AICC / Publications / p521

P521016: administrative tablet

None Oracc




[x]rn# 2[x]

['i]ttqb# x[...]

y#t[x ...]

tlrby# 2[x]

tl[r]by# 3[x]

'nm#k [...]

yk[n]'m [...]

qmnz [...]

szlmy# [...]

'art [...]3

qrt [...]1


dmt# [...]

glbt# [...]

'all# [...]

AI Translation

... 2 ...

'Ittqb ...

Ytx ...

Tulrby 2+n

Tallurba 3+n

'Nmk ...

Yakuna'u ...

Qmnz ...

Shlmu ...

'Arkatu ...

Qartu ...

tmr. x

'Alullu . . .

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... ... ...

Xrn 2+n?

'Ittqb x+n?

Ytx n?

Tallurba 2+n?

Tallurba 3+n?

'Enu-makayu n

Yakuna'amu n

Qamanuzu n

Shalma n

'Arutu n?+3

Qaratu n?+1

Tamra n

Dumatu n

Gulbata n

'Alullu n



[...] 6 ta-pal _gu4_-_mesz szu-nigin2_

AI Translation

... 6 ... of oxen: total.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... 6 pairs of ox - total.

P521088: administrative tablet

None Oracc



[x] _gu4#_-[_mesz ugu_ ...]-na _lu2_ (iri)na-ni-i

[x]+41 _gu4_-_mesz ugu_ (disz)ta-mar-ti-nu _lu2_ (iri)su2-la-di

[x]+27 _gu4_-_mesz ugu_ (disz)a-na-ni-ia-na _lu2_ (iri)ia-ku-_sig5_

[x]+20(?)# _gu4_-_mesz ugu_ (disz)na-pa-ri _lu2_ (iri)hal-bi

[...] _gu4_-_mesz ugu_ (disz)lu-lu-wa-na _lu2_ (iri)sza-ha-qi

[... _gu4_-_mesz_] _ugu_ (disz)pu#-us-ha-na _lu2_ (iri)u-bur-a

[... _gu4_-_mesz ugu_ (disz)]pur(?)#-ra-na _dumu_ (disz)gu-ub-ru-na _lu2_ (iri)na-ni-i

AI Translation

x oxen, against, man of Nanî;

x+41 oxen, due from Tammaritu, man of Sulaya.

x+27 oxen, against Ananiana, man of Yakuzam.

x+20 oxen, due from Naparu, man of Halbi.

... oxen against Lullu-wana, man of Shahaqi.

... oxen against Pushanu, man of Ubura.

... oxen against Purranu, son of Gubrunu, man of Nanî.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... oxen debited to, man of Nanu'u

n+41 oxen debited to Tamartenu, man of Shuladu

n+27 oxen debited to Ananiyanu, man of Yakuna'amu

n+20 oxen debited to Naparu, man of Halbu

n oxen debited to Lullwana, man of Shahaqu

n oxen debited to Pushanu, man of 'Ubur'a

n oxen debited to Purranu, son of Gubrunu, man of Nanu'u



[...] | r#'ym

AI Translation

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... shepherds

P521112: administrative tablet

None Oracc



mrynm 5 _lu2_-_mesz_

mr'um 4

'szrm [(...)] 4

tnnm# [...]

nqd#[m ...]

kh[nm ...]

q#[dszm ...]

AI Translation

a ... of 5 men;

mr'um 4

'Shrm ... 4

nqdm ...

Khanmu ...

Qishmu ...

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

The maryannu-men — 5 people

The mr'u-officials — 4 people

The 'shr-workers — 4 people

Archers — n

Shepherds — n

Priests — n

Cultic official — n




'inszt [...]x

AI Translation

'Insht ...

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... ...

The 'insht-workers n

P521118: administrative tablet

None Oracc

Obverse Column i


[spr |] 'arg#mn szpsz




[... x]13


g#b'l[y] 30[x]

'ul#m 20[x]

[m]'#rby [...

m'r [...]

'arny 20[x]

'nqp'at 10[x]

sz'rt 16#

'ubr'y 1 me-at 51

'ilsztm' 1 me-at 52

szbn 36

tbq 30[n(?)]

rqd 1 me-at 26

[sz]rsz 2#3

[...] 33

[...] 4 me-at# [...]

[...] 11

[...] 12

[...] 12

[hl]brp#sz 10

[hl]bkrd 14

hl#b'prm 5#

h#bsz 5

['a]mdy# [x]1

[gn]'y [...]

[x]xd# [...]

[...] x

AI Translation

'Arkaneser of the Shpsh,

... x13

Gb'li 30+n

'Ulm 20+n

'Arba'iru ...

m'r ...

'Arnya 20+n

'Nqpat 10+x

Sharru 16

'Ubur'u 51

'Ilishtam'u 152

Shbn 36

The tbq 30 ...

Rqd 126

Shrsh 23

... 33

... 400 ...

... 11

... 12

... 12

Hlbrpsh 10

Hlbkrd 14

Hlb'prm 5

Hbsh 5

Ammiya n

Gan'u ...

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Document with tribute due to the Sun-king:




... n+13


Giba'la 30+n

'Ullamu 20+n

Ma'rabaya n

Mu'aru n

'Araniya 20+n

'Enu-qap'at 10+n

Sha'artu 16

'Ubur'ayu 151

'Ilishtam'u 152

Shubbanu 36

Tibaqu 30+n?

Raqdu 126

Shurashu 23

GN 33

GN 400+n

GN 11

GN 12

GN 12

Halbu-Rapshi 10

Halbu-Karradi 14

Halbu-'Apurima 5

Hbsh 5

Ammidayu n+1

Gan'aya n

Xxd n

... ...

Obverse Column ii


m'qb 1 me-at 7

'agm 18

hpty 6 ypr 32

ypr 32

hrs,b' 9#

'uhnp 25[...]

'art 88

[xx]n# 43

[xx]x 40

[xx]x 10

[xxx] 15

nn'u [... x]

szmgy# [... x]

szmny# [... x]

lbnm [... x]3#8

'rm [...] 4#5

bs,r [...] 4#4

sl#h [... x]28

yny# 9

snr# 23

m'idh [x]8

hl# [x]12

hlby 3

'rgz# [... x]8(?)#

'nmky# [x]8#

glbty 7

hlbs,p#n 18

sld 10

mr'il 14

'a#ry 39

ykn'm 21 szlmhym# 44

szlmhym# 44

[x]'i#[x] [x]9#

x#[... x]

q[rt ... x]

z[rn ... x]

tl[rby ... x]

tm[ry ... x]

'ag[t ... x]

AI Translation

'Iqba: 147

'Agimu 18

Hpty 6 ypr 32

Yapru 32

hrsb' 9

'Uhnp 25 ...

'Arkatu 88

...n 43

... 40

... 10

... 15

nn'u ... ...

Shmgi ... ...

Shmni ... ...

lbnm ... x38

'Ram ... 45

Bsr. ... 44

... ... 28

Yana 9

Snr 23

'Idhu x8

hl x12

Hulby 3

'rgz ... x8

'Numki x8

Gulbati 7

Hlpn 18

Sharru 10

mr'il 14

'Ary 39

Yakun'mu 21 Shlmhym 4

Shlmhym 44

... x9

Qartu ... ...

Zrn ...

Tallurba ... .

tmry ... ...

'Agatu ... ...

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Ma'qabu 107

'Agimu 18

Hupatayu 6

Yaparu 32

Huri-shubu'i 9

'Uhnappu 25+n?

'Arutu 88

...n 43

... 40

... 10

... 15

Nanu'u n

Shammega n

Shamna n

Labinuma n+38

'Armu 65

Bashiru 24

Silhu 58

Yena 9

Sinaru 23

Ma'ahadu n+8

Hilu n+12

Halbayu 3

'Aragizu 10

'Enu-makayu n+2

Gulbata 5

Halbu-Shapuni 18

Suladu 10

Mara'il 14

'Arayu 39

Yakuna'amu 21

Shalma-Yammi 44

Ra'shu n+3

Qamanuzu n

Qaratu n

Zarinu n

Tallurba n

Tamra n

'Agatu n



dm[t ... x]

szlm#[y ... x]

tlh#[ny ... x]x

AI Translation

dmt ... ...

Shlma . . . . .

Tilhni ... ...

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Dumatu n

Shalma n

Tulhana n

Reverse Column iii


[x li]-im# [x] me-at 55#

[xxx]m# [x]15

[xx]n(?)#m 30x#

[xx]rm 57#

[xx]dm 20[x]

[xx]t(?)#m 23(?)#[x]

[xx]szm 23(?)#[x]

[xx]xm 33#[x]

[...]m 16

[...]sz 45#

[...] 12

[...] 12

[...] 13[x]

[...] 9

[...] 6

[...] 41/2

[...] 51/2

[...] 2

[...]n# 12

[...]m# 28

[...] 24

[... x]

[... x]

[... x]

[... x]

[... x]

kkr#[dnm x]

ys,#[rm x]

x#[... x]

[... x]

[...]m 36

[...]m# 10

[... x]2

[... x] [... x] [... x]1

AI Translation

... ... 55

... x+15

... 30+n


... 20+n

... 23+n

... 23+x

... 33 ...

... 16

... 45

... 12

... 12

... 13 ...

... 9

... 6

... 4 1/2

... 5 1/2

... 2

... n 12

... 28

... 24


Yashirm ...

... 36

... 10

... x2

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

n1000+ n100+56

... n+15

... 30+n

... 40+n

... 20+n

... 23

... 22

... 31+n

... 16

... 46

... 12

... 13

... 9

... 6

... 4

... 5

... 2

... 12

... 28

... 24









... 36

... 10

... n+2



... n+1

Reverse Column iv


mr#['u 'i]br#[n] [x]

mr'u# skn 15#[x(?)]

sz#rm 10 kbsm 8

kbsm 8 'i#nszt 25#[x(?)]

'i#nszt 25#[x(?)] 1(?)# li-im 1 me-at 25(?)#+[x(?)]

1(?)# li-im 1 me-at 25(?)#+[x(?)] _szu#-nigin2 ku3-babbar_-_mesz 30# iri_-[_mesz_(?)]

2(?) li#-im 6 me-at# _szu-nigin2 ku3-babbar_-_mesz iri_-[_mesz_(?)]

3 li-im 49 [(...)] _szu#-nigin2 ku3-babbar_-_mesz_

AI Translation

'Mr'u, 'Ibran .

mr'u skn 15 ...

Shrm 10 kbsm 8

KBSm 8 'insht 25 .

'Ishtu 25+x ...

Total: 1 hundred 25+x? ... of silver, 30 cities.

2600? of the total silver of the cities,

Total: 349 ... of silver.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Associates of 'Ibiranu n

Associates of the prefect 13+n

The singers 20

The launderers 8

The 'insht-officials 8

1122+n is the total amount of silver from 30 towns.

2600 is the total silver from the towns.

3049 is the total amount of silver.

P521232: administrative tablet

None Oracc


r'isz | 60 _kusz_-_mesz_

m'ihd | 40

szlmy | 40

AI Translation

a thigh: 60 cubits.

m'ihd 40

Shlmu 40

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Ra'shu: 60 leather hides;

Ma'ahadu: 40 leather hides;

Shalma: 40 leather hides.

P521239: administrative tablet

None Oracc



b#[... ...]

r[... ...]

l bt 15

l n'rm szdym 4

mhs,m 3

tmgn | w | yp#th 1

tlmn | w | [x]xx# 1

'ayln | w | m#szp 1

'ann'#rm 1

[...]n 1

[...]n# 1

AI Translation

r. . . . . .

... 15

''rm, the shadimu-official; 4

mhsm 3

Tmgn with Ypth 1

Total: x

'Ayln, son of Mushpi; 1.

'Ann'rm 1

...n 1

...n 1

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... ...

... ...

for the house palace? 15;

for the serving lads of the fields 4;

for the weavers 3;

for Shimiganu and Ypth 1;

for Talimunu and ... 1;

for 'Ayln and Mshp 1;

for 'Ann'rm 1;

for ...n 1;

for ...n 1;



[...] _pa_

[...] 1/2 _pa_

AI Translation

... 1/2 panu

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

... one parisu-measure;

... 1/2 parisu-measure.

P521262: administrative tablet

None Oracc


'alpm | szb(?)#[' ...] 'arb'm [...] [xx]xm# [...] d | ytn# | bd | 'i#[x ...]

'szrm | kkr 'arb' | kbd 'alpm | kbd 'arb' | m'at | kbd mhsrn | tlt d | ybl | 'ilmlk

AI Translation

'Alamu, ...

'Shrm, k.k.r., 'Arb, 'Alam, 'Arb, 'Mat, 'Arb, mhsrn, tlt, d, ybl, 'Ilmlk,

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Two thousand seven hundred forty ... that were given to 'I....

Twenty-four talents, two thousand four hundred shekels are the deficit of copper that 'Ili-malku brought.

P521263: administrative tablet

None Oracc



'arb'm | bt | b 'ilsz#tm'

hmsz | 'szrh(!) | bt szbn((n))

tltm | l m'it | 'uszkn t,bqym | l mg#y

t,bqym | l mg#y dt | tszlhmn | szbnh

1 me-at 85 _szu#-nigin2_ 'arb'm | tlt# | k#bd | rqd

'arb'm | tlt# | k#bd | rqd

tsz'((t)) | 'uhnp | 20# _e2_ (iri)_igi_-qap2-at

AI Translation

'Arrb'm, ..., 'Ilishtam',

'HMSh, 'shrh, son of Shbn;

Total: 'Ushkun, the tbqym, the m.

tbqimu, lmdt, tshlhmn, shbnh,

185 total, the 'abbû-houses, the tlt-houses, the kbd-houses, the rqd-houses,

'Arb'amu, tlt, kbd, rqd,

tsh'uhnu 20 houses in Igiqapat;

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Fourty houses in 'Ilishtam'u;

fifteen houses in Shubbanu;

one hundred thirty houses in 'Ushkanu —

The people of Tibaqu, who were fed in Shubbanu, did not come.

185 total.

Forty-three houses in Raqdu;

nine houses in 'Uhnappu; 20 houses in 'Enu-qap'at;



hmsz | hrs,b' 6 _e2_ (iri)ia-ar-[tum]

tmn | b'ir

AI Translation

hmsh hb' 6 houses in Iartu;

tmn b'ir

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

five houses in Hurishubu'i; 6 houses in Ya'artu;

eight houses in Bi'ru;



hmsz | szrsz

'szrm | tlt | kbd | hzp# [(...)]

'arb' | gn'y

szb' | 'agm | hpt

1 me-at 30

AI Translation

Hmsh — twenty

'Shrmu, tlt, kbd, hzp, .

'Arra' — governor

Shb', 'agmu, hpt,

131 lines

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

five houses in Shurashu;

twenty-three houses in Hispu;

four houses in Gan'ayu;

seven houses in 'Agimu and Hupata —

130 total.

Reverse Column i


10 _e2_ (iri)ia-pa-ru

6 _e2_ (iri)sza-ri-nu

33 _e2_ (iri)a-ru-tum

6 _e2_ (iri)szal-lu-ur-ba2

4 _e2_ (iri)szul-ha-na

27 _e2_ (iri)ma-qa-bu

AI Translation

10 houses in Yaparu;

6 houses in Sharinu;

33 houses in Arrutu;

6 houses in Shallurba;

4 houses in Shullana;

27 houses in Maqabu;

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

10 houses in Yaparu;

6 houses in Zarinu;

33 houses in 'Arutu;

6 houses in Tallurba;

4 houses in Tulhana;

27 houses in Ma'qabu;

Reverse Column ii


3 _e2_ (iri)qamax2(_kam2_)-nu-zu

3+x# _e2_ (iri)szal#-ma

4+x _e2_ (iri)#a-ra#-a

6 _e2_ (iri)_igi#_-ma-ka

77 _e2 szu-nigin2_

AI Translation

3 houses in Qamaxuzu;

3+x houses in Shalma;

4+x houses in Arâ;

6 houses in the town of Igimmaka;

77 houses, total.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

3 houses in Qammanuzu;

... houses in Shalma;

... houses in 'Ara;

6 houses in 'Enu-maka —

77 houses total.



21 _e2_ (iri)mu-lu-ki

7 _e2_ (iri)hu-be-lu

22 _e2_ (iri)ap#-pi2 37 _e2_ (iri)pi2-di3

AI Translation

21 houses in Mulukku;

7 houses in Hubulu;

22 houses in Api; 37 houses in Pidi;

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

21 houses in Mulukku;

7 houses in gubelu;

22 houses in 'Appu; 37 houses in Pidu.

P521286: administrative tablet

None Oracc



l# tgb

hmsz | kkrm mhr | sswm kkr | tlt w kkrm | brr mhr | 'alpm w 'amt

l | nngb

hp | ksp | tp#rt w | m'izrt lpsz ktn

AI Translation


hmsh, krm, mhr, sswm, krm, tlt, krm, brrm, mhr, 'alam, 'amt,


hp ksp tprt w m'izrt lpsh ktn

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

To Tgb:

Five talents of silver, the price of the horses; one talent of copper and two talents of tin,,the price of two oxen and a female servant.

To Nngb:

One hp-measure of silver, one tprt-garment, and one m'izrt-garment, one lpsh-garment, one ktn-garment, four sk-garments, and ten hll-garments.



w l | 'arthb

ktn w m'it | phm w m'it | 'iqn'i

w | trn khn


AI Translation


ktn with a 'itu; phm with a 'itu;

with a trn-silver kn.


Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

And to 'Arthb:

One ktn-garment, and one hundred units of red-purple fabric, and one hundred units of purple-blue fabric.

And Tarran, the priest.


P521287: administrative tablet

None Oracc

Obverse Column i


'a#p | 5

pd 8

'atlg 3

'ar | 20

gb'ly 5

'ulm 5

'ubr'y 10

m'rb | 10

sz'rt 4

'nqp'at 3

'uszkn 20

[xxxx] | 10

AI Translation

'Ap 5

PN 8

'Alga 3

'Aru 20

Gb'ly 5

'Ulm 5

'Ubur'a 10

m'rabu 10

Sh'artu 4

'Nqpat 3

'Ushkn 20

... 10

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

'Appu 5

Pedu 8

Atallig 3

'Aru 20

Giba'la 5

'Ullamu 5

'Ubur'a 10

Ma'raba 10

Sha'artu 4

'Enu-qap'at 3

'Ushkanu 20

GN 10

Obverse Column ii




krn[x ...]

tlrb[y ...]

qmnz | 2[x(?)]

'nmk | 3

'rgz | 3

'all | 2

ykn'm | 2

'ry | 3

szlmy | 4

xxx# [...]

AI Translation


Throne ...

Qmnz ...

'Nimku 3

'Ragz: 3.

'Alla 2

Yakna'umu: 2

'Ar'u 3

Shlma: 4.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

GN #

GN #

Krnx #

Tallurba #

Qamanuzu 2+?

'Enu-makayu 3

'Aragizu 3

'Alullu 2

Yakuna'amu 2

'ry 3

Shalma 4

... #



_szu-nigin2 kusz_-_mesz_ sza#-asz-szu-[nu(?) ...]

AI Translation

Total: the skins of those .

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Total: those hides ...

P521289: administrative tablet

None Oracc



'szrm [|] k#sp | l | wtrym

hmszt [| ']szrt l | bn | kp#n

'szrt# [| ']mn tpt,b'l

hmszt | 'l | 'ulmym

ttt | w | kmsk 'l | 'ahmn | bn | 'anntb

AI Translation

'Shrmu ...

'Shrt ...

'Shrt 'Mn tptb'l

'Alamu, 'Ulamu,

... 'Ahmnu, son of Anantb;

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Twenty shekels of silver for the persons of Watru;

fifteen shekels of silver for the son of Kpn;

ten shekels of silver to the credit of Tipti-Ba'lu;

five shekels of silver debited to the persons of 'Ullamu;

six and a third shekels of silver debited to 'Ahi-manu, son of Ananshabu;



ttt | 'mn | skn

'szrt | 'mn plsy | bn | ktrm

AI Translation

'Munu-ahhe-iddina .

'Shrtu ... ...

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

six shekels of silver to the credit of the prefect;

ten shekels of silver to the credit of Pilsiya, son of Ktrm, of Ra'shu.



_szu-nigin2 ku3-babbar#_-_mesz 49 2_/3

AI Translation

Total silver: 49 2/3 shekels.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Total silver: 49 2/3 shekels.

P521302: administrative tag

None Oracc


kd# [|] k#mn

dg | 'ans,

bd ybnn (na4)_kiszib_ (disz)am-mu#-(rap-i) rap-i# _lugal_ (iri)u-ga-ri-it# [(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)am-mu-(rap-i)] rap#-[i _lugal_] (iri)#[u-ga-ri-it]

AI Translation

kd. kmn.


Seal of Ammi-rapi, the widespread king of Urartu; seal of Ammi-rapi, the widespread king of Urartu.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

One kd-measure of cumin;

and a kd-measure? of

from the hands of Yabninu.

P521389: administrative tablet

None Oracc



'ubr'y | 5

'arny 1

m'r 1

sz'rt | 2

hlbrpsz | 1

bq't | 1

szhq 1

y'by 1

AI Translation

'Ubur'i: 5.

'Arny 1

m'r 1

Sh'artu: 2.

Hlbrpsh: 1.

Bq'tu: 1.

Shhq 1

Ya'byu 1

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

'Ubur'a: 5.

'Araniya: 1.

Mu'aru: 1.

Sha'artu: 2.

Halbu-rapshi: 1.

Baq'atu: 1.

Shahaqu: 1.

Y'by: 1.



mhr 3

AI Translation

a total of 3

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Mhr: 3.



_szu-nigin2 erin2_-_mesz 16_

AI Translation

Total of the troops: 16

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Total persons from all the towns: 16.

P521405: administrative tablet

None Oracc



hlb'prm | tt

hlbkrd | tn | 'szr

qmy | 'arb' | 'szr

s,'q | 'arb' | 'szr

s,' | tmn

szhq | 'szrm | 'arb' | kbd

hlb | rpsz | 'arb' | 'szr

bq't tt

'ir'ab | tn 'szr

hbsz | tmn

'a#mdy | 'arb' | 'szr

[g]n'y | tt | 'szr

AI Translation

Hlb'prm — tt

Hlbkrd — n+n

Qmy, 'Arb', 'Shra,

'Arb' — 'Shru

s,' tmn

Shhq — 'Shrmu — the 'Arbu' — kbd.

Hlb, rpsh, 'arb,'shr,


'Irabu — n+20

Hbsh — twenty

Ammiya, 'arb'-shr.

Gan'u — x x x x

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

Halbu-'Apurima - six

Halbu-Karradi - twelve

Qmy - fourteen

Sha'qu - fourteen

Sha'u - eight

Shahaqu - twenty-four

Halbu-Rapshi - fourteen

Baq'atu - six

'Irabu - twelve

Hbsh - eight

Ammidayu - fourteen

Gan'a - sixteen



1 me-at 48 _dug gesztin szu-nigin2_

AI Translation

148 jugs of wine, total.

Dietrich, M., Loretz, O., Sanmartín, J.

148 vessels of wine - total.

P521464: administrative tablet

Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 3(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 3 sila3 Esagila,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • Reverse


    zi-ga u4 2(u) [n?]-kam# iti [...] mu# [...] mah#? [...]

    AI Translation

    booked out; 20th day, month: "...," year: "... great ...,"

    P521465: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 29th day.



    [zi]-ga [u4 n?] 5(disz)-kam [iti] diri mu# na-du3-a mah

    AI Translation

    booked out; nth day, 5th month, extra, year: "The nadua-container was installed;"

    P521466: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • u4 2(u) 9(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 29th day.



    iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa na-du3-a mah ba-du3

    AI Translation

    month: "Harvest," year after: "The great nadu-festival was erected."

    P521467: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 zabar
  • lugal-sza3-la3

  • 3(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • [z]i-ga u4 4(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of bronze flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 3 sila3 Esagila,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • booked out, 4th day;



    [iti] sig4#-(gesz)i3-szub-ba-gar mu us2#-[sa] na-du3-a mah ba#-du3

    AI Translation

    month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The great nadu-house was erected."

    P521468: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 1(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 1(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • u4 8(disz)-kam

  • 1(disz) sila3 lugal-sza3-la2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 1 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 1 sila3: Ur-Lamma,
  • 8th day.

  • 1 sila3: Lugal-shala,
  • Reverse

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 2(disz) sila3 e2#-sag#-[il2]-la
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • u4 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam iti sig4-(gesz)[i3-szub]-ba-ga2-ra# mu us2-sa na-du3-a mah ba-du3

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 9th day, month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The great nadu-building was erected."

    P521469: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 ur#-(d)lamma
  • 4(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 1 1/2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 1 1/2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 4 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • Reverse


    u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    18th day, month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521470: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 1(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 1 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 1 sila3: Ur-Lamma,
  • 22nd day, month: "Barley at the quay."



    mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521471: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 28th day.



    iti sze-kar-ra-gal2-la mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month: "Barley at the quay," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521472: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 dabin
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Baba;

  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 1 sila3: Ur-Lamma,
  • Reverse


    u4# [n]-kam# [iti] nesag# mu# [ma]-da za-ab-[sza]-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    ... day, month: "First fruits," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521473: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] sila3 dabin lugal#-sza3-la2 [n] sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar [n] sila3 ur-(d)lamma

    AI Translation

    n sila3 of dabin for Lugal-shala, n sila3 of Puzur-Ishtar, n sila3 of Ur-Lamma,



    u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam iti nesag mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    17th day, month: "First fruits," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521474: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 dabin
  • lugal-sza3-la2

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 1(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Lugal-shala;

  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 1 sila3 Esagila,
  • Reverse


    u4 2(u)-kam iti nesag mu# ma-da za-ab#-sza#-li(ki#) [ba]-hul

    AI Translation

    20th day, month: "First fruits," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521475: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 dabin
  • puzur4-esz18-dar

  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 1(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 1(disz) sila3 lugal-sza3-la2
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Puzur-Ishtar;

  • 2 sila3: Ur-Baba;
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 1 sila3 Esagila,
  • 1 sila3: Lugal-shala,
  • Reverse


    u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam iti dal mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    22nd day, month: "Flight," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521476: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [x] sila3 dabin ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 3(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 1(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • AI Translation

    x sila3 of dabin flour, Ur-Baba;

  • 3 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 1 1/2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 1 sila3 Esagila,
  • Reverse


    u4 2(u)-kam iti dal mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    20th day, month: "Flight," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521477: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz)# sila3 dabin
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6#

  • 3(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) sila3 ur#-(d)lamma
  • AI Translation
  • 6 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Baba;

  • 3 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 1 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • Reverse


    u4 2(u) 4(disz)-kam iti dal mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    24th day, month: "Flight," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521478: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) sila3 dabin
  • puzur4#-[esz18-dar]

  • 5(disz) sila3 lugal#-[sza3-la2]
  • 1(disz) sila3 ur-(d#)[...]
  • 1(disz) sila3 e2-sag#-[il2]-la
  • AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Puzrish-Ishtar;

  • 5 sila3: Lugal-shala,
  • 1 sila3 Ur-...,
  • 1 sila3 Esagila,
  • Reverse


    u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam iti dal mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    25th day, month: "Flight," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521479: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 dabin
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 4(disz) sila3 lugal-sza3-la2
  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma#
  • 2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • u4 2(u)#? 7(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Baba;

  • 4 sila3: Lugal-shala;
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 27th day.


  • 5(disz) sila3 ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • 2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • u4 2(u) 8(disz)-kam iti szu-numun mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3: Ur-Baba;
  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 28th day, month: "Sowing," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521480: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(disz) sila3 dabin
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • AI Translation
  • 4 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Baba;

  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 2 sila3 Ur-Lamma,
  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • Reverse


    [u4] 1(disz)-kam iti# min3-esz3 mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    1st day, month: "minesh," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521481: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) sila3 dabin
  • puzur4-esz18-dar

  • 3(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • 5(disz) sila3 ur-(d)ba-ba6
  • 1(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-la
  • AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Puzur-Ishtar;

  • 3 sila3: Ur-Lamma,
  • 5 sila3: Ur-Baba;
  • 1 sila3 Esagila,
  • Reverse


    u4 4(disz)-kam iti min3-esz3 mu ma-da (za-ab)-sza-li ba-hul

    AI Translation

    4th day, month: "minesh," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521482: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 dabin
  • ur-(d)ba-ba6

  • 2(disz) sila3 e2-sag-il2-[la]
  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4#-esz18-dar#
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Baba;

  • 2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • u4 4(disz)-kam iti min3-esz3 mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3: Ur-Lamma,
  • 4th day, month: "minesh," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521483: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 dabin#
  • ur-(d)ba-[ba6]

  • 3(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 lugal-[sza3-la2]
  • 3(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 e2-[sag]-il2-la#
  • 5(disz) sila3 ur-(d)lamma
  • AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Baba;

  • 3 1/2 sila3: Lugal-shala;
  • 3 1/2 sila3 Esagila,
  • 5 sila3: Ur-Lamma,
  • Reverse

  • 2(disz) sila3 puzur4-esz18-dar
  • u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam iti min-esz3 mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 2 sila3 Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 13th day, month: "minesh," year: "The land of Zabshali was destroyed."

    P521484: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) sila3 dabin
  • ur-(d)lamma#

  • 1(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 lugal-sza3-la2
  • 1(ban2) la2 1(disz) sila3 dabin
  • e2-sag-il2-la u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam iti e2-iti-6(disz)

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • for Ur-Lamma;

  • 1 1/2 sila3: Lugal-shala;
  • 1 ban2 less 1 sila3 dabin flour,
  • for Esagila; 16th day; month: "House-month-6."

    P521485: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) sila3 dabin
  • e2-sag-il2-la

  • 2(disz) sila3 ur-al-la
  • u4 2(u) la2 1(disz)-kam iti e2-iti-6(disz)

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • Esagila temple

  • 2 sila3 Ur-alla,
  • 19th day, month: "House-month-6."

    P521486: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz) sila3 ba-ba saga
  • 2(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15
  • 2(disz) sila3 dabin nig2-diri
  • 5(disz) sila3 zu2-lum
  • nig2-si-ga u4 4(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 8 sila3 barley flour, fine quality,
  • 2 ban2 8 sila3 fine flour,
  • 2 sila3 of dabin, nigdiri,
  • 5 sila3 dates,
  • accounting, 4th day;



    [...] zi-ga nig2-diri ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta kiszib3 a-ga-ti-a

    AI Translation

    ... booked out, surplus, from Shulgi-mudah, under seal of Agatia;

    P521487: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) masz2-gal niga 1(disz) sila3-[ta]
  • iti u4 1(u) ba-zal

  • 1(disz) udu niga 1(disz) sila3-ta
  • iti u4 1(u) 6(disz) ba-zal

  • 1(barig) 5(ban2) dabin
  • 2(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15
  • 1(barig) 5(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 kasz [du]
  • 5(ban2) kasz saga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each,
  • the month, day 10 passed;

  • 1 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each,
  • month: "16th day passed;"

  • 1 barig 5 ban2 of barley flour,
  • 2 ban2 4 sila3 fine flour,
  • 1 barig 5 ban2 5 sila3 regular beer,
  • 5 ban2 fine beer,
  • Reverse


    igi-kar2 lu2-dingir-ra ba-usz2 ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta ba-zi kiszib3 a-ga-ti-a iti sig4-(gesz)[u3-szub-ba-gar-ra] mu us2-sa bad3 [mar-tu] ba-du3 mu us2-[sa]-bi

    AI Translation

    before Lu-dingira died; from Shulgi-mudah's account booked out; under seal of Agati'a; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after that.

    P521488: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) dabin gur
  • 6(disz) ma-na bappir2 du
  • 3(ban2) sze kasz-kam
  • sa2-du11 nita

  • 2(asz) dabin gur
  • 6(disz) ma-na bappir2 du
  • 3(ban2) sze kasz-kam
  • sa2-du11 munus

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur of dabin flour,
  • 6 mana of regular flour,
  • 3 ban2 of barley for beer,
  • regular offerings for males

  • 2 gur of dabin flour,
  • 6 mana of regular flour,
  • 3 ban2 of barley for beer,
  • regular offerings for women


  • 2(asz) 3(barig) sze gur sza3-gal ansze#
  • x-[…-] kiszib3 ur-ku3-nun-na ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta ba-zi iti nesag mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3-a mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 3 barig barley, fodder of donkeys,
  • ... under seal of Ur-kununa, from Shulgi-mudah's account booked out; month: "First fruits," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after that.

    P521489: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 8(disz) udu nita2
  • 1(disz) sila4
  • 4(disz) masz2
  • ki# a-kal-la-ta

    AI Translation
  • 18 male sheep,
  • 1 lamb,
  • 4 billy goats,
  • from Akalla;



    [x]-x-da i3-dab5 iti sze-sag-ku5 mu e2 puzur4-da-gan ba-du3

    AI Translation

    ...da accepted; month: "Harvest," year: "The house of Puzrish-Dagan was erected."

    P521490: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    igi 6(disz)-gal2 ku3-babbar ki (d)asz3-gi5-illat-su2-ta la-(qi3)-ip szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    1/6 shekel of silver from Ashgi-illatsu, Laqip received;



    iti ezem-a-dara4

    AI Translation

    month "Adara festival;"

    Seal 1


    la-qi3-pu-um dumu dingir-ba-[ni]

    AI Translation

    La-qipu'um, son of Ili-bani.

    P521491: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) 3(ban2) 4(disz) 2/3(disz) sila3 zi3
  • 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15
  • diri sa2-du11 ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig 3 ban2 4 2/3 sila3 flour,
  • 1 ban2 5 sila3 fine flour,
  • extra, regular offerings, from Shulgi-mudah;



    kiszib3 ur-(d)nin-szubur [...] [...]-ba-ni mu si-mu-ru-um-ke4 ba-hul

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-Ninshubur ... ...-bani; year: "Simurum was destroyed."

    P521492: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2) zi3 a-tal-sze-en
  • 3(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 sze zi3 kar
  • zi-ga nig2 diri-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 flour for Atal-shen,
  • 3 ban2 2 sila3 barley flour, kashk cheese,
  • booked out, extra;



    ki sza-at-esz18-dar-(ta) ba-zi iti dal mu en (d)inanna masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    from Shat-Ishtar's account booked out; month: "Flight," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna by goat was chosen."

    P521493: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (na4)kikken a2-da-(ba)-ar-gal? szu se3-ga
  • (na4)kikken zi-bi2 szu se3-ga ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 ...-stone for Ada-bargal, hand .
  • ... kukku-stone, the 'strength', from Shulgi-mudah;



    zi-za-num2 szu ba-ti mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    Ziznum received; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    P521494: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sza3-gal
  • (ansze)kunga2 u4 1(disz)-kam ki (d)szara2-dan-ta

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 5 sila3 of szagal-flour,
  • mules, 1st day, from Shara-dan;



    kiszib3 ur-ku3-nun-na iti u5-bi2-gu7 mu us2-sa bad3# mar-[tu ba]-du3

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-kununa; month: "Ubi feast," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P521495: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) u8
  • 1(u) 5(disz) [udu]-nita
  • su-su-[x] am#? _ne_ ki sza-[at-esz18-dar]-ta

    AI Translation
  • 5 ewes,
  • 15 rams,
  • ... ... from Shat-Ishtar



    kiszib3 (d)szul-gi-mu-dah mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    under seal of Shulgi-mudah; year: "The priest of Inanna in Uruk was installed."

    P521496: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) gu2 bappir2 saga
  • 2(asz) gu2 bappir2 du
  • ki a-a-zi-mu-ta (d)szara2-dan

    AI Translation
  • 2 talents of fine apotropaic resin,
  • 2 talents of regular flour,
  • from Aya-zimu, Sharadan;



    szu [ba]-ti mu bad3 mar-[tu ba]-du3

    AI Translation

    received; year: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P521497: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(asz) gu2 (u2)ninni5
  • ki la-la-ta kiszib3 (d)szara2-dan

    AI Translation
  • 15 talents of ninni-plant,
  • from Lala, under seal of Sharadan;



    giri3 a-da-lal3 iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    via Adalal; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P521498: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    la2-ia3 4(u) 6(asz) 4(barig) 2(ban2) sze gur

  • 6(asz) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 duh
  • 1(disz) (uruda)ha-zi-in 2(disz) [...]
  • [1(u)] 2(barig) 5(ban2) sze gur
  • sag-gal2-la ba-ri2-ga la2-ia3 nig2-ka9-ak#

    AI Translation

    deficit: 46 gur 4 barig 2 ban2 barley;

  • 6 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 bran,
  • 1 copper hazin-vessel, 2 ...,
  • 10 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 barley,
  • he will pay the deficit of the debit account.



    (d)szul-gi-mu-dah szabra in-da-gal2 su-su-dam mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    Shulgi-mudah, the household manager, has received; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    P521499: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze-ta
  • sza3-[gal] (ansze)[kunga2] u4 1(disz)-[x] ki (d)szara2-dan-[ta]

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 5 sila3 barley per day,
  • fodder of the mules, 1st day, from Shara-dan;



    kiszib3 ur-ku3-nun-na iti masz-da3-gu7 mu us2-sa# bad3# mar-[tu] ba#-du3

    AI Translation

    under seal of Ur-kununa; month: "Gazelle feast," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected;"

    P521500: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze-ta
  • sza3-gal (ansze)kunga2 u4 2(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 5 sila3 barley per day,
  • fodder of the mules, 2nd day;



    ki (d)szara2-dan-ta kiszib3 ur-ku3-nun-na iti ub-bi2-gu7

    AI Translation

    from Shara-dan, under seal of Ur-kununa; month: "ubi feast,"

    P521501: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) kasz
  • u4 1(disz)-kam

  • 4(barig) 3(ban2) kasz
  • u4 2(disz)-kam

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig beer,
  • 1st day.

  • 4 barig 3 ban2 beer,
  • 2nd day;



    kaskal an-za-gar3 ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta kiszib3 (d)i-szum-ba-ni iti ezem-me-ki-gal2 [mu] us2-sa e2 [x? x?] (d#!)szara2 ba-du3

    AI Translation

    to the campaign of Anzagar, from Shulgi-mudah, under seal of Ishum-bani; month: "Festival of Mekigal," year following: "The house ... of Shara was erected."

    P521502: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [_gisz-szub_]-_ba_ (lu2)_lunga3_-_mesz e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag 4_(u2) sza2 u4-mu kap-ri tar-din-nu sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu a-di 4(u2) sza2 szu-us-sul-lu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 A (disz)_dingir_-ia ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-[a] [A] (disz)_szesz_-ia-u2-tu u2-szad-gil (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-_ud-da_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-_ud-da a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia _dumu szesz ad_ sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag_ a-na szi-bu-tu ina lib3-bi a-szi-bi (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-(szu2 sza2) (disz)mar-du-ku

    [A (disz)x x] (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_amar-utu_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x x] A (disz)_e2_-_du3_-A

    [_bara2-sipa_(ki)] (iti)_bara2 ud 29_-_kam_ [_mu_-n-_kam_ (disz)]dar-i'-a-mu-usz

    AI Translation

    The brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of the fourth day of the kaprû offering of the lower courtyard, of the day up to the fourth day of the shushullu offering of good beer, which Mushezib-Nabû/Murashu/Ilia sealed and gave to Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Tabnea/Ahiya'utu: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-mushezib-uddi/Ilshu-ahhe-iddin/Ilshu-ab-ushur/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-utir/Ilshu-shumu-uti

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mushetiq-udde/Ilia, son of the brother of the father of Mushezib-Nabû, in perpetuity.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-uballit/Kidin-Sîn, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Marduk/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: Iddin-Marduk/PN/Edu-ibna.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-I-x-02.


    Brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû - a 1/4 day of the kapru offering, on the occasion of the second serving in the evening, and a 1/4 shussullu vessel with good beer - which Mushezib-Nabû/Murashû/Ilia sealed and gave to Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Tabnea/Ahiya'utu:

    Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Ilia, the son of the brother of the father of Mubezib-Nabû was present as a witness at this transaction.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-uballit/Kidin-Sîn, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Marduk/FN.

    Scribe: Iddin-Marduk/PN/É-dU-a.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-I-x.

    P521503: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    5 dan-nu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa murub4_ nap-ta-[nu] (disz)la-a-ba-szi-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_zi_(ti3)-_uru3 a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu ina muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)had-da-a

    A (disz)_szesz_-ia2-u2-tu ina (iti)_szu ud 13_-_kam_

    a-na kap-ri i-nam-din pu-ut la bat,-lu na-asz2-szi (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu ((illegible)) ((illegible)) ((illegible)) [...]-_mesz_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) _dub-sar_ [A (disz)x] _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 14_-_kam_ [_mu_-n-_kam_] (disz)da-ri-i'-ia2-mu-[usz _lugal tin-tir_(ki)] _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    5 vats of beer for the middle of the meal, Lâbâshi-Marduk, son of Kidin-ushur, descendant of Kudurranu, has received from Nabû-ittannu, son of Haddâ:

    in Du'uzu, 13th day, eponym year of Ahiya'utu.

    Witnesses: Ardiya/Kudurranu,

    Witnesses: Ardia/Kudurranu, ...,

    Borsippa, Dar 14-X-X-02.


    Five vats of medium quality beer for the sacred meal: due to Lâbâshi-Marduk/Napshati-ushur/Kudurranu from Nabû-ittannu/Hadda/Ahiya'utu.

    He will give the vats on the 13th day of month Du'uzu IV for the kapru offerings.

    He is responsible for not interrupting the offerings.

    Witnesses: Ardia//Kudurranu, names of several witnesses illegible.

    Scribe: Nabû-uballit//FN. Borsippa, Dar 14-X-x.

    P521504: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [t,uppi szupêltu sza _sz_a-pi-Nabu] A (disz)[x u S,illa] A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 sza2 [itti ahamesz uszpêlu]

    4 u4-mu ti-lim-[du3-_mesz_ (iti)x] _ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 6_-_kam gisz#_-[_szub-ba_] (lu2)_lunga_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_

    3 1/2 u4-mu (iti)_du6 ud 8_(?)-_kam 1_/2 u4-mu _ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_lunga_-u2-tu _e2-mah-gir17-zal e2_ sza2 (d)_dumu_-_e2_

    (disz)sza-pi4-(d)_ag_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 pa-ni (disz)s,il-la-a u2-szad-gil

    u3 2 u4-mu tar-din-nu masz-ti-ti (iti)_ne ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam gisz#_-[_szub-ba_] (lu2)_lunga_-u2-tu [_e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_]

    6 _ma-na 10_ [_gin2 ku3-babbar_ ...] ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-[_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)na-na-a] (lu2)_ku4-e2_ [(d)_ag_ (lu2)_gar-usz4 bara2-sipa_(ki)]

    ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-[_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)na-na-a] (lu2)_ku4-e2_ [(d)_ag_ (lu2)_gar-usz4 bara2-sipa_(ki)] ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-[_e a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia] (lu2)sza3-tam _e2_-[_zi-da_] _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-ga-mil A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-[x A ...] _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_da a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-I(?) A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 _igi_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-din A (disz)nik-ka-a-a _igi_ (disz)_arad2_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)nu-um-mu-ru A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kam_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u

    A (disz)_arad2_-u2-tu _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gu4 ud 21_-_kam mu 18_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Tablet of exchange of Shapi-Nabu, son of ..., and Shilla, son of Ilia, which he received from Ahames:

    4 days of tilimtu offerings: 01, 02, 05, 06 of month x of the brewer's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû;

    3 1/2 days of Tashritu VII, 8?, 1/2 day of the 9th, 10th, and 11th days of the brewer's prebend in Emahgirzal, temple of Mar-biti,

    Sha-pi-Nabû voluntarily sealed and gave to Shillaya.

    and 2 days of the second offering of the mashtitu offerings: 09/V, 10/V, brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû;

    6 minas 10 shekels of silver ..., at the disposal of Marduk-zeru-ibni, son of Kidin-Nanaya, temple-enterer of Nabû, governor of Borsippa.

    Before Marduk-zeru-ibni/Kidin-Nanaya, temple-enterer of Nabû, governor of Borsippa, before Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Ilia, shatammu of Ezida, before Nabû-gamil/Iddin-x/FN, before Nabû-le'i/Nabû-na'id/Kidin-Sîn, before Marduk-zeru-ibni/Nadin/Nikkaya, before Arad-Nabû/Nummuru/Nabû-erish.

    Scribe: Nabû-bel-shumati/Balatu/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-II-18. 1


    Tablet of exchange that Sha-pî-Nabû of the family X and Shilla of the Ilia family have exchanged with each other:

    - Four days of the tilimtu offerings on days 01, 02, 05, 06 of month x of the brewer's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû

    - 3 1/2 days in month Tashritu VII: half of day 08, day 09, day 10, day 11 of the brewer's prebend of Emahgirzal, temple of Mar-biti

    Sha-pî-Nabû has voluntarily assigned this to Shilla. And:

    - 2 days of the tardennu mashtitu offerings on days 09 and 10 of month Abu V the brewer's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû

    - 6 m 10 sh silver ... Shilla has voluntarily assigned this to Sha-pî-Nabû.

    In the presence of Marduk-zeru-ibni//Kidin-Nanaya, erib-biti of Nabû, shakin-temi of Borsippa, Nabû-balassu-iqbi//Ilia, shatammu of Ezida, Nabû-gamil/Iddin-DN/FN, Nabû-le'i/Nabû-na'id?/Kidin-Sîn, Marduk-zeru-ibni/Nadin/Nikkaya, Arad-Nabû/Nummuru/Nabû-eresh, Nabû-ahu-iddin/Shamash-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-bel-shumati/Balatu/Ardutu.

    Borsippa, Nbp 21-II-18.

    P521505: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [34 _gur_] _zu2-lum-ma til_(tu2) [_buru14 gisz_]-_szub-ba_ sza2 (disz)szu-la-a [u3] (disz)ba-la-t,u _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia ina _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x-x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_du3_(usz) A (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    ina masz-szar-tu2 sza2 (iti)_ziz2 sze_ u _bara2 17 gur_ i-nam-din 17 (_gur_) i-na (iti)_gu4_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_aszgab_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_aszgab_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti A (disz)_dingir_-ba-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut

    A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 bar-sip(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 13_-_kam mu 36_-_kam_ [(disz)](d)_ag_-_nig2-du_-_uru3 lugal e_(ki) e-lat masz-szar-tu2 _mu 30_-_kam_

    e-lat masz-szar-tu2 _mu 30_-_kam_ e-lat _sze-ziz2-a-an_

    e-lat _sze-ziz2-a-an_

    AI Translation

    34 kurru dates, the complete yield of the prebend of Shulaya and Balatu, sons of Shilla, descendant of Ilia, are due from Nabû-x/Bel-ipush/Kidin-Sîn.

    In the mashartu of month XI barley and barley rations he will give 17 kurru in month II.

    Witnesses: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Arad-Nabû/Ashgabu, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Kiribtu/Ili-bani, Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushallim/Remut/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Nbk 13-XI-36.

    In addition to the mashartu offerings of the 30th year, in addition to the szezizû offerings,

    above the wheat-heap;


    34 kurru of dates in full, yield of the prebend of Shula and Balatu, sons of Shilla of the Ilia family, due from Nabû-x/Bel-ipush/Kidin-Sîn.

    He will deliver 17 kurru in the mashartu of months XI, XII and I, and he will deliver the other 17 kurru in month II.

    Witnesses: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Arad-Nabû/Ashkapu, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Kiribtu/Ili-bani, Nabû-mukin-apli//Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushallim/Remut/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 13-XI-36.

    The mashartu of year 30 is still due.

    Emmer of year 36 is still due.

    P521506: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [(disz)szu-la-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia]

    [ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2] 2(ta) _szu_-_min_-_mesz_ [ina _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_] [_a-sza3_-_mesz_ u3] 40 _gi_-_mesz ki_(ti3) _ka2-gal za_-[_gin_] [sza2 qe2-reb _bara2-sipa_(ki) _usz_] _an-ta da sila_ rap-szu2 [u3 _da 6_ nik2]-kas3 _gi_-_mesz_ sza2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_aszgab_ [mah-ri] _usz ki-ta da sila sig_(nu) a-s,u-u2 [_sag-ki an_]-_ta da e2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ne2-e-a [A (disz)_zalag2_]-(d)_pap-sukkal_ u _da e2_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_amar-utu_-_tin a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    [_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_mu_-_gi-na a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_-_si-sa2_

    [A (disz)_e2-sag_]-_ila2_-_man-sum bara2-sipa#_(ki) [(iti)]_sze_

    AI Translation

    Shulaya, son of Shillaya, descendant of Iliya;

    2/3 of the prebends in the fields and 40 reeds in the Zagin gate, which is in Borsippa, the upper length to the wide street and adjacent to 6 nikkas reeds that are in the hands of Iddin-Nabû//Ashgab, the lower length to the narrow street, the access-way; the upper width to the east adjacent to the house of Nabû-eter-napshati/Tabnea/Nur-Papsukkal and adjacent to the house of Itti-Marduk-balatu/Ilshu-abushu;

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Shamash-shumu-lishir/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr XII-02.1


    Shula/Shilla/Ilia voluntarily sealed and assigned to his oldest son Nabû-belshunu:1

    two thirds of the prebends and fields, as well as a house of 40 reeds in the district of the 'Lapis Lazuli' Gate in the centre of Borsippa: - the upper side next to the broad street and next to the house of 6 nikkassu received from Iddin-Nabû//Ashkapu - the lower side next to the small through-street - the upper front next to the house of Nabû-eter-napshati/Tabnea/Nur-Papsukkal and next to the house of Itti-Marduk-balatu//Ilshu-abushu - the lower front next to the house of Marduk-shumu-ushur//Nur-Sîn; a large bit-shutummi of 24 reeds on the passageway of the gods until the empty plot - the upper front next to Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-mukin-apli/Arkat-ilani-damqa - the lower front next to Nabû-nadin-shumi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Iddin-Papsukkal And one third of the prebends and fields of Shula, as much as there is, he = Shula sealed and assigned forever to Marduk-shumu-ibni, Nabû-eter-napshati and Nergal-iddin, his younger sons, the later sons. He = Shula sealed and assigned to Marduk-shumu-ibni his second son ?, on top of his share and instead of his house: a bit-shutummi of 12 reeds, next to the large bit-shutummi, reaching from the empty plot until the small through-street - upper front next to Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-mukin-apli/Arkat-ilani-damqat - lower front next to Nabû-shumu-eresh and Marduk-zeru-ibni descendants of Kudurranu and a field of 0;3.2 in tamirtu Bit-Etraya, part of the property which is held in common with his Shula's brother Itti-Nabû-balatu. He = Shula sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-eter-napshati, his third son: A part of a house of 6 nikkassu in the district of the 'Lapis Lazuli' Gate in the centre of Borsippa, which was received from Iddin-Nabû//Ashkapu: - upper side next to the broad street - lower side next to the same plot - upper front next to the same plot - lower front next to the house of Marduk-shumu-ushur//Nur-Sîn The previous tablets that he sealed to the name of Shilla ? and to the name of Tabnea and Liblut and the previous tablets that Shula sealed to the name of? the sons of PN: they are all broken. They have sworn an oath by Nabû. At the sealing of the tablet are present: Marduk-shapik-zeri/Nabû-le'i/Ilia, Nabû-nadin-shumi/Lushi-ana-nuri-Marduk/Bel-ushumgal, Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-kashir/Nur-Papsukkal, Nabû-mukin-zeri/Taqish-Gula/Siatu, Nabû-belshunu/Shula/Ilia, Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Shamash-shumu-lishir/Esagil-mansum.

    Borsippa, Nbn x-XII-02.

    P521507: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    t,up-pi _ha-la_ sza2 _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_ u3 (disz)(d)[U]-_gur_-_sum_(na) A-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)[_dingir_]-ia (lu2)2(?)-[x x] it-ti [a-ha]-mesz# u2-za-az-[zu-u2] [1] u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_gud#_ [1] u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_du6 1_ u4-mu ti-[lim-du3-_mesz_] sza2 (iti)_szu ud 20_-_kam 1_ u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)#[x] _ud 14_-_kam 1_ u4-mu _ud-esz3-esz3_ sza2 _kasz-u2_-[_sa sig5_ sza2 (iti)x]

    1 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_du6 1_ u4-mu szisz-szu2 sza2 u4-mu _la2_(t,i) masz-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_sze 1_ u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)_bara2 ud 19_-_kam 1_ dan-nu _ku3-babbar igi_ (d)_ag_ sza2 _e2_ (disz)_lu2#_-[(d)e2-a] (iti)_bara2 ud 10_-_kam 1_ dan-nu la-_igi bara2_ (d)_utu_ (iti)_kin ud 4_-_kam 2_ ka-nik _igi_ (d)_nin-lil2_ (iti)_du6 ud 6_-_kam_ a-ki-i _ha-la_-szu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_ id-dag-gal 3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ tak-pu-ra-tu2 ina _szu_-_min_ ((disz))(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni () u3 (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_mu_ e-t,ir 1 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_gud#_

    1 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_gud# 1_ u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_du6 1_ u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 ud 8_-_kam 1_ u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)_bara2 ud 18_-_kam 1_ u4-mu _ud-esz3-esz3_ sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ sza2 (iti)_sze ud 8_-_kam 1_ dan-nu _ku3-babbar igi_ (d)_nin-lil2_ (iti)_du6 ud 8_-_kam 2_(ta) _szu_-_min_-_mesz_ sza2 [dan-nu] _igi bara2_ (d)_utu_ (iti)_gan ud 28_-[_kam_] a-ki-i _ha-la_-szu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_sum_(na) id-dag-gal a-na la e-ni-e 1 _ta_ a4 _gaba_(ba)-ra-ni-e a-na a-ha-mesz it-tan-nu () (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_sum_(na)-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[x]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_sum_(na)-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[x] A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-[nu A-szu2 sza2] [(disz)]szu#-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[_gin_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (disz)ku-du-[ra-nu] (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_szesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A [(disz)x x x]

    u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_si-sa2_ (lu2)_dub_-[_sar_] _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-ib-ni A (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_pap_-[_sukkal_]

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_szu ud 23_-_kam mu 11_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Tablet of the share of the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, Marduk-shumu-ibni, Nabû-eter-napshati and Nergal-iddin, sons of Shulaya, descendant of Ilia, the ..., shared with each other: 1 day of the kaprû offerings in month I, 1 day of the kaprû offerings in month VII, 1 day of the tilimtu offerings in month IV, 20th day of Dumuzi, 1 day of the tardinnu offerings in month ..., 14th day of the esheshu offerings of good beer in month .

    1 day of the kaprû offerings in month VII, 1 day of the second day of the mashtitu offerings in month XII, 1 day of the tardinnu offerings in month I, 19th day, 1 silver davillion before Nabû of the house of Amel-Ea, 10th day of Nisannu, 1 silver davillion before the kaprû offerings of Shamash, 04th day of Ululu, 2 kanik offerings before Ninlil, 06th day of Tishri, as his share, he has given to Nabû-eter-napshati and Nergal-iddin as his gift. 1 day of the kaprû offerings of Iyyaru, 10th day of the kaprû offerings of the month Iyyaru, 10th day of the kaprû offerings of the month Iyyaru, 10th day of the kakri offerings of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings, 10th day of the kings,

    1 day of kaprû in month II, 1 day of kaprû in month VII, 1 day of tilimtu in month XI, 8th day, 1 day of tardinnu in month I, 18th day, 1 day of esheshu of good beer on 8th day of Addaru, 1 silver dagger before Mullissu on 8th day, 2 small daggers before the dais of Shamash on 28th day, as his share, he will not raise a claim against Nergal-iddin.

    Witnesses: Iddin-ahi/Nabû-shumu-x/Kudurranu, Nabû-belshunu/Shula/Ilia, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Apla/Kudurranu, Nergal-ah-iddin/Tabnea/FN.

    and Nabû-zeru-lishir, the scribe, son of Nabû-zeru-ibni, descendant of Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-IV-11. 1


    Tablet of the inheritance of the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû: Marduk-shumu-ibni, Nabû-eter-napshati and Nergal-iddin, the sons of Shula from the Ilia family, the second ? sons ?, have divided among each other: 1 day kapru in month Ayyaru II 1 day kapru in month Tashritu VII 1 day tilimtu jars on the 20th day of month Du'uzu 20-IV 1 day tardennu on the 14th day of month x 14-x 1 day of the esheshu festival of the good beer on the 7th day of month XII? 07-XII? 1 silver dannu-vat before Ninlil in month VI 1/2 dannu vat before the Leather Chariot in month x this belongs to Marduk-shumu-ibni as his inheritance share.

    1 day kapru in month Tashritu VII 5/6 day mashtitu in month Addaru XII 1 day tardennu on the 19th day of month Nisannu 19-I 1 silver dannu vat before Nabû "of Bit-Amel-Ea" on the 10th of month Nisannu 10-I 1 dannu vat before the shrine of Shamash on the 4th day of month Ululu 04-VI 2 kaniku vessels before Ninlil on the 6th day of month Tashritu 06-VII this belongs to Nabû-eter-napshati as his inheritance share. He has received from Marduk-shumu-ibni and Nergal-iddin 3 sh silver as compensation.

    1 day kapru in month Ayyaru II 1 day kapru in month Tashritu VII 1 day tilimtu jars on the 8th of month Shabatu 08-XI 1 day tardennu on the 18th of month Nisannu 18-I 1 day esheshu festival of the good beer on the 8th of month Addaru 08-XII 1 silver dannu-vat before Ninlil on the 8th of month Tashritu 08-VII 2/3 of a dannu-vat before the shrine of Shamash on the 28th of month Kislimu 28-IX this belongs to Nergal-iddin as his inheritance share. They gave a copy of this tablet to each other so that this agreement cannot be changed.

    Witnesses: Nadin-ahi/Nabû-shumu-x/Kudurranu, Nabû-belshunu/Shula/Ilia, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Apla/Kudurranu, Nergal-ahu-iddin/Tabnea/FN.

    And scribe Nabû-zeru-lishir/Nabû-zeru-ibni/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Nbn 23-IV-11.

    P521508: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    14 _gur 1_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2 sze-bar 2 gur_ ka-si-ia qa-tu-tu sza2 ina muh-hi ki-i-tum (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)[kal]-ba-a

    i-nam-din 30 dan-nu sza2 (kasz)bi-il-le-e-tum qab-lu-u2 2 dan-nu sza2 _kasz zu2-lum_-[_ma_] x x x (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz-mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz-mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(lu2)]_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_mu a_ (lu2)_sanga_-(d)_utu_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 20-1-la2_-_kam mu 11_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_i lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    14 kurru 1 panu 4 sutu of barley, 2 kurru of refined silver, which is the debt of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, to Nabû-nadin-shumi/Kalba.

    Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu will give 30 vats of billetu beer, 2 vats of dates ...,


    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Marduk-shumu-iddin/Shangû-Shamash.

    Borsippa, Nbn 20-IX-11.


    Marduk-shumu-ibni will give 14;1.4 barley and 2 kurru kasû, ready-to-use, on a reed mat, to Nabû-nadin-shumi/Kalba.1

    Nabû-nadin-shumi will deliver 30 vats of billatu beer of medium quality, 2 vats of date beer ... .

    Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Marduk-shumu-iddin/Shangû-Shamash.

    Borsippa, Nbn 19-IX-11.

    P521509: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    40# (dug)dan-nu-tu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ qab-lu-u2 ha-ar-pi sza2 ku-s,u 7 (dug)dan-nu-tu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ la-bi-ru u3 1 (dug)dan-nu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)_ag_ nap-har 48 (dug)dan-nu-tu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a [_dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-ia ina muh-hi (disz)](d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3_ [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun dumu_ (disz)ku]-du-ra-nu

    [...] _mu 16_-_kam_ [...] man-za-la-a-ti [...] x x (lu2)_dub-sar_ [...] _dumu_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [_bara2-sipa_(ki)] (iti)_apin-du8-a_

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ [...]

    _dumu_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [_bara2-sipa_(ki)] (iti)_apin-du8-a ud 14_-_kam mu 16_-_kam_ (d)_ag_-na-i'-id _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ pa-na-at masz-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_sze-kin-tar_ sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3_

    AI Translation

    40 vats of premium beer of the harpu-flour, of the kushu-flour, 7 vats of old beer and 1 vat of good beer, the meal of Nabû, all 48 vats of beer of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, due from Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu.

    ... year 16 ... zalagu offerings ... scribe ... son of Kudurranu Borsippa, Dar 16-VII-XII-XII.

    Scribe: ...

    Borsippa, Nbn 14-VIII-16.

    Nabû-tabni-ushur will provide good quality beer at the beginning of the mashtitu offerings of month XII of Marduk-shumu-ibni.


    40 vats of medium quality billatu beer of the offerings in the early evening, 7 vats of old billatu beer, and 1 vat of premium billatu beer for the meals of Nabû - in total 48 vats of billatu beer due to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia from Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu.

    ... the 16th year of Nabonidus ... the temple services ... large gap.

    Scribe: PN1/PN2/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 14-VIII-16.

    Nabû-tabni-ushur has not yet been paid the premium billatu beer of the panat mashtiti of month XII of Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    P521510: legal tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    [x x x x x sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 [a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_]-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu a-na ba-la-lu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ id-di-nu _kasz-u2_-[_sa_] a-ki-i u2-il3-ti3-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ a-ki-i dan-nu 2 (_pi_) 1 _ban2 sze-bar 1 ban2_ ka-si-ia ina lib3-bi a-hi _ha-la_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 kasz-u2-sa_ [i-bal-lal(?)]

    _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ ut,-t,a-ru ina ut-ri a-ha-a-ta

    ut,-t,a-ru ina ut-ri a-ha-a-ta

    szu-nu a-na la e-ni-e gaba(ba)-ra-ni-e

    a-na a-ha-mesz it-tan-nu (lu2)mu-kin-nu

    AI Translation

    ... of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia to Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu he gave as the price of beer. The price of beer as the uilti of Marduk-shumu-ibni is 2 panu 1 sutu of barley and 1 sutu of beer. One-half share of Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu will drink with Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu.

    He shall return the good billatu beer to Marduk-shumu-ibni. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

    They will be sated with the sacrificial mashtakal-plant.

    They are to be redeemed in a favorable case.

    The witnesses have given each other.


    About x vats that Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia gave to Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu for mixing billatu beer – good billatu beer in accordance with the debt notes of Marduk-shumu-ibni, at a ratio of 0;2.1 barley and 0;0.1 kasû per vat: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu will share equally in this. He will brew the billatu beer together with Nabû-tabni-ushur.

    They will deliver the good billatu beer to Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    They will share equally in the profits.

    They have given copies of this contract to each other to prevent alteration.

    Witnesses: Shula/Shiriktu/Iddina, PN/Nabû-zeru-iqisha/Re'i-sisê. Scribe Remut-Nabû/PN/FN. Borsippa, month x, day 11, year y of RN.1

    P521511: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-[_mu_-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_dub_-_numun_] A (disz)_dingir_-ia [ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 (...)] ma-la ba-szu-u2 [(...)] sza2 (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _ha-la_-szu2 ik-nu-uk-[ma] pa-ni (f)qu-da-szu2 _dam_-szu2 _dumu-munus_-su sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 u2-szad-gil

    u3 _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu _ha-la_-szu2 sza2 it-ti (disz)(d)_en_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia [u3 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia [la i-zu-zu a]-na u4-mu s,a-a-ta [ik-nu-uk-ma pa]-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)]_dingir_-ia u2-szad-gil [sza2 da-ba-ba an-na-a] in#-nu-u2 (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_

    [sza2 da-ba-ba an-na-a] in#-nu-u2 (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ [_ha-a_-szu2] liq#-bu-u2 [(lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)szu-la(?)]-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_du3_

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)szu-la(?)]-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_nagar_ (disz)(d)_en_-ki-szir3 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_ (lu2)_ma2-lah4_

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_da_

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 _bara2-sipa_(ki) [(iti)x]

    AI Translation

    Marduk-shumu-ushur, son of Shapik-zeri, descendant of Ilia, voluntarily sealed and assigned to Qudashu, his wife, daughter of Nabû-aplu-iddin, descendant of Ilshu-abushu, all the ... of the brewer's prebend, as his share.

    And the storehouse, his share that he has shared with Bel-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilia, and Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, he has not yet sealed and given forever to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Should Nabû and Marduk say to Shulaya/Nabû-zeru-ibni/Ibnaya about this matter, he will pay the 12-fold penalty.

    Witnesses: Shula/Nabû-zeru-ibni/Kidin-Sîn, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Nagaru, Bel-keshir/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Mallahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-le'i/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr x-x. 1


    Marduk-nadin-ahi/Shapik-zeri/Ilia voluntarily sealed and gave to his wife fQudashu/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu all the ... of the brewer's prebend, his share.

    And the doorkeeper's prebend, his share that is undivided with Bel-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilia and Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, he sealed and gave forever to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    May Nabû and Marduk ordain the ruin of the person who changes this matter.

    Witnesses: Shula?/Nabû-zeru-ibni/Kidin-Sîn, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Naggaru, Bel-keshir/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Mallahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-le'i/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Cyr 24-x-02?.1

    P521512: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1(en) u4-mu u3 4(u2) sza2 u4-mu kap-[ri sza2 (iti)x] _ud 14_-_kam_ u3 4(u2) sza2 _ud 15_-_kam gisz#_-[_szub-ba_] (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ [(d)_ag_] sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a A (disz)_dingir#_-[ia] ul-tu _ha-la_-szu2 a-na (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin szesz_-szu2 a-[na _nig2-ba_]

    i-qi2-sza ar2-ki (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_ (disz)_dingir#_-[ia] ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 1(en) u4-mu u3 4[(u2) u4-mu] kap-ri [sza2 (iti)x] _gisz#-szub-ba_ a4 (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu ki-i u2-ti-ri _gisz-szub-ba_ sza2-a-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia _dumu szesz ad_-szu2 a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum a-na _nig2-ba_ iq-ti-isz (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin A (disz)_en_-_uszumgal_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x]-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mu-tu A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(disz)re]-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_numun a_ (disz)_en_-ia-u2 [(disz)(d)]_ag#_-_gin_-_ibila a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_gi a_ (disz)_asz_-_szur#_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu#-[sze-zib] A (lu2)_szitim#_ (disz)_ba_(sza2)-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_ [A (disz)x x x]

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[x A (disz)x x]

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 5_-_kam mu 3_-[_kam_] (disz)ku-ur2-ra-asz2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal#_ [_kur-kur_]

    AI Translation

    One day and one-fourth of a day of the kaprû offerings of month x, 14th day, and one-fourth of the 15th day of the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, belonging to Shulaya/Shillaya/Ilia, from his share to Itti-Nabû-balatu, his brother, as a gift.

    After Nabû-ushallim/Itti-Nabû-balatu/Ilia has voluntarily sold one day and forty days of the kaprû offerings of month x of the brewer's prebend, that prebend to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, son of the brother of his father, as a gift.

    Witnesses: Nabû-eter-napshati/Tabnea/Kudurranu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-ushumgal, Nabû-x-iddin/Remut/Kudurranu, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Beliya'u, Nabû-mukin-apli/Marduk-ushallim/Ashur, Nabû-belshunu/Mushezib/Ashur, Iqisha-Marduk/Shamash-iddin/FN.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushallim/Nabû-shumu-x/FN.

    Borsippa, Cyr 05-III-03.


    1 day and 1/4 day of the kapru offerings, on the 14th day and 1/4 of the 15th day of month x, brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Shula/Shilla/Ilia gave as a gift to his brother Itti-Nabû-balatu out of his inheritance:

    later, Nabû-ushallim/Itti-Nabû-balatu/Ilia returned 1 day and 1/4 day of the kapru offerings in month x, the aforementioned brewer's prebend, and he gave that prebend forever to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, the son of the brother of his father, as a gift.

    Witnesses: Nabû-eter-napshati/Tabnea/Kudurranu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-ushumgal, Nabû-x-iddin or -shumi/Remut/Kudurranu, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-bani-zeri/Beliya'u, Nabû-mukin-apli/Marduk-ushallim/Edu-eter, Nabû-belshunu/Mushezib/Itinnu, Iqisha-Marduk/Shamash-iddin/FN.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushallim/Nabû-shumu-x/FN.

    Borsippa, Cyr 05-III-03.

    P521513: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    14 dan-nu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa murub4_(u2) nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)_ag_ sza2 (f)in-s,a-ab-tum _dumu-munus_-su sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)sza2-na-szi-szu2 _dam_ sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a ina _ugu_ (disz)(d)_en_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_eduru_-_mu_

    A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ina (iti)_szu 14_ dan-nu

    i-nam-din pu-ut t,u-ub sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ na-szi (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk A (lu2)_szu-ku6_ u (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)ni-qu-du A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)sza2-na-szi-szu2

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_diri-sze-kin-tar_

    AI Translation

    14 vats of premium beer for the middle meal of Nabû, of Inshabtu, daughter of Marduk-shumu-iddin/Shanashishu, wife of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula, due from Bel-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshushu.

    In Du'uzu Month IV, day 14, eponymy of Bel-shar-iqbi.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu, Nabû

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Shula/Ilia, Nabû-ittannu/Marduk/Re'i-alpi and the scribe Niqudu/Marduk-shumu-iddin/Shanashishu.

    Borsippa, Dar XII-06.1


    14 vats of medium quality billatu beer for the meal of Nabû, due to fInshabtu daughter Marduk-shumu-iddin of the Sha-nashishu family, wife of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula, from Bel-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilia.

    He will deliver 14 vats in month IV.

    He is responsible for making good beer.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Shula/Ilia, Nabû-ittannu/Marduk/Ba'iru, and scribe Niqudu/Marduk-shumu-iddin/Sha-nashishu.

    Borsippa, Cyr 15-XIIb-06.1

    P521514: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [(disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_]-szu2# sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A (disz)_dingir_-ia a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu]-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia _szesz ad_-szu2 iq-bi um-ma _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u A (disz)_dingir_-ia [_dumu szesz ad_] _ad#_-ia szim-tum u2-bi-il-szu-ma _dumu_ u3 _szesz_ la i-szi [_nig2-szid_]-szu2# u3 _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_-szu2 ki-i _szesz gal_-u2-tu sza2 _e2_-i-ni [at-tu]-u2-a szu-nu _szesz ad_-ia at-ta u3 s,a-ab-ta-ku-ma

    [lu-uk-nu-uk]-ma pa-ni-ka lu-sza2-ad-gi-il (disz)(d)[_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni]

    [a-na (disz)_sum_(na)]-(d)_ag dumu szesz_-szu2 _gal_(u2) isz-me (disz)_sum_[(na)-(d)_ag_ x x] [x x x x] _mu_ he2-pi a-na ia-a-ri-u2 [x x x x] [x x x x] _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-szal-lim _dumu szesz ad_-szu2-nu [x x x] [x x (disz)(d)_amar_]-_utu_-_mu_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia a-na [u4-mu s,a-a-tu2] [i-na pa-ni-szu2] id-dag-gal (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ ina (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ u a-di-[e]

    [x x (disz)(d)_amar_]-_utu_-_mu_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia a-na [u4-mu s,a-a-tu2]

    [i-na pa-ni-szu2] id-dag-gal (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ ina (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ u a-di-[e] [sza2 (disz)ka]-am-bu-zi-ia _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ it-te-[me ki-i] [a]-na _ugu nig2-szid_ szu-nu-tu a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-[ni] [a]-na-ah-his ()

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)ta-qisz-(d)gu-la A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (disz)_e2-sag-ila2_-_man_-[_sum_] [(disz)x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x]-_gin_-_ibila a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_(ir) [A (disz)_dingir_-ia(?) (disz)x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni A (lu2)_ma2-lah4_

    [(lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu] A (disz)mu-sze-zi-bu A (lu2)_szitim bara2-sipa_(ki)

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia said to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, his father, as follows: "The son of Nabû-ushallim/Balatu/Ilia, the brother of the father of my father, a decision was given to him, and he did not have a son or brother. His property and his prebends are as good as the great brother of our house. You, my brother, are your brother and you are my brother.


    Iddin-Nabû ... ... a good name to Iariya ..., son of Nabû-ushallim, son of their father, ... Marduk-shumu-ibni, son of Shulaya, descendant of Ilia, in perpetuity. Iddin-Nabû will serve before Bel, Nabû and Adê.

    Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, in perpetuity.

    Iddin-Nabû has sworn by Bel, Nabû, and the king's family that Kambuzî, king of Babylon, king of the lands, has sworn. When I have sworn against these accounts, I will swore against Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    Witnesses: Taqish-Gula/Tabnea/Esagil-shar-iddin, PN/x-mukin-apli/Ilia, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter/Ilia, PN/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Mallahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-belshunu/Mushezibu/Itinnu.


    Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia said to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, the brother of his father: "The son of Nabû-ushallim/Balatu/Ilia, the son of the brother of the father of my father, has died and he had no son or brother. His property and his prebends belong to me on behalf of my status as eldest brother ahu rabûtu of our "house." You are the brother of my father - and I am "taken" and my x in town is not paid - let me seal and assign the prebends and property to you!" 1

    Marduk-shumu-ibni listened to Iddin-Nabû, the son of his elder brother and agreed.

    Iddin-Nabû ... large gap. "broken" as heir/legacy ... the son of Nabû-ushallim, son of the brother of their father ... Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    It will belong forever to him.

    Iddin-Nabû has sworn to Bel, Nabû, and the adû "majesty" of Cambyses, king of Babylon and the lands: "I will not come back to litigate against Marduk-shumu-ibni about that property."

    Witnesses: Taqish-Gula/Tabnea/Esagil-mansum, PN/x-mukin-apli/Ilia, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter/Ilia?, PN/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Mallahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-belshunu/Mushezib/Itinnu. Borsippa, Camb -.

    P521516: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [2 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_gu4_(?) _ud_] 19-_kam ud 20_-_kam 1_ u4-mu masz-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_ne ud 15_-_kam_

    [2 u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)_sig4_] _ud# 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam 4_ u4-mu (ti)-lim-du3-_mesz ku3-gi_ (iti)_ne ud 3_-_kam ud 5_-_kam_ [(iti)_gan ud 27_-_kam ud 28_]-_kam 2 ud-esz3-esz3_-_mesz_ sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ (iti)_sig4 ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam_

    [2 dan-nu _ku3-babbar igi_] (d)_ag_ sza2 _e2_ (disz)_lu2_-(d)e2-a (iti)_du6 ud 8_-_kam_ (iti)_sze ud 17_-_kam_

    [3 dan-nu _ku3-babbar_] _igi_ (d)_li9_-_si4_ (iti)_kin ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 6_-_kam_

    [2 dan-nu](dug) la-_igi_ (d)(gisz)_gigir kusz_ (iti)_kin ud 22_-_kam_ (iti)_du6 ud 8_(!)-_kam_

    [2] (dug)ka-nik2-ku lu-bu-usz-tum (d)_nin-lil2_ (iti)_sig4 ud 25_-_kam_

    [1] kan-nu _e2_ (d)A-_e2_ (iti)_kin ta ud 16_-_kam szu-nigin_ an-nu-u2 _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ u3 _e2-kur_-_mesz_ sza2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) u3 1(et) [sza2-pat]-tum sza2 _ka2_ ne2-reb (d)_ag_ sza2 ina (iti)_szu_ (iti)_apin_ u (iti)_sze_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ku-s,ur-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia _dumu szesz ad ad_ sza2 [(disz)_sum_](na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A (disz)_dingir_-ia

    a-hi ina _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu u3 (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu ku-mu a-hi _ha-la_ sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni a-ki-i sza2-t,a-ri mah-ru-u2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ i-na pa-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 szesz_ [_ad_-szu2]

    un-da-asz2-szi-ir _ta_ u4-mu an-na-a _en_ u4-mu s,a-a-tum a-hi _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu u (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu pa-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ id-da-gal u3 3 1/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) ku-mu a-hi _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu u3 (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu

    u3 3 1/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) ku-mu a-hi _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu u3 (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu pu-ut _ha-la_ sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ i-na qa-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni _szesz ad_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia ma-hi-ir e-t,i-ir

    a-hi _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu u3 (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu pu-ut _ha-la_ sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ sza2 it-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni _szesz ad_-szu2

    it-ta-din u3 _ku3-babbar_ a4 3 1/3 _ma-na babbar_(u2) ku-mu a-hi _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu u (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ it-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ i-na qa-ti (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni ma-hi-ir e-t,i-ir

    gab-bi pa-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni id-da-gal [(lu2)]mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-[_du3_] A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi

    [(lu2)]mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-[_du3_] A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)]_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)ib-na-a-a (disz)_arad2_-(d)tasz-me-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 [(disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_]-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-_du3 a_ (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x] A (disz)_sud_-u2-a (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi A-szu2 sza2

    [(disz)x A (lu2)]_e2-bar_-(d)_ag bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_szu ud 11_-_kam mu 3_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-a-mu-usz

    AI Translation

    2 days of the kaprû offerings of month II: 19, 20; 1 day of the mashtitu offerings of month V: 15;

    2 days of the tardinnu offerings of month III: 14, 15; 4 days of the tilimtu offerings of gold: 03, 05; month IX: 27 and 28; 2 esheshu offerings of good beer: 24 and 25;

    2 silver dallu-measures before Nabû of the house of Amel-Ea, 8th day of Tashritu, 17th day of Addaru,

    3 big silver ... before Lishir.

    2 big vessels before the Chariot: leather, 22/VII, 8/VI

    2 kaniku-vessels for the libation of Mullissu, 25th day of Simanu.

    One kannu of the temple of Mar-biti from the 16th day of Ululu. This is the brewer's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû, and the Ekur temples of Borsippa, and one shattu of the gate of the entrance of Nabû, which Nabû-kushurshu/Nabû-ushallim/Ilia, son of the brother of the father of the father of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia.

    Iddin-Nabû has received one share in the brewer's prebend and the gatekeeper's prebend, in lieu of the share of Marduk-shumu-ibni, as previously written.

    From this day on until the next day, one-half of the brewer's prebend and the gatekeeper's prebend will be given to Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    And Iddin-Nabû received 3 1/3 minas of white silver, the price of the brewer's prebend and the gatekeeper's prebend, the share of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia, from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia. He is paid.

    Iddin-Nabû will bear responsibility for the prebends of the brewer and the gatekeeper for the share of Iddin-Nabû that is with Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    Iddin-Nabû received that 3 1/3 minas of white silver, the price of one-half of the brewer's prebend and the gatekeeper's prebend, from Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kudurranu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Ibnaya.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kudurranu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ibnaya, Arad-Tashmetu/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Ezida-shumu-ibni/Beliya'u, Nabû-eter-napshati/Ibnaya/Beliya'u.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/PN/Ea-mushetiq.

    Borsippa, Dar 11-IV-03.


    2 days of the kapru offerings: 19, 20/II? 1 day of the mashtitu offerings: 15/V

    2 days of the tardennu offerings: 14, 15/III 4 days of the offerings in golden tilimtu containers: 03 and 05/V, 27 and 28/IX 2 esheshu festivals of premium billatu beer: 24 and 25/III

    2 silver vats in front of Nabû of Bit-Amel-Ea: 08/VII and 17/XII

    3 silver vats in front of Lisi: 04, 05, 06/VI

    2 earthenware vats in front of the leather Chariot: 22/VI, 08/VII

    2 kaniku bottles of the clothing ceremony of Ninlil: 25/III

    1 kannu of the temple of Mar-biti from 16/VI All this, the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, and the small temples of Borsippa, as well as one fortnight shapattu of the watch at the entrance gate of Nabû in months IV, VIII and XII - property of Nabû-kushurshu/Nabû-ushallim/Ilia, the son of the brother of the grandfather of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia and Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, the inheritance of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia, of which Iddin-Nabû long ago earmarked half a portion for Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Now Iddin-Nabû released for Marduk-shumu-ibni, the brother of his father, half of the brewer's prebend and of the gatekeeper's prebend, as Marduk-shumu-ibni's half share, in accordance with the previous record.

    From this day onwards until forever, half of the brewer's prebend and of the gatekeeper's prebend will belong to Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    And Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-belshunu/Ilia received from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia, the brother of his father, 3 1/3 m white silver as compensation for half of the brewer's prebend and of the gatekeeper's prebend, the share of Iddin-Nabû.

    Iddin-Nabû gave forever to Marduk-shumu-ibni half of the brewer's and gatekeeper's prebend, the share jointly owned by Iddin-Nabû and Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    And Iddin-Nabû has fully received from Marduk-shumu-ibni those 3 1/3 m of white silver, in return for half of the brewer's prebend and of the gatekeeper's prebend, that Iddin-Nabû held in joint property with Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    It all belongs to Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kudurranu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ibnaya, Arad-Tashmetu/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Ezida-shumu-ibni/Beliya'u, Nabû-eter-napshati/PN/Rishaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/PN/Shangû-Nabû.

    Borsippa, Dar 11-VI-03. 1

    P521517: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ sza2 (disz)e-t,i-ri-ia2 1/2 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_szu_(!) mah-ri _mu_(nu) 1 _ka2 3_ ((_pi_)) 2 _ban2 sze-bar ta e2_-szu-tum3-mu 1 _gur 1_ ((_pi_)) 2 _ban2 sze-bar ta e2_-_gur7_-_mesz_ [x] _sze-bar_ sza2 up-na-a-tu2 e-lat e-t,i-ir (iti)_ne ud 18_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_(?)-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su [x x x x] ina masz-ti-ti 4 _ban2 sze-bar_ (disz)i-di-ia2 ina up-na-a-tu2-szu2 ma-hi-ir

    4 _ban2 sze-bar_ (disz)i-di-ia2 ina up-na-a-tu2-szu2 ma-hi-ir

    AI Translation

    Barley of Etiriya for 1/2 day of the kaprû of month IV: 1 gate, 3 panu 2 sutu of barley from the Shutummu, 1 kurru 1 panu 2 sutu of barley from the Bit-Gur, x barley of the upnatu-offerings, exempted from taxes. 18/V: Marduk?-mukin-zeri/Balassu ... in the interest of 4 sutu of barley, Iddina received from his upnatu-offerings.

    Iddia received 4 seahs of barley from him as his payment;


    Barley that Etiria received for half a day of the kapru offerings in month VII! text: IV: first payment consisting of 0;3.2 barley from the workshop bit-shutummi, 1;1.2 from the storeroom karû. With the exception of x amount of barley for the upnatu, he has been paid. On 18/V. Marduk?-mukin-zeri/Balassu. … of the mashtitu offerings.

    Iddia has received 0;0.4 barley of his upnatu.1

    P521518: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ sza2 (disz)e-t,i-ri-ia2 [1/2 u4-mu] kap-ri sza2 (iti)_du6_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 3 ((_pi_)) 2 _ban2 sze-bar ta e2_-szu-tum3-mu 1 _gur 1_ ((_pi_)) 2 _ban2 ta e2_-_gur7_-_mesz 1 pi 2_(u2) _ka2 ta e2_-_gur7_-_mesz 1 gur 2 ban2_ szal-szu2 _ka2_ sza2 _ilimmu4_((_e2_-_gur7_-_mesz_)) _pab 3 gur 1 pi sze-bar_ (disz)e-t,i-ri-ia2 ma-hi-ir

    _pab 3 gur 1 pi sze-bar_ (disz)e-t,i-ri-ia2 ma-hi-ir ina (iti)_kin ud 25_-_kam mu 6_-[_kam_] (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal tin_-[_tir_(ki) u _kur-kur_] ina _gub_ sza2 (disz)ba-si-ia2 [A (disz)x] _nig2-szid_ ep2-szu2 e-[lat] 4 _ban2 sze-bar_ sza2 ina up-[na-a-tu2] x x 4 _pi sze-bar_ re-hi-it

    4 _pi sze-bar_ re-hi-it

    AI Translation

    Barley of Etiriya, 1/2 day of the kaprû of Tashritu, from Aradia: 3 panu 2 sutu barley from the Shutummu, 1 kurru 1 panu 2 sutu from the Bit-Gur, 1 panu 20 of the gate of the Bit-Gur, 1 kurru 2 sutu half of the gate of the ilimmu-offering; in all 3 kurru 1 panu barley from Etiriya.

    In total, 3 kurru 1 panu of barley was received from Etiriya on 25/VII of the 6th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands.

    4 panu of barley, remainder;


    Barley that Etiria received from Ardia for half a day of the kapru offerings in month VII: 0;3.2 barley from the workshop bit-shutummi, 1;1.2 from the storeroom, 0;1 second payment from the storeroom, 1;0.2 third payment of the same.

    In total Etiria received 3;1 barley on Dar 25-VI-06 in the presence of Basia/PN. The account is made. Except for 0;0.4 barley for the upnatu ….

    0;4 barley remains.1

    P521519: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2/3 _ma-na 5 gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa nu-uh-hu-tu2 ina ap-pa-si-di sza2 (gisz)_ban_ sza2 _ta_ (iti)_bara2_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru_ (lu2)_pa_ (lu2)_lunga3_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ((_dingir_-ia2)) ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 a-na _ugu_ (disz)lib-lut, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ma-hi-ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_gi a_ (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_-_mesz_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2

    A (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_-_mesz_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_su a_ (disz)(d)_masz_-_gi_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_tin_(it,)

    A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 13_-_kam mu 8_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_numun_-_du3_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)_tin_

    AI Translation

    2/3 mina 5 shekels of silver which is in 1/8 of a shekel of nuhhutu-silver, in the apsidu of the bow which is from Nisannu I

    Nabû-mukin-apli, the brewer, son of Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilia, and Ilia have received from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia as payment for Liblut/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilia.


    Scribe: Marduk-shumu-ushur/Shamash-uballit/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 13-X-08.



    45 sh scrap silver of 1/8 alloy for the equipment of an archer, from month I:

    Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilia, the overseer shapiru of the brewers, has received this silver from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia on behalf of Liblut/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilia.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Arkat-ilani, Mushezib-Nabû/Nabû-ahhe-eriba/Ninurta-ushallim.

    Scribe: Marduk-shumu-ushur/Shamash-uballit/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 13-X-08.


    P521520: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ sza2 _ud-esz3-esz3_-_mesz ud 24_-_kam mu 25_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)lib-lut, A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 u (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a

    A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 mah-ru pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu bat,-la u3 ma-as-naq-tum na-szu-u2 e-lat ra-szu-tu2

    na-szu-u2 e-lat ra-szu-tu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ sza2 ina muh-hi-szu2-nu (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)nu-uh-sza2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)_en a_ (lu2)_szitim_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)nu-uh-sza2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)_en a_ (lu2)_szitim_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2

    sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_en_

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)nu-uh-sza2-nu A (disz)(lu2)_szitim_ bar-sip(ki) (iti)_gud ud 12_-_kam mu 10_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) u _kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Barley of good quality beer for the esheshu offerings on the 24th and 25th of Simanu: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Liblut/Ilia and Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia have received it from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula.

    Before: Dumqi-ili, the one who provides the meal, the one who provides the libation bowl and the one who provides the mashnatu-offering, above the rashutu-offering,

    Witnesses: Nuhshanu/Arad-Bel/Itinnu, Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nuhshanu/Arad-Bel/Itinnu, Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Remut-Bel/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 12-II-10.


    Barley for the premium billatu beer of the esheshu festivals of 24 and 25/III: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Liblut/Ilia and Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia have received this from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    They are responsible for approaching the meal, not causing any interruption and for punctuality.

    Except for the claim of Marduk-shumu-ibni that is due from them.

    Witnesses: Nuhshanu/Arad-Bel/Itinnu, Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Shula/Ilia.

    Scribe: Remut-Bel/Nuhshanu/Itinnu.

    Borsippa, Dar 12-II-10.1

    P521521: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    13 ma-nu-u2 _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 1 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_gu4 1_ u4-mu masz-tu2-tu2 sza2 (iti)_ne 1_/2 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_du6 1_ dan-nu _ku3-babbar igi_ (d)_nin-lil2_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)szu-la-a ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_mu_-_szesz a_ (disz)_tin_-su

    ma-hi-ir 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-qu-u2 ina _gub_ sza2 (disz)na-din A (disz)_tin_-su (disz)_mu_-(d)_en a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    ina _gub_ sza2 (disz)na-din A (disz)_tin_-su (disz)_mu_-(d)_en a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A (iti)_kin-2_-_kam-ma ud 14_-_kam_

    (iti)_kin-2_-_kam-ma ud 14_-_kam mu 11_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-musz

    _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _zu2-lum-ma_

    AI Translation

    13 manû dates, of 1 day of the kaprû offerings in month II, 1 day of the mashtutu offerings in month V, 1/2 day of the kaprû offerings in month VII, 1 big silver payment before Mullissu in month VI, Ardia/Shula received from Iddin-ahi/Balassu.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Iddin-Bel, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, will serve as a pledge in the presence of Nadin, son of Balatu.

    Ululu VI, 14th day, 11th year of Darius, king of Babylon.



    13 manû of dates, of 1 day of the kapru offerings in month II, 1 day of the mashtitu offerings in month V, 1/2 day of the kapru offerings in month VII, one silver dannu vat before Ninlil in month VI: Ardia/Shula has received the dates from Nadin-ahi/Balassu.

    Each has taken one copy.

    In the presence of Nadin/Balassu, Iddin-Bel/Nabû-mukin-apli.

    Dar 14-VIb-11.

    The outstanding dates have been paid.

    P521522: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x x] 13 1/2 ma-nu-[u2 _sze-bar_]

    10(?) [x] 1 ki-s,ir 5 ma-nu-u2 x [x x]

    AI Translation

    ... 13 1/2 minas of barley

    10 ..., 1 kishir, 5 manû ...,


    …, x + 131/2 manû barley, and 11 + x kishru 5 manû …, 12th year of Darius.

    Of this amount, the following is barley of the levy of Ardia: – 12 kurru barley, total amount: given by Silim-Nabû to Kidinnu – 2;2.1 Silim-Nabû, second amount – 0;2.3 Nabû-utirri In total 14 kurru 4 pi 4 sutu – 2;1+ … – 2 kurru Etiria, son of Shula – 0;3 Nabû-eter-napshati, son of Kina – 0;3 Nabû-ushurshu, the merchant – 0;0.3 Nabû-ushurshu, son of Belshunu – 0;0.2 Nabû-ittannu, son of PN – 6;3 to the bit-shutummi? In total 25;1.3

    Barley of the levy of Mukkea – 7 kurru Nabû-x – 3 kurru … – .. 1

    P521523: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    17 ma-nu-u2 _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 2 u4-mu kap-ri _murub4_(u2) sza2 ((iti))_gu4 mu 12_-_kam mu 13_-_kam_ sza2 1 dan-nu _ku3-babbar igi_ (d)_nin-lil2_ sza2 (iti)_kin mu 12_-_kam_ sza2 1/2 u4-mu kap-ri sza2 (iti)_du6 mu 12_-_kam_ sza2 2 _ud-esz3-esz3_-_mesz_ sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ sza2 _ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4 mu 13_-_kam 1 ban2 3 sila3_ re-hi-it _ud-esz3-esz3_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_sig4 mu 13_-_kam_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)szu-la-a ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_mu_-_szesz a_ (disz)_tin_-su ma-hi-ir 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-qu-u2

    ma-hi-ir 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-qu-u2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_ (disz)_szesz_-ia2-u2-tu (disz)_mu_-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)la-a-ba-szi-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 ((sza2)) (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru bar-sip(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 4_-_kam mu 13_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    17 manû dates, of 2 days of the middle kaprû offerings of month II of year 12, 13 of 1 big silver before Mullissu, of month VI of year 12, of 1/2 day of the kaprû offerings of month VII of year 12, of 2 esheshu offerings of good beer, of 24 and 25 of month III of year 13, 1 ban2 3 sila3 remaining of the esheshu offerings of month III of year 13, Aradia/Shula received from Iddin-ahi/Babili.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Bel-uballit/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Ahiya'utu, Iddin-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu, Lâbâshi-Marduk/Marduk-shumu-ushur/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 04-III-13.


    17 manû dates of : – two days of medium quality kapru offerings in month II of the 12th and 13th year – one silver dannu vat in front of Ninlil in month VI of the 12th year – half a day of kapru offerings in month VII of the 12th year – two esheshu offerings of premium quality billatu beer, on 24-25/III of the 13th year and 0;0.1.3 dates, remainder of the esheshu offerings of month III of the 13th year. Ardia/Shula has received these dates from Nadin-ahi/Balassu.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Bel-uballit/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Ahiya'utu, Iddin-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu, Lâbâshi-Marduk/Marduk-shumu-ushur/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-eter-napshati/La-kuppuru.

    Borsippa, Dar 04-III-13.

    P521524: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x] ki-s,ir 10 ma-nu-u2 _zu2-lum-ma_ [(disz)]_szesz_-szu2-nu A (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gal2_(szi) sza2 a-di qi2-it sza2 masz-szar-tu2 sza2 (iti)_ne kin_ u _du6 mu 13_-_kam_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_sum_(na)-(a) A (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gal2_(szi)

    ma-hi-ir 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2 ina _gub_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x A (disz)x]

    ina _gub_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x A (disz)x] (disz)bul-lu-t,a-a A (disz)la-ba-szi A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a

    A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 6_-_kam mu 13_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-musz _lugal e_(ki) u [_kur-kur_]

    AI Translation

    Ahushunu/Nabû-shumu-ushebshi has received x kishir 10 manû dates, from Iddina/Nabû-shumu-ushebshi until the end of the mashartu period of month V of the 13th year.

    Each has taken one copy.

    In the presence of Nabû-x/FN, Bulluta/Lâbâshi/La-kuppuru.

    Scribe: Ardia/Shula/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 06-VII-13.


    Ahushunu/Nabû-shumu-ushebshi has received x kishru 10 manû of dates until the end of the mashartu of months V, VI and VII of the 13th year of Darius from Iddina/Nabû-shumu-ushebshi.

    Each has taken one copy.

    In the presence of Nabû-x/PN, Bulluta/Lâbâshi/La-kuppuru.

    Scribe: Ardia/Shula/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 06-VII-13.

    P521525: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    23 1/2 ma-nu-u2 3 _sila3 zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 5 u4-mu kap-ri _murub4_(u2) sza2 (iti)_gu4_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)szu-la-a ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)eri-ba (iti)[x] _ud 26_-_kam mu 13_-[_kam_]

    ma-hi-ir ina _gub_ [sza2] (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-a-ba-szi A (disz)[x] 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-qu-u2


    AI Translation

    Aradia, son of Shulaya, received 23 1/2 manû and 3 qû dates, of 5 days of the middle kaprû offerings of month II of Arad, son of Shulaya, from Eriba, 26th day of ..., 13th year of ..., king of Babylon.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Each has taken one copy.


    231/2 manû and 3 qû dates, for 5 days of medium quality kapru offerings in month II: Ardia/Shula has received this from Eriba on the 26/x of the 13th year of Darius.

    In the presence of: Nergal-ibni/Lâbâshi/FN.

    Each has taken a copy.

    P521526: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub_]-_ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da_ [_e2_ (d)_ag_] [1(en) u4]-mu kap-ri (iti)_gu4 ud 20_-_kam 7 1_/2 u4-mu kap-ri [x]-usz(?)-mu-u2 sza2 (iti)_sig4 1_/2 u4-mu kap-ri [(iti)x] _ud 24_-_kam 1 1_/2 u4-mu masz-ti-ti _murub4_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ [masz]-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_sze ud 25_-_kam ud 26_-_kam pab 10_+[x] u4-mu kap-ri u3 masz-ti-ti 3 u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gu4 ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 26_-_kam 2_ u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)_ne ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam_

    [1(en) _ta_ a' _gaba_-ra-ni-e il]-te-qu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-ni [(disz)x _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x] _dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)_gi_-(d)_amar-utu_ [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x _dumu_ x]-x (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e dumu_-szu2 sza2 [(disz)x _dumu_ x-x] (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ [_dumu_ x-x (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_]-_zi_-_mesz dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi dumu_ (lu2)_nagar_ [(disz)x _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)]_kar_-(d)_amar-utu_ [_dumu_ x-x (disz)](d)_ag_-_dib_-_ud-da dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu_

    [(disz)x] (lu2)_dub-sar dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_ibila dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-ia _bara2-sipa_[(ki)]

    [(iti)x] _ud 28_(?)-_kam mu 15_-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-[ia-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_]

    AI Translation

    Days of the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû: 1 day of the kaprû offerings on the 20th day of Ayyaru, 7 1/2 days of the kaprû ... of month III, 1/2 day of the kaprû offerings on the 24th day, 1 1/2 days of the mashtitu offerings in the middle of month XI, mashtitu offerings on the 25th and 26th days in total 10+x days of the kaprû and mashtitu offerings, 3 days of the tilimtu offerings on the 24th, 25th and 26th days, 2 days of the tardinnu offerings on the 21st and 22nd days of month XII:

    Witnesses: PN/PN/Ilshu-abushu, Mushallim-Marduk/PN/FN, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/PN/FN, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-nadin-ahi/FN, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-ushallim/Naggaru, PN/Mushezib-Marduk/FN, Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Mushezib-Marduk/FN, Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Mushezib-Marduk/FN, Nabû-mukin-apli/FN, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin

    Borsippa, Nbk scribe, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, descendant of Ilia.

    28th day of ..., 15th year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands.


    Days of the brewer's prebend in Ezida temple of Nabû: – 1 day kapru on 20/II 71/2 days kapru x of month III 1/2 day kapru on 24/x 11/2 days of the mashtitu offerings in the middle days of month XI mashtitu on 25, 26/XII in total: 10 + 21/2 days kapru and mashtitu – 3 days tilimtu on 24, 25, 26/II 2 days tardennu on 21, 22/V 2 days tilimtu on 21, 22/VII 1 day tilimtu on 08/XI 2 days tardennu on x and x+2/XII 2 days tilimtu on 03, 04/I 1 day tardinnu on 18/I in total 13 days tardennu and tilimtu – Day x and 20 of month x, esheshu of premium billatu beer – ... on days x and 7 of month x 8 kaniku-vessels of Adad – x containers made of silver, one of which is of the house of Ilshu-abushu – x before Marduk shA-nam-ma-zi-da – ... type of offering before Belet-biti on 08/VII

    Witnesses: PN/PN/Ilshu-abushu, Mushallim-Marduk/PN/FN, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/ PN/FN, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-nadin-ahi/FN, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-ushallim/Naggaru, PN/Mushezib-Marduk/FN, Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Mushezib-Marduk /Pahharu, Nabû-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/FN, Nabû-uballit/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/ Kudurranu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-ahhe-x/FN.

    Scribe: PN/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 28?-x-15. 1

    P521527: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    5 _gur zu2-lum-ma_ a-na szu-ul-lu-un-du sza2 _kasz sze-bar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-(su) (lu2)_pa_ (lu2)_lunga3_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)szu-la-a

    ma-hi-ir (iti)_gud ud 11_-_kam_ [_mu_] 16-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-[musz] [ina _gub_](zu) sza2 (disz)ku-dur2(?)-ru [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x]-_dingir_-ia A (disz)_dingir_-ia

    [ina _gub_](zu) sza2 (disz)ku-dur2(?)-ru [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x]-_dingir_-ia A (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)bi(?)-x-ir(?) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)gu-za-nu A (disz)_egir_-_dingir_-_mesz_ (disz)la-ba-a-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia2 A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(disz)x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)]_mu_-_uru3_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-bullissu, the brewer, son of Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilia has received 5 kur of dates as a loan for the purchase of barley beer from Aradia/Shula.

    - 11/II, 16th day, Darius - in the presence of Kudurru/x-ili/Ilia.

    In the presence of Kudurru/PN/Ilia, Bi.../Guzanu/Arkat-ilani, Labashi/Taqqaya/Kudurranu, PN/Shumu-ushur/Ilia.


    Five kurru dates as compensation payment for barley beer, received by Nabû-bullissu, the overseer of the brewers, son of Nabû-mukin-apli of the Ilia family, from Ardia son of Shula.

    Dar 11-II-16.

    In the presence of: Kudurru/x-ilia/Ilia, PN/Guzanu/Arkat-ilani, Lâbâshi/Tabia/Kudurranu, PN/Shumu-ushur/FN.

    P521528: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [32] _gud# 32 udu-nita2 32 muszen-hi-a 32 sila4_ pa-ni (d)_nusku_ (d)[x x] (d)li-e (d)qa-an-t,up-pi sza2 kal _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 a-na 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) 120 _udu-nita2_ re-hi-it _udu-nita2_ pa-ni (d)_nusku_ pa-ni szu-bat (d)s,ar-pa-ni-tum sza2 _kisal_ i-na _e2-zi-da_ pa-ni (d)u2-mu u3 pa-ni (d)na-na-a _e2-hur-sza3-ba_ a-na 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) u4-mu 6 s,i-ba-ta sza2 tak-ka-su-u2 6 ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ sza2 _kasz sze-bar 1 ur2_(uzu) 1 _zag_(uzu) [1] _ti_(uzu) a-na 6 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2)

    [A]-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_numun a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 sza2 _mu-an-na 11 ma-na 10_+[5 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) a-na] _buru14# gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3_ [a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi] i-nam-din mim-ma ma-la ul-[tu ...]-u2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi

    mim-ma ma-la ul-[tu ...]-u2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi x _i nisz_ x [...] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3_ u2-sza2-an-qa-at

    ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ [sza2 (iti)_sze_] _igi#_(u2) _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ i-na pa-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3_

    [x x] _isz_/_mil_ [...] (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi i-na qa-ti

    (disz)(d)[_amar-utu_-_mu_]-_uru3_ ma-hi-ir sza2 it-ta-bal-ki-tu 5 _ma-na ku3-babbar_

    u2-[szal-lam] 1(en) _ta_ a4 il-qu-u2 [(lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(disz)x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un) A (disz)(d)_masz_-_gi_ [(disz)x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_gi a_ (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_-_mesz_

    [u3] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni _dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sze igi_(u2) _ud 26_-_kam mu 16_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    32 oxen, 32 sheep, 32 ducks, 32 lambs, before Nusku, ..., Li'e, and Qantuppu, for all of the year, as much there is, for 2 minas of silver. 120 sheep, the remainder of the sheep, before Nusku, before the seat of the sharpanitu-priest of the courtyard in Ezida, before Shamash and Nanaya of Ehurshaba, for 2 minas of silver. The day, 6 shirbatu of the takkasû-offerings, 6 tilimtu-offerings of beer, 1 thigh, 1 shoulder, 1 shoulder, for 6 minas of silver.

    Marduk-shumu-ushur will pay 11 m 10+5 sh white silver for the yield of the prebends of Nabû-balassu-iqbi, as much as Nabû-balassu-iqbi has received from .

    Nabû-balassu-iqbi ... Marduk-shumu-ushur will redeem whatever he has ... from .

    From the 1st day of Addaru, the prebends are at the disposal of Marduk-shumu-ushur.

    ... ... Nabû-balassu-iqbi has received from Nabû-balassu-iqbi.

    Marduk-shumu-ushur received from PN, who has sworn by the name of the king.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: PN/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Kudurranu, PN/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Ninurta-ushallim, PN/Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Arkat-ilani.

    and Marduk-shumu-ibni, the scribe, son of Shulaya, descendant of Iliya.

    Borsippa, Dar 26-XII-16. 1


    – 32? bulls, 32 sheep, 32 birds, and 32 lambs from the offerings before Nusku, dDN, Writing Board, and Stylus, of the entire year, as much there is: for 2 m of white silver; – 120 remaining sheep offered to Nusku and the seat of Sharpanitu which is located on the courtyard of Ezida, and to Day and to Nanaya Ehurshaba: for 2 m of white silver; – daily 6 loaves of takkasû bread, 6 vases of barley beer, 1 thigh, 1 shoulder cut, 1 rib cage: for 6 m of white silver; – daily 1 shappu of wine from the offerings before Nanaya Ehurshaba: for 45 sh white silver; – every month 1 li-mu before Nabû together with the erib-biti: for 30 sh white silver; In total: 11 m 15 sh of white silver. The yield of the prebends of Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Edu-eter, including the share of his younger brother Nabû-eter-napshati, will be at the disposal of Marduk-shumu-ushur/Nabû-bani-zeri/Ilshu-abushu for x years.

    Per year, Marduk-shumu-ushur will pay 11 m 15 sh of white silver to Nabû-balassu-iqbi as yield of his prebends.

    Whatever from ... Nabû-balassu-iqbi ... Marduk-shumu-ushur will deduct from the amount due.

    From 1/XIIa the prebends are at the disposal of Marduk-shumu-ushur.

    Nabû-balassu-iqbi has received x from Marduk-shumu-ushur.

    Whoever breaks this contract will pay 5 m of silver.

    Each has taken a copy.

    Witnesses: PN/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Kudurranu, PN/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Ninurta-ushallim, PN/Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Arkat-ilani.

    And sribe Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 26-XIIa-16.1

    P521529: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su sza2 2 u4-mu masz-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_sze mu 18_-_kam_ [_ud_ x-_kam ud_ x]-_kam_ [(disz)]da-ri-ia-a-musz _lugal_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)](d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia sza2 it-ti [(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2] (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia

    [(disz)(d)_ag_-u2-tir-ri] (lu2)qal-la sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) [a-na muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_]-_gal2_(szi) ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_]-ia ma-hi-ir

    [...] _sze-bar_ u3 [...] it-ti a-ha-mesz (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ [A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia] _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x-x] A (disz)_en_-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_du6-ku3 ud 11_-_kam_ [_mu_ x-_kam_ (disz)da]-ri-ia-a-musz

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ [A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia]

    _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x-x]

    A (disz)_en_-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_du6-ku3 ud 11_-_kam_ [_mu_ x-_kam_ (disz)da]-ri-ia-a-musz _lugal_ [_tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_] [(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_ag_]-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_]-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)(d)_dingir_-ia

    [(na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_ag_]-_numun_-_gal2_(szi)

    AI Translation

    Dates and pappasu of 2 days of the mashtitu offerings of month XII of year 18, ..., ... of Darius, king of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia, which is with Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Nabû-utirri, slave of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi, has received this from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    ... barley and ... with each other: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, scribe.


    Scribe: Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-x/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 11-VII-x-x.

    Seal of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi


    Dates, pappasu of two days of the mashtitu offerings on days x and y of month XII of the 18th year of king Darius, of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia, days that he owns in joint ownership with Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia:

    Nabû-utirri, slave of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi, has received these dates on behalf of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    ... barley ... together .... Witnesses: ...


    Scribe: Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-x/Belaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 11-VII-c. 19?.

    Seal of Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia.1

    P521530: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    masz-szar-tu2 _mu 18_-_kam_ ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ tar-din-nu _e2_ (d)A-_e2_ sza2 kal-li sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a _dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 3 u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gu4_

    3 u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gu4 ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 26_-_kam 3_ u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_szu ud 1 ud 2 ud 20_-_kam 2_ u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)_sig4 ud 14 ud 15_-_kam 4_ u4-mu tar-din-nu sza2 (iti)_szu ud 11 ud 12 ud 13 ud 14_-_kam 1_ kan-nu _e2_ (d)A-_e2_ (iti)_sig4 ta ud 16_-_kam_ [_szu_]-_nigin 21 1_/2 ma-nu-u2 _zu2-lum-ma_ [2] u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_ne ud 3 ud 5_-_kam_

    [2] u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_ne ud 3 ud 5_-_kam_ [2 u4]-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_du6 ud 15 ud 16_-_kam_ [2 u4-mu tar]-din-nu sza2 (iti)_ne ud 20_(?) _ud 21_-[_kam_] [x u4-mu tar]-din-nu sza2 (iti)[_du6_] _ud 20 ud 20_+[...] _szu_-[_nigin_] [x x] ma-nu-u2 [o(?)] [_zu2_]-_lum-ma_ masz-[szar-tu2] _mu 19_-_kam_ [3 u4-mu ti-lim]-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_gu4_ ((U)) _ud 24 ud 25 ud 26_-_kam_ [3 u4-mu ti-lim]-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_szu ud 1 ud 2 ud 20_-_kam 1_ u4-mu tar-din-nu [2] u4-mu tar-din-nu (iti)[_gu4_] _ud 14 ud 15_-_kam_ (iti)_gu4 ud 25_-_kam_

    masz-[szar-tu2] _mu 19_-_kam_ [3 u4-mu ti-lim]-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_gu4_ ((U)) _ud 24 ud 25 ud 26_-_kam_ [3 u4-mu ti-lim]-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_szu ud 1 ud 2 ud 20_-_kam 1_ u4-mu tar-din-nu [2] u4-mu tar-din-nu (iti)[_gu4_] _ud 14 ud 15_-_kam_ (iti)_gu4 ud 25_-_kam 4_ u4-mu tar-din-nu (iti)_szu ud 11 ud 12 ud 13 ud 14_-_kam 1_ kan-nu _e2_ (d)A-_e2_ (iti)_gu4 ta ud 16_-_kam szu-nigin 20 1_/2 ma-nu-u2 _zu2-lum-ma szu-nigin 2_ ki-s,ir 14 ma-nu-u2 4 _sila3 zu2-lum-ma_

    _szu-nigin 2_ ki-s,ir 14 ma-nu-u2 4 _sila3 zu2-lum-ma 16_ u4-mu masz-ti-ti u3 kap-ri

    AI Translation

    The mashartu of the 18th year of the tilimtu offerings, the second offering of the temple of Mar-biti of the kallu, of Marduk-shumu-ibni, son of Shulaya, descendant of Ilia: 3 days of the tilimtu offerings of month I

    3 days of tilimtu: 24, 25, 26; 3 days of tilimtu: 01, 02, 20; 2 days of tardinnu: 14 and 15; 4 days of tardinnu: 11, 12, 13, 14; 1 kannu: temple of Apla-Ea; from 16/III: total: 21 1/2 manû dates; 2 days of tilimtu: 03 and 05/V

    2 days of tilimtu offerings in month V: 03, 05; 2 days of tilimtu offerings in month VII: 15 and 16; 2 days of tardinnu offerings in month V: 20? ... 21; x days of tardinnu offerings in month VII: 20+x; ... ... ... mashartu-plants of 19th year; 3 days of tilimtu offerings in month IV: 24, 25, 26; 3 days of tilimtu offerings in month IV: 1, 02, 20; 1 day of tardinnu offerings; 2 days of tardinnu offerings in month IV: 14, 15, 25;

    mashartu of the 19th year, 3 days of tilimtu offerings in month II: 24, 25, 26 3 days of tilimtu offerings in month IV: 1, 2, 20, 1 day of tardinnu offerings; 2 days of tardinnu offerings in month IV: 14, 15, 25 4 days of tardinnu offerings in month IV: 11, 12, 13, 14 1 kannu offerings in temple of Apla-Ea in month II: from 16th day: total: 20 1/2 manu of dates; total: 2 kishiru of dates;

    Total: 2 kishir-measures of dates, 4 qû of dates, 16 days of mashtitu and kaprû-offerings.


    mashartu of the 18th year of Darius, for tilimtu offerings, tardennu offerings, and the temple of Mar-biti, of the entire year ?, of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia:

    – 3 days tilimtu of month II: day 24, 25, 26 3 days tilimtu of month IV: days 01, 02, 20 2 days tardennu of month III: days 14, 15 4 days tardennu of month IV: 11, 12, 13, 14 1 kannu of the temple of Mar-biti of month III, from day 16 In total: 211/2 manû dates

    – 2 days tilimtu, month V: days 03, 05 2 days tilimtu, month VII: days 15, 16 2 days tardennu, month V: days 20?, 21 x days tardennu, month VII: days 20, 20+x, ... $some lines missing$ In total: x manû + x? dates

    mashartu of year 19 of Darius:

    Grand total: 2 kishru 14 manû and 4 qû dates. Not including 16 days mashtitu and kapru offerings, 8 manû dates of Sutitu.

    P521531: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ gi-nu-u2 u pap-pa-su _buru14 gisz-szub-ba_ sza2 1 dan-nu la-pa-ni _bara2_ (d)_utu_ sza2 (iti)_ab ud 16_-(_kam_) _mu 22_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-szu2 _lugal e_(ki) (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su [A]-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)tasz-me-tum A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_arad2_-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ma-hi-ir pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu na-szi

    pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu na-szi (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_szu a_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_szu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)_dingir_-ba-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)sza2-_giri3_-_dingir_-ia2 (disz)la-ba-a-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_ (disz)_dingir_(ta)-_du3_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)tasz-me-tum A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_apin ud 18_-_kam mu 22_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-szu2 _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur 1_(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2

    1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2

    AI Translation

    Barley, regular offering and pappasu, yield of the prebend of one big one-twelfth of the throne of Shamash, of Tebetu, 16th day of Tebetu, 22nd year of Darius, king of Babylon, Nabû-bullissu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu received from Aradia/Shula/Ilia; he is paid. The meal is purchased and acquired.

    Witnesses: Gimillu/Iddin

    Witnesses: Gimillu/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ili-bani, Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Labashi/Iddin-Nabû/Ilutu-bani.

    Scribe: Nabû-bullissu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-VIII-22.

    Each has taken one copy.


    Barley of the ginû offerings and pappasu, the yield of the prebend of one vat in front of the Shrine of Shamash on 16/X of the 22nd year of Darius, king of Babylon: Nabû-bullissu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu has received this from Ardia/Shula/Ilia.

    He Ardia is responsible to bring the meal.

    Witnesses: Gimillu/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ili-bani, Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Lâbâshi/Iddin-Nabû/Ilutu-bani.

    Scribe: Nabû-bullissu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-VIII-22.

    Each has taken a copy.

    P521532: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 (_pi_) 4 _ban2 sze-bar_ u2-tur gi-ni-e sza2 _mu 23_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur_-_mesz buru14 gisz-szub-ba_-szu2 (disz)(d)_en_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2

    ma-hi-ir e-lat _gid2-da igi_(u2) sza2 1 _gur 4 pi_ sza2 _zu2-lum-ma_ (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mu a_ (disz)sza2-_giri3_-_dingir_-ia (disz)gi-mil-lu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_gi_ (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_(!)

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_(!)

    A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_ne ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Bel-ibni/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kudurranu has received 1 panu 4 sutu of barley, the remainder of the regular offerings of the 23rd year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands, the yield of his prebend, from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahu-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Gimillu/Nabû-ahhe-shullim.

    Scribe: Nabû-ibni/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 20-1-XII-02.


    0;1.4 barley, surplus of the regular offerings of the 23rd year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands, yield of his prebend, Bel-ibni/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kudurranu has received this from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Except for the previous receipt of 1;4 dates.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe!-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Gimillu/Nabû-ahhe-shullim.

    Scribe: Nabû-ibni/Nabû-eter-napishti/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Dar 19/V.1

    P521533: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _kasz-u2-sa 1_(en) u4-mu ti-lim-du3 sza2 (iti)_szu_ tu-ru-u2 _szuk-hi-a_ (lu2)sza3-tam-u2-tu u3 ka-nik2-ku sza2 (d)_iszkur_ sza2 (iti)_gud_ u3 ka-nik2-ku sza2 (d)su-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_kin_ u (iti)_du6_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ma-hi-ir (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3_ (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)ni-din-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_szesz_-ia2-u2-tu2

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)_kar_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin

    A (disz)_en_-_uszumgal_ bar-sip(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 12_-_kam mu 25_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-mu-usz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Balassu/Kudurranu has received one day of the tilimtu offerings of Du'uzu, the turû offerings, the shatammu offerings and the kanikku offerings of Adad in month II and the kanikku offerings of Sutitu in month VI and VII from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia.

    Witnesses: Nabû-eter/Marduk-shumu-ushur/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Kidin-Sîn, Nidintu/Bel-uballit/Ahiya'utu.

    Scribe: Mushezib-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 12-I-25.


    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Balassu/Kudurranu has received from Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia the billatu beer for one day of the tilimtu offerings in month IV tu-ru-u of the rations of the office of shatammu, and for the kaniku bottles of Adad in month II and for the kaniku bottles of Sutitu in months VI and VII.


    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati//Kidin-Sîn, Nidintu/Bel-uballit/Ahiya'utu.

    Scribe: Mushezib-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-ushumgal.

    Borsippa, Dar 12-I-25.

    P521534: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    a-ki-i u2-il3-ti3 sza2 _gisz-szub-ba_ sza2 (lu2)_i3-du8_-u2-tu sza2 e-rib (d)_ag_ sza2 _ki_ (disz)ba-si-ia2 la zu-u2-zu sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-ib-ni _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia sza2 ina muh-hi (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)(lu2)_gal_-_tur3_ [e]-li-tum _sze-bar_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ ma-la _ha-la_-szu2 [a]-di qi2-it sza2 (iti)_bara2 mu 25_-_kam_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_ag_ ma-hi-ir _ta ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gu4 mu 25_-_kam_

    _ta ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gu4 mu 25_-_kam_ a-ki-i u2-il3-ti3 sza2 ina muh-hi-szu2 10 ma-sa-tum i-na kis,-ri u ir-bi x a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)ba-qi2-lu (disz)(d)_ag_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-ba_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)(lu2)_szabra_ (disz)(d)_ag_-x-x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)had-da-a () A (disz)(d)[x-x]

    [(lu2)_umbisag_] (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gu4 ud 18_-_kam mu 25_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur 1_(en)-_am3_ [_ti_(u2)]

    _lugal kur-kur 1_(en)-_am3_ [_ti_(u2)]

    AI Translation

    As a gift of the doorkeeper's prebend which is at the disposal of Nabû and which is not with Basiya, the barley of Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia that is due from Nidinti-Nabû/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Kidin-apli, Marduk-shumu-ibni has received from Nidinti-Nabû as much as his share until the end of month I, 25/II.

    From the 1st day of Ayyaru, the 25th year, Iddin-Nabû will pay 10 minas of silver in the kishru and irbu-offerings to Marduk-shumu-ibni.

    Witnesses: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Baqilu, Nabû-iddin/Kidin-Marduk/Shabrû, Nabû-x/Hadda/FN.

    Scribe: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-II-25.

    Each has taken one copy.


    In accordance with the debt note pertaining to the doorkeeper's prebend at the entrance gate of Nabû, the prebend which is not shared with Basia, the debt note which is due to Marduk-shumu-ibni/Shula/Ilia and drafted against Nidinti-Nabû/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Rab-tarbashi: Marduk-shumu-ibni has received from Nidinti-Nabû his share of the barley until the end of month I of the 25th year.

    From 1/II of the 25th year he Nidinti-Nabû will give to Marduk-shumu-ibni 10 masatu of the payments and the income, in accordance with the debt note against him.

    Witnesses: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Baqilu, Nabû-iddin/Qishti-Marduk/Shabrû, Nabû-x/Hadda/FN.

    Scribe: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-II-25.

    Each party has taken one copy.

    P521535: legal tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    [_gisz-szub-ba_] (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag 2_ u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz ku3-gi_ (iti)_szu ud_ x-[_kam_ u3] _ud_ [n-_kam_] 2 u4-mu tar-din-ni masz-ti-ti (iti)_kin ud 11_-_kam_ u3 _ud 12_-_kam 2_ (dug)ka-ni-ku lu-bu-usz-tum (d)su-ti-ti (iti)_bara2 ud 2_-_kam 2_ [(dug)ka-ni]-ku lu-bu-usz-tum (d)su-ti-ti (iti)[x _ud_ n-_kam 2_] (dug)#ka-ni-ku (iti)_du6 ud 6_-_kam_ nap-har 6 (dug)ka-ni-ku lu-bu-[usz-tum (d)su-ti]-ti sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_(ir)-_zi_-_mesz dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)[tab-ni-e-a A] (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a _dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-ia _sze-bar_ gi-nu-u2 u pap-pa-su [ul-tu] sza3 e-si-u2 i-man-da-ad-((da-ad))-ma [pu-ut] qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu la ba-t,a-lu [u3 ma]-as#-naq-tum () na-[szi] [ina _mu-an-na_(?) x] _gur# 3_ (_pi_) 2 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su [u3 n] _sze-bar_ u2-tur gi-ni-e _buru14 gisz-szub-ba_

    [ina _mu-an-na_(?) x] _gur# 3_ (_pi_) 2 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su [u3 n] _sze-bar_ u2-tur gi-ni-e _buru14 gisz-szub-ba_ [(disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_]-ib-ni a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_(ir)-_zi_-_mesz_

    [i-nam-din 1(en) _ta_ a4 _gaba_]-ra-ni-e il-te-qu-u2 (lu2)mu-[kin-nu (disz)x] _dumu_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-[kin-nu (disz)x] _dumu_-szu2 sza2

    AI Translation

    The brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû: 2 days of gold tilimtu offerings on days x and x, 2 days of tardinnu offerings on days 11 and 12 of month VI: 2 kaniku offerings for the mashtitu-priestess on days 2 and 2 of month I: 2 kaniku offerings for the mashtitu-priestess on days x and x of month VII: x; 2 kaniku offerings for the mashtitu-priestess on the 6th of month VII: all 6 kaniku offerings for the mashtitu-priestess of Nabû-eter-napshati/Tabniya/Kudurranu.

    He will measure the barley, regular offerings and pappasu from the esiu and will pay the rations, the unreliable offerings, and the masnaqtu offerings. In a year, x kurru 3 panu 2 sutu dates, pappasu, and n barley, the regular offerings, the harvest of the prebend,

    Marduk-shumu-ibni will give to Nabû-eter-napshati x kurru 3 panu 2 sutu dates, pappasu, and n barley, the regular offering of the yield of the prebend.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: PN/


    Brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû: 2 days golden tilimtu jars on x and y-IV 2 days tardennu mashtitu on 11, 12/VI 2 kaniku bottles on the occasion of the clothing festival of Sutitu on 02/I 2 kaniku bottles on the occasion of the clothing festival of Sutitu on x 2 kaniku bottles on 06/VII in total: 6 kaniku-vessels on the occasion of the clothing festival of Sutitu prebend of Nabû-eter-napshati/Tabnea/Kudurranu, at the disposal of Marduk-zeru-ibni/Shula/Ilia for performing ana epishanutu.

    He Marduk-shumu-ibni shall measure the offering barley and the pappasu at the bit-asê and he will be responsible for approaching the meal, for uninterrupted service and punctuality.

    Yearly? Marduk-shumu-ibni will give to Nabû-eter-napshati: x;3.2 dates as pappasu and an amount of barley, remainder of the offering materials – the yield of the prebend.

    Each of them has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-x/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-x/x-ahhe-iddin/LN, remainder lost.1

    P521536: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    i-na 3 ki-s,ir 15 ma-nu-u2 _sze-bar_ sza2 10 u4-mu masz-tu2-tu2 qi2-ta-a'-ta sza2 (iti)_sig4_ sza2 (disz)ha-ah-hu-ru A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_tin_(it,) sza2 ((disz))_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)szu-la-a in-du-du i-na lib3-bi 6 _gur sze_-[_bar_] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-(tan)-nu u (disz)(d)_ag_-_ba_(sza2) e-pisz dul-lu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ sza2 (disz)ha-ah-hu-ru ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 A (disz)szu-la-a mah-ru [(lu2)]mu-kin-nu [x-x]-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)[x] (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x]

    [(lu2)]mu-kin-nu [x-x]-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)[x] (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x] bar-sip(ki) (iti)[x _ud_ n-_kam mu_ n-_kam_]

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x]

    bar-sip(ki) (iti)[x _ud_ n-_kam mu_ n-_kam_] (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-[musz _lugal e_(ki)] _lugal_ [_kur-kur_-_mesz_]

    AI Translation

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Nabû-iqisha have received from Aradia/Shula 3 kishir 15 manû of barley for 10 days of mashtutu rations of month III of Hahhuru/Shamash-uballit, from .../FN: 6 kur of barley: he is paid. The work on the beer of Hahhuru is paid.

    Witnesses: ...ia/PN, scribe, Nabû-x/PN/FN. Borsippa, Nbk x-x-x.

    Scribe: Nabû-x/PN/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar x-x-x-x.


    Of 3 kishru and 15 minas of barley, for the final 10 days of the mashtitu offerings of month III of Hahhuru/Shamash-uballit, measured out by Ardia/Shula: of this amount, Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Nabû-iqisha, who are brewing the billatu beer on behalf of Hahhuru, have received 6 kurru of barley from Ardia/Shula.

    Witnesses: lost.

    Scribe: Nabû-x/PN/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar -.

    P521537: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u2-il3-ti3 sza2 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza2 (f)ha-ni-na-a-a ma-rat-su sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)hu-s,a-bi sza2 ina muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-di-nu A (disz)hu-s,a-bi u3 (f)gi-mi-la-a asz2-sza2-ti-szu2 ma-rat-su sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-[x]

    A (disz)(d)_be_-_dingir_-ta-_du3_ i-na lib3-bi 1 2/3 _ma-na 5 gin2 ku3-babbar_ (f)ha-ni-na-a i-na qa-at (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na_ u3 (disz)na-di-nu _ad_-szu2 mah-ra-at

    _ku3-babbar_ a4 1 2/3 _ma-na 5 gin2_ szi-me 1(en) u4-mu (kasz)kap-ri sza2 (iti)_kin_ u3 2 1/2 u4-mu (kasz)masz-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_kin_ sza2 (disz)na-din u (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin dumu_-szu2 i-na qa-at (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-[_mesz_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_zalag2_-e-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia isz-szu2-nu ku-u2 nu-dun-ni-e-szu2 a-na (f)ha-ni-na-a

    ku-u2 nu-dun-ni-e-szu2 a-na (f)ha-ni-na-a na-di-in (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-na-s,ir ((lu2))_ku4-e2_ (d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 a_ (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap_-[_sukkal_] [(disz)szu]-la-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)(d)_be_-_dingir_-ta-[_du3_]

    _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 a_ (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap_-[_sukkal_] [(disz)szu]-la-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)(d)_be_-_dingir_-ta-[_du3_] [(disz)_arad2_]-(d)tasz-me-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)hu-s,a-[bi] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)hu-s,a-[bi] u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_-_si-sa2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_(?)

    u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_-_si-sa2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_(?)

    A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 27_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)kur-asz2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    The debt note of 2 minas of silver of Haninaya, the slave of Nabû-nadin-ahi/Hushabu, which is due from Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Hushabu and Gimilla, his slave, the slave of Nabû-mukin-x/Ilshu-abushu.

    fHaninaya has received 1 2/3 minas 5 shekels of silver from Nabû-shumu-ukin and Nadin, his father.

    That silver, 1 2/3 minas 5 shekels, one day of kaprû-beer of month VI and 2 1/2 days of mashtitu-beer of month VI, which Nadin and Nabû-shumu-ukin, his son, received from Nabû-eter-napshati/Nuruea/Ilia, as the price of his wedding gift, to Hanina.

    Witnesses: Marduk-nashir, temple-enterer of Nabû, son of Nabû-bani-ushur, descendant of Nur-Papsukkal; Shulaya, son of Remut, descendant of Ea-ilutu-bani;

    Arad-Tashmetu/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Hushabu, Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Hushabu and the scribe Shamash-shumu-lishir/Nabû-shumu-ushur?/Ilshu-abushu.

    and the scribe, Shamash-shumu-lishir, son of Nabû-shumu-ushur?.

    Borsippa, Cyr 27-XII-05.


    Concerning the debt note of 2 minas of silver, of fHaninaya/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Hushabu, which is due from Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Hushabu and fGimilla, his wife, daughter of Nabû-mukin-x of the Ea-ilutu-bani family:

    thereof, fHaninaya has received 1 m 45 sh silver from Nabû-shumu-ukin and Nadin, his father.

    That 1 m 45 sh silver is the price of one day of the kapru offerings in month VI and 21/2 days of the mashtitu offerings in month VI that Nadin and his son Nabû-shumu-ukin received from Nabû-eter-napshati/Nurea/Ilia.

    The silver is given in payment of fHaninaya's dowry.

    Witnesses: Marduk-nashir, erib-biti of Nabû, son of Nabû-tabni-ushur of the Nur-Papsukkal family, Shula/Remut/Ea-ilutu-bani, Arad-Tashmetu/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Hushabu, Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Hushabu.

    And scribe: Shamash-shumu-lishir/Nabû-shumu-ushur?/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr 27-XII-05.1

    P521538: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u2-il3-ti3 sza2 _sze-numun_ sza2 _garim_ gu-ra-a'-ib sza2 _ud 30_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ a-na er-re-szu-tu (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 a-na (disz)zu-uh-ri-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)za-ba4-ba4-_kam_ id-di-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) u (disz)zu-uh-ri-ia2 [u2]-il3-ti3 ina mi-gir lib3-bi-szu2-nu [ih]-te-pu-u2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) ((illegible traces)) (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x-[x]-x _garim bara2_ sza(?) (d)15 (iti)[x] _ud 3_-_kam_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x-[x]-x

    _garim bara2_ sza(?) (d)15 (iti)[x] _ud 3_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia gave to Zuhria/Zababa-eresh the iltu of the arable land of the gu'ib-field on the 30th of Ululu VI for the ereshutu. Nabû-zeru-ushebshi and Zuhria have sinned against their own will.

    Scribe: Nabû-ittannu/PN/FN.

    The stele of Ishtar, 3rd day of month .


    The contract concerning the field in Tamirtu Gurabu that Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia gave to Zuhria/Zababa-eresh on 30/VI in order to cultivate the land: Nabû-zeru-ushebshi and Zuhria have voluntarilay broken the contract. Nabû-zeru-ushebshi remainder of obverse broken off.

    Scribe: Nabû-ittannu/PN.

    Tamirtu Parakku sha Ishtar, Dar 03-x-14.1

    P521539: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [1(en)] u4-mu ti-lim-du3-_mesz ku3-gi_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_sum_(na) A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 a-di 2 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ a-na (lu2)_nu_-(gisz)_kiri6_-u2-tu ina _igi#_ [(disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_]-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    _sze-bar_ gi-nu-u2 ul-tu [_e2_] a-[si-e] (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_ i-man-da-ad

    pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-tan bat,-lu [u ma]-as#-naq-tum na-szi (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_szu_-(d)_me-me a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_szu_-(d)_me-me a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_-_sig5_ (disz)(d)_en_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (disz)_en_-_uszumgal_

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)_ba_(sza2)-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_tuk_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 11_-_kam mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)kur-ra-asz2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    1 day of the gold tilimtu offerings in month VI of Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, for 2 years to the gardener are at the disposal of Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Nabû-eter-napshati will measure the barley as a regular offering from the bit-asê.

    Witnesses: Gimil-Gula/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Gimil-Gula/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Arkat-ilani-damqa, Bel-ibni/Tabnea/Bel-ushumgal.

    Scribe: Iqisha-Marduk/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr 11-VII-01.


    One day of the golden tilimtu jars in month VI of Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu: for 2 years this prebend is at the disposal of Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu for performing ana nukurributu.

    Nabû-eter-napshati shall measure the barley, the offering material, from the bit-asê.

    He is responsible to approach the meal and for uninterrupted and punctual service.

    Witnesses: Gimil-Gula/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Arkat-ilani-damqa, Bel-ibni/Tabnea/Bel-ushumgal.

    Scribe: Iqisha-Marduk/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr 11-VI-01.

    P521540: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    3 _ma-na ku3-babbar nig2-ga_ (d)_ag lugal man_(ki) sza2 ina (iti)_szu mu 2_-_kam_ (disz)ku-ra-asz2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur_ a-na _sig4-hi-a_ a-na (lu2)_gir2-la2_-_me_

    _sum-na_ ina lib3-bi 7 1/2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 _ud-15_(tum) sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin A-szu2 [sza2] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_pab a_ (disz)ib-[na-a-a] u3 (disz)re-mut A-szu2 sza2 (disz)[x-x-x] A (disz)ib-na-a-a (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 [ma-hir] (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)x-x-x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-sze-zib A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)x-x-x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-sze-zib A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_ (disz)(lu2)x-x-x

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_ba_(sza2)-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_szu ud 22_-_kam mu 2_-_kam_ (disz)ku-ra-asz2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) u _kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    3 minas of silver, property of Nabû, king of the world, which in Du'uzu, 2nd year of Cyrus, king of Babylon, king of the land, for bricks for the temple butchers.

    Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu has received 7 1/2 sh silver of the 15th day of Shabatu XI from Nabû-shumu-ukin/Marduk-nashir/Ibnaya and Remut/PN/Ibnaya.

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-ushezib/Ilshu-abushu, Mushezib-Bel/Nabû-mukin-apli/FN.

    Scribe: Iqisha-Marduk/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 22-IV-2.


    3 m of silver, property of Nabû "King-of-the-World," given for bricks to the butchers in month IV of the second year of Cyrus, king of Babylon, king of the lands:

    Of this amount, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu received 71/2 sh of silver for the fortnight shapattu of month XI from Nabû-shumu-ukin/Marduk-nashir/ Ibnaya and Remut/PN/Ibnaya, and Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-ushezib/Ilshu-abushu, Mushezib-Bel/Nabû-mukin-apli/FN.

    Scribe: Iqisha-Marduk/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr 22-IV-02.

    P521541: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1(en) dan-nu _ku3-babbar igi szu2_-_man_ sza2 _ud 5_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_ur_-_dingir_-_mesz a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 _szesz_-szu2 _ad_-szu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 _szesz_-szu2-nu u2-szad-gil-lu

    10 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-[_gal2_](szi) u (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) _szesz#_-[_mesz_-szu2 x x]-ma sza2 nam x x ku-mu dan-nu _ku3-babbar_ sza2 _ud 5_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)A-_e2_-_i a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)[x A] (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)A-_e2_-_i a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)[x A] (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu a_ (lu2)x [x (lu2)_umbisag_] (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A (disz)s,u]-lu-ut

    [bar-sip(ki) (iti)x _ud_ n-_kam_] _mu 1_-_kam_ [(disz)kam]-bu-[zi-ia _lugal tin_]-_tir#_(ki)

    AI Translation

    One strong silver before the king's hand on the 5th day of Ululu, which Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-ilani/Ilshu-abushu and Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu, his father, his brother, his father, gave to Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, their brother.

    Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin voluntarily gave 10 sh silver of 1/8 alloy to Nabû-zeru-ushebshi and Nabû-uballit, his brothers, ... of the ... ..., the silver of 5/VII of the 'residence' of Nabû-biti/PN/Ilshu-abushu, Mushezib-Marduk/Nabû-nadin-iddin/Nabû-nadin-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-uballit/

    Witnesses: Mar-biti/PN/Ilshu-abushu, Mushezib-Marduk/Nabû-nadin-shumi/FN.

    Borsippa, Camb x-x-II-01.


    1 silver dannu vat in front of DN on 05/VI, which Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-kalab-ilani/Ilshu-abushu and Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu, the brother of his father, assigned to Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, their brother:

    Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin voluntarily gave 10 sh silver, of 1/8 alloy, to Nabû-zeru-ushebshi and Nabû-uballit his brothers .. of ... instead of the silver dannu vat on 05/VI.

    Witnesses: Mar-biti-na'id/PN/Ilshu-abushu, Mushezib-Marduk/Nabû-nadin-shumi/FN. Scribe: Nabû-bel-shumati/PN/Shulut.

    Camb x-x-01.

    P521542: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2 (dug)dan-nu la-_igi_ (gisz)_gigir_ masz-ku (iti)_bara2 ud 8_-_kam ud 10_-_kam gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_eduru_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 ku-ma 5/6 _ma-na_ [i-na _igi_] (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu_

    [A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_]-szu2 (lu2)_tuk_(u2) sza2-nam-ma [i-na] muh-hi ul i-szal-(lat, a-di) _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,)

    _ku3-babbar_-szu2 i-szal-li-[mu x x] x (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_ a-na _ugu_ dan-nu _kasz_-_mesz_-szu2 [ul i-szal-lat,(?)] (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) a-na _ugu ku3-babbar_-szu2 it-ti (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_ ul i-dab-bu-ub (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)pir-u' A (disz)szi-gu-u2-a (disz)_arad2_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(lu2)_umbisag_] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[_gin_]

    (disz)re-mut A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(lu2)_umbisag_] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-[_gin_]

    A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) [(iti)x]

    AI Translation

    2 large vats, in front of the chariot, the masukku-offerings of the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, belonging to Bel-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilia, in lieu of 5/6 mina before Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin:

    He shall have no claim against Nabû-uballit until Nabû-uballit has received the silver.

    Nabû-uballit will not litigate with Bel-iddin over his silver.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbn x-x-09.1


    2 vats before the Leather Chariot on 08/I and 10/I, brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Bel-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilia, are at the disposal of Nabû-uballit/ Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu as pledge instead of 5/6 m silver.

    Another creditor shall not dispose of the prebend until Nabû-uballit has received full payment.

    Bel-iddin shall not dispose of ? his vats of beer, Nabû-uballit shall not argue about his silver with Bel-iddin. 12 Witnesses: Nabû-mukin-apli/Pir'u/ Shigûa, Arad-Nabû/Remut/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Camb 22-x-04.1

    P521543: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    15 _gin2 ku3-babbar sag-du_ sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[_tin_(it,)] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 ina _ugu_ (disz)[(d)_ag_-_mu_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zi-bu A (disz)_szesz_-ia-u2-tu u3

    (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu _szesz_-szu2 a-na _ugu_ ma-ni-e [x _gin2 ku3-babbar_]

    _ur5-ra_ ina muh-hi-szu2-nu i-rab-bi (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_ i-[na] _e2_-szu-tum3-mu 200 _kasz-u2-sa_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[_tin_(it,)]

    i-bal-la-al dul-lu qal-lu u3 _gal_(u2) [o(?)] [sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) u2-kal-la-mu-usz ip-pu-[usz]

    a-ka-lu u3 (tug2)mu-s,ip-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) [a-na]

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_ i-nam-din a-di 3 _mu_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[_mu_] ina _e2_-szu-tum3-mu sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) a-szi-ib pu-ut# [ma]-as,-s,ar-tum sza2 _e2_-szu-tum3-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-[_mu_]

    pu-ut# [ma]-as,-s,ar-tum sza2 _e2_-szu-tum3-mu (disz)(d)_ag_-[_mu_]

    [na-szi _ur5_]-_ra ku3-babbar_-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_ uz-zak-ka i-na 3 _mu_-_mesz_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_ uz-zak-ka i-na 3 _mu_-_mesz ku3-babbar_ a4 15 _gin2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,)

    i-nam-din _ku3-babbar_ sza2 a-na e-t,e3-ru sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu na-ad-nu

    sza2 it(!)(_di_-)tab-bal-kit 1/3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lam

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-na-din-_a a_ (disz)_tin_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu_

    A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_apin ud 2_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    15 sh silver, capital, of 1/8 shekel, belonging to Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, due from Nabû-iddin/Mushezibu/Ahiya'utu and

    Nabû-ittannu, his brother, has contracted and bought it for x shekels of silver.

    Nabû-iddin will serve 200 liters of beer in the Eshutummu.

    He will perform the small and the large work of Nabû-uballit and perform it.

    Nabû-uballit will pay the silver and the mushiptu-garments.

    Nabû-iddin will reside in the house of Nabû-uballit for 3 years.

    Nabû-iddin bears responsibility for the security of the house.

    Nabû-uballit will pay the silver in full to Nabû-iddin in three years.

    Nabû-iddin will pay that 15 shekels of silver to Nabû-uballit in three years.

    The silver which is given for the extispicy for the extispicy of Nabû-kashir/Shula/Kudurranu.

    who has been seized, he shall pay 1/3 shekel of silver.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, Iddin-Nabû/Bel-nadin-apli/Balatu.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 02-VIII-02. 1


    15 sh silver, capital, with 1/8 alloy, of Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, due from Nabû-iddin/Mushezib/Ahiya'utu and his brother Nabû-ittannu.

    Per m, x sh silver interest will accrue against them.

    Nabû-iddin will brew 200 vats of billatu beer of Nabû-uballit in the bit-shutummi.

    He will do the complete "big and small" work of Nabû-uballit that he will show to him.

    Nabû-uballit will supply Nabû-iddin with food and clothes.

    During 3 years Nabû-iddin will live in the bit-shutummi of Nabû-uballit.

    Nabû-iddin is responsible to guard the bit-shutummi,

    Nabû-uballit will exempt Nabû-iddin of the interest on the silver.

    Nabû-iddin must pay back the 15 sh of silver to Nabû-uballit in the course of 3 years.

    The silver is given to pay Nabû-kashir/Shula/Kudurranu.

    Whoever breaks the contract shall pay 20 sh of silver.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, Iddin-Nabû/Bel-nadin-apli/Balatu.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Camb 02-VIII-05.

    P521544: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 _gur sze-bar_ ina _buru14 gisz-szub-ba_-szu2 _lunga_-u2-tu (disz)szul-lu-ma-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ku-na-a A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 ma-hir e-t,ir _buru14 gisz-szub-ba_

    _buru14 gisz-szub-ba mu 12_-_kam_ (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)ki-na-a

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)ki-na-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_ (disz)(d)_be_-(_en_)-_dingir_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu a_ (disz)x-[x-x] (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)[x]

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)[x] (disz)mu-sze-zib A (disz)x-x-x

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 26_-_kam mu 12_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    Shulluma/Kuna/Ilshu-abushu has received 1 kurru of barley from Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu for the yield of his brewer's prebend.

    The harvest of that prebend, year 12.

    Witnesses: Kinaya/Shamash-shumu-ibni/Illil-ilani, Shamash-iddin/FN.

    Scribe: PN, Mushezib, son of PN.

    Borsippa, Dar 26-XI-12.


    Shulluma/Kuna/Ilshu-abushu has received one kurru of barley of the yield of his brewer's prebend from Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    The yield of the prebend of the 12th year.

    Witnesses: Kina/Shamash-shumu-ibni/Ea-bel-ilani, Shamash-iddin/PN.

    Scribe: PN/Mushezib/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 26-XI-12.1

    P521545: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _ku3-babbar szam2 gisz-szub-ba_-szu2 sza2 _ud 20_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ (mi)1/2 _ud_ sza2 sze-e-ri (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a) A (disz)[_du3_-a]-a ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-bul-lit, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    ma-hi-ir _ku3-babbar_ sza2 a-na il-ki sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ a-na (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ (lu2)_gal_ usz-ti3 sza2 _mu 13_-_kam mu 14_-_kam mu 15_-_kam sum-na_ (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_ki_-(d)_utu_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (lu2)_simug_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_ki_-(d)_utu_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (lu2)_simug_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)_ki-ne_-na-a A (disz)x-[x-x] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_(?) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag_

    A (disz)_du3_-a-a (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a) A (disz)_du3_-a-a

    bar-sip(ki) (iti)_szu ud 24_-[_kam_] _mu 15_-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-i'-szu2 _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-shumu-ukin/Apla/Ibnaya has received the silver, the price of his prebend of the 20th day of Tashritu, 1/2 day of the morning, from Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    The silver which is paid for the ilku service of Nabû-shumu-ukin to Iddin-Nabû, the chief cook, of the 13th, 14th, and 15th years.

    Witnesses: Itti-Shamash-balatu/Mushezib-Marduk/Nappahu, Nabû-x/Kinina/FN, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Iddin-Papsukkal, Iddin-Nabû/Mushezib-Nabû/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Apla/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 24-IV-15.


    Nabû-shumu-ukin/Apla/Ibnaya has received from Nabû-uballit/Nabû-shumu-iddin/ Ilshu-abushu the silver, the price of his prebend of 20/VII, half a day, of the morning.

    It is the silver which has been paid for the ilku service obligation of Nabû-shumu-ukin to Iddin-Nabû, the rab-esherti head of a unit of ten persons, of the 13th, 14th and 15th year of Darius.

    Witnesses: Itti-Shamash-balatu/Mushezib-Marduk/Nappahu, Nabû-x/Kinunaya/FN, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Iddin-Papsukkal, Iddin-Nabû?/Mushezib-Nabû/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Apla/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 24-IV-15.

    P521546: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_bappir_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag 2 1_/2 szu-us-su-la-nu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa sig5_ pa-na-at kap-ri sza2 (iti)_gan_ sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_-_gar_(un)

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_pab a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu ki-i 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ (disz)tab-ne2-e-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-pa-qu A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_en_-szu2-nu A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu a-na masz-ka-nu-tu

    isz-kun e-bu-ru _gisz-szub_-[_ba_ ia-a-nu] u _ur5-ra ku3-babbar_ ia-[a-nu] (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_arad2_-(d)gu-[la A-szu2 sza2] (disz)tab-ne2-e-a A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)(d)_en_-[x]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_arad2_-(d)gu-[la A-szu2 sza2] (disz)tab-ne2-e-a A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)(d)_en_-[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-re-man-ni A (lu2)_szu-ku6_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz-mesz_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_da_

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 27_-_kam mu 23_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_nig2-du_-_uru3_

    AI Translation

    The brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû: 2 1/2 shushu-la-nu of good beer, in front of the kaprû offering of month IX of the house of Bel-shumu-ishkun.

    Tabnea/Nabû-upaq/Kudurranu has voluntarily sold 7 sh silver to Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Belshunu/Kudurranu for money.

    Witnesses: Arad-Gula/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Bel-...,

    Witnesses: Arad-Gula/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Bel-x/Bel-remanni/Ba'iru.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Nabû-le'i/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbk 27-VI-23.


    Of a brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, 21/2 shussullu boxes of premium billatu beer, the choice income panatu of the kapru offerings of month IX – that belongs to the house of Bel-shumu-ishkun/Nergal-nashir/Kudurranu.

    Tabnea/Nabû-upaq/Kudurranu has pledged this income for 7 sh silver to Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Belshunu/Kudurranu.

    There will be no yield to the prebend and no interest on the silver.

    Witnesses: Arad-Gula/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Bel-x/Bel-remanni/Ba'iru.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Nabû-le'i/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Nbk 27-VI-23.

    P521547: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [... _e2_ szu-tum3-mu ab-tum sza2 qe2-reb _e2-zi-da_ ...] [...] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)[_numun_-_tin-tir_](ki) A (disz)ku-du-[ra-nu] sza2 it-ti (disz)na-din A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ne2-e-a A (disz)ku-du-ra-[nu] u3 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-[nu] _dumu szesz_-_mesz ad_-szu2 zu-u'-u-zu at-ri u3 ma-t,u ma-la ba-szu-u2

    ki-i 36 _lim sig4-hi-a_ u3 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 a-na _nig2-ga e2-zi-da_ a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu na-ad-nu it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ (disz)ku-du-[ra]-nu _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam a-na szi-me-szu2 gam-ru-tu _szu-nigin 36 lim sig4-hi-a_ u3 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2)

    _szu-nigin 36 lim sig4-hi-a_ u3 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _szam2 e2_ szu-tum3-mu ab-tum sza2 qe2-reb _e2-zi_-[_da_] ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)[ku-du-ra-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_kam a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A [(disz)ku-du-ra-nu] [_szam2_] _e2_-szu-tum3-mi-szu2 _ku3-babbar_ [ga-mir-tum]

    [ma-hir] za-ku ru-gum-[ma-a ul i-szi] [ul i-tur]-ru-ma a-na a-[ha-mesz ul iraggamu ...] [...]-(d)_iszkur_


    [_bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)x _ud_ n]-_kam mu 38_-_kam_ [(disz)(d)_ag_-_nig2_]-_du_-_uru3 lugal tin-tir_(ki) [ina _igi_] (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2 _lugal_ (im)_dub_ i-kan-nak-ma

    [ina _igi_] (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2 _lugal_ (im)_dub_ i-kan-nak-ma

    AI Translation

    ... the bit hutummu abtum that is in Ezida ... of Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu, which is with Nadin/Tabnea/Kudurranu and Mushezib-Nabû/Shamash-ahhe-iddin/Kudurranu, the sons of the brothers of his father, the 'disease,' the 'disease,' and everything that is, as much as there is,

    Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kudurranu agreed with Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu a price of 36,500 bricks and 10 shekels of silver which is given as the property of Ezida, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu has received a total of 6,000 bricks and 10 sh white silver, the price of the bit-shutummi abtum that is in Ezida, from Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kudurranu, and Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu, the price of the whole bit-shutummi, the silver of the entire amount, and he has received this silver.

    He has no claim. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.


    Borsippa, Nbk x-38.

    He places the tablet before the scribe of the king and


    The ruined storage room bit-shutummi in Ezida + description of its location of Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu that is divided with Nadin/Tabnea/ Kudurranu and Mushezib-Nabû/Shamash-ahhe-iddin/Kudurranu, the sons of the brothers of his father, whether more and less, as much as there is:

    Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kudurranu proposed to buy this share from Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu for 36,000 bricks and 10 sh of silver, bricks and silver that were given to the treasury of Ezida on behalf of Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/ Kudurranu, and he Nabû-aplu-iddin purchased it for its full price.

    Nabû-shumu-eresh/Zer-Babili/Kudurranu has received from Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kudurranu the total of 36,000 bricks and 10 sh white silver, the price of the ruined storage room bit-shutummi in Ezida, the full amount of silver.

    He is quit. He has no claims. They shall not return on the deal. They shall not file a claim against each other. .... large gap containing the names of the witnesses

    Scribe: PN//x-Adad.

    Borsippa, Nbk x-x-38.

    He Nabû-shumu-eresh will seal the tablet before the scribe of the king and give it to Nabû-aplu-iddin.1

    P521548: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    2 _gur sze-bar_ sza2 (disz)ina-qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)ku-du-[ra-nu] ina _ugu_ (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)[x]

    ina masz-szar-tum sza2 (iti)_apin_ i-nam-din

    _sze-bar szam2 kasz-u2-sa sig5 bur_ sza2 (d)_ag_ (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gi-na_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gi-na a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)al-la-nu (disz)na-din A-szu2 sza2 (disz)bal-lat,-su

    A (disz)_numun_-u2-ti-ia2 (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 6_-_kam mu 9_-_kam_ [(disz)(d)_ag_-I] _lugal tin-tir_(ki) a-na [x x x] (disz)ba-lat,-su pu-ut _giri3_-_min_

    a-na [x x x] (disz)ba-lat,-su pu-ut _giri3_-_min_

    AI Translation

    2 kurru of barley belonging to Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu, due from Ezida-shumu-x/Balassu/FN.

    he shall pay in the mashartu of month VIII.

    Barley, the price of the good quality billatu beer, the delivery of Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-zeru-ukin/Balassu/Allanu, Nadin/Balassu/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ibni/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 06-VI-09.

    Balassu bears responsibility for the feet.


    Two kurru of barley of Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu, due from Ezida-shumu-x/Balassu/FN.

    He will pay the barley from the mashartu of month VIII.

    The barley is the price of the good billatu beer of the meal of the Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-zeru-ukin/Balassu/Allanu, Nadin/Balassu/Zerutia.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ibni/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Nbn 06-VI-09.

    Balassu will guarantee the presence of Ezida-shumu-x to do x.

    P521549: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    i-na 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar nig2-ga_ (d)_pa man szu2_ sza2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_ (lu2)_pa lunga3-mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 u3 (lu2)_bappir-mesz_ a-na qu-ru-bu sza2 i-pi-ru u _sig4 sum-na_

    ina lib3-bi 1/2 _ma-na 5 gin2_ ina _igi_ (disz)ina-qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_eduru_-_mu a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    60(szu) (gisz)_ma2_ sza2 600 a4 (disz)ina-qi2-bi-(d)_en sig4-hi-a_ u2-qar-ra-ba-am-ma a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_ u3 (lu2)_bappir_-_mesz_ a-na _nig2-ga e2-zi-da_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_kad2 a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi)

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_kad2 a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_ (disz)_arad2_-u2-tu (disz)la-a-ba-szi-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_eduru_-_mu a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu u (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 bar-sip(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nabû-nadin-shumi, the brewers, son of Marduk-zeru-ibni, descendant of Ilia, and the brewers have received 2 m of silver, property of Nabû, king of the world, which is given to Nabû-nadin-shumi, the brewers, son of Marduk-zeru-ibni, descendant of Ilia, and the bakers, as a gift, as a gift, as a present.

    Those 1/2 minas and 5 shekels are at the disposal of Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu.

    60 boats of 600 equids of Ina-qibi-Bel will be built and will be given to Nabû-nadin-shumi and the brewers as the property of Ezida.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Bel-kashir/Ilia, Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Aradutu, Labashi-Marduk/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu, and the scribe Remut-Nabû/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Nbn-Nabû-etir, descendant of Ilia.


    Of the 2 m of silver, property of Nabû "King-of-the-World," that were given to Nabû-nadin-shumi/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Ilia, the overseer shapiru of the brewers, for the bringing of dirt and bricks:

    35 sh of this amount is at the disposal of Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu.

    Ina-qibi-Bel shall bring the bricks in 60 boats of 600 bricks each and deliver them to the treasury of Ezida on behalf of Nabû-nadin-shumi and the brewers.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Bel-kashir/Ilia, Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ardutu, Lâbâshi-Marduk/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu and scribe Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Nbn 13-II-16.1

    P521550: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _udu-nita2_ pa-ra-su _szu_-_min_ pa-ni (d)_uri3-gal_ sza2 (d)a-ri-tum 1(en) _udu-nita2_ sza2 (iti)_du6 ud 8_-_kam mu#_ [2]-_kam#_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia2 1(en) _udu-nita2 ud 18_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gan 2 udu-nita2_ (iti)_bara2 ud 5_-_kam ud 11_-_kam mu 3_-_kam 3_ (iti)_szu ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam 1_(en) (iti)_kin ud 22_-_kam mu 3_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia2 _pab 8 udu-nita2 1_(en) _uz-tur-muszen_ (iti)_gan ud 28_-_kam mu 2_-_kam 1_(en) (iti)_ab ud 16_-_kam 1_(en) (iti)_ziz2 ud 12_(?)-_kam 1_(en) (iti)_kin ud 16_-_kam mu 3_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia2

    ik-kal (lu2)mar szip-ri sza2 (disz)ta-qisz-(d)_me-me_ a-na _ugu udu-nita2_ u3 _uz-tur-muszen_ ul il-lak a-di (iti)_kin ud 22_-_kam mu 3_-_kam_ i-szal-li-mu

    1(en)-ta-a4 gaba-ra-ni-e il-te-qu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-(lim) A-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-(lim) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-ka-s,ir A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_ (disz)al-la-nu

    _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_da a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru_

    A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 6_-_kam mu 2_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia2 _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    One sheep for the sacrificial offerings before Ushur-Aritu, one sheep for Tashritu, 8th day, 2nd year of Cambyses, one sheep for 18th day of Kislimu, two sheep for Nisannu, 5th day, 11th day, 3rd year, 3rd month of Du'uzu, 17th day, 18th day, 20-1-seah, 1 sheep for 22nd day, 3rd year of Cambyses, in all 8 sheep, one duck for 28th day of Kislimu, 2nd year, 1 duck for Tebetu, 16th day, 1 duck for 12th year, 1 duck for 16th year of Cambyses, 3rd year of Cambyses,

    The messenger of Taqish-Gula will not go to the ram or the duck until 22 Ululu, 3rd year.

    Each has taken a copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Bel-kashir/Ilia, Shamash-iddin/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Allanu.

    Scribe: Nabû-le'i/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Camb 06-VII-2.


    Sheep, apportioning by ? hand, before the Standard of the Divine Shield: – 1 sheep of 08/VII in the second year of Cambyses – 2 sheep of 18/IX – 2 sheep of 05 and 11/I in the third year of Cambyses – 3 sheep of 17, 18, 19/IV – 1 sheep of 22/VI in the third year of Cambyses Total: 8 sheep. – 1 duck of 28/IX in the second year of Cambyses – 1 duck of 16/X – 1 duck of 12?/XI – 1 duck of 16/VI in the third year of Cambyses Total: 8 sheep and 4 ducks before the Standard of the Divine Shield of Taqish-Gula/Shula/Iddin-Papsukkal – Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu will eat this income against 15 kurru of dates a year.

    A servant of Taqish-Gula will not go after the sheep and ducks until 22/VI of the third year of Cambyses has passed.

    Each has taken a copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Bel-kashir/Ilia, Shamash-iddin/ Nabû-zeru-ukin/Allanu.

    Scribe: Nabû-le'i/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Camb 06-VII-02.

    P521551: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 ki-s,ir 15 ma-nu _zu2-lum-ma_

    AI Translation

    1 kishir of 15 manu dates;


    1 kishru 15 manû dates, for the medium quality mashtitu offerings of month VII and 12 manû dates for offerings to Gula in the mashartu periods of months II and V of the 7th year of Cambyses, king of Babylon and the lands, that Ina-qibi-Bel has measured on 06-IX-07: – 10 manû for 2 days mashtitu of the sons of Kuna: Tabnea/Tabia has received – 10 manû: Murashû//Re'i-sisê – 15 manû: to the temple1

    P521552: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2 dan-nu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ sza2 masz-szar-tum sza2 (iti)_gu4_ (iti)_sig4_ (iti)_szu_ ((erasure)) sza2 ti-lim-du3 _ku3-gi_ u3 szap-pi sza2 _iti 10_ u4-mu

    _igi_ (d)_dumu_-_e2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)ku-du-ra-[nu] ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)ina-qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu e-t,ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)[ku]-du-ra-nu

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)[ku]-du-ra-nu (disz)si-lim-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_utu_-_tin_

    A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (disz)sza-asz2-szar-hu

    bar-sip(ki) (iti)_sze ud 5_-_kam mu 3_-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-a-szu _lugal tin-tir_(ki) u _kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    2 vats of beer for the mashartu offerings of months II, III, IV of the tilimtu offerings of gold and shappu offerings of month 10 of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month XII of the mashartu offerings of month

    Nabû-ittannu/Remut/Kudurranu has received this from Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu.

    Witnesses: Itti-Nabû-balatu/Remut/Kudurranu, Silim-Bel/Itti-Shamash-balatu/Ilia.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ukin/Apla/Shash-shar-hu.

    Borsippa, Dar 05-XII-03.


    2 vats of billatu beer for the mashartu period of months II, III, IV, to be used for the golden tilimtu vase and shappu bowl offered in front of Mar-biti, on 10 days in each month:

    Nabû-ittannu/Remut/Kudurranu has received these vats of beer from Ina-qibi-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu.

    Witnesses: Itti-Nabû-balatu/Remut/Kudurranu, Silim-Bel/Itti-Shamash-balatu/Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ukin/Apla/Sha-ash-shar-hu.

    Borsippa, Dar 05-XII-03.

    P521553: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    i-na _mu-an-na 1_(en) tar-din-nu masz-ti-ti (iti)_kin ud 17-kam gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)la-a-ba-szi-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-ia A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru a-na e-pi-sza2-nu-tu i-na pa-ni (disz)gu-za-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2

    (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru _sze-bar_ u3 _zu2-lum-ma_ gi-nu-u2 u3 pap-pa-su (disz)gu-za-nu _ta e2_ a-si-e

    i-man-du i-na _mu-an-na 1_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ u3 5 _ban2 sze-bar_ (disz)gu-za-nu a-na (disz)la-a-ba-szi-(d)_amar-utu_ i-nam-din

    pu-ut qu-ru-ub nap-ta-nu bat,-lu u3 mas-naq-tum (disz)gu-za-nu na-szi (lu2)mu-kin-nu ((erasure)) [(lu2)]mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ ((erasure)) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu ((erasure)) [(lu2)]mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ ((erasure)) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)la-kup-pu-ru (disz)(d)_ag_-(u2)-s,ur-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)la-kup-pu-ru (disz)ku-s,ur-ra-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib A (disz)(d)_masz_-_gi_ (disz)ki-na-a-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)gu-za-nu A (disz)ba-la-t,u

    _dub-sar_ (disz)_arad2_-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_

    A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_apin_

    AI Translation

    One year, one tardinnu of the mashtitu offerings, 17th day of Ululu, brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Labashi-Marduk, son of Zeriya, descendant of La-kuppuru, has sold for ten shekels of silver, to Guzanu, son of

    Barley and dates, regular offering and pappasu, Guzanu, from the Asiean house.

    Guzanu will give to Labashi-Marduk 1 panu 4 sutu of dates and 5 sutu of barley per year.

    Guzanu bears responsibility for the clearing of the meal, the rations, and the mashnaqtu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-mukin-apli/La-kuppuru, Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-nadin-ahi/La-kuppuru, Kushura/Mushezib/Ninurta-ushallim, Kina/Guzanu/Balatu.

    Scribe: Arad-Marduk/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar XII-02.1


    One tardennu mashtitu a year, on 17/VI, of the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Lâbâshi-Marduk/Zeria/La-kuppuru, is at the disposal of Guzanu/Balassu/La-kuppuru for performing ana epishanuti.

    He Guzanu shall measure the barley and dates, offering material ginû and pappasu, from the bit-asû.

    Per year, Guzanu shall give to Lâbâshi-Marduk 0;1.4 dates and 0;0.5 barley.

    Guzanu is responsible to approach the meal, for non-interruption and punctuality.

    Witnesses: Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-mukin-apli/La-kuppuru, Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-nadin-ahi/La-kuppuru, Kushura/Mushezib/Ninurta-ushallim, Kina/Guzanu/Balatu.

    Scribe: Arad-Marduk/Nabû-nadin-ahi/La-kuppuru.

    Borsippa, Dar 13-VIII-35. 1

    P521554: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    e-pu-usz _nig-szid2_ sza2 ina (iti)_sze ud 6_(!)-_kam mu 24_-_kam_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz dumu_ (disz)_arad2_-u2-tu2 sza2 _ki_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ur_(a) u (disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-szu-lum

    i-pu-usz 250 dan-nu sza2 _kasz-u2-sa_ sza2 (disz)re-mut sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu u (disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-szu-lum sza2 _ta_ (iti)_gan mu 23_-_kam en_ qi2-it (iti)_ziz2 mu 24_-_kam_ a-na man-za-la-a-ta sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ i-di-in-nu-u' (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu u (disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-[szu-lum]

    ma-hi-ir 55 dan-nu _kasz-u2-sa sag-du_ sza2 _ta_ (iti)_gan mu 24_(!)-_kam_ a-di (qi2)_til_ (iti)_szu mu 24_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu u (disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-szu-lum ana man-za-la-a-ta sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ i-di-in-nu-u' ina lib3-bi 23 dan-nu _sag-du kasz-u2-sa be_ szum-qut u re-hi 32 dan-nu _kasz-u2-sa murub4_(u2) ina _szu_-_min min_(((disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu)) u _min_(((disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-szu-lum)) ma-hi-ir 1(en) _ta_ a4 _ti_(u2) 90 _gur 2_ (_pi_) _sze-bar 10 gur_ kas3-si-ia2 qa-tu-tu ina dul-lu

    ina _szu_-_min min_(((disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu)) u _min_(((disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-szu-lum)) ma-hi-ir 1(en) _ta_ a4 _ti_(u2)

    90 _gur 2_ (_pi_) _sze-bar 10 gur_ kas3-si-ia2 qa-tu-tu ina dul-lu sza2 _mu 24_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu u (disz)(d)_en_-lu-u2-szu-lum ina _szu_-_min_

    (disz)re-mut mah-ru-u' e-lat 16 _gin2_ bit-qa _ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sag-du_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu mim-ma sza2 _sze-bar_

    sza2 nap-ta-nu sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag ki_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu _nu du3_(szu2)

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) _dub-sar dumu_ sza2 (disz)la-kup-pu-ru (iti)_sze ud 5_-_kam mu 24_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-szu2

    (iti)_sze ud 5_-_kam mu 24_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-szu2 _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ [(lu2)mu]-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    [(lu2)mu]-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    AI Translation

    The property which is in month Addaru, 6th day of year 24, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ardutu, which is with Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Arbail and Bel-lu-shulum,

    Remut-Nabû has received 250 vats of beer from Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum from the month IX of the 23rd year to the month Shabatu of the 24th year for the service of Remut-Nabû.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum have received from Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum 55 vats of first-class beer, which is from month IX of the 24th year until the end of month IV of the 24th year: they have given them to Remut-Nabû. There are 23 vats of first-class beer, the price of the libation bowl, and the remainder 32 vats of middle quality beer, from Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum. Each vats of first quality beer are 90 kurru 2 panu of barley, 10 kurru of my premium beer, in the service.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum received 90,2 panu of barley and 10 kurru of refined silver from the work of the 24th year.

    Remut has received from Nabû-ahu-ittannu 16 shekels of white silver, capital belonging to Remut-Nabû, in addition to all the barley.

    The meal of Remut-Nabû is not with Nabû-ahu-ittannu.

    Nabû-uballit, scribe, son of Labpuru.

    5th day of Addaru, 24th year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ilshu-abushu.


    Settlement of accounts, which, on Dar 05!?-XII-24, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ardutu made with Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Kalba and Bel-lu-shulum:

    – 250 vats of billatu beer of Remut, due from Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum, which they have delivered for the service of Remut-Nabû between Dar IX-23 and the end of Dar XI-24: Remut-Nabû has received the beer from Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum

    – 55 vats of billatu beer, principal, that from Dar IX-23!? until the end of Dar IV-24 Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum delivered for the service of Remut-Nabû: of these, a principal of 23 vats has been balanced as old beer, and Remut-Nabû has received the remaining 32 vats of medium quality billatu beer from Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum.

    Each has taken a copy of this tablet.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu and Bel-lu-shulum have received 90;2 barley and 10 kurru of ready-to-use kasû for the work of Dar 24.

    This account does not include 16 1/8 sh of white silver, capital amount, of Remut-Nabû, which is due from Nabû-ahu-ittannu.

    Nothing has been settled with Nabû-ahu-ittannu about the barley of the offerings of Remut-Nabû.

    Scribe: Nabû-uballit//La-kuppuru.

    Dar 05-XII-24.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ninurta-ushallim, Nabû-ahhe-shullim/Nabû-eter-napshati/La-kuppuru.1

    P521555: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ u _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-szu2-nu sza2 [x x x]

    AI Translation

    Barley and dates of Ahushunu of .


    Barley and dates of/that Ahushunu of/that ... – 3;3 barley of 1 day of the tardennu offerings of day x of month V?, 1 day of the tardennu offerings on 11/VIII, 2 days of the tilimtu offerings on 03 and 04/X, barley collected on the ledger of the 33rd year: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu, the overseer – 2;2 barley of 3 days of the tardennu offerings on 10 and 11/XI and 09/XII of the 33rd year: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu, the overseer. Prebend days that are not paid. – 1;3 barley of 4 namzitu offerings on 03/VI of the 33rd and 34th year: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu – except for ? x+ 1;1.4 dates, pappasu of the 32nd and 33rd years which is at his disposal. – x;2 dates of 4? namzitu offerings on 03/VI of the 35th year: at the disposal of Bel-ittannu/Nidintu – 0;4.4 ? dates of 1 day of the tardennu offerings of 24/V, 1 day of the tilimtu offerings of 06/VII of the 34th year: at the disposal of Bel-bullissu/Iddina/Hushabu – 0;4.4 dates of 1 day of of the tardennu offerings of 24/V, 1 day of the tilimtu offerings of 06/VII of the 35th year: at the disposal of Arad-Gula/Shaddinnu – 1;0.3 dates of 2 days of the tilimtu offerings of 03 and 04/X of the 35th day: at the disposal of Lâbâshi/Babaya – 1;1 dates of 3 days of the tardennu offerings of 10 and 11/XI and 09/XII of the 35th? year: at the disposal of Marduk/Arad?-x 3;3 dates: PN for two days of the mashtitu offerings of x, y-XII: at the disposal of Nabû-bullissu/Ardia.1

    P521556: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [1(en)] u4-mu tar-din-nu masz-ti-ti () (iti)_kin ud 17_-[_kam_] [_gisz_]-_szub_-(_ba_) (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ ki-i 2/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-tab-ni-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ra-szil A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru (disz)(d)_en_-_ba#_(sza2) [A]-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_(ir) A (disz)la-kup-pu-[ru _ki-lam_ im]-be2-ma i-szam (ana) _szam2 til-la_ ga-mir-[ti 2/3 ma]-na _ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _szam2 1_(en) u4-mu tar-din-nu masz-ti-ti _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu

    ina ka-nak (na4)_dub_ szu-a-ti ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_amar-uru_-_numun_-ib-ni A (disz)ki-din-(d)na-na-a (lu2)_ku4-e2_ (d)_ag_ (lu2)_gar-usz4 bara2-sipa_(ki) ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-_su_-_e a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (lu2)sza3-tam _e2-zi-da_ hi2-pi2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_su a_ (disz)la-kup-pu-ru hi2-pi2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru _igi_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2 a_ (disz)la-kup-pu-ru _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)la-kup-pu-ru

    [(lu2)]_dub-sar_ sza2-t,ir (na4)_dub_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_gal2_(szi) A-szu2 sza2 [(disz)](d)_en_-_sur a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu _bara2-sipa_(ki) [(iti)]_ne# ud 15_-_kam mu 14_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_eduru_-_pab_

    [_lugal tin_]-_tir_(ki) s,u-pur (disz)(d)_ag_-tab-ni-_uru3_ ki-ma (na4)_dub_-szu2 tu2-da-a-tu2 e-lat _gisz-szub-ba_ ((_written in faint_, _shallow signs_))

    AI Translation

    One day of the mashtitu offerings, 17/VI, the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, Bel-iqisha/Bel-eter/La-kuppuru agreed with Nabû-tabni-ushur/Rashil/La-kuppuru a price of 2/3 mina of block silver, and he purchased it for the complete price of 2/3 mina of white silver, the price of one day of the mashtitu offerings, the brewer's prebend,

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Marduk-zeru-ibni/Kidin-Nanaya, temple-enterer of Nabû, governor of Borsippa, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Ilia, shatammu of Ezida, the gap between Bel-eriba/La-kuppuru, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-kashir/La-kuppuru, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Bel-iqisha/La-kuppuru, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Bel-iqisha/La-kuppuru, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Bel-iqisha/La-kuppuru.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahu-ushabshi/Bel-eter/Kudurranu. Borsippa, Nbn 15-V-14.

    Fingernail of Nabû-tabni-ushur is marked in place of his seal.


    1 day of the tardennu mashtitu offerings on 17/VI, the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû: Bel-iqisha/Bel-eter/La-kuppuru named a price of 2/3 m of block silver with Nabû-tabni-ushur/Rashi-ilu/La-kuppuru and bought it for its full price – 2/3 m of white silver, the price of one day of the tardennu mashtitu offerings, the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû. In total 2/3 m and 1/2 sh silver, including 1/2 sh silver that is given as extra payment, Nabû-tabni-ushur/Rashi-ilu/La-kuppuru received this silver from Bel-iqisha/Bel-eter/La-kuppuru. He is paid, he is quit. There will be no claim. They will not return on this matter, they will not file claims against each other. Whenever in future days somebody among the brothers, sons, or any of the descendants of the house of La-kuppuru will stand up and file a claim about this prebend, induce somebody to file a claim, make a change, or litigate – a claimant who protests as follows: "That prebend was not given, the silver was not received" – the claimant will pay 12 times the silver that he received.

    Present at the sealing of this tablet: Marduk-zeru-ibni//Kidin-Nanaya, temple enterer of Nabû, shakin-temi of Borsippa, Nabû-balassu-iqbi//Ilia, shatammu of Ezida, PN/Bel-eriba/La-kuppuru, PN/Bel-iqisha/La-kuppuru, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-kashir/La-kuppuru, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Bel-iqisha/La-kuppuru, Nabû-le'i/Nabû-tabni-ushur/La-kuppuru, Mar-Esagil-ibni/ Nabû-ahhe-bullit/La-kuppuru, Nabû-iqbi/Sha-pî-Bel/Re'i-alpi, Sumnunu/Nabû-aplu-ukin/Tabihu.

    Scribe, the writer of the tablet: Nabû-ahu-ushebshi/Bel-eter/Kudurranu. Borsippa, Nbp 15-V-14.

    The fingernail of Nabû-tabni-ushur is applied instead of his seal. – Except for the prebend.

    P521557: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    1(en) [...] 1(en) [...] _kasz_ [qer-re-bi sza2 (iti)_bara2 ud 2_-_kam_] 1(en) [...] 1(en) [...] x [...] () [...] () [...] () [...] _kasz_ qer-re-bi [sza2 (iti)_bara2 ud 3_-_kam_] 1(en) nam-ha-ri _tur_ [_igi_ (d)_ag_ ...] 1(en) dan-nu x x [...] 1(en) (dug)x x x x [...] 1(en) dan-nu has,-bi x x x [...] _kasz_ qer-re-bi [sza2 (iti)_bara2 ud 4_-_kam_] 1(en) nam-ha-ri _tur igi_ (d)[_ag_ ...] 1(en) x x [...] _igi_ (gisz)_gigir ku3-gi_(?) [...] 1(en) [...] (d)_gu-la_ sza2 [...] _kasz_ qer-re-bi sza2 (iti)_bara2_ [_ud 5_-_kam_]

    AI Translation

    1 ... 1 ... beer on the second day of Nisannu I; 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... beer on the third day of Nisannu I; 1 small namharu-vessel before Nabû ... 1 dannu-vessel ... 1 small dannu-vessel ... ... beer on the fourth day of Nisannu I; 1 small namharu-vessel before Nabû ... 1 ... before a gold chariot ... 1 ... Gula of ... beer on the fifth day of Nisannu I;


    Too fragmentary for translation.1

    P521558: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    (disz)li-szi-ru A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 a_ (disz)_numun_-u2-tu2 ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 _ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ne_ ti-lim-du3 _ku3-gi gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_lunga3_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_ (disz)_numun_-u2-tu2 _dumu szesz ad_-szu2 a-na u4-mu

    s,a-a-tu2 u2-szad-gil u4-mu [ma]-la (disz)li-szi-ru bal-t,u _gisz-szub-ba_-szu2 [ina] _igi#_-szu2 ar2-kat2 u4-mu pa-ni [(disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_] id-dag-gal [ina ka-nak (im)_dub_] szu-a-tu2 [_igi_ (disz)x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)re-mut

    [ina ka-nak (im)_dub_] szu-a-tu2 [_igi_ (disz)x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)re-mut A [x-x (disz)](d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 [x x]-mu(?) A (disz)(d)e2-a-eri-ba (disz)(d)_ag_-A-[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-mu-sze-ti-iq-_ud-da a_ (disz)_numun_-u2-tu2 u (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_egir-mesz_-_dingir-me_-_sig5 bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 30_-_kam_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 30_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Lishir/Nabû-tabni-ushur/Zerutu voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-shumu-ushur/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Zerutu the 17th and 18th of Abu, the tilimtu of gold, the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, in perpetuity.

    Should a claim concerning that prebend arise, Nabû-shumu-ushur will clear it of claims and will pay the 12-fold penalty to Lishir in perpetuity.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Borsippa, Dar 30-XII-02. 1


    Lishir/Nabû-tabni-ushur/Zerutu voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-shumu-ushur/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Zerutu, the son of the brother of his father, 17 and 18/V of the offerings in golden tilimtu receptacles, the brewer's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû.

    The prebend will remain at the disposal of Lishir for as long as he lives, but afterwards the prebend days will belong to Nabû-shumu-ushur.

    At the sealing of this tablet are present: PN/Remut/FN, Nabû-nadin-ahi/x-iddin?/Ea-eriba, Nabû-aplu-x/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Zerutu and scribe Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Arkat-ilani-damqa.

    Borsippa, Nbn 30-XII-10.1

    P521559: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    mesz-li u4-mu is-qu (lu2)_mu_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag ud 2_-_kam iti_-us-su u3 kal szat-tum ki-i 1/2 _ma-na 2 gin2 ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz-me_-_su#_ [A (disz)](d)_ag_-_gin_-A u3 (f)sza2-hi-ti [_dam_]-szu2 [(disz)](d)_ag_-_numun_-_du3 a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A [_ki_]-_lam_ im-be2-e-ma [i]-szam ana szi-me-szu2 gam-[ru-tu] _pab 1_/2 _ma-na 2 gin2 ku3_-[_babbar ku3-pad-du_]

    _pab 1_/2 _ma-na 2 gin2 ku3_-[_babbar ku3-pad-du_] _szam2_ mesz-li u4-[mu] x x x [...] ana _igi_ (disz)(d)[...] (lu2)_ku4-e2_ [(d)_ag_ (lu2)_gar-usz4_ bar-sip(ki)]

    ana _igi_ (disz)(d)[...] (lu2)_ku4-e2_ [(d)_ag_ (lu2)_gar-usz4_ bar-sip(ki)] ana _igi_ (disz)A(a) A (disz)[...] (lu2)sza3-tam _e2_-[_zi-da_] _igi_ (disz)sza2-pi4-[...] _igi_ (disz)_sum_(na)-[...] _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-[tan-nu A] (disz)ki-din-(d)30 ( blank ) A (disz)_giri3-min_-_dingir_-ia2 u (lu2)_umbisag_ sza2-t,ir kan-gi (disz)_sur_(?)-_zi_(?)-ti3(?)

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ sza2-t,ir kan-gi (disz)_sur_(?)-_zi_(?)-ti3(?)

    A (lu2)_hal_(?) bar-sip(ki) (iti)_kin_ [_ud x_-_kam_] _mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)kan-dal-[la-nu] _lugal e_[(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Half a day, the temple keeper of Ezida, temple of Nabû, on the 2nd day of every month and year, Nabû-ahhe-eriba/Nabû-mukin-apli and his wife Shahitu agreed with Nabû-zeru-ibni/Nabû-mukin-apli 1/2 mina 2 shekels of block silver and he purchased it for its full price.

    In total, 1/2 mina 2 shekels of block silver, the complete price of one-half day ... ..., to PN, the temple-enterer of Nabû, the governor of Borsippa.

    Before ..., temple-enterer of Nabû, governor of Borsippa, before Aplaya, son of ..., the shatammu of Ezida, before Sha-pi-..., before Iddin-..., before Nabû-ittannu, son of Kidin-Sîn, descendant of Shepê-ilia, and the scribe of the tablet of Sur-ziti.

    and the scribe, scribe of the ...,

    Borsippa, Dar x-VI-05.


    1/2 day of the baker's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, on the 2nd day of each month and of the entire year: Nabû-zeru-ibni//Nabû-mukin-apli declared a purchase price of 1/2 m 2 sh broken silver with Nabû-ahhe-eriba//Nabû-mukin-apli and his wife Shahitu, and he bought the prebend for its complete price.

    Nabû-ahhe-eriba and Shahitu have received 1/2 m 2 sh broken silver, the price of 1/2 day of the baker's prebend ....

    Before: PN, erib-biti of Nabû, shakin-temi of Borsippa; before: Apla//FN, shatammu of Ezida; before: Sha-pî-x//FN, Iddin-x//FN, Nabû-ittannu//Kidin-Sîn, //Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Eter-napshati?//Barû?.

    Borsippa, Kand x-VI-05.



    [s,u-pur (disz)](d)_ag_-_szesz-me_-_su_ [u3]

    AI Translation

    Fingernail of Nabû-ahhe-eriba and


    Nail marks of Nabû-ahhe-eriba and Shahitu are impressed instead of their seal.1

    P521560: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    [a-di x](ta) _mu-an-na_-_mesz gisz#-szub-ba_ (lu2)_mu_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 _iti_-us-su _mu-an-na 10_ ma-za-ar-ri-tum# sza2 (disz)[(d)_ag_]-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)sza2-du-nu A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin#_-_a a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_utu_-_tin a_ (disz)sza2-pi-_dingir_-ia2

    ul-tu lib3-bi a-si-e

    i-man-da-ad pu-ut qu-ru-bu na-ap-ta-nu na-szi pu-ut ba-at,-lu u ma-sa-(naq)-ta

    pu-ut ba-at,-lu u ma-sa-(naq)-ta [(disz)](d)_ag_-_gin_-A na-szi [ina] muh#-hi ma-za-ru-ut-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    [ina] muh#-hi ma-za-ru-ut-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A [x (_pi_)] _zu2-lum-ma buru14_-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu i-nam-din

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-tel-lu A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A (d)_dug3-ga_-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ku-na-a

    A (disz)sza2-pi-_dingir_-ia2 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)la-kup-pu-ru

    [bar-sip(ki)] (iti)_ziz2 ud 17_-_kam_ [_mu_ n]+8-_kam_ (d)_ag_-_nig2-du_-_pab_ [_lugal tin-tir_] ((erasure)) (ki)

    AI Translation

    Until x years of the scribal service of Ezida, temple of Nabû, 1st day of every month of the year, 10 mazarutu offerings of Nabû-belshunu/Shadûnu/Nabû-mukin-apli, at the disposal of Nabû-mukin-apli/Itti-Shamash-balatu/Shapi-ilia.

    From the heart of Asiye,

    He bears responsibility for the clearing of claims, for the clearing of claims and for the clearing of claims.

    Nabû-mukin-apli bears responsibility for the clearing of claims and litigation against Nabû-mukin-apli.

    Nabû-mukin-apli will give x panu of dates as his yield to Nabû-belshunu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ushur/Etellu/Nabû-mukin-apli, Tabiya/Kunaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-shumu-iddin/La-kuppuru.

    Borsippa, Nbn 17-XI-x+8.


    The baker's prebend in Ezida, the temple of Nabû, on the first day of every month, yearly 10 mazzaruttu baskets, of Nabû-belshunu/Shadûnu/Nabû-mukin-apli will be at the disposal of Nabû-mukin-apli/Itti-Shamash-balatu/Shepê-ilia for x years.

    He will take lit. measure the commodities from the bit-asê a storeroom.

    He is responsible for approaching the meal.

    Nabû-mukin-apli is responsible for not causing interruptions, and for punctuality.

    Per mazzaruttu basket, Nabû-mukin-apli will give x panu of dates to Nabû-belshunu as his yield.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ushur/Etellu/Nabû-mukin-apli, Tabia/Kuna/Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-shumu-iddin/La-kuppuru.

    Borsippa, Nbk 17-XI-x+8.

    P521561: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    13 _gur 4_ (_pi_) 2 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su a-di qi2-it [masz-szar-tum] sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (iti)_sze_ u (iti)[_bara2_] _mu 7_-_kam_ ((disz))gam-bu-zi-ia _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ [sza2] (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)A-[_e2_-x] ina _igi_ (disz)szu-ma-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (iti)_bara2_

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (iti)_bara2 ud 18_-_kam mu 8_-_kam_ ((disz))gam-bu-zi-[ia] _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    ina _gub_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ (lu2)_pa_ [(lu2)_mu_-_mesz_] u (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-[x] A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 sza2-(t,ir) t,up-pi2 _gid2-da_ [x x] x x

    _gid2-da_ [x x] x x ((erasure))

    AI Translation

    13 kurru 4 panu 2 sutu dates, pappasu, until the end of the mashartu of months XI, XII and I, 7th year of Gambuzî, king of Babylon, king of the lands, of Iddin-Nabû/Mar-biti-x, at the disposal of Shumaya/Shumu-ukin/Kidin-Sîn.

    18th day of Nisannu, 8th year of Gambuzî, king of Babylon, king of the lands.

    In the presence of Nabû-mukin-zeri, the overseer of the cooks, and Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-zeru-x/Kidin-Sîn, the writer of the tablet.

    length ... ...


    13;4.2 dates, pappasu until the end of the mashartu period of months XI, XII and I of the 7th year of Cambyses, king of Babylon, king of the lands, of Iddin-Nabû/ Mar-biti-x are at the disposal of Shuma/Shumu-ukin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Camb 18-I-08.

    In the presence of Nabû-mukin-zeri, the overseer of the bakers and Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-zeru-x/Kidin-Sîn, the scribe of this tablet.

    Receipt x x x .

    P521562: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [2] _sila3 zu2-lum-ma_ ma-ak-ka-su _gisz_-[_szub-ba_] [(lu2)]_mu_-u2-tu ina _sza3_(?) [(x)] sza2 _bara2_ (d)_utu_ (uru)[x x] [sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-ip-ri A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-ma-a A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-[u2] ik-nu-uk-ma ina _igi_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 u2-szad-gil-lu u3 1 1/2 _ma_-(_na_) _ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag nig2-ba_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-ip-ri i-qi2-szi

    ina lib3-bi 1 _sila3_ ma-ak-ka-su (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ ki-i u2-tir-ri a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-ip-ir it-ta-din u3 _ku3-babbar 1 sila3_ ma-ak-ka-su (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-ip-ir ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 ma-hi-ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu

    A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 ma-hi-ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_da a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_tin a_ (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_si-sa2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_en a_ (disz)_numun_-u2-tu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_eduru_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)eri-ba

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib [(x) A x-x]

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 30_-[_kam_]

    AI Translation

    The rites of the temple ecstatic in the ... of the Sagig-Shamash temple in ..., which Nabû-nadin-ipri/Shuma/Beliya'u sealed and assigned to Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, and Iddin-Nabû will pay 1 1/2 m white silver.

    Iddin-Nabû has received from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u 1 qû of kashkû as a loan.

    Witnesses: Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-le'i/Ilshu-abushu, Marduk-shumu-ushur/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Arkat-ilani, Nabû-zeru-lishir/Mushezib-Bel/Zerutu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, Eriba.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Mushezib/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 30-XII-02.1


    Concerning 2 l. of makkasu dates, the baker's prebend at the shrine of Shamash in the village x, which Nabû-nadin-ipri/Shuma/Beliya'u previously sealed and gave to Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, and for which Iddin-Nabû gave 11/2 m white silver as a gift to Nabû-nadin-ipri:

    Iddin-Nabû returned 1 l. of makkasu dates to Nabû-nadin-ipri, and, Iddin-Nabû received the silver for the other l. of makkasu dates from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u instead of from Nabû-nadin-ipri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-le'i/Ilshu-abushu, Marduk-shumu-ushur/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Arkat-ilani, Nabû-zeru-lishir/ Mushezib-Bel/Zerutu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu, Eriba/Nabû-bel-zeri/Shepê-ilia, Kalba/Mar-biti-na'id/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Mushezib-x/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 30-XII-03.1

    P521563: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 _ma-na ku3-babbar szuk-hi-a_ (lu2)sza3-tam-u2-tu sza2 ul-tu (iti)_du6 mu 3_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-mu-[usz] a-di qi2-it (iti)_kin mu 4_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ (disz)(d)_en_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_sum_(na) A (disz)ki-din-(d)na-na-a i-na na-asz2-par-tum sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_si-sa2_ (lu2)sza3-tam _e2-zi-da_ i-na _szu_-_min_ (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 a-na _ugu_ (lu2)_mu_-_mesz_ sza2 _e2-zi-da_ ma-hi-ir 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2

    1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-di-nu A (lu2)_simug_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_la2_(is,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-u2-szal-lim

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-s,ur-sza2 _dub-sar dumu_ (disz)_sag_-_erin2_(ni)

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_szu ud 29_-_kam mu 4_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-a-musz _lugal_ [_tin-tir_(ki)] _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Bel-iddin/Marduk-shumu-iddin/Kidin-Nanaya has received one mina of silver, the shatammutu-offerings of the shatammutu service from month VII of the 3rd year of Darius, until the end of month VI of the 4th year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands, from Nabû-shumu-lishir/Kidin-Nanaya.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-iddin/Nadin/Nappahu, Nabû-tarish/Marduk-ushallim/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushurshu/Resh-ummani.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-IV-04.


    Bel-iddin/Marduk-shumu-iddin/Kidin-Nanaya received by the order of Nabû-shumu-lishir, shatammu of Ezida, one mina of silver, the rations of the office of shatammu, from month VII of the third year of Darius until the end of month VI of the fourth year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands, from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u on behalf of the bakers of Ezida.

    Each party has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-iddin/Nadin/Nappahu, Nabû-tarish/Marduk-ushallim/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushurshu//Resh-ummani.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-IV-04.

    P521564: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [u4-mu] 1(en) ma-za-ru-ut-tum sza2 (d)_ag_ [_ud 17_]-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_apin gisz-szub-ba_ [(lu2)_mu_-u2]-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_

    [2](ta) _szu_-_min_-_mesz_ sza2 u4-mu _e2-mah-gir17-zal e2_ (d)A-_e2_ qe2-reb sza2 _ud 19_-[_kam_] sza2 _iti_-us-su sza2 kal _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu2-u a-di ma-ak-ka-si-szu2 u (sze)_ziz2-a-an_-szu2

    (disz)_arad2_-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 i-na mi-gi-ir lib3-bi-szu2 ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (disz)szad-din-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum u2-szad-gil i-na ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti3

    i-na ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti3 _igi_ (disz)iq-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    _igi_ (disz)iq-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)_mu_-_gi-na a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_simug_ [x]-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-tel-lu4 A (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    [(disz)(d)]_ag_-_gin_-_numun dub-sar_ [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)ki-din-ni A (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    _bara2#-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ziz2-a-an ud 1_-_kam mu 4_-_kam_ [(disz)da-ri]-ia2-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    One day of the mazaruttu offerings of Nabû, 17/VIII, of the prebend of the temple steward of Ezida, temple of Nabû,

    2/3 of the days of the Emahgirzal, temple of Apla-E, in the 19th day of every month of the entire year, as much as there is, including his rations and his barley rations,

    Arad-Bel/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kidin-Sîn voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Iqbi-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kidin-Sîn, Shumu-ukin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Nappahu, ...-shumu-ushur/Etellu/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kidinni/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 01-XI-04.


    Daily 1 mazzaruttu-basket of Nabû on 17/VIII of the baker's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû,

    and 2/3 of a day of the baker's prebend in Emahgirzal, temple of Mar-biti, on the 19th day of every month of the whole year, including its makkasu-dates and its emmer:

    Arad-Bel/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kidin-Sîn has given these in a sealed document, with rejoicing heart, to Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u forever.

    At the sealing of this tablet are present:

    Iqbi-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kidin-Sîn, Shumu-ukin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Nappahu, x-shumu-ushur/Etellu/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kidinnu/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 01-XI-04.

    P521565: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ne2-e-a A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 a-na _ugu 10_(ti3) sza2 (disz)usz-[sza2-a-a] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-ma-a A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2 a-na (kur)_nim_(ki) it-ti ki-na-al-tum sza2 _e2-zi-da_ il-lak

    4 _iti_-_mesz_ dul-lu ina ka-a-ri sza2 _lugal_ it-ti (lu2)_mu_-_mesz_ a-na muh-hi (disz)usz-sza2-a-a ip-pu-usz

    1 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza2 gin3-nu 3 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-bar 3_ (_pi_) 2 _ban2_ qe2-me 3 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ ku-mu _szuk-hi-a_-szu2 u3 ri-kis qab-li-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)usz-sza2-a e-t,ir a-di _ku3-babbar_ sza2 il-ki sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szu_

    a-di _ku3-babbar_ sza2 il-ki sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szu_

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szu a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 29_-_kam mu 5_(?)-[_kam_] (disz)da-ri-i'-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-ittannu/Tabnea/Kidin-Sîn will go to Elam with the kinaltu of Ezida on behalf of the 10th share of Ushaya/Shuma/Beliya'u.

    He shall perform the ritual 4 months in the king's gate with the cooks on behalf of Ushaya.

    Nabû-ittannu has received 1 m of silver for the shekels, 3 panu 2 sutu of barley, 3 panu 2 sutu of roasted grain, 3 panu 2 sutu of dates, in lieu of his rations and the rations of his own hand, from Ushaya.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bel-mar-ittannu/ Gimillu/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bel-mari/Marduk/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-bel-shumati/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-ushallim/Apla/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-VII-05?.


    Nabû-ittannu/Tabnea/Kidin-Sîn will go to Elam with the assembly kinishtu of Ezida on behalf of the decury eshertu of Ushaya/Shuma/Beliya'u.

    During 4 months he will work on the quay of the king together with the bakers on behalf of Ushaya.

    Nabû-ittannu has received from Ushaya 1 m of coined silver, 0;3.2 barley, 0;3.2 flour and 0;3.2 dates as rations and equipment rikis qabli.

    Including silver of the ilku of Nabû-ittannu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bel-mari/Gimillu/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-bel-shumati/Shepê-ilia, Nabû-ushallim/Apla/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-iddin//Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-VII-05?.

    P521566: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [(disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x] [A x-x ana] _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz_ [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_pab a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    a-na (kur)_nim_(ki) it-ti ki-na-al-[ti] sza2 _e2-zi_-[_da_] il-lak 4 _iti_-[_mesz_] dul-lu ina ka-a-ri sza2 _lugal_ it-ti (lu2)_mu_-[_mesz_]

    a-na muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz_ u (lu2)_erin2_-_mesz_-szu2 ip-pu-usz 1 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza2 gin3-ni 3 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-bar 3_ (_pi_) 2 _ban2_ qe2-me 3 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 zu2-lum_-[_ma_] ku-mu _szuk-hi-a_-szu2 u ri-[kis qab-li-szu2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)[szad-din-nu] (lu2)_pa_ (lu2)_mu_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su [A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2] ma-hir e-t,ir a-di 1/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar_

    (lu2)_pa_ (lu2)_mu_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su [A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2]

    AI Translation

    Nabû-bel-mar-ittannu/PN/FN has written to Nabû-bel-shumati/Marduk-nashir/Shepê-ilia:

    He will go to Elam with the kinaltu of Ezida. For four months the work in the ka'ru of the king with the cooks

    Nabû-bel-mar-ittannu has received 1 m of silver by the shekel, 3 panu 2 sutu of barley, 3 panu 2 sutu of roasted grain, 3 panu 2 sutu of dates, in lieu of his rations and the rations of his entourage from Shaddinnu, the overseer of the cooks, son of Balassu, descendant of Beliya'u. He is paid.

    Scribe: Shum-Anu/Balassu/Beliya'u.


    Nabû-bel-mari son of PN of the family LN will go to Elam with the assembly kinishtu of Ezida on behalf of Nabû-bel-shumati son of Marduk-nashir of the Shepê-ilia family.

    During four months he will work on the quay of the king, together with the bakers, on behalf of Nabû-bel-shumati and his workers.

    Nabû-bel-mari has received 1 m of coined silver, 0;3.2 barley, 0;3.2 flour, and 0;3.2 dates as his rations and equiment rikis qabli from Shaddinnu, the overseer of the bakers, son of Balassu from the Beliya'u family.

    Including 1/3 m of silver that Nabû-bel-shumati has paid and 10 sh of silver of the ilku of Nabû-bel-mari. 15 Witnesses: Nabû-x-shu/PN/Kidin-Sîn, PN/Nabû-le'i/LN, remainder of rev. lost. 1

    P521567: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (uru)ka-ar-sa-a-a sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-si-lim szu-mu-szu2 sza2 ina muh-hi (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su A (disz)_en_-ia2-u2 u (disz)(d)_en_-_nigin_(ir) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (lu2)_bahar2_ na-as-ku _udu-nita2_ qe2-me _mun-hi-a_ sa-ah-li-[e _szuk-hi-a_] sza2 a-di _ud 1_-_kam_ [(iti)x] _mu 6_-_kam_ (disz)da-[a'-ri-szu2] (f)pa-t,u-su(?)-[(x(?)) ina _szu_-_min_] (disz)szad-din-nu mah-rat [o o] (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)lu-us,-ur2-ri A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du a_ (disz)_arad2_(?)-(d)_gir4-ku3_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)lu-us,-ur2-ri A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du a_ (disz)_arad2_(?)-(d)_gir4-ku3_ (disz)_szu_-(d)gu-la(!?) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)gu-la

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)iq-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-[_zi_-_mesz_]

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 bar-sip(ki) (iti)[x]

    AI Translation

    The Karsaean of Nabû-silim is his name, which is on Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u and Bel-upahhir/Shamash-mukin-apli/Baharu. The sheep is the price of the rations of the sahlû and rations of the rations, which are until the 1st day of month x of the 6th year of Da'rishu.

    Witnesses: Lushurri/Kudurru/Arad-Nergal, Gimil-Gula/Iddin-Gula/Arkat-Nergal.

    Scribe: Iqbi-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbn x-x-09.1


    The Carian whose name is Nabû-silim, who is imposed on Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u and Bel-upahhir/Shamash-mukin-apli/Pahharu: fPatusu-x? received mutton, flour, salt and cress as rations until the first of month x of the 6th year of Darius from Shaddinnu.

    Witnesses: Lushurri/Kudurru/Arad-Nergal, Gimil-Gula/ Iddin-Gula.

    Scribe: Iqbi-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 10-x-05. 1

    P521568: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    as-ne2-e sza2 sza2-pat-tum sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su sza2 masz-szar-tu2 sza2 (iti)_gud sig4#_ u _szu mu 8_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-[ia-musz _lugal kur_]-_kur_ ina (iti)_gu4 ud 2_-_kam_ [x x] 2 u4-mu (disz)usz-sza2-a-a A (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_gi_

    2 u4-mu (disz)usz-sza2-a-a A (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_gi_

    2 _ban2_ sza2 1 u4-mu sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu (disz)mu-ra-szu-u _igi 2 ban2_ as-ne2-e sza2 _dingir_-_mesz_

    2 _ban2_ as-ne2-e sza2 _dingir_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    The rations of the shattu of Shaddinnu/Balassu of the mashartu of month II of brick and of month IV of the 8th year of Darius, king of the lands, in month II of the 2nd year of Ushaya/Nabû-ahhe-shullim.

    2 days: Ushaya, son of Nabû-ahhe-shullim;

    Murashu will pay 2 sutu of one day of Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-ittannu.

    2 sutu of the asnû of the gods;


    Dilmun dates of the fortnight shapattu of Shaddinnu son of Balassu of the mashartu period of months II-III-IV of the 8th year of Darius, king of the land, on 02/II:

    – 2 days: Ushaya/Nabû-ahhe-shullim;

    – 2 sutu for 1 day of Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-ittannu, received by Murashû;

    – 2 sutu Dilmun dates of the gods to be offered to the gods, at the disposal of Ushaya/Shuma.

    P521569: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)_szu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_gi_ ((A)) A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 ina (d)_en_ ina (d)_ag_ u (disz)[da]-a-ri-ia-musz _lugal_ a-na (disz)szad-din-nu (lu2)_pa_ [(lu2)_mu_]-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)[(d)_en_]-ia-u2 it-te-e-me ki-[i] a-di-i _ud 5_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 1_(en) al-la-ka szu-ur-su-du ab-ba-kam-ma it-ti al-la-ka sza2 (lu2)_mu_-_mesz_ a-na (kur)e-lam-du a-sza2-ap-pa-ri (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)[x A-szu2 sza2]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)[x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)[ki-din]-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-ip-ri A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-ip-ri A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-ma-a A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 (disz)ni-din-tum [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_]-_gin_-A

    A (disz)ku-du-[ra-nu] (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)si-lim-[(d)_en_] A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 28_-[_kam_]

    AI Translation

    Gimillu/Bel-ushallim/Kidin-Sîn has sworn by Bel, Nabû and Darius, the king, to Shaddinnu, the overseer of the temples, son of Balassu/Beliya'u. If he does not come, I will bring him to you on the 5th of Shabatu. I will bring him with the ... of the temples to Elam.

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-nadin-ipri/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-nadin-ipri/Shuma/Beliya'u, Nidintu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Silim-Bel/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 28-III-02. 1


    Gimillu/Bel-ushallim/Kidin-Sîn swore to Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u, the overseer of the bakers, by Bel, Nabû and king Darius: "Before the fifth of month XI, I will bring forth one well-equipped 'goer' allaku and I will send him to Elam together with the 'goers' of the bakers."

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-eter-napshati/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-nadin-ipri/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-nadin-ipri/Shuma/Beliya'u, Nidintu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Silim-Bel/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 28-III-09.1

    P521570: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [(disz)(d)_en_/_ag_]-_kad2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szu a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 a-na (d)_en_ (d)_ag_ u (disz)da-ri-i'-musz _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur_-_mesz_ a-na (disz)szad-din-nu (lu2)_pa_ (lu2)_mu_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2 it-te-me ki-i a-di-i _ud 25_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_du6 1_(en) al-la-ku szu-ur-su-[du] sza2 6 _iti_ ab-ba-kam-ma it-ti ki-na-al-tum sza2 _e2-zi_-[_da_] a-na (kur)_nim_(ki) a-na muh-[hi] 10(ti3)-ia a-szap-[pa-ri] (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)x-[x-x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 a_ (disz)[x]

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)x-[x-x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 a_ (disz)[x] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-x [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x] (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 [sza2 (disz)x A x-x] (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_(usz) A-[szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x]

    (lu2)_en_-ib-ni (lu2)_umbisag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2 [bar]-sip(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 23_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Bel-kashir/Marduk/Kidin-Sîn has prayed to Bel, Nabû and Darius, king of Babylon, king of the mountains, to Shaddinnu, the overseer of the temples, son of Balatu/Beliya'u: "Until 25/VII, one alaku of the kingship of 6 months will be sent to Elam with the kinaltu of Ezida on account of my 10th."

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-tabni-ushur/FN, Nabû-shumu-x/PN/FN, Itti-Nabû-balatu/PN/FN, Nabû-ipush/PN/FN.

    Scribe: Bel-ibni/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-VII-02.1


    Bel- or Nabû-kashir/Gimillu/Kidin-Sîn swore to Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u, the overseer of the bakers, by Bel, Nabû and king Darius: "Before 25/VII, I will bring forth one well-equipped 'goer' allaku for 6 months, and I will send him to Elam with the kinishtu of Ezida on behalf of my decury."

    Witnesses: PN/Nabû-tabni-ushur/FN, Nabû-shumu-x/PN/FN, Itti-Nabû-balattu/PN/FN, Nabû-ipush/PN/FN.

    Scribe: Bel-ibni/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-VII-09.1

    P521571: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2+[x] _gur_ (gisz)_pesz3 2 gur_ mun-zi-qu 1 _gur_ as-ni-e (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su (lu2)_pa_

    (iti)_apin ud 4_-_kam mu 9_-_kam_ [(disz)]da#-ri-i'-mu-szu2 _lugal e_(!)

    [e-lat x x mah]-ru-tu

    AI Translation

    2+x kurru of cress, 2 kurru of malt, 1 kurru of emmer: Shaddinnu/Balassu, the overseer.

    Arahsamnu VIII, 4th day, 9th year of Darius, king.

    above ... the former .


    2+x kurru of figs, 2 kurru of raisins, 1 kurru of Dilmun dates: Shaddinnu/Balassu, the overseer.

    Dar 04-VIII-09.

    Except of the previous delivery of x.

    P521572: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [(disz)(d)]_en#_-_tin_(it,) A-[szu2 sza2 ...] sza2 masz-szar-tu2 (iti)[...] _mu 9_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-mu-[usz] sza2 (disz)usz-sza2-a-a u (disz)id-di-[ia2] ina (iti)_apin ud 7_-_kam_ man-da-du 15 _gur 3_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2 3 sila3_ (disz)usz-sza2-a-a

    15 _gur 3_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2 3 sila3_ (disz)usz-sza2-a-a 15 _gur 3_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2 3 sila3_ (disz)(d)_en_-_du3_ a-na muh-hi (disz)id-di-ia2

    15 _gur 3_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2 3 sila3_ (disz)(d)_en_-_du3_ a-na muh-hi (disz)id-di-ia2 1 ma-nu-u2 a-na (d)_ag 1 1_/2 ma-nu-u2 (lu2)man-di-di-_mesz_

    1 ma-nu-u2 a-na (d)_ag_

    1 1/2 ma-nu-u2 (lu2)man-di-di-_mesz_

    mu-ra-asz2-szu-tu (disz)_ki-ne_-na-a-a sza2 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_en_-_du3 a_ (disz)gu-za-nu

    2 (_pi_) 3 _ban2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-te-ka-i-da-a' sza2 _ka2_ pa-pa-hu

    up-na-a-tum sza2 _ka2 ku4_ (d)_ag_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_en igi_

    up-na-a-tum sza2 _ka2 gal_(i) (disz)a-hu-szu2-nu

    up-na-a-tum sza2 (lu2)_szu-i_-_mesz_ [(disz)...]

    sza2 (lu2)t,i-hi-ia (disz)eri-[ba ...]

    sza2 ti-nu-ru (disz)li-[szi-ru(?) ...]

    sza2 (lu2)qi2-i-pi [(disz)...]

    AI Translation

    Bel-uballit, son of ..., of the mashartu of month ..., 9th year of Darius, of Ushaya and Iddiya, in month VIII, 7th day of the yearly delivery of 15 kurru 3 panu 4 sutu 3 sila3 of Ushaya.

    15 kurru 3 panu 4 sutu 3 sila3 Ushaya; 15 kurru 3 panu 4 sutu 3 sila3 Bel-ibni against Iddiya;

    Bel-ibni has rented for 15 kurru 3 panu 4 sutu 3 sila3 for Iddiya. He will pay 1 mina to Nabû and 1 1/2 minas to the guarantor.

    One manû for Nabû,

    1 1/2 manû for the porters;

    Kinenaya, scribe, Bel-ibni, descendant of Guzanu.

    Nabû-teka-ida' of the cella gate

    Iddin-Bel will perform the 'upnatu' of the gate entered by Nabû.

    Ahushunu has received the payment from the great gate.

    Upnatu of the brewers .

    of my shabu-offerings, Eriba .

    of Tinuru, Lishiru .

    of the guarantor PN


    dates or barley ... Bel-uballit son of PN, of the mashartu period of month x, y, and z of the 9th year of Darius, that Ushaya and Iddia measured out on 7/VIII;

    – 15;3.4.3 Ushaya

    – 15;3.4.3 Bel-ibni on behalf of Iddia Of these amounts the following is paid as telitu:

    – 1 manû to Nabû

    – 11/2 manû: the measurers

    – murashûtu a type of income: Kinunaya – of the scribe: Bel-ibni/Guzanu

    – 0;2.3 Nabû-te-ka-i-da-a' of the cella gate

    – upnatu a type of income of the entrance gate of Nabû: Iddin-Bel received

    – upnatu of the main gate: Ahushunu

    – upnatu of the barbers: PN

    – of the smearers: Eriba

    – of the oven: Lishir

    – of the qipu: PN

    P521573: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-[su] A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_ibila_ ina (d)_en_ (d)[_pa_ u3] ina (disz)da-ri-ia-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_[(ki)] _lugal kur-kur_ a-na (disz)szad-din-nu (lu2)[_pa_] (lu2)_mu_-[_mesz_] it-te-me ki-i a-di _ud 5_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 1_(en) al-la-ku szu-uz-qup a-na _ugu 10_(ti3)-ia2 a-na (uru)-(kur)_nim_(ki) it-ti _gal_-10(ti3)-_mesz_ sza2 (lu2)_mu_-_mesz_ ma-na-ma () (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)da-di-ia2 A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-ga-mil A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-ia2

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 23_-[_kam_]

    AI Translation

    Nabû-zeru-ukin/Balassu/Nabû-mukin-apli has sworn by Bel, Nabû and Darius, king of Babylon and king of the lands, to Shaddinnu, the overseer of the temples. If he does not, he will go to Elam on the 5th day of Shabatu XI with the ten 'large' temples of the temples.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Marduk/Dadia/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-gamil/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-bullissu/Zeriya.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ukin/Balassu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 23-X-02. 1


    Nabû-zeru-ukin son of Balassu of the Nabû-mukin-apli family swore to Shaddinnu, the overseer of the bakers, by Bel, Nabû and king Darius: "Before 5/XI, I will send? one conscripted 'goer' on behalf of my decury to Elam, together with the overseers of the decuries of the bakers."

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Marduk/Dadia/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-gamil/Marduk-zeru-ibni/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-bullissu/Zeria/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-zeru-ukin son of Balassu of the Nabû-mukin-apli family.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-X-09.1

    P521574: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su sza sza2-pat-tum sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su A (disz)_en_-ia sza2 (iti)_ne_ (iti)_kin_ u (iti)_du6 apin gan ab ziz2 sze_ sza2 _mu 7_-_kam_ (disz)dar-i'-i-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur zu2-lum-ma_ a-na [lib3]-bi te-lit-tum i-lu-u2 _mu_(nu) 12 ma-nu 1 _ban2 2 sila3_ a-na (d)_pa_ ni-hi-is ina lib2 1 _pi_ (disz)muk-e-a _dumu_ sza2 (disz)di-di-e-a

    12 ma-nu 1 _ban2 2 sila3_ a-na (d)_pa_ ni-hi-is ina lib2 1 _pi_ (disz)muk-e-a _dumu_ sza2 (disz)di-di-e-a ina qi2-bi sza2 (disz)re-mut A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-szul-lim [x] _pi 3 sila3_ e-pi-ir-tum (disz)_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su [4] _ban2# 3 sila3_ e-pi-ir-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un) [x] _pi_ a-na _ka2_ ra-bi-i (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-zu-zu [x x] a-na qa-ar (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-(_gar_)(un)

    [x x x x] _nig2-szid_ tah-si-[is]-tum [x x x x] ka-at-tu2-mu [x x x x] e-pi-isz [x x x x (gisz)]_da_ sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu

    [x x x x (gisz)]_da_ sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu sza2 ina (iti)_sig4 ud 16_-_kam mu 9_-_kam_ ((disz))dar-i'-(musz) x x x-u2

    AI Translation

    Dates, pappasu of the paptu offerings of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya, of months V, VI and VII, XII, VIII, XII, XII, XII, XII of the 7th year of Darius, king of Babylon and all the lands, dates for the telittu offerings are 12 minas 1 sutu 2 sila3 for Nabû.

    12 manu 1 sutu 2 sila3 for Nabû; a nihishu-offering of 1 panu for Mukê, son of Didaya, at the command of Remut, son of Nabû-ahhe-shullim; x panu 3 sila3 of epiristu: Mukin-zeri, son of Balassu; 4 sutu 3 sila3 of epiristu: Nabû-ittannu, son of Nabû-shumu-ishkun; x panu for the Ra'bu Gate: Nabû-ittannu, son of Bazuzu; x panu for the qar of Nabû-ittannu, son of Nabû-shumu-ishkun.

    ... the property of the tahsitu-priestess ... the kattumu-priestess ... fashioned ... the tablet of Shaddinnu

    ... the ... of Shaddinnu which is on the 16th day of Simanu, 9th year of Dari'-.


    Dates, the pappasu of the fortnight of Shaddinnu son of Balassu of the Beliya'u family, of months V, VI and VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII of the 7th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands. Dates given to go up as telitu:

    – 12 manû and 0;0.1.2 dates withdrawn for Nabû; 0;1 dates of which are of Mukkea/Didea on the orders of Remut/Nabû-ahhe-shullim – 0;x.0.3 dates additional payment epirtu of Mukin-zeri son of Balassu – 0;0.4.3 dates additional payment epirtu of Nabû-ittannu son of Nabû-shumu-ishkun – 0;x dates for the big gate: Nabû-ittannu son of Bazuzu – x dates for qa-ar: Nabû-ittannu son of Nabû-shumu-ishkun – x dates Lishir son of Guzanu – x dates Guzanu the barber, son of Remut-Babu – x dates Suqaya son of Guzanu; except of a previous assignment of x;2.3 dates – x kurru dates Suqaya son of Nabû-bel-zeri – x;2.3 dates Nabû-bullissu son of Nabû-shumu-ushebshi, on the orders of Gimillu son of Guzanu – x dates x-bu son of Nabû-tabni-ushur – x dates Nadin son of Nabû-bel-shumati

    ... the account, the memorandum, .., is closed, ... is made.

    ... the ledger of Shaddinnu, of Dar 16-III-09.

    P521575: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ i-di sza2 1(en) u4-mu 2(ta) _szu_-_min_-_mesz_ sza2 (d)A-_e2_ sza2 masz-szar-tum sza2 (iti)_apin gan_ u _ab mu 11_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-ia2-musz (disz)la-ba-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-[u2] ma-hi-ir pu-ut bat,-[lu]

    ma-hi-ir pu-ut bat,-[lu] (disz)la-ba-szi na-[szi] (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_sila_-a-[a A-szu2 sza2]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_sila_-a-[a A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-[_dingir_-ia2] (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    bar-sip(ki) (iti)_gan ud 7_-_kam mu 11_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-ia2-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Barley, the rent of one day and two-thirds of the house of Mar-biti of the mashartu of month VIII, month IX, and month X, 11th year of Darius, Labashi/Remut/Kidin-Sîn has received it from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u.

    Witnesses: Iqbaya/Ilia, son of ..., descendant of Ah'utu;

    Witnesses: Ilaya/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-uballit/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-bel-shumati/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 07-IX-11.


    Barley, wages for 1 day and 2/3 of a day of Mar-biti, of the mashartu period of months VIII, IX, and X of the 11th year of Darius: Lâbâshi/Remut/Kidin-Sîn has received the barley from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u.

    Lâbâshi is responsible for not interrupting the service.

    Witnesses: Suqaya/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shepê-ilia, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-uballit/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-bel-shumati/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 07-IX-11.

    P521576: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [24 _esz2_]-_gar3_-_mesz_ sza2 qe2-me sza2 (d)_ag_

    [sza2/ina] _e2_ szi-bir-ri (disz)(d)_en_-a-su-u2-a [(lu2)]_arad2_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su i-t,e4-ni-ma a-na muh-hi (disz)szad-din-nu A (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u' ina _e2_ szi-bir-ri i-t,e4-ni-ma i-nam-din

    i-di _esz2-gar3_ a4 24 4 _pi sze-bar_ [x x x]-tum sza2 _lugal_ (disz)(d)_en_-a-su-u2-a ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)szad-din-nu A (disz)ba-lat,-su ma-hi-ir

    pu-u2-tum la sza2-ka-na bat,-la

    na-a-szu2 ul-tu _ud-16_ sza2 _kam#_ [((iti)x(?))] a-di _ud 1_-_kam_ [(iti)]_ne iti_ [24 _esz2_]-_gar3#_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)ta-at-tan-na A (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)ta-at-tan-na A (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_ka2_-a-a (disz)bi-ba-nu A (disz)_mu_(a) A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)bi-ba-nu A (disz)(d)_ag_-_apin_(esz)

    [A (disz)(d)_ag_]-_gin_-_ibila_ (lu2)_umbisag_ [(disz)x x]-szu2 A (disz)(d)_en_-_du3 a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 15_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    24 esheshu-courses of the courtyard of Nabû;

    Bel-asûa, slave of Nabû-bullissu, has confirmed and assigned to Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u' the share in the bit-sibi.

    Bel-asua received from Shaddinnu, son of Balassu, the price of 24 litres of barley, ...tum of the king.

    Without you, the slanderer will not be released.

    From the 16th day of month ... to the 1st day of month V, he will give the esheshu payment of 24 months.

    Witnesses: Tattannu/Nabû-ushurshu/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-bel-napshati/Shumu-ukin/Baya, Bibanu/Iddina/Kudurranu, Bibanu/Nabû-eresh.

    Scribe: ...shu/Bel-ibni/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 15-III-02. 1


    24 portions of flour of Nabû of? the bit-shibirri:

    Bel-asûa, the slave of Nabû-bullissu, will grind the portions and «he will grind» on behalf of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u in the bit-shibirri and give them to him.

    Bel-asûa has received from Shaddinnu/Balassu the wages for those 24 portions: 4 panu of barley and x of the king.

    He is responsible for not interrupting the sacrifice.

    From the 16th day of month x until the 1/V he will give x portions every month.

    Witnesses: Tattannu/Nabû-ushurshu/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-bel-napshati/Shumu-ukin/Babaya, Bibanu/Shuma/Kudurranu, Bibanu/Nabû-eresh/Nabû-mukin-apli.

    Scribe: x-shu/Bel-ibni/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 15-III-12.1

    P521577: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_mu_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ [(d)_ag_] sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2 ((erasure)) _ud 2_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 20_-_kam_ sza2 qer-re-bi _dingir_ sza2 _iti_-us-su sza2 kal _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 _ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_bara2_ qer-re-bi _ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ab_ qer-re-bi _ud 17_-_kam_ (iti)_sig4_ qer-re-bi _ud 17_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_apin_ qer-re-bi _ud 17_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gan_ qer-re-bi _ud 17_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ qer-re-bi 1(en) nap-ta-nu _ud 4_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4_ sza2-nu-u2 _ka2_ qer-re-bi

    _pab 3_ u4-mu _mesz_-li u4-mu u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (d)_ag 1_(en) u4-mu sza2 (d)na-na-a sza2 _e2_(!)(A-)_hur_-_sza3_-_bi ud 25_-_kam_ sza2 _iti_-us-su qer-re-bi sza2 kal _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2 a-di 3 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ (disz)_szu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 u (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2 a-di 3 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ (disz)_szu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 u (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)i-qi2-szu A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 ip-pu-szu-u'

    1(en) pu-ut sza2-ni-i na-szu-u2 pu-ut la sza2-ka-nu sza2 ba-at,-lu u3 bu-un-nu-u2 sza2 nap-ta-nu na-szu-u2

    sza2 masz-szar-tum 1 _gur 3_ (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-bar_ u3 2 (_pi_) 3 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ i-di-szu2-nu

    (disz)szad-din-nu a-na (disz)_szu_ u (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su i-nam-din ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_

    sza2 (iti)_gu4_ dul-lu sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu ip-pu-szu-u' 1(en)-_ta-am3_ sza2-t,a-ri il-te-qu-u2 sza2 it-ta-bal-kit 1/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lim

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)e-t,i-ra-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_ (lu2)_gal_-ba-ni-e (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ki-szir3 A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)sza2-du-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-[x] A (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi-mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-[x]

    A (lu2)_sanga_-(d)na-na-a (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-re-man-ni _dub_-[_sar_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)30-_szesz-mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_ur_-(d)_szesz-ki_ bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_sze_ ar2-ku-u2 _ud 28_-_kam_

    bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_sze_ ar2-ku-u2 _ud 28_-_kam mu 13_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-a-musz _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ i-di sza2 5 ma-za-ru-ut-tum

    _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ i-di sza2 5 ma-za-ru-ut-tum

    AI Translation

    The sacrificial prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u: 2nd, 4th, and 20th days of the temple service of month I of the entire year, as much there is, on the 20th day of Nisannu, on the 20th day of Tebetu, on the 17th day of Tebetu, on the 17th day of Arahsam, on the 17th day of Kislimu, on the 17th day of Addaru, on the 17th day of Addaru, on the 4th day of Simanu, on the second gate of the temple service,

    In total 3 days of the days of Nabû and one day of Nanaya of the Ehurshabi temple, on the 25th of every month, in the courtyard of the entire year, as much there is, belonging to Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u, for 3 years: Gimillu/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kidin-Sîn and Nabû-bullissu.

    Gimillu/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kidin-Sîn and Nabû-bullissu/Iqishu/Kidin-Sîn will perform the service for 3 years.

    Each has taken a copy. They bear responsibility for not removing the reeds and the reeds of the meal.

    of the mashartu-offerings: 1 kurru 3 panu 2 sutu of barley and 2 panu 3 sutu of dates, their payment;

    Shaddinnu will give from the 1st day of the month of Nisannu to Gimil-Ballassu.

    Each has taken one copy of the document which he has destroyed and paid 1/3 mina of silver.

    Witnesses: Etira/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ibnaya, Balatu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Gallabani, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Nabû-keshir/Ilia, Shadunu/Nabû-zeru.../Iddin-Papsukkal, Nabû-eter-napshati/Remut-x.

    Marduk-remanni, scribe, son of Sennacherib, descendant of Ushur-Nanshe. Borsippa, Dar 28-XII-02. 1

    Borsippa, Dar 28-XII-13.

    The king of Babylon and the king of the lands know the rites of 5 zaruttu-priestesses.


    The baker's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u: – days 02, 04, 20 of the offering to the god of each month of the entire year, as much there is – day 19/I, offering – day 19/X, offering – day 17/III, offering – day 17/VIII, offering – day 17/IX, offering – day 17/XII, offering – one meal on 04/III, second offering

    In total 31/2 days of the days of Nabû, and one day of Nanaya Ehurshaba, offering of the 25th day of every month of the entire year as much there is, of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u:

    Gimillu/Marduk-shumu-ibni/Kidin-Sîn and Nabû-bullissu/Iqisha/ Kidin-Sîn will perform this prebend during three years.

    They are responsible for each other. They are responsible for not causing any interruptions and for making the meal to perfection.

    Each mashartu period, Shaddinnu will give to Gimillu and Nabû-bullissu 1;3.2 barley and 0;2.3 dates as their wages.

    They will perform the work of Shaddinnu from 01/II onwards.

    They have each taken a copy, whoever breaks the agreement will have to pay 20 sh silver.

    Witnesses: Etira/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ibnaya, Balatu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Rab-banê, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Nabû-keshir/Ilia, Shadûnu/Nabû-zeru-x/Iddin-Papsukkal, Nabû-eter-napshati/ Remut-x/Shangû-Nanaya.

    Scribe: Marduk-remanni/Sîn-ahhe-iddin/Ur-Nanna.

    Borsippa, Dar 28-XIIb-13.

    They have received the wages for the five mazzaruttu baskets of month I.

    P521578: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2 [ki]-s,ir 15 ma-nu-u2 sza2 _zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)en-ia-u2 ina muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_la2_(is,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_gi a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    ina qi2-it sza2 (iti)_gan_ ki-s,ir a4 2 u3 15 ma-nu-u2 sza2 _zu2-lum-ma_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_la2_(is,) ina _ugu_ (gisz)_da_ (d)_ag_

    a-na (disz)szad-din-nu i-ga-ma-ra _zu2-lum-ma_ pap-pa-su sza2 6 masz-szar-tum-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_apin_ u (iti)_ziz2 mu 17_-_kam_ sza2 (d)na-na-a [u3] (d)_dumu_-_e2_ u3 (iti)_gu4_ (iti)_sig4_ u (iti)_szu_ sza2 (d)na-na-a u3 (d)_dumu_-_e2 mu 18_-_kam_ (iti)_ne_ (iti)_apin_ u (iti)_ziz2 mu 18_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-a-mu-usz _lugal kur-kur_ sza2 1(en) u4-mu sza2 (d)na-na-a (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_sig5_(iq) A (disz)si-ia-a-tu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)kal-ba-a

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_sig5_(iq) A (disz)si-ia-a-tu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)kal-ba-a A (disz)na-na-ah (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ha-ad-da-a A (disz)s,i(!)-na-a-a (disz)gi-mil-lu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)si-lim-(d)_en a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    _dub-sar_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    A (disz)_dingir_-_mesz_-sza2-bu-szu2 _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 21_-_kam mu 19_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-a-mu-usz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur nig2-szid_-szu2-nu sza2 ku-tal-lu4 it-ti a-ha-mesz qa-tu-u2

    _nig2-szid_-szu2-nu sza2 ku-tal-lu4

    AI Translation

    2 kishir 15 manû of dates and pappasu of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u, due from Nabû-tarish/Marduk-ushallim/Kidin-Sîn.

    Nabû-tarish will pay the 2 and 15 manû of dates in the qibitu of Kislimu on the Nabû's tablet.

    Dates and pappasu of 6 mashartu dates of month VIII and XII of year 17 of Nanaya and Mar-biti and of month Ayyaru, Simanu and Du'uzu of Nanaya and Mar-biti of year 18, Abu, Arahsamnu and XII of year 18 of Darius, king of the lands, of one day of Nanaya.

    Witnesses: Itti-Nabû-balatu/Shamash-udammiq/Siatu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kalba/Nanah, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Hadda/Shinaya, Gimillu/Silim-Bel/Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Iddin-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-IX-19.

    their accounts which are lower


    2 kishru and 15 manû dates, the pappasu of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u due from Nabû-tarish/Marduk-ushallim/Kidin-Sîn.

    Nabû-tarish will complete these 2 kishru and 15 manû dates for Shaddinnu in the ledger of Nabû by the end of month IX.

    The pappasu dates are of 6 mashartu-periods: the mashartu of VIII and XI of year 17 of Nanaya and Mar-biti, and the mashartu of II, III and IV of Nanaya and Mar-biti of year 18, and the mashartu of V, VIII and XI of year 18 of Darius, king of the lands, of 1 day of Nanaya.

    Witnesses: Itti-Nabû-balatu/Shamash-udammiq/Siatu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Kalba/Nanahu, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Hadda/Shillaya!, Gimillu/Silim-Bel/ Shepê-ilia.

    Scribe: Iddin-Bel/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-IX-19.

    They have finished their account of arrears with each other.

    P521579: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1(en) szal-szu2 sza2 (iti)_kin-2_-_kam_ sza2 _ud 17_-_kam_ i-qar-ru-bu u3 1(en) 6(szu2) sza2 (iti)_kin-2_-_kam_ sza2 _ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam_ i-qar-ru-bu sza2 (disz)szad-din-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)_en_-ia-u2 (disz)la-ba-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-ia A (disz)ki-din-nu-(d)30 i-par-ra-as

    i-di sza2 a-pu-u2 t,e-hu-u2 u3 sza2-ra-pu (disz)la-a-ba-szi ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)sza2-ad-din-ni ma-hi-ir pu-ut la sza2-ka-ni ba-at,-la u3

    pu-ut la sza2-ka-ni ba-at,-la u3 bu-un-nu-u2 sza2 nap-ta-ni (disz)la-a-ba-szi na-szi (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_zalag2_-(d)30

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_zalag2_-(d)30 (disz)[x-x]-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (lu2)man-di-di [...] x x [_mu_ (10)]+9-_kam_ [...]

    AI Translation

    One-sixth of Ululu of the 17th day will speak, and one-sixth of Ululu of the 20-1-sixth day will speak.

    Labashi received from Shaddinni the payment of the water, the tehû-tax, and the sharapu-tax, the payment of which is without interest, and the silver.

    Labashi bears responsibility for not interrupting the meal and for providing the meal.

    Witnesses: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nur-Sîn, ...-Marduk/Nabû-mukin-apli/Maddidi.


    Lâbâshi/Zeria/Kidin-Sîn will select 1/3 of month VIb of what is offered on the 17th day, and 1/6 of month VIb of what is offered on the 19th day, of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u.

    Lâbâshi has received wages for baking, smearing and burning from Shaddinnu.

    Lâbâshi is responsible for not causing any interruptions and for making a good quality meal.

    Witnesses: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nur-Sîn, x-Marduk/Nabû-mukin-apli/Madidu. remainder of rev. lost, except for a part of the year date.

    P521580: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [_ku3-babbar_ sza2] (uzu)ha-ar-mi-ir-ra-nu sza2 _gud_ [sza2] ul-tu _ud 16_-_kam_ a-di _ud 22_-_kam_ ((erasure)) [a]-ki-i u2-il3-ti3-((ti))-szu2 _mu 20_-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal_ [(disz)]lib-lut, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2 a_ (lu2)_ma2-lah4_ [u (disz)gab]-bi-(d)_en_-um-ma A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ta-at-tan-nu [ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)szad]-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia2-u2 [ma-hir]-u' e-t,ir-ru-u'

    [e-lat] 3 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)lib-lut, [e-lat x _gin2_] _ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)gab-bi-(d)_en_-um-ma [(x x x)] [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 [sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)]tasz-me-tum A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 [sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)]tasz-me-tum A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu [(disz)(d)_en_-_sur_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)gu-za-nu A (disz)szi-gu-u2-a [(disz)]_ki_-(d)_ag_-na-hi-isz A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_su_(?)-a A (disz)(lu2)_szu-i_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)had-da-a A (disz)(gisz)_mi_-a-a

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)lib-lut, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2_

    [A (lu2)_ma2_]-_lah4_ bar-sip(ki) (iti)_kin ud 15_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    The silver for the harmirranu cuts of oxen that from the 16th to the 22nd day, as his utiltu payment of the 20th year of Darius, Liblut/Nabû-kashir/Mallahu, and Gabbi-Belummu/Tattannu have received from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u.

    Except for 3 sh white silver which is in the presence of Liblut and except for x sh white silver which is in the presence of Gabbi-Belummu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu, Bel-eter/Guzanu/Shigu'a, Itti-Nabû-nahish/Eriba/Gallabu, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Hadda/Shamash-aya.

    Scribe: Liblut/Nabû-kashir/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 15-VII-02.1


    Silver for the harmilu cuts of oxen from the 16th day until the 22nd day erasure, in accordance with his debt note of the 20th year of king Darius: Liblut/Nabû-kashir/Mallahu and Gabbi-Belummu/Tattannu have received the silver in full from Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u.

    Except for 3 shekels of white silver paid to Liblut, and except for x shekels of white silver paid to Gabbi-Belummu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu, Bel-eter/Guzanu/Shigûa, Itti-Nabû-nahish/Eriba/Gallabu, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Hadda/Shillaya.

    Scribe: Liblut/Nabû-kashir/Mallahu.

    Borsippa, Dar 15-VI-20.1

    P521581: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [2(?) (uzu)ha-ar-mi-la]-nu sza2 _gud_ pa-ni (d)_ag_ [u (d)na-na-a(?) sza2 _ud_] 16#-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ sza2 x(?)-a-a-ta [2(?) (uzu)ha-ar-mi]-la-nu sza2 _gud_ pa-ni (gisz)_gigir_ u (disz)(d)na-na#-a(?) [sza2 _ud_ x-_kam_ sza2] (iti)_kin 2_ (uzu)ha-ar-mi-la-[nu sza2 _gud_] pa-[ni (d)su]-ti-ti u3 (d)a-ri-tum [o o] 1 (uzu)[ha-ar-mi]-il pa-ni _dumu_-_mesz e2_ [x x] 1 (uzu)[ha-ar-mi]-il pa-ni _e2_ (d)_gaszan_-[_e2_] 4 (uzu)ha-ar-mi-la-nu sza2 _gud_ pa-ni (d)_ag_ [u (d)na-na-a(?)] sza2 _ud 22_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin 2_ (uzu)ha-ar-mi-[la-nu sza2 _gud_]

    pa-ni _e2_ (d)_gaszan_-ia _pab 16_ (_uzu_)-_mesz_ [ha-ar-mi-la-nu sza2] _gud_ ul-tu _ud 16_-_kam_ a-di _ud 22_-[_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin_] _szuk-hi-a_ sza2 (f)ap-pa-mu-u2 sza2 _e2-gal_ sza2(?) [x x] sza2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_en_-_sur_ u (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)[lib-lut,] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ka-s,ir u3 (disz)gab-bi-(d)_en_-um-ma A-[szu2 sza2] (disz)ta-at-tan-nu a-na 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) a-na (disz)szad-din-nu

    (disz)ta-at-tan-nu a-na 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) a-na (disz)szad-din-nu

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)(d)_en_-ia-u2 it-tan-nu-u' _ku3-babbar_ a4 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) (disz)szad-din-nu a-na (disz)lib-lut, u (disz)gab#-[bi-(d)_en_-um-ma]

    i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)szul-lu-ma-a _dumu_ sza2 [(disz)x] _dumu_ (disz)_e2-sag-ila2_-a-mat-su (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su _dumu_ sza2 [(disz)x] _dumu_ (disz)ki-din-nu-(d)30 (disz)la-ba-a-szi _dumu_ sza2 (disz)is,-s,ur-[ru] [_dumu_] (disz)_e2-sag-ila2_-a-mat-su (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu _dumu_ sza2 [(disz)had-da-a] [A (disz)(gisz)]_mi_-a-a

    [(lu2)_umbisag_] (disz)lib-lut, _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2_ ((erasure)) bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_kin_ [_ud_ x-_kam mu_] 20-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-ia2-a-mu-usz _lugal e_(ki)

    [_lugal kur-kur_ e]-lat 3 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)lib3(?)-lut,

    AI Translation

    2 harmalanu of ox before Nabû and Nanaya, of the 16th day of Ululu of ...; 2 harmalanu of ox before the chariot and Nanaya, of the ... day of Ululu; 2 harmalanu of ox before Sutitu and Aritu; 1 harmalanu of ox before the sons of the house ...; 1 harmalanu of ox before Belet-eriba; 4 harmalanu of ox before Nabû and Nanaya, of the 22nd day of Ululu; 2 harmalanu of ox

    In total 16 ribs of oxen from the 16th to the 22nd day of Ululu, the rations of Apamû of the palace of ..., which are in the hands of Bel-eter and Bel-ittannu, which are in the presence of Liblut/Nabû-kashir and Gabbi-Belummu/Tattannu, for 7 sh white silver.

    Tattannu has rented for 7 sh white silver to Shaddinnu.

    Shaddinnu has given that 7 sh white silver to Liblut and Gabbi-Belummu.

    Witnesses: Shulluma, son of PN, descendant of Esagil-amatsu; Nabû-bullissu, son of PN, descendant of Kidin-Sîn; Labashi, son of Ishshuru, descendant of Esagil-amatsu; Nabû-ahu-ittannu, son of Haddâ, descendant of Shimaya.

    Scribe: Liblut/Nabû-kashir. Borsippa, Dar x-VI-20.

    ..., the total of 3 sh white silver which is at the disposal of Liblut,


    – 2 harmilu cuts of oxen offered in front of Nabû and Nanaya ? on the 16th day of month VI at the night vigil ? – 2 harmilu of oxen before the Chariot and Nanaya on day x of month VI – 2 harmilu of oxen before Sutitu and Aritu – 1 harmilu before the sons of the shrine of x – 1 harmilu before the shrine of Belet-biti – 4 harmilu of oxen in front of Nabû and Nanaya?on the 22nd day of month VI – 2 harmilu of oxen in front of Sutitu and Aritu – 1 harmilu in front of the Daughters of Ezida – 1 harmilu in front of the shrine of Beltiya

    in total 16 harmilu of oxen, from 16 until 22/VI – rations of fApamû of the palace of x, administered by Bel-eter and Bel-ittannu and leased to Liblut/Nabû-kashir and Gabbi-Belummu/Tattannu.

    They have given these meat cuts to Shaddinnu son of Balassu of the Beliya'u family against 7 sh white silver.

    Shaddinnu will pay those 7 sh white silver to Liblut and Gabbi-Belummu.

    Witnesses: Shulluma/PN/ Esagil-mansum, Nabû-bullissu/PN/Kidin-Sîn, Lâbâshi/Ishshuru/Esagil-mansum, Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Hadda/Shillaya.

    Scribe: Liblut/Nabû-kashir. Borsippa, Dar x-VI-20.

    Except for 3 sh white silver paid to Liblut and x sh white silver paid to Gabbi-Belummu. ... Liblut and Gabbi-Belummu ... and Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Arad-Tashmetu/Kudurranu, Bel-eter/Guzanu/Shigûa.1

    P521582: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 (iti)_ne_ (iti)_kin_ u (iti)_du6_ ul-tu _e2_ nap-ta-nu na-szu-nu 4 _pi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-lib2-szi 1 (_pi_) 5 _ban2_ (disz)at-ta-an-nu a-di-i 1 (_pi_) 3 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_en_ isz-szu-u2 a-di-i 5 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 (disz)ki-nu-ni-a-a isz-szu-u2 5 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ a-na (disz)a-hu-szu2-nu 2 _ban2 3 sila3_ (disz)it-ti-(d)_ag_-pa-szi-ri (iti)_ne ud 20_-_kam mu 20 5_-_kam_ nap-har 1 _gur 2 pi_

    (iti)_ne ud 20_-_kam mu 20_

    AI Translation

    Dates of Abu, Ululu, and Tashritu from the house of the meal are 4 panu: Nabû-shumu-libshi, 1 panu 5 sutu Attannu, until 1 panu 3 sutu dates of Iddin-Bel is carried, until 5 sutu dates of Kinuniya is carried, 5 sutu dates for Ahushunu, 2 sutu 3 sila3 Itti-Nabû-pashiri, 20/V, 20/X, all of it: 1 kurru 2 panu

    Abu V, 20th day, 20th year of Nabû-sharru-ushur, king of Babylon.


    Dates that were taken from the bit-naptani for months V, VI and VII: – 0;4 Nabû-shumu-libshi – 0;1.5 Tattannu – including 0;1.3 dates that Iddin-Bel carried off – including 0;0.5 dates that Kinunaya carried off – 0;0.5 dates to Ahushunu – 0;0.2.3 Itti-Nabû-pashiru

    Darius 20-V-25. In total 1;2 dates.1

    P521583: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz_ a-na (disz)ta-at-tan-nu id-di-nu

    AI Translation

    Barley which Nabû-eter-napshati gave to Tattannu.


    Barley that Nabû-eter-napshati gave to Tattannu: 3 - 9 – 1 kurru of barley: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-ittannu, of the mashartu of months VIII, IX and X of the 25th year – 0;0.2 barley: taken from it on 09/VIII – 0;0.2 barley: 19/VIII – 0;0.2 barley: 28/IX – 0;2.3 barley that is given to Mukin-zeri/Shumu-ukin 10 - 11 Days 13, 14, 15 of month VIII Tattannu, interrupted.

    P521584: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1(en) u4-mu is-qu (lu2)_mu_-u2-tu nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)na-na-a _e2-hur-sza3_-((_sza3_))-_ba_ ina _iti 1_ ma-az-za-ru-ut-tum sza2 _ud 24_-_kam_ pa-ra-su _ud 25_-_kam_ qe2-re-bi sza2 _iti_-us-su sza2 ((on)) ((erasure)) kal _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su A (disz)_en_-ia2-u2

    (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3 a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 pa-ar-ra-as-tum ib-szu2-u i-szar-rap [pu]-ut la sza2-ka-nu sza2 bat,-la

    [pu]-ut la sza2-ka-nu sza2 bat,-la u3 bu-un-nu-u2 sza2 nap-ta-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_ na-szi masz-szar-tu2 2 _pi 4 ban2 sze-bar_ (disz)szad-din-nu a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su

    masz-szar-tu2 2 _pi 4 ban2 sze-bar_ (disz)szad-din-nu a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su

    i-nam-di-na-a' i-di sza2 a-pu-u2 t,a-hu-u2 u sza2-ra-pu (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)szad-din-nu ma-hi-ir e-t,ir

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A (disz)ku-du-ra-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)A-_e2_-E

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_en a_ (disz)gu-za-nu / (A) (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 21_-_kam mu 27_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_-_mesz_ ul-tu _ud 24_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ sza2 _mu 27_-_kam_

    ul-tu _ud 24_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ sza2 _mu 27_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su dul-lu _bur_ ip-pu-usz 2(?) (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-bar_ i-di-szu2 sza2 _mu-an-na_ (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su

    2(?) (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-bar_ i-di-szu2 sza2 _mu-an-na_ (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su

    AI Translation

    One day of the shumû offering of the meal of Nanaya of Ehurshaba in a month, one mashzarutu offering of the 24th day, the prasu offering of the 25th day, in the middle of the month of Addaru, for the whole year, as much as there is, of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u:

    Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-ibni/Kidin-Sîn will clear the claim and will pay the 12-fold penalty to Nabû-bullissu.

    Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-ibni will pay the mashartu-tax of 2 panu 4 sutu barley to Nabû-bullissu.

    Shaddinnu has given to Nabû-bullissu the interest of 2 panu 4 sutu of barley.

    Nabû-bullissu has received the silver, the interest, the interest, the restitution, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt, the debt of Nabû-bullissu, the debt, the

    Witnesses: Remut-Bel/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Bel-uballit/Nabû-belshunu/Kudurranu, Nabû-bullissu/Mar-biti-iqbi/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nidinti-Bel/Guzanu/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-VII-27.

    Nabû-bullissu will perform the libation of the barley on the 24th of Tashritu of the 27th year.

    Nabû-bullissu has received 2 panu 2 sutu of barley as his monthly payment.


    1 day of the baker's prebend, the meal of Nanaya Ehurshaba, monthly 1 mazzaruttu basket, selected on the 24th day, offered on the 25th of every month of the entire year, all of it, of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u:

    Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-ibni/Kidin-Sîn will burn the selection that there is.

    Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-ibni is responsible for not interrupting the service and for making good meals.

    Each mashartu period, Shaddinnu will give to Nabû-bullissu 0;2.4 barley.

    Nabû-bullissu has fully received from Shaddinnu wages for baking, smearing and burning.

    Witnesses: Remut-Bel/Tabnea/Ilshu-abushu, Bel-uballit/Nabû-belshunu/Kudurranu, Nabû-bullissu/Mar-biti-iqbi/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nidinti-Bel/Guzanu/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-VII-27.

    From Dar 24-VII-27 Nabû-bullissu will do the work of the meal.

    Nabû-bullissu has received from Shaddinnu 0;2?.2 barley, part of? his wages of this year.

    P521585: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-bar_ i-di sza2 1(en) _bur_ sza2 (d)_ag_ sza2 _ud 22_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4_ ina _e2_ tar-din-nu qe2-re-bi (disz)qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[ga]-mil A (disz)(d)en-ia-u2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_en_-[_sur_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_tuk_(szi) A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 ma-hi-[ir]

    pu-ut la bat,-la bu-un _bur_ (disz)qi2-bi-(d)_en_ na-szi sza2-ra-pu (disz)(d)_en_-_sur_ i-sza2-ra-pu 2 _ban2 sze-bar_ sza2 a-ki-i (d)_en_ ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_en_-_sur_

    sza2-ra-pu (disz)(d)_en_-_sur_ i-sza2-ra-pu

    2 _ban2 sze-bar_ sza2 a-ki-i (d)_en_ ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_en_-_sur_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (d)ni-din-tu2-(d)_en_ u (disz)su-qa-a-a _dumu-mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-na-din-a A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu

    A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_ (lu2)_umbisag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_en_-ia2-u2 bar-sip3(ki)

    A (disz)_en_-ia2-u2 bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 21_-_kam mu 29_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-musz _lugal e_[(ki) u _kur-kur_]

    AI Translation

    Barley, the rent of one ration of Nabû, on the 22nd day of Simanu, in the tardinnu-house, Qibi-Bel/Nabû-gamil/Beliya'u has received it from Bel-eter/Nabû-ahu-ushabshi/Kidin-Sîn.

    Qibi-Bel bears responsibility for not interrupting the delivery of the meal. Bel-eter will provide the meal. Bel-eter shall place 2 seahs of barley, which is at the disposal of Bel-eter.

    Bel-etir will pay.

    2 seahs of barley which are at the disposal of Bel-etir,

    Witnesses: Nidinti-Bel and Suqaya, sons of Bel-nadin-apli, descendant of Kidin-Sîn; Tabiya, son of Nabû-ittannu, descendant of Ah'utu.

    Bel-iddin, scribe, son of Shum-iddin, descendant of Beliya'u. Borsippa, Nbn 7-XII-02.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-III-29.


    Barley, wages of one meal of Nabû of 22/III offered in the bit-tardennu "place of the second meal": Qibi-Bel/Nabû-gamil/Beliya'u has received it from Bel-eter/Nabû-ahu-ushebshi/Kidin-Sîn.

    Qibi-Bel is responsible for not causing interruption and for making the meal excellent.

    Bel-eter performs the burning.

    0;0.2 barley is at the disposal of Bel-eter in compliance with the regulations of Bel.

    Witnesses: Nidinti-Bel and Suqaya sons of Bel-nadin-apli//Kidin-Sîn, Tabia/Nabû-ittannu/Kidin-Sîn.


    Borsippa, Dar 21-III-29.

    P521586: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 (na4)_har-har_ u3 na-asz2-ba-ku ha-szi-mu-ur (disz)szad-din-nu A (disz)ba-lat,-su a-na _e2_ szi-bir a-na szi-ib-szu2 it-ta-din

    ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (disz)si-s,ir (disz)bi-ba-nu A (disz)_mu_(a) (disz)[lib(?)]-lut,(?) A (disz)ba-si-ia2 (iti)[x _ud_ x]-_kam mu 34_-_kam_

    (iti)[x _ud_ x]-_kam mu 34_-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-ia2-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Shaddinnu, son of Balassu, has given 1 harhar-stone and nashbaku-stone as a gift to the house of shibir for his shibshu-offering.

    In the presence of Nabû-balassu/Nabû-mukin-zeri, Remut-Nabû/Sishir, Bibanu/Iddina, Liblut/Basia.

    ..., the 34th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands.


    Shaddinnu/Balassu gave one upper and lower millstone fur cumin ? to the milling station bit-shibirri as shibshu a kind of tax.

    In the presence of Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-mukin-zeri, Remut-Nabû/Sishir, Bibanu/Shuma, Liblut?/Basia.

    Dar x-x-34.

    P521587: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x] _gur 2 ban2 sze-bar_ sza2 (d)su-ti-ti [sza2 masz]-szar-tum (iti)_apin_ (iti)_gan_ (iti)_ab mu 35_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_ sza2 (disz)_tin_-su-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ ina (iti)_du6 ud 15_-_kam mu 35_-_kam ta igi_ (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_(ir) A (disz)_sum_(na)-(a) isz-sza2-a _sze-bar_ sza2 _ta_ lib3-bi (disz)_tin_-su-(d)_amar-utu_

    _sze-bar_ sza2 _ta_ lib3-bi (disz)_tin_-su-(d)_amar-utu_ a-na (lu2)_erin2_-_mesz_ id-din-nu [x x x x a]-na _e2_

    [x x x x a]-na _e2_

    AI Translation

    x kur 2 ban2 of barley of Sutitu of the mashartu of months VIII, IX, and X of the 35th year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands, of Balatu-Marduk/Nabû-shumu-ukin: from the 15th day of Tashritu, 35th year of Bel-eter/Iddina.

    Barley which they gave from the heart of Balatu-Marduk to the troops ... to the house

    ... to the house


    x;0.2 barley of Sutitu of the mashartu-period of months VIII, IX, X of the 35th year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands, which Uballissu-Marduk/Nabû-shumu-ukin on 15/VII of the 35th year carried away from Bel-eter/Iddina.

    The barley, which Uballissu-Marduk gave from it to the workers: ... remainder of text lost.

    ... to the temple.

    P521588: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    i-di sza2 2(ta) nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)_ag ud 3_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4 ud 3_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu_ qer-re-bi sza2 (d)_ag_ ((sza2)) sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-na-a sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ga-[mil] u (disz)la-ba-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-ia2 ip-[qi2-du] pu-ut la sza2-ka-nu [bat,-la] u bu-un sza2 _bur_ [na-szu-u2] i-di sza2 a-pu-[u2 t,a-hu-u2 u sza2-ra-pu] e-t,i-[ir-u' (lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu_(?) [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,)]

    e-t,i-[ir-u' (lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu_(?) [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,)] A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 [(disz)x A-szu2 sza2] (disz)ku-du-ra-[nu A x-x] (disz)(d)_ag_-x-[x (lu2)_dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x]

    A (disz)x-x-x bar-sip3(ki) (iti)[x] _ud 16_-_kam mu_ [n-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz] _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_-_mesz_ (disz)qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ga-mil

    (disz)qi2-bi-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ga-mil sza2-ka-na nap-ta-ni-szu2 it-ti (disz)la-ba-szi ip-pu-usz

    AI Translation

    The payment of 2 naptanu of Nabû on the 3rd of Simanu and the 3rd of Du'uzu is the payment of Nabû-eter-napshati/Kinaya, which is due from Qibi-Bel/Nabû-gamil and Labashi/Zeriya. There is no penalty for a breach of contract, and there is no credit for the payment of the debt. The payment of the debt is repaid.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Marduk/Bel-uballit/Kidin-Sîn, PN/Kudurranu/FN, Nabû-x/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-x-x-x.

    Qibi-Bel, son of Nabû-gamil, will perform his meal with Labashi.


    Wages for preparing two meals of Nabû, offering to Nabû on 03/III and 03/IV, of Nabû-eter-napshati/Kina, that he entrusted to Qibi-Bel/Nabû-gamil and Lâbâshi/Zeria: they are responsible for not causing interruptions and for carefully preparing the meal. They have received the wages for baking, smearing and burning the bread.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Marduk?/Bel-uballit/Kidin-Sîn, PN/Kudurranu/FN, scribe Nabû-x/PN/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-x-x.

    Qibi-Bel/Nabû-gamil will perform the "placing of his meal" together with Lâbâshi.1

    P521589: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    35 ki-s,ir 1(en) ma-nu-[u2 _zu2-lum-ma_] _ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-[_numun_] u3 (disz)szad-din-nu A (disz)_tin_-su im-[du-du] 70 _gur_ (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu A (disz)_gar_-[x]

    70 _gur_ (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu A (disz)_gar_-[x] a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-(x) (lu2)[x] 3 _gur_ (disz)si-lim-(d)_en_ a-na _ugu_ (disz)re-mut 2 _gur_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu a_ (disz)mu-ra-szu-u a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun pab 75 gur zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 _ud 7_-_kam_ (disz)_gin_-_numun igi zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 _ud 8_-_kam_ (disz)_gin_-_numun_ ma-har

    _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 _ud 8_-_kam_ (disz)_gin_-_numun_ ma-har 40 (_gur_) 4 _pi_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ (lu2)man-di-di 11 _gur 4 ban2_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ (lu2)mu-ban-nu-u2 2 _gur_ (disz)ha-ah-hu-ru A (disz)(d)_utu_-_tin_(it,) 3 _pi_ (disz)_gin_-_numun_ (lu2)_pa 4 gur_ (disz)za-an-zi-ri A (disz)ni-i'-u2 [1] _me gur_ (disz)re-mut (lu2)_dam-gar3_ a-na _ugu_ (disz)_gin_-_numun_ [_pab 1_] _me 58 gur 2_ (_pi_) 3 _ban2 zu2_ sza2 (disz)_gin_-_numun_ ma-har

    [x x x] 33 _gur 2_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2_ [x x x] x x 3 _ban2_ (disz)szad-din-nu A [(disz)_tin_-su] [1] _gur 1 pi_ up-na-a-tum sza2 (lu2)_szu-i_-_mesz 1 gur 3 pi_ sza2 _ka2 gal_(i) u _ka2 ku4_ (d)_ag pab 147 gur 3_ (_pi_) 3 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 _ud 7_-_kam_ (disz)szad-din-nu ma-har _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 _ud 8_-_kam_ (disz)szad-din-nu ma-har 82 _gur 1_ (_pi_) 4 _ban2_ (disz)szad-din-nu 1 (_pi_) 1 _ban2_ a-na i-pisz-tum (disz)szad-din-nu 1 (_pi_) 1 _ban2_ (disz)szad-din-nu sza2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-[nu] _sum-na_(a')

    _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 _ud 8_-_kam_ (disz)szad-din-nu ma-har

    AI Translation

    Nabû-mukin-zeri and Shaddinnu, son of Balassu, weighed 35 kishiru and one manû dates on the 7th and 8th days.

    70 kurru of Bel-ittannu, son of Shakin-x, against Nabû-mukin-x, the ...; 3 kurru of Silim-Bel against Remut; 2 kurru of Shamash-iddin, son of Murashu, against Nabû-mukin-zeri; total 75 kurru of dates of the 7th day before dates of the 8th day before .

    Dates of the 8th day: Iddin-zeri will serve 40 kurru 4 panu, Iddin-Nabû, the tailor; 11 kurru 4 sutu, Iddin-Nabû, the tailor; 2 kurru, Hahhuru, son of Shamash-uballit; 3 panu, Mukin-zeri, the temple-enterer; 4 kurru, Zanziru, son of Ni'u; 100 kurru, Remut, the merchant, will serve against Mukin-zeri in total, 158 kurru 2 panu 3 sutu, dates, of Mukin-zeri, in total.

    ... 33 kurru 2 panu 4 sutu ... x 3 sutu Shaddinnu, son of Balatu; 1 kurru 1 panu of the brewers; 1 kurru 3 panu of the main gate and the gate of entry of Nabû; in all 147 kurru 3 panu 3 sutu dates, of the 7th day, Shaddinnu before the dates of the 8th day, Shaddinnu before 82 kurru 1 panu 4 sutu dates, Shaddinnu 1 panu 1 sutu dates for the epishtu of Shaddinnu; 1 panu 1 sutu dates, Shaddinnu, who gave to Nabû-ittannu.

    Dates of the 8th day before Shaddinnu.


    Nabû-mukin-zeri and Shaddinnu son of Balassu measured 35 kishru and 1 manû dates for the 7th and 8th days.

    – 70 kurru dates: Bel-ittannu son of Shakin-x on behalf of Nabû-mukin-x, the + professional name – 3 kurru dates: Silim-Bel on behalf of Remut – 2 kurru dates: Shamash-iddin son of Murashû on behalf of Nabû-mukin-zeri. In total 75 kurru dates of the 7th day, received from Mukin-zeri.

    Dates of the 8th day, received from Mukin-zeri:

    – x + 33;2.4 dates text broken off

    Dates of the 8th day, received from Shaddinnu:

    P521590: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)szad-din-nu A (disz)_tin_-su ziq-pi

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin_

    (disz)su-qa-a-a A (disz)gu-za-nu A (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_la2_(is,) A (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-(mu)_gi a_ (disz)[ki-din-(d)30]

    (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_ (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-[x]

    (disz)pur-szu-u2 A (disz)na-di-[nu]

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)dan-ni-[e-a] (disz)mu-ra-nu A (disz)ta-qisz

    (disz)mu-ra-nu A (disz)ta-qisz

    u (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_tin_(it,) _szesz_-[szu2]

    (disz)bi-ba-nu A (disz)szu-ma-a A (disz)ki-din-(d)[30]

    (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A (disz)_sum_-na-a A (disz)ki-din-[(d)30]

    (disz)la-ba-szi A (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    AI Translation

    Shaddinnu, son of Balassu, guarantor.

    Nabû-ushurshu, son of Nabû-zeru-ukin;

    Suqaya, son of Guzanu, descendant of Shepê-ilia;

    Nabû-tarish, son of Marduk-ushallim, descendant of Kidin-Sîn;

    Iddin-Nabû, descendant of Ezida-shumu-x;

    Purshu, son of Nadinu;

    Nabû-mukin-apli, son of Dannea; Muranu, son of Taqish;

    Muranu, son of Taqish;

    and Nabû-ahhe-bullit, his brother

    Bibanu, son of Shumaya, descendant of Kidin-Sîn;


    Labashi, son of Nabû-shumu-ukin, descendant of Kidin-Sîn;


    Shaddinnu son of Balassu - ziqpu "pole"

    Nabû-ushurshu son of Nabû-zeru-ukin

    Suqaya son of Guzanu descendant of Shepê-ilia

    Nabû-tarish son of Marduk-ushallim son of Kidin-Sîn

    Iddin-Nabû son of Ezida-shumu-x

    Purshû son of Nadin

    Nabû-mukin-apli son of Dannea ?

    Muranu son of Taqish

    and Nabû-ahhe-bullit, his brother

    Bibanu son of Shuma descendant of Kidin-Sîn

    Nabû-bullissu son of Iddina desendant of Kidin-Sîn

    Lâbâshi son of Nabû-shumu-ukin descendant of Kidin-Sîn1

    P521591: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    ziq-pu sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu A (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)_en_-ia-u2 _gurusz_ [ina] da-a-a-lu-tu sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_(?)-_du3_ (disz)bul-t,a-a A-szu2 _gurusz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na a_ (disz)bul-t,a-a pir-su

    (disz)id-di-ia A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)ki-din-(d)[30 _ab_]-_ba_-mu ina da-a-a-lu-u2-tu sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu ((na)) A-szu2 _gurusz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 _a 3_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia [_gurusz_] ina da-a-a-lu-u2-tu sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia [_gurusz_] ina da-a-a-lu-u2-tu sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_ (disz)ba-si-ia A-szu2 _gurusz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-na A-szu2 _a 3_

    _pab 5 gurusz 2 a 3 1_ pir-su 1 _ab-ba_-mu

    AI Translation

    The rations of Shaddinnu/Balassu/Beliya'u, the young man, in the dowry of Shamash-ibni, Bulta/Ashû, the young man, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Balta.

    Iddia, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, descendant of Kidin-Sîn, my son, in the presence of Bel-iddin; Nabû-ittannu, his son, the youth; Nabû-bullissu, his son, son of 3 Nabû-eter-napshati, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, descendant of Shepê-ilia, the youth, in the presence of Bel-iddin, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, descendant of Ekur-zakir;

    Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shepê-ilia, young men, in the wailing of Bel-iddin; Basia/Anu, young men; Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Anu, 3 years old.

    In all 5 men: 2 sons of 3 spans' height; 1 pirsu, 1 suckling;


    The ziqpu "pole" of Shaddinnu, son of Balassu, descendant of Beliya'u, adult man of the dayyalutu of Shamash?-ibni; Bulta, his son, adult man; Nabû-shumu-ukin, son of Bulta, weaned child.

    Iddia son of Nabû-mukin-apli descendant of Kidin-Sîn, old man, of the dayyalutu of Bel-iddin; Nabû-ittannu, his son, adult man; Nabû-bullissu, his son, 3 years old.

    Nabû-eter-napshati, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, descendant of Shepê-ilia, adult man, of the dayyalutu of Bel-iddin; Basia, his son, adult man; Nabû-ahu-ittannu, his son, 3 years old.

    In total: 5 adult men, 2 three-year old children, one weaned child, one old man. 1

    P521592: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)_szesz_-szu2-nu u (disz)usz-sza2-a-a _dumu_-_mesz gal_-[10]-ti3-_mesz_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_numun_-ia

    (disz)la-a-ba-szi (disz)re-mut-(d)_me-me_ (disz)_szesz_-szu2-nu _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)usz-sza2-a-a

    (disz)ha-asz2-da-a-a A (disz)had-da-a

    (disz)_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,)

    (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A (disz)gu-za-nu

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)is,-s,ur

    (disz)_numun_-ia2 A (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A (disz)u2-qu-pu _dumu_-_mesz_(?)

    (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-A-_uru3_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu x x x

    (disz)_zalag2_-e-a A (disz)re-mut A (disz)sza2-ma-ni

    (disz)na-din A (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mu_ (disz)u2-qu-pu u (disz)_mu_-(d)_en dumu_-_mesz_-szu2

    (disz)_sila_-a-a A (disz)kal-ba-a u _dumu_-szu2

    (disz)(d)_utu_-_kam a_ (disz)ba-ni-ia2

    [_pab 10_]+10 (lu2)_erin2_-_mesz_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)usz-sza2-a-a u (disz)_szesz_-szu2-nu

    AI Translation

    Ahushunu and Ushaya, sons of the ten great gods;

    Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu 774 BC.

    Nabû-uballit, son of Zeriya;

    Labashi, Remut-Gula, Ahushunu, sons of Ushaya;

    Hashdaya, son of Haddaya;

    Shum-iddin, son of Bel-uballit;

    Nabû-ittannu, son of Guzanu;

    Nabû-ushabshi, son of Ishshur;

    Zeriya, son of Nabû-mukin-apli; Uqupu, sons? of ...;

    Ahhe-iddin, son of Marduk-apla-ushur; Nabû-ahu-ittannu .

    Nur-ea, son of Remut, descendant of Shamani;

    Uqupu and Iddin-Bel, his sons;

    Ilaya, son of Kalba, and his son;

    Shamash-eresh, son of Baniya;

    In all 10+10 troops, from Ushaya and Ahushunu.


    Ahushunu and Ushaya, sons of Nabû-ahhe-shullim, decurions "chief of ten persons"

    – Nabû-bullissu son of Nabû-eter-napshati

    – Nabû-uballit son of Zeria

    – Lâbâshi, Remut-Gula, Ahushunu - sons of Ushaya

    – Hashdaya, son of Hadda

    – Shumu-iddin, son of Bel-uballit

    – Nabû-ittannu, son of Guzanu

    – Nabû-ushebshi, son of Ishshuru

    – Zeria, son of Nabû-mukin-apli, Uqupu sons ?

    – Ahhe-iddin, son of Marduk-aplu-ushur, Nabû-ahu-ittannu x x x

    – Nurea/Remut/Shamanni

    – Nadin/Nabû-ahu-iddin, Uqupu and Iddin-Bel his sons

    – Suqaya/Kalba and his son

    – Shamash-eresh/Bania

    10+10 workers, supervised by Ushaya and Ahushunu the sons of Nabû-ahhe-shullim; 2 bows. 1

    P521593: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    x x [...] (disz)ku-s,ur-a-[a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_gin_(a) A (disz)x-x] _en ud-10_+[5] (disz)hasz-da-a-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_tin_-su [A (disz)x x] (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)gu-za-nu [A (disz)x x] (disz)[x x]-ma [A (disz)x x x x] (disz)[_tin_-su-(d)_amar_]-_utu# a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)ki-din#-[(d)30] [an-nu-tu] (lu2)_dumu-du3_-_mesz_ (lu2)_en_-sza2-pat-tum-_mesz_ [sza2] pu-ut ma-s,ar-tum sza2 ina _ka2 bur_ na-szu-[u2]

    ina u4-mu ma-am-mu sza2 ina man-zal-[ti-szu2] bat,-lu ina _ka2_ i-szak-kan-nu [o] 1(en) _udu-nita2_ a-na (d)_ag_ i-nam-[din-nu] [(lu2)mu]-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 [(disz)x x x A] (disz)ki-din-(d)30 [o] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 a_ (disz)ki-din-[(d)30]

    [(lu2)mu]-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2

    AI Translation

    ... Kushura/Mukina/FN, ten+5 days; Hashdaya/Balassu/FN; Iddin-Nabû/Guzanu/FN; ...-ma/FN; Balatu-Marduk/Shumu-ukin/Kidin-Sîn. These are the scribes and the enshaptu who are responsible for the guard who is at the gate of the gate.

    If someone in his service a claim should arise, he will give one sheep to Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/PN/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-uballit/Ilshu-abushu.


    ... PN, Kushura/Kina/FN, bel-shapatti, Hashdaya/Balassu/FN, Iddin-Nabû/Guzanu /FN, PN, Uballissu-Marduk/Shumu-ukin/Kidin-Sîn: these are the citizens in charge of the 15-day periods shapattu who are responsible for the service that is performed in the gate of the meal.

    When there is somebody who causes an interruption at the gate during his service, they must give 1 sheep to Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/PN/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-shumu-ushur/Nabû-tabni-ushur/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-ushallim/Apla/Kidin-Sîn, PN/Arad-Nanaya/FN, PN/PN/Shepê-Ilia, PN/PN/Kidin-Sîn, remainder of reverse broken off.1

    P521594: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)[x]

    AI Translation

    From the 1st day of month .


    From the first day of month x Nabû-ahu-remanni, the bel-x will bring has brought? daily 1 liter makkasu dates for Belet-Eanna to the temple of Belet-Eanna. 1

    P521595: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    _ta ud 21_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gan_

    AI Translation

    From 21/IX


    From 21 to 26/IX; from 06 to 10/X: offerings of the "main-meal priest" of the morning. 1

    P521596: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ sza2 isz-ka-ri bat,-la sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_

    _ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ sza2 _dumu mah_ is-qu _nu_ bat,-la 2 _ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_

    1 _ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ sza2 (disz)usz-sza2-a

    2 _ud 14_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ bat,-la (disz)usz-sza2-a sza2 (disz)ba-si-ia2

    2 _ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ bat,-la sza2 _ki-min_

    _ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_

    bat,-la (disz)_sum_(?)-na-a _ud 13_-_kam ud 15_-(_kam_) [_ud 16_]-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ [x x x] [_ud_] 13#-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ sza2 (disz)_mu_-[x x]

    [_ud_] 13#-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ sza2 (disz)_mu_-[x x]

    [_ud_] 14#-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    [_ud_ x]-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ bat,-la x [x x] [bat,-la _ud_] 15-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    [bat,-la _ud_] 15-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    bat,-la _ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-_ia2 a_ (disz)bu-na-nu

    bat,-la _ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_

    (disz)_arad2_-(d)tasz-me-tum bat,-la _ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_

    sza2 (disz)ni-qu-du bat,-la _ud 14_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (disz)_szu_ sza2 (disz)si-lim-(d)_en_ bat,-la

    2 _ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ bat,-la (disz)ku-s,ur-ra-a sza2 (disz)ki-na-a

    [_pab_ n]+3 _esz2-gar3_-_mesz_ bat,-la sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ u (iti)_sze_

    AI Translation

    14/XI 14, 15/XI 16/XII: xxx of Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-eter-napshati.

    The 13th day of Shabatu, the 13th day of Addaru, of a 'sister' are not complete. The 2nd day of Shabatu, the 13th day of the 'sister' are not complete.

    1 on 15/XI of Ushaya

    2 on 14/XI interrupted: Ushaya of Basiya

    2 on 15/XII interrupted of ditto;

    13th day, 14th day, 15th day of month Addaru

    Iddinaya will pay in full the 13th, 15th, 16th of Addaru ..., 13th of Shabatu of Iddin-.

    13/XI of Iddin-.

    14/XI Nabû-eter-napshati

    ... of month XII interrupted ...; ... interrupted 15/XII of Nabû-eter-napshati

    The 15th day of Addaru of Nabû-eter-napshati.

    15/XI Tabiya, son of Bunanu

    total: 15/XI 15/XI

    Arad-Tashmetu, requisitioner; 13th day of Shabatu.

    14/XI Gimil-Bel will perform the libations.

    2 on 15/XI interrupted: Kushura of Kina;

    in all n+3 esheshu-courses, variant: of Shabatu Month XI and Addaru Month XI


    Days 14, 15, 16/XI 14, 15, 16/XII of interrupted ishkaru portions of Nabû-bullissu of Nabû-eter-napshati

    13/XI, 13/XII the DUMU.MAH of the prebend was not interrupted 2 on 13/XI

    1 on 15/XI of Ushaya

    2 on 14/XII interrupted: Ushaya of Basia

    2 on 15/XII interrupted: of the same

    13, 14, 15/XII interrupted: Iddina

    13, 15, 16/XII -

    13/XI of Iddin-x

    14/XI Nabû-eter-napshati

    x/XII interrupted

    interrupted 15-XII, of Nabû-eter-napshati

    interrupted 15-XII, Tabia/Bunanu

    interrupted 15-XI 15/XII Arad-Tashmetu, interrupted

    13/XI of Niqudu, interrupted

    14/XI Gimillu of Silim-Bel, interrupted

    2 on 15/XI interrupted Kushura/Kina

    In total: x+3 interrupted ishkaru portions of month XI and XII 1

    P521597: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    2 1/2 u4-mu di-i'-i _udu-nita2_ guq-[qu-u2] _udu-nita2_ pi-i-di _udu-nita2_ s,i-di-tum [_dingir_-_mesz_] ina u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_apin_ u (iti)_ab_ sza2 (disz)[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-u2-[x] A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 [(disz)x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ah-hi-sza2-a A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)[x u _szesz_-_mesz_-szu2] A-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_du3_(usz) A (disz)_dingir_-[szu2-_ad_-szu2 u3] (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin A-szu2 sza2 [(disz)(d)_en_-u2-bal-lit,] A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 ()

    a-ki-i 1 2/3 _ma-na 4 gin2 ku3-babbar_ [a-na] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_du3_[(usz)] A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 id-[di-nu] (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-u2-[kin A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x] A (disz)ib-na-a-a (disz)_ibila_(a) [A-szu2]

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-u2-[kin A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x] A (disz)ib-na-a-a (disz)_ibila_(a) [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-bal-lit, [A x-x] (disz)mu-sze-zib A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mu_ [A x-x]

    (lu2)_dub_-[_sar_ (disz)(d)]_ag_(?)-_szesz_-it-[tan-nu]

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-x [A x-x _bara2-sipa_(ki)]

    AI Translation

    2 1/2 days of the di'u offerings, guqqû offerings, sheep piditu offerings, sheep offerings of the gods, on the days of month VIII and X of PN/Bel-u.../Ilshu-abushu, PN/Ahhishaya/Ilshu-abushu, PN and his brothers, sons of Bel-ipush/Ilshu-abushu, and Ezida-shumu-ukin/Bel-uballit/Ilshu-abushu,

    Nabû-zeru-ukin/PN/Ibnaya has given 1 2/3 minas 4 shekels of silver to Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Bel-ipush/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-zeru-ukin/PN/Ibnaya, Aplaya/Nabû-uballit/FN, Mushezib/Nabû-ahu-iddin/FN.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 1-14.


    21/2 days of the di'û offering/festival, sheep of the irregular offering guqqû, sheep of the alleviation offering, sheep of the travel provision of the gods, part of the prebend days of month VIII and X of PN/Bel-u.../Ilshu-abushu, PN/Ahhesha/Ilshu-abushu, PN and his brothers sons of Bel-ipush//Ilshu-abushu and Ezida-shumu-ukin/Bel-uballit/Ilshu-abushu:

    for 1 m 44 sh silver they gave these days to Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Bel-ipush/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-zeru-ukin/PN/Ibnaya, Apla/Nabû-uballit/FN, Mushezib/Nabû-ahu-iddin/FN.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Bel-x/FN.

    Borsippa, Nbk 14-VI-x. 1

    P521598: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    2 1/2 u4-mu di-i'-i _udu-nita2 gug_(u2) [x x x] _udu-nita2_ s,i-di-tum _dingir_-_mesz udu-nita2_ pi-i-[di] nab-ru-u2 ina u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_apin_ u (iti)[_ab_] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_du3_(usz) A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-[_ad_-szu2] ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_e2-zi-da_-[_mu_-u2-kin] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-u2-[bal-lit,] A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 [x x x x x]-tum [x x x] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[_numun_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_]-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)ib-na-[a-a x x x x x (disz)(d)_ag_]-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-iq-bi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_u-gur_-[_suh3_]-_sur a_ (disz)ib-na-a-a (disz)_numun_-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-[x] A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 (disz)ku-na-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-[x] A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-bal-lit, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_idim_-ia A (disz)x-x-x (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-[zib-(x)]

    A (disz)ib-na-a-a (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_nig2-du a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-[x]

    A (disz)ib-na-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)[x]

    AI Translation

    2 1/2 days of the 'di'u offering, a ram, a ... sheep, a ram, a shiditu offering of the gods, a ram, a nabû offering on the days of Arahsamnu and Tebetu of Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Bel-ipush/Ilshu-abushu, from Ezida-shumu-ukin/Bel-uballit/Ilshu-abushu ... ... of Nabû-zeru-ukin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ibnaya ... Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ibnaya ... Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ibnaya .

    Witnesses: Nabû-iqbi/Nergal-tahhe-etir/Ibnaya, Zeriya/Remut/Ilshu-abushu, Kuna/Bel-x/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-uballit/Ea/FN, Marduk-zeru-ibni/Mushezib-x.

    Scribe: Kudurru/Shamash-x/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Nbn x-x-09.1


    21/2 days of the di'û offering/festival, sheep of the irregular offering guqqû, sheep of the travel provision of the gods, sheep of the alleviation offering, and of the nabrû festival, days that are part of the prebend of months VIII and X, that Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Bel-ipush/Ilshu-abushu received/bought from Ezida-shumu-ukin/Bel-uballit/ Ilshu-abushu ... that Nabû-zeru-ukin/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ibnaya ... Nabû-ahhe-iddin ... of 21/2 days ... together with PN and Ezida-shumu-ukin they wrote ... Nabû-ahhe-iddin gave the prebend to Nabû-zeru-ukin, and Nabû-zeru-ukin has paid the silver to Nabû-ahhe-iddin.

    Witnesses: Nabû-iqbi/Nergal-teshî-eter/Ibnaya, Zeria/Remut/Ilshu-abushu, Kuna/Bel-x/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-uballit/Kabtia/FN, Marduk-zeru-ibni/Mushezib-x/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: Kudurru/Shamash-x/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Nbk 05-x-12.1

    P521599: administrative tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    man-za-al-la-a-ta sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[_mu_]-_gin#_ [A]-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-din-nu A (disz)ib-na-a-a sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_ ul-tu (iti)_szu mu 14_-_kam_ a-di qi2-it sza2 (iti)_gan mu 15_-_kam_ sza2 u4-mu 26 _ma-na uzu_ sza2 a-na ni-din-tum sza2 it-ti (lu2)_gir2-la2_-_mesz_ [(disz)](d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x x] [A (disz)]_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 u2-ka-[al-lam(?)] [a-na (disz)](d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 [sza2 (disz)]na-din i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-(_mu_) A (lu2)_szu_-[_ku6_] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_tin_(it,)

    A (disz)szar-rah (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-ga-mil A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia2

    A (lu2)_szu-ku6_ bar-sip(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Ibnaya will provide the zalalatu service of Nabû-eter-napshati from month IV of the 14th year until the end of month IX of the 15th day of the day 26 minas of meat that is given for the offering with the butchers.

    Witnesses: Tabiya/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Mushezib-Re'i, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Shamash-uballit/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-gamil/Taqqaya/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Nbn 1


    The periods of temple service of Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Ibnaya that are at the disposal of Nabû-eter-napshati: from month IV of the 14th year until the end of month IX of the 15th year, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-x/Ilshu-abushu will show and deliver to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Ibnaya daily 26 m of meat that are given? as gift with the butchers.

    Witnesses: Tabia/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ba'iru, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Shamash-uballit/Sharrahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-gamil/Tabia/Ba'iru.

    Borsippa, Nbn 19-IX-14.1

    P521600: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    55 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa _szam2 buru14_ is-qu (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu a-di _ud 2_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze gud_ u3 pu-ha-du pa-ni (d)_iszkur_ hal-la-ab sza2 (disz)na-din A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-zu-bu A (disz)_du3_-a-a a-di t,up-pi-szu2 ina muh-hi (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a

    _iti_-us-[su] _ku3-babbar_ i-nam-din

    pu-ut e-pi-szu2 sza2 nap-ta-nu ma-as,-s,ar-tum u3 ma-as-naq-tum (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_ na-szi (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_ibila_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_ibila a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_su a_ (lu2)_sanga_-(d)_masz_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (lu2)_szu-ku6_ ((erasure))

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)da-bi-bi A (disz)ki-din-(d)30

    bar-sip(ki) (iti)_gu4 ud 10_-_kam mu sag_

    AI Translation

    55 sh silver, one-eighth of a shekel, the price of the yield of the butcher's prebend, until the 2nd day of Addaru, bull and puhadu-vessel before Adad, the hallab-offering of Nadin/Shuzubu/Ibnaya, with his tablet, due from Itti-Nabû-balatu/Ibnaya.

    He shall pay the silver monthly.

    Itti-Nabû-balatu is responsible for the preparation of the meal, the guard and the snaqtu-offering.

    Witnesses: Nabû-mukin-apli/Marduk-eriba/Shangû-Ninurta, Tabiya/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Re'i-alpi.

    Scribe: Nabû-eter-napshati/Dabibi/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, Dar 10-II-02. 1


    55 sh silver with 1/8 alloy per sh, price of the yield of the butcher's prebend, until 02/XII, of beef and lamb in front of Adad of Hallab, of Nadin/Shuzubu/Ibnaya, until the agreed term, due from Itti-Nabû-balatu//Ibnaya.

    He will pay silver every month.

    Itti-Nabû-balatu is responsible for the preparation of the meal, guarding and inspecting.

    Witnesses: Nabû-mukin-apli/Marduk-eriba/Shangû-Ninurta, Tabia/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ba'iru.

    Scribe: Nabû-eter-napshati/Dabibi/Kidin-Sîn.

    Borsippa, LabM 10-II-00.1

    P521601: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    3 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ i-na _nig2-ba_ ((erasure)) sza2 (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu sza2 _gud udu-nita2_ is,-s,ur u3 _sila4_ sza2 kal _mu-an_-[_na_] ma-la ba-szu-u2 _igi_ (d)_iszkur_ hal-lab (d)szi-bir-ri u3 (d)_innin_-_mesz_ ina _e2-mah-ti-la_ pa-pa-hu (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_dub_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)_du3_(esz)-_dingir_ a-na (disz)na-din A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-zu-bu A (disz)ib-na-a-a a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2

    id-di-nu (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_dub_-_numun_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)na-din ma-hir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) (lu2)za-zak-ku

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) (lu2)za-zak-ku A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi A (disz)_du3_(esz)-_dingir_ (disz)_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_sur_(?) A (disz)_ur_-(d)(_szesz_)-_ki_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_numun_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_nigin_(ir) A (disz)_du3_(esz)-_dingir_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ba_(sza2)-(a) A (disz)_du3_(esz)-_dingir_ (disz)_szesz_-_mu_-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ki_(?)-(d)_amar-utu_-x [A x-x] u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_mu_-x-x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)[x-x A (disz)x-x]

    _tin-tir_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 26_-_kam mu sag nam-lugal-e_

    AI Translation

    3 minas of silver, as payment of the butcher's prebend, for the ox, sheep, goat, stag, and lamb, for the entire year, as much there is, in front of Adad, the hallab, the shibirru, and the shilli, in the Emahtila, cella of Nabû, belonging to Marduk-shapik-zeri/Mushezib-Marduk/Ibnaya, in perpetuity.

    Marduk-shapik-zeri has received this from Nadin.

    Witnesses: Bel-uballit, the zazakku-priest of Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Ibnaya-ilu, Belshunu/Marduk-eter/Ur-Nabû-ushur, Marduk-zeru-ibni/Bel-upahhir/Ibnaya-ilu, Iddin-Marduk/Iqisha/Ibnaya-ilu, Ahu-marduk/Ibna?-Marduk-x/FN, and scribe, Iddin-x/PN/FN.

    Babylon, 26th day of Kislimu, eponymy of Nabû-shar-ahhe-iddina.


    3 m of silver, part of the gift for the butcher's prebend of beef, mutton, fowl and lamb of the entire year, as much as there is, in front of Adad of Hallab, Shibirru and the Ladies in Emahtila, the cella of Nabû, that Marduk-shapik-zeri/Mushezib-Marduk/Eppesh-ili gave forever to Nadin/Shuzubu/Ibnaya:

    Marduk-shapik-zeri has received the silver from Nadin.

    Witnesses: Bel-uballit, the zazakku, son of Nabû-balassu-iqbi from the Eppesh-ili family, Belshunu/Marduk-eter?/Ur-Nanna, Marduk-zeru-ibni/Bel-upahhir/Eppesh-ili, Iddin-marduk/Iqisha/Eppesh-ili, Ahu-iddin-Marduk/Itti?-Marduk-x/LN and scribe Iddin-or Mu-x/PN/LN.

    Babylon, Nbn 26-IX-00.

    P521602: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    (f)ina-_e2-sag-ila2_-be-let _dumu-munus_-a-ni sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu _dumu_ (lu2)_nagar_ al-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ku-dur2-ru _dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-_mesz_-sza2-bu-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ib-na-a ki-a-am taq-bi

    um-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ku-dur2-ru a-na _dam_-u2-tu ir-sza2-an-ni-ma _dumu_ u3 _dumu-munus_ i-na _e2_-szu2 la ar-szi i-na _mu 3_-_kam_ (d)_ag_-_im-tuk lugal tin-tir_(ki) (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin _dam_-a 2 se-el-le-e sza2 [x x] u3 szal-szu2 se-el-li _udu-nita2_ gi-nu-u2 pa-ni (d)_ag_ tar-din-nu sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_sig4 ud 5_-_kam_ (iti)_kin ud 30_-_kam gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ u3 2(ta) _szu_-_min_-_mesz_ sza2 szi-ih-t,u (iti)_sig4 ud 28_-_kam_ u mim-mu-szu2 ma-la ba-szu-u2

    ik-nu-uk-ku u3 u2-szad-gil (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin _dam_-a a-na szim-tum il-lik-ma

    _szuk-hi-a_ ina _e2_-ia la i-ba-asz2-szi _gisz-szub-ba_ sza2-a-szu2 le-qi2-ma _ku3-babbar szam2 gisz-szub-ba_-ia

    a-bul-an-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_ a-na (f)ina-_e2-sag-ila2_-be-let isz-me-e-ma 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar szam2 2_ se-el-le-e u3 szal-szu2 sza2 se-el-le-bi(!) _udu-nita2_ gi-nu-u2 (d)_ag_ tar-din-nu sza2 sze-e-ri _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ u3 2(ta) _szu_-_min_-_mesz_ sza2 szi-ih-t,u (iti)_sig4 ud 28_-_kam_ a-na (f)ina-_e2-sag-ila2_-be-let id-di-in (f)ina-_e2-sag-ila2_-(be-let) _ku3-babbar szam2 gisz-szub-ba_-szu2 i-na _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_ e-t,i-rat

    (f)ina-_e2-sag-ila2_-(be-let) _ku3-babbar szam2 gisz-szub-ba_-szu2 i-na _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_ e-t,i-rat

    (im)_dub_ sza2 _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin _dam_-su ik-nu-ku-ma id-di-nu-usz ku-um 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu_ a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum tu-szad-gil i-na ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-tum

    i-na ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-tum _igi_ (disz)ba-lat,-su _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum_(na) _dumu_ (lu2)_pa_-_szih_ (disz)na-di-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz dumu_ (disz)_szesz_-ia-u2-tu (disz)(d)_ag_-iq-bi _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_(sza2) _dumu_ (lu2)_ma2-lah4_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)szu-gan-du (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_sum_(na) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ki-szir3 _dumu_ (disz)_szesz_-ia-u2-tu _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x] _dumu_ (disz)hu-s,a-bi

    _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x] _dumu_ (disz)hu-s,a-bi

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gu4 ud 13_-_kam mu 7_-_kam_ (d)_ag_-_im-tuk lugal tin-tir_(ki) (na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ (lu2)_umbisag_

    (na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ (lu2)_umbisag_ (na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ (lu2)_umbisag_

    (na4)_kiszib_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ (lu2)_umbisag_

    AI Translation

    Ina-Esagil-belet, daughter of Nabû-belshunu, descendant of Carchemish, is the responsibility of Nabû-shumu-ukin, son of Kudurru, descendant of Ili-shabushu, for Nabû-nadin-shumi, son of Mushezib-Marduk, descendant of Ibnaya.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin, son of Kudurru, has pleaded with me to be his wife, and he has not bowed down to his house. In the third year of Nabû-shar-ashared, king of Babylon, Nabû-shumu-ukin, his wife, has bowed down to Nabû 2 ... and one-third ... ... a regular sheep offering before Nabû. The tardinnu of the morning of 5th and 30th of Simanu, the temple-butcher's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû, and 2/3 of the shihtu of 28th of Simanu and everything there is, as much as there is,

    Nabû-shumu-ukin, my wife, went to the fate and

    There is no washing in my house. Let him take that prebend and pay the silver, the price of my prebend.

    Nabû-nadin-shumi heard about this and gave 1/2 m silver, the price of 2 ... and half of the ... of the sheep, the regular offering of Nabû, of the morning of the temple butcher's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, and 2/3 of the ... of the 28th month of Simanu, to Ina-Esagil-belet. Ina-Esagil-belet received the silver, the price of his prebend, from Nabû-nadin-iddin.

    Ina-Esagil-belet has received the silver, the price of her prebend, from Nabû-nadin-shumi.

    The tablet of the temple butcher's prebend that Nabû-shumu-ukin, his wife, sealed and gave to him, for 1/2 mina of silver, is paid in full to Nabû-nadin-shumi in perpetuity.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-x/Hushabu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 13-II-07.

    Seal of Nabû-shumu-ukin, scribe. Seal of Nabû-shumu-ukin, scribe.

    Seal of Nabû-shumu-ukin, the scribe.


    fIna-Esagil-belet/Nabû-belshunu/Naggaru, wife of Nabû-shumu-ukin/Kudurru/Ilshu-abushu spoke to Nabû-nadin-shumi/Mushezib-Marduk/Ibnaya as follows:

    "Nabû-shumu-ukin/Kudurru took me as wife but I did not beget a son or a daughter in his house. In the third year of Nabonidus, king of Babylon, my husband Nabû-shumu-ukin sealed and assigned to me 2 baskets of meat and a 1/3 basket of mutton from the regular offerings to Nabû from the second meal in the morning on 5/III and 30/VI, the butcher's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, as well as 2/3 of a hide on 28/III and everything that there is to it.

    My husband Nabû-shumu-ukin went to his fate and

    now there is no food "rations" in my house. Take this prebend and bring me the silver, the price of my prebend!"

    Nabû-nadin-shumi listened to fIna-Esagil-belet and gave her 1/2 m silver, the price of 2 baskets and 1/3 basket of mutton from the regular offerings to Nabû from the second meal in the morning, the butcher's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, as well as 2/3 of a hide on the 28/III.

    fIna-Esagil-belet has received the silver, the price of her prebend, from Nabû-nadin-shumi.

    She assigned forever to Nabû-nadin-shumi the tablet of the butcher's prebend, that her husband Nabû-shumu-ukin had sealed and given to her, for 1/2 m silver.

    At the sealing of the tablet were present: Balassu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Pa-shih, Nadin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ahiya'utu, Nabû-iqbi/Bel-iqisha/Mallahu, Marduk-shumu-ushur/Mushallim-Marduk/Shugandu, Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-keshir/Ahiya'utu.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-x/Hushabu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 13-II-07.

    Seal of Nabû-shumu-ukin, the scribe.

    Seal of Nabû-shumu-ukin, the scribe.1

    P521603: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-u2-bal-lit, _dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-sza2-bu-szu2 i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 di-i'-um gu-uq-qu-u2 szi-ha-t,u u3 qu-ta-na-a-ta pa-na-at 2 _u4_-mu _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag 1_ u4-mu (iti)_szu ud 8_-_kam 1_/2 u4-mu (iti)_apin ud 28_-_kam 1_/2 u4-mu (iti)[_ab_] _ud 28_-_kam_ (f)(d)na-na-a-sah4(?)-in-ni u (disz)it-ti-(d)_ag_-gu2-zi _dumu_-szu2 _pab 2_ u4-mu _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu u3 2(ta) a-me-lut-tum sza2 (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin ik-nu-uk-ma a-na

    A (disz)si-ia2-ti mu-ti sza2 (f)i-lat _dumu-munus_-szu2 id-di-nu di-i'-um guq-qu-u2 szi-ha-t,u u3 qu-ta-na-a-ta pa-na-at 2 u4-mu-_mesz_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu 1 u4-mu (iti)_szu ud 8_-_kam 1_/2 _ud_ (iti)_apin ud 28_-_kam 1_/2 u4-mu (iti)_ab ud 28_-_kam_ (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (f)i-la-at _dumu-munus_-szu2 u3 (disz)qi2-isz-tum-(d)_amar-utu_ mu-ti sza2 (f)i-lat

    u2-szad-gil a-szar 2 u4-mu (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu a-di di-i'-um guq-qu-u2 szi-ha-t,u u3 qu-ta-na-a-ta sza2 (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_dingir_-sza2-bu-szu2 sza2 ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (f)i-lat _dumu-munus_-szu2 u3 (disz)qisz-tum-(d)_amar-utu_ ha-ta-ni-szu2 u2-szad-gil-lu a-szar _sza3_-szu2-nu i-nam-di-nu-u' (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin

    a-szar _sza3_-szu2-nu i-nam-di-nu-u' (disz)_e2-zi-da_-_mu_-u2-kin u3 (f)(d)_du3_(tu2)-_in_-_ni_-_nin dam_-szu2 a-na (lu2)mu-kin-nu-tu

    i-na lib3-bi asz2-bu-u2 sza2 da-ba-ba an-na-a in-nu-u2 (d)_ag_ u3 (d)_amar-utu ha_-[A]-szu2 liq-bu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)ku-dur2-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x x x x

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)ku-dur2-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x x x x _min_(((lu2)mu-kin-nu)) (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_en dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)gu-la A (disz)_szesz_-u2-tu _min_(((lu2)mu-kin-nu)) (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_u-gur_-u2-bal-lit, A (disz)szi-gu-u2-a

    u3 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_apin_(isz) (lu2)_dub-sar dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu_-u2-kin

    A (disz)si-a-ti bar-zi-pa(ki) (iti)[x] _ud 14_-_kam mu 7_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Ezida-shumu-ukin, son of Bel-uballit, descendant of Ilshu-abushu, voluntarily sealed and assigned to Nabu-shumu-ukin, son of Ezida-shumu-ukin, son of Bel-uballit, descendant of Ilshu-abushu, a di'u-offering, a guqqû-offering, a shittu-offering, and a qutannu-offering, in total, 2 days of the temple-butcher's prebend, Ezida, temple of Nabû, 1 day of Du'uzu, 8 1/2 days of Arah, 28 1/2 days of Tebetu, 28 days of Tebetu, Nanaya-sahinni and Itti-Nabû-guzi, his son, in all 2 days of the temple-butcher's prebend and 2 persons of Ezida-shumu-ukin, and he has voluntarily sealed and gave to Nabû-shumu-ukin, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Ah'utu, in perpetuity.

    The di'u-offerings, the guqqû-offerings, the shihatu-offerings and the qutanatu-offerings are divided into two days of the temple butcher's prebend: 1 day of Du'uzu on 08/V, 1/2 day of Arahsamnu on 28/X, 1/2 day of Tebetu on 28/X, Ezida-shumu-ukin sealed and assigned to Ilaat, his daughter, and Qishtu-Marduk, the name of Ilaat.

    Where 2 days of the temple-enterer, including the di'u, guqqû, shihatu, and qutannu offerings of Ezida-shumu-ukin, son of Bel-uballit, descendant of Ilshu-abushu, who has sealed and assigned to his daughter fIlat and Qishtu-Marduk, his spouse, they shall return. Where they will give them, Ezida-shumu-ukin

    Ezida-shumu-ukin and his wife fBanitu-balatu will give the place where they are to be given.

    May Nabû and Marduk say good things about him in the midst of the conversation.

    Witnesses: Kudurru/PN, Mushezib-Bel/Remut-Gula/Ahhutu, Nabû-mukin-apli/Nergal-uballit/Shigu'a.

    and Marduk-eresh, the scribe, son of Shamash-shum-ukin.

    Borsippa, Dar 14-x-07. 1


    Ezida-shumu-ukin/Bel-uballit/Ilshu-abushu voluntarily promised in a sealed tablet that he would give the following items as dowry to his daughter fIlat and Qishti-Marduk/Nabû-kin-zeri/Siatu, the husband of fIlat: the di'û a type of offering, the guqqû sheep from the irregular offerings, the hides, and the leather straps: the income panatu of 2 days of the butcher's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû - 1 day on 08/IV, 1/2 day on 28/VIII, 1/2 day on 28/X as well as fNanaya-sah?-inni and her son Itti-Nabû-guzu; in total: 2 days of the butcher's prebend and 2 slaves.

    The di'û, guqqû, hides and leather straps, the income of 2 days of the butcher's prebend – 1 day on 08/IV, 1/2 day on 28/VIII, 1/2 day on 28/X: Ezida-shumu-ukin has assigned this under seal to his daughter fIlat and Qishti-Marduk, the husband of fIlat.

    They are allowed to dispose of the 2 days butcher's prebend, including the di'û, guqqû, hides, and leather straps, that Ezida-shumu-ukin assigned under seal to his daughter fIlat and his son-in-law Qishti-Marduk.

    Ezida-shumu-ukin and his wife fBanitu-innin witnessed this decision.

    May Nabû and Marduk ordain the ruin of the person who tries to change this affair.

    Witnesses: Kudurru/PN/FN, Mushezib-Bel/Remut-Gula/Ahutu, Nabû-mukin-apli/Nergal-uballit/Shigûa.

    And scribe: Marduk-eresh/Shamash-shumu-ukin/Siatu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 14-x-07. 1

    P521604: legal tablet

    Neo-Babylonian Oracc


    1(en) mesz-li _udu-nita2_ gug-gu-u2 pa-ni (d)su-ti-ti i-na (iti)_bara2_ mesz-li _udu_ gug-gu-u2 pa-ni (d)na-na-[a] _e2-hur_::_sza3_-:_ba_ i-na (iti)_ziz2 pab 2 udu-nita2_ gug-gu-e-_mesz_ sza2 (f)in-ba-a _dumu-munus_-su sza2 (disz)szu-zu-bu A (disz)ib-na-a-a i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ta-ak-[nu-uk]-ku-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-ta pa-ni (disz)na-[di]-nu _szesz_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-zu-bu A (disz)ib-na-a-a tu-szad-gil ((erasure)) u3 (disz)na-di-nu i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 16 _gin2 ku3-babbar nig2-ba szam2 2 udu-nita2_ gug-gu-e-_mesz_

    id-di-in _ku3-babbar szam2 2 udu_-[_nita2_] gug-gu-e-_mesz_-szu2 [(f)in-ba-a ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)na-di-nu _szesz_-szu2 e-t,er]-ti A (disz)x-[...] A (lu2)mu-ban-ni-e (disz)[...] (disz)(d)_ag_-_lugal_-_szesz-mesz_-szu2 A (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ (A) (lu2)_szu-ku6_ u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)ib-na-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin_

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,)

    A (disz)ib-na-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 26_-_kam mu 9_-_kam_ (d)_ag_-[na]-i'-id

    AI Translation

    One-half of a guggu-sheep before Sutitu, one-half of a guggu-sheep before Nanaya of Ehurshaba, in month XI, in total 2 guggu-sheep of Inbaya, daughter of Shuzubu, descendant of Ibnaya, voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Nadin, his brother, son of Shuzubu, descendant of Ibnaya, and Nadinu, voluntarily sold 16 shekels of silver, the price of 2 guggu-sheep,

    Inbâ received the silver, the price of two sheep and his oxen, from Nadin/PN/Mubannî, PN/Nabû-shar-ahheshu/Ilutu-bani, Tabia/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Re'i-alpi and the scribe Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-uballit/Ibnaya.

    and the scribe, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-uballit/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Nbn 26-VI-09.


    11/2 sheep from the irregular offerings to Sutitu in month I and 1/2 sheep from the irregular offerings to Nanaya Ehurshaba in month XI, in total 2 sheep from the irregular offerings: Inba/Shuzubu/Ibnaya voluntarily sealed and gave this forever to her brother Nadin/Shuzubu/Ibnaya, and Nadin voluntarily gave 16 sh silver, a gift, the price of 2 sheep from the irregular offerings, to his sister Inba.

    +fInba has received the silver, the price of her 2 sheep from the irregular offerings from her brother Nadin. some text lost. Witnesses: ... PN//Mubannû, PN/Nabû-shar-ahheshu/Ilutu-bani, Tabia/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ba'iru.

    And scribe: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-uballit/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Nbn 26-VI-09.

    P521605: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    [szi]-ha-at, gi-nu-u2 sza2 _igi_ (d)_ag_ [(iti)]_bara2 ud 28_-_kam_ kal u4-mu _ud 29_-_kam_ kal u4-mu

    [(iti)]_bara2 ud 28_-_kam_ kal u4-mu _ud 29_-_kam_ kal u4-mu [(iti)_gud_/_sig4_] _ud 22_-_kam 1_ (kusz)szi-ih-t,u _gal_[(u2) sza2 sze-e]-ri# [(iti)]_sig4 ud 28_-_kam 2 szu_-_min_-_mesz_ sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_szu ud 23_-_kam_ (iti)_szu_ (_ud_) 27-_kam 2 gal_[(u2) sza2 ki-is,] u4-mu [(iti)]_szu ud 28_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_szu ud 29_-_kam_ [x]-szi u szal-szu2 sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_apin ud 18_-_kam 2_ tar-din sza2 sze-e-ri [(iti)_apin_/_gan_] _ud 24 1_/2-_kam ud 27_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_gan ud 29_-_kam 1_ sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_gan ud 30_-_kam_ kal u4-mu

    [szi]-ha-at, sza2 _igi_ (gisz)_gu-za_ sza2 (d)na-na-a

    AI Translation

    The regular offering before Nabû. 28th day of Nisannu, all day 29th day of Nisannu.

    28/II, all day, 29/II, all day. 22/II, 1 large shitu-shish

    The libation bowl before the throne of Nanaya.


    Hides of the regular offerings before Nabû:

    28/I: complete day, 29/I complete day 22/II or III: 1 hide of the main meal of the morning 28/III: 2/3 of the morning meal 23/IV, 27/IV: 2 of the main meal of the evening 28/IV: complete day, 29/IV: x? and 1/3 of the morning 18/VIII: 2 of the second meal of the morning 1/2 day of 24/VIII or IX, 27/VIII or IX complete day 29/IX: one of the morning 30/IX: complete day 23/X: 1/3 of the morning 30/x: 2 and 2/3

    Hides from the offerings before the throne of Nanaya of Ezida: in month IV: 11 hides in front of the throne of the entire month, except of the hides of lamb, in month IX: 17 hides, x of Babylon, except of the hides of lamb in month x: 28 hides in front of the throne, except the hides of lamb 1

    P521606: legal tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    x [sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-din] _dumu_ (disz)ib-na-a-a sza2 ina pa-ni (disz)la-a-ba-szi _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_sum-na a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a u (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_ibila dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_sum-na_

    A (disz)_szesz_-ia-u2-tu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)la-a-ba-szi u (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_ibila_ ma-hi-ir a-di 2(ta) u2-il3-ti3-_mesz_ pa-ni-e-ti

    a-di 2(ta) u2-il3-ti3-_mesz_ pa-ni-e-ti sza2 53 _gin2 3000_ nig2-gal-la-_mesz ku3-babbar_ a-di _ku3-babbar ka2_-_mesz_ te-lit u3 a-di _uzu_ u3 s,u-di-e sza2 a-na _e2 sum_(nu) a-di 6 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_arad2_-ia2 _dumu gu2-du3-a_(ki) u _szesz_-szu2 mah-ru [(lu2)mu-kin]-ni (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu 1_(en)-_ta-am3_ [_ti_(u2)]

    [(lu2)mu-kin]-ni (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu 1_(en)-_ta-am3_ [_ti_(u2)]

    1(en)-_ta-am3_ [_ti_(u2)]

    AI Translation

    ... of Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Ibnaya, which is in the presence of Labashi/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ibnaya and Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ibnaya.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin has received this from Labashi and Nabû-mukin-apli.

    As much as 2 previous uiltu-offerings of 53 shekels of silver, 3000 items, including silver of the gate of the telitu and as much as meat and utensils that are given to the house, including 6 shekels of silver which are in the possession of Aradia, son of Kutha, and his brother, one-third of them belong to Mushezib-Nabû, son of Nabû-aplu-iddin.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Nabû/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Each has taken one copy.


    x x amount of silver of Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nadin/Ibnaya, which is due from Lâbâshi/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ibnaya and Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ahiya'utu:

    Nabû-shumu-ukin has received this from Lâbâshi and Nabû-mukin-apli.

    Including two previous debt notes of 53 sh silver consisting of? 3,000 silver sickles, including the amounts of silver paid as telitu tax and including meat and fodder that has been given to the temple, including 6 sh silver received from Ardia, inhabitant of Kutha, and his brother.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Nabû/Nabû-apluiddin, ... remainder lost ... .

    Each one has taken a copy.1

    P521607: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    25 _gu2-un 40 ma-na uzu_ gab(?)-bi(?) sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)x-x]-_uru3 a_ (disz)(lu2)_tug2-babbar_ ina muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-ra-nu

    A (disz)_du3_-a-a a-di qi2-it (iti)_ne uzu_ a4 25 _gu2-un 40 ma-na_ i-gam-ru ut,-t,i-t,ar

    _ku3-babbar_ sza2 _uzu_ sza2 ku-tal-la gab-bi (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_[(it,)] ma-hi-ir ul-tu2(?) _ud 23_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4_ [x x x]

    ul-tu2(?) _ud 23_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sig4_ [x x x] _igi_ [(disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_](it,) e-pisz _nig2-szid_-szu2-nu

    _igi_ [(disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_](it,) e-pisz _nig2-szid_-szu2-nu

    sza2 ku-tal-la qa-tu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-ma-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)a-qar-(d)_ag_ (disz)_arad2_-(d)tasz-(me)-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A (disz)_du3_-A-A (disz)(d)_ag_-_su a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)(lu2)_tug2-babbar_ (disz)ni-din-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)had-da-a A ((disz))(d)_be_-im-bi

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-[szu2 sza2]

    (disz)mu-ra-nu A (disz)_du3_-a-a bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 23_-_kam mu 24_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-[ia-musz] _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    25 talents 40 minas of meat, all? of Nabû-uballit/PN/Kudurranu, due from Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu.

    He shall pay 25 talents and 40 minas of meat in full in Abu Month V.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu has received the silver for the meat, which is the total amount, from Nabû-uballit.

    From 23/III ... before Nabû-uballit, the performer of their accounts.

    before Nabû-uballit, the one who performs their accounts.

    Witnesses: Ahheshaya/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Aqar-Nabû, Arad-Tashmetu/Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Ibnaya, Nabû-eriba/Remut/Gababbar, Nidintu/Hadda/Ilia.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-III-24.


    The entire? 25 talents and 40 m of meat of Nabû-uballit/x-ushuror: -ahi/Ashlaku are due from Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu/Ibnaya.

    He will fully deliver the entire 25 talents and 40 m of meat by the end of month V.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu has received from Nabû-uballit all the outstanding silver in payment of the meat.

    From 23/III the meat ? is at the disposal of Nabû-uballit.

    Their outstanding accounts have been made.

    Witnesses: Ahhema/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Aqar-Nabû, Arad-Tashmetu/Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Ibnaya, Nabû-eriba/Remut/Ashlaku, Nidintu/Hadda/Ea-imbi.

    Scribe: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-III-24.

    P521608: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [10 _ma-na uzu_] (uzu)#ri-ka-su u3 kur-sin-ni-e [x-x-x-x]-um(?)-mu _szuk-hi-a_ sza2 (f)ap-pa-mu-u2 [sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)lib-lu]-t,u# A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ka-s,ir A (lu2)_ma2-lah4_

    [u3 (disz)x-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x] (disz)lib-lu-t,u u3 [(disz)x]-ia a-[na _mu-an-na_] 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) 10 _ma-na uzu_ [ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_]-_szesz_-it-tan-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-ra-nu A (disz)_du3_-a-a

    [_ta ud_ n-_kam_ (iti)]_du6# mu 26_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-a-musz _lugal_

    [_szuk-hi-a_ ina _igi_-szu2 1(en)-_ta_]-_am3 ti_(u2) [(lu2)]mu-kin-ni (disz)_mu_-[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin A (disz)(d)_en_-[x]

    [(lu2)]mu-kin-ni (disz)_mu_-[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-u2-kin A (disz)(d)_en_-[x] [(disz)](d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)ib-na-a-a [(disz)(d)_ag_-_en_]-_dumu dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_tin a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a

    [(disz)(d)_ag_-_en_]-_dumu dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_tin a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a

    [_bara2-sipa_](ki) (iti)_du6 ud 4_-_kam mu 26_-_kam_ [(disz)da-ri-ia2]-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    10 minas of meat, rib-cuts and kursinnu-bread ..., the rations of Apamû, which are at the disposal of Liblut/Nabû-kashir/Mallahu.

    and ...ia, son of ..., Liblut and ...ia, have received 10 sh white silver, 10 minas of meat, from Nabû-ahu-ittannu, son of Muranu, descendant of Ibnaya.

    From the day of Tashritu, the 26th year of Darius the king.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Iddin-x/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-x, Nabû-uballit/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ibnaya, Nabû-bel-mar-apli/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-bel-mar-ittannu/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 04-VII-26.


    10 minas of meat, the "arrangement" rikasu and ankle-cuts, x-ummu, the rations of fApamû that are at the disposal of Liblut son of Nabû-kashir of the Mallahu family and x-ia son of PN:

    Liblut and x-ia leased the 10 minas of meat for yearly 10 sh white silver to Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu/Ibnaya.

    From day x of month VII of the 26th year of king Darius the rations are at his disposal.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Mu-x or Iddin-x/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-x, Nabû-uballit/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-bel-mari/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 04-VII-26.

    P521609: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x x] x [x x x x x x x x x x] u3 ina (iti)[x x x x x x x x x x] pa-ni (d)_ag_ sza2 tar-din-nu sza2 ki(?)-[is, u4-mu(?)] 4(ta) u3 a-hi u4-mu-_mesz_ ina [(iti)x x x x] sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_na_-S,_ir dumu_ sza2 (disz)[lib-lut, A (disz)e-t,e3-ru] (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-na-s,ir a-na [x _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ a-na] 1 1/2 _ma-na 5 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) 4 x [x x x x] u3 5 _ma-na sik2-hi-a buru14_ u4-mu [a-na] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu _dumu_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-nu A [(disz)_du3_-a-a]

    id-din _ziz2-a-an_ u _sze-gisz-i3 buru14_ re-hi _gisz_-[_szub-ba_] sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_pab_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_pab_ ul-tu [x x] u2-sze-s,i-e-ma i-na-asz2-szi ina _mu-an-na 8_ (kusz)ha-li-s,u (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-[tan-nu] a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-na-s,ir i-na-ad-di-in

    ina _mu-an-na 8_ (kusz)ha-li-s,u (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-[tan-nu] a-na (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-na-s,ir i-na-ad-di-in

    pu-ut e-pisz sza2 nap-ta-nu u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu na-szi

    ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_bara2_ sza2 _mu 26_-_kam buru14_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu

    1(en)-_ta-am3_ sza2-t,a-ri il-te-qu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-[ni]

    AI Translation

    ... and in month ... before Nabû of the second offering which is in the ... of Marduk-nashir/Liblut/Eteru: Marduk-nashir will give ... years for 1 1/2 minas 5 sh white silver, 4 ... and 5 minas of wool for the harvest to Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu/Ibnaya.

    Marduk-nashir will bring the kalû and sesame for the harvest. He will give Marduk-nashir 8 halishu-silver years.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu will give 8 halisû-skins in a year to Marduk-nashir.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu bears responsibility for the provisioning of meals and for the guard.

    From the 1st day of Nisannu of the 26th year of Nabû-ahu-ittannu will deliver the harvest.

    Each has taken one copy.


    ... description of the days of the butcher's prebend ... and in month x, a type of offering before Nabû, of the second meal of the evening ?, 4 1/2 days in month x ... of Marduk-nashir/Liblut/Eteru – Marduk-nashir has leased the yield of this prebend to Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu/Ibnaya for x years, against 1 m 35 sh of white silver, 4 x, and 5 m of wool.

    Marduk-nashir will carry from the storehouse the emmer and the sesame of the yield of the other prebend days of Marduk-nashir.

    Per year, Nabû-ahu-ittannu will give 8 leather straps to Marduk-nashir.

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu is responsible for making the meal and for guarding.

    The yield of the prebend is at the disposal of Nabû-ahu-ittannu from 01/I of the 26th year of Darius onwards.

    Each has taken one copy. Witnesses: Barsippaya/Bel-shumu-ishkun/Ahu-x, PN/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/LN, .... 1

    P521610: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) 2 _ban2 sze_-[_gisz_]-_i3_ ina _buru14 gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu sza2 ina _e2-zi-da_ (disz)ni-din-tum _dumu_ sza2 (disz)kul-bi-bi _dumu_ (disz)ba-si-ia ina na-asz2-par-tum sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 dumu_ sza2 (disz)lib-lut, _dumu_ [(disz)e]-t,e3-[ru] ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[_szesz_-it-tan-nu] _dumu_ sza2 (disz)[mu-ra-nu] _dumu_ (disz)ib-na-[a-a ma-hi-ir] 1(en)-_ta-am3_ [_ti_(u2)] (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)szu(?)-[la-a(?)]

    1(en)-_ta-am3_ [_ti_(u2)]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)szu(?)-[la-a(?)] _dumu_ sza2 (disz)la-a-ba-szi _dumu_ (disz)_szesz_-u2-tu (disz)sza2-pi-i-kal-bi _dumu_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-szu2-nu

    (disz)ni-din-tum _dub-sar dumu_ (disz)ba-si-[ia]

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 18_-_kam mu 29_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Nidintu, son of Kulbibi, descendant of Basiya, received 2 sh white silver, 2 sutu of sesame oil at the delivery of the butcher's prebend in Ezida from Marduk-shumu-ushur, son of Liblut, descendant of Eteru; he is paid. Each has taken one copy.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Shulaya?, son of Labashi, descendant of Ahhutu; Sha-pi-kalbi, son of Ahshunu

    Nidintu, scribe, son of Basiya.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-I-29.


    2 sh white silver and 0;0.2 sesame of the yield of the butcher's prebend in Ezida: Nidintu/Kulbibi/Basia has received this on behalf of Marduk-shumu-ushur/Liblut/Eteru from Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu/Ibnaya.

    Each has taken a copy.

    Witnesses: Shula?/Lâbâshi/Ahutu, Sha-pî-kalbi/Ahushunu.

    Scribe: Nidintu//Basia.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-I-29.

    P521611: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _sze-gisz-i3 ziz2-a-an_ sza2 _mu 29_-_kam_ u3 _sik2-hi-a mu 30_-_kam_ u3 8 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ ina _buru14 gisz-szub#_-[_ba_] sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)lib-lut, [A (disz)e-t,e3-ru] (disz)(d)_u-gur_-bul-lit,-an-ni (lu2)[qal-la] sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3_ ina _szu_-_min_ sza2 (disz)[(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-ra-nu ma-hi-ir

    1(en)-A-_ta a4 ti_(u2) (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)ki-din-(d)na-na-a (disz)ni-din-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2-qu-pu

    A (disz)mu-sze-zib (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)ni-qu-du A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_ (disz)_szesz_(?)-u2-a

    bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_ab ud 27_-_kam mu 30_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-musz

    AI Translation

    Sesame, dates of the 29th year and the sceptre of the 30th year, and 8 sh silver, in the yield of the prebend of Marduk-shumu-ushur/Liblut/Eteru, Nergal-bullitanni, the slave of Marduk-shumu-ushur received from Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu.

    Each party has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bel-mari/Shula/Kidin-Nanaya, Nidintu/Uqupu/Kidin-Nanaya.

    Scribe: Niqudu/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ahu'a.

    Borsippa, Dar 27-X-30.


    Sesame and emmer of the 29th year, and wool of the 30th year, and 8 sh silver, of the yield of the prebend of Marduk-shumu-ushur/Liblut/Eteru: Nergal-bullitannu, the slave of Marduk-shumu-ushur, has received these items from Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Muranu.

    They have each taken a copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bel-mari/Shula/Kidin-Nanaya, Nidintu/Uqupu/Mushezib.

    Scribe: Niqudu/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ahu'a?.

    Borsippa, Dar 27-X-30.

    P521612: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x _gin2_] _ku3-babbar_ ri-hi-it _szam2_ szal(?)-[szu2(?)] [u4-mu(?)] i-na _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu sza2 _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a ina _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2

    [(disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)ib-na]-a-a ina (iti)_apin_ [_ku3-babbar_ a4 x _gin2_] (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ [a-na (disz)(d)_ag_]-_kar#_-_zi_-_mesz_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu_ [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_utu_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_uru3 a_ (disz)man-nu-ge-[ru]-szu2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu_ [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_utu_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_uru3 a_ (disz)man-nu-ge-[ru]-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_numun_ (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ina-_suh3_-_sur_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ina-_suh3_-_sur_

    [A] (disz)_dingir_-ia _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_apin_

    AI Translation

    x sh silver, the full price of one-twelfth of a day in the temple butcher's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû, belonging to Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ibnaya, is due from Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ibnaya.

    Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ibnaya will pay that x shekels of silver to Nabû-eter-napshati in month VIII.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Shamash-ahhe-ushur/Mannu-gerushu, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ina-teshi-etir/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Cyr XII-02.1


    x sh silver, remainder of the price of a 1/3? day? of the butcher's prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ibnaya, due from Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ibnaya.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi will pay the silver to Nabû-eter-napshati in month VIII.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Shamash-ahhe-ushur/Mannu-gerûshu, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-bani-zeri/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ina-teshî-eter/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Cyr x-VIII-06. 1

    P521613: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [1/2] u4-mu _gisz-szub#-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ [a-di di-i'] u3 _gug_(u2) pa-na-at 1/2 _u4_-mu (iti)_apin ud 23_-_kam_ i(?)-na(?) [x]-ta u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 [(disz)(d)_ag_]-_gin#_-_a a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a ik-nu-ku-ma it-ti [(f)]ri-szat _dumu-munus_-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_sig5_(iq)

    A (lu2)_i3-sur_-_gi-na_ id-di-nu (f)ri-szat i-na mi-gi-ir lib3-bi-szu2 1/2 u4-mu _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu (iti)_apin ud 23_-_kam_ a-di di-i' u _gug_(u2) tak-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz szesz_-szu2# _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a tu-szad-gil

    [(disz)](d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ ina mi-gi-ir _sza3_-szu2 [x] _gin2 ku3-babbar_ ri-mu-u2-tu a-na (f)ri-szat _nin_-szu2 ir-ri-im _gisz-szub-ba_ sza2 it-ti

    _nin_-szu2 ir-ri-im _gisz-szub-ba_ sza2 it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-bal-lit, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)_du3_-a-a la i-zu-zu () (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_ (disz)_i3-sur_-_gi-na dumu_ sza2 (f)ri-sza2-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-[nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_ (disz)_i3-sur_-_gi-na_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-na-s,ir A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_ (disz)_i3-sur_-_gi-na_ (disz)[_ki_]-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-bal-lit, A (disz)_du3_-a-a

    [(disz)x x]-_du3_(?) (lu2)_dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur_

    [A (disz)x-x] _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_apin ud 20_-_kam_ [_mu_-x]+1-[_kam_] (disz)kam-[bu-zi-ia] _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Half a day of the temple butcher's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, including the 'di' and 'gug', in total: 1/2 day of Arahshamnu, 23rd day, in x days of Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ibnaya, he sealed and gave to Nabû-ushallim/Shamash-udammiq/Ibnaya.

    Rishat has voluntarily sold 1/2 day of the temple butcher's prebend on 23/VIII until the payment and the guarantor's prebend is received from Nabû-nadin-ahi, his brother, son of Nabû-aplu-iddin, descendant of Ibnaya.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi has leased a house in the middle of his estate for x shekels of silver, as a gift, to Rishat, his mistress.

    The prebend which is not in agreement with Nabû-uballit/Mushallim-Marduk/Ibnaya.

    Witnesses: Nabû-nadin-shumi/Nabû-ushallim/Ibnaya-etir, son of fRishati, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ushallim/Ibnaya-etir, Nergal-nashir/Nabû-ushallim/Ibnaya-etir, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-uballit/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: ...-ibni/Ina-teshi-etir.

    Borsippa, Camb 20-VIII-x+1.


    Concerning 1/2 day of the butcher's prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, including the di'û and guqqû offerings, the income panatu of 1/2 day, on 23/VIII, part of x number of days, that Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ibnaya sealed and gave to Nabû-ushallim/Shamash-udammiq/Shahit-ginê with his daughter fRishat as dowry:

    fRishat has voluntarily sealed and given the 1/2 day of the butcher's prebend on 23/VIII, including the di'û and guqqû offerings, to her brother Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Ibnaya.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi has voluntarily made a gift of x sh silver to his sister fRishat.

    It is the prebend which is co-owned by Nabû-uballit/Mushallim-Marduk/Ibnaya.

    Witnesses: Nabû-nadin-shumi/Nabû-ushallim/Shahit-ginê son of fRishat, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kudurranu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ushallim/Shahit-ginê, Nergal-nashir/Nabû-ushallim/Shahit-ginê, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-uballit/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: x-ibni?/Ina-teshî-eter/FN.

    Borsippa, Camb 20-VIII-x+1.

    P521614: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2 (kusz)szi-ha-t,u sza2 gi-nu-u2 _igi_ (d)_ag_ (iti)_gan ud 29_-_kam gal_[(u2) u tar]-din#-nu sza2 ki#-[is, u4-mu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3 dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu dumu_ (disz)_du3_-a-a ina hu-ud lib3-bi#-[szu2] ik-nu-uk-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 pa-ni (disz)ba-si-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-[ra]-szu-u2

    _dumu_ (disz)_du3_-a-a u2-szad-gil 6 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ nu-uh-hu-[tu] _nig2-ba_ [2 (kusz)szi-ha-t,u] (disz)ba-si-ia a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3_ [it-ta-din] _ku3-babbar_ a4 6 _gin2_ nu-uh-hu-tu _nig2-ba_

    _ku3-babbar_ a4 6 _gin2_ nu-uh-hu-tu _nig2-ba_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_du3_-_uru3_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)ba-si-ia ma-hi-ir e-t,ir (lu2)mu-kin-ni

    ma-hi-ir e-t,ir (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu _dumu_ (disz)(lu2)[x x] (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza (disz)_arad2_-(d)_ag dumu_ (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)si-s,i-ri _dumu_ (disz)_e2-sag-ila2_-_man-sum_ (disz)(d)_ag_-[x-x]

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-szu2-nu A (disz)_du3_-a-a (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-[bi] _dub-sar dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) _dumu_ (disz)[_du3_-a-a]

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 22_-_kam mu 26_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-a-mu-usz _lugal ka2_-(_dingir_)-_ra_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    2 shihatu-garments, regular offerings before Nabû, 29/IX, the large and the second ones, which are in the regular offerings, Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ibnaya voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Basiya/Murashu.

    Basiya has given to Nabû-tabni-ushur 6 sh nuhhutu silver, the gift of 2 shatu-skins.

    Nabû-tabni-ushur has received that 6 shekels of nuhhutu-silver, the property of Basiya, from Basiya.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ittannu/FN, Nabû-ushurshu/Arad-Nabû/Ilutu-bani, Nabû-uballit/Sishiru/Esagil-sharru, Nabû-x/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-ushur/Nabû

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 22-X-26.


    2 hides of the daily offerings ginû to Nabû on 29/IX, main and second course of the evening: Nabû-tabni-ushur son of Nabû-shumu-iddin of the Ibnaya family has voluntarily sealed and given these hides to Basia, the son of Murashû of the Ibnaya family, forever.

    Basia has given 6 sh of scrap silver, as gift for the two hides to Nabû-tabni-ushur.

    Nabû-tabni-ushur has received those 6 sh of scrap silver, the gift, from Basia.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-ittannu/FN, Nabû-ushurshu/Arad-Nabû/Ilutu-bani, Nabû-uballit/Sishir/Esagil-mansum, Nabû-x/Ahushunu/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 22-X-26.

    P521615: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [(im)]_dub_ sza2 12 _ud_-_mesz_ i-na (iti)_gu4_ u3 (iti)_apin_ [_gisz_]-_szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ [sza2 (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_ag2_-_un_-_mesz_-szu2 _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ik#-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a _dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ u2-szad-gil-lu u3 1 _ma-na 2 gin2 ku3-babbar nig2-ba_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_ag2_-_un_-_mesz_-szu2 _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    i-na u4-mu gaba-ri (im)_dub_ i-na pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, [lu-u2] a-szar sza2-nam-ma

    it-la-a [sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-[_gin_]-_numun_ szu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-ib-ni _dumu_ (lu2)_ma2-lah4_ (disz)[(d)_ag_-_gin_]-_ibila# dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz dumu_ (disz)gag-hal (disz)[...]-(d)_en dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu _dumu_ (disz)(d)_be_-_dingir_-ta-_du3_

    (disz)[(d)_ag_-_mu_]-u2-kin _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_dumu_-_e2_-_mu_-ib-ni _dumu_ (lu2)_nagar_

    [_dub_]-_sar_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_ [A (disz)]szar-ra-hi _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 15_-_kam mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Tablet of 12 days in month II and VIII of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Nabû-rabut-Nabû/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Tabnea/Re'i-alpi and Nabû-ahhe-bullit gave to Nabû-rabut-Nabû/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi:

    Should a claim arise concerning the tablet, Nabû-ahhe-bullit will clear it and pay the 12-fold penalty to Nabû-ahhe-bullit.

    Witnesses: Nabû-iddin/Bel-ibni/Mallahu, Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Gahal, ...-Bel/Nabû-belshunu/Enlil-ili-taqqinu.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin, son of Mar-biti-shumu-ibni, descendant of Carchemish;

    Borsippa, Camb 15-III-01.


    Concerning the record about 12 days in months II and VIII of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, that Nabû-râm-nishishu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi sealed and gave forever to Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Tabnea/Re'i-alpi and for which Nabû-ahhe-bullit made a gift of 1 m 2 sh silver to Nabû-râm-nishishu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi: the tablet was sealed on behalf of Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi, silver of Nabû-mukin-zeri was given as gift to Nabû-râm-nishishu.

    If a copy of the record turns up at the house of Nabû-ahhe-bullit or anywhere else, it belongs to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-iddin/Bel-ibni/Mallahu, Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-nadin-ahi/Gahal, x-Bel/Nabû-belshunu/Ea-ilutu-bani, Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mar-Biti-shumu-ibni/Naggaru.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Sharrahu.

    Borsippa, Camb 15-III-01.

    P521616: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    5 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ pap-pa-su sza2 _kisal_ sza2 _mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia2 _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_ sza2 (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-din A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ (disz)x-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)[x A] (disz)_dingir_-ba-ni ina na-asz2-par-ti sza2 (f)nu-up-ta-a _dumu-munus_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_du3 dam_ sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)A(a) A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ma-hir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (lu2)_szu-ku6_ (disz)ap-la-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu_

    A (disz)su-ha-a-a (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su A (lu2)_szu-ku6_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ab_(?) _ud 21_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    5 sh silver, pappasu of the courtyard of the first year of Kambuzî, king of Babylon and the lands, which Iddin-Nabû/Nadin/Re'i-alpi received from fNupta/Nabû-zeru-ibni/Iddin-Nabû:

    Witnesses: Balassu/Remut/Ba'iru, Apla/Mushallim-Marduk/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-eter-napshati/Balassu/Ba'iru.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-X


    5 sh silver, pappasu from the courtyard, of the first year of Cambyses king of Babylon and the lands, of Iddin-Nabû/Nadin/Re'i-alpi: x-Nabû, son of Iddin-x of the Ili-bani family has received this silver on behalf of fNupta, daughter of Nabû-zeru-ibni, wife of Iddin-Nabû, from Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.

    Witnesses: Balassu/Remut/Ba'iru, Apla/Mushallim-Marduk/Suhaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-eter-napshati/Balassu/Ba'iru.

    Borsippa, Camb 21-X?-01. 1

    P521617: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 [sza2] (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud-me szesz_-szu2 ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma sa-ma-a-ka u3 mar-s,a-mar u3 (lu2)_dumu_-_mesz_-ia s,a-har-ru-u'-ma ma-la (ra-ma)-ku A-[_mesz_] nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)_ag_ u3 szu-ku-lu u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tum sza2 _gud_ bu-u2-[x x x x]

    [x x x x x] _iti_-_mesz_ i-na [x x x x x x x x x x x x] [x x x] [(disz)(d)_ag_]-_numun_-_si-sa2 ki dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ / na-di-na-nu _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_su a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    [(disz)(d)_ag_]-_numun_-_si-sa2 ki dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ / na-di-na-nu

    _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_su a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 5_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ [(disz)kam-bu-zi-ia _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_-_mesz_]

    AI Translation

    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi spoke to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi, his brother, as follows: "You are a thief, you are a thief, and you are a thief, and you are my sons." As much as there is, water, food for Nabû and water for the shukulu and the guard of oxen .

    ... in ... ... Nabû-zeru-lishir with the sons of Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi / the oxherd prebend of the scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi

    Nabû-zeru-lishir, son of Remut-Nabû, descendant of Re'i-alpi, the seller of that prebend, son of Nabû-zeru-lishir, descendant of Ah'utu;

    Scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Camb 05-III-05.


    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi spoke as follows to his brother Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi: "I am incapabale of work, and I am sick, and my sons are little, and all the washing with water, the meal of Nabû, and the feeding and guarding of the cattle and ... I cannot do.

    ... months in ... large gap.

    Nabû-zeru-lishir shares? with the sons of Remut-Nabû//Re'i-alpi, the seller of the prebend.

    Scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Camb 05-III-05. 1

    P521618: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz szesz_-szu2 ki-a-am iq-bi um-ma sa-ma-a-ka u3 mar-s,a-mar u3 (lu2)_dumu_-_mesz_-ia2 s,a-ah-ru-u' ma-la ra-ma-a-ka A-_mesz_ u3 ma-la u2-szu-uz-zu sza2 man-za-al-ti-ia2 ul ma-s,a-a-ka al-kam-ma man-za-al-ti-_mesz_-ia a-na muh-hi-ia

    i-sze-iz-zi (d)_ag_ a-na _ugu_-ia2 pi-lah (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz szesz_-szu2 isz-me-e-ma (iti)_bara2_ ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ a-di _ud 10_-_kam_ (iti)_sig4_ ul-tu _ud 11_-_kam_ a-di _ud 20_-_kam_ (iti)_szu_ ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ a-di _ud 10_-_kam_ (iti)_du6_ ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ a-di _ud 10_-_kam_ (iti)_ab_ ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ a-di _ud 10_-_kam_

    _szesz_-szu2 iz-za-zi (d)_ag_ a-na muh-hi-szu2 [i]-pal-lah pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu

    u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba na-szi (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[_sur_-_zi_-_mesz_] A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 (iti)_bara2_ ul-tu _ud 1_-_kam_ a-di [_ud 5_-_kam_(?) (iti)_sig4_] ul-tu _ud 11_-_kam_ a-di _ud 15_-_kam_ (iti)_sze_ ul-tu _ud 11_-_kam_ a-di _ud 10_+[5-_kam_] a-di pap-pa-su _gisz-szub-ba sipa-gud_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ [o(?)] (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina hu-ud lib3-[bi-szu2 a-na]

    sza2 it-ta-bal-kit(ki)-(it) 1 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lam sza2 dib-bi an-nu-tu isz-nu-u2

    (d)_ag_ u (d)_amar-utu_ ha-laq-szu2 liq-bu-u2 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)li-szi-ru A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_ (disz)su-ha-a-a (disz)(d)_en_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_dumu_-_e2_-iq-bi A (disz)si-ia2-a-tu2 (disz)eri-ba-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ne2-e-a A (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 3_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)gam-bu-zi-ia2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur_-_mesz_

    (iti)_gan ud 3_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)gam-bu-zi-ia2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi voluntarily spoke to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, his brother, as follows: "You are a thief, you are a thief, and you are a thief." As much as you have, water and all that you have, I am not able to go out and do my service.

    Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi listened to Nabû-eriba's prayer to his brother Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi and he said: "From the 1st to the 10th of Nisannu, from the 11th to the 20th of Du'uzu, from the 1st to the 10th of Tashritu, from the 1st to the 10th of Tebetu, from the 1st to the 10th of Tebetu, from the 1st to the 10th of Tebetu, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st to the 10th of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1st of the king, from the 1

    Nabû will be angry with him, he will be afraid of the supplication.

    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sold in perpetuity to Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, from the 1st to the 5th? of Nisannu, from the 11th to the 15th of Addaru, from the 11th to the 10+5th day to the pappasu, the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû.

    who has gone out, shall pay 1 mina of silver. Whoever tries to change these words,

    May Nabû and Marduk say his curse, and each shall take one copy.

    Witnesses: Lishir/Nabû-ushallim/Suhaya, Bel-iddin/Mar-biti-iqbi/Siatu, Eriba-Nabû/Tabnea/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi. Borsippa, Nbn 03-IX-05.

    Kislimu IX, 3rd day, 5th year of Gambuzî, king of Babylon, king of the lands.


    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi spoke from his own accord to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, his brother: "I am incapable of work, and very sick, and my sons are little. I cannot do all the washing with water and I cannot perform my temple service. Come on, perform my temple services in my place, serve Nabû in my place!"

    Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi listened from his own accord to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi his brother, and:

    Nabû-eriba is responsible for bringing the meal and for the watch.

    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi gave from his own accord the following days: – in month I: from day 01 to day 05 – in month III: from day 11 to day 15 – in month XII: from day 11 to day 15 including the pappasu, of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi forever as a gift, in compensation for doing the temple services.

    Whoever breaks this agreement will pay 1 m of silver. May Nabû and Marduk ordain the ruin of the person who changes this matter.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Lishir/Nabû-ushallim/Suhaya, Bel-iddin/Mar-biti-iqbi/Siatu, Eriba-Nabû/Tabnea/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Camb 03-IX-05.

    P521619: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _gud udu-nita2_ is,-s,ur (udu)-(nita2)pu-ha-du pa-ni (d)_u-gur_ sza2 _kisal e2-zi-da_ sza2 kal-la _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ((erasure)) u2-szad-gi-il 1 1/2 _ma-na 3 gin2 ku3-babbar nig2-ba_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-[szu2 sza2]

    (disz)re(?)-[mut(?) ... ...] (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-[_szesz dumu_-szu2]

    sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-[_mesz_ (lu2)_umbisag_] (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 5_-_kam mu 6_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    He has voluntarily sealed and given forever to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi a bull, a ram, a pig, and a pigeon before Nergal of the courtyard of Ezida, for the entire year, as much as there is of it, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi and he will pay the 1 1/2 mina 3 shekels of silver as the purchase price.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi, his son

    Scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 05-III-06. 1


    Beef, mutton, fowl, lamb from the offerings before Nergal of the courtyard of Ezida, of the entire year, as much as there is, that Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/ Re'i-alpi sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi has received a gift of 1 m 33 sh silver from Nabû-mukin-zeri .... Witnesses:

    Remut? ..., Nabû-nadin-ahi/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi.

    Scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Camb 05-III-06.

    P521620: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [(disz)_sum_](na)-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-di-nu A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ a-na [(disz)re]-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ iq-bi [um]-ma# sa-ma-a-ka u3 (lu2)_dumu_-_mesz_ s,a-ah-ru-u' ma#-la u2-szu-uz-zu sza2 man-za-al-(ti)-ia ul ma-((al))-s,a-ka [a-di] 5 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ man-za-al-ti-ia i-szi-iz-zi-ma [(d)_ag_] a-na muh-hi-ia pi-la-ah u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tum sza2 nap-ta-nu [sza2 (d)]_ag#_ a-na muh-hi-ia u2-s,u-ur-ma mim-ma i-na masz-szak-ta-ia

    [ina pa]-ni-ka lu-szad-gil (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ [(disz)_sum_](na)-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-di-nu im-gu-ur-ma [(disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ i-na] hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 2 _udu-nita2_ gu-qu-u2-_mesz_ [pa-ni (d)na-na-a u] (d)su-ti-ti sza2 (iti)_bara2_ ((erasure)) [(disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_ i-na hu-ud lib3]-bi-szu2 ku-u2 u2-sze-uz-zu ((erasure)) [sza2 man-za-al-la-tum pa-ni (disz)]re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ [a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 u2-szad-gi]-il (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ pu-ut

    [a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 u2-szad-gi]-il (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ pu-ut [...] u3 qu-ru-u2 nap-ta-nu [...]-tum ina 1-ka a-di 5 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ [... ina _szu_-_min_] (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ na-szi [...] o o o [x] x x x 1(en) _ta_ a4 il-te-qu-u2 sza2 it-ta-bal-kit

    [x] x x x 1(en) _ta_ a4 il-te-qu-u2 sza2 it-ta-bal-kit

    [x] _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lam (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)ba-lat,-su A-szu2 [sza2 (disz)]re-mut A (disz)(lu2)_szu-ku6_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_(ir) A-szu2 [sza2 (disz)x]-na-a A (disz)man-di-di (disz)(d)_ag_-_ba_(sza2) A-szu2 [sza2 (disz)(d)]_amar#-utu_-eri-ba A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)_zalag2_-e-a A-szu2

    [sza2 (disz)(d)x-na/ka]-s,ir A (disz)ki-din-(d)na-na-a (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_ba_(sza2) A-szu2

    [sza2 (disz)qi2]-bi-(d)_en a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu _bara2-sipa_(ki)

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Nabû/Nadin/Re'i-alpi spoke to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: "Your sammû and the saharu's, as many as they have, are not able to carry out my service. For five years, my service is a service. Nabû will investigate on my behalf the blahu and guardian of the meal of Nabû. I will perform whatever is on my behalf.

    Iddin-Nabû sealed and gave forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri Iddin-Nabû/Nadin. Iddin-Nabû received from Nanaya and Sutitu 2 sheep of guqqû in month I, and Iddin-Nabû sealed and gave forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri the prebend of the mazellitu service.

    Remut-Nabû bears responsibility for ... and for the scribal arts ... in one-twelfth of a year ... from Iddin-Nabû ... ... one-twelfth of that amount that he has taken.

    ... ... one of them has departed, who has gone out.

    Witnesses: Balassu/Remut/Ba'iru, Nabû-eter/x-na/Madidu, Nabû-iqisha/Marduk-eriba/Kidin-Sîn, Nur-ea/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nab

    Scribe: Nabû-iqisha/Kashir/Kidin-Nanaya.

    Borsippa, Nbn 1-7-1


    Iddin-Nabû/Nadin/Re'i-alpi spoke to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi as follows: "I am incapabe of work and my sons are small. I am not able to perform any of my service. For 5 years, please perform my service and serve Nabû for me and stand guard at the table of Nabû for me; I am willing to assign to you something of my income consisting of meat cuts mashaktu in return for performing my service."

    Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri agreed with Iddin-Nabû/Nadin, and Iddin-Nabû voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri 2 sheep of the irregular offerings before Nanaya and Sutitu in month I.

    Remut-Nabû takes over responsibility from Iddin-Nabû for ... and approaching the meal and ... "in your one cubit?" during 5 years ....

    Each party has taken one copy. Whoever breaks the contract shall pay x m of silver.

    Witnesses: Balassu/Remut/Ba'iru, Nabû-eter/x-na/Madidu, Nabû-iqisha/Marduk-eriba/Kidin-Sîn, Nurea/x-na/kashir/Kidin-Nanaya.

    Scribe: Nabû-iqisha/Qibi-Bel/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Camb 28-V-06.1

    P521621: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x] _lim sig4-hi-a nig2-ga_ (d)_ag-man-szu2_ [sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud-me_ ina _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un) A (lu2)_sag_-_erin2_(ni)

    ina _ugu_ (gisz)le-u5 sza2 _e2-zi-da_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ u2-sza2-az-zu-ma a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-[nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-[nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_[(ki) A (lu2)_simug_] (disz)(d)_ag_-na-[din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_]-ia A (disz)_du3_-a-a

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ [(disz)x-x]-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ne2-e-[a A (disz)ku-du]-ra-nu

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) [(iti)]_ziz2 ud 13_-_kam mu 6_-_kam_ [(disz)kam-bu]-zi-ia _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    x thousand bricks, property of Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi, due from Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Re'i-alpi.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi will place Nabû-mukin-zeri on the tablet of Ezida and will give it to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-mukin-zeri/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Aradia/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: ...-iddin/Tabnea/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Camb 13-XI-06.


    x+1,000 bricks, property of Nabû "King-of-the-World," are owed to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi by Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Resh-ummani.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi will register the bricks in the ledger of Ezida and give proof of it to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-mukin-zeri/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Ardia/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: x-iddin/Tabnea/Kudurranu.

    Borsippa, Camb 13-XI-06.

    P521622: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u3 [...] (disz)(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi) i-na _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-[_numun_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud-me_

    ma-hi-ir e-lat 1(en) _gud_ szu-uk-ku(!)-ul

    szu-un-nu-u2 mah-ru-u2 _pab 7 gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi) ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ ma-hi-ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-A

    A (disz)sik-ku-u2-a (disz)(d)_ag_-tab-ni-_uru3_ (lu2)_dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ke-szir3 A (disz)hu-s,ab _bara2-sipa_(ki)

    (iti)_apin ud 21_-_kam mu 7_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-[zi-ia]

    AI Translation

    and ... Nabû-ushebshi has received from Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.

    he has received. Above one ox he has been smashed.

    Nabû-ushabshi received a total of 7 oxen from Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ilia, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-keshir/Hushabu.

    21st day of Arahsamnu, 7th year of Cambyses.


    ... and ... Nabû-ushebshi has received from Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.

    Except of one ungelded bull, twice previously.

    In total: 7 cattle, received by Nabû-ushebshi from Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ilia, Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-apli/Shikkûa.

    Scribe: Nabû-tabni-ushur/Nabû-keshir/Hushabu.

    Borsippa, Camb 21-VIII-07.1

    P521623: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [...] u3 si-ma-a-ta (iti)_apin ud 21_-_kam mu 7_-_kam 1_(et) _gud ab2 dumu_-szu2 (iti)_sig4 mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)bar-zi-ia ina szu-tu-um-mu sze-en-di-ti 1 _gud_ szu-uk-lu-lu sza2 ina ki-ri-i szi-in-du _pab 9 gud_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi) ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 ma-hi-ir

    _pab 9 gud_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi)

    AI Translation

    ... and the rams: 21/VIII, 7th year of Nabû-ushabshi received from Murashû 1 cow, his son, in the shutummu of the sheenditu, 1 shubulu-ox, which is in the kiriyatu-vessel.

    Nabû-ushabshi has received a total of 9 oxen.


    ... and the features ? on Camb 21-VIII-07; 1 dairy cow with its calf, branded in the storehouse bit-shutummi in month III of the first year of Bardia; One ungelded bull that was branded in "the garden."

    In total 9 cattle, received by Nabû-ushebshi from Murashû. Dar 29-XII-00.1

    P521624: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _ud 27_-_kam ud 28_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu2 _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_pab a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ik-nu-uk-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a)] A (lu2)_sipa-gud_ [u2-szad-gil (...)] [...] x [...] A (lu2)_szu-ku6_ (disz)id-di-ia [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)](d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mu a_ (disz)nu-ha-szu2 [(lu2)]_umbisag#_ (disz)sza2-ri-du A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_ [A] (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    A (disz)nu-ha-szu2 [(lu2)]_umbisag#_ (disz)sza2-ri-du A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_ [A] (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_szu ud 27_-_kam mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_nig2-du_-_uru3_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-nadin-ahi/Marduk-nashir/Re'i-alpi sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi ... ... descendant of Fish-of-the-Land; Iddia/Nabû-ahu-iddin/Nuhashu.

    Scribe: Sharidu/Nabû-eter/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Nbn 27-IV-01.


    Nabû-nadin-ahi/Marduk-nashir/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi days 27-28/XII of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû. large gap Witnesses: ..., PN//Ba'iru, Iddia/Nabû-ahu-iddin/Nuhashu.

    Scribe: Asharedu/Nabû-eter/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Nbk IV 27-IV-01.

    P521625: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    8 u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ne_ u (iti)_ziz2 gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab_-_mesz_-bul-lit, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ a-na 5 _ban2 sze-numun_ (gisz)_kiri6_ (gisz)_giszimmar_-_mesz_ zaq-pi i-na 50(e) sza2 _e2_ (lu2)_sipa-ansze-kur-ra_ ina _ugu id2_ (d)_dumu_-_e2_ it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_ag2_-_un_-_mesz_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-[_mesz_]

    u2-sza2-pi-lu _sze-numun_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ a-na lib3-bi szu-pu-ul-lu [_gisz-szub-ba_ na-din] (im)_dub_ a-na na-sze-e [s,i-bu-ti] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ a-na szu-[mi (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab_-_mesz_-bul-lit,]

    (im)_dub_ a-na na-sze-e [s,i-bu-ti] sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ a-na szu-[mi (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab_-_mesz_-bul-lit,]

    ka-an-ni-ik i-na u4-mu (im)_dub_ [szu-a-ti3] (sza2) ina _e2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-bul-lit, it-ta-na-[ma-ru]

    sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ szu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)[x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A (lu2)_simug_ (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)_en a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_en_

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)_ag a_ (disz)_arad2_-(d)_gir4-ku3_ (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-_ud-da a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 18_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    8 days of Abu and Shabatu of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Tabnea/Re'i-alpi has purchased for 5 sutu of seed, orchard, date palms, in 50 hectares of the house of the oxherd prebend on the Mar-biti canal, with Nabû-rabut-ushurshu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi:

    The arable land that Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi has cultivated therein, the prebend which is given, the tablet is given for the remission of debts of Nabû-mukin-zeri in the name of Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ibnaya.

    Tablet concerning the revocation of Nabû-mukin-zeri to Nabû-ahhe-bullit

    If a copy of this tablet, which is in the house of Nabû-ahhe-bullit, becomes old and dilapidated,

    Witnesses: PN/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nidinti-Bel/Arad-Bel/Ilia, Remut-Bel/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-udde/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-I-02. 1


    Concerning 8 days of month Abu V and Shabatu XI of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, that Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Tabnea/Re'i-alpi exchanged with Nabû-râm-nishishu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi against a date palm garden of 0;0.5, planted with date palms, in the "Fifty of the house of the horseherds" hanshû bit-re'i-sisê on the canal of Mar-biti:

    the field of Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi was given in exchange of the prebend.

    The tablet was sealed to the name of Nabû-ahhe-bullit upon the wish of Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    When the tablet is found in the house of Nabû-ahhe-bullit, it belongs to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: PN/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nidinti-Bel/Arad-Bel/Ilia, Remut-Bel/Arad-Nabû/Arad-Nergal.

    Scribe: Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 18-I-01. 1

    P521626: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1(en) u4-mu _ud 27_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)gu-la A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum ik-nu-uk-ku-ma pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ u2-szad-gil-lu

    8 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _nig2-ba_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ a-na (disz)ni-din-[tum]-(d)_ag_ iq-ti-isz (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ra-szil A (disz)_e2-sag-ila2_-_man-sum_ (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_mu_-_mu_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ra-szil A (disz)_e2-sag-ila2_-_man-sum_ (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_mu_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ni-qud-du A (disz)_e2-bar_-(d)_iszkur_ (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)lu-s,u-a-na-_zalag2_

    A (disz)szi-gu-u2-a (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_su a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 20_-_kam mu 1_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    One day, 27/VI, of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, that Nidintu/Remut-Gula/Re'i-alpi sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Nabû/Rashil/Esagil-sharru, Adad-shumu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Nabû/Rashil/Esagil-sharru-ushur, Adad-shumu-iddin/Niqudu/Ebar-Adad, Iddin-Bel/Lushianu-nuri.

    Scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 20-IX-01. 1


    1 day, 27/VI, of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, that Nidintu/Remut-Gula/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.

    Nabû-mukin-zeri gave 8 sh white silver as a gift to Nidinti-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Mushezib-Nabû/Rashi-ilu/Esagil-mansum, Adad-shumu-iddin/Niqudu/Shangû-Adad, Iddin-Bel/Lushi-ana-nuri/Shigûa.

    Scribe: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 20-IX-01. 1

    P521627: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _gud_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)[(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi)] 3 _gud ab2_-_mesz_ u _dumu_-szu2-nu 1 _gud_ [_szu-du7_] 2 _gud ab2_-_mesz pab 9 gud_ (iti)_apin ud 20_+[1-_kam_] _mu 7_-_kam_ (disz)kam-bu-zi-ia2

    ina lib3-bi 1 _gud ab2 dumu_-szu2 a-na (disz)i-ba-a szu-uh-szi ina lib3-bi 2 _gud ab2_-_mesz dumu_-szu2-nu ku-mu 2 _gud_-_mesz_ u _dumu_-szu2-nu sza2 _mu 5_-_kam_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)i-ba-a

    1 _gud ab2 dumu_-szu2 a-na gan-gan-nu 1 _gud_ sa-hi-is-ti ((illegible traces)) (iti)_sig4 mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)bar-zi-ia2 1 _gud ab2 dumu_-szu2 a-na 1 gan-gan-nu (iti)_sig4 mu 1_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-mu-szu2 1 _gud ab2 dumu_-szu2 a-na 1 gan-gan-nu (iti)_bara2 mu 2_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-mu-szu2 _pab 3 gud ab2_ u _dumu_-szu2-nu a-na gan-gan-nu

    AI Translation

    The ox of Murashû has received from Nabû-ushabshi: 3 cows and their sons, 1 bull, a shudu7-offering, 2 cows: in all 9 oxen.

    There are 1 cow, his son, given to Ibâ. There are 2 cows, their sons, in lieu of 2 cows and their sons of the 5th year of Murashû, which is at the disposal of Ibâ.

    1 cow, his son, for the gangannu-offering, 1 ox, sahishtu-offering, month III, year 1 of Barziya; 1 cow, his son, for the 1 gangannu-offering, month III, year 1 of Dari-musheshu; 1 cow, his son, for the 1 gangannu-offering, month I, year 2 of Dari-musheshu: in all 3 cows and their sons for the gangannu-offering.


    Cattle of Murashû at the disposal of Nabû-ushebshi: 3 cows with their calves, 1 ungelded bull, and 2 cows - in total: 9 head of cattle, delivered on Camb 21-VIII-07.

    Of these: 1 cow with its calf given to Iba, 2 cows with their calves entrusted to Iba, instead of 2 cattle with their calves of the fifth year of Murashû.

    1 cow with its calf for the gangannu and 1 heifer of month III of Bard 01; 1 cow with its calf for one gangannu of month III of Dar 01; 1 cow with its calf for 1 gangannu of month I of Dar 02 - in total: 3 cows with their calves for the gangannu.

    P521628: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _ud 27_-_kam ud 28_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_kin gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_me-me a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud-me_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ id-di-nu a-na u2-szu-uz-zu sza2 man-za-al-tum ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-[_szesz_] A-szu2 sza2 [(disz)(d)]_amar#-utu_-_pab a_ (lu2)_sipa_-[_gud-me_] pu-ut qu-ru-bu sza2 nap-ta-nu

    pu-ut qu-ru-bu sza2 nap-ta-nu u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tu2 sza2 _ud 27_-_kam ud 28_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_

    ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ na-szi a-hi pap-pa-su sza2 _kisal_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ ku-u2 u2-szu-uz-zu sza2 man-za-al-tum

    i-na-asz2-szi (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_en_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_en a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re(?)-[...]

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_me-me a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ na-di-na-an _gisz-szub-ba_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 24_-_kam mu 2_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-i3-szu _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur_-_mesz_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ((erased?))

    (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ((erased?))

    AI Translation

    The 27th and 28th of Ululu, the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Nidinti-Nabû/Remut-Gula/Re'i-alpi sealed and gave forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi for the securing of the oxherd prebend, before Nabû-nadin-ahi/Marduk-nashir/Re'i-alpi, in perpetuity.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi bears responsibility for the provisioning of meals and for the guarding of the 27th and 28th days.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi has received the remainder of the pappasu of the courtyard from Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Bel-iddin/Mushezib-Bel/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Re'i-x/FN.

    Scribe: Nidinti-Nabû/Remut-Gula/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 24-III-02.



    Days 27 and 28/VI of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Nidinti-Nabû/Remut-Gula/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: this prebend is at the disposal of Nabû-nadin-ahi/Marduk-nashir/Re'i-alpi for performing the service.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi takes over the responsibility for bringing the meal and for the watch on days 27 and 28/VI from Remut-Nabû.

    Nabû-nadin-ahi shall carry off half of the pappasu of the courtyard as payment for doing service.

    Witnesses: Bel-iddin/Mushezib-Bel/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Remut?....

    Scribe: Nidinti-Nabû/Remut-Gula/Re'i-alpi, seller of the prebend.

    Borsippa, Dar 24-III-02.

    The oxherds.

    P521629: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _ud 1_-_kam_ u3 _ud 2_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_apin gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-_ud-da a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-la-t,u A (lu2)_sipa-gud_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 pa-ni (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud-me_ u2-szad-gil-lu 1/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar nig2-ba_ (disz)re-mut-[(d)_ag_] [a-na] (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-_ud-da_ iq-ti-[isz] _ku3-babbar_ a' 1/3 _ma-na_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-[_ud-da_]

    _ku3-babbar_ a' 1/3 _ma-na_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_dib_-[_ud-da_] ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ ma-hi-ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-[szeb-szi] A (lu2)_sipa-gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-mu-sze-ti-iq-_ud-da_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-u2-[szeb-szi] A (lu2)_sipa-gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-mu-sze-ti-iq-_ud-da a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un)

    A (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap-sukkal_ (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_tin_-su-iq-bi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (disz)(d)30-tab-ni

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ne ud 8_-_kam mu 2_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-ia-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    The 1st and 2nd days of Arahsamnu, the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, which Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Balatu/Re'i-alpi sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: Remut-Nabû gave 1/3 mina of silver as a gift to Nabû-mushetiq-uddi.

    Nabû-mushetiq-udde has received the 1/3 mina of silver from Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ibni/Nabû-ushezi/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-udde/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-aplu-ishkun/Nabû-aplu-ishkun/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-ushur/

    Scribe: Marduk-balassu-iqbi/Apla/Sîn-tabni.

    Borsippa, Dar 08-V-02.


    Days 01 and 02/VIII of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, that Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Balatu/Re'i-alpi sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: Remut-Nabû has given 20 sh silver as a gift to Nabû-mushetiq-uddi.

    Nabû-mushetiq-uddi has received the 20 sh silver from Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-ibni/Nabû-ushebshi/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Marduk-balassu-iqbi/Apla/Sîn-tabni.

    Borsippa, Dar 08-V-02.

    P521630: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    5 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ nu-uh-hu-tu2 sza2 _ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ab gisz-szub-ba sipa-gud_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun dumu_ [(lu2)]_sipa#-gud_ ina _ugu_ [(disz)re-mut(?)]-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)[(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_] _dumu_ ((lu2))_sipa-gud_

    ina (iti)x i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-ia A (disz)(lu2)_usz-bar_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk A (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2

    (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dub-sar dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 14_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    5 sh silver, non-removal, of the 4th and 5th days of Tebetu X, the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, belonging to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, is due from Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/Ilshu-abushu/Kidin-Sîn.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/Zeria/Nappahu, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Mardu/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû//Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 14-XI-02. 1


    5 sh scrap silver of days 04 and 05/X of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, due from Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    He will give the silver in month x.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/Zeria/Ishparu, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Marduk/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 14-XI-02. 1

    P521631: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u2-il3-ti3 sza2 _uzu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a) A (lu2)_sipa-gud_ sza2 ina muh-hi (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_ (disz)ib-na-a-a _iti 10 ma-na uzu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 a-di (iti)_bara2_ a-na muh-hi (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag_

    a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ i-nam-din e-lat 40 _ma-na uzu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ u (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_ a-na muh-hi (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ isz-szu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un)

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un) A (disz)ba-si-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_a a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_

    A (disz)(lu2)_sanga_-(d)_im_ (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_ (disz)pu-rat

    bar-sip(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 21_-_kam mu 3_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    The uiltu of meat of Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi, which is due from Iddin-Nabû/Iddin-Nabû.

    Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu will provide 10 minas of meat per month to Iddin-Nabû/Ibnaya.

    Except for 40 minas of meat of Nabû-mukin-zeri, that Nabû-mukin-zeri has received from Ahhe-iddin and Bel-iddin on behalf of Iddin-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Basia, Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Puratu.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-VII-03. 1


    Concerning the debt note of meat that is due to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi from Iddin-Nabû/Mushezib-Nabû/Ibnaya:

    Until month I, Nabû-ittannu/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu will deliver 10 m of meat per month to Nabû-mukin-zeri on behalf of Iddin-Nabû.

    This does not include the 40 m of meat that Nabû-mukin-zeri has carried off from the hands of Ahhe-iddin and Bel-iddin on behalf of Iddin-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ishkun/Basia, Nabû-mukin-apli/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Shangû-Adad.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin//Purattu.

    Borsippa, Dar 21-VII-03.

    P521632: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 _gu2-un uzu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a) A (lu2)_sipa-gud-me_ ina muh-hi (disz)la-ba-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-x

    [(lu2)]_rig7#_ (d)_ag_ ina lib3-bi [1/2 _gu2_]-_un uzu_ ina (iti)_gu4_ i-nam-din [1/2 _gu2_]-_un_ ina (iti)_sig4_ [a]-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ i-nam-din [(lu2)]mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2 a_-szu2 sza2

    [(lu2)]mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_kad2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_tug2-babbar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na_

    A (disz)ku-na-a (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_/_en_(?) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_asz_-_sur_

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 22_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-szu2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    1 talent of meat of Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi, due from Labashi/Nabû-x.

    Nabû-kashir will give 1/2 talent of meat in month II, and 1/2 talent in month III to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Witnesses: Nabû-kashir/Nabû-bel-shumati/Nappahu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Iddin-Nabû/Shumu-iddin/Ea-etir.

    Borsippa, Dar 22-I-05.


    1 talent of meat 30 kg, due to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi from Lâbâshi/Nabû-x, oblate of Nabû.

    Of this, he will pay to Nabû-mukin-zeri 1/2 talent of meat in month II and 1/2 talent in month III.

    Witnesses: Nabû-kashir/Nabû-bel-shumati/Ashlaku, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Kuna.

    Scribe: Iddin-Nabû or Iddin-Bel/Shumu-iddin/Edu-eter.

    Borsippa, Dar 22-I-05.

    P521633: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 10 u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_bara2 ta ud 13_-_kam en ud 22_-_kam 10_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_gu4 ta ud 15_(!)-_kam en ud 25_(!)-_kam 10_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_szu ta ud 11_-_kam en ud 20_-_kam 10_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_ne ta ud 9_-_kam en ud 18_-_kam 10_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_du6 ta ud 13_-_kam en ud 22_-_kam 5_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_ab ta ud 21_-_kam en ud 27_(!)-_kam 5_ u4-mu-_mesz_ ina (iti)_ziz2 ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_

    u2-szad-gil 4 _iti_-_mesz_ (gu4)bu-ra-tum a-di 4 _gud_-_mesz_ gi-nu-u2 u3 pap-pa-su u4-mu 3 _sila3 ninda-hi-a 3 sila3 kasz-sag_ u3 ma-la-tum sza2 qe2-me pa-ni (d)_en_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a) A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 u2-szad-gil pu-ut u2-szu-zu sza2 man-za-la-tum szu-ku-lu sza2 (gu4)_ab2_-_mesz_ ba-at,-lu u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ na-szi u4-mu ma-la

    a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 u2-szad-gil pu-ut u2-szu-zu sza2 man-za-la-tum szu-ku-lu sza2 (gu4)_ab2_-_mesz_

    ba-at,-lu u3 ma-as,-s,ar-tum (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ na-szi u4-mu ma-la (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ bal-t,u pap-pa-su sza2 u4-mu-_mesz_ u (gu4)_ab2_-_mesz_ sza2 _iti_-_mesz_

    _ninda-hi-a kasz-sag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ ik-kal mesz-li _udu-nita2_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2 ud 28_-_kam_ pa-ni (d)na-na-a _e2-hur-sza3-ba_ ina _tin-tir_(ki) sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ sza2 it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_

    it-ta-din ul-tu u4-mu an-na-a _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ szu-a-ti3 a-na ah-ra-ta u4-mu

    pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ id-dag-gal 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-te-qu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-ia2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum_(na) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A (lu2)_simug_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut A (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap-sukkal_ (disz)_szu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_

    (disz)(d)_en_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_ (disz)mi-s,ir-a-a (disz)(d)_utu_-_sum_(na) (lu2)_dub-sar dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-(mu)_dib_-_ud-da dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 2_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 2_-_kam mu 5_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-a-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    AI Translation

    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and gave to Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi 10 days in month I from 13 to 22; 10 days in month II from 15 to 25; 10 days in month IV from 11 to 20; 10 days in month V from 09 to 18; 10 days in month VII from 13 to 22; 5 days in month XI from 21 to 27; 5 days in month XII: 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 17

    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and gave forever to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi 4 months of bull colossi, 4 ginû and pappasu, daily 3 qû of bread, 3 qû of beer and emmer in the presence of Bel-eter.

    He bears responsibility for the clearing of the stallions and the oxen.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin bears responsibility for the clearing of claims and for the guarding of the property.

    Nabû-mukin-zeri has voluntarily sealed and given forever to Nabû-shumu-ukin a loaf of bread and first-class beer on 28/XI before Nanaya of Ehurshaba in Babylon, which Nabû-mukin-zeri has taken with Nabû-shumu-ukin.

    From this day on, those prebends shall be returned to their owners.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilia, Nabû-mukin-zeri/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Remut/Nur-Papsukkal, Gimil-Nabû/Shula/Ilutu-bani.

    Bel-eter/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Mishiraya; Shamash-iddin, scribe, son of Nabû-mushetiq-udde/Re'i-alpi. Borsippa, Dar 02-XI-05.

    Borsippa, Dar 02-XI-05.


    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and given to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi forever:

    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and given to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi forever: 4 months of the cows i.e. cowherd prebend, including 4 sacrificial oxen alpu ginû and pappasu, and daily 3 qû bread, 3 qû good quality beer and malitu bowls of flour-offerings before the Lords.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin assumes responsibility for performing the service, feeding the cows, not-interrupting the service and for guarding.

    Nabû-mukin-zeri shall enjoy the pappasu of the days of the oxherd prebend and of the cows' prebend of the months as said, the bread, and the beer for as long as he lives.

    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and given to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi forever: half a sheep on 28/XI before Nanaya of Ehurshaba in Babylon, common property of Nabû-mukin-zeri and Nabû-shumu-ukin.

    From now until the end of days these prebends will belong to Nabû-shumu-ukin.

    Each party has taken one copy of this tablet.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilia, Nabû-mukin-zeri/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Remut/Nur-Papsukkal, Gimil-Nabû/Shula/Ilutu-bani, Bel-eter/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Mishiraya.

    Scribe: Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 02-XI-05.1

    P521634: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u2-il3-[ti3 sza2 3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ (_babbar_(u2))] nu-uh-tu2 _szam2 2_ u4-[mu-_mesz ud_ n-_kam ud_ n]+6-_kam_ (iti)_szu_/_du6 gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa_-u2-[tu _e2-zi-da_] _e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_si-sa2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ [sza2] ina muh-hi (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_

    [_ku3-babbar_] a-ki-i u2-il3-ti3-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_si_-[_sa2_] ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    [ma-hi]-ir e-t,ir a-di _ud 27_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gu4_ [_mu 6_-_kam_ (disz)da]-ri-i-szu2 u2-il3-ti3 sza2 3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ [nu-uh]-hu-tu (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_si-sa2_ i-na-asz2-sza2-am-ma [a-na (disz)re-mut]-(d)_ag_ i-nam-din [(lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)za-ba4-ba4-_mu_-_mu_ [A x-x (disz)re(?)]-mut(?) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)za-ba4-ba4-_mu_-_mu_ [A x-x (disz)re(?)]-mut(?) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ [A x-x (disz)x] x x x x x

    [A x-x] (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_en_-_zi_-ti3-_tin a_ (disz)[x]

    [_bara2-sipa_](ki) (iti)_gu4 ud 26_-_kam mu 6_(?)-_kam_ (disz)da-ra-a-a-szu2

    AI Translation

    The uiltu of 3 sh white scrap silver, the price of 2 days ... and ... 6/VI of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, belonging to Nabû-zeru-lishir/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi, which is due from Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi:

    Nabû-zeru-lishir has received the silver as his u-ilti from Remut-Nabû.

    Nabû-zeru-lishir will pay the three sh silver restitution and will give it to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: PN/Zababa-shumu-iddin/FN, Remut/Remut-Nabû/FN, PN/FN.

    Scribe: Bel-le'i-balatu/PN.

    Borsippa, Dar 26-II-06.


    Concerning the debt note of 3 sh white scrap silver, the purchase price of 2 days, day x and day y of month IV or VII, of Nabû-zeru-lishir/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi, which is due from Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi:

    Nabû-zeru-lishir has received the silver in full, according to his debt note, from Remut-Nabû.

    Until 27/II Nabû-zeru-lishir will bring the debt note of 3 sh scrap silver and give it to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: PN/Zababa-shumu-iddin/FN, Remut/Remut-Nabû/FN, PN/PN/FN.

    Scribe: Bel-napshati-bullit//FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 26-II-06.

    P521635: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x x x x x x (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_] [A (lu2)]_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ik-[nu-uk-ma] a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 pa-ni (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-[_numun_]

    A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ u2-sza2-ad-gi-il-lu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 5/6 _ma-na 7 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _nig2-ba_ ku-um 6 u4-mu-_mesz_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ iq-ti-isz _ku3-babbar_ a' 5/6 _ma-na 7 gin2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ e-t,i-ir [ma-hi-ir]

    e-lat 2(ta) u4-mu-_mesz igi_-tum sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba a-na (disz)[re-mut-(d)]_ag#_ id-din-nu (lu2)mu-kin-nu

    a-na (disz)[re-mut-(d)]_ag#_ id-din-nu (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_ibila_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_zalag2_-e-a A (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tab-ni-e-a A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu_-_gar_(un) A (disz)_dingir_-sza2-bu-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-tel-lu A (lu2)_tug2-babbar_

    (disz)(d)_utu_-_sum_(na) _dub-sar dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-mu-sze-ti-iq-_ud-da_

    [_dumu_] (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan-gan-na_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Remut-Nabû voluntarily sold 5/6 mina 7 sh white silver, as a gift, to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ilshu-abushu.

    Nabû-eriba has received the 7 shekels of silver from Remut-Nabû.

    Except for two days of the first appearance which Nabû-eriba gave to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nuruea/Ilia, Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Tabnea/Re'i-alpi, Adad-ibni/Bel-shumu-ishkun/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-shumu-ushur/Etellu/Kudurranu.

    Shamash-iddin, scribe, son of Nabû-mushetiq-udde.

    Borsippa, Cyr XII-02.1


    6 days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, that Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi:

    Remut-Nabû voluntarily gave 57 sh white silver as a gift to Nabû-eriba for those 6 days.

    Nabû-eriba has received the 57 sh of silver in full from Remut-Nabû.

    Except of the previous 2 days of the oxherd prebend that Nabû-eriba gave to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Nurea/Ilia, Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Tabnea/Re'i-alpi, Adad-ibni/Bel-shumu-ishkun/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-shumu-ushur/Etellu/Ashlaku.

    Scribe: Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar x-IX-06?.1

    P521636: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (im)_dub_ sza2 _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun#_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a)] _dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na [(disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_] _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ [id-di-nu] u3 i-na sza2-at,-t,a-ri sza2-at,-ri um-ma 6 _ma-na_ [_ku3-babbar_] _nig2-ba_ ku-u2 _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ szu-a-ti3 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_

    a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ it-ta-din _ku3-babbar_ a' 6 _ma-na_ u3 mim-ma ma-la i-na sza2-at,-t,a-ri sza2-at,-ri (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi-na_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ ul i-di-in

    (im)_dub_ u3 sza2-at,-ri (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ ki-i u2-tir-ri

    a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ it-ta-din gaba-ri (im)_dub_ u3 sza2-at,-ri sza2 ina _e2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ lu-u2 i-na a-szar2 sza2-nam-ma in-na-ma-ri ((erasure)) sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    szu-nu i-na (im)_dub_ sza2 _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ szu-a-ti3 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A(a) _dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 id-di-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_kar_-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ a-na (lu2)mu-kin-u2-tu i-na lib3-bi a-szib (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_

    i-na lib3-bi a-szib (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A (lu2)_simug_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_sipa_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-_zalag2_-_dingir a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gin a_ (disz)sik-ku-u2-a (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu

    (disz)(d)_utu_-_sum_(na) _dub-sar dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-mu-_dib_-_ud-da_

    A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 16_-_kam mu 7_-_kam_ (disz)da-a-ri-[ia]-usz-szu2 _lugal_ [_tin-tir_(ki)]

    _lugal kur-kur_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ i-na [7 u4-mu-_mesz ha-la_-szu2] sza2 it-ti (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 [sza2 (disz)A(a) A (lu2)_sipa-gud_] u2-szu-uz-[zu]

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning the prebends that Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi sealed and gave to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi and in another document, written as follows: "Nabû-shumu-ukin has received 6 m of silver, the price of those prebends."

    Nabû-shumu-ukin has not given the 6 minas of silver and everything that is written in this document to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin has returned the tablet and the sealed tablet.

    The tablet and the sealed tablet which are in the house of Nabû-shumu-ukin, or in another place, are the responsibility of Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi has sealed and given to Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi for the oxherd prebend in the tablet of those prebends.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilia, Nabû-mukin-zeri/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nabû-re'ushunu/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilia, Nabû-nuri-ili/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Sikkua, Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu.

    Shamash-iddin, scribe, son of Nabû-mushetiq-udde.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-IX-07.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin will serve as king of the lands for 7 days, his share that he has divided with Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.


    Concerning the tablet about the prebends that Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi sealed and gave to Nabû-shumu-ukin/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi, and in a separate document is written the following: "Nabû-shumu-ukin made a gift of 6 m of silver to Nabû-mukin-zeri for these prebends."

    Nabû-shumu-ukin did not give these 6 m of silver to Nabû-mukin-zeri, nor anything else that is written in the document.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin has given back the tablet and the document to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    If a copy of the tablet or of the document shows up in the house of Nabû-shumu-ukin or anywhere else: they belong to Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin was present as a witness to the drafting of the tablet about these prebends that Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi sealed and gave to Remut-Nabû, his son.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilia, Nabû-mukin-zeri/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Nabû-re'ishunu/Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Ilia, Nabû-nur-ili/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Shikkûa, Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Kudurranu.

    Scribe: Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-IX-07.

    Nabû-shumu-ukin will have the temple service performed during the 7 days that he shares with Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi.

    P521637: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1/2 _ma-na 4_(tu2) _gin2_ sza2 _mu 6_ a-di 5 sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag_ u3 3 1/2 sza2 (disz)tar-te-bi 1/3 6 _gin2_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 4 _gin2 4_(tu2) _la2_ sza2 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu 3 1/2 _gin2_ sza2 (disz)tar-te-bi _pab 1_/2 _ma-na 3 gin2 4_(tu2) sza2 _mu 7_-_kam 1_/3 6 _gin2_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 4 _gin2 4_(tu2) _la2_ sza2 _dumu_ sza2 (disz)szad-din-nu _pab 1_/2 _ma-na 4_(tu2) _la2_ sza2 _mu 8_-_kam pab 1 1_/2 _ma-na 7 gin2 4_(tu2) pap-pa-su sza2 it-ti tar-di-ni-e 6 _gud_ [x x x x] _ta_ sza2 _mu 6_-_kam_ u _mu 8_-_kam_

    _pab 1 1_/2 _ma-na 7 gin2 4_(tu2) pap-pa-su sza2 it-ti tar-di-ni-e

    6 _gud_ [x x x x] _ta_

    AI Translation

    1/2 m 4 shekels of the 6th year, including the 5th year of Iddin-Nabû and 3 1/2 of Tartê: 1/3 m 6 shekels of Murashû, 4 1/4 shekels of the son of Shaddinnu, 3 1/2 shekels of Tartê: in all 1/2 m 3 4 shekels of the 7th year, 1/3 m 6 shekels of Murashû, 4 1/4 shekels of the son of Shaddinnu: in all 1/2 m 4 4 shekels of the 8th year: in all 1 1/2 m 7 4 shekels of pappasu that is with Tardinnu: 6 oxen ... from the 6th and 8th year.

    Total: 1 1/2 minas 7 4ths shekels of pappasu that were with the tardinnû-offering.

    6 oxen ... from


    301/4 sh silver of year 6, including 5 sh of Iddin-Nabû, and 31/2 sh of Tartebi.

    In total: 1 m 371/4 sh silver pappasu which is with "the second ones".

    6 oxen ... of year 6 and 8; except of the cows of the gangannu stand; except of the pappasu of the fifth year.1

    P521638: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    t,up-pi szu-pil-tum sza2 _gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ it-ti (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    usz-pil-lu (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 (iti)_gan ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam ud 30_-_kam pab 3_ u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ a-(na) _ud_-_mesz_ s,a-a-tum

    u2-szad-gil u (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ina (iti)_bara2 ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam pab 3_ u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz e2-zi_-[_da e2_ (d)_ag_] ik-nu-uk-ma pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-[_zi_-_mesz_] a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum u2-szad-gil szu-pil-tum-szu2-nu a-na u4-mu s,a-a-[tum usz-pil-lu] man-nu pu-ut t,up-pi szu-pil-tum [na-szi pa-qi2-ra-nu sza2]

    szu-pil-tum-szu2-nu a-na u4-mu s,a-a-[tum usz-pil-lu]

    man-nu pu-ut t,up-pi szu-pil-tum [na-szi pa-qi2-ra-nu sza2] t,up-pi szu-pil-tum u3 sza2 6 u4-mu-[_mesz_ x _gin2 ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lam]

    _ud 26_-_kam ud 27_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gan_ pu-ut _ha-la_ sza2 (disz)[(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_]

    pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi_ e-lat id-dag-gal 1(en)-_ta-am3_ il-qu-u2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-bul-lit, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-A-_mu a_ (disz)_tin a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-_e a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)_tin_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_ (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_da a_ (lu2)_sanga_-(d)_iszkur_

    _dub-sar_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_si-sa2_

    A (disz)_sag_-_erin2_(ni) _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 30_-_kam mu 9_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-szu2-u'-musz _lugal tin-tir_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_

    AI Translation

    Tablet of exchange of the prebends of Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Re'i-alpi with Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Nabû-eter-napshati voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû the 28th, 29th, and 30th days of Kislimu, in total 3 days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû.

    In Nisannu I, the 18th, 20th, and 20th days, in total 3 days, the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, he sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-eter-napshati. They bear shared responsibility for the clearing of claims in perpetuity. Whoever breaks the contract shall pay the 12-fold penalty to Nabû-eter-napshati in perpetuity.

    They have sworn by the name of the king that in perpetuity they will not raise a claim concerning the house, property, or property of the king, their sons, or any relative of theirs.

    Whoever takes away the tablet of exchange, shall pay x sh silver for the securing of the tablet of exchange and for 6 days.

    The 26th and 27th of Kislimu are the shares of Nabû-eter-napshati.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilia, Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Bel-aplu-iddin/Balatu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Shamash-eresh/Balatu, Nabû-iddin/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ilutu-bani, Shamash-eter/Bel-le'i/Shangû-Adad.

    Scribe: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-lishir/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 30-VI-09.


    Tablet of exchange of the prebends that Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Re'i-alpi exchanged with Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi:

    Nabû-eter-napshati voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Remut-Nabû days 28, 29, 30 of month IX, in total 3 days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû.

    And Remut-Nabû voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Nabû-eter-napshati days 18, 19, 20 of month I, in total 3 days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû.

    They exchanged their items of exchange forever.

    Each of them assumes warranty for the exchange. He who disputes the tablet of exchange or the 6 prebend days will pay x silver.

    Days 26 and 27 of month IX, the share of inheritance of Nabû-eter-napshati, belong to Nabû-ushallim additionally.

    Each has taken one copy.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Ilia, Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Bel-aplu-iddin/Balatu, Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Shamash-eresh/Balatu, Nabû-iddin/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ilutu-bani, Shamash-eter/Bel-le'i/Shangû-Adad.

    Scribe: Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-lishir/Resh-ummani.

    Borsippa, Dar 30-VI-09.

    P521639: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)mu-ra-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ta-qisz-(d)gu-la A (disz)sa-a-mu sza2 a-na ((disz))re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ iq-bu-u2 um-ma _ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam_ at-tu-u2-a

    ar2-ku (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ (im)_dub_ u2-ka-(al)-im-u2-szi-i um-ma u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 pa-qa-ru a-na ((ina)) muh-hi tal-li-ku

    ul at-tu-ka (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ sza2 (im)_dub_ ina _ukkin_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) sza3-tam _e2-zi_-(_da_) u2-ka-al-im-u2-szi-i u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ sza2 pa-qa-ru a-na muh-hi il-li-ku um-ma _ud 17_-(_kam_) _ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam_ at-tu-u2-a u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) sza3-tam _e2-zi-da_ i-di-in-u2-szi-i ina muh-hi u4-mu-_mesz_ ul ra-sza2-ta

    i-di-in-u2-szi-i ina muh-hi u4-mu-_mesz_ ul ra-sza2-ta

    lu-u2 (im)_dub_ lu-u2 sza2-t,a-ri sza2 ul-tu _e2_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ta-qisz-(d)gu-la sza2 a-na muh-hi (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ in-na-sza2-a

    he-pu-u2 szu-u2 (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (((disz)_nam_-_hi_-(d)_ag_)) (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_gal_-_du3_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (disz)ib-na-a-a (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)sze-el-(li)-bi A (disz)(d)30-_dingir_

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_

    A (disz)szar-ra-hi _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 16_-_kam mu 10_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Muranu/Taqish-Gula/Samu, who said to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: "You are on the 17th, 18th, 20th, and 20th days of the month of Nisannu."

    After Remut-Nabû has sworn by the tablet: "The days that are inspected, you will go on."

    Remut-Nabû, who the tablet in the assembly of Nabû-uballit, the prelate of Ezida, presented to her, the days of Tashritu VII which he had inspected, saying: "The 17th, 18th, 20th, and 20th, you and Nabû-uballit, the prelate of Ezida, have no claim; they are not void."

    They have given her. On those days she is not a slave.

    or a tablet or a document which is from the house of Muranu/Taqish-Gula that pertains to Remut-Nabû,

    Witnesses: Marduk-eter/Nabû-ushallim, Mushezib-Nabû/Kidin-apli, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Remut-Nabû/Ibnaya, Balatu/Shellibi/Sîn-ili.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-X-10. 1


    Muranu/Taqish-Gula/Samu, who said the following to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: "Days 17, 18, 19, 20 are mine!"

    Later, Remut-Nabû showed a tablet to him, saying: "The days that you come to contest are not yours!"

    And Nabû-uballit, the shatammu of Ezida, assigned to Remut-Nabû, who showed the tablet in the council of Nabû-uballit, the shatammu of Ezida, the days of month VII that he Muranu had come to contest, saying "Days 17, 18, 19, 20 are mine!"

    There is no claim on the days anymore.

    If a tablet or a document is found in the house of Muranu/Taqish-Gula attesting to a claim against Remut-Nabû, it will be destroyed.

    Witnesses: Marduk-eter/Mushezib-Nabû/Rab-banê, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Remut-Nabû/Ibnaya, Balatu/Shellibi/Sîn-ili.

    Scribe: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Sharrahu.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-X-10. 1

    P521640: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _gud_(?)# (lu2)_erin2_-_mesz_ sza2 i-[na x x] _e ra a bu_ i-szem-mi-tu-ma _nig2-ba_-_mesz_ la id-di-nu-u' u3 ina _e2_ szu-tu-mu _lugal ka2_ il-lu-u2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ap-la-a A (lu2)_sipa_-[_gud_]-_mesz_ ina na-asz2-par-tum sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) (lu2)sza3-tam _e2-zi-da_ ul-te(?)-zu(?)-szu2-nu-tu2 _ku3-babbar nig2-ba_-_mesz_ sza2 _sipa_-_mesz_ a4 sza2 (lu2)sza3-tam (lu2)mu-ban-nu-u2 u3 (lu2)[_e2_] szu-tum3 ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) (lu2)sza3-tam _e2-zi-da_ u2-sza2-az-za-ma a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_

    (disz)_ki_-(d)_utu_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-E(ki) A (lu2)_simug_ (disz)_szu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szu-la-a A (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_ [(disz)](d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)had-da-a A (disz)_du3_-a-a [(disz)...] (lu2)_dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-E(ki)

    [(disz)...] (lu2)_dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-E(ki)

    [A ((lu2)_simug_(?)) _bara2_]-_sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4_

    AI Translation

    Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi has received the oxen and the troops who in ... heard and did not give the property, and in that house the king went to the gate. Nabû-uballit/Nabû-uballit, the shatammu of Ezida, gave them the silver and property of the shepherds of the shatammu, the libation priest, and the temple-enterer. He gave them the property of Nabû-ahhe-iddin, the shatammu of Ezida, and gave it to Nabû-ahhe-iddin.

    Itti-Shamash-balatu/Zer-Babili/Nappahu; Gimil-Nabû/Shula/Ilutu-bani; Nabû-ittannu/Hadda/Ibnaya; ..., scribe/Zer-Babili/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: .../Zer-Babili/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar XII-03.1


    Concerning the cows that they have been branding in +GN? but for which they paid no gifts, and Nabû-mukin-zeri/Apla/Re'i-alpi made them stand in the storeroom of the king of Babylon on the orders of Nabû-uballit, shatammu of Ezida. Nabû-mukin-zeri must register the silver of these gifts of the oxherds for the shatammu, the mubannû and the "person of the bit-shutummi" with Nabû-uballit, shatammu of Ezida, and give proof of it to Nabû-ahhe-iddin of the Ilia family.

    Witnesses: Itti-Shamash-balatu/Zer-Babili/Nappahu, Gimil-Nabû/Shula/Ilutu-bani, Nabû-ittannu/Hadda/Ibnaya.

    Scribe: PN/Zer-Babili/FN.

    Borsippa, Dar x-III-12. 1

    P521641: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 gi-na _sag-du_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ ina muh-hi (disz)_sum_(na)-(a) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-da-a A (disz)_szesz_-ia-u2-tu

    ina (iti)_apin ku3-babbar_ a4 3 _gin2_ (disz)_sum_(na)-(a) a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    i-nam-din e-lat 3 _ma-na uzu_ (disz)_sum_(na)-(a) a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut (disz)lib-lut, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_di-kud_-_szesz_-_mu_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut (disz)lib-lut, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_di-kud_-_szesz_-_mu_ [A (disz)]rak-kas (disz)(d)_ag_-(ta)_la2_(is,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3 a_ (disz)ba-la-t,u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    A (disz)ar2-kat2-_dingir_-_mesz_ bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_ne ud 29_-_kam mu 16_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-mu-szu2 _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur-kur_-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    3 sh silver, regular offering, capital, belonging to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, due from Iddina/Hashdaya/Ahiya'utu.

    Iddinaya will pay 3 shekels of silver to Remut-Nabû in month VIII.

    Except for 3 minas of meat, Iddinaya will give it to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bullissu/Remut, Liblut/Mushezib-ahu-iddin/Raksu, Nabû-tarish/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Balatu.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-VIII-16.


    3 sh stamped silver, principal amount, of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, due from Iddina/Hashdaya/Ahiya'utu.

    Iddina will pay the 3 sh of silver to Remut-Nabû in month VIII.

    Iddina will pay Remut-Nabû in addition to 3 m of meat.

    Witnesses: Nabû-bullissu/Remut, Liblut/Madanu-ahu-iddin/Raksu, Nabû-tarish/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Balatu.

    Scribe: Nabû-aplu-iddin/Remut-Nabû/Arkat-ilani.

    Borsippa, Dar 29-V-16.

    P521642: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    2 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) (nu)-uh-hu-tu2 _sag_(?)-[_du_(?)] sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-[_numun_] A (lu2)_sipa-gud_ ina muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)(d)30-_siskur2_-[sze-me]

    _iti 9_ (uzu)ku-ur-si-in-nu sza2 _udu-nita2 igi_ (d)_ag_ gi-nu-u2 [_ur5-ra_] _ku3-babbar_ a4 2 _gin2_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 a-na (disz)re-mut-[(d)_ag_]

    i-nam-din e-lat u2-il3-ti3-_me_ sza2 ina muh-hi (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 _ta_ (iti)_ne mu 16_-_kam_

    _ta_ (iti)_ne mu 16_-_kam_ kur-si-in-ni-e _igi_ (d)_ag_ bab-ba-ni-e-tu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ i-nam-din (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_ (disz)kal-ba-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-[x]

    A (disz)_en_-ia2-a-tu2(!) (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-ib-ni _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 23_-_kam mu 16_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-a-mu-usz-szu2 _lugal e_(ki) _lugal kur_-[_kur_]

    AI Translation

    2 sh white scrap silver, capital?, belonging to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, due from Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Sîn-karabi-sheme.

    Nabû-ushurshu will pay the 2 shekels of silver to Remut-Nabû in the 9th month for the kushinnu-offering of the sheep before Nabû.

    Except for the extispicy which is due from Nabû-ushurshu from month V of the 16th year of Nabû-ushurshu.

    Nabû-ushurshu will give the ... from month V of the 16th year of Kursinni before Nabû in good condition to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Shamash-uballit/Ilutu-bani, Kalba/Nidintu, Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-x/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushallim//FN.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-VI-16.


    2 sh white scrap silver, principal amount ?, of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, due from Nabû-ushurshu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Sîn-karabi-shime.

    Nabû-ushurshu will give to Remut-Nabû every month 9 ankle cuts of sheep offered before Nabû, during the regular offerings, as interest of those 2 sh of silver.

    This does not include the debt notes that are still due from Nabû-ushurshu.

    From month V of the 16th year onwards, Nabû-ushurshu will give the good-quality ankle-cuts from the offerings before Nabû to Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ushurshu/Shamash-uballit/Ilutu-bani, Kalba/Nidintu, Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-x/Beliya'u.

    Scribe: Nabû-ushallim/Nabû-shumu-ibni.

    Borsippa, Dar 23-VI-16.

    P521643: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba sipa-gud_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 kal-la _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2]

    [sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun dumu_ (lu2)]_sipa#-gud_-_mesz_ (iti)_bara2 ud_ [n-_kam_ ...] [_ud 15_-_kam_] _ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 20_+[1-_kam_ ...] [_ud 25_-_kam_] _ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam ud 30_-_kam pab 16_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ [sza2 (iti)_bara2_] [(iti)]_gu4# ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-[_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_]

    [(iti)]_gu4# ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-[_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_] [_ud_] 18-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 23_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam pab 16_-[_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gu4_] [(iti)_szu ud 1_]-_kam ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam_

    [(iti)_szu ud 1_]-_kam ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam_ [_ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud_] 21-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam pab 19_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_szu_ [(iti)]_ne ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17#_-[_kam ud 18_-_kam_]

    [(iti)]_ne ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17#_-[_kam ud 18_-_kam_] [_ud_] 20-1-_la2_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 23_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam pab 16_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ne_ [(iti)]_kin ud 27_-_kam ud 28_-_kam pab 2_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_kin_

    [(iti)]_kin ud 27_-_kam ud 28_-_kam pab 2_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ [(iti)]_du6 ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam ud 10_-_kam_

    [(iti)]_du6 ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam ud 10_-_kam_ [_ud_ n]-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam_ [_ud_ n-_kam_] [_ud_ n-_kam ud_] 25-_kam ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam pab 23_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ [(iti)_apin ud 1_]-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_

    [(iti)_apin ud 1_]-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_ [_ud 14_-_kam ud_] 15-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam pab 15_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_apin_ [(iti)_gan ud 11_-_kam ud 12_]-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam pab 5_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gan_

    [(iti)_gan ud 11_-_kam ud 12_]-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam pab 5_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gan_ [(iti)_ab_] _ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam_

    [(iti)_ab_] _ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam_ [_ud 28_]-_kam ud 29_-_kam pab 11_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ab_ [(iti)_ziz2_] _ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_

    [(iti)_ziz2_] _ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_

    [_ud 18_-_kam pab 11_]-_kam_ u4-mu sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (iti)_sze ud 14_-_kam pab 1_(en) u4-mu sza2 (iti)_sze_ [_pab 1_] _me 34_ u4-mu-_mesz_ a-di 2 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    [_pab 1_] _me 34_ u4-mu-_mesz_ a-di 2 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ [a-na] muh-hi (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ iz-za-zi pu-ut qu-ru-bu sza2 nap-ta-nu [u3] ma-as,-s,ar-tum u3 la ba-at,-la (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba i-na _szu_-_min_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ na-szi

    [ina u4]-mu 3 _sila3_ ta-ka-su-u2 3 _sila3 kasz sze-bar_ u3 szi-zib pa-na-at u4-mu a4 1 _me_ [34]

    [ku]-u2 u2-szu-uz-zu sza2 man-za-al-la-a-tu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba ik-kal 10 _gin2_ [_ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) nu-uh-hu-tu2] [a-di 1]+1 _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ sza2 ul-tu (iti)_apin mu 18_-_kam_ ku-u2 u2-szu-uz-zu sza2 man-za-al-[la-a-tu2]

    [(disz)]re-mut-(d)_ag_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba it-ta-din e-lat 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) nu-uh-hu-tu2 sza2 (disz)[re-mut-(d)_ag_]

    [sza2 i]-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_su_ [(disz)(d)_ag_]-_su_ a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ i-nam-din s,i-in-da _dingir_[(mesz)]

    [sza2] (iti)_bara2_ (iti)_szu_ (iti)[_du6_] (iti)_apin_ u3 (iti)_ab_ esz-sze-e' na-bal-[kit-a-nu]

    [x _gin2_] _ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lam 1(en)-_ta-am3 ti_(u2) ul-tu (iti)_apin_ [_mu 18_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_]

    [(disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba] a-na _ugu_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ iz-za-zi (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-[...] [... (disz)(d)_ag_]-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_gal_-_du3_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 [...] [... (disz)_tin_] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)sze-el-li-bi A (disz)(d)30-_dingir_ (disz)gi-mil-[lu ...]

    [_bara2_]-_sipa_(ki) (iti)[...]

    AI Translation

    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of the entire year, as much there is,

    Month I: ..., 15th day, 16th day, 17th day, 18th day, 20-1-seah, 20+1-seah, ..., 25th day, 28th day, 29th day, 30th day, in total 16 days in Iyyar II: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 17th day, ..., 25th day, 28th day, 30th day, in total 16 days in Iyyar II: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 17th day, 20th day, 20th day, 30th day, ..., 25th day, 28th day, 29th day, 30th day, in total 16 days in Iyyar II: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14th day, 17th day, 17th day, 18th day, 19th day

    month II: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: in total 16 days of I

    month IV: 01, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 19 days in IV

    month V: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: in total 16 days of V

    Month VI: 27th and 28th day; in total 2 days in VI: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10th day;

    month VII: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, n, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, n, 25, 28, 29: in total 23 days in VI

    month VIII: 01, 02, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20: in total 15 days of VI

    month IX: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: in total 5 days of IX: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22, 24, 25.

    month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 11 days in X

    month XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17: month XI

    Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi has rented and bought them for a total of 134 days, including 2 years.

    Nabû-eriba, son of Nabû-mukin-zeri, descendant of Remut-Nabû, has voluntarily sworn by the name of Remut-Nabû, son of Nabû-mukin-zeri, descendant of Remut-Anu, to be responsible for the provisioning of meals and for the guarding of the oxen.

    On the 3rd day you libate 3 qû of takashû-beer, 3 qû of barley beer and libation beer. On that day 134 days

    Nabû-eriba will pay 10 sh white scrap silver, up to one year from month VIII of the 18th year.

    Remut-Nabû has given to Nabû-eriba, in lieu of 7 sh white scrap silver of Remut-Nabû.

    Nabû-eriba will give the shindû of the gods to Remut-Nabû.

    Those who violate the agreement in months I, IV, VII, VIII, and X

    Each party has taken one copy of this document. From month VIII of the 18th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands.

    Witnesses: Marduk-..., Nabû-ittannu/Mushezib-Nabû/Kidin-apli, Itti-Nabû-balatu/PN/Shellibi/Sîn-ili, Gimillu/FN.

    Borsippa, Cyr .


    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of the entire year, as much there are, of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi:

    month I: x, y, z, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, x, y, 25, 28, 29, 30: in total 16 days in I

    month II: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: in total 16 days in II

    month IV: 01, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 19 days in IV

    month V: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: in total 16 days in V

    month VI: 27, 28: in total 2 days in VI

    month VII: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, x, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, x, y, 25, 28, 29: in total 23 days in VII

    month VIII: 01, 02, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: in total 15 days in VIII

    month IX: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: in total 5 days in kislimu IX

    month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 11 days in X

    month XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: in total 10 days in XI

    month XII: 14: in total one day in XII

    In total 134 days. For a period of 2 years Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi will serve in place of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi. Nabû-eriba takes over the responsibility from Remut-Nabû to bring the meal, to do service and to not interrupt the cult.

    Nabû-eriba shall enjoy daily 3 litres of takkasû bread, 3 litres of barley beer and milk, the panat umi of those 134 days, for doing the service.

    In addition Remut-Nabû will pay 10 sh white silver of nuhhutu quality to Nabû-eriba for 2 years, starting from month VIII of the 18th year, for doing the service.

    This does not include 7 sh white scrap silver of Remut-Nabû which is due from Nabû-eriba: Nabû-eriba has to pay these 7 sh silver to Remut-Nabû.

    He will seize the shindû-container ? of the gods in months I, IV, VII, VIII and X.

    Whoever breaks this contract shall pay x sh silver.

    Each party has taken one copy of this contract. From month VIII of the 18th year of Darius, king of Babylon, king of the lands onwards Nabû-eriba will do service in place of Remut-Nabû.

    Witnesses: Marduk-..., Nabû-ittannu/Mushezib-Nabû/Rab-banê, Itti-Nabû-balatu/..., Balatu/Shellibi/Sîn-ili, Gimillu/....

    Borsippa, .... 1

    P521644: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    20 _gi_-_mesz e2_ a-na 26 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2)

    3 _pi sze-numun_ ina _ugu sur3_ sza2 _e2_ (lu2)_kur-gar-ra_-_mesz_ a-na 1 _ma-na 1_/3 _gin2 ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    2 (_pi_) 3 _ban2 sze-numun_ zaq-pi sza2 1 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-numun_ me-re-(szu2) ina _e2_-(a)-ra-ah-tum a-na 3 _ma-na ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    4 _ban2 sze-numun_ zaq-pi ina _bara2_-_masz-tab-ba_ a-na 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    8 (gisz)_giszimmar_-_mesz_ e-du-u2-tu a-na 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    3 _pi sze-numun_ zaq-pi ina pa-na-at _ka2-gal_ tam-ti3 a-na 6 _ma-na ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    1 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-numun_ sza2 20 (gisz)_giszimmar_-_mesz_ ina lib3-bi u2-sze-uz-zu ina muh-hi _sur3_ sza2 (lu2)qi2-me a-na 16 _gin2 ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    3 (_pi_) 2 _ban2 sze-numun_ zaq-pi ina _sum_(na)-(d)_kur-gal_ a-na 5 _ma-na 1_/3 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_(in) 1 (_pi_) 1 _ban2 sze-numun_ zaq-pi a-na 1/3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 nu(?)-[uh-hu-tu(?)]

    1 (_pi_) 1 _ban2 sze-numun_ zaq-pi a-na 1/3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 nu(?)-[uh-hu-tu(?)] _sum_(in) _sze-numun_ sza2 (disz)mu-ra-szu-u2 pi-iq(?)-qid(?) 4 _udu-nita2_ gu-qu-u2 pa-ni (d)su-ti-ti

    4 _udu-nita2_ gu-qu-u2 pa-ni (d)su-ti-ti a-na 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_(in)-(u')

    2 hul-mi-isz _udu-nita2_ sza2 (iti)_bara2_ pa-ni (d)na-na-a sza2 _hur-sza3-ba_ a-na 1/3 _ma-na 2 gin2 ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    2 hul-mi-isz sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ ina _tin-tir_(ki) u3 (uru)_kisz_(ki) 19 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_(in)

    masz-szak-tum sza2 _gud udu-nita2_ is,-s,ur pu-ha-[du] pa-ni (d)_u-gur_ a-na 1 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_[(in)]

    3(ta) _nagar_ ma-li-tum sza2 qe2-me pa-ni _en_-_mesz_ a-na 5 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_(in)

    (f)_im_-(d)_nin-lil_-_dug3-ga_ (lu2)qal-lat sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 a-na 3 _ma-na 13 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_(na)-(ta) (disz)s,i-ba-a a-na 3 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    (disz)s,i-ba-a a-na 3 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar sum_(in)

    2 u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_kin_ a-na 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) _sum_(in) _pab-pab 50 ma-na 8 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2)

    _pab-pab 50 ma-na 8 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2)

    (iti)_gan ud 15_-_kam mu 20_-_kam nig2-szid_ ep2-szu2

    AI Translation

    20 reeds of a house for 26 minas of white silver.

    3 panu of seed on the roof of the house of the kurgarrûs for 1 mina 1/3 shekel of silver.

    2 panu 3 sutu of zaqpu-seeds, of 1 panu 2 sutu of sown seed, in the Araptum-house, for 3 minas of silver.

    4 sutu of zaqpû-seeds in the mashtakal-vessel for 1/2 mina of silver.

    8 mature date palms for 10 shekels of silver.

    3 panu of sown land, at the disposal of the port of Tamti, for 6 minas of silver.

    1 panu 2 sutu of seed-measures of 20 date palms are placed therein. They are paid on the debit of the seller.

    3 panu 2 sutu of cultivated arable land for Iddin-Kurgal for 5 minas 1/3 shekel of white silver.

    1 panu 1 sutu of zaqpu-seed for 1/3 shekel of nuhhutu-seed, the seed of Murashû, the piqqid, 4 guqû-seeds before Sutitu,

    4 guqu-sheep, before Sutitu, for 2 minas of white silver he paid.

    2 evil sheep of month I in front of Nanaya of the mountains for 2 shekels of silver.

    2 evil months of Shabatu XI in Babylon and Kish: 19 sh white silver will be given.

    The ration of the ox and the ram is paid in full.

    3 plowmen, slaves, who are in the service of the owners, for 5 sh white silver he gave.

    Adad-Mullissu-tab, slave of Nabû-ushurshu, has contracted and bought it for 3 minas 13 sh white silver. Shibaya has bought it for 3 1/2 minas of silver.

    Shibaya has contracted and bought for 3 1/2 minas of silver.

    2 days of Ululu month VI: sold for 7 sh white silver.

    Total: 50 minas 8 shekels of white silver.

    15/IX, 20/XII: the account will be made.


    - a house of 20 reeds: for 26 m of white silver

    - a field of 0;3 on the canal of the kurgarrûs: sold for 1 m and 20 sh silver

    - a date garden of 0;2.3 kurru, of which 0;1.2 is arable land, in Bit-arahtu: sold for 3 m of silver

    - a date garden of 0;0.4 in Parak-tu'ami: sold for 1/2 m silver

    - 8 single date palm trees: sold for 10 sh silver

    - a date garden of 0;3 in front of the gate towards the swamps: sold for 6 m silver

    - a plot of 0;1.2 on which 20 date palm trees can be elevated, on the canal of the qipu: sold for 16 sh of silver

    - a date garden of 0;3.2 in Iddin-Amurru: sold for 5 m 20 sh white silver

    - a date garden of 0;1.1: sold for 20 sh scrap? silver; the field that Murashû entrusted

    - 4 sheep of the irregular offerings in front of Sutitu: sold for 2 m white silver

    - 2 hulameshu sheep of month I in front of Nanaya of Ehurshaba: sold for 22 sh silver

    - 2 hulameshu of month XI in Babylon and Kish: sold for 19 sh white silver

    - meat cuts mashaktu of beef, mutton, fowl and lamb in front of Nergal: sold for 1 m of white silver

    - 3 x bowls of malitu flour in front of the Lords: sold for 5 sh white silver

    - fShar-Ninlil-tab, slave woman of Nabû-ushurshu: sold for 3 m 13 sh silver

    - Shiba: sold for 31/2 m silver

    - 2 days of month VI: sold for 7 sh white silver

    In total: 50 m 8 sh white silver.

    15-IX-20; the account is made. 1

    P521645: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u2-il3-ti3 sza2 3 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) nu-uh-hu-tu ((sza2)) sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_ (lu2)_ku4_-_e2_ (d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_-_sig5_ ina _ugu_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ i'-i-lu u3 ina _mu-an-na 134_ u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu u3 4 _iti_-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_

    sza2 (gu4)bu-ra-a-tum masz-ka-nu s,ab-tu _ku3-babbar_ a4 3 _ma-na_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_uru3_ a-na (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ ul id-din a-na na-sze-e s,i-bu-ti sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    u2-il3-ti3 i'-li-it _gaba_-ri u2-il3-ti3 a-szar ta-nam-ma-ru he-pi-tum szi-i (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_ (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_mu_-_mesz a_ (disz)ba-si-ia (disz)_arad2_-ia A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu a_ (lu2)_szu-i_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-gu-zu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_eduru a_ (lu2)_simug_ (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-bul-lit,

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-_dumu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-bul-lit,

    A (disz)ib-na-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 16_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    The debt note of 3 m white scrap silver of Nabû-shumu-ushur, temple-enterer of Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Arkat-ilani-damqa is due from Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Nabû-shumu-ushur did not give that 3 minas of silver of the mashkanu-vessel to Remut-Nabû, as a gift.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Arkat-ilani, Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-bel-shumati/Basia, Ardia/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Ba'iru, Itti-Nabû-guzu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Nappahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-bel-mari/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-XII-02. 1


    Concerning the debt note of 3 m of white scrap silver, that Nabû-shumu-ushur/Nabû-eter-napshati/Arkat-ilani-damqa, temple enterer erib-biti of Nabû, drafted against Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, and for which 134 days per year of the oxherd prebend and 4 months of the cows' prebend are taken as pledge:

    Nabû-shumu-ushur did not give those 3 m of silver to Remut-Nabû, the debt note was drafted upon the wish of Remut-Nabû.

    A copy of the debt note, when it is found, shall be broken.

    Witnesses: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-shumu-iddin/Arkat-ilani, Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-bel-shumati/Basia, Ardia/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Gallabu, Itti-Nabû-guzu/Nabû-mukin-apli/Nappahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-bel-mari/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-XII-20. 1

    P521646: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _ku3-babbar_ pap-pa-su sza2 _dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud ta kisal_ isz-szu-u2 1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 14_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_

    1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 14_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz _lugal e_(ki) u _kur-kur_ (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_]-_gin_-_numun_ [x _ma-na_ (disz)x A (disz)x]-(d)_amar-utu mu 15_-_kam_

    [x _ma-na_ (disz)x A (disz)x]-(d)_amar-utu mu 15_-_kam 10_+[x _gin2_ (disz)x A (disz)x]-ia(?) 10+[x _gin2_ (disz)x A (disz)x] _pab 1 1_/2 [_ma-na_ sza2] _mu 15_-[_kam_ sza2 (lu2)_sipa_]-_gud_-_mesz 1 1_/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 16_-_kam_ (disz)re-mut A (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu

    1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 16_-_kam_ (disz)re-mut A (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu 1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 17_-_kam_ (disz)_min_((re-mut)) _igi_

    1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 17_-_kam_ (disz)_min_((re-mut)) _igi 1 1_/2 _ma-na_ sza _mu 18_-_kam_ (disz)[(d)_ag_]-_szesz_-it-tan-nu

    1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza _mu 18_-_kam_ (disz)[(d)_ag_]-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A (disz)id-di-ia ina qi2-bi sza2 (lu2)sza3-tam 1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 19_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) (lu2)sza3-tam 1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 20_-_kam_ (disz)_min_(((d)_ag_-_tin_(it,))) _igi 1 ma-na_ sza2 _mu 21_-_kam_ (disz)lib-lut, A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 19_-_kam_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) (lu2)sza3-tam 1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 20_-_kam_ (disz)_min_(((d)_ag_-_tin_(it,))) _igi_

    1 1/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 20_-_kam_ (disz)_min_(((d)_ag_-_tin_(it,))) _igi 1 ma-na_ sza2 _mu 21_-_kam_ (disz)lib-lut, A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    1 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 21_-_kam_ (disz)lib-lut, A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz 1_/2 _ma-na mu 21_-_kam_ (disz)la-ba-szi A (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin 1 ma-na_ sza2 _mu 22_-_kam_ (disz)lib-lut, A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz_

    1 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 22_-_kam_ (disz)lib-lut, A (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz 1_/2 _ma-na_ sza2 _mu 22_-_kam_ (disz)gu-za-nu A (disz)re-mut _pab 16 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar gaba-ri_ (gisz)_da_ sza2 _kisal_

    _pab 16 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar gaba-ri_ (gisz)_da_ sza2 _kisal_

    AI Translation

    The silver, pappasu, which the son of the oxherd took from the courtyard: 1 1/2 minas of 14th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands.

    1 1/2 minas of the 14th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands. Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri.

    x minas, x-Marduk, 15th year; 10+x shekels, x-Ya, 10+x shekels, x-Ya, descendant of ...; in all 1 1/2 minas of the 15th year of the oxherds; 1 1/2 minas of the 16th year of Remut, Nabû-ittannu.

    1 1/2 m of the 16th year: Remut/Nabû-ittannu; 1 1/2 m of the 17th year: Remut will pay.

    1 1/2 m of the 17th year: ditto Remut; 1 1/2 m of the 18th year: Nabû-ahu-ittannu;

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Iddiya has received 1 1/2 m of the 18th year from Nabû-uballit/Nabû-uballit/Ibnaya.

    Nabû-uballit will pay 1 1/2 m of the 19th year.

    Ditto Nabû-uballit will pay 1 mina of the 21st year.

    1 mina of the 21st year of Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati, 1/2 mina of the 21st year of Labashi/Nabû-shumu-ukin, 1 mina of the 22nd year of Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati.

    1 m of the 22nd year: Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati; 1/2 m of the 22nd year: Guzanu/Remut; in all 16 1/2 m of silver, the price of the ... of the courtyard.

    Total: 16 1/2 minas of silver, copy of the writing board of the courtyard.


    Silver, pappasu, that the "son of the oxherd" carried out of the courtyard:

    - 11/2 m silver of the 14th year of Darius, king of Babylon and the lands: Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri

    - x sh or m silver of the 15th year: PN/x-Marduk - 10+x sh silver: PN - 10+x sh silver: PN total: 11/2 m of the 15th year of the oxherds

    - 11/2 m of the 16th year: Remut/Nabû-ittannu

    - 11/2 m of the 17th year: received by the same person

    - 11/2 m of the 18th year: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Iddia on the orders of the shatammu

    - 11/2 m of the 19th year: Nabû-uballit, the shatammu

    - 11/2 m of the 20th year: received by the same person

    - 1 m of the 21st year: Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati - 1/2 m of the 21st year: Lâbâshi/Nabû-shumu-ukin

    - 1 m of the 22nd year: Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati - 1/2 m of the 22nd year: Guzanu/Remut

    In total: 161/2 m silver; duplicate of the ledger of the courtyard.

    P521647: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    5 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) nu-uh-hu-tu sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_ma2-lah4_ ina _ugu_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    A (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud ku3-babbar_ re-e-hi u2-il3-ti3 sza2 10 _ma-na ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_ sza2 ina _ugu_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ u3 _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu 10 _iti_-_mesz_ sza2 _e2-zi-da_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ masz-ka-nu s,a-ab-tu

    _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu u _iti_-_mesz 10_-_kam_-szu2 gab-bi a-di e-t,e3-ru sza2 _ku3-babbar_-a4 5 _ma-na_ masz-ka-nu sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_ (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A (lu2)_aszgab_(?) (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu_ (disz)(lu2)_sag_-_erin2_-ni

    (lu2)mu-kin-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A (lu2)_aszgab_(?) (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-A-_mu_ (disz)(lu2)_sag_-_erin2_-ni (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)30-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-E(ki)-_gin a_ (disz)(lu2)_ma2-lah4_ (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_dingir-dingir_(!)

    (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_dingir-dingir_(!)

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_szu ud 13_-_kam mu 24_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    5 minas of white scrap silver, one-eighth alloy, belonging to Itti-Nabû-balatu/Remut-Nabû/Mallahu, against Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Ilshu-abushu.

    The remainder of the silver is the debt note of 10 minas of white silver of Itti-Nabû-balatu that is due to Remut-Nabû and the oxherd prebend of the oxherd prebend for 10 months of Ezida of Remut-Nabû.

    The oxherd prebend and the 10 months of its entire term, including the interest on the silver, 5 minas is the price of it.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/Bel-uballit/Ashgabu, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-aplu-iddin, Re'i-alpi, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Sîn-shumu-ukin/Ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-zeru-ukin/Mallahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 13-IV-24. 1


    5 minas of white scrap silver with 1/8 alloy, of Itti-Nabû-balatu/Remut-Nabû/Mallahu, are due from Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    The silver is the remainder of the debt note of 10 minas of white silver of Itti-Nabû-balatu, due from Remut-Nabû, and for which Remut-Nabû's oxherd prebend in 10 months in Ezida are taken as pledge.

    His entire 10 months of the oxherd prebend will remain Itti-Nabû-balatu's pledge until the payment of those 5 minas of silver.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ittannu/Bel-uballit/Ashkapu?, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Resh-ummani, Itti-Nabû-balatu/Sîn-shumu-ukin/Ilia, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-zer-Babili-ukin/Mallahu.

    Scribe: Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Ilanu?.

    Borsippa, Dar 13-IV-24. 1

    P521648: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa _babbar_(u2) nu-uh-hu-tu2 sza2 (disz)ni-din-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_ ina muh-hi ((A-szu2 sza2)) (disz)(d)_ag_-_da a_-szu2 sza2

    (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ ina _iti 4_ (uzu)_ur2_-_mesz_ u3 2 (uzu)rik-su-[_mesz_] sza2 (d)na-na-a _a-hur-sza3-ba_ sza2 _ud 8_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_ sza2 kal-la _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 masz-ka-nu ku-u2 50 _gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) (disz)ni-din-tum ik-ka-al u3 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar ur5-ra_ ina muh-hi-szu2 i-rab-bi (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz a_ (disz)_sag_-_erin2_-man-ni (disz)re-mut A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-na-s,ir _dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_dumu-e2_-_kar_(ir)

    A (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_sig4 ud 16_-_kam mu 29_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia-musz

    AI Translation

    1 m of white scrap silver, of 1/8 alloy, belonging to Nidintu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Iddin-Papsukkal, is the debt of Nabû-le'i/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Mushezib-Marduk, descendant of Re'i-alpi, will pay 50 sh white silver to Nidintu for 4 thighs and 2 riksu-cuts of Nanaya of the Ahurshaba on the 8th and 17th days of the entire year, as much as there is of it, and will pay 10 sh white silver as its interest.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-nadin-ahi/Resh-ummani, Remut/Shumu-ukin/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Nabû-nashir/Mar-biti-eter/Ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-III-29.


    1 m of scrap white silver, with 1/8 alloy, due to Nidintu/Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Iddin-Papsukkal by Nabû-le'i/Mushezib-Marduk/Re'i-alpi.

    Nidintu will eat each month 4 thighs and 2 "arrangements" of the offerings of Nanaya Ehurshaba of the 8th and the 17th days of the entire year as much there is, as pledge for 50 sh of silver. For the remaining 10 sh silver he will be charged interest.

    Witnesses: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, Nabû-nadin-ahi//Resh-ummani, Remut/Shumu-ukin/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Scribe: Nabû-nashir/Mar-biti-eter/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Dar 16-III-29.

    P521649: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)_sum_(na)-(d)_ag dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ i-na hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 5(szu2) _ha-la_-szu2 sza2 (uzu)hi-im-s,i u3 bar-szu2 pa-ni (d)_ag_ u3 _dingir_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) sza2 _kal mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 sza2 it-ti [(disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_] _dumu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu _dumu_ (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ [u3 (disz)(d)_en_-u2-szal-lim] _szesz_-szu2 la u2-zu-zu ik-nu-uk-ku [pa-ni (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu u] (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu [_dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag dumu_ (lu2)]_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    (disz)ni-din-tum-(d)_ag_ (lu2)_umbisag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-E(ki) A (disz)al-la-nu

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 15_-_kam mu 34_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Iddin-Nabû, son of Nabû-shumu-ukin, descendant of Re'i-alpi, voluntarily sealed and assigned to Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu, sons of Remut-Nabû, descendant of Re'i-alpi, 5/6 share of meat, ribs and meat before Nabû and the gods of Borsippa, for the entire year, as much as there is, which is with Itti-Nabû-balatu, son of Nabû-ittannu, descendant of Re'i-alpi, and Bel-ushallim, his brother, a non-gubû, to Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu, sons of Remut-Nabû, descendant of Re'i-alpi, in perpetuity.

    Nidintu-Nabû, scribe, son of Zeriya, descendant of Allanu.

    Borsippa, Dar 15-VI-34. 1


    Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and given forever to Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu, sons of Remut-Nabû//Re'i-alpi his fifth share of the fatty tissue and gore from the offerings before Nabû and the gods of Borsippa of the entire year, all there is, that he has not yet divided with Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ittannu/Re'i-alpi and his = Iddin-Nabû's brother Bel-ushallim. large gap Witnesses: .../Naggaru, PN/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Atkuppu, x-Nabû/Mukkea shirku of Nabû, Nabû-ushallim/Nabû-aplu-iddin/Kidin-Sîn.

    Scribe: Nidinti-Nabû/Zer-Babili/Allanu.

    Borsippa, Dar 15-VI-34.

    P521650: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [t,up-pi szu-pil]-tum sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_]-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)(lu2)_sipa_-[_gud_] [u3] (disz)(d)_ag_-_ag2_-_un_-_mesz_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_ it-ti a-ha-mesz usz-pu-lu 2 u4-mu-_mesz ud 13_-_kam ud 10_+[4-_kam_] sza2 (iti)_ziz2 gisz-szub-ba sipa_-u2-tu _e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ i-na _gisz-szub-ba_-[szu2] ik-nu-uk-ku-ma ((erasure)) a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tum pa-ni (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ u2-sza2-ad-gi-il-lu (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_

    sza2 a-na _ugu_ szu-pil-tum i-na-ah-hi-is 1/3 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ u2-szal-lam (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi A-szu2

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_kar_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_bahar2_ (disz)la-ba-a-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gi_-[_na_] A (disz)(d)_en_-_ba_(sza2) (disz)(d)_ag_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-ke-szir3 [A (disz)mi]-s,ir-a-a (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 [sza2 (disz)](d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (disz)_zalag2_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    [_bara2_]-_sipa#_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 24_-_kam_ [_mu_ n-_kam_] (disz)da-ri-i'-szu2

    AI Translation

    Tablet of exchange that Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi and Nabû-ra'im-nishishu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi divided among themselves.

    who voluntarily raises a claim against Shu-piltu, shall pay 1/3 mina of silver.

    Witnesses: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Baharu, Labashi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-iqisha, Nabû-ushallim/Nabû-keshir/Mishiraya.

    Scribe: Bel-uballit/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Dar 24-IX-x-x.


    Tablet of exchange that Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi and Nabû-râm-nishishu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi exchanged with each other: - Nabû-râm-nishishu sealed 2 days, 13 and 14+?/XI, of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, and gave it forever to Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi. - Remut-Nabû voluntarily sealed and gave forever to Nabû-râm-nishishu/Iddin-Nabû/Re'i-alpi a date garden of 0;0.2 sutu in harru sha kandurû.

    Whoever returns on this exchange will have to pay 20 sh silver.

    Witnesses: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Pahharu, Lâbâshi/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Bel-iqisha, Nabû-ushallim/Nabû-keshir/Mishiraya.

    Scribe: Bel-uballit/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Nur-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Dar 24-IX-x.

    P521651: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [_ud_] 25(?)-[_kam_ ...]

    [_ud_] 7 _ud 8 ud 10 ud 11 ud 12 ud 13 ud 14_

    AI Translation

    On the 25th day .

    7th day, 8th day, 10th day, 11th day, 12th day, 13th day, 14th day;


    BM 82734 is a copy of a damaged original and the tablet is also itself damaged. It is not possible to offer a continuous translation, but the contents and purpose of the text are clear.

    BM 82734 is a manzaltu contract, similar to AchHist 15, 191 and duplicates, in which Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi hires somebody to perform the service of his oxherd prebend. The contracting party is Shamash-iddin/Nabû-mushetiq-uddi/Re'i-alpi and the number of days involved is 137. In addition to the panat-umi, consisting of 3 litres of bread and 3 litres of beer a day ll.11'-2', Shamash-iddin will receive 10 sh of silver a year as a compensation for performing the prebend ll.9'-10'. 1

    P521652: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ (iti)_bara2 ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 15_(!)-_kam ud 17_-_kam_

    (iti)_bara2 ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 15_(!)-_kam ud 17_-_kam_ (iti)_gu4 ud 16_-_kam ud 17_(!)(14-)_kam_ (iti)_szu ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_ (iti)_ne ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_ (iti)_du6 ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam_ (iti)_gan ud 16_-_kam ud 10_+[7(?)-_kam_] (iti)() _ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam_ o _ziz2 ud_ [10]+6-_kam ud 17_-_kam_ (iti)_bara2_ [...] (iti)_szu ud 23_(?)-_kam_ [...]

    (iti)_bara2_ [...]

    AI Translation

    Days of the oxherd prebend of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Re'i-alpi: 01, 02, 03, 04, 15, 17/I

    month I: 01, 02, 03, 04, 15!, 17! month II: 16, 17! month IV: 06, 07, 08, 16, 17! month V: 07, 08, IX: 16, 17, 10, 07, 06, 07, 08: ... month IX: ..., 10, 16, 17, 17, ... month IX: ..., 23, 23? .

    Nisannu Month I, .


    Days of the oxherd prebend of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Re'i-alpi:

    month I: 01, 02, 03, 04, 15, 17 month II: 16, 17 month IV: 06, 07, 08, 16, 17 month VII: 07, 08 month IX: 16, 17 month : 06, 07, 08 month XI: 16, 17 ... large gap ...

    Days of the oxherd prebend of Bel-ushallim/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Re'i-alpi: month I: ... month IV: 23?, ... month IX: 23?, 30 month X: 09, 10, 23, 30 month XII: 07, 08, 11, 13 except of 6 days that are received from Remut In total 20 days of Bel-ushallim 1

    P521653: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu sza2 (disz)_mu_-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ (iti)_bara2 ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-(_kam_) (iti)_szu ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam_ (((iti)_szu_)) (_ud_) 11-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam pab 11_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_szu_ (iti)_du6 ud 1_-_kam ud_(!) 2-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam_

    u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_gi a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gin_ (iti)_bara2 ud 23_-_kam_ (iti)_szu ud 25_-[_kam ud_] 30-_kam_ (iti)_gan ud_ [10]+3-_kam ud 17_-_kam_ (iti)_ab ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam_ (_ud_) 23-_kam ud 30_-_kam_ (iti)_sze ud_ ((10)) 7-(_kam_) _ud_ ((10)) 8-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 13_-_kam pab 20_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_gi_

    AI Translation

    Days of the oxherd prebend of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Re'i-alpi: 01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 17/IV: 06, 07, 08/IV: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: in total 11 days in month VII: 01, 02, 03, 04, 5, 06, 07:

    Days of the oxherd prebend of Bel-ushallim/Nabû-shumu-ukin: 23/IV, 25/IV, 30/IX, 10+3 days, 17/X, 09/X, 10/X, 23/XII, 07/XII, 08/IX, 13/XII: in total 20 days of Bel-ushallim.


    Days of the oxherd prebend of Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-shumu-ukin/Re'i-alpi: month I: 01, 02, 03, 04, 16, 17 month IV: 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: in total 11 days of IV month VII: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10: in total 10 days of VII month XI: 17: in total 1 day of XI In total 28 days of Iddin-Nabû.

    Days of the oxherd prebend of Bel-ushallim/Nabû-shumu-ukin: month I: 23 month IV: 25, 30 month IX: 13, 17 month X: 09, 10, 23, 30 month XII: 07, 08, 11, 13 In total 20 days of Bel-ushallim

    P521654: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u4-mu-_mesz gisz-szub-ba_-_mesz_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-u2-tu _e2-zi_-[_da_] [_e2_ (d)_ag_] sza2 kal-la _mu-an-na_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    (iti)_bara2 ud 11_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 19_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam_ ((_kam_)) _ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam ud 30_-_kam pab 11 ud_-((_ud_))-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_bara2_ (iti)_gu4 ud 16_-_kam ud 17_(!)(7-)_kam pab 2 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gu4_

    (iti)_gu4 ud 16_-_kam ud 17_(!)(7-)_kam pab 2 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_gu4_ (iti)_szu ud 19_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 28_-_kam pab 5 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_szu_

    (iti)_szu ud 19_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 28_-_kam pab 5 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_szu_ (iti)_ne ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 19_-_kam ud 25_-_kam pab 5 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ne_

    (iti)_ne ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 19_-_kam ud 25_-_kam pab 5 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ne_ (iti)_du6 ud 13_-_kam ud 14 ud 15 ud 16 ud 17 ud 18_-_kam ud 19_-_kam_

    (iti)_du6 ud 13_-_kam ud 14 ud 15 ud 16 ud 17 ud 18_-_kam ud 19_-_kam ud 20 ud 21 22 23 24 ud 28 ud_ ((_ud_)) 29 _pab 14 ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ [(iti)]_ab ud 1 2 3 4 5 ud 19_-_kam ud 21 ud 22 ud 24_

    [(iti)]_ab ud 1 2 3 4 5 ud 19_-_kam ud 21 ud 22 ud 24_ [_ud 20_]+5-_kam 28 29 pab 11_(!) _ud_-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ab_ (iti)_ziz2 ud 9 10 11 12 13_(!) 14 15 16 18 _ud 19_-_kam pab 10_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (iti)_sze ud 14 pab 1_(en) u4-mu sza2 (iti)_sze_

    (iti)_ziz2 ud 9 10 11 12 13_(!) 14 15 16 18 _ud 19_-_kam_

    _pab 10_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ (iti)_sze ud 14 pab 1_(en) u4-mu sza2 (iti)_sze_

    _pab_ (1)(szu)-1-_la2_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-[mut]-(d)_ag_

    AI Translation

    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of the entire year, as much as there is, belonging to Bel-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi:

    month I: 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30: in total 11 days of I

    month II: 16, 17: in total 2 days of I

    month IV: 19, 20, 21, 22, 28: in total 5 days of IV

    month V: 16, 17, 18, 19, 25: in total 5 days of V

    13th day of Tashritu, 14th day, 15th day, 16th day, 17th day, 18th day, 19th day, 20th day, 21st day, 22nd day, 24th day, 28th day, 29th day. Total 14 days of Tashritu, month Tebetu, days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 19, 21, 22, 24th day, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahhe-iddina.

    month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28 29: in total 11 days of XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19: in total 10 days of XI: 14 in total 1 day of XI:

    Month Shabatu XI, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th!, 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th day.

    in all 10 days of Shabatu Month XI and Addaru Month XII, 14 days in total 1 day of Addaru Month XI

    Total of the days of Bel-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Arkat-nashir.


    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of the entire year, all there are, of Bel-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi:

    month I: 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30: in total 11 days of I

    month II: 16, 17: in total 2 days of II

    month IV: 19, 20, 21, 22, 28: in total 5 days of IV

    month V: 16, 17, 18, 19, 25: in total 5 days of V

    month VII: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29: in total 14 days of VII

    month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 11 sic days in X

    month XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14?, 15, 16, 18, 19: in total 10 days of XI

    month XII: 14: in total 1 day of XII

    In total: 59 days of Bel-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi.

    P521655: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x x x] u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 _e2_ (d)[_ag_(?) x x x x] _gisz-szub-ba_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz e2-zi-da_ [_e2_ (d)_ag_] i(!)-nu-uk-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-ta a-na 1/3 _ma-na 6 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) nu-uh-hu-tum a-na (disz)lib-lut, A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz_

    A (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_ id-din _ku3-babbar_ a4 1/3 _ma-na 6 gin2_ szi-me u4-mu-_mesz_-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud szesz_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu ina na-asz2-par-tum sza2 (disz)lib-lut, ma-hi-ir e-t,ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-ik-s,ur [A (disz)]na-bu-tu (disz)(d)_ag_(?)/_en_(?)-_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_dumu_-_e2_-[x]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_mu_-_gin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-ik-s,ur

    AI Translation

    ... the days of the temple of Nabû ... the oxherd prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû, he will sell in perpetuity for 6 sh white scrap silver to Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilshu-abushu.

    Nabû-ittannu received that 1/3 mina 6 shekels of silver, the price of his days, from Bel-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi, brother of Nabû-ittannu. He is paid.

    Witnesses: Shum-ukin/Bel-ikshur/Ilshu-abushu.


    Nabû-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and given forever x days in the temple of Nabû, the oxherd prebend of Ezida, temple of Nabû, to Liblut/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi for 26 sh white scrap silver.

    Nabû-ittannu has fully received those 26 sh of silver from Bel-ittannu/Remut-Nabû/Re'i-alpi, the brother of Nabû-ittannu, on behalf of Liblut.

    Witnesses: Shumu-ukin/Bel-ikshur/Nabûtu, Bel-or Nabû-bullissu/Mar-biti-x/FN, .... Remainder of text lost. 1

    P521656: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 5(szu2) _ha-la_ sza2 hi-in-s,u u3 bar-ra-szu2 _igi_ (d)_ag_ u3 (d)na-na-a u3 _dingir_-_mesz bara2-sipa_(ki) sza2 kal _mu-an-na_ ma-la [ba-szu]-u2 _gisz-szub-ba_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 ik-nu-uk-ku-ma a-na u4-mu s,a-a-tu2 _igi_ (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ u2-szad-gil

    12 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ szi-me _szam2_ hi-in-s,u u3 bar-ra-szu2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu A (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu ma-hi-ir

    [hi]-in-s,u u3 bar-ra-szu2 i-na 4(ta) _ha-la_ [sza2 (disz)]_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_ (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu _ki_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin_ ik-ka-lu-[u'] (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_en_-[x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x]

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_en_-[x A-szu2 sza2 (disz)x A x-x] (disz)(d)_ag_-sza2-kin-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib A (disz)ki-din-(d)30 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)gi-mil-lu A (disz)ki-ni-ia (disz)ni-din-tum A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu a_ (disz)(lu2)_simug_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_si-sa2 a_ (disz)_dingir_-szu2-_ad_-szu2 _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    _dub-sar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ki_-(d)_ag_-_tin a_ (disz)_giri3_-_min_-_dingir_-ia2

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 5_-_kam mu 1_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ittannu/Re'i-alpi voluntarily sealed and assigned forever to Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu/Re'i-alpi 5/6 share of the kinshu and gerishu prebend before Nabû and Nanaya, and the gods of Borsippa, for the entire year, as much as there is of that prebend, it is the share of Itti-Nabû-balatu.

    Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ittannu/Re'i-alpi has received 12 sh silver, the price of the hay and the reeds, from Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu.

    Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu have sworn by the name of Itti-Nabû-balatu to be responsible for the clearing of claims and claims.

    Witnesses: Bel-x/PN/FN, Nabû-shakin-shumi/Mushezib/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-bullissu/Gimillu/Kinia, Nidintu/Nabû-iddin/Nappahu, Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-zeru-lishir/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-balassu/Itti-Nabû-balatu/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Dar 05-I-01. 1


    Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ittannu/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily sealed and given forever to Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu sons of Remut-Nabû//Re'i-alpi a fifth share of the fat and gore from the offerings before Nabû, Nanaya, and the gods of Borsippa of the entire year, as much as pertains to the prebend of Itti-Nabû-balatu.

    Itti-Nabû-balatu/Nabû-ittannu/Re'i-alpi has received from Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu 12 sh silver, the price of the fat and gore.

    Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu will eat with Itti-Nabû-balatu from the fat and gore in the fourth share of Itti-Nabû-balatu.

    Witnesses: Bel-x/PN/FN, Nabû-shakin-shumi/Mushezib/Kidin-Sîn, Nabû-bullissu/Gimillu/Kinia, Nidintu/Nabû-iddin/Nappahu, Nabû-bullissu/Nabû-zeru-lishir/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-bullissu/Itti-Nabû-balatu/Shepê-ilia.

    Borsippa, Xer 09-I-01.

    P521657: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u4-mu is-qa sza2 (lu2)_sipa-gud e2-zi-da e2_ (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu u (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu u (disz)la-a-ba-szi _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_ (disz)(lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    ina (iti)_bara2 ud 11_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam_ (_ud_) 20-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam u 27_-_kam ud 29_-_kam ud 30_-_kam pab ud 13_-_kam_

    sza2 (iti)_bara2_ ina (iti)_gu4 ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam pab ud 2_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gu4_

    ina (iti)_szu ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam pab ud 12_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu_

    ina (iti)_ne ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-_la2_-_kam ud 25_-_kam pab ud 5_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ne_

    ina (iti)_du6 ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud_ [17-_kam_] _ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_ x x [_ud_ n-_kam_] _ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam pab ud 14_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ ina (iti)_ab ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 21_-_kam 2_-_kam_(!) _ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 28_-_kam_

    ina (iti)_ab ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 5_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 21_-_kam 2_-_kam_(!) _ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam pab ud 12_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ab_ ina (iti)_ziz2 ud_ ((_ud_)) 9-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_

    ina (iti)_ziz2 ud_ ((_ud_)) 9-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-_la2_-_kam_

    _pab ud 11_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ ina (iti)_sze ud 14_-_kam pab ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_sze_

    _pab 60 ud_-_kam_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu u (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu

    AI Translation

    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu and Labashi, sons of Remut-Nabû, descendant of Re'i-alpi,

    in month I: 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30: in total 13 days

    in month I: 16, 17: in total 2 days of I

    in month IV: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22: in total 12 days of IV

    in month V: 16, 17, 18, 19, 25: in total 5 days of V

    in month VII: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, ..., 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 14 days of VII in month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22, 28, 28, 30, 30, 40, 59,

    in month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22!, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 12 days of X

    in month XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20:

    Total, 11/XI in Addaru, 14/XII.

    In all 60 days of Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu.


    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu and Lâbâshi sons of Remut-Nabû//Re'i-alpi:

    in month I: 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30: in total 13 days of I

    in month II: 16, 17: in total 2 days of II

    in month IV: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22: in total 12 days of IV

    in month V: 16, 17, 18, 19, 25: in total 5 days of V

    in month VII: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, x, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 14 days of VII

    in month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22!, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 12 days of X

    in month XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: in total 11 days of XI

    in month XII: 14: in total one day of XII

    In total 60 days of Bel-ittannu and Nabû-ittannu and Lâbâshi sons of Remut-Nabû//Re'i-alpi, on 21/IV of the first year of Xerxes king of Babylon. 1

    P521658: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    (iti)_szu ud 25_-_kam ud 26_-_kam_ [...] (iti)_ne ud 18_-_kam ud 19_-_kam ud 25_(?)-[_kam_ ...] (iti)_du6 ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 10_+[8-_kam_] _ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam ud 28_-_kam ud 29_-_kam pab 14_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_du6_ (iti)_apin ud 7_-_kam u 8_-_kam ud 9_-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 16_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 18_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam pab 13_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_apin_

    [_pab_ n]+4 u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun dumu_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_mesz_

    [a-na] 3(ta) _mu-an-na_-_mesz_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_en_ u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su _dumu_-[_mesz_ sza2] (disz)gi-mil-(d)_ag_ [A (disz)]ki-ni-ia man-za-al-la-a-tum a-na muh-hi (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ iz-zi-zu-u'

    pu-ut qu-ru-bu nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)_ag_ [ma]-s,a-ar(?)-tum u3 la ba-at,-al sza2 nap-ta-nu sza2 (d)_ag_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_en_ u3 [(disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_] na-szu-u2

    u4-mu 3 _sila3_ ta-ak-(ka)-su-u2 3 _sila3_ [_kasz sze-bar_ u sziz-bi pa-na-at u4-mu ku-mu u2-szu-uz-zu] sza2 man-za-la-a-a-ta (disz)_mu_-(d)_en_ u (disz)[(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)gi-mil-(d)_ag_]

    ik-ka-al-la-a' ul-tu (iti)[x _mu_ n-_kam_ x ...] (disz)_mu_-(d)_en_ u (disz)(d)_ag_-bul-lit,-su man-za-[al-la-a-tum a-na muh-hi (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag_ iz-zi-zu-u']

    1(en) pu-ut sza2 2(i) na-szu-u2 [na-bal-kat2-a-nu ...]

    1(en)-_ta-am3 ti_[(u2) ...]

    AI Translation

    month IV: 25, 26, ...; month V: 18, 19, 25 ...; month V: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 14 days in V

    In total: n+4 days of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu, sons of Gimil-Nabû, descendant of Kinia, have leased in perpetuity for 3 years.

    Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu bear responsibility for the provisioning of the meal of Nabû for the guardianship and for not interrupting the provisioning of the meal of Nabû for Remut-Nabû.

    Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu, sons of Gimil-Nabû, bear shared responsibility for the clearing of claims for 3 litres of takkasû, 3 litres of barley beer and the rations of the day for the clearing of claims for that day.

    From month ... of the nth year ..., Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu will stand in court against Remut-Nabû.

    Each has taken a copy of the other two. The nabalkatanu-offering .

    Each has taken one copy.


    Days of the oxherd prebend in Ezida, temple of Nabû, of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi: month I: ... month II: ... month IV: 25, 26, ... : in total x days in IV month V: 18, 19, 25?, ... : in total x days in V month VII: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 14 days in VII month VIII: 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: in total 13 days in VIII month IX: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15: in total 5 days in IX month X: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29: in total 11 days in X month XI: 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 month XII: 14: in total one day in XII

    In total: x+ 4 days of Remut-Nabû/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi.

    For a period of 3 years, Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu sons of Gimil-Nabû descendant of Kinia will serve in place of Remut-Nabû.

    Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu take over the responsibility from Remut-Nabû to bring the meal of Nabû, to stand guard and not to interrupt the meals of Nabû.

    Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu will enjoy daily 3 litres of takkasû bread, 3 litres of barley beer and milk, the panat-umi, for doing service.

    From month x of year y of Darius onwards Iddin-Bel and Nabû-bullissu will serve in place of Remut-Nabû.

    Each assumes responsibility for the other; ....

    Each party has taken one copy of this contract. remainder of reverse lost 1

    P521659: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [...] x [...] x [...] a-na [...] u3 szal-szu2 _ha_-[_la_ (x)] sza2 u4-mu [(disz)(d)_ag_]-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa_-[_gud_-_me_ pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_]-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_me dumu szesz_-szu2 ((erasure)) u2-szad-gil

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud-me_ ina hu-ud lib3-bi-szu2 5/6 _ma-na 5 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_me dumu szesz ad_-szu2 _nig2-ba_ it-ta-din ina ka-nak (im)_dub mu_-_mesz_

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub mu_-_mesz_ ina u4-mu szu-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar-usz4 bara2-sipa_(ki)

    ina u4-mu szu-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar-usz4 bara2-sipa_(ki) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (disz)_dingir_-ia (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun_ (lu2)sza3-tam _e2-zi-da a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_pab-me_-_mu igi_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_me_

    _igi_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_ag a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_me_

    _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-it-tan-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_gin_-_numun a_ (lu2)_sipa-gud_-_me szesz_ tar-din-nu sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba

    _igi_ (disz)re-mut-(d)_en a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_mu a_ (disz)_du3_-_mesz_-sza2-_dingir_-ia2

    _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_sipa_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ku-du-ru A (disz)(d)_masz_-_gi_

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_ (disz)(d)_ag_-na-din-_szesz_ [A-szu2 sza2] (disz)(d)_ag_-_sig5_(iq) A (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    [_bara2_]-_sipa#_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 6_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... and one-third share of ... of that day, Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi will give to Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi, son of his brother.

    Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi voluntarily gave 5/6 mina and 5 shekels of white silver to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, son of the brother of his father.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    At that time, Nabû-zeru-ushebshi, governor of Borsippa, son of Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia, and Nabû-mukin-zeri, the shatammu of Ezida, son of Nabû-ahhe-iddin, will be present.

    Before: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi.

    Before: Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, second brother of Nabû-eriba.

    Before: Remut-Bel/Bel-iddin/Babili-ilia.

    Before: Nabû-reshunu/Kudurru/Inurta-ushallim.

    Scribe: Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-udammiq/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Borsippa, Dar 06-X-02. 1


    ... 1/3 share ... of daily or: prebend days ... that Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi assigned to Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi, the son of his brother.

    Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi has voluntarily made a gift of 55 sh white scrap silver to Nabû-eriba/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, the son of the brother of his father.

    At the sealing of this tablet:

    on that day: Nabû-zeru-ushebshi/Nabû-eter-napshati/Ilia, shakin-temi of Borsippa, Nabû-mukin-zeri/Nabû-ahhe-iddin, shatammu of Ezida.

    In the presence of: Remut-Nabû/Nabû-eter-napshati/Re'i-alpi,

    Nabû-ahu-ittannu/Nabû-mukin-zeri/Re'i-alpi, the younger brother of Nabû-eriba,



    Scribe: Nabû-nadin-ahi/Nabû-udammiq/Iddin-Pap-sukkal.

    Borsippa, RN Persian era 06-X-x.

    P521660: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    _ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_bara2_

    _ud 24_-_kam ud 25_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu pab 5_ u4-mu-_mesz ud 1_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu_

    _ud 1_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu_

    _ud 1_-_kam ud 2_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_apin ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_

    _ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 17_-_kam ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam ud 20_-_kam ud 21_-_kam ud 22_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gan ud 29_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu_

    _ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam_

    _ud 14_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gan ud 29_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_szu pab 25_ u4-mu-_mesz_

    _pab 25_ u4-mu-_mesz_

    AI Translation

    13th day, 14th day, 15th day of month I

    24th and 25th of month IV: in total 5 days, 01, 12, 13 of IV

    1st day, 12th day, 13th day of Du'uzu month IV

    The 1st and 2nd of month VIII: 11, 12, 13;

    11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22 of month IV

    The 11th, 12th and 13th days.

    14/IX 29/IV: in all 25 days.

    Total 25 days.


    Days 13, 14, 15 of month I

    days 24, 25 of month IV in total 5 days

    days 01, 12, 13 of month IV

    days 01, 02 of month VIII

    days 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 of month IV

    days 11, 12, 13, 14 of month IX

    day 29 of month IV

    In total 25 days

    P521661: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    (iti)_bara2 ud 16 ud 17_

    (iti)_gu4 ud 16 ud 17_

    (iti)_szu ud 16 ud 17_

    (iti)_ne ud 16 ud 17_

    (iti)_gan ud 16 ud 17_

    (iti)_ziz2 ud 16 ud_ [17] (iti)_ne 9 10 11 12 13_

    (iti)_ne 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24_

    _pab 11 ud 27 ud 28_ ((iti))_kin_

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 20-1-_la2 21 ud 22 23_

    AI Translation

    month I: days 16, 17;

    Month II: days 16, 17;

    Du'uzu Month IV: days 16, 17;

    month V: days 16, 17;

    Kislimu Month IX, days 16, 17

    Month Shabatu XI, 16th day, 17th day, month V: days 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

    month V: days 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24;

    Total 11 on 27 and 28 Ululu Month VI.

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 20-1-1/2 21 22 23


    Month I: days 16, 17;

    month II: days 16, 17;

    month IV: days 16, 17;

    month V: days 16, 17;

    month IX: days 16, 17;

    month XI: days 16, 17;

    month V: days 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24: in total 11 days;

    27, 28 of month VI;

    09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 unnamed month.

    P521662: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    (iti)_ab ud 10_-_kam ud 17_-_kam_

    _ud 20_-1-_la2_-_kam_ (iti)_ziz2 ud 3_-_kam ud 6_-_kam ud 7_-_kam ud 8_-_kam_

    (iti)_bara2 ud 5_-_kam ud 6_-_kam_

    _ud 7_-_kam_ (iti)_szu ud 6_-_kam_

    _ud 7_-_kam pab 12_-_kam_ u4-mu-_mesz_ sza2 (iti)_ab_ sza2 (iti)_ziz2_ sza2 (iti)_bara2_ u3 sza2 (iti)_szu_ sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-eri-ba A (lu2)_sipa-gud_

    AI Translation

    Tebetu X, 10th day, 17th day, eponym year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

    20-1; Shabatu XI, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26, 28, 30,

    5th day of Nisannu, 6th day of Nisannu.

    7th day of Du'uzu, 6th day of Du'uzu.

    7th day, in total 12 days in Tebetu, Shabatu, Nisannu, and Du'uzu of Nabû-eriba/Re'i-alpi.


    Month X: days 10, 17, 19;

    month XI: days 03, 06, 07, 08;

    month I: days 05, 06, 07;

    month IV: days 06, 07.

    In total 12 days of X, of XI, of I and of IV of Nabû-eriba//Re'i-alpi.

    P521663: uncertain tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    u4-mu-_mesz_ (iti)_ne 1_-_kam 2_-_kam ud 3_-_kam ud 4_-_kam ud 8_-_kam_ [_ud_] 9-_kam ud 10_-_kam ud 11_-_kam ud 12_-_kam ud 13_-_kam ud 14_-_kam ud 15_-_kam ud 21_-[_kam_] _ud 22_-_kam_ u _ud 20_+[n-_kam_]

    AI Translation

    Days of Abu: 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 20+x.


    Days of month V: 01, 02, 03, 04, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 20+x.

    P521664: legal tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    (iti)[x _ud_ n-_kam_ (sza2 sze-e-ri / sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu)] (iti)_sig4 ud 18_-_kam_ sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_szu ud 15_-_kam_ sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu (iti)_ne ud 2_-_kam_ sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_kin ud 2_-_kam_ sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu (iti)_gan ud 14_-_kam_ sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu (iti)_ab ud 6_-_kam_ sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_sze ud 16_-_kam_ ka-lu-tum _gal_(u2) sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu sza2 (iti)_du6 ud 20_-_kam_ (iti)_bara2 ud 7_-_kam_ (muszen)_bi-bad 3 udu-nita2_ gu-qu-u2-_mesz gal_-_bar_-_tu_

    (muszen)_bi-bad 3 udu-nita2_ gu-qu-u2-_mesz gal_-_bar_-_tu_

    3 _udu-nita2_ gu-qu-u2-_mesz gal_-_bar_-_tu 1_ (iti)_ne ud 14_-_kam 2_ (iti)_kin ud 4_-_kam_ sza2 _siskur_-_mesz_ sza2 (lu2)ha-za-an-nu _uru_

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_-su-iq-bi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_dingir_-sza2-bu-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sur_-_zi_-_mesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_(?)-_uru3_(?) A (disz)_dingir_-sza2-bu-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ [A]-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-sza2-[bu-szu2]

    AI Translation

    ... of the morning / the evening: 18/III, 15/IV, of the evening: 2nd day of the morning; 2nd day of the evening: 14/IX, 14/XI, of the evening: 6/XII, 16/XII: the major kalû of the evening: 20/VII, 7/II: the guqu-bird: 3 rams, the guqu-offerings:

    bird of the mouth; 3 rams, guqu-offerings;

    3 guqunu-sheep, galbartu-offerings: 1 on 14/V, 2 on 04/VI of the offerings of the mayor of the city;

    Witnesses: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-uballit/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-shumu-ushur/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahu-ushabshi/Ilshu-abushu.


    beginning lost 18/III: offering of the morning 15/IV: of the evening 02/V: of the morning 02/VI: of the evening 14/IX: of the evening 06/X: of the morning 16/XII: completely main course of the evening 20/VII 07/I


    3 sheep of the special offerings gal-bar-tu – 1 on 14/V – 2 on 04/VI, the offerings of the mayor of the city

    Witnesses: Nabû-balassu-iqbi/Nabû-uballit/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-eter-napshati/Nabû-shumu-ushur?/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-ahhe-iddin/Nabû-ahu-ushebshi/Ilshu-abushu remainder of reverse lost.

    P521665: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _gesztin szuk-hi-a_ sza2 (disz)i-na-_e2-sag-ila2_-lil-bir (lu2)sza3-tam sza2 _ta ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_apin mu 25_-_kam en_ qi2-it (iti)_apin mu 26_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-ia2-musz _lugal_ sza2 i-na pa-ni (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_(ir)

    [ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)(d)]_ag#_-_uru3_-szu2 ma-hi-ir _du3 nig2-szid_-szu2-nu sza2 _gesztin_ [_szuk-hi-a_ it-ti] a-ha-_mesz_ qa-tu-u2

    [...] (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2

    [1(en) _ta_] a' _ti_(u2) [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 [(disz)(d)_ag_-_en_]-_mu_-_mesz a_ (disz)ba-si-ia2 [(disz)x] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)30-_pab-me_-_mu a_ (disz)_lam-har_ [(disz)x]-s,ir A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu _dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_tin_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_en_-szu2-nu _dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_tin_

    A (disz)_du3_-a-a _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)_gan ud 14_-_kam_

    AI Translation

    Vinegar and libation bowls of Ina-Esagil-lilbir, the prelate, from the 1st day of month VIII of the 25th year to the end of month VIII of the 26th year of Darius, the king, which is in the presence of Nabû-ushurshu:

    They have received their accounts of wine and libations from each other.

    ... Nabû-ushurshu

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-iddin//FN.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-bel-shumati/Basia, PN/Sîn-ahhe-iddin/Lamhar, ...shir/Nabû-ittannu, Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ilshu-abushu.

    Borsippa, Dar 14-IX-02. 1


    Wine ration of the shatammu Ina-Esagil-lilbur, from the first of month VIII of the 25th year until the end of month VIII of the 26th year of king Darius, which is due from Nabû-ushurshu: Bel-eter has received the rations from Nabû-ushurshu.

    They have finished drawing up their accounts of wine rations together.

    ... Nabû-ushurshu.

    Each party has taken one copy of this text.

    Witnesses: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Nabû-bel-shumati/Basia, PN/Sîn-ahhe-iddin/Allanu, x-shir/Nabû-ittannu.

    Scribe: Nabû-belshunu/Nabû-ahhe-bullit/Ibnaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 14-IX-26.

    P521666: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    [x x x x] sza2 si-il-tum sza2 lu-bu-usz-tum

    AI Translation

    ... of the shillu-disease of the libashtu-disease


    x of/containing siltu a food offering of the clothing ceremony, 28 papahu of which 11 are offered before Nabû, 10 before Nanaya, 2 before the shrine of Marduk and Beltiya, 2 before Sartutu and Sartu, 3 before Nanaya Ehurshaba, Sutitu and Mar-biti. 3: the scribes. 3: the governor, the shatammu, and the qipu. 2: the persons? in charge of the storeroom of the king. 1: the overseer of the measurers. 1: the gatekeeper of the bit-naptani room of the sacrificial meal. 1: the reed worker. 28 papahu, of which 11 are offered before Nabû, 10 before Nanaya.1

    P521667: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    _zu2-lum-ma_ te-lit sza2 ana _e2_-_mesz sum_(nu) 2 _gur 3 ban2_ (disz)_arad2_-(d)tasz-me-[tum] 2 _gur 2_ (_pi_) 5 _ban2_ (disz)ba-zu-zu 4 (_pi_) 1 _ban2_ (disz)u2-bar (lu2)_pa_ ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)szu-zu-_ni_(?) 1 _pi_ sza2 _sze-bar_ (f)tab-lut, 2 (_pi_) 5 _ban2_ te-lit sza2 _e2 pab 6 gur 3_ (_pi_) 5 _ban2 zu2-lum-ma_ (iti)_du6 ud 27_-_kam mu 35_-_kam_

    _ud 27_-_kam mu 35_-_kam_

    _nig2-szid du3_(szu2)

    AI Translation

    Dates, the telitu offerings which are given to the houses: 2 kurru 3 sutu Arad-Tashmetu; 2 kurru 2 panu 5 sutu Bazuzu; 4 panu 1 sutu Ubar, the scribe, received from Shuzunu?; 1 panu of barley; Tablut; 2 panu 5 sutu, the telitu offerings of the house: in all 6 kurru 3 panu 5 sutu dates; 27th day of Tashritu, 35th year of .

    27th day, 35th year of Nabû-sharru-ushur.

    The account is made.


    Dates, telitu "levy", which are given to the temples: 2;0.3 Arad-Tashmetu, 2;2.5 Bazuzu, 0;4.1 Ubar, the shapiru overseer, via Shuzubu ?, 0;1 barley fTablut, 0;2.5 levy of the temple. In total 6;3.5 dates.

    Dar 27-VII-35.

    The account is made. 1

    P521668: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    1 _ban2 4 sila3 sze-bar_ ina _igi_ (disz)bul-lut,-a sza2 _ta e2_-nap-tan a-na (disz)(d)_en_-it-tan-nu _sum_(nu) (iti)_sze mu 26_-_kam 1_(en) _ka2 3 sila3 1_(en) _ka2_ [2] _sila3 1_(en) _ka2_-szu2 5 _sila3_ ina szu-tu-um 1 (_gur_) 4 _ban2 1 sila3 sze-bar_

    ina szu-tu-um 1 (_gur_) 4 _ban2 1 sila3 sze-bar_ ina lib3-bi 1 _gur sze-bar_ ina _igi_

    AI Translation

    1 sutu 4 sila3 barley, from the storehouse to Bel-ittannu. Month Addaru, 26th year. 1 gate, 3 sila3 1 gate, 2 sila3 1 gate, its gate 5 sila3 per kurru. 4 sutu 1 sila3 barley.

    In the middle of the month, 1 kurru 4 sutu 1 sila3 barley, in the middle of the month, 1 kurru barley, in front of


    0;0.1.4 barley at the disposal of Bulluta, which was given to Bel-ittannu from the bit-naptani; month XII, year 26: – first time: 0;0.0.3 – second time: 0;0.0.2 – his third time:0;0.0.5

    From the workshop: 1;0.4.1 barley, of which 1 kurru of barley is at the disposal of Bel-eter

    P521669: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    1 _gin2_ bit-qa _ku3-babbar 10_ ma-nu-u2

    sza2 _zu2-lum-ma_ sza2 (d)_ag_ ina _igi_-ia2 1 1/2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 (d)_en_ ina _igi_-ia2

    3 4 _sal_-_mesz_ sza2 (d)_kisal_-_tin_ ina _igi_-ia2 a-na (d)_kisal_-ia2 ah-ta-t,u

    a-na (d)_kisal_-ia2 ah-ta-t,u

    AI Translation

    1 shekel of silver, 10 minas.

    of dates of Nabû in my presence. 1 1/2 shekels of silver of Bel in my presence.

    I have sworn by the name of Kisaltin 3 and 4 sulu in my presence.

    I have sinned against my Kisal.


    1 1/8 sh silver and? 10 minas of dates of Nabû: at my disposal

    1 1/2 sh silver of Bel: at my disposal

    three four women of dkisal-tin: at my disposal

    I have weighed it out to dkisal-ia.

    P521670: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    4 _gin2 4_(tu2) _la2 ku3-babbar_ ((erasure)) sza2 _iti 2_ (gi)[sel]-li _igi_ (d)na-na-a _e2_-_hur_-_sza3_-_ba_ sza2 _gal_(u2) sza2 sze-e-ri sza2 (uzu)gan-nu s,e-li u3 (uzu)bi-rit pi-e-me sza2 ina _igi_ (disz)_sila_-a-a u (disz)_szesz_-x _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)_sum_-na-a A (disz)_arad2_-u2-tu sza2 _ta_ (iti)_apin mu 32_-_kam en_ qi2-it (iti)_apin mu 33_-_kam_ (disz)_szu_ (lu2)A-szip-ri sza2 (disz)_sila_-a-a (lu2)sza2-_ugu_-qu-up-pu

    _mu 33_-_kam_ (disz)_szu_ (lu2)A-szip-ri sza2 (disz)_sila_-a-a (lu2)sza2-_ugu_-qu-up-pu ina _szu_-_min_ (disz)_sila_-a-a A (disz)_sum_-na-a

    ma-hi-ir (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)_tin_ [A-szu2 sza2 (disz)]_szesz_-_mesz_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)_dingir_-sza2-bu-szu2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu dub-sar_

    (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_mu dub-sar a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_du3 a_ (disz)_en_-_uszumgal bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)[x _ud_ x-_kam_]

    _bara2-sipa_(ki) (iti)[x _ud_ x-_kam_] [_mu_] 33-_kam_ [(disz)da-ri-ia-musz]

    AI Translation

    4 4 sh silver, of the month 2 of the reed basket before Nanaya of the Ehurshaba, the great storehouse of the morning of the roasted meat and the ribs of the mouth which is at the disposal of Iddinaya and Ahu-x, sons of Iddinaya, descendant of Aradutu, from month VIII of year 32 to month VIII of year 33: Gimillu, messenger of Iddinaya, the shakkupu.

    In the 33rd year Gimillu, messenger of Iqbaya, the shakku-official, received this from Iqbaya, son of Iddinaya.

    Witnesses: Balatu/Ahhe-iqisha/Ilshu-abushu, Nabû-shumu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Bel-ibni/Bel-ushumgal. Borsippa, Nbn x-x-03.

    Borsippa, Dar x-x-33.


    3 3/4 sh silver for two reed baskets per month, from the offerings in front of Nanaya Ehurshaba during the main meal of the morning, filled with ganni sheli a type of meat and meat from between the thighs, leased to Suqaya and Ahu-x, the sons of Iddina, of the Ardutu family, from month VIII of the 32nd year until the end of month VIII of the 33th year:

    Gimillu, the messenger of Suqaya "the person in charge of the cashbox," has received this silver from Suqaya/Iddina.

    Witness: Balatu/Ahhe-iqisha/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Nabû-shumu-iddin/Bel-ibni/Bel-ushumgal.

    Borsippa, Dar x-x-32.

    P521671: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc


    [x x-_mesz_] sza2 (d)_szar3_-_du3_-_ibila lugal_ (kur)asz-szur(ki) [sza2 i-na] _gub-ba_-szu2-nu (disz)(d)_ag_-_da_ it-ti (disz)szu-la-a u3 (disz)(d)_ag_-_sum_(na) di-i-ni id-bu-bu-u2-ma ((disz))(d)_ag_-_da_ iz-ka-a u _lugal_ (kur)asz-szur(ki) ki-i pi-i an-ni-i

    di-i-ni ip-ru-su um-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-_da_ (disz)za-kir _ad_-szu2 ur-tab-bisz u a-na _e2-zi-da_ ug-dal-lib-szu2 [(disz)](d)_ag_-_sum_(na) ul i-di ((erasure)) _mu_-szu2 ul isz-kun

    u3 a-na _dumu_ ul u2-tir-szu2 (disz)szu-la-a u (disz)(d)_ag_-_sum_[(na)] [ul(?) i]-tu-ru-nim-ma (disz)(d)_ag_-_sum_(na) a-na _ad_-szu2 [o(?)]

    [x x]-ri u3 _lugal_ (kur)asz-szur(ki) i-qab-bi [um-ma x x] x id-di-nu na-din [o(?)] [x x x x] _uru_ u _edin_ ma-la ba-[szu-u2] [(disz)za-kir a]-na _dumu_-szu2 ra-bi-i id-di-[nu] [ina _igi_ (disz)x x]-ia (lu2)a-za-an sza2 (uru)ni-na2-a [(disz)(d)x]-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-lim (lu2)_dub-sar_ [x x]

    [ina _igi_ (disz)x x]-ia (lu2)a-za-an sza2 (uru)ni-na2-a [(disz)(d)x]-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-lim (lu2)_dub-sar_ [x x] [ina _igi_ (disz)](d)_utu_-ba-la-t,u sza2 pa-an _e2-gal_ [ina _igi_] (d)_amar-utu_-_su_ (lu2)_pa_ sza2 (lu2)_umbisag_ ar-ma-a ina _igi_ (disz)_ki-ne-ne_-a-a (lu2)_en-nam_ sza2 _e2_-esz-szu2 ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_uru3 gal_ (lu2)_hal_ ina _igi_ (disz)na-s,i-ru (lu2)_hal_ ina _igi_ (disz)a-qar-a (lu2)_hal_ ina _igi_ (disz)_tin-tir_(ki)-a-a (lu2)_sag_ (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2 _lugal tin-tir_(ki) ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_hal_(?)

    AI Translation

    ...s of Shar-bani-apli, king of Assyria, which Nabû-le'i with Shulaya and Nabû-iddin have litigated, and Nabû-le'i has sided with them, and he has sworn by the command of the god Ashur:

    Nabû-le'i has sworn by the name of Nabû-le'i and Zakir his father: "Nabû-le'i will be slighted and he will be slighted by Ezida." Nabû-iddin has not known his name and has not set it up.

    Shulaya and Nabû-iddin did not return and Nabû-iddin did not return to his father.

    ... and the king of Assyria will say: "... gave to us." The seller of ... city and open country, as much as Zakir gave to his great son, at the disposal of ...ia, the azû-official of Nineveh, ...-ahhe-shullim, the scribe .

    ...ia, the azû of Nineveh, ...-ahhe-shullim, the scribe ..., Shamash-balatu who is in the palace, Marduk-eriba, the scribe of the Armaya family, Kinenea, the governor of the Eshshu, Marduk-shumu-ushur, the chief haruspex, Nashiru, the haruspex, Aqara, the haruspex, Babylon, the eunuch of the scribe of the king of Babylon, Nabû-ushabshi, the haruspex,


    The judges/men/officials/... of Assurbanipal king of Assyria in whose presence Nabû-le'i litigated against Shula and Nabû-iddin, and in whose presence Nabû-le'i was cleared. And the king of Assyria decided the case as follows:

    His father Zakir raised Nabû-le'i and consecrated him at the Ezida temple, he did not know Nabûiddin, did not recognise him as heir, and he did not make him into a son.

    Shula and Nabû-iddin will not come back to litigate and Nabû-iddin will return? to his father.

    And the king of Assyria says: x that what he gave is given, property in city and countryside, all there is, Zakir gave it to his eldest son.

    In front of: x-ia the mayor of Nineveh, x-ahhe-shullim the scribe, Shamash-balatu the palace overseer, Marduk-eriba the overseer of the Aramaic scribe, Kinunaya the governor of bitueshu, Marduk-shumu-ushur the chief diviner, Nashir the diviner, Aqara the diviner, Babilaya, eunuch, scribe of the king of Babylon, Nabû-ushebshi the diviner, Rashi-ili the scribe, Nergal-eter the scribe, Ubar-Sebetti royal merchant – all these are the judges/men/officials/... of the king of Assyria in whose presence Nabû-le'i litigated against Shula and Nabû-iddin, and in whose presence Nabû-le'i was cleared. 1

    P521672: legal tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    u4-mu 2 s,ib-tum sza2 tak-ka-su-u2 u4-mu 2 _uzu_-_mesz_ u4-mu 3 ta-lim-_mesz_ sza2 _kasz sze-bar szuk-hi-a_ pa-ni (d)_ag_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_ibila_-_sum_(na) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)a-na-(d)_en_-u2-pa-qu _dumu_ sza2 ((disz))ir-a-ni sza2 ina pa-ni (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_(ir) (lu2)_gal_-_e2_ sza2 (disz)(d)_en_-_ibila_-_sum_(na)

    (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_(ir) a-na _iti 18 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) sza2 ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa u3 2 (_pi_) 3 _ban2 sze-bar_ a-na (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)na-din A (disz)_mu_-(d)_pap-sukkal_

    id-din _iti_ a4 _ku3-babbar u sze-bar_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 a-na (disz)(d)_en_-_kar_(ir) i-nam-din _ta ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gud_ sza2 _mu 27_-_kam_

    _ta ud 1_-_kam_ sza2 (iti)_gud_ sza2 _mu 27_-_kam szuk-hi-a_ ina _igi_ (disz)(d)_ag_-_uru3_-szu2 [1(en) _ta_ a4] sza2-t,a-u2(!) _ti_(u2)

    [1(en) _ta_ a4] sza2-t,a-u2(!) _ti_(u2) [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szu-lum _dumu_-szu2

    [(lu2)mu-kin-nu] (disz)(d)_ag_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szu-lum _dumu_-szu2 [sza2 (disz)x]-it-tan-nu A (lu2)_sipa-ansze-kur-ra_ (disz)bul-lu-t,a-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_arad2_-(d)gu-la A (disz)ir-a-ni (disz)ka-s,i-ir _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-it-tan-nu (disz)_arad2_-(d)gu-la

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-na-a (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)hasz-da-a-a

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_ag_-_mu_-_gar_(un) bar-sip3(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 30_-_kam mu 27_-_kam_ (disz)da-ri-i'-musz

    AI Translation

    Days 2 of rations, days 2 of meat, days 3 of rations of barley beer and libation of shaphû-beer before Nabû, of Bel-aplu-iddin/Ana-Bel-upaq/Ir'anni, which are at the disposal of Bel-eter, the major-domo of Bel-aplu-iddin/Ilshu-abushu.

    Bel-etir will pay 18 sh white silver, which is one-eighth of a shekel and 2 panu 3 sutu of barley monthly to Nabû-ushurshu/Nadin/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Nabû-ushurshu will pay the silver and barley monthly to Bel-etir from the 1st day of Iyyar II of the 27th year.

    From the 1st day of Iyyar II of the 27th year, the rations are at the disposal of Nabû-ushurshu.

    Each party has taken one copy of this document.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/x-ittannu/Re'i-alpi, Bulluta/Arad-Gula/Ir'anni, Kashir/Nabû-ittannu, Arad-Gula/Ilshu-abushu.

    Scribe: Hashdaya.

    Borsippa, Dar 30-I-27.


    Daily 2 loaves of takkasû bread, 2 meat cuts, and 3 tilimtu receptacles of barley beer – rations before Nabû of Bel-aplu-iddin/Ana-Bel-upaq/Ir'anni, at the disposal of Bel-eter, the major domo rab-biti of Ana-Bel-upaq:

    Bel-eter has leased these rations for monthly 18 sh white silver with 1/8 alloy and 0;2.3 barley to Nabû-ushurshu/Nadin/Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Every month, Nabû-ushurshu will pay silver and barley to Bel-eter.

    From the first day of month II of the 27th year of Darius, the rations will be at the disposal of Nabû-ushurshu.

    Each has taken a copy of this document.

    Witnesses: Nabû-ahhe-shullim/x-ittannu/Re'i-sisê, Bulluta/Arad-Gula/Ir'anni, Kashir/Nabû-ittannu, Arad-Gula/Kina.

    Scribe: Hashdaya/Nabû-shumu-ishkun.

    Borsippa, Dar 30-I-27.

    P521673: administrative tablet

    Uncertain Oracc


    _ud_-_mesz_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_-u2-tu gi-nu-u2 (iti)_gu4 ud 5 1_/2-_kam gal_ u tar-din sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_gu4 ud 18 1_/2-_kam gal_ u tar-din sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu (iti)_gu4 ud 24_-_kam_ szal-szu2 sza2 gi-ni-e sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_gu4 ud 25_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_gu4 ud 5_-_kam 1_(en) gi-nu-u2 tar-din [sza2 x x] [(iti)]_sig4 ud 13_-_kam_ kal u4-mu [u3 szal]-szu2 gi-nu-u2 sza2 ki-s,u [u4-mu] [(iti)]_kin ud 10 1_/2-_kam gal_ u tar-din sza2 sze-e-ri [(iti)]_kin ud 18_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_kin ud 21_-[_kam_]

    [u3 szal]-szu2 gi-nu-u2 sza2 ki-s,u [u4-mu] [(iti)]_kin ud 10 1_/2-_kam gal_ u tar-din sza2 sze-e-ri [(iti)]_kin ud 18_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_kin ud 21_-[_kam_] [x x] u3 szal-szu2 gi-nu-u2 sza2 sze-e-ri (iti)_du6 ud 4 1_/2-_kam gal_ u tar-din sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu (iti)_du6 ud 6_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_du6 ud 9_-_kam_ kal u4-mu (iti)_apin ud 26 1_/2-_kam gal_ u tar-din sza2 ki-s,u u4-mu (iti)_apin ud 27_-_kam_ kal u4-mu

    AI Translation

    Days of the temple butcher's prebend of the ginû offerings of the 5 1/2th day of Ayyaru, and the remainder of the morning offerings of the 18 1/2 days of Ayyaru, and the remainder of the evening offerings of the 24th day of Ayyaru, half of the regular offering of the morning offerings of the 25th day of Ayyaru, all day of the 5th day of Ayyaru, one half of the regular offering of ..., 13th day of Simanu, all day and half of the regular offering of the evening offerings of the 18th day of Ululu, all day of the 21st day of Ululu, all day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21st day of the 21s

    and one-half of the regular offering of the morning, 10 1/2 days of Ululu, and one-half of the morning, 18th day of Ululu, 21st day of ... and one-half of the regular offering of the morning, 4 1/2 days of Ululu, and one-half of the regular offering of the morning, 6th day of Ululu, 9th day of Ululu, 26 1/2 days of Ululu, and one-half of the regular offering of the morning, 27th day of Ululu,


    Days of the butcher's prebend, the daily offerings: – 1/2 day of 05/II: main and second meal of the morning – 1/2 day of 18/II: main and second meal of the evening – 24/II: 1/3 of the offering of the morning – 25/II: the whole day – 05/III: one offering: second meal of the morning/evening – 13/III: the whole day break

    and a third of the offering of the evening – 1/2 day of 10/VI: main and second meal of the morning – 18/VI: the whole day – 21/VI: x and 1/3 of the offering of the morning – 1/2 day of 04/VII: main and second of the evening – 06/VII: the whole day – 09/VII: the whole day – 1/2 day of 26/VIII: main and second of the evening – 27/VIII: the whole day

    P521674: administrative tablet

    Achaemenid Oracc


    [x x x x x] _ta_ (iti)_sze mu 35_-_kam_ [x x x x x] sza2 di-ri _ta ud 6_ sza2 (iti)_sze igi_(u2)

    [x x x (iti)]_bara2 ud 3_ sza2 _mu 36_

    [x x x] (iti)_bara2 ta ud 11 en ud 17_

    [x x x] (iti)_bara2 ta ud 20 en ud 24_

    [x x x]-mu sza2 4 u4-mu sza2 (iti)_gu4 ta ud 1_

    [x x] kap-ri (iti)_gu4 ud 2_

    [10] ka#-nik2-ku _igi_ (d)_szibir_ u (d)_innin_-_mesz_ (iti)_bara2 ud 1_

    [x x] (d)A-_e2_ (iti)_gu4 ud 8_(mi) _ud 9 ud 10_

    [x x x x] x sza2 u4-mu (iti)_sig4 ud 3 ud 4_

    [x x x x] kap-ri (iti)_sig4 ud 21_

    [x x x x]-hi () (iti)_szu ud 27_ [x x ti-lim]-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_szu ta ud 27 en ud 30_

    [x x ti-lim]-du3-_mesz_ (iti)_szu ta ud 27 en ud 30_

    [x x] kap#-ri [(iti)_ne_] _ud 10_ [x x] kap-ri (iti)_ne ud 13 ud 10_+[4]

    [x x] kap-ri (iti)_ne ud 13 ud 10_+[4]

    [x x] dan-nu la-_igi_ (d)lam-mu (iti)_kin ud 4 5 6_

    [x x dan]-nu _ku3-babbar igi_ (d)15-_e2_ (iti)_kin ud 4 5 6_

    [x x dan]-nu la-_igi_ (gisz)_gu-za e2_ na-na-a(?) (iti)_kin ud 4_

    [40] ka-nik2-ku _igi_ (d)_szibir_ u (d)_innin_-_mesz ud 5 6 16 22_

    [x x] a-na masz-ti-ti (iti)_du6 ud 4 5 6_

    [x x x]-e sza2 (disz)szul-lu-mu (iti)_du6 ud 22_

    [x x x]-ti (iti)_du6 ta ud 27 en ud 29_

    AI Translation

    ... from month XII of year 35 ... of the extispicy from day 6 of month XII is visible.

    ... Nisannu I, 3rd day of year 36.

    ... from 11 to 17/I

    ... from 20 to 24/I

    ... of 4 days of Ayyaru from the 1st day

    ... kaprû-offerings, 2nd day of Ayyaru,

    10 kanikku-offerings before Shibir and Ishtar.

    ... of Apla-Ea, 8th day of Ayyaru, 9th day of the 10th month.

    ... of the day, 3rd day, 4th day of month Simanu I

    ... kapru offerings, 21/I

    ... from 27/IV to 30/IV

    ... tilimtu-offerings from 27 to 30/VI

    x kaprû offerings: 10th day of Abu; x kaprû offerings: 13th day of Abu; 14th day of Abu;

    x kaprû-vessels: 13+14 days of Abu;

    ... the ... is visible in front of the Lammu-demon. Ululu Month VI, days 4, 5, 6:

    ... of silver before Ishtar-biti on 04, 05, 06/VI

    ... the main ... is not visible. The throne of the house of Nanaya. Ululu. 4th day.

    40 kanikku-offerings before Shibir and the Ishtars, 5 6 16 22.

    ... for the mashtitu offerings on 04, 05, 06/VI

    ... of Shullum, 22nd day of Tashritu.

    ... from 27 to 29/VI


    … from month XII of the 35th year, … of the intercalary month, from the 6th day of the first addaru XIIa.

    x: 03/I of year 36

    x: from 11 until 17/I

    x: from 20 until 24/I

    x: of 4 days of month II from day 01

    x kapru offering: 02/II

    10 kaniku bottles Shibirru and the Ladies: 01/I

    x of Mar-biti: half of day 8, day 9, 10 of II

    x of the day: 03, 04/III

    x kapru offering: 21/III

    x: 27/IV

    x tilimtu offerings: from 27 until 30/IV

    x kapru: 10/V

    x kapru: 13, 14/V

    x dannu vat before Lammu on 04, 05, 06/VI

    x silver dannu before Ishtar-biti on 04, 05, 06/VI

    x dannu before the throne of the shrine of Nanaya: 04/VI

    40 kaniku bottles before Shibirru and the Ladies: 05, 06, 16, 22/VI

    x for the mashtitu offerings: 04, 05, 06/VII

    x of Shullumu: 22/VII

    x-ti: from 27 until 29/VII 1

    P521693: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze gur
  • sza3-gal (ansze)kunga2 ki (d)szara2-dan-ta kiszib3 szar-ru-um-ba-ni

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley,
  • in the stallions, from Shara-dan, under seal of Sharrum-bani;



    iti ezem-[mah] mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    month "Big-festival," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    Seal 1


    szar-ru-um-ba-ni dumu dingir-a-zu szusz3 lugal

    AI Translation

    Sharrum-bani, son of Ili-azu, royal cattle manager.

    P521694: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 5(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)szara2

  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)nin-zabala4(ki)

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 flour, 5 sila3 esha flour,
  • Shara

  • 2 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour,
  • Ninzabala



    ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta ba-zi iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-[sa] bad3# mar-[tu] ba-du3# mu us2

    AI Translation

    from Shulgi-mudah booked out; month: "Harvest," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected," year after: "... ."

    P521695: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(disz) (uruda)kin 1(u) gin2-ta
  • ki lu2-(d)nin-szubur-ta

    AI Translation
  • 6 copper kettles at 10 shekels each,
  • from Lu-Ninshubur;



    kiszib3 (d)szara2-dan iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    under seal of Sharadan; month: "Harvest," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P521696: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(u) ma-na bappir2 saga
  • 1(asz) gu2 4(u) ma-na bappir du
  • 3(barig) 5(ban2) munu4 si-e3
  • 2(ban2) a2 ma2 hun-ga2
  • 1(barig)? 2(ban2) sze-ba esz18-dar-tu-kul2 se12!?-a
  • AI Translation
  • 20 minas of fine beer kiln-fired bricks,
  • 1 talent 40 mina of baked bread,
  • 3 barig 5 ban2 of roasted malt,
  • 2 ban2 labor of the hirelings,
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 barley rations of the eshdartukul service,
  • Reverse


    […] giri3 a-ga-ti-a ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta ba-zi iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu na-ru2-a ba-du3

    AI Translation

    ... via Agatia, from Shulgi-mudah booked out; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The stele was erected."

    P521697: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) dabin nig2-diri
  • u4 7(disz)-kam

  • 3(ban2) dabin
  • 1(ban2) zi3 sig15
  • nig2-diri u4 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(ban2) zi3 1(ban2) esza
  • 9(disz) ma-na bappir2 saga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 of nigdiri-flour,
  • 7th day.

  • 3 ban2 of barley flour,
  • 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • nigdiri, 1st day;

  • 1 ban2 flour, 1 ban2 esha flour,
  • 9 mana fine beer mash,
  • Reverse

  • 3(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 esza
  • 2(disz) sila3 dida du
  • ga-[gu7]-sze3

  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 dida du
  • [x x]-sze3 ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta a-ga-ti-a szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 3 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 esha flour,
  • 2 sila3 regular emmer,
  • to eat

  • 1 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 regular emmer,
  • to ..., from Shulgi-mudah Agatia received;

    P521698: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) esir2 e2-a
  • ki dumu-ga-ta (d)szara2-dan szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of bitumen for the house;
  • from Dumaga Shara-dan received;



    iti ezem-(d)nin-a-zu mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal bad3 mar-tu mu-(ri-iq)-ti-id-ni-im mu-du3

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Ninazu," year after: "Shu-Suen, king, Amorite wall Muriq-tidnim erected."

    P521699: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze-ba (d)szu-(d)suen-ha-ma-ti
  • 1(barig) szesz-ama-na
  • 1(barig) a-da-lal3
  • 3(ban2) _arad2_-(d)szara2
  • sza3-gu4-me-esz2

  • 4(ban2) dingir-sukkal
  • 4(ban2) ur-(d)_galga_?-bar?
  • gab2-ra-me-esz2 iti nesag-ta iti sze-sag11-ku5-sze3 iti-bi 1(u)

  • 4(ban2) ur-(d)ba-ba6 du3-a-ku5 iti 1(disz)-kam
  • sze-bi 9(asz) 4(barig) sze gur

  • 2(asz) 4(barig) gur sze-ba la-la-ha-ma-ti u3 a-a-ha-ma-ti gab2?-ra
  • kiszib3 sza-at-esz18-dar

  • 2(asz) gur sza3-gal amar e2-tur3-ra
  • kiszib3 ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 igi-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley rations of Shu-Suen-hamati,
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Shesh-amana
  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Adal
  • 3 ban2 ARAD-Shara,
  • they are oxen drivers;

  • 4 ban2: Dingir-sukkal,
  • 4 ban2 Ur-Galgar?,
  • they are paid. From month "First-fruits" to month "Harvest," that month, 10 months.

  • 4 ban2: Ur-Baba, the akitu-house; 1st month,
  • its barley: 9 gur 4 barig;

  • 2 gur 4 barig barley rations for Lala-hamati and Aya-hamati,
  • under seal of Shat-Ishtar,

  • 2 gur, fodder for the calf of the stall,
  • under seal of Ur-Shulpa'e, before;


  • 1(gesz2) 2(u) 4(disz) gu _gad e2_-_gu gad 6_(disz)? gal2?
  • 5(disz) 5/6(disz) sar sahar kun-zi-da 1(bur3) _gan2 1_/3(disz) sar 5(disz) gin2-ta
  • 1(gesz2) 1(u) 5(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 ka i7 gub-ba
  • inim? (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta ba-zi

  • 1(gesz2) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3 kun-zi-da
  • masz-kan2 gub-ba zi-ga mu e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki) ba-du3

    AI Translation
  • 94 talents, linen, house-of-gu-garment, linen, 6? .
  • 5 5/6 sar of earth from the kunzida field, 1 bur3 field area: 1/3 sar 5 shekels each,
  • 115 workdays, male laborers stationed at the mouth of the canal;
  • from the word of Shulgi-mudah he has sworn.

  • 60 workdays, male laborers, at the threshing floor;
  • gazelle stationed, booked out; year: "The house of Shara in Umma was erected."

    P521700: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur
  • sza3-gal (ansze)kunga2 u4 3(u)-kam ki (d)szara2-dan-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley,
  • fodder of the mules, 30th day, from Shara-dan;



    kiszib3# [szar-ru-um]-ba-ni iti a2-ki#-ti# mu us2-sa bad3# mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    under seal of Sharrum-bani; month: "Akitu," year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P521701: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze-gur ba-ri2-ga zabar-ta
  • 6(asz) 1(barig) 5(disz) sila3 [zi3] gur
  • ba-ri2-ga zabar-ta ki (d)szul-gi-mu-dah-ta

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley rations, rations of bronze,
  • 6 gur 1 barig 5 sila3 flour,
  • booked out of the bronze, from Shulgi-mudah;



    sza-at-esz18-dar szu ba-ti iti sig4-(gesz)u3-szub-ba-gar mu us2-sa si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Shat-Ishtar received; month: "Bricks cast in moulds," year after: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P521704: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) (uruda)gag eme-gir2 zabar 1(u@c) (gesz)ban sza3#?-da erin-da maszkim

    AI Translation

    1 bronze scepter, 10 bronze kettledrums for the heart of the troops, the enforcer;



    1(asz@c) (gesz)banszur zabar gar-ra u3-ri-gi4-ar ma-ni maszkim zi-ga erin-da

    AI Translation

    1 table, bronze, set, for Urigir, Mani, the enforcer, booked out of the labor of the troops;

    P521705: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    2(u@c) gal zabar 1(asz@c) tug2 du8-a lu2-du I-_ne_ ma-ni maszkim 1(asz@c) (gesz)gu-za sza3 bala-a gid2-da

    AI Translation

    20 large bronze garments, 1 garment for the ..., Mani was enforcer; 1 chair, in the bala, long,



    dumu ur#-(d#)li9#-[si4?] ugula _an_ x [...] x x zi-ga erin-da

    AI Translation

    son of Ur-Lisi?, foreman: ... ... booked out of the labor of the troops;

    P521706: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(ban2@c) zi3-gu

  • 1(disz) sila3 ar-za-na
  • lu2 hu-hu-nu-ri(ki)

    AI Translation

    1 ban2 of emmer flour,

  • 1 sila3 of arzana-flour,
  • man of Huhnuri



    [...]-x zi-ga lu2-(d)nansze en

    AI Translation

    ... booked out of the account of Lu-Nanshe, the lord.

    P521707: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    [n] sila3 i3-gesz lugal-iti-da szu [ba?-ti?]

    AI Translation

    n sila3 of sesame oil, Lugal-itida received;



    zi-ga lu2-(d)utu iti ezem amar-a-a-si

  • 2(u) 3(disz) u4 ba-zal
  • AI Translation

    booked out of the account of Lu-Utu; month: "Festival of Amar-ayasi."

  • 23 days passed;
  • P521708: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) a2-_gam_ i3 2(ban2)#
  • lu2 _an_-gi4-da-[x]

  • 1(disz) lu2 du11-du11-ul
  • 3(disz) lu2-ni
  • 1(disz) nin9-ge6
  • 1(disz) _mug_
  • 1(disz) ku#-ru-ub-si-ad
  • [x] lu2 a-ni-ad [...] _masz_ [...] _kib_ [...] x _ur_

    AI Translation
  • 2 agam-plants, oil, 2 ban2 per day,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1 man, Duduul;
  • 3 mana wool for Lu-ni;
  • 1: Ninge,
  • 1 mug,
  • 1: Kurubsiad,
  • Reverse


    [...] x [...] x [...] _pu2_ zi-ga (d)szara2-i3-sa6

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... of Shara-isa,

    P521709: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz)# a2#-_gam_ i3 2(ban2)
  • u#-bar

  • 1(disz) lu2-ni
  • 3(disz) lu2 dumu dingir-ma
  • AI Translation
  • 1 agam-plant, oil, 2 ban2
  • a kind of profession

  • 1 Lu-ni,
  • 3 man, son of Dingirma,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) lugal-ti-ra-asz2#-e
  • zi-ga (d)szara2-i3-sa6

    AI Translation
  • 1 Lugal-tirashe,
  • booked out of the account of Shara-isa;

    P521710: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) tug2 bar-dul5 guz-za saga e2-gal-la ba-ku4

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c-garment, ..., good quality, for the palace, brought;



    zi-ga (d)szara2-i3-sa6

    AI Translation

    booked out of the account of Shara-isa;

    P521711: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


  • 3(u) ku6 kun-zi#
  • ur-(d)nin-pirig

    AI Translation
  • 30 fish, 'finger';
  • for Ur-Ninpirig;



    zi-ga (d)szara2-i3-sa6

    AI Translation

    booked out of the account of Shara-isa;

    P521712: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz2@c) 4(u@c) tug2 mu-du8-um iri-ta e3-a ki lu2 azlag2-ta

    AI Translation

    240 garments, reed-beds, from the city ..., from the merchant;



    [x] _du_-de3 zi-ga (d)szara2-i3-sa6

    AI Translation

    ... he will go; booked out of the account of Shara-isa;

    P521713: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) gada 2(asz@c)# [n?] e2-da [x] a2-an [...] 1(asz@c) gada# 1(asz@c) tug2 sza3-ga-du3 3(asz@c) e2-da 2(asz@c) a2-an 1(asz@c) (gesz)ha-lu-ub2

    AI Translation

    1 linen, 2 ..., for the house; ..., a-an-flour, 1 linen, 1 sza-gadu-garment, 3 for the house; 2 linen, 1 halub-wood,



    gid2 3(disz) 1/2(disz) kusz3 dagal 1(disz) szu-_bad_ na-hu-um-_nig2_-_sa6_ [...] x-a#? ur-dun

    AI Translation

    length 3 1/2 cubits width 1 shu-bad of Nahum-nig2-sa6 ... ... Ur-DUN

    P521714: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    2(barig@c) 2(ban2@c) dabin 2(ban2@c) [(x)] sag ninda# 3(ban2@c) 3(disz) [n] sila3 zi3-gu 3(ban2@c) zi3 sig15#

    AI Translation

    2 barig 2 ban2 flour, 2 ban2 bread, the head 3 ban2 3 sila3 fine flour, 3 ban2 fine flour,



    igi-[x]-gal2 zi3 zi-gum sa2-du11

    AI Translation

    ... flour, zigum flour, regular offering;

    P521715: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) x lugal-uszur3 1(asz@c) masz2 dumu ti-ti-bi?

    AI Translation

    1 ... Lugal-ushur, 1 goat, son of Titibi,




    AI Translation


    P521716: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) ki-tusz-lu2 dumu geme2-(d)gesz-bar-e3 lu2-zah3# dumu im-ta en-du dumu lugal-en-[x?]

    AI Translation

    1 ash-c-worker: Kitush-lu, son of Geme-geshbar-e, Lu-zah, son of Imta, Endu, son of Lugal-en-x,



    szunigin 3(disz)# gurusz nu-banda3#? _ud_-e2# e2-esz2-ka i3-szex(_sig7_)

    AI Translation

    total: 3 male laborers, the overseer, from the day-house of the eshka temple, scented with honey;

    P521717: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI


    1(u@c) 3(asz@c) dabin gur sa2-du11 nig2-gal2-la

    AI Translation

    13 gur of dabin flour, regular offering, property;

    P521718: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    4(asz@c) kasz dug li-la 3(asz@c) kasz dug en-du 4(asz@c) kasz dug gala 4(asz@c) kasz dug

    AI Translation

    4 jugs of lila beer, 3 jugs of endu beer, 4 jugs of gala beer, 4 jugs of beer,



    lugal-ma2 3(asz@c) kasz dug da-da 2(asz@c) kasz dug lu2-bi sa2-du11

    AI Translation

    for Lugal-ma; 3 jugs of dada beer; 2 jugs of dada beer, its man, regular offerings;

    P521719: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) udu da#?-[...] 1(asz@c) udu _lul_-gu-_ag 1_(asz@c) sila4 ur-(d)nin-ildu3

    AI Translation

    1 sheep ..., 1 sheep Lulgu-ag, 1 lamb Ur-Nin-ildu,



    1(asz@c) sila4 dumu ur-(d)_gir3#_?-[...] x [...] x [...] [...]

    AI Translation

    1 lamb, son of Ur-GIR .

    P521720: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(asz@c) gu2# sag siki 2(asz@c) gu2 siki us2 lu2-igi

    AI Translation

    1 talent, head, wool, 2 talents, wool, length: Lu-igi;



    e2-kiszib3-ba-ka ba-ku4

    AI Translation

    entered into the sealed house.

    P521721: administrative tablet

    Lagash II (ca. 2200-2100 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u@c) 5(gesz2@c) ku6 ab-suhur 6(gesz2@c) sza3 ku6 ab-suhur

    AI Translation

    720 fish, ...; 460 fish, ...;



    _an_-[...]-ki-[x?]-szum# [mu]-kux(_du_)

    AI Translation

    PN2 received .

    P521722: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) 7(disz) sila3 i3-szah2
  • ki munus szu-i (d)nin-hur-sag-ta _ne_-_ne_ szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 7 sila3 lard,
  • from the hand of the woman Ninhursag did Nene receive;



    mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    year: "The en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P521723: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) 6(disz) sila3 dabin
  • u4 7(disz)-kam

  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 u4 8(disz)-kam
  • 2(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 u4 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam
  • 4(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 u4 1(u)-kam
  • 4(ban2) u4 1(u) 1(disz)-kam
  • 1(barig) 4(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 u4 1(u) 2(disz)-kam
  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 u4 1(u) 3(disz)-kam
  • 1(barig) 2(ban2) u4 1(u) 4(disz)-kam
  • 4(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam
  • 1(barig) 2(disz) sila3 u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam
  • AI Translation
  • 1 barig 3 ban2 6 sila3 barley flour,
  • 7th day.

  • 1 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3 the 8th day;
  • 2 ban2 4 sila3 the 9th day;
  • 4 ban2 3 sila3 the 10th day;
  • 4 ban2 on the 11th day;
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 2 sila3 the 12th day;
  • 1 barig 2 ban2 3 sila3 the 13th day;
  • 1 barig 2 ban2, 14th day;
  • 4 ban2 8 sila3 the 15th day;
  • 1 barig 2 sila3 the 16th day;
  • Reverse

  • 5(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 u4 1(u) 7(disz)-kam
  • 3(ban2) u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam
  • 8(disz) sila3 u4 2(u)-kam
  • 4(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 u4 2(u) 1(disz)-kam
  • 5(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 u4 2(u) 2(disz)-kam
  • ki (d)szara2#-kam-ta kiszib3 ensi2-ka iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 5 ban2 2 sila3 the 17th day;
  • 3 ban2 18th day;
  • 8 sila3 on the 20th day;
  • 4 ban2 4 sila3 the 21st day;
  • 5 ban2 2 sila3 the 22nd day;
  • from Shara, under seal of the governor; month: "House-month-6," year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Column 1


    (d)szu-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Shu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    a-a-kal-la ensi2 umma(ki) _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ayakalla, governor of Umma, is your servant.

    P521724: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    er3-ra-[ba-ni lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal] u4 bu-lu-um(ki)-sze3 ba-[gen-na-a]

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • ur-gu lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • dingir-ba-ni lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 1(disz) ku6
  • bi2-la-lum lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 sze-gesz-i3 an-za-gar3-ta mu-de6-a zi-ga iti nig2-(d)en-lil2-la2 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Erra-bani, the royal messenger, came to Bulum when

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Urgu, royal messenger;

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Ili-bani, the king's messenger, when he came to Duran,

  • 1 sila3 soup, 1 fish,
  • Bilalum, messenger of the king, when the sesame from Anzagar was smelted, booked out; month: "Nig-Enlil," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."



    u4 2(u) 5(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    25th day.

    P521725: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(disz)#? [_erim_] (ansze#)kunga2 2(barig) 3(ban2) sze-ta
  • 4(disz) giri17-dab5 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze-ta?
  • sze-bi 5(asz) gur iti# 1(disz)-kam iti 1(u) 2(disz)-sze3 [sze]-bi# 1(gesz2) gur [sza3-gal] (ansze#)kunga2

    AI Translation
  • 8 men, mules, 2 barig 3 ban2 barley each,
  • 4 giridab-workers, 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 barley each?,
  • its barley: 5 gur, for 1 month and 12 months; its barley: 102 gur; .



    [u3] sze-ba giri17-dab5# zi-gu5-um ne#-be6#?-[er?]-(d)szu-(d)suen ki ur-mes ensi2 ma-szum szusz3 szu ba-ti giri3 tu-ra-am-i3-[li2] szabra mu en (d)inanna unu[(ki)]-ga masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    and barley rations, snatched, ziguum, Neber-shu-Sîn, from Urmes, governor, Mashum, cattle manager, received; via Turam-ili, the household manager; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by the goat was found."

    P521726: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(u) 4(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • a-sza3 sipa-da _gan2_ lugal-ku3-zu-ke4 a du11-ga

  • 3(u) la2 1(disz) gurusz u4 1(disz)-sze3
  • pa4 a-da-ga ba-al-la a-sza3 ur#?-gu#?

    AI Translation
  • 44 workdays, male laborers,
  • field of the shepherd, field of Lugal-kuzu, irrigation work performed.

  • 30 less 1 workdays, male laborers,
  • field of Adaga, cleared, field of Urgu?,



    ugula lugal-nesag-e kiszib3 lugal-e2-mah-e mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    foreman: Lugal-nesage, under seal of Lugal-emahe; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    lugal-e2-mah-[e] dub-sar dumu lugal-ku3-ga-[ni]

    AI Translation

    Lugal-emahe, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.

    P521727: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] bar-ra kar-ra

  • 1(disz)# sila3 i3-gesz
  • ki lugal-ezem-ta nig2-u2-rum szu ba-ti

    AI Translation

    ... ..., in the street,

  • 1 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • from Lugal-ezem, Nig-urum received;



    mu (d)nanna kar-zi-da a-ra2 2(disz)-kam [...]

    AI Translation

    year: "Nanna of Karzida for the 2nd time .

    P521728: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz)? dug dida du?
  • 2(barig) 5(ban2)? sze lugal
  • 2(barig) n i3-nun-_ha_
  • lugal-(gesz)kiri6

    AI Translation
  • 5? jugs of regular wort,
  • 2 barig 5 ban2 barley, royal measure,
  • 2 barig n ghee,
  • gardener



    mu-kux(_du_) (d)en?-x? iti (d)li9-si4

    AI Translation

    delivery of En-...; month: "Lisi."

    P521729: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) udu sze6-ga2 5(disz) sila3 tu7
  • (d)szul-gi-ma-ti ra2-gaba lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • puzur4-ma-ma lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7
  • ur-(d)nun-gal lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 aga3-us2 lugal me?
  • u4 erin2 sze gesz ra-ra zi-zi-de3 im-e-re-sza-a

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • AI Translation
  • 1 sheep, pastured, 5 sila3 soup,
  • Shulgi-mati, messenger of the king,

  • 2 sila3 soup,
  • Puzur-Mama, royal messenger,

  • 1 sila3 soup,
  • Ur-Nungal, royal messenger;

  • 2 sila3 soup, royal steward,
  • When the troops piled up barley and piled it up, they were able to take the road.

  • 1 malakku sheep, 2 sila3 soup,
  • Reverse


    szu-esz18-dar lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 1(disz) ma-la-ku udu 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • pu-su lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 ki-masz(ki)-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7
  • ba-a-a lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 |_bad3-an_|(ki)-sze3 ba-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7
  • ur-(gesz)gigir lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 i3-nun-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 2(disz) sila3 tu7 lugal-amar-ku3 lu2-ur3-ra
  • u4 mun-gazi-sze3 im-gen-na-a

  • 1(disz) sila3 tu7 ta2-ki-dingir szu-i
  • u4 (gesz)ma-nu-sze3 im-gen-na-a zi-ga iti szu-gar-gal mu en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    Shu-Ishtar, royal messenger;

  • 1 malakku sheep, 2 sila3 soup,
  • Pusu, the king's messenger, when he came to Kimash,

  • 1 sila3 soup,
  • to Ba'a, the king's messenger, when he came to Duran,

  • 2 sila3 soup,
  • Ur-gigir, the royal messenger, when he entered the ghee,

  • 2 sila3 soup, Lugal-amarku, Lu-ura;
  • When he came to mungazi,

  • 1 sila3 soup, Taki-il, the shu-i;
  • when he entered the boat, booked out; month: "shugargal," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen."



    u4 4(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    4th day.

    P521730: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    la2-ia3 4(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) 5/6(disz) a2 geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 la2-ia3 ma-an-szum2 ki (gesz)dur2-gar-ni-ta

    AI Translation

    deficit: 6353 5/6 workdays, female laborers, deficit of Manshum, from the threshing floor;



    [...] x x x [szu ba]-ti# [iti] nesag [mu? a]-ra2# 2(disz)-kam x x? x _ki_ ba-hun-ga2

    AI Translation

    ... received; month: "First fruits," year: "For the 2nd time ... with Bahuga."

    P521731: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 3(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze gur lugal
  • mar-gid2-da sa10-a guru7 du6-gi4-du3-a x? ki u3-ma-ni-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 3 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 barley, royal measure,
  • for the wagon, as a gift, for the granary of Dugidua, from Umani;



    lu2-(d)szara2 dumu al-la szu ba-ti iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa sza-asz#-ru#-um#(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lu-Shara, son of Alla, received; month: "Harvest," year after: "Shashrum was destroyed."

    Seal 1



    AI Translation

    P521732: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(ban2)? [...]
  • sze x x x

  • 1(ban2) x? x sze nig2#-ar3#-[ra ...]
  • sa2-[du11?]

  • 1(ban2) sze x x [...]
  • 4(disz)? x x [...]
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ban2 ...,
  • ... barley

  • 1 ban2 ... barley, grain-fed, ...,
  • regular offerings

  • 1 ban2 barley ...,
  • 4? ...
  • Reverse


    lu2 a-pi2-ak(ki) u4 1(u) 8(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    man of Apiak, 18th day;

    P521733: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 3(gesz2) sa# gi# [ga2]-nun-ta ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 in-sa6-sa6?

    AI Translation

    420 bundles of reed from the reed storage facility, from Akalla under seal of Insasa;



    ninda du8-de3 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu ba-du3

    AI Translation

    bread for a "festival"; year after: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    Seal 1


    in-sa6-[sa6] dumu bi2#-du11# [x]

    AI Translation

    Insasa, son of Bidu, .

    P521734: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1'


    [...] x x [x] _zi# du pa#_? [x] (gesz#)gu-za nita szinig [x] (gesz#)banszur szinig [si]-i3-tum mu ma-da# za-ab-sza-li-li#(ki) ba-hul [n] 3(u) 2(barig) 5(ban2) 4(disz) sila3 sze gur sa2#-du11 kas4 u3 [nig2]-zi-zi sza3# iri-ka

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... throne of a male, rations ..., table, rations, year: "The land of Zabshalili was destroyed." ... 30 gur 2 barig 5 ban2 4 sila3 barley, regular offerings, messengers and nigzizi in the city

    Column 2'


    nig2-x [...] lu2 [...]

  • 1(asz) [ ...] lu2 [...]
  • x [...]

    AI Translation

  • 1 gur ..., man of ...,
  • ...;

    P521735: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 6(asz) sze gur lugal
  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • 1(disz) udu ku3-bi 1/2(disz) gin2
  • sza3 gir2-su(ki)

  • 1(disz) masz2 ku3#-[bi ...] [...] sze#?
  • AI Translation
  • 16 gur barley, royal measure,
  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • 1 sheep, its silver: 1/2 shekel;
  • in Girsu;

  • 1 billy goat, its silver: ... barley?;
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) masz2 ku3#-[bi ...]
  • sza3 gir2-su(ki#) [x?] szunigin 1(u) 6(asz) 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sze# gur# szunigin 4(disz) gin2 igi 3(disz)-gal2 1(u) 5(disz) sze-kam ku3 nig2-kam [mu us2-sa bad3] ma#-da# mu# us2#-sa-bi

    AI Translation
  • 1 billy goat, its silver: ...;
  • in Girsu ...; total: 16 gur 3 ban2 5 sila3 barley; total: 4 shekels 3/3 15 grains silver, property of the year following: "The wall of the land," that year,

    P521736: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) sze ur5-ra zi3-da
  • ki ku3-(d)nin#-ur4#-[ra]-ta#

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of ur barley, flour,
  • from Ku-Ninura;



    mu lugal-bi in-pa3# mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "The king was installed." year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P521737: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) sze gur ur5-ra
  • masz2-bi-sze3 1(barig) dam nu-tuku ki be-[li2]-ba-ni-ta

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur of barley, extispicy,
  • as its interest, 1 barig, without wife, from Beli-bani;



    lu2#-gi#-[na] szu# ba-ti# mu e2 (d)szara2# ba-du3

    AI Translation

    Lugina received; year: "The house of Shara was erected."

    P521738: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] 2(barig) sze ur5-ra gur masz2 igi 3(disz)-gal2-bi si-ge4-dam ki ma-an-ba-ta lu2-eb-gal-ke4 szu ba-ti kislah ag2-e-de3 mu lugal-bi in-pa3

    AI Translation

    n 2 barig barley, the interest, its interest of 1/3 shekel per gur is to be charged, from Manba did Lu-ebgal receive; the restitution of the debts, the year in which the king was repaid;



    igi hu-wa-wa dumu [...]-x-gu-[x]-sze3# igi lugal-nir-gal2 dumu ba-lu5-lu5-a-sze3 igi ab-ba-saga dam-[gar3] iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu na-ru2-a mah# ba-du3

    AI Translation

    before Huwawa, son of ...; before Lugal-nirgal, son of Bilulua; before Abbasaga, the merchant; month: "Harvest," year: "The great stele was erected."

    P521739: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • 1(u) gin2 uruda ga2-[ga2]-de3
  • ki lum-ma-ta na-lu5 x szu ba-an-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • 10 shekels of copper I shall measure out.
  • from Lumma Nalu received ...;



    igi ur-(d)nanna-sze3 igi ur-sa6-ga-sze3 su-su-da mu lugal!-bi i3-pa3! iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu en-am-gal-an-[na ba]-hun

    AI Translation

    before Ur-Nanna; before Ur-saga; reeds, the year: "The king ruled." Month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Enamgalana was installed."

    Seal 1


    na-lu5 [...] dumu x [...]

    AI Translation

    Nalu, son of .

    P521740: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1 gin2 igi 4(disz)-gal2 6(disz) 1/2(disz) sze ku3-babbar masz2 nu-tuku ku3 nig2-sa3-ma-ka ki lu2-eb-gal-ta lugal#-iti-da

    AI Translation

    1 shekel 4 grains 6 1/2 grains silver, without interest, silver for the account, from Lu-ebgal, Lugal-itida;



    szu ba-ti iti nesag-sze3 su-su-da mu lugal-bi in-pa3 mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 bad3 mar-tu mu-du3

    AI Translation

    received; month: "First fruits," year: "The king was installed;" year after: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall erected."

    P521741: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 gesz-du3
  • 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(asz)
  • na-mu-da mar-tu

  • 4(disz) u8 a-lum
  • 3(disz) udu a-lum
  • 1(disz) udu gal
  • 1(u) 2(disz) gukkal
  • 3(disz) |_u8_+_hul2_|
  • 1(disz) masz2-gal
  • AI Translation
  • 1 ox, tanned,
  • 1 ox, 3 years old,
  • Amurru-born Samuda

  • 4 ewes, long-fleeced,
  • 3 long-fleeced sheep,
  • 1 large sheep,
  • 12 fat-tailed sheep,
  • 3 ewes,
  • 1 billy goat, full grown,
  • Reverse


    lu2-ti-um u3 za-tum mar-tu-me

  • 2(disz) sila4 puzur4#-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) sila4 ur-(d)szul-gi-ra
  • 1(disz) sila4 a-mur-e2-a
  • 1(disz) sila4 szu-(d)en-lil2-la2
  • 1(disz) sila4 ga niga ensi2 nibru(ki)
  • mu-kux(_du_) iti u5-bi2-gu7 min mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) u3 lu-lu-bu(ki) a-ra2 1(u) la2 1(disz)-kam-asz ba-hul

    AI Translation

    they are Lutium and the Amorite Zatum;

  • 2 lambs from Puzur-Ishtar,
  • 1 lamb for Ur-Shulgi;
  • 1 lamb from Amur-ea,
  • 1 lamb for Shu-Enlila,
  • 1 lamb, suckling, grain-fed, governor of Nippur;
  • delivery; month: "Ubi-feast," min. year: "Simurrum and Lullubu for the 9th time were destroyed."



    u4 1(u) 6(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    16th day.

    P521742: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (gi)murux(|_kid-szu2-ma2_|)
  • mu ur-(d)szara2-sze3 kiszib3 a-kal-la mu nig2-gi4-in-na-sze3 sza3 bala-a

    AI Translation
  • 1 reed basket,
  • for Ur-Shara; under seal of Akalla; for Niggina; in the bala;



    mu ki-masz(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P521743: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) zi3 gur lugal
  • ziz2 bala-bi 3(barig) [n n] sila3#!? sa2-du11 e2-nig2!-lagar-ka

  • 3(barig) 3(ban2) zi3
  • ziz2 bala-bi 1(barig) 4(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 sa2-du11 (d)szul-gi zi3 sza3-nu-_du_-ma a-sza3 u2-ka

    AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig flour, royal measure,
  • its bala wheat: 3 barig ... sila3 ?, regular offerings of the granary;

  • 3 barig 3 ban2 flour,
  • its bala wheat: 1 barig 4 ban2 5 sila3 regular offerings of Shulgi, flour of Shanudu, field of Uka;



    ki ur-(d)nin-su-ta giri3 ha-ba-lu5-ge2 mu-kux(_du_) ki _arad2_-ta zi-ga-am3 iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu us2-sa a-ra2 3(disz)-kam# si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    from Ur-Ninsu, via Habaluge; delivery, from ARAD booked out; month: "Harvest," year following: "For the 3rd time Simurrum was destroyed."

    P521744: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(asz) 1(barig) 4(ban2) kasz saga gur
  • (gesz)dur2!?-gar-ni

  • 1(asz) gur a-lu5-lu5
  • 4(barig) ur-ab-ba-saga#
  • 4(barig) 4(ban2) lu2-(d)nin-[x]
  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) esz3-e-ki-ag2
  • 1(barig) 3(ban2) ur-e2-nun-na
  • giri3# ur-(d)szara2

  • 1(asz) 1(barig) gur e2-ki-ag2
  • AI Translation
  • 1 gur 1 barig 4 ban2 fine beer,
  • a kind of tree

  • 1 gur, Alulu,
  • 4 barig Ur-abbasaga,
  • 4 barig 4 ban2: Lu-Nin-...;
  • 1 barig 1 ban2: Esh-ekiag,
  • 1 barig 3 ban2: Ur-Enunna,
  • via Ur-Shara;

  • 1 gur 1 barig, Ekiag,
  • Reverse

  • 3(asz) 1(barig) gur ur#-mes
  • 1(asz) 1(barig) gur lugal-za3-ge
  • giri3 za-x-[x x?] szunigin 1(u) 1(barig) kasz!? saga#? [gur] lugal-ra us2-[sa] mu (d#)nanna#!? x x x x

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur 1 barig, Urmes,
  • 1 gur 1 barig, Lugal-zage,
  • via Za-...; total: 10 gur 1 barig fine beer?, royal measure, after the year: "Nanna ...."

    P521745: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 5(disz) (uruda)|_sze-kin_| ki-la2-bi 1(u) 6(disz) gin2-ta
  • kiszib3 lu2-(d)er3-ra

  • 1(u) 5(disz) (uruda)|_sze-kin_| ki-la2-bi 1(u) 6(disz) gin2-ta
  • kiszib3 lugal-nesag-e

  • 1(u)# 5(disz)# (uruda)|_sze-kin_|
  • ki-la2-bi 1(u) 6(disz) gin2-ta

    AI Translation
  • 15 ..., its weight: 16 shekels each;
  • under seal of Lu-Erra,

  • 15 ..., its weight: 16 shekels each;
  • under seal of Lugal-nesage,

  • 15 ... copper.
  • Their weight: 16 shekels each;



    [szunigin? 4(u)?] 5(disz)#? (uruda)|_sze-kin_| ki-la2-bi 1(u) 6(disz)#? gin2-ta

    AI Translation

    total: 45? copper ..., its weight: 16? shekels each;

    P521746: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 6(asz) [n] sze# [gur] lugal#
  • ki i-la-la lu2 i3-dub dingir-mu-ma-szum2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 6 gur n grains, royal measure,
  • from Ilala, the man, the depot of Dingir-mu-mashum received;



    su-su-dam mu us2-sa ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    to be delivered; year following: "Kimash was destroyed," year following that.

    P521747: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) (gesz)il2 sahar
  • [...] 3(ban2)-ta ki ur-(d)dumu-zi-ta dingir-ba-ni szabra

    AI Translation
  • 1 basket of earth,
  • ... 3 ban2 each, from Ur-Dumuzi, Ili-bani, the household manager;



    szu ba-ti iti kir11-si-ak mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "kirsiak," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P521748: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sa gi
  • ki dingir-sa6-ga#?-ta ur-(d)szul?-pa-e3?

    AI Translation
  • 1 bundle reed,
  • from Dingir-saga, Ur-Shulpa'e?



    iti masz-da3-gu7 mu us2-sa en# (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month: "Gazelle feast," year after: "The priest of Inanna was installed;"

    P521749: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] [...] x [...] x ki [...] x dumu [...]-ta isz#-me-a-ni

    AI Translation

    ... ... ... ... ... ... he heard him.



    szu ba-ti iti munu4-gu7? mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Malt feast," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P521750: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig)#? nig2-ar3-ra
  • 4(barig)? sze lugal
  • sza3-gal muszen sza3 x x? tum-ma-a-a-ba? ki# nam#-mah-ta# [...]

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig? of emmer,
  • 4 barig barley, royal measure,
  • The intestines of the bird of ..., from Nammah .



    iti# ezem-(d)szul#-[gi] mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma [na?] [(d])en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2 mu#-ne#?-du3#?

    AI Translation

    month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, for Enlil and Ninlil erected."

    P521751: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 4(ban2) 3(disz) sila3 dabin
  • sza3-gal muhaldim u4 1(disz)-kam

  • 4(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 u4 2(disz)-kam
  • 4(ban2) u4 3(disz)-kam
  • 4(ban2) u4 4(disz)-kam
  • 4(ban2) u4 5(disz)-kam
  • AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 3 sila3 of dabin-flour,
  • chief cook, 1st day;

  • 4 ban2 2 sila3 the 2nd day;
  • 4 ban2 3rd day;
  • 4 ban2 4th day;
  • 4 ban2 the 5th day;
  • P521752: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [...] 4(ban2) esza [n] zi3 sig15 [u4] 1(disz)-kam [n] 1(ban2) esza 1(ban2) zi3 sig15 [...] _sze 1_(disz) sila3-ta iti e2-iti-6(disz) [...] x _ni_ (d)szara2 a-ra2 (n)-kam [n] zi3 sig15 [(d)]nin-szubur

  • 1(ban2) zi3 sig15 (d)ne3-eri11-gal
  • 1(ban2) dabin (d)eb-gal
  • 1(ban2) dabin 1(ban2) esza
  • sza3 gur ki-gub-ba

  • 1(ban2) zi3 sig15 [...]
  • AI Translation

    ... 4 ban2 fine flour, n ... fine flour, 1st day; n 1 ban2 fine flour, 1 ban2 fine flour, ... barley, 1 sila3 each, month: "House-month-6," ... ... of Shara, for n days; n fine flour of Ninshubur,

  • 1 ban2 fine flour for Nerigal,
  • 1 ban2 of barley flour for Ebgal,
  • 1 ban2 of semolina, 1 ban2 of esha flour,
  • in gur, stationed;

  • 1 ban2 fine flour ...,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 nig2-i3-de2
  • u4 2(disz)-kam

  • 2(ban2) dabin 2(ban2) esza
  • u4 3(disz)-kam szunigin 1(barig) 4(ban2)#? dabin szunigin 1(barig) 2(ban2)? esza szunigin 5(ban2) 1(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 iti e2-iti-6(disz) mu ma2-gur8 mah ba-dim2

    AI Translation
  • 1 sila3 fine flour, for Nig-ide;
  • 2nd day;

  • 2 ban2 of semolina, 2 ban2 of esha flour,
  • 3rd day; total: 1 barig 4 ban2? of dabin flour; total: 1 barig 2 ban2? of esha flour; total: 5 ban2 1 sila3 of yellowed flour; month: "House month 6," year: "The great barge was fashioned."

    P521753: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) hu-ma-ti#?
  • 1(disz) ur-x x x
  • 1(disz) na-ba-sa6
  • 1(disz) ur-(gesz)gigir dumu en?-_bi_
  • [1(disz)] x-sza3-gi
  • 1(disz) ku-li lu2 x?
  • AI Translation
  • 1: Humati,
  • 1 Ur-...,
  • 1: Nabasa,
  • 1 Ur-gigir, son of En-BI,
  • 1 ...-sagi,
  • 1 Kuli, man of ...,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) ku3-ga-ni x
  • AI Translation
  • 1 Kugani ...,
  • P521754: legal tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4 mu 3(asz)
  • ku3-bi 4(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar ki na-an-ti-a-ta e-zi-tum-e in-szi-sa10 ku3-ta i3-til mu lugal-bi in-pa3

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox, 3 years old,
  • its silver: 4 shekels of silver, from Nantia Ezitum bought; from the silver he paid; year: "The king swore it."



    igi sza3-ku3-ge-sze3 igi a-hu-du10-sze3 igi szu-er3-ra-sze3 igi szu-esz18-dar dam-gar3-sze3 igi tu-ra-am-i3-li2-sze3 igi (d)nanna-ku3-zu dub-sar-sze3 mu (d)i-bi-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    before Shakuge; before Ahudu; before Shu-Erra; before Shu-ishtar, the merchant; before Turam-ili; before Nanna-kuzu, the scribe; year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    na-na-ti-a dumu ga-an-x

    AI Translation

    Nanatia, son of Gan...;

    Seal 2


    (d)[nanna-ku3-zu] dub-sar [...]

    AI Translation

    Nanna-kuzu, scribe .

    P521755: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(disz) ma2 a2 3(ban2)-ta
  • 1(disz) ma2 a2 2(ban2)-ta
  • u4 6(disz)-kam sze-bi 1(asz) gur x x x

    AI Translation
  • 1 barge, labor: 3 ban2 = 30 sila3 each
  • 1 barge, labor: 2 ban2 = 20 sila3 each
  • 6th day, its barley: 1 gur ...;

    P521756: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 7(gesz2) 1(disz) tug2 usz-bar
  • 1(gesz2) 2(u)#? 3(disz) tug2 mug?
  • ab-ba-kal-la szu ba-an-ti _gisz_? x iri-sag-rig7 x? ki a-li2-ni-szu-ta mu-kux(_du_) iti ki-siki-(d)nin-a-zu u4 [...] mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 [...] mah (d)en#-lil2 (d)nin#-lil2-ra [...]

    AI Translation
  • 121 ushbar textiles,
  • 93 mug-garments,
  • Abbakalla received; ... from Irisagrig ... from Ali-nishu; delivery; month: "ki-siki of Ninazu," day ... year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, ... great ... of Enlil and Ninlil .

    P521757: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1

  • 1(u) 1(barig) 1(ban2) dabin gur
  • sa2-du11 u4 iti 1(disz)-kam

  • 2(ban2) zi3 giri3 a-bu-du10
  • 1(ban2) ur-gi6-par4
  • 1(ban2) lu2 du-u2-ga?
  • 5(disz) sila3 (d)iszkur-illat
  • 5(disz) sila3 ur-(d)suen
  • 5(disz) sila3 lu2 ur-(d)a#-szar2#
  • 5(disz) sila3 lu2 ur-e11-e
  • 3(ban2) szu-er3-ra
  • 3(ban2) lugal-za3-e3
  • 3(ban2) a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • 3(ban2) zi3 3(ban2) sze a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
  • 1(ban2)# x x x
  • be-li2-a-zu

  • 2(ban2) a-ra2 1(disz)-kam
  • 2(ban2) a-ra2 2(disz)-kam
  • suhusz-ki-in

  • 1(barig) lu2-dingir-ra
  • 1(ban2) zu-zu
  • 1(ban2) lu2-us2 e2-a-ni
  • 5(disz) sila3 lu2 szu-ma-ta?
  • 2(disz) sila3 sze naga
  • 1(ban2)? sag-rig7
  • 2(ban2) x-(d#?)nin-szubur
  • AI Translation
  • 10 gur 1 barig 1 ban2 dabin flour,
  • regular offerings, 1st day,

  • 2 ban2 flour, via Abu-du;
  • 1 ban2: Ur-gipar,
  • 1 ban2: Duuga?,
  • 5 sila3 for Ishkur-illat,
  • 5 sila3: Ur-Suen;
  • 5 sila3: man of Ur-Ashar;
  • 5 sila3: man: Ur-e'e;
  • 3 ban2: Shu-Erra,
  • 3 ban2: Lugal-za'e;
  • 3 ban2 1st time,
  • 3 ban2 flour, 3 ban2 barley, 2nd time;
  • 1 ban2 ...,
  • for Beli-azu;

  • 2 ban2 1st time,
  • 2 ban2 2nd time,
  • a kind of reed mat

  • 60 litres of barley 1 unit for Lu-dingira
  • 1 ban2 of dates,
  • 1 ban2: the laborers of his house,
  • 5 sila3: from the man of Shu-Ma;
  • 2 sila3 of barley, alkali-plant,
  • 1 ban2 of barley rations,
  • 2 ban2 ...-Ninshubur,
  • Column 2

  • 5(disz) sila3 lu2-esz18-dar x x
  • 1(ban2) al-lu
  • 5(disz) sila3 szar-ru-um#-ba-ni
  • 2(ban2) zi3 x x szu-(d)dumu-[zi?]
  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza
  • sza3 pa5-nig2-gur11#?-ra#?(ki)

  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza
  • sza3 ambar(ki)

  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 esza
  • sza3 e2-duru5-en-na# (d)nanna#

  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 5(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)nin-gir2-su u3 (d)ba-ba6 sza3 lagasz(ki)

  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 5(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)mes-lam-ta-e3# sza3 un-sa6-ga#(ki)

  • 3(ban2) zi3 1/2(disz) sila3 esza#
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-[kam]

  • 1(ban2) 2(disz) sila3 zi3 6(disz) [sila3] esza#
  • e2 (d)nin-gir2-su u3 (d)ba-ba6

  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 esza# (d)lamma!
  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza# (d)[...]
  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 esza# [...]
  • x x x [...]

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3: Lu-ishtar ...,
  • 1 ban2: Allu;
  • 5 sila3: Sharrum-bani;
  • 2 ban2 flour ..., Shu-Dumuzi?,
  • 2 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour,
  • in the pa-niggura? district;

  • 2 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour,
  • in Ambar;

  • 1 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 esha flour,
  • in the Duruena temple of Nanna;

  • 5 sila3 flour, 5 sila3 esha flour,
  • For Ningirsu and Baba of Lagash,

  • 5 sila3 flour, 5 sila3 esha flour,
  • Meslamta'e, in Unsaga.

  • 3 ban2 flour, 1/2 sila3 esha flour,
  • 1st time.

  • 1 ban2 2 sila3 flour, 6 sila3 esha flour,
  • the temple of Ningirsu and Baba;

  • 1 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 esha flour for Lamma,
  • 1 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour for ...,
  • 1 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 esha-flour, ...,
  • Column 1


    [...] siskur2? [...]

  • 1(ban2) zi3# sig15#? [...]
  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 [...]
  • e2 (d)szul-gi-[ra] x zi3 sig15 2(ban2) zi3-gu 2(ban2) [...] n sila3 esza 3(disz) sila3 nig2-ar3-ra x-_di_?-sze3 n sila3 zi3 3(disz) sila3 esza

  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 3(disz) sila3 esza
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam x x (d)nin-gir2-su gaba-ri-a sza3 gir2-su(ki)

  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)ne3-eri11-gal

  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)inanna

  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza
  • (d)utu

  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 5(disz) sila3 esza
  • dub-la2-mah (d)nanna# [...] zi3 5(disz) sila3 esza a2#?-ki-ti#? [...]

  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 2(disz) sila3 esza
  • AI Translation

    ... siskur2? .

  • 1 ban2 fine flour ...,
  • 5 sila3 fine flour ...,
  • for the house of Shulgi ... flour, 2 ban2 fine flour, 2 ban2 ... n sila3 fine flour, 3 sila3 ...-bread, n sila3 flour, 3 sila3 fine flour,

  • 5 sila3 flour, 3 sila3 esha flour,
  • 2nd time, ... of Ningirsu, copy, in Girsu.

  • 1 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 esha flour,
  • for Nergal;

  • 2 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour,
  • For Inanna

  • 2 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour,
  • Utu

  • 5 sila3 flour, 5 sila3 esha flour,
  • Dublamah of Nanna ... flour, 5 sila3 esha flour of Akiti .

  • 2 sila3 flour, 2 sila3 esha flour,
  • Column 2


    (d)lugal-x-[...] sza3 uri5#[(ki)]

  • 4(barig) 2(ban2) sze x [...]
  • 1(barig) sze 6(disz) x [...] _du_ [x]
  • szunigin 1(asz) n sze gur szunigin 1(u) 1(asz) 4(barig) 5(disz) sila3 dabin gur szunigin 3(ban2) zi3 sig15 szunigin 1(barig)? n 9(disz) sila3 esza szunigin x x x szim du iti munu4-gu7 mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Lugal-..., in Ur.

  • 4 barig 2 ban2 barley .
  • 1 barig barley, 6 ... ...,
  • total: 1 gur n barley, total: 11 gur 4 barig 5 sila3 dabin flour, total: 3 ban2 fine flour, total: 1 barig n 9 sila3 fine flour, total: ... aromatics, month: "Malt feast," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P521758: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 8(asz) 2(barig) sze gur
  • e2-amar-ta ki tu3-ra-am-i3-[li2] ur-(d)bil3

    AI Translation
  • 8 gur 2 barig barley,
  • from the Eamar temple, with Turam-ili, Ur-Bil

    Seal 1


    tu-ra-am-[i3-li2] dub-[sar]

    AI Translation

    Turam-ili, scribe.

    P521759: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] 3(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 [n?] 2(disz) [sila3] zu2-lum

  • 6(disz) sila3 zi3#-gu#
  • 2(disz) sila3 esza#
  • 2(disz) sila3 zi3 dub-dub
  • 1(ban2) kasz du
  • [n] sila3# i3-nun

    AI Translation

    n 3 sila3 fine flour, n 2 sila3 dates,

  • 6 sila3 of fine flour,
  • 2 sila3 esha-flour,
  • 2 sila3 flour, dubbdub flour,
  • 1 ban2 regular beer,
  • n sila3 butter oil,


  • 1/2(disz)# sila3 [zi3] _isz_
  • 1(u) gin2 x hi-a
  • siskur2 (d)nisaba ezem sze-sag11-ku5 ki (d)szara2-kam-ta szu ur-e2#?-mah [mu] us2#-sa# (d)szu-(d)suen lugal-e na-ru2-a mah ba-du3

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 sila3 flour,
  • 10 shekels ...,
  • siskur offering of Nisaba, festival of the barley harvest, from Sharakam, hand of Ur-Emah, year after: "Shu-Suen, the king, the great stele erected."

    P521760: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(ban2) zi3 sig15 1(ban2) munu4 zi3 sig15
  • 1(ban2) zi3-gu 1 udu niga iti u4 2(u) 7(disz) ba-zal
  • e2 (d)szul-gi-ra

  • 4(ban2) zi3 sig15 1(ban2) munu4 zi3 sig15
  • 1(ban2) zi3-gu 1(disz) udu niga iti u4 2(u) 8(disz) ba-zal
  • e2 (d)amar-(d)suen

  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zi3 1(ban2) zi3 sig15
  • 1(disz) sila3 zu2-lum 1(disz) masz2
  • 1(disz) uz-tur niga sila3 u4 3(u) la2 1(disz) ba-zal
  • (gesz)gu-za inim-(d)szara2

  • 1(ban2) zi3 1(disz) sila3 zi3 sig15 nig2 se3-ga u4 3(u) ba#-[zal]
  • 4(barig) 3(ban2) zi3 sig15 1(ban2) munu4 zi3 sig15
  • 2(ban2) zi3-gu 2(disz) udu niga 1(disz) sila3-ta
  • 1(disz) uz-tur niga 5(disz) tu-gur4(muszen) niga iti u4 (x) ba-zal
  • e2-gal-sze3

  • 2(ban2) sze ga-a-mu
  • 1(disz) dug dida du (gesz)szu-nir x _du_
  • 5(disz) sila3 zi3 a-da-lal3 x-x-da-num2 maszkim
  • 1(disz) sila3 zi3 1(disz) sila3 esza 1(disz) masz2
  • iti u5-bi2-gu7 x? _an_ [...]

    AI Translation
  • 4 ban2 fine flour, 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • 1 ban2 of emmer, 1 sheep, grain-fed, of the month, 27th day passed;
  • temple of Shulgi,

  • 4 ban2 fine flour, 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • 1 ban2 of emmer, 1 sheep, grain-fed, of the month, 28th day passed;
  • house of Amar-Suen,

  • 1 barig 1 ban2 5 sila3 flour, 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • 1 sila3 dates, 1 billy goat,
  • 1 small grain-fed ram, 30 less 1 liters of barley,
  • chair of Inim-Shara

  • 1 ban2 flour, 1 sila3 fine flour, rations, 30th day passed;
  • 4 barig 3 ban2 fine flour, 1 ban2 fine flour,
  • 2 ban2 of emmer, 2 sheep, grain-fed, at 1 sila3 each,
  • 1 small grain-fed eagle, 5 grain-fed turtledoves, month "...,"
  • to the palace;

  • 2 ban2 of barley for Ga'amu;
  • 1 jug of common wort, ... ...,
  • 5 sila3 flour for Adalal, ...-danum, the enforcer;
  • 1 sila3 flour, 1 sila3 fine flour, 1 billy goat,
  • month "ubi feast," ... .



    [...] lu2# kin-gi4 x x [...] [...] x u4 1(u)# 9(disz)#? x x x [...] x (d)szul-gi x x [...] zi3# 1(disz) sila3 esza 1(disz) [masz2?] x x? (d)utu _me_ x iti x-(d)nin-a-zu

  • 2(barig)#? sze giri3 puzur4-(d)x x?
  • x x giri3 ur-_igi_-[...] x x x i7? x-la?(ki) [...] giri3? en-[...]

  • 1(disz) masz2 (d)nanna
  • x zi3 dam ur-(d)_en_-[...] x zi3 sig15 1(ban2) esza x [...] x [...]

  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) [...]
  • 1(disz) udu [...] x x
  • x x x x x x mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-(ma)-ke4 (bad3) mar-tu mu-du3

    AI Translation

    ... messengers ... ... 19th day ... Shulgi ... flour, 1 sila3 fine flour, 1 goat, ... Utu ... month: "...-Ninazu."

  • 2 barig? barley via Puzur-...,
  • ... via Ur-Igi-...; ... canal? of ...; ... via En-...;

  • 1 billy goat for Nanna,
  • ... flour for the wife of Ur-En-...; ... flour, 1 ban2 fine flour ... .

  • 1 ...,
  • 1 ...,
  • 1 sheep ...,
  • ... year following: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall erected."

    P521761: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) szu-nir lu2-(d)szara2
  • 1(disz) x x lugal-nig2-lagar-e um-mi-a
  • 1(disz) gu4 gesz dam amar-du6
  • 1(disz) gu4 mu 2(asz) ur-sukkal ugula gesz2-da
  • 1(disz) gu4# mu 1(asz) _arad2_-dam gudu4 (d)gu-la
  • 1(disz) a-x x? x ki-la2-bi
  • dam ur-e11-e szusz3 ku3? szu x-ba? na-ba-sa6 dub-sar

  • 1(disz) amar nu2-a ku3 ki-la2-bi (…)
  • a-du dumu ur-(gesz)gigir

  • 5(disz) gin2 i3-du10-nun-na
  • isz-me-i3-lum dam-gar3 mu-kux(_du_) (d)szara2

    AI Translation
  • 1 shunir, Lu-Shara,
  • 1 ..., Lugal-niglagare, the school administrator;
  • 1 ox, suckling, wife of Amardu,
  • 1 ox, 2 years old, Ur-sukkal, foreman of logs;
  • 1 ox, 1 year old, servant of Gula,
  • 1 ..., its weight:
  • wife of Ur-E'e, goldsmith, ... Nabasa, scribe.

  • 1 calf, horned, pure, its weight ...,
  • Adu, son of Ur-gigir.

  • 5 shekels for Iddinuna,
  • Ishme-ilum, merchant; delivery of Shara;


  • 1(disz) szu ni-da-mu
  • mu-kux(_du_) (d)ma-an-isz-ti2-su iti szu-numun u4 1(u) 5(disz)-sze3 mu en-unu6-gal (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation
  • 1 hand of Nidamu,
  • delivery of Manishtisu; month: "Sowing," 15th day; year: "Enunugal of Inanna was installed;"

    P521762: legal tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sze-bi 1(asz) gur ki e-zi-tum bu-la-lum dumu di-na-zu-um

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • its barley: 1 gur, from Ezitum, Bulalum, son of Dinazum;



    szu ba-ti (iti) ezem-(d)inanna szum2-mu-dam mu# lugal i3!-pa3 igi er3#-ra-dan igi ur-(d)suen mu en (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Festival of Inanna," to be given back; year: "The king was chosen;" before Erradan; before Ur-Suen; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna was installed."



    igi a-pi-li2

    AI Translation

    before Apili;

    P521763: legal tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz)# sze gur#
  • [masz2] nu-tuku ki# e#-zi#-tum _an_-I-[x] (szu ba-ti) egir buru14#-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur of barley,
  • an interest rate of ... is to be added, after the harvest,



    gi4-gi4-dam igi hu-bi-bi igi lugal-a#-a# mu# lugal-[bi i3]-pa3# mu us2-sa bad3 ba-du3

    AI Translation

    ... he will return. Before its ... before Lugalaya. The year in which the king was installed. Year after: "The wall was erected."

    P521764: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sze-bi 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur ki e-zi-tum-ta szu-i3-li2 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • its barley: 1 gur 3 barig, from Ezitum Shu-ili received;



    igi ur-(d)szul-pa-e3

  • 1(disz) ma-la-_lum_
  • 1(disz) en-nam-(d)iszkur
  • mu us2:sa ma2 dara3-abzu ba-ab-du8

    AI Translation

    before Ur-Shulpa'e;

  • 1 Malalum,
  • 1: Ennam-Adda,
  • year following: "The barge Dara-abzu was caulked."



    egir buru14-sze3 iti ezem-(d)inanna

    AI Translation

    after the harvest, month "Festival of Inanna;"

    Seal 1


    szu-i3-li2 dumu hu-ba-[x]

    AI Translation

    Shu-ili, son of Huba.

    P521765: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1/3(disz) ma-na [ku3-babbar] 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur
  • sze-bi 1(u) 2(asz) gur ki e-zi-tum-ta ur#-(d)szul-gi-ra [szu] ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1/3 mana silver, 1 gur 3 barig barley,
  • its barley: 12 gur, from Ezitum Ur-Shulgi received;



    u4 3(disz)-kam szum2-mu-dam mu lugal in-pa3 mu ma2-gur8-mah ba-dim2

    AI Translation

    3rd day, to be given; year: "The king was installed;" year: "The Great-Barge was fashioned."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szul-gi-ra dub-sar dumu ha-ba-lu5-ge2 ensi2 adab(ki)

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulgi, scribe, son of Habaluge, governor of Adab.

    P521766: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • 1(asz) sze gur masz nu-tuku
  • ki e-zi-tum szu-i3-li2 szu (ba-ti) egir buru14-sze3 szum2-mu-dam (iti) ezem-(d)inanna-sze3 mu lugal in-pa3

    AI Translation
  • 3 shekels of silver,
  • 1 gur of barley, without interest,
  • from Ezitum Shu-ili received; after the harvest he will give it back; in the month "Festival of Inanna," the year: "The king swore."



    i-ri-bu-um sze i-di3-in la i-di3-in-ma#? igi sza3-ku3-ge igi i3-li2-be-li2

  • 1(disz) szu-(d)dumu-zi
  • 1(disz) szu-e2-a
  • 1(disz) a-gu-a#
  • 1(disz) i3-bi2-da-da simug
  • igi mu-bala

    AI Translation

    Iribum, he did not measure the barley, before Shakuge, before Ili-beli.

  • 1 Shu-Dumuzi,
  • 1 Shu-Ea,
  • 1: Agu'a,
  • 1 Ibidada, the smith,
  • before the bala ceremony



    mu ma-da za-ab-sza-li mu-hul

    AI Translation

    year: "The land of Zabshali destroyed."

    Seal 1


    szu-i3-li2 dumu szu-(d)nin-[x]

    AI Translation

    Shu-ili, son of Shu-Nin-.

    P521767: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) ab2 mah2 ki szesz-kal-la
  • e-zi-tum in-sa10 ku3-bi [n] gin2 in-na-la2 szu-e2-a lu2 azlag2 lu2-gi-na-ab-ta-ma-bi

    AI Translation
  • 1 heifer, great, with Sheshkalla;
  • he has paid. Its silver: n shekels. Shu-Ea, the steward, and Lu-ginabta-mabi,



    igi szu-(d)utu aga3-us2 ensi2 igi (d)utu-i3-li2 igi lu2-u2-a igi szu-(d)nin-szubur igi szu-er3-ra? igi ur-nigar(gar) igi ur-nigar#(gar) dub-sar iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    before Shu-Utu, satrap of the governor; before Shamash-ili; before Lu'a; before Shu-Ninshubur; before Shu-Erra; before Ur-nigar; before Ur-nigar, the scribe. Month: "Harvest," year: "Shashru was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    szesz-kal-la dumu ur-nigar(gar)

    AI Translation

    Sheshkalla, son of Ur-nigar.

    Seal 2


    lugal-ku3-x dumu szu-e2-a

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ku..., son of Shu-Ea.

    P521768: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz-bi igi 4(disz)-[gal2] ki e-zi-tum-ta masz-szum! szu ba-ti igi ba-da igi lugal-(d!)ezem [igi x]-(d)iszkur

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • its interest is 4; from Ezitum, the interest is to be paid; before Bada; before Lugal-ezem; before ...-Adad;



    igi ur#-e2-mah iti ezem-(d)inanna gi4-gi4-dam mu us2-sa en (d)inanna ba-hun

    AI Translation

    before Ur-Emah; month: "Festival of Inanna," to be returned; year after: "The priest of Inanna was installed."

    Seal 1


    masz-szum dub-sar dumu [...]

    AI Translation

    Mashshum, scribe, son of .

    P521769: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sag-nita2
  • szesz-kal-la mu-ni-im _arad2_ nam-ha-ni u3 ur-ba-ba

  • 1(u) 1(disz) gin2 igi 4(disz)-gal2 [ku3-babbar]-sze3
  • e-zi-tum dam-gar3 in-ne-szi-sa10 igi e2-a-ma-lik maszkim szakkan6

  • 1(disz) ga2-a-kam
  • 1(disz) lu2-sza-lim egir szakkan6
  • 1(disz) a-gu-ni dumu bu-u2-za
  • 1(disz) ur-ba-ba dumu an-na
  • 1(disz) szu-esz18-dar
  • 1(disz) _ne_-da-da simug
  • 1(disz) szu-ma-ma dumu da-a-a
  • 1(disz) i-di3-er3-ra
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu ba-zi-da
  • AI Translation
  • 1 male slave,
  • Sheshkalla, his name, servant of Namhani and Ur-Baba.

  • 11 shekels, 4 grains silver,
  • Ezitum, merchant, Inneshisa, before Ea-malik, the overseer, the dispatcher.

  • 1 ...,
  • 1: Lu-shalim, behind the chief accountant;
  • 1: Aguni, son of Buzu;
  • 1 Ur-Baba, son of An,
  • 1 Shu-Ishtar,
  • 1: Nedada, the smith;
  • 1 Shu-Mama, son of Da'aya,
  • 1: Idi-Erra,
  • 1 Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Bazida,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) dumu? ur-(d)szuba3
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu lu2-sza-lim
  • 1(disz) szu-i3-li2 dub-sar
  • lu2-inim-ma-bi-me igi-bi-sze3 sag ba-sa10 mu lugal ba-pa3 szu ha-ba-lu5-ge2 ensi2 adab(ki) mu en (d)nanna kar-zi-da ba-hun

    AI Translation
  • 1 child of Ur-Shuba,
  • 1 Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Lu-shalim,
  • 1 Shu-ili, the scribe,
  • their witnesses before them, he received; year: "The king was installed;" hand of Habaluge, governor of Adab; year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was installed."

    Seal 1


    nam-ha-ni dumu _gir2_-ma-an-szum2

    AI Translation

    Namhani, son of Girmanshum.

    Seal 2


    x-x-x x i3-li2-x

    AI Translation

    ... Ili-...

    P521770: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) sag-nita2
  • ba-a-ba-a-a mu-ni-im

  • 1(disz) sag-munus me-(d)nin-isin2(si) dumu-ni
  • geme2 _arad2_ [i]-s,ur-i3-li2 dumu lu2-sza-lim

  • 1/3(disz) ma-na 1/2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • ki i-s,ur-i3-li2 e-zi-tum dam-gar3 in-szi-sa10

  • 1(disz) la-qi3-pu-um dumu ga-an-bi
  • 1(disz) ur-e2-mah dumu dingir-ba-ni
  • 1(disz) szesz-kal-la2 dumu ab-ba-a
  • 1(disz) na-ba-lu dumu ur-a-a
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu lu2-da-ga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 male slave,
  • he named it Babaya.

  • 1 woman, named Me-Nin-Isin, her daughter,
  • female laborer, servant of Ishur-ili, daughter of Lu-shalim.

  • 1/3 mana 1/2 shekel of silver,
  • Ezitum, the merchant, bought from Ishur-ili;

  • 1: La-qipu'um, son of Gunbi,
  • 1 Ur-Emah, son of Ili-bani,
  • 1 Sheshkalla, son of Abba'a,
  • 1 Nabalu, son of Ur-aya,
  • 1 Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Ludaga,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) sza3-ku3-ge dumu ur-du6-ku3
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)inanna dumu ba-an-zi
  • 1(disz) puzur4-i3-li2
  • 1(disz) suhusz-ki-in simug dumu lu2-(d)inanna
  • 1(disz) ur-e2-mah dub-sar
  • igi-bi-sze3 sag ba-szum2 mu lugal-bi in-pa3 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation
  • 1: Sha-kuge, son of Ur-duku;
  • 1 Ur-Inanna, son of Banzi,
  • 1 Puzur-ili,
  • 1: Suhushkin, smith, son of Lu-Inanna;
  • 1 Ur-Emah, the scribe,
  • to be given back in its original appearance. Year: "The king has sworn by the name of Ibbi-Suen."

    Seal 1


    i-s,ur-i3-li2 dumu lu2-sza-lim

    AI Translation

    Ishur-ili, son of Lu-shalim.

    P521771: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(esze3) _gan2_ i3-li2-[mi?]-ti 1(esze3) _gan2_ mu-ni-[x] 1(esze3) _gan2_ szu-(d)nin!-[x] a-sza3 kur-re-sze3 inim!? puzur4-esz18-dar ugula gesz2-da

    AI Translation

    1 eshe3 field of Ili-miti; 1 eshe3 field of Muni-...; 1 eshe3 field of Shu-Nin-..., field of the mountains; inim? Puzur-Ishtar, foreman of the scribal arts;



    e-zi-tum i3-dab5

  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar masz a-sza3-ga
  • i3-na-an-szum2-usz igi nu-hi-dingir igi ur-ma-ma igi ur-e2-mah igi sza3-ku3-ge

    AI Translation

    Ezitum accepted;

  • 1 shekel of silver, interest on the field,
  • he will give. Before Nuhi-il, before Ur-Mama, before Ur-Emah, before Shakuge.



    mu lugal in-pa3 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    year: "The king was installed." year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    Seal 1


    _an_-sza-ti dumu la-la

    AI Translation

    Ishti, son of Lala.

    P521772: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • masz2 ga2-ga2 ki e-zi-tum-ta ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • interest to be paid, from Ezitum Ur-Shulpa'e received;



    igi sza3-ku3-ge-sze3 igi e2-sa6-ga dub-sar-sze3 igi a-hu-du10-sze3 iti ezem-(d)me-ki-gal2 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 si-mu-ru-um(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    before Shakuge; before Esaga, the scribe; before Ahudu; month: "Festival of Mekigal," year: "Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, Simurrum destroyed."

    Seal 1


    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu ur-(d)si4-an-na

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Ur-Sianna.

    P521773: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sar e2 du3-a (iz)izi gub
  • ki szu-i3-li2-ta

  • 1(u) 3(disz) gin2 igi 4(disz)-gal2 ku3-sze3
  • e-zi-tum(um) in-szi-sa3 igi lu2-sza-lim egir szakkan6

  • 1(disz) a-pi-li2-a ha-za-num2
  • 1(disz) szu-er3-ra ha-za-num2
  • 1(disz) puzur4-(d)(asz)asz7-gi4
  • 1(disz) i-di3-er3-ra dumu i-bi2-zu
  • AI Translation
  • A built-up house plot of 2 1/2 sar, with a fire stationed,
  • from Shu-ili;

  • 13 shekels, 4 grains silver,
  • Ezitum has received; before Lu-shalim, behind the chief household administrator;

  • 1 Apilia, the mayor;
  • 1 Shu-Erra, the mayor;
  • 1 Puzur-Ashgi,
  • 1 Idi-Erra, son of Ibbizu,
  • Reverse

  • 1(disz) szu-esz18-dar dumu bu-za
  • 1(disz) puzur4-i3-li2 szakkan6
  • 1(disz) ur-e2-mah szesz-a-ni
  • 1(disz) a-ki-a dumu _ud_?-_tu_?-A?
  • mu lugal ba-pa3

    AI Translation
  • 1 Shu-Ishtar, son of Buz;
  • 1 Puzur-ili, the messenger;
  • 1 Ur-Emah, his brother,
  • 1: Akiya, son of Udtu'a;
  • year: "The king was installed."

    P521774: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • sa10 1(asz) 3(barig) sze gur ki ur-e2-mah ma-na-na szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 shekel of silver,
  • for the price of 1 gur 3 barig barley, from Ur-Emah, Manana received;


  • 1(disz) a-da-lal3
  • 1(disz) sza3-ku3-ge
  • 1(disz) ur-(d)lamma
  • 1(disz) _bi_-za
  • mu si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation
  • 1 Adalal,
  • 1: Shakuge,
  • 1 Ur-Lamma,
  • 1 Biza,
  • year: "Simanum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    szu-i3-li2 dam _si_-A-a

    AI Translation

    Shu-ili, wife of SI-Aya.

    P521775: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) gin2 ku3-babbar
  • a2 szu-ma-a puzur4-i3-li2 szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)inanna egir buru14-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 shekels of silver,
  • labor of Shuma'a, Puzur-ili received; month: "Festival of Inanna," after the harvest.



    iti ezem-(d)inanna egir buru14-sze3 iti-bi 1(u) 3(disz)-kam mu a-si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    month "Festival of Inanna," after "the harvest," that month, 13 months, year: "Asimanum was destroyed."

    Seal 1


    puzur4-i3-li2 dumu da-a-a

    AI Translation

    Puzur-ili, son of Da'a.

    P521776: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    [n] gin2# ku3-babbar ki (gesz)dur2-gar-ni! lugal-he2-gal2 szu ba-ti iti (d)li9-si4 mu en (d)inanna unu(ki)-ga masz2 i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    n shekels of silver, from the threshing floor Lugal-hegal received; month: "Lisi," year: "The priest of Inanna in Uruk by means of extispicy was chosen."

    Seal 1


    lugal-he2-gal2 dub-sar dumu x x x

    AI Translation

    Lugal-hegal, scribe, son of .

    P521778: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    [...]-x-pa-e3# [...] [x]-_szesz_-[...]

  • 1(disz)# aga3-us2#
  • 1/2(disz) szesz-kal-la nu-x
  • 1(disz) szesz-tab-ba
  • 1(disz) aga3-us2
  • 1/2(disz) lu2-(d)nin-szubur
  • 1/2(disz) ur-(gesz)gigir
  • giri3-se3-ga gudu4-me

  • 1(disz) lu2-(d)szara2 ugula
  • 1(disz) ku-li
  • 1(disz) lu2-dingir-ga2
  • 1(disz) ab-ba-gi-na
  • 1(disz) szesz-a-ni#?
  • AI Translation

    ...-pa'e ...

  • 1 sailor,
  • 1/2 workman: Sheshkalla, ...,
  • 1 Sheshtaba,
  • 1 sailor,
  • 1/2 workman: Lu-Ninshubur,
  • 1/2 workman: Ur-gigir,
  • via Gudu,

  • 1 Lu-Shara, foreman;
  • 1: Kuli,
  • 1 Lu-dingirga,
  • 1 Abbagina,
  • 1 Sheshani?,
  • Column 2

  • 1/2(disz) x-[...]
  • 1/2(disz) lugal#-[...]
  • 1/2(disz) [...]
  • _lul_-[...]

  • 1/2(disz) [...]
  • _lul_-[...]

  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) x-[...]
  • ur#-[...]

  • 1(disz) erin2 [...]
  • [...]

    AI Translation
  • 1/2 workman: ...,
  • 1/2 workman: Lugal-...,
  • 1/2 workman: ...,
  • a kind of profession

  • 1/2 workman: ...,
  • a kind of profession

  • and 2 1/2 for ...,
  • ... dog

  • 1 labor-troop ...,
  • Column 1'


    nu-(gesz)kiri6 x

  • 2(disz) dumu nin9 ku-li
  • AI Translation

    gardener ...

  • 2 sons of the sisters of Kuli,
  • P521779: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) dabin lugal
  • ki ur-(d)suen in-sa6-sa6? szu ba-ti giri3 lu2-(d)nin-ur4-ra#

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig, royal dabin flour,
  • from Ur-Suen Insasa received; via Lu-Ninura;



    iti diri mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    extra month: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P521780: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • i-szar-a-hi sukkal lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • ba-a-a lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal u4 x-x nig2-ba lugal-sze3 im-e-re-sza-a

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • Ishar-ahi, messenger, royal messenger;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • The messenger of the king came to the king when ... the royal property



    zi-ga iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu# (d)szu-(d)suen lugal# uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 [e2] (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3

    AI Translation

    booked out; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected;"

    P521781: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) kusz udu e-ri2-na
  • ka-tab (dug)gir16 sze-a ba-ra-kesz2 masz-da-ri-a lugal

    AI Translation
  • 10 sheep-hides for Erina;
  • The cup and the gurgur vessel were smashed with barley. King's mashdaria.



    zi-ga u4 giri3 lugal iti (gesz)apin mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5((ki))-ma-ke4 ma2-gur8-mah (d)en-lil2 (d)nin-lil2-ra mu-ne-dim2

    AI Translation

    booked out; via Lugal; month: "Plow," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Great-Barge for Enlil and Ninlil fashioned."

    P521782: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    2(gesz'u) sze gur lugal nig2-sa10(am3!) uruda-sze3 ki ur-mes ensi2-ta

    AI Translation

    240 gur of barley, royal measure, for the copper goods, from Urmes the governor;



    bu3-u2-du szu ba-ti iti ezem-(d)szul-gi-ra mu en (d)nanna kar-zi#-da ba-hun

    AI Translation

    received. Month: "Festival of Shulgi," year: "The en-priestess of Nanna of Karzida was installed."

    P521783: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) sze gur
  • ki dingir-a-zu-ta# i-na-zi-ir szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 60 gur of barley,
  • Inazir received from Il-azu;



    giri3 szu-ma-ma mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 si-mu-ru-um(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    via Shu-Mama; year: "Ibbi-Suen, king of Ur, Simurrum destroyed."

    P521784: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(asz) sze gur lugal
  • ki puzur4-(d)li9-(si4?) szu-esz18-dar szusz3 szu ba-ti sza3? di3-ma-tum(ki) iti sze-sag11-ku5

    AI Translation
  • 3 gur barley, royal measure,
  • from Puzur-Lisi Shu-Ishtar, cattle manager, received; in Damatum; month: "Harvest."



    mu us2#-sa# ki-masz(ki) ba-hul mu us2-sa-bi

    AI Translation

    year following: "Kimash was destroyed," year following that.

    P521785: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) 2(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 zi3 gur
  • bala lu2-dingir-ra szabra _esz2_-ra engar-e-ne ki nam-mah-ta gar3-i3-li2

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur 2 ban2 5 sila3 flour,
  • bala of Lu-dingira, the household manager of the esh-priests, the farmers; from Nammah Gar-ili;



    szu ba-ti iti ga2-udu-ur4 mu sza-asz-ru(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Udu-feast," year: "Shashru was destroyed;"

    P521787: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 1(u) 3(disz) ma-na ninda
  • u4 1(disz)-kam

  • 1(u) 2(disz) ma-na ninda
  • u4 2(disz)-kam (d)szara2-i3-zu

    AI Translation
  • 13 minas of bread,
  • 1st day.

  • 12 minas of bread,
  • 2nd day, Shara-izu;

    P521788: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) a-bu-du10
  • 1(disz) lugal-_du6_-mah
  • 1(disz) nu-hi-lum
  • 1(disz) lu2-ti-mu-zu!
  • x-x 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda

  • 1(disz) zi-iq-zi-iq
  • 1(disz) pa4-mu-ti
  • 1(disz) szu-ma-am3
  • 1(disz) puzur4-be-li2
  • [1(disz)] ma#-la-a-mu
  • AI Translation
  • 1: Abudu,
  • 1 Lugal-dumah,
  • 1 Nuhilum,
  • 1: Lu-ti-muzu,
  • ... 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,

  • 1 Ziqziq,
  • 1: Pamuti,
  • 1 Shu-Mam,
  • 1 Puzur-beli,
  • 1 Malamu,
  • Reverse


    [...] kas4!-me [...] u4 7(disz)-kam szunigin 3(ban2) kasz szunigin 3(ban2) 5(disz) sila3 ninda

    AI Translation

    ... messengers ... 7th day; total: 3 ban2 beer; total: 3 ban2 5 sila3 bread;

    P521789: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) sze
  • sze diri e2-da-na-sze3 zi-ga-am3

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig barley,
  • the extra barley to be added to his house



    iti (d)li9-si4 mu en (d)inanna masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    month: "Lisi," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna by goat was chosen."

    P521790: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(ban2) sze
  • zi-ga-am3!? iti e2-iti-6(disz)

    AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 of barley,
  • booked out; month: "House-month-6."



    mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    year: "The en-priestess of Inanna of Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P521791: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(barig) sze
  • giri3 ma2 (d)szara2-a-mu-tum2

  • 1(asz) gur nigar(gar)
  • 3(ban2) al-ba-_gi_
  • AI Translation
  • 3 barig of barley,
  • via Shara-amutum;

  • 1 gur, nigar,
  • 3 ban2: Albagi;
  • Reverse


    giri3-a de6-a sze karkar(ki) mu si-mu-ru-um(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    via De'a; barley of Karkar; year: "Simurrum was destroyed."

    P521792: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) zu2-lum
  • ezem!? (d)pa4-u2-e

  • 4(ban2) zu2-lum
  • uri5(ki)-ma-sze3

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 dates,
  • Festival of Pa'u'e.

  • 4 ban2 dates,
  • to Ur;



    zi-ga-am3 mu en (d)inanna masz2-e i3 pa3

    AI Translation

    booked out; year: "The en-priestess of Inanna by means of extispicy poured oil."

    P521793: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(gesz2) 3(u) 8(asz) 2(barig) sze gur
  • sze-ba za3-mu muhaldim-e-ne giri3 szu-(d)nin-szubur

  • 2(gesz2) 1(u) 2(asz) gur
  • sze-ba za3-mu lu2-nir-gal2-ke4? giri3#? ur-nigar(gar)

    AI Translation
  • 188 gur 2 barig barley,
  • barley rations of the zamu-festival, for the cooks, via Shu-Ninshubur;

  • 142 gur,
  • barley rations of the zamu-offerings of Lu-nirgal?, via Ur-nigar;



    ugula uri5(ki)-sze3 ki ur-mes ensi2-ta ba-zi mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma e2 (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3

    AI Translation

    foreman of Ur, from Ur-mes the governor, booked out; year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."

    P521796: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig)! 4(ban2) sze ur5-ra
  • e2 _szim_-ta na-ba-lu5-x szu ba-ti

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 4 ban2 of urra barley,
  • from the house of aromatics Nabalu received;



    iti (d)dumu-zi mu (d)en ga-esz(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    month: "Dumuzi," year: "Enlil of Ga'esh was installed;"

    P521797: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(asz) dabin gur
  • ki e2-[x] _nu_

  • 6(asz) 1(barig) zi3 gur ki _bu_-_su_-a
  • kiszib3 nu-ur2!?-(d)suen a-ga-a

    AI Translation
  • 2 gur of dabin flour,
  • ... not with the house;

  • 6 gur 1 barig flour, with Bu-sua;
  • under seal of Nur-Suen, Agaya;



    tum3?-dam mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    received; year: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P521798: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 9(disz) ud5
  • ki szu-i3-li2 na-gada-ta [ugula] ur-nigar(gar) szusz3

    AI Translation
  • 9 nanny goats,
  • from Shu-ili of Nagada, foreman: Ur-nigar, cattle manager;



    ba-a-ga kuruszda i3-dab5 iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

    Baga, fattener, accepted; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."

    P521799: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) gurusz! 1(barig)-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 8(asz) gur u4 sahar i7 ma-ma-szar-ra-at zi-zi-de3 szu ba-ab-ti

    AI Translation
  • 90 workdays, male laborers, 1 barig = 60 sila3 each
  • its barley: 18 gur; after the dust of the Ma-shara canal had cleared, the zizide-offerings were received;



    szabra tu-da iti ezem-a-dara4 mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    for the household manager, given; month: "Festival of Adara," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen;"

    P521800: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(gesz2) 3(u) gurusz! 1(barig) sze-ta
  • sze-bi 1(u) 8(asz) gur u4 sahar i7 ma-ma-szar-ra-at zi-zi-de3 szu ba-ab-ti _da_

    AI Translation
  • 210 male laborers, 1 barig barley each,
  • its barley: 18 gur; dust from the canal Ma-sharat, zizide-offering, received;



    szabra i-szar-ba-ni!? kiszib3 dingir-ba-ni dumu i-din?-dingir giri3 tu-da iti ezem-a-dara4 mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    foreman: Ishar-bani; under seal of Ilum-bani, son of Idin-ili; via Tuda; month: "Festival of Adara," year: "The high-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by goat was chosen."

    P521801: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 4(gesz2) 2(u) 6(asz)# 1(barig) sze gur lugal ki (d)nisaba-an-dul3 szabra-ta (d)nisaba-an-dul3 szabra

    AI Translation

    126 gur 1 barig barley, royal measure, from Nisaba-andul, the household manager, Nisaba-andul, the household manager;



    szu ba-ti giri3 ma-szum sze i-_isz_-gu-la mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    received; via Mashum; barley of Ishgula; year after: "Simanum was destroyed."

    P521802: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) kasz!
  • 1(barig) 1(ban2) ninda
  • lu2 ki-masz(ki)-me u4 ki-masz(ki)-sze3 ba-e-re-sza-a giri3 nu-ur2-i3-li2 lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

    AI Translation
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 beer,
  • 1 barig 1 ban2 bread,
  • to the people of Kimash, when they have returned to Kimash, via Nur-ili, the messenger of the king;



    u4 kiszib3 sukkal-mah iri(ki)-ta iri(ki)-sze3 mu-de6-sza-a zi-ga iti nig2-e-ga mu en (d)inanna unu(ki) masz2-e i3-pa3

    AI Translation

    when under seal of the vizier from the city to the city he departed, booked out; month: "Gazelle feast," year: "The en-priestess of Inanna in Uruk by means of goat was chosen."

    P521803: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

  • 2(ban2) sze
  • ur-(d)ma-mi zi-ga

    AI Translation
  • 2 ban2 of barley,
  • Ur-Mami booked out.

    P521804: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) 3(u) 3(disz) geme2 u4 1(disz)-sze3 a2 nig2 ar3-ra sza3-gal amar du3-du3 kesz2-ra2 ki a-li2-ni-su-ta

    AI Translation

    93 workdays, labor of the threshing floor of the calf, erected, keshra, from Ali-nisu;



    be-li2-dan szusz3 i3-dab5 zi-ga mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Beli-dan, cattle manager, accepted; booked out; year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P521805: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) gu4
  • 1(disz) ab2
  • ki (d)szara2-kam-ta be-li2-a-zu

    AI Translation
  • 1 ox,
  • 1 cow,
  • from Sharakam, Beli-azu



    i3-dab5 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa si-ma-num2(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    accepted; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year after: "Simanum was destroyed;"

    Seal 1


    be-li2-a-zu dub-sar dumu (d)x-x

    AI Translation

    Beli-azu, scribe, son of .

    P521806: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 3(ban2) dabin
  • sa2!-du11 u4 1(disz)-kam ki a-da-ga-ta ba-zi

    AI Translation
  • 3 ban2 of barley flour,
  • regular offerings, the 1st day, from Adaga's account booked out;



    [e2]-sag-da-na(ki) iti ezem-an-na mu hu-uh2-nu-ri(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    Esagdana, month: "Festival of An," year: "Huhnuri was destroyed."

    P521807: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 4(barig) 4(ban2) kasz du
  • 4(ban2) ninda szu
  • _ki bi nig2 masz_ [x] _im_? [...] [x] ur-(d)szul-gi

    AI Translation
  • 4 barig 4 ban2 regular quality beer,
  • 4 ban2 of bread, hand-washing;
  • ... ... Ur-Shulgi



    [x] nam-mah [x?] ur#-pa4-mu-ra mu us2-sa (d)(szu?-(d))suen lugal

    AI Translation

    ... of the kingship, ... Ur-pamura year after: "Shu-Suen is king."

    P521808: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(barig) zu2-lum
  • sza3 _szesz_(ki) he2-su3-e

    AI Translation
  • 2 barig dates,
  • 'May he bring it into Shesh.



    szu ba-ti iti szu-numun

    AI Translation

    received; month: "Sowing."

    P521809: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) 1/2(disz) sila3 i3-gesz
  • lugal-e2-gal u4 ha-szi-ti-um im-e-re-sza

    AI Translation
  • 2 1/2 sila3 of sesame oil,
  • When the king of the palace saw the hazitum-demon,



    szu ba-ti giri3 i-s,ur-dingir lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal zi-ga iti diri mu en eridu(ki) ba-hun

    AI Translation

    received; via Ishur-ilum, royal messenger; booked out; extra month: "The en-priestess of Eridu was installed;"

    P521810: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(gesz2) 5(u) 5(disz) szim saga
  • 5(u) 1 szim du
  • a-ra2 1(disz)-kam

  • 5(u) 5(disz) szim du
  • a-ra2 2(disz)-kam

  • 5(u) 7(disz) szim du
  • AI Translation
  • 185 fine aromatics,
  • 51 shims, regular quality,
  • 1st time.

  • 55 jars of ordinary juniper,
  • 2nd time.

  • 57 jars of ordinary szim-aromatic substance,
  • Reverse


    a-ra2 3(disz)-kam [n] 2(u) 4(disz) szim du a-ra2 4(disz)-kam [n] 2(u) 8(disz) szim du a-ra2 5(disz)-kam

    AI Translation

    for 3 times ... 24 aromatics, regular, for 4 times ... 28 aromatics, regular, for 5 times

    P521811: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 2(disz) ma-na siki tu-ra-am-i3-li2
  • 2(disz) a-na-ah-i3-li2
  • dumu dingir-ba-ni szandana _ba_ (gesz)kiri6-gu-la (d)nin-hur-sag-ta szunigin 2(disz) dumu nita2 2(disz) ma-na-ta

    AI Translation
  • 2 minas wool for Turam-ili,
  • 2 mana wool for Anah-ili,
  • son of Ili-bani, the ...; from the orchard of Ninhursag; total: 2 male children, 2 minas each;



    siki-bi 4(disz) ma-na siki-(ba) du3-a-ku5 sza3! gurum2-ma-na i3-ib2!-ge!-en6 zu-zu szandana i3-dab5 giri3 ur-mes ensi2 iti ezem-(d)szul-gi mu us2-sa (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 bad3 mar-tu mu-ri-iq-ti-id-ni-im mu-du3

    AI Translation

    its wool: 4 mana; its wool: Du'a-ku; in the inspection he will be able to enter; Zuzu, the chief judge, accepted; via Ur-mes, the governor; month: "Festival of Shulgi," year following: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the Amorite wall Muriq-tidnim erected."

    P521812: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI



    1(szar2) 2(gesz'u) 4(u) sa gi ma2 giri3-(d)szara2-i3-dab5 4(gesz'u) 5(gesz2)#? sa gi ma2 [...] 2(gesz'u)# [n sa gi] ma2 [...] 4(gesz'u) [n sa gi]

    AI Translation

    420 bundles of reed, barge of Giri-Shara-idab; 420 bundles of reed, barge of ...; 420 bundles of reed, barge of ...; 420 bundles of reed;



    ma2 _arad2_-mu gu-kilib-ba 1(u) 2(disz)-ta 1(szar2) 3(gesz'u) 1(gesz2) sa gi gu-kilib-ba x [...] ma2 ur-(d)szul#-[pa]-e3 ki a-kal-la-ta kiszib3 u3-ma-ni 5(szar2) 1(gesz'u) 2(gesz2) 1(u) sa gi ga2-nun x su?-su?-de3 mu us2-sa bad3 mar-tu? ba?-du3?

    AI Translation

    the barge of ARADmu, its reeds: 12 each; 420 bundles of reeds, its reeds: ..., the barge of Ur-Shulpa'e, from Akalla, under seal of Umani; 420 bundles of reeds, the ..., ...; year following: "The Amorite wall was erected."

    P521813: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz 5(disz) sila3 ninda
  • dingir-dan lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • _ga_?-da?-la x lu2 _ka_? x

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda
  • ba?-x x x x x x x u4 ki-masz(ki)-[ta] ki lugal-sze3 ba-e-re#-[sza-a]

  • 3(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz)# [sila3 ninda]
  • a-bu-du10 lu2# [kin-gi4-a lugal]

    AI Translation
  • 5 sila3 beer, 5 sila3 bread,
  • Ili-dan, royal messenger;

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • ... When Kimash to the king he returned,

  • 3 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread,
  • Abudu, royal messenger,




  • 5(disz) sila3 [...]
  • a-hu-ba-qar [lu2 kin-gi4-a lugal]

  • 5(disz) sila3 kasz [...]
  • szar-ru-um-ba-ni lu2# [kin-gi4-a lugal] u4 erin2 sze gur10-gur10 zi-[zi-de3 im-e-re-sza-a]

  • 2(disz) sila3 kasz 2(disz) sila3 ninda lu2#-[...]
  • 2(disz) sila3 ninda i3-li2-an-dul3 giri17-[dab5]
  • u4 (ansze)kunga2 zi-gu5-um-sze3 im-e-re-sza-a zi-ga iti diri sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal

    AI Translation

  • 5 sila3 ...,
  • Ahu-baqar, royal messenger;

  • 5 sila3 ... beer,
  • Sharrum-bani, the messenger of the king, when the troops brought the barley, he weighed out the grain.

  • 2 sila3 beer, 2 sila3 bread for Lu-...,
  • 2 sila3 bread for Ili-andul, via Giridab;
  • when the kunga came to the slaughter, booked out; extra month: "Harvest," year: "Ibbi-Suen is king."



    [u4? n?-kam?]

    AI Translation

    ... day?

    P521814: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(disz) amar gu4 a-am ga
  • 1(disz) udu a-lum niga
  • 2(disz) sila4 ga
  • 1(disz) masz2 ga
  • 1(disz) (munus)asz2-gar3 ga
  • AI Translation
  • 1 calf calf, suckling,
  • 1 long-fleeced fat-tailed sheep, grain-fed,
  • 2 male suckling lambs,
  • 1 male kid, suckling,
  • 1 female kid, suckling,
  • Reverse


    ba-usz2 u4 2(u)-kam ki lu2-dingir-ra-ta ur-nigar(gar) szu ba-ti iti ezem-me-ki-gal2 mu ki-masz(ki) u3 hu-ur-ti(ki) ba-hul

    AI Translation

    slaughtered, 20th day; from Lu-dingira Ur-nigar received; month: "Festival of Mekigal," year: "Kimash and Hurti were destroyed."

    P521815: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(disz) udu
  • 4(u) 2(disz) u8
  • 2(disz) masz2
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz) ud5
  • e2-muhaldim

    AI Translation
  • 5 sheep,
  • 42 ewes,
  • 2 billy goats,
  • 9 nanny goats,
  • kitchen



    u4 1(u) 5(disz)-kam zi-ga ki ur-ku3-nun-na-[ta?] iti ezem-mah mu us2-sa ki-masz[(ki?) ba?-hul?]

    AI Translation

    15th day booked out; from Ur-kununa? month: "Great festival," year after: "Kimash was destroyed."

    P521816: administrative bulla

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 5(ban2) 8(disz) sila3 zi3 gum sza3#-_du_
  • sa2#-du11# ku5#-ra2 bala lugal#-ezem# mu szu-szu-mu#-dar-sze3 kiszib3 tu-ra-am-i3-li2 iti u5-bi2(muszen)-gu7 mu (d)szu-(d)suen lugal uri5(ki)-ma-ke4 e2# (d)szara2 umma(ki)-ka mu-du3

    AI Translation
  • 5 ban2 8 sila3 of ...-flour,
  • regular offerings, ku'ra offerings, bala of Lugal-ezem, year: "Shushu-mudar was fashioned," under seal of Turam-ili; month: "Ubi feast," year: "Shu-Suen, king of Ur, the house of Shara in Umma erected."

    Seal 1


    [tu-ra-am-i3-li2] [_arad2_ (d)nu-musz-da]

    AI Translation

    Turam-ili, servant of Numushda.

    P521817: administrative tablet

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


  • 1(u) 4(disz) sila4 niga
  • 2(disz) u8 niga
  • 1(u) la2 1(disz) sila4 ga
  • 1(u) u8?
  • na-lu5 i3-dab5 ki (d)szul-gi-a-a-mu-ta

    AI Translation
  • 14 lambs, grain-fed,
  • 2 ewes, grain-fed,
  • 9 male suckling lambs,
  • 10 ewes?,
  • Nalu accepted; from Shulgi-ayamu;



    ba-zi iti sze-sag11-ku5 mu (d)amar-(d)suen lugal-e ur-bi2-lum(ki) mu-hul

    AI Translation

    booked out; month: "Harvest," year: "Amar-Suen, the king, Urbilum destroyed;"

    P521852: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-tu sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _ka2_-_ki-lam_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    55 ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)ib-na-a A (disz)_szesz_-szub-szi

    55 ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A ((A)) (disz)da-mi-ru

    30 ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_du3_(usz) A (disz)pir-'u

    30 ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da sila_ rap-szu2 mu(!)-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    ki-i 1 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur a_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_sum-na ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 1 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur a_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_mu_ ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma ( over erasure )

    a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina _egir_-_mesz_ u4-mu ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur_ sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-bu u-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u-paq-qa-ru um-ma _e2_ szu-a-ti ul _sum_-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir i#-qab-bu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-ru _en 12-ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    [ina] ka-nak (im)_kiszib_ szu-ma-a-tum

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt in the city quarter of the Inner Gate of Uruk:

    55 cubits, the upper side on the north, next to the house of Ibnaya, son of Ah-shubshi;

    55 cubits, the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-ushezib, son of Damiru;

    30 cubits, the upper front on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ipush, son of Pir'u;

    30 cubits, the lower front on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ina-teshi-etir, son of Nabu-zer-iddin, a price of 1 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ina-teshi-etir, son of Nabu-zer-iddin, received a total of 1 1/2 minas of block silver from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ina-teshi-etir comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that seal

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Market Gate district of Uruk:

    55 cubits, the upper side on the north, next to the house of Ibnaya, son of Ah-shubshi;

    55 cubits, the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-ushezib, son of Damiru;

    30 cubits, the upper front on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ipush, son of Pir'u;

    30 cubits, the lower front on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ina-teshi-etir, son of Nabu-zer-iddin, a price of 1 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ina-teshi-etir, son of Nabu-zer-iddin, received from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, the total of 1 1/2 minas of block silver, the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid; he is free from claims. He will have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim with one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, descendants, family and kin of the house of Ina-teshi-etir comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims, and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that document: in the presence of Ina-teshi-etir, the governor of Uruk; Nabu-nashir, the temple administrator of Eanna;



    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_kam2 a_ (disz)_szesz_-szub-szi

    (disz)_lugal_-a-ni A (disz)mu-szeb-szi

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-ni A (disz)re-mu-tu

    (disz)sza2-ri-du A (disz)re-mu-tu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_uru3_(ir) A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    (disz)szar-hi-sa A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_tuk_(szi)

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz) A (disz)(d)+_en_-_kam2_

    (disz)am-me-ni-_dingir a_ (disz)bul-lut,

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_kam2 a_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba

    (disz)bu-ra-szu2 A (disz)_arad2_-(d)_gir4-ku3_

    (disz)s,il-la-a A (disz)ki-rib-ti

    (disz)ba-la-t,u A (disz)(d)+_en_-_da_

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_lugal_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szu2 A (disz)ina-_suh3_-_kar_(ir)

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_uru3_(ir) A (disz)za-kir

    u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2-t,ir (im)_kiszib_ (disz)ib-na-a

    A (disz)du-um-mu-qa-a _unug_(ki) (iti)_szu ud 23_-_kam2 mu 3_-_kam2 an-szar2_-_szesz_-_mu lugal kur-kur_

    _umbin_ (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur_ ki-ma (im)_kiszib_-szu2

    AI Translation

    Before: Bel-eresh, son of Ah-shubshi;

    Sharranu, son of Mushebshi;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, descendant of Remutu;

    Sharidu, son of Remutu;

    Bel-nashir, son of Nabu-iddin;

    Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Sharhisa, son of Nabu-shum-ushabshi;

    Bel-ipush, son of Bel-eresh;

    Ammeni-il, son of Bullut;

    Nabu-shum-eresh, descendant of Ahhe-eriba;

    Burashu, son of Arad-Nergal;

    Shillaya, son of Kiribti;

    Balatu, son of Bel-le'i;

    Nabu-shar-ahheshu, son of Ina-teshi-etir;

    Nergal-nashir, son of Zakir;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet: Ibnaya.

    Uruk, 23rd day of Du'uzu, 3rd year of Esarhaddon, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Ina-teshi-etir is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    Before: Bel-eresh, son of Ah-shubshi;

    Sharrani, son of Mushebshi;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, son of Rimutu;

    Sharidu, son of Rimutu;

    Bel-nashir, son of Nabu-iddin;

    Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Sharhisa, son of Nabu-shum-usharshi;

    Bel-ipush, son of Bel-eresh;

    Ammeni-ili, son of Bullut;

    Nabu-shum-eresh, son of Ahhe-eriba;

    Burashu, son of Arad-Nergal;

    Shillaya, son of Kiribti;

    Balatu, son of Bel-le'i;

    Nabu-shar-ahheshu, son of Ina-teshi-etir;

    Nergal-nashir, son of Zakir;

    and the scribe, writer of the sealed tablet, Ibnaya, son of Dummuqaya.

    Uruk, 23rd day of Du'uzu, 3rd year of Esarhaddon, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Ina-teshi-etir in place of his seal.

    P521853: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _a-sza3_ (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_ zaq-pi _us2#-sa-du_ (id2)ha-ri-s,u _ka2#-gal_ (d)ir-nin-na sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_sur_ ki-i pi-i _us2-sa-du_ ((x)) i-szad-da-ad

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da kaskal-ii_ mu-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    1 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da_ (id2)ha-ri-s,u

    1 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2_ ki-i 2 5/6(?)# _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ ina _szu-ii_ (disz)la-ba-szi

    ki-i 2 5/6(?)# _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ ina _szu-ii_ (disz)la-ba-szi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da_ (disz)_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 ki-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir#-tu2 ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul _gur_-_me_-ma

    a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina ar2-kat2 _ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2# (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a sza2 _e11_-ma# a-na muh-hi (gisz)_sar#_ szu-a-ta i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru um-ma (gisz)_sar_ szu-a-ta ul na-din-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2# _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-ru a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ta ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki)

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a field, orchard planted with date palms, adjoining the river Harishu, the gate of the goddess Irninna, which is in Uruk:

    the upper side on the east, next to the property of Bel-eter, as the plot of land adjoining the .

    the lower side on the west, next to the road, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    100 cubits, the lower front on the south, next to the Harisu River;

    100 cubits, the upper front on the north, is the weight of 2 5/6? minas of block silver, from Labashi;

    Belshunu/Ahheshaya has received 2 5/6? minas of block silver from Labashi/Nabu-le'i, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Belshunu, son of Ahheshaya comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk,

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a field, an orchard planted with date palms, next to the moat of the Irninna Gate in Uruk:

    The upper side on the east, next to the property of Bel-etir, extending as far as the neighbour's property;

    The lower side on the west, next to the road, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    100 cubits, the lower front on the south, next to the moat;

    100 cubits, the upper front on the north —

    Belshunu, son of Ahheshaya, has received 2 5/6 minas of block silver from Labashi, son of Nabu-le'i, as the price of his orchard, the whole amount of silver.

    He has been paid; he is free from claims. He will have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Belshunu, son of Ahheshaya comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk; Nabu-nashir, the temple administrator of Eanna;



    _igi#_ (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sa-tu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_en_-_dingir_-_me_

    _igi#_ (disz)ku-na-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-_kam2_

    (disz)ar2-ra-bi A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a

    (disz)_mu_-_gi-na a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-na-'-id

    (disz)bul-lut,# A-szu2 sza2# (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da_

    (disz)_szesz_-u2-tu _a#_-szu2 sza2# (disz)re-mut#

    (disz)za-kir# A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ba_(sza2) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)bul#-lut,

    (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a A-szu2 sza2# (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sa-tu

    (disz)_sum-na_-_szesz a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)a-qar-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_sur_

    (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_mu_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2# (disz)(d)+_na3_-_du3_(usz)

    (disz)_numun_-u2#-tu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)sza2-pi-ku#

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-se-pi2 (lu2)_azlag_(!)

    u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da a_ (disz)_sum-na_-(d)pap-sukkal

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_bara2 ud 22_-_kam2 mu 6_-_kam2_ (disz)_an-szar2_-_szesz_-_mu lugal kur-kur_

    s,u-pur (disz)_en_-szu2-nu ki-ma (im)_kiszib_-szu2

    AI Translation

    Before: Bel-usat, son of Nabu-bel-ili;

    Before: Kunaya, son of Nanaya-eresh;

    Arrabi, son of Ahheshaya;

    Shum-ukin, son of Nabu-na'id;

    Bullut, son of Nabu-le'i;

    Ahutu, son of Remut;

    Zakir, son of Balassu;

    Nabu-iqisha, son of Bullut;

    Ahheshaya, son of Bel-usat;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Aqara, son of Nergal-etir;

    Marduk-shumu-ibni, son of Hashdiya;

    Bel-uballit, son of Nabu-ipush;

    Zerutu, son of Shapik;

    Nabu-usepi, the guarantor

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-le'i, son of Iddin-Papsukkal;

    Uruk, 22nd day of Nisannu, 6th year of Esarhaddon, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Belshunu is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    Before Bel-usat, son of Nabu-bel-ili;

    Before: Kunaya, son of Nanaya-eresh;

    Arrabi, son of Ahheshaya;

    Shum-ukin, son of Nabu-na'id;

    Bullut, son of Nabu-le'i;

    Ahhutu, son of Remutu;

    Zakir, son of Balassu;

    Nabu-iqisha, son of Bullut;

    Ahheshaya, son of Bel-usat;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Aqara, son of Nergal-etir;

    Marduk-shum-ibni, son of Hashdiya;

    Enlil-uballit, son of Nabu-ipush;

    Zerutu, son of Shapik;

    Nabu-useppi, the fuller;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-le'i, son of Iddin-Papsukkal.

    Uruk, 22nd day of Nisannu, 6th year of Esarhaddon, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Belshunu in place of his seal.

    P521854: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _a-sza3#_ (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_-_me_ zaq-pu# u3 ki-szub-bu-u2 _ki_(ti3) _e2_ (d)_masz_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    3# _me 50_ ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta us2-sa-du bad3 uru_

    3 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)za-kir (lu2)_asz2_(!)( text: _ma_ )-_gab_

    3# _me_ ina 1 ((ina)) _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)_e2-an-na_-_du3_ (lu2)_bahar2_(!)( text: _e-qa-bur_ ) u _sila_

    2 _me_ ina 1 ((ina)) _kusz3 zag ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)zi-ba-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-re-szu2 _pab a-sza3_ sza2 (disz)_nig2-du dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz)

    _pab a-sza3_ sza2 (disz)_nig2-du dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz) ma-la ba-szu2-u2 sza2 _da e2_ (d)nin-urta

    a-hi ina lib3-bi ki-i# 2 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na dumu_ (disz)_nig2-du ki#-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam szi-me-szu2 _til_-_mesz_

    _pab# 2 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-di 5 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i _diri# sum#_(nu) (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz#_-_mesz_-_mu dumu_ (disz)_nig2#-du_ u3# (f)na#-[as-qat] _ama#_-szu2 ina [_szu-ii_] (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar#-utu dumu_ [(disz)ki-rib-ti] [_szam2_ a-hi] (gisz)#_sar_-szu2#-[nu ki-i ka-sap ga-mir]-ti#

    [mah-ru a-pil] za#-ki ru#-[gum2-ma-a ul i]-szi [ul i-tur-ru-ma] a-na# [a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu]-mu

    [...] x

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a field, orchard planted with date palms, and undeveloped plots in the Ninurta temple district in Uruk:

    350 cubits, the upper side, next to the city wall;

    300 cubits, the lower side, next to the property of Zakir, the ...;

    300 cubits, the upper front, next to the property of Eanna-ibni, the brewer, and the street;

    200 cubits, the lower front, next to the property of Zibaya, son of Ereshu; total, the field of Kudurru, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Total, the field of Kudurru, son of Nabu-ah-eresh, as much as there is of it, which is next to the Ninurta temple.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, a price of 2 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, and Nasqat, his mother, have received a total of 2 1/2 minas of silver, including 5 shekels of silver which is given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of one-half of their orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning land, an orchard planted with date palms and an unbuilt plot, in the Ninurta Temple district in Uruk:

    350 cubits, the upper side, next to the city wall;

    300 cubits, the lower side, next to the property of Zakir, the leather-worker;

    300 cubits, the upper front, next to the property of Eanna-ibni, the potter, and the street;

    200 cubits, the lower front, next to the property of Zibaya, son of Ereshu —

    total, the land of Kudurru, son of Nabu-ah-eresh, as much as there is of it next to the Ninurta temple.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, a price of 2 1/2 minas of silver for one-half of it, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru and Nasqat, his mother, have received a total of 2 1/2 minas of silver, together with 5 shekels of silver, which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of the one-half of their orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    They has been paid; they are free from claims. They shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.




    [a-hi (gisz)_sar_] szu-a#-[ti ul na-din-ma kas3-pi ul ma-hir] [i]-qab-bu-u2 _ku3#-babbar_ im-hu#-[ru _en 12-ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal]

    ina ka-nak (im)[_dub_ szu-a-tu2] ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz#_-[sza2-a (lu2)]_gar umusz unug#_[(ki)] u3 (disz)ba-la-t,u (lu2)[_sza3-tam_] _e2-an-na# igi_ (disz)_lugal_-a-ni _dumu_ (disz)mu-szeb-szi

    _igi_ (disz)_lugal_-a-ni _dumu_ (disz)mu-szeb-szi

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) _dumu_ (disz)_sig5_-ia

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_kar#_(ir) _dumu#_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,)#

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2#-szal-lim _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_gar_(un)

    (disz)na-s,i-ru _dumu_ (disz)za-ki-ru

    (disz)_gar_-_mu dumu_ (lu2)_e2-bar_-(d)_masz_

    (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sig5_(iq) _dumu_ (disz)szu-la-a

    (disz)_sum-na_-_szesz dumu_ (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)szul-lu-mu _dumu_ (disz)_sig7_-ia

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3_(ir) _dumu_ (disz)im-ma-a

    (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) _dumu_ (disz)_lugal_-a-ni

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_su szesz_-szu2

    (disz)ku-na-a _dumu_ (disz)la-ba-szi

    u (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz) _dumu_ (disz)(d)_utu_-ba-a-ri

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 23_-_kam2 mu 7_-_kam2 an-szar2_-_szesz_-_mu_

    _lugal_ kisz-szat s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ u (f)na-as-qat ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2-nu

    AI Translation

    He shall not give a share in that orchard, and shall not pay the silver. He shall say what he received and pay back the silver tenfold.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, governor of Uruk, and Balatu, the shatammu of Eanna;

    Before: Sharrani, son of Mushebshi;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Damqiya;

    Bel-etir, son of Nanaya-uballit;

    Nabu-ushallim, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun;

    Nashiru, son of Zakiru;

    Shakin-shumi, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Ahheshaya;

    Nabu-udammiq, son of Shulaya;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Shullum, son of Damqiya;

    Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Zer-Babili, son of Sharrani;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, his brother;

    Kunaya, son of Labashi;

    and the scribe, Bel-ipush, son of Shamash-bari;

    Uruk, 23rd day of Tashritu, 7th year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin and Nasqat is marked in place of their seal.

    Frame, G.

    says that that one-half of the orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk, and Balatu, the temple administrator of Eanna;

    Before: Sharrani, son of Mushebshi;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Damqiya;

    Bel-etir, son of Nanaya-uballit;

    Nabu-ushallim, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Shakin-shumi, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Ahheshaya;

    Nabu-udammiq, son of Shulaya;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Shullum, son of Damqiya;

    Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Zer-Babili, son of Sharrani;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, his brother;

    Kunaya, son of Labashi;

    and the scribe, Bel-ipush, descendant of Shamash-abari.

    Uruk, 23rd day of Tashritu, 7th year of Esarhaddon, king of the world.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin and Nasqat in place of their seal.

    P521855: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-tu sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _ka2_-_ki-lam_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    55 ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)ib-na-a A (disz)_szesz_-szub-szi

    55 ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A (disz)da-mi-ru

    30 ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_du3_(usz) A (disz)pir-'u

    30 ( over erasure ) ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da sila_ rap-szu2 mu-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    ki-i 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)_ibila_-a _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 2 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i at-ru _sum_(nu) (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)A-a ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina(!) _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_ sza2 _e11_-ma a-na muh-hi _e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru um-ma _e2_ szu-a-ti ul _sum_-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt in the city quarter of the Inner Gate of Uruk:

    55 cubits, the upper side on the north, next to the house of Ibnaya, son of Ah-shubshi;

    55 cubits, the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-ushezib, son of Damiru;

    30 cubits, the upper front on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ipush, son of Pir'u;

    30 cubits, the lower front on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, a price of 2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, has received a total of 2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ah-iddin-Marduk comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Market Gate district of Uruk:

    55 cubits, the upper side on the north, next to the house of Ibnaya, son of Ah-shubshi;

    55 cubits, the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-ushezib, son of Damiru;

    30 cubits, the upper front on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ipush, son of Pir'u;

    30 cubits, the lower front on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, a price of 2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, has received a total of 2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ah-iddin-Marduk, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    nisz (d)_amar-utu_ u (d)zar#-pa-ni-tum za-ki-ir nisz _dingir_ u _lugal_ za-ki-ir

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)e2-a-_numun_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)a-muk-a-nu _igi_ (disz)na-'-id-_en_-a-ni A (disz)a-a-ri-mi-i

    _igi_ (disz)na-'-id-_en_-a-ni A (disz)a-a-ri-mi-i

    (disz)mu-(sze)-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_gin_

    (disz)_dumu_-(d)+_en_-al-si A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na_

    (disz)_sum-na_-_szesz a_ (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-ni A (disz)na-bu-un-na-a-a

    (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_numun_-u2-tu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-re-man-ni A (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)bul-lut,

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2_

    (disz)e-zu-u-pa-szir3 A (disz)am-me-ni-_dingir_

    (disz)bul-lut,-a A (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba

    (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)bul-lut,

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_si-sa2_

    A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_gin_ (uru)sza2-pi-ia (iti)_du6 ud 5_-_kam2 mu 8_-_kam2 an-szar2_-_szesz_-_mu lugal szu2_

    s,u-pur (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_

    AI Translation

    The god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu are exempt; the god and the king are exempt.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ea-zer-iqisha, son of Amukanu;

    Before: Na'id-belani, son of Aya-rimî;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Nabu-zer-ukin;

    Mar-Bel-allissi, son of Nabu-ahhe-iddin;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, son of Nabunnaya;

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Zerutu;

    Bel-remanni, son of Upaqu;

    Bel-eresh, son of Bullut;

    Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Ezu-upashir, son of Ammeni-ili;

    Bulluta, descendant of Ahhe-eriba;

    Balassu, son of Bullut;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-shum-lishir.

    Shapiya, 5th day of Tashritu, 8th year of Esarhaddon, king of the world.

    Fingernail of Ah-iddin-Marduk

    Frame, G.

    An oath by the life of Marduk and Zarpanitu was sworn; an oath by the life of the god and the king was sworn.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ea-zer-iqisha, descendant of Amukanu;

    Before: Na'id-belani, son of Aya-rimi;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Nabu-zer-ukin;

    Mar-Bel-alsi, son of Nabu-ahhe-iddin;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, descendant of Nabunnaya;

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Zerutu;

    Bel-remanni, son of Upaqu;

    Bel-eresh, son of Bullut;

    Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Ezu-u-pashir, son of Ammeni-ili;

    Bulluta, son of Ahhe-eriba;

    Balassu, son of Bullut;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-shum-lishir, son of Nabu-zer-ukin.

    Shapiya, 5th day of Tashritu, 8th year of Esarhaddon, king of the world.

    Fingernail of Ah-iddin-Marduk in place of his seal.

    P521856: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-tu sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _ka2_-_ki-lam_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    55 ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)ib-na-a A (disz)_szesz_-szub-szi

    55 ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A-szu2 sza2 (disz)da-mi-ru

    30 ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_du3_(usz) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)pir-'u

    30 ( over erasure ) ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da sila_ rap-szu2 mu-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    ki-i 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)_ibila_-a _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 2 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i at-ru _sum_(nu) (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)A-a ina _szu-ii_ (disz)(((d)))mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-tu2 ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri_-(A) _im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mu_-(d)_amar-utu_ sza2 _e11_-ma ana muh-hi _e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru um-ma _e2_ szu-a-ti ul _sum_-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt in the city quarter of the Inner Gate of Uruk:

    55 cubits, the upper side on the north, next to the house of Ibnaya, son of Ah-shubshi;

    55 cubits, the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-ushezib, son of Damiru;

    30 cubits, the upper front on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ipush, son of Pir'u;

    30 cubits, the lower front on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, a price of 2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, has received a total of 2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ah-iddin-Marduk comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Market Gate district of Uruk:

    55 cubits, the upper side on the north, next to the house of Ibnaya, son of Ah-shubshi;

    55 cubits, the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-ushezib, son of Damiru;

    30 cubits, the upper front on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ipush, son of Pir'u;

    30 cubits, the lower front on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, a price of 2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Aplaya, has received a total of 2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ah-iddin-Marduk, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    nisz (d)_amar-utu_ u (d)zar#-pa-ni-tum za-ki-ir nisz _dingir_ u _lugal_ za-ki-ir

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)e2-a-_numun_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)a-muk-a-nu _igi_ (disz)na-'-id-_en_-a-ni A (disz)a-a-ri-mi-i

    _igi_ (disz)na-'-id-_en_-a-ni A (disz)a-a-ri-mi-i

    (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_gin_

    (disz)_dumu_-(d)+_en_-al-si A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na_

    (disz)_sum-na_-_szesz a_ (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-ni A (disz)na-bu-un-na-a-a

    (disz)(d)na-na-(a)-_tin_(it,) A (disz)_numun_-u2-tu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-re-man-ni A (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)bul-lut,

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2_

    (disz)e-zu-u-pa-szir3 A (disz)am-me-ni-_dingir_

    (disz)bul-lut,-a A (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba

    (disz)ba-lat,-su A (disz)bul-lut,

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_si-sa2_

    A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_gin_ (uru)sza2-pi-ia (iti)_du6 ud 5_-_kam2 mu 8_-_kam2 an-szar2_-_szesz_-_mu lugal szu2_

    s,u-pur (disz)_szesz_-_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_

    AI Translation

    The god Marduk and the goddess Zarpanitu are exempt; the god and the king are exempt.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ea-zer-iqisha, son of Amukanu;

    Before: Na'id-belani, son of Aya-rimî;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Nabu-zer-ukin;

    Mar-Bel-allissi, son of Nabu-ahhe-iddin;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, son of Nabunnaya;

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Zerutu;

    Bel-remanni, son of Upaqu;

    Bel-eresh, son of Bullut;

    Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Ezu-upashir, son of Ammeni-ili;

    Bulluta, descendant of Ahhe-eriba;

    Balassu, son of Bullut;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-shum-lishir.

    Shapiya, 5th day of Tashritu, 8th year of Esarhaddon, king of the world.

    Fingernail of Ah-iddin-Marduk

    Frame, G.

    An oath by the life of Marduk and Zarpanitu was sworn; an oath by the life of the god and the king was sworn.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ea-zer-iqisha, the descendant of Amukanu;

    Before: Na'id-belani, son of Aya-rimi;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Nabu-zer-ukin;

    Mar-Bel-alsi, son of Nabu-ahhe-iddin;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, descendant of Nabunnaya;

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Zerutu;

    Bel-remanni, son of Upaqu;

    Bel-eresh, son of Bullut;

    Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Ezu-u-pashir, son of Ammeni-ili;

    Bulluta, son of Ahhe-eriba;

    Balassu, son of Bullut;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-shum-lishir, son of Nabu-zer-ukin.

    Shapiya, 5th day of Tashritu, 8th year of Esarhaddon, king of the world.

    Fingernail of Ah-iddin-Marduk in place of his seal.

    P521857: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _a-sza3_ (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_ zaq-pu _ki_(ti3) _e2_ (d)_masz_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    3 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta us2-sa-du bad3 uru_

    2 _me 40_ ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta da e2_ (disz)za-kir (lu2)_aszgab_

    2 _me 40_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta us2-sa-du e-sir2_

    1 _me 90_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)zi-ba-a _dumu_ (lu2)_e2-bar_-(d)_masz_ (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_nig2-du dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2 diri_ u _la2_ ma-la ba-szu-u2

    (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_nig2-du dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2 diri_ u _la2_ ma-la ba-szu-u2

    a-hu ina lib3-bi ki-i 2 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu dumu_ (disz)_nig2-du_ u (f)na-as-qat _ama_-szu2 _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 2 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ a-di 5 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i _diri sum-na_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_nig2-du_ u3 (f)na-as-qat _ama_-szu2 ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2_ a-hi (gisz)_sar_-szu2-nu

    ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti mah-ru a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a_ ni-su-tu2 u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du_ sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu_ a-hi (gisz)_sar_ szu-a-tu2 i-dab-bu-ub u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru um-ma a-hi (gisz)_sar_ szu-a-ti ul na-din-ma kas3-pi ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-ru _en 12-ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-tu2

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a field, orchard planted with date palms, in the Ninurta temple district in Uruk:

    300 cubits, the upper side, next to the city wall;

    240 cubits, the lower side, next to the house of Zakir, the leatherworker;

    240 cubits, the upper front, next to the underside;

    90 cubits, the lower front, next to the property of Zibaya, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta; the orchard of Kudurru, son of Nabu-ah-eresh, the additional and undeveloped plot, as much as there is of it.

    The orchard of Kudurru, son of Nabu-ah-eresh, is the complete price, as much as there is.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, and Nasqat, his mother, a price of 2 1/2 minas of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, and Nasqat, his mother, have received a total of 2 1/2 minas of silver, including 5 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of one-half of their orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, comes forward and raises a claim over that field, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that field has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning land, an orchard planted with date palms, in the Ninurta Temple district in Uruk:

    300 cubits, the upper side, next to the city wall; 8i

    240 cubits, the lower side, next to the house of Zakir, the leather-worker;

    240 cubits, the upper front, next to the street;

    190 cubits, the lower front, next to the property of Zibaya, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta —

    the orchard of Kudurru, son of Nabu-ah-eresh, be it more or less, as much as there is of it –

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, and Nasqat, his mother, a price of 2 1/2 minas of block silver for one-half of it, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, and Nasqat, his mother, have received a total of 2 1/2 minas of silver, together with 5 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of the one-half of their orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    They have been paid; they are free from claims. They shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, comes forward and raises a claim over that one-half of the orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that one-half of the orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk, and Balatu, the temple administrator of Eanna;



    _igi_ (disz)_lugal_-a-ni A (disz)mu-szeb-szi

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_sig5_-ia

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_kar_(ir)# A (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,)

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-szal-lim A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_gar_(un)

    (disz)na-s,i-ru A (disz)za-kir

    (disz)_gar_-_mu a_ (lu2)_e2-bar_-(d)_masz_

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sig5_(iq) A (disz)szu-la-a

    (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a

    (disz)_sum-na_-_szesz a_ (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)ku-na-a A (disz)la-ba-szi

    (disz)szul-lu-mu A (disz)_sig5_-ia

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_pab a_ (disz)im-ma-a

    (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A (disz)_lugal_-a-ni

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_su szesz_-szu2

    u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz) A (disz)(d)_utu_-ba-a-ri

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_du6 ud 23_-_kam2 mu 8_-_kam2 an-szar2_-_szesz_-_sum-na_

    _lugal szu2_ s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na_

    AI Translation

    Before: Sharrani, son of Mushebshi;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Damqiya;

    Bel-etir, son of Nanaya-uballit;

    Nabu-ushallim, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Shakin-shumi, descendant of Shangu-Inurta;

    Nabu-udammiq, son of Shulaya;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Ahheshaya;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Kunaya, son of Labashi;

    Shullum, son of Damqiya;

    Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Zer-Babili, son of Sharrani;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, his brother;

    and the scribe, Bel-ipush, son of Shamash-bari.

    Uruk, 23rd day of Tashritu, 8th year of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin

    Frame, G.

    Before: Sharrani, son of Mushebshi;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Damqiya;

    Bel-etir, son of Nanaya-uballit;

    Nabu-ushallim, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Shakin-shumi, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta;

    Nabu-udammiq, son of Shulaya;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Ahheshaya;

    Iddin-ahi, son of Upaqu;

    Kunaya, son of Labashi;

    Shullum, son of Damqiya;

    Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Zer-Babili, son of Sharrani;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, his brother;

    and the scribe, Bel-ipush, descendant of Shamash-abari.

    Uruk, 23rd day of Tashritu, 8th year of Esarhaddon, king of the world.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin and Nasqat, his mother, in place of their seal.

    P521858: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2 gul_ sza2 na-pa-s,u u (e)-pe-((e))-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki) _e2_ (disz)du-um-qa-a _dumu_ (disz)szul-lu-ma-a a-tar u ma-t,u ma-la ba-szu2-u2

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da sila_ la a-s,u-u2 u _da e2_ (disz)hu-ud-da-a _dumu_ (disz)ku-kul

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da sila_ rap-szu2 mu-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    _sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)ki-na-a _dumu_ (disz)na-din-_ibila_

    _sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da e2_ (disz)hu-ud-da-a _dumu_ (disz)ku-kul u (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_tuk_(szi) A (disz)ah-hu-tu

    ki-i 4 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)szu-ma-a _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 4 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)szu-ma-a ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul(!)( text: _mi_ ) i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma-ti-ma ina _egir_-_mesz_ u4-mu ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_ sza2 _e11_-ma# a-na _ugu e2 mu-mesz_ i-dab-bu-ub

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a destroyed house that had been torn down and rebuilt in the Eanna district of Uruk: the house of Dumqâ, son of Shulluma, as much or as little there was,

    the upper side on the north, next to the undeveloped plot and next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul;

    the lower side on the south, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Kinaya, son of Nadin-apli;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul, and Nabu-shum-ushabshi, son of Ahhutu;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya, a price of 4 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya, has received a total of 4 minas of block silver from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Iddin-Marduk comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna Temple district of Uruk, the house of Dumqaya, son of Shullumaya, be it more or less, as much as there is of it:

    the upper side on the north, next to the no-through street, and next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul;

    the lower side on the south, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Kinaya, son of Nadin-apli;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul, and the property of Nabu-shum-usharshi, son of Ahhutu —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya, a price of 4 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya has received a total of 4 minas of block silver from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Iddin-Marduk, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims or causes him to acquire a claimant, says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub mu-mesz_ ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki)

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3 dumu_ (disz)im-ma-a

    (disz)(d)+_en_-re-man-ni _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kar_(ir)

    (disz)na-s,i-ru _dumu_ (disz)za-kir

    (disz)mar-duk _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib

    (disz)sza2-pi-i-(d)+_en dumu_ (disz)(d)+_en_(!)-_du3_(usz)

    (disz)_gar_-_mu dumu_ (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_du3 dumu_ (disz)u2-ba-ru

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sa-tu _dumu_ (disz)szu-ma-a

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)da-a-a-nu

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 20 1_-_la2-kam2 mu sag nam-lugal-la an-szar2_-_du3_-_ibila lugal kur-kur_

    s,u-pur (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk;

    Before: Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Bel-remanni, son of Nabu-etir;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushezib;

    Sha-pi-Bel, son of Bel-ipush;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nabu-shum-ibni, son of Ubar;

    Bel-usat, son of Shumaya;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-zer-iqisha, son of Dayanu;

    Uruk, 20th day of Addaru, 1st year of kingship, Ashurbanipal, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Iddin-Marduk

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk;

    Before: Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Bel-remanni, son of Nabu-etir;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushezib;

    Sha-pi-Bel, son of Bel-ipush;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nabu-shum-ibni, son of Ubar;

    Bel-usat, son of Shumaya;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-zer-iqisha, descendant of Dayyanu.

    Uruk, 19th day of Addaru, accession year of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Iddin-Marduk in place of his seal.

    P521859: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2 gul_ sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki) _e2_ (disz)du-um-qa-a _dumu_ (disz)szul-lu-ma-a a-tar u ma-t,u ma-la ba-szu2-u2

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da sila_ la a-s,u-u2 u _da e2_ (disz)hu-ud-da-a _dumu_ (disz)ku-kul

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da sila_ rap-szu2 mu-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    _sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)ki-na-a _dumu_ (disz)na-din-_ibila_

    _sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da e2_ (disz)hu-ud-da-a _dumu_ (disz)ku-kul u (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_tuk_(szi) A (disz)ah-hu-tu

    ki-i 4 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)szu-ma-a _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 4 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)szu-ma-a ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma

    a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina _egir_-_mesz_ u4-mu ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_ sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu e2 mu-mesz_ i-dab-bu-ub u2-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u2-paq-qa-ri u (lu2)pa-qir-a-ni u2-szar-szu-u2 um-ma _e2 mu-mesz_ ul na-din-ma kas3-pi ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2 ka-sap im-hu-ru _en 12-ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a destroyed house that is to be torn down and rebuilt in the Eanna district of Uruk: the house of Dumqâ, son of Shulluma, as much or as little there is,

    the upper side on the north, next to the undeveloped plot and next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul;

    the lower side on the south, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Kinaya, son of Nadin-apli;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul, and Nabu-shum-ushabshi, son of Ahhutu;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya, a price of 4 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya, has received a total of 4 minas of block silver from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Iddin-Marduk comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna Temple district of Uruk, the house of Dumqaya, son of Shullumaya, be it more or less, as much as there is of it:

    the upper side on the north, next to the no-through street, and next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul;

    the lower side on the south, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Kinaya, son of Nadin-apli;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Huddaya, son of Kukul, and the property of Nabu-shum-usharshi, son of Ahhutu —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya, a price of 4 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Iddin-Marduk, son of Shumaya has received a total of 4 minas of block silver from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Iddin-Marduk, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims or causes him to acquire a claimant, says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub mu-mesz_ ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki) _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3 dumu_ (disz)im-ma-a

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3 dumu_ (disz)im-ma-a

    (disz)(d)+_en_-re-man-ni _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kar_(ir)

    (disz)na-s,i-ru _dumu_ (disz)za-kir

    (disz)mar-duk _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib

    (disz)sza2-pi-i-(d)+_en dumu_ (disz)(d)+_en_(!)-_du3_(usz)

    (disz)_gar_-_mu dumu_ (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_du3 dumu_ (disz)u2-ba-ru

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sa-tu _dumu_ (disz)szu-ma-a

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_ba_(sza2) A (disz)da-a-a-nu

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 20 1_-_la2-kam2 mu sag nam-lugal-la an-szar2_-_du3_-_ibila lugal kur-kur_

    s,u-pur (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu_ ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, governor of Uruk;

    Before: Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Bel-remanni, son of Nabu-etir;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushezib;

    Sha-pi-Bel, son of Bel-ipush;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nabu-shum-ibni, son of Ubar;

    Bel-usat, son of Shumaya;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-zer-iqisha, son of Dayanu;

    Uruk, 20th day of Addaru, 1st year of kingship, Ashurbanipal, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Iddin-Marduk is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk;

    Before: Nabu-nashir, son of Immaya;

    Bel-remanni, son of Nabu-etir;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushezib;

    Sha-pi-Bel, son of Bel-ipush;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nabu-shum-ibni, son of Ubar;

    Bel-usat, son of Shumaya;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Nabu-zer-iqisha, descendant of Dayyanu.

    Uruk, 19th day of Addaru, accession year of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Iddin-Marduk in place of his seal.

    P521860: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    a-hi (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_dub_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su (lu2)_nar_ sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)bul-lut,-a im-hu-ru

    _usz an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi a_ (disz)na-din

    _usz ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)_numun_-_gin a_ (disz)_dub_-_numun_

    _pab_ (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3_ ma-la ba-szu-u2 sza2 _ugu_ (id2)ha-ri-s,u

    ki-i 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3 ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 2 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 5 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i _diri sum-na_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3_ ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu#_-_mesz im-ri-a_ ni-su-ti u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)(d)+_na3_-(_uru3_) sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu_ (gisz)_sar_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u2-paq-qa-ru um-ma (gisz)_sar_ szu-a-ti ul _sum_-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2 ka-sap im-hu-ru _en 12-ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    AI Translation

    One-half of the orchard of Shapik-zeri/Balassu, the singer, received from Nabu-nashir/Bulluta.

    the upper side, next to the property of Nabu-ushallim, son of Nadin;

    the lower side, next to the property of Zer-ukin, son of Shapik-zeri;

    Total, the orchard of Nabu-nashir, as much as there is of it on the Harisu canal.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-ushur, a price of 2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-ushur, has received a total of 2 minas of block silver, and 5 shekels of silver which is given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nabu-ushabshi, descendant of Nabu-nashir, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    One-half of an orchard, belonging to Shapik-zeri, son of Balassu, the musician, which Nabu-nashir, son of Bulluta received:

    the upper side, next to the property of Nabu-ushallim, son of Nadin;

    the lower side, next to the property of Zer-ukin, son of Shapik-zeri —

    Total, the orchard of Nabu-nashir, as much as there is of it on the moat.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-nashir, a price of 2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-nashir, has received a total of 2 minas of block silver, and 5 shekels of siver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-nashir, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki) _igi_ (disz)_ibila_-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz)

    _igi_ (disz)_ibila_-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz)

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi dumu_ (disz)_mu_-(d)_u-gur_

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-ga-mil _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-se-pi2

    (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_ (disz)_numun_-_sum-na_

    (disz)na-s,i-ru _dumu_ (disz)za-kir

    (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,) _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3_

    (disz)_numun_-_gin dumu_ (disz)_dub_-_numun_

    (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu dumu_ (disz)_nig2-du_

    (disz)_gar_-_mu dumu_ (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_mu dumu_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu_

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_gal2_(szi) _dumu_ (disz)u2-pa-qu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu dumu_ (disz)sza2-pi-ku

    u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ sza2-t,ir (im)_dub_

    (disz)am-me-ni-_dingir a_ (disz)bul-lut, _unug_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 18_-_kam2 mu 1_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) ki-ma (na4(!))_kiszib_-szu2 ( text: _qa_ )

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk;

    Before: Aplaya, son of Nabu-eresh;

    Nabu-ushallim, son of Iddin-Nergal;

    Nabu-gamil, son of Nabu-usepi;

    Ahheshaya, son of Zeriya;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-nashir;

    Zer-ukin, son of Shapik-zeri;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Ahheshaya;

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Kudurru;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nabu-zer-iddin, son of Bel-iddin;

    Nabu-zer-ushabshi, son of Upaqu;

    Bel-iddin, son of Shapik;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet.

    Uruk, 18th day of Tebetu, 1st year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-ushabshi is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Ahheshaya, the governor of Uruk;

    Before: Aplaya, son of Nabu-eresh;

    Nabu-ushallim, son of Iddin-Nergal;

    Nabu-gamil, son of Nabu-useppi;

    Ahheshaya, son of Zer-iddin;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-nashir;

    Zer-ukin, son of Shapik-zeri;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Ahheshaya;

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nabu-zer-iddin, son of Bel-iddin;

    Nabu-zer-ushabshi, son of Upaqu;

    Bel-iddin, son of Shapik;

    and the scribe, writer of the tablet, Ammeni-ili, son of Bullut.

    Uruk, 18th day of Tebetu, 1st year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-ushabshi is marked in place of his seal.

    P521861: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba A (lu2)_szu-i_ a-na pa-an (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-lim A (disz)_dingir_-ta-_du3_ il-li-kam2-ma ki#-a-am iq#-bi um-ma 10 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ bi-nam-ma gi-mir# sza2 a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-na-din-_mu a_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia2

    ag#-mu-ru lu(!?)-t,ir (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-lim isz-me2(!)-e-ma 10 _ma-na ku3#-babbar_ a-na (disz)(d)+_na3#_-_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba id-din-ma gi#-mir sza2 a-na _ugu_ (disz)(d)+_na3#_-na-din-_mu a_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia2

    ig#-mu-ru ut,-t,ir# [(x)] _tur3#_ u (gisz)_sar_ [(x)] sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-na-din-_mu_ sza2 [(ina)] _unug_(?)#(ki) masz-ka-nu

    [(x)] sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz#_-_mesz_-szul-lim (lu2)#ra-szu-u2

    AI Translation

    Nabu-ahhe-eriba, descendant of Hunzu, came to the presence of Nabu-ahhe-shullim, descendant of Ilutu-bani, and said as follows: "I have given you 10 minas of silver, and I have given you all the silver which is due to Nabu-nadin-shumi, descendant of Tabiya."

    Nabu-ahhe-shullim heard of this and gave 10 minas of silver to Nabu-ahhe-eriba. He gave to Nabu-ahhe-eriba all the property that is against Nabu-nadin-shumi, descendant of Tabiya.

    The ... of the turu and orchard of Nabu-nadin-shumi, which is in Uruk, are the guarantor.

    ... of Nabu-ahhe-shullim, the guarantor

    Frame, G.

    Nabu-ahhe-eriba, descendant of Gallabu, came before Nabu-ahhe-shullim, descendant of Iluta-bani, and said: "Give me 10 minas of silver! Let me pay the expenses which I incurred on behalf of Nabu-nadin-shumi, son of Tabiya."

    Nabu-ahhe-shullim heard him and he gave 10 minas of silver to Nabu-ahhe-eriba. He paid the expenses which he incurred on behalf of Nabu-nadin-shumi, son of Tabiya.

    ... The cattle stall and orchard ... of Nabu-nadin-shumi, which are in Uruk, are the security ... of Nabu-ahhe-shullim.

    No ... other creditor shall have right of disposal over them ... until Nabu-ahhe-shullim recovers his silver.



    _ab2-gu4_-_hi-a 1_/2 _danna_ a-na e-le-ni# 1/2 _danna_ a-na szu-pa-lu sza2 la (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-szul-lim#

    ul tal-lak _ku3-babbar_ ina 1 _gin2_ bit-qa ina _ugu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz#_-[eri-ba] u (disz)(d)+_na3#_-na-din-_mu_ i-rab-be#

    (lu2)mu-kin-nu (disz)sza2-pi-i-(d)+_en a_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-re-man-[(ni)]

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)_dingir_-ta-[_du3_]

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_gar_(un) _dumu_ (disz)_gar_-x-[(x)]-x

    (disz)s,il-la-a _dumu_ (disz)_gar_-x-[(x)]-x

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-ip-ti-iq _dumu_ (lu2)[x]-x-[(x)]

    (disz)u2-pa-qu _dumu_ (lu2)_sanga#_-(d)_iszkur_(?)#

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)mar#-duk _dumu_ (disz)_e3_-a-na-_zalag2_-(d)_amar-utu_

    (uru)nu-uh(!)-sza2-ni-ti (iti)#_bara2 ud 28_-_kam2 mu 5_-_kam2_

    AI Translation

    A cow, 1/2 shekel above and 1/2 shekel below, without Nabu-ahhe-shullim,

    He will pay the silver in one-eighth shekel to Nabu-ahhe-eriba and Nabu-nadin-shumi.

    Witnesses: Sha-pi-Bel, son of Nabu-remanni;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Ilu-taqqin;

    Nabu-shum-ishkun, descendant of Shakin-...;

    Shillaya, son of Shakin-...;

    Nabu-iptiq, descendant of ...;

    Upaqu, descendant of Shangu-Adad;

    and the scribe, Marduku, descendant of Ea-na-nuri-Marduk.

    Nuhshanitu, 28th day of Nisannu, 5th year of Nabû-shar-ahhe-iddina.

    Frame, G.

    No cow may go half a double-hour above or half a double-hour below the property without the permission of Nabu-ahhe-shullim.

    One eighth of a shekel of silver per shekel will accrue against Nabu-ahhe-eriba and Nabu-nadin-shumi as interest.

    Witnesses: Sha-pi-Bel, son of Nabu-remanni;

    Nabu-ushabshi, descendant of Iluta-bani;

    Nabu-shum-ishkun, son of ...;

    Shillaya, son of ...;

    Nabu-iptiq, son of ...;

    Upaqu, descendant of Shangu-Adad;

    and the scribe, Marduku, son of Lushi-ana-nur-Marduk.

    Nuhshanitu, 28th day of Nisannu, 5th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    P521862: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up#-pi (e2)ki#-szub-bu-u2 sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,) _a#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_gar_(un) u (disz)A-a _a#_-[szu2 sza2 (disz)]dan#-na-( erased A? )-a

    1 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta#_ [(tu15)...] _da# e2_ (disz)_en_-a#-ni A (disz)e-re-szu2

    1 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta#_ [(tu15)...] _da e2#_ (disz)za-kir# (lu2)x-x

    1 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki# an-ta#_ [(tu15)...] _da# sila_ rap-szu2 mu-taq# _dingir_ u _lugal_

    1 _me_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta#_ [(tu15)...] _da_(?)# (gisz)_sar#_ sza2 (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu_ [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)ki#-rib-ti

    ki-i 56 _gin2 ku3-babbar ku3-pad#_-[_du_ (disz)mu-sze-zib]-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _ki_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3#_-[_mu_]-_gar_(un)# u (disz)A-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)dan-na-a _ki-lam#_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 _til_-_mesz_

    _pab_(!) 56 _gin2 ku3-babbar ku3#-pad-du_ a-di# 2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i _ka_ a-tar _sum_(nu) (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,)# A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3#_-_mu_-_gar_(un) u (disz)A-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)dan-na-a ina _szu#-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib#-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2-nu

    ki#-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir#-ti mah-ru# a-pil# za-ku ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi (ul) i-tur#-ru-ma a#-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma-ti-ma ina _egir#_-_mesz ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz# dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a_ ni-su-tu# u sa-lat sza2# _e2_ (disz)(d)na(!)-na-a-_tin_(it,) u (disz)A-a sza2 _e11#_-ma a-na _ugu e2 mu-mesz#_ i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-[paq-qa]-ru# um-ma _e2 mu-mesz_ ul na-din-ma _ku3-babbar#_ ul ma-hir# [i-qab-bu-u2] _ku3#-babbar_ im-hu-ru(!) a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal#

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning the undeveloped plot of Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun, and Aplaya, son of Dannaya, descendant of Ah'utu,

    100 cubits, the upper side ..., next to the house of Belani, son of Ereshu;

    100 cubits, the lower side ..., next to the house of Zakir, the ...;

    100 cubits, the upper front ..., next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    100 cubits, the lower front on the ... side, next to the orchard of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun, and Aplaya, son of Dannaya, a price of 56 shekels of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun, and Aplaya, son of Dannaya, have received a total of 56 shekels of block silver, together with 2 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of their house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nanaya-uballit and Aplaya comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning an unbuilt plot belonging to Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun, and Aplaya, son of Dannaya:

    100 cubits, the upper side ..., next to the house of Belani, son of Ereshu;

    100 cubits, the lower side ..., next to the house of Zakir, the ...;

    100 cubits, the upper front ..., next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    100 cubits, the lower front ..., next to the orchard of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun, and Aplaya, son of Dannaya, a price of 56 shekels of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nanaya-uballit, son of Nabu-shum-ishkun, and Aplaya, son of Dannaya, have received a total of 56 shekels of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of their house, the entire amount of silver.

    They have been paid, they are free from claims. They shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nanaya-uballit and Aplaya, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak# (im)_dub#_ szu-( erasure )-a-ti ina _gub_(!?)(zu(!?))# sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki)# _igi_ (disz)(d)_en_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a# (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-szu2 A (disz)eri-ba

    _igi_ (disz)(d)_en_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a# (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-szu2 A (disz)eri-ba

    (disz)_gar_-_mu_ ( erased A ) [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)_en_-a-ni

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ba_(sza2) [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-ib-ni

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    (disz)_gar_-_mu_ [A-szu2] sza2 (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sze-zib [A]-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-ba-szi

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_sum_-[(_na_)] _a#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2-ba-ru

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-[zib] A-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia

    u3(?)# (lu2)_dub-sar_ (m(?))#[...]-x-_kur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz)

    _unug#_(ki) (iti)_ab_ [_ud_ x]-_kam2 mu 7_-_kam2_ (disz)(d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)na-na-a-_tin_(it,) u (disz)A-( erasure )-a ki-ma (im)_kiszib_-szu2-nu tu-ud-da-a-ti

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk; before Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya; Ahheshu, son of Eriba;

    Before: Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya; Ahheshu, son of Eriba;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Belani;

    Nabu-iqisha, son of Bel-ibni;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Balassu;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Bel-ah-iddin, son of Ubar;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    and the scribe, ...-ushur, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Uruk, day of Tebetu, 7th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nanaya-uballit and Aplaya is marked in place of their seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk;

    Before: Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Belani;

    Nabu-iqisha, son of Bel-ibni;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Balassu;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Bel-ah-iddin, son of Ubar;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    and the scribe, ..., son of Nabu-ah-eresh.

    Uruk, day of Tebetu, 7th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nanaya-uballit and Aplaya is marked in place of their seal.

    P521863: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _a-sza3_ (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_-_mesz_ zaq-pu _ki_(ti3) _e2_ (d)nin-urta sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia _dumu_ (lu2)_e2-bar_-(d)nin-urta ma-la ba-szu-u2 _us2-sa-du e2_ (d)nin-urta _ha-la_ sza2 it-ti (disz)zi-ba-a _szesz ad_-szu2 u2-za-'-zu

    _usz_ ( erasure ) _an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)e-re-szu2 _dumu_ (lu2)_e2-bar_-(d)_masz_

    _usz ki-ta us2-sa-du e2_ (d)nin-urta

    _sag-ki an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)zi-ba-a A (disz)e-re-szu2

    _sag-ki ki-ta us2-sa-du_ su-u2-qu ki-i 3 _ma-na 50 gin2 ku3_-(_babbar_) _ku3-pad-du_

    ki-i 3 _ma-na 50 gin2 ku3_-(_babbar_) _ku3-pad-du_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 3 ma-na 50 gin2 ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 7 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i a-tar _sum-na_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti ma-hir

    a-pil za-ku ru-gu-um-ma-a ul i-szi ul# i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma#-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina(!) _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz im-ri-a im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_ (disz)hasz-di-ia

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a field, orchard planted with date palms, in the Ninurta temple district in Uruk:

    The orchard of Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta, as much as there is of it, adjoining the house of Ninurta, the share that he divided with Zibaya, his father.

    the upper side, next to the property of Ereshu, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta;

    the lower side, next to the Ninurta temple;

    the upper front, next to the property of Zibaya, son of Ereshu;

    the lower front, next to the street,

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya, a price of 3 minas and 50 shekels of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya, has received a total of 3 minas 50 shekels of block silver, and 7 shekels of silver which is given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ahheshaya, descendant of Hashdiya, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning land, an orchard planted with date palms, in the Ninurta Temple district in Uruk —

    the orchard of Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta, as much as there is of it next to the Ninurta temple; the share which he divided with Zibaya, his uncle:

    the upper side, next to the property of Ereshu, descendant of Shangu-Ninurta;

    the lower side, next to the Ninurta temple;

    the upper front, next to the property of Zibaya, son of Ereshu;

    the lower front, next to the street —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya, a price of 3 minas and 50 shekels of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya has received a total of 3 minas and 50 shekels of block silver, and 7 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ahheshaya, son of Hashdiya, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-ma-a-ti _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_sum-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)za-kir

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_sum-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)za-kir

    (disz)(d)+_en_-re-man-ni _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du_

    (disz)(d)30-_en_-_numun dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)30-_mu_

    (disz)u2-ba-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du_

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3_(ir)

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_kar_(ir) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-_du3_(usz)

    (disz)_ibila_-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)za-bi-du

    (disz)(d)30-_sag-kal dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_sum-na_-a

    (disz)_nig2-du dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)nad-na-a

    (disz)hasz-di-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_mu_-_gi-na_

    u3 (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)szu-la-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ib-na-a

    _szesz-unug_(ki) (iti)_kin ud 29_-_kam2 mu 8_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-(pur) (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Nabu-zer-iddin, son of Zakir;

    Bel-remanni, son of Kudurru;

    Sin-bel-zeri, son of Sin-iddin;

    Ubar, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-nashir;

    Bel-etir, son of Nanaya-ipush;

    Aplaya, son of Zabidu;

    Sin-resha-ushur, son of Iddinaya;

    Kudurru, son of Nadnaya;

    Hashdiya, son of Shum-ukin;

    and the scribe Shulaya, son of Ibnaya.

    Ur, 29th day of Ululu, 8th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Ahheshaya is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Nabu-zer-iddin, son of Zakir;

    Bel-remanni, son of Kudurru;

    Sin-bel-zeri, son of Sin-iddin;

    Ubar, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru;

    Nabu-ushabshi, son of Nabu-nashir;

    Bel-etir, son of Nanaya-ipush;

    Aplaya, son of Zabidu;

    Sin-ashared, son of Iddinaya;

    Kudurru, son of Nadnaya;

    Hashdiya, son of Shum-ukin;

    and the scribe, Shulaya, son of Ibnaya.

    Ur, 29th day of Ululu, 8th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Ahheshaya is marked in place of his seal.

    P521864: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up#-pi _e2_ ep-szu2 sip-pu rak-su _e2_ rug-gu-bu (gisz)_ig_ (gisz)_sag-kul_ kun#-nu _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ ( erasure ) sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    57 ina 1 _kusz3 usz an-ta_ (tu15)#_mar-tu da e2#_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2#-s,al-li _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)za-kir

    57 ina 1 _kusz3 usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da sila dagal_ mu-taq _dingir_ u _lugal_

    32 ina 1 _kusz3# sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_en_-_dingir_-_mesz dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-du-u2-a

    32 ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da_ bi-ri-ti la# a-s,i-ti

    ki-i 10 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 10 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ (disz)_gin_-_numun dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar#-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki#-rib-ti _szam2 e2_-szu2 ki-i ka-sap ga-mir-tu2 ma-hir

    a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz

    ul i#-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina _egir_-_mesz_ u4-me ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz# im-ri-a_ ni-su-tu2 u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_gin_-_numun dumu_-szu2 [sza2] (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu e2_ szu-a-tu2# i-dab-bu#-ub u2-szad-ba-bu# in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru# um-ma# [_e2_] szu-a#-tu2 ( erasure ) ul _sum_-ma# _ku3#-babbar_ ul# [ma]-hir# i-qab-bu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-ru a#-di 12#-[_ta_]-_am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house, with doorframes installed, a house with a roof, doors and locks installed, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    57 cubits, the upper side on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ushalli, son of Zakir;

    57 cubits, the lower side on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    32 cubits, the upper front on the north, next to the house of Nabu-bel-ili, son of Bel-udu'a;

    32 cubits, the lower front on the south, next to the narrow alley;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Mukin-zeri, son of Ahheshaya, a price of 10 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Mukin-zeri, son of Ahheshaya, has received a total of 10 minas of block silver from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Mukin-zeri, son of Ahheshaya, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a built house, with doorframes in place, a roofed house, with doors and locks installed, in the Eanna district in Uruk:

    57 cubits, the upper side on the west, next to the house of Nanaya-ushalli, son of Zakir;

    57 cubits, the lower side on the east, next to the broad street, the thoroughfare of the god and the king;

    32 cubits, the upper front on the north, next to the house of Nabu-bel-ili, son of Bel-udu'a;

    32 cubits, the lower front on the south, next to the no-through alley —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Mukin-zeri, son of Ahheshaya, a price of 10 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Mukin-zeri, son of Ahheshaya has received a total of 10 minas of block silver, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Mukin-zeri, son of Ahheshaya, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-tu2 ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki)# (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ba_(sza2) (lu2)_sza3-tam e2-an-na# igi_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    _igi_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    (disz)_en_-szu2-nu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su#

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_su a_-szu2 sza2# (disz)_lugal#_-a-ni

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su#

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sze-zib _a#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)la#-ba-szi

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ba_(sza2) _a#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e#-re-szi

    (disz)ba-lat,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2#-bar

    (disz)_gar_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2#-bar

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-t,e3-ri

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_en_-ik-s,ur#

    [u (lu2)]_umbisag#_ (disz)_gin_-_numun a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_gar_-_mu_

    _unug#_(ki) (iti)_ab ud 5_-_kam2 mu 9_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_

    _lugal tin-tir_(ki) s,u-pur (disz)_gin_-_numun_ ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu2-da-a-ti

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, governor of Uruk; Nabu-iqisha, administrator of Eanna;

    Before: Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Belshunu, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Sharrani;

    Bel-uballit, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Nabu-iqisha, son of Ereshu;

    Balassu, son of Ubar;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nergal-uballit, son of Ubar;

    Bel-ah-iddin, son of Eteri;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, son of Bel-ikshur;

    and the scribe, Mukin-zeri, son of Shakin-shumi.

    Uruk, 5th day of Tebetu, 9th year of Shamash-shum-ukin.

    Fingernail of Mukin-zeri is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk; Nabu-iqisha, the temple administrator of Eanna;

    Before: Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Belshunu, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Sharrani;

    Bel-uballit, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Nabu-iqisha, son of Ereshu;

    Balassu, son of Ubar;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Nergal-uballit, son of Ubar;

    Bel-ah-iddin, son of Eteru;

    Nabu-zer-ibni, son of Bel-ikshur;

    and the scribe, Mukin-zeri, son of Shakin-shumi.

    Uruk, 5th day of Tebetu, 9th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Mukin-zeri is marked in place of his seal.

    P521865: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_ zaq-[pu] _ki_(ti3) _e2_ (d)nin-urta sza2 qe2#-[reb _unug_(ki)]

    a-hi (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2#_-[_du_] sza2 it-ti (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-[ti] _ha-la_-szu2 sza2 ina (gisz)_sar_ sza2 it-ti (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)#[_amar-utu_]

    _pab_ qaq(!)-qar-szu2 sza2 _da e2_ (d)_masz_ ma-la ba-szu2-u2# ki-i 5 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib#-[ti]

    ki-i 5 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib#-[ti] it-(ti) (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-ti

    _pab 5 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i a-tar _sum_(?)(nu(?))# (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du_ ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 ki#-i ka-sap ga-mir(!)-( copy: _szir_ )-ti

    ma-hir# a-pil za-ku ru-gu-um-ma-a ul i#-szi ul i-tur-ru-u2 a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-(rag)-gu-mu

    ma#-ti-ma ina ar2-kat2 _ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_ [_im_]-_ri-a im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na_ [sza2] _e11_-ma# a-na _ugu_ (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ i-dab#-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2#-paq-qa-ru pa-qir-a-ni u2-szar-szu2-u2 um#-ma (gisz)_sar_ szu-a-tu2 ul _sum_-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2 ka-sap ( erasure ) im-hu-ru a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal#

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-tu ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar umusz_(!?) _unug#_[(ki)]

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms in the Ninurta temple district in Uruk:

    One-half of the orchard of Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, which is with Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, his share that is in the orchard which is with Mushezib-Marduk,

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, has received the entire amount of his land, which is next to the Ninurta temple, as much as there is of it.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, a price of 5 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, has received a total of 5 minas of block silver, and 10 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Bel-ahhe-iddin comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk;

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms, in the Ninurta Temple district in Uruk:

    One-half of the orchard belonging to Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, which he owns with Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti — his share which is in the orchard which he owns with Mushezib-Marduk —

    the total of his plot of ground, which is next to the Ninurta temple, as much as there is of it.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, a price of 5 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, has received a total of 5 minas of block silver, and 10 shekels of siver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Bel-ahhe-iddin, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims or causes him to acquire a claimant, says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk, and Nabu-iqisha, the temple administrator of Eanna;



    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_nigin_(!)(ir) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz)

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    _igi_ (disz)na-s,i-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)za-kir

    (disz)e-t,e3-ru _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk

    (disz)ib-na-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a

    (disz)mar-duk-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi(!))

    (disz)_gar_-_mu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_sur dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-ik-s,ur(!) ( copy: _ab-sze_ )

    (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_pab dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ibila_-a

    (disz)szu-zu-bu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da_

    (disz)na-di-nu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ka-s,i-ru

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu_-_gar_(un) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_gi_

    (disz)bi-be2-e-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-ba-szi

    (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_-_sum-na_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-ri-i-bi _dumu_ (m(!))dan-( erased _ni_? )-na-a(!)-( copy: _sza_ )-a

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sep-pi _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a

    (lu2)_dub-sar_ (disz)ba-la-t,u _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_da_

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_apin ud 10_-_kam2 mu 10_-( erasure )-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na# lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu gim#_ [(na4)_kiszib_-szu2] tu2-da-a-tu2#

    AI Translation

    Before: Bel-upahhir, son of Bel-ipush;

    Before: Nabu-le'i, son of Balassu;

    Before: Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Eteru, son of Marduku;

    Ibnaya, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushabshi;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-ikshur;

    Marduk-nashir, son of Aplaya;

    Shuzubu, son of Nabu-le'i;

    Nadin, son of Kashiru;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, son of Bel-ushallim;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Ahheshaya, son of Zeriya;

    Bel-ribi, son of Dannaya;

    Bel-usappi, son of Ahheshaya;

    Scribe: Balatu/Bel-le'i/Ilia.

    Uruk, 10th day of Arahsamnu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    Before: Bel-upahhir, son of Bel-ipush;

    Before: Nabu-le'i, son of Balassu;

    Before: Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Eteru, son of Marduku;

    Ibnaya, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushabshi;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-ikshur;

    Marduk-nashir, son of Aplaya;

    Shuzubu, son of Nabu-le'i;

    Nadin, son of Kashiru;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, son of Bel-ushallim;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Ahheshaya, son of Zer-iddin;

    Bel-ribi, son of Dannaya;

    Bel-useppi, son of Ahheshaya;

    the scribe, Balatu, son of Bel-le'i.

    Uruk, 10th day of Arahsamnu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin is marked in place of his seal.

    P521866: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up#-pi (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)#_giszimmar_ zaq#-[pu] _ki#_(ti3) _e2_ (d)nin-urta sza2 qe2-reb [_unug_(ki)]

    a#-hi (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu dumu_ (disz)_nig2#_-[_du_] sza2# it-ti (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-[ti] [_ha_]-_la#_-szu2 sza2 ina (gisz)_sar_ sza2 it-ti (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)#[_amar-utu_]

    [_pab_] qaq-qar#-szu2 sza2 _da e2_ (d)_masz_ ma-la ba-szu2-u2#

    [ki]-i# 5 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a#_ (disz)ki-rib#-[ti] [it]-ti (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na dumu#_ (disz)_nig2-du ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 gam-ru-tu#

    _pab 5 ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 10 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi-i a-tar# _sum_(nu) (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)_nig2-du_ ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 ki#-i ka-sap ga-mir-ti

    ma-hir# a-pil za-ku ru-gu-um-ma-a ul i#-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu

    ma#-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_ kim-ti _im-ri-a_ u3 sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu_ sza2 _e11_-ma a-na muh-hi# (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u2-paq-qa-ru um#-ma (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ ul _mu_-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2 ka-sap im-hu-ru a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal#

    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-tu ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki)

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms in the Ninurta temple district in Uruk:

    One-half of the orchard belonging to Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, which is with Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, his share that is in the orchard which is with Mushezib-Marduk, son of Anu-zer-iddin, descendant of Ah'utu, and one-half of the orchard belonging to Anu-zer-iddin, son of Anu-zer-iddin, descendant of Ah'utu, in perpetuity.

    Total, his land next to the Ninurta temple, as much as there is.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, a price of 5 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, has received a total of 5 minas of block silver, and 10 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Bel-ahhe-iddin comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk;

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms, in the Ninurta Temple district in Uruk:

    One-half of the orchard belonging to Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, which he owns with Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti — his share which is in the orchard which he owns with Mushezib-Marduk —

    the total of his plot of ground which is next to the Ninurta temple, as much as there is of it.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, a price of 5 minas of silver and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-iddin, son of Kudurru, has received a total of 5 minas of block silver, and 10 shekels of siver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Bel-ahhe-iddin, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk, and Nabu-iqisha, the temple administrator of Eanna;



    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_nigin_(ir) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz)

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    (disz)na-s,i-ru# _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)za-kir

    (disz)e#-[t,e3-ru] _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk

    (disz)ib#-[na-a] _dumu#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    (disz)(d)+_en#_-[_mu dumu_]-szu2 sza2 (disz)s,il-la-a

    (disz)[mar-duk-a _dumu_]-szu2# sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi)

    (disz)[_gar_-_mu dumu_]-szu2# sza2 (disz)szul-lu-mu

    (disz)[(d)+_en_-_sur dumu_]-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-ik-s,ur

    (disz)(d)#[_amar-utu_-_pab_] _dumu#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_ibila_-a

    (disz)szu#-[zu-bu _dumu_-szu2] sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da_

    (disz)na-di-nu# [_dumu_]-szu2# sza2 (disz)ka-s,i#-ru

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu_-_gar_(un)# [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_]-_gi_

    (disz)#bi-be2-e-a# [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)la]-ba#-szi

    (disz)_szesz#_-_mesz_-sza2-a# [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_numun_]-_sum#-nu_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-ri-i-[bi _dumu_ (m(!))dan]-na-a-a

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sep-pi# [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_]-_mesz_-sza2-a

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)ba-[la-t,u] _dumu#_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_da_

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_apin ud# 10_-_kam2 mu 10_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na# lugal tin-tir#_[(ki)]

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_sum-na# gim_ (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu2-da-a-tu2

    AI Translation

    Before: Bel-upahhir, son of Bel-ipush;

    Before: Nabu-le'i, son of Balassu;

    Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Eteru, son of Marduku;

    Ibnaya, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushabshi;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-ikshur;

    Marduk-nashir, son of Aplaya;

    Shuzubu, son of Nabu-le'i;

    Nadin, son of Kashiru;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, son of Bel-ushallim;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Ahheshaya, son of Zeriya;

    Bel-ribi, son of Dannaya;

    Bel-usappi, son of Ahheshaya;

    and the scribe Balatu, son of Bel-le'i;

    Uruk, 10th day of Arahsamnu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    Before: Bel-upahhir, son of Bel-ipush;

    Before: Nabu-le'i, son of Balassu;

    Before: Nashiru, son of Zakir;

    Eteru, son of Marduku;

    Ibnaya, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-iddin, son of Shillaya;

    Marduku, son of Nabu-ushabshi;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-ikshur;

    Marduk-nashir, son of Aplaya;

    Shuzubu, son of Nabu-le'i;

    Nadin, son of Kashiru;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, son of Bel-ushallim;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Ahheshaya, son of Zer-iddin;

    Bel-ribi, son of Dannaya;

    Bel-useppi, son of Ahheshaya;

    the scribe, Balatu, son of Bel-le'i.

    Uruk, 10th day of Arahsamnu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-iddin is marked in place of his seal.

    P521867: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-ta sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe#-[szu2] _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_[(ki)]

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)sza2-pi-ku (lu2)_i3-sur#_

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kam2# dumu_ (disz)hasz-di-ia#

    _zag an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar#-utu_

    _zag ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_ (disz)#(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li ki-i 1 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu_

    ki-i 1 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2 dumu#_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma [i]-szam szi-mi-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 1 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 a-ki-i pi#-i a-tar na-ad-nu (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti# szi-me _e2_-szu2 ki-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir#-[ti]

    ma-hir a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul i#-[szi] ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i#-[rag-gu-mu]

    ma#-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu#_-[_mesz_] kim#-ti _im_-((A))-_ri-a_ u sa-[lat] sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li sza2 _e11_-[ma (x)] a-na _ugu e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-[bu] u2-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u2-paq-qa-[ru] um-ma _e2_ szu-a-ti ul na-din-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul [ma-hir] i-qab-bu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-[ru] a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal#

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Shapik, the oil-presser;

    the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli, for 1 1/2 minas of silver — Mushezib-Marduk received it from Nabû-bel-shumati; he is paid.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, a price of 1 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, has received a total of 1 1/2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which is given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nanaya-ushalli comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Shapik, the oil presser;

    the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, a price of 1 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, has received a total of 1 1/2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nanaya-ushalli comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    [ina ka-nak] (im)#_dub_ szu-[a-ti] [_igi_ (disz)(d)]+_na3_-_sur# a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-eri-[ba]

    [_igi_ (disz)(d)]+_na3_-_sur# a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-eri-[ba]

    [(disz)_sum_]-_na#_-a A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-[ni]

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_sur a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_sum_-[_na_]

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)(d)_kaskal-kur_(i)#

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_pab a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sa-tu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A (disz)hasz-di-ia

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_ ( erasure ) A (disz)mi-nu-u2-e-pu-usz-_dingir_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_pab a_ (disz)la-ba-szi-_dingir_

    (disz)hasz-di-ia A (disz)_mu_-_gi-na_

    (disz)(d)30-_en_-_numun a_ (disz)(d)30-_sum-na_

    (disz)(d)30-_nir-gal2_-_dingir_-_mesz a_ (disz)_en_-szu2-nu

    (disz)u2-bar A (disz)ba-( erased _kur_ )-lat,-su#

    (disz)_nig2-du a_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_gi#_

    (disz)_ibila_-a A (disz)_ba_(sza2)-[a]

    (disz)sza2-re-du A (disz)_sum-na_-[a]

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_da a_ (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur#_

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)+_en_-re-man-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du#_

    (_szesz_)-_unug#_(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 5_-_kam2 mu 10_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_

    _lugal# tin-tir_(ki) s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2_ ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu2-da-a-ti#

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Nabu-etir, son of Bel-eriba;

    Iddinaya, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-iddin;

    Nabu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Balihu;

    Nergal-ushur, son of Bel-usat;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Nabu-iddin, son of Minu-epush-ili;

    Bel-nashir, son of Labashi-ili;

    Hashdiya, son of Shum-ukin;

    Sin-bel-zeri, son of Sin-iddin;

    Sin-etel-ilani, son of Belshunu;

    Ubar, son of Balassu;

    Kudurru, son of Nergal-ushallim;

    Aplaya, son of Iqisha;

    Shardu, son of Iddinaya;

    Bel-le'i, son of Ina-teshi-etir;

    and the scribe, Bel-remanni, son of Kudurru;

    Uruk, 5th day of Shabatu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin.

    Fingernail of Nabu-ah-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Nabu-etir, son of Bel-eriba;

    Iddinaya, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-iddin;

    Nabu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Balihu;

    Nergal-nashir, son of Bel-usat;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Nabu-iddin, son of Minu-epush-ili;

    Bel-nashir, son of Labashi-ili;

    Hashdiya, son of Shum-ukin;

    Sin-bel-zeri, son of Sin-iddin;

    Sin-etel-ili, son of Belshunu;

    Ubar, son of Balassu;

    Kudurru, son of Nergal-ushallim;

    Aplaya, son of Iqishaya;

    Sharedu, son of Iddinaya;

    Bel-le'i, son of Ina-teshi-etir;

    and the scribe, Bel-remanni, son of Kudurru.

    Ur, 5th day of Shabatu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-ah-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    P521868: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-ta sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe#-[szu2] _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_[(ki)]

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)sza2-pi-ku (lu2)_i3-sur#_

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kam2#_

    _dumu_ (disz)hasz-di-ia# _zag an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar#-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti

    _zag ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_ (disz)#(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li

    ki-i 1 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2 dumu#_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma [i]-szam szi-mi-szu2 gam-ru-tu

    _pab 1 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ u3 2 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ sza2 ki-i pi#-i a-tar na-ad-nu (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li ina _szu-ii_ (disz)#[mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu_] A (disz)ki-rib-ti# szi-me _e2_-szu2 ki-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir#-[ti]

    ma-hir a-pil za-ki ru-gu-um#-[ma-a] ul i#-[szi] ul i-tur-ru-ma a-na a-ha-mesz

    ul i#-[rag-gu-mu] ma#-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu#_-[_mesz_] kim#-ti _im-ri-a_ u sa-lat# sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-[bu] u2-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-[ru] um-ma _e2_ szu-a-ti ul na-din-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul [ma-hir] i-qab-bu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-[ru] a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal#

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Shapik, the oil-presser;

    the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-eresh;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, a price of 1 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, has received a total of 1 1/2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which is given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nanaya-ushalli comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Shapik, the oil presser;

    the lower side on the south, next to the house of Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, a price of 1 1/2 minas of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Nanaya-ushalli, has received a total of 1 1/2 minas of block silver, and 2 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nanaya-ushalli comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    [ina ka-nak] (im)#_dub_ szu-[a-ti] _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sur a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-eri-ba

    _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sur a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-eri-ba

    (disz)_sum-na_-(a) A (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-[ni]

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_sur a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_sum_-[_na_]

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_mesz_-_mu a_ (disz)(d)_kaskal-kur_(i)#

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_pab a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sa-tu

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A (disz)hasz-di-ia

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_ ( erasure ) A (disz)mi-nu-u2-e-pu-usz-_dingir_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_pab a_ (disz)la-ba-szi-_dingir_

    (disz)hasz-di-ia A (disz)_mu_-_gi-na_

    (disz)(d)30-_en_-_numun a_ (disz)(d)30-_sum-na_

    (disz)(d)30-_nir-gal2_-_dingir_-_mesz a_ (disz)_en_-szu2-nu

    (disz)u2-bar A (disz)ba-lat,-su (disz)_nig2-du a_ (disz)(d)_im_-_gi#_

    (disz)_ibila_-a A (disz)_ba_(sza2)-[a] (disz)sza2-re-du A (disz)_sum-na_-[a]

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_da a_ (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur#_

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)+_en_-re-ma-an-ni

    A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_nig2-du# szesz-unug_(ki) (iti)_ziz2 ud 5_-_kam2 mu 10_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na_

    _lugal# tin-tir_(ki) s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_kam2_ ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu2-da-a-ti#

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Nabu-etir, son of Bel-eriba;

    Iddinaya, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-iddin;

    Nabu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Balihu;

    Nergal-ushur, son of Bel-usat;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Nabu-iddin, son of Minu-epush-ili;

    Bel-nashir, son of Labashi-ili;

    Hashdiya, son of Shum-ukin;

    Sin-bel-zeri, son of Sin-iddin;

    Sin-etel-ilani, son of Belshunu;

    Ubar, son of Balassu; Kudurru, son of Adad-ushallim;

    Aplaya, son of Iqisha;

    Bel-le'i, son of Ina-teshi-etir;

    and the scribe, Bel-remanni.

    Ur, 5th day of Shabatu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-ah-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Nabu-etir, son of Bel-eriba;

    Iddinaya, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Bel-etir, son of Bel-iddin;

    Nabu-ahhe-iddin, descendant of Balihu;

    Nergal-nashir, son of Bel-usat;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Nabu-iddin, son of Minu-epush-ili;

    Bel-nashir, son of Labashi-ili;

    Hashdiya, son of Shum-ukin;

    Sin-bel-zeri, son of Sin-iddin;

    Sin-etel-ili, son of Belshunu;

    Ubar, son of Balassu;

    Aplaya, son of Iqishaya;

    Bel-le'i, son of Ina-teshi-etir;

    and the scribe, Bel-remanni, son of Kudurru.

    Ur, 5th day of Shabatu, 10th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-ah-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    P521869: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-ta sza2 na-pa-s,u u e-pe-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da_ bi-ri-ti la a-s,i-tum

    _sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-tu2

    _sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li

    ki-i 50 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam szi-me-szu2 _til_-_mesz#_

    _pab 50 gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-di 1(en) (tug2)_kur-ra_ sza2 ki-i pi-i a-tar _sum_(nu) (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)hasz-di-ia ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti szi-mu _e2_-szu2

    ki-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir-ti ma-hir a-pil za-ki ru-gu-um-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma

    a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_ kim-ti _im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) sza2 _e11_(!)-ma a-na _ugu e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-bu u2#-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti;

    the lower side on the south, next to the no-through alley;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya, a price of 50 shekels of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya, has received a total of 50 shekels of silver, together with one kurru-garment, which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nabu-eresh comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu;

    the lower side on the south, next to the no-through alley;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, agreed with Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya, a price of 50 shekels of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya has received a total of 50 shekels of silver, and one TUG.KUR.RA-garment which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nabu-eresh, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki) u (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ba_(sza2) (lu2)_sza3-tam e2-an-na igi_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    _igi_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_tin_(it,) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sze-zib A-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-ba-szi

    (disz)_ibila_-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_en_-_uru_

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di#-ia

    (disz)ba-lat,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2-ba#-ru

    (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz#-[di]-ia#

    (disz)_gar_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szul#-[lu]-mu#

    (disz)bi-be2-e-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-ba#-szi

    (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_su a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_da_

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 8_-_kam2 mu 12_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) _gim_ (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu2-da-a-ti

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, governor of Uruk, and Nabu-iqisha, the temple administrator of Eanna;

    Before: Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-uballit, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Aplaya, son of Bel-ushur;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Balassu, son of Ubar;

    Ina-teshi-etir, son of Hashdiya;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Marduk-eriba, son of Hashdiya;

    and the scribe Balatu, son of Bel-le'i;

    Uruk, 8th day of Addaru, 12th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk, and Nabu-iqisha, the temple administrator of Eanna;

    Before: Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-uballit, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Aplaya, son of Bel-ali;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Balassu, son of Ubar;

    Ina-teshi-etir, son of Hashdiya;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Marduk-eriba, son of Hashdiya;

    and the scribe, Balatu, son of Bel-le'i.

    Uruk, 8th day of Addaru, 12th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    P521870: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _e2_ ab-ta sza2 na-pa-s,u u3# e-pe-szu2 _ki_(ti3) _e2-an-na_ sza2 qe2-reb _unug_(ki)

    _usz an-ta_ (tu15)_si-sa2 da e2_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti

    _usz ki-ta_ (tu15)_u18-lu da_ bi-ri-ti la a-s,i-tum

    _sag-ki an-ta_ (tu15)_mar-tu da e2_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-tu2

    _sag-ki ki-ta_ (tu15)_kur-ra da e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)na-na-a-u2-s,al-li

    ki-i 50 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)ki-rib-ti it-ti (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam szi-me-szu2 _til_-_mesz#_

    _pab 50 gin2 ku3-babbar_ a-di 1(en(!)) (tug2(!))_kur-ra_ sza2 ki-i pi-i a-tar _sum_(nu) (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) A (disz)hasz-di-ia ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti szi-mu _e2_-szu2

    ki-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir-ti ma-hir a-pil za-ki ru-gu-um-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma

    a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_ kim-ti _im-ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) sza2 _e11_(!)-ma a-na _ugu e2_ szu-a-ti i-dab-bu-bu u2#-szad-ba-bu in-nu-u2 u2-paq-qa-ru

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a built house that is to be torn down and rebuilt in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti;

    the lower side on the south, next to the no-through alley;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya, a price of 50 shekels of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya, has received a total of 50 shekels of silver, together with one kurru-garment, which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nabu-eresh comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning a derelict house to be torn down and rebuilt, in the Eanna district of Uruk:

    the upper side on the north, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu;

    the lower side on the south, next to the no-through alley;

    the upper front on the west, next to the house of Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu;

    the lower front on the east, next to the house of Ahheshaya, son of Nanaya-ushalli —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, agreed with Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya, a price of 50 shekels of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Nabu-eresh, son of Hashdiya has received a total of 50 shekels of silver, and one TUG.KUR.RA-garment which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, as the price of his house, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Nabu-eresh, comes forward and raises a claim over that house, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that house has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti ina _gub_(zu) sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) (lu2)_gar umusz unug_(ki) u (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ba_(sza2) (lu2)_sza3-tam_ ( over erasure ) _e2-an-na igi_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    _igi_ (disz)(d)_u-gur_-ib-ni A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_tin_(it,) ( _tin_ over erasure ) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)ba-lat,-su

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sze-zib A-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-ba-( over erasure )-szi

    (disz)_ibila_-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_en_-_uru_(!) ( text: _apin_? )

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-sze-zib A-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di#-ia

    (disz)ba-lat,-su A-szu2 sza2 (disz)u2-ba#-ru

    (disz)ina-_suh3_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz#-[di]-ia#

    (disz)_gar_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)szul#-[lu]-mu#

    (disz)bi-be2-e-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)la-ba#-szi

    (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_su a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)hasz-di-ia

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_da_

    _unug_(ki) (iti)_sze ud 8_-_kam2 mu 12_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_na3_-_apin_(esz) _gim_ (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu2-da-a-ti

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, governor of Uruk, and Nabu-iqisha, the shatammu of Eanna;

    Before: Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-uballit, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Aplaya, son of Bel-ushur;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Balassu, son of Ubar;

    Ina-teshi-etir, son of Hashdiya;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Marduk-eriba, son of Hashdiya;

    and the scribe Balatu, son of Bel-le'i;

    Uruk, 8th day of Addaru, 12th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-ushabshi, the governor of Uruk, and Nabu-iqisha, the temple administrator of Eanna;

    Before: Nergal-ibni, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Bel-uballit, son of Balassu;

    Bel-ushezib, son of Labashi;

    Aplaya, son of Bel-ali;

    Nabu-ushezib, son of Hashdiya;

    Balassu, son of Ubar;

    Ina-teshi-etir, son of Hashdiya;

    Shakin-shumi, son of Shullum;

    Bibea, son of Labashi;

    Marduk-eriba, son of Hashdiya;

    and the scribe, Balatu, son of Bel-le'i.

    Uruk, 8th day of Addaru, 12th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Nabu-eresh is marked in place of his seal.

    P521871: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)A-a _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia sza2 ina _ugu id2 lugal a-gar3 unug_(ki)

    _usz an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)_nig2-du dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ni2-tuk_

    _usz ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)na-din _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-re-szi

    _sag-ki an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)pir-'u _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-sep-pi

    _sag-ki ki-ta gu2 id2 lugal_

    [x (x) x] ina(?) lib3-bi _ha_(?)-_la_(?)# sza2 (disz)ib-na-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_(?)#-[_mesz_-e-a(?)] _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia# sza2 it-ti (disz)(d)+_na3_-na-[x-x] _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)#x [(x) x]-a# _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia (disz)(d)+_na3_-_silim_(?)(im)# [_dumu_ sza2 (disz)... _dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 _szesz_]-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)ib-na-a _dumu_-_mesz#_ [(disz)_dug3_]-_ga_-ia

    [ki-i 3 _ma-na_] 50# _gin2 ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ (disz)[mu-sze]-zib-(d)_amar-utu_ [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib]-ti-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)[(d)]30-_pab_ [_ki_ (disz)_ki_-(d)_amar_]-_utu#_-_tin dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ib-na-a _dumu#_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia [_ki_]-_lam_ im-be2#-e-ma i-szam a-na _szam2#_ gam-ru-tu

    _pab 3 ma-na 50 gin2 ku3-babbar babbar_(u2) u3 5 _gin2#_ [_ku3_]-_babbar#_ sza2 ki-i _diri sum_(nu) (disz)_ki_-(d)_amar-utu_-_tin dumu_ (disz)[_dug3-ga_]-ia# ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)(d)30-[_pab_ (x x)]

    _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 _ku3-babbar til_(ti3) ma-hir# [a-pil] za-ku ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul# [i-tur-ru]-ma# a#-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag-gu-[mu ma]-ti-ma#

    ina# _egir ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz#_ [_dumu_-_mesz_]

    AI Translation

    The orchard of Ahhea, son of Aplaya, descendant of Tabiya, which is on the King's Canal in the district of Uruk.

    the upper side, next to the property of Kudurru, son of Nabu-nashir;

    the lower side, next to the property of Nadin, son of Ereshu;

    the upper front, next to the property of Pir'u, son of Bel-usappi;

    the lower front on the bank of the King's Canal;

    ... of the share of Ibnaya, son of Ahhea, descendant of Tabiya, which is with Nabu-na..., son of ..., descendant of Tabiya; Nabu-ushallim, son of ..., sons of the brothers of Ibnaya, descendants of Tabiya.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti-Marduk, descendant of Sin-nashir, agreed with Itti-Marduk-balatu, son of Ibnaya, descendant of Tabiya, a price of 3 minas and 50 shekels of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Itti-Marduk-balatu, son of Tabiya, has received a total of 3 minas 50 shekels of white silver and 5 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Sin-nashir ..., as the price of the silver.

    The price of his orchard is the complete price of silver. He is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void. They shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    In the future, may one of the brothers, sons,

    Frame, G.

    Orchard of Ahhea, son of Aplaya, descendant of Tabiya, which is on the King's Canal, in the meadow of Uruk:

    the upper side, next to the property of Kudurru, son of Nabu-na'id;;

    the lower side, next to the property of Nadin, son of Ereshu;

    the upper front, next to the property of Pir'u, son of Bel-useppi;

    the lower front, on the bank of the King's Canal —

    ... thereof, the share of Ibnaya, son of Ahhea, descendant of Tabiya, which he divided with Nabu-..., son of ..., descendant of Tabiya, and Nabu-ushallim, son of ..., sons of brothers of Ibnaya, descendants of Tabiya.

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti-Marduk, descendant of Sin-nashir, agreed with Itti-Marduk-balatu, son of Ibnaya, descendant of Tabiya, a price of 3 minas of block silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Itti-Marduk-balatu, descendant of Tabiya has received a total of 3 minas and 50 shekels of white silver, and 5 shekels of silver which he gave as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, descendant of Sin-nashir ... as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Tabiya, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (na4)_kiszib_ [(x)] _mu-mesz_ [(x)] _igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sig5_(iq) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 [(disz)... A (disz)]_zalag2_(?)-(d)#[30(?)]

    (disz)sza2-pi-ku _dumu_-szu2 sza2 [(disz)... A ((disz))(lu2)]_ad-kid#_

    (disz)la-a-ba-szi [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)... A (disz)...-(d)]_u-gur_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_sur dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)#[... A (disz)_dug3_]-_ga_(?)#-ia

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_nig2-du_-_uru3 dumu#_-[szu2 sza2 (disz)...] _a#_ (disz)_sum-na_-(d)#pap-sukkal

    (disz)eri-ba-(d)_amar-utu#_ [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)...] _a#_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_ur_-_dingir_-_mesz#_ [_dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)...] x A (lu2)_gir2-la2_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-szi-man-ni _dumu#_-[szu2 sza2 (disz)...] _a#_ (lu2)_simug_

    (disz)(d)+_na3#_-na(?)-(x) [x (x) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)...]-ni(?) A (disz)_zalag2_-(d)30

    (disz)_nig2-ba_-ia _dumu_-szu2 sza2# [(disz)x x (x)] _dumu_ (disz)e-gi-bi#

    (disz)a-qar-a _dumu_-szu2 [sza2 (disz)(x)]-x-x-[(x) A (disz)x]-x-_mu_ (lu2)_e2#-bar_

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)sza2-pik A (lu2)_ad-kid_

    _tin-tir_(ki) (iti)_apin ud 10_-(+?)-_kam2# mu 14_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na# lugal_

    _tin-tir#_(ki) s,u-pur (disz)_ki_-(d)_amar-utu#_-_tin dumu_ (disz)#_dug3-ga_-ia _gim_ (na4)#[_kiszib_-szu2]

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that ...,

    Sha-piku, son of ..., descendant of Arik-kid;

    Labashi, son of ..., descendant of ...-Nergal;

    Bel-etir, son of ..., descendant of Tabiya;

    Nabu-kudurri-ushur, son of ..., descendant of Iddin-Papsukkal;

    Eriba-Marduk, son of ..., descendant of Tabiya;

    Nabu-ushur-ilani, son of ..., descendant of Tabihu;

    Bel-shimanni, son of ..., descendant of Shangu-Nabû;

    Nabu-ana-..., son of, descendant of Nur-Sîn;

    Qishtiya, son of ..., descendant of Egibi;

    Aqara, son of ..., descendant of ...-iddin, temple-enterer;

    and the scribe, Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Shapik, descendant of Ah'utu.

    Babylon, 10+?th day of Arahsamnu, 14th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king.

    Fingernail of Itti-Marduk-balatu, descendant of Tabiya, is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that ...: in the presence of Nabu-udammiq, son of ..., descendant of Nur-Sin;

    Shapik, son of ..., descendant of Atkuppu;

    Labashi, son of ..., descendant of ...-Nergal;

    Bel-etir, son of ..., descendant of Tabiya;

    Nabu-kudurri-ushur, son of ..., descendant of Iddin-Papsukkal;

    Eriba-Marduk, son of ..., descendant of Tabiya;

    Nabu-qarrad-ili, son of ..., descendant of Tabihu;

    Bel-shimanni, son of ..., descendant of Nappahu;

    Nabu-..., son of ..., descendant of Nur-Sin;

    Qishtiya, son of ..., descendant of Egibi;

    Aqara, son of ..., descendant of ..., chief temple administrator;

    and the scribe, Nabu-ah-eresh, son of Shapik, descendant of Atkuppu.

    Babylon, 10+?th day of Arahsamnu, 14th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Itti-Marduk-balatu, descendant of Tabiya in place of his seal.

    P521872: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kar_(ir) _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ku-na-a _dumu_ (disz)ba-si-ia a-na (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)ki-rib-ti _dumu_ (disz)(d)30-_uru3_(ir)

    ki-a-am iq-bi# um-ma 2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ (disz)ku-na-a _ad_-u2-a ina _ugu#_ (disz)szu-la-a _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia2 ra-szi (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sur szesz_-szu2# (lu2)ma-hi-is, pu-tu2 _e2_-su masz-ka-nu hu-bul-la-nu a#-na _ad_-ia it-ta-din i-ba-asz2-szi# a-na-ku an-ta-har-szu2 ar2-ka#-nisz (disz)(d)+_na3#_-_sur_ (im)_dub_ ki-i ik-nu-ku it-tan-na-((szu2#))

    [(disz)mu-sze]-zib-(d)#_amar-utu_ ki-a-am iq-ba-asz2-szu2 um-ma

    [_e2_ masz]-ka#-na-a szu-u2 ul ta-mah-har

    pu#-hur (lu2)_tin-tir_(ki)-_mesz_ u (lu2)_gar umusz_ di-i-ni id-bu-bu-ma# (disz)#mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar-utu ku3-babbar_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kar#_(ir) _dumu_ (disz)ba-si-ia [i-t,ir-(ma)]

    AI Translation

    Nabu-etir, son of Kunaya, descendant of Basiya, has given this tablet to Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, descendant of Sin-nashir.

    When he said: "Kunaya, my father, has received 2 minas of silver from Shulaya, son of Tabiya; Nabu-etir, his brother, the guarantor, has given his house, the dowry and the house rent to my father." What is it that I have received? After Nabu-etir had sealed the tablet, he gave it to me.

    Mushezib-Marduk said to him as follows:

    You shall not receive that house, he is not a dowry.

    Mushezib-Marduk has sworn by the name of Nabu-eter, son of Basiya, to the bribe of the Babylonians and the governor.

    Frame, G.

    Nabu-etir, son of Kunaya, descendant of Basiya said as follows to Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, descendant of Sin-nashir:

    "Kunaya, my father is owed 2 minas of silver by Shulaya, descendant of Tabiya. Nabu-etir, his brother, who bears guaranty for the debt, gave his house to my father as security for the interest-bearing loan. Indeed, I received it. Later, Nabu-etir drew up a sealed document and gave it to me."

    Mushezib-Marduk said as follows:

    The house is my security. You shall not receive it!"

    The assembly of the men of Babylon and the governor discussed the lawsuit. Mushezib-Marduk paid the silver belonging to Nabu-etir, descendant of Basiya. He received a sealed document from him. There will be no returning to court and litigating with Nabu-etir about the house. The house belongs to Mushezib-Marduk.



    [pu]-ut# mu-kin-nu-tum# [sza2] _e2#_ (disz)szu-la-a _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_(!?)#-ia2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kar#_(ir) [_dumu_] (disz)#ba-si-ia na#-szi ki-i# la it#-[ta]-szu2(?)# ina 1 1/2 _gin2_ i-tur-ru

    (lu2)mu-kin#-nu (disz)(d)+_en_-_ba_(?)(sza2(?))# [_dumu_]-szu2# sza2 (disz)bi-be2-e-a _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_en_-e#-t,e3-ri

    (disz)ah-he-e-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)x-[(x)]-nu(?)# _dumu_ (disz)_du3#_(esz)-_dingir_

    (disz)bi-be2-e#-a _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-u2-s,al#-li _dumu#_ (lu2)_gir2-la2_

    (disz)_nig2-du# dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sur dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia

    (disz)(d)+_en_-u2#-pa-qu _dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)sza2-re-du _dumu_ (disz)(d)+_en_-e-t,e3-ru

    u (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_uru3_(ir) _dumu_ (disz)_sig15_-(d)_iszkur tin-tir_(ki) (iti)_apin_

    AI Translation

    Nabu-etir, son of Basiya, bears responsibility for the revocation of the temple of Shulaya, descendant of Tabiya. If he does not pay, he will pay back one-half shekel of silver.

    Witnesses: Bel-iqisha/Bibea/Bel-eteri/Ilia.

    Ahhea, son of, descendant of Eppesh-ili;

    Bibea, son of Nabu-ushalli, descendant of Tabihu;

    Kudurru, son of Nabu-etir, descendant of Tabiya;

    Bel-upaqu, son of Shardu, descendant of Bel-eter;

    and the scribe, Marduk-nashir, descendant of Mudammiq-Adad.

    Frame, G.

    Nabu-etir, descendant of Basiya bears responsibility for the witnessing of the house of Shulaya, descendant of Tabiya. If he does not carry it out, he will pay back as a fine one half shekel of silver per one shekel of debt.

    Witnesses: Bel-iqisha, son of Bibea, descendant of Bel-eteri;

    Ahhea, son of ..., descendant of Eppesh-ili;

    Bibea, son of Nabu-ushalli, descendant of Tabihu;

    Kudurru, son of Nabu-etir, descendant of Tabiya;

    Bel-upaqu, son of Sharedu, descendant of Bel-eteri;

    and the scribe, Marduk-nashir, descendant of Mudammiq-Adad.

    P521873: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_-_mesz_ zaq-pu _ki_(ti3) _id2 lugal a-gar3 unug_(ki)

    _us2-sa-du an-ta_ (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_pab_

    _us2-sa-du ki-ta_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_da a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk

    2 _me 30_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta gu2 id2 lugal_

    _sag-ki ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (lu2)50-_mesz_ (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)zab-da-nu

    (gisz)_sar_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a A-szu2 sza2 (disz)zab-da-nu sza2 _ugu id2 lugal_ ma-la ba-szu-u2

    ki-i 2 1/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar_ ra-szu-tu sza2 _ugu_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a _dumu_ (disz)zab-da-nu (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3 a_ (disz)(d)_utu_-_du3_(usz) _ki_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz#_-_mesz_-e-a _ki-lam_ im-be2-e-ma i-szam _szam2_-szu2 _til_-_mesz_

    _pab 2 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3-pad-du_ a-di 1(et(!)) (tug2)tal-bul-ti sza2(!) a#-ki-i pi-i a-tar _sum_(nu) (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a ina _szu-ii_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_du3_(usz) _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2 ki-i _ku3-babbar_ ga-mir-tu2 ma-hir

    a-pil za-ku ru-gum2-ma-a ul i-szi ul i-tur-ru-ma

    a-na a-ha-mesz ul (i)-rag-gu-mu ma-ti-ma ina _egir_-_mesz ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_ kim-tu2 ni(!)-( text: _ir_ )-su-ti (u) sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-e-a sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu_ (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ i-dab-bu-bu u2-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u2-paq-qa-ru (lu2)pa-qi2-ra-[nu] u2-szar-szu-u2 um-ma (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ ul _sum_-ma kas3-pi ul ma-hir i-qab-bu-u2 _ku3-babbar_ im-hu-ru a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms in the royal canal district of Uruk,

    the upper side, next to the property of Balatu, son of Nabu-nashir;

    the lower side, next to the property of Nabu-le'i, son of Marduku;

    2 hundred 30 cubits, the upper front on the bank of the King's Canal;

    the lower front, next to the 'Fifty's', the orchard of Ahhea, son of Zabdanu;

    orchard of Ahhea, son of Zabdanu, which is on the royal canal, as much as there is of it:

    Bel-ibni, son of Shamash-ipush, agreed with Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Ahhea, a price of 2 1/2 minas of refined silver, which is the debt of Ahhea, descendant of Zabdanu, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-eriba/Ahhea has received a total of 2 1/2 minas of block silver, together with one talbullu-garment which is given as an additional payment, from Bel-ipush/Shamash-ipush, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ahhea comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms in the King's Canal district in the meadow of Uruk:

    the upper side, next to the property of Balatu, son of Nabu-nashir;

    the lower side, next to the property of Nabu-le'i, son of Marduku;

    230 cubits, the upper front on the bank of the King's Canal;

    the lower front, next to the hanshu-land —

    The orchard of Ahhea, son of Zabdanu, which is on the King's Canal, as much as there is of it —

    Bel-ibni, son of Shamash-ipush agreed with Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Ahhea, a price of 2 1/2 minas of silver, the debt owed by Ahhea, son of Zabdanu, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Ahhea, has received a total of 2 1/2 minas of block silver and one talbultu-garment which is given as an additional payment from Bel-ibni, son of Shamash-ipush, as the price of his orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ahhea comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims or causes him to acquire a claimant, says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub_ szu-a-ti# _igi_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_apin_(esz) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3#_-_mu igi_ (disz)e-rib-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz)

    _igi_ (disz)e-rib-szu2 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz)

    (disz)ku-na-a A (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir#_

    (disz)e-zu-u-pa-szir3 A-szu2 sza2 (disz)am(!)-me-ni-_dingir#_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba A-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-zu-u-pa-[szir3]

    (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_pab a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)e-zu-u-pa-[szir3]

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_apin_(esz) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-[...]

    (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)sza2-pi-ku(?)#

    (disz)gi-mil-lu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-ni#

    (disz)lib-lu-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3#_-u2-szal-lim

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_sur a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_en_-u2-szu-un-gal

    (disz)_numun_-_tin-tir_(ki) A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-ib-ni

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-u2-s,ur A-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk

    (disz)gi-mil-lu A-szu2 sza2 (disz)tar-de-nu

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-ga-mil

    (disz)mu-szal-lim-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_szesz_-_apin_(esz)

    (disz)_sum-na_-(d)_amar-utu a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)sza2-pi-ku

    u3 (lu2)_umbisag#_ (disz)ki-din-(d)_amar-utu a_ (disz)_sag_-um-ma-ni

    bar2-sipa(ki) (iti)_szu ud 11_-_kam2 mu 18_-_kam2_ (d)_gisz-nu11_-_mu_-_gi-na lugal tin-tir_(ki)

    s,u-pur (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mesz_-eri-ba ki-ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2 tu-ud-da-a-tum

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Erishu, son of Bel-ipush;

    Kunaya, descendant of Adad-ili;

    Ezu-upashir, son of Ammeni-ili;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Ezu-upashir;

    Nergal-nashir, son of Ezu-upashir;

    Bel-eresh, son of Nabu-...;

    Balatu, son of Shapik;

    Gimillu, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Liblut, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Nabu-etir, son of Bel-ushuhgal;

    Zer-Babili, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Nabu-shum-ushur, son of Marduku;

    Gimillu, son of Tardenu;

    Bel-ah-iddin, son of Nabu-gamil;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Iddin-Marduk, son of Shapik;

    and the scribe, Kidin-Marduk, descendant of Re'i-ummani.

    Borsippa, Dar 11-IV-18.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-eriba is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Marduk-eresh, son of Nabu-iddin;

    Before: Eribshu, son of Bel-ipush;

    Kunaya, descendant of Arkat-ili;

    Ezu-u-pashir, son of Ammeni-ili;

    Bel-ahhe-eriba, son of Ezu-u-pashir;

    Nergal-nashir, son of Ezu-u-pashir;

    Bel-eresh, son of Nabu-...;

    Balatu, son of Shapik;

    Gimillu, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Liblutu, son of Nabu-ushallim;

    Nabu-etir, son of Bel-ushumgal;

    Zer-Babili, son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    Nabu-shum-ushur, son of Marduku;

    Gimillu, son of Tardennu;

    Bel-ah-iddin, son of Nabu-gamil;

    Mushallim-Marduk, son of Nabu-ah-eresh;

    Iddin-Marduk, son of Shapik;

    and the scribe, Kidin-Marduk, descendant of Resh-ummani.

    Borsippa, 11th day of Du'uzu, 18th year of Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylon.

    Fingernail of Bel-ahhe-eriba is marked in place of his seal.

    P521874: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi _a-sza3_ (gisz)#_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_ zaq#-[pu] is,-s,i bil-ti _ki_(ti3) a-ki-tum# [_a-gar3_(?) _unug_(ki(?))]

    _usz an-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)_nig2-du dumu_-szu2 sza2 (disz)#[...]

    _usz ki-ta us2-sa-du_ (disz)(d)_amar-utu_-_kam2 dumu_ (disz)(d)+_na3#_-x-[(x)]

    3 _me 30_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki an-ta gu2_ (id2)har-ri sza2 (d)#na-na-a

    3 _me 30_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki ki-ta us2-sa-du kaskal#-ii_

    ki-i 5 _ma-na 1_/3 _gin2 ku3-babbar_ (disz)mu#-sze-[zib]-(d)#_amar-utu dumu_ (disz)ki-rib-ti _ki_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_tin_(!)(it,)# (disz)_gin#_-_numun_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_pab dumu_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a _ki-lam#_ [im]-be2#-e-ma i-szam _szam2#_-szu2 gam-ru-tu [(...)]

    _pab 5 1_/2 _ma-na ku3-babbar ku3#-pad-du_ a-di# 10 _gin2#_ [_ku3-babbar_] sza2 ki-i pi-i a-tar# na-ad-nu (disz)(d)+_en#_-_tin_[(it,)] (disz)_gin_-_numun_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_pab dumu#_-_mesz_ sza2 (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2#-[a] ina _szu-ii_ (disz)mu-sze-zib-(d)_amar#-utu dumu_-szu2# sza2 (disz)ki-[rib-ti] _szam2_ (gisz)_sar_-szu2-nu ki-i ka-sap ga-mir#-[ti]

    mah-ru a-pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul# i-[szi] ul _gur-me_-ma a-na a-ha-mesz ul i-rag#-gu-mu#

    ma-ti-ma ina ar2-kat2 _ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_-_mesz dumu_-_mesz_ kim-ti ni-su-ti u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)_szesz_-_mesz_-sza2-a# sza2 _e11_-ma a-na _ugu_ (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ i-dab-bu-ub u2-szad-ba-bu _bal_(u2) u2-paq-qa-ru um-ma (gisz)_sar mu-mesz_ ul na-din-ma _ku3-babbar_ ul mah-ru i-qab-bu-u2 ka-sap im-hu-ru a-di 12-_ta-am3_ i-ta-nap-pal#

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning a field, orchard, date palms, a grove, a threshing floor, the territory of the Akitu River, the watercourse of Uruk:

    the upper side, next to the property of Kudurru, son of .

    the lower side, next to the property of Marduk-eresh, son of Nabu-...;

    330 cubits, the upper front, on the bank of the Harru canal of Nanaya;

    330 cubits, the lower front, next to the road;

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, agreed with Bel-uballit, Mukin-zeri, Nabu-nashir, sons of Ahheshaya, a price of 5 minas and 1/3 shekel of silver, and he purchased it for its full price.

    Bel-uballit, Mukin-zeri, and Nabu-nashir, sons of Ahheshaya, have received a total of 5 1/2 minas of block silver, including 10 shekels of silver which was given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribti, as the price of their orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ahheshaya comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning land, an orchard planted with date palms, fruit-bearing trees, in the Akitu-house district, in the meadow of Uruk:

    the upper side, next to the property of Kudurru, son of ...;

    the lower side, next to the property of Marduk-eresh, son of Nabu-...;

    330 cubits, the upper front, on the bank of the Nanaya Canal;

    330 cubits, the lower front, next to the road —

    Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, agreed with Bel-uballit, Mukin-zeri and Nabu-nashir, sons of Ahheshaya, a price of 5 minas and 1/3 mina of silver in shekels, and he purchased it for its full price. ...

    Bel-uballit, Mukin-zeri and Nabu-nashir, sons of Ahheshaya, have received a total of 5 1/2 minas of block silver, and 10 shekels of silver which is given as an additional payment, from Mushezib-Marduk, son of Kiribtu, as the price of their orchard, the entire amount of silver.

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ahheshaya, comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    ina ka-nak (im)_dub mu-mesz igi_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_(?)-_gar_(?)# [(...)]

    (disz)u2-ba-ru ( erasure ) _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia#

    (disz)ap-la-a _dumu_ (disz)(lu2)_u-mug_

    (disz)im-ba-a _dumu_ (disz)bu-u2-s,u#

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_kar_(ir) _dumu_ (disz)_dug3-ga_-ia#

    (disz)_sum-na_-_szesz dumu_ (disz)_du3_(esz)-_dingir#_

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_szesz_-_mu dumu_ (disz)da-bi-bi

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu_-_gar_(un) _dumu_ (disz)masz-tuk-( erasure )-ku(?)

    (disz)mu-ra-nu _dumu_ (disz)e-gi-bi

    (disz)na-di-nu _dumu_ (disz)ku-du-ra-nu#

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_a2-gal2 dumu_ (disz)(d)_iszkur_-_mu_(?)#-[_kam2_(?)]

    (disz)bul-lut, _dumu lu2_-a-a (disz)(d)_u-gur_-_uru3#_ [_dumu_ ...]

    (disz)pir-'u _dumu_ (disz)e-gi-bi (disz)kal-bi _dumu#_ [(disz)ba(?)]-lat,(?)-su#

    (disz)mar-duk# A (disz)x-_ba_(?)(sza2(?))# (disz)(d)_amar#-utu_-_pab a#_ [(disz)]x-(x)-x

    (disz)(d)+_na3#_-x-[(x) _dumu_/A (disz)((d))]na-bu-un#-na-a#-a

    (disz)(d)+_en_-_mu_-[x _dumu_ (disz)]ba-lat,-su

    (disz)(d)+_na3_-_numun_-x [_dumu_] (disz)#(d)+_na3_-_numun_-_du3_ (disz)_dub_-_numun a_ (disz)bu-u2-s,u#

    u (lu2(!))#_umbisag_ (disz)na#-din _dumu_ (disz)_mu_-_gi-na_(?)#

    _tin-tir_(ki) (iti)_ne ud 5_-_kam2_ li-mu#

    (disz)a-qar-a (lu2)_en-nam tin-tir_(ki) _umbin#_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_tin_(it,) (disz)_gin_-_numun_ u3# (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3_(ir)# ki-ma (na4)_kiszib#_-szu2-nu

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Ubar, descendant of Tabiya;

    Aplaya, son of Mukin-apli;

    Imbaya, son of Bushu;

    Nabu-etir, descendant of Tabiya;

    Iddin-ahi, descendant of Eppesh-ili;

    Bel-ah-iddin, descendant of Dabibi;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, son of Mashtuk;

    Muranu, descendant of Egibi;

    Nadin, son of Kudurranu;

    Bel-le'i, son of Adad-shum-eresh;

    Bulluta, descendant of Lu'ayu; Nergal-ushur, descendant of ...;

    Pir'u, son of Egibi; Kalbi, son of Balassu;

    Marduku, son of ...-iqisha;

    Nabu-..., son of Nabunnaya;

    Bel-shumu-..., son of Balassu;

    Nabu-zer-..., son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    and the scribe, Nadin, son of Shum-ukin.

    Babylon, 5th day of Abu, eponym year of Nabû-shar-ahhe.

    Aqara, the governor of Babylon, has received the tablet from Bel-uballit, Mukin-zeri and Nabu-nashir, as their seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet: in the presence of Nabu-zer-ishkun, ...

    Ubar, descendant of Tabiya;

    Aplaya, descendant of Sasinnu;

    Imbaya, descendant of Bushu;

    Nabu-etir, descendant of Tabiya;

    Iddin-ahi, descendant of Eppesh-ili;

    Bel-ah-iddin, descendant of Dabibi;

    Bel-shum-ishkun, descendant of Mashtuk;

    Muranu, descendant of Egibi;

    Nadin, son of Kudurranu;

    Bel-le'i, descendant of Adad-shum-eresh;

    Bullut, descendant of Amilaya;

    Pir'u, descendant of Egibi;

    Marduku, son of ...-iqisha;

    Nabu-..., descendant of Nabunnaya;

    ..., son of Balassu;

    Nabu-zer-..., son of Nabu-zer-ibni;

    and the scribe, Nadin, son of Shum-ukin.

    Babylon, 5th day of Abu, eponym of Aqara, the governor of Babylon.

    Fingernails of Bel-uballit, Mukin-zeri and Nabu-nashir are marked in place of his seal.

    P521875: legal tablet

    Neo-Assyrian Oracc



    t,up-pi (gisz)_sar_ (gisz)_giszimmar_ zaq-pu# _ki_(ti3) _id2#_ [_lugal_] _a-gar3 unug_(ki)#

    _us2-sa-du an-ta_ (disz)ba-la-t,u A-szu2 sza2 (disz)(d)+_na3_-_uru3#_

    _us2-sa-du ki-ta_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_a2-gal2 a_-szu2 sza2 (disz)mar-duk#

    2# _me 30_ ina 1 _kusz3 sag-ki# an-ta gu2 id2 lugal#_

    _sag-ki ki#-ta us2-sa#-du_ (lu2)50#-[_mesz_] (gisz)_sar_ (disz)_szesz#_-_mesz_-e#-[a A-szu2] sza2 (disz)zab-da-na [(x x)]

    (gisz)_sar_ (disz)_szesz#_-_mesz_-e#-[a A-szu2] sza2 (disz)zab-da-na [(x x)] ki-i x x [(x) _ku3-babbar_ ra]-szu-tu# sza2 _ugu_ (disz)(d)+_en#_-[_du3_(?)]

    ki-i x x [(x) _ku3-babbar_ ra]-szu-tu# sza2 _ugu_ (disz)(d)+_en#_-[_du3_(?)] x [x x (x) (disz)mu-sze-zib(?)]-(d)_amar-utu ki#_ (disz)_szesz#_-[_mu_-(d)_amar-utu_(?)] [A(?) (disz)(d)+_en_(?)-_du3_(?) _ki-lam_ im]-be2(?)#-e-ma i-szam _szam2#_-[szu2 _til_-_mesz_]

    [...] _ku3#-babbar_ sza2 _ugu_(?) ka(?)-sap(?)# [...] [...] x x [...] [... (gisz(?))]_sar_(?)# [...] [...]

    a#-[pil za-ki ru-gum2-ma-a ul] i#-szi ul# [i-tur-ru-ma]

    a#-[na a-ha-mesz ul i]-rag#-gu-mu [ma-ti-ma (...)] ina# [_egir_-_mesz ud_-_mesz_ ina _szesz_]-_mesz# dumu_-_mesz_ [_im-ri-a_] _im#_-[_ri-a_ u sa-lat sza2 _e2_ (disz)]_szesz#_-_mu_-(d)_amar#_-[_utu_] sza2 [_e11_-ma a-na _ugu_ (gisz)]_sar_(?)# _mu-mesz#_

    AI Translation

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms in the royal canal district of Uruk,

    the upper side, next to the property of Balatu, son of Nabu-nashir;

    the lower side, next to the property of Nabu-le'i, son of Marduku;

    230 cubits, the upper front, on the bank of the King's Canal;

    the lower front, next to the property of the 'Fifty'; the orchard of Ahhea, son of Zabdanu .

    The orchard of Ahhea, son of Zabdanu, is ... as the price of the silver, which is due from Bel-ibni.

    Mushezib-Marduk agreed with Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Bel-ibni, a price of x x sh of silver, which is the debt of Bel-ibni, and he purchased it for its full price.

    ... silver which is on the ... ... orchard .

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ah-iddin-Marduk comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims and says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.

    Frame, G.

    Tablet concerning an orchard planted with date palms, in the King's Canal district, in the meadow of Uruk:

    the upper side, next to the property of Balatu, son of Nabu-nashir;

    the lower side, next to the property of Nabu-le'i, son of Marduku;

    230 cubits, the upper front, on the bank of the King's Canal;

    the lower front, next to the hanshû-land —

    the orchard of Ahhea, son of Zabdanu, ...

    Mushezib-Marduk agreed with Ah-iddin-Marduk, son of Bel-ibni, a price of ... of silver, the debt owed by Bel-ibni? ..., and he purchased it for its full price.

    ... silver, which for the silver of ... ... orchard ... ...

    He has been paid, he is free from claims. He shall have no legal claim; they shall not return to court and they shall not make any claim against one another.

    If ... in the future anyone from among the brothers, sons, family, relations, or kin of the house of Ah-iddin-Marduk comes forward and raises a claim over that orchard, litigates, reneges on an earlier agreement, claims or causes him to acquire a claimant, says that that orchard has not been sold and the silver has not been received, he will pay back twelve times over the silver he received.



    [ina] ka-nak# [(im)]_dub#_ szu-a-ti# _igi_(?) (m(?))szu(?)#-ma-[a(?) A] (disz)re-esz-_dingir_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_uru3# a_ (disz)(d)30-_gin_(?)#

    _igi_(?) (m(?))szu(?)#-ma-[a(?) A] (disz)re-esz-_dingir_ (disz)(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_uru3# a_ (disz)(d)30-_gin_(?)#

    (disz)#(d)+_na3_-_sur#_ [A] (disz)#ba-bu-tu2 (disz)(d)_utu_-_mu a_ (disz)za-kir

    (disz)#_mu_-_gi-na a_ (disz)(d)+_en_-_du3_(usz) (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gal2_(szi) A (disz)x x [(x)]

    (disz)#(d)+_en_-am-me-ni A (disz)szu-ma-a (disz)(d)+_na3_-_gi a_ (disz)ba-na-ia(?)#

    (disz)#(d)+_na3_-_mu_-_si-sa2 a_ (lu2)_e2-bar_-(d)za-ri-qu

    u3# (lu2)_umbisag_ (disz)na-di-nu A (disz)_egir_-_mesz_-_dingir#_-[(_mesz_)]

    (uru)sza2-(disz)s,u-ru-(d)_iszkur_ (iti)_apin ud 27_-_kam2 mu 20_-_kam2_ (disz)_an-szar2_-_du3_-_ibila lugal kur-kur#_

    s,u-pur (disz)_szesz_-_mu_-(d)_amar-utu_ ki#-[ma (na4)_kiszib_-szu2]

    AI Translation

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Witness: Shumaya, son of Resh-ili.

    Nabu-etir, son of Babutu; Shamash-iddin, son of Zakir;

    Shum-ukin, son of Bel-ipush;

    Bel-ammeni, son of Shumaya;

    Nabu-shum-lishir, descendant of Shangu-Zariqu;

    and the scribe, Nadin/Arkat-ilani.

    Sha-Shuru-Adad, 27th day of Arahsamnu, 20th year of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Ah-iddin-Marduk is marked in place of his seal.

    Frame, G.

    At the sealing of that tablet:

    Before: Shumaya, son of Resh-ili;

    Nabu-etir, descendant of Babutu;

    Shum-ukin, son of Bel-ipush;

    Bel-ammeni, son of Shumaya;

    Nabu-shum-lishir, descendant of Shangu-zariqu;

    and the scribe, Nadin, descendant of Arkat-ili;

    Sha-shuru-Adad, 27th day of Arahsamnu, 20th year of Ashurbanipal, king of the lands.

    Fingernail of Ah-iddin-Marduk is marked in place of his seal.

    P521983: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    na-na-ti-a dumu ga-an-x

    AI Translation

    Nanatia, son of Gan...;

    P521984: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    nam-ha-ni dumu _gir2_-ma-an-szum2

    AI Translation

    Namhani, son of Girmanshum.

    P521985: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    i-s,ur-i3-li2 dumu lu2-sza-lim

    AI Translation

    Ishur-ili, son of Lu-shalim.

    P521986: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    _an_-sza-ti dumu la-la

    AI Translation

    Ishti, son of Lala.

    P521987: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    ur-(d)szul-pa-e3 dumu ur-(d)si4-an-na

    AI Translation

    Ur-Shulpa'e, son of Ur-Sianna.

    P521988: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    szu-i3-li2 dam _si_-A-a

    AI Translation

    Shu-ili, wife of SI-Aya.

    P521989: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    puzur4-i3-li2 dumu da-a-a

    AI Translation

    Puzur-ili, son of Da'a.

    P521990: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    lugal-sukkal dub-sar dumu lugal-ur?-sag? ugula usz-bar

    AI Translation

    Lugal-sukkal, scribe, son of Lugal-ursag?, foreman of weavers.

    P521991: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    da-da nu-banda3-gu4?

    AI Translation

    Dada, the oxen manager?;

    P521992: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    lugal-dingir dub-sar dumu ur-(d)ig-alim

    AI Translation

    Lugal-ilum, scribe, son of Ur-Igalim.

    P521993: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    hu-wa-wa dumu _an_-gu-da

    AI Translation

    Huwawa, son of Ilum-guda.

    P521994: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    ur-(d)dumu-zi-da dumu szesz-kal-la

    AI Translation

    Ur-Dumuzida, son of Sheshkalla.

    P521995: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    ur-gu-la dumu la-la

    AI Translation

    Ur-gula, son of Lala.

    P521996: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    ur-szu-ga-lam-ma dumu ki-tusz-lu2 dam-gar3

    AI Translation

    Urshugalama, son of Kitushlu, the merchant.

    P521997: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI

    Column 1


    (d)i-bi2-(d)suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri5(ki)-ma lugal an-ub-da limmu2-ba

    AI Translation

    Ibbi-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of the four corners:

    Column 2


    nu-ur2-(d)en-lil2 dumu szar-ru-um-ba-ni szagina _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Nur-Enlil, son of Sharrum-bani, general, is your servant.

    P521998: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    (d)szara2-kam dub-sar a-bu-um-ilum _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Sharakam, scribe, Abum-ilum, is your servant.

    P521999: administrative seal

    Ur III (ca. 2100-2000 BC) CDLI


    ur-(d)li9-si4 ensi2 umma(ki) (d)szara2-bi2-du11 sagi _arad2_-zu

    AI Translation

    Ur-Lisi, governor of Umma: Shara-bidu, cupbearer, is your servant.