz@v) amar-(d)mud lugud2-da lu-lu [1(asz@v) x x?] szul# [...] x

    AI Translation

    1 ..., 1 ..., 1 sag-dingirtuku, 1 a-nukush, 1 Ur-tulsag, 1 Enda, 1 Mashzu, 1 SAGku, 1 Kuli, 1 Udalu, 1 Amar-mud, Ludda, Lulu, 1 ..., Shul, ...,

    Column 2


    1(asz@v) _ak#_-suen 1(asz@v) ur-(d)nansze 1(asz@v) szul-la 1(asz@v) ku-li 1(asz@v) lum-ma 1(asz@v) en-aga!(+a) 1(asz@v) sim 1(asz@v) edin-si igi-su4 [1(asz@v)] ur#-e2# [1(asz@v)] alim# [1(asz@v)] lum#-ma [1(asz@v) x x?]-ur#-sag# igi-buru5# [1(asz@v) ...] [1(asz@v) ...] [1(asz@v) ...]

    AI Translation

    Aksuen, Ur-Nanshe, Shulla, Kulla, Lumma, Enaga, Simma, Edisi, Igisu, Ur-e2, Alim, Lumma, ...-ursag, Igiburu, ...,

    Column 3


    [1(asz@v)] ba#?-lum [1(asz@v)] abzu#-pa-e3 1(asz@v)#? _ak_-sud3 1(asz@v) lu2-pa3 1(asz@v) pirig-zi-ga 1(asz@v) gibil6#?-da#-nu-[me?] 1(asz@v) szir#?-[x-x?]-x 1(asz@v) amar-e2#?-[gibil?] 1(asz@v) sud3#-x-[x] [1(asz@v)] _ak#_?-sud3 1(asz@v) mi-a-sze3 1(asz@v) |_ur2_xX|? 1(asz@v) _ak_-suen# 1(asz@v) szesz-a2#([+a])-[nu]-kusz2 1(asz@v) dingir-nu-[me]

    AI Translation

    1 balum, 1 abzupae, 1 aksud, 1 Lu-pa, 1 Piriziga, 1 Gibildanu, 1 Amar-egibil, 1 Sud-..., 1 aksud, 1 mia, 1 ..., 1 Aksuen, 1 Shesh-a'anukush, 1 Ilunu,

    Column 4


    [...] [...] [1(asz@v) ...] [1(asz@v) x-x?]-da# [1(asz@v)?] sud3-ur-sag 1(asz@v) im-ru 1(asz@v)! munus-a2(+a)-nu-kusz2 1(asz@v) asz-dam-ma u2-_du#_-_du_ [...] nu [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ..., 1 ..., 1 ..., 1 ..., 1 ..., 1 ..., 1 woman, 1 ashdamma, ... .

    P480570: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) ? CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x [n (d)]sud3#?-[(an)anzu(_im_)](muszen#?) [x] a#?-amax(_engur_)-si#?

    AI Translation

    ... ... the ... of the Anzu bird ... A'amashi

    Column 2'


    [...] x [n] e2-(an)anzux(_im_) 1(u@c) me-ki-gal2 1(u@c) nanna#-du10 1(u@c) ur-(d)nisaba 1(u@c) pa4#?-_ne_ x x

    AI Translation

    ... n, E-an-anzu; 10 men, Me-kigal; 10 men, Nanna-du; 10 men, Ur-Nisaba; 10 men, Pa-NE ...;

    Column 3'


    1(u@c)# [...] 1(u@c)# [...] 1(u@c) x x? 1(u@c) amar#-amax(_engur_)-na 3(asz@c)#? munus-a2-nu-kusz2 2(asz@c)#? lu5#-lu5# 2(asz@c)#? x [...]

    AI Translation

    10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 10 Amar-amax 3? ... munus-anukush 2? .

    Column 4'


    [...] x 1(u@c) _ak_-sud3 1(u@c) nig2-si ugula

    AI Translation

    ... 10 ... 10 nigsi, foreman.

    Column 1


    [...] _uru2_ [...] x [x] amar#-[x]-_ne#_

    AI Translation

    ... city ... Amar-.

    P480571: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) ? CDLI


    1(asz@c) lid2-ga!(_gara2_) dabin bur#-nun-si# _li_-x-x

    AI Translation

    1 lidga-vessel of ...-dodder,

    P480572: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) ? CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1(u) 2(disz) ud5
  • 2(disz) _lak020_
  • utu-im-ru

  • 1(u) 6(disz) ud5
  • 3(disz) _lak020_
  • e2-su13-ag2

  • 3(u)# 3(disz) ud5
  • AI Translation
  • 12 nanny goats,
  • 2 ...,
  • a kind of profession

  • 16 nanny goats,
  • 3 mana wool for Lak;
  • house of the sag priest

  • 33 nanny goats,
  • Column 2



  • 2(u) 3(disz) nam-mah2-(d)sud3
  • 1(u) 5(disz) amar-(d)gu2-la2
  • 4(u) balax(_lak020_)
  • AI Translation


  • 23 mana wool for Nammah-Sud,
  • 15 Amar-Gula,
  • 40, bala;
  • Reverse

  • 2(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) an-sze3-gu2
  • AI Translation
  • 184, Anshegu,
  • P480574: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) ? CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) lugal#?-inim#?-ma#? 1(asz@c) (d)sud3-x-x 1(asz@c) ansze# _szul# 1_(asz@c) eme3

  • 1(u)? 5(asz@c) udu
  • [n] sag-ku5#? [...] x

    AI Translation

    1 Lugal-inima?, 1 Sud-..., 1 donkey ..., 1 suckling goat,

  • 15 sheep,
  • n ..., the sagku5 ...,

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) |_sag_xHA| _di_ x 1(asz@c) ansze _szul 1_(asz@c) eme3

  • 1(u)? 5(asz@c) udu
  • 5(asz@c) ma-na uruda tun3-la2 edin#?-si#?

    AI Translation

    1 ..., 1 donkey, ..., 1 ewe,

  • 15 sheep,
  • 5 minas of copper, ...,

    P480577: lexical tablet

    ED IIIa (ca. 2600-2500 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    gi-dul5-la2 na-na 1(asz@v) lum#-ma 1(asz@v) _ak#_-x-x-x? 1(asz@v) x-x-x? 1(asz@v) a-lu 1(asz@v) du-sza3 1(asz@v) an-bu 1(asz@v) pa#? munsub(_lak672_)

    AI Translation

    reed basket for Nana; 1 Lumma; 1 ...; 1 Alu; 1 Dusha; 1 Anbu; 1 Pa? munsub;

    Column 2


    1(asz@v) lum-ma 1(asz@v) lu-lu aszgab 1(asz@v) ezem#?-x? nagar#? 1(asz@v) bahar2#? ziz2#? ma#? ki#? 1(asz@v) nig2-si x 1(asz@v) munus-a2!(_da_)#-nu-kusz2# x [x?] x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    1 Lumma, 1 Lu-lu, the weaver, 1 ezem-x, the carpenter, 1 bahar-flour, ..., 1 nigsi, 1 munus-a-nukush, ...,

    Column 3


    1(asz@v)# ba#? [...] 1(asz@v) x [...] 1(asz@v) [...]

    AI Translation

    1 ..., 1 ...,

    P480578: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) ? CDLI

    Column 1


    n? _an#_ x x? 3(disz@t) hu-bu7#(bu) 1(disz@t) ur-(d)nansze

    AI Translation

    ... ..., 3 Hububu, 1 Ur-Nanshe,

    Column 2


    1(disz@t) bilx(|_pap-gesz-bil_|)-ga-_ul4_ ugula 1/2(disz@t) mes-ukken 2(disz@t) lugal-a2!(_da_)-mah2

    AI Translation

    1: Bil-pap-bilga-ul, foreman: 1/2: Mes-ukken; 2: Lugal-amash;

    P480579: administrative tablet

    ED I-II (ca. 2900-2700 BC) ? CDLI



    1(asz@f) ig-x-[x] mes-lu 1(asz@f) pa4-_ul4_-gal 1(asz@f) (d)sud3-ki#-na#? 1(asz@f) mes#?-_an_-pa3#? [1(asz@f)] _ak#_-x-[x]

    AI Translation

    1 Ig-..., Meslu, Pa'ulgal, Sudkina, Mes-anpa, Ak-...,



    da#? x x? _ud#_? [...]

    AI Translation

    P480582: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) sag-geme2_ be-el-ti-la-ma-si2
  • wi-li-id _e2_ sza su-hu-um(ki) _ki_ i-din-(d)da-gan u3 mu-ta-ra-mu# be-li-sza a-na qa2-be2-e ba-li-t,a _dumu_ mu-ti-ia-da-du (disz)be-el-li-tim-(d)marduk _dumu_ na-ka-rum _in-szi-in-sa10_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_

  • _1(u) 3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar in-[ne-en-la2]_
  • u3 _igi-4(disz)-gal2 si-bi_ isz-ku-[un] _inim-bi al-[til]_ _sza3-ga-ni al#-[du10]_

    AI Translation
  • 1 slave woman: Bel-tila-masi;
  • Wilid, the house of Suhum, with Iddin-Dagan and Mutaramu, her lord, to the command of Balita, son of Mutiyadadu, Bel-litim-Marduk, son of Nakalum, bought for a total of ten shekels of silver.

  • 13 shekels of silver he has weighed out.
  • and he set aside half a mina of silver. He has finished the wording, he is satisfied.



    _iti udru(duru5) u4 3(disz)-kam_ [_mu_] am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e esz-bar mah-a dingir gal-gal-la sag#-du!?-ni an-sze3 ib2-ta-an-il2?-[...]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Adar XII, the day 3 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king ... the supreme decision of the great gods, his head he raised up to heaven.

    P480583: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(ban2) sze-musz5_
  • _sza3 sa10 siki_ sza _e2-gal_ a-na ze-ra-ni _ki_ hu-ul-li-sze _ugula mar-tu_ x-ia-ni-lu? _dumu_ hi-in-ta-nu _szu ba#-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_ a-na na-szi ka-ni-ki-szu

    AI Translation
  • 5 seahs of mushu-seeds;
  • the interest on the wool of the palace to be paid, from Hullishe, the overseer of the Amorite ...-ia-nilu?, son of Hintanu, received. At the delivery of the harvest, for the preservation of his ka'nike-offerings,



    ze-ra-ni _i3-ag2_ x x x _igi_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it, _dumu_ il3-szu-ib-ni _igi_ ta-ri-ba-tum ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ (d)iszkur-ra-bi _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _[iti ... u4 n]-kam_ [_mu ...]-a-ni_

    AI Translation

    he will pay. ... before Marduk-muballit, son of Ilshu-ibni; before Taribatum, his great brother; before Adad-rabi, son of the scribe. The month ..., the day ..., the year .



    [...] [x?] x a ba ze2 la#?

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... not?

    P480584: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(asz) sze gur_
  • _sza3 sa10 siki_ sza _e2-gal_ _nig2-szu_ u2-tul2-isz8-tar a-bi _erin2_ _ki_ ip-qu2-an-nu-ni-tum _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)utu (disz)ta-ri-bu _sanga (d)inanna a-ga#-de3(ki)_ _dumu_ ip-qu2-an-nu-ni-tum x an? x [...] _e2?_ [...] me? ka# [...]

    AI Translation
  • 2 kor of barley,
  • the money, the wool of the palace, the property of Utul-ishtar, his father, the troops from Ipqu-anunitum, son of Ibni-shamash; Taribu, sanga priest of the goddess Ishtar of Agade, son of Ipqu-anunitum ...



    sze-am _i3#-ag2-e#_ _igi#_ qur2#-di#-isz8#-tar2 _sanga_ an-nu-ni-tum _igi_ i-bi-(d)nin-szubur e-ri-ib _e2_ _dumu_ (d)nin-mah _igi_ szu-mu-um-li-s,i _dub-sar_ _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e (d)lamma didli-a (d)(sze3)szer7-da dam! mah_

    AI Translation

    he will measure the barley. Before Qurdi-Ishtar, priest of Annunitu; before Ibbi-Ninshubur, enterer of the temple of the son of Ninmah; before Shumum-lishi, the scribe. The month of Shabatum, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the protective deity, the Sherda, the great wife.

    P480585: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _1(esze3) 4(iku) gur a-sza3_ _a-gar3 na-gu-um 1(bur'u) 1(bur'u) 1(bur'u) 1(bur'u) [1(bur'u) _gan2_-e]_ i-na _bala-ri_ (i7)ir-ni-[na] i-ta _a-sza3 szuku-hi-a_ sza _aga#-us2-mesz_ u3 _dam#-gar3-mesz_ u3 i-ta _a-sza3 szuku-hi-a sza _aga-us2-mesz_ u3 _dam#-gar3-mesz_ _sag-bi 1(disz)-kam a-sza3_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it, _szabra e2 (d)utu_ _sag-bi 2(disz)-kam-ma a-sza3_ (d)na-bi-um-he2-gal2 _a#-sza3#_ a-si-rum dumu_ be-el-szu-nu _[a]-sza3# a-si-rum _dumu_ be-el-szu-nu [_ki?_ be]-el _a-sza3_

    [(disz)]u2#-tul2-isz8-tar2 a-bi _erin2_ [...] be-ra-am3#? [a-na er]-re-szu-tim a-na _tab-ba_ [a-na _gu2-un_] a-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_ [_ib2-ta]-e3-mesz_ [a-wi-lum ma]-la# a-wi-lim [mu-na-ah]-ta#-am i-sza-ak-ka-nu

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 4 iku field, the district of Naguum, 10 bur'u 10 bur'u 10 bur'u 10 bur'u field in the balatu of the Irnina canal, from the field of the szukuhu of the agrigs and the merchants, and from the field of the szukuhu of the agrigs and the merchants, its top is 1; field Marduk-muballit, the household administrator of the Shamash, its top is 2; field Nabi-hegal, field Asirum, son of their owner, field Asirum, son of their owner, with? the owner of the field

    Utul-Ishtar, his father, the troops ... he will measure out for the labor, for the harvest, for the hire, for one year he will measure out; the man as many as a man he will be able to measure out,



    _[a]-sza3#_ a-na pi2-i szu-ul-pi2-szu [i]-sza#-ad-du-ma _GAN2-e 8(asz) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu_ _gu2#-un a-sza3 i3-ag2-e-mesz_ [u3] ma-na-ah-ta-su-nu i-ip-pa-lu-ma [sze]-am ba-szi-a-am mi-it-ha-ri-isz [i]-zu!-uz-zu# [...] _(gesz)ban2 (d)utu_ ma-hi-ir _igi_ ib#-ni-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-eri-ba-am _igi_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim _dumu_ (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _igi_ ib-ni-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _igi_ _arad_-(d)marduk _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _iti bara2-za3-gar u4 5(disz)-kam_

    _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa zi sze-ga (d)utu (d)marduk ur5-ra kalam-na in-du8-a#_

    AI Translation

    The field according to its shuruppu-measure shall be weighed out and the field will be 8 gur of barley, the ban2 of Shamash, the guarantor of the field shall determine, and their interest shall be weighed out, and the barley of the field shall be equaled. ... the ban2 of Shamash is present. Before Ibni-Sîn, son of Sîn-eribam; before Sîn-mushallim, son of Marduk-mushallim; before Ibni-Sîn, son of Marduk-mushallim; before Warad-Marduk, son of the scribe. The month of Nisanu, the day 5

    Year: "Ammi-shaduqa, king, faithful shepherd, favored by Shamash and Marduk, the satrap of the nation, he slew."

    P480586: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)_arad_-(d)szu-nir _ki_ (d)utu-ma-ni a-hi-szu (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur _dumu_ il3-szu-ib-ni a-na sa-ma-di-im a-na _iti 3(disz)-kam in-hun_ _a2-bi iti 3(disz)-kam_-szu

  • _3(asz) 2(barig) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu_
  • i-na _kar_ zimbir(ki)-am-na-nim _i3-ag2-e_ a-na _szuku_-su

  • _4(disz) sila3 kasz_ ma-asz-ti-is2-su2
  • _1(barig) nig2-ar3-ra (gesz)ban2_ ki-tim!?
  • i-sa-am-mu-ud [n? szu-um]-me-e-szu i-ha-ap-pu _bara2_-szu i-na-ad-di-in#

    AI Translation

    Arad-Shunir, with Shamash-mani, his brother, Ibni-Adad, son of Ilshu-ibni, to Samadim for 3 months has rented. The rent for 3 months is paid.

  • 3 gur 2 barig of barley, the seah of Shamash;
  • at the port of Sippar-amnanu he will measure out; for his smiting he will measure out.

  • 4 sila3 of beer for his ashtissu-offering,
  • 1 barig of nigarrû-bread, a seah of earth?;
  • he shall measure out ... of his shumme, he shall bury his throne,



    i-na _iti 1(disz)-kam u4 3(disz)-kam_ qa2-tam i-s,a-ba-at i-na la u4-ma-ti-szu i-t,a-ra!-da!-asz-szu-ma#? ma-la pi2-i ka?-ni?-[ki-szu] sze-am _a2-bi_ [i-te-el-li] _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam# [...] _igi_ (d)za-ba4-ba4#-[...] _igi_ [x] x-(d)suen [...] [_igi_] dingir#-mu-sza-[lim ...] _iti# bara2#-za3-gar u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ [am]-mi#-s,a-[du-qa2 _lugal-e] bad3_ am-mi-s,a-du#-[qa2] _ka i7 zimbir(ki)-ra? bi2-in-du3-a_

    AI Translation

    In the first month and third day he shall take a ration. In his non-day he shall take it away and as much as the word of his mouth he shall carry away. The barley of his father he shall carry. Before Sîn-iddinam ..., before Zababa-..., before ...-Sîn ..., before Ilmushallim ... The month of Nisannu, the day 10 the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king built the wall Ammi-shaduqa, at the mouth of the Nippur canal he built.

    P480587: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) (gesz)ig_ ba-zi-za
  • sza a-wi-il-(d)suen _di-ku5_ (disz)ri-isz-(d)na-bi-um _dumu_ e-t,i-rum i-ri-isz u4-um i-ir!-ri-szu _(gesz)ig_ a-na be-li2-sza u2-ta-ar

    AI Translation
  • 1 door of baziz;
  • of Awil-Sîn, judge; Rish-Nabû, son of Etirum, he will be his friend; when he will be his friend he will return the door to her lord.



    _igi_ _arad_-ku-bi _dumu_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _igi_ _arad_-(d)marduk _dam!-gar3#_ _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e e2!-babbar-ra e2!-ul-masz-a-bi_

    AI Translation

    Before Warad-kubi, son of Simannunitu; before Warad-Marduk, merchant. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king built the Ebabbar and the Eulmashabi.

    P480588: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x-ba-ni igi#? [...] (disz)ba-szi-dingir _dumu_ ni-pi2-sza!?-at? (disz)a-wi-la-tum _dumu_ ha-bil-ki-nu u3 _arad_-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ szu-hu-ut-ki wa-szi-ib du!-un-ni-kar(ki) u2-sza!-bi-lu a-na 1(u) u4-mi szu-bu-ul-ti szu!-bu-lu i-na-ad-di-nu

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... Bashil, son of Nipishat?, Awilatum, son of Habilkinu, and Warad-ilishu, son of Shuhutki, who dwells in Dunnikar, they shall bring. For 10 days, they shall give them a surplus.



    u2-ul i-na-ad-di-nu-ma ki-ma s,i-im-da-at szu-bu-ul-ti _igi_ bi-in-na-rum ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ e-t,e-rum! _dumu_ i3-li2-isz-me-a-ni _igi#_ szum#-ma-dingir _dumu_ na-ka-rum [_igi_ ...-(d)]marduk _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    They shall not give them to anyone else, and like the shimdat of the shubultu-priests. Before Binnarum, his great brother; before Eterum, son of Ilish-meani; before Shumma-ili, son of Nakalum; before ...-Marduk, son of Ibni-Amurrum.

    Seal 1


    bi#-in-na-ru-[um] dumu# sza-al-[...] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Bin-narum, son of Shal-..., servant of .

    Seal 2


    e-t,e-[rum] dumu i3-li2-isz#-[me-a-ni] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Eterum, son of Ilish-mani, servant of .

    P480589: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(barig) 3(ban2) sze (gesz#)[ba-ri2-ga (d)marduk]
  • sza nam-ha-ar#-[ti szi-i-iq me-sze-qi2 bi-ru-ia-im] _sza3 sze_ na-at-ba-ak# zimbir#(ki)-ia-ah-[ru-rum] _nig2 szu_ i-bi-(d)en-lil2 _dub-sar_ (disz)inim-(d)utu _lu2-gal-ukken-na _ugula dam-gar3 di-ku5-mesz u3 kar zimbir(ki#)_ a-na qa2-be2-e a-wi-il-(d)suen _di-ku5_ (disz)sa-ar-rum _szu ba-an-ti#_ _u4 buru14-sze3#_

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 of barley for the libation bowl of Marduk;
  • of the namhartu-offerings, the shimheqi-offerings of Birum, in the barley of the natbakku-offerings of Sippar-Yahurrum, the property of Ibbi-Enlil, scribe, Inim-Shamash, the chief of the merchants, the overseer of the judges, and the quay of Sippar, to the command of Awil-Sîn, the judge, Sarum received. At the delivery of the harvest



    a-na na-[at-ba]-ak# il-[qu2-u2] sze-am# u3#-ta#-ar# _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-[e] an! (d)en-lil2-bi-da inim zi#-[da] in-na-((an-na))-an-ne#!?-[esz_ ...]

    AI Translation

    to the natbak he took. The barley he returned. The month of Addaru, the day 4 of the year in which Samsu-ditana the king ... the word of Anu and Enlil.

    Seal 1


    _(na4)kiszib3_ sa#-ar-rum

    AI Translation

    Seal of Sarrum

    P480590: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) (gesz)ma2 1(u) gur_
  • sza i-bi-(d)en-lil2 _dub-sar_ (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur _sukkal i3-du8_ _ki_ ba-asz-dingir _ugula e2 gudu4 e2 (d)utu_ _in!-hun!_ _a2 (gesz)ma2_

  • _1(asz) sze gur!_
  • i-na kar-zimbir(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 1 boat of 10 gur,
  • of Ibbi-Enlil, scribe, Ibni-Adad, the messenger, gatekeeper. From Bash-ilum, overseer of the temple of the gudu-priests, the temple of Shamash, he has rented. The rent of the boat

  • 1 kor of barley
  • in Karzimbir.



    a-na i-bi-(d)en-lil2 _dub-sar_ i-na-ad-di-nu-ma ka-ni-ik-szu ki-nu i-he-ep-pu-u2 _iti du6-ku3 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na! _lugal-e alan-a-ni igi ka-kesz2 ugnim-ma_

    AI Translation

    to Ibbi-Enlil the scribe they shall give, and his binding they shall make firm. The month of Duku, the day 24 the year in which Samsu-ditana the king erected his statue before the gate of the enemy.

    P480591: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) gu4 ur11-ra_
  • _gu4_ (d)suen-i-di-nam _dumu_ ha-ni-ia-nu _ki_ (d)suen!-i-di-nam _dumu_ ha-ni-ia-nu be-el _gu4_ (disz)ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-sze-me u3 _arad_-ib-bi-a-nu ($ erasure $) _dumu-mesz_ i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun _in-szi-in-sa10-mesz_ _sa10 til-la-bi-sze3_

  • _2/3(disz) ma!-na 8(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _in-na-an-la2_ u3 5/6(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar si-bi_ isz-ku-un a-na ba-aq-ri-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1 bull of a thigh,
  • A bull of Sîn-iddinam, son of Haniianu, from Sîn-iddinam, son of Haniianu, the owner of the bull, Hammurapishem and Warad-ibanu, sons of Ina-esagil-numun, are purchased and acquired. The full price of the bull is paid.

  • 2/3 mina 8 shekels of silver
  • he has paid. Further, 5/6 shekel of silver, its interest he shall pay to its owner.



    ki-ma s,i-im-da-at szar-rum x iz-za-az _igi_ wu-sum2-nu-ur2-szu _ugula gidri_ _igi_ a-hu-ni ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ be-li2-ia-tum _dumu_ a-hu-ia-tum _igi_ ib-ni-(d)marduk _dumu_ (d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _igi_ u-bar-rum _dumu_ gi-mil-(d)marduk _igi_ si-na!-tum _dumu_ isz-me-(d)suen _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e# alan-a-ni igi ka-kesz2 ugnim-ma!-ke4_

    AI Translation

    before Shummat-shum-nurshu, overseer of the sceptre; before Ahuni, his son; before Beli-yatum, son of Ahu-yatum; before Ibni-marduk, son of Nabium-nashir; before Ubarrum, son of Gimil-marduk; before Sinatum, son of Ishme-sîn. The month of Addaru, the day 22 the year in which Samsu-ditana the king, his statue; before the gate of the Ugnima.

    P480592: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    ki#? i-bi#?-[...] be-el [_ab2_] a-na _bi_-_bi_-_is_ [...] (disz)ne-eh-tum _dumu_ sza x-[...] a-di pa-t,a-ar e-re-szi-im# _in-hun_

  • _1(u) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)amar-utu_
  • _a2_-sza _i3-ag2-e_ a-na _igi si u3 umbin! du10?-ga_ iz-za-az gu4#? sza _sag10_ [a]-na# be-li2-sza i-pa-qi2-id

    AI Translation

    ... the lord of the lands to ... Nehtu, son of ..., ... until the completion of the harvest he will enjoy.

  • 10 gur of barley, the seah of Marduk;
  • he will measure its weight. He will stand before the wind and the horn. He will give the ox of the head to her lord.



    _sze#?-ba_ i?-na? ud? 1(asz) sze gur_ ma-hi-ir _igi_ _an_-_ka_-(d)nin-szubur _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dumu_ (d)iszkur-szar-rum

    AI Translation

    The barley rations for 1 gur of barley are due. Before Anu-ka-Ninshubur, before Sîn-ishmani, son of Adad-sharrum.

    P480593: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/3(disz) ma-na 7(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2_ [...]
  • (d)na3-(d)lamma-szu

  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2_ (disz)il3-szu-ba-(ni)
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2_
  • i-din-sin

  • _1(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sa10 i3-gesz_ e-zu-ub _1(u) 1(disz) ma-na 5/6(disz) gin2#_

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mina 7 1/3 shekels .
  • Nabu-Lammashu

  • 1/2 mina 2 shekels: Illshubani;
  • 1/2 mina 8 shekels;
  • he gave.

  • 1 mina 8 shekels of silver
  • the price of oil he will eat; 11 minas 5/6 shekels;



    _sa10 uruda sikil_ _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e_

    AI Translation

    the price of pure copper; month: "Festival of the Temple," 26th day, year: "Ammi-shaduqa was king."

    P480594: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(disz) dug i3-dub?_ i-na pa-pa-hi-im
  • 2(disz) i-na ki-sa-al-li
  • 1(disz) [i]-na _e2-ur3_ x-a? [x?]
  • _[n?] 4(disz) dug i3-dub?_ sza ib-ni-(d#)utu i-na# _e2_ i-din-(d)e2-a _[n?] 2(disz) dug i3-dub_

  • _1(disz) dug_ al-lu-ha-rum
  • i-na _e2_ (d)suen-re-me-ni

  • _2(disz) dug_ al-lu-ha-rum i-na _e2-i3-sur_
  • _1(u) 9(disz) dug i3-dub_
  • _2(disz) dug_ al-lu-ha-rum
  • [n?] 3(disz) i-din-(d)e2-a

    AI Translation
  • 4 jugs of oil in the cella;
  • 2 in the courtyard;
  • 1 in the ...-house .
  • ... 4 jugs of oil, of Ibni-shamash, in the house of Iddin-Ea; ... 2 jugs of oil,

  • 1 jug of allu-harum-wine;
  • in the temple of Sîn-remeni.

  • 2 jugs of allum-harum in E-isur;
  • 19 jugs of oil,
  • 2 jugs of allum-harum-beer;
  • n? 3 Iddin-Ea



    [...] _kisal-mah_

  • 1(disz)# [...] pa-pa-hi-im#
  • [...] al-lu-ha-rum _i3-dub_ [...]-a-ni _[iti ... u4 n]-kam#_ _mu_ [am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal]-e# (d)marduk x [...] gal#?_

    AI Translation

    ... the main courtyard.

  • 1 ..., the cella;
  • ... Allu-harum, the depot ...-ani. The month ..., the day ..., the year "Ammi-shaduqa, the king, Marduk ... ... great? .

    P480595: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)sin-ib-ni (disz)_arad_-(d)ul-ma-szi-tum _dumu_ ib-ni-sin (disz)id-da-tum (disz)sa-mu# _dumu_ ma!-szum! (disz)_arad_-sin _dumu_ il3-szu-a-bu-szu (disz)(d)utu-ba-ni _arad_-(d)szu-nir (disz)sza-al-li-lu-mur (disz)(d)marduk-mi-sza-lim _dumu_ e-t,i-rum (disz)s,il2-li2-(d)utu _dumu_ sin-re-me-ni (disz)(d)iszkur-lu!-numun! (disz)(d)iszkur-na#-s,ir (disz)ib#-ni#-(d)utu# _dumu_ i3-li2-i-din-nam (disz)_arad#_-(d#)utu# (disz)(d)utu#-[x-x _dumu_] sin-re!-me-ni (disz)hu-un#-nu

  • _1(u) 5(disz) erin2# hun#-ga2_
  • AI Translation

    Sîn-ibni, Arad-ulmashitum, son of Ibni-sîn; Iddatum; Samu, son of Mishum; Arad-sîn, son of Ilshu-abushu; Shamash-bani, Warad-shunir; Shalli-lumur; Marduk-mushallim, son of Etirum; Shilli-shamash, son of Sîn-remeni; Adad-lu-zer; Adad-nashir; Ibni-shamash, son of Ili-iddinam; Arad-shamash; Shamash-..., son of Sîn-remeni; Hunnu

  • 15 hired labor-troops,
  • Reverse


    (disz)sin-szesz-i-din-nam _dumu_ e-t,i-rum (disz)_arad_-si-gar (disz)_arad_-ki-nu-ni

  • 3(disz) ma-asz-bul?-x
  • (disz)a-hu-dam-qu2# (disz)pu-hi-ia (disz#)a-gu-sze-en-na (disz#)a-ri-ib-te-esz-szub# (disz#)szu-zi-iz-ki-it-tam

  • 5(disz) _ARAD-mesz e2_
  • 2(u) 3(disz) _erin2-mesz_
  • _x a2? a-gar3_ na-gu-u2 i-s,i-du-u2# _iti bara2-za3-gar3 u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-[e?] (d)lamma didli-a u6 (d)(sze3)szer7-da mah-a e2-babbar-ra-sze3 in-ne-ku4-ra_

    AI Translation

    Sin-ahi-dinnam, son of Etirum; Arad-sigar; Arad-kinuni;

  • 3: Mashbul-...;
  • Ahudamqu, Puhiya, Agushena, Aribteshub, Shuzizkittam,

  • 5 servants of the house;
  • 23 troops,
  • ... ... the field of the nagu-field he cultivated. The month of Nisannu, the day 25 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the protective lamassu, the great sheshda-priest, entered the Ebabbar.

    P480596: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) pi2-hu _ki 1(disz)_
  • 1(u) pi2-hu _ki 2(disz)_
  • sza qe2-re-et _dingir-mesz_

  • 3(u) 2(disz) pi2-hu sza _ninda (d)utu_
  • 1(disz) pi2-hu (d)marduk-la-ma-as-su2
  • 1(disz) pi2-hu _ki 2(disz)_
  • 1(disz) pi2-hu _ki 3(disz)_
  • AI Translation
  • 10 ... with 1
  • 10 ... with 2
  • of the cult center of the gods.

  • 32 ... of bread of Shamash;
  • 1 ... of Marduk-lamassu,
  • 1 ... with 2;
  • 1 ... with 3;
  • Reverse

  • 6(disz) pi2-hu _sanga_ an-nu-ni-tum
  • 1(disz) _ugula nu-bar-mesz_
  • 1(disz) _kisal-mah_
  • 1(disz) _munus nu-gig!_
  • 1(disz) _munus lukur (d)utu_
  • 1(disz) a-na? zimbir(ki)
  • 1(disz) munus ad-ku-ba-ni
  • 1(disz) a-na nam#?-kar3 sza! ra-bi
  • 1(disz) i3-li2-sukkal
  • AI Translation
  • 6 ... of the priest Annunitum;
  • 1 foreman of nubaru-wood;
  • 1 courtyard;
  • 1 nugig-girl,
  • 1 woman, naditu of Shamash;
  • 1 to Sippar,
  • 1 woman, Adkubani;
  • 1 for the namkaru-offering of the great;
  • Ili-sukkal,
  • P480597: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)ip-qu2-(d)na-bi-um _szu-i_ (disz)(d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 [...] _ugula dam-gar3#_ [...] (disz)(d)marduk-na-s,i-ir# [...] _ugula lukur (d?)utu?-mesz#_ [...] (disz)a-wi-il#-(d)suen# [...] _dub#-sar erin2_ (disz)e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi-um _szitim_ sza i-na ma-ah-ri-szu-nu _u4 buru14!-sze3!_

    AI Translation

    Ipqu-Nabû, the hand of Adad-manshum, ..., the overseer of the merchants; ... Marduk-nashir, ..., the overseer of the naditu-priests of the Shamash; ... Awil-Sîn, ..., the scribe of the troops; Etel-pî-Nabû, the laborer, who in their presence at the delivery of the harvest,



    ki-ma _dub_ u2-bi-ia-rum iq-qu2

    AI Translation

    He weighed out the tablet Ubirum.

    P480598: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) sanga_ (d)utu
  • _5(disz) sanga_ (d)a-a
  • 5(disz) ib-ni-(d)mar#-tu
  • 5(disz) na!-bi!-um-na#-s,i#-ir
  • 5(disz) (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2
  • 5(disz) (d)suen-im-gur-an-ni
  • 5(disz) (d)suen-i-din-nam _di-ku5_
  • 2(disz) (d)suen-im-gur-an-ni _dumu sanga (d)utu_
  • _3(u) 7(disz) gu4?_ i-ni-tum sza a-na a-wi-lim _gal-ukken-na_ es3-ha

    AI Translation
  • 5 priests of Shamash;
  • 5 priests of Aya,
  • 5: Ibni-Amurtu;
  • 5: Nabi-umnashir;
  • 5, Adad-manshum;
  • 5, Sîn-imguranni;
  • 5, Sîn-iddinam, judge;
  • 2: Sîn-imguranni, son of the temple administrator of Shamash;
  • 37 oxen, oxen, oxen, which to the man of the satrap is a esha-offering,



    me-he-er ze-eh-pi2 sza a-na a-wi-lim a-bi _erin2_ babila2(ki) ib-ba-ab-lu _iti ne-ne-gar u4! 2(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e alan-a-ni szu silim-ma ab-di-di-e-ne!-a_

    AI Translation

    The zehpi-demon which to the man, the father of the troops of Babylon, he seized. The month of Addaru, the day 20 the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king erected his statue. He has sworn it and he has sworn it.

    P480599: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) ka-ni-ka-at _ka#-bar-mesz_
  • ku-nu-uk ha-am-mu-ra-pi2 _lugal_

  • 3(disz) ka-ni-ku sza _ka-bar_ hal-hal-la(ki)
  • ku-nu-uk _iri(ki)_ hal-hal-la

  • 2(disz) dub ((_ni_)) udu-udu sza _ka-bar_
  • 1(u) 1(disz) ka-ni-ik _ka-bar-mesz_
  • sza i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)suen a-na (d)suen-i-din-nam _sipa_ _dumu_ sza-am-hu ip-qi2-id!

    AI Translation
  • 6 kanikatu-vessels,
  • I have sworn by the name of Hammurapi the king.

  • 3 kaniku-vessels of bronze from Halhalla;
  • The city is a halhalla-disease.

  • 2 tablets of sheep of bronze;
  • 11 kanik-shaped vessels,
  • of Ikun-pî-Sîn, son of Ibni-Sîn, to Sîn-iddinam, shepherd, son of Shamhu appointed.



    a-na _u4 1(u)-kam_ (disz)(d)suen-i-din-nam _sipa_ _dumu_ sza-am-hu ka-ni-ka-tim u2-ta-ar _igi_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2#_ _dumu_ a-ha-am-ar-szi _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e! sipa zi sze-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-((da))-ke4!_

    AI Translation

    On the 10th day Sîn-iddinam, shepherd of the son of Samhu, the kanikatum-priest, has returned. Before Simanitum, the guarantor, son of Ahamarshi. The month of Elunum, the day 6 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the true shepherd, chosen by Shamash and Marduk,

    P480600: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] 2(disz) _pa_ x x x [x] 2(disz)? _dumu-ni_ [n] _mar-tu_ i3-li2-i-qi2#-sza _erin2_ ha-na(ki) _hi#-a#_ [n] _mar#-tu_ i-na e2-sag#-il2#-numun _erin2_ elam#(ki#) [n] _mar-tu_ _arad_-(d)marduk _erin2_ ka-asz-szu-u2 [n] _mar-tu_ pir#-hi-(d)mar-tu# _erin2_ e-mu-ut-ba-lum(ki)

  • _9(disz) erin2_ sza-in-nam?
  • AI Translation

    n 2 ... ... 2? sons ... the west, Ili-iqisha, the troops of Hana; n west, in Esagil-zeri, the troops of Elam; n west, Warad-Marduk, the troops of Kashû; n west, Pirhi-Marduk, the troops of Emutbal;

  • 9 troops, the chief of the troops,
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) 1(disz) pa-na-an#-[nu-um?]
  • x _iti kin-(d)inanna u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu#_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2# _lugal-e alan-a-ni du10-bi i3-musz3!(_hu_)-a!(_za_)_

    AI Translation
  • 11 ...
  • ... month of Elunum, 1st day, year: "Ammi-shaduqa, the king, a good statue of himself he will make."

    P480601: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) pi2-hu bi-ru-u2
  • _giri3_ sza-al-lu-rum nam-har#-ti a-li-il-la-ti

  • 2(disz) pi2-hu a-na _ga2-gi4-a_
  • 1(disz) pi2-hu a-na gi-mil-(d)marduk
  • a-na ka-asz-szi-i

  • 1(disz) pi2-hu _giri3_ lu-usz-ta-mar-isz8-tar2
  • a-na _szu-ku6-hi-a_

  • 4(disz) pi2-hu _giri3_ a-li-il#-la-ti
  • _sza3_ sze-e qa2-ti-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ...,
  • foot of Shallurrum, the harû-demon, the lilatu-demon.

  • 2 ... for the sacrificial offerings;
  • 1 ... for Gimil-Marduk;
  • to you.

  • 1 ..., via Lushtamar-Ishtar;
  • to fish

  • 4 ..., via Ali-ilati;
  • The heart of his hand, the barley of his hands.




  • 1(disz) (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _sanga_ sin
  • nam-har-ti

  • 1(disz) ib-ni-(d)iszkur _en-nu-un e2_
  • 2(disz) pi2-hu _giri3_ a-li-illat-ti
  • a-na _ga2-gi-a_ _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni zubi ku3-sig17-ga-ke4_

    AI Translation


  • Marduk-mushallim, the priest of the moon.
  • a kind of profession

  • Ibni-Adad, guard of the house,
  • 2 ..., via Ali-illatti;
  • to the reed-banks. The month of Du'uzu, the day 11 of the year in which Samsu-ditana the king fashioned his statue of a gold ring.

    P480602: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3 ku3-babbar siki udu!-siki e2 (d)utu_ sza i-na _mu_ a-bi-e-szu#-uh# _lugal#-e (uruda)alan-a-[ni] masz2 kadra2_ (disz)([d])na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir# mu-za-az _ka2#_ i#?-na#? _kar#_ zimbir(ki) ia-ah-ru-rum [u2]-sza-am-hi-ru#

    AI Translation
  • 3 shekels of silver
  • The silver, wool and sheep of the temple of Shamash, which in the year "Abi-eshuh the king" a statue of himself, the goat, the sceptre of Nabû-nashir, the gatekeeper, in the port of Sippar Yahurrum he brought.



    _be# du#_? (disz)(d)nanna-ibila#-ma-an#-szum2 nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)be-la-nu _dub?-sar!?_ _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e ad!-gi-a gu-la_

    AI Translation

    If the king, Nanna-apla-manshum, a namhartu-offering of Belanu, the scribe?, the month of Du'uzu, the day 21 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king ... the great adgi-offering.

    P480603: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _9(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3# ku3-babbar_ sze-e _lu2-mesz kurun2-na_ sza a-na _sa10 udu szu-gi-na#_ _szu#-bar-ra e2 (d)utu_ sza! babila2?(ki) sza _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e mu# gibil egir inim mah (d)marduk# [lugal bala]-an-ni bi2-in-gi-na-ta_ _[mu]-kux(_du_)_ [(d)marduk]-mu-sza-lim _lu2 kurun2-na_

    AI Translation
  • 9 1/2 shekels of silver
  • the silver, barley of the men of the stele, which for the price of sheep of the shubina offering of the temple of Shamash of Babylon, which is the name of Samsu-ditana the king, new year, after the great word of Marduk, the king of his reign, he gave to her. Delivery of Marduk-mushallim, the man of the stele.



    [nam-ha]-ar-ti [a-ta-na]-ah#-dingir _dumu_ dingir-pi4-an-nu-ni-tum# a-na qa2-be2-e ip-qu2-an-nu-ni-tum ra-bi si2-ik-ka3-tum _igi#_ [...]-(d)iszkur _sanga_ an-nu-ni-tum# _igi_ id-da-tum _dumu e2-[dub-ba-a]_ _iti# ab-e3 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ [_mu_] sa-am-su-di-ta#-na _lugal#-e# mu# gibil# egir inim mah (d)marduk lugal bala-an-ni_

    AI Translation

    Namharti Atanah-ili, son of Ili-piannitum, to the command of Ipqu-anunitum, great shikkatum-priest, before ...-adad, priest of Annunitum, before Iddatum, son of the scribe. The month of Tebetum, the day 24 the year in which Samsu-ditana the king rebuilt, after the great word of Marduk, the king of the reign,

    P480604: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _ga_ ti te e _mu-kux(_du_) erin2-mesz iri_ ba-s,um(ki!)

  • _8(asz) sze gur_ i-din-(d)utu _ugula mar-tu_
  • 2(barig) 1(ban2) be-el-szu-nu _dumu_ lu2-sin
  • 3(barig) 3(ban2) _i3-sa2_ i3-li2-eri-ba-am _dumu_ be-el#?-[...]
  • 3(barig) 3(ban2) i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)marduk#
  • 5(ban2) i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _nu-(gesz)kiri6_
  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) sza-mu-ur-e#-ze-es-su2 _sanga_
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) ha-za-lum _dumu_ szu-nu-ma-dingir
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) i-lu-ni-a-hi _ugula mar-tu_
  • 1(u) 4(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_ sza _erin2-mesz_ szi-ra!-mah(ki)
  • 3(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) _sze gur_ i-din-(d)utu _ugula gidri_
  • 2(barig) 3(ban2) il3-szu-na-s,i-ir _dumu_ i-na-pa-le-szu
  • 3(barig) 4(ban2) i-lu-ni _dumu_ a-hu-ni
  • 2(barig) 2(ban2) ib-ba-tum _dumu_ sin-mu-sza-lim
  • 2(barig) 3(ban2) (d)suen-eri-ba-am _dumu_ a-hu-ni
  • 3(barig) 2(ban2) i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun
  • _dumu_ be-el-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    ... delivery of the troops of Bashum.

  • 8 gur of barley, Iddin-Shamash, overseer of the Amorite.
  • 2 barig 1 ban2, Belshunu, son of the master-builder;
  • 3 barig 3 ban2 oil, Ili-eribam son of Bel-.
  • 3 barig 3 ban2 Ili-iqisham son of Ibni-Marduk
  • 5 seahs Ili-iqisham, gardener;
  • 1 barig 2 ban2: Shamur-ezessu, the priest;
  • 1 barig 3 ban2: Hazalum, son of Shunum-adin;
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 Iluni-ahi, overseer of the Amorite cult centers;
  • 10 kurru 4 barig 2 ban2 barley of the troops of Shiramah,
  • 3 kor, 1 panu 2 sutu of barley, Iddin-Shamash, overseer of the sceptre;
  • 2 barig 3 ban2: Ilshu-nashir, son of Ina-paleshu;
  • 3 barig 4 ban2: Iluni, son of Ahuni;
  • 2 barig 2 ban2: Ibbatum, son of Sin-mushallim;
  • 2 barig 3 ban2: Sîn-eribam, son of Ahuni;
  • 3 barig 2 ban2: Ina-esagil-numun;
  • son of their lady


  • 4(ban2) _sze_ pir-hi#-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ _arad_-(d#)utu _di-ku5_
  • 2(barig) _arad_-ku-bi _dumu_ a-hu-ni
  • 5(ban2) ib-ni-(d)sze-rum _dumu_ (d)utu-x-mu-rum
  • 2(barig) 1(ban2) sza-al-li-lu-mur _dumu_ szum-ma-dingir
  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) (d)suen-i-din-nam _nu-banda3_
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) _i3-sa2_ ta-ri-bu-sza _dumu_ _pa_-_pa_
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) dumu-u4-20(u)-kam _dumu_ i3-li2-sukkal
  • 2(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) pir-hi-(d)mar-tu e-tel-pu
  • u3 ta-ri-ba-tum _szu-ku6-mesz_

  • 2(ban2) _arad_-(d)szu-nir _szu-ku6_
  • 1(ban2) t,a3-ab-e2-zi-da _szu-ku6_
  • _1(u) 4(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur_ sza _erin2-mesz elam-ma(ki)_
  • u3 _szu-ku6-mesz_

  • _2(u) 1(asz) 4(barig) sze gur mu-kux(_du_)_
  • _erin2-mesz iri_ ba-s,um(ki) _iti szu-numun-a u4 2(disz)#?-kam#_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni dur2-bi asz-te-ta_

    AI Translation
  • 4 seahs of barley: Pirhi-ilishu, son of Warad-shamash, judge;
  • 2 barig, Warad-Kubi, son of Ahuni;
  • 5 seahs, Ibni-Sherum, son of Shamash-...-murum;
  • 2 barig 1 ban2: Shallilumur, son of Shumma-ili;
  • 1 barig 4 ban2, Sîn-iddinam, the overseer;
  • 1 barig 3 sutu of oil, Taribusha, son of Pa-pa;
  • 1 barig 3 ban2: the 20th year; son of Ili-sukkal;
  • 2 gur 3 barig 1 ban2: Pirhi-Amurtu, Etelpu;
  • and the taribatu-offerings of fish.

  • 2 seahs, Warad-Shunir, fisherman;
  • 1 seah of tabezezida fish,
  • 10 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 barley of the troops of Elam,
  • and fish

  • 21 gur 4 barig of barley, delivery;
  • troops of Bashum; month: "Sowing," 2nd day, year: "Samsu-ditana, the king, his statue ... he erected."

    P480605: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) sila3 numun lu-ub2(sar)_
  • _2(disz) sila3 numun_ ha-as-su2(sar)
  • _1(disz) (gesz)numun za3-hi-li-a(sar)_
  • si-ib-ba-at szi-nu-un-ti

  • _1(disz) sila3 numun_ a-lu-tum(sar)
  • _1(u) dug! numun_ i-sza-rum(sar)
  • _1(u) dug! numun_ ka-ma-an-tum(sar)
  • _3(disz) sila3? numun sze-lu2(sar)_
  • _1(disz)# sila3! ((numun))_ mu-_bu_-_ug_-lu(sar)
  • _1/3(disz) sila? numun_ a-zu-u2-pi4-ra-nu(sar)
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of seed of the gardener;
  • 2 sila3 of seed of hashu-aromatic,
  • 1 seed of zahili-asar,
  • The scepter of the shinunitu-demon.

  • 1 sila3 of alutum seed,
  • 10 jugs of seed of isharu-plant;
  • 10 jugs of seed of kamantu-plant;
  • 3 sila3 seed of spelt,
  • 1 sila3 of muku-ugal-sar,
  • 1/3 sila3 seed of Azu-upiranu,
  • Reverse


    _iti_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Month ...

    P480606: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) _sze-numun (gesz)ban2_ (d)marduk
  • 1(u) _erin2_ ka-si-mu
  • 8(disz) _erin2_ he-ru-u2
  • 1(u) 2(disz) _erin2_ sza-qu2-u2
  • 3(disz) _erin2_ za-ru-u2
  • 3(u) 3(disz) _erin2_

  • 1(barig) _sze_ ma-as,-s,a-ar _muszen hi-a_
  • 2(ban2) _lu2 lag ri-ri-ga_
  • sza _a-sza3_ a-ap-pa-a _a-gar3_ t,a3-bu

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 4 sutu of seed, the sutu of Marduk;
  • 10 troops of Kasimu;
  • 8 troops, herû-officiants;
  • 12 high-ranking troops,
  • 3 troops, the zarau-priests;
  • 33 troops,

  • 1 barig of barley, rations of a bird,
  • 2 seahs, a man, a riripa-offering,
  • of the field of Appanu, the field is good.


  • 1(asz) 4(barig) _gur sze-numun_
  • _(gesz)ban2_ (d)utu

  • 1(u) 2(disz) _erin2_ he-ru-u2
  • 1(u) _erin2_ me-eh-ru ma-ha-rum
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) _erin2_ ka-si-mu
  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) 7(disz) _erin2_ u3 2(asz) _sze gur (gesz)ban2_ (d)utu sza a-na ri-t,i-ib-bi ha-ar-bi isz-sza-ak-nu sza _a-sza3_ na-szi-a-re-esz#

    AI Translation
  • 1 kor 4 panu seed,
  • bow of Shamash

  • 12 troops, herû-officiants;
  • 10 troops, the front of the cult center;
  • 115 troops of Kasimu;
  • 77 workmen and 2 gur of barley, the ban2 of Shamash, which for the rations of the harbû-offerings were set up, of the field of the nashiru-offerings,

    P480607: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 1(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar_
  • _giri3_ i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _dumu_ a-hu-ia-tum

  • _1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _giri3_ _arad_-esz3-esz3 _simug ki 1(disz)_

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar giri3_ _arad_-esz3-esz3 _ki 1(disz)_
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 9(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar_
  • ip-t,e-er iz-za-tum _ma2-lah5_ _giri3_ ib-ni-(d)marduk _dumu_ ip-qu2-(d)a-a _ugula! erin2 elam[(ki)-ma]_

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar sza4 ku3-babbar_ ip-t,e4-ri
  • x sin-mu-sza-lim _lunga lu2-kurun2-na dumu_ s,il2-x [...] _giri3_ hu-za-lum

    AI Translation
  • 1 2/3 minas 1 shekel 15 grains of silver,
  • via Ili-iqisham, son of Ahu-yatum;

  • 1 mina 12 shekels of silver
  • via Warad-eshish, smith, with 1 copy.

  • 2/3 mina 2 shekels of silver via Warad-eshesh, with 1
  • 1/2 mina 9 1/4 shekels of silver,
  • Ipt-Er, Izzatum, boatman, via Ibni-Marduk, son of Ipqu-Aya, foreman of the Elamite troops.

  • 1/3 mina of silver, the inner amount of silver, he has weighed out.
  • ... Sin-mushallim, brewer, the kurunnu-official, son of Shil-... ... via Huzalu.


  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar sa10!? u8!?-[udu?-hi?-a?]_
  • _1/3(disz) [...]-li2 _arad_-esz3-esz3 _ki# [n]_
  • _1/2(disz) [...] x ku3-babbar_ ip-t,e4-er
  • _giri3#?_ [...] _lu_? _ab#_ ki#? 1(disz)?_ [...] 5/6(disz) x [...] [...] x [...] _[iti] bara2#-za3-gar u4 1(u) [n-kam]_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e (d)nanna en gal-la alan-a-ni e2-ni2-te-en du10_

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina of silver for the sale of ewes?;
  • 1/3 ..., Warad-eshesh, with .
  • 1/2 ... ... he will pay the silver.
  • foot? ... ... 5/6 ... ... ... ... ... month: "Barazar, the nth day," year: "Samsu-ditana, the king, Nanna, the great lord, his statue of Eniten he made good."

    P480608: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [...] x [...] [...] su-na-tum#? [...] _n ma-na_ sa-li#-[hu ...]

  • _1(disz) ma-na_ la-pi2-isz#-[tum ...]
  • _3(disz) ma-na 3(disz) gin2_ (d)i-szum-x-[...]
  • _6(disz) ma-na_ el!-me-szum# [...]
  • _4(disz) ma-na 1(u) 8(disz) gin2_ gur?-ri-mu-na [...]
  • _3(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na_ ip-t,e4-er sig!-(d)suen _dumu_ x-[...]
  • _1(disz) ma-na_ ku-ub-bu-tum _dumu_ (d)iszkur-[ma-an-szum2 _dub-sar] erin2_
  • _5(disz) ma-na_ (d)marduk-me-ba-li2-it, _dumu_ ib-ni#-[x x]
  • _1(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na_ ba-ia-tum _iri_ ba-s,um(ki)
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na_ (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _ugula e2_ ip-t,e4-er _dumu-a-ni_
  • _1(u) 3(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2_ ku-ub-bu-tum _dumu_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2
  • _7(disz) ma-na_ i-na-e2-ul-masz-numun _dumu_ be-el-szu-nu
  • _8(disz) ma-na_ a-hu-ni _dumu_ (d)utu-na-s,i-ir
  • _4(disz) ma-na_ ib-ni-(d)utu _dumu_ ib-ni-szu-i3-li2-szu
  • _1(u) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na_ i-na-e2-ul!-masz-numun _dumu_ il3-szu-ib-ni
  • _szunigin? 2(u) 6(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza i-na _e2 (d)suen-i-qi2-sza-am _dub-sar_ in-na-ad-nu!-szu-nu-szi-im!?

  • _2(disz) 1/3(disz) i-na e2-sag-il2-numun _szagan-la2_
  • _1(disz) ma-na_ be-ia-a _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen
  • _1(u) 8(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) sze ku3-babbar ib2-tak4_
  • sza a-na _szuku e2 (d)utu_ in-na-ad-nu

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na_ ip-t,e4-er (d)nanna-ma-an-szum2 _lu2 erin2_ bi-x [x?]
  • _1(u) gin2_ sa-li-hu _ki 2(disz)_
  • _1(u) gin2_ it-ti-i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am
  • _dumu_ a-na-ia _[n] gin2_ ku-ub-bu-rum _dumu_ x-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... n minas of saline .

  • 1 mina of ... .
  • 3 minas 3 shekels for Ishum-...,
  • 6 minas of ...
  • 4 minas 18 shekels of gurrimuna-seeds .
  • 3 5/6 minas he weighed out. Sippar-Sîn, son of .
  • 1 mina of copper, son of Adad-manshum, scribe of the troops.
  • 5 minas, Marduk-meballit, son of Ibni-...;
  • 1 1/3 minas, Biatum, the city of Bashum;
  • 1/2 mina, Sîn-nadin-shumi, overseer of the house, Ipteer, his son.
  • 13 1/2 shekels, Kubutum, son of Adad-manshum;
  • 7 minas: Ina-eulmash-zeri, son of their lady;
  • 8 minas, Ahunu, son of Shamash-nashir;
  • 4 minas, Ibni-shamash, son of Ibnishu-ilishu;
  • 14 2/3 minas: Ina-eulmash-zeri, son of Ilshu-ibni;
  • Total: 26 2/3 minas of silver which in the house of Sîn-iqisham the scribe gave them.

  • 2 1/3 in Esagil-numun the shaknû;
  • 1 mina, Beyaya, son of Iddin-Sîn;
  • 18 2/3 minas 15 grains of silver he weighed out.
  • which are given for the entry of the Shamash temple.

  • he has sworn by 2/3 mina. Nanna-manshum, the man of the troops .
  • 10 shekels of salihu-seeds with 2;
  • 10 shekels with Ili-iqisham
  • ... shekels, Kubburum, son of ...;


  • _1(disz)#? ma-na_ 1(u) gin2_ ip-t,e4-er i-din-[...]
  • _2(disz) ma-na_ qi2-isz-ti-dingir _dumu e2-dub#-[ba-a]_
  • _2(asz) gu2-un 1(u) ma-na 1(u) 9(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz)#? [sze] ku3-babbar_
  • _mu-kux(_du_)_ _szunigin? 2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ qa2-aq-qa2-da-nu _iri_ id?-da?-_didli_-te?

  • _5(disz) ma-na_ i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun _dumu_ _arad_-i3-li2-szu
  • _3(disz) ma-na_ qi2-isz-ti-dingir _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_
  • _1(disz) ki 1(disz)_
  • _1(disz) ma-na 1(u) 8(disz) gin2 ki 2(disz)_
  • _1/2(disz) ma-na ki 3(disz)_
  • _[n] 2(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2_ _arad_-(d)marduk _dumu_ il3-su-ib-ni _[n] 2(disz)_ a-na _sa10 zu2-lum! i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _dumu_ a-li-ia-tum _[n] 2(disz) dub gid2_ sza _tug2-hi-a_ sza la isz-sza-mu _[n] ma#-na_ ri-sza-tum _dumu_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it, _ku3-(dim2)_ _[n] ma-na_ su!-uz-ga-tum nu nimgir?-ni-sze3_ _[n] ma#-na_ (d)suen-ib-ni _nimgir dumu_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim _[n] gin2#?_ i-din-(d)marduk _dub-sar erin2_ _[n] gin2#?_ be-el-ba-la-t,i _[n gin2?] _sa10 uzu_ a-na _sanga_ (d)marduk

    _[n ma]-na# 1(disz) gin2 sa10 6(disz) tug2-hi-a_ _[n] sa10 a-sza3_ sza i-bi-(d)tu-tu-a#? _[n] sa10 a-sza3_ sza ki-_bulug_-an?-ni [...] _[n] sa10 sila#?_ sza _e2_ _arad_!-(d)suen#

    AI Translation
  • 1 mina 10 shekels he gave, .
  • 2 minas, Qishti-il, son of the scribe,
  • 2 talents 10 minas 19 1/2 shekels 15 grains of silver,
  • delivery; total? 2 minas of silver, the area of the city of Iddadidite?.

  • 5 minas: Ina-esagil-zeri, son of Warad-ilishu;
  • 3 minas, Qishti-il, son of the scribe,
  • 1 with 1
  • 1 mina 18 shekels with 2 shekels;
  • 1/2 mina at 3 minas;
  • n 2 2/3 minas 8 shekels, Warad-Marduk, son of Ilshu-ibni; n 2 for the price of dates, Ili-iqisham, son of Aliyatum; n 2 long tablets of garments that are not sworn; n minas, Rashatum, son of Marduk-muballit, silversmith; n minas, Suzugatum, not his herald; n minas, Sîn-ibni, herald, son of Sîn-mushallim; n shekels?, Iddin-Marduk, scribe of troops; n shekels?, Bel-balati; n shekels?, the price of meat, to the priest of Marduk;

    ... minas 1 shekel of silver, 6 textiles, ... of field of Ibbi-Tutua, ... of field of Kibulanni, ... ... of street? of the house of Warad-Sîn,

    P480609: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) pa-al-la-ku _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim
  • u3 ib-ni-(d)suen _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)marduk

  • _4(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-na _sa10_ i-t,i!-im
  • _1(ban2) i3 erin-na 4(ban2) zu2-lum_
  • _4(ban2) zi3-da 1(ban2) (u2)gamun(sar)
  • _szu ti-a_ bu-du-um _dumu_ ab-du-e-mar(ki) u3 be-ia-a _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen

  • _2(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_ usz?-te-mi-szu
  • _1(barig) 2(ban2) sze sa10 sza3-su3 ga an-ti_
  • _szu ti-a_ be-ia-a _dumu_ i-din-(d)suen _iti# udru(duru5) u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ [_mu_] am#-mi!-di!-ta-na _lugal-e_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • One man: Palakku, son of Sîn-mushallim;
  • and Ibni-Sîn, son of Ibni-Marduk.

  • 4 minas of silver for the sale he paid.
  • 1 seah of ghee, 4 seahs of dates,
  • 4 seahs of flour, 1 seah of cumin,
  • Hand of Budum, son of Abdu-Emar, and of Beya, son of Iddin-Sîn.

  • 2 1/2 minas of silver he weighed out for him.
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 of barley, the price of his belly, .
  • Hand of Beyaya, son of Iddin-Sîn. The month of Tammuz IV, the day 28 of the year in which Ammi-ditana the king .

    P480610: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(u)# 1(asz)#? gu2-un 2(u) ma-na siki_
  • _sa10 6(disz) ma-na 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_

  • _1(u) gu2-un gi du10-ga_
  • _sa10 1(disz) 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_

  • _2(u) gu2-un (gesz)erin_
  • _sa10 1(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 3(disz) 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_

  • _4(disz) tug2_ na-ah-ra-[mu]
  • _sa10 1/3(disz) ma-na 1(disz)#?_ [...]

  • _1(u) 3(disz) ma-na siki us2#_ [...]
  • _sa10 1/3(disz) ma-[na_ ...]

  • _1(u) ma-na ku3-babbar sa10_ [...]
  • _1(u) ma-na! ku3-babbar sa10_ [...]
  • _gal? x-x? si#? [...]

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na x [...]
  • sza [...]

    AI Translation
  • 21 talents 20 minas of wool,
  • bought for 6 minas 2/3 shekels of silver

  • 10 talents of good reed,
  • the price 1 2/3 minas of silver

  • 20 talents of cedar,
  • bought for 1 1/2 minas 3 1/3 shekels of silver

  • 4 nahumu-garments,
  • bought for 1/3 mina 1? .

  • 13 minas of wool, length ...;
  • bought for 1/3 mina .

  • 10 minas of silver, bought .
  • 10 minas of silver, bought .
  • great? ... ...

  • 1/3 mina ... .
  • of ...


  • _5(disz) gin2! [ku3-babbar_ ...]
  • _5(disz) gin2! [ku3-babbar_ ...]
  • _1(u) 2(disz) gin2 ku3#-[babbar ...]
  • _2/3(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2#? [ku3-babbar_ ...]
  • _sa10 2(disz)_ bad? [...]

  • _1(u) 1(disz) 5/6(disz) ma-na 4(disz) [gin2_ ...]
  • e-zu-ub _2(disz) 1/2(disz) ma-na 4(disz)#_ [...] sza ma-har _um-mi-a_ _szu-nigin2 1(u) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na 9(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar#_ sza a-lu-u2 u3 _arad_-esz3-esz3 _iti bara-za3-gar [u4 n-kam]_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na# _lugal-[e] (d)lamma (d)lamma su# bar# [su3-ga-ke4] an-dul3? ku3!-babbar (na4)du8-szi?-a# x_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 5 shekels of silver .
  • 5 shekels of silver .
  • 12 shekels of silver .
  • 2/3 mina 4 shekels of silver .
  • bought for 2 ... .

  • 11 5/6 minas 4 shekels .
  • 2 1/2 minas 4 ... which are before my mother; total: 15 1/3 minas 9 shekels of silver of Alû and Warad-eshesh. Month of Nisannu, nth day, year: "Samsu-ditana, the king, the protective deity, the protective deity, the ... of the crown, the sceptre, silver, tushia-stone .

    P480612: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3 2(disz) ma-na 5(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza a-na _sa10 sag-nita2-mesz_ a-na _a2-ni bur-sag_ sza#? [x?] x (disz)(d)utu-szu-mu-[un]-dab5 _di-[ku5]_ _sza3#? e2 (d)utu_ x x x a-na _a2 bur-sag# [x]-ku5_ [...]-ni it-pa-al [...] _hi_? [...] _du_

    AI Translation
  • 5 shekels of silver
  • in the amount of 2 minas 5 1/2 shekels of silver which for the purchase of the eunuchs for the bursag-offering of ... Shamash-shumundab, the judge, in the house of Shamash ... for the bursag-offering ...



    (disz)(d)utu-szu-mu-un-dab5 _di-ku5_ a-na e2 (d)utu nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)(d)suen-be-el-ap-lim _ugula_ [...] (disz)(d)utu-na-s,i-ir ugula [...] _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u)-[kam]_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e bad3 da udinim(ki)-a da-mi-iq-i3-li2-szu-ke4 in-du3-a bi2-in-gul-la_

    AI Translation

    Shamash-shumundab, the judge, to the house of Shamash the namhartu-offerings. Sîn-bel-aplim, the overseer ... Shamash-nashir, the overseer ... The month of Addarum, the day 20 the year in which Ammi-ditana the king built the wall next to the city of Udunum, and destroyed it.

    P480613: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _4(asz) gur sze-gesz-i3_
  • _(gesz)banesz_ (d)marduk sza nam-har-tim szi-i#-iq me-sze-qi2-im bi-ru-ii#-(im) ne-me-et-ti (disz)gi#-mil#-(d#)marduk# _dub-sar erin2_ sza _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e (uruda)alan-na-ni masz2-da-ri-a u3 (uruda)alan-na-ni szu an-du8#-[a] e2-mah-a e2-tur3-kalam-ma-ta in-ne-en-su8!-ta!_ sza a-na (d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _szu-i_ a-na szu-ud-du-nim na-ad-nu sza i-na _1(ban2) sze-gesz-i3 2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz-x_ sza a-na _sa10 ku3-babbar_ a-na _dam-gar3-mesz_ in-na-ad-nu

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur of sesame,
  • The table of Marduk of the hartim festival, the rites of the rites of the rites, the rites of Gimil-Marduk, the scribe of the troops, whose name is Ammi-ditana, the king, a statue of himself with a mashdari and a statue of himself with an adulu of the Emah temple and the Eturkalama temple he has fashioned, which to Nabium-nashir he has given to him, which for 1 seah of sesame oil and 2 sila of ... oil which for the price of silver to the merchants he has given.



    _ku3-bi 1(u) 8(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 [ku3-babbar]_ _szakanka 6(disz) sila3 sze-gesz#-[i3]_ _ki e2-gal#_ (disz)(d)iszkur-ma-an-[szum2 _ugula dam-gar3_] _dumu_ (d)iszkur-[szar-rum] _sza3 kar_ zimbir-[ia-ah-ru-rum] _szu ba-an-ti#_ u4#-um _e2#-gal#_ i#-ir#-[ri-szu-szu] _ku3-babbar# [i3-la2-e]_ x [...] _iti#_ [...] _mu_ [am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e] (uruda)alan-na#-ni# [szu] an#-du8-[a] e2-mah-a e2-tur3-kalam-ma-ta# in-ne-en-su8-ta_

    AI Translation

    its silver: 18 1/4 shekels, the shakkanka-measure: 6 sila3 sesame, from the palace Adad-manshum, overseer of the merchants, son of Adad-sharrum, in the port of Sippar-iahrum received; when the palace he will restore, the silver he will pay; ... month ... year: "Ammi-ditana the king a statue of himself with the handle of an adolescent girls, from Emah and Eturkalam he will be seized."

    Seal 1


    (d)iszkur-ma-[an-szum2] _dumu_ (d)iszkur-[szar-rum] _ARAD_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Adad-manshum, son of Adad-sharrum, servant of .

    P480614: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar_
  • mu-usz-ta-pi2-il-ti a-lim _sza3 6(disz) ma-na 1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza a-na ta-asz-bi-it _gu4-apin gu2-un gu4-apin al!-du3_ ta-ad-ni-in-ti u3 nu-du-un-ne-e a-na i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun _szu-i_ in-na-ad-nu _sza3 ku3-babbar_ he2 du x [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • Mushta-pilti, the city, of 6 minas 15 shekels of silver which for the tashbitu of plow oxen, the oxen of plow he built, the tadnintu and nudunnu to Ina-esagil-numun he gave. The silver he shall ... .



    [x] il3#-szu-ib-ni _ugula dam-gar3!_ [nam]-ha-ar-ti (disz)i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun# _szu-i_ _giri3_ (d)suen-im-gur-an-ni _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _iti gan-gan-e3 u4 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e (uruda)ki-lugal-gub i3-mah-a hur-sag didli i7-da i3-me-esz-a-bi e2-mah e2-nam-he2-ta me?-te?-esz in-ne-en?-gar-ra_

    AI Translation

    ... Ilshu-ibni, overseer of the merchants, Namharti, Ina-esagil-zeri, hand of Sîn-imguranni, son of the scribe. The month of Kislimum, the day 4 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king a bronze king's statue he fashioned, and the mountain ranges and the canals he surrounded. The Emah and the Enamhe temples he fashioned.

    Seal 1


    i-na-e2-sag-[il2-numun] _dub-[sar]_ _ARAD_ (d)na-[bi-um]

    AI Translation

    Ina-esagil-zeri, scribe, servant of Nabû.

    P480615: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) ma-na 8(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3 ku3-babbar_ sze-e _lu2 kurun2-na-mesz_ ne-me-et-ti (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _lu2 kurun2-na_ wa-szi-ib _iri sza3-gu4(ki)_ sza _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e [(d)]urasz# ur-sag gal-la (gesz#)[tukul_ ...]

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina 8 shekels of silver
  • The silver, barley, the rations of the satraps, the satraps, Adad-manshum, the satrap who dwells in Shagu, whose name is Ammi-ditana, the king, Urash, the great hero with weapons .



    _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2-da-ri-a szu an-du7-[a]_

    AI Translation

    The month of Dumuzi, the day 13, the year in which Ammi-ditana the king erected his statue, a mashdaria statue of Andua.

    P480616: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • sza a-lu-u2 a-na _ku3-babbar sze lu2 kurun2-na_ _ku3-babbar szid?_ si-ga!-ku u2 sza? im ar bu

    AI Translation
  • 2 2/3 shekels of silver
  • Whose ... for silver, barley of a man, silver of the ..., ..., and .



    _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e alan nam-nir-gal2-la-a-ni_

    AI Translation

    The month of Addaru, the day 6, the year "Ammi-shaduqa, the king, the statue of his greatness."

    P480617: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(u) 3(disz) ma-na siki! igi sag-ga2!_
  • _na4 gi-na_ _sza3 siki zu2-si-ga u8!-udu-hi-a_ a-na _esz2-gar3 (munus)usz-bar-mesz_ sza# il-ta-ni _lukur (d)utu_ e-pe2-szi-im nam-ha-ar-ti (disz)_arad_-(d)ul-masz-szi#-tum _ugula? usz-bar_

    AI Translation
  • 23 minas of wool before the head;
  • A true stone, from the wool of the wool of the sheep, for the decision of the weavers, which the naditu of Shamash had made, for the namhartu-offering, Arad-Ulmashitu, the overseer? of the weavers,



    a!-na! _sag nig2-gur11_-szu is,-s,a-ab-ba-at _iti du6-ku3 u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ [am-mi-s,a-du]-qa2 _lugal-e [szu-nir gal-gal]-la [e2-sag-il2-la]-sze3 in-ne-en#-ku4#-ra#_

    AI Translation

    to the head of his property he took. The month of Dukku, the day 28 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king a great scepter for the Esagila he brought.

    Seal 1


    (d)utu a-na (d)marduk x x x

    AI Translation

    Shamash to Marduk .

    P480618: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3? ku3-babbar_ ar-ra-bu _dumu_ (d)a-szur4-na-s,i-ir sza ar-du _dam-gar3_ _ugu-ba_ i-szu-u2 _mu-kux(_du_)_ (disz)_arad_-(d)bu-ne-ne

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver
  • Arad-Bunene received from Arrabu, son of Ashur-nashir, who is called ardu, the merchant.



    nam-har-ti (disz)(d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _dumu-e2-dub-ba#-a_ s,i-hi-ip 1(disz) _gin2 ku3-babbar_ ku-nu-uk (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 ma-har _arad_-(d)bu-ne-ne i-il!-li-a-am-ma he-pi2 _iti sig4-a u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e (uruda)du8-mah gal-gal-la

    AI Translation

    Aramaic caption: Adad-manshum, the scribe, a debt of 1 shekel of silver, the debt of Adad-manshum before Warad-bunene, he will pay. The month of Simanu, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king fashioned a great cloak.

    P480619: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(asz) 1(barig) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu masz2 nu-me-a_
  • _ib2-ru gu2-un a-sza3_-im szi-ki-in mu-sza-ri sza (d)suen-ri-isz _dumu_ i3-li2-sukkal sza i-na qa2-ti in-bu-sza _nu-(gesz)kiri6_ _dumu_ i-na-pa-le-e-szu iz-zi-zu qa2-ti in-bu-sza _nu-(gesz)kiri6_ na-asz2-ha-at-ma (disz)_arad#_-(d)suen _dumu_ e-t,i-rum _ki 1(disz)-kam_ [a-na] na#-szi ka-ni-ki-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig of barley, the seah of Shamash, without interest,
  • The guun of the field, the shikin of the musharu of Sîn-rish, son of Ili-sukkal, who by the hand has sat, the gardener, son of Ina-paleshu, stood, by the hand has sat, the gardener is sated, and Arad-Sîn, son of Etirum, from the 1st year, to the care of his ka-nikku-offering



    [i]-na# _kar zimbir(ki)-am-na-nim [sze]-am _(gesz#)ban2 (d)utu_ _i3-[ag2]-e_ _[igi]_ dumu-u4-2(u)-[kam _ugula] mar-tu_ _igi#_ _arad_-(d)ul!-[masz-szi]-tum _dumu_ e-tel-pi4#-(d)na#-bi#-um _igi#_ ([d])suen#-e-ri#-ba _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _iti# [...] u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e alan-a-ni masz2 igi-du8-a! e2-nam-ti-la-sze3#_ [...] _i3-ag2#_ [...] [...]-za-szu _dumu_ [...] [...]-ib-ni nu# [...]

    AI Translation

    at the port of Sippar-Amnanum the barley of the bow of Shamash he shall measure out. Before the second son, overseer of the Amorite temple; before Warad-ulmashitum, son of Etel-pî-nabium; before Sîn-eriba, son of the scribe. The month ..., the 24th day, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, his statue, with a scepter, to the House of Life he he weighed out. ... ...-zashu, son of ...-ibni, did not .

    P480620: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ((mu-usz-ta-pi2#-il#))
  • mu-usz-ta-pi2-il-ti babila2(ki) _sza3 ku3-babbar_ i-li-ik# (disz)(d)utu-be-el-i3-li2 _mu-kux(_du_)_ (d)utu-be-el-i3-li2 nam-har-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver, mushtappil-stone;
  • Mushta-pilti of Babylon, from the silver of Ili-ik of Shamash-bel-ili delivery of Shamash-bel-ili, the harû-offering.



    (disz)(d)utu-lu-numun _dam-gar3_ _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a3-du-qa2 _lugal-[e] (d)lamma-lamma didli-a# e2-babbar-ra-sze3 in-ku4_

    AI Translation

    Shamash-lu-zer, the merchant, the month of Dumuzi, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king the protective lamassu of the temple of Ebabbar entered.

    P480621: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _kaskal (gesz)tukul_ sza _(d)utu_ _buru14_ sze-e mu-ut-ta-al-li-ik-ti pa-ni-i _iri e2-duru5_ bi-is-sa3(ki) u3 _i7-(d)utu(ki)_ ki-isz-da-at a-wi-la-tum _dumu_ i-ib-bi-i u3 _arad_-e2-babbar-ri _dumu_ _arad_-ku-bi# (disz)i-din-(d)marduk _dumu?_ a?-hi-a-da? u3 id-da-tum _dumu_ (d)bu-ne-ne-i-din#-[nam] gi-ir-ra-am a-na _gu2-un_ u2-sze-s,i i-na sza-la-am gi-ri-szu-nu

    AI Translation

    the campaign of the weapon of Shamash, harvest of barley, the tailing of the face of the city of the 'Fort' of Bisesa and the Shamash canal, the district of Awilatum, son of Ibbî, and Warad-ebabbar, son of Warad-kubbi, Iddin-Marduk, son of Ahiada, and Iddatum, son of Bunene-iddinam, a stele for their talent he brought. On the other side of their steles


  • _6(asz) sze gur (gesz)ban2 (d)utu_
  • i-na _e2 (d)suen_ _i3-ag2!-e-mesz_ _igi_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it, _gudu4 abzu_ _igi_ a-na-(d)utu-li-s,i e-ri-ib _e2_ _igi_ i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _dumu_ dingir-a-wi-lim _iti gu4-si-sa2 u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa zi sze-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-ke4 ur5!_

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur of barley, the seah of Shamash;
  • before Marduk-muballit, gudu-priest of the Abzu; before Ana-shamash-lishim, enterer of the temple; before Ili-iqisham, son of Ili-awilim. The month of Ayyaru, the day 29 the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the true shepherd, the blessing of Shamash and Marduk,

    P480622: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(ban2) i3-gesz_
  • _sa10 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _sa10 sila4-hi-a_ sza ri-isz-(d)marduk _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ a-na pir-hi-i3-li2-szu ra-bi sik?-ka3?-tum#? _dumu_ il3-szu-ib-ni _szu ba-an-ti_ a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ i-na _kar iri sza3-gu4(ki)_

    AI Translation
  • 1 seah of oil,
  • the price of 1 shekel of silver for the price of lambs of Rish-Marduk, the mashhatu-offering, to Pirhi-ilishu, the great, the ..., son of Ilshu-ibni, received. For 1 month, at the port of the city of Shagu,



    _sila4-hi-a_ i-na-ad-di-in _igi_ (d)suen-re-me-ni _dumu_ a-bu-wa-qar _igi_ ar-ra-bu _dumu_ (d)iszkur-szar-ri-i3-li2 _igi_ _arad_-(d)suen _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)marduk _igi_ ip-qu2-(d)sza-la [_dumu_] (d)suen-mu-usz-te-sze-er _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e ur5#-[ra] ma#-[da]-na# szu-am3 du8-a_

    AI Translation

    they shall give. Before Sîn-remeni, son of Abu-waqar; before Arrabu, son of Adad-shar-ili; before Warad-sîn, son of Ibni-Marduk; before Ipqu-shala, son of Sîn-mushte-sher. The month of Tebetum, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king imposed a tribute of a tribute of a man.

    Seal 1


    _(na4)kiszib3_ pir-hi-i3-li2-szu

    AI Translation

    Seal of Pirhi-ilishu

    Seal 2


    ar-ra#-[bu?] dumu _an_-x-[...] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Arrabu, son of ..., servant of .

    P480623: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    [n] _gin2 ku3-babbar_

  • _1(disz) tug2_ s,u2-ba-tum
  • _sza3_ te-eq-ru-ba-at ap-lu-tim sza il3-szu-ib-ni _dumu_ qa3-aq-qa2-du a-na be-el-ta-ni _lukur (d)utu_ _dumu-munus_ (d)utu-ba-ni id-di-in

    AI Translation

    n shekels of silver

  • 1 shubatu-garment,
  • The heart of the teqrabat-priest, which Ilshu-ibni, son of Qaqqadu, to his lady, the naditu of Shamash, daughter of Shamash-bani, gave.



    _igi_ e-tel-pi4-(d)marduk _sanga_ (d)marduk _igi_ sza-al-lu-rum _dumu# e2-dub-ba-a_ _iti apin-du8-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 alan#-a-ni szu silim-ma ab-di-di-e-_ne_-a_

    AI Translation

    Before Etel-pî-Marduk, priest of Marduk; before Shallurum, son of the scribe. The month of Arahsamnu, the day 11 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the statue of himself was erected.

    P480624: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(barig) sze ka dub-a nu-me-a_
  • _sa10 1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza (d)suen-na-di-in#-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ _dumu_ (d)utu-ba-ni a-na a-lu-u2 _dumu_ ta-ri-bu-sza id-di-nu a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig of barley, the 'gate' of the tablet, not ...;
  • The price of 1/3 shekel of silver which Sîn-nadin-shumi, the mashhatu-priest son of Shamash-bani gave to Alû, son of Taribusha: for 1 month.



    _ku3-babbar_ i-na-ad-di-nu _igi_ _arad_-e2-ge6-par3 _ugula gidri_ _igi_ el-me-szum _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _iti ab-e3 u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e# (uruda)ki-lugal-gub ib2-diri#-[...]_

    AI Translation

    they shall give. Before Warad-Egepar, overseer of the sceptre; before Elmeshum, son of the scribe. The month of Tebetum, the day 16 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king ... a bronze king's statue.

    Seal 1


    _arad_-e2-[gi6-par3] dumu (d)suen-[...] _arad_ (d)[...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Warad-egipar, son of Sîn-..., servant of ... .

    P480625: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • a-na _sa10 udu-nita2-hi-a_ ma-i-szi-i sza ri-isz-(d)marduk _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ a-na be-el-szu-nu _dumu_ ha-bil-ki-nu id-di-nu a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ sza _5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ _udu-nita2-hi-a_ ma-i-szi-i

    AI Translation
  • 5 shekels of silver
  • for the price of the sheep and goats, which Rish-Marduk, the mashkud-priest, to their lord, son of Habil-kinu gave, for 1 month, for 5 shekels of silver, the sheep and goats,



    a-na ri-isz-(d)marduk _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ i-na-ad-di-in _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dub-sar erin2_ _igi_ (d)na-bi-um-mu-sza-lim _dumu_ a-pil-i3-li2-szu _igi_ a-li2-ta-li-mi _dumu_ (d)suen-mu-sza-lim _igi_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _iti du6-ku3 u4 6(disz)-(kam)_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e alan sza3 asz-sza4-a-ni saga10 (d!)en!-lil2!-bi-da-ke4_

    AI Translation

    to Rish-Marduk the diviner he gave. Before Sîn-ishmeani, scribe of the troops; before Nabimmu-shalim, son of Apil-ilishu; before Ali-talimi, son of Sîn-shalim; before Sîn-iddinam, son of Sîn-ishmeani. The month of Duku, the day 6 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king erected a statue of himself, the good thing of Enlil-bida.

    Seal 1


    ha-bil-ki-[nu] dumu i-bi-(d)utu#? _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Habilkinu, son of Ibbi-Shamash, servant of .

    Seal 2


    (d)suen-i-din-nam dumu (d)suen-isz#-[me-a-ni] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-iddinam, son of Sîn-ishmeani, servant of .

    Seal 3


    (d)suen-isz#-[me-a-ni] dub-[sar] dumu e-tel-pi4#-[...] _arad_ am-mi-s,a-[du-qa2]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-ishmeani, scribe, son of Etel-pî-..., servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P480626: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    n# 5(disz) me! 5(u) _u8-udu-hi-a_

  • _1(u) 2(disz) ansze-hi-a_ u3 _1(disz) sag-nita2_ su-bir4#(ki)
  • sza a-na ri-tim (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ a-na a-li-im-ki-du _dumu_ ru-bi-a-ta#-li-mi e2-u2-sza-kan u3 _2(u) sze gur a2-bi_ id-di-nu-ma _mu 4(disz)-kam_ it-ta-ab-ba-lu-ma _u8-udu-hi-a ansze-hi-a_ u3 _sag-nita2_ la u2-te-er-ra-am sza# i-na _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar!_ sza _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e u6!(|_e2-igi_|)-nir sag galam-ma e2-babbar-ra e2-ul-masz-a-bi_ [(disz)]a#-li-im-ki-du szu-u2 a-na _bad3_ am-mi-di-ta-na(ki) [il]-li-kam-ma (d)suen#-na-di-in-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2#-gid2_

    [is,]-ba#-as#-su2-ma ki-a-am iq#-bi-ma um-ma szu-ma [_u8-udu-hi-a ansze]-hi-a sag-nita2_ sza# isz-tu _szakanka_-x(ki) [...] x x x x x-na#-ad#-di-in-nu-ma

    AI Translation

    n+50 ewes,

  • 12 donkeys and 1 equid, from Subartu;
  • which for the life of Sîn-nadin-shumi, the diviner, to Alim-kidu, son of Rubi-atalimi, the E-ushakan and 20 gur of barley, his father, gave, and for 4 years he sinned, and sheep, donkeys, and equids he did not return. Whoever in the month of Abu, of the year Ammi-shaduqa, the king, the e-igi-nir, the first-ranking throne of the Ebabbar, the Eulmash-abi, Alim-kidu, to the wall Ammi-ditana went, and Sîn-nadin-shumi, the equid,

    he took him and, as soon as he had said, he said: "His name is the rams and the donkeys, the headmen who from Shakanka... ... ... and



    [...]-sza#-am# _dumu#_ ik#-ka#-x-[...] _igi#_ ia#-u2-zu _dumu_ uz-na-nu _igi_ u2-bu-ru _dumu_ zu-ma-nu _igi_ i-na-e2-sag-il2-numun _dumu_ i3-li2-ma-lu-li#-[im] _igi_ e-t,i-rum _dumu_ i3-li2-isz-me-a-ni _igi_ ib-ni-(d)iszkur _dumu_ pir-hi-(d)iszkur _igi_ ba-szi-dingir-u2-da-nu _dumu_ i-bi-(d)szakkan2 _igi_ sa-mi-ku _dumu_ ha-ia-nu _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e u6!(|_e2-igi_|) sag galam-ma [e2]-babbar#-ra e2-ul-masz-a-bi_

    AI Translation

    ...-sham, son of Ikka-...; before Yauzu, son of Uznanu; before Uburu, son of Zumanu; before Ina-esagil-zeri, son of Ili-malulim; before Etirum, son of Ilish-me'anni; before Ibni-adad, son of Pirhi-adad; before Bashi-iludanu, son of Ibbi-shakkan; before Samiku, son of Haianu. The month of NNEgar, the day 12 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the first-fruits of the Ebabbar and the Eulmashabi.

    Seal 1


    i-na-e2-sag-[il2-numun] dumu i3-li2-ma-lu#-[_szi_] _arad_ (d)[...] u3 (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Ina-esagil-zeri, son of Ili-malushi, servant of ... and .

    Seal 2


    e-t,e-rum dumu i3-li2-isz-me-a-[ni] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Eterum, son of Ilish-mani, servant of .

    Seal 4


    ib-ni-[(d)iszkur] dumu pir-hi#-[(d)iszkur]

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Adad, son of Pirhi-Adad.

    P480627: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • [_1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_]
  • [a-na _sa10 1(disz) udu-nita2_ ma-i-szi-i] [sza ri-isz-(d)marduk _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_] [a-na (disz?)]i3#-li#-e#-ri#-[ba]-am# _nu-(gesz)kiri6_ _dumu#_ e-ri#-ib#-(d)suen id-di-nu a#-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ sza _1(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_

  • _1(disz) udu-nita2_ ma#-i#-szi-i _sza3 e2_ na-kam-tum
  • a-na# ri#-isz#-(d)marduk _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/2 shekels of silver
  • for the price of 1 sheep of a mashî-offering of Rish-Marduk, the mashhatu-offering, to Ili-eribam, gardener, son of Erib-Sîn, he gave. For 1 month, for 1 1/2 shekels of silver

  • 1 sheep, ..., inside the house of the nakamtu;
  • to Rish-Marduk, the diviner.



    i-na-ad-di-in _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dub-sar erin2#_ _igi_ bi-in-na-rum ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ gi-mil#-(d)marduk _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)mar-tu _igi_ ib-ni-(d)iszkur _dumu_ pir#-hi-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    before Sîn-ishmeani, scribe of the troops; before Binnarum, his master; before Gimil-Marduk, son of Ibni-Amurrum; before Ibni-Adad, son of Pirhi-Adad.

    Seal 1


    bi-in#-na-ru#-[um] dumu# sza-al-[...] _arad#_ (d)[...] [u3] (d)x-[...]

    AI Translation

    Bin-narum, son of Shal-..., servant of ... and .

    P480628: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz)? e-t,i-rum
  • _dumu_ zi-im#-ru-ma-lik i-na _e2_ be-li2-a-tum _lu2 kurun2-na_ _lu2_ nibru(ki) sza ib-ni-(d)marduk _ sza# it-ti ib-ni-(d)marduk _sipa!_ x-zi-zu x ar-ki ib-ni-(d)marduk a-na# sza13#-dub-ba_ sza nibru(ki) isz#-ku-nu-szu [x]-a-ni u4-ma-am sza-lim e-t,i-rum qa2-tam x [...] x

    AI Translation
  • Etirum
  • son of Zimru-malik, in the house of Belatum, the kurunnu, the man of Nippur, whom Ibni-Marduk, who with Ibni-Marduk, the shepherd of ...zizu, ... after Ibni-Marduk to the treasurer of Nippur had placed, ... daily, the good news, ... .



    [...] [iz]-za-a#-az-ma# il3-ta-pa-at-ma# [ki?]-ma#? (d)na#-bi#-um#-mu#-sza#-lim# an-ni-a-am i-mu-ru-szu (d)marduk#-mu-ba!-li2-it,# sza# _e2 nig2-ka9_ a-na be-li2-ia-tum# _1(asz) 1(barig) 3(disz)! sze-bar_ it#-bi-u2-ma s,u#-ha-ra-am szu-a-ti i-nu-ma i-na tu-le-e# (pa)-ar-su i-na-di-in#-szu

    AI Translation

    ... stood there and he sinned. Like Nabimushallim this he saw him. Marduk-muballit, who the house of the account to my lord, 1 gur 1 barig 3 barley he took and that barley in the threshing floor he gave him.

    P480629: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)ri-isz-(d)utu _dumu_ dumu-a-am#-ma-a [...] (disz)ab-du-gu-ul-lim a-hu-szu a-na szi-im-ti-szu# [il-li-ik] ar-ki ab-du-gu-ul-lim a-hi-szu [...] a-na sza-am-hi u3 si-iz-za-tum _dumu-mesz#_ ab-du#-gu#-[ul-lim] a-na su-hu-um isz-pu-ru a-na babila2(ki) u2-sze-lu-ni-isz-szu-nu-ti-ma ki-a-am iq-bi-szu-nu-szi-im um-ma szu-ma a-na-ku u3 ab-du-gu-ul-lim a-bi-ku-nu tap-pa-nu i-na ba-al-t,u2-ti-ia ma-har i-li-ni i nu-te-eb-[bi-ib] a-na ar-ki-a-at u4-mi la tu-ra-ag-ga-nim an-ni-tam iq-bi-szu-nu-szi-im-ma

    (disz)ri-isz-(d)utu (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni (d)utu-na-s,i-ir# u3 (d)suen-ma-gir! ma-ru-szu# [sza-nu-u2 iq-bu-u2-ma] (disz)sza-am-hu u3 si-iz-za-tum _dumu-mesz_ ab#-[du-gu-ul-lim] ma-har _dingir_-szu-nu u2-te-eb-bi-bu# ka-ni-ik# _ha-la_ ri-isz-(d)utu a-na sza-am#-[hi u3 si-iz-za-tum id-di-in-ma] ki-ma ka-ni-ik _ha-la_ a-na sza-am-hi [u3 si-iz-za-tum ...] szi-bu-us-su2-nu _dumu-mesz_ ri-isz-(d#)[utu ...] ar-ki _ha-la_ ri-isz-(d)utu a-[bi-szu-nu ... u2-sa-an-ni-qu2-ma]

    _mu 1(u) 5(disz)-kam_ il-li-ik# ri-isz#-[(d)utu a-na szi-im-ti-szu il-li-ik] ar-ki ri-isz-(d)utu a-bi-szu-[nu a-na szi-im-ti-szu il-li-ku] asz-szum i-na ka-ni-ik ri-ik-[sa-tim ...] a x x x x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Rish-Shamash, son of Aama'a, ... Abdu-Gullim, his brother, to his fate went. After Abdu-Gullim, his brother, ... to the quay and the seztum of the sons of Abdu-Gullim to the shushu he sent, to Babylon he brought them, and as follows he said to them: "I, myself, and Abdu-Gullim, your father, your brother, in my life before our gods we shall speak, and in the future, day without interruption, he said to them, and

    Rish-shamash, Sîn-ishmani, Shamash-nashir, and Sîn-magir, his father, said, and Shamhu and Sizhatum, sons of Abdullim, before their gods spoke, a sealed document of the share of Rish-shamash to Samhu and Sizhatum he gave, and like a sealed document of the share to Samhu and Sizhatum ... their dwellings, sons of Rish-shamash ... after the share of Rish-shamash their father ... he removed and

    The 15th year he went and brought Shamash to his fate. After Shamash, their father, went to his fate, because in the kakkanu of the riksatum ... ... .



    _ka# i7 zimbir(ki)-ra-ta in-ga-an-dim2-ma-am3_

    AI Translation

    he has sworn by the mouth of the Sippar canal.

    Seal 1


    sza-am-hu-um# _dumu_ ab-du-ku-ul#-[lim] _ARAD_ (d)suen

    AI Translation

    Samhum, son of Abdu-Kullim, servant of Sin.

    P480630: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(disz) x [...]
  • sza _1(disz) gin2 ku3#-[babbar-ta-am3]_ sza a-na _sa10 u8#-hi-a u3# [udu-nita2-hi-a]_ sza _siskur2-hi-a e2 (d)[utu]_ u3 _dingir didli-mesz_ i-na _e2-gal_ a-na (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ ip-pa-aq-du e-li an-ni-im _ku3-babbar_ i-na pa-na u3 ar-ka _ku3-babbar_ la ur-te-ed-du-ma sza i-in-na-ad-nu-szu a-na qa2-be2-e (d)na-bi-um-na-s,i-ir _sukkal_ a-na _arad_-(d)utu _(lu2)kuruszda dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam u3# be-el-szu-nu _(lu2)kuruszda dumu_ gi-mil-(d)marduk in#-na-ad-nu

    [i]-na# qa2-ti# (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi ma-ah-ru (disz)_arad_-(d)utu _(lu2)kuruszda dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam

    AI Translation
  • 23 ... ...
  • who has given 1 shekel of silver as the price of ewes and sheep for sacrifice in the temple of Shamash and the gods in the palace to Sîn-nadin-shumi, the mashhatu-priest, he shall measure out. Above this silver, in front and behind, he shall not have to pay back the silver which he gave to him, at the command of Nabium-nashir, the vizier, to Warad-shamash, the kurussu, son of Sîn-iddinam, and their lord, the kurussu, son of Gimil-Marduk, to Warad-shamash, the kurussu, son of Sîn-iddinam, and their lords, the kurussu, son of Gimil-Marduk, he gave.

    Arad-Shamash, the fattener, son of Sîn-iddinam, received from Sîn-nadin-shumi; he is paid.



    u3 be-el-szu-nu _(lu2)kuruszda_ _dumu_ gi-mil-(d)marduk a-na (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ a-na _ku3-babbar_ u2-ul i-ra-ag-gu-mu _igi_ (d)na-bi-um-la-ma-sa3-szu _di-ku5_ _igi_ (d)utu-ba-ni _di-ku5 dumu_ il3-szu-a-bu-szu _igi_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-li2-it, _gudu4 abzu dumu_ ri-im-(d)iszkur _igi_ e-tel-pi4-(d)iszkur _gudu4 abzu dumu_ ip-qu2-sza _iti _ne_-_ne_-gar u4 1(u)# [n-kam]_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di#-[ta-na _lugal-e] alan-a-ni dur2-bi# [asz-te-ta]_

    AI Translation

    and their lady, the chariot driver, son of Gimil-Marduk, to Sîn-nadin-shumi, the guarantor for silver he shall not raise a claim; before Nabopolassar, the judge; before Shamash-bani, the judge, son of Ilshu-abushu; before Marduk-muballit, gudu-priest of the Abzu, son of Rim-Adad; before Etel-pi-Adad, gudu-priest of the Abzu, son of Ipqusha. The month of Nuvegar, the day ..., the year in which Samsu-ditana the king, his statue, a scepter,

    Seal 1



    AI Translation


    Seal 2


    _arad_-(d)utu _dumu_ (d)suen-i#-din#-nam# _ARAD_ (d)utu# u3 (d)marduk

    AI Translation

    Warad-shamash, son of Sîn-iddinam, servant of Shamash and Marduk.

    Seal 3


    (d)nin-pirig _[nin]_ _e2-babbar-ra#_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-[li2-it,] _ARAD ni2-tuku#-[zu]_

    AI Translation

    Ninpirig, mistress of the Ebabbar, Marduk-muballit, servant of Nitukuzu.

    Seal 4


    (d)utu-[...] _dumu#_ i3-szu-[...]

    AI Translation

    Shamash-..., son of Ishu-.

    P480631: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2(barig) 3(ban2) sze ka dub-a-ni nu-me#-[a]_
  • a-na _sa10 udu-nita2-hi-a_ ma-i-szi-i _sza3 kur6 (d)utu_ be-el _e2-babbar_-ri sza (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ _dumu_ (d)utu-ba-ni a-na (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dumu_ (d)iszkur-szar-rum id-di-nu a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ _udu-nita2-hi-a_ ma-i-szi-i a-na _kur6 (d)utu_ be-el _e2-babbar_-ri u2-ub#-ba-lam# u2-ul u2-ub-ba-lam#

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 3 ban2 of barley, the price of the tablet is not known;
  • for the price of the sheep, the price of the sheep, in the mountain of Shamash, the lord of the Ebabbar, which Sîn-nadin-shumi, the mashhatu-priest son of Shamash-bani, to Sîn-ishmani, son of Adad-sharrum gave, for 1 month, the sheep, the price of the sheep, in the mountain of Shamash, the lord of the Ebabbar, shall sell; they shall not sell.



    pi2-ha-tam _e2-gal_ i-ip-pa-al# _igi_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _dub-sar erin2#_ _igi_ bi-in-na-rum ra-bi-a-nu _igi_ ib-ni-(d)iszkur _dumu_ pir-hi-(d)iszkur _igi_ e-t,i!-rum _dumu_ i3-li2-isz-me-a-ni _iti udru(duru5) u4 2(disz)#?-kam#_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta#-na# _[lugal-e] (d)lamma (d)lamma#-am3 bar su3-ga-ke4_

    AI Translation

    The 'residences' of the palace he shall clear. Before Sîn-ishmeani, scribe of the troops; before Binnarum, his master; before Ibni-adad, son of Pirhi-adad; before Etirum, son of Ili-ishmeani. The month of Shabatum, the day 2?, the year in which Samsu-ditana the king, the protective deity, the protective deity of the 'female deity'

    Seal 1


    (d)suen-isz#-[me-a-ni] dub-[sar] dumu e-[...] _arad_ [am-mi]-s,a-du#-[qa2]

    AI Translation

    Sîn-ishmeani, scribe, son of E..., servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Seal 2


    [bi]-in-na-[ru] dumu sza-al-[...] _arad_ (d)[...]

    AI Translation

    Binnaru, son of Shal..., servant of .

    P480632: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _3(asz) sze gur_
  • i-na babila2(ki)

  • _1(barig) 4(ban2) zi3-da_
  • i-na bad3-am-mi-di-ta-na(ki)

  • _3(asz) sze gur 1(asz) gur zi3-da_
  • a-na _sa10 siki_ _szu ba-ti_ (disz)ib-ni-(d)iszkur ra-bi-a-an _iri_ id-da-an

    AI Translation
  • 3 kor of barley,
  • in Babylon

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of flour,
  • in Dur-Ammi-ditana.

  • 3 gur of barley, 1 gur of flour,
  • For the price of wool, the property of Ibni-Adad, the great conqueror of the city, he gave it.



    _dumu_ i-lu-li-ra-mu _ki_ (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ _iti szu-numun-a u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na _lugal-e alan nam-en-na-ni_

    AI Translation

    son of Ilulirimu, with Sîn-nadin-shumi, the guarantor. The month of Du'uzu, the day 11 of the year in which Samsu-ditana the king erected the statue of his lordship.

    P480633: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _sza3 ka-kesz2 e2_ sza geme2-be!-el!-tim _lukur! (d)utu_ sza _mu-bala_ _ki_ gal-da-nu _dumu_ ab-da-nu (disz)(munus)geme2-be-el-tim _lukur (d)utu_ _szu ba-an-ti_

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 shekel of silver
  • in the kakeshu-house of the house of Geme-beltum, naditu of Shamash, of the reign, with Galdanu, son of Abdanu, Geme-beltum, naditu of Shamash, received.



    _iti ne-ne-gar u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa zi sze-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-ke4 ur5#-ra# kalam-ma-na-asz bi2-in-du-a_

    AI Translation

    The month of Nenegar, the day 8, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the faithful shepherd, the god Shamash and the goddess Marduk, he smote his country.

    P480634: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1/2(disz) ma-[na ku3-babbar]_
  • a!-na# u2-sa#-[tim] _ki_ ga-da-[nu] _dumu_ ab-[da-nu] (disz)_arad_-za-ba4#?-[ba4?] _dumu_ la-pi2-it-a? _szu ba-an-ti_ a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_ _ni_-ir?-x?-x-ku?-u2

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 mina of silver
  • To Usatum, from Gadanu, son of Abdanu, Arad-zababa, son of Lapita? received. For 1 month .



    a-na na-szi ka-[ni-ki]-szu# u2-ta-ar# _igi_ gur?-ru-du _dumu_ ib-[...] _igi_ (d)suen-e-ri#-[ba-am]

    AI Translation

    To the one who removes his inscriptions he has sworn. Before Gurrudu, son of Ib...; before Sîn-eribam.

    P480635: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _2/3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • a-na u2-sa-tim _ki_ ga-al-da-a-nu _dumu_ ab-da-a-nu (disz)ar-du-um _ma2-lah5_ _dumu_ ip!-qu2-(d)sza-la _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_

    AI Translation
  • 2/3 shekel of silver
  • to Usatim, from Galdanu, son of Abdanu, Ardum, the boatman, son of Ipqu-Shala received. At the delivery of the harvest



    u2-sa-at _sze!(_bi_) 1(barig) 3(ban2) gur_ u2-ta-ar _igi_ _arad_-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam _igi_ szu-mu-um-li-ib-szi _iti udru(duru5) u4 3(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du#-qa2 _lugal (d)marduk en ir9-ra# szu-nir gal-gal-la ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 (na4)za-gin3

    AI Translation

    he will add barley at 1 barig 3 ban2 per gur. Before Arad-Sîn, son of Sîn-iddinam; before Shumum-libshi. The month of Addaru, the day 30 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa, king of Marduk, lord of the Irra, great shunir of silver, gold, lapis lazuli,

    P480636: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) udu szu-gi-na_
  • a-na _1(disz) masz2-tur_ sza szi-iz-bu bu-ul-lu-t,i3-im _ki_ ga-al-da-nu _dumu_ ab-da-nu (disz)be-li2-ia-tum _dumu_ (d)suen-szesz!-i-di-nam _szu ba-an-ti_

  • _1(disz) udu iti 1(disz)-kam_
  • _1(disz) masz2-tur_
  • ba-al-t,a-am

    AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, shugina-offering,
  • for 1 suckling kid of Shizbu-bullutim, from Galdanu, son of Abdanu, Beli-yatum, son of Sîn-ah-iddinam received.

  • 1 sheep, month 1,
  • 1 suckling goat,
  • a kind of profession



    i-na-ad-di-in u2-ul [i-na]-ad-di-in-ma

  • _3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze! ku3-babbar_
  • _i3#-la2-e_ _igi_ ib-ni-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba#-am# _igi_ ku-ub-bu-rum _dumu_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _iti ab-e3! u4 1(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal (d)lamma didli-a e2-babbar-ra-sze3_

    AI Translation

    he shall give. He shall not give, and

  • 3 shekels 15 grains of silver,
  • before Ibni-Sîn, son of Sîn-eribam; before Kubburum, son of Sîn-eribam. The month of Tebetum, the day 1, the year in which Ammi-shaduqa, the king, the protective deity, the Ebabbar temple,

    P480637: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ _arad_-(d)[...]
  • a-na u2-sa-tim _ki_ ga-al-da-nu _lu2_ [su-tu-u2] _dumu_ ab-da-nu (disz)(d)suen-a-ha-am-i-din-nam _dumu e2-dub-ba-a_ _szu ti-a_

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver, Warad-...;
  • To the usatim, from Galdanu, the slave, son of Abdanu, Sîn-aham-iddinam, son of the scribe, received.



    [...] x u2-sa?-at [... u2]-ta-ar! _igi_ u4?-ti?-ru?-um? [...] [_igi_] ib-ni-sin _dumu_ (d?)suen#?-[e-ri-ba-am] [x?] x _ARAD? lu2?_ x [...] [...] _(gesz)dur2-gar ku3#-sig17#-ga_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... he ... ... he ... before Utirum? ... before Ibni-sîn, son of Sîn-eribam ... servant of ... ... a gold sceptre .

    P480638: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _2(gesz'u) gi sa-hi-a_ _ki_ gal-da-nu _dumu#_ ab-da-nu (disz)i-din-(d)e2#-a _di-ku5#_ _dumu_ ib-ni-(d)utu _szu ba-an-ti_ u4-um i-ir-ri-szu-szu

    AI Translation

    220 reeds, reeds, with Galdanu, son of Abdanu, Iddin-Ea, judge, son of Ibni-shamash received.



    _gi sa-hi-a_ i-na-ad-di-[in] _iti kin-(d)inanna 2(disz)-kam-ma_ [...] _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _[lugal]-e sipa zi sze#-[ga_ ...]

    AI Translation

    he shall give the reeds and the sahi-reeds. The second month of Elunum, ... the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the faithful shepherd, .

    P480639: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) gin2 igi-4(gal2) ku3!-babbar_
  • a-na _sze sag11-ku5#_ _ki_ ga-al-da-nu x _dumu_ ab-da-nu# [x?] (disz)ib#-ni#-(d)suen dumu# [...] _szu ba-an-[ti]_ _u4 buru14-sze3_ _erin2 sze sag11-ku5-mesz_ i-la-ak# u2#-ul i-il#-la-ak-ma

    AI Translation
  • 1 1/4 shekel of silver
  • for the barley rations, from Galdanu ..., son of Abdanu ... Ibni-Sîn, son of ... received. At the delivery of the harvest, the troops will take the barley rations; they will not take it, and



    ki-ma s,i-da-at [szar-ri] _igi_ szu-mu-um-li-ib-[szi] _dumu_ i-lu-ni _igi_ ib-ni-(d)suen _dumu_ x [...] _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 1(disz)#?-[kam]_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-(qa2) _lugal-e sipa zi sze-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-ke4_

    AI Translation

    Before Shumum-libshi, son of Iluni; before Ibni-sîn, son of ... ... The month of Shabatum, the day 11?, the year Ammi-shaduqa, the king, the faithful shepherd, the god Shamash and the goddess Marduk.

    P480640: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • a-na _sze sag11-ku5_ _ki_ ga-al-du-ni _dumu_ a-ab-da-ni (disz)_arad_-(d)szu-nir _dumu_ be-el-szu-nu sza _abul_ _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver
  • Arad-Shunir, son of Belshunu, of the 'house' has received from Galduni, son of Aya-abdanu, as the barley of the harvest.



    _sze sag11-ku5_ i-la-ak u2-ul i-la-ak-ma ki-ma s,i-da#-at szar-ri _igi_ ku-ub-bu-rum _dumu_ sin-eri-ba-am _igi_ i-din-nam-(d)utu _dumu_ gi-mil-(d#)marduk# _iti udru(duru5) u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam#_ _mu#_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa zi sze-ga_

    AI Translation

    he shall take the barley of the sagku; he shall not take it, and like the sagduat of the king. Before Kubrum, son of Sîn-eribam; before Iddinam-shamash, son of Gimil-Marduk. The month of Shabatum, the day 15 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the faithful shepherd,

    P480641: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _5(disz) gin2 igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar_
  • _ku3-babbar_ i-ni-a-tim sza _a-sza3_-lum#? ga#-al-da-nu u3 (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _dumu_ (d)suen-i-din-nam isz-_ku_-ak-nu _ki_ u2-tul2-isz8-tar2 a-bi _erin2-mesz_ (disz)ga-al-da-nu u3 (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi

    AI Translation
  • 5 1/4 shekels of silver,
  • Silver, the interest on the field of Galdanu and Sîn-nadin-shumi, son of Sîn-iddinam, he has received from Utul-ishtar, his father, the troops of Galdanu and Sîn-nadin-shumi,



    _szu ba-an-ti_ _u4 buru14-sze3_ sze-am _i3-ag2-e-mesz_ _igi_ ib-ni-(d)utu _masz2-szu-gid2-gid2_ _igi_ ia-am-mu-u2 _dumu_ da-di#-nu-um _iti sze-sag11#-ku5 u4 8(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa# zi# sze-ga (d)[utu (d)]marduk-bi-da-ke4!(|_a-ku_|)_

    AI Translation

    received. At the harvest the barley rations will be weighed out. Before Ibni-shamash, the guarantor; before Iammû, son of Dadinum. The month of Addaru, the day 8 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king, the faithful shepherd, the god Shamash and the god Marduk,

    P480642: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _ki_ u2-[tul2]-isz8-tar2 a-bi _erin2_ a-na qa2-be2-e gal-da-nu _dumu_ ab-da-nu (disz)(d)suen-na-s,i-ir _dumu_ sig-an-nu-ni-tum _szu ba-an-ti_ a-na _iti 1(disz)-kam_

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver
  • from Utul-ishtar, his father, the troops to the qabe-house of Galdanu, son of Abdanu; Sîn-nashir, son of Sig-annunitum received.



    a-na na-szi ka-ni-ki-szu _ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 1(u)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e sipa zi sze-ga (d)utu (d)marduk-bi-da-ke4_

    AI Translation

    for the payment of his debts he shall pay the silver. The month of Addaru, the day 10 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king the faithful shepherd ... the gods Shamash and Marduk

    P480643: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _e2_ ma-la ma-s,u2-u2 sza zimbir(ki)-am-na-nu-um _e2_ geme2-be-el-tim _lukur (d)utu_ _dumu-munus_ ha-ia-ab-ni-dingir _ki_ geme2-be-el-tim _lukur (d)utu_ _dumu-munus_ ha-at-ab-ni-dingir be-el-ti _e2_ (disz)al-ku-u2 _dumu_ ab-da-nu-um _e2_ a-na _ka-kesz2_ a-na _mu 1(disz)-kam_-szu u2-sze-s,i _ka-kesz2 mu 1(disz)-kam_-szu

  • _4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation

    The house as much as there is of it, of Sippar-Amnanum, the house of Geme-beltum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Hayab-ni-ili, with Geme-beltum, naditu of Shamash, daughter of Hayab-ni-ili, my lady, the house of Alku, son of Abdanum, the house for the gate for one year he shall clear; the gate for one year he shall clear.

  • 4 shekels of silver
  • Reverse


    _i3-la2-e_ u2-ra-am i-si-ni a-su2-ur2-ra-am u2-sza-an-na-an

  • _3(disz) ezem (d)utu 1(disz) kasz pi?-am3_
  • _1(ban2) zi3 ba-ba-am3 1(disz) uzu gur-am3_
  • i-pa-aq-qi2-is-si2 _sza3 ka-kesz2 mu 1(disz)-kam_-szu sza! _mu-bala 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ ma-ah-ra-at _igi_ (d)marduk-mu-ba-al-[li2-it,] _igi_ e-tel-pi4-(d)na-bi-um _iti sze-sag11-ku5 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam_ _mu_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2 _lugal-e (uruda#)du8 gal-gal-la (uruda)ki-lugal-gub in# a ni?_

    AI Translation

    he shall pay. He shall return the money he received. He shall redeem the land.

  • 3 festivals of Shamash, 1 beer according to the rations;
  • 1 seah of baba-flour, 1 kurru of meat,
  • he will measure out. In the kakesh of the first year of the reign, 1 shekel of silver will be given. Before Marduk-muballit, before Etel-pî-nabium. The month of Addaru, the day 24 of the year in which Ammi-shaduqa the king a large copper kettle and a royal copper kettle

    P480647: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na e2-gal nam-lugal-la#-ka#-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, his palace of kingship, he built.

    P480657: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) esir2 _e2_-A
  • ki gu-du-du-ta kiszib3 a-gu

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig EA bitumen,
  • from Gududu, under seal of Agu;

  • 2 barig EA bitumen,
  • from Gududu, under seal of Agu;



    iti nesag# mu e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka ba-du3

    AI Translation

    month "First fruits," year: "The house of Shara in Umma was erected."


    month "First-fruits," year: "The house of Shara of Umma was erected."

    Seal 1


    a-gu dub-sar dumu lugal-e2-mah-e

    AI Translation

    Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.


    Agu, scribe, son of Lugal-emahe.

    P480667: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the one who swore.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the lord of Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the gatekeeper of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the old age in the land of Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P480668: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal# am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, when Eanna



    mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P480669: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • nig2-dab5 ezem szu-numun ki ur-(d)li9-si4-ta

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • nigdab-offering of the "Festival of the Seeds," from Ur-Lisi;



    lugal-gu2-en-e szu ba-ti mu a-ra2 3(disz)-kam-asz karx(_gan2_)-har(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lugal-gu'ene received; year: "For the 3rd time Karhar was destroyed."


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • nig2 ezem iti szu-numun ki ur-(d)li9-si4-ta lugal-gu2-en-e

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • the rations of the festival of the month "Sowing," from Ur-Lisi Lugal-gu'ene

    Seal 1



    AI Translation

    for Lugal-gu...;

    P480675: royal-monumental other-object

    ED IIIb (ca. 2500-2340 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] x [...] _du_ [...] a-sza3 a-mu sag-ge26-esz2 mu-rig7 (d)en-lil2-le [...]-sze3# [...] e-da-kar-ra-bi umma(ki)-a (d)nin-gir2-su mete mu 5(asz@c) 5(asz@c) (d)nansze mete mu n [...] x gi4-gi4 iri-zu gul-gul-la-ba he2-zu gu2 ki gar-ba-ni umma(ki) gul-gul-la-ba he2-zu gu2 ki gar-ba-ni x-x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... the field of Amu, the first-fruits, he returned to Enlil ... ... ... he ... in Umma Ningirsu, the sage, 5 years 5 years Nanshe, the sage, n years ... ... he restored. Your destroyed city may it be. May it be. May it be. May it be. May it be. May it be. May it be. May it be. May Umma, the ruined city, may it be. May it be. May it be. ... .

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    ... ... ... the field, as my water he? gave it as a gift. By Enlil to ... ... those which had escaped, in Umma Ningirsu a fitting 10 years, and Nanshe a fitting n years, ... answered: Your city, about its complete destruction may you know! Submit! Umma, about its complete destruction may you know! Submit! ... ...

    P480679: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-a# _sanga_ asz-szur ni-szit (d)be u (d)masz# [...] [...] dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur _a_ tukul-masz [...] [...] _(gesz)tukul_-ti asz-szur _en#_-szu2 _du-du_[-ku-ma ... [... _(lu2)]sipa#_ tab-ra-te la# a-di-ru _gesz#-[la2_ ...] [...] la# kan-szu-te-szu2 sza2 nap-har kisz#-[szat ...] [...]-a#-isz kul-lat _kur2-mesz#_ mu#-pa-ri#-[ru ...] [...] _du#-du_-ku-ma _kur-kur-mesz# [...] [...]-hu#-ru s,a-bit li#-i#-ti2# sza2#-kin2# [...] [... _mu_]-ia mu-szar-bu-u2 _man#_[-ti-a...]

    [...] _erin2# hi-a-mesz kur_ lu#-ul-lu#-[me-e ...] [...] sza2# (d)sza2-masz u (d#)iszkur# _dingir#-mesz#_ [...] [...] (d#)iszkur ra-hi-s,i# _ugu#_-szu2#-nu# asz2#-gu#-[um ...] [...] _kur#_ la-qe#-e ana si-hir2-ti-sza2 _kur#_ [...] [... su-ub-na]-at a-di _kur_ u2-ra-ar#-t,i2 _szu_-su _kur_-ud _ta#_ [...] [...] (iri#)du6#-ba-a-ri sza2 el-la#-an _kur_ za-ban _ta iri#_ [...] [...] _kur#_ kar-du-ni-asz2 ana mi#-is,#-ri _kur_-a u2-ter _ta kur_ ne2#-[reb ...]

    [...] _(lu2#)szakx(_nig2_)-nu-te-ia# al-ta-kan ur-du-ti u2-pu#-[szu2 ...] [...] u# hur-sza2#-ni pat, gim-ri-szu2-nu _man en-mesz_-e# [...] [... ta-na-da-a]-te _(lu2)sipa_ s,a-lu-lu _ub-mesz_ [...] [...] la# pa-du-te _ta_ s,i-it (d)szam-szi a-di e-[reb ...] [...] szu-u2 e-na-ah-ma is,-lal (iri)szu2-u2 ana esz#-[szu2-te ...] [... si-hir2]-ti#-sza2 (iri)sir-qu sza2 ne2-ber-ti (i7)pux(A)#-[rad ...] [... u2-sza2]-as,#-bit _du6_ la-be-ru lu u2-na-ki-ir a-[di ...]

    [... (gesz)dap]-ra#-ni _e2-gal (gesz)taskarin-mesz e2-gal_ (gesz)mes-kan#-[...] [... u2-ma]-am# _kur-mesz_-e u _a-ab-ba-mesz_ sza2 (na4)[pi-li ...] [... (gesz)]e#-re-ni (gesz)szur-min2 (gesz)dap-ra-ni (gesz#)mes#-[...] [... szu2_]-ti# _szu_-ia sza2 _kur-kur-mesz_ sza2 a-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... sanga priest of Ashur, chosen of the gods Enlil and Ninurta, ... strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Tukulti-Ninurta II, ... the weapon of Ashur, his lord, he made manifest and ... the shepherd who is unrivalled in strength, ... whose weapon cannot be defeated, who ... the totality of the world, ... all the lands, who ..., who made manifest and the lands ... ... he made manifest, the one who ... my name, who makes my sovereignty supreme,

    ... troops of the land Lullumu ... of the gods Shamash and Adad, the gods ... I imposed a heavy punishment upon them ... the entire land Laqû ... Subnat as far as the land Urartu I conquered. From ... the city Til-Bari which is upstream from the land Zaban, from the city ... the land Karduniash to the border I returned. From the land Nerbi .

    ... I placed my shaknûtu-officials. They imposed a punishment upon him. ... and the highlands, all of them, the king, the lords, ... praises, the shepherds, the sanctuaries, ... insubmissive ... from the east to the west ... that city had become dilapidated and he took away. His city to a new ... ... half of it, the city Sirqu, which is in the district of the Euphrates, ... I made it a ruin hill. I cleared away the old ruin hill and ... to .

    ... a palace of cedar, a palace of meskanu-wood ... ... mountain and sea of white limestone ... cedar, cypress, dapranu-juniper, ... ... my hand of the lands of .

    P480682: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    szul (d)utu [...] im-ma-an-ri ur5-ra-asz-ta x [...] mu?-e-tum3-tum3 sze-er-zi pirig gal [...] x ur-sag an-sza3 ku3-ta e3-a u4 me-lem4-ni kalam-ma bi2-dul4 ni2 gal mu-da-ri (d)utu lugal nig2-si-sa2 a zi-de3-esz2 tum2-ma szen-na dalla mu-na-ni-in-e3 sipa zi szul-gi-ke4 am gal an ku3-ta szul (d)utu izi-gar-gin7 ga2-ga2 u4 kalam-ma igi-gal2 kur-kur-ra me-lem4 ur5-ra-asz dingir si sa2 (d)a-nun-ke4-ne uszumgal ku3 su3-su3 dumu-sag (d)suen-ne2 mi2 du11-ga en du11-ga tu-da

    szul-gi-ra (d)utu-u3 nam?-lugal kalam-ma mu-na-an-szum2 pirig za3 3(disz)-gin7 kur u3-mu-tuk4-tuk4 ki-bala mu-hul-x lu2 gu2-erim2-gal2 (d)nanna-a-ka gu2 x [...] x x sag-ga2 [...] x gal dingir-re-ne [...]-a-ni [...] x _ra_ ag2? [...] [...] E [...]-ge-esz [...] (d)utu sipa sza3? [...] x-ni-ir [...] szul-gi nig2-si-sa2 [...] gug-kal-la _an_ [...] dumu (d)nin-sumun2 [...] ug3-e ni2 gal? [...] hu-mu-ra-[...] x szu du11-ga x [...] na?-me lu2 [...] sa-gid2-da-am3 (d)utu [...] lugal-ra nam du10 tar-mu-ni-ib

    gesz-gi5-gal2 sa-gid2-da-kam [...] x mah-am3 [...]-na-gin7 x bi2-i3-sa6-sa6 [...] sipa szul-gi pirig [...] pa3 ki-bala-a x [...] iri en-na nu-hug ni2?-bi-a [...] szul (d)utu ug3 u8-gin7 lu-a [...] esz3 ku3 za-gin3-na hul2-la-da x-ba hu-mu-[...] a-ab-[...] sag il2 gal-sze3 [...] a-ab?-[...] ab2-szilam-gin7 sag il2 [...] [...] x-ni hu-mu-ra-ab?-[...] [...] ni2-bi-a pa hu-mu-[...]-e3 [...] x _bi_ [...] szul-gi (d)utu [...] tir szim! (gesz)erin-na-da? [...] lugal en an-na me-lem4 su13-su13? [...]

    bara2 mah an-na ki ku3-ga-ta u4 x [...] en-ne2 kur-kur-ra an ku3-ta si mah [...] szul (d)utu nig2 nam-sikil-la-zu-ta mu-na-da-lug-ga nam-ti nig2 du10 ha-la-zu he2-am3 dumu (d)nin-sumun2-ka sa-gar-ra-am3 szul (d)utu sipa sza3-ge bi2-i3-pa3 szul-gi sipa zi lugal mu he2-gal2-la2 nam-sze3 tar-ra-am3 sipa zi (d)utu-u3 nam tar-ra-ra (d)en-lil2-le esz3-e nibru(ki)-ta sag-e-esz2 mu-ni-rig7 gesz-gi5-gal2 sa-gar-ra-kam en me gal-gal-la (d)nin-gal-e tu-da szul (d)utu en me gal-gal-la (d)nin-gal-e tu-da [...] x pa3

    AI Translation

    The youth Utu ... he brought out. From the horizon he ... ... He ... the great lion ... The hero from the pure heavens, when he had made the storm shine forth in the Land, he smote the great fearsomeness Utu, the king who makes justice happen, who makes the rites perfect, he made a joyful festival come forth for him. The true shepherd Shulgi, from the great amassu of the pure heavens, the youth Utu like a firestorm, when he saw the Land, when he made the storm shine in all the lands, when he made the storm shine in the Land, when the gods who are the sage of the Anuna gods, the great hero, the young man Suen, who is a lord who knows what

    Shulgi gave to Utu the kingship of the land. Like a lion, he ... the three lands and destroyed the rebellious land. The man who the armed forces of Nanna ... ... his head ... the great ... of the gods ... ... ... ... ... ... Utu, the shepherd ... ... Shulgi, the wisdom ... the gukala ... son of Ninsumun ... the people ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Utu ... kingship he decreed.

    The geshgigal sagida ... ... like a great ... ... ... shepherd Shulgi, the lion ... the face of the rebel land ... The city that is not to be redeemed by the lord ... Shulgi, like the people of the ewes, ... The shrine of gold and lapis lazuli ... I rejoiced. The sea ... like a great lion ... The sea ... like a shillam ... I rejoiced. ... I rejoiced. ... ... Shulgi, Utu ... the shita grove of cedar ... The king, lord of heaven, ... melancholy .

    The supreme dais of heaven and earth, when ... ... The en priestess of all the lands, from the pure heaven, the supreme sinew ... The youth Utu, from your good sikil service he has given to you, and life and good things for you may it be. The son of Ninsumun he has sworn by the sagara. The youth Utu, the shepherd chosen by his heart, Shulgi, the true shepherd, the king, he has decreed a fate for you, the true shepherd Utu, he has decreed a fate for you, Enlil has sworn by the shrine in Nippur. The geshgigal priest has sworn by the sagar. The great lord, the great me, Ningal has decreed a fate for you, the young man Utu, the great lord, Ningal has decreed a fate for you, .

    P480684: literary other-object

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    x ku3-sig17? _ud_? x x x x mi2 he2-ma-ni-in-du11 (gesz?)tukul-la u4 su3 x x-ga2? u18-ru-gin7 ki he2-ma-ni-us2-sa? _ni_? x x _ru_ x-ma-gu10-ne? x x x x x x x x x x gaba zi-ga-gu10-ne? sze-er-zi? u4-de9-esz2 mu2-a-gin7 men ku3-ga mul-la-gu10-ne? gidru mah nam-he2-a ur4-ur4-ra szu-gu10-sze3 gal2-la-bi (gesz)gu-za suhusz gi-na x x sag-esz2 rig7-ga-ga2? x x sag? an-sze3? he?-bi2?-il2 szul-gi sipa zi ki-en-gi-ra-me-en3 nig2-zi ki-bi-sze3 hu-mu-gar-ga2-ar nig2-erim2 a-ge6 a e3-a-gin7 uzugx(|_ka-u2_|)-ge he2-mi-bu3

    mi2 gal-gal ni2-gu10 en-na bi2-du11-ga mu (d)en-lil2-la2 lul ba-ra-na he2-gi am babbar2-gin7 sag he2-szi-[...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... he spoke to him. With the weapon of the ..., like a ..., he sat on the ground. Like ..., my ..., ..., like a ..., like a ..., like a ..., like a holy ..., like my star, a supreme scepter, a ...

    My great heart, my lord, he spoke to me. Because Enlil did not let me die, may I be like a white elephant, may I .

    M=segment B


    x x [...] unken? ak? x [...] mi2-bi-im hu-mu-du11 x x x x [...] x _urudu_? x x x-mu?-du11? x x kalam?-ma? gen?-na-ga2? mi2-bi-im hu-mu-du11 szu? dim4? nig2 sa6-ge x-gin7 ka-ga mi-ni-gal2-la? ga2-ra mi2 zi-bi-im hu-mu-du11 geszpu2 lirum3?-ta a2 ha-ma?-gun3? mi2-bi-im hu-mu-du11 a-la (d)en-lil2?-da? ma?-ab?-be2 kalam?-ma gi4-a? x x x x _na hi nim_ dar?-ra?-ga2? esz3 nibru(ki)-sze3 giri3 uri5(ki)-ma-sze3 szu nigin2-nigin2-na-ga2 kaskal da-na 3(u) gen-na-ga2 ga2-ra mi2 zi-bi-im hu-mu-du11

    AI Translation

    P480685: literary other-object

    Middle Babylonian (ca. 1400-1100 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    (d)alad x [...] (d)amar-(d)suen [...] sza3 mu-un-x [...] lu2 (urud)ha-zi-in-na e2-e _ku_ x [...] (d)amar-(d)suen-na esz3-e abzu-a [...] ku3-sig17 du3-a (na4)za-gin3 szu tag x [...] e2-e du3-u3-de3 szu-ni mu-un-gar (d)amar-(d)suen-na lugal-e e2-e du3-u3-de3 szu-ni mu-un-gar lugal-e? ug3-e ba-da-an-bala kur-ra x [...] e2-e mu 1(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4 (d)amar-suen-na me nam-lugal-la-na x [...] mu 2(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4

    (d)amar-(d)suen-na lu-bu-usz-tum nam-lugal-la-ka-ni tug2-mu-dur7-ra ba-an-x mu 3(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4 (d)amar-(d)suen-na gesz-kin2-kin2-na geszkim-bi nu-bur2?-ru mu 4(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4 abgal-e du11-ga u3-na-du11 gesz-hur e2-e pa e3 nu-mu-un-ak-e mu 5(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4 esz3-e abzu-am3 kal-ga-sze3 szu mu-ra-ra-e-ne mu 6(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4 gesz-hur e2-e mu-un-kig2-kig2-e nu-mu-ni-in-pa3-de3

    mu 7(disz)-kam-ma ba-an-szub ki-bi-sze3 nu-mu-un-gi4 (d)en-ki-ke4 e2-bi-sze3 e2 nu-me-a ba-an-na-du11 mu 8(disz)-kam-ma e2 du3-u3-de3 szu-ni mu-un-gar mu 9(disz)-kam-ma-ta (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e e2-udun-na en? gal-an-zu _har_-ra-gin7 ba-du3 u4-ba en-e e2 ni2-te-na-ka en gal (d)en-ki ki-bi ba-da-an-hul? x-a-ni mu-un-|_du-du_| [...] kusz2?-a ki-a |_du-du_| gaba x [...] x x [...] a-a (d)en-ki eridu(ki?) [...] mu-un-dim2? [...] sukkal-a-ni [...] _gi_?-_gi_? gal? mu-[...] nu-kusz2? [...] x _il2_ [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    The ... of Amar-Suena ... ... The man who the hazin axe ... the temple ... Amar-Suena in the shrine Abzu ... a gold ..., a lapis lazuli ... The temple he built, and his hand he placed there. Amar-Suena, the king, he built the temple, and his hand he placed there. The king ... the people, and the mountain ... The temple he destroyed, but its place he did not return. Amar-Suena, the divine powers of his kingship, ... he destroyed, but its place he did not return.

    Amar-Suena, the lubushtum of his kingship, ... a garment, 3 years ago he abandoned it, and he did not return it to its place. Amar-Suena, the messenger, did not release its omens, 4 years ago he abandoned it, and he did not return it to its place. The abgal, who spoke to him, did not make the plans of the temple come forth, 5 years ago he abandoned it, and he did not return it to its place. The esh, the Abzu, the mighty, gave him the hand, 6 years ago he abandoned it, and he did not return it to its place. The plans of the temple were not re-established,

    he abandoned it for 7 years and did not return it to its place. Enki said to him: "In that house, the house is not built." He placed his hand on it. For 8 years, after Amar-Suena, the king, the Uduna temple, the great lord, like a harru-shrine he built. At that time, the lord of the house of the lord, the great lord Enki, destroyed its place and ... ... ... ... ... father Enki, Eridu ... he built. His minister ...

    M=segment B


    x _gir3_ su3-su3-u4 x [...] sag kesz2 ki dagal-la [...] (d)en-ki-ke4 igi il2-la-a-ni [...] e2-bi um-ta-e3-a abzu?-a [...] u4-ba nam-lu2-ulu3 szu nu-sa6-ga _di_ nam [...] gizzal su3-a inim gesztu2 nu-du11? [...] ba-_dun_-_dun_ umbin ru-gu2-ni nu-du8-e sza3 hul dim2-dim2 nig2-erim2 ak-ak sa6-ga (d)amar-(d)suen-na e2 (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 du3-u3-de3

    AI Translation

    ... ..., the one who ... the broad earth ... Enki, his ..., whose temple he had built, ... At that time, no one ... the people, no ... ... The scepter of the scepter was not uttered, no ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... The heart of evil, the utterance of evil, was uttered. Good for Amar-Suena, he built the temple of Enlil.

    M=segment C


    en [...] x x [...] e2 (d)en-ki-ka3-sze3 du3-u3-de3 masz2-e szu mu-un-gid2-da-a masz2-bi-ta e2 du3-a nu-mu-na-ab-be2 szu-ni la?-ba-szi-in-gar lugal-e mu-ni u4 su3-ra2-sze3 ga2-ga2-de3 [...] (d)amar-(d)suen mu-ni u4 su3-ra2-sze3 ga2-ga2-de3 mu-[...] x mu e2 (d)en-ki-ke4 [...]

    AI Translation

    Lord ... ... to the house of Enki he built. The goats he smote, but the goats from the house he did not bring up. His hand did not place. The king, his name forever I shall proclaim. ... Amar-Suen, his name forever I shall proclaim. ... year: "The house of Enki ..."

    M=segment D


    en nun gal-an-zu x [...] _bi_? x [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Lord, prince, your lord .

    M=segment E


    lu2? _urudu ha ri_? x _in_? [...] sza3 [...] _ba_ x x [...] (d)amar-(d)suen lugal nam-tar-ra?-ni sza3-bi [...] nu-mu-un-ba-ba

    AI Translation

    ... ... Amar-Suen, the king, his fate, ... did not decide .

    P480686: ritual other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) ? CDLI


    er3-(ba2) _maszkim silim_-me _e3 maszkim hul_

    AI Translation

    Erba, the evil maskim-demon, comes out. The evil maskim-demon.

    Meerchyad, Lina

    Enter, good spirit! Leave, evil spirit!

    P480687: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P480688: royal-monumental other-object

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2 lugal-a-ni gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, his master, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P480693: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    [_...]-x u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ [_...]-x (d)en-lil2-la2 dingir x x_ [_...] _nam-lugal_ esz3-nun-na(ki) [_...]-x-a e2-ad-da-a-ni-sze3_ [_...]-x-ra-am3_ umbin?-ur-(d)utu(ki) [_...]-x bala-ri-a_ (i7)idigna [_...] mu 1(disz)-kam (gesz)tukul kal-ga ba-an-dab5_

    AI Translation

    ... 21st day; ... of Enlil, god ...; ... kingship of Eshnunna ... to his father's house ...; Umbinur-Shamash; ... the balaru of the Tigris ...; 1st year, with mighty weapons seized.

    Law 1

  • _1(asz) gur sze_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-sag_ [a]-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ [a]-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 i3-szah2_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _4(barig) esir2?_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _6(disz) ma-na siki_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _2(asz) gur mun_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _1(asz) gur naga_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _3(disz) ma-na uruda_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _2(disz) ma-na uruda_ ep-szum a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley for 1 shekel of silver,
  • 3 sila3 of lard for 1 shekel of silver,
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of sesame oil for 1 shekel of silver,
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 of lard for 1 shekel of silver,
  • 4 barig of bitumen for 1 shekel of silver
  • 6 minas of wool for 1 shekel of silver
  • 2 gur of malt for 1 shekel of silver,
  • 1 gur of alkali-plant for 1 shekel of silver,
  • 3 minas of copper for 1 shekel of silver
  • 2 minas of copper, fashioned, for 1 shekel of silver.
  • Law 2

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ sza ni-is2-ha-tim _3(ban2) sze-bi_
  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-szah2_ sza ni-is2-ha-tim _2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze-bi_
  • _1(disz) sila3 esir2?_ sza ni-is2-ha-tim _8(disz) sila3 sze-bi_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil for nishatum, 3 ban2 its barley,
  • 1 sila3 of lard from Nishatum, 2 ban2 5 sila3 its barley,
  • 1 sila3 bitumen for nishatum, 8 sila3 its barley,
  • Law 3


    _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_ qa2-du-um _gu4-hi-a_-sza u3 re-di-sza

  • _1(barig) 4(ban2) _sze a2-bi_ szum-ma _ku3-babbar 1/3(disz) gin2 a2_-sza
  • ka-la u4-mi-im i-re-de-e-si

    AI Translation

    wagon for her oxen and her young;

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, its labor: if silver, 1/3 shekel, its labor:
  • all day he will measure it out.

    Law 4


    _a2 (gesz)ma2 1(asz) gur_-um _2(disz) sila3_ u3 _[...] sila3 a2 ma2-lah4 ka-la u4-mi i-re-de-szi

    AI Translation

    labor of the barge: 1 gur, 2 sila3 and ... sila3 labor of the boatmen, all day, he shall measure out.

    Law 5


    szum-ma _ma2-lah4_ i-gi-ma _(gesz)ma2_ ut,-t,e4-eb-be ma-la u2-t,e4-eb-bu-u2 u2-ma-al-la

    AI Translation

    If a boatman a boatman a boatman has sailed, as many as he has sailed, he shall carry off.

    Law 6


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na nu-la-a-ni _(gesz)ma2_ la sza-at-tam is,-s,a-ba-at _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man, in his absence, a boat without a captain has taken, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 7

  • _2(ban2) sze a2 sze-ku5-kin_
  • szum-ma _ku3-babbar_ 1(u) 2(disz) _sze a2-bi_

    AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 of barley, labor of the kiln-workers;
  • If he sells, 12 grains is its hire.

    Law 8

  • _1(ban2) sze a2_ za-ri-i
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 barley, labor of zarî,
  • Law 9


    _lu2 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _sze-ku5-kin_ a-na _(lu2)hun-ga2_ [li]-di-in-ma szum-ma re-su la u2-ki-il-ma [e]-s,e-dam e-s,e-dam la e-s,i2-su _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    One man shall give 1 shekel of silver to the harvester and the hireling, and if the harvester has not repaid, and the harvester has not paid, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 9a

  • _1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 a2 (uruda)gur10-a_ u3 ku-s,i-rum
  • [a-na] be#-li-szu-ma i-ta-a-ar

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 of barley for the gura and the leatherworkers;
  • he has paid to his lord.

    Law 10

  • _1(ban2) sze a2 ansze_
  • u3 _1(ban2) sze a2_ re-di-szu ka-la u4-mi-im i-re-de-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 barley, labor of donkeys,
  • and 1 ban2 of barley, labor of his shepherdship, all day, he shall measure out for him.

    Law 11


    _a2 (lu2)hun-ga2 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar 1(barig) sze sza3-gal-bi_ _iti 1(disz)-kam_ i-la-ak

    AI Translation

    labor of the hireling: 1 shekel of silver, 1 barig of barley, its szagal, for 1 month he shall carry;

    Law 12


    _lu2_ sza i-na _a-sza3 |_masz-kak-en_|_ i-na ku-ru-lim i-na mu-us,-la-lim is,-s,a-ba-tu

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ [sza i-na mu]-szi#-im i-na ku-ru-lim
  • is,-s,a-ba-tu i-ma-a-[at] u2-ul i-ba-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    A man who in the field of the ... in the ..., in the ..., has taken away.

  • he will pay 10 shekels of silver, which at the time of the rations in the granary
  • he took, he did not live,

    Law 13


    _lu2_ sza i-[na _e2_ sza] _|_masz-kak-en_|#_ i-na _e2_ i-na mu-us,-la-lim [...] sza# i-na mu-szi-im [...]

    AI Translation

    The man who in the house of the mashkakken, in the house of the mushallim, ... who in the house of the mushallim, .

    Law 16


    _dumu lu2_ la zi-zu# [...]

    AI Translation

    son of a man who has not .

    Law 17-18


    _dumu lu2_ a-na _e2_ e-[...] szum-ma i-na ki-la-al-li-in isz#-[te-en] a-na szi-im-tim it-ta-la-ak ma-la ub-[lu] u2-ul u2-sze-es,-s,e2 wa-tar-szu-ma i-le-qe2

    AI Translation

    If a son of a man to the house ... ... in the rear he has taken, to the fate he has gone, as much as there is, he shall not bring, but his son shall take.

    Law 18a

  • _1(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2_ u3 _6(disz) sze masz_ u2-s,a-ab
  • _1(asz) gur_-um _1(barig) 4(ban2) masz_ u2-s,a-ab
  • AI Translation
  • 1 shekel, 1/6 shekel, and 6 grains, barley, interest he shall measure out;
  • 1 gurum, 1 barig 4 ban2 ...,
  • Law 19


    _lu2_ sza a-na me-[eh-ri-szu] i-na-ad-di-nu i-na masz-kan2-nim# [u2]-sza-ad-da-an

    AI Translation

    A man who to his side shall give, at the mashkannu-offering shall give.

    Law 20


    s,um-ma _lu2 sze_-a-am a-na x x x id-di-in-ma _sze_-a-am a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-te-pu!-usz# i-na e-bu-ri _sze_-a-am u3 _masz-bi 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)#_ i-le-eq-qe2

    AI Translation

    A man gave the barley to ... and the barley to silver he made. At the threshing floor the barley and its interest he shall take 1 gur 1 barig 4 ban2

    Law 21


    szum-ma _lu2 ku3-babbar_ a-na pa-ni-szu id-di-in _ku3-babbar_ u3 _masz-bi 1(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2_ u3 _[6(disz) sze]_ i-le-eq-qe

    AI Translation

    If a man silver to his face gave, the silver and its interest 1 shekel, 6/6 shekels, and 6 grains shall take.

    Law 22


    szum-ma _lu2_ e-li _lu2_ mi-im-ma la i-szu-u2-ma _geme2 lu2_ it-te-pe be-el _geme2_ ni-isz _dingir_ i-[za]-kar# mi-im-ma e-li-ia la ti-szu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ ma-la _sa10 geme2_-tim _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man against another man anything has not carried, and a slave woman has seized, the owner of the slave woman the slander of the god shall remove; anything against me shall not carry; as much silver as the price of the slave woman shall pay.

    Law 23-24


    szum-ma _lu2_ e-li _lu2_ mi-im-ma la i-szu-ma _geme2 lu2_ it-te-pe2 ni-pu-tam i-na _e2_-szu ik-la-ma usz-ta-mi-it _2(disz) geme2_ a-na be-el _geme2_ i-ri-ab szum-ma mi-im-ma e-li-su la i-su-ma _dam |_masz-kak-en_| dumu |_masz-kak-en_|_ it-te-pe2 ni-pu-tam i-na _e2_-szu ik-la-a-ma usz-ta-mi-it di-in na-pi2-isz-tim ne-pu-u2 sza ip-pu-u2 i-ma-a-at

    AI Translation

    If a man against another man anything has not had, and a slave woman of another man has done, a lawsuit in his house will take, and he will recover. Two slave women to the owner of the slave woman shall take. If anything against him does not have, the wife of the exorcist or the son of the exorcist has done, a lawsuit in his house will take, and he will recover. The judgment of the wrongful act which they have committed, he shall pay.

    Law 25


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-na _e2_ e-mi is-si-ma e-mu-szu ik-szi-szu-ma _dumu-munus_-su a-na [sza-ni-im] it#-ta-di-in a-bi ma-ar-tim ter-ha-at im-hu-ru ta-asz-na u2-ta-ar

    AI Translation

    If a man to the house of his father he seized, and his father he has given, and his daughter to another he has given, the father of the inheritance he received, he shall return.

    Law 26


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-na _dumu-munus lu2_ ter-ha-tam u2-bil-ma sza-nu-u2 ba-lum sza2-al a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sza im-szu-u'-szi-ma it-ta-qa-ab-szi di-in na-[pi]-isz#-tim#-ma i-ma-[at]

    AI Translation

    If a man to a daughter of a man a terhatam has brought, and another one, the one who is not the brother of her father and her mother has seized, and has seized, the judgment of the napishtum-demon he shall not make.

    Law 27


    szum-ma _lu2 dumu-munus lu2_ ba-lum sza-al a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sza i-hu-si-ma u2 kir-ra-am u2 ri-ik-(sa)-tim a-na a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sa la isz-[ku]-un# u4-mi _mu 1(disz)-kam_ i-na _e2_-szu li-szi-im-ma u2-ul _dam_

    AI Translation

    If a man a daughter of a man without a husband, her father and mother has seized, and a kirram-plant and a reed-plant to her father and mother she did not establish, for one day one year in his house he shall live, and she shall not be his wife.

    Law 28


    szum-ma hi#-pi2# ri-ik-sa-tim u3 kir-ra-am a-na a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sza isz-ku-un-ma i-hu-us-si _dam_ u4-um i-na su-un _lu2_ is,-s,a-ab-ba-tu i-ma-at u2-ul i-ba-al-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    If the reed fence and the reed fence for her father and mother has set, and she has seized, the wife of a day in the lap of a man has taken, she shall be seized, she shall not be able to carry.

    Law 29


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na _kaskal_ se-eh#-t,im# u3 sa-ak-pi2-im it-ta#-[asz-la-al] u3 lu na-ah-bu-tum it-ta-ah-ba-at [u4]-mi# ar-[ku-tim] [i-na ma]-tim sza-ni-tim-ma [...] [...] sza-nu-um [...] it-ta-la-ad [...]-am# _dam_-szu [...]

    AI Translation

    If a man on a road of a sacrificial or a sacrificial person has been seized, or a nahbutum has been seized, for a long time in another land ... another ... has been seized ... his wife .

    Law 30


    [szum-ma] _lu2_ a-al(ki) [...] it-ta-bi-it [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    If a man from Al has seized .

    Law 31



    AI Translation

    Column 1



    AI Translation

    Law 32


    [...] x id-[di]-in#-[ma ...] x x x-na tar-bi#-it _dumu_-szu i3-[la2-e_-ma _dumu_-szu] i-ta-ar-ru

    AI Translation

    ... gave, and ... ... he will return to his son, and his son will be killed.

    Law 33


    szum-ma _geme2_ u2-sa-ri-ir-ma [_dumu_-sza] a-na _dumu-munus# lu2_ it#-ta-di-in i-nu-u-ma ir-ta-bu-u2 [be]-el-szu i-mar-szu i-s,a-ba-su-ma i-ta-ar-ru-u2-szu

    AI Translation

    If a slave woman has married, and her son to a daughter of a man has given, when she has married, his owner shall take him, and they shall take him.

    Law 34-35


    szum-ma _geme2 e2-gal dumu_-sza lu _dumu-munus_-sa a-na _|_masz-kak-en_|_ a-na tar-bi-tim it-ta-di-in _dumu_ lu _dumu-munus_ sza id-di-nu _e2-gal_-lum it-ta-ba-al u3 le-qu2-u2 sza mar _geme2 e2-gal_-lim il-qu2-u2 me-he-er-su a-na _e2-gal_-lim i-ri-a-ab

    AI Translation

    If a slave woman of the palace her son or her daughter to a dowry to a marriage gift has given, a son or daughter who gave the palace has seized, and a lawsuit concerning the slave woman of the palace has brought, her lawsuit to the palace shall return.

    Law 36-37


    szum-ma _lu2_ bu-sze-szu a-na na-ap-t,a3-ri a-na ma-s,a-ar-tim id-di-in-ma _e2_ la pa-li-isz si-ip-pu la ha-li-isz a-ap-tum la na-as3-ha-at bu-sze-e ma-s,a-ar-tim sza id-di-nu-szum uh-ta-li-iq bu-se-e-su i-ri-a-ab szum-ma _e2 lu2_ lu-uq-qu2-ut it-ti ma-s,a-ar-tim sza id-di-nu-szum hu-lu-uq be-el _e2_ ha-li-iq be-el _e2_ i-na _e2_ (d)tiszpak ni-isz _dingir_ i-za-kar-szum it-ti bu-sze-e-ka bu-szu-ia hal-qu2 i-wi-tam u3 sa3-ar-tam la e-pu-szu i-za-kar-szum-ma mi-im-ma e-li-szu u2-ul i-szu

    AI Translation

    If a man his sheep for napping to the scouts gave, and a house without fear, a door without opening, a door without opening, a sheepfold without opening, a sheepfold with scouts whom he gave, has seized, his sheepfold shall occupy; if a house of a man a luqqut with scouts whom he gave, a luqqut, the owner of the house a luqqut, the owner of the house in the temple of Tishpak, the beloved of the god, shall destroy; with the sheepfold my luqqut, the witum and the sartum that he did not build, shall destroy, and whatever else there is, he shall not have.

    Law 38


    szum-ma i-na at-hi-i isz-te-en zi-it-ta-szu i-na-ad-di-in a-hu-szu sza-ma-am ha-sze-eh qa2-ab-li-it sza-ni-i u2-ma-la

    AI Translation

    If in the ahi-demon he has given his life, his brother, the shama-demon, the shama-demon, the shama-demon, the shama-demon, the shama-demon, the shama-demon, the shama-demon, the shama-demon,

    Law 39


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-ni-isz-ma _e2_-su ana _ku3-babbar_ it-ta-di-in u4-um sza-ia-ma-nu i-na-di-nu be-el _e2_ i-pa-t,a3-ar

    AI Translation

    If a man a man has, and his house for silver has given, when Shayamanu has given, the owner of the house shall erase.

    Law 40


    szum-ma _lu2 sag-ir3 geme2 gu4_ u3 szi-ma-am ma-la i-ba-szu-u2 i-sza-am-ma na-di-na-nam la u2-ki-in szu-ma szar-ra-aq

    AI Translation

    If a man the sag-ir, female slaves, oxen, and sheep, as many as there are, they shall have, and the nadina-tax they shall not bind. Hand of Sharaq.

    Law 41


    szum-ma _u-bar_ na-ap-ta-rum u3 mu-du-u2 _kasz_-szu i-na-di-in sa-bi-tum ma-hi-ra-at i-la-ku _kasz_ i-na-di-in-szum

    AI Translation

    If a ..., Naptarum and Mudu, his beer he gave, Sabitum, the merchant, will go, his beer he gave.

    Law 42


    szum-ma _lu2_ ap-pe _lu2_ is-su-uk-ma it-ta-ki-is

  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e igi 1(disz) ma-na zu2 1/2(disz) ma-na_
  • uz-nu _1/2(disz) ma-na_ me-he-es, le-tim _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man a cloak a man has seized and has smashed,

  • he will pay 1 mina of silver. 1 mina of ..., 1/2 mina of wool,
  • he will weigh out half a mina of ... and 10 shekels of silver.

    Law 43


    szum-ma _lu2_ u2-ba-an _lu2_ it-ta-ki-is

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man a man has seized,

  • he will pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Law 44


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-wi-lam i-na ik?-x-x is2-ki-im-ma _szu_-su isz-te-ber5 _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man a man in ... has ..., and his hand has broken, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 45


    szum-ma _giri3_-szu isz-te-ber5 _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If he his foot has broken, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 46


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-wi-lam im-ha-as,-ma ha-x-x-szu isz-te-ber5

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man a man struck, and his ... has returned,

  • he will pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Law 47


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na x x x-tim _lu2_ ik-te-el _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man from ... a man has seized, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 48


    u3 a-na di#-nim# sza# _ku3#-babbar#_ isz-tu _1(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na_ a-di _1(disz) ma-na_ [...] di-nam u2-sza-ha-zu-szu#-[ma] a-wa-at na-pi2-isz-[tim ...]

    AI Translation

    and to the judge of silver from 1 1/3 mana to 1 mana ... the judge shall determine for him, and the word of the scribal art .

    Law 49


    [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Law 50


    [... te]-er-tim [...] _sag-ir3_ ha-al-qa2-am [...] _gu4_ ha-al-qa2 _ansze_ ha-al-qa2-am [...] is,#-[ba]-at#-ma [a]-na# esz3-nun-na(ki) la ir-di-a-am-ma i-na _e2_-szu-ma ik-ta#-[la ...] [...] _e2-gal_-lum szu-ur-qa-am it-ti-szu i-ta-wi

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... with him .

    Law 51


    _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2_ sza esz3-nun-na(ki) sza ka-an-nam masz-ka-nam u3 ab-bu-tam sza-ak-nu _abul_ esz3-nun-na(ki) ba-lum be-li2-su u2-ul us,-s,i2

    AI Translation

    the sagir and the female workers of Eshnunna, who are ka-an-nam, the mash-ka-am, and Abbutam, the overseers, the 'house' of Eshnunna, did not take care of;

    Law 52


    _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2_ sza it-ti _dumu_ szi-ip-ri-im na-as,-ru-ma _abul_ esz3-nun-na(ki) i-te-er-ba-am ka-an-nam masz-ka-nam u3 ab-bu-tam isz-sza-ka-an-ma a-na be-li2-szu na-s,er

    AI Translation

    the sag-ir and the female slave who with the son of the scribal crafts are kept in good order, and the 'house' of Eshnunna he has entered, and the 'inspector' and the 'inspector' are there, and to his lord they are kept in good order.

    Law 53


    szum-ma _gu4 gu4_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it szi-im _gu4_ ba-al-t,i3 u3 _uzu gu4_ mi-tim be-el _gu4_ ki-la-la-an i-zu-uz-zu

    AI Translation

    If a bull ox he has seized and has sinned, the price of the bull has been lost, and the meat of the ox a woman, the owner of the ox he shall weigh out.

    Law 54


    szum-ma _gu4_ na-ka-pi2-ma ba-ab-tum a-na be-li2-szu [u2]-sze-di-ma _gu4_-szu la u2-szi-ir-ma _lu2_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it be-el _gu4_

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a ox is seized and seized, to his owner he shall give, but his ox he shall not return, and a man shall smite and he shall be killed. The owner of the ox

  • he will pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Law 55


    _szum-ma _sag-ir3_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it _1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If the slave a slave has seized and has seized, 15 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 56-57


    szum-ma _ur-gi7_ sze-gi-ma ba-ab-tum a-na be-li2-szu u2-sze-di-ma _ur-gi7_-szu la is,-s,u-ur-ma _lu2_ isz-szu-uk-ma usz-ta-mi-it be-el _ur-gi7 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ szum-ma _sag-ir3_

    AI Translation

    If a dog has been seized and a stag has been seized for his owner, and his dog has not been seized and a man has seized and he has been seized, the owner of the dog 2/3 mina of silver shall weigh out. If a dog a sag-ir

    Law 57


    szum-ma _sag-ir3_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mit-it

  • _1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If the head of the king is a sag-ir-demon, he has sworn,

  • 15 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Law 58


    szum-ma i-ga-rum i-qa-am-ma ba-ab-tum a-na be-el i-ga-ri u2-sze-di-ma i-ga-ar-szu la u2-(dan)-nin-ma i-ga-rum im-qu2-ut-ma _dumu lu2_ usz-ta-mi-it na-pi2-isz-tum s,i2-im-da-at szar-ri-im

    AI Translation

    If Igarum does not agree, and the debts to the owner of Igari he shall pay, but his debts he shall not repay, and Igarum he shall take, and the son of a man he shall repay. The debts of the king

    Law 59


    szum-ma _lu2 dumu-mesz_ wu-ul-lu-ud-ma _dam_-su i-zi-im-ma [sza]-ni-tam i-ta-ha-az i-na _e2_ u3 ma-la# [i]-ba#-szu-u2 in-na-sa-ah-ma wa-ar-ki sza i-ra-am#-mu#-ma it-ta-la-ak

    AI Translation

    If a man the sons of a man has sinned, and his wife has sinned, and another has sinned, in the house and whatever there is, they shall be slighted, and afterwards, who sinned and went,

    Law 60


    szum#-ma# _lu2 en-nun_ [_e2_ i-na] na#-s,a-ri-im i-gu-ma pa-al-li-szu [_e2_ ip-lu-usz] u3 _lu2 en-nun e2_ sza ip-pa-al-szu [... i-du]-uk-ku ba-lum [qa]-ab-ri-szu [i-na pa-ni2 pi2]-il-szi-im iq-qa-bi-ir

    AI Translation

    If a guard of the house in the guarding he has seized, and his guard house he has taken, and the guard of the house which he has taken ... he shall kill, and the property of his house in front of him shall say.

    P480694: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Law 12


    [...] x [...] i-s,a-ab-ba-tu [...] u2-ul i-ba-al-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    ... ... he will capture ... he will not live .

    Law 13


    [_lu2_] sza# i-na _e2_ sza _|_masz-kak-en_|_ i-na _e2_ i-na mu-us,-la-lim is,-s,a-ab-ba-tu _1(u) ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ sza i-na mu-szi-im i-na _e2_ is,-s,a-ab-ba-tu i-ma-a-at u2-ul i-ba-al-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    A man who in the house of a mashkakken in the house of a mushallim-priest in the house of a mushallim-priest has taken away 10 silver, who in the future in the house of a mushallim-priest has taken away, shall not live.

    Law 14


    _a2 (lu2)azlag 1(disz) tug2 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ li-bil-ma _1(disz) gin2 a2-bi_

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ li-bi-il-ma _2(disz) gin2 a2-bi_
  • AI Translation

    labor of the slaughterers: 1 garment, 5 shekels of silver, ..., 1 shekel of labor,

  • 10 shekels of silver shall be weighed out, and 2 shekels its labor:
  • Law 15


    i-na qa-ti _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2 dam-gar3_ u3 sa-bi-tum _ku3-babbar sze_-a-am _siki i3-gesz_ a-di ma-di?-im u2-ul i-ma-ha-ar

    AI Translation

    from the hands of the sagir and the female slaves, the merchants and the sabitum, silver, barley, wool, oil, and the like shall not receive.

    Law 16


    _dumu lu2_ la zi-zu u3 _sag-ir3_ u2-ul iq-qi2-a-ap

    AI Translation

    He did not give a son of a man who did not stand or a slave to him.

    Law 17


    _dumu lu2_ a-na _e2_ e-mi-im ter-ha-tam li-bi-il-ma szum-ma i-na ki-la-al-li-in isz-te-en a-na szi-im-tim it-ta-la-ak _ku3-babbar_ a-na be-li2-szu-ma i-ta-a-ar szum-ma i-hu-us2-si-ma a-na _e2_-szu i-ru-ub lu-u2 a-hi-za-nu lu-u2 kal-la-tum a-na szi-im-tim it-ta-la-ak ma-la ub-lu u2-ul u2-sze-s,e wa-tar-szu-ma i-le-eq-qe2

    AI Translation

    The son of a man to the house of the emim terhatam shall bring, and if in the kiallin-house he has gone to the fate, silver to his lord shall return; if he has seized and to his house he entered, either the ahizi-zanu or the kallati to the fate has gone, as much as there is, he shall not bring back, his son shall take.

    Law 18a

  • _1(disz) gin2_-um igi 6(disz)-gal2_ u3 _6(disz) sze masz_ u2-s,a-ab
  • _[1(asz)] gur_-um _1(barig) 4(ban2) sze masz_ u2-s,a-ab

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel, 1/6 shekel, and 6 grains, barley, interest he shall measure out;
  • 1 gurum, 1 barig 4 ban2 barley, interest-bearing, for Ushab;

    Law 19


    [_lu2_ sza] a-na me-eh-ri-szu i-na-ad-di-nu [i-na masz]-kan2-nim u2-sza-ad-da-an

    AI Translation

    A man who to his side shall give, at the mashkannu he shall give.

    Law 28


    [... ri]-ik-sa-[tim] [...] u3 um-mi-sza isz-ku-un-ma i-hu#-[us-si ...] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the riksattam priestess ... and her mother he established and he seized .

    Law 29


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na _kaskal_ se-eh-t,im u3 sa-ak-pi2#-[im it-ta-asz-la-al] u3 lu-u2 na-ah-bu-tum it-ta-ah-ba-at u4-mi# [ar-ku-tim] i-na ma-a-tim s,a-ni-tim-ma it-ta-[sza-ab] asz-sza-su sza-nu-u2-um-ma i-ta-ha-az u3 _dumu_ it-[ta-la-ad] i-nu-u2-ma it-tu-ra-am asz-sza-su i-ta-[ab-ba-al]

    AI Translation

    If a man on a road of a sacrificial or a sacrificial person has been seized, or a nahbutum has been seized, a day the akku-demon in a foreign country has been seized, his wife the other one shall divorce and the son shall be seized; when he has returned, his wife shall be seized.

    Law 30


    szum-ma _lu2_ iri-ki_-szu u3 be-el-szu i-ze-er-ma it-ta-ah-bi-it asz-sza-su sza-nu-u2-um-ma i-ta-ha-az i-nu-u-ma it-tu-ra-am a-na asz-sza-ti-szu u2-ul i-ra-ag-ga-am

    AI Translation

    If a man his city and his master trembles and has seized, his wife another shall divide; when she has returned to her wife she shall not be angry.

    Law 31


    szum-ma _lu2 geme2 lu2_ it-ta-qa-ab

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ u3 _geme2_ sza be-li2-sza-ma
  • AI Translation

    If a man a woman a man has taken,

  • 1/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out; and the slave woman of Belishama
  • Law 32


    szum-ma _lu2 dumu_-szu a-na szu-nu-qi2-im a-na tar-bi-tim id-di-in-ma _sze-ba i3-ba siki-ba_ mu 3(disz)-kam_ la id-di-in _1(u) ma-na_ tar-bi-it _dumu_-szu _i3-la2-e_-ma _dumu_-szu i-ta-a-ar-ru

    AI Translation

    If a man his son to the shunuqim to the rear he gave, and the barley, oil, and wool of 3 years he did not give, 10 minas of rear he shall take, and his son he shall return.

    Law 33


    szum-ma _geme2_ u2-sa-ar-ri-ir-ma _dumu_-sza a-na _dumu-munus lu2_ it-ta-di i-nu-u2-ma ir-ta-bu-u2 be-el-szu i-ma-ar-szu i-s,a-ab-ba-su-ma i-ta-ar-ru-szu

    AI Translation

    If a slave woman has seized, and her son to a daughter of a man has given, when she has seized, his owner shall take him away, and shall take him away.

    Law 34-35


    szum-ma _geme2 e2-gal_-lim _dumu_-sza lu-u2 _dumu-munus_-sza a-na _|_masz-kak-en_|_ a-na tar-bi-tim it-ta-di-in _dumu_-rum lu-u2 _dumu-munus_-tum sza id-di-nu e2-gal_-lum i-ta-ab-ba-al u3 le-qu2-u2 sza _dumu geme2 e2-gal_-lim il-qu2-u2 me-he-er-szu a-na _e2-gal_-lim i-ri-a-ab

    AI Translation

    If a slave woman of the palace her son or her daughter to a dowry to a marriage gift has given, either a son or a daughter who gave the palace shall divide, and if the son of the slave woman of the palace has taken, his share to the palace shall divide.

    Law 36


    szum-ma _lu2_ bu-sze-e-szu a-na na-ap-t,a3-ri-im a-na ma-s,a-ar-tim id-di-in-ma _e2_-tum la pa-li-isz si-ip-pu la ha-li-isz a-ap-tum la na-as2-ha-at bu-sze-e ma-s,a-ar-tim sza id-di-nu-szum uh-ta-al-li-iq bu-sze-e-szu i-ri-a-ab-szum

    AI Translation

    If a man his sheep for a naptarium for the satrap gave, and the house is not pious, the door is not pious, the satrap is not puffed, the sheep of the satrap that gave to him he shall remove, his sheep he shall give.

    Law 37


    szum-ma _e2 lu2_ lu-uq-qu2-[ut] it-ti bu-sze-e _lu2_ [ma-s,a]-ar-tim sza id-di-nu-szum hu-lu-uq be-el _e2_ ha-li-iq be-el _e2_-tim i-na _ka2_ (d)tiszpak ni-isz _dingir_ i-za-kar-szum-ma it-ti bu-sze-e-ka bu-szu-ia lu-u2 ha-al-qu2 i-wi-tam u3 sa3-ar-tam la e-pu-szu i-za-kar-szum-ma mi-im-ma e-li-szu u2-ul i-szu

    AI Translation

    If a man's house a luqqut with a man's ..., the trader who gave to him, a luqqut, the owner of the house a luqqut, the owner of the house at the gate of Tishpak, the ni'ishu-priest of the god, shall issue, and with a man's ... my house a luqqut, a witam or sartam does not do, he shall issue, and anything else he has, he shall not have.

    Law 38


    szum-ma i-na at-hi-i isz-te-en zi-it-ta-szu a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-na-ad-di-in u3 a-hu-szu sza-ma-am ha-sze-eh qa2-ab-li-it sza-ni-i-im u2-ma-al-la

    AI Translation

    If in the threshing floor his right side for silver he shall give, and his left side the ... the ... the other side shall fill.

    Law 39


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-ni-isz-ma _e2_-su a-na _ku3-babbar_ it-ta-di-in u4-um sza-a-ia-ma-nu i-na-ad-di-nu be-el _e2_-tim i-pa-t,a3-ar

    AI Translation

    If a man a man has, and his house for silver has given, when Shayamanu gave, the owner of the house shall erase.

    Law 40


    szum-ma _lu2 sag-ir3 geme2 gu4_ u3 szi-ma-am ma-la i-ba-asz-szu-u2 i-sza-am-ma na-di-na-nam la u2-ki-in szu#-ma# szar-ra-aq

    AI Translation

    If a man the sag-ir, female slaves, oxen, and sheep, as many as there are, they shall have, and the payment they shall not make, .

    Law 41


    szum-ma _u-bar_ na-ap-ta-rum u3 mu-du-u2 _kasz_-szu i-na-ad-di-in sa-bi-tum ma-hi-ra-at i-il-la-ku si-ka-ra-am i-na-ad-((ta))-di-szum

    AI Translation

    If a ubar-vessel for Napatrum and the man who built it, his beer he shall give; the sabitum-officials of the ... shall come, the auxiliary troops shall give to him.

    Law 42


    szum-ma _lu2_ ap-pi _lu2_ is-su-uk-ma it-ta-ki-is

  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e igi 1(disz) ma-na zu2 1/2(disz) ma-na_
  • uz-nu _1/2(disz) ma-na_ me-be-es, le-tim _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man a ... a man has seized and has seized,

  • he will pay 1 mina of silver. 1 mina of ..., 1/2 mina of wool,
  • he will weigh out half a mina of wool and 10 shekels of silver.

    Law 43


    szum-ma _lu2_ u2-ba-an a-wi-lim [it]-ta#-ki-is _[n] ma#-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man the wages of a man has incurred, n minas of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 44


    [...] a-wi-lam i-[na ...] is3#-ki-in-ma [... _n ma-na] ku3#-babbar# i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    ... he imposed ... on a man and ... n minas of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 45


    [... _n ma-na ku3-babbar] i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    he will pay ... minas of silver.

    Law 48


    [... _n] ma-na_ a-di _1(disz) ma-na_ [...] u2-sza-ha-zu-szu-ma [... na]-pi2-isz-tim a-na _lugal_-ma

    AI Translation

    ... n minas, together with 1 mina ... he smashed and ... the stele to the king

    Law 49


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na _sag-ir3_ szar-qi2-im _geme2_ sza-ri-iq-tim it-ta-as,-ba-at _sag-ir3 sag-ir3 geme2 geme2_ i-re-ed-de

    AI Translation

    If a man in the slave-pen of a slave-pen of a slave-pen has taken, the slave-pen of a

    Law 50


    szum-ma _szagina_ sza-pir6 _i7_ be-el te-er-tim ma-la i-ba-asz-szu-u2 _sag-ir3_ hal-qa-am _geme2_ ha-li-iq-tam _gu4_ hal-qa-am _ansze_ hal-qa-am sza _e2-gal_-lim u3 _|_masz-kak-en_|_ is,-ba-at-ma a-na esz3-nun-na(ki) la ir-di-a-am i-na _e2_-szu-ma ik-ta-la u4-mi e-li _iti 1(disz)-kam_ u2-sze-te-eq-ma _e2-gal_-lum szu-ur-qa-am it-ti-szu i-ta-wi

    AI Translation

    If the general of the shapin of the river, the lord of the teeming, as many as there are, the sag-ir-worker is a dead man, the female slave is a dead man, the ox is a dead man, the donkey is a dead man, which the palace and the mashkun have taken, and to Eshnunna did not return, in his house he has sat, and the day after the first month he has sat, and the palace with him he has taken.

    Law 51


    _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2_ sza esz3-nun-na(ki) sza ka-an-nam ma-asz-ka-nam u3 ab-bu-ut-ta-am sza-ak-nu _abul_ esz3-nun-na(ki) ba-lum be-li2-szu u2-ul us,-s,i2

    AI Translation

    the sagir and the female workers of Eshnunna, who are ka-an-nam, Mashkam, and Abbu-utam, the overseers, the 'gate' of Eshnunna, did not take away,

    Law 52


    _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2_ sza it-ti _dumu_ szi-ip-ri-im na-as,-ru-ma _abul_ esz3-nun-na(ki) i-te-er-ba-am ka-an-nam ma-asz-ka-nam u3 ab-bu-tam isz-sza-ak-ka-an-ma a-na be-li2-szu na-s,e-er

    AI Translation

    the sag-ir and the female slaves who with the son of the scribal crafts are kept in good order, and the 'gate' of Eshnunna has entered, and the 'gate', the 'gate' and the 'gate' are placed, and to his lord they are kept in good order.

    Law 53


    szum-ma _gu4 gu4_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it szi-im _gu4_ ba-al-t,im u3 _uzu gu4_ mi-tim [...] ki-la-al-la-an i-zu-uz-zu

    AI Translation

    If a bull a bull has seized and has sinned, the ox has been killed and the flesh of a bull a half ... he shall cut off.

    Law 54-55


    [...] [...] be-li2-szu [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his lord .

    P480695: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Law 44


    [...] [...] esz3#-[te]-ber5# _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    ... ... he will pay 1/2 mina of silver to Eshtera.

    Law 45


    szum-ma _giri3_-szu esz3-te-ber5 _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If he his feet are twisted, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 46


    szum-ma _lu2 lu2_ im-ha-as,-ma ki-ir-ra-szu esz3-te-ber5

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man a man has struck, and his ... he shall remove.

  • 1/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Law 47


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na szi-ge-esz3-tim _lu2_ ik?-te-el _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man in the szigeeshtum a man has ..., 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 47a


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na re-es3-ba-tim _dumu lu2_ usz-ta-mi-it

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na# ku3#-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man in the middle of the son of a man has been killed,

  • he will pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • P480696: royal-monumental other-object

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    _[...]-x u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ _[...]-x_ (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)nin-a-zu _u4_ (disz)da-du-sza _nam-lugal_ esz3-nun-na(ki) _ba-e3-a e2-ad-da-a-ni-sze3_ _i3-ku4-ra-am3 umbin?-ur-(d)utu(ki) _[...] gu2 bala ri-a_ (i7)idigna _[...] a-di mu 1(disz)-kam (gesz)tukul kal-ga ba-an-dab5_

    AI Translation

    ... 21st day ... Enlil and Ninazu. When Dadusha the kingship of Eshnunna he brought, to his father's house he entered. Umbinur-Shamash ... the bank of the Tigris ... until the 1st year he received a mighty weapon.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    ... of day 21, ... of Enlil and Ninazu, when Dadusha to the kingship of Eshnunna ascended and into the house of his father, entered, the Shupur-Shamash and ... on the far bank of the Tigris ... within 1 year with mighty weapons he conquered.

    Law 1

  • _1(asz) gur sze_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _3(disz) sila3 i3-sag_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 i3-szah2_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _4(barig) esir2?_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _6(disz) ma-na siki_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _2(asz) gur mun_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _1(asz) gur naga_ a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _3(disz) ma-na uruda_ a-na 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _2(disz) ma-na uruda_ ep-szum a-na _1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley for 1 shekel of silver
  • 3 sila3 of lard for 1 shekel of silver
  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 of oil for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 of lard for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 4 barig of bitumen for 1 shekel of silver
  • 6 minas of wool for 1 shekel of silver
  • 2 gur of salt for 1 shekel of silver
  • 1 gur of ghee for 1 shekel of silver
  • 3 minas of copper for 1 shekel of silver
  • 2 minas of copper, fashioned, for 1 shekel of silver.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • 1 kor of barley can be purchased for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 3 liters of fine oil for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 1ban2 2 liters of oil for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 1 ban2 5 liters of lard for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 4 barig of bitumen for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 6 mina of wool for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 2 kor of salt for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 1 kor of potash for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 3 mina of copper for 1 shekel of silver.
  • 2 mina of wrought copper for 1 shekel of silver.
  • Law 2

  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz_ sza ni-is2-ha-tim _3(ban2) sze-bi_
  • _1(disz) sila3 i3-szah2_ sza ni-is2-ha-tim _2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze-bi_
  • _1(disz) sila3 esir2?_ sza ni-is2-ha-tim _8(disz) sila3 sze-bi_
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of oil for nishatum-offerings, 3 seahs of barley,
  • 1 sila3 of lard for nishtimu-offerings, 2 ban2 5 sila3 its barley,
  • 1 sila3 of bitumen for nishatum-vessel, 8 sila3 its barley,
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • 1 liter of oil, extract?: 3 ban2 is its grain.
  • 1 liter of lard, extract?: 2 ban2 5 liters is its grain.
  • 1 liter of bitumen, extract?: 8 liters is its grain.
  • Law 3


    _(gesz)mar-gid2-da_ qa2-du-um _gu4-hi-a_-sza u3 re-di-sza

  • _1(barig) 4(ban2) sze a2-bi_ szum-ma _ku3-babbar 1/3(disz) _gin2 a2_-sza
  • ka-la u4-mi-im i-re-de-e-si

    AI Translation

    wagon, the rear of its oxen and its thornbushes;

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of barley is its labor. If the silver is 1/3 shekel of labor,
  • all day they will go out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A wagon together with its oxen and its driver:

  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of grain is its hire; if paid in silver: 1/3 shekel is its hire;
  • for the entire day he shall drive it.

    Law 4


    _a2 (gesz)ma2 1(asz) gur_-um _2(disz) sila3_ u3 _[n] sila3 a2 ma2-lah4 ka-la u4-mi i-re-de-szi

    AI Translation

    The labor of a boat is 1 gur. 2 sila3 and n sila3 are the labor of the boatman, all day.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    The hire of a boat is, per 1 kor: 2 liters; furthermore, n liters is the hire of the boatman; for the entire day he shall drive it.

    Law 5


    szum-ma _ma2-lah4_ i-gi-ma _(gesz)ma2_ ut,-t,e4-eb-be ma-la u2-t,e4-eb-bu-u2 u2-ma-al-la

    AI Translation

    If a boatman a boat he has sailed, as many as he has sailed, he shall carry off.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If the boatman is negligent and the boat has caused to sink, as much as he caused to sink he shall restore.

    Law 6


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na nu-la-a-ni _(gesz)ma2_ la sza-at-tam is,-s,a-ba-at _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man in a divorce has taken a boat without a captain, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man, under fraudulent circumstances, a boat not his own has seized, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 7

  • _2(ban2) sze a2 sze-ku5-kin_
  • szum-ma _ku3-babbar_ 1(u) 2(disz) _sze a2-bi_

    AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 of barley, labor of the sown field,
  • If the silver 12 grains, its hireling,

    Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • 2 ban2 of grain is the hire of a harvester;
  • if paid in silver, 12 barleycorns is his hire.

    Law 8

  • _1(ban2) sze a2_ za-ri-i
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 of barley, the hire of a zarî-man;
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • 1 ban2 of grain is the hire of a winnower.
  • Law 9


    _lu2 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-na _sze-ku5-kin_ a-na _(lu2)hun-ga2_ li-di-in-ma szum-ma re-su la u2-ki-il-ma e-s,e-dam e-s,e-dam la e-s,i2-su _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man 1 shekel of silver for the harvest to the hireling gave, and if his first-born son does not give, and the harvest he does not take, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A man 1 shekel of silver for harvesting to a hireling gave—if he the workman does not keep himself available to work and does not harvest for him, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 9a

  • _1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 a2 (uruda)gur10-a_ u3 ku-s,i-rum
  • a-na be-li-szu-ma i-ta-a-ar

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 of barley for the kishrum-vessel and the kishrum-vessel;
  • he has sworn by the name of his lord.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • 1 ban2 5 liters is the hire of a sickle, and the broken blade?
  • to its owner shall revert.

    Law 10

  • _1(ban2) sze a2 ansze_
  • u3 _1(ban2) sze a2_ re-di-szu ka-la u4-mi-im i-re-de-szu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 of barley for the hire of a donkey,
  • and 1 ban2 of barley, his labor, as much as he pays every day,

    Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • 1 ban2 of grain is the hire of a donkey,
  • and 1 ban2 of grain is the hire of its driver; he shall drive it for the entire day.

    Law 11


    _a2 (lu2)hun-ga2 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar 1(barig) sze sza3-gal-bi_ _iti 1(disz)-kam_ i-la-ak

    AI Translation

    the labor of the hireling: 1 shekel of silver, 1 barig of barley, its interest rate, for 1 month he shall pay.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    The hire of a laborer is 1 shekel of silver, 1 barig of grain is his provender; for 1 month he shall serve.

    Law 12


    _lu2_ sza i-na _a-sza3 |_masz-kak-en_|_ i-na ku-ru-lim i-na mu-us,-la-lim is,-s,a-ba-tu

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ sza i-na mu-szi-im i-na ku-ru-lim
  • is,-s,a-ba-tu i-ma-a-at u2-ul i-ba-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    A man who in the field of the mashkû-priest in the kurilim-place in the mushallim-place has taken,

  • 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out. Whoever in the future, at any time, lodges a complaint, whether Nabû-shumu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Nabû-shumu-ushur or his sons or his grandsons, shall place 10 shekels of silver in the lap of Ishtar of Nineveh. He shall pay the silver tenfold to its owner. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.
  • They have been captured, they are dead; they will not live.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A man who in the field of a commoner among the sheaves at midday is seized

  • 10 shekels of silver shall weigh out; he who at night among the sheaves
  • is seized shall die, he will not live.

    Law 13


    _lu2_ sza i-na _e2_ sza _|_masz-kak-en_|_ i-na _e2_ i-na mu-us,-la-lim is,-s,a-ab-ba-tu _1(u) ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ sza i-na mu-szi-im i-na _e2_ is,-s,a-ab-ba-tu i-ma-a-at u2-ul i-ba-al-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    A man who in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the house of a m. in the

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A man who in the house of a commoner, within the house, at midday, is seized, 10 shekels of silver shall weigh out; he who at night within the house is seized shall die, he will not live.

    Law 14


    _a2 (lu2)azlag 1(disz) tug2 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ li-bil-ma _1(disz) gin2 a2-bi_

  • _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar_ li-bi-il-ma 2(disz) gin2 a2-bi_
  • AI Translation

    the labor of the fuller: 1 garment 5 shekels of silver; let him bring, and 1 shekel of his labor

  • 10 shekels of silver shall be weighed out, and 2 shekels of labor
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    The hire of a fuller, per one garment valued at 5 shekels of silver—1 shekel is his hire;

  • per one garment valued at 10 shekels of silver—2 shekels is his hire.
  • Law 15


    i-na qa-ti _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2 dam-gar3_ u3 sa-bi-tum _ku3-babbar sze_-a-am _siki i3-gesz_ a-di ma-di?-im u2-ul i-ma-ha-ar

    AI Translation

    From the hands of the sagkiru and the slave-girl of the merchant and the slave-girl, he shall not accept silver, barley, wool, oil, until much.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    From a male or female slave a merchant or an alewife silver, grain, wool, oil, or anything else shall not accept.

    Law 16


    _dumu lu2_ la zi-zu u3 _sag-ir3_ u2-ul iq-qi2-a-ap

    AI Translation

    He shall not give a son of a man to a man who is not his.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    The son of a man who has not yet received his inheritance share or a slave will not be advanced credit.

    Law 17


    _dumu lu2_ a-na _e2_ e-mi-im ter-ha-tam li-bi-il-ma szum-ma i-na ki-la-al-li-in isz-te-en a-na szi-im-tim it-ta-la-ak _ku3-babbar_ a-na be-li2-szu-ma i-ta-a-ar

    AI Translation

    If in the ... he has gone to another place, the silver to his lord shall return.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    Should a son of a man to the house of his father-in-law the bridewealth bring— if either the groom or bride then to his or her fate, has gone, the silver to its original owner i.e., the widower or his heir shall revert.

    Law 18


    szum-ma i-hu-us2-si-ma a-na _e2_-szu i-ru-ub lu-u2 a-hi-za-nu lu-u2 kal-la-tum a-na szi-im-tim it-ta-la-ak ma-la ub-lu u2-ul u2-sze-s,e wa-tar-szu-ma i-le-eq-qe2

    AI Translation

    If he has seized her and into his house entered, whether the ahizizanu or the kallati to that fate has gone, as much as he has brought, he shall not bring, his third one and he shall take.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If he married her and his house she entered, and then either the groom or the bride goes to his or her fate has gone, all that he had brought he shall not take out, but only its excess shall he take.

    Law 18a

  • _1(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2_ u3 _6(disz) sze masz_ u2-s,a-ab
  • _1(asz) gur_-um _1(barig) 4(ban2) masz_ u2-s,a-ab
  • AI Translation
  • 1 shekel, 1/6 shekel, and 6 grains of barley, the interest he shall add.
  • 1 gurum 1 barig 4 ban2 of barley he shall measure out.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.
  • Per 1 shekel of silver at the rate of 1/6 shekel and 6 barleycorns = 36/180 or 20% interest accrues;
  • per kor of grain at the rate of 1 barig 4 ban2 liters = 100/300 or 33% interest accrues.
  • Law 19


    _lu2_ sza a-na me-eh-ri-szu i-na-ad-di-nu i-na masz-kan2-nim u2-sza-ad-da-an

    AI Translation

    A man who to his side they gave, in the mashkanu-offering he shall give.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A man who against its corresponding commodity? lends at the threshing floor shall collect.

    Law 20


    szum-ma _lu2 sze_-a-am a-na x x x id-di-in-ma _sze_-a-am a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-te-pu!-usz i-na e-bu-ri _sze_-a-am u3 _masz-bi 1(asz) gur 1(barig) 4(ban2)_ i-le-eq-qe2

    AI Translation

    If a man a barley for ... gave, and a barley for silver has done, in the exchange of barley and its interest 1 kor 1 barig 4 sutu shall take.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man ... grain ... gave, and then the grain into silver has converted, at harvest the grain and the interest on it, per 1 kor, 1 barig 4 ban2 he shall take

    Law 21


    szum-ma _lu2 ku3-babbar_ a-na pa-ni-szu id-di-in _ku3-babbar_ u3 _masz-bi 1(disz) gin2 igi 6(disz)-gal2_ u3 _6(disz) sze_ i-le-eq-qe

    AI Translation

    If a man silver to his face gave, the silver and its interest 1/6 shekel and 6 grains shall take.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man silver for/to his/its ..., gave, the silver and the interest on it, per 1 shekel, 1/6 shekel and 6 barleycorns he shall take.

    Law 22


    szum-ma _lu2_ e-li _lu2_ mi-im-ma la i-szu-u2-ma _geme2 lu2_ it-te-pe be-el _geme2_ ni-isz _dingir_ i-za-kar mi-im-ma e-li-ia la ti-szu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ ma-la _sa10 geme2_-tim _i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man against another man anything has not, and a slave woman has sinned, the owner of the slave woman the supplication of the god shall swear; anything against me he shall not have; silver as much as the price of the slave woman shall pay.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man against another man a claim has none, but he nonetheless takes the man's slave woman as a distress, the owner of the slave woman an oath by the god shall swear: : "A claim against me you have none"; silver as much as is the value? of the slave woman he the distrainer shall weigh out.

    Law 23


    szum-ma _lu2_ e-li _lu2_ mi-im-ma la i-szu-ma _geme2 lu2_ it-te-pe2 ni-pu-tam i-na _e2_-szu ik-la-ma usz-ta-mi-it _2(disz) geme2_ a-na be-el _geme2_ i-ri-ab

    AI Translation

    If a man against a man anything has not, and a man's slave woman has done, a lawsuit in his house has committed, and has sinned, 2 slave women to the owner of the slave woman shall be seized.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man against another man a claim has none, but the man's slave woman as a distress he has taken, the distress in his house detained, and causes her death, with two slave women for the owner of the slave woman he shall replace her.

    Law 24


    szum-ma mi-im-ma e-li-su la i-su-ma _dam |_masz-kak-en_| dumu |_masz-kak-en_|_ it-te-pe2 ni-pu-tam i-na _e2_-szu ik-la-a-ma usz-ta-mi-it di-in na-pi2-isz-tim ne-pu-u2 sza ip-pu-u2 i-ma-a-at

    AI Translation

    If anything is above him, he does not have, and the wife of the exorcist the son of the exorcist has done, a lawsuit in his house has committed, and has caused to be imposed, a lawsuit of the exorcist who a lawsuit has brought,

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a claim against him he has none, but the wife of a commoner or the child of a commoner as a distress he has taken, the distress in his house detained, and causes her or his death, it is a capital offense— the distrainer who distrained shall die.

    Law 25


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-na _e2_ e-mi is-si-ma e-mu-szu ik-szi-szu-ma _dumu-munus_-su a-na sza-ni-im it-ta-di-in a-bi ma-ar-tim ter-ha-at im-hu-ru ta-asz-na u2-ta-ar

    AI Translation

    If a man to the house of his father went with him, and his father he seized, and his daughter to another he gave, the father of the dowry he received, the debt he shall pay back.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man at the house of his father-in-law to claim his bride, but his father-in-law wronged? him and then his daughter to another has given, the father of the daughter two-fold the bridewealth that he received shall return.

    Law 26


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-na _dumu-munus lu2_ ter-ha-tam u2-bil-ma sza-nu-u2 ba-lum sza2-al a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sza im-szu-u'-szi-ma it-ta-qa-ab-szi di-in na-pi-isz-tim-ma i-ma-at

    AI Translation

    If a man to a daughter of a man a lawsuit brought, and another, the equal of her father and mother, has seized her, and has sworn, a judgment of wrongful death he shall have.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man the bridewealth for the daughter of a man brought, but another, without the consent of her father and mother, abducted her and then has deflowered her, it is indeed a capital offense—he shall die.

    Law 27


    szum-ma _lu2 dumu-munus lu2_ ba-lum sza-al a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sza i-hu-si-ma u2 kir-ra-am u2 ri-ik-sa-tim a-na a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sa la isz-ku-un u4-mi _mu 1(disz)-kam_ i-na _e2_-szu li-szi-im-ma u2-ul _dam_

    AI Translation

    If a man a daughter of a man without the consent of her father and mother has divorced, and a dowry and a pledge to her father and mother has not sworn, for one day in his house he shall reside, and she shall not be his wife.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man the daughter of another man without the consent of her father and mother married, and moreover the nuptial feast and the contract for? her father and mother did not conclude, should she for even 1 year in his house reside, she is not a wife.

    Law 28


    szum-ma hi-pi2 ri-ik-sa-tim u3 kir-ra-am a-na a-bi-sza u3 um-mi-sza isz-ku-un-ma i-hu-us-si _dam_ u4-um i-na su-un _lu2_ is,-s,a-ab-ba-tu i-ma-at u2-ul i-ba-al-lu-ut,

    AI Translation

    If a stag, a pig, or a stag to her father or her mother has set, and has sinned, the wife, at the time of the murder of the man has been taken, she shall have no claim; she shall not be slighted.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If it is broken the contract and the nuptial feast for? her father and mother he concluded and married her, she is indeed a wife; the day in the lap of a man she is seized, she shall die, she will not live.

    Law 29


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na _kaskal_ se-eh-t,im u3 sa-ak-pi2-im it-ta-asz-la-al u3 lu-u2 na-ah-bu-tum it-ta-ah-ba-at u4-mi ar-ku-tim i-na ma-a-tim s,a-ni-tim-ma it-ta-sza-ab asz-sza-su sza-nu-u2-um-ma i-ta-ha-az u3 _dumu_ it-ta-la-ad i-nu-u2-ma it-tu-ra-am asz-sza-su i-ta-ab-ba-al

    AI Translation

    If a man on a campaign of famine, famine, or a famine has been seized, or a nahbutu-demon has been seized, a day of a year in another country has been seized, his brother another shall be killed, and his son shall be seized. When he returns, his brother shall be killed.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man during a raiding expedition has been captured or abducted, or for a long time even in a foreign land he has resided, his wife another has married and a son she bore, when he returns his wife he shall take back.

    Law 30


    szum-ma _lu2_ iri-ki_-szu u3 be-el-szu i-ze-er-ma it-ta-ah-bi-it asz-sza-su sza-nu-u2-um-ma i-ta-ha-az i-nu-u-ma it-tu-ra-am a-na asz-sza-ti-szu u2-ul i-ra-ag-ga-am

    AI Translation

    If a man his city and his master has feared and has seized, another one has seized, when he has returned to his place he shall not be angry.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man his city and his master repudiated and then has flown, and his wife another has married, when he returns to his wife he shall have no claim.

    Law 31


    szum-ma _lu2 geme2 lu2_ it-ta-qa-ab

  • _1/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_ u3 _geme2_ sza be-li2-sza-ma
  • AI Translation

    If a man a woman a man has seized,

  • 1/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out; and the slave woman of her lord
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man the slave woman of a man has deflowered,

  • 1/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out, but the slave woman remains the property of her master.
  • Law 32


    szum-ma _lu2 dumu_-szu a-na szu-nu-qi2-im a-na tar-bi-tim id-di-in-ma _sze-ba i3-ba siki-ba_ mu 3(disz)-kam_ la id-di-in _1(u) ma-na_ tar-bi-it _dumu_-szu _i3-la2-e_-ma _dumu_-szu i-ta-a-ar-ru

    AI Translation

    If a man his son to a shunuqim-service to the rear he gave, and barley, oil, and wool for 3 years he did not give, 10 minas of rear he shall take, and his son shall return.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man his son for suckling and for rearing gave, but the barley, oil, and clothing rations to the caregiver for 3 years did not give, 10 shekels of silver! for the cost of the rearing of his son he shall weigh out, and his son he shall take away.

    Law 33


    szum-ma _geme2_ u2-sa-ar-ri-ir-ma _dumu_-sza a-na _dumu-munus lu2_ it-ta-di i-nu-u2-ma ir-ta-bu-u2 be-el-szu i-ma-ar-szu i-s,a-ab-ba-su-ma i-ta-ar-ru-szu

    AI Translation

    If a slave woman has sinned, and her son to a daughter of a man has given, when he has sinned, his owner shall see him, shall seize him, and shall seize him.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a slave woman acted to defraud and her son to a daughter of a man has given, when he has grown up should his master see him, he shall seize him and take him away.

    Law 34


    szum-ma _geme2 e2-gal dumu_-sza lu _dumu-munus_-sa a-na _|_masz-kak-en_|_ a-na tar-bi-tim it-ta-di-in _dumu_ lu _dumu-munus_ sza id-di-nu _e2-gal_-lum it-ta-ba-al

    AI Translation

    If a slave woman of the palace her son or her daughter to a dowry in marriage gave, the son or daughter who gave the palace has taken,

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a slave woman of the palace her son or her daughter to a commoner for rearing has given, the son or daughter whom she gave the palace shall remove.

    Law 35


    u3 le-qu2-u2 sza mar _geme2 e2-gal_-lim il-qu2-u2 me-he-er-szu a-na _e2-gal_-lim i-ri-a-ab

    AI Translation

    And he who takes the woman of the palace, takes her own side to the palace,

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    However, an adoptor who the child of a slave woman of the palace took another slave of equal value for the palace shall restore.

    Law 36


    szum-ma _lu2_ bu-sze-szu a-na na-ap-t,a3-ri a-na ma-s,a-ar-tim id-di-in-ma _e2_ la pa-li-isz si-ip-pu la ha-li-isz a-ap-tum la na-as3-ha-at bu-sze-e ma-s,a-ar-tim sza id-di-nu-szum uh-ta-li-iq bu-se-e-su i-ri-a-ab-szum

    AI Translation

    If a man his sheep for napping to the guardian gave, and the house without regard, the door bolt without fear, the napping of the sheep for the guardian whom he gave, has smashed, his sheep he shall repay to him.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man his goods to a naptaru for safekeeping gave, and he the naptaru—the house not broken into, the doorjamb not scraped, the window not forced—the goods for safekeeping which he gave to him has let go lost, his goods shall replace for him.

    Law 37


    szum-ma _e2 lu2_ lu-uq-qu2-ut it-ti bu-sze-e _lu2_ ma-s,a-ar-tim sza id-di-nu-szum hu-lu-uq be-el _e2_ ha-li-iq be-el _e2_-tim i-na _ka2_ (d)tiszpak ni-isz _dingir_ i-za-kar-szum-ma it-ti bu-sze-e-ka bu-szu-ia lu-u2 ha-al-qu2 i-wi-tam u3 sa3-ar-tam la e-pu-szu i-za-kar-szum-ma mi-im-ma e-li-szu u2-ul i-szu

    AI Translation

    If a man's house he seized with a man's dowry, a man of the guard who gave him, a loss of the owner of the house, a loss of the owner of the house at the gate of Tishpak the wrath of the god shall place against him, and with your dowry my husband a loss of the dowry or the dowry he did not perform, he shall place against him, and nothing above him shall have.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If the man's house has been burglarized, and along with the goods which the depositor gave to him, a loss the owner of the house incurred, the owner of the house at the gate of Tishpak an oath shall swear to him: "With your goods my own goods have gone lost; a fraud or misdeed I have not committed"; thus shall he swear to him, and a claim against him he has none.

    Law 38


    szum-ma i-na at-hi-i isz-te-en zi-it-ta-szu a-na _ku3-babbar_ i-na-ad-di-in u3 a-hu-szu sza-ma-am ha-sze-eh qa2-ab-li-it sza-ni-i-im u2-ma-al-la

    AI Translation

    If in a dispute his share for silver he gave, and his brother a claim concerning the ... of another shall clear.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If, in a partnership, one his share for silver intends to sell, and his partner wishes to buy, any outside offer he shall match.

    Law 39


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-ni-isz-ma _e2_-su a-na _ku3-babbar_ it-ta-di-in u4-um sza-a-ia-ma-nu i-na-ad-di-nu be-el _e2_-tim i-pa-t,a3-ar

    AI Translation

    If a man, because of him, his house for silver has given, the day that he gave it, the owner of the house shall clear it.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man became impoverished and his house for silver has sold, whenever the buyer offers it for sale, the owner of the house shall have the right to redeem it.

    Law 40


    szum-ma _lu2 sag-ir3 geme2 gu4_ u3 szi-ma-am ma-la i-ba-szu-u2 i-sza-am-ma na-di-na-nam la u2-ki-in szu-ma szar-ra-aq

    AI Translation

    If a man a slave woman, an ox, or any other thing there is, he shall have, and the payment he shall not make. That is a sharaqqû-demon.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man a slave, a slave woman, an ox, or any other purchase bought, but the seller cannot establish, it is he who is a thief.

    Law 41


    szum-ma _u-bar_ na-ap-ta-rum u3 mu-du-u2 _kasz_-szu i-na-ad-di-in sa-bi-tum ma-hi-ra-at i-il-la-ku _kasz_ i-na-di-in-szum

    AI Translation

    If a naptarum-snake and a mudu-snake his beer he gave, the sabitum-priest of the sabirat-festival he shall go, the beer he gave to him.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a foreigner, a naptaru, or a mudû his beer would sell, the woman innkeeper at the current rate the beer shall sell for him.

    Law 42


    szum-ma _lu2_ ap-pi _lu2_ is-su-uk-ma it-ta-ki-is

  • _1(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e igi 1(disz) ma-na zu2 1/2(disz) ma-na_
  • uz-nu _1/2(disz) ma-na_ me-he-es, le-tim _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man a cloak a man has cut off and has smashed,

  • he shall pay 1 mina of silver. 1 mina of dates, 1/2 mina of onions,
  • he shall weigh out 1/2 mina of ... and 10 shekels of silver.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man the nose of a man bit and has cut it off,

  • 1 mina of silver he shall weigh out; an eye: 1 mina; a tooth: 1/2 mina;
  • an ear: 1/2 mina; a slap to the cheek: 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 43


    szum-ma _lu2_ u2-ba-an _lu2_ it-ta-ki-is

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man a man has seized,

  • he shall pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man the finger of a man has cut off,

  • 2/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Law 44


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-wi-lam i-na su-qi2-im? is2-ki-im-ma _szu_-su isz-te-ber5 _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man a man in a street? has seized, and his hand has broken, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man a man in the street? knocked down, and his hand has broken, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 45


    szum-ma _giri3_-szu isz-te-ber5 _1/2(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If he his foot has broken, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If he his foot he has broken, 1/2 mina of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 46


    szum-ma _lu2_ a-wi-lam im-ha-as,-ma ki-ir-ra-szu isz-te-ber5

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man a man struck and his yoke has broken,

  • he shall pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man a man struck and collarbone has broken,

  • 2/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Law 47


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na szi-ge-esz3-tim _lu2_ ik?-te-el _1(u) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a man in a dispute a man has sworn, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man in the course of a fray on a man should inflict? any other injuries?, 10 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 47a


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na re-es3-ba-tim _dumu lu2_ usz-ta-mi-it

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a man in the middle of the son of a man has sinned,

  • he shall pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man, in the course of a brawl, a son of a man has caused to die,

  • 2/3 mina of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Law 48


    u3 a-na di-nim sza _ku3-babbar_ isz-tu _1/3(disz) ma-na_ a-di _1(disz) ma-na_ da-a-ia-nu di-nam u2-sza-ha-zu-szu-ma a-wa-at na-pi2-isz-tim a-na _lugal_-ma

    AI Translation

    and to the judge of the case concerning the silver from 1/3 mina to 1 mina of the judge the case he has slighted him, and the word of the lawsuit to the king

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    And for a case involving a penalty of silver from 1/3 mina to 1 mina, the judges the case against him shall determine; however, a capital case is only for the king.

    Law 49


    szum-ma _lu2_ i-na _sag-ir3_ szar-qi2-im _geme2_ sza-ri-iq-tim it-ta-as,-ba-at _sag-ir3 sag-ir3 geme2 geme2_ i-re-ed-de

    AI Translation

    If a man in the slave-girl slave a slave-girl has taken, the slave-girl slave the slave-girl shall give.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man with a stolen slave or a stolen slave woman has been seized, a slave a slave, a slave woman a slave woman shall lead.

    Law 50


    szum-ma _szagina_ sza-pir6 _i7_ be-el te-er-tim ma-la i-ba-asz-szu-u2 _sag-ir3_ hal-qa-am _geme2_ ha-li-iq-tam _gu4_ hal-qa-am _ansze_ hal-qa-am sza _e2-gal_-lim u3 _|_masz-kak-en_|_ is,-ba-at-ma a-na esz3-nun-na(ki) la ir-di-a-am i-na _e2_-szu-ma ik-ta-la u4-mi e-li _iti 1(disz)-kam_ u2-sze-te-eq-ma _e2-gal_-lum szu-ur-qa-am it-ti-szu i-ta-wi

    AI Translation

    If the general of the canal, the lord of the rites, as many as there are, a halqû-demon, a female halqû-demon, a halqû-demon, a halqû-ox, a halqû-demon, a donkey halqû-demon of the palace and the mashkû-official took, and to Eshnunna did not give, in his house he stayed, and a day after the first month he made it pass, and the palace a halqû-demon with him he took.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a military governor, a governor of waterways, or any person in a position of authority a fugitive slave, fugitive slave woman, stray ox, or stray donkey , belonging either to the palace or to a commoner seized and to Eshnunna did not lead it, but in his house has detained it and more than 1 month has let to elapse, the palace a charge of theft against him shall bring.

    Law 51


    _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2_ sza esz3-nun-na(ki) sza ka-an-nam masz-ka-nam u3 ab-bu-tam sza-ak-nu _abul_ esz3-nun-na(ki) ba-lum be-li2-su u2-ul us,-s,i2

    AI Translation

    the eunuch and the female slaves of Eshnunna, who are a ka-an-na-n

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A slave or slave woman belonging to a resident of Eshnunna who fetters, shackles, or a slave hairlock bears, through the main city-gate of Eshnunna without his owner shall not exit.

    Law 52


    _sag-ir3_ u3 _geme2_ sza it-ti _dumu_ szi-ip-ri-im na-as,-ru-ma _abul_ esz3-nun-na(ki) i-te-er-ba-am ka-an-nam ma-asz-ka-nam u3 ab-bu-tam isz-sza-ak-ka-an-ma a-na be-li2-szu na-s,e-er

    AI Translation

    the eunuch and the slave woman who with the son of the scribal arts are kept in good order, and the gate of Eshnunna has entered, and the scribal arts and the scribal arts are placed, and to his lord they are kept in good order.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    A slave or slave woman who, in the safekeeping of a foreign envoy the main city-gate of Eshnunna has entered, fetters, shackles, or a slave hairlock shall be made to bear, and for his owner will be guarded.

    Law 53


    szum-ma _gu4 gu4_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it szi-im _gu4_ ba-al-t,im u3 _uzu gu4_ mi-tim be-el _gu4_ ki-la-al-la-an i-zu-uz-zu

    AI Translation

    If an ox an ox

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If an ox an ox gored, and has caused its death, the value of the living ox and the meat of the dead ox the two ox-owners shall divide.

    Law 54


    szum-ma _gu4_ na-ka-pi2-ma ba-ab-tum a-na be-li2-szu u2-sze-di-ma _gu4_-szu la u2-sze-szi-ir-ma _lu2_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it be-el _gu4_

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a ox is smashed and a pig to his owner he has brought, but his ox he has not brought, and a man has sinned and he has caused to die, the owner of the ox

  • he shall pay 2/3 mina of silver.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If an ox is an habitual gorer and the gate its owner so notified, but his ox he did not keep in check and . a man it gored and has caused his death, the owner of the ox

  • 2/3 mina of silver shall weigh out.
  • Law 55


    szum-ma _sag-ir3_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mi-it _1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a slave a slave has seized and has sinned, 15 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If it a slave gored and has caused his death, 15 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.

    Law 56


    szum-ma _ur-gi7_ sze-gi-ma ba-ab-tum a-na be-li2-szu u2-sze-di-ma _ur-gi7_-szu la is,-s,u-ur-ma _lu2_ isz-szu-uk-ma usz-ta-mi-it be-el _ur-gi7 2/3(disz) ma-na ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_

    AI Translation

    If a dog is swollen and a suckling dog to his lord has sent, and his dog has not kept away, and a man has seized and has sinned, the owner of the dog 2/3 mina of silver shall weigh out.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a mastiff is vicious and the gate its owner so notified, but his mastiff he fails to control, and it a man bit, and has caused his death, the owner of the mastiff 2/3 mina of silver shall weigh out.

    Law 57


    szum-ma _sag-ir3_ ik-ki-im-ma usz-ta-mit-it

  • _1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar i3-la2-e_
  • AI Translation

    If a slave a sagkiru-offering has made and has sinned,

  • 15 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If it a slave bit and has caused his death,

  • 15 shekels of silver he shall weigh out.
  • Law 58


    szum-ma i-ga-rum i-qa-am-ma ba-ab-tum a-na be-el i-ga-ri u2-sze-di-ma i-ga-ar-szu la u2-dan-nin-ma i-ga-rum im-qu2-ut-ma _dumu lu2_ usz-ta-mi-it na-pi2-isz-tum s,i2-im-da-at szar-ri-im

    AI Translation

    If Igarum he has said, and the shackle to the owner of Igarum he has sent, but his Igarum he did not strengthen, and the Igarum he seized, and the son of a man he has sinned, the slander of the king

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a wall is buckling and the gate the owner of the wall so notified, but his wall he did not reinforce and the wall collapsed and the a son of a man has caused to die— it is a capital case, it is decided by a royal decree.

    Law 59


    szum-ma _lu2 dumu-mesz_ wu-ul-lu-ud-ma _dam_-su i-zi-im-ma sza-ni-tam i-ta-ha-az i-na _e2_ u3 ma-la i-ba-szu-u2 in-na-sa-ah-ma wa-ar-ki sza i-ra-am-mu-ma it-ta-la-ak x x x _e2_ x x x

    AI Translation

    If a man a son a daughter a husband married, and another spouse has divorced, in the house and whatever there is, they shall divide, and afterwards, who loves and goes ... the house .

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a man children sired but his wife divorced and another has married, from the house and any possessions there may be he shall be expelled and after the one who ... he shall depart; ... the house ... .

    Law 60


    szum-ma _lu2 en-nun_ _e2_ i-na na-s,a-ri-im i-gu-ma pa-al-li-szu _e2_ ip-lu-usz u3 _lu2 en-nun e2_ sza ip-pa-al-szu [...] i-du-uk-ku ba-lum qa-ab-ri-szu i-na pa-ni2 pi2-il-szi-im iq-qa-bi-ir

    AI Translation

    If a guard of a house in the guarding a house has seized, and his guard the house has taken, and the guard of a house which he took ... he has killed, the property of his house in front of the sceptre he shall say.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    If a guard in guarding a house was negligent, and a burglar the house burgled, guard of the house that was broken into ... ... the shall kill, and without a grave at the breach he shall be buried.

    P480699: administrative bulla

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    [iti] sze#-sag11-ku5# [mu (d)szu-(d)]suen# lugal uri5#(ki)-ma-ke4 [ma2] dara4#-abzu (d)en-ki#-ka bi2-in-du8

    AI Translation

    month "Harvest," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the boat of Dara-abzu of Enki moored."

    Englund, Robert K.

    month "Harvest," year: "The Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the boat named 'Ibex-of-Abzu' caulked."

    P480701: literary other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    e-nu-ma e-lisz la na-bu-u2 sza2-ma-mu szap-lisz am-ma-tum szu-ma la zak-rat _abzu_-u-ma resz-tu-u2 za-ru-szu-un mu-um-mu ti-amat mu-al-li-da-at gim-ri-szu2-un _me-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-te-nisz i-hi-qu-u2-ma gi-pa-ra la ki-is,-s,u-ru s,u-s,a-a la sze-'-u2 e-nu-ma _dingir_ la szu-pu-u ma-na-ma szu-ma la zuk-ku-ru szi-ma-tu2 la szi-i-mu ib-ba-nu-u2-ma _dingir_ qi2-rib-szu2-un (d)lah-mu (d)la-ha-mu usz-ta-pu-u2 szu-mi-iz-zak-ru a-di ir-bu-u2 i-szi-hu an-szar2 (d)ki-szar2 ib-ba-nu-u e-li-szu-nu at-ru

    ur-ri-ku _u4-mesz_ us,-s,i-bu _mu-an-na-mesz_ (d)a-num a-pil-szu-nu sza2-nin _ad_-szu2 an-szar2 (d)a-num bu-uk-ra-szu u2-masz-szil-ma u3 (d)a-num tam-szi-la-szu2 u2-lid (d)nu-dim2-mud (d)nu-dim2-mud sza2 _ad-mesz_-szu sza2-lit,-su-nu szu-ma pal-ka uz-nu ha-sis e-mu-qan pu-un-gul gu-usz-szu ma-'-disz a-na a-lid _ad_-szu2 an-szar2 la i-szi sza-ni-na i-na _dingir-mesz_ at-he-e-szu2 in-nen-du-ma at-hu-u2 _dingir-mesz_-ni e-szu-u2 ti-amat-ma na-s,ir-szu2-nu isz-tab-bu dal-hu-nim-ma sza2 ti-amat ka-ras-sa

    i-na szu-'-a-ri szu-'-du-ru qi2-rib an-duru2-na la na-szi-ir _abzu_-u ri-gim-szu-un u3 ti-amat szu-qam2-mu-mat i-na _igi_-szu-un im-tar-s,a-am-ma ep-szi-ta-szu-un e-li-sza la t,a-bat al-kat2-su-nu szu-nu-ti i-ga-me-la i-nu-szu _abzu_-u za-ri _dingir_ ra-bi2-u3-tim is-si-ma (d)mu-um-mu suk-kal-la-szu i-zak-kar-szu (d)mu-um-mu suk-kal-lu mu-t,ib-ba ka-bat-ti-ia al-kam2-ma s,i-ri-isz ti-amat i ni-il-li-ik il-li-ku-ma qu-ud-mi-isz ta-ma-tum u2-szi-bu a-ma-a-ti im-tal-li-ku asz-szum _dingir_ bu-uk-ri-szu-un

    _abzu_-u pa-a-szu i-pu-szam-ma a-na ti-amat el-le-tam-ma i-zak-kar-szi im-tar-s,a-am-ma al-kat3-su-nu e-li-ia ur-ri-isz la szu-up-szu-ha-ku mu-szi-isz la s,a-al-la-ku lu-usz-hal-liq-ma al-kat3-su-nu lu-sa-ap-pi-ih qu-lu lisz-sza2-kin-ma i ni-is,-lal ni-i-ni ti-amat an-ni-ta i-na sze-me-e-sza i-zu-uz-ma il-ta-si e-lu har-me-sza is-si-ma mar-s,i-isz ug-gu-gat e-disz-szi-sza le-mut-ta it-ta-di a-na kar-szi-sza mi-na-a ni-i-nu sza2 ni-ib-nu-u2 nu-usz-hal-laq-ma

    i-pul-ma (d)mu-um-mu _abzu_-a i-ma-al-lik suk-kal-lum la ma-gi-ru mi-lik mu-um-mi-szu hul-li-qam-ma a-bi al-ka-ta e-szi-ta ur-ri-isz lu-u2 szup-szu-ha-at mu-szisz lu-u2 s,al-la-at ih-du-szum-ma _abzu_-u im-me-ru pa-nu-szu asz-szum lem-ne2-e-ti ik-pu-du a-na _dingir_ ma-re-e-szu (d)mu-um-mu i-te-dir ki-szad-su usz-ba-am bir-ka-a-szu2 u2-na-asz2-saq sza-a-szu mim-mu-u2 ik-pu-du pu-uh-ru-usz-szun a-na _dingir_ bu-uk-ri-szu-nu usz-tan-nu-ni isz-mu-nim-ma _dingir_ i-dul-lu qu-lu is,-ba-tu sza2-qu-um-mesz usz-bu

    szu-tur uz-na et-pe-szu te-le-u2 (d)e2-a ha-sis mi-im-ma-ma i-sze-'-a szib-qi2-szu-un ib-szim-szum-ma us,-rat ka-li u2-kin-szu u2-nak-kil-szu szu-tu-ra ta-a-szu el-lum im-nu-szum-ma ina _me-mesz_ u2-szap-szi-ih szit-tu ir-te-hi-szu s,a-lil t,u-ba-tisz u2-sza2-as,-lil-ma _abzu_-a re-hi szit-tum (d)mu-um-mu tam-la-ku da-la-pisz ku-u2-ru ip-t,ur rik-si-szu isz-ta-hat, a-ga-szu2 me-lam-mi-szu it-ba-la szu-u2 u2-ta-di-iq ik-mi-szu-ma _abzu_-a i-na-ra-asz2-szu (d)mu-um-mu i-ta-sir3 eli-szu2 ip-tar-ka

    u2-kin-ma eli _abzu_-i szu-bat-su (d)mu-um-mu it-ta-mah u2-kal s,er-ret-su ul-tu lem-ne2-e-szu2 ik-mu-u2 i-sa-a-du (d)e2-a usz-ziz-zu ir-nit-ta-szu2 eli ga-ri-szu2 qir-bisz ku-um-mi-szu2 szup-szu-hi-isz i-nu-uh2-ma im-bi-szum-ma _abzu_-a u2-ad-du-u2 esz-re-e-ti asz2-ru-usz-szu gi-pa-ra-szu2 u2-szar-szid-ma (d)e2-a (d)dam-ki-na hi-ra-tusz ina rab-ba-a-te usz-bu ina ki-is,-s,i _nam-tar-mesz_ at-ma-an _gesz-hur-mesz_ le-'-u2 le-'-u2-ti _abgal dingir-mesz_ (d)en usz-tar-hi ina qi2-ri _abzu_-i ib-ba-ni (d)marduk

    ina qi2-rib _ku3 abzu_-i ib-ba-ni (d)marduk ib-ni-isz-ma (d)e2-a a-ba-szu (d)dam-ki-na umma-szu har-sza2-as-szu i-ti-niq-ma s,er-ret _(d)esz18-dar-mesz_ ta-ri-tu it-tar-ru-szu pul-ha-a-ta usz-ma-al-li szam-hat nab-nit-su s,a-ri-ir ni-szi i-ni-szu ut,-t,u-lat s,i-ta-szu ga-szir3 ul-tu ul-la i-mur-szu-ma (d)a-num ba-nu-u a-bi-szu i-risz im-mir lib3-ba-su hi-du-ta im-la usz-ta-as,-bi-szum-ma szu-un-na-at _dingir_-us-su szu-usz-qu ma-'-disz eli-szu2-nu a-tar mim-mu-szu la lam-da-ma nu-uk-ku-la mi-na-tu-szu

    ha-sa-sisz la na-t,a-a a-ma-risz pa-asz2-qa

  • 4(disz) _igi_-szu2 _4(disz) gesztu_-szu2
  • szap-ti-szu2 ina szu-ta-bu-li _(d)gesz-bar_ it-tan-pah ir-ti-bu-u2 _4(disz)-ta-am3_ ha-si-sa u3 _igi 2(disz)_ ki-ma szu-a-tu i-bar-ra-a gim-re-e-ti ul-lu-ma ina _dingir_ szu-tur la-an-szu mesz-re-tu-szu szu-ut-tu-ha i-lit-ta szu-tur ma-ri-u2-tu ma-ri-u2-tu ma-ri (d)utu-szi-(d)utu-szi sza2 _dingir_ la-bisz mi-lam-mi esz-ret _dingir-mesz_ sza2-qisz it-bur pul-ha-a-tu ha-szat-si-na e-li-szu2 kam2-ra ib-ni-ma sza2-ar er-bit-ta u2-al-lid (d)a-num qa-tusz-szu2 u2-ma-al-la-a ma-ri lim-mel-li

    ib-szim ep-ra me-ha-a u2-sza-az-bal u2-szab-szi a-ga-am-ma u2-dal-lah3 ti-amat dal-hat ti-amat-ma ur-ra u mu-sza i-dul-lu _dingir_ la szup-szu-ha i-za-ab-bi-lu sza2-ri-sza2 ik-tap-du-ma kar-szu-us-su2-nu le-mut-ta a-na ti-amat um-mi-szu-nu szu-nu iz-zak-ru e-nu-ma _abzu_-a ha-ram-ki i-na-ru-ma i-du-usz-szu la tal-li-ki-ma qa-lisz tusz-bi ib-ni-ma sza2-ar er-bet-ti sza2 pu-luh-ti szu-ud-lu-hu kar-sza-ki-ma ul ni-s,al-lal ni-i-nu ul ib-szi lib-bu-uk-ki _abzu_-u ha-ram-ki

    u3 (d)mu-um-mu sza2 ik-ka-mu-u2 e-disz asz2-ba-ti isz-tu _u4_-mu at-ti dul-lu-hisz ta-dul-li u3 ni-i-ni sza2 la ni-sak-ki-pu ul ta-ra-am-mi-na-szi am-ra sar-ma-'u-ni hu-um-mu-ra i-na-tu-ni hu-us,-bi ab-sza2-na la sa-ki-pi i ni-is,-lal ni-i-ni ep-szi ta-ha-zi gi-mil-la-szu-nu tir-ri x-x-ru-u2-szu-nu ep-szi-ma a-na za-qi2-qu szu-uk-ni isz-me-ma ti-amat a-ma-tum i-t,ib el-sza mim-mu-u2 at-tu-nu tusz-ta-ad-di-nu i ni-pu-usz _u4_-mu pah-ru-nim-ma _dingir_ qi2-rib-sza2

    im-ma-as-ru-nim-ma i-du-usz ti-amat ti-bu-ni ez-zu kap-du la sa-ki-pu mu-sza2 u im-ma na-szu-u2 tam-ha-ri na-zar-bu-bu lab-bu _ukken_-na szit-ku-nu-ma i-ban-nu-u2 s,u-la-a-ti um-ma hu-bur pa-ti-qat ka-la-mu usz-rad-di kak-ku la mah-ri it-ta-lad _musz-mah-mesz_ zaq-tu-ma szin-ni la pa-du-u at-ta-'-i im-tu ki-ma da-mu zu-mur-szu-nu usz-ma-al-li _uszumgal-mesz_ na-ad-ru-ti pul-ha-ta u2-sal-bisz-ma me-lam-mi usz-tasz-sza-a i-li-isz um-tasz-szi-il a-mi-ir-szu2-nu szar-ba-bi-isz li-ih-har-mi-im

    zu-mur-szu2-nu lisz-tah-hi-t,am-ma la i-ne2-'u i-rat-su-un usz-zi-iz ba-asz-mu _musz-husz_ u (d)la-ha-mu u4-gal-la ur-idim-me u3 gir2-tab-lu2-u18-lu _u4_-me da-ab-ru-te ku6-lu2-u18-lu u3 ku-sa-rik-ku na-szi kak-ku la pa-du-u2 la a-di-ru ta-ha-zi gap-sza te-re-tu-sza2 la mah-ra szi-na-ma ap-pu-na-ma is-ten esz-ret _gin7_ szu-a-ti usz-tab-szi i-na _dingir_ bu-uk-ri-sza szu-ut isz-ku-nu-szi pu-uh-ra u2-sza2-asz2-qa (d)qin-gu ina bi-ri-szu-nu sza2-a-szu2 usz-rab-bi-szu

    a-li-kut mah-ri pa-an um-ma-ni mu-'-ir-ru-tu pu-uh2-ru na-sze-e _(gesz)pa_ ti-is,-bu-tu de-ku-u a-na-an-ta szu-ut tam-ha-ru ra-ab sik-kat2-tu-tu ip-qid-ma qa-tusz-szu2 u2-sze-szi-ba-asz2-szu2 ina kar-ri ad-di ta-a-ka ina _ukken dingir_ u2-szar-bi-ka ma-li-ku-ut _dingir-mesz_ gim-ra-at-szu-nu qa-tuk-ka usz-mal-li lu-u2 szur-ba-ta-ma ha-'-i-ri e-du-u2 at-ta li-ir-tab-bu-u2 zik-ru-ka _ugu du3_-szu2-nu (d)a-nu-uk-ka id-din-szum-ma _dub nam-tar-mesz_ i-ra-tusz u2-szat-mi-ih

    ka-ta _du10-ga_-ka la in-nen-na-a li-kun s,i-it pi-i-ka in-na-nu (d)qin-gu szu-usz-qu-u2 le-qu-u2 e-nu-tu2 an _dingir dumu-mesz_-szu szi-ma-ta isz-ti-ma ep-sza pi-i-ku-nu (d)girra li-ni-ha im-tuk-nu kit-mu-ru ma-ag-sza-ru lisz-rab-bi-ib

    AI Translation

    When above the incantation, the heavens, above the earth, he is not smitten, Apsu, the first ones, their sanctuaries, the son of Tiamat, the one who carries all of them, their battles he fought with, and the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the scepter, when the god is not smitten, who is not smitten, who is not smitten, who is smitten, the gods of their hands, Lahmu and Lahamu, who have smitten, who have smitten, until they have smitten, the god Ashur and the goddess Kishar are dwelling in their midst,

    Afterwards, days passed, years passed, Anu, their father, Anu, his brother, abandoned him, and Anu, his friend, abandoned him. Nudimmud, Nudimmud, whose fathers were his, he was their friend, he was a pious, pious, mighty, his strength was great. For the father of his father Anshar did not have a rival. Among the gods, his enemies, he grew angry, and the gods he sinned. Tiamat, their guard he sinned. The storm of Tiamat was a raging storm.

    In the midst of the midst of the midst of heaven, the midst of heaven, the supplications of Apsu, their utterances, and Tiamat, their supplications, before them they were gathered, and their deeds were not good. Their utterances were unfavourable. At that time, Apsu, the supplication of a great god, he called out to him, and Mummu, his minister, he swore. Mummu, the minister, who is a good omen, came and he was exalted. Tiamat came and he was smitten with tears, they were speaking to me, saying: "The gods their witnesses came,

    The Apsu opened his mouth to Tiamat and spoke to her. She was frightened, and their limbs were swollen. I was afraid, but I did not let them fall down. I did not let them fall down, but I did let them fall down. I did not let them fall down, but I did let them fall down. I did not let them fall down, but we did not let them fall down. Tiamat, in her womb, became angry and sat down. She was swollen, she was a shivering limb, she was a shivering limb, she was a shivering limb. To her womb, what were we? We were not shivering, and

    he seized, and Mummu of Apsu he defeated. The vizier who was not a sage, the wife of his wife, he destroyed, and his father he went out. Later, either he smashed the house, or he smashed the house, and Apsu he saw. Because of the evil he had done, to his gods he went away. Mummu seized his position, he sat down on his seat, he sat down on his knees, he sat down on his knees, and he sat down on his knees. They swore to their gods, their heirs, they swore, and the gods swore to their lords he swore, and he swore to the gods, their heirs, he swore, and he swore to the king, his lord.

    The young man, the suckling, the suckling, the suckling Ea, the one who sees everything, their scepter, he fashioned for him, and the whole he made him bow down, and the young man he made bow down, and in battle he made him bow down, and the young man he made bow down, and the Apsu, the young man, Mummu, the tabluku-festival, the splendor of the kuru-festival, he made him release, and his riksu he smashed, and his radiance he smashed, and the Apsu he smashed, Mummu he smashed, and his lord he smashed,

    He established, and above Apsu his dwelling, Mummu he made great, and his cultic rites he established. From his evil he sat down, and Ea he sat down. Above his scepter he sat down, and his cultic rites he shook. He sat down and the Apsu he built. I re-established its sanctuaries, I made its rites firm, and Ea and Damkina the cultic rites in the upper room I sat. In the cultic rites I fashioned plans, the sage of the gods, Bel sat. At the command of the Apsu I created Marduk.

    In the qiribu-place of the Abzu he was created. Marduk created him and Ea, his father, Damkina, his mother, his sister, his wrath he struck down, and the scepter of the goddesses, his wrath he smote, he smote, the scepter of his birth mother, the wrath of his people he smote, his wrath he smote, he smote, from a distance he saw him, and Anu, his father, rejoiced, his heart rejoiced, his wrath he smote, and he smote him, and he was a great scepter of his divinity, a great scepter above them, a scepter without equal, and a scepter without equal, his scepter

    I am a sacrificial, unreliable one, who is attentive.

  • 4 eyes, 4 ears,
  • His lips he smashed with a hammer, he smashed his thighs, 4 and 1/2 times like that he smashed the thighs, he smashed all the thighs, and in the god he smashed his thighs, his thighs he smashed, the thighs he smashed, the thighs he smashed, the thighs he smashed, the thighs he smashed, the thighs he smashed, the sanctuaries of the gods, he smashed, the thighs he smashed, and the thighs he smashed, and the thighs he smashed, Anu, his hands he smashed, the limbs he smashed, the limbs he smashed,

    He had conceived, he had made the process of wars peaceful, he had made it peaceful. I am afraid of Tiamat, I am afraid of Tiamat, I am afraid of the night and the day. The god is not frightened, I am afraid of her. She has sinned, her heart has sinned. They are angry with Tiamat, their mother. When Apsu, your father, became angry and did not come to him, but sat down. He created the midst of the dark, which was filled with terror, and we cannot sleep. We cannot sleep. Apsu, your father,

    And Mummu, who has sinned, I have sat down. From day one you have been doing the work, you have been doing the work, and we have not been doing the work. I am a sarma'u-demon, you have been a sarmu-demon, you have been a sarmu-demon, we have been a sarmu-demon, we have been a sarmu-demon, we have been doing the work, we have been doing the work, their sarru-demon, they have been doing the work, and to the zaqiqu-demon, he heard, and Tiamat, the word, he has been speaking, everything you have given, we have done, and when we have been speaking, the god of her hand,

    They saw Tiamat, the fierce, mighty, mighty, mighty, whose strength is unrivalled, and when they were seized, they were seized in battle, raging rage, raging rage, and raging rage. They sat down in the assembly, saying: "Hurbur, the satrap of all, he slew the entire camp, he slew the unrivalled camp. I slew the lions, he was smashed, and they were smashed. I slew the lions like the blood of their limbs. I slew the lion-headed lions, he smashed the satrap of the lions, and I slew the lion-headed lions. I slew their limbs like a lion, and I slew their limbs like a lion.

    May their bodies be swollen and not be swollen, their bodies sat down. The snake and lahamu, the great storm, the lion and the girtablû-demon, the distant days, the kukulu-demon and the kusarikku-demon, the sagku-demon, the unpretentious, the unsubmissive, the fierce battle, her unrivalled scepter, they were, and I opened up, and ten shrines like that of a scepter I sat down. In the god, her birth mother, whom she created, I made her enter. Qingu in their midst I re-established.

    Before the king, before the master, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, the sage, I appointed, and in the karru I gave him. In the temple I made you enter, the sage of the gods, all of them, your hand I filled with splendor, and the sage of the sage, may your name be praised, may your name be praised, and your name over all of them, Anukku gave him, and the tablet of destinies I fashioned.

    May your good mouth not be shattered, may the utterance of your mouth be shattered. Qingu, the exalted one, the mighty one, the lord of Anu and his sons, determine fate for you. With regard to the deeds of your mouth, may Girra rejoice over you, may he be sated with abundance.

    McAllister, Ray

    When on high the heaven had not been named, Firm ground below had not been called by name, When primordial Apsu, their begetter, And Mummu-Tiamat, she who bore them all, Their waters mingled as a single body, No reed hut had sprung forth, no marshland had appeared, None of the gods had been brought into being, And none bore a name, and no destinies determined-- Then it was that the gods were formed in the midst of heaven. Lahmu and Lahamu were brought forth, by name they were called. 10 Before they had grown in age and stature, Anshar and Kishar were formed, surpassing the others.

    Long were the days, then there came forth..... Anu was their heir, of his fathers the rival; Yes, Anshar's first-born, Anu, was his equal. Anu begot in his image Nudimmud. This Nudimmud was of his fathers the master; Of broad wisdom, understanding, mighty in strength, Mightier by far than his grandfather, Anshar. He had no rival among the gods, his brothers. 20 Thus were established and were... the great gods. They disturbed Tiamat as they surged back and forth, Yes, they troubled the mood of Tiamat

    By their hilarity in the Abode of Heaven. Apsu could not lessen their clamor And Tiamat was speechless at their ways. Their doings were loathsome unto ... . Thier way was evil; they were overbearing. Then Apsu, the begetter of the great gods, Cried out, addressing Mummu, his minister: 30 "O Mummu, my vizier, who rejoices my spirit, Come here and let us go to Tiamat!" They went and sat down before Tiamat, Exchanging counsel about the gods, their first-born.

    Apsu, opening his mouth, Said to resplendent Tiamat: "Their ways are truly loathsome to me. By day I find no relief, nor repose by night. I will destroy, I will wreck their ways, That quiet may be restored. Let us have rest!" 40 As soon as Tiamat heard this, She was furious and called out to her husband. She cried out aggrieved, as she raged all alone, She uttered a curse, and unto Apsu she spoke: "What? Should we destroy that which we have built? Their ways indeed are most troublesome, but let us attend kindly!"

    Then Mummu answered, giving counsel to Apsu; Ill-wishing and ungracious was Mummu's advice: "Do destroy, my father, the mutinous ways. Then you will have relief by day and rest by night!" 50 When Apsu heard this, his face grew radiant Because of the evil he planned against the gods, his sons. As for Mummu, he embraced him by the neck As that one sat down on his knees to kiss him. Now whatever they had plotted between them, Was repeated unto the gods, their first-born. When the gods heard this, they were astir, Then lapsed into silence and remained speechless.

    Surpassing in wisdom, accomplished, resourceful, Ea, the all-wise, saw through their scheme. 60 A master design against it he devised and set up, Made artful his spell against it, surpassing and holy. He recited it and made it subsist in the deep, As he poured sleep upon him. Sound asleep he lay. When he had made Apsu prone, drenched with sleep, Mummu, the adviser, was powerless to stir. He loosened his band, tore off his tiara, Removed his halo and put it on himself. Having fettered Apsu, he slew him. Mummu he bound and left behind lock. 70

    Having thus established his dwelling upon Apsu, He laid hold of Mummu, holding him by the nose-rope. After Ea had vanquished and trodden down his foes, Had secured his triumph over his enemies, In his sacred chamber in profound peace had rested, He named it "Apsu," for shrines he assigned it. In that same place his cult hut he founded. Ea and Damkina, his wife, dwelled there in splendor. The Birth of Marduk In the chamber of fates, the abode of destinies, A god was engendered, most able and wisest of gods. 80 In the heart of Apsu was Marduk created,

    In the heart of holy Apsu was Marduk created. He who begot him was Ea, his father; She who bore him was Damkina, his mother. The breast of goddesses he did suck. The nurse that nursed him filled him with awesomeness. Alluring was his figure, sparkling the lift of his eyes. Lordly was his gait, commanding from of old. When Ea saw him, the father who begot him, He exulted and glowed, his heart filled with gladness. 90 He rendered him perfect and endowed him with a double godhead. Greatly exalted was he above them, exceeding throughout. Perfect were his members beyond comprehension,

    Unsuited for understanding, difficult to perceive.

  • Four were his eyes, four were his ears;
  • When he moved his lips, fire blazed forth. Large were all four hearing organs, And the eyes, in like number, scanned all things. He was the loftiest of the gods, surpassing was his stature; His members were enormous, he was exceeding tall. 100 "My little son, my little son!" My son, the Sun! Sun of the heavens!" Clothed with the halo of ten gods, he was strong to the utmost, As their awesome flashes were heaped upon him. Anu brought forth and begot the fourfold wind Consigning to its power the leader of the host.

    He fashioned ..., stationed the whirlwind, He produced streams to roil Tiamat. Roiled was Tiamat, and day and night dulled. The gods, given no rest, suffer in the storm. Their hearts having plotted evil, 110 To Tiamat, their mother, said: "When they slew Apsu, your consort, You did not aid him but remained still. When he created the dread fourfold wind, Your vitals were diluted and so we can have no rest. Let Apsu, your consort, be in your mind

    And Mummu, who has been vanquished! You are left alone! ... you pace about distraught, ... without cease. You do not love us! ... our eyes are pinched, 120 ... without cease. Let us have rest! ... to battle. Avenge them! ... and render them as the wind!" When Tiamat heard these words, she was pleased: "... you have given. Let us make monsters, ... and the gods in the midst ... . ... let us do battle and against the gods ... !"

    They banded themselves together and marched at the side of Tiamat. Enraged, they plot without cease night and day, They are set for combat, growling, raging, 130 They form a council to prepare for the fight. Mother Hubur, she who fashions all things, Added matchless weapons, bore monster-serpents, Sharp of tooth, unsparing of fang. With venom for blood she has filled their bodies. Roaring dragons she has clothed with terror, Has crowned them with haloes, making them like gods, Whoever beheld them, terror overcame him,

    And that, with their bodies reared up, none might turn them back. She set up the Viper, the Dragon, and the monster Lahamu, 140 The Great-Lion, the Mad-Dog, and the Scorpion-Man, Mighty lion-demons, the Dragon-Fly, the Centaur-- Bearing weapons that do not spare, fearless in battle. Her decrees were firm, they were beyond resisting. All together eleven of this kind she brought forth. From among the gods, her first-born, who formed her Assembly, She elevated Kingu, made him chief among them.

    The leading of the ranks, command of the Assembly, The raising of weapons for the encounter, advancing to combat, To direct the battle, to control the fight, 150 These she entrusted to his hand as she seated him in the Council: "I have cast for you the spell, exalting you in the Assembly of the gods. To counsel all the gods I have given you full power. Truly, you are supreme, you are my only consort! Your utterance shall prevail over all the Anunnaki!" She gave him the Tablet of Destinies, fastened on his breast:

    "As for you, your command shall be unchangeable, your word shall endure!" As soon as Kingu was elevated, possessed of the rank of Anu, they decreed the fate for the gods, his sons: "Your word shall make the first subside, 160 Shall humble the 'Power-Weapon,' so potent in its sweep!"

    P480702: royal-monumental brick

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    [...] nin uru16# nin in-dub#-[ba] nin-[a]-ni# gu3#-de2#-[a] ensi2# lagasz#(ki#) nig2#-du7-e# pa# [mu]-na#-e3

    AI Translation

    The lady, the lady of the city, the lady of the tablet, his mistress, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for her.

    P480705: royal-monumental other-object

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    (d)su-ul-la-at u3 (d)ha-ni-isz lugal-a-ni szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4

    AI Translation

    For Sullat and Hanish, his master, Shulgi, the mighty man, king of Ur and king of Sumer and Akkad,



    e2-a-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    his house he built for him.

    Column 1


    (d)su-ul-la-at u3 (d)ha-ni-isz lugal-a-ni szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 e2-a-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Sullat and Hanish, his master, Shulgi, the mighty man, king of Ur and king of Sumer and Akkad, his temple he built for him.

    P480706: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 8(gesz2) 5(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur
  • sze zi3 gu2-na-ka 1(gesz'u) 8(asz) 4(barig) sze gur

  • 5(gesz2) 1(u) 9(asz) 1(barig) 8(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 zi3 gur
  • 6(asz) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gig gur
  • 2(asz) 2(barig) imgaga3 gur
  • mu-sza a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 8(gesz2) 2(u) 4(asz) 2(barig) 4(ban2) sze gur
  • 3(u) 7(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 ziz2 gur
  • mu-sza

  • 5(asz) 1(barig) la2 1(disz) sila3 sze zi3# gu2-na gur
  • 1(u) 1(asz) gur sze zi3 gu2-na gur# esz3 didli
  • 5(u) 9(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) sze gur
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ur-zu

  • 3(gesz2) 3(u) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur
  • sze zi3 gu2-na-ka a-pi4-sal4(ki)

  • 2(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 8(disz) sila3 gur
  • sze zi3 gu2-na musz-bi-an-na ki _arad2_-ta

    AI Translation
  • 184 gur 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 barley,
  • barley flour for the granary: 68 gur 4 barig barley;

  • 169 gur 1 barig 8 1/2 sila3 flour,
  • 6 gur 5 ban2 5 sila3 wheat,
  • 2 gur 2 barig of imgaga-flour,
  • year: "... ."

  • 184 gur 2 barig 4 ban2 barley,
  • 37 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3 emmer,
  • mushu-flower

  • 5 gur 1 barig less 1 sila3 barley flour, gu-na flour,
  • 11 gur barley flour, gu-na flour, esh-offerings,
  • 59 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 barley,
  • deficit repaid by Urzu;

  • 290 gur 2 barig 3 ban2
  • barley flour for the gu'na-flour of Apisal;

  • 185 gur 1 barig 8 sila3
  • barley flour, ..., from ARAD;

    Column 2

  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 1(asz) zi3 sig15 gur
  • la2-ia3 su-ga lugal-ezem ki ur-(d)szara2-ta

  • 6(asz) 1(ban2) zi3 sig15 gur
  • 1(u) 4(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) dabin gur
  • e2 ensi2-ta

  • 3(asz) dabin gur
  • 2(asz) kasz dida du [gur?]
  • ki ur-e11-e-[ta?]

  • 3(disz) dug dida 3(ban2)-ta
  • ki lu2-kal-la-ta szunigin 2(u) 7(asz) 1(ban2) zi3 sig15 gur ziz2 bala-bi 2(u) 7(asz) 2(barig)? gur szunigin 1(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 3(u) 4(asz) 1(barig) 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 dabin gur szunigin 1(gesz'u) 9(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) 1(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur szunigin 5(gesz2) 5(u) 7(asz) 5(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 ziz2 gur szunigin 6(asz) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 gig gur sze bala-bi 6(asz)#? 5(ban2) 5(disz)#? sila3 gur szunigin 2(asz) 2(barig) imgaga3 gur ziz2 bala-bi 2(asz) 2(barig) gur

    AI Translation
  • 91 gur yellow flour,
  • deficit repaid, Lugal-ezem, from Ur-Shara;

  • 6 gur 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • 14 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 dabin flour,
  • from the governor's house;

  • 3 gur of dabin flour,
  • 2 gur of regular beer,
  • from Ur-e'e;

  • 3 jugs of dida at 3 ban2 each,
  • from Lukalla; total: 27 gur 1 ban2 fine flour; its bala barley: 27 gur 2 barig; total: 94 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 2 sila3 dabin; total: 115 gur 1 barig 2 ban2 barley; total: 77 gur 5 ban2 6 sila3 barley; total: 6 gur 5 ban2 5 sila3 wheat; its bala barley: 6? gur 5 ban2 5 sila3; total: 2 gur 2 barig imgaga; its bala barley: 2 gur 2 barig;

    Column 1


    szunigin sze-bi 4(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 1(u) 7(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 gur sag-nig2-gur11-ra-kam sza3-bi-[ta?]

  • 4(barig) 3(ban2) zi3 ba-ba saga
  • 4(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) 4(barig) 5(ban2) 3(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15?
  • 3(gesz2) 3(u) 7(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) x _zi3_ x
  • 2(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 3(u) 5(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) n sila3 [x x] zi3 gar-ra nibru(ki)-sze3 x x [x?]

  • 5(u) 9(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 x x
  • kiszib3-bi 1(u) 6(disz)-am3 kiszib3 lu2-kal-la

  • 3(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra saga
  • kiszib3 ab-ba-gi-na

  • 2(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) ninda saga gur
  • 3(u) 1(barig) 4(ban2) dabin gur
  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 5(disz) 1/3(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 gur
  • 7(asz) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra saga? [gur?]
  • 3(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra [gur?]
  • 2(barig) 4(ban2) zi3-gu sza3 ninda lugal
  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 2/3(disz) sila3 zi3-gu saga [gur?]
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) gin2 ninda-gesz-[asz?]
  • 9(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 ninda gur
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3

  • 9(asz) 3(barig) zi3 sig15 gur
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 6(asz) 2(barig) dabin gur
  • nig2-gal2-la e2-kiszib3-ba-ka giri3 in-sa6-sa6

  • 2(u) u2-sza 3(disz) sila3-ta x
  • sze x szuku# kiszib3 lu2-_an_-[x]

    AI Translation

    total, its barley: 147 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 8 sila3, the debit, therefrom:

  • 4 barig 3 ban2 fine flour,
  • 185 gur 4 barig 5 ban2 3 2/3 sila3 fine flour,
  • 147 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 ... flour,
  • 185 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 n sila3 ... flour, ... to Nippur .

  • 59 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 8 sila3 .
  • its sealed tablets: 16; under seal of Lukalla;

  • 3 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 fine emmer flour,
  • under seal of Abbagina;

  • 2 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 fine bread,
  • 30 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 dabin flour,
  • 1 gur 3 barig 5 1/3 sila3 fine flour,
  • 7 gur 2 1/2 sila3 fine emmer,
  • 3 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 emmer,
  • 2 barig 4 ban2 emmer flour for royal bread;
  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 2/3 sila3 fine emmer flour,
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 4 2/3 sila3 5 shekels ninda-gesh-asz-bread?,
  • 9 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 5 2/3 sila3 bread,
  • under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e;

  • 9 gur 3 barig fine flour,
  • 66 gur 2 barig dabin flour,
  • the property of the sealed house via Insasa;

  • 20 nanny goats, 3 sila3 each, ...,
  • barley ..., sealed tablet of Lu-AN...,

    Column 2


    [...] gur

  • 3(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 ninda szu gur
  • 2(u) 1(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) 5(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 dabin gur
  • _ne_-gu7-sze3 bala-sze3 de6-a

  • 2(asz) 3(ban2) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 gur
  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 3(ban2) 9(disz) sila3 ninda szu gur
  • 1(u) 4(barig) 4(ban2) 2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 dabin gur
  • _ne_-gu7-sze3 e2-a si-ga szunigin 4(barig) 3(ban2) zi3 ba-ba saga ziz2 bala-bi 4(barig) 2(ban2) szunigin 4(gesz2) 5(u) 3(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 gur szunigin 2(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) ninda saga gur sze bala-bi 1(barig) 2(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 szunigin 4(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra saga gur sze bala-bi 2(asz) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 gur szunigin 1(barig) 3(ban2) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) gin2 ninda-gesz-asz

    ziz2 bala-bi 1(barig) 3(ban2) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 5(disz) gin2 szunigin 2(barig) 4(ban2) zi3-gu sza3 ninda lugal sze bala-bi 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 szunigin 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) 1/3(disz) sila3 zi3-gu saga gur sze bala-bi 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 szunigin 7(asz) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra du gur szunigin 3(gesz2) 5(u) 1(asz) 4(barig) 4(ban2) 2(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 ninda szu gur szunigin 2(gesz'u) 5(gesz2) 5(asz) 2(barig) 9(disz) sila3 1(u) gin2 dabin? gur

    AI Translation

    ... gur

  • 3 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 8 sila3 hand-rolled bread,
  • 21 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 5 1/2 sila3 dabin flour,
  • to eat, to bala recited;

  • 2 gur 3 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 fine flour,
  • 1 gur 3 barig 3 ban2 9 sila3 hand-rolled bread,
  • 10 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 2 2/3 sila3 dabin flour,
  • to Negu's house, the stall; total: 4 barig 3 ban2 fine flour, the bala-flour; its emmer: 4 barig 2 ban2; total: 133 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 1 1/2 sila3 fine flour; total: 2 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 fine bread; its bala-flour: 1 barig 2 ban2 6 sila3; total: 4 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 7 sila3 fine nigarra; its bala-flour: 2 gur 5 ban2 4 sila3; total: 1 barig 3 ban2 4 2/3 sila3 5 shekels nindagesh-asz;

    its bala dates: 1 barig 3 ban2 4 2/3 sila3 5 shekels; total: 2 barig 4 ban2 fine flour; in royal bread; its bala barley: 3 ban2 2 sila3; total: 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 1/3 sila3 fine flour; its bala barley: 4 ban2 5 sila3; total: 7 gur 2 1/2 sila3 nig-arra-flour; total: 121 gur 4 barig 4 ban2 2 2/3 sila3 bread; total: 185 gur 2 barig 9 sila3 10 shekels dabin-flour;

    P480707: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    [...] [n] a-ab-ba x-la2 [n] lum-ma

  • 3(barig) (gesz)dur2-gar-ni
  • 3(barig) x x-da-hi?
  • 3(barig) lu2-(d)nin-ur4-ra
  • 3(barig) ur-gu2-edin-na
  • 3(barig) al-la
  • 3(barig) tir-gu
  • 3(barig) ur-gu2-edin-na min
  • 3(barig) szu-esz18-dar
  • 2(barig) 2(ban2) du11-ga-zi-da
  • 2(ban2) lu2-_an_-x
  • 4(barig) lugal-ku3-zu
  • 2(barig) _arad2_-mu
  • szunigin 1(u)# 9(asz)# 3(ban2)? sze szuku-ra gur gurusz# sza3 sahar-ra x x u4-de3 gub-ba-me sza3 gu2#-edin#-na# u3 musz#?-bi#?-an#?-[na?] [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the sea ... ... Lumma

  • 3 barig, the threshing floor;
  • 3 barig ...dahi?,
  • 3 barig Lu-Ninura,
  • 3 barig Ur-gu'edina,
  • 3 barig, Alla;
  • 3 barig, TIRgu,
  • 3 barig, Ur-gu'edina, ditto;
  • 3 barig, Shu-Ishtar,
  • 2 barig 2 ban2: Dugazida,
  • 2 ban2: Lu-ANx,
  • 4 barig, Lugal-kuzu,
  • 2 barig, ARADmu,
  • total: 19 gur 3 ban2 barley, rations, male laborers, in the dirt ..., stationed, in the Gu'edina and Mushbi'ana .

    P480708: royal-monumental brick

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a [ensi2] [lagasz(ki)-ke4]

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash,

    Column 2


    nig2#-[du7-e pa mu-na-e3] [e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)] babbar2#?-[ra-ni] [mu-na-du3] ki#?-[be2 mu-na-gi4]

    AI Translation

    He made the nigdu-offerings come forth. He built the white Eninnu, his white Anzu temple, and restored it to its place.

    P480709: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(gesz2) 1(u) sar (u2)kiszi17 ku5-ra2 2(u) sar-ta
  • a2-bi u4 2(u) 1(disz) 1/2(disz)-kam a2 lu2 hun-ga2 6(disz) sila3-ta

  • 3(u) 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sar al 2(disz) 1/2(disz) [sar-ta]
  • a2-bi u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam#

  • 2(u) sar al 2(disz) sar-ta
  • a2-bi u4 1(u)-kam a2 sza3-gu4 a-sza3 la2-tur ugula ur-mes giri3 ur-(d)ma-ma? kiszib3 gu-u2-gu-a

    AI Translation
  • 420 sar of kishi-plant, cut at 20 sar a day,
  • its labor: 21 1/2 days; labor of hirelings: 6 sila3 each day;

  • 32 1/2 sar, hoed at 2 1/2 sar per day,
  • its labor: 13 days;

  • 20 sar, hoed at 2 sar per day,
  • its labor: 10 days; labor of oxen-penny, field Latur; foreman: Ur-mes, via Ur-Mama; under seal of Gu'ugu'a;

    Seal 1


    gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2

    AI Translation

    Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.

    P480710: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(u) 6(asz) 4(barig) 3(ban2) zi3-gu gur
  • [...] [...] de6-a ki i3-kal-la-ta

  • 1(u) 9(asz) 3(barig) 1(ban2) dabin gur
  • 9(asz) 2(barig) 1(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 zi3-gu
  • ki ur-(d)nin-tu-ta

  • 4(barig)? ki ur-(gesz)gigir nu-banda3-[ta]
  • 5(ban2) ki lu2-(d)utu lu2 a-kal-la nu-banda3-[ta]
  • 2(barig)? ki ur-(gesz)gigir ugula-ta
  • 3(barig)? ki ur-am3-ma-ta
  • 1(asz)? 2(barig) 3(ban2) ki a-kal-la-ta
  • szunigin 4(u) 9(asz) 1(ban2) 7(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3# dabin# gur# sza3-bi-ta

  • 3(barig) 2(disz) sila3 zi3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur
  • n kiszib3 lu2-kal?-[la?]

    AI Translation
  • 16 gur 4 barig 3 ban2 emmer flour,
  • ... ... from Ikalla

  • 19 gur 3 barig 1 ban2 dabin flour,
  • 9 gur 2 barig 1 ban2 6 sila3 emmer flour,
  • from Ur-Nintu;

  • 4 barig, from Ur-gigir, the superintendent;
  • 5 ban2 from Lu-Utu, man of Akalla, the superintendent;
  • 2 barig?, from Ur-gigir, foreman;
  • 3 barig?, from Ur-ama;
  • 1? gur 2 barig 3 ban2 from Akalla,
  • total: 49 gur 1 ban2 7 1/2 sila3 dabin flour; therefrom:

  • 3 barig 2 sila3 flour, under seal of Lu-Ninshubur;
  • n, under seal of Lukalla?,

    P480711: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 2(disz) udu 1 masz2
  • 2(ban2) zi3 sig15 1(ban2) esza
  • 2(ban2) zi3-gu 2(ban2) dabin
  • 2(ban2) sze 1(ban2) zu2-lum
  • 5(disz) dug dida du?
  • 1(disz) sila3 i3-nun
  • 1(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • siskur2 a-sza3 gibil

  • 2(disz) udu 1(disz) masz2
  • 2(ban2) zi3 sig15 1(ban2) esza
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sheep, 1 billy goat,
  • 2 ban2 fine flour, 1 ban2 esha flour,
  • 2 ban2 of emmer, 2 ban2 of semolina,
  • 2 ban2 barley, 1 ban2 dates,
  • 5 jugs of regular wort,
  • 1 sila3 butter oil,
  • 1 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • offering of new field

  • 2 sheep, 1 billy goat,
  • 2 ban2 fine flour, 1 ban2 esha flour,
  • P480712: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    4(szar2) la2 5(gesz2) ku6 giri3-us2 e2-masz-ta ki a-kal-la-ta nesag (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 ha-lu5-lu5 szu ba-[ti] iti sig4-(gesz)i3-szub-gar mu us2-sa e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3

    AI Translation

    420 less 200 fish, via Emash, from Akalla, to the nesag offerings of Enlil Halulu received; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."

    P480713: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur
  • sza3-gal ansze ki-su7 a-sza3 (gesz)ma-nu-ta ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley,
  • fodder for donkeys, threshing floor, from the field of the boatman; from Lu-Shulgi;

    P480714: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 2(disz) gu4 gesz-du3 gun3-a
  • 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(asz) gesz-du3-a
  • 3(disz) gu4 gun3-a 1(disz) gu4 gesz
  • ha-x-na-hi-im mar?-[tu?]

  • 1(u) la2 1(disz) gu4 gun3-a 2(disz)? gu4 gesz
  • ah-da-li-ib

  • 1(disz) gu4 gesz-du3 gun3-a
  • 3(disz) gu4 1(disz) ab2
  • 1(disz) ab2 mu 1(asz) gun3-a
  • 1(disz) ab2 amar ga
  • la-u3#-a-_sal_-um mar-tu-me

  • 1(disz) sila4 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3
  • en (d)inanna

  • 1(disz) sila4 ensi2 gir2-su(ki)
  • 3(disz) udu 1(disz) sila4 lu2 x x
  • AI Translation
  • 2 oxen, shorn,
  • 1 ox, 2 years old, geshdu'a,
  • 3 oxen, shorn, 1 ox, wooded,
  • ... the Amorite

  • 9 oxen, smashed, 2 oxen, harrows,
  • Ahdalib;

  • 1 ox, sling-dagger,
  • 3 oxen, 1 cow,
  • 1 heifer, 1 talent,
  • 1 heifer calf, suckling,
  • the Amorite laua-salum,

  • 1 lamb, 1 female kid,
  • lord Inanna

  • 1 lamb, governor of Girsu,
  • 3 sheep, 1 lamb, man of ...,
  • P480715: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    giri3 (d)nanna-ma-ba dub-sar u4 2(u)-kam iti u5-bi2-gu7 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-[ke4] bad3 mar-tu mu-du3 mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    via Nanna-maba, scribe; 20th day; month: "Ubi feast," year after: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall erected," year after that.

    P480716: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    kiszib3 ensi2 iti szu-numun mu us2-sa ma2 (d)en-ki ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    under seal of the governor; month: "Sowing," year after: "The barge of Enki was caulked."

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P480717: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    mu-kux(_du_) na-sa6 i3-dab5 iti szu-esz5-sza mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) u3 lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    delivery, Nasa accepted; month: "shu'esha," year: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."

    P480718: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    (d)szul-gi-si2-im-ti be-li2-du10 i3-dab5 iti masz-ku3-gu7 mu us2-sa an-sza-an(ki) ba-hul [mu us2-sa-bi]

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-simti, Beli-du accepted; month: "Gazelle feast," year after: "Anshan was destroyed," year after that.

    P480719: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 2(asz) 4(barig) sze gur
  • sze#-da la2 e2-_har_-gibil ki lu2-(d)szul-gi-ra-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 4 barig barley,
  • barley not received from Ehar-gibil; from Lu-Shulgira;

    P480720: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) gu4 niga sag gu4
  • 1(disz) gu4 a-am niga
  • 6(disz)#? udu niga saga
  • (d)nin-lil2

  • 1(disz) gu4 niga sag gu4
  • 2(disz) udu niga saga
  • (d)nanna sza3 e2 (d)[en?]-lil2-la2#? nig2 ezem-ma gu4-[si]-su

    AI Translation
  • 1 grain-fed ox, head of ox,
  • 1 ox, barley-fed,
  • 6 sheep, barley-fed, fine quality,
  • for Ninlil;

  • 1 grain-fed ox, head of ox,
  • 2 sheep, barley-fed, fine quality,
  • For Nanna, in the temple of Enlil?, all that is important for the festival: oxen-drivers.

    P480721: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • [5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 szum2]
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • gu-za-ni sukkal

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 [szum2]
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • lu2-(d)ba-ba6

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 [szum2]
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • a-da-lal3?

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 3(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 [szum2]
  • [3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga]
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Guzani, the messenger;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Lu-Baba;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Adalal;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 3 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • P480722: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 2(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • 1(disz) ku6 1(disz) sa szum2
  • (d)utu-ma-ba

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 [ninda]
  • 2(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • 1(disz) ku6 1(disz) sa szum2
  • kal-la-mu [...]

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 fish, 1 bundle onions,
  • for Utu-maba;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 2 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 fish, 1 bundle onions,
  • Kalamu ...

    P480723: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(disz) gurusz
  • u4 2(disz)-sze3 kab2-ku5 en-gaba-re6 gub-ba ugula ur-(d)szul-pa-e3

    AI Translation
  • 23 male laborers,
  • for 2 days, the reed guard of Engabare stationed, foreman: Ur-Shulpa'e;

    Seal 1


    gu-u2-gu-a dub-sar dumu ma-an-szum2

    AI Translation

    Gu'ugu'a, scribe, son of Manshum.

    P480725: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the one who swore.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_ (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the god Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the true kings in Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P480726: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480727: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480728: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480729: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480730: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480731: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)suen-ga-szi-id nita kal-ga lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na

    AI Translation

    Sîn-kashid, the mighty man, king of Uruk, king of Amnanum, provider of Eanna, when Eanna



    mu-du3-a e2-gal nam-lugal-la-ka-ni mu-du3

    AI Translation

    he built, and his palace of kingship he built.

    P480732: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480733: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480734: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the one who swore.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_ (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the god Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the true kings in Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P480735: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the favorite of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I be the one who swore.

    Column 2


    bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_ (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Bibil-il, the god Enlil and Ninlilti in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace of Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when the true kings in Sumer and Akkad I established, I did.

    P480736: royal-monumental cone

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)li-pi2-it-esz18-dar re-i-um pa-li-ih nibru(ki) i-ka-ru-um ki-nu-um sza uri5(ki)-im la mu-pa-ar-ki-um a-na eridu(ki) _en_-um si2-ma-at unu(ki) szar i3-si-in(ki) szar ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im bi2-bi2-il li-i-ba esz18-dar a-na-ku ka3-ni-in bi2-bi2-il i-di3 (d)en-lil2 u3 (d)nin-lil2-ti-im i-na i3-si-in(ki) a-al szar-ru-ti-ia i-na ba-ab _e2-gal_-im li-pi2-it-esz18-dar ma-ru (d)en-lil2 a-na-ku i-nu-mi ki-i-ta-am i-na ma-at szu-me-ri-im u3 a-ka3-di3-im asz-ku-nu-ni e-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    Lipit-Ishtar, the shepherd who reveres Nippur, the true shepherd of Ur, the one who does not turn back, to Eridu, the lord who is the best of Uruk, king of Isin, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, he has sworn. May I, the gods Enlil and Ninlil, in Isin, the seat of my kingship, in the palace, Lipit-Ishtar, the son of Enlil, I, when true in the land of Sumer and Akkad I built,

    P480737: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)lugal-banda3(da) dingir-ra-ni-ir (d)nin-sun2 ama-a-ni-ir (d)suen-ga-szi-id lugal unu(ki)-ga lugal am-na-nu-um u2-a e2-an-na u4 e2-an-na mu-du3-a e2 kankal e2 ki-tusz sza3-hul2-la-ka-ne-ne

    AI Translation

    For Lugalbanda his god, and Ninsun his mother, Sîn-kashid, king of Uruk and king of Amnanum, provider of the Eanna temple, when the Eanna he had built, their Kankal temple, their residence of joy,



    mu-ne-en-du3 bala nam-lugal-la-ka-ne2

  • 3(asz) sze gur-ta
  • 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na siki-ta
  • 1(u) ma-na uruda-ta
  • 3(ban2) i3-gesz-ta
  • ganba ma-da-na-ka ku3-babbar 1(disz) gin2-e he2-eb2-da-sa10 mu-a-ni mu he2-gal2-la he2-a

    AI Translation

    he built for him, and for the reign of kingship

  • 3 gur of barley each,
  • 12 minas of wool,
  • 10 minas of copper each,
  • 3 ban2 of sesame oil,
  • He shall measure out one shekel of silver per day for the field of his land. His year: "May there be abundance."

    P480738: royal-monumental tablet

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)nin-e2-gal nin gal me kilib3 szu-na dab5-be2 ug3 szar2-ra-asz igi-bi gal2 na-de5 mah szita5-du3 sag-ge6 a-ra2-bi za3 nu-sa2 nir-gal2 ukken-na du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du mu-ni a-re-esz gi7 dingir zi ki a-a ugu-ni-ta ka ba-ni sze-ga dumu gal (d)suen-na nin-a-ni-ir si-ma-at-(d)inanna dam ki-ag2 (d)ri-im-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    For Ninegal, the great lady, who has taken away the divine powers of his hand, who has seized the many people, whose face is great, who has smote the great ones, whose arrows are not smashed, the mighty one, whose command is unrivalled, the sage of the assembly, whose name is perfect, before whom he dedicated it, whose utterances are praised, the true god, from the place of his father, whose mouth is uttered, the great daughter of Suen, his mistress, Simat-Inanna, beloved wife of Rim-Sîn,



    lugal larsa(ki)-ma dumu-munus _arad2_-(d)nanna-ke4 u4 (d)nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2 mu sa6-ga-ni in-sa4-a e2 a2-ag2-ga2 kilib3 ur4-ur4 ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma nam-ti (d)ri-im-(d)suen u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3 u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3 mu-na-du3 diri u4-bi-ta-sze3 e2-szu-si3-ga-bi mu-un-dagal temen mu pa3-da nam-nin-a-ka-na u4 su13-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar

    AI Translation

    king of Larsa, daughter of Warad-Nanna, when Ninegal his mistress named him by her good name, a temple of justice, a cult center, a residence of divinity, a residence for the life of Rim-Sîn, for ever and ever, and for his own life he built for her. Further, since that time, its Eshusiga he expanded. The foundations, chosen by her name, for her queenship for ever he established.

    P480740: royal-monumental cylinder

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI



    (d)nin-e2-gal nin gal me kilib3 szu-na dab5-be2 ug3 szar2-ra-asz igi-bi gal2 na-de5 mah szita5-du3 sag-[ge6] a-ra2-bi za3 nu-sa2 nir-gal2 ukken-na du11-ga-ni igi-sze3 du mu-ni a-re-esz gi7 dingir zi ki a-a ugu-ni-ta ka ba-ni sze-ga dumu gal (d)suen-na nin-a#-ni-ir si#-ma-at-(d)inanna dam ki-ag2 (d)ri-im-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    For Ninegal, the great lady, who has taken away the divine powers of her hand, who has seized the people of the world, whose eyes are wide, who is supreme, who has a shitadu-priest, whose scribal arts are not smashed, the mighty one, whose command is unrivalled, who in his assembly speaks, who makes his name known, who is a reed-bearer, true god, from the place of his father, who has spoken to him, who is a gift, great daughter of Suen, his mistress, Simat-Inanna, beloved wife of Rim-Sîn,



    lugal larsa(ki)-ma dumu-munus _arad2_-(d)nanna-ke4 u4 (d)nin-e2-gal nin-a-ne2 mu sa6-ga-ni in-sa4-a e2 a2-ag2-ga2 kilib3 ur4-ur4 ki-tusz nam-dingir-bi-sze3 tum2-ma nam-ti (d)ri-im-(d)suen u4 da-ri2-sze3 gal2-le-de3 u3 nam-ti-la-ni-sze3 mu-na-du3 diri u4-bi-ta-sze3 e2-szu-si3-ga-bi mu-un-dagal temen mu# pa3-da nam-nin-a-ka-na u4 su13-ra2-sze3 im-mi-in-gar

    AI Translation

    king of Larsa, daughter of Warad-Nanna, when Ninegal his mistress named him by her good name, a temple of justice, a cult center, a residence of divinity, a residence for the life of Rim-Sîn, for ever and ever, and for his own life he built for her. Further, since that time, the Eshusiga he expanded. The foundations, chosen by the name of his mistress, for ever he established.

    P480746: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [(d)]nin#-gir2-su [ur]-sag# kal-ga [(d)]en#-lil2-la2-ra ur#-(d)ba-ba6 ensi2# lagasz#(ki) dumu# tu-da (d#)nin-a2-gal-ka-ke4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Ur-Baba, ruler of Lagash, son born of Ninagala,

    Column 2


    nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    He made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and he built his Eninnu with the white Anzu bird, and restored it to its place.

    P480747: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    _en2 en#_ szur-bu-u sza2-qu-u x# [...]

    (d)_en#-lil2 en_ szur-bu#-[u ...]

    [pa]-szir# _an_(e) _ki_(ti3) x# [...]

    mu#-tab-bik hur-sza2#-[ni ...]

    [...]-x-nu x# [...]

    [...]-_mesz#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: O lord, most exalted, exalted .

    O Enlil, most great lord, .

    Who provides for the heavens and earth .

    Who binds the mountains .

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    Incantation: O lord most great, exalted one . . .

    O Enlil, lord most great . . .

    Who releases the heavens and earth . . .

    Who lays out the mountains . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . .s . . .

    P480748: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [...] x# [...]

    [... sza2 la i-la-mad]-du# mi-lik#-[szu ...]

    [... isz]-szi-ir la i-sza2-ru# [...]

    [... szum-ru]-s,u a-[rad-ki]

    [...] _ti_(e) un#-[ni-ni-ia]

    [...]-ki# lip-pa-asz2-[ra]

    [... sza2 ma]-lu#-u2 e-sza2-ti u dal#-[ha-a-ti]

    [... sza2 ma-lu]-u2# dim2-[ti] u ta#-[ne2-hi]

    [...]-ti e#-sza-a-ti u# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . whose counsel cannot be changed .

    . . . who reveres the insubmissive .

    . . . your servant,

    . . . accept my prayer.

    May your . . . be appeased.

    . . . who is laden with awe and sorrow,

    . . . who is full of sin and fear,

    . . . the eshatu-demon and .

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    . . .

    . . . whose council . . . can not learn

    . . . the one who is not right thrives . . .

    . . . your afflicted servant

    . . . accept my prayer

    . . . may your . . . be appeased

    . . . which is filled with confusion and worry

    . . . which is filled with tears and lament

    . . . confusion and . . .

    P480749: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [_en2_ szu(?)-pu(?)]-tu2(?)# (d)isz8-tar2 _gaszan man_(!)(_mad_)(tum) szur-bu-tu2 _dingir_-_mesz_-ti3#

    [...] x# _an_(e) _ku3_-_mesz_ sa-niq-ti (d)i2-[gi3-gi3]

    [... na-masz]-ti(?)# _ki igi_ x#-[...]

    [...] x x# _gim_ (d)_utu_ nap(?)#-[ha-ti]

    [...] x x tusz(?)-te(?)#-[sze-ri ...]

    [...] kul(?)-lat(?)-si(?)-na(?) ba(?)#-[hu-la-ti]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: O most exalted Ishtar, lady, queen, supreme one of the gods,

    . . . of the pure heavens, the sa'niqtu-offering of the Igigi,

    ... the dead ... with ... .

    . . . . . . . . like Shamash, .

    ... you have encouraged .

    . . . all of them, all of humanity,

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    Incantation: O resplendent Ishtar, lady, queen, exalted one among the goddesses,

    . . . . . . the pure heavens, the keeper of the Igigi,

    . . . the animals of the earth you oversee, . . . . . .

    . . . . . . like Shamash you are lit up.

    . . . . . . you guide aright . . .

    . . ., the population, all of them,

    P480750: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [_en2 en_ musz-te-szir] kisz-szat _un#_-_mesz_ gi-mir# [nab-ni-ti]

    [da-in di-in] mi-sza2-ri _dingir_-_mesz_ kib#-[ra-a-ti]

    [...] _un#_-_mesz_ mu-szat-bu-u en#-[szi]

    [ga-mil ma-aq]-ti# na-as2-si mu-sze-zib# [szag-szi]

    [...] musz#-te-szi-ru# [e-ka-a-ti]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: O lord, who guides all peoples, the totality of creation,

    Judge of the justice of the gods of the four quarters,

    . . . the people, who is the object of the lordly majesty,

    Who provides food for the afflicted, who removes the afflicted,

    . . . who guides the people in the right direction.

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    Incantation: O lord, who guides all people, the totality of creation aright,

    Who hands down a just decision, the divinity of the world,

    . . . the people, who raises up the weak,

    Who shows favor to the falen and the wretched, who rescues the afflicted,

    . . . who guides orphan girls aright,

    P480751: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_en gal_](u) (d)#[_amar-utu_ ...]

    a-me-lu-tu ma#-[la ...]

    an-na ra#-ma-ni-sza2 man-nu i#-[lam-mad]

    man-nu la i-szit, a-a-u la u2#-[gal-lil]

    a-lak-ti _dingir_ man-nu i-lam#-[mad]

    lut-ta-id-ma gul-lul-tu2(?) a#-a ar2-[szi]

    asz-rat ba#-la-t,i lu-usz-te#-['-e(?)-ma]

    ina ar2#-ra-ti i-tab-bu-li ina _dingir_-ni(?) qa#-[ba-at]

    qa#-ta sza2 _dingir_ a-na _lu2_ ba-ba-lu#

    [a]-na#-ku _arad2_-ka I-[x x x (x)] szet-ta lu-u i-pu#-[usz]

    [i-ta]-a sza2 _dingir#_-_mu_ lu-u e-ti-iq#

    [sza2 ul-tu u4-um] s,e-he#-ri-ia _zu_-u _nu#_ [_zu_(u)]

    [mi-szi-ma ina] lib3#-bi-ka a-a ik#-ku-ud

    [an-ni pu]-t,ur# szer3-ti pu-szur#

    [...] nu-um-mi#-ram-ma dal-ha-ti#-[ia(?)] zuk-ki#

    [an-ni _ad_-_mu ad_] _ad#_-_mu ama#_-_mu ama ama_-_mu#_

    [an-ni _szesz_-_mu gal_](i(?)) _nin#_-_mu gal_(ti)#

    [an-ni ... sa]-la-ti-_mu#_

    AI Translation

    O great lord, Marduk .

    All humanity, as many as .

    Who can overpower her?

    Whoever does not know, who does not know,

    Who can overpower a god?

    May I be spared, and may my sin not be forgotten.

    May I constantly seek out the place of my life.

    They are smitten by the rage, they speak to my god.

    Hand of the god to the man who is ill.

    I, your servant, ... ... he did this.

    May the ... of my personal god pass by.

    Whoever from the distant past has not known it,

    "Why did you not bind me in your heart?

    Accept my prayer, accept my prayer.

    . . . who is assiduous towards me, who is frightened of my troubles,

    I, my father, my grandfather, my mother, my grandmother,

    This is my great brother, my great sister.

    . . . my prayer.

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    O great lord, Marduk, . . .

    Human beings, by whatever . . .

    Who among them can ascertain their own sin?

    Who has not been negligent; what person has not sinned?

    Who can understand the way of a god?

    I ought to be vigilant lest I acquire sin,

    I ought to search out relentlessly the sanctuaries of life,

    But it is decreed by the gods to go about tasks under a curse,

    For a man to bear the hand of the god.

    As for me, your servant, someone's name, though I have committed sins,

    Though I have transgressed lit., crossed the boundary of the god,

    That i.e., the sins from my youth, known or unknown,

    Disregard; may it not cause concern lit., may it not throb in your heart;

    rather forgive my guilt, cancel my punishment.

    Illuminate . . .; clear my consternation.

    May the guilt of my father, my grandfather, the guilt of my mother, my grandmother,

    The guilt of my older brother and my older sister,

    the guilt of . . . my clan,



    [... a-a] _te_-a# a-hi-tam#-ma lil-lik

    [...]-ma _dingir#_-_mu gim_ (u2)_ki-kal#_ ub-bi-ban-ni

    [...] sza2 _dingir_-_mu_ u (d)isz8-tar2-_mu_ ana szul3-me u _ti-la_ piq-dan-ni#

    [ina ik-ri-bi] te#-me-qi2 u te-es-li#-ti ana da3-risz lu-uz-ziz-ka

    [ni-szu de-sza2]-a#-ti _kur_ sza2# ina asz2-ri szak-na-tum li-na-du-ka

    [an-ni pu]-t,ur an#-ni pu-szur

    [...] (d)_amar-utu ki-min# ki-min_

    [... (d)]zar-pa#-ni-tum _ki-min# ki-min_

    [_mu du10_]-_ga#_ (d)_ag ki#-min ki-min#_

    [...] _gal_(?)(tum) (d)#tasz-me-tum _ki-min ki-min#_

    qar#-ra-du (d)_ne3-eri11-gal ki-min ki-min#_

    [an]-ni _gal_(a)# sza2 ul-tu u4-um s,e-he-ri-ia5 _du3_(szu2)

    su#-pu-uh-ma _en 7_(disz)(szu2) pu-szur

    lib3-ba-ka _gim_ a-bi a-li#-di u3 _ama_ a-lit-ti#

    a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li-tu-ra#

    qar-ra-du (d)_amar-utu_ bul-lit,-an-ni#-[ma]

    da3-li2-li2-ka# [lud-lul]

    _ka_-_inim_-_ma#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... may he not approach me, and go

    . . . and my personal god will speak to me like a tamarisk.

    . . . of my personal god and my personal goddess for well-being and life .

    May I stand before you forever through prayer, understanding, and understanding.

    May the dead people of the land who are sated in the sanctuaries be yours.

    I have sworn by the name of the king, my lord, that this matter is unfavourable.

    ... Marduk ditto, ditto.

    . . . Zarpanitu ditto, ditto.

    Ditto by Nabû, ditto by Iddina!

    ... great ..., Tashmetu ditto, ditto.

    Hero Nergal, ditto, ditto.

    This great lord, who from my childhood did it,

    You are swollen and you are swollen seven times.

    Your heart, like the father who engendered me and the mother who bore me,

    May he return it to its place.

    O hero Marduk, let me be at peace with you.

    I may sing your praises.

    It is the wording of .

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    . . . not draw near; let it go elsewhere.

    If ? my god i.e., Marduk ? . . ., purify me like grass!

    Entrust me to . . . of my personal god and my personal goddess for well-being and life.

    May I stand before you perpetually with prayers, requests, and petitions.

    Let the abundant people of the well-organized land praise you!

    Forgive my guilt, cancel my guilt.

    . . . O Marduk, ditto, ditto i.e., forgive my guilt, cancel my guilt.

    . . . Zarpanitu, ditto, ditto.

    O excellent name Nabu, ditto, ditto.

    O great . . . Tashmetu, ditto, ditto.

    O warrior Nergal, ditto, ditto.

    The great guilt that I have committed since the day of my youth,

    Disperse it, forgive it sevenfold.

    May your heart, like the father who engendered me, and like the mother who gave birth to me,

    return to normal.

    O warrior Marduk, restore me to health, that

    I may resound your praises!

    . . . the wording of . . .

    P480752: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [_gim_] (gisz)#[_mes_ ...]

    [_nu_] _du10-ga_(ti3)# [...]

    [ina] _igi#_-ka _mu_-szu2 li(?)-sza2-x# [...]

    _u2-hi-a_ nap-szal-tu sza2 ina _igi#_-[ka ...]

    lip-su(!)(_si_-)(is)-su ar-[ni-szu2(?) ...]

    li#-pa-si-su a#-[a ...]

    mim#-ma lem-nu uz#-za ug-[gat _dingir_]

    [ki]-szit#-tu gil2-la-tu# [...]

    AI Translation

    Like a mesu-tree .

    . . . peace.

    May his name .

    The salves which . . . in your presence .

    May his sins be released .

    May he not .

    Any evil, evil, sin, anger of the god,

    The guilty, the guilty .

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    Like mesu-wood . . .

    . . . wicked . . .

    In your presence may his name . . . . . .

    . . . the drugs lit. plants and the salve, which . . . before you . . .

    May they erase his sins . . .

    May they rub out; may it not . . .

    Anything evil, anger, divine rage,

    Also, demonic seizure, sacrilege . . .



    [_an_](u2)# lih-du-ka# [...]

    _dingir#_-_mesz_ sza _an_(e)# [...]

    lib3#-ba-ka [...]

    (d)a-num (d)+_en_-_lil2_ u (d)e2#-[a ...]

    (d)be-let-_dingir_-_mesz_ [...]

    li-sza2-te-ra [...]

    e2-sag-il2 u _ka2-dingir#_-[_ra_(ki) ...]

    a-hu-lap-ka be-li2 [...]

    _hul gig#_ sza2 _su_-_mu_ [...]

    [...] x# [...] x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    May the heavens rejoice over you .

    The gods of the heavens .

    Your heart .

    Anu, Ellil and Ea .

    Belet-ili . . .

    May . . . be released .

    Esagil and Babylon .

    Your supplication, O lord, .

    The evil of a sick person whose body .

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    May the heavens rejoice . . .

    . . . the gods of the heavens . . .

    . . . your heart . . .

    . . . Anu, Enlil, and Ea . . .

    . . . Belet-ili . . .

    May . . . make plentiful . . .

    Esagil and Babylon . . .

    Your clemency, my lord . . .

    This evil, the illness of my body . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    P480753: ritual tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    [...] x-tu(?)#


    [...] x# kib-ra-a-ti

    [...]-x#-ka li-nu-uh-ma

    [...]-hi(?)#-ru lim-'#-[da ...]-tu-ka

    [...]-_ih# kab_ x [...] _du_(?)#

    [...] x# _mad_ x# [...]

    [...] x# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . of the world

    . . . may your . . . be calm and

    May . . . be reconciled with you.

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    . . . . . .

    . . . . . .

    . . . of the world.

    May your . . . be calm,

    . . . may your . . . become numerous?.

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .



    [...] x# [...]

    [...] _dingir_(ut)-[ka]

    [... esz]-te#-'-i-ka#

    [... a]-ta#-mar pa-ni-ka#

    [... at-ta]-ziz# ma-har-ka#

    [...] tes2#-li-ti#

    [...] li-nu-ha#

    [... hi-t,i]-ti(?)# u gil-la-ti#

    [... _dingir_(ti)-ka _gal_](ti)# za-mar _bur2_(ra)

    [...] szab#-su-ti

    [... li-is]-li#-mu _ki_(ia)

    [... da3-li2-li2]-ka lud#-lul

    [_ka_-_inim_-_ma szu_-_il2_-_la2_ (d)]U(?)#-[_gur_-_kam_(*)]

    AI Translation

    . . . your divinity,

    . . . I have sought you out.

    . . . I have seen your face.

    . . . I stood before you.

    . . . my prayer

    . . . may they be calm.

    . . . my sin and sins.

    . . . of your great divinity, you are exalted, you are praised.

    . . . the sabshutu-demon.

    . . . may they reconcile with me.

    . . . I may sing your praises.

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Nergal.

    Maul, Stefan M. & Strauß, Rita

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . your divinty

    ... I have sought you out.

    . . . I have looked upon your face.

    . . . I have stood before you.

    . . . my prayer.

    May . . . be calm.

    . . ., my misdeed, and my sacrilege.

    May . . . of your great divinity be released immediately, so that

    . . ., furious,

    . . . may be reconciled with me.

    . . . let me sing your praises.

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Nergal.

    P480755: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc



    _en2#_ (d)S,_al-bat-a-nu en gal_(u) _dingir_ re-me2-nu

    s,a-bit# _szu-min_ na-as-ku# pa-t,ir _la2_(i) mu-bal-lit, (lu2)#[_usz2_]

    ana#-ku (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu#_-_gin-na dumu dingir_-szu

    an-hu szu-nu-ha szu-ud-lu-pu _arad2_-ka#

    sza2 _kum2_ dan-nu li-'#-bu _dab_-an-ni#

    x x# [x]

    [...]-ga u2-ni-szu kal# _su_-_mu#_

    _gig hul#_ rit-ku-su it-ti-ia#

    ina _gisz-na2_ an-hu-te# [na]-da-ku-ma a-sza2-as-si-ka

    ana an-ni _zu_(u) u3 la i#-du

    e-gu-u ah-t,u-u e-sze-t,u2 u2-qal-[li-lu]

    ap-lah a-dur-ma _zi_-_mu igi dingir_(ti)-ka _gal_(tu2) ub#-[la]

    A-_mesz_ ta-ni-ih-ti lim-hu-ra-ka-ma#

    ag-gu _sza3_-ka li-nu-ha

    na-as-hur-ka t,a-a-bu nap-szur-ka ra-bu-u#

    AI Translation

    Incantation: O Mars, great lord, merciful god,

    Who takes hold of the hands, who removes the slander, who restores the dead,

    I, Shamash-shumu-ukin, the son of his personal god,

    Your servant, be at peace, be at ease.

    Whom a strong horn has seized,

    The evil sickness is bound to me.

    I am bound in the bed of the fallen, and I am enraged with you.

    He has no knowledge of this and cannot speak the truth.

    They have sinned, they have sinned, they have sinned.

    I am afraid, I am afraid, and I am afraid before your great divinity.

    May the sweet water be poured over you.

    May your angry heart be soothed.

    Your praise is praiseworthy, your great praise.

    Scheil, Vincent

    Incantation: O Mars, great lord, merciful god,

    Who takes hold of the hands of the fallen, who releases the captive, who revives the dead.

    I am Shamash-shum-ukin, the son of his personal god,

    Your weak, exhausted, troubled servant,

    Whom a strong fever and li'bu-disease has siezed,

    . . . . .

    . . . . . . has weakened my entire body.

    An evil sickness is bound to me.

    I am cast down on a bed of weakness, and I call out to you.

    On account of known and unknown sins,

    Because I was negligent, I sinned, I spurned, I dishonored,

    I am afraid, I am frightened, and I have brought my life before your great divinity.

    May the waters of mollification appeal to you, that

    The anger of your heart may relent.

    May your sweet attention, your great forgiveness,



    ta#-a-a-ra-tu-ka rab-ba-a-ta

    a#-na _arad2_-ka ia-a-szi (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_


    da-lil _dingir_(ti)-ka _gal_(ti) lud-lul

    _ka_-_inim_-_ma szu_-_il2_-_la2_ (d)S,_al_-_bat#_-A-_nu_-_kam_(*) lu ina _keszda_ lu ina _nig2-na_


    AI Translation

    Your great praises are great.


    'I am the one who is able to see,

    Let me sing the praises of your great divinity.

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Mars.

    You do it.

    Scheil, Vincent

    Your expansive relenting,

    For you servant, for me, Shamash-shum-ukin,

    be available, that

    I may sing the praises of your great divinity.

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Mars Zalbatanu. With either a ritual assemblage or with a censer

    You do the ritual.

    P480756: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [... um]-mi reme-ni(?)#-[tum ...]

    [... _tug2_]-_sig2_(?)# _dingir_-_mu_ (d)1(u) 5(disz)-_mu tug2-sig2_-ki(?)# [as,-bat]

    [...] x(?)#-_bar_(?) _esz-bar kud_(si)#

    [... bu]-lu#-t,u u szul-lu-mu ba-szu-u2 _ki_-ki

    [... e]-t,e#-ru ga-ma-lu u szu-zu-bu ti-de-e

    [(d)be]-let#-i3-li2 _gaszan_ sza2-qu-ti _ama_ reme-ni-ti

    ina ma-'-du-ti _mul_-_mesz_ sza2-ma-mi

    _gaszan_ ka-a-szi at-kal-ki ib-sza2-ki _gesztu_-2(disz)-a-a

    ana-ku (disz)(d)_gisz-szir_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal dumu dingir_-szu2

    sza2 _dingir_-szu2 (d)_amar-utu_ (d)1(u) 5(disz)-szu2 (d)zar-pa-ni-tum

    ina _hul an-gi6_ (d)3(u) sza2 ina _iti-asz2 ud-1_(u) 5(disz)-_kam gar_(nu)

    ina _hul a2_-_mesz giskim_-_mesz hul_-_mesz nu du10-ga_-_mesz_

    sza2 ina _e2-gal_-_mu_ u _kur_-ia _gal2_-_mesz_

    pal-ha-ku-ma ad-ra-ku u szu-ta-du-ra-ku

    _hul_-_bi_ ia-a-szi u _e2_-_mu_

    a-a _te_(a) a-a _dim4_ a-a iq-ri-ba a-a _kur_(an)-(ni)

    _zi3-mad-ga2_ muh-ri-in-ni-ma le-qe2-e un-ni-ni-ia

    lu-usz-pur-ki ana _dingir_-_mu_ ze-ni-i (d)1(u) 5(disz)-_mu_ ze-ni-ti

    ana _dingir uru_-_mu_ sza2 szab-su-ma kam-lu _ki_-_mu#_

    ina bi-ri u _masz2-gi6 gar-gar_-ma(?)

    (d)be-let-i3-li2 _gaszan_ reme-ni-[ti ...]

    ina a-mat qi2-bi-ti-ki s,ir-ti sza2 ina _e2-kur_ szur-bat

    u3 an-ni-ki (ki)-nim# sza2 _nu bal_(u2)

    AI Translation

    . . . merciful mother .

    . . . I took your sashes from my personal god and personal goddess.

    ... ... decision .

    . . . health and well-being are with you.

    . . . who is pious, pious, and pious,

    O Belet-ili, most exalted lady, merciful mother,

    In all the stars of heaven,

    O lady, you are the one who holds you accountable, my ears are attentive.

    I, Shamash-shum-ukin, king, son of his god,

    whose personal god is Marduk, whose personal goddess is Zarpanitu,

    On account of the evil of a lunar eclipse which occurred in the month of Addaru, on the 15th day,

    On account of the evil of portents and omens, unpleasant and unfavorable,

    which are present in my palace and in my land,

    I am afraid, I am afraid, and I am constantly terrified.

    Its evil: I and my house.

    May it not approach, may it not approach, may it not approach me.

    Accept my flour offering and accept my prayer.

    Let me send you to my angry personal god and my angry personal goddess,

    To the god of my city who is furious and frightened with me,

    'in the midst of a dream and a dream,

    O Belet-ili, merciful lady, .

    By the word of your august command that is supreme in Ekur,

    And your firm approval, which cannot be changed,

    Scheil, Vincent

    . . . mother merciful . . .

    . . . the hem of my god's and goddess's garment I seize your garment's hem.

    . . ., . . . handing down the decision,

    . . . restoring and maintaining well-being are within your power,

    . . . you know how to save, to spare, and to rescue.

    O Belet-ili, sublime lady, merciful mother,

    Among the myriad stars of the heavens,

    O lady, in you I trust; my ears are attentive to you.

    I, Shamash-shum-ukin, the king, the son of his god,

    whose god is Marduk, goddess is Zarpanitu,

    on account of the evil of a lunar eclipse, which occurred on the 15th day of the month Shabbatu,

    and the evil of portents and omens, unpleasant and unfavorable,

    which are continually present in my palace and throughout my land,

    am afraid, in fear, and constantly frightened.

    May its evil, to me and my house,

    not draw near, approach, advance, or arrive.

    Receive my flour offering, accept my prayer.

    Let me send you to my angry personal god and my angry personal goddess,

    To the god of my city who is furious and enraged with me.

    On account of oracles and dreams that are hounding me,

    O Belet-ili, merciful lady, . . .

    Through the word of your august command, which is supreme in Ekur,

    And your sure approval, which cannot be altered,

    P480759: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc



    [... ug-da-sza2]-ra# ana a-ma-ri [...]

    (d)[_asz-im5-babbar_ e]-muq la sza2-na-an sza2 la i-lam#-[ma-du] mi-lik-szu2 ma-am#-[man]

    ana-ku (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na arad2#_-[ka]

    as-ruq-ka szi-riq mu-szi el#-[lu]

    aq-qi-ka re-esz-ta-a szi-kar [...]

    ina (gisz)_gan2-lagab_(?) qud-du-szi _mu_-ka az-[kur]

    al-si-ka be-li2 ina qe2-reb _an_(e) _ku3#_-[_mesz_]

    [kam(*)-sa]-ku a-za-az a-sze-' ka-[a-sza2]

    [_inim-gar_] dum-qi2 u mi-sza2-ri szu-kun _ugu_-[_mu_]

    [_dingir_-_mu_] u (d)[isz8-tar2-_mu_ sza] isz-tu _u4_(mu) ma-'-du x# is-bu-su [...]

    [ina kit]-ti u mi#-[sza2-ri li]-is-li-mu [_ki_-_mu_]

    AI Translation

    . . . I am constantly enraged to see .

    O Namrashit, the unrivalled strength whose counsel no one can learn,

    I, Shamash-shum-ukin, your servant,

    I entrusted you with the purification of the night.

    I entrusted you with the first-class .

    I will place your name on the throne.

    I call out to you, my lord, in the pure heavens.

    I am a sage, I am a sage, I am a sage, I am a sage.

    Establish for me a favorable and just word.

    My personal god and my personal goddess, who from a very long time ... seized .

    May it be reconciled with me in truth and justice.

    Scheil, Vincent

    . . . they vie with one another to gaze upon . . ..

    O Namrashit, unrivalled in strength, whose advice no one can learn,

    I, Shamash-shum-ukin, your servant,

    hereby offer to you a pure flour-offering of the night.

    I libate for you first class beer . . ..

    I invoke your name by the purified . . .

    I call on you, my lord, in the midst of the pure heavens.

    I am kneeling and I stand. I hereby seek you.

    Establish for me a propitious and just oracular utterance.

    My god and my goddess, who have been angry . . . for many days,

    Through truth and justice, may they be at peace with me.



    [u2-ma-']-ir-ma _an-za-gar3_ [...]

    [ina szat mu]-szi-im li-pat,-t,i-ra [...]

    [lu-usz]-lim(!)(me) szer-ti lu-ta-lil2 [ana-ku]

    [ana da3]-ra-a-ti lud-lu-la da-li-li-ka

    [_ka_]-_inim_-_ma szu_-_il2_-_la2_ (d)+_zuen_-_na_-[_kam_(*)]

    _kid3-kid3-bi_ (gisz)_szinig gar_(an) 1(u) 2(disz) (_ninda_) ha(!?)-sze

    1(u) 2(disz) _ninda_ (...) _keszda zu2-lum-ma zi3-esza dub_

    _ninda-i3-de2-a szinig_(?) _i3-nun-na_ (_gar_(an)) _kasz bal_(qi2) _igi_ (d)[...]

    ina _sag_ (gisz)_na2#_-[szu2 ...] _nig2-na_ (szim)_li_ [_gar_(an)]

    _an-za-gar3_ na-asz-par-ti (d)_nanna_(ru)

    AI Translation

    he gathered and Anzagar .

    May he release . . . in the future.

    May I be whole, may I be whole.

    Let me sing your praises forever!

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Sin.

    Its ritual: You set up a tamarisk. 12 ... bread.

    12 ... bread, ... a ritual assemblage of dates and flour, a tablet.

    You set up a cake made of ... flour and butter. You libate beer before .

    At the top of his bed . . . you set up a censer of juniper.

    Anzagar, the messenger of Nanna,

    Scheil, Vincent

    I hereby send Anzagar, . . .

    Let him absolve . . . at night.

    Let me become healthy, let me be purified of my punishment.

    Let me proclaim your praises forever!

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to Sin.

    Its ritual: You set up tamarisk. 12 loaves of thyme

    and 12 more loaves of . . . ? you prepare. You scatter dates and fine flour.

    You set out mersu-cakes made of tamarisk!? and ghee. You libate beer before the god . . ..

    At the head of his bed . . . you set up a censer of juniper.

    "O Anzagar, the message of Nannaru i.e., Sin."

    P480760: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc



    al#-si-ki (d)_gaszan_ i-na qe2-reb _an_(e) el-lu-[ti]

    [ana] qi2-bi2-ti-ia qu2-lim-ma szi-me2-e qa-ba-a-a#

    ki-nisz nap-li-si-in-ni-ma ma-ru-usz-ti lim-di

    ana-ku _nenni a nenni_ sza2 _dingir_-szu2 _nenni_ isz8-tar2-szu2 _nenni_(tum)#

    sza2 ma-ru-usz-tu im-hu-ra-an-ni-ma a-szad-da-du _hul_(tu2)

    isz-tu (d)isz8-tar2 u i3-li2 be-li iz-nu-u2 _ugu_-ia

    e-ru-ub ni-is-sa3(!)(_ha_-)tum u2-s,i ku-ru

    _sahar# sila_ a-ba-'-ma e-ger-ru-u2-a la dam-qu

    et-be2 '-i u2-szib ta-ne2-hu

    la# t,a-ba-am-ma ak-lum mur-ru-ra#-ku ki-i mar-ti

    i-na ma-a-a-al mu-szi gi-lit#-tum u par-da-a-tum

    a-dam-mu-um ki-ma _tu_(muszen) mu-szam u ur-ra

    i-na di#-im-ti bu-ul-lu-la-ku i-na _sahar_-_mesz#_ bal-la-ku#

    (d)isz8-tar2-ia2 (a)-szar2 ta-ru-ri za-mar tap-[pa-asz2-sza2-ra]

    ag-gu _sza3_-ki i-re-em di#-[i-ni]

    (d)isz8-tar2 _mul_-_mesz_ a-szar2 ta#-[ru]-ri# za-mar [...]

    ag#-gu _sza3_-ki i-re#-em di#-[i-ni]

    ta#-a-a-ra-ti u3 re-[me2-na-a-ti]

    en#-ne2-ne2-ti u3 mu#-[pa-asz2-ra-a-ti]

    [nu]-hi-im-ma x x# [...]

    _sza3#_-ki ki#-[ma ...]

    AI Translation

    I call out to you, O lady, in the midst of the pure heavens.

    At my command, hear my speaking!

    May my limbs be firmly fixed and my body be firmly anchored.

    I, so-and-so, son of so-and-so, whose personal god is so-and-so, whose personal goddess is so-and-so,

    Whom a bitter curse has entrusted to me and whom evil is to be directed against:

    After Ishtar and my lord stood over me,

    Enter, nishatu-demon, slander,

    I have piled up dirt from the street and my paths are not good.

    He sat down, he was frightened,

    I am not a slanderer, I am a slanderer. Like the Westland,

    In the midst of the night, rage and rage,

    I am adammum-priest like a eagle, I am a lord of the day and night.

    I am sated with happiness, I am sated with earth.

    O Ishtar, wherever you turn, be appeased,

    May your angry heart be at peace.

    O Ishtar, the stars where you see ...,

    May your angry heart be at ease,

    Acceptance and mercy,

    The enemies and the slanderers

    We sat down and ... .

    Your heart like .

    Scheil, Vincent

    I call upon you, O Lady, in the midst of the pure heavens.

    Give ear to my request, and hear my speaking.

    Look upon me truly and learn of my hardship.

    I, so-and-so, son of so-and-so, whose personal god is so-and-so, whose personal goddess is so-and-so,

    Whom hardship has encountered, so that I bear misfortune.

    Since my personal goddess and personal god, my lord, have grown angry with me,

    I enter with lamentation, and depart with depression.

    I walk along in the dust of the street, and my portent is unfavorable.

    I arise in woe, and I sit in distress.

    My food is not sweet. I am embittered like gall.

    On my bed at night, there is terror and frightening dreams.

    I moan like a dove night and day.

    I am coated with tears. I am polluted with dust.

    O my Ishtar, where you have cursed, you are quickly appeased.

    Your furious heart should have mercy on my case.

    O Ishtar of the stars, where you have cursed, quickly . . .

    Your furious heart should have mercy on my case.

    You are forgiving, and you are merciful.

    You are always merciful, and you are one who forgives.

    Be calm, and . . . . . .

    . . . your heart like . . .



    [...]-ki (d)_gaszan_ ma-ta#-[ti ...]

    [_ka_]-_inim-ma szu-il2#_-[_la2_ ...]

    [_du3_]-_du3-bi nig2-na szim-li_ x# [...]

    [... ana _igi_] (d)#isz-tar _dub_(aq) _kasz-szag bal#_-[qi2(?)]

    [... ta]-sal-lah _szid_ an-ni-[tum ...]

    [...] i-dab-bu-ub _i3-gisz i3_-[_nun_(?) ...]

    [...] x#-szu2 _szesz2_-ma _an_ x# [...]

    _libir-ra-bi-gim ab-sar_-ma _ba-an_-[_e3_]

    t,up-pi# (disz)arad-(d)gu-la _dumu#_ (disz)da-bi-bi#

    x# x x x# [x] x (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu#_-_gi-na lugal ka2_(!)-_dingir_(?)-[_ra_(ki)]

    AI Translation

    . . . your . . ., O lady of the land, .

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer .

    Its ritual: A censer of juniper ... .

    . . . you strew before Ishtar. You libate first-rate beer.

    ... you recite this recitation .

    ... they speak, oil, butter .

    ... his ... will become angry and ... .

    Written according to the original and collated.

    Tablet of Arad-Gula, son of Dabibi.

    ... Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon

    Scheil, Vincent

    Your . . ., O lady of the lands, . . .

    . . . the wording of lifted-hand prayer . . .

    Its ritual: In a censer juniper . . . .

    . . . in the presence of Ishtar, you strew. You libate first-rate beer.

    . . . you sprinkle. This recitation . . .

    . . . he speaks. With oil, ghee . . .

    . . . his . . . you? rub and . . . . .

    Copied according to its original and checked.

    The tablet of Arad-Gula, son of Dabibi,

    . . . . . Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    P480762: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc



    [...] szu#-pu-u _sag-kal dingir_-_mesz_

    [...] mu-nam-mir uk-li

    [...] _un_-_mesz_ a-pa-a-ti

    [...] usz-szu-ru3 sza2-ru-ru-ka#

    [...] ina# _an_(e) x# [x x]

    [...] _gim_ (d)_gibil6_ x# [x x]

    [...]-ka# _ki_(ti3) x# [x x]

    AI Translation

    . . ., the exalted one, foremost of the gods,

    . . . who illuminates the darkness,

    . . . the peoples, the horizons,

    . . . your radiant radiance .

    ... in the heavens ... .

    ... like Gibil ... .

    . . . your . . . earth .

    Butler, Sally A. L.

    . . . resplendent . . ., foremost of the gods!

    . . . who illuminates the darkness,

    . . . the teeming people.

    . . .

    . . . in the . . . heavens,

    . . . like Girra . . .

    Your . . . the . . . earth.



    [...] x# _uzu_ x# [...]

    [...] at ku u2 [...]

    [...] x# _szid en2_ an-ni-tu2 3(disz)-[szu2 ...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... meat ... .

    ... ... you recite this incantation three times .

    Butler, Sally A. L.

    . . . flesh . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . You recite this incantation three times . . .

    P480763: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc



    u2-ma-['-ir-ma ...]

    AI Translation

    he entrusted .

    Butler, Sally A. L.

    I hereby send . . .



    ina szat mu-szi-im# [...]

    lu-usz-lim(!)(me) szer3-[ti ...]

    ana da-ra-a-ti lud-lu(?)#-[la da3-li2-li2-ka]

    _ka_-_inim_-_ma szu_-_il2_-_la2#_ [...]

    _du3-du3-bi_ (gisz)_banszur szinig_ x# [...]

    _zu3#-lum-ma_ (zi3)_esza dub_(aq) [...]

    [...] _bal_(qi2)# [x x x] _szid_(?)#-[nu ...]

    AI Translation

    On account of the aforementioned .

    May I be whole, .

    Let me sing your praises forever!

    It is the wording of a lifted-hand prayer to .

    Its ritual: A table, a libation bowl ... .

    Dates and fine flour strewn .

    ... you libate ... and sing, ".

    Butler, Sally A. L.

    . . . at night.

    Let me be whole, . . . of my punishment.

    Let me proclaim your praises forever!

    The wording of a lifted-hand prayer . . ..

    Its ritual: A tamarisk tablet . . .

    dates, flour you scatter . . .

    . . . you libate . . . you recite . . .

    P480771: prayer-incantation tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc

    Obverse Column ii


    [... na]-an#-za-zu u3# [...]

    [... _silim_](mu)# _u3-ma_-szu2 _kur_(ad) e#-[tel-lisz ...]

    [... _kur_](ad)# _ki_-szu2 _gi-na_-_mesz_ i-ta-mu#-[u ...]

    [...] ana _e2 si-sa2 lu2 nu ku3 munus nu ku3#_ [(x) (x) _nu_] _igi#-bar_

    [...] _dingir#_-_mesz_ ka-nu-ut be-[le]-e-ti

    [... tiz-qar(?)]-tu2# sza2-ru-uh-tu2 i-la2#-a-ti

    [...]-_mesz#_ bi-in-ti (d)+_en-lil2_ ma-lik _kur_(u2) (d)i2-gi3-gi3

    [... a]-sza2#-ret-ti _an_(e) u _ki_(ti3) sza2 _nu bal_(u) qi2-bit-sa

    [...] _kur_ sza2-ki-nat nu-ri a-na _dingir_-_mesz_ gim-ra-sun

    [... _an_](e)# u _ki_(ti3) mu-nam-mi-rat kib#-ra-a-ti

    [...]-at tu-qu-un-ti sza2-lum-mat szar(?)-hat(?)# la-bi-szat sza2-ru-ru

    [...]-de(?)#-e mu-szal-qa-ta li-ta ana al#-lal-li (d)_szu2_ qu-ra-di

    [...] (gisz)_gu-za_ u _bal_(e) ana ka-li-szu2-nu _lugal_-_mesz_(ni)

    [...] ta#-ha-zi mu-szak#-s,i-rat a-nun-ti

    [... mu-kin(?)]-nat sah-masz-ti mu-tak#-ki-pat _kur_-_mesz_(e)

    [...]-tu2# a-bu-ub la ma-har# a-li-lat tam-ha-ri

    [...]-la-at2# mu-par-ri-rat# ki-s,ir mul-tar-hi

    [...] ka#-szi-da-at la ma-gi#-ri mu-hal-li-qat za-'-i-ru3

    [(d)a-num (d)+_en-lil2_ u (d)]e(!)#-a _dingir_-_mesz ad_-_mesz#_-[ki] u2#-szar-bu-u2 be-lut-ki

    [...] x# u2-szar-ri#-[hu _mu_-ki(?) u2]-sza2#-ti-ru man-za-[az]-ki#

    [...] x [x x x x]

    AI Translation

    . . . your . . . and .

    . . . may he be at peace with his own life; may he be at peace with himself .

    ... will conquer; they will speak the truth with him .

    ... to the house of the sisa-offering: a man will not receive silver; a woman will not receive silver ... will not see.

    . . . of the gods, the one who provides for the ladies,

    . . . the sanctuaries of heaven and earth, whose command cannot be altered,

    . . . the land, who provides light for all the gods,

    . . . of heaven and earth, who illuminates the world,

    ... throne and reign, all kings

    . . . battle, who makes the enemy bow down at my feet,

    . . . who establishes rebellion, who destroys mountains,

    . . . who is crowned with a mighty crown, who destroys the enemies.

    Anu, Ellil, and Ea, the gods, your fathers, made your dominion great.

    . . . . . . . he made your name great, he made your position supreme.


    . . . attendant, and . . .

    . . . will be reconciled . . .. He will achieve his objective, . . . nobly,

    . . . he will achieve . . .. They will speak truthfully with him. . . .

    . . . he should go straight home lit. to the house. He should not look at an impure man or an impure woman . . ..

    . . . of the gods, cherished one among the ladies,

    . . . prominent one, splendid among the goddesses,

    . . .s, the daughter of Enlil, counsellor, the mountain of the Igigi,

    . . . foremost of the heavens and the earth, whose command cannot be changed,

    . . . . . ., who establishes light for all of the gods,

    . . . of the heavens and the earth, who illuminates the world,

    . . . battle, who parades her radiance, who is clothed in brilliance,

    . . . . ., who brings victory to powerful Marduk, the hero,

    . . . of thrones and reigns for all the kings,

    . . . battle, who causes combat to take shape,

    . . . who establishes rebellion, who knocks down the mountains,

    . . . . . an unstoppable flood, who is powerful in conflict,

    . . . . ., who disperses the band of the arrogant,

    . . ., who overcomes the unwilling, who destroys the enemy.

    Anu, Enlil, and Ea, the gods, your fathers, have magnified your sovereignty.

    . . . they have glorified your? name; they have caused your standing to excel.

    . . . . . . .

    Reverse Column i


    [...] x x# gaz(?) [...]

    [...]-szi(?)#-ti ur-ra(?)# [x x] x# [...]

    [...] ge#-ru-u2-a ne2-kel-mu#-[in]-ni# _tirum_ na-an#-[za]-zu#

    [...] _e2#-gal kud_(su) lu(?) [i]-qa-bu-u2 _hul_(ti3)

    [ina _igi_ ... u _e2_]-_gal#_ szu-usz-ku-na-ku i(?)#-mat,-t,i at-mu-u2-a

    [...] x#-ma(?) isz-szak#-na _hul-gig_

    [...] x isz#-szak-nam-ma _usz#-usz_(an)-(ni)

    [...] nu-ul#-la-a-ti at#-mu-u2 la ki-nu

    [...] _e2-gar8# ugu_-_mu szub#_-ma is-hup2-an-ni

    [... ru(?)]-hu-u2 ma-gal id-x-x# _ugu_-_mu_

    [...] lib#-ba-ti sza2 _dingir_ u _lu2_ [x x (x)]-an(?)#-ni x x#-ma ul a-s,al-lal _ge6#_(ti)

    [...] _egir_-ia [x x (x)] _nu duh_(ru)

    [...] gi#-na-a pi-x# [x x (x)] x# u2-szar-ba-ba sur-risz(!)(_szur2_)

    [...] ka#-a-szi at-tak2-ki#-[il _gal2_-(a) _gesztu_-_min_(?)]-a(?)#-a sza2-pal-ki ak-mis

    [...] x# la-mu-in-ni zu x# ib [x-x] x# sza2 x x x# te-bu _egir_-ia

    [...] x# ek-le-ti [x] x [x-(x)]-ni sa#-pa-risz

    [...]-x#-ti a-di-ru ti(?)# [x-x-(x)]-x man it# hu kisz x#

    [...] qar(?)# nigin uk ti [x x x x] x x x x#

    [...] x u2(?)-gam(?)#-mar ud(?) [x x x x] x x# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... killed? .

    . . . my enemies, who are surrounded by a wall, are surrounded by you.

    ... he will curse his palace. May evil be said about him.

    I am seated before ... and the palace. My words are uttered.

    ... ... is set up and he rages at me.

    . . . the sanctuaries, the untruthful word,

    ... falls upon me and overwhelms me.

    . . . great . . . . . . upon me

    ... the heart of god and man ... ... and I did not sleep.

    ... after me ... will not prosper.

    ... faithfully ... ... he made great .

    . . . I sat . . . on your knees. I sat on your ears.

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... behind me

    ... ... darkness ... ... I surrounded.

    ... he made appear ... ... .


    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . during the day? . . . . . .

    . . . my enemy, courtier and attendant glower at me,

    They have barred . . . the palace, they indeed? speak evil of me,

    I am held in bad repute in the eyes of . . . and the palace, my speaking makes no difference lit. is small.

    . . . . ., and hate has been set against me.

    . . . has been set against me, and it constantly pursues me.

    . . . treacherous talk, lies lit. untrue words/speaking,

    . . . a wall has fallen on me and overwhelmed me.

    . . . sorcery? very much . . . against/over me.

    . . . the wrath of god and man . . . me?, . . . and I could not sleep at night.

    . . . after me . . . they do not let go/release.

    . . . constantly . . . . . . make submit quickly.

    . . . in you I have trusted, I am attentive lit. my ears are to you, I have bowed at your feet.

    . . . . surround me . . . . . . of . . . arisen? behind me.

    . . . . darkness . . . . me like a net.

    . . . . . fear? . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . . . he/I destroyed?/completed? . . . . . . . .

    P480772: prayer-incantation tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc



    [_en2_ resz]-tu(?)-u2# szub-tu2# git2-ma-lu du-un-nu

    [... sza2]-nu-du sza2-qu-u ina e2-kur

    [(d)uta]-ulu3#(lu) qit-ru-du te-le-'-i

    [x x] _en-lil2_(ki) a-szi-ru (d)a-nun-(na)-ki

    [x x (x)] e2-szu-me-_ku_ at-ma-nu ra-szub-ba

    [sa]-kip# ek-du-tu la-it,-t,i ab-ru-tu

    [ana u2-ga]-ri(?)# na-du-tu2# _he2-gal2_(la)-ka tu-gam-mar

    [tu-gar]-ra-an ka-re-e _du6-du6 ugu_ ab-ra-a-tu2

    [(d)]da#-gan u (d)sza-la-asz2 u2(!)(tu-)szar-bu-u _mu_-ka

    [(d)]nin#-urta ana hi-is-sat _mu_-ka sza2-gi-szu2 ud-dap2-par2

    [...]-szu2# an-na zu-kur ia-a-ti#

    [nap-li]-sa#-an-ni-ma szi-me [tes2-li-ti]

    [...] x# za di x# [...]

    [...] u _nun#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: First-class, supreme, perfect,

    . . . the high-priestess, the high-priestess in Ekur.

    Utaulu, the mighty, the lord,

    ... Nippur, the one who reveres the Anunnaki,

    ... Eshumeku, the great room,

    Who shatters the wicked, the slanderous, the wicked.

    You make your abundance manifest for the sacrificial sheep.

    You set up a ka'ru-vessel on the quay.

    Dagan and Shalash extol your name.

    Ninurta, for the awe-inspiring radiance of your name, you sweep his forehead.

    . . . his .

    I have listened to you, hear my prayer.

    ... and the prince .

    Mayer, Werner R.

    Incantation: Primeval dwelling, perfect, strong one,

    . . . illustrious, highest one in Ekur,

    O Uta'ulu, valiant, omni-competent one,

    . . . of Nippur, who reviews the Anunnaki,

    . . . of Eshumesha, the awe-inspiring cella,

    Who fends off the ferocious, who keeps the strong in check.

    You provide your abundance in full to fallow or, abandoned meadows.

    You pile grain-heaps up like a mound for humanity.

    Dagan and Shalash magnify your name.

    O Ninurta, at the mentioning of your name the murder is driven away

    . . . . . . , speak an affirmative answer for me.

    Look at me, and hear my prayer!

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . and prince? . . .



    [...]-szu2(?) u liq-li-la _ud#_-[x x (x)]

    [ina hu-ud] _sza3_ u t,u-ub ka-bat-tu2 i-tar#-[ri-in-ni ...]

    [...] x x# me lem-nu-tu2 i-sze#-[...]

    [kisz-pu ru]-hu#-u ru-su-u up-sza2#-szu2-u _hul_-[_mesz_]

    [...]-bal# ka szu ti(?) lis-su-u ina _su_-_mu_

    [li-pat,-t,ir] ri#-kisz-szu2-nu (d)_ama gal_(tum)

    [(d)nin]-urta# _en_ git2-ma-lu ka-ru-bu

    [li-ih]-du-ka# _ki_(ti3) u sza2-ma-mi

    _sud#_-ka e2-kur ta-szi-la-tu2 lim-la-ka

    [(d)]nin#-men-na _gaszan_ szur-bu-tu2 li-il-la-a


    AI Translation

    . . . his . . . and may he bring .

    'On the day that he sinned against me, he sinned against me, .

    The scepter, the scepter, the scepter, the evils,

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in my body.

    May the great mother release their fetters.

    O Ninurta, perfect lord, mighty one,

    May the earth and heaven rejoice over you.

    May Ekur be glad on your account, may it be favourable for you.

    May Ninmenna, the most exalted lady, shine!

    Your head is high.

    Mayer, Werner R.

    . . . . . . and may . . . be small . . . . . .

    With rejoicing of heart and goodness of mood he leads me . . .

    . . . . . . evil . . . . . .

    witchcraft, sorcery, and magic, evil machinations,

    . . . . . . may they withdraw from my body.

    May the great divine mother release their bonds.

    O Ninurta, O lord, perfect, revered one,

    May the earth and the heavens rejoice over you,

    May the Ekur be glad on your account; may it become full with celebrations for you.

    May Ninmenna, the most exalted lady, lift

    your head.

    P480773: prayer-incantation tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [...] x x# [...]

    [...] x# is sza2 a ka# [...]

    [... ag]-gu# _sza3_(ba)-ka li-nu-uh# ana ma(?)#-[har(?)]

    [... lu]-u2 s,a-bit a-bu-ti-i at-ta#

    [...] gil2-la-ti-i pu-us-si-is

    [...] _sig5# u4_(mi)-szam(!)-ma lit-tal-lak _ki_-ia2

    [...] liq-bu-u2 _sig5_(ti3) ana mah-ri-ka al#-lik _ti-la_

    [...] _szu#_-_il2_-_la2_ [(d)]_nuska#_ [...]-_e2_

    [... szub]-tu2 git2-ma-lu du-un#-[nu ...] x sza(?)#-[nu(?)-du(?) sza2(?)]-qu(?)#-[u(?)]

    [...] qit-ru-du te-le-'-i#

    [x x _en-lil2_](ki)# a-szi-ir (d)a-nun-na#-[ki]

    [x x (x) e2]-szu#-me-sza4 at-man-nu ra-szub#-[ba ...]

    [... ek-du]-tu# la-i-t,u3 ab-[ru-tu(?) ...]

    [... na-du]-tu2 (he2)-(en)#_he2_-_gal2_(la)#-[ka ...]

    [... ka]-re-e# _du6_-[_du6_ ...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... of ... .

    . . . may your angry heart be soothed before? me.

    . . . may you be the captive of my words.

    . . . my sin is forgiven.

    . . . good . . . daily, may he go with me.

    . . . may they say good things about me before you. I will go and live.

    ... the shu'illakku-prayer to Nusku, ... of the temple.

    . . . supreme, perfect one, perfect one, .

    . . . fierce one, who guides the weak.

    ... Nippur, the one who oversees the Anunnaki,

    ... Eshumesha, the great abode .

    . . . awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring, .

    . . . your supplications are . . ., may your abundance be .

    ... a tamarisk .

    Mayer, Werner R.

    . . . . . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . .

    May your angry heart be at ease; before? . . .

    . . . may you be my intercessor,

    . . . obliterate my guilt.

    May . . . and a favorable . . . go with me daily.

    May . . . speak something favorable. I came before you. With life . . .

    . . lifted-hand prayer to Nusku.

    . . . dwelling, perfect, strong one, . . . illustrious, highest one,

    . . ., valiant, omni-competent one,

    . . . of Nippur, who reviews the Anunnaki,

    . . . of Eshumesha, the awe-inspiring cella, . . .,

    . . . the ferocious, who keeps the strong in check,

    . . . your abundance . . . fallow or, . . . abandoned . . ..

    . . . grain-heaps . . . like a mound . . .

    P480787: literary tablet

    None Oracc


    [...] bu-kur2# [(d)a-nim]

    _sukal_ git2#-ma-lu4 i-lit-tu2 (d)+_en-me_-[_szar2-ra_]

    (d)pap-sukal szu-pu-u bu-kur2 [(d)a-nim]

    _sukal_ git2-ma-lu4 i-lit-tu2 (d)+_en#-me_-[_szar2-ra_]

    mu-ta-mu-u2 ki-na-a-ti sza2 qi2#-bit-su ki#-[...]

    [_dingir_] re#-me2-nu-u sze-mu#-[u te]-es(?)#-li-[ti]

    [ki]-nu#-um mu-um-mu sza2 x# [...]

    [...] ik(?)-rib# [...]-_mesz_-szu [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . son of Anu

    Holy vizier, offspring of Enmeshara,

    O papsukkal, exalted one, son of Anu,

    Holy vizier, offspring of Enmeshara,

    Who constantly seeks out truths, whose command .

    O merciful god, who hears prayers,

    The true kinum, the mû-priest of ... .

    ... he sat down ... his .

    Scheil, Vincent

    . . . son of Anum,

    Perfect vizier, offspring of Enmeshara,

    O resplendent Papsukkal, son of Anum,

    Perfect vizier, offspring of Enmeshara,

    Who speaks truths, whose command . . .,

    Merciful god, who hears prayers.

    Reliable life-giving force?, who . . .

    . . . prayer . . . . . . . . .

    P480790: prayer-incantation tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _en2#_ (mul)_gir2-tab_ (d)isz-ha#-[ra ...]

    il-tum reme2-ni-tum szar-[ra-tum ...]

    sze-mat ik-ri-bi le-qat# [...]

    qa#-i-szat _zi_(ti) x [...]

    [ina] _u4#_(mi) an-ni-i i-ziz-zi#-[im-ma ...]

    [(d)]i#-szum (d)_u-gur_ [...]

    [mu-kil]-lu# at-me-ki mu-szak#-[...]

    [i-zi]-za-ma it-ti#-[sza2 ...]

    [li-iz]-zi#-zu-nim _dingir#_-[_mesz_ ...]

    [(d)_isz8-dar_]-_mesz# ge6_(ti)# [...]

    [...]-ku#-nu [...]

    AI Translation

    Incantation: O Scorpius, Ishhara .

    O merciful Iltu, queen .

    Who hears prayers, who accepts .

    Hand of life .

    On this day stand and .

    Ishum, Nergal, .

    Who protects your word, who .

    'I stand with her, .

    May the gods stand .

    The goddesses of the night .

    . . . your .

    Abusch, Tzvi & Schwemer, Daniel

    Incantation: O Scorpius, Ishhara . . .

    Merciful goddess, queen . . .

    Who hears prayers, accepts . . .

    Who gives life . . .

    On this day, stand and . . .

    Ishum and Nergal . . .

    Who keep your word, who . . . . . .

    Stand with her . . .

    May the gods . . . stand here . . .

    The goddesses of the night . . .

    . . . your . . .

    P480791: private-votive other-object

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) ? CDLI


    nam-ti-la-ni-sze a mu-na-ru

    AI Translation

    for his life he dedicated it this bowl.

    P480794: royal-monumental brick

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    (d#)amar#-(d)suen# nibru(ki)-a# (d)en-lil2-le# mu# pa3-da# sag#-us2# e2# (d)en-lil2#-[ka] nita kal-[ga] lugal# uri5#(ki)-ma lugal# an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Amar-Suena, in Nippur, chosen by Enlil, the constant supporter of the temple of Enlil, the mighty man, king of Ur and king of the four world quarters,

    P480795: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 7(disz) 1/2(disz) gin2 siki? su-a
  • nig2-da-ga lugal ki (d)szul-gi-mi-szar-ta i3-la-bu-ni-ga-du

    AI Translation
  • 7 1/2 shekels wool, ...,
  • the royal gift from Shulgi-mishar Ila-bunigadu



    szu ba-ti sza3 puzur4-isz-(d)da-gan iti szah2-ku3-gu7 mu us2-sa (gesz)gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    received; in Puzrish-Dagan; month: "Piglet feast," year after: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned;"

    P480798: school tablet

    Old Babylonian Oracc





    AI Translation

    ... garment

    a garment

    a garment



    a cloth


    P480800: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] har ku3-babbar 8(disz) gin2-ta [ba?] la#-la nar [mu] en3-du bi2-in-du11 in#?-_tag_-_tag_-a-sze3

    AI Translation

    ... a silver ring, 8 shekels each, from Lala the singer, he will say: "I will not forget you."



    [...] maszkim [giri3] [...]-ri-kum [...] [ki ...]-ta# [ba-zi?] [...]-hun#?

    AI Translation

    ..., the enforcer, via ...ri-kum, ... from ..., ... .

    P480801: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] ku3-babbar [ki-la2-bi] 5/6(disz) ma-na [igi-...] 1(disz)-gal2 1(u) sze [...] 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sze [za3]-bar-bi ki# [ulu3?]-lal3#?-[ta]

    AI Translation

    ... silver, its weight: 5/6 mana; igi-...; 1/6 shekel 10 grains; ...; 6 1/2 grains, its lapis lazuli; from Ululal?;



    puzur4#-er3#-ra szu# ba#-ti# [sza3] puzur4-isz#-(d#)da#-[gan] iti# ezem#-(d#)szul#-[gi] mu# us2#-sa# ki#-masz#(ki) [u3] hur#-ti#(ki#) ba#-hul#

    AI Translation

    Puzrish-Erra received; in Puzrish-Dagan; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."


  • 3(u) [n] ma#-[na ...]
  • AI Translation
  • 30 ... minas .
  • P480802: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)# 5/6(disz)# gin2# ku3#-babbar
  • sa10#-[...] ki [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 5/6 shekels silver,
  • ... good quality .



    mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the land of Zabshali destroyed."

    P480812: prayer-incantation tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc



    [... s,i]-i-ri us-mi# [...]

    [(d)_en-lil2_]-_ban3#-da_ it-pe-szu ka#-[ru-bu]

    [ur-sza2]-an# e-ri-du _abgal_ (d)#[i2-gi3-gi3]

    [... e2-engur]-ra# s,u-lu-lu e2-u6#-[nir]

    [ba]-bil# mi3-lu _he2-gal2_ mu-risz _id2-didli#_

    [ina] ta#-ma-a-tu2 u s,u-s,e-e tu-da-asz2-sza2-a

    [ina] qer#-be2-e-tu2 tu#-szab-szi _zi_(tu2)

    (d)#a-num (d)+_en-lil2_ ha-(disz) ri-szu-ka

    (d)#a-nun-na-ki ina ma-ha-zi-szu2-nu

    _un_-_mesz_ ma#-a-tu2 isz-tam-ma-ru _mu_-ka

    [a-na _dingir_-_me_] _gal_-_me_ ta-nam-din mil-ki

    [... ina] te-ka# sza2 ba-la-t,u#

    [...] x# [...]

    AI Translation

    . . . exalted . . .,

    Ellilbanda, the sage, the sage of the cult centers,

    Hero, conqueror of the sage of the Igigi,

    . . . of E-engur, the shurulu of E-unir,

    Who brings abundance, who makes the rivers rejoice,

    You make it abundant in the sea and the mountains.

    You dwell in the midst of the midst of life.

    Anu and Ellil, rejoice over you!

    The Anunnaki in their cult centers

    The people of the land praise your name.

    You give advice to the great gods.

    . . . in your presence, for the life of


    August . . ., worthy one of . . . ,

    Expert Enlilbanda, greeted with reverence,

    Hero of Eridu, sage of the Igigi,

    . . . E-engura, protection of E-unir,

    The one who brings the flood of abundance, who makes the rivers rejoice.

    Among the waters and reed thickets you bountifully bestow abundance.

    Among the meadows you create life.

    Anu and Enlil are rejoicing joyfully on account of you.

    The Anunnakki-gods greet you in their shrines.

    The people of the land praise your name.

    To the great gods you give counsel.

    . . . on account of your incantation of life

    . . . . . . . . .



    [...] _abzu_ li#-[risz-ka]

    [... sza2] kisz#-szat lik-ru-bu-ka

    [_dingir_-_me_] _gal#_-_me_ e-tel-lisz li-sza2-li-lu-(ka)

    _sig5#_-_me_-ka liq-bu-u _dingir_-_me_ (d)i2-gi3-gi3

    AI Translation

    . . . of the Apsu, may he be glad on account of you.

    May . . . of the entire world bless you.

    May the great gods be at your side.

    May the gods, the Igigi, speak favor to you.


    . . . may the Apsu be glad on your account.

    May . . . of all bless you.

    May the great gods laud you as a lord.

    May the Igigi-gods decree your good fortune.

    P480845: scientific tablet

    Achaemenid (547-331 BC) CDLI



    _(u2#)kur-ra (u2)kur-kur (u2)lag a#-sza3#-ga#_ sah#-lu#-[u2 ...]

  • 5(disz) _u2-mesz usz11-bur2-ru_ ina x [...]
  • (u2)tar-musz _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ ((u2)) _(u2)kur-x_ [...] (u2)ur2-nu-u2 (u2)ti-ia!(_za_)-a-ti _(u2)nu#-luh-ha#_ [(u2)sah-lu-u2] _gazi(sar)_ (u2)ak-tam _(gesz)gesztin ka5-a (u2)(luh)-mar-tu_ [...] _numun (u2)min mun_ (eme)-sal-lim _(u2)sikil szinig numun szinig# [(szim)li]_ _numun (szim)li (u2)a-zal-la2 numun (u2)min (u2)in-[nu]-usz#

  • 2(u) 5(disz) _u2-hi-a sza3 du10-ga usz11-bur2-ru-da_ u _nam-erim2#-bur2#-re#_
  • _gaba-ri_ ir-ni-ni-ni _en2_ ana-ku nu#-bat-tu4# a-hat _(d)amar-utu_ (d)za-ap-pi i-ra-an-ni# (d)bal#-lu4# u2#-li-dan-ni _(d)lu2-husz_ ana li-qu-ti il3#-qa-an-ni [ana]-asz2#-szi _szu-si-mesz-gu10_ ina bi-rit (d)za-ap-pi# u (d)bal#-lu4 u2-szesz-szib usz#-te#-esz#-szib ina _igi-gu10 (d)1(u) 5(disz) gal_-tu4 a-pi-lat ki#-mu#-u2#-a _szesz# (d#)amar#-utu_ um-mi# _u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam ad_-a u4-mu _ki_-ia-a-ma lip-szu-ru ka-la [ta-ma]-a-ti ma-mit sza2 at-tim-mu-u2 la u2-qar-ra-ab re-me2-nu-u2 (d)amar#-utu# tu6# en2#_

    _du3-du3-bi_ ina nu-bat-ti _en2_ an-ni-ti ana _ugu u2 usz11-bur2-ru#-da_ u _nam#-erim2#-bur2-ru-da szid_-ma _u4 3(disz)-kam u4 7(disz)-kam u4 (1) 6(disz)-kam szub#_-ma kisz#–[pu] u3# _nam-erim2_ pa-asz2-ru _(u2)[kur-ra] (u2#)har-har (u2)nu#-luh#-ha# gazi(sar)_ sah-lu-u2 _(u2)[lag a]-sza3#-ga_ (u2)ur2-nu-u2 [7(disz)] _u2#-[hi-a]_ sza2# _nam-erim2_ _(u2)[igi]_-lim# _(u2)igi-nisz_ (u2)tar-musz _suhusz#? (gesz)hab 4(disz) u2#-hi#-a#_ [sza2#?]

    _nam#-erim2#-(bur2-ru)-da_ ina _kasz nag_-szu2 _en2_ id-di (d)e2-a# _szid#_-nu _DISZ na_ il-la-tu-szu2 il-la-ku _nu ku5-mesz_ ana _ti_-szu2 _(u2)igi_-lim (u2)tar-musz (u2)eli-kul-la _numun (u2)in-nu-usz_ ba-lu pa-tan a-he-e _nag_ _DISZ na_ il-la-tu-szu2 ina _ki-na2_-szu2-ma ina kal u4-mi lu ina kal _ge6 du-mesz_-ma _nu ku5-mesz_ ana _ti_-szu2 _(u2)har-har (u2)kur-kur 1/2(disz) gin2_ an-nu-ha-ra _szinig_ _illu (szim)buluh (szim)gur2-gur2 (szim)li_ ina _kasz nag_-szu2

    _DISZ na_ il#-la-tu-szu2 _du-mesz_-ma _a-zu_ u _masz-masz ku5_-sam la i-le-'i-i ana _ti#_-szu2# _(u2)igi_-lim _(u2)igi-nisz_ (u2)tar-musz _(u2)nu-luh-ha (u2)har-har_ _(u2#)[kur]-kur# (u2)eme ur-gi7 (u2)in-nu-usz naga si_ an#-nu-ha-ra _[u2]-hi-[a]_ szu2#-nu-tim _disz_-nisz _sud2_ ina _i3-gesz bara2-ga lal3_ u _gesztin nu#_ pa#-tan _nag_-ma _din_ _DISZ na kum2# dab_-su _(u2)gamun#(sar)_ (u2)kam#-man-tu2 (u2)kam-ka-du#

    _(u2)eme ur-gi7 (szim)(d)masz nita_ u _munus szim?? babbar (szim)li# (u2)har-sag(sar#) (gesz)gesztin ka5-a# sig7#_ _kusz uzu-dir-kur-ra disz_-nisz!(U) _sud2_ ina _i3-gesz hi-hi_ ana _(uruda#)szen#-tur dub_-ak _eme-szid_ _ti_-sa ana _sza3 szud_-di ina _de3 szeg6#_-[szal] _gin7#_ ip-ta-ru-u2 _e11_-ma ta-na-suk# tu-kas,3-s,a _en an ba-gul ki ba-gul#_ 3(disz)-szu2 _szid_-ma _szesz2_-su-ma _din_ _DISZ kimin_ (u2)an-ki-nu-tu2 _(szim)li (szim)gur2-gur2 (szim)gam-ma disz_-nisz ta#-sak3# [ina] _i3# hi-hi_

    _szesz2_-su szum4-ma _en-[te]-na_ ina _de3_ tu he-pi2 _DISZ kimin sahar sila-lim2-ma sahar# e2 esz2-dam-ma sahar ka2 e2-gal sahar ka2 e2 dingir_ _sahar ka2 e2 (lu2)kurun-nam shar ka2 e2 (lu2)muhaldim sahar ka2 e2 (lu2)ka-pirig3!(_musz_)_ _sahar (gesz)ma2-diri-ga sahar_ kar-ri u ne2-bir ina _i3 hi-hi a2 la2-la2_ he-pi2-sza2 _sza3_-sza2 u _bad_-sza2 _ti keszda_ tara-kas he-pi2 ina _ugu!(|_bad-ka_|) gesz_ he-pi2 _bi# szid_-nu _en2 (d)kamad-me_

    _dumu an#-na_ 7(disz)-szu2 ana _igi (d)utu_ ana _sza3 i3-gesz szid_-nu me2-el-tu2 ina _gu2_-szu2 _gar_-an u3 _i3-gesz_ an-na-a _szesz2_-su-ma _din_

    AI Translation

    Kurra-plant, kurkur-plant, lupin, the field ...,

  • 5 ..., a sacrificial snake in ... .
  • tarmush, igilim-plant, iginishu-plant, kur-...-plant, ...-plant, tiyati-plant, nuhha-plant, sahlû-plant, garlic, aktam-plant, agtam-plant, ka'u-wine, luhmartu-plant, ... seed of a saline plant, sikillu-plant, seed of a saline juniper, seed of juniper, azallu-plant, seed of azallu-plant, innush-plant,

  • 25 ..., whose heart is sweet, ushburruda and namerimburre,
  • The scepter he gave to me. Incantation: "I am Marduk, Zappu loves me, Ballu loves me, Luhush, to the wailing, I am the one who raises my hands between Zappu and Ballu, I have made you sit before me, my great brother Marduk, the one who is my own mother, 15th day, my father, day with me, may all the rites, the oaths of friendship, I do not forget. Remerciful Marduk, the tu'u-offering.

    Its ritual: In the evening, you recite this incantation over the ashburru-plant and the namerimburru-plant and you recite the incantation 3 days, 7 days, 6 days and the kishpu-plant and the namerim-plant are dissolved. kurru-plant, harhar-plant, nuluhha-plant, sahlû-plant, sahlû-plant, urnû-plant, 7 plants of namerim-plant, igilim-plant, iginish-plant, tarmush-plant, the base of the sacrificial tree, 4 plants of ?

    You libate nameridu-da-flour in beer. You recite the incantation "Ea, the one who goes to sleep" and you recite the incantation "The man goes to sleep" and you do not eat it. You libate igilim-plant, tarmush-plant, elkulla-plant, seed of innush-plant, a shuru-plant, a shuru-plant, and you recite the incantation "The man goes to sleep" and you do not eat it in his bed. You recite the incantation "The man goes to sleep" and you do not eat it. You recite the incantation "The man goes to sleep" and you recite the incantation "The man goes to sleep."

    You strew the plants of the man's ilatu-plant and he will become ill with either anaphylactic or gypsum. For his life, you strew igilim-plant, iginishu-plant, tarmush-plant, nuluhha-plant, harhar-plant, kurkur-plant, eme-plant, dog's tongue, innush-plant, honey, these plants. You strew these plants. You strew these plants in oil, a libation bowl of honey and wine. You strew the mixture and you strew it. You strew the na to the na. You strew the kum-plant, kamantu-plant, kadu-plant,

    You pound a dog's tongue, incantation 'Ninurta', male and female, 'white'-plant, 'green'-plant, harsag-plant, 'green'-plant, 'sweet'-plant, 'sweet'-plant, 'skin'-plant, 'skin'-plant, 'skin'-plant, 'skin'-plant, 'skin'-plant, you pound it inside it. You recite the incantation 'skin'. You recite the incantation 'skin'. You recite the incantation 'skin'-plant. You recite the incantation 'skin'-plant.' You recite the incantation 'skin'-plant. You recite the incantation 'skin'-plant.' You recite the incantation 'skin'.

    If a brother in a battle has seized him, ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.. Palace Ditto. Palace of the god Ditto. Ditto. Palace of the cook Ditto. Ditto. Palace of the cook Ditto. Ditto. Palace of the cook Ditto. Ditto.. Temple of the cook Ditto. Ditto.. Temple of the cook Ditto. Ditto.. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Ditto. Temple of the cook Di

    You recite this 7 times in front of Shamash in oil. You put pure milk on his neck. Further, you recite this in oil and you give it to him.



    _DISZ kimin_ (u2)s,a-s,u-um-tu2 (u2)ap2-ru-sza2 _(gesz)gesztin ka5-a had2-ra2 sud2_ ina _i3-gesz_ _hi-hi_ (ina) _(na4)bur algamesz_ tu-ba-har-ma _szesz2_-su _(sig2)he2-me-da sig2 ur-mah_ _sig2 (munus)asz2-gar3 disz_-nisz _dur nu-nu (u2)eme ur-gi7 (u2#)igi_-lim _(u2)lu2_-a-nu _(u2)la2 szurun (d)szerisz ki_-szu2-nu ina _dur nigin_-mi ina _gu2_-szu2 _[gar_an]-ma# ina-esz _DISZ na min kum2 dab_-su hal-lu#-la-a-a ina _i3 szesz2_-su [... ina] _de3 sar_-szu2

    _ansze-kur-ra_ pu-ha-la ina _(gesz)gigir_ ana _gub3 la2_-su-ma x [x] sza2 _gub3_ _i3-udu libir-ra_ tu-kas,??-s,a tu-kasz-szad-ma _ansze-kur#-[ra ir?] szub#?_-di-ma# _ir_ szu-a-ti _(lu2)gig szesz2 i3-udu u4_-um _dab_-su2 ina _[de3_ ...] 2(disz)-szu2

  • 3(disz)-szu2 tu-qat-tar-szu2 a-hu-u2 u2-qat-tar-szu-ma _ti_ [...]
  • _DISZ kimin_ ina _an-bir9# sahar gissu#_ u# _u4#-da ti_qe2-ma he-pi2 x x x x _sahar kun4# igi_-i _sahar ki-ta munus#_ sza2 _u3-tu ku5_-si _sahar ki#-mah# (u2#)kur#-[zi](sar#)_ _sud2_ ina# _i3# bur hi-hi (na4)bur algamesz_ ina _de3 szeg6_-szal _eme-szid ti_-sa# ana _sza3 szub#_-di# _e11_-ma# ta-na-suk ana _sza3_ ki-a-am _szid_-nu _en2_ ki-i _u4-da kum2_-im ki-i# _gissu_ lik-s,a ki-i zag-du8!(_ga_)_ ana _zag-du8!(_ga_)_ la# i-qer-ru-bu mur#-s,u#

    _nenni [a] nenni#_ a-a iq-rib-szu2 ki-ma _kun4!(|_id_+_lu_|)_ li#-kab-bi-su-szu2-ma ma-am-man a-a [ir]-szi# ki#-ma pi-sa-an-na ana ur-ri-szu2 u ti-bi-szu2 la -iz-zi-bu mur-s,u a-a in-ne2-zib# [ki]-ma mi-tu la in#-nu-u2 _ellag2_-su _gig ellag2_-su a-a# i-ni _tu6# en2 en2_ 7(disz)-szu2 ana _sza3 szid_-ma _szesz2#_-su _eme-szid ti_-ma ana _sza3#_-bi# _szub_-di ina _tug2 ge6 ka2#_-szu2# _keszda#_ ina _gu2_-szu2 _gar_-an _din_

    _DISZ kimin# i3-udu ellag2 gu4 ge6 a-gar-gar# masz#-da3 si dara3-masz gir3-pad-ra2 nam-lu2-u18-lu_ _naga [si] pesz10-(d)id2_ ina _de3_ tu#-qat-tar-szu2-ma _ti_ _DISZ kimin# (u2#)igi-nisz sahar ki-ta munus_ sza2# _u3-tu_ par2-sat _e2 nim_ lab-bi-ni# ina _i3-gesz_ ina _(sig2)aka3_ _DISZ kimin asz_ sza _nim#_ i-bar-ru hal-lu-la-a-a _nim ur-gi7_ _(u2)eme ur-gi7_ ina _i3-gesz_ ina _kusz#_ _DISZ kimin_ (u2)u5-ra-an-nam _e2 nim_ (lab-bi-ni) _(tug2)nig2-dara2#-szu-lal2#_ ina _gu2_-szu2 _bar musz_

    um-me _gir2-tab za3-hi-li(sar) (tug2)nig2-dara2-szu-lal2 sig2-szab_ ina _de3 sar_-szu2 _DISZ kimin sig2# ugu-du6-bi gir3-pad-ra2 nam-lu2-u18-lu_ ina _kusz_ ina _gu2_-szu2 _gar_-an _DISZ kimin asz_ sza _nim_ i-bar-ru ina _(sig2)aka3_ _DISZ kimin ge6 pap-hal ansze ge6 pap-hal ansze-kur-ra kur-ra_ sza2# _(lu2#)aszgab_ ina _kusz du3-du3_ u (u2)ap2-ru-sza2 ina _i3-gesz_ _DISZ kimin bar musz gir3-pad-ra2 nam-lu2-u18-lu_ um-me _gir2-tab (tug2)nig2-dara2-szu-lal2_ (na4)kut-pa-a

    _DISZ kimin sig2 ansze-kur-ra sig2 ur-mah sig2 ur-bar-ra sig2 ur-gi7 ge6_ ina _kusz# du3-du3_-pi2 ina _gu2_-szu2 _gar_-an _(u2)kur-ra_ sah-le2-e ina _de3_ ni-kip-tu2 _ka_ tam-tim ina _i3-gesz szesz2#_-su-ma _[din]_ _DISZ kimin pesz2-sila3-gaz u2 (d)kamad-me_ ina _(sig2)aka3 nigin_-mi ina _gu2_-szu2 _gar_-an# _DISZ kimin (gesz)gesztin ka5-a (u2)in-nu-usz_ ina _kusz_ [...] _DISZ kimin sag-du su-tin!(_ud_)(muszen) (u2)gir3-uga(muszen)_ sza2 7(disz) _sag-du-mesz_ x [...]

    _DISZ# kimin# (u2)la2 (szim)li_ ina _(sig2)aka3 nigin_-mi [...] _DISZ# kimin# pa (gesz)dih3_ ina _i3-gesz_ [ina] _(sig2#)aka3# [nigin?_ ...] _[_disz_] na# kum2 dab_-su (u2)an-ki-nu-[tu2? ...]

  • 3(u) pir-su _DISZ na# ugu#_-[szu2 _kum2_ u2-kal ...]
  • _(gesz)da_ x x [...] _sar_-ir _im#-[gid2?-da?_ ...]

    AI Translation

    Ditto: shashumtu-plant, aprushu-plant, a pressed grapefruit. You mix it with oil, honey, and ghee. You then pound it together. You then pound it together. You ... a lion's wool and a female kid's wool. You pound together a nunu-stone, eme-plant, lion's horn, a man's wool. You put it on his neck and he will recover. You pound a man's neck with his hands. You pound a hallula-plant with his brother's oil.

    You bring a horse and a chariot to its left and you bring ... of the left of the old sheep oil and you bring it and the horse ... and that sheep oil. The sick man eats the sheep daily. In a ... battle .

  • You recite three times his incantation, you recite a third time and ... .
  • Ditto. You take a ditto in a biru-vessel and you pour a filtered

    May a lord of a lord not approach him like a river, and no one will approach him like a scepter to his side and his neck, nor will he die, nor will he die like a dead person, nor will he die like a dead person. His illness, his illness, whether it is a tu'u-demon or a tu'u-demon, you recite the incantation 7 times in the middle and his brother recite the incantation 7 times in the middle and he will fall into the middle. You put the incantation in his night-wear and you put the incantation in his neck.

    You mix together kimin-plant, sheep-fat, oxen, black-headed, suckling, suckling, suckling, suckling, suckling, suckling, suckling, suckling, and suckling. You bind it with a sacrificial plant. You strew the soil below the woman who has given birth to a house in the east with oil. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with oil. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with oil. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with oil. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the east with wool. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with his neck. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with his neck. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with his neck. You strew the sacrificial plant of the west with his neck.

    You wrap a girtab-cloth with zahilû-sar and a nigdalû-garment of wool in his hair. You wrap kimin-silver on its neck and a girpadrû-garment for the human being in a skin on his neck. You wrap kimin-silver on the neck of a snake in a wool garment. You wrap kimin-silver for the night, paphalu-silver for the night, paphalu-silver for the horse of the mountain, which the azgab-bird has a skin on, and she is soaked in oil. You wrap kimin-silver on the neck of a snake, kurpadru-silver. You wrap kimin-silver on the neck of a man.

    You wrap kimin-plant for horses, kimin-plant for lions, kimin-plant for lions, kimin-plant for lions, kimin-plant for black dogs in a leather bag. You wrap kurru-plant for sahlû-plant in a nikpitu-vessel, the mouth of the sea in oil and you give it to him. You wrap kimin-plant for squid and kamadu-plant in a wool bag. You wrap kimin-plant for a ka5-vine and innush-plant in a leather bag. .

    You ... a kimin-plant, a shumu-plant, in a woolen bag. .

  • 30 times pirsu means "he will be sated with a man's wrath"; he will be able to .
  • ... ... ... ... a long? tablet .

    P480962: administrative bulla

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    lu2-giri17-zal ensi2 lagasz(ki) du-du

    AI Translation

    Lu-girizal, ruler of Lagash, Dudu.

    Column 2


    dub-sar dumu la-ni sza13-dub-ba _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    scribe, son of Lani, chief accountant, is your servant.

    P480975: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(asz) sze gur lugal
  • la2-ia3 su-ga ki szesz-kal-la-ta kiszib3 i-ta-e3-a iti szu-numun mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 4 gur barley, royal measure,
  • deficit repaid, from Sheshkalla, under seal of Ita'ea; month: "Sowing," year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    i-ta-e3-a dub-sar dumu lu2-du10-ga sanga (d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation

    Ita'ea, scribe, son of Lu-duga, temple administrator of Ningirsu.

    P480977: school tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • [1(disz)] masz2
  • 2(disz)# gin2 ku3-babbar
  • a#-bu-szu!

  • 2(disz)# gin2 ku3-babbar
  • dumu#-munus ensi2

  • 2(disz)# gin2 ku3-babbar
  • lu2-du10-ga

  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • lu2-gi-na ka-guru7 ki mu-zu-uk-sze3!

  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • dam ur-mes dam-gar3

  • 1(disz) (uruda)(ha)-zi-in zabar
  • ki-la2-bi 1(disz) 1/3(disz) ma-na

    AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat,
  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • Abushu;

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • daughter of the governor

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • for Lu-duga;

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • for Lugina, the granary manager, to the place of Muzuk;

  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • wife of Urmes, the trade agent;

  • 1 bronze hazin-vessel,
  • Their weight: 1 1/3 minas.

    Column 2


    ku3#-bi# 1(disz) gin2 igi# 3(disz)-gal2

  • 1(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar
  • en-sze3

  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • siki-kur 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar nin-gi-na igi-6(disz)-gal2 i3-du10 sa10 igi-3(disz)-gal2 szim sa10 ur-(d)dumu-zi-da

  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • lugal-e-ba-sa6

  • 9(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • lu2-saga

  • 7(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2 ku3
  • dam lugal-ku3-ga#-ni

    AI Translation

    its silver: 1 1/3 shekels;

  • 1 1/3 shekels of silver,
  • to the en-priestess;

  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • wool, 1 shekel of silver, Ningina, 1/6 shekel of wool, good quality, 1/3 shekel of aromatic, good quality, Ur-Dumuzida,

  • 5 shekels of silver,
  • for Lugal-ebasa;

  • 9 shekels of silver,
  • a kind of profession

  • 7 1/3 shekels silver,
  • wife of Lugal-kugani

    Column 1

  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • lu2 kin-gi4 lugal

  • 5(disz) gin2 igi-3(disz)-gal2
  • lu2-(d)szul-gi dumu da-da-ga

  • 5(disz) gin2 ku3 szu-ri-pa2 e2 (d)szara2-sze3
  • 1(u) gin2 ku3 i3-bi2-za-bi
  • 1(disz) ma-na 2(disz) gin2 igi-6(disz)-gal2 ku3#-babbar#

  • 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz#
  • ab-ba-gi-na

  • 4(ban2) i3-gesz
  • igi-4(disz)-gal2 ku3 ku6 sa10 lu2 ur4#-sza3-ki-du10

    AI Translation
  • 5 shekels of silver,
  • royal messenger

  • 5 1/3 shekels;
  • Lu-Shulgi, son of Dadaga.

  • 5 shekels of silver, Shuripa, for the house of Shara;
  • 10 shekels of silver, its oil:
  • 1 mina 2 1/6 shekels silver,

  • 3 ban2 5 sila3 sesame oil,
  • for Abbagina;

  • 4 ban2 of sesame oil,
  • 1/4 shekel of silver, fish, the price of the man of Ur-shakidu,

    Column 2

  • 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • ur-e2-mah

  • 3(ban2) i3-gesz
  • nin-gi-na

  • 1(ban2) i3-gesz
  • he2-ma-du

  • 5(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • igi-3(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar dingir-palil2 1(disz) ma-na 2(disz) 2/3(disz) gin2 1(u) 5(disz) sze 2(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 i3 1(disz) masz2 ki# (d)szara2-a-kam-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 sesame oil,
  • for Ur-Emah;

  • 3 ban2 of sesame oil,
  • for Ningina;

  • 1 ban2 of sesame oil,
  • he shall measure out.

  • 5 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • 1 1/3 shekels of silver: Dingir-palil, 1 mana 2 2/3 shekels 15 grains, 2 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 oil, 1 billy goat, from Shara'a;

    P480979: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ku3-ga-am3 in-tu-ud ku3-ga-am3 in-tu-u4 nin-e ku3-ga-am3 in-tu-ud a-bi-si2-im-ti ku3-ga-am3 in-tu-ud nin-e ku3-ga-am3 in-tu-ud gesz-gi-na tug2 nam-sa6-ga-gu10 a-bi-si2-im-ti-gu10 (gesz)sag-du tug2 dun-na gal2-la-gu10 nin-gu10 ku-ba-tum suhur-e du7 u6 di-de3 x gub-ba-gu10 u3-mu-un (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 inim-ma x [...] x x x-gu10 du5-mu (d)szul-gi-ra-gu10 bi2-du11-ga-ke4-esz bi2-du11-ga-ke4-esz u3-mu-un-e ag2 ma-an-ba me-e a-al-la-ri bi2-du11-ga-ke4-esz u3-mu-un-e ag2 ma-an-ba

    bulug ku3-sig17 (na4)kiszib3 za-gin3-na u3-mu-un-e ag2 ma-an-ba har ku3-sig17 har ku3-babbar u3-mu-un-e ag2 ma-an-ba u3-mu-un ag2-ba-zu na-ag2-x sug4-ga-am3 igi-zu ha-ma-ab-il2-il2 (d)szu-(d)suen ag2-ba-zu na-ag2-x sug4-ga-am3 igi-zu ha-ma-ab-il2-il2 [...] u3-mu-un x [...] u3-mu-un [...] [...] x sa6-gin7? x [...]-gu10 _ku_-gin7 mu-[...] uru2-zu ku5-da-gin7 szu he2-eb2-mu2? u3-mu-un (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 ur-nim-gin7 giri3-zu-sze3 he2-nu2 du5-mu (d)szul-gi-ra-gu10? _an_ x x x-gu10 za-bi-tum-ma kasz-a-ni ze2-ba-am3

    kasz-a-ni-gin7 gal4-la-ni ze2-ba-am3 kasz-a-ni ze2-ba-am3 ka-ga14-a-ni-gin7 gal4-la-ni ze2-ba-am3 kasz-a-ni ze2-ba-am3 kaszbirx(|_a-sud_|)-a-ni kasz-a-ni ze2-ba-am3 (d)szu-(d)suen ba-sa6-ge-na-gu10 ba-sa6-ge-na-gu10 ba-zil2-zil2-i-na-gu10 (d)szu-(d)suen ba-sa6-ge-na-gu10 ki ag2 (d)en-lil2-la2 (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 lugal-gu10 dingir kalam-ma-na bala-bala-e (d)ba-ba 6(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    I have sworn by the silver, I have sworn by the silver. I have sworn by the lady, I have sworn by Abi-simti, I have sworn by the silver. I have sworn by the lady, I have sworn by the geshgina garment, my good garment, my Abi-simti, the sagdu-garment, the linen garment, my lady, the kubatum-garment, the uhur-garment, the uhur-garment, my ..., my ..., my ..., my son Shulgi, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word, I have sworn by the word,

    The gold ring, the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the lapis lazuli seal, the ring of the

    Like a beer, his beer is bitter Like a beer, his beer is bitter Like a beer, his beer is bitter Like a beer, his beer is bitter Like a beer, his beer is bitter Like a beer, my Shu-Sîn, my beloved, my beloved, my Shu-Sîn, my beloved, beloved of Enlil Shu-Sîn, my king, the god of his country, the balabala of Baba, 6th year.

    P480980: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    siki-gu10 hi-iz(sar)-am3 a im-ma-an-du11 hi-iz gakkul3-sar-am3 a im-ma-an-du11 su-hu-uh2-hu-ub4-bi ba-tag-tag x emeda(da)-gu10 mah mu-un-x-x x siki-gu10 a-a-lum im-mi-in-ak suh tur-tur-bi mu-un-dub-dub he2-em-du-gu10 si im-sa2-sa2-e he2-em-du siki-gu10 hi-iz(sar) nisi sa6-sa6-ga-am3 szesz-e igi bar lu2 ti-la-na im-ma-ni-in-ku4-re-en (d)szu-(d)suen sag?-ba? lu2 sa6-ga im-ma-ni-in-pa3-de3-en x x x x hi-li-gu10 nu-til-le-dam [...]-re-dam [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] u3-mu-un-me he2-me-en u3-mu-un-me he2-me-en

    ku3 (na4)za-gin3-na u3-mu-un-me he2-me-en mu-un-gar3 sze mah tum3-me he2-me-en igi-ga2 lal3-bi-im sza3-ga2 hi-li-bi-im u4 nam-ti-la he2-en-na-e3 (d)szu-(d)suen [...] bala-bala-e (d)inanna-kam

    AI Translation

    My hair is a sacrificial plant, it is a sacrificial plant, it is a sacrificial plant, it is a sacrificial plant. My ..., my sacrificial plant, is a great ... My hair is a mother, it is a small sacrificial plant, it is a small sacrificial plant, it is a sacrificial plant, it is a good nisi, it is the brother, the brother, the man, his life, he enters. Shu-Sîn, the head, the good man, he is a good man. ... my ..., it is not finished ...

    I am the silver and lapis lazuli of the lord, I am the one who makes the lord dwell, I am the one who makes the great barley grow high, I am its eye, its heart, its radiance I am the one who makes the days of life shine. Shu-Suen ... the bala-bala of Inanna

    P480981: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    sze-er-zi bad-ta [...] an-na ni2-bi x [...] x _ga2_? kal [...] (d)suen [...] (d)szu-(d)suen [...] _bad mu_ x x x (d)nanna sza-mu-u8?-da-an-u5 _an_ [...] bar-su3-am3 hi-li an-na nun urasz-a-x szul (d)suen u18-ru u4 an ki mu he2-gal2-la x x du10 ki-bi-sze3 zal-e (d)nanna en iti-da u3-tu-x (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 mu-un-u3-tu sza3-ba-tuku-am3 pesz10-gal2 ne3 gal dingir gal-e-ne a-a (d)nanna di-zu esz-bar galam (d)nu-nam-nir-da nam gal tar-re (d)asz-im2-babbar szul ki ag2-ga2-na (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10-ur2 nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re

    bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 u4 ge6 du10-du10 mu zu2 kesze2-de3 (d?)nanna? aga3 an ku3-ga-ke4 x x x x-ni (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 x x x x x x zu ki-zu ka? x x x x A sag _mu_ x [...] sza3-ba-tuku 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 x (d)nanna? en? gal an ki-a-ka x x x x x pa bi2-in-e3 [...] x al-bara3-ge [...] x x x x [...] x x [...] [...] x _nam_ [...] [...] x x x x [...] [...] kisal? aga zi an-na x x [...] x sag-ga2 na mi-ni-in-de5 (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 nun kalam-ma-ka sa-bar-su3-da-am3 [...] u4?-da?-a-ni (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 su3-u4-mu-un-szi

    (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 an-da mu2-a gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im en dumu an-na [...]-a si mul-mul-da? [...] x-ka (d)nanna gal-di [...] _ne ka_-_ka_-ga nig2 x _pa_ x x x u4 gesz-he2-a u4 urasz-a su-lim-ma-ni ug3-e du10 bar-bar-re en (d)asz-im2-babbar uszum pa e3 szul (d)suen musz3 ku3 ki us2-sa (d)nanna an ki-a u5?-a e3(e) (d)szu-(d)suen kalam-ma am3-mi-in-u5 x x ni2? gur3?-ru an-e uszumgal x x x ni2 gur3-ru an-na x x x x nun (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 nir sza-mu-u8-da-gal2-la [...] gu2-da mu-ni-in-la2-la2 x x x x kur-kur nig2-dagal-ba?

    gidru u4 su3-ra2 x x x x ug3 ki-bala-a x x _bi_ x kilib3-ba-bi _hi_ x |_du-du_|-e dumu nun zi-le (d)en-lil2-la2-sze3 (d)szu-(d)suen szu-ni-a x mi-in-si lugal-gu10 _ezen_ x-la (d)szu-(d)suen giri17-zal x x x-ka sa-gar-ra-am3 (d)szu-(d)suen-gu10 u4 ti-la [...] gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im en an-na du10-gal2 ki [...] szul (d)suen en an-na-kam x [...] (d)szu-(d)suen x x x [...] u18-ru12-bi-im [...]

    AI Translation

    Sherzi, from the wall ... of heaven, ... ... Suen ... Shu-Sîn ... ... Nanna, the ... ... ... ... The splendor of heaven, prince Urash, the ... of Suen, the light of heaven and earth, the name of abundance, ... ... in its place, Nanna, the lord, the month of the year, ... Shu-Sîn, he has ..., he has a heart. The great peshgal, the great gods, father Nanna, the decision, the decision-making, the decision-making, the decision-making of Nunamnir, the great fate, the fate of Ashimbabbar, the light of his beloved, Shu-Sîn, he has decreed.

    The second barsu, the good day, the ... of the ..., Nanna, the crown of the pure heavens, ... his ... Shu-Sîn ... ... ... ... ... the second barsu, ... Nanna, the great lord of heaven and earth, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the courtyard?, the true crown of heaven, ... ... he made ... ... Shu-Sîn, the prince of the Land, ...

    Its geshgigal The lord, the son of An, ... ... ... Nanna, the great ... ... When the harvest and the harvest of the land are finished, his people are happy, the lord Ashimbabbar, the shining ..., Suen, the pure snake, the place where the earth is to be ... Nanna, the place where heaven and earth are to be ..., Shu-Sîn, the nation, ..., the one who ..., the one who ..., the one who ..., the prince Shu-Sîn, the one who ..., ..., ... the lands, its wide-spread .

    ... ... the people of the lands ... their ... ... ... the righteous prince, Enlil Shu-Sîn ... my king ... Shu-Sîn ... ... ... ... ... Shu-Sîn ... long days ... Its geshgigal The lord of heaven is good, ... ... The youth of Suen, the lord of heaven ... Shu-Sîn ... ... Its urub .

    P480982: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    x x x x x [...] x x me-tesz2 szi-im-x [...] x zi-sza3-gal2-la-ke4 sza3-zu im?-[...] (d)mesz3-lam-ta-e3-a su3-u4-ra2 x [...] ki-ru-gu2 4(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a2 mah nun (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im szi-im-diri-ge-en lugal-gu10 szi-im-diri-ge-en ne-zu an-za3-sze3 en (d)lugal-er9-ra szi-im-diri-ge-en ne-zu an-za3-sze3 me-zu me galam-ma me nu-se3-ge5-da ab ku-kur gal2-la ni2 husz ri-a-me-en dingir er9 kalam-ma ti-la-me-en ni2 gal an ki-a dul-la-me-en ki-ru-gu2 5(disz)-kam-ma-am3 nam-mah-zu ga-i-i

    szi-im-diri-ge-en lugal-gu10 szi-im-diri-ge-en ne-zu an-za3-sze3 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im ur-sag zi me-tesz2-e ga-i-i en (d)lugal-er9-ra me-tesz2 ga-i-i (gesz)rab3 gal mah dingir-re-e-ne-me-en ni2 gal kalam-ma sza-mu-ri-a-me-en ku-kur dugud kur-ra du6-ul-la-me-en i7-zu i7 kal-ga-am3 i7 nam tar-ra-am3 i7 mah ki u4 e3 igi nu-bar-re-dam ma2-gur8 mah a ku-kur-ra u5-a gu2 si-a nam-lu2-ulu3-ka en (d)lugal-er9-ra giri3-zu um-mi-gub nun kur-ra-ke4-ne sza-mu-e-szi-gam-e-de3-esz bur3-ra u4 zalag sza-mu-un-ne-ri-ib-e3

    x U ra szu-zu-sze3 sza-mu-u8-gal2 en (d)lugal-er9-ra an-za3-sze3 mah-me-en ki-ru-gu2 6(disz)-kam-ma-am3 a2 mah nun (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im lugal-gu10 nam-mah-za ga-am3-du11 en (d)lugal-er9-ra nam-mah-za ga-am3-du11 za-e mah-me-en dili-zu i3-mah-me-en dingir er9-ra dingir-re-e-ne-er rib-ba lugal sukux(_sukud_)-ra2 an-ne2-e us2-sa dingir er9 en zi ni2-te-na (d)i7-lu2-ru-gu2 sza3 dingir-re-e-ne en ka-asz bar nig2-erim2-e hul gig (d)suen-gin7 nig2-si-sa2-e ki ag2

    nig2-nam an ki gal2-gal2-la-a-ba nam tar-re-bi gal-bi mu-un-u2-us2 x x (d)en-lil2-le sag-e-esz mu-un-rig7 x x nun-e-ne (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 x x x nam-ma-ni mah bad3 gal kur _ku_-_ku_ me gal-gal szu du7 dumu (d)en-lil2-la2-ka (d)lugal-er9-ra-gin7 hul-gal2 sag |_ka_xX|-|_ka_xX| (d)mesz3-lam-ta-e3-a a2 mah-a-na gal-bi a2 mah-a-na gal-bi szi-im-mi-_du_ x x _an_? ka du8-a kur-ra szu ur3-ur3 x x tar-re erim2 zar-re-esz i3-sal-le en (d)lugal-er9-ra a2 mah-a-na gal-bi a2 mah-a-na gal-bi szi-im-mi-in-_du_ x x x _ne_ geszkim sa6-ga

    x x-ga lugal-la-me-esz [...] szu ga2-ga2-me-esz [...] x _me_? x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... your heart ... Meshlamtaea, in the future ... My fourth kirugu I am the exalted prince Ibbi-Sîn, its geshgigal is a resounding success My king is a resounding success My lord is a resounding success Your lord is a resounding success Your lord is a resounding success Your divine powers are a resounding success Your cosmic powers are a resounding storm, the kukur is a resounding storm I am the god who erected the Land, I am the great divine powers of heaven and earth, I am the resounding success 5th kirugu

    My king, you are the one who makes the scribal art flourish in the heavens Your scribal art is true, you are the one who makes the lord Lugal-Erra shine, you are the one who makes the great throne of the gods Great scepter of the Land, you are the one who makes the lands glisten I am the one who makes the lands glisten I am the one who makes the lands glisten I am the one who makes the mighty canals, the canal of fate, the great canal, the canal of fate, the great canal, the canal of fate, the great canal, the canal of water of the lands, the canal of abundance, the canal of abundance, the lord Lugalerra, your feet are the one who makes the princes of the lands glisten, the shining day shine,

    ... and ... of your hand, Shamugal, lord of Lugal-Erra, I am supreme to the heavens. 6th kirugu, the supreme strength of prince Ibbi-Sîn, its geshgigal "I am my king, I want to proclaim your greatness" I want to proclaim your greatness, lord of Lugal-Erra, I want to proclaim your greatness! You are the one who is supreme to the gods, the king, the sukkal priestess of An, the one who is a true lord, Ilurugu, the heart of the gods, the lord who is a scepter of evil, evil like Suen, the one who loves justice,

    ... everything that is in heaven and earth, its fates are great. ... Enlil presented it to the rulers. Ibbi-Sîn ... his greatness, the great wall of the mountain, ..., the great me, the ... of the son of Enlil, like Lugal-Erra, evil ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., the fates of the enemy, ..., ..., lord Lugal-Erra, ...,

    ... they are kings ... they are kings ... .

    M=segment B


    ur-sag gal-me-esz nam-mah-bi a-ri-a sug4-ga-am3

  • 2(disz)-na-ne-ne lugal i7-da-me-esz
  • (d)i7-lu2-ru-gu2 lu2 zi dadag-ga-am3 lu2-erim2 (gesz)rab3-gin7 szu ri-ri-a-me-esz kisiga(ki) iri ul ki gar-ra-ba zi-du nu-dab5-be2 erim2-du nu-dib-be2 ki sza3 kusz2 an (d)en-lil2-la2-me-esz ki ni2 dub2 _ru an_ x x x-me-esz ki gal an-sze3 _an_? x x x x-me-en? ki nam tar-re an (d)en-lil2-la2 [...] me-bi ku3-ku3-ga-am3 x [...] [...] _ni_ lu2 nu-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    The great hero, whose greatness is praised,

  • 2 of them are kings of the rivers.
  • Ilurugu, true man, I am the one who is adorned like a rab-demon. Kisiga, the city that has no rival, is not seized, is not seized. I am the one who does not abandon the place of the sacrificial sacrificial sheep of An and Enlil. I am the place that ... the heart of An and ... I am the great place of heaven and earth. I am the place where fates are determined by An and Enlil. ... I am the pure place ... ... .

    M=segment C


    me-bi? x x hu-ul-hu-le-esz sig7-ga-am3 me 7(disz)-na |_lagab_xX| gal-le-esz gar-ra-am3 me sze-er-ka-an nun-e abzu-ta nun x x sze-er-ka-an du11-ga-am3 (d)mesz3-lam-ta-e3-a en (d)lugal-er9-ra nam-ur-sag-bi kur-re ba-x-a nam-mah-bi za3 an ki-sze3 za3 an ki-sze3 pa e3 ak-a ki-ru-gu2 1(u)-kam-ma-am3 a2 mah nun (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im kal-bi u4 kalam-ma szu ur3-ur3 (d)mesz3-lam-ta-e3-a en (d)lugal-er9-ra za3-mi2-zu du10-ga-am3 ki-szu2-bi-im szir3-nam-gala (d)mesz3-lam-ta-e3-a u3 (d)lugal-er9-ra

    AI Translation

    Its me ... are ..., they are ..., they are ..., they are seven, they are great ..., they are the me of the ..., the prince of the Abzu, the prince of ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the hero of the mountains, they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the ..., they are the me of the kirugu, they are the me of the mighty, Ibbi-Sîn, they are the geshgigal, they are the strong ones, when the land is smashed, they are the me of Meslam, they are the lord of Lugalerra, they are the ones who are pleasing to their me. They are the mesmerizing radiance of Meslam and Lugalerra.

    P480983: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    en gal u4 gesz-he2-ta sag il2 sze-er-zi x-a (d)suen uszum sag-kal kur un3-ta ug3 u4 ga2-ga2 su3-ra2-ag2 an bad-da men _du_? _bu_? giri17-zal a-a ugu-na dumu gal-di (d)nin-lil2-le tu-da nir-gal2 e2-kur-ra an-bar7-a dalla e3 szul (d)suen u4 zu2 kesz2 an-na su-lim-ma-ni an-bar7-gan2 u4 gesz-nu11 ug3 sag ge6-ga a-a (d)nanna |_u-ga-hi_| bad-ta ge6 du10-du10 gal-zu nir-gal2 nun pa e3 ak-a sze-er-zi an-na-kam uri2(ki) iri uz3-sag ki-en-gi-ra me-bi nu-kur2-ru-dam temen an ki-bi a-a (d)nanna ge6 u3-na pa e3

    mu mu-un-pa3 hi-li sza3-ge bi2-in-si (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 esz3 nibru(ki) sza3-bi kur he2-gal2-la ki-tusz ki-ur3-ra-ke4 nam-nun-na an-ta su-lim-ma-ni kalam-ma mu-un-bara3-ge kisal mah-e su-lim-ma? x-bi nu-til-e nam gal tar-re-de3 a-a ugu-na u18-ru gal an ki en (d)nu-nam-nir-e (d)suen-e ub-szu-unken-na-ka u3-gul mu-na-ga2-ga2 ku6-gal2 nun bara2-ga nun me ti-la sza3-ge pa3-da-zu esz3 uri2(ki) ki-tusz mah lugal-la zi-sza3-gal2 kalam-ma szilam (e2)tur3-ra dur2 gar-ra i3 ga-bi nu-til-e

    i3 szar2-szar2-re ku6 muszen u3-tu urud ku3-sig17 ib2-gal2-le iri(ki) numun i-i me-bi nu-kur2-ru _mu_ (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 nam-lugal-ba pa ha-ma-ni-in-e3 nam-ti he2-ni-ib2-su3-u4-de3 bara2 gal-ba suhusz-bi mu-ra-an-ge-en dur2 an-sze3 bi2-in-gar dalla he2-ni-in-e3 me nam-lugal-la-ba a2 nun he2-em-ta-e-gal2 inim mah ul-le2-a-sze3 nu-kur2-ru-da (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 (d)asz-im2-babbar-me-en an ki nigin2-na-ba nam-nir-gal2 pa ba-ni-in-e3 si sa2 sza3 ku3-ta mu pa3-da (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10

    (d)nanna-ar _ka gu4_? x mah _an_-gin7 pa e3? x (d)suen-e ka-ta e3-a-ni e2-kur x x x x [...] an (d)en-lil2 nam kalam-ma tar-re kur gal (d)en-lil2 [...] x [...] x _ni_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    Great lord, from the day of the horizon, head raised, ... ... Suen, ushum, the foremost of the mountain, from the day of the people, ..., ..., the one who is praised by the heavens, the one who is praised by his father, the great son of Ninlil, the one who is praised in the Ekur, at sunrise shining, the one who is praised in the Ekur, at sunset shining, the one who is praised by Suen, the day of the wailing of heaven, his ..., at sunset, the day of the supplication of the people, beginning of the night, father Nanna, the one who is praised by the prince, who is praised in the midst of heaven, the one who is praised in the midst of heaven, Ur, the city of the uzsag of Sumer, whose divine powers are unalterable, the foundation of heaven and earth, father Nanna, the night of the womb, praised

    Ibbi-Suen, in the shrine Nippur, whose heart is the land of abundance, the residence of the Ki'ur, the princeship of the upper world, his dwelling in the country he established, and the great courtyard whose dwelling ... is not finished, the great fates to be determined, the father who begot him, the great scepter of heaven and earth, the lord Nunamnir, and Suen in the Ubshukuna he destroyed, and the fish, the princely scepter, the princely scepter, the princely me, your heart, is chosen. In the shrine Ur, the supreme residence of the king, the life-giving sanctuaries of the Land, the shitam of the turra, the shitam of the turra, the shitam of the shitam, the shitam of the shitam, the shitam of the shitam of the shitam, the shitam of the shit

    he poured out oil, he poured out fish and birds, he poured out copper and gold, and the city, whose divine powers are not changed, he made Ibbi-Sîn, the king, bow down at his right hand, and he made life abundant for him. He fashioned its great dais, he made its foundations firm for him. He made the divine powers of the kingship shine forth for him. He made the princely command abundant for him. He did not change the great words of ancient times. Ibbi-Sîn, I am Ashimbabbar. He made the greatness of heaven and netherworld bow down at his feet, and he made the kingship shine from the pure heart. Ibbi-Sîn

    Nanna, ... like a great bull, ... Sîn, from his mouth ... Ekur ... An and Enlil will determine the fate of the land, the great mountain of Enlil ... .

    M=segment B


    nam tar-ra [...] (d)asz-im2-babbar [...] me nam-lugal-la [...] dalla mu-e-e3 [...] sag il2 x [...] (d)nanna-(d)suen-e [...] giri17-zal en pa e3 an urasz-a x [...] x geszkim-ti dumu (d)nin-lil2-la2 he2-du7 x x x (d)nanna en _ka_ ku3 mu mah-am3 zi-sza3-gal2 kalam-ma nun hi-li su3 sza3 ku3-ga2 pa3-da (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 ug3 szar2-ra-ba mu-ni su3-ra2-sze3 ka-asz bar kalam-ma x x bala dug nam-he2 szar2 ku3-zu-me-en ganun? mah-sze3 gesztu2-zu a-a (d)nanna sza3-ge pa3-da-zu x-gal2 szum2-ma

    me gal-gal-la mah-di (d)en-lil2-da esz-bar x x gal2 gu4 dili du-de3 en pa ed2-dam? (d)suen za3-mi2 u3-lu-lu-ma-ma (d)suen-na-kam

    AI Translation

    ... fate ... Ashimbabbar ... the divine powers of kingship ... ... ... ... Nanna-Sîn ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Nanna, lord, ... holy, whose great name is supreme, who makes the prince, the princely one, whose pure heart is chosen by Ibbi-Sîn, the many people, whose name is forever ... ... of the nation ... a mighty bala vessel of abundance, your holy heart is supreme ... Your wisdom, father Nanna, your heart is chosen by .

    The great me, the supreme one of Enlil, the decision ..., the single bull, the lord, the lord, the lord, the lord, the praise of Suen, is Suen.

    P480984: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    me?-zu _ne_ [...] a-a (d)nanna x x [...] ug3-ga2 mi-ni-pa3 _an_? [...] szul (d)suen |_ki-lugal-gub_|-zu ku3 [...] an aga zi men sag-ga2-zu za-e [...] ki bara2 gal mah dur2 gar-ra-zu zi? [...] ka ku3 ba-a-zu u18-ru gal me pa [...] aga nam-lugal-la men ku3 suh10-gir11 [...] (gesz)gu-za me ur4-ur4 bara2 sag il2 x [...] pesz10-gal2 nam bara2-ga numun zi [...] (d)i-bi2-(d)suen-gu10 an ku3-ta nam x [...] en me ku3-ku3-ug me sikil szu-luh zalag nam [...] si mul-mul su3-ra2-ag2 an-na szul (d)suen [...]

    u4 te-esz-e gal idim-ma hi-li-bi? ki [...] nibru(ki) a2 tal2-tal2 (d)nanna sza3 ku3 [...] nun zi-le an ki szu2-a-ba iti6 x [...] gud? pa e3 (d)en-lil2-da mah dib _hi_ x [...] x x x _an_ [...] x x _mu_? _ud_? [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    Your me ... Father Nanna ... ... ... ... ... Your kingship is pure ... Your holy An, your true crown, your head ... Your great dais, your great throne, your holy mouth ... Your great ..., your holy mouth, your holy mouth ... Your great crown, your kingship is pure ... Your throne, your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your throne, your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., your lord, from the pure heavens, ..., lord, your pure me, your pure me, your shining shuluh, your ..., your ..., your ..., your ..., the ... of heaven, ..., .

    The day of the great storm, the reed-plant?, its ... Nippur, the one who ... Nanna, the pure heart ... The prince who is steadfast in heaven and earth, month ... ... the great bull?, Enlil ...

    P480987: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    nin me nun-na u4-gin7 dalla e3 hi-li zi-da ul-sze3 pa3-da (d)na-na-a me-te e2-an-ka in-nin-ra tum2-ma gal-zu nu-u8-gig-ge nin kur-kur-ra zi-de3-esz-sze3 pa3-da (d)na-na-a kalam e2-an-ka igi-gal2 szum2-mu ba-e-zu bar-su3-am3 an-gin7 sa6 munus sag masz3 nin dal-dal-le-e du7 (d)na-na-a ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 zi-de3-esz umun2 ak munus mul-an he2-me-a nin ku3-zu nig2-nam-sze3 gal2-la munus zi sza3 su3-ra2 nin inim-sze3 gal2-la-bi i3-zal-le-esz umusz ku3 (d)inanna-ke4 ak nu-u8-gig-e ki ag2

    (d)na-na-a di-ku5 gal dingir dur2 mah ki unu(ki)-ga ti-la sza3-ba-tuku-am3 munus zi esz-bar du10 kalam-ma-kam di-di-bi gal-zu (d)na-na-a si sa2 iri ug3 lu-a igi-gal2 munus mah inim ku3 du11-ge du7 nin hi-li-a tum2-ma (d)na-na-a sag il2 e2-an-ka lu2 inim sa6-ge kalam-ma bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma-am3 an-e igi sa6 kalam-ma lugal kur-kur-ra [...] (d)na-na-a kalam e2-an-na [...] hi-li [...] szul sipa zi dumu (d)nu-nam-nir-re in-[...] (d)isz-bi-er3-ra me gal-di [...] gu [...]

    (d)na-na-a su3-u4-sze3 a-ra-zu-ni kurun-gin7 su-ub x en _li_ zi-da-na-ka e2-an-na-kam sza-ba-du-ga (d)isz-bi-er3-ra sag us2 musz3 nu-tum2-mu e2-an-na sa-gid2-da-am3 sza-mu-da?-pa3 (d)na-na-a kalam-ma nu-u8-gig-e ki ag2-zu (d)isz-bi-er3-ra ul-sze3 lu2 inim sa6-ga-ni he2-me-en gesz-gi4-gal2-bi-im nin gal sza3 ki zi-sza3-gal2 tum2-ma nu-u8-gig-e sa2-bi szu ga2-ga2 me giri17-zal szu dagal nu-u8-gig-e ma-ra-an-szum2 (d)na-na-a nin gal sza3 ki zi-sza3-gal2 tum2-ma nu-u8-gig-e sa2-bi szu ga2-ga2

    ug3-e (d)isz-bi-er3-ra lugal sipa-bi-me-en (d)na-na-a inim du11 an-na-ta nin kur-kur-ra za-e-me-en esz3-e kul-aba4 x _in_ x sza-mu-na-ab-be2 ug3-e za-ra sza3-bi im-mi-nigin2 szi-im-da-ab-be2-en (d)na-na-a munus zi mu he2-sa6 sag ge6-ga-me-en inim ku3-zu-zu in-nin-na-ra zal-le-esz im-ma-sa6 szul hi-li-a pa3-da nu-u8-gig-e dumu (d)en-lil2-ke4 (d)na-na-a in-nin me ku3-zu _ka_? sza-ra-mu2-mu2 ki-nu2-sze3 igi zi nam-ti-la za-e _ne_? hu-mu-ni-in-du8 (d)isz-bi-er3-ra szul hi-li-a pa3-da sa-gar-ra-am3 tigi (d)na-na-a-kam

    AI Translation

    Lady, like a shining storm, rising up like a bright sun, chosen by Nanaya, the true one of the Eanna temple, your lady, is not a slanderer, lady of all the lands, chosen by Nanaya, the land of the Eanna temple, you are the one who gives birth to a slanderer, you are the one who is adorned with a slanderer Like heaven, beautiful woman, a young woman, lady who is adorned with a slanderer, holy Inanna, holy Inanna, wisely, a wise woman, a beautiful woman, a holy woman, who is adorned with a slanderer, a lady who speaks a word, holy Inanna, wisely, who is adorned with a slanderer, beloved spouse,

    Nanaya, great judge, supreme judge of Uruk, who has a life of long life, true woman, who makes decisions favorable in the land, your great words are pleasing to Nanaya, attentive one of the city, the people, the foremost one, who makes good words, the lady who has a radiance, Nanaya, the head of the Eanna temple, the one who makes good words favorable in the country, secondly An, the one who makes good words favorable in the country, the king of all the lands, ... Nanaya, the country of Eanna, ... who has a radiance ..., the right shepherd, the son of Nunamnir, ... Ishbi-Erra, the great divine powers ... .

    For Nana, in future, his prayer is as sweet as a ... ..., his true lord, in the Eanna temple. The one who is to be praised by Ishbi-Erra, the one who does not tremble, in the Eanna temple, is a sagida-priest. Nana, the Land, is not sick. Your beloved, Ishbi-Erra, may you be the one who speaks favorable words to him. Its geshgigal. The great lady, the place where there is a happy place, is not sick, its sag hand is given. The great divine powers, the place where there is a happy place, is not sick, its sag hand is given. Nana, the great lady, the place where there is a happy place, is not sick, its sag hand is given.

    Ishbi-Erra, the king, is her shepherd. Nanaya, by the command of An, you are queen of all the lands. In the shrine Kulaba ... you are the lady of all the lands. You are the one who ... the people. You are the one who ... the people. Nanaya, the true woman, who is good, the beginning of the night, you are the one who speaks a holy word to your mistress. You are the one who is pleasing to the pure sage Enlil, Nanaya, the lady who is your pure me, you are the one who is pleasing to the pure sage. You are the one who is pleasing to the sagar. Ishbi-Erra, you are the one who praises the pure sage. The tigi of Nanaya

    P480988: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    dingir gal-gal-e-ne x-zu mah en [...] [...] x szu [...]-du7 [...] x x [...] A-A x [...] x x x [...] x _ka_ [...] tug2-zu tug2 gal-la-am3 [...] _ba na_ [...] (d)en-lil2 sza-mu-x [...] du10-ub an lugal-la-kam bulug3-ga2-me-en dingir gal-gal-e-ne sza-ba-mah a2? [...] x munus mu-ni ni2 il2-il2 (d)gu-la [...]-in-szu2 kur-kur-ra ba-du-a-me-en nin sa6-ga-na husz-bi gal-bi [...] nam-dingir gal mah-a sag il2 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na nam-nin kalam-ma-kam a-a-zu bi2-in-gub-be2-en u6 di-zu-sze3 ni2 nu-kur2-ru na-[...]

    ku3 (d)nin-isin2(si)-na nin (d)gu-la (d)nin-isin2(si)-na e2-gal-mah an-ne2 ki us2-sa (d)isz-bi-er3-ra ki ag2 sza3-za-ra za-e hul2-hul2-mu-di-ni-ib

    AI Translation

    The great gods ... your great ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Enlil, ...

    O holy Nininsina, lady of the Gula gods, Nininsina, the palace of An, the place where the foundation of Ishbi-Erra is beloved, may she rejoice over you!

    P480989: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...] me mah _an_ [...] [...] (d)szu-i3-li2-szu nam x [...] u4 ha-ba-ni-x-su3-u4 u18-ru12-bi-im a-da-ab (d)...

    AI Translation

    ... great me ... ... Shu-ilishu ... ... When Habani-x-su ... ... .

    P480990: literary other-object

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

    M=segment A


    en? u4 sumur husz erim2-ma x x x [...] _an_? x x kal-ga en-gu10 ug3 ti a-a ugu [...] ri u4 gal x er9-ra gu3 ra-ra im-mi-in?-x x x x en nam-szul-la-ni a2-nun-gal2 A x x x gal2 bar-su3-am3 ur-sag ki-bala-a gu3 ra?-ra sag? husz-bi bi2-tu10? szeg12-bi ni2 bi2-te in?-dal-bi an-na ba-e-e11? sumun2 zi ki-bala-a gu3 ra-ra sag? husz-bi bi2-tu10? szeg12-bi ni2 bi2-te in?-dal-bi an-na ba-e-e11? dingir a nun-na iri-tusz? um-te-ri (d)lamma-bi mu-u8-ta-gub? uzug sa6-ga-bi sag szu ba-e-du11 giri3 kur2 im-mi-dab5

    sumun2 zi iri-tusz? um-te-ri (d)lamma-bi mu-u8-ta-gub? uzug? sa6-ga-bi sag szu ba-e-du11 giri3 kur2 im-mi-dab5 kur-bi za-e sza-mu-u8-tab-en tu15 lil2-e bi2-tum3 szul ur-sag-bi gu2 im-mi-ni-gal2 me3 la-ba-gub-bu-de3 sumun2 zi kur-bi za-e sza-mu-u8-tab-en tu15 lil2-e bi2-tum3 szul ur-sag-bi gu2 im-mi-ni-gal2 me3 la-ba-gub-bu-de3 sza3-ba-tuku-am3 [...] x _ka_ nimgir gal? _ba_? ra _bi_ x x x x-e?-en? [...] x x x x x x x x x [...] x A x x [...] [...] gal-an-zu ar2?-re-zu x x bar-su3 2(disz)-kam-ma

    x x sumur husz erim2-ma lu2 hul-gal2 u4? im-x-e [...] e2 (d)suen-na-ka gu4 si im?-ma?-ni-sa2-sa2 x x sumur? husz erim2-ma lu2 hul-gal2 u4? im-x-e [...] e2 (d)suen-na-ka gu4 si im?-ma-ni-sa2-sa2 x x x (d)asz-im2-babbar a-ra2-ni ki ag2 x zi (d)i-din-(d)da-gan (d)nanna-ar? x-du11 x (d)asz-im2-babbar-re a-ra2-ni ki ag2 x zi di-din-(d)da-gan (d)nanna-ar x-an?-du11 [...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Lord, the storm, the furious storm, the enemy ... ... mighty ... My lord, the people, the father, ... The great storm, the storm,

    The true stele of the city, which the lamma erected, ... its good uzug ..., he took the path of the enemy. The mountain was seized, its wind was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the wind was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the wind was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the wind was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, the youth of its hero was roaring, ...

    ... a raging lion, a wicked man ... ... in the temple of Suen a bull ... ... a raging lion ... in the temple of Suen a bull ... ... of Ashimbabbar, his beloved ... Iddin-Dagan, Nanna-ar ... of Ashimbabbar, his beloved ... Diddin-Dagan, Nanna-ar ... .

    M=segment B


    [...] x x [...] [...] _di_ x _ka_ zi-de3-esz mu2 sumun2 zi x gal-an-zu? a-a-na ki he2?-x [...] [...] _di_ x _ka_ zi-de3-esz mu2? [...] inim (d)suen-na nam-lugal-sze3 szum2-ma [...] (d)asz-im2-babbar-re tug2? tug2-ba13 mu4-mu4 sumun2 zi inim szul (d)suen-na nam-lugal-sze3 szum2-ma [...] (d)asz-im2-babbar-re tug2? tug2-ba13 mu4-mu4 x x x ur-mah a-a-na dumu giri17 szu gal2-la-ni-im x x di-din-(d)da-gan-na _ab ri_ mu-dub?-dub? sumun2 zi ur-mah a-a-na dumu giri17 szu gal2-la-ni-im

    [...]-bi? u4-gin7 zi-de3-esz ak x x (d)asz-im2-babbar-gin7 di si sa2 ku5-ku5 sumun2 zi x x-bi? u4-gin7 zi-de3-esz ak x x (d)asz-im2-babbar-gin7 di si sa2 ku5-ku5 sumun2? zi? u4 szu2-usz (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na sza3 (d)nanna hug?-ge26?-e inim zi-da-ni (d)suen-ra sa6 su? zal-le-esz2 ak sumun2 zi u4 szu2-usz (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na sza3 (d)nanna hug?-ge26?-e inim zi-da-ni (d)suen-ra sa6 su? zal-le-esz2 ak ur-sag x (d)asz-im2-babbar-re a2 gal mah szum2-ma geszkim-ti (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na kur nu-sze-ga he2-gul-lu-e?

    sumun2 zi (d)asz-im2-babbar-re a2 gal mah szum2-ma geszkim-ti (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na kur nu-sze-ga he2-gul-lu sa-gar-ra-am3 sumun2 zi (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na u4 x x-sze3 sze-ga-ni he2-me-en gesz-gi4-gal2 sa-gar-ra-bi-im ur-sag ku-kur dugud gaba-ri-bi-sze3 nu-e3 en (d)nin-gublaga ku-kur dugud gaba-ri-bi-sze3 nu-e3 (d)sumun2-zi (d)i-din-(d)da-gan-na hul-du-ni gesz-gaz-bi he2-me-en u18?-ru12?-bi a-da-ab (d)nin-gublaga-kam

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the word of Suen to be king, given ... Ashimbabbar, a garment?, a garment?, given ..., given ... the word of Shulgi Suen to be king, given ... Ashimbabbar, a garment?, a garment?, given ... ... lion, his father, son of the hand held in his hand ... Didin-Dagan ... ... lion, his father, son of the hand held in his hand

    ... as if it were a storm, ... as if it were a storm, ... as if it were a storm, ... as if it were a storm, ... as if it were a storm, ... as if it were a storm, ... as if it were a storm, Iddin-Dagan, in the heart of Nanna, his word is true, and Suen, as if it were a storm, Iddin-Dagan, in the heart of Nanna, his word is true, and Suen, as if it were a storm, and Hero ... of Ashimbabbar, given the great strength, by the command of Iddin-Dagan, may the unsubmissive land be destroyed.

    The true tribute of Ashimbabbar, given strength by the great command, the oath of Iddin-Dagan, the land that cannot be destroyed, is the sagar. The true tribute of Iddin-Dagan, for ..., is his ..., its geshgigal. The hero of the lands, its rivals, does not enter. The lord of Ningublaga, its rivals, does not enter. Sumunzi of Iddin-Dagan, his evil deeds, is its gishgaz. Its urub, the adab of Ningublaga,

    P480994: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird

    Column 2


    mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    he built for him and restored for him.

    P480995: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2(muszen)-babbar2-ra-ni mu-na-du3 ki-be2 mu-na-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.

    P480996: royal-monumental cone

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-gir2-su ur-sag kal-ga (d)en-lil2-la2-ra gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki)-ke4 nig2-du7-e pa mu-na-e3 e2-ninnu anzu2#(muszen#)-babbar2#-ra#-ni# mu#-na#-du3# ki-be2 mu#-na#-gi4

    AI Translation

    For Ningirsu, the mighty warrior of Enlil, Gudea, ruler of Lagash, made a fitting thing resplendent for him, and his Eninnu with the White Thunderbird he built for him and restored for him.