AICC / Publications / p494

P494008: letter tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


a-na ba-li-e-ra-[ah] qi2-bi2-ma um-ma qi2-isz-tum-ma (d)utu li-ba-al-li-it,-ka asz-szum sze-e-em sza ta-asz-pu-ra-am mi-im-ma la ta-ta-na-asz-sza-asz-szi ur-ra-am szum-ma (disz)s,i-li2-(d)gu-la szum-ma a-na-ku-u2 ni-il-la-kam-ma sze-a-am [(x)] bi-si-le-e-tim nu-sza#-ar-sza

AI Translation

To Beli-erah speak! Thus says Qishtum: "May Shamash be glad on account of the supplication that you sent me, and nothing you did not send to her." Later, if Shilli-Gula, or I, come, and the barley of the rations we shall send to her.

P494060: letter tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



[a-na x]-da-a-a qi2#-[bi2]-ma um-ma [x]-x-ki-(ma) szum-ma be#-li2# at!-ta# a-na-ku _geme2_-am ad-di-in _geme2#_-am a-na be-li2-ia [a]-na#

AI Translation

To ... speak! Thus ...: "If you, my lord, are you, I gave a slave woman, I gave a slave woman to my lord, to



szi#-pi2-ir _e2_ i-di-im-ma a-na larsa(ki) li-ir-de-szi

AI Translation

the construction of the house of Idim, may it be brought to Larsa.

P494209: other-genre tablet

Old Assyrian (ca. 1950-1850 BC) CDLI


[... i]-di-a-bi4-im [...] [...] s,i2-la2-(d)iszkur# [...]

AI Translation

... Iddi-abim ... Shila-Adad .

P494220: letter tablet

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



a-na ba ba-li-e-ra-ah qi2-bi2-ma um-ma (d)suen-im-gur-an-ni-ma (d)utu _mu 1(szar2)-kam_ li-ba-li-it,-ka asz-szum _lu2 hun-ga2_ sza um-ma a-na-ku-u2 wu-szi-ra-asz-szu aq-bu-ku-um um-ma a-na-ku-u2-ma a-di t,e4-em-szu i-s,a-ba-tu la a-da!-la-ah-szu i-na-an-na szi-ip-ra-am-mi ta-as,-s,a-ba-at szum-ma i-na ki-tim a-hi at-ta ((ta)) (disz)a-bu-um-dingir _lu2 hun-ga2_ ((sza)) sza (d)suen-ni-ia

AI Translation

To not ... speak! Thus Sîn-imguranni: "May Shamash restore you for a hundred years!" As to the man of the hireling about whom I said: "I will help him," I said: "I will help him until his report is released, I will not help him." Now, my letter you shall send to me. If in the lower part of the earth you belong to Abum-ili, the hireling of Sîn.



[a]-na _ensi2-mesz_ a-na _iri(ki)_ an-za-gar3-ku-na-nu-um(ki) wu-usz-szi-ra-asz-szu u3 a-na _iri#_ [x]-gu#-nu#-um(ki) a-li-ik-ma sze-a-am am-ta#-da-ad u3 sze-a-am sza# ta#-aq#-bi-a-am a-hi-ta#-a#-ma asz-ta#-ka#-an-mi sze-um x x x-mi u2-_ku_-x [x] szu-up-ra-am-ma a-sza-ar ki-ma ta-qa2!-bu-u2 lu-ud-di-in

AI Translation

to the governors of the city of Anzagar-kunanum I shall bring him, and to the city of ...gunum I shall go, and the barley I shall measure out, and the barley that you said I shall measure out, and the barley ... I shall ..., and the field as you said I shall give.

P494288: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



1(szar2) 8(gesz2) 2(u) 2(disz) gu4 ansze hi-a apin-bi 8(gesz2) 3(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 5(u) ab2 gu4 hi-a e2-tur3 6(szar2) 5(gesz2) 4(disz) udu hi-a siki-bi 1(gesz'u) 4(u) 2(disz) gu2 8(disz) ma-na 2(szar2) 5(gesz'u) 6(gesz2) 5(u) 6(disz) ud5 masz2 hi-a

AI Translation

142 oxen, donkeys, ..., its plough: 420 oxen, ..., in the stall; 420 sheep, ..., its wool: 142 talents, 8 mana; 460 nanny goats, ...,



gu4 udu gu4 apin gub-ba sza3 gir2-su(ki) mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal

AI Translation

oxen, sheep, oxen of the plow stationed, in Girsu; year: "Amar-Suen is king."

P494550: administrative tablet

Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

Column 1


[...] x [x] en-ga-ki-du10 dumu#?-ni [1(asz@c)] ur-tur [1(asz@c)] lugal-kun5 1(asz@c)# lugal-za3-ge# dumu#-ni-me 1(asz@c) masz 1(asz@c) e2-zi dumu-ni 1(asz@c) lu2-(d#)x-x

  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)nin-dar#-a
  • [x] x-gaba#?-ta#? dumu#?-ni#?-me#?

    AI Translation

    ... ... Enka-kidu, his son, 1 Urtur, 1 Lugal-kun, 1 Lugal-zage, his sons, 1 goat, 1 Ezi, his son, 1 Lu-...,

  • 1 Lu-Nindara,
  • ...-gabata, their sons

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) lugal?-gi-du10 dumu-ni 1(asz@c) nin-bar-ra szu-gi4 1(asz@c) ur-(d)nimgir-za

  • 1(disz) ur2-nig2-du10
  • 1(disz)? ur#-(d)isztaran
  • dumu-ni-me 1(asz@c) ur-(d)usz#?-si?

  • 1(disz) za3#?-mi dumu-ni
  • 1(asz@c) lugal#-x 1(asz@c) lugal#-[x]

  • 1(disz) e2#?-_ka#_-[x]
  • AI Translation

    1 Lugal-gidu, his son, 1 Ninbara, the shugi, 1 Ur-Nimgirza,

  • 1 Ur-nigdu,
  • 1: Ur-Ishtaran,
  • their sons, 1: Ur-usi?,

  • 1: Zami, his son,
  • 1 Lugal-..., 1 Lugal-...,

  • 1: E-ka-...,
  • Column 1


    1(asz@c)# [...] 1(asz@c) ur#-[...] 1(asz@c) dam-ni? 1(asz@c) szu-na dumu-[ni] 1(asz@c) ama-x a-ru-a ensi2

    AI Translation

    1 ..., 1 Ur-..., 1 Damni?, 1 Shuna, his son, 1 Ama-..., the governor;

    Column 2


    szunigin 3(u@c) 1(asz@c) gurusz szunigin 7(disz) dumu szunigin 4(asz@c) geme2 x geme2 (d)nin-dar-a x ur3-ri [...] x (d)nin-dar

    AI Translation

    total: 31 male laborers; total: 7 children; total: 4 female laborers ... female laborers of Nindara ... ... of Nindar;

    P494551: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    1(asz@c) e2-gu-la 1(asz@c)* ur-nig2 1(asz@c) du-du 1(asz@c) ur-e2 1(asz@c) ur-(d)isztaran 1(asz@c) lu2-ba 1(asz@c) gu2-sa 1(asz@c) ur-(d)na-ru2-a [nu]-banda3 amar-su4 [1(asz@c)] inim#-ma [1(asz@c)] ur#?-nig2

    AI Translation

    1 Egula, 1 Ur-nig, 1 Dudu, 1 Ur-e, 1 Ur-Ishtaran, 1 Luba, 1 Gusa, 1 Ur-Narua, the overseer of Amar-su, 1 Inima, 1 Ur-nig,

    Column 2


    1(asz@c) e2#?-x-x-x 1(asz@c) ka#-ku3 1(asz@c) en-e2 nu-banda3 en-iri-na 1(asz@c) ur-sa6 1(asz@c) en-ne2-tu 1(asz@c) lu2-disz-x 1(asz@c) ur-sa6# 1(asz@c) en#-_du#_? 1(asz@c)# [...] 1(asz@c)# [...]

    AI Translation

    1 for E-... 1 for Kaku 1 for En-e, the overseer, for Enirina 1 for Ursa 1 for Ennetu 1 for Lu-dish-x 1 for Ursa 1 for En-du 1 for ... 1 for .

    Column 1


    nu-[banda3 ...] 1(asz@c) en#-x 1(asz@c) za3-mu 1(asz@c) ur-ru 1(asz@c) (d)en-lil2-da-(x) nu-banda3 ur-nig2# sag-(d)utu# [1(asz@c)] nigar [(x)]

    AI Translation

    the overseer ...; 1 for En-...; 1 for Zamu; 1 for Urru; 1 for Enlil-da-...; the overseer Ur-nig, Sag-shamash; 1 for Nigar ...;

    Column 2


    [x x] na#?-x nu-banda3 ur-(d)(sze3)szer7 im u4-te-na-kam a-ra2 3(disz@t)-kam

    AI Translation

    ..., the overseer: Ur-Shesher, the ..., for the 3rd time.

    P494573: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] [x] x-_szid_?-la# 1(asz@c)# _ne_?-sze3? lunga3 lu2 zah3-a-me 1(asz@c) dumu-nita nam#?-ra#?-asz2 ba-ak dub-sar#-mah 1(asz@c) gurusz lu2-(d)utu dub-sar 1(asz@c) gurusz 1(asz@c) geme2 x-si sipa 1(asz@c)#? geme2 me-e2#-ku6 szu-ku6 lagas(ki) [e?]-da-ti [n(asz@c)] dumu#-nita lu2#? x x x [(...)]

    AI Translation

    ... ..., 1 ..., brewer, the zah-priests, 1 son, the namrash-priest, scribe, 1 male laborer, Lu-Utu, the scribe, 1 male laborer, 1 female laborer, ..., shepherd, 1 female laborer, Me-e'e-ku6, the shuku6-priest, Lagash, Edadi, n male laborers, the ...,

    Column 2


    [...] 2(asz@c)? [...] ki (d)[...] 2(asz@c) gurusz#? ma-da-[x] 1(asz@c) gurusz zah3# szu-asz3 a-u3#?-[x] 1(asz@c) geme2 nam-ra-asz2# ba#-ak me-e2-ku6 szu-ku6 1(asz@c) gurusz zah3 igi-mu simug lagas(ki) 1(asz@c) gurusz x? ur-(d)(sze3)szer7-da i3-gesz _ku 1_(asz@c) gurusz u3-gu2-zi dam i3-li2-x-x

    AI Translation

    ... 2? ... ... 2? male laborers? of Mada ... 1 male laborer, zah3-offerings of Shu-ash, A'u-... 1 female laborer, ..., Me-eku6, szu-ku6 1 male laborer, zah3-offerings of Igi-mu, the smith of Lagash 1 male laborer, ... Ur-Sherda, oil ... 1 male laborer, Uguzi, wife of Ili-.



    _ka_-zi [x] ugula#? lu2-sza3#? 1(asz@c) geme2# ba#?-[ta]-e11-da x ugula 1(asz@c) gurusz# 1(asz@c) geme2 ba#?-ta-e11-e

    AI Translation

    ... foreman: Lu-sha?, 1 female worker, ... foreman: 1 male worker, 1 female worker, .

    P494574: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI

    Column 2


    [...] 2(u@c) 5(asz@c) ur-an-na-[x?] lu2-da-[x] szunigin# 4(gesz2@c) 2(u@c) gurusz [x x]-szud3-du [x x] x-_ab_

    AI Translation

    ... 25 Ur-ana-... Lu-da-... Total: 420 male laborers, ...-shuddu; ...-ab

    Column 1


    1(u@c) [...] 2(u@c) la2 1(asz@c) ur-ur# lu2 e2-sig4-kur?-me 2(u@c) 1(asz@c) a-tu 2(u@c) 6(asz@c) lugal-munus lu2 gu2 i7 pirig#-gin7-du [...]

    AI Translation

    10 ... 20 less 1 Ur-ur, the man of the brick-house; 21 Atu; 26 Lugal-munus, the man of the bank of the Pirig-gindu canal .

    Column 2


    [...] x [...] _nig2#_ [...] du# [...] ku3 [...] da#? [...] gurusz#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... holy ... ... ... young man

    P494583: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) udu [...] 1(asz@c) lugal-[x x?] 1(asz@c) da-da# 1(asz@c) ur-e2# 1(asz@c) lu2-(d)utu 1(asz@c) ur-(d)ab-u2 1(asz@c) ur-dumu [1(asz@c) ur?]-e11#

    AI Translation

    1 sheep ..., 1 Lugal-..., 1 Dada, 1 Ur-e, 1 Lu-Utu, 1 Ur-Abu, 1 Ur-dumu, 1 Ur-e,



    szunigin# 1(u@c) 2(asz@c) gurusz aga3#-us2 lugal-me x im-sag# masz?

    AI Translation

    total: 12 male laborers, royal troops, ..., .

    P494584: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) 1(barig@c) dug li 1(asz@c) a?-_ku 1_(asz@c) nin-kar-gun3? 1(asz@c) nin-en-nu 1(asz@c) nin9-sa6 1(asz@c) a-sa6 1(asz@c) e2-ka 1(asz@c) nin-he2 1(asz@c) nin-ab-gu-ul 1(asz@c) dam (d)utu-i3-zi 1(asz@c) ma-al-ga-su3# 1(asz@c)# ama-a-zu

    AI Translation

    1 barig jug of libation beer, 1 Aku, 1 Ninkargun, 1 Ninennu, 1 Ninsa, 1 Asa, 1 Eka, 1 Ninhe, 1 Nin-abgul, 1 wife of Utu-izi, 1 Malgasu, 1 Ama-azu,



    1(aszc) x-[...] _arad_ engar-[x]-x 1(asz@c) geme2#?-esz3 1(asz@c) [x]-x?-zi 1(asz@c) geme2#?-(d)nanna 1(asz@c) mu#?-du10-ga 1(asz@c) geme2# zah3# 1(asz@c) e2#?-e2 szunigin 2(u@c) 5(asz@c)# lu2 bappir3-me

    AI Translation

    1 ..., servant of ...; 1 female esh-priest; 1 ...zi; 1 female ?-nanna; 1 Muduga; 1 female zah-priest; 1 house; total: 25 people, the bakers;

    P494605: administrative tablet

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI



    da#?-[x?]-x-[x?] 4(asz@c) kasz dug gala# 4(asz@c) kasz dug

    AI Translation

    ... 4 jugs of beer for the gala offering 4 jugs of beer for the libation;



    lugal-ma2#?-[x] 3(asz@c) kasz dug da-da# 3(asz@c) kasz dug lugal#-bi#

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ma... 3 jugs of Dada beer, 3 jugs of king's beer,

    P494860: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Babylonian (ca. 626-539 BC) CDLI

  • 2(disz) qa 1/2(disz) _ninda_
  • (d)u?-gur?-lugal-uru3 _lugal_ babilax(|_tin-tir_|)(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 2 'litres' 1/2 'bread';
  • Nergal-lugal-uru, king of Babylon.

    P494891: administrative bulla

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ib-ni-(d)suen dub-sar dumu da-an-er3-ra _arad_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Sîn, scribe, son of Dan-Erra, servant of Ninshubur.

    P494900: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)a-bu-t,a3-bu u3 u2-ra-t,u2#-ba# _dumu-mesz_ (disz)du-bu-ub-a-li i-na t,u2-ba-ti-szu-nu i-na na-ar-a-ma-ti-szu-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu-nu _iri(ki)-szu-nu u3 _edin_-szu-nu _a-sza3 e2 du3-a_ u3 _(gesz)kiri6_ lu-pu-un-szu-nu u3 ma-asz-ra-szu-nu zi-zu me-e-su2 du-up-pu-ru ta-a-mu is-qa na-du szu-nu a-na ah-ma-mi u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu-nu a-na ah-ma-mi u2-ul i-te-eb-bu u2-ul i-ra-ga-mu sza3 u2-ul zi-za-ku u2-ul me-za-ku i-qa-ab-bu-ma a-na [me-e] i-il-la-ak x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Abbutabu and Uratuba, sons of Dububbali, for their happiness, their sattukku offerings, their property, their city and their country, the field of the built house and the orchard, I will provide them, and their dowry I will provide them. The supplication is a supplication. The supplication is a supplication. They shall not speak to me, and their sons to me shall not be supplications, they shall not be supplications. They shall not say a supplication, they shall not supplications, and to me shall go ... .



    [_igi_] u2-zu-un-ka [...] _igi_ i-na-sza3-ri-szu-a-la-ak# _igi_ (d)isz-me-ka-ra-ab-dingir _igi_ ku-ub-bu-ti ba-a-ri _igi 1(disz)+[n] ab-mesz_ an-nu-ti zi-i-zu me-e-su2 ta-a-mu du-up-pu-ru is-qa na-du

    AI Translation

    Before Uzuunka ...; before Inashar-shulaak; before Ishme-karabi-il; before Kubbutu-ba'ari; before these ... cows: the slander of the slander

    P494961: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    _a-sza3 1(barig) 1(ban2) numun_-szu _bala gal_ ma-asz-qi2-it _pa5_ szu-ba-ri _ti_ at-tu-ri _da_ i-ba-asz-szi2-dingir u3 _da_ hu-un-ni-ni _ki_ a-bu-um-dingir (disz)_arad_-ku-bi u2-sze-s,i2 a-na e-se-ep ta-ba-al a-na sze-im _sze-gesz-i3_ u3 _gu2 tur_

  • _3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ isz-qu2-ul
  • _iti_ hu-ul-tu-up-pe-e sza3 _bala iri dag_

    AI Translation

    A field of 1 barig 1 ban2 of seeding, a great reign, a shubaru-tax, a shubaru-tax, a life-giving gift, I received; next to Ibashi-ilu and next to Hunnini, with Abum-ilu Arad-kubi I brought; to do the work you shall measure; next to barley, sesame and small onions.

  • 3 shekels of silver he weighed out.
  • A month of hultuppû-offerings in the reign of a city, a reed-bed.



    _ku3-babbar_ isz-qu2-ul _a-sza3_ u2-sze-s,i2 _a-sza3_ ib-ba-qar-ma i-na _e2 du3-a_-szu u3 _bala 3(disz)-kam _(gesz)gag_ mah-s,a-at _igi_ (d)utu _igi_ (d)|_musz3-eren_| _igi_ at-kal-szu _igi_ (d)utu-sze-em-me-e _igi_ i3-li2-[ga]-mil _igi_ li-ib-lu-t,u _igi_ (d)er3#-ra-ba-ni _igi_ ra-ap-pi-dingir _igi_ t,a3-ab-nu-pa-ar-szu _igi_ u2-s,i-a-na-nu-ri-szu _dub-sar_ _mu_ (d)|_musz3-eren_| u3 (d)isz-me-ka-ra-ab sza3 ib-ba-la-ka-tu _5(asz) gur [sze i3-ag2]-e_

    AI Translation

    The silver he paid. The field he shall acquire. The field he shall acquire and in his built house and in the third year he shall tie a scepter. Before Shamash, before Mushesh-eresh, before Atkalshu, before Shamash-shemê, before Ili-gamil, before Liblutu, before Erra-bani, before Rapi-il, before Tabnu-parshu, before Ushi-ana-nurishu, the scribe of the name of Mushesh-eresh and Ishme-karab, who shall bring the barley, 5 gur of barley he shall measure.



    s,u-pur a-bu-um-dingir

    AI Translation

    fingernail of Abum-ili,

    P494977: legal tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI



    (disz)(d)suen#-[...] asz-szum wa-ar#-[ka-su2] a-na ta-ri-[ri] _dumu-[munus_-szu] i-di-[isz-szi-im] szu-gu#-gu it-ba-am-ma# um-ma ta-ri-ri# a-na szu-gu-gu [it-ma] at-ta-ma mu-ti# at-ta-ma ma-ri at-ta-ma ap-li u3 at-ta-hu-bi-ti-[ir] i-ra-am-ka-ma i-pa-la-ah-ka-ma# _e2_ ku-ru-usz-tu3#-um ni-isz ba-la-isz-sza-an ni-isz ku-ku-sa-ni-it u3 ni-isz na-pi-ri-sza ta-ri-ri a-na szu-gu-gu it#-ma szu-gu-gu

    AI Translation

    Sîn-... because of the death of his wife to the tauriru, his daughter, he gave her, the tauriru he took, saying: "The tauriru to the tauriru he has taken, because you are a man, you are a father, you are a brother, and you are a tahubitir-priest, he loves you, he loves you, and the house of the kurushtum, the one who loves you, the one who loves you, and the one who loves her, the tauriru to the tauriru he has taken, because the tauriru



    a-na _lugal_ u3 ni-isz _dingir_ ip-la-ah-ma _e2_ i-pu-usz

  • _2/3(disz) ma-na 4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _szu ti-a_ ta-ri-ri

  • _8(disz) gin2_ at#-ta-hu-bi-ti-ir
  • _3(u) sze gur_
  • a-na ah! ta-ri-ri szu-gu-gu i-di-in

    AI Translation

    he looked upon the king and the benevolent god and built a house.

  • 2/3 mina 4 shekels of silver
  • Hand of a sailor.

  • 8 shekels I have weighed out.
  • 30 gur of barley,
  • He gave the shugugu-offerings to the ... of the tauri.

    P494983: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(disz) (gesz)mar-gid2-da in-nu_
  • szi2-il-ha-ha _lugal_ _szu_ za-lum-mi

    AI Translation
  • 1 wagon, ...;
  • Shilhaha, king of the hand of Zalummu.



    _mu-kux(_du_)_ ka2 gal lugal _ki_ in-zu-ku-ti-ir

    AI Translation

    The delivery of the great gate of the king has been delayed.

    P494986: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI

  • 4(u) 8(disz) _udu_ su7-gun3-a(ki)
  • 1(u) 5(disz) ha-bi-ri(ki)
  • 1(gesz2) 7(disz) bad3-szul-gi(ki)
  • 1(u) 8(disz) du-un-nu-um ka-na-pu-um
  • 1(disz) me-ru 4(u) 8(disz) _udu_ _erin2_ mar-tu

    AI Translation
  • 48 sheep of Suguna,
  • 15: Habiri;
  • 77, Dur-Shulgi;
  • 18 kanapu-plants,
  • 1 meru 48 sheep, Amorite troops;

    P494987: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) udu sa2-du11 lugal
  • i-tur2-(d)suen iti a-sza3 dingir-ra in-ku5

    AI Translation
  • 3 sheep, regular offerings of the king;
  • Itur-Sîn, month: "The field of the god was taken."



    bala gu-la mu us2-sa ki#? mar-tu im-gen#-na

    AI Translation

    ... the dynasty, the year after the Amorite .

    P494988: administrative tablet

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


  • _1(u) 5(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_
  • _ki_ in-zu-zu (disz)ku-uk-dingir sza3-ni-ip _gal_ i-na _iti_ sze-er-i-im sza3 e-s,e-di-im il#-qe2

    AI Translation
  • 15 shekels of silver
  • Kudurru, the chief eunuch, took it as a loan in the month of Addaru.



    _sza3-ba 1(u) 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza3 a-na _sa10 a-sza3_ bad3-ru(ki)

  • _2(disz) gin2_ sza3 _udu-nita2_
  • sza3 a-na ku-ub-bu-tum id-di-nu

  • _1(disz) gin2_ sza3 _udu-nita2_
  • sza3 i-gu-ri

    AI Translation

    therefrom 12 shekels of silver which for the price of the field of Dur-Duru

  • 2 shekels of the ram,
  • who gave to the captives.

  • 1 shekel of ram,
  • of Iguru;