AICC / Publications / p514

P514334: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)gu3-de2-a ensi2 lagasz(ki) ur-(d)szar2-ur3-ra dumu ur-(d)suen _arad2_-zu

AI Translation

Gudea, ruler of Lagash: Ur-Shara, son of Ur-Suen, is your servant.


Gudea, governor of Lagash: Ur-Sharura, son of Ur-Suen, is your servant.

P514335: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-lu-da-ri _dumu_ ma-lik-(d)iszkur _ARAD_ (d)iszkur

AI Translation

Hammurapi-lu-dari, son of Makil-Adad, servant of Adad.

P514336: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


i3-li2-u3-(d)utu _dumu_ ig-mil-(d)suen _ARAD_ (d)nin-gesz-zi-da

AI Translation

Ili-u-shamash, son of Igmil-Sîn, servant of Ningeshzida.

P514337: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)en-lil2-be-eli3-li2 _dumu_ ga-mi-lum _ARAD_ (d)nin-urta

AI Translation

Enlil-bel-ili, son of Gemilum, servant of Ninurta.

P514338: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


a-bi-lu-mu-ur _dumu_ di-iq-qum _ARAD_ (d)utu

AI Translation

Abilumur, son of Diqqum, servant of Shamash.

P514339: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


sze-ep-(d)sag-ku5 _dumu_ i-din-nu-nu-um _ARAD_ (d)mar-tu

AI Translation

Shep-Sagku, son of Iddinnum, servant of the god Amurru.

P514340: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


u2-s,i2-bi-tum _dumu_ a-pil-(d)suen _ARAD_ (d)en-ki (d)dam-gal-nun-na

AI Translation

Ushibitum, son of Apil-Sîn, servant of Enki and Damgalnuna.

P514341: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


sze20-ep-(d)suen _dumu_ _arad_-i3-li2-szu ...

AI Translation

Shep-Sîn, son of Warad-ilishu .

P514342: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


a-hu-la-ap-(d)utu _dumu_ a-bi-sa-tu _ARAD_ _an_ (d)mar-tu

AI Translation

Ahulapp-Shamash, son of Abi-satu, servant of Anu and Amurru.

P514343: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)utu-li-wi-ir _dumu_ sa-mu-um _ARAD_ (d)mar-tu

AI Translation

Shamash-li-wir, son of Samum, servant of the god Amurru.

P514344: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


ig-mil-(d)suen _dumu_ ia-ar-ha-mu ...

AI Translation

Igmil-Sîn, son of Yarhamu .

P514345: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)utu-tu-ra-am _dumu_ (d)suen-_apin_ _ARAD_ (d)lugal-gu2-du8-a(ki)

AI Translation

Shamash-tu-ram, son of Sîn-eresh, servant of Lugal-gudu'a.

P514346: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


il3-szu-i-bi-szu _dumu_ na-ra-am-(d)iszkur _ARAD_ (d)iszkur

AI Translation

Ilshu-ibbishu, son of Naram-Adad, servant of Adad.

P514347: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


nu-ur2-(d)kab-ta _dub-sar_ _ARAD_ (d)nin-si4-an-na

AI Translation

Nur-Kabta, scribe, servant of Ninsiana.

P514348: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _dumu_ (d)suen-isz-me-a-ni _ARAD_ (d)... u3 (d)...

AI Translation

Adad-manshum, son of Sîn-ishmeani, servant of ... and .

P514349: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


s,i-li2-(d)inanna _dumu_ a-wi-il-i3-li2 _ARAD_ (d)...

AI Translation

Shilli-Ishtar, son of Awil-ili, servant of .

P514350: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


i-din-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-ub-lam _ARAD_ (d)szuszin

AI Translation

Iddin-Sîn, son of Sîn-ublam, servant of the god Susa.

P514351: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


s,i-li2-(d)er3-ra _dumu_ a-hu-um

AI Translation

Shilli-Erra, son of Ahum;

P514352: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


ib-ni-(d)iszkur _dumu_ (d)suen-u2-se2-li _ARAD_ (d)iszkur

AI Translation

Ibni-Adad, son of Sîn-uselli, servant of Adad.

P514353: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)iszkur-illat-su2 _dumu_ a-na-pa-ni-dingir _ARAD_ (d)iszkur

AI Translation

Adad-illatsu, son of Ana-pani-il, servant of Adad.

P514354: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)mar-tu dur2-an-ki kin-kin an-gu2 ni2 te-mu-szi

AI Translation

Martu, you are the one who establishes heaven.

P514355: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


mi-ig-ra-at-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-sze-mi _ARAD_ (d)mar-tu

AI Translation

Migrat-Sîn, son of Sîn-shemi, servant of the god Amurru.

P514356: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


na-bi-i3-li2-szu _dumu_ a-ap-pa-dingir _ARAD_ (d)nin-si4-an-na u3 (d)nisaba

AI Translation

Nabi-ilishu, son of Aya-appa-il, servant of Ninsiana and Nisaba.

P514357: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)suen-be-el-ap-li _dumu_ a-bi-i-din-na

AI Translation

Sîn-bel-apli, son of Abi-iddina,

P514358: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2 a-gu-u2-a _dumu-ni_ _dumu_ ur?-hu-na-an?-na

AI Translation

Lu-Enlila, Agu'a, his son, son of Urhunana?,

P514359: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


ni-id-na-at-(d)suen _gudu4-abzu_ (d)nanna _dumu_ il3-szu-illat-su2

AI Translation

Nidnat-Sîn, gudu-apsû-priest of Nanna, son of Ilshu-illatsu.

P514360: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


a-wi-il-(d)utu _dumu_ (d)suen...- _ARAD_ (d)mar-tu

AI Translation

Awil-shamash, son of Sîn-..., servant of Amurru.

P514361: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)na-bi-um _sukkal u3-luh ku3 szu-du8_

AI Translation

Nabû, the vizier, the pure sceptre, the shudu-priest,

P514362: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


lu2-(d)en-lil2-la2 _dumu_ li-pi2-it-(d)inanna ...

AI Translation

Lu-Enlila, son of Lipit-Inanna .

P514363: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


_(d)suen-uru4_ _dumu_ a-bi-e-sa-_ad_? _ir3 an-an-mar-tu_

AI Translation

Sîn-uru, son of Abi-esa'ad, the scribal art of Anammartu.

P514364: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


(d)nanna-he2-gal2 dumu szesz-kal-la

AI Translation

Nanna-hegal, son of Sheshkalla.

P514365: administrative seal

Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


(d)suen-mu-ba-li2-it, dumu in-ba-ti-x

AI Translation

Sîn-muballit, son of Inbati.

P514366: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


sza-lu!-ur-tum dumu-munus i-ba-al-dingir

AI Translation

Shalurtum, daughter of Ibal-ili.

P514367: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


bi-du-li-bur dumu u-bar-(d)suen

AI Translation

Bidulibur, son of Ubar-Sîn.

P514368: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


a-ka-a-a dumu-munus gub-ba-i3-du10

AI Translation

Akaya, daughter of Gubba-idu.

P514369: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


ku3-(d)en-lil2-la2 dumu (d)ba-ba6-x-x

AI Translation

Ku-Enlila, son of Baba-.

P514370: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


na-ra-am-(d)suen dumu i3-li2-ki-ib-ri

AI Translation

Naram-Sin, son of Ili-kibri.

P514371: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


lu2-igi-sa6 dumu a-li2-a-hu-um

AI Translation

Lu-igisa, son of Ali-ahum.

P514372: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


geme2-(d)en-lil2-la2 dumu-munus (d)en-lil2-gi-na

AI Translation

Geme-Enlila, daughter of Enlil-gina.

P514373: administrative seal

Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


du10-i3-si-in(ki)-na dumu i3-li2-ku-ni-i

AI Translation

Du-Isina, son of Ili-kuni.

P514375: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) gu4 niga 3(u) udu niga
  • 4(u) udu
  • (d)en-lil2 sza3 mu-kux(_du_) kasz-de2-a lu2-dingir-ra dumu _arad2_-hul3-la

    AI Translation
  • 5 grain-fed oxen, 30 grain-fed sheep,
  • 40 sheep,
  • for Enlil; in the delivery of the beer, Lu-dingira, son of ARAD-hula;

    Owen, David I.
  • 5 oxen, barley-fed, 30 sheep, barley-fed,
  • 40 sheep,
  • for Enlil, in the delivery for the banquet; Lu-dingira, son of ARADhulla;



    mu kasz-de2-a nam-mu10-us2-sa2 s,e-lu-usz-(d)da-gan-_pa_-sze3

  • 7(disz) udu tah-sza-tal ra2-gaba
  • udu su-ga usz-mu kuruszda _arad2_-mu maszkim u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam ki ab-ba-sa6-ga-ta ba-zi iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu gu-za (d)en-lil2-la2 ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    for the beer of life of Seleucus,

  • 7 sheep, Tash-shalal, the ra-gaba;
  • sheep of the stall of Ushmu, fattener, ARADmu was enforcer; 18th day, from Abbasaga's account booked out; month: "Harvest," year: "The chair of Enlil was fashioned."

    Owen, David I.

    for the wedding banquet for Shellush-Dagan;

  • 7 sheep from Dahish-atal, the mounted messenger,
  • sheep replaced by Ushmu, the fattener; ARADmu was the administrator; 18th day; from Abbasaga's account lifted; month: "Harvest," year: "The throne of Enlil was fashioned;"


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 2(disz)
  • AI Translation
  • 62 lines
  • Owen, David I.
  • total: 82 cattle.
  • P514376: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) 3(disz) udu e2-muhaldim giri3 na-silim muhaldim
  • 1(disz) masz2-gal ur-szu-ri-tum-ma
  • 1(disz) u8 giri3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3
  • 1(disz) sila4 giri3 u2-ta2-mi-szar3-um
  • 1(disz) sila4 giri3 a2-an-ga2-ta
  • 1(disz) sila4 giri3 _ni_-da-ku-un-ti
  • 1(disz) sila4 giri3 ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu i3-li2
  • 1(disz) sila4 giri3 ur-esz3-lil2-la2
  • 1(disz) sila4 giri3 (d)nin-e2-gal-palil
  • 1(gesz2) 6(disz) udu u4 6(disz)-kam
  • 1(gesz2) 5(u) 7(disz) udu u4 7(disz)-kam
  • 1(u) 2(disz) udu u4 8(disz)-kam
  • nig2-ezem-ma (na4)gug na2 3(gesz2) 4(u) 6(disz) sza3-bi-ta

    AI Translation
  • 23 sheep for the kitchen, via Nasilim, the cook;
  • 1 billy goat: Ur-shurituma,
  • 1 ewe, via Ur-Shulpa'e;
  • 1 lamb, via Uta-misharum,
  • 1 lamb, via A'anga;
  • 1 lamb via Nidakunti,
  • 1 lamb, via Ur-Baba, son of Ili;
  • 1 lamb, via Ur-eshlila;
  • 1 lamb, via Ninegal-palil;
  • 66 sheep, 6th day;
  • 97 sheep, 7th day;
  • 12 sheep, 8th day;
  • festival of carnelian, stone weight: 126, therefrom:

    Owen, David I.
  • 23 sheep for the kitchen, via Nasilim, the cook;
  • 1 full-grown goat, Ur-shuritumma;
  • 1 ewe, via Ur-Shulpa'e;
  • 1 lamb, via Uta-misharum;
  • 1 lamb, via A'angata;
  • 1 lamb, via NIdakunti;
  • 1 lamb, via Ur-Baba, son of Ili;
  • 1 lamb, via Ur-eshlila;
  • 1 lamb, via Nin-egal-palil;
  • 66 sheep, 6th day;
  • 117 sheep, 7th day;
  • 12 sheep, 8th day;
  • festival, carnelian, bed; subtotal: 226 small cattle; therefrom:


  • 2(u) 5(disz) udu [x-x?]-x a-sza3-ta
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6 dumu lu2-ba i3-dab5 giri3 lu5-a-mu

  • 3(disz) udu giri3 lugal-nam2-mah
  • 5(disz) masz2 giri3 lu2-kal-la
  • zi-ga-am3

  • 3(gesz2) 1(u) 3(disz) udu si-i3-tum
  • gaba-ri nig2-ka9-ak du11-ga giri3 szesz-kal-la iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 25 sheep ..., from the field;
  • Ur-Baba, son of Lu-ba, accepted; via Lu-amu;

  • 3 sheep, via Lugal-nammah;
  • 5 billy goats, via Lukalla,
  • booked out;

  • 133 sheep, rations,
  • copy of account of Duga, via Sheshkalla; month: "Harvest," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Owen, David I.
  • 25 sheep ... a-sza3-ta
  • did Ur-Baba, son of Luba, receive, via Lu'amu;

  • 3 sheep, via Lugal-nammah,
  • 5 goats, via Lukalla;
  • booked out;

  • 193 sheep, deficit;
  • copy of the account of Duga, via Sheshkalla; month: "Harvest," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P514377: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] 6(disz) ma-na siki ud5 kiszib3# i7-pa-e3 [n] 8(disz) ma-na kiszib3 ur-e2-nun-na

  • 1(u) 8(disz) ma-na
  • kiszib3 gu2-tar

  • 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na
  • kiszib3 inim-(d)szara2 dumu da-a-ga

    AI Translation

    n 6 mana wool for a nanny, under seal of Ipa'e; n 8 mana, under seal of Ur-Enunna;

  • 18 minas
  • under seal of Gutar,

  • 15 minas
  • under seal of Inim-Shara, son of Da'aga;

    Owen, David I.

    n 6 mina of female goat hair, under seal of Ipa'e; n 8 mina under seal of Ur-enunna;

  • 18 mina
  • under seal of Gutar;

  • 15 mina
  • under seal of Inim-Shara, son of Da'aga;


  • 1(u) 7(disz) ma-na
  • kiszib3 a-gu-gu

  • 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na kiszib3 lugal-ezem
  • 1(u) 5(disz) ma-na kiszib3 lugal-(d)isztaran
  • siki ud5 szu-nir apin e2 szu-du7-a ki ur-e11-e-ta mu sza-asz-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 17 minas
  • under seal of Agugu;

  • 15 mana, under seal of Lugal-ezem;
  • 15 mana, under seal of Lugal-Ishtaran;
  • wool for a nanny goat, shu-nir, plowman, house of the shudua, from Ur-e'e; year: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    Owen, David I.
  • 17 mina
  • under seal of Agugu;

  • 15 mina, under seal of Lugal-ezem;
  • 15 mina, under seal of Lugal-Ishtaran;
  • female goat hair, emblems for the plowman at the equipment house?, from Ure'e; Year: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    P514378: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 szum2
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • ur-(d)nin-lil2

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • a-da-a

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • 1(disz) dug dida 1(u) dabin
  • 2/3(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • szu-esz18-dar

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz [1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3] ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • da-szu-pu3-ul-szu

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Ur-Ninlil;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Ada;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • 1 jug of wort, 10 wort-measures each,
  • 2/3 sila3 sesame oil,
  • for Shu-Ishtar;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 1 ban2 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Dashupulshu;

    Owen, David I.
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to Ur-Ninlil;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to Adaya;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels of alkali,
  • 1 pot sweet wort, 1 ban2 semolina,
  • 2/3 sila3 sesame seed oil,
  • to Shu-Ishtar;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 1ban2 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to Dashupulshu?;


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • nu-hi-lum

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • i-ti-zu

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 6(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • du11-ga

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda 5(disz) gin2 (szum2)
  • 3(disz) gin2 i3 2(disz) gin2 naga
  • x x x szunigin 3(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 kasz 4(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 ninda 2(disz) sila3 (szum2) szunigin 1(disz) dug dida 1(ban2) dabin szunigin 2/3(disz) sila3 4(disz) gin2 i3 1(u) 6(disz) gin2 naga

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • nuhilum,

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • a kind of profession

  • 5 sila3 beer, 6 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • for Duga;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels onions,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali-plant,
  • ... total: 3 ban2 8 sila3 beer; 4 ban2 6 sila3 bread; 2 sila3 onions; total: 1 jug dida; 1 ban2 dabin; total: 2/3 sila3 4 shekels oil; 16 shekels alkali-plant;

    Owen, David I.
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels of garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to Nuhilum;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to Itizu;

  • 5 sila3 beer, 6 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to Duga;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread, 5 shekels garlic,
  • 3 shekels oil, 2 shekels alkali,
  • to ...; total: 3 ban2 8 sila3 beer, 4 ban2 6 sila3 bread, 2 sila3 garlic, total: 1 pot sweet wort, 1 ban2 semolina; total: 2/3 sila3 4 shekels oil, 16 shekels akali;



    u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam iti szu-numun

    AI Translation

    14th day, month: "Sowing."

    Owen, David I.

    14th day, month "Sowing."

    P514379: letter tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)-ra u3-na-a-du11

  • 1(u) sze gur sze nag-sze3
  • na-silim dub-[sar]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ushura said to him:

  • 10 gur of barley for ninda-flour,
  • Nasilim, scribe.

    Owen, David I.

    To Lugal-ushur speak:

  • 10 gur of barley for ...,
  • to Nasilim, the scribe,



    he2-na-ab-szum2-mu na-mi-gur-re

    AI Translation

    he shall give; he shall return it.

    Owen, David I.

    may he give! May he not delay!

    P514380: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 2(disz) (gi)kaskal 1(gesz2)-ta
  • 7(disz) (gi)si-ig-da esir2 su-ba
  • 1(disz) (gi)u7-su7 esir2 su-ba
  • 7(disz) (gi)ba-an-du8-du8 guru7 esir2 su-ba
  • 1(disz) ma-an-sim zi3-gu
  • 1(disz) ma-an-sim nig2-ar3-ra
  • 3(u) n? (gi)gur sal4-la esir2 su-ba
  • 3(disz) (gi)kaskal i3 zu2-lum esir2 su-ba
  • AI Translation
  • 62 travel baskets at 60 each;
  • 7 door-beams, clad with bitumen,
  • 1 reed basket made of bitumen,
  • 7 baskets of ..., ... of bitumen,
  • 1 mansim flour,
  • 1 mansim of emmer,
  • 30? gur reeds, ..., bitumen, ...,
  • 3 travel baskets with oil, dates, bitumen, ...,
  • Owen, David I.
  • 3 travel baskets, 60 sila3 each;
  • 7 sigda baskets, coated in bitumen;
  • 1 reed container, coated in bitumen;
  • 7 plow seeding baskets of the silo, coated in bitumen;
  • 1 sieve for pea-flour;
  • 1 sieve for groats;
  • 30? gur-baskets ..., coated in bitumen;
  • 3 travel baskets for oil and dates, coated in bitumen;
  • Reverse

  • 1(u) 1(disz) (gi)gur zi3-il2 esir2 su-ba
  • 5(disz) (gi)kaskal 2(disz)-ta
  • 5(disz) (gi)kaskal 1(disz)-ta
  • 7(disz) (gesz)epir2 x x
  • 1(disz) (gi)kid ki-la2-bi 1/3(disz) sar x gu-la
  • ma2 siszkur2 ba-a-dulx(|_ur_xA|)

  • 1(disz) (gi)ig kid sal-la
  • gid2-bi 4(disz) kusz3 dagal-bi 2(disz) bala-sze3 kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-szubur mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation
  • 11 gur containers of flour, bitumen, ...,
  • 5 travel baskets at 2 each;
  • 5 travel baskets at 1 each;
  • 7 ...-wood ...,
  • 1 reed mat, its weight: 1/3 sar, ...,
  • he sat on a siskur boat.

  • 1 ...-door,
  • its length 4 cubits; its width 2 cubits; for the bala; under seal of Lu-Ninshubur; year: "The high-priestess of Eridu was hired."

    Owen, David I.
  • 11 gur baskets of the flour porters, covered with bitumen;
  • 5 travel baskets, 2 sila3 each;
  • 5 travel baskets, 1 sila3 each;
  • 7 ... ;
  • 1 mat, its size: 1/3 sar ...
  • to cover the prayer boat;

  • 1 thin reed door mat
  • its length: 4 cubits, its width: 2 cubits; for the bala; under seal of Lu-Ninshubur year: "The lord of Eridu was installed."

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-szubur dub-sar dumu szesz-kal-la

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur, scribe, son of Sheshkalla.

    Owen, David I.

    Lu-Ninshubur the scribe, son of Sheshkalla.

    P514381: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz)# ma2 4(u) gur 1(ban2)-ta
  • ma2-lah5-bi i3-ib2-u3# u4 3(u) 2(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 2(asz) 4(ban2) gur ma2 sze si-ig sza3 nibru(ki?)

  • 2(disz) ma2 3(u) gur 5(disz) sila3-ta
  • u4# 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 2(barig) 3(ban2) ma2# sze an-za-gar3?-sze3

  • 2(disz)? ma2 1(gesz2) gur 1(ban2) 6(disz) sila3-ta
  • [ma2]-lah5-bi i3-ib2-u3

    AI Translation
  • 2 boats of 40 gur 1 ban2 each,
  • their barge-loads have been moored; for 32 days, its barley: 2 gur 4 ban2, barge barley bound in Nippur;

  • 2 boats of 30 gur and 5 sila3 each,
  • for 15 days, its barley: 2 barig 3 ban2 barley for the barge of Anzagar?;

  • 2 barges, 60 gur 1 ban2 6 sila3 each,
  • its boatmen have sailed.

    Owen, David I.
  • 2 boats of 40 gur at 1 ban2 rent per day;
  • its skippers piloting for 32 days, its barley: 2 gur 4 ban2 boat with barley loading in Nippur;

  • 2 boats of 30 gur at 5 sila3 rent per day,
  • for 15 days, its barley: 2 barig 3 ban2, boat with barley, to the tower?;

  • 2 boats of 60 gur at 1 ban2 6 sila3 rent per day,
  • its skippers piloting



    [u4] 2(u) 5(disz)-sze3 sze gibil [sze-bi 2(asz) 3(barig)] 2(ban2) gur uri5(ki)-sze3 (gesz)u2-bil2 ba-a-gar giri3 a-hu-ni lu2 [kin]-gi4-a lugal

  • 1(disz) ma2 4(u) gur 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3-ta
  • ma2-lah5-bi i3-ib2-u3 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3 sze-bi 3(barig) uri5(ki)-sze3 ku6 sar i3# zu2-lum ba-a-gar

    AI Translation

    for 25 days, new barley, its barley: 2 gur 3 barig 2 ban2, to Ur the ubil-vessel set; via Ahuni, royal messenger;

  • 1 boat of 40 gur, 1 ban2 2 sila3 each,
  • its barge-men have departed; for 15 days, its barley: 3 barig; to Ur fish, sar oil and dates were deposited;

    Owen, David I.

    for 25 days, new barley, its barley: 2 gur 3 barig 2 ban2; toward Ur with charcoal was set; via Ahuni, the royal messenger;

  • 1 boat of 40 gur at 1 ban2 2 sila3 rent per day,
  • its skippers piloting for 15 days, its barley: 3 barig; toward Ur, fish, vegetables, oil and dates were set.

    P514382: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [n ...] [n ...] [ki] a-szi-an-x

  • 3(disz) ab-ba-mu
  • ugula a-gu-du lu2 mar-ha-szi i3-dab5

  • 5(disz) lu2 tir 1(disz) ugula
  • uri5(ki)-sze3 ugula ur-(d)szara2

  • 1(disz) geme2 ur-nigar(gar)
  • a-kal-la i3-dab5 ugula er3-ri-ib

  • 1(disz) ur-gu2-de3-na
  • ga2-nun-sze3 ugula e2-a-lu-bi

  • 1(disz) ur-(d)utu dumu szabra
  • 1(disz) a-kal-la
  • AI Translation

    ... ... with Ashian.

  • 3 mana wool for Abbamu;
  • foreman: Agudu, man of Marhaszi, accepted;

  • 5 ..., 1 foreman,
  • to Ur, foreman: Ur-Shara;

  • 1 female laborer, Ur-nigar,
  • Akalla accepted; foreman: Errib;

  • 1 Ur-gudena,
  • to the storehouse; foreman: Ea-lubi;

  • 1 Ur-Utu, son of the household manager;
  • 1: Akalla,
  • Owen, David I.

    ... ... with Ashi'an...,

  • 3 Abbamu,
  • overseer: Agudu, did the man of Marhashi accept;

  • 5 forresters, 1 overseer,
  • to Ur, overseer: Ur-Shara;

  • 1 female laborer, Ur-nigar,
  • did Akalla accept, overseer: Errib;

  • 1 Ur-Gu'edena
  • to the storehouse, overseer: Ea-lubi;

  • 1 Ur-Utu, son of the chief household administrator,
  • 1 Akalla,
  • Column 2


    [...] [...]

  • 1(disz) [...]
  • nu-[...]

  • 1(disz) lugal-[...]
  • 1(disz) lugal-[...]
  • 1(disz) lugal-szu-nir-re#?
  • 1(disz) lu2-giri17-zal
  • 1(disz) gi-gi _il2_?
  • szu-ku6-me ugula ur-(d)suen# i7 ib2-tusz ugula lu2-kal-la

  • 2(disz) lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|)
  • 1(disz) a2-gal2-nu-tuku
  • lugal-uszurx(|_lal2-tug2_|) i3-dab5

  • 1(disz) ur4-sza3-ta-lu2 dub-sar kasz x
  • AI Translation

  • 1 ...,
  • 1 Lugal-...,
  • 1 Lugal-...,
  • 1 Lugal-shunire?,
  • 1 Lu-girizal,
  • 1 reed ...,
  • fisheries, foreman: Ur-Suen, the canal he drank; foreman: Lukalla;

  • 2 Lugal-ushur,
  • 1: Agalnutuku,
  • Lugal-ushur accepted;

  • 1 Ur-sha-talu, scribe of beer ...,
  • Owen, David I.

    ..., ...,

  • 1 ...,
  • ...,

  • 1 Lugal-...,
  • 1 Lugal-...,
  • 1 Lugal-shunirre,
  • 1 Lugirizal,
  • 1 Gigi, parter?,
  • they are fishermen, overseer: Ur-Suen; river stationed, overseer: Lukalla;

  • 2 Lugal-ushur,
  • 1 Agalnutuku,
  • did Lugal-ushur accept;

  • 1 Urszatalu, the scribe of beer ...,
  • Column 1

  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)szara2 dumu da-zi-gi4
  • szu-bar-ra

  • 1(disz) lugal-nig2-lagar-e lunga (d)gu-la
  • 1(disz) nimgir-di-de3 gudu4
  • lu2-tur-tur i3-dab5

  • 1(disz) du-du-am3 u3 lu2-ba-x
  • ni2-du11-ga i3-dab5

  • 1(disz) ugula lu2-giri17-zal
  • 2(disz) ugula e2-a-lu2-bi
  • ki-bi ib2-tusz

  • 1(disz) ur-(d)ma-mi
  • ga2-nun gesz-(kusz)ummux(|_a-edin_|)#-da? ugula lu2-(d)x-[...]

  • 1(disz) ur-sila-luh x [...]
  • 1(disz) a-tu [...]
  • 1(disz) ur-[...]
  • ugula szu#-[...] e2#-[...] [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1 Lu-Shara, son of Dazigi,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1 Lugal-niglagare, brewer of Gula,
  • 1 Nimgir-dide, the gudu-official;
  • Lu-turtur accepted;

  • 1 Duduam and Lu-ba...,
  • Niduga accepted;

  • 1 overseer: Lu-girizal,
  • 2 foreman: Ea-lubi;
  • he resides on its place.

  • 1 Ur-Mami,
  • storage facility of the ugshu-ummux, foreman: Lu-...;

  • 1 Ur-silaluh ...,
  • 1 Atu ...,
  • 1 Ur-...,
  • foreman: Shu-..., the house-keeper: ...,

    Owen, David I.
  • 1 Lu-Shara, son of Dazigi,
  • ...,

  • 1 Lugal-niglagare, brewer of Gula
  • 1 Nimgirdine, the priest,
  • did Lu-turtur accept;

  • 1 Duduam and Lu-ba...,
  • Biduga received him;

  • 1 overseer Lugirizal,
  • 2 overseers Ea-lubi,
  • ... stationed;

  • 1 Ur-Mami ,
  • to the waterskin storehouse ?, overseer Lu-...,

  • 1 Ur-silaluh ...,
  • 1 Atu ...,
  • 1 Ur-...,
  • ugula Shu-..., E-...; ...,

    Column 2

  • 5(disz)? gurusz ugula lugal-mu-ma-ag2
  • 1(disz) nam-ha-ni
  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)szara2
  • ugula ma2-gur8-re

  • 3(disz) gurusz ugula e2-a-lu-bi
  • 2(disz) e2-uz-ga ib2-tusz
  • 1(disz) x-x ugula e2-a-lu-bi
  • ki-a-nag ur-(d)szara2

  • 1(disz) lugal-ma2-gur8-re i3-du8
  • 1(disz) a2-na-na lu2 azlag2
  • ki lu2-kal-la

  • 2(disz) gurusz ugula _arad2_-mu
  • 2(disz) gurusz ugula e2-a-lu-bi
  • u2-_il2_ zi-zi

  • 2(disz) dumu lugal-e2-mah-e nagar
  • 1(disz) gurusz ha-da maszkim a-pi4-sal4(ki)
  • 1(disz) gurusz engar gesz-i3
  • ad-kup4-sze3 u4 3(u) la2 2(disz@t)-sze3 a-gu i3-dab5

  • 1(disz) geme2 ur-(d)_gir3_-_dun_ dag ka _ku_
  • [1(disz)] geme2# szesz-kal-la ugula ma2-gur8-re [...]-x-e-ni-x
  • [...]

    AI Translation
  • 5 male laborers, foreman: Lugal-mumag;
  • 1 Namhani,
  • 1 Lu-Shara,
  • foreman of the boatyard;

  • 3 male laborers, foreman: Ea-lubi;
  • 2 uzga-houses he resides;
  • 1 ..., foreman: Ea-lubi;
  • at the threshing floor of Ur-Shara;

  • 1 Lugal-magure, the doorman;
  • 1 Ana-na, the mighty man,
  • from Lukalla;

  • 2 male laborers, foreman: ARADmu;
  • 2 male laborers, foreman: Ea-lubi;
  • a kind of profession

  • 2 sons of Lugal-emahe, the carpenter;
  • 1 male laborer, Hada, the official of Apisal;
  • 1 male laborer, plowman of oil,
  • for the work assignment, for 29 days, Agu accepted;

  • 1 female worker, Ur-GIRdun, ...,
  • 1 female worker, Sheshkalla, foreman of the boatyard ...-eni-...,
  • Owen, David I.
  • 5 male laborers, overseer: Lugal-mumag,
  • 1 Namhani
  • 1 Lu-Shara
  • overseer Magurre;

  • 3 workmen, overseer Ea-lubi;
  • 2 e'uzga stationed,
  • 1 ..., overseer Ea-lubi;
  • libation place , Ur-Shara;

  • 1 Lugal-magure, the door keeper,
  • 1 Anana, the fuller,
  • with Lukalla;

  • 2 male laborers, overseer: ARADmu,
  • 2 male laborers, overseer: Ea-lubi;
  • ...;

  • 2 sons of Lugalemahe, the carpenter,
  • 1 male laborer, Hada, enforcer, Apisal,
  • 1 male laborer, plowman of sesame?;
  • for the matter, 28 days; did Agu accept;

  • 1 female laborer, Ur-GIR3-DUN ...,
  • 1 female laborer, Sheshkalla, overseer Magurre, ...
  • ...,

    Column 1


    x szu-ku6 ugula lugal-ku3-ga-ni [n] il2 ur-sze3

  • 1(disz) ur-dun 1(disz) ur-saga ugula x-mu
  • AI Translation

    ... fisherman, foreman: Lugal-kugani, n il2 for Urshe,

  • 1 Ur-dun 1 Ur-saga, foreman:;
  • Owen, David I.

    ... fisherman, overseer Lugal-kugani; n porters ...

  • 1 Ur-dun 1 Ur-saga, overseer:;
  • Column 2


    guru7 ib2-tusz?

  • 2(disz) e2-gal-e-si
  • guru7 uri5(ki)

    AI Translation

    he sits in the silo

  • 2: Egalesi,
  • for the grain-fed threshing floor of Ur;

    Owen, David I.

    at the silo stationed ?;

  • 2 Egalesi,
  • silo of Ur;

    Column 3

  • 1(u) ugula _arad2_-mu dub-sar
  • x-(d)ab-ba-u2 i3-dab5

  • 1(disz) e2-sag-il2-la
  • gi-il2 1(u)-a bi2 nigin2 ugula lu2-ka-ni

    AI Translation
  • 10, foreman: ARADmu, scribe.
  • ...-Abbu accepted;

  • 1 Esagila,
  • reeds: 10 bundles, ..., foreman: Lukani;

    Owen, David I.
  • 10, overseer ARADmu, the scribe
  • the sila3 measures, did Abba'u accept;

  • 1 Esagila,
  • reed porters, ..., overseer: Lukani.

    P514383: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Owen, David I.

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    Column 2


    (d#)lamma-x 2(esze3) _gan2 1_(asz) gur (d)nin-hur-sag gar-si4-da(ki) 1(esze3) _gan2 1_(asz) 1(barig) gur (d)nin-si-gar-eden-na 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2 1_(u) la2 1(asz) gur (d)nin-hur-sag ur-(d)ma-mi 2(esze3) _gan2 4_(asz) gur (d)nin-hur-sag masz-kan2(ki) x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    Lamma-x 2 eshe3 field area: 1 gur, Ninhursag of Garsida; 1 eshe3 field area: 1 gur 1 barig, Ninsigar-edena; 1 eshe3 3 iku field area: 10 less 1 gur, Ninhursag, Ur-Mami; 2 eshe3 field area: 4 gur, Ninhursag of Mashkan .

    Owen, David I.

    Lamma-...; 2 eshe3 field, 1 gur, Ninhursag of Garsida; 1 eshe3 field, 1 gur 1 barig, Nin-sigaredena; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, 9 gur, Ninhursag, Ur-Mami; 2 eshe3 field, 4 gur, Ninhursag of Mashkan; ...

    Column 3


    1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2 2_(asz) 4(ban2) gur en-u2-szim-e u3 en-mu10-us2-sa2 a-sza3 a-ra-li 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2 1_(u) gur ur-sa6-sa6 a-sza3 am-ri2-ma 2(esze3) _gan2 6_(asz) gur lu2-i3-zu a-sza3 saga-tur 1(esze3) _gan2 4_(asz) gur gu#-gu#?-du# [...]

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 3 iku field area: 2 gur 4 ban2, Enushime and Enmusa, field Arali; 1 eshe3 3 iku field area: 10 gur, Ur-sasa, field Amrima; 2 eshe3 field area: 6 gur, Lu-izu, field Sagtur; 1 eshe3 field area: 4 gur, Gugudu ...;

    Owen, David I.

    1 eshe3 3 iku field, 2 gur 4 ban2, Enushime and En-mussa, field of Arali; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, 10 gur Ursasa the field of Amrima; 2 eshe3 field, 6 gur, Lu-izu, the field of Sagatur; 1 eshe3 field, 4 gur, Gugudu ...

    Column 4


    a-sza3 ga2-(gesz)i3-szub#?

  • 2(iku) _gan2 3_(asz) gur
  • lugal-(gesz)gigir-re a-sza3 si 1(esze3) _gan2 1_(u) gur ur-mes 1(esze3) _gan2 1_(u) gur a-du-du a-sza3 ansze aga3-us2-me

    AI Translation

    field of ga-ishubb,

  • 2 iku field area: 3 gur;
  • Lugal-gigirre field si 1 eshe3 surface area at 10 gur, Ur-mes 1 eshe3 surface area at 10 gur, Adudu, field of donkeys, the stewards;

    Owen, David I.

    the field of Ga-ishub

  • 2 iku field, 3 gur,
  • Lugal-gigire field Si; 1 eshe3 field, 10 gur, Ur-mes; 1 eshe3 field, 10 gur, Adudu, the equid field; they are soldiers;

    Column 1


    [...] lu2 tir-ra-me

  • 3(iku) _gan2 2_(asz) gur
  • lu2-kal-la

  • 3(iku) _gan2 2_(asz) gur
  • lu2-(d)sara2

  • 3(iku) _gan2 2_(asz) gur
  • ur-(d)suen apin-la2 ur-sa6-sa6 a-sza3 am-ri-ma

  • 3(iku) _gan2 2_(asz) gur
  • lugal-ur2-ra-ni

    AI Translation

    ... they are tira-demons.

  • 3 iku field area: 2 gur;
  • for Lukalla;

  • 3 iku field area: 2 gur;
  • for Lu-Sara;

  • 3 iku field area: 2 gur;
  • for Ur-Suen, the ploughman; for Ur-sasa, field Amrima;

  • 3 iku field area: 2 gur;
  • for Lugal-urani;

    Owen, David I.

    ... they are forresters;

  • 3 iku field, 2 gur,
  • Lukalla;

  • 3 iku field, 2 gur,
  • Lu-Shara;

  • 3 iku field, 2 gur,
  • Ur-Suen, the tiller, Ur-sasa, field of Amrima;

  • 3 iku field, 2 gur,
  • Lugal-urani;

    Column 2


    [...] 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2 3_(asz) gur 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2_ su3 a-sza3 tur an-ka 1(esze3) 3(iku) _gan2 4_(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) gur a-sza3 (d)szul-pa-e3 apin-la2 lugal-nesag-e ur-(d)gilgamesx(|_bil3-ga-mes_|) (gesz)gigir2-re ma2-gur8-re lugal-ma2-gur8-re ur4-sza3-ki-du10

    AI Translation

    ... 1 eshe3 3 iku field area: 3 gur; 1 eshe3 3 iku field area: su; field small; Anka; 1 eshe3 3 iku field area: 4 gur 2 barig 3 ban2; field Shulpa'e; foreman: Lugal-nesage; Ur-Gilgamesh; chariots, boats, ...; Lugal-magure; Ur-shakidu;

    Owen, David I.

    ... 1 eshe3 3 iku field, 3 gur, 1 eshe3 3 iku field, fallow, the small field of Anka; 1 eshe3 3 iku field, 4 gur 2 barig 3 ban2, field of Shulpa'e, the tiller, Lugal-nesage Ur-Gilgamesh, Gigire, Magurre, Lugal-Magure, Ur-shakidu,

    Column 3


    [...] apin-la2 szuku szu#-ha#-la#-a [...] szunigin 5(bur3) 2(esze3) 5(iku) _gan2_ szunigin sze-bi 1(gesz2) 5(u) 2(asz) 4(ban2) gur szuku ki-a szunigin 5(bur3) 1(esze3) 3(iku) 1/2(iku)? _gan2_ szunigin sze-bi 5(u) 1(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) gur [apin-la2] szuku# szu-ha-la-a [n] n 3(iku) _gan2_ su3 [x]-ur4?

    AI Translation

    ..., the plowman, grain-fed, the shuhala-offering; ...; total: 5 bur3 2 eshe3 5 iku surface area; total, its barley: 92 gur 4 ban2; grain-fed, the place; total: 5 bur3 1 eshe3 3 1/2 iku surface area; total, its barley: 51 gur 4 barig 2 ban2; plowman, grain-fed, the shuhala-offering; n gur 3 iku surface area; .

    Owen, David I.

    ... tillers, ration fields, Shu-Halaya; ... total: 5 bur3 2 eshe3 5 iku field; total, its grain: 112 gur 4 ban2; ration fields, irrigated; total: 5 bur3 1 eshe3 3 1/2 iku field; total, its grain: 51 gur 4 barig 2 ban2; tillers, ration fields, Shu-Halaya; ... 3 iku fallow field; ...

    Column 4


    [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [mu ...]-(d)suen# [lugal ...]

    AI Translation

    ... year: "...-Suen, the king .

    Owen, David I.

    ... ... ... ... ... year: "...-Suen, king ... ".

    P514384: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] isz-lu-la-am?-ma a-na (kur)hat-ti a-di mah-ri-ia ub-la _6(disz) me_ szal-la-at (iri)am-la-te sza (lu2)da-mu-ni _5(disz) lim 4(disz) me_ szal-la-at (iri)e2-de-ra-a-a ina (iri)ku-na-li-a [...] (iri)hu-za-ar-ra (iri)ta-e (iri)ta-ar-ma-na-zi (iri)ku-ul-ma-da-ra (iri)ha-ta-tir-ra (iri)ir-gi-il-lu _iri-mesz-_ni sza2 (kur)un-qi u2-sze-szib [...] szal-la-at (kur)qu-te-e (kur)e2-sa-an-gi-bu-te _1(disz) lim 2(disz) me_ (lu2)il-li-il-a-a _6(disz) lim 2(disz) me 8(disz)_ (lu2)nak-kab-a-a (kur)bu-da-a-a

    ina [...] (iri)s,i-mir-ra (iri)ar-qa-a (iri)us-nu-u2 (iri)si-an-nu sza szid-di tam-tim u2-sze-szib _5(disz) me 1(gesz2) 2(u) 8(disz)_ (lu2)bu-da-a-a (iri)du-na-a-a [...] _2(disz) me 5(u) 2(disz)_ (lu2)bi-la-a-a _5(disz) me 5(u) 4(disz)_ (lu2)ba-ni-ta-a-a _3(disz) me 1(gesz2) 2(u)_ (lu2)(d)igi-du-an-dil-kur

  • _4(disz) me 1(gesz2)_ (lu2)sa-an-gi-il-lu [...] (lu2)il-lil-a-a _4(disz) me 5(u) 8(disz)_ szal-la-at (kur)qu-te-e (kur)e2-sa-an-gi-bu-ti
  • AI Translation

    ... he carried off and brought to Hatti before me. 600 captives of the city Amlat of Damunu, 5,400 captives of the city Edara in the city Kunalia ..., the cities Huzarra, Ta'e, Tarmanazi, Kullamadara, Hatatrira, and Irgilu, cities of the land Unqi, ... captives of the lands Qutê, Esangibute, 1,200 Illila, 6,282 Nakkaba, and Buda.

    in ... Shimirra, Arqâ, Usnû, and Si'annu, which are on the shore of the sea, I settled. 588 people of the tribes Buda, Duna, ..., 252 people of the tribe Bila, 554 people of the tribe Banita, 390 people of the temple of Palil-andilkur,

  • 498, the Sangillians, ..., the Illilians, 458 captives from the Qutu and the Esangibuti,
  • Tadmor, Hayim & Yamada Shigeo

    ... he a eunuch of mine those cities plundered and that booty to the land Hatti Syria-Palestine before me brought. I settled 600 captives of the city Amlatu of the tribe Damunu and 5,400 captives of the city Bit-Deraya in the cities Kunalia, ..., Huzarra, Tae, Tarmanazi, Kulmadara, Hatatirra, and Irgillu, cities of the land Unqi I settled. ... captive highlanders lit. "Qutû" of the land Bit-Sangibuti, 1,200 people of the tribe Illilu, and 6,208 people of the tribes Nakkabu and Budu

    in the cities Shimirra, Arqâ, Usnû, and Siannu, cities on the seacoast, I settled. 588 people of the tribes Budu and Dunu, ... , 252 people of the tribe Bilu, 554 people of the tribe Banitu , 380 people of the tribe Palil-andil-mati "The god Palil is the protecting shadow of the land",

  • 460 people of the tribe Sangillu, ... , ... people of the tribe Illilu, 458 captive highlanders lit. "Qutû" of the land Bit-Sangibuti.
  • P514385: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    i-na _nam_ (iri)tu-'i-im-me u2-sze-szib _5(disz) me 5(u) 5(disz)_ szal-la-at (kur)qu-te-e (iri)e2-sa-an-gi-bu-ti i-na (iri)du6-kar-me u2-sze-szib it-ti _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur am-nu-szu2-nu-ti il-ku tup-szik-ku ki-i sza2 asz2-szu2-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti ma-da-at-tu sza ku-usz-ta-asz2-pi (iri)ku-um-mu-ha-a-a (disz)ra-hi-a-nu (kur)sza2-ansze-nita2-szu-a-a (disz)me-ni-hi-im-me (iri)sa-me-ri-na-a-a (disz)hi-ru-um-mu (iri)s,ur-a-a (disz)si-bi-it-ti-bi-'i-li (iri)gu-ub-la-a-a

    (disz)u2-ri-ia-ik-ki (kur)qu-u2-a-a (disz)pi-si-ri-is (iri)gar-ga-misz-a-a (disz)e-ni-il3 (iri)ha-am-ma-ta-a-a (disz)pa-na-am-mu-u (iri)sa-am-'a-la-a-a (disz)tar-hu-la-ra (kur)gur2-gu-ma-a-a (disz)su-lu-ma-al (kur)me-lid-da-a-a (disz)da-di-i-lu (iri)kas-ka-a-a (disz)u2-as-sur-me (kur)ta-bal-a-a (disz)usz-hi-it-te (kur)tu-na-a-a (disz)ur-bal-la-a (kur)tu-ha-na-a-a (disz)tu-ha-am-me (iri)isz-tu-un-da-a-a (disz)u2-ri-im-mi3-i (iri)hu-bi-isz-na-a-a (munus)za-bi-be2-e

    szar-rat (kur)a-ri-bi _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar an-na an-bar kusz am-si zu2 am-si_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _(tug2)gada_ (siki)ta-kil-tu ar2-ga-man-nu _(gesz)esi (gesz)tug2_

    AI Translation

    iii 555 captives from the Qutu, Esangibuti, and Til-karme I settled with the people of Assyria. I imposed upon them the same payment as Assyria. I imposed upon them the payment of the Kushtashpu of the city Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menihimme of the city Samaria, Hirummu of the city Tyre, Sibitti-bi'ili of the city Gubla,

    Uriaikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhu-lara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kasku, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitte of the land Tuna, Urballaya of the land Tuna, Tuhamme of the city Ishtunda, Urimmî of the city Hubishna, Zabibê,

    queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, iron, elephant hides, elephant ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, a takkiltu-garment, ebony, linen garments,

    Tadmor, Hayim & Yamada Shigeo

    Captives in the province of the city Tu'imme I settled. 555 captive highlanders lit. "Qutû" of the city Bit-Sangibuti in the city Til-karme I settled. As inhabitants of the land of Assyria I counted them, and corvée labor like that of the Assyrians upon them imposed. The payment of Kushtashpi of the city Kummuhu, Rahianu Rezin of the land Damascus, Menahem of the city Samaria, Hiram of the city Tyre, Sibitti-bi'il of the city Byblos,

    Uriyikki Urikki of the land Que, Pisiris of the city Carchemish, Eni-il of the city Hamath, Panammû of the city Sam'al, Tarhulara of the land Gurgum, Sulumal of the land Melid, Dadilu of the city Kaska, Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ushhitti of the land Tuna, Urballâ of the land Tubana, Tubamme of the city Istunda, Urimmi of the city Hubishna, and Zabibe,

    queen of the Arabs: gold, silver, tin, iron, elephant hides, ivory, multi-colored garments, linen garments, blue-purple and red-purple wool, ebony, boxwood.

    P514386: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    mim-ma aq-ru ni-s,ir-ti _lugal_-u2-ti _udu-nita2-mesz_ bal-t,u-ti sza _siki-mesz_-szu2-nu ar-ga-man-nu s,ar-pat is,-s,ur _an_-e mut-tap-ri-szu2-ti sza2 a-gap-pi-szu2-nu a-na ta-kil-te s,ar-pu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-gir3-nun-na-mesz gu4-nita2-mesz_ u3 s,e-e-ni _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ (eme3)a-na-qa-a-te a-di (ansze)ba-ak-ka-ri-szi-na am-hur i-na _9(disz) bala-mesz_-ia asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na (kur)e2-kap-si (kur)e2-sa-an-gi (kur)e2-ur-zak-ki (kur)ma-da-a-a (kur)e2-zu-al-za-asz2 (kur)e2-ma-at-ti

    (kur)tup-li-ia-asz2 al-lik (iri)e2-(d)1(u)-5(disz) (iri)ki-in-ka-an-gi (iri)ki-in-di-gi-a-su (iri)ki-in-gi-al-ka-si-isz (iri)ku-bu-usz-ha-ti-di-isz (iri)u2-pu-szu2 (iri)ah-si-pu-na (iri)gi-ir-gi-ra-a (iri)ki-im-ba-az-ha-ti a-di _iri-mesz_-ni sza li-me-ti-szu2-nu ak-szud szal-la-su-nu asz2-lu-la ap-pul aq-qur ina _izi_ asz2-ru-up ina u4-me-szu2-ma mul-mul-lu _an-bar_ zaq-tu2 _du3_-usz li-ta-at asz-szur _en_-ia ina muh-hi asz2-t,ur ina _ugu_ nam-ba-'i

    sza (iri)e2-(d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-kin (disz)u2-pa-asz2 _dumu_ (disz)kap-si _ug3-mesz_-szu2 u2-pah-hir-ma a-na (kur)a-bi-ru-us _kur_-e e-li ar-ke-e-szu2 ar-de-e-ma di-ik-ta-szu2 a-duk szal-la-su

    AI Translation

    All the treasures of kingship, the fattened sheep whose skins are dyed red, the sacrificial sheep of the heavens, the sacrificial sheep whose sacrificial sheep to slay, the horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, the camels, the anaqatu-disease horses, together with their sacrificial sheep I received. In my ninth regnal year Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the lands Ekpusi, Esangi, Eurzakki, Mada, Ezulzash, Emati,

    I marched to Tupliyash. I conquered the cities E-Ishtar, Kinkangi, Kindigiasu, Kingalkasish, Kubushhatidish, Upush, Ahsipuna, Girgira, and Kimballati, together with cities in their environs. I carried off their booty, destroyed, devastated, and burned. At that time, a bronze stele I made. The life of Ashur, my lord, I wrote on it.

    Upash, son of Kapsi, gathered his people and went up Mount Abirus. I pursued him, killed him, and carried off his booty.

    Tadmor, Hayim & Yamada Shigeo

    All kinds of precious things from the royal treasure, live sheep whose wool is dyed red-purple, flying birds of the sky whose wings are dyed blue-purple, horses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, camels, she-camels, together with their young, I received from them. In my 9th term, the god Assur, my lord, encouraged me and against the lands Bit-Kapsi, Bit-Sangi, Bit-Urzakki, Media lit. "land of the Medes", Bit-Zualzash, Bit-Matti,

    and Tupliash I marched. The cities Bit-Ishtar, Kinkangi, Kindigiasu, Kingialkasish, Kubushhatidish, Upushu, Ahsipuna, Girgira, and Kimbazbati, together with cities in their environs, I captured, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and with fire burned. At that time, a pointed iron "arrow," inscribed the mighty deeds of the god Assur, my lord, on it I made, and up at the spring

    of the city Bit-Ishtar I set it. Upash of the land Bit-Kapsi lit. "son of Kapsi" his people assembled and Mount Abirus ascended. I pursued him, defeated him and carried off his booty.

    P514387: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    asz2-lu-la [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    I slew ...

    Tadmor, Hayim & Yamada Shigeo

    I plundered ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    P514388: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    AI Translation


    Tadmor, Hayim & Yamada Shigeo

    The city Upa.

    P514392: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur lugal
  • sza3-gal gaszam ki lu2-kal-la-ta lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the gas chamber, from Lukalla did Lu-Ningirsu receive;

    Englund, Robert K.
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley according to the royal measure,
  • fodder for the artisans, from Lukalla did Lu-Ningirsu receive;



    mu en eridu(ki)

    AI Translation

    year: "The en-priestess of Eridu."

    Englund, Robert K.

    year: "The lord of Eridu."


  • [1(asz) 1(barig) 3(ban2)] sze# gur# lugal#
  • [sza3-gal] gaszam [ki] lu2#-kal-la-ta kiszib3 lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • the gas chamber, from Lukalla, under seal of Lu-Ningirsu;

    Englund, Robert K.
  • 1 gur 1 barig 3 ban2 barley according to the royal measure,
  • fodder for the artisans, from Lukalla; under seal of Lu-Ningirsu;

    Seal 1


    lu2-(d)nin-gir2-su dub-sar dumu x-[...]

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ningirsu, scribe, son of .

    P514393: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-szubur _dumu_ (d)mes-lam-ta-e3-a

    AI Translation

    Ninshubur, son of Meslamtaea.

    P514394: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    lu2-(d)nin-szubur _arad_ (d)nin-szubur

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ninshubur, servant of Ninshubur.

    P514395: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    lu2-(d)inanna dumu ur-ab-ba x x x-szu

    AI Translation

    Lu-Inanna, son of Ur-abba, .

    P514396: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)isz-bi-er3-ra lugal kal-ga lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ishbi-Erra, strong king, king of the four corners:

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ishbi-Erra, mighty king, king of the four quarters,

    Column 2


    szu-er3-ra szagina dumu tu-ra-am-i3-li2 _arad_-zu

    AI Translation

    Shu-Erra, general, son of Turam-ili, is your servant.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Shu-Erra, military governor, son of Turam-ili, your servant.

    P514397: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    a-bu-wa-qar sza13-dub-ba lugal dumu dingir-szu-wa-qar _arad_ ...

    AI Translation

    Abi-waqar, scribe, king, son of Ilshu-waqar, servant of .

    P514398: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    e-ri-bu-ni-szu dumu i-ku-in-bi-tum

    AI Translation

    Eribunishu, son of Ikuinbitum.

    P514399: administrative seal

    nan CDLI


    a-pi-li-a _arad2_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Apilia, servant of Martu.

    P514400: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dub-sar lugal dumu lu2-(d)amar-(d)suen sza13-dub-ba lugal

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, scribe, king, son of Lu-Amar-Suen, royal treasurer.

    P514401: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    i3-li2-ki-i-ti dumu i3-li2-isz-ka-u2-t,ul _arad_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Ili-kiti, son of Ilish-ka'utul, servant of Martu.

    P514402: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    i3-li2-i-di2-na-szu dumu hu-ra-s,i2 _arad_ (d)mar-tu

    AI Translation

    Ili-iddinashu, son of Hurashi, servant of Martu.

    P514403: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ur-du6-ku3-ga dumu nu-hu-bu-um ...

    AI Translation

    Ur-dukuga, son of Nuhu-buum, .

    P514404: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    an-nu-um-pi4-sza dumu ur-du6-ku3-ga

    AI Translation

    Annum-pisha, son of Ur-dukuga.

    P514405: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am dumu i3-li2-ni-x _arad_ (d)ne3?-eri11-gal

    AI Translation

    Sîn-eribam, son of Ili-ni-..., servant of Nergal.

    P514406: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ma-ti-dingir szagina2 sag-ga2-na dumu wa-li-ti _arad_ (d)ne3-eri11-gal

    AI Translation

    Mati-ilum, general of Sagana, son of Waliti, servant of Nergal.

    P514407: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    a-li2?-i-lu-sa3 sza13-dub-ba lugal

    AI Translation

    Ali-ilusa, royal treasurer.

    P514408: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ur-(d)da-mu dumu i-bi!-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    Ur-Damu, son of Ibbi-Sîn.

    P514409: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    sag-(d)nanna-i3-zu dumu i-din-(d)suen dam-gar3

    AI Translation

    Sag-Nanna-izu, son of Iddin-Sîn, the merchant.

    P514410: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    be-le-su-nu dumu-munus bar-bar-tum

    AI Translation

    Belessunu, daughter of Barbartum.

    P514411: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    dingir-mu-sza-lim _i3-du8_ _ka2_ ga-gu-um

    AI Translation

    Ilmushallim, gatekeeper of the gate of the guggum.

    P514412: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i3-ni-ku-ba2-ba2 _ARAD_ ia-ri-im-li-im na-ra-am (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Ini-kubaba, servant of Yarim-Lim, beloved of the god Adad.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ini-Kubaba, servant ofYarim-Lim, beloved of Adda.

    P514413: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    sa-am-szu-(d)iszkur _ugula dam-gar3_ _dumu_ ir-pa-a-du _ARAD_ ia-ri-im-li-im

    AI Translation

    Samshu-Adad, overseer of the merchants, son of Irpadu, servant of Yarim-Lim.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Samshû-Adda, foreman of trade agents, son of Irpa'adu, servant of Yarim-Lim.

    P514414: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ni-iq-mi-e-pu-uh _dumu_ ia-ri-im-li-im _lugal_ ia-am-ha-ad na-ra-am (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Niqmi-Epuh, son of Yarim-Lim, king of Iamhad, beloved of the god Adad.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Niqmi-Epuh, son of Iarim-Lim, king of Iamhad, beloved of the god Adad.

    P514415: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i-ba-al-[...] _dumu_ a-hu-x-x-x _ARAD_ ha-ad-nu-ra-pi

    AI Translation

    Ibal-..., son of Ahu-..., servant of Hadnurapi.

    cdli staff

    Ibal-..., son of Ahu-..., servant of Hadnû-rapi.

    P514420: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [...]-x-szu [...]-gal [_dumu_ ...]-re-me-ni _ARAD_ i-ku-un-pi4-(d)suen

    AI Translation

    ...-shu ...-gal, son of ...-remeni, servant of Ikun-pî-Sîn.

    P514421: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ... ... _ARAD_ i-pi2-iq-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    ... ..., servant of Ipiq-Adad.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    servant of Ipiq-Adad.

    P514422: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    i-na _sag lugal_-ti-ia i-na mah-re-e _bala_-ia i-na 5(disz) _iti_ sza i-na _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-u2-ti ra-bisz u2-szi-bu asz-szur be-li2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni-ma a-na (lu2)ha-mar-a-ni (lu2)lu-hu-u2-a-tu (lu2)ha-t,al-li (lu2)ru-ub-bi (lu2)ra-pi-qi (lu2)hi-ra-a-ni (lu2)rab-bi-i-lu (lu2)na-s,i-ri (lu2)gu-lu-si (lu2)na-ba-a-tu (lu2)li-i'-ta-u2 (lu2)ra-hi-qi (lu2)ka-pi-ri (lu2)ru-mu-li-tu (lu2)a-di-le-e (lu2)gib-re-e (lu2)u2-bu-di (lu2)gu-ru-mi

    AI Translation

    At the beginning of my kingship, in my first regnal year, in the fifth month, when I sat on the royal throne, Ashur, my lord, encouraged me and to the Hamaranu, the Luhu'atu, the Hatallu, the Rubbi, the Rapiqu, the Hiranu, the Rabbilu, the Nashiru, the Gulusi, the Nabatu, the Li'ta'u, the Rapiqu, the Kapiru, the Rumulitu, Adilê, the Gibrê, Ubudi, the Gurumu,

    P514423: royal-monumental other-object

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    (d)mar-tu lugal-a-ni (d)szul-gi nita kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri-ke4 e2-a-ni mu-na-du3

    AI Translation

    For Martu, his master, Shulgi, the mighty man, king of Ur and king of Sumer and Akkad, his temple he built for him.

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    For Amurrum, his lord, did Shulgi, the mighty man, king of Ur, king of Sumer and Akkad, his house build.

    P514424: royal-monumental other-object

    Old Akkadian (ca. 2340-2200 BC) CDLI


    (d)szara2 lugal abzu-banda3(da)-ra e2-gal-i3-si sanga zabala6-ke4 nam-ti szar-ru-gi lugal a-ga-de3-ka-sze3 a mu-na-ru

    AI Translation

    To Shara, king of the Abzubanda, Egalisi, the temple administrator of Zabala, for the life of Sargon, king of Agade, dedicated it this vessel.

    Marchesi, Gianni

    To Shara, king of the Abzubanda, did Egalisi, manager of Zabala, for the life of Sargon, king of Agade, dedicate this object.

    P514429: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    ...-ma-at-gi?-mi-il...- ... i-pi2-iq-(d)iszkur ...-a?-ni? wa-ru...-

    AI Translation

    ...-mat-gimmil-... ... Ipiq-Adad ...-ani?, the .

    P514430: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    [(d)za]-ba-zu-na _lugal_ da-num2 s,i#-li-eb#-ri [...] x x [...] [...] x x [...] x

    AI Translation

    Zabzuna, the mighty king, Shilli-ebri, ...


    Zabazuna, mighty king, Shilli-ebri, ... ...

    P514431: administrative seal

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    u2-s,ur-a-wa-su2 _ensi2_ asz2-nun(ki) ...-e...- ...-a...-

    AI Translation

    Ushur-awassu, governor of Eshnunna ...-e...-a.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ushur-awassu, governor of Esnunna

    P514432: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    na-ah-mi-(d)da-gan _sukkal_ ni-iq-mi-e-pu-uh na-ra-am (d)iszkur

    AI Translation

    Nahmi-Dagan, vizier of Niqmi-Epuh, beloved of the god Adad.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Nahmi-Dagan, vizier of Niqmi-Epuh, beloved of the god Adad.

    P514433: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)iszkur-ma-an-szum2 _ugula dam-gar3_ _dumu_ (d)iszkur-szum2?-x? _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Adad-manshum, foreman of merchants, son of Adad-shum-..., servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514434: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-wi-il-(d)iszkur ra-bi si2-ik-ka?-tum _dumu_ ip-qu2-(d)ga-x _ARAD2_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Awil-Addu, great scribe, sikkatum son of Ipqu-Ga... servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514435: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i-din-esz18-dar# _dumu_ ip-qu2-an-nu-ni-tum _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Ishtar, son of Ipqu-annunitum, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514436: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-wi-il-(d)[utu] _dumu_ i-lu2-(d)nin-[x] _ARAD2_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Awil-shamash, son of Ilu-nin-x, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514437: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-wi-il-(d)suen _dumu_ (d)suen-be-el-ap-lim _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2-ke4

    AI Translation

    Awil-Sîn, son of Sîn-bel-aplim, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Awil-Sîn, son of Sîn-bel-aplim, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514438: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)suen-i-din-nam _dumu_ (d)iszkur-ma-an-sum _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2-ke4

    AI Translation

    Sîn-iddinam, son of Adad-mansum, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Sîn-iddinam, son of Adad-iddinam, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514439: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    - (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _dumu_ ip-qu2-an-nu-ni-tum _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2-ke4

    AI Translation

    Marduk-mushallim, son of Ipqu-annunitum, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Marduk-mushallim, son of Ipqu-Annunitum, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514440: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)utu-nu-ur2-i3-li x-ab-ba (d)x _dumu_ il3-szu-ib-ni _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa

    AI Translation

    Shamash-nur-ili, ..., son of Ilshu-ibni, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Shamash-nur-ili, ... priest of the god ..., son of Ilshu-ibni, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514441: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ib-ni-(d)za-ba4-ba4 _sanga_ (d)za-ba4-ba4 _dumu_ (d)suen-na-di-in-szu-mi _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2-ke4

    AI Translation

    Ibni-Zababa, sanga priest of the god Zababa, son of Sîn-nadin-shumi, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ibni-Zababa, sanga-priest of the god Zababa, son of Sîn-nadin-shumi, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514442: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ri-isz-e2-dub _ugula gal_ _dumu_ i-na-pa-li-szu _ARAD_ am-mi- s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Rishe-Edub, chief overseer, son of Ina-palishu, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Rish-Edub, chief overseer, son of Ina-palîshu, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514443: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    na-bi-i3-li2-szu _ugula munus-suhur-la2-mesz_ _dumu_ i-din-(d)na-na-a _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Nabi-ilishu, overseer of the women's luxuriant houses, son of Iddin-Nanaya, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Nabi-ilishu , overseer of the kezretu women, son of Iddin-Nanaia, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514444: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)nanna-sza3-la2-su3 _gala-mah_ _dumu me-a-im-ri-a-mu _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Nanna-shalasu, chief lamentation priest, son of Mea-imri-amu, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514445: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)na-na-a-e-ri-isz _iszib_ an (d)inanna _dumu_ unu(ki)-li-ib-lu-ut, _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Nanaya-erish, scribe of the gods Anu and Ishtar, son of Uruk-liblut, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Nanaia-erish, ishippu priest of the gods Anum and Eshtar, son of Uruk-liblut, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514446: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i-din-(d)la-ga-ma-al _dumu_ (d)urasz-na-s,i-ir _ARAD2_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Lagamal, son of Urash-nashir, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Iddin-Lagamal, son of Urash-nashir, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514447: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i-na-e2-sag-il3-_numun_ _sanga_ (d)inanna _dumu ri-isz-(d)marduk _ARAD_ am-mi-s,a-du-qa2

    AI Translation

    Ina-esagil-zeri, sanga priest of Ishtar, son of Rish-Marduk, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ina-Esagil-zeru sanga priest of the goddess Eshtar, son of Rîsh-Marduk, servant of Ammi-shaduqa.

    P514448: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ri-isz-(d)marduk _gala-mah_ (d)za-ba4-ba4 _dumu_ e...- _ARAD_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na

    AI Translation

    Rish-Marduk, chief lamentation priest of Zababa, son of E..., servant of Samsu-ditana.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Rish-Marduk, chief chanter of the god Zababa, son of E..., servant of Samsu-ditana.

    P514449: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    a-wi-il-(d)e2-a _lu2-egir-ra_ kisz(ki) _dumu_ (d)e2-a-na-s,i-ir _ARAD_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na

    AI Translation

    Awil-Ea, the follower of Kish, son of Ea-nashir, servant of Samsu-ditana.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Awil-Ea, replacement troop of Kish, son of Ea-nashir, servant of Samsu-ditana.

    P514450: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    i3-li2-i-qi2-sza-am _ugula munus-suhur-la2-mesz_ _dumu_ (d)urasz...- _ARAD_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na

    AI Translation

    Ili-iqisham, overseer of the women's scouts, son of Urash-..., servant of Samsu-ditana.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ili-iqisham, overseer of the kezretu women, son of Urash-..., servant of Samsu-ditana.

    P514451: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    lu2-(d)e2-a _dumu_ (d)e2-a-na-s,i-ir _ARAD_ sa-am-su-di-ta-na-ke4

    AI Translation

    Lu-Ea, son of Ea-nashir, servant of Samsu-ditana.

    P514452: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    na-ka-ru-um _dumu_ (d)suen-e-ri-ba-am _ARAD_ su-mu-la-il3

    AI Translation

    Nakarum, son of Sîn-eribam, servant of Sumû-la-Il.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Nakarum, son of Sîn-eribam, servant of Sumû-la-Il.

    P514453: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)marduk-|_an-dul3_|-x _dub-sar_ _dumu_ be-x-x-x _ARAD_ sa3-bi-um

    AI Translation

    Marduk-andul..., scribe, son of ..., servant of Sabium.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Marduk-shulul..., scribe, son of Be..., servant of Sabium.

    P514454: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    ha-am-mu-ra-pi2-i3-li _dumu_ i-ri-ba-am-(d)... _ARAD_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2

    AI Translation

    Hammurapi-ili, son of Iribam-..., servant of Hammurapi.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Hammu-rapi-ili, son of Iribam-..., servant of Hammurapi.

    P514455: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)utu-li-wi-ir _dumu_ (d)utu-|_gisz-ru_|-_gi_ x? _ugula |_nu-bar_| _ARAD_ ha-am-mu-ra-pi2

    AI Translation

    Shamash-li-wir, son of Shamash-shum-ukin, ..., overseer of nubar, servant of Hammurapi.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Shamash-liwwir, son of Shamash-isqam-kin, overseer of the kulmashitum priestesses, servant of Hammurapi.

    P514456: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)asar-lu2-hi-lu2-ti?...- _dub-sar_ _dumu_ (d)marduk-mu-sza-lim _ARAD2_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na

    AI Translation

    Asalluhi-lu-ti..., scribe, son of Marduk-mushallim, servant of Samsu-iluna.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Asalluhi-lu-ti..., scribe, son of Marduk-mushallim, servant of Samsu-iluna.

    P514457: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)nin-urta-a-bi _dumu_ (d)suen-zu-x x _ARAD2_ sa-am-su-i-lu-na

    AI Translation

    Ninurta-abi, son of Sîn-..., servant of Samsu-iluna.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    Ninurta-abi, son of Sîn-..., servant of Samsu-iluna.

    P514458: administrative seal

    Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) CDLI


    (d)... x x ... _dub-sar_ _dumu_ li-pi2-it...- _ARAD2_ (d)sa-am-su-i-lu-na

    AI Translation

    scribe, son of Lipit-..., servant of Samsu-iluna.

    Frayne, Douglas R.

    scribe, son of Lipit-..., servant of Samsu-iluna.

    P514511: royal-monumental other-object

    Early Old Babylonian (ca. 2000-1900 BC) CDLI


    [...] ru x x [...]-ga-am [...]-la?-am [...]-zi-am [...] x-ni-si?-am [...] ki?-a-am [...] x x x-am [...] x _an_ x x [...] (d)isz-me-(d)da-gan [...] _lugal?_-ru? [...] x _an ki_ [... i]-du-uk [...]-x-ib [...] x-da-x [...]-na-ki [...]-szu [...]-x [...]-x pa-al-ha-ti-sza na-am-ri-ra-sza me-lam2-ma-sza e2-ra-am esz18?-dar? hi-ra-at-su2 ap-lu-ha-ta-szu ta x ru ra?-x-_usz_? x-ib? _an_? ni-szu (d)nin-urta a-pi5-il (d)en-lil2 qar-dum mu-ta-ar-ri x-bu-szi-im x _ne_ x x x x [...] x-bu-uh? x-ri-is, x x-_lum_ (d)en-lil2-ti-szu-un

    x me-e sza?-am-sza?-ti-isz _u2 ugu lu2_ _disz_ ra ra-asz ur2? x x ta-ar-x x ki? (d)en-x u3 (d)nin [...] x [...] _lu_ [...] a-ba-x [...] _an_ x (d)isz-[...] x-szu-nu-ma? i-na ki-ta-im usz-zi-iz _ig_?-ru-i x-na-ti-im x x x [...] _an_-[...] i-[...] x-[...] x-[...] x-[...] x-[...] x-[...] x [...] nam-[...] ta-al-[...] _(na4)za-gin3_ [...] _(na4)gug_ [...] usz-na-wi-ir [...] tu-usz-zi?-[...] u2-me-ni-[...] mas-su?-am sza x i3-li2-isz x e2-ra?-am x ma?-tu-usz-szu mas-su?-am e-te-ep-sze-im e-em-qi4-im be-el uz-ni-im _mi_ szu isz x x x

    u3 szi-ma-il-tum _ama_ x-ra-at bi2-in-ta-szu _egi-zi_-tum qa2-ar-ni _e2?_ ur-szi-im isz-tu pa-ti-im _an_? x-ab na-szi-at u3 ta-ra-am-pa-la-mi-ig-ri-sza an-nu-ni-tum _amalu_ ma-di3-isz te-ri-isz-szi-ma ki-[...] x x [...] _ezem_ [...] _pi_-ra-ki [...] ta-ki-il5-tum esz18?-dar? te-ri-isz-szu-ma _e2 dilmun_-sza u2-ru ha-la-(d)nin-gal _igi-il2_-szi-im in uri5(ki) x [x x] x x-isz na-szi _nam-men?_-nam wa-li-da _nam-men_-ni na-ap-ha-ar-szu-nu mu-sza-ak-li?-x _pi_-x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ishme-Dagan ... king? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... her ..., her radiance, her radiance, her eagle-face, her eshtar-face, her apluhatas, ... ... ... ... Ninurta, the heir of Enlil, the warrior, the warrior ... ... ... ... their Enlil-priests

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lapis lazuli ... ... carnelian ... he smashed ... ... he ...

    and Shima-iltum, mother ..., his ..., egizitum, the ..., from the ..., the house?, the ..., the ..., and Taram-palami-igrisha Annunitum, the ..., the great ..., you ..., and ... ... ... ... ... ... taki-iltum, the eshtar-demon, you ..., and the house of her daughter, Hala-Ningal, her eye-sight in Ur ... ..., the ..., the nammennam, the nammennu, their ..., ... .

    Foxvog, Daniel A.

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... did Ishme-Dagan, ... kings? ... ... defeat?. ... ... ... ... ... ... her fearsomeness, her awe-inspiring luminosity, and her divine radiance ... Ishtar, his spouse, his armor ... ... ... Ninurta, the heir of Enlil, the valiant, the leader of the ... ... ... ... ... ... their Enlil-ship both ... her inheritance ... the sea

    ... the water to the sun disc? ... the possessor of ... ... the god En-... and the goddess Nin-... ... ... ... ... their ... at the lower he stationed. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... with lapis lazuli ..., carnelian ..., he made ... gleam. She made stand ... ... The leader whom to the gods he ... In his land the leader capable and wise, the lord of wisdom Enki, ... ... Eridu ...

    Furthermore, Shima-iltum, the ... mother, his daughter, the egişitum-priestess, the horns of the bedroom from the border district? ... she carried. And Taram-pala-migrisha, Annunitum, to be an amalutum-priestess urgently she asked her. ... ... At/for ... festival ... for Takiltum Ishtar? asked, and into her Dilmun house he led her. Hala-Ningal he chose for her and in Ur to the ... office he elevated her. To the crown-office both were giving birth, and the crown-offices, all of them, they were showing?. ...

    P514512: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] isz#-kun [...] nam#-mu-szi-szu2 [...] (lu2#)gam-bu-la-a-a [...] _szudun# en_-u-ti-ia [...] isz#-ta-kan na-pisz-tu2 [...] _gu2#-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e [...]-ti-la-a _a-mesz sa5-mesz_ [...] szu-ut _sag_-szu2 mu-szad-bi-ib-szu2 [...]-szak#-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki _[...]-utu# man dingir-mesz_ sze-er-ta-szu2 _gal_-tu2 _[...]-na#_ me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2 _[...]-szar2_ ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu-nu-ti# [...]-szah#-szu-nu-ti ka-bat-ti (d)isz-tar [x] u2#-tak-kil-an-ni

    [...] e#-lam-ti u2-szal-qu-u sza2-nam-ma [...]-man# tam#-szil _gal5-la2_ u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _[...]-mesz#_ (disz)ur-ta-ki [...] _szesz#_ (disz)ur-ta-ki [...] _munus-hul_

    AI Translation

    ... he established ... his life ... the Gambuleans ... the scepter of my lordship ... he established life ... the gu-enna-priest who does not honor my treaty ... ... ... ... whose head is a sacrificial ... ... he ... to Urtaku ... king of the gods, his great ... ... ... together they established life ...

    ... he slew the Elamite. Then ... a replica of a gallû-demon sat on the throne of Urtaku. ... Urtaku ... the brother of Urtaku ... evil.

    Column 2'


    x x [...]

  • 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u)# [...]
  • tam-ha-at _(gesz)pan#_ [...] ma-har-sza2# [...] a-lit-ti# [...] il-si-ka# [...] um-ma# ta#-[...] a-szar pa-[...] at-ti ta-qab#-bi#-szi#? [...] szi#-i tu-sza2-an-nak#-[...] a#-szar ma-kan2-i#-[...] nin-gu-tu2 szu-kun# [...] a-di al-la-ku szip-ru szu2#-[...] pa-nu-u-ka ul ur-[...] ul ta-szam-mat, zu#-[...] ina ki-rim-mi3-sza2 _du10-ga_ tah-s,i#-[...] pa-nu-usz-sza2 (d)gesz-bar in-na#-[...] e-li (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur#)[...] ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir (d#)[...] _iti_ (d)sin (d#)na#-[...]

    AI Translation

  • 15 and 210 ...
  • The bow ... before her ... the wife ... ... ... said to you, saying: "You are ... where ... you say ... where ... you set it up. You set up a ningutu-priestly ... until you go to perform the work ... you will not be able to ..., you will not be able to ..., you will not be able to ..., you will not ... in her ... ... before her, the scepter ... Teumman, king of ..., in the month Ululu the work of ..., the month of Sin and Na.

    P514513: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-usz#-[...] [...] kim#-ti-szu2 [...] [...]-tu# sza e-la sza2-[...] [x]-szib# ina _(gesz)gu#-za_ [...] ki#-ma# sza2-a-szu2-ma t,a-a'#-a-tu2# [x x] ul# isz-al szu#-lum# [...] a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-((gal))-mu-gi-na# [...] a-na mit-hu-us,-s,i _erin2-hi#-a#_-ia# ur-ri#-[...] ina su-up-pe-e sza2 an#-szar2# u# (d)1(u)-5(disz) [...] ta-ne2-hi-ia im-hu-ru isz#-mu#-u zi#-[...] _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-ki#-tu#-[...] u2-ra-si-bu [...] (disz)in-da-bi-bi# [...] _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab#-[...]

    (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu# [...] e-li ni-kis# [...] u3# _szesz#-[...]_ [x]-ti# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... his family ... ... ... ... ... ... ... like him and he was happy ... ... did not inquire about the well-being ... to the aid of Geshnu-mugan ... to fight with my troops ... in the supplications that Anshar and Ishtar ... they received my complaints and heard them. ... his servants rebelled against him and ... they struck down ... Indabibi ... ... upon him

    Tammaritu ... above the nikishu-demon ... and the brother ... .

    P514514: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [x] ina qi2#-[...] [x]-ti _(lu2)nar#-[...]_ [x]-na# (iri)nina e#-[...] [x] um#-ba-da-ra-a [...] [x] _mah-mesz_ sza2 (disz)te-um#-[...] [x x] te#-um-man ina _szu-min_-szu2-nu# [...] [...]-eh#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... by the command of ... ... the singer ... Nineveh ... the chanters ... the great ... of Teumman ... Teumman with their hands ... .

    P514515: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] (d#)1(u)-5(disz)# is-hup2#-szu#-ma# il#-li#-ka# mah#-hu#-tisz2# [...] _lugal#_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu2-ma [x x]-za#-'i-in-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ [x x]-em#-pi u2-masz-szir-ma [...]-zu#-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' [...]-tu2#? as,-bat _erin2-hi-a_-ia u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina lib3-bi [x x] _(lu2)nam-mesz_ sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi-du [...]-a sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ti (disz)tar-qu-u2 [...]-un u2-masz-szi-ru im-lu-u _edin_ [x x]-ma# a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu2-un

    [...] ku#-su sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du [...]-szu#-ti as,-bat [...] u2#-dan-nin [...]-se#-e-szu [...] x x

    AI Translation

    ... the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and came before him. ... my royal majesty he seized and ...-za'inni, the gods of heaven and earth, ...-empi abandoned him and ...-zub his life he fled. In the city Ni' ... I took my troops and settled them therein. ... governors who were in Egypt appointed ... who before the killing of Taharqa ... abandoned and ... the steppe where their oaths were placed.

    ... the booty of the father who had engendered me ... I took away ... I strengthened ... his .

    Column 2


    [...] x x [...] [...]-ta#-szu2# ka-bit-tu [...] [x x] a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri_ [...] ma-al-ki _muru2#_ tam-tim u _lugal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _kur-[x]_ sza2-qu-ti da-na-an ep-sze20-ti-ia2 an-na-ti e-mu-[x x] ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man_ (kur)a-ru-[x x] (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab-la-a-[x] (disz)sa-an-da-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-[x x] sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-[x] ik-nu-szu a-na _(gesz)szudun#_-[x] _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it _sza3_-szu2-nu it-ti nu-dun-ne2-[x]

    a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig#_-[x x] a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-[...] e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-me gal-[...]_ szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu# [...] _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da il-li-ka a#-[...] (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al (disz)a#-bi#-ba#-a'#-[...] _dumu-mesz#_ (disz)ia-ki-in#-lu#-[...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... I returned to Nineveh, the city ..., the rulers of the middle of the sea, and the kings who live in the high mountains ... ... ... ... they became frightened of my lordly majesty. Yakin-Lû, king of the land Aru..., Mugallu, king of the land Tabla..., Sanda-sharme, the land Hilakka..., who had not ... to the kings, my ancestors, they ... to the yoke. Their daughters, their own offspring, with nudunne.

    to do a ... to Nineveh he brought and ... ... above Mugalli the great horses ... he established. His border territory ... from ... the king of Arwad came ... Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, the sons of Yakin-lu-... .

    P514516: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-ti#-ia an-na#-a#-ti# [...] [...] (kur#)a-ru-ad-da (disz)mu-gal#-[...] [...]-me# (kur)hi-lak-ka#-[...] [...] _ad#_-ia# la# kan#-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 [...] [...] s,i#-it lib3-[...] [...]-dun#-ne2-e ma#-[x x] [...]-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e#-[...] [...] u2#-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-[...] [...]-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [...] [...]-tu# szat-ti-szam u2-kin x [...] [...] ia#-ki#-in#-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)[...] [x x]-ku ana szim#-[x] [...]-al# (disz#)a#-bi#-ba#-a'#-al (disz)a-du-ni-[...]

    [...] tam#-tim e-lu-nim#-[x] [...]-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit#-ti# il#-[...] [...]-szi#-qu _giri3#-[x_ x] [...] ha#-disz ap-pa#-[x x] [...] a#-ru-ad-da [x x] [...]-ba#?-al# (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al lu-bul-ti# [x x] _[...]-gi#_ asz2#-kun# ina mah-ri#-ia# ul#-[...] [...]-gu _lugal_ lu-[x x] [...] ne2#-ber#-[x] _a-ab-ba_ asz2-ru ru-[x x] [...] _ad#-mesz#_-ia# la# isz#-mu-u zi-kir# [x x] [x x] _lugal#_-ti#-ia# ina# _masz2#-[x]_ u2#-szab#-ri#-szu#-[x] _[...]-ge6#_ an-ni-tu#? e#-[x x] [...]-szu2 isz-pu#-ra# a#-na# x x [...]

    [x x]-mir#-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ek#-s,u#? sza2 la ip#-[...] [...] is,#-ba#-tu4 _giri3-min_ [...] [...] x x? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... these ... of Aruad, Mugallu ... ... the land Hilakka ... my father who was not submissive he bound ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he brought to me and ... ... ... ... horses ... ... a second time he established ... ... Yakin-Lû, king of the land ... ... to ... ... ... Abi-Ba'al, Aduni.

    ... the sea above Elunum ... their substantial ... ... ... ... joyfully ... ... ... ... ... Aduni-Ba'al ... ... I set up ... before me ... ... the king ... the ... of the sea, a sacred place ... my fathers did not hear the mention of ... my kingship in ... he made him ... this ... ... he sent to ... .

    ... the ...-mireans, the mighty enemy, who did not ... ... seized ... feet ... .

    P514517: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal#_ [x x] _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat# [x x] s,i-it lib3-bi (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal#_ [...] _szagina_ ka2#-dingir-ra(ki) _lugal kur eme#-[gi7 ...]_ _sza3#-bala#-bala#_ (d#)sin#-pap#-mesz#-su# _lugal#_ [...] [x x] _gal#?-[x]_ ina [...]

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, king ..., king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king ..., general of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, ... the reign of Sennacherib, king ... great ... in .

    Column 2'


    [...] il#-li#-[x] a#-na# [...] u3# si#-it#-ti# _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur [x] sza# (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti# u2#-s,ab-bi-tu u2-bi-lu it-ti-szu2 ina# _szu-min (lu2)a kin-mesz_-szu2 a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi [x]-a-am asz2-pur-szu-ma [x]-szu2# _ug3-mesz_ an-nu-u-ti la tu-sze-bi-la [x]-ma# al-la-kam-ma _iri-mesz_-ka a-na#-qar [...] szu#-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hi-da-lu a-szal-lal# [... _(gesz)]gu#-za lugal_-ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma# [...] _gu#-za_-ka u2-sze-szab#

    [...]-szu2# la# i-kasz-sza2-du [...] t,e3#-e-me-ia [...] (d)ag [...] nusku# (d#)u-gur [...]-ia#

    AI Translation

    ... ... and the rest of the Assyrians ... who Nabû-bel-shumati captured by extispicy and brought to him, with him I sent his messenger to Indabibi ... and ... he did not send these people to me. I came and I inspected your cities ... I inspected the cities Madaktu and Hidalu ... I took your royal throne, I killed you, and ... I set up your throne.

    ... he does not attain ... my report ... Nabu ... the scepter of Nergal ... my .

    Column 3'


    [...]-a'# _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a_-dingir_ [...] e#-pisz _ARAD_-ti-ia [...] im-hur-an-ni-ma [...] _en#_-u2-ti [...]-sza2#-az-kir2-szu2-u-ma!(_ki_) (d)a#-tar#-sa#-[...] a#?-din#?-szu2#? ar-ka-nu [...] t,a-ab-ti [...] is,-la-a (gesz)[...] a-na sza2-'a-al# szul#-[...] ik-la-a [...] _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-[...] ih-ta-nab-ba-tu2 hu#-[...] _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 ina mi-s,ir# [...] u2-ma-'e-e-ra# [...] _bad5-bad5_-szu2-[...] _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi ma#-[...] u2-ra-si-bu [...] _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri# [...]

    _gu4-mesz_ s,e#-e-ni [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ...-a', son of Hazael, ... who did the work of my servant ... he received and ... my lordship ...-sha-zkirshuma Atarsa ... I gave him ... good ... he took away ... ... to ... ... he slew ... the people of the Arabs ... they seized ... my troops who in the border ... he brought ... I defeated him ... the people of the Arabs ... he razed ... the house of the steppe kultari .

    oxen, sheep and goats ...

    P514518: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] _su3#-mesz#_ [...] _[...]-mesz# egir#-[x]_ [...] at#-mu-[x] [...] ul#-lu#-us, lib3-[x] [...]-na# e2#-an-[x] [...]-szi#-ma ina e2-hi-li#-[x x] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the Eanna temple ... her and in Ehili... .

    Column 2'


    [x _x]-gar#-numun-na_ [...] [...] (d#)ag-lugal#-pap#-[x x] [...] (iri#)sa#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ...-garnumuna ... the god Nabû-sharru-ushur ... the city Sa.

    P514519: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] at-tal#-[...] [...]-me-e _szu-min_ ma#-li#-[x] [...]-ter#-ra a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki#) [...]-du#-ma (iri)da-e-ba [...]-na#-ni (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na-ni-ma [...]-qu# (iri)ha-a-a-u2-si [...]-ra#-bi (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i [...] (iri#)bu-be2-e [...] (iri#)ur#-da-li-ka [...] (iri#)du6!(_dul_)-tu-u2-bu [...]-un-da-si [...]-lu

    AI Translation

    ... I ... ... ... ... ... to Assyria ... ... and the city Daeba ...

    Column 2'


    [...] _nig2-szu-mesz#_ [...] [...]-ia2-asz3 ka#-[...] [...]-di# 7(disz)-szu2 [...] [...]-szu#-u2 esz-[...] [x]-kut#-tu# a-qar#-[...] [x] _lugal-mesz kur_ uri(ki) mah-ru#-[...] a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu ip-szu-[...] lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu si-mat _man#?-[...]_ si-ma-nu-u mim-ma e-pesz [...] u2-nu-ut mut-tab-bil-tu [...] sza2 ina muh-hi u2-szi-bu it-ti#-[...] isz-tu-u2 ir-mu-ku [...] _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di [...] sza2 ih-zu-szi-na s,a-ri-ru# [...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga#-[...]_

    sza2 tal-lul-ta-szu2-nu _ku3-sig17 ku3-[...]_ ziq-qur-rat (iri)szu-sza2-an# [...] szu#-pu-szat ub-bit [...] sza# pi#-tiq# _uruda#_ nam#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... possessions ... ... ... seven times ... ... ... ... ... kings of Akkad before ... for their protection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... anything ... ... ... ... who ... on ... ... from there they entered ... ... chariots, wagons ... ... ... ... horses, mules .

    whose ... ... gold, gold ..., the ziggurat of the city Susa ..., he erected there. ... whose ... is a copper .

    P514520: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    x [...] ina (iti#)[...] _u4 1(u) 8(disz)#-kam2#_ [...] sza (d)[...] u2-pa-hir# [...] sza2 tam-tim e-li#-[...] a-na na-s,ir# [...] u _egir_-nu# [...] a-de-e# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... in the month ..., the 18th day, ... of ... I deposited. ... of the sea I ... to guard ... and afterwards ... the treaty .

    Column 1'


    [...]-ia#? [...]-bi-szu2 [...]-mu-qu _masz3-ge6-mesz_-u-a [...] ger#-ru-u2-a [...] szu-a-tu2 [...] szu-tu2-u-ma [...] szi-mat-su [...] a#-na# _munus saga_-tim [...] ad#-ke [...]-lak#-ti-szu2 [...] aq#-qur [...]-ti#-szu2#

    AI Translation

    ... my ... ... ... my dreams ... my campaigns ... that ... and ... his fate ... to a good woman ... I mustered his ... I ... his .

    P514523: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] _gu4#-mesz_-szu2-nu _u8-udu-hi-a_-szu2-nu [...]-ti-ia a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...]-ma# is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia [...]-ia# (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i# [...]-a#-ti# [x] (kur#)elam#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... their oxen and sheep and goats ... my ... to Assyria ... and took the feet of my royal majesty ... my ... the city E-Imbî ... ... the land Elam .

    Column 2'


    uk#-[...] (iri#)[...]

    AI Translation

    ... the city .

    P514524: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] _edin#_-usz#-[...] [...]-kun# u2#-[...] [...] _szesz#-mesz_-szu2 qin-[...] [...] _nun-mesz_ a-li#-[...] [...]-bi-bi _ARAD_-szu2 mi-ra#-[...] [...]-bi#-szu2-nu ip-szi#-[...] [...]-nab#-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu#? [...] [...]-pesz# _ARAD_-u2-ti-ia ra-[...] [...]-ni#-szu2 a-lik [...] [...] 1(u) 5(disz)# u2-s,al-la-a [...] [...]-ma# i-dal-la-la qur-[...] [...] il-li-ku re#-[...] [...] _sig4 iti_ (d)sin _en#_ [...] [...] a#-sza2-re-du sza2# [...] [...] (disz#)um-man-al-da-si _lugal#_ [...]

    [...] _lugal#_ (kur#)[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... his brothers ... ... nobles ... ... ... ... his servant ... ... ... ... and seized ... ... ... ... my servant ... ... ... 15 he smote ... and he smote ... ... ... ... ... bricks of the month of the god Sin ... ... the satrap of ... Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, king .

    ... king of the land .

    P514525: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...]-ru-u2#-[x] [...]-nu a-hi-it,# [...] _(gesz#)pan#_ ru#-kub# _ansze-kur-ra_ [...] (kusz#)a-sza2-a-ti _[...]-mesz#_ ina u2-ma-me la-ab-bu [...] ina _igi (gesz)pan_-ia [...]-pesz# _muru2_ u _me3_ [...]-de#-ru mit-hu-s,u-tu2 [...]-ram# _an-sar2_ u3 (d)isz-tar [...]-u2#-ti a-na-ku [...] mah-re-e ger-ri-ia [...] usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu [...] _lugal_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u2-si [...]-ia# isz-me2-e-ma [...] mi#-s,ir (kur)mu-s,ur [...]-pi# u2-masz-szir-ma [...]-bit# a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i'

    [...](ki#) _ad du3_-u-a [...] (kur#)mu-s,ur [...] _giri3#-min#_-ia [...] as,#-bat [...]-ti#-szu2# [...] [...]-pi#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... a bow, the driver of a horse ... ... ... ... in the sea ... in front of my bow ... ... battle and battle ... ... the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... I ... before my expeditionary force ... I took the road ... the king of Egypt and Kush heard my ... and ... the border of Egypt ... he abandoned and ... into the city Nineveh

    ... the father who had engendered me ... Egypt ... my feet ... I seized ... his ... .

    Column 2


    _iri#-[...]_ a-di# [...] ap-[...] _ug3-mesz ansze#-[...]_ ul-tu qe2-reb _iri#-[...]_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri# [...] u2-masz-szir (iri)i#-[...] a-na (iri)at-ra-a#-[...] in-na-bit-ma e#-[x]-uz# [...] na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ma-lak 1(u) u4#-[...] u2-szah-rib-ma sza2-qu-ma-tu2 at#-[x x] (disz)ah-sze-e-ri# la pa-lih _en_-u2#-ti#-[x] an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) im#-nu-szu2 ina _szu-min _arad_-mesz_-szu2# _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u ina _sila iri_-szu2 id-du-u pa-gar#-[x]

    _egir#_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur u (d)nusku _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni# _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa# _giri3#-min#_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma

    _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza szul-mi u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti ma-da#-at#-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu sza2 ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab#-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u)# _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2 mah-ri-ti
  • [x]-rad#-di-ma e-mi-is-su [...] ger#-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu [...] (d#)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) [...](ki#) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku [...] szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz_ [...] _dingir-mesz_ (d)nin-nam-nir [...]-tum3# (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 [...]-man# _lugal_-szu2-nu [...]-du# _hul_-tu [...] qu#-ra#-de-e-szu2 [...]-e#-szu2#

    AI Translation

    The city ... as far as ... ... the people, donkeys ... from the city ... Ahsheri ... abandoned. The city I... to the city Atraya ... he fled and ... ... that district I conquered. A journey of 10 days ... I made great and ... ... Ahsheri, who does not fear his lordly majesty, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar imposed upon him. With the hands of his servants, the people of his land he scattered over him and ... in the streets of his city he smote.

    Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his life, he opened his eyes and kissed my lordly hand. Erisinni, his son, to Nineveh sent and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and

    My messenger who was looking for peace sent him, and sent to him a daughter, his own offspring, to do obeisance. His earlier payment which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had been made, he brought before me.

  • 30 horses on his former tribute,
  • ... ... and his army ... I took the road to the land Elam. ... the deities Sin, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, ... Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku, ... the work of the goddesses ... the gods Ninnamnir ... the land Elam in its entirety ... their king ... evil ... his warriors ... his .

    Column 3


    _ug3#-mesz_ a#-szib# [...] la isz-'a-a-lu# [...] _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ak#-[...] a-na ta-mar-ti _un-[...]_ (disz)im-ba-ap-pi (lu2#)[...] sza ina e2-(disz)im-bi-[...] bal-t,u-us-su ul-[...] _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 an#-[...] _munus-e2-gal dumu-mesz_-szu2 [...] sza2 ina na-asz2-par-ti an-szar2 ina ger#-[...] it-ti si-it-ti _un#-[...]_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma [...] (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal#_ [...] sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] (iri)ma-dak-tu _iri_ [...] in-na-bit-ma# [...]

    asz2-bu ina (gesz#)[...] ki-ma sza2-a-szu-ma# [...] (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri_ mu#-[...] ki-ma _ku6-hi-a_ is,-bat szu#-[...] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza2 in-[...] qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an# [...] _saga_-tu e-pu#-szu#-[...] isz#-te-ne2#-[...]

    AI Translation

    The people living in ... were not heeded ... their heads I ... for the audience gift of the people ... Imbappi, the ... who in the house of Imbi-... was alive ... hands and feet, the gatekeeper of ..., the queen, his sons ... who by the command of Ashur in the campaign ... with the rest of the people ... he brought and ... Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king ... who in the land Elam ... the city Madaktu, the city ... he captured and .

    As he sat on a ..., like him ... the city Bubilu, the city ..., like fish he took away. ... Tammaritu, who ... in the city Susa ... good things he did ... he constantly .

    P514526: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x [...]-szir#-ma [...] (iri#)ni-i' [...] _kur#_ asz-szur(ki) [...] mu-s,ur [...]-qu# _giri3-min_-ia [...] as,#-bat [...]-ti-szu2 [...]-masz#-szir [...]-ki#-pi [...] x x [...] x [...] x [...] x x [...] [...] x x x x [...] _[...]-mesz gal-mesz un#-[...]_ [...]-me _mah-[x]_ pi-[x] za-[...] [...] _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2#-[...] [...]-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-[...] [...]-e# ger#-ri#-ia# _ugu#_ (disz#)ba#-'a#-li# [...] [x x] _muru2#_ tam#-tim# al#-lik# sza2# a#-mat# _lugal#_-ti#-ia# la# [...]

    [x _x]-s,u#-mesz ugu#_-szu2 u2#-rak#-[x] [...]-ba#-li# ger#-re-ti-szu2 u2#-s,ab#-[x] [...] u2#-si-iq [...] [...]-ia# u2-szak-ni-is-[...] [...] u3# _dumu-munus-mesz# szesz#-mesz#_-szu2# [...]-ti# u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia# [...]-tim# la e#-bi#-ra# [...]-pesz# _ARAD#_-ti-ia [...] _szesz#-mesz#_-szu2# [...]-hur#-szu2# [...]-bi#-szu2# [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... the city Nî ... Assyria ... the one who guards ... my feet ... I took away ... his ... ... ... ... great ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 talents of their weight I ... their ... I ... their ... ... my campaign against Ba'alu ... the sea ... I marched, whose word of kingship I did not .

    ... he ... against him ... ... he ... his campaigns ... he ... ... he made ... my ... he made ... and the daughters of his brothers ... he brought before me ... he did not return ... my servant ... his brothers ...

    Column 2'


    (disz#)e#-[...] a-na _nina#_ [...] re-e-mu# [...] u2-ma-'e#-[...] _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2#-[...] ma-da-at-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu sza# [...] u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u2-ni [...]

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2 [...]
  • u2-rad-di-ma [...] ina 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze#-[...] ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...] (d#)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur [x x] ina _(iti)kin-(d)inanna_ szi-pir [...] _iti# lugal dingir-mesz_ an-szar2 _ad dingir-mesz_ (d)[...] ki#-ma# ti-ib me-he-e [x x] ak#-tum3# (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir#-[x x] ak#-kis# _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_-[x x] mul#-tar#-hu sza2 ik-pu-du# [x x] ina# la-a mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-[...]

    ina# _szu#-min#_ bal-t,u-u2-ti u2-s,ab-bit mun-dah#-[...] szal#-ma#-a#-ti-szu2-nu _gin7 (gesz)dih3_ u [x x] u2#-mal#-la-a ta-mir-ti (iri#)[...] _usz2#-mesz#_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la#-a-a u2#-[x x] _a#-mesz#_-sza2# as,-ru-up# ki-ma na-[...] [...]-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ [...] [...]-an (disz)te-um-man a-[...] [x x]-ta is,-ba#-tu# [...] [x x]-ia# u2-bil-szu2 a-na# [...] [x]-sze-szib-szu2 ina _(gesz)gu#-[...]_ [...]-ri#-tu# _szesz#_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a sza2 [...] [...]-da#-lu asz2-kun# [...]

    [...] _tukul#_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _ugu#_ [...] [...]-nu da-na#-[...] [...]-ti#-ia# [...]

    AI Translation

    E... to Nineveh ... mercy ... he ... his daughter, his own offspring ... his earlier payment which ... he smuggled and brought .

  • 30 horses against his tribute .
  • On my fourth campaign, to the land Elam I brought ... By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar ..., Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, ... in Ululu VI the work ..., the month of the king of the gods, Ashur, the father of the gods, ... like a flood of ... I fought with the Elamites in ... I cut off the head of Teumman, the king-..., the mighty warrior who had plotted ..., without number I killed the warrior .

    ... he captured alive. He ... their corpses like a ... arrow and ... he carried off. The plain of the city ... their corpses the Ulaya River ... its waters I ... like ... ... ...-igash, son of Urtaku, king ... ... ... Teumman ... ... seized ... ... I brought him, to ... I confined him on a ... ... ... his brother, the half of ... I established .

    ... the weapon of Ashur and Ishtar over ... mighty ... ... my .

    P514527: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 3'


    x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ina e2-hi-li-an-na sza2 ta-ram#-[x] u2-szar-mi3-isz _bara2_ da-ra-a-[x] _ug3-mesz_ szal-lat (kur)e-lam-ti# sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ah#-[x x] re-sze20-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia asz2-ruk _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)a-ri-te (lu2)um-ma-a-ni (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti

    si-it-tu-ti a-na _(lu2)nam-mesz_-ia _(lu2)gal-mesz_-ia ma-ha-za-ni-ia gi-mir _karasz_-ia ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-za-'i-iz ina u4-me-szu-ma _e2 usz_-u-ti te-ne2-e _e2-gal_ sza qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ s,i-i-ru na-ram (d)nin-lil2 sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia ud?-di?-szu2 a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2

    AI Translation

    ...... ... in Ehiliana which you ... I made great. A long throne ... the people of the land Elam, who by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku I ..., I presented them to my gods. The archers, the arutu-priests, the engineers, the engineers, who I carried off from the land Elam

    The rest for my governors, my magnates, my cult centers, and all of my caravan like sheepfolds I slew. At that time, the house of rest, the palace that is inside Nineveh, the exalted city loved by Ninlil, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated, for his royal residence

    Column 4'


    x x x x x x x x x x x x _(iti)gu4 u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam2_ lim-mu (disz)(d)muati-man-pap-mesz#-[x] _(lu2)en-nam_ (iri)sa-mir-[x x]

    AI Translation

    ...... Ayyaru II, 24th day, eponymy of Nabû-manammiq-..., governor of Samaria 645.

    P514528: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 2'


    [...]-ra#-a#-[x] [x] mam2#-ma a-hu#-u2# la# u2-szar ina lib3-bi [x] i-kab-ba-su i-ta-szi-in _erin2#-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia qe2-reb-szin e-ru-bu e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq-mu-u2 ina (d)gesz-bar _ki-mah lugal-mesz_-ni-szu2-nu mah-ru-ti u3 _egir-mesz_ la pa-li-hu-u2-ti (d)isz-tar _gaszan_-ia mu-nar-ri-t,u _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia ap-pul aq-qur (d)utu u2-kal-lim _giri3-pad-da-mesz#_-szu2-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) e#-t,em2-me-szu2-nu la s,a-la-la e-mi3-id ki-is-pu na-aq _a-mesz_ u2-za-me-szu2-nu-te

    ma-lak _iti_ 2(u) 5(disz) u4-me na-ge-e (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szah-rib _mun_ (u2)sah-le-e u2-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus lugal-mesz_-ni _nin9 lugal-mesz_-ni a-di qin-ni mah-ri-ti u3 ar-ki-ti sza _lugal-mesz_-ni (kur)elam-ma(ki) (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni (lu2)ha-za-na-a-ti sza _iri-mesz_-ni sza2-a-tu-nu ma-la ak-szu-du _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan-mesz (lu2)gar-nu-mesz_ (lu2)mu-kil _(kusz)pa-mesz_ (lu2)_3(disz)-u5-mesz_ (lu2)sza2 pet2-hal-li _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (lu2)sag-mesz_ (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u

    gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus tur_ u _gal_ _ansze#-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_

    AI Translation

    ... ... no one ... ... ... ... he seized. The troops of my battle troops entered inside them, saw their faces, and prayed to them. By the sword, the tomb of their former kings, and after them, the one who did not fear the goddess Ishtar, my lady, who destroyed the kings, my ancestors, I destroyed, destroyed, and burned with fire. I took their feet to Assyria. I heard their unfavorable omens, I slew them with a raft, a raft, and water

    a journey of 25 days, the district of Elam he made resplendent. He scattered salt and sahlû-plant over it. The daughters of kings, the sisters of kings, together with the qepanu and the harkitu of the kings of Elam, the officials and mayors of those cities, as many as he had conquered, the chief archers, the governors, the chariot drivers, the third men, the cavalrymen, the men of the bow, the eunuchs, the engineers,

    all the craftsmen, as many as there are, people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen,

    Column 3'


    u2#-pa#-[...] ina ma-a-a#-[...] ina sza2 sze-e#-[...] masz-ta-ku szu2-a-tu2 mu#-[...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szi-[...] an-hu-us-su ad-ke [...] tal-lak-ti-szu2 a-na si-hir#-[...]

  • _5(u)-am3_ ti-ik-pe masz-kan2 szi-[...]
  • pi-ti-iq-tu ap-[x x] tam-la-a u2-[x x] ina _iti du10-ga_ u4-me sze-me-e s,e-er tam#-[x x] szu2-a-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 ad-di u2-kin lib-na-[x x] ina _kasz-sag gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu2 ab#-[x x] am-ha-as, szal-la-ar#-[x] la-bi-nu _e2 sig4#-[...]_ za-bi-lu tup-szik-[x x] ina e-le-li ni-gu-ti ub#-[...] i-na _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-ti [...] a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 [x x] e-li sza _lugal-mesz_-ni [...] u2-rap-pisz u2-szar-ri#-[...] _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren#-[...]_ (kur)lab-na-ni# [...] _(gesz)ig#-mesz#_ [...] me-si#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... in ... in ... ... that mashtaku-prayer ... the great gods ... I mustered his affliction ... his journey to the outskirts .

  • 50 lines of tikpe, the mashakku-offering .
  • ... ... the sea ... in a favorable month, on a favorable day, on the shore of ... that sea I laid its foundations and ... with beer and wine I ... its ... I ... the old house of bricks ... ... ... ... in the midst of the ... I ... in joyous celebrations ... up to its ... above the kings ... I greatly ... the beams of cedar ... Mount Lebanon ... the doors .

    P514529: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] mah#-re-e ger#-[x x] a#-na (kur)ma2-kan u (kur)me-luh-ha usz-te-esz-sze#-ra# har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-am-ma-ne2-e' _lugal_ (kur)mu-s,ur [...] ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma# [...] mi#-s,ir# (kur)mu-us,#-[x] [...]-szir-[x]

    AI Translation

    ... before ... I made a campaign to the lands Makan and Meluhha. On the road Urdammane', the king of Egypt, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and ... the border of Egypt .

    P514530: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] in#-na-bit-ma# [...] [...] sza2 me2-hi-ret (disz)um#-[...] _[...]-za#_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma [...] [...] (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri_ mu-szab [...] [...]-ma# ki-ma _ku6-hi-a_ is,-bat szu-pul# [...] [...]-tu2# sza2 in-nab-ta is,-ba-tu# [...] [...] szu#-sza2-an u2-sze-rib asz2-kun-szu2 [...] [...]-pu#-szu2-usz sza2 asz2-pu-ru _a2-tah#-[...]_ [...]-a _hul_-tu2 a-na ka-szad# [...] [...] _a2#-min_-a-a [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... he fled and ... ... of the battle of Um-... ... the land Elam like ... the city Bubilu, the city that ... ... and like fish he took. The ... that had fled he took. ... I brought him down and seated him. ... ... ... that I had sent to him ... my evil ... to conquer ... my troops ... .

    P514531: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x [...] _kur#?_-szu2 [...]-da#-si [...]-ma#(ki#) [...]-e#-ma [...]-szu2 [...] is,#?-bat [...]-ri#-tu2# _[...]-min#_-ia# [...]-rib# [...]-ti _[...]-tah#_-su# [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... his land ... ... ... ... and ...

    Column 2'


    ina me#-[...] _iri# lugal#-[...]_

  • 1(disz)#-en# u4#-mu# 2(disz)# u4#-mu# ul# [...]
  • ul# ad-gul [...]

  • 1(u) 4(disz)# _iri-mesz_-ni mu-szab _lugal#_-[x x]
  • a#-di# _iri-mesz_-ni s,e-eh#-[x x] sza# ni-i-ba la i-szu#-[x] u3# 1(u) 2(disz) na-ge-e sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam#-[...] ka#-li-sza2 ak-szu-[x] ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz#-bar aq-mu# a-na _du6_ u3 kar-me u2-ter ina la-a mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-ra-as-si-ib mun-dah-s,e-e-szu s,i-ru-u2-te# (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) me#-ra-nu-usz-szu in-na-bit-ma is,#-ba-ta sza2-du-u2 (iri#)ba#-szi-mu (iri)ba#-nu#-[x] [x]-di# na-ge-e sza2 (iri)ta-sa-ar-ra#

    ka#-la-mu ak-szu-du _2(u)-am3 iri-mesz_-ni# [x x] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    In ..., the city of Lugal-.

  • Each day, two days .
  • I did not kill .

  • 14 cities, the residence of the king .
  • As for the cities ..., which were without number, and 12 districts which were in the land Elam ..., all of them, I conquered, destroyed, destroyed, burned with fire, to ruin hills and ruins I returned. Without number I killed his warriors with weapons and smashed his exalted troops. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, fled alone and took to the mountains. The cities Bashimu, Banu..., and ... districts of the land Tasarra

    All I achieved, twenty cities ... .

    P514532: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] (iri#)na#-at-hu-u [...] (iri#)s,ab-nu-u2-ti [...] pi#-in#-di#-di#

    AI Translation

    ... Nathû ... Sabnutu ... Pi-in-di

    Column 2'


    isz#-[...] _dumu#-[...]_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... son of ... .

    P514533: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] x x x [...] _[...]-mesz# uruda_ nam-ru# [...] [...]-le-ni-szu2 e#-[...] [...]-a#-tu2 mu#-szab# _lugal#-[...]_ [...]-ti#-szu2 u2-szak#-[...] [...] u2#-mal#-[...] _[...]-sa-sa-hi-a#_ [...] [...]-ta-'u-u-ti _man_-ti-[...] [...] i#-ta-te-e-szu2 [...] [...]-szu2 ag#-mur#-ma [...] [...]-ti# aq-qa-[...] [...] _en-mesz_-ia# [...] [...]-ti# u2-szar-ri#-[...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my lords ...

    P514534: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] (kur)elam-ma#(ki#) ip#-[...] [x x]-gi#-ba (d)su#-[...] [x x]-ar-sa (d)ki#-[...] [x x]-da#?-nu (d)a-[...] [...]-la# (d)pa-[...] [...]-ga#-ra-a (d#)[...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the land Elam ... ... ..., the god Su..., ... ..., the god Ki..., ...danu, the god A...,, the god Pa..., ...garâ, the god ... ... .

    P514535: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [...] _gu#-za lugal#_-[x x] [...]-nu# a-na dan-nu-ti-[x x] [...]-hi#-ra el-[x x] [...] _erin2-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ an-[x x] [...] (iri#)me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal#-[x] [...] e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,#-[...] [...]-an#-t,u# a-na _nina#_ [x] [...]-a# ia-[x x] [...]-ri#-ia# a#-na# (kur#)mu#-s,ur# u#? (kur#)ku#-[x x] [...]-sze#-ra har#-[x x] [...]-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz#-[x x] [...]-su# mi-s,ir (kur)mu-s,ur (iri)me-em-[x] [...]-zu#-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-[...] [...] _(lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2#)[...]

    [...]-reb# (kur)mu-s,ur asz2-[...] [...] il#-li-ku-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi#-[...] [...]-da-ma-ne2-e har-ra-[...] [...]-di# (iri)ni-i' _iri_ dan#-[...] [...] dan-ni e-mur-ma (iri)ni#-[...] [...] a#-na# (iri#)ki-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... the throne of the king ... ... ... ... ... ... the troops of the land of ... ... the city Memphis he seized ... he seized and ... ... ... ... to Nineveh ... ... my ... to Egypt and? the land of Ku... ... ... ... ... to go on my campaign ... ... his ... the border of Egypt and the city Memphis ... his life he lost ... the governors .

    ... the land Mushur ... ... came and ... ... ... ... the road ... ... the city Nî, the city ... ... ... saw, and the city Nî ... to the city Ki.

    P514536: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [...] [...]-szab# _lugal_-u2#-[x x] [...]-tu2# ina _hul2-mesz_ ri#-[...] [...] il#-lik e-na-ha _e2-gar8#-[x_ x] [...] _an#-szar2-du3-a lugal gal_-u2 _lugal#_ [x x] [...] _lugal# kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2#_-[x] [...]-reb# _e2 usz_-u2-ti szu-a-tu2 ar#-[x x] [x x] (d#)sin (d)utu (d#)iszkur# (d#)en# [x x] [...] nina#(ki#) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri# (d#)1(u)-5(disz) sza2# [...] [x x]_-garza-mesz (d)masz (d)u-gur#_ [x x] [x] _lugal#_-u2-ti# is,-s,u#-[x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in joy ... ... he marched, and the wall ... Ashurbanipal, great king, king ... king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, ... ... that house of habitation ... Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, ... Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... kingship .

    P514537: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] _iri# lugal#_-ti#-szu2# [...] _bad3_-(disz)un-da-si [...] _i7_ szu2-a-tu2 [...] isz-kun [...]-na# s,al-ti#-ia# [...] na#-ge-szu2 ak#-szu2#-ud [...]-di# na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud [...] na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2#-ud [...]-ge-szu2 ak#-szu2#-ud [...] _iri# lugal#_-u-ti [...] ak-szu2-ud [...] ak#-szu2-ud

    AI Translation

    ... his royal city ... Dur-Undasi ... that canal ... he established ... my assault ... his district I conquered ... his district I conquered ... his district I conquered ... his district I conquered ... his district I conquered ... his city of kingship ... I conquered ... I conquered

    Column 2'


    sza ina qi2#-bit# an#-szar2# u (d#)[...] al-qa-a [...] ad-ka-a _(d)alad-mesz (d)lamma-mesz_ [...] ma-la ba#-szu2-u u2-na-as#-si#-[...] si-mat _ka2#-mesz_-ni esz-re-e#-[...] a-di la ba-sze-e u2-szal-pit [...] am-na-a a-na za-qi2-qi2 _(gesz)tir#-[...]_ sza mam2-ma a-hu-u la u2-szar#-[...] la i-kab-ba-su [...] _erin2-mesz me3#_-ia qe2-reb-[...] [x x]-ru# pu-uz-ra-szin# [...] [...] _lugal#-mesz#_ mah#-ru#-[...]

    AI Translation

    As for the one who by the command of Ashur and the god ... I took ..., my father, bull colossi and lamassus ... as many as there were, I ... the rites of the gates, sanctuaries ... until they were not finished I ... I ... to the zaqiqu-offering of the forest ..., which no one could ..., and which no one could ..., my troops inside ... ... their ... their ... kings before me

    P514538: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x x x [...] sa-al-hu ad-di [x] _na2# (gesz)esi_ is,-s,i da3#-[x x] sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)marduk ra-a'-im _bala_-ia a-qisz

  • 6(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia
  • ina _ka2_ lu2-gu2-du3-e-ne _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina _ka2_ e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa((ki)) ul-ziz ki-zalag2-ga szu-bat (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u2 eb-bu ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur _ki-ne_ si-mat e2-zi-da szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz

  • 2(disz) per-ku _ku3-babbar_ eb-ba sza _asz4 gun-ta-am3 ki-la2_-szu-nu
  • ina ka2-mah u ka2-nam-ti-la a-na tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti u2-hum-mesz _suhusz-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-kin e2-mes-lam _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 qe2-reb gu2-du8-a(ki) sza2 i-na-hu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su ud-disz mi-qit-ta-szu2 ad-ke ina _(gesz)u3-szub (gesz)esi (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ hi-bisz-ti _szim-hi-a saga-hi-a_-szu2 al-bi-in al-lu u2-szat-rik-ma usz-te-esz-szi-ra _usz8_-szu2 ina _iti du10-ga_ u4-me sze-mi3-i ina i3-gu-la-a _i3 du10-ga ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ad-di tem-me-en-szu2 u3-ad-da-a szi-gar-szu2

    [x] _(gesz#)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)ka (gesz)esi (gesz)taszkarin_ [x] _kim3?_ u _(gesz)umbin_ us-si-ma szi-kit-ti-szu? [x]-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ina szi-pir (d)kulla# ar#-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu#

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... I laid down ... ... of ebony, ... of reddish gold, for Marduk, the one who loves my reign.

  • 6 fierce wild bulls of silver, guardians of my royal path,
  • at the gate of the gudu-priests, the gate opposite Shamshi, and the gate of the lamassu-rayu, at the gate of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa, I erected a bright, bright dwelling, a seat of the godizigar, and I made it a firm 'yes' for the entrance of the seat of his great divinity.

  • 2 silver perkus, pure, of the one talent each, their weight;
  • in the Kamah and the Namtila gates for the journey of his exalted rulership he erected their foundations. The Emeslam, the temple of Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I restored its dilapidated sections. I re-built its dilapidated sections. I hung its bricks on poles of ebony and meskannu-wood, with aromatics and aromatics, and I fashioned them and re-established their inscriptions. In a favorable month, on the day of the equinox, with good oil, good oil, silver and gold, I surrounded its foundation with its brickwork.

    ... a mesmannu-wood, a ...-wood, ebony, a tashkarinu-wood, ... a kim3-plant and a twig he twisted and his design ... his body as far as his ribs he built and completed with the craft of Kulla.

    Column 2


    x x? x x [x] x [...] u2-kin qe2-reb#? x [x x x] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 ap-tal-la-hu-szu2-nu-ti ke-nisz ip-pal-su-u2-in-ni-ma i-tap-pa-lu _a2-min_-a-a ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2-nu s,ir-ti ina kul-lat _kur-kur_ at-tal-lak-ma ma-hi-ri ul i-szi (iri)ni-i' _iri lugal_-u2-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u3 (kur)ku-szi ak-szu-ud _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz_ _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 un-mesz_-szu2 a-na la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-ti#-iq# za#-ha#-le-e eb-bi
  • man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur sza 2(disz) _lim#_ 5(disz)# _me# gun# ki-la2_-szu2-nu ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh#-ma u2#-ra-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri sza2 a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum_-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-nis-su-nu-ti _dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti

    a-na e-pesz _munus-agrig_-u2-ti u2#-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... he established. Inside ... the great gods, my lords, who faithfully looked upon me and listened to me, my words were exalted. By their exalted command, I marched through all the lands and there was no rival. I conquered the city Ni', the royal city of Egypt and Kush. I carried off large horses, sling-sticks, linen garments, silver, and gold for his people without number.

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • As for the seat of the gate of Ekur, whose weight was 2,535 talents, I removed them from their positions and returned them to Assyria. Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, whose royal word had not been heard and whose pronouncements had not been heard, I imposed upon him the cities of Halshu. In the sea and on the sea, I captured his routes. I captured their lives and made them take up residence. I made them bow down to my yoke. His daughter and the daughters of his brothers with his heavy tribute

    he brought before me to serve as a housekeeper.

    Column 3


    asz2#-szu# ba#-[...] ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la#-[...] (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du#-[x x] ana nina(ki) isz-pu#-ram#-ma# u2#-[...] _giri3-min_-ia _dumu-munus_ s,i-it _sza3_-szu2 (ana) e-pesz# [...] it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 ka#-[x x] u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri#-[x]

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ man-da-at-ti#-[x]
  • mah-ri-tu2 u2-rad-di#-ma e#-[x x] (disz)ur-ta-gi _lugal (kur)elam-ma(ki) en# mun#_ [...] ul u2-masz-szir3 it-ti-szu2 szit-ku-na [...] sa-li-mu a-na tar-s,i-szu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma#[(ki) ...] su-un-qu hu-szah-hu isz-kun-[...] ib-ba-szi ne2-eb-re-ti (d)nisaba# [x x] _zi_-tim _ug3-mesz_ u2-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat [...] _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an un-s,i bu-bu#-[x] in-nab-tu-nim-ma u2-szi-bu qe2-[...] bi-ru-su-nu u2-szab-bi#-[x x] u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su-nu qa-ti#-[...]

    _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u2#?-[...] _mun ad du3_-ia sza2 it-ti-szu2 i-pu#-[...]

    AI Translation

    Because ... opened ... and ... ... Erisinni, son of Riddû-..., wrote to Nineveh and ... my feet, daughter of his own heart, to do ... with his payment ... he sent to .

  • 30 horses for the tribute .
  • Urtagi, king of the land Elam, the lord of ... did not abandon ... with him, ... ... ... in his place in the land Elam ... ... ... ... ... the ... of Nisaba ... the life of the people I sent to him and I took ... His people, who had fled from the ... of the bubû-feast and ... dwelled inside ... their ... I made resplendent, their ... I ... their lives .

    The gods who support me ... the salt of the father who had engendered me, who ... with him.

    Column 8


    [...] x x? [x x x] [...] _lugal#-mesz dumu-me_-e#-a# [...] i-nam-bu-szu-ma [...] ud#-da-szu2 _mu-sar_-u2 [...] ul#-tu asz2-ri-szu2 la u2-nak#-kar [...] li#-ter sza2 _mu-sar_-u2# szi-t,ir [...] u2#-nak-kar-ru-u2-ma it-ti szi-t,ir [...] i#-szak-ka-nu (d)gu-la _gaszan gal_-ti [x]-im#-mu la-az-zu sza2 la ba-la-t,u [x] zu#-um-ri-szu2 li-szab-szi _usz2-mesz lugud_ _gin7# a-mesz_ li-ir-tam-muk ina _gig_ taz-bil-ti na-pisz-ta-szu2 liq-ti ag-gesz li-ru-ur-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 u _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ li-hal-liq

    _(iti)gu4 u4 6(disz)-kam mu 3(u)-kam_ (disz#)an-szar2-du3-ibila# _lugal# kur_ an#-[szar2 x]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... kings, my descendants, ... ... he will name him and ... he will renew him, an inscription ... from his place he will not erase ... may he return the one who an inscription written on it shall erase and with an inscription written on it shall place. May Gula, the great lady, ... who is unclean, ... his limbs may she dwell. Deaths and plagues may she make like water. In a sick person his life may she curse him, and his name and his seed may she destroy in the land.

    Ayyaru II, 6th day, 30th year of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria.

    P514539: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x

    AI Translation

    Column 2'


    [...] x x x x (x x) [x x] x [...] [x]-luh#-tu2 _lugal_-u2-ti-ia2 is-hup2-szu2-nu-ti-ma _(lu2)ra-gaba#_-[x x] sza2 t,u-u2-bu u su-lum-me-e it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu# ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-lu-ni a-di mah-ri-ia# szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-ia isz-'a-a-lu u2-na-asz2-szi-qu sze-pi-ia u2-s,al-lu-u2 be-lu-ti (disz)ku-ra-asz2 _lugal_ (kur)par-su-ma-asz2 li-i-ti u da-na-na# sza2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-me gal-me en-mesz_-e-a _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-la-szu2

    a-bu-ba-nisz as-pu-nu isz-me2-e-ma (disz)a-ru-uk-ku _dumu_-szu2 _gal_-u2 it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-u2-tu a-na ni-nu2-a _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia2 isz-pur-am-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)pi-is-lu-me2-e _lugal_ (kur)hu-di-mi-ri sza2 a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu sza2 ina a-hi (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-li-tu2 asz2-bu sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ru-qu-ti ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-e-a _(lu2)ra-gaba_-u2-szu2 la isz-pu-ru la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-szu2-un i-na-an-na li-i-ti u da-na-na#

    sza2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz#_ _en-mesz_-u2-a _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu isz-me2-e#-[x] pu-luh-ti _lugal_-u2-ti-ia is-hup2-[...] _(lu2)ra-gaba_-u2-szu2 sza2 szul-mi it-ti [...] a-na ni-nu2-a _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia2 [...] u2-s,al-la-a [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... who with their substantial audience gifts sent me, before me, the well-being of my royal majesty they sought, they smote, they smote, they made my omens great, and they made my lordship great. With the support of Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I established over Elam all of Elam.

    Afterwards, they heard about the supplications that I had given to him, and Arukku, his eldest son, with his payment, to do obeisance to me, my lordly city, wrote to me and I prayed to him. Pislimê, the king of the land Hilammiri, whose location is remote and whose residence is in the district of Elam, since distant days, whose satrap was not sent to me by the kings, my ancestors, and who did not inquire about the well-being of their kingship, now, with joy and mighty victories,

    who with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, ... heard about the ... of the land Elam, fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed ..., his satrap who was happy with ... to my city Nineveh, my capital city, ... he carried off .

    Column 3'


    x [...] x [...] a-x [...] ni-[...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    P514540: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-ba-tu s,ir-tu e-tel-lat (d)i2-gi3-gi3 u (d)gesz2-u sza2-ru-uh-tum i-la2-a-ti szar-rat# [...] [...]-da-a-ti sza2 ku-uz-bu za-a'-nat# ma-lat nam-ri-ri be-el-tu szur-bu-tu2 sza [...] [...]-tu-qat2 be-lut-sa szur-ba-a-ta _dingir_-us#-sa# (d)zib2 be-let _du3_ mim-ma szum-szu2 sza2 ina pat, sza2-ma-[...] [...] mar#-kas bu-ru-um-me _ku3-mesz_ sza2 ina _an_-e rap-szu-ti szur-szu2-du gesz-gal-la-[...] [...] _en#-lil2-la2# dingir-mesz_ sza2-qu-u2 _lugal an_-e u _ki#_-tim mu-szim szi-ma-a-ti _ama_ [...]

    [...] la in-nen-nu-u2 la ut-tak-ka-ru s,i-it [x x]-sza2 ha-mi3-mat _garza-mesz_ (d)a-num szu#-[...] [...] pi#-qi2#-ti (d)en-lil2-u-ti ri-im!(A')-tu2 (sza2)-qu-tu2# sza2 qar-na-sza2 ed-da mu-nak-ki-pat za-'i-[...] [...] asz2#-t,u-ti ra-ki-pat _u4-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 ina _dingir-mesz_ ge-ru-sza2 la i-szu-u ina _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ la ib-szu2-u [...] [x]-par-sza2 szu-par-ru-ru a-na a-a-bi szu-nu-ul#-lu ina gesz-par-ri-sza2 la ip-pa-rasz-szi-du [...]

    [x]-na# i-di le-'u-u2-ti sza2 nap-har ka#-la ta-be2-lu-ma _kur-kur du3_-szi-na tu-szak#-[...] an#-tum reme2-ni-tum le-qat2 un-ni-ni sze-ma#-at# ik-ri-bi [x]-s,i-rat na-pisz-[...] a-li-kat3 i-di [x] mi-gir-i-sza2 sza ina _pap-hal# bad4_ u2-sze-zi#-[x] _nun_ pa-[...] szu-bat [x?] x _dingir-mesz gal-mesz gaszan gal_-tu _gaszan_-ia [...] (disz)an-szar2-du3-a# [...] _szagina_ mut#-nen-nu-u sza2-'i-it, ni-ri-ki ki-s,ir# [...] u2-sza2-pu-ma u2-s,al-lu-u be-lut-ki a-na x [...]

    ina er#-bi qi2-sza2-a-ti _sza3-gi-guru6-a_ tes2-li-[...] _dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki)-ma _sza3-bal#-[...]_ sza2 a-bu la u2-rab-ban-ni la is,-pu-pan-ni [...] [...]_-u2_ tah-ti-nin-ni [...] [...] _du10-ga_ tu-szat-ri-s,i _ugu-[...]_ _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 na-s,i-ru _(d)lamma_ me-sza2#-[...] at-ta-lak ar-ki-ki i-da-a-a [...] ina li-i-ti da-na-ni ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ [...] e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti-ia taq-bi-i ana# [...] ina ni-isz _igi-min_-szu2-nu _saga-mesz_ ip#-[...]

    a-na szuk-lul esz-re-e-ti za-[...] [x x]-sag#-gal-kur-kur-ra _e2 an-[...]_ [...]-bit an-szar2 _en_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... exalted ..., pre-eminent one of the Igigu and Geshu gods, exalted one of the goddesses, queen ... ... ..., who is clad in a robe, who is adorned with a radiance, supreme lady, whose ... is ..., supreme lady, whose divinity is supreme, ..., who is the lady who makes everything perfect, ..., who is adorned with a ..., ..., ..., the holy brewers, who are supreme in heaven, supreme in ..., ..., the Enlil of the gods, the exalted one, king of heaven and earth, who determines fates, mother .

    ... they did not change and they did not change the ... of her ..., the one who ... the rites of Anu, ... ... the command of Enlil, the shaktu-priest of her sling, the one who ... the za'i-priest ... ... the shatu-priest, the one who ... great days, which among the gods her birth mother did not exist, and among the goddesses did not exist ... ... her ..., the szurru-priest, to the enemy, the szurru-priest, in her geshpar-priest does not exist .

    ..., the wise one, who rules all the lands, you ... Antu, merciful one, who accepts prayers, who listens to ..., who goes to the ..., whose ... her heart, who in the paphalu of the wall ..., the prince who ..., the seat of ... of the great gods, great lady, my lady, ... Ashurbanipal, ..., the shandabakku governor, the one who is the one who loves your scepter, the shield ..., I made and made glorified your lordship to .

    In the midst of the qishtu offerings, the sagiguruma offerings ... son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, ... ... whose father did not bring about my victory nor whose ... he smote ... ... you ... good ... you smote ... ... a good bull colossus, guardian of ... I went to you, I ... with mighty might, ... hands ... you commanded me to exercise my kingship. To ... with their benevolent eyes ... .

    To complete the shrines ... ...saggalkurkurra, the temple of ... ... ... Ashur, lord .

    P514541: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _igi_ [...] _[x]-mesz# gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia# [...] _[x]-dul3_-la-szu2-nu _du10-ga ugu_-ia it-ru#-[...]-u-[x] _kur-kur du3_-szi-na ul-tu tam-tim _an-[...]_-u2#-ma# i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-a-ni ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2#-[x] s,ir#-ti ina kul-lat# [...] i#-szi (iri)ni-i' _iri lugal_-u-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si _kur_-ud szal-lat-su [...]-szar2(ki) (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri sza2 a-mat _lugal_-u-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru (iri)[...]-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re#-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit a-na ni-[...]-ti#

    (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da (disz)sa-an-di-szar#-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza2 a-na _lugal-mesz#_ [x x]-ia

    AI Translation

    ... ... great ..., my lords ... their good ... ... ... all the lands from the sea ... and they seized me. By his exalted command, in all ... he conquered the city Ni', the royal city of Egypt and Kush. His booty ...shar. Ba'alu, the king of Tyre, who did not honor my royal command, captured the city ... in the sea and the plain of his campaigns. To .

    Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who to the kings my .

    P514542: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] la# i-sza2-a (kur)elam-ma(ki) _dagal [...] lugal#_ (kur)elam#-ma#(ki#) asz2#-kun#? [...] _[...]-mesz#_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2_ ni-s,ir-[...] i#?-szu#?-u ak-szud#? [...] [x x]-ti#-szu2 u2-nam-me (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)pi-[...] _a' mu dingir-mesz_ x [...] [...]-lat-su _dugud_-tu2 asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2# [...] _giri3#-min lugal_-u-ti-ia [...] [...]-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-a-li# [...] _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ tas-bu-szu-ma [...]

    [...]-ti#-sza2 ul-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an u2-sze-s,a-am-ma a#-[...]-sze#-rib-szi ina e2-an-na sza2 ta-ram#-mu# [...] [...]-ra-a-ti (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-da-si# [...] elam-ma(ki) sza an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 [...]-szi#-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir u2-szak-szi-du qa-ti is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-u-ti#-[...]-na#-nu [x] (disz#)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la#-a-[x] [...] is,#-lu-u a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu (iri)sza2-pi-i_-(d)en iri#_ tu-kul-ti#-[...] na#-da-at szu!(_ma_)-bat-su ak-szu#-[x]

    [...]-us#-su ina qa-ti as,-bat it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2# [...] (disz)(d)marduk-ibila#-asz _ARAD_ (da)-gil2 pa-ni-[x] [...]-ia# ih-t,u-u2 in-na-bi-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) hat-ti an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup#-[...] ki#-zu-szu2 ina _gir2# an-bar_ [x]-bi#-[...] a#-ha-mesz (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) pu-luh-tu2 ir-szi-ma pa-gar-szu2 u2-sze#-[...]-ri#-ia a-na ep-szet da-na#-an [x x]

    [x _x]-lil2#_ pa-gar-szu2 ul ad-din a-na qe2-be2-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza2# [...]-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na# _man#_-ti# _ka2#-[...]_ [x] e#-pu-szu2-usz im-szi-ma _kur_ uri(ki) (kur)kal-du (kur)a-ru-mu _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia it#-[...]-kir2-ma ip-ru-sa _[...]-lil2_ [...] u (d)marduk _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ep-sze-ti-szu2 _hul-mesz_ ip-pal-su-ma il-li-ku re-s,u#-ti _me3_-szu2-nu dan-[...] x [...]

    (d#)gesz-bar _szu-min_-szu2 u2-sza2-hi-zu u2-szaq-mu-u2 pa-gar-szu2 (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _lugal_ (kur)su-mu-el3# [...]-szu2 isz-szak-nu bal#-t,u-us-su# [...] [x] am#-mu-la-ad-di _lugal_ (kur)qe2-da-ri ina mit-hu-s,i _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ ina _szu-min erin2-hi-a_-ia isz-sza2-kin-[...]-ri-ia il-qu-u-ni bal-[...] ul#-tu _(gesz)tukul-(mesz)_ an-szar2 ka-szi-du-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) _du3_-sza2 ik-szu-du i-na-ru (disz)ku-ra-asz2 [...]-su#-u2-ma-asz2 (disz)pi-isz-lu#-[x x]

    _lugal_ (kur)hu-di-me-ri _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-szar-szu2-nu ru-u2-qu sza2 ina a-hi (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-liti asz2-[...]-ti# an-szar2 (d)[x x] u3 (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi#-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir!(_esz6_) is-hup-szu2-nu-ti-ma ir-szu-u na-kut-tu2 _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2-[...] it#-ti ta#-mar#-[...] a-na mah-ri#-ia u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu [...] (disz)ia-u-te-e' _lugal_ (kur)su-mu-el3 sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 u3 (d)isz-[...]

    ul-tu# a-na e-pesz _(udu)siskur-mesz_ szul-lum par-s,e ina e2-szar2-ra e2-masz-masz e2#-[...] ki-ma# mur-ni-x-[x] as,#-mid-su-nu-ti is,-[x]-tu# ab-sza2-ni (disz)(d)1(u)-5(disz)-bad3 _man#_ [...] isz-ta-nap-pa-ru-u-ni _szesz_-tu i-[x]-an#-na da-na-an ep-sze-e-ti [...] hat-tu _ugu_-szu2 im-qut#-[x x]-ta#-nap-pa-ra um-ma lu-u szul-mu a#-[...] sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik#-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)dun4#-[...]_ ina qi2-bit _an-[x] (d#)nin-lil2 dingir-mesz gal#-[x] en#-mesz_-ia (...) [...]

    a-na _du6_ u kar-me u2-ter sza2-a-szu2 _dam_-su (...) [...] (disz)nu-hu-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an (...) [...] (...) [...] re-e-mu ar-szi-(...) [...]

    AI Translation

    ... not ... the land Elam, the wide land ... the king of the land Elam I established ... his mighty ... the temple of ... I conquered ... his ... I named. The cities Shushan and Pi..., the ... of the gods ... I carried off his heavy booty. To Assyria ... my royal feet ... ... his brother, the third, in the city Hidalu ... a few days you surrounded him and .

    ... her ... from the city Susa he brought out and ... ... ... in the Eanna which is called ... ... Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu ... Elam which Ashur and Ninlil had made ... dwell in, they took hold of. The feet of King-uti-...-nanu ... Bel-basha of the land Gambula ... they carried off, to Elam they trusted. Sha-pi-Bel, the city Tukulti-..., the name of his land, I conquered.

    ... ... ... I took. With the heavy booty of his land I took. To Assyria ... Marduk-apla-iddina, servant of Dagil, who ... ... ... he sinned. In the land Elam, fear of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him. His base ... with iron ... Together Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of Elam, became afraid and his base he ... to the might of .

    ... ... I did not give his ... to him. At the command of Geshnu-mudina, my unfaithful brother who ... I established, to the kingship of the gate ... I performed ... and the lands Akkad, Kaldu, and Arumu, servants who belonged to me, ... and they ... and they seized him. ... ... and Marduk, the gods who support me, his evil deeds they saw and they went, their guardian ... .

    The god Geshbar seized his hands and smashed his face. Uaite', king of Sumu'el, ... he established. His life he ... he ..., and the king of Que, in battle with my weapons he ... my troops. He ... and ... after the weapons of the god Ashur, the conqueror of Elam, had achieved, he killed. Kurash ...-su'aash, Pishlu.

    king of the land Hudimeri, kings whose remote places are remote, who live in the plain of the land Elam, ... the gods Ashur, ..., and Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, overwhelmed them and they became frightened. His emissaries ... with the spectacle ... they brought before me and they kissed my feet. Tammaritu ...; Iaute', king of the land Sumu'el, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Ninlil, and Ish.

    After I had performed sacrifices and rites in Esharra, Emashmash, and E..., like murni-..., I imposed upon them. I ... ... I, Ishtar-duri, king of ..., constantly sent messages to me, my brother ..., the might of the deeds ... fear fell upon him, ... constantly sent messages, saying: "May ... be well." ..., which to the kings, my ancestors, was unsubmissive, he bound her to a bow. By the command of Anu and Ninlil, the great gods, my lords, .

    ... Nuhuru, his son who from ...

    P514543: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] kan#-szu2# [...] [...]-ia# sza2 u2-tak#-[...] [...] _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz-[...]_ [...] _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...] [...]-szu2#-nu is-hup-szu2-ma it-ti man-[...] [x]-szi#-szu2-ma ina _(gesz)gu-za ad_-szu2 u2-sze-szib#-[...] _[x]-mesz#_ ti-ik-le-ia is-hup-szu2-ma it-ti [...] szat-ti-szam la ba-t,a-li il-li-kam-ma u2-s,a#-[...] (disz)pa-de-e _lugal_ (kur)qa-de-e sza2 ina (iri)iz-ke-e asz2-[...] la ik-bu-su mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)[...]

    it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti ma-lak 6(disz) _iti_ ir#-[...] szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia isz-a-lu4 u2-s,al-lu-u be-lu-u-ti (disz#)[...] ina a-hi _ni-tuk(ki) muru2_-at tam-tim asz2-bu pu-luh-ti an-szar2 u# [...] ur-hu _su3_-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li is,-bat-am-ma it-ti [...] szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-ia isz!(_ta_)-al-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia [...] id-bu-bu da-s,a-a-ti pu-luh-ti an-szar2 _(d)nin-lil2 en-mesz#-[...]_ _[x]-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ man-da-at#-[...]

    [x x]-us-si _dumu_-szu2 szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a man-da-at-ta-szu2 _dugud_-[...]-la#-[x] _en#_-[x x] [x x] _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma i-szit, ma-mit _dingir_-[...]-ti# (disz)tug-[x]-mi3-i [x] [x x]-ga-ti7-i isz-ta-kan pi-i-szu2 an-szar2 _kur_-u2 _gal_-u sza2 i-ta#-[...]-ti#-qu ik#-[x]-us#-su-[x] [...] a-ri-ri pa-gar-szu2 u2-szaq-me ba-lu _(gesz)pan ansze-kur-ra-mesz [x]-mesz_-szu2 [x]-nu-szu2 _numun e2# ad#_-szu

    [...]-tum# tuk-lat _a2-min_-szu2 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ ina la mi3-ni ina mil#-[x x]-ma-ni-szu2-nu [x]-szal#?-lu-u-ni a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...] _lugal#_ szad-da!(_sag_)-a-a-u2 gu-tu-um(ki) musz-tar-[x] sza pa-lah _dingir-[x]_ la# i-du-u2 [...] ra#-ma-ni-szu it-ta-kil-ma _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 id-kam#-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2#_ u ta-ha-zi# [...] an-szar2(ki) it-ta-di _karasz!(_ki_-_kal_)_-su an#-[szar2] (d)nin-lil2 (d)en (d)ag (d)[x] a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-[dingir]

    [...]-szu2 er-hi e-ziz-u2-ma im-ta-ra-as,# _ugu_-szu2-un i-na a-mat [x]-ti-szu2#-nu _gal#_-[x] [...] _an_-e im-qu-tam-ma sza2-a-[x] _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 _karasz_-su u2-[x]-li-szu2-nu#-[x] [...]-lah3#-ma na-kut-tu ir-[x]-ma _erin2#-hi-a_-szu2 _karasz_-su is#-su#-uh-[x] [...]-na# _kur_-szu2 i-tur# pu#-luh-ti an#-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)en (d)ag (d)[...]-bat# (iri)limmu2#-[dingir ...] [...]-ni is-hup2-szu2#-ma _(lu2)mah-mesz#_-[x] sza2 t,u-u-bi u3 su-lum-[...]

    [...] am#-hur _ku3-sig17_ lu-bul-tu bir-me _[x]-mesz#_ it-ti _ansze-[x]-ra#_ [...] _[...]-mesz#_ ru-kub be-lu-ti-szu2 til#?-[x] u2-nu-ut _me3_ man#-da-at-[...] _[...]-min#_-ia a-na la ha-t,e-e [x]-s,ir# _kur_ an-szar2(ki) zik#-ru sza2 [...] [...] it#-ti-szu2 asz2-ta-kan ma-mitu szu-[...] _dingir-mesz gal#-mesz#_ [...] [...] an#-szar2(ki) u2-s,a-am-mir _munus#-[x]_ a#-szar# [...] [...] an#-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup-[...] [...] im#-ma-szid-ma si-ih-lu [...] [...] ha-a-li u8-a a#-[...]

    [...]-ha-mesz ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ i-[...] [...] ap#-pi at-ta-'i#-[...] [...] _kur2-mesz_ la kan-[...] [...] a#-na zi#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... ... their ... overwhelmed him and with ... ... ... and in the throne of his father he settled ... ... ... my ... he overwhelmed him and with ... ... a second time he came and ... Padê, king of the land Qadê, who in Izkê ... ... he did not ... the border of Assyria, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess .

    With their substantial payment, a journey of 6 months ..., the well-being of my royal majesty he ..., and they praised my lordship. ... in the midst of Nippur, the midst of the sea, a solitary person, fear of Ashur and ..., a solitary person in the sea and the mountains he took and with ... the well-being of my royal majesty he sat down and my feet he twisted. ... they spoke to me, fear of Ashur and Mullissu, the lords ... ... his wife, his own offspring, with large horses .

    ... his second son, without interruption, his payment was ... ... the great gods, my lords, he made him swear and he swore by the oath of ... ... Tug-x-mî ... he established. By Ashur, the great mountain who ... ... ... ... he ... his ... he smashed his ... he smashed. The arrows, his horses, his ..., his ..., the seed of his father's house,

    ... his ..., horses and mules without number, in their ... their ... to Assyria ..., the king of the ..., Gutum, the ... who did not know the fear of the gods ... his own ... he trusted, and his troops he went and to do battle and battle ... Assyria he took. Karasha Ashur, Mullissu, Bel, Nabû, ..., who dwells in Arbela

    ... his ... he sat down in a rage and he sat down on them. By the word of their great ... ... the heavens ... and ... his troops and his camp ... ... and ... ... and his troops and his camp ... ... his land he returned. Fear of the deities Ashur, Ninlil, Bel, Nabû, ... the city Arbela ... ... overwhelmed him and the ... emissaries who ... happiness and peace .

    ... I received gold, ..., ..., ... with ... horses ... ... the lordly ... ... the ... of my ... to not be sinned ... the ... of Assyria, the word of ... with him I imposed a oath ... the great gods ... Assyria I made shine. ... where ... Assyria ... ... he sinned ... he sinned ... and ...

    ... ... with weapons ... I ... ... I ... enemies that cannot be defeated ... to ... .

    P514544: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _nin#-lil2#_ ru-ba-tu# s,ir-tu e-tel-lat (d)i2-gi3-gi3 [...] [...]-a#-ti (d)isz-tar ta-na-da-a-ti sza2 ku-uz-[...] [...]-bu#-tu2 sza2 ina _dingir-mesz_ kul#?-lat? da-ad2-me szu-tu-qat be-[...] [...] mim#-ma szum#-szu2 sza# ina pat, sza2-ma-me# u qaq-qa-ri [...] [...]-um#-me# _ku3-mesz_ sza2 ina# _an_-e _dagal-mesz_ szur-szu-du# [...] _[...]-lil2#-la2# dingir-mesz_ sza2-qu-u2 _lugal an_-e u [...] _[...]-mesz#_ sza qi2#-bit-sa la in-nen-nu-u la# [...] [...] (d#)a-num szu#-qu-ru-ti ta-me-hat pi-[...]

    [...] sza2# qar-na-[x x] ed#-da mu-nak-ki-pat za-'i-[...]-sa#-at#? asz2-[...] _[...]-mesz#_ sza2 ina# [x x] ge#-ru-sza2 la i-szu-u2 ina _(d)1(u)-5(disz)#-[...]_ sa-par5-sza2 szu-[...] [...] x x [...]-ul#-lu ina gesz-par-ri-sza2 la ip-pa#-[...]-na i-di le#-[...] [...] ta-be2-lu-ma _kur-kur du3_-szi-[...]-tum# reme2-ni-tum# [...] [...]-s,i#-rat _zi_-tim qa#-[...]-kat3 i-di# [...] [...] _bad4#_ [...] _iri# ku3_ szu-[...] [...]-is, _szu-min-[...]_ [...] _u mu szu2_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the exalted lady, the pre-eminent one of the Igigu gods ... ... the goddess Ishtar, the praiseworthy one who ... ... ... that is strewn among the gods of all? the settlements ... everything that is in the midst of heaven and earth ... the pure ... that is supreme in the vast heavens ... ... the exalted gods, king of heaven and earth, ... whose command cannot be changed, ... Anu, the exalted one, .

    ... of the ..., who ..., who ... ... ... ... ... whose ... in ... did not exist, in the goddess Ishtar ... her saparu ... ... ... ... ... in her saparu ... ... ... ... you rule and all the lands ... merciful ... ... ... ... ... wall ... holy city ... ... ... ... and year .

    P514545: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] [...] x [...] be-el-[...]-me# szu-tu#-[...] sza ina pat, [...] mar#-kas bu#-[...] szur-szu2-du _[...]-la2# dingir-mesz_ [...] _ama dingir-[...]_-tak#-ka-ru s,i-it# [...] ta-me-[...] qar#-na-a-sza2 ed-[...] x [...] ka#-bi#-[...] ge#-ru-sza2 la i#-[...] la ib#-[...] [...]-ri-sza2 la# [...]-szi-du na-[...] [...]-lu-ma _kur-[...]_ tu#-szak-ni-[...] [...] na#-s,i#-[...]-ti qa-i#-[...] [...]-sza2 a-szi-bat [...] [...] _szu2 man kur_ [...] [...]-ri#-ki ki-s,ir# [...] [...] x _an_ x [...]


    AI Translation

    ... ... lord ... ... ... who is at the side of ... ... ... supreme one, ... of the gods ... mother of the god ... ... ... ... her horns ... ... her horns ... ... her horns ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you established ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... king of the land ...

    P514546: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [...]-ti# [...]-ti# [...]-sza2 [...]-ni [...]-ri-sza2 [...]-gir-i-sza2 [...]-tu2# _gaszan_-ia [...]-ri-ki [...]-lu-u be-lut-ki [...] _gesztu-min_-szu2 [...]-pal-ki [...]-szar2#(ki) [...] uri(ki) [...]-bal#-lu [...]-li#-mu

    AI Translation

    Column 2


    [...]_-ibila#_ [...] _[...]-mesz#_-szu2 ik-szu2-ud# [...] [...]-asz2-sziq# _giri3-min_-ia# [...] [...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal#-[...]_ [...]-muq an-szar2 _mah-mesz_ sza2 _gaba#-[...]_ [...] (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-kun# [...] [...] ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 a-di [...] [x x]-ti-szu2 u2-nam-me (iri#)[...] [x?] x [...]-szu2 _nig2-gur11_-szu2 szal-[...]-szar2(ki) (disz#)um#-[...]-tu _giri3-min lugal_-u-ti-ia# [...]-li# ap-qid (d)[...] _su3-mesz_ tas-[...]-ti-sza2 ul-[...]-sze#-s,a-am-ma [...] ta-ram-mu

    u2-szar#-[...]-ti# (disz)tam-ma-ri#-[...]-szu2# be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza an#-[...] 1(u) 5(disz)# a-szi-[...] qa-ti# [...]-ti#-ia ip-pu-szu2 _ARAD_-u-ti (disz)du-[...]-a#-[...]-lu-u a-[...](ki) it-tak-lu4 (iri#)[...] na-da-at# [x x]-su# ak-szu-ud sza2#-[...] _kur#_-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 al#-[...] _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...] ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-[x x]-na#-[x x] qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2-nu [x]-ra#-as-si-bu a-ha-mesz [...]-szi#-ma _adda_-szu2 u2-sze#-[x x] a-di mah-ri-ia

    _[...]-lil2# adda_-szu2 ul ad#-[x] a#-na qe2-be2-ri [...]-pu-szu2-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-[...] babila2(ki) [...]-mu _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 _igi_-ia it-ti-ia [...] ip#-ru-sa _szesz_-ut-tu# [...] _hul-mesz_ ip-pal-su-ma il-[...]-s,u-u-ti-[x?] [...] _gesz#-bar szu-min_-szu2 u2-sza2-hi-zu u2-[...] pa-gar-szu2 [...]-ti#-szu2 isz-szak-nu bal-t,u-us#-[...] as,-bat [...]-s,i# _(gesz#)tukul-mesz_ ina _szu-min erin2-hi-a_-ia isz-sza2-kin-ma a-di# mah#-[...] bal#-t,u-su#

    [...](ki#) _du3#_-sza2# ik-szu-du i-na-ru (disz)ku-ra-asz2 [...] x [x?] [x?] x [...] a-szar-szu2-nu ru-u2-qu sza2 ina [x]-hi (kur)elam-ma#[(ki) ...] pu-[...]-bat# limmu2-dingir [x] is-hu-up-[x]-nu-ti-ma ir-[...] _(lu2)mah-[...]_-ti#-szu2-nu _dugud_-tu2 a-na mah-[x x] u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-[...] (disz)tam-ma-ri#-[...] (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ia#-[...] (kur#)su-mu-el3 sza2! ina [...] u3 (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...]-na# e-pesz (udu#)[...] ina# e2-szar2-ra e2#-[...]

    ina (gesz)sza2 szad#-[...]-su-nu-ti# [...]-ni# (disz)(d)1(u)-5(disz)#-[...] sza2 _lugal-mesz#_ [...]-tu [...] ep#-sze-e#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... his ... he conquered ... ... my feet ... great horses ... ... the great god Ashur, who ... the land Elam I established ... his i.e., the land Elam, ... his i.e., the land Elam I established ... his i.e., the city ... ... his property ... ... of Shal...shar Um-...tu, the foot of my royal majesty ... I appointed ...

    ... Tammaritu-... his lordship over the land Elam which Anu-... 15 men ... hand ... my ... he made. His servant Du...-a...-lu ... he conquered. The city ... ... his ... I conquered. ... his heavy land ... ... the land of Assyria ... in my treaty ... ... inside the land Elam ... iron swords, their ... together ... and ... his ... he ... before me.

    ... his ... I did not ... to the midst of ... I erected. ... Babylon ... servants who belonged to me with me ... he seized. His brother ... evil ... he saw him and ... ... ... his hands he smashed, ... his ... he erected. He was able to save his life. ... I took away. ... weapons in my army he set up and until ... he was able to save his life.

    ... ... he conquered. He ... Kurash ... ... ... their remote place, which in ... Elam ... the ... of the gods ... overwhelmed and ... their ... their heavy ... to the ... they brought and ... Tammaritu ... Elam, Ya... Sumu'el which in ... and Ishtar ... ... to do sheep offerings in Esharra, the temple .

    ... ... ... Ishtar-... of the kings ... ... .

    P514547: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _lugal#-gi-na man szu2#_ [...] x [...] [...] u2#-rab-ba-an-ni [...] x _tar_ x [...] [...]_-u2_ tah-ti-nin-ni [...] x _ti_ x [...] [...] tu#-szat-ri-s,i _ugu#_-[x x?] x [...] x szur-szu2-disz tu#-[...] [...]-s,i#-ru _(d)lamma#_ [x x]-ri mu-szal-li#-[x x x?]-tim#? _a2-min_-a-a# [...] [...]-ta#-lak# ar#-[x x] i#-da-a-a tal-li-ki# a-ta-tab-lak#-[...] [...] li#-i-ti da#-na-ni ki-szit-ti# _szu-min_ tu#-[...] [...] la#? ut#?-tak#-ka-ru e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia taq-bi-i ana _u4-mesz_ da#-[...]

    _[...]-lil2_ ina ni-isz# _[x]-min_-szu2-nu _saga-mesz_ ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma iq-bu-u _za_ [...] [...]-re-e-ti za-na#-an ma-ha-zi szu-te-szur par-s,e ki-du-de-e [...] [...]-kur-ra _e2_ an#-szar2 _en_-ia sza2 (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-[...] [...] _gal_-e [x]-ia# szi-pir-szu2 ag-mur-ma _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 [...] [...] _eren# mah#-[x_ x]-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis ina _ka2_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qup an#-[x x] e2#-[...]

    [...] x [...]-rak da-ra-a-ti e2-masz-masz _e2_ (d)nin-lil2 [x]-ia# at#-ma-[...] [...]-u# uh-hi-iz a2-ki-tu mu-szab be-lu-ti-sza2 sza _u4 2(u) 1(disz)#-kam_ sza2 [...] _[...]-mesz# ad-mesz_-ia im-ma-szu-ma ina si-ma-ti#-sza2 _libir-ra#?-[...]_ [...]-lit# _(na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ a-na si-hir-ti#-sza2 ar-s,ip u2#-[...] [...]-szu2-da _szu-min_-a-a si-ma-a-ti na-ki#-ri sza2 ina qi2-[...] [...]-ia# ina szi-pir (d)nin-za2#-dim2 _ugu_-sza2 us,#-[...]

    [...] _(gesz#)ma2 (d)nin-[x]_ sza2 _(gesz)eren_ ab-ni#-[x] _ku3#-babbar#_ [...] [...] isz#-pil-lu-ur-ti# a-szar pel-lu-[x x x?] x-ti _lugal_ a-na# [...] [...]-ia# e-pu#-szu2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-'i#-[x x]-man (d)ag _en_-ia [...] [...]-a sza2 [x]-reb# nina(ki) a-na si-[...] ar-s,ip u2#-[...] [...] x ina qe2-reb-e-szu2 u2-sze-[x x] u2#-szar-ma-a pa-[...] [...] _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-[x x]-sza2# _ku3-sig17#_ [...] _[...]-mesz_-szu2 tam-szil sza2-ma-mi# [...] [...] x ka-bat-ti# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... Sargon, king of the world, ... ... he brought me ... ... he made me ... ... he made me ... ... ... he made ... splendid ... ... ... ... the protective deity ... ... ... my ... ... I went ... I went ... I went ... ... mighty victories, the scepter ... ... ... you did not ... the exercise of my kingship ... ... to the days of .

    ... ... with their good ... they looked upon me and said to me ... ... ... ... the cult centers, the rites, the rituals, the kidudu-disease ... ... ... the temple of Ashur, my lord, which Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the father who ... ... great ... I completed his work and his walls ... ... ... ... ... silver I plated. At the gate of the ... of the lands I ... the temple .

    ... ... ... ... ... the Emashmash, the temple of Ninlil, my ... ... ... I ... the Akitu, the residence of her lordship, which on the 21st day of ... ... my fathers saw him and in her original ... ... I ... ... ... ... I ... ... ... my hands, the original nakkiru-shapes which by ... ... ... by the craft of Ninzadim I ... over her

    ... the boat of Nin... of cedar I ... silver ... he ... ... where ... ... the king to ... ... he did. Silver and gold ... ... Nabû, my lord, ... of Nineveh to ... I built, ... inside it ... I made ... ... his walls ... gold ... ... his ... ... a replica of the heavens ...

    P514548: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...] x [...]-szar2(ki) [...]-bal-lu [...]-li#-mu [...] _du3#_-ia [...]-ti [...]-bi-ia [...]-re-ia [...]-u2-[x] [...] s,ir#?-te [...]-kun#-ma [...] szi#-pir#-szu2# [...] _eren# mah-mesz_ [...]-rib-ma _[...]-gar_-i-szu2 [...] par#-s,e-sza2? [...]-tu [...]-mal#-li [...]-nu [...] nina#(ki) [...]-iz# [...] x [x x?] [...]-szat#-ri-is,# [...] u _ki_-tim [...]-s,i# da3-re-e [...] (d)gaszan-ia [...] ru#?-'a#-[...] zar-pa-ni-tum _[...]-gi# husz-[...] marduk man#_ [...]-'i#-im _bala_-ia aq-qisz

    _[...]-bar#_ mim-ma [...]-pisz#?-ma qe2-[x x]-sag#-gil2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ u2-kin# [...]-di# gaba#-[x?] x x [x?] ar#-s,ip u2-szak-lil [...]-du3#-e-ne [...] x [...](ki#) ul-[x] [...]-qu?-u2-ti [...] _gun#_ za#-ha-lu-u eb-bu [...] u2-sze-pisz [...] s,ir#-ti hur#-sza2-nisz asz2-pu-uk [...] x ap-tiq-ma [...]-risz# an-hu-su ud-disz [...] _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz#)li#-ia-a-ri [...] _umbin_ us-si-[x] _e2_ [...] x u2-szad-gi-lu pa-[x]-u2-a [...] u2#-szal-bisz e2-me-lam2#-an-na

    [...]-hul2# ul-ziz _e2_ a2-ki-tu [...] da3-re-e za-[x]-lu#-[x] eb-bu [...] at#-man (d#)[x] _sukkal# mah_ [...] _husz-mesz_ [...] ul#-ziz [...]-ti [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and the netherworld ... mighty ... ... my lady ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Marduk king ...

    ... everything ... and ... ... the palace of the gods ... I built and completed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I erected ... ... ... ... I opened ... and ... its foundation I restored. ... doors of ... ... I ... ... ... I ... ... ... ... I made ... Emelamanna

    ... rejoiced, he erected the temple of the Akitu, ... mighty ..., ..., the sage of ..., the exalted vizier, ..., ... roaring ... he erected ... ... .

    Column 2


    (disz)u2#-[...] _ansze-[...]_ ina e#-[...] _lugal_ (kur)[...] sza2 ni-[...]-szu2 u2#-[...] ap-pul# [...] x _an_ x [...] (disz)um-man_-[...]-min# lugal_-u-ti-ia ina# [x _x]-za#-[...]_ ina (iri#)[...]-na#-a sza2 ul-tu2 _ud-mesz# su3#-mesz_ [...] x [...] ul-tu2#? [...]-s,a#-am-ma a-na _unu#(ki) iri#_ be-lu-ti#-[...] sza# ta-[x x] u2-[...]-ti# (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e#-e (disz#)um#-[...] e#-pu-szu2 be-lut (kur)[...]

    sza2 an#-[...]-szi-bat limmu2-dingir(ki) u2-szak#-szi-du qa-ti [...]-ti#-ia ip-pu-szu2 _ARAD#_-[x x] (disz)du#-[...]-bu#-la-a-a sza _(gesz)dun4_ an-szar2# is,#-lu#-[x] a-na (kur#)elam-ma(ki) it-tak#-[...] _iri#_ [...]-szu2 sza2 ina bi-rit# _id2-mesz_ [x]-da-at-tu2 [x]-bat-su _kur_-[x] sza2-a-szu2 bal#-t,u-us-su ina _szu-min_ as,#-[...] [...]-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...]_-en-mu-mesz dumu (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz _arad__ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia# [...]

    [...] in-na-bi-tu [...] elam#-ma(ki) hat-ti an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup#-szu2 _nu_ x _har_ (lu2)ki-zu-[x] [...]-ras-si-bu a-ha-[...]-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) pu-luh-tu2 ir-szi-ma# [...] [...]-ri#-ia a-na ep-[...] an#-szar2 (d)nin-lil2# pa-gar-szu2 ul ad-din a-na qe2-be2#-[...] [...]-e-nu sza2 _mun_ e#-[...] asz2!(I)-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti babila2(ki) _mun#_ e-pu-szu2-usz# im-[...] [...] _ARAD#-mesz_ da-gil2 [...] it-ti-ia u2-szam#-kir2-ma ip-ru-sa# _szesz#_-ut-tu#

    [...]-ia ep-sze-ti#-[...] ip-pal-su-ma il#-li#-ku re-s,u-u-ti-ma# _me3_-szu2-nu dan-ni x [...]-sza2-hi-zu# u2#-szaq#-[...]-szu2 (disz)u2#-a-a-te-e' _lugal_ (kur)[x]-mu-el3 sza2# [...]-su ina# _szu#-[x]_ as,#-bat (disz)am-mu#-la-ad-di [x] (kur)qe2-da-a-ri ina [x]-hu#_-[...]-a_-ia# isz#-[...]-di# mah-ri-ia il-[x]-u#-ni bal-t,u-us-su ul-tu _(gesz#)tukul#-[...]_-ti# (kur)elam#-[... ...]-szu#-du i-na-ru# (disz)ku-ra-asz2 _man_ (kur)par-su-ma-asz2

    (disz)pi-isz-lu-me-e# [...]-me#-ri _lugal#-[...]_ ru-u-qu sza2 ina [x]-hi (kur)[x]-ma(ki) ul-liti asz2-bu pu-luh-ti _an-[...]-lil2_ [x] (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...] limmu2#-dingir(ki) is-hup#-[x]-nu#-ti#-ma ir-szu2-u na-kut-tu _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2-nu sza2 t,u#-[...]-lum#-me-e# it#-ti# [...]-ti ana _igi_-ia u2#-[x x]-nim#-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e#-[x] (disz#)um-man-al#-da#?-[...] elam-ma(ki) [x] ia-[x x]-e'# _man_ (kur)su-mu-el3

    sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 [...] u3#? (d)1(u)-5(disz) [...]-szu-da _szu#-min_-a-a ul#-tu# a-na e-pesz# (udu)_[x]-mesz#_ szul-lum par-s,e [...] e2-masz-masz [...]-e#? ina (gesz)sza2 szad-da#-[x] ru-[x x]-ti-ia ki-ma# mur-ni-is#-[...]-su-nu-ti# [...]-a#-ni (disz)(d)1(u)-5(disz)-bad3 _man#_ [...] _ad#-mesz_-szu2 a-na _ad#-[...]_-ap#-pa-ru-u-[...]-na# da-na-nu ep-sze-e#-[x x] _dingir-mesz gal#-[x]_ i#-szi-mu-u2#-[...] _ugu_-szu2 im-[...]-pa-ra um-ma# [...] _lugal# en_-ia [...]-a#-a-ti sza2 a#-[...]-u2-qu

    sza#? [...]-ia# la kan-szu2 [...] na#?-ba-a-a-ti#? [...] x _ad_ x [...]-lu-u ta-[...] _nin#-lil2# dingir-mesz#_ [...] u2#-tak-kil-u-in-ni [...] _bad5-bad5_-[...] ap#-pul [...] kar-me u2-ter [...] _dumu-munus-[...]_-lat# _kur_-szu2 ka#-[...]-na# _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...] 1(u) 5(disz) ip-par-szi#-[...] ma?-a-ti [...]-at-ti-szu2 ka#-[...] a-di mah-ri-ia [...]-ru _lugal (kur)ni-[...]-lil2 dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia [...]-ti#-szam la ba#-t,a-[...]-la#-a be#-lu-u2-[x]

    [...] _lugal#_ sza2 (kur)qa-de#-e [...]-e# asz2-bu sza2 ma#-ti-ma#? [...]-bu-[...] an#-szar2# (d)nin#-[...]-bu-szu2-nu sza t,u#-[x x] [...] man-da-[...]-du-u-ni [...]-ni# a-di mah#-[x x] [...] isz-a-lu4 [...] szi#-i-lum _man edin#?_ sza2 ina (kur)ha-az-[...] [...] tam-tim asz2-bu# _[...]-mesz_ tik-le#-[x] is#-hup-u2-szu-[x] [...]-tim# u na-ba-[...]-szu2 _dugud_-ti# [x x]-ka# a-di mah-ri#-[x] [...]-al-ma u2-na_-[...]-mesz ad#-[...]_-bu# da-s,a#-[x x] [...] _nin-lil2 en-mesz#-[...]_

    x [...]-la-a be-lu-[...] [...] _numun#_ hal-ga#-ti#-[...] ik#_-[...]-bar#_ a-ri#-ri# [...]-me# [...] _numun#_ [...]-lat _a2_-szu2 _[...]-kunga#-[...]_ isz-[...] (disz)tug-dam-mi3#-[...]-u2# gu#-[...] a-na# [...]-kil-ma _erin2-hi-a#_-[...]-na# e-pesz _muru2#_ [...] an-szar2 [...] 1(u) 5(disz)# sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir [x x] pi-i-szu2 er-hi [...] ina a-mat# _[...]-bar#_ ul-tu2 _an_-[...]-ma sza2-a-szu2 _erin2-hi-a-[...]_ (disz)tug-[...] ir#-szi-ma# [...] _karasz_-su is-suh#-[...]

    pu-luh#-[...] sza2# (iri#)[...]-tak#-kil-u-in-ni is#-[...] u3 su#-[...] x [...]-hur# _ku3-sig17_ lu-bul-tu# bir#-[...] s,i-mit#-[...]-ut# _me3#_ man-da-at#-ta-szu2 _dugud#_-[...]-lam#-ma u2-[...] a-na [...]-az#-kir2-szu2-ma# u2#-dan-nin it#-[...]-ta#_-kam_ ma-mitu szu-u [...] _gal-mesz#_ [...] x _[x]-hul#_ a-szar ti-ib# [x] ih#-t,i ina mi-s,ir# [...] a-na# [...]-me# u2-na-szak [x]-ti#-szu2 mut-ta-as-su# [...] si#-[...]-li# u8-a a-a iq#-ta#-ti na-pisz-tusz [...]

    al-bi#-[...]-s,u#-ti# si-it-ti _(lu2#)kur2-mesz#_ [...] (d)nin#-[...]-ia#? ip-tal-la#-[...] ina u4-me-szu2# [...] i-na-ha# [...] ab-tuq-ma [...] _alam_ x [...] sa-pi-in [...] _gaszan gal_-[x] x [...] x x _u2_ x [...] ba-lat, _zi_-tim [...] [x]-na# szi-rik#-[...] szuk-ni-szi [...] _szu-min-mu_ x [...] a-na szur-[...] i-na-an#-[...] x x [...] it-ti [...]-ki# ra-bi-ti [...] _nun_ [...] _dumu#-mesz_-ia sza2 ina _bala-[...]_ an#-[...]-ud#-disz szi-t,ir _mu_-ia a-na asz2-[...]

    [...] u3# _me3_ re-s,u-us-su a-a il-lik x [...] [...]-har an#-szar2 ha-'i-i-ri-sza2 _munus-hul_-szu2 lit-[...]

    AI Translation

    U... ... ... ... king of the land ..., whose ... I destroyed ... Umman-... ... my royal majesty in ... ... in the city ...nâ, which from distant days ... ... from ... and to Uruk, the city lordly ... which ... I ... Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Um... they did, and the lordship of the land .

    ... who ... ... the city Arbela he made dwell there. My ... he made. The servant ... Du...bulaya, who the bow of Ashur ..., to the land Elam he ... the city ... his ... which is between rivers ... his ... I ... with the hands ... ... to the land of Assyria ...-enmu-mes, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II, servant who belonged to me .

    ... they seized ... Elam, the hate of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him ... ... ... ...-manaldashu, the king of Elam, fear fell upon him and ... ... ... to do ... I did not give to Ashur and Ninlil his cultic rites ... ... ... I sat down with him, to the kingship of Babylon I performed kindness. ... servants who belonged to me ... with me he made and they kissed my brother.

    ... my deeds ... they saw and went to help him, and their mighty battle array ... ... ... he ... Uaite', king of the land ... ... I captured. Ammi-laddi, ... of the land Que, in my ... ... ... before me ... he ... his life. From the weapon ... of the land Elam ... ... he killed. Kurash, king of the land Parsumash

    Pishlu-me'i ...-miri, the king ..., the distant one who ... in, the abode of the fearsome Anu-..., ... Ishtar ... of Arbela, overwhelmed them and they became afraid. Their envoys who ... ... with ... in my presence ... and they kissed my feet. Tammaritu, Pa'e', Ummanalda ... Elam ... ... king of Sumu'el

    which by the command of the god Ashur ... and the goddess Ishtar ... my hands, from the time of the ... to do the sheep offerings and the shumû-offerings ... the Emashmash temple ... with the ... ... my ... like a ... ... ... ... I, Ishtar-duri, king ... his fathers to the ... ... ... mighty ... the great gods ... ... ... ... ... the king, my lord ... ... .

    ... my ..., unrivalled ... ... ... ... ... the lady of the gods ... he made me ... he destroyed ... he destroyed ... he returned ... ... the cult centers ... ... his daughter ... ... the land of Assyria ... 15 he ... ... the land ... his ... ... before me ... king of the land Ni... the gods who support me ...

    ... king of Qade, ... dwelling, which since time immemorial ... ... Ashur and Nin... their ... who ... ... tribute ... until ... ... he ... ... the life of the king of the steppe, who in the land Hazael ... the sea ... ... ... and his ... mighty ... ... until ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninlil, the lords .

    ... ... lord ... ... the ... seed of the halgatu-demon ... ... ... ... seed ... his labor ... ... Tugdammi-... ... to ... ... and the troops ... to do battle ... Ashur ... 15 of the city Arbela ... his mouth ... by ... ... from ... and therefrom the troops ... Tugdammi-... he became angry and ... his camp .

    Fear of ... of the city ...takkulinni ... and ... ... ... ... gold, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his payment ... ... and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... where ... ... ... ... ... ... to ... he made ... his ...

    ... ... the rest of the enemies ... Nin... my? goddess ... At that time ... ... ... ... I seized and ... a statue ... ... ... the great lady ... ... ... life ... ... ... ... her ... ... my handiwork ... to ... ... ... ... with ... great ... ... prince ... my sons who in ... ... ... ... a copy of my name to .

    ... and battle, his helper did not go ... ... ... Ashur, her lover, may his evil .

    P514549: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x [x] [...] _ad# du3_-ia# [...]-ki# _gal_-ti [...]-a-bi-ia [...] ga-re-ia [...] isz-re-e-te [...]-ti#-ki s,ir-tu2 [...] x asz2-kun-ma [...]-mu-ra szi#-pir-szu2 [...] _ku3#-sig17 ku3-babbar_ [...]-szil _e2 (d)en-lil2#_ sza2 _an_-e [...]-szab# be#-lu-ti-sza2 [...] _gaszan gal_-tu2 us,-s,u-ma [...] sza2# mah-ri la szu-pu-[x x] [...] lu#-le-e u2-mal-li#-[x?] [...]-a#-a si#-[...]-sza2 s,ir-ti asz2#-tak-ka-[x] [...]-ia# ina szi-[...]-bi#-ku3-ga ziq-qur-rat _nina#_ [x]

    [...] x is-pal-lu-[...] x [...] [...]-tu# mim-ma szi-pir# [...] [...] _nina#(ki#) ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ lu#-u uh-hi-iz [...] [...] u2-szak-lil (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)[...] [...]-rib#-ma u2-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti [...] [...]-pisz babila2(ki) ud-disz e2-sag-il2 u2-szak-lil# [...] [...] (d)be-let-babila2(ki) (d)e2#-a (d)di-ku5# [...] [...]-bu#-u a-lak u2-ru-[x] szul-me ra#?-[...] [...] x [...] _iri#_ (d)asal#?-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... the father who had engendered me ... great ... ... my ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... gold and silver ... the temple of Enlil of heaven ... ... her lordly majesty ... great lady ... ... that before ... did not ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in ...

    ... ... ... ... anything ... Nineveh silver and gold ... I plated ... I made it shine. The gods Sîn, Ningal, ... ... and made it shine, a lasting legacy ... I renovated Babylon and the Esagil I made shine ... the goddess Belet-Babila, Ea, and Diku ... ... ... the road ... well-being ... ... the city Asallu ... .

    P514550: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-ti _szu-min_ tu-[...] x [...] [...] a-na u4-me da-ru-te [x]-re#-e-[...] [...]-pal-su-in-ni-ma iq-bu-u _za_ [...] [...]-na#-an ma-ha-zi szu-te-szur par-s,e ki-[x]-de#-[...] e2-hur#-[...] _en_-ia sza2 (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba#-[...] i-na qi2-bit# [...] _en_-ia szi-pir-szu2 ag-mur-ma _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-[...] me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-[...] hi#-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qup an-szar2 ina e2-szar2-ra tam-szil _e2_ (d)en-lil2 sza2 an#-[...]

    e2-masz-masz _e2 (d)nin-lil2# gaszan_-ia# at-ma-nu mu-szab be-lu-ti-sza2 _ka2-mesz_-szu2 sip-pi-szu2 _si#-[...]_ a2#-ki-tu mu-szab be-lu#-ti-sza2 [x] _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ sza2 _(iti)ab gaszan gal_-tu us,-s,u-ma u2-szal-la-mu [...] im-ma-szu-ma ina si-ma#-ti-sza2 _libir#-ra-mesz gin7_ sza2 mah-ri la szu-pu-sza2-tu i-na-an-na a-na-[...] a-na si-hir-ti-[x] ar-s,ip u2-szak#-lil lu-le-e u2-mal-li da-ad-me na-ki-ri sza ik#-[...]

    si-ma-a-ti na-[x]-ri# sza2 ina qi2-bit _dingir#_-u2-ti-sza2 s,ir-ti asz2-tak-ka-nu u3 _lugal-mesz_ la kan-szu2-[x x] ina szi-pir (d)nin#-za2-dim2 _ugu_-sza2 u2-s,ir# e2-ki-bi-ku3-ga ziq-qur-rat (iri)ni-na-a [...] (gesz)ma2-tum-ma-al#? _(gesz)ma2_ (d)nin-lil2 sza2 _(gesz)eren#_ ab-ni-ma _ku3-babbar_ uh-hi-iz _ka2-asz-a-an_ sza2 mu-us-sah-ra#?-[...] a-szar# pel-[x]-de#-e x x?-ti _lugal_ a-na# si#-hir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-tu2 mim-ma szi-pir _e2_ [...]

    at-man (d)ag _en#_-ia sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _ku3-babbar ku3#-sig17_ lu-u uh-hi-iz _e2_ (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)utu [...] a-na si-hir#-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil# (d)sin (d)nin-gal [...] a#-[...] tik#-le#-[...] u2-sze-rib-[x x]-szar#-ma#-a# pa#-[...]-ti e2-gaszan-kalam-ma# [...] x [...] babila2#[(ki) ...]-lil# _bara2-mesz#-[...]_ be-lum _[...]-dingir#-ra(ki) [...]-ku5_ [...] _udu-nita2-[...]_-lak# u2#-[x]-uh szul#-me# ra#?-x [...] _lugal_ [...] _iri#?_ (d)[x x]-hi? babila2(ki#) [...]

    _bara2#-[...]_ za#-ha-lu#-[x x]-bu a-na a-[x] x [...] [...] _gun_ [...] _ku3#-sig17 husz#-[...]_ [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... hand-lifting ... ... for everlasting days ... ... ... ... ... ... ... cult centers, ... ... ... the Ehur ... my lord, whose work Ashur-papash, king of Assyria, the father who ... by the command of ... my lord, I completed and his walls I clad ... silver meser-garments ... I ... the lands, I ... in the Esharra, the replica of the temple of the god Enlil of .

    Emashmash, the temple of Ninlil, my lady, the dwelling of her lordly majesty, its gates, its gate-walls, ..., the akitu-house, the dwelling of her lordly majesty, ... the 21st day of Tebetu, great lady, I took and I made whole ..., and in its original ..., as if it were not a relic of the past, now ... to ... I built and completed. I filled with splendor, I filled the ruined settlements of the enemies that .

    The ...s which I established by the command of her exalted divinity, and kings who were not ..., by the craft of Ninzadim I made supreme. Ekibikuga, the ziqqurrat of Nineveh, ... I built a boat of Ninlil of cedar and I weighed out silver. The Kashan of ..., where ... the king ..., I built and completed. From every work of the house .

    I, the apsû of Nabû, my lord, who in Nineveh I ... silver and gold. I built and completed the temple of Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, ... in its entirety. Sîn, Ningal, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the Egashankalamma temple ... Babylon ... ... daises ... Bel, ... Babylon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... king ... the city ... ... Babylon .

    ... a ...

    P514551: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-su a-[x] x [...] [...]-hu# szu-bat _dingir_-u2-ti-[...] [...] _(gesz)mes-ma2#-kan-na gesz_ da3-[...] [...]-tum# ru-kub# be-lu-ti-szu2 ina [...] [...] _kur2#-mesz#?_-ia a-na szi-rik-[...] [...] tak-ne2-e (d)en (d)[...] [...]-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza2# ku#-[...] [...] x _dingir-mesz_ ra-'i-im _bala_-ia# [...] [...] e2#-kur u2-sze-pisz-ma# qe2-reb [...] [...]-di# gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar#-[...] [...]-e-ne _ka2_ s,i#-[...] [...] _husz#-a#_ sza2 5(u) [...] [...] (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz)# [...]

    [...]-bi sza2 _asz4 gun_ [...] [...] sza2# ul-tu2 _u4-mesz_ ul#-[...] [...] _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 _gu2#-[...]_ [...] _usz8#_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-[...] _[...]-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia#-[...] [...] _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-[...]_ [...]-hul2# _e2_ (d)sin sza2 qe2-reb# [...] [...] _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib#-[...] [...]-lam2#-an-na _e2#_ [...] qe2#-reb#-[...] [...] (d)sin _en_-ia# [...]-re#-e sza2 ti-is,-bu#-[...] [...]-tu# mu-szab#? [...] ar#-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ku3-babbar ku3-[...]_ [...] _husz#-a_ u2-za-'i-in [...]

    [...]-bu#-ut#-ti#-ia mu-szah-sis [...] [...] x _gesz si_ x-ti sza2 a-na szub-ruq [x] x [...] [...]-na _e2_ (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ im-nu u szu#-me-lu# [...] [...]-ra#-a-ti e2-dim-gal-kalam-ma _e2 an#-gal_ sza2 _bad3#-[...]_ [...] (d#)dumu-e2 qe2-reb-szu2 u2-sze-rib-ma u2#-[...] _[...]-na# gesz_ da3-re-e# a-na# mu-szab be-lu-[...] _[...]-babbar_ sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a#_ lit-bu-szu2 a-na si#-[...] [...] _ku3-babbar_ eb-bi sza2 ma-lu-u pu-luh-tu [...]

    [...] (d#)u-gur sza2 (iri)tar-bi-s,i ul-ziz esz-ret _kur_ an-szar2(ki#) [...] [...] lu-u u2-kin u2-ter asz2#-ru-usz-szun3 _ugu_ nin-da-be2-e# [...] [...] x [x?] x [...]-nu-ti ke-nisz ip-pal-su-in-ni#-[...] [...]-ti#-ia _saga-mesz_ ha-disz ip-pal-su#-[...] [...] tam#-[x] szap#-li#-ti a-na ni-[...] [...]-szu2#-[x] s,ir#-ti ina kul-lat# _(kur-kur)_ at#-tal-lak#-[...] [...] (kur#)[x]-u-si _kur_-ud szal-lat-su ka#-bit-tu2 [...] [...] _lugal#_-u-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru (iri)hal-s,u#-[...]

    [...]-re#-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit a-na ni-[...] [...]-an#-di-[x]-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza2 a-na _lugal-mesz#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... his ... ... the seat of my divinity ... ... a meskannu-wood, a durable wood ... ... the abode of his lordship in ... my enemies to ... ... the command of Bel and ... ... ... Zarpanitu, who ... ... the gods who love my reign ... I had the Ekur built and inside ... its ...

    ... that has a talent ... that from distant days ... the temple of Nergal which ... ... its foundations as far as the border ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the temple of Sin which is inside ... ... its foundations as far as the border ... ... ... ... ... the temple of Sin, my lord ... ... ... ... ... I built and completed ... ... silver and gold ...

    ... my ..., the one who ... ... ... ... which to ... ... ... the temple of Nusku, the exalted vizier, ... and the supreme ... ... the Edimgalkalamma, the temple of the great Anu of the wall ... Dumu-e entered inside it and ... ... ... mighty wood for the residence of ... ... ... of reddish gold for ... ... pure silver, which is full of fear .

    ... the god Nergal of the city Tarbishu I established, the shrine of Assyria ... I established and restored. I imposed upon them ... ... ... ... ... steadfastly he looked upon me ... ... my good ... he looked upon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in all the lands I marched ... the land ... I conquered, its substantial booty ... my kingship did not keep safe; the city Halshû .

    ... he captured his ..., to ... ... ... the people of Hilakku who to the kings .

    P514552: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _gesz#_ da3#-[...] [...]-lu-ti#-[...] [...]-na# szi-rik#-[...] [...]-ne2#?-e (d)en [...] [...]-tak# (d)zar-pa-[...]-s,i da3#_-[...]-gi# husz-a_ lit-bu#-[x] [...] _dingir#-mesz_ ra-'i-[...] _na4#-mesz_ ni-siq#-ti# _zabar an-[x]_ _[...]-kur_ u2-sze-pisz-ma qe2-reb [...]-bad# _e2_ (d)gu#-[x x] qe2#-reb babila2#[(ki)] [...]-di# gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-[...] x x [...]-is# _lugal_-u2-ti-[x] [...]-e#-ne _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi [...] [...] _husz#-a_ sza2 5(u) _ma-na ki-la2_-sza2 a-[...]

    [...]-bat# (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u# [...] [...]-bi# sza2 _asz4 gun-ta-am3 ki-la2_-szu2-nu!(_gu_) ina# [...]-ti#-la a-na tal#-[...] [...] ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ul-lu-u-ti [x?] im-[...] szi#-pir-szu2 [...] [...] x-szu2 e2-mes-lam _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 _gu2-du8-a_ [...]-hu#-ma il-li-[...] [...]-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _gesz-[...]-mesz#_ u2-szat-ri-[...] [...]-na _du10-ga_ u2-rat-ta-a ina _ka2-mesz_-szu2 ina (gesz#)[... _(gesz)]esi# (gesz#)taszkarin_ [...]

    [...] _e2#_ (d)sin sza2 qe2-reb (iri)kaskal sza2 ul-tu2 _u4-mesz#_ [...] [...]-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak#-[...] [...]-lam2#-an-na _e2_ ((d))nusku!(_sipa_) _sukkal mah_ ab-na#-a# [...] [...] (d#)sin _en_-ia ul-ziz# 2(disz) lah3#-[...] [...] e2#-hul2-hul2 ul-ziz _e2#_ [...] _[...]-mes-ma2-kan-na gesz#_ [...] [...] az#-qup (d)sin _en_-ia# [...] [...] (d)sin _en_-ia _ku3-babbar_ uh#?-[...] [...] e2-me-lam2-an-na _e2#_ [...] [...]-sze-rib u2-sze-szib pa-rak da#-[...]

    _[...]-gal (d)gaszan-|_bad3-an_|(ki) (d#)[...] [...]-na# mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 _ku3-[...]_ [...] _im-dugud(muszen)-mesz ku3-babbar_ [...] [...]-re#-e-ti _kur asz ku_ x [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... mighty ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Zarpanitu ... ... ... ... ... the gods ... precious stones of bronze ... ... I had made and inside ...-bad, the temple of Gu..., in Babylon, ... all of it I built and ... ... ... kingship ... ... ... the gate on the east side ... ... a hushy ... whose weight is 50 minas .

    ... the godizigar, 123 talents of zahalû-silver ... whose weight is 63 talents, their weight in ... ... from distant days ... ... his work ... his ... the Emeslam, the temple of Nergal, which is called ... and ... ... ... ... he built and completed. ... ... he made ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... in his gates with ..., ebony, and tashkarin .

    ... the temple of Sin in Harran, which from days ... I built and completed ... ...-lam-ana, the temple of Nusku, the exalted vizier, ... I made ... for Sin, my lord, dwell for two days. ... the Ehulhul temple I made ... ... ... ... I ... the temple of Sin, my lord, ... Sin, my lord, silver ... Emelam-ana, the temple ... ... I made ... sit on the dais of .

    ... great, the Lady of Der, the goddess ... ..., the one who resides in his lordly abode, silver ... ... eagles, silver ...

    P514553: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] e2-me-lam2-[...] [...]-bat#-ma u2-sze-rib# [...] [...] si#-hir-ti-szu2 ar#-[x] u2#-[...] _dumu-e2_ [...] x [...]-ti#? _ki-tusz (gesz)mes-ma2#-kan-na_ [...]-ti-szu2 [...]-bu# u2#-[...] _ku3#?-babbar_ sza _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-[...] x-su [x] _im#-dugud(muszen)-mesz#_ [...]-luh#-tu2 a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia# [...] [x]-re#-e-ti _kur_ an-[...]-szu2-nu u2-sze-pisz sat-tuk-ki u3# [...] _ugu#_ nin-da-be2-e [...]-tir lu!(_ki_)-u u2-t,ah2-hi-id _dingir-[...]_

    ke#-nisz ip-pal#-su-in-[...] _a2-min_-a-a _an-dul3#_-szu2-nu _du10-ga#_ [...] ik-tar#-[x x] _lugal_-u-ti [...] tam-tim e-liti a-di# tam-tim [...] i-szu#-t,u# [x x]-a#-ni [...] s,ir#-ti ina kul#-[...] (iri)ni-i'# _iri# lugal_-[...] u# (kur)ku-u-[...] [x] ba#-'a-lu _lugal_ (kur)[...]-ti-[...] [x] tam#-tim u3 na-[...] [x x]-ki#-in-lu-u _lugal#_ [...] [...] a#-na _(gesz)dun4#-[...]_

    AI Translation

    ... ... the Emelam temple ... ... and I made it enter ... its entirety ... ... the temple-priestess ... ... the seat of the meskannu-tree ... his ... silver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for the preservation of my life ... ... the ... of the land of ... I had made. ...

    ... he ... faithfully ... my ..., their good protection ... he ... kingship ... the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea ... he ... ... ... ... ... ... in ... the city Ni', the city of ... and the land Ku... ... the king of the land ... ... the sea and the land ... ...-kinlû, the king ... to the ... arrow

    P514554: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] kun-nu-[...] [...]-in-ni-ma i#-[...] [...]-pal#-su-ma ik-tar#?-[...] u2-szak#-[x x]-u2#-ma i-szu-t,u# [...] (iri)ni-i'# _iri# lugal_-u2#-[...] ka#-bit-[...] (disz)ba-'a-[x x] (kur)s,ur-[...] (iri)hal-s,u-[...] ina tam-tim u [x]-ba#-[...] ni-ri-ia u2-szak-[...] (disz)ia-ki-[...]-szar#-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza2 a-na# [...] ik-nu-szu2 a-[...] an#-szar2 _dingir_ ba-nu-u2-a ni-bit# [x x] ina _masz2-ge6_ u2#-[...]_-ibila# lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) s,a-[x x]

    i-na zi-kir# [...] i#-na zi-kir _mu_-ia _(lu2)kur2-mesz#-[...]_ (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 [...]-bit#?-ti u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-na-[...] (disz)u2-al-li#-[...] an-szar2 _(d)nin-lil2 en-mesz_-ia# [...] ik-nu-sza2 a-na# [...] _gal#-mesz_ man-da-at-ta-szu [...] szat-ti-szam la na#-[...]-ma u2-s,a-al-la-a be-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and ... ... ... ... the city Ni', the city of king ... ... ... Ba'a..., the land Tyre, the city Halshu... in the sea and ... ... my city ... ... Yaki-...-sharri, the Hilakku, who to ... he bound ... Ashur, the god who created me, ... in dream ... ... ... ... ... king of the land of Assyria .

    By the name of ... By the name of my name the enemies ... his ... he sent and ... Ualli-... the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, ... he sealed and to ... great ... his payment ... he did not ... and he carried off .

    P514555: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] sza# la#-pa#-[...] [...] it#-ti man-da-[...] [...] hu-un-da-ru _lugal#_ [...] [...]-ia is-hup2-szu2#-[...] a#-na nina(ki) szat-ti-szam# [...] [...]-ra-a_-bad_-te _lugal_ (kur)x-[...] (kur#)qa-de-e sza2 ina (iri)iz-ke#-[...] [...] la# ik-bu-su mi-s,ir [...] (d#)nin-lil2 (lu2)rak-bu-szu2-nu sza2 t,u#-[x x] [...] x 6(disz) _iti_ ir-du-u-ni il-lik#-[...]-ia# szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia isz-a-lu4 [...] [...]-az-ma-a-ni ina a-hi _ni-tuk_ [...]-bu# pu-luh-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz_ [...]

    [...]-ma# it-ti man-da-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti# [...] a#-di# mah#-ri-ia szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia# x x [x] [...]_-iri#_ sza2 it-ti _lugal-mesz ad-mesz#_-[x] id#-bu-bu da-s,a#-a-ti pu-luh-ti an-szar2 _(d)nin#-lil2# en-mesz_-ia [...] x sza2# a#-na# ni#-ri# la# ik#-nu#?-szu2#? [x x] s,i#-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti _ansze-kur-ra#-mesz# gal-mesz_ man-da-ta-szu2 _dugud#_-tu2 u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-na#-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia

    [...]-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a man-[x]-at-ta-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 u2-sze-bi-lam#-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti# [x x] _dingir#-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u2#-[x]-az-kir2-szu2-ma [...]-u2#-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-te it-ti# [x] tug-dam-mi3-i _lugal numun_ hal-ga-ti-[x x]-ta#-kan pi-i-szu2 [...] _kur_ sza2 i-ta-a-szu2 la in-ne2-et#?-[x]-qu# ik-szu2-us-su-ma ina (d)gesz-bar a-ri-ri pa-gar-szu2 u2#-[x]-me#? _[...]-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2

    [...] _numun# e2 ad_-szu2 _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 _dagal_-tum [...]-szu2# _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze#-kunga-mesz_ ina la mi3-ni ina mil#-[...]-ni#? a-na _kur_ asz [...] _lugal#_ szad-da!(_sag_)-a-a-u gu-tu-um(ki#) [...] sza2 pa-[...] i-du-u a-na e-muq ra-[...] id-kam-ma [...] u _me3_ ina mi3-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2# [...]-szar2# (d)nin-lil2 (d)en (d)ag (d)[...]-hi e-ziz-u-ma [...] _ugu_-szu2#-un# [...]-tu2# _an_-e im-qu-tam-ma sza2-[...]-li#-szu2-nu-ti [...] is#-suh-ma a-na _egir_-[x x]-na# [...]

    [...]-tak-kil-u-in-ni is-hup2-[x x] _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2# [...] _[...]-mesz#_ it-ti _ansze-kur#-ra-mesz gal-mesz#_ [...] [...]-bit#-tu2 u2-sze#-bi-lam-ma u2-na-asz2#-[...] [x x] la ha#-[...] _nin#-lil2_ [...]-az#-kir2-szu2#-ma u2-dan-nin it-ti-szu2 asz2#-[x]-kan [...] szu-u2 ma-mit _dingir-[...]_-ma# i-ta-szun3 [...] an#-szar2(ki) u2-s,a-am-mir _munus-[x]_ a-szar ti-ib ki#?-[...]-na# sza2-ka-ni na-[...]-ia# is-hup2-szu2-ma mah-hu-tisz2 il-lik-ma ina# mi3-qit t,e3-[x x]

    u2-na-asz2-szak rit#-[...]-ma# si-ih-lu isz-sza2#?-[...] _eme#_-szu2 im-mar-t,a-ma im-qut _gesz3_-szu2 ina za-a-bi u ha-a#-[x] u8-a a-a iq-ta#-[...]-ti# ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu [...] _(gesz#)tukul-mesz_ i-dal-la-lu ta-nit-ti an-szar2 _en gal-[...]_ ina u4-me an-na-a asz2#-[...]-'i#-id da-na-an _dingir#-[...]_-ku re-s,u-ti si-it-te _(lu2)kur2-mesz_ la kan-szu#-[x] pu-luh-ti an-szar2 (d#)[...] limmu2-dingir(ki) _dingir-mesz#_ [...] _mu_-ia ip-tal#-la-hu _ARAD_-u-ti ir-[x x]

    [x] u4-me-szu2 (na4)x [...]-masz _e2_ [...] _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ru-u i-pu-szu2-[x] [x]-na-ha a-[...] _kisz#_ [...] _na4#? kur_-e esz-qi2 [x x] [x]-tu#?-[...] e2-masz-masz _e2 (d)nin-lil2 gaszan_-ia2 [x x] [...] _dingir_-u-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti# [...] [...] _szen ab tuk#?_ [...] [...] szu-a-tu2 ha-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... who ... ... with ... ... the king's ... ... ... my ... overwhelmed him ... to Nineveh ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Ninlil, their rakbu-priests who ... ... ... 6 months he marched ... ... my ... he inquired about the well-being of my kingship ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the fear of Ashur and the Ishtar .

    ... and with his heavy tribute ... before me, the well-being of my royal majesty ... ... ... which with the kings, my ancestors, spoke ..., fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, ..., who had not bowed down to my yoke ..., his heart's desire, with the great horses, his heavy tribute he sent and he kissed my feet.

    ... ... without interruption, his heavy ... he sent and he made ... dwell in my lordly majesty. ... the great gods, my lords, ... ... and their great ... with ... the king's garments, the ... of the king's ..., his mouth ... the land which had not ... he conquered, and with the ... of the airu his ... ... his brothers

    ... seed of his father's house, his extensive troops ... horses and mules without number in ... to Assyria ... the king of Gutum ... who knew ... to the army ... he set and ... and battle in the border of Assyria ... ... Ninlil, Bel, Nabû, ... he stood over them and ... over them ... the heavens he seized and ... their ... he destroyed and ... to the ... .

    ... he ... his emissaries ... ... with large horses ... he sent and ... ... ... not ... ... the lady ... ... and strengthened with him ... ... ... he ... the oath of ... and with them ... ... of Assyria he made shine. ... where ... ... ... he ... ... ... ... ... he ...

    ... ... and ... ... ... his tongue was swollen and his ears ... in ... and ... ... ... ... their own ... weapons ... praise of Ashur, the great lord ... On this day I ... the might of ... ... the guardian spirit of the rest of the enemies, who were not ... fear of Ashur, the god ... of Arbela, the gods ... my name they became afraid, their servant .

    ... at that time, ...-mash, the temple ... a king who had not ... ... ... ... ... mountain stone, a scepter ... Emashmash, the temple of Ninlil, my lady, ... her great divinity ... ... ... ... that ... ... .

    P514556: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] _[...]-mesz# gid2-[...]_ [...] a-na szi-rik#-[...] [x x]-e-ri-ki _kur_ la ma#-[...] [x x] u2#-s,a#-am-ma-ru lu-uk#-[...] ki#-ma sza2 ul-tu2 s,e-her-ia tal-[...] x x [...] a-na szur-ru-uh nar-bi-ki [...] x-ia tu-szam-[...] i-na-an-na a-di [...] x sza2 ina s,i-it pi-i-[...] ki-i pi-i an-nim-ma# [...] _szu ta_ a-li-ku# [...] ta-nit-ti _dingir_-u2-[...]-mat _sag-du_ a-na _egir#_ [...] _nun egir_-u2 ina _lugal-mesz#_ [...]-tu2# in-na-hu-ma [...]

    an-hu-us-su lu#-ud-disz szi-[x x]-ia _[...]-lil2 gaszan gal_-tu2 [...] sza# szi-pir _szu-min_-ia# [x x]-an#?-nu-u u2#-[...] szat,#-ru i-[...] [x] _nin#-lil2# gaszan gal_-tu2 a-na [...]-ziz#?-ma#? [...] [...] _muru2#_ u _me3_ re-s,u-us-su a-a [...] [...] ma#-har an-szar2 ha-'i-i-ri-sza2 _munus-hul#-[...]_

    AI Translation

    ... ... long ... ... to ... ... ... ... ... ... I will make ... shine like that which from my childhood ... ... to strew your greatness ... you will ... my ... Now, until ... which in the extispicy ... according to this ... from the journey ... the praise of the god ... ... the head to the following ... a future prince among the kings ... ... he will be smitten and .

    May I restore its weakened portions. ... my ... ... the great lady ... whose handiwork ... ... ... ... the great lady to ... and ... ... ... and battle, her helper ... before Ashur, her lover, evil .

    P514557: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-pal#?-su# [...] [...] x _ur2?_ [...] [...] _lugal#?/lu2?_ x [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... king? ... ... .

    P514558: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _giri3#-min# (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man#_ [...] [...]-bu-szu2 sza2 szul-me it#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... feet of Ashurbanipal, king ... ... ... who was happy .

    P514561: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _[...]-ga#_ [...] [...] dum#-qi2 na#-[...] [...]-ki#? _a2-min_-a-[...] [...] s,ir-ti# [...] [...] x-ti _erin2_ [...] [...] _ri zi_ [...] [...] _(lu2)kur2-mesz_ [...] [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... good ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... troops ... ... enemy ... ... .

    P514562: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-e _ka#?_ [...] _[...]-babbar_ uh-hi#-[...] [...] _e2_ (d)nusku# [...] [...] u2-sze-[...] [...] ar#?-s,ip!(_sze_) u2-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... white ... ... the temple of Nusku ...

    P514565: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] a-na# [...] [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz)# [...] _[...]-za ad-[...]_ [...] man-da#-[...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... to ... ... the goddess Ishtar ...

    P514567: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-mir#? [...]-ma [...] x [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... and ... .

    P514570: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _lugal_ [...] [...]-ka# ina zi-[...] [...] u2#-sze-bi-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... king ... ... ... ... in the ... ... he brought .

    P514571: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]-kam#?-ma# [...] [...] isz#-pu-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... and ... he ... .

    P514572: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _ku3#-sig17#_ [...] [...] x u3 [...] [...] ul#-tu _usz8#-[...]_ [...] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... gold ... ... and ... ... from the dead ... ... .

    P514574: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _zi#_-tim [...] _bad4#_ [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... life ... the city wall ... .

    P514576: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _dugud#_ [...]-u [...]-ia [...]-szu _[...]-lil2#_

    AI Translation

    ... heavy ...

    P514577: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _hi? ri#?_ [...] _[...]-ra#-mesz# gal#-[...]_ [...]-ta#-szu2 ka-bit#?-[...] [...] _nin#-lil2#_ u2#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... great ... ... his ... ... Ninlil .

    P514578: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)hal-s,u-(disz)(d)iszkur-rem2-a-ni? sza2 _kur?_ [...] man-na-a-a _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la [szal-lat-su ...]

    AI Translation

    I conquered the city Halshu-Adad-remanni? of the land ... Mannea and carried off its booty .

    P514579: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Surface a1


    _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-[man _man (kur)elam-ma(ki)]_ sza ina _muru2_ tam-ha#-[ri ik-ki-su] a-hu-ru-u _erin2-hi-a_-ia a-na pu-us#-[su-rat] ha-de-e u2-szah-ma-t,u a-na _kur_ an#-[szar2(ki)]

    AI Translation

    The head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which he had cut off in the middle of the battle, I brought back my troops to be a spectacle and they made them flee to Assyria.

    Surface a2


    (disz)ur-ta#-ku ha-ta-nu (disz)te-um-man sza2 ina us,#-s,i# muh-hu-s,u la iq-tu2-u _zi-mesz_ a-na na#-kas# _sag-du_ ra-ma-ni-szu2 _dumu kur_ asz-szur i-sza2-si-ma# um-ma al-ka _sag-du ku5_-is _igi lugal en_-ka i-szi-ma# le#-e-qi2 _mu saga_-tim

    AI Translation

    Urtaku, the haruspex of Teumman, who had not bowed down in the street, bowed down, and died. He asked the king, your lord, for the payment of his own head and said: "Come, cut off the head, and take it before the king, your lord, and give me my good name."

    Surface a3


    (disz)te-um-man (sza) ina mi-qit t,e3-e-me a-na _ibila#_-szu2 iq-bu-u2 szu-le-e _(gesz)pan_

    AI Translation

    Teumman, who in the course of a report to his heir said: "The bow is a ..."

    Surface a4


    (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina _me3_ dan-ni muh-hu-s,u (disz)tam-ri-i-tu2 _dumu_-szu2 _gal#_-u _szu-min_-su is,-ba-tu-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi#_-ti3#-szu2# in-nab-tu2 ih-lu-pu qe2-reb qisz-ti ina# tukul#-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-nar-szu2-nu-ti _sag#-du_-szu2-nu _ku5_-is me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz

    AI Translation

    Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who in a mighty battle had taken away Tammaritu, his eldest son, and seized his hands to save his life, fled and hung himself in a cage. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I captured them, and cut off their heads. In all four directions

    P514580: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz#)i#-tu#-ni#-i# (lu2#)szu#-ut# _sag#_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam#-ma#(ki#) sza2# er#-ha#-nisz# isz#-tap-pa-rasz-szu2 a-di mah-ri-ia# ta#-ha#-zi# dan#-nu# e-mur-ma# ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi#-szu2# _(gesz#)pan#_ si#-mat# _a2#-min#_-szu# ik#-si#-ma _szu-min_ ra-ma-ni#-szu2#

    AI Translation

    Itunî, the eunuch of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent him in a raging wave, saw the mighty battle array before me and with his iron sword, the weapon of his arms, he grasped the bow, his weapon, and his own hands

    P514582: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [si-id-ru sza (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_] an#-szar2(ki) sza2-kin _bad5#-[bad5_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Ring of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who brought about the defeat of the land Elam.

    P514583: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal [(kur)elam-ma(ki)]_ sza qe2-reb _du6-(iri)tu_-u2-bu (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _[man gal man_ dan-nu] _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina la mi3-i-ni [isz-ku-nu?] id-du-u2# _adda#-mesz_ qu#-[ra-di-szu2]

    AI Translation

    The defeat of the troops of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, without number, had brought about, and the corpses of his warriors

    P514584: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Surface a1


    (disz) (disz) _ugu an-szar2#_ _dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u2 sil-la-tu2 _gal_-tu _eme_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-up asz-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    As for Ashur, the god who created me, he said: "Great cleansing, I smashed their tongues, I ripped out their skins."

    Surface a2


    [(disz)]um#-man#-i#-gasz# mun-nab-tu2 _ARAD_ sza2# is,#-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia2 ina e#-pesz pi-ia ina _hul2-mesz_ qe2-reb# (kur)ma-dak-te u (iri)szu#-sza2-an (lu2)szu-ut _sag#_-ia# sza2 [asz2]-pu-ru u2-sze#-rib-ma# u2#-sze-szib-szu2 ina _(gesz)gu-za#_ (disz)te-um#-[man sza2 ik]-szu#-da# _szu-min_-a-a

    AI Translation

    Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the fugitive, the servant who had grasped my feet, while performing my speaking, with joy in the land Madaktu and the city Susa, a eunuch of mine whom I had sent, he brought and settled him on the throne of Teumman, who had secured my hands.

    Surface a3


    [a]-na#-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2#[(ki)] [sza2] ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz)# _en-mesz_-ia _(lu2)[kur2-mesz]_-ia#? ak-szu2-du am-s,u ma-la lib3#-bi-ia# (disz)ru#-sa#-a _lugal_ (kur)ur-ar-t,a# da-na#-an# an-szar2# _en#_-ia isz-me-ma pu-luh-tu2 _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu-up#-szu2#-ma# _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3#-ia isz#-pu-ra ana qe2-reb limmu2-dingir(ki) (disz)(d)muati-saga (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    it-ti _(gesz)zu-mesz_ szi#-pir me-re-eh-tu2 ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, conquered my enemies and iii 5' a mighty army, as much as my heart desired, Rusâ, king of the land Urartu, heard about the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he sent his envoys to inquire about my well-being, and in Babylon Nabû-saga and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam,

    With the axes and the crafty skill, I stood before them.

    Surface a4



    AI Translation


    P514585: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    AI Translation


    P514586: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ik-szu-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-szu2 lu-bul#-tu2# szu#-kut-tu si-mat _lugal_-u-ti sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu#-gi#-na _szesz nu gi-na_ (munus)sek-re-te-szu2 (lu2)[szu-ut] _sag#-mesz#_-szu2 _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 _(gesz)gigir_ (gesz)sza2 szad-da-di# [ru]-kub _en_-ti-szu2 mim-ma hi-szih-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la# ba#-szu-u2 _ug3-mesz_ zik-ru u sin-nisz _tur# gal#_ u2-sze-et-ti-qu ina mah#-ri-ia#

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the great gods achieved his heart's desire: a life of long life, the scepter of kingship, for whom Geshnun-mudadina, my unfaithful brother, his eunuchs, his eunuchs, his battle troops, a chariot, a harness, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, everything that pertains to his palace, as much as there is, the people, the ordinary and the smallest, they made pass before me.

    P514587: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... asz2-ku-nu]-usz# a-na _lugal_-u2-ti [...] [...] x x? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... I placed him for kingship ... ... .

    P514588: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)ha-ma-nu _iri lugal_-u-ti sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Hamanu, the royal city of the land Elam.

    P514589: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)ha-ma-nu _iri lugal_-u-ti sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Hammanu, the royal city of the land Elam.

    P514590: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri#)[e2-(disz)]bu#-na-ki _iri [(lugal_-u-ti) sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) (...)] [...]

    AI Translation

    Ebunaku, the royal city of the land Elam .

    P514591: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku# an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 ina# [qi2-bit an-szar2 u] (d)nin-lil2 ik-szu2-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-szu2 (iri)di-in#_-[lugal] iri#_ sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) al#-me# _kur_-ud# _(gesz#)[gigir]-mesz#_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ _ansze#-kunga#-mesz_ [u2-sze-s,a]-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-[nu]

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil achieved his heart's desire: I surrounded and conquered the city Dinsharri, the city of the land Elam. I brought out chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.

    P514592: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Surface a1


    a#-na-[ku an-szar2-du3-a ...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] an-szar2# [...] elam?-ma#[(ki) ...]

    AI Translation

    I am Anshardua ... ... ... ... Anshar ... Elam .

    Surface a2


    (iri#)x x x _iri# lugal_-u-ti sza2 (kur)elam-ma#(ki#) al#?-me#? ak#?-szu#?-ud#? asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city ..., the royal city of the land Elam.

    P514593: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [(iri)x-x]-tu _iri_ sza2 (kur)[elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud] [ap-pul aq]-qur ina (d)gesz-bar [aq-mu]

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city ...tu, a city of the land Elam.

    P514594: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-[ku an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki)] sza ina [tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) (...)] _(lu2)kur2-[mesz_-szu2 ik-szu-du ...] sza [...] asz2-[lu-la szal-lat-su ...]

    AI Translation

    I, Assurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... conquered his enemies, ... who ... I carried off his booty .

    P514596: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia [...] ul-tu2 _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2 [...] x sza (iri)mu-ru-u2-bi-si [... da-na]-an#? an-szar2 _en_-ia [... (disz)]um-man-al-dasz is,-bat-ma [...] il-qa-asz2-szu2 a-di mah-ri-ia

    AI Translation

    ... the weapon of Ashur, my lord, ... from the mountain, where his border is, ... of Murubisi ... the might of Ashur, my lord, ... Ummanaldashu took and ... took before me.

    P514597: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] ep#?-[szet? qa?]-ti-szu2 _saga-mesz_ i-ram-mu gi-mir mal-ki sza2 kisz#-sza2#?-ti#? _[kur-kur?]_ [... (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2? (disz)pa-'e-e? (disz)um-man-al]-dasz#? _lugal#-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 ik-szu-da# _szu-min_-[a-a] [...]-a? [i]-zi#-zu-ma nap-tan _man_-ti-szu2-nu _szu-min_ ra-me-ni-szu2-nu e-pu-sza2-ma u2-sze-rib-u-ni ina _[igi_-ia]

    AI Translation

    ... his good deeds he praised. All the rulers of the totality of the lands ... Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the kings of the land Elam, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil conquered, my hands ... they stood, and their royal meal, their own hands, they made and brought before me.

    P514598: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [a-na-ku _an-szar2-du3]-a man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) [sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _(lu2)]kur2-mesz_-szu2 ik-szu-du [...] (iri#)e2-(disz)lu-up-pi [al-me _kur_-ud] _ug3#-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2 _[(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ _[ansze-kunga-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal]-la#-tisz am-nu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, his enemies, conquered ..., I marched to the city E-luppi. I brought out the people living inside it chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.

    P514599: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... asz-szur u (d)]1(u) 5(disz) u2-szam-kir2#-u-ma ik#-s,u-ra _me3_ ina szur-ru-((ut)) mit-hu-s,i-szu2 ina (iri)[...] [...] sza# u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni _erin2-hi-a_ mi-is,-tu _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a#_-[szu2 isz-ku-un ...] [...]-szu2#-un sit2-ta-tu-szu2-nu sza2 ina _bad5-bad5_ ip-par-szid-du pa-na#-[...] [...] _man?_ ki#-a-am i-qab-bu um-ma la ta-pal-lah3 asz-szur _ki#?-[...]_

    AI Translation

    ... Ashur and Ishtar made them appear and they gathered together. In battle, in the city ... ... which they defeated, the troops ... the defeat of his troops they established. ... their ..., their seats which in the defeat they smashed, before ... ... ... ... he says as follows: "You should not fear Ashur, .

    P514601: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz#_ (d#)1(u)-5(disz)# be-let _me3_ szi-mat qar-ra-du-ti i-szi-mu-usz# [...] (d)igi-du a-lik mah-ri ba-'u-u2-ri sza# _edin_ szal-t,isz u2-sze-pisz#-an-ni ki-i mul-ta-'u-u-ti a sal nap [...] u2-s,i ina _edin_ asz2-ri rap-szi la-ab-bi na-ad-[ru-(u)]-ti i-lit-ti hur-sza2-a-ni _husz-mesz_ it-bu-[nim-ma]

    il-mu-u _(gesz)gigir_ ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia ina qi2#-bit# an#-szar2# u# _(d#)[1(u)-5(disz)] dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina 1(disz)-et# u2#-re#-e# [s,i-mit]-ti# ni-ri-ia [...] el-lat _ur-mah-mesz_ szu2-a-tu-[nu] u2#-par#-ri#-ir# [(disz)um-man]-ap#-pa# _dumu#_ [(disz)ur]-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam(ki) sza2 in-nab-tu2#-ma# is,#-ba#-tu2# _[giri3-min_-ia] [...]-nu-ti _ur-mah_ ina muh-hi-szu2# it#-bi#-ma# _en#?_-u#-ti# [...] ip-lah3-ma u2#-s,al-la#-a# _en#_-u#-ti#

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, whom Anshar, king of the gods, and Ishtar, lady of battle, determined as my heroism, ... the god Palil, the one who goes before me, the one who has made the plain beautiful, ... like a sacrificial sheep, ... ... in the wide plain, the sacrificial sheep, the wild goats of the high mountains, he seized and

    By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, in one scepter they smashed my enemies. ... the pure lions they cut off. Ummanappa, son of Urtaku, king of the land Elam, who had fled and grasped my feet, ... ... a lion upon him, and he was entrusted with ..., and he carried off my lordly majesty.

    P514602: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Surface a1


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina me-lul-ti# _[nun_-ti-ia _ur-mah]_ ez#-zu sza2 _edin_-szu2 _ta sza3_ (gesz)na-bar-ti u2-sze-s,u-nim-ma ina _giri3-min_-ia ina _(gesz)kak-ti#_ 3(disz)#-szu2# as#-hul#?-[(ma?)] na#-pisz#-ta-szu2 ul iq-ti ina qi2-bit (d)igi-du _lugal edin_ sza dun-nu zik-[ru]-tu# u2-szat-(li-ma)-an#-ni# _egir_ ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-ia as-hul-szu-[(ma)] na-pisz-tu2 isz-kun

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, with my lordly brilliance a fierce lion of his steppe he brought out of the nabartu-tree and with my third foot in the kiln I destroyed and his life did not come to an end. By the command of Palil, king of the steppe, whose steadfastness and benevolence I exalted, behind me with my iron sword I destroyed him and his life I established.

    Surface a2


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina mul-ta-'u-ti-ia ina _giri3-min_-ia _ur-mah_ ez-zu sza2# _edin_-szu2 ina _gesztu-min_-szu2 as,-bat-ma ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u3 (d)isz-tar be-let ta-ha-zi ina (gesz)az-mar-e sza _szu-min_-ia as-hul zu-mur-szu2

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, with my pleasure and with my feet a fierce lion that is in his steppe I captured with his ears and with the support of Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, mistress of battle, I destroyed his body with the arrows of my hands.

    P514603: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Surface a1


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina me-lul-ti _nun_-ti-ia _ur-mah_ sza2 _edin_-szu2 ina _kun_-szu2 as,-bat-ma ina qi2-bit (d)nin-urta (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia ina (gesz)hu-ut-pal-e sza _szu-min_-ia muh-ha-szu u2#-lat#-ti

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, in the wrath of my princely majesty, took a lion from its open country in its tail and, by the command of the gods Ninurta and Nergal, the gods who support me, he slew me with the arrow of my hands, his .

    Surface a2


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki#) sza2 an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 e-mu-qi2 s,i-ra-a-ti u2-szat-li-mu-usz _ur-mah-mesz_ sza2 ad-du-ku (gesz)til-pa-a-nu ez-ze-tu2 sza2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) be-let _me3_ _ugu_-szu2-un az-qu-up muh-hu-ru e-li-szu2-nu u2-ma-hir _gesztin_ aq-qa-a e-li-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, for whom Ashur and Ninlil had granted exalted strength, lions that I had killed, fierce bows of Ishtar, lady of battle, I smashed against them, I imposed upon them, I poured over them wine, I poured over them.

    P514604: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)ag _en mah_ a-szib e2-zi-da sza2 _sza3 nina(ki) en_-szu2 (disz)an-(szar2)-du3-a _man kur_ asz i-risz-ti hi-szih#-ti# _dingir_-ti#-szu2 _gal_-ti sza2 ina sza2#-kan _umusz_-szu2 u _sum_ ur#-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti ina mit-hu-s,i _bad5-bad5 kud#_-su _sag#-du#_ (disz#)te#-um#-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u (disz)um#-man#-i-gasz (disz)tam#-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa#-'e-e (disz)um#-man-al-dasz# sza2 _egir#_ (disz)te-um-man# _du3_-szu2# _man_-ut (kur#)elam(ki) ina qi2-bi-ti#-szu2 _gal_-ti

    qa-ti# _kur_-su-nu-ti#-ma ina (gesz)sza2 sza2-da#-di ru#-kub _man_-ti-ia _lal#_-su#-nu#-ti# u ina tukul-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti# ina kul-lat# _nigin kur-kur_ _gar#-gar#_-nu si-mat ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal e2 (d)muati en_-ia2 ina# pi#-i-li esz-qi2# szi-kit-ta#-szu2 u2-rab-bi ana szat-ti (d)muati# ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina# ti#-kip _santak4_-ki-ka ke-e-ni _din#_ u4-me-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li#-s,a-a szap-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku e2-zi#-da ina _igi dingir_-ti-ka li#-lab-bi-ra _giri3#-min#_-a-a

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, the exalted lord, who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Nineveh, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who rejoices at the supplications of his great divinity, whose strong stance and mighty victories in battle he defeated, the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who after Teumman had exercised kingship of the land Elam, by his great command

    May the hand of their land be firmly planted on the throne of my sovereignty, and may they be sated with their great support in all the lands that are established. At that time, the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter of wisdom and wisdom, its design be enlarged. May it be pleasing to Nabû forever. May your face be firmly established in the tip of your santakku-service. May my days be long. May your feet be sated with your divine majesty. May my feet be sated with Ezida.

    P514605: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a#-na# (d#)ag# [x] _mah#_ a#-szib# e2-zi-da# sza2 _sza3#_ nina(ki#) [...] an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz# i-risz#-ti# hi#-szih#-ti# _dingir#_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti# sza2 ina# sza2#-kan# [x]-szu2# u# _sum_ ur-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti ina# mit-hu#-[x] _bad5#-bad5 ku5_-su _sag#-du#_ (disz#)te#-um#-[x] _man#_ (kur#)[x](ki#) u# (disz#)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-[x] [...]-e# (disz#)um#-man-al-dasz sza2 _egir#_ (disz)te#-um#-man# [...]-ut# (kur#)elam-ma#(ki) ina qi2#-bi-ti#-szu2 _gal_-ti#

    [x]-ti# _kur#_-su#-nu#-ti-ma ina (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di ru#-kub _man_-[x]-ti-ia _lal_-su-nu-ti# u ina# tukul#-ti#-szu2 _gal_-ti ina kul-lat _nigin kur-kur#_ _gar-gar_-nu si#-mat ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal# e2 (d)muati_ _en_-ia2 ina# pi-i-li esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 u2-rab#-bi ana szat-ti (d)muati ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma lim#-ma#-hir# _igi#_-uk#-ka# ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki#-ka# ke#-e#-ni# ba#-lat, _ud#-mesz#_-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li#-s,a#-[x] [x]-tuk#-ka# _du-du#_-ku# e2-zi#-da# [...]-ti#-ka# li#-lab#-bi#-ra# [...]

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, exalted ..., who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Nineveh, ..., Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who rejoices over the ... of his great divinity, whose mighty heroic acts in battle he defeated, the head of Teumman ... and Ummanigash, Tammaritu ... Ummanaldashu, who after Teumman ... the land Elam, by his great command

    ... ... their ... and with the shadadi sword, the weapon of my kingship, they shall kill them. And with his great support, in all the lands, the ...s, the ...s, at that time the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter of wisdom and wisdom its design shall be enlarged. On account of this, may Nabû look with pleasure upon you and may your eyes be glad. With the tip of your santakku-scepter, the true ..., may ... your ..., may your ... be sated with you.

    P514606: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)ag _en mah_ a-szib e2-zi-da# sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz i-risz-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti sza2 ina sza2-kan _umusz_-szu2 u _sum_ ur-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti ina mit-hu-us, _bad5-bad5 ku5_-su _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal#_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz#)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz sza2 _egir_ (disz)te-um-man _du3_-szu2 _lugal#_-ut (kur)elam(ki) ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2 _gal_-tu2

    ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia _lal_-su-nu-ti u ina tukul-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti ina kul-lat _nigin kur-kur_ _gar-gar_-nu si-mat ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal e2 (d)muati_ _en_-ia2 ina pi-i-li esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 u2-rab-bi ana sza2-at-ti (d)muati ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma# lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki-ka# ke-e-ni ba-lat, _u4-mesz_-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li-s,a-a szap#-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku e2-zi-da ina _igi dingir_-ti-ka li-lab-bi-ra _giri3-min_-a-a

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, the exalted lord, who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Nineveh, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the joyous celebration of his great divinity, whose strong 'weapon' was struck down in battle, the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who had exercised kingship over the land Elam, by his great command

    and with his great support, in all the lands, the cult centers, the sanctuaries, at that time the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter of wisdom and design he enlarged, for the life of Nabû he looked joyfully and may your face be glad. With your firm scepter, may the lengthening of my days be long, may your scepter be strong, may Ezida be a burden before your divinity.

    P514607: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)ag _en mah_ a-szib e2-zi-da sza2 _sza3 nina(ki) en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz i-risz-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti# sza2 ina sza2-kan _umusz_-szu2 u _sum_ ur-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti# ina mit-hu-s,i _bad5-bad5 ku5_-su# _sag-du_ (disz)te#-um#-man _man_ (kur)elam(ki) u (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri#-tu2# (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al#-dasz sza2 _egir_ (disz)te#-um#-man _du3_-szu2 _man_-ut (kur)elam(ki) ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2 _gal#_-ti#

    ru-kub _man_-u-ti-ia2 _lal_-su#-nu-ti u ina tukul-ti-szu2 _gal#_-ti ina# kul#-lat# _nigin kur-kur_ _gar-gar_-nu si-mat ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal e2 (d)muati_ _en_-ia2 ina pi-i#-li# esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2# u2-rab-bi ana szat-ti (d)muati ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma lim-ma#-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki#-ka# ke-e-ni _ti# ud-mesz_-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li#-s,a#-a szap#-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku e2-zi-da# [x] _igi# dingir_-ti-ka li-lab#-bi#-ra# [...]

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, the exalted lord, who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Nineveh, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the joyous celebration of his great divinity, whose strong wrath in his utterance and in his oath, in battle he defeated, the head of Teumman, king of Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who after Teumman had ruled the land Elam, by his great command

    and with his great support, in all the lands, the cult centers, the sanctuaries, at that time the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter of wisdom and design he enlarged, and thus to the life of Nabû he looked joyfully and may your face be glad. With your firm scepter may my days be long, may your lips be long, may your work be a scepter of Ezida, may ... before your divinity .

    P514608: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)ag _en mah_ a-szib e2-zi-da# sza2 qe2-reb _nina#(ki) en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz# i-risz-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti sza2 ina sza2-kan _umusz_-szu2 u _sum#_ ur#-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti ina mit-hu-s,i _bad5#-bad5# ku5_-su _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam(ki) u (disz)um#-man-i-gasz# (disz#)tam#-ma#-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um#-man#-al-dasz# sza2 _egir#_ (disz)te-um-man _du3_-szu2 _man_-ut (kur)elam#(ki) ina qi2#-bi-ti-szu2 _gal#_-ti

    qa-ti _kur_-su#-nu-ti-ma ina (gesz)sza2# sza2#-da#-di ru-kub _lugal_-u-ti-ia _lal_-su#-nu#-ti u ina tukul-ti-szu2 _gal_-tu2 ina kul-lat nap-har _kur-kur_ _gar-gar_-nu si-mat ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal e2 (d)ag# en_-ia2 ina pe-e-li esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 u2-rab#-bi a-na szat-ti (d)ag ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma# lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki-ka# ke-e-ni _ti ud-mesz_-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li-s,a-a# szap-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku e2-zi-da# ina _igi dingir_-ti-ka li-lab#-bi-ra _giri3-min#_-a#-a#

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, the exalted lord, who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Nineveh, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the joyous celebration of his great divinity, whose strong omens he had decreed and whose strong omens he had brought about in battle, the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who had exercised kingship over the land Elam, by his great command

    May the hand of their land be firmly planted on the throne of my kingship, and may they be sated with greatness in all the lands. At that time, the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter of wisdom and design be fully reconstructed. May it be pleasing to Nabû forever. May your face be firm in the scepter of your santakku-robe. May my days be long. May your feet be swollen. May Ezida be swollen before your divinity.

    P514609: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na# (d)ag _en mah_ a-[...] sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz i-risz-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal#_-tu2 sza2 ina sza2-kan _umusz_-szu2 u _sum_ ur-ti-szu2 _dugud#_-ti ina mit-hu-us, _bad5-bad5 ku5_-su _sag#-du_ (disz)te-um#-man _man_ (kur)elam(ki) u (disz)um-man-i-gasz# (disz)tam-ma-ri#-tu2 (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz sza2 _egir#_ (disz)te-um#-man _du3_-szu2 _man_-ut (kur)elam-ma(ki#) ina qi2-bi#-ti-szu2 _gal_-tu2

    ru-kub _man_-ti-ia _lal_-su-nu-ti u ina tukul-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti ina kul#-lat nap-har _kur-kur_ _gar-gar_-nu si-mat ina u4#-me#-szu2# _kisal e2 (d)muati en_-ia2 ina pi#-i-li esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 u2#-rab-bi# a-na sza2-at-ti (d)ag ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma lim-ma#-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki#-ka# ke-e-nu _din u4-mesz_-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li#-s,a-a szap-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku e2#-zi-da ina _igi dingir_-ti-ka li#-lab#-bi-ra _giri3-min_-a-a#

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, the exalted lord, ..., who is inside Nineveh, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the joyous celebration of his great divinity, whose strong 'weapon' was struck down in battle, the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who after Teumman had exercised kingship of the land Elam, by his great command

    and with his great support, in all the lands, he established the righteous. At that time, the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter and a design of his own, he made it splendid. For eternity, may Nabû look with pleasure upon you and may he be glad. Your face with the scepter of your santakku-robe, the true one, may my long days be long. May your scepter be firmly planted. May my Ezida stand before your divinity.

    P514631: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man gal man kal man szu2 man kur_ asz-[szur] re#-e#-szu2 mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-me_ na#-ra#-am# (d#)asz#-szur# u# (d)nin-lil2 hi-szih-ti (d#)muati# u# (d#)marduk# na-s,ir _ad-hal dingir-me gal-me_ musz-te9-e'#-u2# asz2#?-[re?]-e# _sanga ku3_ sza2 na#-[dan zi]-bi-szu2 i-ra#-[mu] _dingir-me_ szu-ut _an ki#_ mu-x [x] x e2#-szar2-ra mu-na#-ki-mu si-mat _e2#?-[kur?]_ x [x x] x [x] x x x [x] x _(munus)saga_ _i_ [...] _gal_ [x] _szi_ x x? x x [...] x x _ku3_ x [...]

    [x] _an?_ [...] x x _ma_ ina _ga2-nun#_-[ni-szu2? u2]-szar#-[ma]-a? szu-bat-su e2-sag#-[il2 u2-szak-lil] _gaba-ri_ ap-se#-e# _e2-gal# man# dingir#-mesz# (d)marduk ku3-babbar [ku3-sig17]_ u2-za-['i-in] u2#-sza2-an-bi-t,a _(d)utu_-[nisz] (d)marduk _[en_ s,i]-ru#? na-bu-u2# [zi]-kir# _[mu]_-ia ul-tu _ki_-x [...] x x a-[szar] nab-ni-ti-szu2 qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2#_ [u2-sze-li?]-ma u2#-sza2-as,-bi-[it _kaskal?]_ szu#-an-na#?((ki)) [ina] e2#-sag#-[il2 szu-bat] _en#_-ti-[szu2] u2#-sze-rib?-[ma ...] szub#-tusz-szu2

    x x x [...] x _dingir-me_ tik-le-ia [... (kur)]mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-si [... szu-an]-na(ki) e#-kur#-ru3 _ku3-sig17_ [...] x (kur)a-ra-al-li x x _da#?_ [...] ina u4#-me-szu-ma s,i-in#-da _(gesz)gigir# [lugal dingir?]_ s,ir-tu ru#-[kub] _en en-(en)_ _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-[ma2-kan]-na#_ is,-[s,i da]-re-e# sza2 _ku3-sig17_ lit-bu-szat# [...]-at a-na ma#-a-a-al (d)[...] _an#?-szar2#?_ [u] (d#)x [...] x [x?]-ia# [...]

    AI Translation

    Ashurnasirpal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, pious shepherd, who reveres the great gods, beloved of Ashur and Ninlil, who is the one who pleases Nabû and Marduk, guardian of the great gods, who seeks out the shrines, holy priest whose prayer is pleasing to the gods, ... ... Esharra, who makes the rites of the Ekur ...

    ... ... ... he made ... enter into his cella, and he completed his residence in Esagil. The stele of the Apsû, the palace of the king of the gods, Marduk he decorated with silver and gold and made it shine like daylight. Shamash, Marduk, the exalted lord, the one who utters the name of my name, from ... ..., where his creations are, he made enter inside the boat and made it rise. On the road to Shuanna he made him enter in Esagil, his residence of his lordship, and ... his dwelling.

    ... ... the gods who support me ... Egypt and Kush ... Shuanna Babylon they conquered. Gold ... Arallu ... ... At that time, the shinda, the king of the exalted gods, the lord of lords, the chariot, the meskannu-wood, the strong wooden box, whose gold ... to the presence of the gods ... the god Ashur and the goddess ... .



    [...] x x [...] [...] a-na [...] _[bad3_ szu]-a-tu e-na-ah-ma i-[...] a#-szar#-szu2 u2-me-es-si dan-na-as-[su ak-szud] [ina] _iti# du10-ga ud sze-ga usz8_-szu2 ad-[di] [u2-kin] _sig4#_-su ina pe-e#-li# _na4# [kur_-i (dan-ni)] [...] sza2#? te-me-en#-szu2# ina _i3-gesz#_ [...] _[szim-hi?]-a? du10-ga-mesz_ [ab]-lu-la ta-ra-hu#-[usz] [ul-tu] _usz8#_-szu2# [a]-di _gaba-dib#_-szu2 ar#-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ugu#_ [sza u4]-me pa-ni u2#-sza2#-tir u2#-szar#-ri-ih nab-ni-su

    e#-pisz# _bad3#_ szu2-a-te ina# _[i3-gesz]_ ap#-szu-usz _(udu)siskur#_ [aq]-qi it#-[ti _(na4)]na#-ru2-a-mesz#_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia asz2#-[kun _nun] egir#_-u2# ina _man-mesz dumu-mesz#_-[ia sza asz-szur u (d)isz-tar a]-na be-lut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i#-[nam-bu-u2 zi]-kir#-szu2 e-nu-ma _bad3_ szu#-[a-tu i-lab-bi-ru?]-ma in#-na-hu an-[hu-su lu-disz ki-ma] ia#-a-ti-ma _(na4)na-ru2-a-mesz#_ [szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i3-gesz]_ lip#-[szu]-usz# _(udu#)siskur2_ liq-qi2 [it-ti _(na4)]na#-ru2-a-mesz#_

    [szi]-t,ir# _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun# (d)asz-szur (d)iszkur (d)inanna [ik]-ri#-bi-szu2 i-szem-mu-u2 _(iti)du6-ku3_ li-mu (disz)u8-a-nu _(lu2)en-nam_ (kur)qu-e

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... that wall became dilapidated and ... I cleared away its debris and ... I reached its foundation pit. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations and erected its brickwork on a mountain stone slab. ... of its foundations with oil ... I filled it with sweet aromatics. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I made it greater than before and made its features greater than before.

    As for the construction of that wall, I made it with oil. I made a sacrifice. I placed it with steles written in my name. A future prince among the kings, my sons, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, his name shall be called. When that wall becomes old and dilapidated, may I repair its dilapidated sections. Just as me, may steles written in my name be poured out with oil. May he make a sacrifice. With steles

    May Ashur, Adad, and Ishtar hear his prayers. Tishri VII, eponymy of Uanu, governor of Que 648 BC.

    P514632: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    a-na# _[en] gal#_-i# [...] gasz-ru# szit#-ra#-hu# [...] a-sza2#-red (d)i2#-gi3#-gi3# u (d#)gesz2#-u# _en#_ [...] _lugal#_ la sza2#-na-an _en_-ia2# _ku#_ x [...] ana#?-ku#? [(disz)]an#-szar2-du3-a _man kur#_ [an-szar2(ki) ...] x-bu-u-ti# x x [...] musz#-te-e'-u asz-ri#-[ka? ...] sza2#? ur-ru u _ge6 disz im_ x [...] pa-lih _dingir_-ti-ka _gal#_-[ti ...] um?-ma-ma _disz an_ x [...] a-szir _dingir-mesz_ u _lu2#?_ [...] mu-rik _ud-me#?_ [...] ana-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3#-[a ...]

    AI Translation

    To the great lord ..., the mighty, the exalted one, ..., foremost of the Igigu and Geshu gods, lord ..., the unrivalled king, my lord, ... I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ... ..., the one who constantly seeks out your shrine ..., who ... morning and night ..., who reveres your great divinity ..., saying: "Anu ..., the one who ... the gods and the man ..., who ... the lengthening of days ... I, Ashurbanipal .



    _dumu lugal dingir-mesz#?_ [...] ina t,u-ub _uzu_-szu2 x [...] _sipa_-tu2 ur-ru-x [...] at-ta lu tukul#-ti# [...] at-ta lu a#-lik# _a2#-[min_-ia2 ...] ina qi2-bi-ti-ka# s,ir#-[ti ...] u4#-mu# _iti_ u _mu-an#?-na#?_ [...] u4#-mu# _iti_ u _mu-an#-na#_ x [...] x x x? x x x [...] lu-na-'i#-id qur#-di#-[ka ...] szi?-me? a-a-szi# et,#-ra#-[an-ni ...] x x x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... son of the king of the gods ... with his happiness ... shepherd ... ... you should have support ... you should go with my aid ... by your exalted command ... day, month, and year ... day, month, and year ... ... ... may I praise your heroism ... ... who is my helper ...

    P514633: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man szu2 man kur# [an-szar2]_ ka-szid (kur)elam-ma(ki) ra-[pa?-asz2?-tu2?] mu-szah-rib da-ad2#-[me-sza2] _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ an#-[szar2] _a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur#_ [an-szar2] _sza3-bala-bala (disz)lugal-gi-na man szu2 man [kur_ an-szar2] ul-tu2 _bad5-bad5_ (disz)(te)-um-man i-na# _[me3_ asz2-ku-nu] ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)marduk ina qe2#-[reb _nina(ki)]_ s,a#-[lam _lugal_-u2]-ti#-ia (na4)[...]

    AI Translation

    The land of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, conqueror of the vast land Elam, who makes the settlements of her people flourish, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, after the defeat of Teumman in battle I established. By the command of Ashur and Marduk, in Nineveh, my royal statue of .

    P514634: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _e2-gal_ (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-asz _man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-ma

    AI Translation

    Palace of Assurnasirpal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Assurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

    P514635: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _e2-gal_ (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-asz _man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su# _man kur_ asz-ma

    AI Translation

    Palace of Assurnasirpal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Assurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

    P514636: royal-monumental bulla

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man szu2 man kur asz a (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz man kur asz a_ (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su [_man kur_] asz-[ma]

    AI Translation

    The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

    P514645: royal-monumental bulla

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kiszib3#?_ (disz)(d)asz-szur-du3#-[a _man szu2 man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz man kur_ asz a_ (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-ma]

    AI Translation

    Seal of Assurnasirpal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

    P514646: royal-monumental bulla

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [_kur?_ (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ asz] [_a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz] _man kur#_ asz [_a_ (disz)sin]-pap#-mesz-su _[man] kur_ asz-[ma]

    AI Translation

    Palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

    P514647: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _a_ (disz)an-szar2-[...]

    AI Translation

    The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashur-.

    P514648: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur_ (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man gal#_ [...] an-szar2(ki) _a_ (disz)[...] _szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    AI Translation

    The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, ... of Assyria, son of ..., king of Assyria.

    P514649: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man gal man#_ [...]

    AI Translation

    The land of Ashurbanipal, great king, king .

    P514650: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ($lion$) ($table$) _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man gal man_ dan-nu [...]

    AI Translation

    The lion of the land of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, .

    P514651: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ($table$) ($lion$) _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-[...]_

    AI Translation

    Palace of Ashurbanipal .

    P514652: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ($lion$) ($table$) _kur_ (disz)[...]

    AI Translation

    Palace of ...

    P514653: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...]_-du3#-a man gal man_ dan-nu# [...]

    AI Translation

    ... Du'a, great king, strong king, .

    P514654: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _gal man_ dan#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... great king, strong .

    P514655: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _man#_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2# [x]

    AI Translation

    ... strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the universe, king of Assyria .

    P514656: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _man kur_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... king of the land .

    P514657: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ... Assyria, son of Ashurbanipal .

    P514658: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _[...]-szar2#(ki) a (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ...-shar, son of Esarhaddon, .

    P514659: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...](ki) _a_ (disz#)an#-[...]

    AI Translation

    ..., son of Anu-.

    P514660: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] an#-szar2(ki)

    AI Translation

    . . . of Ashur

    P514661: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] an#-szar2(ki)

    AI Translation

    . . . of Ashur

    P514662: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [... (d)]sin-pap-mesz-[...]

    AI Translation

    . . . of Sîn, .

    P514663: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    AI Translation

    ... and

    P514665: royal-monumental tablet

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [a-na-ku (disz)(d)suen]-lugal#-gar-un _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal# [kur_ an-szar2(ki)] [ni-isz _igi-min an-szar2] (d#)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 szagina_ mut-nen-nu-u2 (lu2#)[x x e2-szar2-ra] [ma-al-ku szuk-nu-szu i-tu]-ut kun lib3-bi (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)utu u (d)a-a na-ram [(d)marduk (d)numun-du3-tum (d)ag (d)lal2] [tab-szu-ut (d)isz-tar a]-szi#-bat nina#(ki) (d)isz-tar a-szi-bat limmu2-dingir(ki) mi-gir [(d)u-gur u3 (d)nusku]

    [sza2 an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2] u3# _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia i-na bi-rit masz-szi-ia ke#-nisz ip#-[pal-su-ni-ma is-su-qu-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti] za-ni#-[nu]-u2#-ti kisz-szat ma-ha-zi _e2#-bar_-u2-ti# [gi-mir esz]-re#-e#-ti# re-'u#-u2#-ut# nap-har s,al-mat _sag#-du_ e-pe#-[szu iq]-bu#-u-ni ki-ma# _ad#_ u _[ama]_ it#-ta-nar#-ru-in-ni-ma i-na-ru# [a-a-bi-ia u2-szam-qi2-tu2] ga-ri-ia t,a#-bisz# u2#-sze-szib-u-in-ni ina _(gesz#)[gu-za lugal_-u-ti _ad] du3#_-ia

    (d#)e2-a (d)be#-let#_-dingir-mesz_ a-na e-nu-ti kisz-sza2-ti ib-nu-in#-[ni ina nap-har x x u2-sza2-ti?]-ru# nab-ni-ti (d)sin _lugal_ a-ge-e a-na kun-ni _suhusz kur_ szu-[te-szur ba-'u-la-a-ti a-ge-e _en_-u]-ti e-pir-an-[ni] _(gesz)gidri lugal_-u-ti [u2-szat-me-eh] rit-tu-u2-[a] (d)nin-lil2 a-szi-bat nina(ki) an-tum x [x x x x x x x x] x _sag#-mesz#?_-[ia] et,#-lu szu-pu-u2 a-a-ru szu-tu#-[ru a-hi-iz t,e3-e-me u3 mil-ki mu-ta-mu]-u? dam-[qa]-a-ti

    [lib3]-bu# rap-szu2 ka-rasz ta-szim-ti# [sza2 at-mu-szu2 _ugu ug3-mesz_ ar]-ma#-nisz _du10-ga_ [sza2?] u2#-sa-a-ti u ta-ha-zu# [...-ru du]-un#-qu-szu [...] x x [... zik]-ri-szu2-un [...] x [...] ma? szu? bi [...] lu x [... _sag]-mesz#_-szu2 _[dumu (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila lugal gal man_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 man kur_ an-szar2 _man] kur# eme-gi7_ u _uri#(ki) [man]_ kib#-rat# _[limmu2]_-tim#?

    _[dumu (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _man kur eme-gi7]_ u3# uri#(ki#) [...] x x x? [il-la-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu]-sar#_-u2 [szi]-t,ir _mu_-ia [u2 _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir szu-me sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad ad] du3#_-ia li#-mur-ma _i3#-gesz#_ lip#-szu#-usz# _[(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu]-sar#_-e szi-t,ir# _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun an-szar2 _(d)nin#-[lil2_ ik-ri]-bi-szu2 i-szem-mu-u

    sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir# _[mu_-ia] ul#-tu2 asz2-ri-szu2 u2-nak-ka-ru it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-[t,ir] _mu_-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu# an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)marduk# (d)numun-du3-tum (d)muati (d)lal2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2#-dingir#(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 li-sza2-bal-ki-tu2 li-ru-ru _bala_-szu2 _(gesz)gidri_-szu2 li-t,i-ru _a2-min_-szu2 lik-su-u ina _ki-ta (lu2)kur2_-szu2 li-sze-szi-bu-usz ka-mi3-isz

    ag-gesz li-ru-ru-szu2-ma _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 _bala_-szu2 na-an#-nab#-szu2 ina nap-har# _[kur]-kur_ li-hal-li-qu# _mu-sar_-u2 sza _bad3_ nina#(ki#) _(iti#)kin_ lim-mu (disz)en-pap-pap (lu2)sza2#_-igi-kur#_

    AI Translation

    I, Sin-shar-karun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, chosen of the gods Ashur, Enlil, and Ninlil, chief general, pious governor, ... of Esharra, his pre-eminent ruler, chosen of the heart of the gods Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, beloved of the god Marduk, Zergotum, Nabû, and Lal, the one who is the

    As for the one who the gods Ashur, Ninlil, and the great gods, my lords, faithfully looked upon me between my thighs and entrusted me with kingship, who provides for all cult centers, temples, all shrines, the shepherd of all the black-headed people, who told me to do, like a father and a mother, they constantly looked at me and swore an oath to me. They made my enemies bow down at my feet and made my enemies bow down at my feet.

    Ea and Belet-ili created me for the life of the world. In all ... they made me attain my wish. Sin, king of the crown, to secure the foundation of the land, to make the people of the crown of lordship submit to me. The scepter of kingship he fashioned for me. Ninlil, who resides in Nineveh, Antu ... ... my head, ..., ..., the scepter, the scepter, the one who listens to advice and counsel, the one who makes good things

    a broad heart, a ferocious one, whose speech pleases the people, ... whose ... is good, whose ... is good, ... whose words ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his eunuchs, son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world

    son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... may he repair its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name and an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, may he eat it, may he make an offering and a sacrifice with an inscribed object bearing his name may Ashur and Mullissu listen to his prayers.

    Whoever erases an inscribed object bearing my name from its place, shall not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name; may the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Sîn, Shamash, Marduk, Zerutu, Nabû, Lal, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods of heaven and netherworld, his throne overthrow, alter his reign, his scepter, destroy his water, and he smite him from the ground of his enemy;

    May they curse him, and his name, his seed, his reign, and his life disappear from all lands.

    P514670: royal-monumental prism

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    x x [...] sza [...] _lugal_ [...] ina ni-[isz _igi-min_-szu2-nu] dam-qa-a#-[ti] ha-[disz] ip-pal-su#-[szu2-ma] is-su-[qu-szu2] a#-na# _lugal#_-[u-ti] [x x] x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... of ... the king ... with their good eyes they looked with pleasure upon him and he praised him for kingship ... .

    Column 2


    [...]-u2 [...]-u-a [a-na] kun#?-ni _[suhusz] kur_ [szu-te]-szur [ba-'u-la]-a#-ti [_kur_ an]-szar2#(ki) [...] x

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... to secure the foundation of the land, to make the population of Assyria prosper, ... .

    Column 3


    szak-ka-nak-ki babila2(ki#) _lugal kur eme-gi7#_ u3 uri#(ki) _dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz#-[su] _lugal gal#_-[u2] _lugal_ dan#-[nu] _lugal_ [kisz-sza2-ti]

    AI Translation

    governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, son of Sennacherib, great king, strong king, king of the world,

    Column 4


    it-ta#-[nar-ru-un-ni-ma?] x x [...]

    AI Translation

    he constantly praised me and ... .

    Column 6


    _[mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2] _nunuz#?_-szu2# [ina _kur_ lu-hal]-liq-qu [(iti)x (x x) _ud-x x?-kam]_ lim-mu [(disz)asz-szur-kur]-lal-in _[(lu2)en]-nam#_ [(iri)pu-u2-mu]

    AI Translation

    May he destroy his name, his seed, and his offspring from the land. Month ..., day, eponymy of Ashur-kur-lalin, governor of the city Pushumu 697.

    P514687: royal-monumental block

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)(d)sin-lugal-isz-kun _man gal man kal man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _a_ (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur#[(ki)] _a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur#(ki) _a_ (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ asz _sza3#-[bal]-bal (disz)lugal-gi-na man szu2 man kur_ asz _[szagina] ka2#-dingir-ki man kur eme-gi7_ u uri#(ki#) ina _[sag] lugal#_-ti-ia sza2 an-szar2 _(d#)en#? (d#)muati_ (d)[isz-tar?] t,a#-bisz u2-sze#-szib#-u#-in#-ni

    ina _(gesz)gu#-[za] ad# du3_-ia _e2 (d#)ag#_ [sza2] qe2#-reb# bal-til sza2 ul-tu2# _u4-mesz sud-mesz_ la? ma?-al?-du ke?-e-mu-u ni#-du#-tu2# ul-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil (d)ag (d)papnun qe2-reb-szu2#? u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar#?-ma#?-a pa-rak#? da-ra-a-ti

    AI Translation

    I, Sin-lugal-ishkun, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashur-bani-apli, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal II, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akkad, at the beginning of my reign, which the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Ishtar made good things for me.

    On the throne of the father who had engendered me, the temple of Nabû that is in the midst of the living, which from distant days was unrecognizable, I built and completed from its foundations to its crenellations. I made Nabû and Tashmetu enter inside it and made them dwell on their eternal daises.

    P514710: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (lu2)qu-ra-di-szu2 u2-ra-si-bu ina _(gesz)tukul_ _ug3-mesz gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni szal-la-su ka-bit-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)a-ku-da-a-a _(lu2)nimgir2_-szu2-nu bal-t,u-su ina qa-ti is,-ba-tu-ni ub-lu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia _ug3-mesz_ a-szib-ut _iri-mesz_-ni szu2-nu-ti as-suh u2-bil-ma qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-sza2-as,-bit _ug3-mesz_ hu-bu-ut _(gesz)pan_-ia sza _kur_ sza2-ni-tim-ma qe2-reb (iri)qir-bi-it u3 _iri-mesz_-szu2 u2-sze-szib [...] x a-na-ku [...] x-tim [...] _(d)utu_-szi

    [...] u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia [...] x x [...] _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 _id_ [...] a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia it,-ha-a a-na mi-s,ir _kur_-ia _ug3-mesz kur_-ia i-mu-ru-szu-ma man-nu-me-e at-ta a-hu-u iq-bu-szu2 sza ma-ti-ma _(lu2)ra-gaba_-u2-ku-un da-rag-gu la isz-ku-na a-na ki-sur-ri-ni a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia x x x? u2-bi-lu-ni-szu2 ina mah-ri-ia _eme-mesz_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi e-reb _(d)utu_-szi sza an-szar2 u2-ma-al-lu-u qa-tu-u-a be-el _eme_-szu2 ul ib-szi-ma _eme_-szu2 na-ak-rat-ma

    la i-szem-mu-u2 at-mu-szu2 ul-tu mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 [...] it-ti-szu2 u2-bi-lam-ma [...] u2-sza2-an-na?-a da-bab-szu2 [...] ki-a-am? iq-bi? _ARAD_ pa-lih-ka [...] u2-tul5-ma [...] i-na-t,a-al [...] x-ta-a-te [...] szak?-na-at-ma [...]-hu-u2 [...] x na-pi-ih-ma [...] na-mir-tu2 szak-na-at [...]-usz _lugal_-sza2 [...]-ri? nam-ri [...] x qe2-reb-sza2 [...] _en kur-kur dingir_-u-a [...] i-zi-za-am-ma [...] iq?-ba-a [...] x ina muh-hi x [...] masz-kan2-szu2 [...] e-li sza2 u4-mi pa-ni szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz

    ina _iti_ szal-me _ud sze-ga_ _usz8_-szu2 ad-di-ma u2-kin _sig4_-su ul-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 (d)a-szur u (d)1(u)-5(disz)? a-na be-lut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz ki-i sza2 a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me _lugal_ pa-ni? it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia asz2-ku-nu at-ta ki-i ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia a-mur-ma

    _i3-gesz_ pu-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun (d)a-szur u (d)1(u)-5(disz)? ik-ri-bi-ka i-szem-mu-u2

    AI Translation

    His warriors he struck down with the sword. The people, oxen, sheep and goats, his substantial booty, they carried off. In Assyria Akkudaia, their herald, escaped alive. They captured him alive. Before me, I carried off the people living in those cities. I brought them out and settled them in Egypt. The people, captives of my bow, who were from another land, I settled in Qirbit and its cities. ... ... ... ... Shamash

    ... he sat on my feet ... ... his messenger ... to inquire about my well-being he seized, to the border of my land the people of my land he saw, and who is your brother? Whoever in the future your saggaru-officials, the saggaru-officials, did not establish, to the border territory of Nineveh, my capital city, ... he brought him. Before me, the tongues of the east, the west, which Ashur had gathered, my lord of tongue did not exist, and his tongue was smashed,

    ... did not listen to his words. From the border of his land ... with him he brought and ... he made his speech loud. ... as he said, the servant who reveres you ... he smote and ... he smote ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... her king ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... his maskan ... ... ... his maskan ... ... ... ... whose ... day he made great his dwelling.

    In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I laid its foundations and secured its brickwork. From its foundations to its crenellations I built and completed. In the future, among the kings, my descendants, whom the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, when that house becomes dilapidated and eroded, may I renovate its dilapidated sections. Just as I have an inscribed object bearing the name of a king of the past? with an inscribed object bearing my name, you, just as I have an inscribed object bearing my name, I will find it and

    You make a flour/incense-offering, perform a sheep offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing your name. The god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar will listen to your prayers.

    P514711: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila _lugal gal_ _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim bi-nu-ut an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 ti-ri-is, _szu-min_ (d)e2-a u _dingir-mah_ ni-bit (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur na-ram (d)marduk (d)zar-pa-ni-tum hi-szi-ih-ti (d)ag (d)papnun (d)na?-na-a? ha-as-su le-'u-u _sipa_ ke-e-nu mi-gir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz?_ _dumu_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-szum2-na _lugal gal_ _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki)

    iq-bu-u2 [...] asz2-szu2 na-s,ir _dumu lugal_-ti-ia u3 _egir?_-nu _lugal_-ut _kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-pe-sze u2-pa?-hir _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) _kur eme-gi7_ u3 _kur_ uri(ki) [...] ina _igi dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim sza2 la in-nen-nu-u qi-bi-su-un u2-dan-nin isz-t,ur isz-kun a-de-e a-na u4-me s,a-a-ti ina _(iti)gu4 iti_ (d)e2-a _en_ te-ne2-sze-e-te pa-ti-qu nab-nit _lugal_-ti-ia e-ru-um-ma ina _e2_ ri-du-u-ti asz2-ru nak-lu? mar-kas2? _lugal_-u-ti [...] x x?

    u2-szib t,a-a-bisz ina _(gesz)gu-za ad du3_-ia ru-be2-e (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ _en_-u-ti ih-szu-hu i-ra-mu e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina zi-kir _mu_-ia kab-ti ha-du-u2 i-ri-szu2 kib-rat _limmu2_-tim ma-har-szu2-un aq-qi-ma u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a _dingir-mesz_ sza2-tu-nu ni-isz _szu-min_-ia2 im-hur-u-ma na-ki-ri-ia is-pu-nu u2-hal-li-qu ga-re-ia [...] asz2-ru ru-u-qu [...] a-lak-tusz sza2? (disz)an-szar2-szesz-szum2-na _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a x x-du-ma il-li-ku qe2-reb-sza2

    _bad5-bad5_ (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal_ (kur)ku-u2-si isz-ku-nu-ma u2-par-ri-ru el-lat-su (kur)mu-s,ur (kur)ku-u2-su ik-szu-du-ma ina la mi-ni isz-lu-la szal-la-as-su _kur?_ szu-a-tu ina si-hir-ti-sza2 i-be-el-ma a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ter _mu-mesz iri-mesz_-ni mah-ru-u2-ti u2-nak-kir-ma a-na esz-szu-u2-te isz-ku-na ni-bi-is-su-un _(lu2)_arad_-mesz_-szu2 a-na _lugal_-ti _(lu2)nam_-u2-ti _(lu2)gar_-nu-u2-te u2-pa-qi2-da ina lib3-bi _gun?_ man-da-at-tu be-lu-ti-szu2

    [...] x asz2-li qaq-qu-ru [...] x (iri)me2-em-pi [...] x x [...] e-ru-ub _iri_ szu-a-tu u2-ter ra-ma-nu-usz e-li _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia sza (disz)asz-szur-pap-asz _man kur_ asz-szur _ad du3_-u-a a-na _lugal_-ti ip-qi2-du ina lib3-bi a-na da-a-ki [...] [...] x [...] sza2-a-szu2 hat-tum u pu-luh-tu2 im-qut-su-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz2 ul-tu (iri)me-em-pi _iri_ a-szar tu-kul-ti-szu2 us,-s,i-ma a-na szu-zu-ub na-pisz-te-szu2 qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2_ ir-kab-ma

    _karasz_-su u2-masz-szir-ma e-disz ip-par-szid-ma qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' e-ru-ub _(gesz)ma2-mesz_ qa-ra-bi ma-la it-ti-szu2 u3 _erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 u2-s,ab-bi-tu2 ina _szu-min_ _(lu2)a kin_ pu-su-rat ha-de-e sza a-tam-ra iq-ba-a ia-a-szi _(lu2)gal sag (lu2)nam-mesz_ u3 _lugal-mesz_ e-ber _i7_ ka-li-szu2-un a-di e-mu-qi-szu2-nu _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-szu2-nu _lugal-mesz_-ni (kur)mu-us,-ri _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia a-di _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-szu2-nu e-mu-qi-szu2-un a-na hul-lu-uq (disz)tar-qu-u2

    ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur (kur)ku-u-si _ugu_ e-mu-qi-ia mah-ra-a-ti u2-rad-di-ma asz2-pur a-na (iri)ni-i' [...] x [...] sza a-tam-ra [...] ar-ka-a-nu (disz)ni-ku-u2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal-mesz_ sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur isz-ku-nu _ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-de-e an-szar2 u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-ti-qu-u2-ma ip-ru-s,u ma-mit-sun2 t,a-ab-ti _ad_ ba-ni-ia im-szu-ma lib3-ba-szu2-nu ik-pu-du le-mut-tu2 da-bab-ti sur-ra-a-te id-bu-bu-ma mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu2-un

    um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u2 ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u2-ma at-tu-ni a-sza2-ba-ni mi-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal_ (kur)ku-u2-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me isz-pu-ru (lu2)rak-be2-e-szu2-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u2 ina bi-ri-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni sza2-nu-um-ma be-lum sza um-ma-nat an-szar2 gap?-sza2-a-ti e-muq _en_-ti-ia isz-te-ne2-'u-u2 a-mat _hul_-tim a-na na-kas na-pisz-ti ik-pu-du is,-ri-mu hul-lu-qu a-di la ba-sze-e

    (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti isz-me2-e-ma x [...] (lu2)rak-be2-e-szu2-un [...] sza e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal_ (kur)ku-u2-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me is,-ba-ta-am-ma e-mu-ur ep-szet sur-ra-a?-te-szu2-un (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri (disz)ni-ku-u2 is,-ba-tu-ma? ina bi-re-te isz-qa-te u2-tam-me-hu? _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ ma-mit (d)asz-szur _man dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-su-nu-ti-ma sza ih-t,u-u2 ina lib3-bi a-de-e _gal-mesz mun_ qa-tu-usz-szu2-un u2-ba-'i-i-ma sza e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-qu

    u3 _ug3-mesz iri-mesz_ ma-al it-ti-szu2-nu isz-szak-nu ik-pu-du a-mat _hul_-tim _tur_ u _gal_ ina _(gesz)tukul_ u2-szam-qit-u2-ma e-du _lu2_ la e-zi-bu ina lib3-bi u3 sza2-a-szu2-un a-di nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia ina mah-ri-ia ub-lu-u-ni u3 a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) lib-bu rap-szu2 e-pisz t,a-ab-te sa-hi-ru dam-qa-a-te a-na (disz)ni-ku-u2 _ARAD_ da-gil2 _igi_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma u2-kab-bi-sa hi-t,i-is-su a-de-e ni-isz _dingir-mesz ugu_ sza2 mah-ri

    _ug3-mesz_ a-szib _sza3_-szu2 _ugu kur-mesz_-szu2-nu mar-s,u-u2-ti tak-lu-ma la pit-lu-hu be-lut _kur_ asz-szur (disz)ta-an-da-a-a _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu sza2 a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 a-na ni-i-ri _sza3_ ig-pu-usz [...] id?-bu?-bu?-u2-ma [...] _ansze-nita2?-mesz gu4-mesz_ [...] i-na s,e-e-ri ih-ta-nab-ba-tu u2-szah-ri-ru na-me-e-szu2 na-gu-u (kur)ia-mut-ba-la u2?-[...] is-pu-nu gi-mir da-ad2-me-szu2 _ugu_ ep-sze-e-te an-na-a-ti _dumu-mesz_ |_bad3-an_|(ki) im-hur-u2-in-ni

    (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)nam-mesz_ sza pa-a-t,i _kur_-szu2-un u2-ma-'e-er s,e-ru-usz-szu2-un (kur)ha-le-e-ha-as-ta _kur_-u2 mar-s,u e-lu-ma il-mu-u (iri)qir-bi-it _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 ina szuk-bu-us a-ram-me mi-hi-is, (gesz)szu-pe-e _iri_ szu2-a-tu2 ik-szu-du-ma is-pu-nu a-bu-bisz (iri)x-mesz (iri)za-ar-za-a-ta (iri)sza2-an-ha-ra (iri)si-is-sil (iri)a-du-ma-nu (iri)hal-la-a-a (iri)sze-li-ih-i-ra-am (iri)sza2-ha-ra-si-i' (iri)gu-ub_-bad_ (iri)ma-tu2-ha-an-za-ah (iri)ta-zi-i' (iri)lu-sza2-an-da

    (iri)lul-ba-as-ta (iri)ba-ab-sa-ah _iri-mesz_ szu2-nu-ti im-ba-risz ik-tu-mu-ma is-hu-pu hu-ha-risz (disz)ta-an-da-a-a _(lu2)en-iri_ i-du-ku-ma (lu2)qu-ra-di-szu2 u2-ra-si-bu ina _(gesz)tukul_ _ug3-mesz_ [...] _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni szal-la-su ka-bit-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni a-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)a-ku-da-a-a _(lu2)nimgir2_-szu2-nu bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti is,-ba-tu-ni ub-lu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _iri-mesz_-ni szu2-nu-ti as-su-uh u2-bil-ma

    hu-bu-ut _(gesz)pan_-ia sza _kur_ sza2-ni-tim-ma qe2-reb (iri)qir-bi-it u3 _iri-mesz_-szu2 u2-sze-szib (disz)gu-ug-gu _man_ (kur)lu-ud-di asz2-ru ru-u2-qu sza? [...]-pa-an _kur_ asz-szur(ki) [...] la pe-tu-u2 ne2-su-u _iri_-szu2 sza _lugal-mesz_ a-li-kut mah-ri _ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _mu_-szu2 [...] _me?_ rap-sza2-tu-ma [...] x szuk-lu-lu [...] x e-mu-qi sza? (lu2)gi-mir-ra-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ak-s,u [...]-u2? ina tam-ha-ri [...] u2-szam-qi2-tu-szu2? x [...] x [...] _ka_ x [...] s,e-er x [...]

    (disz)(d)asz-szur-du3-a [...] ki-ma nu-u2-ri [...] szu-pu-ma _ku_-x-[...] u2-sza2-an-ni-ma x [...] ina szat mu-szi [...] ki-a-am x [...] um-ma sza2 (disz)asz-szur-du3-a [...] hi-szi-ih-te asz-szur [...] _giri3-min_ x x x [...] a-na x x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] x x [...] [...] _en? na?_ [...] [...] ar-hi?-isz s,u-ul-li-x [...] x lil-li-ku su-pu?-u? [...]-e? te-tep-szu-ma [...] u2?-szab-ru-ka tul5-ta-li [...] x na-ki-ri-ka [...] u2-szak-ma-as-ma [...] u2-ra?-sa-ba ina _(gesz)tukul_

    [...] _dingir?_-ia u2-szal-li-ma [...] u2-sza2?-an-na-a a-na _lugal_ [...] u4-me an-ne2-e szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a na-sza2-ku ka-bit-tu2 _gun_ [...] x s,e-er _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-szu2 [...] a-na-ku la-as-ma-ku [...] u2-sze-bi-la am-hur [...] x-a-te [...] x-szu2 [...] x _u2?-[...]_ _(lu2)a kin-[...]_ a-na a-mar [...] ina u4-me-szu-ma _bad3 muru2 iri_ sza nina(ki) sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia e-pu-szu2 _bad3_ szu-a-tu2 la-ba-risz il-lik-am-ma tem-me-en-szu2 ir-bu-ub-ma

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil, the one who holds the hands of the god Ea and the goddess Ilummah, chosen of the gods Sîn, Shamash, Adad, beloved of the god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu, the one who is praised by the gods Nabû, Tashnun, Nanaya, the wise, the true shepherd, favorite of the great gods, son of Esarhaddon, great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon,

    ... because of the protection of my royal son and the exercise of kingship of Assyria I have imposed, the people of Assyria, the land of Sumer and Akkad ... in the presence of the great gods of heaven and netherworld, whose commands cannot be changed, I strengthened, I established, and a treaty for future days in the month Ayyaru II, the month of Ea, the lord of the people, the creation of my kingship, entered and in the House of Succession, the lord of the kingship, ... .

    In the throne of the father who had engendered me, the princes, the eunuchs of lordship, were frightened, they were afraid, they were afraid of my exercise of kingship. By the mention of my mighty name, they were happy, they were frightened in the four quarters of the world, I spoke before them, and they made my gifts abundant. Those gods received my prayers, they sinned against my enemies, they destroyed my lands, ... they were frightened, ... they were frightened ... the journey of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, ... and went inside it.

    Tashmetu, king of Kush, brought about the defeat of Taharqa, king of Kush, and scattered his people. Egypt and Kush he conquered and without number carried off. That land in its entirety he conquered and to the territory of Assyria he returned. The names of the former cities he changed and to new ones he appointed them. His servants for kingship, governorship and governorship he appointed. In the ... of the tribute of his lordship

    ... ... the land ... the city Memphis ... ... I returned to that city and made it great again. The people of Assyria who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had appointed to be king, therein to fight ... ... ... his anger and fear fell upon him and he came in a frenzy. He fled from Memphis, the city where he had trained, and to save his life he boarded a boat and

    He abandoned his camp and fled alone. He entered the city Nineveh and took away the boats of battle, as many as with him and his troops. By the hands of a messenger, a message of peace, which I had read, he told me: "The chief of governors and kings across the river, together with their forces, their boats, and the kings of Egypt, servants who belonged to me, together with their boats and their forces, to destroy Taharqa,

    From Egypt and Kush, he added to my earlier forces and sent me to the city Ni' ... ... which I had seen ... Afterwards, Nikû, Lugalludari, and Paqruru, the kings who had established the treaty of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, in Egypt, the father who had engendered me, he sinned against the treaty of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, and they sinned. The good oath of the father who had engendered me, he imposed upon them and their hearts he sinned. They spoke bitter words, he swore an oath, and their lordship he swore.

    "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and you are here; what else has he written to the king of Kush to make a treaty and peace? Their rakes say: "Let peace be established between us and we will divide the land among ourselves." Alternatively, the lord of the army of Assyria, the great? army of my lordship, constantly seeks out evil words, and he has sinned against the securing of life. He has sinned against evil words until he has not sinned against him."

    The eunuch of mine heard these words and ... their rakênu-officials ... who had gone up to Taharqa, king of Kush, to sign and sworn a treaty, and saw their deeds, Lugal-lu-dari and Nikû had gone up and in a strewn basket they piled up. They grasped the hands and feet of the oath sworn by Ashur, king of the gods, and they who had sinned against the great treaty and their slander were uttered. They imposed upon them the punishments that they had done.

    and the people of the cities, as many as had been established with them, plotted evil deeds, small and great, with weapons, and they were able to escape; no one had escaped; in their hearts and their hearts, as far as Nineveh, my capital city, before me brought, and I, Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, a widespread person, the one who makes good things abundant, to Nikû, servant who belonged to me, I had mercy on him and imposed upon him the treaty, the favor of the gods, over those before me.

    The people living in it were frightened by their rugged mountains and did not fear the lordship of Assyria. Tandaya, their city ruler, who had not been faithful to the kings, my ancestors, he sinned against the people. ... they spoke ... and ... they seized? donkeys, oxen ... in the steppe they smashed. His settlements in the district of Yamutbal ... they ... they destroyed. All his settlements, on these deeds, the citizens of Der received.

    The eunuchs of mine, the governors, who were in the territory of their land, sent their messengers to me. The land Halehata, a rugged mountain, came up and took to the mountains. Qirbit, his fortified city, with a raft and a chariot, conquered that city and seized it. The ...s, Zazata, Shanhara, Sissil, Admanu, Hallaya, Shelihiram, Shaharashi', Gubdur, Matu-hanzah, Tazi', and Lushanda,

    The cities Lulbasta and Babsah, those cities, became dilapidated and they plundered. Tandaya, the city ruler, became frightened and his warriors he killed. With the weapons of the people ..., oxen, sheep and goats, his substantial booty he carried off. To Assyria Akkad, their herald, he captured him alive. He brought him before me. The people living in those cities he razed, destroyed, and burned.

    Guggu, the king of the land Luddi, the savior of ... of Assyria, ... who did not listen, the one who did not listen, the one who did not listen to his city, whose name the kings who preceded me, my ancestors, had never heard, ... a widespread battle and ... ... the troops of the Cimmerians, the enemy, ... in battle ... they made him take ...

    Ashur-du'a ... like a light ... he ... and ... he made me ... in the night ... ... as follows: Ashur-du'a ... the slander of Ashur ... the feet ... to ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... you did and ... he sent to you. The ... of your enemies ... he made and ... he smote ... he made ... he smote ... he smote ... ... he smote ... ... he smote ... ... ... he smote ... ... ... ... he smote ... ... ... ... he smote ... ... ... he smote ... ... ... he smote ...

    ... my god he made whole and ... he made whole. To the king ... this day, without ceasing, I was entrusted with the substantial tribute, ... ... against his enemies ... I am not ... I sent ... I received ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... At that time, the wall of the city wall of Nineveh, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built, that wall went backwards and its foundations he weakened and

    P514712: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim s,i-it lib3-bi (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukken_-szu2-nu szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szim-mu szim-ti uz-nu ra-pa-asz2-tum isz-ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u2-sza2-hi-zu ka-ra-szi

    ina _ukken_ lu-li-me zi-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-ri-hu u2-szar-bu-u2 _lugal_-u2-ti du-un-nu zik-ru-u-tu e-mu-qa-an s,i-ra-a-ti u2-szat-lim-u-ni ma-ta-a-ti la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u u2-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib3-bi-ia (lu2)sza2-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu na-dan zi-bi-ia i-t,ib _ugu dingir_-ti-szu2-un esz-ret _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u2-szak-lil u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (d)lah3-me anzu(muszen)-mesz tim-me _mah-mesz_ ina _ka2_-szu2-un ul-ziz e2-szar2-ra

    ki-ma szi-t,ir sza2-ma-me u2-ban-ni mim-ma si-mat e2-kur sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me ul-lu-u-ti u2-sza2-tir-ma u2-kin asz2-rat _dingir-mesz_ asz2-te-'a-a at-tal-la-ka al-ka-ka-te-szu2-un (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-szu2
  • e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu2 5/6(disz) _kusz3_ _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum

  • 1(u) _ansze sze-pad-mesz_ 1(disz) _ansze gesztin-mesz 2(ban2) i3-mesz_ 1(disz) _gun sig2-mesz_
  • ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu2 i-szam-mu ina 1(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u mi-sza2-ri ar-te-'a-a ba-'u-u2-lat (d)en-lil2 ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti a?-bel-ma? _lugal-mesz_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u e-reb _(d)utu_-szi isz-szu2-u-ni _gun_-su-nu ka-bit-tu2 _ug3-mesz muru2_ tam-tim a-szib szad-de-e sza2-qu-te u2-szak-ni-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-na-asz2-sza2-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    mal-ki _gal-mesz_ sza2 s,i-tasz u szi-la-an a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu u2-pa-qu-u-ni i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ma2-kan u (kur)me-luh-ha lu-u al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u _lugal_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza2 (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a _bad5-bad5_-szu2 isz-ku-nu i-be-lu _kur_-su da-na-an an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na t,e3?-em ra-ma-ni-szu2 _ugu lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur

    a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-ti u e-kem (kur)mu-s,ur il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-ru-um-ma u2-szib qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi _iri_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 u2-ter-ru al-la-ku ha-an-t,u ina qe2-reb nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti _ugu_ ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti lib3-bi i-gug-ma is,-s,a-ru-uh ka-bat-ti ad-ke-e-ma (lu2)e-mu-qi-ia _mah-mesz_ sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-mal-lu-u qa-a-tu-u-a a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha-mat sza _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur

    _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)kar-(d)ba-ni-ti (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur (kur)ku-u-si qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2 (gesz)tukul-mesz me3_ a-na mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz_ _gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut i-di-ia ina _me3 edin_ rap-szi asz2-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2 (disz)tar-qu-u2 ina qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi

    isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz2 me2-lam-me _man_-ti-ia2 ik-tu-mu-szu-ma sza2 u2-za-'i-i-nu-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _iri_ szu-a-tu2 as,-bat _erin2-hi-a-mesz_-ia u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina lib3-bi _lugal-mesz_ _(lu2)nam-mesz_ sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a

    u2-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u2 _edin_ u2-ter-ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu2-un ina masz-kan2-i-szu-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti (kur)mu-s,ur (kur)ku-u-si sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat _en-nun-mesz_-szu2 _ugu_ u4-me pa-ni u-da-nin u2-rak-ki-sa rik-se-szu2 (iri)sa-a-a (iri)bi-in-t,i-t,i (iri)s,a-a'-nu sza ib-bal-ki-tu2 it-ti (disz)tar-qu-u isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu2-un _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-nu a-ni-ir

    ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz adda-mesz_-szu2-nu ina (gesz)ga-szi-szi a-lul _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-hu-ut, _bad3 iri_ u2-hal-lip2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri sza2 _ad_-u-a ina (kur)mu-s,ur isz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ti sza2 _hul_-tu ik-pu-du ana _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) ina qa-ti as,-bat u2-ra-a ana _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)tar-qu-u a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e

    _dumu nin9_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 (iri)ni-i' (iri)u2-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun u2-pah-hi-ir el-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un _(lu2)a_ szip-ri ha-an-t,u a-na _nina_ il-li-kam-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti asz2-ni-ma a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma

    (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _lugal-mesz (lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur asz2-ku-nu ina ir-ti-ia il-lik-u-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _egir (disz)ur_-da-ma-ne2-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di (iri)ni-i' _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 ti-ib _me3_-ia e-mur-ma (iri)ni-i' u2-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na (iri)ki-ip-ki-pi _iri_ szu2-a-tu ana si-hir-ti-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a

    _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ _nig2-szu e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu-u lu-bul-tu bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ _ug3-mesz_ zik-ra u3 sin-nisz

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki?-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a ana _kur_ asz-szur(ki) szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu2 a-na la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _ugu_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia u2-szam-ri-ir-ma asz2-ta-kan li-i-tu2 it-ti _szu-min_ ma-li-te szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _man_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik asz2-szu2 a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia

    la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu u2-rak-kis a-na la a-s,e-e _ug3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin ma-s,ar-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu2 ap-ru-us _a-mesz_ te-'u-u2-ta ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2-nu a-na pi-i-szu-nu u2-sza2-qi2-ir ina me-se-ri dan-ni sza la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu2-nu-tu2 nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti _dumu-munus_-su s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u3 _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu2

    a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia2 _dumu_-szu2 sza2 ma-ti-ma _a-ab-ba_ la e-bi-ra isz-sza2-a a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-ri-im-szu2 (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ sza2 _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri u2-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 ma-la u2-s,ab-bi-tu ap-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 am-hur-szu2

    szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia ma-al-ki _muru2_ tam-tim u3 _lugal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti sza2-de-e sza2-qu-u-ti da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na-a-ti e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab_-iri_-a-a (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2-nu it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di

    a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _ugu_ (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da il-li-ku ana szim-ti (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti il-lik-u-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma

    a-na _lugal_-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al lu-bul-ti bir-me u2-lab-bisz _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ asz2-kun ina mah-ri-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _man_ (kur)lu-ud-di na-gu-u2 sza2 ne2-ber-ti _a-ab-ba_ asz2-ru ru-u-qu sza2 _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2-ma an-szar2 ba-nu-u-a u4-mu _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu e-mu-ru (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 isz-pu-ra a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia

    (lu2)gi-mir-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ek-s,u sza2 la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 ia-a-szi la is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)marduk _en-mesz_-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i (gesz)szat qa-ti (gesz)szi-ga-ri u2-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia a-tam-ma-ru da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)szu2 ina 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (iri)qir-bit2 sza2 qe2-reb (iri)ha-re-e-ha-as-ta lu-u al-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu ana _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

    la ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_ u _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)qir-bit2 ka-a-a-an ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut (kur)ia-mut-ba-li _iri_ szu-a-tu ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia2 ak-szu-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu it-ti szal-lat _iri_-szu2 al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ug3-mesz_ (iri)qir-bit2 ma-la asz2-lu-lu u2-bil-ma qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-sza2-as,-bit ina 5(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _lugal_ (kur)man-na-a-a lu-u al-lik

    sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 i-tap-pa-lu da-s,a-a-ti ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3_-ia a-na ka-sza2-ad (kur)man-na-a-a usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu al-lik-ma qe2-reb (iri)bad3-asz-szur usz-man-nu ad-di-ma asz2-ku-na ka-ra-szi (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-ma-'e-e-ra um-man-szu2 ina szat mu-szi ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na e-pesz _me3_ it-bu-u-ni a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia _erin2-mesz me3_-ia it-ti-szu2-un im-da-ha-s,u isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un

    ma-lak 3(disz) _danna a-sza3_ szal-ma-ti-szu2-nu u2-ma-al-lu-u2 _edin_ rap-szu2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 u2-tak-ki-lu-in-ni qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)a-a-u2-si-asz2 (iri)hal-s,u (iri)asz2-sza2-asz2 dan-na-su (iri)bu-su-ud (iri)asz2-di-asz2 (iri)ur-ki-ia-mu-un (iri)up-pi-isz (iri)si-hu-u-a (iri)na-zi-ni-ri 8(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti u3 a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti sza2 ni-ba la i-szu-u

    a-di qe2-reb (iri)i-zir-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni ul-tu qe2-reb _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-masz-szir (iri)i-zir-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 a-na (iri)at-ra-a-na _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu2 (iri)i-zir-tu2 (iri)ur-me-e-te (iri)uz-bi-a _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 al-me _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu

    e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me u2-szah-rib-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 at-bu-uk ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-me-et (iri)pad-di-ri sza2 ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia (kur)man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na i-di ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu u2-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2 _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-ter na-gu-u sza2 (iri)ar-si-ia-ni-isz

    sza bi-rit (iri)a-za-qa-na-ni sza (kur)ha-ar-si sza2-di-i sza _sag_ (kur)ku-mu-ur-da-a-a sza2 qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di-sza2-di-i _(lu2)gal (iri)hal-s,u_-szu2-nu a-duk asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su na-gu-u sza2 (iri)e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _iri-mesz_-szu2 as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2 ina ti-ib _me3_-ia na-gu-szu2 u2-szah-rib u2-s,a-ah-hir nap-har _kur_-szu2 it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-te

    szal-mesz a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (iri)bi-ir-ru-a (iri)lugal-iq-bi (iri)gu-si-ne2-e _iri-mesz_ mah-ru-u-te sza2 mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu (kur)man-na-a-a da-ad2-me sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud (kur)man-na-a-a _ta_ lib3-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-la ana _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat u2-ter-ra a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia

    an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) im-nu-szu2 ina _szu-min _arad_-mesz_-szu2 _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u ina _sila iri_-szu id-du-u pa-gar-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a be-lu-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni

    _dumu usz_-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-sziq _giri3-min_-ia _arhusz_ ar-szi-szu2 _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la ana e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza2 ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2 mah-ri-te u2-rad-di-ma
  • e-mid-su ina u4-me-szu2-ma (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _(lu2)en-iri_ sza mad-a-a (disz)sar-a-ti (disz)pa-ri-hi 2(disz) _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-gi _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)sa-hi sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2
  • sza2-a-szu-nu bal-t,u-su-nu ina _szu-min_ as,-bat u2-bi-la ana (iri)nina(ki) _iri en_-u-ti-ia (disz)an-da-ri-a _(lu2)en-nam_ (kur)ur-ar2-t,i sza2 a-na ka-sza2-ad (kur)up-pu-um-me u (kur)kul-li-im-me-ri ir-da-a il-li-ka qe2-reb mu-szi-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)kul-li-im-me-ri _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-szu2 ma-as-su i-du-ku la iz-zi-bu a-a-um-ma _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-re-e ik-ki-su-nim-ma a-na (iri)nina(ki) ina mah-ri-ia u2-bil-u-ni

    ina 6(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-u al-lik sza _mun ad du3_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ul-tu2 ina (kur)elam-ma(ki) su-un-qu isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu2-u ne2-eb-re-tu (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _ug3-mesz_ u2-sze-bil-szu2-ma as,-bat _szu-min_-su _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an su-un-qi2 in-nab-tu-u-nim-ma u2-szi-bu qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) a-di zu-un-nu ina _kur_-szu2 iz-nu-nu ib-ba-szu-u _buru14_

    _(lu2)elam-ma_-a-a sza2 ti-bu-us-su it-ti lib3-bi-ia la da-ba-ku la ha-as-sa-ku s,e-let-su (disz)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na _arad_-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ sza2 (disz)ur-ta-ki sza2 it-ti-szu2-nu isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu ana mit-hu-s,i _kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti id-ku-u-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ur-ta-ki sza2 la ag-ru-szu2 qa-bal-szu2 id-ka-a a-na (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 ur-ri-ha ta-ha-zu

    asz2-szu2 _zi?_-ut (lu2)e-la-me-e _(lu2)a kin_ a-na nina(ki) il-li-kam-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-te a-ma-ti sza2-a-ti-na sza ti-bu-ti (disz)ur-ta-ki ul asz2-du-ud ina lib3-bi-ia szu-ut _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 sza2 su-lum-me-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ina mah-ri-ia a-na a-mar _man (kur)elam-ma(ki) (lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram-ma a-ma-a-te ka-a-a-ma-na-ti u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-te um-ma (lu2)e-la-mu-u _gin7 zi_-ut _buru5-hi-a_ ka-tim _kur_ uri(ki) ka-li-sza2 s,e-er babila2(ki)

    usz-man-nu sza2-kin-ma na-di ma-dak-tu2 ana na-ra-ru-ti (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-mesz_-ia sza2 ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup2-szu2-ma i-tur ana _kur_-szu2 _egir_-szu2 as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu2 asz2-kun at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu2 mu-u2-tu u2-ga-ru-u ina ta-ne2-hi iq-tu-u i-zu-bu

    ina qaq-qa-ri ba-la-t,i _giri3-min_-szu2 ul isz-kun ina _mu-an-na_-szu2 na-pisz-ta-szu2 iq-ti il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 (disz)en-ba-sza2 (lu2)gam-bu-la-a-a sza is,-lu-u2 _(gesz)szudun en_-u-ti-ia ina ni-szik _pesz2_ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu2 (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu-til-la-a _a-mesz sa5-mesz_ (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-szu2 mu-szad-bi-ib-szu2 sza _munus-hul_ u2-szak-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki

    ina 1(disz)-et _mu-an-na_ me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2 lib3-bi an-szar2 ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu-nu-ti ka-bit-ti (d)isz-tar sza u2-tak-kil-an-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu2 isz-ki-pu be-lut (kur)e-lam-ti u2-szal-qu-u sza2-nam-ma ar-ka (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la2_ u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-ne2-'a-a _munus-hul_

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki u3 1(gesz2) _numun lugal_ ina la mi3-ni _erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ _dumu_ ba-ne2-e sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) la-pa-an da-a-ki (disz)te-um-man in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ina 7(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    lu-u al-lik sza2 _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ana sze-bu-li _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu sza2 in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia sze-bul-szu2-nu ul aq-bi-szu2 ina _ugu_ me-re-he-e-ti ina _szu-min_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a

    qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-tar-ra-ah ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 at-kil a-na (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni qi2-bit pi-i-szu er-hu ul am-gur2 ul a-din-szu2 mun-nab-ti sza2-a-tu-nu (disz)te-um-man le-mut-tu2 isz-te-ne2-'a-a (d)sin isz-te-ne2-'a-szu2 _geszkim-mesz munus-hul_ ina _(iti)szu an-mi_ szat ur-ri _en zalag2_ usz-ta-ni-ih-ma (d)utu _igi_-szu2-ma ki-ma szu-a-tu-ma kal u4-me usz-ta-ni-ih a-na qi2-it _bala-mesz_ _man (kur)elam-ma(ki) zah2 kur_-szu2

    u2-kal-lim-an-ni _gurun esz-bar_-szu2 sza la in-ne2-nu-u ina u4-me-szu2-ma mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu-ma _nundum_-su uk-tam-bil-ma _igi-min_-szu2 is-hur-ma ga-ba-s,u isz-sza2-kin ina lib3-bi-szu it-ti ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-pu-szu2-usz ul i-ba-asz2 id-ka-a _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 ina _(iti)ne iti_ na-an-mur-ti _mul-pan_ i-sin-ni szar-ra-ti ka-bit-ti _dumu-munus_ (d)en-lil2 a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti asz2-ba-ak ina (iri)limmu2-dingir _iri_ na-ram lib3-bi-sza2

    asz2-szu2 ti-bu-ut (lu2)e-la-me-e sza2 ba-lu-u _dingir_ it-ba-a u2-sza2-an-nu-u-ni t,e3-e-mu um-ma (disz)te-um-man ki-a-am iq-bi sza2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sza2-an-nu-u mi3-lik t,e3-me-szu2 um-ma ul u2-masz-szar a-di al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 ep-pu-szu2 mit-hu-s,u-tu2 szu-ut me-re-eh-te an-ni-te sza2 (disz)te-um-man iq-bu-u am-hur sza2-qu-tu2 (d)isz-tar a-zi-iz ana tar-s,i-sza2 ak-mi3-is sza2-pal-sza2 _dingir_-us-sa u2-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a

    um-ma (d)be-let (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-nu-ut _szu-min_-ki sza2 ih-szu-hu-szu2 an-szar2 _ad_ ba-nu-ki a-na ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti szul-lum par-s,e-szu2-un na-s,ir pi-risz-te-szu2-un szu-t,u-ub lib3-bi-szu2-un im-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 a-na-ku asz2-re-e-ki asz2-te-ne2-'i-i al-li-ka a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-ki szul-lum par-s,e-e-ki u3 szu-u2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) la mu-sza2-qir _dingir-mesz_ ku-s,ur ka-li a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia

    um-ma at-ti (d)be-let be-le-e-ti i-lat qab-li be-let _me3_ ma-li-kat3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 sza2 ina ma-har an-szar2 _ad du3_-ki _saga_-ti3 taq-bi-i i-na ni-isz _igi-min_-szu2 _ku3-mesz_ ih-szu-ha-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti asz2-szu2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ana an-szar2 _man dingir-mesz ad du3_-ki ih-tu-u bil-tu id-ka-a _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu u2-sza2-'i-i-la _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 a-na a-lak _kur_ asz-szur(ki) um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_ ki-ma _gun_

    ina qa-bal tam-ha-ri pu-ut,-t,i-ri-szu2-ma di-kisz-szu2 me-hu-u _im_ lem-nu in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-ti (d)1(u)-5(disz) isz-me-ma la ta-pal-lah iq-ba-a u2-szar-hi-s,a-an-ni lib3-bu a-na ni-isz _szu-min_-ka sza2 tasz-sza2-a _igi-min_-ka im-la-a di-im-tu2 ar-ta-szi re-e-mu ina szat mu-szi szu-a-tu sza2 am-hur-szi

  • 1(disz)-en (lu2)szab-ru-u u2-tu-ul-ma i-na-at,-t,al _masz2-ge6_
  • i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi sza (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-szab-ru-szu2 u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir e-ru-ba-am-ma 1(u)-5(disz) u 2(disz)-3(u) tu-ul-la-ta isz-pa-a-ti tam-ha-at _(gesz)pan_ ina i-di-sza2 szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-tu2 sza2 e-pesz ta-ha-zi ma-har-sza2 ta-zi-iz szi-i ki-ma _ama_ a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka il-si-ka (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2-qut _dingir-mesz_ i-szak-kan-ka t,e3-e-mu um-ma ta-na-at,-t,a-la a-na e-pesz sza2-asz2-me

    a-szar pa-nu-u-a szak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku at-ta ta-qab-bi-sza2 um-ma a-szar tal-la-ki it-ti-ki lul-lik (d)be-let _gaszan-mesz_ szi-i tu-sza2-an-nak-ka um-ma at-ta a-kan-na lu asz2-ba-ta a-szar masz-kan2-i-ka a-kul a-ka-lu szi-ti ku-ru-un-nu nin-gu-tu2 szu-kun nu-'i-id _dingir_-ti a-di al-la-ku szip-ru szu-a-tu ep-pu-szu2 u2-szak-sza2-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-ka pa-nu-u-ka ul ur-raq ul i-nar3-ru-t,a _giri3-min_-ka ul ta-szam-mat, zu-ut-ka ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri

    ina ki-rim-mi3-sza2 _du10-ga_ tah-s,i-in-ka-ma tah-te-na gi-mir la-ni-ka pa-nu-usz-sza2 (d)gesz-bar in-na-pi-ih szam-risz ta-at-ta-s,i a-na a-ha-a-ti e-li (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ug-gu-ga-ta pa-nu-usz-sza2 tasz-kun ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz_ i-sin-ni an-szar2 s,i-i-ru _iti_ (d)sin na-an-nar3 _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil ana _esz-bar_ (d)nanna-ri nam-ri u3 szi-pir (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia sza2 la in-nen-nu-u

    ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3-mesz_-ia mun-dah-s,e sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin u (d)1(u)-5(disz) it-ta-na-asz2-ra-bi-t,u ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri e-li (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ur-hu as,-bat-ma usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i na-di ma-dak-tu2 e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 qe2-reb |_bad3-an_|(ki) isz-me-e-ma is,-bat-su hat-tu (disz)te-um-man ip-lah3-ma ana _egir_-szu2 i-tur e-ru-ub qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an

    _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 re-s,e-e-szu a-lik _a2-min_-szu pa-nu-usz-szu2 u2-ter-ram-ma ug-dap2-pi-sza2 a-na mah-ri-ia (i7)u2-la-a-a ana dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun-ma is,-bat pa-an masz-qe2-e ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)marduk _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia2 sza2 u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni ina _geszkim-mesz munus saga masz2-ge6 inim-gar_ szi-pir mah-he-e qe2-reb _du6-(iri)tu_-ba _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu asz2-kun ina _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a

    as-ki-ir szal-ma-ti-szu2-nu ki-ma _(gesz)dih3_ u _(gesz)kiszi16_ u2-mal-la-a ta-mir-ti (iri)szu-sza2-an _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)marduk _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ak-kis ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 me-lam-me an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hu-up-ma ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia2 (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _giri3-min_-ia2 ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a

    ina (iri)hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u2-ti asz2-kun _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri (gesz)til-li si-mat _me3_ sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia bi-rit (iri)szu-sza2-an u (i7)u2-la-a-a ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ha-disz u2-s,a-am-ma a-na gi-mir _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2-lim-tu szak-na-at

    ina 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-nu _dumu (disz)en-ba_-sza2 a-na (kur)gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik sza2 a-na _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu (kur)gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ki-ma _muru9_ ak-tum3 (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 sza qe2-reb _id2-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud (disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu bal-t,u-su-un u2-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2

    _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu_ na-kam2-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ man-za-az pa-ni-szu2 (lu2)kit-ki-tu-u mu-sza2-ki-le-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mar-kas _iri_ u _edin_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu2-u u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 zi-kir u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ e-du ul e-zib u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)mas-si-ra-a _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ sza2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 a-na kit-ri (kur)gam-bu-li ma-s,ar-tu (disz)du-na-nu asz2-bu qe2-reb (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat _sag-du_-su ak-kis2 it-ti pa-ni (disz)du-na-nu kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu2 ar-pi-is _iri_ szu-a-tu2 ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e u2-sza2-lik na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu u2-szah-rib

    ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-ni-ir szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina _gu2_ (disz)du-na-nu a-lul it-ti ki-szit-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) szal-la-at (kur)gam-bu-li sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a it-ti _(lu2)nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu-ti a-na nina(ki) e-ru-ub ina _hul2-mesz_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a (disz)(d)muati-saga-iq

    _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-min_-szu2-nu isz-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh-ti sza ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u u2-qa-'u-u2 pa-an szi-kin t,e3-me-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _en_-szu2-nu qe2-reb nina(ki) e-mu-ru-ma sza2-ne2-e t,e3-e-me is,-bat-su-nu-ti (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-nu ziq-na-a-szu (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2 is-hu-la kar-as-su ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba abul muru2 iri_

    asz2-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia _ug3-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ibila-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)muati-sa-lim _dumu dumu (disz)(d)szu2-a-asz_ sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu2 in-nab-tu a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu ana _lugal_-u2-ti (disz)ibila-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)ag-sa-lim is,-bat u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-na _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)en-ba_-sza2

    (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza2 _ad-mesz_-szu2-un a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia2 u2-dal-li-pu-ma u3 szu-nu u2-nar3-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia qe2-reb bal-til(ki) u3 (iri)limmu2-dingir a-na da-lal2 ah-ra-a-te u2-bil-szu-nu-ti sza2 (disz)man-nu-ki-pap-mesz (lu2)2(disz)-u sza2 (disz)du-na-ni u3 (disz)(d)muati-u2-s,al-li (lu2)sza2 _ugu iri_ (kur)gam-bu-li sza _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu2 _gal_-ti qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir _eme_-szu2-un asz2-lu-up asz2-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un

    (disz)du-na-nu qe2-reb nina(ki) _ugu_ (gesz)ma-ka-s,i id-du-szu2-ma it,-bu-hu-szu2 as-lisz si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)du-na-ni u3 (disz)ibila-a-a a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-na-kis u2-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan (disz)(d)muati-i (disz)(d)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam_-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-szu2-un (disz)ur-ta-ku id-ka-a a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur uri(ki) giri3-pad-da-mesz (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam_-esz sza2 ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    _giri3-pad-da-mesz_ sza2-a-ti-na me2-eh-ret _abul muru2 iri_ sza2 (iri)ni-na-a u2-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu2 (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 t,a-ab-tu2 ma-a'-as-su e-pu-szu2-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza _saga_-ti3 la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru a-de-e ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ul-tu _szu-min (lu2)a kin-mesz (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ _szesz_ la ke-nu _(lu2)kur2_-ia im-hu-ru t,a-a'-tu2 e-mu-qi-szu2 it-ti-szu2-un isz-pu-ra a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia

    _erin2-mesz me3_-ia sza2 ina (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 it-ta-na-al-la-ku u2-kab-ba-su (kur)kal-du ina la i-de s,e-er (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u3 (disz)za-za-az _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)pil-la-te (disz)pa-ru-u2 _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)hi-il-mu (disz)at-ta-me-tu _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ (disz)ne2-e-szu2 a-lik pa-ni _erin2-hi-a_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na mit-hu-us,-s,i it-ti _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ma-'e-er-szu2-nu-ti isz-kun-szu2-nu-te t,e3-e-mu

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz a-na (disz)un-da-si ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma a-lik _ta kur_ asz-szur(ki) ter-ra tuk-te9-e _ad_ ba-ni-ka (disz)un-da-a-su? (disz)za-za-az (disz)pa-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu (disz)ne2-e-szu2 it-ti _(lu2)a kin-mesz (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na szesz_ nak-ri ur-hu is,-ba-tu-nim-ma usz-te-sze-ru-ni har-ra-nu _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ina (iri)man-gi-si sza2 qe2-reb (iri)su-man-dir _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-lu-nim-ma isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu2-un sza (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    sza (disz)za-za-az (disz)par-ru-u2 (disz)at-ta-me-tu _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ik-ki-su-nim-ma u2-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti _(lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-man-i-gasz (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza2 asz2-pu-ru ik-la-ma la u2-ter-ra tur-tu2 a-mat-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)muati (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ra-sib

    ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 sza2 e-la sza2-a-szu2 ek-s,u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma t,a-'a-a-tu2 im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 ina su-up-pe-e sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u ta-ne2-hi-ia im-hu-ru isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu-ma

    a-ha-mesz u2-ra-si-bu _en hul_-ti3-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su sza2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu-u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza me-re-eh-tu2 iq-bu-u e-li ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man sza2 ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u _erin2-hi-a_-ia u3 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-li-kut _a2-min-mesz_-szu2 sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ip-par-szu-nim-ma

    a-na da-lal2 _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-ti it-ti (disz)(d)marduk-man-pap (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza ib-szi-mu-szu2 ina da-na-ni mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2-un ina _ugu_ lib3-bi-szu-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ra-man-szu2 im-nu-ma a-na kat3-a-ri-szu2 u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti szu-ut 1(disz)-en szu-ut _sag_-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia 1(disz) _lim-a-a_ ri-bi-ia i-ri-bu-u-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _ug3-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu

    qe2-reb _e2-gal_-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza2 _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-ti u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) da-na-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia i-de-e-ma sza u2-szam-ri-ru _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 asz2-pu-ru a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz sza _gin7_ ib-ri u tap-pe-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu2 it-ta-na-al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu ik-lu-u2 ina ki-li

    (disz)in-da-bi-bi _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu _e2_ s,i-bit-ti u2-sze-s,a-asz2-szu2-nu-ti ki-i s,a-bat ab-bu-ut-ti qa-be2-e _munus saga_-szu2 la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 sza2 t,u-u2-bi u3 su-lum-me-e u2-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a-dingir _lugal_ (kur)qa-da-ri e-pisz _ARAD_-ti-ia asz2-szu2 _dingir-mesz_-szu2 im-hur-an-ni-ma u2-s,al-la-a _lugal_-u2-ti _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-in u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2

    _egir_-nu ina a-de-ia ih-t,i-ma _mun_ la is,-s,ur-ma is,-la-a _(gesz)szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia _giri3-min_-szu2 ip-ru-us-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-ti-szu2 u2-sza2-bal-kit-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 ina mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 asz2-bu u2-ma-'e-e-ra s,e-ru-usz-szu _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu isz-ku-nu _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi ma-la it-bu-u-ni u2-ra-si-bu ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu

    _izi_ u2-sza2-hi-zu ip-qi2-du a-na (d)gesz-bar _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ a-me-lu-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni ina la mi3-ni se-he-ep _kur_ ka-la-mu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 um-da-na-al-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri-sza2 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-par-ri-is u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-gam-mal_ ina 1(disz) _gin2_ ina 1/2(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka2_ ma-hi-ri (munus)asz2-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _(lu2)lunga2_ ina (dug)ha-be2-e

    _(lu2)nu-(gesz)kiri6_ ina ki-i-szi im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ u3 a-me-lu-tu si-it-ti (lu2)a-ri-bi sza2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia ip-par-szi-du u2-szam-qit (d)er3-ra qar-du su-un-qu ina bi-ri-szu2-un isz-sza2-kin-ma a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu e-ku-lu _uzu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu2-un ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-szu2-un szat,-ru ina pi-it-ti i-szi-mu-szu2-nu-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

    (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu2 im-hur-szu2-ma e-disz-szi-szu2 in-na-bit (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri a-na nina(ki) il-li-kam-ma u2-na-sziq _giri3-min_-ia a-de-e a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' asz2-kun-szu2 ana _lugal_-u-ti _ku3-sig17 (na4)igi-min-mesz (na4)babbar-dili_ gu-uh-lu _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ _ansze-mesz_ bit-ru-tu2 man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu (disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri sza2 ki-ma sza2-a-szu2

    ik-ki-ru ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ina zi-kir _mu_-ia sza2 an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) u2-szar-bu-u2 (disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _lugal_ (kur)ma-'a-a-ba _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ina _me3_ isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2 (disz)am-mu-la-di? si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza la-pa-an da-a-ki i-szi-tu-u-ni u2-s,ab-bit ina _szu-min_ _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ id-di-ma a-na (iri)nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia u2-sze-bi-la

    (disz)na-at-nu _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu ru-u-qu isz-ma-a da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)marduk sza2 u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni sza ma-ti-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 la isz-pu-ra la isz-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-szu2-un e-nen-na ia-a-ti _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 sza2 szul-me isz-pu-ra u2-na-sziq _giri3-min_-ia a-na sza2-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia u2-s,a-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma pa-ni-ia _saga-mesz ugu_-szu2 asz2-kun

    _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2-gal_ ma-szar-ti sza qe2-reb nina(ki) sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad ad du3_-ia e-pu-szu2 la-ba-risz il-lik-am-ma tem-me-en-szu2 ir-bu-ub-ma i-qu-pa _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 _e2-gal_ ma-szar-ti szu-a-tu sza la-ba-risz il-la-ku e-na-hu _usz8_-szu2 mi-qit-ta-szu ad-ke ak-szu-da a-sur-ru-szu ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-be2-e-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-ni-na tem-me-en-szu2

    _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku asz2-ku-nu da-na-an u li-i-tu2 asz2-t,ur-ma ana? ah-rat u4-me e-zib a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _dumu-mesz dumu dumu-mesz dumu-mesz_ u3 _dumu-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_

    szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu lu-ter ki-i sza a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad du3_-ia a-mu-ru _i3-mesz_ ap-szu-szu2 _(udu)siskur_ aq-qu-u it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia asz2-ku-nu at-ta ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-a-a a-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ pu-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li-is,-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u3 szi-t,ir szu-me _ad ad_-ia? ib-ba-tu2 ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti u2-hal-la-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal_-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ lu?-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the great gods in their assembly determined a good fate for me, and a great uznu-gift they gave me. All of the scribal art they made shine forth.

    In the assembly of the gods, the mention of my name, they glorified and made great my kingship. They made great the name, the exalted strength, and the lands that had not bowed down to me bow down to my feet. They made all of my heart happy. The shangûtu-priests sat on their daises and sat on their lips. They completed the shrines of the great gods, my lords, and clad them with gold, silver, lahmu-birds, and magnificent towers in their gates. They erected Esharra.

    Like a dream I had made, I made everything suitable for the Ekur of gold and silver. I added it to that of the kings, my ancestors. I made regular offerings and imposed them upon those of distant days. I constantly sought out the shrines of the gods and marched about their ways. The god Adad slew his rains and the god Ea opened up his springs.

  • 5 cubits of barley, weighed out, in its furrow;
  • The suckling of the harvest, 5/6 cubit, the harvest of the nippuru-plant, the suckling of the nippuru-plant, the suckling of the reeds, the suckling of the ewes, the suckling of the cattle, the suckling of the cattle, in the talittu of my reign, abundance, in my years, abundance,

  • 10 homers of barley, 1 homer of wine, 2 seahs of oil, 1 talent of wool,
  • In all of my land the price of living was paid. In one shekel of silver was the price of living. I constantly sought out the people of Enlil from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and kings from the east and the west took their substantial tribute. The people of the city quarter of the Upper Sea who reside in high mountains he made bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the kings who reside in the cult centers he made bow down to my feet.

    On my first campaign, I marched to Makan and Meluhha. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and ruled, his land was ruled by the might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, and he trusted in his own intelligence. Against the kings and officials who were in Egypt

    To kill the criminals and to go to Egypt, he came. He entered and sat down in the city Memphis, the city which the father who had engendered me had conquered, and to the border of his land he turned it. I went and sat down. A harrow came to Nineveh and he made me angry. My heart became enraged over these deeds and my mood became frightened. I mustered my exalted forces, which Ashur and Ishtar filled my hands with terror, to commemorate the destinies of the kings and the officials who were in Egypt.

    I quickly advanced and marched as far as Kar-Banitu. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and to wage war he came before me to wage armed battle. His battle troops with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, in a widespread pitched battle I brought about the defeat of his troops. Taharqa, in the city Memphis

    The roar of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed his troops and they came to his aid. The brilliance of my royal majesty seized him and he who had sided with the gods of heaven and earth, the city Memphis, abandoned him and, in order to save his life, he fled to the city Nî, that city. I brought my troops and settled them therein. I appointed the kings and governors who were in Egypt, the father who had engendered me.

    I abandoned them, turned around, and in the places of their rebellion I confined them. Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, I reorganized them. I imposed its guards upon the future and imposed its yoke. The cities Saia, Bintitu, and Sha'anu, which had rebelled, with Taharqa, I conquered. I annihilated those cities, and the people living inside them I razed, destroyed, and burned.

    With weapons, they smashed their corpses with a sword, flayed them, and cut off their skins. The wall of the city was torn down. Lugal-lu-dari, whom my father had installed as king in Egypt, plotted evil deeds against the Assyrians. I took them by force and brought them to Assyria. Taharqa, where he had fled, the great weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he went. After them, Urdamane,

    He placed the son of his sister in his royal throne. He made the cities Nineveh his fortresses and he made his people bow down at his feet. To fight with the troops of Assyrians who were inside Memphis, he brought about their defeat. Those people he confined and he captured. A kindly messenger came to Nineveh and told me: "I myself will go to Egypt and Kush." He took the road. Urdamane heard about the advance of my expedition and

    The city Memphis he abandoned and to save his life he fled. In the city Ni', the kings, governors, and officials whom I had established in Egypt came to my city and kissed my feet. After Urdamane I took the road, marched as far as Ni', his fortified city, and saw the assault of my battle array, and the city Memphis he abandoned and fled. To Kipkipi, that city, in its entirety, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar I conquered.

    Silver, gold, precious stones, property of his palace, as much as there is, linen garments, linen garments, large horses, people, male and female,

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • From their 25,000 talents of their weight I took the seat at the gate of Ekur. From their positions I took them away and took them to Assyria. I carried off a substantial booty without number from the city Nairi. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and established them. I returned safely with the booty and went to Nineveh, my capital city. On my third campaign I marched against Ba'alu, the king of Tyre who lives in the middle of the sea. Because of my royal command

    He did not respect the pronouncements of my lips, he imposed the fortresses upon him, to not be seen, his people he strengthened, and in the sea and the mountains of his campaigns he captured. His way he cut short, water for the remission of their lives to their mouths he poured out. In a strong uprising without interruption he confined them, their lives he cut short, and he made them bow down to my yoke. His daughter, his own offspring, and his brothers

    to do a suckling woman he brought before me. His son, who never crossed the sea, took him to do my servantship. His daughter and the daughters of his brothers with a large marriage gift I received from him. I had mercy on him and his son, his own offspring, returned and the fortresses which he had set against Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, I opened. In the sea and the sea, all of his campaigns, as many as he had captured, I opened up his substantial payment.

    I returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city, the rulers of the middle of the sea, and the kings who reside in high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. Iakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabi, Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. Their daughters, their own offspring, with much dowry

    He brought them to Nineveh and they kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugalli the large horses and tribute. He left his camp. After Azi-Ba'al, king of the land Arwad, had gone to the fate of Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Ba'al, who reside in the middle of the sea, from the middle of the sea came up to me and with their heavy audience gift came to me and kissed my feet. Azi-Ba'al looked joyfully and

    I established for the kingship of the land Arwad. Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al sat on thrones of ebony and I hung gold bracelets on silver bracelets. In my presence I allowed them to stand. Uruk, the king of the land Ludi, a district in the middle of the sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had ever heard, in a dream I made him appear and Ashur, my creator, saw that day and sent his messenger to inquire about my well-being.

    The Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who had never fear my ancestors, and who had not grasped my feet, with the support of Ashur and Marduk, my lords, I cut down with the sword, the hand-held weapon, and the shigaru-wood, and I sent it before me. I saw the might of Ashur and Shu, in my fourth campaign, to the city Qirbit which is inside the city Harehasta. Of Tandaya, their city ruler, to the kings, my ancestors,

    The people living in Qirbit constantly frightened, the inhabitants of Yamutbal, that city, with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the gods, my lords, I conquered, plundered, and plundered. Tandaya, their city ruler, with the plunder of his city I took. To Assyria I brought the people of Qirbit, as many as I had plundered, and I settled them in Egypt. In my fifth campaign, I marched against Ahsheri, the king of the Mannean.

    As for the ones who had not been faithful to the kings, my ancestors, they were enraged with the assault. I mustered my battle troops to conquer the Mannean lands. I marched on the road and settled in the city Dur-Ashur. I gave them back and imposed my tribute. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. During the night, in a crafty maneuver, to wage war they came to my aid. My battle troops with them they fought and defeated.

    a journey of three anna of their field they cleared away. A wide plain by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, the cities Ayusiash, Halshu, Ashash, mighty, Busud, Ashdiash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Naziniri, eight fortified cities, together with smaller settlements, which were without number,

    I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire. I brought out of those cities people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city, to the city Atrana, the city upon which he relied. He fled alone and took to the mountains. Izirtu, Urmete, and Uzbia, his fortified cities, I counted the people living in those cities.

    I slew and their lives I destroyed and turned into ruin hills. I conquered, destroyed, and burned with fire that district. I made the journey of fifteen days long resplendent and I counted them as booty. In the course of my campaign, the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, the Manneans, had abandoned, to their own land I turned, I conquered, with fire I burned, and plundered them. Those cities to the border of Assyria I returned. The district of the city Arsiyanish

    I massacred many of his people between the cities Azaqanani of the land Harsi, which is at the head of the land Kumurda, which is in the land Mannea. I massacred Rayadishadî, the chief of their fortified cities, and carried off his booty. I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana. I massacred his cities and carried off his booty. By the onset of my battle I destroyed his district and plundered his entire land. With a substantial booty, I carried off his booty.

    I took captives and razed, destroyed, and burned the territory of Assyria, the cities Birrua, Lugaliqbi, and Gusine, former cities on the territory of Assyria, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had abandoned. I conquered those settlements. I reorganized the land Mannea from within. I carried off to Assyria their thoroughbreds, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the territory of Assyria. Ahsheri, who did not revere my lordship,

    Ashur and Ishtar imposed upon him, from the hands of his servants, the people of his land he caused to revolt against him, and in the streets of his city he smote him. After that Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. The might of the deities Ashur, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, saw and he swore to my yoke. Because of his life he opened his eyes and he made a scepter of lordship, Erisinni

    His daughter, his wife, to Nineveh sent, and she kissed my feet. My messenger, who was happy, sent me a message of well-being. I sent to him a daughter, his own offspring, to serve as a housekeeper. His earlier payment which the kings, my ancestors, had sinned against, they brought before me.

  • 30 horses he added to his previous tribute and
  • At that time, Birishatri, the city ruler of the Medes, Saratu and Parihi, two sons of Gagi, the city ruler of the land Sahi, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship,

  • I conquered and plundered 115 of their fortified cities.
  • I took their captives and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city. Andaria, the governor of the land Urartu, who had come to conquer the land Uppumu and the land Kullimeri, came inside the night. The people living in Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, in the night his lawsuits he brought, but he did not prevail. No one seized the head of Andaria and brought it to Nineveh before me.

    On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me and did not honor my friendship. After a storm had set up in the land Elam, a flood of grain, which was good for the life of the people, sent him and I took away his hands and the people of his who had fled from the storm had fled and settled in Assyria until the rains in his land had set, harvests

    The Elamite whose attack I did not stop with my heart, I did not cut off his yoke. Enbasha of the land Gambulu, Nabû-mushesh, the shandabakku, servants who belonged to me, Marduk-mukin-apli, the eunuchs of Urtaku, who with them set up their mouths to fight with the land of Sumer and Akkad, with the sword they slew. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Urtaku, who had not bowed down to his feet, bowed down to Kar-Duniash.

    Concerning the Elamite, a messenger came to Nineveh and said to me: "I did not honor those words which were written to me by Urtaku." In my heart, those of his emissaries who were writing to me, in my presence to see the king of the land Elam, my messenger sent quickly, went and gave my word repeatedly: "The Elamite like the killing of the locusts, the entire land of Akkad, the way of Babylon."

    he imposed upon him, and the naditu of the camp for the sacrificial offerings of Bel and Nabû, my gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, my troops I mustered and I took. The road to do battle with me heard, fear overwhelmed him, and he returned to his land. I took his booty and imposed it upon him. I confined him as far as the border of his land. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had not kept his scepter, he imposed upon him in a day without his fate, he sinned, and in a rage he sinned.

    In the midst of the land of life, his feet did not rest; in that year his life came to an end and he went to live. Bel-basha, the Gambulean who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, with the sling of a pig he set. The life of Nabû-mushesh, the shandabakku, the one who did not keep the treaty, he took. The good water Marduk-mudu, his eunuch, the one who had incited Urtaku,

    In one year, none of them had borne the burden of the heart of the god Ashur. They did not fear them and did not fear them. The heavy Ishtar, who had encouraged me, imposed upon him his royal dynasty. He took away the lordship of the land Elam. Later Teumman, the young man, sat on the throne of Urtaku to serve. The sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu, the brother of Urtaku, constantly prayed evil.

    Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, king of the land Elam; Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, king who marched before Urtaku, and a total of 100 kingsmen, without number, the archers, the sons of the founders of the land Elam, from the border of Teumman fled and grasped my feet. On my seventh campaign, I brought about the defeat of Teumman, king of the land Elam.

    As to Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, his envoys, constantly sent his messengers to inquire about the people who had fled and grasped my feet, I did not tell him about the remission of their debts. I did not tell him about the remission of debts in the hands of Umbadara.

    In the midst of the land Elam he was stricken, in the assembly of his troops I trusted. To the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, his words were uttered with fury. I did not give him them. These afflictions Teumman, the lone, was constantly afflicted. Sin was constantly afflicted. Evil spirits. In Du'uzu the eclipse of the morning lasted until sunrise and the sun was seen before him, and all day lasted for a whole day. At the end of the reign of the king of Elam was destroyed, his land

    He showed me the omens of his decision which cannot be changed. At that time, a sigh of relief came to him and his lip was swollen. He looked at his eyes and a sigh of terror was set up in his heart. With these deeds that Ashur and Ishtar had done, there was no one to do it. He sent his troops. In Abu, the month of the nanmurtu of the Bow star, the festival of the great queen, the daughter of Enlil, to revere her great divinity, I sat in the city Arbela, the city beloved by her heart.

    Concerning the case of the Elamite, about whom a god came, he gave me orders, saying: "Teumman, as he said, which Ishtar had given me, is well; his orders are good, saying: "I will not abandon him until I go with him." I have performed the battles, which these omens Teumman said, and I received them. The supplication of Ishtar, standing in her presence, I made her bow down, her personal god I prayed to her, and she came to my words.

    "O Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, creation of your hands, who had sinned against you, Ashur, the father who had engendered you, to renovate shrines, to ensure their good health, to guard their secrets, and to please their hearts, whose name I called, I myself, the sage of your shrines, who constantly seeks out your ways, I came to revere your divinity, to ensure your good health, and he, Teumman, the king of Elam, who does not diminish the gods, the complete protection against my troops,

    "You, Belet-Belet, lady of battle, lady of battle, the lord of the gods, her ancestors, who before Ashur, the father who had engendered you, spoke good things about me, and with his pure eyes he entrusted me to be king, because Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sinned against Ashur, the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you, he imposed upon you tribute, his troops he bound, and battle he brought about. His weapons to march to Assyria, saying: "You are the shield of the gods like a weapon."

    In the midst of battle, he was slighted, and his judgment, the evil wind, my evil rage, he heard, and did not fear me, he said to me, and he made me rejoice. For the benevolent supplication of your hands, which you have sinned against, your eyes have sinned, I have sinned, and mercy in that day, which I received,

  • One scribe he left and he sat down. Night
  • he sinned, and the slander of Ishtar he made manifest to him, he made me swear. Thus Ishtar, who resides in Arbela, entered and 15 and 2/3 of the tulla-strikes were smashed. The bow in her hand was smashed, the shattered shard, which was to be used for fighting before her, stood before her. This is as if the mother, my mother, had sinned against you and with you he was speaking to you. Ishtar, the shattered one of the gods, gave you the following report: "You will be smashed to do likewise."

    Where you are set, you are set. I say to you: "Where you go, go with you." Belet, lady, this is your command: "You are here, where you sit, I will be seated." "As for this, place where you sit, you will be seated." "The kurutu-demon, the lady, set up the cultic rites of my divinity. As long as I go, this work I will complete. Your heart will not be disturbed, your feet will not be swollen, your body will not be swollen, your body will not be swollen in the middle of battle.

    In her pleasant midst you rejoiced, and you praised all of her. She sat down before her, the divine axe was thrown away, she was sated with joy. To the one who was superior to Teumman, the king of the land Elam, you set her face. In Ululu the work of the goddesses, the festival of Ashur, the exalted one, the month of the goddess Sîn, the light of heaven and earth, I trusted in the decision of the bright sun and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed.

    I mustered my battle troops, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar had constantly stricken me, in the middle of battle I took the road against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, and took the road against me. Teumman, the king of the land Elam, in the city E-Imbî, the pass of my royal camp, heard about the entry of my royal majesty into Der and took him away. Fear fell upon Teumman and he returned to his place. He entered the city Susa.

    to save his life he gave silver and gold. To the people of his land his helpers he marched, his arrows he smashed, and his arrows before me the Ulaya River to his stronghold he set up and took away. By the command of Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, by the signs of good women, a dream, a great plot in the city Til-Iri I brought about their defeat. In their groves the Ulaya River

    I surrounded their fields like baltu-trees and kishtu-trees. The plain of the city Susa, the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I cut off. In the assembly of his troops, the brilliance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they swore to my yoke. Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled and grasped my feet, sat on his throne. Tammaritu, his brother,

    I established in Hidalu for kingship. With chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, and equipment for war, which with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, I conquered between the cities Susa and Ula, my hands he carried off. By the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and to my entire army I made them secure.

    On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Belshunu, to the land Gambulu, who had trusted in the king of the land Elam and had not bowed down to my yoke. The mighty battle array of the land Gambulu in its entirety I captured like a fog. The city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers, I conquered. Dunanu and his brothers I brought out alive from that city. His wife, his sons, his daughters, his attendants

    singers, female singers, brought out and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, property, the nakkatu-priests of his palace, brought out and I counted them as booty. The eunuchs, his attendants, the kitkittu-priests, his chariot-drivers, brought out and I counted them as booty. All the craftsmen, as many as there are, the canal inspectors of city and steppe, brought out and I counted them as booty. oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, brought out and I counted them as booty.

    As for Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who was stationed inside the city Sha-pi-Bel to guard Gambulu, I captured him alive. I cut off his head and cut off his head from the face of Dunanu, the unsubmissive to his orders. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city. I made that district disappear.

    With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I defeated my enemies and carried off booty. I returned to Nineveh, the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam, the booty of the land Gambulu, which by the command of the god Ashur I captured, my hands with singers performing a ningutu-concert to Nineveh. With joy, Umbadara, Nabû-sagiq,

    The envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whom Teumman with their hands sent, a detailed report which I had gathered and gathered before the time of my report, saw the omen of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and they seized them. Umbadarâ sat down and his neck was cut off. Nabû-sagiq smashed his neck with his iron sword. The omen of Teumman on the head of the city gate.

    Because of the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and the numerous people, the nikkidu of the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, son of Shuaash, who had fled from the father of the father who had engendered me, his father, to the land Elam, from Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, in the land Elam he had established, he took it and sent it before me. Dunanu and Samguna, sons of Bel-iqisha,

    The Gambulians, whose ancestors had turned into kings, my ancestors, and who then sinned against my exercise of kingship, in Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela for the sake of rejoicing, I brought them. Of Mannu-kipmes, the son of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the governor of the city Arbela, who said a great sacrifice to my gods in the city Arbela, I ripped out their tongues, I ripped out their skins,

    As for Dunanu, in Nineveh, they seized him on a boat and seized him. Moreover, the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, who had cut off their flesh, sent them to me. For the audience gift of the land, Nabû and Bel-karir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of the father who had engendered them, Urtaku, he brought. To fight with the land Akkad, the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, who had fled from Gambulu to Assyria,

    Those feet were hung in the gap of the wall of the city of Nineveh. His sons, Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, whose good deeds were numerous, I had done for him and installed him as king of the land Elam. The treaty, the oath of the great gods, he swore by the hands of the messengers of Geshnu-mudammiqin, my unfaithful brother, and he sent a good message of his troops with them to fight with my troops.

    The troops of mine who were stationed in Kar-Duniash fought and defeated. Kalduna did not know. They went to Undasi, son of Teumman, king of Elam, and Zazazaz, city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parû, city ruler of the land Hilmu, Atta-metu, chief archer, Neshu, who marched before the troops of Elam to fight with the troops of Assyria, and gave them orders.

    Ummanigash said to Undasu as follows: "Go, from Assyria, and take the lead of the father who created you." Undasu, Zazazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with messengers of Geshnu-mudammiq, my hostile brother, seized the armed forces and brought them to me. The road of my battle troops, in the city Mangisi, which is in the city Sumandir, they came up against them and brought about their defeat. Undasu, son of Teumman, king of the land Elam,

    As for Zaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu, their heads he cut off and they brought before me. Concerning these words, my messenger sent me a message. He sat on the throne of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the eunuch of mine whom I had sent, but did not return. The small ones, my words, the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict with Ummanigash. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck down his entire family.

    With the weapons of Tammaritu, who was as strong as him, sat on the throne of the land Elam like him, he received a favorable reply, but he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. He went to the aid of Geshnu-mudadin, my unfaithful brother, and to fight with my troops he ascended. His weapons in a message which Ashur and Ishtar had sent to me, they accepted my complaints, they heard the mention of my supplications, his servants rebelled against him and

    Indabibi, his servant, who had sinned against him, sat on his throne. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had spoken insolent words, sat on the head of Teumman, who had cut off his troops, and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with 115 nobles of the land Elam, who marched against his enemies, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, and

    To praise their great divinity, they fought with Marduk-manpap, the eunuch of mine whom he had named by their might and their rivals, and they grasped my feet. Tammaritu, to do my servant service, his own, he seized and to his yoke he presented me with my lordly majesty. For one eunuch of mine, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, the gods who support me, iii 1 thousand of my enemies, Tammaritu, the people, as many as with him,

    Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, knew the might of my weapons, and who had brought about the defeat of the land Elam the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who like a lion and a fox had surrounded his land, with him, who Nabû-bel-shumati in a sling in the night he had captured, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he sinned, he slandered, he

    Indabibi, king of the land Elam, from the house of the smite he brought them. When the utterance of the utterance of the smite, his good name, and the extent of his land he sent to me, with the hands of his messenger, who was devoted to happiness and peace, before me, Iauta', son of Hazael, king of the land Qedar, who did my servant work, because of his gods he approached me and I he made them take my kingship. I made him swear by the name of the great gods and Atar-saman returned and gave him back.

    Afterwards, he sinned against my treaty and did not respect my kindness and took away my lordly arrow. To inquire about my well-being, he smashed his feet and smashed his eyes. The people of the Arabs rebelled against him and they became afraid. The booty of the land Amurru, my troops who were stationed in the territory of his land, he brought down and brought down against him. They brought about their defeat. The people of the Arabs, as many as had fled, they smote with the sword in the open country, their dwellings.

    They smashed the fire. To the firewood, oxen, sheep and goats, donkeys, camels, and people they carried off. Without number, the totality of the land in its entirety they smashed. To the whole extent of the land they smashed the camels like sheep and goats. To the people of Assyria, the people of my land, the camels for one shekel and half shekel of silver he sold. At the gate of the assembly, the female kid in the nidni, the brewer in the halû-vessel

    The orchardists gathered together, the camels and the men, the rest of the Arabs who had fled from my weapons, he captured. Erra, the hero, a snare in their midst set up and to their midst he ate them. The flesh of their sons, as many as in their treaty were written, according to their own agreement, the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, the Igigi of Nineveh, and the Igigi of Arbela, the great gods, my lords,

    Ayuta' received a substantial payment from him and fled. Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. Instead of Ayuta' I installed him as king. I imposed upon him gold, ebony, pappardilû-stone, guhlu-stone, camels, and camels with a substantial payment. I imposed upon him the following payment: Ammi-ladin, king of Qadri, who like him

    They sinned, they sinned, they seized the people of the land Amurru. By my name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela had made great, Kamas-haltâ, king of the land Moab, servant who belonged to me, in battle brought about his defeat. Ammi-ladin?, together with his people, who had fled from the slaughtering, he captured. With hands, hands, and feet, iron fetters he gave and sent them to Nineveh, before me.

    Natnu, king of the land of the Nabayateans whose location is remote heard about the might of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, who had encouraged me. Whoever ever before to the kings, my ancestors, his messenger did not write to me and did not inquire about the well-being of their royal majesties, now, for me, his messenger who wrote to me good news, he kissed my feet and to conclude a treaty of peace and peace, to do obeisance to me, he made me bow down to my lordship. I looked with pleasure upon him and set good things upon him.

    At that time the stele in Nineveh which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built, had become old and its foundations had buckled, and its walls had buckled. That stele, which had become old, had become dilapidated, its foundations had become dilapidated, its foundations had become dilapidated, its copings had become dilapidated, I cut off its course, I enlarged its perimeter, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundations more than before.

    A tablet of my name and the praise of my heroism, which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal I marched through the lands, I wrote and I sealed it for future days. In the future, among the sons, grandsons, grandsons, and grandsons among the kings, my grandsons, whom Ashur and Ishtar gave to rule the land and people

    May this man be revived, may he restore its damaged portions. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and may he anoint it with oil, may he return the sacrifice to its place. As I saw an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, and I gave him oil, and he performed the sacrifice with an inscribed object bearing my name. You, like me, may I find an inscribed object bearing my name and then he perform the sacrifice with an inscribed object bearing your name.

    May all the great gods who are written in this inscription proclaim your sovereignty and may they guard your reign. Whoever erases this inscription, my name, or the name of my father or my grandfather, by any crafty device, shall destroy it; shall not place it with another inscription, his name. May the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

    P514713: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim s,i-it lib3-bi (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukken_-szu2-nu szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szim-mu szim-ti uz-nu ra-pa-asz2-tu2 isz-ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u2-sza2-hi-zu

    ka-ra-szi ina _ukken_ lu-li-me zi-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-ri-hu u2-szar-bu-u2 _lugal_-u-ti du-un-nu zik-ru-u-tu e-mu-qa-an s,i-ra-a-ti u2-szat-lim-u-ni ma-ta-a-ti la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u u2-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib3-bi-ia (lu2)sza2-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu na-dan zi-bi-ia i-t,ib _ugu dingir_-ti-szu2-un esz-ret _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u2-szak-lil u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (d)lah3-me anzu(muszen)-mesz tim-me _mah-mesz_ ina _ka2_-szu2-un ul-ziz e2-szar2-ra e2-masz-masz

    e2-gaszan-kalam-ma e2-hul2-hul2 ki-ma szi-t,ir _an_-e u2-ban-ni mim-ma si-mat e2-kur sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ e-pu-usz _ugu_ sza2 _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me ul-lu-u-ti u2-sza2-tir-ma u2-kin asz2-rat _dingir-mesz_ asz2-te-'a-a at-ta-la-ka al-ka-ka-te-szu2-un (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-szu2 e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu2 5/6(disz) _kusz3_
  • _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lu

  • 1(u) _ansze sze-pad-mesz_ 1(disz) _ansze gesztin-mesz 2(ban2) i3-mesz_ 1(disz) _gun sig2-mesz_
  • ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu2 i-szam-mu ina x x x szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u mi-sza2-ri ar-te-'a ba-'u-u2-lat (d)en-lil2 ul-tu2 tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti a?-bel-ma? _lugal-mesz_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u e-reb _(d)utu_-szi isz-szu2-u-ni _gun_-su-nu ka-bit-tu2 _ug3-mesz muru2_ tam-tim a-szib szad-de-e sza2-qu-te u2-szak-ni-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-na-asz2-sza2-qu

    a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu u2-pa-qu-u-ni i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ma2-kan u3 (kur)me-luh-ha lu-u al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a _bad5-bad5_-szu2 isz-ku-nu i-be-lu _kur_-su da-na-an an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na t,e3-em ra-ma-ni-szu2 _ugu lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-ti

    u e-kem (kur)mu-s,ur il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-ru-um-ma u2-szib qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi _iri_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 u2-ter-ru al-la-ku ha-an-t,u ina qe2-reb nina(ki) il-li-kam-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti _ugu_ ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti lib3-bi i-gug-ma is,-s,a-ru-uh ka-bat-ti ad-ke-e-ma (lu2)e-mu-qi-ia _mah-mesz_ sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-mal-lu-u qa-tu-u-a a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha-mat sza _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur _ARAD-mesz_

    da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)kar-ba-ni-ti (disz)tar-qu-u2 _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2 (gesz)tukul-mesz me3_ a-na mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut _a2-min_-ia ina _me3 edin_ rap-szi asz2-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2 (disz)tar-qu-u2 ina qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi

    isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 nam-ri-ri an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz2 me2-lam-me _lugal_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu2-ma sza2 u2-za-'i-i-nu-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma ana szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _iri_ szu-a-tu as,-bat _erin2-hi-a-mesz_-ia u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina lib3-bi _lugal-mesz (lu2)nam-mesz_ sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u

    pi-qit-ta-szu2-un u2-masz-szi-ru im-lu-u _edin_ u2-ter-ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu2-un ina masz-kan2-i-szu2-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti (kur)mu-s,ur (kur)ku-u-su sza _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat _en-nun-mesz_-szu2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-nin u2-rak-ki-sa rik-se-e-szu2 (iri)sa-a-a (iri)bi-in-t,i-t,i (iri)s,a-a'-nu sza ib-bal-ki-tu2 it-ti (disz)tar-qu-u isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu2-un _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un a-ni-ir ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_

    _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu ina (gesz)ga-szi-szi a-lul _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-hu-ut, _bad3 iri_ u2-hal-lip2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri sza2 _ad_-u-a ina (kur)mu-s,ur isz-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ti sza2 _hul_-tu ik-pu-du a-na _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) ina qa-ti as,-bat u2-ra-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)tar-qu-u a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup-szu-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e _dumu nin9_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2

    (iri)ni-i' (iri)u2-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun u2-pah-hi-ir il-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un _(lu2)a_ szip-ri ha-an-t,u a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti asz2-ni-ma a-na (kur)mu-s,ur (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma in-na-bit a-na (iri)ki-ip-ki-pi _iri_ szu-a-tu

    a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig2-szu e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu-u lu-bul-tu bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ _ug3-mesz_ zik-ra u3 sin-nisz 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) szal-la-tu2 ka-bit-tu2 a-na la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb

    (iri)ni-i' _ugu_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia u2-szam-ri-ir-ma asz2-ta-kan li-i-tu2 it-ti qa-ti ma-li-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na (iri)nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik asz2-szu2 a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis a-na la a-s,e-e _ug3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin ma-s,ar-tu2 ina tam-tim u na-ba-li

    ger-re-ti-szu2? u2-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu2 ap-ru-us _a-mesz_ te-'u-u2-ta ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2-nu a-na pi-i-szu2-nu u2-sza2-qir ina me-se-ri dan-ni sza2 la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu2-nu-ti nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti u2-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza ma-ti-ma _a-ab-ba_ la e-bi-ra isz-sza2-a

    a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-ri-im-szu2 (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ sza2 _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri u2-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 ma-la u2-s,ab-bi-tu2 ap-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 am-hur-szu2 szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri en_-u-ti-ia ma-al-ki _muru2_ tam-tim u _lugal-mesz_ a-szib szad-de-e sza2-qu-u-ti

    da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na-a-ti e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab_-iri_-a-a (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2-nu it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di u3 ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_

    ma-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti il-lik-u-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia2 (disz)a-zi-ba-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al

    ina mah-ri-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal_ (kur)lu-ud-di na-gu-u sza2 ne2-ber-ti _a-ab-ba_ asz2-ru ru-u-qu sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2-ma an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-nu-u-a u4-mu _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu2 e-mu-ru (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 isz-pu-ra a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia (lu2)gi-mir-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ek-s,u sza2 la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 ia-a-szi la is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia

    ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)marduk _en-mesz_-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i (gesz)szat qa-ti (gesz)szi-ga-ri u2-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia a-tam-ma-ra da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)szu2 ina 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (iri)qir-bit2 sza2 qe2-reb (iri)ha-re-e-ha-as-ta lu-u al-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_ u _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)qir-bit2 ka-a-a-an ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut (kur)ia-mut-ba-li

    _iri_ szu-a-tu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)suen? _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ak-szu-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu it-ti szal-lat _iri_-szu2 al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ug3-mesz_ (iri)qir-bit2 ma-la asz2-lu-lu u2-bil-ma qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-sza2-as,-bit ina 5(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-szi-ra _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a lu-u al-lik sza2 a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kit-nu-szu2 i-tap-pa-lu da-s,a-a-ti ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3_-ia a-na ka-sza2-ad (kur)man-na-a-a

    usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu al-lik-ma qe2-reb (iri)bad3-asz-szur usz-man-nu ad-di-ma asz2-ku-na ka-ra-szi (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-ma-'e-e-ra um-man-szu2 ina szat mu-szi ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na e-pesz _me3_ it-bu-u-ni a-na mit-hu-us,-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia _erin2-mesz me3_-ia it-ti-szu2-un im-da-ha-s,u isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un ma-lak 3(disz) _danna a-sza3_ szal-ma-ti-szu2-nu u2-mal-lu-u _edin_ rap-szu2

    ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza u2-tak-ki-lu-in-ni qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)a-a-u2-si-asz2 (iri)hal-s,u (iri)asz2-sza2-asz2 dan-na-su (iri)bu-su_-ud_ (iri)asz2-di-asz2 (iri)ur-ki-ia-mu-un (iri)up-pi-isz (iri)si-hu-u-a (iri)na-zi-ni-ri

  • 8(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti u3 a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti
  • sza2 ni-ba la i-szu-u2 a-di qe2-reb (iri)i-zir-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz_ _gu4-mesz_ s,e?-e-ni ul-tu qe2-reb _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-masz-szir (iri)i-zir-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 a-na (iri)at-ra-a-na _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu (iri)i-zir-tu2 (iri)ur-me-e-te (iri)uz-bi-a _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 al-me

    e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me u2-szah-ri-ir-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 at-bu-uk ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-mi-it (iri)pad-di-ra sza2 ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia (kur)man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na i-di ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu u2-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2 _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2 u2-ter na-gu-u2 sza2 (iri)ar-si-ia-ni-isz

    sza bi-rit (iri)a-za-qa-ia-ni sza ha-ar-si sza2-di-i sza _sag_ (kur)ku-mu-ur-da-a-a sza qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di-sza2-di-i _(lu2)gal hal-s,u_-szu2-nu a-duk asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su na-gu-u sza2 (iri)e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _iri-mesz_-szu2 as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2 ina ti-ib ta-ha-zi-ia na-gu-u-szu2 u2-szah-rib u2-s,a-ah-hi-ir nap-har _kur_-szu2 it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-tu2 ka-bit-tu2

    szal-mesz a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (iri)bi-ir-ru-u-a (iri)lugal-iq-bi (iri)gu-si-ne2-e _iri-mesz_ mah-ru-u-ti sza2 mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu (kur)man-na-a-a da-ad2-me sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud (kur)man-na-a-a _ta_ lib3-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_-szu2-nu ina _sila iri_-szu id-du-u pa-gar-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2

    (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na ni-ri-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu usz_-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2 _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la ana e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza2 ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

    u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2
  • mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma e-mid-su ina u4-me-szu2 (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _(lu2)en-iri_ sza mad-a-a (disz)sar-a-ti (disz)pa-ri-hi

  • 2(disz) _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)sa-hi
  • sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu-ud asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2
  • sza2-a-szu2-nu bal-t,u-su-nu ina _szu-min_ as,-bat u2-bi-la a-na nina(ki) _iri en_-u-ti-ia (disz)an-da-ri-a _(lu2)en-nam_ (kur)ur-ar2-t,i sza a-na ka-sza2-ad (iri)up-pu-um-me u (kur)kul-li-im-me-ri ir-da-a il-li-ka qe2-reb mu-szi-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)kul-li-im-me-ri _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-szu2 ma-a'-as-su i-du-ku la iz-zi-bu a-a-um-ma _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-ri-a ik-ki-su-nim-ma a-na nina(ki) ina mah-ri-ia u2-bil-u-ni

    ina 6(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-u al-lik sza _mun ad du3_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ul-tu ina (kur)elam-ma(ki) su-un-qu isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu2-u ne2-eb-re-tu (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _ug3-mesz_ u2-sze-bil-szu2-ma x x x x [...] x x [...] (disz)ur-ta-ki ul asz2-du-ud ina lib3-bi-ia szu-ut _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 sza2 su-lum-me-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ina mah-ri-ia a-na a-mar _lugal (kur)elam-ma(ki) (lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram-ma

    a-ma-a-te ka-a-a-ma-na-ti u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-te um-ma (kur)e-la-mu-u _gin7 zi_-ut _buru5-hi-a_ ka-tim _kur_ uri(ki) ka-li-sza2 s,e-er babila2(ki) usz-man-nu sza2-kin-ma na-di ma-dak-tu2? a-na na-ra-ru-ti (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-mesz_-ia sza ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-su-un _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup-szu2-ma i-tur a-na _kur_-szu2 _egir_-szu2 as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu2 asz2-kun at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2

    (disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu2 mu-u-tu u2-gar-ru-u ina ta-ne2-hi iq-tu-u2 i-zu-bu ina qaq-qa-ri ba-la2-t,i _giri3-min_-szu2 ul isz-kun ina _mu-an-na_-szu2 na-pisz-ta-szu2 iq-ti il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 (disz)en-ba-sza2 (lu2)gam-bu-la-a-a sza is,-lu-u2 _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia ina ni-szik _pesz2_ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu-til?-la-a _a-mesz sa5-mesz_

    (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-szu2? mu-szad-bi-ib-szu2 sza _munus-hul_ u2-szak-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki e-mid-su (d)marduk _lugal dingir-mesz_ szi-ir-ta-szu2 _gal_-tu2 ina 1(disz)-et _mu-an-na_ me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2 lib3-bi an-szar2 ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu2-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu2-nu-ti ka-bit-ti (d)isz-tar sza u2-tak-kil-an-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu2 isz-ki-pu be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szal-qu-u sza2-nam-ma _egir_ (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la2_

    u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-ne2-'a-a _munus-hul_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki u3 1(gesz2) _numun lugal_ ina la mi3-ni _erin2-mesz (gesz)pan dumu_ ba-ne2-e sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ina 7(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-u al-lik sza2 _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 isz-ta-nap-pa-ra a-na sze-bu-li _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu sza2 in-nab-tu-nim-ma

    is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia sze-bul-szu2-nu ul aq-bi-szu2 ina _ugu_ me-re-he-e-ti ina _szu-min_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a u3 (disz)(d)muati-saga-iq isz-ta-nap-pa-ra _iti_-szam qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti usz-tar-ra-ah ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 at-kil a-na (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza u2-tak-kil-an-ni qi2-bit pi-i-szu er-hu ul am-gur2 ul a-din-szu2 mun-nab-ti sza2-a-tu-nu (disz)te-um-man le-mut-tu2 isz-te-ne2-'a-a um-ma (disz)te-um-man ki-a-am iq-bi sza (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sza2-an-nu-u mi-lik t,e3-me-szu2

    um-ma ul u2-masz-szar a-di al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 ep-pu-szu2 mit-hu-s,u-tu2 szu-ut me2-re-eh-ti an-ni-te sza2 (disz)te-um-man iq-bu-u am-hur sza2-qu-tu2 (d)isz-tar a-zi-iz a-na tar-s,i-sza2 ak-mi3-is sza2-pal-sza2 _dingir_-us-sa u2-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a um-ma (d)be-let (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-du3-a

  • 1(disz)-en (lu2)szab-ru-u u2-tu-ul-ma i-na-t,al _masz2-ge6_
  • i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi sza (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-szab-ru-szu2 u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir e-ru-ub-am-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) tu-ul-la-a?-ta isz-pa-a-ti
  • tam-ha-at _(gesz)pan_ i?-na i-di-sza2 szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-tu sza e-pesz ta-ha-zi ma-har-sza2 ta-zi-iz szi-i ki-ma _ama_ a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka il-si-ka (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2-qu-ut _dingir-mesz_ i-szak-kan-ka t,e3-e-mu um-ma ta-na-at,-t,a-la a-na e-pesz sza2-asz2-mi a-szar pa-nu-u-a szak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku at-ta ta-qab-bi-szi um-ma a-szar tal-la-ki it-ti-ki lul-lik be-let _gaszan-mesz_ szi-i tu-sza2-an-nak-ka um-ma at-ta a-kan-na lu-u asz2-ba-ta a-szar masz-kan2-i-ka

    nin-gu-tu2 szu-kun nu-'i-id _dingir_-u2-ti a-di al-la-ku szip-ru szu-a-tu2 ep-pu-szu2 u2-szak-sza2-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-ka pa-nu-u-ka ul ur-raq ul i-nar3-ru-t,a _giri3-min_-ka ul ta-szam-mat, zu-ut-ka ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ina ki-rim-mi-sza2 _du10-ga_ tah-s,i-in-ka-ma tah-te-na gi-mir la-a-ni-ka pa-nu-usz-sza2 (d)gesz-bar in-na-pi-ih szam-risz ta-at-ta-s,i a-na a-ha-a-ti e-li? (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ug-gu-ga-at pa-nu-usz-sza2 tasz-kun

    ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ i-sin-ni an-szar2 _mah_ _iti_ (d)sin (d)na-an-nar3 _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil a-na _esz-bar (d)nanna_-ri nam-ri u3 szi-pir (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia sza la in-ne2-nu-u ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3_-ia mun-dah-s,e sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin u (d)1(u)-5(disz) it-ta-na-asz2-ra-bi-t,u ina qa-bal tam-ha-ri e-li (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ur-hu as,-bat-ma usz-te-szi-ra har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)te-um-man

    _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina e2-(disz)im-bi-i na-di mad-dak-tu2 e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 qe2-reb (iri)|_bad-an_|(ki) isz-me-e-ma is,-bat-su hat-tu (disz)te-um-man ip-lah3-ma a-na _egir_-szu2 i-tur e-ru-ub qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 re-s,e-e-szu2 a-lik _a2-min_-szu2 pa-nu-usz-szu2 u2-ter-ram-ma ug-dap2-pi-sza2 a-na mah-ri-ia (i7)u2-la-a-a a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun is,-bat pa-an masz-qe2-e

    ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)marduk sza2 u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni ina _geszkim-mesz saga-mesz masz2-ge6 inim-gar_ szi-pir mah-he-e qe2-reb (iri)du6-tu-ba _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu asz2-kun ina _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a as-ki-ir szal-ma-a-te-szu2-nu ki-ma _(gesz)dih3_ u _(gesz)kiszi16_ u2-ma-al-la-a ta-mar-ti (iri)szu-sza2-an _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)marduk _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _ku5_-is ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2

    me2-lam-me an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hu-up-ma ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _giri3-min_-ia ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-lu a-na _man_-u2-ti asz2-kun _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri (gesz)til-li si-mat _me3_ sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia bi-ri-it (iri)szu-sza2-an (i7)u2-la-a-a

    ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ha-disz u2-s,a-am-ma a-na gi-mir _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2-lim-tu szak-na-at ina 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-nu _dumu (disz)en-ba_-sza2 a-na (kur)gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik sza2 a-na _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu la ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu (lu2)gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ki-ma _muru9_ ak-tum3 (iri)sza2-pi_-en iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2

    (disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu2 qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu bal-t,u-su-un u2-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu_ na-kam2-ti _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni-szu2 (lu2)kit-ki-tu-u mu-sza2-ki-le-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u

    mar-kas _iri_ u _edin_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza2 ni-ba la i-szu2-u u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 zi-kir? sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ e-du ul e-zib u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)mas-si-ra-a _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ sza (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza a-na kit-ri (kur)gam-bu-li ma-s,ar-tu2 (disz)du-na-nu asz2-bu qe2-reb (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat

    _sag-du_-su ak-kis2 it-ti pa-ni (disz)du-na-nu kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu2 ar-pi-is _iri_ szu-a-tu ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e u2-sza2-lik na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu u2-szah-rib ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-us-sa _edin_-usz-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-ni-ir szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina _gu2_ (disz)du-na-nu a-lul

    sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a it-ti _(lu2)nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu-ti a-na nina(ki) e-ru-ub ina _hul2-mesz_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a (disz)(d)muati-saga-iq _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-min_-szu2-nu isz-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh-tu2 sza2 ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u u2-qa-'u-u pa-an szi-kin t,e3-e-me-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _en_-szu2-nu qe2-reb nina(ki) e-mu-ru-ma sza2-ne2-e t,e3-e-me is,-bat-su-nu-ti

    (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq-na-a-szu2 (disz)(d)muati-saga-iq ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2 is-hu-la ka-ra-as-su ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba abul muru2 iri_ sza nina(ki) u2-mah-hi-ra mah-hu-risz asz2-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia _ug3-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ibila-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)muati-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu2 in-nab-tu

    a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti (disz)ibila-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)muati-sa-lim is,-bat u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _dumu-mesz (disz)en-ba_-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza2 _ad-mesz_-szu2-un a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-dal-li-pu-ma u3 szu-nu u2-nar3-ri-t,a e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia qe2-reb bal-til(ki) u3 (iri)limmu2-dingir a-na da-lal2 ah-ra-a-te? u2-bil-szu-nu-ti

    sza (disz)man-nu-ki-pap-mesz (lu2)2(disz)-u sza2 (disz)du-na-nu u3 (disz)(d)muati-u2-s,al-li (lu2)sza2 _ugu iri_ (kur)gam-bu-li sza _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu _gal_-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir _eme_-szu2-un asz2-lu-up asz2-hu-ut, _kusz_-szu2-un (disz)du-na-nu qe2-reb nina(ki) _ugu_ (gesz)ma-ka-a-s,i id-du-szum-ma it,-bu-hu-usz as-lisz si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)du-na-nu u3 (disz)ibila-a-a a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-nak-kis u2-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan

    (disz)(d)muati-i (disz)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam_-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-szu2-un (disz)ur-ta-ki id-ka-a a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur_ uri(ki) _giri3-pad-da-mesz (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam_-esz sza2 ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _giri3-pad-da-mesz_ sza2-a-ti-na me2-eh-ret _abul muru2 iri_ nina(ki) u2-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu2 (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 t,a-ab-tu2 ma-a'-as-su e-pu-szu2-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ut (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    la is,-s,u-ru a-de-e ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ul-tu _szu-min (lu2)a kin-mesz (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ _szesz_ la ke-nu _(lu2)kur2_-ia im-hu-ru t,a-a-tu2 e-mu-qi-szu2 it-ti-szu2-un isz-pu-ra a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia _erin2-mesz me3_-ia sza2 ina (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 it-ta-na-al-la-ku u2-kab-ba-su (kur)kal-du ina la i-de s,e-er (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u3 (disz)za-za-az _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)pil-la-ti (disz)pa-ru-u2 _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)hi-il-mu

    (disz)at-ta-me-tu2 _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ (disz)ne2-e-szu2 a-lik pa-ni _erin2-hi-a_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na mit-hu-s,i it-ti _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ma-'e-er-szu2-nu-ti asz2-kun-szu2-nu-ti t,e3-e-mu (disz)um-man-i-gasz a-na (disz)un-da-si ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma a-lik _ta kur_ asz-szur(ki) ter-ra tuk-te9-e _ad_ ba-ni-ka (disz)un-da-su (disz)za-za-az (disz)pa-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu2 (disz)ne2-e-szu2 it-ti _(lu2)a kin-mesz (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na szesz_ nak-ri

    _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ina (iri)man-gi-si sza2 qe2-reb (iri)su-man-dir _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-lu-nim-ma isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu2-un sza (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)za-za-az (disz)par-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu2 _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ik-ki-su-nim-ma u2-bil-u-ni a-di _igi_-ia szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-te _(lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-man-i-gasz (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza2 asz2-pu-ra ik-la-ma la u2-ter-ra tur-ti a-mat-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)u-gur

    _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-a-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ra-sib ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza2 e-la sza2-a-szu2 ek-s,u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma t,a-'a-a-tu2 im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2

    ina su-up-pe-e sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u ta-ne2-hi-ia im-hu-ru isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u2-ra-si-bu _en hul_-ti3-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su sza si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 me-re-eh-tu2 iq-bu-u _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man sza2 ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u _erin2-hi-a_-ia u3 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2

    it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-li-kut _a2-mesz_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ip-par-szu-nim-ma a-na da-lal2 _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-ti it-ti (disz)(d)marduk-man-pap (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza ib-szi-mu-szu2 ina da-na-ni mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2-un ina _ugu_ lib3-bi-szu2-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ra-man-szu2 im-nu-ma a-na kat3-a-ri-szu2 u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti

    szu-ut 1(disz)-en szu-ut _sag_-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia 1(disz) _lim-a-a_ ri-bi-ia i-ri-bu-u-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _ug3-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu2 qe2-reb _e2-gal_-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza2 _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) da-na-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia i-de-e-ma sza u2-szam-ri-ru _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 asz2-pu-ru a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz

    _dumu (disz)(d)marduk-a-szum2-na_ sza _gin7_ ib-ri u tap-pe2-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu2 it-ta-na-al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu ik-lu-u2 ina ki-li (disz)in-da-bi-bi _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu _e2_ s,i-bit-ti u2-sze-s,a-asz2-szu2-nu-ti ki-i s,a-bat ab-bu-ut-ti qa-be2-e _munus saga_-ti-szu2 la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 sza2 t,u-u2-bi u su-lum-me-e u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

    _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri e-pisz _ARAD_-ti-ia asz2-szu2 _dingir-mesz_-szu2 im-hur-an-ni-ma u2-s,al-la-a _lugal_-u2-ti _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-in u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 _egir_-nu ina a-de-ia ih-t,i-ma _mun_ la is,-s,ur-ma is,-la-a _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia _giri3-min_-szu2 ip-ru-us-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-ti-szu2 u2-sza2-bal-kit-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 ina mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 asz2-bu

    u2-ma-'e-e-ra s,e-ru-usz-szu2 _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un asz2-kun _un-hi-a_ (kur)a-ri-bi ma-la it-bu-u-ni u2-ra-si-bu ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu _izi_ u2-sza2-hi-zu ip-qi2-du a-na (d)gesz-bar _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ a-me-lu-tu2 isz-lu-lu-u-ni ina la mi3-ni se-he-ep _kur_ ka-la-mu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 un-da-al-lu-u? a-na pat, gim-ri-sza2 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-par-ri-is u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-gam-mal_ ina _gin2_ ina 1/2(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka2_ ma-hi-ri (munus)asz2-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _(lu2)lunga2_ ina (dug)ha-be2-e _(lu2)nu-(gesz)kiri6_ ina ki-i-si im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ u3 a-me-lu-ti si-it-ti (lu2)a-ri-bi sza2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ ip-par-szi-du u2-szam-qit (d)er3-ra qar-du su-un-qu ina bi-ri-szu2-un isz-sza2-kin-ma a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu e-ku-lu _uzu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu2-un ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-szu2-un szat,-ru

    ina pi-it-ti i-szim-szu2-nu-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia2 (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu2 im-hur-szu2-ma e-disz-szi-szu2 in-na-bit (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri a-na (iri)nina(ki) il-li-kam-ma u2-na-sziq _giri3-min_-ia2 a-de-e a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-u-ti

    _ku3-sig17 igi-min-mesz (na4)babbar-dili_ gu-uh-lu _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ _ansze-nita2-mesz_ bit-ru-ti man-da-at-ti szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 (disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri sza2 ki-ma sza2-a-szu2 ik-ki-ru ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ina zi-kir _mu_-ia sza2 an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) u2-szar-bu-u2 (disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _lugal_ (kur)ma-'a-a-bi _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia

    ina _me3_ isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2 (disz)am-mu-la-di si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an da-a-ki i-szi-tu-u-ni u2-s,ab-bit ina _szu-min_ _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ id-di-ma a-na (iri)nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia u2-sze-bi-la (disz)na-at-nu _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu2 ru-u-qu isz-ma-a da-na-an an-szar2 (d)marduk sza2 u2-tak-kil-u-in-ni sza ma-ti-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 la isz-pu-ra la isz-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-szu2-un

    e-nen-na ia-ti _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 sza2 szul-me isz-pu-ram-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia a-na sza2-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia u2-s,a-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma pa-ni-ia _saga-mesz ugu_-szu2 asz2-kun _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2-ma _bad3 muru2 iri_ sza nina(ki) sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _du3_-szu2 ina _a-mesz_ t,ah_-tu_-ti ra-a-di gap-szu-ti

    sza szat-ti-szam-ma ina _bala_-ia (d)iszkur u2-sad-di-ra ina _kur_-ia tem-me-en-szu2 ir-bu-ub-ma i-qu-pa re-sza2-a-szu2 _bad3_ szu-a-tu2 sza la-ba-risz _du_-ku e-na-hu _usz8_-szu2 mi-qit-ta-szu2 ad-ke ak-szu-da a-sur-ru-szu2 ina esz-qi2 _na4 kur_-i tem-me-en-szu2 u2-dan-nin e-li sza mah-ri _bad3_ szu-a-tu2 u2-kab-bir asz2-pu-ka szad-du-isz3 ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-be2-e-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-ni-na tem-me-en-szu2 _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia2

    sza ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku asz2-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu2 asz2-t,ur-ma a-na ah-rat u4-me e-zib a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _bad3_ szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia

    li-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 lu-ter ki-i sza a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su ab _ad du3_-ia a-mu-ru _i3-mesz_ ap-szu-szu2 _(udu)siskur_ aq-qu-u it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi?-t,ir? _mu_-ia asz2-ku-nu at-ta ki-i ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-a-a a-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ pu-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li-is,-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka

    sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u szu-me _ad ad du3_-ia ib-ba-tu ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti u2-hal-la-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the great gods in their assembly determined a good fate for me, and a great uznu-gift they gave me. All of the scribal art they made reverence.

    In the assembly of the gods, the mention of my name was glorified and exalted. Kingship, a mighty strength, and exalted strength were presented to me. The lands that had not bowed down to me were placed in my hands and they made me as happy as my heart. The shangûtu priests bowed down and gave me a gift. To their gods, the shrines of the great gods, my lords, I completed and clad them with gold, silver, lahmu-birds, and magnificent towers in their gates. I erected Esharra, Emashmash,

    Egashankalama, Ehulhul, like the composition of heaven, made me. I made everything suitable for the Ekur of gold and silver. I added it to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made regular offerings more plentiful than those of distant days and established the sanctuaries of the gods. I marched at their rites. The god Adad turned his rains into mud and the god Ea opened his springs.

  • 5 cubits of barley, weighed out, in its furrow, the rations: 5/6 cubit;
  • The harvest, the harvest of the harvest, the harvest of the grain, the harvest of the harvest, the harvest of the harvest, the harvest of the sheep, the harvest of the donkeys, the harvest of the donkeys, the harvest of the sheep, the harvest of the cattle, in abundance in my reign, abundance and abundance in my years,

  • 10 homers of barley, 1 homer of wine, 2 seahs of oil, 1 talent of wool,
  • In all of my land the price of living was high; in ... the second time I went and with good fortune and prosperity I ruled the people of Enlil from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea and kings from the east and the west took their substantial tribute. The people of the city quarter of the Upper Sea who reside in high mountains he made bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the kings who reside in the cult centers he made bow down to my yoke.

    On my first campaign, I marched to Makan and Meluhha. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, whose defeat Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had brought about and ruled, his land he conquered. The might of the god Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, he swore and trusted. For his own good reason, he appointed the officials in Egypt. The father who had engendered me to fight with the Habatian kings, he appointed.

    and came to Egypt. He entered and settled in Memphis, the city whose father who had engendered me had conquered, and to the border of his land he returned. I went and a while later, in Nineveh, he came and he made me return. My heart became enraged about these deeds and my mood became frightened. I mustered my great troops, which Ashur and Ishtar had filled with them, and my hands were filled with them for the rejoicing of the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants of the kings.

    I quickly advanced and marched as far as Karbanitu. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside the city Memphis, and to wage war he came before me to wage my battle. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, in a widespread pitched battle I brought about the defeat of his troops. Taharqa, in the city Memphis

    The roar of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he came before him. The brilliance of my royal majesty he sinned against and the gods of heaven and earth, the city Memphis, he abandoned, and to save his life he fled. I took my troops to that city Nî, and I settled them there. Within the kings and governors who were in Egypt, the father who had engendered me, who had fled from the attack of Taharqa,

    They abandoned their posts and went to the steppe. Where their posts were, I exempted them from service. Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, I took for a new place. I strengthened its guards more than before and reinforced its bonds. The cities Saia, Bintitu, and Sha'anu, which had rebelled, with Taharqa, I conquered. I massacred the people living inside them with the sword.

    As for their corpses, I hung them on poles, and their skins I cut off. The wall of the city I destroyed. Lugal-lu-dari, whom my father had installed as king in Egypt, who plotted evil deeds against the Assyrians, I took them by force. To Assyria I brought, and Taharqa, where he had fled, the great fear of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he went. After that, Urdamane, son of his sister, sat on his royal throne.

    The cities Nini' and Nunu he established for his stronghold and they brought him down. To fight with the troops of Assyrians who were inside the city Memphis, he brought about their defeat. Those people he seized and took away. A kindly messenger came to Nineveh and told me: "I myself will be assiduous and I will go to Egypt and Kush." The road Urdamane heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and he fled to Kipkipi, that city.

    With the support of Ashur and Ishtar, I conquered it all. My hands, silver, gold, precious stones, property of his palace, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people of all ages, and two magnificent towers, clad with shiny zahalû-metal, whose weight was 25,000 talents, I removed from their positions and took to Assyria. I carried off substantial booty from them, without number, from inside.

    The city Nî over Egypt and Kush I smote and I established my life. With the bribes of the land I returned safely and went to Nineveh, my capital city. On my third campaign I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who lives in the middle of the sea. Because he did not honor my royal command and did not obey the pronouncements of my lips, I imposed upon him the cities Halshu and strengthened the guard in the sea and the sea.

    his campaigns he captured, his road he blocked, water for the te'utu-offerings for their mouths he smashed, in a mighty flood without number he smashed them, their lives he cut off, and to my yoke he made them bow down. A daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers brought before me, a son of his who had never crossed the sea,

    To do my servant work, his daughter and the daughters of his brothers with a large marriage gift I received. I had mercy on him and his son, his own offspring, returned and the fortresses which I had set against Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, I opened. In the sea and the sea, all of his campaigns, as many as I had captured, I opened, and the substantial tribute I received from him I returned. To Nineveh, my capital city, the middle of the sea and the kings who dwell in the high mountains

    Iakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, king of the land Tabiru, Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. Their daughters, their own offspring, with a large marriage gift and a large marriage gift to do obeisance to Nineveh brought and kissed my feet. Above Mugallu, the great horses

    After Yakin-Lû, the king of Arwad, had gone to his fate, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, came with their substantial audience gifts, and kissed my feet. I looked upon Azi-Ba'al with pleasure and installed him as king of Arwad. Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Ba'al, who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea and kissed my feet.

    Before me I brought them out. Uruk, the king of the land Lydia, a district in the middle of the sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard, whose name the inscription of my royal majesty had written in a dream, and which Ashur, the god who created me, had seen in a dream, his messenger wrote to me, to inquire about my well-being. The Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who did not fear my ancestors and did not grasp my royal feet,

    With the support of Ashur and Marduk, my lords, I cut down with the shitu-wood, the shitu-wood, and a large audience gift I sent it to them. I saw before me the might of Ashur and Shu, on my fourth campaign to Qirbit, which is inside Harehastra, I marched. Tandaya, their city ruler, did not give to the kings, my ancestors, but to the throne and the people living in Qirbit constantly sinned, and the people of Yamutbali

    With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Sîn, the gods, my lords, I conquered that city and plundered it. I took its booty. Tandaya, their city ruler, with the booty of his city I took to Assyria. I brought the people of the city Qirbit, as many as I had plundered, and I settled them in Egypt. On my fifth campaign I marched against Ahshira, the king of the land Mannea. He who had not submitted to the kings, my ancestors, he slew my foes. I mustered my battle troops to conquer the land Mannea.

    I went and took the road, and in Dur-Ashur I gave orders. I set out and fought with them. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and dispatched his army. At that time, in a crafty maneuver, to do battle, they came to me, to fight with my troops. My battle troops with them fought and defeated them. A campaign of three leagues of field they filled with their corpses, a wide open country

    By the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. In the course of my campaign, the cities Ayusiash, Halshu, Ashash, mighty Ashash, Busud, Ashdiash, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Nazaneri,

  • 8 fortified cities, including the lower ones,
  • I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire. I brought people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats out of those cities and I counted them as booty. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city, to the city Atrana, the city upon which he relied. He fled alone and took to the mountains. Izirtu, Urmete, and Uzbia, his fortified cities,

    I slew and their lives I destroyed and turned into ruin hills. I conquered, destroyed, and burned with fire that district. I surrounded it with a road of fifteen days and I surrounded it with ruins. In the course of my campaign, the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, the Manneans, had abandoned, to their own land I turned, I conquered, with fire I burned, and plundered those cities to the border of Assyria. I conquered that district of the city Arsiyanish.

    I fought with the sword between the cities Azaqanu and Harsi, which are on the border of the land of the Kumurdeans, which are in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their commander, and carried off his booty. I conquered the district of Eristeyana. I defeated his cities and carried off his booty. On the outskirts of my campaign I destroyed his district and smashed his entire land. With a substantial booty, I carried off his booty.

    I returned and conquered the entire territory of Assyria, the cities Birrua, Lugaliqbi, and Gusine, former cities on the territory of Assyria that in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had abandoned, the Manneans, those settlements I conquered. The Manneans I took out of it. The horses, their equipment, and their weapons in the streets of his city they carried off. After them, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne.

    Ishtar of Arbela saw the great gods, my lords, and he sealed it for my yoke. For the preservation of his life, he opened his mouth to me and presented my lordly majesty. Erisinni, his son, sent to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. My messenger who was attentive to me sent a message to him. His daughter, his own offspring, sent to me to do obeisance. His earlier payment which before the kings, my ancestors,

    they have slandered me, and they have brought me before me.

  • 30 horses against his tribute,
  • At that time, Birishatri, the city ruler of the Medes, Sarati, Parihi,

  • 2 sons of Gagi, city ruler of the land of Sahu;
  • who grasped the yoke of my lordship.

  • I conquered and plundered 115 of their fortified cities.
  • I took their captives and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city. Andaria, the governor of the land Urartu, who had marched to conquer the cities Uppumu and Kullimeri, came inside the city. The people living in Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, in the night a great famine struck him, and he did not spare a single one. The head of Andaria he cut off and to Nineveh before me brought it.

    On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam. He who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me nor did he respect my friendship, after famine had occurred in the land Elam, he sent him food offerings, the preservation of life of the people, and ... ... Urtaku I did not abandon. In my heart, the one of his envoys who wrote a report to me, to see the king of the land Elam, a messenger of mine sent quickly, went and returned, and

    I constantly prayed to him, saying: "The Elamites have been killed like a flood of locusts, all of Akkad has been smashed." He was entrusted with the transport of camp. For the awe-inspiring radiance of the gods Bel and Nabû, my gods, whose divinity I constantly revered, my troops I mustered and I took the road. He heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, fear overwhelmed him, and he returned to his land. I seized his troops and imposed upon him the apprehension. I imposed upon him the territory of his land.

    Urtaku, the king of the land Elam who had not kept his promise, who had sinned against the rites, on a day without his destiny, he sinned, in a rage he fell, in the midst of the life his feet did not set. In his year his life he died, he went, and his life he had. Bel-basha, the Gambulean who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, with the nipple he put on a scepter. The life of Nabû-mukin-esh, the shandabakku governor, who did not honor my treaty, he took away the red water.

    Marduk-mudu, his eunuch, the one who smote him, who had committed evil, to Urtaku imposed; Marduk, the king of the gods, his great name, in one year, they all set up a stele. The heart of Ashur, my lord, did not fear them, did not fear them. The heavy Ishtar, who had encouraged me, his reign, he smashed, the lordship of Elam he made complete. Afterwards Teumman, the great sea,

    On the throne of Urtaku, they constantly sought out evil ways to kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku. Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the king who marched before Urtaku, and a hundred and a half king's seed, without number, the archers, the sons of the father of Elam,

    On my seventh campaign, I marched against Teumman, the king of the land Elam. Those who had marched against Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, brother of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, his envoys, constantly sent to me to bring those people, who had fled and

    I did not say to him about the remission of the debts in the hands of Umbadarâ and Nabû-sagiq. He constantly sent them monthly in the land Elam. In the assembly of his troops I trusted, to the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, his words were bitter, I did not agree, I did not give him. Those slanders Teumman listened, saying: "Teumman, as he said, that the goddess Ishtar had encouraged, the correct course of his words

    "I did not abandon him until I went with him. I did battle with him. This is the supplication that Teumman said to me. I received it. The supplication of Ishtar I stood before her. I swore her godhead. I swore her name. I came to my verdict: "O Lady of Arbela, I, Assurdua,

  • One scribe has left and he will read the dream.
  • he sinned, and the night of Ishtar he made shine, he made me shine. Thus Ishtar, who resides in Arbela, entered and

  • 15 and 210 tulla-sheep, they sat down.
  • The bow is a arrow in her hand, the arrow is a sacrificial sacri

    You are the one who provides for the gods. As long as I go, that work I have done I have made great. Your face is not swollen, your feet are not swollen, your body is not swollen. Your limbs are not swollen. In the middle of battle in her midst good things have been poured out, and you have been swollen. All of your body has been swollen. You have been swollen. You have been swollen. To the other side, you have been swollen. Teumman, king of Elam, whose face is swollen.

    In Ululu VI, the work of the Ishtars, the festival of Ashur, the exalted one, the month of the goddess Sîn, the light of heaven and earth, I trusted, to the decision of the bright goddess Nanna and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed, I mustered my battle troops, the warriors who by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn, and Ishtar were constantly stricken, in the battle fought, against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, I took and carried off. On the road up to my land Teumman

    The king of the land Elam heard about the entry of my royal majesty into the city Der and he took him by the hand. Fear fell upon Teumman and he returned to his own city. He erected silver and gold in the city Susa to save his life and he prayed to the people of his land and his envoys. He went before him, his arrows he struck down, and his arrows before me the Ulaya canal to his fortress he set.

    By the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, who had encouraged me, by good signs, by good intentions, by a dream, by a plan, by great deeds, I brought about their defeat inside the city Til-Tuba. I surrounded the Ulaya River with their corpses and filled the plain with their corpses like baltu-plants and kishtu-plants. The audience gift of the city Susa, the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, by the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I cut off. In the assembly of his troops

    The aura of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they sinned against my yoke. Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled, took my feet and sat on his throne. Tammaritu, his third brother, in Hidalu for kingship I established. The chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, the arrows, the emblem of battle, which with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, the border of the city Susa and the Ulaya River

    By the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and to my entire army, the well-equipped ones, I marched on my eighth campaign against Dunanu, son of Belshunu, to the land Gambulu. Whoever trusted in the king of the land Elam did not obey him, to my yoke I fought a strong battle. The Gambulu in its entirety I captured like a fog. The city Shapê, his fortified city,

    Dunanu and his brothers brought out alive from that city. His wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, female singers, and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, property, and the nakkatu-offerings of his palace I counted as booty. The eunuchs, his attendants, the kitkittu-officials, his chariot-drivers I counted as booty. All the craftsmen, as many as there are,

    I brought out the ... of the city and the steppe and I counted them as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules without number and I counted them as booty. The people of his land, the utterance of a sinner, small and large, did not leave, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who to the rescue of Gambulu had been stationed, I captured Dunanu alive inside the city Shapi-Bel.

    I cut off his head, I smashed it before Dunanu, the one who did not spare him, and I destroyed that city. I destroyed it, I smashed it with water, and I made it unrecognizable. I razed that district and smashed it. I smashed the cries of humans against it. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I smashed my enemies. I returned safely to Nineveh. I hung the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, on the neck of Dunanu.

    which by the command of Ashur had achieved, my hands with the singers performing ningu-concerns entered Nineveh. With joy, Umbadarâ and Nabû-sagiq, the envoys of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, sent to me by their hands, a detailed report which I had collated and inspected before the omens of my report, saw the inscription of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh and seized them.

    Umbadarâ fell and his ribs Nabû-sagiq smashed with the iron sword. His ribs, the head of Teumman, were presented before him in the courtyard of the city wall of Nineveh. Because of the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, the people of all the ribs, the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, son of Marduk-arash, who had fled from the father of the father who had engendered me, his father fled from me.

    After Ummanigash Humban-nikash II had established the kingship in the land Elam, Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, took the oath and sent him before me. Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-isha of the land Gambulu, who their ancestors had destroyed for the kings, my ancestors, and they had sinned against me, and they sinned against me, and in order to exercise kingship, in Baltil and the city Arbela to sing the praises of my lordship he brought them before me.

    As for Mannu-kippi, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the city overseer of Gambulu, who had said evil things about my gods, I ripped out their tongues in the city Arbela, ripped out their skin, and Dunanu seized him in Nineveh on a boat and seized him. I cut off the flesh of the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, and I sent them to the audience of all of the land.

    Nabû and Enkarir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of the father who had engendered them, Urtaku seized. To fight against the land Akkad, the feet of Nabû-shuma-eresh, who had come out of Gambulu to Assyria, those feet in front of the city gate of Nineveh he had seized. His sons Ummanigash, whose good fortune was great, I did. I installed him as king of the land Elam.

    From the hands of the messengers, Geshnun-mudammiq, my unfaithful brother, my enemy, received a good news from them, and his army sent with them to fight with my troops. The troops of my army who were stationed in Kar-Duniash fought with them and fought with them. The Chaldeans did not know the advance of Undasi, son of Teumman, king of Elam, and Zazaza, city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parû, city ruler of the land Hilmu,

    Atta-metu, chief archer, Neshu, who marched before the troops of Elam to fight with the troops of Assyria, I gave them and settled them. The report of Ummanigash to Undasu as follows he said: "Go from Assyria, and take the lead of the father who created you." Undasu, Zazaza, Parû, Atta-metu, Neshu, with the messengers of Geshnunu-mudina, the hostile brother,

    My battle troops who were stationed in Mangisi, which is in the territory of the city Sumandir, came up against them and brought about their defeat. Of Undasi, son of Teumman, king of the land Elam, whose heads Zazazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu had cut off and brought before me, a messenger of mine sent me these words. He Humban-nikash II, a eunuch of mine whom I had sent, sinned and did not return my small audience gifts. The deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Nergal,

    The gods who support me gave me a just verdict against Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and he, together with his family, sinned. With the weapons of Tammaritu, who was more pious than him, sat on the throne of the land Elam. Like him, he received a favorable verdict, but he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. To aid Geshnun-mudina, my unfaithful brother, came and fought with my troops. His weapons he slew.

    In the supplications that Ashur and Ishtar had sent, they heard my complaints and heard the utterances of my lips. His servants rebelled against him and they fought with each other. The lord of my evil did Indabibi, his servant, who had sinned against him, sat on his throne. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had spoken insolent words, concerning the nikku-snake of Teumman, who had sinned, I imposed upon my troops and his brothers, his family, the seed of his father's house,

    With 115 nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, and to praise their great divinity, together with Marduk-manpap, the eunuch of mine whom he had named, with their mighty might they seized them and took away from them the feet of my royal majesty. Tammaritu, to do my servant service, his own, he seized and to his own slander he made bow down.

    As for one of my first-borns, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, the gods who support me, iii 10' iii 10' iii 10' iii 10' iii 10' iii 10'' Tammaritu, the people, as many as with him, in my palace I confined them. Indabibi, who after Tammaritu sat on the throne of Elam, knew the might of my weapons, and who had brought about the defeat of Elam, the Assyrians whom I had sent to the aid of Nabû-bel-shumati,

    son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Marduk-apla-iddina II Marduk-apla-iddina II Marduk-apla-iddina II, who like a lion and a pig the guard of his land, has walked with him, who Nabonidus in extispicy in the night had captured and confined, in the cella of Indabibi, king of the land Elam, he brought them out of the house of extispicy. When the utterance of the woman of his good name, the utterance of his good name, he sent to me through his messenger, who had good health and peace,

    The king of Qadar, who did my servant work, feared me because of his gods and he made me fearful of my kingship. The name of the great gods he made clear to him and Atar-samain returned and gave him. After my treaty he sinned, did not keep clean, and took away my lordly throne. To inquire about my well-being he took his feet and he sat down. The people of the land of the Arabs he sinned against him and they sinned. The booty of the land Amurru, my troops who were in the territory of his land,

    they brought about their defeat. The people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against me, they struck down with the sword the house of the steppe, their cult centers. They smote them, and they prayed to the gods. The oxen, the sheep, the donkeys, the camels, and the people they carried off. Without number, the scattered land in its entirety they swept away. The camels, like sheep, they scattered, and to the people of Assyria

    The horses for half a shekel of silver were sold at the gate of the merchant; the ashtamu-girl for the ninda, the brewer for the tamarisk, the orchardist for the kisi were given; the horses and the people, together with the Arabs who had fled from the weapons, were seized. The hero Erra, the mighty, sat in their midst and ate their meat for their children. All the omens written in their treaties,

    By their own accord, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, presented to him a gift and he fled. Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. Instead of Ishtar' I established him to be king.

    Gems, eyes, agate, guhlu-stone, camels, and oxen of a bitritu quality, the payment he made. Among his colleagues, Ammi-ladin, king of Qedar, who like him, had sinned and sinned against the booty of the land Amurru, at the mention of my name, which the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela made great, Kamas-haltâ, king of the land Moab, servant who belonged to me,

    In battle they brought about his defeat. Ammi-ladin, together with his people, who had fled from the slaughter, took to the sword, with hands and feet, iron fetters, and sent them to Nineveh, before me. Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans whose location is remote, heard of the might of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, who had encouraged me, and who since time immemorial to the kings, my ancestors, his messenger had not sent and did not inquire about the well-being of their kingship.

    Now, his messenger, who sent me good news, sent me and kissed my feet. To conclude a treaty of peace and to do obeisance to my servant, he made me praise my lordship. I rejoiced greatly, looked upon him, and set my face to it with favor. I imposed upon him a tribute of substantial payment. At that time, the wall of the city wall of Nineveh, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had built, with the abundance of water, the abundance of abundance,

    As for the one who had previously ruled over me, in my reign, the god Adad swore to me and in my land his foundations had become weak and he had weakened them. That wall, which had become old, had become dilapidated, its foundations had become dilapidated, its foundations had become dilapidated, its foundations had become weak, its foundations had been weakened by the stone of the mountain, its foundations had been strengthened. Above that wall I sank, I piled up and piled up. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I strengthened its foundations more than before. I deposited a inscription written inscribed with my name and the praise of my heroism.

    which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal in the lands I marched, I wrote a powerful and just omen and I deposited it for future days. In the future, among the kings, my descendants, whom the deities Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, his name, when that wall becomes dilapidated and its foundations become old, may I restore it. An inscription written in my name

    May he see and drink oil, may he offer a sacrifice, may he return to his place. Just as I saw an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father who had engendered me, and I gave him oil, may he offer a sacrifice with an inscribed object bearing my name. You, just as I saw an inscribed object, may you offer oil, and may a sacrifice of sacrifice with an inscribed object bearing your name be set up. May the great gods, as many as are written on this inscribed object, respect your kingship and guard your reign.

    Whoever erases an inscribed object bearing my name or the name of the father or grandfather who had engendered me by some crafty device shall destroy it; shall not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name; may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship; may they destroy his name and his seed from the land.

    P514714: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim _e3_ lib3-bi (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u3 uri(ki) _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukken_-szu2-nu szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szi-mu szim-ti uz-nu ra-pa-asz2-tum isz-ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u2-sza2-hi-zu ka-ra-szi

    zi-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-ri-hu u2-szar-bu-u2 _en_-u2-ti e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia u2-szak-lil _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis ina _ka2_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qu-up an-szar2 ina e2-hur-sag-gu-la u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-ma-a _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti e2-sag-il2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz du3_-usz u2-szak-li-la _gesz-hur-mesz_-szu2 (d)en (d)gaszan-mu (d)be-let-babila2(ki) x x [...] x [...] x [...]

  • 5(u) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu
  • a-na a-gur2-ri ap-ti-iq-ma u2-rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu2 x [...] a-na ma-a-a-al tak-ne2-e (d)en (d)gaszan-mu sza2-kan ha-sza2-di e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di

  • 4(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-u-ti
  • na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-u-ti-ia ina _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ sza2 (iri)tar-bi-s,i az-qu-up a-di a-di-ni a-bi la i-ma-al-la-du um-mi3 a-lit-ti la ba-na-at ina lib3-bi _ama_-sza2 a-na e-pesz e2-hul2-hul2 iz-kur ni-bit _mu_-ia (d)sin sza2 ib-na-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a e2-kur szu-a-tu2 ip-pu-usz-ma qe2-reb-szu2 u2-szar-man-ni pa-rak da-ra-a-ti a-mat (d)sin sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ru-qu-u2-ti iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-lim _ug3-mesz_ ar-ku-u-ti

    _e2_ (d)sin sza2 (disz)(d)sal2-ma-nu_-masz a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-ibila _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu la-ba-risz u2-sza2-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a e2-kur szu-a-tu2 sza2 la-ba-risz il-li-ku ina a-mat (d)sin (d)nusku an-hu-us-su ad-ke e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz [...] x [...] (d)nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz-ma a-na mu-ter-ri-szi _ti-la_-ia ma-har _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u2-kin na-an-za-sun2 ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia a-di ra-be2-ia asz2-te-'a-a asz2-rat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

    (lu2)sza2-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu i-ram-mu na-dan zi-bi-ia (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-szu2
  • e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu2 5/6(disz) _kusz3_ _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala-mesz_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum

  • 1(u) _ansze sze-pad-mesz_ 3(disz) _ansze gesztin-mesz_
  • _2(ban2) i3-mesz_ 1(disz) _gun sig2-mesz_ ina nap-har _kur_-ia
  • _ki-lam_ nap-szu2 i-szam-ma ina 1(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u me-sza2-ri ar-te-'a-a ba-'u-lat (d)en-lil2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un dun-nu zik-ru-u-ti e-mu-qi2 s,i-ra-a-ti u2-szat-li-mu-in-ni _kur-kur_ la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u2 u2-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib3-bi-ia ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ir-te-ed-du-u2 u2-szak-ni-sza2 a-na ni-ri-ia _gun_ man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2-un

    ina qi2-bit (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)utu u (d)a-a _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-na-asz2-sza2-qu _giri3-min_-ia mal-ki _gal-mesz_ sza2 s,i-tasz u szi-la-an a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu u2-pa-qu-ni ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2_ (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)utu (d)a-a sza qe2-reb nina(ki) sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad du3_-ia e-pu-szu2 il-li-ku la-ba-risz e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 e-na-ah-ma i-qu-pa _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu2

    _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)szur-min3 mah?-mesz?_ u2-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-a-ri sza2 e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 u2-szak-li-lu u2-qat-tu-u ag-mu-ra szi-pir-szu2 (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)nusku (d)utu u (d)a-a _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ina qer-bi-szu2 u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-me _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti ep-sze-ti-ia _saga-mesz_ ha-disz lit-tap-la-su? (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)nusku (d)utu u (d)a-a _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia? ia-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a

    _lugal_ mi-gir lib3-bi-szu2-nu? e-pisz ku-um-mi?-szu2-nu s,i-ru-ti? pa-lih _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-ti ina ni-ip-hi u ri-i-bi e-ma it-x x x? _pi?_-x [...] sza-ma-me? _geszkim? saga?_ sza2 a-rak u4-me pa-le-ia? [...] _lugal_-ti-ia? szul-bur _suhusz? (gesz)gu-za en_-u-ti-ia? _iti_-szam-ma? la na-par-ka-a li-tap-pa-lu? a-ha-mesz [...]-szu2?-nu? ina tukul-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-te e-ma a-qab-bu-u la-be-el a-szar u2-s,ar-ra-mu li-ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _dumu-mesz dumu dumu-mesz_

    _dumu-mesz_ u _dumu-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu ut-tu-szu2-ma a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma esz-re-e-ti sza2-ti-na i-lab-bi-ra-ma en-na-ha an-hu-us-si-na lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mu-ur-ma _i3-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 lu-ter ki-i sza2 a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad du3_-ia a-mu-ru _i3-mesz_ ap-szu-szu2 _(udu)siskur_ aq-qu-u

    it-ti _mu-sar_-re-e szi-t,ir szu-mi3-ia asz2-ku-nu at-ta ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-a-a a-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ pu-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti mu-sza2-re-e szi-t,ir szu-mi3-ka szu-kun? _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina mu-sza2-re-e an-ne2-e sza2-at,-ru _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li-is,-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka sza mu-sza2-ru-u szi-t,ir szu-me _ad_ ba-ni-ia u szi-t,ir szu-mi3-ia ib-ba-tu2 ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti u2-hal-la-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir szu-mi3-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 i-na _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, descendant of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the great gods in their assembly determined a good fate for me, and a large family granted me a large family. They made all of the scribal art befitting me.

    The mention of my name he made great, and he made great his lordship. The Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of Ashur, my lord, he completed, his walls he clad with gold and silver, magnificent columns, he erected silver fetters at the gate of the sanctuaries of the lands. I prayed to Ashur in the Ehursaggula and he made a lasting shrine for the Esagil, the palace of the gods, and he completed its plans. The gods Bel, Belti, Belet-Babili, ... ... .

  • 50 talents of shiny zahalû-metal,
  • I fashioned and enlarged it for the baked bricks and ... ... for the ... of the king, Bel and Beltiya, the one who is assiduous towards the work of the princes, I did very skillfully. In Kahilisu, the seat of Zarpanitu, the one who is enraged with the saalhu-demon, I gave it.

  • 4 wild bulls of silver, mighty,
  • Protector of my royal path, at the Gate of the Rising Sun and the Gate of the Lamma-rabi of Tarbishu I erected. Before my father had conceived me, the woman, a non-existent woman, in the heart of her mother, to rebuild Ehulhul he stood. The one who swore my name to be king, the god Sîn, who created me to be king, said to me: "Ashurbanipal, this temple, built and in its midst he made me dwell forever." The word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he confirmed. Now he ruled over the ancient people.

    The temple of the god Sîn which Salmanu-iddina II, son of Ashur-papibila II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built anew and had restored, I restored. That temple, which had been abandoned, I built anew by the command of the god Sîn and the god Nusku. I made its site larger than before. ... ... ... ... the god Ninkura had made perfect and for my life in front of the gods who support me established. I constantly sought out the shrines of the great gods.

    The shangûtu-priests rejoiced, they recited the nadan zibbû-offerings. Adad sinned against him, Ea opened his floods.

  • 5 cubits of barley, weighed out, in its furrow;
  • The suckling of the harvest, 5/6 cubit, the harvest of the nippuru-plant, the suckling of the nippuru-plant, the suckling of the reeds, the suckling of the ewes, the suckling of the cattle, the suckling of the cattle, in the talittu of my reign, abundance, in my years, abundance,

  • 10 homers of barley, 3 homers of wine,
  • 2 seahs of oil, 1 talent of wool in all of my land,
  • The price of his life he paid, and for one shekel of silver he made it equal to one shekel. With pleasure and rejoicing I marched. The people of the god Enlil, the great gods whose divinity I love, the scepter of truth and exalted strength he made me attain. The lands that had not bowed down to me he made bow down to me and made me as strong as my heart. From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, which the kings, my ancestors, had constantly pursued, he made me bow down to my yoke. He imposed upon them annual tribute and payment.

    By the command of Sîn, Ningal, Shamash and Aya, the kings who sit on royal daises, they kissed my feet. The great rulers who sat on royal daises and sat on royal daises, at that time, the temple of Sîn, Ningal, Shamash and Aya that is inside Nineveh, which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, he went and he departed. The old temple that he had built had become dilapidated and its walls he had ripped out. I built that temple in its entirety and completed it.

    I hung the beams of cypress, which were of great quality, on his neck. I installed doors of liyari-wood, whose fragrance is sweet, in his gates. I completed its work and presented it to him. Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, in it I invited and made great. May the eternal dais of my good deeds be pleasing to him. Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, my brother, Ashurbanipal,

    king, favorite of their hearts, the one who performs their exalted kummu-offerings, the one who reveres their great divinity, in wailing and wailing wherever ... ... ... ... ... ... my kingship, the well-being of the foundations of my lordly throne monthly without interruption may they be gathered together. ... their ... with their great support wherever I speak may they rule over the place where I seek to go. My hands may they hold forever forever among the sons, grandsons,

    The sons and sons of the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash have chosen and named for ruling over the land and people, when those shrines become old and dilapidated, may I repair their dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, I filled it with oil, made an offering, and deposited it therein.

    You are with the inscription written in my name. Like me, look at my inscription and you will be sated with oil. You perform a sacrifice and a balaqi offering with the inscription written in your name. May the great gods, as many as are written in this inscription, bless your kingship and guard your reign. The one who writes the inscriptions of the name of the father who created me and the inscriptions of my name, will die by any crafty device. He will not be placed with the inscription written in his name.

    May the great gods of heaven and earth overthrow his kingship, may they destroy his name and his seed from the land.

    P514715: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u2-sza2-hi-zu ka-ra-szi e-li _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki zi-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-ri-hu u2-szar-bu-u2 _en_-u2-ti esz-re-e-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _kur_ uri(ki) sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad_ ba-ni-ia tem-me-en-szu2-un id-du-u2 la ig-mu-ru szi-pir-szu2-un e-nen-na a-na-ku ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ag-mu-ra szi-pir-szun e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia u2-szak-lil _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_

    (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis ina _ka2_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qu-up an-szar2 ina e2-hur-sag-gu-la u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti e2-sag-il2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ e-pu-usz u2-szak-li-la _gesz-hur-mesz_-szu2 (d)en (d)gaszan-mu (d)be-let-babila2(ki) (d)e2-a (d)di-ku5 ul-tu qe2-reb e2-szar2-ra u2-bil u2-sze-rib qe2-reb szu-an-na(ki) _bara2-mah_-hu szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti

  • 5(u) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u2 eb-bu a-na a-gur2-ri ap-ti-iq-ma
  • u2-rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu2 u2-sze-pisz-ma (gesz)er-me a-nu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza2 szit-nu-nu sza2-ma-me-esz

  • 3(u) 4(disz) _gun_ 2(u) _ma-na ku3-sig17 husz-a_
  • kip-pat-su u2-szal-bisz u2-dan-ni-na rik-se-e-szu2 e-li (d)marduk _en gal_-e s,u-lul-szu2 at-ru-us,-ma u2-kin ta-ra-an-szu2 _(gesz)gigir_ s,ir-tu ru-kub (d)marduk e-tel-li _dingir-mesz en en-en_ ina _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)marduk _lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-tim sa-pi-in _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-na szi-rik-ti asz2-ruk _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-nat

    sza2-kan ha-sza2-di e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di

  • 4(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-u2-ti
  • na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia ina _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina _ka2_ e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz e2-masz-masz e2-gaszan-kalam-ma _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-'i-in lu-le-e u2-mal-li (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri sza2 ina ug-gat lib3-bi-sza2 at-man-sza2 e-zi-bu u2-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-ti-sza2 ina _bala_-ia dam-qi2 sza an-szar2 isz-ru-ka tar-sza2-a sa-li-mu a-na szuk-lul _dingir_-ti-sza2 s,ir-ti szur-ru-hi mi-se-e-sza2 szu-qu-ru-u-ti

    ina _masz2-ge6_ szi-pir mah-he-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ka-a-a-na (d)utu (d)iszkur asz2-al-ma e-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu ke-e-nu si-mat _dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti u2-szar-ri-ih u2-sze-szib-szi ina _bara2-mah_ szu-bat da-ra-a-ti par-s,e-e-sza2 szu-qu-ru-ti u2-kin-ma u2-szal-li-ma mi-se-e-sza2 anzu(muszen)-mesz (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia ina _ka2_ e2-galam-mes _e2_ (d)u-gur sza (iri)tar-bi-s,i az-qu-up a-di a-di-ni a-bi la im-ma-al-la-du um-mi3 a-lit-ti la ba-na-a-ta ina lib3-bi _ama_-sza2

    a-na e-pesz e2-hul2-hul2 iz-kur ni-bit _mu_-ia (d)sin sza2 ib-na-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 ip-pu-usz-ma qe2-reb-szu2 u2-szar-man-ni pa-rak da-ra-a-ti a-mat (d)sin sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ru-qu-ti iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-lim _ug3-mesz_ ar-ku-u-ti _e2_ (d)sin sza2 (disz)(d)sal2-ma-nu_-masz a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-ibila _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu la-ba-risz u2-sza2-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a e2-kur szu-a-tu2 sza2 la-ba-risz il-li-ku

    ina a-mat (d)sin (d)nusku an-hu-us-su ad-ke e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil e2-me-lam2-an-na _e2_ (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ sza _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu2 ab-na-a qe2-reb-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2-un _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-a-ri me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2-un

  • 2(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia
  • ina at-man (d)sin _en_-ia ul-ziz

  • 2(disz) (d)lah3-me esz-ma-re-e sza2 ti-is,-bu-tu2 (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni
  • mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib szad-de-e u tam-tim ina _ka2_ e2-hul2-hul2 ul-ziz _szu-min_ (d)sin (d)nusku as,-bat u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina pa-rak da-ra-a-ti esz-re-e-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u _kur_ uri(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-szi-na u2-szak-lil mim-ma si-mat e2-kur ma-la ba-szu2-u sza2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru

    s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala-mesz_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum

  • 1(u) 2(disz) _ansze sze-pad-mesz_ 3(disz) _ansze gesztin-mesz 2(ban2) i3-mesz gun sig2-mesz_
  • ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu2 i-szam-mu ina 1(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u me-sza2-ri ar-te-'a ba-'u-u2-lat (d)en-lil2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un u2-na-asz2-sza2-qu _giri3-min_-ia mal-ki _gal-mesz_ sza2 s,i-tasz u szi-la-an a-na kit-ri-szu-nu u2-pa-qu-u-ni i-na mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ma2-kan u (kur)me-luh-ha lu-u al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a

    _bad5-bad5_-szu2 isz-ku-nu i-be-lu _kur_-su da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-szu2 e-li _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-te u e-kem (kur)mu-s,ur il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-ru-um-ma u2-szib qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi _iri_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 u2-ter-ru al-la-ku ha-an-t,u qe2-reb nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti

    _ugu_ ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti lib3-bi i-gug-ma is,-s,a-ru-uh ka-bat-ti ad-ke-e-ma (lu2)e-mu-qi-ia s,i-ra-a-ti sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-mal-lu-u qa-a-tu-u-a a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri (disz)mi-in-se-e _lugal_ (kur)ia-u2-di (disz)qa-usz-gab-ri _lugal_ (kur)u2-du-me (disz)mu-s,ur-i _lugal_ (kur)ma-'a-ba (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (kur)ha-zi-ti (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (kur)is-qa-lu-na

    (disz)mil-ki-a-sza2-pa _lugal_ (kur)gu-ub-li (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u2 _lugal_ (kur)ar-u2-a-da (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al _lugal_ (kur)sa-am-si-mu-ru-na (disz)am-mi-na-ad-bi _lugal (kur)e2_-am-ma-na (disz)pap-mil-ki _lugal_ (kur)as-du-di (disz)e-ki-isz-tu-ra _lugal_ (kur)e-di-i'-li (disz)pi-la-a-gu-ra-a _lugal_ (kur)ki-it-ru-si (disz)ki-i-su _lugal_ (kur)si-lu-u-a (disz)i-tu-u-an-da-ar _lugal_ (kur)pa-ap-pa (disz)e-re-su _lugal_ (kur)si-il-lu (disz)da-ma-su _lugal_ (kur)ku-ri-i (disz)ad2-me-su _lugal_ (kur)ta-me-su

    (disz)da-mu-u-su _lugal_ (kur)qar-ti-ha-da-as-ti (disz)u2-na-sa-gu-su _lugal_ (kur)li-di-ir (disz)bu-s,u-su _lugal_ (kur)nu-re-e _szu-nigin_ 2(u) 2(disz) _lugal-mesz_ sza a-hi tam-tim _muru2_ tam-tim u3 na-ba-li _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu ina _igi_-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u2-na-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _lugal-mesz_ sza2-a?-tu-nu a-di e-mu-qi-szu2-nu _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-szu2-nu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li it-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-hu pa-da-nu u2-sza2-as,-bit-su-nu-ti

    a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha-mat sza2 _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)kar-(d)du3-ti (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2 (gesz)tukul-mesz_ u _me3_ a-na mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 i-na tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u3 (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut i-di?-ia ina _me3 edin_ rap-szi asz2-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2

    (disz)tar-qu-u2 ina qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) is-hu-pu-szu-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz2 me-lam-me _man_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu-ma sza2 u2-za-'i-i-nu-u-ni _dingir-mesz_ szu-ut _an ki_ (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _iri_ szu-a-tu2 as,-bat _erin2-hi-a_-ia u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina lib3-bi (disz)ni-ku-u _lugal_ (iri)me-em-pi u3 (iri)sa-a-a (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _lugal_ (iri)s,i-i'-nu

    (disz)pi-sza2-an-hu-ru _lugal_ (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal_ (iri)szap-tu2 (disz)ni?-her?-a-u _lugal_ (iri)ha-at-hi-ri-bi (disz)na-ah-ke-e _lugal_ (iri)hi-ni-in-szi _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti _(lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad du3_-u-a sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu2-un u2-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u2 _edin_ pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ra-am-ma szal?-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ t,a-ab-ti im-szu-ma lib3-ba-szu2-nu ik-pu-ud le-mut-tu2 da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-ma mi3-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu2-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u2-ma at-tu-ni a-sza2-ba-ni mi3-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u3 sa-li-me u2-ma-'e-e-ru (lu2)rak-be2-szu2-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u2 ina bi-ri-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma

    a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni sza2-nu-um-ma be-lum a-na _erin2-hi-a kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-muq _en_-ti-ia sza2 na-kas _zi_-tim isz-te-ne2-'u-u a-mat _hul_-tim (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-ti al-lu _ku3-sig17_ si-mat _lugal_-ti-szu2 asz2-kun-szu2 _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-ki-sa rit-ti-szu2 _gir2_ szib-bi sza2 ih-zu-szu2 _ku3-sig17_ ni-bit _mu_-ia ina muh-hi asz2-t,ur-ma a-din-szu2 _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ a-na ru-kub _en_-ti-szu2 a-qis-su (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)nam-mesz_

    a-na kit-ri-szu2 it-ti-szu2 asz2-pur a-szar _ad du3_-u-a i-na (iri)sa-a-a a-na _lugal_-ti ip-qi2-du-szu2 a-na masz-kan2-i-szu2 u2-ter-szu2 u3 (disz)(d)ag-sze-zib-a-ni _dumu_-szu2 ina (iri)ha-at-ha-ri-ba ap-qid _mun saga_-tu2 _ugu_ sza2 _ad_ ba-ni-ia u2?-sza2-tir-ma e-pu-us-su (disz)tar-qu-u a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup2-szu2-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu _egir_-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e _dumu nin9_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu

    (iri)ni-i' (iri)u2-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun u2-pah-hi-ir el-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un _(lu2)dumu_ szip-ri ha-an-t,u a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti asz2-ni-ma a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir (kur)mu-s,ur

    in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _lugal-mesz (lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-a-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur asz2-ku-nu ina ir-ti-ia il-lik-u-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _egir (disz)ur_-da-ma-ne2-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di (iri)ni-i' _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 ti-ib _me3_-ia e-mur-ma (iri)ni-i' u2-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na (iri)ki-ip-ki-pi _iri_ szu-a-tu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_

    _nig2-szu e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu2-u lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ _ug3-mesz_ zik2?-ru u3 sin-nisz

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-ti-iq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu? ina la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' e-li (kur)mu-s,ur u3 (kur)ku-u-si _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia u2-szam-ri-ir-ma asz2-ta-kan li-i-tu it-ti _szu-min_ ma-li-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik

    asz2-szu2 a-mat _lugal_-u-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum_-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ e-li-szu2 u2-rak-kis a-na la a-s,e-e _ug3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin ma-s,ar-tusz ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu2 ap-ru-us _a-mesz_ u3 te-'u-u2-tu ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2-nu a-na pi-i-szu2-nu u2-sza2-qi2-ir ina me-se-ri dan-ni sza2 la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu2-nu-ti nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a?-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

    _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu2 a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza2 ma-ti-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-sza2-a a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ sza2 _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri u2-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 ma-la u2-s,ab-bi-tu ap-ti

    ma-da-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 am-hur-szu2 pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ram-ma szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia ma-al-ki _muru2_ tam-tim u _lugal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti szad-de-e sza2-qu-ti da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na-a-ti e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)ar-u2-a-da (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab-a-la (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2-nu

    it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di u3 ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu

    il-lik-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-u2-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al [...] x x x x x? (lu2)gi-mir-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ek-s,u sza la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 ia-a-ti la is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i szat qa-ti (gesz)szi-ga-ri u2-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

    ina 4(disz) ger-ri-ia a-na (iri)qir-bit2 sza2 qe2-reb (iri)ha-re-e-ha-as-ta lu al-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)qir-bit2 ka-a-a-an ih-ta-nab-ba-tu hu-bu-ut (kur)ia-mut-ba-li _iri_ szu-a-tu ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir ak-szu-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu

    it-ti szal-lat _iri_-szu2 al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)ah?-sze?-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-ma-'e-e-ra um-man-szu2 ina szat mu-szi ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na e-pesz _me3_ it-bu-u-ni a-na mit-hu-us,-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia _erin2-mesz me3_-ia it-ti-szu2-un im-da-ha-s,u isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un ma-lak 3(disz) _danna a-sza3_ szal-ma-a-te-szu2-nu u2-mal-li _edin_ rap-szu2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia sza2 u2-tak-ki-lu-in-ni

    qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-ta-lak szal-t,isz ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)a-a-u2-si-asz2 (iri)hal-s,u (iri)asz2-sza2-asz2 dan-na-su (iri)bu-su_-ud_ (iri)asz2-di-asz2 (iri)ur-ki-ia-mu-un (iri)up-pi-isz (iri)si-hu-u-a (iri)na-zi-ni-ri

  • 8(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti u3 a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti
  • sza ni-ba la? i-szu-u a-di qe2-reb (iri)i-zir-te ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz u8-udu-hi-a_ ul-tu qe2-reb _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-masz-szir (iri)i-zir-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 a-na (iri)at-ra-a-na _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu (iri)i-zir-tu (iri)ur-me-ia-te (iri)uz-bi-a _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 al-me

    e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me u2-szah-ri-ib-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 at-bu-uk ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-me-et (iri)pad-di-ri sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia (kur)man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu u2-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2 _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ter-ra na-gu-u sza (iri)ar-si-ia-ni-isz

    sza bi-rit (iri)a-za-qa-na-ni sza (kur)ha-ar-si sza2-di-i sza _sag_ (kur)ku-mu-ur-da-a-a sza qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di-sza2-di-i _(lu2)gal hal-s,u_-szu2-nu a-duk asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su na-gu-u sza (iri)e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _iri-mesz_-szu2 as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su ina ti-ib _me3_-ia na-gu-szu2 u2-szah-rib u2-s,a-ah-hi-ir nap-har _kur_-szu2 it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra

    (iri)bi-ru-a (iri)lugal-iq-bi (iri)gu-si-ne2-e _iri-mesz_ mah-ru-u-te sza mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu (kur)man-na-a-a da-ad2-me sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud (kur)man-na-a-a ul-tu lib3-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat u2-ter-ra a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia

    _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u ina _sila iri_-szu2 id-du-u _adda_-szu _egir_-nu (disz)u2-a-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib i-na _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu usz_-ti-szu2

    a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2 _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza ina tar-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2
  • mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma e-mi3-is-su ina u4-me-szu2 (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _(lu2)en-iri_ sza mad-a-a (disz)sar-a-ti (disz)pa-ri-hi 2(disz) _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)sa-hi sza? is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu-ud
  • asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2 sza2-a-szu2-nu bal-t,u-us-su-nu ina _szu-min_ as,-bat u2-bi-la a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia (disz)an-da-ri-a (lu2)tur-ta-an? (kur)ur-ar-t,i sza a-na ka-sza2-ad (kur)up-pu-um-me u3 (iri)kul-li-im-me?-ri ir-da-a il-li-ka qe2-reb mu-szi-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)kul-li-im-me-ri _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-szu2 ma-a'-as-su i-du-ku la e-zi-bu a-a-um-ma _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-ri-a ik-ki-su-nim-ma a-na nina(ki) ina mah-ri-ia u2-bil-u-ni

    ina 6(disz)-szi? ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-u al-lik sza _mun ad du3_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ul-tu ina (kur)elam-ma(ki) su-un-qu isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu2-u2 ne2-eb-re-tu (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _ug3-mesz_ u2-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat _szu-min_-su _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza la-pa-an su-un-qi2 in-nab-tu-nim-ma u2-szi-bu qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) a-di zu-un-nu ina _kur_-szu2 iz-nu-nu ib-ba-szu-u2 e-bu-ru _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu sza ina _kur_-ia ib-lu-t,u u2-sze-bil-szu2-ma

    (lu2)e-la-mu-u2 sza2 ti-bu-us-su it-ti lib3-bi-ia la da-ab-ba-ku la ha-as-sa-ku s,e-let-su (disz)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag_ sza2 (disz)ur-ta-ki sza it-ti-szu2-nu isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu2 a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti id-ku-u-ni (disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ur-ta-ku sza2 la ag-ru-szu2 qa-bal-szu2 id-ka-a a-na (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 ur-ri-ha ta-ha-zu

    asz2-szu2 ti-bu-ut (lu2)e-la-me-e _(lu2)a kin_ a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti a-ma-ti sza2-a-ti-na sza ti-bu-ut (disz)ur-ta-ki ul asz2-du-ud ina lib3-bi-ia szu-ut _(lu2)edin-mesz_-szu2 sza2 su-lum-me-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ina mah-ri-ia a-na a-mar _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram-ma a-ma-a-ti ka-a-a-ma-na-a-ti u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (lu2)e-la-mu-u2 _gin7_ ti-bu-ut _buru5-hi-a_ ka-tim _kur_ uri(ki) ka-li-sza2

    s,e-er babila2(ki) usz-man-nu sza2-kin-ma na-di ma?-dak-tu2 a-na na-ra-ru-ti (d)en u (d)ag _en-mesz_-ia sza ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup-szu-ma i-tur a-na _kur_-szu2 _egir_-szu2 as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu2 asz2-kun at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 (disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu2 mu-u2-tu2 u2-gar-ru-u ina ta-ne2-hi iq-tu-u2 i-zu-bu

    ina qaq-qar ba-la-t,i _giri3-min_-szu2 ul isz-kun ina _mu-an-na_-szu2 na-pisz-ta-szu2 iq-ti il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 (disz)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia ina ni-szik _pesz2_ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu2 (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu-til-la-a _a-mesz_ ma-lu-u-ti (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-szu2 mu-szad-bi-ib-szu2 sza _hul_-tu2 u2-szak-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki e-mi3-is-su (d)marduk _lugal dingir-mesz_

    ina 1(disz)-et _mu-an-na_ me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2 lib3-bi an-szar2 ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu2-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu2-nu-ti ka-bat-ti (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu2 isz-ki-pu be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szal-qu-u sza2-nam-ma _egir_ (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la2_ u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki u3 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-ne2-'a-a _munus-hul_

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki u3 1(gesz2) _numun lugal_ ina la mi3-ni _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ _dumu-mesz_ ba-ne2-e sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 la-pa-an da-a-ki (disz)te-um-man in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu sza2 in-nab-tu-nim-ma x x [...]

    um-ma (d)be-let (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-nu-ut _szu-min_-ki sza2 ih-szu-hu-szu2 an-szar2 _ad_ ba-nu-ki a-na ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti szul-lum par-s,e-szu2-un na-s,ar pi-risz-te-szu2-un szu-t,u-ub lib3-bi-szu2-un im-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 a-na-ku asz2-re-e-ki asz2-te-ne2-'i-i al-li-ka a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-ki u3 szul-lum par-s,e-ki u3 szu-u2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) la mu-sza2-qir _dingir-mesz_ ku-us,-s,ur ka-li a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia

    um-ma at-ti (d)be-let be-le-e-ti i-lat _muru2_ be-let _me3_ ma-li-kat3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 sza ina ma-har an-szar2 _ad_ ba-ni-ki _munus saga_ taq-bi-i ina ni-isz _igi-min_-szu2 _ku3-mesz_ ih-szu-ha-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti asz2-szu2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza a-na an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz ad_ ba-ni-ki ih-tu-u bil-tu2 id-ka-a _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu u2-sza2-'a-a-la _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 a-na a-lak _kur_ asz-szur(ki) um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_

    _gin7 gun_ ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri pu-ut,-t,i-ri-szu2-ma di-kisz-szu2 me-hu-u _im_ lem-nu in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-u-ti (d)isz-tar isz-me-e-ma la ta-pal-lah3 iq-ba-a u2-szar-hi-s,a-an-ni lib3-bu a-na ni-isz _szu-min_-ka sza tasz-sza2-a _igi-min_-ka im-la-a di-im-tu ar-ta-szi re-e-mu ina szat mu-szi szu-a-tu sza2 am-hu-ru-szi

  • 1(disz)-en szab-ru-u u2-tu-ul-ma i-na-at,-t,al _masz2-ge6_
  • i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi sza (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-szab-ru-u-szu2 u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir e-ru-ba-am-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u) tul-la-a-ta isz-pa-a-ti
  • tam-ha-at _(gesz)pan_ ina i-di-sza2 szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-tu2 sza2 e-pesz _me3_ [...] x x nin-gu-tu2 szu-kun nu-'i-id _dingir_-u-ti a-di al-la-ku szip-ru szu2-a-tu2 ep-pe-szu2 u2-szak-sza2-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-ka pa-nu-ka ul ur-raq ul i-nar3-ru-t,a _giri3-min_-ka ul ta-szam-mat, zu-ut-ka _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ina ki-rim-mi3-sza2 _du10-ga_ tah-s,i-in-ka-ma tah-ti-na gi-mir la-a-ni-ka pa-nu-usz-sza2 (d)gesz-bar in-na-pi-ih ez-zi-isz nam-ri-ri-isz _e3_-ma a-na ka-sza2-ad _(lu2)kur2_-sza2 _du_-ik

    e-li (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ug-gu-ga-at pa-nu-usz-sza2 tasz-kun ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz_ i-sin-ni an-szar2 s,i-i-ri _iti_ (d)sin na-an-nar3 _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil a-na _esz-bar (d)nanna_-ri nam-ri u3 szi-pir (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia sza la in-nen-nu-u ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3_-ia mun-dah-s,e sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin u (d)1(u)-5(disz) it-ta-na-asz2-ra-bi-t,u _muru2_ tam-ha-ri e-li (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ur-hu as,-bat-ma usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu

    el-la-mu-u-a (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i na-di? ma?-dak-tu? e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 qe2-reb |_bad3-an_|(ki) isz-me-e-ma is,-bat-su hat-tu (disz)te-um-man ip-lah3-ma a-na _egir_-szu2 i-tur e-ru-ub qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 re-s,e-e-szu2 a-lik i-di-i-szu2 pa-nu-usz-szu2 u2-te-ram-ma ug-dap2-pi-sza2 a-na mah-ri-ia (i7)u2-la-a-a a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun is,-bat pa-an masz-qe2-e

    ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)marduk _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 u2-tak-ki-lu-in-ni ina _geszkim-mesz saga-mesz masz2-ge6 inim-gar_ szi-pir mah-he-e qe2-reb _du6-(iri)tu_-ba _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu asz2-kun ina _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a as-ki-ir szal-ma-a-te-szu2-nu _gin7 (gesz)dih3_ u _(gesz)kiszi16_ ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u2-ti asz2-kun _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_

    s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri (gesz)til-li si-mat _me3_ sza ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ bi-rit (iri)szu-sza2-an u (i7)u2-la-a-a ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)marduk? _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ha-disz u2-s,a-am-ma a-na gi-mir _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2-lim-tu szak-na-at ina 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _dumu (disz)en-ba_-sza2 a-na (kur)gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik sza a-na _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu

    la ik-nu-szu2 ana _(gesz)szudun_-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu (kur)gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 _gin7_ im-ba-ri ak-tum3 (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 sza qe2-reb _id2-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud (disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _iri_ szu2-a-tu2 bal-t,u-us-su-un u2-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu_ na-kam2-ti _e2-gal_-szu2

    u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni-szu2 (lu2)kit-ki-tu-u2 mu-sza2-ki-le-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu2-u mar-kas _iri_ u _edin_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza2 ni-ba la i-szu2-u u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 zi-kar u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ e-du ul e-zib u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    (disz)mas-si-ra-a _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ sza2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 a-na kit-ri (kur)gam-bu-li ma-s,ar-tu (disz)du-na-nu asz2-bu qe2-reb (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat _sag-du_-su ak-kis2 it-ti pa-ni (disz)du-na-nu kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu2 ar-pi-iq? _iri_ szu-a-tu ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e u2-sza2-lik na-gu-u szu-a-tu u2-szah-rib ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-szu2

    szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina _gu2_ (disz)du-na-nu a-lul _sag-du_ (disz)(d)isz-tar-na-an-di ina _gu2_ (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _szesz_ (disz)du-na-nu tar-den-nu a-lul it-ti ki-szit-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) szal-la-at (kur)gam-bu-li sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a it-ti _(lu2)nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu-ti (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2 is-hu-la kar-as-su ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba abul muru2 iri_ sza (iri)nina

    u2-mah-hi-ra mah-hu-risz asz2-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia _ug3-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ibila-a-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)ag-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu2 in-nab-tu a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti (disz)ibila-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)ag-sa-lim is,-bat u2-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu

    _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)en-ba_-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza _ad-mesz_-szu2-un a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-dal-li-pu-ma u3 szu-nu u2-nar3-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia qe2-reb bal-til(ki) u3 (iri)limmu2-dingir a-na da-lal2 ah-ra-a-ti u2-bil-szu2-nu-ti (disz)ur-sa-a _lugal_ (kur)ur-ar-t,i da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia isz-me-e-ma pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hup-szu2-ma _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia isz-pu-ra a-na qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki)

    _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ [...] qar-na-a-te _(gesz)gidri-mesz_ [...] (gesz)pu-ur-t,i-i ta-mar-ta-szu2 [...] (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-ti _(gesz)zu-mesz_ szi-pir me-re-eh-ti ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu2-un sza (disz)man-nu-ki-pap-mesz (lu2)2(disz)-u sza2 (disz)du-na-ni u3 (disz)(d)ag-u2-s,al-li (lu2)sza2 _ugu iri_ (kur)gam-bu-li sza _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu2 _gal_-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir _eme_-szu2-un asz2-lu-up

    asz2-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un (disz)du-na-nu qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a _ugu_ (gesz)ma-ka-a-s,i id-du-szu2-ma it,-bu-hu-usz as-lisz si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)du-na-ni u3 (disz)ibila-ia a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-nak-kis u2-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan (disz)(d)ag?-i (disz)(d)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam_-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-szu2-un (disz)ur-ta-ki id-ka-a a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur_ uri(ki) _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam_-esz sza ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li

    il-qu-u2-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_ sza2-a-ti-na me2-eh-ret _abul muru2 iri_ nina(ki) u2-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na [...] u2-kab-ba-su (kur)kal-du ina la i-de s,e-er (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)za-za-az _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)pil-la-te (disz)par-ru-u _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)hi-il-mu (disz)at-ta-me-tu _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ (disz)ne2-e-szu a-lik pa-ni _erin2-hi-a_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki?) (disz)um-man-i-gasz u2-ma-'e-er-szu2-nu-ti isz-kun-szu2-nu-ti t,e3-e-mu (disz)um-man-i-gasz ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma a-lik ul-tu _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ter-ra tuk-te-e _ad_ ba-ni-ka (disz)un-da-su (disz)za-za-az (disz)pa-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu (disz)ne2-e-szu2 it-ti _(lu2)a kin-mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri ur-hu is,-ba-tu-nim-ma usz-te-esz-szer-u-ni har-ra-nu _erin2-mesz me3_-ia sza2 ina (kur)man-gi-si sza2 qe2-reb (iri)su-man-dir

    _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ra-sib-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza2 e-la (disz)um-man-i-gasz ek-s,u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma ul-tu _szu-min (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ t,a-a'-tu2 im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia

    ina su-up-pe-e sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u un-ni-ni-ia il-qu-u2 isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum_-ia _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u2-ra-si-bu _en munus-hul_-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su sza si-hu _ugu_-szu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza me-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u2 _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man sza ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u2 _erin2-hi-a_-ia u3 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu

    it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-li-kut i-di-i?-szu2 sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ip-par-szu-nim-ma [...] x x [...] _(gesz)pan-mesz_ sza (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-tar-ri-hu ina lib3-bi-szi-na a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-nen-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _(gesz)pan-mesz_ sza2-ti-na uq-t,a-na-ar-ra-ba a-na [...]-ti-ia

    an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)nina (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur sza _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-[...] x u3 si-it-tu-ti im-x [...] x u2_-bi_-szu2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na [...] u3 _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) ma-la [...] sza ia-a-ti u2-masz-szi-ru-in-ni [...] it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz [...] (disz)in-da-bi-bi isz-ku-nu [...] e-gu-ug-ma an-szar2 [...] iq-ba-a sa-pa-ah [...] asz2-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2? [...]

    e-mid-su sze-ret-su [...] _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) sza2 x [...] _ninda-mesz uzu-mesz_ u mim-ma [...] u2-sza2-qir [...] ul i-ra-asz2-szi re-e-mu et,-lu hi-rat-su un-da-asz2-szir _ad_ e-te-zib _dumu_ na-ram lib3-bi-szu2 szu-ut mi-tu-tu a-ha-mesz la na-t,a-li a-na _(lu2)kur2_ da-a-a-ki-szu2 it-ta-din pi-i-szu2 szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz gig_ szu-ru-up-pu-u u2-s,a-ah-hi-ir _ug3-mesz kur uri(ki) du3_-szu2-un bi-rit _iri_ u _edin_ ig-mur-szu2-nu-ti _gir2 an-bar_ ha-an-t,u

    u2-szam-qit si-it-tu2 _adda-mesz un-mesz sila_ su-lu-u pur-ru-ku pu-uh-hu-u2 _ka2-mesz_ _ugu iri_ u _nun_ sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 na-da-ta sza2-hur-ra-tu2 tab-kat3 ga-nun-szu2-un szu-uh-ru-ub _a-gar3-mesz_-szu2-un ba-ku-u sa-ap-du _id2-mesz_-szu2-un sza2 u2-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz he2-nun_ im-la-a sa-ki-ka (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri sza a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ik-pu-du ne2-er-tu2 u3 e-li an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u2 szil-la-tu2 _gal_-tu2

    _(gesz)gigir_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di ru-kub _en_-ti-szu2 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-ri-i-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ zi-kir u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ sza2 la-pa-an mit-hu-s,i _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ di-'u szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz_ u3 ne2-eb-re-tu2 i-sze-tu-u-ni ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ug3-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti bu-un-na-an-ni-szu2-nu at-bal _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-hu-ut, u2-nak-ki-sa _uzu-mesz_-szu2-un (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza2 _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu

    u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) da-na-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma sza2 ul-tu2 re-e-szi u2-szam-ri-ru _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 asz2-pu-ra a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz _dumu (disz)(d)marduk-a-szum2-na_ sza _gin7_ ib-ri tap-pe-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu2 it-ta-na-al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu ik-lu-u ina ki-li (disz)in-da-bi-bi _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    ul-tu2 _e2_ s,i-bit-ti u2-sze-s,a-asz2-szu2-nu-ti ki-i s,a-bat a-bu-ut-ti qa-be2-e _munus saga_-szu2 la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia e-li (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz _dumu (disz)(d)marduk-a-szum2-na_ _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia sza2 in-nab-tu il-li-ku a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) u3 si-it-ti _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti u2-s,ab-bi-tu u2-bi-lu it-ti-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi

    ki-a-am asz2-pur-szu-ma asz2-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ an-nu-te la tu-sze-bi-la um-ma al-la-kam-ma _iri-mesz_-ka a-na-qar _ug3-mesz_ (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hi-da-lu a-szal-lal ul-tu _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma sza2-nam-ma ina _(gesz)gu-za_-ka u2-sze-szab ep-szet ina _igi_ (disz)te-um-man u2-szap-ri-ku u2-szam-har-ka ka-a-ta a-di _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 ma-har-szu2 la i-kasz-sza2-du la u2-sza2-an-nu-szu2 szi-kin t,e3-e-me-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag

    (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur sza2 it-tal-la-ku _a2-min_-a-a i-na-ar-ru ga-re-ia a-lak? _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza a-na (iri)de-ri asz2-pu-ru isz-mu-u qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 u2-za-'i-nu-in-ni _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hu-up-ma _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,e-er (disz)in-da-bi-bi ib-bal-ki-tu i-na-ru-usz i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _dumu_ (disz)at-ta-me-tu

    [...] an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag? (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir? _dingir-mesz? gal-mesz? en-mesz?_-ia? (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu2 im-hur-szu2-ma e-disz-szi-szu2 in-na-bit a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-te (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri a-na nina(ki) il-li-kam-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia a-de-e a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-ti _ku3-sig17 (na4)igi-min-mesz (na4)babbar-dili_ gu-uh-lu

    _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ansze-mesz_ bit-ru-ti man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 (disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri sza it-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ik-ki-ru ih-ta-nab-ba-tu2 hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ina zi-kir _mu_-ia sza2 an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)gesz-bar (d)u-gur u2-szar-bu-u (disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _man_ (kur)ma-'a-a-ba la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia

    ul-tu (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _lugal_ (kur)a-ri-bi _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti in-nab-tu-ma il-li-ku ma-har (disz)na-at-nu (disz)na-at-nu a-na (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ki-a-am iq-bi-szu2-ma um-ma a-na-ku la _szu-min kur_ asz-szur(ki) ul-te-zi-i-bi u3 at-ta tasz-kun-an-ni a-na dan-nu-ti-ka (disz)na-at-nu ip-lah3-ma ir-sza2-a na-kut-tu _(lu2)a kin-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia a-na sza2-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia

    a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma pa-ni-ia _saga-mesz ugu_-szu2 asz2-kun _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2-gal?_ ma-szar-ti? sza? qe2-reb? _nina(ki?)_ sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ad du3_-ia e-pu-szu2 il-li-ka la-ba-risz [...] a-di gaba-dib-be2-e-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-ni-na tem-me-en-sza2 _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia sza ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag

    (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku asz2-ku-nu da-na-nu li-i-tu2 asz2-t,ur-ma a-na ah-rat u4-me e-zib a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2-gal_ ma-szar-te? szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-ma en-na-hu an-hu-us-sa lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia szu-me (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad_-ia li-mur-ma

    it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina mu-sza2-re-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-szu2 da-na-a-nu u li-i-tu sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia szu-me (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad_-ia ib-ba-tu2 it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _an_-e u _ki_-tim ag-gesz li-ru-ru-szu2 _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ li-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    All of my scribal art they adorned with splendor. Above the kings who sit on royal daises, they glorified the mention of my name and made great my lordship. The shrines of Assyria and Akkad, whose foundations Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had laid, but whose work they had not finished, en-na-abû-ibni by the command of the great gods, my lords, I had them completed. I completed their work. I completed the Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of Ashur, my lord. I decorated its walls with gold and silver.

    I erected magnificent columns of silver and erected them at the Gate of the Protection of the Lands. I made Ashur enter into the Ehursaggula and made him reside on his eternal dais. I built the Esagil, the palace of the gods, and completed its plans. The deities Bel, Beltiya Zarpanitu, Belet-Babila, Ea, and Diku brought them out of the Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon, the great dais, his exalted dwelling.

  • 50 talents of shiny zahalû-metal for baked bricks I fashioned and
  • I had a roof built over it for it and I had cedar beams, as well as musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, which is a favorite of the heavens, installed over it.

  • 34 talents 20 minas of red gold,
  • I adorned its base and strengthened its support. I imposed upon Marduk, the great lord, his protection, and established its securing. I decorated a lofty chariot, the vehicle of Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, with gold, silver, and precious stones. I presented it and gave it as a gift to Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies. I set up a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose securing is a ..., with precious stones,

    I made a shakkanu-shakkanu-shakin for the shakkanu-priests to do the ru'amû-services. In Kahilisu, the mashakku-priest of Zarpanitu, who is smitten with famine, I gave.

  • 4 wild bulls of silver, mighty,
  • Protector of my royal path, at the Gate of the Rising Sun and the Gate of the Lamma-rabi, at the Gate of Ezida, which is in Borsippa, I sat. The Emashmash and the Egashankalamma, silver and gold, I decorated and decorated. The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had fled to her dwelling, I settled where she was not. In my good reign, which Ashur had granted me, I made my life abundant. To complete her exalted divinity, her supreme cultic rites,

    In a dream, a great work was constantly being written. I asked the gods Shamash and Adad and they answered me with a firm "yes." I made the true image of her great divinity shine forth and made her dwell on her eternal dais. I erected her supreme sanctuaries and made her luxuriant. For the preservation of my life, I erected a roe deer and a crow for the gate of the Egalammes, the temple of Nergal of Tarbishu. Before my father had not seen me, my wife, a woman without equal, in the heart of her mother

    To rebuild Ehulhul he went. The god Sîn, who created me to be king, saying: "Ashurbanipal rebuilt that temple and made me dwell therein in eternal residences, the word of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he now revealed to the people. The temple of the god Sîn which Salmanu-iddina II, son of Ashur-papibila II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built, he made it old and he made it new. That temple, which had been old, he went.

    By the command of the gods Sîn and Nusku, I destroyed its foundations. I made its site larger than before. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I built Emelamanna, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which a king of the past who came before me had built. Inside it I roofed them with beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of liyari and I fixed them in their gates.

  • 2 wild bulls of silver, who slay my foes,
  • I sat down at the amanu-district of the god Sin, my lord.

  • 2 Lahme-priestesses of the eshmarû-priests of the tiishbutu-priests of the shurinnu-wood;
  • As for the one who completes the foundations of my royal throne, who brings about the resettling of the lands and seas, at the gate of the Ehulhul I sat down. I took the hands of the gods Sîn and Nusku and settled them there. Throughout the eternal years I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I built every type of temple appurtenance, as much silver and gold there is, and added it to those of the kings, my ancestors. The great gods who support me, made the harvest plentiful and the harvest plentiful, and reed beds

    In my reign, in my reign, abundance and well-being are plentiful; in my years, abundance is plentiful.

  • 12 homers of barley, 3 homers of wine, 2 seahs of oil, wool,
  • In all of my land the price of living was paid. In both high and low I marched. The people of Enlil, the great gods, whose divinity I love, I slew. My feet, the great rulers who strove to establish their dominion and to establish their dominion, before my campaign I marched to Makan and Meluhha. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me,

    The might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, he decreed, and he trusted in his own strength. Above the kings, the officials who were appointed in Egypt, the father who had engendered me, to kill and plunder Egypt, came to their aid, entered and settled in Memphis, the city of the father who had engendered me, and to the border of his land returned. I went and he escaped. He came back to Nineveh and he made me bow down.

    I mustered my great forces, which the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had filled with abundance, and I took the direct road to Egypt and Kush. In the course of my campaign, I defeated Ba'alu, the king of Tyre, Minsê, the king of Judah, Qash-gabri, the king of the land of the Dummu, Mushuri, the king of Moab, Shilli, the king of Hazitu, Mitinti, the king of the land of the Qaluna,

    Milki-ashappa, king of the land of the Guti, Yakin-Lû, king of the land of the Arwad, Abi-Ba'al, king of the land of the Samsimuruna, Amminadbi, king of the land Eamana, Papmilki, king of the land of the Assyrian, Ekishtura, king of the land of the Edi'lu, Pilaguraya, king of the land Kitrusi, Kisu, king of the land Silua, Ituandar, king of the land Pappa, Eresu, king of the land Sillu, Damasu, king of the land Kuri, Admesu, king of the land Tamesu,

    Damusu, king of the land Qartihadati; Nunasagusu, king of the land Lidir; Bushusu, king of the land Nure; total: 22 kings from the Upper Sea, the Lower Sea, and the Sea of the Sea, servants who belonged to me, their substantial audience gifts before me brought and kissed my feet. Those kings together with their forces and their boats in the sea and the sea with my troops, the heavy axes I carried off.

    To the narrutu-demons of the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, I advanced quickly and marched. As far as Kar-Banite, Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force in the city Memphis and, to wage war and battle, he came before me. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, I brought about the defeat of his troops in a widespread pitched battle.

    Taharqa heard about the defeat of his troops in the city Memphis. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed him and he came to his aid. The brilliance of my royal majesty he sealed off for him and that which he had sinned against the gods of heaven and earth, the city Memphis, he abandoned and to save his life he fled. I took him to the city Ni', that city. I brought my troops and settled him therein. I named it Nikû, king of Memphis and Sa'a, and Lugallu-dari, king of Shi'inu,

    Pishanhuru, king of Nathû; Paqruru, king of Shapik; Niherau, king of Hathiribi; Nahke'i, king of Hininshi; these kings, governors and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts before the death of Taharqa, and had fled far away; I returned the country before my yoke and returned safely to Assyria.

    They did not honor my treaty and did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods. Their hearts were enraged, they spoke words of treachery, they said untruths, they swore a curse, they were frightened, they were afraid, they said to themselves: "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and you are in our midst." What is it that Taharqa, the king of Kush, ordered to enforce treaty and peace, they said to their chariot driver: "Let peace be established between us, and we shall divide the land among ourselves."

    'Why did the lord not send my strength to the troops of Assyria? My lordly strength, who constantly seeks out evil words, I poured out a libation bowl of gold, the emblem of his kingship, and I bound him with gold bracelets. I wrote on it a fingernail bearing my name and I gave it to him. I gave him chariots, horses, and mules for his lordly throne. My lordly majesty, the governors,

    As for the place where the father who had engendered me appointed him to kingship in Sa'a, he returned him to his position as a slave, and Nabû-shezibanni, his son, in Hathriba appointed him. Good health was established for the father who had engendered me and he did good for him. Taharqa, where he had fled, the terrifying terror of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he went to live. After that, Urdamanê, the son of his sister, sat on his royal throne.

    The cities Nini' and Nunu he established for his stronghold and they gathered his forces. To fight with the troops of Assyrians who were inside the city Memphis, he brought about their defeat. Those people he confined and captured. A messenger of a swift messenger came to Nineveh and told me: "I myself sat down and took the road to Egypt and Kush." Urdamane heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and the border of Egypt

    In the city Ni' the kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to my city and kissed my feet. After Urdamane I took the road and marched as far as Ni', his fortified city. He saw the assault of my battle array and abandoned the city Ni'. He fled to Kipkipi, that city, in its entirety, with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar. My hands, silver, gold, precious stones,

    the property of his palace, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people, people of all ages and races,

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • From their 25,000 talents of their weight I took the seat at the gate of Ekur. From their positions I took them away and took them to Assyria. I carried off a substantial booty without number from the city Nairi. I made my weapons prevail over Egypt and Kush and established them. I returned safely with the booty and went to Nineveh, my capital city. On my third campaign I marched against Ba'alu, the king of Tyre who lives in the middle of the sea.

    Because the word of my royal majesty had not been heard and not heard, the pronouncements of my lips I made rise up against him, to not be seen, his people I strengthened, his guard I captured in the sea and the plain of his campaigns. I confined his routes, I deprived water and food for the preservation of their lives to their mouths I made scarce. In a strong uprising which was unsubmissive I confined them, their lives I cut short, and to my yoke I made them bow down.

    He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and his sisters to serve as housekeepers. He brought before me his son, who had never crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. His daughter and his brothers, together with a large marriage gift, I received. I had mercy on him, and then I returned his son, his offspring, and gave him. The fortresses which he had set against Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, I sealed and placed. In the sea and the sea, all of his campaigns, as many as he had captured, I opened.

    I received his substantial tribute. I turned around lit. "I turned the front of my yoke" and returned safely to Nineveh, my capital city. The rulers of the middle of the sea and the kings who live in high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. Iakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, Sandi-Sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, they bowed down to my yoke. Their daughters, their own offspring,

    With much dowry and much dowry to do obeisance to Nineveh he brought and they kissed my feet. Above Mugalli the large horses he imposed a tribute. After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had gone, to decide the fate of Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, from the middle of the sea came up to me and with their substantial audience gift

    I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and installed him as king of the land Arwad. Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al ... ..., the Cimmerians, a dangerous enemy who did not fear my ancestors and did not take hold of me, with the support of the gods Ashur and Ishtar, my lords, I cut with a pickaxe and sent it before me with his substantial audience gift.

    On my fourth campaign I marched to the city Qirbit, which is inside the city Harehasta. As for Tandaya, their city ruler, they did not agree to be kings, my ancestors. They constantly seized the city Qirbit and the people living in it seized the city Yamutbal. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, I conquered that city. I carried off his booty. Tandaya, their city ruler,

    Ahsheri heard about the conquest of his city and went to Assyria. He sent his army. At that time, by a crafty maneuver, to do battle, they came to fight with my troops. My battle troops with them fought and defeated. A campaign of three leagues of field filled the wide steppe. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, and Shamash, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me,

    In the course of my campaign, I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the cities Ayusiash, Halshu, Ashash, mighty Ashash, Busud, Ashdish, Urkiyamun, Uppish, Sihua, and Nazaniri.

  • 8 fortified cities, including the lower ones,
  • I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire. I brought out of those cities people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city, to the city Atrana, the city upon which he relied. He fled alone and took to the mountains. Izirtu, Urmeyate, and Uzbia, his fortified cities,

    I slew and smashed their flesh. I destroyed and demolished that district. I destroyed, demolished, and burned it with fire. A road of fifteen days I took up and a thoroughfare I established. In the course of my campaign, the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, the Manneans had abandoned, I returned to their places and I returned them to their places. I burned with fire and carried off their booty. Those cities I returned to the territory of Assyria. The district of the city Arsiyanish

    I fought with the sword between the cities Azaqanani of the land Harsi, which is at the head of the land Kumurda, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their commander, and carried off his booty. I conquered the district of the city Eristeyana. I defeated him and carried off his booty. In the midst of my battle I destroyed his district and smashed his entire land. With a substantial booty and booty I returned.

    The cities Birua, Lugaliqbi, and Gusine, cities former kings on the border of Assyria that in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had abandoned, I conquered those settlements. I reorganized the land Mannea from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the border of Assyria. Ahsheri, who did not revere my lordship,

    The people of his land seized him and hung him on the street of his city. After that Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. The might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, saw him and he bowed down to my yoke. Because of his life, he opened up his hands and kissed my lordly hand. Erisinni, his son,

    sent to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. My aide, who was attentive to him, sent a messenger to him with a message of well-being. He sent to me his daughter, his own offspring, to do obeisance. His earlier payment which the kings, my ancestors, had made, he brought before me.

  • 30 horses against his tribute,
  • At that time, Birishatri, the city ruler of the Medes, Saratu and Parihi, two sons of Gagi, the city ruler of the land of Sahu, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship,

  • I conquered 115 of their fortified cities.
  • I carried off their booty, I seized their captives, and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city. Andaria, the commander of the land Urartu, who to conquer the land Uppumu and the city Kullimeri went, came inside the night. The people living in Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, during the night his lawsuits were numerous, they did not succeed. No one seized the head of Andaria and to Nineveh before me they brought it.

    On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me and did not honor my friendship. After famine occurred in the land Elam and hunger had set in, I sent to him grain, which sustains life, and I took away from him his hands. The people who had fled from hunger and settled in Assyria, until the rains in his land had fallen, I brought out, and those people who had died in my land I sent to him and

    The Elamite whose attack I did not stop with my heart, I did not smite his face. Enbasha of the land Gambulu, Nabû-mukam-esh, the shandabakku, servants who belonged to me, Marduk-mudu, the eunuch of Urtaku, who with them set up his mouth to fight with the land of Sumer and Akkad, through lies they swore. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Urtaku, who had not sinned against him, he swore, to Kar-Duniash he swore,

    Concerning the Elamite attack, a messenger came to Nineveh and said to me: "I did not carry out those words that I had spoken about. In my heart, the Elamite attack of Urtaku was constantly sent to me. In my presence, to see the king of the land Elam, my messenger sent me a message. He quickly came and I heard them again and again. I said to myself: "The Elamite attack like the spread of locusts in the entire land of Akkad."

    On the way to Babylon he set up camp and for the sacrificial offerings for the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, my lords, whose divinity I constantly revered, my battle troops I mustered and took the road. Then he heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, fear overwhelmed him, and he returned to his land. After him I seized his troops and imposed upon him a levy. I imposed upon him his tribute, as far as the border of his land. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had not kept his stowaway, he imposed upon him a penalty, on a day without his fate he sinned, he sinned, and he sinned.

    In the midst of the land of life, his feet did not rest; in that year his life came to an end and he went to live. Bel-basha of the land Gambulu, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, with the sling of a pig he set. The life of Nabû-mushesh, the shandabakku governor who did not honor my treaty, he sat down. The water of the holy water of Marduk-mududu, the eunuch of his, who slew Urtaku, he imposed upon him. Marduk, the king of the gods,

    In one year, none of them had borne responsibility for the life of the god Ashur. He did not abandon them and did not smite them. The mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, his reign of kingship, he smashed. The lordship of the land Elam he made disappear. Afterwards Teumman, the eldest son, sat on the throne of Urtaku. To kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, he constantly spoke evil.

    Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, king who marched before Urtaku, and a total of 210 king's offspring without number, the archers, the sons of the rulers of the land Elam, who had fled from the battle of Teumman, fled and grasped the feet of my royal majesty. Those people who had fled and ... .

    "O Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, creation of your hands, who had sinned against you, Ashur, the father who had engendered you, to renovate shrines, to ensure their good health, to guard their secrets, and to please their hearts, he said: "I am your temple administrator, I have been vigilant about you." I came to revere your divinity and to ensure your good health. Further, he, Teumman, king of the land Elam, who does not respect the gods, guard all the gods, to fight with my troops

    "You, Belet-belti, lady of battle, lady of battle, the guardian of the gods, her fathers, who before Ashur, the father who had engendered you, a good woman, spoke to me, and with his pure eyes he made me king, because Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who to Ashur, the king of the gods, the father who had engendered you, had sinned, and he imposed upon you tribute, his troops he bound, and battle he brought about. His weapons to march to Assyria, saying: "You are the shield of the gods."

    He smote him with a ten talent of silver in the middle of battle, and his affliction with a wicked wind, my evil affliction, was a slander. Ishtar heard me, and said to me "Do not be afraid!" He made me rejoice. For the benevolent supplication of your hands, which you have spoken, your eyes have swollen, my case has been settled. Relent in this time that I have received.

  • One shabrû-demon he has sinned against, and he has sinned against the dream.
  • he sinned, and the night of Ishtar he made great, he made great, saying to me: "Ishtar, who resides in Arbela, enters and

  • 15 and 210 are smashed,
  • The bow in its midst is a sling, a sling of a sling, a sling of a sling, a sling of battle ... ... ... ... ... ... ... he shall set up the scepter of god until I go to perform that work. Your face will not be swollen, your feet will not be swollen, your limbs will not be swollen. The horizon of the sea in its midst is pleasant. You have sat down on her throne and you have sat down on her face. She has sat down on her face. She has sat down on her face and she has sat down to defeat her enemy.

    Above Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose face is a thorny one: In Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the festival of the exalted Ashur, the month of the goddess Sîn, the light of heaven and earth, I trusted, to the decision of the bright sun and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed, I mustered my battle troops, warriors who by the command of the gods Ashur, Sîn and Ishtar had constantly risen up, the middle of battle, against Teumman, the king of the land Elam, I took and took the direct road.

    Before me, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, in the city E-Imbî, the ... of the camp, a royal entry of mine which is in Der heard and he took away. Fear fell upon Teumman and he returned to his own city. He set up silver and gold in the city Susa to save his life. To the people of his land, his ally, who marches at his side, he returned and her ... before me, the Ulaya canal for his stronghold he set up and took away.

    By the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, by good signs, by good intentions, by a dream, by a plan, by great deeds, I settled them in Til-Iria. I surrounded the Ulaya River with their corpses. I seated them on his throne like a lion. I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in Hidalu. I set up chariots, wagons, horses, and mules.

    The scepter of the scepter, the emblem of battle, which with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, between the cities Susa and Ula, I captured. By the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and to my entire army I made it secure. In my eighth campaign I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-sha, to the land Gambulu. He who had trusted in the king of the land Elam,

    I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose site is situated on rivers. Dunanu and his brothers, from that city, I brought alive them. I brought out his wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, and female singers, and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, property, the nakkamtu of his palace

    I brought out and I counted it as booty. The eunuchs, the prefects, the kitkittu-priests, his stewards, I brought out and I counted it as booty. All the craftsmen, as many as there were, the canal inspectors of city and steppe I brought out and I counted it as booty. The oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules, which were without number, I brought out and I counted them as booty. The people of his land, famine, and epidemic, small and large, I did not leave. I brought out and I counted them as booty.

    Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who to the aid of the land Gambulu to Dunanu sat, I captured inside the city Sha-pi-Bel. I cut off his head and cut off his hands from the face of Dunanu, the aid that he did not give. I destroyed, devastated, and burned that city with water. I made it unrecognizable. That district I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire. I slew the raging of humans.

    I returned safely to Nineveh. The head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, I hung on the neck of Dunanu. The head of Ishtar-Nandi, on the neck of Samgunu, the second brother of Dunanu, I hung. With the booty of the land Elam, the booty of Gambulu, which by the command of Ashur I captured, my hands with the singers performing the ningutu-concernment, Nabû-sagiq, with iron belt-dagger, his hands he smashed. The head of Teumman, on the right side of the city wall of Nineveh.

    As for the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and the people, all of them, the nikkidu of the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, son of Marduk-apla-ishi, who had fled from the father of the father who had engendered me, his father, to the land Elam, from Ummanigash Humban-nikash, in the land Elam he established him as king. Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, took it and sent it before me. Dunanu and Samgunu

    The sons of Belshunu of the land Gambulu, whose ancestors had turned into kings, my ancestors, and who had sinned against my exercise of kingship, in Baltil Ashur and the city Arbela to sing their praises, Ursâ, king of the land Urartu, heard about the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he sent his emissaries to inquire about my well-being, and he sent his emissaries to the city Arbela

    horses, mules, ..., chariots, ..., ..., a wooden box, his audience gift ..., Nabû-sagiq and Umbadarâ, the envoys of the land Elam, with a hand-lifting crafty device, he set up before them. As for Mannu-kippi, the deputy of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the city overseer of the land Gambulu, who had commanded my gods, I smashed their tongues in the city Arbela.

    As for Dunanu, he smashed their skins in Nineveh on a boat and they seized him. Moreover, the rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya, I killed them, cut off their flesh, and sent them to me. For the audience gift of the land, Nabû, Bel-karir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku governor of the father who had engendered them, Urtaku, he smashed. To fight with the land Akkad, the bones of Nabû-shuma-eresh, who from the land Gambulu

    to Assyria they took. Those sceptres, in front of the wall of the city of Nineveh, they slew. His sons, Geshnu-mukina ... they carried off. Chaldea without number, on the way to Undasi, son of Teumman, king of the land Elam, Zazazaz, city ruler of the land Pillatu, Parrû, city ruler of the land Hilmu, Attametu, chief archers, Neshu, who marched before the troops of the land Elam.

    Ummanigash sent them to fight with the troops of Assyria. He gave them orders and gave them orders. Ummanigash said as follows: "Go from Assyria, receive the revenge of the father who created you: Undasu, Zazazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with the messengers of Geshnu-mukin, my hostile brother, seized the armed forces and brought about the defeat of my troops who were in the land Mannesi, which is in the city Sumandir.

    The gods who support me gave a just verdict to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and he, together with his family, smashed him. With the weapons of Tammaritu, who was more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam. Like him, he received a good verdict from the hands of Geshnu-mudina, but he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. To the aid of Geshnu-mudina, a brother who was not loyal, came and to fight with my troops

    In the supplications that Ashur and Ishtar had written to me, they heard my prayers, they heeded my supplications. His servants rebelled against him and they fought with each other. The lord of my evil did Indabibi, his servant, who had sinned against him, sat on his throne. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had spoken insolent words against the nikkus of Teumman, who had sinned, I imposed upon my troops and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house

    With 115 nobles of the land Elam who march at his side, who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar and ... ... ... bows which Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, had brought into the land Elam, they smashed them inside them to fight with the troops of Assyria. Now, in Assyria, those bows he had brought in and to my .

    Anshar, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, Nergal of the enemy ... and the rest ... ... ... ... ... Geshnu-mudina ... and the people of the land Akkad, as many as ... who had abandoned me ... with Ummanigash ... Indabibi ... they set up ... and Ashur ... he said: "As for the might of Anshar .

    He imposed his punishment on the people of Akkad who ... ... bread, meat, and anything ... he imposed on them. ... he did not like. He swore a curse and his curse was not forgiven. The father sinned. The beloved son, his heart, who had no one to give away, to the enemy who had sinned against him he gave. His mouth was swollen, he was afflicted with a terrible illness, he was smitten. The people of Akkad, all of them, he smote them between cities and plain. He struck them with a sharp iron sword.

    he smashed the rest of the people, the people, the streets, the streets, the treasuries, the gates of the city and the prince, the privileged status, the privileged status, the privileged status, the privileged status of their people, the securing of their fields, the clearing of their canals, the clearing of their rivers, which had caused abundance, and the sacrificial offerings, Geshnun-mudadin, my hostile brother, who had plotted evil against Assyria, and commanded a great sacrifice before Ashur, the god who created me,

    chariot, a shadadi, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his scepter, people, young and old, young and old, who had fled from the battle of weapons, savages, plague, and famine, and I captured, I carried off, to Assyria, the people, the lord of this crime, I imposed upon them. I ripped out their skins, flayed them, and cut off their flesh. Indabibi, who after Tammaritu,

    They sat on the throne of the land Elam. They saw the might of my weapons which from the beginning had overwhelmed over the land Elam. The Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who like a lion ascended the mountain, marched about with him. As for Nabû-bel-shumati, they captured him by force during the night and he escaped. On the territory of Indabibi, the king of the land Elam,

    From the house of the fugitive he brought them out. When the word of the extispicy was spoken, his good woman, not to be squandered, the border of his land he sent to me by the hands of his messenger. Up to Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Marduk-apla-iddina II Marduk-apla-iddina II, servant who belonged to me, who had fled to Elam and the rest of the Assyrians whom Nabû-bel-shumati had captured by a secret, he brought them to me. He sent him with him by the hands of his messenger to Indabibi.

    I wrote to him as follows: "You did not send these people to me, saying: I shall go and destroy your cities, I will gather the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu." I will go out of your royal throne, and another one I will sit on your throne. I will write down the deeds before Teumman and send you the following orders. You shall not come before his messenger, nor shall they bring him before him. By the command of Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû,

    The gods Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who went to my aid, they smote me. My messenger whom I sent to Der heard about the distress of my royal majesty, who had entrusted me with the cultic rites of the land Elam, and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and they killed him with the weapons of Ummanaldashu, son of Atta-metu,

    ... the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, presented to him a gift and he fled. To the land Nabayate Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded a treaty with him to do obeisance to me. Instead of Iauta' I established him as king. Gold, obeisance stones, pappardilû-stone,

    Ammi-ladin, king of the land Qedar, who had sided with Assyria and sinned against the booty of the land Amurru, at the mention of my name, which the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Geshbar, and Nergal had made great, Kamas-haltâ, king of the land Moab, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty.

    After Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, to the land of the Nabayateans fled, and went before Natnu, Natnu to Iauta' said as follows: "I am not a slave of Assyria, but you have set me up for your strong protection." Natnu became frightened and became frightened. His messengers wrote to me to inquire about my well-being and he kissed my feet. To conclude a treaty, peace, and the exercise of my servant

    I joyfully looked upon him and in front of me good things were set upon him. I imposed upon him the tribute and payment in full. At that time, the palace? of the shakartu ? which is inside Nineveh, which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had built, came to me. Old ... I built and completed. I strengthened its foundations more than before. A stele bearing my name and the praise of my heroism, which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû,

    Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta and Nergal in all the lands I marched, I established mighty victories, I wrote down and for future days I deposited it. In the future, among the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, when that palace is built and its walls are dilapidated, may I repair its dilapidated sections. An inscribed object bearing my name, the name of Ashurbanipal, my father, may he see and

    May all the great gods who are written in this inscription, grant him as my own strength and strength. Whoever erases an inscribed object bearing my name, the name of Esarhaddon, my father, or places it with his inscribed object, may the gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld curse him, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

    P514716: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim s,i-it lib3-bi (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ asz-szur(ki) _dingir-mesz gal?-mesz_ ina _ukken_-szu2-nu si-mat _saga_-tim i-szim-mu szim-ti at-ru-us,-ma u2-kin ta-ra-an-szu2 _(gesz)gigir_ s,ir-tu ru-kub? (d?)marduk e-tel-li _dingir-mesz en en-en_

    ina _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)marduk _lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-tim sa-pi-in _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia ana szi-rik-ti asz2-ruk _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-nat a-na ma-a-a-al tak-ne2-e (d)en u (d)gaszan-mu sza2-kan ha-sza2-di e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di

  • 4(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-u2-ti
  • na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia ina _ka2_ s,i-it (d)szam-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina _ka2_ e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz e2-masz-masz e2-gaszan-kalam-ma _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-'i-in lu-le-e u2-ma-al-li (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri sza ina ug-gat lib3-bi-sza2 at-man-sza2 e-zi-bu u2-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-ti-sza2 ina _bala_-ia dam-qi2 sza an-szar2 isz-ru-ka tar-sza2-a sa-li-mu a-na szuk-lul _dingir_-ti-sza2 s,ir-ti szur-ru-hi mi-se-e-sza2 szu-qu-ru-ti ina _masz2-ge6_ szi-pir mah-he-e

    isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ka-a-a-na (d)utu (d)iszkur asz2-al-ma e-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu ke-e-nu si-mat _dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti u2-szar-ri-ih? u2-sze-szib-szi ina _bara2-mah_ szu-bat da-ra-a-ti par-s,e-e-sza2 szu-qu-ru-ti u2-kin-ma u2-szal-li-ma mi-se-e-sza2 anzu(muszen)-mesz (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia ina _ka2_ e2-galam-mes _e2_ (d)u-gur sza (iri)tar-bi-s,i az-qu-up a-di a-di-ni a-bi la im-ma-al-la-du um-mi3 a-lit-ti la ba-na-a-ta ina lib3-bi _ama?_-sza2? a-na e-pesz e2-hul2-hul2 iz-kur ni-bit _mu_-ia

    (d)sin sza2 ib-na-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 ip-pu-usz-ma qe2-reb-szu2 u2-szar-man-ni pa-rak da-ra-a-ti a-mat (d)sin sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ru-qu-ti iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-lim _ug3-mesz_ ar-ku-u-ti _e2_ (d)sin sza2 (disz)(d)sal2-ma-nu_-masz a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-ibila _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu la-ba-risz u2-sza2-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a e2-kur szu2-a-tu sza2 la-ba-risz il-li-ku ina a-mat (d)sin (d)nusku an-hu-us-su ad-ke

    e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di _gaba-dib_-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil e2-me-lam2-an-na _e2_ (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ sza _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu2 ab-na-a qe2-reb-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2-un _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-a-ri me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2-un

  • 2(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia
  • ina at-man (d)sin _en_-ia ul-ziz

  • 2(disz) (d)lah3-me esz-ma-re-e sza2 ti-is,-bu-tu2 (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni
  • mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib szad-de-e u tam-tim ina _ka2_ e2-hul2-hul2 ul-ziz _szu-min_ (d)sin (d)nusku as,-bat u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti esz-re-e-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u _kur_ uri(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-szi-na u2-szak-lil mim-ma si-mat e2-kur ma-la ba-szu2-u sza _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia ina at-ma-ni-szu2-nu s,i-i-ri u2-sze-szib-szu2-nu-ti

    _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu2-un aq-qi2 u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u _ugu_ sza u4-me ul-lu-ti u2-sza2-tir-ma ar-ku-us _alam-mesz lugal_-ti-ia sza _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 uruda_ nam-ri ina szi-pir (d)nin-a2-gal (d)ku3-sig17-banda3(+da) (d)nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz a-na mu-ter-ri-szi ba-la-t,i-ia ma-har _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u2-kin na-an-za-sun2 ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia a-di ru-be2-ia asz2-te-'a-a asz2-rat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

    (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-sza2
  • e-ri-ik szu-bu-ul-tu2 5/6(disz)? _kusz3 si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala-mesz_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum

  • 1(u) 2(disz)? _ansze sze-pad-mesz_ 3(disz) _ansze gesztin-mesz 2(ban2) i3-mesz gun sig2-mesz_
  • ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu2 i-szam-mu ina 1(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di u me-sza2-ri ar-te-'a ba-'u-u2-lat (d)en-lil2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un du-un-nu zik-ru-u?-tu? e-mu-qi s,i-ra-a-te u2-szat-li-mu-in-ni _kur-kur_ la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u2 u2-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib3-bi-ia ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ir-te-ed-du-u a-na-ku lu-u ar-de

    mi-is,-ru e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di-ma a-bel _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _kur-kur_ sza2-a-ti-na u2-szak-ni-sza2 ana _(gesz)szudun_-ia _gun_ man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2-un ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-na-asz2-sza2-qu _giri3-min_-ia mal-ki _gal-mesz_ sza2 s,i-tasz u szi-la-an ana kit-ri-szu-nu u2-pa-qu-u-ni (disz)gissu-en _lugal_ (kur)ha-zi-ti (disz)mi-ti-in-ti _lugal_ (kur)is-qa-lu-na (disz)i-ka-u2-su _lugal_ (kur)am-qar-u-na

    (disz)mil-ki-a-sza2-pa _lugal_ (kur)gu-ub-li (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u2 _lugal_ (kur)ar-u2-a-da (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al _lugal_ (kur)sa-am-si-mu-ru-na (disz)am-mi-na-ad-bi _lugal (kur)e2_-am-ma-na (disz)pap-mil-ki _lugal_ (kur)as-du-di (disz)e-ki-isz-tu-ra _lugal_ (kur)e-di-i'-li (disz)pi-la-a-gu-ra-a _lugal_ (kur)ki-it-ru-si (disz)ki-i-su _lugal_ (kur)si-lu-u-a (disz)i-tu-u-an-da-ar _lugal_ (kur)pa-ap-pa (disz)e-re-su _lugal_ (kur)si-il-lu (disz)da-ma-su _lugal_ (kur)ku-ri-i (disz)ad2-me-su _lugal_ (kur)ta-me-su

    (disz)da-mu-u-su _lugal_ (kur)qar-ti-ha-da-as-ti (disz)u2-na-sa-gu-su _lugal_ (kur)li-di-ir (disz)bu-s,u-su _lugal_ (kur)nu-re-e _szu-nigin 2(u) 2(disz) lugal-mesz_ sza a-hi tam-tim _muru2_ tam-tim u na-ba-li _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu ina _igi_-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u2-na-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _lugal-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-di e-mu-qi-szu2-nu _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-szu2?-nu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li it-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-hu pa-da-nu u2-sza2-as,-bit-su-nu-ti a-na na-ra-ru-ti

    ha-mat sza2 _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)kar-(d)du3-ti (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2 (gesz)tukul-mesz_ u _me3_ a-na mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 i-na tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u3 (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut i-di-ia ina _me3_ _edin?_ rap?-szi asz2-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2

    (disz)ni-ku-u2 _lugal_ (iri)me-em-pi u3 (iri)sa-a-a (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _lugal_ (iri)s,i-i'-nu (disz)pi-sza2-an-hu-ru _lugal_ (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal_ (iri)szap-tu2 (disz)ni?-her?-a-u _lugal_ (iri)ha-at-hi-ri-bi (disz)na-ah-ke-e _lugal_ (iri)hi-ni-in-szi _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti _(lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe-pa-ni sza qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad du3_-u-a sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu2-un u2-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u2 _edin_ u2-ter-ma a?-szar? pi-qit-ti-szu2-un

    ina masz-kan2-i-szu2-un ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik?-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat _en-nun-mesz_-szu2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-nin u2-rak-ki-sa rik-se-szu2 it-ti hu-ub-ti ma?-a'?-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ra-am-ma szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _egir_-nu (disz)ni-ku-u2 (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

    da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-ma mi3-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu2-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u2-ma at-tu-ni a-sza2-ba-ni mi3-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me u2-ma-'e-e-ru (lu2)rak-be2-szu2-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ru a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni sza2-nu-um-ma be-lum a-na _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-muq _en_-ti-ia sza2 na-kas _zi_-tim

    isz-te-ne2-'u-u2 a-mat _hul_-tim (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti isz-mu-u-ma (lu2)rak-be2-szu2-un a-di szip-ra-ti-szu2-un is,-ba-tu-nim-ma e-mu-ru ep-szet sur-ra-a-ti-szu2-un (disz)ni-ku-u (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri is,-ba-tu-ma ina bi-re-ti _an-bar_ u isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-hu _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ ma-mit an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-us-su-nu-ti-ma sza ih-t,u-u2 ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ t,a-ab-ti qa-tusz-szu2-un u2-ba-'i-i-ma sza e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-qu

    u3 _ug3-mesz_ (iri)sa-a-a (iri)bi-in-t,i-t,i (iri)s,i-i'-nu ma-la it-ti-szu2-nu isz-szak-nu ik-pu-du le-mut-tu2 _tur_ u _gal_ ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-szam-qi2-tu e-du a-me-lu la e-zi-bu ina lib3-bi _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu e-lu-lu ina (gesz)ga-szi-szi _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-hu-t,u u2-hal-li-pu _bad3 iri_ (disz)ni-ku-u (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri bal-t,u-us-su-un a-na (iri)nina a-di mah-ri-ia ub-lu-u-ni (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri sza? _mun?_ la is,-s,u-ru ih-t,u-u [...] ina ki-li a-szar s,i-bit-ti da?-ri?-i? na?-di [...]

    a-na (disz)ni-ku-u re-e-mu ar-szi-ma u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su a-de-e _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri ut-tir-ma it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun lu-bul-tu bir-me u2-lab-bi-is-su al-lu _ku3-sig17_ si-mat _lugal_-ti-szu2 asz2-kun-szu2 _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-ki-sa rit-ti-szu2 _gir2_ szib-bi sza2 ih-zu-szu2 _ku3-sig17_ ni-bit _mu_-ia ina muh-hi asz2-t,ur-ma a-din-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ _nig2-szu e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu-u2

    lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ _ug3-mesz_ zik2-ru u3 sin-nisz

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-ti-iq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) szal-la-tu ka-bit-tu ina la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' e-li (kur)mu-s,ur u3 (kur)ku-u-si _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia u2-szam-ri-ir-ma asz2-ta-kan li-i-tu2 it-ti _szu-min_ ma-li-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia ina szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik

    asz2-szu2 a-mat _lugal_-u-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum_-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ e-li-szu2 u2-rak-kis a-na la a-s,e-e _ug3-mesz_-szu2 u2-dan-nin ma-s,ar-tusz ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-e-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit a-lak-ta-szu2 ap-ru-us _a-mesz_ u3 te-'u-u2-tu ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2-nu a-na pi-i-szu2-nu u2-sza2-qi2-ir ina me-se-ri dan-ni sza2 la na-par-szu-di e-si-ir-szu2-nu-ti nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

    _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u3 _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu2 a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza2 ma-ti-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-sza2-a a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ter-ma? a?-din?-szu2 (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ sza2 _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri u2-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2

    ma-da-at-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 am-hur-szu2 pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ram-ma szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia ma-al-ki _muru2_ tam-tim u _lugal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti szad-de-e sza2-qu-ti da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na-a-ti _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2-nu it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di u3 ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_

    ma-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)ar-u2-a-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu il-lik-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-u2-ti (kur)ar-u2-a-da asz2-kun

    _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ asz2-kun ina mah-ri-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal_ lu-ud-di na-gu-u2 sza2 ne2-ber-ti _a-ab-ba_ asz2-ru ru-u2-qu sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2-ma an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-nu-u-a u4-mu _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu e-mu-ru (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 isz-pu-ra ana sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia (lu2)gi-mir-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ek-s,u sza la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 ia-a-ti la is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia

    ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en?-mesz_-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i szat qa-ti (gesz)szi-ga-ri u2-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia ina 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (iri)qir-bit2 sza2 qe2-reb (iri)ha-re-e-ha-as-ta lu al-lik sza (disz)ta-an-da _(lu2)en-iri_-szu2-nu a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)qir-bit2 [...] _pap?_ x [...] a-di a-di?-ni? la al-la-ku [...] (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a

    [...] as,-ba?-ta har-ra-nu [...] _ad-mesz_-ia la-a kit-nu-szu2 [...] da-s,a-a-ti [...] x (iri)limmu2-dingir [...] x iq-ba-a [...] aq?-bi-ma [...] x sza (kur)man-na-a-a [...] x _me ni_ x? x-nu [...] x a-ha-mesz [...] at-ta-'i-id-ma ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3_-ia a-na ka-sza2-ad (kur)man-na-a-a usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu al-lik-ma qe2-reb (iri)bad3-asz-szur usz-man-nu ad-di-ma asz2-kun ka-ra-szi (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-ma-'e-e-ra um-man-szu2 ina szat mu-szi ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti

    a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia _erin2-mesz me3_-ia it-ti-szu2-un im-da-ha-s,u isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2-un ma-lak 3(disz) _danna a-sza3_ szal-ma-a-te-szu2-nu u2-mal-li _edin_ rap-szu2 a-na (iri)at-ra-a-na _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu (iri)i-zir-tu (iri)ur-me-ia-te (iri)uz-bi-a _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 al-me _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri na-gu-u szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur

    ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me u2-szah-rib-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 at-bu-uk ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia _iri-mesz_-ni sza2 li-me-et (iri)pad-di-ri sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz_-ni _ad-mesz_-ia (kur)man-na-a-a e-ki-mu a-na ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu u2-ter-ru ak-szu-ud ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-la-sun2 _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ter-ra na-gu-u sza (iri)ar-si-ia-ni-isz sza bi-rit (iri)a-za-qa-na-ni sza (kur)ha-ar-si sza2-di-i

    sza _sag_ (kur)ku-mu-ur-da-a-a sza qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu (disz)ra-a-a-di-sza2-di-i _(lu2)gal hal-s,u_-szu2-nu a-duk asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su na-gu-u sza (iri)e-ri-is-te-ia-na ak-szu-ud _iri-mesz_-szu2 as-pu-un ina (d)gesz-bar? aq-mu asz2-lu-la szal-la-su ina ti-ib _me3_-ia na-gu-szu2 u2-szah-rib u2-s,a-ah-hi-ir nap-har _kur_-szu2 it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra ak-bu-sa mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (iri)bi-ru-a (iri)lugal-iq-bi (iri)gu-si-ne2-e

    _iri-mesz_ mah-ru-u-ti sza mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu (kur)man-na-a-a da-ad2-me sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud (kur)man-na-a-a ul-tu lib3-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat u2-ter-ra a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) im-nu-szu2 i-na _szu-min _arad_-mesz_-szu2

    _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u ina _sila iri_-szu2 id-du-u _adda_-szu _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu usz_-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki)

    isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2 _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_-su s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2
  • mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma e-mi3-is-su ina u4-me-szu2 (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _(lu2)en-iri_ sza mad-a-a (disz)sar-a-ti (disz)pa-ri-hi

  • 2(disz) _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ga-a-gi _(lu2)en-iri_ (kur)sa-hi
  • sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia

  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) _iri-mesz_-szu2-nu dan-nu-ti ak-szu-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-sun2
  • sza2-a-szu2-nu bal-t,u-us-su-nu ina _szu-min_ as,-bat u2-bi-la a-na nina(ki) _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia (disz)an-da-ri-a (lu2)tur-ta-an? (kur)ur-ar-t,i sza a-na ka-sza2-ad (kur)up-pu-um-me u3 (iri)kul-li-im-me-ri ir-da-a il-li-ka qe2-reb mu-szi-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)kul-li-im-me-ri _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ina szat mu-szi di-ik-ta-szu2 ma-a'-as-su i-du-ku la iz-zi-bu a-a-um-ma _sag-du_ (disz)an-da-ri-a ik-ki-su-nim-ma a-na nina(ki) i-na mah-ri-ia u2-bil-u-ni

    ina 6(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-u al-lik sza _mun ad du3_-ia la ha-as-su la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ul-tu ina (kur)elam-ma(ki) su-un-qu isz-ku-nu ib-ba-szu2-u2 ne2-eb?-re-tu (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _ug3-mesz_ u2-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat _szu-min_-su _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza la-pa-an su-un-qi2 in-nab-tu-nim-ma u2-szi-bu qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) a-di zu-un-nu ina _kur_-szu2 iz-nu-nu ib-ba-szu-u2 e-bu-ru _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu sza ina _kur_-ia ib-lu-t,u u2-sze-bil-szu2-ma

    (lu2)e-la-mu-u2 sza2 ti-bu-us-su it-ti lib3-bi-ia la da-ab-ba-ku la ha-as-sa-ku s,e-let-su (disz)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a (disz)(d)ag-mu-uru4-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag_ sza (disz)ur-ta-ki sza it-ti-szu2-nu isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu2 a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur eme-gi7_ u _kur_ uri(ki) ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti id-ku-u-ni (disz)ur-ta-ku _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ur-ta-ku sza la ag-ru-szu2 qa-bal-szu2 id-ka-a a-na (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 ur-ri-ha ta-ha-zu

    asz2-szu2 ti-bu-ut (lu2)e-la-me-e _(lu2)a kin_ a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti a-ma-ti sza2-a-ti-na sza ti-bu-ut (disz)ur-ta-ki ul asz2-du-ud ina lib3-bi-ia szu-ut _(lu2)edin-mesz_-szu2 sza2 su-lum-me-e isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ina mah-ri-ia a-na a-mar _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er ha-an-t,isz il-lik i-tu-ram-ma a-ma-a-ti ka-a-a-ma-na-a-ti u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (lu2)e-la-mu-u2 _gin7_ ti-bu-ut _buru5-hi-a_ ka-tim _kur_ uri(ki) ka-li-sza2

    s,e-er babila2(ki) usz-man-nu sza2-kin-ma na-di ma-dak-tu2 a-na na-ra-ru-ti (d)en u (d)ag _en-mesz_-ia sza ap-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-ta har-ra-nu a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma hat-tu is-hup-szu2-ma i-tur a-na _kur_-szu2 _egir_-szu2 as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu2 asz2-kun at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 (disz)ur-ta-ku _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la is,-s,u-ru ib-ru-ti ina u4-me la szim-ti-szu2 mu-u2-tu2 u2-gar-ru-u ina ta-ne2-hi iq-tu-u2 i-zu-bu

    ina qaq-qar ba-la-t,i _giri3-min_-szu2 ul isz-kun ina _mu-an-na_-szu2 na-pisz-ta-szu2 iq-ti il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 (disz)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia ina ni-szik _pesz2_ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu2 (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ la na-s,ir a-de-e isz-szi a-ga-nu-til-la-a _a-mesz_ ma-lu-u2-ti (disz)(d)marduk-mu-du3 (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-szu2 mu-szad-bi-ib-szu2 sza _hul_-tu2 u2-szak-pi-du a-na (disz)ur-ta-ki

    ina 1(disz)-et _mu-an-na_ me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2 lib3-bi an-szar2 ag-gu ul i-nu-uh-szu2-nu-ti ul ip-szah-szu2-nu-ti ka-bat-ti (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni _bala_-e _lugal_-ti-szu2 isz-ki-pu be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szal-qu-u sza2-nam-ma _egir_ (disz)te-um-man tam-szil _gal5-la2_ u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki u3 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki isz-te-ne2-'a-a _munus-hul_

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki u3 1(gesz2) _numun lugal_ ina la mi3-ni _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ _dumu-mesz_ ba-ne2-e sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 la-pa-an da-a-ki (disz)te-um-man in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min-mesz lugal_-ti-ia ina 7(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-u al-lik

    sza _ugu_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-a-sze _szesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)edin-mesz_-szu2 isz-ta-nap-pa-ra a-na sze-bu-li _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu sza2 in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min_-ia sze-bul-szu2-nu ul aq-bi-szu2 ina muh-hi me-re-eh-e-ti ina _szu-min_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a u3 (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ar-hi-szam

    qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-tar-ra-ah ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 um-ma ul u2-masz-szar a-di al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 ep-pu-szu2 mit-hu-s,u-tu2 _ugu_ a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti sza (disz)te-um-man iq-bu-u2 u2-sza2-an-nu-u-ni t,e3-e-mu at-kil a-na an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir sza2 u2-tak-kil-u-in-ni qi2-bit pi-i-szu2 er-hu ul am-gur2 ul a-din-szu2 mun-nab-ti sza2-a-tu-nu (disz)te-um-man le-mut-tu isz-te-ne2-'i-i

    (d)sin isz-te-ne2-'a-szu2 _geszkim-mesz_ le-mut-ti ina _(iti)szu an-mi_ szat ur-ri _en zalag2_ usz-ta-ni-ih-ma (d)utu _igi_-szu2-ma ki-ma szu-a-tu-ma kal u4-me usz-ta-ni-ih a-na qi2-it _bala-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _zah2 kur_-szu2 u2-kal-lim-an-ni _gurun esz-bar_-szu2 sza2 la in-nen-nu-u2 ina u4-me-szu2 mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu2-ma _nundum_-su uk-tam-bil-ma _igi-min_-szu2 is-hur-ma ga-ba-s,u isz-sza2-kin ina lib3-bi-sza2 it-ti ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti

    ul i-ba-asz2 id-ka-a _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 ina _(iti)ne iti_ na-an-mur-ti _mul-pan_ i-sin-ni szar-ra-ti ka-bit-ti _dumu-munus_ (d)en-lil2 a-na pa-lah3 _dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti asz2-ba-ak ina (iri)limmu2-dingir _iri_ na-ram lib3-bi-sza2 asz2-szu2 ti-bu-ut (lu2)e-la-me-e sza2 ba-lu _dingir-mesz_ it-ba-a u2-sza2-an-nu-u-ni t,e3-e-mu um-ma (disz)te-um-man ki-a-am iq-bi sza (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sza2-an-nu-u mi-lik t,e3-me-szu2 sza iq-bu-u um-ma ul u2-masz-szar a-di al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 ep-pu-szu2 mit-hu-s,u-tu2

    szu-ut me-re-eh-ti an-ni-te sza (disz)te-um-man iq-bu-u am-hur sza2-qu-tu2 qa-rit-tu2 (d)isz-tar az-zi-iz a-na tar-s,i-sza2 ak-mi3-is sza2-pal-sza2 _dingir_-us-sa u2-sap-pa-a il-la-ka di-ma-a-a um-ma (d)be-let (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) bi-nu-ut _szu-min_-ki sza2 ih-szu-hu-szu2 an-szar2 _ad_ ba-nu-ki a-na ud-du-usz esz-re-e-ti szul-lum par-s,e-szu2-un na-s,ar pi-risz-te-szu2-un szu-t,u-ub lib3-bi-szu2-un im-bu-u zi-kir-szu2

    al-li-ka a-na pa-lah _dingir_-ti-ki u3 szul-lum par-s,e-e-ki u3 szu-u2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) la mu-sza2-qir _dingir-mesz_ ku-us,-s,ur ka-li a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia um-ma at-ti (d)be-let be-le-e-ti i-lat _muru2_ be-let _me3_ ma-li-kat3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 sza ina ma-har an-szar2 _ad_ ba-ni-ki _munus saga_ taq-bi-i ina ni-isz _igi-min_-szu2 _ku3-mesz_ ih-szu-ha-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u2-ti asz2-szu2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza a-na an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz_

    _ad_ ba-ni-ki ih-tu-u bil-tu2 id-ka-a _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 ik-s,u-ra ta-ha-zu u2-sza2-'a-a-la _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 a-na a-lak _kur_ asz-szur(ki) um-ma at-ti qa-rit-ti _dingir-mesz_ _gin7 gun_ ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri pu-ut,-t,i-ri-szu2-ma di-kisz-szu2 me-hu-u2 _im_ lem-nu in-he-ia szu-nu-hu-u-ti (d)1(u)-5(disz) isz-me-e-ma la ta-pal-lah iq-ba-a u2-szar-hi-s,a-an-ni lib3-bu a-na ni-isz _szu-min_-ka sza tasz-sza2-a _igi-min_-ka im-la-a di-im-tu2 ar-ta-szi _arhusz_ ina szat mu-szi szu-a-tu sza2 am-hu-ru-szi

  • 1(disz)-en szab-ru-u u2-tu-ul-ma i-na-at,-t,al _masz2-ge6_
  • i-gi-il-ti-ma tab-rit mu-szi sza (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-szab-ru-u-szu2 u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti um-ma (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir e-ru-ba-am-ma

  • 1(u) 5(disz) u 2(gesz2) 3(u)_ tul-la-a-ta? isz-pa-a-ti
  • tam-ha-at _(gesz)pan_ ina i-di-sza2 szal-pat nam-s,a-ru zaq-tu2 sza2 e-pesz _me3_ ma-har-sza2 ta-zi-iz szi-i ki-i _ama_ a-lit-ti i-tam-ma-a it-ti-ka il-si-ka (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2-qu-ut _dingir-mesz_ i-sza2-kan-ka t,e3-e-mu um-ma ta-na-at,-t,a-la a-na e-pesz sza2-asz2-me a-szar pa-nu-u-a szak-nu te-ba-ku a-na-ku at-ta ta-qab-bi-szi um-ma a-szar tal-la-ki it-ti-ki lul-lik be-let _gaszan-mesz_ szi-i tu-sza2-an-nak-ka um-ma at-ta a-kan-na lu-u asz2-ba-a-ta a-szar masz-kan2-i-ka a-kul a-ka-lu szi-ti ku-ru-un-nu

    nin-gu-tu2 szu-kun nu-'i-id _dingir_-u-ti a-di al-la-ku szip-ru szu2-a-tu2 ep-pe-szu2 u2-szak-sza2-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-ka pa-nu-ka ul ur-raq ul i-nar3-ru-t,a _giri3-min_-ka ul ta-szam-mat, zu-ut-ka _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ina ki-rim-mi3-sza2 _du10-ga_ tah-s,i-in-ka-ma tah-ti-na gi-mir la-a-ni-ka pa-nu-usz-sza2 (d)gesz-bar in-na-pi-ih ez-zi-isz nam-ri-ri-isz _e3_-ma a-na ka-sza2-ad _(lu2)kur2_-sza2 _du_-ik e-li (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ug-ga-at pa-nu-usz-sza2 tasz-kun

    ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz_ i-sin-ni an-szar2 s,i-i-ri _iti_ (d)sin na-an-nar3 _an_-e u _ki_-tim at-kil a-na _esz-bar (d)nanna_-ri nam-ri u3 szi-pir (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia sza la in-nen-nu-u ad-ke _erin2-mesz me3_-ia mun-dah-s,e sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin u (d)1(u)-5(disz) it-ta-na-asz2-ra-bi-t,u _muru2_ tam-ha-ri e-li (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ur-hu as,-bat-ma usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu el-la-mu-u-a (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    e-reb _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 qe2-reb |_bad3-an_|(ki) qe2-reb _du6-(iri)tu_-ba _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu asz2-kun ina _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a as-ki-ir szal-ma-a-te-szu2-nu _gin7 (gesz)dih3_ u _(gesz)kiszi16_ u2-mal-la-a ta-mir-ti (iri)szu-sza2-an _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)marduk _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia _ku5_-is ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 me2-lam-me an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hu-up-ma ik-nu-szu2 a-na ni-ri-ia

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _giri3-min_-ia ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u2-ti asz2-kun _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri (gesz)til-li si-mat _me3_ sza ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ bi-rit (iri)szu-sza2-an u (i7)u2-la-a-a ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)marduk

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ha-disz u2-s,a-am-ma a-na gi-mir _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2-lim-tu szak-na-at ina 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni _dumu (disz)(d)en-ba_-sza2 a-na (kur)gam-bu-li lu-u al-lik sza a-na _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu la ik-nu-szu2 ana _(gesz)szudun_-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu (kur)gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 _gin7_ im-ba-ri ak-tum3 (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 sza qe2-reb _id2-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud

    (disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _iri_ szu2-a-tu2 bal-t,u-us-su-un u2-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu_ na-kam2-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni-szu2 (lu2)kit-ki-tu-u2 mu-sza2-ki-le-e-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu2-u mar-kas _iri_ u _edin_

    u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu2-u u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 zik-ra u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ e-du ul e-zib u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu na-gu-u szu-a-tu u2-szah-rib ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz (lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-ni-ir szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina _gu2_ (disz)du-na-nu a-lul

    _sag-du_ (disz)(d)isz-tar-na-an-di ina _gu2_ (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _szesz_ (disz)du-na-nu tar-den-nu a-lul it-ti ki-szit-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) szal-la-at (kur)gam-bu-li sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a it-ti _(lu2)nar-mesz_ e-pisz nin-gu-ti a-na nina(ki) e-ru-ub ina _hul2-mesz_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)te-um-man ina _szu-min_-szu2-nu isz-pu-ra szi-pir me-re-eh-ti sza ina mah-ri-ia ak-lu-u2

    u2-qa-'u-u pa-an szi-kin t,e3-e-me-ia ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _en_-szu2-nu qe2-reb nina(ki) e-mu-ru-ma sza2-ne2-e t,e3-e-me is,-bat-su-nu-ti (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq-na-a-szu2 (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2 is-hu-la kar-as-su ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man ina _gaba abul muru2 iri_ sza nina(ki) u2-mah-hi-ra mah-hu-risz asz2-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia _ug3-mesz_ kul-lu-me ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    (disz)ibila-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)ag-sa-lim _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz sza la-pa-an _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia _ad_-szu2 in-nab-tu a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu (disz)um-man-i-gasz qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u2-ti (disz)ibila-ia _dumu_ (disz)(d)ag-sa-lim is,-bat u2-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)en-ba_-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza _ad-mesz_-szu2-nu a-na _lugal-mesz_ _ad-mesz_-ia u2-dal-li-pu-ma u3 szu-nu u2-nar3-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia

    qe2-reb bal-til(ki) u3 (iri)limmu2-dingir a-na da-lal2 ah-ra-a-ti u2-bil-szu2-nu-ti (disz)ur-sa-a _man_ (kur)ur-ar-t,i da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia isz-me-e-ma pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hup-szu2?-ma _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia isz-pu-ra a-na qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ [...] qar-na-a-te _(gesz)gidri-mesz_ [...] (gesz)pu-ur-t,i-i ta-mar-ta-szu2 [...] (disz)(d)ag-saga-iq (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    it-ti _(gesz)zu-mesz_ szi-pir me-re-eh-ti ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu2-un sza (disz)man-nu-ki-pap-mesz (lu2)2(disz)-u sza2 (disz)du-na-ni u3 (disz)(d)ag-u2-s,al-li (lu2)sza2 _ugu iri_ (kur)gam-bu-li sza _ugu dingir-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u szil-la-tu2 _gal_-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir _eme_-szu2-un asz2-lu-up asz2-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un (disz)du-na-nu qe2-reb (iri)ni-na-a e-li (gesz)ma-ka-s,i id-du-szu2-ma it,-bu-hu-usz as-lisz si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)du-na-ni

    u3 (disz)ibila-ia a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-nak-kis u2-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan (disz)(d)ag-i (disz)(d)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam_-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-szu2-un (disz)ur-ta-ki id-ka-a a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur_ uri(ki) _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam_-esz sza ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_ sza2-a-ti-na me2-eh-ret _abul muru2 iri_ nina(ki) u2-szah-szi-la _dumu-mesz_-szu2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na [...]

    asz2-ku-nu-usz a?-na [...] u2-nak-ki-sa su-lum-mu-u2 [...] _abul-mesz_ babila2(ki) x x? _ta_ [...] (disz)um-man-i-gasz [...] _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia sza a-na _lugal_-u-ti asz2-ku-nu ina (kur)e-lam-ti it-ti-ia [...] u2-szam-kir2-szu2-ma u2-sza2-as,-li-szu2 _(gesz)szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia _nig2-gur11_ e2-sag-il2 u e2-zi?-da? it-bal?-ma? u2-sze-bil? [...] x [...] _erin2-mesz me3_-ia sza2 ina (kur)man-gi-si sza2 qe2-reb (iri)su-man-dir _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-lu-nim-ma isz-ku-nu tah-ta-szu2-un

    sza (disz)un-da-si _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)za-za-az (disz)par-ru-u2 (disz)at-ta-me-tu _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ik-ki-su-nim-ma u2-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti _(lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-ma-ni?-gasz? (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza2 asz2-pu-ru ik-la-ma la u2-ter-ra tur-tu2 a-mat-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)masz (d)nusku? (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni

    (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ra-sib-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza2 e-la (disz)um-man-i-gasz ek-s,u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma ul-tu _szu-min (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ t,a-'a-a-tu2 im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia ina su-up-pe-e sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u

    isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum_-ia _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u2-ra-si-bu _en hul_-ti3-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su sza si-hu _ugu_-szu u2-szab-szu-u2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza me-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u2 e-li ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man sza ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u2 _erin2-hi-a_-ia u3 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-li-kut i-di-i-szu2

    sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ip-par-szu-nim-ma a-na da-lal2 _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-ti it-ti (disz)(d)marduk-man-pap (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza ib-szi-mu-szu2 ina da-na-ni mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2-un ina _ugu_ lib3-bi-szu-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ra-man-szu2 im-nu-ma a-na kat3-a-ri-szu2 u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti szu-ut 1(disz)-en (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)masz? (d)nusku? (d)u-gur?

    _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia

  • 1(disz) _lim-a-a_ ri-bi-ia i-ri-bu-u2-ni
  • (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _ug3-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu2 qe2-reb _e2-gal_-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti _(gesz)pan-mesz_ sza (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-tar-ri-hu ina lib3-bi-szi-na a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-nen-na qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _(gesz)pan-mesz_ sza2-ti-na uq-t,a-na-ar-ra-ba a-na? [...] an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)nina (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur

    sza _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia [...] u3 si-it-tu-ti im-[...] u2-s,a-am-ma x [...] lu-bu-usz-tu2 [...] a-na gat-ti-szu2 [...] ub-bu-t,u [...] mu-ut u2-bi-x [...] ir-ku-us [...] _nig2-szu-mesz_-szu2-nu [...] _nig2-ga-mesz_-szu2-nu gam?-lu?-u2-ti a?-na a-ki-li ina un-s,i ne2-eb-re-ti la ig-mi3-lu e-ku-lu _ur-gi7-mesz (d)nin-kilim-mesz_ _nig2-gig_-szu2-nu ra-bu-u ina szam-mu pi-i-szu2-nu ig-mu-ru _musz gir2-tab_ nam-masz-ti qaq-qa-ri ma-la ba-szu2-u zer-man-du iq-ti-szu2-nu-ti ik-su-su gi-il-du ku-ru-us-su

    _(kusz)da-e-sir-mesz_ u _(kusz)e-sir2-mesz_ a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu u2-t,a-ab-bi-hu _dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz nin9-mesz_ [...] _du3_-szu2-un _uzu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu2-nu e-ku-lu ku-um _ninda-mesz_ _usz2-mesz dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-ta-at-tu-u ku-um szi-ka-ri ina la ma-ka-le-e iq-ta-a i-zu-ba mesz-re-e-ti-szu2-nu e-mu-u sza2-lam-tisz2 zi-i-me _ug3-mesz_ ku-ri u ni-is-sa-ti iq-t,u-ru _gin7_ qut-ri et,-lu sza ar-da-ti ar-da-tu sza et,-li ina re-bet _iri_ i-na-at,-t,a-lu pu-zur-szun3

    sza la s,u-ba-ti na-an-du-qu? te-di-iq _en_ ar-ni ba-sza2-mu u x [...] ih-szu-hu _un-mesz-[...]_ mi-tu-tu _gin7 hal_ [...] re-e-me _ug3-mesz ig-[...]_ _ad_ a-na _dumu_-szu2 _ama_ a-na _dumu-munus_-sza2 ul i-ra-asz2-szi re-e-mu? et,-lu hi-rat-su un-da-asz2-szir _ad_ e-te-zib _dumu_ na-ram lib3-bi-szu2 szu?-ut? mi3-tu-tu a-ha-mesz la na-t,a-li a-na _(lu2)kur2_ da-a-a-ki-szu2 it-ta-din pi-i-szu2 szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz gig_ szu-ru-up-pu-u u2-s,a-hir _ug3-mesz kur uri(ki) du3_-szu2-un

    bi-rit _iri_ u _edin_ ig-mur-szu2-nu-ti _gir2 an-bar_ ha-an-t,u _szagina sipa_-szu2-nu ina _sza3_-szu2-nu e-zi-iz-ma u2-szam-qit si-it-tu2 _adda-mesz un-mesz sila_ su-lu-u pur-ru-ku pu-uh-hu-u2 _ka2-mesz_ _ugu iri_ u _nun_ sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 na-da-ta sza2-hur-ra-tu tab-kat3 ga-nun-szu2-un szu-uh-ru-ub _a-gar3-mesz?_-szu2-un ba-ku-u sa-ap-du _id2-mesz_-szu2-un sza u2-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz he2-nun_ im-la-a sa-ki-ka (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri sza a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ik-pu-du ne2-er-tu2

    u3 e-li an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u2 szil-la-tu2 _gal_-tu2 mu-u-tu2 lem-nu i-szim-szu-ma ina mi-qit (d)gibil6 id-di-szu-ma u2-hal-li-qa nap-szat-su _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ e-pisz si-hi bar-ti ma-la it-ti-szu2 szak-nu e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u ul u2-s,i ina _szu-min_-ia lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu2 a-qar-tu2 mim-ma si-mat _lugal_-ti hi-szih-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu-u2 (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _gal-mesz_-szu2 (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-szu2 u3 _ug3-mesz_ li-bit _e2-gal_-szu2

    _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di ru-kub _en_-u2-ti-szu2 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ zi-kir u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ sza2 la-pa-an mit-hu-s,i _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ di-'u szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz_ u3 ne2-eb-re-tu2 i-sze-tu-ni ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ug3-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti bu-un-na-an-ni-szu2-nu at-bal _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-hu-ut, u2-nak-ki-sa _uzu-mesz_-szu2-un (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza2 _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-ti

    u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) da-na-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma sza2 ul-tu2 re-e-szi u2-szam-ri-ru _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 asz2-pu-ru a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a?-asz sza _gin7_ ib-ri tap-pe-e na-s,ar _kur_-szu2 it-ta-na-al-la-ku it-ti-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti ina szat mu-szi us,-s,ab-bi-tu ik-lu-u ina ki-li (disz)in-da-bi-bi _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    ki-i s,a-bat a-bu-ut-ti qa-be2-e _munus saga_-szu2 la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia e-li (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia sza2 in-nab-tu il-li-ku a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) u3 si-it-ti _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti u2-s,ab-bi-tu u2-bi-lu it-ti-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin-mesz_-szu2 a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi ki-a-am asz2-pur-szu-ma

    um-ma al-la-kam-ma _iri-mesz_-ka a-na-qar _ug3-mesz_ (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hi-da-lu a-szal-lal ul-tu _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma sza2-nam-ma ina _(gesz)gu-za_-ka u2-sze-szab ep-szet ina _igi_ (disz)te-um-man u2-szap-ri-ku u2-szam-har-ka ka-a-ta a-di _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 ma-har-szu2 la i-kasz-sza2-du la u2-sza2-an-nu-szu2 szi-kin t,e3-e-me-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur

    sza2 it-tal-la-ku _a2-min_-a-a i-na-ar-ru ga-re-ia a-lak? _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza a-na (iri)de-ri asz2-pu-ru isz-mu-u qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 u2-za-'i-nu-in-ni _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hup-ma _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,e-er (disz)in-da-bi-bi ib-bal-ki-tu i-na-ru-usz i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _dumu_ (disz)at-ta-me-tu u2-sze-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 i-na 1(u)-e? ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki?) lu al-lik ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia

    (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i _iri_ tukul-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki?) ak?-szu?-ud [...] x-szu2 [...] x x [...] x x x x? [...] x _disz_ x x [...] x sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] x isz-pu-ra-asz2-szu2 [...] (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na [...] _me3?_-ia ina u2-s,i mah-s,u [...] la? iq-tu-u2 nap-szat-su [...] la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 la pa-de-e a-na da-la-li ta-nit-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia e-disz-szi-szu2 in-nab-tu ana (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz?)bar?-bu-ru _dumu_-szu2 ul-tu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i

    u2-sze-s,a-am-ma _kusz_-szu2 asz2-hu-ut, (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mun-nab-tu sza ul-tu qe2-reb _kur_ asz-szur(ki) it-bu?-u2? il-li-ku ana (kur)elam-ma(ki) ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni [...] x _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia sza2 _ugu? (kur)elam-ma(ki?)_ u2-szam-ri-ru e-mur-ma [...] x x? x x? (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu2 e-li (disz)am-ba_-lagab_-u-a sza2 me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si asz2-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] u2-szi-[...] x _ia_ x [...]

    (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri?_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma ki?-ma _ku6-mesz?_ szu-pul _a-mesz_ is,-bat-ma in-na-bit? a-na ru-qe2-e-ti ina ta-a-a-ar-ti?-ia (iri)ga-tu-du (iri)ga-tu-du-ma (iri)da-e-ba (iri)na-di-i' (iri)bad3-am-na-ni (iri)bad3-am-na-ni-ma (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)ta-ra-qu? (iri)ha-a-a-u2-si [...] (iri)ha-ra-a' (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)sze-(disz)(d)szu2-man-a-ni (iri)ur-da-li-ka (iri)al-ga-ri-gi (iri)tu-u-bu (iri)du-un?_-lugal (iri)bad3_-(disz)un-da-si

    (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu (iri)sa-am-u2-nu (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ki [...] (iri)qa-ba-ri-na (iri)qa-ba-ri-na-ma _iri-mesz_ szu-nu-ti ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3?-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu s,e-e-ni-szu2-nu _nig2-szu_-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu (gesz)s,u-um_-bi-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ _ansze-kunga-mesz_ (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia ina _muru2_ ta-ha-zi

    _nundum-mesz_-szu2-un ip-ru-'u-u2-ma it-ba-lu bu-un-na-an-ni-szu2-un sza? ul-tu bi-rit _adda-mesz_ _bad5-bad5?_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) in-nab-tu a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2-un ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u3 (d)isz-tar qa-a-ti ik-szu-us-su-nu-ti a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u2-ra-a asz2-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un _ug3-mesz_ unu(ki) nibru(ki) ud-ud-ag(ki) (kur)e2-(disz)dak-ku-ri (kur)e2-(disz)a-muk-ka-ni [...] x? x-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) i-har-ra-s,u i-t,ap-pu-u2 a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-ti szal-lat (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-li _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu asz2-al us,-s,i-is, ki-i hi-it,-t,i-szu-nu-ma a-nir-szu2-nu-ti ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _ug3-mesz_ u3 szal-la-at (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz u (d)u-gur ah-bu-ta re-sze-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia asz2-ruk _erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)a-ri-tu [...] ak-s,ur e-li ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di

    si-it-tu-ti a-na _(lu2)nam-mesz_-ia _(lu2)gal-mesz_-ia ma-ha-za-ni-ia [...] x-ia ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-za-'i-iz? (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a_-dingir_ _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri e-pisz _ARAD_-ti-ia asz2-szu2 _dingir-mesz_-szu2 im-hur-an-ni-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti _mu dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-u-ma (d)a-tar-sa-ma-in u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 ar-ka-nu ina a-de-ia ih-t,i-ma t,a-ab-ti la is,-s,ur-ma is,-la-a _(gesz)szudun_ be-lu-ti-ia a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia _giri3-min_-szu2 ip-ru-us-ma

    _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-ti-szu2 u2-sza2-bal-kit-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-tu2 hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 ina mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2 asz2-bu u2-ma-'e-e-ra s,e-ru-usz-szu2 _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu isz-ku-nu _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi ma-la it-bu-u-ni u2-ra-si-bu ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ri mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu _izi_ u2-sza2-hi-zu ip-qi2-du a-na (d)gesz-bar _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ a-me-lu-tu isz-lu-lu-u-ni ina la mi3-ni se-he-ep _kur_ ka-la-mu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2

    un-da-al-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri-sza2 _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-par-ri-is u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-gam-mal_ ina _gin2_ ina 1/2(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka2_ ma-hi-ri (munus)asz2-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _(lu2)lunga2_ ina (dug)ha-be2-e (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ma-ru-usz-tu2 im-hur-szu-ma e-disz-szi-szu2 in-na-bit a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri a-na nina(ki) il-li-kam-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia

    it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun ku-um (disz)ia-u-ta-a' asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-u-ti _ku3-sig17 (na4)igi-min-mesz (na4)babbar-dili_ gu-uh-lu _ansze-gam-mal-mesz ansze-mesz_ bit-ru-u2-ti man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 (disz)am-mu-la-di-in _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri sza it-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ik-ki-ru ih-ta-nab-ba-tu2 hu-bu-ut _kur_ mar-tu(ki) ina zi-kir _mu_-ia sza2 an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir

    (d)masz (d)nusku? (d)u-gur u2-szar-bu-u (disz)ka-ma-as-hal-ta-a _man_ (kur)ma-'a-a-ba _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ina _me3_ isz-ku-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2 (disz)am-mu-la-di si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza la-pa-an da-a-ki i-sze-tu-u2-ni u2-s,ab-bit ina _szu-min szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ id-di-ma a-na nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia u2-sze-bi-la (disz)na-at-nu _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu isz-ma-a da-na-an an-szar2 u (d)marduk sza u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni

    _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 la isz-pu-ra la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia ul-tu (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _lugal_ (kur)a-ri-bi _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti in-nab-tu-ma il-li-ku ma-har (disz)na-at-nu (disz)na-at-nu a-na (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ki-a-am iq-bi-szu2 um-ma a-na-ku la _szu-min kur_ asz-szur(ki) ul-te-zi-i-bi u3 at-ta tasz-kun-an-ni a-na dan-nu-ti-ka (disz)na-at-nu ip-lah3-ma ir-sza2-a na-kut-tu _(lu2)a kin-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia

    a-na sza2-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia u2-s,a-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma pa-ni-ia _saga-mesz ugu_-szu2 asz2-kun _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2-ma _e2_ (d)ag sza qe2-reb (iri)kal3-ha sza (disz)(d)iszkur-erin2-tah2 _dumu_ (disz)szam-szi-(d)iszkur _man kur_ asz-szur(ki) _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu2 il-li-ka la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su ad-ke-e-ma ina _kasz-sag_ u _gesztin-mesz_ ab-lu-la ka-lak-ku

    za-bil tup-szik-ki ina me-lu-li il-bi-nu li-bit-tu2 ina za-ma-ri _hul2-mesz_ u ri-sza2-a-ti ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di _gaba-dib_-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2 x x x x? us-si-ma gi-mir pa-asz2-qi2-szu2 _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ta-nit-ti qar-ra-du-ti-ia sza ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en u (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku

    asz2-t,ur-ma e-zi-ba ah-ra-tasz a-na _egir_ u4-me ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza an-szar2 u3 (d)1(u)-5(disz)? a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2 _mu-sar_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu2-usz _(udu)siskur_ liq-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru ki-i ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-szu2 da-na-nu u li-i-tu2 sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia szu-me (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad_-ia

    u3 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad_-ia ib-ba-tu2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ut _an_-e u _ki_-tim ag-gesz li-ru-ru-szu2 _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ li-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, envoy of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the great gods in their assembly determined a good fate for him and established his protection. Exalted chariot, ... Marduk, the pre-eminent one of the gods, lord of lords,

    I presented her with gold, silver, and precious stones. For Marduk, king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, who overwhelms my enemies, I established. A bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose luster is shining, and whose precious stones are plentiful, for the people of the rites of Bel and Beltiya Zarpanitu, the one who is assiduous towards the rites of the warriors, I skillfully built. In Kahilisu, the seat of the goddess Zarpanitu, who is encircled by hunger, I gave.

  • 4 wild bulls of silver, mighty,
  • Protector of my royal path, at the Gate of the Rising Sun and the Gate of the Lamma-rabi, at the Gate of Ezida, which is in Borsippa, I sat. The Emashmash and the Egashankalamma, silver and gold, I decorated with splendor. The goddess Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had fled to her abode and sat in a place not befitting her, in my good reign, which Ashur had granted me, in order to complete her supreme divinity, her supreme majesty, in a dream, a great work of art,

    I constantly sent messages, and constantly I asked Shamash and Adad, and they answered me with a firm "yes" and a firm "yes"; she made the utterance of her great divinity resplendent and made her dwell on her eternal dais. In the throne-dais, her eternal dwelling, she established her supreme rites and she made her tremble with cypress for the preservation of my life. At the gate of the Egalammes, the temple of Nergal of Tarbishu, I sat down. Until my father had not bowed down, my mother, in order to rebuild Ehulhul, she bowed down to my name.

    Sin, who created me to be king, saying: "Ashurbanipal will rebuild that Ekur and make it shine forth in it" — the eternal path, the word of Sin, which since distant days he had spoken, he now revealed to the people. The ancient temple of Sin, which Salmanu-iddina II, son of Ashur-papibila II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built, he renovated and he made it shine forth. Before me, that Ekur, which had become old, I did not build. By the word of Sin and Nusku I removed its debris.

    I built and completed Emelamanna, the temple of Nusku, the exalted vizier, which a king who preceded me had built. I roofed them with beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of liyari and I fixed them in their gates.

  • 2 wild bulls of silver, who slay my foes,
  • I sat down at the amanu-district of the god Sin, my lord.

  • 2 Lahme-priestesses of the eshmarû-priests of the tiishbutu-priests of the shurinnu-wood;
  • As for the one who completes the cult centers of my royal majesty and makes the people of the mountains and seas dwell at the gate of the Ehulhul temple, I took the hands of the gods Sîn and Nusku and made them sit on their eternal dais. I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I built every type of temple appurtenance there is of silver and gold. Above that of the kings, my ancestors, I added. The great gods who support me, I settled them in their exalted dwellings.

    I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. My regular offerings I made more plentiful than those of distant days and I erected therein my royal statues of silver, gold, and shining copper by the craft of the deities Ninagal, Kusigbanda, and Ninkura. To prolong my life before the gods who support me, I established their sanctuaries. From my childhood until my youth I constantly sought out the sanctuaries of the great gods.

    Adad abandoned his rains, Ea opened up his springs.

  • 5 cubits of barley, rations, in her threshing floor;
  • The shittu-offerings are 5/6? cubits. The yield of the harvest is a constant offering of Nisaba. The reed-beds of the reed beds are a constant offering. The cattle are a constant offering. In the talittu of my reign, abundance is plentiful. In my years, abundance is plentiful.

  • 12 homers of barley, 3 homers of wine, 2 seahs of oil, wool,
  • In all of my land, the price of living was paid. In exchange for one shekel of silver I marched about. The people of Enlil, the great gods, whose divinity I love, the mighty strength of my divine power, they made me attain my wish. The lands that had not bowed down to me they placed in my hands and made me attain my wish. From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, which the kings, my ancestors, had traversed, I marched.

    The kings, my ancestors, added to it the auxiliary forces above those of the kings, my ancestors, and the lord of the people living in those lands made them bow down to my yoke. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the kings who sit on royal daises he made bow down at my feet. The great rulers who slew and slew for their protection he imposed upon them. Shield, king of the land Hazaitu, Mitintu, king of the land Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of the land Hammuruna,

    Milki-ashappa, king of the land of the Guti, Yakin-Lû, king of the land of the Arwad, Abi-Ba'al, king of the land of the Samsimuruna, Amminadbi, king of the land Eamana, Papmilki, king of the land of the Assyrian, Ekishtura, king of the land of the Edi'lu, Pilaguraya, king of the land Kitrusi, Kisu, king of the land Silua, Ituandar, king of the land Pappa, Eresu, king of the land Sillu, Damasu, king of the land Kuri, Admesu, king of the land Tamesu,

    Damusu, king of the land Qartihadati, Nunasagusu, king of the land Lidir, and Bushusu, king of the land Nure; a total of 22 kings from the Upper Sea, the Lower Sea, and the Sea of the Sea, servants who belonged to me, brought their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet. Those kings together with their forces and their boats in the sea and the sea with my troops, a heavy arrow struck them down and they were thrown into a sling.

    The fates of the kings and officials who were in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, quickly advanced and marched. As far as Kar-Banite, Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, heard about the advance of my expeditionary force while he was inside Memphis, and to wage war and battle he came before me. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, in a widespread battle I brought about the defeat of his troops.

    Nikû, king of the cities Memphis and Saya, Lugal-lu-dari, king of the cities Shi'inu, Pishan-huru, king of the cities Nathû, Paqruru, king of the cities Shappu, Niherau, king of the cities Hathiribi, Nahke'i, king of the cities Hininshi, these kings, governors, and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts before Taharqa, and had gone to the steppe, returned, and their posts

    In their maskanu I imposed upon them. Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, I took in hand for a new one. I strengthened its guard more than before and reinforced its rigor. With a substantial booty and substantial booty before my bow I returned and returned safely to Assyria. After that, Nikû, Lugal-lu-dari, and Pa-aqruru did not honor my treaty and did not honor the oath of the great gods.

    "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and you are in the area." What is it that Taharqa, the king of Kush, has ordered to establish treaties and peace? Their rakes say: "Let peace be established between us and we will be reconciled." We are divided up, and there is no agreement between us. The lord to the troops of Assyria, my lordly strength, which is the securing of life,

    They heard these words of mine, and their rakê-priests together with their letters came to me and saw their deeds. Nikû and Lugal-lu-dari came to me and in the midst of iron and iron fetters I smashed their hands and feet. The oath of Ashur, king of the gods, he bound them, and they who had sinned against the treaty of the great gods, their favor, he decreed, and those whose deeds are good, he imposed upon them.

    and the people of the cities Sais, Bintitu, and Shi'nu, as many as had been established, they plotted evil deeds, small and great, with weapons they massacred, they slew, the people did not flee, they hung their corpses on poles and their skins they cut off, and the wall of the city of Nikû and Lugal-lu-dari they brought to Nineveh before me. Lugal-lu-dari, who did not keep safe, ... in a place of eternal protection .

    I had mercy on Nikû and I restored his life. I concluded a treaty with him before him and imposed it upon him. I adorned him with multi-colored garments and adorned him with gold jewelry, the emblem of his royal majesty. I tied his hands with gold bracelets, a fingernail of gold, a fingernail of my own name, and wrote on it ascribed it to him and gave it to him. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I secured my hands. Silver, gold, precious stones, precious stones, property of his palace, as much as there was,

    a multitude of garments, linen garments, large horses, people, people of all ages and all ages,

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • From their 25,000 talents of their weight I took the seat at the gate of Ekur. From their seats I took them to Assyria. I carried off a substantial booty without number. From the city Nairi up to Egypt and Kush I made my weapons prevail and established them. A life with the hands of many captives I returned and to Nineveh, my capital city, on the third day of my campaign I marched against Ba'alu, king of Tyre who lives in the middle of the sea.

    Because the word of my royal majesty had not been heard and not heard, the pronouncements of my lips I made rise up against him, to not be seen, his people I strengthened, his guard I captured in the sea and the plain of his routes. I confined his routes, I deprived water and food for the preservation of their lives to their mouths I made scarce. In a strong uprising which was unsubmissive I confined them, their lives I cut short, and to my yoke I made them bow down.

    his daughter, his own offspring, and his daughters, his brothers, to do obeisance, he brought before me. His son, who since the time of the sea had not bowed down, to do obeisance to me, his daughter and his brothers, together with a large marriage gift, I received from him. I had mercy on him, and his son, his offspring, I returned and gave him. The fortresses which he had set against Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, I sealed and placed it in the sea and in the plain of his campaigns.

    His substantial payment I received from him, and before my bow I returned and carried off booty. To Nineveh, my capital city, the rulers of the seacoast and the kings who live in the high mountains, the great strength of my deeds, these daughters, their own offspring, together with a large wedding gift and a large marriage gift, to do obeisance to Nineveh they brought and they kissed my feet. Above Mugalli, great horses

    After Yakin-Lû, the king of Arwad, had gone to the fate of Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, with their substantial audience gifts, came up and kissed my feet. I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and established him as king of Arwad.

    I hung gold bracelets on doors of gold before me. I adorned them. May Urdu, the king, restore the district of the Upper Sea, a remote place, whose name none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard. The mention of my royal name in a dream I made him see, and Ashur, the god who created me, a day after this dream had seen, his messenger wrote to me, to inquire about my well-being. The Cimmerians, a violent enemy who had not feared my ancestors and none of me grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

    With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I cut down with the shitu-wood, which is in the hand of the shigaru-wood, and with his substantial audience gifts I sent it to me. On my fourth campaign to the city Qirbit, which is in the city Harehata, I marched. Tandaya, their city ruler, did not submit to the kings, my ancestors, to the throne and the people living in Qirbit ... ... I did not go to us ... Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea,

    ... I took the road ... my ancestors were not trustworthy ... the desert ... the city Arbela ... he said ... I said and ... of the land Mannea ... ... ... together ... I fought and I mustered my battle troops to conquer the land Mannea. I took the road and settled in the city Dur-Ashur. I set out and set out for the road. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and sent his army to me in a crafty maneuver.

    To fight with my troops, my battle troops with them fought and defeated. A road of three stretches stretched over them, a wide open country, to the city Atrana, the city upon which he relied, he fled. The quay of the cities Izirtu, Urmeyate, and Uzbia, his fortified cities, I surrounded. The people living in those cities I surrounded and their lives I cut short. That district I conquered, destroyed, devastated,

    In the course of my campaign, the cities in the environs of the city Paddira, which during the reign of the kings, my ancestors, the Manneans had taken away, to their own fate they returned, I conquered, in the environs of the god Geshbar I went down, and plundered. Those cities to the territory of Assyria I returned. The district of the city Arsiyanish, which is between the city Azaqanani and the land Harsi,

    I razed, destroyed, and burned with fire the people of the land Kumurda, which is in the land Mannea. I killed Rayadishadî, their fortress commander. I carried off his booty and the district of the city Eristeyana. I conquered his cities and burned them with fire. I carried off his booty. In the midst of my battle I destroyed his district and smashed his entire land. With a substantial booty, many captives, I returned and burned. I razed, destroyed, and burned the territory of Assyria, the cities Birua, Lugaliqbi, and Gusine.

    As for the former cities on the border of Assyria which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had abandoned, I conquered those settlements. I reorganized the land Mannea from within. I carried off to Assyria their horses, their equipment, and their equipment. I reorganized those cities and returned them to the border of Assyria. Ahsheri, who did not fear my lordship, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar placed him in the hands of his servants.

    The people of his land seized him and hung him on the street of his city. After that Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. The might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk and Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the great gods, my lords, saw him and he bowed down to my throne. Because of the preservation of his life, he opened up his hands and bowed down to my lordship. Erisinni, his son, to Nineveh

    sent, and he kissed my feet. My messenger who was attentive to him sent him, and his daughter, his own offspring, he sent to do obeisance, his former payment which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they had sinned against, he brought before me.

  • 30 horses against his tribute,
  • Afterwards, Birish-hatri, the city ruler of the Medes, Sarati, Parihi,

  • 2 sons of Gagi, city ruler of the land of Sahu;
  • who grasped the yoke of my lordship,

  • I conquered and plundered 115 of their fortified cities.
  • I took their captives and brought them to Nineveh, my capital city. Andaria, the commander of the land Urartu, who to conquer the land Uppumu and the city Kullimeri had marched, came inside the night. The people living in Kullimeri, servants who belonged to me, in the night his lawsuits were numerous, they did not succeed. No one seized the head of Andaria and to Nineveh before me they brought it.

    On my sixth campaign, I marched against Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who did not respect the kindness of the father who had engendered me and did not honor my friendship. After a storm had set up in the land Elam, a flood of rations brought about the deaths of people and I took away from him his hands and the people who had fled from the storm had settled in Assyria until the rains in his land had fallen, and the people who had fled from me had brought, I sent back and

    The Elamite whose attack I did not engage in with my heart, I did not fear his supplications. Enbasha of the land Gambulu, Nabû-ushur-esh, the shandabakku, servants who belonged to me, Marduk-mudu, the eunuch of Urtaku, who with them set his mouth to fight with the land of Sumer and Akkad, with a scepter they bound. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Urtaku, who had not bowed down to his feet, bowed down to Kar-Duniash.

    Concerning the Elamite attack, a messenger came to Nineveh and said to me: "I did not carry out those words that I had spoken about. In my heart, the Elamite attack of Urtaku was constantly sent to me. In my presence, to see the king of the land Elam, my messenger sent me a message. He quickly came and I heard them again and again. I said to myself: "The Elamite attack like the spread of locusts in the entire land of Akkad."

    On the way to Babylon he set up camp and for the sacrificial offerings of the gods Bel Marduk and Nabû, my lords, whose divinity I constantly revered, my battle troops I mustered and took the road. Then he heard about the advance of my expeditionary force, fear overwhelmed him, and he returned to his land. After him I seized his troops and imposed upon him a levy. I imposed upon him his tribute, as far as the border of his land. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had not kept his stowed away, he imposed upon him a penalty, in a day without his fate he sinned,

    In the midst of the land of life, his feet did not rest; in that year his life came to an end and he went to live. Bel-basha of the land Gambulu, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, with the sling of a thornbush set up the life of Nabû-mushesh, the shandabakku governor who did not honor my treaty, he died. The agannu-tila water, Marduk-mudu, the eunuch of his, the one who slew evil, had incited Urtaku

    In one year, none of them had borne responsibility for the life of the god Ashur. He did not abandon them and did not smite them. The mood of the goddess Ishtar, who had encouraged me, his reign of kingship, he smashed. The lordship of the land Elam he made disappear. Afterwards Teumman, the eldest son, sat on the throne of Urtaku. To kill the sons of Urtaku and the sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, he constantly spoke evil.

    Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, king who marched before Urtaku, and a total of 210 kings without number, the archers, the sons of the rulers of the land Elam, who had fled from the battle of Teumman, fled and grasped the feet of my royal majesty. On my seventh campaign I marched against Teumman, king of the land Elam.

    As to Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash II, the brother of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, his steppe commanders, they constantly sent me messages to bring those people who had fled and grasped my feet. I did not tell him about the food offerings, but instead of sending them to me by the hands of Umbadara and Nabû-sagiq, I have written to him repeatedly.

    In the land Elam he was stricken, saying in the assembly of his troops: "I did not leave him alone." He went with him, and fought with him. On these words that Teumman had spoken, he gave me orders. I trusted in the gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, and Ishtar of Nineveh and Ishtar of Arbela, who had encouraged me, his words were bitter. I did not agree, I did not give him those captives. Teumman was a lone wolf.

    Sin constantly sought him out, he was afflicted by signs. In Du'uzu IV, an eclipse which was seen in the morning, the light of the lord, was eclipsed, and the sun was seen, and like that day all day it was eclipsed. At the end of the reign Teumman, the king of the land Elam, the destruction of his land, he made me see. The supplications and decisions that were not known, at that time, a flood came to him, and his eye became confused, and he was afflicted with a famine. In her heart, with these deeds,

    His troops in Abu, the month of the great 'shining' of the Bow Star, the festival of the kingship, the daughter of Enlil, to revere her great divinity I sat. In the city Arbela, the city beloved by her heart, because of the attack of the Elamite, who were before the gods, they gave me orders, saying: Teumman, as he said, which Ishtar had given me, the advice of his report which he said, saying: "I will not abandon him, until I go with him, I will do battle with him."

    Concerning this small matter about which Teumman said, I received. The scepter of Ishtar I stood in front of it. I sat down on her knees. Her divinity I prayed to her, and she came to me. My verdict: "O Lady of Arbela, I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the creation of your hands, which had sinned against him, Ashur, the father who had engendered you, to renovate shrines, to preserve their rituals, to preserve their secrets, and to please their hearts, it is the word of his name.

    I came to revere your divinity and to ensure the well-being of your rituals. And he, Teumman, king of the land Elam, who does not let the gods bind, the entire guard, to fight with my troops, saying: "You, Belet-belti, lady of the middle, lady of battle, the guardian of the gods, her fathers, who in the presence of Ashur, the father who had engendered you, a good woman, said to me, and with his pure eyes he granted me kingship. Because Teumman, king of the land Elam, who to Ashur, king of the gods,

    The father who had engendered you sinned, he took bribes. His troops he captured, battle he fought with. His weapons to the path of Assyria he sent, saying: "You are the armed forces of the gods, a shit of a shit of a shit of a shit of a shit of a shit of a shit of a shit of my shit, the evil wind, he heard, and he did not fear, he said, and he made me bow down. My heart, which you had taken, he smote me, and he smote me. In the course of that year, which I received,

  • One shabrû-demon he has sinned against, and he has sinned against the dream.
  • he sinned, and the night of Ishtar he made great, he made great, saying to me: "Ishtar, who resides in Arbela, enters and

  • 15 and 210 tulla-vessels? are smashed.
  • The bow is in her lap, the arrow is in her lap, the arrow is in her lap, the arrow is in her lap, the arrow is in her lap, she is the one who is able to do battle. She is like your mother, the mother, the one who swore to you, she is with you. Ishtar, the most exalted of the gods, is calling you, saying: "You are able to do battle where you are placed." You say to her: "Where you go, go with you." Lady of ladies, this you have commanded to you, saying: "You are here, where you stand, I will be able to eat the food of the kurunnu-vessel."

    The ningutu-priest, the one who reveres my divinity, until I go, the work that I have done I have made great. Your face does not tremble, does not tremble, does not tremble, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, does not scream, in her midst, you have screamed, and you have screamed, all of your body, and the god Geshbar has been screamed fiercely, and to conquer her enemy he has gone out, and to conquer her enemy he has gone out. Above Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose face is angry, you have set up.

    In Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the exalted festival of Ashur, the month of the goddess Sîn, the light of heaven and earth, I trusted in the decision of the bright goddess Nanna and the work of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, which cannot be changed. I mustered my battle troops, the warriors who by the command of Ashur, Sîn, and the goddess Ishtar had smitten the battlefield, up to Teumman, the king of the land Elam, I took and brought them on the road. Teumman, the king of the land Elam,

    In my royal abode which is in Der, in the city Til-ibni I brought about their defeat. With their corpses I crossed the Euphrates. Their habitations I filled with their habitations like a harrow and a thornbush. The plain of the city Susa, the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, by the command of the gods Ashur and Marduk, the great gods, my lords, I cut off. In the assembly of his troops, the splendor of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar overwhelmed the land Elam and they bowed down to my yoke.

    Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled and took my feet, I sat on his throne. Tammaritu, his third brother, I installed as king in Hidalu. By the chariots, wagons, horses, mules, harness-broken steeds, the emblem of battle, which with the support of the gods Ashur and Ishtar, the great gods, I conquered between the cities Susa and Ula. By the command of the god Ashur and the god Marduk

    The great gods, my lords, joyfully came out of the land Elam and to my entire army, the fittest troops, I marched on my eighth campaign against Dunanu, son of Belshunu, to the land Gambulu. Whoever trusted in the king of the land Elam did not obey him, to my yoke I smashed the mighty battle array of the land Gambulu in its entirety like a flood. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is in the watercourses.

    Dunanu and his brothers brought out alive from that city. His wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, female singers, and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, property, and the nakkatu-offerings of his palace I brought out and I counted them as booty. The eunuchs, his attendants, the kitkittu-officials, his shakilû-officials I brought out and I counted them as booty. All of his labor, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe,

    I brought out and I counted it as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules without number, and I counted them as booty. The people of his land, obedient and frightened, small and large, I did not leave. I brought out and I counted them as booty. That district I filled with fear of humans. I surrounded it. With the support of the great gods, I killed my enemies and I carried off booty. I returned to Nineveh. The head of Teumman, the king of Elam, I hung on the neck of Dunanu.

    The head of Ishtar-nandi was shaved on the neck of Samgunu, the older brother of Dunanu. With the booty of the land Elam and the booty of the land Gambulu, which by the command of the god Ashur had captured, my hands with singers performing ningu-concerns entered Nineveh. With joy Umbadarâ and Nabû-sagiq, the eunuchs of Teumman, the king of Elam, which Teumman had sent to them, a message of silence which I had carried before me

    Before the enunciation of my report, the head of Teumman, their lord, saw it in Nineveh, and another report seized them. Umbadarâ fell and his head Nabû-sagiq smashed with the iron sword his neck. The head of Teumman was seated on the ground in the city gate of the city of Nineveh. He was greeted before me because of the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords. The people were all together. The head of Teumman, king of the land Elam,

    As for Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, son of Marduk-apla-ishi, whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered me, and after Ummanigash Humban-nikash II had established in the land Elam, as king, Aplaya, son of Nabû-salim, took and sent before me. Dunanu and Samgunu, sons of Bel-isha of the Gambuleans, who their fathers had abandoned to the kings, my ancestors, and they sinned against my exercise of kingship.

    In Baltil and the city Arbela, for the sake of rejoicing, he brought them here. Ursâ, king of the land Urartu, heard about the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him. He sent his envoys to inquire about my well-being. In Arbela horses, mules, ..., chariots, ..., a chariot, his audience gift ... Nabû-sagiq and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam,

    With the tools of the crafty craftsman, I stood before them. Of Mannu-kippi, the brother of Dunanu, and Nabû-ushalli, the city overseer of Gambulu, who had said "I am one of my gods," I ripped out their tongues in the city Arbela, and flayed them. Dunanu slew him in Nineveh against the boat and seized him. Moreover, the rest of the brothers of Dunanu

    and Aplaya, who was also their meat, cut off their flesh and sent them. For the audience gift of the land, Nabû, Bel-karir, sons of Nabû-eresh, the shandabakku governor of the father who had engendered them, Urtaku, v 70 to fight with the land Akkad, the bones of Nabû-eresh, which they had taken out of the land Gambulu to Assyria, those bones, in front of the city wall of Nineveh, he made them drenched. His sons, Geshnun-mudina, .

    I imposed upon him. To ... I imposed a penalty. Sulummû ... the forts of Babylon ... from ... Ummanigash Humban-nikash II ..., the servant who belonged to me, who I imposed upon him for kingship in the land Elam with me ... I made him swear and he made him carry it off. My lordly throne, the property of Esagil and Ezida, he took away and he sent it to me. ... ... my battle troops who were in the land Mangisi, which is in the city Sumandir, their steppe, they brought them up against them and they brought them to me.

    As for Undasi, son of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose heads Zazazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu had cut off and brought before me, concerning these matters, a messenger of mine sent me a message. He sinned against Ummanigash, my eunuch, whom I had sent, and did not return. The small ones, my words, the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict with Ummanigash.

    Tammaritu rebelled against him and he, together with his family, killed him. With the weapons of Tammaritu, who was more powerful than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam like him Ummanigash, he received a favorable verdict from the hands of Geshnu-mudina, but he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. To aid Geshnu-mudina, my unfaithful brother, he came and sent me to fight with my troops in a letter of Ashur and Ishtar.

    he heard the utterance of my lips, his servants rebelled against him and together struck down my adversary. Indabibi, his servant, who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had spoken insolent words, sat on the neck of Teumman, who had cut off my troops, and his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with 105 nobles of the land Elam who march at his side,

    who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar and to praise their great divinity, together with Marduk-manpap, the eunuch of mine whom he had created, by their might and their might they seized and took away from me their royal feet. Tammaritu, to do my servant service, his own, he seized and to his katari he made him march. My lordship, that of one eunuch of mine: the gods Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ninurta, Nusku, Nergal,

    The gods who support me

  • 1, many of my enemies will revolt against me.
  • Tammaritu and all the people, as many as were with him, in my palace I brought them. The bows which Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, had brought into the land Elam, they smashed inside them. To fight with the troops of Assyria, now in Assyria, they had those bows brought out. To ... the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, Nergal,

    of my enemies ... and the rest ... he brought out and ... ... ... to his body ... ... ... ... he seized ... their possessions ... their extensive possessions to the akitu-house in the midst of the netherworld did not ... they seized. The wild bulls and the ninkilim-demons their great crimes in the midst of their mouths they seized. The snake, the Scorpion, the awe-inspiring snake, as much as there is, the zermandu-demon, he seized, the gildu-demon, his kurishu-demon,

    They seized the sandals and sandals for their ..., the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, ... all of them, their flesh and their sons they cut off, instead of bread, dead bodies of their daughters they weighed out, instead of a shiru-offering in a shakalû-offering they departed, their sanctuaries they seized, their sanctuaries they seized, the slander of the people, the kuru-offering and the nishatu-offerings they smashed, like a thorny thorn

    who is unsubmissive, slander, he has slandered, the lord of the cult centers, the one who ... ... he has sinned, the people ... a dead man ... a halo ... ... the compassion of the people ... the father to his son, the mother to her daughter, he does not love, a remorseful ... his faults he has smashed, the father has sinned, the beloved son, his heart, a dead man, together, who does not ... to the enemy, he has given his word, a slander, a slander, a slander, and a slander he has made. The people of Akkad, all of them,

    between cities and the steppe he seized them. He smashed their governors and their shepherds with iron swords and cut off the remainder of them. The corpses of people were scattered, the streets were smashed, the gates were smashed, the streets were smashed, the people were gathered, the cult centers were erected, their population was scattered, their fields were smashed, their canals were dug, their rivers were drained, water flowed, and your cultic rites were smashed.

    and above Ashur, the god who created me, commanded, a great stag, a wicked man, he determined for him, and in the midst of Gibil he gave him and he destroyed his life. The troops who had perpetrated a rebellion, as many as were placed with him, did not escape, nor did they escape. They were confined in my hands. A stag, a stag, a stag, whatever the kingship, the stag, as many as there were, his palace women, his magnates, his eunuchs, and the people, may they take away from his palace.

    chariots, a chariot, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his sceptre, the people, male and female, young and old, who had fled from the battle of weapons, savages, plague, and famine, and I captured, I carried off, to Assyria, the people, the lord of this crime, I imposed upon them. I ripped out their skins, cut off their hair, and cut off their flesh. Indabibi, who after Tammaritu,

    They sat on the throne of the land Elam. They saw the might of my weapons which they had brought about from the beginning. On the land Elam, the Assyrians whom I had sent to aid Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, who like a lion a guardian of his land had sworn, they marched with him. As for Nabû-bel-shumati in the thick of battle, during the night they were captured, they sinned and hung them on the throne of Indabibi, the king of the land Elam.

    When the word of a slander, the utterance of his good name, the extent of his land, he sent to me by the hands of his messenger, and before me, up to Nabû-enmî, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Merodach-baladan, servant who belonged to me, who had fled and gone to Elam, and to the rest of the Assyrians whom Nabû-enmî had captured by extispicies, he brought them to him, and with him by the hands of his messenger I sent to Indabibi, and

    "I shall come and I shall raze your cities, I shall gather the people of the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Hidalu." I shall go out of your royal throne and, another time, I shall sit on your throne. I shall write down the deeds before Teumman and send them to you. Until his messenger arrives, he shall not be able to reach him. The omens of my report with the support of the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, Nergal,

    As for the one who went and smote me, they killed my foes. On my way?, the messenger of mine whom I had sent to Der heard, in the land Elam, fear of my royal majesty, which the great gods had encouraged me, overwhelmed the land Elam and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and smote him with the sword. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, sat on his throne. In my 10th campaign to Elam I marched. In the course of my campaign

    E-Imbî, the city of the support of the land Elam, I conquered. ... ... ... ... of the land Elam ... sent to him. ... Geshnu-mudina ... my battles in a mighty battle ... did not give his life ... without the weapon of the god Ashur, to sing the praises of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, he fled. To the land Elam he captured Barburu, his son, from the city E-Imbî

    Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, a prisoner who from Assyria had fled? and had gone to the land Elam, saw the assault of my mighty battle array ... my weapons which had smashed against the land Elam, ... ... ... Madaktu, his royal city, he abandoned, and fled, and his land he plundered. Amba-lagabua, who was opposite Ummanaldashu, a seat on the throne of the land Elam, ... ... .

    The city Bubilu, the city? that is a lordly residence of his, abandoned and like fish, a flood swept over it and it fell. On my return, the cities Gatudu, Gatudu, Daeba, Nadi', Duramanu, Duramanu, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hausi, ..., Hara', E-imbî, Madaktu, Shushan, Bube, She-Shumanani, Urdalika, Algarigi, Tubu, Dunshan, Dur-undasi,

    I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Dur-Undasi, Bubilu, Samunu, Ebunakki, ..., Qabarina, Qabarina, and those cities. I carried off their people, their oxen, their sheep, their possessions, their property, their possessions, wagons, horses, mules, and a host of weapons. To Assyria I carried off to Elam the people of the land Elam, which Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, in the middle of battle

    their lips trembled and they smashed their heads, who from the ruins of the land Elam had fled, to save their lives with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they seized them. To Assyria I returned, I smashed their skins. The people of Uruk, Nippur, Udagi, Bit-Dakkuri, Bit-Amukkani, ... ... of Assyria they smashed, they smashed, to the land Elam with the booty of Elam

    I carried off to Assyria. I surrounded those people. I slew them like a flood. With the weapons of the people and the booty of the land Elam, which by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, and Nergal I had brought, I gave the first-ranking troops to my gods. I cut down archers, ... I hung them up above the royal dung heap.

    The rest to my governors, my magnates, my cult centers, ... ... he smote like a pig. Iauta', son of Hazael, king of Qedar, who did my servant, because of his gods he approached me and he swore my lordly majesty. He made him swear by the great gods and Atar-samain returned and gave him back. After my treaty he sinned, he did not keep watch, he swore by my lordly majesty, to inquire about my well-being he seized his feet and

    The people of the Arabs rebelled against him and they became hostile. The booty of the land Amurru, my troops who were stationed on the border of his land, they brought down. They brought about their defeat. The people of the Arabs, as many as had risen up against him, they smote with the sword the house of the steppe, their cult centers, and they burned them with fire. They prayed to the gods: 'Gate, oxen, sheep, donkeys, camels, and people, without number, the plunder of the entire land,

    They slew like a pig to all the people of Assyria. To the people of Assyria they smashed the camels with half a shekel of silver. At the gate of the satrap, Ashtamu, with the ninnu-offering, the brewer, with a tamarisk, Iauta' received a substantial payment from him and he fled. He fled to the land Nabatu. Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, came to Nineveh and kissed my feet.

    I established it with him. Instead of Iauta' I established him as king. Silver, haloes, pappardilû-stone, guhlu-stone, camels, and small donkeys I imposed upon him. Ammi-ladin, king of the land Qedar, who had sided with Assyria and seized the booty of the land Amurru, at the mention of my name which Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela

    As for Kamas-haltâ, king of the land Moab, a servant who belonged to me, in battle they brought about his defeat. Ammi-ladin, together with his people, who had fled from the slaughter, seized him. With hands, hands, and feet, he bound iron fetters and sent them to Nineveh, before me. Natnu, king of the land Nabayate, whose location is remote, heard of the might of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, who had encouraged me.

    After Iauta', the king of the land of the Arabs, a servant who belonged to me, fled to the land of the Nabayateans and went before Natnu, Natnu said to Iauta' as follows: "I have not sworn by the hand of Assyria, and you have sworn by your strong name." Natnu became frightened and became frightened. His messengers wrote to me to inquire about my well-being and he kissed my feet.

    To conclude a treaty of peace and peace concerning the exercise of my servantship I constantly sought out my lordship. I rejoiced greatly and looked upon him with pleasure and set the highest standards upon him. I imposed upon him the annual tribute and imposed upon him his yoke. At that time, the temple of the god Nabû that is inside Kalhu, which Adad-narari, son of Shamshi-Adad V, king of Assyria, a king who had come before me, had built, came. I weakened his weakened portions and I poured out beer and wine.

    He erected a tablet in the midst of the night, and a lion sat on it. In the midst of joy and rejoicing I built and completed from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with beams of cedar and ... ... and I deposited it therein. A tablet of my name, praise of my heroism, which with the support of the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, and Nabû, the goddesses Ninurta, the goddess Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, I marched through the lands.

    In the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are written on this inscribed object, grant him as his own strength and strength. The name of the inscribed object bearing my name is Esarhaddon, my father.

    and Sennacherib, my father, a slave, did not place with his inscribed object. May the great gods who dwell in heaven and netherworld curse him, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

    P514717: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _szu-min_ (d)sin (d)nusku as,-bat u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti esz-re-e-ti _kur_ asz-szur(ki) u? _kur_ uri(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-szi-na u2-szak-lil mim-ma si-mat e2-kur ma-la ba-szu2-u sza2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia ina at-ma-ni-szu2-nu s,i-i-ri u2-sze-szib-szu2-nu-ti _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu2-un aq-qi2 u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me ul-lu-ti

    _alam-mesz lugal_-ti-ia sza2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 uruda_ nam-ri ina szi-pir (d)nin-a2-gal (d)ku3-sig17-banda3(+da) (d)nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz-ma? a-na mu-ter-ri-szi _ti-la_-ia ma-har _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u2-kin na-an-za-sun2 ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia a-di ru-be2-ia asz2-te-'a-a asz2-rat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (lu2)sza2-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu i-ram-mu na-dan zi-bi-ia (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-sza2
  • e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu2 5/6(disz) _kusz3_ _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala-mesz_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum

  • 1(u) 2(disz) _ansze sze-pad-mesz_ 3(disz) _ansze gesztin-mesz_
  • _2(ban2) i3-mesz gun sig2-mesz_
  • ina nap-har _kur_-ia _ki-lam_ nap-szu2 i-szam-mu ina 1(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi sza la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu2-un u2-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u2 _edin_ u2-ter-ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu2-un ina masz-kan2-i-szu2-nu ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti? (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza2 _ad_ ba-nu-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat _en-nun-mesz_-szu2 _ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-nin u2-rak-ki-sa rik-se-szu2 it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ra-am-ma

    szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _egir_-nu (disz)ni-ku-u2? (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ t,a-ab-ti im-szu-ma lib3-ba-szu2-nu ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu2 da-bab sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-ma mi3-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu2-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u2-ma at-tu-ni a-sza2-ba-ni mi-i-nu e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me u2-ma-'e-e-ru (lu2)rak-be2-szu2-un

    um-ma su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni sza2-nu-um-ma be-lum a-na _erin2-hi-a kur_ asz-szur(ki) e-muq _en_-ti-ia sza2 na-kas _zi_-tim isz-te-ne2-'u-u2 a-mat _hul_-tim (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti isz-mu-u-ma (lu2)rak-be2-szu2-un a-di szip-ra-ti-szu2-un is,-ba-tu-nim-ma a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di? mah?-ri-ia _dumu_-szu2 ma-ti-ma ti-amtu? la e-bi-ra

    isz-sza2-a a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su u3 _dumu-munus szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ sza2 _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri u2-rak-ki-su ap-t,ur ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-te-e-szu2 ma-la u2-s,ab-bi-tu ap-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu am-hur-szu2 pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ram-ma szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ma-al-ki _muru2_ tam-tim u

    _lugal-mesz_ a-szib szad-de-e sza2-qu-u-ti da-na-an ep-sze-ti-ia an-na-a-ti e-mu-ru-ma ip-la-hu _en_-u-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)ar-u2-a-da (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab-a-la (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2-nu it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di u3 ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    e-li (disz)mu-gal-lu _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)ar-u2-a-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti il-lik-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun

    (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al lu-bul-tu bir-me u2-lab-bisz-ma _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ asz-kun ina mah-ri-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia e-ki-mu (kur)man-na-a-a da-ad2-me sza2-a-tu-nu ak-szu-ud (kur)man-na-a-a ul-tu lib3-bi as-suh _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_-szu2-nu u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu usz_-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min-mesz_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2 _(lu2)a_ szip-ri-ia sza szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti ma-da-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_
  • _ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2 mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma e-mi3-is-su ina u4-me-szu2 (disz)bi-ri-is-ha-at-ri _(lu2)en-iri_ sza mad-a-a (disz?)te-um-man le-mut-tu isz-te-ne2-'i-i (d)sin isz-te-ne2-'a-szu2 _geszkim-mesz_ le-mut-ti ina _(iti)szu an-mi_ szat ur-ri _en zalag2_ usz-ta-ni-ih-ma (d)utu _igi_-szu2-ma ki-ma szu-a-tu-ma kal u4-me usz-ta-ni-ih a-na qi2-it _bala-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) _zah2 kur_-szu2 u2-kal-lim-an-ni _gurun esz-bar_-szu2 sza2 la in-nen-nu-u2

    _nundum_-su uk-tam-bil-ma _igi-min_-szu2 is-hur-ma it-ti ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti sza2 (d)sin u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-pu-szu-usz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-u2-ti asz2-kun? _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri (gesz)til-li si-mat _me3_ sza ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ bi-rit (iri)szu-sza2-an u (i7)u2-la-a-a ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a

    ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ha-disz u2-s,a-am-ma a-na gi-mir _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2-lim-tu szak-na-at ina 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-nu _dumu (disz)(d)en-ba_-sza2 a-na (kur)gam-bu-li? lu-u al-lik sza a-na _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu? la-a ik-nu-szu2 ana _(gesz)szudun_-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu (kur)gam-bu-lu a-na si-hir-ti?-szu2 _gin7 muru9_ ak-tum3? (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2

    (disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _iri_ szu2-a-tu bal-t,u-us-su-un u2-sze-s,a-a _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu_ na-kam2-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_ (lu2)man-za-az pa-ni-szu2? (lu2)kit-ki-tu-u2 mu-sza2-ki-le-e-szu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu gi-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-szu-u mar-kas _iri_ u _edin_

    u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu?-u u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 zik-ra u sin-nisz _tur_ u? _gal_ e-du ul e-zib u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz? am-nu (disz)mas-si-ra-a _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ sza2 (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 a-na kit-ri (kur)gam-bu-li ma-s,ar-tu (disz)du-na-nu asz2-bu qe2-reb (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat

    kit-ri la mu-sze-zib-i-szu2 ar?-pi-is _iri_ szu-a-tu ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, a-di la ba-sze-e u2-sza2-lik na-gu-u szu-a-tu u2-szah-rib ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ap-ru-sa _edin_-usz-szu2 ina tu-kul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz (lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-ni?-ir? szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] iq-bu-u [...] la? t,a-a-bu qe2-reb (iri)limmu2-dingir _eme_-szu2-un asz2-lu-up asz2-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un (disz)du-na-nu [...] hi-ri-is, _gal5-la2-mesz_

    [...] la? e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia2 [...] mesz-re-ti-szu2? u2-par-ri-is [...] _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki [...] u2-sze-bil si-it-ti _szesz-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)du-na-nu u3 (disz)ibila-a-a? a-ni-ir _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-nak-kis u2-sze-bil a-na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan (disz)(d)ag-i (disz)(d)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz_ (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ sza _ad_ ba-nu-szu2-un (disz)ur-ta-ki id-ka-a a-na mit-hu-s,i _kur_ uri(ki) _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz (disz)(d)ag-mu-kam_-esz

    sza ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li il-qu-u-ni a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ter-ra tuk-te-e _ad_ ba-ni-ka (disz)un-da-su (disz)za-za-az (disz)pa-ru-u (disz)at-ta-me-tu (disz)ne2-e-szu2 it-ti _(lu2)a kin-mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak?-ri ur-hu is,-ba-tu-nim-ma usz-te-esz-szer-u-ni har-ra-nu _erin2-mesz me3_-ia sza2 ina (kur)man-gi-si sza? qe2-reb (iri)su-man-dir u2-ma?-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-man-i-gasz (lu2?)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza2 asz2-pu?-ra ik-la-ma la u2?-ter-ra tur-tu2 a-mat-ia

    an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ra-sib-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza2 e-la (disz)um-man-i-gasz ek-s,u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma ul-tu _szu-min (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ t,a-'a-a-tu2 im-hur ul isz-al szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na kit-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na

    _szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia ina su-up-pe-e sza an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u un-ni-ni-ia il-qu-u2? isz-mu-u zi-kir _nundum_-ia _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu-ma a-ha-mesz u2-ra-si-bu _en munus-hul_-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su sza si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man me-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u sza2 ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u2 _erin2-hi-a_-ia2

    um-ma i-nak-ki-su-u _sag-du man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 sza2-ni-ia-a-nu iq-bi u3 (disz)um-man-i-gasz ke-e u2-na-asz2-sziq qaq-qa-ru ina pa-an _(lu2)a kin-mesz_ sza (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) bi-nu-ut an-szar2 u? (d)nin-lil2 _ugu_ a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti sza2 il-zi-nu an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2? e-ri-hu-szu2-ma (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ a-li-kut i-di-szu2 [...] x x [...] x

    [...] x x x x? [...] x u x x? [...] x u x [...] a-na a-ki-li? ina un-s,i ne2-eb-re-ti la ig-mi3-lu e-ku-lu _ur-gi7-mesz (d)nin-kilim-mesz_ _nig2-gig_-szu2-nu ra-bu-u ina szam-mu pi-i-szu2-nu ig-mu-ru _musz-mesz gir2-tab-mesz_ nam-masz-ti qaq-qa-ri ma-la ba-szu2-u zer-man-du iq-ti-szu2-nu-ti ik-su-su gi-il-du ku-ru-us-su _(kusz)da-e-sir-mesz_ u _(kusz)e-sir2-mesz_ a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu u2-t,a-ba-bi-hu _dumu-mesz dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz nin9-mesz [...]-me du3_-szu2-un

    _uzu-mesz dumu-mesz_-szu2-nu e-ku-lu ku-um _ninda-mesz_ _usz2-mesz dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-ta-at-tu-u ku-um szi-ka-ri ina la ma-ka-le-e iq-ta-a i-zu-ba mesz-re-ti-szu2-nu e-mu-u sza2-lam-tisz2 zi-i-me _ug3-mesz_ ina ku-u2-ri u ni-is-sa-ti iq-t,u-ru ki-ma qut-ri et,-lu sza2 ar-da-ti ar-da-tu sza2 et,-li ina re-bet _iri_ i-na-at,-t,a-lu pu-zur-szun3 _ad_ e-te-zib _dumu_ na-ram lib3-bi-szu2 szu-ut mi3-tu-tu a-ha-mesz la na-t,a-li? a-na _(lu2)kur2_ da-a-a-ki-szu2 it-ta-din pi-i-szu2

    szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz gig_ szu-ru-up-pu-u u2-s,a-hir _ug3-mesz kur uri(ki) du3_-szu2-un bi-rit _iri_ u _edin_ ig-mur-szu2-nu-ti _gir2 an-bar_ ha-an-t,u _szagina sipa_-szu2-nu ina lib3-bi-szu2-nu iz-zi-iz-ma u2-szam-qit si-it-tu2 _adda-mesz un-mesz sila_ u su-lu-u pur-ru-ku pu-uh-hu-u2 _ka2-mesz_ _ugu iri_ u _nun_ sza2-qu-um-ma-tu na-da-at sza2-hur-ra-tu tab-kat3 ga-nun-szu2-un szu-uh-ru-bu _a-gar3-mesz_-szu2-un ba-ku-u sa-ap-du _id2-mesz_-szu2-un sza2 u2-szah-bi-ba _a-mesz he2-nun_

    im-la-a sa-ki-ka (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri sza a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ik-pu-du ne2-er-tu2 u3 e-li an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u2 szil-la-tu _gal_-tu mu-u-tu2 lem-nu i-szim-szu2-u-ma ina mi-qit (d)gibil6 i-di-szu-ma u2-hal-li-qa nap-szat-su _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ e-pisz si-hi bar-ti ma-la it-ti-szu2 szak-nu e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u ul u2-s,i ina _szu-min_-ia lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu a-qar-tu mim-ma si-mat _lugal_-ti hi-szih-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu2-u

    (munus)sek-re-ti-szu2 _gal-mesz_-szu2 (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-szu2 u3 _ug3-mesz_ li-me-et _e2-gal_-szu2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu nig2-ga_ _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di ru-kub be-lu-u2-ti-szu2 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ s,i-mit-ti ni-i-ri-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ zi-kir u sin-nisz _tur_ u _gal_ sza2 la-pa-an mit-hu-s,i _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ di-'u szib-t,u _nam-usz2-mesz_ u ne2-eb-re-tu2 i-sze-tu-u-ni ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) _ug3-mesz en_ hi-it,-t,i an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-nu-ti

    bu-un-na-an-ni-szu2-nu at-bal _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-hu-ut, u2-nak-ki-sa _uzu-mesz_-szu2-un (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza2 _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) da-na-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma sza2 ul-tu re-e-szi u2-szam-ri-ru _ugu_ (kur)elam(ki) _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza2 (disz)in?-da-bi-bi _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-tu _e2_ s,i-bit-ti u2-sze-s,a-asz2-szu2-nu-ti ki-i s,a-bat a-bu-ut-ti qa-be2-e _munus saga_-szu2 la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2

    ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-di _igi_-ia e-li (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz _dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia sza2 in-nab-tu il-li-ku a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) u3 si-it-ti _dumu-mesz kur_ asz-szur(ki) sza (disz)(d)ag?-en-mu-mesz ina pi-ir-s,a-a-ti u2-s,ab-bi-tu u2-bi-lu it-ti-szu2 ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 a-na (disz)in-da-bi-bi ki-a-am asz2-pur-szu-ma asz2-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ an-nu-u-ti la tu-sze-bi-la um-ma al-la-kam-ma _iri-mesz_-ka a-na-qar _ug3-mesz_ (iri)szu-sza2-an

    (iri)ma-dak-tu2 (iri)hi-da-lu a-szal-lal ul-tu _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-ka a-dak-ke-ka-ma sza2-nam-ma ina _(gesz)gu-za_-ka u2-sze-szab ep-szet ina _igi_ (disz)te-um-man u2-szap-ri-ku u2-szam-har-ka ka-a-ta a-di _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 ma-har-szu2 la i-kasz-sza2-du la u2-sza2-an-nu-szu2 szi-kin t,e3-e-me-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)nusku (d)u-gur sza it-tal-la-ku _a2-min_-a-a i-na-ar-ru ga-re-ia

    a-lak? _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza a-na (iri)de-ri asz2-pu-ru isz-mu-u qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia sza2 u2-za-'i-nu-in-ni _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hu-up-ma _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,e-er (disz)in-da-bi-bi ib-bal-ki-tu i-na-ru-usz i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _dumu_ (disz)at-ta-me-tu u2-sze-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za-a_-dingir_ _lugal_ (kur)qa-ad-ri e-pisz _ARAD_-ti-ia asz2-szu2 _dingir-mesz_-szu2 im-hur-an-ni-ma

    (munus)a-di-ia-a szar-rat (kur)a-ri-bi di-ik-ta-sza2 ma-a'-as-su a-duk kul-ta-re-e-sza2 ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu sza2-a-sza2 bal-t,u-us-sa ina _szu-min_ as,-bat it-ti hu-bu-ut _kur_-sza2? al-qa-asz2-szi a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) (disz)na-at-nu _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu isz-ma-a da-na-an an-szar2 (d)marduk sza u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni sza2 ma-te9-e-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 la isz-pu-ra la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia ul-tu (disz)ia-u-ta-a' _lugal_ (kur)a-ri-bi

    _ARAD_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-te in-nab-tu-ma il-li-ku ma-har (disz)na-at-nu (disz)na-at-nu a-na (disz)ia-u-ta-a' ki-a-am iq-bi-szu2-ma um-ma a-na-ku la _szu-min kur_ asz-szur(ki) ul-te-zi-i-bi u3 at-ta tasz-kun-an-ni a-na dan-nu-ti-ka (disz)na-at-nu ip-lah3-ma ir-sza2-a na-kut-tu _(lu2)a kin-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia a-na sza2-kan a-de-e su-lum-me-e e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia u2-s,a-na-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti a-na-ku ha-disz ap-pa-lis-szu-ma

    pa-ni-ia _saga-mesz ugu_-szu2 asz2-kun _gun_ man-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin s,e-ru-usz-szu2 i-na 1(u) 1(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu al-lik ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i _iri_ tukul-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2 sza2 la u2-s,u-nim-ma la isz-'a-a-lu4 szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-nir _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ak-kis _nundum-mesz_-szu2-nu ap-ru-u' a-na ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-ia al-qa-a a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki)

    (disz)im-ba-ap-pi _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i pa-aq-du a-na _en-nun_-u-ti bal-t,u-us-su [...] x x [...] _munus-e2-gal dumu-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina na-asz2-par-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag i-na ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su _sag-du_-su it-ti si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu [...] (lu2)_3(disz)-u5-mesz_ [...] _(lu2)nar-mesz (munus)nar-mesz_ [...]-e-szu2

    [...] a-na (kur)e-lam-ti (disz?)bar?-bu-ru _dumu_-szu2 ul-tu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma _kusz_-szu2 asz2-hu-ut, (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mun-nab-tu sza ul-tu2 qe2-reb _kur_ an-szar2(ki) it-bu-u2 il-li-ku ana (kur)elam-ma(ki) ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni x _ta_ [...] _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia sza2 _ugu? (kur)elam-ma(ki?)_ u2-szam-ri-ru e-mur-ma x [...] hi-il-li-mu-u2-tu e-re-[...] qe2-reb x [...] x-ia ru-ku-bi-szu2? [...] ip-pal-si-ih-ma (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-[...] x-szu2

    (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-reb _(lu2)erin2_-ia sza qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-bu isz-me-e-ma (iri)ma-dak-tu _iri? lugal_-ti-szu u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu2 e-li (disz)um-ba_-lagab_-u-a sza2 me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si asz2-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma isz-me-e-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma [...] (d)[...] ina _kur-kur_ at-tal-la-ku asz2-ku-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu2 asz2-t,ur-ma a-na ah-rat u4-me e-zib

    a-na _egir_ u4-me _dumu-dumu dumu dumu-dumu_ u _dumu-mesz lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza asz-szur u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _bad3_ szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 lu-ter ki-i sza a-na-ku _mu-sar_-u szi-t,ir szu-me (disz)(d)sin-pap?-mesz?-su _ad ad du3_-ia a-mu-ru _i3-mesz_ ap-szu-szu2 _(udu)siskur_ aq-qu-u

    it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia asz2-ku-nu at-ta ki-i ia-a-ti-ma _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ia a-mur-ma _i3-mesz_ pu-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-ka szu-kun ib-ba-tu ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti u2-hal-la-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 _an_-e u _ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ lu?-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I took the hands of the gods Sîn and Nusku and I made them enter into their eternal abodes. I completed the sanctuaries of Assyria and the land Akkad in their entirety. I made every type of temple appurtenance there is of silver and gold, and I added them to those of the kings, my ancestors. I made the great gods who support me reside in their exalted inner sanctums. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. I made the regular offerings more plentiful than those of distant days.

    I had statues of my royal majesty made of silver, gold, and shining copper by the craft of Ninagal, Kusigbanda, and Ninkura, and for her sake she established them for me. To prolong my life before the gods who support me, I prayed. From my childhood until my youth I constantly sought out the sanctuaries of the great gods. The shangû-priests sinned and sinned against me. My payment of rent, Adad sinned against him, and Ea sinned against him.

  • 5 cubits of barley, rations, in her threshing floor;
  • The suckling of the harvest, 5/6 cubit, the harvest of the nippuru-plant, the suckling of the nippuru-plant, the suckling of the reeds, the suckling of the ewes, the suckling of the cattle, the suckling of the cattle, in the talittu of my reign, abundance, in my years, abundance,

  • 12 homers of barley, 3 homers of wine,
  • 2 seahs of oil, ...,
  • In all of my land the price of living was paid. For one shekel of silver which had been paid in full before the death of Taharqa, their prefect, they sinned and went out into the open country. Where their prefects in their rites had sinned, I took back to anew Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered. I strengthened his guard more than before and strengthened his protection. I returned his ropes with a substantial booty before my bow and

    After that, Nikû, Lugal-lu-dari, and Paqruru sinned against my treaty and did not honor it. The oath of the great gods was imposed upon them, and their hearts were filled with sorrow. They spoke words of treachery and a decision without precedent arose among them. Thus Taharqa: "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and you are in my camp." What is it that Taharqa, the king of Kush, to establish treaty and peace, sent their archers.

    "Let peace be established between us, and we shall divide the land among ourselves. Why did we not divide among ourselves? In another case, the lord to the troops of Assyria my lordly strength, who constantly seeks out evil words, heard these words of mine, and their eunuchs, together with their letters, took away from me, and to do obeisance, he sent me before me. No other son of his has ever crossed the sea.

    As for him, to do my servant work, his daughter and the daughters of his brothers with a large marriage gift presented him. He had mercy on him, and his son, his own offspring, returned and gave him. The fortresses which he had set against Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, I opened and sealed. In the sea and the sea, all of his routes, as many as he had captured, I opened and a substantial payment to him I received. Before my bow I returned and returned and returned to Assyria, the land of the sea and the land of the lands of the land Tyre and the land of the land Tyre,

    kings who reside in high mountains saw the might of these deeds of mine and became frightened of my lordly majesty. Yakin-Lû, king of Arwad, Mugallu, king of Tabal, Sanda-sharme of Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. Their daughters, their own offspring, with much dowry and dowry, to do obeisance to Nineveh brought them and kissed my feet.

    After Mugallu had paid the large horses, he imposed upon him a tribute. After Yakin-Lû, the king of Arwad, had gone to the fate of Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea, with their substantial audience gifts, came up and kissed my feet. I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and established the kingship of the land Arwad.

    Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al sat on thrones of awe and wore gold bracelets. In my presence I allowed them to live. Those who in the time of the kings, my ancestors, had abandoned the land Mannea, I conquered those settlements. The land Mannea I abandoned from within. Horses, mules, and equipment of their battles I sat on his throne. The might of the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, Nergal,

    The great gods, my lords, saw it and bowed down to my yoke. For the preservation of his life, he opened his mouth to speak and made an appeal to my lordly majesty. Erisinni, his son, sent to Nineveh and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him. A messenger of mine whom I loved sent to him, and a daughter, his own offspring, sent to him to do obeisance. His previous tribute which in the time of the kings, my ancestors,

  • 30 horses,
  • he added to his previous tribute and imposed it upon him. At that time, Birish-hatri, the city ruler of the Medes, Teumman apprehensively approached me, and Sin apprehensively approached him. In Du'uzu IV, an eclipse of the morning a bright lord occurred, and the sun was seen before him, and like that, all day long, it occurred to him. At the end of the reign Teumman, the king of the land Elam, the destruction of his land, he made me understand. His decision which cannot be changed,

    he brought out his sceptre and his eyes turned back, and with these deeds which Sin and Ishtar had done Tammaritu, his third brother, to kingship in Hidalu I established. The chariots, wagons, horses, mules, a sceptre, a shield, a shield, the emblem of battle, which with the support of Ashur and Ishtar, the great gods, between the city Susa and the Ulaya I achieved, my hands

    By the command of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, I joyfully came out of the land Elam and to all of my troops I marched to the land Gambulu. On my eighth campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Belshunu, who had trusted in the king of the land Elam, but did not secure him. To my yoke I slew a strong battle array, the land Gambulu in its entirety like a flood. The city Shapi-Bel, his fortified city,

    Dunanu and his brothers brought out alive from that city. His wife, his sons, his daughters, his palace women, male singers, female singers, and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, property, and the nakkatu of his palace I brought out and I counted them as booty. The eunuchs, the prefects, the cooks, his chariot-drivers, I brought out and I counted them as booty. All the craftsmen, as many as there were, the bond of city and steppe,

    I brought out and I counted it as booty. I brought out oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules without number, and I counted them as booty. The people of his land, male and female, young and old, who were not eunuchs, I brought out and I counted them as booty. I brought out and I counted them as booty. Mashirâ, the chief archer of Teumman, king of the land Elam, who to the aid of the land Gambulu I stationed. In the city Shapir-Bel I captured him alive.

    I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire that city. I razed, destroyed, and burned that district with water, until it was too small. I smashed that district, and smashed the cries of humankind. With the support of the great gods, I smashed my enemies and returned safely to Assyria. The head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, ... he said ... ... ... I smashed their tongues inside the city Arbela, and flayed their skins. Dunanu ...

    ... did not? do my servant work ... his ... he scattered ... kings who sit on royal daises ... he brought. The rest of the brothers of Dunanu and Aplaya? he cut off their flesh and brought. For the audience gift of the land, Nabû, Bel-karir, sons of Nabû-shuma-eresh, the shandabakku priest, whose father, the one who had engendered them, Urtaku, he brought. To fight with the land Akkad, the feet of Nabû-shuma-eresh

    which from the land Gambulu they took and to Assyria they returned. The revenge of the father who had engendered you, Undasu, Zazaz, Parrû, Atta-metu, and Neshu, together with the messengers of Geshnu-mudadina, my hostile brother, took and brought to me, the road of my battle troops who were in the land Mangisi which is in the city Sumandir, they took. They took the road of Ummanigash, the eunuch of mine whom I had sent, but did not return. The small ones who had heard my words

    The gods Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Nergal, the gods who support me, gave a just verdict to Ummanigash Humban-nikash II. Tammaritu rebelled against him and he, together with his family, smashed him. With the weapons of Tammaritu, who was more insolent than Ummanigash, sat on the throne of the land Elam. Like him, he received a good verdict from the hands of Geshnun-mudina, but he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. To the rescue of Geshnun-mudina

    A brother who was not true came and to fight with my troops in the assembly of Ashur and Ishtar, they wrote my complaint and heard the mention of my supplication. His servants rebelled against him and they fought with each other. The lord of my evil deeds, Indabibi, his servant, who had sinned against him, sat on his throne. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who on account of the nikku-stone of Teumman, a few scepter he had cut off, he commanded, I imposed upon my troops.

    "He has sworn by the name of Ishtar-nakkisû, the king of Elam, in his own land in the assembly of his troops, another one has said, and Ummanigash has sworn by the command of the messengers of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, creation of Ashur and Ninlil, against these words which they had spoken, Ashur and Ninlil sinned against him, and Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with 115 nobles who march at his side ... ... .

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... to the akitu-plant in the midst of the forest, they did not grow old, they ate dogs and ninkilim-plants, their great illnesses, in the supplication of their mouths they ate. Snakes and scorpions, as many as there were, a kind of insect, they killed them. The gildu-demon, his kurusu-skin, his sandals and sandals to their burubu-skin they smashed. The sons, daughters, brothers, sisters ... all of them

    The flesh of their sons they ate, instead of bread, dead people of their daughters they ate, instead of shari they ate, in a manner unsuitable he said, and their sanctuaries they ate. The shalamtish-demon, the slander of the people in kukuru and nishatu he spoke. Like a slanderer, the slanderer, the slanderer, in the streets of the city he sinned. Their father he sinned. The beloved son of his heart, those who had not sinned against him, he gave his mouth to the enemy.

    The afflicted, the sick, the sick, the sick, the sick, the sick, the people of Akkad, all of them, between cities and plains he afflicted them. He smashed with the sword the satrap of their shepherds and they smashed the remainder of them. The corpses of people, the streets and streets he smashed. The squatted gates of the city and the prince were smashed. The sahurrû-offerings of their people were smashed, their fields were smashed, the sapû-offerings of their rivers which he smashed, the water of abundance

    he smashed your ..., Geshnu-mugina, my hostile brother who had plotted evil against Assyria, and commanded evil against Ashur, the god who created me, a great evil cultic ritual, a wicked curse, he determined against him, and in the midst of the god Gibil he smashed his life. The troops who had perpetrated a rebellion, as many as were placed with him, did not escape, nor did they not escape. In my hands, a scepter, a scepter, everything that pertains to kingship, as much as there is,

    his great female servants, his eunuchs and the people in the courtyard of his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, chariots, a chariot, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, horses, his shatadi, the people, young and old, male and female, who had fled from the battle, the weapons, the savages, the plague, and the plague, I captured and carried off. To Assyria I imposed upon the people this heavy punishment.

    Indabibi, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Tammaritu, saw the might of my weapons that had been brought forth from the beginning, and he brought them over the land Elam. The Assyrians whom Indabibi, the king of the land Elam, had taken out of the house of his inheritance, when the word of a lawsuit, the mention of his good name, the outline of his land,

    Before me, above Nabû-enmî, son of Marduk-apla-iddina II Marduk-apla-iddina II, servant of Daggil, my predecessor, who had fled and gone to Elam, and the rest of the Assyrians whom Nabû-enmî in secretly captured and brought with him, in the hands of his messenger I sent to Indabibi, saying: "You did not send these people, but I shall go and ... your cities, and the people of Shushan

    I will go to Madaktu and Hidalu, I will go to you, I will go to you, and then I will sit on your throne. I will write you the deeds before Teumman and send you the following message. Until his messenger comes, he will not reach him, he will not give him. The wording of my report with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nusku, and Nergal, who went, they will smite my enemies.

    On my way to Der, a messenger of mine whom I had sent to me heard. In the land Elam, fear of my royal majesty, which the great gods had encouraged me to do, overwhelmed the land Elam and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and revolted against him. With the weapons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, he sat on his throne. Iauta', son of Hazael, king of the land Qadir, who had built my servant, he approached me about his gods and

    Adiya, queen of the Arabs, her punishment was much, I killed her, her cult centers I burned with fire, and she was able to live. I took her to the hands of the ..., together with the booty of her land. To Assyria Natnu, king of the land of the Nabayateans whose location is remote, heard about the might of the god Ashur and the god Marduk, who had encouraged me, and who had never sent his messenger to the kings, my ancestors, he did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. After Iauta', king of the land of the Arabs,

    a servant who belonged to me to the land Nabayate he took and went. Before Natnu Natnu told him to Iauta' as follows: "I have been deprived of the sovereignty of Assyria, and you have commanded me to be your strong one." Natnu became frightened and became frightened. His messengers to inquire about my well-being sent and he kissed my feet. To conclude a treaty of peace and to do my servant's service he made me bow down at my lordship. I have looked with pleasure upon him and

    I imposed upon him the sacrificial tribute and imposed it upon him. In my 11th campaign to the land Elam I marched. In the course of my campaign I conquered the city E-Imbî, the city that was under the authority of the land Elam. The people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, I cut off their heads, I cut off their lips, and took them away. For the observation of the people of my land I took. To Assyria

    Imbappi, the chief archer of the land Elam, who was stationed in the city Bit-Imbî, to serve as guard, was able to live ... ... ... ... the palace women, the sons of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who by the command of the gods Ashur, Bel, and Nabû on my first campaign had cut off, his head with the rest of the people living in Bit-Imbî he brought up and I counted them as booty. ... the musicians, female singers, .

    ... to the land Elam ... Barburu, his son, brought out from the city Bit-Imbî and smashed his skin. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, a prisoner who from the land of Assyria had fled and went to the land Elam, a mighty battle array of mine ... ... my weapons which he had brought to the land Elam he saw and ... ... a slander he ... in my ... ... he became frightened and ...

    Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, heard about the entry of my troops who were in the land Elam and abandoned Madaktu, his royal city, and fled. He fled and his land fell upon Umbalakkus, who was standing in the presence of Ummanaldashu, and he heard about it on the throne of the land Elam like him, and abandoned Bubilu, the city that he loves, and ... the god ... in the lands I marched, and I wrote mighty victories and vengeance, and for a long time he deposited it.

    In the future, may one of the sons, grandsons, or great grandsons, or any of the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated sections when that wall becomes old and dilapidated. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. Just as I found an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, I will pour oil, make an offering, and return it to its place.

    You shall not place anything with an inscribed object bearing my name. You shall, just as I have placed an inscribed object bearing my name, smell an oily smell, perform a sheep offering, place it with an inscribed object bearing your name, or in any crafty device shall destroy it. May the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

    P514718: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a bi-nu-ut an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dumu lugal gal_-u sza _e2 usz_-u2-ti sza (d)sin ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ ina _sza3 ama_-szu2 iz-ku-ru-usz a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u3 (d)utu (d)iszkur ina _esz-bar_-szu2-nu ke-e-nu iq-bu-u e-pesz _lugal_-u2-ti-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-mat _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-szu2 it-ta-'i-id sza iq-bu-u-szu2 e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti-ia ina _(iti)gu4 iti_ (d)e2-a _en_ te-ne2-sze-e-ti

    _u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam2 ud sze-ga szum2 ninda_ sza (d)gu-la u2-pa-hir _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) _tur_ u _gal_ sza tam-tim e-li-ti u szap-li-ti a-na na-s,ir _dumu lugal_-ti-ia u3 _egir_-nu _lugal_-ut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-pe-e-sze a-de-e ni-isz _dingir-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-ki-ir-szu2-nu-ti u2-dan-ni-na rik-sa-a-ti ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-ti e-ru-ub ina _e2_ ri-du-ti asz2-ru nak-lu mar-kas2 _lugal_-u2-ti sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad_ a-lid-di-ia _dumu lugal_-tu2 u _lugal_-tu2 e-pu-szu2 ina lib3-bi-szu2

    a-szar (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad_ ba-nu-u-a qe2-reb-szu2 ib-bi-szu-u ir-bu-u e-pu-szu2 be-lut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) gi-mir mal-ki ir-du-u kim-tu u2-rap-pi-szu2 ik-s,u-ru ni-szu-tu2 sa-la-tu u3 a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a qe2-reb-szu2 a-hu-uz ne2-me-qi2 (d)ag kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti sza2 gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u ih-ze-szu2-nu a-hi-it, al-ma-ad sza2-le-e _(gesz)pan_ ru-kub _ansze-kur-ra_ _(gesz)gigir_ s,a-bat (kusz)a-sza2-a-ti ina a-me-lu-ti

    i-de e-pesz _muru2 me3_ kul-lu-ma-ku se-de-ru mit-hu-s,u-u-tu zi-ka-ru qar-du na-ram an-szar2 u (d)isz-tar li-ip-li-pi _lugal_-u2-ti a-na-ku re-esz _lugal_-ti-ia ina mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ma2-kan-na u (kur)me-luh-ha usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-am-ma-ne2-e' _lugal_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir (kur)mu-s,ur (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i'

    _lugal-mesz (lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a isz-tak-ka-nu qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur ina ir-ti-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _egir (disz)ur_-da-ma-ne2-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di (iri)ni-i' _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni e-mur-ma (iri)ni-i' u2-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na (iri)ki-ip-ki-pi ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag

    (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur u (d)nusku (iri)ni-i' (iri)u2-nu a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a _ku3-babbar-mesz ku3-sig17-mesz_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig2-szu-mesz nig2-gur11 iri_ szu-a-tu ma-la ba-szu2-u lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik-ra u sin-nisz

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) i-na 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim al-lik sza a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir szap-ti-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-te9-e-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-is-su-nu-ti

    _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza ma-te9-e-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-te-nisz u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia _dumu-munus_-su u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-a-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (iri)a-ru-u2-ad-da a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim

    (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab_-iri_ (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _dumu-munus-mesz_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2-nu it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia e-li (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-da-at-tu szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 ul-tu (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (iri)ar-u2-ad-da il-li-ku a-na szim-ti

    (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu2 _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun (disz)a-bi-ba-a'-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al lu-bul-tu bir-me u2-lab-bisz _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ asz2-kun ina mah-ri-ia ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal_ (kur)lu-ud-di

    sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la isz-mu-u zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ni-bit _lugal_-ti-ia ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2-ma an-szar2 _du3_-u-a u4-mi _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-ta e-mu-ra (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 isz-pu-ra a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia (lu2)gi-mir-a-a _(lu2)kur2_ ek-s,u sza la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i szat qa-ti (gesz)szi-ga-ri u2-tam-me-eh-ma

    i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _lugal_ (kur)man-na-a-a usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti a-di s,e-eh-ru-ti sza ni-i-ba la i-szu-u a-di qe2-reb (iri)i-zir-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_

    ul-tu qe2-reb _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma u2-masz-szir (iri)i-zir-tu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 a-na (iri)at-ra-a-ni _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit-ma e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu na-gu-u2 szu-a-tu ak-szu-ud ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me u2-szah-ri-ib-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu at-bu-uk (disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) im-nu-szu2 ina _szu-min _arad_-mesz_-szu2 _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu e-li-szu2 u2-szab-szu-u2

    ina _sila iri_-szu2 id-du-u2 _adda_-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,a-al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia

    re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _(lu2)a_ szip-ri-ia sza szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti ma-da-at-ta-szu2 mah-ri-ti sza ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ ma-da-at-ti-szu2 mah-ri-ti u2-rad-di-ma e-mi3-is-su
  • i-na 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ina _(iti)kin-(d)inanna_ szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz iti lugal dingir-mesz_ an-szar2 _ad dingir-mesz_ (d)nun-nam-nir _gin7_ ti-ib me-he-e ez-zi ak-tum3 (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 ak-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_-szu2-nu mul-tar-hu sza2 ik-pu-da _hul_-tu

    ina _szu-min ti-mesz_ u2-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 szal-ma-a-ti-szu2-nu _gin7 (gesz)dih3 (gesz)kiszi16_ u2-mal-la-a ta-mir-ti (iri)szu-sza2-an _usz2-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a u2-szar-di _a-mesz_-sza2 as,-ru-up _gin7_ na-ba-as-si (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la-pa-an (disz)te-um-man a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _giri3-min_-ia it-ti-ia u2-bil-szu2 a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-sze-szib-szu2 ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man

    (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a sza2 it-ti-szu2 in-nab-ta ina (iri)hi-da-la asz2-kun a-na _lugal_-u-ti ul-tu _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szam-ri-ru asz2-tak-ka-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu asz2-ku-na pa-ni-ia (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti (kur)gam-bu-li ak-szu2-ud qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu e-ru-ub _ug3-mesz_-szu2 as-lisz u2-t,ab-bi-ih

    (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu mu-nar3-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-ha _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ _ug3-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 _mun_ ma-a'-as-su e-pu-szu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti

    sza a-de-ia la is,-s,u-ru it-ti (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri isz-ku-na pi-i-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ra-as-sib ina _(gesz)tukul_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza _egir_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza a-na re-s,u-ti (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a-mesz_-ia ur-ri-ha _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2 ina su-up-pe-e sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u

    isz-mu-u2 un-ni-ni-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma ina _me3 edin bad5-bad5_-szu2 isz-kun u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ a-li-kut _a2-min_-szu2 la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-szu2 mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2-un ina _ugu_ lib3-bi-szu2-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia

    asz2-szu2 e-pesz di-ni-szu2 a-lak _a2-tah_-szu2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti ina mah-ri-ia i-zi-iz-ma i-dal-la-la qur-di _dingir-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti sza il-li-ku re-s,u-u-ti i-na 5(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia ina _(iti)sig4 iti_ (d)sin _en esz-bar_-e _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-sza2-re-du sza2 (d)en-lil2 ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu u2-bil it-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    sza la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-szu2 in-nab-tu2-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia _ug3-mesz_ (iri)hi-il-me (iri)pil-la-ti ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni isz-mu-u sza2 al-la-ku a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hup-szu2-nu-ti szu-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu _u8-udu-hi-a-mesz_-szu2-nu a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) im-qu-tu2-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia

    _e2_ tuk-la-a-te sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 _gin7 bad3 gal_-e pa-an (kur)elam-ma(ki) par-ku ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2 sza2 la u2-s,u-nim-ma la isz-'a-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-nir _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ak-kis _nundum-mesz_-szu2-nu ap-ru-u' a-na ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-ia al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)im-ba-ap-pi _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i pa-aq-du a-na _en-nun_-u-ti bal-t,u-us-su ul-tu qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu

    u2-sze-s,a-am-ma _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ ad-di-szu2-ma u2-ra-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _munus-e2-gal dumu-mesz_-szu2 sza (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina na-asz2-par-ti an-szar2 i-na ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su _sag-du_-su it-ti si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-reb _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti e-ru-bu isz-me-e-ma

    (iri)ma-dak-tu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu2 e-li (disz)um-ba_-lagab_-u-a sza2 me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si asz2-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)e-lam-ti ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma isz-me-e-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma ki-ma _ku6-hi-a_ is,-bat szu-pul _a-mesz_ ru-qu-ti (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu sza2 in-nab-ta is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an u2-sze-rib asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-ti _saga_-tu e-pu-szu2-usz sza2 asz2-pu-ru _a2-tah_-su

    in-szi-ma isz-te-ne2-'a-a _hul_-tu2 a-na ka-szad _erin2-hi-a_-ia an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 _a2-min_-a-a il-li-ku u2-sza2-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia lib3-bi (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu ek-s,u ba-ra-nu-u ib-ru-u2-ma u2-ba-'u-u2 qa-tusz-szu2 ul-tu _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 id-ku-nisz-szum-ma u2-ter-ru-nisz-szu2 sza2-ni-a-nu u2-szak-ni-szu2-usz a-na _giri3-min_-ia ina li-i-ti da-na-a-ni sza2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti e-ru-ub-ma at-tal-lak szal-t,isz

    ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza2 szul-me-e _szu-min_ ma-li-ti pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ra a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (iri)ga-tu-du (iri)ga-tu-du-ma (iri)da-e-ba (iri)na-di-i' (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na-ni (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na-ni-ma (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)ta-ra-qu (iri)ha-a-a-u2-si (iri)e2-(na4)kiszib-e2-su (iri)e2-(disz)ar-ra-bi (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)sze-(disz)(d)szu2-man-a-ni (iri)ur-da-li-ka (iri)al-ga-ri-ga (iri)tu-u2-bu (iri)du6-tu-u2-bu

    (iri)du-un_-lugal (iri)bad3_-(disz)un-da-si (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu (iri)sa-am-u-nu (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ki (iri)qa-ab-ri-na (iri)qa-ab-ri-na-ma (iri)ha-ra-a' _iri-mesz_ szu2-nu-ti _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu _u8-udu-hi-a_-szu2-nu _nig2-szu-mesz_-szu2-nu _nig2-ga-mesz_-szu2-nu (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    ina 6(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)isz-tar ad-ke _erin2-hi-a-mesz_-ia s,e-er (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i sza ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-szu2-du e-nen-na (kur)ra-a-szi (kur)ha-ma-nu a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud u3 szu-u2 (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-szad (kur)ra-a-szi (kur)ha-ma-nu isz-me-e-ma pu-luh-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-li-kut _a2-min_-ia is-hu-pu-szu2-ma

    (iri)ma-dak-tu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit a-na (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si (i7)id-id-e e-bir-ma _i7_ szu2-a-tu2 a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun uk-ta-ta-s,ar a-na s,al-ti-ia (iri)na-di-tu _iri lugal_-u2-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ku _iri lugal_-u2-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)har-tap-pa-ni _iri lugal_-u2-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)tu-u2-bu a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud bi-rit _i7_ ka-la-mu (iri)ma-dak-tu _iri man_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu2-ud

    (iri)hal-te-ma-asz2 _iri lugal_-u2-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)szu-sza2-an _iri lugal_-u2-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)di-in-lugal (iri)su-mu-un-tu-na-asz2 _iri man_-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)pi-di-il-ma _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud (iri)ka-bi-in-ak _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ar-de-e-ma al-lik s,e-er (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia

    _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu2-ud

  • 1(disz)-en u4-me 2(disz) u4-me ul u2-qi pa-an ar-ke-e ul ad-gul
  • ina u4-me-szu2-ma e-bir _i7_ 1(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2 a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza ni-ba la i-szu-u2 u3 1(u) 2(disz) na-ge-e sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-li-sza2 ak-szu2-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu a-na _du6_ u kar-me u2-ter ina la-a mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul_ u2-ra-sib mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 s,i-ru-ti (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) me-ra-nu-usz-szu2 in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u2 (iri)ba-nu-nu a-di na-ge-e sza (iri)ta-sa-ar-ra

    ka-la-mu ak-szu-ud

  • _2(u)-am3 iri-mesz_ ina na-ge-e sza (iri)hu-un-nir
  • ina _ugu_ mi3-is,-ri sza (iri)hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud (iri)ba-szi-mu u3 _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-me-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur sza _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un ka-mar-szu2-nu asz2-kun u2-szab-bir _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un u2-szap-szi-ih ka-bat-ti _en en-en_ _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 _nig2-szu_-szu2 _nig2-gur11_-szu2 _ug3-mesz tur_ u _gal_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 1(gesz2) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza u2-ma-'e-er-u-in-ni
  • qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti at-tal-lak szal-t,isz ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sza2-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia (iri)szu-sza2-an ma-ha-zu _gal_-u mu-szab _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un a-szar pi-risz-ti-szu2-un ak-szu-ud ina a-mat an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) qe2-reb _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 e-ru-ub u2-szib ina _hul2-mesz_ ap-te-e-ma _e2_ na-kam-a-te-szu2-nu sza2 _ku3-babbar-mesz ku3-sig17-mesz_ _nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga-mesz_ nu-uk-ku-mu qe2-reb-szu2-un sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mah-ru-u2-ti

    a-di _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-di lib3-bi u4-me an-ne2-e u2-pah-hi-ru isz-ku-nu sza _(lu2)kur2_ sza2-nam-ma _ugu_ a-a-szi _szu-min_-su la u2-bi-lu ina lib3-bi u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar-mesz ku3-sig17-mesz nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga_ sza2 _kur eme-gi7_ uri(ki) (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 ka-la-mu sza2 _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mah-ru-u-te a-di 7(disz)-szu2 isz-lu-lu u2-bi-la qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,a-ri-ru husz-szu-u esz-ma-ru-u eb-bu ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_

    sza2 _lugal-mesz kur_ uri(ki) mah-ru-ti u3 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu ip-szu-ru a-na (kur)e-lam-ti lu-bul-tu2 szu-kut-tu2 si-mat _man_-ti-szu2 (gesz)til-li qa-ra-bi si-ma-nu-u mim-ma e-pesz _me3_ si-mat qa-ti-szu2 u2-nu-ut mut-tab-bil-ti _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 ka-la-mu sza2 ina muh-hi u2-szi-bu it-ti-lu ina lib3-bi e-ku-lu isz-tu-u2 ir-mu-ku ip-pa-asz2-szu _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di (gesz)s,u-um_-bi-mesz_ sza2 ih-zu-szi-na s,a-ri-ru za-ha-lu-u

    _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 tal-lul-ta-szu2-nu _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ziq-qur-rat (iri)szu-sza2-an sza ina a-gur2-ri _(na4)za-gin3_ szu-pu-szat ub-bit u2-kap-pi-ra _si-mesz_-sza2 sza pi-tiq _uruda_ nam-ri (d)musz3-szesz2 _dingir_ pi-risz-ti-szu2-un sza asz2-bu ina pu-uz-ra-a-ti sza2 mam-ma-an la im-ma-ru ep-szet _dingir_-ti-szu2 (d)szu-mu-du (d)la-ga-ma-ru (d)pa-ar-ti-ki-ra (d)am-man-ka-si-masz (d)u2-du-ra-an (d)sa-pa-ag (d)ra-gi-ba

    (d)su-un_-gam_-sa-ra-a (d)ka-ar-sa (d)ki-ir-sa-ma-as (d)szu-da-a-nu (d)a-a-pa-ag-si-na (d)bi-la-la (d)pa-ni-in-tim-ri (d)si-la-ga-ra-a (d)na-ab-sa-a (d)na-bir-tu (d)ki-in-da-kar-bu _dingir-mesz (d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu it-ti szu-kut-ti-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu u2-na-a-ti-szu2-nu a-di (lu2)sza2-an-ge-e bu-uh-la-le-e asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 3(u) 2(disz) _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_ pi-tiq _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar uruda (na4)gesz-nu-gal_
  • ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hu-ra-di a-di _alam_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _alam_ (disz)(d)isz-tar-na-an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si u3 _alam_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _egir_-u2 sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-pu-szu2 _ARAD_-u2-ti al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ad-ka-a _(d)alad-mesz (d)lamma-mesz en-nun-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur ma-la ba-szu2-u u2-na-as-si-ha _am-mesz_ na-ad-ru-ti si-mat _ka2-mesz_-ni esz-re-e-ti (kur)e-lam-ti a-di la ba-sze-e u2-szal-pit

    _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 am-na-a a-na za-qi2-qi2 _(gesz)tir-mesz_-szu2-nu pa-az-ra-a-ti sza2 mam2-ma a-hu-u la u2-szar-ru ina lib3-bi la i-kab-ba-su i-ta-szin _erin2-mesz me3_-ia qe2-reb-szin e-ru-bu e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq-mu-u ina (d)gesz-bar ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz_-szu2-nu mah-ru-ti u _egir-mesz_ la pa-li-hu-ti (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia mu-nar3-ri-t,u _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ap-pul aq-qur (d)utu u2-kal-lim _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    e-t,em2-me-szu2-nu la s,a-la-lu e-mi3-id ki-is-pu naq me-e u2-za-am-me-szu2-nu-ti ma-lak _iti_ 2(u) 5(disz) _u4-mesz_ na-ge-e (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szah-rib _mun-mesz_ (u2)sah-le-e u2-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz lugal-mesz nin9-mesz lugal-mesz_ a-di qi-in-ni mah-ri-ti u3 ar-ki-ti sza2 _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni (lu2)ha-za-na-a-ti sza _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ma-la ak-szu-du _(lu2)gal (gesz)pan-mesz_

    _(lu2)gar-nu-mesz_ (lu2)mu-kil _(kusz)pa-mesz_ (lu2)_3(disz)-u5-mesz_ (lu2)sza2 pet2-hal _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan (lu2)sag-mesz_ (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu2-u _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus tur_ u _gal_ _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ sza2 _ugu buru5-mesz_ ma-a'-du asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _sahar-hi-a_ (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hal-te-ma-asz2 u3 si-it-ti ma-ha-ze-e-szu2 e-si-pa al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    _ansze-edin-na masz-da3-mesz_ u2-ma-am _edin_ ma-la ba-szu2-u par-ga-nisz u2-szar-bi-s,a qe2-reb-szu2-un ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ki-bi-is _gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni szi-si-it (d)a-la-la _du10-ga_ u2-za-am-ma-a _a-gar3-mesz_-szu2 (d)na-na-a sza 1(disz) _lim_ 6(disz) _me 3(u)-am3_ 5(disz) _mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-as-bu-su tal-li-ku tu-szi-bu qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti a-szar la si-ma-ti-sza2 u3 ina u4-me-szu2 szi-i u3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 tab-bu-u szu-mi3 a-na be-lut _kur-kur_ ta-a-a-rat _en_-ti-sza2 tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a

    um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)e-lam-ti lem-ne2-ti u2-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u2-sze-rab-an-ni qe2-reb e2-an-na a-mat qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-sza2 sza2 ul-tu u4-me _su3-mesz_ taq-bu-u e-nen-na tu-kal-lim _ug3-mesz egir-mesz szu-min dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu sza2 ul-lu-us, lib3-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na e2-an-na ina qe2-reb unu(ki) u2-sze-rib-szi-ma ina e2-hi-li-an-na sza2 ta-ram-mu u2-szar-mi3-isz _bara2_ da-ra-a-te

    _ug3-mesz_ u3 szal-lat (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ah-bu-ta re-sze-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia asz2-ruk _erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)a-rit (lu2)um-ma-ni (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u sza2 asz2-lu-la ul-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di si-it-tu-ti a-na _(lu2)nam-mesz_-ia _(lu2)gal-mesz_-ia ma-ha-za-ni-ia gi-mir _karasz_-ia

    _gin7_ s,e-e-ni u2-za-iz ina u4-me-szu2 _e2_ ri-du-ti te-ne2-e _e2-gal_ sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ s,i-i-ru na-ram (d)nin-lil2 sza2 (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad ad_ ba-ni-ia ud-di-szu2 a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2 _e2_ ri-du-ti szu2-a-tu2 ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-ti la-ba-risz il-lik e-na-ha _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 a-na-ku (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim asz2-szu2 qe2-reb _e2_ ri-du-ti szu2-a-tu2 ar-ba-a

    _(d)alad-mesz_-szu2 _(d)lamma-mesz_-szu2 is,-s,u-ru _dumu lugal_-u2-ti u3 (d)gaszan-garza s,u-lul-sza2 _du10-ga an-dul3_-sza sza2 sza-la-me ta-at-ru-s,a _ugu_-ia ul-tu ina _(gesz)gu-za ad du3_-ia u2-szi-bu i-te-ne2-ep-pu-szu2 be-lut _kur-kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz dagal-mesz_ ka-a-a-an pu-us-su-rat ha-de-e sza ka-szad _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia u2-pa-sa-ru-in-ni ina lib3-bi-szu2 ina ma-a-a-al mu-szi du-um-mu-qa _masz2-ge6-mesz_-ia ina sza2 sze-e-ri ba-nu-u ger-ru-u-a masz-ta-ku szu-a-tu mu-szal-li-mu _en_-szu2 szu-tu-u-ma

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szi-mat-su i-szim-mu a-na _saga_-tim an-hu-us-su ad-ke asz2-szu2 ru-up-pu-usz tal-lak-ti-szu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 aq-qur

  • _5(u)-am3_ ti-ik-pi masz-kan2 szi-kit-ti-szu2
  • pi-ti-iq-tu2 ap-ti-iq tam-la-a u2-mal-li ina _iti du10-ga_ u4-me sze-me-e s,e-er tam-le-e szu2-a-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 ad-di u2-kin lib-na-as-su ina _kasz-sag gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu2 ab-lu-ul am-ha-s,a szal-la-ar-szu2 la-bi-in _sig4-hi-a_-szu2 za-bi-lu tup-szik-ki-szu2 ina e-le-li ni-gu-tu2 u2-bal u4-um-szu2 ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-ti ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-be2-e-szu2 ar-s,ip e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz u2-szar-ri-ha ep-sze-ti-szu2

    _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mesz mah-mesz_ tar-bit (kur)si-ra-ra (kur)lab-na-ni u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ li-a-a-ri sza2 e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ me-se-ri _zabar_ u2-rak-kis u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2 (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz uruda_ nam-ru u2-hal-lip-ma hi-it-ti _ka2_ _e2_ hi-le-ni-szu2 e-mi3-id _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu na-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 u2-szak-lil lu-le-e u2-ma-al-li _(gesz)kiri6-mah_ sza2 gi-mir _gesz-mesz_ _gurun nig2-sa-sa-hi-a_ ka-la-mu az-qu-pa i-ta-te-e-szu2

    szi-pir ep-sze-te-e-szu2 ag-mur-ma _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qa-a a-na _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te u2-szar-ri-szu2 e-ru-ub qe2-reb-szu2 ina za-mar tak-ne2-e a-na _egir ud-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-ma e-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia _numun_ da-ru-u sza2 _lugal_-ti li-mur-ma

    _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-szu da-na-nu u li-i-tu sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia ib-ba-tu2 it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _an_-e _ki_-tim ag-gesz li-ru-ru-usz _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ li-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, creation of Ashur and Ninlil, the great son of the king, who the house of the throne of Sin in distant days in his mother he established, to the shepherdship of Assyria and Shamash and Adad in their steadfast decisions they commanded, to exercise kingship Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, the word of the gods his support he heeded, and who said to me to exercise my kingship, in the month Ayyaru, the month of Ea, the lord of peoples,

    12th day, the day of the sattukku-offering of Gula he made. The people of Assyria, young and old, of the Upper and Lower Seas, to guard my royal son and later the kingship of Assyria, the agreement of the gods he made binding for them, and he strengthened their ties. With joy and joy entered the house of the kingship. The perfect rites of kingship which Sennacherib, father of the father of Alidiya, the son of kingship and kingship, had built, in his heart

    Where Esarhaddon, the father who had engendered me, had engendered, had engendered, had exercised dominion over Assyria, all rulers, he had entrusted to him, he had sinned against him, and he had sinned against the people, and I, Ashurbanipal, amidst all of the scribal arts, whose masters, as many as there were, had seized, I seized. I brought before him the bow, the chariot, the chariot, the harness of the field, among the people,

    I know how to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, to wage war, Urdammane', king of Egypt and Kush, heard of this, and he fled to the city Nineveh.

    The kings, governors, and officials whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had established in Egypt, came to my aid and kissed my feet. After Urdamane I took the road and marched as far as the city Ni', his fortified city. He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and the city Ni' abandoned and fled. He fled to the city Kipkipi with the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, and Marduk.

    Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal and Nusku conquered the cities Ninu and Nunu in their entirety. My hands, silver, gold, precious stones, precious stones, property, property of that city, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people, people of all ages,

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • As for the 2,535 talents of their weight, the seat of the gate of Ekur, I removed them from their positions and took them to Assyria. On my second campaign, I marched against Ba'alu, the king of the land Tyre who lives in the middle of the sea. The one who did not honor my royal command and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I imposed upon him the cities Harshû. In the sea and the sea, on his campaigns I captured their lives, I cut off their hands, and made them bow down to my yoke.

    He brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and the daughters of his brothers to serve as housekeepers. His son, who had never crossed the sea, together with his sister, brought him to do obeisance to me. His daughter and the daughters of his brothers, together with a large marriage gift, I received from him. I had mercy on him, and his son, his offspring, returned and gave to him. Yakin-Lû, king of Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea,

    Mugallu, king of the land Tabal, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. Their daughters, their own offspring, with a substantial dowry to do obeisance to Nineveh brought and kissed my feet. Above Mugallu, large horses he imposed upon him a tribute of substantial payment. After Yakin-lû, king of the city Arwad, came to his fate.

    Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, and Aduni-Ba'al, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, from the middle of the sea up to Elam and with their audience gifts they kissed my feet. I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and installed him as king of the land Arwad. Abi-Ba'al and Aduni-Ba'al adorned their bodies with multi-colored trim and placed gold bracelets around their wrists. Before me I made them stand before me. Uruk, king of the land Lundu

    which none of the kings, my ancestors, had heard, his name, the utterance of my royal majesty, in a dream I made appear to him, and Ashur, who had come to me, the day this dream he saw, his messenger wrote to me, to inquire about my well-being. The Cimmerians, the evil enemy, who did not fear my ancestors and you, did not grasp my feet, with the support of Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I cut with the scepter that is in the hand of the scepter and

    On my third campaign, I took the direct road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, I entered the land Mannea and marched about triumphantly. I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, as far as the environs, which were without number, as far as the city Izirtu. I carried off people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats.

    Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned it. Izirtu, his royal city, to Atranu, his city with his support, fled, and took refuge there. That district I conquered. A journey of 15 days I made pass, and I sat down at the quay. Ahsheri, who does not revere my lordship, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, seized him. In the hands of his servants, the people of his land, rebelled against him.

    After that, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. The might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, saw and he bowed down to my yoke. Concerning his life, he opened his mouth and he kissed my lordly hand and he kissed my feet. Erisinni, his son, his lord, sent to Nineveh and he kissed my feet.

    He had mercy on him and a messenger of mine whom he sent to him with a message of well-being sent to him. He sent his daughter, his own offspring, to do obeisance. His former payment which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they had sinned against, he brought before me.

  • 30 horses he added to his previous tribute and he imposed it upon him.
  • On my fourth campaign, I took the road to the land Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in Ululu VI, the work of the goddesses, the month of the king of the gods, Ashur, the father of the gods, Nunamnir, like a fierce storm, I conquered the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their lord, who had plotted evil deeds,

    In the hands of the gods I captured him alive. His battle troops, like a sailor, I carried off. The plain of the city Susa I killed them. The Ulaya River I dug out its water. Like a sailor, Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Teumman to Assyria and had taken to Assyria, my feet I put on him and he sat on the throne of Teumman.

    Tammaritu, his third brother who had fled to me, I established in Hidala. As king, after the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had been set against the land Elam, I established mighty victories. On my return march, I set against Dunanu, the Gambulean, who had trusted in the land Elam, and before me I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, the city of the support of the land Gambulu. I entered that city and killed its people.

    Dunanu and Samgunu, who had sinned against my exercise of kingship, with iron axes hung, iron fetters hung, and hands and feet of people, oxen and sheep and goats, horses, mules, and mules I carried off from the land Gambulu. To Assyria I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Sha-pi-Bel, his city with whose support I had established. Ummanigash, who had done a great deal of salt, I installed inside the land Elam.

    who had not kept my treaty and sided with Geshnugal, my hostile brother, his mouth pierced. Tammaritu rebelled against him and struck him, together with his family, down with the weapon of Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash, who came to the aid of Geshnugal, my unfaithful brother, and to fight with my troops he went up. His weapons in the supplications of Ashur and Ishtar they wrote.

    Indabibi, his servant, rebelled against me and in battle he brought about his defeat. He sat on his throne. Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with 115 nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi, his servant, their auxiliary forces, and to Assyria fled and grasped my feet.

    Because of his decision to go, his envoy by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar he made his lordly majesty bow down before me and he smote the mighty warriors of my gods who had gone to fight. On my fifth campaign in the month Simanu, the month of the god Sîn, the lord of decisions, the first-born son, the foremost son of the god Enlil, I mustered my troops. In the steppe Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, king of the land Elam, he made a road and took the road with me. Tammaritu, king of the land Elam,

    which had fled from Indabibi, his servant, and had grasped my feet, the people of Hilme and Pillatu, who heard about the assault of my mighty battle array, who had gone to Elam, fear of the radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them. They, their people, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, to do obeisance to me to Assyria fell upon them and they grasped my feet.

    I conquered the house of the booty of Elam which like a great wall was set up before Elam. I carried off the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. I cut off their heads, cut off their lips, and took them to Assyria for the observation of the people of my land. I brought Imbappi, the chief archer of Elam, who is stationed in the city E-Imbî, as guard. I confined him inside that city.

    I brought him and I gave him hands and feet of iron. I brought him to Assyria. The queen, his sons of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose head I had cut off in the eunuchship of Ashur on my first campaign, together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbî, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, heard about the entry of my troops who had entered the land Elam and

    The city Madaktu, his royal city, abandoned and he fled, and his land fell upon Umbalagabua, who was standing in the presence of Ummanaldashu, and who sat on the throne of the land Elam like him, and the city Bubilu, the city that is a lordly residence of his, abandoned and like fish he took. The snare of distant waters of Tammaritu, who had fled, I made enter and I installed him as king in the city Susa. I did a good deed to him that I had written, and I imposed upon him the tribute.

    he seized, and evil did he do to me. To conquer my troops, the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who had come to my aid, he made me stand. In the plain of my camp, the heart of Tammaritu, the savage, he sinned against him and he seized his hands. He took him out of his royal throne and returned him to him. The other one he made him take. In the mighty strength of the great gods, my lords, I entered the land Elam and marched safely.

    On my return march, with the satisfaction of my supplications, I returned the mighty hands before my bow to Assyria. The cities Gatudu, Gatudu, Daeba, Nadi', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hausi, E-kiszib-esu, E-arrabi, E-imbî, Madaktu, Shushan, Bube, She-Shumanani, Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Tupu,

    the cities Dunsharri, Dur-Undasi, Dur-Undasi, Bubilu, Samunu, Ebunakki, Qabrina, Qabrina, and Hara', those cities I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. I carried off their gods, their people, their oxen, their sheep, their possessions, their property, a bed, horses, mules, and implements of war to Assyria.

    On my sixth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops. I took the road against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam. The city Bit-Imbî, which I had conquered on my first campaign, I conquered. Now I conquered the lands Rashu and Hamanu, together with its districts, and he, Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, heard about the conqueror of the lands Rashu and Hamanu, and fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side, overwhelmed him and

    the city Madaktu, his royal city, abandoned and he fled. He crossed the Tigris and the River Tigris to his fortress and he made that canal strong. For my assault, I conquered the city Naditu, my royal city, as far as his district. I conquered the city Ebunaku, my royal city, as far as his district. I conquered the city Hartappani, my royal city, as far as his district. I conquered the city Tubu, as far as his district. The entire canal. The city Madaktu, my royal city, as far as his district.

    I conquered the city Haltemash, his royal city. I conquered the city Susa, his royal city. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, his royal cities. I conquered the city Pidilma, his royal city. I conquered the city Bubilu, his royal city. I conquered the city Kabinak, his royal city. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I marched and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash, the king of the land Elam, who had not submitted to my yoke.

    I conquered the city of his royal majesty.

  • One day two days I did not wait for the ..., I did not wait for the ...,
  • At that time I crossed the Euphrates, 14 fortified cities, his royal residences, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, and 12 districts which were in the land Elam, all of it, I conquered, destroyed, devastated, with fire I burned, to ruin hills and ruins I returned. Without number I killed his warriors with the sword and smashed his exalted troops. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, king of the land Elam, fled alone and took to the mountains. Banunu, together with the district of Tasarra

    I conquered all of the lands.

  • 20 cities in the district of Hunnir;
  • I conquered the city Hidalu. I destroyed, devastated, and burned the cities Bashimu and the cities in its environs. I annihilated the people living inside them, I scattered them, and overwhelmed their gods. I made the mood of the lord of lords, his gods, his goddesses, his possessions, his property, and the people, young and old, resplendent. To Assyria

  • a distance of 100 hectares, by the command of Ashur and Ishtar, who sent me,
  • On my return march, which Ashur and Ishtar had encouraged me to do, I conquered the city Susa, the great cult center, the residence of their gods, the place of their secret lore. By the command of Ashur and Ishtar, I entered his palaces and sat down in joy. I opened their treasuries, in which silver, gold, possessions, and property were purchased, which earlier kings of the land Elam had had not seen.

    as many as the kings who until now had been gathered and assembled, who the enemy, another than me, had not carried off, I brought out and I counted as booty. Silver, gold, property, and property of the land of Sumer and Akkad, Karduniash, all of the former kings of the land Elam, seven times, I carried off. Inside the land Elam, a fierce mountain, a rugged mountain, awe-inspiring radiance, precious stones,

    which the former kings of Babylonia and Geshnu-mugina had made for their protection, to the land Elam they brought. They were deprived of the protection and protection of his sovereignty. They were deprived of the weapons, the weapons, the weapons of his hand, the possessions, the possessions of all his palaces, which they had seized, and the possessions that they had taken away. They seized them. They seized the chariots, the chariot-poles, the chariot-poles, which they had seized, the saharû-poles,

    I carried off to Assyria the horses and mules that were their equipment, gold and silver, the ziggurrat of the city Susa, which was clad with baked bricks of lapis lazuli and clad with a tin roof, its horns, which were cast with bright copper, Mushush, their secret god, whose deeds no one can see, the deeds of his divinity, Shumudu, Lagamaru, Patikira, Amman-kasimash, Uduran, Sapag, and Ragibu,

    Suungamsarâ, Karsa, Kirsamas, Shudanu, Aya-pagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, Silagaraya, Nabsa, Nabirtu, and Kindakarbu, those gods, the goddesses, with their possessions, their property, their dowry, together with the shangû-priests, I carried off to Assyria.

  • 32 statues of kings, fashioned from gold, silver, copper, gishnugal-stone,
  • From the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, as far as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi, the statue of Hallusu, and the statue of Tammaritu, the later ones that I had done by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my servant, I took to Assyria. I carried off to Assyria bulls and lamassu-headed monkeys, guards of the Ekur, as many as there were, wild bulls, the sanctuaries of the land Elam, as far as the insubmissive.

    His gods and goddesses I called out, to plunder their rocky forests, whose no one had ever cultivated, in their hearts they did not dwell, my battle troops entered inside them, saw their faces, and prayed to them: "With the sword and the shield, their former kings and later, those who did not revere the goddess Ishtar, my lady, who destroyed, destroyed, destroyed, and destroyed, Shamash he made visible, their feet I took to Assyria.

    They did not let their rites be forgotten, they did not let their rites be forgotten. They imposed a water-tank upon them. A journey of 25 days a year in the district of Elam he made them rejoice. He sprinkled salt and cress on them. The daughters of kings and the sisters of kings, together with the rites of the former and the rites of the kings of Elam, the officials and mayors of those cities, as many as I had conquered, the chief archers

    governors, chariot drivers, chariot drivers, stewards, cavalrymen, archers, eunuchs, engineers, engineers, all kinds of craftsmen, as many as there were, people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which I carried off to Assyria, I heaped up earth from the cities Susa, Madaktu, Haltemash, and the rest of his cult centers. I took them to Assyria.

    The donkeys, the mashda-doers, all of the fields, as many as there were, I made enter. The raging of humans, the snare of oxen and sheep and goats, the shit of Alala, I smashed. His fields, Nanaya, which 1,635 years ago you seized, you went and settled in the land Elam, a place not befitting her, and at that time you and the gods, her fathers, who had spoken my name to rule the lands, you made her lordship surpass my face.

    "Ashurbanipal brought me out of the evil land Elam and brought me into Eanna." The word of her divinity that she had spoken since distant days, she now revealed to the people. After her great divinity had departed, I took the direct path, which pleases the heart, to Eanna in Uruk. I brought her there and in Ehiliana, which she loves, I made her dwell on a eternal dais.

    The people and the booty of Elam, which by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku I had plundered, I gave to my gods. I added the archers, shield bearers, engineers, who I had carried off from Elam to my royal contingent. I added the rest to my governors, my magnates, my cult centers, and all my cult centers.

    At that time, the House of Succession, the noble palace, which is inside Nineveh, the exalted city loved by Ninlil, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated, to be his royal residence, that House of Succession, with joyous celebrations had become old and dilapidated. I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters, in that House of Succession I built.

    his bull colossi and lamassus he kept safe; son of kingship and the lady Beltu-garza, her protection, the good protection, her shatammu-shrine, which is a shalammu-shrine, she imposed upon me; since the throne of the father who had engendered me he sat on, they continually performed; the lordship of the lands and the wide people, the sacrificial rites, the one who defeated my enemies, he slew; in his heart, in the morning, the good rites of my dreams, in the morning, the mashtakkû-shrine, that mashtakkû-shrine, the one who preserves the life of his lord, is that mashtakkû-shrine,

    The great gods determined his fate. For the sake of his life I mustered his debts. Because of the greatness of his labor, I smashed his entire labor.

  • 50 lines of a tikpu-sket, the foundation of his design.
  • I surrounded the terrace. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations on that terrace. I sank its foundations. I poured out its beer and wine. I poured out its libations. I gathered its bricks, piled up its tin, and deposited its tupshitu-sketches on the ground. At that time, with joy and joy, I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I made it bigger than the kings, my ancestors, and I lavishly presented its deeds.

    I roofed it with magnificent cedar beams, grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of li'aru-wood, whose fragrance is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I made mighty columns of shining copper and thereby secured the foundation of the gate of his house. I completed that house, the guardian of my royal majesty, in its entirety. I filled it with splendor. I planted a garden, whose fruit and produce are all of the luxuriant fruit trees,

    I performed the work of his deeds, and presented splendid sacrifices to the gods, my lords. With joy and rejoicing I made him enter his house. In the midst of prayer, in the future, may one of the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, when that house becomes dilapidated and its dilapidated, restore its dilapidated sections. May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, my father, my grandfather, and the eternal seed of kingship, and

    May he make an offering and perform a sacrifice with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods, as many as are written in this inscribed object, grant him as my own strength and strength. May they not place the mighty and the mighty among those who have inscribed my name, the name of my father, the name of my grandfather, with his inscribed object. May the gods dwelling in heaven and netherworld curse him, overthrow his kingship, and make his name and seed disappear from the land.

    P514719: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal_-u _lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim _e3_ lib3-bi (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u3 uri(ki) _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _ukken_-szu2-nu szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szi-mu szim-ti e-li _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki zi-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-ri-hu u2-szar-bu-u2 be-lu-u2-ti e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra

    _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia u2-szak-lil _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz_ me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis ina _ka2_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qu-up an-szar2 ina e2-hur-sag-gu-la u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-ma-a _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti e2-sag-il2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz du3_-usz u2-szak-li-la _gesz-hur-mesz_-szu2 (d)en (d)gaszan-mu (d)be-let-babila2(ki) (d)e2-a (d)di-ku5 ul-tu qe2-reb e2-szar2-ra u2-bil u2-sze-rib qe2-reb szu-an-na(ki) _bara2-mah_-hu szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti

  • 5(u) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u2 eb-bu
  • a-na a-gur2-ri ap-ti-iq-ma u2-rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu2 u2-sze-pisz-ma (gesz)er-me a-nu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza2 szit-nu-nu sza2-ma-me-esz

  • 3(u) 4(disz) _gun_ 2(u) _ma-na ku3-sig17 husz-a_
  • kip-pat-su u2-szal-bisz u2-dan-ni-na rik-se-e-szu2 e-li (d)marduk _en gal_-e s,u-lul-szu2 at-ru-us,-ma u2-kin ta-ra-an-szu2 _(gesz)gigir_ s,ir-tu ru-kub (d)marduk e-tel-li _dingir-mesz en en-en_ ina _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)marduk _lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-tim sa-pi-in _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-na szi-rik-ti asz2-ruk _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-na-at

    sza2-kan ha-sza2-di e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di

  • 4(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-u-ti
  • na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-u-ti-ia ina _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi ina _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina _ka2_ e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz e2-masz-masz e2-gaszan-kalam-ma _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-'i-in lu-le-e u2-mal-li (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri sza2 ina ug-gat lib3-bi-sza2 at-man-sza2 e-zi-bu u2-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-a-ti-sza2 ina _bala_-ia dam-qi2 sza2 an-szar2 isz-ru-ka tar-sza2-a sa-li-mu a-na szuk-lul _dingir_-ti-sza2 s,ir-ti szur-ru-hu mi-se-e-sza2 szu-qu-ru-ti ina _masz2-ge6_ szi-pir mah-he-e

    isz-ta-nap-pa-ra ka-a-a-na (d)utu u3 (d)iszkur asz2-al-ma e-pu-lu-in-ni an-nu ke-e-nu si-mat _dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti u2-szar-ri-ih u2-sze-szib-szi ina _bara2-mah_-hi szu-bat da-ra-a-ti par-s,e-e-sza2 szu-qu-ru-ti u2-kin-ma u2-szal-li-ma mi-se-e-sza2 anzu(muszen)-mesz (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia ina _ka2_ e2-galam-mes _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 (iri)tar-bi-s,i az-qu-up a-di a-di-ni a-bi la im-ma-al-la-du um-mi3 a-lit-ti la ba-na-at ina lib3-bi _ama_-sza2

    (d)sin sza2 ib-na-an-ni a-na _lugal_-u-ti um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a e2-kur szu2-a-tu ip-pu-usz-ma qe2-reb-szu2 u2-szar-man-ni pa-rak da-ra-a-ti a-mat (d)sin sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-lim _ug3-mesz egir-mesz_ _e2_ (d)sin sza2 (disz)(d)sal2-ma-nu-masz _a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-ibila _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia e-pu-szu la-ba-risz u2-sza2-lik-ma u2-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a ina a-mat (d)sin (d)nusku an-hu-us-su ad-ke e-li sza u4-me pa-ni szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz

    ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil e2-me-lam2-an-na _e2_ (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ sza _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ri-ia la e-pu-szu2 ab-na-a qe2-reb-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a e-li-szu2-un _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-a-ri me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2-un

  • 2(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu
  • ga-re-ia ina at-man (d)sin _en_-ia ul-ziz 2(disz) (d)lah3-me esz-ma-re-e sza2 ti-is,-bu-tu2 (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib _kur_-i u tam-tim ina _ka2_ e2-hul2-hul2 ul-ziz _szu-min_ (d)sin (d)nusku as,-bat u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti e2-dim-gal-kalam-ma _e2 an-gal_ sza2 qe2-reb |_bad3-an_|(ki) a-na si-hi-ir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _e2_ (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)utu (d)a-a sza qe2-reb nina(ki) sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz

    il-li-ku la-ba-risz e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 e-na-ah-ma i-qu-pa _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 e2-kur szu-a-tu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)szur-min3 mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a ta-ra-an-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-a-ri sza e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu e2-kur szu2-a-tu2 u2-szak-li-lu u2-qat-tu-u ag-mu-ra szi-pir-szu2 (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)nusku (d)utu u (d)a-a _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ina qer-bi-szu2 u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-me

    _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _kur_ uri(ki) ana si-hir-te-szi-na ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil mim-ma si-mat e2-kur ma-la _gal2_-u sza _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ e-pu-usz e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ tik-le-ia ina at-ma-na-a-te-szu2-nu s,i-ra-a-te u2-sze-szib-szu2-nu-ti _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi2 u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a sat-tuk-ku gi-nu-u2 e-li sza u4-me ul-lu-ti u2-sza2-tir-ma ar-ku-us _alam lugal_-ti-ia sza _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 uruda_ nam-ri

    ina szi-pir (d)nin-a2-gal (d)ku3-sig17-banda3(+da) (d)nin-kur-ra nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz-ma a-na mu-ter-ri-szi _ti-la_-ia ma-har _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u2-kin na-an-za-sun2 ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia a-di ra-be2-ia asz2-te-'a-a asz2-rat _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ (lu2)sza2-an-gu-ti ih-szu-hu i-ram-mu na-dan zi-bi-ia (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-szi-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2 szat-ti-szam-ma ina t,uh-di mi-sza2-ri ar-te-'a-a ba-'u-lat (d)en-lil2

    dun-nu zik-ru-u2-tu e-mu-qi2 s,i-ra-a-ti u2-szat-li-mu-in-ni _kur-kur_ la ma-gi-re-ia ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u2 u2-szam-s,u-in-ni ma-la lib3-bi-ia ul-tu tam-tim e-liti a-di tam-tim szap-liti sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia ir-te-ed-du-u2 a-na-ku lu-u ar-de ma-lak _iti u4 2(u)-kam2_ ina _muru2_ tam-tim u na-ba-li mi-is,-ru e-li sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-rad-di-ma a-bel _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti _kur-kur_ sza2-a-ti-na u2-szak-ni-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _gun_ man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma

    ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 _lugal-mesz_ a-szib pa-rak-ki u2-na-asz2-sza2-qu _giri3-min_-ia ma-al-ki _gal-mesz_ sza2 s,i-tasz u szi-la-an a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu u2-pa-qu-u-ni ina tukul-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-ub _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu ina la mi3-ni asz2-kun at-tal-lak szal-t,isz (disz)um-man-al-da-si ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni e-dur-ma me-ra-nu-usz-szu2 in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta sza2-da-a

  • 1(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz_ dan-nu-ti mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2
  • u3 _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza2 ni-i-ba la i-szu-u2 a-di _2(u)-am3 iri-mesz_ ina na-ge-e sza2 (iri)hu-un-nir ina _ugu_ mi3-is,-ri sza2 (iri)hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud (iri)ba-szi-mu u3 _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-me-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur sza2 _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un ka-mar-szu2-nu asz2-kun u2-szab-bir _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un u2-szap-szi-ih ka-bat-ti _en en-en_ _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 _nig2-szu_-szu2 _nig2-gur11_-szu2 _ug3-mesz tur_ u _gal_ asz2-lu-la ana _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 1(gesz2) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru
  • qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szah-rib _mun (u2)zag-hi-li(sar)_ u2-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu2-un (d)na-na-a sza 1(disz) _lim_ 6(disz) _me 3(u)-am3_ 5(disz) _mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-as-bu-su-ma tal-li-ku tu-szi-bu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-szar la si-ma-a-te9-e-sza2 u3 ina u4-me-szu2-ma szi-i u3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 ib-bu-u szu-mi3 ana be-lut _kur-kur_ ta-a-a-rat _en_-u-ti-sza2 tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u2-sze-rab-an-ni

    a-mat qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-szu2-un sza ul-tu2 _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-li-mu _ug3-mesz egir-mesz_ _szu-min dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu sza2 ul-lu-us, lib3-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na e2-an-na ina qe2-reb unu(ki) u2-sze-rib-szi-ma ina e2-hi-li-an-na sza2 ta-ram-mu u2-szar-me-szi pa-rak da-ra-a-ti ina u4-me-szu2 _e2_ a2-ki-it (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia sza qe2-reb nina(ki) sza ki-ma _ama_ a-lit-ti tu-rab-ba-an-ni _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia i-na-ru gi-mir ma-al-ki u2-szak-ni-sza2

    a-na _giri3-min_-ia sza (disz)lugal-gi-na _ad ad ad du3_-ia _sza3-bala-bala (disz)en_-ba-ni _dumu_ (disz)a-da-si sza du-ru-ug-szu2 bal-til(ki) e-pu-szu2 la-ba-risz il-lik mi-qit-ta-sza2 ad-ke ina _iti_ szal-me u4-me sze-me-e at-ta-ad-di tem-me-en-sza2 ina a-gur2-ri _(na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ _e2_ a2-ki-it szu2-a-tu a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil lu-le-e u2-mal-li an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia mu-szam-s,u-u2 ma-la lib3-bi-ia qe2-reb-sza2 u2-sze-rib-ma

    _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu-un aq-qi2 u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a an-szar2 u3 (d)nin-lil2 sza ul-tu s,e-he-ri-ia u2-rab-bu-in-ni is,-s,u-ru _lugal_-u-ti qe2-reb _e2_ a2-ki-it szu2-a-tu2 ir-ru-bu-ma ip-pu-szu2 i-sin-ni _hul2-mesz_ ina bu-un-ni-szu2-nu nam-ru-ti ina ni-isz _igi-min-mesz_-szu2-nu _saga-mesz_ sza2 i-bar-ra-a kib-ra-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal_ mi-gir lib3-bi-szu2-nu e-pisz _e2_ a2-ki-it szu-a-tu ha-disz lit-tap-la-su _u4-mesz_-ia li-sza2-ri-ku lu-usz-bi bu-'a-a-ru

    _suhusz (gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-ia lu-kin-nu lu-szal-bi-ru _bala-mesz_-ia _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia li-ne2-e-ru li-szam-qi2-tu ga-re-ia ina tukul-ti-szu2-nu ra-bi-ti e-ma a-qab-bu-u la-be-el a-szar u2-s,ar-ra-mu lik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a a-na _egir_ u4-me _dumu-mesz dumu dumu-mesz_ _dumu-mesz_ u3 _dumu-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 ut-tu-szu-ma a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2_ a2-ki-it szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz

    _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 a-na asz2-ri-szu2 lu-ter _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e sza2-at,-ru _lugal_-ut-ka lik-tar-ra-bu li-is,-s,u-ru _bala-mesz_-ka sza _mu?-sar?_-u szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ib-ba-tu2 ina mim-ma szi-pir ni-kil-ti u2-hal-la-qu it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza _an_-e u3 _ki_-tim _lugal_-us-su lis-ki-pu _mu_-szu2 _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ lu-hal-li-qu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, descendant of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, the great gods in their assembly determined a good fate for me; they made the utterance of my name greater than those of the kings who sit on royal daises and made my lordship greater than those of the Ehursaggalkurkurra.

    I completed the temple of Ashur, my lord, and completed its walls. I hung gold, silver, and magnificent timbers, and silver meser-metal on doors of silver. I erected it at the gate of the sanctuaries of the lands. I made Ashur enter into the Ehursaggula and made a lasting dais of Esagil, the palace of the gods. I completed its plans. The deities Bel, Beltiya, Belet-Babili, Ea, and Diku brought out of the Esharra and made them enter into Shuanna Babylon. The great dais, his dwelling place,

  • 50 talents of shiny zahalû-silver,
  • I cut down and brought it into the aguri and I made it adjoin to it. I made cedar beams, as well as musukkannu-wood, the durable wood that is among the reeds,

  • 34 talents 20 minas of red gold,
  • I adorned its base and strengthened its support. I imposed upon Marduk, the great lord, his protection, and established its securing. I decorated a lofty chariot, the vehicle of Marduk, the pre-eminent one among the gods, the lord of lords, with gold, silver, and precious stones. I presented it and gave it as a gift to Marduk, the king of the totality of heaven and netherworld, the one who overwhelms my enemies. I set up a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose securing is a securing-beam, with precious stones,

    I made a shakkanu-shakkanu-shakin for the shakkanu-priests to do the ru'amû-services. In Kahilisu, the mashakku-priest of Zarpanitu, who is smitten with famine, I gave.

  • 4 wild bulls of silver, mighty,
  • Protector of my royal path, at the Gate of the Rising Sun, at the Gate of the Lamma-rabi, at the Gate of Ezida, which is in Borsippa, I sat down. The Emashmash and the Egashankalamma, silver and gold, I decorated with splendor. Sharrat-Kidmuri, who in her anger had fled, I sat down, where none of her friends had ever sat. In my good reign, which Ashur had granted me, in order to complete her exalted divinity, to make her majesty supreme, in a dream, a great work of art,

    I constantly sent messages, and constantly I asked Shamash and Adad, and they answered me with a firm "yes." I made the supplications of her great divinity resplendent and made her dwell on her eternal dais. I established her supreme rites and made her tremble with a scepter for the preservation of my life. At the gate of the Egalammes, the temple of Nergal of Tarbishu, I sat the Anzu-birds with a scepter for my life. Until my father had not bowed down, my mother was not a woman,

    The god Sîn, who created me to be king, saying: "Ashurbanipal built that Ekur and made it shine forth in it, and now he has made the eternal command of the god Sîn, which he had spoken in distant days, he has shown to the people. The people behind the temple of the god Sîn, which Salmanu-zeri, son of Ashur-papibila II, a king of the past who had come before me, had built, he has made it older and has made it larger. By the command of the god Sîn and the god Nusku, I have confined him. I have made his dwelling larger than before.

    I built and completed Emelamanna, the temple of Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king who came before me had built. I roofed them with beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of liyari-wood and I fixed them in their gates.

  • 2 wild bulls of silver, who are snatched;
  • I sat down at the throne of the god Sîn, my lord. Two lahmu-priestesses, who carry out the eshmarû-priests' rites, who make my royal throne complete, who make my royal rites complete, who bring the habitations of the mountains and seas, at the gate of the Ehulhul, I sat down. I took the hands of the gods Sîn and Nusku and made them enter and sit down forever. In the eternal dais of the Edimgalkalama, the palace of the gods, which is inside Der, I built and completed it. The temple of the gods Sîn, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya, which is inside Nineveh, which Ashurbanipal,

    They went and abandoned that temple. The old one became dilapidated and its walls collapsed. I built that temple in its entirety and completed it. I raised its top. I roofed it with magnificent cypress trees. I fastened bands of silver on doors of liyari-wood, whose scent is sweet. I surrounded its gates. I completed it from that temple and presented it to the gods Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, and Aya, the gods who support me, in it and made it shine.

    I built and completed the lands Assyria and Akkad in their entirety. I built every type of temple appurtenance there is, from silver and gold, to that of the kings, my ancestors. I added the great gods who support me in their exalted shrines. I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. My regular offerings I made greater than those of distant days and I erected therein my royal statue of silver, gold, and shining copper.

    By the craft of Ninagal, Kusigbanda, and Ninkura, he had perfected it and for the preservation of my life before the gods who support me he established it. I constantly sought out the shrines from my childhood to my youth. The great gods strove to enlarge my cultic rites. The god Adad abandoned my life, the god Ea abandoned his rains, and the god Ea opened up his springs. I constantly sought out the people of Enlil,

    They gave me the scepter of truth, the exalted strength, and they made the lands that I had conquered fall into my hands. They made me attain as much as my heart desires. From the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, which the kings, my ancestors, had constantly sought out, I shall go. A march of one month and twenty days in the middle of the Upper Sea and the Upper Sea, the boundary territory above that of the kings, my ancestors, I added, and the ruler of the people living in those lands I made bow down to my yoke.

    By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil, the kings who sit on royal daises, they slew my feet. The great rulers who slew me and slew me to their aid, with the support of the great gods, my lords, entered the land Elam. I brought about their defeat without number and marched about triumphantly. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, a mighty flood, smashed his arrow and took away his arrow.

  • 14 fortified cities, his royal residences,
  • and smaller cities, which had no rival, together with twenty cities in the district of the city Hunnir, on the border of the city Hidalu I conquered. I destroyed, devastated, and burned the cities Bashimu and the cities in its environs. I annihilated the people living inside them, and scattered their gods. I made the mood of the lord of lords, his gods, his goddesses, his possessions, his property, and the large and small people I carried off to Assyria.

  • 60 dannas of the 'field,'
  • In the land Elam he smote them, he smote them with salt and juniper. Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago became angry and went away, stayed in Elam, a place not befitting her, and at that time, she and the gods, her fathers, named me for dominion over the lands, and entrusted me with the return of her lordly majesty, saying: "Ashurbanipal brought me out of the land Elam and brought me here."

    The word of their divinity, which since distant days they had spoken, they now revealed to me. The people behind them grasped the hands of her great divinity. The mighty road, which enraged the heart, she took, to Eanna in Uruk she brought her, and in Ehiliana, which she loves, she made her dwell on a long path. At that time, the temple of the akitu-priestess of Ishtar, my lady, which is in Nineveh, which like a mother I had brought to me, my enemies raged, and all of the rulers she made bow down.

    On my feet, which Lugalgina, the father of the father who had engendered me, the father of the father who had engendered me, Bel-bani, son of Adasi, who had built Dur-Ugshu, Baltil Ashur, had built, had become old and old, I laid its foundations. In a favorable month, on an auspicious day, I laid its foundations. With baked bricks and lapis lazuli, I built that temple in its entirety with baked bricks and completed it. I filled it with splendor. I made Ashur and Ninlil, the gods who support me, who make my heart happy, enter inside it and

    I offered sumptuous offerings before them and presented them with my gifts. The god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil, who from my childhood had brought about my defeat, took away my royal majesty inside that Akitu temple and performed the festival, joyful celebrations with their bright faces, and their mighty eyes, who ruled the four quarters of the world, Assurbanipal, the king who is their favorite, may they greatly make that Akitu temple beautiful. May my days be long and may my spirits be full.

    May they strengthen the foundations of my royal throne, may they make my reign long, may my enemies be defeated, may they cut down my foes with their great support wherever I speak, may they rule the place where I seek, may my hands be held in good health forever. In the future, the sons, grandsons, grandsons, and grandsons among the kings, my descendants, whom Ashur and Ninlil chose and who nominate for ruling over the land and people, his name, when that temple becomes old and dilapidated, may I restore its dilapidated sections.

    May he find an inscribed object bearing my name, and then anoint it with oil, make an offering, and return it to its place. May the great gods, as many as are written on this inscribed object, grant your kingship and may they guard your reign. May they destroy your inscribed object bearing my name by some crafty device. May they not place it with an inscribed object bearing his name. May the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship and make his name and his seed disappear from the land.

    P514720: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a bi-nu-tu an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dumu lugal gal_-u2 sza _e2_ ri-du-u-ti sza an-szar2 u (d)sin _en aga_ ul-tu _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ ni-bit _mu_-szu2 iz-ku-ru a-na _lugal_-u-ti u3 ina _sza3 ama_-szu2 ib-nu-szu2 a-na _sipa_-ut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (d)utu (d)iszkur u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ina _esz-bar_-szu2-nu ke-e-ni iq-bu-u2 e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia (disz)an-szar2-pap-szum2-na _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a a-mat an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-e-szu2 it-ta-id

    sza iq-bu-u-szu2 e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina _(iti)gu4 iti_ (d)e2-a _en_ te-ne2-sze-e-ti _u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam ud sze-ga szum2 ninda_ sza (d)gu-la ina e-pesz pi-i mut-tal-li sza an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku iq-bu-u2 u2-pah-hir _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) _tur_ u _gal_ sza tam-tim e-li-ti u3 szap-liti a-na na-s,ir _dumu lugal_-ti-ia u3 _egir_-nu

    _lugal_-tu _kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-pe-sze a-de-e _mu dingir-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-nu-ti u2-dan-ni-na rik-sa-a-te ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te e-ru-ub ina _e2 usz_-u-ti asz2-ru nak-lu mar-kas _lugal_-u-ti sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad_ a-li-di-ia _dumu lugal_-tu2 u3 _lugal_-tu2 e-pu-szu2 ina lib3-bi-szu2 a-szar (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _ad du3_-u-a qe2-reb-szu2 i'-al-du ir-bu-u e-pu-szu2 be-lut _kur_ an-szar2(ki) gi-mir ma-al-ki ir-du-u kim-tu2 u2-rap-pi-szu2 ik-s,u-ru ni-szu-tu2 u sa-la-tu2

    u3 a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a qe2-reb-szu2 a-hu-uz ne2-me-qi2 (d)ag kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-u-ti sza2 gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 ih-ze-szu2-nu a-hi-it, al-ma-ad sza2-le-e _(gesz)pan_ ru-kub _ansze-kur-ra (gesz)gigir_ s,a-bat (kusz)a-sza2-a-te ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 az-ku-ra ni-bit-sun2 a-da-bu-ba ta-nit-ta-szu2-un iq-bu-u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia za-nin esz-re-e-ti-szu2-un u2-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a ke-mu-u-a e-tap-pa-lu _en_ s,al-ti-ia i-na-ru ga-re-ia

    zi-ka-ru qar-du na-ram an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) li-ip-li-pi _lugal_-u-ti a-na-ku ul-tu an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku t,a-bisz u2-sze-szi-bu-in-ni ina _(gesz)gu-za ad du3_-ia (d)iszkur _szeg3-mesz_-szu2 u2-masz-sze-ra (d)e2-a u2-pat,-t,i-ra _idim-mesz_-szu2

  • 5(disz) _1(disz) kusz3 sze-am_ isz-qu ina _ab-sin2_-ni-szu2
  • e-ri-ik szu-bul-tu 5/6(disz) _1(disz) kusz3_ _si-sa2 buru14_ na-pa-asz2 (d)nisaba ka-a-a-an u2-szah-na-bu gi-pa-ru s,ip-pa-a-ti szu-um-mu-ha in-bu _masz2-ansze_ szu-te-szur ina ta-lit-ti ina _bala_-ia _he2-nun_ t,uh-du ina _mu-an-na-mesz_-ia ku-um-mu-ru _he2-gal2_-lum ina mah-re-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)ma2-kan u (kur)me-luh-ha lu al-lik (disz)tar-qu-u2 _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si sza (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad du3_-u-a

    da-na-an an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia im-szi-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu2 e-li _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad du3_-u-a a-na da-a-ki ha-ba-a-te u3 e-kem (kur)mu-s,ur il-li-ka _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-ru-um-ma u2-szib qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi _iri_ sza2 _ad du3_-u-a ik-szu-du a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-ter-ru al-la-ku ha-an-t,u qe2-reb nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti _ugu_ ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti

    lib3-bi e-gug-ma is,-s,a-ru-uh ka-bit-ti asz2-szi _szu-min_-ia u2-s,al-li an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) asz-szur-i-tu2 ad-ke-e-ma e-mu-qi2-ia s,i-ra-a-te sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-mal-lu-u _szu-min_-u-a a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia

  • _2(u)-am3_ 2(disz) _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-hi tam-tim _muru2_ tam-tim u na-ba-li
  • _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ta-mar-ta-szu2-nu ka-bit-tu2 ina mah-ri-ia isz-szu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _lugal-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu a-di e-mu-qi2-szu2-nu _(gesz)ma2-mesz_-szu2-nu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li it-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-hu pa-da-nu u2-sza2-as,-bit-su-nu-ti a-na na-ra-ru-u-ti sza2 _lugal-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur _ARAD-mesz_-ni da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hi-isz ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)kar-(d)du3-ti

    a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2 (gesz)tukul-mesz_ u3 _me3_ ina mah-ri-ia id-ka-a _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)en (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia a-li-kut _a2-min_-ia ina _me3 edin_ rap-szi asz2-ku-na _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2 (disz)tar-qu-u ina qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi isz-ma-a tah-te-e _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) is-hu-pu-szu2-ma il-li-ka mah-hu-tisz2 me-lam-me _lugal_-ti-ia ik-tu-mu-szu2-ma

    (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _iri_ szu2-a-tu2 as,-bat _erin2-hi-a_-ia u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib ina lib3-bi (disz)ni-ku-u2 _lugal_ (iri)me-em-pi u (iri)sa-a-a (disz)lugal-lu-da3-ri _lugal_ (iri)s,i-i'-nu (disz)pi-sza2-an-hu-ru _lugal_ (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)pa-aq-ru-ru _lugal_ (iri)pi-szap-tu2 (disz)bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i'-pi _lugal_ (iri)ha-at-hi-ri-bi (disz)na-ah-ke-e _lugal_ (iri)hi-ni-in-szi (disz)pu-t,u-bisz-ti _lugal_ (iri)s,a-a'-nu

    (disz)u2-na-mu-nu _lugal_ (iri)na-at-hu-u2 (disz)hur-si-ia-e-szu2 _lugal_ (iri)s,ab-nu-ti (disz)pu-u2-a-a-ma _lugal_ (iri)pi-in-t,i-t,i (disz)su-si-in-qu _lugal_ (iri)pu-szi-ru (disz)tap-na-ah-ti _lugal_ (iri)pu-nu-bu (disz)bu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i'-pi _lugal_ (iri)ah-ni (disz)ep-ti-mur-t,e-e-szu2 _lugal_ (iri)pi-ha-at-ti-hu-ru-un-pi-ki (disz)na-ah-ti-hu-ru-an-si-ni _lugal_ (iri)pi-szap-di-'a-a (disz)bu-kur-ni-ni-ip _lugal_ (iri)pa-ah-nu-ti (disz)s,i-ha-a _lugal_ (iri)szi-ia-a-u-tu2

    (disz)la-mi3-in-tu2 _lugal_ (iri)hi-mu-ni (disz)isz-pi-ma-t,u _lugal_ (iri)ta-a-a-ni (disz)ma-an-ti-me-an-he-e _lugal_ (iri)ni-i' _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti _(lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur u2-pa-qi2-du _ad_ ba-nu-u-a sza2 la-pa-an ti-bu-ut (disz)tar-qu-u pi-qit-ta-szu2-un u2-masz-sze-ru im-lu-u2 _edin_ u2-ter-ma a-szar pi-qit-ti-szu2-un ina masz-kan2-i-szu2-un ap-qid-su-nu-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-su sza2 _ad du3_-u-a ik-szu-du a-na esz-szu-ti as,-bat

    _en-nun-mesz ugu_ sza2 u4-me pa-ni u2-dan-nin-ma u2-rak-ki-sa rik-sa-a-te it-ti hu-ub-ti ma-a'-di szal-la-ti ka-bit-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _egir_-nu _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti ma-la ap-qi2-du ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u la is,-s,u-ru ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz mun_ e-pu-us-su-nu-ti im-szu2-ma lib3-ba-szu2-nu ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu2 da-bab sur-ra-a-te id-bu-bu-ma mi-lik la ku-sziri4 im-li-ku ra-man-szu2-un um-ma (disz)tar-qu-u ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur i-na-sah-u-ma at-tu-ni a-sza2-ba-ni mi3-i-nu

    e-li (disz)tar-qu-u _man_ (kur)ku-u-si a-na sza2-kan a-de-e u sa-li-me u2-ma-'e-e-ru (lu2)rak-be2-e-szu2-un um-ma su-lum-mu-u ina bi-ri-ni lisz-sza2-kin-ma ni-in-dag-ga-ra a-ha-mesz _kur_ a-he-en-na-a ni-zu-uz-ma a-a ib-ba-szi ina bi-ri-ni sza2-nu-um-ma be-lum a-na _erin2-hi-a kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-muq _en_-ti-ia sza2 a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu usz-zi-zu isz-te-ne2-'u-u a-mat _hul_-tim (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia a-ma-a-te an-na-a-te isz-mu-u (lu2)rak-be2-e-szu2-un a-di szip-ra-a-te-szu2-un is,-bat-u-nim-ma

    e-mu-ru ep-szet sur-ra-a-te-szu2-un _lugal-mesz_ an-nu-te is,-bat-u-nim-ma ina bi-re-ti _an-bar_ isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-hu _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ ma-mit an-szar2 _man dingir-mesz_ ik-szu-su-nu-ti-ma sza2 ih-t,u-u ina a-de-e _dingir-mesz gal-mesz mun szu-min_-szu2-un u2-ba-'i-i-ma sza2 e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-qu _ug3-mesz_ (iri)sa-a-a (iri)pi-in-t,i-t,i (iri)s,i-i'-nu u3 si-it-ti _iri-mesz_ ma-la it-ti-szu2-nu szak-nu ik-pu-du _hul_-tu2

    _tur_ u _gal_ ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-szam-qi2-tu e-du a-me-lu la e-zi-bu ina lib3-bi _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu e-lu-lu ina (gesz)ga-szi-szi _kusz-mesz_-szu2-nu isz-hu-t,u u2-hal-li-pu _bad3 iri_

  • _2(u)-am3 lugal-mesz_ an-nu-ti sza2 _hul_-tu isz-te-ne2-'u-u
  • a-na _erin2-hi-a kur_ an-szar2(ki) bal-t,u-us-su-nu a-na nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia u2-bil-u-ni a-na (disz)ni-ku-u _ta_ bi-ri-szu2-nu re-e-mu ar-szi-ma u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su a-de-e _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri u2-sza2-tir-ma it-ti-szu2 asz2-kun lu-bul-tu bir-me u2-lab-bi-su al-lu _ku3-sig17_ si-mat _lugal_-ti-szu2 asz2-kun-szu2 _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-ki-sa rit-te-e-szu2 _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi sza2 ih-zu-szu2 _ku3-sig17_ ni-bit _mu_-ia ina muh-hi asz2-t,ur-ma ad-din-szu2

    _(gesz)gigir-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ a-na ru-kub _en_-ti-szu2 a-qis-su (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-ia _(lu2)nam-mesz_ a-na kit-ri-szu2 it-ti-szu2 asz2-pur a-szar _ad du3_-u-a ina (iri)sa-a-a a-na _lugal_-ti ip-qid-du-usz a-na masz-kan2-i-szu2 u2-ter-szu2 u3 (disz)(d)muati-sze-zib-an-ni _dumu_-szu2 a-na (iri)ha-at-ha-ri-ba ap-qid _mun saga_-tu e-li sza2 _ad du3_-ia u2-sza2-tir-ma e-pu-us-su (disz)tar-qu-u2 a-szar in-nab-tu ra-szub-bat _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia

    is-hu-up-szu2-ma il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 _egir_-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e _dumu_ (disz)sza2-ba-ku-u u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 (iri)ni-i' (iri)u2-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun u2-pah-hi-ra el-lat-su a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a dumu-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza qe2-reb (iri)me-em-pi id-ka-a qa-bal-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma is,-ba-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un _(lu2)a kin_ ha-an-t,u a-na nina(ki) il-lik-am-ma iq-ba-a ia-a-ti

    ina 2(disz)-e ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu (disz)ur-da-ma-ne2-e a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma sza ak-bu-su mi-s,ir (kur)mu-s,ur (iri)me-em-pi u2-masz-szir-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-na-bit a-na qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' _lugal-mesz (lu2)nam-mesz_ (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni sza2 qe2-reb (kur)mu-s,ur asz2-ku-nu ina _gaba_-ia il-li-ku-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia _egir (disz)ur_-da-ma-ne2-e har-ra-nu as,-bat al-lik a-di (iri)ni-i' _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2

    ti-ib _me3_-ia dan-ni e-mur-ma (iri)ni-i' u2-masz-szir in-na-bit a-na (iri)ki-ip-ki-pi _iri_ szu-a-tu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz nig2-szu e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu2-u lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz un-mesz_ zik-ru u sin-nisz

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-tiq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur ul-tu man-za-al-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) szal-la-tu2 ka-bit-tu2 ina la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la ul-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)ni-i' e-li (kur)mu-s,ur u3 (kur)ku-u2-si _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia u2-szam-ri-ir-ma asz2-ta-kan li-i-tu it-ti qa-ti ma-li-ti szal-mesz a-tu-ra a-na nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia i-na szal-szi ger-ri-ia _ugu_ (disz)ba-'a-li _man_ (kur)s,ur-ri a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim lu-u al-lik

    sza a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u zi-kir szap-te-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz_ e-li-szu2 u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim u3 na-ba-li ger-re-e-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-su-nu-ti _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-ti u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (disz)ia-hi-mil-ki _dumu_-szu2 sza2 ma-te-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra isz-te-nisz u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia

    _dumu-munus_-su u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si am-hur-szu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma _dumu_ s,i-it _sza3_-szu2 u2-ter-ma a-din-szu2 (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia _dumu-munus_-su it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bil-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia

    id-bu-bu da-s,a-a-ti bi-in-tu2 s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti ter-ha-ti ma-a'-as-si a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bil-am-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia _ugu_ (disz)mu-gal-li _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ man-da-at-tu2 szat-ti-szam-ma u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2 (disz)sa-an-da-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la ik-nu-szu2 la i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-an-szu2-un _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti a-na nina(ki)

    u2-bil-am-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia ul-tu2 (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _man_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da e-mi3-du _kur_-szu2 (disz)a-zi-ba-al (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-a'-al (disz)sa-pa-t,i-ba-al (disz)bu-di-ba-al (disz)ba-a'-al-ia-szu-pu (disz)ba-a'-al-ha-nu-nu (disz)ba-al-ma-lu-ku (disz)a-bi-mil-ki (disz)pap-mil-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim ul-tu2 _muru2_ tam-tim e-lu-nim-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti il-li-ku-u2-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia

    (disz)a-zi-ba-a'-al ha-disz ap-pa-lis-ma a-na _lugal_-ti (kur)a-ru-ad-da asz2-kun-szu2 (disz)a-bi-ba-al (disz)a-du-ni-ba-al (disz)sa-pa-t,i-ba-al (disz)bu-di-ba-al (disz)ba-a'-al-ia-szu-pu (disz)ba-al-ha-nu-nu (disz)ba-al-ma-lu-ku (disz)a-bi-mil-ki (disz)a-hi-mil-ki lu-bul-ti bir-me u2-lab-bisz _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-ki-sa rit-te-e-szu2-un ina mah-ri-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti (disz)gu-ug-gu _man_ (kur)lu-ud-di na-gu-u sza2 ne2-ber-ti _a-ab-ba_

    ni-bit _mu_-ia ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2-ma an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-nu-u-a um-ma _giri3-min (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man kur_ an-szar2(ki) s,a-bat-ma ina zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ku-szu-ud _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ka u4-mu _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu2 e-mu-ru (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 isz-pu-ra a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-tu2 sza2 e-mu-ru ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 isz-pur-am-ma u2-sza2-an-na-a ia-a-ti ul-tu2 _sza3_ u4-me sza2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (lu2)gi-mir-a-a mu-dal-li-pu _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2

    sza2 la ip-tal-la-hu _ad-mesz_-ia u3 at-tu-u-a la is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ik-szu-ud ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia _ta sza3 (lu2)en-iri-mesz_ sza (lu2)gi-mir-a-a sza2 ik-szu-du 2(disz) _(lu2)en-iri-mesz_ ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti u2-tam-me-eh-ma it-ti ta-mar-ti ka-bit-te u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 sza2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia ka-a-a-an isz-ta-nap-pa-ra

    u2-szar-sza2-a ba-t,i-il-tu2 asz2-szu2 sza2 a-mat an-szar2 _dingir du3_-ia la is,-s,u-ru a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu2 it-ta-kil-ma ig-pu-usz lib3-bu e-mu-qe2-e-szu2 a-na kit-ri (disz)pi-sza2-mi3-il-ki _man_ (kur)mu-s,ur sza is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia isz-pur-ma a-na-ku asz2-me-e-ma u2-s,al-li an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) um-ma pa-an _(lu2)kur2_-szu2 pa-gar-szu2 li-na-di-ma lisz-szu-u-ni _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2 ki-i sza2 a-na an-szar2 am-hu-ru isz-lim-ma

    pa-an _(lu2)kur2_-szu2 pa-gar-szu2 in-na-di-ma isz-szu-u-ni _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2 (lu2)gi-mir-a-a sza2 ina ni-bit _mu_-ia sza2-pal-szu2 ik-bu-su it-bu-nim-ma is-pu-nu gi-mir _kur_-szu2 _egir_-szu2 _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 ep-szet _hul_-tim sza2 ina ni-isz _szu-min_-ia _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ina pa-an _ad du3_-szu2 u2-szap-ri-ku ina _szu-min (lu2)a kin_-szu2 isz-pur-am-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia um-ma _lugal_ sza2 _dingir_ i-du-u-szu2 at-ta

    _ad_-u-a ta-ru-ur-ma _munus-hul_ isz-sza2-kin ina pa-ni-szu2 ia-a-ti _ARAD_ pa-lih-ka kur-ban-ni-ma la-szu-t,a ab-sza2-an-ka ina 4(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _ugu_ (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a usz-te-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)gaszan-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku qe2-reb (kur)man-na-a-a e-ru-ub it-ta-lak szal-t,isz

    _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti a-di _tur-mesz_ sza2 ni-i-ba la i-szu-u a-di qe2-reb (iri)i-zir-ti _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _ug3-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni _ta_ qe2-reb _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri a-lak ger-ri-ia isz-me-ma u2-masz-szir (iri)i-zir-tu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 a-na (iri)isz-ta-at-ti _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 in-na-bit-ma e-hu-uz mar-qi2-tu2 na-gu-u szu-a-tu2 ak-szu-ud ma-lak 1(u) u4-me 5(disz) u4-me

    u2-szah-rib-ma sza2-qu-um-ma-tu2 at-bu-uk (disz)ah-sze-e-ri la pa-lih _en_-ti-ia ina a-mat (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir sza2 _ta_ re-e-szi taq-bu-u2 um-ma ana-ku mi-tu-tu (disz)ah-sze-e-ri _man_ (kur)man-na-a-a ki-i sza2 aq-bu-u ep-pu-usz ina _szu-min _arad_-mesz_-szu2 tam-nu-szu-u-ma _ug3-mesz kur_-szu2 si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u ina _sila iri_-szu2 (lu2)sza2-lam-ta-szu2 id-du-u in-da-asz2-sza2-ru pa-gar-szu2

    _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 u2-szam-qi2-tu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti

    (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-u-ma _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 szul-me u2-ma-'e-er _edin_-usz-szu2 _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti ma-da-ta-szu2 mah-ri-tu2 sza2 ina ter-s,i _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia u2-szab-t,i-lu isz-szu-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ e-li ma-da-ti-szu2 mah-ri-ti
  • u2-rad-di-i-ma e-mi3-is-su ina 5(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ina _(iti)kin_ szi-pir _(d)inanna-mesz iti lugal dingir-mesz_ an-szar2 _ad dingir-mesz_ (d)nun-nam-nir ki-ma ti-ib me-he-e ez-zi ak-tu-um (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 ak-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_-szu2-nu

    mul-tar-hu sza2 ik-pu-da _hul_-tu ina la mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu2 ina _szu-min ti-la-mesz_ u2-s,ab-bit mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 szal-ma-a-ti-szu2-nu ki-ma _(gesz)dih3_ u _(gesz)kiszi16_ u2-mal-la-a ta-mir-ti (iri)szu-sza2-an _usz2-mesz_-szu2-nu (i7)u2-la-a-a u2-szar-di _a-mesz_-sza2 as,-ru-up ki-ma na-ba-as-si (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la-pa-an (disz)te-um-man a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) in-nab-ta is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia it-ti-ia u2-bil-szu2 a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    u2-sze-szib-szu2 ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a sza2 it-ti-szu2 in-nab-ta ina (iri)hi-da-lu asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-u-ti ul-tu2 _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szam-ri-ru asz2-tak-ka-nu da-na-nu u li-i-tu ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia _ugu_ (disz)du-na-ni (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu asz2-ku-na pa-ni-ia (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti (kur)gam-bu-li ak-szu-ud qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu2 e-ru-ub

    _ug3-mesz_-szu2 as-lisz u2-t,ab-bi-ih (disz)du-na-nu (disz)sa-am-gu-nu mu-nar3-ri-t,u e-pesz _lugal_-ti-ia ina (gesz)s,i-is,-s,i isz-qa-ti _an-bar_ bi-re-ti _an-bar_ u2-tam-me-ha _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ si-it-ti _dumu-mesz (disz)en-ba_-sza2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu2-u (disz)(d)muati-i (disz)en-kar-ir _dumu-mesz (disz)(d)muati-mu-kam_-esz _(lu2)gu2-en-na_ u3 _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz ad_ ba-ni-szu2-nu it-ti (lu2)ur-bi (lu2)te-be2-e _ug3-mesz_ (kur)gam-bu-li

    _gu4-mesz_ s,e-e-ni _ansze-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)gam-bu-li asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tukul-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur ina _a-mesz_ usz-har-mit, ina u4-me-szu2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza2 _mun_ e-pu-szu-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-ut babila2(ki) mim-ma par-su si-ma-a-te sza2 _lugal_-ti e-pu-usz-ma a-din-szu2 _(lu2)erin2-mesz ansze-kur-ra-mesz (gesz)gigir-mesz_ ak-s,ur-ma u2-mal-la-a qa-tusz-szu2

    _iri-mesz a-sza3-mesz (gesz)kiri6-mesz un-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un u2-sza2-tir-ma _ugu_ sza2 _ad du3_-ia iq-bu-u a-din-szu2 u3 szu-u _munus saga_ an-ni-tu2 e-pu-szu-usz im-szi-ma isz-te-ne2-'a-a le-mut-tu2 e-lisz ina szap-te-e-szu2 i-tam-ma-a t,u-ub-ba-a-ti szap-la-nu lib3-ba-szu2 ka-s,ir ne2-er-tu _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) sza2 ina _ugu kur_ an-szar2(ki) am-ru _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ip-ru-us,-ma da-bab la kit-te id-bu-ba it-ti-szu2-un ina szi-pir ni-kil-ti a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia

    a-na nina(ki) a-di mah-ri-ia isz-pu-ra-asz2-szu2-nu-ti a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szi-mat _saga_-tim i-szi-mu-usz ib-nu-u-szu2 ina kit-te u mi-sza2-ri _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) szu-nu-ti ina _(gesz)banszur_ tak-ne2-e ul-zis-su-nu-ti lu-bul-ti bir-me u2-lab-bi-su-nu-ti _har-mesz ku3-sig17_ u2-rak-kis rit-te-e-szu2-un a-di _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) szu-nu-ti qe2-reb _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-szu-uz-zu i-dag-ga-lu pa-an sza2-kan t,e3-me-ia

    u3 szu-u (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza la is,-s,u-ru a-de-ia _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) (kur)kal-du (kur)a-ra-mu _kur_ tam-tim ul-tu2 (iri)a-qa-ba a-di (iri)ka2-sa-li-me-ti _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia usz-bal-kit ina _szu-min_-ia u3 (disz)um-man-i-gasz mun-nab-tu sza2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia sza qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti u3 _lugal-mesz_ (kur)gu-te9-e(ki) _kur_ mar-tu-e(ki) (kur)me-luh-he-e

    sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 isz-tak-ka-na _szu-min_-a-a nap-har-szu2-nu it-ti-ia u2-szam-kir2-ma it-ti-szu2 isz-ku-nu pi-i-szu2-nu _abul-mesz_ zimbir(ki) babila2(ki) bar2-sipa(ki) u2-dil-ma ip-ru-sa _szesz_-u-tu e-li _bad3 iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 u2-sze-li-i-ma it-ti-ia e-te-ne2-ep-pu-szu2 _me3_ e-pesz _(udu)siskur-mesz_-ia la-pa-an (d)en _dumu (d)en_ nu-ur2 _dingir-mesz (d)utu_ u qu-ra-di (d)er3-ra ik-la-ma u2-szab-t,i-la na-dan zi-bi-ia

    sza esz-re-e-ti-szu2-nu ud-di-szu2 u2-za-'i-i-nu _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ qe2-reb-szu2-nu asz2-tak-ka-nu si-ma-a-te ik-pu-ud _hul_-tu2 ina u4-me-szu2 1(disz)-en _(lu2)gurusz_ ina szat mu-szi u2-tul-ma i-na-at,-t,a-al _masz2-ge6_ um-ma ina _ugu_ ki-gal-li sza2 (d)sin sza2-t,ir-ma ma-a sza2 it-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ik-pu-du _munus-hul_ ip-pu-szu2 s,e-lu-u2-tu2 mu-u-tu lem-nu a-szar-rak-szu-nu-ti ina _gir2 an-bar_ ha-an-t,i mi-qit (d)gesz-bar _su-gu7_

    _tag_-it (d)er3-ra u2-qat2-ta-a nap-szat-su-un an-na-a-te asz2-me-e-ma at-kil a-na a-mat (d)sin _en_-ia ina 6(disz)-szi ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu qe2-reb zimbir(ki) babila2(ki) bar2-sipa(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) sza2-a-szu2 ga-du mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 e-si-ir-ma u2-s,ab-bi-ta mu-us,-s,a-szu2-un qe2-reb _iri_ u _edin_ ina la mi3-ni asz2-tak-ka-na _bad5-bad5_-szu2 si-it-tu-u-ti ina _tag_-it (d)er3-ra su-un-qu bu-bu-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu

    (disz)um-man-i-gasz _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) szi-kin _szu-min_-ia sza t,a-'a-a-tu im-hu-ru-szu2-ma it-ba-a a-na kit-ri-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma sza2-a-szu2 ga-du kim-ti-szu2 u2-ras-sib ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ _egir_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 sza2 _egir_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-na re-s,u-ut (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri il-lik-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _erin2-hi-a_-ia ur-ri-ha _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-szu2

    ina su-up-pe-e sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sap-pu-u2 un-nin-ni-ia il-qu-u isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum-min_-ia (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su _edin_-usz-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma ina _me3 edin_ isz-ku-na _bad5-bad5_-szu2 (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 _ugu_ ni-kis _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man me2-re-eh-tu iq-bu-u2 sza ik-ki-su a-hu-ur-ru-u _erin2-hi-a_-ia um-ma i-nak-ki-su-u _sag-du man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) qe2-reb _kur_-szu2 ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 sza2-ni-ia-a-nu iq-bi u3 (disz)um-man-i-gasz

    ke-e u2-na-asz2-sziq qaq-qa-ru ina pa-an _(lu2)a kin_ sza2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ugu_ a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-te sza2 il-zi-nu an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-ri-hu-szu2-ma (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-nu-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu2 it-ti 1(gesz2) 2(u) 5(disz) _nun-mesz_ a-li-kut i-di-szu2 la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi in-nab-tu2-nim-ma mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2-un ina _ugu sza3-mesz_-szu2-nu ip-szi-lu-nim-ma il-lik-u-ni a-di nina(ki) (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia u2-na-asz2-sziq-ma

    qaq-qa-ru u2-sze-szir ina ziq-ni-szu2 man-za-az (gesz)ma-gar-ri-ia is,-bat-ma a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ra-man-szu2 im-nu-ma asz2-szu2 e-pesz di-ni-szu2 a-lak re-s,u-ti-szu2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti ina mah-ri-ia i-zi-zu-u-ma i-dal-la-lu qur-di _dingir-mesz_-ia dan-nu-ti sza il-li-ku re-s,u-u2-ti a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a lib3-bu rap-szu2 la ka-s,ir ik-ki mu-pa-si-su hi-t,a-a-te a-na (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma

    sza2-a-szu2 ga-du _numun e2 ad_-szu2 ina qe2-reb _e2-gal_-ia ul-zis-su-nu-ti ina u4-me-szu2 _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) sza it-ti (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na isz-szak-nu ik-pu-du _hul_-tu2 ne2-eb-re-e-tu2 is,-bat-su-nu-ti a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu _uzu dumu-mesz_-szu2-nu _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2-nu e-ku-lu ik-su-su ku-ru-us-su an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku

    sza ina mah-ri-ia il-li-ku i-na-ru ga-re-ia (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri sza2 i-gi-ra-an-ni ina mi-qit (d)gesz-bar a-ri-ri id-du-szu2-ma u2-hal-li-qu nap-szat-su u3 _ug3-mesz_ sza2 a-na (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri u2-szak-pi-du ep-sze-e-tu2 an-ni-tu2 _hul_-tu2 e-pu-szu2 sza mi-tu-tu ip-la-hu nap-szat-su-nu pa-nu-usz-szu2-un te-qir-u-ma it-ti (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _en_-szu2-nu la im-qu-tu2 ina (d)gesz-bar sza la-pa-an ni-kis _gir2 an-bar_ su-un-qi2 bu-bu-ti

    (d)gesz-bar a-ri-ri i-sze-tu-u-ni e-hu-zu mar-qi2-i-tu2 sa-par _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 la na-par-szu-di is-hu-up-szu2-nu-ti e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u ul u2-s,i ina _szu-min_-ia im-nu-u _szu-min_-u-a _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di (gesz)sza2 s,il-li (munus)sek-re-e-ti-szu2 nig2-gur11 _e2-gal_-szu2 u2-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu szil-la-tu2 pi-i-szu2-nu sza2 ina _ugu an-szar2 dingir_-ia szil-la-tu2 iq-bu-u

    pi-i-szu2-nu asz2-lu-uq _bad5-bad5_-szu2-nu asz2-kun si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ bal-t,u-sun2 ina _(d)alad-(d)lamma_ sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _ad ad du3_-ia ina lib3-bi is-pu-nu e-nen-na a-na-ku ina ki-is-pi-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ina lib3-bi as-pu-un _uzu-mesz_-szu2-nu nu-uk-ku-su-u-ti u2-sza2-kil _ur-gi7-mesz szah-mesz_ zi-i-bi _ti8(muszen)-mesz muszen-mesz an_-e _ku6-mesz_ ap-se-e ul-tu2 ep-sze-e-ti an-na-a-ti e-te-ep-pu-szu2 u2-ni-ih-hu lib3-bi _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

    _adda-mesz un-mesz_ sza2 (d)er3-ra u2-szam-qi2-tu2 u3 sza2 ina su-un-qi2 bu-bu-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2 ri-he-et u2-kul-ti _ur-gi7-mesz szah-mesz_ sza _sila-mesz_ pur-ru-ku ma-lu-u re-ba-a-te _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2-nu ul-tu2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) u2-sze-s,i-ma at-ta-ad-di a-na ka-ma-a-ti ina szi-pir i-szip-pu-ti _bara2-mesz_-szu2-nu ub-bi-ib ul-li-la su-le-e-szu2-nu lu-'u-u-ti _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu ze-nu-u-ti _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2-nu szab-sa-a-te

    u2-ni-ih ina taq-rib-ti u _er2-sza3-hun-ga2_ sat-tuk-ki-szu2-un sza2 i-me-s,u ki-ma sza2 u4-me ul-lu-ti ina szal-me u2-ter-ma u2-kin si-it-ti _dumu-mesz_ babila2(ki) gu2-du8-a(ki) zimbir(ki) sza ina szib-t,i szag-gasz-ti u3 ne2-eb-re-e-ti i-sze-tu-u-ni re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-nu-ti ba-lat, na-pisz-ti-szu2-nu aq-bi qe2-reb babila2(ki) u2-sze-szib-szu2-nu-ti _ug3-mesz kur_ uri(ki) ga-du (kur)kal-du (kur)a-ra-mu _kur_ tam-tim sza (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na ik-ter-u-ma a-na 1(disz)-en pi-i u2-ter-ru

    a-na pa-ra-as ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu ik-ki-ru it-ti-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia a-na pat, gim-ri-szu2-nu ak-bu-us _(gesz)szudun_ an-szar2 sza2 is,-lu-u e-mid-su-nu-ti _(lu2)gar-kur-mesz (lu2)til-gid2-mesz_ szi-kin _szu-min_-ia asz2-tak-ka-na e-li-szu2-un _sa2-du11-mesz_ gi-ne2-e _sag-mesz_ an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 u3 _dingir-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-kin _edin_-usz-szu2-un bil-tu man-da-at-tu2 _en_-ti-ia szat-ti-szam-ma la na-par-ka-a e-mid-su-nu-ti

    ina 7(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ina _(iti)sig4 iti_ (d)sin _en esz-bar_ _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-sza2-re-du sza2 (d)en-lil2 ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu u2-bil it-ti-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la-pa-an (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-szu2 in-nab-tam-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia _ug3-mesz_ (iri)hi-il-mu (iri)pil-la-ti (iri)du-mu-qu (iri)su-la-a-a (iri)la-hi-ra-di-bi-ri-i-na

    nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia pu-luh-ti _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu-up-szu2-nu-ti szu-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu s,e-e-ni-szu2-nu a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) im-qut-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i mah-ru-u _iri lugal_-u-ti _e2_ tuk-la-a-te sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ki-ma _bad3 gal_-e pa-an (kur)elam-ma(ki) par-ku sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad ad du3_-ia il-la-mu-u-a ik-szu-du u3 szu-u e-la-mu-u2

    _iri_ me2-eh-ret (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i mah-re-e sza2-nam-ma e-pu-szu2-ma _bad3_-szu2 u2-dan-nin-u-ma u2-zaq-qi2-ru szal-hu-u-szu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i iz-ku-ru ni-bit-su ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2 sza2 la u2-s,u-u2-nim-ma la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia a-nir _sag-du-mesz_-szu2-nu ak-kis _nundum-mesz_-szu2-nu ap-ru-u' a-na ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-ia al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)im-ba-ap-pi (lu2)qe-e-pu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i

    (lu2)ha-tan (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) bal-t,u-us-su ul-tu2 qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu2 u2-sze-s,a-am-ma _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ ad-di-szu2-u-ma u2-ra-a-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _munus-e2-gal_ u3 _dumu-mesz_-szu2 sza2 (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina na-asz2-par-ti an-szar2 ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-ki-su _sag-du_-su it-ti si-it-ti _ug3-mesz_ a-szi-bu-ti (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    e-reb _erin2-hi-a_-ia sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-bu isz-me-ma (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit-ma _kur_-szu2 e-li (disz)um-ba_-lagab_-u-a sza2 ul-tu2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) ta-se-hu-u a-na (iri)bu-bi-lu in-nab-tu-u-ma me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-da-si u2-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ki-ma sza2-a-szu2-ma isz-me-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri_ mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 u2-masz-szir-ma ki-ma _ku6-mesz_ is,-bat szu-pul _a-mesz_ ru-qu-u-ti

    (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 sza2 in-nab-ta is,-ba-ta _giri3-min_-ia qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an u2-sze-rib asz2-kun-szu2 a-na _lugal_-ti _saga_-tu e-pu-szu-usz sza2 asz2-pu-ru _a2-tah_-su im-szi-ma isz-te-ne2-'a-a _hul_-tu a-na ka-szad _erin2-hi-a_-ia ki-a-am iq-bi it-ti lib3-bi-szu2 um-ma _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na _munus-mesz_-e i-tu-ru ina _igi kur_ an-szar2(ki) szu-nu szu-nu-ma ir-ru-bu-nim-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-tu2 hu-bu-ut (kur)elam-ma(ki) an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 _a2-min_-a-a il-li-ku

    u2-sza2-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia lib3-bi (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 ek-s,u ba-ra-nu-u ib-ru-u-ma u2-ba-'u-u2 qa-tusz-szu2 ul-tu _(gesz)gu-za lugal_-ti-szu2 id-ku-nisz-szum-ma u2-ter-ru-nisz-szu2 sza2-ni-ia-a-nu u2-szak-ni-szu-usz a-na _giri3-min_-ia szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti ina s,i-ri-ih-ti lib3-bi-ia sza (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 la ke-e-nu ih-t,a-a ina li-i-ti u da-na-ni sza2 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 at-ta-lak szal-t,isz

    ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza2 szul-me-e _szu-min_ ma-li-ti pa-an _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-ter-ra a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (iri)ga-tu-du (iri)ga-tu-du-ma (iri)da-e-ba (iri)na-di-i' (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na-ni (iri)bad3-(disz)am-na-ni-ma (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)ta-ra-qu (iri)ha-a-a-u2-si (iri)e2-(na4)kiszib-e2-su (iri)e2-(disz)ar-ra-bi (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)sze-(disz)(d)szu2-man-a-ni (iri)ur-da-li-ka (iri)al-ga-ri-ga (iri)tu-u2-bu (iri)du6-tu-u2-bu

    (iri)du-un_-lugal (iri)bad3_-(disz)un-da-si (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si-ma (iri)bu-bi-lu (iri)sa-am-u2-nu (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ku (iri)qa-ab-ri-na (iri)qa-ab-ri-na-ma (iri)ha-ra-a' _iri-mesz_ szu-nu-ti ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu _gu4-mesz_-szu2-nu s,e-e-ni-szu2-nu _nig2-szu_-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ (gesz)til-li u2-nu-ut _me3_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    i-na 8(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i sza2 ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e ak-szu-du e-nen-na (kur)ra-a-szi (iri)ha-ma-nu a-di na-ge-szu2 ak-szu-ud u3 szu-u (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-szad (kur)ra-a-szi (iri)ha-ma-nu isz-me-ma pu-luh-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-li-kut _a2-min_-ia is-hu-up-szu2-ma (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2

    u2-masz-szir-ma in-na-bit a-na (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si (i7)id-id-e e-bir-ma _i7_ szu-a-tu2 a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-kun uk-ta-ta-s,ar a-na s,al-ti-ia (iri)na-di-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ku _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)har-tap-a-nu _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)tu-u2-bu a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud bi-rit _i7_ ka-la-mu (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri lugal_-ti a-di na-ge-szu2 _kur_-ud (iri)hal-te-ma-asz2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud

    (iri)szu-sza2-an _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)di-in_-lugal_ (iri)su-mu-un-tu-na-asz2 _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)pi-di-il-ma _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)bu-bi-lu _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud (iri)ka-bi-in-ak _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 ak-szu-ud ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ar-de-e-ma al-lik _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza la ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia ina me-ti-iq ger-ri-ia (iri)bad3-(disz)un-da-si _iri lugal_-ti-szu2 _kur_-ud

    _erin2-hi-a_-ia (i7)id-id-e a-gu-u szam-ru e-mu-ru ip-la-hu a-na ne2-ba-ar-te (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir ina szat mu-szi a-na _erin2-hi-a_-ia _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-ma ki-a-am iq-bi-szu-nu-ti um-ma a-na-ku al-lak ina ma-har (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal_ sza2 ib-na-a _szu-min_-a-a e-li _masz2-ge6_ an-ni-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia ir-hu-s,u (i7)id-id-e e-bi-ru szal-mesz

  • 1(u) 4(disz) _iri-mesz_ mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2
  • a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza2 ni-i-ba la i-szu-u u3 1(u) 2(disz) na-ge-e sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-li-sza2 ak-szu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu a-na _du6_ u kar-me u2-ter ina la mi3-ni a-duk qu-ra-de-e-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ u2-ras-sib mun-dah-s,e-e-szu2 _mah-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-da-si _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mi-ra-nu-usz-szu2 in-na-bit-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u2 (iri)ba-nu-nu a-di na-ge-e sza2 (iri)ta-sa-ar-ra ka-la-mu ak-szu-ud

  • _2(u)-am3 iri-mesz_ ina na-ge-e sza2 (iri)hu-un-nir
  • ina _ugu_ mi3-is,-ri sza2 (iri)hi-da-lu ak-szu-ud (iri)ba-szi-mu u3 _iri-mesz_ sza2 li-me-ti-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur sza _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2-un ka-mar-szu2-nu asz2-kun u2-szab-bir _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un u2-szap-szi-ih ka-bat-ti _en en-en_ _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 _nig2-szu_-szu2 _nig2-gur11_-szu2 _ug3-mesz tur_ u _gal_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 1(gesz2) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz)
  • sza u2-ma-'e-e-ru-in-ni qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-ub at-ta-lak szal-t,isz ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-sza2-zi-zu-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia (iri)szu-sza2-an ma-ha-zu _gal_-u2 mu-szab _dingir-mesz_-szu2-un a-szar pi-risz-ti-szu2-un ak-szu-ud ina a-mat an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) qe2-reb _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 e-ru-ub u2-szib ina _hul2-mesz_ ap-te-e-ma _e2_ nak-kam-a-ti-szu2-nu sza _ku3-babbar-mesz ku3-sig17-mesz nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga-mesz_ nu-uk-ku-mu qe2-reb-szu2-un

    sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mah-ru-u-ti a-di _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-di _sza3_ u4-me an-ne2-e u2-pah-hi-ru isz-ku-nu sza _(lu2)kur2_ sza2-nam-ma e-li ia-a-szi _szu-min_-su la u2-bi-lu ina lib3-bi u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 nig2-szu-mesz nig2-ga-mesz_ sza2 _kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) (kur)kar2-(d)dun-ia2-asz3 ka-la-mu sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) mah-ru-u-ti a-di 7(disz)-szu2 isz-lu-lu u2-bi-lu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,a-ri-ru husz-szu-u esz-ma-ru-u eb-bu

    ni-siq-ti _na4-mesz_ szu-kut-tu2 a-qar-tu2 si-mat _lugal_-ti sza _lugal-mesz kur_ uri(ki) mah-ru-u-ti u3 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu ip-szu-ru a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) lu-bul-tu szu-kut-tu2 si-mat _lugal_-u-ti (gesz)til-li qa-ra-bi si-ma-nu-u2 mim-ma e-pesz _me3_ si-mat _szu-min_-szu2 u2-nu-ut mut-tab-bil-ti _e2-gal-mesz_-szu2 ka-la-mu sza2 ina muh-hi u2-szi-bu it-ti-lu ina lib3-bi e-ku-lu isz-tu-u ir-mu-ku ip-pa-asz2-szu2 _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)sza sza2-da-di (gesz)s,u-um-bi

    sza ih-zu-szi-na s,a-ri-ru za-ha-lu-u _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz gal-mesz_ sza tal-lul-ta-szu2-nu _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ziq-qur-rat (iri)szu-sza2-an sza ina a-gur2-ri _(na4)za-gin3_ szu-pu-szat ub-bit u2-kap-pi-ra _si-mesz_-sza2 sza pi-tiq _uruda_ nam-ri (d)musz3-szesz2 _dingir_ pi-risz-ti-szu2-un sza asz2-bu ina pu-uz-ra-a-ti sza mam-ma-an la im-ma-ru ep-szet _dingir_-ti-szu2 (d)szu-mu-du (d)la-ga-ma-ru (d)pa-ar-ti-ki-ra (d)am-man-ka-si-masz

    sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) ip-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-su-un (d)ra-gi-ba (d)su-un_-gam_-sa-ra-a (d)ka-ar-sa (d)ki-ir-sa-ma-as (d)szu-da-nu (d)a-a-pa-ag-si-na (d)bi-la-la (d)pa-ni-in-tim-ri (d)si-la-ga-ra-a (d)na-ab-sa-a (d)na-bir-tu (d)ki-in-da-kar-bu _dingir-mesz (d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu it-ti szu-kut-ti-szu2-nu _nig2-gur11_-szu2-nu u2-nu-ti-szu2-nu a-di (lu2)sza2-an-ge-e (lu2)bu-uh-la-le-e asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

  • 3(u) 2(disz) _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_
  • pi-tiq _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 uruda (na4)gesz-nu-gal_ ul-tu qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu (iri)hu-ra-di a-di _alam_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz _dumu_ (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _alam_ (disz)isz-tar-na-an-hu-un-di _alam_ (disz)hal-lu-si _alam_ (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _egir_-u2 sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) e-pu-szu2 _ARAD_-u-ti al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ad-ka-a _(d)alad-mesz (d)lamma-mesz_ _en-nun-mesz_ szu-ut e2-kur ma-la ba-szu2-u2 u2-na-as-si-ha _am-mesz_ na-ad-ru-u-ti si-mat _ka2-mesz_-ni

    esz-re-e-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-di la ba-sze-e u2-szal-pit _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 am-na-a a-na za-qi2-qi2 _(gesz)tir-mesz_-szu2-nu pa-az-ra-a-ti sza mam2-ma a-hu-u la u2-szar-ru ina lib3-bi la i-kab-ba-su i-ta-szi-in _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-ia qe2-reb-szin e-ru-bu e-mu-ru pu-uz-ra-szin iq-mu-u ina (d)gesz-bar ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz_-szu2-nu mah-ru-u-ti _egir-mesz_ la pa-li-hu-u-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia mu-nar-ri-t,u _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

    _giri3-pad-ra2-mesz_-szu2-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) e-t,em2-me-szu2-nu la s,a-la-lu e-mi3-id ki-is-pi na-aq _a-mesz_ u2-za-am-me-szu2-nu-ti ma-lak _iti_ 2(u) 5(disz) _u4-mesz_ na-ge-e (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szah-rib _mun (u2)zag-hi-li(sar)_ u2-sap-pi-ha _edin_-usz-szu2-un _dumu-munus-mesz lugal-mesz nin9-mesz lugal-mesz_ a-di qi-in-ni mah-ri-ti u _egir_-ti sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (lu2)qe2-pa-a-ni (lu2)ha-za-na-a-ti sza _iri-mesz_ sza2-a-tu-nu ma-la ak-szu-du

    (lu2)mu-kil _(kusz)pa-mesz_ (lu2)_3(disz)-u5-mesz_ (lu2)sza2 pet2-hal_-li-mesz (lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ _(lu2)sag-mesz_ (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u2 gi-mir um-ma-ni ma-la ba-szu-u2 _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus tur_ u _gal_ _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ _ansze-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ sza e-li _buru5-hi-a_ ma-a'-du asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) _sahar-hi-a_ (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)ma-dak-tu2 (iri)hal-te-ma-asz2 u3 si-it-ti ma-ha-zi-szu2-nu e-si-pa al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    a-na pat, gim-re-e-sza2 as-pu-un ri-gim a-me-lu-ti ki-bi-is _gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni szi-si-it a-la-la _du10-ga_ u2-za-am-ma-a _a-gar3-mesz_-szu2 _ansze-edin-na-mesz masz-da3-mesz_ u2-ma-am _edin_ ma-la ba-szu-u par-ga-nisz u2-szar-bi-s,a qe2-reb-szu2 (d)na-na-a sza 1(disz) _lim_ 6(disz) _me 3(u)-am3_ 5(disz) _mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-as-bu-szu2 tal-li-ku tu-szi-bu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-szar la si-ma-te-e-sza2 u3 ina u4-me-szu2-ma szi-i u3 _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 tab-bu-u szu-mi3 a-na be-lut _kur-kur_

    ta-a-a-rat _dingir_-ti-sza2 tu-szad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a um-ma (disz)an-szar2-du3-a ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) lem-ne2-ti u2-sze-s,a-an-ni-ma u2-sze-rab-an-ni qe2-reb e2-an-na a-mat qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-szu2-un sza ul-tu2 _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ iq-bu-u e-nen-na u2-kal-li-mu _ug3-mesz egir-mesz_ _szu-min dingir_-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti at-mu-uh har-ra-nu i-szir-tu2 sza2 ul-lu-us, lib3-bi ta-as,-ba-ta a-na e2-an-na ina _(iti)gan u4 1(disz)-kam2_ ina qe2-reb unu(ki) u2-sze-rib-szi-ma ina e2-hi-li-an-na sza2 ta-ram-mu

    u2-szar-me-szi _bara2_ da-ra-a-ti _ug3-mesz_ u3 szal-lat (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)gaszan-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ah-bu-ta re-sze-e-ti a-na _dingir-mesz_-ia asz2-ruk _(lu2)erin2-mesz (gesz)pan_ (gesz)a-ri-ti (lu2)um-ma-ni (lu2)kit-kit-tu-u sza asz2-lu-la ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-li ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia u2-rad-di

    _(lu2)nam-mesz_-ia _gal-mesz_-ia gi-mir _karasz_-ia ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-za-'i-iz (disz)um-man-al-dasz _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza szu-usz-mur _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) dan-nu-u2-ti e-mu-ru ul-tu2 _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2 i-tu-ram-ma qe2-reb (iri)ma-dak-tu2 _iri_ sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ap-pu-lu aq-qu-ru asz2-lu-lu szal-lat-su e-ru-ub u2-szib ina si-pit-ti a-szar ki-hul-le-e szu-ut (disz)(d)ag-en-mu-mesz _dumu dumu (disz)(d)marduk-a-szum2-na_

    is,-lu-u2 _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia sza _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2 isz-ku-nu it-tak-lu a-na (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)in-da-bi-bi (disz)um-man-al-dasz _lugal-mesz_ sza2 e-pu-szu2 be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) _(lu2)a kin_-ia szu-ut sze-bul (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz ina ma-le-e lib-ba-a-ti u2-ma-'e-er _edin_ (disz)um-man-al-dasz (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz _dumu dumu_ (disz)(d)marduk-a-asz a-lak _(lu2)a kin_-ia sza2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) e-ru-bu isz-me-e-ma

    ik-ku-ud lib3-ba-szu2 ir-sza2-a na-kut-tu na-pisz-ta-szu2 pa-nu-usz-szu2 ul e-qir-ma ih-szu-ha mi-tu-tu a-na (lu2)ki-ze-e ra-ma-ni-szu2 iq-bi-ma um-ma ra-si-ban-ni ina _(gesz)tukul_ szu-u (lu2)ki-zu-szu2 ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2-nu up-ta-at-te-hu a-ha-mesz (disz)um-man-al-dasz ip-lah3-ma _adda (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz_ szu-a-tu2 ina _mun_ usz-ni-il-ma a-di _sag-du (lu2)ki-zu_-szu2 sza u2-ra-si-bu-szu2 ina _(gesz)tukul_ a-na _(lu2)a kin_-ia id-din-ma u2-sze-bi-la-asz2-szu2 a-di mah-ri-ia

    _adda_-szu2 a-a-din a-na qe2-be2-ri _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri mi-tu-us-su ut-tir-ma _sag-du_-su ak-kis ina _gu2 (disz)(d)muati-szu-min_-s,a-bat (lu2)(d)sin-ma-gir (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri sza2 it-ti-szu2 a-na szum-ku-ri (kur)elam-ma(ki) il-li-ku a-lul (disz)pa-'e-e sza2 me2-eh-ret (disz)um-man-al-dasz e-pu-szu be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) na-mur-rat _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ez-zu-ti sza 1(disz)-szu2 2(disz)-szu2 3(disz)-szu2 it-bu-ku _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    ih-su-us-ma ir-sza2-a hi-ip lib3-bi ul-tu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) in-nab-tam-ma is,-ba-ta _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia _ug3-mesz_ mul-tah-t,e sza (iri)e2-(disz)im-bi-i (iri)ku-zur-te-e-in (iri)bad3-lugal (iri)ma-su-tu (iri)bu-be2-e (iri)e2-(disz)un-za-a-a (iri)e2-(disz)ar-ra-bi (iri)ib-rat (iri)an-za-gar3-sza-(disz)ta-pa-pa (iri)ak-bar-i-na (iri)gur-u2-ki-ir-ra (iri)du-un-nu-(d)sza2-masz (iri)ha-ma-nu (iri)ka-ni-s,u (iri)ar-an-zi-a-sze (iri)na-qi2-da-a-te (iri)dim-tu2-sza2-(disz)si-ma-me

    (iri)e2-(disz)qa-ta-at-ti (iri)sza-(disz)ki-sa-a-a (iri)su-ba-he-e (iri)du6-hu-um-ba sza ina ger-ri-ia mah-re-e sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) dan-nu-u2-ti in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu (iri)sa-al-ad-ri _kur_-u2 mar-s,u _ug3-mesz_ sza2-a-tu2-nu sza2 (iri)sa-al-ad-ri _kur_-u2 isz-ku-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-szu2-un nam-ri-ri an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia is-hu-up-szu-nu-ti ul-tu _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2-un in-nab-tu-nim-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia

    _ugu_ ki-s,ir _lugal_-ti-ia sza u2-mal-lu-u _szu-min_-u-a u2-rad-di ina 9(disz)-e ger-ri-ia ad-ke _erin2-hi-a_-ia _edin_ (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u2 _mun_ e-pu-szu-usz la is,-s,ur-u2-ma is,-la-a _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia sza an-szar2 e-mi3-du-usz i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-a-ni a-na sza2-al szul-mi3-ia _giri3-min_-szu2 ip-ru-us-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti man-da-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 ki-i (kur)elam-ma(ki)-ma da-bab sur-ra-a-te _kur_ uri(ki) isz-me-e-ma

    ia-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _sanga ku3_ re-e-szu2 mut-nen-nu-u2 bi-nu-ut _szu-min_ an-szar2 u2-masz-szir-an-ni-ma a-na (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e-ri e-mu-qi2 id-din-szu-nu-ti a-na re-s,u-tu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ nak-ri isz-pur-am-ma isz-ta-kan pi-i-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi it-ti-szu2 u2-szam-kir2-ma ih-ta-nab-ba-ta hu-bu-ut _ug3-mesz_ sza an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ id-din-u-ni _sipa_-si-na e-pe-szi u3 u2-mal-lu-u2 _szu-min_-u-a

    ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _erin2-hi-a_-ia ina gi-ra-a (iri)a-za-ar_-dingir_ (iri)hi-ra-ta-a-qa-s,a-a-a ina (iri)u2-du-me ina ne2-reb (iri)ia-ab-ru-du ina (iri)e2-(disz)am-ma-ni ina na-ge-e sza2 (iri)ha-u2-ri-i-na ina (iri)mu-'a-a-ba ina (iri)sa-'a-ar-ri ina (iri)ha-ar-ge-e ina na-ge-e sza (iri)s,u-bi-ti di-ik-ta-szu2 ma-'a-at-tu a-duk ina la mi3-ni asz2-kun _bad5-bad5_-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi ma-la it-ti-szu2 it-bu-u-ni u2-ra-as-sib ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_

    u3 szu-u2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 dan-nu-ti ip-par-szid-ma in-na-bit a-na ru-qe2-e-ti _e2 edin_ kul-ta-ra-a-te mu-sza2-bi-szu2-nu _izi_ u2-sza2-hi-zu iq-mu-u ina (d)gesz-bar (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' ma-ru-usz-tu2 im-hur-szu2-u-ma e-disz-szi-szu2 in-na-bit a-na (kur)na-ba-a-a-te (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za_-dingir_ _dumu szesz ad_ sza2 (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)bir-(d)iszkur sza ra-man-szu2 isz-ku-nu a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)a-ri-bi an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz kur_-u2 _gal_-u2

    t,e3-en-szu2 u2-sza2-an-ni-ma il-li-ka a-di mah-ri-ia a-na kul-lum ta-nit-ti an-szar2 u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su-ma (gesz)szi-ga-ru asz2-kun-szu-ma it-ti a-si _ur-gi7_ ar-ku-us-szu2-ma u2-sza2-an-s,ir-szu2 _abul muru2_ (iri)nina(ki) ne2-reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-ti u3 szu-u (disz)am-mu-la-di _man_ (kur)qe2-ed-ri it-ba-am-ma a-na mit-hu-s,i _lugal-mesz kur_ mar-tu(ki) sza an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a

    (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)gaszan-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun sza2-a-szu2 bal-t,u-us-su it-ti (munus)a-di-ia-a _dam_ (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi is,-ba-tu-nim-ma u2-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ul-li _ur-gi7_ asz2-kun-szu2-ma u2-sza2-an-s,ir-szu2 (gesz)szi-ga-ru ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia

    sza (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri sza a-na re-s,u-tu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na a-na e-reb babila2(ki) il-li-ku re-s,e-e-szu2 a-duk _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun si-it-tu-ti sza2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) e-ru-bu ina su-un-qi2 hu-szah-hi e-ku-lu _uzu_ a-ha-mesz a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2-nu ul-tu2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) u2-s,u-nim-ma e-mu-qi2-ia sza2 ina _ugu (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na_ szak-nu sza2-ni-ia-a-nu _bad5-bad5_-szu2 isz-ku-nu-ma szu-u2 e-disz ip-par-szid-ma

    a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu-u-ma a-de-e ni-isz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma ku-um (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)ha-za_-dingir_ a-na _lugal_-u-ti (kur)a-ri-bi asz2-kun-szu2 u3 szu-u it-ti (kur)na-ba-a-a-ta-a-a pi-i-szu2 isz-kun-ma ni-isz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ la ip-lah3-ma ih-tab-ba-ta hu-bu-ut mi-s,ir _kur_-ia ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki)

    (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku (disz)na-at-nu _man_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu sza (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' ina mah-ri-szu2 in-nab-tu isz-me-ma da-na-an an-szar2 sza2 u2-tak-kil-an-ni sza ma-te-e-ma a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia _(lu2)a kin_-szu2 la isz-pu-ra la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-ti-szu2-un ina pu-luh-ti _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 ka-szi-du-u-ti is-sa-an-qa-am-ma isz-a-la szu-lum _lugal_-ti-ia

    la ha-sis t,a-ab-ti la na-s,ir ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ da-bab sur-ra-a-te it-ti-ia id-bu-ub-ma pi-i-szu2 it-ti (disz)na-at-ni _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti isz-kun-ma e-mu-qi2-szu2-nu id-ku-u-ni a-na ti-ib _hul_-tim a-na mi-s,ir-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _erin2-hi-a_-ia ad-ke _edin_ (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' usz-te-esz-sze-ra har-ra-nu

    ina _illu_-szi-na gap-szi szal-mesz lu-u e-bi-ru ir-du-u2 ur-hi ru-qu-u-ti e-tel-lu-u2 hur-sza2-a-ni sza2-qu-u-ti ih-tal-lu-pu _(gesz)tir-mesz_ sza2 s,u-lul-szi-na rap-szu2 bi-rit _gesz-mesz gal-mesz_ gi-is,-s,i _(gesz)gesztin-gir2-mesz_ har-ra-an (gesz)ed-de-ti e-te-et-ti-qu szal-mi3-isz mad-bar a-szar s,u-um-me lap-lap-ti sza _muszen an_-e la i-sza2-'u-u qe2-reb-szu2 _ansze-edin-na-mesz masz-da3-mesz_ la ir-te-'u-u2 ina lib3-bi

  • 1(disz) _me danna_ qaq-qa-ru _ta_ nina(ki)
  • _iri_ na-ram (d)isz-tar hi-rat (d)en-lil2 _egir_ (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi u3 (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' sza2 it-ti e-mu-qi2 (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti-a-a il-li-ka ir-du-u il-li-ku ina _(iti)sig4 iti_ (d)sin _dumu_ resz-tu-u a-sza2-re-du sza2 (d)en-lil2 _u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam_ sza2-da-hu sza2 (d)be-let-babila2(ki) ka-bit-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ul-tu2 (iri)ha-da-at-ta-a at-tu-musz ina (iri)la-ri-ib-da _e2 bad3_ sza2 _na4-mesz_ ina _ugu_ gu-ub-ba-a-ni sza2 _a-mesz_ at-ta-ad-di usz-man-ni

    _erin2-hi-a_-ia _a-mesz_ a-na masz-ti-ti-szu2-nu ih-bu-ma ir-du-u2 il-li-ku qaq-qar s,u-um-me a-szar lap-lap-ti a-di (iri)hu-ra-ri-na bi-rit (iri)ia-ar-ki u3 (iri)a-za-al-la ina mad-bar asz2-ru ru-u-qu a-szar u2-ma-am _edin_ la ib-ba-szu-u u3 _muszen an_-e la i-szak-ka-nu qin-nu _bad5-bad5_ (lu2)i-sa-am-me-e' _(lu2)gesz-da_ sza2 (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in u3 (kur)na-ba-a-a-ta-a-a asz2-kun _ug3-mesz ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ hu-bu-us-su-nu ina la mi3-ni ah-bu-ta

  • 8(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru
  • _erin2-hi-a_-ia lu it-tal-la-ku szal-t,isz szal-mi3-isz lu i-tu-ru-nim-ma ina (iri)a-za-al-li lu isz-tu-u _a-mesz_ nesz-be2-e _ta_ lib3-bi (iri)a-za-al-la a-di (iri)qu-ra-s,i-ti

  • 6(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru a-szar s,u-um-me
  • lap-lap-ti ir-du-u il-li-ku (lu2)a'-lu sza2 (d)a-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in u3 (lu2)qid-ra-a-a sza2 (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)bir-(d)iszkur _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi al-me _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _ama_-szu2 _nin9-mesz_-szu2 _dam_-su qin-nu-szu2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)qe2-ed-ri ka-la-mu _ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni ma-la ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a har-ra-an (kur)di-masz-qa u2-sza2-asz2-ki-na sze-pu-usz-szu2-un ina _(iti)ne iti mul-pan_ ma-rat (d)sin qa-rit-tu

    _u4 3(disz)-kam_ nu-bat-tu2 sza2 _lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)marduk ul-tu2 (iri)di-masz-qa at-tu-musz

  • 6(disz) _danna_ qaq-qa-ru mu-szi-tu ka-la-sza2
  • ar-de-e-ma al-lik a-di (iri)hul-hu-li-ti ina (kur)hu-uk-ri-na _kur_-u2 mar-s,u (lu2)a'-lu sza2 (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _dumu_ (disz)te-e'-ri (kur)qid-ra-a-a ak-szu-ud _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-am-mu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su-un u2-s,ab-bit ina _szu-min_ _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ ad-di-szu2-nu-ti it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu2-un al-qa-asz2-szu2-nu-ti a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    mun-nab-ti sza2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_-ia in-nab-tu ip-la-hu is,-ba-tu2 (kur)hu-uk-ku-ru-na _kur_-u2 mar-s,u ina (iri)ma-an-ha-ab-bi (iri)ap-pa-ru (iri)te-nu-qu-ri (iri)s,a-a-a-u2-ra-an (iri)mar-qa-na-a (iri)sa-ra-te-in (iri)en-zi-kar-me (iri)ta-a'-na-a (iri)sa-ra-a-qa a-szar kup-pi nam-ba-'i sza2 _a-mesz_ ma-la ba-szu2-u _en-nun-mesz_ ina muh-hi u2-sza2-an-s,ir-ma _a-mesz ti-la zi_-ti3-szu2-nu ak-la masz-ti-tu u2-sza2-qir a-na pi-i-szu2-un ina s,u-um-me lap-lap-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2

    si-it-tu-u-ti _ansze-gam-mal-mesz_ ru-ku-pi-szu2-nu u2-szal-li-qu a-na s,u-um-me-szu2-nu isz-ta-at-tu-u _usz2-mesz_ u _a-mesz_ par-szu2 sza qe2-reb _kur_-e e-lu-u2 e-ru-bu e-hu-zu mar-qi2-tu e-du ul ip-par-szid mul-tah-t,u ul u2-s,i ina _szu-min_-ia a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2-nu _szu-min_ ik-szu-us-su-nu-ti _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz gu4-mesz_ u s,e-e-ni ina la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) nap-har _kur_-ia sza2 an-szar2 id-di-na ka-la-mu

    a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 um-dal-lu-u a-na pat, gim-ri-sza2 _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ki-ma s,e-e-ni u2-par-ri-is u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ina 1(disz) _gin2_ 1/2(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka2_ ma-hi-ri (munus)asz2-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _(lu2)lunga2_ ina ha-pe-e _(lu2)nu-(gesz)kiri6_ ina ki-szi-szu2 sza2 _u2-sar_ im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u a-me-lu-tu (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' a-di _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 sza a-de-ia la is,-s,u-ru

    sza la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 _en_-ia ip-par-szi-du in-nab-tu ma-har (disz)na-at-na u2-szam-qit-su-nu-ti (d)er3-ra qar-du su-un-qu ina bi-ri-szu2-nu isz-sza2-kin-ma a-na bu-ri-szu2-nu e-ku-lu _uzu dumu-mesz_-szu2-nu ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-e-szu2-nu szat,-ra ina pit-ti i-szi-mu-szu2-nu-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku ba-ak-ru su-hi-ru _(gu4)amar udu-nim_

    ina _ugu 7(disz)-ta-am3_ mu-sze-ni-qa-a-te e-ni-qu-u-ma szi-iz-bu la u2-szab-bu-u ka-ra-sun2 _ug3-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi 1(disz)-en a-na 1(disz)-en isz-ta-'a-a-lu4 a-ha-mesz ina _ugu_ mi-ne2-e ki-i ep-sze-e-tu2 an-ni-tu2 _hul_-tu2 im-hu-ru (kur)a-ru-bu um-ma asz2-szu2 a-de-e _gal-mesz_ sza2 an-szar2 la ni-is,-s,u-ru ni-ih-t,u-u2 ina _mun_ (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal_ na-ram lib3-bi (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 ri-im-tu2 _(d)en-lil2-la2_-i-tu ka-dir-ti i-la-a-ti sza it-ti (d)a-num (d)en-lil2 szit-lu-t,a-at man-za-zu

    u2-na-kip _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia ina _si-mesz_-sza2 gasz-ra-a-te (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)gesz-bar lit-bu-szat me-lam-me na-sza2-a-ta _ugu_ (kur)a-ri-bi i-za-an-nun nab-li (d)er3-ra qar-du a-nun-tu ku-us,-s,ur-ma u2-ra-as-si-pa ga-re-ia (d)masz szil-ta-hu qar-ra-du _gal_-u _dumu_ (d)en-lil2 ga-asz2-ru ina us,-s,i-szu2 zaq-ti u2-par-ri-i' _zi_-tim _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia (d)nusku _sukkal_ na-a'-du mu-sza2-pu-u _en_-u-ti

    _a2-min_-a-a il-lik-ma is,-s,u-ra _lugal_-u-ti me2-eh-ret _erin2-hi-a_-ia iz-ziz-ma u2-szam-qi2-ta ga-re-ia ti-bu-ut _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza ina e-pesz _me3_ il-li-ku re-s,u-ti _erin2-hi-a-mesz_ sza (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' isz-mu-u-ma _ugu_-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu szu-u2 ip-lah3-ma ul-tu _e2_ in-nab-tu u2-s,a-am-ma ina tukul-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki)

    (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _szu-min_ ik-szu-us-su-ma u2-ra-asz2-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina ni-isz _szu-min_-ia sza2 a-na ka-szad _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia am-da-ha-ru an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 ina (gesz)hu-ut-ne2-e ma-sze-ri s,i-bit _szu-min_-ia _(uzu)me-ze2_-szu2 ap-lu-usz ina la-ah-szi-szu2 at-ta-di s,er-re-tu2 ul-li _ur-gi7_ ad-di-szu2-ma ina _abul_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi sza2 _muru2_ (iri)nina(ki) sza ne2-reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-te na-bu-u zi-kir-sza2 u2-sza2-an-s,ir-szu2 (gesz)szi-ga-ru

    a-na da-lal2 ta-nit-ti an-szar2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) u3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ia (iri)u2-szu-u sza ina a-hi tam-tim na-da-ta szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud _ug3-mesz_ (iri)u2-szu-u sza2 a-na _(lu2)nam-mesz_-szu2-nu la sa-an-qu la i-nam-di-nu man-da-at-tu2 na-dan szat-ti-szu2-un a-duk ina _sza3 un-mesz_ la kan-szu-u-ti szip-t,u asz2-kun _dingir-mesz_-szu2-nu _ug3-mesz_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    _adda-mesz_-szu2-nu ina (gesz)ga-szi-szi a-lul si-hir-ti _iri_ u2-szal-mi si-it-tu-ti-szu2-nu al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) a-na ki-s,ir ak-s,ur-ma _ugu erin2-hi-a_-ia ma-a'-da-a-ti sza an-szar2 i-qi2-sza2 u2-rad-di (disz)a-a-mu _dumu_ (disz)te-e-ri it-ti (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' _szesz_-szu2 i-zi-zu-ma it-ti _erin2-hi-a_-ia e-pu-szu2 _me3_ ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su ina _szu-min_ as,-bat ina nina(ki) _iri en_-ti-ia _kusz_-szu2 asz2-hu-ut, (disz)um-man-al-dasz _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    sza ul-tu2 ul-la an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia iq-bu-u2 a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia ina qi2-bit _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu s,ir-tu sza2 la in-nen-nu-u _egir_-nu _kur_-su _ugu_-szu2 ib-bal-kit-ma la-pa-an sah-masz-ti _ARAD-mesz_-szu2 sza2 u2-szab-szu2-u _ugu_-szu2 e-disz-szi-szu2 ip-par-szid-ma is,-ba-ta _kur_-u2 ul-tu _kur_-e _e2_ mar-qi2-ti-szu2 a-szar it-ta-nap-rasz-szi-du ki-ma _sur2-du3(muszen)_ a-bar-szu-ma bal-t,u-us-su al-qa-asz2-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz sza _egir_ a-ha-mesz e-pu-szu be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina e-mu-qi2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia u2-szak-ni-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _man_ (kur)a-ri-bi sza ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-ku-nu ul-tu _kur_-szu2 al-qa-asz2-szu2 a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ul-tu a-na na-sah _(udu)siskur-mesz_ e-lu-u ina e2-masz-masz szu-bat _en_-ti-szu2-un ma-har (d)nin-lil2 _ama dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

    hi-ir-tu na-ram-ti an-szar2 e-pu-szu _garza-mesz e2_ a2-ki-it _(gesz)szudun_ (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di u2-sza2-as,-bit-su-nu-ti a-di _ka2_ e2-kur isz-du-du ina _ki-ta_-ia al-bi-in ap-pi at-ta-'i-id _dingir_-us-su-un u2-sza2-pa-a dan-nu-us-su-un ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-ia sza an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku sza2 la kan-szu-ti-ia u2-szak-ni-szu2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia

    u2-sza2-zi-zu-in-ni _edin (lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia (disz)1(u)-5(disz)-bad3 _lugal_ (kur)ur-ar-t,i sza _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-szu2 a-na _ad-mesz_-ia isz-ta-nap-par-u-ni _szesz_-u2-tu2 e-nen-na (disz)1(u)-5(disz)-bad3 da-na-nu ep-sze-e-tu2 sza _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ i-szi-mu-in-ni isz-me-e-ma ki-ma sza2 _dumu_ a-na _ad_-szu2 isz-ta-nap-pa-ra _en_-u-tu2 u3 szu-u ki-i pi-i an-nim-ma isz-ta-nap-pa-ra um-ma lu-u szul-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia pal-hi-isz kan-szisz ta-mar-ta-szu2 ka-bit-tu2 usz-ta-ne2-eb-ba-la a-di mah-ri-ia

    ina u4-me-szu2 _e2 usz_-u-ti te-ne2-e _e2-gal_ sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _iri_ s,i-i-ru na-ram (d)nin-lil2 sza (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad ad du3_-ia ud-di-szu a-na mu-szab _lugal_-ti-szu2 _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-ti la-ba-risz il-lik e-na-ha _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal_ kisz-sza2-ti _lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim asz2-szu2 qe2-reb _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 ar-ba-a

    an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)gaszan-garza-mesz (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku _dumu lugal_-u2-ti is,-s,u-ru s,u-lul-szu2-nu _du10-ga an-dul3_-la-szu2-nu sza sza2-la-me it-ru-s,u _ugu_-ia ul-tu ina _(gesz)gu-za ad du3_-ia u2-szi-bu e-te-ne2-ep-pu-szu2 be-lut _kur-kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz dagal-mesz_ ka-a-a-an pu-us-su-rat ha-de-e sza ka-szad _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia u2-pa-sa-ru-in-ni qe2-reb-szu2

    ina ma-a-a-al mu-szi du-um-mu-qa _masz2-ge6-mesz_-u-a ina sza sze-e-ri ba-nu-u2 e-ger-ru-u-a masz-ta-ku szu-a-tu2 mu-szal-li-mu _en-mesz_-szu2 szu-u2-ma _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ szi-mat-su i-szi-mu a-na _munus saga_ an-hu-us-su ad-ke asz2-szu2 ru-up-pu-usz tal-lak-ti-szu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 aq-qur

  • _5(u)-am3_ ti-ib-ki masz-kan2 szi-kit-ti-szu2
  • pi-tiq-tu ap-tiq tam-la-a usz-mal-li la-pa-an esz-re-e-ti _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia ap-lah3-ma tam-la-a szu-a-tu2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 ul u2-szaq-qi2 ma-a'-disz ina _iti du10-ga ud sze-ga edin_ tam-le-e szu-a-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 ad-di u2-kin _sig4_-su ina _kasz-sag_ u _gesztin_ ka-lak-ka-szu2 ab-(lu)lul am-ha-s,a szal-la-ar-szu2 ina (gesz)s,u-um_-bi-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-ia asz2-lu-la a-na e-pesz _e2_ ri-du-u-ti szu-a-tu2

    _ug3-mesz kur_-ia ina lib3-bi i-zab-bi-lu _sig4-hi-a_ _lugal-mesz_ (kur)a-ri-bi sza ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u sza ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su-nu u2-s,ab-bi-tu2 ina _szu-min_ a-na e-pesz _e2_ ri-du-u-ti szu-a-tu2 (gesz)al-lu tup-szik-ku u2-sza2-asz2-szi-szu2-nu-ti u2-sza2-az-bi-la ku-dur2-ri la-bi-in _sig4-hi-a_-szu2 za-bi-lu tup-szik-ki-szu2 ina e-le-li nin-gu-u-ti ub-ba-lu u4-um-szu2-un ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te ul-tu2 _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip

    _ugu_ sza2 mah-ri szu-bat-su u2-rap-pisz u2-szar-ri-ha ep-sze-te-e-szu2 _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ tar-bit (kur)si-ra-ra (kur)lab-na-na u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ li-ia-a-ri sza2 e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ me-ser _zabar_ u2-rak-kis u2-rat-ta-a _ka2-mesz_-szu2 (gesz)tim-me _mah-mesz uruda_ nam-ru u2-hal-lip-ma hi-it-ti _ka2 e2_ hi-la-ni-szu2 e-mid _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 mu-szab _lugal_-ti-ia a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 u2-szak-lil lu-le-e u2-mal-li _(gesz)kiri6-mah_ sza2 gi-mir _gesz-mesz_

    _gurun nig2-sa-sa-hi-a_ ka-la-mu az-qu-pa i-ta-te-e-szu2 szi-pir ep-sze-e-te-szu2 ag-mur-ma _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti aq-qa-a a-na _dingir-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina _hul2-mesz_ ri-sza2-a-te u2-szar-ri-szu2 e-ru-ub qe2-reb-szu2 ina za-mar tak-ne2-e a-na _egir ud-mesz_ ina _lugal-mesz_ _dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-na be-lut _kur_ u _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-szu2 e-nu-ma _e2 usz_-u-ti szu-a-tu2 i-lab-bi-ru-u-ma in-na-hu an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia

    _ad ad_-ia _numun_ da-ru-u sza2 _lugal_-u-ti li-mur-ma _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur bala_-qi2 it-ti _mu-sar_-e szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ma-la ina _mu-sar_-e an-ne2-e szat,-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma lisz-ru-ku-usz da-na-nu u li-i-tu2 sza _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _ad_-ia _ad ad_-ia ib-ba-tu2 it-ti _mu-sar_-i-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki)

    (d)szar-rat-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 (iri)limmu2-dingir (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku de-e-ni it-ti ni-bit _mu_-ia li-di-nu-usz

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, creation of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil, the great son of the king, who from distant days the temple of the royal residence of the god Ashur and the goddess Sîn, the lord of lordship, had erected, to be king, and in the womb of his mother he had fashioned it, to shepherd the land of Assyria, Shamash, Adad and Ishtar truly commanded me in their steadfast decisions, to exercise my kingship, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, the word of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil, the gods who support him, he has sworn.

    who said to him my exercise of kingship in the month Ayyaru II, the month of Ea, lord of the people, the 12th day, the day favorable, bread of Gula, in the exercise of the extispicy of Ashur, Ninlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, they had commanded, they had gathered the people of Assyria, young and old, of the Upper and Lower Seas, to guard my royal son and afterwards

    As for the kingship of Assyria, the exercise of the treaty, the name of the gods, they made them swear a treaty and strengthened the rites. With joy and rejoicing, they entered the house of the dead. The mighty, the kingship-servant, whose kingship Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, the son of the king, and kingship he had done, in his heart, where Esarhaddon, the father who had engendered me, had sat, he had established there, and he had exercised kingship over Assyria. All rulers he had established, they made peace and peace,

    And I, Ashurbanipal, in it I sought out the wisdom of Nabû, all of the scribal arts, which all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, had seized. I went down to the quay. By the command of the great gods, who had commanded me, I spoke their praises. They commanded my exercise of kingship, the provisioning of their shrines, and they listened to my prayers. The lord of my assault swore to me,

    I, from Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the good ones, they placed me on the throne of the father who had engendered me. Adad his rains he slew, Ea his springs he slew.

  • 5 1 cubits of barley, ... in its furrow,
  • he slew. The harvest, the harvest of the napû-priests, the harvest of the Nisaba-priests, he constantly slew. The reed-beds, the reed-beds, the reed-beds, the reed-beds, the cattle-pen, the cattle-pen, the cattle-pen, in my reign, abundance, in my years, abundance, in the midst of my campaign, to Makan and Meluhha I marched. Taharqa, king of Egypt and Kush, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me,

    The might of Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, he saw, and trusted in his own strength. Above the kings and officials who were in Egypt appointed me, the father who had engendered me, to kill and plunder Egypt, came to their aid. He entered and settled in Memphis, the city which the father who had engendered me had conquered, to the border of Assyria returned. He went quickly to Nineveh and he made me bow down to these deeds.

    My heart was frightened and my substantial booty was seized. I slew my hands and slew the Assyrian gods. I mustered my great forces that the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had filled with. I took the road to Egypt and Kush. In the course of my campaign

  • 20 kings of the Upper Sea, Lower Sea and Upper Sea,
  • The servants who belonged to me brought their substantial audience gifts before me and kissed my feet. Those kings together with their forces and their boats in the sea and the mountains with my troops iii 5' a raging battle he made them take. For the sacrificial offerings of the kings and officials in Egypt, servants who belonged to me, I marched quickly and marched as far as Kar-Dute.

    On my third campaign he heard of this and before me to wage war and battle he came. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, who march at my side, in a widespread pitched battle I brought about the defeat of his troops. Taharqa heard from inside Memphis. The roaring of his troops overwhelmed him and he came before him. The brilliance of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he sat down at his feet.

    He abandoned the city Memphis and fled to save his life. I took to the city Nineveh, that city. I brought my troops and settled them therein. I brought out Nikû, the king of Memphis and Sa'a, Lugal-lu-dari, the king of Shi'inu, Pishanhuru, the king of Nathû, Paqruru, the king of Pishaptu, Buuk-kanan-ni'pi, the king of Hathiru, Nahkê, the king of Hininshi, Putu-bishti, the king of Sha'anu,

    Nunamunu, king of Nathû; Hursiya'eshu, king of Sabnutu; Pu'aya, king of Piintitu; Susinqu, king of Pushhiru; Tapnahti, king of Punubu; Buuk-kananni'pi, king of Ahnu; Epti-murtishu, king of Pihatti-huruppu; Nahti-hurunsini, king of Pishapdi'a; Bukur-ninip, king of Pahnutu; Shiha, king of Shiyatu;

    Laminate, king of the city Hipunu; Ishpimatu, king of the city Tanu; and Manti-manhe, king of the city Ni'; these kings, governors and officials whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their posts before the death of Taharqa, and had fled into the open country, and where their posts I appointed in their maskanu I appointed them. Egypt and Kush, which the father who had engendered me had conquered, I took as a new assignment.

    The guards he made stronger than before and they reinforced the rites. With a large booty and substantial booty I returned safely to Nineveh. Afterwards, these kings, as many as I appointed in my treaty, did not honor the oath sworn by the great gods. Their hearts trembled, they spoke evil words, they swore a slanderous oath, and they swore a curse that was unjust. Their lords said to them as follows: "Taharqa has fled from Egypt and what is the place where you are staying?"

    As for Taharqa, the king of Kush, to conclude treaties and peace, he sent their rabû-officials, saying: "Let peace be established between us, and we shall divide the land among ourselves, and neither one of us has ever bowed down to us in one." Then, the lord to the troops of Assyria, my lordly strength, who had been entrusted to their support, constantly sought out evil words, and my eunuchs heard these words, and their rabû-officials together with their letters, took fright, and

    They saw their deeds. These kings took hold of me and in the midst of iron fetters they smashed iron. Hands and feet, the oath of Ashur, king of the gods, he bound them. Those who had sinned against the treaty of the great gods, their hands he swore, and the ones who had done evil to them, the people of the cities Saia, Pintitu, Shi'nu, and all the cities, as many as were founded, they plotted evil.

    They struck a pig and a pig with weapons, and they killed a man. They did not escape. They hung their corpses on poles and their skins on poles and they destroyed the city wall.

  • 20 of these kings who constantly sought out evil deeds,
  • To the troops of Assyria I brought them, to Nineveh, before me. I had mercy on Nikû, from among them, and I made his life abundant. I made a treaty more stringent than before and I established it with him. I adorned his corpses with multi-colored trim. I adorned him with gold, the emblem of his royal majesty. I fastened gold bracelets on his wrists. I wrote on it a bronze sword with a handle that he had grasped. I wrote on it a gold sign bearing my name.

    I gave him chariots, horses, and mules for the exercise of his lordship. I sent with him eunuchs of mine and governors to help him. Where the father who had engendered me had appointed him to kingship in Saia, I returned him to his position. Further, Nabû-shezibanni, his son, to the city Hatharuba I appointed. Good health I established over the father who had engendered me and I did good for him. Taharqa, where he had fled, the terrifying weapon of the god Ashur, my lord,

    Afterwards, Urdamanê, son of Shabaku, sat on his royal throne. The cities Ni' and Nunu, for his stronghold, he set up and assembled. His forces to fight with the troops of Assyrians who were inside Memphis, he brought about his defeat. Those people he confined and captured. A messenger came to Nineveh and said to me:

    On my second campaign, I marched to Egypt and Kush. Urdamane heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the territory of Egypt and Memphis. He fled to save his life and entered the city Ni'. The kings, governors, and officials whom I had stationed in Egypt came to me and kissed my feet. After Urdamane I took the road, I marched as far as the city Ni', his fortified city.

    He saw the assault of my mighty battle array and abandoned the city Ni' and fled. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I conquered Kipkipi, that city, in its entirety. My hands, silver, gold, precious stones, property of his palace, as much as there was, garments with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people, male and female,

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • of whose weight was 25,000 talents and who had occupied the position of gatekeeper of the Ekur, from their positions I removed and took to Assyria. I carried off a substantial booty without number from the city Nî, up to Egypt and Kush, my weapons I made bow down and established. A life with the hand of many captives I returned and to Nineveh, my capital city, on the third day of my campaign against Ba'alu, king of Tyre, who resides in the middle of the sea, I marched.

    who did not honor my royal command and did not obey the pronouncements from my lips, I razed, destroyed, and burned the fortified cities above him. I captured them alive in the sea and the plain of his campaigns and made them bow down to my yoke. I brought before me his daughter, his own offspring, and his brothers to serve as housekeepers. Iahi-Milki, his son, who had never crossed the sea, together with him, sent him to do obeisance to me.

    I received his daughter and the daughters of his brothers with a substantial marriage gift. I had mercy on him and then I gave his son, his own offspring, and gave him. Yakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. His daughter with a substantial marriage gift to do obeisance to Nineveh he brought and kissed my feet.

    They spoke a slanderous word, a slanderous act of his heart, with a large extispicy, to do obeisance to Nineveh, he brought and kissed my feet. I imposed upon Mugalli the large horses a tribute in full. I placed him in his lap. Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, and had not bowed down to them, a daughter, his slanderous act, with a large extispicy, to do obeisance to Nineveh

    After Yakin-Lû, the king of the land Arwad, had conquered his land, Azi-Ba'al, Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapati-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-Yashupu, Ba'alhanunu, Ba'al-maluku, Abi-Milki and Papmilki, sons of Yakin-Lû who reside in the middle of the sea, came up from the middle of the sea and with their heavy audience gifts they came up and kissed my feet.

    I looked with pleasure upon Azi-Ba'al and installed him as king of the land Arwad. Abi-Ba'al, Aduni-Ba'al, Sapati-Ba'al, Budi-Ba'al, Ba'al-Yashupu, Balhanunu, Bal-maluku, Abi-Milki, and Ahi-Milki, I adorned their arms with multi-colored bracelets and fastened bands of gold on their wrists. Before me I seated them. Uruk, king of the land Lund, the district in the east,

    The one who uttered my name in a dream, and Ashur, the god who created me, said to him: "The feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, were grasped, and by his own name you captured your enemies." When this dream came to light, his messenger wrote to me, to inquire about my well-being, this dream which came to light in the hands of his messenger sent, and he made me rise. From the days when he took my royal feet, the Cimmerians who roamed the people of his land

    With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the gods, my lords, I conquered the one who had not fear my ancestors and who had not grasped my feet, from the city rulers of the Cimmerians who had conquered two city rulers with iron fetters, he smashed the iron fetters and sent them before me with a substantial audience gift. The rakbushu priest who constantly sends messages of well-being to me,

    As for him who did not honor the word of Ashur, the god who created me, he trusted in his own strength and made his strength strong. The heart of Pishamilki, the king of Egypt, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, wrote to me, saying: "I myself have heard and praised the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, saying: "Let him be seated before his enemy and his gate be erected." His feet, as I had praised to Ashur, he said:

    before his enemy, his gate was opened, and they took his feet. The Cimmerians who at the beginning of my name had seized him, they seized him, and they smashed all of his land. After him, his son sat on his throne. The evil deeds which by my hands the gods who support me in the presence of the father who had engendered him had written to me, he sent to me through his messenger, and he grasped my royal feet. Thus says the king who the god knows:

    My father was frightened and evil was set upon him. I, the servant who reveres you, went to you and did not leave you. In my fourth campaign I mustered my troops and took the road against Ahsheri, the king of the land Mannea. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Beltu-kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, he entered inside the land Mannea and went on a march.

    I conquered, destroyed, demolished, and burned with fire his fortified cities, together with the smaller settlements, which were without number, from the city Izirtu. I brought out of those cities people, horses, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, and I counted them as booty. Ahsheri heard about the advance of my expeditionary force and abandoned the city Izirtu, his royal city, to the city Ishtattu, his city, and he fled to a canal-side. I conquered that district, marched for fifteen days,

    Ahsheri, who does not revere my lordly majesty, by the command of the goddess Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, who from the beginning said: "I, the dead Ahsheri, king of the Manneans, do as I said." You have him shaved with the hands of his servants and the people of his land have sinned against him. In the street of his city his shalamtu-priest has been killed and his body has been seized.

    Afterwards, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. He saw the might of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the great gods, my lords, and he bowed down to my yoke. Because of his life, he opened his eyes and he bowed down to my lordship.

    Erisinni, the son of his nobleman, to Nineveh sent and he kissed my feet. I had mercy on him and a messenger of mine who was happy he sent to him. His daughter, his own offspring, he sent to do obeisance. His earlier tribute which in the time of the kings, my ancestors, they had squandered, he brought before me.

  • 30 horses above his previous tribute,
  • On my fifth campaign, I marched to Elam. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, in Ululu the work of the goddesses, month of the king of the gods, Ashur, father of the gods, Nunamnir, like a storm, I swept the land Elam in its entirety. I cut off the head of Teumman, their king.

    The evil demon who had plotted evil against me I killed. His warriors with the sword I captured alive. His battle troops and their corpses I carried off like a snare and a arrow. The plain of the city Susa I massacred. The Ulaya River I dug out and its waters I drained. Like a snare Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Teumman to Assyria, took to the hands of me and he carried off with me. To the land Elam

    On the throne of Teumman Tammaritu, his third brother, who had fled to me, I installed him as king in the city Hidalu. After the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar had been set against the land Elam, I established mighty victories. On my return march, I imposed upon Dunanu, the Gambulean, who had trusted in the land Elam, and I established before me the city Sha-pi-Bel, the city of the support of the land Gambulu. I entered that city.

    Dunanu and Samgunu, who had sinned against my exercising the kingship, with iron axes and iron arrows he smashed. Hands and feet, together with the sons of Belshu, his family, the seed of his father's house, as much as there was, Nabû-iqbi and Bel-karir, sons of Nabû-shumu-eresh, the shandabakku-priest, and the shandabakku-priests, the father who had engendered them, together with the urbi, the tebe, the people of Gambulu

    I carried off from the land Gambulu oxen, sheep and goats, horses, and mules. I razed, destroyed, and burned the city Sha-pi-Bel, his city with his support. At that time, Geshnun-mudadin, my unfaithful brother, who did good, I installed him as king of Babylon. I did everything that is required for kingship and gave it to him. I gathered troops, horses, and chariots and filled his hands.

    Cities, fields, orchards, and people living in them he made great, and more than the father who had engendered me had said, he gave him, and he himself a good woman whom I had made, and he constantly sought out evil deeds. Further, in his midst he saw the good things, the lower one his heart, the slander of the citizens of Babylon who were against Assyria, servants who belonged to me, he sent, and he spoke with them in a treacherous act to inquire about my well-being.

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, for whom the great gods determined a good fate and whose name they established, in truth and justice, I made those citizens of Babylon sit on a scepter. I adorned their bodies with multi-colored trim and tied gold bracelets around their wrists. I made those citizens of Babylon sit in Assyria in peace and they obeyed my commands.

    Moreover, he, Geshnu-mugina, a pious brother who did not honor my treaty, annihilated the people of the lands Akkad, Kaldu, Aramu, and the Sealand from the city Aqaba to the city Kasallimetu, servants who belonged to me. With my hands and Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the criminals who took away my royal yoke, whom I had installed in the land Elam as kings and kings of the lands Gutê, Amurru, Meluhhe,

    which by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil established, my hands all together I made bow down and with him they established. The walls of Sippar, Babylon, and Borsippa I filled and they seized. My brother upstream from those walls his warriors he brought down and with me they did not do anything. The battles to do my sacrifices he fought against Bel, son of Bel, the sage of the gods Shamash and warrior Erra and he made him take away my life.

    who renovated their shrines, hung gold and silver in their midst, and smashed the rites. At that time, one man a man in the night smashed and he sinned. A dream was made, saying: "On the platform of Sin wrote," and that which with Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, he had made, he had smashed the evil. He smashed the holy one, the evil one, their place with iron swords, a hammer, the smite of the gods,

    I heard these words and trusted in the word of Sîn, my lord. On my sixth campaign, I mustered my troops. I took the road against Geshnu-mugina. In Sippar, Babylon, Borsippa, and Cutha, his city, together with his troops, I smashed them and took away their lives. In cities and open country without number I established their defeat. The rest of them by the command of Erra, a famine of cattle, they established life.

    Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, king of the land Elam, a decision concerning my hands that was pleasing to him, he turned and to his aid Tammaritu rebelled against him and he, together with his family, sinned. With the weapons of the behind Tammaritu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after Ummanigash, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty. To the aid of Geshnun-mudina, my hostile brother, he came and to fight with my troops he slew his weapons.

    In the assembly which Ashur and Ishtar had made public, they heard my prayers and heard the utterances of my lips. Indabibi, his servant, rebelled against him and in battle he brought about his defeat. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who was angry with the nikku-measure of Teumman, said a few things about him: "I have gathered my troops, saying: 'They will kill him, the king of the land Elam in his own country in the assembly of his troops, two of them, said, and Ummanigash,

    The area before the messenger of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, was surrounded by these words which he had spoken. Ashur and Ishtar listened to him and Tammaritu, his brothers, his family, and the seed of his father's house, together with 115 nobles who march at his side, fled from Indabibi and their caravans they took to their hearts and went to Nineveh. Tammaritu took the royal throne and

    He seized the land and in his midst he took the position of captain of my chariot and to do my servant's work he swore it. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, he made a lawsuit against him and he swore his lordly majesty before me. He stood before me and swore the mighty warriors of my gods who had gone to do obeisance to me. I, Ashurbanipal, a widespread heart, who does not fear, swore an oath to Tammaritu. I have mercy on him and

    At that time, the people of Babylonia who had conspired with Geshnu-mudina and plotted evil deeds, seized them, and threw them into their fetters. Their flesh, their sons, their daughters, they ate, they threw away. Their fetters: the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku,

    which before me had gone, and had smashed my skull, Geshnun-mukin, my hostile brother, who had sinned against me, in the midst of the fire of the arayu-crucible, smashed him, and destroyed his life. Moreover, the people who had sinned against Geshnun-mukin, my hostile brother, did evil things, who had sinned against me, their lives they had taken away, and they did not take away from Geshnun-mukin, their lord. With the fire which had been thrown at the feet of iron, a sling of blood

    The airu-wood, which had been gathered, had become a haze. The sapar-offerings of the great gods, my lords, which had not been gathered, overwhelmed them. They did not go out, they did not leave. They were not able to go out. They were in my hands. My chariots, the chariots, the shaddû-pole, the shadû-pole, the shariru-pole, the property of his palace, they brought before me. Those men, the half of them, their mouths, which they had said to Ashur, my god, were not gathered.

    I smashed their mouths and brought about their defeat. I confined the rest of the people alive. In the protective spirit of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, I smashed those people. Now, I in his kispû-shrine I smashed those people. I smashed their flesh and deprived them of their lustration. Lions, pigeons, birds of the sky, fish of the Apsu, from these deeds I did not do, I smote the heart of the great gods, my lords.

    The people whom Erra had entrusted to me, and who by extispicy had borne their own life, the rihetu of the ukultu, the lions and pigeons who roamed the streets, the lions whose feet he had seized, from Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar he brought out and I counted them as booty. By means of a crafty maneuver, I made their daises rise and brought them to my presence. Their daises, their angry gods, their angry goddesses,

    in the taqribtu and ershahuga festivals, their sattukku offerings which had been ruined, as long as they had been in the ruins, I restored and established. The rest of the citizens of Babylon, Cutha, and Sippar, who in the midst of famine and hunger had departed, I had mercy on them, and for the life of their lives I commanded them to stay in Babylon. The people of Akkad, together with Chaldea, Aram, and the Sealand, whom Geshnuna had seized and for one mouth he had imposed,

    By the command of Ashur and Ninlil, the gods who support me, to their full extent I fought. The yoke of Ashur that he had taken I imposed upon them. The governors and eunuchs who swore by my hand I established over them. Regular offerings of Ashur, Ninlil, and the gods of Assyria I established for them. I imposed upon them tribute and payment in recognition of my overlordship, yearly and without interruption.

    On my seventh campaign, in the month Simanu, the month of the god Sin, the lord of decisions, the first-born son, the foremost son of Enlil, I mustered my troops. In the steppe Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, he brought about the defeat of his army and took the road with me. Tammaritu, the king of the land Elam, who had fled from Indabibi, his servant, and took to my feet. The people of the cities Hilmu, Pillatu, Dumuqu, Sulaya, Lahira-dibirina,

    The radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them. They, their people, their oxen, and their sheep and goats, to do obeisance to me, to Assyria fell and they grasped my feet. The former city E-Imbî, my royal city, the temple of the trust of Elam, which is like a great wall in front of Elam, the cult of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, conquered, and he Elam

    The city opposite the former E-Imbî I built, its wall strengthened, and its wall clad with a shalhu-beam. The city E-Imbî I conquered. In the course of my campaign I conquered the people living inside it, who had not come out and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty. I cut off their heads, cut off their turbans, and took them to Assyria for the observation of the people of my land. To Assyria I took Imbappi, the official of the city E-Imbî,

    The captive Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, escaped from that city and I took him by the hand and feet of iron fetters and brought him to Assyria. I imposed upon him the female slave and the sons of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, whose heads I had cut off in the ecstatic of Assyria on my first campaign, together with the rest of the people living in the city Bit-Imbi and I counted them as booty.

    As for my troops who entered the land Elam, he heard about the entry of Madaktu, his royal city, and fled, and his land fell upon Umbalakkus, who had fled from the land Elam and escaped to the city Bubilu, and sat opposite Ummanaldashu on the throne of the land Elam like him, he heard about the entry of Bubilu, the city that is a lordly residence of his, and he fled like fish, and he took to the depths of distant waters.

    Tammaritu, who fled and took my feet, I brought him into the city Susa and installed him as king. The good things that I had written to him I did, and his army he gathered and kept watch. Evil things to conquer my troops he said, together with his heart, saying: "The people of Elam have returned to women; they are in the presence of Assyria; they have come and seized me; the people of Elam, Ashur and Ishtar who had come to me,

    The heart of Tammaritu, the scepter of the king, became angry and seized his hand. He took him out of his royal throne and returned him to his own hands. The other one he made bow down at my feet. These words, in the exalted heart of my heart, Tammaritu, who was not steadfast, he did not obey. With the might and might of the great gods, my lords, I marched in full into the land Elam.

    On my return march, with the satisfaction of my supplications, I returned the mighty hands before my bow to Assyria. The cities Gatudu, Gatudu, Daeba, Nadi', Dur-Amnani, Dur-Amnani, Hamanu, Taraqu, Hausi, E-kiszib-esu, E-arrabi, E-imbî, Madaktu, Shushan, Bube, She-Shumanani, Urdalika, Algariga, Tubu, Tupu,

    I conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the cities Dunshar, Dur-Undasi, Dur-Undasi, Bubilu, Samunu, Ebunakku, Qabrina, Qabrina, and Hara', those cities. I carried off their gods, their people, their oxen, their sheep and goats, their property, their property, wagons, horses, mules, and implements of war. To Assyria

    On my eighth campaign, by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I mustered my troops. The steppe of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, I took. The road to the city E-Imbî, which I had conquered on my previous campaign, I conquered. Now the land Rash and the city Hamanu together with its district I conquered. And he, Ummanaldashu, the king of the land Elam, heard about the advance of the land Rash and the city Hamanu, and fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, who march at my side, overwhelmed him and the city Madaktu, his royal city,

    he abandoned and fled. He crossed the Tigris and the River Tigris as his fortress and he made that canal his stronghold. He fought with me and captured the city Naditu, his royal city, as far as his district. The city Ebunaku, his royal city, as far as his district. The city Hartapanu, his royal city, as far as his district. The city Tubu, as far as his district, crossed the entire river. The city Madaktu, his royal city, as far as his district. The city Haltemash, his royal city, captured.

    I conquered the cities Susa, his royal city. I conquered the cities Dinsharri and Sumuntunash, his royal city. I conquered the cities Pidilma, his royal city. I conquered the cities Bubilu, his royal city. I conquered the cities Kabinak, his royal city. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I marched and marched against Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, whose foundations had not been firm, for my yoke. In the course of my campaign, I conquered the city Dur-Undasi, his royal city.

    My troops saw the Tigris, the great river, and they were afraid. For the sacrificial work of Ishtar who resides in Arbela, during the night, a dream was sent to my troops and they said as follows: "I will go before Ashurbanipal, the king who engendered me." My hands were raised up to this dream. The Tigris was flooded, full of water.

  • 14 cities, his royal residences,
  • I conquered as far as the smaller settlements, which were without number, and 12 districts which were in the land Elam, all of it. I destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire. To ruins and ruin hills I returned. Without number I killed his warriors with weapons. His mighty battle troops fell upon Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, and took to the mountains. I conquered the city Banunu as far as the district of the city Tasarra, all of it.

  • 20 cities in the district of Hunnir;
  • I conquered the districts of the city Hidalu. I destroyed, devastated, and burned the cities Bashimu and the cities in its environs. I annihilated the people living inside them, I scattered them, and overwhelmed their gods. I made the mood of the lord of lords, his gods, his goddesses, his possessions, his property, and the people, young and old, resplendent. To Assyria

  • 60 hectares of land by the command of Ashur and Ishtar,
  • which I had sent to me, entered the land Elam and went there. On my return, which Ashur and Ishtar had encouraged me to go, I conquered the plain of my land, the city Susa, the great cult center, the residence of their gods, the place of their secret lore. By the command of Ashur and Ishtar, I entered his palaces and sat down there with joy. With their rejoicing I opened up their treasury, which silver, gold, possessions, and property, I deposited therein.

    of the former kings of the land Elam, together with the kings who in the future, until now, had assembled, they established. Of that enemy, who up to me had not brought his hands down, I brought out and I counted them as booty. Silver, gold, possessions and property of Sumer and Akkad, Kar-Duniash, all of the kings of the land Elam, together with seven others, they carried off and brought into the land Elam, a fierce scepter, a pure eshmaru-demon,

    The precious stones, the precious stones, the royal emblem, which the former kings of Babylonia and Geshnu-mukin had fashioned for their own purposes, to Elam, the precious stones, the royal emblem, the bow, the bow, the arrow, everything for the exercise of war, the emblem of his hands, the muttabbiltu-sheep, all of his palaces, which had been erected on it, which had been thrown into the midst of the midst of the midst of the midst, they had thrown away. They had fashioned the chariots, the chariot

    whose limbs are smashed, zahalû-shards, large horses, whose thighs are decorated with gold and silver, to Assyria, the ziggurrat of Shushan, whose limbs are decorated with baked bricks of lapis lazuli, he fashioned, and whose horns are of shining copper, whose divine lord is Mushush, their secret lord, whose limbs are smashed in the midst of a scepter, none of them sees, the deeds of his divinity, Shumudu, Lagabaru, Partikura, Amman-kasimash,

    which the kings of the land Elam had become angry, their gods, the gods Ragiba, Sungamsara, Karsa, Kirsamas, Shudanu, Aya-pagsina, Bilala, Panintimri, Silagaraya, Nabsa, Nabirtu, and Kindakarbu, those gods, the goddesses, with their possessions, their property, their possessions, together with the shangû-priest and the buhlalû-priest I carried off to Assyria.

  • 32 statues of kings,
  • From the cities Susa, Madaktu, and Huradi, as far as the statue of Ummanigash Humban-nikash I, son of Umbadarâ, the statue of Ishtar-Nanhundi, the statue of Hallusi, and the statue of Tammaritu, the later ones that I had made by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my servant, I took. To Assyria I gave. Bulls and lamassu-priests, guards, as many as there were, I adorned. The mighty wild bulls, the boundaries of the gates,

    The shrines of Elam, as far as the insubmissive, I destroyed. I slew his gods and goddesses. To cut down their rocky forests, whose no one had ever cultivated, and whose hearts no one had cultivated, I placed. My battle troops entered inside them, saw their faces, and they said: "With the arrows of the tombs, their former kings, after they had not revered the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, who slew the kings, my ancestors,

    I took their feet to Assyria. I did not see them, I cut off their hair. I slew a canal, a canal that was too small for water. I made them go on a campaign. For 25 days a year, I surrounded the district of Elam with salt and juniper. I surrounded them. The daughters of kings and the sisters of kings, as far as the previous and later qepanu of the kings of Elam, the qepanu and the mayors of those cities, as many as I conquered,

    the chariot driver, the third man, the cavalrymen, the troops, bowmen, eunuchs, engineers, all of the craftsmen, as many as there were, people, male and female, young and old, horses, mules, donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, which were far apart from the many locusts, I carried off to Assyria. I took the soil from the cities Susa, Madaktu, Haltemash, and the rest of their cult centers. To Assyria

    I smashed its walls. The raging of humans, the snare of oxen and sheep and goats, the snare of the good alalû-festival, I smashed. His fields, donkeys, gazelles, all kinds of animals, as many as there were, I made flourish therein. Nanaya, who 1,635 years ago came and went, stayed in Elam, a place not befitting her, and at that time she and the gods, her fathers, spoke my name to rule the lands.

    "The awe-inspiring radiance of her divinity I made manifest before me, saying: "Ashurbanipal brought me out of the land Elam and brought me out of the Eanna," a word of their divinity that they had spoken in distant days, they now revealed to me in the Eanna. The people behind her, I grasped the hands of her great divinity. The harranu-trading road, which irrigated the heart, I took. To Eanna, in Kislimu, on the 1st day, I brought her into Uruk and in Ehiliana, which you love,

    I made them dwell on their eternal dais. The people and the booty of Elam, which by the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Beltu-kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, the first-borns, I gave to my gods. I added the archers, shield bearers, engineers, and engineers who I carried off from Elam to my royal contingent.

    Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, who saw the attainment of the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, came out of the mountain, his place of refuge, and entered the city Madaktu, the city which I had destroyed, demolished, and plundered by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, and whose booty I carried off. In a confined place, where the plot of Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina,

    As for Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Indabibi, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the kings who exercised dominion over the land Elam, my messenger who was dispatched to Nabû-bel-shumati in the thick of battle, he sent a message of peace to Ummanaldashu and Nabû-bel-shumati, sons of Marduk-aha-iddina, to go to my messenger who was dispatched to the land Elam, he heard of it and

    His heart pounded, his life was cut short, his face did not turn back, and he sinned. He told the satrap to his own son, saying: "It is a rasibannu-demon with weapons." His sons with iron sword smashed their hands. Together Ummanaldashu became frightened, and he slew the body of that Nabû-bel-shumati with salt, and he gave it to my messenger, together with the head of his son who had rasibu-demon with weapons, and he sent him before me.

    His property I gave to him. In the midst of the quay, he removed his property from the previous owner and cut off his head. On the neck of Nabû-shumu-shabat, the temple-enterer, and Geshnu-mukin, his hostile brother, who with him to the destruction of the land Elam went, I marched against Pa'ê, who was in the presence of Ummanaldashu, exercised dominion over the land Elam. The terrifying flash of the weapons of Ashur and Ishtar, which one, two, three times, had seized, against the land Elam

    he seized, and a savage heart he brought out of the land Elam. He took my royal feet and the people of the cities Bit-Imbî, Kuzurtin, Dur-sharri, Masutu, Bube, Eunzaya, E-arrabi, Ibrat, Anza-garsha-Tapa, Akbarina, Gur-ukirra, Dunnu-Shamash, Hamanu, Kanishu, Aranzishe, Naqidate, and Dimtusha-Sima,

    The cities Eqatatti, Shakisa, Subahe, and Til-Humba, which on my previous campaign, which had fallen into disrepair after the mighty weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, they captured. The rugged mountain of Saladri, the people of those cities that they established as their strongholds, the awe-inspiring radiance of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, overwhelmed them. They fled from the mountain, their places of refuge, and they took to my feet.

    On my royal flank, which I had filled with my hands, I added. On my ninth campaign I mustered my troops. In the steppe Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs, I took the road. The one who had violated my treaty did not keep watch and took the road, but took the lordly throne which Ashur had fashioned, he slew. To the center of my well-being his feet he grasped and he slew. The substantial payment of his tribute was heard as in Elam and the utterances of Ur.

    As for me, Ashurbanipal, the holy priest, the pious and pious one, the creation of the hands of the god Ashur, he abandoned me and gave them to Abi-Yate' and Ayamu, son of Teri, the army. For the protection of Geshnu-mudina, my hostile brother, he sent and he hastened to his word. The people of the Arabs with him he made hostile and they have become afraid. The people whom Ashur, the goddess Ishtar, and the great gods gave to me, their shepherds they do and they fill my hands.

    By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my troops in the districts of the cities Azar-ilu and Hirataqashâ, in the cities Udume, in the pass of the city Yabrudu, in the city E-ammani, in the district of the city Haurina, in the cities Mu'aba, Sa'arri, Harge, in the district of the city Shubiti, a substantial defeat I carried out. Without number I imposed upon him a defeat. The people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen against him, I captured with the sword.

    And he fled from the mighty weapons of Ashur and fled. To the outskirts of the country, their cult centers he razed, and with fire he smote them. By the sword, Uaite', a frightened man, approached him and fled. To the land Nabayate Uaite', son of Hazael, son of the brother of the father of Uaite', son of Bir-Adad, whose name they had established, to the kingship of the land of the Arabs, Ashur, king of the great gods,

    his report he gave me and came before me. For the praise of the god Ashur and the great gods, my lords, this heavy oath I imposed upon him and a scepter I set up for him. I threw him into a dog horn and he threw him into a dog horn. The wall of the city Nineveh, the gateway of the forgotten, and he, Ammi-ladin, the king of the land Que, he seized and to fight with the kings of the land Amurru, which Ashur, Ishtar and the great gods had made surpass my face.

    Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Beltu-kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku I brought about his defeat. He escaped alive. With Adiya, wife of Uaite', king of the Arabs, they captured him and brought him before me. By the command of the great gods, my lords, I confined him to a dog and made him carry a scepter. By the command of Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords,

    As for Abi-Yate' and Ayamu, son of Te'ri, who to the aid of Geshnu-mugina had gone to Babylon, I killed his helpers and brought about his defeat. The rest of the people who entered Babylon ate meat and mashhatu-beer. They ate each other's flesh for their own life. They came out of Babylon and my forces which were placed over Geshnu-mugina, the other, they defeated him and he fled alone.

    To save his life he took my feet. I had mercy on him and a treaty with the great gods I made binding on him. In place of Uaite', son of Hazael, I established him as king of the land of the Arabs. Further, he set his mouth with the Nabayateans, and the great gods did not fear him and he seized the booty of my land. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, and Ishtar of Nineveh

    Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku, Natnu, king of the land of the Nabayateans whose remote location Uaite' had taken in his presence, heard, and the might of Ashur, which he had encouraged, which since time immemorial had never sent a messenger to the kings, my ancestors, nor had he inquired about the well-being of their royal majesty, in fear of the weapons of Ashur, he took fright and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty.

    The oath of the great gods, the utterance of lies, he spoke with me, and his word with Natni, king of the land of the Nabayateans, he set, and their forces he imposed on me. By the command of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, my troops I mustered my troops. I took the road against Abi-yate'.

    During their extensive floods, they were stricken with famine, they were swept away with a severe cold, they were swept away with a severe mountain haze. The forests, whose vegetation was extensive, between large trees, reeds, and vines, they crossed the paths of the eddetu-trees. The wild bulls, where the raging birds of heaven did not approach, were not able to enter inside it. The donkeys and gazelles did not enter inside it.

  • 100 hectares of field from Nineveh,
  • The city beloved of Ishtar, the wife of Enlil, after Uaite', king of the land of the Arabs, and Abi-Yate', who came with the troops of the land of the Nabayateans, they conquered, they went. In the month Simanu, the month of the god Sîn, the first-born son of the foremost of Enlil, the 25th day, the sacrificial lamb of the Lady of Babylon, the substantial tribute of the great gods, from the city Hadatta I approached. In the city Laribda, the house of stone walls on the banks of the water I poured out.

    my troops, the water for their mashtitu he poured out and went. The field, the field of the slum, where the slums were, as far as Hurarina, between Yarki and Azalla, in the desert I surrounded. The remote place where there was no rain and the birds of heaven did not set, I brought about the defeat of the Isamme', the scout of Atarsamain and the Nabayateans. The people, donkeys, camels and sheep and goats I imposed without number.

  • 8 ...s, the ground;
  • my troops went, and safely, safely returned, and in Azallu they went. From Azalla to Qurashiti water was poured out.

  • 6 hectares of land, where the threshing floor is,
  • The 'alû-officials of Atar-samain and the qidrû-officials of Uaite', son of Bir-Adad, king of the land of the Arabs, I gathered. His gods, his mother, his sisters, his wife, his family, the people of the land of the Kedaru, all of them, donkeys, camels, and sheep and goats, as many as with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, I conquered. I made my hands take the road to Damascus. In the month Abu, the month of the Arrow, the queen of the god Sîn,

    On the 3rd day, the evening meal of the king of the gods, Marduk, I went out from Damascus.

  • 6 dannas of the 'outside,' the 'inside,' all of it,
  • I marched as far as the city Hulhulitu in the land Hukrina, a rugged mountain. I defeated the 'rival' Abi-Yate', son of Te'ri, the Qidru. I brought about his defeat and carried off his booty. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, in the middle of the battle I captured them alive. With hands, hands, and feet I gave them iron fetters. With the booty of their land I took them to Assyria.

    The captives who had fled from my weapons became frightened and took to Mount Hukkuruna, a rugged mountain. In Manhabi, Apparu, Enuquru, Sha'uran, Marqana, Sartin, Enzikarme, Ta'na, Saraqa, the place of the dike of the water, as much as there was, I kept in check and I deprived their lives of water. I made their lives abundant. In a raging storm, they placed a swarm of blood.

    The rest of the camels, their rukuppu-carrying, they plundered. They escaped, dead and water from the mountains they entered. They were confined, they were not rescued. They were not rescued. They were not confined in my hands. Where their rukuppu-carrying he seized, people, male and female, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number I carried off. To Assyria, all of my land which Ashur gave, all of it,

    In her entirety she sat down, to the whole extent of her land she sat down. She scattered like sheep and goats, and to the people of Assyria in the midst of my land she gave the sheep and goats for one and a half shekels of silver at the gate of the 'residences'. The brewer was seated at the 'sheaves', the gardener at the 'sheaves', and the sheep and goats were seated at the 'sheaves' and the people Uaite' together with his troops, who did not honour my treaty.

    who had fled from the weapons of the god Ashur, my lord, and had fled before Natna, the hero Erra, the mighty, smashed the smashed bones in their chambers and ate the flesh of their sons, as many as in their treaty they had stipulated for them in a favorable case, the deities Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, Nusku, the smashed bull, rams,

    Concerning the seven shinnuqû-offerings, they were snatched up and did not bring forth the kasû-offerings. The people of the land of the Arabs, one to one, sat down. Together, concerning what is it that this evil deed received, the land of the Arabs, saying: "As for the great treaties which we did not honor, we did not forget." With the kindness of Ashurbanipal, the king beloved of the heart of the gods Enlil and Ninlil, the beloved of Enlil, the mighty one of the goddesses, who with Anu and Enlil were assiduous in their positions,

    I destroyed my enemies with her fierce horns. Ishtar who dwells in Arbela, the Sher-Shakes, who is adorned with splendor, who lays low the land of the Arabs, the one who is enraged by the brilliance of Erra, the hero, the hero of the awe-inspiring, and who slays my foes, Ninurta, the great hero, son of Enlil, the great, with his scepter he slit the life of my enemies. Nusku, the attentive minister, who makes lordship resplendent,

    I went and took my kingship. The rest of my troops stood by and imposed my punishment on me. The assault of the weapons of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, who went to do battle, the troops of Uaite' heard and revolted against him. That man became frightened and fled from the house he had taken. With the support of the deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, and Ishtar of Nineveh,

    Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku grasped his hands and he slew him. To Assyria, with my hand that I had slew to conquer my enemies, Ashur and Ninlil with a rutnû-wood, the sling of my hands, his flesh I cut off. In his womb I slew a dog, and in the courtyard of the east of Nineveh, in the midst of

    To sing the praises of Ashur, Ishtar, and the great gods, my lords, I had mercy on him and I made his life abundant. On my return I conquered the city Ushû, whose location is situated on the shore of the sea. The people of Ushû, whose governors are not sated with water and who do not give a payment, I massacred them. In the unsubmissive people I delivered a message, their gods and their people I carried off to Assyria.

    I carried off their corpses on poles, and surrounded the city. I took the rest of them. I conquered Assyria and imposed upon my troops many tributes which Ashur had given me. Aya-iddin, son of Teri, stood with Abi-yate', his brother, and with my troops they did battle. In the middle of the battle I captured him alive. I slew him in a chariot. In Nineveh, my capital city, I cut off his skin. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam,

    which since time immemorial Ashur and Ishtar, my lords, had commanded to do, my servant, by the command of their exalted divinity, which cannot be changed, after them his land rebelled against him and before the sahmashtu-demons, his servants who had incited him, against him they fled, and took to the mountains. From the mountain of his marqitu-house where he had been snatched, like a bird I struck him and carried him alive. To Assyria

    As for Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, who had exercised dominion over the land Elam after each other, who by the strength of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, had made her bow down to my yoke, Uaite', the king of the land of the Arabs, whose defeat I had brought about by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I took him out of his land and to Assyria. From the time of the reeds to make sacrifices I went up to the Emashmash, their abode, before the goddess Ninlil, mother of the great gods.

    The cultic rites that Ashur had performed, the cult centers of the Akitu temple, the throne, and the shaddû-tree I made secure for them. As far as the gate of the Ekur I marched, in my lower thigh I sat down. I prayed to their divinity and they made their strength strong. In my assembly of troops, which Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who were not submissive to me, to my throne

    I imposed upon him. In the plain of my enemies I, Ishtar-duri, king of Urartu, whose kings, his fathers, to my fathers sent me messages of brotherly kindness, now Ishtar-duri, the mighty, heard of the deeds that the great gods had decreed for me, and he, like the son of his father, sent me his lordly majesty, and he himself, as follows, sent me his message, saying: "May happiness be well-being to the king, my lord." He re-established his substantial audience gift to me.

    At that time, the house of the living quarters of the palace, which is inside Nineveh, the exalted city, beloved of Ninlil, which Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me, had renovated, to be his royal residence, that house of living quarters with joy and rejoicing had become old, and its walls had become dilapidated. I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, and king of the four quarters, because of that house of living quarters I erected.

    The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Bel Marduk, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, Sharrat-Kidmuri, Ishtar of Arbela, the Lady-garzas, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, my royal son, kept watch over me, their good protection and their supplications, which were resounding, they imposed upon me. Since I sat on the throne of the father who had engendered me, they constantly performed the lordship of the lands and the wide people. The supplications of the lands, the supplications of the defeat of my enemies, they constantly swore in it.

    In the morning, my dreams, in the morning, when I came, that dream, the dream of his lords, is it, the great gods determined his fate, for the good woman his heart was pounded, because of the wrath of his labor I slew his entire camp.

  • 50 lines, the tibku-mark, the foundation of his mind.
  • I surrounded the terrace with a terrace. I became afraid of the shrines of the great gods, my lords, and the terrace of that terrace its construction I did not complete. In a favorable month, on a propitious day, I surrounded that terrace with a terrace, laid its foundations, and poured out its bricks with beer and wine. I sank its bricks and plundered it. I hung it on the Elamite cedars, which by the command of the great gods, my lords, I carried off. To rebuild that house,

    The people of my land sat in it. The bricks of the kings of the Arabs who had sinned against my treaty and who in the middle of the battle had captured, they slew. With the hands, to rebuild that house, I made them carry baskets and baskets. I made bricks from its old brickwork, baskets and baskets, and I filled their days with joy. With joy from its foundations to its crenellations I built.

    I made its construction more extensive than before and I made its construction more splendid. I roofed it with beams of cedar grown on Mount Sirara and Mount Lebanon. I fastened bands of bronze on doors of li'ari-wood, whose scent is sweet, and installed them in its gates. I made mighty columns of shining copper and thereby I surrounded the gap between the gates of his house of his lordly residence. I completed that house, the seat of my royal majesty, in its entirety. I filled it with splendor. I planted a garden of all the trees.

    I gathered all the produce and possessions that I had gathered. I finished the work on it, and I offered sumptuous offerings to the gods, my lords. With joy and rejoicing I made him enter it. In the midst of prayer, in the future, in the days of the kings, my sons, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for ruling over the land and people, his name, when that house becomes dilapidated and dilapidated, may I renew its dilapidated. A inscription written in my name, my father,

    May the father of my father, the eternal seed of kingship, see and smell the oil, may he perform a sacrifice and a balaqi offering with this inscribed object. May the great gods, as many as are written in this inscribed object, grant me as my own strength and strength. May the power and the life of the inscribed object, which is written in my name, my father and my grandfather, be established with his inscribed object. May Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Adad, Bel, Nabû, and Ishtar of Nineveh

    Sharrat-Kidmuri and Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku will impose a lawsuit against me with the written name of my name.

    P514721: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] sa-al-hu ad-di _(gesz)na2 (gesz)esi_ is,-s,i da3-re-e sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)marduk ra-a'-im _bala_-ia a-qisz

  • 6(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia
  • ina _ka2_ lu2-gu2-du3-e-ne _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina _ka2_ e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz ki-zalag2-ga szu-bat (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u2 eb-bu ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur _ki-ne_ si-mat e2-zi-da szu-bat _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz

  • 2(disz) per-ku _ku3-babbar_ eb-ba sza _asz4 gun-ta-am3 ki-la2_-szu-nu
  • ina ka2-mah u ka2-nam-ti-la a-na tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti u2-hum-mesz _suhusz-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-kin e2-mes-lam _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 qe2-reb gu2-du8-a(ki) sza2 i-na-hu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su ud-disz mi-qit-ta-szu2 ad-ke ina _(gesz)u3-szub (gesz)esi (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ hi-bisz-ti _szim-hi-a saga-hi-a_-szu2 al-bi-in al-lu u2-szat-rik-ma usz-te-esz-szi-ra _usz8_-szu2 ina _iti du10-ga_ u4-me sze-mi3-i ina i3-gu-la-a _i3 du10-ga ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ad-di tem-me-en-szu2 u3 ad-da-a szi-gar-szu2

    ina _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)ka (gesz)esi (gesz)taszkarin_ _(gesz?)kim3?_ u _(gesz)umbin_ us-si-ma szi-kit-ti-szu? ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu x x? x x x x [...] u2-kin qe2-reb? x x x x _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 ap-tal-la-hu-szu2-nu-ti ke-nisz ip-pal-su-u2-in-ni-ma i-tap-pa-lu _a2-min_-a-a ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2-nu s,ir-ti ina kul-lat _kur-kur_ at-tal-lak-ma ma-hi-ri ul i-szi (iri)ni-i' _iri lugal_-u2-ti (kur)mu-s,ur

    u3 (kur)ku-szi ak-szu-ud _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ lu-bul-ti bir-me _gada-mesz_ _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 un-mesz_-szu2 a-na la mi3-ni asz2-lu-la

  • 2(disz) tim-me _mah-mesz_ pi-ti-iq za-ha-le-e eb-bi
  • man-za-az _ka2_ e2-kur sza 2(disz) _lim_ 5(disz) _me gun ki-la2_-szu2-nu ul-tu man-zal-ti-szu2-nu as-suh-ma u2-ra-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri sza2 a-mat _lugal_-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru la isz-mu-u2 zi-kir _nundum_-ia (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-nis-su-nu-ti _dumu-munus_-su u _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti

    a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia [...]-na [...] x asz2-szu ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu2 ana nina(ki) isz-pu-ram-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qa _giri3-min_-ia _dumu-munus_ s,i-it _sza3_-szu2 ana e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia

  • 3(u) _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ugu_ man-da-at-ti-szu2
  • mah-ri-tu2 u2-rad-di-ma e-mid-su (disz)ur-ta-gi _lugal (kur)elam-ma(ki) en mun ad du3_-ia? ul u2-masz-szir3 it-ti-szu2 szit-ku-na _igi-min_-a-a? ar-szi? sa-li-mu a-na tar-s,i-szu2 qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] su-un-qu hu-szah-hu isz-kun-[...] ib-ba-szi ne2-eb-re-ti (d)nisaba ba-lat, _zi_-tim _ug3-mesz_ u2-sze-bil-szu-ma as,-bat _szu-min_-su _ug3-mesz_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an un-s,i bu-bu-ti in-nab-tu-nim-ma u2-szi-bu qe2-reb _kur_ an-szar2(ki?) bi-ru-su-nu u2-szab-bi-i-ma?

    u2-bal-lit, nap-szat-su-nu qa-ti-szu2-nu as,-bat? ina t,e3-e-me _saga_ sza2 an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2? _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia u2?-[...] _en_ _mun ad du3_-ia sza2 it-ti-szu2 i-pu-szu [...] a-na na-ra-ru-tu _dingir-mesz kur_ uri(ki) _(lu2)erin2-mesz_ ta-ha-zi-ia2 ad-ke-e-ma as,-ba-tu har-ra-nu (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) a-la-ka ger-ri-ia isz-me-e-ma ha-at-ta is-hu-up-szu-ma i-tu-ur a-na _kur_-szu2? ar-ki-i-szu2 as,-bat a-bi-ik-ta-szu2 asz2-kun at,-ru-us-su a-di mi-s,ir _kur_-szu2

    (disz)ur-ta-ku? sza2? la? is,-s,u?-ru? ib-ru-u2-ti [...] x x [...] (disz)ta-am-ri-ti _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-lu a-na _lugal_-tu2 asz2-kun ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag it-ti szal?-lat (kur)elam-ma(ki) ma-at-ti szal?-mesz a-tu-ra a-na _kur_ asz-szur(ki) ina me-ti-iq ge-er-ri-ia2 _ugu_ (disz)du-na-nu _dumu (disz)(d)en-ba_-sza2 ana (kur)gam-bu-lu lu-u2 al-lik (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ dan-nu-ti-szu2 [...] ak-szu-ud (disz)du-na-nu _szesz-mesz_-szu2 ul-tu qe2-reb _iri_ szu-a-tu?

    bal-t,u-su-un u2-sze-s,a-a [...] x x? [...] [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] x [...] [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x [...] x [...] [...] x x x x (x x) x x x [...] pu-luh-tu2 _lugal_-u2-ti-ia2 is-hup2-szu2-nu-ti-ma _(lu2)ra-gaba_-szu2-nu sza2 t,u-u2-bu u su-lum-me-e it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti u2-sze-bi-lu-ni a-di mah-ri-ia szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-ia isz-'a-a-lu u2-na-asz2-szi-qu sze-pi-ia u2-s,al-lu-u2 be-lu-ti

    (disz)ku-ra-asz2 _lugal_ (kur)par-su-ma-asz2 li-i-ti u da-na-na sza2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-me gal-me en-mesz_-e-a _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu (kur)elam-ma(ki) ka-la-szu2 a-bu-ba-nisz as-pu-nu isz-me2-e-ma (disz)a-ru-uk-ku _dumu_-szu2 _gal_-u2 it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-u2-tu a-na ni-nu2-a _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia2 isz-pur-am-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti (disz)pi-is-lu-me2-e _lugal_ (kur)hu-di-mi-ri sza2 a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu sza2 ina a-hi (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-li-tu2 asz2-bu

    sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ru-qu-ti ina _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-e-a _(lu2)ra-gaba_-u2-szu2 la isz-pu-ru la isz-a-lu szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-szu2-un i-na-an-na li-i-ti u da-na-na sza2 ina tu-kul-ti an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ _en-mesz_-u2-a _ugu_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-ku-nu isz-me2-e-ma pu-luh-ti _lugal_-u2-ti-ia is-hup2-szu2-ma _(lu2)ra-gaba_-u2-szu2 sza2 szul-mi it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti? a-na ni-nu2-a _iri_ be-lu-ti-ia2 isz-pur-am-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u2-ti x [...] x [...] a-x [...] ni-[...]

    [...] x x? x x x [...] ina _lugal-mesz dumu-me_-e-a [...] i-nam-bu-szu-ma [...] ud-da-szu2 _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia ul-tu asz2-ri-szu2 la u2-nak-kar a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li-ter sza2 _mu-sar_-u2 szi-t,ir _mu_-ia u2-nak-kar-ru-u2-ma it-ti szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 la i-szak-ka-nu (d)gu-la _gaszan gal_-ti si-im-mu la-az-zu sza2 la ba-la-t,u ina zu-um-ri-szu2 li-szab-szi _usz2-mesz lugud_ _gin7 a-mesz_ li-ir-tam-muk ina _gig_ taz-bil-ti na-pisz-ta-szu2 liq-ti ag-gesz li-ru-ur-szu2-ma

    _mu_-szu2 u _numun_-szu2 ina _kur_ li-hal-liq

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... I laid down a heap of cedar, a durable wood, whose reddish appearance is pleasing to Marduk, the one who loves my reign.

  • 6 fierce wild bulls of silver, guardians of my royal path,
  • At the gate of the gudu-priests, the gate opposite Shamshi, and the gate of the lamassu-rayu, at the gate of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa, I sat down. The bright residence of the godizigar, 133 talents of shiny zahalû-metal I fashioned and for the appearance of the seat of Ezida, the seat of his great divinity, I had it built.

  • 2 silver perkus, pure, of the one talent each, their weight;
  • in the Kamah and the Namtila gates for the journey of his exalted rulership he erected their foundations. The Emeslam, the temple of Nergal that is inside Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I restored its dilapidated sections. I re-built its dilapidated sections. I hung its bricks on poles of ebony and meskannu-wood, with aromatics and aromatics, and I fashioned them and re-established their inscriptions. In a favorable month, on the day of the equinox, with good oil, good oil, silver and gold, I surrounded its foundations and I firmly fixed its bricks.

    With a meskannu-wood, a ebony, a boxwood, a tashkarinu-wood, a tashkarinu-wood, a tashkannu-wood, and a tashkannu-wood, I fashioned its structure from its foundations to its crenellations with the craft of Kulla, completed its construction, and raised its top ... ... ... I established inside ... the great gods, my lords, who faithfully looked upon me and answered me with a firm 'yes', my sage, by their exalted command, I marched through all the lands and no one regarded me. The city Nî, the royal city of Egypt,

    I conquered the great horses, sling-sticks, multi-colored garments, silver, and gold, and carried off his people without number.

  • 2 magnificent timmes, fashioned from pure zahalû-wood.
  • As for the seat of the gate of Ekur, whose weight was 2,535 talents, I removed them from their positions and returned them to Assyria. Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, whose royal word had not been heard and whose pronouncements had not been heard, I imposed upon him the cities of Halshu. In the sea and on the sea I captured his routes. I captured their lives and made them take up residence. I made them bow down to my yoke. His daughter and the daughters of his brothers with his heavy tribute

    to do a suckling woman he brought before me. ... ... ... because of his life he opened his eyes and praised my lordly majesty. Erisinni, son of Ridditi, wrote to Nineveh and kissed my feet. A daughter, his own offspring, to do a suckling woman with his substantial payment he sent to me.

  • 30 horses are his tribute.
  • Urtagi, king of the land Elam, the lord, the lord, the father who had engendered me, did not abandon him. With him he sat down. My eyes ..., my life in the land Elam ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the reeds of the Nisaba, the life of the people, I sent to him and I took him. His hands and the people of his who had fled from the midst of hunger and hunger, I settled in Assyria. They .

    On the good news of Ashur and Ninlil, the gods who support me, ..., the lord of the gods, the father who had engendered me, who had done with him ..., to the sacrificial gods of the land Akkad, my battle troops I mustered and took. The road Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, heard about my campaign and fear overwhelmed him and he returned. To his land I went after him and captured his foes. I imposed upon him tribute and imposed upon him the territory of his land.

    Urtaku, who did not? keep the oaths ... ... ... I installed Tammaritu, his third brother, as king in the city Hidalu. With the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, together with the booty of the land Elam, a substantial booty I returned and to Assyria. In the course of my campaign, I marched against Dunanu, son of Bel-iqisha, to the land Gambulu. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city. Dunanu and his brothers ... from that city

    he brought their lives to me ...

    Kurash, king of Parsumash, mighty victories which with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I achieved over the land Elam, all of the land Elam I conquered, heard about it, and Arukku, his eldest son, with his payment to do obeisance to Nineveh, my capital city, sent and he made bow down at my lordly majesty. Pislumê, king of the land Hilaria, whose remote place is situated on the border of the land Elam,

    which since distant days among the kings, my ancestors, his satrap did not send and did not inquire about the well-being of their kingship, now, with joy and mighty might, which with the support of the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû, the great gods, my lords, I had established over the land Elam, he heard and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him, and his satrap who was well with his substantial audience gift to Nineveh, my capital city, sent to me and I made him tremble. My lordship ... ... .

    ... ... ... among the kings, my descendants, ... he will name and ... he will renew him. May he return the inscribed object bearing my name from its place. May he return the inscribed object bearing my name to its place. May Gula, the great lady, not place an inscribed object bearing his name. May she smite the unclean, who has no life, in his midst. May death, like a flood, be swollen like water. May she afflict him with a severe illness. May she afflict him with a severe illness.

    May his name and his seed disappear from the land.

    P514722: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila _lugal gal lugal_ dan-nu _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _lugal_ kib-rat _limmu2_-tim bi-nu-ut _szu-min_ an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 ni-bit (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur na-ram (d)marduk (d)zar-pa-ni-tum mi-gir (d)ag (d)tasz-me-tum _nun_ na-a'-du _szagina_ it-pe-szu _(lu2)sipa_ ki-i-nu mut-tar-ru-u _ug3-mesz dagal-mesz_ mut-nen-nu-u2 la mu-up?-par?-ku-u? sza ta-nit-ti an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)en (d)ag? isz-tam-ma-ru a-na _u4-mesz_ da-ru-u2?-ti

    _dumu_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _sza3-bala-bala_ (disz)lugal-gi-na _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _lugal kur eme-gi7_ u _uri?(ki?)_ za-nin ma-ha-zi mu-szak-lil esz-re-e?-ti mu-kin sat-tuk-ki _nidba-mesz_ bat,-lu-ti? [...] _szu2?_ pa-lih an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)iszkur? (d)marduk (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)ag (d)papnun (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki)

    (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza e2-kid-mu-ri (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza limmu2-dingir(ki) (d)masz (d)u-gur (d)nusku sza ul-tu s,e-he-ri-szu2 a-di ra-be2-szu2? _egir_-szu2-nu it-tal-lak-u2-ma ip-tal-la-hu _dingir_-us-sun2 ina su-up-pe-e u3 te-me-qi2 kak-da3-a? ak-mi-sa sza2-pal-szun3 _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ina _sza3 ama_-ia a-na _lugal_-ti? ib-bu?-in-ni _an-dul3_-la-szu2-nu _du10-ga ugu_-ia it-ru-s,u x x? x x-u2 ih-szu-hu? _sanga?_-ti? _[...]-mesz_-ia [...] [...] ha-disz [...] [...] _mesz_ [...] x [...] a-na-[...]

    _lugal-mesz_ x [...] x x x? mal-ki _gal-mesz_ sza2 s,i-tasz u szi-la?-an a-na kit-ri-szu2-nu u2-paq?-qu-u-ni an-szar2 (d)[...] _gesztu-min dagal_ u2-szat-lim-u-in-ni kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-ti u2-sza2-hi-zu ka-ra-szi ina _ukken_ lu-li-me zi-kir _mu_-ia u2-szar-bu-u [...] ke-mu-u-a i-tap-pa-lu [...] _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia [...]-tu? ga-re-ia [...]-ka-ru [...]-ru-ti sa-pi-in _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia a-na szi-rik-ti asz2-ruk _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da3-re-e _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-na-at

    a-na ma-a-a-al tak-ne2-e (d)en (d)gaszan-ia sza2-kan ha-sza2-di e-pesz ru-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di _(gesz)na2 (gesz)esi_ is,-s,i? da3-re-e sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)marduk ra-'i-im _bala-mesz_-ia aq-qisz u2-na-at _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti _uruda an-bar_ mim-ma szi-pir e2-kur u2-sze-pisz-ma qe2-reb e2-sag-il2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ u2-kin e2-sa-bad _e2_ (d)gu-la sza2 qe2-reb babila2(ki)

    ul-tu _usz8?_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil

  • 6(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-ti-ia
  • ina _ka2_ lu2-gu2-du3-e-ne _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz _kun4? ku3-sig17 husz-a_ sza2 5(u) _ma-na ki-la2_-sza2 a?-na me-le?-e? sza2-qu-u2-ti [...] ina e2?-me-szar2-ra szu-bat? [...] u2-hum-misz [...] ki-zalag2-ga szu-bat (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u2 eb-bu ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur _ki-ne_ si-mat e2-zi-da nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz 2(disz) per-ki _ku3-babbar_ eb-bi sza? _asz4? gun-ta-am3 ki-la2_-szu-nu

    ina ka2-mah u ka2-nam-ti-la a-na? tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti hur?-sza2-nisz asz2-pu-uk ak?-s,ur? _du?_ x [...] [...] _bu? szu_ x x? _szu?_ x x? [...] [...] x x x x [...] x? x [...] nap-szat-su-nu u2-si-iq u2-kar-ri a-na _(gesz?)szudun?_-ia? u2?-szak-nis-su-nu-ti _dumu?-munus?_-su u3 _dumu-munus-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u2-ti u2-bi-la a-di _igi?_-ia (disz)ia-a-hi-mil-ki _dumu_-szu2 sza ma-te-ma ti-amtu la e-bi-ra

    isz-te-nisz u2-sze-bi-la a-na e-pesz _ARAD_-ti-ia (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da a-szib _muru2_ tam-tim sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-sza2 [...] x x [...] _dumu-munus_-su it-ti nu-dun-ne2-e ma-a'-di a-na e-pesz _(munus)agrig_-u-ti a-na nina(ki) u2-bil-am-ma (disz)u2-al-li-i? [...] si-hu _ugu_-szu2 u2-szab-szu2-u [...] _egir_-nu (disz)u2-al-li-i _dumu_-szu2 u2-szib ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 da-na-an an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) [...]

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia e-mur-ma ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia asz2-szu2 ba-lat, _zi_-ti3-szu2 up-na-a-szu2 ip-ta-a u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti (disz)e-ri-si-in-ni _dumu_ ri-du-ti-szu2 a-na nina(ki) isz-pur-am-ma x x x x x? x x x [...] [...] x _ku3?_ [...] [...] x _ri?_ [...] [...] x _u2?_ [...] [...] _kaskal-min su3_-tu [...] [...] is,-ba-tu?-ma [...] [...] il-lik-u2-ni a-di mah-ri-ia szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-ia isz-'a-a-lu u2-na-asz2-szi-qu sze-pi-ia u2-s,al-lu-u2 be-lu-ti

    [...] (disz)tug-dam-mu?-u2 _numun_ hal-ga-te-e [...] la ba-bil [...] [...] a-na e-muq ra-man-i-szu it-ta-kil-ma [...] ki-ma _zi_-ut _buru5-hi-a_ ma-a'-di [...] [...] x id-ka-am-ma? a-na? e-pesz? _muru2?_ u _me3?_ ina? mi3-s,ir? _kur_ an-szar2(ki?) it-ta-ad-di _karasz_-su [...] [...] im?-da_-tar_-ma _lu mu ra da_ x [...] [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza limmu2-dingir(ki) [...] [...] a-na? pi-i-szu2 er-hi e-zi-zu-ma im-ta-ra-as,? _ugu_-szu2-un?

    i-na? a-mat? _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-ti a-szar szit-ku-nu [...] [...] (d)gesz-bar _ta an_-e im-qu-ta-ma sza2-a-szu2 _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 _karasz_-su u2-qal-li-szu2-nu-ti (disz)tug-dam-mi3-i ip-lah3-ma na-kut-tu2 ir-szi [...] x x a-na (iri)har-za-al-le-e [...] x [...] isz-szu-szu [...] _un-mesz? kur_-szu2 _ugu_-szu2 ib-bal-ki-tu-ma [...] na-pisz-tu2 isz-kun ina _ki-hul_-e u2-szib-ma [...] ta-nit?-ti _dingir-mesz_-ia ina _ukken erin2-hi-a_-szu2 i-dab-bu-ub [...]-szu2-un pu-luh-ti an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu

    [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza (iri)limmu2-dingir _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 u2-tak-kil-u-in-ni is-hup-szu-ma _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 sza2 t,u-u2-bi u3 su-lum-me-e [...]-ti-szu2 it-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ [...] x _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-kub _en_-ti-szu2 [...] (gesz)til-li u2-nu-tu _me3_ man-da-at-ta-szu2 _dugud_-tu u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia a-na la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) nisz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_

    _en-mesz_-ia? u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma u2-dan-nin it-ti-szu asz2-ta-kan ma-mitu szu-u2 ma-mit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ip-ru-us,-ma i-ta-szun3 e-tiq-ma? a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-s,a-mir _munus-hul_ a-szar ti-ib _gada_ ih-t,i a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) a-na sza2-ka-ni-szu na-mur-rat? _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup-szu-ma mah-hu-tisz2 il-lik-am-ma ina mi3-qit t,e3-e-me u2-na-asz2-szak rit-ti-szu2 [...] u2-nak-kir2-ma e-mid-su sze-ret-su _gal_-tu

    mut-ta-as-su im-ma-szid-ma si-ih-lu isz-sza2-kin ina lib3-bi-szu2 [...]-ti-szu2 la ba-sze-e _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 [...] _eme_-szu2 im-mar-t,a-ma im-qut _gesz3_-szu ina? za-a-bi? u? ha-a-li? u8-a? a-a? iq-ta-ti na-pisz-tusz [...] x _ki?_ [...] x x [...] pu-luh-ti [...] i-dal-la-lu [...] (lu2)rak-bu-szu2-nu? [...] _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_-ia [...] si-it-ti na-ki-ri la? kan-szu2-ti x [...] _(gesz)tukul-mesz dingir_-ti-ka ez-zu-ti ik-szu-du x [...] a-na zi-kir _mu_-ia ip-ta-la-hu _ARAD_-u2-ti ir-ri-szu?

    da-na-an an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)marduk (d)zar-pa-ni-tum (d)ag (d)tasz-me-tum _en-mesz_-ia at-ta-'i-id-ma al-bi-in ap-pi _e2?_ a2-ki-it (d)en-lil2-u2-ti-ka at-man-ka? x x x szu-bat te-re-e-ti-ka? [...] la-ba-risz il-lik-u2?-ma? [...] tem-me-en-sza2 la i?-[...] [...] x _igi_ [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters of the world, creation of the hands of the gods Ashur and Ninlil, chosen of the gods Sîn, Shamash, Adad, beloved of the god Marduk, Zarpanitu, favorite of the god Nabû and the goddess Tashmetu, wise prince, commander of the army, faithful shepherd, shepherd of the extensive people, faithful shepherd who does not break up the multitudes, whose praises the gods Ashur, Ninlil, Bel, and Nabû have made manifest forever.

    son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria; son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria; descendant of Balatu; Lugalgina, king of the world, king of Assyria; general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad; provider of cult centers; who completes sanctuaries; who establishes sattukku offerings, ...; who reveres the deities Ashur, Ninlil, Sîn, Shamash, Adad, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, Tupnun, Ishtar of Nineveh;

    The Ishtar of Ekishmuri, the Ishtar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, who from his childhood until his youth they marched after them and became angry, their gods with prayer and wisdom I made manifest. Their hearts were filled with joy. The great gods in my mother's heart to my kingship he called me. Their good omens over me he smote. My priesthood ...

    kings ... ... great rulers who ... and ... to their aid they appointed, the god Ashur and the goddess ... broad wisdom they granted to me. All of my scribal art they made great. In the assembly of the people they made the mention of my name great. ... they uttered my name ... my enemies ... my foes ... ... ... I established for my enemies. A bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, precious stones,

    To the one who trusts in the command of Bel and Beltiya, the one who makes a mighty task of war and battle, I skilledly did. At Kahilisu, the seat of Zarpanitu, the one who is clad in awe, I presented a bed of ebony, a durable wood, whose reddish gold I fashioned, to Marduk, the one who loves my reign, I presented. I made silver, gold, precious stones, copper, iron, and everything I had done for the Ekur, and I deposited it in the Esagil, the palace of the gods. I built Esabad, the temple of Gula, which is in Babylon.

    I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations.

  • 6 fierce wild bulls of silver, guardians of my royal path,
  • at the gate of the gudu-priests, the gate opposite Shamshi, and the gate of the lamassu-demons, in Ezida, which is in Borsippa, I erected a reddish kunû-glass, whose weight is fifty minas, for the finest ... in Emesharra, the dwelling? ... I erected. ... the bright dwelling, the dwelling of the godizigar, 133 talents of shiny zahalû-glass I fashioned and for the numinous appearance of the bed, the seat of Ezida, I had it made. Two silver perks, shiny silver, whose weight is fifty talents, their weight

    I made a great sacrifice in the Kamah and the Namtila gates for the journey of his exalted rulership to the highlands. ... ... ... ... ... ... their lives I made great and made them bow down to my yoke. His daughter? and the daughters of his brothers with his heavy payment to do obeisance he brought before me. Yahi-Milki, his son, who since the time of the sea had not crossed,

    Afterwards, Iakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, who resides in the middle of the sea, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to me ... ... his daughter with a large dowry to do obeisance to Nineveh brought and Uallî ... he bowed down to him. ... After that, Uallî, his son, sat on his throne. The might of the gods Ashur, Ninlil, ..., and Ishtar of Nineveh .

    The great gods, my lords, saw it and bowed down to my yoke. Concerning his life, his limbs he loosened, and he smashed them. My lordly majesty, Erisinni, the son of Riddinu, to Nineveh wrote to me and ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and ... came before me. Concerning the well-being of my kingship he inquired, he smashed my lips, he smashed my lordly majesty,

    ... Tugdammû?, the evil seed ... ... he trusted in his own strength and ... like the bite of many locusts ... he ... and to? do battle and war in the territory of Assyria he smashed his camp ... he smashed and ... ... the goddesses Ninurta and Ishtar of Arbela ... he sinned against his command and he smashed their .

    By the word of their great divinity, where they were placed, ... ... the Witch fell from heaven and he, his troops, his camp, he plundered them. Tugdammî became frightened and a terror struck him. ... to Harzalê ... ... he took. ... the people of his land against him rebelled and ... a life he established. In a rebellion he sat and ... the praise of my gods in the assembly of his troops he spoke ... their ... fear of the gods Ashur, Sin, Shamash,

    ... the goddesses ..., Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and his envoys, who were full of joy and peace, ... his ... with horses ... horses, his lordly ..., ... a heavy arrow, his heavy tribute he sent and he kissed my feet. To not harm the border of Assyria, the great gods

    he entrusted to him, and strengthened his ties with him. This oath, the oath of the great gods, my lords, he swore, and they swore against him, and he went up to the border of Assyria. Evil where a linen garment was ripped off, to the border of Assyria he went up to his place. The awe-inspiring radiance of the weapons of Assyria overwhelmed him, and he went up to his feet. He swore ..., he swore, and he imposed his great yoke.

    he sat down with his muttashu-demon and a sigh of terror was set up in his heart. ... his ... were not able to fight. His troops ... his tongue was swollen and he died. His ears in ... and ... a ewe did not ... life ... ... ... fear ... they sat down ... their rakbu-officiants ... my horses ... the rest of the enemies ... your fierce weapons your divinity defeated ... ... he became frightened at the mention of my name, his servant he swore.

    I have praised the might of the deities Ashur, Ninlil, Marduk, Zarpanitu, Nabû, and Tashmetu, my lords, and I have fashioned a wall for the temple of the akitu-priest of Enlil, your lordship, ... the seat of your sworn oaths, ... ... ... its foundations ... ... .

    P514723: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x x x [...] a-na? ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz kur_-ia? [...] ki-i mul-ta-'u-u2-ti a sal nap [...] u2-s,i ina _edin_ asz2-ri rap-szi el-la-mu-u2-a szur-bu-te la-ab-bi i-lit-ti hur-sza2-a-ni ez-zu-u2-te tar-ba-s,u isz-hi-t,u ina 1(disz)-et u2-re-ia s,i-mit-ti ru-kub _en_-ti-ia

  • 1(u) _usz_ u4-mu ina a-la-ki
  • sza ur-mah-hi na-ad-ru-ti ina _1(disz)-ta-am3_ (gesz)szil-ta-hi nap-sza2-te-szu2-nu ap-ru-u' ik-szu-dam-ma _(iti)sze iti_ i-sin-ni _e2_ a2-ki-it sza szar-ra-ti _(d)isz-tar-mesz_ sza _dingir-mesz ad-mesz_-sza2 a-na sza2-kan szi-tul5-ti pa-ra-as _esz-bar_ i-pa-ah-hu-ru pa-nu-usz-sza2 u2-bi-la-an-ni lib3-bi a-na (iri)limmu2-dingir _iri_ re-me-ni-ti sza su-up-pu-sza2 _du10-ga_ bu-un-ni (d)isz-tar _gaszan_-ia hi-it-bu-s,u-ma it-ta-nab-sza2-a ina kar-[...] a-na a-mar _dingir_-ti-sza2 s,ir-ti

    sza la i-szab-bu-u2 la-lu-u2 _ha_ x [...] as-su-uq _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ sza x [...] sza? kub?-bu?-ru? mesz-re-e-ti sza _ki_ x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... for the observation of the people of my land ... like a slanderer ... ... in the wide steppe, my mighty, supreme, the satrap of the fierce mountains, he slew. In my first campaign, the scepter of my lordship,

  • 10 days in the journey
  • of the lions of the sand dunes, with one-twelfth of their shitahu-wood, their food, they gathered, and in the month Addaru, the month of the festival of the temple of the queen, the goddesses of the gods, her fathers, to the place of the shitahu-offerings, the shitahu-offerings, the shitahu-offerings, the decision of her own accord, they sent to me, and in the heart of the city Arbela, the merciful city whose shitahu-offerings are good, the strength of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, he smote, and in the kar... to see her exalted divinity

    who do not desire ... ... I rationed large horses of ... ... of the ..., the sanctuaries of ... .

    P514724: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    x x x? x [...] (d)marduk _abgal dingir-mesz_ uz-nu ra-pa-asz2-tu ha-si-su pal-ka-a isz-ru-ka szi-rik-te (d)ag _dub-sar_ gim-ri ih-ze ne2-me-qi-szu2 i-qi-sza2-an-ni a-na qisz-ti (d)nin-urta (d)u-gur dun-ni zik-ru-te e-mu-qi la sza2-na-an u2-szar-szu-u gat-ti szin-na-at _abgal_ a?-da-pa3 a-hu-uz ni-s,ir-tu2 ka-tim-tu2 kul-lat t,up-szar-ru-tu2 [...] _mu-an?-na-mesz_-ia sza sza2-qi2-isz u2-szi-bu ina? _(gesz)gu-za ad_ ba-ni-ia e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia u2-szak-lil

    _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 _ku3-sig17_ hu-usz-szu-u2 u2-szal-bisz u2-nam-mir ki-ma u4-mi an-szar2 _en gal?_-u2 a-na lib3-bi u2-sze-rib ina e2-hur-sag-gu-la at-man _dingir_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-szib _(udu)siskur-mesz_ tasz-ri-ih-ti ma-har-szu2 aq-qi2-ma u2-szam-hi-ra kad3-ra-a-a [...] e2-sag-gil2 u babila2(ki) [...] _en en-en_ esz-szisz ar-s,ip [...] x _gesz-hur-mesz_-szu2 u2-kin-ma _bara2-mesz_-szu2? ki-ma szi-t,ir _an_-e u2-ban-ni u2-sze-pisz-ma? (gesz)er-mi a-nu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_

    is,-s,i da-re-e sza2 szit-nu-nu sza2-ma-mesz

  • 3(u) 4(disz) _gun_ 2(u) _ma-na ku3-sig17_ ru-usz-szu-u2
  • kip-pat-su u2-szal-bisz-ma u2-dan-ni-na rik-se-szu2 _bara2-mah_-hu at-man _dingir_-ti-szu2 s,ir-te sza2 e-li gi-pisz tam-tim gal-la-te na-du-u2 [...] (d)marduk e-mu-qi-ia _mah-mesz_ a-na na-ra-ru-ti ha-mat _lugal-mesz_ _(lu2)nam-mesz _arad_-mesz_-ni da-gil2 pa-ni-ia ur-ru-hisz t,e3-e-mu asz2-kun-szu2-nu-ti har-ra-an (kur)mu-s,ur u2-sza2-asz2-ki-na _giri3-min_-szu2-un szam-risz ha-an-t,isz ir-du-u2 il-li-ku a-di (iri)kar-ba-ni-ti (disz)tar-qu-u2 _man_ (kur)ku-u-si x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... Marduk, the sage of the gods, the broad wisdom, your friend, the scepter of Nabû, the scribe of all, he swore to me, his wisdom he gave me. For the life of Ninurta and Nergal, the sage, the sage, the unrivalled strength, he made great. The sage Adapa, the one who holds the secrets, the sage of all scribal art ... my years, which I sat on the throne of the father who created me, the Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of Ashur, my lord, he completed.

    His walls with reddish gold he decorated and made shine like daylight. Ashur, the great lord, to the heart he made enter. In the Ehursaggula, the seat of his divinity, he settled. I offered sumptuous offerings before him and presented them to him. My kadrû-festival ... the Esangila and Babylon ... the lord of lords anew I built. ... I built his plans and his daises I made as bright as the stars lit. "writing" of heaven. I had cedars as well as musukkannu-wood

    The mighty arrows that are the ...,

  • 34 talents 20 minas of red gold,
  • he surrounded its base and reinforced its support. The throne-dais, the seat of his exalted divinity, which is above the sway of the great sea, ... Marduk, my exalted strength, for the steles of the kings and governors, servants who belonged to me, iii 20' quickly gave me orders. I made them take the road to Egypt. They quickly bowed down and went, until Karbanitu, Tarqu, the king of Kush, .

    P514725: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    ina _mu-an-na_-szu2 na-pisz-ta-szu2 iq-ti il-lik nam-mu-szi-szu2 (disz)en-ba-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza2 is,-lu-u _(gesz)szudun en_-ti-ia ina ni-szik _pesz2_ isz-ta-kan na-pisz-tu2 [...] isz-szi a-ga-nu?-ti?-la? me?-e? ma?-lu-u-ti [...] _lugal_-us-su isz-ki-pu _bala_-szu2 e-ki-mu be-lut? (kur)elam-ma(ki) u2-szal-qu-u sza2-nam-ma ar-ka (disz?)te-um-man hi-ri-is, _gal5-la2_ u2?-szib? ina _(gesz?)gu-za_ (disz)ur-ta-ki a-na da-a-ki _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _dumu?-me?_ (disz?)um?-man-al-dasz

    isz-ta-ne2-'i _munus-hul_ (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)um-man-ap-pa (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ku-dur2-ru (disz)pa-ru-u2 _dumu-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-dasz _lugal_ a-lik pa-ni (disz)ur-ta-ki a-di 1(gesz2)-szu _numun lugal_ ina la mi3-ni _erin2-mesz (gesz)pan dumu-mesz_ ba-ne2-e sza2 (kur)elam(ki) sza la-pa-an da-a-ki (disz)te-um-man in-nab-tu-u-nim-ma is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-u-ti-ia szu-ut _ug3-mesz_ an-nu-ti mun-nab-ti

    um-ma _un-mesz?_ szu-a-tu-nu szu-bi-lam-ma sza2-ni-a-nu um-ma al-la-kam-ma it-ti-ka ep-pu-sza2 mit-hu-s,u-tu at-kil a-na a-mat an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 nina(ki) (d)1(u)-5(disz) sza2 limmu2-dingir(ki) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 u2-tak-kil-u-in-ni qi2-bit pi-i-szu2 er-hu ul am-gur2 _ug3-mesz_ szu-a-tu-nu ul ad-din-szu2 [...] qi2-bit pi-i-szu2 er-hu _dingir-mesz_ e-zi-zu?-ma e-mi3-du-usz hi-t,i?-x x? ina u4-me-szu2-ma mi-ih-ru im-hur-szu2-ma

    _nundum_-su uk-tam?-bil?-ma? _igi-min_-szu2 is-hur-ma

    AI Translation

    In that year his life came to an end and he went to live. Enbasha of the land Gambulu, who had cast off the yoke of my lordship, with the sling of a turban he set up a life ... he sat on the throne. The agannu-ti? river?, the ... river, ... his king he smashed. His reign he abandoned, and the lordship of the land Elam he plundered. Later Teumman, the great lion, sat on the throne of Urtaku. To save the sons of Urtaku, the sons of Ummanaldashu,

    Fear of Ummanigash, Ummanappa, and Tammaritu, sons of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, Kudurru and Parrû, sons of Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king who came before Urtaku, together with 100 king's offspring, without number, the archers and nobles of the land Elam who had fled from the battle of Teumman, fled and grasped the feet of my royal majesty, who killed these people.

    "The people? of those I have brought to you, and the other one, saying: "Come, and work with you!" I have trusted in the word of the deities Ashur, Ninlil, Sîn, Shamash, Bel, Nabû, Ishtar of Nineveh, and Ishtar of Arbela, the great gods, my lords, who have encouraged me, by his angry command I did not turn back. By his angry command I did not give them back. By his angry command the gods were angry and they were frightened. At that time, a mishap was received from him and

    he smashed his scepter and turned his eyes to the ground.

    P514726: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    pu-luh-ti _lugal_-u2-ti-ia sza2 u2-za-'i-nu-in-ni an-szar2 (d)en u (d)ag (kur)elam-ma(ki) is-hu-up-ma _un-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) s,e-e-er? (disz)in-da-bi-bi ib-bal-ki-tu-ma i?-na-ru-usz i-na _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ (disz)um-man-al-ta-asz2 _dumu_ (disz)at-ta-me-tu u2-sze-szi-bu ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 ina u4-me-szu2 _du6-ku3 ki-nam-tar-tar-(re)-e-ne_ szu-bat (d)lugal-dim3-me-er-an-ki [...] [...] x _dingir-mesz_ s,i-ir?-[...] [...] _nam-mesz_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Fear of my royal majesty, which he had caused to be imposed upon me, overwhelmed the gods Ashur, Bel Marduk, and Nabû and the people of the land Elam rebelled against Indabibi and they fought with him. With the weapons of Ummanaltash Humban-haltash III, son of Atta-metu, they placed him on his throne. At that time, the Duku, the kinamtartar temple, the seat of Lugaldimmiteanki ... ... the gods exalted? ... ... ... destinies .

    P514727: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x _an? e_ x [...] [...] (disz)te-um-man [...] [...] x-tim? _lugal_ sza2 x [...] [...] x x? x _na? e?_ [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] (d?)ag? [...] [...] x x x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x? [...] [...] _din?_ x [...] [...] u3? [...] [...] x x [...] [...] al-la?-kam-ma [...] [...] an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...] [...] e?-la?-mu?-u [...] (disz)in-da-bi-bi _ARAD_-su? [...] [...] _uz_-zu?-szu?-nu?-ti? [...] [...] x (disz)in-da-bi-bi [...] [...] (kur)elam-ma(ki) x [...]

    (disz)in-da-bi-bi sza _ugu?-[...]_ [...]-pa-ra [...] szu-ut? me-re?-he?-e-ti? [...] an-szar2? (d)nin-lil2 (d?)[...] ip-ta?-a? u2-s,al-la-a [...] [...]-szu2?-u?-ni [...] [...] _erin2-hi-a_-ia [...] [...] _ti_ x [...] [...] _bi?_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... Teumman ... king who ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Anshardua, king of Assyria ... Elam ... Indabibi, his servant ... their ... ... Indabibi ... Elam .

    Indabibi, who ... ... ... ... those who were ..., ... the gods Ashur, Ninlil, and ... opened up and ... ... ... my troops ...

    P514728: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] x [...] [...] x x x x? x [...] [...] x x x _u2_ x [...] _erin2-mesz me3_-ia ina (iri)man-gi-si sza2 qe2-reb (iri?)su-man-dir _edin_-usz-szu2-un e-lu-nim-ma? isz?-ku?-nu? tah?-ta-szu2-un sza (disz)un-da?-si? _dumu_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza (disz)za-za-az (disz)par-ru-u2 (disz)at-ta-me-tu _sag-du-mesz_-szu?-nu? _ku5?_-su?-nim-ma u2-bil-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia szu-ut a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-ti _(lu2)a kin_-ia u2-ma-'e-er s,e-er (disz)um-man-i-gasz

    (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza2 a-na sza2-al szul-mi3-szu2 asz2-pu-ru ik-la-ma la u2-ter-ra tur-ti a-mat-ia an-szar2 (d)sin (d)utu (d)en [...] [...] (d)nusku? x? _an_ [...] _dingir-mesz_ ti?-ik-le-ia di-in kit-ti it-ti (disz)um-man-i-gasz i-di-nu-in-ni [...] x x x [...] [...] x x x [...]

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... my battle troops in Mangisi which is in the city Sumandir, they came up against them and brought about their defeat. Of Undasi, son of Teumman, king of the land Elam, of Zazazaz, Parrû, and Atta-metu, their heads were cut off and brought to me. Before me, a messenger of mine sent word of these matters to Ummanigash.

    The eunuch of mine whom I had sent to inquire about his well-being, sinned and did not return to my small supplications. The deities Ashur, Sîn, Shamash, Bel Marduk, ..., Nusku? ... ... the gods who support me, gave me a just verdict with Ummanigash ...

    P514729: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] e-pu-szu-usz [...] _munus-hul_ [...]-mu [...] x _sza2?_ [...]-u2-ti [...] x-ti [...]-ti-ia [...]-pal-su-ma [...] x_-za_ [...] x-szu [...] a-ra-mu [...] x [...] x [...] x x x [...] _alam_ (disz)ha-lu-si mu-nar-rit, [...] a-di _alam-mesz lugal-mesz_ [...] sza2 e-pu-szu2 be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-ti szal-la-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti a-na ta-mar-ti _ug3-mesz egir-mesz_ ina nina(ki) ina _ka2 e2-gal_-ia ul-ziz? ki-mah-hi _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-szu2-nu ap-pul aq-qur

    (d)na-na-a sza2 ul-tu _gesz2-u gesz2-u_ 7(disz) _usz_ 1(u) 5(disz) _mu-an-na-mesz_ ta-asz2-bu-szu-ma tu-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-ti-sza2 a-di u4-mu im-lu-u2 ik-szu-da a-dan-nu a-lak-sza2 a-na unu(ki) e-reb-sza2 a-na e2-hi-li-an-na? iq-bu-u2 _lugal_ x [...] ina qi2-bit an-szar2? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... I did ... evil ...

    Nanaya, who from the ages of the ages of the ages of the seventy-five years lived and stayed in a place not befitting her, until the day had passed, reached, the time limit of her journey to Uruk, her enterer to Ehiliana? he said. The king ... by the command of Ashur? .

    P514730: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-ibila [...] bi-nu-ut _szu-min_ an-szar2 [...] _dumu (disz)an-szar2-pap-szum2-na_ [...] [...] [...] [...] e-pisz x [...] [...] (d)ag ina ni-szi _igi-min-mesz_-szu2-nu [...] [...] u2-szak-lil _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 [...] [...] _gaszan_-ia sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) e2-gaszan-kalam-ma x [...] [...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ma-ha-zi-szu2-nu [...] [...] _zabar an-bar_ [...] [...] _bara2-mesz_-szu2 _ku3-mesz_ [...]

    [...] e2-mes-lam _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 gu2-du8-a(ki) [...] [...] mi?-na-a-ti si-mat e2-kur sza2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ [...] [...] (d)na-na-a _gaszan gal_-tu2 ul-tu [...] [...] ina e2-hi-li-an-na sza2 ta-ram-mu [...] [...] x ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil sat-tuk-ki-szu2-nu bat,-lu-tu [...] [...] _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u2-szal-li-mu _an-dul3_-szu2-nu _du10-ga ugu_-ia it-ru-s,u-ma [...] [...] a-na _(gesz)szudun_-ia u2-szak-ni-szu? [...]

    [...] x ma-hir ul i-szi (iri)ni-i' _iri lugal_-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si _kur_-ud [...] [...] a-di la ba-sze-e u2-sza2-lik _dingir-mesz_-szu2 _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_-szu2 [...] [...] it-ti (disz)tug-dam-mi3-i _lugal erin2_-man-da _numun_ hal-ga-te-e [...] [...] a?-ni-ir u2-szam-qit (kur)ma-ta-a-a (kur)man-na-a-a (kur?)[...] [...] (kur?)x-up-pi u (kur)qa-de-e sza2 ina a-hi [...] [...] asz2?-bu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)en? (d)ag (d)[...]

    [...] ul-tu tam-tim e-li-ti sza szul-mu _(d)utu_-szi a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti sza s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi [...] [...] la na-par-ka-a man-da-at-ta-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 [...] [...] (d)en? x x x [...] (d)marduk (d)zar-pa-ni-tum [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, ..., creation of the hands of the god Ashur, ..., son of Esarhaddon, ... ... ... ... ... ... the god Nabû, among the people ... their eyes ... he completed his walls ... my lady, who is inside Nineveh, the Egashankalamma temple ... the great gods, my lords, their cult centers ... bronze, iron, ... his holy dais .

    ... Emeslam, the temple of Nergal of Cutha ... ... the dimensions of the Ekur, which is made of silver and gold ... Nanaya, the great lady, from ... in Ehiliana, which is called ... I built and completed. Their sattukku offerings I performed. ... the great gods, my lords, I made whole. Their good sattukku offerings I performed on me and ... to my bow I made bow .

    ... ... he did not know. The city Nî, the royal city of Egypt and Kush, he conquered. ... he made his gods and his goddesses bow down at his feet. ... with Tugdammî, king of the troops of Mannea, the ...-sheep, ..., ..., and Qade, which are on the border of ... I ... by the command of the deities Ashur, Mullissu, Bel, Nabû, .

    ... from the Upper Sea of the Well-being of Shamash to the Lower Sea of the Rising Sun ... ... without interruption, his heavy payment ... ... Bel ... Marduk, Zarpanitu .

    P514731: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum sza ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di _(gesz)na2 (gesz)esi_ is,-s,i da3-re-e sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szat a?-na? (d)marduk ra-im _bala-mesz_-ia a-qisz [...] a-a?-ak-ku _ku3_ szu-bat ru-bu-ti-szu2 x x [...]-uk-tu2 a-na (d)marduk _en_-ia esz-szisz ar-s,ip [...] 2(disz) per-ku _ku3-babbar_ eb-ba sza _asz4 gun-ta-am3? ki-la2_-szu2-nu [...]-a-ni u _ka2-mesz_-ni u2-hum-mesz _suhusz-mesz_-szu2-nu u2-kin

    [...] 6(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-u-ti-ia [...] ina _ka2_ e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz [...] ki-zalag2-ga szu-bat (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u2 eb-bu ap-tiq-ma [...] _dingir?_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti ma-har-szu2 u2-szat-ri-is, [...] _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na?_ is,-s,i? da3-re-e sza2 5(u) _ma-na ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szat [...] szu-bat (d)a-nu-ti-szu2 ina at-man (d)ag _en_-ia2 u2-szar-szid

    [...] sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ lu uh-hi-iz [...] e2-mes-lam _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 qe2-reb _gu2-du8-a(ki?)_ sza2 e-na-hu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-us-su ud-disz mi-qit-ta-szu2 ad-ke ina _(gesz)u3-szub (gesz)esi (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ hi-bisz-ti _szim-hi-a saga-hi-a_-szu2 al-bi-in al-lu u2-szat-rik-ma usz-te-esz-sze-ra _usz8_-szu2 ina _iti du10-ga_ u4-me sze-mi3-i ina i3-gu-la-a _i3 du10-ga ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ ad-di tem-me-en-szu2 u2 ad-da-a _si-gar_-szu2

    ina _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)ka (gesz)esi (gesz)taszkarin (gesz?)kim3?_ u _(gesz)umbin_ us-si-ma szi-kit-ti _e2_ ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ina szi-pir (d)kulla ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-la-a re-szi-szu2 [...] _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2 _[...]-mesz_-szu2 _um?-[...]_ (disz)x [...] x [...] _igi_ [...] x [...] (disz)[...] x [...] [...]-x x x? [...] [...] e-te-et-ti-qu szal-mi3-isz [...] [...] _ta nina(ki) iri_ na-ram (d)isz-tar _gaszan_ nina(ki) [...]

    [...] (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _lugal_ (kur)a-ri-bi [...] [...] ina _ugu?_ gu-ub-ba-ni sza2 _a-mesz_ [...] [...] _erin2-hi-a_-ia _a-mesz_ a-na masz-ti-ti-szu2-nu ih-bu-ma [...] [...] qaq-qar s,u-um-me-e a-szar lap-lap-ti [...] [...] x [...] [...] x x [...] har-ra-an? (kur)di-masz-qa? u2-sza2-asz2-ki-na? sze-pu-usz-szu2-un (disz)a-bi-ia-te-e' (disz)a-a-am-mu i-na? qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri bal-t,u-us-su-nu us,-s,ab-bit ina qa-ti

    _szu-min_ u _giri3-min_ bi-re-tu2 _an-bar_ ad-di-szu2-nu-ti it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu2-nu al-qa-asz2-szu2-nu-ti ana _kur_ an-szar2(ki) mun-nab-ti? sza2? la-pa-an? _(gesz)tukul-mesz?_ an-szar2 in-nab-tu2 is,-ba-tu (kur)hu-uk-ku-ru-na _kur_-u2 mar-s,u a-szar kup-pi nam-ba-'i sza2 _a-mesz_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 _en-nun-mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-sza2-an-s,ir-ma _a-mesz ti-la_ na-pisz-ti-szu-nu ak-la masz-ti-tu u2-sza2-qir a-na pi-i-szu2-nu ina s,u-um?-me?-e lap-lap-ti isz-ku-nu na-pisz-tu2

    _ug3-mesz nita_ u _munus ansze-mesz ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz gu4-mesz_ u _u8-udu-hi-a_ (ina la mi3-ni) asz2-lu-la u2-za-'i-iz a-na _ug3-mesz kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina qa-bal-ti _kur_-ia _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ ina 1(disz) _gin2_ 1/2(disz) _gin2_ kas-pi i-szam-mu ina _ka2_ ma-hi-ri (munus)asz2-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni _(lu2)lunga2_ ina ha-be2-e _(lu2)nu-(gesz)kiri6_ ina ki-szi-szu2 sza2 _u2-sar_ im-da-na-ha-ru _ansze-a-ab-ba-mesz_ u3 a-me-lu-tu [...] (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' [...] x x? in-nab-tu ma-har? (disz)na-at-na?

    [...] sza2 a-na [...] [...] x x [...] (d)1(u)-5(disz) x x? [...] ia-a-ti (disz)an-szar2-du3-a [...] ha-disz nap-lis-in-ni? [...] _dingir-mesz_ su?-[...] _ti-la zi-mesz?_-ia? [...] _(gesz)gidri_ [...] _a_ [...]

    AI Translation

    ... in Kahilisu, the seat of Zarpanitu, who is clad in a shalhu-cloth, I gave. A bed of ebony, a durable wood, whose reddish gold I fashioned for Marduk, the one who loves my reign, ... a silver ... his royal residence ... ... I built anew for Marduk, my lord. ... 2 perku of high quality silver whose weight is one talent each, ... ... and gates I erected, their foundations I firmly established.

    ... 6 wild bulls of silver, guardians of my royal path, ... at the gate of Ezida, which is inside Borsippa, I erected. ... bright, the dwelling of the godizigar, 133 talents of shiny zahalû-metal I fashioned and ... his great divinity before him I made manifest. ... a meskannu-wood, a durable wood, whose weight is 50 minas of reddish gold, ... the dwelling of his Anunitu I built at the threshing floor of Nabû, my lord.

    ... which is in Nineveh, I plated with silver and gold. ... the Emeslam, the temple of Nergal that is in Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I restored its dilapidated sections. I re-built its dilapidated sections. I hung its ... on ebony, meskannu-wood, ebony, juniper, and aromatics. I trimmed it, and I made it last for a long time. In a favorable month, on the day of the equinox, I poured oil, good oil, silver, and gold. I firmly fixed its foundation and I secured its bolts.

    With musukkannu-wood, ebony, boxwood, tashkarin, shimu-wood, and tin, I fashioned the structure of the house from its foundations to its crenellations by the craft of Kulla and completed its construction. ... I roofed it with beams of cedar. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I passed. The whole ... from Nineveh, the city beloved of Ishtar, the lady of Nineveh,

    ... Uaite', king of the land of the Arabs, ... on the quay of water ... my troops poured water for their mashtitu-offerings and ... the outskirts, the place of hunger ... ... ... ... he made their way? on the road? of Damascus. Abi-Yate' and Aya-ammu by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, in the middle of battle captured them alive.

    I gave them hands and feet of iron shields. With the booty of their land I gave them. To Assyria, the fugitives who had fled from the weapons of Ashur, they took. The rugged mountain of Hukkuruna, where the guards were stationed, where the water as much as there was, I kept safe and the water of their life I took. Their life I made abundant. In the midst of the wrath they placed a fugitive.

    The people, male and female, donkeys, camels, oxen, and sheep and goats without number I carried off. To the people of Assyria in the midst of my land, camels for 1 1/2 shekels of silver he gave. At the gate before me, the woman Ashtammu at the ninnu, the brewer at the quay, the orchardist at his side, who the inscribed object he seized, camels and people ... Uaite' ... ... he took. Before Natna?

    ... who to ... ... ... Ishtar ... ... my brother Assurbanipal ... joyfully ... the gods ... life of my life ... a sceptre ... .

    P514732: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)nin-lil2 ru-ba-tu s,ir-tu e-tel-lat (d)i2-gi3-gi3 u (d)gesz2-u sza2-ru-uh-tum i-la2-a-ti szar-rat szar-ra-a-ti (d)isz-tar ta-na-da-a-ti sza2 ku-uz-bu za-a'-nat ma-lat nam-ri-ri be-el-tu szur-bu-tu2 sza ina _dingir-mesz_ kul?-lat? da-ad2-me szu-tu-qat2 be-lut-sa szur-ba-a-ta _dingir_-us-sa (d)zib2 be-let _du3_ mim-ma szum-szu2 sza2 ina pat, sza2-ma-me u qaq-qa-ri s,a-bi-ta-at? mar-kas bu-ru-um-me _ku3-mesz_ sza2 ina _an_-e rap-szu-ti szur-szu2-du gis-gal-la-sza2? [...]

    hi-rat? (d)en-lil2-la2 _dingir-mesz_ sza2-qu-u2 _lugal an_-e u _ki_-tim mu-szim szi-ma-a-ti _ama dingir-mesz_ sza qi2-bit-sa la in-nen-nu-u2 la ut-tak-ka-ru s,i-it pi-i-sza2 ha-mi3-mat _garza-mesz_ (d)a-num szu-qu-ru-ti ta-me-hat pi-qi2-ti (d)en-lil2-u-ti ri-im-tu2 sza2-qu-tu2 sza2 qar-na-sza2 ed-da mu-nak-ki-pat za-'i-ri [...] ka-bi-sa-at? asz2-t,u-ti ra-ki-pat _u4-mesz gal-mesz_ sza2 ina _dingir-mesz_ ge-ru-sza2 la i-szu-u ina _(d)1(u)-5(disz)-mesz_ la ib-szu2-u [...]

    sa-par-sza2 szu-par-ru-ru a-na a-a-bi szu-nu-ul-lu ina gesz-par-ri-sza2 la ip-pa-rasz-szi-du na-ki-ru? [...]-ni i?-na i-di le-'u-u2-ti sza2 nap-har ka-la ta-be2-lu-ma _kur-kur du3_-szi-na tu-szak-ni-szu2 a-na? ni?-ri-sza2 an-tum reme2-ni-tum le-qat2 un-ni-ni sze-ma-at ik-ri-bi na-s,i-rat na-pisz-ti qa-i-szat _ti-la_ a-li-kat3 i-di _lugal_ mi-gir-i-sza2 sza ina _pap-hal bad4_ u2-sze-zi-bu _nun_ pa-lih-sza2 a-szi-bat nina(ki) _iri ku3_

    szu-bat x? x _dingir-mesz gal-mesz gaszan gal_-tu _gaszan_-ia a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ti-ri-is, _szu-min_-ki? _szagina_ mut-nen-nu-u sza2-'i-it, ni-ri-ki ki-s,ir [...] _u mu szu2_ [...] u2-sza-pu-ma u2-s,al-lu-u be-lut-ki a-na x [...] x _an_ x [...] ib-sza2-a? _gesztu-min_-szu2 [...] ina er-bi qi2-sza2-a-ti _sza3-gi-guru6-a_ tes2-li-ti [...] sza2-pal-ki [...]

    _dumu_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki)-ma _sza3-bala-bala (disz)lugal-gi-na man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _szagina_ babila2(ki) _man kur eme-gi7_ u uri(ki) sza2 a-bu la u2-rab-ban-ni la is,-pu-pan-ni kap-pi [...] x _tar_ x [...] nu-bal-lu [...]_-u2_ tah-ti-nin-ni [...] x _ti_ x [...] sa?-li-mu s,u-lul-ki _du10-ga_ tu-szat-ri-s,i _ugu_-ia [...] szur-szu2-disz tu-sze-szi-bi-in-ni ina _(gesz)gu-za? ad du3_-ia

    _(d)alad_ dum-qi2 na-s,i-ru _(d)lamma_ me-sza2-ri mu-szal-li-mat? _zi?_-tim? _a2-min_-a-a lil-li-ku? [...] ina tukul-ti?-ki _gal_-ti at-ta-lak ar-ki-ki i-da-a-a tal-li-ki a-ta-tab-lak-kat [...] a-a-bi-ia ina li-i-ti da-na-ni ki-szit-ti _szu-min_ tu-sza2-zi-zi-in-ni _edin_ ga-re-ia [...] sza2 la? ut?-tak-ka-ru e-pesz _lugal_-u-ti-ia taq-bi-i ana _u4-mesz_ da-ru-te [...] isz-re-e-te [...] an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2

    ina ni-isz _igi-min_-szu2-nu _saga-mesz_ ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma iq-bu-u _za_ [...] ina qi2-bi?-ti-ki s,ir-te a-na szuk-lul esz-re-e-ti za-na-an ma-ha-zi szu-te-szur par-s,e ki-du-de-e [...] x asz2-kun-ma e2-hur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra _e2_ an-szar2 _en_-ia sza2 (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _ad_ ba-nu-u-a la ig-mu-ra szi-pir-szu2 i-na qi2-bit an-szar2 _en gal_-e _en_-ia szi-pir-szu2 ag-mur-ma _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar_ (gesz)tim-me _(gesz)eren-mah-mesz_

    me-ser _ku3-babbar_ u2-rak-kis ina _ka2_ hi-s,ib _kur-kur_ az-qup an-szar2 ina e2-szar2-ra tam-szil _e2_ (d)en-lil2 sza2 _an_-e u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti e2-masz-masz _e2 (d)nin-lil2 gaszan_-ia at-ma-nu mu-szab be-lu-ti-sza2 _ka2-mesz_-szu2 sip-pi-szu2 _si-gar_-i-szu2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ lu-u uh-hi-iz a2-ki-tu mu-szab be-lu-ti-sza2 sza _u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam_ sza2 _(iti)ab gaszan gal_-tu us,-s,u-ma u2-szal-la-mu [...] par-s,e-sza2? ul-tu u4-me? _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia

    im-ma-szu-ma ina si-ma-ti-sza2 _libir-ra-mesz gin7_ sza2 mah-ri la szu-pu-sza2-tu i-na-an-na a-na-ku ina a-gur2-ri? tam-lit _(na4)zu2 (na4)za-gin3_ a-na si-hir-ti-sza2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil lu-le-e u2-mal-li da-ad-me na-ki-ri sza ik-szu2-da _szu-min_-a-a si-ma-a-ti na-ki-ri sza2 ina qi2-bit _dingir_-u2-ti-sza2 s,ir-ti asz2-tak-ka-nu u3 _lugal-mesz_ la kan-szu2-ti-ia ina szi-pir (d)nin-za2-dim2 _ugu_-sza2 u2-s,ir e2-ki-bi-ku3-ga ziq-qur-rat nina(ki) [...]

    (gesz)ma2-tum-ma-al? _(gesz)ma2_ (d)nin-lil2 sza2 _(gesz)eren_ ab-ni-ma _ku3-babbar_ uh-hi-iz _ka2 asz-a-an_ sza2 mu-us-sah-ra?-[...] x isz-pil-lu-ur-ti a-szar pel-lu-de-e x x?-ti _lugal_ a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil ul-tu2 mim-ma szi-pir _e2_ [...]-ia e-pu-szu2 _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-'i-nu at-man (d)ag _en_-ia sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki) _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ lu-u uh-hi-iz _e2_ (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)utu (d)a-a sza2 qe2-reb nina(ki)

    a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil (d)sin (d)nin-gal (d)nusku (d)utu (d)a-a _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia [...] x ina qe2-reb-e-szu2 u2-sze-rib-ma u2-szar-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti e2-gaszan-kalam-ma [...] _e2-gar8-mesz_-szu2 u2-szal-bi-sza2 _ku3-sig17_ [...] u2-sze?-pisz babila2(ki) ud-disz e2-sag-il2 u2-szak-lil _bara2-mesz_-szu2 tam-szil sza2-ma-mi [...] be-lum (d)gaszan-mu (d)be-let-babila2(ki) (d)e2-a (d)di-ku5 [...] x ka-bat-ti [...] _udu-nita2-mesz_ [...] iq?-bu-u a-lak u2-ru-uh szul-me ra?-[...]

    _lugal_ [...]-su a-[...] _iri?_ (d)asal?-lu2?-hi? babila2(ki) [...] _bara2-mah_-hu szu-bat _dingir_-u2-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti 5(u) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu a-na a-gur2-ri ap-ti-iq-ma u2-rab-ba-a _edin_-usz-szu2 u2-sze-pisz-ma? (gesz)er-me a-nu _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na gesz_ da3-re-e [...] 3(u) 4(disz) _gun_ 2(u) _ma-na ku3-sig17 husz-a_ kip-pat-su u2-szal-bisz [...] u2-szat-ri-is,

    _(gesz)gigir_ s,ir-tum ru-kub be-lu-ti-szu2 ina _ku3-sig17 ku3-babbar na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti ag-mu-ra nab-nit-sa a-na (d)marduk _lugal_ kisz-szat _an_-e u _ki_-tim sa-pi-in _(lu2)kur2-mesz?_-ia a-na szi-rik-ti asz2-ruk _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da3-re-e sza2 pa-szal-lu lit-bu-szat _na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti za-a'-nat a-na ma-a-a-al tak-ne2-e (d)en (d)gaszan-ia sza2-kan ha-sza2-di e-pesz ru?-'a-a-me nak-lisz e-pu-usz ina ka2-hi-li-su3 masz-tak (d)zar-pa-ni-tum

    sza2 ku-uz-bu sa-al-hu ad-di _(gesz)na2 (gesz)esi_ is,-s,i da3-re-e sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szat a-na (d)marduk _man dingir-mesz_ ra-'i-im _bala_-ia aq-qisz u2-na-at _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17 na4-mesz_ ni-siq-ti _zabar an-bar_ mim-ma szi-pir e2-kur u2-sze-pisz-ma qe2-reb e2-sag-gil2 _e2-gal dingir-mesz_ u2-kin e2-sa-bad _e2_ (d)gu-la sza2 qe2-reb babila2(ki) ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil

  • 6(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ ek-du-ti na-s,i-ru ki-bi-is _lugal_-u2-ti-ia ina _ka2_ lu2-gu2-du3-e-ne
  • _ka2_ s,i-it _(d)utu_-szi u _ka2 (d)lamma-ra-bi_ ina e2-zi-da sza2 qe2-reb bar2-sipa(ki) ul-ziz _kun4? ku3-sig17 husz-a_ sza2 5(u) _ma-na ki-la2_-sza2 a-na me-le-e? sza2-qu?-u2-ti [...] ki-zalag2-ga szu-bat (d)izi-gar 1(gesz2) 2(u) 3(disz) _gun_ za-ha-lu-u eb-bu ap-tiq-ma a-na nu-um-mur _ki-ne_ si-mat e2-zi-da nak-lisz u2-sze-pisz

  • 2(disz) per-ki _ku3-babbar_ eb-bi sza2 _asz4 gun-ta-am3 ki-la2_-szu2-nu ina ka2-mah u ka2-nam-ti-la a-na tal-lak-ti ru-bu-ti-szu2 s,ir-ti hur-sza2-nisz asz2-pu-uk
  • [...] sza2 ul-tu _u4-mesz_ ul-lu-u-ti x? im-ma-szu-u szi-pir-szu2 [...] x ap-tiq-ma [...] x-szu2 e2-mes-lam _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 gu2-du8-a(ki) sza2 i-na-hu-ma il-li-ku la-ba-risz an-hu-su ud-disz mi-qit-ta-szu2 ad-ke ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _gesz-ur3-mesz (gesz)eren-mah-mesz_ u2-szat-ri-s,a _ugu_-szu2 _(gesz)ig-mesz_ (gesz)li-ia-a-ri

    sza2 e-re-si-na _du10-ga_ u2-rat-ta-a ina _ka2-mesz_-szu2 ina _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na (gesz)ka (gesz)esi (gesz)taszkarin (gesz?)kim3?_ u _(gesz)umbin_ us-si-ma _e2_ e2-hul2-hul2 _e2_ (d)sin sza2 qe2-reb (iri)kaskal sza2 ul-tu2 _u4-mesz su3-mesz?_ (d)sin? [...] x u2-szad-gi-lu pa-nu-u2-a ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di gaba-dib-bi-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil [...] u2-szal-bisz e2-me-lam2-an-na

    _e2_ (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ ab-na-a qe2-reb-szu2 2(disz) _am-mesz ku3-babbar_ mu-nak-ki-pu ga-re-ia ina at-man (d)sin _en_-ia ul-ziz 2(disz) lah3-me esz-ma-re-e sza2 ti-is,-bu-tu2 (gesz)szu-ri-in-ni (mu-szal-li-mu kib-si _lugal_-ti-ia) mu-sze-ri-bu hi-s,ib _kur_-i u tam-tim ina _ka2_ e2-hul2-hul2 ul-ziz _e2_ a2-ki-tu mu-szab? be-lu-ti-szu2? ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ [...] _(gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na gesz_ da3-re-e za-ha-lu-u eb-bu

    [...] _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ u2-za-'i-in [...] az-qup (d)sin _en_-ia [...] at-man (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ s,a-bit ab-bu-ut-ti-ia mu-szah-sis [...] (d)sin _en_-ia _ku3-babbar_ uh-hi-iz [...] x _gesz si_ x ti sza2 a-na szub-ruq [...] _anzu(muszen)-mesz? husz-mesz_ [...] e2-me-lam2-an-na _e2_ (d)nusku _sukkal mah_ im-nu u szu-me-lu ul-ziz [...] _szu-min_ (d)sin (d)nusku as,-bat-ma u2-sze-rib u2-sze-szib pa-rak da-ra-a-ti

    e2-dim-gal-kalam-ma _e2 an-gal_ sza2 |_bad3-an_|(ki) a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _an-gal_ (d)gaszan-|_bad3-an_|(ki) (d)dumu-e2 qe2-reb-szu2 u2-sze-rib-ma u2-sze-szib? pa-rak? da-ra-a-ti? _ki-tusz (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na gesz_ da3-re-e a-na mu-szab _en_-ti-szu2 _ku3-babbar_ eb-bu u2-szal-bisz [...] _ku3?-babbar_ sza2 _ku3-sig17 husz-a_ lit-bu-szu2 a-na si-hir-ti-szu2 [...] x-su

    _anzu(muszen)-mesz ku3-babbar_ eb-bi sza2 ma-lu-u pu-luh-tu a-na _ti-la zi-mesz_-ia ina _ka2_ e2-galam-mes _e2_ (d)u-gur sza2 (iri)tar-bi-s,i ul-ziz esz-ret _kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...]-szu2-nu u2-sze-pisz sat-tuk-ki u3 [...] _igi_ [...] lu-u u2-kin u2-ter asz2-ru-usz-szun3 _ugu_ nin-da-be2-e kun-nu-ti lu-u u2-sza2-tir lu-u u2-t,ah2-hi-id _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 ap-tal-la-hu-szu2-nu-ti

    ke-nisz ip-pal-su-in-ni-ma i-tap-pa-lu _a2-min_-a-a _an-dul3_-la-szu2-nu _du10-ga ugu_-ia it-ru-s,u-ma ep-sze-ti-ia _saga-mesz_ ha-disz ip-pal-su-ma ik-tar-ra-bu _lugal_-u-ti _kur-kur du3_-szi-na ul-tu tam-tim _an-ta_ a-di tam-tim szap-li-ti a-na ni-ri-ia u2-szak-ni-szu-u2-ma i-szu-t,u ab-sza2-a-ni ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2-nu s,ir-ti ina kul-lat _kur-kur_ at-tal-lak-ma ma-hi-ri ul i-szi (iri)ni-i' _iri lugal_-u-ti (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-u-si _kur_-ud szal-lat-su ka-bit-tu2 asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    (disz)ba-'a-lu _lugal_ (kur)s,ur-ri sza2 a-mat _lugal_-u-ti-ia la is,-s,u-ru (iri)hal-s,u-_mesz ugu_-szu2 u2-rak-kis ina tam-tim u na-ba-li ger-re-ti-szu2 u2-s,ab-bit a-na ni-ri-ia u2-szak-nis-su-nu-ti (disz)ia-ki-in-lu-u _lugal_ (kur)a-ru-ad-da (disz)sa-an-di-szar-me (kur)hi-lak-ka-a-a sza2 a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-szu2 a-na _(gesz)dun4_-ia (disz)gu-ug-gu _lugal_ (kur)lu-ud-di an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-nu-u2-a ni-bit _mu_-ia

    ina _masz2-ge6_ u2-szab-ri-szu2 um-ma _giri3-min_ (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) s,a-bat-ma i-na zi-kir _mu_-szu2 ku-szu-ud _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ka i-na zi-kir _mu_-ia _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-szu2 ik-szu2-ud [...] (lu2)rak-bu-szu2 sza2 szul-me it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2? ka-bit?-ti u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia (disz)u2-al-li-i _lugal?_ (kur)man-na-a-a? da-na-an? an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 _en-mesz_-ia [...] e-mur-ma? ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)dun4_-ia

    _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ man-da-at-ta-szu [...] szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a [...]-ma u2-s,a-al-la-a be-lu-u-ti ina e-muq an-szar2 _mah-mesz_ sza2 _gaba-ri_ la i-sza2-a (kur)elam-ma(ki) _dagal_-tu [...] _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) asz2-kun? [...] _iri-mesz_-szu2 dan-nu-ti _e2_ ni-s,ir-ti-szu2 a-di _iri-mesz tur-mesz_ sza2 ni-ba la i?-szu?-u ak-szud? [...]-ti-szu2 u2-nam-me (iri)szu-sza2-an (iri)pi-di-il-ma [...]

    ap-pul aq-qur [...] _a' mu dingir-mesz_ x [...]-szu2 _nig2-gur11_-szu2 szal-lat-su _dugud_-tu2 asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)um-man-i-gasz sza2 in-nab-tu is,-ba-tu _giri3-min lugal_-ti-ia ina _(gesz)gu-za_-szu2 u2-sze-szib (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu _szesz_-szu2 szal-sza2-a-a ina (iri)hi-da-a-li ap-qid (d)na-na-a sza2 ul-tu2 _u4-mesz su3-mesz_ tas-bu-szu-ma tu-szi-bu a-szar la si-ma-ti-sza2

    ul-tu2 qe2-reb (iri)szu-sza2-an u2-sze-s,a-am-ma a-na _unu(ki) iri_ be-lu-ti-sza2 u2-sze-rib-szi ina e2-an-na sza2 ta-ram-mu u2-szar-me-szi pa-rak da-ra-a-ti (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-da-si sza _egir_ a-ha-mesz e-pu-szu2 be-lut (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir u2-szak-szi-du qa-ti is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min lugal_-u-ti-ia ip-pu-szu2 _ARAD_-u-ti

    (disz)du-na-nu _dumu (disz)en-ba_-sza2 (kur)gam-bu-la-a-a sza _(gesz)dun4_ an-szar2 is,-lu-u a-na (kur)elam-ma(ki) it-tak-lu (iri)sza2-pi-i-(d)en _iri_ tu-kul-ti-szu2 sza2 ina bi-rit _id2-mesz_ na-da-at szu-bat-su ak-szu-ud sza2-a-szu2 bal-t,u-us-su ina qa-ti as,-bat it-ti szal-lat _kur_-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 al-qa-a a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)(d)muati-en-mu-mesz _dumu (disz)(d)marduk-ibila-asz _arad__ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia sza2 ina a-de-ia ih-t,u-u2 in-na-bi-tu qe2-reb (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    hat-ti an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup-szu2 _nu_ x _har_ (lu2)ki-zu-szu2 szu-u (lu2)ki-zu-szu2 ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2-nu u2-ras-si-bu a-ha-mesz (disz)um-man-al-da-si _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) pu-luh-tu2 ir-szi-ma pa-gar-szu2 u2-sze-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ia a-na ep-szet da-na-an an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 pa-gar-szu2 ul ad-din a-na qe2-be2-ri (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz_ la ke-e-nu sza2 _mun_ e-pu-szu2-usz asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u-ti babila2(ki)

    _mun_ e-pu-szu2-usz im-szi-ma _kur_ uri(ki) (kur)kal-du (kur)a-ru-mu _ARAD-mesz_ da-gil2 pa-ni-ia it-ti-ia u2-szam-kir2-ma ip-ru-sa _szesz_-ut-tu (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2? u (d)marduk _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia ep-sze-ti-szu2 _hul-mesz_ ip-pal-su-ma il-li-ku re-s,u-ti _me3_-szu2-nu dan-ni x [...] x [...] (d)gesz-bar _szu-min_-szu2 u2-sza2-hi-zu u2-szaq-mu-u2 pa-gar-szu2 (disz)u2-a-a-te-e' _lugal_ (kur)su-mu-el3

    sza2 it-ti-szu2 isz-szak-nu bal-t,u-us-su ina _szu-min_ as,-bat (disz)am-mu-la-ad-di _lugal_ (kur)qe2-da-ri ina mit-hu-s,i _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ ina _szu-min erin2-hi-a_-ia isz-sza2-kin-ma a-di mah-ri-ia il-qu-u-ni bal-t,u-us-su ul-tu _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 ka-szi-du-ti (kur)elam-ma(ki) _du3_-sza2 ik-szu-du i-na-ru (disz)ku-ra-asz2 _man_ (kur)par-su-u2-ma-asz2 (disz)pi-isz-lu-me-e _lugal_ (kur)hu-di-me-ri _lugal-mesz_ sza2 a-szar-szu2-nu ru-u2-qu sza2 ina a-hi (kur)elam-ma(ki) ul-liti asz2-bu

    pu-luh-ti an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 u3 (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir is-hup-szu2-nu-ti-ma ir-szu-u na-kut-tu2 _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2-nu sza2 t,u-u-bi u su-lum-me-e it-ti ta-mar-ti-szu2-nu _dugud_-tu2 a-na mah-ri-ia u2-bi-lu-nim-ma u2-na-asz2-szi-qu _giri3-min_-ia (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-da?-si _lugal-mesz_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) (disz)ia-u-te-e' _lugal_ (kur)su-mu-el3

    sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 u3 (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a ul-tu a-na e-pesz _(udu)siskur-mesz_ szul-lum par-s,e ina e2-szar2-ra e2-masz-masz e2-[...]-e? ina (gesz)sza2 szad-da-di ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia ki-ma mur-ni-is-qi2 as,-mid-su-nu-ti is,-ba-tu ab-sza2-ni (disz)(d)1(u)-5(disz)-bad3 _man_ (kur)ur-ar-t,i sza2 _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-szu2 a-na _ad-mesz_-ia isz-ta-nap-pa-ru-u-ni _szesz_-tu i-na-an-na da-na-an ep-sze-e-ti sza

    _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ i-szi-mu-u2-in-ni isz-me-e-ma hat-tu _ugu_-szu2 im-qut-ma isz-ta-nap-pa-ra um-ma lu-u szul-mu a-na _lugal en_-ia (disz)na-at-nu _lugal_ (kur)na-ba-a-a-ti sza2 a-szar-szu2 ru-u2-qu sza a-na _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia la kan-szu2 ik-nu-sza2 a-na _(gesz)dun4_-ia [...] (kur)na?-ba-a-a-ti? [...] x _ad_ x [...] ik-lu-u ta-mar-ta-szu2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 _(d)nin-lil2 dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 u2-tak-kil-u-in-ni

    [...] _bad5-bad5_-szu2 asz2-kun _iri-mesz_-szu2 ap-pul aq-qur a-na _du6_ u kar-me u2-ter sza2-a-szu2 _dam_-su _dumu-mesz_-szu2 _dumu-munus-mesz_-szu2 szal-lat _kur_-szu2 ka-bit-tu asz2-lu-la a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)nu-hu-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 la-pa-an _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) ip-par-szi-du [...] ma?-a-ti [...]-szu2-nu is-hup-szu2-ma it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2 ka-bit-ti il-li-ka? a-di mah-ri-ia

    re-e-mu ar-szi-szu2-ma ina _(gesz)gu-za ad_-szu2 u2-sze-szib-szu2 (disz)hu-un-da-ru _lugal_ (kur)ni-tuk(ki) [...] an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia is-hup-szu2-ma it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2? ka-bit-ti? a-na nina(ki) szat-ti-szam la ba-t,a-li il-li-kam-ma u2-s,a-al-la-a be-lu-u2-ti [...]-ra-a_-bad_-te _lugal_ (kur)x-up-pi (disz)pa-de-e _lugal_ (kur)qa-de-e sza2 ina (iri)iz-ke-e asz2-bu sza2 ma-ti-ma?

    [...] la ik-bu-su mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina qi2-bit an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (lu2)rak-bu-szu2-nu sza t,u-u-bi su-lum-me-e isz-pur-u-ni it-ti man-da-at-ti-szu2-nu ka-bit-ti ma-lak 6(disz) _iti_ ir-du-u-ni il-lik-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ia szu-lum _lugal_-u-ti-ia isz-a-lu4 u2-s,al-lu-u be-lu-u-ti (disz)szi-i-lum _man edin?_ sza2 ina (kur)ha-az-ma-a-ni ina a-hi _ni-tuk(ki) muru2_-at tam-tim asz2-bu pu-luh-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz_ tik-le-ia is-hup-u2-szu-ma

    ur-hu _su3_-tu ina tam-tim u na-ba-li is,-bat-am-ma it-ti man-da-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti il-li-ka a-di mah-ri-ia szu-lum _lugal_-u2-ti-ia isz-al-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia (disz)mu-gal-lu _lugal_ (kur)tab_-iri_ sza2 it-ti _lugal-mesz ad-mesz_-ia id-bu-bu da-s,a-a-ti pu-luh-ti an-szar2 _(d)nin-lil2 en-mesz_-ia is-hup-u2-szu-ma? [...] x sza2 a-na ni-ri la ik-nu?-szu2? _dumu-munus_ s,i-it lib3-bi-szu2 it-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_

    man-da-ta-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia (disz)mu?-us-si _dumu_-szu2 szat-ti-szam la na-par-ka-a man-da-at-ta-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti ni-isz _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma i-szit, ma-mit _dingir_-u2-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-te it-ti (disz)tug-dam-mi3-i _lugal numun_ hal-ga-ti-i isz-ta-kan pi-i-szu2 an-szar2 _kur_-u2 _gal_-u sza2 i-ta-a-szu2 la in-ne2-et?-ti-qu

    ik-szu2-us-su-ma ina (d)gesz-bar a-ri-ri pa-gar-szu2 u2-szaq-me ba-lu _(gesz)pan ansze-kur-ra-mesz szesz-mesz_-szu2 qin-ni-szu2 _numun e2 ad_-szu _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 _dagal_-tum tuk-lat _a2-min_-szu2 _ansze-kur-ra-mesz ansze-kunga-mesz_ ina la mi3-ni ina mil-ki ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu isz-szal?-lu-u-ni a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki) (disz)tug-dam-mi3-i _lugal_ szad-da-a-a-u2 gu-tu-um(ki) musz-tar-hu sza pa-lah _dingir-mesz_ la i-du-u2

    a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-szu it-ta-kil-ma _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 id-kam-ma a-na e-pesz _muru2_ u ta-ha-zi ina mi3-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) it-ta-di _karasz_-su an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir a-na pi-i-szu2 er-hi e-ziz-u2-ma im-ta-ra-as, _ugu_-szu2-un i-na a-mat _dingir_-ti-szu2-nu _gal_-ti (d)gesz-bar ul-tu2 _an_-e im-qu-tam-ma sza2-a-szu2 _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 _karasz_-su u2-qal-li-szu2-nu-ti

    (disz)tug-dam-mi3-i ip-lah3-ma na-kut-tu ir-szi-ma _erin2-hi-a_-szu2 _karasz_-su is-suh-ma a-na _egir_-szu2 a-na _kur_-szu2 i-tur pu-luh-ti an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)en (d)ag (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat (iri)limmu2-dingir _dingir-mesz_ sza2 u2-tak-kil-u-in-ni is-hup2-szu2-ma _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 sza2 t,u-u-bi u3 su-lum-me-e [...] am-hur _ku3-sig17_ lu-bul-tu bir-me _gada-mesz_ it-ti _ansze-kur-ra-mesz gal-mesz_ [...]

    s,i-mit-ti ni-ri _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ ru-kub be-lu-ti-szu2 til?-li u2-nu-ut _me3_ man-da-at-ta-szu2 _dugud_-tu2 u2-sze-bi-lam-ma u2-na-asz2-sziq _giri3-min_-ia a-na la ha-t,e-e mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) zik-ru sza2 an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 u2-sza2-az-kir2-szu2-ma u2-dan-nin it-ti-szu2 asz2-ta-kan ma-mitu szu-u ma-mit _dingir-mesz_ _gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ip-ru-us,-ma i-ta-szun3 e-tiq-ma a-na mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki) u2-s,a-am-mir _munus-hul_ a-szar ti-ib _gada?_ ih-t,i ina mi-s,ir _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    a-na sza2-ka-ni na-mur-rat? _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ an-szar2 _en_-ia is-hup2-szu2-ma mah-hu-tisz2 il-lik-ma ina mi3-qit t,e3-e-me u2-na-szak rit-ti-szu2 mut-ta-as-su im-ma-szid-ma si-ih-lu isz-sza2?-kin ina lib3-bi-szu2 _eme_-szu2 im-mar-t,a-ma im-qut _gesz3_-szu2 ina za-a-bi u ha-a-li u8-a a-a iq-ta-ti na-pisz-tusz [...] ina hat-ti ra-ma-ni-szu2-nu u2-ra-si-bu a-ha-mesz ina _(gesz)tukul-mesz_ i-dal-la-lu ta-nit-ti an-szar2 _en gal_-e _en_-ia ina u4-me an-na-a asz2-mu-u

    al-bi-in ap-pi ina la-ban ap-pi at-ta-'i-id da-na-an _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia sza2 il-li-ku re-s,u-ti si-it-ti _(lu2)kur2-mesz_ la kan-szu-ti pu-luh-ti an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-szi-bat limmu2-dingir(ki) _dingir-mesz_ [...] a-na zi-kir _mu_-ia ip-tal-la-hu _ARAD_-u-ti ir-ri-szu ina u4-me-szu2 (na4)x [...] e2-masz-masz _e2_ (d)nin-lil2 sza2 (disz)asz-szur-pap-ibila _lugal_ pa-ni mah-ru-u i-pu-szu2-ma i-na-ha a-[...] _kisz?_ [...] _na4? kur_-e esz-qi2 x x

    ab-tuq-ma [...] e2-masz-masz _e2 (d)nin-lil2 gaszan_-ia2 x x _alam_ x [...] _dingir_-u-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti [...] sa-pi-in [...] _szen ab tuk?_ [...] (d)nin-lil2 _gaszan gal_-tu2 x [...] szu-a-tu2 ha-disz lip-pal-lis-ma [...] x x _u2_ x [...] x [...] ba-lat, _zi_-tim _[...]-mesz gid2-da-mesz_ [...] a-na szi-rik-ti [...] x za-e-ri-ki _kur_ la ma-gi-re-ki [...] e-ma u2-s,a-am-ma-ru lu-uk-szud [...] ki-ma sza2 ul-tu2 s,e-her-ia tal-[...] x x [...] a-na szur-ru-uh nar-bi-ki [...] x-ia tu-szam-[...]

    i-na-an-na a-di [...] x sza2 ina s,i-it pi-i-ki? [...] ki-i pi-i an-nim-ma [...] _szu ta_ a-li-ku [...] ta-nit-ti _dingir_-u2-ti-ki ra-bi-ti [...] s,al-mat _sag-du_ a-na _egir ud-mesz_ [...] _nun egir_-u2 ina _lugal-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza2 ina _bala_-szu2 [...] szu-a-tu2 in-na-hu-ma la-ba-risz il-la-ku an-hu-us-su lu-ud-disz szi-t,ir _mu_-ia a-na asz2-ri-szu2 li-ter (d)nin-lil2 _gaszan gal_-tu2 ik-ri-bi-szu2 i-szem-me

    (d)nin-lil2 _gaszan gal_-tu a-na ni-isz _szu-min_-szu2 a-a iz-ziz?-ma? [...] [...] _muru2_ u3 _me3_ re-s,u-us-su a-a il-lik x [...] [...] ma-har an-szar2 ha-'i-i-ri-sza2 _munus-hul_-szu2 lit-tas-qar [...]

    AI Translation

    For Ninlil, exalted queen, pre-eminent one of the Igigu and Geshu gods, exalted one of goddesses, queen of queens, Ishtar, praiseworthy one, who is adorned with a lustration scepter, who is adorned with a radiance, supreme lady, whose lordship is supreme among all the gods, her divinity is supreme, the goddess Zib, the lady who makes everything perfect, who in the midst of heaven and earth is adorned with a scepter, holy scepter, whose broad heaven is supreme, whose .

    the scepter of Enlil, exalted of the gods, king of heaven and earth, who determines the fates of the mother of the gods, whose command cannot be changed and whose command cannot be changed, who knows the rites of Anu, exalted, the scepter of Enlil, exalted, whose scepter is twisted, who breaks the za'iru-rites, ..., who is sated with supplications, who is smitten with great days, whose utterances are not acceptable among the gods, and whose utterances are not acceptable among the goddesses, .

    whose saparru-offerings are shattered, to the enemy shattered, in her shatru-offerings they do not cease, the enemy ... ... in the midst of the mighty, who has ruled all the lands, you have made him attain, to her supplication Antu, merciful, who accepts prayers, who listens to prayers, who guards life, who goes to the king, her favorite, who in the paphal wall he has destroyed, prince who reveres her, who dwells in Nineveh, holy city

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who ... your hands, the mighty general, the one who ... your scepter, the one who ... ... he smashed and made your lordship resplendent for ... ... ... his ears ... in the midst of prayer, the shuma-pahhu-psalm ... your arms .

    son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Lugalgina, king of the world, king of Assyria, general of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, who the father who had not engendered me had not engendered me, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... good supplications you had made surpassing me ... you made me stand on the throne of the father who had engendered me.

    O good protective deity, guardian of truth, who makes my life abundant, may my limbs go ... with your great support I went, I went, and ... my enemies with the strength of mighty might and strength you made hold of my hand ..., who does not cease my exercise of kingship, you command for everlasting days ... sanctuaries ... Ashur and Ninlil

    By your exalted command, to complete the shrines, to provide for the cult centers, to ensure the proper administration of the cult centers, ... I set up and the Ehursaggalkurkurra, the temple of Ashur, my lord, whose work Ashurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, had not finished, by the command of Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I completed his work and clad its walls with gold, silver, cedar,

    I erected a silver ring at the gate of the 'Gate of the Lands'. I slew Ashur in Esharra, the replica of the temple of Enlil of heaven, and made it shine forth. I fashioned a perpetual stele for Emashmash, the temple of Ninlil, my lady, the residence of her lordly majesty, its gates, its doors, its doors, its doors, silver and gold, and I hung it in the Akitu, the residence of her lordly majesty, which was on the 21st day of Tebetu, the great lady, and made it shine ... its rites from the days of the kings, my ancestors,

    he saw it and in its original ruins, like a reed that had not been fashioned, now I, with baked bricks made of ... and lapis lazuli, I completed it in its entirety and filled it with splendor. The settlements of the enemies, which I conquered, the remnants of the enemies, which I established by the command of her exalted divinity, and the kings who were not submissive to me by the craft of Ninzadim I made surpassing. Ekibikuga, the ziqqurrat of Nineveh .

    The Matummal boat, the boat of Ninlil of cedar, I built and I weighed out silver. The gate of the ashhan of ... ... ... ... I built and completed. Where the ... ... the king ... in its entirety, I completed. From every work of my house ... I made silver and gold available. The temple administrator of Nabû, my lord, which is in Nineveh, I weighed out silver and gold. The temple of Sin, Ningal, Shamash, and Aya that is in Nineveh

    I built and completed it in its entirety. The deities Sîn, Ningal, Nusku, Shamash, Aya, the gods who support me, ... I brought inside it and made it shine forth. The eternal throne of the Egashankalamma ... its walls I decorated with gold ... I made it shine. Babylon I renovated and the Esagil I completed. His daises, the replica of heaven ... the gods Bel, Beltiya, Belet-Babilok, Ea, and Diku ... ... ... sheep ... they said. The journey ... well-being .

    king ... his ... the city? of Asalluhi? of Babylon ... the throne-dais, his exalted dwelling, 50 talents of shiny zahalû-wood for baked bricks I fashioned and erected therein. I had cedar beams, as well as musukkannu-wood, mighty wood, ... 34 talents and 20 minas of reddish gold ... I adorned its base.

    I made a magnificent chariot, his royal vehicle, with gold, silver, and precious stones, and I named it "Saggara, her beloved, for Marduk, king of the totality of heaven and earth, who overwhelms my enemies, as a gift. I set up a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, whose features are resplendent, and whose precious stones are abundant for the throne of Bel and Beltiya, the one who is competent in the work of the kingship, and I did it with skill. In Kahilisu, the seat of the goddess Zarpanitu,

    I gave to Marduk, the king of the gods, the one who loves my reign, a bed of ebony and a durable wood, whose redness is a joy, silver, gold, precious stones, bronze, and iron, all of the work of the Ekur, and I had it built in Esagil, the palace of the gods. I built and completed Esabad, the temple of the goddess Gula that is in Babylon, from its foundations to its crenellations.

  • 6 wild bulls of silver, guardians of my royal path, at the gate of the gudu-officials;
  • I erected a gate facing the sun and a gate facing the lamassu-drabe in Ezida, which is inside Borsippa. I fashioned a reddish kunû-metal, whose weight is fifty minas, for the supreme ..., the bright dwelling, the dwelling of the godizigar, and 133 talents of shiny zahalû-metal and I made it for the numinating of the bed, the emblem of Ezida, with skill.

  • 2 shiny silver perki, whose weight is one talent each, in the Kamah and the Namtila gates for the journey of his exalted rulership I smashed.
  • ... which from distant days ... its work ... I opened and ... his ... the Emeslam, the temple of the god Nergal of Cutha, which had become dilapidated and old, I restored its dilapidated sections. I rebuilt and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. I roofed it with beams of cedar. I fastened bands of silver on doors of cypress.

    of the eresinu-fruits he presented. At his gates, with a mesmannu-wood, a ebony, a tashkarinu-wood, a scepter, a scepter, and a tethering pin he hung it and the temple Ehulhul, the temple of the god Sîn, which is in the city Harran, which from distant days the god Sîn? ... ... he made complete. I built and completed it from its foundations to its crenellations. ... I clad it with a crown.

    The temple of Nusku, the exalted vizier, I built inside it. Two wild bulls of silver, who smashed my foes, I stationed at the threshing floor of the god Sîn, my lord. Two eshmarû-trees, which were hung on sharinu-wood, which were smashed in my royal seat, which were strewn with the harvest of the mountains and sea, at the gate of the temple of happiness I stationed. The temple of Akitu, the residence of his lordship, I built and completed. Silver, gold, ..., meskannu-wood, durable wood, zahalû-wood,

    ... he adorned ... with red gold. ... I prayed to Sin, my lord. ... the vizier, Nusku, the exalted vizier, who carries out my cultic rites, who makes my cultic rites shine forth, ... Sin, my lord, he weighed out silver. ... ... which to smash ... ... roaring wild lions ... Emelamanna, the temple of Nusku, the exalted vizier, he erected ... and ... the hands of Sin and Nusku I took and made enter and dwell forever.

    Edimgalkalama, the temple of the god Anu of Der, in its entirety I built and completed. The god Anu, the Lady of Der, and the god Dumuzi entered inside it and settled there. A lasting residence?, a bed of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, for his lordly dwelling, I decorated with shining silver. ... silver, whose sparkle is bright, in its entirety ... .

    For the preservation of my life, I stationed pure wild bulls of silver, which were laden with fear, at the gate of the Egallammes, the temple of Nergal of Tarbishu. I had the shrines of Assyria ... their ... I had made. I made sattukku-offerings and ... before ... I made and returned. I made their sanctuaries more plentiful than regular offerings. I made them more plentiful than the great gods, my lords, who revered them.

    They looked upon me with steadfastness and answered me with a firm 'yes.' My omens were pleasing to me, they looked with pleasure upon my good deeds and they praised my kingship. All the lands from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea to my yoke I made bow down at my feet and they slew me. By their exalted command, I marched through all the lands and no opponent had come near. I conquered the city Ni', the royal city, Egypt and Kush. I carried off his substantial booty to Assyria.

    Ba'alu, king of the land Tyre, who did not honor my royal commands, razed, destroyed, and burned with fire his fortified cities. By sea and dry land he captured his routes and made them a part of my cult. Iakin-Lû, king of the land Arwad, and Sanda-sharme of the land Hilakku, who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bowed down to my yoke. Uruku, king of the land Luddi, Ashur, the god who created me, named me.

    In a dream I made him say: "The feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, were seized and by his own name I captured them." Your enemies by my own name I captured them. ... his messenger, who was well, with his substantial audience gift sent and kissed my feet. Uallî, king of Mannea, saw the might of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, ... and he kissed my feet.

    His large horses, his tribute ..., whose dues are without number, ... and he made full of them. With the strength of the god Ashur, the exalted one, who cannot be equal, I ... the extensive land Elam ... I ... the king of the land Elam. ... his fortified cities, his temple, together with smaller settlements, which were without number, I conquered. ... his ... I made great. The cities Susa, Pidilma, .

    ... ... ... ... his ... his heavy possessions and his heavy booty I carried off. To Assyria Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, who had fled and took the feet of my royal majesty, I sat on his throne. Tammaritu, his third brother, in Hidalu I appointed. Nanaya, who from distant days had dwelled and had not bowed down to her place,

    from the city Susa I brought out and to Uruk, her capital city, I brought her. In the Eanna, which she loves, I made her dwell on her eternal dais. Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who together had exercised dominion over the land Elam, whom Ashur, Ninlil, and Ishtar who resides in Arbela, had made dwell, grasped hold of my hands and took up my royal throne.

    Dunanu, son of Belshunu, a Gambulian who had cast off the yoke of the god Ashur, trusted in the land Elam. I conquered the city Sha-pi-Bel, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers. I captured him alive. I took him to the land of Assyria with the heavy booty of his land. Nabû-bel-shumati, son of Marduk-apla-iddina, servant who belonged to me, who had sinned against my treaty and fled inside the land Elam,

    The evil of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him, he did not ... a ring. That chariot driver, his chariot driver, with iron swords seized their belongings. Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, became afraid and sent his cella to me. For the deeds of the might of Ashur and Ninlil, I did not give his cella to me. To the outskirts of it, Geshnun-mudina, my unfaithful brother, who had done good things, I installed him as king of Babylon.

    The gods Enlil, Ninlil, and Marduk, the gods who support me, saw his evil deeds and went to his aid. Their mighty battle array ... ... ... the god Geshbar seized his hands and smashed his face. Uaite', king of Sumu'el,

    who had established peace with him, I captured alive. Ammi-laddi, king of the land Que, in battle with my weapons placed in my troops and they took him before me. He died from the weapons of the god Ashur, the ones that had defeated the Elamites, and he was beaten. Kurash, king of Parsumash, and Pishlu-me, king of the land Hildimiri, kings whose places were remote, who live in the district of the land Elam,

    Fear of the gods Ashur, Ninlil, and Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela overwhelmed them and they became frightened. Their envoys, who were filled with joy and peace, brought their heavy audience gifts before me and kissed my feet. Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanalda's, kings of the land Elam, Iautê, king of the land Sumu'el,

    As for the one who by the command of the gods Ashur, Ninlil, and Ishtar who resides in the city Arbela, has grasped my hands, since I had been preparing sacrifices and performing rituals in Esharra, Emashmash, and ..., on the platform of my royal majesty, like a sacrificial goat, I imposed upon them the payment of tribute and they seized them. I, Ishtar-duri, king of Urartu, whose kings, his ancestors, constantly sent to my ancestors, my brother, now the might of the deeds which

    The great gods heard of this, fear fell upon him, and he wrote to me, saying: "May it be well for the king, my lord." Natnu, the king of the land of the Nabayateans whose location is remote and who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors, bound her to my bow. ... the land of the Nabayateans ... ... he bound him. His observation was made by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the great gods, my lords, who had encouraged me.

    ... I defeated him. I destroyed, devastated, and turned into ruin hills. His wife, his sons, his daughters, the substantial booty of his land, I carried off. To Assyria Nuhuru, his son, who had fled from the weapons of Ashur and Ishtar, ... the land ... their ... overwhelmed him and with his substantial payment he came before me.

    He had mercy on him and he sat on the throne of his father. Hundaru, king of the land Nippur, ... the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him and with his substantial payment to Nineveh, he came, and he made my lordship great. ...-ra-duri, king of the land ..., Padê, king of the land Qadê, who is in the city Izkê, who all? of the world

    ... did not assemble, the border of Assyria. By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil, their warriors who had sent me good news and peace, together with their substantial payment, six months marched, came before me, and inquired about the well-being of my royal majesty, and he prayed to my lordly majesty. Shilum, the king of the steppe, who in the land Hazamani in the opposite bank of the Sea, the midst of the sea, fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the gods who support me, overwhelmed him and

    a suckling dog sat in the sea and the sea, and with his heavy tribute came. Before me, the well-being of my royal majesty was heard, and he grasped my feet. Mugallu, the king of the land Tabal, who spoke with the kings, my ancestors, fear of the god Ashur and the goddess Mullissu, my lords, overwhelmed him and ... ... who did not submit to the yoke, a daughter, his own offspring, with large horses

    His heavy payment he sent back and he made his feet rest. Mussi, his second son, did not send back his heavy payment and he made his lordly majesty rest. The kindness of the great gods, my lords, he made him swear and the oath of their great divinity he swore with Tugdammî, the king of the halgitu-breds, his word: "Ashur, the great mountain, whose side cannot be overturned,

    he conquered, and with the sword, the airu-demon, his gate he smashed. The arrow, horses, his brothers, his family, seed of his father's house, his extensive troops, the booty of his troops, horses, mules without number, with their own counsel they carried off. To Assyria Tugdammî, the king of the four, Gutum, the fearless one who does not know the reverence of the gods,

    To his own strength he trusted, and his troops he went, and to do battle and war in the territory of Assyria he took. His camp Ashur, Mullissu, Bel, Nabû, and Ishtar who resides in Arbela, by his own command, he sat down and he sat down. By the word of their great divinity, the god Geshbar, he fell from the sky and he, his troops, his camp, he plundered.

    Tugdammî became frightened and a famine began, and his troops and his camp were destroyed and he returned to his land. Fear of the deities Ashur, Ninlil, Bel Marduk, Nabû, and Ishtar, who resides in the city Arbela, the gods who had encouraged me, overwhelmed him and his emissaries who were enraged and ... received. Gold, linen garments with large horses .

    The scepter of the lions, horses, the vehicle of his lordship, the ..., the ... of war, his heavy tribute he sent out and he made bow down at my feet. To not tremble on the border of Assyria, the word of Ashur and Ninlil he made great and he reinforced it with him. I established it. This is the oath of the great gods, my lords, he imposed upon them and they fell upon them and to the border of Assyria he made them rise. The evil that he had done, he threw down on the border of Assyria.

    To the midst of the awe-inspiring radiance of the weapons of Ashur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he was overwhelmed, and in the midst of the report he went, his hands were grasped, his tongue was swollen, and a sigh was sounded in his heart, his tongue was swollen, and he was swollen. His ears were swollen in a snare and a snare, my life did not cease. ... in their anger they screamed, and together with the weapons they were screamed. The praises of Ashur, the great lord, my lord, I heard on this day.

    I erected a window in the midst of the window. I praised the might of the great gods, my lords, who had gone to help the rest of the enemies, the insubmissive, fear of the deities Ashur, Ninlil, and Ishtar who resides in Arbela, the gods ..., for the mention of my name, they became frightened, their servants cried out. At that time, ... stone ... of Emashmash, the temple of Ninlil, which Ashur-papibila, a king of the past, had built, and he sat down. ... ... stone of the mountain stone .

    ... Emashmash, the temple of Ninlil, my lady, ... statue ... her great divinity ... ... ... ... ... may Ninlil, the great lady, ... ... this may she look with pleasure upon and ... ... life ... long ... for the scribal arts ... your enemies, the land that cannot be subjugated ... wherever I have made great, may I achieve ... as from my childhood ... ... to strew your greatness ... you .

    Now, until ... ... which in the utterance of your mouth? ... according to this command ... from the journey ... the praise of your great divinity ... the black-headed people for future days ... a future prince among the kings, my descendants, who in his reign ... that ... became dilapidated and old, may he renovate its dilapidated sections. May the inscription of my name return to its place. May Ninlil, the great lady, hear his prayers.

    May Ninlil, the great lady, not stand in his hands and ... ... ... and battle, his helper, not go ... ... before Ashur, her lover, may her evil be released .

    P514733: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)hal-s,u-(disz)(d)iszkur-rem2-a-ni? sza2 _kur?_ [...] man-na-a-a _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su [...]

    AI Translation

    I conquered the city Halshu-Adad-remanni? of the land ... Mannea and plundered it. Its booty .

    P514734: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)te-um-man sza ina mi-qit t,e3-e-me a-na _ibila_-szu2 iq-bu-u2 szu-le-e _(gesz)pan_

    AI Translation

    Teumman, who in the course of a report to his heir said: "The bow is ..."

    P514735: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina _me3_ dan-ni muh-hu-s,u (disz)tam-ri-i-tu2 _dumu_-szu2 _gal_-u _szu-min_-su is,-ba-tu-ma a-na szu-zu-ub _zi_-ti3-szu2 in-nab-tu2 ih-lu-pu qe2-reb qisz-ti ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) a-nar-szu2-nu-ti _sag-du_-szu2-nu _ku5_-is me2-eh-ret a-ha-mesz

    AI Translation

    Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who in a mighty battle had taken away Tammaritu, his senior son, and fled to save his life, he fled inside the midst of the battle. With the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, I captured them, and cut off their heads. In all four directions

    P514736: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza ina _muru2_ tam-ha-ri ik-ki-su a-hu-ru-u _erin2-hi-a_-ia a-na pu-us-su-rat ha-de-e u2-szah-ma-t,u a-na _kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    AI Translation

    The head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which in the middle of the battle had smashed, I smashed. My troops to be smashed in a harrowing manner I made fall to Assyria.

    P514737: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)ur-ta-ku ha-ta-nu (disz)te-um-man sza2 ina us,-s,i muh-hu-s,u la iq-tu2-u _zi-mesz_ a-na na-kas _sag-du_ ra-ma-ni-szu2 _dumu kur_ asz-szur i-sza2-si-ma um-ma al-ka _sag-du ku5_-is _igi lugal en_-ka i-szi-ma le-e-qi2 _mu saga_-tim

    AI Translation

    Urtaku, the haruspex of Teumman, who had not bowed down in the street, bowed down, and died. He asked the king, your lord, for the payment of his own head and he said: "Come, cut off the head, and take it before the king, your lord, and give me my good name."

    P514738: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)i-tu-ni-i (lu2)szu-ut _sag_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 er-ha-nisz isz-tap-pa-rasz-szu2 a-di mah-ri-ia ta-ha-zi dan-nu e-mur-ma ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-szu2 _(gesz)pan_ si-mat _a2-min_-szu ik-si-ma _szu-min_ ra-ma-ni-szu2

    AI Translation

    Itunî, the eunuch of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, who had sent him in a raging wave, saw the mighty battle array before me and with his iron sword, the weapon of his feet, he grasped the bow, the emblem of his arms, and his hands he grasped.

    P514740: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    si-id-ru sza (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2-kin _bad5-bad5_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    AI Translation

    The ziggurat of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who brought about the defeat of the land Elam.

    P514741: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a-mesz_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza qe2-reb _du6-(iri)tu_-u2-bu (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina la mi3-i-ni isz-ku-nu? id-du-u2 _adda-mesz_ qu-ra-di-szu2

    AI Translation

    The defeat of the troops of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, without number, had brought about, and the corpses of his warriors

    P514742: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)um-man-i-gasz mun-nab-tu2 _ARAD_ sza2 is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia2 ina e-pesz pi-ia ina _hul2-mesz_ qe2-reb (kur)ma-dak-te u (iri)szu-sza2-an (lu2)szu-ut _sag_-ia sza2 asz2-pu-ru u2-sze-rib-ma u2-sze-szib-szu2 ina _(gesz)gu-za_ (disz)te-um-man sza2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a

    AI Translation

    Ummanigash Humban-nikash II, the fugitive, the servant who had grasped my feet, while performing my speaking in the midst of joy in the land Madaktu and the city Susa, a eunuch of mine whom I had sent, brought and settled him on the throne of Teumman, who had secured my hands.

    P514743: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    AI Translation


    P514744: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _en-mesz_-ia _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-ia? ak-szu2-du am-s,u ma-la lib3-bi-ia (disz)ru-sa-a _lugal_ (kur)ur-ar-t,a da-na-an an-szar2 _en_-ia isz-me-ma pu-luh-tu2 _lugal_-ti-ia is-hu-up-szu2-ma _(lu2)mah-mesz_-szu2 a-na sza2-'a-al szul-mi3-ia isz-pu-ra ana qe2-reb limmu2-dingir(ki) (disz)(d)muati-saga (disz)um-ba-da-ra-a _(lu2)mah-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    it-ti _(gesz)zu-mesz_ szi-pir me-re-eh-tu2 ul-ziz ina mah-ri-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, my lords, conquered my enemies, as many as my heart desired, Rusâ, king of the land Urartu, heard about the might of the god Ashur, my lord, and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him and he sent his envoys to inquire about my well-being. In Babylon, Nabû-saga and Umbadarâ, envoys of the land Elam,

    With the axes and the crafty craft, I stood before them.

    P514745: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz) (disz) _ugu_ an-szar2 _dingir_ ba-ni-ia iq-bu-u2 sil-la-tu2 _gal_-tu _eme_-szu2-nu asz2-lu-up asz-hu-t,a _kusz_-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    I ripped out their tongues, flayed them, and flayed them.

    P514746: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI



    AI Translation


    P514747: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 ina qi2-bit _dingir-mesz gal-mesz_ ik-szu-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-szu2 lu-bul-tu2 szu-kut-tu si-mat _lugal_-u-ti sza2 (disz)(d)gesz-nu11-mu-gi-na _szesz nu gi-na_ (munus)sek-re-te-szu2 (lu2)szu-ut _sag-mesz_-szu2 _(lu2)erin2-mesz me3_-szu2 _(gesz)gigir_ (gesz)sza2 szad-da-di ru-kub _en_-ti-szu2 mim-ma hi-szih-ti _e2-gal_-szu2 ma-la ba-szu-u2 _ug3-mesz_ zik-ru u sin-nisz _tur gal_ u2-sze-et-ti-qu ina mah-ri-ia

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the great gods achieved his heart's desire: a life of long days, the supplication of kingship, for whom Geshnun-mudadina, my unfaithful brother, his eunuchs, his eunuchs, his battle troops, a chariot, a saddû-rigi, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, all the ill health of his palace, as much as there was, the people, the ordinary and the smallest, were pacified before me.

    P514748: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] asz2-ku-nu-usz a-na _lugal_-u2-ti [...] [...] x x? [...]

    AI Translation

    ... I placed him for kingship ...

    P514749: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)ha-ma-nu _iri lugal_-u-ti sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city Hamanu, the royal city of the land Elam.

    P514750: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)ha-ma-nu _iri lugal_-u-ti sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, plundered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city Hammanu, the royal city of the land Elam.

    P514751: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)e2-(disz)bu-na-ki _iri (lugal_-u-ti) sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    Ebunakki, royal city of the land Elam ... .

    P514752: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 ik-szu2-du s,u-um-me-rat lib3-bi-szu2 (iri)di-in_-lugal iri_ sza (kur)elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ _ansze-kunga-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who by the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil achieved his heart's desire: I surrounded and conquered the city Dinsharri, the city of the land Elam. I brought chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.

    P514753: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)x x x _iri lugal_-u-ti sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) al?-me? ak?-szu?-ud? asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, and plundered the city ..., the royal city of the land Elam.

    P514754: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (iri)x-x-tu _iri_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) al-me _kur_-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina (d)gesz-bar aq-mu

    AI Translation

    I surrounded, conquered, destroyed, devastated, and burned with fire the city ...tu, a city of the land Elam.

    P514755: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku an-szar2-du3-a [...] [...] [...] x [...] x [...] an-szar2 [...] elam?-ma(ki) [...]

    AI Translation

    I, Anshardua, ... ... ... ... ... Anshar, ... Elam? .

    P514756: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) [...] _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-szu2 ik-szu-du [...] sza [...] asz2-lu-la szal-lat-su [...]

    AI Translation

    I, Assurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of Ashur and the goddess Ishtar ... conquered his enemies ... who ... I carried off his booty .

    P514758: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)um-man-al-dasz? _man?_ (kur)elam-ma(ki?) sza? szu-usz-mur? _(gesz)tukul_ an-szar2 _en_-ia [...] e-mu-ru-ma? i-tu-ru? ul-tu2 _kur_-e a-szar mar-qi2-ti-szu2 [...] _(lu2)en-iri?_ sza (iri)mu-ru-u2-bi-si [...] da-na-an? an-szar2 _en_-ia ih-su-us-ma [...] (disz)um-man-al-dasz is,-bat-ma [...] il-qa-asz2-szu2 a-di mah-ri-ia

    AI Translation

    Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the king of the land Elam, who saw the radiance of the weapon of the god Ashur, my lord, ... saw and returned? from the mountain, where his border was, ... the city ruler of Murubisi ... the might of the god Ashur, my lord, he took away and ... Ummanaldashu took and ... took before me.

    P514759: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] ep?-szet? qa?-ti-szu2 _saga-mesz_ i-ram-mu gi-mir mal-ki sza2 kisz-sza2?-ti? _kur-kur?_ [...] (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2? (disz)pa-'e-e? (disz)um-man-al-dasz? _lugal-mesz_ sza2 (kur)elam-ma(ki) sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)nin-lil2 ik-szu-da _szu-min_-a-a [...]-a? i-zi-zu-ma nap-tan _man_-ti-szu2-nu _szu-min_ ra-me-ni-szu2-nu e-pu-sza2-ma u2-sze-rib-u-ni ina _igi_-ia

    AI Translation

    ... his good deeds he praised. All the rulers of the totality of the lands ... Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu Humban-haltash III, the kings of the land Elam, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ninlil conquered, my hands ... they stood, and their royal meal, their own hand, they made and they brought before me.

    P514760: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _(lu2)kur2-mesz_-szu2 ik-szu-du [...] (iri)e2-(disz)lu-up-pi al-me _kur_-ud _ug3-mesz_ a-szib lib3-bi-szu2 _(gesz)gigir-mesz_ (gesz)s,u-um-bi _ansze-kur-ra-mesz_ _ansze-kunga-mesz_ u2-sze-s,a-am-ma szal-la-tisz am-nu

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, who with the support of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, conquered his enemies, ... I marched to the city E-luppi and captured the people living inside it. I brought chariots, wagons, horses, and mules and I counted them as booty.

    P514761: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    [...] it-ti? asz-szur u (d)1(u)-5(disz) u2-szam-kir2-u-ma ik-s,u-ra _me3_ ina szur-ru mit-hu-s,i-szu2 ina (iri)[...] [...] sza u2-tak-kil-u2-in-ni _erin2-hi-a_ mi-is,-tu _bad5-bad5 erin2-hi-a_-szu2 isz-kun [...] [...]-szu2-un sit2-ta-tu-szu2-nu sza2 ina _bad5-bad5_ ip-par-szid-du pa-na-[...] [...] _man?_ ki-a-am i-qab-bu um-ma la ta-pal-lah3 asz-szur _ki?-[...]_

    AI Translation

    ... with Ashur and Ishtar they made and they gathered. Battle in the midst of battle in the city ... ... which they defeated, the troops ... the defeat of his troops they set ... their ..., their seats which in the defeat they smashed, before ... ... ... he says as follows: "You should not fear Ashur, .

    P514763: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 an-szar2 _lugal dingir-mesz_ (d)1(u)-5(disz) be-let _me3_ szi-mat qar-ra-du-ti i-szi-mu-usz [...] (d)igi-du a-lik mah-ri ba-'u-u2-ri sza _edin_ szal-t,isz u2-sze-pisz-an-ni ki-i mul-ta-'u-u-ti a sal nap [...] u2-s,i ina _edin_ asz2-ri rap-szi la-ab-bi na-ad-ru-(u)-ti i-lit-ti hur-sza2-a-ni _husz-mesz_ it-bu-nim-ma

    il-mu-u _(gesz)gigir_ ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)1(u)-5(disz) _dingir-mesz gal-mesz en-mesz_-ia ina 1(disz)-et u2-re-e s,i-mit-ti ni-ri-ia [...] el-lat _ur-mah-mesz_ szu2-a-tu-nu u2-par-ri-ir (disz)um-man-ap-pa _dumu_ (disz)ur-ta-ki _man_ (kur)elam(ki) sza2 in-nab-tu2-ma is,-ba-tu2 _giri3-min_-ia [...]-nu-ti _ur-mah_ ina muh-hi-szu2 it-bi-ma _en?_-u-ti [...] ip-lah3-ma u2-s,al-la-a _en_-u-ti

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, whom Anshar, king of the gods, and Ishtar, lady of battle, determined as my heroism, ..., the god Palil, the one who goes before me, the one who the open country has made great, like a sacrificial sheep, ... ... in the open country, a wide land, a swarm of wild bulls, a swarm of wild mountain ranges, he seized and

    By the command of the god Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, the great gods, my lords, in one uretu of my scepter ... I scattered the lions of these lions. Ummanappa, son of Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, who had fled and grasped my feet, ... ... a lion on top of him, and my lordship ... he became frightened and carried off my lordship.

    P514764: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina me-lul-ti _nun_-ti-ia _ur-mah_ ez-zu sza2 _edin_-szu2 _ta sza3_ (gesz)na-bar-ti u2-sze-s,u-nim-ma ina _giri3-min_-ia ina _(gesz)kak-ti_ 3(disz)-szu2 as-hul?-(ma?) na-pisz-ta-szu2 ul iq-ti ina qi2-bit (d)igi-du _lugal edin_ sza dun-nu zik-ru-tu u2-szat-li-ma-an-ni _egir_ ina _gir2 an-bar_ szib-bi-ia as-hul-szu-(ma) na-pisz-tu2 isz-kun

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, in the wrath of my princely majesty, a fierce lion of his steppe, from the sceptre brought out and with my feet in a ... I struck it three times with my sword and its life did not come to an end. By the command of Palil, king of the steppe, whose steadfast words I made manifest, behind me with my iron sword I struck him and his life established.

    P514765: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina mul-ta-'u-ti-ia ina _giri3-min_-ia _ur-mah_ ez-zu sza2 _edin_-szu2 ina _gesztu-min_-szu2 as,-bat-ma ina tukul-ti an-szar2 u3 (d)isz-tar be-let ta-ha-zi ina (gesz)az-mar-e sza _szu-min_-ia as-hul zu-mur-szu2

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, with my pleasure and with my feet a fierce lion that is in his steppe I captured with his ears and with the support of Ashur and the goddess Ishtar, mistress of battle, I destroyed his body with the arrows of my hands.

    P514766: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _lugal szu2 lugal kur_ an-szar2(ki) ina me-lul-ti _nun_-ti-ia _ur-mah_ sza2 _edin_-szu2 ina _kun_-szu2 as,-bat-ma ina qi2-bit (d)nin-urta (d)u-gur _dingir-mesz_ ti-ik-le-ia ina (gesz)hu-ut-pal-e sza _szu-min_-ia muh-ha-szu u2-lat-ti

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, in the wrath of my princely majesty, took a lion from its open country in its tail and, by the command of the gods Ninurta and Nergal, the gods who support me, with the arrows of my hands, I slew his foes.

    P514767: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) sza2 an-szar2 (d)nin-lil2 e-mu-qi2 s,i-ra-a-ti u2-szat-li-mu-usz _ur-mah-mesz_ sza2 ad-du-ku (gesz)til-pa-a-nu ez-ze-tu2 sza2 (d)1(u)-5(disz) be-let _me3_ _ugu_-szu2-un az-qu-up muh-hu-ru e-li-szu2-nu u2-ma-hir _gesztin_ aq-qa-a e-li-szu2-un

    AI Translation

    I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, for whom Ashur and Ninlil had granted exalted strength, lions that I had killed, fierce bows of Ishtar, lady of battle, I smashed against them, I imposed upon them, I poured over them wine, I poured over them.

    P514768: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)ag _en mah_ a-szib e2-zi-da sza2 _sza3 nina(ki) en_-szu2 (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ asz i-risz-ti hi-szih-ti _dingir_-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti sza2 ina sza2-kan _umusz_-szu2 u _sum_ ur-ti-szu2 _dugud_-ti ina mit-hu-s,i _bad5-bad5 ku5_-su _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _man_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz sza2 _egir_ (disz)te-um-man _du3_-szu2 _man_-ut (kur)elam(ki) ina qi2-bi-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti qa-ti _kur_-su-nu-ti-ma ina (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di

    ru-kub _man_-ti-ia _lal_-su-nu-ti u ina tukul-ti-szu2 _gal_-ti ina kul-lat _nigin kur-kur_ _gar-gar_-nu si-mat ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal e2 (d)muati_ _en_-ia2 ina pi-i-li esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 u2-rab-bi ana szat-ti (d)muati ha-disz _igi-bar_-ma lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ka ina ti-kip _santak4_-ki-ka ke-e-ni _din_ u4-me-ia2 _gid2-mesz_ li-s,a-a szap-tuk-ka _du-du_-ku e2-zi-da ina _igi dingir_-ti-ka li-lab-bi-ra _giri3-min_-a-a

    AI Translation

    To the god Nabû, the exalted lord, who dwells in Ezida, which is inside Nineveh, his lord: Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the joyous celebration of his great divinity, whose strong attack in the midst of his prayers and the sum of his heroic heroic battles he defeated, the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who after Teumman had ruled the land Elam, by his great command, he conquered the land Sunutu and placed it on a throne.

    and with his great support, in all the lands, the cult centers, the sanctuaries, at that time the courtyard of the temple of Nabû, my lord, with a scepter of wisdom and design he enlarged, on behalf of Nabû look with pleasure and may your face be glad. With your firm scepter, may my days be long, may your lips be long, may my Ezida be firmly established before your divinity. May my feet be swollen.

    P514769: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na (d)nin-lil2 be-let _kur-kur_ a-szi-bat e2-masz-masz (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _nun_ pa-lih-sza2 _szagina du3_-ut _szu-min_-sza2 sza2 ina qi2-bi-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti ina qit-ru-ub ta-ha-zi ik-ki-su _sag-du_ (disz)te-um-man _lugal_ (kur)elam-ma(ki) u (disz)um-man-i-gasz (disz)tam-ma-ri-tu2 (disz)pa-'e-e (disz)um-man-al-dasz sza2 _egir_ (disz)te-um-man _du3_-szu2 _lugal_-ut (kur)elam-ma(ki) ina tukul-ti-sza2 _gal_-ti _szu-min kur_-su-nu-ti-ma ina (gesz)sza2 sza2-da-di

    ru-kub _lugal_-ti-ia as,-mid-su-nu-ti u ina zik-ri-sza2 _dugud_ ina kul-lat _kur-kur du-mesz_-ma _gaba-ri nu tuk_ u ina u4-me-szu2 _kisal e2_ (d)1(u)-5(disz) _gaszan_-ia ina pi-i-li esz-qi2 szi-kit-ta-szu2 u2-rab-bi a-na szat-ti (d)nin-lil2 ki-sal-lu szu2-a-tu2 lim-ma-hir _igi_-uk-ki ia-a-ti (disz)asz-szur-du3-a pa-lih _dingir_-ti-ki _gal_-ti ba-lat, _u4-mesz gid2-mesz du10-ga sza3_ qi2-szim-ma _du-du_-ku e2-masz-masz lu-lab-bi-ra _giri3-min_-a-a

    AI Translation

    To the goddess Ninlil, lady of the lands, who dwells in Emashmash, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, prince who reveres her, governor of all of her hands, who by her great command in the midst of battle sinned, the head of Teumman, king of the land Elam, and Ummanigash, Tammaritu, Pa'ê, and Ummanaldashu, who after Teumman had erected the kingship of the land Elam, with her great support, the hand of Sunutu and on a pole

    I entrusted them with the roiling of my royal majesty, and by her command, I was mighty among all the lands, and I had no rival. And at that time, the courtyard of the temple of the goddess Ishtar, my lady, with a scepter and a design of its construction I raised up. For the life of Ninlil may that courtyard be made whole. May your eyes be upon me, Assurbanipal, the one who reveres your great divinity, prolong the days of long days, and make my work endure. May my feet be sated with the Emashmash temple.

    P514770: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man gal man kal man szu2 man kur_ asz-szur re-e-szu2 mut-nen-nu-u pa-lih _dingir-mesz gal-me_ na-ra-am (d)asz-szur u (d)nin-lil2 hi-szih-ti (d)muati u (d)marduk na-s,ir _ad-hal dingir-me gal-me_ musz-te9-e'-u2 asz2?-re?-e _sanga ku3_ sza2 na-dan zi-bi-szu2 i-ra-mu _dingir-me_ szu-ut _an ki_ mu-x x x e2-szar2-ra mu-na-ki-mu si-mat _e2?-kur?_ x x x x x x x x x x _(munus)saga_ _i_ [...] _gal_ x _szi_ x x? x x [...] x x _ku3_ x [...] x _an?_ [...] x x _ma_

    ina _ga2-nun_-ni-szu2? u2-szar-ma-a? szu-bat-su e2-sag-il2 u2-szak-lil _gaba-ri_ ap-se-e _e2-gal man dingir-mesz (d)marduk ku3-babbar ku3-sig17_ u2-za-'i-in u2-sza2-an-bi-t,a _(d)utu_-nisz (d)marduk _en_ s,i-ru? na-bu-u2 zi-kir _mu_-ia ul-tu _ki_-x [...] x x a-szar nab-ni-ti-szu2 qe2-reb _(gesz)ma2_ u2-sze-li?-ma u2-sza2-as,-bi-it _kaskal?_ szu-an-na?(ki) ina e2-sag-il2 szu-bat _en_-ti-szu2 u2-sze-rib?-ma [...] szub-tusz-szu2 x x x [...] x _dingir-me_ tik-le-ia [...] (kur)mu-s,ur u (kur)ku-si

    [...] szu-an-na(ki) e-kur-ru3 _ku3-sig17_ [...] x (kur)a-ra-al-li x x _da?_ [...] ina u4-me-szu-ma s,i-in-da _(gesz)gigir lugal? dingir?_ s,ir-tu ru-kub _en en-en_ _(gesz)na2 (gesz)mes-ma2-kan-na_ is,-s,i da-re-e sza2 _ku3-sig17_ lit-bu-szat [...]-at a-na ma-a-a-al (d)[...] _an?-szar2?_ u (d)x [...] x x?-ia [...] [...] x x [...] [...] a-na [...] _bad3_ szu-a-tu e-na-ah-ma i-[...] a-szar-szu2 u2-me-es-si dan-na-as-su ak-szud ina _iti du10-ga ud sze-ga usz8_-szu2 ad-di

    [...] sza2? te-me-en-szu2 ina _i3-gesz_ [...] _szim-hi?-a? du10-ga-mesz_ ab-lu-la ta-ra-hu-usz ul-tu _usz8_-szu2 a-di _gaba-dib_-szu2 ar-s,ip u2-szak-lil _ugu_ sza u4-me pa-ni u2-sza2-tir u2-szar-ri-ih nab-ni-su _(na4)na-ru2-a-mesz_ sza _man-mesz_ a-lik pa-ni-ia e-pisz _bad3_ szu2-a-te ina _i3-gesz_ ap-szu-usz _(udu)siskur_ aq-qi it-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a-mesz_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia asz2-kun _nun egir_-u2 ina _man-mesz dumu-mesz_-ia sza asz-szur u (d)isz-tar a-na be-lut _kur_ u3 _ug3-mesz_ i-nam-bu-u2 zi-kir-szu2

    e-nu-ma _bad3_ szu-a-tu i-lab-bi-ru?-ma in-na-hu an-hu-su lu-ud-disz ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma _(na4)na-ru2-a-mesz_ szi-t,ir _mu_-ia _i3-gesz_ lip-szu-usz _(udu)siskur2_ liq-qi2 it-ti _(na4)na-ru2-a-mesz_ szi-t,ir _mu_-szu2 lisz-kun (d)asz-szur (d)iszkur (d)inanna ik-ri-bi-szu2 i-szem-mu-u2 _(iti)du6-ku3_ li-mu (disz)u8-a-nu _(lu2)en-nam_ (kur)qu-e

    AI Translation

    Assurnasirpal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, pious shepherd, who reveres the great gods, beloved of Assur and Ninlil, who is attentive to the needs of Nabû and Marduk, guardian of the great gods, who constantly seeks out the shrines, holy priest whose offerings are pleasing to the gods, ... ... Esharra, who makes the rites of the Ekur ...

    In his ... he made his residence in Esagil splendid. The apsû, palace of the king of the gods, Marduk decorated it with silver and gold and made it shine like daylight. Shamash, Marduk, the exalted lord, the one who speaks the mention of my name, from ... ... where his birthplace is, he made enter inside the boat and made it rise. The road to Shuanna? he made enter in Esagil, his lordly residence, and ... his dwelling ... the gods who support me ... Egypt and Kush

    ... Shuanna Babylon he conquered. Gold ... the land of Arallu ... ... At that time, the shinda, the king's chariot, the exalted god, the lord of lords, the scepter, the meskannu-wood, the strong scepter, which is adorned with gold ... to the ... of the gods ... the god Ashur and the goddess ... ... ... ... ... ... that wall became dilapidated and ... its site I surveyed. I razed and destroyed its foundations. In a favorable month, a favorable day, I imposed upon it a debt.

    ... whose foundations I ... with oil ... aromatics I poured out, and its fragrance I infused. From its foundations to its crenellations I built and completed. I made it more splendid than before. I adorned its features. I poured out steles of kings who preceded me. I built that wall with oil. I made a sacrifice. I deposited it with steles bearing my name. A future prince among the kings, my sons, whom Ashur and Ishtar nominate for dominion of the land and people

    When that wall becomes dilapidated and eroded, may I repair its dilapidated sections. As soon as I have strewn steles bearing my name, may he anoint them with oil, make sacrifices, and place them with steles bearing his name. The gods Ashur, Adad, and Ishtar will listen to his prayers. Tishri VII: eponymy of Uanu, governor of Que.

    P514771: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    a-na _en gal_-i [...] gasz-ru szit-ra-hu [...] a-sza2-red (d)i2-gi3-gi3 u (d)gesz2-u _en_ [...] _lugal_ la sza2-na-an _en_-ia2 _ku_ x [...] ana?-ku? (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man kur_ an-szar2(ki) [...] x-bu-u-ti x x [...] musz-te-e'-u asz-ri-ka? [...] sza2? ur-ru u _ge6 disz im_ x [...] pa-lih _dingir_-ti-ka _gal_-ti [...] um?-ma-ma _disz an_ x [...] a-szir _dingir-mesz_ u _lu2?_ [...] mu-rik _ud-me?_ [...] ana-ku (disz)an-szar2-du3-a [...] _dumu lugal dingir-mesz?_ [...] ina t,u-ub _uzu_-szu2 x [...]

    _sipa_-tu2 ur-ru-x [...] at-ta lu tukul-ti [...] at-ta lu a-lik _a2-min_-ia2 [...] ina qi2-bi-ti-ka s,ir-ti [...] u4-mu _iti_ u _mu-an?-na?_ [...] u4-mu _iti_ u _mu-an-na_ x [...] x x x? x x x [...] lu-na-'i-id qur-di-ka [...] szi?-me? a-a-szi et,-ra-an-ni [...] x x x [...] [...] x [...] [...] x [...]

    AI Translation

    To the great lord ..., exalted, exalted one, ... foremost of the Igigu and Gannu gods, lord ..., unrivalled king, my lord, ... I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, ... ... who constantly seeks out your shrine ... who ... night and day ... who reveres your great divinity ... saying: "Anu ..., the one who provides for the gods and the man? ... who sets the days ... I, Ashurbanipal, son of the king of the gods, ... with his happiness .

    Your shepherdship ... ... May you be a supporter ... May you go to my aid ... according to your august command ... day, month, and year ... day, month, and year ... ... ... may I slay your warriors ...

    P514772: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ka-szid (kur)elam-ma(ki) ra-pa?-asz2?-tu2? mu-szah-rib da-ad2-me-sza2 _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _sza3-bala-bala (disz)lugal-gi-na man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) ul-tu2 _bad5-bad5_ (disz)te-um-man i-na _me3_ asz2-ku-nu ina qi2-bit an-szar2 u (d)marduk ina qe2-reb nina(ki) s,a-lam _lugal_-u2-ti-ia (na4)[...]

    AI Translation

    Land of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, conqueror of the land Elam, the great? one who annihilates its settlements, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyria, descendant of Sargon II, king of the world, king of Assyria, after defeat of Teumman in battle I established. By the command of Ashur and Marduk, in Nineveh, my royal statue of .

    P514773: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _e2-gal_ (disz)asz-szur-du3-a _man gal_ _man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)asz-szur-pap-asz _man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-ma

    AI Translation

    Palace of Assurnasirpal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Assurnasirpal II, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, who was also king of Assyria.

    P514776: administrative seal

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur?_ (disz)an-szar2-du3-a _man szu2 man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man kur_ asz _a_ (disz)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-ma

    AI Translation

    Land of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

    Novotny, Jamie & Jeffers, Joshua

    The palace of Assurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

    P514777: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a man gal man_ dan-nu _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki) _a_ (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz _man szu2 man kur_ an-szar2(ki)

    AI Translation

    The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria.

    P514778: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a (man gal man_ dan-nu) _man szu2 man kur asz a (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz man szu2 man kur asz a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur_ asz-ma

    AI Translation

    The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria.

    P514779: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    _kur (disz)an-szar2-du3-a (man gal man_ dan-nu) _man szu2 man kur asz a (disz)an-szar2-pap-asz man szu2 man kur asz a_ (disz)(d)sin-pap-mesz-su _man kur asz a (disz)man-gin man kur_ asz-ma

    AI Translation

    The palace of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, son of Sargon II, who was also king of Assyria.

    P514780: royal-monumental other-object

    Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) CDLI


    sza2-kin _bad5-bad5_ (kur)elam-ma(ki)

    AI Translation

    the one who brought about the defeat of Elam.

    P514826: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    _2(bur3) _gan2_ uru4-a da gu4_ _2(bur3) _gan2_ uru4-a gesz-gaba-tab_ _sze-bi 8(asz) gur_ _ki_ dingir-ba-ni _dub-sar gu4 1(u)-5(disz)_ ki-ma a-na _e2 u4-1(u)-5(disz)_ i-na e-re-szi2-im u3-qa2-ta2-u3-ma _kiszib3_ dingir-ba-ni _dub-sar gu4 1(u)-5(disz)_

    AI Translation

    2 bur3 field area, next to the ox, 2 bur3 field area, next to the ox, ...; its barley: 8 gur, with Il-bani, the scribe of the oxen, 15 times, as in "to the house of the 15th day" in the survey he took and sealed tablet of Il-bani, the scribe of the oxen, 15 times.



    a-na _ensi2_ u3-ba-la-na ku-e-la-ak ni-isz _lugal_ it-ma lu i-du-ku-szu-na _kiszib3_ i-nin-sa-tu _iti_ ezem-a-bi _u4 3(u) ba-zal_ _mu_ (d)szu-(d)suen _lugal_ uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 _e2_ (d)szara2 umma(ki) _mu-du3_

    AI Translation

    to the governor he brought, and he went away. The king should not kill them, and the seal of Ininsatu. The month of the festival, the day 30 passed. The year of Shu-Sin, king of Ur, the house of Shara of Umma he built.

    Seal 1


    i-nin-sza-tu _dumu_ puzur4-(d)inanna?

    AI Translation

    Inin-shatu, son of Puzur-Inanna?.